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English Pages 465 Year 1977
By Kurt Saxon
JUST A FEW OF THE ARTICLES IN VOLUME 2 * Complete Course in Hydroponics * Portable Shop + Survival Kits + Tie a Hangman’s Noose
* * + + * * + * * * * * +
The Microphone Transmitter Button Utility Press. Reflex Building Survival Fishing Home-Made Toys Science From Chambers Encyclopedia, 1891 Electroplating Non-Metallic Objects Silk Screen Printing Dick's Encyclopedia of Formulas and Processes, 1872 Intruder Detector Leather Working Animal Traps Silk-Screen Printing Plus Much, Much More
By Kurt Saxon ‘Copyright 1977 by Kurt Saxon
A Small Bunsen Burner
From Popular Mechanix 1915 An excellent bunsen burner for small work can be made as follows: Draw a glass tube to the shape shown, to produce a fine hollow point. Mark carefully with a file and break at A and then at B. Bore or burn a hole in a cork to fit the tube, Cut a Veshaped_ notch in the side of the cork extending to the hole, Bend the lower tube at right angles and. inert it in a wood block, previously: slotted with a saw to make a snug ft. A little glue will hold the glass tubes, cork and base together. “The air mixture can be adjusted by sliding the upper tube be~ fore the glue sets ‘Making Bubbles Carry Paper Figures Popular Mechanics 1925
To make soap bubbles tha will cary time, "A’Sotution made of soap shavings And water, with is glycerin proportionis of one-third, weed.” in‘The the solution placed in a bottle andand shaken up until the Soap has dissolved, is allowed to stand tant it setles, the clear Tiguid at the top being used for Blowing the bubbles. are eutof thread from tissue paper and‘Thea figures short piece is attached through top.” through The other1 diskend ofof verythe thread is theknotted thin paper.a glassIt istube, best andto blow the bubble through when of the desited size has been formed, bubble place the paper disk on one side; this will once slip to. the ‘bottom, Shake thest Bubble off andthe it paper starts figures on its aerialLeonard jour ney carrying Bastin, Bournemouth, Eng.
By KURT SAXON Logend has it that there was once a great civilization called Atlantis. It Is said that Atlantis had a highly developed technology with everything we have land more. Aside from airships, some even have said that they had links with civilizations in outer space. ‘The story goes on that some great cataclysm destroyed Atlantis. Some say It ‘was from great upheavals in the earth's surface. Others say it was wiped out by atomic war. The great majority of the people died of starvation, riots and wars fought over what was left of civilization. The survivors, most of whom were highly trained technologists, lost thelr great cities, industries and technology. This left them helpless and most of them reverted to savagery. From greatness they were reduced to small bands of hunters and gatherers of roots and berries. Although Atlantis may have been a myth, the further back archaeologists go, the higher the skills acquired by the ancients have been discovered. The cave ‘men, chipping crude flint axes and arrowheads may'have been the degenerate descendants of men with knowledge and powers we can only dream of. A good example of this is the degenerate descendants of the Mayas, living like jungle animals in parts of South America today, their ancestors a once proud race, higher in science and mathematics than that of Europe of the same period. One might wonder how such giants of science and technology as the Atlans could degenerate into the savages archeologists call the “first men”. Ur of the Chaldees, Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Rome, etc., also rose and then fell with a crash that left their survivors in various states of savagery. They were not as primitive as the cave men since thelr technologies were more simple and easier understood by the survivors. Even so, the fall of Rome produced a thousand years of what we know as the Dark Ages. Tenth century farmers plowed and planted in the great Roman Coliseum, wondering at the lush harvests. They didn't even remember that that plot of land had been fertilized by the blood of thousands of gladiators and animals slain In the great arena, Years ago, | was fascinated by how civilizations rose, provided comforts for the populace, erected great monuments to skill and industry and then fell. If they had a system which worked for them, why didn't they go on to ever higher levels of refinement? Why did such powerful nation states as Babylon, Greece {and Rome fall to such illiterate savages as the Scythians, early Romans and Huns? Imagine New York City of 1880 being taken over by the Sioux. (I think they could do it today). That these once great civilizations did degenerate to the point where they could be overrun by primitive barbarians is a fact. Then, after each fall, the survivors reverted to the most basic of the remaining wisdom, requiring the minimum of knowledge and skill ‘The survivors wore usually of the peasant class who held on to thelr poor plots of ground and scratched out a bare living from the soll. Warllke barbarians would descend on such peasant groups and enslave them. Requiring more food for their soldiers, for further conquests, they actually contributed to the growth of agriculture.
R Vol.
THE SURVIVOR Val. 2 Gradually, warrior dominated peasants rebuilt civilizations, often far intertor Live Bait Used to the previous civilization. Of course, in the beginning of such civilizations, only the strongest and hardiest survived. But as agricultural methods improved, more people ware fed who would in Fishing have otherwise starved and taken thelr weaker characteristics out of the gene Fron Polar Meanie5 pool, So unfortunately, this surplus was also the means of preserving ‘With the simple device illustrated, ‘weaklings and defectives who should not have survived. Further, such no fisherman need worry over running weaklings were enslaved by the ruling classes, and when not being needed for short of bait or even regarding the agriculture, drifted to the cities and worked at unskilled jobs or lived on the usual repeated baitingof the hook, A. dole or by begging, small clear-glass bottle should he pro‘Of course, there were intelligent and skilled artisans and tradesmen in the cured, and several hooks wired to it cities. But the bulk of the population gradually was made up of rejects from about the neck, or at each end, as desited or found best after several trials agriculture. ‘The average Roman was jobless, a Proletarian, living on government After filling the hottle with water a live minnow is placed in it, and the bat- handouts supplied largely by the Legionaires bringing back grain and other tle is sealed with a cork, which is ‘booty from foreign colonies and conquests. notched around the edge to permit wa‘Teday, the Proletariat are known as unskilled workersor weltare recipients, ter to enter or leave the bottle without Every culture, as it developed and assumed greatness, nurtured a breed of losing the bait. If live grasshoppers, politicians catering to the useless. Roman politicians financed, through fexhorbitant taxes, and even their own wealth, the building of great coliseums, where were held’ charlot races, gladlatorlal combats and various forms of entertainments such as teeding social dissidents, such as Christians to lions. They also had millions of animals collected from all over the then known world, These animals were slaughtered for the enjoyment of the simple-minded Proletarians in the stands, The Romans made extinct literally dozens of animal species. the show and the more degenerate the acts, the more vates went ‘The greater to the sponsoring Roman politician, Thus, the most degenerate and wasteful politicians gained the most power over the state and Its paople. “Bread and Circuses” was the method of not only placating an idle and riotous population, but in perpatuating a Senale nearly as corrupt as our own. or similar bait, is desired the cork can ‘The lack of useful work, coupled with the low standards of social be used unnotched to form a water- acceptability turned a once great nation into a herd of irresponsible, tight stopper. As illuminated bait for ‘weak-willed, feeble-minded degenerates which were the greatest contributors, night fishing, several fireflies can be put 10 the nation’s births. In fact, the term "Proletariat" also meant “child bearers”. in the bottle. When the Roman legions reached the furthest areas from which they could oot food from their subject colonies, starvation and social collapse set In. Thus, Rome fell. lis artisans and Intellectuals died out along with its degenerate Proletariat. Then came the Dark Ages ruled by illiterate princes and ‘a corrupt priesthood, both groups of which destroyed as many of the men of reagon as they could find, mainly though Inquisitions. Shield for Heater in Chick Brooding The Illiterate princes raped the people through ruinous taxation ta tight House useless wars with each other and In thelr stupid Crusades. The Church not From Popular Mechanix 1919 sanctioned these practices, but kept hidden all the knowledge they had a only metal, having [A shield of sn sheet in the monasteries, which, had they released It, would have done the center of it, pror collected heater small good. But their aim was religious domination, not social immeasurable Hes of"a warm good the Church chose for Its celibate priesthood, the most, Further, advancement. means Intelligent youth, whose genes might otherwise have gone to improve the race. ing. 2 brooding Today, the Church has lost most of its power, although it does its best to small House forThe heat the breeding of the poorest and most Useless and degenerate of its encourage Chicks, ie radiated from followers. Happily, though, its loss of influence spares more intelligent men thethe shield a who would otherwise rob our gene poo! by celibacy. chicks dis“reIn its place, homasexvality is taking over in the free world, initiating into a ata main of virtual celibacy many of the best specimens of our youth. Its spread life Thnce, seeking 4 the robbing of our national gene pool by limiting future generations to insures comfortable teme peraure, The those less atlractive, intelligent, and consequently less able to contribute to evce maybe society made easily by {a is tum, our civilization rose from virtual barbarism and has achieved the cutting a. sheet technology in known history. Our previously vast surpluses of food highest dpas ing hood Sf metal to i form with a 2 cone-shape fuel have led to a surplus population made up largely of the useless and Sind iting the rou uf theyemt house ext land degenerate, Through
Windmill for Light Power
‘From Popular Mechanies 1915 ‘The windmill shown in the sketch is one that will always face the wind, and it never requires adjustment, It
H consists ofa vertical shaft, B,A, omprovided srith a number of arms, which are hinged square sails, C.‘These ails Ste preferably mage of ‘They ood areframes proCovered with canvas, sided withthe hinyes, D, suchattached tothe nds of seme in a way thatoh they offer resistance to the witd one side ofagainst the wheel, whileon theythe move tdgewise the wind other sli, as shown. The shaft of the Gait ‘elther ‘be ran in earings set millon fnShaltupright post,ot the2 conieal Lower bearing, end of theoF turning collars may be used on the bearings to icefranemittedit in withpostion,gearsThe or bypower# fatcan beltbe over a pallyof this kind is not adapted "A wheel to ditectconmected butslow-working for2 pumphigh ofspeed, machin. other very ficient xy. will prove SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN CYCLOPEDLA 1891 camden. Adgmastne Casa 100besa Io, of sigan talige BP Tf caamsbory ben Mead ai! ‘Cate Twueed or SpiralMya Cul en—TWeeeSeedare poultry
cleft sised fase, from
478 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 Instead of the paradise a controlled population could enjoy indefinite! technology Is only contributing to the breeding of half-wits, murderous psychotics, Liberals and other perverts who are bringing down our civilization by the year. Adding ta this are the changing weather pattems, which will only worsen in our time, plus a growing lack of resources, causing the mass starvation of literally billions of people. ‘Worldwide collapse of civilization is Imminent. It won't happen overnight, but in country by country and area by area, Industry by industry, and so on, It could hit you tomarrow. So whether you are an auto mechanic, steeiworker or nuclear physicist, you have only a relatively short time in your present occupation. Your survival Is up to you. ‘Years ago | saw the same factors appearing in our society which had led to the collapseof past civilizations. |particularly noted the specialization of the educated,on the one hand, and the frivolous interests and idleness of the less able on the other hand: ‘recalled the tales of the fallof Atlantisand its resultant barbarism. Knawing that the Ignorant masses were doomed and the more able were locked into an interdependent technology, | searched for answers, as did many of my generation. | became a joiner of cults and causes, giving them all my all. But almost without exception, every faction proved to be a dead end and led by self-serving phonies or psychotic fanatics. Again recalling the fall of Atlantis, | began preparing a method by which | could provide knowledge to intelligent survivors of the future collapse. My ‘main idea was that the biggest problem facing the survivors would be the lack ‘of knowledge which they could apply to thelr own circumstances. ‘As It was, the intelligent survivor could only hope to scrounge sustenance from the ruins. Such scrounging would prove futile in only a short time after the fall | hit on the idea of collecting all the practical knowledge of the 19th Century, 28 it was relatively simple and easy to apply. Also, it would insure a standard of living far from primitive and a springboard to the technology we have today. Further, it Is far easier for the layman 1o understand than modern texts on science and crafts Back then, creative and knowledgeable people wrote thelr instructions for use by anyone interested, whether he had any background in the field or not, Today, books on science and technology are written mainly to those who are expected to be already pretty well grounded on a particular subject. Also, they wrote in plain language, not showing off their expertise in terms only their fellaw experts could understand, as Is often done today. Nineteenth Century terms unfamiliar to us were not used to show off, or to conceal knowledge from the uninitiated. They were lust the lerms people used in those days. Most such old-fashioned terms have been updated in GRANDDAD'S. WONDERFUL BOOK OF CHEMISTRY. For years I've been collecting such knowledge and am now, and In the ‘near future, hoping to assemble all the practical knowledge applicable to the needs of future Survivalisis. So Atlan Formularies is simply a figurative reference to the real or mythological Atlantis and a remedy for peaple in their comparative situation, Alter the crash of world civilization there will be chaos and universal suffering and death. Yet, unlike the original Atlans we can revert to a level of technology the intelligent layman can implement. The only savages will be those wha aught not to have bean born in the first place. THE POOR MAN'S JAMES BOND will help Survivalists deal with such doomed predators. GRANDDAD'S WONDERFUL BOOK OF CHEMISTRY will enable you to make the chemical compoundsyou will need In your dally struggles. MEDICINES LIKE GRANDDAD USED TO MAKE will help keap you well when your modern doctor loses his contact with the pharmaceutical companies, which will soon be out of existance.( Now part. o7 Chemistry} SURVIVAL FOODS, PLUS will help you to prepare and preserve the food you willneed. (Now part of Survivor Vol. 1)
SURVIVOR ¥ they are wound
ae Wale SURVIVUR Vol. 2 THE SURVIVOR volumes will take care of the dally problems 13th Century people handled with such ingenuity. and ‘In short, my books will give you a level of technology both interesting oF ignorance want, from death fear not nead practical, useful even today. You utace, “Bovethe from human predators. Thave been told, and agree, that had! omitted the grimmer aspects of the coming chaos | could reach more people, Selling only nostalgia and 19th handicrafts | could appeal to far more buyers and make more money. ERSMers Shp sow nat,3 pst Se Century But that approach would have had me catering to hobbiests or nostalgia buffs, I'm telling it like it Is. I'm not interested in hobblests or nostalgia butts. enna sims Siena I'm aiming my material at the strong-minded individualist, the only type who can, and should, survive. al wparisaliows parisini U have no political solutions or aspirations. My only admonition to my iog ss are fousw the sGrcantine ome Bema nai, hes Wiemann, readers insofar as a future system is to not let anather Atlantis happen again. Ca aiinc le ggomerager advice to future generations would be to limit their offspring to : Gaimbope, chrome gelc Myonlyparamount “Vellow Elliue'tie that amount they can provide for and manage with the love and individual Beer napbthaune yalon. creed: Mixture of RTs Pucete orRetura! vino Tere se care which develops strong citizens. BESSA EROafewat nedcolina opis No social dependent should be allowed to enlargehis dependency. That is, the individual whe cannot provide for himself should not be allowed 10 reproduce. II this simple rule had been followed there would never have been a surplus population. Hoards of fertile idiots and genetic detectives procreating like unmanaged livestock would not have toppled nearly every civilization I've mentioned. IH is too late for today's majority to escape the fate of Atlantis, But with Individual effort and stern measures of population control, Paradise on Earth Could be areality, The next generation, descended from the surviving remnants. of this one, could inaugurate the next step in the evolution of human civilization, Then our surpluses could go, notto the upkeep of human vermin, but to the provision of land and well-equipped homes for all, and then even Starships. fe"yox ere the bardouing ia cia it " fee dura
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by ‘CHARLES ond BERTRAM BROWNOLD man, the weapons AX‘tie‘MONG torowing ebck ofin oneprimitive of te lmna and ie therefore make undof wae, to elements ‘iene outdoor entertaining an Utne sd avaliable i space provided came {arget canbe taken afeinot ukcient procavtona
sUreghersithe ubersolic ot ‘ofot which is ae
rowing stick Ia simply a Me Strong the natives of the Upper Ammson of woad aboot 19" long and 8° ia wth at
Serres, Conia f te at ohae ete Toemhteare mae eRe Riaatesps Apap acurator arr gendetact te rsbee 2aey Se mi Cade ne aeRTIre, , ts dyrntef Bieta ea Repenranes of the guna vat owlag 5 the
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i Me ee Eeeay ete ead Raut Pees inne iplanmea ance eee Pe ee tua witfis center poi, n'a jut beyond thefor «light handle, cue cod intoof cach le t»Suedthrustm piecesocalof metal Down groove fubtug whlch Inked spear, The throw, warting withthe Wick'inpouge for marking the target These tarPcpatlwrit map pean in Crean ap with gets can by unde 2A” te lametr fee Forests applied to the butt Say cheap paper or sie can be purshaass, od 0 the spear, wich rata aguit forse: n top“Ucn" fewcxeiing. datpn ule willine’hp ofstapeg eee St‘carrytho theend apenrot the grocve-enough Draw he smartly (od target 80 yards tape at 90 and 20. yarta from the tanger firey. The wicko€ theacta armas tnmaking taaon, ofafrom bave each: payerBaus Gavw three apes {Gira section, Tt a's auch ot tase for & wage and scone half agein wa long a8 the attral ars. Slapping over the line la & foal Oe font Pl ‘his the permits nation af period, u forwardwad tarutboScoreorethe. bang alowed torfor 6 spear foal tow, tntoe spe for a longer wt tan Deir maT Cat ine the ip of teach moves through strives the viding lie Dntweea oro sings Ttere more rapidly tan does the hasd. Og toe target’ After oe fotman, Wal tee nde bln loopstibia cecandice with groove 44" wide and %* deep down theScuars score to dntermine the player winner wiltA help ec.13 ‘Eakod aur, the cenent colored ink for each tec2 Gute" fm tie Giblat” roe lw ehould Eeoe ot tba wood stock, ustng'a ach sew Ht thin by automatically Keying ll Ms, ‘ape the bundle, bore "Be nur Ut ail players and ipectators Siow in the sand behind be towing ine 20% tat peli
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Viable Survival Alternative by Dr. Spoke
Ever since the “Energy
Crisis” bogan of searce parts and fuel reserves on shart, bieycles have gained in popularity. but and long tips ake few people have yet looked into Lest anybody think bicycles are just Uwowheeled motorist transport. as a. glorified kiddie toy, be aware that the lable survival allaraative fr the bigger Viet Minh and Viel Gong won their wars crisis to come, thelr Peogeote over the ‘vem after the Fall there are likely tobe Hoby Chimathandling Minh tal with up to S00 pounds of stretahes of unbroken pevement, side freight apiece. The Army, once walks, hardpacked woods trails, abandon. supported’ & bicycle US.beliaion, Bish eSindctrailroad righ of way. bridges, u n e l s , parttroop "commandos executed whatnot open to bicyle travel, Wilt sucoussful raid on a Nazi heavy watera ‘antake easily portable lightweight or folding installation in Norwoy using foldup bikes, that canbe “broken down’ the hardy many bigeity police departionts sponsor {waveler ean even pack ane on borsebsck, specal Myce patrols in parks end ether ‘uleback, ox: or peopleback, on n wagon areas where prowl ears are ineliective ae tr in a boat, over wilderness tral to and the “humble” bieyele sil outaumber Hie riectots crate cideable territory. beyond, along. with the aulomobile in most of the ‘wore ‘ GAMEVARGsTArSE yeceonty waupom cod tovocha pools reneice br eatsparadn Fat TAGE
raing, and ylue a small hardwood block rove. After trleved. The epears are thrown with consid ‘bas act, taper the stick to shape. erable force, and the metal pe could case Spears are 14" dowel rode BO" Jong. On revere Injury
STR EORE GCSES dndonyvigceverensteary lose faungand eter weryporearies Bylesfrae cen one ; uk thlargent os used to adjonct weleone ast cbve Shan | anna iiaieg fl ROEtba tho otbers. ‘trun shorter which will ead ‘Available motor transport by lessening use hassle-free trips down those huge
quarter-mile decks! ‘But even the least migratory survivalist will find a bieyele indispensable in bis ASEL homestead oF business. Knife sharpeners in England utilize a small grindstone to a chaingear run off the rear 1 is wall Kotem that hsecste has been ope atiached ‘visartage inthe preservation wf ‘whee! of their machine ca ply their trade, ieposte anda ere and an enterprising survivalist could do te ala se thie fd this with very little effort. He could take shang additional advantage of fuelless pollution free “pedal power” by using a stationary young wood; sec bike ¢o turn a generator for electricity, or sd prep even gearing one to a slireular saw for ‘woodentting, With the appropriate gears exci boc if ad multi-speed bike, the operator of such ‘Dolmare; vo ls acting at «pense ‘onajuipment needn't even a heavy Fson tthefourth, lover forms of mnie and vege.sweat! But i il's exereise raise you a {She 's prot ecti he ngoud guns ietat bieyelo on a stand is an ideal waywant, ‘Muah ofall to pass yo re objets. “its Sate {ieente forda be umreages the wiis atrd sept long winler months or states of sieze d by the of tis ealan Cee without the ineanvenience of gaing iy be coniie red ay t o l t n g al ie erating ‘outdoors: you can pedal hundredsof miles rent ae regecancesocho jneertnn fight in your own living room, Ue aledcresta Parts for bieyeles are very likely to be INFLUENCE OF TIRES OX RARCFALL available from junkyards, old or ‘he marked npon ‘abandoned machines, and other sources, of Faintinduenrea ofeomny forestshea totaly ‘even when car and motoreyele parts are feria kong heteaion inthe experi= rot, but i's still a good idea to prepare in ‘nce of tho Australiana. ‘The reso des advance by gathering up frames, wheels, Stoyng che’ Balla Jus been #0the tater nse @ tn relction of thedicrainet lures, cables, ele. NOW. After the Fall they will be invaluable for barter and a Itt fo foto and one-quarter Incl ‘good bicycle mechante will be as necessary [Rid “Foret te iis nd ta his home and community as the farmer, reer aston for rstringthe Fart and weapons expert. But even Fetor of sac forets hasjuryne teen epoted iy blacksmith, thelng poverninet, far the ot oe the rankest novice will find bicycle Sey frthr waste of citer, an cf maintenanee and rupair are a snap rleating rom event pts of compared to looking after any motoreyele or car, For starters Td recommend the ABSTINENCE—Dicase ma simple Ittle paperhack “How to Fix Your oft be cured by abstinence from all.foot Bieycle” by Helen Garvey and Ted White, Seis 2 eastern available for only $1.00 at most bike shops. Pei hes ving md little gem gives easy-to-follow ‘The liter overiaxes nature, andis pivtures and text to help the beginner liges- solve almost any common bike repair bels against such treatment Ree ror ea rng problem—even to spoking your own breif rw fen thr het wheels, Fistiealsmea addin Guitiog For doit-yourself repair and mainten ‘one, two, or three meals, allows the ance of a twowheuler only a few special Sites sen ees ee ad tools are needed. Some old English and ‘allows the clogged organs to dispase of ‘American (Schwinn) bikes use standard: har baste ie pact Of deg measure tools, hut most all of the newer eee a winsck ouch h l and machines are metrie. If ¥ou Safire Goanwhile caee capescoures ae alreadyimported fens the system, abstinence have a car you hopefully the good resul!, and yet does no injury. hhave a tool kit for it then and most of these Bact" og gvtontahein ted: Adaptable (sockets and wrenches) are perfectly Soradar for bieyele work. Get @ metric set if your car is American. The only really when youve headache or chai special hike tools you need buy, unless you Bead" PSS ait iy cance as intend to set up a shop, are a chain Bey. ay Sy Se remover tool, a freewheel extractor and a Be BE fou proc ta” otierless crank tool” (all of these are Silty Doyen te mare specifically for Sand 10 speeds), and a tire iba doo aot ‘sine yous wa en’? repair kit, cone wrenches, spoke wrench “pat my tea We y e and punch for most all bikes. Amore tied pido the eds complete description of these and other sey tea or crise rebar tools can be found in the renee Shae festsEre it ‘White book I mentioned above, Garvey and
o r aintbute ory good andes cheymuon will nottor eaeaoecae B
THE SURVIVOR Yol. 2 With just a little work and ingenuity, ‘every member of a household old enough to ride can have his or her own bike oF share the use of one or more “eommon” bikes. T would even recommend. that various types of bikes be used for different tasks depending on availability and rider preference: adult. three-wheel: fers with carrying baskets for transporting farm products, Lools, weapons, and ather Thulky stuff; f and 1 speeds for faster travel and longer trips, especially in billy country; one or three speeds for flatter tecrain and shorter Lrips; tandems. for groups: and even Motocross bikes and ‘mopeds, “Motoerosses” are bieyeles with reinforeed, heavy frames built like dirt ‘motoreyeles but without the motor, and while heavy and cumbersome will last practically forever; "mopeds" are power fed by tiny engin of es one hp or 80 and are Just the ticket for frail riders who find ‘regular bieycles too slow or uring. They get over 160 mpg when motoriorngean be propelled by auxiliary pedals with the engine off, There are seversl types (uropean and Japanese) available in the ‘VS, and all are fairly expensive ($400-+) compared to most regular bikes, but their potential usefulness and simple upkeep (compared to cars and motoreveles) might justify the initial oost, expecially when gas Even alightweight 10.speed can carry a lot of stuff in frame-mounted baskets or attached bieyele trailers (manutactured or improvised). Light-weight front and back carriers are also available, the Jim Blackburn tubular sluminum model being the best lightest, and costliest. [sincerely recommend puncture-proof tubes with sturdy tires and steel rims to stand up Lo rough usage and minimize Mats on long trips, because a flat tire is no fun even with'a patch Kit handy. Good lights and reflectors are also essential, even if you don't plan to travel at night. No bieyele light is perfect and most are shabby and not worth a damn, but long years of ‘experimenting have seen me izpravise a fow good ones using six volt waterproof ‘hunting lanterns. T recently rigged up a dandy unit able to run on either straight batteries or off a lightweight generalor, thus overcoming the drawbacks of either system alone (batteries lose juice when old and generators eonk out when wet). T use a rather expensive sealed-beam diver’s lamp, but an inexpensive six-volt flashlight will suffice quite nicely Following is» short bibliography for those who want to look further into bieyeles and bieyele history. The publications marked * are especially good for beginners and should he available st ‘most bike shops. Prices listed are as of
THE SURVIVOR Yol. 2 December, 1976. All other books should be readily available at any good library. Alderson, Frederick. ieyeling: A History: Praeger Publications, NY. 1972 "BMX" Soldado Publications, City of Industry, CA. 1974 Book on Motocross Caidin, Martin and Jay Barbree. Bicycles in War, NY Hawthorne Books 1974
(Continued from Page make our patients believe it.’ Hippocrates (the father of medicine} said wisely, that if a man eats sparingly fand drinks litle, he is early certain of bringing no disease upon himself, and that a moderate supply of food the body best. The quantity nourishes which mature’ really requires offor food her Support is small, and he that eats and drinks moderately at each meal, stands fair to enjoy sprightliness, vivacity, and freedom of spirits, Bodies governed by temperance and regularity are rarely hurt by melancholy, or any other alfectionof the mind. "‘to have « clear head we must bave a clean stomach this 4S the grand reservoir in which ; thefer food is first deposited, and thence its nutri ‘ive poweris distributed throughout all parts of the body. ACETOUS CATAPLASM, or POULTICE.—This is made with vinegar and bran only, or with the addition of oatmeal, or bread crumbs. Tt is fa simple poultice, but very useful for ‘Sprains and bruises. As it becomes dry, it should be moistened with vinegar.
Cuthbertson, Tom. Bieyele Tripping: Ten Speed Press 1972 $3.95. “Bieyeling™* Vestern Publishing Co. NY 1974 $2.86. The Bigyele Book™ Price/Stern/Sloane Pub, Los Angeles 1972 $1.50. Coaster and 3 speed Bicycle Repair; Xyayx Pub. Canoga Park CA. 1972 $3.95. "How co Fix ‘Your Bicyele”* (Helen Garvoy & T. White}
Tam SURVIVOR Yor. 2 Shire Pruss (SF) 1971 $1.00. Humphrey, Clifford C, Baek to the Bike; 101 Publications (SF) 1972. Sloane, Eugene A. ‘The Complete Reok of Bicycling: Trident Press NY 1970, Smith, Robt, A A Seelal History of the Hicyele; American Heritage Press. Woodforde, John. The Stary of the Bieyele; Universe Books, NY 1970.
Making T-Squares
By J. B MURPHY F iele of iny kind presents a distinc? probe Jem in itself, but the producsios ul & Targe aumbet of the same article mist tbe dine in a ilifferent way, if ellicieney and yuiteraity ia the product are d fable qualities, Taking. for iastance, the making nf a larg: numberof T-squares the materia! is not mas np in the -2me manier as for ane. Where a number ff these instrumentswas requized, they rete made as follows, with no usher ‘equipment than bewelr juuls ania band Saw. The 4 having both stock an hogany edged with maple. The hlaces to the stock with ZOLIAN HARP, To Manu- fastened theboth other. ‘They bead hhutton facture an—L2t a box be made ex-of ‘The macerialserevs, for ses, and length to correspond {hin deal, the \Wih cavefl
actly of thefive window ‘which toit theis tobreadth be placed, tnches inin ‘depth, and six in width. "Glue om it at the extremities of the top. two pieces of quarter anda high inch an half about ak for to serveas ofbridges of an inch thick, end. each the strings, and ofwithinside an inch fiveyoaretwo andpieces of lengebeech,equalabout tothe width of the box, whiol is to hold the pegs. Into one of these bridges Sx as many are a violin) pegs to be (like strings,thoseandof into the asotherterefasten ssMtachmanyone soall end ofbrassthe pins, Suings,(0 which "Then Sting the instrument. with frstiddie stings, end. ofthe themopposite and ‘wisting fising the otherone round. peg. Betirawnheselight,strings, must bewhich tuned should in unison.not passage byfor fourthe propersupported procire &board ‘Towin a hind, at about over thefromstings i placeddistant Dees, inches the sounding ENE in the the ;Sostramest Place open board.” Increase ta open and, pay Mindow the the fore ofthe current of ale,
From Popular Mechenix 1919
store then two more faced nieces aft on cotsing, irom sie hades andpiecesie "were ade each. iedaiterome savings tide of Tae each holes piece forthe tn be red ferews were dred with a small hand ane Fir assembling, jig was made by nailing « piecedrawing bf stork,boast’ty in‘One . hick, toa staight end oftruethebelore pieve itwasa, planed straight and fastened is place Stops were provided to loee the stock and‘Wedgesbold werethe ‘bisge square withstockik w e d co keep both znd Bladewere.gait inserted.he saps “The” whilewedgesthe Screws were nod in dsiven with thea hammer, pushed firmly with Angers Eat
blades was glued up and finished to the sizes given at A and B, ‘The material twas cut to gauge lines on the band saw, the blades being a seant 4y in in thick= ness, and the stocks, % in. Two of ach were cut from cach prepared. piece, frst freon one side and then from
THE SURVIVOR Yol. 2 window. doorof the room or an opposite prostrings te When the wind blows, the all of re admixtu duce a pleasing most the in scale, notes of the diatonic delightful harmonic combinations.
THR SURVIVOR ‘A Simple Self-Contained Motor From Popular Mechanix 1919
‘To say that the subject of ths ati is the simplest motor in the world is apparatus WELSH,to brew. fot to overestimate it, forthe FINE ALE, i s " not only a o w t y r o —Poar f gallons of water, bot rotor reduced to of bushels eight om bog quite not iat its easential ele andtime lettinfusestandfourthreepoundshours,of ral mest, but comit mean ibe cover TnHops'in Bines within and andput runthe a itehops hottatawater, sell itsof electric own ub, the’ and fwater souree to. ole and Begetherwon three apna, owes, all with: hors, e h t off Strain hours. Dut the usepieceof ofa the Let beer. soa the for Steep Single cool putevough high ft std thein yeat, frort ‘wires The experiine two which of Tresene is very tend of , t i get eanbot you or ale, of quart teresting and ad hly thoroug Mix yest, beer Sal Instrctive "and work. doae has theor wort When sen, will well repay yeast the day, hind the secon fgwel Stix a earelat "cone mie, the o f ie than rier Struction alon t i as ale the tua and then, t i Femove the lines indicat Sime, nat quart pura out; ‘Works tifut even thoughacn fermentatio the prevent © gently tie Sn strict weltthe which over onlyPutatoo bitlog,of paper Fora cordance with thelior the dimensions Dang-bole two or ties days beforestop: fiven ‘The frst step brew.— iy to procure a permanent to Beer, Strong or er Pak magnet, the bogshead ‘twelve bushels of mat youto wan about fy i n . in diameter and 6 in. Lon oa elon {Erbe If sacha magnet cannot be ood body), eight for ale; for ether ienily eecureds piece of tool steelconvewith of wae, whole aunty Joule Be hardened by heating andlbot,fe fit‘tigaendsdullshould ‘on at once, at mot boing, red and plunging tin water, find then readily stronglyaccomplished magnetized. slipe by "This may be over wire insulated. Ding 2 collwhithof he erent fom or Shrug age lattery or sct of primary cellsis passed. Ithese are not st hand, almost ic from the wort two bours hing electrics! supply” store wil mage begins to boil. Cool a pailful to add nelize the sted itthree quarts of yeast to, which will pre
hey an Hs
“A square base block with neatly bev led earners is nav inorder, which is trimmed up squarely and a Hole bored centrally through it to receive the lower end of the maynet. Procure a neat spool and make a hole in it tu pass over the magnet, large- Glueenowg’ the ‘of hops dried spool to the base after locating it in the exact center. ‘The outer and larger cylinder is of copper, oF of brass, copperplated on the inside, Tt is cup-shaped, with a wih certainty that farther ntention, PRESERVATION OF GRATS AND @RED EX Tithowe cheneal or Tal, ofthe grain hth elements ‘The ale will be ready in three or four Dr. Tos, of Franc, pro ‘sl be yoperly preserved months; and if the vent-peg never be poolSoinethetinete since roses is ufforselsthe pond af raetimpreservacian ot sed ait hase Furthor adexpotimeate VE all Kinde "halen is aivectan sacs 10 be APPLYING PAIY? 70 PLASTER CASTA that the process has an evo "After the beer or ale has ran from the mis nell ucertaine or receive sive maypainoredr om & mecesry pect, and laser themoderne while clvesmle andof thee is, pour & aod half for. Sconomival fread f i t e d to by appiiog i r c a n be iaege ize ata fe and @ hogshead ofanid.eatin ofreali one pare aluuman in Bo the wayir he hating exaust proce nlof ones watertwelve ifelghtbushels, were brewed ; tah andof {nt ‘otfar aoe ‘The afin, ft adr tented ofi this ‘ont ftite Hes skie, Upon which the palit way den be Id, Continued page 488 selci mmnain ea indefnite namter of eat
HtE E i
"for putting to the rest when ready ext ay; ‘bot if posible pat together the same night. Tun as usual. “Cover
hole in thethe bottom majust large enough to permit g n e t tobe pushed rough with 3 cle, to make'smaybe good slectrealconeact The magnet fit anaplacethebyCopper having cinder, i costly adBe theby Spool soljeing themails,esaseo ofits s under couple sideof smaland fiche, oF Griviag them teh, fito theor paraffin, spool Cost thethe magnet with from toptwits down, and around its eonneedon the bottom of the cylinder, The Small thimble shown ate top shoud iehn ofbe brass orformed copper,of sheet and while one eavily metal Sdone soldered itis not imprabable that ould smal be madearc in ofsermless formcomerc Ente trom ferme act of the male under 9 siegeod ofmarkethe {egwwktnaof center this thimble, prckpunch after whichfleda small Treene ueedle thumb tack shouldbe to pomt aud placed, postof Uy corel cental onthe upper end tmayoes,heto smaller which ticylinder bed with ithe& Sak is simply ewe of cee Sia! Ment fitsof such tae iader rieice sprang tatit over may fhe lower end ofThis hedove,ddnbie ie isto only feceteary slphe Bieipe over fdfee ofuntthe mage ene‘on Thimtte rests ‘ack, andthefame thumb then pour dilutesui: an or i e Hcuter e acid cylinder, ito the Siter whichand theat fhimbie fached ineroutewil —_a— begin to Teethe reaulting “equine strength of the acid aid Speed will depend upon the ofmcety of Sspension andthe trueness the rotating rinebe changed, cylinder. but‘Thethesinecopper will Fave'ta tndergoes no deterioration.
Preview of li fe in coming dark age
Western civilization doese’t have to blow Aiselt up to tear itself down, according to Roberto ‘Vacea. In his book “The Coming Dark Age,” the University of Reme electronics and computer pert predicts a massive breakdown of our enorously complex technological systems between 1985 and 1995—a “knockout” resulting in w return to a primitive way of He: The quality that sets Vacea's book apart from many Prophet-of Doom manifestos. is the logic with which hé not only the coming technological coldescribes lapse but also Its aftermath. In the following excerpt, “Preview of Life in the Coming Dark on the problems facingable theto he speculates Age," survivors of a catastrophe we may not be wold. By ROBERTO VACCA Tt Is not necessary for a few kilomegatons of hydrogen bombs ta explode for hundreds of millions ‘of people to be killed. ‘The same result may occur by less violent and more lntticate means: that is, by virtue of the fact that vast concentrations of human beings are in volved in systems that are now so complicated that they are becoming uncontrollable. This hypothesis ot an apocalypse that is impersonal, casual, and ‘unpremeditated—is more tragic than the other. My thesis Is that our great technological systems ‘of human organization and association are con-
Hnuously outgrowing ardered control: they are now reaching critical dimensions of Instability. As yet, & crisis in & singlé system would not be enough to Dring a great metropolitan concentration to « ball But a chance concomitance af stoppages in the sane could start a catastzophie process that ‘would area paralyze ie most developed societies and Teadto the deaths of milions of people, One cannot demonstrate a priori, of course, that chance coincidence of events—dectine, congeston, and slowdown—must leaa inevitably to ais. aster: not, atleast, In a developing situation such as describe. It seems very likely, however, that the most developed nations are on the way coward breakdown on w large scale, Countries that are less advanced than others (either on the way to modeccily, or still under: developed, or just backwarl) wil unly be involved In the crisis to a marginal extent, Seventy per cent of the population of the world will not be much in fared by the first wave of destruction, On the other hand, the nore advenced nations will be more vulverable to the harm that will ac. ‘company the breakdawnof the great systems: in the dark age that would follow, their total populacion aight be halved. Since these nations would include Europe and the Soviet Union, North America and Japan, some 900 ‘alllion people would be involved, or about 30 per Cent ofthe present population of the world ‘The death of 450 million people In the world’s most developed countries would mean that sclen tlle development, technological research, large undertakings in civil englaeering, industrial mass production at low cost, tie whole organizing and directive structures that function In modern soclety, ‘would come roca Efficient Jig Saw
How to Keep Flies Out of the House From Popular Mechanies 1928 There are fly swatters, Ay papers and various kinds of poisons for getting rid of hhouse flies, but all of these have some disadvantages. A better and more effective way is to take a small clean sponge and place it in a dish after dipping in very hot water. Immediately after dipping. the sponge, apply a few drops oil of lavender on it. Flies do not like theof odor, and will leave any place where itis present. If the sponge is moistened about twice a day, Ales will not come around: Burglar-Alarm Circuit From Popular Mechanics 1925,
‘The burglar-alarm cireuit shown inithethe drawing cannot be put out of order utSppatatus'requiced ting an alarm,area “The onlywhichspect felayy may beef most any type four cole of equel nee,he andalarmthe circuit closedcireuit battery. completely eonine nected a8 shown te relay wil tema the bate Doth sidesare of connected because Sperative {eiy, positive and negative, {0qualath amounts end otheof ray winding through resistance, “The torelaythe Sina neutral position with respect ‘battery and:sidereceives no.bridgecurrent. Now,th Should the of the forming Biarm Toop become unbalanced, shor cuited, or broken, the current would flow
Jigsaw is anenbled as illnrated im drawings Now ingenious arrangtoent of Gam (Ope through the relay winding, causing it to From Modern Mechanics 1981 operate and the bell, or other alarm ‘OUon can turn out some neat sroll work attached, as illustrated above, a bearing from Gevice—C. M, ringCrouch, Minnespolis, Minny this simple litle jigsaw, which fs 4 phonograph motor. The shaft and cam fare made from an old poppet valve, the con sade from fana fewovally’ scrap Baspiecesaround, that every workbench The nection to the saw arm being made by a iron. The motor for operating {rangement saw arms a is llusrated extéemely thepiecejigof sawstrap imple, and ofare theassembled. may be connected to the shaft by gears, bell, or joined divectly. A quarter ‘hove.’ upright,so they Should beMounted greased omat thethe wooden pivot points that horse motor will run the saw without «hitch,
they easily. whichThe i sawsupported table co by Bisa ofwill« swing wood dise, three pipes with «oneinch flange, as hole shown,boreThe inbladethe pase through Peto shown, ‘The novelty saw lies in the device ‘which tranamita ofthis power to the awe arm. To 4h upright made from a crank hole cap is
bata oncigth hose wil don pe operation always keep l "Atachment part well oiledof to insure smooth running. de is simples merely bore holes SESE“ theInthe sawends b and bot thetheblade to the ends of the saw arma, keping totrateprevent heating. ofThepart arrangement
reteset aban aeh le
‘The door knocker to. match this set of hinge plates is made from two and shown in pieces3, ofwhile34-in.its stock IB Fig. pattern is given in
DEESSING up the oak doors with hardhandewrowght wrare alls fora hanile Knocker hinge plates to. and. correspond ‘One of the simplest types of hinge plates is pictured intri Figto accompanying, Iy'sith shown thatch ‘The making ofin Figs the hing mands, frst of all, a paper pattern fuled off in Tin, squares on which tpattern he designis istransferred draven, Theto completed the stock, hich can be either 36n, wrought Iron, of Yé-in, Swedish iron, which is ofGt the finer same texture.generalSoft malleabilty steel, which bu it Considerably harder than either of the others but of fine quality and fairly oractical for shaping. "eotd” cain also be used, Brass and copper, too, efects.2 hack: The designproduce is fst beautifel cut-out with sswvand cold chisel, asin Fig 4, snd the eiges are then smoothed with a fle. oles. should ‘be Aulled through the hinge atthe points indicated to take fasten= Ing and as theon door fs notnails,dependent these iselé fa tenings, they maywith be hand= held in place merely nails, forged ‘These canpyramid-headed be made quite sim heads of by ling’ thegalvanized bly.Found:headed mils to. obtain: the proper dummy thape, or by making square heads from a 4-in.as shows in piece iton, fs fest drilled Fig.lengeh~ ‘of wrought bar The the end. is wise dowa the. center, and shape the fled Fed to pyramid sawed isoff. heldThe indummy thenformed portion Read thus Gnisking! nail, jlace after with asmall Which’ the dummy head i tightly
tock on a fat surface with a hamJver, as shown in Fig 7. The eye is | egl——tham mered first; then, by gradual rolling from the smaller eurves nto the larger ones, the complete curl of the knocker is fashfoned. The piece can then be ipped over a section of pipe lightly hammered to fake ‘out bumps and hollows. Fig. 8 Shows the assembly of the two pieces, the knocker portion being held to the plate with a soft-metal of rivet,the fitting plate. the turned-over portions are fastenings the Like the hinge plate, as long as be should fake nails, but these have may they that order in possible holding power. “Round-headed greater ‘wood screws may be used throughout, if the heads are hammered down Tater. A door handle and plate, in a matching tul cylinder lock design, to Bt any standard are also shown, The handle portion of the lock proper is bent to shape and 1s round ed in the front, while the concave back ccan then be built up with solder with antimony. If the hardened handle is of the knob type, the knob should also be hammered, as Fig. 18.designs in door trim are in Other feasible. The more ornate equally ‘ld-English hinge with accompa ying hardware, as shown in Fig. 9, is particularly adapted to some hhomes, while the simpler colonial type, shown in Fig. 10, is well suitfed for either town home or TakeSide cottage. Hinge plates for chests, toolboxes, ete, are shown in Fig 5. Plain or hammered ‘brass, copper or aluminum ‘may be usdfor these
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 526 Finishing the hardwate is often done TheBy Patrick Horse as a by applying about three coats of linseed Wastie appl successive each with off burned cl, of genes before the tation, which blackens the metal. THsAft{ For many Rundrols t hardware, exterior for nish iAiste thebest (and. wasteful) “modern” (and, seit faerie: wasteful gavent, ofof 'modera” process, the high spots advent er Gen blackening fre. brightened by rub: T a M S P ' the horse was the major 3 fue Brighcened by rub- planes, ete»transportation other than foo. with emeey Toth fyeans of bing Sar ‘The Arabs were. probably the first to ‘horses. After the crash domestiate ete, ra. automobiles, icobeaned bing the materialEnhif brass or copby per, won't be ofmuchhydrocarbon good for sources the since soapawhile pumicestone, powdered fine With fuels will be shut down, That's where the metal quite ndBrightwater,fora ‘his time, willbur enve f soonthechanges to‘ borse comes into the picture. Although deep, sich bronse calor. Tt deste, cope not economical for individuals, groups per can be oxidized by dipping it into a would be wise to latch onto some horses Inistace liver obaling f sulphur and water cite and maintain basically Troupit 00of tig potnt.‘Tue'sleces nad eckvesthem.derCareTouris eadiagy: freafinethenbrashrinsedandin pumicestone clean water, after 1), Food,mostthis expense. is probablyof owing. going to behorse.the are usedwhicht0 single Stghtly brighten the high spots Theatre averoge qonntty of lead fr ¢ Te is therquite andpractical to go a step faris different needs make actual workinghorse.fo": Every RQ” horse accordingly. ‘Some.and factors
Mises osm i ign Mi ood Snucecingeesing 1b, f08 scoring. are Yow muchSome, wer fac ors” Mieste hae gay ding abd ow dt OF he grain ‘thold-backs," to match almost any U96dt0 feed horses. Oatsis the one that
old-acks! to match almost any fe used in the greatest quantities. Second these grains are grown , sora. Both feom iWithout are cutindicat1S Both fiat iron to ofthetece dimensions too ‘much difficultyif youso have your a hungry go never need HOFSe 9 place with field ini Gapped fd,Sein andboltare which a mixture andof feed is nutrients, Commercial farm. cor, into + oats, various bavley, The 1. iggecrew. ss shownin Fig Fig. 18 molasses. This glop is called sweet. feed Shutterdog design in concave on account of the and is pretty sticky where Should be mate slightly the summers live Ifyou will not mar molasses. edges sharper the ohe that shutter. Hooks are also quite neces- are hot, adjust your feed level as the
sary if a semicadjustment of the shutters is desired. These are readily fashioned from ¥4-in, square stock, as shown in Pig. 12, while the twist ean be made by means of'a pipe wrench, with the stock inclosed
amounts of carbohydrates in sweet foed ean cause an animal to get sick in hot weather. Sweet feed is about $5.00 for 50 Tbs. or 10 cents a pound. "Hay jg lao a consideration, Don't buy
formed later.
‘mean you have to go out and buy $5.00 a
faa Vos to Theprevent ges ta, Se seen onbay shown #binin igs oye andGti hook are abe, Stor ay from, Z
Froin Popular Mech, 1919
A concrete workerconcrete was asked by fora farmer to build'a bain watering the poultry. Havingno forms Ethand, theandmechanic used an shown ordinaryin ‘washbasin a wood box as Theillustration. The basin greased before it was placed in thewas concrete ‘The. completed concrete basin was buried with its upper surface level with the ground,
bale bay. Just make sure it is not junk. During the cold part of the year feed ‘your horse one or two “fakes” (a bale of fay is about 10 or 12 sections or fakes)
Survival Tool twice a day to provide roughage and nutrients normally provided by grass. ‘A mineral block is also necessary to provide trace minerals and salt. They weigh fifty pounds for the large size but ‘you ean get them in 5b. brick sizes. Put ‘your block in a basket or some other form ‘of holder so that it can drain properly. Pasture is usually about 12 acres per horse. Remember, if things get hard, horses can make people-feed, if need be. 2), Wateris probably the easiest thing to ‘come by (unless you live in California). A horse needs plenty of clean, cool waterto maintain itself. A horse has been known to drink 10 gallons of water in a day's ‘time. Keep thatin mind. When choosing a watering container, try to allow 810 gallons for every horse using that trough. ‘The poor man's trough is simply @ used bathtub that is plugged. 3). Shelter. is the least necessary item of horse care. ‘Sure, it looks nice to have a barn to put ‘your horses in, but is it really necessary? ‘Most horses prefer to stay outside. In some of the most blinding storms, « horse ‘won't go intoa stall door 3 feet away. So, building a barn ean be a great waste of money; but the choice is up to. you. 4). Health care, is best left to a veterinarian. However, there are a few things that can be done by yourself. Examples are giving injections, taking temperatures, ete. Most health care is routine, such as having hooves trimmed. But in the event of an emergency, don't hesitate to call a veterinarian. Better sefe than sorry. ‘The above is only meant to whet your appetite for an in depth review. Go to your public library and check in the ‘animal care section. ‘They should have ‘some excellent material on horse care. If they don't then they should be able to order it. Good luck!
Homemade Soap Washes Clothes without Rubbing From Popular Mechanies 1931 A soap, whieh will wash clothes withrubbing, but only rinsing, \EPM owt the usual REA can be fade of commen laundry soap ext slices, 2b, sal soda, 2b., wat 10 qt. Mix the above ingredients and boil for two hours, after which the solution should be strained, Put the clothes into ‘tub, adding 1 Ib, of the soap tosoakeveryin Ducket of water. Let theafterclotheswhich they this solution overnight, are thoroughly rinsed.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 OMPARATIVELY few amat chanies have their shops. e with any device for operating hinery and many oth forgone theby power, pleasure of such machines and tools on’ account of their lack of power. ‘This article describes and illus-
527 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 Windmill Power Plant for the Amateur’s Workshop From Popular Mechanies 1925
trates a windmill that will deliver suf cient power to drive light lathes and Jarfof such machines, All parts of thst the litlemil areoF simple consteuction no dificulty should be encountered in its making. ‘The wind wheel proper is simplicity itself, of a'wooden which consisting eight wooden” spokes. eylinder are driveninto ¢
The canvas sails manner" are attached {0 andthe Spokes inthe. indicated,” iiven a coat of varnish:cylinder A Holeto take is boredthe fivough the wooden Founded ofthe to Hold‘Onevinch the endtwo boards togethersareshalt,wsed forpin serving * theain windweet base ands bow supra Ented, theto vertieal pieces ofthethe wind-wheal base belt {riled ‘accommodate: Shaft, A. simple gear, having a. sauto th Hole thvough its center, is secured Square end wooden of the shale; this gear cone Sts ofa dik of suitable size inthe. circumference of which headless nals,"The evenly spaced, folds are theinserted. vane, which wheel over to thea ivtnade by sewing. canvas ice frame, and varuishing the same
a8 the andcanvasrevolves sails. The fests ona wind-whee! wooden. base disk railed to the top of the boxe support, dry graphite being used betwee thePlenty‘phetitoof‘vertical surfaces to Tubrieate them. at its shale has mounted upper ends ssi, gear simlar to thaté om windsoheet
by toRon emphasize bank that. the 1 would like’ lifestyle Tam weiting about will be only a temporary expedient. Itwerewill unprepared exist only hile those people who arena panic andpotential dying forfoodstupid reasons, stateeven of though and ther means to save themselves are at hand. Soon you will have to go ahead and bogin the steps to rebuild, doing 30 you ensure yourbecauselong)onlytermby {Lis dificult for anyone to look athisor her dog own perhaps,dog butobjectively, ot that onesomeone special else's dog. YYou'will no position to ownbloodedly a pet. Your dog bewillin have to be cold considered what Survivalis. value he or she may be to youasa for fellow
‘The jobbe which your dog would be given vould the With one it Fidoknowsthe instinctively, Sentry duty. nightdial shift Sentry patrolingt would be very Taranyone tomirderyouinyour sleep (On thei. would othe handbe. your dog has to, to stay ea. Also impossible inconspicuous 8 you a mist i some When idiotici mute Keeps yapning songbirds comes timeeoaperation for you to go huntiog, most Extreme would bequitrequired from your do frit remain while yousalkyou sopper The show dogs as a group can be by-passed survival use. They are bred for"Thelooks,sporting nofor brane breeds oer possiblities, provided that the dog that interests you
“The power of the wind is transmitted to the machinery, tn fill neath, by another set of gears m the ‘manner Starting shown and in th stopping the machin~ ‘ery, a simple gear shilter 4s provided, 25 A.widethe groove “nthe is cut insmaller the shaftdrawing. over which IS YOUR DOG FIT TO JOIN YOUR SURVIVAL
gear-shilting gears lever inis mesh fitted, while as indicated, the tae ‘TochineryHold isthein operation, « catch which en hanger foris gages fade, thesimplebottommeansof thebeingshaftprovided Teleasing the eateh so that the gear shifter an‘Of be “course, moved, ‘the operation of, such a power is dependent on theno ‘sind, butplantif there fs any windentively blowing, nate the windmill will operate,from wit"Sveh direction, an apparatus canbe Srranged to deive stich amatlmachinery as churns and jeeceream freezers, and the Speed be regulated by varying size Of the candriving and driven pulleys.the The Should all be of the same size. GROUP has been bred for the field, not show. Even then it would be best to avoid the very finest of these. You want an adaptable dog, not a specialist. At least the hunting “breeds have one vital ngredient, brains ‘The breeds of dogs which have been deliberately bred to be house pets also ‘offer possibilities. "They are small, and usually alert and intelligent. Avoid any ddog with a stiff price tag, beeause as the price goes up you approach the brainless show dog strains. Many of these dogs are high-strung: avoid them. Among these small pet types you will find many individuals, each with the potential to become an’alert sentry that doesn't eat ‘much and has brains enough to keep quiet.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 Don't deliberately pass up any dog of any breed because ofits small size. A cold ‘wet nose in your ear followed by a whining snarl will have you instantly wide awake with your fists clenched around your rifle, should the need ever arise For general defense size would mean nothing. Even a well trained team of killer dogs is apt to see their expensive training wasted by a carefully placed fusilade of ‘your bullets eracking over their heads and thudding into their targets. ‘The German Shepherd has some excellent strains, but ike any of the larger breeds, it eats. The lower priced strains tend to be vieious and stupid. If you can stash away a considerable quantity of dog food, get one from a reputable breeder. Tell him you want the dog as a house pet that could provide home protection. That way you'll get a sentry with the two vital ingredients that a survival dog must have, brains and common sense. don't blame you if instead of visiting a kennel to pick up that perfect Survivalist, you try to make do with your present dog. ‘Your dog may be just spoiled mutt at the present time, but when your behavior reveals the ‘extreme gravity of the situation, your dog will either watch you very closely for leadership, or die of heartbreak because his good old days are ‘Your dog will have to learn to respond to hand signals. The two most important of these are the finger over your mouth meaning “quiet,” with the other hand clamped around the dog's muzzle at first for emphasis. The other is the finger speared straight down at the ground, meaning “sit.”
could end thingswrongfor [A disobedient onedog blunder with stura forayatthedog ae allo youison fine , just to see whatmusti eanbe jou occasionaly behavior sway bywith,the Such Jetbuntered reprisal extreme | moment, most possible ft the. earliest bel around irom thethatheavydelivering preferably Irealie waist. Your would sicken you withsuch itsa eating But I bardly chink that death brutality. form inthe group your and you o Coming n tstarvatio ora gang of looters woudi notbe of leniency les brutal! itAitresults Sry in few dead leniency fealy Survival, Such strongarmed leadership wil helpaf seriousness the your your dogo understand show wil Te situation. iheyou are sincere when you give doghim thatan are @ that youfolowing, wil show and Brder wort wel leader, powerfal you are capable ofovercomingthe Ercnuse Such leadership problems that dogbe ashead.fecling of security. your give Wral upand marten our dog wil very qucky
528 make sure that you don't exercise such ‘strong armed leadership too often, at least not on his backside, ‘There is a chance that your friends are apt to mutiny against your strongarmed treatment of your dog. There is another way to teach discipline to your dog. However, it would be best to have your dog already familiar with it when the time comes. It is known as parade squaring the dog. ‘Alter your dog’s next act of disobedience tiea fifty foot or longer rope to your dog’s collar, at one end of the discipline area. Order the dog to “sit.” If your dog refuses, give your dog a swat with an empty glove, not hard enough to get people hysterical, just hard enough to impress your dog. March the full length of the rope, uuncolling it as you go. If your dog starts to follow you, give the dog a swat, return the ‘dog to position and repeat the “sit” order. March the full length of the rope, ‘without your dog. Turn around and call the dog. If your dog refuses or doesn't ‘come fast enough, help the dog by reeling him in hand over hand. Tell your dog to “sit.” March to the far end of the discipline area with your end of the rope in your hhand. Call the dog. Reel the dog in if you have to. Tell the dog to “sit.” Start ‘marching another lap, and repeat and repeat and repeat. ‘After the last time you have to swat your dog, do fifty more laps of the iseipline area. Untie the rope from your dog and try one last lap without it. If your ‘dog obeys, you are done. Pat your dog and go do something else. Ifyour dog refuses, brace yourself. Next time you get your hands on that dog the ‘two of you have, hopefully, only fifty one more laps to go. No one will seriously object to you disciplining your dog this way, because of the small amount of brutality. Your dog will find-this method of discipline at least as severe as the strong armed method because of that horribly prolonged monotony. Either way, your dog will get the idea. You order. He obeys! ‘When the time comes, your dog will have to adapt to some grim new foods when our conventional dog food runs out He will see that you to have had to adapt to new foods. Switching over to a diet consisting of rabbit guts, and-sueh slop, will be made a lot easier by watching you and your gang share the rest of the rabbit. Some dogs will stubbornly refuse to accept such traditional dog food. There is no point in throwing the guts away and offering your dog something better, something that a human being could eat. Any dog thrives on such treatment, and yours would be a fool not to take
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 advantage if you can be suckered in, Not all dogs are fit to be Survivalists, Leave the guts alone, Let them wait for your dog. Offer no alternative food. Turn your back on your dog and the guts, and tell the others to do the same. Let your dog Gecide. To your dog it willbe a matter of life or death. Your dog has more right than you to make the final decision. Unless your dog has been hopelessly spoiled, he or she will make the transition more easily than anyone else. The dog that barks at the postman, and later wags his tal and prances around to greet you at the door is already half way there. A FIFTY CENT ELECTRIC STOVE
From Popular Mech. 1919, Few persons realize what an intense heat may be developed when the globe of an ordinary incandescent lamp is, tightly inclosed, largely eliminating the loss of heat. When the lamp is i closed, the temperature will increase tuntil the rate of radiation is equal to that at which the heat is generated. A ‘good reflector is a poor radiator, hence, When the metal wall surrounding the lamp is bright and shiny, both inside and out, the heat is reflected inward. ‘To make a small stove that will keep liquids warm, melt paraffin, dissolve glue, ete, procure an ordinary 16-cp. carbon lamp, a porcelain receptacle and a bright, clean tin can, about 4 in, in diameter and 7 in. long. ‘Thoroughly blacken the bottom on the inside, and then solder cn four small brackets, cut from sheet brass or copper, so that the ‘can may be held down firmly, when in~ verted on the base. The latter should preferably be made of hard wood, with the upper edges beveled, as shown. Next bore the hole for the wire or flexi-
ble cord, Fasten down the porcelain receptacle, connect the wiring, serew in the globe, and serew down the tin can; the stove is then ready for operation.
Tr SURVIVOR Vol. 2 perfectly safe. Practical Food Storage ‘The following list will give you an idea ‘of typical items and shelf life to be demands a lot from a person, and failure to By Tommy Murphy ‘observe a reasonable balance between ‘expected at 70 degrees F. Storage fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, in order Package Tile than to insure an adequate supply of vitemins Some foods store a lot better they at 70°F type: ure ‘and minerals, can cause health problems. Item: at which others, and the temperat Applesauce glass are stored is an important factor. ‘The storage life of supermarket foods Apricots a one varies. Generally, we wantto have at least Generally the foods that are least Beef Stew (0) year supply of food on hand.to Onesee year refined are the most stable. Salt and sugar Beans and Franks you for instance, is adequate as it is enough can be stored for a long Beef Goulosh some at that so through the four seasons without deterioration if they, are Beef Bouillon lass time for periods point you will be at the proper fept dry. Certain dried foods such as Beverage/Base a always is Blass planting vegetables. Cost peas, and rice also have a long Coffee, Instant lass factor in such planning, so it is best to use beans, life if protected from insects and Corn Beef Hash the food items that are most easily storage moisture. At 70 degrees F.. itis possible Chieken & Dumplings adapted to everyday use. The ordinary to store unrefined foods and unprocessed Chieken {foods available from retail stores are not cereals and seed foods for periods of time Corn entirely satisfactory for storage. Since the in exeess 10 years if properly packaged. Jam glass long, these foods ‘Also suchof dehydrated life is not very Storage items as instant Luncheon Meat a periodic basis. They must be replacon ed and tea, instant puddings and Lima Beans fare bulky and require considerable ‘offee gelatin, can be stored, again if properly Milk, non-fat, inst. of type this storage space. Why consider for 7 to 10 years. lass Peanut Butter food in our plans? Well, basically because packaged, "The problem with most canned goods of Instant ‘of the low cast, easy availability, most are high moisture content is that they spoil Potatoes, Peas ready for consumption with no cooking mainly because of corrosion and thus Peaches no deterioration of the metal can. Even with required, and for the most part, Pears for ' d require is water al addition this disadvantage, cannned goods can be carton Raisins be to have factors These on. preparati stored at a temperature of 70 degrees F. Roast Beef storage term short the ‘weighed against for a 2 to 4 year period. Containers that ‘Tuna We. are made of glass are better suited for Condensed Soups can year one a Since we are thinking about long term storage, but many food item: 2 plus can Oils supply, at first thought, storage life might that are available in cans, are notin jars, Vegetable ‘Most food storage lists such as those rot seem to be very important, ‘There and of course, breakage could occur. show Defense, from the Office of Civil ‘would be no problem if we could know that mainly the items we wishto stockpile were fresh We have found that buying food for shorter shelf life than thisthe one,conditions consider they against because hedge the good Since shelf. very the a off is eame they storage when case lots under which most people would store items have probably been there a short inflation. Also by buying foodfoodin and save fanned goods, and thus are typical or buy then, to So, prior se we save even more. ‘while, and in the warehou you average. Now the people who read THE than time the of year’s a most in more money it is comforting to know that bank. a in SURVIVOR, are not typieal or average items that we want to store have a shelf could earn on a savings account to buy We make sure our stuff gets the very best life that is longer than might be supposed. [Not onlyis it an economical matter and store but it ensures that you have treatment as does any “too!” of survival Tt is easy to build up a supply of goods ‘now Dried foods are in the same ballgame ‘that are packaged in the conventional way a reserve for any emergency. but come under different rules. Water is in the shelf life of without a strain on the budget. It is ‘As a rule to follow temperature plays needed for their preparation and cooking Usually quite easy for my better half, foods, remember that as is needed, (except some dried fruits ean be 8 on items keep peaches, to say Try find, factor. to instance, important ‘an for canned let NOT ‘eaten as is). Dried foods are usually stored DO but cans possible several as buy ‘cool super special and to in bulk containers, rodent, inseet, and food of rate The freeze. fextra for our stockpile. Then she puts the goods 15 every for rustproof galvanized cans, which can be date of purchase on each can with an eterioration will double at most feed and seed stores, or For e. temperatur indelible ‘marker, and as the shelf life degrees increase in at 55 degrees purchased ete rreaches one year, she rotates the goods instance, an item storedwil only have a 1 cop's to store grains, such as desirable vis life, shelf tres year 4 a with with replaces and menu the into corn, rye, ete., together with supplies. This method requires a little year life if stored at 85 degrees.goods, reject wheat, These items store much grinder. hhand canned it but choosing work, little ‘When a and keeping record rust as form than in their such original their defects, in have better that ‘hoard the cans over any to look sure is satisfying start well s a might refined state. You short; dents. or caught be spots, ‘and know that we won't limit to the amount it really creates a good feeling of security. with eans that are in good condition. When ‘Certainly therecanis. store. The purpose of you been that has that food can ‘of ‘opening a package or In planning a food reserv ‘food reserve isto get you through rovgh the check carefully nutrition is very important. It is expected stored for some time, Look for any ehange times and in good shape in order that you fo edibility. that in a survival situation, individuals incontents f o r your provide to have a chance will be under a lot of stress soit is best not color, odor, in texture, such as eaking, may to secret no really is interior future needs, There to spring any new or unusual food on ceurdling, or jelling, mold Igrowth, a common sense them. Stick to basie family favorites. Go to ‘rust, fermentation, ete. t is the least bit being a Survivor, just the local library and check out books on suspect, do not use it. Sometimes a awareness of how delicate and vulnerable or whatever ‘our nationwide system of food distribution {family nutrition, and have the pertinent ‘container will appear therusted will be is to any upset, whether manmade or contents but outside, the charts and tables photocopied. Survival on
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 natural, and preparing accordingly. With adequate food reserves as well as ssociated goods, come What may, you and your family have a good hedge on Survival
Qe Surv tsiveve Thr LIoughAn®
seusinmmmio7C By D.C. Besly “His handwriting” shows him to be treacherous Nineteen hundred years ago, Emperor Nero voiced the above observations ‘concerning a member of his court, It was the first known recorded conclusion regarding man's inner character as reflected by the mark of his hand. ‘The significance about Nero's state ment is the paradox of the kettle ealling the pot black. If history is accurate, it is doubtful if Nero's handweiting could have stood up to a searching, in-depth analysis. Nero reputedly murdered his mother and later his wife. Rumor blamed him for the great fire in Rome, but he accused the Christians. It would be interesting to have graphic evidence of the emperor who recognized treachery in others while obviously holding a lofty opinion of self, A universal failing that is current to-many modern day politicians and others with special interest axes to rind,‘The anal of hand ysis writing allows the ‘analyst to see the inner beingas he really is as opposed to what he pretends to be. Itstrips away the veneer of shame to lay bare the truth of reality. An acquaintance to whom this writer once demonstrated an exercise in analysis later commented, "Next to a twelve-gauge shotgun, that's about the best self protective device I've ‘seen yet! You can really tell who the phoniesar Subsequent articles in the months to ‘come will fully explore violence in youth, dishonesty, integrity, leadership, mood, emotional response, vitality, cunning, hypoerisy and a diverse galaxy of useful ‘genres and accessories too numerous to catalog here, For the moment, some uses and history will be dealt with. ‘The ancient Chinese recognized the of handwriting. King Jo-Hua, psyc livedgy betw ‘who holo een 1060 and 1110 as a philosopher and painter of the Sung period, observed that “handwriting infallibly shows whether it comes from a vulgar or noble-minded person.” Cardinal Richelieu observed, “If you me six lines written by the hand of give most honest of men, Iwill find the something in which to hang him!” In France, every educator must have a working knowledge of graphology, not only to understand themselves better,
Handwriting Analysis but also to determine basic conflicts in their students, the better to guide them in addition to determining and developing latent talents and abilities. Additionally, a truck driver ig not employed in the same country until his handwriting is given a thorough, in-depth analysis to determine if he is a safe and careful driver, but also to determine honesty, if the job requires the handling of eash and valiable merchandise, ‘There are twenty-five distinet trait strokes that reveal dishonesty, but only four such strokes need to be present in a specimen of script to disqualify a prospective employee for a position of trust. The signature of a recent late long-time bureau chief of the nation’s leading law enforcement agency revealed six strokes indicative of dishonesty. The ‘moral being, one never knows when and where such unexpected evidence will present itself On the staff of every school in Argentina is a graphologist whose task it is to keep track of student progress, and to detect and root out nogative traits before they become deeply rooted. The program is also geared toward guiding each student toward his best potential, Lloyds of London has been using sgraphology in its business dealings for over sixty years, and there's no. more conservative firm in the world than Lloyds. ‘The CIA uses graphology as does the FBI, who denies it for reasons best Known to themselves. In certain clandestine cloak-anddagger circles, the waste-basket contents of rival interests are gathered and analyzed to i strengths and weaknesses about rivals, particularly of an embarrassing nature. Such knowledge of another's intimate personality that reveals chinks in his armor could be an invaluable lever in future dealings as most everyone has a skeleton or two of one kind or another hopefully locked up inthe closet. It is only natural that graphology should have its disclaimers. Its poor image in Amerien is chiefly the result of the science having fallen into disfavor through being identified with quackery, the occult, tenleaf readers, astrologers, whose daily forecasts apply to every person in the world born under a certain
sign, and pseudographologists who give ‘oneshot ‘analysis. resulting from. a Puncheard machine at caPnivals and county fairs. ‘Allof the above have given the science «stigma identified with turban-wearing enigmatic "sees all, knows all tells all oracles sitting crosslegged in front” of striped tents, Graphology does not predict leisurely moonlit ocean excursions. to tropical, Fower-seented. climes, culminating in some romantic. episode with some ‘vaporous dream idol with the inevitable pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The only thing graphology can predict is how fn individual may be expected to react Under a given set of circumstances. ‘The discipline. reveals the best and. worst facets of personality, and those seeking an ego trip would be happier consulting a fortune teller rather than a handwriting analyst. Mest academician and layman disclaimers deny the accuracy of the science chiefly because of a subconscious fear of Selfrevelaton, i the truth but be known. In additionto being a fascinating subject, graphology is also. frightening, com.
parableto being on a par with window-peeping. As such, it isn't any wonder that those with paranoie some personal guilt-complexeswould about hotly deny and shun weaknesses something that reveals the true in er being. It might be mentioned at this point that “it is” generally agreed among psychologists that the degree of one's determined by the guilt may of behis denials. The Watergate vehemence Case is 8 good example in support of this theory in that many who stoutly denied any connection later pleaded guilty when no further avenues of escape presented themselves. ‘Those particularly in entrenched positions do not like to have their snug ways of life threatened, and fear of self-discovery could have an ego-shattering effect by finally revealing themselves to be quite the opposite of what they highplaced pretend to.who be.demandMany graphologi cal Individuals s wide a for subordinate of analysis business and professional of variety purposes do not themselves submit to a similar analysis.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 Once a student has mastered the art of conducting an analysis, no one will ever fe him again. The tragic part of becoming adept at the science is that it totally removes the aura of ique that surrounds individuals— particularly the . glamorous type—and reveals their true inner being as opposed to what they pretend to be. In his excellent "book, _HANDWRITING-REVELATION OF SELF, world prominent. graphologist Dr. Herry 0. Telischer states: “World events and ‘complex political situations at home and abroad demand that our political leaders possess the necessary intelligence, fortitude and character strength, and insight to cope efficiently with the vast, array of national and international problems. The analysis of the hand: writing of prominent statesmen and leading executives (with periodic checkups for health reasons) would be of invaluable assistance to the democratic that process. itself. It is importa« nt of candidates for the highest office the land and other statesmen considered for sensitive key positions in government. possess the mental astuteness, the balanced judgement, the emotional stability, the talent “for diplomacy. s0 essential at the conference table. Similarly, the analysis of the hand: leaders would aid in writings of foreign us the intimate know-how in giving dealing with them.” In this conneetion, the pathology of the late President D. Roosevelt atthe time of his re-election to fourth term was a of how a sick man can good exampledamage a nation's future for irreparably generations to come as indicated by his decisions during the Yalta Conference. A vietim of an advanced neuro-vascular disease, he should have retired from office without further delay, as much in his own interestas in that of the nation. Graphology. which is a social science, unlike mathematics, which is an exact science with hard and fast rules. Any seience that deals with personalities cannot be exact as no two of us are exactly alike. Tt scoms that our Creator has subtly planted certain characteristics within our physical and mental beings that not only ‘makes us unique, but which distinguishes each of us from our fellows, and which
Sho provides reseurchers with «wealththe of‘mystery endless material” regarding of man,neverending Tn his search for Knowledge, man has found that no two sets of fingerprints are exactly the same. ‘As a trained former fingerprint technician, this analyst has fingerprinted many sets of identical twins, and for the
531 ‘most part their fingerprint classifications were at wide variances, Fingerprints are accepted world-wide in court as positive proof of identity. Similarly, the legal ‘system of all five continents is based on the assumption of the identity of the signature, and modern money transactions would be impossible if the least doubt existed that signatures could be disregarded in money transactions. In a nutshell, fingerprints tell who we are. Handwriting tells what we arel Police can determine the identity of an “originator of an anonymous phone call by simply making a recording of the call, later making recordings of voices of suspects, then comparing results to obtain matching voice patterns. It seems only logical that our Creator also provided man with the means of obtaining an insight into his character and personality by the evidence produced by the mark of his hand. The only. mystery is why a certain stroke represents a certain trait, but exhaustive studies over the past 70 years lending added weight to the fact keeps that stroke formations do indeed reveal character traits, Actually, the term “handwriting” is a misnomer. “Brainwriting” more aceurately describes the action because ‘muscular’ movements of the forearm, wrist and hand extended to the writing instrument are only incidental to. the strokes: the direct projection of the writer’s thinking. As mind is the builder, whatever is predominent in one's thinking will also be reflected in serip. It makes no difference how the writing instrument is held, the results will always be the same be it the right or left hand, between the stubs of the arms of an amputee; the mouth oF toes of one born without arms, or the mechanical steel hhook substitute for a hand. Education or lack of same makes no difference, nor does legibility or legibility. | The indicators will always be present to the experienced eyes of the analyst. ‘The only way handwriting can change—other than through a series of exercises recommended by a graphotherapeutist to root out corrosive negative traits—is for the persqnality to change for either better or worse, or new skills are acquired or latent talents developed. ‘The uses of graphology are varied as human experience, and may beas applied to determining character, personality and aptitudes. Loan companies and eredit ‘managers may use it in connection with determininga loan seeker's responsibility toward his debts. Personnel managers ‘can determine if a prospective employee is the right person for a particular position,
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 or finding those within an organization qualified for promotion to posts requiring leadership and manager: ship ability. Parole and probation officials ‘ean determine if attitudes have actually changed in those seeking parole, and ean keep current on their progress as well as the probation officer determining ba: conflicts in youths brought before the board to decide on future actior A presmatrimonial compatibility analy. sis would save much future mental, physical, emotional and financial - ex: hhaustion. Love is indeed blind, and many rush into marriage for no more reason than physical attraction during atime when the lovers are putting their best foot forward to make a favorable impression. Quite often it is her sex appeal that is most desirable while she barters that for comfort and security. It is only after the honeymoon when guards are down that each returns to his true personality and troubles begin. Some ‘couples are mature enough to adjust to fone another while many eannot, thus resulting in all the disagreeable activities resultant to severing matrimonial ties ‘This tragedy is compounded when children are involved, Individuals considering going into partnerships in a business could very well ‘submit their respective seripts to analysis to determine if they could get slong. Each could determine his best potential for their mutual benefit. Psychiatrists learned in graphology claim that they can delve deeper into a patient's psyche from the evidence of a couple of pages of seript than a month on the coueh will reveal. Medical graphologists are now’ de termining the presence of cancer through script up to three years before it is detected medically. Dr. Robert Neglar, professor of, psychology at the University of ‘Minnesota long ago adopted graphology as one of his favorite testing devices, He states that the science has repeatedly proven to be the quickest and most accurate testing deviee yet known, And last, but by no means least, graphology may also be used as corrective therapy. By changing negative stroke that could have aa corrosive, psychosomatic influence on such a writer, and replacing it with a positive stroke, the deteriorating influ ‘ence will eventually be eliminated, thus enriching the life and personality of the individual. ‘The script of public figures may be studied to determine if they are really cere in their promises to the public, or if achievement to high office means only a lever to achieve their own personal
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 ‘This area of emotional response makes up about 136 percent of the study group. President Lyndon B. Johnson's script was chiefly objective. He was also an aggressivearm- twister as well. Signifies 2 inclined. Lightly slant, 'B-C normally sensitive and healthily emotions, One hundred consecutive upstrokes are well- balanced person when handwriting measured to obtain the predominent area when inferior it generally ‘of emotional response, or how the writer isshowssuperior; conformity. This mediocrity may be expected to respond most of the farea of emotional andresponse time. You may draw your own conclusions deseribed as the slant that revealshasthe been best regardingthe sbove specimen after you've marital partners because it is half-way ead further. the two extremes of reclined and or now, we will be concerned with between seript: euphoria and hysteria. explaining the various areas of emotional inclined However, there are two sides to the eo response a s they influence the personality. all character and personality ‘The F minus. slant, very redlined, regarding In one respect we have the {ndieatesemotional response rangi from traits. mind softened by sympathy. On low tocompleteindifference, Reactions are controlled the other hand the emotions are held in repressed, behavior evasive, attitude cheek mind. In other generally reluctant, Interests are chiefly ‘words, bywe thehave controlled a c o l i s i o n thought and fgotistcal Such persons are independent, feelings, which evaluates toof ambivilence. hard to get along with, difficult to fathom. latter can evaluate to a split ‘The F- A, reclined slant, indieates the ‘This personality, under certain introvert. cold exterior masks inhibited conditions, orThisschizophrenia is nothing to become feelings. Attitude will be diplomatic if particularly alarmed about as many script is superior, hypoeritical and have this characteristic to a greaterof usor insincere if inferior. In general, the lesser degree from a mere trace to backhand is undesirable. Individuals who, predominent, depending write that way aze too reserved, often Research has revealed thaton cireumstances. B-C slant, ve, not straightforward, and thas been found to be the chiefthewriting slant Self interest is use who artists confidence and forgers dominating factor in this area.with ‘These ‘of their wits for deceptive purposes, and how concerned persons are chiefly from others. ‘Their makes up about 14.0 percent of the study they may benefit group slant. ILis the chief slant of Senator is the best course, but Altitude isnot what Kennedy. individualsirea Edward “yhat’sinitfor me!” Theseof putting ‘C-D. Inclined. Signifies an ardent on often quiteet capable gregarious affectionate, amiable, very sensitive and ‘convincing of friendliness, sake, ‘emotional nature. This slant makes up and sympathy a forposeappearances ness pereent ofthe study group. for effect andthe aboutD-E.15.7 Very it is chieflyTe may be detected but inclined. Signifies an by personal gai. seript of type intensively alive, passionate, a slant, Unnatural backhand negative ‘while also responsive, susceptibleardent, individual. Often a that is definitely Backhand is not veritable brush fire when supported by revealing withdrawal. Both ‘great depth of emotions, Also signifies one {aught in any andschoolF~ ofA penmanship. frequently jumps to conclusions slants are beyond ‘who the F minus before havingallthe factsin hand, and who persons of ‘These judgement. uction and poise reprod a is ‘The above reacts immediately, instinctively, without 10 about isolation used of shell a gauge onstruct nal emotio transparent thinking and upon impulse. a writer world the from obtain withdraw may and One themselves measure slant. any stationery or office in general, and asin the case for women, will often say and do things Such on the spur of protractor from {he moment tha are ater regretted when A security. and guide, e a comfort as for ov marry chiefly the ab Supply firm, By using ‘ample time to cool off has passed. Such of se a by ago respon years several nal conducted test Getermine the emotiofriend writers are inclined to overreact, and society ves, graphology s, relati international. leading themselves, their often express themselves through a slants er. FA or whatev F miaus and the that revealed children, business associates variety of physical gestures. This area of riting ‘composed a small minority of 58 pereent of "The gauge is placed lineuponof handw response is the most predominate among gauge those tested. the ntal horizo the with individuals, and represents 33.0 percent of . letters vertical the of represents ne slant A=B baseli ‘The the inciding with the study. One may witness the conduct of Mind best, indicated. is is paper Objeetiveness d writing. unline on n Seript writte ‘the impulsive at poitial rallies and sports l contro ‘ver matter. The head rules the emotions. ral unnatu an Lined paper exerts ‘events by the cheering, yelling, stomping, to control. selfadhere complete has to subject ‘The with many writers unable in his own waving of arms, whistling, applauding, undemonstrative, be to apt attitude is detached, even indifferent screaming, jumping, swarming onto Fuled paper. The analyst draws' at a point ‘The independent, baseline, then placesthethegauge Self interest playing fields to beat their heroes on the keynoteiseautiousness where a letter touches baselineindicaat torits ‘The Such writers back or murder the opposing team. factor. the dominating Towest. point. with the pointslantof the letter, isstill Avenue advertising writers are in the “I” tothanfollow.the Madison are more interested ‘emerging at the highest wellaware of mass childish impulsiveness, "You!" They seek the best course y upstrokes thus: measuringonlthe
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 whims. In the months to come the scripts of many past and present individuals will bee closely examined among which will be the Kennedys, Nixon, Ford, J. Edgar Hoover, Carter and a host of others. ByD.C.Besly Before getting into the many specific signs indicating traits that alert us to the Geceitful, criminally inclined, the eonchild, itis importantto artist and troubled lunderstand how emotions influence all traits. Tis dangerous for the amateur to try to determine character on a one -for -one or basi, That i, to point toa singleon stroke basis the ‘ovo indicating a certain trait that it is representative of the total personality. All influences must be taken Into consideration to obtain an accurate portraitofthe personality. Notwoof us are alike despite our many similarities. ‘exactly ‘Each of usis unique in our individual way. ‘This is quite evident in medicine, where ‘one remedy may cure while another has hegative side effects, This uniqueness must be taken into account in evaluating character and personality. ‘The emotional nature is the foundation all traitsina writer's character ‘upon which land personality trait is rooted in the ‘emotions; the soil in which it developes, ‘and which influences all other traits in the personality. The slant of handwriting a writer's emotions; indicating the Feflects ‘degree of expression and restraint.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 533 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 and exploit this potential customer unpredictable individual. These persons cality and unselfishness, ‘weakness to the seller's advantage with arelikea reedin the wind that bends every ‘A leader cannot be emotionally or clever slogans and attractive packaging. which way with each vagrant breeze. mentally unstable, have temper, irrital ‘The familiar bosomy, bikini-elad sex Ambivilence is present along with ty, conceit, be il mannered, ostentatio goddess pictured on a wide variety of contradictory inclinations; to yield orto vain, a show-off, egotistical, or hold a men's products as always been a successful protest; remembrance of things past and grudge even when challenged. A good come - on promoting sales if for no other hhope for the future; resignation and leader is one who himself has first learned reason than to get the picture and ‘optimism; opposition and assent; selfish - to take and carry out orders, and should fantasize. One need but stroll through @ ness and altruism. There may be a split possess no defiance to higher authority or super- market to observe housewives conflicting loyalties and hold resentment. impulsively grabbing with both hands to Such variable slant. may Former President Nixon possessed {ll shopping earts tooverflowing with junk indicate frustration because the writer is ‘many of the above mentioned negatives as foods. The traits of gullibility “and torn between love and hate with eventual be graphically indicated. As the submissiveness further lend support. to nervous fatigue. It is the sign of general shall previous article explained emotional impulsiveness. If you are the impulsive inferiority, lack of discipline, laziness, response at considerable length, it will be type, learn to control it, Later artiles will erratic, ‘capricious, agitated, nervous, ‘seen that Nixon's seript reveals emotions cover such methods of control excitable, fickle, non running wild for lack of control. The EandE plus. Acutely inclined. Signifies conforming, and lack indecisive, of good judgement. extreme E plus slant gives unimpeachable ‘one who is fervid, excessively romantic, Such persons will greet you warmly one evidence of this. Here is emotional passionate, jealous, easily offended, day, then cooly ignore you the next. One instability. As previously pointed out, the Gemonstrative, excessively romantic, never really knows how to take them. hysterie exaggerates and over-dramatizes veritable voleano; and in certain instances, every difficulty and ailment, andis likely to hysterical. In fact, hysteria is perpetually lack deep ethical feelings. smouldering beneath the surface awaiting the proper set of circumstances to trigger it. The occasion, luckily, may never arise, but it is always present. It must be taken into consideration if the slant is predominate or merely oceasional. One SURVIVETHROUGH whose slant might measure fifty percent or ‘An over-inflated ego is indicated in the HANDWRITING ANALYSIS more of the script would be more above by the super-elevated capital letters apt to lose control than one indicating « God-like self-image. Capitals D.C.Besly whose slant measured less than a Shortly after he left the presidency, ‘twoan one dhalf times the height of middle dozen strokes. The weaker or press release quoted former President zone letters denote the egotistical, stronger a trait, like all other traits, the Richard M. Nixon as stating, “We, as a conceited person. The higher the capitals ‘more or less’ likely the change of country, have to provide strength and the stronger the trait. Here is one loving expression.The hysteric exaggerates and Teadershi display witha strong of exaggerated over- dramatizes every ailment and ‘This from a “leader”, whose eapacity for pride evaluating to sense vanity. is difficulty, and is likely to lack deep ethical leadership was aboutas low asit is possible self-love, and as such admits to noVanity faults oF feelings. ‘Former President Nixon had to get, and who isleast qualified to discuss mistakes. strong presence of hysteria in his seript. the subject. ‘That Nixon loved display evidenced Nixon's personality will be covered in a Leadership, the ability to. assume by the pomp and ceremony wassurroundin fature article. Of the seven areas of ‘command is very often filled by those who White House activities such as theg emotional response found in personality, do not possess the ability to any great comic-opera uniforms the security forces the E and E- plus is the second most dogree. They have achieved their positions ‘were outfitted with in assuming “palace predominant area of emotional response, bby having been in the right place at the guard” image following one of a Nixon's and makes up 17.5 percent of the study. right time when it was necessary to fill a visits to Europe where some remnants of ‘The above indicates the masses. are managership vacaney with whatever decadent royalty still exists. The band chiefly impulsive, jumping to conclusions ‘material was at hand. For the most part, always struck up “Hail To The Chief" each withouthaving al the factsat hand, or are history reveals that the world is and has time he appeared in public along with hysterieal, having the capacity to lose ‘been run by mediocrities who have arrived trumpeters sounding and self-control under extreme emotional ‘on the basis of a small talent, or who were Flourishes”. If any president“Ruffles was ever ‘experiences when facing a Not the tools of higher-ups, sworn to earry out bloated ham for theatries and attention,& exactly an encouraging picture, but the programs of special interest groups. Nix first prize. took on something which may be hopefully Leadership is the sum of many parts. ‘Additional evidence of Nixon's laek of corrected when edueators finally realize First of all there should be education, touch with reality is found in the the harm that has been done for centuries training and experience. A leader cannot super-elevated small by the built-in auto- suggestion inherent indulge in selfconsciousness, self-center name. Graphologically,letter the“din smallthe first “d” in the school copy-book method of ‘edness, or be greedy. There should be no indicatesthe presor ence absence of pride, penmanship that reflects the negat lust for power or to domineer. There depending on height. In this instance, it qualities of those who designed the should be a capacity for diplomacy free indicates vanity gone wild. Upper loops exercises. After all, penmanship teachers {rom the taint of hypocrisy; initiative, and the abstract imagination: plans, are not graphologists, more the pity. If we the ability to organize. There should be a represent ideas, theories, and spirituality if other are to survive, we must learn need for responsibility with the supporting traits are present. The selfcontrol! competence to handle responsibility. Constantly changing slant. Writing that ‘There should be broadmindedness—re- different of the upper loop of the reflects @ variety of slants indicate the spect for the opinions of others—praeti ‘small “h” height as compared with the small "a"
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 are inconsistent, indicating. theoretical instability. ‘The extreme height of the “a” reveals a powerdrunk vanity that is reaching beyond its grasp. Vanity seals off one’s guilt sense. ILis pseudo self-esteem, and as Such ig above the law that governs ordinary folks. Such a writer's thoughts arenot dominated by sober thinking, while at the same time the unusual height reflects unrealistic idealism and flights of faney and illusionsof grandeur. Here alsois, revealed a fantasy world into whieh such & writer retreats when he feels that the ‘world of reality does not accept him. Below isan example of Nixon's signature during his final aysof office, The shocking,
change reveals personality deterioration, aided and abetted by an extremely. ‘emotional being who could not stand up well in the face of a crisis. Hysteria ‘overcame the super-narcissist. Maybe someday the masses will cease to judge every aspiring. politician in terms of ‘Simon-pure morality that is even rare ‘among the clergy. Justacursory examination of Jerry Ford's Signature reveals unrealistic ambitions parallel with Nixon's. Here again is the Godlike self-image of the over inflated ego along with the small letter “a” reaching. beyond its grasp, or “out of this world” to quote the moderns. The up and down covering stroke of the “d” without a loo} formation, indicates one who is less thar candid in keeping his innermost thoughts, feelings and plans secret. Inhibition and insincerity are the basic meanings of concealing strokes.
Nixon's first name, Like the formaintion the exaggerated height of the "d” reflects unrealistic ambition and flights of fancy. Ford has already admitted that he "misses the White House”. No doubt the absence of ‘a cheering, handshaking public has made itself felt. Once a politician has fed at the public trough, he never seems to get over it, and often tries and tries again following aloss of office. ‘The jerky movement of Ford's script
534 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 lacks rythm, reflecting his aceident prone ‘without imparting information of any clumsiness in repeated falls, bumping his significance. Some examples were, “We have made significant progress. Our views hhead and dropping things. Nixon chose his suecessor well. Ford's arein complete accord pardon of his erony was a skin graft over a Most bureau chiefs along with faneer. Nixon put Ford in office so one presidental press secretaries have a hhand could wash the other. Ford was the wel-cultured talent for speaking bureau: politician closest to Nixon's policies. cratese—that frustrating native Washing. ton dialect that uses long words and ‘The glaring similarities in both the Ford complicated to ces convey practical and Nixon signatures give unimpeachable ly nothing. senten Regardless of tevidence that these two birds of a feather position, any listener to anysuchspeaker's ‘were cut fromthe same cloth! Additionally, beating about the bush shouldverbalbe that weird configuration of the lower loop immediately alerted to the fact that such ‘of the eapital "J" in Jerry, along with the ‘speakers have something to conceal. triangular pointed formation of the small, As previously stated, “y"; indicates the bedroom athlete. Any recognized by tapering wordsdiplomacyand mayleterbe complex, diverse configurations in lower forms, thus: loops reveal erotie fantasy that takes unconventional forms. Dy -_ Wren For the moment, it should be ploy remembered that any exaggeration in Graphic indicatorsTnethatTapaiget lend diplomacy seript indicates abnormality hypocrisy "are: evasion,
Carter signature reflects a dual, or split This rule alwaysapplies when personality, letter formations are written in diverse forms. The last name, Carter, t as to taper ikea wedge from the "a" tor", This tapering indicated presence of diplomacy. For the most part, diplomacy has always been regarded as an admirable trait. A trait often used to gain one’s points, evade an issue, or avoid a busted nose and loosened teeth. I maintain the positives will take eare of themselves nicely. It’s the negatives one has to be alert for in order to survive this competitive, cut-throat ratrace, When one becomes familiar with the negatives and how they influence character, then we are better prepared to deal with them in protecting ourselves. So here goes with all the stops pulled out! ‘A diplomat has been described as one who “remembers a lady's birthday, but forgets her age.” A diplomat—whether the suave, morning coated, striped pants type who is adroit in dealing with people. ‘The diplomat is skillful in negotiations, and can ‘maneuver suecessfullyand without frition indilfieult situations, "The true purpose of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis by pouring oil on troubled waters, Other terms for the trait are: dissimulation, cunning, pretense. feign, artful dodger, machination, double-cross, chicane, hocus-pocus, knavery; take your pick. Inthe presence of evasion, secrecy and downright deceit, diplomacy evaluates to hypocrisy. Remembered statements of former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger were ‘masterpieces of evasion. He chiefly spoke
aint of secrecy, intentional deceit that selfdeception Muctuating nd) may” control lack of emotional a l or one. Any. tmowds, Giplomacyeect bythe double coor hook recognized vasinis capital fst inthe in letters as evigenced capital the graphic Cartersaresignature connected.where Other ofevasiveness may’ e foundis indicators thesmall"",se'"dand "thus 4a-e-a. amecmae” to manewers individual evasive ‘The an by expressing notevading ‘desires obiain Its trth. the by but Untruth, presence indicates deep-seated feling byof overcame be only ean which Trsecurity theindividua’ acquisition offormation mare thanasohe hook the as newts actualy the sequsive, additonal valeSuch of ndvidals asthe have traspingindiviosl, subject Talent Tere for“talkingaround" to i found theoverlarge over inflatedcapitalego by the super elevated small represented. withthe Ietiersalong the unrealistic agains in Carerand Here reaching faney of fights idealism, teyond its grasp that were 30 much in signatures. Niton and Ford the tridncein ‘Significant the lack with of dats in Jimmy, Those dtalls, careessness revedlng ethical well-grounded trvoomit ideals: The otsverylacklow placement of the tow peas and extremely reflect thors inion so necessary toward plansingto good long Tange programs so important Teadership, Carer doesnot thikthat veryseemsfar into. the future, a thing Consistent with far foo many forme ce txeetives concerned th {he immediatewho nowwere andmore feathering
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 ‘own nests than with the nation's general good. The tbars are extremely. weak, showing a decided lack of willpower. Carter ean be easily pressure His choice ‘of eabinet members and aids d.indicates this weakness I know of no analysts who have ‘mentioned the presence of shark's teet Carter's signature. Easily overlooked script, shark's teeth are characteristic of ‘those whose businessprofit, itisbroadly. to speaking, through people's credulity . Prominent analyst Billie Rosen states that the writer of a certain type of *m" is a dangerous person. It is typieal of the person who wants to profit through the {ullbility ofothers in outsmartin them.g Tt {takes naivete to fall prey to the shark's tooth writer, and whenever a naive person, anda shark's tooth writer meet, the former isin for some quiet, systematic and pitiless bloodletting. Americans are the most gullible persons on earth, chiefly ‘evaluating a person by what he seems to be ‘as opptoose what he d really Shark’s teeth may be seen in the final small “m's” in James and also Jimmy where the final top stroke ends then comes leftward in a curve that resembles its namesake. Checkmarks have been placed to call attention to the significant. area, ‘a Bective Trap wih Live Bar T have used a number of different kinds of traps but the most Saree sic cen in the drawing, Many small fare Hearing animals are fond of chicken meat, "The fox will eatch chicken and carey it off, the Tink and weasel sill cut the throat and bite the head, ete., and 4 coon will catch one if he has.a good chance. 1 give them a good chance, or at least Dy baiting my trap theysiththinkaliveso, chicken. ‘The way I do it is to make a box about 12 in. square PAY and 3 it Tong. This how is made f Of old lumber so that the animals will not be suspicious of it Each fend of the box is covered with wire mesh, the wooden removed entirely. ‘Theeiidsmeshbeingat fone end is attached to @ frame hinged to the box to tinga chicken in and takingperinit it pmout Two more boxes are made of similar size with one end screened securely, and a sereen trapdoor fasteneil in the other end. The three hoxes taken to the place frequented areby thenfur bearers. ‘The chicken is put into the cen= ter box, the hinged end is securely fa tened, and the hoxes are then placed in a row with the chieken box in the center as indicated. The trapdoors are set and all is ready for the catch, At night an animal will try to get the chicken by
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 Here we evaluate intuitiveness with evasion, diplomacy and shark's teeth, and the result is instinctive cunning. Tt will be interesting to observe the future. Citizens should not look forward to that eversought eventual pie-in-the-sky para: dise with great rewards for little or no physical effort, Politicians have been promising this dubious state of affairs for as far back as [can recall, but things keep deteriorating in spite of all mortal man’s think tanks and brain trusts ean do about at. Leadership? What do you think!
thus: ‘The spa between thet in Carter, and the i” and “m” in Jimmy | reveal intuitiveness: the capacity for very rapid ‘deduction from an instantaneous observation, Carter revealed this quality during his debates with President Ford whose performance more closely resembled akward, tongue-tied bumpkin with an accident-prone mind as wells body. Intuitiveness infers keen and. quick insight resulting from immediate pereep. tion and comprehension. (This does not ‘mean that intuitiveness is infallible. The discoveries of intuition have always been developed further by sober reflection and logic. In ordinary” life, intuition isa powerful but dangerous means of acquiring knowledge. Sometimes it can hardly be distinguished from illusion ‘Those who rely uponitentirely are liable to mistakes. It is far from being always trustworthy, depending upon likes and dislikes, bias and predjudiee. But the great ‘man, or simple soul whose heart is pure, can be led to the summits of mental and ritual life by its strange quality.)
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From Modern Mechanies 1934 Vacuum Powers Vertical Windmill INTY perseatical cent ofwiniill the poseri develuped by a new derived from Teter felt bypowerthe wae he wanes of the are shapes! Tike airplane seas, Hence vilmakin wae decelap crinaBe win13The mil mile un walt hour wind power Cant Yor Eel pumping overs ewer,
crawling into one of the end boxes, Once in the box the door closesand itis cauglit TThe eheken box is long enough to prevent the animals from molesting. the chicken i any way, except frightening it, This is the only way T ever was able to catch a Tive fox without hurting it, I have eaught several this way and mink, weasel, coon: and even an opossum wili occasionally. crawlin
The Survival Mentality
By Paranoid George (Co-hero of WHEELS OF RAGE SAVING AND HAVING “Bither man must be content with poverty all his life or else be willing to deny himself some luxuries, and save, to make the base of independence in the future. But if'a man denies the future, ‘and spends as he earns. (whether his ‘earning be one or ten dollars a day) let him look for lean and hungry want at ‘some future time, for it will surely come, rho matter what he thinks. To save is absolutely the only way to get a solid fortune; there is no other mode. Those who shut their eyes and ears to these plain fects, will be forever poor, and for their obstinate rejection of truth mayhi may die in misery. Let them so die and hang themselves. But no. They take a sort of recompense in cursing fortuye. Great waste of breath. They might as ‘well curse the mountains and the eternal hil s. For I can tell them fortune does not ‘give away real substantial goods. She sells them to the highest bidder. Men never make so fatal a mistake as when they think themselves captives of fate—'tis the sheerest folly in the world. Every man may make or mar his life, whichever he may choose. Fortune is for those who by diligence, honesty and frugality place themselves in a position to grasp hold of fortune when it appears in view. The best evidence of frugality is the five hundred dollars or more standing. in your name at the saving bank. The best evidence of honesty is both diligence and frugality.” ‘The above words were printed one hhundred years ago, on May 18, 1877 in ‘THE HUMBOLDT TIMES. At that time Humboldt County was a vital and developing sector of Northern California. In those days, especially in the western states, America was still » young and vigorous nation, peopled by energetic, practical men and women. They lived by the tenet, “If you need a helping hand, ‘youll find one at the end of your arm." ‘Neighborly sharing and cooperation were valued and necessary, but an individual's prime responsibility was to be self-reliant and productive. In that way he became an asset to the community and earned respect. People ‘were held to be responsible for their own futures. Thus, a truly progressive society ‘was built, morally and materially. however, Humboldt County has “Today, modemized. ‘become The area now swarms ‘with welfare recipients and the county is dependent on continuous Federal funding
to avoid depression conditions. And so the restanyof thelocalnation,newspaper bold goesToday, enough to print an editorial like “Saving. and Having" would be deluged by indignant letters from Liberals and P welfare recipients society -oriented ‘Our present. welfarewith progress. We tion nera dege uses conf that everyone fare told that the idea both archaic should pay his own way is who produce those That and heartless, e futures the ante guar d to should be force negl e ‘and opportunities of thos selvwhoes propecterlyto, plan and provide for them and and we support urethe thevastparasitic ever-growing sub-cult of Welfare Class. Indeed, the Welfare Class has becoandme itsa block in America rtive major power self ‘members are -righteous and asse in demanding a better and more boun,tiful standard of living. It is provided of
course, by forcing those whd do produce ‘to support them by ever-increasing taxes. A century ago it was no fun to be a frecloader and all but impossible to survive as one. Unheard of were the Federally funded programs to take the misery out of poverty and to support able bodied welfare leeches. Those who would not, or could not, produce, simply did not survive to demand a free ride from productive citizens. If a citizen was Gissatisfied with his standard of living, there was every incentive to better himself by saving or learning’ a useful trade needed in the community. He knew that if he didn't care about himself, nobody else would. Tn contrast are the arrogant. welfare lice today, backed by the Liberal creed and a sense of deserving. It interests me sometimes to hear what some of these pathetic parasites have to say about life
IE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 and the world, And so I found myself talking to a typical welfare brood sow who was “on the county” as she put it. Well over 200 pounds of bloated pork, this able-bodied young woman was. a second generation welfare case. She wore 8 garishly colored tentlike garment and her hair was frizzed out, looking like a used Brillo pad. Between sentences she stuffed her mouth with potato chips from a large box at her side. In one hand was king-sized beer. From the next room camea the foul-mouthed eacaphony of her two whelps at play, undernourished, in contrast to their gross mother. “It’s a rotten life and a stinking he asserted. |, “And what's. stinking ityou was on Welfare you'd know how it'is to be poor,” she accused. "On the first and fifteenth of the month T get my checks and lean have a good time and live right for a couple of days. But after the party's over and the money's spent, all's [got is my Food Stamps.” "All you can get with them is grub, and Timona diet. So I have to sell them 20 T can get cigarettes and beer to last. me, But I think I'm pregnant and at least that'll mean a raise. At least Medi-Cal pays my medical bills and T live in Government housing. But Hell, spend that, I want to live decent;youat can't least they owe me that much!” When T suggested that perhaps. she could get a job and get out of the Welfare rut, and perhaps ask the father of her to help with their support, she ‘exploded with indignation, “IFT got a job they'd cut back on my Welfare and Td be no better than a nine-tofive chump and be working my tail off for $2.50 an hour. If you'd ever been on the County yourself, you'd be smart enough to know that. “And if T had some pair of pants ‘supporting me and my kids, they'd cut ime clean off Welfare. What do you think, Tm stupid?" T asked her if she didn't feel ashamed that a lot of peopdole work at low income jobs and get no Food Stamps or Medi-Cal, ‘who have to pay taxes so that she could ‘get Welfare while refusing to work. “That's their problem,” she snorted. “T have my own life to live. And don't give ime any of that work ethie jive. That went out with high button shoes, Indeed it did. And that is why today's society is saddled with a vast herd of worthless human baggage who would never have survived a century ago, amid the vigorous, survivaloriented commu: nities of our’ grandfathers. People who lookedto their own ingenuityto cope with disaster, not dependent on giveaway
537 programs to survive. Yet, Nature has a way of cleansing itself. And when our highly technological society collapses due to its incompatibil ity with the laws the train will grind toof Nature, a halt. Then gravy the Welfare masses will simply starve, Also decimated will be the ranks of the unprepared, geared only for survival in the present artificial environment of our
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 cities. Technology will then revert to that, of the 19th Century. Morality must likewise follow. Survival will be the province of those who, like the clear-thin and productive men and women, king once built functioning, bountiful s many years ago. They had communitie the wisdom realize that there can be no permanentto place for parasites,
The Ticket to Mental Health for Survival
By Paranoid George morning’on he theaccidentally hit the switeh (Beginning with a short excerpt {trning ghdprobabl signy which read,the from WHEELS OF RAGE) "Pret sin" I t wo beease Vhen they got back to the mausoleum light was on that no veal priet opened the the other two ghouls had left. In his dor tothe confessional drawer, Paranoid George was kicking and “About seven oclock s beautify bul sereaming and trying to get out. they fil st down atthe gre and began her fonfesson.Paranoi “Father hhada't gone back for him he could If never forgivewokeme opfor have Stand have gotten out d George to hear "When they opened the drawer he sat the gt going on to tel about what she up with his empty gallon wine bottle. He had done witht and for her bayiend was slobbering and was out of his mind. Iast night. te istered im amazenent a He wasso drunk that when he woke up in she deseribed postions he” could only the darkness and couldn't get out he imagine in" motoreyele pileup. She Painted 2 picture that would mae the actually believed he had been interred. clambered out of the drawer yelling,He fwerage skin flick look like 'an old Victorian morality pay Buried alive! Buried alive! “Then he ran out to his bike and roared "Paranoid George sll nad no dea off into the night screeching over and wherohe was Alle knew was theta gi he could barely make ou through the over, "Buried alive!” “Big Mike and Pinochio left Gargantua grille was tling him the horaiest story sith his bent up machine and went to get dad to be ho and wanting hi the camper. They eame back soon and When her message was tly too clear loaded up Gargantua’s scooter. Then they tohimbe sid, “Ohay, bay. let's make yours?” all went home to Big Mike's and partied My plaor ce the rest of the night waiting for Paranoid “Fora minute the gi couldn't believe what ahe hear. When finaly regiatred George. ‘When Paranoid George made his way Sho stared. screaming and. goin into ‘out of the cemetery he wandered around hysterics That brought fivep for quite awhile before finding his way bandh of citaess runing, She back to Glendale. He was cold and drunk, the’ cofesional and Feeling « maudlin need for some warmth goddam priest in ther propostoned met and spiritual comfort he stopped by @ "Tho eilaens were ahotked and. the Catholie chureh and parked his bike, monsignor who was withthe. priests “He went up the broad steps and Jerked open the conessonl doo. When ‘opened the door and looked inside. There the priests got over ther amazement at was no one around so he went into the Seeing Paratold George sting there in lobby and peered around the corner at the is blac robe and vampire makeup they altar down in front of the church. There ragged him out ad stood him on Ns oe, was a priest busy arranging some candles gota goodto tat? lok atJenun,him and a couple of worshippers kneeling in steihn hoberedsthe gelconfessed God Almighty; wha oi? I loks lke & prayer. “Stumbling around sadly like the besten Mappett sinner he was, he found an open "Fhe monsignor shouted, "Young ma confessionaland went in and sat down, To how dare’ you st in there and take his eredit, he didn't know where he was, confession, You're undoubtedly disturbed When he closed the confessional door its Made up lke thet you must be darkness might have reminded him of the everything the Lord stand for. You must, cexypt but there was a grille in the side for Besom okindof devs the confessor to talk through. It let in just No Tain.” Paranoi dsv George rage, enough light to make the place cozy. “tma Chistia n, Iwas ata showing ed “Soon he slumped over and went fast Eimer Gantry asleep. Sometime very early the next of “Then he tured and bolted out ofthe
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 ‘church. He hopped on his seooter and tore off down the street yelling, ‘Buried alive! Buried alive!’ ‘The foregoing is a scene from chapter seven of WHEELS OF RAGE, by Kurt Saxon. The book is about the Iron Cross Motoreycle club and our zany adventures. ‘Those of you who have read it will remember meas an off-beat, often comical character. But there was nothing comical about the paranoid, sometimes bizarre, thoughts and feelings which constantly tormented my fevered brain. Thus triggering most of the looney behavior which earned me the nickname of Paranoid George. Common peol who you that most ‘sense have towillget telldrunkor high before they ean have a good time, and those who must indulge in hostile, anti-social behavior in order to feel fulfiled are often tormented individuals Tn my case it was the paranoid feelings of persecution that drove me to drink all the rot gut Red Mountain Burgundy could chug down my gullet. Also to wind up doing 90 days in the pound for stomping some naughty old coot who T figured was trying to get queer with me. Ifyou area troubled soul, your problem might take the form of spells of depression, unexplainable anxiety, out: bursts of temper, or maybe just a growing feeling that people don't show you enough respect, In any case, you are very unhappy. Your inner feelings may tend to result in social behavior which others see as wierd. They begin to see you and react to you in a negative way. You sense this reaction and become even more frustrated and begin disliking people. This of course results in additional anti-social behavior, be it verbal or physical. Or you may just withdraw into your own little world. This syndrome ig no fun, as T know, having been through it myself, ‘For example, up until recently [used to wear sunglasses with two-way mirrors for Tenses. That's because I felt people were staring at me. In the past Td have a ‘compulsion to stare at a person every few ‘seconds to make sure he wasn't staring at me. Not wishing to tip my hand by exhibiting my own odd eye action, I began wearing the glasses. In this way I could check out any suspected starer in, say a waiting room, up to 50 times without Tetting him know I was looking at him. Unfortunately, I found that one of the best ways to guarantee plenty of people giving you funny looks is to go around Wearing specs with two-way mirrors for lenses. As you ean imagine, [began to find lots of proof that T was being stared at, especially when I'd show up wearing those sunglasses indoors or on rainy days. As time went on, things got worse and I
felt that my enemies were gaining on me. Indeed, they were my best friends. At night T developed insomnia. Sometimes 1 sensed vague warning bell inside me that the chek sleeping next to me might {urn into giant spider as soon as drifted to dreamland where nightmares were the norm. ‘When things began to reach their utter madness, {became afraid to be alone. But T'was also afraid to be with people. I developed a terror of elevators, airplanes, mirrors, eancer, heart trouble, the dark and the supernatural ‘After much introspection I came to the conclusion that all my problems were the result ofa black magie curse upon me by a ‘wizard who was masquerading asa faggot in Glendale, California. When I reached the point. where I" began to. have hallucinations, T determined to puta stop to this persecution. After I found that stomping him did no good, my further included contacting of toattack plans Sorcerer make up a counter spell which ‘would save me from cutting his head off Tnaword,1 was nuts. ‘any of this sounds lke you ora friend or loved one, whether you feel you're Teaching the point of no return or simply exhibiting some of the milder, hough ‘npleasent, neurotic thought patterns, take heart. You may be merely suffering from a condition which you can correct within ‘The minutes. chances are great tnat you, like myself, can find glowing mental health and tranquility. Iumay come so soon and You may be amazed, as Iwas Socasly at my ownthat speedy recovery. As I write these 1 sit hereIfeelwithgenerally a peaceful anxiety words,free feeling good behavior, erratic Gone isthe these ersey days. thoughts, nightmares, insomnia, depression, and paranoia. 1 threw my Feflecto specs in the garbage last week and I feel fine ‘AL this point. you may expect me to thank Freud that. T sought expert time. Or in the nick ofMeditation help Trancendental paychiatrie hat Tlendorse ‘or even self control Not at all psychotherapy for six months,In fet as anI took alternative toa jail sentence. But T was s0 paranoid that T ‘wound up accusing my therapist, a patient {nd personable young woman, of being a Secret bull dyke who was plotting to Ret me committed to. nuthouse on behalf of womens lib. What did cure me, however, was fructose and niacin, As a result of taking those Ive started thinking straight. And | no longer suffer from the CHEMICAL IMBALANCE which had infact been the real ‘cause of my socalled mental problems. I have a niacin deficiency
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 brought on by low blood sugar. make no pretense to being an expert in the field of psychology or even in futrition. Ido, however, know what has caused a miracle in me and have since observed niacin and fructose work on other secret squirrels with amazing results, don't blame you if at this point you are bit skeptical. My first experience with niacin and fructose came one evening when, as usual, I was going crazy and beginning to hallucinate. If someone had told me then that after dropping 600 mg of niacin and couple of teaspoonsful of fructose Td be perfectly normal, T wouldn't have believed it. Yet, ‘exactly what happened, Td recently moved to Eurcka to go to work for Kurt Saxon on the staff of THE SURVIVOR. One night I was at Kurt's place and we were sitting around drinking beer and enjoying light conversation. For ro particular reason I suddenly got the idea that Kurt was erazy and he planned topoisonme, work black magie on me and in general had ideas about doing me ia, "He can't do me in, man,” was my exact thought, But the most alarming thing I noticed ‘was that his forehead suddenly seemed to bbe increasing in height while his face started getting smaller. At the same time, his eye movements and gestures appeared to get quick and erratic, His whole appearance was rapidly changing into that of a superlooney psycho who resembled Emperor Ming from Flash Gordon. The guy seemed to be going bananas right before my eyes! “Hey,” T demanded, “what the hell is going on here? You ean't fool me. You're planning some rotten scheme and I won't it up wih putNaturally the conversation deteriorated rapidly at that point. and the reeriminations flew thiek and fast. Somewhere along the line, Kurt started talking about niacin and fructose as a cure for depression and paranoia, He produced small plastic bottle of what appeared to be aspirin and a jar of fruit sugar, or fructose, He thea suggested that I might have a niacin deficiency. I didn't believe it. ‘But about then Twas ready to try anything, even if it was to prove it didn't work. So I picked up the bottle and shook. sixof the little white tablets into my palm. Tossing them in my mouth, 1 downed them with a couple of gulps of Colt 45, {ollowed by a teaspoonful of fructose ‘The first thing I experienced was 3 burning sensation that felt like a sunburn all over my body and I thought Td been poisoned for sure. I looked in the mirror land saw that my face had turned beet red, exactly like a sunburn. Tater learned that
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 this is a harmless reaction caused by the niacin releasing trapped histimines in the body. I's called flushing. ‘Along with this flushing T suddenly experienced a wave of carefree Selfassuranee and tranquility. My thinking became crystal clear. My paranoia and visions of plots and poisonings had vanished in seconds. In fact, T could recall my crazy mental before and I felt process of a few minutesdiscuss my former free and confident to wierd ideas. I laughed at them as the absurd delusions they were. ‘The effect ofthe niacin and fructose had been dramatic. And though T didn’t know itat the time, the high that I experienced was merely the feeling which most people have who are not chronically depressed. Tn any case, Td been cured of lifelong ‘depression and paranoia in ten minutes, adsix niacins of taking ‘These days, inste like the first time, which was too much, T just take one and a level teaspoonful of Tructose every few hours, especialy if I begin to feel low. Tm told by a nutritionally oriented psychologist that the effect of niacin on ‘most people is not usually so sudden as it was with me, though the result is the same. Usually a reserve has to be built up over the period of two days toa week. But itworks. So if you have periods of anxiety where you feel something is wrong without really knowing what, or get depressed for no readily apparent reason, niacin and fructose may be all you need. ‘Tranquilizers have the same effect on depression and paranoia but they. just suppress the wild imaginings without healing the system, as is done through the use of niacin and fructose. ‘Consider the probability that you may hhave a niacin deficiency like Ihave. If you ‘you're actually among the lucky. iacin can be bought at any drug store without a prescription. I's just a vitamin ‘and sells for a little over a penny per 100 img tablet. Fructose is simply fruit sugar ‘and can be bought at any health food store for about $2.00 a pound. When you get a flushed feeling from tiacin it simply means you've taken more your system can handle at that time. than try one 100 mg tablet and a level teaspoon ‘of fructose, If you don't get Mushed or feel better within 15 minutes, take another tablet and some more fructose. If even one tablet is too much, break it in half. In a short time you'll know how much to take tofeel better without flushing. It won't be long before you build up a niacio reserve and then you can take one tablet and spoon of fructose whenever you feel depressed, anxious, enraged over some ‘small aggravation, ete.
