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English Pages 461 Year 1978
By Kurt Saxon
Cee (ee
EN playing “war,” “submarine,” 1nd “cops and robbers,” no toy is of as a small pe uit s0 much use (oalookboy over fences and Stope with which to periscope is very fround comers. Such a small mir ors can fasy to construct if two of pine of be obtained. It may bethe made ‘other light wood, and dimensions may to suit the fancy of the maker. beThe changed only real accuracy necessary isin placing the mirrors; they must be exactly parallel If made the size shown, the back and the front of the box are 34 by.by 36§ byin,33 and’im. the two sides 34 by 3/4 top and bottom each 3% by 4’by 5S in, ‘The four glass tests are made to.an accutate angle of 45°, Paint thepiecesinsideof thesurfaces tube white and assemble all 17 No. 1!4-in, dnd glue using shown, fs and fastenthethemdibrads, Fit the glass rests checking with 54-in, brads. After mensions, cut {wo mirrors as shown and hhold them in place with Yé-in, wire nails as indicated at A and B. push the tube In using. the periscope,a'comer and look beyond oF wall a above from the rear. into the bottom mirror everything within You will be able to see range of the top mirror—C. K. A.
MingoR AND GLASS "Rests Asseenceo
By Kurt Saxon’ “Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Four shots ripped into my groin and | was off on the greatest adventure of my life.” This is the first line in Max Shulman’s hilarious book, “Sleep Till Noon.” The line had nothing to do with Max's novel, but he thouitght a good way to begi a book, n The Idea, however, does apply to the Survivalist. If you are alive ten years from now you will have gone through some wild scenes you can’t imagine now. The worst calamities you overcome will give you the greatest gratification of any other lite experience. ‘There are so many factors in surviving the collapse of a great civilization that anticipating the worst wil stimulate the heroism in every Survivalist. Regardless of the horror of facing such chaos, your efforts will take you to a plateau which will justify any hardship. ‘As a Survivalist, that is, one who anticipates and prepares for the worst man ‘and Nature can hand out, you will be automatically among the elite. Whether you are now a doctor or a dishwasher, you will be in your grandchildrens’ history books. You will have done what only the best of any race has done down through the ages. You will be preserving and passing on the life-sustaining knowledge of our culture and its past glories. In surviving yourself, you will be the means of survival for those born later. Civilizations and systems have been growing, thriving and then dying since before written history. A modern person reading history can accept the collapse of any number of past societies without any fear of the same fate. Alter all, those who died didn’t have his god, his government or his science. Of course, most individuals of past doomed civilizations felt the same about their own unfortunate and unentightened ancestors and less powerful neighbors. ‘You might imagine the Roman welfare recipient In the stands of the Coliseum. There he was, gloating and enjoying the agony of the inferior pagans being slaughtered in the arena. He was Invincible. He was a Roman. The victims in the arena were only Barbarians. They were losers and died because they didn't merit Roman citizenship. But Roman citizenship, its Legions, its overrated efficiency doomed that ‘same proletarian gloating in the stands to starvation or enslavement by his a short time later. “inferiors” just consider it arrogance, verging on paranoia, for a person to believe that he can escape the natural consequences of his own, and his fellows degeneration. Of course, degeneration of social systems and even individuals is usually so gradual that it goes unnoticed by its victims, For instance, ‘if you see a person often for ten years, you notice little real change. But at a reunion you see those old friends and relatives as falling apart. They see you as being over the hill, too. The same applies to a modern city you haven't seen in ten years. It Is dirtier, more smoggy, the people shabbier and more funny looking. Degeneration, so apparent to the long absent observer, is hardly noticed by the subjects who are so much less than they had been. Aside from people simply growing older or cities getting shabbier and more run down, with more losers filtering in through failure to cope, stable, industrious people also degenerate. A workman, once proud of his skill, no longer looks for better opportunities when his workmanship isn't appreciated. Instead, he works less, depending on his union to answer for his increasing sloth. He is less able than he was and he gradually becomes so dependent on ‘others to arbitrate for him that his own efforts on the job become increasingly less important. When his company goes bankrupt due to his union's emphasis
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 940 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 pay raises and benetits over production, ne goes on weltare. He has gone Popular Mechanics 1914 onfroma skilled worker to a parasite with no feelings of inadaquacy. To Explode Powder with Electricity ‘The gradualism by which he reached this sorry state has blinded him to his A 1in. hole was bored in the center downward progress. Psychologicall he can be quite stable and even of a 2-in. square block. Two finishing- intelligent. In fact, the stable and they, intelligent are in many ways less well nails were driven equipped than the “neurotic doom-shouters" most such people consider as shown in Survivalists to be. t © sketch. ‘A few years ago, a Boeing plant lost a big government contract. Hundreds of ‘These were con nected to. termi well-to-do, highly skilled workers in engineerinandg even management were nals of an induc- laid off. They had sumptious homes, several cars each and had previously been insulated against socio-economic difficulties:through their positions. They were so secure manyof them didn’t even feel the need for bank accounts, ee Everything they eamed went to pay for their lifestyles of frivolity and consumption. conspicuous jn the hole and a They were the most shocked of all to go on welfare and even accept food board weighted with rocks placed over the block. When the button is pressed baskets from private donations. These were the intelligent ones. These were or the cireuit closed in some other way the stable and productive, guaranteed security by the society they served. the discharge occurs, ‘The distance | said they were stable and intelligent. Yet, they were more vulnerable than between the nail points—which must ‘most welfare recipients, for they considered themselves an important part of be bright and clean—should be just the Establishment enough to give a good, fat spark— temporarily crashed it could not do without. But when their little world they didn’t have the survival potential of a scrounging Popular Mechanics 1913 Consider also, the over-forty executives laid off from thousands of firms ‘How to Make a Toy Steam Engine either bankrupt or seeking younger men with fresh Ideas. Oh, how they seek A toy engine can be easily made from ‘work befitting their skills! And how they lament the present lack of recognition ‘td implements which ean be found in they so long considered their due. nearly every house. So intelligence and competence on behalf of a crumbling Establishment is a than a blessing. curse rathe r All it did was to insulate them from reality. ‘The Establishment's presently favored are no more, and often less, able to cope with adversity than losers used to the demeaning aspects of Weltareism. In point of fact, the educated specialists, the elite of the Establishment, are doomed more surely than are their own domestic servants. Another factor overlooked by non-Survivalists is that the more complex a civilization becomes, the less able its members are to apply their intelligence and training to survival situations. Also, the person who specializes in a narrow field loses hisability to see the whole picture, on the job and off. ‘An example might be a brillant researcher in a ceramics factory working on ‘some narrow specialty. In another department a relatively mindless drudge watches for cracks in an unending train of ceramic pieces passing before him on the inspection line. Each feels secure. Yet, each is equally a minor part of their profession, equally restricted in their application of thelr skill or labor to the factory. Consider a village potter of two hundred years ago. He had a kick-wheel, made his own plaster molds, dug his clay from the river bank and did every process, from purifying the clay to firing the week's output. ‘The two above; the researcher and the cup and saucer inspector are too narrow in their specialties to start over on thelr own. However, the village ‘Toy Sham Hagan Aueaies potter, having nothing but the basics but a full understanding of the process The cylinder A, Fig. 1, from start to finish can begin again. The narrow specialist and the inspection ieycle pump, cut in if, "The stam worker would be out of the field chest Dy is part of the piston tube of This analogy fits the average American today. He knows only bits and pieces thevsame pump, the other parts being of a rather large field of the industry which supports him. The breakup of that aiecaringfortheC, Theean, aad the crank industry will turn the specialized genious into a functional moron. That is, his Byes! © can be any tmalltised fron wheel, wheel; pulley cher anwhee,old expertise will be useless and so he will be no more able to carry on the Industry Sewing-machine than the dimwiton the tine. orwheeanything avaliable, "We used. ‘So when an Establishment falls, its dependents, whether intellectuals, fom an old igh chair for ovr laborers or welfare recipients are pretty surely doomed. Dependency applies Engine If the Bore inthe wheel's oo just the same to the corporation brain as to the welfare recipient. feng apiece for the ofshat,hard fwood, e may be‘Thebusted Survivalists throughout the ages have been largely Independent of their sait respective Establishments. The small farmer, the blacksmith, the carpenter, Eimade of heavy steel wire, the size
and a central pipe with its upper opening above the top of the outer dome. ieee ‘At nlght, cold ait pours down the central the core. theas throughBy moraing pipe. andin Circulates Shorea the diagram. hole inner mase #0is thoroughly chilled reduced tempera maintain wil iL that ture for'areadygoodto part of the day. The well {sow function.
THE URVIVOR Vol. 3 lower fing the chamber by way of the trickles ducts, Meanwhile thefalls moisture into a collecting from the slates and By this ‘asin at the bottom of the well. it possible believes inventor principle, the 6,000 gallons of to obtain. as muchevery2s 1,000 square feet for daily ‘water of condensing surface.
943 Warm, moist outdoor air enters the daytime tempera central chamber, as the upper ducts in the rises, through the ture outer. wall, It immediately strikes. the rows chilled ‘core, which is studded. withsurface cooling. the fof slates (o increase contact, gives up ‘The air, chilled by the slates. As it cools, its moisture upon the it gets heavier and descends, finally leav~
Small Electric Power RUN
ENGINE Popular Science ByJ. L. Bird JULY, 1933 AUTO
The gen ANY districts in our country are still without electric power facilities, “Tt is quite easy and inexpensive to constructan aauto-depower plant by using pendable mobile engine for the motive power.
‘The chassis of a discarded or wrecked car, stripped of all equipment exceptmountthe asthe fheine and radar, eresequipment. The fing for the generatinga Ford "A" engine, drawing below shows but any other type will serve equally well
Support the car frame on two wooden horses made as shown. To reduce vibra tion, build in rubber pads constructed of several layersof inner-tubehigherrubber.than ‘The rear support should be shaft will thebe front’ so that the generator
perfectly level, This wil eliminate exesEvePurchase amaturefromend a pay. in used 115-0 clectical equipment a gooddeslerSRW, DC. compound-wound generator, A Shai ehine wil ale Srey but he Compound. winding wil give be"The lter vole equation on beavy fads, cost of‘wil sichbe approximately a generator ataecond-band value $50 ‘The duller should also purchase an engine s p e d governor, such as that sed aU ‘Ontodbon cory casing about $14 the rear of the engine cansmision botning, mount drive pulley atleast 10 fbnSupport ameter the generator on_ hardwood
944 cross members as indicated. It is recommended that the generator be fitted with a flywheel, which will tend to maintain a ‘more unifgrm generator speed when heavy electrical loads are suddenly applied or removed, An old automobile dywheel or the type used on cordwood saws will serve admirably for this purpose. ‘The generator’s rated speed will probably be 1,800 RP. 26. The most economical engine speed is in the neighborhood ‘of from 900 to 1,000 n,p., The generator belt pulley’ shouid, therefore, be approximately one half the diameter of the drive pulley. A belt-tightening device fo maintain positive belt tension is easily constructed, as shown
Solar Power of the Past In CENTURY MAGAZINE, Dee. 1884, 1 found these excerpt from an article on astronomy. Harnessing the sun’ energyis an idea known by the ancients. ‘The ‘mirrors of Archimedes burned the Roman fleetat Syracuse about 20 B.C. For other examples see page 17, Vol. 1 of THE SURVIVOR. (Burning glass, Burning mir ror and Polyzonal lens.) Ta this artile you will see that the parabolic mirror was not only as sophist fated as modern mirrors, but a demon stator medel was actually harnessed to run a printing press. The writer, $1 Langley, admitted thet such sun engines ‘were not economical at that time, but he predicted atime inthe future would come ‘when coal would be exhausted and solar engines would be the thing. He gave England 300 years of coal although, at the present rate not last nearly that long. Also,of use, he wasit willapparently ignor ant of the fact that the projected abund ance of coal is misleading, since however much there actually is, the deeper one has to dig for it, the more expensive it becomes. Consequently, if England and the rest of the. world’ had 1000. years supply of coal, it will oon beso hard to get at and o expensive that 950 years supply might just as well be on the moon. ‘An interesting thing in the article is that Langly seemed to have no knowledge of petroleum, which, with the internal ‘combustion engine, replaced the majority of coal use. Had he known of petroleum and the projected amounts of it, he might have given the world a 600 years supply of available energy. He obviously knew more About the sun and solar power than he knew of economies, population growthand its consequent drain of fossil fuel. See also Burning-glass, Burning-mirror and Polyzonal Lens on
pages 404-405 of survivor Vol. 1 ‘THE SUN'S ENERGY by SP. Langley One certain thing is, this—that we by any contrivance raise the tempera: ‘cannot ture inthe focus of any lens or mirorbeyond that ofits source (practically we cannot do even so much); we cannot, for instance, by fny burning-lens make the image ofa candle fs hot as the original flame. Whatever & thermometer may read when the candle-heat fsreadconcentrated on its bulb bulb were by dipped Tens, it would yet more ifthe in the itself and one obvious applic fandielame ‘ation of this fact is tha, though we cannot ‘dip our thermometer in'the sun, we Know that if we could do sothe temperature would atlargestTeast burning-glass be greater thanWe anyneedwe haveget noby fear the of making. the burning.glass too big; the temperatute at its solar focus is aways and necessarily tell For somelower reasonthan nothatveryofthegreatsun burning lene or mirror has been constructed for4 long. time, and we have to go back to the eight-
‘Theteu ca as tank should be ‘mounted on supports to use gravt for the gasoline. panet original postion, may be left intact in‘Theits instrument nearly left_ should Engine controls The gearmayshiftbe lever unchanged. forwardmayto. beclearhad theby generator, beSparkbentcontol mounting The head. engine the on small lever agovernor will operate the throttle, Blecand may be usedcontrol. may forstill remote teeven starting be arranged control panel switch, theosta anBldammeter, field containing a ‘Avoltmeter, sketch. the én shown is switch line dnd ‘The meters are not absolutely essential, but serve to check output and voltage. fenth century to see what can be done in thiswood-cu way. ‘Theof theannexed fgure (Fig: 8) fomthe 4largest last cenary, describing burning ens then or sce ig France who se and mode consisted of te the rawing clearly shows. All he het on the pret lens was concentrated om falling + smaller fone, and the smaller one concentrated it in tum, tll tthe very other focus metals we ae ranassured that ion, gold, and. ‘melted utter, Ta England, thelargestburing.tke {ens on record was made about the same time bCloveroment, y an optician named Parker for the English who designed as present to bbethe taken by LordChina,Macariney's embasry to Emperor of Parkers lens was three feet in diameter nd verymassive being seven Inches thickest the center In iy focus the ‘most refractory substances were fined, and ‘even the diamond was reduced to vapor, s0 that the temperature sun's surface at ny rate higher than ofthe fhe, {ovat bebecame of the to French lensIf i shown, it would interesting know. isl ove ground, its fate has been better than that of the English one. Iris aid thatthe Emperor of China,by itwhenae being he got possibly his ens, sent was chim alarmed the English with some covert design for bisby injury. By way of testa smith was fondered to strike his hammer; but the fmmer rebounded with rom the sold glas, and this was taken 0 be conclusive evidence of
immediately in the thing, whichstl wasseposing magic under and,soll andof theprobably Celetal Flowery Kingdom.)been the has preceded, al thatconsttion ‘We have,of thein sus speaking and have hardly entered’ omand theappear Shee, ofits industrial relations toman. Tt ques must tion ast detve, we that however, bevevdent, all our mechanical Rserted water-wheel heat theif sanour feeds werfomwethisdo,solaralmost by theif whichthem into the clouds by rivers EPdiven for up sucks he fain coal is stored sun-power, and fas Se The sai really Sethe sun which dives ‘enson e though at second hand,—ther Dur engines’ mechanieal {eon immense and of usposible im. whichout coming to ized”from Leng power Sestlcone Isf sight all our more important relations to alreadyandsid,he hekeepsisn'tus (for at gehas oubeencreator, imPhysleal’sen nghim andto consideri hour to hour), [ike corn gandeven ourinthis servant atooa curpossible nlyid spin fax, we find thatpossesof proft therestudyare ofstarting igh osr subject.from From in the square every aryrecent that perpendical appearsexposed it cath Ieasures Yard of therays in the absence ofan absorbingto Tessas thee could be derived more han mosphere heat evenwere on allsuchcon a tne, into this tie, andthe,of thatManhattan, Seedhorsepower, oFnoonthat ite area asby tethe sland theuted, of London, foecupiedeat 4 enough,tty could its allin bethe word {o{idedive all the stesmenginethen, to heat that not be surprising 1% wll practical theiand ste® men are ofturing Inany that, power, tion to thisit hasasa source ties to more cost o t r e h t i h thoughpower than it s worth there i feason £0 theTelieve that some. of the’ greatestchanges civilization has to: ,bing hemayvitorpet be£9 Which tolast suchPais investigatons The "Exposition may remember the
‘anSf dheextraordinary machine Tike on a thegigantic grounds10 Trocadero loking Sered smbrella pointed sunward, was Mouchot, Thisconsist: M. of theing ofsunmachine great parabolic reflector which, con‘contated the Heat on a boiler i the focus Sdmployed drove'ssteamengine witha printing it, which press was in turn to work SS Our engraving shows (Fig. #1). Because
isle s havewe beenare thet consruction these to think not playthings, than ‘nore toys ae thedaring toys they ‘otthem as wiles,ofad Hfscence whieh childhoo tthe to apply the in isase matory {0Soloprowenergyandtothe mankind ofall into ass form tointe ate binning nowof they and wlity, practical region aneOF sven Ne. rons of fractal ehevemen hate wotFig ready are genus g Sreryoun inengine, We present gale.working economical Snag solar more actually new 32'Ns ele to reton every meres Sich capa aad probably Ucent advantage withdeseeconomical wedMouchot's, {ie beingthanater of of eons ‘npamping suggestion with pregnant {es Country, for the growing if wethe conser {truer stock ts Oatdemand face andthe works in Power ed,ge i absothe stretlyKimit vastit gone though Ba, can we when that Scose & been taking sun basof years—-ao ‘The more, no intely tle forthatmilion day Ticevery Gebankhadto fe pennya though long fora the int single dropped {aly tnt an enoemous ages, accumtlate Yor untold Gur{nd cred dHikein out slowly thas been had fond this on drawing Weare fiver, endless,wil butno hs means thinks to Prodigal check our when come d what shall we do The"longer bewil honored,"an then?“The exhaustion of some of the coal-beds by bavecompar fur, anSon atiwith ofthethevastimmediate beenas we ime of period is beds, coal Boglsh The of, Speaking quite be more ons, indicati present ilin rom Erte years hundred tee about up {aed sun, looking agout theforefather years hundred. Tiree sm of teof England om down water, quit and woods gresm land fi
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 946 ‘land unvexed with noisier machinery than yeors—his gift exhausted and the lat furthe spinning-wheel, or the needles of the free face‘ out-—may send his beams through grownengineswaleofbrownee maids that weave their threads with bones.” feats mibe sith eatother {orkswheupon thesilentmilchand Because of the coal which has been du has,aga,gonethe toharbors from its sol, he sees it now soot blackened, fost are clean furrowed with railway-cuttings, coveredoper.with Tans, the rivers "lack white sais,once andmore!Englands noisy manutactone,hlled with grimy only show Amen, To tives, while the island shakes with the throb ‘county's green may come, though at & ofStaterscoaldriven ts onceof steam quiet foo, ysich atime, distance are chumedengines, by theandwheels longer l hips. Many generations ofthe lives of men Sos thi al seem but the idest fancy ? to pase sooner wl eomefaet-"as ikeg itcertain hhave to makeof the Englandbut ofwhatElizabeth somethin ‘nto thepassedEngland Victoria, a mo- “That certain most ip-2 Tater cor ment this time is compared with the vast £8 any process of nature—if we donot and lapse of ages during which the coal was being new sourc e 4 certain for of tetinecoalwewhichean of power; sored! What a moment in the Ife of the Fas supplied usyafter ‘alkbeholding sun,” who in a few hundred
Future dt ages regiots may seeofthethe eathseat nowof empire barren snd{ties desolate under ntege solar heat™—counwhich,become for thatthe very easse wil pot.and [probably seat of mechanical Thence ofmakepoltesl power, uefa Whoever fds inethe way to industrially the vast power now wasted on the desers of North ‘tea he RedaffairsSe,than fect a Cofgeeor greaterothei chanhore gRetry e in of men's as done; forplacesbe with wll fence more people thore wate Se i that Brae then thet dye oother f Carthageetvlzaion, and_of where old Egypt, bot under shall worship the sum. as 2 an’ Bolger
ttf ta
‘COUR With SET SCREW ‘ing Tons Gean encineERO
Battery ~
Charger By
(Popular Seience 1993)
for theit Still dependent upon battery setscharging of the them ‘To programs. radio Horage batteries is still the greatest bug~ homemade bear of the battery isset. an. This economical s0wind-driven charger it is deTution of their problem; indeed, batthe only not of care signed to take of batteries the tery of a single set butThe farm boy whoa ‘whole neighborhood. in a community not makes one of these can earn the served by high-line power of the plant and extra spending cost money in a short, time, auto‘The plant consists of, aon_a6.voltturntable mounted generator mobile of piping as shown in the draw ‘on a mast ings. “he generator is driven by a 6-f
twocbladed wind wheel or 4 rotor which is really’ a propeller of the airplane type, igh a 3-to-l ratio gear ives This is necessary (0 insure correct generator speeds, The plant is designed to produce a sufficiently high voltage to close the cut-out of the generator in a points wind of 10 miles an hour though this will depend somewhat on the condition fofperfection the. generator and the of the workman:
ship in the propeller. ‘The generator may be one from 2 modelT Ford, a Chevrolet, Overland 4,’ or any light’ car made during the last ten years. It must be in ood condition, and the cut-out ‘and ammeter will be needed, The brackets or supports which’ hold the propeller shaft are of flat iron and can be made by any blacksmith. The bearings may be of wood. if desired, though care is necessary to make cer{ain of good alignment
“ont view ofthe genhe wornable,
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 in boring the holes for the shaft and in mounting the bearings on the supports, otherwise there will Be too much friction. Hard maple or birch blocks are’ best for wooden bearings, and after they are made they should "be boiled in linseed oil. A. piece of 7¢-in, cold-rolled steel shafting is about ht for the propeller, but other sizes will do equally well.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 may be some ditoperate,the There plant generator employed; for ferencesmustbetween use in theFord,plant‘Thedecribed, thatmodel-T example,i and distance a which thefrom generator and theL) battery should between sever be more than $01.