539 Often when a person is depressed and anxious, his feelings signal his adrenal to release adrenalin for fight or gland But flight, since there is no actual problem worth fighting or running from, he is left with a feeling of impending doom coupled with impotent rage. Then he clobbers some dude, or beats the wife and kids, oF starts shooting up the neighborhood and getstheSWATteamin, This works the same on women and is the main cause for child battering. ‘What fructose does, in combination with niacin, is to block off the unnatural low of adrenalin, This simply takes away the urge for violent action against whatever petty little annoyance crops up during a period of depression. Fructose can work ‘wonders for anyone subject to alternating, fits of depression and anger. Millions of people have chronic low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, as part of their physical makeup. Milions more produce this condition eating too many carbohydrates such as by breads, potatoes, ete. which the body converts’ to sugar. ‘Then there is candy, soft drinks, refined sugar used for sweetening, ete. Putting all this sugar into the system causes quick highs, followed by an equally quick low which lasts a lot longer than the original high. This is what people mean when they talk about low blood sugar. When your system can't handle sweets, you experience highs followed by miserable lows. This is bad enough on the mind and the emotions. But it is also a signal that ‘you could be developing diabetes. ‘So knock off the excessive carboby: rates and drop refined sugars altogether, Fructose gives you the same high without the resulting low. Adding fructose to the diet can mellow you out if you have the erratic symptoms of low ‘blood sugar. You may find that you ean deal logically and. assertively without being the victim of feelings of anxiety and inner panic when confronted wi stressful situation. Nor will you be in danger of losing out toa surge of irrational fury: and the desire to kick somebody's teeth in over a trivial matter or imagined ‘threat or insult, When I began taking fructose I followed ‘a program, On the first two days I took two rounded teaspoonfuls of the ‘granulated fructose dissolved in water every two hours. When I went to bed I hhad about five rounded teaspoonfuls dissolved ina glass of water next to me so that I could drink some when T woke up during the night, Following this procedure saturates your system with fructose and your Adrenal gland gets a total rest for two days. [found myself to be totaly collected uring the two days and I reacted to all
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 situations intellectually rather than emotionally. ‘The “fight. or fight” Fesponses were greatly dulled. Ontthe third day I began taking a level teaspoonful of fructose three times @ day and that's what I take now, along with @ greatly reduced dosage of niac. There's nothing as good as fructose for killing the urge for soft drinks or sugar. I won't make you fat. In fac, if you have a Weight problem, fructose and niacin will {ive yous natural fe which brings with it ‘energy you didn't know you had. Youll bhura off that extra weight just in the course your daly foractivities. Fructose ‘widely ofpreseribed overweight types.is Tn some European clinis, fructose is even diabetes. for prescribed Between niacin and fructose, I now find that Tm pretty together and I seldom have the urge for sweets, or even aleohol, by the way. Alcohol is also converted into sugar by the body. A depressed. type drinks and soon his blood sugar drops and he's teribly depressed. The only way he Knows to get back up again is to take another drink, and on and on. Niacin and fructose takes away the depression so he simply urge to keep down’ thelosesboozethe through all his chugging waking hours. So fructose and niacin is not only the cure for depression and overweight, but it’s also the only. known cure for aleohoism. I your system is shot through years of troubles, bth real and imagined, you may need fructose and niaci from nov oa. But both substances are relatively cheap, very easy to get and ean be stored indefinitely. Considering what might lie ahead: mounting tensions, lack of medicines and feneral chaos, a lifetime supply offructose nd niacin could keep. you. reasonably tollected through most af the chaos to ‘ome. ‘These {wo items could be the ‘heapest and most important elements in ‘your survival program. 7H atrangement, Simple Wire Stretcher A novel thatto isfasiitate snips installed ‘Wire line lowering ‘sng oe if wine 000, Siniform ten iene drawts ing re tale from ofa teat, tar found iron. ts Deing used, in one ine Such’ device Stance, Keep wire clothcslines Too” to page ar ater atmostant, are£0 Role ae post throvgh o hole indrifted im theanbenefastened Uae, Turning
the erank thewinds fnd bartightens line, theThewireeranaround is heldit inBy placeTooneandtop,prevented! or ink, from whieh unwinding sipped
How to Deactivate a Time-Bomb by Gyrus Dickenson of Stress, Tension and Anxiety
Do you hear a strange ticking? Not a it might be more of ticking. Actually toud a vibration, and one that is somehow onnected to your body and heart. That's pounding! Has someone fe your heart somehow wired'a bomb to your heart? No, ofcourse nat, butit may very well eet are tense ullof anxiety, and likeitifyou. tinder the stress wellknown to Survivors. ‘Where does stress tension, and anxiety come from? Wel, they can come {rom anywhere, But that question Practically {ould easly be one of the most important Sou ever ask yourself, Actually, tension and anxiety are the result of stress that iets out of hand, This canbe the result of the stress being (1) overwhelming (ie. ten ren ageinst one) (21 too many stresses at fonee (fe. fired from job, bills pling up. a bad cold, wife leaves you, or she comes ome, ete), (2) not Knowing what the stressor stretses are or where they are toming from, or (4) unchanging, unending stress Then, because Stress an turnincluding to ansityboredom. and tension the mind and body become exhausted with norelief, norest, relaxation or variation. Il we are to deactivate tension and anxiety we must identify the stress. or Stresses and deactivate we must or fil to Survive, When anxiety reaches high levels for periods lating days, weeks, or ‘months, our body and mind begin to fal, Uleers, heart attacks, heart pounding, rapid breathing, ridiculous fears, poor oF tinpredictble mental funtion, as well as a host of ather troubles besiege our system In short, we become physical and mental wrecks hardly worth saving Why would it be hard to detect stress when i's obviously allaround us? Well, for the very reason that most people are looking all around themselves and usoally fall to look within. Now 1 don't mean within one's head, but within his body themistry. Often others try to convince Us that there js something wrong with our Inds, but we are foolish if we accept this asthe ease or source af stress, People whose body systems are in good balance don't have anxiety. attacks, (I repeat, do not have anxiety attacks), are rarely’ tense, and enjoy a stressful Stuation, a3 becomes a challenge to deal with and overcome, or reduce the ‘Rressful situation. So, if you are having a ough time coping, dont make the mistake ‘of blaming all your problems on other things, or butyourdo mind. people,are places ‘They stress ofcontributors not by themselves eause anxiety attacke, Only ‘when your body is out of balance ean other People and situations contribute to your
anxiety attacks and tension. ‘One ofthe best clues that the disturbing stress is coming from within the body chemistry is if the person tries to self medieate with such. things as alcohol, cigarettes(chain smoking), drugs, of lots of sweet, gooey candies, pastries, pies, cakes, cokes, or huge amounts of white bread and other starchy foods. This is an attempt to reduce stress by raising the low level of sugar in the blood stream. ‘This helps momentarily, only to make things much worse shortly thereafter. ‘Anxiety is our bodies’ response to unyielding stress. Anxiety ean be felt by a pounding heart, rapid breathing, head: aches, fearfuliness of people, places, oF things that don't usually seare us, or just a feeling of uneasiness. Anxiety is real. We never have to guess if we are anxious oF not. Stress, also, is real in every cas¢ and isthe cause of anxiety. In order to get rid of anxiety we must find the true source of the stress. ‘This is our toughest and most important task. ‘There are two places to look for that disturbing stress. One is “out there” stress. The other is “internal” stress. The “out there” stress I will leave to you Survivalists to deal with. Tam a Survivalist also, but my specialty is with “internal stress." I am convinced that one must check out the possibilities of internal stress before exploring for ‘out there’ ” stress because an oubofwhack metabolism or body chemistry ean fool us into seeing other people oF situations as t ‘cause of our anxiety attacks. When thi happens we waste ourselves defending against the wrong target while the actual source of our discomfort continues to tear four system down, We could bomb and terrorize al the idiot's or organizations we don't approve of from now till doomsday and would never be satisfied till we get rid of the stress that actually is causing the What if we determine that an imbalance or internal stress is caused by our eating, smoking, drinking, or other habits? In other words, if we have located a possible ‘source of stress on our body metabolism, hhow do we get rid oft? ‘Many people do not want to hear the answer to this, but it can be extremely rewarding. The answer is DIET. Diet ean reduce oF eliminate anxiety attacks and tension, depending on how strictly the diet is kept, Usually when people hear this they cringe. To have to give up “habits” sonds one into a quiet panic. It
hits right in the gut, But don't take the hard” way" out of this by saying “Baloney that's the stupidest thing I've ever Rear of” Believe me, the easy way is {o think about this through. your own fommon sense after you careflly listen oa plan to eliminate anxiety attacks ‘There fs no justified reason to pani. The thing you subconsciously fear the most will not happen, That fear is that you wil have to give up your habit (ike sugar and coffee for example) and you will feel even ‘worse than you already do. Right? ‘As you read on, a plan will be spelled ‘out to you where you can give up your habits while replacing them with specific foods that wil not only avoid serious withdrawal, but will leave your body in Bate of balance and. feeling. better Physically and. mentally than you can Femember or even image Ti i exaggeration but like anything else one must have a personal experience before fully appreciating i Here's how it works, All food and drug habits (or eravings) are caused by LOW BLOOD SUGAR. When our blood sugar is low ouris hunger body signals us to eat.If we‘Theignore frst signal sensations. {his then our body tells usin other ways like irritability, tension, aggressiveness, fatigue, lightheadedness, daziness, cold clammy and sweaty skin, nervousness, or fear, and when mixed with other stresses that we are dealing with in our if, anwiety attacks will result, ‘Hunger is triggered from a drop in the level of sugar inthe blood stream and not by how much food is in the stomach, ‘The proof other of this nutrients is that people are fed sugar 2nd through vein, Sometimes for months, without ever feeling hungry. ‘This is why many people feel hungry of want to chain smoke, or drink ote. even if they are ful. Their Blood Sugar level i til low. What goes in their ‘mouth only satisfies momentarily or for an four or so and then they feel even worse than before. "What makes some people crave certain foods, drinks, or other drugs, and not other people? The answers faulty sugar ‘metabolism. Some people are bor with, fand others’ develop, imbalances inthe ‘body'chemistry. For example, a special part of the pancreas, called the isles of ean be to senitive to sugar. Langerhans ‘This part of the panereas makes inalin (sich the diabetic doesnt have enough fi). Insulin normally Keeps levels of sugar from being too high, When too much
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 insulin enters the blood stream the supply of sugar drops. Then we feel crummy. So weeat, drink, smoke, or take drugs whieh all, in one way or another, briefly raises the blood sugar and then causes an even lower level to follow for those with the imbalance. The quick rise makes us feel ‘2004, then the drop makes us feel worse. ‘Are you starting to see the dilemma here? ‘The harder the guy tries to get his badly needed energy up, the worse his whole life gets, His energy is either too low or it’s goingup and down like a yoyo. ‘And when the blood sugar is low the first ‘organ to be affected is the brain, which uses a piggish 25% share of all the body's energy supply. ‘To make things worse, when the pancreas constantly keeps the blood sugar own, other body defenses try to help out and make things worse. The adrenal ‘glands, which are normally used only for ‘emergency energy, release their many hormones, which make us want to run or fight for our life. This is confusing to others as well as ourselves, Then when we find ourselves in a real need to defend or escape, our adrenal glands are too exhausted to do us any good. Did you ever rip the phone off the wall during a domestic squabble? Or, scream and rant and rave over nothing?’ This can happen land does when the adrenals are doing their thing at the wrong time. This kind of stress we ean do without, We try to avoid low blood sugar by eating or taking things that give us a lift. This plan backlires for those whose glands overreact. The reward is more low blood sugar. This, of course, lowers our ehanees of survival out there in the rat race of life, ‘This lengthy explanation is necessary before sense ean be made out of what to do about it. ‘There are three basic foods: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. We need all of them to be healthy. To deactivate the time-bomb of anxiety we ‘must understand carbohydrates. Simply Dut, they are sugars and starches and would include fruits, vegetables, grains, and especially table sugar and honey, white bread and white rice. Common sugar, white bread, white rice, and alcohol are the most deadiy timebombs because they are wired directly to a hyperactive pancreas. In short, we must stay away from the quick energy sources we need so badly. So, we must replace these explosives with carbohydrates (sugars and starches) that work more slowly. This includes whole grain breads and pastas, brown rice, beans lentils, seeds, nuts which also have sufficient protein components hich slow the reaction in our ‘To this we can include the high protein groups of meat, fish, fowl, and dairy products. A normal amount of fat will be obtained in these
541 high protein foods even without eating the fatty parts of the meat. What Ihave just deseribed is commonly called a high protein, low carbohydrate diet and at the end of this article will be a book list for you to refer to as this article is limited to describing the stress factors causing tension and anxiety attacks. ‘These inexpensive pocket books usually refer tolow blood sugar as hypoglycemia T urge anyone who suspects they have problems with low blood sugar to read these books, which ean be found in health food storesas wellas other book stores and libraries. Basically, the diet stays away from rapidly absorbed or refined carbohydrates, ‘and relies on more slowly absorbed ‘carbohydrates and especially proteins which are not normally used by the body for energy. Rather, they provide material for tissue building and repairing as well as nerve functions. ‘This diet teaches you to think protein instead of sweets, starches, or alcohols when you need an energy lift. This is an excellent diet. But one problem is that it takes the protein awhile {to break down in the body and eventually bbaavailable as sugar or an energy source. nee the energy arrives howev' for several hours. So if one eats small to moderate amounts of protein several times a day he can usually avoid that yoyo. existance. ‘Within the last few months an exciting new addition has been added to this diet which quickly curbs one's desite to take addieting foods, alcohols, and other drugs. It is FRUCTOSE, also called levulose or fruit sugar. This must never be confused with other sugars which are strictly forbidden, Fructose has been separated from other sugar in a chemieal process in Europe and is now marketed in the U.S. ‘The beauty of this sugar is that it (1) does not stimulate the isles of Langerhans to produce insulin, (2) it gives quick energy to the brain and body. Ttalso has the same amount of calories as. table sugar. Synthetic or artificial sugars only. trick you into thinking energy is soon to come. It won't. Fructose will give you the ‘energy you need without activaiing that time-bomb of tension and anxiety attack. Fructose will not helpif taken without the special diet because the other sugars and starches will still trigger the low blood sugar. Fructose looks and tastes about the same as table sugar and is slightly ‘sweeter. It can be purchased in health food stores and through mail order. Tt is expensive but easily worth trying. Prices can range from four dollars a pound to as low as $1.30 per pound which I found in a Coop store. Tablets are available for a ready supply away from your kitehen. Refer to the booklist to follow for more details and technical information on
fructose, Good luck on your new diet and the new life to follow. ‘Abrahamson, EM. and Pezet, A.W., BODY, MIND, AND SUGAR, New York: Pyramid Publications, 1971. Cleave, TL., THE SACCHARINE. DISEASE. New Canaan, Conn. : Keats Publishing, Ine. Martin, C.G., LOW BLOOD SUGAR (HIDDEN “MENACE OF — HYPO: GLYCEMIA) Fredericks, C. and Goodman H., LOW BLOOD SUGAR AND YOU. Palm, J. DIET AWAY YOUR STRESS, TENSION, & ANXIETY (The Fructose Diet Book). Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1976, ‘Yudkin, John. SWEET AND DANGER US. New York: Peter H. Wyden, 1972, Folding Attic Steps
pfeiie sec be oa ete tene cass sete ietat te at waar vec ad CCoe “Tae ape ‘round acest turns wall of the rope Insects Killed with Glue From Popular Mechanics 1931 A new method of exterminating insects fon evergreen trees about your home is Suggested by experiments at the State University of Ohio, where it was found that a solution of glue and water was an excellent insecticide, ‘The solution is made by mixing glue, 1 tb, and water, 5 It is sprayed on the trees and holds al. insects in the same manner as fies on the Sticky paper, without injuring the trees, Besides killing the insects, it also. prevents their eggs from hatching.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 ‘excess vitamins which the body does not SURVIVING WITH MENTAL PROBLEMS use are simply gotten rid of, being that are water soluble the fact that tests have proven that theyHowever, By Bill Abreu necessary to have a has no more pain-killing effect doctor lay outit is a not Some recently proven theories held by aspirin specific to fit your doctors and nutritionalists may shed some than does caffeine. Furthermore, it is personal needs, when itis diet possible that aspirin, among other drugs ‘same results to be accomplishedfor theby truth on the old saying, “you are what you believed eat.” In fact, from what tests and studies such as insulin, would now have a diffieult, following a few simple and common sense being passed onto the market if they have shown, itis possible for certain foods time {or lack of to be the cause of an irritable had to meet the striet standards of today. methods. first thing to do is to have a healthy ‘or temperamental disposition (not to Salicylic acid, aside from causing cerebral diet,‘The This is not should can also harm the mucosal cells immediately run outsay tothat youryou nearest ‘mention depression, fatigue, and a variety swellings, Which line the inside of the stomach, health food store and buy sea weed, bird ‘of many other mental problems). Food allergies, though mostly well tunless the tablets are buffered or if food seed, or what have you. A well rounded known for eausing physical problems, such has been eaten prior to the drug's ‘of foods containing the minimum as cramps or hives, ean frequently cause consumption. requirement level ean be found and prove (If aspirin must be bought, itis best to helpful to one's antisocial behavior in many individuals. purchase mind as well as one's ‘These allergies differ from inhalation or because the least expensive brand, health. all aspirin must pass the same Tt is unwise to drop sugar of all forms skin allergies in that their reactions ean be ULSP. requirements.) delayed fora period of hours or even days. from your diet as some might instantly When this situation occurs the food As of now you might be looking back assume would be diffieult to do allergy ean then be linked to addiction, on through your memory, trying to find an anyway, (this since can be found in so the basis that the only way in whieh the instance where you ate an-aspirin or ‘many foods). A sugar in sugar content can and suddenly were transformed cause depression,dropgrouchiness, person can temporarily relieve the allergy hotdog fatigue {s to eat more ofthe same offending food. into a raving madman. The truth is that Also, (oo much sugar can over orstimulate One large contributor to food allergens the reactions are not that drastie nor that pancreas into pumping large is food additives and pollutants whieh can. immediate in most people. The situation the ‘quantities into the bloodstream would more likely be that the person is to handle ofall insulin bbe found in cured meats (ie. hotdogs, easily the sugar. With all this offended or quick-tempered (which insulin in the system the sugar's ham, ete) to act as a preservative. These original additives, while giving the meat an ‘might be alien to his normal personality) purpose is thereby defeated. As to certain foods he has been eating, attractive red color and stopping the due in THE SURVIVOR, fructose frowth of bacteria, ean cause reaction, for some time, Though the change to mentioned is an excellent substitute for over-refined such as depression, weariness, hyper: anti-social behavior is gradual, the process. Sugar which is contained in many sweets. to revert hack to.a more ealm and normal Minerals activity, or tension. part of But other foods, apart from additives, disposition ean sometimes be remarkably ‘every diet andare canalso be anjustimportant as beneficial can also eause reactions in certain people. fast. ‘There have been cases where ‘your mental health. In a well-diversifiedto ‘To find a person's allergen a doctor has mothers have noticed prominent changes ‘diet, a sufficient supply of minerals will be behavior within a very found in milk, milk products, table salt, the patient fast for four to six days. At the inshorttheirtime;child's all for the better. (And what meats. The most abundant and important tend of that period the patient is fed the about Paranoid George's ten minute cure ‘of minerals i calcium which is essential to Suspected food and if change in behavior for his problems as described in Vol. 2 of every living cell. When a caleium ‘occurs (though it may be subtle or drastic) ‘THE SURVIVOR.) the cause can then be diagnosed. is present the effects are much find your allergen, if you suspect deficiency More specifically, salicylate, a chemical ‘To something like those of deficieney. is making you tense or However, it aeansugareasilyoF niacin found in food coloring the flavoring, that be corrected can be fairly simple. First, the eating more ealcium-filled foods such byas agents, is a known. allergen linked to irritable, likely suspected food (or perhaps a green vegetables, lean meat, and milk, or hhyperactivity. This chemical causes a ‘most whole family) is eliminated from your by simply taking calcium tablets which ‘swelling inthe lining of the brain (which is diet forfood three If no change in can be bought, non-preseription, at any then called cerebral swelling or allergies), attitude occurs days. then you move on to drugstore. Calcium tablets are good also hhence the anti-social behavior. In fliminate the second” suspected experiments with hyperactive patients it Finally when a change does occur food. headaches (better and safer you forthan relieving is shown that when salicylate is eliminated simply check to see what food has most aspirin), alleviating pain (two or from their diets, the majority of patients recently been eliminated, and obviously three ean be taken before dentist visits), calm down significantly. or for curing insomnia. ‘The list of foods containing salieylate is «drop that food from your diet completely. Vitamin C can also be important for Totreat mental problems without using ‘your survival quite unfortunate, being that they are the standard ditt beeauseit detoxifies the methods, doctors will sometimes ‘effects of allergens foods which many people are most fond of: which might somehow candy, cured meats, soda, and strangely use the orthomolecular or the megavita work their way into your system, despite enough even some children’s chewable min therapy. There is not too much precautions taken to avoid them. Often, vitamins (it's amusing to think that difference between the two, except that the trouble-causing allergen ean be found Flintstone's Vitamins ean turn a child intoa more vitamins are consumed by the in some foods-you might be unaware of or tyrannosaurus rex—very loosely speaking, patient with the megavitamin therapy. have overlooked. Both of these treatments are much safer Vitamin” BB is used largely in ofcourse). Salicylic acids can be found largely in than the usual methods continuously used megavitamin therapy for the treatment of aspirin. This is very significant when one and in many eases they have even proved allergies to food additives, wherein the patient is denied offending. foods takes into account that 27 million pounds to be better. For one thing, no foreign ‘containing additives and given large doses of aspirin is consumed yearly (enough to elements, such as drugs and tranquilizers, minerals and BB along with vitamin are introduced into the system, and those fof treat 17 bil ion headaches). Even worse is
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 other vitamins. It has been shown that hospital patients lacking vitamin BB tend to develop depression, nausea, and vomiting. Once these patients are given dosages of vitamin B6 they quickly change back to normal with no side-effects. VitaminBI (thiamine) aids in producing energy. However, this is not to say that ‘with consumption of three or four of these vitamins you will suddenly be able to do heavy work orrun miles without tiring. Vitamin BL when taken with a well rounded diet of other vitamins and foods can be helpful. People without vitamins BI are fatigued, and constantly exhausted.
543 THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 ‘These vitamins, if taken properly and peanut butter. incorporated with a survival diet, ean be Vitamin B3 is simply niacin, a vitamin favorable to one's physical and’ mental which is sometimes referred to as the welkbeing. When the situation arises “morale vitamin,” and is discussed where getting along with your fellow ‘extensively also in Volume 2, of survivalists is one of the main objectives ‘THE SURVIVOR. insurviving after the erash, it will be best In that calcium is helpful in relieving to have a complaisant attitude to keep pain and headaches, vitamin D aids in peace in a group, Eating healthy foods ang promoting the absorption of calcium. proper vitamins can be the key to survival Vitamin Dean be obtained from insucha situation, homogenized milk and when takenin But this situation changes dramatically capsule form, should be consumed after a when the deficiency is corrected. By way meal which might contain fat. Because of foods, vitamin BI is included in bread, vitamin D is used very lit le, it may cereals, and unrefined foods such as sometimes be sold by prescription.
From Popular Mechanics 1915, A picture frame or triangle is quite difficult to hold together when fitting the corners. It is still more difficult to hold them together while the glue dries, The clamp illustrated will be found quite satisfactory in solving thi problem, and at the same time is very simple to construct and easy to manip tilate, The material list for making the clamps and corner blocks is as follows:
Wnty tit
‘The picture-frame clamp consists of the four arms A, B, C and D, Fig. 1. A Ycin, hole is bored in one end of ‘each piece, ¥ in, from the end. A Series of Sin. holes, I in, apart, are bored along the center in each piece. ‘The two short pieces, E and F, have two Yin, holes bored in their centers, 1% in, from each end. These pieces are bolted to the four arms with Yein, bolts as shown in the sketch. A in. hole is bored in the middle of ‘each piece E and F for one of the 6-in bolts K
‘The four comer blocks G, H, T and a Sgcin, hote bored in the J, Fig. 1, have ‘center of each and a dowel glued into it with the end projecting 1% thein. sur-on the under side and level with of the face on the upper side. Each comer blocks is fitted with two pieces like X, Fig. 2. Each of these pieces hhas one end round or a semicircle, and in its center a %4-in, hole is bored. "The other end has a %6-in. hole bored ¥ in. ' from the end. take pieces, small the making “After J and HL G, blocks comer four the the in side upper the on a line and draw and wood, the f o grain the with ‘center, mark ‘the angles as follows, so that one-half the angle will be on each side fof the centerline: On one end of the pieces G and H mark a 90-deg. angle, fon the other end a 45-deg. angle, on the piece I mark a 90-deg. and 30-deg. angle and on J mark a 90-deg: and 60deg. angle. Mark the number of degrees of each between the sides of the angle. Place two of the pieces marked X, Fig. 2, on each of the corner blocks, fone piece on each side between the different angle lines, so their round ends will be toward the center and toward each other with a space of % in, between them. Clamp the thepieces¥-into the corner blocks and bore hholes through them to secure perfect alinement. Put the bolts in and turn
the pieces first to one angle and then the other, and while in the respect positions, bore the %-in, holes % in. deep in the corner blocks. Glue a dowel in each %-in, hole of the small pieces, allowing it to project % in. fon the unde? side so it will fit in the in the comer block. Be B$ein. to holecountersink sure the holes for the heads of the bolts. All"bolts should be fitted with wing nuts. All that is necessary to change from one angle to Another isto loosen the nuts and swing the small pieces around so the dowel pins will drop into the other holes, then tighten the nuts, ‘The triangle clamp is made in the same. manner as. the picturesrame lamp, except that the arms Land M, Figs: 2 and'3,P.. are‘Thehalllapped crosspiece bolt 0 is into% the in. land the head is eut off. Drll'a 46-in. inole in the bolt, 44 in. from the end, and Sein. hole in the end bolt.of theO arm bore N.. a Insert the headless ithen thisside hole of theand armdriveNl, a20 nail’it willthrough pass through the hole drilled in the bolt. ‘This keys the bolt.in the end of the arm N ‘ To clamp a picture corner Blocks Gy H, andframe,to setthe the90‘deg. angles and adjust them on the arms A,B, Cand D to accommodate the size frame to be made, a5 shown in Fig. 1, Tighten the thumbnut on the ole K, and this will draw all four corners’ together with the same presThe corners can then be exSure. amined to see if they fit properly. If they do not, saw in the joints with backsaw until they aredo clamped it. "The triangles in the same way. ‘The corner blocks are to take the proper angles. The endsset of the bolts should be slightly burred Over so that the thumbnuts cannot be
FITTEST by Tom Murphy not have it. Some items are critical to hus Itall began on a seemingly normal day. and startwhenasking"someone questiondropped s This ocurred life support, as medical. At least as normal as the days had been T left worksuch early once in the afternoon, boeing, each day's news being filled with listening to the truck radio—lots of Communication shack ‘and saw by. fewmy near panie events, droughts, floods, many bulletins coming on from the big cities, fases of canned goods and id, Boy, Tt food crop failures, a new oil boyeott, sharp demonstrations, blackouts, some looting— Know where to come. to when T gt rise in inflation, shortage of manufactured military had been placed on alert, and Ningry" There's no way to explain ois goods, massive power failures, increased the af up.person~ suretobe hope he does try National Guard units called out to type terrorist activities, crimes of violence. some toshow Hite hardhea rtel but maintain law and order. I was going weshare with everyon People were scared and rightly so. It help to stop grocery store, but the Teould be denying mye that comes along seemed that everything. was building up parking bylot the family toand bene jammed with ears and toa peak, you could feel the tension in the there was a was someone else who screwed of large croved in front of the spent theis money om color TVs and boats whiles store. Unbelievable—right here in a small Twas not too worried since I had made southern town—people get scared and it’s wre d without to. preserve ourselve advance preparations some time ago to like a wildfire. I turned the truck around Eversunehad the sate chance to prepare ensure the security and safety of my and headed for the house—looks like the and i they didnt see the nee hen family. We had bought a small farm well Image theyNature were weeds too dumbot othe survive on to put plan A into effect. off the beaten path, 6 acres but quite timeSusan their own: infra. met me at the door, with a remote, the closest neighbor being a worried look on her face—"Tom, I'm afraid T thought about my half brother whese half-mile away. We had been established it’s starting to happen.” I told her that 1 idea wasto hea forthe woods, with what over 3 years, building up a nice sized believed that also, and to start plan he ould cary on hs back, Tlf hm a garden, a good well, and had lots of trees A-which is to notify the people that were Standing invitation to come be wih ua for plenty of firewood. My wife Susan is a to come to our retreat for safety and sehen he got tired of tramping around T very prudent person and she believed as I mutual defense—Susans’ parents, “my believe that hell make toi For many doin being prepared for any occurranee. and John and his family (Susan's Iman he has been backpacking int the ‘Since we're s0 far out in the country, parents, brother), away. After woods onthe weekend, ls of experience we're more subjeet to power failures, so T ‘quick phonewhocallslivedto all,70 miles we began our own Gained,as wells geting into shape hhad acquired an A.C. generator for ‘emergency preparations, which were quipped compass, ,knows topographical maps,his emergency use. The deep well has an extensive as we had been on “alert” not, ste. He well enough for to make electric pump and lots of fresh water is ‘weeks. I Jooked with satisfaction at the presence known befor he tiesto come important, not only for drinking and large store of foodstuffs, bedding, The old wild wet Wea~sheot fest and washing but for sanitation too. The clothing. ammo, tools, books, and ask questions later—hard words but it generator is housed in a concrete building agriculturalguns,supplies. if that sure aoneard thought have gonbena together with drums of gasoline, been more but we did theWishedbest it weeould He had seems ”to could in, lubricants, tools, and other survival the time we had since we became aware make sense Some talk bout “Bugging of, supplies, as well as a small chemical lab. the situation. Commercial power was stil outa inehding books on how tour Drums are not ideal for the storage of so we began filling the water Re one hat experiance a what cunt gasoline as they tend to rust, however working, haveyour tochances have constant referenchave e © aaa off the butane to the hot water Jou jugs. I cutto conserve, they willlast for many years, Gasoline will heater Book, are reduced but left it on for the keep almost indefinitely if kept in a closed cookstove. I checked the gauge, about 2/3 extensive brary, but {havent of thingy system. It’s the exposure to air that full, 250 gallon tank. I had in storage four Teed to grab if we have to “bug out 8 causes it to deteriorate. [had on hand 8 50 gallon tanks, so cooking should be no Sati cation s best from the stanpeit drums for a total of 440 gallons plus 10 in problem fora good while. defense, with orfati ons and enoughbat the generator or 450 gallons. With careful Sure glad it's summertime, won't have ofPeople to defend It can be overrun use it would last for years or at least worry about burning ‘wood with tian Bard todo, the altacers have to Fopefully till things had stabilized. In that toresultant smoke for at least four months, pay the pice, period of time, we would have had a dug again call unwanted attention, Someones coming! 1¢' our parents in well completed as well as expanded food ‘With theso asnewto not woodburning heater, there's pichup trucks with & big london Ue back supplies. Sowith power for the well, for not much smoke anyway compared to our St eachfoostl, bedding weapon, communications equipment, deepfreeze, old open tireplace. Checked the camping, welcome d getmanjow erand good Sure ete,, we should be ok. The generator has stove, two burner, 16 gallons of ga: tle, ope dob wil here before dark. News good muffler system and is in a sound 10 gallons, with two lamps, on getting worse, everything. coming eonerete shelter, it makes very. little Kerosene, I broke out the shovels’ and Unglued. Had s'quick mecting whe noise, which is very desireable. T didn't lantern. utlined the eoursto faction sure going to be a lot of di —sen armed two of want to call attention to my fittle pickaxes; fy sons out on when help gets here—defense positions, guard duty, heavily stronghold when the chaos oceurs. punji holes, booby traps and with CB. walhitalkes for communi, Over a period of years we had mantraps, warning deviees. I had long ago made up fons. Thad an Army. surpluy eld accumulated 2 good assortment of duty rosters and plans for fortifying the telephone system whieh would be used on survival supplies~all with the idea i homestead. s si,whenand wethey" dda havewantradiostaza mind of not being able to get it if we didn't Considering the amount of work Oceanon Over the have it already. Travel would be very involved, [had thought about doing a lot, Couple offi sarted stinging wietoooneA dangerous during the panie, so we decided of it as I went along. However, I didn't Ssing'a gern spa to make an opening to do without a lot of luxuries so we could want to call undue attention to my future inthe ground whl the othr atte wins be prepared. Tt sure is better to hi All I needed was to have company inthe sit made hy the spade, Other wires something and not need it, than to need it plans. Arop in and see the field fortifications and were pt down and run to siakes around
SURVIVOR Vol. the perimeterof the land The chain of command had been discussed on previous oeeasions. I pointed ‘out that this was my house and my land, ‘and most of the supplies were mine—thus we don't vote on issues. listen to advice and counsel, but T make the decisions— sure stops a lot of problems before they get started. It was hard for the parents to accept this, but they did. After all, they could have prepared and invited my family and me over. Then of course, 1 would doas I was told. They didn’, I did. So that's the way itis, Getting darker, John stil hasnt arrived from the city~the ladies are in the process of supper, early to bed for all but guards, no lights at night. Well, no lights at all at least from commercial sources, just failed, radio on batteries, all power hell has broken loose. People going auts, the whole system has ground toa halt—Overseas looks the same. The ‘economies of too many countries are tied ‘up too much with that of others, one affects the other. Everyone into bed, I cut off the radio, my rifle, 45 automatic, and flashlight get and go down to the driveway entrance. Skipisat the eurve of the driveway, cover. ing the entrance. He's seen several ears go by, but alls quiet. Gary has the dog with him, we hear a dog barking in the distance, our's has been trained to not hark, but to give indication of "something cout there.” Sure dark tonight, overcast. ‘There's someone coming, gravel road, ean hear a long ways. I went to the edge of the woods to take position at the side of the entrance, in a diteh. Two vehicles, car and a truck, stop short of the entranc “Hey Tom, it's John"—flashlight check, sure enough—mighty glad to see them. Both the car and truck are loaded down with supplies, John said it was a good thing they lived on the edge of the city as he thought that they would not have made iif they had been further in. He said it sounded like the opening day of deer season. Lots of gunfire coming from the main section. There were a number of people out of gas on the roads leading out of the city, but just no way to help them, ‘Well, left Skip on guard duty and pulled the car and truck up to the house. Sure a lot‘unloadof vehicles but decidedaround to waitnow. UntilStarted. morningto in order to not show lights. Also decided to take gas tanks off most vehicles and close park them around the house for additional bullet proofing. Also had ‘sandbags to be filled to put next to walls. Hard to get everyone settled down aj but imsoone quiet again—time goes ealleionr fast—t for guard change—quick th the C.B.alkitoes alert guards ofne change—( have earpho jacks, which walkit they are using, also squelched tight, with
short antennas as we only need short changed the guard schedule up. Supplies Tange ‘communications and they have are holding out real well, fuel consumption tome freedom of movement witht being iseasy,low, quickmainly because the ladies prepare to cook, stick to the nb type tied to telephone system In the daytime ‘with’ betier visibility "the telephone reais. System will be used mainly. t's into the fith week now, we saw some smoke east of us yesterday Tim getting some shuteye, I goon guard duty at 3 AM. Quiet night, just the way afternoon, and heard some fant shooting, wwe wantitto be, Sun coming up looks ks rust be three or four miles of, there's & {nice day, hot though. There sure ig ot small town in that ares. Don't know, but it af work to be done today. Had a quick looks bad. Stepped up the watch, that breakfast—got enough water for several means that everyone goes around daye-deep reas ahold hoe fo 8 farmed—believe we are_prepared.. The stened to radio, National Emergency, {efenses look good, but I suppose could be but then there are limite to what President pleading for alm, law and better, order-gangs of footers going amuck, you can do. Thave seen signs of activity Stealing and killing anyone in their path, from my_neighbors—looks like they've up ike us. Being in the country, all Looks lke we really need to be on the holed have a good start om survival. Lots of alert Went ahead and ran the A.C. generator, water, from dug wells, to erecks and put freezer on lowest setting, ran well and ponds. Again we hear the sound of filled and refilled all available containers frunlire, closer this time. Plan 1 into Sure glad T soundprooted carefully, homemade explosives the system as Action, mich as I did. Can hear it running only a are taken from cool storage underground short distance away. Rani for two to the stakes around the perimeter, wires and the charges buried. Ths is Ws. big job to get things organized,hours, with attached, as many people as we have (2, it takes @ ‘extra manpower to defend against an Tot of foodthe garden assault fore. ‘Top alert—n0 outside great shape, guards doubled. lots of stuff needs pickingisin today. Betty activities, Thave dreaded now my worst (Goha's wife, is in. charge of food, fears are realized.it, and There are people procurement and inventory. We are going {0 utloe the garden to the fullest extent coming down the road, armed, 16 in all possible and save the other food supplies ‘There's @ sideroad or two off the road for wintertime use, We have a large before my place, leading nowhere realy, supply of jars and lids, so there should be and some of the group is checking each Tots of home canning this summer. ‘The oad out, Their intentions. are obvious only workable way to get this doneisto go The word is. given, War Footing, back along way-—the women and children everything is ready, all positions are dlotheir work, the men stand guard, hunt, ‘manned. I'm in the command fortfieation with the explosive ‘control box, each and ‘heavy “work, This is" the most charge ‘workable system, no place on a separate switch, for wonen' ib one in's survival situation, Our forefathers armed. We are discovered by two,system goes back and through binoculars I see a survived and maybe thai’ why. diseussion under way. The one is joined by Tve gotten the digging started, fanother, system ‘of defense positions first—then “That's fartheyenough!”advanceI shout,up the road obstacles next to impede any assault. The “What do you want?" I asked. “Oh,” they only way to defend the house is to have a “we ae jut looking fr supplies. Do System of foxholes or fortified potions youhave "No, replied, move away from the house—if we tried to ‘nt "Sure,"any andextra?" off they defend from the house about all it would More discussion, stl went. the road {ake would be one attacker getting coee aren: couple run up behindfrom seemingly fenough to burl one firebomb. By puting natural ‘cover and. open fire on the bur main positions of defense away from hhouse—and from the house comes a pitiful the house, the women and chives fring reply ofa couple of 28 from the ladies. from the house gives. a. good. second We must deceive the attacker, so that all system, Also ofeachfire fortified has will commit’ themselves. and can be lear angles so that postion Ht an attack ame from only one direction, fire could be destroyed. If we had committed ourselves, directed from all postions toward that at firt, their tacties would have changed. direction, We have to stay onthe alert and As it was, they staged a mass assault, all not be surprised. ‘atone time, which is just what we wanted. T monitor the radio quite often, things Hold hold it, et the ones infront ave very bad indeed. The CB. radio has igo pastyour thefire,explosive charges, the ones tceasioaal calls for help, no way. Things Eealad are over the charges fre startingto settle down ino a routine, ‘ate—the explosives work verysowwell,dotoand thats not good. A routine leads to ‘ones in front are stunned, quickly fire andthe complacency which leadsto carelessness. 1 fire again. Nothing moves. A body count,
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 the same as were observed coming down the road. Looks like we got them all. Guards out, still max alert. T checked the bodies, areal dirty looking bunch, one has a sack full of paper dollars. What a fool! All of their worries are over, except for ‘one still live, but not for long. ‘Things are peaceful once again, sure had a job with the burial detail. We salvaged everything before burial, including the paper ‘money. ‘Think Til wallpaper my bedroom. There are very
546 few radio stations on the air, communications have really broken down. Everything is disorganized and there's no telling when the situation will stabilize. ‘We'll ust stay on the alert and do the very best we ean under the circumstances, No pers could on ask more. Toften think of all the misery that has ‘occurred and will continue to occur. The old, the weak, the sick, the very young, the defenseless, all assaulted for the things they might have that would be
desira aints of ae offble,the Once dregs theoftherestrhuma facecome ereeping out oftheir holes, then worst side ‘of man comes out. Tam thankful we were prepared and T ve we will survive mainly because webeliebecam e falar with arts, crafts, survival informatio chemical processes, firearms, n,ete, fistal s,add upto insure, asin nature, The Survivalof ihe Fittest!
Five Shop Machines Fold into a Portable Box A TQRTABLE, workshop containing press, sawlathe, which emery. foldswhee,into fi © saw, and circular ior’ the onsize of a tool chest and can be placed thebe runsing board of an auto, mayWabes easly devised by anyone who to takeis shop with him from Place to a 110.volt place. Tt can6ocyel be setupplugon'ais availtable ‘wherever Able and is ready to operate within a few minutes. ‘The photographs and drawing show arethe boards 3¢-in Ordinary layout. general fed thoughoutBe caefl that the vat fous parts are perfectly square. It is neces. sary, of course, to put cleats on the boards toshould preventbe placed splittingacross and warping; the grainand these ‘Whenare theuncoupled shop is from to bethe moved, shafts motor, theremoved from the bearings, and secured to the‘Tncover, most cases rachines of the regular smaller home sizes workshop would be ‘used, but the machines shown were by the author from parts found in built junk example, for yards. Iaade ofTheshortdrilpicespress,of pipe and pipe wasSttings, and a model-T Ford piston rod was used to formpresstheandadjustable bracket ‘The dail lathe havetablefourspeed motor withfroma double-ended pulleys. was A purchased. fhaft mailorder house,
in the drawing
above. The o‘Suse
Popular Science 1996
Be eactlefs ‘photographTuay atth
CHICKEN OF THE By Jimand Stephanie Watters Tye always liked frog legs, but 'd never thought much about finding them in the city until the slump. While driving home late one rainy nightI kept seeing frogs of all sizes on the highway. When some nice bullfrogs started jumping in front of my van, I couldn't imagine where they had ‘come from, but I couldn't stand to see all that good chow just hop away. T got on some streets where the traffic was slower, and just began. stopping and picking them up. The big fellows would sit there starting into my headlights and I'd slip around behind them and grab them. ‘That really started me looking for frogs {ntown. [located all the ditehes and ponds in the city limits. Some of them looked more like garbage eans than T would like, but when T went back late that night, 1 ‘could see plenty of red eyesamong the beer bottles. In one little pond behind our chureh parking lot, {counted over twenty pairs of eyes and took home twenty-four pairs of legs. That little depression doesn't evenhave water initall the time, but it had plenty of frogs. The big ditches near the Toeal high school and another church parking lot has kept usin frog legs for the past two summers. The boat-launching, pads near the park are another good place. And the people at the restaurant within easy walking distance of our house don't know that the diteh behind their place holds better food than they sell. There are plenty of other good places, but 1 mentioned all these just. to start you thinking of how many places you probably driveby everyday and never notice Let's say you've thought of a few places and you're ready to try your luck. How do you intend to catch the frogs? (And incidentally, they don't have to be real bbulhfrogs. Just take any frog that. you think is big enough to eat. Leopard frogs and green frogs make good eating, too.) You ean catch frogs with a hook and line, shoot them with pistols, rifles, shotguns, airrifles, or bow and arrow, or net them, oF club them, or spear them. T prefer spearing, or gigging, as we call it down here. Gig heads should be a part of your survival gear, anyway. Go ahead and buy « couple of be'a real survivalist and make some. Fora handle, I've known some folks toget by with a broom handle, but I prefer an eight to twelve-foot bamboo handle because. with it I ean reach all the way across a diteh. For alight, I have done all right with just a two-cell flashlight but youll dobetter witha head lamp—it leaves both hands free—or at least a six-volt lantern, Stick your little two-cell in your hip pocket for a spare, along with some
recycled plastic bread bags to put your greater quantity but you ought to be able Frogs logs in. Sometimes I carry a folding tocateh enough to make erayfish cocktails ‘wire fish net to keep them in and cut the while you're spearing the main course. Vhen youget home, drop themaliveinto gs off at home, But if you're by yourself Td recommend eutting off the legs and boiling water. They're ready to eat when carrying them in bags. Cut them offat the they have turned bright red, but cook them thump where the legs join the baek bone, upto 10 minutesif you're goingto use them You ean eat the whole frog. as we have in cocktails. Most of the meat is in the tail done, if you wantto, but mostof the meat in which will be easier to shell if you take the legs. back the erawdads out of the boiling water and put fon into cold water. Progging is more fun and more them immediately productive with a friend, With one of you ‘Well, there you have it—food good fn either side of a diteh, you'll find a lot enough a gourmet or even your ire frogs, because he ean see them under ‘mother inlaw. You can begin now to learn the overhanging vegetation on your side important survival skills right in the city and you can do the same for hitn. Also, a ‘Thereare many other good techniques you with these if you'l ‘rect beam seemsto hold the frogs better. can earn to incorporate Anyway, it'snice Lo have a buddy with you just turn off the idiot box and get down to to hrend how—youhave to when you're serounging around our cities it. Ts not enoug Someday the simple yourself, it do at night. Frogs aren't the only things that go ome out at night, unfortunately. Survival skil s you ean learn now may help Preparing frogs for the table is easy kkeep your family alivein hard times, But Just slice the skin aerossthe hump on their if it never comes to that, you ean enjoy 8 of selfreliance while you chow down, buick, stick a finger under it and pull it off sense food. the legs like panty-hose. Cut through the ‘on that delicifreeous Teg hones at the hump and slit the belly bback toward the legs. Cut off the feet, pull, Improvised Post-Card ‘out the nerves that look like strings $0 he Projector and Enlarging ‘won't upset the wife by jumping, around the pan, trim around the rear vent if you From Popular Mech, 1919 © Camera like, and toss him intoa potof water to soak ‘aminute while Lrest autft hich may be. used for Allright it shouldn't takeaslong for you AN either projecting picture siegepost to do al that asit did for me to writeit. 1 cards ‘or enlarging photographie prefer to soak my game fora while before 1 fives was assembled aa delineated in ook it, and Lalways like to freeze my frog. the illustration. An ordinary camera, legs before cooking, Believe it or not, it which provides the lens and bellows, makes them more tender. But neither the is required, in combination with a dark soaking nor freezing is really necessary. box which ean be built in the home When you've washed off those beautiful Werkshop. The method of construction frog. legs—and even your hoity-toity ia ‘mother-in-law will tell you how pretty they Make a box about 8 in, square out of sire—you may want to just toss them in the frying pan right away. That's easy enough. Just roll them in flour or corn-meal and fry ‘them in deep fat, or just a little hot grease. Add a little salt‘and pepper and try them, ‘and you'll see why I'm a confirmed frog‘Now,freak.about those substitute shrimp 1 ‘mentioned in the title: have you ever tried crayfish? We call them crawfish down, hhere, but whatever you eall them, if you like Shrimp you'll ike these litle eritters, too. Chanees are you'll find them everywhere you find bullfrogs because the bullirogs enjoy eating crawfish, ti Crawfish are easy tocatch at night by hat fo with a litle minnow net, or if you find taal Geng, Fite Bontad the really big ones, a forked stick. There ‘bs Orang att are other ways to eateh them faster and in
planed soft-wood stock, Nail the sides, but omit, for the present, the top and the bottom. The two openings thus left will be called the front and back. Mount 8 by Yrin.the board, D, whiehan 8con-by stitutes a door, on the "back with hhinges and provide a hook to hold it shut, Cut a square hole, of the same Size as that of the opening in the back of the camera which is te be used, in Snother 8 by Bin, piece, E.This Will constitute the front board. ‘This Front board is so cut that it fits in between the sides of the box instead of on the ends, as docs the back. In the top, cut a square hole for ventila: Hone Ahead fs provided over this le to prevent light being thrown forward. ee ene When using the arrangement as a projector or ‘magic lantem two. 40Wate tungsten lamps, A, are required, Each lamp js. mounted in a porcelain receptacle. held. on the. floor with crews. A lamp cord, one end connecting the ¢wo famps in multiple and the other fitted with an attachment plug, passes through a hole inthe floor OfB, theof 8box.by Tin, Form bright the twotinnedreflectors, sheet: iron. pieces, each having holes attach: along one of its edges to admit of iment, ‘The reflectors are bent to a semicircular contour before mounting. The card holder ig detailed at C. Tt 18 a piece of tinned sheet iron bent to the form shown so that it will hold a ita cenA holepivot.is drilled post {er forcard.”a screw Tecanin then be {Gstened to the center of the back door and can be turned into. position, for either horizontal or vertical pictures. ‘A washer is inserted on the screw between the holder and the door, “The thickness of the camera, body having been determined, & slide ie fastened to the front support this board, body. as diagrammed, to Jefore it can be used as a projector {ie must be adjusted to operate with the camera of the type and size available. whe adjustment, which must be made 's darkened on one of its walle a whiteroom,screenhavingom which image will be. projected, is effectedthe thus: Remove back ftom.the cam era and placethethe camera i the side ‘without extending the bellows, the shutter. Insert a card in the holder €. Light the tungsten lamps. Now rove the front board, with the camera carried on it, back and forth within the
ByKurtSexon Written in 1978 Although nuclear war becomes more pointless and suicidal each year, its threat looms ever larger. Logically, such a threat is remote. But since bureaucrats and politicians are seldom logical, nuclear war could occur at any time. However, there are some misconceptions concerning nuclear war which makes its likelihood seem greater than it actuallyis at this time. First, we are led to believe that Russia has a nuclear defense setup which would save up to 80% of its populace. Such estimates are absurd. Even if Russia had shelter capacity for the 200 some odd million people that figure represents, this would only make matters worse. Surviving a major nuclear attack is only the beginning. The devastation of the cities, industries, croplands, etc ., would insure the certain death of the majority of survivors. ‘Many seem to think they would simply load this vast horde of survivors on transports and have them invade America. But aside from highly mobile weapons systems dodging American missiles on the world's oceans, Russian shipping would be pretty well wiped out. Ifthe Russians got in the first punch and destroyed America’s capability to fight outside our borders, so what? To destroy America as a functional system is no guarantee of any successful Invasion. The examples of past invasions of Russia and China should convince anyone that conquering continents takes more power than any nuclear survivors will have left ‘America Is vast, 2700 miles wide by 1600 miles thick. On the occasions I've flown from coast to coast, I've been impressed and even bored by the emptiness of our land. The logistics of subduing all that space would be beyond the capability of even present-day Russia. Nuclear survivors would not ‘even attemot it Besides, the Russians remember the problems facing the German invaders ‘and the damage done to them by guerrillas. The Russian guerrillas were amateurs, compared to Americans. And the Americans didn’t have much luck subduing the Vietnamese, Modern techniques of guerrilla warfare make the armed civilian more than a match for any army of occupation ‘America has more weapons in civilian hands than are owned by the rest of the world combined. Civilian disarmament is only a Liberal’s fantasy. Books ‘on improvised weaponry are so widely distributed that even total confiscation of guns, if possible, would only be wasted effort. Total surrender to Russia by our government, before a bomb was dropped, would serve only to destroy our government and bring on nationwide anarchy. No Russian general would willingly send his men into amelike ssthat. Too many people see Russia as a monolith just waiting for an excuse to attack. The reasoning is that as they get hungrier they will have less and less to lose by attacking. This would be logical except for the Chinese. The Mongols were the mos successful Invaders of Russia. Their sheer numbers made them invincible. Modern Chinese see the Mongols as thelr ancestors, although, technically, they weren't. At any rate, the Chinese belleve they have a right to Siberia and other areas controlled by Russia. The Chinese and the Russians have hated each other for centuries and no similarity of ideology will change that. Moreover, each considers the other, not ‘America, to be the major threat to its existence, Russia has more men on the Sino-Soviet border than in the Warsaw Pact forces. Estimates of Chinese military personnel and civilian militia on or near the border, prepared for invasion, are as high as 100 million. Russians are so certain of a Chinese invasion that they won't allow a previouslyboarddark:fs Chinese ned room tnd fenailthe te Rout restaurant in their land, lest it harbor a py. That's just a little item
SURVIVOR Vol. 2 the position thus determined, These adjustments having been made, paint the box, inside and out, a coat of dead black. ‘Everything should be painted black except the reflecting surfaces of the tin reflectors and the incandescent lamp bulbs. The front board having been fastened, subsequent focusing can be effected by shifting longitudinally the lens board of the camera, The image of any sort of a picture that will ft in the holder can be reproduced. Colored post cards will project in their natural tints ‘To make enlargements with the same box, a few minor changes are neces sary. When employed for enlarge‘ments the tungsten lamps, which are required for projection, are not used. They may, however, remain in the box and can be disconnected from circuit by unscrewing them afew turns The negative, or film, which is to be en larged, is held in the opening E. Where a film’ is to be reproduced, it is held between two pieces of glass which are fastened to the inside of the front board with small clips. Tf a glass negative is. used, the two additional glass plates are unnecessary. If the negative does not fill the opening in the camera, a mask cut from heavy black paper wi be required to cut off the light. The light for the enlargement is furished by another tungsten lamp mounted ina porcelain receptacle which is screwed t0 a board which co stitutes 2 base. This light source is moved about in the house until it is directly back of the opening E.in the front of the box and until the light is istributed equally over the entire neg. To focus, move the camera backward or forward, While focusing, use a yellow glass, or ray screen, to cover the lens. When focusing has been completed, the shutter is closed and the ray sereen removed. Then stop down the lens to bring out detail, and expose.
Completely Homemade Ice Cream
by Susan Kramer and Mike Thompson Commercial ice cream is one of the most adulterated foods on the market. Ethylene glycol (same chemical they use in antifreeze), formaldehyde, and rat poison are just a few of the goodies you may be eating in your luscious looking sundae. So why not take the time to ‘make your own ice cream? Get yourself a nut and a bolt, a quart
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 549 which happens to be true. ‘The Chinese are just walting for Russia to get into it with America. Then they will pour across the Sino-Soviet border in waves of millions and millions, through the rain of atomic missiles, over the fortifications, and then on to Moscow. ‘The Russians know that @ war with America would mean an automatic war with China, No matter how desperate they become for food and resources, an adventure against the Americans would only set them up for slaughter by the Chinese. So don't be bothered by Russian threats and political doubletalk over here. But don't discount nuclear war as an impossibility. ‘America, Russia and China are becoming desperate for resources, Russia land China’ have oil enough for their immediate goals, since only a small percentage of their supply is used by civilians. But their future economy and military needs demand that they latch onto the fabulous wealth of Africa ‘American politicians are just as intent on grabbing Alrica’s resources as are the others, but they are not so obvious about it. Before he left office, Henry Kissinger was over there trying to get the Rhodesians to sell out and leave. His He felt next move would have been a similar arrangement with South Africa. solid make Confident that with the African whites out of the way, he could agreements with the black nationalists. Then, in gratitude to Kissinger for removing the whites, the blacks would sell their resources to America, rather than to the Russians or the Chinese. ‘Of course, the Russians and Chinese are arming the blacks and promising them all the weapons, and even foreign personnel, to do the job. Whoever wins, It will be the same for the blacks as it was in the 19th century. Whether a mine is operated by the Americans, Russians, or Chinese, the foreigners will get the and the Africans will get the shaft minerals During the 19th century, Europeans divided Africa among themselves and there was little friction. But three major powers who need so much will not make such divisions. Each group wants ital | believe Africa will be where it really begins. One confrontation after snother is inevitable. As the Russians commit more men and resources to ‘Africa, the Chinese will send more men to the Sino-Soviet border. of America, ‘Sooneorr later, the Chinese will invade and the Russians, fearful will try to knock us out so we can’t invade. Then everyone with nuclear missiles will dump them on whatever foreign devil is handy. This doesn't worry me since I've taken nuclear war into account. Survival shelters of my design will keep the inhabitants safe for months. In coming issues I'l detail such plans which any capable person can utilize. Proposed and present Civil Defense survival shelters are mainly death traps, absurdity. both the family and the group types. A two-week survival sheltforiseranmonths, not Your need for shelter and guaranteed sustenance will last weeks. The idea is to have homes with as much area underground as above. A foot of concrete, steel and earth between the shelter area and the aboveground quarters Would insure a family's survival from anything but a direct hit. If you plan such a shelter, here is an instance where you should not tell your neighbors unless they too show the same interest in a permanent underground home. In the meantime, you could still urge them to make such preparations as 've outlined before. A person who prepares for one calamity is already well on e the way to preparing for a worsone. ‘Of course, you probably couldn't keep such preparations secret trom your neighbors anyway. But don't worry about that. Once you are tucked in, you can ‘wipe out anyone upstairs at the push of a button. Holocaust, rioting, famine, plague, will not affect you. You can stick your head out often enough to see how ngs thiare going. In future issues | will detail survival homes anyone can build themselves with little money. But unlike the publicized fallout shelters, useless now except for storage, these will be livable and an actual part of the home. In this way, you won't see such a shelter as simplyan extra expense in your survival budget.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 Jar, and any gear driven hand-drill If you ‘don't have a hand-drill, you may want to read instructions for a home-made one on page 122 of the “Surviver", volume one. Punch a hole the size of the bolt you plan to use in the center of the jar lid. Starting from the bottom of the lid, push the bolt through the hole and fasten with a nut. Clamp the end of the bolt into the hand-drill. Now fil the quart jar with an ice cream mixture consisting of ereamy
milk, sweetening favo chocolat, Havering you might and lke earab, fruit vanila smallbeans.piecesVailaand beans be cutor into heatedmustin tik to extract the favor, Do asnot this wil txtracs containing alcohol Screw up thequarproces. Next fl up a con talzer (four ize is deal) with aoe and salt mixture with thepart ratio of ebout three parts ice to ‘one sat. Sela in the ice makes it possible to obtain tem perature of below 32 degrees. thethe Jar withthe ice eream mixture Place into enter of thedril saland dod contine. tach the turning ve Slowly for the frst fivebeginminutes. Then & faster speed. can be maintained. You should open the jar when the mixture begins jrto get hard, aod scrape the sides ofthe the themixture ean harden throughout.so that When looks just lke fe cream, entie. youre mixture donel
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 In the meantim: price home power A gasoline or methane driven generator will supply the electricity. Severalplants. 55 gallon drums filled with fuel and water will last for months if used sparingly Grains bought bulk and sprouted for humans and rabbits will insure against hunger. Good books, tools and compatible shelter mates will help pass the time,
By DON CART Interrupted communications will mean intemupted weather service. Be prepared to forecast your own weather. The US. Weather Bureau has prepared the following chart. Barom'tr Wind from Weatherladicated Highand SWtoNW Fairlie tomperture change steady. forlor2days. High &ris- SWto NW Fairfollowed by thehe ine Bem ad POE Pen soci isnl sean eyea Sak” ait o f ae Tor Sern neetaeAaa lbe Coe ha Sat Seep means BeFete Sag Sears “cae Meese eer wains o Ean Sua se ey 5 ee adamsOe ciaah helsy ea eta eh FR a Perr ne) SSSee pageele ee eanrgig ca RITE PP Patete Setipeatie Wa nme te Way a arene sree is ear eee g tart ren PR ce Ea ee Tecra ee ar ee ete SOLE et eae ee ce ht Sa a Ea arth Martie er an See atereee ct a SerePeleEa eg et nea oteI a ey eta agama RE eerste amet ator ac Hserie etreSy ernie hes e h re ear hae 2hn Raa ete Seek US det ae traba pect ey iad Mate oot ae ae ces te a te, Sais aati Se Se ees irerirees octane cote, setae ace cee ks Rena Pen o t eye Peon tay ot GresGa lees aa ae racer Nea Beet Pere tl el onal ee eee ee oe
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indian boiled Kinte of tte, pues, ‘The yan theare most woe common ns food, tlther and Ae Dated yudse of thennd East, "They are whilenotable frtiete of Spaninh French cookery theirthe Sperone i Hoan tne vient by tw, frit cies emptor (ebayer af roasted hick pein, au “Tana conveational equivalent fot a por fellow” Sulivetion extent furan fouthern Clermany S but the climate of Britain ein fonnd to tender toe profitable. ‘The herbage Ad fide, andthe seeds nse one of ihe acts ‘onal aninitaten for coffee" stunner weather ‘rope exude from thie plant, Inwhieh, on ryinge Teuve crytals of a pare oxalic l wc. ‘Thefond tomie m o s t fee and protinged ‘ure of chick’ peas ax Uelieved cbetinata te fineformtheca ‘cd of linenthe dane of anger mst one of the el media), Chickweed cots ees (Seltarix gue ad ali ft ot parte of Europe and ‘of Asia. appear diring ils annual, oelder with snanths€wenk even procumtent on the peinstem Ting an ant hpate onves, "very riaile some of the Sia ite nationsno penoes " to Waving cling: Young botnet tals ornt nly ve‘or tee iortead of ten aiamenns vay cacti ying the sem suru Jared with a live of oe hairs which at ench Snpair at lesen changes ro se tanner! {our eaves changesof completes theaffordcreat fineofthe mtr,of ‘Phe ehidkeed inseanee the alep of plants, slocng ap 04 the young shoot
CHAMBERS" ft night.geet Chickwalchoug eed his w good autntitute for ‘ah genera l ited egared xcept wa trouble some wet, or gathere ayeverty he hoor ake, pitie s Gr Whe seh, or for fein cage binds, which are very fond of"iw lentes “ant seeds.” “A nut at resis of marty allied genus, Cevati nn als Een the pe Ciel Monnet Cu ‘cei andthe nant inwcacoma llyyaven es oer planti elther botanic al iliedy oe“af somewh ne inlet eppecrance, Chicory,a o° arder SvoconsIgbo (Cishorinm), a genus of Compost wit ee spony allfind Herusecons miley joie perennials, natives of wit Europespeeading al“The Wetbeanies ats, Common fans (Eat Jn be wit and Blend not Boropl parsgrow at Mi, OfTe tnfeldy"onic Se Joe carrot dike Tofa ot exterals ine a Mrawnis ellie ‘ole, Sinha Het ae rtd, TieStang thee orth dn“te dio Hower bendsa fe rele nicory (cirrinnZot spangled nangeatetae):int, lar Hh lanceer NL toa ai, zonerally Ine, mone anes pink of white, “Chi Ftoetey exteheively cultivate, b fy a Bahan t anther somtinent of trtee,néeaw 4aleoniCala Tenia orf rota while “ie oc eavesprocorel a seis tetres, a sald, and are sslly in winter wa ear in(a) ox wialse theiteEndive Placing Tothe hisrotegenusint belong fell haamice, teen eed subtieate for cua,Te ocfoots‘Chicory coms at heat ce are_ onpuled a hileupy whee vaahed, eaves ent inen anal pieces, ‘nd dri a shelled mass ‘ot more than one-fourth the weight nf the orginal ait thenrevolving ot wince i Hegel sonata ron during Kept are ‘which hich it atthe lowes 35atet 39 Unepor cont.a iar of ie owen ir,and rol fesembling burnedduringeingerirend..An improvement fo2 ththe of cheory sting is the land or butter for every owt. wldition of chor, ol hich commaionte go mth of the trea ha appears of sfenfee.waa, "Ttatone:ix then izenernl Ficked,to'mmovechipe Sey am Feral ‘to jw, ail ld scymrntely ax civery ponder, or ke ae! ta ontinary pun coffee, Aa std nae inte. “Chicory cots me deal ‘ot‘imal ayer ecomonye at othersvith das nt mre to ang. tela iver olf deer hl broen fscolon ty to. wateroe nie sen a ina ae peand uple sie thetetloncy tute twnf elorys and whe Target tava price diner Tia many feo’ prefer tu tae Stee ined with tlicery tthe taste ft commenter ‘hot sing ni nty tthepartlyappearance of streets whieh to cote venta so sta (SarcoChathpence w since it Teg ea Jumping 0 dee itsfost Turdpestition el nn tthe fs "ion ane eset but eiators “Ot West tales a tat i hn thethe ralAficanSteoust Ameren rego Ts fou One of it manytantnaner—the sant-len'—inleaten, Soter Keysfavourite sing samt acca alyad ear the n b o s e a o f mn, The ales Hntte fens vecomeTike theothe Mootlensof ante on hates ites an telihf tvel volchiefgunstrohteisthe Lake’frprexaa featsnolutale htc ESthe insny other eck nate ant qaiet, breeding place. Pte By intel tle te alin of nian, am thé fee or
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Tal, hn the anf ele, ‘ome amatag ads Leas of allenes hates sea Se emia SSstatorTe cade, oun st wefa. "nro iin shld fends Suet Pari a ‘hin, ofee ona eaetaneacctwhichieforme (hep, mot ofthe nesta csTo chested Feterntanan, GulInst dtaad UEpeek pando Erreraly cs a Pee titer ibe Warceigne in 18487" and) ance. then luda soe all the uhfour ape, chief clagaos fin Huey of arth a
a ee St Sea pa ere aon e awa ceregua antag, 8 nile,ieGmina hadi Pee BySEL wenn ee ee mt ea sca Saas in crs a ce Tae i emehe rinat teste: tn it off after the epidormie calla probably moat ‘anner of toother Seeretioge:thatthe bat Hux wn {nour the erayBah
hora bantoweds alleding toNor thets themaltigle ta facen order ‘ous. Of the g e n u s Chiton alone over 400, ‘pects bv been recorded, and other wmnaller gareenera, ieiimallleo thosediatagulahed. ‘The Britian species from,lashwarmer” climate‘They“Sometimes pega to in length” ae anas io resentativer of primitive type include form irom thethe arian hana Bueroos They ryfoil ao,bonaer, splotit known forms, other few & for eropods, frae within Teeoven full, exhibit the samme ewoatial feature smpler expresion, “Thea are (a) the "Neomenie, "induding’ the genera Neoments {211 Proneomenla, and (6) he stele gens Chat. sel lo,Moral ricklanldchyte) i penetrating log aoeoar, si qui. thu pein EMT Fo ni ol ee phon fal Cora iene: “Ginbinn ato eatwth Alia toddhete tac) omewhe j u i v a l e n t o f eater forty chloral hsiate,m prtaline aulntnnce, hewithnatm pongent tour and ARReh ath ea ernment imesrretlynpplied. Chior! bywas Dunas diacorerethe qin B63, and tnventaved chloral irate wae first anocdTa.an “Tieanaatie and Figpnotie' iy iereie, cite action coftheta ematerage ofneo here (ren 15 to 30 ra ay aly ata loop, nn tmally son ned refering Tea hae ET rie tet in ulin ence, Swanty orconvulsions deliion ; ana fnaedrelay mean, anTea Sherk condition” Seti faethe sey carina incerta; twedieinaldanensometinves eliove palTt ompletety, vt mach more often f i l vo do ARR orc hear acon, and igs ‘Tous greatly reves the fataltemperature ofsometiies the ody find ihe e f o r t s t h e ovults that follow Gtr mininistration ave chielt ne Awa
Chlorantha’cere, «wnal group,idcietysistant eo calGhioranthne allel to inconapees the pepyers ivaromatic the: teas Chan the ‘Chinen, seo ave i for perfuming Chilorte Acld, HCO,tileis theof acidchlorine, correspond. ing tthe iypotetiel epee sented the fire (10s Tt is anya li ith fae paper chedied eve andhese ach Teams A ere ings it charred {tke ls Eni oneanieit be matters natantly tu decomp Oyhot con teat with iets Iueh"Tontanes, It of ie foram chowe of sles fale cllomatess one ‘whichKCI,at east $s.ails well Known.” Citar of putea, it an ‘ofIngevsnnerint value, Sd the prep by pass chore futrnsaintan of eave potas iefamthe peanhiplan,al vpn the ralelt ant wie ven het rerofe open ih Minnie wxyken "Sona whenof inswn on S c l t clnrenl is given sea alee tiatiieon ie aia aon of this property wed inthe prepaention pletedswing i eine otto wih to t h e tendeney” t r span femmstion and oui ite explaive Alte propetties when {ctu wth ‘attiory "wih selon yhomphortny poes ously tanstened ith emi with ttare pencilwhich, Th wen ey ex ate be icolt 3 apped otehivetuntactare of he Kins af might exp I's ergata of Ehlorte of pot Sr ot is act a ‘Toe inmate‘ aes orl oncices: anh ies Senin orwe ooo np PN Fee Chlorimetry is the proces of tiin Bleaching nating the partion of "available chlorine’ onder (whieh inay vary fw 30 to 40 cont. Tle termchlorine radarwhich npplen only to that portion af the emily Hberated, Lind whieh taken are in the brbleaching” proces Chlorine, which is present ax chloride, aa in chlo:and Fide of elem, CaCl iu no Meaching poster, ie not estimated by chiorimetry ‘Theapyaratas process dhe in onefe ofsillwoltmetric analysis, andin ‘ue to that described iePte! arinthfAnaly htt(qe). There a Taare accathe powder: This definite is arrived at by ofaaking AElcseting aolution containing aviount pare Sulphate of fom, arenings ei or other shatance Sombie wg ib rng the gs Fieable testsnay letermining the exact point whenthe ‘Oxidation taken place. By calelation tnt ae lve a nc bain re under proce may be examination, newest slight medifeationof the
‘Selects in i 17 4, sndAlert named. by In dephtogts Ca arin ni Baty proved it ¢o be an elementary lanl, and gave i Pine which now iam"cation Tn native Uta it always i in’ state” wh adn, Na, it oecurs ery largely asthe hlonite Sf watian, NaCl—comnon salt~in the acean in Hage rot inal tra ater, lone: i voleunle Incrastations: and preparoion in the vegeof fable ‘and animal kinglams: ‘Fhe fpucous clorine Uy fisal,-iberation,digectly or desincribed ‘fet, fom comin has ben fly binder Rusaewivei» prepared PownlR, sadwhisiemployed 8 tie commer: frm in Which chlorine lulls" the.watergay at maythe Ue‘eeunatie received"Fortru inexperinental jars seen led ghwitparposes warm chlorine ses int the {areeal sellowis spaces thegreenwater.gas with" When Gnpeeslae obtained and allocating elon, nt combust, ml nt ery Feeble nupporter sfi asetiarycomtsintion, A ighted ‘Si ry ny ‘ing the see of tee lone emi, the Garbo liemted. copier, Several nthe sects, sich'an anion and arcniey Aine Sate of vision or i n d e voit of Un leaveny Coe fame lnA metea of athin ne atrae Invo'the gue jer soaked iit tpeating likewise tnt ate Chern hte an neniying 2} 270timesCate” hesvier1s)than ieait featoluliein pectheeyouldawit. exter toe extent sen of twoyan volumen ofthe oe aera feeling loon, ofstl chines other Propertice theThe aminyeincjalcoloursproperties’ Are"thige of a‘ahteacher of wera Sotton and nen (ace Bianchi) hot (ioe) Thtknoparent e exe can be danecondensed by prewane [Seow greet selow (water pid Aight wien speitic gravity of 1380" "V'0) which alr one, poutioen Unleaching properties ‘il x mst powerful te anal svater ‘Meine acd very tnimite quantity, by pealoe ing'asemaion ncn the nthe!renaors facades; nnd increasing” expectoration: 1 Inge vantits. hy enue nas of the lottin, sloleat oul,ta chersieal ant feeling of sulfocationswho. The et ‘workanen manufactory Sevistomed tothe chlorine in wall quantti, SeePaingeerally stoyt—at lest lay om fathom: of acti inanna he stomnch, which theycorrcion correct iof taking chalk, safer fom the theeantidote teeth, tothe which evilire effets vaten of aaythe introduction to stuinpe ‘he GtSapouraf ebline enter, Sint theaicoloh,bangs ether, age theor eoroform uation of butthe the latermollts cerraten so never te rete to except Uaiet ‘Chlorine fore with wiher swulntancen a. very large nnerroyal af eaieal camp Mise ith Agen olee a l exper to sant Se Ee awe ene tl teirocor wed, las Ch naa he phate order Fi wr extn hwsiuinete Atti tut ima of theca ane the ion n a ‘ibrine prataced ith te hyttethe vet” thecnmtanat experine seamen hi lerivativen In eosanation Sith cartonan Invdrogen ie ayes oer sun suleaancen: nn whe Chtsrtora peringe shel cite Mri for With neu wri of fen otte HOO, He tec HID. Chane HCl hlonie find Atl, onder iO, spun te mee hewl peta AP hehPorerie ne refer Chlorodyne. i xIncented patent be taticine af com sidetnbte poutasity, De anes Calc iow fat tae tat avin ‘emists Te coniains opi presse inp eboraien ans i favo eon stant, it siouh fever be tnien lew i basdoe previous ben wellTie Sake’ and king of este fatient nateeleay nnkonen ange of ware dares soa oth peta tek ‘quaint, ee1C alway else to begin i Sanit doe i mquesionsMiy' compote ‘chick tometines noceeets“iterin llasimg ‘paitataa Uncing leon ovoid: reoonmending bs mtfod of mn whieh ‘hth 1 femedy" withuican the comprtion hes
688 equaintel a doultfalCoubequestion, To meet. this ‘lente theje Meal he intend 85 itionthe ff{inetare the ofBettschloroform Pismacopcin have aa moh, whic pact cally representa eloralyne, "Five to Bfecea! drys Si ihe'sverage done Chloroform, aa cetenl ena: xCHO, The seaneae ineowored te SH by nd German in Anteie in {hci a"Lieh ig Santetran in” France. "Sw, however Hp ly internal "taken when stinla ae Fetes nt Bttracte d” tntattentio n, ntandnoti "when ce in aesthe S47 tic itahy an nc jeomie Home Sinjevaleit an at mer reise Sirfe afJanesthe mnt contrition af cheated lene toni Ina. Se parte A nba of earn, 2 af compa f Chio e n r 1 part "of fore aut TO yar of rons Te this t Tat way inssevera pote fake r l mtr at leat the presithe’ which ts lita alt one ony porter fromtite eels seals” lela “The annates erg ate Tatlintargeposes wate, “ P l hel fdrreiail shewatesh age mise toetier he tor ine 1 at plac iy weajaci s l ous , eomneeto with d sulle the aplication heat ‘nnens sheingn apfuen rapta th ta eve nh ‘lated acton hes along tlenttithhae sweater the ehorso rmany ain pay "oyer Mia Shor al be earful at at ewits suhri npe rent ‘asit eqires “and "then "retell Vetere ite Rei ear ‘iphetie purses volatilePare liquid chonuray ia charasterKp, noble, calles, wath ie aioae, ad's powerful sweets tutes When sitet te entem fate the composition secaakin toemcee ta whieh sn tata pe wpebeing ab hea Tiga, is specific gravity (Genter 10), aawer. He oon notothereadilyItomt Sieh ln ‘when jr toa verse of that Hide fom iticnet Choroform: rey ei Sita layers”ait eter a elec por Aimer gutta‘perch, wax, black al se sealing Sax, iotine, tal froin, ne wll te style Ant other nikal ie dbcnlces Srl proper tion of water, ity al slightly soluble dt Figuids “Choratorn i'not inthe aii eo the ehconastitle tape iron contact wit Rann fe itr Spat room tine"Puee‘chisot to ta oralent fumes ines age. pee ‘heeds Commerce owing to the teas with which it sec hen sedquoportion to fi” dr trevent this n anal aol i alee tieto" mpcte tase linge the vedeed fon 130) Hr.” When ceajeanted ‘onthe ‘hand no ‘agai ns nl he rhea, a whom Shen with "sulpnuie. acta ene ery. alight Aiseoration ofthe eid fang tthe sal pe organ of “aletol) slid result. estes to Knivathetie whieh are elsewhere ds raed (sew properton, ‘Asastiisls} , chlorferi toed vine ah externally ail nternaly. ‘Avid to the skin or ang of te nus When,were redacing & ig nee om hat a sale neuen an applicant i senate: ln Atal As am apyticaion tn deeater Iie te action egw terete lal al et "Taken Internally tuted wih Teka powertal stinntatt, and realy vt aSpeinafInto xienton Het by soe ity e a mote hint care ther, p e m t u e t dite frm hlencing:int hepowers land omtatnin elantrns, enters Frito of eougde wixture, pick mean Se com Chlorophytaenantio its nase soyetattns npn, is feaf” green, thenlinrt Ser ‘copie examination of ant thnues sane it mone ee fof m noreWenthe generals, teax i etn cieterama, Nees or lems frequently eloropisl called fy taseA arrange aes las of the Kowerur } some {Zurn inFacer (ews apie the spine andi Albleave macen Immersionmatteaf chiopise Ine fret edboclve att insthete sof lation gnalienlneni Ut theaaychord fea then he cnendently than
CHAMBERS * eat, git grodualytramsnitl futon om tof keeping,eharaeternie Tika ‘IceAtep cy ret accent,aue"by edete igh spect Iijlis “The adept faite charareriste: yetaretthe compenforthe nganeoadaf Ue ‘Attar tu strong Thefallowing esyeriment“Shnke aespolie falutign wt nso mal whe ty wpfoetheshave caret aboent bem Hy thee. caeuringae Cpa rte ecru sees tstunee e vestore that a f “rie Tate rsemtien green colomring mater bf ome of the lostthe nt:Me (teillatoria, Aer) bile {he fselon nulstane eee that faatnt hse hit i e r s . "“WOthers: cee, aintnin Slates ep sh fc rate dtecomporition of true chhamdntls while Gautierwhieh iar prepare grea lee exystls he'reganke'te cinsonhl ina pve’ iaarn state. waterPhe ‘emiralenmpositan af ehorgiyll ‘it‘wnconviteatde sient, aatnt Keim bengaccthesesaclyfe ent deena Accrompanied In! heoilerpressure estoactive mulatanges thehas fhefoen' questi of or abootce nf iron tel ea tate! inn a tucter whieh Thi seme fee ti ghee ont iy the the Inbar specteosnps.analy Thos inlrnealton funiiar llsiehnal interngs whiehthe harneterue repectiely theSaati), bine green bow ant he ve se tevettcen sel a tne of Sor andtan ‘thers nee to info nue of wanetcs framerswa, even for enumeration, "Twig earetal ra ea ee nsiering the eoutinsin whit choo Ie ferinet "OF the eheniea factor itl enn ma firth theiniperoabley pec onthe physical hs ellos ent feire white however, nhnpier, 2 “A suicien temperate ix neseary totheto 8 foe vation of eonopisits for sealing rn Tenge nnn, while the proces tna take iach Soper een cmtta favenied In eta tuber whege i Happens Hee dete offh Stren feet ots ae nari long ter indeed, ie iy vl of Ud paleseliae fue hora toa alter spre to light, especially if dict sinstfoe chip fppenes appcenti lire tranefornation of he freer Btn ing mate ote foDless),sometinee in protupiaen granules {clr tne n v r e frequently als soution tn he Laps ad there frequently ave precent in sustain tne, enpecall altogether, inthe ptermis, ey especialy mato taski the cblormpilf a happens faFeavenmany Thebf outgeneral lshonse plants uf withresearrr docoraive tendency. ie to indicate that ‘all the pensmena of plant clout seem itinatelyfe Matory connectedof ith what oe my tsi TheSelita general erage reteinterpret of Sou.easing tte andme eaves peng mabe Plato ihe ment chop st nse lagen‘ the prone chile fe nae sg fbi withwhichregardare, tothe colooringsnntcry a Towers” snalasiy t n he reyaniad iupertstiyveyetative swt, altho 8 fantom, this cane through the onset of the. reprenctive ten of terel by fas of nity
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 tend varieties variegated plate, allfs,cultivate ell certain hae sayy th f that destiateobscureof (nee ehloropVauivcaten, the feat parenehynn ae this of ditions xs) bi new thi plant,as of20 hia it nay lao take ie placeground. lower comaerabfang ly for aeFegan, thee. apt ‘hae hi ny amows parater Ukebecome‘Toathwort inns “Phanerog arly almost (q'-1'sinil Dadder or {g'.) an i a e i Salet paently, Stn wihntalyhatthar at Ghlvvigtp sen pactsinof dhePlanta,tuescan of be-experime anddebe contabeen animals? ‘omvedited toS43 cages alge shuwn thispresencehas inofmanyaymbiti ‘lehough (ace the’ ‘iue't thete etnain caoew eg. THpiew viride, Moss}, Kevand at the very least Pores rade intrinsic chloopiy undeniably neti have geal sealy which Ahi withrerespect "Tie development of ou Kunede ie ah eho ov tpt be more conveniently vite a ay imam eae Veowrawte Lae ant to atte her Pavsouont under rented theSeinelemen: (ips) everyal fact that frpresenee atli terefore ty hn autor proce the, tantly essorated of ‘with by hel wevehighproite continued theal onependin; the ‘sn pant econaputtion of afwhieh oven wits uit earre (Stare thefrome nlsirite nt oxyReR of dismnageme aniheueal result ‘Hemet abst Choke-damp, slo acid calledaeeftergivendamp off orby” fot. sdampe ithe eatbonie and eeu.coal col-nimete in aectmolatey ‘chic Sateiedainp, he hme I or dating om the siaragan ght earurt fStaged itch easan Ske xploainn Cholesterin, wabatancs, gee i Calt.0, flor,is aut fatty noha tilite andrye, otherRe animal Hilda, na wellin aleohol anf and peas Tt is soluble eters and separates from ite solutions i glistening ChromMum (sy. ‘aveCe, lone) atom. weight, 526) i a nigaltss fom the many {lnloiusede eniapoutds ie178 1 preduces it was deavere frauen im nthe elromata of Tea Pica ois rie ores. chine Srta tre,Ateriea,FOCNON Wie extensively: distbuted Stel en, neyHungary. ifthe SedAe in several moti
689 sdapeoees enti palvane ‘Chrome eid are all andmoreoxidising or leas poisonous, owing.andWo itstheirsaltscoraive
“Chrome ‘Slee containingnigha, valved small andin Aeron variable renters, for its toughnese and stengtl af Churnseter oysre machines am or used rom forlethe praduetion ne fick other until-aftr n eae period. whichiat varieste iit quay of Deraticn, andthe thcreat condition af feripenee, or vaety inipien Ecthy of Churn of great {inform and dimension, from theof lie gla«Ue, haat ‘lhien producing a few ounces butterat tolane riven by wholewater,wk steam, orleyhoreat power, and Shming the of Og opera ‘on. Tha apa plunge churn or arene thump churn ixominon one of heute ingle tpright thehandBot churn neefrm in oft connerybutteplaceee i Hoye eso ENGqualiy "applicable to larger’ churna. he Shorter oblong of een, ationayke Mnersar runt fade Ws sevlleon hot spe of @ «a box oF satel a! snore Hoy polio Np porte flor ome, a the he bel i
‘Amueveniy. eooentrig- These ationchime i given bycontain" hanging daahere the bodyoF alo "Hingrsgma" which Increase che dnagitation of With toe rou “Their wreat-advantage the ease ‘Thich they can fe aber worked—entter of Seog ie mport: end none otfecausa cradle" churns are increasing favour, ‘leyi srple are oo andextremely exnlythey contain worked, Inexpensive, wcatve movablein imaherysehich demnnd rch care andno Tabour epg enam elogsted tan xyean” ee ‘sitngof moay be suspen Ay‘eredfrehaing or thinHesible an’ ivomrodm supparta or st may Te bei ‘on four Hat, purl wr that de sivings backwards aed forwards, scoursie which course with cream the [iving {iUprightlnm anof righ. the RgureTt dasher, 8 ‘The which ffeleanare chery attached [drperpenleslar sbafy, are worked high spect ‘Thls'entes the operator to reduce the tempers: tire of the ereum Oy nearly 10" Fey an compared
ate tane of nated eek a etlbnena at Me ‘iin ile kg be hand nanasass wie Rac anteanti echtSa Yomlr'sich fuseteed oly Ser an W e madly That cbc egloed teassini"Tcl teeta ech of eemmcecee tack eloot t o l r i n g Coma for Sale taCPoneee ott of euchet tte codat ee SOM Sanect orbeanita fine geo feos © Tights gee etic Emerald. Owing to tt indestraetibiey by heat, Sea pancae She aclatltste babe merfor Holsonous, Oitr feplain none intraduoe‘as-a {heiingsown arenaemployed ree pigments whieh ere ber cles or Camis’ (ary a ive a fornery universally ia the ranacture Soiree foie pation a favour theebing.Sv ‘re mah a id nie Cr fame dank on iariniy Kerth Walghion ik i sometimes manslactaredmata or ale oated it becomes incandescent, and in converted Srna sry ngrie He1a ine cele "uch" We tte che real Gate f ook the Taowing ate, iEan"angioy in Maat, a f ey Sule Td Sine F Motte fi tae Meets gih tase 8 Yao’ rai cr wal Five"tichromates ani tetrachromaten heh are Pre Ti Radid inna yte, Cayce ving, Doontng partial lem Senne of Lon,ellePUCeOy,1 bru in wel xopry sige aban Food, int hatat actin HPO cettats a acaete Sat ote 2 te cone oes eight aod iota Cr depen andaucnetihe (Gee Broan aig the bloodcveatle arti of IOI i inca ta way diretiy ina ‘tng‘iola, of Pash, KC prepare fom ti tal Netty al theLymphationeve,gy pe Into'n pecal ayetam of terwells uonie tomatoe, by caletnation with chalked Mites These lacteal sewale ie Gf ihe See Sei Gal aera “Patt of the intestine, and," during. the fasting” cond othe nll iors lege ed oat TOMS ue a” Wha tected {lone filed ith « watery looking fu ealed
hen i iii al wash ichaice amFece Ot cite a cet iter Se elas fe gah Site Tate oat Spore Leone the thoracie duet, which finally conHE1Inrge veel, rina eae arte wae re eye a at See ier pay gate a le eee eeldy Siete Rumah tetas ete aces Decrees Seater See catsle team mere fern recent"eratea EES BSS et, coer cecePeetegafe eon Sheean, Miya eects H a p Rm ta teana Se cach hati teeth me = Centon, gt ei yr Gare atere ede Leen Gi ite eon e AS aeerect eee tii bee dae heneersedie echa ex he ied isla eS SEL apie, bere 1S Sesh Sales ageaud eatep Sea Bansal can alr Bennie ryraligad Ite‘and cryatale astve, tro notxsided uae ge to alt
Acid,the C,H,CH = of CHCOOH, exits {fnnthe Cinnamlc fre ntaton alta Tula an ermoll Hquidstorax, and i yumm benziin ‘When af‘Share clanoxygen{ac and low in xpi to of heeinai st it deposita crystals seid. "“Clamtanie nc nlc formn ether, colourinnal ergata eally toluble. in “Doli tenter, but aparingly noluble'in cold water, Bet any portancein the a, wh kyIti Oltinnateof clnanon, “Thinrepresenta oflix theby: aiteksde of aid ais the formula GHECH was‘te eivte ale agen nineto
CHAMBERS" iWieteret ereoen important chan ing anee age th ee Fae ‘oko soureen, fron the in nd from the hepatic are, leaves ft byZara, Hepatic vein, which otm the fferion rene a netion the entirely dative! setTO of alesvoxelinortant known as Iymphation whieh cond the” products af digestion’ into t h e veine (eos Lyehi ati sbré dete ub creation (through the Tange and’ through the oy) Ia ext the bat from Tthehe tleerealation of birth of dating the thos period of life,” the load, how rer, beginn nfo tirth—indecd, atx very eatly period of intrauterine or fetalth existence andde fie'cueatance tia before the Taney fot fast sw orgenaof neypration induces portant meditation Sn te coure of the Mood sasdeselaent aave described nyny sen ibeds but ah of7 ‘nove tn eg her end and to note bre theton salen step of pagar fo the gradeal sea, of the sytem throsyhont the animal seven inva Aiclne aohual Drotoplaam and he 9 to Kreulen” represent, somethe appearence extent af leeat, ‘lreilatory"Tnction’ before of any rien. T h o canals which 10, completely irigat ‘hponge,likewiaeilustinte in low exprenion eee ulatoryaystem not yet separate of tmunseparated: the others {in Cisletoraten, too, the dysten inal “Eason” pongo af thebe limenta cavity penetrate the teal ax may ‘ls of mo iy very” wel
ranches the blood. passes into nel ihe atem, emi intinsuen, thn hese expi caadpa becomea' rei charged. pare with a xyes fo the Siiethe'mater tle wear anator Samet {heerentreeteof whethe he sorcerer at ents leahe ile alla been the Feel iin which Inco the lenge ac andwerea Ait with all the ely names of Coy variety ofthe uber characters nanos toh patent ‘ato ” Without de peti ofave f this cietyomer the rmgietan, 1 opin woe beliheeved wd enn cava, goes thigh the liver, Fy in what ie rie lb the Gosh manent hepatie real syrten, hae ‘heen habe. ty ehance. g o t out o f the Tere ping tr the eaaparative study of the chromed mace, Anullor tre hie deri ofthe above {unvac the ground, soni the pnar ge of Acero circulation, we ist notice ous fearin greater deta the pentngri, Reastervof Franat wll rm? The Ties Tov is fee non Mephistopheles desert tric Clrenlation, in Anatomy and P h y s i o l Aa thefrom termthe weed frteiak vot Teves to! todesiguate the mosttheminwte course blood of the lod heat the heaveNo tom the {ihe Capilare, sera ing the fot fi sre shall Tn invoices filo dthe the ntelen iye jet eel For thie ee “Aomra, fe enfient, witout fron anatoniea se {ni to ay tetnt thethe lyforathe ier aid of manta a agen, aa whichis equallytim,appieable Yast well me for an for erieal dict the vis The stark parte Fig 2 Thworteal.Setion boot to the Tig 1 theteprecoad ts of ib ian Hone. Capitlarien (a.e1) Shae of pare will rete, eitHe Scum blo, ile the part nf ie ey Tighter portionsnoes ofreeie Br ahead evident watwire the hat the pinoy n e arterial ‘hood, serie eon tiie evn of the fine charm: Ter of the heart ( A au in tote Tay CVecelve theare talon Soo ant teamed tay fot nite the kamehy while the tiethereuritess { the tte o r teaSh) drive chambersthe the paiinary seine (aoa "Phe me en fof ke he other oot" the inn an tothe. eneral sam arate are Fae rowiyevery tues ofa feapectivays fae t h e y commence fertied the eat_sentise Ininyre meteors The vessels beg, ‘Moca ta he arlene termed nore etna an thethe tele onsen from the tise are kon Nvteres naw tact theeh Wevill
Snr en Mood wito bewiBlee d driventh inoBetathen aa ve nts en tap} tyflvan , atWieeel sot entiprorevenlytbe {Sca co Tea utg ati on haof Yhentblooseld e froBymthbele gsowowne ‘ieits, Tie tin le” Sint ne pd bn fa at as bathe pulACmonieeryComartsy, conveying fe tegoaasd ‘is i ing the ded s ed familnmesnsyoonert wic ale fyteeracearernap h , ndar wiartee ryyofomn esneaely ethe the pullemon ele sSi c' gradual he “ventricle, "The pulmonary” artery” Slvids ito sna
dad amaler braxgh whieh
a eaten pl Fees form larger vensela, and Beh cod celactad Ino the palpate teat Ba its itd thehe Tele Tf ail aurs, Gensracy i s spefs
polled into thety leftdouble ventricle, Ee onded miitD, orthrough Weta an obe vars
whch reventn thethTellydiveothe’ Heo. hojnto lttheenrely vontrileconracla ie fontests lagefin aroueSranchon are oF Ariagop (av:he which rca Whale dy with wore Mod, "Bron the hota ade
nthe “pai, cae of teone smaller arteries they general on each side of the artery, the larger arteries have. sally only compaying vein “Fhe sapere enathey ocHot immediately “beneath the intogument’ nly return the blood from the nkin and ajacent iruetres, but ly communicate with the deep veins, ‘Therior wing ay wo a tatah cheTight and Inferior nena’ cats the fttile fered ofthe by the Beart. ion ofThethe superior Wine fomvena heeave heelis
tare ofee ‘Baten, ‘ten
Ft VNfor she the“Fhewalls fe olyon f thirartispart fn of the cirel aly presnta sow
rith those from the arms te se ln from the lesen lower extremitien,
ike foldntaward oF the heart, bat ‘ow the b l o d fre prevent relux” andhetheirveina are uch, lem slate {an the itearteries, total capacity te mach
ofthe venous cireulation feom"Thereie inone gest part inportancy, reqs spec wees vin that of t h e spleen, pancreas, etomach, and intention cana” ‘Phe lbod® supplied” tess trgaae by ‘the ealiag andthe "wo" meeentere Sta cave, ot bat scare dry, tue inerior enn pemee b y sovera veins into’ bethe le veseclthe portal vein, which enters Wer. sneaks "ap into scalar network
Inte for thisret goneralToclowed sinurvey.) ta a special eratacsanh theot ‘oral heart, ually speca ‘ “tives blood "hy more or fase wellsdeveloped arteries through described the body." The ‘unt of the syatem in beat ex lacunar ‘The, venus bloodpolation, pamen along body-carity spacea toh gilt to h o n e rare tte Felten oom, and entring ‘hy, heart ede ERbated." in insscts t chambered domal’ hear, Ibelesad” inn sinanome wtwouldbefore,exportdivesfrom the,the blood forward, Uut an very aficien'rnprnteryapperaton the general yaa ular nyotem i bat highly. diferentsted. The Stood, "pared" by diffsion from the evEnywhere reseitaitubea, pasesperienrdiam hack by venota eBuanelsIn otothe siden of fie" ‘and heart yin pone, dovelped’ ‘and Kingrera"tai thethestntn apatern Tiebre"detbely” toSiablohment new advanceand’ except that of more completefe w i d e r extension of teens ‘pollncr, som ‘ lobmervale, Except inthehowever, Blephants Tooth Shell (Denali, tJiri ory well somedovlopdy even tothe ellenofUn capi c u t i e Baber and mail Nowever, these alth
selon yt, seguevleatTa ut aefe Sr ieetacer Hier fa i wake ie Ue ute, Baer eek aeBetagenhe eb Sai aenage Sei hd aed tie ‘foreland tueatar wi ventticl.” the itt 'n"thicker rcs ET SPTnerfonwswnwe cmnoticea tay, Hotst thatte en vertebrate the heart Sa an es nts etThe earemategina Upax aalapecaliation ada san of the “au HERS any tants ey iat eeaca ingpataa fies anom 1 hg ete teria wie eee Cece en nee cehririeaae, ciate Seis rice ited dis, ieee Oia seen eae Sor aed
vascular Sie ayateom peclinly ofthe dite andlancelet_or unger no mals for whileare there sense many there in enntherof contractility, ‘entre sinell pulling ofthe veinYemelaand peony bakes ae the. fo‘ilmtaione the gilli, shile the petal Ventral Wesel the antestor pharysgeal exon are both anid obecontracile a generalbloodcourse, the circulation pc from ventral he tence fink; region, ike totae of respiratory fe‘esse to ubdoreal intentinel nora, united. thenee Vig, ta tiene ‘eins tothe liver ecoumn and thence tothe vented
ofSupplied the body, the anterior ead-regonelfeentbeingBranch. direct rom the: ‘The blood ret rc the ater and onetog
tit sal las of the heartjuntion,tn eomsst Thegeneral teanaver runnin oe opens ring ei“ seh hac except ofin’ theeleostet ant yartion tnd vente, ordle latter continetiie srietsne speciaist tng cma rire A nation ts difoo ventral aorta of the.arene. in ing” bulb of rogue "In the {ingaohed ta exceptin nyse, fe ip andworthall noticing fhe’ general reptiles in"amphibiany (en fihet’ an thewell an oxdalan Chelonians) there tx teal‘Veishportal, froin into the same Pelations with
th itnet anu feenor de nde ni Tae i ee va o r sepa one crating "eading on to amphibians The
Fig Aantal Se AmphibianSytom
‘tice Perea (vtincoteenttey ena ane
ood, dives ad ed ooa Sreioptersa veThelin pa of arches, te sortiearchesiercllone Intthse together,
Feng fheIrngethiyo dwiodke thethe h thinl is thatgenerally ‘The sane usuallyof ror. & true ttpulmonary exceptforma vertebrate, the established in npAn nich carte dettely Brenola {terior hepatic weltwre asometimes portal hearts renal Lymph Bann ayeten;apectal portal there Fresnd connect the Hyp ssnem wi he difeentitionLacerof theTh Cheloninns, the sepiles, 'Among (Gh. firher. aatep goes heart theMiG side, ore hn tionplete partion,tangsidingsear te veutile tight portiol contating pcely venogs blow, fu le portion containing anixed and hearterial htof om an at Mla it: fangscasts, boafrou tthe seyslesvonos takes fit Tele arterial asic conta sing thefhe lee wren mone arterial venousthe han han Set sorta amaretoe iw complete ‘ie rt however, wept ‘rocoiiy 1 fou the ime frat, thus jtforthe in the veutice,heartsandthough that certain isnot hanbered of i to that wenn compaenble ‘Ioan lsin on in exactly vena i te “Fro {He pnimonary. arteryCorwd toTetethe atic viscera:archft( m i x e d , aot enol Her arr es cers att venoue of asteril {hecaivisi Level manethe bring ofenon, bird tothe env nreen, thethereerocoiinn oth one ni eonaruiente tw tie are which and ana, ax unite Arteria there roots an naliaferoeeptten foramen ne tehe carn, {yim ea rena renal re"ioeworsuperior the nnstemotheexcept to ia erent Chelona. thoI portal renal nee mac forme ngre einrepties, (cn murals In beta int in mnt the Tee,
CHAMBERS ' structureadof and ininthe inthis thevnrition except {q.e) Inne Heart (q.) Bede ireation the sentien conditions Sno gr) imports moet tepnt Phyeitante Reneral of conta of erculntory fiteion are (1) a peer daformer Sea airevial neweng Tes comttonef the rmectnienl nd piynenl~-thowe ey of he ep teof a depnds Civutetlonchiely Merhunion camernculiey {1} Zhehe risthnie thn ear, the of he vec and theThefriction inthe een cpio, ar pam coniaeting er the ieneit alo rerpondaf Rervoam {MsIn antomatie thelia condone Cosoually beatmeetin, of fr heart. macure inthe beats abort 1s bony "The bum the eight Gente of second cee contrnstion hy ‘owtenein, eat, tree a oye) ocenr=the events ‘istinet te(Unaaf) ventiless jusive incerval" of relaxationthe of oth urcten sl wetted Aecitely fer contraction Tat sf thath uncbThe oh teint “the wrderire are surrountel y anusendar. tissue, ant are contractile tes Seefnyy he eletie erin ora heAs ‘cuties, the expt for loking’ blond con Monineo to ofi gushes acing ily team, thongh continents, eames Sponuing to the het beite atthe trea da greatet te wearer the hegat. L h e rons frewmeh ewe elastic chan the arterien, nad haven
felatvely teeove averyne alsmal ame gpeterda alee, elatie sad contractile. They nr to pernnble by {luis ul nlsnalow Une coepsten yrs three {hie walle” "The velvety of the Hove i hev its nina ‘The rexatice tothe pases, flew wf workMoe ‘ine tothe fetion of thew netate yh n adetern saefact finetheiene osce f the oftnotetid buportant erento nn tthe kal earn ie only necensry tote) that the w e syxiem hvags overpresse led onthe "with Hoty wichthat cumasguenthe {une wily (8) ve ewtnebetweenof Ghosireuation i the dirence of pesaure ‘hethe sega handinthead worded ponyan) nrtettes the encase pinnaeof fein on the others (o} that thier. Dretture i te tthe etmtrnetonwhieh of teweal heustsnatead enrrent, cat eefainterrupted Ue)yin te etion of itythe ofheat,the Sesomes sti enta eresitane te sal srerfen i eup
oy Slane aie
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 Iavis, an Control the etsticty ofChrentation-— the arterial yall pone: (2) The of the rmtna referedadifo dove, tainly etre psd! a aibe taal thle areCal Leg’ tesesty rsonion therezieis'a constant a thelr seior Macieaiows inthe ctewlntan ars front abut y chanes i n t h e heures b e a t s wud nthe callechanges ois texan ofthe thedirect sal contol tore,ak Hott are nite the News alsoStawear inthe fae, Mle of es importance eapllary reetaee fant into.pinetotalseyquantitythe owe of iad;face taeIe thethe fnjortant feaeiranenta otery fthe uigansgn are.vernetthe bythe titan al the syatean ire intiTA dridory—Avitate and the ancients thong cfcpio the hearts nt Caley fontaine (121-201) Ina siprved Se of ireuation, preva moiow that Meee the arterlen cukalned tuetheie Een ted phot luaulnarasic victim tio ofthe Saris conte Ho FiAnatomie ioas wit Harvey" pubs is dseeitants He Molahis Clix ob Senguinie tanate ne ‘nati ich aeesy af Gere ‘tye eemtatin woes expats St atten the Uttad Feewendivek the sntecnye(1634)reveal baBary Nai laud {BBL} what eet Ube tone the eagaary commotion between ‘tees aluf venue" Singethe Clave dg ashame, te eta Toles ironation here ionersonseion.controlof thehavobeats its valve aml tSof heen worked at Uy any Hi grouse hpailegts
692 with perhas sme a trace of seme ccd magmesiam fits jit ho rating byitedmixing the powders placing themto thein = panie BY nea, whan, andtn proportion ‘ass is forced through a corse ddl’ and THs “This geanlen aco dee by a eotle heat ofirc Fatah,ac lenKyC,HOn atbonatd 09 of prepared bs, diagoretc granular, doiguescent powder,of which ‘sooflg fm, caven Tove.a i lemon.juten i e is of ach valbe heamatism, Tein given in doses of ‘be0 toobtained 30 gran i ‘trate of Ammo “oly station, a» when eeraporsted, caging decompontion pole epi
saome apr oan iat te ee octane ee el cn Conte fe a somerset ee no ee oe ee Peek eee per Inthe iron oF 9
CHAMBERS * lySil, ringTiko yar hoeek rrnar
Clavacters ax Well aa in the elveumstenees under
speci nt rei aa einevremenar mc
eal ee mehec te Sa mecdrii mitetia tcieree seed Gah dttraceeat cereal ero ieiae ait ateae ctpea
695 get) age ean ys rl a ple antiteballahianehe young. leavessed Yulnerararee. stillue Broutona ithoote lly Tablon “The Prickly Conrey” (S" wsperrimvege in, hus boew 0-10 fetattein height,etn native of Siberia, fscont for ein genus by" five atl shaped freDoescoverede seinthis in fmt theotoutside wffnthe coll, tons neigh tives, but white eh tras anide by the
the patient nist be rowel! £0 eonesioenen
Combustlon is the termwhichcommonly applied to those cheutea prowenses are accompanied inva markel- "Thedegreetat by. fanslia the production of heat rnd ght. of anch_proceses ‘rsthesthoveeemcly in whlchwithoxygen nf the ntmoxphere comae dhe ong of redinarity spokeneal, of fatsas oll, counbustible subwtances: ich as oo eChemien on ‘ination ia Fue noronpanted by the evulstion frequently of ligt (soe, CHR WESTRY Snof eat andetter cmbiaton totaled combustion, Heeaune ia many cues the quantity of SeayWienevolved incunsderabe 4 weSat" speak od,of the”we combustion of, for dnaance, enn the cena Drovssination which fhe coms,oxygenin general termes inthethe of the air with nanthe he, wheat the grees fnvtut comiyntite ports o f wither of these Aitseanees al inthe phniucion of ernie aed fdinhiwater” "Mau inetanes ae Kuen tr hensts the oxgqen required ra combestian tk ie st i the ate, agent, fyaad inv oxidising (oe " o x y g e n yielding) irene ace of the ase mabe alo iether taken bychahome other element poses, ny ur instance, Sen meta, anonym burnt The rombustion of weeny combust. sulatance excuse ‘Quantity of eat, which ie tnvagibheice fordete ech ‘Nistanite," whether” the ermbnseion takes place IA pleee uf hhoghonas for a in well knborn, glows in the dark.
ombleteor which lone ertilke,2 torreteie the, dower funy bees, however (especinliy a fntte oe coat toro olen, eer wo tea hale tn the ate tenssigecover,ut abdSte the Bowers tay tin be seen tae rate sand illite way”
narya mentCompany, ed Manisin, asin te indict4 magnetic te deecton Fie.2 Scones cai respect"wom,the tuaagpetie a “The follows ontinary nnn ug ine,with nother give thenothazine, Fhe ne {ithe sw nope ur the sete meray ap as
‘Tua fhe? thearn nay now.merit, ctohe tsewithKnow Tenpectt genraea thelamgle beeen the magnetand anwisengeaphical meridian (nce DECLINATION maepicesbe {Bicrene in deren yoam ah nt ierent tntt theat surface af tethe’ iecrsineoy the hiTanner mtwhenbe any ine potion, T‘mien a chars walhin tain ve tthe: mecenry” data to nave heen unkown fn Rope til the 13th ent. Ie'sppears weve, coy dam goa actorthe ttast When ‘moderately heated in airy 4_plece of phox iieverllySiwale vereClinetoteant period The2098Chinese hate iu i Uiscowery tthe pene he when thy ey aise. f o r heating oh was consumctel hythethemakinKipper Hosa to ference {iBle nva eats of whi 121 an alien attained. “hn ‘cal ease.the Actua ‘tuantity. of ElinaChinea ditionary ‘none bith enthe to che niles ine Use property o f fihnsphords, but the time-uceupied by the eanbuse Teicha Toadstone could not fail to have tet obwervel at a ep. eerappearinesto have Ei the the tee Wout Tikit exelsieely for yuidanee the| cna stag aie Ccnnpase we euro alot tant, 'snlyaud somewre raving tihng ty see acelin? noe wanasabet called calonimetty (see HEAT). caer the o f erg caSon ted oa pear fiatovovisige Europe ty Marco Polo on his retuen ‘Bom Chay ea gine Koei ans eee oe tiny the traveler ae Ale Wit Chapin ISS) pron to Nacore dane oy ee fetter teeta Comfrey (Syaphytim), m comson patienretic tied sim af Dnyginngert wnvewhat care read fers, althomgtorcasionally tobe xeen i Hower REE centr tontyenien ie Anntene 3 apiinaie tive} ands fuberocnn, {End not to lmao rn Chi
i oesMamet at can Eerie Te fs halanerl so sto ait hora ce“ net Eaerd tytn SAE tac the aavarkedevanwith SAU em Grentar card Tlie de pein"intl oat he Piawintekel the dt easel theres waar Mie Futon ite me Be cde Te et dis ging hata a SPeres ore eT cane tena asot eae a caer Sohne eletscity) Bo inhe onernecheto fa gon emifector ineof nece: Topper Stn’ Sater Hemoreg hele Curent ot ceeds the which o t tors angnatie ket the Tos cng ‘ uo mprace te tion tae caverns prvi themMi. For the suine purpuce alte com fmtn someon Bllsdwith sii withthe bat he ign feo of the lel terre ‘Tenutivene ofthe neile. ein "Te bulional nou portednal inka frottage nip “Fhestaatwake hetaetent Hiern the gnats, oe in UePcfare uate tine an havi pronto Inf itofnate the Connonfor iehy “he canfitd ectsq or =ywintein atefig 1.toarked four RMS and there sw conetent nota for interning juintsatte‘ThaSe the stintmenineveen ania’ Be tireen Sat E f Nv'gni NEont. isThecalledrennin SNE. (ret artivene aand'mo sixnorthpene, th
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 INDE, (rou north yeast) age nani om 8 pla ‘she iTigre:be realy ts gat bupointeexamin (the these thirtetw {sth saci int Taleen, qanrtern aream often even, elite, al them we Ise NIE. and sean When tie si ortHes theSite8. goat enagnetie ner,uid ie tote ny the eae fected aah alr Marke of the inside of the eames Heniy the comets ies etn lf tery the thing’ pointe in anter odngeenul ether Moaited loner forts af the compas are in ase on Ian losnreeyns nod ed tne arte slated hone Tisai al sian the sualfcnton of ‘agonal enfoptess ve shall desrile the best connpaen far “Sie Walliany Finan patented in Reb 1‘Dae thy ann ree ie 2) te eonmeete ek ite nn abn ben ely te a aiisinas cup having entre ave of mage est ina bidiowe pintght ey bomen a inate neele there ave of Bure ated [ete to the lk heate ae suse stripe inthe thin paperthatvt theedge enratint the pint andfiexpanse we intervals tine Ufalanis: Remgeratune: Themy bene goeduce ‘he ig 20 rine wand tnarrange ENer Tittle teeney ty atten ie point of these the supporting nec, Hence the "frictio errr ean n fom that ie faten beeryadesilito ext fet,even halfiin« degree ‘anl'ea out of the: magneti meridian the: snpport pola c , ing “ eject fom slept ‘ie weit ue ae Tet ety”of ithe Fit, the peti sibeutio n ‘the cae onn un kes(40 seeds ars er ih
696 iane to compresih thereset air amd then Aa apply theit great in the prinapaly the dslpation theifloftheeal aitponerse whichwill reat frm the Ish compre of niways tele the employment Sheh'a ‘ative power vere nfs wastehh There ‘re,of invert Eons the ae fmpested air Se convenient «tay snl than alsantageas a a sofa sue although gu ica weapon ve of the olfestexasnplew of coma8 renuve spots of spermacoti, serape off nil a s " you ca wth a ef,uponthenthofayspots, & hia,ad sotpressweit withMt a ding paper Yarn Ty espe this Yousu willthe dae dit thofon.spominget)Afuervarts loth flor tho epots have. been, with somo vory Zoft‘S44."iTo brownist paper, Spots. "To doie, thisls gomotimes withont Remove injuryea, to Grease ho color of ti fae frequently most ditdo. cut, aunt cften inpostible” “Much ‘may. peti wpm skal unt persevering muntpute Hon ud although vatlous agents aro efter lined Watuabte, yet youl soupy anay afer alygenerallytho ShitSoremored reliance.’ty the “Grease. spats patent applleation of souy and soft water, but other mans ary alco ent Hloyed. Ox-gall fs an excellent ant teleato Eldng agent andTee{sglliu saa sonp, Te Femoven grease, fix and Dright tnwhiceolor bathodgh it ae bto greenish ge, he pu of hier XXguaaiomonia isanyadofeof.”good for. removity areas sputa hom Use the anne, sae py wl then ly. White Mtg(See Daper overthe spot and feo i Tightly. also No. 126.) ? sais 345." To Remove Grease Dirt from Cloth and Woolen Articles,and Paco
of bot clot,ariclaoF a{0 piece ‘cotton ting paper,of woolen der the bo cleansed, pure ‘bengine, upon theor dirtspotswill romedeappear thenFub grenso andthe ay if by inugte. the garment cloth underise place sre o. ‘hobe eimai, t‘ill aperatedtowhich upon,a cannotbe otherw aremoved cirexfar stain ‘the ionaiue dees the grease through the article toPlaced bo leaned, ad's absorbed by ia theremoved, cloth under . t i After the spot Eontinus rub with; a thisdry cloth until tho bensino' isto evaporated ao fs done to void‘346.natin,Cautions about Benzine, From grease removes. It which with ‘hopots ficiity come 10husindlspensa thisasa substance fromd fares, household alinest Uoregarde however, wealize te few persons, But character Vie. bet of tzplosive liquid, of theintanim handling thoof thoeazeeas fltending and volatile wost ono Being af he greatdatlaon fom edocs ie rating heeroleum, eo rapidity, with vaporizes if over: siaa moderate dontenterenderof a tho.4 ounce the "would. That of ait tamed ‘ho. greatest explosive. Yoom be“highly Sized handling in exercised should cate yto fie, and escaping it a import. proximit Stance, Rom vapor the that to remember antfm uncorked leap fo Hao cutee wil hotto feet. from Cloth, coveral Grease a spacoTo afRemove O¥er ‘S47. as muchaboutwa: t lime; thewid lavethereto ‘rake and leave teras 1willquartdissolve sized been well jt has about clearwaterLet after fart hours, two sand. it ettied. thi tid then pour off the clear liga into another of pearlash; 4 an ounce este. Nowand,aldwhento it sctiled, bottled icityell, uit ‘This quot i to be diluted swith water, forto use, the of eolor the of delicacy or strength tho ed ears of eo @ th Tap oft out ¢he grease, and apply Spovge, rubbing r ve for afterwards. clearwate known receipts best the of ou fe "his bub itis destructive of greaso; oxtrction coors. vegetable certain tothoS48, "To Remove Grease Spote from fullerin aearth, Son’ lott, and mortar,of cach F pound; boat soap.well andtogether moletened Hist spot, ‘The cakes, inio form With water, is rubbed with eako, an al litle rubbed ofwithlesa, whenitie dry,ed Tow and raged wellorrabbed ‘warm water, t,& fllor'sear Drylemons; Balls. 949, Scouring add of jee” tie with rmosteued and a lideintosofta peael ashes, tinall quantity well together ‘ead thoof whole balls smell moist it juto form pastoy tfdhick aryclastio used, n aun.Whe tho in them theaa withthe watery potontho theball,elothes fenthe spot day Jet and with fait When washed with paze water dhe ihespot sun.anil dsappyar mate Grease, from A a be from f aa og hen tho yoaslk oposibies "Soperato Bil, (offo350. perfectly” ns white thobrushfabricdip on intao theboard,yolk,and andwithrub soft ftrtch the etothes loosened som greato the Want with pot injuro may,the itmosttoo dicate yolkbut willthe not‘rubbing. ‘Tho severe.tho alors, mig air, an war with in hn slappingie notthe cloth andIftheataln a rydamptowels.” with edges between ‘wll Te willor not. tho process. repeat mixed. uite hnen.do with cotton fo well forgone, fabrics ‘SB1, To“Rab:Remove on thofromile BilleLightlyor tho spotsGrease Velvet. with , andcleanthe softqzeasocolton odAppelrapidly will in10g a elderofor withouttho iajring inediataly operation theit co:nesil "Rapeat Or of ths disappear
cossnry. Be thenarealfishto rubwithwclean he articlsdryrapidly oth Shdiigil y, gt taken not, tro itnle prcai ns fain i aptbenses,to bosoo tho aeresiprepared“Wery yeigtly feefied Brctola ly ssSruggfoat,wil clrl oot abodeatonodte nove ren 362, To Remove Grease from sill ‘Take French chalk net soraped, fad pat it fry or greasoopoiont horeversed, Giovertho a warm lding Heat or on.a thomater. "ThisLenchwil i toVolingmelt water: ithe”n" whlch fifo "andthe grease’ Eituo Stand patEmaa Titlehespowbe bres of, Setor tabbed state frauted ith ou the afot, andcovert chatkMagn French fovpd thata ovr ite of fie apply and paper, wrapplog brown of ‘piss auy-greao main,“Eke proceed "if isailext Abuiiaiu ronch uit slo tiShakbefore n.ino sctol dra ponder ‘sting:tponuponcloth,aks tho ave 8s futFallotgully, does earth when youbut Mh toaboreextoatpansthesaygrossbe opted immnodia dente aly, proceedchatwe flows: objefe fenotan {fine upon’ andthe Hooch puiverue Sprinkle d place, dark i'n attoo te pat and spol wil ently disap B‘peat, 'S owWa nyethink thethisgrenco lst method tho est as from thotntron wil sometines injors Bes heat daeste ofa allk from Greasebe. Spots ‘253. ‘ToGroomiemove foma heen nny apste Bik” Upon ‘aaoner: folding: the in fits’ of wooion thoeth partor lay a faypiss smoothly table whlch tron pon ints, Yownvect edo pap thepleco‘gut brown tansa," as wich tts spread Hing to a devin“aboutjust hyobot. or snough applyS Papers ton egies weratPA ural ”sasiint is extraced Shut s‘Mopse s hlth'&tho Useywi rab Thon is Spot Bove of wating popor. (Seo las! receipt) Refor pte “French Scourin ‘354. Grease. g Drops Soutat Cape mmoriig eubest sniphure os etker't ounce’ 1 drafhny Mosherof len, wie of apis tsoenes ounces, S Gal’ 6 Scunce soe white {puts d; lemon} gunes.Grease from Velvet of "Toteinos tabenee 305, e out cf veeas bye Hes taken be moy Grease Casa ras spot. .“tancel Tinpenting”walapouredposeaverof thecheeddey THR Ropes rowors ’ tboacl aahas {nthe af’n, ito nocomaty theGeen:tusthoS51)appicato 306. Simple Method of Removing vita from Silk:faud Taken Spotss capareta Greate We web sewrthleeche it, wit apeti> and pat internal of tho off Be sieBo Fagen mhoatahpleflingan hevleale reed Feiss ag wrong bide, rub ths sikwil soiltholeat fateful olseod thoSg cardbutandsometime praatto thobo abava n feodetae,ofthetho night the oh san cannot pet sig‘357. To Remove Ol from Carpets, ay i ‘Po take off out of a carpet, as soon wie or dour heat pero on it spl thig toktnorb Rol and keep ie from pred: ge aeon Hictiling ety tasenot Saners four{EE ‘stpot wil put and spread, sep Next Gyiy seek carpet mdse tealovenad thoSpall lorte 'unter dour Fee plentyfabof aoe pat onspor brush,catandghete lit wala eke Sp Hous ie ree paissarbig raeot dpe white, Hanael srith' ater dow thoy if Tnrpenting faSoy if thicewitsarogreaye edss” thom goFl thoon norBoth emote youre fore the eyo oad dows
858, To MixtaketleGreaso Spots out ofof gallon i soup n t Carpets, o ‘rari soft part. water,wellhen withald} a cunco of borax ‘rash dhe clean disappear. clot and ihe360,grease Toor dirty spot will soon Stains’ from tay bee Paper.” OiOl salts Leather and Homove leather, aadpaper,mixed bysith applyiny frompowdered ‘moved Pipe-clay, water {hthours,thiekues of oream.; Teare it on four ‘his will not injure tho Hest foreolors, Removing andVarious of wine-stany ‘360, Methods Ghose “Frutstain, Stains. Inndeby colored vegeta joees,arco Rennear {y'indelle, and fequire various trewiment. wateran soft and soap with Fobbing Fhorough buttermilk, tour in dipping repeated dying inthe etn rubbing on a thick’ mix exposing water, theand expatients of suntarchand andale arecol aong {ufo to Jong em often acids Sulphurous to.bleac resorted generbe may Tt ealos. out to joyud h © bp bunting of inwing, the ofmoment Xted-at the ander aly, the eulphur place Spall upper whose of asnallnekrpaperthe funnel, eh1s applied ‘wide and Comes cloth” Grifice andby goaping earafl ruquieo stains Shocolata followed. 120°, at water with Svaahing been prosbo has choad discoloration’ ifwater ulphuation, ummonie of acids, by duced y alkaline hava hestrong maevinegar i spy Applica maythe moderately stbstances, artll, deliemte n applied;shouldif upon tbnogar decolersed. ay filtaing rough powdered‘Yo.chareoal Alkaof of Acida "Theand eect Effects Colors, 261,upon‘TheDifferent lies aes “(escpt pao,or Prussian ita blve), those produeedleksby Indigo weil colors of shades those all upon fand meme of bon, archi, and. areas. by: produced red ther those turn except is to. pale, Erngenteubs tanees, more yellows render ‘They by annotte, whiel they tum to an produced colo. range produced all redscolor, seareto, toaond vole timlogwood, they of Bradt bytimn‘hlkaies yellow, to cloths) woolen (apon grean yl the a eb ast aaproducedyg by" annotta, athe eect ‘The alkalies,by theremoved. as thatof is thesnmneby acids Derspiratin are ‘Spots oocasioned vers. (Se tat receipe) aud“Ho viceRestore atalie, have Colorsof thas Son, Re-Agente, use the by Injured oon by ths them sien toinjurol avoin order of lathe eolod made Mi restore uwoot e-agenta wo mstof fa the.casoprineples ‘eeively; whon suchthe general tiderstand only hot eouspos but theatre thotion arof ofthedyeing, dye that wasand orally particular colorithe cloth whose for dyeing teployed ta modify aud thtsthe enabled tole restored, Mus, wheo, alter ting Tease accordingly. {nal to remove an acid spot uponremains brows,a there de. cloth, bio or ola, llow spot, the original color x again pro: eal of tin, theA eolor ofwsolucion bytuomeans aivced restores fron of slphato of tion dyed been whieh bavecloths to‘withthosegallbrownAcidelothagive which toyellow itive Beeu rendered dull of When brown Dak by alkalies, eloths brightness, original ‘hist spots reddish any have logwood with dyed spots such turn alkalies avis, by foveasioned tho astringent litle ofagu, and'a black: color, tiem yellow takes’ orDrineipla A to sulphuric of parts 4 in indigo of part 1 of Ton alten towithrestorwwater,a fadedmaybe properlyemployed ci, blue fiocestlly eenlet or ed cotton. wool upon olor Colors inayeoluion De restored by meas of eachineal, do. (See tn, of muriate ‘of fia No. 118)
869. TheColor.Choivetheofchee Re-Agents for Restoring of reagents Rots err Vinegar iadiereuco, verte aad (ecolorzed see Indes i n gene Sty prefers to No,miner tle Taeayenl hc ni (eee 960), However aed for spats fomthe fui? it ‘produced dooy not bye aja tise upon lik or cals trngentsy nor Goeshaltafe yellowdmons) upon’ ot. Scoala Warf sows lor hanby ads. aa‘They aro omer ingpots produced ural Jyfindi uo of fn the form of vaper, aud act Guckty, colton injuring Fruit the elorStang, et he othe 504, “To Remove Spots cased by tat we romoved Dy sigbufes seid orthaWhat itoiy silmurat tees otby ate tee tds 9 {ited site bato crema be evitaken njnfo {Sopiy thy let colon that ‘h lighted sulpbnie mateh bed under the stain ilrouee Dcons npr wet other 3¢8,, ‘to Remove. Fruit and” tains fomtay Lines. “Fruitby andapply sites toe pats Snlluto bo eared ast, previously washed clean, a weak ela, tin’ Fehon, eonde ot line opts tatjena rite ld) oie aldo ets of in ann water a n d . frequently vShoal ase uso aisle leinon juice.” Tho pat Ye" agsin‘horuughly oneded i daar SrnaMaoywater (via ou) a otuerstaus indy bebuentakenueut antby dipping tho ines ia our Gerlngiein vtot sun.2 ue 2 “thon washday. Ht cold seat and yt, aes 306. To Remove Acid ‘Stains Uyfromtie Linen, ‘Ths say bn removed faloringmetboto: Wat to parterbna ond foo ipovasne) tethen oan rub without Siting tooGes er "te apf. stainedsoappartintosomeeold peatash; then kerapethe some ‘soft teats fo uke eather, a bol tho Siven it the‘367.stain Todnappets Remove Acid Stains from Garments, Chloruorin willtuerestore te sels pina wher tho hasbeen ettoye
water, S7i. To Romove Stains of Todine Stains’ of fodine aro removed Uy rect spit "972.Mfetallio. To take“Mixout2 alltea spoonfuls Stains which are not of water ‘with (muriatic acid); TetUtenthoonorinse etainofthelienpintarticle it offor ale ono or two. minutes in teefal cold water. hie ‘ell bo found particulary in removing “ain foie nap pee Brapared Ox-gall forof ox-gall out pote, T o i l together I p i n t an 2 2Mounces powdered, aluiny to which add Suncos sommmon alt; Tog tho Wquor sete; fudd dropsand essence of lemon, pour it of Into874.”efow a bottle, c o r k tightly Scouring Balls for General Purposes, In order in is romove-a stat,« ebmposition tho caus Trorigin of which doubtith J‘Thoroquisito whichis «possesses various powerspur. following good ono for such poses: ineealoo,ad Suadlully-a ig Dissol¥o withfitilethosomospirits yaswhitaofof soap os tarpostny and iicient filer’ e a r t h to sake the mistare Into balla." To ‘remove n with stain, a Welball theof spot swith oft water, rub it thy hore composition, then rib the eloth aad ‘wash ont. ‘This ‘wll other omovetolutions almostof eouy fain, oxeept ink and 376, ‘ToFor Remove Ironor inkMould oxlemon Talk Stains. iron mont sta, juice of saltIF oftho porrel (oxalate ofong potash) nay used. stains aro of standing, ray bo tory necessary to won 1oxalic acd, whi in ic power” may bo spied owdorwaterupod wlltho rubbedn, spot, previously moistoned Jith and thon washed ff‘ashod with Gu, puco forwater. IE shoul bo effectually corrosiveto textile FBhiron. (See alsoitisNo, highly 127). 376, ‘To ‘Remove iron Mould, ‘The part stainodremovedshonldby bothoromostened wiih ink, nd this vo of inueatio eid aituted with 5 oF 6 Unos its woight of water, Shonin will itwillbo boreuored, found that tho eld and ‘This nove simultaneously. Bevery effctual method 877.” To Remove Stains ofof Tron Mould from Fabrics. ‘the removal those stainsro SS matior of somo dificlty f they havo ‘emntonia should iad a aemployedfor fornatin, ho (oxalic ata acl ibstaacos t h i s parpose fcid or qundroxalato of potassa) requir. plo: {ng, im coneontratod olation, i eomtaat with {he material Tor a conaiderable. t i m o , thereby atorally weakening and rol infrom g Uhthe obj Abro ‘Tho following. mothod by feo tion, aud inmediataly will remove stain ofthoLongmark.standswil Garments, Spots produced Uy alkalies, almost “Web such generally as soap-boilere ye,to wad, anion, et whieh itai ammonium, andUy” altow slphide of Dackened, ellowbo iminedintaly ‘ill ‘ea bo made dleappear cinsplete oF 40aulphide, to pouetrato; thenthesashblackoxt tho iy by the agood promprdealapplication uf (SeedilateNo.0.) dest Ininato cose of and. treat potis eidaud of water, th onl dilute smariatic ned by which i ‘360, ‘Po Remove Claret o: Port Wing Stains, ead“Apply inal, wash well a Mlemoisten table iesaltwithtothesherry. spot Tmmodiately with‘378,water To somoved. Stained, ” also Easontial Salt ineof ‘After ‘Theacif washing, contained no truco ofin elurt ee stain decomposes willbo Lemons, for Make reioving iron ot {ote tho’ salt,whichand Temoves seta freethe chlorine ‘spots, ond stains from Jinen and cotton, ‘Take 1 (hleathing ‘tied ia fine andpowder, sis), vegetaule coloring ‘ouncesof oxalo ef ereamald tartar, pul mix i upwithia thatior of the wine, Hf the sian is from pork Serey should’ be added, a8 it also’ contain ‘mall oval boxes. ‘379, To Remove Ink, Tron Mould, 370, ‘To Remove 0,, Linon, Wet lastthe reeapt, finger in andwater,rub Stains of Wine, ipse feinfrom the powder (se Eruity &e,, after they have been long in apt ill gentlyappear eoping without it athorinjuring mot, ‘tho Linen’ “Hub theIny onfarta onmixture each tide with fod thoto stain Yellow gonp then of starch Inexpaxo cold water very tothick; fabsio. i After tho stainPhodisappears wack rub itandwellale tilin, andthe {hohohe tho linen the gut pore water eal a lemon Stain comes out, off ‘Ifandnot renew removedthe. in processor 4 ‘id as a Beverage fs inply tartari aid put days, rub that ‘When'dey it may’ be sprinkled witha little Sprarelong ‘bottle, ‘Tho above is poisonous if
380, ‘To Remove Iron Mould and Ink from Delicate Linen Fabrics, ‘Thesein milk, may bothon taken out b y wotting tho spots covering thembeforewith the.‘common salt Ik ould be done, garments haveInk teat wasbol, “Another way © tak out dip it in melted tallow. or fine, det {sto taBOL.articles, this outthe bes ray, To take Spots, of nda Wet tue(labtrraque apts wes ton Mildew of cli solution), ora elon ot ine {bien id, or wi eterna wae, and {hoy w i l isuppear iumotiately. ‘Fruit and ‘Wino stains of all kinds may bo removed Iie way.as(SoeGott also No.dew¥28) eyes Storedil ttnon re ire an appiteation each day for’ or 3 days; sg and beac tho unghieae foreach ootapplication. 882, fomoved To Remove Mildew. Mildew is easily hy rab oF serpin a ile Seana yo soap onom thothatsateRb aall hen well stareh and s Sites a l t SnSoapthe ara pt ta the, auntie, “Oy t h o Tiueh previously wetted and. apply fale lomion Juice to bothor fallers sides; earth or applyot Tinclylyandpowdered pipe cay, chalk. "Expose i for several the atiosphce. hours fopowdered ic soap Mildew, "o Extract 985."powdered an eat, mach ws hall stare, with brush a with on l a and y thoTat jooay ofon thLemna rae dyad it tho stain is gone. this iy ofn Fine, good receipt. Os, ies on pour eblorite omtiees 2 {ako quart of boiling water, tu 3 quarts of
Cold water; steep tho linen 10 or 12 hours, ‘hen overy’ spit will bo extrscte Mix oxalicacit, cite acid, and milk, togoth. fer; repeat as it dries, ‘aad,rabandintoIieaelythe anlinen; the gener Remove Common Ink Stains, Ink.‘984,siains‘To maybe reuily removed whito articles hy means of allie salttromof emons, diluted ymuriatio acid, oxalic acid, ot tartarie acid, and hot water or by means of litt solution of ehlorino oreboride of lime, ‘When tho stain fs caused by ink manufucture swith logwood, a red ruark remains, which mayd tbo removed by the application of lite ch. ide of ime. All strong acids aud alkalies tend to injure the fabric; therefore, immedi ately stain are removed, the rpots should be wellthe rinsed, and repeatedly, in cold water. 885. ‘To Remove Stains made by Hair Dye, o: Indelible Ink. ‘Tho staiting principle of common indelible ink is n
trate of silver. Ib may bo removed by frst soakin ia a solution ot common salt, whieh g produces chloride of silver, aud. aforwarda ‘washing with ammonia, which distolvos the chloride. Nitrate of silver, or bair dye stain ‘can bo removed by a solution of 10 grains of syanide of potassium, aud5. grains of iodine to Lounce of water; or a solution of 8 parta of perehloride of mercury and muiato of fammonin in 125 parts of water. "(See oe 19 and 387.) ‘388, ‘To Remove Linen, Dip the garmontMarking-Ink in a golution from of L ounce eyanide of potassium im 4 oumees of ra few hours tho stain will be obliterated. ‘This is very effectual, but the poisonous, and should bo
Stains from the Hands. Put ¥ pound glouber salts, of¢ oud of the ebloride of He, and 8 ounces Water, Sato a litle wide-mouthed bottle, and the uso pourandsomerub offe well required inofor ssauduy, when sollmont THEE nail stouoquitaor a equal yer, rush, theand bands it wil with lead pumice the ngers
tosill oyanide, butoverwithout any exhasste, danger. ‘hia do to tao again unl and thould be kept corked up. ‘he dieagresable tell be jules; entlywhichavoidednot byonly the entirely iberal tueTemoves of mayTemon tho shell, but whitans the Hands 388, "To‘Tnk ‘Remove Staina from einsthe Handa, sta, ayo stains, frit Gie,{he eat dipping ‘dngersbo iuimmediately warm waterremoved and thewby rubbing onPowder the andatain erentsmallof artr, portionmixed of oxictogeter ack Wequat odwashkeptina box.withWhenfine thofoap.stain‘Thisquantities, disappeats, thobands tur, beingof polionows mst be Heep ont of the roach ebidren’ A fow drops of most oil of stains vitriol from (sulphuric acid) wil also emove tho bands without {njaring them.it uponCaro thomst,clothes, however, bowilltakente otto drop 1 move thofabrics, olor ffom‘The woolen, aadipo.eat tomataes Noles In fotton juice of will remove thejurystainto oftho walntts from the ands without skin. 1208.” To taleTe Staina out of Max jrany.cid) Puta fow drops of of spirits of touch nite {aire ina touspoontl water, {hoan spot witha feather dipped rabia themiatare, en the ink hsappearig, de water, over im:oF motiately with a rag vetted in cold there boenlywil"bo eftaced,m avito mark, which wil hot 300. To Apply. take spits Ink Spots out (marae of Mahogany, of alte fo) we soy ttl thewaspotswihdisapent, Somalia afterward arateand Inkpr 1 onnce from ofMahogany. ‘104aid‘301, iat‘ond of‘ToRemove sole wntne ale of } ounce of batter (terchlorido) fntlioay; and fren stain dissolved itil be toryshakeused well, in extracting from Mabogny, at well asin, noo t0 tong Manding 302, Toink Extract Inkby from Floors. Remove from floors senuring then rth cand wet Thea with water andthe of of vit strong with them ‘rinse mixed. Tol, Selec 308," TowaterHomoyoStaiteStains on, Mahogiy usebo spats a Furniture, any TakEn out of mtiogany. formitare by tho halt union of ona liquid, cit adby means water Dy rubbing bh part withthe oferan pcork illtowel te color ftherestored observing wash wood with Water {snd‘304,ao dry moand Extract polish as Oilsashfrom Boards, ‘Makeant a addstrongts or otherandStones. Marble Tyoot peorases soft wate, dhuch daslaeked hme it wil takea fowup ann.alle aid then Tee i note itutes;together, hott it and itstopwhenclose;used, have.aud realy scout todiluo water forme thefn part with it It te liquor shuld ie tie Uoards itdoWwill withdet carothe andcolor xp outlongot heretoused for mario, the surhueay thom When tion? Dolimproved. rubbing.powder of polishing after: ‘ard withingby putty and ove (Por Putty Poder, sa Tudex) 305. foMaketakoapasteOil with and filors Greaseearthout angof Boards. hot water, cover dyor obyellowahdsoaphonestthe dayspotseatherewith, i of withletsotit 366."fe mix quieklime Gioan with Marble,etrong 9 lye,clean mar ‘to, so as toot ria a mixture having the cousstency ream, and apply itimmediately with arash, Fh companion be allowed fo remain forSom 8 day or two, and be then washed off With suid water,new. the thrblo wil appear as thug it were 367, "To Clean Marble. ‘Take ® parte
isf ccnmen coamep sats int peta ena pmieiog ak ore en ae Ree te egret eats Eee eenen alas ‘at ise ve S r MN ag ERAS a ie eiares aaa ieee tou ee SLT carePeta SF ae oa ead te apd ag phe is apeene cl pec yal Sie be pe ore ee hoary ra a ees ES MN RS Fe sta’ attoutotWeHN sities fh ici eee ie ar cr eae ee cara perenne Sieh ta Galeton al ely - 401.
To Remove
Oil Stains in Mar-
au nay injure the polish, but the stain will
wie Be Sid
Remove creeer Stans from Mix a ER: to ee Poh ere ee Pee re Sim ee ie ntatere seta ee eee sterrpdasrpetot oermaenta ey, Beis reas coe ea seen eenine Printing Panag TakWe Sefrom att gca eoeee | of einte hepa tin Pernas Sia nora neman ge via eee Phineas tepermed al pe aah al on eorfe oe pee Mes a eotesctoree ens Sere
removed byTo wating aringtaken Cleanof thePictures. 00, thefbea pctore out frame, te fiton the ly we quite it ating ands low ofwitheban th potesof speaking 1 fom cmeto {iafSoord water, Llitromadnwetfor days; ta theaferclowipingof aadthe renew ith fea one. peture Wha clean wet apengo, fepest the roves Uithea youaa dinwitha all tbosof detspongeis bosked outoteof iyget and filo dey; ‘andTab it wiWil abmotlear nut asorwhenfi Sot a i l looks ell bly done.fo Clean Oi Paintings. Put “07. into ura aoAng, 4WAG punpint otspinGenenol Soop doped oxy ‘ng; lt thou sium on the Acea let. for halt an Tong thee stain them trough -Ap[BrTie,tasiberopaation ihsponge, 2 bach andte sthp it eof wiuna aasoonh time, which will remove all dict ntn'vita a itiWid day"wutThs warmed, rub tookthe ‘Ploery and wil mk Einght se whehW exine out byof dap, tho artore se isnjorol canvas Ifthe nll abe er ful athe rat Ung to bo done is to ‘tree ad i it with now fanras 4408, iabon "Wo CleantheJapanned Waitersand ums sponge a tiowashwiete Dep aod some htowarne wor, and sealer ocum quiteanecleen. jy "Notor wsolot war Ue S e il Hevlog wiped i ade, while, spriteand ato fourit over ity loti rest thon ub sri tote dy cots, andare fish with sk Minddereiet™” Sf there bila heat mae nthe wali, moythoy tywilrung bo dieu toro a shoves butyot then wit Hanne cipged in "Waters eed ol sndandatrwarde i Srnts of Sue. otbrartelasat Pupler mache should bo washod with aapongs ‘nt coll water, withont soap, dredged with floue wiih dau” and ater a ilo wiped. of, and then polished with a she handirdioe ‘400, Gatinto 6 portions a loaf caperof broad Han 2 Safe heltnerplace bo mowerater Nobaring sae {eeown outs Sihaif ialtonemust of thse tuo dust om to paperto be leu, Uy tho mesoy ofof Uietoom,iolding «good fair of blthe {ou begin at thetap Hehtly deneak wiping halyard hand,efumb,ood abot inthe fm Grand with the Sec oke cleaned tt auber ato‘TuanWo govound fect ompltay l rout, dowae lo tmcepingesch akosuccor tho commencing fal with SEs, ways ours aly higher thnotiom ibe upper stake fod estanded, fl the Be finished. ‘thi operate if cetera wal fequenly milo very eld fopor look imost ‘equal Greatfo rabcaution must bas, bo used dti ttanpl uy toanyhow,clang means tho paper or th cre Ka sage abe dey eltpactgyof thea breadte pts foo, mstme odin nora as tock ag may Utomo nesolary, 410, ‘To take Grease Stains out of Wall Papecs. Oilnunte and cb minke whore Jorn abe rte nd hk fonby Ron the paper on drawing oom walls mining ieay Losing with ionwaetho to thopot andconseTet Stoveam, nay romeln tll Ue folowing beg, ofwhenrash. tualTigi bocuallyromoved witha pei dt warm"TO tetakepactGrease fromtho Paper, Cocntiy containing gran,ab Sind afl bloting-paper oa to extlat iil poses“and apply ing atito the ca ‘aL of tupentine Be swith a eof clean brasb,be pat over itl warm ree aor. shoul wee of Xplats vad
412, To Oxynmiatio take out Stains ofremoves, Ink from Books, acid. por Teetly, stains o f ful; and should the pspor quire’ bleaching, tho ‘poration wall answer oth ends at the same Une. Neaely allpaperyto acide will reunove spots of fuk front the feeils important uso such a do(muriatio ol a ck textare, Spits of ‘ale: acid) diluted ia applied 8 of 6 with Unes success tho quantity of svater, nay bo pon tha pot, aa aftera iinuto oe two, ofwashing itolFaed, in clean water. A soludion exale iio andtaratio aedbe appel ts ateended watha ShepaperHeaait st, ant upon and. aking plates without fear Snof ANddamage, ioe acids ot writing touching the printing, ean be used for Testoroe fog theattacking taaggins thehavetext.boon wet. {08415,book upon, Powhee without Remove Yellow Stains from the Margins of Engravings. The yellow Stas ont bya tho laargis of ofengravings. bay Dyof Tomovell solstion hydroehlorite Soda. guid is commonly known under ihe‘41d. tamhilToof Labarragu's solution Clean Silver or Goldearpet Lace,or Tay’ Bip lieo saiooth oma. woolen pleco then uf woolos cloth, alas an and rusposeder it teowit (ona Uist bums rock. fo, Sd aherorarda aie i through f layen siovoy ‘hen rub itdoingover it thewil lace with a taruish fino brash Sndia so take olf tho andtoo Fostoro it to ta brightness, sf it bo not uch415, wom"Po onClean the thePapier Maché, Papier rfdmachGrticlos cold. water, should be washel with aspoos0 without soap, dreged. with Hour216,while Todaxnp”Cleanand polished with &flagnol ‘Hair forBrushes and Comba, “Wash to bristio a fow vooouds ‘a won toneolotion ofof hartshor, say’ tabletpoonfal pint cold so water, ‘Thensot Tingo in cles ull water, aud diy. Do fetbut, them near tho fir, norwell,in the sn, toow dry,the after shaking thea sot thom point of thethe brash handlewillim boashady place. cleaused By this Drooeos Chocoughly ‘ith very Hitloald trouble, Dac Observeoh!thatrachtho Daher be Reptwood,out ofCombs the solution, it i apt totnnstdiscolor mayo aycleaned {eo‘417, samo manner. To a nowspaper, ‘Clean Looking Glasses, ‘rake part of fod itamall, diptisit iva‘thoroughly basin ofwetcleanequeezo euld water, and when a sponge, and fen rub hard over Ieout'as ho fac ofto theandow gies, taking caro that i iy not so rates streams, Afterwot thopaper, glassTet asit rostbeon 4 swell rubbed with the few ius and then go over ie with a feah dr newepaper, tlt looks elearand bright, which Xe‘windows wat maysosbe cleaned mediIn this way, Tho sae of an toy Will418,look beautially clear. To Clean Straw Matting. Wash ftfr with wesk salt and water aud dry” it well, boil a stall bag of bran in gallons of tas, and wash the matting with tho water,wa drying it wall, ‘410, To chair Cleanbottom, Cane-Bottom Chairs ‘Pura up the and with hot waso tor and'a sponge wash tho eanowark well, that iL it'bo may." vorybecame completely. Fone. Bhoold dirty you anaat add soap. Eatit dey in tho open ait i f possible, or pltesaviera there isa thorough drag, ie and veces itt and fr ax won, provided it‘TohaaClean not beenShoepokin broken. Rugs or ‘420. Mate, Make a very atwongtix lather, boil. Chia withby aut watery fitlo a in soap ‘ng felon quentityto” wash of water (ratheror mgmorofo, that Tukewanm) tho wat and
rub Bolleadditsal sop on cesnibg. those prionsWhenof ithowhich oqo nat TabSurbertec'well wacked iis welay, props thor fenue ho tototune placewey, followed ie Sach by sound washing ttn, whieh Supt to iebe walleufont to leant {therdaptiy: nso in eoid waterit ntl all he Soap i s removed, and thon pub nwater into which lewoolbivelias en sed, fufict keep tho of good whitUns find proven sifelluingte yllowe tar TMEuI bo thothoroughly ding, shakey, ond Hung ut fm open ale witcha ai part towbeds i kosun,ddaDat willnoe while ls Bardi scorebhng Shorviso been Shest uso bo beehatehquitooftensi? loand ying ortIe Zot itil cruel. font boono Sequchtly timed,by chbegothe,Hg tat fins by eal and then as481,feedeutiely Mo CloanHoanEnives and: kita Forks, Prveaa wanools free fom bunfreufiient opera wit leatof snaton Tf thostlatter, quuntiy ad pat fehot upon t h e leiher ith pio ottantel thon tae onotopless oftheofhor wot Vathover rick and rubErtllthen tnt th ea isunt coveted tho chrugh'when powder, which fbEiltsin pane nn ver ronanwits comon he lester, witch ap easily oy theboarJnifeKeopng ts beckpolSh.Bor if4 boonlyknown plait rab the Hath dake verity ioBlanesmuchof theWe pulKniveson St.onea wil ink dhe Troe rough audhelensertehed. Taethattho board be OFinay peor an st oo bo tle‘ on thy stoop while cleaning ails. Takehace;ake edeoppohand,thohain therm buck to stand foot the boards layhardthoupon hes then; Aa uponLy iisi thd domot bear foo ietiod itl be easter c'clean 0 Ratves Xti be timobroken, than forover and ey wil Doles lable goou koiees sil stay whee pressed on too neavile Many will Sy that Toy ennuoe clean te laives ot once, that they ear gee Can them fester ene by ones Ini ey wl only inpty defor tes tay recovinend si fd Ht neon Tone mgre expen, bt caer AR Practice ial atts nena hn bree esto louy gavel, soul forks i dehy tol ofa sual wh fine Dc Son, nizad withdamp,witpress hay‘or ms;Seay maeand femtderatly 1 well ietivetenrt bel k dunp. hy nelag We proof tae stl frbod fow t i n e s ats thie EI age‘ntitoe sual‘ow ole, ‘ism sped wil beHike renova, Trop @ Kn,ths Shtonbersont fh tee prongs hnviagas howo t escuetty brushed the of dustto om themt they otaken out iv. A ilotonsd is likewis on spolthe inbooksleaof ingUng frksupon iy ad Knivet lathe to eveut tite beard have wry a peehea tldferal nav put on backs of th kas avo andcleatToike 499." qo Preserve ienives inEetes Good Condon, Wipethar theheiegLsivesaed stddo ce a pate iOt thes langage Paarder ey ik Selrenee bo to Goan artiuloy i f tey have Geen wed forhakwee acid Ea, tr, ee have ten a jog of fersetdy toa put thon ee te ts" ae son. ag dou Serra Titorderwhenkeepthoyhaves and fork fa goodCs couitins as ootin tse, ive Selphy ape igwaterof'oini;aeraor dmfew hour as there 1 fen the Wales a8 pronge Tt guieutin, dnelypowhorad ad ke muti bye ‘423. ‘To Clean Spice Mills,
It isoften
Heels cd ttle, ome o Renemore eal ie meee ee asain oer OK eee he an aaa rae
tetBeteCOGivs io Sais Bones «Blt Boma ere fom Shs ae aan aken reat perianal Sooo whi et eo aes ee onan oe a tae a pees ee enche Heel gee aie ove rat eo ae ae waits asec tome aby Tp; nie a aa Gro mt 428.
ToClean Stone Stairsand Halls.
ceSe nascnaa cites guimcarive sn of fukewarm water, and with a tolerably
oiseat nee,ah ly8 de a une BN a, ia le utes mis bm rae
ate ene oe So Sega acinar Bosh ashes ts a pligh rete re eeAe Bete Cer Been Seen cae ag saute 22" HG See a, Gera ai are a eae epee ts OU oer stam, rt aE am Gryrey Eaonmare sitet Rests ieePiiatiage fe aePhere eeshe Sathette Pat tescaechin iia SEVCNe Rnrity aa ane i canton cian ta, Pan, atta te ba ey witsmo cana Poa eter!eeeSaariate Fo ate ee 431.
To Clean Glass Bottles.
ie fa ohn hey ea ia ies Te Sa Walaaae ASF Bete Sole ERIE aoa sly54H an rh ited etree eer oe TINS ueGy mia clove, “HC aera Seth BSS ale COB ier Aar om
‘A stopper bottle of2 fostwhichigh, and 1undo to 14 offeetgle, wide, 138 lo filled with ® eto pounds boof washed benaine, ao ‘ten the loves wih put ah, fo bottle to bottle,munt beOnverythis wide accountperhaps tho neck of the from} foe‘obtained, foot inBeng diameter, ‘Such a butues bre enslyAb vote ust pliaraoy. any glover snay_bowillintrodted into bottle tio botte {ona tho Tiga cover. The ‘Un elosed, well shaken, dings and allowed. ‘and someminutee.-'Tho repeated,oat the bottle opened, and tho gloves talon vl"To" prevent ps the posabiity orca of thero bein anyTul er aniaa goeditischianey, a good plan to thus oped eanies the bottoff which por that Se gloves, whon boule ought are by taken the foreeps to tnefer mutt tho oct ove tho othe, by thattho: thehan,superfluous and wrang” outLiquid tare being talen ‘ns backtoageinperform foto thhis bottle, Leis under Bighly& Luvianble oporation fhimney, tho. workman sulfer from the orfnjurlous influence willof thesoon volatile. Hydrocarbon ‘Under the chimneyis placed a cord stroteheaHungDotwoon ‘woby pins, andof thoamall gloves are upon this mesos Ssaped Hooks Parhatgng shore tib thy wil ary. ‘the’ allbensine containedwhichin adheres tho bottleto disthe solves thefoie grea ten com: fever fined "withtad the. greasewhisk istine, consequently beni iero“he ‘athena moved ming ia the bot o assames dirty gray color dking tha procoos of washing,” o> Wheninp ths ds venue has becote toanddirty, fa pat apace, dined Bron tn thisparity way and.tho whitenoss Wensine is restored to3 {tp Griginal eo that in further operation. beruwedhasagain fan thi, see nex!(ForTeto accomplish ‘irections cape) ‘Phaoftehgloves, when clean, taken in outwhichof thoeagabottle, azonecessary notto robquite 138 eben with, p rag, moistened tvith beating, inal paces where ey azo still ting. ‘Thosthe thegloveslast become traces ofperfectly dirt aro clown. removed,Ti and {his etate they may be hog on & cond under tia“Thochimney. gloves soon become dry, but a part of thsSolaileand bine ailwhich,remains behind wehin isles whoa the glove con {act wih the warm hand, causes a strong odor UF ‘Tobenzino to bothnexpived remove alo,whthe i gloves are ano placed on containing coma plat pu on boiling water.and host patebe Breovared wlth a second, tho gloves tweon the twoof'water, plates areuntilheatodthe atlastthotraces boingof tamporating the‘thoUnvolatlzed boszine have eseped gloves are now mowed fone plat,or and. paterate upon swaywooden. glovestretcher, they afo made to renting thelr orginal fort, bud are’ now realy for “Tne whole operation mustia peroaptble. bo conducted Tho Dons of piel no tat smell of benzinepart is ofalways n sign of carelosewho ean worktnan, the al thethebenaine fovs-on Teddy conduct vapors np the chionoy. (See No. S46.) 440, To Re-Distill and Puri Bonzine that has Ifbeen used for of Cleaning Hid Gloves, the operation distiling maker, glove the to the benzine is disagreeable oF apothecary's tho at pueiied it have ean hhe
chemists, 10s however, an operationw Hhoeao readily perform hincalt "Phe appatauts te neither, complicated nor oxponsive. “A establishments suall wooden. pall, such agwithie {tol in every furaished to the ato eee dled eae tthehe be u p e r mazpia o f the pall, #0 that, when palldaroughie fied with untilwater,the thesure. waterof rons out tho hole tho ‘rater within the pil Y s on a level with the Toes portion of the hole, that isto say, just Telow she upper margin ofothe the vessel. Sn the ‘post palLotto another0 hole is mad bu this me near its that water would raucontaued throughwater this washole,wit wit the surplus ofthe ‘hore distance‘tbo,af thethe bottom ‘A leadon theknoss of which equals the diameter of the holo, is bent to form a distilling worm, the upper end80 of ‘which thelowerupperholeopeniog and {he‘Tholowerfstubefaserted endis tightly into infothe snsertedfuto both holes, goBreen that notho water ean ran throigh te spacs tbo and the hole. “Tho palUpper thon filled withends eoldof water. ‘Tho and lower ththe leaden talje munt projeet a Tito beyund outer Surface of th pait—perhaps two inches, “Thoupperlowereud endia alittle ie ene enlarged, downwardeo chat a Kittle,the ‘Pho thoTn forms a aorinserted of fel aboverelort, conve thls ie a lash aicuty fixed between ina holder.tho neck of the retort Me space and heared filed tof themoistened fae abe i Sonvenieatly with cotton, Soho vapors a sane hough ‘isati, gosod that plan toany euploy & glass retort vvith Agi ean be poured Into“faving it whenplaced the apparatus is already Axed tho retort on Babvaporthe bat, where ean be heated at 212° neoat ‘ofhovethoselot s connected with the wor, mentioned, aud the thpealn filled up vithe Goldwater. Die retorts filled with Impure orwathing pctrolemm exteneo which iis“after boon bensiue use in gloves. In bythe topper beozine, andthe then tubo heof shel pouriug lta placed un by 2 bole ewe is completed Spparatis Rete Tome en of hea, rrjeets beyond the ramnog onter surface ofthisthe Howspal, Jo'thut tho liquid down aiigetly into thebathbute.is nos heated, tho retort ‘The vapor soou ‘becomes warm, and thequichly volatileor slowly, guid ‘bogs to distil over either tetoring to ho way st whieh tho healing proces is conducted. othe ‘vapor of the hydrocarbon condenses out flows of Tiga worm, alaIn stceama inofitstho month, remain there timo short rte onyfromtho thegromo Ghind one iphasthoextracted glove.which te Ox-gall for andFixing “441, andTo Refine Rere Drawings, Penel Chalk to gall ox fest Allow Grease, Sloving and boars, decaof thea thickCleat,syrup, foFiy toor the consistence ono Braporae it chinlyort oner spread eS, then waterbath; fn'e efor expose ta fis, drybottle . Te willor then fent offie dryyearsas, inuutiwie neany pots, monthed {cep © als withat bladder. ‘For we,oma. vee Covered Silva poondboll,watskim,tho ad sls gall olpint; agi Genes ae; saa pourin it@ coo! suficently and. andwenloosely isolved, downy Te cork bolts, a foto platsalt;of another bothit 1and’skion anser ilar common of ounce to ad alfo and and cooldeeantand thoote.clearos three "months Above.til Indissolved,
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 from both bottles, and mix them in equal quantities; the cléar portion must then" be feparated ftom the congulum by subsidenceor filtration, “Tt is employed by” artists to fix chalk and penetl drawings bofore tinting thems, fan to remose the greasiness from ivery, t cing paper, de. Tt is also ne d to extract igreaso and oll from clothes: for tho later
achat sine feat Spang sone oak te ge
erates aie
{ammonia water) with 3 ounces water.
Po Ceet eC ms iy PL i n Supe tere ere karen Be geek Se a nee
ag, Heatday when Ge gumpesition ip atte dey, brash i olf, (Se and Noetho 267°)grease spot Tilthava disappeared." 445," ‘To Clean Hearth Rugs and Stair Carpets, “ITearth rugs and stair ca ets nay in he eae tater ay fiven in theBo teal last receipt, only that these ta ‘bo spread and ‘Washed oon @ table. % How to Clean Carpets. Carpets may on tables of of the for. Tn fiior beeas.washed they ho taken up ‘nd. well beaten and. swept.met Grease taken out by rubbing hard. soap on the spot,fs and eeuh bing. ‘out with a brush dipped n clean cold water Bach apotanuat be rest dry with cloth as iis washed. Dissolve a barof roap in galJong “of water, by cutting it into the. water aud heating to a bust. Lay the eurpot-on the floor it down, ur havo a heavy Voard,'3 andfeet tack wide stouttands, oF horsey,by’ and12 foettheowlong,tho Iaido carpet ver that, Keeping a clean hoard or sheet tn erzeath to retcto the carpet ns eiseleansed. Provide an sty of sponge. cour cotton Drumheg cloths, ately anda lego pals of sedtho aselted with: Vlood-warm water, ut‘ake 2querts sonp inte fiom to scour the carpet with and’ weaone thoF other for rinsing. Dip. tho. brush in, the foap-suds, and scour a. square: yard ‘of the eaepot at A timo, as ite water as poss bie not to. soaksgaL through, the son hts done ts work, ral st wll When out of tho with a flannel oF coarse spony uel ifarpet nag'up with theso all tie wet am ite left hy hg a ea water repeatedly. ttl ave realy n pail of clean cold water, with enough sulphuric acid or Sharp ‘vinegar i ito laste wot dip a clean fponge This, equeexa and rub ie Wel Anta Gherrpot deaawed, "Afterwntd wipe dry ‘with contejust cathe, and hanging thea ‘whew they. will bs rinsing dey ehon ‘washed, Finish yard after yardthe innextthisyardway,Ib ubbing each cledn and dry'as you go. "Keep ' go d fro in tho room to dry the carpet SxSogulys scout on’ fede, nailBe carpet aide of a hotse Uso wun fo dry. Sguinst “Thiaivathe tedious, but thorough pro foss.”" Hearth mugs anay’ bo tho amo way, boating and broshiugleasedthom dia wally fd on a largo board betore washing Borubtacking onasizth a tino unless rom ate expoditions, aul ofdeyiat well with an old shoot. ‘Tho seoret Of having earpots ool yells ta ‘wash aid “rnso thom thoroughly, withost fonking them through. Tugeai "tapestry, ‘Brossols, carpets ae’ all eased inthis way.and Pavkish Good suttorvion recomuyent a toacupful of ox-all to. pail ning with elean water, (Seo ofNo. soap-suds, 44h.) ‘247, "Mo Sweep Carpets, Defoe ap plying tho broom, scatter over tho carpet, the Fofuss from tho tea pot. those Should boterleaves act apart and saved ia a. pot kept for ighiy tho parpose,squ tho water ove ther eesing in tho’ hud, Mist. ub tho.aud leaves {indo tho ‘carpet with the broom, swoop na usta. This will prevent dust then Brighten tho estos, Talia meal is Teenand Benders pros by many exponen ousoceopers. “448, ‘To Cloan Colored Silks, Moreens, Ghintzos, Printed pated Cottons,cottons,Colored fr black ates,and moreens, ad ehintzes, tay bo eleatel, without injary to their colors, by potato liquor. Grato ra po fatogs to a fine pulp; adl water in the pro potion of 1 pine tol pawid af potatoes; pass The wt liquid through a coats sieve luton vessel, allow it to remain til the fue wine Baroh subsides tothe bottom, of the lear liquor, which isto bo wood Pour for cleanin Sproad the artelo to be cleaned pou & table,
ish should bo covered wit a tigen cans dip a spongo in Ue Iquos, and apply i until {ho tie famed, ‘loan cold water soreralhentines,rms te aril 449. OldFo tapestry Clean Old ‘Tapestry on wall the Wall.” ds cleaned on the Doginiiog at tho top. Melt a har of good common foap ina gellon of water, aad put 1 ear of Sin allot of ell! ator A Dothes brush ofto stodustbroom steaw or braske log ‘rate ie Dost with; a got plceo of wash-leuthor somo flanmelsy and dry Theots aco also needed. Bewsi ull dust fron {ho tapestry fiat eleniug tho comers wel Dip altannel in tho suds) squoss se lightly, rub the tapostry to a lather and brash wall ‘with aol bragh,” the faael out of tho ana, a ab hoWelng apatey ry with ead ‘wasbileather lastly wipsng t wholesdey h e ; 4sHivepossible with a shoot, as 4¢ mst not be Malt 4 oases 6 ata tla DING of bolling water, and wd toe ® gallons Stthisclean ‘water. Squeeze a clean sponge in rab ie well Suto tho pace just loanedacid, ‘andand dried; then aint wit tho dry fheet at once befor going next yard of furlacs, "Renew tho sls to ahdthe rinsing water Frequently, as well as tho towel, dannely soy for oforything must be used ‘lean Si. tho room when be kept ood fro is should ipostry cleaned. When dryau,d bies rab a itJumpout OFSwit!pipe-clay well into i t , ond clothes biich. his takes the toap outend lightens t h e color. Worsted ‘wore nay lo lead ia this wey Clean Sill and Cotton, or Silk450.and ToWorsted Dainasle, erry” OF Brocatello Curtains, sill ahd cotta, or silk and worstell dansk, terry,aboardor brocatello Curtains, ueo eloaned over by seruby Ding with {gallon eaumpien a brash, first dippiug tho euztain into thoandcotmpheno, then wrongintoside theand lastly om the right.eletaiigDipon ittheagain campleng Jnst u s e d , aud sinso in’ tho reine amount of fresh cions "ett drain a iinaoy then wipo {tof with a finen or. colt sheet tll all'the moisturew dey'brash possible of issoftabvorhedy and rush ie with ait, ang thar th ie eo hoursco fo away the snell o f eampheno. 1 gallon is cough for each enetain width,to dawsp Nost roll tho curtains in huttdey sheets thoin utasp Hush ad rab hem; thea ion, ltt oe then, snd they wl ook ‘To Clean Worsted Reps. Worssofas, aul worsted furniture of any Kind, tre freshened by dusting damp Tudiat tneal ayer then, and rubbing off with & si brush. Dry bran is suid Lo answer samo purpose, oF very Light, dry snow, not thesuffered to molt oo the surluee. “A large sheet should ho spread mader each pices as it iseltaned, to eatch Oe fallingof furniture, litter. 452. ‘To Clean Table-Covers of Cotton and Worsted, Silke and Worsted, or Printed Cloth, Dissolve 1 bar uf the best mottled soap md gallons of sealdiig, water, with T pound of peneltss 3 tubs ready, and put i the first, in 1 it, pail Mave of eold wer ter aid 3gallonsof soap liquor, inthoseeond, Y pail of cold water aul eallunty of soap Ti quor; aul in tho tind, 2 2 pails cold. water ndT gallon oftoap Hyuor. Ia of another Dave 6 yuilsaf cold water, with atable-spoon-tub ful of oil of vitriol int, TE tho cover ix cot. ton aul worsted, wash’ gud wring it trough tho threo sonp-walers; minutes the vitriol tub, and. weiugoinso oati fyof cold, clear water fold ivup smoothly to drain, and hang ito dky without wringing. Por asill and worsted Coveruse three soapwaters; rub it well, and, instoud of the vie-
iol, put a pound of common salt in 2 pails of ‘water, and work the eloth well inthis.” Rinso, after waem thoroomraléed ong, aad faa i coldto drywaters Hang“hndputed clothhas a wavasety th ehrough theeo soape liguots; if one ofbo talleelot ty, oftho diferenta nixtures, they may put throug samo suds in tho order given ta these fi Tections diferent rinse foreach. Given, tho{yroteold pristedusg cloth, after the last seapsiguo spoonl of wit nolPold inancach;watos,after withthes, &fablea cold cleatfa warn water. drain, and dy quell room}, colorshs,sill run nto Guo another ‘ToSheetpossothe tableclot layeythemfonunder a damp and fron wilh a ‘45.have "To Cloan White Jean Boots, If soit not buot-treus , statcottontho boot as fll 4s‘dogs, possible towith comme wading oF prevent. any creases; then Imig Some pipestay wie vwater to radhor a ett peste, jean sg boots with soap water aad wora3 {erDoasbleadaWashtonailgetthbrah, 88 ithe When withthey fane Took {olerably cleus, therab thediet off.pipe-clay ahem cloay witdp henout theand superlluo oerbeat wel dry, en ns sooth, lok they til han rub hoBlakehnnand white may also bo used Kia theyBoots,may VoIf White To Clean 464" soiled v not aro ‘hoHlanedkid boots e r y Pat}of ounce sdanner: inthe intofollowing clean bit a dip satcer, a hartshorn ffflannel in ie and sub i On a piove of white hig. and 08 mitt soiled, tho boots rubflannel oupj curd {eh pleeo af Becomes esa plecos the boots wil look like newtake & Shoes. ‘WhitecleanedSatinby riba Cleanmaybe 456, autnTo. sous Whit faanel, aud after ana bread blue sth sfouo thorn with thom cleaning ‘warts andCut Other 450. with"To. oldClean’Hid Black, up a Gloves, Sills, pour oad pee call x Blai ne and Coverwilit keep over thit. water waterwhero of boiling intiestand allnight ot‘warm let ofIt eleobol tho momaing if possible: spoonfl desert and ida IaI while 1p,1 strat"Keep'it aponging theon slsth on tho right sidoavarmnd iron iediate lywhito oF uso silks light Fot ile. ferong Hight with i do without the al is better Tewilt eobol, itbut gloves, heatTeusrev e)htc silk may bo cleaned in the ty sanyo wey.te withSomea daun pert el a dippcleaedn jublacgin.k al by rubbing ‘458. Black Reviver, to Restore the Color of Black Silk, Cloth or Leather. 4 ounc of baoirongalsfilin ‘Tak , brue ood, , es;geealogw aid feeoedfrom eoppoeras, eave se, gs but casheoppL-ounco.int Putquar all good fubi s, ach ‘andtho Neseeras conto t then {hoinogiron filin gs and set aisifourng hout or elon Fpthen at,edn‘ thewaterb t ath anhe sd iron forflings wwec and. copp eres Teh ‘Shake ovca oul k, sion d ally buttwso a well-cor Kopti e. f Tteponmay bo Tess9 with spotked to fadeto droat pliend alo s of leat calor ge. theleatbine beln ood ore ved, Unesoup andher wate g provieusher itcleaLuma with She n ly well450, nedo Res Bla Bile rs tore ke to, mak"To o it cies boiliwingn wate r suli jada t rp tno esik spon clan ad Tish ge a ‘well 6a both sides; aquobzo it well ost, and Prosngeed wetsaquie,a andia Lke chan-moge nuether. waterHinslle itper Spri Holly clea dry seu tho ain, then @ip the
sponge glue-waterable,and andrub deyftouboforea the wrong alo;460,piain Toouta tire Clean silks, Satins, Colored Woolen Dresses, do. "i wa ovees of ofah aesoft comp oe of Royse ani Weiuesglassfid of(which gin muse mnie wellbomupiekedt togetie, fd scour tho arco ‘nd laid hardia widths on thoroughly a hitelien table) with & father brush, ;aflerwards go it quite in eolddamp,water,witheaveapefo drat, auduiaslin iron ‘whilst of thia Totween it andside,” tho oo,‘Tad aif, oft when wil bolaidbarked onlable,thoironed onthe must bo kept quite smoot’ 80" that ‘evory ‘part may comb Under to brash, Whito litle oneblue inthe wate, hiersilk requires an exellent To Raisefor the§an Nap on Cloth, Soak i eold water bot, hen pubon ‘board, and ruby tho Uireadbare'parts withaoF haléworm hatter’ ead, filed with Rooks, witha priekly this autil a nap is raed Hang up to.dry, aud ‘with a hard!braeh lay the nap the wight way. 402. ‘Towater, HenovaieBlackCrape, Skin alleand witha iio bie of fhe ty Brad ang hot wil retarecld ry ok alanfino erape, If lapped. and. pulled dry, Tike“468. ulin, it willthe TookPiloa8 gow ns now. ‘To Raise onof Velvet or Plush, Hold the wrung silo the volved gray thethe stem arin am oti aa titi le risesoF danipenTigiy ths ‘wrong sido of the velvet and hold iver 9 prety Hotizon, not hot enough toseoreh, how. fver? make clean brick hot plaes upon itAnda thowetor,steal cloth, and tasehold thetheplush,velvat over It cbt, Be, Restore, Greased” Ribbons, Greased rikbons may’ ow restored ‘by logy heelean sponge oven”dumping andevenlywih avery them al over ‘Thon roll them smoothly ead Gghlly ontie ribbon black, of greater breadth than tho ion, attransfer Tettheatto remain wut dry, After: ‘wards dey tat block, ented “Then ‘Wrap488.in Brown paper,a clean aud keep China Grape ofScarfs Ifanothe fabric‘To heWash’ good, these articles drenva wad requnily ay tay be {ized and no dimiantion of thelr beauty wel Bea dacrerabio evn wt tho arouses green havo been employed. amongthem, other colors in tho. patterns.” TH c l e a n i n g thukea lercold, ofur blling water gufor to cool; strong when neatly soy Wash the fart quickly and thoroughly, dip tema Sintely in old hed water i a ” wikeh a colera)y ttl Salt hts boon thrown (to peesorvo the ‘se, atsqueeze, and hang St out to dry i the pen’ pintfe nay HU at notits extrema ed to the ith, go that in any pat he food together. ‘ T h o inore rapidly "it dite ‘the lear wil bo, To Wash a wiicent Black fotLacowateVeil.t) AGuauko400,hulloek pal with ean beer Your had jysqueezed, nd ites panots warm theabled velas yanUhroagh He Temust beto anit wil be well Deron thu gall with we iute musk, "Ines tholast vel‘withathrough twoblue,cold Atte waterydrying, ting’fat theit tle ih someon very sieningstallnigpieeo hy of posting Unig Water glue; queers itout,streteh i t , aud clap it, -Afverwards, pia Hout on a lines cloth to dry, aging Tete seg an edgoeve and tag tate 0 oped and pin the very nicely. “When dry, ron ion’ the wrong side, aver"Anytheaztile ironing blake.having laid a lined sloth tala467.manerTo oF Mek Iie tay bo washed in Meat Some rainWashor-softWhitewater,SilltalStockings, whilaeon
good yellowfa Whso of socks into it slices fro out lather; thetomato the put and pot (a.scalding, warm,michDat.waters fs two the lather glaaWine ja tern feast Huot ginFneo in tho fist water an improve: ment); thema second well in riusing Tukewannwaterywater,ih having, ready. ‘whiol butie mixed littleise blue (notte eominon ind, ooh as for muting andat Ines), or vaso pa, whieh ean be procured tho lu, chemist and feSbupusedinain thopleassameof way os the by tying Wasael fd sucedag te (nto hobobween water, towelsAfterandinsTet {ng, put the stockings tsa gutlay alotthom dryout quite ple then on they salare fhoct, at, as Shon a fatneediopurchased, tek tumstheitho to sheet tho sheet ‘with and thread, aver thom, and havo hem mangled. Tit i otbe convenient to have them iiaugted (run {iwoen weignodsix roles), the nestuponbosetheplanotheris toYodiveen put fouror stookhgsoue a picooaud.of beatmilithemlaywiththeinthe onrol a ono doomep, ot Ingin towels, pin, ‘hey musta bo mangled or beaten es tho pattom of tho towels would thoJaco improtaed on them. 1f tho atockingy have Hons thoy wl owe parinaly segs the tacking montionel! above to makpowder thomof Took nea No soda. or washing fy Mato atthe nd lying they ust bo dono quickly, and not lee ‘bout, "408, Toby Clean Soiled Bed Ticks, Ap. ply starch rubbing ein thick with a wet Bloc, thon put tho ick in the sun, When dry, fb Seth the bands." If necessary, 20 peat tho poor, and io soled pew bes 400. ‘ToGoods, Restoreremoved tho Gloss Finish on Woolen by Washing. Brash tho elolt oven, the tony of the eloh, swith brushover wetted with of very wealor a gum? Tater; lay it aahoet paper ofscrow-pross cloth, and wilput dry.it Under"his a wllweightostoroorn.yieeothea ‘riginal gloss tostain,cho ull spot often Tet ater ‘raging ‘out a ‘270. andTo Remove Stains from Black Grape! Mounning Dresses. Dol une0 hhandtin OF figleaves in quarts of water, Ai roducod to a andpint. pat Squeeze thebottleleaves,for strain tho liquor, Wt iato a ‘so. "Bombusinosernpo, elo, dey should be rabbed witha sponge dipped in this liquor, and‘471,most TostainClean will boa instantly removed,Vel White Lace Boil tho white vel goutly Tor 13 minatos fn a soli: tion of 8oap;soap,put alit intokeep gently basin holding ‘warm yrator and squoet, Jog it (do not rub i) til ee eon, dad thenof Htgoit from the soap, ‘Then take a vessel ald water, into whieh02) puta drop oF nase two of hele Ge Ns of gid i ail im incite Moyo orfealy’smo somo.thin very” clear arabia, water, riee-water, Pass thoa veilpin throughto dey i on Thon streteh fenkout on, a nen loth Joating thoall suoeigutallops os straitand as"fastening possible;eachopenwi Dine. Whenoverdry,We lay a.ivonplecoit ofon thin,tho malin Smoothly and wrong i 472. To Wash Whito Silk Lace or Blond, a black andbottlewindcoverod. with loan tinen‘Takeor muslin, the blond Found ie (securing the onds with a necdlo and thread), uot leaving the edge outward, but sovering it as you proceed, Set the bottle upright in a strong cold lather of whitosoap ind Very clear soft water, and place it in tho hy, having gently with Fourbhad rubbed the fds up aud down on the luce, Keep itin the suivevery day fore voek, changing the lather
Asily, andthe abeaysrubhingit slightly when you ronow s a d e , At tho onl uf Uhe week, tak tho boul of the bottle, and (without Hsing) pin covered it backward andcleanforward onease,& argo pili with a txt Every mun ha more ifmop tho Rallops are not& seit very millin Thooe Dlhin’edgo must beandpine downThe also, 80stould a8 to nuke it seraight even. pi Ibo4 offof thobutrmalletsize. Wheniroquiteor dry,piessakote do not sarc, Sein long bom.lomo folds, a pa Te ray 1TayHhivead pastebourd Taco may bo wasted in tho samo ‘273.may Tobo eleamed Clean Thread Lace.tanner ‘Thresdas Jaco ia the sao Inhis lastboon receipt. Os,thobotto, when theLake thread Tocothe tacked to somo ‘est oflrayaud ia aaturatewast the lace thorengh IpGhid awect nse 8 Castle ston lather of elear water aud white Soup. ce bottlecone with oul its Pillbursting, it welleoldadwater, stad toiupret ight in tho tosds,Uho ears wilh or handle string ofround.the ketthe eke secured Ue,‘whileto over preventth hsfre. abifting bout andthous breakingfor Let it boil in 4hWhiteDour ge Usrough. mes, tll Drain tho acoof thois clean and all wads and deyroinoveib ou thetho taco botilefromia thotho gun. When dey,1 beitio und roll Tout a wehitorbon-block; or smooth lay iin white lon folds plac within asheod of apes or ow aysTs washingprtIse,inno" p 12 drops ag ao 474." ‘To Prepare Silks forUy Washing. Mostcolorsare nally improved the ollow= ing. methou, especially red, purple, orange, ie," "er Pha mdr’ dla ocho aro‘This utis improved, neither arewith theytaves-tt fired. Hewise tho ease dhoer." seains thoof silktho is sklet to bedo wash i hdres not require to.frembo Fippod apact, though i anual bo removed te bandthe atbottom. ‘tho waist,‘Priumiugs, ad. the lining. taken frou or farture ‘hero thers are"dificult deap to folds, theshouldbotionbe ubof ‘which 3 very reach, ono4275,o ab To.ta roma ft “Silles, ‘The. artic Wash shoul’ In uponbo. well a cleansoups, etigothbotogtable. madoA fleanel should jast wetsilkwithrubbed ukewarst waterbeingad eureful the urnChat bfGis thrubbing one way, fa quite oven.nist Whon the dirtoff haswithadisappeared, tho soap bo washed sponge, and plenty of ol water, of ‘hich the sponge imtst bethe made to tmnbiv as Tveh as possible when washing iv done, ‘Asilo ou oneprecitely side finished, thesumociiertanner, must washed. iu the’ Tee jtvomistunderstood that ottine morethan of eatitherbe atrface be done ata spread penfclly ae upon reach; the tao,Iikowiso and thothe Rand ca conveniently Soap must be quite sponged off onoto portion, d aftranother flannel isofap lieike, tho Thesoapedweatitent before they orton, deseribod bo will washed, thus been aro Daeater, (See next colored, and‘wit white boAndlensed both recip.) ‘Satin ribbons, may dats, alin oveneffet by this procet, which Is ikewise in renovating all kinds of Blk feny effective ‘bgons and timings Stifon of silktho forsilk Trimmings. ‘476, theTo surface Spouge With equala weak Saloon of gum etabiey or with parts d a m p, oldon white frou, and Gfthe alewrongaud water, when exeollent. $s vide.used sis Silk 1 t0 ‘bo for tsimaning, and it ie no
797 eogsary Lo keop it sti Silk Pocket Hand 477, ‘To SilkWashpocket Kerchiofs, haudlwerehiets ro-
ano to be washed y themeles, adoakthosein ‘uta smu shoal he put to Separaialakewarm walt.nnsed‘twoot or andthreo putlousto ily, thoy should bo toni wilhtv. tho-ethers in coldthenwaterbe washed fora Hour or "they soul utifo washed. ickewarif alwater,the stainsbeing soaped 20outtheyef are ot ihm, Uyof tuomaleaanbo washed throngs“When secondi roto deseipton, iMhed shouldhand be needa Cold oofalt wares terein ih thoy witch's ef commen dluolved? throws, ‘Mey mayas festa bo rnsedthoyall areto, ther, beg ‘hashed, dry tub, when, whew Gl tlnee Aono,‘179,thoyinto's ace taal tot vining Todicen Wash Point Lace. Ly fol. Jowing the iit ownthtnthisreept Iehsingy ash ands gmjoradesepl aco as Usroughly us a n y : French Mz a tea-spooufil powdered borax inHastethasthe atone white Caste soup Taco ‘to.apewastied, very carefully,ot” swithtakeine ton? ter, Wiklasses Seah de arrange, tei veryons ‘aistao fori hours oF Tonge dy, hanging the suds tyro or three times. hen fobitaenor 3 ortho8 water houry inonce,lean ‘Syucee ater toSt Tie, shangiag SutfinedQo taoaontanned 1)wu and,thowheninch prtally ry,hag nie Howards on two monththicknessesviteof dya BottronHannel ialDaringone thetahiesand wil (06pracy, «boaoalage bennus it 6. tain aston fly Heed sua dase, oad ieupon. ththe Sipand damp ond pressed indian. a Whom thoes 'plfecy dr nip it 470, Linen ‘Twelvotzeds Washing Fluid forSet ‘White and Govion Arteles, ati thhet anand enlored Gingnanos thoy fist bo weaken Tne wey ftom the codesploeesto befronwashed a thothencoursepat anil dria. o"fne; Sn apart taby ofproviows eof water0 washing.) teeta over aight! (io aight ‘Thon papaswashing, ina sopataia vest, cheof Nga fora trge samoly 4 podnd good ‘own soap, ent i'enall pet pound oda fdilloounce fn, unaadked ang, maxedup a0 of Btingott water, Stell ‘fiomis and egy let iestandbengar Mhfratmemngto tuofeyoingrotient Mint af all edit behingsft water Heviag ready shoot 10 gallons of boding {hofog octal baler, pour inthethapropre guid.be remolb: heap. Settings tay pet 128th throw ifof yourhaifa cotehourabd bollPrevious them tveuty minis tysenleput-eneacten platoto. attheelthesbottom ofTtuntge the baler, to prevent from Atle bal tho appointed Ui take them out;ineleansealdso-water, thom, Wve.warmCher,er oland Fins thom hlSow.ine doties willmethod, bea lesatho and: whitelinens,as Dy fis finest tases caterwith olesveryeanhtebe trouble endy aod. eat Wy Should eléaseed theregalonsbo onyof water a smallrequired washing,& and less an 10 boll {hem i, lex at the liguid ef Tine soap, and fod, ea bo ase a propordon. When there eet aiftaliy in precuring’ flesh lino, grantty of theliquol may DS mad at peat, hes fo einthe oti ine, hich wil koep. for ad ea feWash, Mix‘460. Binghas's ‘Patont trazo, ‘Take Spun bar soop,pears eats tins SL} quart of iyo, 2 cunco folvel ober alow Reo! ‘When Sisaled, depot
Into veel prepare for tnd fn thenat Sar pat elena Tit hoehere wa481"a To Make eeWashing Fluid, gas To 1 polio eireen tot core anh Gedo ual ol etd of baokode ihe igo at Moolah ft tage) isle nah place Sb acaeatee,a ant a Petat itso ibpendngs Sree aaa Pe meeeeee neta ts Gein Wh nese ka ay uty MadedEaoy. esting Washing Thea. crworien of Hella an lg, co prove Sie Seay, and who p a t eins eee Hany ete Pana adn are Sagan de teaof bora af codapowderin ho properties ofot Boye Nous feat "Theyisheave sop nesiy one Gale Allthe ellingo wauleits atepe Ste WFaf lay min eyaod Bean SHR,wo Hine Yoaniuy(ultak portee bel; tobe one’ sti)tg Sertoli hy," sree tea ofre aught areneia Tnjuro tho txture tho Finen, [ts elect (Pest thekp hart io wate apd there i thant a tater ls 386, white Lye for Washing. This over 4 of 2 quarts of ashes. Let itstand's
Seite aks toes pent eee ir at oeeae e Te ses Son ia‘When is"vcry gud ioagus boty etna he tate ifs and oes Dots nad extn negro Soi “181, fasTo waeWashaur Linen in Saltor Water, Siey ssi aeeast poet Sot become ty hrconet Bet aearpoaion care nf tie aryRi eaaaanal thoprepattot rude eft and seepable of washes fa ‘SiincreflPuava juin ae ‘ts6,” Ho. Washor Lama ay Alpneay Bouse.hos une-de-tainey Breas that Brigit or Delicate Colors, “Toitthas| pound Beas Anat alse ate for Bones ‘Win boul, pour of whut wil bo vdllat
well forin dressthe reo washall the tho dress; tothe starch g n i s u and rica remainder wringGiehat elhe water i itclea ino starch Soap water rice with then ‘walYaseph ang ironbre parsdry andenough, entdey. Whim wil toiron, thocoolfire Ttsome seoreR. o liable 4 ag must “Nobo dey, they get too whilst tho dress of sith parts froaing. coah et & Tamped bol “Thedaybestaudwaymerely & warm used. bo foapimnst proviots the on thetneo you havoas thehe for then the nextyou anoraing, [thp whol, tho completo to before fay ie damp,Uo even no account {ids Thisto ran.suitedforan wil boro or tho oncolors hou, mast sell equally fouud bo will Tocelpt muslina and” pigués a8 0 painted. dresses. ‘olieate Tata‘486,andalpaca In Musing, Colored To Washnsline are ro ines, and colored veashing to bo’fromobserved, pobuts erytie esseutiel Sovesul injury preserved are colors ‘whereby suaped be not they shonld place, aight, Inor thosoaked)fst over delients moro tho as by. suethoy be deteriorated would realy) tho hes When Ofprocess, washings for rowdy if not too dirty, bo put into etd we: tpeeliiy; andi very up very.be lukewates terdingyandthe washed any water Snore, “But above all, bo careful not to uso best. soap# of soda.of this‘Tho matenal parce mate simallest articles {hefor washing yellow, i "Iife ishessmehrsh,Detterand thanree the comuich Bocas {hetnovesmotted, xual the dintin a shorter perio
pisos ofthoalamlathershould{a made. bo boiledThoin soap tho water ‘vhied shouldthe tot bo allowed to roinain any tine oa. Tinon the aslatterpossible, shouldandbe not soapedho in authad washed ssfay rapidly water length of time. "Onoatticlo should there: foro bo'washell at a time, a n d immediataly Finsed through two stato cold bWaters, the others Fomaining in-a dry y the side of thein {ub util they aro taken to bo washed each Htsto turn, in which immediately tho artetos aroas bo tinaod"he in"liquidmiccession of 3 or 4 pal shouldwithconsistm handful thoy ofaro oldwashed, Ton soft vater, of table saltaisgolved in it. Should afm not beaded toShould tho lather, thenintoa teaspoonful ofeachvinegar bo otired tho water for astho Ings this will holp to A and brighton” colors. ‘thotubmomenta article is taken from theTyp rinsing shomld bo weang very gent being twisted ag Ittlo.as cat bo helped, ‘Aher rinsing, Hey shold Yo hung oat me diately to dry, 497, "To Preserve the Colorsof Merino, IMousselines-de-Laine, Gingham, Chintz; and "Printed Lawns, Wotoro Srashing.slimost any colored fabrics, itisin Teoommended to souk them fr somo. time ‘water to ofeveryox-gall. gallon “A oftea-cup which of$y lyeadded Spoonful in & Pallblack goods, water edo improv the colon when it is teuMocesary’ to wash them, “A shrong elean of common hay Will preserve tho color of "Prench Linens. Vinegar the. rinsingthosewater, green, willin brighten colors,for aid.pinksodnor ‘Saawrt the same end for both ‘purple and
hi colors ofthe above fabri maybe preserved by sing strong, milk-warm lather of ‘wht sobp,ubbing\ton and pattingtiowateal, tho dress taand ating iy ne eal of foto fet andl of second tab (Seoof water foes tablenpoonf ox-gll Na 10) 498 Hints for atles ‘Washing’ Colored Clothes, "Ne colored shold everboabe Ballet o scalded. Neier should they to fresathoyor theshouldearsbo wilroned.ate be Sreparad biyITowedinjured. theyanova are dry enough, and notby boallowed ’ oe nor Spake ‘Brey aout noe be sone with ao ron Pink and green chay, color, though ay vwithatand die ashing, ill eguenty change Tosoon ny "To horPropare iron putovel thea 480, Oxzgall fortho Wash ing Colored Articles, Eleply pelexpin sNMbsie pets ale an , prevent Fewater closlyconked A tn-euphd C6 § gallons wil colored. arles ftom fang. ‘400,Colored ‘The ausling, French Method ofGo,Washing Pique, Pie ee, af some rather war (aotbothath sho Tih thool dress walor sadou theta best.dine wile’ aap?nab Trash but 29 Soak them.saede“Ae thegoondrosas thfomfs lather looks soled, anda once trash agus infec then,” When thor Dhani cle sose fn pe cold water, lastly in water slightly blued ; squeeze (not wring) the water completely from the dress, and hang ein eabnied place ‘Theov ary; if wel wilweather fyi by the rer Dee prints fade Fhane'n thocunshing 491; ToPermanent. Renter the Discelve Colors of9 geCottonot Fabrice Blt adhoteant quarts leave of water? puteolg, thoand lllin tisin tlle it til Sender washing, pertinent and tSayril 402, notbevel fTo ade Wash by eabeequent Chintz, 80Take na 3to pouts Presorve its Gloss and Color’ Pion abd boll tia gallons of water,
ntothou tab; pou thetil whole when done,and Yeo soft; about Tor ie'stand eben, the pt iva eloed for Mehr ibaiti wash hosp oC instond sie tho Tease then us bo fo diet appeus {Beif aUe Seecaetay a above, but ata he Hoo hom a
fut thetakingtase),chroand boil fur at leat haf an Tour, to ati iWhen wel ailnot thetining, tine, toKeopprovont sts buming. e eovere, noit-covered. au So protctwhen.it fiomremoved dust tefroin thoiAlso Keep fo,NS ie to prevent a acumanyfromaout Thing ‘pun ite the linen Eloy appearanes, nd spermacoti prevent tho(apenas icon om cdg. adda ido Jango aba nutmeg) to tho stare, wit Uo stiff whilo it ia ingrand ja bewsioonul of thy figs tbl. dow will affect it, as it will bebo takon no spermacely taeor alow ese t Fou havewhitest pieces sworn, It's dress, it mostita pmonth as topos OFtafe,tho “i‘parent, hog’ indy Sad en deed, hang amooth stone, butmss Gatton is th this bquantity est, about aof argo as veined ‘when dry, rub it with a hog. or tien th vot arch in 403.
TpMase? Wash eth Flanneln or other witin rca ae A ar hh fe ley at de ane ta a o ye caenae ear ie aT ferttche ee blab msl a en, steal tt Sires usar Se srie e eecte a toeHBS realt one ana coeey etm, eran, Be etal de aSn (he atte entaort slsiaeoy as naees ag ae aa aeenoe tila eo eg Be mara fr tie ts rel 5
‘without injury to the fabric, they squeeze out
ie aetchoaaaa a at ee Le a Bonet, Ma when dry. ifo Manel Wash Red Flannel. ‘Toaha wash zedFol 405.” ofof flour serie when soe six hol ton minutes. n'aAdquacethisof tocoldsome,water,warmad. ude, fdthan wash the i flannel gently ringingstan rather rubbing (sea No. 493), rina theee orralfonneverwarmow waters, aid the brightest ecaret it eo. ote goodsin soap. o prefer. live fonp ahould bo used for woolen feo to bar soap. ® 400, “Sootch Method Washing Woolen Shawls, Sorapo 1” of pound soap, boil down in suicient water, "When coal:of ig, beat with tho hand’ Te willbe sort Jelly. “Ada1 of table-spooutls spirit ofWashtarpenthe Kino, oad apiet-of hartshor, tiles wel isja takenthonof,insthenin inoldsaltwater until S31for. tho-soap and wa Bold between twoof sheets, takingwashed eare not toallow two fos tho artilo tlio together. Ironway look with a ikenew. very cool Only icon Shawls dono in this tuso ‘hat thomay allro. whore ther are deliato color '407.”Sc, ToToLMakoounceStarchthe forvestLinen, Cotton, starch afd oat enough ofl cold water to make ie (by ubbing aud stirring) into a tick paste, care Fully. breaking all the fumps andadd particle ‘Whon rubbed porfectlysinooth, early oFto aquito a pnt of boiling watar (ith Using’
shirt shouldbo the last part ironed, oa ths will prevent its being soiled. All starck Mould bo strained before using 408. "Gum Arabic Starch for Making Shirt-Bosoms Glossy, Procure 2 ounces ofDover, fino white gain ard, and pound Itpourto “Nest pat i t into’ pitcher, and EnJing ibato pintthe degrore moro ofoftzongth boilg youwater,deste,accord. aud then, having: Sovered iy Io i¢ stall ng Ta theintomorning, pourbolle,{carefully fomkeep ihoit ‘Legs aelett core H t , and of guunfins been water mado FedforJn thetae.Into awatA pinttablespooufl of starch thet manuer, wil giveabeattil glossot foDrinted) shir bosons, and to lawns (either Wha aestore ook of themnewness to ‘washing. which nothing Bise ean aller Tlie ‘lo good (uteh diluted) for thin whive mus: Tin ‘489, aba bobhinet, "Po Make Starchmusins, for Colored Ar ticles, For sareting yanguame, Mlof ware, caticoes,disolve and add Uo every pk pices of alain the so of a aall= Tha ity « aolowg dolug, the colors. wildesirable Keo Unjlitfo ine, Which is very ‘wtien Contidresses bub tl,iit be often washed) and tho "Moup Starch Musline and OoPiqués, tuig '500, getting austin ant pg, falar Rot generally in the rising, but instarchthe Bjarching. " A . goot-sxed”‘panfal of shoud fe eandie sed inhaa whieh "3 or 4 whilst Uncheshot,of Spermacei been malted ‘Tho artiles ahogkdand bo folded thoroughly squeezed from the starch, wbilse welTiuen,be tween folds of ld sheeting or tabla ‘They should then be passed fhrough a wring: ing inachine, “All Mimpa of starch exo Qh rehoved. Piguet shouldito bo ought ironed never as lightly a8 possnto Ue, andthe to come contact the oatade surface ofix chothe piguébest Shuihing oldto with eambrio. handkerchist useto wilr thetheiron,rightwhero absotutsly ‘egeeary ion on sid, BOL.Boole"PoMuslin, Clear-starch Lace, Cambric ‘and Siareh for ieeeo ehould be‘Afterthicker and used Rotter than for Hveusand the laces hava been well washed died, dipWoy.themas tointolavatho every tack hotpart stage in such a . proper Harehed henthemoeingowt smooth all the March ut afof thom, epread on plees Tine rll theta up together, aad tt them re: tnain forénough about toaifron,aot,Laces when Sheynevor wil tobo deyeldpped doula eeweendo. thenoe hands, aa iao. injures them, Cambries require. thick larch asnetorince. Some peoploprafer eld trrawgtareh for ta booksanusin, os aco of tht uo openUs Ahad tue Ht aarehedwoudl in boiled sre gometines roundsareh, a glass ineDottoooto
799 ‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 dey, which proveuts thom from shrinking. 507, whieh To Bleach Yellow Flannel. ‘802. To Fold Clothes after Dryin Plauyel leas become. yellow with uo onfein thei Line, Told the fine articles and ro anay bo whitened by paling Y t for some Cio a cove, and then fold thorest, turaing N ' A solution of a n d soap, to which strong them all the right ide outward. Lay the col hus bean added’ uo 50 proportions fred articles separate from the rest. They tumgala axe NY pouaits hard ext tonp, Sihouit not remain damp Loug, a8 tho oolors sale wader ag pout strong aunpounds Thyof might be injuced, and starched fabrics aro apt fame objet wig aed for quarter a honeyuf to mildew. Sheets and table linen shouldbe dine by placing the gartenty shaken and folded, fin hod ina vweak solution of bisthiee of
108, "Todo thoIronbak,Clothes, Inseers irouington a sult to fhe ole sulneal bon ta aatbesightthou sot he oat {fonea_isas Hen hop lento ewtie longer Sencha abe then alld we dete then’ sl Kop thas his fat ta oer aust che tad iSo'atoves vii toting ths soya Rtecboard betes. "Sifstoatd bswlunenan Ebeterng ae isn gus day Wi at fade’ny Thhtifoungvelret lghtlotuare spo Sanjoand tart Hee eielves abar inpengeteteors start tea i ieraloapafee at {Goon bollng tse; cos asp fod ovilowunt on ostusotoug ide sod pet Dentea tl br ny chiar! 04 ninofo" ancos Hestore to Seorened Linen,ts awMeoe'a promis thf tagefo a i a0toneh to takapply ntte firengah i owing composition; forford nothing beng chal. prete went Bol ham bg Seapoulns t'sha anne tend ttoi the Bee sa ooching e gus ieeiicr ene sed fal ot ie plats ef dis esppod. raed yaar eget a ite thane oigrendie aety inaraa th scorhing wif hs oy scan tbe import, andte ny Base tiscom as wits und pete vsteesof osardlinoneiuaedae wlye potters tether Beles onesous Int bingy f onto of Gls Gop ropes and tho juico of 2 largo onions, obtained by {Be culls atest roe bec a's ora, hie saab cir uidtoawompounds tine heeSpendcaeth Tin ick compotion wickly cyr th eos on bres ot toa pn ddleitremett St tous Ti aeliog voseaten hae aaf Go.wil des pears Tealoce wih fuuntwaslingn ty ako aout ettne te aa coed Eonsron the Sichlag Pra eters eel bal Seranee ttier orig tho nds alt femal ourato 9 two tour. tric “if afartan th aosae Ison othasan wbolydsppenrdy acontr fopositon iy i popuon iste of tho discoloration remaining, when cou pissen waldo fa ie eee ape fasacrcly over happese thu i cation was found necessary. “Pho reutaiter Stike enapodies Sole ‘be hapt are te Sratfpo ol over with ialuee Boss ForRemove. tho tieBlainas ofof Perpor snoring apiration,” cca sisiad Seen hes IEE, Sale conisoyset Hanoy” Wil, wae!300, ‘To:Bleach Yellow Linen. Liven thas hs wasting asqael’t ‘nk.olaybe. orgotred bo olehto 1ay farses formes tseler byaluon werag of eioetesiae Well tale Sontag ong il hacking ts leu wate,ierboth etre anda tier Seg Neve tempo ioe nested el, andat avdcee GER Un lor to arog, os a tho faon wl bo sonar Wien”
Soda to which altele hydrochloric ids thon ade, 508, Siow to WelWhiten Flannelyar andot Woolen Hose. the fanned lose (batover youOut, wih“Men tohang . "wbilen). in weak sds; wring ok orSE pattie eon actos rantone a frre withor aac tarespoostis a tuuder it; cover the haere tightly. IT Uuey roHhaug notih ‘whito enongh, repeat Uo process thoningepon water, ait 6 day,IG thee wusnot. andto we i n caret fave the sulphur Ble aud eoneh Wega To Bleach Brown Sheeting. i f ould tho cloth 12 hours insng soapestid, take 4 pound chlor ut tine very 12 yants ar s h e t i n g , and diol novi bailing water to cover tho cloth whee Aipped fio Heiho -ASsolnticn soon nethvongh tho limoa flawed id sulted, strain Gr‘theetingther incoarse cloth, thenlune pitwater,the stiering, brown tie strained fonstattly, ad after it hasfualt-antouained thas out3a this Hgnof for abet how, tke the cloth andto remove vinse i wll in pure water saal4 tobe uve all the Time-water then bulldey,ipal inthesong soap-ssy andy fot to work of weeks Hoon nccroplished in a day of two, Wik have Bleaching by Ou of Turpentine, A‘i ‘510, Gerinan authority reeonimenas to goods Ws0 oF of tepontine ih bleaching. White. Dissolve P part place oil of a turpentine in 2 ofparta Strong ale, table-spooaftl tha inigtaro inthe Water wged for th fast insing. ‘Tho cathes re placed to be fnmreed sn airthyto well rang ot, and in tho open day.is ‘Tho Meaeting action of tho el consist in banging oxygen Halo oxone whentho exposed. to the light ad im Chia process tkpentina Aisappeat, leaving no taco bebitd B1i.. ‘to with CleansoapStraw Bonnets.thon Wisse Urtshot atl waters with arolation at oxalic ned. 12, door"Poples, CleanseDoor-Plates, ‘Toof clan silver u weak solution sone Snowia a water, applied witha web rag. hi ‘wash is equally nsefl for silver plato and joweley #618. To whiting Clean Plated-Ware, Makost too paste vsith aud alcohol, apply Tio plated « articles; ater ora it ia Sol dy, rag, rub itst offSmooth. with brush (ifaudtough), 14, To Remove eatRustbe made Spotsto dap. from spots Must Marbio, pear by of treatment with acid a wweaksvftion eomnposed Tpart nite and 25 of water, Rad afterwattinsingwith waterad ammonia. B15, To“Ink ‘Remove Inkremoved Spots by trom Marble. spots may bo iraea ‘washing with pve water, aid then with ‘weak solution OF oxalic acid.nocnary Subsoquent Baling, awn wi bo A he stro of’ the rtone may econ Cinnsed ‘This. can soft‘be best soured byplied. very with ively omdered white morble, Foon thoclothpowder.frst dipped iu waver and thot nto It place be subsequent Jy rabbed with a dey cloth the lustre wil bo yostorol. 316, ‘ToCopper Removespots Copper Marble. nay be Spots semovedfromhy
bret ‘Ailatod sulphusie acid and ammonia, ancl su oquently sith water aml ammonia 817. To Removo Match Stains from ‘Marble, Spots trum sulphurand phosphors, fauised by: Ineifer-matehes, ean Inv extracted from marble by sulphide of carbon
he Art of Soap-Making, The A r oe Soap Maine: fatty mbtanee with eatatic yey Hotho Davo of Heirs lth potash or sola former roulette attr, aed oa "Lye, 319. “To ‘Mako Soap-ialcers noips Tick by sprig orto erumnile fy a Fur4 Station of pacts pun parts water foftsony lye forthe an oysodsuahtty a potash fletied Sur tho nicuare find ullowe Uy stdoy ths cler gud then owed af and sonata tho fro ty, ant Bertram of St to 408 ang; second, ni fourth iyo6 parts i erhwotor,ablation. by natthe inghind snociivcly erring. rodghigs allowing it stile,roepostvaly dd ping€ipe thts gud; oductog AEBaume. romst to 1B)8 to DS and 28 to 9S 20, iheTo geMakeho Soap. Havingead aed thus eopered ese abnd fret being for geese general ait ppm, ke‘lowly Sonunpeendenulliient of yore nen fk ton Vesely Ken it sincere Tent iri at at(or ine, 10 boule pm third fey after string about an items got to10 bie heat aley then Ati it by Gosmont pounde sean ie Tiheh ceeds the fea sans of the become ie" tonmed’ saprigication. keai nestby op, eallad culling Ey the pnb to dota, pounis a utstureconmaon of sae salty abt Iya wiseparatos es 2°03 Tineods of voter fam ti own innving dochy paioy al od voy htif seine ene Trae et uty and date ‘the ee ‘Tho tied operate clearthy bung, nsDy grees nowt iwLhdetia portrait paste yin aattees theead San whe breely eieat Bal cumncl tre boar shendd Up tary, Rurix cha otewhenve teebec oligos eich way bapa eklye ipo has boon ved, bagel ov wen Containing by aed $e taemontadsaltyhenmust lrger oar, Thedry blige sale oe it sottte, al draw the Maid whieh re rahe Pee ius ony ito eeaeewel le och Srtton clot which Mes boon powdered svth inno an Guy, stare,Hy adie ws tho namtatare soap hosof becomo Oo Set, Hard and Soft Soap, Soaps are asus ofbeingtwo. iilueneed kinds hard both.and bysoft,thethisfatcondand tom filha ‘Tho bo.fierthu widsesulting barter soap,the fag)Wah theemployed. tule’ wll thea! baer sans soap Wik thaiWherefne,talloe wiiei, snake paftno wllyo fi stearic afneidsoapsthat ole acide But thoupon fonsintoneo pens far more theater epayel, ‘Haarattnetion every fordelta ety that is bites steoie So that when exyonel i will-wlsorb i water, fom heaiand ron dove into tui at nei lidtho State, ‘ T h e potas vetaine this water ha onditio. of soap,at 80toft,that the potash hardseapseoaps,weo sikvays Tiquid these, hil aehdcontaiy coda, ooo with Pata tallow GrStapssteuro being Oho. hardest. wil nt dey,whilebutsomeretain.Kinds Creeof sof, jelysp Tike congition, mode Tocome so hed by drying Ua at last hey
cau to Rantigeae plveied, aha ‘The admixture af besders « very Sai of toda sat afeShathts?etek wnctehonrom soda too rapead sarfuty Feta clatls ao10 woab iporcon n comtato aterpe Yetta rn of Wrenluped asotding i teprsdgrea of bard Hoa$22" tau‘Common a deafYellow” Soap.Bade Comee rae ag anirets eh iad ae at welts et ig foal aud wth thanllyi bok0 net. ef nesoning fansite fedidog completely th Ifovcodpaail og bp fed i ab power MigSPILL anattain tb sean (spomnea eal or langer proportion of il 16 esG08," Bast attLallow”ep Tutu nett onpieeen wecsndby wed mst to supp, arise ee re ellwee” aufhe hsnatbotoe wbyo Her a Sn ty, the North American, contains about 70 per ABS bew mele not Heda Sotloratentnee tafe town atarvardebeeoled ay Fike Tae Latiiog: eden cll, Hal ea oteSot, This in gonorally tues Boat fy ialy undec eorya rchtondeney i eens, ts 8 fit, fpr sa Pang whihs ied nolavail lley 6 sing eine abotae jackals’ seers erpeasik part ofthsianwold some shor imo sleagius Rey nerSeager ar chen eehc quay fr eat of apetea saci Fah aolhowncake about parBoaloat perBISof cnole ald cit and old steae,, Ty maka pede vunpy ais aqussly combi {ith tallow or ater raponaceous fat. BaebutBone’si Bat,“ohtanl by. boiling sth opn lenges ra ett adapted Be oeLing soar bat tery Tleegeds pow ofCefoteauon tre Be Nese) Mraianfnel two promii poseststeommend Slsebialy Saanh“Goocknut eet which 20h Rigedlet intoap make, We hopers Wrote tap, tho to Henan Teaco Seal Ai si ho eld fn othe aby ets faa tl at t e permanty font cats ipesoh Ts bse any prepara’ andy ine ubatccan a caeomit tntoneas ant cmollent propia te ‘Bom; i ale thn aswell cain coldwiasintalewot det a ea ses Te erworkedBalanwilOl san,is enstancoiswaed inSthe enviar of snp geea malty easy towed ty is cantly Hootie tes, amo. the hnitations sometimes foldIn alee the namo belglasltio sae buc grsty eit e Ptguise nunl naturel tia wlll elt aw inguod i1Sy ueaiue (ee. Bab. Claity‘Pat Uood intie iia rie br Toilet Sooper eat sane eter tec, anyone attaeheatI Se ee ut i n e ‘Rigdeh eine or al ot for B96. Ho Beotorize nites waterND balantfor 30 pais PoNined sone ih oP partie caer Gumcascoamon at wadft3 ound Sema toms ati Rear Bert for ‘Pruvent dane ureTudty beg Substances sae B81 ty trom Burning Ranedds Holalut forgoto, abut 10te Sibeioe wit ue ana at oclps stainlatted the warfat withoff an4 sacet thet ally Gtr tho st soo. poeHettyeo trotod mee; wilhin kopa serat ae
DICK'S 1, when the mixtare has settled, thei isnot 832, ‘To Grain or Granulato ‘allow. sudiviently bleached, the operation has to uct tho offalow andata sarbloodir-wih, creo fee1s repented, sg less rapurtion of dlnamobo Aauely water eat wnt ‘aud azide, " When tho bleachingis complete, St Ral el om te ete and, the oll fs alowed to stand for au hour to cleat; yedpuang toa ourentet dryalr Tallog iis then ron into wooden a taule with como EYSune Gi grnalted for combines and heated again, to wash outany alts eoopanlng pes mor Coerealy88 ‘water, thatyhay romain init, and after a ime drawn oll fe neually come offbinedreadyselusforfromuse, 8 toPalm 683. To Purify Tallow and Other 5 tines its weight oftalBata,” Tallow and siher nsslougare thcommonty low to make soap, and ie terviceablo in resin Fiviiod Ly wstigg thom, wale soap to bright’ its color and disguise tho Pasing iho mix Dull through a sieve au Ietting chofn wholeobiaind.Aother cool slowly, whan plas a cake toof ‘388. Filled Soap. Tlard soaps aro us cleaned mide according to the procoss belure deKop ihe tallorpr melted forol ssa Ubilarga long ally water being tho byexcosiot (soofrom10.520}, Wlated ilk bout’ ent of of wil scribed Separated tbe paste the useofealt: this with water, employing eosstant asta ‘lass of soap is termed grained soap. Butter tin, allowing tho wlio cool sity fire some Kinds—eocoduut oil and. bode soup, thot rennet andto toeakowasbwithait tong quand for fustanee—thetave ro hard in their nates of‘elhod'stoGlow hotfo woiar well notce that the operation of salling, or graining, 15 songeitherfo tego ortinthothrough nneoles, the water Femaining iueorporated in fheSie molt at. By proce ‘the pasto; roaps of this class aro called stted poets wl hat aloe my Uo ob soups, faited Some persons adda te alte to ‘330, To Make Tallow Soap. ‘The teTr meted fay, and aftervords a lite due in a boiler, by a wrench Method, Melt tallow; eiphieacitor sti a stirin, by pounds £00 bent, Toderate lon St the b o l ‘bibers polash, o f hats Ive of kada caustic. gallons 40 to 5 JFith water and alitto dilute nite or chrw: agrees, gently boil it let and Bastwé. 12° to ile aterwards wea i wal with several hours; ten ald, gradually, 18 to for20 lr,‘Si,ld, Toand Pusify fallong eatetio scan Iye of 15° to 18° Baum, Bone Fat. Molt the untt th whee becomes ahomogen fubrwth asmallhoaqubatty of algcte (atate Suna tho mix: GfSado potas aid sndicicatelgburie fous masy of @ grayish somo docomposa tho salipete. ‘Tho at, ture boiling gently for color;hoursKeep edding to 800
agus Uecoies depuivel hoscntlemaed the Tow cole, and is completely of a tifa all aud anual ie, 835, Mo“GatKeep60 pond ‘Tallowtliofrom fotoTurning ‘Rania, eae, Std bolls inabout £sgullocs water containing ounces atmuid, and 4andSunces salty tran the faettom the ach f e ia clean wee tery tale putaa intoDeed loan beat aybarrel theresSicrest‘as muchand Ulva is parsthe ofwatertho about 1 nest part of clean Soap Uo 10 erase; warmte bato fetes to load heat ana potinte Ser water,uot suming i basis teguiber tomsttho oulou ithea, e fereatwhen tho fhe thoola water Anus bo ofawnto tare, ota Chugh Inte baton Dithefestata" ght cored. ‘Tg fotdied 6 fyge ex. Tated bo thoroghly Dest to pace currentinof arte dry sryov and,ullerwbvox,pe Ret dry, ‘Tho: prataing of tho fat at eso ine ‘greatly facilitates its combination with Iyo for ie 886."purposesPreserveGretse, of soup-making Doll! che sorapy sasgroa neat bones, waier”botiiguns: tweak ie, ahd thoture purer ea TER take ehofthe6 Siseosroel, of erent, and SY tspieyou sav ey for whentueite.” Rept long tne febo grense Vccones Su most Earutltreay tein dryhe offal thetn,wateryouDelorswie laying grea eto Keep Swett. he bes plat to lle Qnpping °B put i wile wot into woler Beane cold. Any impurities it may contain will sho th‘To voto. 397, Bleachred Palm Oi. ‘of Disolve $ ound powdered chromato potash it Hfout dbestl quar in»hot women water, taney 100 podds pun10 silo ste ‘tamperatore Fane ofhotho stems thane ofan180°«pit ebrots tioval quantity of I pound strong asta de Stor atho bosn wc thoroughly of tho solution anwithaf hothe acid anised Palin cy atirinblac,4 pound stipe acd. ‘he Hoots then Gar gree, aad Bally iigne grec, wit’ ticle on fhe urine,
it208every hour 3‘Thisto 4 wilgallons caustio10 orsada12 hous lye of Bane. eeeupy ‘ho salting process thet No,follows, aud-Aftericontho dusted 8 desorbed 5 2 6 , " Separation arstandgraning is finished the. paste ttlowed to furs fw huss, ad thefor thetye J5prpoco drown inoffththrangh @ faucet eerted ro 4sof agaia tho beiley earTorhe some bot Ton, ‘tho. amass boiled Ton, adding every hour wallons codarise iyoto oFthe 258cures, Tauing, ont t h e bl aces (See No. aid £0efter .) Mo am firehourshouldthe then bo extinguished, tndor twyo iboas too with draienabunoff 2‘Phengales buitngain fort} sen Ivo of 4 Baunné, stirring ftom tno to ttn, ‘The fire up;shouldthe theasoap bowillremoved, andtho. thetop parof overel 1 8 6 to tho lve,bingaudtae may’ thot bo poured Sato themisedfiames fare no Ivo gots with tho sony his should yield bow 0 pou of 640. soap. Tallow Resin Soap. About 15 por eent. nrg of rosin heeat colorbo mixet with tallow Frou nd aes ot the soap, A larger proportion “deteriorates, the ‘qty and produtes in inferior seep. Sovie Shap-nakers melt te vestntasd it tall topethto ernak before suponitying; is better aseapad ofboilcuthenIn separato oer, and ‘hen mie together Uaorotghl forbalf qn hou, and ste through w more Defore filing the frames, Sdl, caustic To Mako Resinof 30°Soap.ad Boilin 12 pallens Sod igo ttl, 10andof 15add’pounds 100 pounds wellslering. plverzed resi, at 8 Ging, con tantly and thoroughly, the eae being Kept ‘up towillorneatly at boiling point,9 hours, Saponifieahe ‘ion be effected in about Tightost resin So tho best‘Oil for Soap. op, Put 100 42, ‘Cocoanut potinds edenanut oflBanin6and fata 100 pounds canst oda iyo of 279 a coop hetloy Voi aut wis thoroughly for or hones, anti tho paste gradvallythiekessy Wien” dials tho Heat,astomes mit eoitine stirang Ul masss tho cooling paste arwhite, halfotid. hel,of Tranafor quickly to the frames, A misture equal parts of coooanet oil and tallow will
bICKtS Bol it tbiekens and beeomestepy ; hem hare mako grades, theandbodysitet-almond ston! bo mde of ansfa a voryated fine filedwait sunp. (Se any No, 588at) ‘until in readitess a tight bos, Imed vith a. plece of ext fare of olive of, she reat large enough to hang well ever tho Lard audand forbvetpatiallowsoup nave thyquant next i‘will t produce they ‘ere filled not insoaps.too lange:eeeproportions, muslin idee, to allow ‘of the costents being after- ook. Seat stocky o siall conveniently lifted ene; pour tie ais. y of bleached palin of isto be added 5. Balm Oil Soap, to thom, alm fat,cil isbut sel ward ture from the kettle inte the bos, and let it tGocon dom used ofono as a enponaceous ofr and pale yellow resin saponacey is stand for a few days to harden#” when full otters alo entar fo the compost et ploy nema with ctor Bt nd finn, tum itout onto a table, aid eut tain tile woaps., These body wonps swith Tesin;' t h i s latter being usually eepout ciently itinto bars with athin vive, Scap Mhusinade, obtalned Tid coperately as waaied frou any coiy wellcondac end mized erat (820 gnufor usaft inte n harden ino dry room, wil baie 2,oap ASYM Souplitory” obo adapted pope etn or nk tlio month apply equally of poxtumery they mitt be perfectly neti well vo pat ofl “he fe. end and ar pro. and nniseures best tho among ‘To Make Home-mado Caustio ar Ionvtng uypeasnt om fares aye Provide @ box whose ay to evust in cold, or seat portions of painvol S u d a n sveather for soaps? terminate in eud o point,(sce ondilustration); having an thie or ‘Phoy mould, moreover, give a teh lather 30 pounds palo ol, 20 pounds tallow, and aides {los at tho lower Withont wasting too raplily” in the seater 2 paler i tallow, and ‘thould be mounted high enough to allow Sonpey pounds pan oil, £0 in inaheitmanyorga conditions pounds of avessel being pluoed underneath it, to ro- are saygenorally deiout a those polatestn 20 ,Bpounds red a the liquid that rans out of tho Bottom. sf tha paront opty pousds pai cil asd 10 pounds eveoanut ceive ‘Pho box607), is thon well lined with straw (see Teflning proces, ‘Soap. whit forfs us Making elon No. u p o n which fresh wood ashes a7e ‘54, To Reino is pounds palm oil, 6 pounds tard, placed, adding to tho ashes about one twou- Mollet Soap. ‘ie soap, as parchacel pound cocounte off asd 6 pounds darted Hare raping, or blocks,sachin being pillte nextpo placed the stele thoof die 44. To Mako Sosp from Grained hopper and theas thosoap wheat revolves, kuives Tallow, Mix 6 pounds caustic soda and 2 nine against and ent i t ito mea younds caustio potash with 17 to 90 gallons Sohieh falls ut he reeaption ox beneath hot waver puta pottion of this lye into a inpurpose a state iisft tusferel to bo usltadtv areally, clean barely stir in by degrees 25 pounds forTelsnow which seat rained tallow} addl the vest of the Iye and Ua and Inized ith su nal orage- ower Suir it beiskly feat least an hours thei let it ‘waters, rest, and before itis cold pour it into a frame Hominy ofcachaoap,half ‘Thegallon, stenin toHelugeveryft Hundred oF hos, and finish aceowling to No, 620, THE SURVIVOR
545, Siioue Dawson's Compositetat Iyoy 75 pountes polath Patent Soap.” Ba stl espn 9 raponie fn tho ‘Po (aie imategalldn: 00 yomdsbalingof thecufe water new composi tion, inate. 8 thud} pad sat sodas omces borax, tablespochii tslisespiesul.” et tirtarpentie, and une1 texespaonfl His mire Ul15 poundshorasof aodthe suaala goxp avodisolved5 thew Tye,add funn mate talfon, andWith sting egeoauttfor offs16 mlantes, and coutinue {hothy Uoiliog UAE holo 3 ineorparatel andhtm, doled. aid | Now atior of i quféinay2 gunn bovcented with any essential th aot, and colored, it ftosited; Qhenee 14n of and molded into ea for et for oh So Fromm'46..nycoupdea fu Soap.molatonPowdered Chemnical ters ear Pomee; jee wih pits afBestturpontin; add’ satworkef tietartarwhale ounces potah, Vento; into fer& poste witha ite sea.” Tes oxellewe greaseMakospat Hard White Tallow Femoving to ba7, pounds abeda ha t gate Dissolve Soap,” lonfree iting ot watery ye ceasionally Into st 2 pods forthea ses Tne lacked of pour sttte elie Ue ours: few fn Stome 2 poo tale atois ojsaleed, Hi lear ewan Cool tilow the {ital bo Tecan into barsia ehoor cakes, and bpcut stitrmg hos, perme dosiced Seated ‘wen548,"cookfo Mako Home-made Caustic wasting common pouuits Distolve Soda,” pendsa8 sock water wary alos sen aly ustog tub, ina quieklimo fresh teat {nachaddwater ig needTie to toerubloeper fect=of soldtion the iyles tethotbea9slacked gallons Loge, ada Eeai thorought fetitecttt; and water boiling y io hs ler ‘Domestic sh,‘40.poor "To Make Put Soap.sinaner nthe petal hy nods cats the nto receipt,continal elven auditheaad, latdiving quanti Rel, sdleagiron Stsing, 12 atin, pousds 4eased grease dusting in, powdered nels qnuces ab fitite borax Tet it gently for 10 or Io! notes,
tieth the quantity of fresh sacked lime (see No. hot-water ‘the Tyo619);willthonfilterpourthrough ito theuponvesselit, andheow.” For tho purposes of soap makin, this Ayo must be concentrated hy boiling until a ‘sound potato will not sink below the surtace,
551. fon ToHouMaketees Home-made Soap, lay ill of te eteInst entratod Ine prepared according to th feceipts ai doieonstaty mvilet fat,stl a fatleful atabe Tino, stiving tho mass combs creamy; next ud without sual quantities of Saltvat a tin string Ineermfsion Uotila poeect ing eanfet unebo mindoon he andsareethe ‘with @ tices thea fie go out oap willtho nsoye tothe marface idfos bardow at byit ‘ooks} eat be dete ane i tiltinglidtheoutWott ofthe soap nay be life offit fai to d r y wnat ad cough toeut Baa SieSoap,” Gal sap, 553. Ox-gall swashlig of fnthe silent and. 1b prepared following manne Vostelof copper! pound excoanue of ishented it, wud J pound easton swith eonstant stiniag. turpeutine Ta anotheris vessel # pond w h i t e Venta heated, and whos hsqastaoti’ot, ietinethen intcoveredthe ‘eoppot kettle. fill Tetthefordfee hours, boing gently hetcontents after ‘whiel ts fucroased unt the treSulded.portly clearshis, thon 1 poral ox dryis Atl sailcioatpesfetly Gastlo soapwholeiy sited intobut thelittle nite. to fenuao tho to yield wader the ronsute1 to of 2 thopouls-of fxgor; snap Toe whieh purpose,fur Rom aro regina heut above quantity.itisterexcollnt, coolingaudthe willsoap hotis lito ploces. {nur th inet colors.
loilet Soaps. my aia tui casstebe Lei Roane iat Ue direct ematicalby feproportions thoy es Mel male Porm, the oaly crbea bulnga Seated whitHor soapts sued quently ledted wellaa puted. cheie
{ieome.containing tte eavere sts contents e geually fig, on fa this state nak Aomised withformscratch fo long nikthe having tho ot an Suverted ual pisto® becomer rmiy ewusitent andto Ehhoth ‘thrnughonts de iy then awed ook ag crutches mild, intbelie.wituourWhet fag the cot we fet, nid fete ofgreatthe eaevesselmistcomprise xoveralol Kinds of Sap, he observe Un pat insti Shane, bt ert to add constantly, aid nel exe30 ao ane essively, and to tact anto intimate mifstnve.matt"When teinthe be paste igs cook coloring in het at, add sbsequontly Ue avoid pe itn, whieh fs reteved to Uh hat, Us diy tuecensry toss by evel an tho Bot paste, 555. Soap. To Perfame, Cut andwe Stamp Toilet When esteacts aposal te sed, Uey mist ‘be ale tn thetonnes eon is ed, nk eorprata ih thap Susy Kneading with the nds, fo the ication of heat ouldcccastl Snipa Tons the delicacy of the oda, aswell as bytisily st evap graton, ty ng etait hy passog he uel repentely Ietwuen Ulo rollers. i, “rhe soup is ow sendy tobe put into tho cooling fame, which 1 trectayear well tans of qseties of woolen r a o , Festi, Ssueeestiely-ane upon harthe toother Tinto daysab tivo ies sicfntiy heat Iots ufarethenetsae of the aetinns of each frame; they’ ip edgewrse, at We toe rover days to dry, and ate then barred by meaus of aire. theDe eetions or tyes of tho frames equate width ut ute bts, and th ages aust thei broadth-—these hei naaight 0anyns to routed eut bare wnat or aquaresLatheater oF pouToute efabet sep. Tho bury are fusther subiriel ho fund subjectedsolidity, to bresuure forthe purpose of {nnparting and ornamesting te exte Hor with somefe the appropriate device, or hu press. JogAe upon tat being imaker deteraduedmane;uy Uethe formelshapehoof sould or aio-hox in whieh it fe pressed. ‘The dress is toof Grow ordinaryou construction, withfro spiralthe Eprings the soap tablet dTesbos ab prossuro soun ay its pressed. In soneassofae tories the fs mote elfectualy plished bymenns of astenutbamutey, vic ts
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 made to give threo blows, diveetly vertical, to teach tablet of scap, Saroncttesor soap-balls aro shaped Ly rotating blocks of soap upon a Boup sevop wiado of brass, with sharp edges, 56. ‘To Marble Soap, ‘The motiled or marble appearance usually given to soap, ‘tho large senle, byis waeribg the neatly tite Sthed soap with stroug Ive of erade soda (preferably ono rich in sulphurets), by meansof fvwatering-pot furaishod with a rose-spout. In is given with a solution uf sulstile ofsoapiron,i used pphato in the same way. On the Emall seale, with toilet soaps, the motte is fither given in tho way noticed under “Mfotted ‘Soap Balls” (seosomeNo.576),or, manner,‘at by combining of the’ insoap,alikecolored the timo uf seenting it, with the remaining ‘ungulared portion, ‘557. Almond Soap. This is a very
sehitecoldhagp,process (Soren, whee genni, fs shade DY heFrou Net 682 and 88), and pute enorally cil of sweet almonds.19 inade ‘he a3 kifale Ivwrovue mst with, Towa: eued somp, eneaa: hut oi, 15Whitepou; peed 100az pounds hofore dieested of with a mixturo and partunied 854), ald (Gee No,of tet ua 14 ponds; and ttre at 558, loves White and enenway, 8 xe ‘Tho gen: Windsorcach Soap. vino old white Windsoraf gdis made font a Bolly atfat whieh n anigtnro ad oligo sche stock; and attars of enraveay, lavender, and‘Thoovebiaty, oonstinte thesoappertine moda Windsor is mae from fino white curd soap, 115: pounds; covomnutoilfof snap, 20of pounds; perfanted with amixtare atiae caraway, 1b pounds; attars of thyme and rosemary, each’ ® ounces; aud ate {ats559.of eassia and cloves, each Soap. 4 ounces Curd Brown Windsor soap, cncoasnt ofl soap, color and with pale Sellen 100 ednpons; soapy each ¥ porn. {arnmiel (Gee No. of694),aliarsSomes wad perme ‘with a abistare of earaway, cloves, thyme, cassia, poutseran, and lavender, enck B andes. Moris Glee soap, of Brat grade, {a{Windsor ‘peculiaely adapted as arch s bodylather, for and browi soap, 1s gives very moat aud 2bighiyemollient.” Moe: ver, He contains normal meistaro for a great‘500,lobeHoney of ine.Soap. White cued soap, 40 yous gne, "nnd teed ith "white wey, 10 pouindsy storas, ponds; powdered henson, 4 pound Soap. An aod imImitation GL. honey station soap is undeHoneyby neing togeth txpilo soap, 100 pousids; Pounds yellow sad porluinig wilh attarsoftof snap, etzone14 tha, 1 ponds Curd snap, Soap. pouuds; Frangipani 802," brown colorai With caramel? per. Famed with a aaiztaro ot abtare at neroli and2 Titivert, each 4 ouneoss Attar of F086, Grachma;ntiar of The: santal,latter1} ounces; and vot, 2 achine, fp 40-8 pre ‘Slously with the‘Thisattrais mado from a 563, tterated Roso Soap, swinture oil aoxp,colored60 with pounds; T pound and urd soap, of40olivepounds; con Te porfame yenilion, bolted iiinely Sisting of attar of roso, 6 onmees; tars of tnt aa gaan each Xone} and tn: ture of musk, 8 onnees; must be added to the soap in meal, and incorporated by knead cold fing. ue oil soap may bo replaced by curd soap, bist the quality of the rose soap will not ‘hen'be so fine. White soap, au Bouquet, 660, ‘564. pounds;Savon perfumed it the, cold. with founces of extract Donquct; oF in warm pasto ‘vith a mistuve of atar of bergamot, ® ounees; ‘Aang of cloves and sassafias, cach 4 ounce ftiar of thyme, 1 ounce; altar of neroli, 1
unos, ‘The soap body mustof earahel, bo previous)he Colored row with I pound Soap seentedihithextract thorattare is inforir perme Uouguet theto that per fame, and with fe eh title ofthe soap, eal bo varied acecrding to the eaprce of f a s h i o n . B65." eocoait Poncine, el Soap. Curd seap,quanti.60 pounds; nonp, tho same Tpranelied to fnely pasto Veltedpamiee-sone and efatehet ith 10"powor of 20'pounds dee of ultary thyme The.sl,perfume caratay,is a anduhatare lender cach of't pound? ‘308, Spermaceti Soap.io all‘Tho ofters genuinein spermacet! soap 4s superior emollient properties; but ies rary mado from ‘pure’ stock, it owing to the difiealty in
timos stimulated by the addition of little fattar of portugal, with a loss portion of attar
ofeloros 1508,"iuranse Floating Soap, All Uating tho. hardof soaps bul by mechanical the pass hee of deny ths product gives thein the property of floating water,of ‘Pho batting is bast xecomplishel Uy futneans ‘vchurnetn, rotatingpab, onaandpivotput i fmotion i the botby town ofthe melting a handle. sp " v Expose & pouu olive-il or almond sosp, and 1}sletmpints softwaterwaterhea,in audaight copper pas,beat tore or wsituaualy fddoubleagitate tho mixturethen autilpourie iehas intomorea Ghamcold Hes voluine; frame, cool quickly, andy whew bard, ew fe Into arsat or wcakes, "tb onstaywater, be colored and geentel i l , Bioaty and Tathers but willsotens not bear souking ormueh wet, ssfreely, ferapidy ‘9, Transparent Boap. Thin amber. wit Soon died, previously velucel A tosteam-bath, alad Unceoughly’ hs alcohol, fitted withvase, stil-uead, naked anda goodsoap eoare laining ‘Tho aleebol taken fa proce about equalany proportions; nda the Solution ephat which may aitil ver unndt bo allowed ta condense in @ sheuld worm tnt collected iu recelver. Tho beat ot exceed 212°" "After solution, tho whole ater setiling;if from timo,i to forbo drawn rast both allowed ‘wiih, clear f u Thofnouldslinea into wooden globularto of britannia metalames;iis orsetilag desired to tinctureit Previous with Dall form. itbp 10eolored ant fay an dosirod—red, dotalkanet; yllom, with ofCuctueo uf tactre tarmere Grange wit aia th two fron, ‘with. tinotury of eblorop ‘Transp arentey Srih tinctaro of fadigoearmine. foap is rathor transtucont when fstdry. ade, fant’ doos not clear until perfectly Tho eoaps othe tho for as sano tho aro Porfames 870. Glycerine Soap. Avyrote,mildor Wind: tohet bonjuct of bass tho (as soap for soap) with which abouthas 3beanto intimate: gy of ita glyeorine Pris’ of sreight Ty incorporated whilst iu tho molted stata. Tt 13swithra generally tiogod ‘ofa rel oFor ofTo%9dragon's color, little tinelare of axohil Wood; orTt isorogo yellow,spented; with a but litleofl an-of atta. vaviously Trgamot, or rose-geraviun (Ringerors grass), Sopferad win ' 8 ileal of lee with essential off of almonds, ape ipportel pone to bo its favorita penfemes,
S71, palin Muskci Soap. estpounds;tallow powdered sop, 30 ponds; soap, 20 Elova, paloessence ros0s ofantbergamot gilifioworyant ofstones each 4ef Scunees Sova of oach SY ouneasy Spaniah bron, 4 ‘B72.ap, Orangepoudsy FlowerpalerSoap,il soap, Dost tal-20 low Pounds “oseavo of olmeesy portal yellowish abd ensoneagrosnof Enbergis, each 7 celina gh na ig, Se ouhes; Sermiltn, 1p omnoes. 873. ‘Cinnamon Soap. Thisko usually amistaro t tallow ant oi soaps, tat of ‘gavon an Doug colored with about oun yollow eabre and seonted with Tonnes Tot elanamon (upport with ato ol of Hergaiotaid sasatas), to each 7 pounds ‘Thotbllowingiathoform of neslobrated maker ‘ofthis soap, bud is very fn powpalin neti te soap; 2} pounds ‘anode oll goap; 1 pound ¥eivoouncoei ollsnap;af 1bargatnot; out oll exes of euanon; ol ot sasatas; 1 $drach Hnglsh elt lavender; and abote pownd Torigete yoiow ete Of oilef dessin is commonlyand subtitted fori tho.econ of camamony way fo ant "Glycorine inferior qualities. ‘S74. Bosp lied, Balls, gad ‘Tomeltod any rooontly mado toilet ep, tptukd a Poo eat glyeating, hen, withoutia thowaterproportion Gif possible), oft tunes t9 ths pounds -thoroughty” incorporate hou iy vigorows ining, which oat be continued wat ho mass hs cooled ouside ably nbeld bo et eae ma as ial,876, infest Sand Soap Balla, Tso abouthalt re pre parody adding to tho melted soap Riwoightof fo siliceous sand. ited sand 4tho3" usually omployed,.(sitSome.fom persons prefer holly geasund tho shells and ‘well washed) for tho purpose. For the finer uals, oul powaral persone now Usually “mployed. Used t o . prevent rough. hess and tothlekaning tho skit cold wth:‘The 4F} aloo olenn the ofhands when fa dirty, ext soap,of white with or eofwithout thoandaaition arSrrgotfitsyellow weigh soap ol nthe best for thse balls litte ‘576. "Mottled Soap Bale. Cittho soap (ocenily prepared, and hot too dey) into dic, Sramall equate pieces, rol hem in eblora pow dirata (Geby powerti Below), andpreastro, thon mould. thento tuto obverving ani tho"Phocolomcoloreas ltllas possible, usually”ide eimployed, and tuo which das owl wor in bo haul indi, powder-uy, or male, GreenOrange pow: Aler-bhag and b r i g h t yellowsochre. Yellow deepened with ofa Hetlo rode Rad— TodTouge,ble, Felow™-bright sexquloxide. iron, or jowslers yellow-ochre, ar Duh, Phy. varging tho shado of color, which is oud by wsing luting i with atittefarieaor chal,with and by soap-lieo separately coated {sto color, oF inateor colors, “imotted savonatiea” of ‘nyuted anistaro of colors, nay be. p= at wit yee 877. Mercurial Soap. ‘Tako ofdrach cor va ublinnts (emsodenall 1 feclifed waite splat Castile (lo. dissolve, tag)powder),Auld& ‘unico; soap ( i n ouncejgwood-woro Wethermortar, fo 8 adding. orm nash. & few drops Ufof afine ofandroses,teror ofalmnonds. & mixtufeNothing of the ollamo encsia tallic maust touch it. is is tho “sapo hy. Arargya biohlordi” of modical writers, Th ‘Mbovo bas been vecommended in variows akin Aisosaes inclaingusertoh whiehalso maine as “Savonis ofan Ane aypniligue,”
sold,878. | Sulphurpound Soap; Sulphuretted Soap,” Tako} white curd or Gast Soap (recent); Tnuueo best flowers of sulphie (levigated); "Lftud ouneo rectified pine Gtronaly colored with athanct) and waieene lar totogsther atrougly aeeat ‘the tae Heat thoof rises whalo toa mnooth pasts, nd niacblo or edgioed. ware. morta This is Sit H Mora's formula, Hove reuited in Fite aud various other skin eases. Tis dnap, particularly eerviceableasa eam ‘hon toll’ to. persous: trod with sight "eutancous eruptions Tt day "aso ies foe eo ik ed at ‘hy spit and coloring may be omitted ak will; and, as a. toilet coun, only half the Above qnastty of sulpliur iy amply auticiene 570. nie Cautioningin using Medicated Sonpg, mera oe mpg Soap Hagerrings, earings and aud bracelets of folly dey should to removed, not ree pea und some short tine after tho hus avo. bebogome quito anddey; evenas otbinekoned herwise, they will taraished, a Goroda, “Th satne applies to all other cos ‘elie coniaiuing’ tho same nineral agro: tients 580. Render Whalo-oil Soaptye toeatntie, DestroyUp In-bol . sects," common foetafe itholye at filaud rength on quiolibo’ thom t with(change as muchto Whale: ailpourfot ng it will boilsapontty Sump), off into mous, a d we ends eo totoreby ‘hard. Whate-oll tt ie the sed ‘ene produced in refning whale of GB. coocauutoil Carbolic Aldsoap, Goapy130 Tue fesly prtpardd parts, and fase hen add a solution of aleohol, 10 parts; cr bois aid, 6 parts; eaustio potash parts; ail‘Ro ofbo losnon,1 parts aud mix with sthnng poured ito moulds
Soap by the Cold Process, Althatigh tho commoner kinds
of soap fre usually made by boiling, dey’ ean. rade by the cold process if desired; and thebo tty
s maods tmplayed | aro substantially thotamosubstance in bth aot an process is, however, alias exclusively Moplid fn the moanutu ct of fay orrequres Lhe foaps, and for choso parposes tho fa to‘aybodicot panied aud deodorant, especially Chere be usin postamin g it”piged(Bee Nos.coon885 stoand'si0. ) “Tih iyo on forstronger stanton without boing jIngo tnuch than That wsed fn the bets proc add wineld bosbout one36° leas aud efotiesy a wtvength of auing is ‘aually Hecessary 1583. Tucorpor "To Mako Soap by the 30Cold Pro088. ato hy “oprees. ponds Emne sntr aet eausti Wyo of 395 Banke tale 300 pouuds fat at n temporst ace n o t Kigher hun fod?ly Fob (te No. Se3}, eontinny tae Ahorough broadbo wooten pate, wat 4Aeithcompleto with’ ring can. drawn on its garfaon tho patie, "Ta making: scoutedbeatired soap, thJn, "thopertemtingingrelients muse aow pase shenwhichtun nig, anes ee Jinan flaps of sonia boleft above the edgos of euch frame, wie enough foof a,tho rubri c bl a orth sain iste, with whic che frumo must by outirely Bie’ “hothe pasto bing thus eomplately core fed iy Hine,ahd tho feames ar closed wt ‘wooden cover elt for 12 hows. Dur ing this interval tho Lemiperat ure of the paste Jato fans see spontine nialy hs iMion,glor ogre, producing completo toraponiea ‘rae, "beent, woop and ihed.aftrand‘Thes taken hardnessot ofo thehc
soap depend on the deseription of fats find584,yeswill used. (Seo Ng 531) “Meth od of ond‘Testing Caustic Alkal i, ‘Tho streng th eal Valter ‘coumereial east soda or pract potas Yovenascertuinod hy’ auslysas” Pieh can‘methouods below aro sil, and wil detarming ‘with sufici ent agontaey, the percentage ot ‘water , causti c alkali, aid cartouatel kal conta ined ina given ‘sample; ail bonee the ‘uantity of impur ity, iran: ‘To Find the Percentage of“Weigh Water ina Caustic Soda or Potas h, carefully 100 grains of the alla tito t ea ule (a lat evaporating dish of suitable: sae, 8‘themwaleh lass is a sivall capsule) end diy by fteati ng avera flame; "a gold gy Lio over the ntscyaporof the eaputfot vil how tho slightconte est. Bf water ‘Whea to more molauiro canation. bo detect ed, in owtho them to cool then weigh tho rede eapeul, and the diferente af tho weights hoforo titer conta dryinined g will be tho namie ot ‘rains aofnd water in 100 erafns of fhe ‘lkali that ig tho porco ntago of wats ont, Tehstimate te Bore eniageof rustic ‘ Caust ic ‘Soda. or Potas h. “Powder 100 grainy of the ultivo boouncetested; put it into& Mask containing. an of 8 9 ° alcoho l, and shaky thoro ughly {ho alcohol dissolves the emuatic ulbulé pec fect, but will not take ‘up auy' other" gree ingHa fer @ few hows to fo ns.ocat Afterth stand dea ‘on a jurealain capsule ill thors csapdyrte tho weightof try rstuo wil bethe see Ler ¢ tho perecntagdy uf eaustia alkaliuf 100grins,gras afte salar potash 587. ‘ToFind tho Percentage of Can ‘ina Caust 0 as ofic thoSodarumpor Pott in a flask ; next Weigh Gut fais finely poworederystals of Svulle eld109 4kdd suoall postionsof ths acid at a Gane tgwith alkali hn tho ask, ating’ thoroughly a glass rod aud apply leat’ continue to a tha uni red; de insti tinge us paper slightly vaturatio fs then n anplet, auddh aed haythe neutra lized com, Wind with athe atkaly, oth carbonate and ceuusti the osalfe cil which tor nals;cs andWeigh’by deduc ting trom 100, we know how nach. wo havo Now ‘every 76 gealMeutrosalig ut that asehavo Goon aed avo aliza d 5 grains soda or 7 grainy potash, fecor ding as ho ample ernuig er uf aut soul or eaustio potash; hence we find. the total number of gray of at fn the 100 frais under test. ity the previous meliod geengrains tsof prontge of cet atin tho samploy deduedue. tho igruhs of this latter fromthe weiptt of the Whole alkali clini uatet by thebo osule ack, the Ualane s or reinai ader will the peroentege of cardonacted ata, slope woufgot the percentage of Tiywater,thosethothre perce ntage hikall and fhe percentage oF eathanateanstie edal kall fudded together and: deducted. fom 100fhesivao the percentage offoreign anatter or impurity Jn the matter tested. (See athatinetry.) 588, To Malco Soap-makers’ Concentrate Caustcapab ic Lye, ullg© galtea s waters; n'astirin dkettle le of holdin 4¢0 gallon wea,, iftine, 100 portals powdered suala , (or tuo potash iyoy antl de isMirring,all disotved) thewlor sixpotasin geadoa lly, by 48 pound s freshl y sacke d lite ereamiy consistancy ; the Wolly must not of be& allo to slacken during the tbuly process ‘until ycompl eto eauticty s ubtalued. whieh day bo ascert ained Dy" taking littl in test sls, nnd, when cool, adding to ifaw dupe ‘fits adi ji this causes effervescence, the
caustieity is imperteet andthe boing mst bo ontln ned untis test sith nile weld cates uoeouteefferv escence, When tis is ihe ease, the nts of the kettle ebanl bo allwel to enol and sete for abut12 hours, "ho clear Figs or eam t h e n bo n drawn cll sedinto forvat,the fved ‘with Iead— aypho a may be pts pose with advantage. ‘he lye can be mado to any desired strengit by evaporation 889, Lyo—‘To Mako Concentrated Caustic Soda Method. ‘Iikelye ht forte soapKurtsnesen’sbite r ae fom tho purest Germa n sola at 95 degse os of streng tly fi Gohich a better far Ihe. purpose) emt xysta d soda,ag “Koglish, soda of 60 to 83 degrellize es such ie generally found in Com. rotea, fs uot to bo used, ast produces « bad iets, made,d 100‘When poundstho. lyeno foracofineraddedsoap to.is to100" bo poun Gorat cout, whefeas 43 pssan io‘sodato at10 %pooper eryt iad soa a The“Phogonoral propor tion sodais dissolved in the boiler with aie ih we yp retaining rom forme opera r tion degrees of strength, ‘nd aforrards addedat 20"to theli me slackel 29 4 ftato fiko Hoth. This snistu ro must bol 2 hours and bo lei to deposit day, the ly, which probably may boand‘Phe at 12noxtdogroo (Basisé) ust be takey ost, s flied tho boiler airs, Tho Iyo drawn from tho Timo aud at 8 dogrees, is pour ‘with it to evaporate. By this methad a lye itis producod at amdisim of 9 or 10 degrees, bat HVinust_ bo" evaporated tll securing to room ier, Ht shows 34 degties, After the coolin ix g will weigh 30 poutuds,” This evap. ‘ratio n of ho ly se lped its caustic, find to canso all thoto areincreaeonta fe 05 precip itate to tho botto m, whieh eau bo dono Ina day itit is suticiontly strong. ‘ho ear Tyo i he, dra i the dorinc irty depo t da put eit into hor v i t r i u bottles Utiteaoan‘areironused,vereltheywullmusteoverobel, filledTe vtol with ‘water in which séme line ns boon dissal ved, to take would, aivay anyif acid omaining in the bot ‘hich Us ea preeaition be nat taken, orb nue of do Usis mnst be dono: severalu daysa Wetoreyo ussa tho bottles, Me die and deposit fron the salt ning at tho bottom aifer tho bling, an boremai udded the limo in tho weak yes. 'Wo'iayo ntto nao experinent ein the Iyostrongor than the1 dive s beturo eva ‘orati on, a wo have Tearae fron d tos Huastaoebestiongerthan It degrIrate a Yee, ater mature oxperiones, Ht appears to i how that alyo ea bo olaineiquito as rood by addin g more soda and fut to the lye and fas. iot a th ‘tong ty 10 a de reo, b y whith the evapuration is. spare oth taco moro l of ave wanted whieh must not be of wood,vesse but ion, boeause the Woot will color tho Ipe, wieh: must be especia lly avoid ed for fino toup, only Ieaus of abtaining porte Sp,for feeUe fy oxeept the “nest nnd WhitasHslye,to anduse oilonoor grease of tho yrealest piety . 900,gth ofTo Test Lye. tn testing the suron dyos with a hydrouneten an ext ron ould Do obtained 3 tho ei ala emplo yed b y . soap-makors and dyery ‘were bsoli tly pres tas this fy ldo i or, tho edo, tho impities which exist in tho tyes nage exami n, uluesco the speelho weightof the natio Ive, and duondeutallowance inust be made for tha; Uhes a ion by {ho bydro meter of 2 jor cont dous uot prove that tho Iya conta ins 20 por cent. of pure. ‘eaust alk, c but includ tho es foreig matter a Bull, this mothod of testing’ will givo com:
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 paratice strengths exactly. BOL. White Soap. Lard, 40 ponds; ni coustie soda tye, of 36% Baumné, 26 pounds. Afelt tho fat by constant a heat not exeveding stirring, 10
adlye. duting Y50? Pats sttring, Altor on9all hour's iho of pponnds tho’ time at a Tito beat Doing continued 10 pounds of romuiting tho When Isoderato the paste has Tebe-is bo added. to dogreo, Ie aro smooth and uniformframe,throughoat, ome perfumed, forada to aofcvoling Ironsfored teimperaturo moderate Teindnpsa room Th ty then ready and ripen. to fettablets fave nd pressed. {org592,ent it Genin almond20 Soap, Almond oilyo. of of sweet20° almonds, frm ay 1s male 25to sade uolag graduallyBann,’ wold, thead. Jattor added Hosts , between 125° to Iorriner until constantly steve paste. whole thoeta ietomperature 159; them Tt fs with the fixture a sieoothframe, perfemed cooling toa tesnstserel and then Toft for fine of daysbigterto stalmonds, amp Sovezal Oi Soap. Cocoanut 593, Ordinary —or 90 pounds coon eueountteit 100st dlpounds tilowethor pal225 ofcoldeitherprovess aid 10d pounds by the flesaponiie pounds caste soda lye of 21° Baume, and 75 Baunn6, wil com fonsto offormsat400waterpoundsof 12°of eoeoandt soap. FineB9A. "Gocoant Oil Soap. 100 oilpounds lye easticto. thesoda cold 9b pounds of andtreated Sanit aecorting Thuting, process, Will produce 158 pounds cocoanutoft Soap. 87 ‘505, of Paris bySoap.He cold20 rade.ingredients: boTablet eat eoapToilet eis ‘pound following tel,& pounds singe poundscuedann Processby tallow a0eausti oud sofa fyeot 31 pawns eaustie potash tnd; ponds eain6 lye of80°thoBaume, ant'S strength Round lar,Soap.0 to 22 Paris Toilet 506.” cocounst of, 7 ponds sad Iyerhe of 36° Batiné, will 130 psf acoMis esate liter 66 pounds38 507. ShavingpomsSoap.cogoanut.ol l—or tallow anil of palo.by sane. quantity of‘St tallow,posuidsthe engnamt puts oit—treatad and Tih
DICK'S charge cold water over the top of the Kettle. 602. 20Shaving Cream, This i madoby ‘Use the best quality of frst sortsof potash, rmolting pow of tard ta 9 sear bath at in tho proportion of G pounds of potash to Ptomperature of 212%, and then letting 5 junds of grease, for a burrol of 40 gallons. Donn of eanstio polassa iyo of 302, Bauiné Break up the potash into siuall lumps, aud Rininovy sony dbingeontantatining th disgolve it in say 2 pails of hot water to 24 becomes poste: tho wien pauilé; E'vouten Te dissolves rather slowlyputwhenthe thes0the t n added are lye of more pounds 9 {icky Whea dissolved, good. s i r n g hour ooveral After miner, fame’ lution into tho Kotile, the ferease quite Tete finished, is and frm,a mortar and ‘sitarated warm, and stir the mixtureadd together. becomes pasto thr Allow to transfered hod dhe eoap becomes perfeetly oven through- ito stand over night, if convenient. In tho ‘nil 804
‘out, and nantnes pally appearance, Attar ‘ofnd almonds is eho perfume for almond cream; altar inof a yosofor rosa cream. Theyducinga0o Aissolved ltl alcohol, and addedcolored st is roso acreamaap {he tltaration, wihTho ota une game is Tisresin amituroy° ofRypophagon aout pats of ‘Soap. palo yellow oft soap, poxftmed with altars Noap kanoandandfig titel orsoft Shaving of Soap ‘Essences 04, (oe soap waits pound “Take ream, potas; of drach and liquor 2 fluid epint, io.T pintOt),tected perfume ‘ob orwill’ ti, of ssfor abort bot trong a into ulToric thon watst srarm Hen aot elos, it it bristlypoutuntoff fino, folutionai boocenionally complnte. agitate -Atter repose, Gah) iy pionfor nse,fo andde atdege iced once closely eosk ‘lean bottles 4 not, sullicientiy thom, “If tho solution be ni ol te tras cn au recta drat ite aiiell y pro f) imay bended at it bo dese to Seoul tranaparenoy ofoft betho it, aftho here pertnue to Willhar, ‘sod jprnlugt bo fwsened
605. Soft, Olive Oil Soap; Medicinal find potash. It js yellowishewhite, odorous, fand Of the eonsistanco of thick honey. Tt is Bho sot soap (sapo mols) of the Bs rarmeeopreta 606. White Soft Soap is soap nado of Joxd and potash.” Only used in cosmetics and gn tilot soup,
or Toilet Soft Soap is soap minde of olive oil
Cream, Takopotof Shaving oy 607. Fine ps cui pau:a potas), eeu. 9 eangte yo (2b porpints, oilasdof inaUtter onneod Beded “Molt tho he pores 2 drags,otra IaheMoneely whole the, agitating swig, very , e v i mis tho i tye Uo of helt mixture about g Soap.r 30 A”pounds each of nos siuon Washin ‘008, howover, wil 4 euro; to talowe-o poss bogs G0 ichor aud alia oil--with 40 pouna ds tino born tat ie enant bo eit be eocaa-135 foo {hilow tstarating by anes with and Srl aasumea pealyappearaddiug hysadathe Tyeeo of process Sint of, trea tho Bang, 27° slowly and.of almonds in tolationaleobol, mortar, cawstiemalt water of 129 Bawang, wil Cura Jha ound’ ‘This thooll Holling amule Yeog ae eS nnd Rorushbs a plondi sharing cream, Soft 60pounds Common Good Soap.cer allow Make heap 40 Washing to! 08. ‘599, " off Cwith pounds 12 tao soap of 0f pinins Soap.iach Forto 11barpoundsof great, Dissolve eocnanat cal withé,ant135"80 ponds palin ily treated SF pounds thofpash over night in 9 pals of hae so Rassa Shafivewatersoda ofge 16°of 27°Bauind, 278 wei hn meting our bot over io produce will Sut Doviods easing soap. previosly bee hiro must which, a5, pit Uarzel, tho. ia pat aad down Enerowatsron to polo Chat maine Wale: Dove g2 store, aidHypro dieon hotpotash‘aidis cisalved lgedsch when the fom dius Tere the uct s, Soap ft water, finishing e ang gothny ie plac Vasrel slowlyertwithverycoldfraquntly moro anys obSSolSomata TNibe nese dureAE TA Gaya, mimmlve they soveral ocny tal fr and doy geti or the nat e Sre rede for Method Sve mons a the ala, cold fb800,”ito ghaker eidher by the:tenboingpectn0 ey, ay bo anace! tvee of Matking Soft sods a “Otis that Sno only holla ib iron sop ig malls on lace Soap,” Aer oePd cover woo bagels, juoucet the 4wish-reom, valeOL, Fig Soap. ‘heene a sock sciee Under of aha ated or utd, #inek don pins tay the il of he aai Tit ed toS00P ic dintllow terminating ad pipet suaeey ranula appear Wilngfenito entsfore take ich vo Sl dl anelnee Rerath
Shoaing applyappears a oferta jotor ofrather eam soapy. ont teShu mistire ropy, off the stoun aul open de cold water he tarquantiaps valor Until the Rotetheis mata ful , or therequived i" cf obinedBo.ore aaMake Goodwel L y e , Hickon Cision wank bet itisahngnot desirable tho Crhaa ashore Ingthe sof soap to 089 pa pe), but Cheep sod beech, tap, dae,or alieot any kindwellof hardA wood, ox tpt wll answer conten afr typoleneh, baetined ptt, makesseb Ainavery-goed one made of hoards inof V theshapeashesis toi bebetterpreferred, for tgfn trough strength obtained, i anay bo tan to pieces when not in af thoa bottomspread Pra, itoverthe them la. fewup. eticks: aid ‘so, putaengpet Teac which is woolenue lolly Of than oFtra, eee botber on fewHoe;inchesll Tc quartsdown wet to tap from and aiduilstened tastes, ashes, svth Temp tho centze. Tesin diflealt {orobuaisthe finest tho fll jnstength of aabes w bare days heen, asreplacing.” thew hemoviag Wilt up and off, and! nowThoashento dud mixingefitthem gown shoal quantity.‘hig UsoIyo the proper up sect make towater aged ining for feuctng-should be suficiontly stron to feat a potato. Takoup To Make 811, 4 gallons al boil aboveSoft ye,ofSoap. tho12 ponnda about geass,& with asi is obtained,clearkeeping Gioroughly, addfre, thoand Tyostirring then hex slownel‘ sap Alr ton,ingwatil teyou grease afind gallons ef Iya together,if may be put there, Ine boatwillandformthe test“good.of thosoap”po i.denfrequently hich but the heating proces is tho. best Zire, weather and tne wil permit the work to‘whenbe done
Soft Soap. real up it8 G12. To Mako lumps, and pue pounds potacl fata with small about 8 gallons boiling Fito an ifon pot pot 8 pounds melt ja qnather from Net water into gallons 4 or 3 put fat; ed clarifi it a Iadletel cachaddof freleas baciely andfats addstir to choron ghly, andcf each fhe lyo aud thotho fat, a single Jalofi t the Iyo ad until the whole is thoroo ghly time, @ fat at water hot of l ladlefu ino stir then ‘nixed the tll the barrel is full,massaud; sti fa timo ontil asay s a creamytely enol pubit nizturo becomein anil place modera for months faea use it ill bo roady Make Turpentine Soap. 613. ‘To soap and inelt tin? Gat up poundseenbrown and pot aad sone tine anc war, ntulspatspiritsin of turpen tablo-spoo S109 $ of aleohol. Make Turpentine theSoap, Bid. ‘To Use fast (see soap of vwory lot suds TotwithUbe sone init remain clotles ‘reosipt andThon wash thon: ont and tinse halfas Guhour Ibis particularlythe nice ‘thor clothes nailaro done, it removes dirt as for blankets vory quilts, mbbing Hits fsa requires Make Soft Soap. Hard, Pot ‘Bi5, ‘To 4 pailluls at soft soap, an stir in a kettle nto it by dogeous, about 1 quark of common salt
of wae el rou ei thay, send
Si Ei ase tho Quality of
621. hoAnalysi s of tales Soda lland hata Potassa yes,” bling tees allangthe drprictea ljninat ion ese firaualv testing the taength of pe , either wml east well aod thorough guans taming nijastiog Oe strongth of lyo for any speediio orpurpuse, 622. crise Lormésto rattor Tables.natrmgtheor fillowin g table yoo oes Weakor afrof Baytu dointeLandegree ef slang mak ey ‘Tho tfat colt sndal thoto eft of each table stuns h o qnanity dogo of the ys tie ata ‘he soon fndests ho quantity of water tolbe‘The ded to th ye third gives the amount of tained by th exis alistrethe of degrees both quOf Baamcte ‘hs Hurd aoa of te ie. 629, rioTableDogieesshowing the diferent Afoomet Tepulling tromof 38 ‘nlstire of 10 gilions of sodaye dogre s from Baumés10 with quantiti varying to 90 gallons,es ovaiae
0 @ 70 0 9
7m 8 90 100
10 pound gals;lon cf75 roa sgallunsot lye,of us2 dogroos, weigh Hot Nons'ot water give 100 gullony]yeot moyo 9 of pal35] flogrecs ‘acme. there aro 224: pounds of femnst d fur mating 10" gallons o ive ofie 30odadegrowante es Bau ,
626,c ‘Tabl oshow ingveniting thodiffero nt 410 Areometri Dogr ees from i th re of 10 poun ds of soda' lye, of 30 de greogingBauing, with quantities of water Nary from 10 to $0 pounds. pos tobeot or acye ofsa| water bres
ra oc Sten
ann sand wey
Ce cheng abeees Ste ee tiation eats ta ‘when. thoraughly pilveriaed anay bo site through « vty fw sieve
Tower eoutains tho allies ad sally and puchlayersubstance s 43fluidsmight happen 60 bo insoluble sn the two ust uated. By teans of a pipet, the aids aro teparated Homo ee. the theca wan is poured into a previously weixed beaker glassy Zn theext other evaporate pon d a water bath? acids fateld weighed with the ngain "BhoCnq aud aenoquantity Ieana vons i of and the Craporat ed to dryness, alka deterini nedueohd to. ing Well-kig wn Inothds. (See No. 880)
9.6 gallons of lye, « prci gh00 pout 627. Gerlach’s Table, showing the percent Carbona Talined inageits ofSolution s, te of Sods cont
10 gallons of lye, of 36 degrees Baus, |reigh 1124 Ib, 624, Table thedifferent Areometric Degrees showing resulting from a_mix‘ture of 10 pounds of soda lye, of 36 deroos with quantities of water ‘YaryingBaume, from 10 to 80 pound: Degrees of a of yeunds at pier orga 2¢| Water tobe facie [2% | a 50 ah 40 ay co 10 oO 9 70 8 & 5 90 St 100 Bows 8.8 gallons of }wefgh 100 pounds, Iyo, of 30 dogroce Baumné|
rercont |GyraiQesite|| eremne 1 | 1004 | 2 23 | Lo |} os | Lox |) 99 a | 103658 |) go 5 fa 3 6} ou 2 74 n 8] i 3 9 | 4 % wua | 1 36 | ries | 57 wz | rusts | as Bw] Lies uw | Lei || a940 is | ciao we | x50 | fat4 w | By or w0 |v | aio a | B ] ou a | i Prat eet |
625. Tablo showing ffereArcont ous Sok motric, Degrees resultithedi ng from. mix- Soda — ture of 10 gallonsof soda lye, of 30 dePercent of | of grees Baumé, with ies of water | ecco weist. | Cried | Percent inthe Varying from 10 to 80quantit gallons, me | bona ‘ou 1. 1088 1 1.0076 2 Low 2 Lois 4 Lor 8 Lozst 6 oxo 7 10309 8
Fable Continued). Tor cont of Ts coat of Grpataiand
g the percentago 620, Table showin in Caustic PoPotassa ous Anhydr of Lye. tassa Specino ravity._|
the percentage of 030, Gaustie‘Table Soda showing in Soda Lye. | aercise | rercont, || Szsete 10.220, 20-616 20-011
1.9349 risers xsi93 vsuas visa 13058 13932 vane 19813 12775 19703 i2e2 i258 rt 1
| | | | || | | | | | | |
806 23.672 J) 22'907 | 32/33 |} at'esa |} s1'so¢ atts |}|) 90°50 |) 19-915 |) 19/31 |) 13.790 |) 18.132 |) Ise |) 16-928 |) 16-319 |] 15.014 ||
11293 Laur 1108 tops 0855 ores 1007: voser 120500 ona 1030 10mg 1013 100s. 1-000
| | | | | | | |
i 4.3% 3.626 3.022 2-418 Leis 1209 “604
mitation Liquors. me ti. {vor generally for sale rarely and ouatingtiod arg, It meltis. wellwth arokiowny aul often even if andgenvine, feng} withand water erated various doloterious Janae of ignraa whole hoby thoination compos cently jtabibed mauspecting fomohtinalats contin, trogen com Dating thst nve inost petemonn eels arhota, ber givenWot betally fora fog imitation liquors, which are Least aaho wholesome ns genio spits, and eoutain ingredient thot eandoes.iu ‘They tho‘aystem ureYe: {han ileouol self aro. tho ‘uiplsfarashed bythisa praetiel Pench chemist,for ‘pio hag nado business a spocalty tome thiBrume sty years: Flavoring 004, for orLiquors, aes pou pra Shae 18 every da ‘with 6 galions puoot spe, sting ie Bay‘865,proseRaisin and AltesFlavoring for Liquors, subject to Cho same process as26 thopounds primesinashed in tho ragsine Tost seeeipt. ‘660, St, GitJohns£0 pounds Bread Si. Flavoring for Liquors, Johu's Bread into pieces. spirits,Ynfasotiring for 15 Overy daya withday12 fallousemali proof fier,687, Orange Peel Flavoring for Lipeel in galpou fororange quozs. fonds per Styl cent, aleohel 15 days; filter.