gear on the generator shaft. The eam gear
i Wich
consists 174m. piping. The
Seas Se cree = 3 The L—
Solar heating from beer cans? ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A computer’ anaiyst at Kirtland Air Force Base here is recycling beer cans into a solar energy heating system. “Based on my experiments,” Nat Martz says, "I believe the beer can approach is the most ‘economical method available to me. It will make it possible to eventually heat my entire house.’
Martz, who works for, the Air Force Systems Command’s Weapons Laboratory at the air base, has spent for evenings and weekends the last two years designing, building and testing @ prototype system. It consists of a solar collector filled with 400 beer can halves and connected to an insulated bin of gravel, where the sun's heat is stored. He cut the aluminum cans with a band saw and installed the halves with the open ends facing the sun in a glasscovered wooden box 7 feet long and3 feet wide. There is an open space between the cans and the glass. Heated air is drawn from there with a fan and forced into a 2by 4-by 6-foot conerete-block bin filied with
‘ie nage two steps Po Suse =e marked out and shaped
gravel. Martz plans to install 10 or more similar solar collectors fon the south side of his sevenroom house's pitched Toof and build a gravel bin 10 times larger than tne present one against an east wall. “L believe I will reduce my heating bill 75 percent by
using the sun instead of natural gas,” says Martz, who has collected 3,000 ad-
ditional cans for the project, total cost of which he estimates will be about $2,500. “When the system’ is finished by next winter, air will be blown over the gravel to bring the stored heaf from the bin into the house,” he explains. “I plan to build a microprocessor computer to automatically control flow.
Steam-Driven Airplane Successful Flights with
(Popular Science 1998)
Long-Sought Craft Crown Many Similar Attempts by
Early Aviation Engineers
days ago,@ Airport,the a skyfew traling Calif, across the Oakland,slanted VER t silentbbonplaneof white Mthin pilot shout a greeting vapor. from theSpectators ait. They heard saw thebit groundinto at_a skimming himthe bank fiash past, sige tomilesland.an a tura,hundred Theywithwatched four, spinning backward, roll to. the a propeller ing, and, Sop in less than hundred feet. They bad seen, for the {at time in history, a man fly on wings powered by steam ‘vo brother, Ceonge and Willa Bese, the former the latterthe& mechanical yearsold,haveand achieved geologistwothirty-one aEngineet, dream of pears younger, of pioneers. other and Langley, ‘Maxim, fight Through thie work, the steam-iven airplane, Tong. talked about, ong Planned, ‘spectacular has become development a realty inthe "This of three field of aeronautics isthe result inventors The experiment, secret of years gan their work in 1930, in a. machine Calif” A offewtheiweeksreat Emeryville, shop they the product rousht ‘go, developing engine 2 180-pound. Searches, Oakland Airport the to horeepower, 150 and installed it at the nose of & conven: Air biplane William Besler tional ‘Travel with machine, blue the controls, sped downwithoutthe arunway at "This into the ofait the propellersound nd climbed and theof lowwind whine Except through the wites. Si {eum the field at 200 fee, the pilot shouted “Hello!” anding back heard overthe answering calls from spectators below, Conversation in the etait the two iaventors told me when 1 interviewed them a few hots alter their demonstrations, was as any as conversion in an open histone automobile. “Taree times, the blue plane blazed a steam tril into the ar, taking cirling about, remaining alot for five min: ‘tes at of,ime,landing, The constant, ofthe gas en the smooth push andweatingpull vibration of steam power had sup Each time, as the machine swooped down teheels touched, Besler pulled back a small lever at the andside theof the cockpit and the steam engin atthe nose of the ship instante iy raced in reverse, whirling the propeller backward to act as 2 powerful brake and reduce the landing run 0 a thinimurn ‘This method of slowing down, possible nly with steam power plants applies the braking effect above the center of gravity End thus over ina planequicknosesstop. overWhenor somerwhee! brakes are prevents jammed nosing. on suddenly, in at fifty miles an hour, the crash, Coming plane saults in tolda ground can sit-down and come Beslers me, the new steam Toa'stop ina Beld hardly a hundred feet square.
H.,J. FitzGerald
Sight with “Wiha Sate etna .
The engine is a two-ylinder, compound, double-acting, Vtype powera three-inchsteoke plant. Its high-pressure eplinder haseylinder a theeingh bore and y its low-pressure has ve and-a quarterinch ore and a threesinch stroke ‘Just behind the engine, the faventors showed me the barrelshaped meal boiler which, with its supereficient burner, ex plains why they have succeeded where others have failed in Attemping to drive planes with a steam engine. Using vaporized fuel of, the patented ‘burner leases as esti 5/000 ih thermal units per cule fot of fee jx space” This, they told Brower me, is dives {ar in thsexcesstremendans of anythis hitherto attained: An etre est down among the, Thee flat spirals of single S00-fot pie, clled win the Be of aie increases ticlein saeesteuntil tent, at t h e bottom, the pipe gradually ithas water an supply inside diameter ofcoiled fveceighths ofthermostatically an inch at the cone top. ‘The to the pipe is trolled to keep the temperature constant regaudless of presse, UNDER the fuselage nose is the condenser which looks like an ordinary radiator for a water-cooled motor and ‘which is said to recover more than ninety percent of the water
from the used steam.the exhaust By usingvapora steamcfeed water-pump, the inventors employ to prebeat the feed Water entering the bolerwithinand thethuscil.deetease the time required to inl“The upoperation pressure of the power plant, once itis started is practically automatic. At the{nthe sar ofcockpit & fight,andWiliam Beser eins fips overblowera small stitch, Instantly the electric goesail io aun, eng e mized wih spray through the burner. Here, an elecite spark ignites the mixture and sends ing downward later, steam esture i high enough for the takeoft the pilot has todo, from then on fo operate the trot ead re. RE it 80080up within degrees thedegr es, F., cothl e the steam pressure bolt pounds, With 1200-pound reaches pressure1.500the
agin horsepower, while Jing g‘the’ willpropedelivlerer at150 1,628 revol ution sgalta minut e, "Tests bave shown that ten lons of wate is suficient for a fight of 400 miles, Bycondincreasing the se and ef cien cy of t h e enseve r theythe experimenters ‘old me, they belie ean make this Amount of water lst indebaitly ‘Ay news of thelr sensa tiona ly, fights flashe d to all parts of the count egetl interest was eroused among. acronautea authorities. The prospect ofsteam planes
son ecreieare To op pemerpat see p ahe en te ce Page aig t adanceagaee ae BSE Fe leg due a eee Mine says of te atopiere" In the tis uae
into theSupercharger, carburetorfo driving make upa blast for theofBelpairreduced these in rareedTheyatmoapheres, Dresure motors. {Beeline are heavy, however, ‘iding to the weightprevent of theossplane,of power and theyat ever completely Sigh altudes
Now consider the steam engine. It lotsoeno pe aad lade lth sera ney the higher i toe hin alese tha in les eat the on bressre teen level Ths the perfection of conquering the ying Steam engine fa vital te toward the stratosphere
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 rade wh forthe Rewrat with ne In amthe wetl'sNstry, une successfully ot the cones [STEAM
Popular Science December 1931
Cape. H.C, Richardson
Realising these tacts, snventors in various tow Tn have DeenBeerworking world bythe parts {Be‘Akzoa,oatofthe aleve brothers. Obi, lst fal local inventor, Harold anounced the completion of CrJohneon, Sem ‘wih eowith eller, only” ‘lingers,146 ‘weighing, complete pounds “ome months ear t became known that
at Gere Company Rierct open Tats saease Grea perimental aa heasworkag Cie fromhad Reset dpatches ces biplane sec mechanic "Fars hat repored Fete for ‘comire plant power ight seam Derfced's coming ems ‘news. Anether Bic eats for nee Sree ti onof weary tobi sewstype 2 Serwerking the rom Hayoh cared thie Rafal ue, htwhea 6:4; {a0 oa Sfomain anoounced seam engine for hadacne, ttre Siatoshers ivetoy to allo te wert Tet t'vag woo fk searches, thee on canyiog SSuzeu looe-sought pot of seam-diven ae 1882, navigated iar, ‘BerUr sac creping deg fat words a teheHens a‘ingen st seven at Pare oushirtsof bore: tres chimay & by tour propeled thferra ri whinestam4p ait power fo tee proponents been re Es“Many of the pioneers of Aight, before the By soughtthet Esk cageBlasi oftheSepstram perfection tee Rais 2 penne bulling ¢200000 spent ISventon, Baving and pounds 800 weighing ‘Eukipabe Drives fx, square oD most of area {Dying engie taeachedtwo team byeeeasco fothorsepower pianteratr the propel ult taco test. bout ontbe spec anduring {Biya preininary down told mle {oRelat tore thaonesie, wiscrakeda6 great Githe peed om over tac, from loese full.Samoel Piermont Lanley, i "Twodemolsbed ater yeas Wa ntfaton, af Saitnonnn sequar? ely foot sizec Mo aw bG Hon Above tuesvenPotomac Enr a bine {oPpele sen pro-a> poued River ya minute,
Bemivo the closed doors ofa one-sto brick building at Cleveland, Ohio, plas haveS00-horse just been completed sianby por sispane tofor beoi daiven this Wsiting ite construction was Seam. toAt bein. shout No byfancifal i this country's the of project one sponsored f fort fleas Navy possibii siceaf mikary leuding makersthe of plane's ties will take charge of the fist tests Wh completed soon, This marks the first iis serious attempt (0 apply steam poster (0-4 pine since Samuel Perpont Langley il fated “aerodrome dove the Potomacof in 1905. When theintounceliabili River y steamTailure,powerplants doomed early aiplanes inventor torned to internal s com Hstion cngines to d r i v e thee lying. ma chines Mosler ihtweighta lloys, unknown in Lange's time, have made posse radical new type of steam turbine not too & hey’ a plane, according to engincers Corporati Airrafe Lakes Of‘sho theare forGreat buildingthe fates erate Tey on, high hopes that return to steam power have may lead toa revoluti on in airplane d e s i g n , both for military airplanes and huge commercial transport planes. Chief among the advanhorsepower. one-half which one andmonoplane developingtandem ine, full-sized Lang: ‘The , n ley was brokenaterin launching, thi del eariedm i 190) gasoand ‘whichpatterned Hine motor intend of steam power plant. “After 1903steamandpower the succes of thewasWright Brothers, for aircraft prac~ Ueally Tost sight of, Gasoline engines made such fapid advance in lightness and reliability that they came into Universal use in aviation
tages of a 2,500-horsepower steam-driven "plane. would be the enormous load of passengers fof Freight that it could catty. Absence of noise, vibration, and fire hazard are ‘others. Steam hheat from the turbines may be tised to mite the passer fahin ‘comfortable. in winter, Far from a dreamer is the dosigner of the aerial locomotive “Capt: Holden C, Richardson, USN,, retired. as chief enginger Hieof hasthe served Naval Aircraft Factory and as head of the Design Branch of the Naval Bureau of Aeronautics. He designed the Navy's famousNC seaplanes that crossed the Atlantic in 1919, piloting one of them ton the fight himself. As technical adviser {o the Cleveland concer, he convinced its tficials that a practical steam aeplane ‘ould now be built. To Porta Sexe Msvitty he hs reves some of the Striking details of Ue eralt now projected, ‘Ouwwardly the steam airplane reveals litle of its urusual consteuetion. Its Tines are Tatterned for the most part after present= iy a fuselage The hollerpanes. where Hutthe within Steam isthegenerated, fuel will ot be shoveluls of coal, such as Populi imagination Steam power plant, butmightoil connect of a cheapwithanda economical grade, Steam from the boiler will run two high-speed tuehines on the ings, ane Dehn! tel propeller. and will hetweenthe there rbinesTass andthrough the condensers fuselage. Since covered water is used over again, only Uhirty-eight gallons re recused. Oil and ‘water are supplied to the boiler automati= fully; no “acral fireman”is needed, The pilot ‘controls the plane's speed simply by operating one throttle for exch turbine
ve ain fon sing eng With theintoSetthe experiment alreadyba t al machine climbing i at Oanad steam itrisaen watching are fothe wor progressin ofthe ayven Seni delet mace ‘etn step toward re the bugs,Tetwinged seane fs.0f the sky votoned by pioneers of gh
By Jim and Stephanie Watters twas probably the coldest week of ast around the hearth, freezing on one si winter. I mean it was COLD. Withoutany fand. roasting on’ the other. Supper advance warning, all the electriety in the consisted of burnt hotdogs and marsharea went out. In a matter of hours the tmallows, Bathing was out of the question, happy young suburbanites in their nice ‘which the kids didn't mind too much. So new homes were hurting. Do you know ‘was washing the dishes. And I could goon what it's like to wrap your baby in so Geseribing the hardships and incon many blanketshe looks like an Eskimo but Veniences our friends went through his little face is still grey with cold? Our ‘during that power failure, but let's don't friends found out how vulnerable they ‘do that, Ask yourself seriously: “How bad ‘were, Those who didn't have electric heat ‘would it be on my family and me if all the hhad furnaces that were fired by electricity, tleetricity went off for a day or two during and/or depended on electric fans to blow the winter?” the heat into the house. next question of course is, what can ‘The A few tried to make do with their fireplaces. The whole family crowded get a woodstove just as soon as you can. urnBy woodstove,I do not mean a wood-b are ing range. The wood-burning ranges ove SRRIRERIRIRRDRSRDRSROR not woodst n moder a but , the answer ‘such as a Fisher, Jotul, Timberline,super:Gi bralter, ete. is the answer. These heater, stoves are 3-4 appliances in one: burner . cook stove, fireplace, n andand trash hot a also it’s Get a big metal dishpa ‘water heater! Last year when we were building our house, I made a deal with the general contractor. I traded my labor and insulated the whole house in return for a simple flue (chimney). It was one of the best investments T ever made. Then I worked out a deal for a good woodstove—a Fisher Mama Bear. Because of FHA financing requirements and insurance worries, [let the contractor put in electric heat, but the cold winter we've been having this year has proved it certainly is not needed—our woodstove is more than sufficient. ‘The Fisher stove is attractive and does not smoke up the house, That makes my wife very happy. It heats our whole house very nicely and uses so little wood you wouldn't believe it. That makes me very happy. It has two individual cooking MAKES WINDMILL GENERATOR ‘surfaces with different temperatures and will cook a delicious pot of beans or stew. WITH CAST-OFF AUTO PARTS Because unusual way it's built we Popular Science Monthly, August 1936 can leave ofthethehouse or go to bed knowing generator that we'll still have a fire in the morning ‘A xovet homemade windmill the rear end because it holds fire up to 24 hours. And coat less than three dollarssalvautilizes an old auto, from d e g tal gears diferen Sd the two best parts: I haven't cut Twelvecoot blades are Tastened to one of the here's any wood exeept for a little is mounted on 3 kindling. I'mall 2 year car wheels, and the assembly carpenter my Fisher of an improvised tomer does fine on the-seraps thatandI bring top on support fotating home ‘A rudder projecting rom the second, wheel Keeps the blades facing into the wind, while an from the job. (Lousy pine no less!) Second, cighteen-foot shaft connected into the differ- my woodstove will more than pay for itself ‘emi drives a small generator. the first winter with the money I save on ‘my heatingbill ‘But of course, isher is not the only ERLE
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 modern woodstove that you should consider. There are a lot of good ones on the market now. Just glanee through = copy of THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS: and you'll see several. FISHER, TIMBERLINE, JOTUL, GIBRALTER, SIERRA and THE EARTH STOVE are Just some ofthe better stoves. Choose one that has heavy steel welded (not bolted) construction with fie-brick lining. Forget the Franklins! They may seem like @ good bet because they look less expensive at firet, But don't forget to figure on the high-priced 8 or 10 inch fue a pipe adapter, and the sereen ‘whichandis usually extra, and the big 8" or 10” elbows which you may have to order special. If the wife still insists on a Franklin just because she thinks it's better-looking, just rememberwe warned ‘you. I've never seen a Franklin that didn't ‘smoke when the doors were open. And if ‘you elose the door, you lose the fire-light ‘which is the only good thing I know of about a Franklin. With the doors closed a Franklin is just a third-rate wood heate [t's never ait-tight so you can't control the fire. Tt puts out less heat per pound of wood consumed than any of the modern ‘woodstoves. During emergency conditions ‘of course, itis alot better than a fireplace, but if you're going to be adequately prepared, you'd be better off with a small modern woodstove than the biggest Franklin fireplace. ‘Okay, Jim,” you say. “You and have convinced me. I'd love to Stephanie get the utility company off my back and Bet a good woodstove, but man, I don't even have a chimney. What ean I do?” Well, good chimneys are a must, especially with older-type woodstoves and heaters. What you can do depends on the type of house you have and how ridiculous your local building codes are. It paysto be careful with your chimney arrangements, however. With a modern woodstove properly installed there is almost no chance of a fire starting from inside, but the best stove in the world can be hazardous if connected to an improper chimney. Good chimney design is vital for ‘both safety and proper heat. I have connected brand new heaters to brand fnew chimneys that were so poorly constructed that they would not draw. ‘The heater wouldn't even burn hard wood blocks soaked in kerosene. Yet we took the same heater right next door and it would burn big green oak logs. The difference was all in the chimney. Do a little reading about chimneys before you build one. You might decide to use one of the prefabricated chimneys. ‘There are good ones available now that are really safe and fairly inexpensive. I've installed somein modular homes, and now
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 there is even a kit for installing them in double-wide trailers. Once I would have refused to recommend any type of wood heat in a mobile home. But with the new improved chimney kits and proper insulation they are safe and very economical, I still don’t recommend any type of “tin heater” in a mobile home, ot really any home. Although useful and fairly safe in the hands of an old-timer, 1 don't think novices should fool with them, ‘They ean be very dangerous. Besides, they don't last long. They burn out in one or two seasons, and since most of the heat goes up the chimney, they quickly burn ut connecting pipe, too. Also, they require much more shielding and take up too much room since they have to be at least 36” from any combustible wall or furniture. In contrast, my Fisher requires ‘much less space and shielding and is guranteed to never burn out for as long as Tlive So get a good modern woodstove. If you don't have a good chimney, install one of
952 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 the quality chimney kits, or call a brick by looters they may take your food, yo mason. Around here, you ean have a guns, your hand tools and so on, but i simple fe run for about the same price Aoubiful that they're going to try to run ‘you'd pay for a good high-powered rifle off with your heavy woodstove itan item that It’s worth it, Stop and think: under any So there you have under emergency le survival conditions my immediate needs would be indispensab are food and water, shelter and clothing. conditions tht is also great money saver enjoy right now. It's good Having a good woodstove set up in your that you can because any way you look at investment hhome would provide a way to do some of usage oF just terms practial in serious cooking, sterilize water by boiling, value of your the cents, and dollars make your shelter liveable in cold I wil every increase will ‘woodstove weather, and dry your wet clothes in bad Fequire very litle labor to year. operate weather. And unlike your arsenal of won't break down or wear out. And a8 itT defense-rifles and pistols, your woodstove said, it isn't the kind of thing a roving ‘bégins to immediately pay for itself. In would ty torip enge rsgetoff one Jess than one year, you should get your bandforof scav can't just you reason some money back out of the stove, and the next the superstaves now, do try to get of ‘year of use should more than pay for your of‘make a wood heater ofsome kind that has ‘chimney. As much as I like my gu you can cook on. A litle looking surface 4 really can't say that about them. should find you during around Here's one more good thought about 8 good deal ona theusedsummer some kind Make one. Fishers, Timberlines, etc. ina post ‘of woodstove priority item on your collapse situation. A Fisher weighs up to survival preparations. The woodstovelst ofis 435 pounds and a Timerline may weigh up ‘one big step toward selfsufficieney. to 588 pounds. If your home is ransacked
‘same principle as the gasoline ones. One ‘pumps the lantern to pressurize the fuel, which in turn illuminates a silk mantle, ‘The only difference with the Model 201 is By Professor Rufus J. Firefly that the mechanism must be pre-heated Asa veteran of two city-wide blackouts Coleman lantern. Since most of their with a bit of alcohol. This requires the and innumerable local power failur models operate on gasoline, I. w: storage of a quantity of aleohol, but the come to appreciate the need for a reluctant to store a potentially explosi amount needed is so small as to almost light, heat, and communicatons fuel in an apartment. I chose the Model negligible. Once the Model 201 going, ‘emergeney/survival situation. Living 201, which is fueled by kerosene. Several it will burn for 8% hours on gets one filling. ‘New York City apartment puts me in a manufacturers, including Coleman, offer Occasionally, one must pump the lantern luniquesituation.Inseleeting equipment for lanterns which run on bottled propane (LP when the pressure gets low. Spare parts my basie needs, I've tried to keep in mind ‘ga0). I ruled out their use because of cost are readily available. I keep on hand an ‘safety, convenience, availability, and fuel and availability. Also, a faulty cartridge extra generator and some silk mantles, cost. could present a hazardous situation. The which takes very little space, LIGHT: My initial choice was a kerosene-powered Coleman works on the ‘The only criticism I have of the Coleman 98.000.000000000000000000, eroFIFTY YEARS AGO, there were 131 windmill suanafactar in the United States and 6.2 milion windmills, pumping GARBAGE-FURNACES. 1889 water all over the country. Today, there are only three windmill companies left ta Ose of the most valuable papers lately presentod to ‘America—Dempster in Beatrice, Neb. the Heller-AllerCo, the American Public Health Association was that eutic ‘Producers of Baker Windmills in Napoleoa, Oblo, and Aermotied “*Garbage-furnaces and tho Destruction of Organie tor, Conway, Ark. Matter by Fite," by 8. 8. Kennington, MD., President ‘Rasmussen estimates there are approximately 240,000 wind of the spolis Boar of Health, "He deseribed the sills stll scattered across America that can be refurbished and Forrestal garbage -cromatory in use ia Milwaukee, the condition. top running into ‘Put“Two Ryder in Pittsburgh, the Mavn ia Montreal and Chiesgo, quarts of oll and $150 will put most of them beck, tnd the Engle in Minneapolis, Dea Moines and Coney working.” he sald. Island, This latter style of furnace has just been eomBusiness is booming for the three windmill companies, and pleted at Milwaukee, and was pnt into operation for tho sales are five times what they were a few years ago—4000 first timo during the session of the assovintion, » Health‘new windmills sold throughout the Unlted States last year officer Clark of Buffalo described the garbage-crematory ‘compared with about 800 in 1974. exrunning entire its thet said and city, that i jn uso n Rasmussen's windmill course lasts two weeks and costs penses wero defrayed by tho Inbricating oils extracted, (6495 t0 enroll. falono; s0 that even if no market could be found at times, ‘Los Angeles Times Special or at all, for tho resultant fertilizers, they might nt Teast Do used as the furnace’s fuel, and thus save coal
953 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 lamps is that the light is quite intense and made of sireraft aluminum and are slaring. I solved this by having the globe ‘supposed to be designed for law-enforce‘sandblasted, givinga frosted effect which ment personnel. They can take a lot of and ean also double as truncheons makes for a softer illumination. If you ‘abuse when you are walking darkened and decide to frost the clear globe of the Model leave a dime-sized patch of potentially dangerous streets. They come spareney in order to observe the in several models which use "C” or “D” I pre-heating phase of the operation. calls. For around the house, I have a few Coleman also offers an amber-colored Duracell 805 compacts. These run on size light and ‘lobe so that insects are not attracted to “AA” batteries and are quite the probably is the light. A side effect of the Coleman pocketable. Battery power lanterns is a constant hiss due to the fuel ‘safest one can select. If this safety factor being under pressure. This is a minor is paramount in your choice of an point, but in a small apartment the noise ‘emergency lighting arsenal, you might look into lithium batteries. NOTE: When ‘ean be annoying. purchasing any battery-powered equipof line the across came I on, Later ‘Aladdin lamps. These lamps provide all ment, try to select items whose cell size the good points of the Coleman 201, ie., compatible with what you already have on kerosene operation and mantle-produced hand. That way, you're not required to light, But the Aladdin goes one better by keep an inventory of “C", “D', "AA", climinating the need to pressurize the ‘9.volt cells, ete. fuel, In comparison, their light output LITHIUM BATTERIES: These cells is not as bright asthe Coleman's, but are available in both “C” and "D* sizes. these lamps were designed for indoor use. ‘The only source of supply I know of is ‘Their noise-free operation and warm glow Mountain Safety Research (MSR) in are indeed comforting when the whole city Seattle. Lithium cells have a 6 to 10 year shelf life and retain 96% normal eapacity is in darkness. ‘The only accessor needed for lifelong operation are a few at 20°F, (Alkaline batteries have only a extra mantles and some wicks. The 15% capacity at that temperature). Aladdin lamps are available in. several Secondly, the voltage output is constant lithium cel’ life. The styles for tabletop operation, hanging, for over 90% of a wallmounting, ete. I have two Aladdin voltage per eell is 2:7 volts, almost twice lamps. I've also purchased a clear glass that of a standard battery. In practical font so that the level of kerosene ean be use, dummy cells are used to take up the observed, although I've found that one ean space in flashlights, etc., that. standard tell the amount of fuel available by simply voltage cells would oceupy. As with all lifting the lamp and judging by weight. batteries, the practical output life in use is. depending on the type of bulb ‘Aladdin lamps are somewhat expensive. I variable, ordered mine directly from the manu ilized. For example, if you use the two cells, you'll get a total of 54 volts. facturer. Whatever the model, Aladdin Such 1mbeing the case, you can use bulbs provides a full compliment of replacement ginally intended for a four-eell parts. T might, also mention the socalled Mashlight. With a PR-12 flanged bulb, lanterns available in hardware you'll get eight hours of constant output “hurricane” and department stores. The only light ‘with 2.2 eandlepower. Naturally, various produced is from a broad flame; the bulbs will provide different light output ‘output being equivalent to that of a large and battery life. The drawback on li candle. These are hardly the thing to cells is the cost. One "C" cell retails at depend upon as_a sole source of $6.65 each; a "D" cell at $9.90. Another problem is that lithium cells give off a ‘emergency illumination, amount of sulfur dioxide gas, Concerning battery-powered lanterns; minute about one per day. The result they tend to be a somewhat expensive ‘ean be the milligram formation form of lighting. Also, the special, film over metal contacts,of a sonon-conductive care must be heavy-duty batteries which most of them taken if one decides to install them in require are not readily available. But most, radios, CB equipment, ete. in time important, batteries deteriorate keep an HEATING: During a power loss the to forget to easy too ‘and its all lights go out, and chances are that heating During hand. on ones inventory of fresh will no longer be available. In most City, York New in the last Big Blackout apartment buildings, the furnace is lights the most shops were closed when electronically controlled. There are ‘went out, and the only batteries available several catalytic heaters on the were what one had in reserve. The next market, but again, available I feel their day found opportunists peddling batteries are in the fact that they use fon streeteorners at scalper’s prices. 1 do shortcomings or a similarly dangerous fuel. keep two flashlights on hand, my favorites gasoline Propane (LP gas) heaters are also sold, are These Keblites. heavy-duty the being
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 but their expense and potential hazards have been previously discussed. For heat, searched for something which would run fon Kerosene. I finally settled on an ‘Aladdin "Blue Flame" heater. Operation is simple, with no need to pressurize the fuel tank. ‘Parts and maintenance are no problem, a large cotton wick being the only item which will eventually need replacement. Aladdin offers several models of kerosene-powered heaters with various heat ratings, but their most ‘popular one appears to be the Blue Flame which will heat up to 9000 cubic feet with 15870-9320 BTU’s per hour. Burning time is 16.25 hours on a tankful of 1.3 gallons. As ‘an added convenience, once ean even cook fon the top of the Blue Flame, ‘The reputation of the product is well attested toand appears to be well made. RADIO & TELEVISION: Needless to ‘say, in the event of a power emergency. the old Atwater Kent and the Big Eye will sive up the ghost. It's comforting to know hhow the outside world is faring and even enjoy the pleasure of musie during times of stress, My favorite battery powered transistor radios are the multiple-band receivers, which not only provide AM and FM reception, but also pull in Public Service broadcasts and even Short: Wave. ‘Some of the larger models run on “D" and “C" cells, which can be an expensive proposition if your receiver requires five or six batteries and you use the Alkaline type. One unit is the Panasonie RF-1005, ‘This receiver is powered by 4 “AA” batteries, their cost being low compared to other sizes. Not only does the RF-1005 give AM and FM listening, it also recei VHF Public Service transmissions so that cone can keep tabs on what the Police and Fire Department are doing. ‘The absolute luxury isa battery-powered television. I have a Panasonic TR-555, which is 100% solid-state with a Sinch diagonal sereen. It's powered by nine!) “D' "cells which provide up to five hours viewing time (Alkaline batteries will give up to 12 hours viewing). It's black and white, but you get both VHF and UHF. ‘The TRS55 can also be powered by 120-volt AC or ear/boat battery. Several manufacturers have come out with battery-powered television sets. In time of rational emergency, it’s doubtful that many television stations will be trans: aitting. COOKING: As with most apartment dwellers, I have a gas-type range. There are several models of eamping-type stoves which use gasoline or propane (LP gas) fuel, the most notable being the Coleman line. As outdoor cookers, they appear to be excellent, Since my lighting and heating arrangements are based on
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 kerosene, I decided to choose a compatible cooker. I finally came across a line of Kerosene-powered stoves. These are made by the Swedish firm of Optimus, which has provided portable stoves for several expeditions. They offer two models, the 111 and 000, both having a fuel capacity of 7/8 of a pint and a burning time of two hours. Both function with a pressurized fuel source and must be primed with a bit of alcohol. An odd thing about the Optimus products is that essential parts are finely crafted, while the nonessential ‘ones are a bit shoddy. Operation is easy and reliable. It boils water pretty quickly. It'll make soup, coffee, fry eggs, and, if needed, melt snow for water supplies. ‘Another cooker is one manufactured by Mountain Safety Research (MSR). These stoves are designed primarily with the ‘mountaineer in mind. They are compact, light and will run’ on various fuels, including gasoline, Kerosene, alcohol, rnaptha, benzine, ete. WATER: If you live in a high-ise building, its likely that you'l be without
954 water, since auxiliary pumping (electric ally operated) is needed to bring the supply to great heights. Fortunately, the hydrants will probably be working, so the only difficulty is carrying quantities of water up to the apartment. There are several folding water jugs available which hold up to five gallons each. Since they take little space when collapsed, it's a good idea to keep a few on hand. Just don't overdo it witha large size; water ean bedamn heavy! FUEL SHORTAGE: I prefer to store ‘small quantities of kerosene in Sigg bottles. These seamless aluminum con: tainers are madein Switzerland and have leakproof nylon caps. They are available in both pint and quart sizes. Asan accessory, Sigg offers a “filling cap,” ie. a cap with a tube-type nozzle to make emptying easier and more directional. I've improved on the Sigg eap by extending the pouring spout with a small length of plastic tubing. CAUTION! Keep away from the look-alike bottles from Taiwan. They are junk! Another important safety factor concern-
The unoled i and By Leonard F. Merrill Expert econdiman sind Maine guide HE man wite inthe ways ofthe woods Nioes notit cantake bechances withA lite his health Wwhen avoided. ‘cnt—the seratch of thor oF the prickaccof isusefshhook™it not"painful attended to,evenmay’fatalbe l=the of very and. ments such a8 blood poisoning or gangrene. store path, is not andfoundyou atwillevery”Took (urn of ‘A2 dru woodland beind many ‘trees before you find a doctor,
Popular Seience 1933 so. the wise man prepares for emergencies before. hethe hitsedge theof teall for. the country beyond civilization "The emergeney kit to andbe de-has scribed Was assembledor first-aid by the author proved, alterds several Years" experience, t0 bea that required” for minor accents and’ common aches and pains, It is com. the hunter light, andwillcomplete, pct, End fsherman do well and in making. hin SailContents one. likeof itKit, The fist step in making the fit is to assemble the following: Blunt pointed scssorshrstsid and chatp-potnted tweezers commercial
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 ing the use of Kerosene and any other fuel indoors is adequate ventilation! Since all of the deviees previously discussed use an ‘open flame of one sort or another, make sure that enough air gets into the apartment! An open flame consumes oxygen. Suggested sourcesof supply Aladdin’ Industries, Ine—Heating & Lighting Division, P.O. Box 7235, Nashville, Tennessee 87210. ‘Mountain Safety Research (MSR)—831 South 96th Street, Seattle, Washington 98108. ‘The Coleman Company—Wichita, Kan sas 67201. Optimus—1243 East Florence Avenue, Santa Fe Springs, California 90670. Safariland* (Kellite fashlights)—1941 South Walker Avenue, Monrovia, California 91016. *Safariland appears to be the exclusive distributer of Kelites, although I've seen them for sale in eamping and police supply stores. Safariland is s1'o.w in processing orders and they extract rather high handling charges. 1 containing mer ‘(or tocurochrome fine), absorbent cot fon, hesive eautapes andsalveadfor burns ofthe ungentine type; laxative pil s fet "pins, applicators made bs" winding fotton round.and toothpic ke e andzum wrapping them in ‘onpaper, toathach “Moterais. A piece of thin leathoe (oror waxean: vas) ae-wide at Uhe tweezers ae long and about 15 in one; another piece of the same mmatetial wide and or 20 in: long: a piece of in,‘leather (or canvas) somewhat heavier than’ the other and about 13" i square The Kit, Place the scissors at the lower ge hn eof Toop overte them’ withthetirnarrowdma the strip anto the other leather cose teseoting the sides the scissors Leave about 1 in Beeween the ofscissor and the Thetweezers and make 4 loop forhandles the tweezers, nar= Tow Strip of leather need not be cit between fxch of the Toops, but may be sewed to the Hacking piece of leather, kit inTowedite cardboard container Thecomesfisteald next, folby'a val of the laxative pills, toothache um, ungentin e, applicators, ad safety” pin ‘Afterall loops have inser the articles and fold the hit beenTo made, fold the Tower or sore end should t heproperly, ‘upAistaidest ntlkit; iethen smugly over the top ofaedthe the other end i folded ‘on top of that. The top or salety-piandn cutend of, lea now measured Sng room enough to puta love shaptop fastener Onsnapit Put the half of a fastener on itis this topin place end, And after mark the position of the Tower puthalf that of the "on.fastener and This completes the Kit except
a litle as trimming thefor corners shown at ‘Carrying Case. Pace theof folded kit on a plece paper mark around omakeanda pattern the cor~it rect size,the After" round kit in marking the fist position, turn the. fbn ite" edge and, kitmarkup around it again. Bebottom sure ‘The box, which, containg antieptic, that the Tower de is om the same line that ‘marking.it waeDo theinthesame festto both ends and. the top ce, placing the kit back inthe first position Sand it to the ‘ew position ‘before thenmakingturning each tracing. To a thelengthtap equal edge, Which i to be the cover, add to one balf the width of the it On the ‘Siepicces or theendsseams, add about 94-60-14 im {oslow for On each side of the riveted instead of moresowedabuseif you 20 desire top, %4 in, theso sides that when the coverthe will stand H sewed Slightlyadd over ease'isproject fine but‘Cutit will sits in the backthe ofbeltthe andease about Tong ‘she,Th sewing the case, the bottom of the ‘enough twoto accommodate apart, Put the top ball of a glove snap ‘end is sewed to the midale piece tt Yin fastenerim inthe thefront,cover’andthe piece andwhole.the jobloweris then’ pice the other end i sewed all the way" up, ndfther finally i neeesary to go back to the end and finish that. The cise may be ished
A QUACK DOCTOR WILL BE BETTER THAN NO DOCTOR by Fred Bilello ‘As most of us know, the armed forces train enlisted men to perform routine ‘maintenance on the troops. They mend ‘broken bones, heal gunshot wounds, and can diagnose and treat most common ail: ‘ments. Since they are not real doctors, the troops often refer to them as “quacks. ‘There is nothing derogatory by saying this to them. It is just usinga technicality swith respect. In civilian lif, itis against the law to practice medicine without a license. You ‘have to go to school for years on end so that you ean have a complete knowledge ‘of modera medicine; and also to justify your outrageous fees.