608.”1 drachan VanillavanillaFlavoring: for Liquors. Steg in stall pieces; tntine forfilter,30 days in t piut 99 per cent. aleahel; ZiFlavoring Root 60. Orvis omnisfor root powder ouneas 2 Infine yuors: rai days int quarts pereoht aleuhol, and fer, O70. Saaantras Flavoringbatt,for andLiquors. Gratuato | pound eassafan infaes 9 per cent. aleobot for 20 days ‘tin siteOf1, gallon Hickory{bushel Nut hickory Flavoring forad Lieine tt, Grish quoral fe" Lstrata nouthand filter. 12 gallons 95 per cent. lone for BranCompound 072," Flavoring 12 pounds sau, 2 pods ites6 ponds ay. Prine, ies, sd t pineapple eel ite for 1s S20 gallons peat epi, Ming every day Plavoring and then fier G73, Cofteo forening Liquors. Inge’ pour vou fomsted ised incom 05 pereicent. ethersteal.flavors Thisfor andy. Tim Tinatiog ‘874, Peach Flavoring. forarfedWhiskey. peneles, gallons 10 ayoith, for stecp blac pounds 5 : aud avy-dust gallons20 oakgallons 1feaSin proot spits; wirin and fierG75. How to Prepare Ravencogreenot eogene=tho ol Layace “ a v e Cognte, per een gallonie95 equently putup lftight# hake best PEt “Cork Spits
forSuumnonia. about 3 Letdayesistand then 3adddays2 wunces steng then3 longer;about Diteo ia 4 stone ja Chat ell contain 2 pounds black thetea, prams 1 powoidfet finomashed Tallons, and having nes, 1 dadgallon Keraols.proof. PourCoveron itheta joker 20thealoe spite 8 days.” Wlter tho liqaos,close,td mixet WEstand and’ bestammonia. thatefor eanainin ‘with g tho ilmates tho flavor: This ue.manufaetu Bottlenoren of88 fer10: brandis, formuch cordils,singfraps dotilaiog g: der to , aque bine brandy fayor. (Monsor with Es-et ImitatoakeBrandy 676. of ToCognac. U'nht Sch sence rpnts (see N 675), 1 gallons proof,pure pint fengnae fe)20aps.o.por cent.Color5 shove Gary arhite with cornmel plain Oi inor test Alcohol for Test 677. Simplo‘Teka n bal ounco phil offibo,Cognac, ful of oil of witcog hd fl craety half semainin‘Theg spaco bWater, ac} thenand Gilsbakoyp tho.St well. sleohol, it s ol,anuebwil grester having present, be foranywater here Teavo than withfor thothe weter; denotainice andthe combine Shovfl oil, or bulk ofthothoquanity in dhetho water, by decrease Ing, in that ofOther {Nelinere aso tess’ for exsental prosent. of alcohol ‘oe will Bo found wuder its heading. (Sea Inder.) Hi ly gal FlavP 67 mestic ed eprDo Bran8,dy, _‘To-gh 40 lons orr aotcrphiity
aa nts rani yng (oeGb)Nos 3 Ot) 8 furs h davorin a ( genta n g s e g Se"Tolin's bread favoring. (ace No. Co fallan bastan arty "wineoll of°2 tte dencemimandey of ot Scene 20 dopa inhlnsiasved inne 9f pr ounen’ cent, Sonnich lehott Jamnnea fom ( o r of esses) nd Spinsranino ithvig5 galen gallons of telst Brome qin make of hngens ertllontpivdebsage itp) aL 1 pone ‘18.pallons “Tmitation Cognac Brandy. “To aPofovotan French roe Spe, 4 alla or adiewine,conned gale ollbetof Sten or Madera and 30 dope opis,Shinndiene ahibilge 9 poealerover ent alos.3 pour aquart colder istagOe blackaddaton;'wton tanoay and tarchinoy fide Manvel, sik toutheringr eticntsGeandNo,color004)the whole eacknel wits Tei istat 18Fallows: excllon offormal ‘Ansbier drops drops cogune pinsten'd0 eae per 35 te in aouts bine Ci cout por 0D gallons 4D to i t ‘ i d Slestol; Of aral, pings 8 Uncuro pit, wish?peat fFroneh 2 cava, plats Chebeot pts Dot 3 pts Golo vot with sonyara win, and } ounce Seale sibde ul 40 Tako Brandy. Tmitation 80, of ete tyne cose alt 1oeeoxay ntts favoring prune quart 1 665) Ne, Gee atin or Mire sorry “Thon bose galt “es No Ghai 1 all inegans wine tine Greehmal biter olor Lins 12 coping taunt powder, each Bese G toBE ydeucih Situs alcohol in 85 por"(SeeCon.No-€DL) hapotatalycaramel aisalvolto ant'with Gar "Po Brandy. ‘Froach “Toultation OBL quar 1 atl spit, prea Hrowch galions apttadkaro ot ores root (seo No. 609), 1 plat best gution 4 668, NO (See nsvoring auils twin and Sey gral oll of Meachon alondsy 1 hitier nopamtely, Sian See’ Seesa0 and 19 drops ol of aad aldto et, aleail, 93 por coloring odinto athoitlligero, whole tho fem ODL No, (Se corals ulti Tofuse Brandy. Palo Ymllation ‘652, oy) tar {irene Sen Stacanige 1orShhoursi n } pas9 par ea. slit, ana
ei oe eto ea SUN eLearn teria ae Cig cite ema
oil of cognac, as before.
fo. 604.)
Imitation, Bourbon Whiskey. 36 635, gallons sphity 4 galtons Why Fored proot peout Boucbon, ¥ Tepint galfon malt whiskey pial wine vinogat, aysp, ad TS Asops oil of eogtae dissolved in leah. Color with caramel, (See05" patNo. eon 015 |. Imitation Bourbon “Whisk ‘Bo‘ty 40 gallons prot spine, ad 1 gation hi favor (see No.630),Url 1 gallon domestic Draudy" (see No, 1pial wine ‘vinogas and 1 pounl white glverine, with 12 disp oil of Cognne Wssolved im 03 per And caramel (see No. 694) stlcienteant.alouhl, to color. Imitation Copper ~Distilled Bourbon Whiskey, Diswivo Sulplate of copper it} pit water, 1filterdrach and fuld ito 40 tins poor spi eh Egule TonBrau"pone flavor (aoe Nor 674), 1 gallon Gu 80,02), 1 pi win at, pound white glyeorine, and 12. drops SitGotor cho disselved with caramel. (Seei 99Nt poreent HL). alsa Imitation Rye 2 Whiskey. ‘To40 proof spiity aid! gallons. peach Bae i g (See. No. Gia), 1 pint. white vinegar, tut T2 Geops ‘il of cagatae in 95: por cent, Alco. “Coloevwith caramel, (See No, 694.) 89, Imitation Rye Whiskey. 280 gallons prof spiel,Sweet 10 gallons prook 196 ‘whiskoy, ad 1 gallon raisin flavor (seo No, (65), No.9),colored wich wBiciont earaunch (Seo 600. Wrench "Imitation Trish Whiskey, 96 gallons spirits 30 slows ptool,f gale as Seotth (anny) whisker, 1 pnts Bost Morey wing, 2 pits jean, and 10 drops ase fans ave," (So0 No, 670.) ‘981. Prench Imitation Scotch Whiskey. 26 allons spits 20 above prook 4 gale fons02.Scotch wehiakes, and I quart syrap. To Impart a Smoky flavor to Whiskey. ‘Theto whiskey ninplest way € impart ia peculiar Hor is by proparing tho Fer inet soeurhy io fon el into the nghole 2of ego8 dey set 4D-gallon buaree; provide a small open forsave, contain ingra ebareoal pt pound of bite bark ‘onFinueltho fir, and.five;support tho, barrel, with its dewensrards, over tho fernaeo, v0 Chat the finns, whieh should boeonsiderably tthoha the fornaee, wil eeeive tho smoke wider feo bark. "When the hase ceases sinoking, reinovo iho fhniel ud bung the barrel up ight After it has stood 24 hours, put che spirit in tho beet aud Keep it theta for 36 oars, frequently Fllinge the barrel, in order that fhe spirits mar be ehoroughly imprege
DICK'S with ofthe tho smoke andThosmoky ea ram essence, 1 gallon St. Juhu's bread deposit on Mavoring iobonated_ insite barrel, npitis al ther (822 No.’ G36), aud i pound white ound te Dave aequive d the desired flavor, aiyeorin , “Gato Ca rsat with catamel, "(See Creosot e, dtnted vith. sleclio , i someti mes 2 . GM.) Or:—40 gallons spirit 10° above ‘sal03,to impart the rior avbe to spine Proof, 1 pounit Jaunaica rum essence, 10 drops "To Give the Appea rance of Ago ‘of cloves, L gation SL. slulin’s bread avr towater,Brandpound y Barrels Dawiv , ih e 3 galt ing (see No. 63) and , I pound white plyeerine. s sulpius ie acid Iaesired ond. 1 , pound thore'ina y be-ndded 1 ottiee gam sulphat e of f r o n , ” Wask tho kino barrels: and with 4 it drachm oil af caraway , eneh dis on 694." the outside, solved in mince 96 p o e cont, nlevhol To ‘Mako Caramel. Disclva 7 703, ‘To Make Spirit Finings, Pol pou erashe sngasetl fa pintsting wateryocenso bo nsi vvorize pound onlinnty ceystats of alan, Tea S-galion dcapper
it soar gets brow; thentho reduce themakefa anthoally eves Itnalthewater. fra wal smoke ‘Whenwats, fs fewsn drupe Tet fall into tu mb of ie old r k tothe butte far e uli n to cary don hon pour on it, by dogres s about 2 swarin ates string alle ne, Whek quarts well Vter i hot throug a h coaree Banal Sinno uso Gaze limevw ater Lo dissolv e over.the Dura sugar” must be taken nat to Inu itytnsotat an great quality fs: thereby ren. dered le.wher ‘The400® heatPub,shaald“Th nnt Sacco 41908, nor bo proces for to experi ments best comiuc inn tod Dat ft melted to, toto vodiea whieh its itasaltingbasnath Toon added, about 4859," a Title powdered ros point or char onl, orametal,littleto ol,prevent being oxidati put upon the surface ‘ofrtho onPipes, Fist (605. To Plaste Brandy r noten overor an the bution of dot te cake will a Brcko thoy fr a wale pe ans gallon plaster with 1 glen ‘aut while withtho &plaster fe aseine, dapia thoyourthe eanio} gently nvallety ond plaster mnay” penetrate isto every croviee.” witt-aWhenwettho sponge, plaster i Itflyyou set,wiswasto Hover color606,”tho Wax plaster, Pulty add litle Venice veCask for Leaky Bangs # lt pons ever yellowa sowwax fiant , &e.soliMe Teaa! pautds Uispeut ine pounds remo tallow un, 1owhen thoroughfrei dnixed, the whole’ 8 distanc theUi, ad fires Tee stir vol, in pounds spirit of etarpon 607, it drach Imitationvil Schie dai inGin,sineDis solve of juniper 85‘uid pertt 40 eet gallons alcohol Pronch to inake spiritsclea 10 Tia above roof, with @ ounces orange pest Haveri ngcal Uo vo, iy, f quaee syrupy nl 2 rap 0 s Stet fee 698, Imitat Londoale n Gin, ion 86Old Tom Dissolv fw I quart pet cout e drach thnil of ofemiante sachin of rack of eed,a t almon biter d} Utnngeliea, al 4 rau oll of sect fennel sate 40 etch. spitate 10gat aby vot Hower ymup, an drach oi of juniper disalvet tn nisf 95 pet eeut, Santa aio! Cruz to be Rum, clea 699,entImitat ion Seva om, and (See700,No. 658 Imitation Batavia, Arrack,5 gallons Preach spit (een spisiLispreterle, Efralone asec, Lonestar tof, and Bator fone tine! towers of ben Imitation Batavia Arrack, ‘To 42“701. gallons paleontcesrin balsa sl 3 onces Hower ol Bonin, Tf of toy 1 alee pinoappo. occasional sxtatan foreaniouth; Digest 3then with alld pint raw aninntesy nid eek aili &
jae ‘704, from”To 30Clarity Gin or Cordials, ‘To eluvify Ls: gallons gin dasolve the contents of oneof prepared nstiri No 703, inabout the @ bepint pupersas of hot water and nts the liqdor thormughly, ‘ett ae Sinolve the emitentsaf one of the whitepapers about} pint hot wates, nnd stir well eto the Tiyuor ang the eask close, aud Tet Cho ‘wliole remain Gl Che ext day ‘705. "To Blanch Gin or other White Liquor. “ly using double tho quunety ot finings, hatte, 2 of cach of the powders,as Tail doven Sn the forget recipe tho Hguot Vill bo blanched ts wel as clanided, Teis Well toreclleel hoxeover, tt th tore fie ings aro emplayed, the greuter tho visk of fas jing the Tigao, which nay h a v o r g to beennte fat whew “oy dight tendency 700,"take Finings for Gin.alt, Ys 100 gallons gin, 4 ote vache aud put Suto Point of pure waters bil ie'untilit iy dis solved, t h o n geradvally add 4 guaees eats of tartar? when nearly cold put i into tho ing fund foe 10: minute, ‘The stirliquorit well 3st withnut. abo sailcovered unl Tet fine; whon this is accomplished, cover it up Uiahi.to prevent it fron losing it strength 707. "To Remove the Blackness from Gin. gin hastake particular Blackness to remove.‘Some whieh, 1 auuee pulverized chalk and 2 ot 8 ues Jinglas, Giscaleed, Dub this into the gn and iL wall botom ta parent. Tho whieh above $s exnngh for £0 gallons, contracts canted ai sometimes w t h iy may bo eared down ty putting solution of 8 also ounces isinglass aud Y ghar skinned tk inte tho pitt, Won tho merely eulor is very blak, whieh Will happen by an in nal "basing hese is ow remedy He toFallowhao itythe thelignelgion,stiled over again 708, To Clarity Stained Gin. the When sit ns oneo theconie nel stained only Femeiy fs to rodisill shy. when ak i s , onk Macetie ightly staid tho addition uf-e few pond acid Ls pips or butt, 1 ord sphonfla toa gallon, afew raps to a decunterl, will Hall ordecalur 709." Filter.brandy,When necessary toUtensil flier Brandy ai mitaion on excellent maybe ved for aba puspoco icha, tins alveady heen esertbed, (Bee No. 7 5.)Lite “IL will, lioweverbo. necessary to wath eaian wailing a place of ths ehatceah, 710. Make Rum Pusch, Dissolve inlemon,I pint “To percent alenhal ot draehans ol of3 aad fdeuehin eal af loves) infuso nce gruel allspice for 10 daysin 1 quest 5‘with pe 18att, gallons spitwd20 iter abuve proof,x 2 hensgal, 703, Imitation Jamaica Rum, 20 gallons spirit 10 alnve rot 20 gallons New dons Jummiea runny and 1 pound dumeiea fam England ram 10 above proof, 4 por Ja fessenee (ar 20 aitons New Boland tuna 20
everpruot and 4 pound Jamaica rum distolved essence).mt aed tartare pounds 24 ‘Nextiad water, and 18 gallons exrup mado 2yenons TES poms white sugae- Color with cara. tehTit, (See "ToNo. Make 6.) Wine Punch. Dissolr 3} arneuing intper ofcent.lesions aleohal; and make ¥dzacbinan ‘iLfnfsiou oteloves iu $5 allepto,prootaanspit, lost receipt; ofadd3 ounces these toground 10 gallous 40 gullons Marsala or Catatonia wine, 10sug, gal white ponds 35 of mato Ioaf-yrap nat re onus, fatejue,aia Per f fous choety a1 glia SLL To 10 Malkaepint, aNWine10 Punch. Po 712, arala gallons” p r o t galinay syrap gallons. thinly, ‘Tako pel10 thustad, wine,” sugar; SeiGatabiaia pounds 83 ot ‘mado to a bol,houratlor the Syrup bring ads 1e0 tomy; OT cor for-4 ie in leaion tho flaanel a of fingthe lomons strain withit through tyon inoro, jieo tho above tho Misc Tastead boof infased baling thefor lomo peatdaysfathers, iWinay 6 oF 6 indeepened 99 pet ent aleobol.” ho: color can bo wkend rn, whiskeystate aud above, ay mailo bo may puch Srrack fat tho liquor for tho wine and spits,
fining, osmatter oven wih the finest ininglass cont fibrous dissolves with dieuly this is andvery fs ape toiremainoh suspended $a ae to tlt drelpe, bout, by tho yas with which the wine is stearate Champagne Wino foros 17,Changing.To Prepare Put the wine sel to Mako into a cask, ad tho brandy ‘ole fe Mavorng andday thofor 4syrup, Andraw sticoff for15 LO mites. Every days oF 20 gallons of tho ntti. a pour fein ageing leet ret day ory thon Eat tho casks fining, Siein 3 foror 410daysanstes,Ugh, and hang tthe drat OFTierslowly ao ns aot to aatorb ho (oot No. 418), aie is rowdy for Toontho
of m ‘tho process hampagne. Bonk Teen Rae. Cpa aat cat, peat ieee alae ee late Pray a r e SE Ete an aco gieencagbelhs 13a Keeelst tap iy eaaieeale ot teed asin iutng gmaAOE gonaSee wil pokacs Wins Savraly a Bh Oe best Pr ia?ee for Fitering as Piltor "BOTo Marten ne basally s wild, Fea tals Geonsor sug leat; thes Hig of tig aoa By ict mat following e h t in prepared is pulp paper sheets filtering’ pappa Tors oat from 2 antty 4pute & pal by Hae ra oeee poe ato,its anBslak dat to fons,waterfnetAwoththe baslae Geena hliore aad ra t thee PFe ata Coirroughant aeg a nay sdse leter etraesafo J Fee et bo dito aking ateatary iBTi. SagGh degabe Syrupwhitefor vgn,Champagne addwit To 2sgt pranks wins, ater 03st lipwiiv BRIDE, Mlauil the sugar is dissolved, Let the whole e i ata iain dante, SU Haute ny oe pee THRO16. "ao" Eroparo singles for Pine ntst up son iesyginspunGt ar, ‘Wines, very am bestGar gee 125 ethe 9 has oor water OP fang, creas erent ope tn on doled completly Ue oul {opus © Gough fe Squece nase lait iniek fn) ee aM | aig tatie, ata Bee yk cntwingseshobo.ako oCetaUs lings Re Eeetrtae poranat m isngasy aust ganar ein to bent an ene pinch Gate ete Sigh by dogs aiing Bue Tua ea eps thong fats Tad lat tot omy ocieoraelaad iagionstrbaiies i prop ene aks 1daean rg er 8 apdtermaeh Sanpltlyy resin Tad eelnys Uehae nite hrgh. er edt be tan in tie proportion et
to the squaro iuinchwinter it gulitent. When. sal,io immoliate for mate is tine pou uaay bo hascreased pressaroclapagne theGontine an average€0 presse 5 poutCatawba, Champagne, ‘Tako 40 ‘719. gallons Catrin. wine; Jaton old oogaa of 30 made syrup lens: 4 a n d Branays ponds ugar and 2 gallons water aceondig U'No. 71SAngolien on, vino, 8 llons Catawba wines ob fallous and A gallons syrup Shove. Gactuee vanila added tu ether Avery of these leds malesChampagne. «fine bouquet 40 galCalifornia "720,Galioraia tons wines 1 quart repborry syeap (ice So. Enz); 4 gallon ayeap made of No.25 pois sagarand'2 gallos water (seo. Htayy and wing;4 gallows seater, SantornOr:o 20-gallons Galifrnia 20 gallons ofbrandy, whit Soteate wine’ 4 gallon old eognae ‘eitht yayp “Addl to thew‘ Wyn e gations enkaSeappernong ater ts Uelore.Champagne, 4 gallons: Senpperinng wikes 4 palfon alt cop io brandy) aut gal ons yup made of 30 suds sugar (se ‘No. 519) aud 2
ater “pean fu tho ga wasnaps,
ycerine from sugarin nottho fermenting frfemontaton” taking, eit any. activo pars in process seof Trea, Ettore bate fatter formontation, towincrfopartwidhoe any reqited gros of srectaose fo to with nck oftforhor fermontatony as i tho cave Sgar woncan wed forthwith parpocoy Seis edto HSE ie bo andod perfec salty fren a younger newis abeottaly wine, as soon as i thet has Tocome cleat Tt nocesery the{stoonsoquenty glyesrino should botaken chomaliy paray erety to bo in pirctasing tse fy rna0 many aimpuris. reg (Soo frolableto contain No. 1181). "Tho1 to 3proportion ef 106glyeatne ‘utd be fom plone for felons ‘torino, according to Cha quality ofthe lattoe Aethe Thoglyeerng Wino is itperfoelly lear betoro adding wil bamix ready forgiyeorte bot itat fnces Tt is bast to. tho. Sri ogoal quantity wi, andof thonthe Zid thoan instdro to thoof thoremainder for im-ox: Agenttrom ag anWines, "720. Electricity proving Whiskey and Fossett oa Tigo weal, horsa Pind thle a say fay te regular cummont. ora steceiion of ouddischarges, foivlom wine or whiskey mellow metro, {esvappoued that tho bitarrato of potace Acompooed,reting feo potash anu tartarethe ‘sits ho former tenting, t o . neutralize ‘sis andmatterthe tartar ai, reacthe Fheformation ponof ththeof wine; fatty present, favors th wine. eters whken constitu aso,the Touquet of tho Yes. probablo Gat nl ay thawhieh wherfring,deco Dose setting free yen, with ‘some fhe ont of the wine, new compounds peculiar to old wints.” (Se No eae ‘
‘ome-Made Wines. me mang fosomble thre employe forfreee foie ny Sel Sopand uper tarsoae Shei olinot eel gateate ropesne Mreator and i hayadeed Tinto ‘effatalmavopiy, anSeerineed by wo ha Motorwe ‘run fori employed Yoo fie ho wil ante bo hath, digress, Tetga oneaslosro, ltgar arse ef aad spit witbo equate pone Palsabie, “the Common efhatin of enptoy,at Bpanete goombantes hoanutsere who aloof fern of ttlwine igumencs thethe Tun tine On 728, Imitation French Champagne. headyapt ie beustfferion be employed £e6 pe,0 thothe 40° gallons wile Hordeans wines T gen Stor io an Seen Inseat ino; 4 gllon old cogs sngar bry; sri Fever of undergos Unit he al ing 6 uhr, ponds And 4 gallons syrup mato(Soo of No.2 715). Phere the operation ill this Un svaler, fad 2 gallons Teoeipt a Tittle Ginciuro of vanilla, oF a pmatl for the purpose of reworiug tho stalks and Tattle of hoaqaet venatique, may be used in tacrpo or damaged perio, Ii net placed steal of tho innseat wae. ‘They may bo TEP aad wei tracde malta ore ‘omiliel altogether if aroma ts not desire hain permet on both 34 hours 728, Cheap Champagne. a Se ees ieem ce ty ay Califrnia wine? 1 gallons white Bordeaux Evantagdously bruted or miueed the dry ‘wing; 32 gallons waters 1 gallon 95 por cent. sean epre bed fut fe toen put fated Trench spicits 1 quart raspberey ayeup (seo Hive, Taal it to weoeil er athe lecel tha Lap huts Keep back th husband No. 1972}; anil 4 gallons syrup mnade, of 35 See fuk ratr Seon ise to muster ule it pounds sugar and ® gallons water. (Seo No. eects aril og The nuded, sud tS Tis} Or: 30 galloas Catawba wino; 20 gal Seen arate ueog oratewi tring tie be ¥0requendy hour, oveeureat Jona water; 2gallons Angelica wine; 2 gallons sees 95 por cont, ronch spirit, and 4 gallons redial eumen ste The igual syrup a2 before fy fogsao el 20 gallons prog i astra Champagne. Cheap wine; ‘724. Bordeans pace uni and nerges white 3) gallons Geran oF vorrclp of pressing, to expel the fluid Trangarian wine; 20 gallons waters 2 gallons theteparation: irooehaie rue Eee tier Gaery tnetie 95 per cont. Wrenclt spirit; aud’ gallons misdehar jc whut, ayonee2e aed syrup inado of 35 pounds sugnr and 3 gallons Bieler andthe whole stir ell(generaly Water, "(See No. 715.) Weingut: Thovtamporare 725. ‘Tho Use of Glycerine in Wine,
fom ston75° Somes to 85° Pabr.), the vinous fermente-fe Un , hen the fun aquenthy skizome d( or“necestary) “and eet. wel Stived up nd, sftost danse ths tent, filed, ibe rannnd intotent casks, whieh ehould bo quit open’ at theingretten bung tehole,fa Tntho about aweek che davoring tateand of welleaarse_p oxederiy “ars. commonl y adited, steed and in abate nother week,ion dependin g attenuati upon onthe tate of thoinet,fermentat nd the ‘et tho the brandy ortel sist dew fy added, and Tnthe ask filed pad eleiee © 5 altar weekssome tnoroweeks—the the cask longer is again ebetter filed pee. 0d, {is pone” oF at; piled,” to ascertain IEEtho Doling or eansparc if, unerghe s gperation of aching;unddy,hat i€ snnetpre onthe conten, PeuH continnes vionel pass through the process ffninge "Yes tntare Ercotment is sifar to tit o€ foreign. wines ‘Tho. must of many af tho strong favored trProved by ack cate fran ,made into being boiled tore beige Tinos itraitsa the flavor and ishedy beuguetnoe atdeateyed tho moro, delicate tedsin ietve 728. ofGeneral Receipt for from the Prepgration Home Made. Wine ipo Bacchar ine Bruits, 1 . Mie hit! pouty slese sftof tartan weer dissolved 1 gallon in sngan 8 waters pounds: ream blige siancoss randy2,t0 3 per cents Flavoring ay, required Males a pound ood. moro family cachWing Ae hetost, slog 1 frTE ad weg." eupetivepound win cach Fat eth fli andtindsggte.tt, ‘Very’ strong fo fypd poona withoutof better with i . cn ay bo Tasubstitu te foewayexch!myepuntmadyof Suzar above. tho ahora nonebenr wines fonecut y mised Fantihe‘uo following wino(enrvants (ra, Winess—g white oF black); and goorel erey bart ar blac chefs 8 Hak ro eaeranty white ant Fel, ts,{ool family and vasphere e a l n parts) T h i s wines Oberayand” anulberse Winey Colepres sy Sting, (om apples s, equal Wino; strsretry wines Tarps elder anulberry Jacl) Torey wines wiue. (somotin (when esRavored takes port}; whordleb erry cae Iivekiebo rey) winos makes ood factition port; ry wines ‘ing blackber ono wit gepemorals win,ring; be apricot for’ Making GeneralDry Receipt 9. from rule Saéchat Wine’ ine 1 al sole ),water,1 pousds potindey(disatved TTon; r Dryreamfrat of44 taear to fat,por butcon,wingsea94 pounds dred Traady, tho ks TL wl fait, and bras family frit,Hi. “AAa super pounds 7} lot, tho Should thesn ay‘od 8 poresat. X etrong bvive. dent all wt o eamployed Tit ! 3 poss.of sbger,may booF 1 {9quendty fsccborin gandmates tbat half ‘omitted, adel,srivo Tafg thowine,above thirdsmay ofbo tsi, fro aii mado anger Stoxed Champag31 ne.” Tinitationoat sagas 720, 7 pounls water, ponds; raining’ ooven! 1 aid, exystliferment gallons# foutd; 5hotoy, od aeari yeasttho1 withy, sweet dwn frequentl oan oe ess fsskin ow over, audad eatcoars:p Rrmontat ionoot, nearly deure de drach, 1 orig Adored ack juice fp Tomson Bounces; orango, down fe no in 3 inanon and} ounce; clos, St,withbauisigelas, month audmoro,ia i2t 1 down, fino again Zotoaksapotkling , pee Hn of observingto isoto pute iyfuga, ote poy a U . f Aoublo-e tined wired, and bo td beilo bottle. ‘Tho with aah eoers sshos fe tin {ho"781, Tocovered Wine, To Make Blackberry
ae at ory be nana pig pet ee
Se eae seumnie aa Se
ihfart arti Genetpts etna Oey
sto be carefully steed, and squeezed, with the hands until the whofe of the jaieo ‘anil pulp are separated from the eolid matter, tis then to rest for fewthroug’ hours, when ‘bo pressed and strained a coarseTemas can vas bag with considerable. force. 1 gallon Water may afterwards be passed through the residue, ty remove any soluble matter that may be ef, aud then added to the jee, 30
Ju nog ra now to bo dsl iy thetnndd juies,loaf andthe total quantity uf liquid up’ with water to. 10) gallons. hy liquor ismore to bo pat into ayatub, over ariel sped a Moet covered inary Place i a'tomperatn ef frm 65° to and 602 Frabr. fr fim 21 ta 8 hours, according to tho siqus which i t , may show of fennemtat ion, when itismustto bo pet into acask to ferment, ‘Tho eask bo of such sw that the liquor vw near reach busigboleAste , oo thal hofen en. seum may rim out toabitthe diese {ation goes on tho Tiguor will decrease, and tio eas must be: kept filled wp nearly to tho Dungehol with a porlon of tho muse” which hasPenentati been o veserved furhegomt that prpose, Wheat tho on Tas a it weaker, ‘hich may bo Itow by the hissg noise doz creasing, tho busy is aLo spilo,be driven i, aud 9 ‘wouen peg, called. made of tout ‘word, ut inio a hole bored fn the top of tho hare. "After a few days this peg 13 to bo loosened to. Tet out any earbouie® acid. gas whieh bas been "goneeated. This unt ho sig of thegaa silogeverating to made tho danger ft‘Phothowinebate, ayo tight.ia dhould he kept diting tho winter ool eal, a, if fie, snap bo bottled on ar eokt cf dayMarch, 4 (hn end of farther Februnry or the withowt tule fe December $s preferable to draw i Seto olf at itsthoBienes en of fresh cast eo as to clear ie fomn tho eed,ito Ata time,maker’ slag, ifasta,ins found to tibo uptoo thsweet for{his tho ho sould lees 0innoas tovaisiogtenow thotho temperatare,” fermentation, atWhentho eae itisbe tranaforred to tho fresh cask, 3 should fined singase "Sometimeste itifato s desire: biooak, to with rack it off a second aes again fining it. All there. teiovals Shouta‘bo mate Teinten, ay,Voted ‘ad iffn possible, sil wealthier. mtst bo March ‘This Wino wilt usoally bo brisk, but cream stamens wil otoecasfonaly eanso ito be sweet fae sepa dy. TF ea tay bo feannde t h o folleieteason, by atto Ing'to i jue from frosh fruit, according Aetreating degrediba botore. of pweatnese nnd fermenting and Bub it tboa diy, bestbe hows eat never bo restored Ht fut Ural aa adr win, by drag off toa(ae ask previously fumigated. with sulphur ‘Ho. 763),dar.and fing anddynos bottling sometime Te in, te jamal Sch aslo digrecably sisuchtha fistwith ope.aa second fear, but improve Ito tere Moke maaee of husks, ete, is alle atin in tho jucodusig therapid,Gest and.fenventation, {ho process ‘will uo more tho win Eongerand Tos sweets bat twill bave more favor” I tho wi isdesied to bn very tect aswell as Die, 40 pouus af gar2 poubdes tnay be tse os sweet an ess stone, vil bo brisk, butnynoteo strong, axl ough to 735. bo uzed win ‘Rips Gooseberry Wine. Put {ho ripo ant. well picked fea ooveberties Jnto atit uncovered or pan, bruieo tho frullSqucezo well, ndthe {eave fie hours. jeeaf. fomBut tho pap through a hair to upon unait? gallon each ar atoresol; pour of aidboiling wa foreach gallon of foi aed tie well Forute,eqartrf os hou, taf sad or 12 equsezoliquor thto pulp throughef thothn hag, adsh fad tho Ue jut frie fino,” Ada2}and pounds mngar toLetcocestan alloto ofFenty tho liquor, sti iedefating well, de Wolf and nt brandy to each gation, Tot it stand to colle fordur 8 weeks teh row it of carefly nto a cask that wil jet
‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 twelve hold its Keop it in a cool collar bofor bottled may it when more, or ‘months dry, cold day. Tt ought tobe Ghovso wine in ® years. a splendida clear,
1786, ia Ginger Wine, Boilball29 adpounds sugar 7 gillona water for hour, suliinng ie ell; thon put 9 oxnces bruised finger ia portion of he gue meal fogetier, “When neanly cold, put 9 pounds rabsing, chopped very sual intoa nine gallonthe anh, ad fomons sliced, after taking ou Seeds, and poeare thetoHiguor over fral p with § ntenplng fone. as open wa l ed up with reserved gr i it boii in"Wino,fomsom 6 of9 theAnother ont Procoda.” Boll $0 pounds aw eagarin 7 gallons Syaterforkalfauhouy, skimming itwell then, 2s apap fe qito cea. oun, {tbollingnpon 8 ounces bruised ginger adost10 lemons sliced, when suena tho wholoost thehs lemons cooled din fo aout 75 slLet itginger through atlove, and ad the yeast, work for about 3 days, and then draw and of thdeelemonprot Pot haltSone into wens, ith ‘off fingered rubbed whentho itTogs.is witdeo inouevgnal oddhaving latter the Tent in3 month ottMake working. Aromatic To 738" pow. to coarseGinger following the Reduce Wine’ to ren, npr asc alspee, 4 pousd cinnagourd TEE pound doves, ‘unees for 10 these tien "tied co, ‘Beay i and10 Fre eps cent. p e r 3 gallons aieolvo mix£0 ion watery theniu f8ilter, gallons itt day cedey sugar wbito pouttas togetter, and‘eolor with chery Tio whole. jules then ier of Ginger ‘Tenbest Gallons To Mako "780, Dal ne Fousica white water; tpound Wine’ add15 gallona 8 bone beuised, Jer finely ounce ¥ to Goggs of [EGanites nds cfend femena theax hour, and suger loaf puuras fot compound cad pot ie inte askimyerelie Butte whentueariy lenny of vetete of Its anbeingia draven admityeast wil ith that aya fow tovrert add tho thenrts; off intoanda cask; itlemons, yaw ‘wards quarts ® 6 tao of Jaleo eloelyoff andTt or ten daysfine,bingotitue cathe wino Wseeke thorougaly J‘eon months, for Making to drink intReceipt Slo ft Simple ‘740, Grape Wine.
ER aa cae:
fare te iF te em, ae eas ce Gamay hs aascale teh e luni ta whe i ce eet Gare
tho collected Afterch yeufrom havo pweet, and trancfer press tho clean ina faut tho cask al a: thenil placo cask inef thotho cbase a faches ie'jnto anoin 10 Tvithin porpor, that for mado aspen, @ cf Titho big, end fk Weatedights the ober end i offa bucket 4 inches folly thos Inst be dubmerged from passes gas ho water, ‘feold coming fem proveuted ars the tho wine, which would destroy eas, butwithutact {hofnrco makes Catawba grapo flavor whieh fineco celrated, that made, properly When Seine Wheat , fermettaGon undesgo wil ho{thasmust doye, 15 in bo will whieh fermented, {il the sk with the camo Kind of wino aadit then mako for 1 wok loosly moro it "Noting fang ceas, moot is bo in tiltho is Jonuaey {ine wil seen all t i ‘lish, perfectly if cas Tho, following. BrslaaeFebruary an low olf intowyavothor ackup itine eine do 1 want fig November, ask ost, Fone fa re‘tho bynacking Boencetoo ieagaia, Ewilinpro bom not Da oman clean eave. totrashlve breton (oo, No. 705 tho, Uycaskexeossiva injured is ino Inu byeannowbe made generally mistake irtactono—a wino of qualitiesby separating the Dilfernt grapo Hogiom. with thosot eomo Jagia the ft tho samemakoprossing. Tiftrontran tho fit of so to finest to. Sin ril wot, "Tokeepmikefouggoodwithout betsino it qualities, fomons sound fogingita iswil> pla to agg by improve wil tht twine very lastbetterrun body Tuo have together, up Tea nak it Tough, but ik veil old, ant aad better flavor when2 or 3 of years ‘The years stmbor & for Improyo ‘rll 2alt 3t9yeasCl good after uot beWins Test a yal‘Eo Fino 742,oF ‘Thicie ta ConseqDiticu of anGo Imuanco fy, galor elanily ‘to . tation Permon Bocfoot Dock of spesioa tie of eplant,L amen Bastak bollad which Pationecoldd root, called lusiox end itr, When water, silt, ben 1 glan mops le commen AnTgua PGs togothorop ntsanstureWell fas. iagretio eho all teat iso, dbo. beoounat wattately wid’ 9ie it Yel thotia poneiag waite ly nal In Stew days the
wing wil bo clear Madeira or any kind of "743, ‘To Fino 40 gallons ‘To ino pint with Taingolass, ‘Wine of pur isglass iT elt Aine, seep Lousenight, it, over then aad fold water overoal fire, watil n gelati rm unifo a fp gontlo charc coo, ants with Ht
d, i"When y forme missvino, Sok fa a 12 odhours1 gallon LetSoom, repoe0 and Sats Then grarin acely npdor Wino andewihluis a thocleawholerootin a eatwoodenFaasvesselup.; Iwiskvhs mistaro geateally i the wine you t s,Qo seBungtho upolethe care tusdasiubog. a nialy proces g the of #8 housho wine Gonti thy eoused fa perfec no cant, Isin clearay andwilbright. Shitappear precipitate intlythisno parti Pepa es suspended in Bieta Teave owine withtake Whito, Win ‘20 fino Fine white gallons 0 To Eggo, 6 frosh andaoggs,smallLege baad-shel of © to or power, TE hites reducedn eal, neaely commo r Beat tho wholo togethe Tabot clean wine, thonwithpone stall fina iittountilof itthofoams, roomy gradually, constantly string it it atoall thethe Wino
while, Red Wine. you‘thishaveis 745, Totho Fino way. saino lorfigd in or tho ark winesWhencallad vin da Roussillon, and 6 of @ deap color, ‘midi, which aro it usually or 6 adil color, lighter a of Wish to mako
ge: whites,oatand shells together, iii yellows, bal anal Pips ofof tenPortgood Wine, ‘Tako tho. whivesTo Finoand a shel eggs, smd. beat thom up to a froth ins wooden bucket; addefouh1 gallon ofa olenm Port broom; aud whiskdravei ‘well up to with offit up4 gallons, and pntoutthethefiuings iuonoie} dayssue ‘wll, leaving biog tea spat ten day wl be RE up 1 be warm, Ifthesudweather to bottle.” fnings,mix or ado thoCider, silver TocandFine Pint Alo, sine 747. ‘Take I poubeWine,hnly shredded porter, Dect,as in ofWino,thosourtguid nd. tiaverateadd. it moro floss, or vineyary Eiderieinglas has gallon occa. Unt a about swells with fo ust tation whisk a being 2 of to, for AS thooA purpose. Souully hat therecourse tho as solutiod. promoting. 1 dissolved, tho.of mis tho Jsinglaws Mholo fb ofTle thin the, contend tare tho thatis next iguid. the. of wine sith. Syrup, intendeda ethfor or hehiewhole ings avotorongis aud Byab Stridrede fo 2 peupor sabe of sieve, aiution, neo the aiition of anore liquor, A pound ofof
13 gallons food isinglaes will anake 10tho to usual quantity ia pints 1} Tto ‘nig porte ‘and 1 quat for & fir a barrel of ale oe miler.
d a have.brown bosmne “"psicked” (Seo acquiretask hare wines Tototo ayonda intosiswhito ofwineay Kn, omploy y b tamed be! ‘uvly ces. changed Ta thiste substan the above ofShere fgTray Gidher nly commo e purp ow ylk; for are.this generallyose2 oFsuicenptst otof Sherr pats l Wimme of wine;te buteolorwhemuf reditis found orty cack Alocol Wing, change to fecesa Chard. requize bo Will or moreused, a5 Weaffets tho aver ttsnot often GeSqua fe oa l'os color of hue. A Hilo nile of fo'wel far redanit,13 ateddeeolo be subsie nios maylly somneti Fie be to wine the when tapocta ad byroli wites may bo rendered acil, Vey: ss eulogte ie oping in Win, dysringy, Retne “foclo ris, anes t y g i l s e p she and ” grate, french, the by culled ans “iopiness,” Is occasioned notes Amerte tho’ byBY tho presence of a glutinous substance, and winesAte white ed in thosa observeantait EYFeilehpeneally Yannio.” mel, not do” ed, itho seoverremedy, chemistout, theGrstdi Francois,al apointed proper uso, ed of tho Heecommond n of tannin, tietse alditie tho Dories bruised tho of |in’ pound of stat, at,of thoWaripe vomovwh a kn ah fhouute barrelon, tho wiaovelueis toto: bobo cach iu irod Wellst agitati aver l,repose adayror bro, and Hien racked Tnprove Tui thi. timotho by tated Heerion tho i iEfell, heHave tata precipi and. ted separafrom tho ghd, ond removad matter Hlutinons bo ddo.eanuot Wines way,thus affecte uess: {oropi con not they the ntregia hrsufito fiyed privipleheto ent ain of tho oracting tain pro cul Cate thereforewhichbo 6pate lo anus wines, fun andthisforpeinep pale whiteed vith ropiness, note leds ho Kind bled attack acid taunin orwinestamniocontain ilo pore equals ino prot sngSood spirit, thated"th norer foGroublemeld. bytannicropinesadds. Wine, after,roey baving d s should fmmediately bo of ropines Doon cure
fiuod and bouted. "750." ways To Bipen Wine. Dealerof alopt various to hasten the ripening win. Soon, be an dat pany fpr eapecalyforstzong tne, sto lett Fomin ‘on tho Teen toto 18 snontha before ooking wheter rao on ake coping 60°thento 60°ah a Fah, temperate ranging Vo‘eveon n a cellar fea from ronghts, and thonotbungsto! ordxpecorksDealers oie mes remove and si ‘uo bloddors. fesaned ansipni.. Bottled ido eae in thin way and op at about 702 Fabs v i p e n s very mapidly.. 4.085 dropsot feat al immediately ted os Hote of gw handy ot Dow wine, gives the appearance otbelog $or-years 7. ‘TowineRemedy Sour by Wine. The souring of fs produced varus ci. ftmstances, someliles fiom ite having been Soptin toa draoghts warm eelarof where it has been ex posed aly,rolling often of byRearythe vibra Hon occasioned by tho Dodies avr thelr Hut mow ent eng has from tha‘Thowine having beon inipeieey Tormented, only safe remedy for oftho@ fouring of wine a tho cautious atdition Aiitio neutralwith tartrate ofquantity potas; of it nichanay also Dousived a larger winelitle ofits kind, ab the rome tino adding a food brandy. "Wino treated inthis2 or Should bo dived ater having stool Weeks, audsnthen aimmediately bottle, “ani nani pow ort wile proven goo keeping’ wine, "(See No, 701.) , 752. To Restore Pricked or Decaying Wine,. Iftheeverywine30 gallon i only thie, uit? Pitts of milk to of wit, and Birt0'foutes, ueit the wine hoy au nfe For taste, or is patty or entiely spoiled, {reat itocleanfollows? Put takethe 220 plnts gallons wins nto a ens, then spi of1 ‘wine, $6 p e r cent 3 outees common fats pound whitegallon suger, of theDissalve. tho salt ad Rogar ia wine, gradually ead all itothe Spit,wine,"Thonbeingpourcareful the whole to stiri continually ‘witha stick dutig the operation. “Aersus thethe Inizkite iB all poured in the wine, ZWholo milefor and10 ahinutos longer, Then ald 3 Pints ‘eontinne sting 10 minutes Thora,” dNer some audays restored,“ tho wine willPricked” bo com, letely_elarifed ve gto vine we as been sly 758, To Remedy Excessive Acidity “a. lito Simply addtho seurhess Wine.of correcting inchalk.German mode This tho whereas perfectlyof armless, of wine is practice vit an white tag oniclons el ead for UsLeadpurpose form iambe toopoison,ame in any exhuot condemned, with Wine4 otnces Sour 754, fo‘To 25Hestoro add wine, gallons Potash, potash dis olved ina littlo water, and stir well 8 atikTo forTest10 minutos toot Boginning ‘Wines 755. unaware ae persons funy Decompose, botwen a. wino that is begin‘honing difference Frenchfermenthe (calledthe inacetows to anddecomposo which thatin Puts), tation has commenced. ‘The Poux appears at aetention oftop.the lace," thobegins ott of tho stago Hest the Por the at «pect bas ad thick, Uecomes wine to Potix second. andstagohas Por thetroubled, termed fiat.stil more tasto hecomes liar thethe wino the inal has waterdecompositi tatstage,of wagon the ‘when ast on eco “eo water. themuddy itland anima acne Hike appears frayioh put intoeida champagao wite of 18 tarario Sou fs addedy & lass aud’of tho pinch
oll colar will bo produced, whieh will not ToTt the case if tho whooe sinDy & stato of uectous "750. Romedy fordsnve Decompos ition in Wines, "As tou as na ed trate avidin the ofthe proportiowitn of 1 ounces to ever Ballo ant etbas ienot as for fet days whoo, ifthe Wino regained itstoutnataral colds, a little moro tartar icacid he added, 757. ‘he SweatingtechivealTn tormeand “stenting Fretting iatIn Wine, aiid "frettin in”gsecond ate applied tmion,the forpartedthe Productio of n a Jermentat Purposeingredien at mellowiu g down brandy) the flavérof forto fp ts (chiedy’ added seh. "Borwtheb ths parposo 4 or 8 ornrad sae roves, itloc trtd (dual, ‘roite comtionly added itperngshend andspoontala wee wiue ts wanted ase, 1 or ® of yeast, ora fow bruised We leaves are also Iniged fu, thesituation eask beingunt placed in a moder. ftely wal the new fermenta= tion ie established, when 3 5 2 emaved todown,tho ‘wine-gellay, and, efter fow days, fied 758, To Remove ‘Mustiness from Wine. ‘The disagreeable tasteiy eeeasioned. in wine, gonehy rally Frown ‘a5 miustiness tho preseneo of an essential oil his may by removed hy adding litle stest oral oi, and then stiring the wine for rom time. “theViolently fixed it attaets and Seaes on tho essential ci, al eas with ieef, to ofthotho surface, When it is cay skimmed under it draws off A fs aces of burntlidor toasted: bread, ‘or a Title ‘hrmised mustard seo powdered charcea, will often hago orthe coarsely same ellet. 759. Pastour’s Meth of Preserving od Wines, “ Farr anne sone ting a go that wines le amno spoiled in consequencs oP tho presenco cf miteoseopie. organising, ‘whieh ould: bo destroyed 1y" exposing the Wing, onlyy to a tempera: tee offora1512fowFehr.mosnents A coutten experta ‘Was appointed to nnake a eomparativeof ’exant ination of Wines vehieh ad dnd. which had not ethjectedand to36.. ext; ThehygheenPresent, Desnas Ml. andLapparent Me Pass teu a “They eoneluded that s the i s t i n g . servation af wiye in. botl es is. peeatly pro: ne destruction the that th leastimpair:of provedgerms by: isheating; die perfect, without nentof the taste, eolor, oF Lmpidity of tho
To Determine the Nature of ity in Wine. It wine lias tdergone iho needous fermentation, convert te ab fnco into Vinegar by one ofthentho usual modes, Buvifits acidity proceeds from an excess tartar acid this defect may be remedied byof wino with a concentratol solation (ofshaking noutealtho tarteato of potassa, which, with ‘tho surplus of tartaric aid will form ita tata off potassa, and precipitate To discover tho nature of the acidity,as such, neutralize fn ounco or so. of tho wino with como. car. Donato of soda, ten ald’ small quantity of salprie ot act aid. or ‘inbgarbo prosent,aud blit willwy bo I perceptible tx edor." (See No. 7 penile 761. Parent's Method of Preserving Wino. ‘his consists in the aldition of & small of tania or tanuic acid to tho Awino, quantity which porbaps acts in a similar dostroying tho vitality of the spores wag,of theby angus, stucoa microscopic examination of wine known to contain these germs, within 8 fow wooks treated With tho tan Din, bas failedaftorto being detect the slightest tence. Indeed, wing which has already begun to ‘’hange, and bocomo turbid,eat ba restored its priniitivo clearnoss, ond with 'w great im:to provementin its taste, ‘Care inust bo taken,
howover, to uso only tannin which ts been prepared from tho constituents of the rape, ined thogall,slightest proportion of the tieexteast ‘of‘ralolobjeot although aecouplishing gon of destroying the fangs wil Dattn poouliae taste, which — over disappearwsed "762," Antiformonts, Substascts fn‘elder, mall quantities for arresting fermonta wine, and smal liquors: ‘heUse flo 3g orm aco eective, and have ava tage“763.af " Antiforments being. aries sul. phite (uot sniphats) of lin ia fise powdet, Und’arta as eulphite nowly prepared ax possible. geod Or, 3 of lino and'3)parts Diack mustard sea 764, Antiferments‘Grind for oF Cider, Wine, Malt bras Loge eri pounds‘This nowmixture mustantmaybe seed need ud 1.withponindor loves. Seithont. tho alditim of 10 ‘utuces grows capsicum 765. To doenInduco Formentation. If fermopiation nt hoi within a reign, blo time, vaise tho temporattee by covering the vossel with Diankets, and moving it neat ton fire. Or, wanna portion of dhe must aid AD i co the Fest. A aval quantity of yeast, prerionsly well in,misedwill with somo ofsamotheelectlator, Foslly slid havo the ‘Sry thestenoavastbottles, May. filled bo warm by. placing Tato with boiling water nd well enrked, tm ho liquor, ‘To Arrest simp ‘766,sf lion oF Fermentation. tena sire to thi bung. of a the abideeask,of ‘go that dhe end wil hae nbomt D-gallon {tho inside of the cask, bend the ond up to form a hook, place the sulphur tape on the hhook, ignite it, and insert ing loosely. Inabout an ithowefu thethe east, eadk bungwil belimpregnated with sulphurous acid; hen withdraw the mateh, and fl-mp with. wine, tnd bung up tight, “This will stop farther fermentation. ‘This'1s a good plan Tor white Wines, but not for ved wines, at sulphurin jaros their color. Sulphite (hot sulphate) of imo is also somtimes employed to arrast fermentation. (S00 Yo. 185.)
lordials or Liqueurs, theot Ousralvonpioyal ntins pepaton confals age claus, nae oFpeel tatesderen ater ee ere fear aid TSShikuibsetemoytevtebo anfded aroma the eabstances om et settee Wek ditinyeigh endonsale give anfato sharectr tetsp Taealar coil to ate BsClarfeaflogemployodshans. reaping “tangs® toy when: Oneantl prot ire ie chase olich segageear tae eats rates pnt et precuet foladln uf thethoarbmate principle wha a to(Seegiesoth) ule yorufdr sob anne Hil tone ether by satetot icon ormasunite, ory masseter Bitsequent Stila,ot oein bydoo Mavertg te Spt ith egentat propusion Pinus adapt eyotonfor inspreserving boon Suse to be tinal the ear. terse aera become. thove bmnpoutt thenof tonooquentiy the great kart thigelis fmanatatares “See‘Maccration, A738 "768, Cordials Made’ by orSlaarewinouplaned Bosentialto convey Otte, the“Winnlasereensthey fro bras debated tno andHi wenof themiestage Toston epigtf wines Tone‘Bapity they adare asizedpray ap wth pale be ntloby too mass abe.
ou, aodsining maycontinued gltaton, he Stronger be Tednoed to tho desired Strength bysyrupaneanssedof cleat eo ater, oF Thotho Glafed for sweotening. Snugar employed shouldmadebo ofinto”the finest quality, aud is proferably syrup beloe6 aulding i to. the aromatized spirit; nud this Shout ote ada uu th ater aa been fonuleredspits,perfectly fine teed, iy ftering or fning. Some as aise cle, frequently roqiiro this eatment, whicha fing isbedt poformed Uifilter,ranning. thom. theongh aad. withclean, having previously snixed then Spoonful or tw of mayesia. By good man. fgement, condials thus made will be peefetly fear and transparont; but should, Wiswhites ok teof tho eas, they may be ined withthe abouta fits 13 oralum, 40 eggsether to thealono hogshead, or by Stiding or followed ‘ipa litte incarbonate of soda ur ofapotas, both Qlosolved water. In a week Tortaight {he hquor wll be cone 169." To Dissolve Make Doppelt, Kummel or Caraway. coparataly, each ina tle 85and fier drops cont. enol aleahol, 4 olladeachin. oll of anise, af the of ealamas, iltetalmonds eoviander;in. aufhctentaleokol dissolve also 1 1 ontces oil ¢t andcaraway -Taclear solution. towithmake’40 gallons (de por cont.) Corporate those Prench proot spina i 10 pound aoger deed Sigalions water. ‘To 30 allons Anisette, 770,- proofTo Make -Frouch tpiitasld Aounees ossoucea! star ntsc dissolved in‘ peront.aleaboly nd fallons syrup of 10 Danis. Sue for 4am105 Ronn, setlo"To tndMakeiter.Curagoa. Slico MTL, tho out sido_pel verv thin frou G0 bitter oranges fnfosd Tor and 1S. days. with braised 4 draehinsmace,braised clonamon, 2 drachms ia 5 fllous 95 por cont, French spint, string Svory day. When add 25:pounds white sugar issolved 2 gallons. stirwater;thoroughly, color with faramel (0e0ia NoW'604); and Biter. , 1. Dissolve Maraschino To 95Make ‘772, intasoneo 1} gallons por cent, aleuhol, wsmucesof of maraschino, 1 drachiis esseuco ose, kdcachinand es, eseace dF ofeiinna noyannSdropsessence tnon ffelv Sdropsosenco jada ¥AcEgallon ons root favoring. (See No. 609.) with 1 aprup lionsof 9530? porBans ont. ‘lcoboltho and’above25 gallons Bui thoroueily ‘nd filter. Maraschino. 4 ounces "773. ofSuperfine entones noyait; 1 onmoe(genuine); essence 4drachios of ros: 4 Sunes essence of heroll of une, fused infused in 85 rer 1 cent alcohol of watery quart elanamon, and Blanes len, nee ital ated rauds 99urlsper root (pow dere), infased faDise Ballons cent. sleohol fur days. foie" fhe Bs, Execsput into a 9 arr gallons 4 20 gallons ps x 8S Aleotl,” Be perconde rn line eet. nleohol: sugar syrup, 00 gallonstoS22" Baume. “Stiv all the ingredients wall other forstand at lenttwo weeks; lf an hour, und andTet, theput fixture Uhen leer in tho filter vo SIL) or thee sheets of fltedig paper, (Seo No. , 14 ouncosossencoot "74, “Mazaschino sparachin, aching ofessence osm ol drach easenesdropsof emeneo noyad, oe 8 drops £ pound of loves, 5 unauion, fra root (powdered), infused int gallon 95, per cont, sicohol for 15 days. Dissolve. the Esroness inharrolI gallon 95 pr 80een.por aleabol Mis; tin a 12 gallons cent, aleohol 2 gallons above); 95 per een. leogalholEnd (asaid doseribed sugar porfuaen syrup, 26 e. ona 25°a8 aiected Baumefn thesnecharomet ‘ter lst recep.
31 ouncos of ‘775. noyan, Maraschino, 6 drachuis tseeuce of rose, essence Disfolvo the'aliove.in ¥ gallon 95 per eon, aleohol, and add 4 spooufls of mtgaesia, 1 ga Jon’ orango flower water, | pound eiimaanon (braised) infused ia | gallon water, $ pound loves (bruised), gallon of2 pounds wales, {drains mace infusol itased jnin talcohol, forris root (powdered) infiset fn 2 gallons 98 Bp cent, abel fr 15 aay ts gallons por ent. alcotol, 90° gallons syrup 25 degrees Thauiné, and add 4 eullons perfumed spirits, oa described above, “Stic and ilar ns realy directed, ‘778. Curagoa a'Hollande, 2 pounds Guragoa orange peel, 4 pound Ceylon cinna: mon. Let then soak in water; bal them for SB minutes with tho juieo of 32 oranges and 1 fallonsof ito pln sprays, Shen add 6 a fons" ot 95" per ent. alcohol; strain, Biter; color dark yellow with sugar coloring. This recat will mako a splenill cxragoa. "727.deanges Curacao, 2 ounces} ottnee cach essence essenceofof Dittor and neroli; Sinnamon 3 drachms mace infused it alcool Dissolve tho. abovo essences ia 1 gallon 95 er cent. aleohol, then put iu a clean barrel gallons 8 por cent, aleuhul, 20- gallons sugar syrup 30 degrees Dang, and add t gellon ported gt os above.” Color with ftffon or turmere ‘778, ‘30 Champion Put intoAdda barrel gallons & yerAnisette, cent. ulcobol, 4 ounces essence of anise seed, which dissolve in'2 gallons 95 per cent alcohol. Add 103 alone soe 1 2 or Sshoets of filtering paper, an) oea barrel 13 gal 779. Anisotto. Putin tons05 per cent. alcohol, Dissolve 3k ouees essence of gceen anise’ seed inf gallut 93 por cont, aleobol, and adil $ gallon orange lower water, Sut 10 drups infusion of inaee, and of etnnanion, ‘Them 95° pu {nthe5 drops Trreléssmee 85 gallons sugar syrup” Bamné, Stir and iteras divested fu the last receipt 780. Anise drachns of ul of Seed auise Cordial. sect 1 28 Dissolve gallons of3 5 per cont. aleol; then add 24 gallons of fine wbite syrmp, mixed with 4g gallons of water. Stir and fer, 40 gallons 35 ‘781. por cent,‘Malliorce leubiul, d'Espagne, 5 attuces essence green fanive seed an 5 ouees essenceof star se d dissolved in'95 per vent. alcohol, & drachax ether (o-ivo tho coma age. Str and iter. Blackberry ‘To 10spirits gal lous782,blackberry jniee, Brandy. and 25 gallons AW above proof, Add 1 dinchm each of vil of loves aud ofl of cinnamon disselved in 95 wer-eent, alcohol, and 12 water. pounds white su isgolveil in G-allons oils separately inf pint 95 p Disvolve tho fuix buth togother,ad uso an half the qua if the cordial is not sufficiently Navored, 0 the bulanee. 783, Blackberry Brandy. } ounce cach of einnamon, aud nine, 1 drain tardamom, Grind cloves, to a enarro powder add to16 portnds of blackhervies, mashed, and 5 gallons of 5 perpress cent.it; then alcohol.ad 10Macerata for taro weeks; pounds ved ia 3 gallons of water.
Cherry Brandy. Mosh 16 pounds offins78d. black cherries with ‘ier stones; gale 99 per cent. alenbol. Macorate Tor So ttavko; fray Unen ad 10 pounds ofsogar Herod ie 24 fallen of waterMosh Filter "785, Pench Brandy, 18 pounds peachy ith tet stoves; macetst then
forAlcohol 24 hours withollobs48 gallons of Stal, 25 por press, cen aud 4 wor. fund ado: with, pines urat whitesngarplan’coloring. syrup Gator"789,Miter; dark Imperial yellow Peachsana, Brandy.3f gatos ‘Tako bitter Ay41-95onesper powdered cent,andsleoliol, CF forgallons of water Mis togeter myacerao 24 boure; theot ois eal ripe o f 3 guid Shgar 24 ounces1 drach precervtof inget, 1 1 pit leaian peachLarachm ewe elly, i shes, in pow= of alapie Ep needand nutmegs, 5 pints of water bole for2 wines, ME the whole, and iter Brandy, To 40 gal‘78%,proof Peppermint onswring spit atl in4 tees cube of pep dissolved 95-per cent aledbul. Sn th k pound poder ofcout.maisUso 95 por in 1 gallon ings fi such pintgunntty as to got tho iafioion thisoper shat, g 788, Kirschenwasser. 100 gallons proof alco, Sonnets enwence of noyen, 2 drach feumnoe of rose, Diseolvo tho later eatin Someof maguetia, 95 por ome.2 pounds slcotol onsandingroroot at po ntal intased 15 “days tn 2 gallons S(powdered), {Sper cent. alvohol, 1 gallons sugar syrap. Stir"7e9.ana filter Hf necessary Disolvo95 per6 Cordial.10-3 gatlons Caraway eatsray of of Ardehis ayeup offont,mugaralco! and 4 adgallons of water.made of2 Dpouds il er from ‘Thiswonlisderived Batata, 700. tho atin pacsed tataGat (let penco stening bo Taide). Ut dsinlsstaiaon to hating ‘Tho nad with ba may poace.Rtaia of treaties fo Juice 4 pounds of any signs, felt. dissed Tako gallons chorry jules ithe chery juice: “Steep in 2 gallons brandy 10 days Baiting cin 24 elves 10 ounes ker leaves, Bimixounces hols.each Kiker} both brated fighors, chony” and filter gato"701, , ‘To Prepare Chorry Iuicoby Infasiondy. for mat king orOhtieros ryinto Bounbinvcevosls anandd Br ‘oveanopr tom Dawith h,tho95 peear cont. spirits Tet thomy ‘sBdtolays, for Ua1 e mothont jaieauo d thstiatr rathnsem offwellfest,overand po s apot ration 2 or3 tisnes. ‘Tho last thi e Emo,d tayopu thmaetyn beallsotogethethercherrito esmanaked stchoneresy, fin dle Trun"YO. To Proparo Cherry Juice for Bosilldein, g.CoverPutthenthe wicbtherviwaoster,in aaud koteboil eachedem in fataom gentintolo hebaatrtelsfor an1 d honead.d 1 "Whogolln oneold95 papotr tht, spit to each 10 gallons of the juice, on . ke llonChserryer. y Boune,ce d(Suo 03 Ma ‘T "7 , e) in rf pe{alonepor"to co15nt gapir ch0 galidujis Catanaloni15a rseseilleswing 1p seotd meos essence t ofioyan, ‘Or Ma 3ont,ouncaleohomaly co$ pofnunftd cainma1 quinacfuse93d ibpet llon. alae; £ pount cloves groand ant {ugabosevea igedin iontghs atint o ofelenwaater.barel Bogat-dallaud thGOo ‘allona sugar nyrap 23° Baum. Suir up the fa gretionts wal , and fltr ade 4 oF 8 day. Sn tuo color fs Hot doop enotgh afd a litt, Hf ar coloring. ‘Tho above roveipt is tomaks a smalletir tyquantity may 419fgtbo0 mgadllonbys, buretdoainnu g srodient aud observingthothoqusaanmo propatoroatichon iinEt "794. To make Chi Bounce (Seoond Quality). toper 12eos, gallons chery Sto, SHL 90 galloke 80 spit; 30 gallons Gata win Bosieesasence offntased uogauyidor Merle pound elanniion grown cloves aa gallon water; & pound ground and ished Inf gold water; 2
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 foune mace infused in 1 pint 95 por eat. fleohbol. Mix all the above ingrodiants in 4 lean harrl, an odd 60 pallonssugar syrup 13° Baumné. Sir up all ‘the ingredients well together, afterwith 4 or sugar days. coloring Make the colot and. a littlefiltordarker GD4), and to give a good shade add a (see No.arehil, ito
705. Bounce, ‘To Mako 920 Guignolet, orcherryFrench cherry gallons juice ‘810 7} allons6 por cen spirit; 74 gallons Catalonia or Marseilles wines 4 ouned pow: Atered’orvis root. (infused in '14 gallons 95 fe{madocont. aleohol); § gallon eisnemon water as in last
vvecipt); clove water mage in last receipt);# gallon 1b owner Sufased ‘in 95 por centsaleobol. Mts allmace the ‘abovo ingredients in a clean arrel, ain) add (3 gallous sugar syrap 85° Bauiné. Stir up the mistuse a d letit test 8 day; Ue tral 708. Cordials , Tho solid Digeedieaty shouldby beDistillation coarsely pounded ge baie betirodlstion fn tho sfan {hisshonta be done immediately before putting thet Into tho eas or vats ay ater hey aro bruised, they rapidly lose thelt aromatic prope ention by expomure’ to the nit. ‘Tho practica of drying tho ingretients before. pownding thea alopted by some workinen for tho mers sake of Tessening Tabor, eammot be too iiveh avoided, as thethe least Oxpostre to” beat tends. to lessen their aromatic. which aro very volatile, Tho lengthpropertics, tino tho ingcedients shoul be. digosted ofinthe spirit should never be Less dan 3 or 4 daya, bata longer period is pretwrablo when dist lation fs thot employed. Tn either easo tho tim allowed inay be advantages ously extendedfort) digestion 10 or 15 days, and Hequent ‘agitation should. he had. yeeourso tor Tn ‘managing tho still, the fie should be propor ne tothe ponderosity tho l or favortug, and the receiver should beof changed before tho faints eome over, as the later aro unfit tae with tho‘ “he stronger toepintbo nny be reduced ty the desired strength by inedus of elear soft watey, oF tho clarided syrup used for swreotoning.
707. “PatTo Make Absinthe by Distillation. the fulowing Tngreents2 pus Into Gaki—1} pounds Targo absdithe, Snail absidthe, 24(breaking pohinds theTong”sear feel, 2h pounds sear aise oulys, 98 Doni greon ani woud, 6 onnces, corner ed, an T pound hyssop; wsoisten the whol ‘with alll wateraidallo timo29 perto soften and swell; thou 12 gallons cout, Aol), aid stoep for’ of 3 days Hest 1D galloan water and let tho whole seep ddfor water will wees thoalen. ‘thogallons Ldayto more. holEl about 23 of prout apiat. Dis. gd ib will produce early 15. allow Ausiniia. of G5. Us 70 ‘per eait. stecugule ‘Ghango the reeeverthe as soem as tho spit ie coms from worm,the begs to tasting © Fedilsh tinge. Color dstiled proauetangby steeping ia for 10 of 18 days 4 pound ieaves,$ pound melisraeltonleave, 4 pound small alii, 2 ounces train iguovieo yout, Stainpet) and du fet, ‘Tis 708. ‘Absinthe by Distillation inmnad those witr ash the font receipt, with the following lugredien ts40 falloas 75 por cout, spines, 20 founds fennel, 3)the,pounds Breeneoriandet, ano, 16andpolls argo aba 1 pound 20 gallo water4 ‘hi loa er dita by adding pounds absinio, and bears heatingtieni again Int a small het as t h e band enu ‘uid"790,tho SuperfineGu fico, Le coo,ragoa,” sot, aidChargoofiterextine it tha 5 pons rosa orange pec, or £0 pounds
Yollow; 25 gallons 95 per capt, alcohol; add A gallons water, making al 29 gallons at 0D Pereont . Digestabove,for 10 days, and Sur dag: te taking’ tho the following ditions rust Up carefully observ ed =I,draenDistil vegat careful TT. Whoa you have of 20 ly. fons sweate r,again to dra offw tiot distfaist , which addmaygatlon bodist ia thoues iled Tation. TH, To make sugertine Caragoa, distill over a waterbath, ad ing 9 gallons ‘Water,again LV. Toin kaw when thefts are courage ‘iva glass as it flows, and add ‘Ev ag for a “W iho b longer s i a t h o . rae he n , frais tho faints ao cominglf reserve them milky, for tho next distillation, “Weedueo the Gwhich distille uaragoa abov e d to ,82 perAddcent.12 Prats , wil give 26 gallons gallons 82 por cant. spirit,7 fallons coloring (as given below), 90 gallons sprup 319 Bau ‘800. Colori for Curago a, i} pounds ngCotap Braul wood; Te pounds exch and Follow "woud,7 gallons 90 per ecu.eady alGoto) Mis tho abovo and heat in a” waterbath, pu: ting bogitsoleto gorboton, thevakoheal,out theWhenfro theand heallet the'wh bol together in tho bath ‘801. ‘Maraschino, Charge ine ofpeach tho aullSuperf wth waterbath: Take £0 pounds or apricot stones, wash with tepid wa a Ter and put them Jaton barrel, making siquaro lod oF inches, in the Nea, for that irposo Cover thets ‘with "36 gallons 95 . alochol por cont, , ad lot them steep for oue Taooth. ‘Then distil the observa wholtions EntKabgeuhi, ti the masata temprnat ait very operator Uke eduction, et stch a when Aitieut tojn ordi 3 tho fishih as suecharomi do cte. by sgroes gin dating of the sil and Mash tigeotortHow for By 930, in Vorato Prepare otthe fie,16 itoho steam by stilt Whiskey. O80 gallons mst” grind Sots pov 2 then ehiege. the feriienting ofNo. ryeto the prpontion abdof TLDasigpotinds ie OBL sesh 80 gallons of AUwater, emperatnve of$8 atthe a fermentatio Tement Tint n. complete. perfect be wil fermentati ‘the on Stor the iinsh ines and sinks "Whett this
land Rum,
821 ‘lone, charge theoe-fanths of the still aul beigin disiling, Ty preparing the mash, the erator may use all ze, asdirected aves Inakes the hyeest. antlqualityserie of whishey-—or three-fiths orn, oF tht18 fifths curt aid Gwo-filas rv. 937. Distillation with or without a. Beater, Distillers ustally exaploy a hes to husteh the prucess uh distill: the heater is emplored, the mus past the fermenting tbs info the heater Durie the time oeetin}pdisetildling over the clung fof the still, ibis necessary to. herp a heat of 125 degreesjn tho heater, "The husk. passes iisectIy from the heater jnta the. still -by means of a pipe or gutter, according to the general araigementat the apparative, Distil Aint the apintwhiel runs Aton the wort dnsavks degrees ieealled10 hight wine, below‘Thenproof,remorehisthefastrecerust terthat contain the high swine, and substrate finother. Continne Co still unt the low Wwine ceases to bhize when ibis tHavwnin the fice, Wheneverthis ocenes, stop the oper un, ext ah i Aillation,ad Keep "Thon thecleanTew theawitwil Fae audtne chases Wwith fresh mash. When’ the ‘opo-air does not employ the heater, the mish qeuses from the fermenting tbs jntmediately inte the stil No mniform disposition is neeessany for he fermenting tubsor heater; all depends pan tke general amngenwest af the apparatis ‘The ‘distiller Nee dt he hnfermvet that the agiaratns minst be arranged sets ba ete 1 bute T'dhe mash tubs are abuvw the. sill rotiiect them hy a gutteroe pipes if ana le el eth he caplga had 988, “How to Pack a Rectifying Tub. ‘To rectify from 10 below proot to £0 above proof. 30 bushels of maplo charcoal are re: ‘Quleed for a tub seven feet high aud four fect th diameter; a tub of this size will give a clear bed of 14 inches. At two iuches from the bottom of the tub place a fale bottom erforated with J-inch Holes, und cover this wotom with saileloth or blanket. Then pack fn tho charcoal regulaely and. very tightly ‘with a wooden pestle. Groatattention should ‘be given to this part of the operation, in or der to prevent the occurrence of holes or frovigea in tho chareoal during the process of filtration, Pack the sides of the tub thor oughly. Cover tho chateoal with sailelou, place lathe over the loth, and use heavy Hones to Keep the chareoal down, erfUMELY, The receipts in this inpatient 8 gaat varity ‘lorous essenees,rac extract, tivchures, oils po
tials, donttetsand otherfromutithe ftIntent the coseten toilet, and are al derived and How best authors, 840," to Prepare Essences andof Perfumed Bpirita, Pie scented spirits ‘ho perfumer aroand merely alcohole solutions of ‘ho aromatio odorous principles of the fubstanees theyfallowng represen, obtainelsipib oneaddor father ofthe wayer—y essential or otherthomadonfrousatattr to {hefog apn, aud agltating toot tl so Tation incomplete, Oscasonallytheresulting aleoholie solution i dstiled. By mceratu digatng he ngrtient (peal basedap ‘ortattn,pulverized) inthe spin with frequent forts elther a fow deeauted dap wen the noel, tincture and sitered (i ne assur, or tho whole is thrown into stl, and submitted to stilation ly a gente heat Tm tho offormer one,lagredients, tho apt andtated in con:the pores the sold which, Requently, eanot be draven ois obtained by
perl pmo
2 al a)
ok nay gui dias Pe aoe a leeds eae SH rn pg on cle Sereene ofer ne al bela
Spirit distilled from
aromatics decreases in
pliod. ‘The steengeh of ai thearyspiritshot used utfor Toncontrated exiticesy {reese per cout, the ofspecie goasily thi 8% 90 ATTew Begg ot a ulspit eve ually lire “The this. than steengtl featee Stostmits, particularly those peepare fresh Dosa at ya an he es a Espety aaa rogudre 0 perewl apie. he Stunt of tho spe for tho ie, snd for Sect qualitiesmst ceotamunly into stores) ho fll? 73saldyee ashe cent onDest,af the qruvity 87653 oFthalspecie of the” thin {qMiuo}ality speeite fally 70 pcr gent, geusity nd that of the ful yal Elly rook, or specie. geasiay Sh8hweakest Mae ofTast any tieKinng Towest quality anil the matesie bg nespeetabe perfumes;at Inte the done veneer loge, aul othr sets, eee fn Title shone Uottes ip the oven drasdaty anuwenkor Su ftney-stored, sro commonly inch (See than ths, ‘Phe No. M436.) er proot. oftenof spin, Boing strength, af dissolythis at capacity {ng esentialveryof little.” aod other‘The devote however, solvent matter poweriof with, ite strength, Dt mech pet deopeades lore tapldlpe (Cantey)
ersien seca empl Ge aexcel le iopan, Teena patie eesot ain the Bdarous poeeple uel toulesome to exe or which poetsof many very Sear ge “aaer Ghotcuonees Hotats havingtensce stage oySoneatonatice name, Meda bao aise the a Sal anlar SOM of pet vee, Bar an ie pecpartgs vendebar UY Beers a th bese dey nun ‘hi ay mere ane) arc enmlotioe. of Tibetans” of ‘kimonda; esonce ofGomeis; Bitterpr pencs Almonds; ‘Bhsonce of Peaches Almond Favor takeat ener HatHet oiled anon tng oances and rst pte (00 yet een), io tad areas fig, Sh lito obs fon tgs se (944, neBosonco of Roses. ‘Take ofltlpara aut than) and @B0Be BAR? par cant) elite pat lapera ater naasdplage fpatnis nceor theWelscoperatare of aoegarese Seer hee had aah fetta GheteisEasonco quoof Rosen Very ineBako 845, "etra en geet rapier Moodie pete nad ated Spek (por ct) 6 Tinperial quarts; digest. tho petals: (picked
term essence is, 941, Esaences, gonorally very loosely ‘Tho applied to a proparaHonof almost any kind, thut is supposed to mn the npivit for24 hots, uhet distil ceontaia ina igh degtes the, essential or dis: toto pieces) dryness by tho heatof a water-bath. Di Hnetivo principleor quality of somo smbstance, fea the tistate of helen) om ‘Thus, the essential ot volatile oils obtained Sfosh quauity of (poder ove potas and rot rom’ vegotable substances by distillation; as before; and repeat the whole process of concentrated infusions, decoctions, aqueows feceratien dstltion a thi, foury folutions, and tinctures, aro all often errone= Titan rcthand. tino, or oftenor the lat ims fously termed essences sterling to conduct the tatiaton sap perfumery the word “ essence ia. ap- sett faye geen oniy glo ed i iB pledTn ly t'9 olation of an eee il in Deteatay adthodeta rgrant Avodorized aleobol, iu the proportion, usually, siesce Pemproveaby age peut oe eh hatof fof 2 deachms to 2 onnces of the essential oil th abner oy Engrs to L quart of reetified spirits. Sometimes a aro, of‘prepared lee hala pees ftomadlieney’ fessence, ting the term in its enreuct sense 18 SEtrhiehthe distinguishfe tows distilled, with the addition of a little waters From ie alge Same. talers add to each Geiathen called distilled aromatic spirit of tie anforintnosy39 or an3 dropsSvar ouch40. ollaropsof Essences of Flowers. ‘The es- pint 942, peared, gence wile are nat ear of cease musk improvel tbe potuet of att, he ht iy givenofthe in luis tor work, may be made by ane or oes fSraiags by aay other of the following geueral formule, ‘Take tle i bows vesy lee nel or erence fof essential oll (of the vespective flowers), 1 Tanvtnetin easeae maythoseindent asthe founeo aveindupols, and retified spirit90 per ‘The bos gocoox bolle ofore),thaor use to leavts feout, L pint (hnperial); dissolve as directed reek contol (eabagosrst, d a m a s for “Essenceof Almoads.”” Or, take of the (respective) flowers, 2 tn 5 pounds; proof tho for afew days, and 2 gallons; pint,drase Extrait Rondslotin; Rasence ofVasoes ‘thon over, bydigestdistillation, 1 gallon of de 840,Boadelatinn care formule essence. For thise flowers that are not Sr tht eigaiiapetne of atewhich ‘strongly Gragrant, the product: may bo distilled f rocoad and & third tise, or oven oftencr, one, ho fue “io proprietary from fresh flowers, as noticed under scence Hexedonce ol of laven: ake eteoplons gn tonne of Roses." The products obtained by distilla tier Cltchas), f ounce avostupots; Gon are always colortess; and henee flowers ae anal) trachin svordipols: oflal ofof Heh in color may, in geaeral, bo advantage: Grgantst draehingy drach cach of tha ously so treat. Hho flowers should be select nts Feet af anbertts E andmpert eetcco otrnpxt fed when in their stato of bighost fragradee ; Hee pits epige fed ‘and shold be picked to pieces, or ertsbed at tad sen apace ut compely uated Unused, their nature of erlywihoe ofoF aedClnalan4 drach peraons many, thoas last fueiitatedmay by indicate, the additionWithot Shing lemongrass), Borbeee Si2r ome clean sand or common salt, OF, proceed Riltoe 10 or I ope of otto asus Very the way. doseribed under ssence of ihe fn‘Puderose.” ‘This applies to mast of those of otto4 Takogeranium, Essence, Curious flowers that contain tle fragrant oil, and of of S47, fore of al teaches 8 woes ‘which tho odor is extremely. delicate. A. rackiny esonce of muss, 3 Tapenal sid ‘niall quantity of somo otter ddorons essence draebing;“econee of ambecensy 1 lepeial fr volatilo ail’ is commonly added to. the At deca; raced spin (vara), 1 pint; imple of fluavers, cach ab will, to enrich Tilson ths belt, aad saat fee for modifye2sences the fagranes, uchufectnrer cla.perforA powest arab, and ‘uoually parening hie own taste in tho. matter Grandpa ageeai Meg Ta tome case , spirit Ie impregnated with a Sade" Bosc de Frangipane;, Ex ‘combination of estential oils and other odorous, trait do Hrangipane;‘substances, co as to produee, artificially, an ‘Take of neroli, oF Pmperial fluidrangipann ‘odor resembling or approaching that at the ‘tones ropate'3 i Grachany vetdrechan (pow particular lowors aftor which the products are Gove 10 grins evouuspos) il faves, hhanied although there may bo one of the
cilof cloves oil of rhodium, of each, § or 6 Seopa reco pitthen 31docauit 10"44 thofd clear Gunes, digest a weoky and fin, Powerful, durablo, and pleasant por: ‘B49, Factitious, ‘Essence of Tako Violets:of Plorenune Basenco orof Orris; Revool (onaraaly powdered), 14Tnperl pounds quart; avoir Alapois; rection” spi, 1 Sefoced by boas percolation er thoU quarmittof extenes of dst Dlaeainent, to obtain fr by digestion for nmtwo inches weeks, followed heby owe prt Rimer ia" Thistho forms best theand bestmortessenenecouoniteal amothod, of vioJota of tho wholesale drugeists. 18 may bo, ‘ut‘950,fsrarely, distilled, (Se No. 934) Besenco of Cologne; Cologne Essence; Concentrated Bau de Cologne,tae Thies prepared Hom tho samo odorot srodients ag" Gan do Cologne,” bat alosbol taking or7 STB trnes the quanuty, aad ‘xing tho strongestsolution seatedofthespin,wholewitout Permanent of themwhichenna Hot bo formed.estitnte Used) foras'nordlaary condensed andde convenient "Ban Gologaa” by travelers, being lee bulky Te ‘also kept in-stock’ by druggists and per~ Frat ona thnby simply & grep tat itale extomporanouualy, ducing with Simos ies hulle of apisit‘of the appropriate strength. bee pbk, Hasenee of Orange; Hssenos of range-peel, Ol o f orange pel ts popular Iy so calied,. ‘Tho alcabulie-essonco be made fom, this cil Hke easenen of alsionds, “(Ser No. 943.). EssencePrepared of Pimento; Essence of8 ‘952, Allspice,” from olf sf pinento, owworo ef alas, Sometimes use fori ompound. perfumes and eusinties, an toothache; bat chielyof asaPineapple, asering essence. ‘953, Bssenco From ete Ctye te) fo itba medians taken ol svgn, Uy sinolers bioly used€e. by (Seoconfectioners, queur miami fetuers, No, 1000) ‘954.." aro Bosenco ofalteriate. Tuboroso. ‘lowers placed in In ith the sheopts or eotton wool impregoated Dureseofl of ben oro olives, ian eure ves. Eel‘watereloscly covered, and heptaro forthen12ihowrs fn bain; the flowers removed ul feeshunul"onestho abetentad and thisseated, 1 r posted oil is suticlotly Hue wooloi ot ofestton is ondthendidmised wiha aterthe putes wine ath; foron visseveralfist dagedigestal inWarna wellsitoatcased vessel ia swith, ffequont ogitation. A uf similar plan ofi Bllowed for the preparation the esseuens janine, violets, eo. of (ScoLemons. No. 1340.)from oil ‘960,’ Basence ofSta.)lemon, agthisessence of abnnnda, (Seo have No, Wor purpose the ol shoul boi recently expressed, and ‘presarvel from the a dash butof esetico uffavoring musk hoproves itGilat asaifs perfume, uotas o enon popney eed eneosenceok ‘980.of geaimnask Concentrated Xesenco of Musk, 1 ‘take (Tonquin or Chisess), ounce avoirdupois boilingthemdistilled PTioperial pint; digest togethorwater, in § ‘loge "venul, with frequent gftation, unt ito porcold,ent.) ben 1addlla3H ounce pints feet epiit {5fonla liquor of am (.880--Wsmpeciic gravity), nd, having Closely corked oF stopped. tho) Vestalgst antha fesury ted iover ith aldo feholg for rooin Tor exposed months, towithCuo sun,frequent in comegitar on, fa Inet, orTrastiyy iy an aferequtlyfeposo, warm decane sitaationthe fu winscleat {er portion, aid, I ecesary, filter A Title
is commonly added ta of amborgris essence lien thisaxe Isput wet{atodone,tho 1vosto 4 Bitrate,of onamberges the druelinsclosingiy and ater ating too Roi iefor is treated with resinquality. fue. for tho.an Snferioe Very thea spn Tako of Musk. Essonco civ ‘O57, finestFinegrattrarasly amborges and cunea essence qamnbeet, tach 1 mayto be1b of the ofamborgris, Insteadstrongest PintLasehi, essence: ambergris ufdecantation. fld"oumees of quantity. after should on no “Pheaeconne ned bo exof otdered tivet tho fost quality feualed. honsa.prodiaeen the Paris “This of ‘Musk, Essence amy Common ‘058, oun gto rakeslanperil per een), spire e(99of ambergri lected (juact nestestenc 2 aid2c, news Sid but greatly Bseetlent Aigest,co'ias bafore. ofaud a isgreatah nese | perfume, ifr d ther, postal ‘greeablon words withTa p" tcomed isitar atioles seonted 0 dab thethatfatima forI years,ei Tho iCall retaineae theof frageanes hoe ho’ otto verfina Ser ts istheeld {ality BSL Uiat of Now sneha and permet, who AMeestthatoseepttsby ma, tho hjeh-claxs sl, IU Es power. Uhlan fava vere high prices faze. filly950,ad dotciondy the EsWay andto Preparo Best Ambergris. sence’vesselof foeMuskpreparing essence of mk, Tho iost steoug tdthebottle He ssoath tell 1h as of‘hicelyambergri neck rune pert Ty ede to taken be should e r a c Great ia don, to io over after hs Iyrelocy andy bladder. "Phe botttesbutd witharet uraybo sein in wot warmedthe byfl it; abd in no atcnly sould e s a e position threo thanfengrant dation bo ofas shoeter aigestion {iefr four mel ollrwise weeks, of keiquoraddition escape olution. wil drach, totter Mad a of of pint, per PtS'T to otsolventFe ote tho” gust isetases” In or preferable), really thoof erences of the spit and. vastly flower grains few A eswences to. of Hagraneo ef potash) avo tnebut tntar (carbonato af added salt tho sumle , ncenten ‘withobjectiouable ifniesaddition does not as ft oreasions this tho objectis in view, Whilst bfioct. decomposition of tio misture. purtit th aetinn ef tho menstrana, and To£0 Reditato of tae ingredient, ral dawntho ntost pow.to with islitleest ub lass, thesad,musk, de, ntieed Ionip sugar a3Filtration ered Essence ‘of Amberge”” tinderexposute to the air should, if posible, bo ful avoided of anRoyale, ‘Takogram-mousk 960, 40Essence grains aveardupota; bergris, (pure), 29 grains; civel nd edrbonate of 6 tas, ofeach 10 grains;ahd oll ofot o cinnamon, of roses, of Bfopss oll of rhodium spirit, 4 forTmpetal reetified rope; 4 ack agitation, with digest, ounoos} faid days, or longer. "Very fragront.. 10‘Thoor 42 receipt, but wo 12thinkdropai ahove'ls'@be celebrated byfor smbaitating ‘would of fmproved the carbonate of poTiquor Last recep.) taysm, (Sooammonia of Essence ‘O61. “EssoncooforNeroli; do Flours Essence Orange Blossoms; @Oranges. Dissolve $ ounce avoirtupois pint,oF L Imoperiat neil in rected of spist, Sure jonqulle, Jasmine, Er ounesis ofoftenessenea added. “A aliato end det: Hiolets, ions‘002.porto. (or Btyrax); Essenceof StoraxLouuco availa. of Storae.liquid‘Trkestorax ‘Extract f Tmpoand goauino finest Dols pint reetiied spirit; digost, with agitation, Hal
foro ‘20. wee,Basence aud thonofdeeant th eens orportion Ambergris, Concentrated Tincture of Ambergti. Tele SG drachnpravotraopns 05 per Cent puttin aser. frst erecta fest oto etnSly enadproto mouth iy ad very eup th enol Jn'a oom exposed to the heat of tho quay waruyaglatofor amouth ordusng two, sbacring Sindy 1 dally thoho whole tine, Lael afer sepa, deen lent portion, and i f mocomery, Site i t opldly Ernaio ftrons! Mg abd aie ery ewones Aue Teof form boat imple of thepmctios Para honses (Seotho No, ocsnce 90.) Thofbergre edtimon fu mnting before digest. iio aubergrisbeterip ealplan i torus istocul fngity butoamuch 08poruoel laborghely withelesa scons sulelont tay quanttyodydownof Romp-cogut observing afterwards to with rine por.the smorir gat well twa ce thes times, tions ‘Aof sosoad the spiquiltso that nothigg maybe Hats may bo mae by ento Ploying bait thea of ambergis Teo amount of wd 964. Essonco of Armbergsis, Amber gris 10 drachms avoirdupois; grain mask (Tontin or Guiness pure)’ estacss eedgedrecat thir, guarePfootel tho lat Rea delenit products pttume of the above tosateenel reespts ia fonnUe bighly fakichatle Corts veryfaanal doquautty oF thy ont at trom eddot Ouleeno, invender-waleytooth-powder, ai-power, ema waht ey eohmiate lious’fngrenee, A. igacurs few divpswheyaddedde0 suet sconted spits Improve ther favor ad atom”of clare, Ler}npats did Argobmsadiled to ahogsbou a ante aver bynadnanybouquet to to wine whieh Te ode, 905. avaidupots "vine Essencehese ofvenison Vanilla. rot ‘Take 4Agipound Spinof inantLTuprial S00qoneM6. powend as fir esseata S80) Las, press and'the deeantor ior vented Vexy bysupanon Ie Ere bose quality to rholotale druggis aithe receding, salad exortitant prices ‘hie aa eel bs ich wood for Bavoring, and as an ingredientasense fa com. of and andconti, ‘perines pound Fania i s a favoto useful edition 10 oteommetiey, omades, he. 10 pepating tho vanilla, choo bole bo eatrabbed mal down with 2 i,ahorp nfo or whats seth 8 lo’ powdered gas, andor lamp 88. Essence grof Bevence Patchouli;de Pouchae Essence dofatsPrishoull,” Take’ pounds avoirdapotTodiea patcha BAF ates oils toe) and ret Spit 9 seme npertal alpints;‘mee tageoil frof a Iavender week it acne {Gliteina) andthe prometo sution by aadoftation Next thor whote ito m s i further 240.1 gallon wots end 2 ot 3 pounds cou thon sl Aphate te wileist bid together ints on thoatlbeat ad ever(apidy) fon, Po thoof dts edd ater4 fld10 ounce finest eisonco musk and dope repose bottles A very ishionable pert, pavtiolrly for poronalEssence we of Patchoull, 967, Gomulon 1ptag,ontices eit of relied puto sitf ounes ott of aL gallon Bésonced’Ambrette; oravuleupeis Hasenco offing‘968, Milsteaoed. ‘Take 1 pounds ansleseed; ged orfen4 weaks a cleanin pepper. tll end tigess i c for Slats Thuperal tied apiety tho veal beg ‘lodaly tapped or cored antSeca, kept apresa wanand foou al tbe dine, Lestly Ber,
DICK'S et, ‘The popof Bergamo 969. Essenc A spirituous , bergamot of oll of namo ‘lar way to that Himilar Wi made be inay ‘essence ofalmonds, (Sco No. 243.) of Cassia, From oil of 970. as Kasenoe essence of almonds. "(See No, 943.) cassia, Uses, &e., tho sane. From Cinamon, almonds. “Essenc,o asof essence, 971,of cinnamon of oil No, 943.) Bseouceaf eussiaiscommouly (See ‘and feandolently sold fr it Tako 1 ouneo Essence ‘072, ois) very small, and 1 pint civet of cutCivet. ‘avoindup Tinperial) rectified spirit; “proceed as for ar musk. Its dodorwithis of ambergei ‘ssonee e when s faint and combine fonly agrocabl it sustains that of other substances, whieh faud inereasos, Tt is hones seldom or never tise alone,
973, Essonco offof uf Lavender, ‘Toko 1 cuneate aver (then) ndnix E with Troperalagitation; pnt stumgest rectified. =pnityce a Tow drops of the tne of lean sori banged To Extract Essence from any974,Blower.” Tako toy thefloversyouehoues over paytheandprocess a cleaneat,caren slayer ofin fino place therm slayer Repeat {Ul placa in'thothoedlar.”pot i filled, Porty cover days closely, nflerwands,aut strain thoby presmare. exsence fromPat thodio whole ferape essence through thus exprested ile oil alandeonseveningfor dow ea a cays of tho sum vo purify. Ono ofthisof essence ‘itor dup to 8 pint water wll communicate Its 975. Gulher To Make “Attar,of orthe Otto of Roses. the Mowers Hundt Teaved rose (roxa contfilia), pat them i a large jarthem,or ensk, with jaststifelent water toia cover then put the vessel to stand thoAtar—6 sup, aad in about oil a week frm aftorwards theon butyraccous a seuia should Uo remove by Ce theELT ofagroce, a pceo wien of otto
Water and Perologne ts pepwingbout Spirits. famed espe hat neil isos e ennoGabin ntbul bel tanstessuty Seaeeepece eedoulon goin, only bot ols ut at #y utfledsa in ofteatuly especial dsxposti reveal store s e l a bdsn Kate quae emotive feo prove njsion woul hich camphor: 2a1Freneb spirit of 90 per cent. Rhould bo used adease Coogee, de ean e'of wfanineter iho e O empoyed, s i sprit weaker when'a acon hegout ih ould bo Rsotved must Tateid spi pererme 35 or Sted thong ter tui " e v o r ards dive ft earinsto witha1090 Huy:and 101). E> pra papor RES ngswine PArteta sholdeat dstation fstfo; tas exellent very s t i b hat reouurso fofe Gslogno hy ample sithe may be proteat then To acer or thn palo bomen, esses the all promt erie Bored he haysand pethe ena de Calngue prepared in equal to the cay s i and Fearne, dahon distin. wheat infu impure os, Best Quality Eau de SeatB7ipiess tt ie aetationsitar st cnocs cologne. pclae;its with1 ouuce nero of SPIRE bounces rosinaty; 2 snes reat:altar§ ofouness facadoy cron of atlae grupo Stavof wth bergamot, of atta Sauues aol foots Late spite enya cont: ions Fey eects5 porgat orate ange. Alnngh
very fino can de, Cologne is often made by incily tho dopredients, ti Wettee fist ty misising all tho eitrive attars with spi then distill the mistare and afterwards add the rosemary asd norolies.. his anethod 33 ‘Adopted by the most popular bonsai Cologae. 978, ‘Bau do Cologne, To’ pistsaleohol of 959 add 125 crneins ofl of Toma, 1p drach oil of otango, 24 drachuts ol of gira A drach i wervaiy 24 drachms fSach 2} drachuas oll of int, & il of bergamot, sito Hasende a of Wwhils thyme, drachms oil12 ofdrains Portugal, Arachne bil of rosomary, 8 ounces tincture 1}of fambrctla, melisos (eau ties earnes),aad wikI pound woll Sanma debuttle, and aferof Standing six hous a 28 drachns Unetate Suvborges;, then filter until clear, This is fpreatly improved by dstiling. 979, "Bau do CologneInto —stra.—Pu t to1 quart is porcont. alcobot abottioy add Wy Grace oil of eodrat, oll of ®.6-drachins eaeh olf 2of drachuny bergamot Oi oF leon, 4 aeachins oll of Portugal,and2 ‘tachnns cad oll ot nerol cil of wervais and oi of rosemary, 24 drachme oil of ming 2 pints oan de mshsse and 2 drops Gaeta’ of 2 hors ixitor thorowhly, till eke wad alter standingfor
824 fof jasmin, 2 uid drachms oil of garden favender, 1 minim oil of ciomamon, {uid ‘ounces, Benzoated tincture, 4 fluid onca oll fof musk, 1 gallon deodorized aleohol, and 2 ‘The mixture Pints rose-water. long time before filtering for useshould stand 984." Parrish’s Common Cologne Water. foregoingA mach can cheaper he made preparation by mixing than 1 uidthe ounces oil of lavender, $"iduid ounce oil of rosemury, ounce with oil uf 1 gallon lemon, aleoand Bo drops oil 1 ofaideiunasnon, hol,
985. Genuine Cologne Water. Sethe ee eS RoE oeegleat eS ae me eS eeDeegoe Ei BSBoe lun a oat aoeonOsetgs ee da e e t ae See ee ele Se es ey areas tae ae Sepa gue seas oetine gece tee, eter or tale dscosis” SeeBsa"tie HinedocCologne al untae Water.Tent‘ako clof eh pte neat ee Sat Hasaceataate ga Wales ee ee iy eas alee pe ora Hea a out Det 6s oo Cologaee aoe Waten Second Quality, pee C enine ater Be Atco flat me eaten pe eee SSE BE ios Cimen; Kau do “we Mo. ase” cotton Sokitef ate, flowering balm, 24 ounces; yellow rind of
OO atin Raia cxiogag Tau fot nee
ccm onel e
ae ded a Tig) ee ie‘io, FineLavender Water; or Bande sacman Melenpas ceil aetet ee ee thle ir te ced eee oeieeeee Vay onee cregunes SOA Gian etek ete en Fae Se et NG aus
stillate, Delightfully and powerfully” frarant. (Cootey.) Water. Lavender ‘mato000, i ounceSmith's (avoirdupors) oil of lavender
ita BPaat Ema at SPEEA aut lel ai nog Wate Mane A aes Sheesh
(Gitetinuny; $ ouneos re pint; Imperial (nent),soieof ambergrs, Colomoessence de spiny fan "Very by agitation. pnts estoenied.. filed ‘The ordizacyat asd meeiv ustally mad with frogiane, water rach weaker; hence spin Tavendet its itof or exon to that of tho higher class oof quality Boson runes, is all Lomice of trueperfectly Englishcombine il of frveuder that_wit swith L gallon of proaf spit (ort draehm to pint); oy excess tendering it mayor The load Water, Bn: Eavender eal, o Common favencler, 3 ounces; rectified spirit ol lish 1 lion Dissolve. Cordial, cout) por {39 nd fragrant spit ‘Tokoand oforane de Bouquet, Eau essence ‘of ‘992. rosemary, of violets, uid one ; cach 1 Tuyperiat water, of and flower Dorgariot jasinin, of off Olof drachuns oil ot lavender and olof each of ver. i fiuid of eack § faid drach; ean do tose, ona,
nt, rocifed spit, Various 18 pints; othor mis. similar A do Fghiiut™ perfame. foreaulee dre‘Eauemployed. 093, do1 Imperial Maréohalo, Tako of vi os-of goueo of violets, nid once; Setpatot andiotongo-ower a ctvay of water, cach f$ ounce {areirdapots); pisty feetiged spit, plot; mis. AM Sgroeable tnd favorita périsne ‘904, Eau Ambre Royale; Eau Royale, “Tako of esscuce of albergris and frsonee of musk, of each 1 Tusperal seid Grachin; cat doreeted flenrs oranges, eauof each@Ambretto 24 duid andounces; spirit, 8 nid ounces; mix. Very saeagreeable atid995,durable, Eau Take @Ambrotte; or Esprit a@Ambrotte, L pwid’ (svoirdupois) gralas drambretto (inislasallow reed, Uru, ‘81; rected spin, or 8Tisperia quartsdist l water,off $L pinky digest far days, and unit.» Veryfine,. Comsnonty soldalewe,a3 very is: once WAmprotte.” When used Tew dtopsimprove of essopeo of anbongeis and eeprit dewose ie 906, (avuindopans)eoreinary "Fino Hi Water,tops (in‘Takobos 2 posts, Jon); pound sagewater, Irons);1 guare; rected spit 3 Innperial quarts; digest for 10 dass thvaw the sally wholeand into.draw over stil 6add.pints,1 poitnds common Roerthedistilatoadi t dart otmee adbruised Jetiaiea digat Tow ithe dieant SrBoforeleer, anatomy ‘The oll plan of adding the ginger wrong, as the arcmatie Tikesinciple vapor afof tho aleobo.root docs not. S pags over with ‘997. is w Common Hungaryutd astebmsWater. ‘Take 2 Imperial ‘il of rovemary ; oil af lavender (nglich) puro§ ffvid. drachuts, orwge-tlower waterNo. 4 900pitty3 eatiGedspinits, 11 pintss min. the emise Toei, ‘Thie i SpieiCot the perfeme iisnaly sold by ehe porfumers. Trae ie now comsenly sot for ie rose. bythe 998, theSimple Perfumed Spirits—Espre,” aople prtued eptts Copies) hd eidorferous tueduees are, peinespally ured Jnmaking compound caus, eoprits, G e . ‘Their eonumon strength, per pint diachin; iy of— nero, ese of roses) Fila “Altar senee do. petit grain, oilyof each 14 to 2 fitid ‘rachis; [essential (ordinary), Quid Sunce} concentrated eseeses, 2 4024 fluidfor founees, ‘the spit of wine’ employed them ebowldand iano ease ofhe saves weakerCeeprit than do75 per cent, for spt should boyilAt the least £0, er‘hese lse oof tho attr be aitlfed. proportions may perfumer he adaptedfor forwhich al the separate simpo Ehinte of the azothowe hot givengiven,m thisat Uiework,ecmvenienes and even inftEsme place of thementioned.” operator, wisen saended for theseedy nse jst Whoa flowers, eaves, theytovdioraro employed, the proportions may ofbe tha1h cron 5 pouty to the gallon Wsblate or with poet,certainaccording to.the thele taro; and, flowers, pro-a3 ess nist. be repented with Weak Rosrert Shien asnecescary. ‘To distilled matore andspitebring they out fhe fall fragrance of Should be kept for sume tine én'a celta, oF other cool forsittation, previously to being’howe Weed Sroffored sale. ‘The sazne applies, {ivby lesndogree, to permed. «pits prepared t1009, he other"Esprit methods, de ‘Borgamotte. Tmsperia oud raebinseil ef hergenmet Tako (noth,5 event); ad ol ofef ver. Tena, eachvil $of faddrose-gevasiun dace; oseeneo ane ergy 2 Aid douche; essence of musky fisid drach; rected epiaty 1 pint 4
Very fine, Fur a second quality (usually Calle lest, I quart of apie (70 per cent) atie Meat or ated galt, 3 tpn prot 1000,1 quartBaudeeau LavandedoMiliefeurs, rake dolavandes oll essence of cloves,of 1ataborgeis, Suid drachins off of cassie a each fluidde Rose. drachinThenix.compound ‘1001.’ Esprit perfuine gold under Takethis1 Zeperal namo ts pint eombionly Thad a follows finest Fimmple esprit'do roso (see No. 998); essence Strambergris ef rosg-geronisi, each ‘uid tractin; andl mi. de Deliataly fragrant, ‘ako oll Yo.of Bouquet, 1002,fuid Beprit tint dracbine off o f lavenders Qorgamot and ol ofwkcloves, eaeof rexben, 14 flu Grachins; osseneoof abd eit faoh f Mid drach; spirit, attar 1 ofpint;roses, 8 €0.6 Stops; ad eetiied mis, ond fgitato quently fora day of Uvo. Avery Doworfl ad"Eaud'Héliotrope, agreeable scot. ‘Takoossence 1003. of‘audaunbtngs, coarsely oaneeavetndupoiss powered, } hiyperiator dracliny vanitia, ange-flowar water, § pint;datoretitid dant pint, oF1 guts digs or wet ter.’ Sor 6 dropsarvaametinies cach uf oll ofadded.bitterUseda mondsaudeawa Uotteara conmotie nnd perta 1004,extrait-do Espritjoan, de "Jasmin, Odorant. ‘Tako and Teetifel. me ach 4 tmperial plot; exsoues of asberats, fiuid Grachn; norolt (Finest), 8. or 10 drops; and favorito 1005,“A doleata Millefleur Water.foreignVerysont,puro ectifiod aint,exude9 ofpcloves, ints; baleam each of Pornonc;(ton Uine) and! texieuoesutvergamotan ask, each eneh 24 onnces; fessoneos of nevol and thyme, eat de flears deranges, I genre; six omc; well. Very1098,fi Honey Water ee (Eau do olMiel).ok Rectied spiny 6 pints (opera) loves, oilunoof avvirdnpois; lavextter, off musk, of bergamot, ofins; each } 15 g r a Sollow-sters nhavings, 4 onmee iat for Brags, aud add'2 pints ack of orangeriower ‘aud rove waters. vith
825 other metholl is a8 fellows. —Orangelowers, 12 pounds avoirdapois; water, ‘KF pound ist 24 pounds for double. orange-lower Water; this, aeith an equal quantity oF distilled ‘water, foruny the single. ‘The Mowers shout pote pot into ho sil tl tho water neatly boils, 1011. 9D perFlorida ‘lve in gallon cent. al Water. ‘euch oll of Tavonder, oil of Ih oit of lemon 5 Pell of cloves and einpamon I drachat each auld ¥ gallem water, aud file 1012. Florida Water. 0:1 of bergaJot, B Guncos; wil of ehmaivon, 4 Mrachin; ciure of bunny, 8 once 7 per cont. ale 1 gallon. Mix and iter, (Seo No.
1018, eachFinowf (heFlorida Water, ‘ake 2 drach wile of haves, orga ‘ot, ad Fem; A doachn cae30 drops of tetra ofShamBarer and ol of nero all of aid 10 drops oll of ae nis ie above with 2 pints dendorized avout, (See No. wo)1014, Tincture of Coriander, Powathacerate tiny"fr 15 teeta ed las pint 95° aleol; z strain and filter, : TO1s. GaneTincture of bt Nutmegs, Tiruiso weal stinger Li pies 25° alee Hits ot ie remal Tor couple Ut woth, stirHugoceasonally ten pret throng acoanso lolly ad ite,” ‘Thuetue of ingame find anethodier splees ave prepared yt in TOI6, store ‘Tincture3 ofHuts Storax, Musorato Sounees > aleohuly ll discofved, then filter O17,” fess‘Alcoholate ofquits Roses,alcoliolMucerste 2fondpounds ives in ofShy 1 pint water f o r 12 hos; dhe dist team watcind: "sper anil tsoquired, Uo alesiotato ths preered ioad toUteuseddstiled ty macerate® ponds none Tose, as befor of Vanilla. Steen & YOLB. ‘Tincture atc Salat neonates nt ik oh), f O r about a inonth; Sur Hequedtly, cand filter. mens 1019.” ‘Tincture of Benzoin, Im quans-sleobul of 18% miscerste 8 ounces veered. Want otto; azo eons cnet eloselydissolved, ten iter 1020. 8 ones ‘Tincturegelof Balsam ofPartPeru, Mecrate basa of Pints 85° oleoho; whe diverted fle fb TOO1. "Minctivo of Grain of Paradise.
nature of the ease, male of the the from ful aro materials.which“hoarefollowing expensive Teast vader ld mixtnres, leading deemed thoiho tamer tho most likely to prove atuautive: or attar of bergamot, essence 1 ounce vin, of spirits pit with? sata of Mix the attaattar of oflavender of drach f nmco each ixBergamot, 1 al ang of wineof lemon grass, cloves, spat sttar ‘WithHix 1 pt} ounce and ot4 ‘ounce cons of Fomons, With 1 pit spine 4 omnesof ‘Mix of{ounce with ptandspits orangeattrpee,ofpotit-grain, tier ‘Thosewihwixtores are filteredof a through blotting mages Helle addition the pyr be well all bright, pnt Eevoeld To'nakocheapttnporfuuies bate attnetive, in up tho Tange A inixeuren. those as od warelag fos au wa:fre are faeweakfnferior, thetn than of wore proportion pexfimed ite Jhuenily ters,1027. To Make Imitation Bay Rum, wstle (anby digesting, quinineof baythe’ TuonBay 1 plant. ‘tue nrumatie he ieaves tplant Tadies), West te iy grows whic inita ‘Theobtained distMlaon, and subsequent Fr oi essential the tran propared tion's uf oll ofof plant.oll of MisDay, 1 atlowenf ones from Hay‘itr (ortheitu8 Baysinge with or loves), allspice plato alUe thee alcohol; cant, per 98 gallons aho\ing water, of gillons 4 graually should ‘Ie the of anisue constant. fhistare milky, alcohol ite a addition tue ‘ecoiue dhe best tnt cear, Probably maoa5 iefollows: Will caching fia 10 ou Bay, 1 fuid drach of) of pimento, 2 ollilidof gallonyaftralabol, Ddges 2 weeks!and re3h water, etbeyMil 3 fod fallong acute Dosey1628,"filters West India Bay Rum. Take tuyrius14 Acris, ef tho ean, of leaves@ omecy 2 poundseardamons, ounces pound gallons 14 Dist sum. quarts and'9 Bioves, ran aay bo. colored with Uinclure of Say ‘sadlron, or with a unixture of equal parts earavires of Satviatoat 694) andBay tctute (2 No,Cheap el1029. Rum, of anagnesiaplacawithit of earbovatathe magnesin block pulverian Tay; of Bipolind ntl pour is water fltar quantity Jutho a sired then fengwotal obtained,throug and of aleobol of thowaterdealed”ette uh ‘Thoguantty ngth on depends ployed Sud quality of the Bay run,
(Hh Honor) 1007.honey, Honey ‘Whits 8 ouncesWate:nvoredaposs; cova tool, 8 ounces; frosh Tomon-peck, 1 ounce; loves, # oumeo; 't utmeg, benssin, tyra of each ounces rose aud’ ordage‘alas, fer 4” ouueess, spirit, 3 att, Tusperal‘of pints:each digest fen fewvets flit ‘leer. Some receipes add 3 drachin’ Ot valau digt aly ounceof maka, storax, and benzo, 1008." Rose Water. ‘Tho ordinary best rose-water of tho stores, parteafarly af the pibsetee 5 pune babs of fol 3 pints "ToPrepare Flavoring Ex. wholesale. draggits who deat largely in the Mesa ter ‘The following excellent tracts, Irtioto,) genorally mau asfollows—Dissolva roosiptn coker irom Journal 028,"Tincturoof Cardamoms, Bruise OF Phainaeyy" ave by theProt“American Attar of roses, Gdreans avoirdupois,instrong: We Procter, J tstrectiied spit (hot), LTiaperial put; throw fn‘alesbol of 95; poss tangle oad 1081,"of thofentnos Lemon Extract, Bxposoin the4 tho solution into a f2-zalion carbo, aud add ier. ones rl of femona 10 gallons pure distilled water, at IH? to 185° diyyail coethen qanrts braiso detore ina TO24, Tincture of Ambergris, Pow. ‘wedgewoglcally Fal; at once cork the carboy (at. first mortar, and E Ta col of 955 aut aeltate wut tho evlor amborers_ deve 1. ouncearte Jonseiy), an agitate he whole briskly (8 frst er thoroughly wm ie sgt cautiously), uati quito cold, ‘The products athe GatractdTit thon atnot 6 become ounees teeent oll of neo cuces i in yaa ate Hae $oally superior Lo ahuch of the trash carelessly AaeeF ioos clear ianme: omnes Unethe tie 34 sneer roves, (ooeanu No.did 1025); Aistited of rose-eaves, loi stathen foraiterday of bv, ne agian fail sold froma as toseseanty water. quastity (See Nos. 1071 nnd fare ask cocastualiy. ue Tob tony of ana‘Muse, 107). SkeasNoR8,for bent 1082,tetOrange Tor Extract. Followningthe Wincture 1009, Orango-Flower Water, The sult mon era genuine imported article i ono-ot tho most Stinces Gatoror vindof 2°,of srangon, 1" quarrecentof Aalightfolly regrant of alt tho odoriferous disfidolgrice eloobol und © cede of thetic c a y 1 ounceof val, ‘waters. An imitation may bo mado as SHEA Mituhag’ oil orange thiturs a n d Siabergas orango-flowers,7_ of pounds follows:—Takefreshof thin ator of drops ofoil BitterhierAlmonds, few a0 Extract then 1003, otha Sellow-poclImperialbitter vorrdupois;to 8 ounces; water, ie togsther tanneos ltnondsS68 of roses, al 2 ranges, Tounes ttare of tarmenie, and 1 quart ‘The Perfumes. 1 Economical distill thea 1026. and hours, 24 toneerate fouss for sala ia aleohel, perfuines whieharoareaf offered ‘oheup alien. os4, ‘To Neutralize the Poison in kind, simplest the n bottles, A fraall faney Orange-Flower Water. Ms 1010,
826 Bxtract of Bitter Almonds, As this ex- turo1046, Poach Essonco, ‘This is a mix tenet Ts polsonts of & parte glyocrine, 2 parts aldebyde, sna quantity, iets better to Aeprive fe or its ydeoeyanie ac as follows: parts, formate’ of = ethyl,” ‘of ethyl, of neotate parts Dissolve 2 quneet ethyl, & parts butyrate 5 parts vale stiphato ot ieou id piab ofSeowaters fk anotlicr pint af water sale L rianato of ethyl, 5 parts enanthylate of ethy},of pare sobact abet and pats saleslate hie TeeentlyVarmed | mie thean to fcthes, and shake with,a plas4 oumces mothy Sil ot bitter almonds.the mistnee Dist i n 1047. addApricot retort yeoriue Until 1 pactEssence. elioroform,To 10,4 parts arts the teholo of ike oil has ‘passed overs and after allowing the ei tine to separate iatyrato of ethyl, 9 parts Valerianato of ethyl, irom1035."tho wator, reo for nse Aipice qnaneglat i ety 2 pars sateyate 1 part butyrate of amyl, and 1 Extract of Rose, Truiso 2 xe f dnd eaven on leses} ako of art mothyl, saturated solution of oxalic aeid in ale: anestractffom thea by" wiacerting, in 1 ol.‘1048,(See No. 1045.) ‘quate deodorizedaleuhels press the. quart-of ‘coring, ald’ Plum Essence. To 8 parts gly. ‘Heol parts aldehyde,of ethyl, 5 parts2 parte acct. out, and add tot Laraehin eitut rose, fto of ethyl, 1 part offormiato and biter thraugd paper, I T tere arong te tose Teaves, a tle inetare of eeineal Will Dutyrnte of ethyl, and 4 parts enanthylate of THE
ive a palo ross tint 1036. gitExtractof Cinnamon, Dissolro 2faddrseluis c k cnanian alcohol add radvally fn1 pintpintof dear, wate and(oytom then einnmmon; sti i by degeoesd ounces powdere filler theomet paper agitate rovetal hours, asd (087. oilExtract of Nutmegs. Mix 2 drachnts uf mutnnge wath Launee pow. dered tare; tsacerats for 12 hows? quart Aeodorized alcool, ud titer. 1038. povilered Extract “ginger of Ginger, Pack 4 ounces iMe'a” pereolator, Ieohil huiston leith dle alto, then pour wnt 14 pints of Gnetnte have passed {vougd. Ais cis with Black-Pepper. 8 ounces eer. This 1089. Extractof is prepared fom powders pepper in tho seo ewer theta of eigen pong Gn aleahol and omittingwoditthie a quart straps bas passed througt* 1040,poetsExtract of Capsicum, Proparea Erna cape, fn tha wine manner ASH peppes 1041." Extract of Coriander, Mix 4 comnees fovilovedad coriander Sfeonotor eosiders the inisturewithto 1 1}drach pints al:oil for 2Atit Hotes, 859,aeantand Jthepinelighidywaters pul wiactrate tho matter has settled inte n pareolator aad pour on {tho tguidy adding algobol watt s Gjoart decanted as wim through 1049.into Extractof Vanilla, Cut ounce vanilla stall piocoy, and trtarato ounces sugar ton coare powrdery put with W into2 on it aituted.aleohol 1 8 porcolator, pint bas ran pourthrough-—then anix with 1 unt pit
Tie, asin Ge. catey “Scia'8
ea a a eS aa tnde, Fut Sete ene tate cL ae gat tificial Fruit Essences.
1860 aro composed. biel of coin: Poitud ethers, which possoss the odor and Hlavor of cortain fruits. In some of the ful: lowing reevipls, whora tartaric, oxalic, sue einie or benzoic acid enters into the composi tion of an ossenee, it must be wnderstond that ‘heso acida aro not to lio nsed in their pure stato, but ia tho form of atnrated solutions (See No. 27)in cold alcohol. Glycerine will be found as un ingrediont in’nearly all these attifcial essences; itsooms to blond and liar ‘moni the die
thy1049, Cherry Essence, Take 3 parts eenzonte iyeorino,of5 ody,part? parts 1 apart cetate acetonanthylate ate. af of ethyl, ethyl, of8§ ety partspan and ‘onzeL partacidsatiated aleohotstation (see No. 1OADyor 1080.neotatoBlack Cherry Essence, Mix 10 parts of ethyl with 9 parts benzoate {ety ®solution ports anther ethy 1 parts part Saturated of oxaiie ned, and 2 Solution of Lemon bonaoie neBssenee.(Sar No. 1045.) 1051. 105 parismine ply. coring, L part eblorofernt tid 1 pare thoetyl,ala’?10" parts aldehyde, 10 parts acetate10 ofDarts parts valerianato ‘oan, and 1 (See pa No Trutad elation solutionbt oftartarie succinicae acid. tobe, aad. Ponr BearpartsB Essence. 0 Tp ethyl 1Opacts 10partsglycoring acetate of and 10 of ay parts1085,acetats Orange Essence, With 10 parts dycorine, mix 2 parts ofeblorolorm,2 partseachalde-ot fd, parts acttato ethyl, part fermlate, butyrate and beneoate ofacetate’ ethyl, ofL Dart sligylate of methyl 10 parts Bip 10 parte essence uf orange, and(See part Satara Solution uf tartare ai. No. 0H) 1054. partApple Essence,nig tTo parts glycoring corofray a e at neuf ‘thos and 2 parts aldehyde, L part aeciate ‘ihyl, 10 parts solution valeriatataof oxali of amnyy an(ScoT part caturated aid. Wo. ions.) 1055.”and Grape partsEssence, ‘To 10and parts lycasino chloroform, 2 parks ldehyde,2 parts formato and 10 parts obvar” iylato of ethyl 1 part. ealleylae’ of aneth, fil parts Lartaie and'S(SeeparsNo. sucetuie acids in 1056, saturated solution, 10869) "Gooseberry Essence. ito 1 part aldehyde ali’ parts aeetat 1 part benswato 4nd Tpact solution enamtiplato of ethylyand and1 parveael 8 parts Saturated of tartare, fof(See thoNo. samo af mucelnie and bensole arid 10155) 1087. andar Raspberrytected Essence, atTo 4 parts glyco "part Aldehyde, 8 pars acetate of ethyy, and 1 part acl of frtlat,ey butyrate, benzoate and aden byte par sea ote park falieytts of metuyh L part eneh acetate ‘and Untyrate of aanpl, pares tartaria and? part suceie aid in saturutad solution, (Seo Na. 1045.) 1058, Strawberry Essence, To 2 and 1 part ni et add 5 paparts pl rts acetyeatere,inIopart formate anted 8 pahertrs buty. Fate of ethyl, Lpart sali of me an Sparta neatato and 2 pariess latebutyrate thof ,amy),d "Tak 3 parl 1059 Melo Esse alycorin,g, 2 partsn alehyte,nce,1 pare foo rmiate, a4 acts Diao and" partevaloranato of thy, and 10 parts sebuele ether 3 parts 1080. Pineapple Essence, To
elyeerine and5. parts 1 partbutyrate chloroformof ethyl add and1 part10 tohydo, tarts butyraof wayl Pixtmits; Extracts. ts TFrouch perfumery ‘Wiese are, appro: riaely, cr alrongspirituens. solutions, otther Minple eompoutl, of of plauts tho esseatial and other ele aud prineples gurous Seay aangrom bythoseaonthat orca Usughished are obtained yy distillation end. directonvation. Wager the ced.pintanyby the ower, ter, Fics "prepared ‘with rested Inter nletiods, and mmater, whic areor highly charged rth tho fragrant. wate, whichof They represone. Tho preparation of most thonecasaty entrlts hingfs simple enough thebe sbsaltely chief aro that th spt fecntles! of suicient strongth aul that ihoperfectly oils andaul other materiale be recent and ure 1062. "Extruit de ooRondelotia, Tako 2drachis.veirdupas lander (itehe berga: oll ofnero, of cloves’ol ofdrach; lldrachins; Ams tno4 verbena (or drach; etsenco of ambergre and eesou0e1 ‘Teolldod musk, pie of each 4 Tmporial pint; uid drachm; (OO percent), Hoh and Higby exdocned pie, ms. X Toda, ins Ginga“Extrait ran do muse;mnleteurs, fest amber,‘Toko04 {raing, oll of lemon, 6 olldiachmns; ol of cach fren GirArachis? Chagish), and “of cloves, guid oof sloraxpitseuto (genuine)aud: 1 norol drachin of citachof 12yerbeun drops (minis), reetifed spel, 1 po is ia ae hy swith frequent‘The ogitatio, forof 2the or suas 8 weeks, Very fine, wintsion drei pales, and thus preferable to soe reper Jockey Club Bouquet, iaberos, Mix 1 int1064, oxtiactat rose, Lpint extract Dine oxtract of Eatin, 4 ouneesevesxtraeter of jpn ot onuceruhctre 1065,extract ‘Bouguet L pint of roses. de pintMilleflours, cach uf the MixeX: frnets ‘of tubecos, jasmin, osenee ormeslower, asta, and violet; 4 coos of colar STountes each of the tinetres of vents, ant 1 iva and musk, | pin eskenea of tse, ‘neo attr ofof Detgautot and 10 antdropsclove, eve St‘Vetthethoalate almonds, nel, stand fora week, aud then filter,1066, mixture Bouquet do Rondeletia, Mix 2loves, ounces1 cutee altar otattrlavender, Tou altar of each hergant dacs Atay of roses 4 utes of tho tinctures fof‘odor inosk, vanilla, and Alter mibergi, with 1 repose, gallon aleabol. & snouts filter
1087. Imitation Lily of the Valley. ‘This much udmieed perfaune is made by wis ing together 4 pint extract of tuberdst, autneo extract of jasmin, 2 ounces extract of1 orange-flower, 3 omnees' extract of vanilla, £ pint oxtract of cassia, # pint extract of 1050, Bnd drops attar of aliontls, Keep this mixture fora month andl then nse 1068. Imitation Essence of Myrtlo, Mix together and allow wo stand for 2 weeks, f pint extract of ‘vanilla, L pint extract of roses, } punt extract of orange-flower, # pint extract of tuberose, and 2 ounces extract of jasmin, 1089. attarExtract of Patchouli. foguces of patchouli, and f winceMixattar1 fof rose, with 1 gallon rectified spiits,
Aromatic, Odoriferous, or ‘Perfumed Waters, &. hase ats stu gre waver charge byte tata fs ofvolte, ‘cai faarous wi pringple laut: eyea sc 85020A ROA Re Tho’ aresimpleof fia-ho distled Uae inPERE of ‘tho wit.perfuners drogeso of tho towholealo a thoso belong fle phormacy either class mode of Cage ofpreparation’ to thoProportions’ Sording TOvi,, » Aromatics submiited to Distillation for Baking Perfumed Waters, ‘The vegetable matter {Grulsod af necossry) in the quantity otdeed, {erobe Gator putintoouttivonlyell slongeulonwiddrawsgallons atpuro over {nthe way tho nes grant nlod waters bay be produced ficasulntances afl flower, “Thoand other Srolaatidvogetable ‘pts dowore the tet ae, to beattended co Fonte Teltesh, gathored ontaferthatho uficione ain bay seen andbe thodiow éSheleds water teed {uo fowers being frbummed, Due pure is f suelen Gham moroaunties otie andyto tboprovent tly wat arse: Wispeal); dra nsthe oii gallon tr sini and (nb Seale wth 8 joundsvtof fresh rates forot abi ono wari gaatie tomato ipotenal required in proper to the amountof distilled rater to be obtained, thsShofar given in nsclosed form the Jouroalplant,o@ aromate Fes follows: duh gshyswops‘wormuoods_Uluek-chery, eeeryy: ese, chonylaueel, lavender, bain, T inte pele eves, Pus ace, segue ie roa rhdered,platWresha ackand at ct dry” aromatics nore: anlt, oramge-dowers onde, ior Fan elder ebd tay, seguire {panto tho Reatlo a pate afdale adet™ Drzand Topp aomatio plant as angelica, gre n sae, see ‘erties ermome, eanllay cascaila, fh ssenia,inden-fower, ad valerian, partssomoot cach to pant the ot pire Toque bo sll praprtions thoce Hate, dillfa Uowaters ot thoiucided bathto andin sespet fruide it,of nt others Evel eullons 2 over draw Sruggiets gone! InWaler fro to, resoctive gastos, of oe re hey, anysanity cds, iy rrnenponga rather than. quali pesfemors, Manufuetaring Teing oftheywerd exeoss enn eontady,cithor tnGk thothulethel-olject™ pre:ok or porto waters Wortrous Ror etree aut fst tuo only feeveseated thay isis overs the fomainder itoiMag used TorI oporetaly etlgetod with frostand fowere, teoGaeaulladon the &,fetoF he onlyvwatertho of Sree Searls theydottreais proerea aEletion pass overs fit al eat ‘Water, StenTore)oul tho‘der-fower Acc Water, Beanslowes and Water, ower rater arose ater tigsamo a seyeepared 1070) and CaeP{O7s,Ne Yort‘Directions for Distilling Perdirections Te thosefilowing Waters: fumed by.“roidthe ven vein, Mike seein Me hi paced.alain’ fedoras Eonphy to SGrle empl prfurvers Tipanufhetarng ator, produea,& to. onler in’ fee from nay conten. coro htmoat Thode util, Ragrant tly of tae tether eco tl io qualities keoplng thoi Yessn or Sir warm and Mead the ue Sally be beforme Should of eopper,Fpl in, it should Do
neck thoto and narrow foroisbed, withligt high Into ed over g spirtin init thyenndeusingewonh. A still furnish Drevent anda steamj Beck tho afmost,rteam,convenor ient Ss Meat ackel ‘with of 9 tho as ose, purp Tartho yed. exiplo safely bo alone can bat, water Felt est ortho3 n tatplanpssistooverrectand tho colet ‘The commo fata oupees the prept is until produo tho runnin‘hcg: whole fomainder ofobtaine d, uantty be topsties, and store, loosely hon aptated weeks, oF cellar thatfor somo. ia-a, cooli order Sorerot it mayhm Toseestits fren month the raves o to separate ges or abd Hosta commogn anpractic , Tes oll a floatin ttilageColao afard, diere‘uy n, but Afr, Hassiden, waters ‘ilflo ds tho oxoess of oil Lo ofho Hnglan slkento well rred ommer transfe whole tio aul tig water Sefth a;h vessel,thuswhertroatedtho, olland wllfull sopnrat stockhotter Iho seenge {tvepo preforsod tiewithstoolsa tapweaselaboutto he2 d , fo furish 1 cnstre btatonesre . tho water , thowheseby thoout bottoon fhchesbo from, oil eitheraccorarising clear, dravra fan iug ta theAS bottom, top ot sinking {a thoHis apeetic ae as it av soon . {6GQitedfs fall gravity i is matnritay,rs then odor intooe reached whieh ly decanted bot, retu tatof th opeLeading.nnd wel coro stopp Some a soparato wilmgafor place. iMely cool s Koop tfamer Fackuraing.po ‘latile dlcata owe die each them drywaters, and dextret thomns wutitis, hlydistillaclean thoroug ‘nnd nead eachto romovo tion, qher that taiat or odor any’ fiicut stilt Read,thomand forworm. stl rough foros somethemhoursfor Viowinnoktog the‘team purify ently suffici 1 tho preparation i esievoalways t waters Uistiation, Thisep purposes, for wnedlenaland woruy, d sti ailhea Uf dulle d, last should mist set loan, Tho employed.stoneware} two aud the receivebe rsof fso bo glaaal finvor utmostn "Pho inatio re. contam bs of boglasstakenor totovewa Hhosta peeveut uid rosho by contacty withesidizecopper and d waters GfTad aistille they. slowl sco wine, or cases, Inhorsalidost&e, allate reat pvolva those metals. flowery or pickled faltasuperio bies for. the fheaht vogeta Jypreparationr toof thofragran distilled waters edeoustho aidproduct avo employ Witen tho or former raw Wesincwhen ousalwaysof thoproseut ius itl later te Dor wie audof keep batter, whichtho they bostdes Gro usewaturit pment dovelo fall or y, fensh No. tine, d “(Seewaters shorter in a lyintehprepare odog“Garerul Their dstie d $510.) Welland ror nge Hablo to any chang, eop larly particu the ence, en tholiquorreversothofa still Tuttvhtho over irted bas'sp Jhon sing conden the into ad stil-be tho Thoneeltheyof are apt to deal, and erento be Gorm, , bul veny ropy andplan,vield-in muchA codon Goo 1s toia,agitate eases, toputovteuo carbosate of ihages ‘Shjec cud ‘heen with safe only ‘the paper. , througd them r ppHico isto ro-dstil thetn on tho, frst indie Femody uch chango, for magnesin weakens Tahonot tir byxenincreasign hen, ing. fethebo inuy bo alTetenvored franco “Ted fori, ia in any should magnes it ef y Feantit bo water, ed distill g but i torin eed wil Ghat even of litle a ate; carbon iho if the water bo over so slightly ed {orasdalodisralv us. tho s.Burntho Smell e Water Remov To Distil 1074, led ly teguonlly atisibg. from burnt ofShaltFresh eareof watore,usualy lessene Jost,ce or toa greatlytamporacured, ling,, oF by expomi fens feeung byDppron bot al1 the poi esseuti fressng With to changed uing il, highly to Seer
part of the Jatter will seperate, and. thus the Water will lose somo of its fragrance. (Seo No.075.” 1016.) @o Prevent Distilled Waters To prevent carelessly pree Souring. waters from pared distilied’ accifying ov tiniing Four, and tn esover those wbiek havothembegatup plan fy to shakooo dary { gpoll, a common inagpei, of powdered wih itl calof cna each Jnboraxeachadpiutalum, thein"This1 gesiuhowever fs Rot to bo waters or ux a3 iLumfits theunavoidably recommended, Wheucver As vehicles, the best planitisis to re-distil hathe Tecourse water a fewto, days afterwards, 1076, Practical Suggestions forcertain Maaro Thoro Waters. Disiilled king tbe adhered to iu disrules or points eusra Elling perfumed waters: Dry, hard, or flrons substunees should be mechanically divided, in water heloro underoingdis. mnseerated find Lllation. oo great a. qnamtity of inaterials ould not bo uerocieed at ou tine into tho body of the silly it this preeaution bo. neflected, thera #3 a riskof tho liquid: boiling Sver or spirting into tho receiver.” Ebulition as quickly as possible, andbo sthoutd be attained Suieient. io eontinuons, to enver the watermat er inshould: the sti Tete ondistlld with contact in its coming guard ofagainstthe vessel, toIho'sides this ea the mat. by th, leat, ifandtho ter. woul. be. deeotsposed products; eanpyreuniatie Yiokd ‘intllation fs eartied too fas, a besides, slimy forme
slain ‘and stil bett ohn ‘of ehoride of ea etnuon 212° ond 980° abe, Aegreo of way be abla tho strength of Bare teen obServed in their distillation; esposuro for ashort hey should be kept ia close containing only tg and preferably in bottles ono tina; they sulllient for probablo useand atclosed air-tight Should bo entiely filled
7 isa vertical section of distiled waters, fused in France for obtaining iran boiler, 4, ‘Aeylindifeal Gmned-eopperfeetor bigh and2 Fact size, say 4 of convenient by an expanded. in diameter, is striountedts faenistied withtore.a sa ot capital, 2 whieh patter, cf kind & forming ledge, inuer teclve the Haid condensed om Uacianer surfico
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 of the capital, and opening into tho exit tube, 2 About 6 inches frou the bottom of tha Cylinder is placed a filse bottom ex diaphragm, ©; plereod with small holes. A stesu pipe, d Dating stop-cack, @, is introduced in tha cyliuder iu the manner shown, torininating ia fh espnsion, b, perforated lik tho ruse of a ‘water ng-pot, anid located a littlo slow the Uigoragn, ‘The tatorial to be distilled, ater proper preparation, is, placed upon the diaphragay, {ho capital, Z, is applied and luted. with dex: tine pusto} steam 3 passed throngh the tube, and issuing from’, passes through tho matorial, Docomes loaded with tho volatile matter, rises into thocapital, condenses, and passes througl, J, Bilo.a worm oF vther sulabla condenser 1078," Vanilla Water. Alacer 1 pound vanilla in eure powdes, aul 5 pounds Fall in 24gallons water for 21 ours.” ‘het {istill over rapidly L gallon, 1079. palo Rose Water. fosnces ror, and’ 16 pints‘Takowater,48 ‘Troy Mix Kher az distill pints, Whon ft isdestrable tims before dtl.
hr toma {i leepit'may tho beroveproseved wel ssised by being Jing, of radians (able welsht of (Seoeblonide wth Lite 1008.) Watera No,Aromatic Bulg,1080,Us Sethi ito. Prepare Lasited States ‘io discard Oils, sob, Essential from s, alte altlovgh Pinsmacopa igothee the process at distillation i tho prepa diveets, iw preter water, Tation ehthat atomatio with should be impyegated seater fee, easbonate Wt taturation by uit telat the filtered, Pho his and subsequentlypiveess. etis thownagnesia, wae most simplepre audad easytradsparenty mage the tornesta je abtatne Thethe tho filtadon. byfe slnply being the roparatel to enable snanesia bjttobeof brougntto 8 minute state of ss fil largest.openpossitle presentbut thoSts usols isin,andta thothis‘eater; tothe furfaep ion water, da soluble slightly ies that fobjoct fais ape Co pode, under eerlain elreutn: Te Htaneed, a slightly dooentent l to use precipitate, hhas be n powered reeommuiende poreslaia lay, or pice stone, are18: finely of mayest,glas, a thele Steal ingalble. (See No. 1073.eubstances OSL.) @ndWaters, ‘wholly or of Perfumed 1081,2 ‘uidAromatic il of essentiallevignted drachiaswith 2 thodrachms ‘rakeplant, titivato tho powered then add.8 pintsveryratall a dstiled. y, dri eonstaotfilo;trturation, slter for sompapertime,wetted ngftationflseridg brsthrough After ter. {hewith dolution convenient method a preparation ‘Thisis paroywatee. oss ofIa per estemporanc forfametho waters, hae greut caroistzength without but, nfrtor aro pesduets the pulang, obtained by distillation. ‘Minely pow {olthovo Aerol or lovigated glass may be wsed When sic is unobtainable. "Magnesia “and fox (quurta) each formerly(SeeusedNo.for1020the purpose, wereobjectionable. Sugat bub are Waters, orthe Perfumed ‘1082, of “Aromatic Irom watersmay directly prepuriog Instead be themadoesteby ils an essence esveatial1 Imperial thedissolving Aud used ofpints 2 Ime onteesof pected i 9 duddrachins tiaporaloil uid agitated tho essence. pink 1 Tunpesial Teauy forwater,someand tinofiltered.with through filet wet ater. disulla good. perfumed makeis an@ excellene paper, willthis Sng tor (Culey"says csis waters} but the formula Dis. U. 8. pure txteniporane them feeble for medieated Prouolinees poses, inthe properticn of thelt Tespecive es Senta oil.” (See1. 1008,) ‘Perfumed
DICK'S avcutoring matter, Thingy be made Rouges, Powterstorthohairand carmine ft a nae 1125. of "Bloom of Roses. | Posderal carmiine’ theserieHest ammo, quality, @4 dachns, dh ina frosted with ounces, ported bealePaehayer af tare anaetad on fi Eshuly stoppered: bute for’2 days, atthe Reve foster Cin heroes temperate of the “atmosphere, yg the stuplo jetted yowdee tas ndingry ‘Then aiid rose water, L ping; snd oseence ot tounees, After sting for a week: to ellie, the clear ligtid maybe. poured. off Tron the sediment, and botele. 1114."“Azure’ Paste, Tale and ultra. marine, Guely belted, equal parts, titurated ive solution of gam tragneanth into a tif paste ToD. Violet Power “Wheat tach, 1115. Enamel Powder. Take equal pparts finely seraped tale oF Brened eli, and Dearl-whico; sulleieat.ro mgo or arming to Slightly tinge it; mix, Used! a oo ee Weldon ar to conceal and, without the coloring, divto ret gee Soustea pean oe colorations; ‘whiton tho kin.
{02 “Bespared Blan for tho Hair,
L103. Poudre Noir for the Hair. Btaveh and vere ia ine powder, cach 6 founces; “chareoal aid ivory black, Ta ne
powder, cash "Poudre Tower, Blonde Shs andfor sitthe Hair 1104. Finely powered starch and btorig, meus tach} av in the preceding, with Sehes1105,fve the Poudre eulotinga lamaterVanillo BruneFellowfor thoSleinorforSachets, owiered roti, tail foveenres, Ton nas, Boa lisandce cloves,and cuony2 cunces} woods, powdesed. each 1 pound; Powdered mssof Brtracbans, Bix towothor with) pomnds ‘tare; and jas add a fow drops of extracts of 1108," tuberosest,Poudre. YaBillet Powivtei Composto— for the Skin or Sachets, tose eaves and otis oot, each 3 pomnds; pow. dievod bergamot peel, enchponds.6 exndes powdered loves and clanamon, pov fered. teacis. ad uange. flower, cad Sonces1107. } starch, 3 pounds Paints or teRouges forhy the Skin,Ut Yalats ot wouges are ueaue sie natural color of tho ‘i,skit howetes shay bosbjeotionable beightened reparations, and the! uso af them extends ory itelo beyond the theatres, tre employed to proce stage elfet.where they 1108,"tale, of Frengh Whit,faely‘This i chemina3d era F r e n c h chalk powdered fated,” forae Porkiino th io foa mayhr be Jest rouges, iv aldud Alsiveds z or 1109. Pearl White Pure oxide rrabaitrato of bisonth in powdercotitalntog This pisul ‘oot davkens in atusonpleres Phido of hydrogen. 1 onnewwatertnearated. with ouies ck emange-ower makes liquid ‘while for theatveal we 1110, “Pearl ‘Powdes, hal felymid oxides bolteduf avoapoa Proven Tunes t0 tho pond of cea 1111.” Caution against Bismuth as a Coametic. “ T i s White paralysis injezes vf i in duces fing ttyeliosrandthose estherwh Ulrdisately, exploy {iteanpt to. conceal by is Freer tad ore ‘ent1112."applicntion Carminecatia Rouge,S drucluns. Finely bolted tale, 4 ‘onuees Mix Aogethor will a lito swarm wad dilute sols tion of gam tengacanth. For lighter shades {heFar proportion of earmuihe migst bo duninibeds eouower pastes, tose-piak replaces tho
osmetics for the Skin and noteComplexion, ‘the pre:fo papal HP hal we designed” fatten the skinrecip antl eanely the portant oplesion Wo‘Tho aun Yor the nor nelliam winater the oFmmnatteears oF thom3117.Heating mist Tooer seat Dube Male Amandine. but tito and © themiscore ounces, white havhonebees subbed ite Shen” nik. pace, shanigerean edd omnees(Sedo. prfeetlyneutral almond O08) enbas omtinae tho tauraton wll the miseare Seunso,bomegencuise ‘2 ilpoutds of.allored heal Cold-proscd tees sunond areuext toulyfirns fomapya ca it shoveean bofataincorporated the morta, ithBae hefaite, mass alleen ik entere in too Inge the, biosalog m y imperoet, ta hofie amantine u e v o m e s ‘ iy inuead of ielips aed tan ‘tiHlold be whi tho omperatyres ofall it willth he combination i, theretine, the flow sliowld bo stopped n'a oie Thecouness brit ack mesa eystalive is
he.AlmondThooif perinnas sould of boFdzachny essed with thoof and consists attar bitter fmsof soseto aud everybetemot potend my of paste,also boA Tete altar fulded™about Ldiaehtn off elose each. pots,A’ goona fiuisied it mst he putin 1118, "Toof Use'Amandine.. Tomatter produceof anvandige fine quality isa Suse diffentty. and Tabs, maniptlar. and requires shiex perce aid “considesable’ Tie Wetats essential to(Sea success tre Arnall noticed sender “Eilon.” No. #2.) castity, say a lamp‘blather, of fibre sopwhengivesrabbed with which, parts 2thud . shuld bosofenes,wiped adoll {rhite su iGlycering ates, with'a dey towel Ax the 1119, Amandine. preveding,# to “bitL-ouaeeadding, with glyoering tho shavingfot Ereats, af Pre’ oat ‘pond of oil intended tobe subsequently 1120, cared ColoredgioenAmandine. say wilh ina: eave, fndtii, yellow aud orango swith palm oil or suban by” digesting or dissolsing. tho” flanebs in earlet tho oil orbeforo ndingwaythobo.ecnts. A Donutful orimson gitea to by adding alittle liquidremoving rouge ar from ‘carmine (Guntioniaal,justbelare Shortar. Olin is a sitlay preparationTt ‘uasdine, but. made with ove. ‘often colored ream.
of Honey. Cosmetic Balsam. 1191.i pe, (fay tens smacoring (Prices), ounce; wsito bya gentle Lid6 rectifiedof spiny coldy addessones when fay ambergrs, (linpetial}; ‘ounce Stops; ud at onco bottleit, Used to so peovent chaps,To (ho&. ttsam tho skin, Balsam, whiten"Freckle Sd "1122." inte lastUsedte prepara.cite divecai ot Honeyald'pure deaehing. 3 eld, Stipe to brovent and remove reostull dseolors tons, hed Paste, pastoRoiucoblayc 129, toaAlmond patently by south very atmonis add mortarrse-wator tina faath marble Dounding ward Bradallg, end «litte of a feveandrops water, oF with Hite weror nerol SPrangeflo Co da rigs ef fttar nt wil. potsEast,oF jakpnt perfumeporcelain ogi, intoBittercovered pstor utber RE Liga, Take Almond Paste,” ano sae rind pits tal quantigy:nett be. aneaddpro a sulin hd rooster scent No before, i sversfed exe oceasionally mecoding Boththe cheolition spermaeoth powdered either f e byYee Ut of tox).the g part ofaf white equtof 4to thisaboutweight or hous we ate feLenmcoavoi of Take tn white Somotinis Cream, Cold 7126, pro white eas al eemnced upon coolmpetial Golf pit intoofl a oF matble ationsor, weel, istamo tho pour bas (ot.yy poreeain mortar Boo-ware. bnaersed Dei heated m e o as Which add, very watersaanees; tn boing’ 4 Tid somo timo Birraduallg, ani rose-wwater, of eosin an vst taro the ste sudunucly wl 8 theinewhopore fs afterwards aad {firmed put Last, onkly neatly Nery eartheanrare pots for se or gal, Taian ‘Thiswithis Cold a Cream, 1126, mn Hudson's nbove, tho way th-sine praparel aduition uf-1 livid enuce orangesioer Rie? waist Sultana enelyColdpareCream,spertnacettTake Ad 4 1137. cintupons of eneao,of a idtter site wa aol in ofpourbalsa melt Afterant stir ach f poids ef2 Tauke drachine.ad orange yopost, Poon, portion, Mevwerie tnisklyater uosil leat uid drachiye. aL ste aud ezeam, prorat lip-salve,8. Used like cold Eoaratos, tngiter, wat andlMoltspermacet bats, whiteCathay. cover“{128."a wauorCramede sweet a 3 oil-of alsa, thesand ad -Afocen. ‘lrachms; cntees, A next. perfwime with Foseswater, © mas) rey ate anal cold ‘This siperior e Cream. eald-crea 120, ‘Glycerin (see wn well-kno iswithWo glycerine substitnted form, rseoametig 1125), Spo. Melt topethor spermacet 6 ona Sader, ef aweok st] pound 1 ounee, waxy whito id , and Brsehen tho fot rmoro Hj almond and ennees; ¢ glpeerive, Price's Surin 20 with attar ofas rose, ,Gib perfume angealing dia, et say tho rose are fn ple of Rose Sper2 Cream. e Glycerin 1180." almond, weet guesswas,AvotT ounces, glyeerine, 4 h white. acct munees wax ad sperinacettat, whito sie tho together unees! thenwot ad coohs oi ef rioaimonds an stir ofthorosemietic®. Fostume with tar Cream, Melewax, 3 andounces1 1181, y Snow wily 2oil ounces spemnceti th 5 in a weater-ba of almonds, fech anarblo hes briskly sor and mortat, it into granmlation; Wheat the consist four Pyprerent has mixtaco ean tho daring Wat the, tenia tudovhite,ef butter, ; appeataieo f fiquedtaiereamy a mistaro al byof degrees guration, 1 ounce and roaes water double guage APT
pare hydruchlonc acid, spectdaleenvywate,1.1 TTinperial lui draehin Dia; ny 2 aBilatounees} rociiedPots xpirit glyeetive, aud eau de1 Tose, each 142, 3 Lotion to Remove Freckles, Disolve grains burse ft D drachnns telYery rosovatey, aid orangestiower waters a Staple an assand wone-vaer see eal De glyeering applied patsova Tights aud allowed to dry. " ° 41143," TodineakeLotion for Eruptions 30 jude ot15" potas, Skint. foffraisthe aveietupoisy lu, gras; de orsoreof seater, 1 Imperial ofpittho add onlyat 4 {fied couple tablespoontals water first, tind whos hy sessainders agitation the thisslide19 arethe dissolved, add the common aulordinaay.porpoves, best form of fatueliedTus.Toonoftenar Sra for Forviecabie in enlarge a of indurated ela {teh de. Ore take lodide potassium, 1 to rachis, and dietiledwater,1 panty dsl 144’ “Giycerinated Lotion of Todide ofPrioe’s Potassium, ‘To tho last add cuuea lyoerine. Doth aro excellent. skin eonmetis, ployed. ike Gowlaud!s lotion Particularly or persons withre eo rofulouswithor fore tat Y o r . who arse or dufarations. swellings, eruptions, fam i " t e also excellent asa huie-washe ‘Tho produetaf the last forma may be ad antgonusly used instead of halo of Me 1146," Lotion of Bichloride euty, ‘Dako corrosive sublimala (i éuarse Fovrn, 10 genspintsaroifapn: atogether a som Ge. Ty iz- ll. 1 Tedd apitave them is Ib wil, eut at -Se added be may m-o pal soudion bg enmplote. of ‘Theania atdiion(pureof by some persons as a hair ‘nil Fighly, esteemed Bor raion hrdrohlorats hanes or 6 thobolvent drops (nak sean wore) Lips. fal-aumnonine) or. Psyché—for the de MN}87. Créme tyarochlone coir iporenses ol ounce; each spermacct, mul eax White almonds, 5 osuees. Melt vogether, tthe water, and readers the preparation Le Grawest forse eng,When ts not oherwia and10 igh 1 drach; balsam, intho Mecca poue Sind Iuisantagenus. absolutely” pureof ald dee add thon sassacetatecungedl, Ratt Stir filed srdter fs not sed, this addition ed ot powered nine Shontd bo madedissolve ta prevent deeanipositien, - Orango-fower “Virginal. Lait TSB Some persons the eublimae 2 or benzo, of slowlyto fit: drchane-reetifed ek before fm adding Linetore very and ene 8 ounees; seater, he former Trachins, ‘iosy, water, to fiitate the pcs but thee as 80 tivation, constant Taito diving theto produce thoveheamvenient, ix unnecessary. anilky fluid.Pistachio dina omits valde as ean the alata un opalescent Pistache. de remo ‘Tig9., Pouneusy green ll palm soup, 0%, lion fsa excellent application ina sare uta ‘otSud Ustinate erupitme, andandl tnfndwrations obslinae sores omngeeower oueoy 1 e u c h spermecet, And glandslar swelsngs at a onnces; Into characters the fret of whieh ieseldom 12milks. eral, of pints; essenen 3Eas dlrectel Satoh precedingPlaco ever 0 fhe to releve, potided the howe and dict Thake140." Mit forof theRoses, exer.of and sufliefent to, Granary aentet iwhitein Up{ag carefully malt and Loumeos olf soup, swatrr-athy casa. msl daily. taken Do thenand,aadcontinge feeb aupillydisaipene alerts use. Tho roveewater; Gounees eee ounes, 1 spermcet, and ‘ya canete pare glpeeriie Loanerania About Toon of ‘Muitign Nest take melted.beat vem Bate trey unt Thera apd no's to 0 Serta bianehed Phere as well ritation. general, atthelestusmetie withduring2) pinsthe Seisnliong iting mortar, anarblealmonds, cleanalitted Inga ongot washes} po4). rtoneise, The emulsjon of Por tho latter parse Haevauss, rosea water ite be pare N0, (ee Uhuration. tr orangerflower water aay we wal, wot tainel bo to made tus Simonds, th give fragrances a ike quantity of dau and washed white imusin,formed tates the cate a ny of tho above ves’very Croup slowly the intowliletho previonsty Fin ented bende a Salcedo helatethration, Foupsniguyes of ibid de Beaute, “ns 1146." enesgelie by tine thetcamo mereuny Centosiee sublinite), Barns: a 2 inuarons iho ond of abis inoperation, Wards Tamphee, 40" etdgras(aqior onighate ot er and ounces Mitr of raveose, Undislved Solution of of aeetata of Lead), wexy ature the be Tet. ito Alek, au 18 ff oxmees) rae eg . water This eon ack ‘oe2 scruples; aduatlyridioigaclatthehin mas. reams, ieEgcaucons Mistuee. «snail ot Saat iy Crt Indes far veut smoothNo Ing uelfy in t h e indispeale is Shanipulato shi, of teil perfection lanl tosg 147. “Glycerine Lotion. ‘Take Prico’s aul, straing Un is operation Mast ho BS). oatfie pac or cat Foc, seca, 1 days tepose, ashilbat estemed tho Liga aide ste good ws. ounces 19 Siker, cosmetic Hiivis Bottle as a Feito cosmetic frwanewhichor purpose dally hse gen ewenn of Mille complesion. and skin forthe forsuher ngretients, 3 fey abl ce of a aaHs manner sane the i m . nado bo tuey Tere eueunn of by subatestitg jriee GIG al ita hoof iebsng eseorations, to allay cape, ution Ss Brom foroF oes, roseseute. provent shiny Freckles, Take io’ {141 afLotion mercury,for & poss avolranpois; fleets of Weathers, elisiaie, es Tt is Hee bicilantio
for 20 minutes, incorporateof roses; glycerine; cvlstes beat fot essence drops 40 add Sod hous, put int pots er jars, aud balla Shout oso airtightFine Camphor Teo. Melt to. 3182, and wisto_ waeobnees; Gath,Gunnr,2 Hier over catha water ounces T Sfenmacett Nest ttueata pondsTr padi almond eiseed iRsjreok ond baAloehenner sloth in low to zose-water f o pnutd ethand , thion” Anposta Tining {ho"eperatton iferor drei. ilarhearet rosentry, he melaOil asof Follows quanti enay Tee, west alwhile phorsponte, ounces) $13,""Cam omncesy anny eaumphon, font4 dioneo; 3oerounces) Ware mouldsmelof waterbathy a Then propor size and fr Tub authoMic}, o Amando T184,"Pat yolk and boney pou 1 toques i,of«abd8 ainoul sweet at Rraally then tatgsy taration, g “eunstantGa pinnin a d ground udsbianed utzerslso i Kon atars with peefunt tnely ounce Lineal dvacbmstogether and Cloves,Rosat,exeh 2 Melt Hoygntnoe"Pomade bt 1135, alarondyot ak tet Digast 2 oamceey aldrach. wwhtto axe aitauedy Pomecs; drops attar Socera Bours Hsaud ald 12‘Take of cacao WeeCacanfesitio,UhPomade, tre 136." oil at aaonds, white. wax. (pure, tier the at shine term 2g together, parts; eldanelt Used yal emellont a nearly tit fips,‘a bands, ehappednie earned partelaly fiecolored little s etiwith
‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 ‘wise applied to che haie instead of el 1148, Glycerine Lotion No, 2. Takeof Price's glyeotine, Lec, ad distlied water, 17 ounees; mix. -A proper steength when moro hmarked. eects are. desired;
ae.8. Tako 49." Glycerine Lotion No. ofGunees; Pavsla iis.giveerise, Wh adapted oimneens foewater,use 17fa hig is batisate more rapidto fleets ate eases, desived;oF alsowhet a3 austillapplication {hues at cea. 1150, ‘Fragrant glveetne Glycerine nyo the fneping lotion by exe agvecabie more aid fragtait Feuilored ploy rose Water or ederower Water i= oad de.of Colog water, oF hy the addition ofor u other lie amStent, Water, at ofwiluiusk "FheoF addition wa feeper depint, ops oFof fessunce of anibereis, ‘ofa couple of ounces of ent de Tose oFCa am equal hulk of in Howodorot hich oranges, fe‘ater,fearsimparts a delicate is always hbeighly medicated enteemed. or Ininezensed like manner they in effeaey, may1 various ways, Zor toilet and persobal ase. ‘Thus, tho poraddition offonders a Littothemboraxanor (2effect or 3 drachma pint), {votartar,in chaps, exoorations, ea lito saltot oF of lemon juin, Vinegat, or Yotiied spiny inereacesesitabilly” their poserin ofskinedisense, alayiog itebing fod. morbid ‘wall conerts wash No, 1for{iore partewlany) inUocolorations. an a3oxeollont Foekdes and ke dis. or 10eouverta grains ofib ibto. Vicbloride fnorenry, per Bpial, tho aleof Inirablo lation oftanner, ‘that substance. (Soe of2 4U5,)Ta like by the addition Gracin or coueture of Hodidoof odie, of potas, oF of compound wwe Lavo Hallto porons. cosmetic will wash aparticulary service. fable serofulots taint. Strongly eaont with the oils of exignntn fad rosbinary,of cnntharides, or impregnateor Itsome with aller a eertainap: proportion Preto stinglanthe atmost ubelelnt ana vo ave respectiely elem, convenient, find usolul baie gosmeties, Thd, merely t9 feiorato us61 it may be plaeed of the t9per in eostnstial natthe aiedteeatinent tits ‘on, would ‘ToalongTestill many pa of Glycorthe Purity ino, weighed athavetho notomperseace ofB90°B.; 60 Glyeoriue Fabeouhelt should les than STi contains limo or alkalis, one ddogrsa'hould bededuoted, as thoso substances inaTEnbbedl i heavier onTmpace the hane, i shonldwerbo porfctly fnodorons. glycerin, this cans tost, haya disagrocablenaiell. ‘tho impurity fog this with odor thoiv giyetziue mostly aly i ras acid, a at veryby eostast Solaiio axticlo will al Trays‘uo prowenes growglyeerole, avons of hehloring, y Selage. an sometimes used fr leasing lyeorin, 1a dtocted by tiuging thothen tanpleing blue wily sulphata ofacid;indigo. and a bitle salphire feo chlorine, or curide of ealeltan, bo’ peosent, te 1abine foocolordeops will ofdisnppeat nolstiontho of presence witeato ofof silvor bo aided to glycoring, hlorine 3 vaackod by Use loreation of a whit preipitato. Pr Ostlale of ammonia willdotectod preipitato thug,rainait tho in be wll Load provnt.Yay by acid hydvosnlphate of saltammonia; and sulphirio by a golublo of baryta ‘Cane sugarof taste; may beabotraced by” increasetho sweotness by. dissolving yearnsolublei chloeaforn, ia whic it oom Bltely if pure, agar eng ioslablo
iaig1is2, Caution About Glycerine, ‘Tho jrojereoofwins eiseesuo tas somod aiip macstooge auaoyanes EPE fhe water “Aifioughelyeeue age, peayat ttefit moda ast fet he rt senstak appliedThisto thoseated toogu Tosetho fofofthat painwehonaoatho fisbora. plyeonin absorbs all thoates tute tare frm th Seino that i t touche cos ieupfade andnutespartesand thomathe wore.bare"Igtorang ofthis applied Bese ely too cafe sina ats Engag fioduead to havo beegrt ft pein‘mize with giyeerng t‘ronld ale afremove! water, or burning ee lors aeton wit eoon Unmcal ax snes Waste, beingsracea done, Seam bo protue applied {5fog heinjurymost‘his tender without. and poten ast dnesg comes not dy up,teuroe setuely meuiins Gre Gite coli the nant omotng tho alge procers 1188? Haid‘Hinoonooe’s Glycerine Zotion. Glycorino,d qunes.saettaciage (Srentrevept), 10 uot watery Graciasfalpateorse SSetinen grata eyes; Snulowne algobel ed ess a ots, Soy pultried gunaie! Gracin? rated Aud umneceitb tho powdered techies fst w i t h to Het water Bratally ded and then add tho sooo The feturit to a of rms yell with ibe pow. Geet guutaati aud grudusly ad thd wae ferWith anim aang enti. (Ser Nos 485 this mix well the solution first forrmed, antyeerne fer adanoangst to Gleequineqldsoe,ad anda Sake well" The esy mcdagd!mane.a quince fouls sould apse SE tho leo, H's aes ont fen foun fig odo andtw tioenolsine "pect aod, of of soso ay suice "ears fateen. fn its inagufacture, this will form @ Senutial and clam preparation hl eek taay hagrances heh cepted to Capt parsonage yan noth ae ely face i y un excantaprecion fer Fics aftershaving oforstigag the ition Causa ty Gbince expe tuetinge to ho ue Tho mci Tiga,” ofTo quince nay fushies mike see by ing utes settsTrach tn pink ere onion bot’ burgess: au Sayteetocar ae there far hae tote ened hue ehoutt bs popu Tip8,, ‘Gowlana’s Zetia, ‘The formule satcttned by hemstieal polssion stakeBe ofternlanonds,2 Soran aligntso (taaehet) 1 onaeoy drachns;ehason. dtd aater, nF ton fina fea eaniion, of theretyagain gralpox auld of bichloride (in cou Sor raters 1s pumas protaealy aotearoa tiled Ao heh fare ud agi mater make the whole neato, seit pine -Then pie iy bottles. Ta used asa cosmetic by wetting the skin with ianalsSomfloyed gon wip fs of wut ate ary1 soeaale eh ae BSatins ah nr laa awelings "Lotion ot Boraxdrachne or SoropostontGuna andBorne;1180. Nipples, Wakes diiled water, pint; mnie "an of fetteg sre oma?Uc otc oneal Estonwna cy forapc 1157, Glycerinated Lotion ofGurcts Borax forRunlupbls Chops and Santana: Hate powdered or nas Phesestagtay Pouncay roke-water elder fhimesy iiss "Resonles thluwer fos whten, Dut oe 1
aut ao auch coma nore agroeabl ad etetn. Fistadytousa van cunonts boattiiy aot ant whicis and rorens and Cazenaved ‘ation ofof paccone Cyanido ofB 1168," Botasstanas ike sponte alts $"Ynpedat avaltepesy Bullconon "a aoa, ote Solon, outs, ‘in i parently tn tan eng Mos etree te Ueer adce atin Movand pustules.forola,(See No.“ho fb.)next Therecoabovely B'Gaasnbre However peered 7108. 'Giycorinated Lotion ofpoten, Cyanide ofSi rteetetuarcan Fotasslue Take gino! uemea oe cee buSagote canpheh el Sf ooh Sew T160, "Caution, Against Cyanide of elastin, cymes poms poston hen awaloed and as tbo, ab08 tt cut "pent tad snthy norsaasoullwot ital of th dang Inner quantity thn thabaes gen fo kept stances, should they bo applied 1 a. larko
ata te.et rhto nseba bunttamandarototee EeTene oye they prope onlay, opeland atense andIetions, ‘rolsafo 2 LO),‘Waah,Ohery-Laurel Lotion, or chonyShayGall pentane Talo ia Teporel ycenne dull eunessf ouneoy eee itl sue Pai cane seater, htof tala Qbese®ptetanyaner ais. Geed to aallay Tilatio fog the par bing ueBotoned” wt by Ieinget linge tous an Dnuh for Reallymoltnsr and pubes tsUe hove casual protons of Tie crier buloraimosde softenttf sabe Aid the glyeotan as ayy tisha {168, Glycerine andSis Lomesposteed Borax Lotion forthotonplesion, Gianean Pence pewWf yee whet Guar upuoreaior” te es momo Sot nyhe even perl, tha hathen iysss oe a wa eae 1169,ofa Poma dede Winon deavrnlopnsy YEncios. sTako of amas ces Hogs ld of 3 oxprssed ounessy spernagtty 1 odueo! hbase of ice al daly, a trA walfe ten Sid ones Toporialaldiioy dropsTan of ecg hy aapi a Colgan Ge orn rots; do to reey alosinet anwil, eadines may bended a aaguneral sivencmeti "Tein ald tbo ory soften, fdtooling,eckles erst a Pomads pots Reaut6; det doctstinen 16k" of “Take Véniag, "Pomade dospot tue hi ge) peer pare), 1h ones, (Pees), omer by’. nis Sancoy ‘Perey Sit fo af3 8 th amass ubwhit, ie ofnsted pole od sir eoldcthor Heapies ‘Deca both as ip-salve, iakers
grow 1165._ Shaving Pasto; Pate pour Fairo Barbe.curd-sonp ‘Lakou! (aivulried Naples-soapaa (zou ino), 4 laounces; orca), 2 ounces; honey (linest), I over fessonct of ambergeis (or essenco Yoyale), oil ff cassia, oil of butmer, of each 10 drops; eat them to a smooth paste with watarof ‘eau do roto; and pat it into covered pots (See Nos. 608, fe, nd 607.)
3108, Shaving of white saft-soap (see No, Paste, 000),4 ounces;Tao honey-20 1 ooneet Zones; altvosi eatbonato teeny, Uist ‘water 1 oF 2'table-speontols; fod, Drachma; mele alia thom together, and fon’ a paste, as efor, a litt ‘proot splat at-will,I drachm Som ef pereons melt ‘With1167,thetd soapseat, about rpermaceti. Colored 9 Collodion forretheapna Skin. 1and oaiedragon’s collation ean each bloel; for24tigest,heures with aad,ogitaton, ia A stoppered hia, i nesesfary,1168,"deant ‘Flesh tho elearColored portion, Collodion. 3 gnces cone racky he pals kane, i grains; digest, de.,as che Task receipe, ‘Dhl dries of good shin color, Dut its Bot vovatong as tbo voit of tho preceding 1169. by Glycerinized obtained nibstisitinge? Collodion drach oF may glgeeebe {neThis foe is thoexceedingly palin oll i nipple, tho preceding voceipt, does wot erack urAtslfscaleto ofthe ftom tho ski, aid accommodates mations of the part 1170, ‘Peruvian, or Hed pound; Lip Salvo, ‘wetTako root, ct aparmacsti Gitment, alka dor 4 drachuis; digest ata gentle Heat uot tenthe fist equired'a coastal a rel deep red Golo, pass hitas throw e‘tirin r, Whoa the Tiga drachays fe has balsam cooledofa Pera tle, dhoroughly3 inna few minttoe(it ans, pour andoff tho elearto 20portion flam tho dregs add £0 dropsit aitInto cloves. Daily, h e t o r o it cvele, pour theabo.pots mostorbnsea” ‘The prodce forts2 or tha3 finest exteome l i p salve. Arops eareneo andut vary abiberge, oF oF essence royale, ofimprove L171.using "Rose Lipdracbing Salvo. bulsay As theof above, bgt only: 14 Peru, ndArops veplacing do o f l o f cloves with a fewtho et altar of roses, orsuficieut to give {nie a narodlatsain odor allogether, of ross. Sono ma If tneoltho o m i t Frere ‘red, whito rose Tip salve. (See No. Tiss,Tiva,{formsWhiteLipSalve, ‘Tako 4 heatpoundof apertnaceti ointment, iy fe by tho ‘an wate, and str ajn before,drach werol or essence do petitgrain 1178." byGlycerine Lip SpareSalve,glvesrine This tois propated ailing f Uo Koy of tho abovethe WUllst melted fate, onoand_stiring mistareim heassiduously alve, Mixwas,togethLip Sal Swhito French cr Tira Ib 174,ennoesPrench lar, Lippees tite faalanlanto calor i fine powder, ofeach, Sanco; 1175,” German Lip Salve. Butter of cacao, 4 cuca;with Ona ofgentlealinonds, £ omneo; Mneltfogother heat, abd’ odd 6 Arops1176.essenceGantsof lemon. Cosuistiques, ‘Theso arein ‘white kid gloves, whieh have besn turned ‘sido ost, andof was, rishedoil, overtardysethbalsam,anelted Eompound de. ‘Tho Peruvian lip salve (seo No.1170) without ‘ho alkanet, may taster tho’ thopurpose, AM ‘excellent mithod for softening hands
ashes for Failing Hairor Lisiwonts Baldness, at eaongba ie i oege, atesn Quip to wasn rotor wi upload, foleles lon in arecha Sty those tay howored SPR dead eorely it Shrovk. SrRegetOR aettoyel,roel th ofshebail pensly of ae be ove Thi wilsytnrance listening Eoin ee EE italy ences Eon Shoat Sousa do
831 strayed. Tho loosening of the bale, which perrons, de thuse frequently occurs to Youve ‘oftho middle period of life, lt generally,n nlatoif ne:is sSueli Blooted, gonerally terminates, in women,veal aulbaldness. Eominaa Lesone of fn its mildeat form, it excessiveis notloosening lupe: tho hair. ‘Tho ease, however, imogined;the ond if Toss one which Is generally vill hale the pursued, bo treatment propor row afroah, and assoule its pristine strength, and those of the op. SX useful practice in men,is short, is Lo immerse r i a h whose sox posite {ho oad in cold water mornnig kd night dy the hair thorougily, and then brash the seal), is produced. |For women ‘until a warm low plan fs objectionable : and ths hair, long ‘with isto brish the tenlp until reduess flor are produced, thea dab or other of Bair oxeproduce the rools uf‘If thethe lotion smart aside, {ng ar teuderess, the brash may bethe, laidbrushing oceasioned ts seusation no if Dut ould bo resuiied, aid recotsd pplication ‘1 th Jotion mde. "This treatment should he ous or tiview a day, or at intervals pricticed of the Sf alow days, neearding toTesssthe ifstato iusexsibl tender, i namely, sealp: tappens more woqMendly, | When the baldness be well brushed in pateies, the skin should in distilled vin Wilh axel tooth Lrush, dippedor dipped none of eveting, and moriing fegar it eithetal these: the washer piven below. iritati tongthe skin, tions shoull Le found tno or diluted, and aise thon is smaller quantity, eis frequeitly. If they andhavedy’ thethiseffectincuof making the Mair bah by the wse of ail er ‘Venieace wigs bo removed alter eae application of the lotion, pomalum are vexy Pomatains for che growtha the laly basis The efficaey.. in lions tho o inferior aud restorers isch ie iuvigorators moattincture fof the er the vinegar of eanthariles; fr the latter iugredient yreparing of mothod the {s given in the Fest receipt.
DICKS 1183. theParisian Darken Hair, Wash Toke of to greenGradually sulphate often, Toto wines dite vn fr G grainsy gon wlite wine, 4 Inyperial pi perfume with enade Cologte to suits isk Favorite ‘among the fashionable Parisians ‘The above will ioa-inould Linen if permitted to eouse i eontact with I 1184, “Wash to Gradually Darken tho Bair, ‘Tako of ol iron roctifed (xreody ‘enisiea), 2 drtebmissolpbato “avuiednpuis; Spint, Limperial dnid ounce; lat rosemary, Wor ld dveps; pore sont water, # piety og face them togetber until salation aad mista avo eamplete. Many persis substitute the Strongest cll ale for the water ordered. nbove (See1185.No. 1188.) tho Hair. ‘talieof rastWash af avon, to Darken drachins wresrdupa ‘kl ale (strongest) Tuperial pintoil of Foxemuarg,12 Un 15’ drops; pu dea nto a battle, very loosely cork it auitatest daly for Wor {2 days, nnd then, ater eepase, decant the clear portion far se! (See No, 18.) Dry, Stubborn Hair, ‘The A180.best annWashmust foreeetee of Use eons ot Lp ounees avoisdnpois plyeerinediselved in Tinperial pint of any fragrant distilled watex, thabot roses,oF orate ur eller Bo on; 15 to 20 grains salt ut tartar (earbonato ft potassa) per pint, bycometimes added. 1187. 'Wash to Cleanse Hair qnd Scalp. "1 tewspuontal poder the horas; P lerspoonfal spistsof hartskora; Tq sof waters Mis All Lugether aud ap ly to. the head with a soft sponge; then tub the head swell with adry towel. Use omea& wes ‘Another excellent usethod of eleasine tho doain fs to takethe yolkofan eg, ahd yu Tt fn thorough litle at. tines LL Will prow duce a slight soapy lather, whiel shed bo rinsed ont with sult valor’ “This leaves the Sealp perfectly clean, and the hair sole aud silk1188, Barbers’ Shampoo Mixture. Shimnposing is a term used tor eleausing tho head nnd hiie. Salts of tartar (earbouato of i the priteipal urtielo used by bar~ potasea) hose for this purpose. Dissolve 1 onned ralts of tartar ia I qtnte soft raters sprinkle freely farmed; fon the head itd rub well Ul afatbors off with clea water. Bay rumean thea, Wwash De used if desired. 1189, Shampoo Liquor. Salts of tartar, 4 onnces: pulverized! borax 4 ounces} folk1190. water, "Fine Tallon,Shampoo Mis, aulLiquor, battle Zar his nse excellent wash for te hates anateby- disso fig t onmoe carbene af aumnouls. at 1 cence borax ia Tquant water, and. ailing thereto 2 emuces slyeesino, sf quarts Now England rom, and Laure hay nan. ie bai iy inovinge been’ mnistetied with. this gion. to bo shamponed with the hans ust a slight Tetheris famed; aud the Tatter beivg ten rashid ont with elear water, leaves the head clean,1181. and theHairhair Curling mist aud Liquid. plossy Take Doras, Bonnets yum arabie, 1 trachia; add hot water (not boiling), T yetarts stir, and as soon as the ingredients aye dissalyed ald 3 fable spoonfuls stron spinitvof eamphats On retiring to rest wet-the hair with tle above gid, id yoll it fs Geist of paper ae usta, Fluid. forfinest white the Hairyaa ‘make1192,enneeCurling aveanlaposs arabes pond mie sigur, 1 ounen} pure Lot wales, Imperial pint; disulve "Te the Lolli, whieh cold, ad’ nid cunees. S00 fied spitit; corrosive sablimate ut powder ‘l-anb ine each G grains; th Fast 10
CanVinegar of alveays 1178. ‘To“ThaPropare not 4 ion preparat tharides, ti storos,forsaoddays,is mado fobtaiaableng, in wilhtho drug oxnees 2 Snasoratid canthoriagitation es iu I pint acetic acl} powdere strain and Then press ng Hair. for Restorides Wash 1179, with vinegar andof cauthari fF cauouncotla Culogu Mix wats rose I ouea ‘umes des, 2 cue of canthari tneture}drachi Oz, 4do ouneo oil of ustaieg, and fet Cologne, WW arops.ol of lavender buck Seald water; 's Tonic.builing fit Hair 1180. Mor 1 gallonelyearin withouoes tea, io, 2 aniounoes e; 1tincture 3 od }ineo quart rum bay nd rdes, feaatha perfnie. Mis woll Ly shaking and ivethenGlyceri ne Hair 181, Tako! "Regenerat ounce, aveilupors, elyeerine Wash,” , 4 Impo(Prices); stroogest eat do. aCologae gravity (specific omoni liquorot piney fial ; 1 Hid drain ol of organandt 1530-862) exch vad dracbany Wactureo tilofrosemiary, es, 1 fluid neo; briskly agitate cautharid then addwell§ minutes, for8 ot 10water, togethort camphor 8 ‘trouges atideof gain, Us atidra of easohe Tydtate.added.A few Andvupsexellent lotion, hair chen One fut supersede the necesito wag ok Hair Wash. Wilson'sstungust Erasmufils omaces ex ‘Take162, linpetial des, Lite of‘of canthari Cologne; tincture. 40d. ollTt afit lish oil uid Invender, wis,drachm deachms rosernary’, by.each,the addition ukd 2 of nsproved ‘of origason, oF ly its subseiution for tha iy I pint ihthetearspiritTite ur before aeexpeladinistin hale bue the omission of the fatter ameasife Silof lavender, odorous do ron tenders i less
to seea it thm together, ater rpurp, deca th cent or eat sewiJavan, ‘eau dohairGologue,nistened. tho Baittwristn stiaisatatoreunperg pia aIhe Aran et tos ‘hoatting or papllates, Faulkde Side Noo or papers ia it Wet the fingers. Shake before msg. rae eechaeoanaewy fal aes nose Ueda wr pepe luid, 193. 'Wild Rose Curling eel ans ate aoe ahi tartat of sal dry avoltdapoin drach ‘make et, the Bac o f gous omnia, p ofliquorpotssea);of eintonia Carbonate do prepare the tre dient take 3 drachins $FStachn e,and esprit Gee; ‘ToaroiEipis of alerygtodi fescue spiityanch ds iad ee, ergata Taper H l ovens 1) Linperaldigest,Haidits«aces; ectiiewater, 18 otices; Soe tiled week} and thon secant on filter.agitation, pee end eiswack ctr e‘oppred The ton Hee ae Bae the ever ee sigan fora Toosely feng tthe bet divareuof the ree andasi Uien ty wrth re Abogeatimended Uae ie hr lads drs, ‘Tho effect necus adjusted. 1194. Drying ‘Washes for Moist, ips fev Stya ho wih 4 arecine cf Lax Hair, Noidakedractiny uf essential of almonds, totfortron, Hind ouneeatchot ued ater, Timpertal ol of oicasi # fui Salis eaborones uly A Ov Aracins essence of eves mats, Did drach; ree Bftonsa Cot Heid ounce”welts, This hehe Parca ee a theretotheshinn dani $4 uk ny anda erat ma bally, with bask agitation, 1h aveirdupots toluene aselp putty in a stoppered chy aren ene ine ek fuieds distilled wate ingum-arabie. whic bas eon iehair Fila aed aye af Shy Headsoely ley suemars lel serarel eee ved 1 ounce finest ‘The Ban atte Seas atestage suiou fae Bae hemes eee Pe ffiguid, ind. sealp aro slightly moistened with the san fori as the lloilo hair at once arrangedung without ace cngeds ey fat thence cont Sia saan oi ple te vipng186,andwtRose effective, and now expolitious baie de Maoh bel Bair yeh come te Bandoline. Steep 6 ounces Sentent, Inve a the'ong isl rose ay dings peru snd aires in gallon for 0 howstrois gums tragacanth ater, stining. frequently; through Other ‘nearly ‘similar mordants are recom loth, ad Tet i t tan for’ a few days thon 1 good2 wibies woodhquor dacrent Strait again and work into ie drachins oil of pees ott take Emla tami ones, (See No. 1154.) Mix 1 pint spcit of est ache; gest aie balk of water. ceo}fs ves water Gaited Glose. ‘Hair Pisidaeting; 1196. oY ea Hgude the Jasin ‘and drops auliue, with # pounds wing af ‘edited Na: Plann’ ae Dye pre glveerinc. Dike1903,"‘Motiod lowing real of sing the, rai a Lady's Hair, Dry to How 1197, ‘Phe Indy sbould restau dn over& loungetho orend.a sola,-& tan (pereol eas) to hel Staton wi bey long har9 or hangi3ng bits of jepited. ehareoal Bre 2oFin {Huhau eontainiug Wiboreata wettea gaty es anes wits ated Ferreeof pare mty powdered a litle ftel,” snderuponit, thoal highted iat water, or of tho highest strength then placed "The sprinkled coee et otto witoutmakeretaing th adn, Dengoinamoke Fotiate t iatateee im Eat strongly with and iscombined vives cekd whichbeni fn mg aon teen wee thik SANT teri wthoumnly tho peatnae ope Dprogoated eld,withrapidly sbsorbs the moisture ik SLUR tant eal rte Barbone d's ao by andto. abortion ef gah aoe RT the ‘hair, which shouldbe previously well He{he parts RrBint {prompted hes apple ‘wiped way with towels, so asto boa fro rom wot Hast? te oor fra thot mes Aer nie Ghia Laem get Dt ad a fe" eco tho ha HOD Naps’ of Sap shames tbo" nale i s erect div, bectilly perfumed, and r e a d y ieougtty For the dperation of the brush, yer riton‘bot Ugh Nor upmolstosed ican of withplns yellovr tint to very light hair, and a golden
pre nomerousdiferent, Dyes,eendedy‘The under air arab a baieoeof have feneraly annoy but anddyosyest sents Kato to an eq A sednceyclassoccur calion inwiihauy other cosmetics of Beteut, pyro eruca: swath, conten tad ia vege cesta astro wid oetivo.ngr slio‘aid,an their Buestorethese evientny fice, the I with ane Bre sV100, accion t Thesimplei HairDye. “Walnut orskell bark the ef jes expraced tho form bait watts This thofo venerable Atys greanaf Paulus thie preserve added y seouhmonl t i p s octal ide Fea’ gw a statin, foilat lve lettin Loge, secntonal Sigel the clear pur fobs week or fortnight, tered. an iwheneceseary, lon iy decanted,litle common ealt is added with
‘Sontetimes tho samo intention, Tv should be kept in a oul place. ic Dye. ‘Tako hotof Hair 1200." Pyrof gall dissolve it in do acid, TY onuce;, pyrogallie water, and, when, ounces; Uisilled of rectifed: solution has cooled, gradually beaddmado w tite pint, # nid onnes.. Temay strouger of weaker atul willBlack Hair Dye. 1201, Beautif tiquids Take ‘quis ig composed ulols2 diferent recent salphuret Gdrachins eroindup d good suid Water, 2 Imperialagitate ff potassiwan; distille j drach 11 potassa, of Liquor ‘ounees}
rain aoeyakoe what Id caeyurebey’sonra, saree Lath ikonAnyte tenet" ie Stir ate as powihe TineSein ono innow byfonovel seelantalby sing conta fro dyor ho Bom gta nails ies weitel o ect oipope Tleraeot entho Seren erTilaft prevely ated teeiin th rtesponge ARE te for inuey, Shon al the baitfalaacunged want wata and’conn wiped Sirol ta ibe ab tao naprTee fer {Geota seman ule bute rs fe howe Sometimes the two operations ave reverse, sere ys meeapplSurman Hic thebt earsaab thasos meaaed min realy rai ole Pocus Worpenly ganged ay bo oa on Wis iS agate. or HydroBotaH7208,""Hydrosulphato’ sulphuret of Aaa) Aromobin Cass call See ol lvee Best fang te ba wit cer eee nial doyas htt terse Stentpharet pats haa of tine,tNs Seema tet neat to ecto Slay far,ert ontct tosupine tho flere guyar ah BeRiory 8 asd 0 Sigleld et'Grmeuae PA gaspielanit antbo fepias te ope snparaiane Teamen aad pronfvek nate thu9 pee dest sorta Tress o f lin whieh fuee fae conta Tage tbe osetia ‘hon is tsa of toys MAO ealnnsladof antlmony hpdroeiphuse! ashoonlsthe
ibrown to darker hair, owing to the formation of Lienlphuset of tn 1209, "Rich Yellow Hair Dye, A sotudionof acetate or nitrate of tend, followed by amordant of yel ow ciromste of potash, selves a brilliant nick fone, golden @yellow. fel warmer or deeper fox deopsfeat. of 30. Tntion of diacetate of leat (Goslari’s extract) shonld ie added to the avetate solution. “A solation of pure annetin obtas ir bole
ingritin water orslighty alkalized with eaehon. Me.folden of tof, wit su of tatlan, gives to8 yellow or flame yellow, accoring fiing steongth todarker very br. palehair, 4. previous andersespind tones to nortan fofvalun-water deepens i, wd a subsequent ‘washing water soul brorangvinegarwith tullens itor willtums Temit ox Jucotho 1210, Brilliant Yellow Hair Dye, A solition”of a nouirl salt of irom (eilphate, acetate,of earbouato oF elorido),of seta, followedor saleIi aweal ol oF tion of tartan, lime water, gives a de warn Yellow orthe naneen col hich wh on oh tona he laterHeease ia apt to astnmne aun fT shade 211, thoBrown Hair fe byDye. a A solution realy wa of topermanganate color hfeof potas brown, in Uewater”proportion ofhate1 Uy ouneo to L'quart of The ub Simi,he fitswheneleaused edeby a hylato anussolntion ateof jy and the solution of the permangaats.apDlied to the ba, be not ta the skin, a Us
833 would also bo colored. TL dyes the hale im. hair must bethe cleansed mediately, foro using above, of(Seoall No.grengy1213)matter be and the desired sho iay'ty ob: lained by applying shore or less of te elie ex,1217,Take Magic Hair Colorer and Restortion, Show of sugar of lead, 4 ouneo; lac Bulthe: bands becom stalued with
JtArochldrie they canacid,be clean with afte ditt hy dye is not permanent, buts vary easly This renewed with wtsoth- brash, 1212,” Golden Brown Hair” impartod Dye: Brown hair may bave gotten tone toe br thedyesjdieinns application of any.baitof tho yellow already noticed, Light ‘may’ previously a wart “A lightsoe thown bobefore applyingdyed the of latte. lution of sulphalo of copper (ite vitriol), followod by horn a olution extately of erroeyanido ofbronpoe fas, rh gen ‘orSenseo bronso brown nae to light bur, wien tho pro 215, "ThoCautions aboutof Whe Aplywove ing Hair yen. application dee t0'as to produco appropri and agreeable fas, toquzea more comsigoration ail‘Thos: expo Fonco than that of the Mackalpes, Plexion, tho atonal coloroberof thoated hate oF hofreustancen, personadoperate on. with sto early. consider Teforehand, mid allowed fe Unfeseall thee Points bo aitendd to, tho party ago on igi tone“ ‘iele srangey alteed Taiti eppearange, and kinds probabhil forth worse. dyes of al only actcleaneffectively and preseuce atifactorily on ste. pe focily bat ‘The cr the ft ontamination of ely les n erthelrpressy matt ‘wil arost cr gently action,Tener a Foner ie unequal tn different parts, tho al weasel shout soapbe fit thor fugtly. with warm thon tise "wih ep water, anand ‘wipod dry ofprevious toof their appteatins fev grain toda or salt of tawater, earnWil HaTectiaof potassa) added to the fist ise Trthathasgaseons been 5 Istofor this ose purpose fetal by aThe hasolution sha boghlorne cleaned s e a r m ofWhitgad, maisan washed Aferwieds With water pt ho. into a.ale jarm theand. jarhlorine gas introduced,cfs until fou Froenish, Allow il to sto for 24 hoes an IPhocesrany spe tho operation. he. en ployment of biosidefor ofthis jrogen hasit beng been flanovecrrecommended paryone, way muperior to thovother nts Ud thas the drawback of being difficult. to’ prepa 1315, Lotions to Change thenoeColor of ‘the Hair. “ O A winter of lotions exten Eivoly and Hate sold undereect tho naan: uf Meilo ndvertised Manuarete for the Han” de, Whieh pneport toe store the growth of the Ttailoen.s is Tend, ‘Tho coloreombiued ustivoan improve agentwithin allthe thse, prepara gtlphar, and bythe troquent application, darkens the halt, his1 migjority at eases, probably, moderate tosee ofc @ otion would. bo ‘nattended leche ate for remnmberng That palsy has been known to be peudaced fhe long eantinned use of eosinelies. conta ing lead. ‘The following receipts show how these1216,restorers are made: “Hair1 draclon Coloringlng sulphur; which issugarnot afa Dye, Take iod'2 ‘water, 6erupless ouneess tayglyeesing, and perfumeBounces} todicted 05,hepato Ino sulphur and’ ofrigar of lead, each fancy.“i om (coppers 10 grains; glyectine, 2 ooncos; mater,Vere6 ounees; Endl perfime: Shake ell seuntil bud apply with a sponge every o t h e r day { chango of colorfs obiained, after which ouc ‘pplication each week will bo seit. The
hur, ne, 3 drachG ounce ms} s;aquawaterammoniy, 14 ounces; yetri milcho ontto on Bi iitcy.” otis OF, "ms, aid erun eat rheo t a k e of Ia. siiur and eage teady ‘eantb cach’ aridesdrach; tinchuros of eapsieun aid , 'S eachounces4 , ounces lyesrine, 3 ounce s; water, Apsly porta as aheke Romno t emplo y'wiy ’ greasy oily mtag hate1218.prepaHair raionResto ss rativ “(Seee.No 1313 ake 1 drac h8 will of sup , 1 deneh n alat a ot Toate Arachis trate of end, fd urea gly Sern 8 rom fuk oes bay wae uy 4dMt tog oes maiga and I pint and sake bere eng. ‘ets DePilat orios, | rrepwatios tor Temoving superiueds nie fom the Reie, andThs thoconhaehise sto tev ro tersuiphuvet of ace: (opt rent) ne the ws of enpinent i dangarege, fepeetaly ease of iy fenabrasion ofolutionths skintof ‘Tho. ease deplatny strong sulphnretaf barnny Te adesholdinto bo & pied paste within porret sates. Inoitely ate ie mined, and itoted tore nai thee for 5 at 10
wiinmtes, (Seo! Now. (0 5.) 1220, Martin's Depilatory. Apply 9 tight eniting of sudpbure ted thosalphida ctto Sat cum tn the pact Gaim whieh haiti Ue egnaved: after 10 msinates it nay Lo washed ‘ff and the akin wil clean, i221," Boudet'st ofzetiuny ‘Depilatory. Mixzed)y 3 ‘shydro-sulphnce (eryatali 10-parts finely poxtdere quieting, andTL pacts stare. “Jushould uot be appied tonger fin 2'to 4 minutes. "Very wileetive asd 1222, quiekling, Chinesef-otace Depilatory. Mix aut8 coubees diy pealaeh telphitet of putaseiciny apply a ret lat fgTotnes 1223, InTo Apply a Depilatory aa. Paste," user91229)the hich chcmealare teplatorice (Gee Nox. 1819 inthe state SH‘ales,powder, are male tno a paso with warn and shaved inareditely applied to tho Vong part rovioualy elas, alle etareh Feneraly alded to to thage whichth dastonot eons Ei onder ene ore Mahegeable. Sumetines s o n p l y e i y uso, Steal ef waier,to form the paste. a woegten tepistebone Knife should bowsed in preparing this 1224. To“Another Apply mea ofDepilatory asi 0@ Plaster, appleatin ine to etong pt rtr thick Hea i Hhoena piece of paper, and ‘apply @ Plaster. Tn feat 846 10 or 18 timate o Fooner if washed nied smarting oeetnsWater tho anda pesto shotid be olf with wan cintméntape site cepiatores cold eveam Hide part, or “heany Hoult plied tothe Lasually thickened with stacch powder, Defare application, (Seea Hide Nas. 1219 (0 1222) 1225, Cautions About Applying
Depilafories. Both cinsses (seo Roos aA dau 1324) reqnita caution n these nse. They ‘howl be applied to only a enfaco at & timo, and great eore should small bo taken 10ata preJat hem rtcaing to tho djanat ‘They fone their propertion anloss keptontiely ‘Scaltded frou drytho ones airy watt and wojustliqaidbeforemusttheirhe ‘ded to tho Application, then forno. iomediate snore should. ailzed than is aadrequited use bo
cented Oils; Perfumed Oils.
Tho fixed oi! that usually
ted ols of
Sceasionally ‘used Gualition In Franco, impartingthreofragrance iffeene £0 moles fro adopted for shos0 oil.1287, Perfumed Oils by the Adaition of Easential Oils, or Alcoholic = Bonces. By thossinplosidition of a saliva quantity of tho ossntial cit ofthe plant,of ot theof Hofubatanco, concentrated alcoholic ssoneo if it docs notthe farmish on od, ition fl Towed by’ agitation; whole being allowed toflreporichfor afew days,So: boau tnif as fetmene sow ‘ifthe ingredients azo olfpure),into tanother ho eleae por ecantod or poured hotthe {the ento of aleobalic essences, itis better in ae Hae should ees sarod by placing eanthowithbotsa suitable or voislmouth (a wel-tinel Doctloor aud neck foraoiking ie tho best and mot convenient forbath,tho. ‘before parpose)addingfor athes,short timoa d the, fn a water allerto Aghily and firmly eecusing with © eS, fagtato it until ecldof 9 orconearlyostentil sa, Tool, gener, Teo 1p dvachmna or 319 4 Maid drachins of 9 eanceatrated ex of fised vas {pln to render fallen byDore fragrant; bn in Pom cases,drach ad foe th quality, an additional} ofther,tho willonoy'and 1 to 2 Ulvid dacs bo required. Lavaehs ofof roses, owingi sificiont tn the veryfo pow ts odor, tho prspsn0:13 otalowamberfris, bergainat, cams, cinnamon, lavender, iomons, miesHoses, a nk hero) nutmeg, oranpe-owers, all other” similar sentedchisly cis, employe nay ths are above ‘Tho ade. Tair commoticn with,otra inmostoil cases, tiling dons of oer or nace foumodify ond iaprove (Cooley) tseir odor. Some of colored.” Oila by Infusion them are also‘Perfumed super svstances, alter being aust),rele Tey oF sliced.to contas from treo (but powder Emall; dowers or petals thoafterstems being andeave other picked. from elected, feontless portions, and palled t0 picers} ed fot, unetuods, and. sesinons. balsas resin, aad shatter, eivet, mus, Siaborera, for bere Fabbsd to & paste feith 2 ‘ho ofl tiico ltner or withtheicoor without tha aditian of about their weight ef cl Sleeous sand or aopowdered. plas, to full {ho reduction), digested. in tho fixe viat forf gentlo an hourheat otobtained two, in bya moans covered of vessel, a wat Dath, frequent stirring of agitation borne ploytd al tho. thotime.bath, ‘hoand vorsel Tesloved from set asidois then (lor flowers) until tho next dag, or (for athor aut stances) fir 9 to7 slaps to settle, won tho lear portion ivearefaleWithdecanted fato a civets clean hottie or bottles ambergei, Sisk ad vanilla,ix wsually ehe digestions mitforh foeab font agitation, continued Feast aul expire of thesituation, vessel imat tfhseeneraliysun,8 Weeks ofsstitdsome equally warn Turare the hostemployed,of theoat feeo fat. When dosvers oily allowedby cothedria uit and the remainder Hnobeained ution ofafanrers press. aro“Thoodied ewe portions bei mixed, fest {o'the his”oi, Saain, au whe withwhalefeesprocessowerfv repeated fad or 6 oFiat" afuener, wil the vil fy sullen (Cooley). otfrouthe seuextraction of perfume From rose leaves te woods, from bark, fom gis, there apnea tobe
othingconstantly better thanot dboglycerine, aud na thisthe usomostof iis inerease, ‘sy ode etyOile sere a 20." Perfumed b y Endourage. A lingsoreson ofcachsballow itou Ring frau, closadapted or ather, and together, ine provided, © peesuponof white, spengy then cot ton-eloth is atretcued each ab ffes\p moistened with 3sollestof falda almonds,its oielayee orSr ban. On tho cloth flowers, omaudtheeachpreceding train, fsno, thethasatilfresb-plucked covered, 1s placed a compact plo of them ie raised. Ta Sto 20 hous the repeated dowers are every replaced. byof ffesh ones; and thisis day, trety other day,beenuntilcononeed, 7 ar B differant lotsbaaof fowers hero oF tho oll Socomcotton-cloths suteietly arecharged with theircollected odor, ‘Tho then carefully sabe foes est, audplaced the ‘pressed ofl which ows trom them iy "alter jag to soto. buttes orperfeéty Tntinecorteit becomes SUT and ia clear ‘bottes Soo realy intotrayaotherwith per to be decanted ifn Sometimes foreuroarasale. forated bottous om sebiel are Laid thin layera slightly Of‘ny cotton-wool fumes andwithcotton:do forthe moistened are stbottated kh above referred to, Sometimes, also,
Bae ota saat
Peay at
eortae air Oia, To a6 sebgane pa et Esrildeeligeatag ia inal aes pe ae eet cen o e es a ne ted conn serio Ola, in oge ee EL ere tagsatsarerer ees ra a, ai Bee cas ancy enor tne el ey Wego eaeie te Ns aae oe ere ie B 1233,
Heel ht2 Aaa 01 Yalow or
drach mix."Hench Huiles or Hair Oil 1244) ‘Tho huile antique ou jasmin, aux fleurs d’orang Taot rosin aerove, 8 la volt, sede i breach prensa cea Selives,or oer of th band fixed ols {amor or ten, stugty sated with tho (huiles) of the respective flowers, or some (See No. 128 to foe arly, ‘spiouc-eaves, or lavender, Stnerprepacation 2a)14S, Marrowef hem OM, ‘Tako ollrifed bee rmavrow, 1, omens rotrdupols of sinon, Tapesid pat; ctmelewil themoll’n tepathenmigh andea ol of 38 ask; Ge eas Seentihomidtare Shon; ambergesy 1 daebi; oi (ainoad, pate oi by anymaoy.Marrow‘Thatfatef utthe tehas elon asa En stores Tanfens aston. he apropata sents aro the one Weare pee It i s ganeal med aighy allow Uy ieabe of 2 Ei pall fail 3 from Fot024 ngula houre, Pomade4 pou or Oi, tongain Mae erate for 12 fame iuthroigh 4 poundsfivemelee atowhenwarm.cold addhe Strain mang frase wilthe Usbeansfound £0 bave auld 9 fine Storer Fomadeway asor forOi,fonqu This ietodis?1be7."Vanilia prepared in the game By ensitung Yount of Sale Orange, A yellowup onda ltl orangosnot tinge may be8 fiven d y rabling wit Porton of theatsof whilst ho, andon more thon simply, adding Beto thorest guntloheat} Uy adding a itl bright pan el to fe wink
Big, moover map ols Gm, ears ats ac as irae oe
So ori, Se atorsoa mony, ts
Geo TE a ial ahaha aed Hai gran tke ot von Hb dese Beicae See 1240. ‘Oil of Ambergris; Hulled’Am:
of bonaleoOil.gallon;Oil strong ar Macass 1248, 4 noisette, of cil zllon, s atiar of rose,aitar2 drushie quart;t, attar l, 9 of Portuga 3 ounces; of eltbergamo mix ounoss; 3 musk, of tincture onddigest with alkanot root (Ibe colo), founees} ,pperet fogathet botto for'a wesk, thon trail {e'Reto ‘and bottle ‘1249. Cheap mado of fixed of
are Hair Oils, ‘These olive (usually almond orseented
tu y quality, receding Uy ésgradually up being made detictene the ttay, swith For tho simple oil, the bergamot, attar, and an y, yosemar shodid, of ol of mixturo Dy . A for drops of neroll, oF ci. of Dingamot jasmin,of briooil ofax mise of & 3 itulo geranium, org bergris,or HuiloaAmbro, ‘Tako of finest drops 2or ut Gravitho feith royale, oro occasionally added to ime nvergrls 4 to6 drachins avoitdupeis; and Tilo SitSha (limon or bon),(See1 Tmperal modify theador. prove and slightly proveed byalive, infison. No 1288) pints Castor ol,canthar. herous, ‘TPricop $380, the vat 95 pot cent. alcohol, bpioi; timeture woridog ly mado fs quality Secoud ‘bamPAL,with Oilpintof ofBalsam fresh of of Pora,, Tako b os, fonsces oll of alkauct hergamot,root,2 drachms (See No with palopiak & Color voirdujois ounce pure baleain of Pera, and ) fot oil'of almonds, 4 Imperial pint; agitate Baldness. Oil for Incipient 1861. thom together unt perfectly mlzed, aad for the most con[Perhaps and commonest, ‘Tio ihort tne afew aterwaray then settho thocleaDotto of the epared cosmetic easily prequal ‘veniont.13.0 audwixturo por docant. day tincture of in parts {yond of is com: Kfofind, eaatharides sud olive oil or almond oil, drops, 20 or 20 nutaiog, of ‘Oil tions only addedoilsto inerase ia alto, nationsby "Used to simply agitated. together,abd ondcleanlyshaken before to isl. liquid pre: fata; apd other ent effective more A tase. ok wah st ta proof ana restore aration may bo mado bytho substituting, inImprove h1242, igh repute among many pertons. ofl, and adding1 for rum) good (or pint Olof Benzoin. Tokeand finest gum tofoanco1h drachms (Price's) to exch of glyeorine ale o f of of the mnixture, a corresponding increase avoids, Loum venroin; by inf inc} and 't Imperial of the tincture, oats proportion made in tho to compensate for this aldition. This prepaBion, "(See No. 1208) Usod proeced to conseyalto theto Sing ration lmparts ag mich moisture and gloss. to bengsin to ether lls; and Scent ‘the hair at the former one, and is much more preventof ranedity, Distilled Mixed or in its aotion on tho scalp. substituted Oils, Resential Mixed ‘{b49, Tho following aro oso exter. gonial water, is often rosemary oF rater, conta’ hui ongof, fortio prook activo preparaUoties,purpose A atill more foresamaling seent spirit.of tiaeture pormnorus is mado of cantharides. and which Tor esprit Fmnatey, tlycerino only. band at kept commonly in them of Trvatter of anypie,ono prosot 1 ofouncerecited ty ‘thoadddruggists, piut a to {Wem for por, or perfume esprit aneleagreeable Aiveeg Pomadappropet of Poma Tame aad aegmor of Oi tina of es. soontad greasyor matter ‘Any tums an (Bngich) lavender o f o i l tqlneath ach 1 ounce; of fats, used, Aby mixture consistence,to bo of used, acc omens ni” Gro oil forate intended ia dressing tho hair, drashna; 2 p o s , orange oof of add fast y s e t ow s commonl a p tmder tho namo of poalos, rach i, Or: ake ao ber alum or poniade, “Tho usual bais of ont mot, lemon tnd do’ orangepetit grein, peel, 2of Arachme; cad ary ponatum oF pomate for uso in this el essence Ffaehthe; mato, is either @ mixture of 2 parts of hog's ail of eloves, 11 dragoms;)oll’of cassia,
tan past ofof beef suet;suet;or ofS partsof Tan and and 1 pares mutton tho fat oF pre-i earetullyreudered {ng both previously 9 gicfor by ned touster aie then aul red eat," Tho Tattor mixturo is chiefly ‘white folate pomatim matier or pomade, Been of andfat, ‘iboe waed_ to seant his Should bo aduet tof aa sted up. with after it hassolidify, somewhat coated, bat beforo 2 Thehe. sits to i onder to prevent low. tinseentod of-tho mixed pertners. fats form the (Coal) plain porade or Donation 1253, Pomades, “To Burify "SsetSuette orlard Lard forthe Maicing form Indy of pomados andthe thatrenderedtheiesuotaaxt quality maybe bssubjected duexcoptiouabies fo porfamory.» purifying process, inorderhy met ta fe tr uso in "hia i cone jogoripsint tho rendered fy toameled tho heat omof 3 res saline alin‘ Andflu aiding tot,curietsehlonio wwadvall, Lounce powered ond 2 of soditny (pure {abla falt to every Bit pounds at fat ner Ereatment The fica stocenaLecontiaued abe 2109 Fab, nll ecuma to tino tothe faace, whieh coutaias ll bo thoskimmed organic oftand ther inpuritis, aud mst fast arisbolting formed. The cfean ft stone then jars, strained throngs eloih Suto anda Tete cool, i t isnext to bo spread upon teal tao Habcree , tho topati surface of whichca is stating ron bo aig cal) Sich ranade to provid Novolve wha Dy suitablosanegoatoie Ts to roller,i allowed or miler,9 roeaees over thoity and fat Goldwater tecklo upon bisdisolves fie fits Afterthesalino this the fiaimpucities heatedeemaining until allin waters col the fae wilcpelodiyovaporaton, bo fad to bo very When Whito and sweet sta prnseevo ta condition a ia and Die, and steblo for we with tho most dei Hess odors exis 1254."1 ewt_ofMethod offreshPurifying Fat,ot ‘take peretly grease either Tard or andbeefpond sutt;. it-well cut thoin gteace foto when small pieces, a v mortary Reiswall eruahd,foei, wash it withis water repent sill, lism tho water as elear after ‘wthdeaaring the grease at before it #35 DMEa in,low MThofie, grease has now to bo mellad over ding thereto about 3 ounces erse fallzed ‘alumni power, anda handful of Dut ale grease bol fetfeetue seconds nowfor sales, fommoa {ow fe to bub a only; thena fern tho greaso trough fino tigen ito dep ai allow ibfor to oboct stand 3 tohours. clear itself from pan, ail dexpusites, Thothe into pat be to again thon is grease lear pan, ovora brightwater,hte andadding thereto aboatpow ounces about rosa Srdquarta Atred gumall coum benzoinythat ftrisesallowed to boil gentiy, and is 19 bo removed, Ul ieia ceases to deep bo produced; "finally the reac put nto pans, and hea cold {ikem eacfuilytee,off andthe may sdiaientary watersan ineit for Kept be then efor JsAst pe tho haba or prinepta fancid, [evil bo observed that tne Tauro in tisTo process is the Melted usp of bunzoin. 1255, Perfume Fat,netted"In aulding aromatiea or perfumes to the fat, ts tomperaturo mist bo adapted to their relative degroo of volatility.» Essential oils IiAlcatoaleoholfo essences, puricuanly tho moro anes, compatible are added St “with che lowest possilo femperatare” theit “pertect tunlan s i t h the fe; whilst substances 2 tho aromate renin a balan aabettor mel toSolution tho faaidmoreGnion fullyDy stirring Liquotety thoaiding their mass with ‘wooden, Bone, or poreclain ilo or spatul. ‘vith often the tater after to theallowuniontho 43 misturo complete,te itis necesary reposo for a thor! tine, and to pour it oft
from andtho essences, droga before adding the thoessential Civ and concluding, work. (Sees, 1261.) 11256,off To¥Finish Pomades, In fn ishing pomtates tiooffmeted are adopted, the #8it desired appearance fevondingpave.fo tho, Sti intend 1g srbieh Sihould Bo opagae stud wie, should bo sired Should a Kaifo or spatila assiduosslpfo with tr beaten sequits concrete,beforeoF has the fit beansconsistence, ‘init potting ta.considerable ‘hut thon iisdesired that ehey should be tans pret or crystalive, tho clear guid mase i ened into tho pots or wholo lottes,ts lowe previouslyto Mghtly warmed, and the ool vty aloes thou lagof call dictas." aPor@ ivation Freo fm draughts {ho ordinary pomades a mixture ofharderlard ote’, ad tet fa gonetally employed; forthe fut elielly or wholly? ora tle purointended white war or boeswns (actorling to tho olor of thoite prodet) t8 melted with the fat Co Snereavo solidity. or white. pomades, raion setsgt.is ezplnyed for others, gen. eral beet Ih Uiow whieh aro artiGel. pcoloret eer may boeteused; int bet ane 48Finopreferable when etbor appearnaee i dosed. (C for Fat, ft 1267, Coloring Maiters. fstho)oftenprepara desirable,fat ashusematter of tare, lo tinge for peximcey hots, rocdss ven below i s applicable to all Whether sot Oraddition fi of lor ma inshoepor imparted by tho piements der, butoil, these are objectionable for postal, Hist and creams. ‘Tho coloring mater thoald ho disolvid oF steeped fn the melting ft ‘1258, hotore sconting i u . (Soe No. 1209.) ‘To Color councer alkanol root forPateveryPinte,poundTiruiso of fab4 fed; melt the fatautoverdigesta watae-bath, addbowthe bruised lkaet, foe covert! Birain the mistavo tough botting cloth, andft, allow tho ele iid ft fo col Tae row colotela ova deep pintof ixwlworlbomen a9 a coloring Ricavo olor Lposnd of lite fab, by simply aelting fhm1259,togotho‘To Color Fat Yellow.ie: A yellow coloring ft may bo prepared 0g in the Tat receipts by nsing, instead of the allanet, Toone of Toanoltn £0 Fatthe Green. pound of fa.Thc same 1260,” Golor process is Noxa groen 1203, coloring with freshft wale Bat‘1261, leaves,followel will give Hssences forof Seenting’ Pomatums, "Millelearoil lemon, ¢ ounces gzsence of oof amburstis, 4 ences; oll Cowalip— of clove Bounces, lavonle,2 ouncos, fssonee ofoanees; Dorgamot,al of16 love onncns;¥ounens essence llof Keen, orachiey f orange-pecl, 2 bognet,2 ‘ounces; il eds; of jasmin,oll of tau Uo bitter almonis, 16 drone16 ounces; or generat Useof gsseuce of bergamot, essence Frmon, ro oof organ and oTonnces. f cloves,8 ounces cach 2 ounces; o i l of orange:peel, “(Se Nos. 1213 and 1555.) 1262." Pomades by Infusion. aco prepared by digesting the olrous. Those sub antes is the Simple potoato (ee No. 1955}, ft a veryaceneding goutlo toheat,thelror nature, 2 or 3, (0.8 ofway10 Tours, i a tho “Ol (oo, 182)5 unter abel noticed ‘bsccving to sti tho mistaro freqaondly, and toduring keep thetho reset! coverad as mich as possible wholeaud timo.pul T topastpees, of toRowers,ot arelully picked parts u'pomade, arethe tsvalis again proportions ‘phe nest day the mixtsro Tested any er Doing wie for greatly hoe imo, a thrown into a . strong canvas hag, Sphich is then securely ted, and ak oneo sab Tnitted to the action of & powerful press (This should” ave heen previously made
DICKS moderately warm. ‘This is flected either yy means of @ steam jacket, or by fling it with
hot water.to: perfetly In the fealatter it cas, carowatershouldbeforebe taken fran tue.) Thetints,wholewithoperation i(lowe, thon repeated, Sovetal fresh of ottetbo Valky odorous substance, tnt the pomad Bulfiientiy fragrant.in owers, Tie wil Lastly, roses io 3 thoto Grimes it weight fase of fawers, the. pomade isleatlqucted fa @ foveret vessel, at cl gentlo as beforoy Sid afteradhoring sullenmoistere,seposo to peed allow offit forto doposit Stock, or is tt once petted, "To abtass es fences the withfat theis treatol withoi, spine, whichtho ombiues ‘essential easing far‘This withlatter ellforms8 strong ior ofpoinato. tbe Mower‘Tho the French Ullicate sone flowersabsorption is pated tipflowage) heats portane andi adopted the ofprocese (en (Seo No. 63) Tho hou ofresins, procesling with &e.,tho aromatic barke,ot serds, balsam, tha duration tho thofision, and the propartons taken, ae, forespunding moet buites part, similar to thoee of tho eo or ote oil; butof hereike thenas, Brae Er abwtaness ant fro only bruised, grou, or sliced. very belore smal perder to actial ft not redteed bo as, by cannot. like 23faepomades, digestion, fltration dust or powder from freod Ehreugih fine media, or hy repoee fa tho cold,of inthis way are. prepared the. poxnades Batson of(giecn}, Pert, Hesauin, cassia, cinnamon, lavender orange ossums, ors rook (riot), tases (colored),the storax, van, and peta Reeth en ar, Serer Shiar known ot im this eountey b Psagreosn)”e andntslaspoken ae “Pomade aux Mera Teo,” hiaa simple Vanity"method eo. (Cooten) Piosee proposes Senha peanit eesied,perio prepare porate fn and,fone we Procureper quantities; ball of een, doablo ghie-pot, extractperfectly fet suihe ondinary, vésteltho capable ofareHolding a poundput of fheDpnindinuer “Iviven lowers iu Dicom of fte land into the baling inner fesse of into tho water sullekent pot; pow ne store pot, snd plave thesteamwhaloie ona fivewouter throughcolda the Tard ie intomelted; Tn hatr-siove containing ogo water. In ordera veseol Spring to obtain.a perfetly ‘Bdorous grease, thisexch process may be repeated con tine fresh water, or eines, sing 3iatning.apiteh Lastly eaghfat ofondeltletandit alam. to freina punfea pat tho fat incoola veseel helt tho waters warmNextencuge from jac justthrow inte ita tomanyKeep of it theconstantly fruity, flowers ait will ceive, every 24 howe for a weok, Strain the fat fFoan tho wore, and add will flowersTe res of fresh repetition Ones, This pomade. or mixti a highiyone perlamed produce Aowers; uf may kind hurof either employed. kinds anore or 2 Inve pecuuned extract may be boobtained from Tho prods by Intrndicine the ol perfumes Deft Hnely ehopped, ita 9 wile-neeked bette, Sui coverige it with the ;strongest spirits elesingtheof andyweek,afterwhen that canlet bei obtained Seine stand offfor anda wil bo @ perbottle, the strated be. nay Spit emplazed.”for thisThe fed extract following Mowersof thearo Nowers bost adapted process: Rovo, jasmin, orange, violt, jon ail, tuboroso,but and‘probably cassia. weithout Piesso cullcient proposes Hadtrope, grounds. 1263, Pomades Enflourage. jerfamed pouaies arevy prepared Hy These sini farIngles. process (Seeto tatNo. adopt for tho correspond. 12 3.) Oni thospread,largo withsale,& a fayor of simple pomallo
ono nit,af’ onhayen panos aodof els, to aboutle tee’loasy palette ietcan ine buraco atu ‘Rho alpanes oper arowih thonthe nowiy-gothered flowed placedsro tyclosaly sae Tow ramos of wood, aad thve natho’ inodegreat, tauky onot,nin como Pilea onocont uponStsion, Uily of eons ofrw employed Hie iyae once. ous Oa the {iseShull ames Sealeywed povesla Ge paoes pewberof plates are feavrlly stead of gas, aud p60ona 3810tho over Saved oles.diy edTa. ix obch tho eachother, APflyersdogo aco at renowel thfor ftI, aired tp‘hou amlB uvatig, ro-spraloceadnally, 2, or or uot tho pomade habe Soar sulin fragrant to fener tof Telsths msoufutarer the Uy intended Guatty el isiproypabesfor orwoplay,or talesito theIa Oa Srpel ad pote ove iS Briehong, prepared hojaGuestol qualitiesayof corel, oran ossoty myjleblosoky marci as well pomade; Hower, fabtoso, aa of violet dios everd.othor 2.fersis‘ ntpomaice impart the es tot reall renatact.‘Thelupored Siaplopresinity tppomades last tho per of the class, Hike those of this tingalshed ong leaps Pome Powe a0Oranges? Pronthauuamon; ar gy ieleVom Ree Petia sudeoaig stooge The dee visite” In pha’ ana td fat tes of pont ia tho propataou of extrashh Unplayed to eter pomades, adtedof thowo respective aro ad Sutences flowers Ragranc Frente se aap toed an-bal connotes bSuhers (Gooter) Compound Pomades; 1204, ‘Mixed vy the other prparel aro Mtoe pained, pomudes didecttragant uke of SERRAupded,or bythe adlton of adieous Seay extent extol ute tad arf Seay subatanees, odorous other areas betho Ligeia ere Matasodnde, thewishin oePoP gethod ss later perfomers oor by opted Sita besasiely preeeding po of thefollowing base ofthe uyof ott Feel isletsTbas) ong"lain, orhog’ Bomade, Pomatum ard aland rendre partacartly 2 snake aud 1955, No. (eee aut eel [pave eectur igo very gonile leat, ‘Too Aa for tame eousitonce proper ine e e tae, pares 8 ay P O F : Ponte tinauns,2 part, (Seo No, Bab) andOr Biatuowsush parePomatum, ‘Tako of sustogual Eedand “Common {288 leattho Hoob tain pomat it Lt), tha pound, will effectlemon Fowost dogreo olof heat and endl it beof bergamot of allot jooke iistore hee tl Pach Joh it into the toro" comerie, gas olen’ andThis thenformspour tho ordinary Silarma, Melt together Pem87. Rose Pomade. i pound rreparedtt waterbath meand javaousees opetacday tearate and ‘Hench rd 3ody acute rit anal incorporate ‘oa ounees thoroughey aut thea rove of of dasha aimee tct Gif ros-colat of geranium. Shu’ drnchoby olheating and a Sf Armond the alae, seine and of droobut | ti ton ples of plain pomade, will:—ake nay be varied atevaindspots; of otledon, 24 Imps: iipounds oil of lavender (English), tialalsumMid of drachras} Pers, and essence Toyale,of each
oll of &cloves, ofl of a,cassiaof each drachiny 1 uidessenco uid potitgra do and and9 uide5de, 1s,pound, OF, path do poma drachun.or exiait millfeur 4 to Senco drach. Peruvian Pomade, Tako 4 ‘{260.ech pod weed Tad, iad lik auch mic andag of Peru, ofl4 ofune; feet suit;add balsam nutmeg, drachen Quid # Dofore, thedlavenwide-mou dumpy, pots or add pour it Dr,into Copland of oll titi s a Entals, cr. . is lon, in bigh repute asa haitrestr ‘Thispartscompound Yer purifiedalhout oilsheat. of Equal mafocwitvow, molsetaa and of sweet Teetinar a” marbloby inperfumed ly ismised hnouds aroand thorougb then whole tie Inortar, of ami oF guanutyJasmin, of a sndicient the addition aeaca, rose, of extracts of fro sage lower and tuberose Tako andof .is; melt Pomatum {oriprimadeVanilla avcidupo pound 1 plata drachina8 or finest LimperielattrSuidof roees, Hn tor drope, 10 oven of vauilla; may pomade fine. The plaia Ssbetore aunotto. withatu yVerywighily tinged to previousl"Bast m ; . Pomado Pom India ‘1b72, Tako @Orient. Pomade or Indes; des pound lard bannotto, is; finest pound avoirdupo 4 beestax, e t siet, bpuro bright gum-bengoin2 ouneas; £ Prachi; Gest 8 grains;powder, nk, ina6to coarso, abded proin-amn unus; h, with water-batAce ot 2 faor 3 hours, vessel for inacover agitation, frequout al af tho lous pose dea oil of lavendrach; af Suid portion, 1 Imperial feuou, ils of cassia, , Guideachdrach; der (Lnglish} oF 12 drops;faeand 10 somewhat andreaverbena, loves fho pour girantly, into potsor bottles, and Tot it it mes Yeny slowiy, and undisturbed.” ‘Very fracool ene, ‘Transparent Pomade. Tako of 127.trangparcat soap, 1h arachina;, 95 per lost cout. alcool, 24 ounees, Dissolve the sap {nthe aleohol by Beat, and add it suddenly to quart of bot castor il; have perfume ready forput in ab one, nad pour in warm bottles ‘Anuther very superior article is prepared ia the following way! 24 pounds; gpermaceti Hatty & poundollofolf almonds, ofin lemon, 3 t fs melted thoa water ‘The spermace Uanees,” heat added, and. then mas bath upthe untiloils-aeo kept a s uniform, i obtained, ‘whlch no floating paroles of spermaceti Can is then thispoured shed, Thopotomado be distingui poobtain glass; ifed,it isthodesired {nto ueated bo aust glasses ade crystalliz dowen very sorely. cooled nad nd, eforebsa 1274." Crystallized sing Pomade arora or Poma- | ot i St ta’ tum. Dit; ¥ pound spermnceti (best, pure); mele 30d:to beseeutcleat,at ther a eentioiy Neat, byaficient Thom aadope atm whilst Sri, Pour it into warm glass bottien and allow ie disturbanTece.is swithout very slowly, Bo cool persoos eataphor. i anddraches ldseolored. Soma If Waged otal, isualy bepreferred so, ond with sub feisty very only Hunust ances tat will nt eauss opacty. fined Takoofteoir ett1275. pon"Pomade ponDivine. adap powde ors root (i coarse amma rood (rasped), ofnot eachdusty),1 ouneos, Gayfas, quid cloves& 4 atineo?of each d, bt nstoiogs (erated), (powderebraised), (frail h, ih weater-at heat of gts Stnco; igestveeby the 6.486 then ad meh acoered Very asafixe abdogeasional flannel., and hsb through Strain forthe feted Blinccosnetic. Pomado; Castor . Oil, Take 1276. Pomatum ob, 1 of wax,castor4 PaimaChristi’ exe white puce is; avoirdupo pound them togetuey, and’ then add of oil of Thole
Yorgamot, 2 drachus; oioyu, l of lavender (ag Tish Farscn exe lor 12 Sop tt 177, fun ctare wetGrease, coi ‘The fof the Boars Ueda oe growth Be Hl xe buttmth oting We of binant, taut aulictont reason, sinco’experiotico saws Shae pteciplogedwo by tne postersine iste riley deed, if we may. regard the somewhat rank biveiofgencng asa tondieaton orShae ts quali, ir bea’ nasebisbepreaeinfor thomachas whch 1 nore eowtysie gretar ors of tha 0 failed bear's grease now gold is a factions fhe, dads opel by the flowing for Tmitation Beus'stpg Grease. Toke otpoive12S. rotemele fag th hese2 ach a waterbath aa EPeoesinafi and‘ofiypakbem, dower ll for{Urghty of cack to drachin; she Ceorouly sf antes promotseoludo ‘Theareposrenave aashotgas Une oan {hepour bath and, afer fora Eneolf inetho cleartgport ass fomwi the sedan bis Baldness, incipient or Pomade 1570. pure Btveal ouvees 12 walar, a acltovie ene bean’ onnootuerral reas ounces ofl of almond; butters aul etna6P sneha ecg irs teste incerperate sd of, eroten drops 10 add thon soa searionato Nowe dientvo3ffe puneesolan did efwate Fn'Fonnc to taste. i k Prepare Pomade, Cazenavels 1980. fauncertarermpots):Unetare nether aud ounce (penal; fie powdered, tPemnthorde, onalt cunce} ¢ cosieely Sonam ef waterbath; by te hom has evapo in theheatactaro tho spilt sur antiunger aga andete clear potion,I aadchesper docant the conerel. feted, thems Chal Shore consensus to out aeet'i io powdorel cine of olf wih strongly to and amon emoralfe wisf tho seeat of ubecust), Shtnauou bath. aoaferSeunoLega fheths vessel of(or{toonania the ols of nutmeg sadia iaventhoroc onploy weak porprne.“Teeowimeited hefebedlble derihrand oxdored i It Valdnent ela the Bead mnoruing; aedwilnight toe asked soap aad. wal and aflerweas Gano wiped oncdey, a each ad wateei or and leak ‘lth salapplying Soliea doy TarPomade.imaDs. thebavrergnoce i281. th unmeasured of rtuo tolled Waldneet. ond hair filing in tar egstalo ouneas ules afta toy i ngNoreegian TRE faut dsaehmis fy drachns 3 fends {Gch hansbucarovaveutt of notnegs“and gn-lenaniny 6 fac, une als 3 patehotap oftla ‘once essonee "2s . complicated. absurdly a n d ly Bath otang heaton boven Wa il OFof English drackins ao 4 of satietion Usk of essence. druchins 2 and itvendon woul lacetho wrtar aeeles, rte Foy ttsoueo well ao quite of sell the tfyguico impaling the eieaey of the prepare ‘rhout
ton“392, Dupuytren’s Porate., ‘ako besarte Soneereyprepare arnindajis erveyad base ia gone ye miele Por of baler sel Atel 3 one "rben thoraunty. 3 grate miseontharids SWPSEonondsaul of ert Sinem ret drach td Tinesat § a Sedeed eer, uot nna Ue li sides fet esate formarcaus,tis Dupuyteen onpual genes ‘alse oon! ita
vas in the habitof doubling, or even tripling the’ proportion stmtotherof eantharides without altering ofthattho of the ingredients. The product is genial stiotlans and rubeta. iene, ond, not wadeservedly hs been , fold in ia en aa hacetong tag iy medeating the sen. Soubsiran's Pomade, ‘Take of oil 1283, ecaliionds, 4 ontveesthn disiiphateot quinine, Tafa erat together fa ae weed ‘mortse Gut thorough Powders; DentiUnite thenad eontizat ald of prepared. beef marrow, Tooth frices; WPonmeets Poudres pour wut tio" mass! scald, Seeut_the tateeation aay bo added. les Dents; &¢, ‘these preparations Recommende d for steengthen itg tad restoring ‘Moat bo comfouniad ofwiehont attainjury whic, the hae ‘while cletning tho tooth to ths, name), will also be autiacid, entiserate 1284, Pomade Contre T'Alopécie, nd tio in thee action. po the uae Pre lemon juice, £ Baldness, Cure eattnet todrach; apa allGreathe nyry hdingretients,tkand to of bark (by cold! water), 2 Sooty inoly pulverize Ques; tietuze ol ean edge’ tho harder and gritty rachis; taaevars, ones to th state Uhavides,’ T'deschyn; oil of Lemon, 20 drops; otimpalpablo . power, ether by patient oilof bergamot, 10 iups; mis. Pivet wash (pilon oF trturation, or by olnteation, fev (See the head with ‘wap aud water, with a Hilo ‘Nas. 25, 51, and 14) To ensnce ran do Cologue, then rub je dry. “Next morn instars of the thsothporfoct igri thoy all husnp ot pomade, aiid ree bo together wail wae it di t h e y fir an nor 6 Weeks tho’ eure of ‘eve apparenth itomogen ennrubbedpower, theou whiehaghfinoshouldgauzesto then rr,1 passed or New!tou French Remedy for whlch’ contain volatile oil oneof the last rene ‘Thosy of afepershal o substa nersya like charcoal ewebie acted h, falduese, employed by simply Uyeottace with atho the albotties. y, sud aadbo put api aang ie tothe oiltwo.or together pomae, py, wide-mo closetall fgiatinge iy carket.” “Tooth ponders aro Kept meeey Or solution be complete. 'The formula aopt. compoun d powders. Hhodentitico ony simple pesden, arodeo by tho thseeminent Proneh phpsick in enomon u s e as a 13 potedcred realy and wha spel charcoal. Povederee200 d‘biestburaia ‘ot anda,, ost coalidet avl tata way at uf taras, also employed ceose12 drops tading(nists); it use, ei)stake of thoweh eatsone Fequentj .”est "theWoth-po follow ingIstfy fl, of alsnonds, includes of the wers Beoy deachinss nis. tite taj. Hide Sotoft doen, be wel cowon ‘se, as wil as several advertised rubbed on th Sealy Stostrims withe howey ume powrders of theforty stones yore sated, appear ibpomtei ng und epithe for tooth paseswersi,furuitho ttontho forexample noth penton wth erotn of, cus ued tn partial sve fowders; and vice Thins, f valdnoss, ot any contpelied fFvon under each will jnerase the mambe of iho ote; and both will suggest to thoveader iy hopeless casey iy sy which sever even. etap oe fora Bharidinotd hadogisfailed,to appear Sof Sain, resembling 1 fom 3 sotodit 1280, ehaeoal Poudreavd Détersive Dentifrice. fand continuedib grow a villow white sugar impala: un for somin titans Te was, however bo power, each ones; ealasaya BAEK fa faly in about one-third of these easte that Unie ingtpablo powder, 4 ounces; nix thoroughly Gown subsequently inereased in stiffuess and in'a mortar ult dheough the finest bolting faaitity fie0 bam48 to wellof haltcover part, andsenseUo loth, and perfume with a mlxture of atta of , fs thethe poplar ining’? drathms; ater 4ofomee canaries, Lousees fn Gnetave of amber 12% ‘StrongbainHair Camphorated Challe, 1 Precip Cosmetics. ‘stronger eos tole1290.easbonaie of ime (chalk), pou aetie® as fle whetep powdered ors root, 3 pounds; powdered on gen, td Tuunphor, # pound; “date tho camphor to fine power thy tatdeataw iin a morta wit heir too foo o e nj sil he ailudealcohol heuadd theotber ingredin only. temporary feritavon, perhaps! decom. dnd when the nisture complete it throug Patied or extile, filowed esqtamation of the fest bolting cloth (See No. 28.) Thewhich will orpastby offa hyintro wr night enlmportant pastes 201, by "Precipitated Chalke. "This of of three days pet prepared alive a solution ef carbonate there. aro.ho unwise, cases inaad whieh thie applteatio Jon to uta solation ofa ekorid of ealeinm (hot ‘would Lsblo to prodeo mor col), Ione as precipitate forms. This Serious consequonees. T h u s , ponons of fast ie well washed wieh pare water, and Heros tenpramout with highly mia d i j o ont of the d o s t , as theast, "Tho ffs tin, and ofbadexysipelas, habit ot body,ow éo swollen persons tabla to ‘ulphate of limo ofthe soda-water makers, tla gauds ‘lets poisonous in quantity, fa often eld Hebi th ero {0 aolingy or thors in Torteby dhe druggist" Pure chalk i wholly the upper part atefacks the neckof thobebindsesip,we eadto ereptho fol fa vacua and in diac ne d yasoliro or other hone, aadof isouitefissolable acid, withia these efferveseance. Iife, should not havo recontse tothen. In Slphste fds. other eases, a n , ied, in lt eaves es wise 1202.” To make Prepared Chaik. fo‘atouso at then very sparinely, or in a diluted Ral 1 pound chall with eaBlcient. water, first, ul thus, a t fy were, feel our sulded gadually, to make ita smooth crea fay, tliength and be blo to jedan trom experience then str coarser this itapatieles eargo ave quantity of decent water the that cau’ bo employed, without ber the sottod nconveatence, £0 pradice the desired eect, tho miley did into anoeaee Vessel, and allow thefu ehalk to sediment vette; deeant the clear water, (See1287.Nos. IT, Fe.,129, Poinade fe., and 1235.) Hungarian’ for’ the dy the Moustacho, fel: by a gontle heat ! pownd 1208. To Purify Hartshorn. Bun
1s" homaad untilrypertbetly white {hex arin thems, fn the" este Iauuer ay cha” (Se No. 1 g . ) Lardners Toot Powder, Take ofBate1204, pvdered chartiat (wernt), 1 onmneo; pees ea Gre, SD, oes Sih Keepveer, ttf kuowa the an, sho sit, but good doth as Lardner Pro. pared Charen 1205.at gtrBinkle's Rational Dentiftice, ‘Tak of i, tomes; Eanni (le nietil ofeid), I drachis; sed lake, mie and oil of aineed, of cachT debra 7 or & ropa; oro, 4 or 5 dropa; mix. Ye ferviciablo iu ioctl, foul las, or“Asbeoling guad, oon or rotion di’ a tooth powdet Sis improved by ths adtion off ounbo each ot burt8, haribo acute bows Deschamp's Dontfrice for‘Teeth, Rommoving tho Yellow Color from Tako of dry bypochlore of line, | drach; coral Fagen; trata ell andin me roughly. ‘This powder is exployed the following ‘manner: a nov brash ghdly Ioistene, tien dippedAecording im the powder asda piled to tho tect," to Decchamny, &Tarked fow days? uso of this powder wil produces tho appesraseo of the ‘hotecth, alteration which will ta equire-a white color, 1207,’ calAn Excellent Dentivicn, “Pre cipitated (sce No. 1201), Lipo ered bors, {"ponnd; powered myeovr. mics; oe ounces (See ieNE, and if throughposted finest boltiog loth 28) 1298," Mforstis'Dostifrice Powdered willow charcoal, 4 in ouncess chinchine hank fd ugar of wil, powders, each 1 pound ld4aixtransparent soap, "in powders 4. doneost incloth a marblo nanan, ih Unrough the nest bolting No. 38), and et. with staof orang(seowes, 1 ones 9. Grosvendr's ‘Tooth Powder. ‘Tako of red coral, 6 ouuces; propated oyster.ot folly 6"ouhees! om oul Hees Thodim, 4 or tropsy iis. ‘This isthe orig nal formala: Ligon! parts bond of prepared shells Fose-pink, and eitto-bsh io now gen ‘erally substintn for th coal” “Teivaao BeThey” coralaro dendfrico aud coral tooth powdergold all” favorites inthe fashionable world 1900, Violet Tooth Powder, ‘Takobo of presiiited al, Gneasy ext tal umes; Foss pakessaieo (ini,of $4vieotsounces; Font, 1} oanecs} Zuid dtachm fadigo (pure, to strike (ori) n viele int), aeulfiefent quantity miss a favonts eno among las. 1801,of arcea""Arcea Nut Tooth Powder, ‘Tako nut charcoal, 9 ounces cute an bone, 2 ounces; aera uses (ram), Lounge, Ii, "Avont drach each of cloves a ass aro euch usuellyslit,” aded, butArceaitt nutbeter withfut auy cheval, {nino powder, often sold under This name,NO, ‘This powder cannot bo cxealed. (Sco 12)1802, Areca Nut Charcoal is propared and kept byDy onlytho druggists ow honsesy four ithe "Thoof ‘hat wold ie spurious, gonuino powder is heavier anda. poctliae harder dianep Sommon chareoal, and has Yoaranc preted th tho das ers,‘1803,whiehad‘Pearl is fel, realywhendistingushatie, Dentifrice; Peat] Tooth4 powder, ‘Tako of white marbiedusy ‘uness; eutie-eh bono, 1te euteoy amas10 Ginest), Vdrachn;'essengo petit goa, {oiB drops; Lelihy ie. A teotn. favoritoPrecipitated with ladies chalk ho Davo white oxfabstiited eany kcbonato of mgasn but cmonly for tho marblestust tho. quatAi 1804," aft pct wisn a a ean "Pelletier's Quinine Dentifrice, pine or
‘oko of rel of oa quinine, 9 ouneen;15 ym dash isulphala guna’ ab geil; “Rotomnhded stone scent forthe to h and! substituted gums." Prepared oysterand hell te ‘commonly fr tho coal al red bole added to colorit, pans lile \ooth Pastes; Tooth
[tnaricss Bates voorElecieshe Dents ‘Mess may eousst at any of , bons onan ich macs oe
Hotes beretaupe t eats oma peeie’ aat facet Pera rarer hice
and entlo-© in2 finoounteaypowder), d (air-drie titosoap 4 oF ot hovey, each or perfume at will, with of bebo, {ith somatea Sanoes; the ain 6 iti ected spi Sythont all the superiandorto temeron,ths teat preparati exellent ‘sory cleaning for pastes ‘thertaftar and. animales from them, but fa. Sag iva qualtios g aad.ptepreservat EAlorin or roeof ik chal nlbo given afmmoyblanchin {6olor drachen 1 aiding by i cochinea, Th or is tid finclytvolotportered y or commonlofdrachm tne, tho or‘led Fossof Boney with to thobe mado book i color tha epols soap of alkali tho {pat avila, ‘Tho abore preparation i also fis der thoToothnamesCream.of Spanish Dentifrice, Knownun nd Gastian ‘Take aidof Paste, Dono Tooth exiles ‘Violet ounces; 319, chill prepared 2 ounces; of each,stats, d) Losnen; (powdere sugar Tink 2 to 3 l), (povtdere t o r ‘ris lets of spr mllnt hwith Sehing; eof clean fh pase Uo A fshinal pasta {otek power forts estdsmed Ranty and its delleatoeblor and oder. esi Odontine, undorherothis ‘aro.name,soverel, T1913. s averted vo Goatttiee ver d" acquire bave whieh, of thes or" lo st fashionable wood tha at fargo hove appearshto bone, house catoia Zr ominent n perfamery on: oli eompsts colot equalmieipares; honey rol coralneal soap“andof eochi Gistytcture and ‘Vith cisto and eseeatial reako a epaste, to ullcion each. of quantity wsufeing , romatizo is said fsbto Odontinoo (ouillersd sppia-bou (S14. of Pellitie pulverize coasigt butter eof orcacao, fone), wiul Rew oney alittle an sromatiz soentedheaten with chontial ll of Tako Paste, Tooth Magic 315." son pie pues; 2 moter ria lo powdes, 1} ounces: rose-piak, 4 Tnpatpab deeps a Thispastea of von,"honeyor to8 mako hfe witlar sufficient h ‘afore andor leash forbe vapidly favoritethnostra aap not ono et, tng eo or frequent nse l Tooth Paste, ‘Take of 1316, "Charcoa culpa of pola, etctareoa, ane power, T onnces; 8 powdered fly iach; saitcsent 14 ounces raw,favor;old),form (bose honey as paste’ a to eater Ini unchomieal unstore,exteomedbefore. pare ‘Arathor ng the teth deodorsi or amoters, by tioalarly fb rent
eeeeaeSree ia ea doeeTe Bien stipe atl ats ed of roses isoften, and conserve of toscs some. fect andmutable ferns a seen fee emand Ssrace hae se oar di SOENGatac Rts nding thie t Flomeeeane de Petey popric famed crore ied aie ae Bava ik ele rine Erg Te teas coueloome pe epe e ‘the honey, and tho paste should not be patted aay i fata ea tet ern made. (Sce No. 1988.) * “Soe\“wara's Toth Pasto, Zale, ‘Take of prec lake Gee Nee East mpparaSooa ctany nk$9, mettet den emt daenNee Sel Stan Xora etl EMEA aettike. ‘This ig also known as Zetter's dn Hee DeniesSut. oharcoat ‘Toot {Bor Arcee inte besten statiy wtcavedprey (ety eeles ory Pee ieNutmetooth com, tat, te 08, "Areva Paste, eke ocpone ecigrne bint 0)Me9a ee ae Ga Se eteee esae ater Trans wee duan e2 aa tome ee se atts a wale alee e ete se ee frie aek sens ot h s Dena oala harc aroC Prep To 1817, id been ellie spat aatig hi hho Uo of l chsrco ” agato propel tlmWot afta tp vas tinaed nea el ot cacavesep cf each titiee considrerable s whethe requi s Loae setts wood nce, than earo, notPhobo substa Milt ome lager in shoul Srnob of proof spinit, or of eam de roso or orange. foe, ‘th carbolsation shoul ho efoteIned a theno henti low volted~~ lesndalltachor rod crucib ExGore tales ie jt np A ny cnn ont ing oxsced uso Pamea on Wanitla Tooth Pasta. "Toko of Sthsla should e withth eotagt of out cooled Bo TB08"”" pieces g those only in on erucible, the op Ue, On ino[Rp tneiui tiy Lanes Cote dasha uso whioh aro propeely betcloct ‘houtd sugar and suilea tone’ of ced ‘hornt, and have.ed a foruniform % darle colorbo and mack employe het tho Tt surhe. r s Atal fms oa pelt de, Susomes hee ‘Niker than thet aomel, tho ebateoal aque TG Glam 9m peta aton'S tod dotorora ondpiecesfa greatly ;iEelliant. surface, dyetp of alien the produce muck oe be should selected ‘tho’ fuqualty REaRa’ tor epliy wiidta te teh oad g opera: or ‘uso farther for vessels cco in Kept Seolodareogabenge Wa seaear meal2 (arate ae {hay exposure to tho ‘air ‘Wweakont ta eee sie ” n. Tooth Paste, Thisis ponerof absorptio Ha ageh of outed eh, wees at n “Peruvia ‘1318, saat tapovel Pasto. 1910. Peruvian Bark Tooth or 2 drachms ‘mis pasta ia mato Inby eryaddingfino 1}powder, to the ‘of Peravian bark, uselal toon sponaines s,
Ibi of tho gums. (Seo No Root roveiph. ssaad aeurvy fulne ia)1311, Soap Tooth Paste, Tako of Cos
of to 2 drach about fi1h power, adding very by ian former etety to Peruv of aaytp sinplo ts tem dry ingredion of tho inlorg Sune wien ‘beating, pastas Goon tender, toni andfor said A usetal grams, for syrup.oF scorbutie Money puny, fol,eine Atle powdetedmayrch toia UR sonictimes added.
1819, Quinine Tooth Paste. Takored coral, 3 ounces: cuttlesish one, 1 oun; SThaptata tte ato fo very offinegtcing powder,¥ drach aid. honey. ts (irhita, otacens fo "ow drop atta of orn, heroli, dissolved in veotlied spit, 3 fold drachins; and beat the whote to a pasta, “A litle powdered (1 to,fashionablo. 3 dockins) andis sometimes added, myrzhA very popular article. Uso, dé, tho same as Pera‘ian paste, 1820. ors Opiateand Tooth Paste.hal aeHoney,Ne pager pronpiatel 1201), cach} pound; row pink, 2 drach Reb fato paste with ‘simple’ ayrap, and. porfone its 6 ores, mate, and i, ‘[321. Patay's Ovris Tooth Paste. ‘Take 1 pound Parts white, # pond oso pi 3fand_nutmegs, ounces orris toot; oaneo Uso foil honoy clove each alum, 1 dachan, ough to form a past. 1922.obalk Dr.(scoKing’s Tooth1 parts,Paste,poredered Propated No. 1202), Beravian bark, 1 part; powdeted etd Windsor soap, Mx with equal ; parts tha tinetares1 pat,’ of thataay and myrrh oil of ofeheok~ enbersy to flayor. This pasto is a fino prov parstion forsoft, spongy gums and looso teeth, Tooth
and Mouth Wash-
tho moat, nse toandino gum @S,__‘Thoseao aadSropd (oricaany Woo fen 8 mip oes of thas bei adel Shek aneeure last of water for te purpose, faaome ther action promoted yt thotSektho tnt bras Bau taetre otek, mat Tinetnroand ofbatacolar ‘woe pany Sadh'# dhseésy Ata of pepperine and roe eh1228,todas Tinctae Wash, "Violet of Mouth ofatsoreei castes rosy nod alel, a8 of monde dnp “ali 1320, “Musica Tooth Wasi, Takoot lve orto rve { ouatey tongon ben onk barks b bath, 4oueoy pont founoes Derusientpaty lo witha esha}for ays watercd bance; nl e r y and stand SEhvo Saket ots uaa seat onthe Flowers, 1927,a wit‘almCaeof Thousand ony Sonnet ay sae on 4 ouneetaleaol 12 rates Tihaoes in tho aloobol taal tis Castle soap and honoy gento beatUsedFlavor far tar cudwithawintergreen, aon entwith SHftedo the Gums, 1928, Wash to Harden utal § tea-spoo spirits, kpint ofd Jamaica ‘Take pulverized, each powdere sluin andzedsaltpeice myrrh. 3 ‘and 1 ounce of pulveri Wash. | Eau do Tooth Cologne "1820, Lquart; tincture of myrch, 4 ounces. Gologne,
oftartar, 4 of salts honey ‘Tako4 ounce; nt, Sozodo prtassa), of (easbonate lhe oan Wel 10 tats: Sco ros, scien BiSavor,rintorgAisrecn’logantandl e, denic TincToothbark, Wash. Cleveland's "1351,ef myst, gention end at Poravi ture anutoni,of1 age uct ounce; dui 1 footTrechmexci fpiuts ater, puroorgio sntr Ths asiand tet ohy toni; anytoofavor Sri unis, mouth, for wats Basing ik of Wash; Tooth’ sh. ""Myr $800, tiicluro of Tako , Lotion land's HTooth , ounces, musage 2 ogee, erate ouneos thom Tye, agar and wel opiate Tino; in rottened Aw washand wHoerat use. botoro tae fuck spongy, foul, Coty tooso ni
gums, fetid whore breath,theteey,io absorbate 8 often very 4908, tawon Symp, Cte af tho Streigeablo t a i 1833. Heolyn‘well tnyothor ina mortar 1 Wash,” Tea ee ala phar oar Us Hae ‘neo ach of bogus and honey; then gia aly ald-T quart ouues spc ofeaebwiveof gam (nat above proof, and aid mye14 End red sauuers' wood.” Afacetato aa for Ea ox ae a Maye, and fee. ‘This ie an excellent wash foe the gamis and mout 1834,"""To ‘CleanseGouinthe detats Spacesfeet tween, the Tooth, rend sik floss for eleaningtho spaces between toot, guint ngs ve now fem experience, that No.8 exe superior. hey nee uch oro convenient i ovary espe ago gem otoanaL y 1895. Wash to Beautity the Teeth, Dissolve 2 botote ounces itsboraxead i'daddpounds boll ‘water, an 1 tes sponte fits of eausphor,tse and bots.nixed for wewith A Enapoonit qual quantity cn ofbrs,tepid proserves oyepetot saepa SON aici water, andand apptied Aibly with rare o gon uner Earw beat phieh fisfion, thoareststecth,decay, cxtirpatds all a tartarous ae tnduecs healthy action {tho gon, ai snake cho teeth peasy 1886, pasties Gachoufor pertuasing Aromatiso, Theseae popula the breath Lis) mao: 4 ‘Dissolve 4 onteesthe extract of Hguorle en way to water bath,and andBongal” dd pulverized gum-arao, ounce; eatecha in powderyof atL gues, vapor t tho conten TS lags, esta, IMC xirect, and thon nix in thoroughly, pow fered nase,4 racinn. clurooel, “Whet casearla donshas foot, cach tbe mass be reduced thfntho to‘properte, trated eonsitenco, itis pounds avorrdupsiss iusdneo tho vanilla to {‘otobo peppermint, removed with atar 0© deopas'and devps; tnotares of ataber-out grib ond musk, then poured ‘Gpon an After ‘ile’ cooling, sab, andblotting voled papers to & vosyprsted thin dca heal Se ‘pent to absorb aby adhering ol, ad the irfuces azo" silver maisteged) wile water, andto covered with leat. When dig i t s odivided into small itsof thosio ofa eau
ASE cama, cheery. Syrup. sion 4
Gyrups for Soda or Min. eral Waters, ‘thsrcmpte followingRE iflroring e colfttion af well appived mineeel waters delctedprinipally fiom the" Druggist's Citeular aud Chemical nga Mo af lie tho eyraps not mdeaddyComi {tls may bavo puttarabie thor tovpraduco ach roth whew Ho asda ‘ator1985,"yan ‘To 8 poundsthe fut wit Simple nad Syrup. gua word
Beste niu through for 2 ora 2tnemutes kin ‘‘he cal andetaia fanaa bog flowing sprapefor toda wat ‘may bo st produce by. mplevingtho above syrup ae a
etn Bi Gesoraactidctal ene leas inCteencen to anea (Sewayaati by axing No AU4oSyrup,als tas receipt) 1886) Stole’ ” Whi nga 19¢ pouay water 1 gallon? ingles (oth Rance {or th’fn Hetwiewater,ef anapd. eee). Disoles the angles tho
i852, wan cherry syrup aoibo
ba Srmbatly ape ee eh
1400, pintsStrawberry Syrup,3 PinesStrowbory otefilesyrupsek, andthe Tho praprane. fs to bo modo wit, jneest simple you, anlatog it ltie!acid (we Za viou), 2 araohinos 387. hemon Syrup. Ada to_linpla syn, thon co 20acid dopeCprewously feth ofdissolved Teno L401. Fruit in somo"water, of eho8 hey gn eto syrups). “Gitte Aci ‘uid, (nsed 4 owncess {‘aking n° comoonwell water) to ett gallon. Li by n'a boil thet add 34 ones 1102, Strawberry Syrup Without fanoe wile atone by Bang Frit, Adi to I gallog sisple syrup, 9 gata fa" ues anes "ear tho tea-spoonttls essenes of strawberry, and’
with euloring act, Color eoehineal onaeoteas tartaric with flows; Beil 1 ofomaeo Sten. tartar. eteam of l Ftegspooufa os Syrup.ether Muko 1403." for Raspberry tho with ape, strawberry divectod of ts to'sRyrapof Tho1 pintsavorcurraats essence. the or fruit using by improved ip rasphercs, Syrup.to euchMakoquartas T404, Tor Blackberry ala strawvcrey dicected of co best echSyrup. brandyTako iPomey con a mash Pineapple 405. mnaabes and para pineapples of venient 3 nortan,tho with poreclaiaexpress a marble of of sugars, fnqantity Then juice Esnall Sud Toteach quart take 1} pints water and 6 sigar theaudfee,Wter, boil tho" fom pounds at juice} Orremove addfinethe sugars Tifen tho No. males it with (Sor skim aud tain enco, as directed far strawberry. 1402.) of pineSyrup.aekd, Oil1 dragh Pineappletartaric 1406.1 draehuy apple, Or! Takosugar,1 gal15 syrup, Gpints; mix- juieo Stole ion”pounsyexpresied.pinespplo fra acid (ee No! 401), 2 outs; oilpintsof Syrup. Wintergreen 1407, 5 yt, simple drapes 29 wintergreen, Sufbeione bine gar’ to olor ove No. 694); maple 1408. Uponlsy Maple wateSyrup, sngaty 2 pi ‘Take 8 ounces Syrtp.att aieMix 1460." iaChocolate chocolat ® pints wate, ver a-slow dye, Sura aad add chorongby 4 pounds ‘white1410."sugar, Orange Syrup. Tako a omato sul ripeCoe orangon, fresh peel; ofyellow iunber venient oranges the outside the DitSud express tho Juices and to each quart mid previouslyby yous pecksngar, Diese waterwithand'otho grated ist tixed tee strains Mako aa directed thea Syrup. heat, Pear sontle Til. forby aiding’ pibeapploayrupyar fo theof snplo esseneo syeup of pear3 to east gallon teaespooufils esenct of pear online and} ounen of tang ae as dioste Apple Syrup, fur TAL2. piglonymg yor wih Make th appropiate TAs, Banana foepunenpple syrups Syrup., ae wich Makoasdirested the(See.appropriate 1402) ibeshteyasbeftnodirccte. tartar drachina; 2 bana, of oll Ors‘eid, Hake 6 pins } ixpint; syrup,Draily, impo 1 drachin; Syrup. Grape T414.” of re neti 1 gallon. pints simpla syrup, 2 ounces;Pomtee; Shunders,of lemun, Syrup. "Toko aye Tak 3 onnees Orgeat 1418, almond,in bitter ounco P and almonds aweet sugar ounce; } powder, gum-arabio’in powder, 3 ounces.from Rbtimotagother in a wutmortar,the Eiding’ ‘water to tine, Iixtufo measures tpart, Strain ‘throng @ ‘lot, ond mix with 1 g a t i o n of sitople nyrup. 416. 1 pint; Imitation Orgeat Syrup. Cream syrup, rani syrup, 1 piney oil of Bieralmonde, Adeops. Or! Abd’ deachans imitation (eve simple No, Lii0)apouparo toand bofavored mixed vrithcream ‘withbitter2 ayfap owners ula clones Syrup, Adit» Orange-Flower TAl7. simple 1X gallon apaup £ unned extrec of ot alge£418,fonrerCoffee Syrup. Coffe, roasted, 4 ound; boiling. water, T gallo. "nous to tered to mao sation ot tho infusions which ald grannladed sigan, 7 pont TA19, Aeatel Nectarwine, SyruCounce; p. Strawberry army, pint; orgedt ayrup,
HE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 dpint, Mis. Syrup. Vauilla syrup, 5 Nectar syrép, [490,pineapple piats; 1 pint; strawberry, 2 pints. | 36x,syrup. oF lemon syrip, Faspherty, fgai.' Sherbet Syzup. |1 Vanilla 3 pints} pineapple eymup, pict; lemon ayrap, Lpint. Mix. Syrup. Rasplorsy 1452." "Ambrosia syrup, © pints; Hock 2 pints; vanila grup, 4 ounces. Mis, ‘Wing, Hock. 1429, Hock and ClaretSyrap. pints. 2 syrup, simple pint; L wing, claret or Brandy, 1
Fi aot, ting syn adnate en
TE Seniertagye LE" pire om Symon, ie nena cca Hue ae SEE" "Ennte Cam Syep._ ln, cream Syme, ‘ie, ‘with tho cream. Flavor with vanilla, lemon,
tinitation Cream Syrup, "LEGG, _tmiatoncran
symp, MakMg
Beanz aio se Gifaker fk eyo yen Gms are ee rae ania ercom, ad about a table-epoontal of RSV Cal Rap, ma age otc eat
Syrup. Colfeo CoffeeCream,Cream Y438." pint. 1 synip, 2 pintss Syrup. ‘This is "Nectar Cream vanilia syrup, 1 andpart2 mixture of 3 parts a 1434" part lemon syrup, Pineapple symp, 1syrup. part imple cream Cements
Inthe preparation of c&-
applied. ‘The preparations given below wil ‘iefound to every andreasonable demand;ac. aud if properlyendwerpeepared weed. strictly fonling to tothe formdegtions laid as down, willif eenob dom tail a . union strung, siongre ively, Tho ist point thanthat thodemandseutanee, attention, isto bring ‘ho coment itself into intimate contact wilt heached,ice whtoen using bo uit. This end fo ext hot coments, by baklug ‘he edgeswhento boapplied, joined atosTeastneatlyax Not20 a8as eau the fement Bodono without fojuty preferable fo tho substance; in soma eases itis oven Yo met the feomunt on point the Beated elges,te itleAnotter ‘veryts Important fs to use cement potsiblo. inassWhenof coment, the surfaces ave separated hy Biaego wo havo to depend “ponte of totho hocoment salad OLJs" to upon itssong ulfesion surfaces which aro jon and, in general, cemeuts comparatively Sealtgeta is a very ob goat for bitte." uniting soe to glassare omde stone,eo Frovide tho masoos fo be nae aa to fuse the coment; but aceif cold tho. coment {iHobotapplied to thom while they it-willto shick at a l . Thi foot is well known Yondors of two comentpleooy,for a0uniting earthenware, Byahollag, heatingthey that t h o y will20 fase aco able to jom thom that thoy will raiuer Drealé at ay other part than along the ineseo oftheunion. Iatalthough people constantly operation performed, ad Shay liberally of tho cement st wil bo found Inning caiin theleoa hands, of fen simply tho, cnoct proves ‘worthless because the donot know how to use. hey aco afraid toA suficiont heat a daicats glass ortheyporcelain vessel to degree, and arvaps to nee too ouch oftho thocement material,is andconsequently the resol ia doomed fa iro; ood for nothing. hosurfaces great aroobstacles to ditt.the finetion of auy two air end. ‘Tho former is Universally present, AILtho surfaces latter is dus to neoident oF eaeelossness. ‘to covered with atinto remove, adbetingandInyer taleofs thisait ‘which iis difealt Baisplaco, tho cement eaunot simply ade beeatse to Hie surlato to which itis applied, AMeamuot come intoia oatack withthisft adlerThe ost officio agont displacing dog airabore is heat,2002 Metals warmed to aaulpuiutcom a ihe become fustantiy potty wot thutwhen aroused mers in nats onc, brhhoatectuonts a fased ouliion, is the in tiost offilent means of ring”10 fing thon coniael with tho. surfaces ‘which theyadhesionare.to befs bes applied.attaivadIn theby ease of luo, tho twoder Ata pressure and fetion 2152)" ‘thoArmonian oris Jeweler's Co-a ment.” following a reset. for trong comont-uted by soxno oriental nations, purpose of attach‘Tako 6 procious nones toforthe motalio surfaces: pieces of gum mastic, tho szo of © pea, and dissolve. them Jnont,the aleabol. smallest Soften povslitesonoquantity of 95in warper isiaglavs forfad though nonostrongaf therandy: water with mst i bo tlnsed),you encorato Higvo'2 ounces of glues thenMix rubtho iu two2 sill pieces of gun ammioniao. pre: rations. al a heat. Keep. well stoppered, waterthis before seing. willTt iunite s etsidthotwobyDottloin thometalic orkshot.barfacs, that preparation even of polished toch.2153, Kellor’s Armenian Cementfor Glass, China, de, waterSoukfor 2 24 drachms ext fgingldaa in 2 oineos hones; boil down to 1 ounee; add 1 ouneospict of wine, ‘and strain throughof 1 nen, Mixmastic this, inwhile hot, ‘with esolution drach roctifed spit, aud teturate thoroughlyfounes with
DICK'S 4 drachm powdered gum ammonige, 2154. Ure's Diamond Cement, Tako Lounce isinglass and 6 ounces distilled water; boil down to Boaneos; add 14 ounoes rect fied spirit. Boll for 2 minutes, strain, aud ‘add, while hot, 4 ounee of a auilky emulsion fof dmmoniae, aud $ drachms tinetare of gu ‘mastic.