Inquite th nerdiferent. future, Thehowever, things will bepproaching world i rapidly an era of andhaonfootedand bydoctors thntare not murdered drug addicts will soon run out of supplies Whole regions may be uninhabitable for area be in an areslated you may services Years Yhere andno media! avaliable. Tt would be a good idea, then, to collect
‘not only medical supplies but as much knowledge as possible. One way is through books. Another way, such as my ‘wife is doing, isto work for 8 doctor for a while. She is presently a dental assistant; ‘and while she eannot perform surgery or ‘other diffieult operations yet, she does know all of the basies which most people are ignorant of. Say you have a toothache that is driving you insane. Sure you could yank it out yourself, but would you risk ‘complications such as a horrible infection or disease if there was someone around ‘who knew how to treat such things? ‘You should also get a few uniforms such ‘as nurses outfits and smocks. They willbe great for effect; as Twentieth Century ‘Man will be very uneasy in his new environment. The presence of a mere u Torm will put him at ease, and if you are in competition with another quack, this article would easily compell someone to come to you. Basie medicine is not difficult to learn, either. once helped run a tourist trap in New Mexico and had to personally give rabies shots to the guard dogs. 1 had a explain the procedure of Veterinarian mixing the serum and how to give the in jection and found it to be quite simple. ‘There was a small community ofto Chicanos living with us, so I went back the Vet and wound up giving shots to all of their dogs, too. I got to play “Daktari” for a day fand it was fon, But more important, the
ricess Sewing theAbovecase swell pointed at
Soin fades heed tor ee are expecting to travel in a snakes, section ofYou1 teyou country: that has poisonous include in your hit one of the Small, should Mat snake-bite that are. sold ready’ made up. These areouthis obtainable atcanmostbe ‘rug stores in the snake section and Included In the caseeitherwith in thethe kit.kit Rector carved
performed as though acted feat. people This isI notbad surprising, ome great doctor in Baegeneralte seems thatfrathy Because it neerec, treheli many o to heal Thepeoplerate yetof aleobolsm Knowledge butchers. are them very i doctors among nd drug addiction human do would of them and many High,great other foundin ansomeaverage, ce theyharm servi {ya see no setting up his own Sol canperson work Intelligent “prectie with limited experienceis betdoctorno doctor at al , especly with ter’A thon license us. of infront e l uncertain thewl notbe required, and anyone entering nem& sold hvetherobe the fel surviving times difel fortably Perhaps then the word "quack wil ead. have a new meaning ete
MAKE MAGGOT SECRETION TO HEAL WOUNDS Tite work of maggots in healing wounds and combating gangrene is being. taken ‘over by synthetic chemistry. ‘The tissu forming substance, allantoin, which is excreted by maxgois, has been produced artificially, and is being used to treat vari fous wounds, ulcers, and gangrene, In wars of the past, army’ surgeons have noticed that wounds infested with maggots, the larvae of the blowfly, healed most prompt-
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 ly, with fewest complications and least
many disadvantages to the use of living larvae. The new preparation is expected to give the same results without the discomforts and disedvantages.
WATER, to Purify.—Put into iat powdered charcoal, thenandfilerit through Compressed. sponge, Some” Feely ‘Sven, owever WilimpureBo PiWatermay be filtered and purified by means ofa agdep flowerpot, wihthebottomn, come e inthe halest over the sponge anof inch thicksandyof pebbles, next an inch coarse ext layerTheof charcoal anditeroveporeagai pebbles,” water wil and Ear through "the ole into’ another veel ‘An Inexpensive Water Filter Popular Mechanics 1923 Water can be purified and made palatable for drinking by means of a simple fikering device consisting of two large lass bottles of equal size, some filtering some powdered fantelfor andsupporting Paper, a glass charcoal. The rack the bottles, one above the other, may be made of ox wood in the manner indicated. Arrange the cleats that support the upper bottle so that the opening is well dosen in the funnel. Tn this way, the How of water from the upper bottle will be regulated by the height of the water in the funnel and the apparatus will require no attention alter starting. The Filter is started by placing bottle inthetheempty bottom of the rack with the funnel in the place. funnel, Inside place a of fer pa piece per, which has. been formed into cone, and put in two of three tablespoonfuls of charcoal, first a disk of placing mesh copper inside the paper cone to hold the charcoal, Then fil the upper bottle with water to be fie tered, cork and place it in the rack, Remove the cork and quickly insert the neck of the bottle in the funnel. About tivo hhours are required to filter a gallon of
Nutrition remains
a problem “Nutritional surveys reported in the U.S. and Canada within the last five years have demonstrated an embarrassing number of people on both countries with measurable malnutrition of one kind or another. . .
— Dr. Virgil Wodicka
What does this mean?’ Well, a defi By RANDY HAMMER ciency of vitamin B12 can caise poor growth, major anemias, spinal cord Something's wrong with Americans. nervous. symptoms. We talk about nutrition, we read flegeneration, flamed tongue, gastrointestinal tract about nutrition, and we study. about disorders, and disturbed metabolism of nutrition Slarches and All this, according Yet, more than. one-third of this to doctors andsugars. the Vitamin nation’s people suffer malnutrition in Bureau, can be caused Information by a deficiency the form of obesity, And another § to 10, of just one vitamin. undernutrition, cent are victi, ~ of\dernutrition? perMalnutrition? Let's take vitamin A, Deficiency of A vitamin ean cause night blindness, problem of developing nations, not the this eye and degeneration, dry, ood ole USA, the world's wealthiest coarsedryness skin, mucous membrane impair nation, ment (inviting infection) and. faulty ‘Unfortunately, malnutrition is a prob- tooth development. lem — our problem: “'Nutritional sur‘A deficiency of vitamin BI ean cause veys reported in both the US, and retarded growth, depression, irritabil Canada within the last five years have ty and memory A lack of vitamin € demonstrated an embarrassing number. can cause bleedingloss. gums, of people in both countries with meas: bruise easily and weakness.a tendeney to uurable malnutrition of one kind oF an- aiiments and impairments goesThe onlistandof ‘other, particularly relating to certain vitamins and minerals, I'say embar‘The Vitamin Information Bureau atrassing because we have the knowledge tributes of this public health proband other kinds of resources necessary Jem to a much trend away from “three square to prevent this kind of disorder, and yet meals" and towards pre-packaged and even a conservative estimate of the fast foods. fhumber of cases in the United States Following is a list of the major vitawould get into the millions," said Dr. ‘mins, Virgil Wodicka, director of the Food and sources:theit functions and natural food Drug Administration's Bureau of ‘Vitamin A — Essential tothe developFoods. and maintenance of skin, teeth, Conservative estimates report 25 per ment hair, eyes, gums. and various. glands cent of U.S. households do not have Also in fat metabolism. Pood hutritionally adequate diets. Other ma: Sourcesinvolved are whole milk, butter, fortified OF nutritional surveys repeatedly re margarine, eggs, leafy green vegetaveal that from 20:50 per eent of Ameri cans are deficient in one or more of the bles and yellow vegetables, fruits and essentia! micronutrients. ‘The most common are deficiencies of liver. vitamins A, Bl, B2, C, folie acid, iron Bl — Helps liberate energy and calcium — especially in children fromVitamin food by promoting proper use of and older people. sugars. Necessary for proper function
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 of heart and nervous system. Food sourees are whole grain or enriched bread and cereals, yeast, liver. pork, fish, lean meat, ‘poultry, milk and legumes, ‘Vitamin B2 — Facilitates the body's use of earbohydrates, proteins and fats, particularly to release energy to cells Essential. tissuewhole-grain integrity. orPoodenSources are to. milk, Fiched bread and cereals, liver, lean meat, eggs and leafy green vegetables, ‘Vitamin B6 — Many important roles in metabolism, in synthesis of proteins, In use of fats and in formation of red blood cells. Food sources are. lean meats, leafy green vegetables, whole yeast and bananas. cereals,B12 dried grain Vitamin — Helps build vital ge. netic substances (nucleic acids) for cell fucleus, and to form red blood cells, Aids functioning of nervous system. Food sources are liver, kidney, fish ‘milk, ‘and foods of animal origin in general Vita C — Helps keep bone, teeth
957 and blood vessels healthy. Important in formation of collagen, a protein that hhelps support body, siruetures. Main food souree is citrus Other fruits, tomatoes, leafy greenfruits.vegetables and potatoes are also a source, Vitamin D — For strong teeth and bones. Helps body use calcium and phosphorus properly. Food sources are vitamin D fortified milk, cod liver oil, gg yolk, tuna and salmon. Vitamin E — Helps formation and functioning of red blood cells, muscle and other tissues. Protects essential fatty acids. Food sources are vegetable oils, whole-grain cereals, wheat germ and lettuce Vitamin K — Required for normal blood clotting. Food sources are leafy ‘Breen vegetables. Folle Acid — Assists in formation of proteins and genetic materials for the cell nucleus. Helps maintain functions
By GeorgeW. Preuss later by “fatigue”. Not only is Good eye care habits today may be minutes the body strained by the refined sugar, ‘major factor in avoiding “post-crast salt and white flour, but the sheer eye miseries later on. After years of volume food to be digested taxes the abuse, molto dismayed when they heart, ofdigestive organe and body function improperl SE DIET AND DISEA on heart-related deaths often ‘The eye's health is dependent upon ‘autopsies who exhibited “blood patients had the individual's health. Upon arising sludge” symptoms eyes, years have some distilled water. This helps before. Interfered eyein theircirculation we the body to avoid dehydration and highest among those who skipped flushes out accumulated body wastes ate little lunches and then that would otherwise be trapped. Byed breakfast, (One mealers). Those dinners. huge drinking several glasses of distill had best health, never the enjoyed water during the day your gland: who over.ate at any one meal, had several and eyes don’t have kidneys, daily (4 or 5) and nibbled between compete against each other for ‘meals on beneficial foods like sunflower ‘meals moisture. Irregularity and high urine seeds instead of candy. concentrations accelerate the aging T urge you to read: Josef P. Hrachovee’s, KEEPING P'To maintain and repair delicate eye Dr. & LIVING LONGER, (Los YOUNG tiseue, a well-ballanced diet is essential. Angeles, California, Sherbourne ro: Press, Inc., 1972; 164090035: Protein quality is as impo La Cienega So. tein quantity, otherwise vital amino- Blvd.) pages 43-124, scidy are overlooked. Fish ges, whale food is tainted, those who over-eat have their place. Frest are If more ain milk, alls, ‘gr to get a fatal dose. Even les fruite and vegetab provide trace ele- innocent likely grapefruit juice, foods, ments and minerals that no magic ‘when consumed inlikeexcessive tablet from some laboratory can begin ‘may upset the blood Ph or the amounts, sodiumto synthesize in the proper combing potassium balance and irritate the eye. tions. wary be I'd family, large a I had Low blood sugar can contribute to Unless those 32-ounce large-size cans of eye diseases indirectly. The individual of‘grapefruit if I had no cool, glass ‘skips balanced meals, feels fatigued ‘container juice the contents. The store to on ly feasts iminate later on, and indiscr several glasses drink to is temptation late for work, in less than 24 hours. Grapefruit If you're food". “sjunkjuice st) (coffee for breakfa it’s easy to over: by neutralized and sipped be should feat at lunchtime during their “pizza ‘mouth’s saliva and enzymes. Unless the buffet-special”. Not. surprisingly, you survivor plans very carefully his the(or feel an uplift at first, followed 45
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 of intestinal tract and prevent forms of anemia. Food sources.certain are leafy green vegetables, yellow fruits and vegetables, yeast and meats Pantothenic — A key substance in body's use of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Also required for formation of certain hormones and nerve-regulating substances. Food sources are eggs, leafy green vegetables, nuts, liver, kid: neys. (Most foods) iacin — Present in all body tissues, involved in energy-producing in cells, Aids nervous systems,reactions Food sourees are eggs, meat, liver, whole: ‘rain or enriched breads and cereals tin — Invol in synthesis of fatty acids and produved of energy from elucose. Essentialction to many chemi ‘al systems. A sufficient foodbodysource produced inthe body. Additionalis sourees, include liver, kidney, eggs, milk, “leafy green vegetables and peanuts.
her) purchases of commercially foods, the eyes will packagedfromstored a high carbohydrate, low suffer y salty foods protein diet.the Excessivel ‘dehydrate body. ‘A myriad of eye conditions come from Vitamin-A depletion. Snow, sunny beaches, or hours of reading all take their toll. That dry-itchy, sandy: uncomfortable feeling is a warning. Adequate moisture is essential in homes when the forced:hot-air furnace is going. (Put out pans of water.) Another offender is the auto heater, which sends blaste of superheated dry withryou air at eye level. Take wate Vitamin Natural travel. you ‘whenever synthetic. the to preferable A. is McKesoon's Mint Flavored Cod Liver (il has a tolerable taste. One teaspoon half an hour before a meal provides 78.2% of the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin A and 97.7% of ‘the Vitamin D. Small amounts taken daily are better than large doses which may be difficult for the body to digest. With the prospect of inflation, nuclear , T expect. war or more off-shore oil spills cod to be unobtainable in 20 years. When unopened it has a limited shelf life; read the expiration date. Once ‘opened, store in the refrigerator. ‘Before you say how terrible cod tastes, think about all the eye irritants like gasoline, pollen, dust, insecticides that you are exposed to daily. Before ‘you rip out your roses thinking that have rose fever, mow and clear all ‘you the weeds growing by your windows. Industry and government won't tell ‘you about the microwave dangers, yet we're exposed from ovens, TV
transmissions, long distance phone installations and from systems, TV sets. radar Is it so surprising that cataracts are more common now among are subjectod The eyeschemicals, people?dangers, ‘younger to physical heat (dehydration) i tion), radiation technology. The eyes need both rest, and at least half an hour of natural often workor in-in Yet wefluorescent day. under light each office buildings, candescent light, sit for hours and then walk out into the night pollution. Ideally we should get up, move around for a few minutes exch hour to help the irculation. Daily, steady exercise like walking assists digestion and aids the eyes get Tid of wastes. There may be value in resting with our feet higher than our hhead. Gently placing the palms against the closed eyes gives them comfort. Don't press them, ‘Avoid soaps that irritate the eyes Room-temperature distilled water next to closed eyes. may stimulai circulation. Improving the circulation to the extremities helps the eyes. Rubbing the feet (every other day’ mos fective) firmly with the hands can begin 4 toxin-flush that wil improve circulation. If you wake up feeling exhausted or your mind wanders while working, are you getting enough fresh ‘After cataracts, glaucoma is a major ‘cause of blindness, through the loss of peripheral vision. Although the exact causes are not known, some tentative
958 observations are worth mentioning. Avoid smoking, tension, and have regular ophthalmological pressureexaminations, It tends to be hereditary and is often accompanied by diabetes. One should drink small amounts of water throughout the day, rather than raise the osmotic pressure by drinking ‘@ massive volume at one sitting. One theory holds that drinking water impurover the years is responsible for excessive eye pressure. It would be prudent to drink distilled water and get enough Vitamin C, a detoxifier. Stockpile and rotate prescription eye drops. ‘To prevent injury or accidental loss of sight, everyone should own a pair of safety glasses. After several accidents with supposed “‘safety glass lenses” where they shattered into tiny fragments, I'd be wary of glass altogether. If you are myopic or have thick lenses, instead of going the contact lenses route, consider plastic lenses. Although they scratch easily and are ruined by silicon cleaners, they will take tremendous impacts or falls and not fly apart. The lenses will “pop ‘out’ and can be returned to your In @ low-inflation economy where fashion is important, plastic frames aro ok., but if you want something that will field strip easily for repairs and cleaning, buy metal frames. Get frames that have hinge screws for the earpieces, screws that hold the lenses, and screws for the adjustable nose pieces. (6 screws in all). Get extra
By Steven Rosen, D.D.S. pair of pliers, you'd do well to get all (Baitor's Note: 19th Century technolo- rusty gy may really take care of your most the tooth care, repair, dentures, and immediate needs after the erash but this anything else you might need which will does not apply to dentistry. Nothing but set you up teethwise for the next few horror tales come down to us about the suffering attendant to old-fashioned Even now, I'm in the process of having dentistry. Most people preferred to let my teeth thoroughly gone over; first their teeth rot out rather than visit leaned, then X-rayed, then all the “Painless Pierre.” cavities drilled and filled. I advise you to Laughing gas (nitrous oxide) was the do the same after you've read Dr. Rosen's most common; and. not too effective article) painkiller used by dentists then. After the crash it will be some time ‘The last subject you would probably before you ean expect to visit a dentist consider in making preparations for any with X-rays, novacaine, highly specialized survival attempt is your teeth, A litle electronic ‘drills and other dental precaution now, however, may save you ‘equipment which makes modern dentistry from much misery in the future. relatively painless, safe, effective in Remember, unlike the physician, it is preserving the ailing tooth or teeth and difficult for the dentist to perform without lasting in its application. electric power and a reasonable variety of Rather than facing having ailing teeth instruments and equipment. yanked out for good by a friend with a ‘The first matter to consider is the
screws and don’t assume they are interchangeable. With metal frames alllenses, you hoed are an extra pair of plastic Aioet ofGlarcote jeweler’ screwdrivers, screws, tome for leaning. exire platicearp and you'll have a icces, Ut lfetime gas es, oa Tf you notice “waves” or spiderwebs around auto headlights, that may indicate glaucoma, of if after an eye injury. you a possible cornealsurgeonabrasion. Before have the the cornea to the basement layer, scrape there aresbrasion. several things you can do for that Tad be extremely careful with steroidbased and use Otherwise them exactly astan thescareyedoctorthedropeprescribes, you cornes and youll have bothersomyoure “darkfield ofspots’ move aeross vision,that,Another Serious ‘mistake thatread,corneakabr asion Vict make is to get into br ims Tiant sunlight or even use their eyes ‘when onestraineye onis thepatched. tornble uninjuredThiseye puts and encourage the eyes not. to, work s togethers If one aye ie in brilliant dark une patched in is other the and nlight ese, this creates dilation probleme Resting eyes is essential, the patchbothis removed there mayAfterbe fitticulty, for together awhile, again. in-getting. the tyes to work To regen fate withdamaged corneal tissue, proper cod liver il ean be the ‘mining factor in a swift recovery deter: or & Itlong afition.2 present condition of your mouth, Notice that I said mouth, not just teeth. Be sure that your teeth are free of decay and gum disease. Any treatment that is advised should be accomplished. If no mention is, ‘made as the condition of your gums, be sure to ask. More teeth are sacrificed to ‘gum disease than to decay. See a specialist if you can get no firm answer from your present dentist. I cannot overemphasize this point. Once your teeth and gums are well restored, it is really a simple matter to learn the proper methods for ‘maintaining good oral helth. An added benefit of maintaining good oral health is that various stressrelated problems can be avoided altogether. Trench mouth, appropriately named by foot-soldiers, is a prime example. ‘The exact cause is ‘unknown, but stress is usually always associated with its appearance on the seene. Good oral hygiene will usually prevent it from ever happening. Believe ime when I say itis a common occurance. 1 see it often among those undergoing divorce proceedings, college students
‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 1g for exams, and executives in the high blood pressure catagory. Next, be sure you receive a complete set of X-rays. This should include 14 to 16. X-rays made with the film placed inside the mouth. If only two or four X-rays of this type are made,, chances are the dentist only checked for cavities. The added X-rays are to check the root and the bone surrounding the teeth. Many problems, such as cysts and cancers, to ‘mention a few, can be found. These problems would remain hidden without such an examination until they became ‘more serious. If possible, get « panoramic X-ray made also, This is relatively new. You sit in a chair, or stand depending on the brand of machine used, and the X-ray film and X-ray beam actually revolve around your head, This type of X-ray ‘shows both jaws from ear to ear, and part ‘of the sinuses. Again, books have been written on the problems this type of X-ray can reveal. Both the complete series of X-rays with the film placed in the mouth and the panoramic X-ray are usually made every three to five years. Last, on the subject of a good examination of the mouth, isa check of the soft tissues, i e. the cheeks, tongue, roof ‘of the mouth, floor of the mouth, salivary and lymph nodes of the neck. glands, your (When doctor says that you have “swollen glands” and he or she is feeling your neck near the jawbone, the structure This type of is really a lymph node.( examination is designed to screen for cancer, but many other problems, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, vitamin deficiency and many other problems too numerous to list are often found this way. Did you know that about 6% of all cancer occurs in the mouth? You may have to find someone ‘who graduated from dental school within the past ten yearsto perform this type of check-up, as I don't believe older dentists ‘were acquainted with these techniques ‘while in school. Should you be forming a survival group and have a dentist as a member, you can do what other contributors and Mr. Saxon advise. Stockpile. Your dentist will know what is needed and how to properly store the materials. Believe me, you will not appreciate the dentist until his or her services are really needed. Ultimately, from a dental standpoint, survival means prevention, You need to learn the proper use of and selection of the toothbrush, dental floss, and plaque revealing agents. If you have followed what I have suggested, and have reached the stage where no gum disease, decay or related problems exist, and all X-rays are negative, then the responsibility is yours alone. ‘Next, here are some suggestions for
‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 959 evaluating dental care. I believe the need mouth? This adjustment is usually made the dentures have been used for for this type of information is long after about a week. overdue. Before beginning, let me state 9, Was an immediate denture (where that what follows is strictly my own all teeth are removed and a denture opinion. Also, by no means is my list ‘complete, placed in the mouth at the same First, here are some warning signs to appointment) made to replace the lower look for should anyone recommend a teeth? (This procedure is acceptable for the dentist. You ean also use them to check on upper teeth only!) 10. Do the dentures give an individual ‘your present dental care. They are: ‘perfect” Dentures can be madeto 1. Complaints of pain or irritation account forteeth? age, hair and face type. lasting even for weeks after a treatment. ‘You should not know color, someone is wearing Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold food: dentures if they are well made. which doesn't go away after the food is 11, Can the denture wearer comfortaswallowed, but may last for minutes, is a bly bring his lips together and swallow? If ‘good example. rot, several problems can develop. 2. Continual (day after day) bleeding of Properly made dentures take these and the gum around a eap, bridge-work, or a ‘many other factors, such as speaking, into filing when using a toothbrush or dental consideration. floss. Either these restorations were made 12, Was instruction for the incorrectly, or they have outlived their proper cleaning of dentalgivenrestoratons? usefulness and need replacing. If you find Without proper cleaning, no dental bleeding around all of your teeth when restoration will last very long no matter you brush, you probably have gum disease how well made! Ina clean mouth, even the ‘and need to have this attended to. dental restoration may last a very 3. “Catching” or tearingof dental loss ‘worst long time. Did the dentist give warnings when cleaning around a cap, bridgework, ‘sto what new restorations such as or filling. This usually will happen at the bridgework and dental dentures eannot do? For edge of the cap, bridgework, or filing example, no matter what anyone which is usually below the gum line. you should not bite through applestellsif you, you Normally, these areas should feel smooth ‘wear dentures! when flos ing. dentist stress prevention? 4, Pain or other problems when biting ‘That18. is,Doeswasthe instruction offered in the or chewing after any dental treatment, selection and use of the toothbrush, even after denture are made, These floss, and plaque revealing agents?dental problems should last no longer than three the dentist or his or her assistant tell Did you or four days. Dentures may require about plaque (pronounced "plak,” with the several adjustments by the dentist to relive any pain or discomfort. al" was performed 5. Caps or bridgework on the front (nceded when the “nerve” tooth is teeth which you can spot right away. You permanently damaged), wasof the the patient know they are not the real teeth. fold that the tooth is more likely Normally, you should not be able to tell fracture now? Was the proper follow-upto the difference. which included» metal post 6. When dental floss is passed between treatment, placed inside followed by a two teeth where atleast one of these teeth {rown, offered? theThe tooth post should prevent hhas a cap or filing, the floss should not Iracture just lke the steel reinforcing simply slip through. The floss should meet inreinforced concrete prevent fracture.bars ‘some resistance. Teeth are supposed to Was a lead apron used to protect touch each other so that food doesn't pack the15.patient stray X-rays? in between them. This can lead to both 16. Was afrom complete set of X-rays made? and tooth decay. ‘gum7. disease A. minimum of 16. X-rays with the film Dentures or partial dentures (those ‘placed with metal frameworks) completed in only made. inside the mouth should have been two appointments. Quality dentures YT. Have there been problems, with demand that the patient be seen more receiving attention in an emergency? than two times by the dentist. '8, Were new dentures or partial 18, Does the dentist appear to avoid dentures simply handed to the patient? reasonable complaints? Normally, the dentist should examine 19. Did the dentist tell you of the health them in’ the mouth to see if any of your gums and the bone which supports adjustments are needed at the time. Did the teeth? Ask if the dentist used the dentist schedule another appointment, “periodontal probe” in making this at no extra cost, for a check to see if determination. Thisis the best instrument adjustments are needed after the for checking the gums and bone. It is dentures are allowed to “settle” in the even better than X-rays.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 20, Did the dentist tell you the plan of treatment he or she has decided is best for you? This should be done before any treatment is started, ‘The next suggestion is to call the local dental society. Dentists establishing new practises often ask these agencies for referrals. Since they are seeking new patients, these dentists may give more Personal attention than someone you might have to wait three months to see. Tf you are planning to move, your present dentist may offer the names of ‘several dentists for you to consider. One last thoughi, if all of the above should fal: 1. Call a dentist located near your home. 2, Explain to the receptionist that you are seeking care, but the idea of a new dentist frightens you. Ask to speak with the dentist, saying that this would make you feel more comfortable. Ifthe dentist is bbusy, see if your eall might be returned,
Dont lfThebe idestalkedIstointo visting the officelot yourse first. vee ifthe dentist cares enough to make herself ‘available to patients. himwhenor person al attent ionstl ia realy needed, 5 Ifyoua re unsree ater allo's office his askifyoucan visit withth dentist total with sme ofthe patients See how they fel, Use several ofthe warning Thave peopl. suggested when you talk te these
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 fails to tell you is that with time, the fluoride reacis with calcium in the other ‘compo ofthe ne toothpaste. sWhile it has not as yet been proven nt that this decreases the effectiveness of the fluoride, why take fa chance. There are many other products to select from, Should there be suff ent interest, T will offer future diseus 1s on topies such as: other stress related oral diseases; selection and use of the proper toothbrush, dental floss, and plaque revealing agents: emergency denture repairs; other forms of emergency care; or whatever anyone would like to have diseussed, Roferences: Fluorides and Dental Caries, edited by Ernest Newbrun, D.M.D., Ph.D., Charles . Thomas Publications, 1972. (Comment ‘on stannous fluoride.)
In summary, no set of rules or {guidelines are perfect. lean only hope that what I have presented gives you something a little more solid to work with. One last thought concerns toothpaste. You should stockpile a good fluoridated toothpaste. While many water supplies are presently fluoridated, who knows where your water may come from in the future. Stay away, however, from any toothpastes listing Stannous Fluoride as an ingredient. What the manufacturer ister Republic, Rockford, Wed. , March 1, 1978
Is th mind? neere afreed,responsiblecriminal citizens, And should be who cannot excuse the criminal mind, Jim Bishop
YYochelson andnotionSamenow started out with the nable of trying to prove That malefactors couldTheirbe relasbioned Ino god family men. contusions ate the op osite. "The true eriminal is, frsthe of‘wile all, a consummate iar. Often merely to keepin prac. withoutHe motive, fice. i s . dominated by to frenty of fears, much of i t dating infancy Although these frights are multi: tuainous, ones are fear of deathitdoesinjurynotthe matter andmajorrejection. whether the imi: nals brought_up ina ghettoare ior a Iasin the harass ton to” acontrol l . The.of hiscriminal -deplays {rormous fears and, when frets ready © commit a crime, buries fliimismof themThe under an avalanche of op-get erime wil work: He wil Fieh. mediatelyHe wil ater get-away the crime, allsafely.he fearsIn return, He cannot endure a putdown. He reluses de rejected. by society, {riends andto" vomen, His constant state isbasteanger,to hisSamenow writes: "Anger personalty asthe Iris ii as10 the eye." In bis waking hours, he is erally mad atthe is forays. againstworklaw prove to himself that he is smart. He fels 2 Sense of dangeracts. andIt ofmakes pride himIn executing criminal a man invhis own eyes to feel contempt for {oclety and law Michael anSerilinterview of Psychology Today conducted with Samenow,
“They were in contact with reality,” he said. “They were in control of their behavior.” And yet almost all of the conviets in the group had been found not guilty "by reason of insanity.” Very early in life the criminal rejects responsibility and work. He will not attend school, obey a job. What he scekshisis parents, excitement.or keepHe finds it in weong-doing. When he lies and swears he will cornered, mend ways. ‘The importance of this study is that runs counter to 2 body of scienifieit thought which has been telling us the criminal has been victimized by soete ty, Samenow believes it is possible to reform a few eriminals by holding an ‘accurate mirror before their eyes. Let them see themselves as the fearful cheats they are, ‘A FOG OF DOUBT is in my mind Anyone who commits three felonies an incurable reeidivist. He should beis Dut away forever —no parole. Crime is expensive. Taxpayers support. 2,000 Conviets in federal and state prisons, ‘Add to that the cost of local police departments, county sheriffs” depart: ‘ments, state police guards. Add to that andthe private cost ofseeurty all the criminal courts and you find that the cost of keeping your life and property is, expensive
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 WATER, to Purify—A large spoonful of pulverised alum sprinkled into a hogshead of water (the water stirred round at the time) will after the lapse of a few hours, so purify it, that it will be found to possess nearly the fresh‘and clearness of finest spring water, A pailfil containing 4 gallons ‘may be puriied by a single spoonful of ‘a mixture of one part chalk and two of alum willbe still Better.
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Training With Cables Dy Mike Brown
‘The original a bow. Archers trained “cable by usingset"was progressively heavier and bowharderwas toa great bend technological wood. Even though the improvement over the stone, the ci, the sword, andmayhem the spear for remained long distance drganized the fact {Strong arm launching the arrow was that still A decided advantage over a weaker one. of Magellan's men captured. a couple South American. natives inthe, 16th century. Theagainst. natives’ bowfavorite exercise twas pressing with their feet and pulling the bowstrings with their fiands. and fimplfed Sortversionof an of economical the “rowing tSpring oachine-" ofan Youautomobile ean rigoneandupsome with surgeal the leat rubber.
‘The type of strength developed with cables type prizeighters fnd someis basically wrestlers thedevelop ~ not much {orathermoving inanimate objects hell on people. Cables act ike snbutopposing human muscie, and your one ofset theontobestthe cable exercises is to hook wall snd "wrist. wrestle" yoursll orandlooks,shoulder for shape for “pump”eables and arefor arm development hard to beat. Unfortunately, forthe legs and‘Thelowerprimary back they areto almost useless,when thing remember working with exbless that they are not @ Barbell set-and same'rules” apply. ‘This maythe appear to be do& silynot Statement ntl andyoudumbel realize"movemen that while tertain barbell {erg upright rows, curls, onearm press, triceps extension, ete)theeansamebe dupliated inthe formmuscles they are not exercises, are not affected thereactions same way, and your cardio-vascular willbe entirely afferent. ‘The istwhichbasewaydiference matter you hit is agravity. barbell Noor ‘lumbell is always towards theCompletely groundthe trveresistance gravity. ‘This of pulley machines ishencenot their great popularity with contest
Rewny, Bree
Bakny Dare
Reape cathy am sig of) 135 development of a “natural” winners and some athletes, With a cable curve. Which means the muscles would fet e can~ andbeattheanyresistanc ange wth look more natural - and better looking ~ A fliptheof reaatanc the wrist than those developed solely by barbell the center ofthe cable st itself. To usee isa training. Gymnasts quite often develop Fidiealous example, you could buld muscle such natural looking muscle, even though with a cable set on a space ship they are basically working against (with no gravity) whereas weighte would gravity. The trained eye can easily beuseles. discern’ the difference between the “The second basic difference“e is thatthe physique of @ gymnast and (some) resistance of a cable increases (it bodybuilders. ivelyandrequires morethe expendit urethe ‘The third basic difference is that ~ Btprogress strength energy) farther because of the effects of gravity already Cables are pulled apart. The farther the ‘mentioned ~ the muscles are affected from are must stretcheconteact. d, the moreSupposed the muscles angles the barbells and dumbells are tables involved ly the incapable of duplicating. One of the most mor a muscle e contract the s more power strikng examples of this is found in Iron iS capable of (due to skeletal leverage, it Man magazine Vol. 24 No.3 0n page 30. A tendons, ete) and ¢ cable set young lady used two eable exerei se with inserts, would then appear to assist more in the Some’ light dumbells and a barbell fora year. A COMPLETE ‘rhe cable exercises were for her bust. Her starting measurements were 35's" ‘bust, 26° waist, 97" hips, T've never even CABLE heard of a woman “shaping up” like that ‘with weights alone, ROUTINE ‘The fourth basic difference is that an: isolated muscle under optimal conditions by Mike Brown will work at 20 to 259% efficieney. It is far easier to completely isolate a muscle with What follows is not actually a complete cables for the simple reason that the rest cable routine; it is more like the working of the body is not called upon to support to ‘build two complete cable any weight. In other words, energy some other exercises expenditure by the rest of the body is, thrown in for allarou ning. The eliminated ~ such as a fellow doing ‘exercises are given inndtheconditio order they standing barbell curls whose back and legs should be performed. Instead of that sufferin ‘must support the weight the biceps are through a dozen exercises, simply chooseg heaving around of them for use during the first six ‘The fifth basie difference is that cables six weeks months and then use the can be moved much faster than a barbell. other tosix three during second period. Which means that the muscles worked can Changing routines the will keep you from put out the same amount of “steam” as becoming stale —that is, so bored you they can with a weight, only in less than can't do the exercises properly or with any. half the time. Which in turn means that amount of drive, the heart and lungs are put under greater stress to pump blood and oxygen to the SKIP ROPE: Try to get one of the skip muscles -- in simple everyday English, ropes of the type used by prizefighters— cither start off slowly or you are liable to with a thin leather rope and balk bearing find yourself barfing allover the place. wooden handles. An old clothesline rope
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THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 and more musele area is worked. In the following exercises which are ilustrated and hopefully long how-todo:it, instructions are not necessary be very careful in one regard: always make sure that for any muscle exercised the antagonistic muscle is worked. In other words, if you selecta bicep exercise make sure you counter it with a tricep (the musele on the back of the upper arm) exercise, If you don't you're lable to wind up with one musele so much stronger than the other that when any stress is put on the weaker muscle by the stronger the weaker one simply rips right up the middle. I had this happen once last year when Iwas doing squats—I got to where I was doing fifteen repetitions in the ‘deep-knee bend with 275 Ibs. on my back. I was doing nothing for the back of my legs—the thigh bicep. One day I decided to ‘run ull bore around the track and made it about 150 yards when it felt like the back ‘of my entire right leg simply unraveled. It was black and blue for weeks and looked ke somebory had worked me over witha it iron, ‘The illustrations should explain these: ONE ARM PRESS UPRIGHT ROWS CURLS ‘TRICEP EXTENSIONS CABLE PECTORAL EXERCISE Os
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 simply doesn't get it for two reasons. First, it is so thick that the air slows it down. Second, the angle the wrists are held at in rope skipping fouls up any ability to keep the rope turning fast fenough. You should be trying to work your legs and lungs; any mechanical inconvenience simply hinders your ability to work out properly. In the case of skiprope harder is not better; faster is, Do not skiprope on concrete. It's like gently tapping your spine and the arches of your feet with a sledgehammer. You ‘wot notice the il effeets at first because they are cumulative. Try to use a wooden floor. A wooden floor will give, even ‘though imperceptably and save your back and feet from shock. In addition you'll be able to tell how smooth your movements are becoming. When you start off, the ‘whole house will probably shake. As you become more coordinated you will feel much lighter on your feet. Eventually you will not be able to hear your own feet hitting the floor. Then you have arrived, Alternate your feet—two stokes on one foot and then two strokes on the other—the way prizefighters do. You get ‘maximum speed that way. Forget all the litle girl stuf, ‘Work up to fifteen minutes before every workout. You probably won't be able to last more than a couple of minutes at first and—if you're like most people—it will take you at least a month to learn to do it properly. Keep at it. It’s worth it. When you get to where you can skip at full speed for ‘fifteen minutes you'll begin to experience a high that is simply unbelieveable, It comes from improved circulation and oxygen rushing ta. the brain, Tis important to be worked up before you start. Prizefighters are not taught technique until they are exhausted, for two good reasons—a man who is pooped will not tense up and get himself hurt and has a tendency to do exactly as he's told and consequently learns much quicker since failing, to follow directions is. the quickest way to wind up doing more work. We hope the same will apply to you when
you start your eable routine. ROWING EXERCISE: Illustrated in the last issue. Two sets, twenty repetitions. Alternate with chin-ups every six weeks to three months if you have a chinning bar. When you do chins, face the palms toward you (the old barayard chin) but make sure the little fingers are within 2 couple of inches of each other—you get maximum streteh that way
ll ‘The illustrations should also explain the following but they are done with a towel LEG CURLS NECK WORK To wind up, do LEG RAISES for the abdomen and 'HYPEREXTENSIONS for the back. PUSH-UPS with the feet elevated and a friend pressing down on ‘your upper back are good antagonistic ‘exercise for the cable back and bicep Dotwo sets of twenty of every exercise except the neck work (do ten) and work as FAST as possible. Nor only does working faster result in increased cardio-vascular efficiency but the muscles grow faster too. ‘One final word of caution: when I say FAST I mean don't sit around between exereises—but do. the exercises them selves slowly and carefully. In other words, your work should be CONSTANT.