2156.otterTo process Mend Broken Glass,brokenA much for minding Bluse, china al earduenyraro with ella, than heating them, is to. dissolve the ‘shellas inaleohol to about tho consistence of molasses, fand with a thin aplinter of wood or pencil” rush touch tho edges of the broken wate. In short time it seta withoutany heating, whieh js ofion inconvenient. It will staud every: coutingoney but’ a est equal to" boiling
Sater, Tostrongest Mendcoments Crockerysnd. ciesWare,ap ‘Ono.ot tho pled foregg. this ‘Tose purposet, istaken lise silent andthe whito STan quane Uiy’of the ogg to met one atile ata Hine, Shave of a'quantity of limo, and) mix oughly. Apply quiolly to the. edges thor. and plac fem together, whet it will very soon hocomo set and strong. Mis but” small panty af duce ae tandems very Sooty 50 that icant bo use. Calekaed plates of Paris would ansior tho saA coment purpose, used by 2108, Badigeon, operatives andia thelr artistswork. Bi Statuates up holes toeanda ftver defects Infstute of plaster andstro feee-stoneof rawdus for this anpure Doses crpeeny flue,or of whiing and glues coopers tse & Thixtoro ‘of tallow aud colon ‘ehalie anistare tke same hanes gtven to stone weed {orposedthe fonts of houses, and. said to: bo come of wood-dust and Little ihe umber slacked ortogether, Rone-poweder, anda sienne tea with lan ater tho const ‘of paints M159, apaneso Cement, Intimatel anix tho bost powdered He with a Wille cold ‘et then pdally a ig war propor colisstonee 1s acquire, being uot par iictlafy exrofal to Keep st well stiered altho fimo; Tasty,euce-pan it mst ofbe earthen beled forpiphin. one aaiauts inva dean his hie is beautifully white aud nose transpare fant for whieh season. itis well adapted for fancy naper wary ied rogue song 2160, Curdskimmed Cement.milks AdaAix} pinttho vinegat ( 0 4 pint curd Writ the "whites of © exe well beaten, and fulicfne powdered quick lime sifted) in with
tt hus Petroleum,that gelatine andscoverad Bensine Rosist been feceully Gun I a compound vields with ha,glyeerine Shixed coating, on soldies wich but ston {hid having tough, elasticaid substance, firms ind ie of ebaracterist sppeaganen the Inveh rubber "Tho two. sbatanees waited Thuia iso. aud abvolutely eutrely form 'aiu misiure geeat the and bean, or pelzoletin ‘ble those impervions oFto paint akingsulvedeaskshy brushing robe of once at is Buide ing thom on the luside with te eompoua,
‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 ‘his is also used for printors’ rollers and for Duffers of stamps, a benzine ur pettolens ‘will clean then When die i tho ante portect gmanuer aad i au iberedibly short space uf fine, Water mst not howe with tien pound. Cement toadapted Resistto Petroleum. A 2162, cemetit peeuliarly stand pet oun or any of its distillates is snade. by bo! ing 3 parts resin with Leanetie toda and 5 ‘Water. ‘This forisa resinsoap whiehfs afte. Wan inixed with half sts woight of plaster of Paris, zine white, white Ted, or precipitated halle ‘The plaster hardens ih about 40 mu
fe 2163. Coment for Aquaria, Mis 3 units well 1 deiod venetian fed (Itnely pow jered) wth posnd oxide of ou, atl das nich il wl redce ie t0 a StP paste‘2164,GoingComent for Marine ‘Take 10 parts by measure lituareoyAquaria. 1) parts 1 sand, white dry parts 10 Paris, of plaster jart tnely. powdered resin, and suis. them, ‘When wailed linseed” for nso, oil,”into a‘Thisprettywillstatstiputtyto ‘with boiled Wood, stone, metal, oF goodglass,Ror andmarine.aqua hardens Under water’ Teis also Ba, as ltnotrecats thethe action ofuntilsalt 9 water. tisit Dotter to vo table days after has2165. boon consented Water Cement, Manganese is fond to bea valuable iugrodiont in water c t ments. pirts 4 parisblackeasoxideclay of aremanganese, to be mixedand about 80 parts good lime stone Fedueed. to to expel powder theacid:sholewhomWo bewellealeined fino the Earbonto caleined audof fooled, to be worked into the eansistonco ‘83M paste, with CO parts washed sand. 2166, Cement, forquttaGlasspercha Syringes, ‘Take pitch, 2 parts; 1 parts anelt together over a s l o w fry apply hot and Tein with a hot knit Quickly-Setting Rust waterJoint1 Make ito paste with part ly weight val aurmonive fu power, 2 arts ag. lower of sulphaty and £0. pacts iron 21GB. “MakoSlowly-Setting RustwatenJoint2 parts Coments into a paste with Ea! sinsioniae, {pare flower of sulphur sad 200 parts iron bors. This coment is better has the Tastte. Hf the joint is not required for Immediate
2169, "MixRedt pareLeadeuch Coment forfed Face Joints, white tat feed ‘ibs2170,IinseeSingeilr's tthe proper consistence, Cement. for Electrical Machines and Galvanie Tyoughs, Melt Together § pounds rots, and 1 pound bees war, and stiral iLaa,poutd red ochre (high d,s widate ounces blister, continuing tho hewt shovecensou, 212° BuOf, (for sirngones), constant til al frothing eso, Uponnds ded rod cht, otindcaleinalplaster of Pariy pow Hneeed oi} pd Rooms. aM, Sarl, of DIT. Pare, hae“Cement mnade a forincenton whieh is pro:
ounced bette tan plaster of ans for cua ing the walls sl ceilings of roams, A coat af{ikeaoside uf zine, mixed with wat,” mado up ash, is fiw Tai applied, on, atl over that & coat sf chloride of xine prepared the sane waysdvetasthean immediate fest wash,combination, ie sido AndFn chlorideaid emen, amooth an pl ithed as glass and of possessing the. advantages ell paint without its disadvantages of selGe 2172,” ‘Coppersmith's or ‘Blood ment, Bullock bloodmakes thickened with finelyto powilered quieklime a good cement Secure the edges and rivets of copper boiler,
tytell ent aks fom oat ke, mu bp as soon as mise a d rapidly gots Iistis ostremely cheap and very: durable, hanaud suite to Torrequired Inany purposes white a tong coment “2173, ‘Pow's Composition for Covering Building s, marie Tove neha rdes and purest t, Iimestoue (white isco be prefired) naa, elay ot other matter; cast it'in a roverbera togy faroace, palverize aud posit through I par by weight {oSilay” be mixed with asieve. 2 pares clay well baked aod pulverized, condctin g. the wll operation ‘with reat care. Tis forms ofthe Bt poner ae sean iso be nade Pare dbakes “gsrpstiy to ‘hioh ealeined is added ‘and partspulverize lag, an pt Forized.. hes to. powe ar to rs bo com: bined, and intimatel y incorpora ted, 50 48 to form a perfect mixture. When if is to be used, nix i t with about a foureb part of ie ‘weight of wacer, added gradually stisring the Tass Well the ‘whole time, until it forts 8 tied paste, upon in whieh. state itissurfaces” to be spread like moriae the desired Te bee comes. inthe as hard as stone, allows nulstire to peusteate, and is not cracked.no heat. When well prepared it will last ap dength of times” When in Ks plastie or sok sate, ie may be colored of aby esired tnt 2174, ic been Gement, A coment whichHardi Hydraul s a l d to have use wid great success in covering terraces, ining bw. Sins, cementing efo, resisting. the At: tration offormed stones, W a t e r , and so h of 6 ard that it cratches fron, pasa hae, fal i with, Hsseed Has too applied sich
1p 2180. 280, Marble Mba Workers! Goment, asin 2 patsy iso Hille, tBparte he inve substlucey anust bs reseed to. we dior aasoourely" preserved in chiciy op Holoyedvesselstake "Wier te coment sto beer tne ira‘mix flings JC ‘part of tho90 pacts abovevonypowder, them ffageablo nguthor writen wer to fon 8 paste. ine paste sulistes in 3D {ays and hecomes a bad: ion D181, Masons! Cement‘Sakefor oqoal Coating the Tnsides of Cisterna. pare ctSrooduicimos pulverized bake elk and ashes, "thorouhiy mis the abors sub Sanco and diate with suelo alive olmeto Fina faanageabie paste. ‘avecomtent dissly harden dh ais smd moves ers treat tho water 3183. prepares "Coloredcement Cements, Profesor Tontigee of diferent colors and goat baldness by mising varus basesBS Swati ging Soluble soda glass of anon’ istochalk, thoroaehy sired matter’ wad mised wih fue a n d t h e esoring eeTn 12thienarso folowingof recone) well Incorporated, Gor Rowsof a set conevarity wilof te ohiehA olubie is capable gest glassthocan chalk be hepesed elodag a Aehatte figuit're form, of pornauent and cheaperase te colored uments ean voteadiiy prepared Sfiei ase, tho material can beexpense, Kape in sok wean ae but hit etiger Commend tho following voloringWall mattis 3183, Black Cement. ntl osssl pine of antimony, nigedeithy slate Kind alleater(soe sifrog No 2tn2) eantees a black shof which be ‘poli 2175. ‘Universal Cement. Dissolve 2 Tarnished with agate, aad then poses soaces taaatio inst euongl 98 per cent al fine male ste cohol to offeet a salttion. ‘Phen soak 2 2184, Grey-Black Cement, Fino iron tinuoes iinglass, or fshegluo unta it i. thor 3, mised as i No. 2182, wives a groy-black tingly softened, Dissolve the isinglass in pout spirits stMoient to form a strong glue, 2185, Grey Cement, Zine dust. This, {fa then add 1 ntiee finely pitverized giana
ae in No, S15 takes 8 grey moss, ox. toute. Wann the tivo mistures together nase hae. whieh,listro on polishing, oxbibita ‘aver alow fre, and whem they are thorough: fAbeedingly bniliant metallic of ine, so that Ie‘Thissaised, hottie and hermetically eeal tees. Broken ur del ne eaatings may. be cement becomes peretly xy in 12 oF tuinited aril restored hy & coment that might 15 ours. When tho cement is £0 Bo toed, alled a enld gine casting. Ttadiores tiene ‘tho otto should be heated in a water bath to ly tormotal, stor, hd woud. Tiquoty tho. feugmonts to bo. cemented
Hult alaw ‘he ketted before ® the joining. surtaees them, wal
Halt 2176,ie suo ‘To Coment Amber. the Amber spine Ty waar nrtaesis hots together, atiretke or samelnslingane okies trrorsvebargoal te ony Athos‘177.ay TothatCement il ot Alabaster nar tho theunamen, and Pla ter, Oman fae plaster Teof egg, joinedUekenid togetherwithby meKonely-podese as of ite quick whitay fintesr by a mixtaes fiuely-povilorod plaster ofof westy-baked Pars, nixed andUp ith2178,he leaseMending possible Plaster quantity Models. af water Wax gailfoe thori,boreorseliag vareishtmeemiented prapose. “ D r , Chain the aso of Liqald sles.” Wet tho two saziosts nariuens ‘with i, nd allow a owe s n o m u o n t s t o de. Tt Swill ond very tefl ia ease & to2179. scan. Waterproof Mastic Comont, atic togsther 1 pertsharprol leat towith5 partsboiledgroanol iim, oud 6 part sand, Ors to'5 oi sehiting and 10 sharp si t tizedpart rolwtheadboiled
side of chromium, mixed as an No, 2183, “ves are eeven cette used2188,ae ian NooBlue182, Cement, anaes a ‘Thinard's bite comentblue, , 3189. Yellow Cement. | Lithargo, volihie glass, be, seo No, 51S, gives a with yele fonw coment, 2190. Brig Red ht Cement. Cinnabar, rset as Gieveto in No, 2182, makes a bright nsigl2191,fa No.Violet 2182, Red yelde-aCement. violet red Carmine, cement, 2192, White Coment, The ‘soluble diss with fine ebali alone” (see No. 2182) fives a white cement of weeat beauty and aeess, 3193. Black Cement. Sulphide of ar timony dust, glass am equal(sae" proportions, stirred inandwithvousoluble. No, 2182), aiford an exceciinuty firm black cement. Grey Cement. "Zine dust geil2194. on i Dark equal proportions eed asin No, 2ts2, yield » hard dark groy coment. 2195, former Portland Portland montis of clay Cement. anil limestone, ont coally containing Some siliea, the properties of ‘whieh ian vary without iajtry’ 10 he ce: iment. The proportion of clay inay also vary
842 mixed gradfrom 19 to 25 por cont, without detriment. sists | plasterstuf,of Paris, about{fine (See Na. 2198.) ‘Tho only necessary condition for the forma: fially of with to set very expetion of good aréifcial Portland cement, fa Aitiously,tho thoworkproportion is requiredof plaster of Paris is and homogeneous mixture of ar. When intimate tnimate at the mevossary often is Th fnereased, of lime and lay, tho, proportion of plaster to be used should here the thproperty lay being a8 above stated, The materials immediately is laid on, and in all white beat in kilnsof the prop: ‘Of setting raise sofo.a that, stuil Is used, and consecrfre form, they aro almost, and vitfied Sieh casosit is gouge cementemploforyed extensively ‘quently scorpuiveralent ‘Kreer tho calcination all
pricked ont and ified portions are‘The earefilly finely remainder away. thrown ground “and becomes ready” isfor then tse. THO combina which fs enters Smount tion wichof iviwatermisine about into l0Gby beingweight.ro. from 12to. 18. hours iesety slowly, quired. Made into thin” solution. Tike Shitewash, this cement gives woodwork all the anpeatance of havin been painted and be set together of stone mayand” thea’ inded. Piles jyortar, the. srhols ‘with coramon with this cement, making it look over ‘Sashed of rey” sandsLonhave Tine me innmense‘use rock may For temporary and @ theflour-barrel inside washed forswitha the hoops naifed. coment, and it wil do uated hittie Portlandto hold. water, "Boards fear or morewi washed with i, make good hot Together, Its water-resisting, propertion water ittanks, take uefa For a variety of purposes Ar2106. Mastic Cements, or Pierro tiffetelle. “Buettger says that those cements limeof 100 parts enei of sand, fro mixtures linseed oi and litiarge, with 7 parts ono, mixed and welluf carefully’ ingredients, hese the hae wll Forked together, first but litte.consistency eoherede. moist sand, aud at grasindtheof mixturo Whon prested,thehowever, hardnesstiae willordinary Ty acquires in sie months emitsparks Flono-and binding ‘The s t e c ! . ” with Sehon struck are the itharge and olf,agentstue In such coments the body, and limestone or Chall and giving filing up the interstices. 2197.thrCoarse EV wayon:.as asPlastering aid inai,for i Stuff Gost tho same halt 1s prepared times called;mortal, with. thewhichwdditionmeet ofbe wll fommon from the taaner,by means of a threo frocuced Mixed withTako,tho mortar dh is equally Tho until thethe hair Dpronged composition. throaghout, Enbuted sbould be est formed, nd whenmisedthe nota sand behavoaddedbeesby thoroughly and should lime and the degrees, bair the the halesball that througout. sited ‘hole soto thoroughly bo equallySti distrited Spear ‘This Plastoring ‘B19, a small. portion slacking Linefor with is mado by Pine salfieientof waterereumi.i added ‘otto water, This consistence itaftertheto which givealloweil aud cedthe for nomeof, time, settle {ett and'tho 70. water is pourelll craporation fipestluons Teut sulfered to remainthickness for use.to’ addaFor it t0 of proper aces necessary is it wore kinds Some of ur for Inside of Walls. tual‘B109,portion"Stucco (see ‘This stucco consists of 3 parts inesand.stall"Those washed ine part and 2198) ‘No.parésof terior walls which aro intended £0 18 are iegreatwitcare thtanusage,be take plied material, this ig the. surface. bo perfectly level, and to That will well worked Uo trowel. thistool itor mast fecuro. "This is done wooden floating oceasionally by spriuiding a little itwater dir on in eeenlae co, rubbing andtac tos attainedramet the surfaceof thehas woek tho lot,‘BhoHl ddeability ‘rita gloss. Tigh depeads upon how itisape done, for if Boti ahmugpiy is cbietare SeushThis Gauge 2200. ened which comees au moutiifgs for vse or formed with a Wooden mould. [bea yun
best Suely’ swash
moll, wellyun, rammed down; uponabovewhichtho Tetones,thereand b e about 1} faches 1 part partshy ineasuro ealemed forragiaous tari, and'2 eoarso ead and r Bee with fine wategravel, canaioney ath fo tise fore t h i s coating has Wecome taoromghly set, Ipseit upon it coat of calcined mae, mized egal toparean ofevenfine sarfiee, san 1,14‘The inches Ihick, anleveled addi tion of Blood will render this compost ‘Tho calcined marl mentioned ebove is harder.the Portland cement
of commerce.
2195,‘2807. Concrete Gravel Walk, inches Dig abouts ot d e p t h the to earth tho avny ramming tent of pbbles, aydowna bttom ea ‘wall with « paving Famer. -Sweo Thoin ‘off as lean a®. possible with a broom, be mixed up into a find cover the surface thinly with hot coal tar for use, ceit forwmstworking fuired. consisten Proper with lime war Now put ou a coatof smaller gravel (iho irs er, and used as specdily as possible, Bodie pti toutaippedtp ‘Tg ts goose ogee), previously in h o t co 2202. Durable Compositionused, rorstead On Gisinea, aud ofrolled Ingravel,coal andashes,roll it down naments. ‘Tihs is frequently interinisturo fino Hlaster of Pais, for the ornamental pasts of
ings ests re dab, aed Veena in tinioas hard ay stone itsell, Te is of great ® execution of the docoratiee parts elute, ad also inthe tishings of picture frames, Heing a cheaper method than Earving, by netly #0 per cent. Teis made oF follows: 2 pounds best whitening | pound glu, fund} poutud Inseed vil are heated texether, the eoxnpusition being eontinuatly stirred until the diferent substances are thoroughly incor porated. the eompottnd cook and then [ona stoneTet covered with powdered whitenlay ing, abd heat it well until it becomes of a totigh and firm consistence. Tt may then Lo put by for use, covered with wet cloths to Keep fresh. When wanted for uso ft must out into pieces adapted to the sizo of tho ould, into which if is foreed. by a serew press.’ The omament, or eoraice, is fixed to He eae" or all et gh of wie na 2203, Roman Cement, Caleinetparts of any ordipary clay, and mix it with ® parts fime; grind it to. power, and ealeine again. ‘This makes & beawtifil coment, improperly the preparetion Nas elk Roman, see called firey unknown to the Romans. Plastic Material, A hemtifal2204,plasticNewsubstance ‘ean be prepared. by hnising ‘callodion shouldwithbe phosphate ‘Tho phosphate pure, oF the ofcolerlime,of he Compound. wil be wsaiisaetory. Om etting, the mass fs fattnd to bo hard And suse eptitle ‘of a very fine polish, ‘The material fan be used extensively, applied in modes that ‘Wi suggest themselves to. any intelligent tst fo high elass decoration. compact mass, 808, of “Concrete, pebbles, Time,A and. sand, em? composed ovedin the foundations of buildings.” ‘Aho best pioportions are 0 parts of course pebbles, 25 of rongl sand, and 15 of Iie; others re comm 40 parte viver sand, sal 0 not withaironconcrete cast filings foand Portland cement, The ‘Abs states that a cement made thus is has to fracture it, attempts to resist ‘Ksenough he states that anythe srou flags ar to replaco ihe saud usually put into the mixture, wo presunne that the relative quantities are fo bo Ea 2206, Concrete Floors and Walks. floors:— alter Compost for barn and Isitehen iatended to is oor the ‘whieh on ground the to tho be ade is leveled, let it withbe covered stones, broken thickiess of 3 oF 4 Suches
‘a3 thoroughly as posable, Let the roller run Slowly, boy payals" followit est with pat a hos Sito aud Iotawaberog onto
ont fine eel ‘oncompli san, indth coalicy tar, with topo ofgain. coat andthe as thovoughly 0 yostlo” nore folling tho better,” Tt will aks some ‘Woukatohagden bet makes‘9 lend hard
Tinfuco which thelg tarswaterJe ikon root Da sebiase Yoo much i only neisary Tec anougl to moaisth igredeate cobsfoo thar praegeoond biter than ek? wie, Such auf wit ast na tryed en 8308" cot"Cheapatben Concrete Flooring, sap Mix 3Sri! bushel hom a Hassani Deals tolnaue pos lio,soia mortage then adsho Sout ganar tuna ir sn opal om vathe TeterllMs plac atest bompgtl Up aldag. the tar iy thin enough for uses ur fables an athito a sheer adip ngmortaharps canbe Ino frSoe panel havo sluol god overityceucrlo tien rolHour elyeiand Eo towougr aiyy bu getie wilthorongy Hacposovenof Eesty bn good ‘wool earfultina done. ofAsta sfiebest ‘ns3206,for loging pavement actusor Gomont Tis igoped modo ofin "aceon baked gypsum paste of Patyand a saturaved solution of alts, Terral ant wiredueodeneto powder”crlieesFor erent Gr iiuot afarappliedheans auucoo; cent hasbatboontho ios aeaeely Bor Gusta 88 colored by tho mpl roca SP atasog ioral powdar solos shady iy tieSeag withfor Seu tho oment inised Working), being susceptible of a high degree Wetobepol,cud trebace teammts,ations ot sther iad sgl {tonBe ctorthg aorcoment crjoean i mot adapted to bydeanebat to tae wenn iteral decor for hardges Rasveand senfoon'2ts Auce {She extreme’ 8 anyae Song ant F m sting ae given te canon leg Wate ro HO, ‘Parker'stenndues Cement, finrsted ‘Tic valoatle contiemateof and mines hr eid mart freupinoes Stanly lta tna ah ssa herboron eas cfargitteonsitmestone,Fhesoara onal with dro pe ahha sato aod {2tho'aolt or Mg: mesons, beg take uneon ho pices heat eicf fusion toosméh dagee Ago tho agate even eeSeeSurtosnethoy alee ele bopropery ane toweatea; form tbethe
DICK'S 2224, Cement for Leaky House a8 posible thenquantity reduce toof Roofs, calx is reduoed to » very fine powder by f andthickrenderpostoa8 fine Tako 4 pounds resid, 1 pint linseed, necostary the with grinding, and immediately packed in barrels,
Te mnt bo used ‘water, ming thoroughly. immediately. After application, it should be Inezeasing ae to warmth,heats gendoally fxpocel ery is alike ‘This comeat to ‘white fest esistanco completo presents and Fan, water. and boing Tron. fora fel eseComent for 2217, is ‘made. by mixing equalAn excellent coment parts of fifted poroxido of manganese and well puiver. fed sine white, addingglansa salicient quaatity of ‘conmercialsolublo to form a tin pasts, ‘This mixture, whon sed lmamediately,lorms ‘coment quiteequal is hardness and resistance fo 2218, that givenCement in the lastforreceipt Uniting Stone,4 pear ielt cto, Spar Derbyabiee ‘uncer esis, Froubeeplaster‘was, of and.Paris,about Thean funeodaelpesiNed Srtietes to be joined should bothowellcement, cleaned, then madehot enough to melt anda8 the pieces pressed together very closely, 20 to leare as little as possibo ofis.the goueral composition vale This joints. tho between swith all comets, na the thinner the strata Srenment Grmer i wil"Building hold 2219, interposed Cheap theArtificial of houses ofhavethe beat number "A lange Stone, fol workmen, for Paris in fonstrcted fowing materiale: 100 parts plaster of Pavis, 10and! parts bydravlio lime, aru5 parts Liguid mixed glue, 300 parts cold water, intimately fand poured into in moulds ofhouranythedesived size ‘and shape; and half an forn be somoved.” ‘Tho stonos are then expored canin the ope dry.at for-Areiteal weeks stone nat thos they aryprepared, thor oughly hasdnd, thewhorering theand satoriasaro hardsess of abudant, tse natfre ck? i said {o\bo2220."5 per Simple cout cheaper than quartiedCement. stone, and Useful “Alva wa tec and. usedplaster in thoof Paris, liguid Wall state, mixed form a bard Componition asd also fora usefal esment, Instru2821. Cement Fastening A material for fasten ments Ig inknives Handles. or forks into their ue,handles, when much isa by loosened Become bave they article, ho best cement for this pur Heated oso. consists of azo1 pound resin nad 8 onnees Sulphur, which fo be anelted together abd1 thor kept in bars or reduced to powder. Dart of icon the powder isfineto sand, bo mixed with $8 Pert of flings, or brickedust 4nd thocarity of thohondio is then tobekaifofilledor swith t h i s titneo, The stein of the Tork is thenand towhenbo heated andwilefnserted intofinalytho caity; co it fou! 2214. Comont for Closing Cracksin fixed ints place Stoves, ote, A useful cement for closin upPrepared to 2222. Stone, Cement Giycorino forand Fastening ltbargw stierodTronto cracks byin stove plates, stove. doors, te, fiely-pulve mining a paste, hardens rapidly, and makes a suitable rst ey ith druggists, the at proctred be can as eement for ian upon iron, for two ston0 8 Buch then paste,nd’ thick a to wator-glas, faces, snd especialy for’ fastening iron to Higuid tho hott Mhe i with t cracks the , nating stone, ‘Tho coment is insoluble, and Ia not cement tho does more the becomes, then fro attacked by strong acids ingredi metalic its with combine and melt 2223. Vegetable Cement. A good the erack vouetable fnts, aud, the more completelwill y cenit may'bo prepared by mixing, closed ‘eda gomarabie withdissolving witnete ofan lame, ‘The latter to Tron Fastening for Cement 2215, prepared by exeess of marblo io stone, ion for fastening "A cementneatly Stone, innitric avid, and filtering. ‘The filtered sou stoxo tho as bard as Decomes Which uitrate ot itself enstats of 6 parts Borland eament. 1 Irion will containbo 33.3driedper bycent,evaporation, Dist powdered lime, not slaeked,® parts sad, For the coment, take 2 parts by weight of tho with watereomto nitrate of lime, fim, mixed part sacked fal I piper 20 parts pulverized gum saya tho comity, fio, bie, and 25 ‘parta ‘waters. ‘The mixtieo hows #8 In dainpenel, presionsiy being bott i n bp further diluted to adapt it to the uses Grays set ies2218."hase to whieh itis to be applied, tn the manta To Iron, for Cement Strong ture of artificial stone, a cement of a similar peer: and died thoroughly c pacts l 4.or5 a y tharaeter bas been fouad to serve a good pur oxi, trom fee lige iron parts ald fest, the used is kind the of Something pose, 06 of part } manganese, of rear stone, but in the Béton-Coignetnoin ade 1sal pictautporoside 4 part horas. Mingle’ thocouly, disional binding, material is fond necessary.
oi withHom ike aread woatue. Te 8 tempered water toeaa proper eonsisterce, ftudappliod at onco, soon hardens, and ‘wll nt boar being again seftened down with ‘rater, weno Por foundationsanalyand cornices exposedan 1o'ths mixed wih qual common quantityofmortar, cleanwith augularaboutsand;vicfor useae S24 iiughwot,sand, tho forcommon, costing proportions walls exposed to coldaf fad, ry 9 Sand to 2dryness of cement, aud about for walla24 orexpoted to extreme or hoa, $ of sand tot of eensont; nothing for fuelggbut ester work, water Fontes, coment and water should ofbe compo, employed.or Toman ‘his coment, under tho fame cement fv mach fomployodtho forfoundations facing houses, watet-cster s, fetling of go ediGees, de: Te is porhaps tho best of all coments for taco. D211, ThisPollack's Cement for litle Tron tne and stone.” coment takes somo {o dry, but water-prook. tumas almostFor as hardmending aa stono,etecks and {2ir0’and Jn stono boor had,easton ware, where ‘Takoiron ltharge flings eanot it isinvalueblo.. fd redintolead,a pasta cqualwithpart,eoneontrated max thoroughly aad take glyeorine to thesmear consistency of sole onputyy llsidesthe ofcracthe fd & thia layer both ‘astinglayer80 eanas tobocompletaly cover tho facture, ‘This rubbed of it necessary whenAL nearly dry by an old. Koil of cbissh. Pollack hsof a ‘sod it to with fastongreat the success; different portions ly-wheel ‘while, whenit Isplaged between stones, and than once hhatdened, essir to break the stone the 2812, join. | Coment from Furngco Slag ‘Parnace slag byeancelecting be mado suchto furnish an ofexed a8 Tent coment portions aro realty” dlgsolved ittn tinue hydrochlorie acid. On subjeating th ction of the fc, silia i thrown down, w h i i afterward e to bo washed, inert dried,tg fotze and. pulverized,” One part 9 with his posto powdered lime.slag ‘his and matter the necossary quantity aado Hloeled soon hardens, ala2218.tho bestZeiodite, cement inThisits ubstanco durability is mado bby mishig 20 to glue’ 30. parts coll sulphur withforms2 parts powdered or pomico, whieh East that resists thorolactionR. ‘ofoottger wateras recommends audhard thoas stone strongest aoids, jt therefor, for galvanie meking watertight and alright cals for” Datterios.
iSaud 2 untl ouneesthe redproperlead, consistency and stiri i polveraed secured, and apply ie warm, ‘hig cextent becomes hhara yet possesies eonsiderabloclasticty, Ail2225. is auddurable and waterprook Engineer's Cement. Mix veground -whita lead with ag mitch powdered lead sul make it of the cobestence of putty. ‘Tals employedjoints.hy engineos andof others cement to makeoris metalio “ A . washer with is.thethencbsmeared canvas, Hemp, yam, iment’ fo placed in the joint, which erevied up tight. Tt well diesforag hard join g a broken stone. ‘This cement ansrers sone howeverput Tange, Cites ltt Square stones, together, while dry, wi iis cement wf never ea or equa hepa eis onest nly necessary to usotho ierestfor ofah theiueh jointoF theo the mater; thay bo filed wthit good eiortar_ ‘Tes better, However to us for te whole Joint, (See No, B15.) Comont.to 2| Meltpounds1 9226,”tiaekPlumbers’ pound resin, then stir Prick-aust. Sometimes a ite” tallow ia ule 2257.for uniting Red Cement, ‘The redIs made cementby nse guass to metals melting 5 dhenparts stiming feck resin wth 2 part1 partyellowred trax, id in gradeally ‘che’ or Venetian red, ‘hiei focemient powder,requires and previously well dried, {oif bethe melted wee, anitd ieadheres oljectsbeforeto whiels is appliedbatter ar swarmed. togethCement. 4 Melt ex 2228, bees was,Turers’ 1 aumea;.sesib, otmee! and pte, lrek-dusr & ouuce; tostirin the micture some very Fine give ta body: tto0 tof add ure resin} if too hard more. waz. Wea for nearly f up. intooutcakeson or8 rolls use. eal, Used make for fastening omer’ ‘Be20. elmick Temporary Cement for erutent Optitemporary S.A Jewelers, cians, jewelry; &e,, 08 fori optical glasts, for thestones,purpose ofby paint, bantles or Stocks ming nuade Ie erpameating or Fopaig Together” ata good Neal, 2 ounces res, trschn wns, to anithe 2article oumecswhenwhitening; awith0. heated, applied this coro Held may be obtained, unxed at plese Saco by heat. 2280, Cement for izing Metal. to Leather, Wash the metal in fot gelating, taep the leather in hot gall-nut iafusion, and tmaite while hot. 2281. Cement for Fixing Metal to ‘Marble, Stone, or Wood, MI together 4 parts carpenters” gluo and 1 part. Veuieo tur engine. 2282. Cement for Coating Acid ‘Proughs, | Melt together I part pitch yur resin, and 1 part plaster of Paris (perfectly
a ‘d to co ‘Miotal.oa", Clotueatmenbot ceCmleontthed to to Poploilsnheedd ‘wswonithihtobbealetstads Rbyupasinset;se tsggliuonbe,ging thdiemdssroleda cobctoofr, bwoacotteat ‘co‘u2taining " C a littilean vifsoogérGa or Raectveid aid,4. no r s tottthorots.retort wof rp n m e cfeomo93,4, espevceiae a l a t e d rrsmraoninrigast yly Jowurarnamly Tecomcomnes ntedofnsefs n ibgairtges autl slublo ist I y wbaotreerr-glaTsae o ortho bs ondv ed of o anytp l a a t i e o n n e r wid thuitthis ifSnetmsen are bytomtoeancontol « rebrvaserh.t ti‘tee s a d he ofSe twto,rthands roof rasofpit ofwillelGi u imsptroves arithone Renmt onvere dwall, Ytnosrosnd of tho. waanrd glases,
4Ty solution of white borax may be used, or oven fine powdered plas, 3356, Us0 ofFossil Silicate of PotassaAveryin Strongihening Skolotons, josicttn apt ofthe atelyvatanateof joan quid g l a s ) h a boon ‘at theve MidNoumet Natura istony ct ‘Parsi, ringboona disjofated great many dad fomll skeletons which Fra broken by tho shells Durstng in this Balaco of Seionce, ‘ho sole905 tons have eon frst used ditto to about Semen aad sierrantn of wienof thoegreebrokenvk concentration, he adkerones Srplying soparated brought oftogetherby with @ pioeos brash is somo tho eelution 0 of Tho sflieate of they" potassa ontedry,tho. ahdpartstho tojointbe Joined, thon aro ltt isstronger hardly then visible;the ramaindoror aud tho joined. part is¥ fae the Dono. ns ake fslioatsof andbirds,porous tons insects,anatomical ote, ean proce, bo dipped ro. festa in very are harditdand ‘nitions, and ts jerondered tonacious. for Lenses, Go,2256,Iie ‘Transparent frequently foundComent necessary to. e0: oat together two struses of tranapacent gies, without thisdestroying ot injuring therin Fransparenoy'; is especialy” tho aso feompound losees,fs Canada ‘Tho best coment for effect. union balsam, which, i too {hfek,ehould bo thinned with a ele tarpon. ting, ‘bensole, or ether. Te is of Inimportance that no aie babbles bo present,” orderachro-to coment togethor tho tao parta of an ‘matie lene (thisexactconsistsato, of thea double convex Tenn ag “cone &'plano-concare having iathorougbly flebnod the aurfaces fons), to bo brought contact, fayblo tho g l a n s , previously mato warm, on ats: sutably eoverod to prevont th thier str. fee from b o i n g scratched. Ly means of Pog of wood to oftho otherwise, covey aanddropthonof Tho balsam contro uf th eng, gently lower down upon i the lon t0 slighty bo male previously alo it to rented ‘war.dso Nowin theapplycentro, a sightindleaive pressure, of andoptical tho dark fantect, wil rapidly increase in ze, util at fast the balsamat reaghes thomarginatd beginsbo topresent ooroont the edges, if tho. balsam excess,of soft“a0 istriagshoaldpastedho. cronBy cans of in.a plveo ‘iselace overthemte inalenses,stove,tie thean teoven,togetor, anda or betbre re, forashallshorthavetimo, wat bard the and beleaindry. at Lotho wedges becomo the steing then bo traces removedof andbulsamthe leas freed fom all oxternal by means of‘eed benaoleto oruitether.clzoumstanecs, Tho aboveapplydizeetions, comentation of transparencies oF apalto thople tures, of «uymauietranspac fa tems,algo andto fromthethe thovarushing proteotion of chante ait, ul gurfaces 2237, Cement for Chemical Glasses, aie onual parte of wheat Hou, fisely-powre ‘ored Wenige glass, pulverized chal, ahd a funall quantity of brigkedust, Gnely grounds theto fagzedients, with @ Hite scraped Lint, ‘ze tobe mixed abd geoand up with t h e whita ‘ofof eggs itxmnat theand boapplied spreadto thpon esac piceesof fing linen cloth, the Before lasses,tho andglassallowedaro ptto foget.thethoroughly ‘ry Hee. ‘2288, Hormotical Sealing for Bottles Gelatino mised with glycerine yields a com: oundcooling, ga at wen not ie beeing sli tho same Simo retaining much fasticity.”Dy apning “‘Bottesthe may. bo.nthermetically eae pvks hountiliidtho tniztuze, nd repeating the operation Sopa ay tiekos rogueBottles Con230. “Cement to Seal taining Volatile Liquids, Cheuiste and
others know welBottles th diel of forkeopingexamplo, ol Atle liquids,” of cthes, trated ini hey ares"Rag trofemolyfod withto forhosxporars mote chanaadia balfwha onply. luting Bf mated ih ee ilo ponte ronre’ "A‘now cometottoasl?puvate fooyrelateand Toad at Wuek cape of theflymoetground tela Tirge'and ule goncobens posed sttvory fae ipcot bean lemerly plated srghe theo trtongers Teaetp dren ant Goss ostoeeR” anh" wienLat ahhan eeoeaaly bo sal sereea'ad hints Ls {eben the “Comoxt ott. for Scaling Corks in BID. Batten, an ql tothe quatliyeatcow rosepet fd{Rvan'bot?elmawens‘Takeraqua mii bulkquay oRaay'poetce ‘eaSH shally td mah sf bomsloot Lobtho eol Dol Huon hon keg fed the‘dra andi f e wall Wo tees taeSQDALts “Gomont or a Tor Sealing tho Corks intarBotton, elquantiupuoeof esd{yeunt eenie Wstine and Somes od went Wen eeeae rasp archaea IieTaguthat oandig: “as aso scene bets ini ait ho 2242, Painters’ Putty. Patty iamade of cominon whitening, pounded yery fue, and mixed with Tinseed oil il if becomes
howd of ny 2243.tho Ubiekasess Quick Hardening Putty. A putty of starch and ebloride of xine lsedens ley, a ats for month, ava atpper of oles sn metals. "2244," in Wood Comentof any to StopColor. Flaws or Gracks Put any ofis finemade sawdust, of authe earthen same wood tAnd he quantity work with, to pan,and pour boiling water on it stir it well, obit main forait; rok or tenit fordaps,someoocaion allySnidestiving thon boil time,of will bof tho consstanco of pulp paste; pulitinto a coaree clots and bquecre Eitths oisture it. Keepquantity for uso,of and, ‘when wanted, mixfromo sient tse nto Well it rab paste; a nto make’ to glue {ho cracks, or fil up tho holes in'the wank ‘with When if gulte hard dono, and dry,the clean ‘work it,of, and, carefully mpertee-the on2245, wil be Cement seareclydisoerible.. Cloth,VestLeather, Belting. Take al, for1 plats usa foieor Blass, Yomecs; into a. common luo Kettlo and boil potwnathemthe isglass te dae Folved; then add 4 ounces best glue, and solve it with tho otters then clowiy- add dis14 fn boiled linseed sttringmixed. all the When time ‘while alding and untiloi, well
taro.a9 tho Teather itself, We wheels knowof uo ee dent beter either for emery oF cneryot Yoltedhan tho best gle. In bu experience ‘ison years wo over found anything supe “2247,recommonded Gutta-Percha Cement, ‘This highly coment is mado by meltsng together, ia an gutta-percha, iron pany 2 parts. common Diteh and L part strring, thom Yell together until Uhorooghly Incorporated, ‘aud then pouring the liquid ito old. water
‘When oald this hank, said, end easing Wak, it softens with hoat, and ‘at 100° Fabis a thin uid. Tt may bo sed asa soft paste, or
ieee ea et eae ey eae Nr a” Bi Biaive tdi mar fr Ser OUWSesca Ta, ue SisN: SMa Aen SARE ac cay Sepa ey oreeats mii ftoft LTBI SUPE piesa eyremeoSts SSRs ide ee eresc is sess diana il on een its cea ere tere RESO iia Se ga ae See a IRPCA San Bs ga 2508 anita” Poet
cold it will resemble India rubber, To use his, dissolyo what is neoded in & suitable ‘quantity of alo to tho consistenco of thick gino, Ttis applieablo for leathor, for hamess, Sands for machinory, cloth belts for eracker
ea Ehavo of brush aif hilo foe. sowing, ap ly atheweight comentto Swit ' a hot laying Keop each joint finmly for 6 40°10 hows, or over might Leather Belting. Comentyea forAmero 2246, ag emt of sabe gluc-potand adLet in tho whole. parts; placethem ‘equal puficieat to just cover the whole, to Seater goat 10heat,hours,ani tienadd nig Polling ‘whole Becomes ropey of pareappeatstanpinike until the whitethe the genta Apply wreie warm. toeDull emote: Tegan, shri togeter, let i oe s it, sliy tho joint strfand Jub tina reser. for ust and, if ary ie wil ofuot,thoedsamenivelna togetes,¥e nearly openiy thopucement Tigres
Seer Eae th eee renefoe Snes Erne ser Ga
S061) scoments tires tds
fai lita‘ Baie we), tek A yay atl wit tia
geen wat hen eee
Se coeSuneaee wont a Hetim Esosa
ea ees ulae, Cae Post Mabhee ta ops, Ui ectacknearom
jel Ge lar Shas Se pee a any ee ean eetAeTa oinad l Oni h Be ing a
weeee vate aDear attee
Suen anus oes oA nee et ai Pe here Soe sa
eoso uer fantsee Cannes
Hee ely rea inom a of fee Hopped i le A come eeeS008 as Stile or eine, tees Wanars, tateWnts, forbe Sloe scenet tate loa se ie Seg e ao 2250 oe ae ego,
Hemera sah zane he rea ont BSF weer tate, 4 wl ao Sos Conmst tecnsetounaiips Ba TS coining Cractes,
Se rai Minera, tian, aay Matas IS cate to Protect Glam Vornela, haga” Sane
reg) ee EBay hanes way ad dot
au cst cees mA Paga re & 2257.
Caoutchouc Cement is made as
‘of carbon, 8 parts; mix in a close vessel, and
56 onsk ei mand ala mite Ee ota be ot ea
lass orsipped carthonware, small rings adof below Tada ‘Fable over aud tel sbove de joint, aro very comvenicat substitutes for Fat hap Dearing advantage of Iaing ong time, an uninjured tho eat ob ‘whieh ol of ial baa
FRlonr Paste, no simplytotwbeatpastefotfor agecral purposes is eaten to porieedtoa anoathnocs tad tha intowholcoldjawatorTrough boll, being constantly sired to prevent ‘The addition of few drops ot creosote,aoning ur & fow eraina of corrosive sublimato, er ide arbolo at, orUelphite of hae (especie the firs and sacond), will preva saeets Hom attacking i , and preverve i t (a conssed enslsbe sorted for yeam“Shol l W pet too hand t my: with water 3272," 'Peper Hangers’ Paste, Beat sped pounds of goad nino heal foes in esl Tater enought forma elf batter ating Tho tows thenfit);a0 eae fe-velcold towatertake tooutakeall Humpa; cuough 1 'the 2 consatence ef pudding’ batter; add“Ba ‘haut ounces of wel! pouied ahi fv audit quitehave Ubiing plenty tom of Wong water teadys {ake theta eae ently ad quickly over the batt ating.
rapidly the same tines and when 3 is ob forved to itswell and losand tho white color ef ihe flour, i s cooked Inake aout § of t pall of sollseady,paste;tgsdo wil not to0 furthers ft while aboxt.apint hot; allow feo eal ant wil cold water may bo paever ie topos ito ofprevent Prony within thi tet ie skiotoey ater 0 spread easly aul-quickly nnder. the ‘This pasto vil heey a long white withoutbrush, meting, when itis useless; nou en te fet:ay floes burt i;No. 28) zemove i, the remainder oad, not(See 2273." Strongly Adhering Paste. Whore fs paper roquiea,or stepainteda3 paperinggentoveralhestonesa varnished Krall be necosany toa ak une Of elyie wilpowdered resto each ihe batlor inthe last receipt AS| Gellevestef does not issolve 39 ready, set the un con talning the iugrotients ofr a models constantly wtl toil a tie fda short tire time after out to cool ite ace the poste with tainput gunarabie Ti hasghye “flock” papers with erowater.i Ud they Hl Syretho
omrL. Mo Make 2 icp Paste A
aati Kanciar’ ot, hth
Soh arcu alts Gt ee Be eae ees Give.
‘The hotter the glue, the more
foreo togothor it wil exerttherein in koopingia allthe large two ports ghicl ating jobsator toboiling, gle shat bw appa Inmetiatey “Glue Toss much offlue,is theretoeo, atrengeh which hy.eqtnt remelting that i newly mad, mach reforabio to hat. which hastuoDeondoublefeb fcintaising t aeltigorinary pine in vostto water, (son exelent method {iid salt lo thothen,aeatorim theheatedouter cunstdeably vessel Tt Swit not od nt iho thefo, ordinary bosliug:pomty tho.tastendconseoF SQuonea tho heat feesiny fassing offeno byluoevaporation, ant whem the derwr eros, il bo Gund tbo snugly and erealy melted Glue from Crack 2378, "To Provent ing. Giuotparteslardy site foundwento eral ia venga Iotsites, the objets gine togother fo not in elay contact, hae have {hfs ayer of luo netweonfa parthin Vory In vbthin feo Mey ote favre of gino aro not only exewcdingy’ hat Dub also more or loss brittle when extremely Ary; and, therefor to proventthe this diy afaul ‘condoquoat brits Contin, mig ony all quanea of Aiequantity lyn lnm Pl the doured geo Jno muse be ‘mndiied according to: o even stances 2379, Mako Very Strong Glue.te Ansotvod ouncoiy thoToof thoapplication boot a ivnglase nage heat, Ifraiat nv pialthrough of water.a pect‘Takoof ofcloth thisammodeate stati atn ant ad Jen proportionate quantity sf to bet glue, ‘wh bas heen previously soaked. in water Tor‘Afrabout 24 fours and a gill of vinngat the whole of the intents heyobel hawpe ieonght into eatin, leit oaco aia Strain offfornny tho impurities, "Pie ghaopar ‘wall adapted work whith rogues Ucoar donot strength,contabute at wheretowards the joute than folvos tho: emnbiation of thoand work oFpatton bralthat fillet adbe ‘nonldngs, eareed arto ieivom the “Aaarfaco hy teGluei.that will Re2280, Strong sist Moisture,” Disolve gunrsundsrae al Instich, ofwhieheach ad} founce, ilear3 pnt opis of ‘rine to omen torpentinos dowrfake sting gli that in which inglans has bran diselfed’ then, patng eho ume iiMoadoahieglor pot ait bp dogrbu teehee, Sormianlly saidg Hover strait se arehogh tie a Srhatois wet! incoeporate Slothy aad it tothe sendy glacspot, for ase.ad TL once nay very Sow iofncly-ponered zcutmed lise Tungotie sdted; vet quiteTangs: hut Dash "To Make Giver ticOf fluo gle wit is prepare iy aning thieand. soluton tangatate of sda, hytioe chloe ae by nreany of whet «compound ofsheltangatie’a tempera aca and glue. 86°ts, ta preeptated, TOE dk Bae, Wratllonty elastic to oduitof bli foe sotobecomes ery solid thin adshe ts brittle,-On aadevaon being Us ‘as Ineted ip nin sft cana boplastics Tishtho mpd ee sa teed forall fnuroses to "toshihKeephed Giue bor fromadapted 2282, Souring. Iftron los musts. geid be patito giesree i bole ready fewest wilh iain thn Hfgnwil nether tho same deycontin. forfermeute along timo, np nor gaia glugthessn dss wyportionand of sotgar Tallon woof wana Of 2288, Tea wil‘To saePrepare proven Gluefrntentatin, or Rendy shUse, ‘toi wtead any quit a ae me conn of ietight, ser." audWht sett bath sogether abot tigveonk feeb ord days, ‘len ilo it for woo without te apple?
vossel with the cover fitting tight on the ont: made in the sume watiner is au excellentce-
ee ant vast
fiawnd, miedo all ths ier Witarvereeen is hina, repaitiny eabinct work, de
Be ee agat Ge, Uimleln®
reat2350, Glue which Stands Moisture in about at5 -Daslve spine, Without Softoning. methylated strong of Tuatonncos etal 4s mawtiehs andaraeand of cath ounce sutton sis tiepentine. of ounce Sian aded to bob thick sation af Zhuo 9 sen‘chia aor fest been addy ns through foelooe & god cloth bot walle itera, sieve, "(See No. 280.) Glue. ‘2201, Marine or Waterproof eaoatenan pares 3 aoeiae gun at maker Dist ) td parieby reghts Gindamiben resets separate tta Gre 38, doe Geo. opm heaa Here thoroughly’ Whos a ee Fie slaions and Keepin fold ois thot the lao rests stopped apmny elie and amost and Guld, aotion of water, bot hut UTR ood, ftothe alkalies Piece’ aid ests ach Ft ont Goto feather Heit ell partae any her pone ohne the Jat ehas fates Tf tho alge be thinned by CE ces allen ta sorta ora ve
nish to leather, along the seams whereit is owed togoiher it reiders the jointor sean ‘ratertigh, and almost Glue, smpossibleto separate 2202. Tsinglass Dissolve. iin ag)acs in water ant strain through coarse linen, Bnd thon add 9 itl spirits of wine. apo ato it to such a cnusiatoney that when cold it Yl bo dey and wil hold stonger an comiaion gle,hard.and Ssis much preferred 2298. India Rubber Glue formostPhotographcis and Bookbinder A s, EUised luo for photographers, and extensiveal fistclasshooirbinders is made foi bottle by India rubber.” ‘This mst be dissed inHighthigblyreotied rected spirits of turpentine; the spirit extmcts overy partici grease, which is of the greatort consequence.of ‘2204. easeino Braconnot's Gluesolution of Cassine, Dissolve in a steong of bicu tonate af soda, 2205. easeine Ws Dissolve ff borax. Superior to gun, aud inay take the ‘place of glu i maw ‘used for the hacks of ade 2298, To,
IE as cian ike
Se” ete Ee une Hibbs Gerecmeth Silage, thom CSoysemsnageeecatais_ usta a el
SS saatsee
847 2308,this, Vepe parts Strongglte Liquid Glue, ‘To make in parts co wae ter, hoursackdto Sottenand.tho Tetglue;themthenstandadd for4 pareseveral mvuriate fod # 0part195°sulphatePabr, forof sing;16 orond 12 eathours.the anixfre ‘Thois rnisuire remains liquid afer cooling, and id toandbo glass very together, useful for sticking wood, cock try,3404." For nousebold prpoves Good this may Muclage, be made bp mixing’ ouneet with vinegar, distilled ounees S Futrarabie, Sweat aga Txt of the tlled L Finegar,bo sutettute {part acetic acid and’ S 7 pants water Thay 2305. ofTo guim-arabie Prevent Mould in lable to be.Mucilage. Solutions ate very come mould; and while the futroduetion of frequently ote, rubhiraate cotosiva freosote, on is objectionable this evi to fomady sod ator of pong, of the danger count sulphatemouldsof quinine Blatter agaisut "{adusteoprotection fo thogompleto very Bia provete to saffelont being of quantity fll {um siuclago from spuilmg. Tess quto por Sto that writing dol wight be ikeprotected, ditienty.by tromtoo asane application, samo tho purporD aso of ainmonia for ‘Pho also recommended. not Glue which Good doos Elastic flows: ‘2300. common obtained inas water, ix dissolved spoil on tho towater-bath fluo thois water evaporated dow Eat a mass of gly ofade, quantity a which to consistence, thick ferino, equal a weighe with dhe glue fe Stor which hasthoboonheating ¥s offcontisued. antlmassall the water driven when tho isIBApoured oat intoators moulds,hror sta, oua math lab. inate phates rolls,2807. galvano:plasti copier, eteGlue, Sweet "Sweet Mouth the withelastic moitening usoin choby samo for is realy glue, {onguo, mado way as fle, substituting, however, the samo quastity St powdlored sage for the glyeorine Bank-Note Gluebestor gins, [308, Portable stram patit pound 1 ‘oil Gemeni, {Youy clear; boil algo 4 ounces isiyglases It into. double give-po,it pretty with £ pound thenfue and oilor motds. thick; brown it sugar, When eal, intoext plates pour them. for tho. pocket. dy and may You ‘This gle ts very deelal to. draughtsmen, alates hein it immediately &e., axaston architects, Sranncost watery he p a p e r withot bo sed itoby softEning itnof dampings the moathyor iemay and applying the paper P3300, to To Glass Mako or Mucilage that, will Adhoro Polished Surfices. Woall knowobjects th diffcalty of glass causingoF highly labela anil similar to stick Uo {arise arson exponed. foroom.tho eagtinued Urying action of avery warm ‘The gam forofall pastaoftdriesOnoup orand ‘voeracks, cansiog the label dropswillof eauely glycerine pee-in 2Yoursmallthis bot of mueiiage muchwillelyeerine must hot bo added,veantteor tho Toocement ful wo harden stall2510, mtu of gumTragacanth. ‘mriturate 1 drach porrdered fa'e mortar vith 6 drach tHésration, glyecrno}.teagneanth 10al fub with constant dogroos, a mucilage wil produce fultoos at once, water. without ‘This tho objeclionablo air-bubbles fhcldontal to asiation " 2311." Mucilago of Tragacanth. Macorais 1 osineo tagaeanth in 1 pint boing water foraad 24noiforin, hours. andThonpress titheate until smooth through Ene, Eproity mof antis autisepticr pops aehougl wl weno 6 aalision a little Seatic acid oF erensoto’ will moro efotually provent fermentation,
ealing-Wax. aul ofilowine eoeiplior fe wax produce suporine Uomploying who Hou quales of tho ness and exlra superfine or scented by need acing {per cont of balsam of Dera or liga storat tthe ingraients when. consteraly cosa ‘Pho faney Kindsof tna ate comisoniy someor with Silo ected or amlergi any of theofa moreltt fragrant sean is. tho ation ebmphor, or pintSealing of wine, males tealingwax bin, easier con taining rein, of tao lich taping fans {ite2913, is crsFine at Red tho dain of i eal SealingWax, "Melt cattosiy 4 vers ory pte ey, tnot tent copper pan era sat eharcel fr, thgloweltaegtes of heat st sl boTz ounces noc fary to melts wien meltod-srin Velie turpentine (previonely- "Thewarmed), at lowed by’ ounces vermiion hes wae Uovneitlee tooallowmucha mentnor through too Hil, isi ne jonof Padiceat fo iecomplished, diferene theingretients, Wht dis Muh ase in dic ary metalig moult and thaTete else to ook.ore areasly purpons of melting onto add to the same aitle alcohol, Or: & pounds sll, Gace 14 pounds Veaiomixedturpentine, EMS" pounds elmabar, ino Stine251d.mbanerTo asProduce te proesding” aabove Polishprocess on Seal-tho ing-Wax. ater the, wikis of ths.walngemax haveto Veno heated” polith. again * To produce they Have Enh wfoco. Wor this purpose theyre pitt ia other moulds, wade of polished Stee), tice exeTheseengraved withthe deedoly fare ents moelas aro heated pasethe Bililentto-melt tho sealing-ens’ od Sine hick the sticks"Th tain athgetesettheby mStlay glossyoperston appearance," hextho totam te man of Sfonackrer can bo rally peorand ith a ne lap, Common Red Sealing-Wax. 2915, ele gether a poundsin thegosn Tactand nocd 2 ponsAb Shelisg? ais in! pounds each of Venice tnrpentine nnd ve lea 2816." ‘Fine Blade. Sealing: Wax. ‘akoeb partsstclae 30 parts ncly powdered ou tua 30 arte Veneo pete mint asin So 2 2817. Common’ Black 6 Sealing-Wax, ate together (ove ott) pouttampon, ety, 3 pounds eech heliag‘and.¥enlco rub 2318. eulelen"Gold lanptek to eaeSealing- Wax. Colored. ‘This is inade byele senfxsgoldjustculos ies fpaugles into tu before thay fei to coo, Ors By tang Auclypuleor Ine gldtent thom (seo 3099) rota?seaing.ex powder,ft fist Aletng into the Stoud of ti colows, ‘common kisi iremsuade 4 eSTilows® 6 ats halog 3 white Slvertenres. 2819. Barbled Sealing-Wax fs madoto. byhater ising dllorene Kinds of ceniie-was sl Yellow as they begin to soli Mix to Sealing-Wax 2300, gulher4 ounces ebllgg 14 ‘andounces ounes tei, Sonnces Venice putuepentua, King’ yellow (oulpharet of arsenic, oF orpiiment Lightshellac Brownaud 4Sealing-Wax. ‘Take2321.”7H ounces ounces Yenico turpentine; and. color with I ounces brown, oclire and f ounce cinnabar (red sulphurct of mercury oF vermilion). 2322. Blue Sealing-Wax. Take 16 arts 8 mountals-blue, Dumedmastic, selenite.4 Larpentine, ho mountaty-blue tea geoon by te heat of melting. the mistare; indigo, or eer {herelore it is hotter to uso fino case the shel that Lutin bluo; Prussian fino
DICKS on 905) No seo dy lacked Or: Busyquicklin, sand, 4 ers 20 gua ast ets ef n) parts; lime, refed 48sodaparts,45 parks; eale egut t r o h gp Pe sary se ie o paris? nitee, 2bHY parts enllet Gold (old glasglans), 45 bane n maas si o tet s ), al peut the bat d ea Sn m Pa migratetk Proportions of the Materials Used for Making Lead Glass, ng yellow (seo No. 2852, Table of the Numbers Increasing with the Quality.
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 loo must bo partienlarly light-col t 2323. Dark Blue Sealing-Wax, Mi ‘Tounees fiue shellac, # ounees Verieo tape Loanee mineral Blue, and r o s i n , Lomee ting, . oroes, Seal Was. Mis 4 ances resis, i
and $ ownce mineral’ blue, “Or? 24 Dirt shellac, 4 uspentine, 6 venand ris; colored 13withmast,£ mistavo ot yellow i 2595, To Mako Perfumed Sealingbe peeof aiay balsaas fivo walisgewax Wax, oy"sipmixing fumed 2 percent. o f Poruyor liquidcooled. taro, A'bttioe bo tho ingredients when eonslderably sence of mse fr‘tho ambergeis will sotve. the sate. parpose. addition of litlewa bilt camphor ov Spin of ‘rina2928, maes Tosealing. caster ImproveWax.the Tosnnkecn “Appearance ofShonCommon Sealing sealing-wax appear to better advantase, the So ateand hppa Sth quality, fag atk onder o f a bester then supe Feiaily meleeaSof 3sSealingto prodeeWax a thin coatingDiplo‘2827, for mas, ‘ako oil:16 parts sellowmelts was, the3 thrpe Bho, 1 olivo Stor fis Baste elaring matey, inne eitna. in the ‘2328, "ToStamps. Take Proof-Impressions for this purpiwe tieof and Seals by 0@ is melted atcho moval wax monk bestand sealing Soy rac! eae Hite, Sih applied,irl untaod poxfctly ove ing,"Paoit iptt e v e n l y froma dametendeneyof « tospcitlassp ithes preferable itaving no blacken waxth in beautiful dead eM given to pression ane tmp,plzmeat. before of usingthe EPEinenitycoloraby fnoie-powderod. the waxyVermilion, fai,forBe.vemalion Eeiling was, aspowdered 2320),
nd ofsiliea (sil
Lass, This isacompon Teiencid) will the oxide of ax alsaline itt cltaimediy fusion. Livitssisal Forni Ernie, uiuspareut, aun-crystaline, sult ‘Mo aid fusibley ba ie soaietinws exhibitswth. cipleof its preatuetion ig sit sill and experience ate necbssatry th istry ciexcellence. dni er fo fo n salSe ile fated (ent seth fearboqte of patassaee sil nial stakes Tine fot usiide of Lett, wut the anistune ties a fosnbiation takes place. When the mutes femmes perfectly lipid fre rime aie it Ines, ie isallowesd Laeool ntit Lassies the peculiar tenacious condition Tor working,
eglass fares lead cues So aakiog iteelayy 3abaron fliaetonyainns Spe dots, ad
o be gidr inakings, requivetoxides ‘matter used 20in65.) glassCertain mineral No. (See sometimes of a ¥e Blass arvavoty of culor, “Should tho pasto g eontart ‘Gndesirablo Kid, instead white of producin boitleof isos, races tommon glass fhero ‘rll bo only tho proportions, assy. abd ifthe ion be in bolarger On, tho he dace geeen shat wll quantityresult, oxide of certain a , add contriry tho the ofleud lof potash,a stiland.larger ant glassbasais formed; orpatalpureifu ‘Deto'& with tswonder~ lose, and the diamond paste, a power, il ecelro oan an dpersi {sg tunpeaoticed ee, 12840, Peligot's Bohemian Tube Glass, ‘tito component pate of this lass aro 715
omaoa in| ones ats cr inst) He TELE ETE “Tn | or 100! {00} 100 100100 100 | Too TWO | Ico Silica.....-.. fate] ta |u| "2318" / 6 4 " 129 |) M0 7-2] tai Slee Bas Fy toad] ] 0 4 6] $1)8) 33) 46) Jo) aay as) tec] Pe Sapte a 8| 8 Santeot Lets! los! | Sora
tion ofov a-yory emallSet,quantity of3 borax, boracie tell, arsexious eases to flow into Seto gen ade and seNae td highest eat sSxosiloof tiho ordinaryning wroggiat nace, Dry Gloubresalts, Bottle Glass, buehel salts,sau,i2 pounds; pounds;soapcoapor ufof ‘B81, glass pomnds 96 pues; rasto Skimmaings, 29 pomnils; green broke. glass, ‘pasalt, 28 pounds, iis mistro. aie fordd a dark green glass, Or: Yellow oF
‘white sand, 100 parts; kelp,30 to 40 parts; Iixiviated wood ashes, trom 160 to 170 parts Fees wood ashes, 30 to a0 parts; potters or broken glass, clay,80 to 100 parts; cullet, Le used. the proparsimt 100 "parts, Te basalé of kelp may bo diminished. 2942. Broad, or Green Window Glass, soaper salts, Dry Ginuiber salts, 11 pounds; soap wasto; to pounds; $ bushelof bxiviated pounds of flass-pot 0 pounds of sands 22broken green glam skinmmings; Lows, of White Window or 2843."‘Pure Crown, sand! 100 parts; dry sulphate ; 6 pats dy question, in, potrder, 17 1026 pagts; charcoal, 4 parts. The progor is white and good. ‘2844, Bohemian Crown Glass. Puro sillelous sand, 08 pasts; potash, 22 parts; oxide of znapxaueze, I part, lime,2845."12 parts!Nearly White Table Glass. 1. pounds diy apse 20 pos Doras, 55 pounds Glauber salts, 16 pounds oaperor salt,bruicen glass sand, aod 140 pounds eullet fof the same Kad, Or: 100 ‘parts rand, 209 G0 wood ashes, 1 anangineso, 100 beoKei, Ken lass, 2846." White Table Glass, 1030 tor goths 40 pounds puta 95 100 sand,'20 cbal’s, Fhartpuilied.maneonese, parts potashes, mand 2 ealtpetres ‘Tako 60 pasts pre Crystal120 Glass, 2947,potashes, sified gand, 24 chalk, 2sultpette, 2 arsenious atid, op part manganese, | Ort Purilied poavlashes, 70 parts; 120 white sand 40 saltpetro; 4 park arsenious acid; and § port mtugouese, "Oz: G7 parts saad, 23 pach fied pearlashes, 19 sifted slacked lime, ¢ part masiga6 nesn, to 8 red lead, 2348, Clear Crystal Glass, White sand, 15 parts; sed tend, 10 parts; refined Ashes, 4 parts; mitre, T part; arveniows weld ful spanganese, of eneh a very litle, 2849, Vienna Plate Glass, Sand, 100, parts; calcined silphate of soda, 60 parts; ine, 20 parts; charcoal,2¢ parts. 2850. Plate Glass, Pure sand, 40 ‘ary carbonate of sols, 265 parts, parts; nitre, 12 parts; brokem plate aluss, 29 pacts 2851," French Plate Glass, White quartz sand and elles Cold glass), of each avy carbonate uf xxl, 100 parts parts; 00
oxide, or that theforthe suggested Te has beonthallasn, othorsultof substitnted Tet, Snakes a paste of greater belbanes anil porive powersfar optical purposes, ad Toe Tati gems Paste Coloring japon sThefor following: ‘2959, Ingredient Gema, Tnitate to ust be avided to” 1000 pacts ot paste Hus lea las,gloss40 sable of“Aotinnny 12 inthe"Forahove No,abd, Topas, (puspleod exes party aid pare ott 273, purple Fee sce Now, 2720 to A ruby colors given 2358. of tnnganese oneRuby. ab parts ‘For by ‘2390. ofNasmanga Amethyst. SparinsFor part gold ppleOxide (aco 2120 cobalt. glu oxideof Autinouy toga} andFor parts Garnet. of manga A 2857, aorat ahs (See Nos 2720Take to 2 acts purple. Bepphive. rts gol For BB6B. snide of coalFor Aqua Marine, Tako 7 parts 2350. coal oxiteet part & plas, antimony 6 puts ox Take Emerald, ‘2300. chrome of onide part of copper,To‘For Siain ite2361." Dit Color Glass, or ginwby aidition te givento ae colors fefeit exile xidosis sell:ThiTor forDe,emethyst, Gtinetalteo oe sie’ GePa manganeno geo,of a em ti r,t oxide purple, for coppers f o waide Wack fr ruby oy subose of copper for nL; tiny for ateyell,etheroxideaddedot silver, ofsubstances amide Fate vo the ‘eesthcitedthese InoF Atoprepar 08 glass-pot, ofthe eontonts gens layer(see toNo. iheS419),netfee of thea> g artitietl InPll thin a in eating wall the (See is thenax isheated wii Uhject, No. enaming. fuses compound Glass Used foro Light2802, Frenchspecial ot thefor comprrsiti ‘Thc Houses, ants gh the fo tne s gro wept a quite ofrecently, gt howses was, untilavers Salut Gobain, seeretby the manufiet g, fms fn Tien in Franco,had andthe sone branch of sumopoly esof Wisof David ‘hic M. irate. "From. tho research the fnenish to able n, C. ofB., both,we are“The Brench gltss is Hendersoion composit 721 yates ei siete weld, parts imposedand ot Yi, 1.7aind eed nell parts; ie Utes2363."ot alone HouseSe) Glass English Light-front ane fe since earhenate youn In Tianingh sea, Frenchyuundssant)Hane,208. 2Spounds ot sok poring siento GS et qa fy s at seapresent.Phe prestucet arcenot find pounds ave els this of ites Stoney eg the2364. Liquid Spectroscopes. ‘he 7 use liguldgy asuch af te leasesbicalphide ent transpar oftaebon, isa tho wann forprogress nthe geo ul cea fig rapid
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 849 Ingo pieces of glass, fee and Mea: to damp, alle saris, thickened with a ish, being aitieite to obtaity trom flaw Hato wuraon o lnpilaek, fr ted oe black aud expensive, Puggendorils ‘“Aneten” calls attention to color, bot abepuad fr ike yucpeess” Go he aecneacy of Nquid tion ink fs not gutlntly paged 1 earyg wth 9579,fay’ Moof inating Tmitate ground GroundglaGlass, zine, ane only die changes of heat and cold, ef th likes of solid ov Hpfom eats dn becr andeapply:etwich prisms, is quite jusignifieust. 4 glase print, irnsh, Yast dros ie tyetalizae 3870," PriueTo Tapert ‘Make Prince Ruperts fheated’ sun anil then rentoved to the shade, wasjn thoobserved to possess tit het Drops, danpa te ne by DgBe tops of mello elas fino eld refiactive posser as it cooled, while & wane an oval [he pest exlibited a jeversed yesull. "Phes tery the drops sue by at fusts pint out he importanerof Theseaf the {ery wih al nck eating rola therutomicter in eonnetinn with thie spectrin ‘They possess fil singular property that 18 svope, aul also show that thereie um for sonal portion, of ths ca broke of ho Busts tte powder wich an explain, dereal inypeovemest in the mnanutuetuse cf srhnle Anta oneal ayck f e conansieated Blas for optical pepo 2865," Prismatic Diamond Crystals ite ant the eaeps i : with for Windows, bot silutian of salpbate 2374, To Etchon Glass, Mlebiug uP magnesia, aiid a lene solution of gnuara yin eit ou pate ean lose Hh by pucend Bie, mised togethes. hay it-an hit Fora nto ey cme aigegin ot fur figutes, wipe off Uke part year Tinatheturels especially. profelog splena ‘wis to romaineleay with a wet towel, Ornautenti eects Ly orthis.etchedroast The 417808, To Drill Glass," Weta calinayy ramus to bo lntatel onto glass aril with. petvoleinm or bengine; turpentize te ret made on stone or plata and then ‘will answer, bik not 96 well 1 WHE thew bury printed on unssad paper with Rn int host common glass weary as lapidly as steel. TE Tog pnepaly of sson of asphattam Iie intendedto hore theowiahy the glans sla rd oi eaepente sade wit the af ef hex, to bio frst countersink ox wach side with « ell soe substance i sincturg adted whieh shows dressed off so ae to form a very Hat thee ‘hich {inore orlesserystling on eolings Sided pyramid, “Fling and platerglassare tery te ates ack speminee,naphchating, pas Giffenté to hore. Thins been secently never Sitges asta fe stained ieswn thplyonly taiued that dilute sulphuric aeid is much wove Sale with comatant stingy coating whieh thorougtly reas pee effective, with loss wear of the tool, than ofl noe Allon of tho conmive ache pete fof turpentine, It i stated that at Bevin, yes iaia lat with the Dank side on wader glass castingsfor purap barrelsete,, ave dvilled, tm added, 10 to 20adyor som cent asof themas Plased au bored like iron ones; ad in the which aides bom Ties Fame lathes und machines, by’ the al of stl phucie acid is taasfereed to tho glass bya sight pressures
d. Seraich the Diamon WithoutUo ashape rutin you with Uo faIitarite dile or gators then,desihaving bent a piece to tho samo shape, heat ited hot into and Hay ie upon ‘tho serate, sik tho glass fold just deop enotgh foe the watertiee,69 Come water almodt on a level with ste upporste d 808, "fo Break Glaze in anyt Require Way. Dip 0 peo a its of turpentine, wrap He aona tread the glass ip thosotdiruetion bo hrokeus adhot thet fte to tho required theend, doesortu apply a ed os Wire oud the glas ; Hitwater omno SL bmsediat while rosrhot.” ould.By this sneanglast vethe iy “crac,th Mire yeinains e n buen way ofa be fase Sele foned thatai haverendered b soft fora variety of pul M9860, To Break aerence. Glass Bottle or tho Paco Circumf its Across Jar Intue fe w vesnelof water ta te height where ity tls fil the both FUoels designe the same d level.to breakNow puntr coal oll ins on the wary ea 3h of pape fhe bottle. b Satarate with alcohol l,” Pou,of ie, 20. that i toxeles tho o als, soine inside the bottla, Set ot iro; th r proventswhiletho tie aseexpansio eamn heathig wits fesurface, by the heat will break the ventl on the eased water th 2870, Glass of Antimony. Toast pow fell mitinnony. fallow vessel wer a tle ive util i tat whitish gra ad to emite funies n red heat heh beak t a fies fina oscrucibl util j red glassg If calcined ton much,into a a telerowsmoe Antdnnn mast be nde to male Stun sel BTL. ‘Weiting on Glass. Thin a tye done with piece of Breach chalky er eragons prepared for the purpose; or even seit conan jn helen Tada hak, of, when tho aetelo wil be ienlae expused
won theto Thepaper glans,is enoved, the’ pidure wilexe sudhere ni this is nferwards Dosed Uh urs yaporsin leaden
emgh ‘2075. To Bech of Write on Glaga.” vwter PenneyDingoessoluion"Paiytechnsehen of te afpoaroaltmo ‘Tula on‘Todevine fenves onadtineGlass.ge To en2676. Enyave genre on gli terevapor. aol ised, elt iyket Frefigud Staté orn ‘This aldo inmates, and macseguesbo ware very enhand Haniling, "The fisss toatal ich or wads or dtc ngraven’throngcoment, and {he‘wiih writing d e i g n the” wax puted oydita fas nse a et Thellqudd to at on heduosune of1S alti the adiIngernatal 1a pany wh pace ene! led eth anit hetthe thafs sa and placate law object over iverated anto wobeautittfyetehed, tho heat nete had feGreat will Son be fraud are usmato welltaea Oothenai,Wieiy ofi gongery ondee torte’ charnstes Thee¢ auing fet pared ay be prodneed bythe use tins, Ehuanade Mion paste wi and ftcovers ee vith tld ier the proparedsuoiey, ie or tau emp ie PuFotielont i defend wedged evaporating bunt wile ll of lassvitsil utto form’. tin'pste, tinthat thethe prepared over tho an fom66 vaponr nay neta tho porions wit2377,”the Glase eas te ofbogBoras.” fem Calne Worx with itong in and theth wider affusecrystal ‘athe i enellod, sale into Searalse namels,
‘varnish, colored A by species means ofof vitreous metalic
asi (See 2o, 2893) and applied in a ein Straten (eopper toon beighly gold) ofpolished whieh mtalic ifs fused surfaces hy the flane of a Mowpipe, of bythe heat of «suit farmace, “The Dass of a l consid fs a highly ortinuspatent pete. and fai glass called Jit, aa, 2870, Basequalities Frit oxof Flux forEnamels, ‘Tho preciso the pragucts fullesting processes depen get upan0 thothe duration andthe dogree af heat euyplayei By Increasing quantity ofmoremd glass Mu, ihe enaiiel jerendered ‘opacity ad whitenossisinoreasedfusible hy toandaddsths ion of exe orof in, Tho ntosperiugly, of borax asshoal tboape avoided, used very itis to make tho enamel efreses and Tose calor,Red lead, 16.Htparts;gay ealeined borax, n=3 paving por 12 prt red hats, parts; Hose in & essa erucile forreduce12 houry, i oat ato waterunglae: amd it to then powderpone abiseult-ware fed_poreslnin) mortar, The Powdered ints, 19pastasparts;Tt, tre ond whileTIL, arene, of etelrt Fut glass,3 ounces; red lead Lone; ont, Tedparts;lead,in 18 glassparte; 6 orax (notae lst, caline od),TW. it partsy ¥. Blint gla, paras tz No. IT, above, 4 partys rod 2 lead, Spars} as last,10 parts; eal Tin, to 8 parts; lead, cine in an Sron pot at a dull chers-red heat land scrape dhe side asfouie fons, olwerving to‘otal;obtainwhenoff it quite fee uudceomposed enough of theLy grinding” dross obtained, Fede it to fie powder andot eithis inition (oe No. (4), hen mi parts powder sithflint,an equdl weight of pure orsandotherot Powdered and 1 of ems, {tkaline matter? fuse che mixture ig Tessin ruc, an proceed‘ etre,forall hobo proportions of do tn and lead Bchoey ar, about 3 of the foe oxtinary to 10 ateof ho" tatter, ‘The caleined nixed oxides commonly calleand enleine, "Vil, Lead tin,theejualitpests;ascalene eaeas epore antl of fine revi) ant grouof pot, nts, ffSparta, cach(do apreceding parts pice suteronate before30 parts; in,38 parts ealeine Mite: “head, a‘vith x Defire, thenweight mix 80,of paris of poner the celeine an equal lint an Thound o f salt of tartar; ts before, didnt2960,White “Black enamel, Bnamela, 1. Pure cay Sparta; of om, Y party mike aid fe.TT. Galeined A fueprotonide black. iron (protoxide), 12 pasts; oxfo‘Weight otesbalt, 1 party mix and’ add’ ay equal ox. "(Soe No, 2398) TH. of white Peroside ofananganese, parts; zai, alk. of the ‘Biker pate red lead, andcareof ofcba,ech 20 M1, Sand, 5 of ittcobalt, glass Lpaft, or growdmore aries, Rinks, 20thoquan’ parts te thy2682, depenting on thoEnamels, depth of coor requlred, Brown I. Ket lea and calcined f r o n , of-enel'l part; antiuony, Hitharge, andany sand, ofeach parts) ins and addict required aurea proportion to fus, sero to ulor of cobalt or gaffe ts frequently added, an nas hale of 6 row > Mauganese, fline'powder, 8 parts parts; ux. rod lead, 16 parts; Manganese, 24 parts; AintTie powder, 16 parts.pars; red Tend,
2883. blackGreenexile Enamels, Fux, Fal2 owns of enpper, 1 J.oumeoy ExideTh ofAs ion, ¥ drach aboee pet.” Lees ded Int use the red oxide of cop TIE, Copper sistLeanne;ond sand thang,domces of euchth & auteesy tke, aStmeb Addos req oxide of chrome ts a suficient anitty of to proce.the color the desu fs ne wellflux. managed when States pert aud wil sand n very re hn Excelere had frequently turns fon ths fear ieat tinge. anepteneserupleAus, Ses of kes oSiaints f i copper, chon, 3 Resemtes the emerald VI. Mfproportions bing and yellow enamel fw the xe quieed 2884. parts;"OliveblackEnamels, Gundenamels blue eneof auch mul veilow ach’ { part; nis. (See Brown Enamel) 2888. redafphate Orange Bnamels.. I. IeoxideTrai,af s2'parte} of v0, and anthony, Aine withpowdet, parts; calein,of each posedory1 partyand mele fx,£0 MYL, 12 parts;3 part oxide roof sulphate antiwony, et 4Jnum,pata;K RedpareRintlead,caine, pawrder, tem ad fu, 8 nto evety 2 paris of this Enamels, nistave 1. Flux cul. "Purple 2886. cone with(SeeoxideAon. oF gold, purple precipitate of tassins 2 0 tu 2725), oF peroxide of TE,manganese. Sulphur, nitr, vitro}, ation, andUO oxide in, af cael 1 pounds rod lead, powinds; fase, coolsalve,and T poner ad oso enpper,mk 19 nuousiees; once; roe uspoundmats, 1pcomput omees: farmed biras, 8af ounces and L of & gold, slver, faery sitha euppor rodete al tae finsyEethen placea it ji‘troverboratory emlbles, aid farnnee subst fur24 then hunes. to the aeton offs sis Said to ho the ufpurple enanseltsed Sai petures St Peter's at Reaifne, the mor Dark dark, Red Enamel. "Sulphate of& 2887. eon Genfetuod T parts a mixtie parts of 8 tus. 1V- Gin Ain 2st0) ‘an of colelar, pats, 2388,of fon.Light partes Red dal Enamel.Gu'No, Ie2rd)sul-6 paste parte; aot. Paste Ligh oted fx col2369,whitehead, Red Enamel, ore wilthe color the tedpass crintoprotoxide ofor copper. Should the green inten, from the partial perusidement of the copper from theshay heatbe vestored being raved tooaddition high, the ed Cnler by tho fxnhonnetous matte, tallow or eae. ‘2990,baw Beautiful Red Baamel, mont aad tle, lng ‘purple tinge, is produced iy Tnx’ with the oxide or alts oftinginggoli, glass. or sethor he purple precipitato ef cassis (seeand Nos. {2720'to 54723), which consists of gel Th the hands of the shilfalattst, any. tn,0 ‘ese substances Inesproven shades ofperfeet, ted of theth Soxt exquisite When mst tcnamel. comes from the itsfireMeltquitehue enloeless, Su afterwards receives Aan of the blow-pipe Enamels,fiom Par-the 2901, ploDarts; nie,nis,Rose oraddits Colored elements, parts:oF oside ivy, 00of ald wlvetseat ces, 1 park‘Transparent oF les. Wither 2902." of tho fist five fuses ia No.Enamels, 279. 2398. Violet Enamels. Salinoor alkalino frts or Hexes colored with small quant ties of peroxide of ananganese, As the color pends an the metal being atthe maximum
ofMouldoxidation, contact with allnxjuon yaltanos datbe abaiet any of its shun Trolled the ant rouscksangly to other Stal osttes "Yellow Enamels, Superior el JeAo2804, patna ie Sereaut tical ene clos of hey netic rogue ieIe Kedieat, fa hat wosty nature. Bfogether’ S otmeoe; euch vale 1 of oanees sntioonyai UnyealenedOns uly, anda TVBy seeing (on No.0), 1B owicenyof theantshigretionts a fs the yropweion ree Te Eout Sete askerysis Hivargy stn, id fi puvrder,of sy.anata produ any ‘tually sccording ‘ w r the color {tire Wx fwsedet en. wit oxide of lad, and a adieTiLy. vetexide ure eaitethe ofsatslve of aed. 0 ae’tho asome tall’ aces, iver teed, butage diffealt Usfe aa wneges ortJey Cun Hina ses faot of the hearenonethento wilde be clerd, antexporol toa tora tho Hn Stferzantes retuced ser the sasace’ ote renee, dsee We ouong 2805, Bright Yallow Enamel. White ach partsrojuelyatinpter punt carat of lea to ox9 parts as and ooo ia at wih high to decompo 2300." Dead: WhitetitEnamel. For white comedic tpt fee Ffoneelan atiisiare, as ts Munk pac Sealer, When well managed, postoeithertatof wlUe felling ems ll uc Brat (vomtoler)pars ac Un Rolfine ‘ipsa plotfopat” afi ioad Gaceeaetned party 2 paray avery Laling Sir ieee tlea feelagai, ede htsalconnrepentWeta?the fey, wer
jections to cost these andenautes ae, thefs thespony ist placa the hig secu Gl1 givig then a perertly fat surkace.replacedMr uchiha ndvastaxeonsly tiient by the followinyeeeonomeat stad client np 2402." Duchemin's Enamel for Labels, fete. a parts by weaghes oaltpetre, $B jars;Atwenie, nied pares; 2Msit thepart,required hie (fiefxshapespread”andsand), 90on ste, platescareHare, of hein ass faken, Mowover, thie bnthe posekind of of assity asc to posta bo not fer Bena Barielel may ney: yeeremet dior {he above substances bedrawn orariten GnUiiuesteadily ay aiuto.ie weetho" pape audi lessmaybe than tue string. Fetulered julelible by simply beatingDew, the lato Inasimll open face oF wie. autographs, leat nets, pile decane lonieal facts aie pepores dates of oftmportanee, for huetieuitural destined for lads ut. Gfsdoor export, cull pale, sigur, Showcase ete, tung Un he afte cheaply ‘ farage. Pistlans ‘illigs secs nasomphere phtoganphs, ether pose itives or wegatives may he (See taken Bhotapraphs on stl sinels without collation. on Enainel) 2408." Enamel forHolleTron wate Hollowfennel Ware, ‘Phe enamel of tent poveleed Hts, geod With calcite ote, Tine clay,fotoaid a piste tle with deidspar.Svar Thisad anistare isdnnde ver the pats ater they. have Desh Intl Seva ‘with dhtuted malphueke eid snd ised cleanae fer eter, “hh ti ott a use overuf witha hieore,cnnpwned of felipa, tashonate soa, nd 4 tle othe Stn hs prepared: the pts a t e goadally Uvane riel anal atmthen nbthe tedze heats 3 eed Oil or fase nde Hes athonh haces he Fit the gl,the Jinpaies its effielones, Hel -hot resis actionof acidssn hiv
ontangnation. with shui, dit, oF oxide af
2807, Fine White parkEnamel, Washed Auapharcic anton ie elas (oor pr and nts farts 3 lead fm oo fualiy ala en 2908,of Silver, To MakeMeltsnxcther Black Enamel for Gold in ern Spare by weit of sinc 8 pats copper 7 parts fead, and’®. juris muriat of ammenin it Us thleniatute beefhe quantity ofhuthepul etlse sup covering rucble Uintely, "Hatpassed i cleine' ‘hon wu pou the exetatheca s of {uh bas prrind witha to-codsesothpowerof srt aud saidof an i intn' Fase Hii the bsekBlack ennelEnamel wed frGoldeweof ‘SiMo 2809, varsvar IPiaos ty sone of Genny ohpeth! anes nap greceliogFevapts Tottlbe theenaineled; bald aHoverone uo spirit ampTe anal malts then beHae amoouiea ai. nie app Soe nue taut snake macy prea by process: ne Cleat gen,withby teftloniny Vitek ad epic and aud tiacesrar pars 3 misture: fll, ne the.coee hy evore ac a cope a seM401,eetldEnamel si 24 war generally of Mhtree Siguboards, ote,SreparelTho byftue fineoynnelsforah Labels, tenets of Un, and oxide of ead, and
Glass must be reduced to
use they erm “vere With bie Waterpower, to a "veryPoe thit pale: areoF Smooth cream, into ‘whieh the articles, pre Yiuuely baked’ Uo the stato called "isc ive then dropped; they are nterwanls espace Tera sufficient heat fit the kil ty fist the idlaze. Another method af applying then i fordimmcrsi th bisewit in water fora mite for st, aud thin, ti spiiuile the dey” powdee dover the moistened surtae 2405. White Glazing, Prepato an timate nyixiige of 4 partsinisieul Gee Dudes), 2 pnts tin ashes, 3 oF erytal glass fraganente nant } past sen salt, The asigtnre iy sferea fo yielh i earthinwass. vessels, when thele tui fix may be male use of 2406," Yellow Glazing. Take cya parts of massicot, hinting Caleite redth lead, tedre alsured ree ofi wah adtw powsder, ad then Melt2 putts ot pute ‘owl partsof eat, the awhole, 2407. Green Glazing, 3eats, arts massicut, T part af galtSal, ahd 2 pails; copper according ia dre shade, to he praia, ‘The mixtuee is melted as directed nore, 2408, Violet Glazing. 3B partssand, Tot small anil £ Massicot, part black 1 part; oxide ‘oF manganese, 2409, egpudl Blue pate Glazing. White sand and asset, } part of lie se 2410, Black Glazing. lick oxide of Higa, oxide inganese, 2 parisy Tot stnalt, 1} wf bucked a of smefuee e h t over Aprending the mistiye quarts, an 1 mvassteot The obSheet of copper, gold, oF platinum.
2411, BrownGlazing. ‘Toke 1 part bxosl gin te gas 1 o f amngnnet and Darth‘2413.Tend glassGlaze without Lead, Common catthenteare fs glazed with a composition eoufany aining lead, ox whieh account glazes iis unfy beenfor purposes, ‘The following proposed, amongsand,others, ayn puritied subsitate:potas,100, Darts washed. 60 parts Yo'of mitre, and 20 in ofa slacket ime, all wellin iutxed, and heated Haek-tead erable, BFadreverberatory fumace, entil Ee the mass ssto lang, tated dt the goats 8a ‘be hgh, po withthe “han, an apne ppet in water! Glaze 18forpasta;Porcelain, Feldspar, anere,‘PALS, pata;2 parts; bony, Lyn sand, sda, 8 paris; Contwall 4 parts ching. oor ete vale Shay fd bette iow powder ith Spars cined 2414, Motallic Tustres tale for Pottery, av pposinie of itone as fgpifinggiven thoto Tustre vessolsover,of stoneware, &y Dy gus ape an casiy-fustite Teatro thoexposing uh eco tn a veh luthesure is produced by sight ogres of heat, ‘Thoy'are t h e n polished Withare fotton ot leather. ho psinepal Iustres fivenBAB,in the‘Gold following ectiptsPinole 1 rach Late,” again goldtn in ta theFoumceselaton, aqua-feginWhenalddissolved, 6 grate fotaife pon ie grails with constant suing, into ‘a mixture of 4 drachm balsam of sulphur, (Gao Duden), and bogin 30 graing vil ofan tuypentine, Sioa the wars to stn, addtional FAgenin of of turpentine must be added and Yell nized i n , Mure gold deepeusand eh ts tho Instte} nore tin tgeustton the violet for puuple. AppliedLustre, as in No,This241is a uixtare tron S416." muriteto No,of rn244,ant spn tars Used te ofcontig
“DAT. Pitingmtaie, Tete
poeces sleyaeid te mete apa It, murseRiphra ais iain ial Gems, Tio emis Ptific ial . catenins Ariic Gems one goms and precious s gen havestones.oeent theiLike hsen tiny heart very aeneegl Axile,osshighly transpar ai balethe Tiant witch i Kowa uniter tame ae, paste, sivasof retest. meyence ee” Les, hey andof e tHe which, init state th ate ond the sivas of base entersgeuts,ngelyee gento tethemeth of imitation Inet ly ne be absolute fie Ttinthe itsccess for making olfossa, follow ensure to pe dely he these ess, eunploye abe substanc donb eats juctieula inpariie fom tre fell Uf arulneral enature,of Leadthar, exp oxide of lead, earbouat and taizely offeethisIromhnpaets oxida ilies of th :to te paste Iurtet y ye: Ait the to ingredie need powder;nts ad,anast afterbo. separatel bene mise,
DICK'S ‘and a thied time in a clean crucible, observing {to separate any revivel! Teal. ‘To’ tho. thirl Hee 8 drachms, molt ‘he hdd protnites, prety Tpitandoutagain oxtromely riliant 2425. Doualt-WiGland’s Paste or Strass,” Rock crystal, 4056 grains; muiniwm, (6300 grains; potas, 254 grains; Doras, 276 grains; arsouti, 12" grains. Or! Sand,” 3600 ening} puro eatbonato of lond, 8508 grains; Potash, 1260 grains; Doras, 860 yenins; are ceeealarie: ater neahae seule, 12 grains. 2426. Lancon’s Paste or Strass. Li-
Hiei, Yay Seid sak Samah. art Saeed, eat ean sue ala tee sen Se en re ane rn a Ree
ee cea
By eo ol aa as at
fet belind thenNo. 2447,(See Totts, Se or veStrasa Paste, 2420, 20 Diamond party Pe iin, py atteges 2 ports; 4 pastsy white avsenie, Kove the poe oredr netmis, fotohie watersia-@-erttlle,” Reduced oy aeparnte Feltedfu aolpuss powedesBase,a feel gata Sil or Stxass. canes ‘Mayence ‘DaaT. erat), rks Manca (quite, ea Of tae 24 nnces; mls, Take, cool Si tre eid,add 12 afterwnrda Teas with dilate osnees pureof poder, diy, Tithavaters uneces 12 every ts aud lea, of Carbonate tho mixtare add horas, 1 once; triturats jn ‘porcelain melt ina intocleatoldcrucible, {int pour themortar, fase compona second a wate prucess Ue repent ant power, diy, shi dthind time in a clean evtelble, eer foGe separate any 5 Tevived Tealeaid 1weathe nel hind Mt atte, dachins ‘Very bitiant’ Oc: Carbonate of lead, 8 ou crystal, rock onmees; 2 borax, povrleral cos} anabgaese, & eran oats, a pro Solncesy oc 2422," east Patent Base for Artificial patented as Porcelain gets, "Te base of these Gems. ioral te of OyForksthe Superistondent wetting2 obtained ofby wil flax‘earhonate at 6erin, dmachins ngetier saltpete, drachn purest 1 onnees Onowe borax, ides snes white3 Lf and Attachons sani Pureof Paste. Strassor 2423,{Int Loysdl’s oxi rel pret; 100 gnats), or vilex potash, £0 eae 150 pets; niuiaan, oa tofons 35eld, parts;L pasteeainel horas, 10 parts; arn ‘hisand proces paso whieh disperse sefactivonnd bilianey great fins ive powers, ant diamond, also a sinslar specific gravity at asnoeeior ehe wriontal acquires tho Tefoes nnd and kept forgreatest ho heat,reaneltedy ‘ehou 2 or & brilianey days it & smperauud> tho expel to inorder stato, Tis reining. perfect dhBase aka and fine‘D424, Axtificial for pare Fontanier’s sliea tances, 8 together Mix Gems.” ooo} bake, tartar; of salt ones BY Sit {pith dilate nits eid, and12 ouneos atriapure wash with ear. add powder, dg, ‘waters the of omnges 12 every bo and Kady of Tonate laa tiuurate once 1 Uoras, ol Itsvaro Dporeclain mortay, melt jn a clean eruelble, aud water cold. ito. ‘compound fused. tho ry,out powder, ad repeat the process. second
twang, 100putas,grains;10 grat sles, 7 ges white tartar or 2497, "Red Cornelian, Sts, 2 pouuds; pores: callued pound; 1 antimony, of ass Aeon Gongs, vonneays mangas, T Comelian. White yellow 2428, seathe poday) cre, 2 Strms, dren; 2 Enfeinad bones, Lotee.Garnet or Carbuncle. ‘2429, Oniontal pase‘ony,ID grategrainspast,pple250 gras wis and. of easy” grainy ‘oxidagras of tnangatese. OF 33) grains poste, 178 glass of antinony, and 2 fruits oxide o f mangnnese. 2480, Vinegar Garnet, ‘Take 2 pounds foumes and antimony, L'potint glass of paste, Deiter 2481.liom Opal. ues. paste, grains ver, 2Take grains1 enteined magneto10 ‘00,26 geninsealoinedealelued bones, bonesOr 10 pounds aud 4 pout! psig, 2432,gaide Ruby. ‘Take 40 parts paste, and 1 Jott part of thanginese. Ort U pare tapas that Tues tee op, at S ees as fase forabiow-pipe: 3D hots, etl al se alst nsy iMecosefime 0 Sunnten Erin ch peat ofof inom, ens golden (eisale peroxide. 2799), 10 2700 Dhuret of antimony, and ot smangantso ery of sockcalcined more3 aruchons add Laaace nities Jrith pare L pond posto and taleTe of Ot:eqasus, "Os" and4 emessel’ past, purple 4 otcesof lass of antinong, Sasa hea oh the ore, parks paste ne for152 0 vant "Sapphire. and 63 parts tele of cobalt Tited Ilessiat ercibles cobalt, Oe: 8 Atte onncun paste thane of oxide anil-49-gonins guoxo sna aude to this last veep R434,"grain Topaz. Melt 95 ofgrains. paste aid etleined petosile tron, "Ort TOUS gatas ste, V geains glass of atic Snumyaud L grain: purple oftenssine. (80 Now2435,S290 to‘Parquois, 295.) ‘ake W0 porns bow paste, pound exedea on '2486.""Yellow Diamond, ‘Take Lomeo tras aud 1D sata eso ania Tonmce straChrysolite. ad 24 grains chorale ntyous; silver. 2497. Sirus, 5 . calcined38." pesosi fem, 2 0:4Tatedruchins Eagle Marine. ofSithstrasy 10phiyorois; copper laghly calcd sue eopperstain), 8 eucesy mie, Peer, Emerald, Langon's uf paste (re72 No, 2439, 2025), 512 gratis; acetate Copper, OF! Date Liinivs. af inom, peroxide E l a n d paste (seo No. 292), 4 6 0 8 ery given oxite of copper, 42 eats; onilelassef Ehrome, 2 grains. Urs Paste, 1 otjeeos offalta,autiinong,"Or!" Paste, 30 grains; oxide canon” uf cuba, of3 13 enews; Eup, Ldraelin gues a antsnemy 6 ges pants:of “Paste, 1 oxides Lamuli, “Lapis ‘Bd, calcined hom oF bones, 12 onteed; bait and manganese, ofprecede eae, once tngMis ‘Tho golden. veins azo tHoras, hom “onand with a anistire of golheating powderstl gin Water, al ently
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 852 Jusiously {5 on,not thecalotiated pos. Vineges, for a tke the2441. burns fase, for the fu ingred, Amethyst, ‘Taku st grains paste, Teason, ‘hie bossmakingbo ikgalls should aloneTow Ue es B geains oside ut inanganese, aul” grains us bt, bled Shmaa ie of cobalt, | Ors. A008 ‘eis ‘paste, Ab ar gionof neat tii osido of magnzane tin oxide of allsoa ta atho’ proparation oomonone-sixth le Sohal, aid L grains purple af casenie. (Seo hon sack f s Beene, only about Nos, 3790 wo YER) Nae Met grain pastor or onosoventh of their woigue of coppers 15 to 24 grains wile of anaes, ad Should be ampleyed. igrait oxide of cull, 2402," "To Prevent Tak from Mould2442, Aqua Marina, or Beryl. Take 590 gins paste, 2 granriase lane ing th ation ota bl ce
fant T grainloxid of eaballeol simony, (rs 201 a ray teste, rite gas Eran oxide'ut cobalt ‘Aventitrine, or Gold Stone, Base A grin sale Hy rane tytho Sindupper5 igeaiue protiséle of coppen nat redcta f veryauetallieslowly, et, iethstalathe tie inose to ‘eaol Init crystals it.of metal"By subtleties become equally di aso thringh vomit for brow the peotoxids of sae copper poltt Stone appears led seth Spanglesy oF Uy using a Joss quantity of the roman, sera spangles,eet fs prudegr son ill with 2444." itatony Parisian Diamonds, ‘hes Iyeantifa’ of the gens are merely Hose oxide a Un IE bn Haney is nt permanent, as iyhey thabucothee Ute ahi2445."ce, : Boottger's Artificial Rubies, Moisten recently precipitated and well hnyarate of alibi, wth fexe drops wanted ot nets tual chromate of pokasty and kneaded no hae the mass agnor a scarcely pereeptibe ts Uhr rol Hott into wow tie, abot th thick of a finger, and diy. t h é a slosly, filingup aay eracks Ghat may’ ocene in drying swith tres hydrate of slaanan, When foetly dey,fk warm t sliceof de ith aud beniean a post the et ate pound. (osyhyrtrogen) blowepipes In a fee Ininttes several nsnte balls fan, of uch tense hardness to sratehwhet quart elast cl runite.‘Thove, ws however, a and pole Shed2446."ppear ality spa, Boottger's Artificial Emerald, This is halen te same manners rubies, bycchrombte eplayng nitrate kel inten of the of potas. ho sano plan, subst tating oxide” of eliromismn of pitssa ll roe gems for.ot chroynate eonsterle harness and Heat thgh which may, hove he etoslightly theeparjue a tion of a very’
wo sutudea inkstru night Writing TIES, nr the gone f o gu coloring iniers, rore M not tt ey rogue co pe have s ibyngheo poh nlchoractentc of eine iy,13 yonportetfuic dees of ty,adtstueeb fombinod. wih monde. FEHR thPrint. objectorand which they are aldgensrally tod, ldhagrapie othe Miksao aap eluded wnt his beading 2461,secureBlackosporinite ole. ou-Accorling ts the imoat tho preparation fF blac ofTaeion Rppenee hatoxeeed th quaypar ofof Suphato sibuld uot ft inter oft gals, by iswhieh exces of exe IngInes necessary for the ours to back prseeved fe to Gsike bydigSsakng thors fromcolontho butastoni aftach tonds fo provrve'the is smployed, Gu otal ink flows badly fromm il pons ta ately rom ate poo, dink. Tho ad: « vory thRanpidowing roquiro mesa ‘Pho ihtor ahs ofsaga ofquot in, utpasosSakonilo dayleg,mora ben slowifYE propery anacts fc
aSeopafig,nt eroonte, of love ap il at anyfr wl effitnallypretiat tondoncy to mouldiness in ink. sh ¥ 2403, ‘Fino Black Ink: Atoppo galls (roll bruisoiy 4 oness; cleanenedsof tb wus, eres imsari n' day a day thoor oven longs, withguequentnta Ba al 1 Siete feb usp (i folvol'in a wiucacsf o f water); Seger foubes; ila well old akerwurls farthor add 1} ounces sulphato of ieon (green Gapgera) era whomnalthe ink aptsray ote oF dayy, bo decanted foruso; bu is bateri ft oles: ngstiee forthe Bon 3 wooks.Whon lino Syn objet whole of bolle tha ingaions mayTaterbobagitated cs at tos andthe Bal, unt oink iaoloywayandbo boil we tor‘Tho Titeal of cold water employel. aboveplowilat dst, make uitL quart oftanuing boastilintoneInk vertng Soon Tad? 2404. alpne Cooley's Superiorpans Black se, Ink. rage’ tata 6 gaflous; boil ina copper vewsel for 1 hone, tulling waver to stain mako tyaf forthe poriontogaial Hyevdporaiony agan Bll vw water, bata 4 gallons, for uiflourwitsstrain wateofthe3h gaan gallon ad silatainshot ottax groen tho saverexpenHite Sra rile soo in) taal dor ntsCot umarabie bret and, sal when3) “soled, pout agate tint disvolved, “sera rough en ior snd Keep iin bonged poaik fuse, “Bifewil redo 12 gals, wiry‘Thisfinoink, and anddoable that in No. 2463, are good, Cooley racotiaonds thomarable sry highly iis SpeS00 tha they are very and inp ill beat Allutiow withsuperior nealy taan quali equal talk ¢f water, st ail bo tothatoniinary is, Ofthattho waeInari sags he hay weting executed with this ink"Gpwrards ofcule.60 year go, Wh2405.Kindsl ofpossessor u god Black brsed Ink. Canpeachy logvoodbo exis; 3 pouniny yall Oposndsy Sito? andgrownto hocopper ixel ofligase aldpoate; ia Atable ah fuck torpeoduca Gh galls ofabate ink. Qualty vary goon2406."but acs wo tho Asiatic Black Tale. Logwood sabriogs oud poetergl pul, of ouch steer iroen viel, tpn ant 4 ound! pon?in Eranao bark, {youn} wait gal uo 1d dayei lstwit recip frequentation ot bullal,as Aieted Ths ink wees Mirnekflows well fom tho pes, and soon Ca 2407, lnceunts Good Black Ink. Siruisedaaa gals, agonal scones portis ofeach t pols wlio, 6 Zulons bak trholo ofaudateat so ingen iu Good: fio wader orfinoTk Moura, gallons." butnot 2408, a Common ‘nie cmon raid gale ad Black pti,
DICK" anacorate for weoks, employing frequent gle ition, "This ik will enduro for conuuries,
2470, Black Steel pensyand Pen Tneneuta)ack inkBoroparo aot conta stee may3 b y digesting tan open Yosh earl{5'oneas sulphate tlyof tonnes zatseh amoral (9 ones aon adtnI digestion gents distil or fad ain water Couiiuo ai to Masnumata deep Hack enon DHL. “Glycerine eupperas a Ste; nde mie, en“ake oe ‘neo; glycerine, } ounce; vatur, 4 une filth sl subeiancey aro to bgthepulvedaad fdSct tohlcoul fra atin hrtopether; ars thew thioggh a nel ge Sind ahr oat ited thang a fled hee 2anup of lland of hitshoveaus ts ote added, deThswasle ell alate vileopy el“De, Uve's Ink. For 12 gallons DA7B! ofgm,in 5 taco 12 pounds Vea gla 3 fled pound p r e c u l p h a t n of on, Si 9 Enlcos'rain w a t e r , DA the ake with alsto napply ofthe atesGatfe lst hur, ng esthe rt Fags He N‘Aid e sedion totsole au yrovioudy draw off dstead ro eexe qua: doin gallons af itd watersgallons acevoof watered tho geen wutod ‘Sparatly wl tho ‘rote
pan k, 73, eppo lls, pofnnwun24esd), Togw-aJanlrabichc,ipIns wil enpAlpnr;as, gawack ¥ me 3 owners an),ges, E fonneo blue vite phate of copper and Ssugareanly, cach 4 onnee,. Boil the galls aud Togwroot in quarts water tll ede one-h strain add cho other ingredients, Str until dissolved, Clear and bole. Ieit dws not shine al mors g mj also few loves, to prevent mould 2474." ‘Ink Powder. For an ink pow ‘dee take 1 pintnd ant gals,7 naees coppers fan 7 omiees avabie, ” Pulvwill erize wakeatt Ll mis Mhis amount ofronike powder fon of good lack hk. "Pwo or thee pow dered elovesshould be mnixed with eaeh pod ff powiler, to prevent anontding, ‘Tie erent 2475. fy with ‘Permanence all ron inks of fs hepTals, a Shieh wil tak plac, ater lon ne, anil wie manisactazers etre ty ‘fins, obiviato Mowover, by sibstilel ve ollierwhic materiale, the tisieul is ut tatAUT nate at galinie of com ae not blaek sine ‘and conseqitentiy not so areca to
the o76 shen wing the s, “Tho allmrine or Ta take e oddial bag ‘Alaptet to wilistand chesnieal agents tha ‘2476, way ‘To Keep Ink from Thickening. smiieonly to k e p seta isk Us st fro wath which wo are aequssntet is €8 proteet heit, nvatmospiere. ‘Tho sie veessitiek. mot oly exaporates oxitiaes it ond orn jnkcatanda which have a tapering fel ja normalthe mouth will preserve tho {skin ies ‘tate than thoi expoce oedinary ki, bo ‘caso2AT7.mach los of‘Writing thelongersarace Fluids. Thon correspond vory gon ‘ral uso of stool ports igs cand Sng demand for easy owingyears intctaeee Ske, snasy oaof ‘Which havn been of ato dor tho litle of "writing i pon ink? fr, gallons; boil. Comiuon, but At for or- eantity ‘ot dum is emplored The: hive fie paExchequer Tak, Druised gals color Srsting’or tam aide,black whichhy exposure either maintain thet azo prepara Dabo! 40ot pons; gum, 10 poundey groonstlpiats fofFrompotasea), the oeferueyasid of potantuin (praca Tron nia
bony 2 founds; ote wabet 30 gallus 3
2478, baste Beautiful Blue Writing Fluid.in Dissolve or soluble’ Prissy bee pura, waler. ikeThisknown, ix tho. “Ttmost permanent nd beautifel is nob affected Dypeciitated the additionby ofsaline eleonel,mate,” but ia lmnmedately The peep of Exte, howerer, still possesses the property ‘diilvingin pao water D470.. blueTo'Test Prassian Blue. adheres Puro rvs feos i g h t in tho andy tothe tongue; hasdeep a Lively dark Tt hive color, tnd gives a sinooth tee. should not efiveseo with acids, as when adulterated ‘with nor become pasty with with boiling water, chalky as ‘when altftsrited. starch Fraln boe endo oir fn enor byin natin xturoof f o e osite of from, may be proved iy washing digestion andim dilute selpiuie or at Hatie a c i d , deyiag. It relative Fetes in tho ‘bysealtho quantity lurropenssato ufpotas zon mayor tbosoda estimated of destroywhich is bla given colon quantity of A requires ; to
2460, Blue ‘Writing Yhud, Diasive sane ee
oxalic acid to every 6 parts of Praseian Une;
ig Hitia
ering Yai,
fc sel a Laue omy, seiag Sala “Eline tam, ox Gnthspen
ding suiiont snel-pordered indigonieareand ibuptiac fo eae tenor the forsubside; 8 or pour 5 hoursit offorfantho tieconnor particles fo toga and bet ittoruce! 2405.origAmoli’s Writing Fluid, Ar aghfe Had tu ists af sutpins SFfronindigo au audondnaey ikebecomesTt Howe Neely type at lat ery blac Bronce ofonythe goat of a pom, onan i destmetive to steel and for this evil we know of no eure. 2 ‘p4g0," Blue ‘Fluid for Making Bluelack Tove Wilting ome imi pat Pras ja ennbite inOlfis prred over i" bilerescenee emer, nad hs {iit ste, Aine!of hoa i ntoy froveeved bo te a ik oer ommees eater ‘elas Dott, by"ThomaterintensityIeformaan of thi exe color lsonea be TentBAT,tine wang dat Fluid, Dissolve Eine’ Walling coralo-julphue ofhotpotattewater, oramtnonie Col, tio fnaigs) in a n d when Gold gotat the clea, " a m intense bao, ond Seen ‘lak spel tena inlinay very. Jormeneat. ald eax owing, Tt be thiekoned with gam water, or diluted ‘THDabs,”poe vanReade's ade Patent weeBlue Writing luld. Propures solution of aiodototof sl hoe Frm faite ron, and watery tion half ag anuch iodinesont 3 saturated At uned.”soltion Pour tie soladen into. af forypruniato of potash, containing nea sh much of the salt"as tho whole weight of foun Gates ittheinate, prsiiate,to ornwash tho’ynae Haalp atsotve thie the solutioncraported from wiito drynel the preptate Especial ant te Hellfe' fuss, e-aisolved, ail erpeallne, ‘Fields pars Indelible loli of poeta 2489, Writing Fluid. To silk, aff strong elution of Heats eat Wetiog bie aei died waterferia This salto takes te whieh was roof against alkaieg, ogualy” proof agus 2cils, aid form a wring MUM whieh cannot peru ounotitraion paper by fay without eninen dost: mtiod titantajent Gon atbuttheaabebards paper This nkitonsly write greorish Hit400. tarm WeckeWei“Precautions in, Making ting Plaids, “Al the" Piper procedingeaisgeaeas veep ir wedig: tts, suet Frodasyin alcass exoslont Ct prodtete Care tus Ue Taken the sngredieteBopur, tadoasisanton tan posses Wttoslol oy tete doubUfu.” Lithr of to preooling fluids andmay willbe be‘usedfoundas indelible in tourpo. Iinon, very permanent, lod andtho diedpart. bo fist molnod wil san vwatar 2401,Ylning Gold Tak, Gol nk goldsprout in'tee way: Gmune hatofi Root it iogy”on plate Sf agate proved gloss by: aans of fat peste ml Tho whole presents a uniform mass, in syhieh particlesbisects of gold ea bo rcngnivd. We ta ry GeAuGeeldating! veal andthleavewater wich wil ila tho Hovey, te gold nan Seuamely aisniafentedtthewateie bead, "the Suto g, soeordiag of the vesay Tobe romoyod Gmct or wiltheonaveGinnbeta wien a ‘Roecobade suatter washed Svape sudieient The. remaining” goldasotution ie en of ised ‘vith quantity of gumRabe taken Waly ood se reaiy fore, (Bete! B18)wisn “inss awetig tobeivory,bed, SQer doping, ples of wil posit the asta OF pace gol Wied
ink a prone Ink, Silver 2492, Silveree Sec ae See 4900day Gold Labels onouted Glass oeBotiesNe aug dnt poh Se eee ere date iment er Be yime cea eae me Bonu On pte eect'ehdadoe and een Suge wal frshakeos Ses ts Est pulk wih bo judy ee ee CR eg peg Sitwbapee ess ie Ls elesas 6" £4urple Tinkea or King of Purples, eee ane gallons water; provide a funnel at the botSee eee Hiiee by ayuomuel Wo Maaraatone mea oes boeah eee foul Trane tnmeatly adoum ad ae ee a eer s ee ee SLs" Goan tak ls pote of ste ai temas paces La kea, Sid tar thcugk = cages! oie "3800" GroenesZak, Diol 160 e grains Gru rene tera eva 9 oh speek wes Ceo tater can eraanne oA Site ome ach sae ant fin aly ondeot gn eee ie 8 BIOH Viol,nMagenta,sicigreg ana Solering craa ige sse Meti ere RC ee ote ioe egae sect Coe ona ey eran ese e BROeaOES Seit ed tick s ar Bee pe report e yw ge a of ok Ee ira ans i Scuescet naeof nore weOt mee os Soe eS ones antte Ge var os Ca aeanie Gee Gat SaSob.ee HulolateeatWea otetak, red oko 2 axis eVa l pce mon stearat bhacoueba leer Sa EU Se on Beran na ae hier ale an See aie af oe se$5488.Gane ee“lilRedetuae aInk,Pe Tar ee wood, 2s Sa Sao Thee Geese coe carta Fed 7600."siucs: Good when ited fae,WineGroundanes Deas eon s oleoor ane Blotter cunts atnea ae Lar i abi” ‘aucknces ieGurtine Ink. aePore wtb danke wena wertcee oetoote ee Gtan ies Sate Se? duscke at reel eeeaeale ae feet te eee Hannieok bat Bed auiot tatitecl Conteat sate a Boo eine! Se
sod whenor git clof amamont,2 a0 apis ounce; of hartshorn, Tpiat; liquor lute hind oF 4 ounces uf water; macerate for a few days longer, then decast the lear. Tho color03.of tisRedwood’s is very ino Red Ink. Guaraneine aud water iquorof(cold) ammonia, of eachtrent Townes;tor Sie Tat gether a mortar, filter, Solution in gtan-arable $ovea.and dissolve (Cootey.) tn the 2504,"Chlorine. To Restore Writing Bitaced with Hapoce it-to ihe vaporot Sulphuret of amiponiay oraip it nto. Sot foftaseaytho 6 sulphuret. OF: Ferrocyanide of por parts) water, Nb parts. Dissolve, ad Immerse tho paper 10 the tui, then slighty Acidulao th solution with sulpusie or ansirer hye Ghlori ac. ‘Pho method foun to best trasfeather boen toor spread thestickferroeyanie thin vith a abit of cut to a lun Point. ino ‘Though thechangefervoeyanide should occamoHon sonsblo of color, yet. the ent thetiescidat comes ponfinoi, lug, every whieh taco soon of a Teller ones to aquies stronger its fll intensity, aud fsof beyond om: parison than the eolor the orginal Eace." bo’Th earvflly then, the eorter of a bit of bloteing Dapet and dexterously applied het the letters, st as to hnnbibe the saperiae ous ingliquor,eatho staining of the parehua pay Befupertaous tearywhich,aolabsorbing Yor SS liquor ‘part ol tho coving nuters fromthe letters Useomes Sdyo tonot whatover itthe touches, Care mistin eo bo {akon to bring blotting paper tact withig softthe letters, hecaue tho colorag Ialter whilst wet, andemployed may easly i bethe rubbed o f . Tho acl ehiely Inuratie; “but well,both theTheysulphne and, nite fuceeed very should be ve thelar Ailuted es Hot’ t o ! be like to corrode. [puciaeh, the dogzes of stength joes uot séomaferto which hea matter ef such nice 2505, ‘To make ‘New Writing Look Old, “Tako 1 drachin salon, an fie Into’ pint ink,eatenandwhatever aac st oven gontesethfireyIe aul it Wil ie vwrten {o turn yellow, and appear av if uf many Year! stalin
2506. ‘To Waite ontulineysa Greasy PaperPantor Parchtient. Pat ons Rhoteale abdwit ptthe vogue srparent wel es(2 duiced welt pofuror frenmy, puldey 1 drop wlof boLhe tty gal nto oat the tok Shae Da07, To When Removetik Unkivtshes Blotches fom Writing, ine ‘beceto red rer ring which i i s dosed eciphes, we stevie to brah ot athe Spot early ith weak station txasEa Eid by peat cnuel halt ove, this wyink verwil afer aero thead sprue, Bent be reored, thalyeae heto ritng ieee” wily in ott eves iow, obi fora cxpebially poaiie ctv shew somethe {ouserable bn Sagsed two AY sonshouldat tebo conLo temtinuedappietions atuforvileaU thoofwithink.Dtshing elath eid‘eatlation at as toCo resto tendency of ako2508,"a further change indelible nthe i Markin Redwoods nie, Disclve | omen carbonate siti of ofsleetea oa Zoances eystalized Separate porousSet ef astiedheute wate, ant tie sien eles Wish hreuphy wth diedinto tree, ad Intuduce woe milano T'welgwool-enre meer, tho aidWho8 erankes tartare uid an titrate eat ee farvescneo np conse next ad eueient ‘omonia tartrate # ofdahon misery SIE dn toGuiddivalve rach’the ahh
white aiey sugar, andthen 12alddrach fueldette powdesaree red uutar suit Go nakeal Bounce s uf nsthe that mitre, tarkThere futs de’ opdito ingponak Sauld posses se dbus fel oa te without aay’runninat g of ore UlotingsSh hoeseenota Ss {pure develop ity whew developed ii peietty back ade doesnt jure to testaUs finest2500,bre Endelaiblen k,eusThotgalinen is aist nolst enl with Git Uiroofpant gauca © partsraecarbona8 teportsof sada i aadestat 2Aided,” water thed a Vion quite aft i abel th ies oritomioolhay pbs to reser as res nose Srvout a t i e anny We sane ‘pou. ‘Mhoco mpoatt stk Heel1G. parts on of aftho silver saa HNlows Hg p a r s nitrate Aistteerect a atedTho Mmtd parts guuf aver acab, ieandied ye sapsclve tine dsulloavod sabju ate, tly und iheaepact t bieana sap green ienecspeaty to wite wiht glfeenipel talc e n s excope gold oes inesthe tineaHea widh's goa pene fan to before trae wilde teteapesi tesevethoun Ais Kelna and ,whov th fadaysallow sthey weep ae beeby Dr.horeu that h a b e al giy Fine vel idk aindng foulUk. eetMaing 2516, ‘Mati linen it wb anet coment s feted ty ta a'sttll S cope as a t a trill penora tionse omespe ta be irs nding remuted Tas ae ed mnie er s Frey andwithththee ink biserubhohind ntoflowithong See sees serie forparty nenhn g ofTvasl Wheaten Plater nitrate ted atawadoy,of sodaaf parts gunvarahi e! TigudSparsent carbun rystal 6 part y thongdslIe thobest wise way to efpepbro te ak quad ota Att svee inthe Shana ate ad r" ke gun-aabieselutoandns woao theethe Malad insetwbaletogeticmisiar r eand beohte eighays eee wal a whenEa theope of suletn of agentWae nkeste (aeetook feikeraae move rdistinct orion 2511, Anilin ng Ink,rhe SbDissolv e ayAtha rate rain tekstthene Marki ofald ene pain 18 pse, soso Sale oat 94 grins qual omonn sees iin of'80 bias hyduc af anne hirat e nde to a 20galsnyfs. ditt yator then s iearabont gt Giainlay2 dopartsgrinssluinn waterof gtrtemi 1 ofparteunea pumee 4 parte oth Ppa somite oti. had’ sopper ereen elatioapjea ‘the gudSid n rasey wilh ay bo variab at onoly emp l foracksang ineyfee thiol Neca ate days. steal pon may bo employe aswell Je gull. Itfe is dovirable ot ta walt oo {ong frn may tho sppear Blackingel,'t aneo overofthethowsl Notio be passed tho ink is dy, or tho linen may bo hell wet over ANGorhotHaga lang or oer er pe water,Te is'awhengoodthe play black totintputwilthe Heh Sppean Hines, won inane info , a cid sldtio af n sop,ARG Which Has the elect o f bringin aut g 8 Vinh leGe.fo pornea Pao tthe ie ute tueese ofEmp hat {elpab te tine, to tueble tho fo saris aypetrsulati on ons both together, dos, only Ts visa mix ie won thoiy andok gohas canto tbe uedwrite 1twitSs perocl y Tndolib tha the nest devices napagebo ofdrqwnbeing widcheapeie r taaH Iniehas tho advant the ink propared fet nits of ioe ty
thas also another advantage over the latter ‘salt, Viz: Chat itis elientealy dele, 2512, "Purple Marking: Tak, parla amarking ink ean bo prepared by unixing’ pact Ueblorti of planta wth 18 parts dato ‘water. Mhoplaee whero the letiershave tobe written must bo moistened with a solution of B parts carbonate of soda, 3 pacts gusn-arabicy ‘and 12 parts water.” 'Dko spot ia Ghen dred fand tho Totlers Doen mage Written smooth, ‘with tho Afterplatinion ink and. havebeconte dry, the Hiaen is anoistoncd with asl lon £ part anchloride tin ineautifil parts iste ‘water,of when intonseof and purple ail edlor makes its appearance, ‘A 2618, very cheapCheap brown Brown mntking Marking fake nuy be Tuk, pre pared! from 4 parts acctate of manganese ts solved in 12 parts water. ‘The placeon the Tinen whero to iiatks have to he made inst ho previously’ moistened. with the following. olution: 1 pate yellow prussiato of patashy Fart gum-araby linen, hhdving boen saturated3 parts with water. the ahovo‘Thesolution” iw dred, and afterwards marked wilh thy manganesesolution, On the letters becoming airy, tho flowing solution ix spread over the ik with a brash? 4 parts carbonate of pot ath, 10 parts water, The letters then become Drown, fd Gree color cannot he removed. by. alkali¢s, nor by’, seit the exeeption of dilute tyrochlorie nek 2514,downCarbon Take, Genuino Indian ink rubbed inle until it wil Bowens fomwitha yon.zood black ‘his ink resstsebor fn, amd Oxalfe ei Ink. China. ‘The pure‘$515. articlo Indian’ ean only orbo Chinese obtained fron A 'pood imitation may be inde with ivory ‘ack, gromnd to an inapalpable powdes, mate into ‘pasta. with weak -gam-trabie. wate, porfuhell with a few drops of essonco of isk Lin half as anteh essece of ambergrs, and ‘hen formed into cakes, (See No. 2716.) 2516. Perpetual Inke for Tombstone: se. ual pats of ental aaa a sil of tutpentme. Uso in a smelted state to fillin the letters anddevicevon toubstones, Without actual violence it will last as log a3 the stone. 2517, To Pulverize Gold and Silver Leaf. ‘his is elfeeted by grinding tym 8 pormtives, ala, with alo gold or wien leaves with white honey, until’ they ate re duced 10 tho finest possible state of division ‘Then wash tho honey thoronghly from the powdered. metal and mix with gunn wate: {Sco2518, also No.Liquid 25.) Gold, for Vellum, &. ‘vate god leat aid gett with gnu Watery then ld. a sonal quantity of bieblorite uf Iereurg, and bottle bar nse
sugar, aid’ ie decitedly to he peoferrad, A frof cosine mul. incluk, nye copy food Soler waiting by the additan part glycerine to 100'partsof thong. anaut ‘The |sy Tito too fare « roptioncryingagent otic qualities requisite the litte to pais fpt tonmae the21.)ink iho inde z aut too perfect walcopy.fl (See.No. ofa Susceptible Tak aint for wsMarking Packages, ‘fisont rake Bool.lasapbtack thority toa to taj to miko fet eum flow Froof the bw," makes Paseo wleramarie Justa lumpia, afi Jing mistirefir th nam pape te sake
2522, Takeand forgery Marking Packages, Antexotlet cheap Ik Totnesand Oy4 itixig' tonnes tlchomate of poten Ciints dutmet ofgalling lagwood hotin water hstane Shake jer or dumijonn with wrell-and’ occdonaly Tet it Stand’ for about’ 3 wecke Taking Ink, torof Wiking inSips"355.""Permanent, Relief on Zine, “bichlrde putingwet pats gunvable, pots ated teewih 10ilylpart estaowTe tor ltl baskracedimmediately up ain The Wekof mit,characters resistcleus the action govort, of west acids oF the aiaSlon, taolaboigusor fagstsShiela Adopted MabIo for sting to ex pues o! o g ont the eters tlc, Enmore tho‘heane vaiing ig in afe wet aed foraWhilefot numeneu not attacked Tatil igclamtvel ft ‘ako 1 2524, Ink for Zinc Labels. dcacnn of verti drach a f moniag polar aol}40drachans deachin waters Mnupbisck and andthis aewil ftom wich funn tds i for onwringSilveron sinewith a 2686, to Write lacie thatand” wilpaises Never i.” Go oporporato O8 Tukeit Thnitlesd tecofwih a sph aud wale vinegar wtoith Mei eonsite pant, aud on alyto Sivge‘pate ct i t dry then prtent i ded sons co heat tho wot atl, and it Beompistat S006, “Thdeatructibie aks, contsng Eloyea forrong ering tio Ide on boules ache andaltalngsludons. ‘Thorteinate cai fetitng the eto of Silorn, teaing fer antaad Mag, acl, ay wel 8S ghetihs of en beds SE an neo:exoalont “and chegy mater Thenfot Inatog as nothing wil souove Mba detptng te ae indestructible 2027. nusmannis Take Dada cokepata THE a iepedalpat Gfepinine bapwutines wah vernon or black, plhanbagorfor of tuiiney Sealing "2508." ineClose’s Indestructible Tak, ee an ad eae prea 1a Botfraisiene hy anda ono1 grases Saigocolor bathethin ampblac out BeeBoren Bpblzck WCanaetigeaor soi rhe, al satin ‘2529. | pune Indestructible Writingnot watTale suetae boss 2 antes vtiy Gal ht aclosy voce UM dipolved © presste thed filter, ai take of guumaraiy ine and watel“dpartsDésatve Soh fpfy bebe, alldeceatonuly cpt, ansiming bt trto 9 promatn mints pie claage aac hon hang tay uly postred and Insc eolurs sli, Tet fe niestand for’nalenia ord aothours, Beott feel eae tar ths eavthenetn poy aud Kop i t n lator BS any substances will decompose intr, it whi feRe besoukiuiot state’ “When water,adilole luted tupentin, stool alee sughors hydrochlors SSitdige e eoaland alvling nad, eblsune, and the eatsle cnr Dissolveto Carbon grasInk, f water, 30Shih$50. gratisa of“Simple stfar in for dropshestingof concentrated slthe Pune aed.” Upon this mistore Ea Becrns toetenet the sl) 2 SHES apie paper it Teaves a coading ‘of carbon which eathot be washed off. This Stan renderedof tenoreind por bypon thete decom peng actin eel pape, Eni thas resies the action ofehemeal agente
‘aud indelible drawing inkNot maywaterbo solution mate bof Gistolving.shellae ina oraz, audof Hagia rubbing nkup fnAerhis solution a fine aly sing, di the iawing pen in eleobel, atu w i p e dry to keep elean bright. (See Tak No. 251d.) cnet, ond Permanent for parts Uae with black egal Mix T y p e . or amps Ske Ut hionpsbese and:wihhint of pote, quan and rabclay intoan a equal” redness, whito to smooth ‘eat tity of paste, water Delng aided for tho purpose. Or: Salphate of tanganeso, 2 drachms;sugar, lampblack, 1 4 draehine; loafwater. "Aftr powdered rach) paste apwithsh wal erstamp fabbed 3g, 3993.. ey into thy Boe Sympathetio, “These or Invisible Inks, colurlest arc Weiting. Seoret’ for inks which royuite the the aid of heat. orwethen some ‘other agency to develop charaters rth, them:practialsinco ‘Theis we. thohas reeent been introdue rendered pecially Hon correspondence cards atin Bnglaudof dheand” postal clowhere. Dy. previous Taugeumeut between corresponds, tho
of eopper be: af at chloride solution A ditute comes a fine yellow -amaderate heat, and ‘kkappeacs on cooking ‘Alcolution of acetate of cobalt with a tla nitrate added to t, turns rose-eofored by heat, snd disappears again won cold. ain on oak Seppene iske fOr pur which et ii spmipatheto t s e b the are ing, ce, ces others ao Move orof lesscorresponden indelible when asthe oncefor developed. Printing n sitio Compo "Eoe's ‘This 2541. gluo anne: of comists Rollers, Inke fisses, proportions varying fom 8 ponds ofackelve thein femmer to 4 pounds in winter, for gallon of molasseh Tho ght should freqiaced for am our inwater a bucket,adcovered allow then pourPatthe it into aoff Kettle water,tosoftens wrth and pluo the ie wot thoroughly melted; Hf too thick, head water may leaded. ned Lastly, ththe m0"the little ig tre properly wc Faves Pours ay being Whenbw wefleient, lasprepared, jue, will oo tect fing igvapt to candy the molasses, Pour into ®
ployed to develop the pacticwlar ink the reEoiver’s corvospnnitent has agreed to nse,
and Akiusing a, dey before become §botr fsheythoymay willbe was hed new thevollerInky a: atIile ofmhouldrebbodbr Ter dleatiag Inosen ie Over ofabouta knife;week with histhe back clean Seraped foe . y a w n a e l c bo Shou less ane be weed.” too New tye. may"by seaahing ‘When aonInk. WitDollIe Ui Sin‘2045,spoiled Printing Black e a fobf the idcousatenc tito clear old galtons de to wht varnish? thick Sha frst.6 ng eonsiant stieingTE pounds Iresin, next aud ia fe an24 one gis’ les, thea Paris Shavings; 5 bine, 8 cusces After standing Tue a week it
heticof leadInks, Sympat 9524, with Black. vel of ngengar a solution Writing with paper the moisteni by black turned bo n bo used, tho writing will sulphide of ptassii Faitrato of sliverdipping the paper in a solay b black tuconie ow“Culoride ot ammonia mcreney will tam Black when swetted sith ot elon St seats neon of ofwallsHne turned lack by oeg the (cont sole , rit ng copperas fcversn tums black ip aiuto misténing w withwith infowon ot fll2585. Blue Sympathetic Inks, ‘Wiatg with eopperas Gums ive if wetted iin‘Nitrate olntion of prasiate of potas of cobaldtums Me onnid,being wetted ‘witha weak soliton of ozaie TRicy binewaterin or-asolution solutione¢ ofiodine Uuitedstareh tunis in. weak set 2536. solution Brown of Sympathetic Ink. taroA dilated aitrte of sslver Snowe‘2537.uyresponize theSympathetic sual Yellow’ to wed the hake wilInk,be: at antimony, of Chloride fein yellow iy moltonng witha devecton otal Tak. ArSympathetic 3538. o€ Green seniate copper, washed over wilt hiiato of copper, tarar a beaut green. 280!s produce "Purple by tangeehlonde “Sympathetic Porplo of Ink, gold, nd2540. aking Sympathetic ia chlor of Inks &n Developed umber of volurens Heat, thatTheremayareabe used Substances as ofinks,bea which ag Sulphate developedof bytheeapperandapptestion oy sal anmmonige,mixed in equal parts, wil become yellow if exposed to Onion the he juico has the same property asthe above mnistire a vorg weak solution of either ‘Lemon juice, er al sit canon sale i aghafety @xporizo on brown yellow’ot turn will ire, ToeA weakie, solution of cbloride of cobalt* and chloride of nickel is trae a beautifol green iy ‘{'Solution heat, of ebloide orheated, nitr-mariate and disap:of sehen green tarue cobalt, 2531. Drawing Ink. A very blacks pears again on cooling
lean mould wel oiled with a swab.