963 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 2, Dead Hang Cleans. Hands shoulder inches apart. KBEP the upper arms GOING APE width apart, palms facing in at the start of perpendicular to the floor. Only the the movement and out at completion. This forearms should move. Use forward and isnota reverse curl. Dipthe knees slightly reverse grip. Lower to The tricep By Mike Brown toget the weight started moving, keep the is where the bulk of yourhairline, arm musele comes So you want to look like Li'l Abner—all baras CLOSE to the body as possible doing from—so this exercise is ritial. arms, chest and shoulders with slim hips, the movement (about an ineh), and “flip”it 6. Front Squats. Grasp the bar with waist, and legs? If you're heavy into with an elbow (not wrist) movement onto palms facing out, about four inches apart. ‘swimming, sailing, or cliff sealing such a the shoulders. Stand up. Now’ curl the bar onto the physique becomes highly functional. Most 3. Upright Rows. Hands approxi shoulders. The bar should be resting of the speed generated through the water mately four Inches apart, palms facing in. comfortably on the deltoid (shoulder) is done by the hands, a squarerigged ‘An easy way to get the on this one ‘museles and the arms should feel very little sailing vessel requires swinging around is to simply curl the spacing thumbs until they pressure. like a monkey, and eliff sealing should be touch—that's about four inches. Then curl the feet about six inches apart, selfexplanatory. the thumbs back under the bar when you toesKeeppointed out. Go into a deep knee bend. ‘There are a few basic things to start the exercise. On your toes. deep breath BEFORE remember. They cannot be over-empha- Raise the bar to the chin, keeping the yyoustart your Takea descent. Exhale on the way sized. elbows high. Let the shoulder museles do up. Try to imagine yourself in water up to First, 80% of your progress will take the work. Lower and repeat, your neck and breath EXACTLY the same place through nutrition. Exercise tears 4, Curl. As illustrated. Keep the ‘way as if you were doing in a ‘muscle down: only the RIGHT foods and shoulder biades pressed flat against the ‘swimming pool. Keep youryourbacksquats and hips food combinations can build musele back up ‘wall in order to keep from “swinging” the As you grind out the repetitions ‘with the little added “extra” for next time weight. Palms facing out at the beginning straight. you should’ feeling tremendous ‘that nature normally provides. of the movement, in a shoulder level. pressure on yourstartrib eage lungs. This is ‘Second, the NEXT 15% of your progres Hands shoulder width apart. Ifpossible get basically a CHEST exerciseand though it also will depend on careful and systematic ‘a bent bar (illustrated) as the true function benefits the legs. attention to your exercise PROGRAM. ‘of the bieep istorotate the hand, not bend 7. Towel Pulls for Thigh Bicep. The Notice I said program, not amount of the arm—which is easily seen by keoping exereise should be self-explanatory. weight lifted. the palm pointed toward the ground and Primarily to protect you from injury. Third, only 5% of your overall effort then raising the hand. ‘Somuch for the 5%. Now for the next ‘should be directed to inereasing the weight, 5. Lying trieep press. Hands four 15% —the program order. ‘onthe barbell. That's ight, the weight is of minor importance. I is far more important that you do the exercises in STRICT form anddothemright. Let's diseuss the above in reverse order ofimportance, 2%" diameter ste! bar 20° long First, the exercises. They are all fairly basie but nonetheless effective. You'll need washer(s) a Hick, ‘barbell with a 6-foot bar and a hundred Ibs. of plates should be sufficient for starters. Try to get a bar with a revolving Guelded) chrome sleeve and end collars. Altogether you should have about a hundred and twenty five Ibs.of litable iron. Stay away from the sets plastic coated plates—the plastic tends to separate and the “guts” ofthe plates fallout. You can get £° lendh & Pre ‘a good used set from the neighbors kid who gave it up, ads in the newspapers, etc. for about ten tofifteen cents-a Ib. Or barter for 24" iameter All you need at the moment is the DUMBELL barbell. However, you're going to need a set of dumbells and an exercise bench for Bu d tuo, use standard ovtide collars the next lesson so diagrams are illustrated for their construction. This program is for six weeks and six weeks ONLY. ‘The exercises are as illustrated and are to_be performed keeping the following in minds 1. Military Press. Hands shoulder width apart, palms facing outward. Feet and knees together. Back straight—do NOT lean back when doing this exercise. At the finish the weight should be up and EXERCISE BENCH BACK—about the levelof the ears.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 Only two exercises are to be done on Mondays and Thursdays, three on ‘Tuesdays and Fridays, and two on Wednesdaysand Saturdays. Here's the way it looks: ‘Monday and Thursday 1. Military Press 2 Dead Hang Cleans ‘Tuesday and Friday 3, Upright Rows 4 Curls 3. Lying Tricep Press Wednesday and Saturday 6, FrontSquats 1. TowelPulls ‘There is a reason for this way of doing things so—ifyou rearrange the schedule to “improve” it and don't get any resultsyour failure is your own, By ‘working the large muscle groups with heavier weights before each day ofarmand shoulder work the blood vessels enlarge, facilitating the earrying of excess nutrients to the muscles, in turn causing extremely rapid musele growth. For the first two exercises do three to five sets, ten repetitions each, depending on how you feel that day. You are only allowed FIFTEEN SECONDS between sets. Obviously you are not going to be using a whole lot of weight. The following ‘day you will be using even less. ‘The next three are all arm and shoulder cexercises—and the “pump” you get should be unbelieveable if the museles have been “softened up” the day before. One set of ‘each exercise—with AT LEAST twenty repetitions per set, Do them STRICT (no heaving, bending,or cheating) and KEEP GOING until you simply can't move. Once ‘you are EASILY past twenty reps then ‘add NO MORE than 2%s Ibs. Remember, increasing the weight is of minimal importance. The main thing is CORRECT FORM. ‘Training for strength, size and shape will follow. Onthe lying tricep press you will have to do two sets—one with forward and one with reverse grip. Always do the one you can handle the most weight in first. Over ‘twenty reps also here. Ifat the end of the second set of these it feels ike your arms are going to falloff, fine—that’s the way they're supposed to feel. If you're not h urting, you're not working. Limit yourself to thirty reps on the front ‘squats and towel pulls—no need to kill ‘yourself on these and squats have a nasty. habit of becoming all day affairs: fine if to run the marathon but you're in trainingtime-consuming ‘unbelieveably for anyone alse. ‘Keep in mind this in ONLY a sixweek routine. Your system won't be able to handle it any longer. Onee you're through with it take a week lay-off before you start
thonext or your ie program, get plenty ofepgfreshcheese fut meats, lean vegetables, andandi anytime orange sure A toeatan ovGrangedrinkasa bemilechaser qoart of mie with an an excellent bedi
snack for almost instant overnight bulk. However, there are some better and more sophisticated bulk producers. Stay tuned for NUTRITION SECRETS OF THE SUPERSTARS.
(PART TWO) by Mike Brown
To achieve really monstrous size and strength there are a few things you need toknow that are simply not taught in the average muscle course or book. There’ @ reason. Generally muscle-building courses fare written by contest winners ~ mast of ‘who got that way through years of perfistent hitor miss efforts and as a result are nover completely. sure what their Progress was attributable to. Better you ‘Should ask his coach (if he had one). ‘An overwhelming number of what appear to be outstanding physical. spect mens are actuslly by-products ofthe drug scene, A class of drugs known as anabolic Steroids, sold under such brand names as Dianabol and Anavar, is responsible for rauch of their muscular size, What such drugs dois force utilization of protein the body would normally reject. Its a good way to destroy your liver. The liver is quite an organ; it ean be eut in half and it will grow back to fll size, regenerating itself like the tail ofa salamander. Which may have something to do with the almost, miraculous properties. of dessi‘ated liver for physical conditioning but theeasily liver,poisoned. like the salamander, can be Another method popular with the “big boys” is vitamin B12 injections. Contest winners have been known to gain 10 in two. weeks. Pounds There areaof solid. couple muscle of disadvantages here too. The first i that anytime anything is injected into the bloodstream there is almost no way to filter out any impurities. The "swine fu" hoax perpetrated on the taxpayers by Big Brother is one glaring example. The second is that ALL, B vitamins are supposed to be balanced against each other ~ which means if you get an overdose of BI2 your system is going to be short of BI all the way up to BIT. And a shortage of BIT causes cancer, regardless of what the AMA. and the pharmaceutial companies would have you believe ‘There are other methods to cause rapid increase in muscular size. One of the best is to sip water between every. set of every exercise. And I mean sip. Take a food healthy swallow every time instead Of a dainty sip and not only will you get nauseated a third of the way through your workout but you'll begin to feel like ihe ballast tank of a submarine in a erash ve. The idea is to ingest just enough water to replace the bodily Mids you lose during a workout — about two to four pounds. Instead of starting a workout
965 ‘weighing 170, sweating off four pounds to 166, staying dehydrated until supper at 166, shoving four pounds of food and rink into your system at supper to return yourselfto 170, drinking a quart of ‘milk and eating an orange at bedtime to get yourselfto 172, exhaling and perspiring 1.9 pounds during the night, and winding up with a, three of four pound weight gain for a month of hard work, try the water treatment. If you're 510" you'll weigh a burly (not fat) 280 in no time. A. ‘word of caution. Never drink quantities of water with meals. It washes every: thing (protein, minerals, vitamins, ete.) right back out. Honey mixed with your workout water will give you more energy. Now for the routine. ‘The equipment you need for it is on Page 216. The purpose of the thickhandled dumbells is to develop your stip, The forearm is over and ligament, it simply won't50%pumptendonup like an upper arm so it must be worked differently. Grip strength ean be devel‘oped simply by holding on to a heavy object — the thicker the object, the harder the hands and forearm muscles are worked. The idea here is the thick handled dumbells in toalluse your ‘dumbell exercises. You do not have to do any direct grip exercises whatsoever — just holding onto thick handled dumbells while you exercise other parts of the
‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 body does the job. Basically, this is how the old-time strongmen developed the finger and hand strength to tear decks of playing eards and telephone books in half, bend horseshoes, spikes, iron bars, and tear silver dollars in half with their fingers. Remember, tendons and lig ments extend and contract like ‘muscle doandnot,simply cannot be developed in the same fashion ‘This routine is considerably harder than the original “GOING APE", don't try it until youve had six weeks ‘of the first one. If you've successfully completed the first routine take a week or two off and then try this one. Six weeks is also the limit on this one. Exercises: 1. The bench press. If you get someone to hand you the weight.can,Make sure you have a firm grip on the bar before he moves it over your face in case he slips. Take a deep breath before you lower the weight, hold it (the air), lower the weight to your neck, and exhale on the way up. The bench should be narrow. er than shoulder width. Keep the elbows pointed out, Four sets of eight repet 2. The chest lateral. Three sets of twelve done in between the bench presses. Lie flat on your back on the bench, grasp the dumbells with the palms facing each other and arms perpendicular to the ceiling, and lower the arms with palms up until the handles are parallel to the top of the head. Most people lower the weights until the hands are parallel with the chest but they get inferior results that way. 3. Seated press behind neck. Use a wide grip. Five sets of eight. 4. Seated palms front. dumbell press (illustration). Four sets of eight. 5. Seated dumbell side laterals. Keep the palms down, elbows bent, and index fingers lower than theslightlyforefinger, forefinger lower than third, cocking. the hand forward). This is ete.a shoulder {deltoid muscle) exercise if done properly, ‘Three sets of eight. 6. Upright rows. Illustrated on page 216. Only this time use a wide ‘shoulder width). Three sets ofgripeight.(about 7. Dead hang cleans. Illustrated and explained on page 216. Four sets of four. Use heavy weight this time. 8. Rowing motion. Bend over at the waist and bring the bar up to the chest, then to the waist, then back down again in a circular rowing motion. Four sets of ight. 8. Deadlifts. Three sets of eight in between the rowing motion. Just bend over and pick the weight up using your legs and back. Do not bend the elbows or use the arms for anything except to hold
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 onto the weight. When the weight is as ‘as it will go without bending or using your arms try to touch your ears with your shoulders (shrug) and then roll your shoulders back, lower the weight, and repeat, 10, One arm dumbell rows. Brace one hand on the bench while you bend over at the waist and bring the dumbell up to the chest, Lower and repeat. Four sets of eight, ‘The foregoing takes care of Monday and Thursday. Forget running on Monday and Thursday and Tuesday and Friday, your follow-up days. You won't hhave the gas. ‘Tuesday and Friday are as follows: 1, Bentarm pullover. Lie flat on the bench, keep the forearms at a 45 degree ‘angle to the upper arm, the elbows close together, and lower the weight to the ground. Raise and repeat. Five sets of ight. 2, Tricep pushdown — five sets of ten with palms down grip, five sets of ten with palms up grip. The pulley necessary for this can be purchased at any hardware store and mounted on the wall If you want a monster set of (illustrated). arms don't skip this exercise. Keep the elbows in close to the sides and don't use bodyweight to swing the weight. ‘3. Concentration Curls. Sit down and do ‘one dumbell curl between the legs with one arm at a time. Four sets of ight. ‘4. Incline dumbell curls. Prop one end of the bench up on a washtub, stair, or whathave-you to achieve a 45 degree langle for the bench. Grasp # dumbell ‘each hand and lie down on the bench. Let the arms hang over the bench perpendi cular to the ground with the palms pointing inward. Curl the weight up‘wards and twist the hands gradually until the palms are toward your face. Keep ‘your head flat on the bench. Four sets of ‘ight. “Take thirty seconds between exercises — just enough to catch a little air and a ‘small sip of wate ‘Wednesday and Saturday do two sets of front squats (page 216) of 15 repeti tions each and do your running. You'll
a‘major relatively trivial matter but infact. factor. The nerves in the feet travel toall the major organs ofthe body andthe dirt on those grass toand “adjust” pressure gently ferves as you runof tends those nerves and consequently the internal organs in moch the same way 8 chiropractor manipulates the spinal column for other problems. It's called Zone Therapy and stay tuned, the whale ball of wax will be along in a folowing article. bottom ofthe feot also Thetendsbareto skin absorbonthechlorophyll from the(or grass and trace minerals from the mud) and said goodies then workdirt themselves into.your yourrunningbloodstream. Always check over before you start very, very areacarefully. Rusty mails and doggie poop can also get into the bloodstream. Gof courses are 8 00d pce to un fyou can get there early enough the morning Aisgruntiedin security personnel toand avoid fing golfbals. ‘Second, when you are. going for a maximum distance, you have to develop & “rhythm"-that is run at the same a thal oot ke a and maintain that speednuturalexactly.movement You ean often run twiceto varying a6 far “inyour thespeed.groove” as opposed You can prove this to yourself by running two miles the same and then walking.or moreYourai legs. will speed of their own Volition, continue. the same movement pattern they had while you were running. What happens isthe ‘muscles and the organs that feed them with(hearteachandothertungs)to tend to “coordinate” Conserve energy. Youll notice most of those Apaches would had have lng, wonlosethestride and none ofthem hundred yardun dash.for distance once a week. Train two days. Thespeeds other rundaysideways you trainlike run«crab,at differen tnd backwards” If you run only in one direction atofone Tmade speedthatthatmistake is all youand will becapable got upton dimileron witha rhythm and then {ound tomy embarrassment that, ranning TRAINING FOR astne, fastTeouldnt ax my makeit fat liteevenlegs400 would carry yards. ENDURANCE ‘When you start running out of time and your training. is taking. tooeven long.a set getof By Mike Brown Jourselt'a weighted vest or ‘You have probably all seen the movies vist weights, Never put weights on your and TV shows where the Desert Apaches Ankles. I's too between easy to pullthe thekneelongandinnerthe run for fifty miles and then spit out the thigh muscles mouth full of water that they had started groin by so doing. Put just enough weight with. Impressive feat. There aren't too in the vest to where you can barely feel many men today who can duplieate it but itlke poundwithat a time. When you iron ean YOU can if you want to and are willingto un five a miles pound of exces train for it, Certain basics have to. be then add only one pound more. When you followed. undiet,ive other miles liging fiftyprogram, pounds and keep in mind one thing — barbells and First, you have to remember that the can Your exercise and protein can be peddled: running can't. Apaches ran barefoot. That may seem like
$4 Se
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 rhythm right you should be able to run 60 miles non-stop (there's a 70 year old man in Los Angeles who runs to Las Vegas non-stop. occasionally, named Fred Grace, ‘writes articles for Iron Man Magazine and ithe ean doit socan you—run, I mean). ‘Two days a week is not the whole exercise program. You'll need some work with a barbell and a set of iron boots or a dumbell. One of the best conditionersfor distance running is high rep barbell squats—100 or more non-stop. Place the bar on your shoulders as you simply will ‘ot be able to hold it in front of you as previously lustrated. Start off with 100 Ihe. and do not increase the weight, only the repetitions. Wrap a towel around the ‘bar to Keep it from cutting off you
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 honey, and if you intend to test your mako—rogardless it works. endurance by seeing how far you can walk For RAPID increaseof inthebothfacts,muscular size cross country rig up several 8 oz. honey and strength “forced reps” are simply the hotties in an’ ammo pouch with metal absolute best way of working out; the coverings (illustrated) and ‘most‘Andresult-producing. ‘water once an hour as youand sip go~-youhoneyshould results are what count, For a be able to march five days without sleep similar erroneous scientific prin and cover about 300 miles. ‘The Roman developed the point of workability, legions used to travel lke that and in consider theto gasoline engine as we know addition carried four basic grains (corn, it. The present gas engine was developed harley, wheat, and rye)" that they from the 19th century steam engine, ‘munched on while on the move. designed to operate on expanding gasses. While on your endurance training ‘The problem is that ges doesnt expand. it program stay away from all fat meat explodes. The hydrogen in a hydrostarch, and milk. Fat meat keeps you from carbon fuel lights off at 3000 ft. per second digesting lots of other ood stuf, the (the same as nitroglycerine dynamite) but carbon only expands at 75 ft. per starch mostly doesnt digest at all (if you thesecond—only slightly more rapidly than swallow an open safety pin the So what our “experts” did was fill recommended procedure for dislodging it steam. {s to eat white bread, the stuff forms a gasoline full of additives to keep the from going off (the “ping” you Jump around the pin and passes out ofthe hydrogen hear using low grade gas in your engineis system), and milk tends to react with the small amounts of hydrogen igniting). If smog inthe atmosphere in your lungs and makes it hard to breathe. You won't notice General Motors can run a steam engine on it ont you are breathing hard—and then gasoline have faith, my prineiples may be
it feels HORRIBLE. I found this hard way while Iwas workingout the -for Arrowhead Water Co. in Los Angeles have to ask you to accept is that muscles about 1968—Td start off humping 60-1 have to be worked to the point of absolute water bottles up and down stairs about 8 failure for rapid growth. Ther is an “all e or in the morning, feel fine at 10, grab a nothing” theory of museular contraction ‘quart of milk at 10:05 and gulp it down, that goes like this: all the muscle fibers and by 10:15 have to lay down inthe eab of are attached together like a chain of paper mmy truck to catch my breath An clips. Each chain either works ‘occasional glass the night before shoulda't doesn't. Let's imagine a muscle of or.1000it hort but any more than that is going to cut {fibers or chains. With a 10 Ib. weight hung your wind ‘on the end of it from full extension to full (Go heavy on the fresh fruits and contraction 100 fibers (or chains) are vegetables and light onthe water. Despite Utilized and the other 900 get no work at all the “six glasses a day” nonsense that all. Which means that, should the 100 fact is that water washes stuff right out of fibers double themselv in size through es work, the total muscular area of the entire your system-including but not limited to musele would only increase 10%. On the protein, vitamins, minerals, and all the other hand, if a method could be found of Fest. Drink only when you're thirsty, involv alling never force it. 1000 fiber and those s fibers in size the total effect would be ‘And remember, those Apaches weren't all1 100%doubledincrease in size of the muscle. built like Mr. America either. "Youre subject to lose weight. Size and strength for those who like to stand and fight. ‘only this one exercise during the isEndurance is for those who want to leave it nd wo rst be nerd the squabbling to others. the spring
Swimming is another god exercise for ‘endurance tri but you need professional instruction—otherwise you'll never get the rhythm right. Once you become proficient swimming you can get yourself a boat or something to tow ‘around to increase your power. Don't use ‘weights for obvious reasons. We have already discussed diet in previous articles concerning honey and Gessicated liver (which should be part of any endurance diet) but there are a couple ‘of things that need mentioning. For a 50 mile run you're going to have to work up to Me Ib, dessicated liver a day, 8 07. of
FORCED REPS By Mike Brown Certain of the principles and “facts” described in this article may not be as ‘accurate as they could be. In fact, every premise and line of reasoning I expound may be totally inaccurate. However, there is ‘one over-riding consideration that outweighs whatever misstatements I
‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 ‘The second principle you must accept is that to achieve the total involvement of every fiber the muscle must be overloaded—in other words, it must be forced to lift either more than it is capable of or—to the literal ounce—exact ly as much as itis eapable ofand no less. ‘The problem here is that the strength of a muscle varies from day to day, from ‘exercise to exercise, and from repetition to repetition while the weight on the barbell remains relatively constant. ‘The third principle you must accept is ‘that muscle cells must literally be ripped apart to insure growth with a rebealing anda little added “extra” for the next time demands are placed upon them. At full expansion a musele cell “tears” and at full contraction, because it is erowded too much, it “explodes.” Ifthe museles ean be worked in such a brutal fashion without unravelling the ligaments growth is almost instantaneous (presuming, of course, a proper diet). Such a method is brutal and is most emphatically not for beginners. If you haven't trained for at Teast three months on the previous routines I gave you and try this one the lunch you lose is no-one's fault but your ‘own. You will gt sick. ‘The fourth principle you must accept is that you will need a training partner. And here's how it works.
BEE FEEDER FOR WINTER USE From Popular Mech, 1918 shown likethe that of a feder, use inbeesThethe in. sketch, makes feeding of1s winter convenient, Sirup fedthe tothe beesof from inverted glass Jars openings which are covered mln, the Jar eing incsed inwith The woodenas shown box isin made to ft andovera the hive, the sketch, in,“Thestripdeviceis mailed overas thefollows:joint Use is made wood smoothed on both sides; pine, bieswood, of| Make other twosoft pieces, wood: %Beingin sitisfactory. thick, theTato same size as theeuttoptivoof theroundhive,and one of these asMakeshown,two topieces, ft the 634necksin ofSide,the holes, jars. for thelengthsides,beingand suited two for10 thethe fends, the Hive? given skcie theBeingdimensions. Suggestive oly. in. Makethe tovke the fourof sdes ofox thetogether, box” Natas the pieces. ‘the Shown, naling the sides over the end Pieces, the top Packover the frame of Sides andand ends. chat box, and, after filling the jars)into withthe
968 Let's start with the bench press. Do one warm-up set. Then one set with a medium-heavy weight. Then one set in which about all you ean dois 6.8 reps, Now the fun starts. Load the bar past a weight ‘you know you can't lift. If your best bench press is one rep with 290, put 300 on the bar. Have your training partner grasp the bar in the eenter and instruet him to pull, lightly on the bar as you shove it back ‘up—only enough to keep you from slowing. down or stopping. Since you know the weight is going back up there is no problem with mental blocks ("I ean't do it") and there is always that friendly nudge to help you over the “sticking You'll find that you'll probably get reps like this with a weight you normally couldn't get off your chest. You should also find that your training partner is giving you too much help to start with. A lot of weightlifting is mental, more so than you would think. ‘The proper way to do a bench press is lie flat on the bench, hands shoulder width apart, palms toward the face as in a regular military press, inhale deeply before you lower the barbell and exhaleas, it travels up, Basieally the same breathing pattern used for squats. sets, ofa warm-up,as medium, heavy, Dotwosix sets forced reps, and one of about 20 reps to finish off. If you are flatechested (or are Tirup and covering their openings with muslin, pack the jars into the box so that thelr openings will be level with the bottom through which the holes have been cut. Fasten the board, with holes for the jars, into. place’ with screws, So that it’ may be removed when it is desiredto remove the jars for refilling. Nail the 2-in. strips around the lower edge of the box 80 as to cover the joint between the box and the hive. The feeder is then fitted into place, the bees feeding from the surface of the muslin. ‘The chaff pre~ vents the sirup from congealing in cold ‘weather and so it is always available
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 trying to cure your wife or girlfriend of same problem) use a bent bar the (illustrated) 50 the deep-seated muscles of play. into more ealled are pectorals the ‘You will only need two other upper body exercises—chins on the bar and bentover rowing motion. Have your training partner boost you by the derriere to achieve the same effect of the {oreed reps when you slow down and just ‘unwind” with the rows (illustrated). Four sets of chins and two of the rowing motion. Three days « week, Ifyou Keep making progress you may be able to keep this Toutine up for four to six months. After that you run into the law of diminishing have to be varied or the returns—routines body stagnates ‘Try this routine and you will see that it works. Just keep in mind that physiology isa very inexaet science, if we knew what we were supposed to we could collapse the magnetic fields surrounding the nucleus atoms keeping our electrons at ‘bay and slide through solid walls, breathe underwater, discharge electricity from ‘ur fingertips, and do all sorts of other fun things. Until then we go with what we got {or at least know how to use). (Continued on Next Page) Tor the bees. The use of this simple device wil prove economical and practical in keeping bees over the winter, assuring them a good food pupply, with Tittle effort on the part of the keeper. ‘An Emergency Tourniquet Popular Mechanies 1915
A valuable addition to any shop me cine cabinet is the tourniquet. A device ‘hat will answer the purpose of the. tourniquet can be made irom an ordinary clothespin and a piece of binding {ape, about 3 in wide and 14 in long, "To stop the bleeding froma wound ot a limb, pass the tape around the injured “member between the wound and the blood supply.” Pass the tape through the slot In the pin, wind the ends around th {wo oF three times to prevent slippi then turn the pin to draw up the tape tightly. until ‘the flow of blood is stopped.
MUSCLE GROWTH - Also, the running keeps the body ByMIKE BROWN ‘There are a number of commonly-held * and helps prevent sprained theories of what causes muscular growth. muscles, back problems, and other ‘As pointed out ina previous article, most annoyances. But if you're trying to gain of them are erroneous. Which is why most weight, don't overdo the running. Once or of the folks who try to train with barbells twice a week is fine, I went from 217 to never get anywhere. As I also mentioned 224 in one month running only one day & previously, protein does not put weighton ‘week-the first week 2 1/2 miles was my you it takes it off. Yet protein also builds best shot, the fourth week I made it 4 ‘muscle, Sounds like a paradox, doesnt it? miles and probably could have gone "Not really. Muscle tissue is porous, like furtherif wanted. Training every day is 4 sponge. Fat is more or less solid, like for the simple-minded. Which is why a man with 200 pounds Don't stuff yourself. Eat only when jello. ‘of solid muscle can look like a gorilla and you're hungry. And four meals a day is ‘one with 200 pounds of solid fat_ merely adequate—breakfast, lunch, supper, and a looks like an average sized slob. So don't quart of milk with the mandatory orange et disappointed if you only gain five for a bed-time snack. Don't eat between pounds of muscle in three months. To get meals. Give the digestive system a chanee fan idea of what five pounds of muscle towork. really is, take a five pound roast (you more When you take protein, eat it sparingly. affluent types) and hold it in your hands. ‘And when you eat it (whether in the form Pretty big, isn't 1? Now THAT is five ‘of steaks, cheese, eggs, or protein powder) to have some sort of fat to go with pounds of muscle. And one more thing. bbe sure ‘Muscle tissue by weight comprises only it, The best is probably coconut 15% of an individuals total (normal) ‘mash— coconut meat and milk stuffed into bodyweight. In other words, if a 170 Ib. a blender and liquified; chill before ‘man gains 25 1/2 pounds of muscular drinking. It takes about thirty coconuts to bodyweight he has doubled his amount of provide @ gallon a day of this goo. The fellow who taught this little gem to me musele tissue. ‘And doubling the amount of muscle discovered it in. 19 tissue in a given individual simply isn't that hard ifthe proper diet is followed. As bench press increased from 180 to 360, also mentioned in a previous article, diet Unfortunately, unless you are figuring is 80% of the program. Yes, you will ‘on a trip to the South Seas or Central require protein—but if you use it the way ‘America the costs of coconuts is Tell you it won't bura all the fat off your prohibitive. I understand that coconuts are now 75 cents apiece which means if bones. Food is like gasoline. What it does is ‘you want to gain 50 Ibs. in six weeks i's ‘dependent on how it's used. You can make going to cost you $1012.50—not counting ‘a molotov cocktail out of it. Or turn it into the aggravation of splitting the coconuts fumes and explode it. Put it in a Honda id drowning the garbageman in husks. A ‘minibike and travel a hundred miles with little impractical. Somewhat, somehow it, putin into your Detroit eanoe and drive somebody must have canned this stuff down to the corner store, oF put it in the economically. However, until we find out A gallon of who, where, and for how much we'll have punch for fun at parties. tal energy to lft a to use a native substitute for this gook. ile six miles into the air. ‘The potato, It'sall in how i’s extracted. And what you Normally, potatoes are _starch—if have to do is extract-as much as possible they're cooked. We're going to consume from the food you eat while minimizing ours raw. Raw, potatoes are more of a the effort caused the digestive system. fat: if prepared properly. Which means ‘The oranges with each meal, mentioned wwe squeeze the life out ofthem and make a in another article, do the digesting you juice. A simple home-made device for need. To make it easier for those oranges sqeezing potato juice is illustrated. Wash to do the job, cut out almost all bread ‘your potatoes first, Leave the skins on, products. Two slices of whole wheat a day Stuff one at a time in the device. Squeeze. are the limit. No more. No less than four Drink the liquid immediately. Rather than slices a week. A complete lack of wheat belabor the reasoning behind “immediateaffects the central nervous system. You'll ly" try a simple experiment—eut a potato find that once you cut out the bread your into thin slices (raw) and expose to air. endurance will inerease 30% almost ‘The slices turn black almost at once. The overnight. And to further aid the juice will rot even quicker. digestive system, run. It speeds up the ‘The finished product should be a murky ‘metabolism which in turn inereases the liquid with a brownish east to it. The taste
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 is horrendous—sort of like very dirty and very salty thick swamp water. However, it provides a tremendous source of ‘minerals in addition to the fat and if you happen tohaveanulee the juice will coat r it ‘much more effectively than milk. ‘Another outstanding item is a type of seaweed grown off Jamaica called Irish ‘Mash. Last I heard it was available from the American West Indian Store, Nostrand & St. Marks, Brooklyn, New York. It's boiled with linseeds (not linseed oil), strained through a cloth to catch the seeds, and then let cool into a pudding. As close as Ican figure out it provides all the trace minerals and vitamins our diets are normally deficient in. The guy T learned this one from went from 156 Ibs to210 Ibs. in six weeks eating one bowl a day. The problem was, he wasn't lifting weights along with it. Irish Mash is primarily used as an aphrodisiac and he just got hor and chubbier. Irish Mash is rather cheap (about $8.00 for @ month's supply) but it may not always be available. There are a couple of substitutes. One is kelp (mere powdered seaweed) which, while not quite as elfective for weight-gainingas Irish Mash, just as good for endurance, energy, and preventing staleness. A five pound container from the average health food store will run less than five bucks—and two teaspoons a day will last_you for months. And when civilization collapses? not marijuana, to cat. If you care to believe the Biblical account, Nebuechadnezzer lived on the stuff for 7 years. Unfortunately, we are ‘not told how his physique was affected but it appears to have helped his mental problems. In more recent times many mountain folk have cured all sorts of physical ailments with it. To be really effective it needs to be juiced, like the potato. Its realy ironic that grass isnot looked ‘onasa food inthis country. But then, folks in Europe have starved to death next to whole barns full of corn and potatoes ‘because they thought only animals could eat them. “Another often overlooked item is honey. While it wil not bulk a person up by itself ‘goes right into the bloodstream for immediate use as energy and leaves the other food for tissue building. A man in Massachusetts proved this several years ago by eating three square meals & day and sipping an 8 oz. bottle of honey all day long. He gained 20 Ibs. in 10 days and Teenage Mr. America. placed Honeythirdhasin theanother use. very seldom mentioned: it is probably the best burn ‘ointment available. Slap the honey on ‘quick enough and the burn leaves no
Dessicated liver is also one of thebest. Dessicated liver is normal beef liver with all the fat and moisture content removed and made into a powder. Don't ask me how it’s done; I wish I knew. Liver from almost any slaughterhouse is in the neighborhood of 50 cents Ib. Dessicated the cost runs $3.00 per pound. plus. Fortunately, not very muchis required. A spoonful half an hour before each meal inereases the appetite enormously ‘and provides all sorts of growth goodies: B vitamins, iron, P-450, ete. A eupful a day (about 4'oz) and you'll be able to whip PRUNING A PEAR SHAPE
By Mike Brown ‘The pear shape is quite common. Especially where large herds of office workers gather to graze—Chicago, New York, Denver, and so on. Everybody recognizes it: narrow shoulders, wide hips, corpulent abdomen, two. large pouches of lard attached to the derriere’, and fat thighs tapering down to anemic talves. A lot of people have such a shape. But nobody will admit it. Simply losing weight is easy. Unfortunately, getting rid of a pear shape isa major project and horribly frustrating if not done properly. Especially for a {fellow trying to add musele in the process. Here's wh; First, itis almost impossible to gain size and strength and lose unwanted fat at the same time. Human physiology doesn't work that way. Compare it to a balloon. You fill the balloon with air (as you fill the body with food) and the balloon expands all over. The air (or food) simply goes ‘where it wants to; not where you want it to. Second, tremendous strength comes from the least obvious places—the upper legs, lower back, and the midsection. For a typical example of this, look at all the top weightliters—Paul Anderson, Aleexev, and so on. Santa Claus in a sweatsuit. Body beautifuls they are not.
970 your weightin wild cats. Back in 1950a researcher filled three tubs full of water and threw three groups of rats in them. Group 1 had been fed on the standard ‘American diet. Group 2 had been fed on the same diet with Beomplex added. Group 3 was fed on the samevitamidiet with 10% dessicated liver to the diet. The object was to see added how long rats could keep swimming. Group the1 averaged 15 minutes and drowned. Group, 2 averages 30 minutes and drowned. Group 3 was stil going strong at the end of four hours and the researcher fished them back out of the water and terminated the experiment, Finally, stay away from all fat meat (pork, greasy hamburger,etc.), scavengers (like ‘shellfish, they pick up industrial Wastes), refined sugar, and all artificial Junk (coke, candy, ete,), and go heavy on the lean meat, cheese, milk, potatoes (with skins), roots, leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits. With such a diet and what I've just told you becoming a monster should be easy. ‘Third, you have to make up your mind whether you want a really “trim” waist or if you would rather have the “washboard” ‘effect so sought after by the Mr. America types. Unless you inherited the bone structure to make it possible you can't have both. Muscle that has been built up simply has to take up space—meaning you are going to have to let your belt out a ‘couple of inches. Basically’ ll this boils down to is this: if try to use conventional methods to you reduce, you'll wind up with narrower shoulders, smaller arms, possibly an inch or two off the waistline, no appreciable amount of lard off the butt, cellulitis, and a tired, lethargic feeling. Here's how we avoid it, Your regimen will have to have two segments: diet and, of course, exercise. Certain exercises are super no-no's for any type of waist program, but for some reason the average yo-yo does them anyway. The first and probably the worst is the situp. They may be alright for prizefighters concerned with warding off blows under the heart but for reducing they don't work. Basically, sit-ups thicken only the muscles directly under the sternum and push the upper wall of the abdomen out. If you must do situps, do Roman Chair style (ilstrated). The next worst is the side-bend (ilustrated). They are alright for “firming up" an area but the muscles affected, the external obliques, have a way of growing like Steve MeQueen's old nemesis of the movies,
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 ‘THE BLOB. In other words, start doing side-bends with anything other than a very light weight and you're going to have flaps sticking out of your side like the ears of Dumbo the Elephant. ‘The exercises you should be doing are as follows: 1, Dumbell Swing (illustrated). Use a very light weight. This is simply warm-up to protect you from injury and allow you to work’ st your maximum capacity for the rest of the workout. Do ‘one set, about twenty repetitions. 2, Leg Raise (illustrated). Do four sets, ten repetitions each for a starter. Then the next time do fifteen reps per set. And 0 on until you have reached a hundred reps for each of the four sets, It is extremely important to break the work up into sets. Remember, each workout is not “contest” to see what you ean do. Roger Bannister proved this when he trained for the four minute mile—he would run full, bore for 440 yards (a quarter mile), jog the next 440, and then full bore for another 40, and ‘so on. Once you get to the four sets of a hundred reps each, get a barbell plate with a piece of rope and start over lillustrated). 3. Our old favorite, the hyperextension illustrated). Two sets of fifteen and then start adding weight. 4 . Ifyou can get ahold of pair of “iron bois" do knee-ups, two sets of twenty. Practically every solid iron barbell set made in the U.S. comes with a set and you should be able to slick the neighbor's kid ut of his for a couple of bucks. This particular exercise gets the muscles deep in the abdominal cavity like nothing else can, When two sets of twenty starts getting easy run back over to the neighbor's kid and see if you can't slick him out of the dumbells to stick through the holes in the iron bootsto increase the weight. When doing the knee-ups be sure to aim the left knee at the right shoulder aand right knee at left knee on the way up {ilustrated). Otherwise you not only will not work the muscles deep in the abdomen but will wind up simply with exhausted igh and groin museles.. ‘5. Hanging leg raises. Grab an overhead bar (chinning bar) and raise the legs—only try to twist the feet so that the left side of the left foot (keep feet together) is parallel to the ground on one rep and then the right foot on the next rep, alternate illustrated). This works the side museles (external obliques) without enlarging them. Work up to two sets of twenty, For the rest of your program I would suggest two sets each of squats, upright rows, military press, and eurls. Don't strain, all you're trying to do is maintain previous gains. About eight reps each.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 Fifteen second pause between all exercises. ‘What ail this exercise does is stimulate the assimilation of protein whieh in turn ‘burns up one and one-third its own weight, in fat, “tighten” the abdomen so the stomach doesn't protrude, burns extra storable” fat, and prevents cellulitis: gelilike substance made up of fat, water, and wastes trapped in immovable beneath the skin. It is usually caused by insufficient exercise and/or lack of protein. Next time you take a trip to the beach or a swimming pool look around you—about half the female population of the United States has cellulitis on the back ‘of the thighs. A word of caution. Break into ‘exercise program slowly and carefully. If you You'rehands doingstarttoo shaking much tooafterfast.a workout, It means you're working on your nerves. If you've fever hit yourself on the thumb with = hammer and then got sick to your stomach because of it, you have a small inkling of how this procedure works. It's called Zone ‘Therapy—and if you have an upset stomach sometime try massaging the fleshy area of the hand between the thumb and forefinger: those nerves also lead back to the pit of the stomach. The upset will leave in about half an hour. Possibly more on this in later article.