Tamapblack, be geo. should Ink. 2544, ‘Black or Colored Printing Balsnin copoita, D vances; latopbluck, # ou
Kniian"These30,Will4 14 omnes Parisdry resibiuo, soup, es; oanees. 3 Sans; a naperior black ink. By employing produce aritbeteackney and ofthe stead ol yellow, sncteul inpizniont soap fofMinitavinad ebloring good colored ok wil boBt,eblainat,redNowsais, now Printersby, Professor Inkbootfor invented ‘245. has printers for ink bud Mr. Blocksteiy, « mater peter ‘Artus, ink 1 sil toaf becom in, sich composit StlooLichteoha it is as The inepontinion success,”Venetian ounces; 44 g, Billows:soap, 5 omens; rowed oleine, 2 ounces fiaid nic (lerrocra Pars 2bluo sont,}osnee;2 ounces; ure distilled ounce; acd, oxale acid), 4 ounes,. ‘The mixing’ proces of this rater, as ke doseribed cueap theink torpontin andy warm Row, beautiful g aud Graduall Follows: marble soap lyon arubbing, put thcootintal togetter; add, file oleing and gradvaliy plato, whet e and olelne; of tarpentiv Tho ihistute which addmnstthe soot, then the iurnt addpowdered mixed, well well Gisolved innnd thesiftedoxalic wid, con bo blue, fst Paris ion onacid.te having finually rubbing and. the composit stone, oxalie bluebefore withthe water the Pacis in of te sodaalorsin mized Beem solution A. s, proportion von fy sulfiont to thoroughly eleanse the ‘ator pe Mix 1 Ink. Printing Indolible $546,vamish ondinory for used fs as (sich pound of lpharet black, {pound ink), Printing ounoe 1 s f l v e r of nitrate ote 1 Rrereury, lampblack. 9 tablespoonfls of irony fulphote enough adding together, gind Thoroughly. cous requisite the fo tarpentlae tofroduce
papTéay. aitnogrephie Tak, Gi te cant Saeaea,ete La bee mal iy Sethe ees oo pedi Teme ts Ot (pe aso he haba eal erro Heo inpace ot masa panes ta te ian slings, ane, borane, 12548, Toa gt open 9 ou Sonne ole its on I Sp Hes eae ae i
‘Blo? TilerphiZa atin =eSlo, mo not the aun of Litho 2i
bo is distilled ur iver water.
Phau ae
a acre
the cies 2 cae ee Ue a weit stan, rae Sion Ne niline
Aniline liquid of a Colors. color vatying from yellow to dork brown, «The commercial article is never pure, being a misture of pure anichemically Tine, toluidine, aad oderine. » Its boiling point rangos from 3509 to 482° Par. Ifaniline boils ata lower temperaturo than 3362, it contains
of foupo r too much odoring, aud is,by therefore, conversion obtained ofthe benzole ob1015 fuaity. preparation a , intro-beuzole eat frat om petroleum). iia ge seale, Ta13 preparingon nire-bonzole on a Sarparts 13 in fuming mixed offwithof vitriol, are8 parts ares bengole ast and acid ies product ofthe iron apparatus, onho thecharacter Benz, purty ofof chothe rention greatly Aoponds management the also“ Sil intoin ronsulintanks, ole of uitzo-benz gonverson process, performed Déshampe” by‘The with stirsTho steam,to andcolletprovided y b lated distates, the til-ead {nda ney with ron10) parte charged sls fenk'or iltags, trough clean 150 Huzle, ‘rater, aid. 150 acetic aed; when thesewhich100,are heat tois panrvolved, spontaneons nixed adn con” dota thotho tank liquid tho of ‘auves to syzetorsed. it wiience ‘Senter, the completo sabicient ,foe steam ‘SS the heat of jstenotnitro-benzoo introfe steam ‘onvorsion and thestreing and time, afters fiuced tit novapor.more Atnitro-heazole eontinued {ngs this point distilled nthe Appears necesary, aud, nereased, s 49 temperature Ab tiret fiz, to canon completoaeddist forme, from which whichadhasseparates alinmater, ofthof with fiom ito passe aeiine ‘The store, heavier tho as Tianling diferent of W. Hof colors ie taken forthe ariows {ee A. oilingpome. and ompnition equiva: of anproduess hasannoshownan.Ghattwoaistire fans toluidine of of Itnt (Tachsine),begins"heto yield forof thisrosanline largest red thefubstaice manicure incresesto the Beatdistiled audwilae have boul atabout 249, over cunt. per B00'60 n of) which “Aniline Ufse and purple zequice ahaslostouly 74°, and withat 302°those propertce to boil atvidevely togins cont Ga'ger one. acilinethsnthonbasestho preceding isswhich {t{locntain hen undergo changes rosaniof desteueeonvertedinto dyesaboutor bycompounds partial te brought are fine ofthe. or Fuchsine., ‘Tho ofa portion tion2538, “Rosanne, re ci ie mtbod efiasutct or acid peinipi beie reaction the amon employ Eno mover with still fron cas ina aout Drought andfor with anda vondenser, counected BieProvidedfeady ‘with place a also anole, n, ‘Thisof pals-o, a jacketkeepsconeIe silstsinwhigh Bhormomate fainting a hot bath e ofof from & 350° Far 320°4ating atninperatar ‘Htharge 200 and pares 100 consists ‘is ording-in reactionsometimes and. {re( hones, arsento eekin abont ports compisted Fir bic hours, dangTgelated. onyin 12is carey Sythanburat‘ho others tempersro “Astays aro taken from time to time, and the eompletion of the process is Imown by the puro bronze color of the, sample. ‘Tho fused
Fins fe transfered toGp,ata whieh,end afer Cowling, ies broken ad at once. Svith ater amd stoamh’leaving"he Vehind base thefuebsine Grornaling snes, cen. Grerprodts ot the Feationy the arsenic acid ARoparated iy the addition’ of milk of ime. ‘hho dlnredsolaion,afterproperconceatration, Aeponite on theconllng, fine crystals of fashsin, filo ae hese mother gore rine: Fior quality of fucsinosobtalned by adding & Porton of alt, vacyine in quantity. 2584,from Aniline Blue." Aniline blvemosteesoles varios peveesies, ‘The one ommonly used nebyveating prevents fuchsine that of Cleard and Bobate: malo with Guid auiioea reddish ‘The sriginal process provucad a bingof with tages hut by the addition Tome organi rabstaees, secebtagmeds ald, Tris and inedoe tylenol, pure uci Lieished all othergit.hives by‘the’not tafows appentIng’ green fromin candle
DICK'S shades of purploby toHofmann’s Vue and violet irom fuchsin method are(seemade No, 2608), heating 1 part fwehsine and 2 iodide of ‘thy! with 2 parts alcohol in a elosed vesselat ‘12° for variable lengths of time} the bine re sulting from longest exposure 2585, Aniline Green. Aniline groon is protieed fom solution of suphata af rosaafine in dilute sulphuric acid and some alde‘hydo, which is heated tilits color has changed to dark green. Addition of a solution of bypposulphite of soda separates tho coor. 2556. Aniline Green. Several of tho aniline greens occurring in the market aro apt to undergo spontaneous destruction, sometimes in less than a day. ‘The following is a forwula whieh oranyZosanilino one may aremake:dissolved 4 partsin of6 puro fuchsine parts water and 1G parts aldehyde (see nest Feeeipt), and aze heated at 219° Fahy, until a rap of the mixture imparts acid to water tod slightly with sulphuric a clearacidulae blue color, when itis ready to be poured into a bol {ng solution of hypostlphite of soda, which is Delug stirred. fino green preeipitate forms, ‘and Ograyish oue, which latter must be Kept separa, vwith agetate Theof ean aluminaIs nortancal przeipally hyde2587.i nadeTo byPrepare ing a Aldehyde. tubolated flatsAldeTo.
{ort altogether wo 90opesthird fll, with 2 of partspo: absolute aleabol, parts biebzorate thas, and, withtut amie Opi of previous and Otoling, vain fa tabu. all the in tfety-tabe a ehroyeh Portions, fer cberhal of thecommences later hasto been introa duced, tho mictnce boll aud dbyde begins to diel oven,sdded¢orongh the vemeinrtho the sid inixere. ing Jnbalis ornate’. No fnter pusfeaton 3588, To Make Aniline Colorsimselebie Solubio in Water.” The muline colors Invvater may, according to Dr, Zinsman, bo Tendeted soluble inthe followigg. way? Solution of gelatine in acetio acidmade,f about thotho Gensistonee of ayrap ‘ y fst aad Stiline colorin Suete powderas izgraavally ded, Stirring all the tovabtain @ hom. behest, t o ‘Themixtarefsthon iencoteparto. Edvover « waterdnth to.at Shothat tomperatare of Boling water and kept host for some gle a very clear inthiswillstatebe applicable time i Golors Sine employed to many dcomative ‘purposes. Bookbinder, paper: Stainers, and penters will nd thom eet, hoy may als iets exid,-Beforo bo usedtheyfo colar con fectionery and’ soups, aro used fersconfseconers, wil bo well tr ake sre thee BO However, arene fe itpresent
2559, upodTnjurious Eifeste of Drie Impure ‘Alcohol Aline ‘Golove,, of a seve surtien har Neertned Sinn ouch amd extol thyefets “upon ani iy(pheoyefe amon “holookyet iosentie silo ftapare_ anine perp. online) Ye appearshe peculiar that emprrermae ubatanegaldchyae cling of tothe thoalohol, subtanoer used inthe manufactur atthe acting colors therewith when die folved in soak leatols and boiled SEhu best nbd ton for prho parity ofof enpeel lel 3por9 aia Sent ‘austiopotaia, Bnd fox Rest tbe solaeof. Should. baly segue bagutyellow ‘Anotiec tex ist 0.83 daslropapert thof lel he atingto urge sto, to hour het theatng,Aad foruo somechangetine, 1‘leervedy attr bltheand enquailty ofpuroihe enough, Aoahol em la geod Sat the late is ast furo toon"Another becomestetfri nad atnes fed clos io make two solutions ih coloe of the smesteongth1 in $0), on
fa 0 iBeane sta ora ao naydeeaar aia a one tt A amie ae ot ey ess Srl et ces spits po oeece ren Tae Ache te ie in eal BeHoey ed anh ee oie Tanaerana aea weaned foreHeshoe eeore,aaets fe us eet ae seek cre oreelaine SUS eeeeh pew ase dae ae dee eR pare is ohcotati ari eiale Pat meet Heresies ee Soe ore ee ba a neat ebayan ig ee, SSe f our, sin ei o t ace you, Sere eee eat Bere ecu ag Ou ig coat A es min, 9 poe Taree st aa oh eneeT ae Hat oa baa pe canberra ‘and shade of tho color ean thas ho compared Evrae anh ua ances, byseiyodeoen oe pe aaa Stns, bn ace ye gi ieaed cePag cyareeee ae ee bse eastitssales peat Die alingalone els ser eS cane areot Me be poetran ee am Ping ois a ok me Serie ta of a Se ie enere Supe Ste asant sade, o es i om eesellcn aeaebt wsfoaled Ome at ee ee poke ery mate will oroftenenameled substanco age ‘Barthen the shade. Fially ofaltera foreign ‘easels chonld bo used whenever racticable,
aly famario those casos requiring. pa may be Old fabrics which were dyed before, for an ‘rosd from color by previous‘Thoboiling used. spirit aldehour in strong audsoapauds. f r o m free especially pure, be should
haydos methyl spirit Spine-contaning does not appear to rhelae injure Some of the dyes, ttnns2504.rseino‘To oeDistinguish Dash color Aniline from Other Dyes. wsed_Autling calsanextent for dyetng pur Poses, arenow to stch through Sut te conntey asaluoss.to exelado all others, fon‘Theyaccount of thelr beilianey and cheapness by aro Bright however unl, ae and invo lose Tastein appearanen by the ati fein phe of gas or candles, 1es, therefore, dosivablo to Have a ready means’ bytho which they eat bo recogutzed. This ie all moro regossary, a5 atsenio aod 38 generally em: played in their preparations anda cloth. that 8 beanhavedyed With an anne color eontaining stamay absorbell a consideraine. quantity offor that dangerousfs aries, ‘Theaan, realestor what, way its detection to bol the vor ethersoda elothor stpotas, may’ be, ani,with afterw solution of faustio. filtering five flaid from neil. tho roid, nestaliing i wilh Iydroctlorie Hf tho cloth. hasbeen Aiped with an azine color, theening aid dyes wil how Syeolration Mot of tHe way {iso ho extracted by boiling aleohol, whie Process, Tnne'tia! peshaps, tie oer cau he performed ia less 2568.aro vantony To Remove Aniline to Color, ‘There ways prnpased geInoys dling color, th following being the simplest find inostmaypracti, Goods dyed whitey with anlivothe filors easily bo rendered {se of snopowder gray; ‘reduces, the metallic xine contained inthis the: colony formingthe faluble Golorless ‘peodscts. ‘Po. apply. titurato 400markinggratin20°zineBate,grap with 2piho.principle, gras mncilage ntl mistress homogeneous ineorporato ‘with this20 grains of a solution of byposul DIniztue ito of directly soda marking Bans,evieapyCay his to. tho 20°”goods, and ‘Yapovie. -AMtar this operation tb is best, ‘wash tho goode with water slightly actuatedto ‘with hyafocbloric acid. orCotton goodsliquor, may Do‘bat bleached by chlorine Mending this fs nol applicable ta other that eatton fbi, “Anoiher simple method consists in digestingIne the pefabrics forght a suflcient length of com, timo cat which ally lotes tho‘Tho decoloriation im aboshort. space ol Time. saute aleoll can used several times in accession andor redistllaton, eam aflzeward so.4g bo purito fied by rectification Jolvo but little Toss. keKelle,workwhicis besti tobe done Ifetna welleovered copper inmayboiling water,if tho A arices Lite Wyirocklone E0id Uo adel doo not ooof delicate thereuy incseasing the soluiity ‘hofellavi ollercolamethods fu, cyanide of po tasium is absolutely iu which certain’a small“Ae quantity stone vereof {sto bo selected, tyanido of poured potaésiaaayon 3 itto.be20 esmnerouaced, tnd#o fot water to make Tation wholeglassito Te stieredof [2'to sell with18" Banié, a long and.‘The alvone od, audthattho nari operation annycotuueted htetho spen tee esule from eon Aoheation of tho vapor. ‘Phofabeioin question, proviowuly well lead, it thonoveTidplacedwithi the este, and push under theon, ss roi, aid the top of the vessel Iid Wistvitavle totoekeep eel the solution war, abby Smeg the, na onde roperiya shesupplied. withId steam or behotremoved water, ‘Aor timo th shoul iylowing Rdg theHoffa hy to. eno angbeforebanalhe vapors pash of ‘operator comesis near. By means ofnot thoentirely glass 30d the clots to bo lifted, ands ‘ito, is to bo replaced ‘and the procons cos ‘inved still longer. When finished tho cloth
isto. to bolargotransfered by means ofhotthowater, glass rodaud vesiel containing ftivred e time, then Finsed, offaround‘Thofor sofution of thoremoved. cyanide audof otaesivmits power. ean be Used“Cyanide soveralaf potassium tines Without fing iacut8 deadly oizns contael wit say toro o Sextremely porisaudden dangerods, death, nnd inkling ite va 2506.the Hands, ‘To Remove"The best Stainsway ofto Aniremove from sch stains from thoaleohol, handsor iewhat to either washis tom with strong perhaps ‘more elfeotual, to audwash’finaly themwithwitha little Dlenehing powder, alechol. 2507. A rathe ‘Phosphate of Limo aa aof Mor dant ek grupyaautin pos: Bini of tno Cone-aah i bydrohiore aid ving been recently recommended. as 8 mor dat be usedDr, Heimann aller a previons eumeching ngcord= states that, ofing thoto to goods, f i g researetes, tho. phosphate’ of tine folation is altogether supertivous for eoiline ayes, singe. a pounds sumachingcotton‘withis of4 fill poundsa Riméch to. 20. toffee dating to fix iti colors ex. calleaty. Tho application of thefor phosphate ofColgrHimeupongolution #8 a mordant coeinest cotton he alto conser as qite 2568. Colore, Now Mordant Applicable to Aniline Tor this parposo tho oxide ‘sing in accordance withaada patent taken outbo fa‘seFico by MM. Biot "Phisay, may for mofdanting aniline blue pon cotton, ‘tho fine green spn wool. "Pho thmordat: {ng is effected by simply immersing goodsa for‘whichsomochlordo houra or inacstate a bath of otznoollhas water, been ds solved wntil solution showsboth2° shouldbe Baamé; {orat athoboiling ‘wool the the moaning theof tansin goods should also boTorhalfan placed ishow.aheat, watanInandbath 90° Fabr, dyeing,to'whieh 6 hot solation of the color must bo use, sbowld bo ‘uded, tho ineasothe ofeasethe'eatton, some a ehorido ‘of‘mou zing and, of the wool, certain of fannfa solaion 2B60. ‘Towiosdant To Dye Aniline OpalcolorBlueknownon Cotton, thexnitino biuogoo, pan alter eottonbleaching, Sus recommended ioSegpal ase the Soliton of soda eeystasy to neatealize thea acid of Dleaeling, ten to pass thers Into Hot beth of soap, in whieh vit exists fm emule Sion in these propotionss Water, 100 ey) ters (2LL Bint) aoa 8 hon G L Y paw ol Bios Gf Bousds toy). Weing hein out, dey, nud paseof thems int42 aor solution of neetat@ ffSut,aluinisa about 89 Bauané, wring dey, and einse mt hot water." Kinally dye Snhus been Saltonade.of epal“Thobluetemyperatao to which scotef the acid dye Tah should bo 75° to 9 0 4 Whe, Itinse and diy. 3570, Dimoulty in Dyeing Cotton withir Aniline. This difetity eonsiais in the of color when the an of avointensity iegulanty Tine cults applied, ‘iis ofthe effect tints att buted to the sneqial oxidation ealts applied. belore tapping the goods ito the dyeof iit; in using theso colors; avoid tho ura the tin onsalts, hich have litlecasooF noandbeneficial fect the rents it any dip wihtho ods into he dye bath afer ireating {ofosion ‘owed, oftho mut-glls best sale orof stomach, that metalIf isin thomustbie ehloridé. 2571, Aniline Black. When asslt of ‘aniline in solution ie exposed to the action ‘ofhlorate, cortainand exydizers, Whrurnato as of salts potaaa,of itcopper, yielde black dye, of euch depth that ordinary gall for madder’ blacks appear gray or green in
dave for a sallargo e aaa liquid. dye, of fut forwillayersbo sutablo uso, where quantity 1 gallons of pict will almiscabie, TLiesometimesnecessary Dosratorfoundix sulci. {0 ‘2576, ft bofoeo using ee Magenta. "To Dyo Silk or Wool Sulletent water to cover, withoutto diffeatr, tho fabri to bo ded. 1s brought a temper” taro of about 190° Pane. astificent qathe fay of tho dye fr addedy ahd followed by immersion ‘of to thoprovent goods,steaks. which About showld bealt ovo about fn ours iimsetion is suficieat. Tait founeo of thu ctystale should giveof asoap-sds fair sha 8 $10 pounds et wool. A bath romotimos instead be’af water. Sho ano of employed alkali, brighter, perhapsand lesshy permanant colorsandarebluish, produced, Acids render Bho 2577. shade dull "To inaDyebathotCotton Magonta. Place tic cotta sattach (E& pound stunmach. t o . 10pounds cotton) tor hoursas Weng ott, and’ dye inthe tame manver wool’ “(Sie previous reve)4 ounceA bripliter Mado is gven! hy diving soap in ioe water letting the sutstion cool to 90%, adn 81Sater, enceIn thislio posnde and of ising with tepid eotton may Iitworked fr alts minutes. A bath cow fining? sumac through and 1 ouen tia frystals & ponnd hort prepared, ‘ich the shonld bo passed, wring tt atl fatéon dyed iu wath of magenta and” yar Snaliy water 2878, Aniline Cerisemagenta and Safranin colors toresezble ‘these ut thas substan raretiesmaleokol, bo soluble tod appoar ‘They aro wally and moroare orliss so ia waler, Pho colors produced SSmilar to"greater Chose vivacty obtainedandfrompermanence. salower, ‘Tho but juntas Manes avoto excvedinety delice andyellow. beautifa, inclining pik-with'ashadoof Thoin Aigo bath is prepared, andthe abrie ded, this samme manner ai magenta, (See Nos 235, 2579, fe) To Dye Aniline Yellow. This color is slightly soluble ireetly sn water,fur tho and presfor sed be anay uso flyers piration of tho tye bath. sy however, by die a ligeIt state, ia prepared proferabty alvingNo. 1 pus 852.) of"Wathost dye in 2 anygallons of alcool, anf 2 graimnes(31 grains) oil of Vitriol, for (Gee addition to the prodiced, bo say yellows good very vath {iyo ‘hae thebyscolo? traco fs michof stlphusie improved and. bright. ned. acid. Tho EEmperature of the bath hoald” be under 2200?2580.Pate Schiffs Aniline Yellow. This matter, according to Sebianiinonie fs easilyer, propaged stanie nf hydrated iy‘cid, meansStannate at alkaline other or sada of thoaiate or stannate ig to bo pounded with Half its weightthen ofhydrochloric aniline to a-clear. pul fimsistones, acid te Added. til tho acid’ reaction takes olor place. removed Tt is theaby Shaken up, aud tho scarlet theAftersmnpenperbeyputeation of evn,1 Suis oior aRek isa cata rons, eter, previously deed.” Peallowed to raed evaporateflakesspontaneously, and in this wayraze ofa bydrochlorate, having for bavo & red coloring"with.matter, which rWha st not‘this bohydoehlorate coufounded rosanilne a decomposed alkalies, deep yellow fakes are. deposited, tehleh again Beenie red in presence ofthis:acids, Byolor,impregnatiug nik or wool with red and thei passing f e into a bot solution St{i developed, carbonate ofsimilar oda, to boaatifel Une tho yellowyellow of piewo fei, and "whichntiAt Sehiffefaims to possess Conierable Crimson. Dye withto Anilino «4‘the2581. sliprecoding, “dye, To elon th saute is sold ermsoa, Dat series it does03
comparison, ‘Tho fastness of al this color, ita reste Yo he action of aan ops abe manutartneer light, renderaulTt oake f greatit pore Sn co ove of the 2572, erent tehivvennentsof late years, Anilino Black ane for Dyeing. Actordiyg to. afr. Keni, Lockpartes iroteed as follows Wate, 20-0 30 Ehlorate of potas, 1 partyyrsal ammettiagy pore elo of np anion Hy ocklerie acid, of each, I " pare, previeudly fnlzed together. ‘Several othor beeformule for proelg aiv Hasks avo device Rirdyeing Tethatthe ivessentialpreparation in each ofShall then,be’ aeid, adplcposes. “always, aud provetion the moro acidof thoiE blacks iy tho toro rap fy the ‘The aeton,0 injure af courte, ft ofbo thoexeesive, Wil Dolikely tho fibro fab 2573, Wool,” of For£0 2quarts pout Water) ofAniline wool3 olmees. a Black bath isonponndaganate prepared of fotasna, 4f ounces sulphate ‘of magnesia, uo usb to Of prevent. tpnte theof forinaton magnesia hastfor its abject, of eanstic Sibel ana!Mothay. has aleeady" been is propored hy Tess du ‘The wool impregated swith this solution, and left Stout ee fd thas beeome colorless, of neany 40, whereby Tt fe‘oxido colored dark-brown andThis eovezed with brown of Banganene. proces takes place fly inthe euid, but it Ht best uo diss the pormanganato in hotWichont. water. wasbivg, ‘The woolcomix how pressol oat, ahd, oral into. hati ofcommercial 12 otnees hytrucluric eomasencl anil oil 2t ounces ‘eid, odin thedeparts water, whens hero30 isdieeetiy moved4 ‘bout eold i attains dare greeu-blace color. Tt is presseda oat Aga, wished im Water containing bitteof oda, and treated. With a weak. solution Flotnen biohromato of potasnow indar10 quarts ators The color becomes Blackanid ‘hon’ tho wool is washed with water tat
ne74 Perea Aine Blache
er rae a ein Seephe eeDer eon ie or Dye BIS to nro angela
Sor Ree cea SNe
wt appeae to differ very snaterially from maenka, ite fm shades tileas Less blue. {Lis appli the samewithamanner magenta, aro colors Mel better 2575, fe)ns of ating (See Now. ithe’ ‘tan vellow (See Ni Say ‘andthe‘magenta. ‘The forsterfor may bocolor,ap plied in manner indented that Eu tho fabric wo dyed inust by passed through aProdical. bath of magonta until thetho Beasd requiredyellow bul andig iy mising neanlyDe bath of tosens, Mragentashaldyesfromin a muazenta ‘very ang anay Sbtalvod. ‘This will bo foned a satistaetory ansateus for othe 282,lo pruduce ‘To Prepare Anilino Scarlet Dye. this color, aniline xearlot ‘Ajomay horused. Neither thie nor eoraliza adapted foria amateur use, ax great exaotnost isPorrequired. compounding the dvo. bathaud t h o ‘uso of amateurs, ailing yellow Jnagenta,Ge rowommendid, a indieatad. Toe-'To_prodtes crimson (seesearlet No. 2581) ito follow should slightly predominate, or tho bath ray’ bo rendered. sor’ by-slpiaee ‘old, Aniline searlet dissolves easily in fora ter, and the bath may be made divecly tho sultif dosed, sabstanee, A quit1 pont dye ade, by dissolving ita2883, gallons "TowaterDyeantwith1 lonAnilino acoScarlet. totoatl bathreameoneainity te noatealize dye, a excess ‘ofAd aan nf tartar’ eae flyby achat the wxard, punt Ing be knoven by the rad,liqaid changing fons Yellowish toa pinkish 2584.40 posmnds To Dyeot gods, Anilinediseolen Scarlet,5. pounds For ‘every Srbsn thowitolgoods(sulphate of bats sine) fora 10180°minnie, abr place into this Thema cote, prepared be boilingint foragallos tow nines, theL pod aniline seartot ‘water, imag the filtered samo contincally. This solution has tbe bore being ulded to theIbhath.minutes,"The when, goors remain thehecnnn lator for‘browned, they ‘have andsamanvist hath, bo boiled furtho-adstion another haltof our in to alter falFedorammonian. Thewill moro of thi a added the the sade become 2585, L potind To Prepare Coralline Dye. Diolve colin in TH gallons ales: Hot spocitie peavity 6200, hy the aida heat tic tho slion it tho. ns bingdye by tor, aod. Te-disulve. precipitated tho cautions addition of water of armaoiia. ‘2586. ‘To Dyo with Coraline, Add tho color prepaced asin No. 2585, to the dye ath, and neutrallize with acotie avid. ‘The
exact pointschanging neatedto aly orang the pinkFeeolor Tasof {io solhtion ners tho footretore ands and when mahthe required Besos obtained Ho athcalorof 2587. Water-Glass_as a ins Solvent,builingof Coralline, Disiolsw coraling fstuso osodd of 1 yackor putasen eonceatrated water-glas (Gliveate of tho consistency ‘fa thiek apply symp);thisat selltion 4 pats eater, andy allerfor ooking, ‘at a paint ood {uito! woote wanting Talo orneti {avo nid are prelarable), paper, tos, ial lowerthis tise, e.,€6 all of which na terials solution of coraline Tmyparte Deautital arene red tne of Imnoxious Cor2588. Preparation auling,” Guyot nate thatthecoran ‘tacntly pakonous, becaxso rosolio ach, Used to ‘obtait it, contains phenol (earbolis feid), eanand onlythis bo dangers quality the eact pro duct avoided liy using tho proportions Bompousde necessary, im. thanuacturing the 2589. ToThisPropare Dyeing. euler may be Aniline tied Brown av 8 hghidfor
dye, snd for this purpose 1 poundspietofthespeeise brown ‘ay be digtolred it gallons eranity, #200,‘To Dye with Aniline Brown, 2500. ‘Add sticiene quantity of receipt, the dye,to prepared aceorting to. th previous the dye bath, and immerse the fabric. Wool possesses avery strong aflty A forspuifthie brown, color, more and 30ot Iondint ig requieed.. Teg den, ogc. 2501. To Prepare Bismarck Brown for Dyeing. Mis together 1 pound ise innick, potads water, end § pound selphiic acid. Thisbe paste dissolves euy in hot water tnd may sed directly Tor dyeing. abuleLe agai dye may bo peepaced by making th Stabe 2592,aboveTo ixttreto 2 gallons with Brown. sleotol, Dye Wool Bismarck eater fo Hahaid;reagan No. ctsulphato tout ‘wid sulpburie ald a quantieyof {rsoda, the keeping. woo} andthe adtexaperataro the color iydundeesmal212"iiueree portions, Foe’ by Very interesting chads Inuy bo developed combining the colorawith Indo paste or picte seid. (See No. 2601.) 2598, Cotton To’ DyesquiresCotton. Bismarck Brown.” mordantnge Withik Sumach and seetateof alvin, and dyed bath under 10l!theFab,wool biehvomato peeparea. according fofeb No.der2501. shadesBy maybe obtained, “ho ol onopot ‘This withsndVesuvine, 2504,colorTo fe Dye ailing propared seed in the samo Ianner as magenta. (See No. 2075, ce) Distoleo Aurine,” To Dye 2505, 4fear pound’ Sad aurino ji?Ths with gallons alcool specie ori ased principal fr silk, Dye containing'a trace of Suiphutie add. in Dy bath combiaing with magenta (Gee2596. No, Lo251), very bright colors are predeo Dye with Palatine ‘Tho palatine orasige dye is prepared inOrange. 8 nine Ren. 9975.) No. (S00 magenta, arspanmerto der tho bath slightly acd hy biehloride of tin, Sd dye atte boiling point, Avery fast, but dot ery brilliant orange i prodaéed. ‘Tho Color may hecombined wits magenta or indigo paste, To Dyefa thewithsame Phosphine. 2507, is treated Phosphne Way a8 pala: suiphurio ofacid,soda}and or Rubstitho carbonate ting, omitting uso & futingatha trace of Soap ‘2098. To Dye Silk with green, Aniline dis night or giten, Iodine Green, Solves casiy in Warm water, Por a fguid fe, 1 pound may swith be 2anvolved in of 1 water galloneona aol, tnd mixed gallons {hining 1alwaysounce salphurie ack.the ‘This color ia Almost 9 failure in hands of the Sinteus, isnot For silk, fotonuperatare additionand toHing the keptdperecommended. bath fx sequired, under 180° Puhr, ths Aniline with beth, Wool two Dye prepare 2599, ForTo woul, oteof Green.” dye andTh thisa quantity thesods,dissolved Containing boraz. vale thoio wool farbonate of bp oFtera 21 fr ir,pleedA andgrayioh is fnproduced, green shade” ote fixed10 which andFabe, brightened: mustof betester ‘hich 100° at bath Und 20 aol,”(See Gti acto aidaby Bon temo No.2577.) rumach, ‘Todine {ites proparation Green. fo Dye with wihsac. well pee freon MEE2600.pune add then water cold of pounds } 8 about 1 pound acetic ae” 8° animé, 60 essvely, pounds water of a temporatir 40> Par,the ammouia,and ofstiering liquor whi, Gnd 2 pounds tt althotho dyo bath toAlterg. imixtard se.well Ding the boil poloro of the solution 23s fag points, put in aa miuehrequired, and. dye for rnecaweary for tho shado
off in baththe tho abathseeondcool water lettinghare au hows, Phen half ieautime, as fellows, vas: realy, prepared Or‘For1409everyPar,20 pounds of wool, add § pound sulper Baumé,thoandTatler4 pound 66°" exystaly, Dhusio.dekt previously tin of Ehloride. Tako of water.ashing, quautity an equal in issolved without bah, Rast tho frou goo ho io second at, tot thom fn itor 8 Jato visi na andthe tinggreenadewil off develop Ininutes, plore with pollowish Por bo added By"to thisthe Bit), andwhidyednmnstquickly. No. "bath Gee Second will pasto Pre. reenshade, fling of pout 1 Iottod, amedium wool of poults 18 GyeStrvo te frst bath, masmael a one-third of is cireumgtanco whieh i, ia dyo remains hoImpottane ‘will which bath, tho in, renowing reqlze one-third lo,loss dye-statt eousequenty Shen‘3801.makingLo iDyeor thewithsecond Dis Acid.of eat Picrio belo titi oditypee2200. ‘Pho do bath sequires soho spocide'grav elor ‘hseauaey ob epeeshadesprecaution. Spralidon, and lemon of produce to Tusad aniline yellow t bo taained Hhntoheaabo elsefby asothepst18 forthe. dyeing Its puepos Or phosphine. brig this or end a elphreal coating a bath after thorough immersion, {rong adaing, alum plore acid of solution ‘quitity Salliione (wha) 0of pote the ste Shingo desired shall."To Dye with Aniline Blue, To pods of anistrain Ldsleobol; disolvo pounds inof fab 1002002, hot quartsadds tog bath of 1302 blue flter,8 tnd To? Hinoaghh and and Glaubertho salts poonds Enter alsoaoetio10 fold. Fair. goods, wounds ext heatstlit wellFabfor 20thenminutos; chem Shilo pounds ald’ to200> Slowly Let thoand whole with water. datedlonger, tru30 aeidminutes dry. sino thea Bort propor: Heo oF two a add aniline thebo process of coloring, twill ‘TEtho during Hons tho color, by ‘hethe blue, ofgovemmed Folltstoshadethe ofevenness kindtho is blag, ered Ia varity a is thoro a8 used, aniline ‘Ofmalig a close-oro fay each in andbulingsolubopreperet to ought bra, pounds 2 alin, acid sulphate pounds 10 ef on tho with coloring before adi Ertan susceptible moreim water makeBlvesthe fabric will SS{o this color soluble colon the disbe to havo which those than oro in alcool. folved easly 2603, ToDye Silk or Wool withtho Ani-ae used de Lyon, ths mannerasaro Blew tn blaeskowa line Blo, aulino of Fotos subiis all others anja fited Bue, fntoRed a Buc, ‘Pure alcohol, stono with {hrough whieh a holo is mado to admit a covey a stick foratizring, putgravity pound of900,tho anddyo, 5otncos gallonstlea Sohol Dhurio specide eid; apply tho edt of a watertho mix bath allowing After ndfur stirto coofrequently. undissolvedwo aud teatantlany eoraplto tee aleobol fesidto with fresh” will bo gallonsshould Promhath 5 for,to 8 wool ition ig efoctod. required,” ‘Tho by dyesuiphari tid, "Din ergatabo sor fendered may bp used,of thoi quantity equal to thoabout dy vivae itaprove ool weight Ihetity bo brought shouldprepare theshade,point,‘Tho hath a Soap silk or foYeh,thoof addboiling the'eoloe, and put ba tho goods. When dyed withsuffelenty, a bath cided sulphate pass act through Aniline Cotton aswithTor magenta Dye ‘To 2604. proparol (8 “Cotion Bluey, 2577), and dyed ia an acd bettas for (Geedio. Wool.2605,(SeeTo No. Dye 2608.)with Aniline WaterBite, ‘his colo ib quite eolublo in water,
DICK'S liguid amixture for preparing answermay wellbo disoived will1 pound and m4 jes watee, TheyDyers audin thegallons aleotot SETigailn dye bath. powder the Aissolve way as Dleude Lyon. (See {sused 1No, 3608.)ia the samo AlkaliyounBlue of andtho Dye with 608, To Bide, Dissolvet Nicholson's by “Add this, water. oiling gallons Lo Fpoin should which bath, de tho to portions, Sirall The fabrie borat, between by about alkaline teShouldrendered each worked. well be must temperatura the color} the of Auitioa abe, wsedTP theBe ghtgoodpeWi anderboraxS12has been Belk f o Portion Gom andToe colorthis,whenwashemoysde ede sere water With develop To Tat, sulphare act, bath eottainingAnil Dass through a ye Vicot with Bo 3pgr. purples aasline various Rie , e f ani Petrie Puchsin, do Violet asarme, Gown sam0 Sho omite meranth, Footer, andas Blow (seeasedNo. fm3003), de Lyon areAetddato manner by d, suiphato of thesoda;bath sulphuricaci tingthe both use or eid, Suipnusic lab. shade. ehado rendera tartho mide these Bis. of Gowos,givo Dont subsaices of solato «quantity. 10tahtpounds wilws imebo dye. sola the of ounce ¢ #9 104 fabio dyed tho of r o l o c ‘The uired.” and in a sompbath ‘ansouredwater,by sul washing by proved through passing Ten Gotionfar wo Mr, Hired, According Prepare acid” as follows pour gools tho E’treaced a tow dinesperovr crystallized treof 2hoouunees and Fahy golution {cpl of tin, os very 10 pounds of goods ‘lotic soluof liter, add at dyemuchfoe aviolet thoshad requires, Remove quarter tho as tion a wellyandandstagehig. wilWashing nn hous, wring render inthe alam of Solatou olor more solid. Dye with Hottnan's Purple, "Fo prejured us other purples. Cee is ayo iof3808," mazntainof that authorities aicr.)toes Sen en.ot roqulto acid Uhoadition color iis to apt 18 color tho hve tat, ayo thy tence Tabof apaaner.or any A vegetable ia thisoxalic, ofttotarearwhowa ofdyedtartare, with avautago, ly avoided.bn mine Tho to bopericulae acids hore used ralfarang temperature. bling ata kept be should ith with Bluesulphune 2609, ‘ToTo thoDyewaterWoolens vat inthe Aniline, cause i to brought quantity then it vinogar} assufiieut acidin Kept as and tasteis aided to{Geldboiling, 10-minute so for added withKeptstirring: then liquor anise blue ua its and. submerged, aru goods. fio. lost has’ water tho wail boiling ‘wuld’ fresh removed, olor; isafteradded,whichand theytho aroprocess continued fiquor given, (Seethe waNo. has atbeen color desired tho ‘ul boil. a ‘er being kept constantly 358) Aniline, Bluohourwithin hikewarmn To DyeGF Silk 2010,sieeyd an for sills scicolor asmustfue sulphurig with Syater, aedlated. the and receipt, last the in oolons ising the reoptise in 4 to 5 toaul portions, Dodge d n a bolting” temperature color has‘Tho Deedold wie520a 10goodminutes. at forthat,seine Langit ‘btgined, Is whic water, yr fea is thenwithsepiaced ‘ath whieh andy ged, sipherle aeuied ater teawhichib for 10 rinatesy fie si is boiled and water in wathed hly {tisthoroug in eater, Uhenwater, onoam again aciddlated’ bs, aferwards through Grawn fore Tasty water Silks alone. or (See No. 388.) BELL,troughTo Dye Woglens Vian "Violets Aniline, with or Burple lotpurples aro produced on weol in tho eS) Stamer as tho blue; on silk the same metho i
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 mnst only be but tho water likewise,of bolting, used short fsHated (See Nos. 315 and S16) s Method of ComB12, Jacobson’ ed, Oil and Fat pining for this purpose given Aniline The fullowing process is with rovanby Dr. E. Jacobson, “Piret seperate, iy, heating thesammonia; il’ tom’ orcommer wash with with soda urdigestion rorani of stearate or dud dey it. obtainedoleateby adding the rosamitine Iine ignext or melted steario acid as lon as to ole acidolve, or by patting them together je-williss in equivalent proportions. Am excess of oleic is aoidinust be avoded wien the compound a varus, as it delays the drying. for quired dissolves ‘ldato or stenrate of rosanitine easlysntenve red an these colors atd oils, or fats fn the linseed. oll varnish, Tf it ip wanted for‘ ‘ha Tea fone fe be oat Enseed oud mist be kept feora tho fir, or it soon action Rare blue, probably by tho reducing acids. "The best red volor is obtho fatty oftained in Heseed oil varnish, "Stearine a with rosaniline appears Dit: or floate stearate ofappears Shed, Paralinewith the compoundtos actof asfattya rede: acs ing agent ad changes to a. dizty violet anine, aud olor; the mixture then ts iunpplicuble to, he ‘The olonag of paraiso or stearine candles. s a good coloefleate or stearate of rosanilinod but, from or pomatum, agent for hairoftheoil color, Jog eemsinapplieable tho instability for oll paint on Wool Fuchsine 2613, Dyeing with crystals of (tho mixedof acetato or Sills, Pachniie with ead ts Posanilie), of theof solution, to 140° water for silk, in water ofure1909is kept wp. Pahr, for wank, which temperat acid are also Por silk, a few drops ofof Acetic tho dye regulates ‘added, ‘Tho strength required, ‘The goods i2 which quantity ‘tho Jy immersed in the bath until they: of the color; it ig not take ble ‘saulvisu co work them about while in ‘the bath,
iquid Colors forThoso Various receipts in‘Purposes, Quigine popdeten and appenee dtapart feud aloe us ars u s e d CS bape sasfo attes general, THEi theparte spice ae ecified cconi fat is taal propertica: tn adaien Bitescolesopuntior ner givens hove naarteec of upeseaiy econ seepsat iaGadel der he een respctse wae headings ofoetho TT iain Ue Seay sous by eoaseing 2615. Soluble Prussiantournaine, fot Add aae etd oBgutcesginia arate BF peta tate tothe air ull i beom AS icathe washing, satis ie athe avon By Continuing the bine se die citer kaag we deefeidkont lug enution, which ay be orapentel decompoutin Seva alsin: erento fon Tit Siaronele o f pass, Loop tho latter. in exeensy wash ‘tho precipitate entil it Logins to dissolve, oud dry it. (See aebiks Yr Shemiaue, enoter metied) 2016,” oF ‘Chemie Blue. Sulpast offndige “Teor 8 par of of 9 Sida ia go cr caren vdech paced fold water Sut gredually 1 port of ch te adige ae aac iegerieyinte eRe tiny Sor pee of tabasco pipe: Moe i ln fs ln o f aba ipts Gaunt Veighe at yon’ Sours Sad Wiha dng, tbe German feorng
oft being sul 5 partsdyeing answers acid silksBe, Kor or ammonia, indign.4 oFsods, for 1ofofbest, {eieut potasiy tho aci, taking ‘are not18 tarbonats to: nentralizo (Seo Nos. 08 and 4791.) tidded) toaid2617..isin excess for Patent Licichild'sChinese 1 of Turn. blue, Blue Mix parts Linen," gradwally add ndwattof hoovalewholeactlyi dissolved, Tustine,a adTate Doingly 4 mater ‘The of indigo. partswithof sulphate and 4 sulphone 1ethpartisdigo, mate tortei,is newtralized eathonate ‘Thoof ammonie for Linen,of indigo ntordinary BO18,, Bluebineconsis stare Kins‘2619,atcakeSolve Indigo tovillits Indigo,heated fornts turpentine in’ Venice disolve parade, with the or in boiling broiling point, same blue color as the solution of sulphurio pti fron aearmito aaso pei ann Tntiog, whileIn spermaceti acidit praduees color 1 4 ble Tako aid in stearic tninoesotel, forbine, Clothes. 2620,of softBling’ i andwalesput ouneo bottle witProssiangare powder rain lear fn add Fuse of wxale eid. A tea-spoontal dnd fora large washing ‘To a boiling nt ullce Purified 2621, asft as touch anatto solution of pearlass addAnnotto,, tho clear When eoldywith decane SAIL dsgolve. dinged sufpherio and neutralize elation, any excess. Wash the precip Seid, avoiding fate with @ ite cold water, and ary it on Poil equal of Annotto. uti 2622, of Sol ponsach with water, an annotto swoights eal. the required iluto toCochine End2623." "Takoe of1 .carbonat Coloring al eochiteal , powered each counoe bail alam ‘water of potash, s vesuel bitastrau potash, withnti7aidounces glazed a th Tess veuco of wine, Ta, thiselferves spt10 minutes), Loutce find de.by liquid (about ‘tases sbgar refol of weight oqtal au folvo for useof and sotfor aside heat,bight of suficiest nouns length any remains coloring ‘Ths te, preipitawith theow blodown "byanycontact not gualtera fin, lmnost Aifithris does which basIs nowomsmalldha0dalkalies, or acids long s Dickson' antago: of‘hoepicGt andwouldthe largein quantity ages tho amunotia Yant tint tho of Tolley ce appearan clouly a cause to tendeney ftave's con: ions preparat other and jellies and tho ansttoniaeolor would bright gelatin, Jntalung when ly ‘changed Wo. couplete lable in to eontact boDrought Dake juice, lemon with aeidsfor metwhichwth thoin tho,artioloanyis ote and Dears purposes Bitiogy Iangely ese. .6 Coloring alul wise Coohine 's Dickson 2084.” and spirit 9 Tiounces together Mix n uf ts misture 3 onescocina water. fumoes min: 10 yr posdored ounen fico pom buling do nearly vessel, toanother flask heatel ia tes, fato infusion the Pout tototine of withthe with 3 andouees thespitprocess Peat athied water ad Ised standto ounces,fatty “Loemattertho liquid g 2 sone remainin tho 30 Wi whch LTfhe col, up aod water, spt add addingfaaly, surfwosdid ian, suffelent ounees, foeigit tho inte to change ammonia of water toug thus coloring Tho tint. e of potash, is alum, desired carbonat tho to on without propared tho objectionby s,thothat.aid atof taadto thois frecoloringfroin obtalued Tree {ack Those receipt.) matters s, "(Sootholasteolocing: eubstanee {oso arose, ns fbjectio timeng and’ ofafterthe somo asathe lake,botiows down fhrown containi at layer formga , to of ammonia euiring Yosse,issolve end—24, itiOn solntion; andcaptKeeptho addition an Ist, te to ation ar epropar Dicksow esof divantag {hs coloring matter vemaius fn solution, and
iy ope wal, and as no wopoasnt 2625, best Cochineal AMucorate ‘Loutce arama Coloring. ounees strong solu fiou of ammonia, until it fe dacolvede™ Hea ‘pouty to devo off excess of summons, taking Ere tio armyPutfe bointo.fay soquart-wite a to pretptate fiefundacarmiie, Hot, 4 osinees read spirit and 3 ponds Tehivo sugar. Ciangaeup with warm ater, and hak ol co fe cimolved,” Aiea Splenidcotoring. 2626."or Wood. Black Lustre Color forgivenPaper, Cloth, Dr Kishaeyor se? fei tio ted fr er pape Ge{ Bros wan aud bas no shag tana to wel get very supple, tendency filly "To prepare i, boll togother8 poutds water hn 16 pounds dssoveddisolved previously ‘Alo, Fold potato stare, tn 54 pounds Awbters OfHoa posodscampoachyoxtace of abt en nt gen lol ‘poundsremovebfownthe gyeerine. When thoroaghl Tuited, pot from the fr, ad If fonthe tinue to sti until the ligula is cold paint bo desiedtbieker or betuner, theae amount Utstarch aud luo must varied well 89 Us‘2627. other materials, or the astra wll gfe. Black Produced by the Mixture oflreting Colorlessphowontena. Liquids, in Onotho ef operations tho most ineof ‘Shemistgy oarsby ingale the decompontion of ul phate of ron n a d , Tato arenes, Eutaining ofgalls, pouret, a soRtion ofity tosuperoe suhatethomasion of ron. ho gale fromde: elective sinity to tho irony tactics i from tsandformer eotabization with twotho Eulpliurie acl, ius short time these ‘luis, previously colores, become fatensely ‘ieee. "fo tual this ile uid into ink othing but aiitla g u m ie roqulred, to retard {he2698," precipitation ofthe coloring mater. To Make Liquid Blue, a Putfn sada ue oe ued Pout ina powder, aud pour upon i ounces eon fataland iydrocblorie ack,”soon Tllurvescence neues, tho mfsturo assumes the24 ousistenee of @ thin paste, Leave i for uit then ilu1. with 8 or 9 mayouncesbe find ottle The whole Tarther diluted with dark quart color of waterfor andwashintit relain a sullizntly ete. he Common bive writing duh isnhusling thus prepared, 2636."vented Carmine Purple,as earmine Tho dyopurple,ro only an knows fstideobtained by belng the solution of prevent use aedboll:it ald, eat taken to ing over and too greal au juerease of tomporAtarer Tho some wixtirodap,should remain alanding Ailey for after which thcke Jasty,to bo ofteatet doughywthsubatance i obtatud, whet warm wate, filtere,water and tho resid again treated with warm ‘he filtered liquid possosss athereddish or gabeyetTowish colo, stsltog from organi tances decomposed iy theinaaitlolargo.ae.enameled Te ie hoxt to bo evaporated iron yeosl, Dutwouldwot destoy heated tortho baling point, which the mureside {earn pune) weauees "afer dh tid fs been evaporated Wo, syrupynewnlshered coussteney, and hee aswel a beautit! olet color, itis ofto thebo igaid allowed.shot to cool,neverThobo tailro quantity at on ne, ox head to tho ae ingeraportad poin ‘3630, Tinetora 0 Color giveswith & Alkanet Root,to aneinsa fo red tinge ails fats, s wax, Uarpenting, spirits, easeveas, tte, anil used to color hai ofl, pomatums, fingoonts, varnishes, ov, deop‘Thoredsspirituous go:tinged {ution tains marule fa wax vwith elianet and applied £0 wae marble,
PS Sinner Be iar eee oo siti, mis Oma, eae eae Tere Ses Pee eS te at os ped Be ae et eeRas ee ot oe stilie MPT tehe cwose SNH Ria cuamet, eal, wet sn seoommena te lng Bs gues, Deets mere a See ee BinSetieran aea e tee ed a, ‘Binsha DyoPee Be from Malyhdenmn, te at ee Spal veel near at fe pai i coe a ctecea ater ct ee ee gate pag totale a ae Se a et a ea PoE ele eee Nee tig Big oproa marino ae eae ce eelagl fr perigee se be eee megan halen ee eete oases Se tete Eeae ia nitesaitan gee Broa eee, eed Hela ony eae peortoal oe ts crest oe pear Sea a te detour eeere tee pea me at apre ree acerca tack cane eaeat ise i n ns toe” AC olutlonof tn water passes through
have intyodueed shudes ofyellow, eulphidefor ‘ofBerlin, eadinium, a leaion andto orange the coloring ofto tailet all tho ealer agenteto a ively. Ofyellow give soap. ted far tus Soap suphidethe most Cadapermanent. Gti Ageyeliow) bas proved ad funllght do not afect te color, ad te qui lity required is exceedingly small 2039. ToTheColor Soapyellow Yellow with Cadmium, catmiam (se adore) {Sihubbed ip withsting. of, and‘Theaddedcolorto isnot the vox Ander constant Solved in the soap, Ut-suspendedin dl. and Inuch depois up Colors, careful mixing Liquidwith wile gum, "Thsarefollowing, when640,"thicket ted pe il, maps, tine asolorsto writing, for Ins ven, araiielal howers, e, and. to paint onTe theta ave'verya bean, ofhseray Felfet; be Some nut oar Frith strong spit do not mix well hewith badeun, unless dilated with water. = in itmas Diseolvo Blo,” Liquid 2641, water, and atl of spin¢ of wine,” Os difuto Saxonrequired blue orfor sliphade ofwork, indigoneutralize wih ‘waterthe Tfaii dellate. Of, to.anof wiBoger aqueous illinfusioncasof itiswithaddhallfoe drop full"2642, ie. Liquid Purple. Steep litmus in ta iteOy adabu w sola@ sain, of Orylogwoot, aid water, Hruined decoction tion of earmine (ra) wo atte bie solution of litmas or Saxon bite or purple solulite alt of tartar to a bluo green. Or, dissolve tion of litmns, tilt tums fequal parts of crystallized Fordigeis aud cream of tartarin water, and add a little gum-arabic. Used as an jak for writing. “Liquid Yellow, Dissolve ans Doge2644,in Water, and add a little gaunarabie and stain paper, color falta, Used for inl, io gamboge in’ equal dissolve Or, &e. maps, water. Golden colparts of proof spit and berries hot water, bred. "OF, stoop French gn endin alum. Or, straia, and-add a little of gamnbogo, zedoary, round ‘turineri, Steep Or, dissolve ‘an fannotto, in spirits of wine, nate of soda yo of arosubearbo otto ink @ weak Gepolash. ho above used by artical tits ground 2645. Liquid Red, Macerate minutes, strain, Drasil jn vinegar, boil a Tow add vine! and add litte am and gine,tll Or,it turns red gar to an infusion of litmuseachineal Gr, boil or inise powderedalum and gues.in waterOr, strain, and add a Title of ammonia, or is dissolve earmiue in liquor water; tho former tweak earhonate of potash . Issuperb. | (See No. 2623, Fe.) 2646," To ‘Hint Maps or Architects’ Plans, Maps, paper, or tehitects’ plans may
calor Who simpletho, ghia. tho tinted with ‘any of grerent colors ani pment do theyslwil usually aud sprending, be in wet ater thowitch aeswith o(og orcoma dipped oF a alum & sponge 3 Ciel sat fo the pint), ounces 4 size; ‘waterot (Bor to dey care: observing Grbite on fully afte cach eext. ‘Thi will teu to give Tha ealors to akohe becolors.thickened Instr aod beatty wth shoo sheen” color rut, Beforo varnishing mapsseo alter coats of clan should bo ape Bor 3h lg ot ith Engravings or Prints ‘3047, Sizing forDiswolve onmees 4 topale boglueColored: 3 curd soap, and.ttes ouncesolwhite ‘ations shades ofeolr from green toed. pore ones 2 Fag ium. Used for ssing prints and. ebgeavings 2038, Cadmium Y e l o w Color for —— Soap. ‘The chemical works of Schering, in ‘before coloring them. ee
!nt ‘These Colors, sts Show ggi Dru 2048, gudal anapar tey andfe nigh aso ornament ip s druggist y b d employe fnlors, oat fom of eila, oed orntzp Bone drag a t of ornamen distinctiv aad totive been time Toug for-a has Jt window. Store perot colors beautifal the render o t {tied liable y are ho t. rsaueu es morepe n{oanganaudecompo and ofas ight se dust, undersulthoto falluence been fob hes way erie Stmosplu . bottles | Manyin iis filldifiealty d. haveto obviate discovere tho d{o propore s druggist los, of aiinogo il solutions fini time from bo renewed. tosnotalio these whave Tub evenwindows have that salts, l Neutra aco 9 reduce, nor he yfor tothisosydio tendenc either receipts purpose. oyed ompl Dest best and. most ¢ha Verymixtures among ‘Tho giventhisara purpose. Tre reqaite for ised in glass d pomrere through flleasion Te wal bo fund. desirable to arf funnel, flues ae y& has oankall elo id more Sinko y b ed eecasion loss, tho ed ia the fame man£0 replace(perform quired, filtration Sedoni beto ne-the whieh foravellforprobably a3 theafarfirst), Hor weak exposure ‘onary water ,,aflertellsfltreto ofdatoiency auy addition s, make fights'a to up o t tom, fraro itsnowbrihtdetract and eplor the sweaken made botleswth. pure water. teshowDragels Tess, file d a glass, d Beutore glass as the andwhiteobsfouselective waters, ayofiledjustwithas colored ‘Toso bottles loss trol. involve msl Ip 2O4D, dragon's 1 part Digest Amber, oll of parts 4 ig y, powderel coarsely blood dissolved, dilute vitriol; when completely water2648.)to. the desired or cate distilled Vth Vo. (Seo filter. aad Male, in indigo "Dissolve Bluo, Indigo | ‘2080, to water pure with lute afd eicedatid,shado of color; Alter as directed sulpharl the'requ No, 2608 Blue, Dissolve a. ‘2851, 2 ouncesandsulphate pint vitriol of oil far # ounce ofOf eoppée 2648 1 pare in No, “Dissoive, filtern ag‘Blue, water} pare “Prussia 8952." blue or slightlyoid;tittedadd oxalic in rossi: water blorc) (iydroe Inusiatie. color to tho desired shade, and iter. the bring (Sern. 848) chloridet solutionald of suficiea ‘To in a water, Pink, 2058, cobalt of nitrate forSoxgaicarbonate of ammonia to dissolve the as in wNo, iter Ineo formed. fist at to preeiplta mater otnen 1 Or: ‘Washwith sattation, for 24 hours in Gta. digest, tor; ounceswith sesqa ng 4dilute containi pints e water Pafhonat water ; athen ammonia of above, as ter d n sao, tho desiredPurple.” To an iatusion of low. to 2654," er of aminania e Filter carbonat suficion: ni swoon dict as ener. to maloOr: the "oan Tofsimn of ooh UEgotinpolassa No.ad 2648. nearly neaulphatoWilterof a3indigo, ‘foal, ed sufiefe above chalk.” with outvaliz
aqua e carmine indesized 2655.ia azRed,ilugoDissolv with water to the Dissolv anunon No. 2688. Or: aebonatoo Shade; filter as iasolutio n of sesquic ina lake Sader Sfamaonia, and diluve with water; Geer as hove. cobalt of ate nitr , Dissolvo ‘3686, Violet nia smnmo of ate earbon sesqui of n solutio in‘a capper to monio-sulpbatein No,of 2648, ft suieient-amn as prods tho color. . Filter e | pound seaqui-ic Dissolv ‘BO57, Yellow Lquart muriat in ion), of (rast iron de ot si and water, tro with dilate acid; c) chlori (hydro Die OF: filler (Seon ateaba) of potash in distilledandwa:of nate or biebfom ether the above of parte equal or {ers hitie (ealtpetre) diseolved in water, and ftorell as above.
root alkanet ‘To 1 ounce 2058.pigt Crimson. as alreet-foe Hiter tel bepentine. oot add} da Nox as Thi wed Vine Dissalvo in ® L ounoes Green.of copper) 2059,(alphate vilciol pint waters LurR of potaksa toounces zontate saeienebick solution andof 4 2 ounces Or: of copper), grees. the{aa igaid (oulphatein I pantof water. Or2 bao wine!of sansa, bloride A of eistilied vordgrs, i ueetie acid, and‘ solstion dilsted : vith r water, O Dissolve blag ‘ciol in water as abore, and add aeid THe vam green. All thovo must nite be Aitered as divetad in No. 2688 ‘260, Lilac, _ Discolvo emndo oxide c)of (hydrochlori mits or tausiatio. cobalt addin sesquicarbon im ex ato af ammonia, iphato Seid acamonio-st suictent, tho color required. aerwands o. prodes Sfese;copper t Paton (SeeNo. 2648) BEE1.. Olive, Dissolve equal parts b yreight of sulphate of iron,uitrate and oilof eopper of vitsiok,to suffclent ald ‘ater; asin No.2646 color, PillerA solution produce the Orange, of bichro2062, either with or withwater, be potasea of rato Dut the” addition of some. bydsochtore oF Stlputie aed. Or: ‘Diseolwe ganhogo oF uot ia potaeng te with a littleof spirit. ‘water and ad 'Tg iter thesea3 directed in No. 2688 Sea Groen. To 1 gallon water aa2663, eetat an esto seid, ones.of copper drach water gallon| ounce ‘To. 1 aeia, Green, acetic Peadrachms; ‘2664, add ioe, find biebromats of potas, ddd4 dracbmt. sulphate ofOr: cop.To aleohol dilwted Tallon pet and common elt, of each? auees BOGS. Light Blue. ‘fo once gallon of waof eopper, 16Suipliaty tera sulphite cop 2066, Light Green,” ru ratie aetd (renof from ed), (ce-eeystaiz per Trou), water, alcool, of each a suieient aroun To the greeaad Purple, chrom to 2667.solutionViolet acld ‘of xifphato of Strong. solution of aiamnonia, and iter as directed tn No, potassa, 2868, "Yellow. Biehsomate aof stBcie nt of wall aguante ground, Cuchinoal, Brightwiti Red. 2669, Beil Loanee, 1 pit of water, replacing Ghat whieh erapurates. Towards the close, be ap coats of elean sizo should 2hgor et them, ‘. gd Engravings Prints4or wuaees. Sizing forDiswolve finest Colored: tobe in 3 soap, curd white ounces and.twater; al? ounces powdered sve palo boing Pints’ "Used for singe prints and ehgravings Eitan. then isis’ coloring bane Color und Showtransparent Dragg | 2048, perfelly ands bright aco. th oraamental by. ofdrugatsts employed lors, form display, purposes Yor Guttes drug of a been al distinctive. tractivewindow. a tongwalestim forornament Ttthe bashast Stove per trod to render are of ible Taey s permanent. more anate Inang Th ecomposo under the influence ofas ight and Deen t e y has vay no an dust, Stmosphierio Manyia obviate thisto flldiealuy. Gisoorered havoto proposed. bottles tho druggists colors, of auiline solutions foie windows Dutoven theseNowralwith havo metalic to be sults, rouowed om tie have that to‘dime, ae nor t8horeduce, tendencyfor tothisosyizopurpose. eitheremployed receipts best most best aud.require among tho‘Thoverymixtures hore forgiventhisarapurpose. ‘used careful tation through powdered giass In a
lus funnel. Tb will bocolorfoundthandesirable to Tbitko a litle moro lighid aetna required, to teplaco(performed the loss iaeecasioned Dy & Sovond filtation the samme man: hor a3 thoaftorfist), which forawill fowprobably beto nethe fossaty exposure wovks figut: any addition ofdolieisuey, water aftertosistra.to t‘roakot ion, toas thomako up tho eolor show-bottles aul detract feomn its bright oss. Drtigeists are now made bf‘Phowocolored a s , and filed. with pave water. as the andwhiteabstousglass Dottie teefiledjustwithab elective eolored waters, Tyiavolvo much less trouble 2649, Amber. Digest a 1 Apartpartsdragon's blood, coamsely powdered, sl of vital whom’ completely dissolved, dilute with distilled or soft water to tho desea Mado, and Indigo filtee. (See No. "Dissalve 2648) indigo in Bluo, 2050, ssaiphurte fits requiredack,shadead ofailato color;withkerpureas water directedto a 2051. No. 2608. Blue, Dissolee 2 ounces sulphate ‘ofOf coppsein 4 onnee wil4s ofia vitriol and 1 pint pure water; filter No. 688, 052. "Prussian Blue. lated "Dissolve,oxalieporeot slightly in leo Penasian roriatio (hydrochloric) ei ad water £0 b(SeesNo. eing tho cole to thodesired shade, and fier. 2638. 2853, ‘Toin a water, solutionald.of chloride orSoxquiearbonate niteaio Pink, of cobalt suieienttho of ammonia to dissalge Jrecipieato ae fst formed. madd Filsor ja aseold$n was No, once 1 ‘Wash Oe: B6t8. tory,Pints.digest i, withcontaining agitation, A forounces 24 owes watce sel atbonate of smuonia; thon dilute with water rhe ose sur gt te abo of log Ty an itasion woolly654. auld Purple, sallcient theearhonate of anxinonin calor.an infusion Filtornsof ieee ‘rs To cor fient sulphate o f nix, nearly ‘euttalized with calk,” Bltor as abuve
DICK'S Filter,61. (SeeOlive, No, 2618.) Dissolve equaloil of partewitxioh,by weight of sulphate of iron, and Inwater; addcolor,sullicient nitrate of eopper to proditc tho iter as in No. 2048, Orange. solutionwithof oFbicheomate2062.of potagsa in water,A either withe Oufulphure he! adion ono hgdecbloe. otoF acid. Or: “Dissolve. gambopo fEnaolto in addliquorlideof spit. potassa;TiterGilate.thesewith83 rater aad dizeetod in No,"Sea 2648, 2663. Groen.4 drains; To 1 gallonsod water aad agetat of coppes ace 2664. Pea& drachmss Green, To 1 gallon walar auld nickel, acetic acid, | ounces fd bicbromuato of putas, 4 dractim, Orecop.Eo ean diluted leh sd sulphate of per2665. atal common salt ofeach‘To 9gallon ounces. of war Light Blue, tof2866, ad sulphate copper, 16Sulphate oxnces. of copLight of Green,” por from From),(revcerstallizad) water, aleultl,surat of each atida. (frou stletent quantity, 2087."solasonViolet to Purple,of ehromiues ‘To tho green acid at spliater dda3 rong solition of -aunmnotia, and Hlter ete fn No. 2 of potassa, 2668. ati"Yellow.‘watery Bietromate smucatic. of ech a sulifent ayartits. 2669. Bright Red. Cochinew, around, ounce, with 1 plat ‘Towards of water, thereplacing Wat whieh Boil‘evaporates, eloia ‘edd cream cold,tartar,cil }of omeo + alues, 1 osne find whoa wit, Loaeo, mixed swith f pint of water,
O07. Purple so Pink, reohivedie Se ee eae: water ot eo ese a as ae
2655. Red. Dissolve carmine in aqua uunonta nd dilate with water ty the destzed chile}, filteras it No, 2648. Ore Dissolve Dialer lake {n'a elation of sexquiearbonato ot aiaonsa, and dilate with water Mller ns boxe, 2686, Violet, Dissolvonitrato of cobalt solution of etquicarbonate of amanoni ina ‘ld slficient aunmonio-sulphate of copper € produce tho color, Filteravi No, 2688 pound sexgut Dissolvein $ Lquart sido2657,of ieoaYellow. (rust uf ion}, murintie Chsdeoeblorie) acid; dilute: with water, and filters (See 0, 2018.) Or: Dissulve. chrotats or biebroniate of potash in dist te; oF eqnal parts of ether the abs nitro (aaltpette) dissolved in wate ‘aad ie lozed as above, "To Lounge alkanet root as diveotadi2658._pint Crimson, off of ton line. Piller igments.ex clonng Thessnetier aro substances wae a. uN. abt IM 8 used ebielly for palit, Sipioyel ee tho fllgwiag Tecate blua ho mothod of preparing the pigments and Dissolve in 2 1 onnees Green. of eapper) 2659.(fulphate viteiol pint waters cotter enloing infers da geameal ase, snd {Md sollicint bichromate of potassa_ to Lura hole special splines the liquid green. Or A solution of 2 ounces 2e04. Trnbulls Prussian Blue, blue vitriol (sulphate of copper), aad 4 oaxees omeyaiide (rel russe) of putas 10 cblorideof soditun, in L pintof water. Or: ees) soution potossyiado efit T ‘solution of distilled vordiges,in aeotic acid, dingy waten pints Dissolve th eriyasida ‘aad dilated with water. Or:" Dissolve blag pas prt of rate std tas ‘trol in water as above, and add nitric acid Tudony gradual to tho slion of proton UN it burns green. All theso must be filtered hats of ron prcvioany uted al the Fpaierof fy waten ‘henstingtft thethe nas as diteoted ju No. 2688 dling th. addon, qu, 2660, Lilac, Diteolvo ernde oxide of cobalt. ia nitsio or muriatio. (hydrochloric) faut ech cho precipitate on the fer ch aid sesquicarbonate of ammonia, in ox Botiag water cial fae washings oss neady ‘eid; fess} afterwards suficient ammonio-salphato fatal hasty ane and Sve ie Bas ‘of copper to produco the color required. powder’ Time doy'vo mate by adding
to a mixture of yellow of iron elorde protosulphato Brant of ota of roy aba‘water, hy , s i h T foohlorio seid, " mixed. with risks an excellent nblaiog: 2675... ide, Prussia siate Biue, Pereyanide, forrooyan of feropras ofby iron,” Cont! dereial Prussian bino is mado adding toa olution of peussats of potash (or af prasiate ake), a solition of 2 parts alom and Sulphate of iron, washing tho precipitate1 pastre peatediy with water to which a itle matic ‘eid been added, and exposing it to the airindtllbasis it made assumes adeep bluo color of “Apers purer hy alding a soltion te of ito toa solution of phato or peteblori siate Juco fereoprns of potash, "(See No. Bork ‘2676. s, Action of Prussio Acid on Iron Solution ‘Tho Germans callces prasicprecipit: acid Dasara, because it produ a be ; but the fllowng ato in certain iron solutions nt undoubte dly proves fexporime that the pr He"Drecipita ack! t,docs not. produce tho color of that id eana be made just as well t! since Writhout i Prepare ‘olution of (Geen vitriol in water. satsrated ‘Tako + parte of the abovo solution and. treat it with nitro Sulphuric acids, uatit tis changed into andthoith Sulphato of siperoside of iron. Mix this w {ie roandni llyof the first solution, then add vory gradita (to avoid its becoming heated) ted fulphurie d; recipitato conventea nel unt a fal pblue {stormed. ‘Tho resale will boabeauti te, equal to Prussian precipita bine. It water es dissolved Padded, tho precipitat ed ; ‘hue if the precipitaandte thois color destrovt Separated fom f the’ , eid. ani fubbed with Plessis oe of wd We oan 9 i . Denutifal fino pliosptat ion,all theso bik will es tho actint of water, Lu eaves the nes, ‘whieh possexs ho colur, age by 0 means tho favse of the bine eolés, but favor only. the production ‘of it, by depriving’ the mixed Brarates protoxide peroxide of iron t ofandwater giby crtain ofagins aud hewso he ionsame from eatering preventing t into a Bigher stato ofwsidat in tho atmonpbere, 2677. Process, To Make Boiling Carmine by the4 Langlofs river water, gallons; cochinealthesin addpowder, 1 pound; boil forfod, 10 dissolved sinus, § ound carbonate Sa 1 add. povud§ ee watersalumboil inagain forpower, fan how; cool, fina agitate rapidly unlit tt be aissolzed, Then. let deeant. stand into. for 20 nother minates vessel." afer which ately ‘white of@ eg s, dissolved in pint water,Tha now to be added, and the whole well agitated ; ‘apply heatoff wntil the liquor bazepaceelated, thenan Stow st and allow ie to for} hhowr, ot losige, a when the elesr portion aust boAeposited decanted, d the earmine t h e t as been at t h e bottom collected, and placed upon a filter to ofdeein.a paste,Whenremovest hasit from acquired {le consistence tho filter with an ivory or after lf, and nish {he dying pon solo pistes, eorred with Slger popes 3678." ‘ToTho Make Carmine bymethod Cenette’s Process, following is the om loved liy Madame Conetia: Finestcochineal, fei fo pow 2gallons; pound batureforriverhours, wa ter, boiling” hot, 18 tica add refined salfpetee, braised, 3 4 ounces! boit f o r ' 3 minutes longer, and ald ounces ofBoil saltsfor 10of miamtes sorrel (binoxalate of potassa). longer, then remove tho heat, and allow the Liguor towithsetta syphon ford hens,into shen ie saust bo decanted Shallow plates, and set aside for3 weeks. "Ab film of mouldsndformed te, theho dexterously of this must earesurface fntho thoenremoved, breaking it oF disturb: without fully jng'the liquid portion. ‘Tho latter mnnst bo
now removed drained with a yphon, and the tpremain Inge motatare off, of eked ith pipet. ke carmine which ia eft behind inst bo aedextragcdinary fa the shade,Iosraand andwil bet be food to j079,. passers TomayRevive or ortny Brightenearmie Carmine, "Wo hrigbton find gbtain itiperpwaterfn ofandammonia. clese pigment, by dissolving For the prpot fear’ ammonia pon ari tho fea of heron Se coli tact a thethen liquor has ofgotanda finopreetated red tinge. byTe nectie must be draten acid Washedis with, ale,of and and ried. aleobol, Liquid nextearmine a solution 2880. ‘cochineal Adulteration of Cochinea!, Genuine has a specite gravy yyof 1.36; Sis commonly increated in Weight Aigitly moistning ie witfestgumwithwaver, atl ‘ea rouncing it in bag, salpate ofDonerblack. baryta, atid“in hen. withits fiely powered this way pedi Hr raised to 1.3, by iteoducing about gravy T2 pot ‘ont of useless matter. offs Method of yermliat Making aid to yild tab in parts a. poreclaa ish 100 parts mereury with 28. fowers Sffototion salphtr,of caunio molstaniig the mixture withwith9 potash, Next teat ie 53‘qullpartsweightbydrate of potash, of watery warm mized jeup andwttitur:aa oie agatn, “Tho wateroperation must borepluced as ivevaperates, aud tho eonbied for hours, Tepaste,whole ia Howconstant to bo titaration, evaporated tors thin during land thoa good heat reuoved tke a moanent the color for tint. ven few seconds tov Mauch ‘of too Ite will fujure tho. rest ‘When old, atho maseis washwithwith a slution af‘ud pola aitrwania poate, daly "TodriaPreserve Vermilion, Ttisa ‘2652, fact wallcolor knowsof vermilon to artist (cinaabar, Chat tho splendidly eight sulphide offas inereury) has a tondeney, especially I 1 Usa Satz with white loa to Dome Dlackish Drown short and tne. very dani-colored ina1s comparatively “This tendency Sivogetier “abviated, if, previousaud fatintelp to. belag nized with oy eis thoroughly Iingled tho pre portion offwithpartflowers sulphurof toalpha, 8 pars ivermin, '2083._sallowrer Carthaminoor Satlower Lake, ‘Wash tll tho water comes of colcont Tego ante ie wih water holding 16 per of‘thick cebonata of Teave sodainie forsaltious so hoars, a to fori pants several hen Dress out th'red liquid and weary nousaliga Feithad moti acd, stall "Next pat cotton of into se ang successive portions acell fei no Ato provaut thé gu bso ataine, “'In’2fdigesthours takehan,out hous eho eottony sash fy and It for in wae tor holding 6 per cent. of orystallizad carbon te‘movingof soldtho ieottoy, solution,supersaturato | Tmmodiaialyth onigutdreith clrio aed, abd eoleetwashed tho precipita, which mast bo repestediy Inalowed coli wafo Zoe Ror pn antes he Id depot tho ears Mice withthe Serapigs of French chalk it eonstitaesrouge. 26ah, | Lakes aro: aho obtained fom Brall-wood ant madder, byadaing alam toa eoneentrated decoction ef the former, of to a ol infusion tho latter (mado by tebirating {ho madder inelosed ina beg, with tha water) and afterwards slleient stvearbonate of coupot: ‘sh or soda to turow down the alain in ination with bothowashed coloringabdmater, "hoA Ilo pre elpitato isto dried. solution of tiLakesaddmay withbo obtaiued the afoni from improves fhoolor. inst
rt ricaebtl ere, dshBeem ng optg pote ible ia cen tee nie ee eee Saeed id Sine gta BBE. sap Green. ‘The ordjn Se
ees moe.
tin ettea h 2686,oe "‘Biuonde Verditer. 1b is generally stated hy alg challe fo solpene fiom af atte uf ener preuee in ens of refinein ining ale ry it buthy ite Pops di Sotmneceo this meat ant find no. i aoted Kimo ithe estsaphec samplested yo: ts Dgmept tipo hy fey festaboehonidin notwater bo used fuhardy fana pigment tagh Shove itis forfrom highth tora artwork, biue Certbaste carbonate blues so of mado copRo pe a feo nual, ie they hay Itdrst for New th ati.Ble, Mix equal parte of 2080. coinmon_staaniato of ‘copper (sce.ent Mineralot Gree Non” sata aah fosohy Neat tna larg erable then ‘ito ho Posed ait} is svesghe of ite, Hffervesceneo. taken paver place, andtho wale be Gomes titeo, Con, and wear 2600,by procpitdig'n Cobalt Bue. soltole “ihiuuct'scobaltbinesaleis rate ‘rhea saktlon ofwell at,nl,ad tis eating 9 foodtho preer Uplate. When Inhnent cole waa i oil dad water Tecan also employed in resco and seus puttby figTit, bo"Hole howovur somexpat feted loi "Elsner's ite britany slighty of Zine 2601, Preparation Greon,” sprinklesino wilh yalora mixturoat S te cxidg'et and part of supa of Enbut dy thA polp sn obtaive, then heat osediess, Govp green powder feobtnites parts boortoemployed of sey thoaud product 1 pare sulpats aTHOeobatt iy grass ‘green in color; thoth saino eclor, only lighter, ‘Sobtained shen latte proportion of ancs frida i a again doubled. Hthes0 color, teal te Tater, maytheyropaco to well advantage Bowen greet; eppiy ons contig of lime. 2682,3 usedBistro, This ia patting. a brown color whieh in watercolor Ibis prepared froin tho Yoot of bosehewood by frashing away cho colblo partswithwithgumwater wa mized j s reside ingolablo ‘ho Torani formed into cakes. pigment,of ‘which"2008.eters "Witte Tergely ‘Lesd, Sto tho "This composition
varios colored paints, rllig carbonate of Lalea, ‘Sbtained by euspending of hin shoot ‘ror or pyrolignoousaca ‘used,malttho vinegar evaporation of thoheatnedof beingsteam: tho by wartained and ngod fbi or other appliances CommorLead, ‘Testof forlead White "2004. cial earbonats Weuover quitepure, being ‘commonly adulterated with sulphate of barytay ery may spar td ousby its witha hein former be detected insolublity ‘ats nel aid, avehito and thoproepitata alter by withtho oxaie aitio folutionyieing forfaving mlphirio ach,treated.or oxalate ofsulpherattyamon, ater been with drogen, or a hydrosulghuret, 10 throw down thelead Cooley.) Si 300 8, ss, mppe le TeSnst forWiWheiteSaLedad.
a es fRyelaettee corhe sagoe n doBulefisgssadesmme fea as P acoha E T ie fame og Mere sre a2igeamreltiee cnt r pegd ar a t SeoiasaSieniby oreyilcaeo only adulterations used), or ifit be composed S suSareteamreieneee nelerecae caerrcoeeonaronmeeg r berHinaGtaioktereenminiceern dpSerteensi cerusaeirneee teale teeate! SeEatetaryr poaratetweet r ea seta ihrer avr fee icot erermaine ener, raahRSeE ehaus Hweanan tfeontcy papontsiie, neMares leh eaoe tpee eri) oe8 Reeaerna eehrees Siian oohc tit Me reese oe eae eee iy a w“aea rseeepabteenansa ootot tanasryma tlaedhe aguied c eaoe ea nal rMeant B Sy veoen Tap e efae e, caSere SE tee e oe wasn ot Ob: nig taeinenge coBeeyieetoemaeWhre,eaiemPmamoe trod ove Bete if mes of sl oe te eet ii we tet SSabaovloenniee aet i npo s fabetesseh waartes deuedts fae rai Ho rnaersenen fie w l st b see in 2 minutes,be reducedto metalliclead, leav-
‘be combined with } ounco of soluble iodine.
tes, the most beantifel of whites, will
2600. with Cremnite White, o veautifal white, fess body Yan dodioary white Tea 't's, donbtess, made by preeitations i. like ordinary white lead, decomposes sul pies, sede decomposed ty thphurted raoget 2700.ae tlle Cadmiumof Yellow, Red, ete. ‘gee Cadi, den ‘well pHesed repared, areand veryslions.stable;painting, they cat Te bois sed fn Tnoationed elsowbere thatgre n, cabiam rulphide decomponsa omeral (See Nor 2712,mie {isnot anf towse th To pigments, less been most eaeefuily feeparet spd hoe,acs,it-baa inasmneh a2 deeomposfion may “take andie isleadbettersulphide, which fa bie, 10bo Roma, €o avoid tho auixtueey such mixture eanwould. ocear bein woll fescaif orthoroilicious Daining, and st sero 4p chang of ia ooourring in any other style
(of painting, by tho banishmentof whito lead from the fist of artiste’ pigments, "No other
salla of cadmium aro important as pigments, 2701, Green Oxide ofand,Chromium. ‘mals oxida’ perfec stable, many tints of it can'be obtained, Sucludiog asthe20 beat Ul perfectly wean oan bonadd nal vband wilieous ahd {spoling. permanent in frseo Other ebromion compounds are Selreadyinating the ehotate of lout nav Chromate isa good, beensot tretted pigment;of. itis used ofunderbarytestho ame ofTomot yellow Tt is ‘6permanent. ia feaco and altos poatng. choustes generally aro untae colt, anda harearnot So1b many other g o d yellows, h e y should uae as pigments,” 7 colored by ‘2702, i t h e Ockires aro earths oxide hobut aatural color they of theso farths ofis fron,yellow, by buming get fame becoino red. Iadian rel, fedthore ochre ightof hered,oxideete, ofareironailin earths withAIL oles tenn, Ge oshres are peruiaiant aud may stablebo hesed have been well prepared. They safely in every style of alo painting.ah oxi of fon 703, "Golookaa atPigment, Ss very permanont, and obiained general y of useful asa "Tt ean bo diferent Uns. "it sillious is, however, especially useful iu fresco and painting Red, asfromnowaddeeration propared, jn D704. an fron retVenetian uy whethet forfomnot,thei sulphate coating ofVimo;iron,and,eaiphato ae it fsof made lina gets oe od ths proveiait employment {iSeat sciousof punting, for with sleato of potash ine and peal Fmt,bo'u and iein becomes bard lumpy. Te may oil, water, and fresco, ue sf 2720. To Make Purple of Cassius, ‘this isend 8 poteclain sitriable a beautiful ign, tedwhiehot purple stains glass fine: ‘Itslatepreparstion is oueintheof reat wiets, nip to fail even snoxt exper. feed hands, "Blix together separate solos
‘of | part expatalized proluchloride of tia, aul B parts crystallized perehloride of tins” this auikturey led to a goltion of 1 prtetyst ized ebloride of gold, makes a beautital per ple colored preeipitate, whiel should Satine Hiately be washed, filtered, and dried. An fexeost of tho protuehoride’ produces ablue, yellow, or grechish tingos the perchloride in ‘Excess gives a red or Violet cast. Purple toof tho Cassi ‘Tais2721, is similarFrench in, preparation last re ceip but aera one Ingredient employed, perchloride of iron Tor. the per” Eubstiuating eblorideof tin. This purple Keops in the aie ‘unaltered for a Jong tite. 2722, Purple of Cassius, To a moder ately dilate solution of sesquichloride of frou, fu a solution of protochloride of tin, until the
rixture becomes green, and dilute Next the mix {co with an equal b u l k ’ o f water. pre jaro solution of torcloride of gold, as teu. Eros dipossible, inraters tho proportion of da 1 part ttn parts hem ad the ution, with is constant tiring, asthe long as any precipitate produced, Wash precipitate Es quickly as possible by decantation, and dsp at 2728, agente Buisson's heat. Preparation of atoPur-rople of Gassius,. ‘wo roletions e f tin Tulred, ‘The fret comsnts ef a ‘tho neutralsecondsolu.is on of 1 past tin in nitro etd. rade a wsistare of partly dissolving ydroehlori2 parts Acid withtin in parts niteio acid} a littl heat may bo ceantiously applied towants the end af this procss, Us provent uyfulation protexide of tin front remaining in the ‘Next ‘dissolve 7 partshydrocblore gold in an aed aquaria composed of 8 parts andonce1 Dart nitric eid j and mix dhe solution at ‘With 3500 parts water; silvequently hon add the adding whole ofhy thoseeondlinsolativn, ‘grees the first Un soon, ceasing the an tment tho right color is obtained, “Pooeen litle Fillpraducoawleteolr; ton nmi, ash tho precipitate ve y quickly, and dy.OF When try iappoars brown 2724.Ove mene Improvedof saturated. Vehicles solut for Colors. foros, with Sof linseed oil. hop ay bo geound ofwithshellacthe ‘with oil or Boran, the mixture, On,andking solution asin Coathupo' ink, (See No, 48%.) 2725, Water _ Improved Vehicles for gelatine, Water Colors.” enlors, mixed with fad afterwards fixednedby waabing with a salad tion of alum, oF; of milly washed Dressed, fine net, and when 2e{iuleed forthennse, dried mixedon with safer and the col: ring matter,
rying OilsOisend and Dryer Dryers Drying fare oe aa oe eee a
Spar uk Sear eaeateeee es ern ee a Sel ENRho ho ofl ANE ars eed Tepes rp pe waluu, are ealled drying vils, ahd are sed us
elites for colorsi "The dy= ing property of vile is palatine greatly iyereased woiling thean, either alone oF with litharga,by ugar of Tend, ote,, when peoauct Soran ho Boiled off 6x drying oi ofdieeommeres, These and sulphate of ead employed Thofor ‘urposo,
may be again woe, ale washing micea adhering toatoremove water, hob in n t avr with mised patuts When tage. theof patting, eave fn ono thoobtained foquently fidrying addition the ly is quality dryers. ‘hove are gener camapostionsfromcalled ally made Japan varbish, sugar of lead,
Tithargo, ote, and ‘are necessary in sited, pants sara peoably pared wnt bata gh Dark Colored Sin: amor2721. with frequent timing, Boiled LyallOf],of Hace il, with 2 pound powdered litharge, wud & Ekin bogins to forty then remove ike Rein, nd when it has beeemo cold aod ny settled, evant palucets thouse clear portions, his is Toe Hotes 2728, vil, Bale Boiled powdered Oil. Boilwhite1 quort Inngeed and 2 ounces vitviol (sulphate of zine), with 1 quart watey, ‘until the water has all evaporated settle und
Aeeant as SnVery the lanePalerecep 2720. Drying Oil,oF aig divrule2 ounces finely powdered Hehange, Phate ofleal, teequentty with I pintfor palo10 dayey Jkied thenoe nueset Dip agitate
‘ho bottle in tho sun or in_a warm place to settle, “When clone, de ant st. Colorless ‘Tako8780.5 gallons water,Drying heat Ht Oilto theforhalePaint, paint inca vessel holding 15. gallon; wen fabontto boil add § gallons linseed oil and: 1 pound ‘Ted load, Keep it constantly heling find stived up for 2 hours over a slow five. Hfnot constantly stimed. the lead will sink to tho bottom and eanso the wil fo rpatter. Tt s them taken trom the fire nud eit Ly sete, sebien ft will be fond that tho oil is clea aval eoloslese Drying Oil.cent il2781. Hsieed Mulder's fl Ine twColorless hones with der ofved lead filter it and exposo it to the sun Shino in arge shallow vessels With 8 lane ‘covering, frequently nemoving the eoter toree neve the ai. 2733, ‘To Make Boiled Oi Clear and Bright. ‘herois often a difieulty inabuatiing tho oils bright after boing ox heating thean tlt tho Head solutions. he best. way on a niall seato Ts either to filter the Dotted uit tMirongh coarse woolen filtering paper, ox 10 cexpore itt a bottle for somo tino to the num ma warm place, Th larger quantities, the Gi nny bo Altered Uhrongh Canton flannel Lage 2788, Artists’ Drying Oi. Mix mut eecpale insced oil with abontan eqial measure if Rup powdered oy and Heep 3 for 2 months aba freezing temperature, ‘3784. Boiled O31 Bpecaly Adapted for Zine Paint, Mix f part binoxide of intnganese, iv enarse poreder, Dnt not dusty swith 10 partsnnt arlinsced ofl; Kept gently heated and frequently stirred for about, 2 hours, oF until the off hegins to tum reddish. ‘Tho oll thus prepared will also answer for any paint. ‘9735. Now Drying Oil withoutolderBoilthe off (te ng. Miix with olf linseed manganese of weight ia of cent. per Dafler),2 Borate (es salt reali prepared by preci Hatinga manganeso wiand olinsolutionbrasofsulphataof eh the prepa it either at to ordinary temperature 0! ‘he alr or at 100), and heat thle mature on a Senter-bath of, if you have to work with large quantities, with @ steamcbath to 100°, or at ont 104; you thas atin a sry ecellen ight-colored, rapidly drying oil; by keoping {if mixturefreshlived, say, by always exposing portionstha to ito air, thedrving prop: ery of tho oil ke great promoted.” The pidity of the drying of tho oil after ithas beenra Znxed with paint, on surfaces besmeazed there wit, dors aoe spl depen upoe the desing property of tho ol, but, in a very rent mea: fare, on tho stats of tho atmospliere--viz, whether dry or moss, hot or eold-=the direct Action of state of the on which sunlight, the paint isnd thebrought. Reallysurfaces gennine boiled Haved oi, if well prepared, leaves, nothing to bo dosired. a3 regards rapidity of dying, but Stio retarded by various substou cot whichaxe aided in practic, among whieh, eapecall, oof turpentinoisiajurions. 2736." Dryers for | Dark-Colored Paints, ‘This is peoparcd by grinding the best Iitharge toa pasto with drying oil. A small paint, when with thefuses ig beaten portion mizing with oe uptarpenting 2787. Dryers for t-Golore: of fend, esr zor of sult Palate.” fixed with drying oil, and ned i tho same Wayas tho lithargo in the last receipt. ‘2788, Dryers for White Paint, Mix 1 pound each sulphate of rine and sugar of Toad, with 2 pounds puro white (earbonate of) Head, und apply as i tho last receipt.following the oll 15 Dryer,with Mix linseed BUSD. Batont ingredients toa paso
andsanddry 7 suphats of xine, poundssugar of pounds litharges ‘The, mietuse etd Ba poked sofged Gesinescongastee paet maoud Walaa stonaud bo aivars smovthed down leveh Eoporrea witsfortndinepert seedicf:at Srod, paw Wing’ Tour 0" Dryer Waite. of 3b parts each wdslpha gether thoouyily Seeigeann echstchubepencey peiass stay wiiot 3 ifpee puteoma seoof thepatedyer Ay to auans Hos ob swt2741,of pant makeJapanedeDryer. hae Into "fo Make gallon linc olf par Gand Pyouaduber, Bans elie, Found ence ulhide, and sod iui Mtedeouoerstgarctiead, Dattoveuer Ferd dour anttom taetoo foredeatan ee A ete en folved. “Rone Rend ald ga fenvphita ofOnead tupusine, B74 TapaipazalDryer.gh; aticpoutgetherd eulon?pure OES ee kegs Seen Tiehafo a Faas aut poanbepon ere sew er ‘bal dewty for 3 Seam, as add by degrees 74 pounds shellac, and boil £ coe Sa essai ts wih arlene Wall nice a br teeeet {pound forsoorel aeipats ode,glanstadpiShen adel min tml tarpon 2748, paisHo Make Paintwoo Dry leone Quicidy, srordats arg auany Tosa Span vacadh a aie Yellowom protoxido load.2744.‘Tho Massicot, dross that forms melted leadof exposed to a current of air, roasted natil It faequires a uniform yellow color. Used aa pigment, and in glazing. (Cooley)
Louse Painting, | moriow. ing pritieal directionssoueee,ave and‘ctained froin a uosonghly willbe found ‘useful oth Priming. fo the amateur and thepaintworkman, 2746, ‘Thesane used ed ae ed foresol the firseancoat mutsde aud tide work; a wil work convenient ie fod regutes only fituargo for devers. TRS paint shoald not be Inid-on too thickly, az {Fell worked in with tho trash, 2747.be ol Priming foron'nTronmusaWork.fee fom This snst color Tad Fost. For place paperof and canvas,as paintcoatrotsafthese sie {ales the priming, bees arateae tsate ci materials Bee dsore Puttying, consistsinfilin le ee ae up 2748.” all nalsheads auf eackeThis ‘with putty, by pitty Knife; and shonld always be done ater Driming. ‘2749, Second Coat for as Outside Work. Sees ees ena ads the paint with raw i, thick ae Te ai, ‘boasrossused to “rely: Cover tho surluce, workwithtt sores a ae erp et aa even i t , and fuish Tongways fog, Tighe weeps of the brash. 2750, Third Goat for Outside Work. ‘The paint sbould be mixed with uly a Hiteey Er han forthe seen coat ao treaty, andas powiblen net too thickly, and finshed ss seve bea 2) peer eaet Smooth ‘2761. Becond coutCoatshould for Tnside Work, ‘Tho p a b i t forts bo mized with row oil and turpentine, about equal parts, and Doras thiek as wil work freely; Maid‘on thinly Sa sod ell fost sod foie to prepare & Srmooth surface, withas few ridgesiy as posi, for the next cost, "A more perfect surf ‘2782. "Third Coat for Inside Work, ais thebut paint thinner than forturpentine; the laye coat, asing litle o, and more bnSashthinlymarkeand wall fnisid, so ad to leave aidn0 ‘2703, Work. Fourth‘TheCoatpeintor iaPlatting for Inside mixed with "Although this require: fnpentine oniy, and thin enough to spread or 2moroTittletimesine-white. and trouble, the result will fully
to remarkthe compensaten theforit.last Ttcostia necessary lowe, be to fs Hhat?orbe and 8byflat& be fiat orbe deal must coat frevious preceded should Pint tyr tsbing coatOil Colors. In mixing glossy Santewat Bix To 2701, deset pry anyhigredieu to principal paints eolorl aufero the have to best iris fit and alto ik the ether paints thinner {Dek ions of of thoa combinat table following {nti required . proueo” prineipal in tint, fafors required tocolor is the fn. the orderob the{entsfestand tamed follow other tho , an, mizing timet th tint goto Sous white Sa a fool Ts ofthe wihprincipaleast ingredien beaded, depend z each nsof proportio exact e h T ‘ de, ‘on tho shade of color required. nd Color 2762. Tablethe of‘Simple CompouColors Showing which Producs them,
“White, Yellow Ochre, Red Bol... Red, Black, Yellow 20220. Chestnat. 12iaw' Umber, Ited, Black Chocolate. 2 /-Red, Umber, Bluck Claret. Copper 2002 “eas Red, Yellow, Black Dov... White, Vermilion, Blue, Yellow Red, BlackRed Ochre,Yellow, YellowWhite, Drab... ivbite, ccs.--s2-,Fawn Octire, Vermilion White, Yellow [Blosh.rc.... Ochre, Whit Yellow Diack, Red, Kreestone.-i Blue, Lake Breneb Gray... -- White, Prussian saccae-White Lead, Binek Grays. “White, Stone Ochte, Red Gold Black, Yellow Green Bronze.Chrome Green, Chronie Green “White, Do. Pea. “white, Chrome Yellow Lemon Red Black,White Yellow Ochre,Black, Limestone. White,* Yellow Blue, Olive Yellow, Red = ‘Orange. Vermilion “Avtite, Peach, a Aiite, Black, Blue ‘Wiite, Vermilion, Lake
ied, lve, White, To PrepareTE ears Whitewashed 2768.for Painting. shoul bo ‘Walls bo theof wash and platering, tke in upSoundcracks Paris is plaster It hardens around. the eracks, as the sur. them’ andwie,leaves theuckly,best thing does notto thefilsbuidk, ofie tho plaster IP worked, wall with level theo yeet ‘be can ft before sets aris the fiedgeld, wihho The 1f Geronger ‘elk. dinar bo crack set, tl Slower gloss becolor, puinted be sail the aud puvty, dakthe ape wey se otd’ put Ihefo leas fatgloss,color, i d e t n i a p f i n a gloss), toepolhavathe Beauty ‘Thess quite sure argof hurse, Melis of the wil Streaks, When auras. fs affect not do byt storks reversioneloof Pars a thedeste ofif done wth plaster Tet’ pers never fly the Taternot tn bo andwash, San the erst fonbe onty FEir teoening wall the attempts ad all total reale ie boonparswithtile ogan to ieon’and HUsfisten Tos. te rape of ap to none fe Tita ofa e h t nto e g u o g to caronot taltog ‘all Tee we andalone.even,wntie enough, loose hot If Kall slid, Ue thay wear'well, Wien the washto loakaud ele, bo ipainted Frat off with rub theAerTumpsa, wall surgeo is lumpy, {hofgamistono, ‘basoF brick, a oF eases, aboro of either asim prepared, iron been ofavanbed wall thatsiz hasft withnever® conte ifair painted, glue sizeis Neto(3 ounces gine to 1 gatlon eaten) (See beforo theLeegluetho iealldisvalv Benue Soa), fst coat deyed befora offs any sing {he deond’ cont ie ut on.
Walls. hed Whit 2764,the ToaceondPaintevatot NO. svMix (300 gluewas when first the follows: as paint , y e d is 763) on of | gallon Fw goat of paintin tho proporti white lead, ground1 fiaveed hil to 15of pounds coat: git dryer, fifon ad‘maw L inseod ponads mito ‘lly 4 26.gil‘Second Tea i dryer.Gnish (The ground boin tho’oll and either “Thon bost,) Sfoutd. wood if woro Shale color thecoatsame of apaiming. {loss ovat Forkthowithcoatsonoof good gears in. fou afixcan, thetO paint, toas finish Al color yon wish thio fest, tho samme as Forathe gloss third and. foureh coats samo thicknes that is‘badaboutalittletho chino fat ise fora for. fintah Canvas, egoodPaint. ‘Flexibl ‘2765, soap, sellow pons 24 Djsooleo 14 gallons boing waters gedeat the38 Blises in while hot wien LAD ponnila good oll Solasfon paint"3788, Durable Black Paint, for Out tn d charcoal powdero Grins Work, Door drier ay thang sniietoue ingoed ol with led linseed Out-Door thin for uso with wall-bol for made cPaint Green 2767. Add fo tho black faint, Worle, yellow suieiont Tecept, tho list Goading fo tomako required. grees, of i a h s tho Gch is prelerablo for gavlen work, to the ‘This tun paiat gentrally used, 8H docs night nob fade. There is Iron olficacionsTheas soaid‘on,” workWork, n lor forro produciiPaint no ‘2768. ot, wellpropesiyI linseed ‘etl boiled and befeedof dist bo stiould Fron all rast-and dit; thoeleanod. should oilboiled, From and voll ated. ‘Thewithont quality, fho bostgo iron being r o y é d Hthac oc any ‘should be painted over with this, but the oil on this posible, thoand success asmeasure bare as on lala be ‘must great Ina for if there be too thik Tetthsdoponds ion; St ofapplicat skin ie will exer tho work, Goat bo a Ldbiopad touponblister, aud teareely Sve, paintolputwithon three iron sobo’ aieeh butit fet hard. cach only and oily of Stats go cat: bo mado to. cover i by hard foat the same o thetat atmosph will jgguarsato wo , Deeshing ere from tho wil pnfair solngor tine than anyother proces Tyra be mntier colonog "Ean paltling. SFfocssnry any . o t umber Inrat prefer . So stain; iis good hard pigment tive properties,it good Injusng has withmanyth other fryer, eshud well ofl without {Sud 2769.of thoPainting in Mille, Ta consesqueneo injuey which has often resultedof sick and weakly persons from tho save eommon method byof pale: fg‘workmen, with paint mii ehhas’ following been “adopted. some whieh, for tho interior of bung, Dovides Doing as3 foesaid axto disteniper from anyto offensive od bo nexey ental eil;pantigg In bodytk,and’6 durability” ‘ako 4 gallon siithmed ounces Tine net ‘lacked, 4-otncesSpans poppy,weite. limect, Butor thenut ine and 3 pounds fae an exten rel or lean, ble of quaniey on it athosudicient pourot teabout iow.to make milk theknest of ere, ‘dd tho ofl in-amall quantities at a time, sie Fog’ tho” misiare. witha. woodeu spa ‘Thon pot ia tho rest of tho milk, and afer: ‘wards tho Spanish white,iy Teaboveis, inpentooed general iterent wick ote ‘yatta; pare white,composition, ol of po py ongIs ieAissolved best) UyThebat, theforoil inthis li,whalewhollyof thoWisappeanss ‘nd, uniting with tho other in:In srudients Orms kind ofesleaeots soap. Png ihe Sonnandwhite, be carta tate Efnely powdered strewed gently the trace of tho mixture, Te ten, by overdex
sinks to tho Peg eas presae prepartinn, a8 com. re i toebe oun otestore wh eben Bea account Be must ie Bat tte" feud casteachwoueal byweome hat tn pease IM foram tie {Seth rst Say dogo of dpi ih susie or Oil Paint without To MakeeS pounds; B70, mines ak, chimed pana Fue t stonedaeketrareine’Yvsamets, Feaee,ea upon pour iatea antite it seteresetting: guts oveamy of th matho boalae tale ofa thtiye Oe fay dant tbe Bion ican sata toe ups enabled to liga fe “Shen h gradeatiy ska, At wea sor goud sted tented Ens pos anst rus tf an pny ote wept mate coniag any bode nay ‘Tybee ide fing. be apd a Uesame mintak sr eraser pi ty ating hotna oe ena Another pote orn be ‘ded and ‘ro wat the wor doe ron Des tencty, gest f o isnt smell vedTe basGry litle Cloth, course nla inode #8 wit and Wr Thon e beng We"poragat the onesaferof cheapest, tho aged punyPlat fo Spat, oardWeather-B Old for Sirk galens fakes Bottoms.” Boat oF ing, 8tung eet" art pounds eats ocky ca ottMost palon Takewicah quana Paint,and slack Bireproot PUTS.” Rie bo the of tity He heared vena? wnmil Georaelscing opts, Wetae or akin miceand ” o SPAN ould bo added t sho fin, ed naeip iebe theaddaconsstenoy of comms then Hhoe a te ate of a0 pounds alan 11odgalton? pounds potash, and 1 lguor. busel ateif theto Story of eamy alyPonsa ivoquretho same fo bo wherquantity pound pasar BPthay, of fn aa isto be adeno he above propor: {ions of “thebug’otherinit ingredients. All misttheso aureconts th iene OSs be eualaed ugha hugmi sera,heaand ouud Srsacdsgr ia clot , ot hon moot resgtobecavor cmb ino tbs eto, ae is te itheof patsproportion eitsantthetod pagallons bfeitised T pouod tis shat beng mado wid erat gogo isetlents suing ot potaing qual. ‘This paint shoal alveays bo applica in bod Siate?Secouaty ant Sncserycoopollimwearfees.precenions SoSq Tare of th pata ao cunt mst eavesby Salient hy lor ay ho obtained ating tho amu pigueatsotocompostion ho Tigi in: andsummer is often roe, imbibe sflk wkimmedbut tee otter, umenedy so no cone:
2773. waterToPaintan Old faxHouse. Take 3ihdury gallons and 1 pint secu; boil takegallons; ft off Tetandit ‘add water encugh 0 ake 4 stand to sotto; pour ca the water in'ato mak pail andit ghputthickin enough as whiteaf white Spanish ‘wash {pint HuseodIF thecil. whiting stir t swell and thenapply all with a brash. Fl oos ead, nothavingmie tereadily,naureald of ore ol Fea. fewater. better than a aBoilers... ave wash glue,S174.and wilPaint ‘Tho lest for ae phn oo fir pat ule gentlo fa9re. niuch a dissolvo over ofthe euspeutine Tpints Yeriza axphalewar and Ze will bo taken up by to turpentine. It go‘2770. it will ToaseReduce Paint Skina to Oil. pound saicsoda in 1 gallon £8 pisculve, water. he4 skins that dry upon ihe top of
pain ih basnay boonbe aang for gettay atygi overig ot ting,tern male f t ire itt frih sede egorcod fuaing thn t h e r a coulo oftho ate: then Hla tur adding of to sodaea iand tne ta prope? eousfonce for plating. train B176, HayTo Spatiel Removenihil the Smell ofhice New Banh Sting, an efhournew in‘pintclosed oom, srlBIr7. removeand‘totueIelor sll KilltevKnotssud beeadlore iedyPainting, akiestanelved nit of glug of ved Gustentel and mew Ieaas orof guta-preta disslved etherfor kote vil titer Shay, ako good contig But llthe pee not stand the thesunshine Shieh Gane throng pein. "Fae Dest fethod ito eover the not with ols, ard pales osiver over 778. ‘To“WashKiloverGréaso Spots Before Painting, smoky oF greasy parts wri aalfeto, or very titn fine whifowash, Hasapatis etesthey wae thoy mustthe bopentwashed off‘dryingsdvaughiy prevent oat bard. DioHardTo Make a StickyAy Painted Surface Hab te'well ik a bros, SR2790)Jepan ToandPrepare turpentineFlastered mil togetaor Wallsallsfor Painting. Plstered sad bac snihed of glue io belo paint. igZUMdt.haf (Ge do‘Toa contig Ss) Heonomize Paint, dupa Save all taoPoel hin, nip ceasing and sapingof oat of heheapbronesy eve eid u p i o f make’ ang dur coating for aussie work” Sait (See from r78) Ola SBr. "do Ronovo jens. anion Spread ape over fy potashtomato”nsclvedtthein fife Potash standathe toowoodsLongad pein before sraping, it maypoe Toa into alerts onrlinot dry Remove well Putty from Glass. ‘783. To pips brahpaint ove in irsthe deyoF putty marethat ola odHeres withtosalthe broken glasses and fraizes ut tho iodo: “Aor autour inert aoeal uteyre Til havo Veco’ bo sul as fo bo Morale 3704. ToTo soQen Softenputy Putty in Window serames, ia window frau, toSreskagethat thoor suing, gash maytakebe 1takenpoundouAmerican without 9 poundsthenquickadd’ stone sack and the Fimoearlas,in svaler, the lime, peaclash, Tae theit towhale abot theof thoconsitoncoet pare ‘pny both sites glam, asd Net bg we 18 hoary whon te priay wil fotbo'drae wofaned ious that to being fauss naycay beandtakewthontotho toate fncltg (See Xo,acdSata)Putty. ‘This 2785, ‘To Resove may bocieetel witha thpass af eaust potas, eves alka eas prvpared by nang Etrbonate€ pola or soda, with egal ports ofiowalyfeyben Dnsprinkled gue,with water, "whi bafo. pee10 ‘cause it to fall into powder. ‘This mixture is hon ala fo post,Wereaud onespreadape onPlath tho pulywithabto bewattr soenel.” afin oped a Tider to prove t h e pata fron daping too ‘lekly, fi well to sox ie with less water, Tiding ome eotveoep ‘2788, "Por Removing O14a winto®Putty, sayYor removing hond putty Moki Tako a uate plot’of fron, make lltho came Feho deol esong tbe py ftheot ‘wooi-work. She pty wil Concentrated pelo etoIvo made ajogtaof Hine aod sel (Seo yl afte te word and'mae itroeguicuer, No, 2784) 3767. To Remove Paint from Ola
Work. To destroy paint on ali doors, ete, lay’ the amisuace in the: veceiptwork No, which 2120" is overTee the hole’ body of airedmpoitto boa now cleaned, with an old brush (as SSL ono)y for‘ oF 1‘off. hotrs, then tho paintleteanit boemain easly seraped "Tiss two receipts bave been weed Practical painter and glazier for years, Ly a ‘2786, To Remove Paint from Wood, to Femovo paint entre: yt i, necessary generally dono an ther way isto soften tho paintuy weeping by passing fat Samo orer a portion of the euviaco time, and. it ean be seraped off easily while hhots but most recommended is tw layon athethick‘method coating or plaster of fresh Sacked l mixed with i soda; host day, wash n e Ivoif with water, and it will remove the paint, leaving He mueface clean, "To tRemove Paint from Stone. Aing2789. corresponden of tho Candin Duilder, bare to clean a pulpit. and dil in which carving and tracery were almost filled up withtho Successive coats of paint, wos informed thet common wasbing-ols dissolved in oling ‘watet, and appliod hot, would remove it. He found’ that pomzds ‘of toda toa gallon of str, ei on ih eomsion a pile ba,tho ‘answered the pusponoedmirably, softening paint ina short me, so that ius easly ve> Inoved o Sif’ serubbing-bnuhy after ‘ward, om withadding’a few osnces f yotach tu the Solution, St oflened moze hoth easesthan waswith@ Soda oniy. ‘The stono in readily
fing feestone, 2700. To Soften Hard Putty, Breale the putty in lumps of the size of a hen's ee, adda small portion of linseed oll, aud water sullefent to over the putty; boil tiv Tn an iron versel for about 10 nuimates, and. etie it when hot. ‘The oil will anix with tho putty. ‘Then pour the water of, and it will bo like
fea iGo ade, Clean Old Paint, Ono, Buadkol, Bape fo,st, ‘nica boTom corongly dons
oeor Tehlat Bh Brick Wanka, A n ee ET een are BeufGelee,he ate ielerae arse as ni ween ioe oe Bie Pe ony alsomine
Tho folowing rocipts “Wash, Pasar ane, pi in:
Poh open ie i amine ia‘ componedof fine waite tized wk resp gis ame va Wseniel tases Se aeiaer colngy i pound ie wih 18 ved Ia ecu ar an peed sem elas aan cand i Re aes gore al, Ee ea a square, is to bo kalsomined with to ooatsit Sah apie ten f ped seed sn
DICK'S sol containing about a of warn water. If the kalsomiuei to be quart applied day, ‘add a pint moro of clean water to thothe next glo, fet the tin yossol containing te giao intoad & Kettle of boiling wator over tho fire, and. con. faust tz ths eno unil 3 wall dsl ‘and quite thin. If tho glue pail be i placed ia kettle of boliing water,
{sto sigs ehowattlgaiapi-our Galikeot thick wator millan stir it ant appoars Nowsue" angle tha ssgineaaeatapyth te tsto thewitnwa tivconghi ofa aze lcge aie Frith Brute"anhawatawaobtehmus, il‘onployed eftaqao winothe tin in aying kalsomine, provided the liquid iy spread uociiy” Brponiv oiresbe d deo Iyertorieskalsonist ng, may iy abana ss beak atl at omg ant tardies stores Datthee’hat n goodn whiter brash,welluringis fong tnd wil do voor cave thoBtah lguitsoy in hkto may tha amon SM ot wade Femtho lito move strhot itwatarsfrequently Won. appt ‘tho Kalgomino, Dip’ the tome often ana only go deep at he Haid teieke ae ath dopa te afte Ma i fone athe fut‘uch letnglrge Tf eobe gli be added, the Kelson exomat Eevee noi add eppla wil be thinawlayce enc smn sould oto oa ing that eannot be brushed off with's broom ge‘2100.cath Wilte A thinwash coatforwilOutnt Door each Uae, ‘aera clean eadwatertig htSite bacelbabe rennerl,ae thie east put Sekt oy poorisg belling war8 aches. overt egyte Eate n quantity to enver stiring it. Woakly” Gil thoroughly” slacked ‘When aking haspounbeon snpeteo fete, f dsl i teater ant edd ead Toteom e St tommil srecue esac eet tofvesan hardenonanti ad sai!prevent"thsapp wits eas e costal tesalha ean color eommuuieated to the above wash, by myadlingbo Stli pounddhapllowcounnon octraswhiteot Eka hwaauresoan and8G i appen Dottvate nach saporo, wal terio tag na.i gnaday, n easy Departme Whiioe wash. This receipt for whitewasnthing, tone Diary heaeaaa do ee hobi BEY ivan a bons ask by ees toanswor on wood, brick and stone, easly tral ol sstacket pst and imo isonch‘withcheopbr tack Fal olng wats feening fda covered during Gaproce n® in Besse fant puck of at ciolvel wate tater; 3 pans. gronnd ee: put tabu trator ano owWingthin ddhalos plat 4 pou ordeal sha Bear velgive, gether, dsalvol andin ltSern water stand ake ‘eet the istry ior ina dg eop tbo washTuroaco, ts aad,ea paredaoverl Kettio or portable Ihe ued,of putMeow eon ce bho hot ay poate, waa Tanto 2708,sing"Pobo Color Whitewa sh,ofanColoring rmattar putin and mae abea Spanisn inown duined wil make ed ee, Boro er lose doop nent to tho quay ‘leat tngy“Hnalyof thlspulvezeoryd pete as‘woll valle cayrele mixod with Spahish ‘brown,compos anak a nk toneln vole.au Yellow ekegsstgred so Ut chrome fab fnSe maven mea g e n e r a l y colcobed yretteg eee Ofcotoring coun nel.is ee datermin ed by ho quantiyrateyot Tt i ante take orauee tates nts ats digereats to'tey experime on stalet'woult ad lotbedrybe
Hime, ‘Tho mest nottho becolar,mixedabd with {Groom eolor ihaseraekan themakes destrs Timo whitewash,wallswhichhave boon adi edfvot onpeel, tho Wha sid leat € ardadothersplenty nd yon to wihacess Sino, hit ibe awl bag into the wator you use, before Through seis sve it tho wholo mixta, ofa . applyMix ie oxide Zine Whitewash 2709, common with and siz, vino-with this tho calling: ‘hitowash-b ebloride ofAer a wach samewilltomanner the etsi ia shiek. Spply combine with, the oxide eesho, with a shining su comont woot a form {ohoo Whitewash for Walla. 2800, A Fine war of quo putover itmgttmto ina top Soa hepoundnext-day. vescee tin for,Wty a quart of water, gt tho rescel in tl Titty of Water ‘over a fee, theKeepaonit ithere diaolywail str then and holly, i Noxt put from 6 408 pousids Paris white ba." and stir vosel, add hot ofwater, another into mili fa oftheHime,oF i sssieing,the ifappoaranee unGL andwarm.apply Bxeepe on “AU the way, ehilo well, still walls inary collings, and smoky "Tes and rey darkdat Hvsuficiest. equal ta meadly (armor expansive Tray audte 18 ieswhite very highly recommend frtcle), whito&t see8h hare tiedand mayParisbo found sso vito, pinto ot bara, Eras oF paint store
Dest of lime ‘which additions wil aot torubmakeoff whitewash When powdered good, but water ieworkaleo exposed halle Swould isnotused.do glue Tor outside toie giro to than easier ‘Nothing's rain, huh quaatities of aap nny Thiuk,desire browa colorslenne,by sual vero or other eoluetig tateral ‘2808, To metbol Paper Whitewashed Walls. ‘Tho folowing simple, soe, and in fexponsive: Mako flour starch as you orosld for tarching calico clothos, aa, with a whitesvasli-brashy wet theetewall dey}you them, wish when to paper, swith tho siarehy yor Sieh to apply tho paper, wet tho wall aod pa ape nent tc, an apply tho per, Walls menhavewhee. been pero 10 Inor thisevena 20 ESsk nave ‘years scesively, and tho paper tohasre-paper never Tailed ‘to stick. ‘When you wich tho wall, withthe ruscomowetolf tho paper with ‘lear water, and twill m e a l i l y . (See No. 251)
2909,tho green Red Wash for Bricks, To pourre rove t h a t gathers on bricks, ter he Bc(aot bl wats neha egetahles greasy) havo. een andboi tho Doris for a few days successively, fmeen willof disappeae.” Por thoof relwater; ash while melt Pounce give in a gallon hot, put in 8 poco of alamand these of Spanish an ene pound 1 red, pound Venetian Fintn, levi dey, f 2801, Fire-Proof Whitewash, Make and if tg ‘MeyHightalito onanorothe redbelek, aoa eowns ordinary whitowash and add 1 part silicate of doo dark, put im mare water. This reeigt Sods (of potash) Lo every 6 parts of the white ‘was contributed by a penton who has used Tt Sash, (See No. 2816.) Ee BO Fears with postet mecca 2802, Whitewash for Outside Worl.