Diet we discussed in a previous article. However, here are a few pointers for those who want to keep what they have ‘while they're pruning their pear shape. Eat six small meals a day. The stomach shrinks but at the same time the tissues are not deprived of nourishment. ‘Take two dessicated liver tablets every hour. You might even make some gains if you're fanatic enough about the liver pills T know of folks who put an inch on their arms in two weeks doing nothing out of the ordinary but the liver bit. If you're in a real hurry to shed the excess poundage cut down to one meal a ‘day and pop vitamin pills in place of your other two meals. A slice of orange with everything will speed up the protein utilization. Only if you eat oranges, avoid
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 milk. And eliminate starch in any event. Go heavy on the eggs, fish, poultry, and greens. Bananas, eorn, and many types of beans (e.g. lentils) will, if eaten with a little meat, have a tendency to keep your weight up. Without meat, all they’ do is give you gas. And don't try doing without
972 ‘meat—all you get out of a vegetarian diet is a vitamin B12 deficiency. Also, stay away {rom all fatty and/or fried* foods. ‘And carbonated beverages: soda pop has a tendeney to prevent protein digestion. If you know anyone addieted to cola drinks ‘weighing in over the 200 mark you know
ZONE THERAPY By Mike Brown Centuries ago folks got sick and had acceptance into the United States other medical problems just like we do beeause it “hasn't been proven to cure today. The medieal profession would cancer.” Neither has radiation, chemohave us believe that our increased therapy, and the other standard A.M.A. longevity is due to their professional recommended treatments. competence and expertise. The state of Enter acupuncture. The A.M.A. scoffs the art of medicine is supposed to at it because there is not enough money correlate directly the increased to be made at it. The Chinese have been practicing it for over 2,000 years so lifespan. either there must be something to it or Guess again, An interesting book was once the Chinese are history's slowest published on “How To Lie With learners. Statistics.” Given enough raw data and a And what acupuncture is ie a crude little licensing in arranging it you can form of zoe therapy. Yet the major tool prove almost anything you want about for zone therapy is much more readily anything you want. In the case of the available than the gold and silver medical profession they stuffed the needles used in acupuneture—the human infant mortality figures from previous thumb. ‘The right. pressure with the centuries into their data and as a result, thumb results in all sorts of fentas everybody's average lifespan went down. things happening. As T mentioned in a Back in those days weak infants were previous aril, hitting the thumb with eliminated by natural diseases. Today {hammer will make you sick to the pit they are kept alive until they can of your stomach~beeause the nerves in become weak adults. thumb itself esd to the abdominal Fact is, cancer and other such diseases the cavity. of Using a hammer withthe that were virtually unknown in the 19th next timeInstead you want to do something century have reached almost epidemic your thumb to test this theory out wait proportions today. What's the problem ntl you have an upset stomach. here? the thumb Meshy part of the finger. hand ‘The problem is that the study of Massage between the snd index medicine is the study of medicine—or Either or both hands, In about twenty to how chemicals react inthe human thirty minutes the pain should have bbody—not the study of health. Added to that is the American Medical Associa vanished. Imagine for the sake of convenience tion; an organization far more concerned that your nerves are lke flexible tubes with money that it is with medicine. We Teading from one part of your body to laugh today about the medieval methods another. If tube is “pinched” whatever up the tubes causes problems at of “bleeding” the patient to get rid of the backs the point it can’t inaccurate back up and.eny unseient further. “bad blood” and find it perfectly logical ‘This is grossly to let the modern physician bleed us of fic but there simply isn't any other way our life savings for such silliness as to explain it. Electrical impulses’ flow radiation treatments when the patient is along’ the body's. motor. pathways to die anyway. soing and any interruption causes Since the best things in life are free it (nerves) problems. canbethe stands to reason that it is hard to make ramblocked” Ifor anfreedimpulse to travel. a buck off of them: meaning the A.M.A. problems of the organs involved usually and other such outfits are going to do tron themselves out. Andpressure “unblocking” is everything in their power to supress or done by direct applied ridicule them or intimidate their “Zone therapy ‘has been around. for advocates. The laetrile controversy is a centuries but it wasn't until the early perfect example; whether it works or 1900s that it was systematized by a Dr. not is immaterial since it has never hurt H.ear, Fitageald, MD. Thespecialist Doctor anyone and yet the A.M.A. has literally Wiliam was an nose, and throat moved heaven and earth to prevent its
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 what mean. ‘Try to run a couple miles twice a week to stay “loose”, Stay on this program for six weeks or so. With a litte effort and studious attention to directions you should ‘whack off four to six inches from around the beltline. ‘and found that he could use pressure on various parts of the body to deaden the pain of his patients in place of the cocaine normally in use then. He figured ‘out that the body had ten “zones”, five ‘on the left and five on the right—each zone or “line” ran through a correspond: 18 finger or toe. For example, zone one ran (or runs) completely through the body and loops through the thumb and big toe—any problem arising from between the eyes down to the groin (the middle of the body) was helped by the massage of zone one (the thumb). A gross over-simplification but necessary to grasp the concept. Dr. Fitzgerald wrote a rather lengthy, detailed, and involved book on his findings over half a century ago which is still printed by Health Research, 70 Lafayette St.,” Mokelumne Hill, Cali fornia. Not too many of the members of ‘the medical profession buy it One of the Doe's theories was that since Western Man was such an inveterate wearer of kkept in tender condi therapy. The same nerves go to the hands but since the hands receive so much more use hand massage simply is not as effective. ‘What the Doe originally started with was not zone therapy but pressure ‘analgesia—or anesthesia by pressure. Eliminating pain and curing conditions are not the same thing. For eliminating pain a little more equipment than just the thumb is needed. Such as rubber bands, clothespins, and aluminum combs. The rubber bands and clothespins eannot be left on too long or weakness and irritability results. Clothespins put on the end of the fingers will (sometimes) anesthetize the mouth (as for dental work). Be careful playing around with rubber bands, get them on too tight and leave them on too long and circulation stops. For those of you intending to make a living as mid-wives in the New Age when Blue Cross and the AMA. has ceased to exist an account is given by Dr. Fitsgerald of how to do it: "The woman I delivered was a primipara (one who had never had a child before, and who, therefore, because of the rigidity of the bones and tissues, has a more difficult labor), small in stature,
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 When contractions began, and the mother was beginning to be very nervous and complained of pain, at which time I generally administer chloroform, I began pressing on the soles of the feet with the edge of a big file, as I could find nothing else, I pressed on the top of the foot with the thumbs of both hands at the metatarsalphalangeal joint (where the toes join the foot). I exerted this pressure over each foot for about three minutes at a time. The mother told me that the pressure on the feet gave her no pain whatsoever. s she did not have any uterine Iwas afraid there was no advancement. ‘To my great surprise, when I examined her about ten or fifteen minutes later, T found the head within two inches of the outlet. I then waited about fifteen ‘minutes, and on examination found the
973 hhead at the vulva. T then pressed again for about one or two minutes on each foot, and my thumbs over the tarsal-metatarsal joints as before. In this ‘way I exerted pressure on the sole of the foot with the file, and pressure on the dorsum of the foot with my thumbs, doing each foot separately. The last pressure lasted about one and a half ‘minutes on each foot. Within five or ten ‘minutes the head was appearing, and I held it back to preserve the perineum (the tissue joining the vagina and the rectum). Tt_made steady progress, the hhead and shoulders coming out in a normal manner. Within three minutes the child—which weighed in at 9% ounds—was born, erying lusty. The other told me she did not experience any pain whatever, and could not believe the child was born, She laughed and
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 said, this is not so bad. Another point that is very remarkable is that after the child was born the woman did not experience the fatigue that is generally felt, and the child was ‘more active than usual. I account for this fon the principle that. pain inhibits progress of the birth, and tires the child. But as the pain was inhibited, the progress was more steady, and’ thus fatigue to both mother and child was avoided.” ‘There is much more therapy than even touched on here.to zone Renew your subscription for more zone therapy, ‘radiology, water cures, fasting, and other goodies the AMA. and the Rockefellers (chemical companies) have done their best to consign to the trashbin of history.
ZONE THERAPY—PART I by Mike Brown enough Even among those who ofhavethemsel ves to take better care gol ‘and the folks rich enoughto hire someone ‘lse to do their thinking for them, really {good health is a rarity, The most athletic g appearing individuals and healthy lookin look. are very seldom as well off as theyof back twinge a to Most will admit trouble, a touch of rheumatism, stomach, liver, or kidney trouble; nervousness, headaches, neuralgia, constipation, or something that tends to prevent what we refer to as perfect health. That's just the past centuries did thingswe no longer un‘men, With women the healthiest of them derstand the reasons for. So because the are in a condition that almost defies the written record is still there but the realaws of physies, chemistry, and biology. soning isn't; some folks come along and Next your ty just having your mate Over three decades ago, when this coun- make a religion or a ritual out of sometry was sending hundreds of thousands of thing that at one time actually made working time fet over with av ol Tn & ‘wellarmed and well-trained men overseas book itled ELECTRON IC forty POTENTIA LSago ‘One of these is the foot-washing and OF FOODS written over to fight the Second World War, those men years took with them a pin-up of a girl who had anointing with oil business mentioned in by a man named Brown Landone (a0 elt atrophied leg muscles, the American the Bible. I's not too popular with a lot of tion) it was pointed out that every food ideal: Betty Grable. Take a good close look “religious” folk possibly because of the has charge of electricity that ean be ut large numbers of church-goers with bro- ized by the body. Olive ail has more lee: the next time you see your fav on the TV. At first glance a lot of bidrosis (smelly feet) but it does have tril nery han anyother foo kaw actress them have fantastic physiques — but if some value. Try these experiments. man —so much that ou vaporize you'l find a lot of that ‘Next time afier a hard day's work you the stuff will explode on contact with a close real look ‘you is done with push-up bras and pullin cor: feel like your feet are going to fall off, spark, Olive oils also extremely high ia tired, aching, sweaty, pour a couple gal- Mineral content and suspect that what sets. ‘Why are they in such horrendous lons of hot water in tub and add a eup ubing this onthe current feet does intoi send full of powdered milk to it. Insert your minerals and stuff shape? electrical feet. Let soak for about fifteen minutes. body. And if you don't think your feet the ‘Two basic reasons: can First is the private club of doctors and ‘The powdered milk should work its way absorb nutrients, try this experiment put lawyersour entire government is run by. into your pores and perk up your feet and & pee ofgarle in your sock, put the sock Go to your local Post Office sometime and legs and relax the rest of you. If your bet- on your foot withthe garlic underneath observe all the “Laetrile is Worthless; ter half is a long-suffering type get her to the foot and put your shoes and socks on Laetrile is Dangerous" nonsense plastered ‘massage the bottoms of your feet with her ‘Then goto work and walk around, thumbs in circular motion afterwards. The ven your best fends won't tll yoursoe iif all over the walls. ‘The second reason: our own laziness feeling you get has tobe experiencedto be ten minutes and they! amell gle on and inability to pay attention. People in believed. your breath
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 alled 1 Malile Wave Quilter fr tha Basically, the same thing happened with Purpose that actually did cure cancer in a Zone Therapy that happened with the through the muscles of the foot-washing and the olive-oil anointing: it ‘The nerves in the right big toe run right ‘number of people but for now let's stick sort of just slid out of use. Including through the right lower back. Therefore, a with the human thumb; the FDA hasn't its use yet. among those of us who should know bet- Jot of my problem is relievable by vigorous, outlawed ter. When there is no one versed in the massage of the underneath ofthe right big same field of knowledge handy, that There are a couple of scientific knowledge tends to fall into a state of dis- toe. Big Brother will never be able to squash: repair. My own case is a perfect example. ‘The body, according to the theories of ‘one therapy, is divided into ten “zones” ‘or meridians. The first zone goes from the ‘two big toes up the inside of the legs to the nerve paths to the brain. The same thing ‘middle of the head, the second zone goes from the two toes next to the big ones to ‘areas alittle from the center of the head, a’ 1) and you up grasping ‘and s0 on. Actually there are two sets of five zones; equalling ten; five zones on ed to a death-grip. Ironically, if the arms ‘each side of the body. shi downs come bad rome sarees and For years T've had a problem with the muscles of my lower right back tightening ‘minutes in the “death-grip” BEFORE the up. There were only two ways for me to ‘get relief from the problem. One was to go toa chiropractor. The other was to get out ‘a spiral helix or “coil” that is receptive to and run five or more miles and loosen the one frequency of radio waves or electrical any caees water wil do the sue hing ‘muscles up that way. The first was a Running that current through ‘uisance and the second too time-consum- even cancerous cel will tend to restore it ing. Enter Zone Therapy. to normal. Lakhovsky built a device he (including men) stems from the ‘organism THE SECRET OF TREMENDOUS conditiof onthe inner organs, especially ‘the lungs. The “will to win” originates28 VITALITY much in the chest cavity as it does in the By Mike Brown ‘mind. The huge chest and the “heart of a arly thirties the, deterioration of the A lot of times a man's occupation can be internal organs and further weakening of discerned by his physical appearance.The the supporting muscles cause the head to ram-rod stiff back and erect carriage of pitch forward slightly. In the early forties the military man is immediately the knees to bend a little. The evident—even an old soldier of sixty or bending of begin the knees becomes more seventy has the posture. In our highly pronounced into the fifties and sixties— technological society, where one’s daily and what the individual winds up with is bread is more often determined by paper what is known as old age stoop. The shuffling or some other sort of drudgery, doddering, shuffling, cane supported walk which the ar rushes, extract the oxygen, where physical prowess is seldom used, aged that is so common a sight in Znd'then the sedentary physiques of the office of‘ourthesociety. posh analogy the saethatsr might back outmakeLots worker and assemblyline drone are tee a crude Contrast the foregoing description with casier to. underssod. "The" diaphragm readily identifiable. the ones from centuries ago. a fenders och he sane serito ete ‘The office worker and the drove barrel-ches leg, a Tangs thatthe piston des to the ender ted pirate with a wooden develop their physiques (or the lack of them) from siting or working in confined hhook for one arm, and an eye patch— in'aninter combustiongoesengines theor positions. Confining the lungs and rib courtesy ofa cannon ball under the knee in Piston (or aal diaphragm down fue ‘cage by bending over a desk or assembly the early twenties, a saber or cutlass Er) i sucked into the cylinder (or ngs) line results in large parts of the lungs amputation of the hand in the early remaining inactive. The percentage of thirties, and the removal of an eye by 3 ‘people who know how to breathe properly pistol ball in the early forties. Even with and take care of their internal organs in an assortment of such injuries and missing civilized society is quite small, and the sppendages the average 7th, century percentage of factory and office workers pirate was a far more effective, dangerous, and healthy individual than ‘who do sois almost non-existent. the office worke of today. r Our sedentary hero starts off in his ‘Why? What makes the difference? Why early twenties hunched over a desk or workbench, rounding his shoulders and is it that some men can function narrowing ‘his chest. From his lack of ‘effectively and are still vigorous with half exercise the chest muscles begin to relax their bodies shot away and others faint at of blood or collapse from trifling their contractile strength, leting the vital the sight organs (lungs, heart, liver, ete.) down wounds? upon the stomach and intestines. By his Basically it’s because the vitality of an
Fiedit es bimeiecl die stem eas tee eee ee leetcert mre sree ae ae tes rn oe Sse et Sra hentenias Roamer eistetar
cdnse Tx eee eee eeteatrotard Seeterermesnece
975 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 3 are still huffing and putting that way. ‘The nostrils are to catch fromWhilethe yousquats grab 220 Tb. weight impurities and warm the air going to the (never more) and do twenty pullovers Tangs. And speaking of warming the air, rapidly off bench, concentrate on litng the faster you breathe and the more air therib cage. you inhale the higher your body Next load the baralso andconcentrating do_twenty08 ‘temperature goes. This isa little awkward bentarm pullovers, if you're trying to survive in sub-zero therib cage. weather unless you wrap a muller or "To protect the lower organs in the ‘woolen searf over your mouth and nose sbdominal eavity do two sets of Roman ‘and inhale the warm air from inside youra Chair sivups (the bench and how to build clothes. The bit with the muffler worked itis lustrated) and(samefinishbench). off with a set of Tittle too well for me once, after a few hyperextension minutes of inhaling warm air I fell sound ‘sleep, outside, in’ sub-zero weather. ‘The idea are to of the hyper-extensions ‘Which would have been peachy except I prevent overly developed abdominal was then a pfe in the 101st Airborne ‘muscles from rounding the back and Division assigned to guard an ammo dump pulling the rib cage closer to the pelvis. and acquiring this little tidbit of ‘The Roman Chair hyper-extension bench cost me six months at hard ‘ean be built out of either 2° x 4” lumber or information labor. angle iron. ‘Sohow do you achieve super health and ‘Throughout the day put a finger over vitality? You do it by training for the nostril, inhale, exhale through the benefit of your internal organs and letting ‘one mouth, a few times on each side. You will the "body beautiful” and “super strength” rreach areas of the lungs high in the rib ‘concepts slide for awhile. One of the once you ‘eage very seldom used. is thates tag ofthis concept ‘advan stronger ‘About three months on this program those vitality such achieved have and you ought to feel like you can whip an in age advant than you have no dissipates strength ‘your weight in wildcats. altercation since their remains yours while pend second the by ma ‘
‘constant. Of course, if the other fellow is half a head taller and fifty pounds neavier we expect you to use a little common
How to Build a Grape Arbor A grape arbor made of white pine, put together as shown in the sketch, will last for several years. ‘The 2 by
just a couple woeks ago T experiencedit after 4% miles of running and felt like I no effort Probably the most important of the five could have gone another 4% withwas ly that than like when ‘exereises you will be doing is known as the at all. More squat”. Years ago fellow my body had sweated off the accumulated “breathing poisons (itis possible to be completely free named Roger Eells from Columbus, Ohio himself of TB from its use; he was of body odor if the dit is pure and there ‘cured are little or no poisons to be sweated off; the originator of the exercise. Done folks who eat lots of greasy fried foods properly, the exercise adjusts the almost always stink) and my lungs had ‘metabolism, increases the appetite, and of the trash—leaving my improves the assimilation of food. expelled moststrea cleat.m The feeling has Place the barbell bar on the shoulders crystal blood to believed: it's sortof a loaded with a relatively light weight. Take to be experienced natural high. Granted, 4% miles hardly three deep, rapid breaths. Squat. Exhale but I'm falls into the trained athlete class way up. Do this at least twenty. 35 years old and weigh almost 290 Ibs. fontimes.the Imagine yourself as the piston I Isa little difficult to train yourself into described earlier and don't worry about Asin. posts, A, are 7 ft. long. The feet, but try to breathe through the nostrils increasing the weight: do so only when it B, are made 2 by 4 in, 4 ft. ong, and so light as to become ineffective. rest on a brick placed under each end. ‘unless you simply can't get enough oxygen becomes
Emergency Sanitation at Home
‘The purpose of this handbook is to tell you what materials you need, and what you can do new to maintain conditions in your home or shelter if you are isolated by an enemy attack of a natural disaster. From Popular Mech. 1919 chat impure water and unsafe food can make you sick, or even kill Proper preparation in the early you. ‘YouYou know that garbage and human wastes can help spread disease if not spring will make it possible for the ‘disposed of know promptly. “You know it is important for health reasons to keep clean, householder to shade doors and win- ‘and to keep your home clean. Yet you probably take for granted the public services that now guard your family against infections of all kinds. Many of these public services could be temporarily knocked out by enemy attack or natural disaster. If your local water utility were damaged, your househhold water supply would be cut off until repairs could be made. If sewer mains ‘were broken, it would not be possible to dispose of human wastes by the usual methods until they were fixed. Lack of garbage collection and garbage disposal service would encourage the increase of rats, lies, and other disease-carrying agents, It would be hard for the people who supply you with food and fresh mil resume their usual serv your own until these facilities could be restared. ‘There are a few simple steps you can take now to assure your family safe water ‘and safe food, free from harmful contamination. Also, you can be ready to handle the disposal of garbage and other wastes if you take a few prior precautions,
dows from the hot summer's sun by means of inexpensive rustic trellises that add not a litte to the beautyof the home. A suggestion for a trellis at a doorway and one for a window are shown in the illustration, They are made of straight tree trunks and small limbs, having the bark on them. ‘The curved portions of the window trellis may be made easily by using twigs that are somewhat green. Morning-glories, or other suitable climbing plants, may be trained over the trellises, Knife to Trim Magazines for Binding From Popular Mechanics 1919 ‘There has been a number of descriptions telling how to bind magazines, but none how to trim the edges after having bound them. Desiring to have
wisi gut oF ea eeeete enya glo pets ce emavel isaster, is not the only Sas ndaco iepee aoreae ee, Ss Ga sega aanggeen eee Tee, Sree pepe Te eae eee aeeae Oe oe ee ee an Aerated ot esl tap pepe ere psegee gery ere meets res a re sgpectRela i eer foals ml lx comer epee cere a rare eer un'be menl dese re eats to baa Ne sae,So Aa te a ore ee et a oe een arg ee be rete ae os aesae oy ee ae See a a east ews al ly ereer aalps a EIRSSOESU ae En Et con ain aang anes aoe ae sem nes Peaabeleloae spent emo tperiern Heirs iesAH IR uomic eeetemisoal Oe eas cena eeaos ee eat, Seer ranean ere STORE DRINKING WATER CAREFULLY
Itis a good youidea toa packwi yourlash, containers tightly against You damagecan from shock, Expect op, ofr do heblastby orwading fewspapers, excelsis,with oroneotherancther. packing Packmaterial between the forjarsalong fo keepmove.them ‘Then fom Coming in contact them as though your containers will be les likely co break if there i an explosion near your home. Drinking water may develop undesirable tastes and odors during storage. Since waters throughout the periods asof # timegeneral rule these distasteful propertiesthe maycounty developvary alsoin quality, vary.” Therefore,
‘my volumes a appear wei home-bound, the cher books, Pa timeas ‘Any large kife with a straight edge wil do for the cutter. 1 used a large Tay knife. A'S§-in. hole was drilled in the untempered portion near the back of the handle end. Two U-shaped supports were made of metal and fastened {o the top ofan old. table, between Which the knife was fastened. with a Bolt. A piece of timber, 6 fe long,4 in, wide, lever, and“One 2 endin, ofthick, this was’ piece used’ had 2as U-a shaped noteh cut in it to straddle the Supports under the projecting ends. A board was attached to the table top, Naving one straight edge set where the keife edge would just pass i, If the knife has a good sharp edge it will do. very” satishctory " work When edges and are trimmed kn can be theremoved sed for theits ong Improvised Level for Farm Use From Popular Mechanies 1927 In laying out portions of the farm, sighting for building foundations, laying
thefn chestoredbasisdrinking watersupply shouldbe 3 months, have particulary of experience, undesirable tastes, changed odes, oreveryappearances developedif EMERGENCY SOURCES OF LIQUIDS
‘Ge EE eee Spel nr ace erii ee Uae Se near eyceeDae eebrperbe Senn rt ee ol omoem oF shod the eae ose dk at etch a ik to eee 8 pons oie SPREE i eeio el ie capeti eae are a LE PE sone ieee, vee (shes fo oa ge ed) a ce fete.) handy to accomplish this.
Water be drawnbeforeintolaying containers Don't trai untilto bean stored emergencyshouldhappens in yourBefore householditis needed. supply. When Snbe atack occursor itcontaminated. may be to TateAlsoto.actif chousands The publicof wacer serviceteed ay already interrupted householders tosteetAll water containers atthe same time, they would reduce che presure in the Inains. make andfre storefighting Fappens ‘That before would you draw the watermore youdiftule.Walting need could cost uyound! youtsomet!home oreven your life = wiNoNUT