‘rake of good quiekliine } a bushel, slack in tho wstial maner and add 1 pound common 'y pousd sulpbato of zine (white vitriol), nd’ 1 qallon sweet milk, Tho salt and the Srhite vitriol should be dissolved before they are whole water should to begiv thor ‘Gughlyailded,mixedwhenwith thosufficient xy. Tho sooner the mixture hen applied the better, for Fences or Out2803... Whitewash lime in boiling water, the Slack Buildings, fand to gallons ordinary whitewash add T int molasses and 1 pigt fable sale. Stir the hniture frequently while putting it un. ‘Two thincats ato safieient . Pour bil: Mix Whitewash ing 2804, water onTo wnslacked lime, and stir it ueca. sionally while ibis slacking. as it will make the paste sinoother. ‘To 1peek of lime add ’quutt or salt and 4 ounce of Indigo dis of folved in water, or the same ; quantity. Prossian Vise Anely powilered to add.put water oa a to male it the proper thickness Wall, 1 pound Soap will give gloss, , Kee 2805." To Keop Whitewash water end in a tal the hichlimehas covered a cover,withto provent dust or dict water evaporates the from falling mes wales,fa. pacI thoHep! covere Ht will be ‘good ns long ae any remains. Walls, A Whitenand.Smoked 2808, ‘of ‘Tocleauing method whitening smoked Yralls consists, in the first place, of rubbing upon them, by ‘Of all tho bicek, looso dist washing them means of a broom, and then is to be which lye, soda strong a with down water to ferward removed. by meats acidof bas been Which a. Iitde thebydroeblorio wails aro dry. a thin, coat. ‘Whon ime, with the addition of a solution of ‘After. this has be-
In cites, is ciber trade by itself oF is Gatied on ae an adjunct to tho painter's trade, inThouseieepers rasal districts, however, there foraro them many who do. this work felves, ‘Phe offullowing receipts aro. given for housekeeper, euidance"To Prepare the2811, Papera Wall wallfor will ing. 4 new tvbitowashed abSolb the p u s t e so rapidly that, before drying, there wil be left too lide body of pasta om iefund sorface f0 hold thoby paper, "A chating of lus ze, mado. dhselving. 4 pound Si‘eeatingit of glon ofpaste,waterpat eeon No,and 945), rood to dey before tho paperIf thobung,wrall_bo' will allowed provid white. this 4cities for‘washed, should! every bo seratebed with m fio sth toore of particle remove fo brash, should andba Je broom, after which ‘the surfaces from thoroughly swept down with « coated vith tho glue so Or thin paste, "(See So,"3908,) for Paperceated together. 3812,” iabloUtensils jong of thin bourds anted bylas, wooden paloryof sharpsack shark Ab are carpenter With Idag blades, {f posblo—a whitewash Truc, aago.palthofor eplementsrequleed, paste anda yard of cotton cloth,” he {aber boo platform should Bo level omits Upper surfaco“hofo facitate the disteibution of tee paste, latter should’ Ue fea from empl, bebo laid-on a8goadevenlyerectaa ostlble, and It should. should made of in cold wa: four, andheatenshouldsinooth or wheatboiling, {beTye before not beDu allowed aed Ga, or tn fa more {oo tho tilboiling.Wispoetakenslowly,from being raised to sired boontinvally the fire.Bors,”(See No.To 2272) bal PrepareoftenPaperHind for Han Preventono White‘2807, To Color,Of, andAlum audiculty hauds the of Tnexpert is ing. wash Rubbing
deren gle of erg cata ate i ls bee al Re
a ies a
AIHA ay SO ae ie Os HC DL Be ee
SS emerge i sb sete ea go cu Pace of Seem too aa ee ta
‘To Make Glue Sizing. Break aap tho ‘luo into small pieces, put it in a voasol with sufficient cold water to just cover Tobit sonk over night, and in the morning the gluo will bo soft onough to molt readily with) & moderate heat, ‘toof thoin a desirod water-bath. ‘Add water to reduse con: oncy. “his ust bo applied as directed in the foregoing receipts,
scm Goluontoble. ies Glass.in aa,igi oot boil sa yetngw Ban, abpara
semi-lastic varnish. Bite “rien made ncbodiog
to Liemon's or Kuhlmen’s method, under in‘creased pressure and heat itis unadectod by fold water, paluted or eovored by tho samo andean thoonly object be: deprived of presoure its eoating by undergoing toeame heat and 43 was "Soluble required. to prepare tho origital gala: tion. glass prepared frou potash Is usually called Stieate af‘sola.potash;‘Tho that fromex sod, Being stlleat of 10st tensivo which fe snado, at present, of sla: bo glass usoproduced the otherin fact, methods, 33 for tha adulterationafterof soap} euch preparation is kind of soap, in whieh the Explosive acids ard replaced hy the cheap, sll ald fatty gr sah Uo bs bal oop ery aust as tho siiele acta but very imperfectly neutralizes tho alfa, Another to of water lass is that of hardening cements, mortar,by te, 60 as to ronler thon ‘impermeable ‘aloe Soluble PotashduaGlas A‘pure2817. mist Fuchs’ of 15 rst paler quarts. sand,"10. paris of swell puried Potash, aud 1 part powdered charcoal, tuay bo Conveniently, ‘Those. ingredients fro to bo wall Smploved. mived and exposed feat ina fte-proof melting pot fortoa 8 ston or 6 Hours, stil the whole fuses" uniformly steailiy;'as much beat $s required asf andnee essary fo molt common glast, ‘The melted tass outby means of an ironreSpoon, fs andthenthe taken aoelting:pot mediately with afresh quantity, “(At thi sage of‘ed the poze is ait by faober anthony, that by puiversing aud exposing it to the a Jus i absorb any degrees th fore ign, salts wil,oid fter agitation and Stiring, bo completely Trequont separated, particularly alter pouring over the mass somo Gold. water, ‘whieh dissolves. them, bat not the soluble flass) Tels thea broken sp, pulverized, and Gissoived in about 5 parts cf boiling. water, by introducing itm small portionsinte an itok Yessol and constantly sting tho liguid, yor plteing tho from water timoast to evaporates, by adding hot water ase, and’ contiuuing tosolved—a boil for 3 or 4 hours, unt the whofe fs de siimy deposit exeepted—a ‘pellicle bepins to Fm on the sufaeond ofuntil Hk, vp scat ta tho sation tho a tate of preat conesntration; i isappenty howeror, the guid iv stirody eed tho doting “aywhenthese continual for hort time, inorder to obtain in tho proper sato_of concentratiothen, solution whew it has outfo gravity ‘of rom 1.24 " t o . 1.35. (about 28° in ia thismanyata it fs authontly Tiguidantag). to ho Used in som inbtances it will bo noseraryoperstoas, to dilate ie with sors oF ot water “Whe oraparta fa Syrupy consists, it can bo employed with allvantago in but fo case, Vary Roquently ‘to found contaminated with B lito euphidy ot ototu aa bane ncoary Ua a‘wardsfttle theoxidaond ofof capper or copper seals tothe boiling, which liberates f sina quantity of potas, ut whic, renders {trathorthanmorootherwise.” saitablo forIfitis many desirable peaetiel pars poses Now: trey, to havo a water lasa whieh fs eStirely neatral, to Togbn boiled with fesy-die Preittedit requces ica a ae any lca Eolved. 2818, Fuchs! Soluble Soda Glass, ‘Tle pspard nth ue ay tho pote glass (ste 2817), with tho exception that S'smallor No.proportion of soda is required, Inistuzo of ap parts by weight of quartz, 2 Darts dry carbonate of fod, 3 parts cate ual, may bo employed. ho,and mixture fases somowat easier than potash glass. Buchner's Soluble Soda Glass, ‘Tako2819,"100 parts quarts, 60 arts ery sulphate of Soda, at 16 £020 parts ebareoal, ‘this is
869 DICK'S said to be cheaper than that made with ear- 0 that it soon disappears. When, howe Donato of sod, and is prepared in tho same 1 closed boileris used, accovding to Kublman's manner. ‘the addition of some copper or Siemens’ method, ud a presstre of 7 of 8 scales to theBy mixture tho sulphur will bo sep. atmospheres, whieh’ corresponds with atemarated. "Another method proposed by ais perature of some 120° aliave the briling point solving the fino silex in is edustie Ie. of water, the solvent qualities of the fatter Kuhlinan employs the powdered flint,codawhich r to ech a Exton enable is dissolved in an iron enldzon under a pres- free todiscol vea glass containi ng 3 to }theamo unt sure of 7 to 8 atmospheres of steam. Lic soda, or potash of has recommended earth in place ‘sand, on account ofinfusorial its being readily soluble {n"caustio tye; and he
to veo 120 arts of tho faith to 7 profoces parts of canstio Fen Jey maysoda,bo ae
‘To Distinguish Potash and Soda Scluble “iy adding volume of etl aleaholGlass, a eoteotat ed ston soluble potash lass «gelatino us previ tate a formed, wb, in iow days! do Posited at the bottomof the vessel {n'a solid Fae The adn of lob tosoible sda lass converta it into-a gelatinous mass, but no precipitate, {Moras 2821, ''To Make Wood Incombustible, ‘The application of solnblo glass to wood re dorsi ineombustiite 2822,almost"Double Glass. A nis ture of 8 parts by Soluble measure eoacentratel Potash soluble glass, and 2 pasteof eoneentra ted oda elas, produce ndoublo water glass whieh ‘nF practi parpot © following on much is elso reco mented by Fuchs,praparsti a0 being 10 fee "tuk 100 pan guns 8 parts casier pun potash, 22 parts neutral dry carbonate of soda, nd 6 partd powdered carton. 2828, Soluble Glass for Stere0-Chromie Painting, painting Soluble. s glass uso of obtainedfor thoby fusing Hereo-chr oiie Sparta carbonate of soda and 2 part ‘nfpovederof alpa quarts, rom which aconeestated Scltion Is propared, part of whieh fe then fulded to 4 paris of a 1 coneenta ted and fuhy Saturated solution of potash gaseea lton,by ‘whieh thero i s . mote condensed asnonnt. Silica with tho alkalies; this solution hasof "Siemens? to work well for paint. Teen nt foal glass soluble ‘ foria thethe manufacti o f re arts of liquid productio Enneists n steam or quarts ia.epee sand ida UyMierdigesting Sat thetoclosed or Satmaxphe correspond ingcaustic 4 alkalies, res,afe within thisto which common 4 ies to dissle fiomqui,9 to Expert eapacitate ‘ray welght of dsiathatto-athetainsoluble Ihe fence hasola taught eanalkali snado way, with an excess of glass {nthe not stand the Inluenes of tho ats
10nualDye applied, Woodforgivi . | ngDyeing wooa color to veevs core, whi siaing fs moro geteral had y Course it Lo,Bastogivo thedesi color tod edtored. atlono after been masufac ta the f1se, thenthecalorfattershonld penetrate thronghouly svi the stee l thythatshouldex ential, After ie veneers ae ut, Belobeforotoe js engl of water fond ot Sidays beingout Auodan pit itoeo the.of eappers a tho Water brings aly nate ter,the wood whicfakih, itng pot athusgoodremove d would provenput colon.” after te Tilingopenproces, the veneer shoul be hey dred aro3 {ho‘en air forat Joust 13 hous, ready for the copper. By this seaple method, the color will strike miuch quicker, and bo quality of a brighter hue,esirg,Te woul gio aad {othe of the caterae thetakenvee neers havo boa afew hours ey dried in copper.” the ale, audAlwaysugain faimersed fa GiofoSut, colaring dry injures veneers the$a open te, oF ize ineatab ly lo2835. (SeeFinoNo 28, ete) Black Dye for Wood, Put 6agmany pouut ehip Towed Sitoconveni tse copper, with vent erga it wll s ently held, ‘thouett peesing too tights Til 3fe hours)with water aul ba slowly for abot thes fad £ pound powdered verdges 4 pound cope , eras, tndip 4 withganees based net aly A tho Eopper vinega r 2 as hours tho water evapestl Yates; Jot i t boil gently each day the wood is dyed fron 2626. 4 pons “Fine Yellow Dyofoot forby euro We Reduco of barbery to dust, which putin a copper brads or rouge? 20-4 ounces turmeri e and 4 g a l o n s water,86 then put in s'many white holly veneers fh liquoroftenwill turning cover; bal themwhenstogethe r addfor Shouts, thom; cook B ouness mush aquaforsoone ts, ond tho dye wil sake through "gillon Brightof Ye ll Dyo ayforow Wood, ‘Bo{ho 2887. every water nocese to covet voncers add 1 pound Feeneh bemies bolled hoheough‘vencses til Gh color has” pensiat ; add. wo somo’ brightening Higuit eee ext Fechpt tho voneers inunionremain oftheforProve, Dorrios, and l e t tho Seg a oer wil ba very i or 3 8. Liquid For Brightening Setting Colors. To overy “pint of Strong. quali a, iuouio aT once graof athwalnuts and a Rit pees abyf sal-am the sist disso, shaketino thota tno: bottle inround with teof tocork ont, fom tho course Bor 8 dayih adimicab it wil loho ft forse. iy wil teolor,toting igns iytad to asi ot gnly righton Vut rondo {tess lke to fale from exposure to thea 3820. glassFinobottleBlueputDye for Wood. seloan {pound oiln'aof vitl, and 4 otnces Dest indigo ynnded mortar (Gok caro to setthe bot ina basin or fnYYonbars glazed pao, as it will effervesce) ueearththe into a'cappe r or atoneleytrough All seer por, than Sa ot ‘uch of tho vitriol and hndigo (eiring ft abouty' as willby tryiug make {with a fine blue,plecowhich you ray know of white
aero wood th wees"he vera lebo Aye has sere theough. enlor wil ant apna thefesr weoks saatonheforoof digo in Tittol bo kept. a tsb. ‘Phocotor willpain also stwater rike tlhotter if tho ven Booted tn completa through, and lef Yor a foe haves to deyakepare tialgprovious Uo famersing thom in Us dye Dye forresets ‘Wood. rowed30." a Bright efter Green of ihote. metead prions of adding duce cryellow: actor th bnghtonng lige, ds a3 Ich vitilated andi (seo last recep!) any ‘will produeo the desired color. 2831, "Bright Red Dye for Wood. To 2‘water; poundsput gontine Bradt dint, add 4 glons in asthommanyfor’svoncers as then tho liquor Yilleovbry boil hours; addand ‘ounces ahiss, and 2 ounces agdaloris, Keep it lukoworss ntl forie hasWood, sure Tothrough ‘2892, ‘Red Dyo every pou of logwood chips, ad gallons water; Pt adtho a sudietent yoneors, ataquantity boil atof th tho.brighton: lasts om ing ligula (seeint;No. Keap 288),tho wholo tho color ts of a8& stfafltory as warn erfas cates your ponetated. gar 2 ‘theul helogwou coer suliecutly chips about bewillplekedit generally fom all foriga subas Stancor with bonny Tals dint, ber and itis always best when fe entof &wahbright sod may colors own.for state a t Peariog All lovke brow, and not yield somch olor Ingmattor 2833, " Rose Coloredpink DyooF rose-color for Wood.on Mouter_ proces a fineespecially the ivoryof thata ofsolution “oot! byof cellulose, in ftst fe jmmersing iit, iodide of potassiuis, 1} vances per plat of Water, in which iinaremains for croc savers! hou, When plata Inato, 135 grams to tho pint. When proper dyed’ it easel) and varnished over. “Wo ‘SSomld think’ thatto suswet less yolsonows,mterals ight bo found thoDyomutefor Puapose 1 pal 804. pode‘Bright Purple WoodPe logood; nr tops or deri gallons sate, withthe veneers after trating tlvtrolated tip color fadigo 1 well(seestuckNo. 283), im ald yy degre teorpunpla fs of the tevin abd, i equiv, whichof Seay" bo known wlth pce peter eetsie worGt festat ty,til thead color phehes aiding pihotratel managed, tbe venson, wit ‘This melody hes Freer otuee 9 Weilnt en2830, Orange Dys for Wood. Tat the venvors boda by silice af (sethe” Now,stands ivem Tor 8 finn deep yellow 2926 find 289r) end el They n e o sl wet amdtho Satnrated ith dhe dye, teancfor thn to Inet sed equally yo (seethromgont Ns. 291), tl th color Donetraes 2686, soy ‘Silver-Geay Dyeho, foror, Wood. Wapoos yomntiy of ald Nlatany better, tho borings of gascbarely im convenientthem‘esl-with satefran aidfio dilated Got Sprinkle Wms He guantity of water, tll they ero Tony thiol covered si rant the to seeny Fipdom ada T Sonces gallon of water fu tartar whieh (cacs Iden disgelved s a l t of Uontte ofsnd potasse); Tay withthe this Yenwersgaybs thoTot Copper, cover them SPW or ofhowsliquorel well soaked, Qhomof fofreonoverytorcopperes, gollon aid {pond and’ tilLeep thetho dyeYolohas sue ata Soderate tmpératsro antly pontrdted Somo‘beenmann Dye Veneers, "fo Gerhauy, 2687) fagtarers of wo bad sup: Hite rom Puss with Yeucers colored ehrough-
cout their mass, were necessitated by the Tato vrarLoston produce‘hat them themselves.ado Afr.niPus. Gor experiments, rection gave in the begiaaing eolors:was fedbn tho faside while outiday tie ou uly foucted, the veneers for 24 hhours ina until solution of causticweresodasoaked containing 10 ‘er afte cent. washing of soda, them and. boiled therein for $ hour with suffieent war tor to removeheirthomass,algal,histheytreatinent may bo dyed Uroughiout withtho soda effects 0 general disintegration of ‘wood, whereby it becomes,and iu ready tho moist stata, clastio und Jeatheriko, to absorl the color} itantst then, audaftersubject dyeing, beto dsied prespaper of sheets Uctioon to retain ies Auape ‘2838.eaeTo 6 Dye TaVeneers Black, fr Ve-24 rs eta Hours in aot decoetionremoving of logwood (1 after part Togwood to'3 water), them Se ep thaputing imo thomnd, Suto ar «hot agggelation them superftally, ‘GtWillcopperas’ (1 hows, part copperas’ to 90 water), alter 28 become Lenntiflly asd completely dyed black, A Yellow. Veneers Dyo ple ‘2839, of To pat ata, GD alan sohotho addon of so. much ammonioas to ‘vith Tocome perceptible to the small, dyes veneers east feted isnot ia tho—Beloee which colorvamisbing. dyeing, subseqicut fyllow, preparatory treatment tbo roqare veneers fo given in No, 250 ‘3840. "fo Dye Veneers Roso-Color. Coralline dissolved in hot water, to whieh & of its volume one-fithadded, anil been soda has ennstie glass Titelo produces ff soluble on dependent shades, different of ose-colors tho amount of coralline taken. (See No. 287)
2841,only color To DyoWhichVencers Silver-Gray. she Fenoors will take i withone previo treatient of Sad, fi ay, produced soaking Lo them100fora ‘Ehudibn off pacdly copporas partsdaywateria
10. StainER cote: Wood, _ sisining [cS SA iron rece fap ele tant egiesto petro stay bt ele ‘roublo is. required; and, lp speatog,ts appealon tilees ay fits from Uhat of paiutlag. When exrefaly doo; tat properyoporanet arate,ead walnig asToa tore teaullel gwen Hic‘3845,to moveBlock’wth jury fanfor apaaaing Stat Pemediato ‘ao, Hn pti cploewond in quae Water, a1 ohne pease and a p l y eHot4 toFountear ih rh ‘chen take lypreod, belli as baive in 2 quarts trates, and all's Ounce ender apd {Gunes Joel cnas;tecae ate yore pout Fosty Stel ings; with this, go over the ‘2844, ‘To Stain Wood Like Ebony. rake a olan of mapeate of orerten whGeeta copperesh and wesh the wood, SEP eadoo hotteidecottion dey abd ofply fogwood Sor 3; cuals of a strong ‘vipa vee aad eotuge wide aor Sita Ceevceet 1 S815 et oth aE need Po Stain Wood LightsurfaceMahowit the ‘over eat any Soler. cg nous ate apdbranewhen dangers dry alyloos,tae flowing, wk a aaf ‘ounces? ‘cotton sada T inague?wan spitplaceof iter Spl, et iatahd Shake ttequenty,and'then stata, Wepeat
SSE Balpone madder Dak Dyk and 2 eances Color. Be Boilay } sn
Bots when dey, ality brush i over with folition of pearlasb,polish aa1 owes, inUre water,og 1 belore, ont def reat a decoe: eitt to 8 thepat woodsMiaka paapply rk kin StPot, o d, aud!1 pak ary when Tom varaish folowing the of coats orb it soragan's blood, 1 part; spite of aus, 2 Di DisMahogany. Beechwood. Mah jeechwood Peis 2 once and blood dragon's ounces 2 solve of wing,provand rectifedof spnit quart surfuce floes init, Ttovthe wood the sum the Sony over Wash Or: polished. wel RNY when and above wood give‘withitaaquatari, of the dey fhew the. of enat Htoroughly in logwood of chips poundhandfuls Bouand 1alt’? “OF: faraish, walnot water, Stuartsboil again, then strain, and add'T pink ped; spply as ove. vinegte;Astifcial Yood2040, Thof Mahogany. following method granof giving. aay epecies ofi tae tho appearance ofa close ‘food aid polish and density, texture, Tgang'in ‘Tho eaccese. with Branco in practiced ole wood the. and. smooth planed ty fuuficd acd of tronsin neatly a solution with blood rubbed ion dicalved fs dragon's Founce of arewine;been this,1a boand anhgedoaco pint of spirits 2 afbonate seda, of this liquid,soft inbrash, andthe ltere and fether witha on l a d . bo to i {EEinstato im o short andposceses process isto be therepeated, ‘This tho wood {ntorfalaiermards When mahogany. of appearance frtemal it may bo fmof Unllaney, polish byGduauishes {hofesudeed & itie golden use tho Linseed i Fine Black Stain, Dil 1 ‘3800.logwout in 4 quarts waier, add & ound boil or thelis; nagtat taeof walaal-peal Youble pint 1 add chips, the out again, Cup oss apniyby an Thiswil willbo Stho feimproved vestuipgnt, polling # Hot.lot solution WeApplying’ of greentoo coppers qua), oumes. (an water ia ERaived ‘verBOG1,the Gist"fo stain, Tinitate Rosewood. Bolof & ilies water pints i n d Togwood and of tartar ealtboiling add’ f ounce, dark red; Very ‘ot, “While potassa). of (carbonate caro taking coats, 3 or 2 with wood 'the {ta wth coc;hy thet drysehboeween that i flatis mean pate the used axis brush, {sti back ‘with tho which, form(cesteaks graulog, firsStainfor above receipt), last nained tho will be veryof, nearly ‘Tenreuily exeeuted, back the rosewood; dark of Rppuarance pou aeatoel’s andhair werd withof cepperas putin be may SiEaks in asolution {EL dipped & outhandyofabrashfat of logwood. edocection fein made bo may {Eripush,tho sehpurpose cut tho for varushinngs ae fs andose make inegulan, edges the pointsoff, Sharp there, and hairswhichhere willand accurately out afew tool a wil thebave Juipreudling Tinitate grain,
2852.tho block To Imitate Rosewood, Stain vith sain (see Nor 2650); on ten Gry, with a brush dipped inthe Orig rig guidof (sethe No.grain2898),of form red vein in Smktion rosewood, which ‘ll2858, produce "Now a beat lfc.for Wood. PerStam soangnnate of potaseastainis feeommended at & Tapid and excellent foraood. A aolae thm of it spread’ pom pear of cherry wood, forbrowna fow‘olor,minutes, leaves & carol permanentwashing, dark which, alter end ciling, axoumes a reddish tnt upon tngng,polished 2054, owas StolcelsDi Mothod of notte 8 S Weed Mae a io‘woodaayof a rele aleeady Winsgiven ofall fr staining brown color.” paintby Sor tho ‘wood witha solution. and oilingtb Ipara pat wator of cataehu (Gateh sodaor Gamied) ‘with and ito This &is Mlowed "to ary in the ait andthe wood ‘he over withofanoinar soltion made ofStator" patted part-byhichromate potash and 90. pata aiitlo diferéuo in tho al of ‘eaten, and hy varying the stength ofthe folntiong’ various shades of wach cola may‘wil ‘bebe fGen wlth these moterils, Bermunent and Darken Yond to preserve tho wood, 2885, fo Light Matogany. ‘when. faite is wodropaied, it vos, tegen pens atoll ant aul therforeBy thpreven work presets a patchedplesap” sence, Uy waht Ettoguaea, wi andsospiees, or dsolve fuck lime iu walon wren the samo manners butbowallearful notthe cowootfet ether be fo song, frit ae fowoskdant;af Aes, i is bok Mherefore, fo wie rather and, if not dark enough, repeat the process till the Wood2866.ie eulelontly darkened Stain, ‘Tako, 1 Black’ Walnut quart Water" ouuees# obese waning” sada, 2 Se adeeb tase either Boil fortn 10a tans, and att apply wihis Abra Hot or ld Ian excallont tala. (Seo Nos, 28 ‘and S2007, BT. “MicTo To inImproveabotile Tmprova the1 the ounen ColorCol r ofof of mith Stain, Acid, |fn,tonepoonfl mulfatio eed, "Mix ounce fits aud’ ounces ruin water, Ist ia ge beforo wing, ad Hop th betta wall2688. conc, ‘Fo Stain Musical Instrumente and Panoy Boxee,of brighter Fanoy color work necoodiatss thobeat amploymert tanbo those Bt attic) we ltrs gia lowing recapta Yor preparing applying those inost commonly employed for such puss
"9859, Fine Crimson Stain. waterDoll for1 pound good rat dust 8 quarts SchouSe aait and foradh fan Sisco Beil g a i n goaty houra toro.ad sarlet i wl Dtin, ome belfor uso.” Tt required of 4 ounco aaron iatthe quae ofprevious water {ortoch av hour, and pas over Work ed dain ‘2800, ino Green Stain, batTo vend 2 pits song spe ald ons ended Distlted Gne,foines sop ofgrees, and’) ousee Tago. vinegar vere, improves tie2861,” Sir Purple Stain, To 1 pound good cp logwood, put ad d’ quarts water,earlash, bol treaud firha Hour; ion «ounces ounces pounded indigo, 2802, "Fine Bluo'Stain, Into 1 pound citof viol (ulphuro asi) ina clean! assas Bi, ut aout lop aed rea Trove2863, Lsciod in dyeing‘Yellow purpleStain, Wood Bright
need not bo stained yellow, asa small pisco of aloesott,put into tho variah wll have tho deSod 2864.”wheFineblackBlack Stain,d iu Astmusleal a gonoraln= thing, Ib require Btrumo nts ftwalig produced by japenuings tho eeelack, Bi repo wo(eeeanaa Vp apply t h e l a c k jap No,‘Wat 92023), aller ‘whiehy varaish sid’ polsh, & Back ‘stain ' i s someti require mes for finger d boards, bridge,(eee andNo, Gute, procee dsWood,diregto d Jnver,etal 2850); tie how ought to bo either pear, apple, o¢ bis ‘wood; tho latter ie diy,prefera ble;a'agendif it bg Tubbed over, when with or Qauuel Gippod tolebony.in Hot olf, i wil give iva yloss equal 2808, To to Stain Boxwo odmay Brown . Hold the work theft, that recess 4 rye gentle ir warmth; then take aquafei, aud pore to rk keeplag wh if changes to a : f i g e brown (always ‘oar tho fr) then ofl aud pot Stainiaudng. ear"iy thefoowing ‘Cano canes 2806. process, simple taTe iograinsbuadtedsulphata" sich, brown: Dissolvsticks a e of mangan e tap; ese thein suease sufcent,Of Sater to take maten UiAspirtea wih a old rer ho Mana of lampwholeclosenuracoenoughminy to soreh ie By arg, tho bo brought to-& funifdn vieh n brow, or beauif veriegs lly ted iyVarying ag thtome pets nore ha thr hus o color fot whiletodulltho atdeepest fst; appear wilt color. The Uheek. rub and of Ynaeed ran with it oling on but Bin A with smooth g pleco of har” wood, willbe Deautit develop ally ed.anotherGiveolinthe som cena hoothe finish r unlessi bu t day afer the Are. arnish, gtVarsshes may bo conV SanaeD tt Se spit and oll aruishon, Concentrated aeabol used astheae solvent ia the ofthe formey,too an fsedhe a ater.oll orate Thoof specie gravity of shonid alcohe notCor thebe purpose makigg varnishes router than 0.820Camphor (that ivoten is, not below abouti {5ivta perincreas cont), disulved its solvent powers, The all of turpentine, whieh ts tho esseutal oil ebiely eployedInseed shouldoil be i pacethe andfixedcolorless, Palo dying oll generally ‘sul for varnishes, employed. Due poppy Amoug aad ik thoof sub alco oscasionally Sxanorepigye Rho opal, masse af arTas, Highes are" tiepentize, mastch, elem, sandarach, animé, and totuber to haparé Brody’and usta; bonsbia lnpartseuat fgenboge emote elton antottoy and ovotei alos, to red gives. hg, yellowspan color drato its ood to gio fivo.eblack color aud body's canutehoueVereto Inpart body, toughsess, ant elasticity. gion aint ach of anole {hro, and many o f them onthe eas bo advantageous orPromised eafolymailo only adapted forthe pur large sea o8 ‘2866. Oil“Preparation ofIi Linseed Oil for Making Varnishes, hemanofaccere oF oil varnishes, 096 of the most important rinkfor isthisthe parposé ase of goodshoulddryingbe opai, l , Linseed BaiDrlliant, lindand eeareeyodorons, end "mellow sweetput tointothe an taste. 100copper gallonsbirof such oil ‘re iron or capable ‘Ofto.agentle Holding smite 100 gallons,for® so!hous, gradually Heated to expel mule ftoos the scum fs then eartully removed al Hi'pounts sete lithurgs, 12 pounds rel lead,
and 3 poundsGeo powder ‘Sed: from
foam is carefully removed, andThisthe formas clear theoi Alocanted fom t h o bottows, best boiled or drying ol ‘2660.oil Clarified Oilmaking for Varnish, ‘When Dolled fs used for varnish, and ia stlther dling Iedeomot aval {s20) placed in a andcopperheat pengradvally holding applied fiom €9'toul gallons, ‘ho seum tees afterfor about removing Whichwhenthe ielsoil [slowed to boil 2 ours, dosed with caleinedto every maguesia: in the propor: on of an ounce 4 gallons ofsng oi but aided dere and wh odo ‘This beingfor about completed, the viland is hen, azain thobollefar briskly an hous, aco being draren,Ts alowed to seduced cov! When tho tempetaturo sulilentiy ti Famoved to leaden esters wire it fs stored TIRE for ese 2870. Meat Clarified Linseed Oi20for galing Varauahen, in coper ble Sf linseedwhiceoll to 240° Fakes add poss of ateined vitriol,fbr andJ hone?keep then the oll remove a the above tempsralnce fe'fomoll, thewhiehGre aud in 24 lirs decane te clear stand fora fow Weeks Defoee i 8 ws should for varnish ‘QB71. Wilke Refined Linseed 01,visioTa 286 gallons ul pour 6 pouuils oil of and Se themfalterstogether fot'3well hours; theawith ad1k "pounds care, nixed ohnds otinto a limcopper e, snd firbeer,for wi3 hones Put Bho oil ‘quantity of wate, sad oil foe 2873, Boiled Oil Varnishes. 200 galléns linseed oil for and 7 porns eat spit stil (sulphate of zine) in ine pedo, ing clean copper boiler; heat itto 289° Pabr. ‘and keep ib a that tomperatare for at least aah hous, constantly stirring it; then it to cool! in 2h hones deeant. the clear‘allowportion, ‘and in 3 or 4 wecks rack ie fr use,
Cautions Respecting the Madking2873,of Varia, As heat fn miny cases aeceisar to y dissobve used in mae lug vaca the bestthoway rams ten preted sta Usoves ela sinl-ath , whic fs shtapy pach tho containi ng tho varbish filled with Sand aud placed on the yfceefa anatiee will generally be sleient to prevent Thisthe eatchini g uot five; but to avoid tc an, ne (whieh unfregnentiy happens). ‘wil bo best to tako suficent ly lage toAndeed, prevent ay dang a vest! of spline s conten: tho vessel should never be moro tua town-thie Howorer ,the apiece ofthe board sudientlyds led. larga to cover top of ves Sel should always be at hand in ease the spirits Should take fires as also a wet. wrapper, in ease it shonidonly he iereaso pile, as water evel argu fon would the: mischief. ‘The ern who attenls tho varaish:pot. should ave hit han covered: wih gloves, andy it they azo made of leather, and rather will effectually” prevent injury. ‘Thesedamp,tauit ous shosid be "well obsetred, or shocking injury may result (roms their neglect Tavpersonal while to make tvarnish, ho city,ness is inhaedlylargo worth quantitie deo many stoves whero may s,be hadss there very food, and at a fair price; be in tho eountey, theredepend the Telght and you can ht upon theis am object, geni ofthethepractical atiele, te Weis ne wea by aene
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 make it; when it is avail‘mechanio how toto purchas it, ‘The varnish fable itis best, véznishinge furnitu re is white for sold ly sgeuctal aed varnish. il Varnishes,
These, thomost
aie Lane en a et Sy el at ope ae nee a gant nsaol wa ce sicert i eG ate oeae elton sein olla aoa et
Caro must sere bo taken nottobe, to a2 thoto tazpenting file ugh oF the ‘surpentine willbe tot'by ovsporation but gotsof tooturpentine: coo! i bones Sioky,it Gomistere tho alton must be re the res enol be sit Sait Sloppy Sintif tuusheatedrestred, gradually upuponto removal O00.” Limpiiey and, from the Hr, auetontedspontay shoul bo added imnpare theinjures properthoconsistence; but varish. this exten eating quality of tho 2875, Common Oil Varnish. Ls,tor 3 then pounds; drying of, gallons” melt fomoxed from the Hee gai andagai,i when ot acpi. Pale band 878. Oll Copalfase, addVarnish. copal,2”poundey hot ying oll, 1 pints’ boil as betoro dizected, oud. thin with Bil of turpentine, 3 pints, move oF Tost, as Found necessary. Very pate ‘Dries hard in 12 to 24 hours,
ofof aah ots 5 Yagal ons, bt,and’ thin tarpentine, mix ibwithwhile Thor wilh thea lack faraish’ gv above dicted: Beri sed offer coaches the wheal spe arts use palntors, de. who strong. quiekedrying,decorators, and duable varashWank & 2878.gum Ordinary Carriageeiarifed el,‘Varni 3 Sorted aninie, 9 powls} ant pot olen gplons)Bagorthar” whitefetcoppers, of aid Teal of fnch € ounces; 53 builgallons a last, and Chia with ol ‘Fturpontine, 2970,Palo| Amber, Varnish, Amboy, 1 poutul; bosled oi), Lo ounces; tapentine, {pint tender tho aber, placed tna frat aiwhen thocooledel by theheats’fie, thon int, senn-ligaid {hig remoree rout and, a iit aneiued stir in the0 turpentine.” Oe! ounces Po theof innbon’ aboto, add 2 satin muspoves vaiticlo ay eopalfor arnt ant woody forms oran anyOx. Foil euvesing ther substance not faand sehite or Mantvory palean olor, “It dries well, ie very: neat, Varnish, Am: Amber ‘3880, ter,asphaleany, } pont;Black builed of, b pints.tiepentite, powdered T 6 inunces; ail of Mel Xs before olMeseribed, y sledised nda veryto navethe veel terotarpon. ad of the alboro dl tte, Bath tiro'yumishes be Curpentine reduced to if% proper Sonsisteuce, withshould anoro” ie bo last fom pcos te beaut enachmakor pa ok varnish sed omitby thothe whole Sometho manntacturers ram ease quthoantity and use the which OfStctear asphaltnes, back estawp instead, to reduce is brosght powder,by lampblack olor ground r proviowsly fn impalpable of . ‘Tho(hat.Varnish boltedhowever, e lttelacks, ‘ery finoin with nade this way im: of Diacleness vech= depth and Dillsney, iss, parted by axphaltum. Bale Amber6 pouds} Varnish,{tse add Amber,hot pale‘2881, and transparent,
DICKS clarified Iinseed oll, 2 gallons; boil till it Strings strongly, cool a Palelitle,ai ahd oll of turpenting, 4 gallons. copal addvarsish Soot beeemaes very hard, and i the most Gurable:of ofl varnishes; "but requires time Defore it is fit for polishing. Whoa wanted to dry and harden quicker, dryingoil maybe substituted for linseed, or dryers may’ bo Added during tho boiling. 2882. Tough Amber Varnish. Ambor, 1 pound; inclt, add Scio turpentine, 4 pound 2 owneca; fot linseedtsaneparent’ oi, 1 pint;whitennd resin, afterwards sulle clont oll of turpentine asabore, - Very tough, 2883." Hard Amber Varnish.» Molted auaber, 4 ounces; ot boied i, quart; ‘2864, Very Pale Amber Varnish. ‘Very 4 ounces of clarifiedpale audTinseod transparent oil and oll amber, of turpentine, feaeh 1. pint; as before, Amber varnish ia Sulted for all purposes whore a very haed and urablo ol yaraish is required. ‘Tho paler Kind is superior to copal varnish, and is often axed with the latter to increase Its hardness Ant duzabili 2885. Varnish for Waterproof Goods. ok 4 pound of Indiscrubbes, ia small pieces, snften in 4 pound of ofl uf turpentine, then ad? pounds boiled oil, and let the whole vilfor hones over a slow eoal fize, When sotvel at asain, 6 pouas bot linseed fil and J ponnd Titharge, and boil untilan liquid'is obtained. It is applied -warm, fren fall forans 1 waterprvoT coat
2886, India-Rubber Oil Varnish. ‘rake Iuliaerubber in fine ofshavings, dissolve4 onnees in a covered jar by means a san bath, in 2 pounds of érads bensolo, and then mis with 4 pounds hot Enseed oft varnish, fad pou So turpentine. Drea wel, Varnish. Gubup2887,1 poundIndia-Rubber {ndia-rubber intoOil. small pieces goa dau i § pound ppt eth HW dono by digestion im in glass flag ona fond-baeh.” Then aud 1 pond pale Tineeod and. after previously fil caraish,L "pound setting, oof heated, torpentine, also Heated ‘vefocthout, Futter, whe. yet arm, into bottles, Dries lowly. eee etchn, Ol| an t pondGuttagnita-percha in warmVarnish, water from altering impurities, dry wel, dissolve Sn pound ore i ea of and add 2 pounds Hnseod oil varaish, boing hot. Ve Feitablo to provont metals from oxidation. 3880. Champagnat’s India-Rubber Varnish. widi-mouthedin faglassshavings bottle, digest2 OuncesIn aTndia-rubber ‘wilh 1 pound oil of turpentine, daring 2 days ‘without shaking, then stir up with 1wooden spatula, Add another’ poutil oil of tarpen: the, and digest, with frequent agitation, util all is dissolved. ‘Then mix 1) pounds fof this golution with’ 2 pounds of very white opal oil varnish, and 1} pounds well boiled Teed until they’ol alae Kave united digest Ina Ho good)and-bat vars For morocco leather, ® Flexible gradually Varnish, pound, Molt Fndiapound of 2800, resin, and-add rubberin vey fie shove hd oe Sut old. ‘Thon heat again, slowly, add 1 pound {ingeea oft varnish, heated, and ater. 2801, Flexible Varnish. Dissolve 1 pound gum sinall damar, audpe s, in4” Ypound abberofin very pound India. ell of pentine, by means of & waterbath, Add Tran oul walla te. 802. Hair Varnish. Distolve 1 part of clippings of pias! bristles, or of horse-aie, fn fo" parts of drying Inseed oil by heat Fibrous materials (cotton, fax, silk, &c.), imbued with tho varnish abd dried, aro uscd
fs 8 satiate for haircloth, 3883, copa Cabinetand Varnish, ¥us07 pounds African pour ou it {pias hot1 alerted linseed el; 9 or 4 minktes if feels stings, take it ontese of tho building erg the yor tadoflhon as poled 01509 mix in gallons of tarpon {ito ofthe temperature, oF suliciont to brag it104, to asame duo consistence Bessomer’s ‘Varnish for Metallic Baint, Thisdryingis malo with 258 pounts opal, 24 galions i, and oilYamishof turpentine. “These ace mado ‘ntoRallonsa nezely ae directed for Cabinet as ish (Geo 3. 2803); and afterwards ‘with agalion of siacked lino and lef med fethen3 days to sole. ‘Tho clear portion is ray off,of bronze and powder, parts of artis mised With 4a'pant 2895, Varnish. Sorted FRRthargo ante,and “Mahogany Bpowered pounds ned of 9 gallons, doledir stags sugar otwellTeal, of each © pounty boi til thon fool a Ile, thin with off uf taipentin, Sf ‘gallons, an era,
2806. Italian Varnish. Boil Scio tar pentine till brittle; powder, and dissolve in: Gi of turpentin e. balsam and clear white resin, of“Or: eachCabada. 6 ounces; oil of {urpentine, 1 quare, disoived. Used for prints, engravings, éc 2897,” Varnish for Printers’ Ink. ‘To covery 10 pounds clartied linseed oll add § pounds clear black ll oF Enepentine. Its thenresin,readyand’forpound musing: with lampblsek orother coloring matter. “A twellth part of tho finer Canada pact Uaisaea is sometimes added for 2898. "Varnish for Frames for Hot Beds, 4 ounces ed whiteboiledcheese, Bounces Mixslacked lime, pulveriz and 4 onnces lin: Seed ol "als, nd aid'4 vances cach whites and yolis of exes, and liquety the mixture b heat. ‘This eusions 4 said to produce apliable and transparmixtice varnish, en’ ‘2809. Brunsw Black, Foreign asphaltain, 45 pounds;ickdzying 6 gallons; and litharge, 6 pounds. Boil foroil,hours, then ad dark gunvaia er (ose) @ pounds hot linseed ois? gations. Boil fur2 Hours longer, or until & tle of tho mass, when cooked, may into pil s. ‘hen withdraw tho heat, boandrolled afterwar down with 25 gal fons’ oil of turpentidsne,thin Used irou-work, &, ‘3000. Black Varnish for forIron-Work, Asphaltim, fisoyitharge, add boiled. ol 7 0pounds; gallons; roa48 pomuds, Teal. gd. of each dried“Ballandts powdered white eopperas, Shot: bona; hen. a linseed dank im ataber (fosed), 8 pounds; hot, Si, 2 gallonsy boll for tio huts, proceeding Sein tho last receipt, thinning devwn with of OtDurpotes turpentine, 30 gallons,biackUsed for the eo as Brunswick 2001,at color "Coloredby Oilgenig Varnishes. Oil varnishey wih them tho most transpareat colors, as distilled. ‘verdigris Tithor eon, dragon’s da. 8 ie Yaales ap als alge uth ara blood, gamboge,Be, de.de. "(See No. z) 2802. Varnish for Grates. To 2 pounds common fused in an iron Dot, add 1 pint hotasphaltum, boiled linseed oil; mix well Bnd boil for somo time. When partially cooled add 2 quarts oll of turpentine. If too thick, dd turpentine. “Apply with an ordinary paint bru.
irit Varnishes, meTanhes sist Replored fr ming eit Niha'aot than 98theyhereon, pre paring aud betngleat them, should boIn Kept
A a letancy fon cane or other fam Respecting tho eumis (resins) cmploreds aay’ bo spore useftlsoluble to imestion that sella 1 toaud dered by being porrtered exposed for a long tino to €u0 air (ace No. 12006); sandarach fives toa hardness to tarniches; rasileh gives a goss solution ums; bezzoin still more, ‘but its ofcolorotherts Objectionable; auime readily dissolves, but readers varosh long in diying; eopal and amber arothe seareely soluble in epiit, but aro Fenulered partaliy so by otherby gums und also Behor.)belog previously titel heats” (See Shellac gives a durable varnish, objec Hone nl econ of solo hich may bo rondorod paler iy charcoal. (Heustey.) (Seg 1723, se.) th tho prepsratonor pint Nowvarnishes, eaeo shonl bo takento. pre {ont tho evaporation of tho alcohol as me SsThatpossible, all also to preervesmal the portion evaporates.” On tho seatey spite Yarnithes aro bost malo by maceratio n Glosp bottles. Ta order to prevent tho asl: tination oft rst, i is often advantagontsly Iizod ‘with clear silcfows sand, or pounded alas, which thopowersurtwo ts wach increased, fnd thoby solvent of the monstrusra noted.” "Tho toudeney of a spit varnish protto hill oF giva a rough strfaco may be destroyed byrach, adding’ to tho varnish littlo gum eandaoil of lavender or eoneontratal ammonie;
sttainingee a1a fete tL
5 Sodan Hagenn veri D010,domeest Crystaleck Varnish. ma» spirit, 1 Picked pint animal tic, ehateoal, L ounce. ‘Dost and fen BOLL.sh Mastich Picturemastic,Varnish, Very pale pisted gue Huss pounded a1 Snail ay barky,secon ture gesbed and dro, 2 pounds; punting,ahnd® gallons; pul theme into a clea & Fallon ar elo tnny dosnt, thao rll on tacky and otherorvar otty seacly eaunter orany sla place, for atleast4 hours; whet if the gui Wai ssolved, the musin vars foomayduother be deen Sualnad through Dot, And allowel to sett,” Te should. be kepe forfeta ooroth 9tougher months anibolero se, ay i therely clearer” VoryMetis, fie 8 D012. ‘Mastioh Varnish. pours; varpentine, 4 gallons dissolee - & slebet, aad al pale tarpestina rams, gallon.
2013, Best Mastich Varnish, Gum ‘mastich, 6 ouneps; oil of tarpentine 1 quart; dissolve, " Mastich yamuish is used for pioonres, srhon good, iv is tongh, havd, beitiane, ‘and colorless 2014. “Varnish for Paintings. Tako rustic, 6 eunees; pure tnepentine, # onncoy eamphot, spirits of totarpontine, ounces; add2 deachins} fost the camphor the turpen-19 ne; the mixture is made in a veater-bath; shen the solution is effeoted, add the mastiet and the spirits of tuzpeutine’ near the ond of the operation; filter through a cotton cloth. 2015, in powdes, Tingry's 12 ounces; Essence pureVarnish. Mastich tarpen: tine, Lf ounces; camphor, | ounce; powdered. lass, § omneess reetified oil of turpentine, 1
2006, "To Dissolve Gum Shellac, "3016, mart, White Toy Varnish. Tender copal, 74per ounces; camphor, 1 osmce; aleokol St'09' cent, 1 quart; dissolve, astich, 2 owheosy Veaeo turpentine,then add1
nen; dav. train, Very white fying, and capable of being polisied when hhard.” Used for toys. DOL7. mastic, “White B Varnish, Sondarach, 84 cneos} ounees; Canada basaeh, ‘aleobol, 1 quaet, Use on paper, Satet (See Na, 2004); thon dey ie an powder Sences} 2018, spits Bost of White Hard gunVarnish. sand” quart Wine, Rectified rach, ID ouhees; gam mastich, 2 ees; gum Hoan at tines oa tw days canttie ftninio, J onmeo; dissolve these ia a clean ean, ‘orie botio, n'a atin p h e , frequent! "When! larenthe see, amt andis dissolved, nog bs He De Varnish, Ws. ‘2019, Mordant, or Transfer ads in tea ons an, 2abd cog, sande (gating) tarpentino Venico alo Trach, of each 85 onncess alcohol, 5 pints disolee: as before, omUsedwood,for 200fixingfur gulag, engrar ‘ngs or Gthographs oo (Seo No. 228) Is prepared by Aisipated,” Tho Votllo should not be stopped slleesing, 2020) pulverizing “Map 1 otueoVarniah sandarteh, { ounce mae 4 ounce clom, dissolsing Profesor Booiger shouldbe made by fstdi tick, salt addingthom to ia i $ 8 ounce and turpentine, oftionVeniea of 4 ounees shelite, a n d 3 ounces oil Darts eters when tho campbior w dsslred, lavender, ta 12 otnees” aloubul (Soo No.of 255.)
heads Bi Gal dea bresa omen
Gea arog
874 amber in 1 Sto4 grains Disolve (See balan Eiace graphs,elloroturan, h. Clear3 ounces a Varnis Canad 2921. 2009.) No. exnpholagetherns, til dissolved; 2031. , # aadousces; oformGantde ‘ant Amber Spirit Var~h sak gentiy,drawing 4 ounces; sandarac Fused auher,foxnces; s, &e, theyaeo first sized nish, Por maps, highly rectified each of ch, Budasti
s taking care of iinglas solutiois n covere uilh’a part deer every d awhen ss, the iat i h. ‘Tho aidition brasiedionoverVarnis Varnish is Collod ‘D022. on, makesnot calodi castor, il i todries32 parts of L partvamist does and rapidly Sigobd paper. "This varsh will ote,do ate tho costing Pabotr forkeop for years.mops, lst,alicelabels, Peep id well a repent wil impist appear, , wintoother,spotsandshoslt coatingwith ElSnSad thom they WH wabish an stant e Chines h e ,thewitha is toed Tmitat rn Va 2023, pee gumlac powder oinees t, 1atoof tho 1 supond.of & goodhazelnupists r abuutwith Gtparteampuobotile, frome,“Shake tao botele frou timo bo time, Rime to tale Linefor 24it hot embers nd seb fieib overbo iasouewinter; fa summer Rouey d tocloth,the andsin,”throwDass awaythe whole bo expose Pray what avfine it. ‘bet ie settle for21 hours; Tidughs upon fomaii
oatings and Drawings2 parts forof doxtrine, Varnish ook, ‘ake uthographs. shouldof 2 aca. 2 of‘se wate with ars previously eon 3 coats properdd ox tio treWid atch and cteained through boiled 2927.) No. (Seo eloth, Tax ot Dextrine, 2026,mothod‘To forPurify pare, dextrsio rendering givesa and tate odor foreign freer tromhe dissolves Sr Teast parts of vend 10of Guld-distl this purpose Por dextrin,alloyswithdhe snare 78to stand for so Stator, decants aul strain ie from the sediment Toye with bo mixed clear balliquidto Js tthen {Tho sid aleotolhe ofoars i3res iteaetovolume gnco (oeseparated from the pastysomehase whic fers isonce iquor quant more dissolved fa a sal or porcelain aut spread om not glass exceeding otwater, Ty{eNiea 10° Ebay at a temporatuco Pabe‘2526, Le Blond's Varnish. Keep 4 ta sant(presi:ot warn copal bisonand ef addcopaiba pounds e n c s 16 bath, anil cosrsely powdered, by sno Rotor fused Suny froquentls. When dap a d stirChtoi turpentine Games, SRotved al lite Var"2087. De Sylvestre’s Destrine parts water, 0 Destring, © parts; nish, (See No. 2924.) transFectiied spit, L part. Varnis Fut ‘Transferengravings h.or lithograp 2028. hs fixing ao forriug
ee gliding, (in sive, and formastich Suehdy4 Ganees andspire; oun.ad tears) Stteo pigs rete(See "No, 19.) , In 14 balsa, feu sandarach Canada pace, ‘To Dissolve Amber. Therm is pint Boab, n, i cblorotom annber inaro dislving no‘but dficaley tie trom fl y e h t tun to peopl pt partiallyto asoluble, ig only felueo ncebroken,that Teamber ereamsta coarss some ‘Take oro rather with bottle in place wn qwuer,enigi ehlorforia to cover them well Than a aud iaclearafew quidays,on.by glasspour fhake oftes, plat, ofthe tao Urapor strong gives 8 vara bid, whieh uf begoes!obtained. ftearish Amber an ‘Or may float, 3 Takeheat of theamber, follows? fag be made amber ounces; 50 Uenaule, ontees; of about ure toait tomporau Ja closed Bros Th, veal“When bogus to often and Reel, emitting white fuses, then dissolve ia the‘2930. benzole. Amber Varnish for Photo
allthis thegsreaewisliquorwl to subsided, whon and, te precipita elon ef the carte of sola, ettho clear earibnate oF‘eoti, Hon of chloride decane ant Hin with patwater, hinat a ous former, es io weneat te audsoganeu tothe SHE motion a rokary e i give farrand ton gh to peng wl aoryodedied.ti safpiuric ack th ib a Sine color ailett somosmellof ofthsebloing fumes 1 io.2eeeusa ‘Ten bquid Spereepeb constant under bleached, bo to the color ix gone. French {5 Rho ablation al til Marine e ‘Then a peeeptat ko nal, it Tooke Polk tuto sly the exaety i c s supose With and8 Mokteatwatethe vari, for hooktnad Yon iggate manne sa fh the eey! be ently mat Allon aan)° BeeetN ty a iguoe chlorine tho as 5 sort pine of th above fn pintsaf Sroided aa.SE porDisolvo aad angel aut203,do Bornotphotoge cont. aleve apts asin. stibvendes, bleacted of pare 1 strong; is foo atest’ will answer. For fie solution6 pute Bhetiae appliedshoulie be fatter aot ssid volutuon the aps paper okthp Tpediuey fist voceiveto thea cbt of bailed and stramed orjoundsMilk aneltof Waxwhite Varnish, 1, wis, Pure Wax. warn @ heatas posse, Wihnas 1outpiatyuponandmixa pecold vino pour(90 thoper eet}, of andgeutlo pint liquid ie with d muller to Hoty, slay nest ged porplyay adiinto fat, with, soa Sesteiy paste the put reqiired; ax t mugs spirit SSure th ae ahnudino ota throogh train. ‘added, gradually inte pantings for Yarush asa, Used Brasling of bentiy fs passed so oxerns toty hse Fehou ry,se a otf apied, evenly otherwi eyiaenhecloth. eteTheeld onder wstith teanapres fo[polished most aclean ancient Many varnishes, ait of protective at tho present freshneis ter oie Fintings Say uots varnish, . for Furniture Wax oflVarnish ‘2087.3 ones; quart; 1 , turpentine of Wan, Used for furniture, beat. geutlo by.a Aisgolye 2038, “Vamish&. forTakoPaperof posuine Hangi palo Prints, Maps, , coh parts, alana feted of tuepetin and mix thorodghly. iva th of size foretoreCard-Work varsking , Bas2099,PP edate “Varnish otber5 au fauey oF red, Wack, ike die, eats, ras,aceoring” Conrad. sealiges to add eno Ihenk Te futo snail nualpicee, spirand” t to cover te}ttet ize foe days The vewsel Gise the artile 2 coats ifenite malo tiy isso nae, before disolved vara he sie in Isboing ie catthugs aiUse panel stn fr fees a wont
of sand tthe heGH ded. Papove ata, a Dish wah iseosin itty amber enppern, veseel in close fased aped (Chg projectio ftimelsh a {aving. through tho bottom of the Furnacewhichby passes f heated.) hie2032,tho vee forin s Varnish Colorlesshellac Hare's heat by Disilve aphs. Photogr Pater aud 1 of pearash. Presi Sharer tebe’ spirits by. (Seeeblorine Now, 2559apd t0 ‘diantee. 3885,) i recited and the_Colorles ders’ 2988, , Bookbin fallow. gives Sehiuit these hit, for4. making Varnish directions varaishes: Porand1 several ietier beautifal pond ar the ext teand Lf lounges slg, foo put gallonsropes water; Senatein of acsuds, vessel Et dow: walethe eapaciy, and, waderconstant Vio te boliag over slow Bre. tiring, ‘The shel to make aod, ifdt (ise intended wl dissolve Inetiioggit No. 2% varaishtheo soo tolorloss las Freuch born to Stinabrows bonkbinder” wacnist, wea colorless Par ish for maps, photographs, ete, the. solu but Hongerslowly anto tone bailg, about bast very eoul then tnd sanmerin fo it stand over Stthout etierue; better oulJetunder rego‘sibstanice will it.be Tafoundthe a d the omotherthe , deposit of theshellagcolton Tn tho surface asolution as gof ofthe thevessel apuritio itltomMo, be rin through .hoa woolen ctothis Tikeond Tomake 2904) No. (See filtered, be Thento eut brown Yamish-bookbindery ar.a {(Hluspat . precipita hastobo eolution hltevedvalpbuci TenePthSs alated to actd t r a p (I h c a e fete water), the precipitate cofeete Ob 8 Silparts omali eo} ext will taste, washed without a rosand troagh cospuwater lledotd, Gets No 2h) ‘Then Alla stoncorseoadenves (Se precipto: d throw tho stick (cian bolling water, a soften and Sitoinit;this altwill Uieety in thetil has tobeaud headed wasmelted [her out deaven up, {finds doubled then Hisedrawneauty,out silky s Insize, es a figethicknes irnsstindesired sticks, ia iit for sol ds Wveto F mak eal Vaasrsit, Usenyoens’ fd its pare. Boowni ite cent. por 5 9 parts in24 te precipita tthe To nake the Couonuess. VARNISH, fohol,! in tho oilsaneof todracms of tho precipita 1 ofpartalevbol, iissaieo 1} Add Quantity int. ‘Tho to each pThat Tavondor moeo colorless tennspaneatvaruish make r=@ Shellac.woodenTo Reg, Filter fakefor asnall Water eatThies ‘ter‘2034,fortho stella, eae Ly bottom,ot andtho fasten trorke work, hake, deVarnish, Pale top andasta; rove antslin being Las Counce; water, 1 2040. raced. sad, and 02 LOD shellae ‘Water omeesy b o r a s y oe the! more iedspit easurustsanfoe manyBaalpurposes Tes tasty ene cn cheden® Yetilo for water eoloe, aks, Hhrongh be not be browght backs to the filter. Wino, it has to more vill man Wrongb, pour dEecy when diy its weaterprvoh Varnish,1s Groen ‘S0d1,"‘Tvansparent Whea nothing on the filter to wash tho r green of warm saber boatifullyteanspacent A some eleansolution "Chines quantity out. maining a sald by ithtaking ihe finely of tien t Colorless amount the easee abowt Binoy" ‘2035, Frenchinaky‘Transparen transpa Preuch piezo chzemate of potas and white ‘To ‘Varnisin, the solattn those ia eopal rarutsh thinwod with turpen Font coliless varie for bemaps,bleached. tise: A toro gringo ts nitro as to as follows, aud ‘fhe (Ger No. 2983) the tusek be made for the paspose of innately fluid forjs tade bleaching Take 1 incorporating the ingredients as ofhoriso i proportions are 1 pound of ofshellac: English ebluride bine, dissolvethe willsiut be tlansparest. A preponderancosbadoof pound good triturating a” yellowish gives of posts Chromate Rein Ui pounds cold water,and deeant clear e h t increases the e, dolieonéy subsid t i anda let green, well; te fo Innaps fluid; add 7 pounds of water to the residne, mount uf Blne. ‘This varnish, Uns enlored,
Produces a wory atrtangete,effet ieatu. japunned Fonds, pages hangings, and be sade Fory edenply 2042," ‘The"Aniline ‘Transparent Var nisies, aniline colons ave particularly ‘roll adapted for the saantfactare of tranepae ont Inesthinmbiehili possess geeatlence:intensity even invery and afe very star UeFeeommended TOF coloring “hyglassB. oFSpringuull mica. Thety process fo: proof paraached-aeparstely” an aleobolie solution” shellae of seudarte, ann concen trated alosholle sotation aftheteoecoloring tnatter whieh L a s t fs adel to betore using iJyty chosearmed. plas or"Colored mea to ling be costed boing beat slight of rete shayalsa boobtaiael, according ta Springwuhl, Troi colored solutions uf ganeotien i ties, fheMcoltolchloring matter belag h e s e drsolved nndgreat cue neteaced "Theeeloion flat has itsof elasticity I the addition Some betazpentine applied fms el, ean removed flyentire,and wliea ‘The cored tha now tobe transparent ett ato au pattem, ttichad ole t and. again
2048, laeleAniline | bn aniline. vasnielyBlack ot rVarnish, ece Darisian prdduetion, is tho following: Dissulee CE Rraehias vwiedupois of sailing hige, 1p Uiraeliss of Taeliine, and 1! deaebs of aphthaliae yellow, 1 T-quart aleubol, ‘The Seti dissolved Uy agitation i ess than 1 lowes. One application renders an object houg Black; thi varnish enu be ftezed, ae fril Hever depmit afterwants 2044, and Transparent Varnish Prints Pictures, — Dilute } poundfor Yonica turpentine with & gil, or thereabants, a little more too thick,a bttle of wine.if notIf euotgh, fofof thespititalatter; moro of the former 20 is broughe to the eon: isteuceof milk. Lay T coat of this on the Hight side of the print, and, whon dry, it will shine liko glass. IP itis not satisfactory, lay ‘onanother coat. 2045,Appear To Make of a wrint in Gold,the Design After baving lald'on both sides of the print ono coat of the varnish described in No, 2044, in order to mako it transparent, lot it dry « litle whilo; then, is quiteside dry, some pressing gold i leaves boforo on tho itwrong of thelay print, it gently on with» eotton pad. By these
‘ost paren where those leaves don bavo beenth ta willl appear like. masa ‘Winea sidothis ofyallit onothormagdlyeval of dry, ig Tay on sethe right thobe ‘sbove, aad i t will thea 4s good asput any’bebind exownthe" glass, print, "A€ pastoboard Rapport Dotter in ts fram. 2046, "Clear intoGutta-Pessha Solution. Cat gutta-percha thie steps and pat stsas Snukes lass bottle, and add ns much eblorotorm thick hotpaste.water, hisand ‘paste ia then placed in vory Rncaded with The fingers. After considerable manipulation the gutta-percha loses much of its very. color, nat and Pocteass sapeated, Dee phe: iu having. only! tnay then palo straw tintof 2X‘aay‘ololoss, Chloroform solution be made strength, which 1s awselul for many pure potes—when thin, as substitte for court hte, ‘and hes thick as = stopping fe jecayellteath, 2047.GutteBercha Solvents tofor Mako Tndia-Rubber and Warn. aber doot nat dloiveFlexible canly enough to give varnish’ by simply placing 7H" a hofile with the solvent.” Sulphore ether of i rectified regular other, solvents,and butnot thenthe itmixture taustis ofonoho” ether pure aleobol whichis sold forbe ther in many drugand stores, Te also must
pure rubber, andpuro notrubler the sulphur-vuteanized Irticle. Tho tust befa'aeat warm into fall pieess, soaked in the etuer place for then ahoutit 24musthoursbo tit they inaae sole Up, and kneaded mortar {such a way nubbor varsies may be made even with common beasine. When treated Svith hotpetroleum), benzolo (feom coal to.tar, 30\wot times bengineits Fox it-swells forae? bulk;prosied and ifthrough thea sturated. with a pestle, aud asove i adords Thomogencous being bypresalaete forlorming ego of vamisb, metalwaterproot or which wood. cloth, to clot,applied pre CBloro foro ad: tho aud.bisuipluret of carbon disscold, Trudierubber gotee perch iu, the ‘Tarpentine disintegrates and"wendissolves. Tadhe slr a gute persia ot, Fixed oilsheat,also readily dissolve them with the aid-of When Tadisrabber remains Sioky after working it,higd, it is ota proof thatmechtho emperatite was too fiat too fhrpentino eas sed in tho solutions or vate shor: tugpentineto dryrubbersticky;vamsishbenzoiehas ornab:tho rally a tendency xc sis aro botien. (See No. 2248.) Varnish for Balloons, fete.2045, Digest‘Flexible cold, 1} either ounceschloroform, Tadiarabber, small in L pint ‘of sal: rere ether (Washed), or bisalphuret of ear jon. is des ax sa lak on, India-Rubber Varnish. Digest ina2049. cloted vessel, at a guntle 1 omneo Tadiacrubher shavings i L pintheat,of rested mineral naphtha, or benzoley then strain i, ‘This Iy 2950, bee.dries very badly, and never gots perfect. Tough India-Rubber Varnish, Dissolve by heat i ounco tadigrrabber in. aquatt ot deving oft. ‘This dries very tough in jont ab bors an 2961.ite"Flexible Varnish, oil’ ofounces died copperas, ounees sagae ea sud 8 ounces itharge, in’ gain finseed ol stir constantly untilit strings well, then cool Mow thin and with decanequickedrsing the lear portion. thick, bnseed of If too 2052, Colpin's India-Rubber Varnish, Indterubher ba stall pieees, washed ead dried, are fs! for’ hodes n ' a clove vest, fofg" a fomgrudvally heated seni-ath, Onvesselremor. tho’ satd-batb, open the andTe SUeet forthe10 fusion maintes,on des) cloeo aga, nd thooa following day, Then upti Enaitglobuies appear the srfaee.” stain2053."throughMetallic aswire sieveVarnish, or Varnishera Amalgam. Melt mth ounves grainnd ta2 tice fides) i Tose, fvunee quietsilver, and stiof egg ill col then andgrind {tery Bno with white or vamishy Apply’ this metalie varnish to the igure to be bated 2054, usedVarnish forbares, Gun Barrels, ‘Theate vamish for gn alter thoy ironed, ip mate by dissolving 1. oungebloodof Shellac and Lor draehng o f dkagon's Inoa aquart of sleet, andpaperSltering the bottle, solu Ubrovgh bloating into: a ‘which Ths amish, must being bolidkept0 thedosely Batre,corked, and become ‘with a bar bo rubbed dey, mst perfectly Bisher to render it smooth and glossy 2056, "Submarine Varnbih,of turpentin "ite, 2 palit, » parts; essenco JOparis. "Melt lhe above, and dg,"in the fora of very fine powdey” andtezwlag well ofiixed, sulphide of copper, 1 8 parte; Tabs, parte. This varnish is raid to ant pro{eet wood from worms, and to prevent thead herenco of barnecles parastteaon to fom the botox tom of ehipn Italo ardproerve ‘Tho following is 2066, 0 mothodVarnish given byfor MeIron.Welzkop, of pro
ducing upon olfironof a turpentine, durable blackadd sbining var ish "ako to it drop by20,drop,whi anda sy7mpy while preipitace string, strong. eulphune iequite formed,ad” and'no more of 8 peedced om further ition of adzop of acid, The liqaid fs: now Sepeatedly”watsed with water, even lide renewed aller aaway good stirring, wnt tho ‘water does not eshiitany moro reaction bnprecipitate being teste with bine itimus acid paper. The nest brought upon a oth iter, ud, afterall thowor.waterThisas thickish ri off hodeposit «yup imaselia ftfor painted over tho stiff, eon with «previonily: brush; if dtuted hi pens to be too itis Nath afte: thosomo ironoil basof tarpontine, beon #0 painted,Tuninediately the pai fa bumt fay 9 grt hoat au, after ele ng,picestheof black surfacedipped is rubbed overmoistened with « woolenstuff in, ant Yrith linsood. ia ol.not According’ to WelsakonS, this varnish a simplo-eovéring of withtho surface, but it ig chemilly combined ‘tho metal, and dost not, therefore, wear or iron, as ia tho easo with other ‘peal offondtho varnishes. Paints 2057.and Brilliant French Varnish for Boots Shoes, Tako of a pint siete ‘ofvwino; 5 pints whito6 winos } Leapoundsugar;pow:2 orod” gun tenegal; ounces fonncos porrdered thogalls;sngar4 ounces geeahin coptho eras. Dissotve and gum Whon dissolved, strains chen1etit putbolit ‘onWino. a slow fire, being eaten nod to Yntho thisalcohol, tato’pu in stthowellgalls,foe coppers, an stirring five mates. ‘Then remove from he fro, and, when nearly ol, ara thr witha a pencil "and bessh bao IE dso. Ttia applied oteaffcionly black, a littlest ofof deon, fa bal a pnt of strong deootion lo ‘wood, asay b o added, with ounce peat ah2058, Varnish for Fastening the Leather on onncea Top Rollers in Factories, Dissolve. 2 of gum-arabie in. waterSa and o ike amount of fsinglass dissolved randy, and itis ft for uso. 2089..” Varish for Engraving on Glass. inasticy, deachin # ounce; o halt, "Was, # otee;1 owsco; tarpenting,X 2960, ‘Etabingasphallam, Varnishes, White sway, 2 omnes; Zounces, Melt ‘tho Wax ia eloan pipln, add tho esphaleamn jnPourpowder, andwarm.boll water, to.a proper eomtstonce. it suto and form it io balls, which must ba kneaded, and prt ito taffla for use. Or: whita wax, ounces; Bar undy togothor, pitehy 4 audouueo;ada black piteh, } ounces oxnoe, Hick b y degreos powdered asphaltum, and brite boil 3 tlt n drop Booted on a ato bocomes 2061, 8 "Etching Fluid § onuees. for Copper.Mh Aquaforti, ouncess water, 962," Callovs Ean Forteeach forof vert Fine ouches. Dissolve 4 parts fee, alum, ea salt, and. sal ammvoniae, sn 8 addit oa6 parts water, bol for & vinegar; Darts lato, ait Ht ‘2968.L ounce;Etching Fluid j fordrachinSteel. water,Io: dino, icon lings, ‘ovnoos. Digest actillid, the4 parts ron byia disolved Oe: pyroligncous loa 1 av” fan ad. partmoasare; dvb it Apply 128)" gravity (specific fqoafortis from2064.Ti to IoTo minutes. ony Mako ColoredTako Prints Resomblo Oil Paintings, of Cada Tatsam,mix 1 once; spint of turpentine, on ef thom togster Belo this 2 com: or printin drawing thesolution is,size spplie, position Bhould be with a of tingle ‘water, dry, tho varaish applied and, with when a camel’-bai brush show be
2065,of Paper To Varnish Drawings, or an; Kind or Card Work. "Vissolws Yormos best inglass im abou 1 pintstrainwater,it ty‘heough simmering it over the Srey ie for us. warms"ry hoiv igo onfo a musty piven of andpaperKeepmoderately glatens tts toothley, and equlzea more ‘water} if itneedssoaksmoreinto isinglass; the paper, itttleshouldtoo thin, and. Iherdly duloF the surface, Then givo. tho Arpt 3 coat ning i dey tetwoon each, Being earetulvery ¢partiewtarly itho.the brush fest oat) to bear Tightly oh GGehden shoal oh atlow e&me'edair), from Nich tho sito shoal freely: otheewie, thedraving may be dameged. ‘hen take tho best mastich vanish, and with i give atleast Beeoats. This i the method used by many fminent artists, superior to any that"2060," hes becnVarnish tie.wid is found for upShoes, Pot 4 pond gui shellac, broken in small pies, Tre aati ornod ugpation over a Hh aleohol, sank it tight, sbelf in ‘year place; shake it well several times ‘day, tedegg,addashatopieceit well,of caraphor asfowlargo aa ahéus and in hours Shake it againi gond and addStvil'L omneo Toapblack [fUhealeobel all be dasalved Sdayas sheke pourand autuse, 2 orTit8 tet-spoon. gots too ad thenaleobol, idgel, fate ju'a eater,If thoahd. matertals apply i acowithal «goodsmallit aint brash, Will dry(9 patont in aboutleather, 8 minutes, giving © gloss tial and will bo removed nly by wearing Ie ofothersThe. Jy, advantage of his preparation over i docs’ not Strike intoon tketho eathce and.and make 3 hard, battho Ferman sutfuco, yet excludes Syater almost perfectlf. "The aud samo dostpreparaot on is alinirablo for bamess, Beil when louchod, as is ustal y the ease with lmpblack preparations, Harness,white Tako 96. 2007. por tent,‘Varnish sleokol, for 1 gallon; pina turpentine, 1}. pounds; gant shollaey ti pounds; Venieo virpontine 4 gill. Tt those Rand in to suuthener ad ya eweot stove oi,until1 {he gumsiia arojug dissed, rub tho lamig2 ounces; fills andrat lanpblack, Sack with a id of tho varnish. "itstho Yrarmish fs botter than tho old styl, from Thet anil or1 doos trae thatwhenits thopolishharnosa is as good, fs twisted knookedBot about.2968, Flexiblo Japan Black for Leather, uinber, boiled 8 onncos;. ‘aopltaltum, 3 _Ihirat er 4 oxneos; Linseed trio el,
Tallon; grindto dhedhe axphaltamy, umber withapreviously litte of dive tho cif add AE folvel in athesmallremafder quantityof ofthe oil bel,by heat; inix, add the ofl; evo fnd thin with ‘sufficient quantity of oil of
turpentine, Infloxible Japan Black for Beso, Shellae, I oueo; wood naphtha, cea; lamphlack to calor; dissolve. 2070, Varnish or Bnamel for Coating ‘the Insides of Casks. A now application has recently Loon made in Engfoffandcharcoal for the manufactiro, of a permanent ‘chal, oF varuish for coating the insides of tasks, ‘The ebarceal, which $s ad from tho ‘wood of Salix aba (White willow), is reduectt tora very fino powder, and mixed with proper proportions of shellas aud methylated spilt. Then ready for uso i is laid on ‘ith a brash, is fired, 60 as to and tho inside of tho caskonly tho lining of loavo aud spirit tho Temove coated again charcoal and shellac; itis then’ fand fired a secoud’ time, after which it is being allowed. to stand a short time before, to form a ‘taed. This composition is itsaidprovents any perfect exvamel, and, while
876 ‘chancaof leakage, it preservesthe asks in an foxteaordinary manner. Tt answers admirably. for beer and acids, and is largely adopted by some of our principal brewers,
VW arnishing. me at ota: bothaud inin thethe ani cate, experience’ requires varnishes, appropriate nf election of applying thom manner for Wood steh FinishwilhWalnut Bord, .Lo Mix, whiting, good ‘Varnishing the aura wl Cotes ofas thewl wootpraia mistare s i h T filet. be to olor foe dry, Then give the wood a good coat work o h t over rsieare the aprinkle tad tall Atal vagit orie pretty well substance, covered j then, wi ft oR otlicr oft rub this Wipe of aland snpertuons materanc TryifFeel superior thoromgay, varnish. This w Sane Walnut, Yor filing 2073, Finishing svalnutseveral rood, oftherethem aco ‘under many patettsy compoundsthatit Te, ‘whieh tine discolor the wood the fais,east, {3 audtho atmastthe ame produece a Guo Sipe of henwt al,hto bring nothing p ant but fixe oyetp seed Boat and lightly fwbrutina paine fine, ground ster mi with olorad 2974, ‘Tong Varnish Walnutthe Furniture, eseHie,Gingof tentee, old over Indressi tofecal ie dontates,ito tn mach t over-with remore all eMectsprevent.of grease whieh or wilbaclening Ww ¥ uines, sweaty From Tish from Howig Geely Tre com work stare, roqetesor refillin rye g, fonts weafine Hours Waris Site, grovad foilahellge-sbou and taepestine, coats ld bywilTaiddy; onbuttaxl ae abe otSmooth before applying tuevanish, varaish,shoud“Workbo fiulhed. fs ol, wiehout filed wilt a lanier substance, than stare, Some use fr whitebetterwas iy reduce in tarpentive but what a compound ef Paris, eal paris, by weight, of whiting, paste of Dumieo stono, ad lidharg,yellow, eoanpbaliusy, which ayvanbe Ede a ithe Frosch dyke brows, aad2 of tenaboileddh oi,Siem.and 3 otAistazpene with Japa, Tart dite. Goad a bras fe rubina will “Lay ee thea eettia30 fnwith fe i el Snlautes, UheuthenWbruboff soot clean, anLet f laden ‘as, seq epeat 7the process, When the fling Siksh with nsec ol, pon i with sai Trusiy wipe off ‘withand riba skto'a bandKerchie poli wid h feor otto inh fy. fue fabri. "When the farnit se fs eiemned ant filed, proceeds deste Inthe tne2075, cork ig"ToqaiteVamish clea, Furniture, fll up al ienotyWhen Seo'thatlines; the thenbrashdip isit inthe elean, varnish, ani! fe . stake Kom soore along faruisit pot,tho wira and givo ralsed thocrossworkthe wpthinof andthe Tegilar coat, aud‘Thisyetmosthot bequickly done enough ea quicklyto Eeause poses the rush, yamist alway to foamtakingor abbla as toft aves tho care not pass the britbe ties over Lett the saneatauplace it Uanpsbly avoided, to dxyin S innderately.cl , wan “Vansplace,mustthatalwaga tho vara be apnot Inay Diet in a uieteataly warm room, were the Tirths aed is dry an ovefrre toftom dusty and care ist ap ly a seoud. coat Tere Nn the emer ome hag Heeoine quite Oey. fa ontaougit how meh to takepractice in the. tnbrush." rnust varnish bo lft
fenating; int too mmeh wil settie downwards
Gieg, Onsent bohnrattalappliedsare & siteleMpmghe anes Sen ian Shefe” becoven otit nue more;royas wllfoo dythiknetber ect T e eaanot ti tor onminnieeeats Aeree gue tbe So shee get ga Bank (oiien ‘you til p r o v e by “presing. your fouctes ney othen, f Relea’ mari 188 treonoe Band ens) with thers fers theproceed banrfub the patsariof thetlwork usta yer tat feuauras shout fo ofputsportalI orderto take outache tans. matey ively thentaperpiep xoit apohel erat, and“Pho TetBestit Stand a to handen,” festel for Holding Wome fe164sE0kdeouscocted ay color Sipretifed avauihyyans ottect’a aii Ee beans1s aigd the terval ber the tee tediome wit end, ‘lel, beng heated vee theamorete,eau Heep onaiS Sarit fd and i e dows Tis¢Be sebeat, tonthere slopes oa unfoxbande to i1 andthe ome ent ter shi eatses wine tho vars to run (ota, tone thd.” Tehasaisoa fed serors te'hipe the TobeurhPolishaaaVarnished Surfaces. ‘2976, rgaiegiveiyiheatom highest ondeqregat steto remove toarnalthe ell ou ‘racket bt, undergoes theby operation Fpuilsings Ts performed Aispuntes rubs tide i e wth v e r y lely powdered" Sofetanl watesand are aun wt Solel mg Bop wad the ehued pul iyenya patedeigenthe" dacs nies cleara je" theeuf Uienota stigreaaioecs with powdered sarc, and thea rie bright with tbe palm of the hand. 2077. To used“Keephe Brushes intre Order, snuebrisues warming thee fattnd in. mde er eterround,of camel tol fenstatttheer'erybande, f6 testes OW vamfshes aro" applied ith Hashes of wihne eameedni isles: Tae. washes seamen Te ate faved on nreesaryeing toweil le veay fyiexten cleaning thetaea Mor }ad by withthe nin Ugurualogtheytaskafe Gen eam Sea ped. eeThor af Tao; ater ‘therin vayaor turpenthvs, e orting they tomaythe bastare a t o r heh ftthasithoodhk waternowy a apd soyIe wenreaetheyasked will eo wth cine. ay "hehe wspiststo mixtatwithaf vari need forfor lene thnay re”be clan edmnan’ neely p poe yc oebaling 0. bros water footaining lle washing soda, ant srg Sell sop "To Restore Fumiture, Ae 2976. experienced tune maserfor_cleaing fea, “picts ht S22frameshetand preparation restoringGr faestaze,especaly that Somat marred sertehoa, 3 acre SfSpitsthreoof frpentine, part of lasecdnotel onlyan‘ partthe covers Sigurd structnd leaves'a but restoratro nonpot toethe rSurface, igh cob ‘Phon dey, “Pat!nuh onwad wathweal, woolen elith, and sertne meter ing, ‘Polish wih eae the won depats ror with olf lean Sumo ished, iio hich Teraplog ane rablingveith glass papers. is thould“bo done. in all-casesy Uat 1 is Not is at grain ee whore thoapa portotary’ian Snough, percents freee Ba (See Nb. Tosh) A pais should ten
be aded. boBut,veryunless thoand varosh for eabwl Snolrwonk clear bright ron akonfl, dngy shad toa bor ght-cloed woos is therefore, previous cao, ‘Again, somo ‘workaien pots with roten ati others whitingputtyand Dower, and. ‘Teipol stot ‘with common with water} but Wl2980, bg foundTo toPolish anster Varnish the beac is certainly « todinas proess and condor by maby #8 & matter of ddialty. ‘Dut’ ounebs powdered ‘poli Snto a, to eavthen potthen,or with tan, piece with valor aulleent caver it? Fin faba nes procdoable Iipolshoer 4the oc o f care rabbee, e d Ww arash, always wetting it well with the ‘epll and water,” Yewhy wiping bekuown whenof thethe process i s compte a pure Work igwithfalea sjongo, Salglossobsezvibe whether thor ad von Clean of carwthe 2 fat'not bit of muttos-tuot and fae ous ‘Bo to rab th to work toote har,fico oFperecly longer {ais teeny male booth andchoeve Hench aathod of Ptah SBWieh apie of overfae thepuoe-sone andthe ‘water, pass regularly work widh inon, with aout powdored‘ripli the raingof tha grin downyi Sd bled Soot” wlol, Bo palshYorthosapere work to-a bight fie, EB po Bi ‘iver conserablo Like Bras Ornaments 2083.” 'To Polish Zalald in Wood. Thewithbasse muAlo; fist bn fled very even a smooth thon, ‘havingpol with misedinseot some olyverypolishlnely’the Bork pow: Aored ‘with a rubber ado from a pieve of old hat or Bly an youtieet would polite fants, unt thebe dosed it prdduced “it the wore ebony, or take very owedtise’ andake apply onan ie4 foal powdered. ater Fou thohareteasty done with the Tripoke” Le wil Froreive of toSoft polishMahogany or 2983, To Clean other papering Porous inthe Wood. ustaafteraovten, scrapingtakeanda Start: Sponge End ollwithweta theplecossrfac grainy the, of finoto alo ‘pumice:the stone, tftho des, dom atony particles, and euditetbe tray of ru cho wood inthe tintheof do ‘werkerin tryskeeping Te wermols8 with waterand then apa than lt helmet at wil oe ths ierdtsFerfae nosii oft encanto thebins wood yerediy auch Nardeuet ealstaeins tho etree war le inpeoved phd the pace toes with cold-drawn Tivsred ni proceuding an Tisai wesner as itWest wate?” asbls be fom by give a ane well a dhvae faeor cancel tote work whith hay ten bo polished 2004.Work,Yo. Soraya Cleat iand sulFinish Mtahogany pape hepart Wor stmerth ss powblog go over d e c r y vithto aru dipped in feestre ian et i sain allrod Weneh; havewalesreddytis toeog powder of ia Heat ino cotton Stacking. and sthoyequally overa Teale the workoy ih egy ean wih freight faa plan, fieeo ekwatand of carpet, mi fervor, fe well Sikhp vray of the iat dle itt sia i the
aniture, Take a quartof stale beer oF vine. tall i,andand9 of common pt a hunt! fas, tablepoonfsl of amuse acid into boilfe forand 16 warmed. minutes;when maywanted. be Reptfor in Thttle, use, aviv previously wadhed the furattaro with sue HotwithWeates,the toabove ge thomistores dire of, wash ipolis, care filly then according to tho directions, wieh : any of tho foregoing polishes 2086. "Mixture for Cleaning Furnitro, -Cold-drave linseed wil, quate; spire of(terehlonide) Wine, and of ‘vinegar, 4 pint each butter antingny, 3 ounces;requires spict voof Enxpentine, f pict. hid mixtare bovwell shaken Iefore itis used. Alto of
Sa, wusiuhig’ alae “eae, 4 is an excellent article, especially whoro tho
2089, alhanet Furniture was, f jonnil; root, ZPolish. ounce, meltBees’ together fra pipkin until cho Tormer {a well colored, ‘Thon ald linsved oil, and spirits of turpentine, of ac gil sta throng a pees of ca 2000.alkanetFurniture Paste. digestTurpentine, rout, # ounces until sf 1 ficiently evloeed, thea ald bees wax, seraped smal, 4 ouees;’ put the vessel into’hot. wa ter aid stir until dissolved, If wanted pale,
Aho tet ay be site for Soft ox Light OBI. Composition Mahogany, Potmachtogether colidrax fe eed oi al as alkanee foot anit wil over, abdroseto pink every pitt of all wil ndd 1 ounceSes:of tho bist When the color ractod strait it off, od to “Thiseveryilpittbow vert add | Silepiity of turpentine. Supotior compotion for soft and ght mt Hogany. To importance WaxFurniture, In waxing it‘ae 2005, fof great to make tho eoalingof this 3 possitie, m order that the voine tho preparation Wood may beisthe distively se npeeing . The follow. sng best for thse ‘aporntion: Put 2 onnees. white and vellow “Wax a movlerato ves handoverwken ith guteft, meleeina veryad cleda €ougens bose epints of tarpentine, Stir willtuo havo whole until i is entirely cool, nd you made farnitte,fo. whic) mast Borothod. rubbedft heforoverwaxing, ie avcording tho. asta el soon penetrates the it pores ot {ie wood, brings ont fo olor of eanses tho sraxto tothatof adoro varnish, better, ithout aud prodaees' laste ‘equal beingsbjest Sse, Be aretul vol to put tou simon of the: Wany of ks inconveniences. ‘Tho polish may feck daet s'0as tepesteshouluponoot,the 'be eth‘bod "WHGS, dry ‘boplecomedewed atcorkany tio by rubbing it with 8 Bittho ratbr of ine sufi is pestelyeinoot, lean Hof
‘wit a eabberThisBf proces carpet aod:will iogivomahogany Tarra a. goad flowzand ake 2c” thee ingore "2085,
‘To Clean and Polish Old Fur-
of sabingltelyion moter the surfacedats. of dheTo wootput ‘on ut2 eompurei Sic, shatand ot”yet boappearoatequallyeo ffin orateh tno Brenc ah which Varaihy polish wasted, ‘elo wrevgir a e Al Bretion of togof Wego ono veto preparations. te dientond ee French Polish, he eraish cpolished ing prepred (shellac),ofthao to osbe Ueing duished as smoety a maebs ts laySissipaperbelowan te hie ng graced Ooonthe sper ae Bllowor ~ the vanish riveateiedof the fabetterfo ty ofgrtesralber Necanptedby lapra Ipiddlo fo rubberup teoa vamih tho mohouter ofnsetre thsbetel ang easae ore wil hnbibe tbe proper amas varnish a considerable extent of surface. “The Tiiber fe lear thete beceslnd ieee eee Glow double, rae af the coi tater gntered up icen a tho bactho geeof thooftheseesie oes hanlle assed wap wih fiepate ages foalison tho mide aft.” Bio fhe wore pes tha uaifruny rat icky et veright ity eunface 1a stallad cielo srs, boyantlaginthe varnish Vecomen diy, or euty ehaego thethe abe a Smee alee Tah vem (one Stal Tiara, Ante: cnct tothe aah as aieoe Shen at ol may beapet tal wyto unt costs is ints prete ens this rad t y Segue oe tPlomneay ten ‘wet the. eke ot the ieee lode apn te ena th ae lor woud niiac ant rebquek ati, and ‘nitormly, the "whole ‘susfaces” Heatly wet tha linen cloth with a Tittle oil aad inal chWhacoatsrit a ub ust are egsiping? too bed tose amd too much veri neg tpn othein henog ate ne poder I soe nanworkeft dant ofdaagthons phaton Ith be porous, the gramn coare, vlvonbo meceaar to eit edsret lea iss Go'amibenG ngritsthe pists an When Gry gemiy eo ver iewah ery es Beanie te Eee fi’ eto Std potask of andans bopoe y@saving Ws absorbed jato tethewaste wood, aio Gf eatsdeable tet te epesantn
2999. To Make a French Polish Rubber, Toll up atomstipoff of diek woolen loth which has besa so a3 to form 3 Soft elastic edge, "Tt should forina eat, Bem {to Buches th diameter, eccording to the size of the work,” ‘This rubber isto Hocecare iy honudwhenwith itnthreat, coiling wens to provent fe ftom Us. 2006. gam“Bestmnstich, French1 part;Polish. shellee, 3pact; parts; pou sondaraeh spints of wine, 0 pacts; the mastic auld sandarac h ‘mst fist Uo distolved it the spcits of wine, and then the ekeliag; the pro ‘oss may bo posforme d by ahd.patting therm kato 4 opelbottleot lonstly corked, placing it ina wate need t's elo Fat,or the boiling pointof pirtof swinHe ‘ntl to solution bo effected; tho clear volt lion may bo poured off into aother bottle for tse, Vasloukpublished receipts forwhiehtho Freteh pots have heen , in ingrodieofgts aco Inserted tht aro dnsoluble in splsts wine, tnd cients here that wel aa otha coal i?fo aro sclable in wate r, eo 09 fender tho misture more ensly Injarea, 2007." Common Jrench Polish, 4 French Polishing. the solution of shellag in, waod naphtha, (Pyros mothodof vamishing furnitureby means iota). “(SeeNo. any TNS
tich nastie, French G ounces: Polish, Palo
ne Srequoalyhe tins a wart op Boia 2 g n i k a h s dislved, all i gun of wll to cold, widpoppy 2 Warspoonlals {Eten k a thin h ely while Slane Cha stent ints fonoa ip fonioy aa au thepan ormanner and foregoing seme the ir Cedove isaro pode) vost echol 1 pilots ed nude inthe call by foquonty ate alldall remove to onder ia but, polishes; Shyer alaking thy ingress toasted tn 8 be nr may robbing in pressure tho ince, ‘ellciowedheede'or other v e s e l ‘Prenee ol ateong Palih, ote nnd fa Pol'2000,,steedTruewithout flteng pint sof winsi, aldaadFrench ¢ 1sunenouncePolish. oschehollae, gumTo ebpel reels eee ee, “Let Redis through ant tho
Si eau Wala,“ LER
is the clear polish.
SS Gi yaeeaeend aREIS assis Ga amas Wana ne lec G a tae Meets eee aa a
‘Tako a little cotton wool,
arene te a MET a macnn ars 5G.
ee ee ee
Po No. bode.) Mo pdodued a rod ip tho Gruining is produced’ by
foes aed On aa a See
or ss es a. are weraa aga aPrede cers prided ee ety ee eee a Ha r ER ie oSit Jeet Po ocr a canal oo ae a Tendency to do, axcept therebo eomo little o castHout act he mage Varia eeoge ern opel ilo Tow bo'added to bind 4t 66 thet it will rub tal ila ot conaet besveney dave fscorlained! sxcopt by actual tral asm ipiog peopel of values ay Miho and. othet causes fofluence tho matter ti ENy meile atve ext f dlown, aad if too lit, ie fo apt to breaks up to oad iy ite otha fa'rublng, rans beers sobs casual Uv Mala rtaethe Color on Enamtea ayilagipo Bip ‘bib. Edy Wo meet ponstones bang The color Wood wos to on oat TOR ee ag ues(athethaoRanBigIeoge seule eae ste AD oryponn work sonar wiht teat pet a bate ae eat Bere ax ond witout HSi ani Olfiesworkfunan Saccots hei e atom b pene cho ang arthe Sits s ty ake eautieae i thre antl Soot saul day Oe evel cesface,tonite tours pe to's uvtown tevept {alsrocs Ven gua degree inoue Ete banden l (mek pon er ny a mer sire oateet Sreiter itenquottes stand gp), Unset bo aattfiled.topenl to sei work tho eckbo ‘oaly forhEontog Uses waibes Is So's than ‘rill ate sabbee groupie Tole wie iocBOS.donewel Sith for Preparethe theKit Rubber To Wool shoal wet Banmeling ter Seo por ba fedHts ficken ates Malattie egeare incest 3 bone ant arch TNs gear be meat ont cere ot oft pice His for tae agua oa,eld creed giveeof acts BIE SEP “tle inane. ta tee 90 saupe be sadootor otherany inequalities. ito fit moldedaay surfaces S014, To Prepare the Puntes Stone
Works l, WoodToo, aeEnameapts a art creting fe ery aud color by of nue loney cla Gralla highly onaanetal Ye cuss
suing le with a coat of clone pollah aR ae ane epeaionyaoxt, i te contor e ufbeo, Heed haces Paras OFthotrecoloraldaaofcosting tho sesfuc for polishing ; and ireparation sales ea val es ee Ig n plai B0if To Prepare the Piling-up ture,
after adding
Uptoe we. Bright Polish. 1 pint spiritaof 8005,” wins Lo? cungos patguin a betxoit und f corked, ounce urn-sandarach, gins hott findrot plaoodfind all in thoa eand-bathor hot wilwatermakuntil& goin dissolved ualifaleantil “clear polish for1 mustTunbridgeware foal, do, bodissolved, than fom timo to tm, and, whom all rained” through ‘lino muskin slave, and otto for ws '3008, " Propared Spisite wolf for Finishing Bolists‘is reparaton ilat i ing tee ang of tho foregoing receipts, tulda'(o thoovecytaste defect, and ofdna as polishes eel as omoving tho etter fd ib givea Takotho 4surfaco a nostretiied tnifant ap spit Peasanco: pint best St wing, 2 draching thellao, and 2 a
ting: Wood,yof to ooh ing Bnael for Golo aa rms whet Shdioy to tho l lias erento inpotaOF teetis amatoda PPPS there SuccessetlofhhoEndswork, ed even, tic nek ude naj Sioeor ry, onwadit Japanne ion,nu forforcachuse yates Sea'jel eorat ilaiof stkcdg; ing ead wlio the conse atlo SSyeti rs ete sanng esa ng iti ee), tho h o pore he atl {tat the ea)the foedih of wie Bodymeaslyuf olor slat thee 0,8 or tity the bottng fe fob foul wai tp which s objet tho wich {Tray ored atding to beTe dakccolwhich Uo Heclor work Spiker ntthat SPetdd ght tate vary ored with or wate, Snilbed ing, darKeal with ap fet" bo Calor to be ged pn of oa theetre number or hl afte tank color wil bo so anay
a reatbs aco ho exereled in th matter, it wil found that lake: particlesdeepof scratches gtitwil beon mised with {2{oawhieh tbe work, causing endlent teoubla ‘heend aaoyaey, besios spotting the work. greatst car {also routed in Keeping tho fle clean and fice tam gut, Many" workmen azo totearlees dow and) when orworking, jnIhe thiofelt matter, thusalloy: for, step-adder tho on upon it,the or grit orto get‘Prepare {ng‘$815.pariles‘Toor Gutrand Down Gown, In cutting. Polishing. forforurea Surface pomiee lamp ste pect FATUSE the.Uke walkfelt parts. take beoff wettereugh to thea Mone eponge; a wilh Should then Oipped in water,andthe. bo eoaked panies, fhuctfirst work pondered othe "wet, moderately i t ’ heeping iy war ubbed pot motion, ‘with & aucieuler Eu subbing Soaigit up sud dosra acros, and with
using only justto wslite,sowedwitehpressure 45thlightwilverytoue, equa the paruige wil clearly fa while the hand is wo tion. 'prupedy, Care audfor patience ara reqnired to do Lpitforee i ute pressur e ofbe thetoo great s tepumic e into the body Coo, and serutoies Te instead of euttingflog findi ietoiafailywork,down, No hurry wil vail Ahurry doingng ie nnsten have i time; ‘only defeats’ the in labor, view, and aften causes nue unnece ssary A ferntel y egused by want of eare and too much haste, ai‘il fal often’ tothrowcat thean ‘work ‘back for ais ar of ve Jug.’ th practie the pinpose fsbest ancwered by using the ‘pumiec'wtaue, tho coarser kind Ate, thn theTevwill medium, and Soiehing with tho fines las. bo found advantageous to Jet'a day elapse betwee n thotbl rubbing, for when the surface is cut down wilbo jal eaves bo rofter uaders eathy end et altowel to stan for a day, the newly exposed fueco gots“te harder, adstoneceonree rw Howe iotier pumice aloud in boorderwellto ‘washed off the wink occasio nally, eo whatmoreprogressis heing made, and Mf I ro. fuize rabhin g orbe wot.found1 hotatert free he nty fubbiag , the surface eufice filled wp,oF Stanay heve ont or mano additions cenats before mech Tabor hn been Spent pot filing ie ‘3016. "To Polish the Filling. When sutlici “rubbed enty downwhenwithit putmieo Htone= that fs to,sny, has been down to-a fine, love, sd tuiforn surface,cut Geo". 3013), the workIt wilRhould stand fore day or tivo to harden. now depen d {iypod agon tha work, as to whether Hem behave spon tei nand orpolished. hutberit wil to ho varnis hed It tho ing bo of tho night calor and of ‘ono ti form tnt itl {i besthavfo bafini ghed intb thistonne tate, cus fac. hich eanuot be got e hasby aayall theothernie means. Fioish in this ata et t Gf{hatguafaco and. evideu of co fish, withou t appear of varnish whic i ta ab: g ance jectiontblo. After i has stood a day or two, {heTake'nwork mistfelt bo.tnd polishe in thisetherway d stone, clean rotten oiler ‘wale; end with thiy rab the worl w iefro, wat tho(12.polish bogina eotioy to appeay; tien take a bess 8 ballot wealponte losed a fino ek), put the rotten stone this antl and Keepeho polish subling unifor with tho andelgeulae ano: tion m w hocar equalellya over. Therod stoueu ien tistno clsied of)i& ‘water, Sebo witha sponge chan ofand.wthWash jour) i f feather and water, faking caro not to srateh Arowcleanbo require damp chamoi or wastsl s must. eather which bo helda erty fa Tho d, {on hat, leaving tho right pevfoet ty Now useupontho thoballpase,of and te right Ran press fontly denw We forwar d Srswat towar yon, CI Us bo done propetiy s e brig choutd ep ltarbo Rope polish eligatly poo thodampwerkb3 ‘Tho baud drawing it across tho Tether almost every fie ha y, adra Alone effetiall ruatig rwa sound nda wil pro-bo {laced wilypolishtho willnunsbo sure iy moon’to fallow,if Ee ‘Thebo tho lish thesboastfprodaeadsol onappear tho Aili tnt sco if tlthe favo ul ances worktoa has tigh to be fnihod with a bntiane tno, ani d of polish, e g proceo r asf n d Tors: 3017, To Finish Wood with a Viant Polish. titer leisy eut down wi tho’ pumice abd fel at diseesed in No 15 ‘hu dling’ hea to bo ; coated Wi Novo mort
‘oats ofquantity the bestof polishing opal varnish, hare jing a suo test tube Hake wits; Anis ehould bo mized with tho varus in sal
igat quastity tho. toworkform amist creamy mite, ‘Sith whieh be eaete—one, iyo,or trea Shoal rat coat ‘odesizable. “this {hs Guest with grourdtue puiee stone asin water addes polished rotten ston, Utero Ferhed "hy bohisobtained, mente aright and endaring ane lish may o f a v e r y ature, tuooll varnished satu processimitation will of eourso ate Ewer for of woads fnd-marbles, and nilof oilworkvarnishes, which will adssit Sf tho application
apanning isp Hodta ofperheton amin SOaEeageprectiol
eeMaal Sien dapmor atlSeEe septne Sad epare Wood for Japan
DICKt ‘andl maybo used on metal work which requites to bo bent somewhat, 8024. “Colored Japan, Por colored works 19 Japanis used, but they aro pai seith ofdidary patiters grount Tinseod oil-or tiepentine, colors, and iived wi faniie varnish; anit the work i¢ dried in t ven in the saino manner as the black japan, ‘To protect tho rotors, and give brllianey end durabilityto the surface, work is. afterwants varnished with copat iheor anime mado without dryers. 2 or 3 coats of varisb, siflloe for ordinary works, and 5 of 6 rarsish est. works ‘that are polished, "Very.for tho vamish is ef eotsae required for light colors,pala Ornamental devices arb on the ob: Jets im tho usual manner,painted ater the genctal color of the ground has been laid on, colors are driedin tho stove, and the work Thois, finally varnished ant as plain colgs but morepolished. earstulyjust the canto j025. Transparent Japan’ Varnish, turpentine, 8 Oil lavender, @ ounces; camphor, 1 ounces; drackin ; copal, Zounees; dissolve, Used for tia,bruised Ge, Quek. ‘ying eopal varnish is usually substituted, 3026, "To Color Japan Varnish. ‘The above Is a transpavest but by the fol lowing mndifeations anyjapan, or al vations colors may bo mada from it. Teof isthoindispen’ sable’ Ghat tho bo ground to an tm Balpablo power colors before wit tho var his aud shoud thea bomising thoroughly ground wilh the varaish, otherwise it i preferable apply the color fest as a paint, and varnish,to fterwatis with tho above transparent japan, reviots to varnishing painted strftce, it should be eut down with a. pulverized: stone, &e,, us directed in No, 01S, pamica9027. Color Japan Blue. Tatigo and PrussianTo blac. both tinely pulveriged, of gach ¥ oasen; spies ot Garp, Mjx well an Strain. “Or wae verditer 1 pat glazed Mit octal,
miei Japan,bn titsRed,appearance Ys x ‘o28," esaTo fineCalor seaio
SSS HS See the Ground to
Sereak Sepa Vanish hours longer, or until a little of tho mass,
CR ie
fn japannet work is mach fnproved by saging ieseith a thin coat of fake, cr even soea ne Ore ‘ako spirits of fet turpentine, 4 pint? add cochineal, jones stand 40 Hours, aud train, Adit to tho transparent varnish (9 |No. 3025) to vse the fancy Color Japan Yellow, King’s3029,yellow, Toturpoth (oabsalphate otbright aterdiry), and Dutch mineral py all form very yellows, aad the 1autr be v e r y cheep ‘Sealab assuiltes with yellow very ‘wells andvaraich when they Yery beg, aa itaprovoment may' arobe requieed effete by tafasing tention iho varus whieh, cover te oun Or: Tako 1 otweo of prilverzed root SFeuroman ant sit of th inte Tpit af to {transparent vamist No. 3029) etl the color pleases you; lot(Geostand a ow hosts, aud tain. ‘3080 To Color Japan Green. _ Dis tiled Taid on a ofround of leat other gold producesverdigns tho brightost all greens; oon may be formed by mixing King’s yet, low and bright Prussian
or tarpetl mineral and Vrussfan bie, or bite, Datel aud Vorligeis. “Mis with varaich, (Seo pine Nos, 3025 ond 12 ‘8081. To Color Japan Mix a lites red with yellow until theOrange.desired color fs obtained; and add to transparent japan, No, 3085.) (See8082. ‘To Color Japan White, White ound aro obtained with «greater didivulty any other. Ono of the best ig prepared Than by grinding up, flock-white, or abve-white, wilh bof its weight of starch, and deying it it is then toxperod, like the other colors,
sing uses; End 3088. dhattho oftaoTomastichbestColorvarnish copaJapan fefor teeonon dst Pink, Mix
880 do too much at a time—and trace the outline
DICK'S this varnish dries very quickly, it should not ‘bo inado until it is wanted for use.
nnffcient red (Seo No. 2025) with transparent ‘varnich (see No. 9025) to giv the desired tint of 084, pink, To Color Japan Purple. Mis
Le WETS. Lacquers areused upon ‘polished motels and Two to hapart he face, Let it got quit red au bice togettier, and add to tao Varnish. swith a emall eax sppenete of el hey ato wate of ferout depths and shades of coor, it is best (See3085. No, 8025,‘To Color Japan Violet, A srater, as to mako it perfect Tovel,’ Cato must bo taken inthis process, to oop a concentrated soltion ofeach elo. violet japan tay bo. obigined by, mixing comprsition is not too thin, ar it will, {he ingcediene ready, eo that 10 may at on LUset the beyont ale eo No. td), bud whi (oe N o spread the hounds of the oatlin at, prodacostandany Gibdeste added tosloya {Gino to showld Bog).8030..'To with tratsparent japan (see No. 802 jist co thick as to dropfrom tho tick, |S quite is it Lacquer Color Japan Brows, For ‘with the whiting 4 portion of flake-white, ‘ihe befor eis brovwn Japanned works, the clear japan alone for dry white-leal, ‘This 3s an improvement, Worl. t> Hho1¢ Brassaccording "Toolf, Tacquer "3048, Jeeta he pron, onan ed wath and for very particular work should bo rst i elean is work tuo tho to fora dried the reqniredtho tiore, n, endfn the hereaierto. bogiven;fred tntfeomif ness,ast, iilan ‘work japan in eterivards the dap,43, To Japan Work-Boxes and Girections ferely roqsire
black japan, ‘To Japan Old withTea-Trays, First clean t h e m thorotighly goap aad water ena stoma; then ry hen by wiping axl exposaco nt tho fire Nov gat bronze como goellpower, copal andvarnich, mixwithwitha rome apply Trash to thoin dentded parts, after ofwhich sot tho teateay an oven, ab Beat 2129°t0 500s, ntl it thoequalvaroisk wil ina to new.ia dry. "Pwo. coata
very pretty ss a cabinet, Tiereboxes, “Articles. Fancy ‘netholt of omamenting oy foonda thot tho tefigures appear of tho color ofthe ra bygkfrst otracing re out ths ‘many, is produced pacts iground, n. those cer then pricking ‘and appear patter, hich stall as the Mack orproets, any clonand abeventan.when iisfsibed a ivery {otious {ho gredtart ent, wil pattor. not appearTho regular or wweilGefined inthe following Imothed will inoho found very expeditions and BE tho eae voy corer Is but ile ndia Japanning. t» own, and,be thoas such, willacceptable. (9 tho practical Pecsladly i tie apaniéc more Te that may Ines motto insant or rang Mio opt to msn be parats the tgurey don surice ergrowea, allied andto.” mayTho bo following preparation the atethe hore Sr broateiho sino ot ne severtnd desenss isnecossary, teed the toppingthe foul mistusé; iy is made uy dssalving. thse white bees! wax fn splits of turpentine Ulli aistare of tho inva consistency of varmish. Kee ioeee amt i this bottle, andy when wanted Fire, mie white shins foin oupowdls,pret.or dak pose with lead hits, tothgiroie wildea flow bodys uot’ thooo brush. thi ‘nly so Evely from Wavingwhichtraced”aro Lothe remafi design,of gothe color over ofUosethe este rea chalga parts Wood, and ois let iv atdry;may then mix tvory-Dlack (ees be regan fe very ino panies ite pacolanant ‘or isinglass size, and thoZo evetly andTt stmoothly over evetywhollypart oflack, works will uove appear of i!" of whateverhe color thay was mized Titi hoo fat thoonghly wk a rabbesttho dpe planthe Seana py, Srles of turpentine, whos o f ork well, aawith those parts that. havemista, been ono. over the moppiag-oub Ca renap caer ear) ‘hlfuck.om Teoff, teasing theappearWack asif or ther eat w i l then tho work Dae genearly peekeddoue,ii, Duehavo much sharpen,effetand wll, a beaut Fou have now nothiog moreaud.todopollthan ierar.as fish tho work, aa wacal, ‘ireoted ia Nos of2079,Taiani. japan, To Bakshgira thofe work fh tho manner 8 or varnish, so that it Will bear pol 10 coats of faking. 3044. Sealing-Wax Varnish,
For e eh eas chee tagas oie erm pitty po lie es nee aie coca ieee Saat alee jottla oceasionally till it is all dissolved. A.
ange AIM
eae Uae ae 25 (como pits tho waits of eggs) of a some tg cee ot EP) oe
pe, The fiacse yortalion, seal ‘olors not. owen quite as well; white seal: fng-wax ie very ptto elot when devine, As
,workto inako piseo of wash-leatitr wich aya posible, ubbelbright on a the Put fas store), the of top the upon (or plato jon hhot too hot Duethen,not secording heated, tunderatey Uilitis teqaet; tho blister will frit the followin tho color anddesired,makingtake. i ofwarm, {oPreparations, lay hold over, pine apace ih wore Pe bel the Iaeqnes applyOat etroke fad ich asoftbrosh bres tho m o t rub snd placo the work on tho otto Sarfal way, o n o ally bark; bub 35 Bixpevienes il thotopvaroish again long. romain ie fer dipfellot dotplato bethe removed, fe should tll youdo when bestindeed oF store on tt placo not Soae, boquite uot should [fv tine. asecoud plate a3,Tookif it carefully; youtakenmaywithrepeat Eoveredy ill it laequer, tho bo putas Equal13047.to movalTo eat. for BrasstyeWork Old Clean wood: of strong a Mako , Lacqucring by soap. be sxongtiened shiekinthemaybranscwork, auhes lacquer tho and put fees, mix: @ ready havo tuen of como sGon ‘will eucenly water, asd agate of Tito Washi itwithaterwardy eof andthe dist; to water rong of euch Iaojur Feelin most e b muy as compositions following ike to tao won, Sleable Lacquer¥ pityfor ‘To MakeepicGold,of wines ‘3048, Recto Benap.” clean, andthe ed depen picktbat, of eetlac, Ihir } pond up (as poets bea ‘lear withplace,tho etspatsshakoof thothemlanqeer) af eauty. warm n'a keep ‘Wino; When the seed lac is qaito repeatedly Them , Herne, Hae Gigs, clea intoa Put Lacquer. Gold 040." turmeric,pom1¢ ground. ta, 1 pound gallonpowered toate one's 38 gamboge, ‘ounces and 2 shee, acitated, h, {pond gutaandarac fered boing After wine, of spits llons and eens, ald Tpit ot tarp {sotved tino varnish, ell ‘3050, Keys,'Gold.Ete.Colored Seed-lar Watch 2 ounces; g, ouneed;wool eamibo @sandal Arey, d26s i wate,oriental24 grains; Pred blood, 6? grains; saffron, alco onnees;amber,puro gam pounded ass aing; rffou's soed-ac, Pho pontded 's ood mane bomasble, bogsy_td. dragonporpicsy and clean or weep finewihon tbo poutdad glas . Oror this ised by it formedof sandal the tivetitre posed is Jnizture extract the at Tesisrood infothetalon Metal ar varbish for 4covered hours, this with toe are aleobol that Ules are ofa KindTho to tntadmitof theyfa packets. ang reOt ityheated, are lmmnersed iy aay ofdexreo may bo thovaced. Theaedvarnish tho eoreproportion aetig hy to ener, ori See3081.antin Ine Lacquer. Gold Deep 1 ounce; dragon'sSeedblood, turmone, cunees; funco}, alll, i pint. Digest for & wesk,
feaquontly gold ealoed shaking, deeant and Alter, Deep 2052." t alcotiol, Dark Gold Colored Lacquer, ‘Stronges 4 oineoss muott,red Bsutnders grains; powdered turmerio, Spanish drachms, and(see adVo. shella, 058), Taegu palo tinaadInfoso the grains. as Uo 12dissblvod ‘te, 30 drops of wpists of fand'when {erpeutin e "dota tacquer, Gros trmere, 1 $085, ound34 ; pounds; gambogo,ehellaog 14 ounces; gunn pow. all in cand: pound; franh ‘Dis 2 gallons, spirit ‘afaof wan, rooted fer; Yarpoatisa varity 1 train, and folve, inte 2 3054. Brass Lacquer, Take 8 ounces snellag,2 sandarach 2 ounces annoto,of 1 gallon blood ,esis, ounéo,dzaounces ESpintsof pon's wine. Tho article t0 Uo lacquered hould bo hesied slightly, and. tho Inequet fyplgg5." by meg of Brass0% eet enh Palo Lacquer, Tako 3 gollons spirits of wine, 2 oumees apo aloes Sit enall, 1 pound fine pate shellae, 1 onnee fambogo’ cut small.» Digest Eke Poni dept eat ifor’ a week, 3056." a ihetuerLacquer frfor Bronzed Dipped Wont Inoneet dip nk say bo mado tus: Aah, 12 gallons; eeugalIns, 9 pounds; turmers, 1 pound to the Ion onmees. ‘The. sedon ayit boSpanish omittedfattion, tthe 4 Tnoquer i to bo very 3057, Lacquer for Tin Plato, Dost alcoh 82 ounces; ol, ay blood, cru dragon's, 4 deschmis; seruplos;turmerio faffon, ples; fet ‘seuider 1 serployselae, 1 Sunde; sandatach, 2 draching; gut Iestich, gum"2" drachme; balsa’"2 Greets; when dissolved,‘Canada. add spirits of tur. drops 60 Dentin , 3058, Palo Tin Lacquer. stiongost alcohol,” 4" otmoos; powdered tarmerie 2 racks; hay" saflouy 1 seruplo; dragon's ood ia’ power, red thesendin eruple.. Infuse this. straples; mixtaze in cold 48rest;Hous, pour off tbo clear, and strain tho then’ add ‘powdered sheliac, ¥ ounce; fandarech, 1 deachm;,"mastily i arachmn! Geoa itn drach Diol Thiet the c o l d by eid Mequont. agitation , laying’stitacethe bottle'on ita t present n prener {a tho alcohol. “When aissolved, add 40 drops spits of tixpoatine, of 8059, “Iron Lacquer,g, Tako 12 parts amber, 12 parts turpentin 2 parts resin, @ paris asphaltam s, © parts diving. "Oe" 8 pounds asphalt, ¥ pound shellag,oi, 1 gallon Enrpontin 8060. e "Red Tacquer. ‘Tako 2 gallons pints ot ‘wine, T pound dragon's blood, 3 Pounds Spanish eonotto, 44 poumds gum son arac,Spi brass acter ntstarpenting. Madopeloas 8061, Lacquer. Spanish snnotto, 3tauldarach pounds; Reddragon's blood, pounds, gust Sf , pounds; rectified “apni, 2 ga {ous; trpentix varnish, o Lquate, Dissolve un amlz'as tho lat 3002, "Lacquer for Philosophical Instrument 14 ounces; gam san. aroeh, 4 s,ouneos;Gamboge, gm sem, 4 ounces, best dragon's blood, 2 ounces; terra merits, 1} ounces; orienta calfron, 4 grins; seed lac ounces; panned glass, 6 cuces: puro a ‘cohol, forty ounces, "Tho dragon's blood, gum Slomi, and gansboge, aro all pouaed fandfoizsee-la ed with tho glass." Over ebem is poured the tincture obtained by infusiig. tho adron aut terre meta. in the alcohol for 24 hours, ‘This tincture, before being” bo poured strainan eto, ahold the dragon's over blond cloth,blood Hnen & pleco ofIf" clean through equessed, edstrongly dragon's. fives too gh colos, thothe. quantity may bo
i la Waal tt
2B60d, ledo aeBake ncuneLaurry of eae Various Sern as ha Beale oe aeeng eS sre Ne ae ie ee eae Eiaey eet, cou Seid ae, eae SreGaree OS de a, Aes ioSet a om ah a aedce neby alae e mni penm wee ee ii ee 30ds Grva Dahpleandtre aste tuations Bleck capttt rs, Bleck ra pt re te Pinca teages corw i e lh Hane M a setS er
‘When tho bottom of the pot has been heated
ot ee clea al se ps secede ost Non ge ces e teet geil ites atim tile Liquid pattorn, and then seithasevs aad
pe ceniie Een ea S1G2 lt spatter nookblader sce Hy is ue epee bhcrbe poms aha aee ae Seu a iene ee ates Brown Color for Marbling or Bprinkling Books. “Topsond cps git; amnotto, I-part; boilin water, 6 parts, Ugst, ‘add piece of copperas sbout tho ‘spon, OF: Umalies, aay yuan
setaeas ag eySe a sate fe ad's Dilute web wathwith ocalegall al seal ts tat
‘Goldwort} Sprinkle forpureBooks. Pet lo ounee Rousy and Took of gold feat; f a b chen well together alll 4 pint of When leur rates, theyfaro al mix verythom fine,welladdtogether, Theil thewalorhonoyclears,inal pourextracted, io, aland putin more, nothing re Iain but the gold. Afix 1 ’ grain ‘corso ‘nlimate indissolved; a fenspoouful spirits ottogather wine, a bon tae ‘and when put the same, Teg a ita isleattaet frit clone lita irate gum water,heto lg the gold,of thoand book hoe Ho clara ta gt zy bo sprinkled or colored very dar, with free bl, i or salporpte,of Langand. spots sly verywith restoo soe penn h e e ether , ih id fge, pelsaiaieeea ararte aa fer, shaking the botile befor using. Buraish ope ia theyaperedgesto when dey, and cover them with aaa, prevent the dust falling thercon. W8Reiprakio will have.a mort besutfl opfe ara on eat wor Toy may se ethod of Marbling Pr ornamentivg theit Taney work, by patio Books performedbraneoy on , tothisolgesis Wilko with burnishing 8 pen or itcamels hair brush, and laying We Coon ‘when dey witha dog's tooth wreaOfimeaaflows wooden rough asdeggua Covers, s of evse 3107, Wash "Marble.the cover for andLeather Bookwong plat i t , takes $ihehos deop inches wide, aad t omy o Sponge charged with water having the Vooktho ofa saperso erey Dl th rags of op jal Doeween wast, aud drop the watet from fer pik hickcay acu ofty lnseed tadseeate ‘pongo onverythe’ Guodifferent partsVinegarof black, the cover; Brie clega feeged. Sprinkle with ten Srith brown, aud lastly w i t h vitriol. water. Talo tho tinue and et f pol thon wd e Gna SabPorany of tho lle loss Observe to sprinkleant on thowascolorsthi immediately gpafue, mle ine ere, caver over Prasi Ue or indigo. an { W i G h melean sponge and water, ‘Rod soe:pink, vermiliooF drop lake, S108. edgyChinese "Edgetga forblto adBooks, Yale, King’ yellow, yellown,ochre, de. olor wath igh dy ine dakeen it. then tako a sponge charged with vermiioa, ‘Bloc oryantesor baatburglampbla ck. yandye fodSkrowdahon onvlevand spots acconling to faney; next Brook, une, finish the edge withdiferent dark Tiguid browoy Warn Gennes black mared blue. tinnay "olor tight. blue “on” ‘eh Jal and els lo make brown, Darts ofthe edge with s sponge; do the same
where there are andvacancies with yellow and Broall redy dry dab on w hittle vermilion Inepots; then throwe onblue,”rie, Borah and finish with dark of sprinkle Bilt 3103," Wax.&c,” Marblo for” Leather ustof thebe marbling This Booke-Covers, done on the fore ego, before the back when in round, or becomes Sool f ronnied, boards, ad Hiished on the head ‘and footi, ‘Take Bees srax and aissolvoit over th fize fi earthen vesteltako quills stepped.ip theof ‘het feathers and io them together auilltops wax, andtake'a spot sponge tho edge,ekarged with {hygo ad installthe spots; Zed, offand thostnearwax,overand theit oF dash’ grees, Twili Bue, done, whet Gigos wacfal for bet masbled.” Selb Rationery work, orf‘Thisfling‘willandbo quartos. S110, Yellow EgyptianBoil Marble for queretron Hook-Govers Leather Dank with water aad'a Lilo powdered alum, over # slow fre, until s-8 good atrang yelYow.” our ti largo liquid into “athe broad vesel, suiciently to contain cover whexthe ‘xtended,” Beloro tho liquid i coo} take tyreover, and Lightly lay the thatthe grain sidewholoSia-on nay theTe presse dlory sive the irom liguidy dinlet tease. ieseak ‘somo time, inure and fen take ‘Pho book bo drycoveredin te Gre. usvatmanner, andbodkypermitted tofry, ftom tho Gla the when place it belwéen the wands; take spotge aud water and pres largo spots therehywith itouch ip a quil-top iutoon thethe vineper black, the water cover in ifr: ut‘auaged’ parts, which il have a fie effest when w i t h care. eet standa few mis. {toy then’ take off the water "pone ‘311i, Book-Covers. Green EgyptianColorMarble for Leather the cover {n'a lnegosquidvessel, as whenmentioned. before, with Scott's blue; dane, put it into Yonsel of lear waterwater,for anthenhous.eover‘Takeit ont 4nd press out the the book isi? theandcover, when dry, placewaterit between Srands, op weak pola fromthe Sponge thezeouy dip tte quill-top into Sitoug Ulaeh,Ne and touch tl thoyomwaterhavewith it ‘This faust Tepested a good Diack. When dry, clear t with a sponge and ater. ‘S1i2. Booke-Covers, Red Egyptianvil Marble for Leather Beyal dustin Tain-water on a slow fire, with a solution litle pow:of of drops faw a and alumn dered. opti gea coli puaed. ip you a cn oSteeraia f calf feather iuto the liga and. theffs color wanted.to ono balf Tf tooef tHight, tot ‘nol til reduced h e quan titys take ft ealation from thoof tinyGre, andadd.poura feyit atemore {rope of tho {ange vessel, Pat the dry Gover Ou th liquid, anthen orpressit outremaintho water, for a quaner of(over an Sour, Color wit Seponge and dhe guereitron barf water, andbe Gover t h e buok. Clair the c o v e y ) place it taveenpotash wads, dash and, on, watcr “ith a. ibrash, so water; fav, Gish with ihoOberve strong thatvinegae Mack, withthe. qull-top. tonth much Ulasto is show not potthe ontred the intention of marble ss transparently S1id. Green’‘Thepossible, Marble for be Leather marbledthe mu." edge Booke-Covers, iho good bright geeen only. When Color prepared vith thoof eweat ox-gall,oil andmustreadyDO forleeuse,fe ope a fow fhedrops ole how onperfectly wt 8 ‘rush, i Tange spots e i the gum is covered, Thespof,ot sodwll have make a. gout light cect ego found cach Bu green,ikeontmanner. brawn maybe alto used may rep: arateifin Sheets of paper io dot, having a trough Inngo enough, and
the sheet damped at or pnting, Deore toarbling, Splits of tarpentine may. makebo Sprikled. on tho color which will shite apots.Binders! Thread Marble. Yel S114. lowe tho edgu;he When dry, ext wilpieces of die thick Shrelorr edge, wich fa on tent parte irogulaely give ia ine dark spin. ‘de and shake off tho vend. his pr a nest marbled appearance
afarble, corerfor witsTeather 3115,Govera:Rice Galore apes a Book 2Peine and tamer, then pace on Hein Sguae muanaerywaterteoicon a rerycoverde iy spinle SEeopperss Ul the easly HASTE tena il ir the ce Thay bs potted ath trea aid op water, very freely, betoro tho ries is Om boa "Orange Color for Marbling or BIG. Bprinkling Bock,d pate,‘Goounalam” iealsual woe, 16 pels aia Parmarabie on rey watey 79 2 pun Tol, strain, and bottle. Blin s”ree A Macble, fortho Leather BookeGovers itarte in orm ef Tass anny bo dos by bending the Doors Tip tho cents, tinghavingthe thesamocovermethodpre foFoytho oacommon matble prepared, 20 oolet ¢ esodls Sey TevabeF on digorent pars of Ho Doan ‘high wl fons knots Black for RookSiig, Vinogar” indore. Stg foe itwo orvthres ay eydye, fathen o d ehiogar PSoin of theTo'Sprinkl iquo, o Books. Take « Gli. suit brian inndo'9ftho hops ites, perfeclyWe oan, tipi color, squceteout Suporte figaidyddsaon finerabnruilafldinetiog solo ihe bry wl fallbe Sotho ogo a’ tie bor, wick shoud rowet ghtmil hecleeang ora rovioneyan pins, peas Ho operation eal om Sven pate of tho leaves. Tee ‘Shush should bo held in tho lefe hand, 2nd the Sick‘3120,ine Chinese rsh Marble for, Leather of the book th cover satochesul Color depute Bogle Covers.md wien settnotay iiee pep anhand waver tho bead pest tat; me Bhitag of « Mia contend ad Throw Seon,sel,yr which spots ormustsen, some fatgo and somo rem Pot ot moras tholacgecoverspotswithot quid lgaid on throw Innly eel Re, wading belore orf bo ust 1 eoloes Tho el” Sing wineOfingo Sprinkle for Books. ‘BLS, Gales thoput elgeron nitthenRae's yalewitile wasel ti Sak spen vetmion TibadS128.nie “Yurple. eave enter for BookSprinkle pow: porta; dpa Taphooa indore, pres a wards ook port; ° 2 sam, feed reanckl to 16(G80),portsodandmisboulewithfr Hol ngaOr! Brant'das oerPotash water‘Soupfor wo.Macble for Books, hic “S120, syapntole hr malig tony, ook Sori, "Grind, on. al marble or slab, Prassiah soup beto Sadat mata wi Bite sm e T tat consatonc, a l p bo Thrownon with osimall brish, Grind King’s Yellow in the tame msnnot, wilh water ahd Fat’ poope ‘When reo Jp seater Be erounl cote, grad rth brows soup, aa “Sings olla wit wha eau Take ny bo teed fora esd color, end ‘Pewssan TiS round sethcolon,Saitoual spRake-riite. brown groosd usher Briepound of a ight le swig vite Manos my gaps be Found“anyforcolormarbling.
ie Se
Ta B
Photography is ec emer ne ae
pol Gas bho att light, begin to darken, and fin: allyrasiame. an
‘by tho” eminent G Rocksrood, of
Tis no sake a Photograph Wieh-
drawings, leaves, or anything of a transparent
font. caphy. Saxesaxe, for anPhoto; ‘tho3180. best isPapier the papier article made expressly for photography, ‘and maybe ob: tained fromTe is sald ay dealer in photographie ma22 terials. ia ahect® above 19 by Inchox The smooth sido can be eas fd, and upon that side tho peat should be
mode, Cut the paper into the sizes most convenient for the stylo of picturo desired, ‘and pzepaze the salting solution as follows S131, Salting Solution for Photoggephic Paper, Aix tether puro water, fS ownces; “chioride. of ammonium or of soaitts, 160 gains. ‘Take enongh of this to over a shallow dish of porcelain to the depth fot } inch or more, aud. then immerso. the apes, ono shoat at time, When a half joren aro in, tur them all over, and take
fem ot ono Vy one, tha ote. ia which ey_wero inmersed, and hang them separately to dry. e 2 192.” Albumeniz Paper for Phoed tography. Allumenized paper, etch os 13 BOGE porate 3h the elie IWealways readybinaryprepare for slveng. Te ach to Bueee and sharpest im te rexel, ‘aad will w bo alopted;, s t a l y actntioellets will bo produced but by thethe waemartof
THEE aye Slatin to Benue
ST a gee te eS aetna
BASRA Hock'S “minutest “albumenized, 3
prin cloto Goss ia which ts a small dich puotrare much moro uniform when teatod
Be A
as Oback,
leaf ag it,trantuoen fon thoond.glassthenw above in place,& Lo bokcachst corner ang, aad gutter poco of gsm,
Nowto elotherleat pin. ion 20 epring ai,xposof thegeomuplaten up, sido d, arrauige begin st once wil fhe{o darken, din "Thofom popes except s, mioute 10 Uo 5 ‘miler tho Teal, bo entirely black. "IP the with llall ts leat, te of iinsgo the d Foparste ties Beat ol thsery (Gitte bi the yto wputith Dies the idpaper, bo white upon fond under well Teswou Grounds of asasure padpaper,of few thickIt ness o cotton papera velvet. Sstiv erves Grbac th papesties upof itothe ani tealwithto presk n,contact ahio neqmai Yo Selose or Hea eae ole arama eam, e itho wlprogreeuable moderateto examin abamenter Shaved s of {io experi the print, is the work. andexposedascertato inthe when welion of Ue light. sullidiently ‘The exponure showld eoutinue
sil tho image
afs suc aor processes han Satned whe andib tho after of toning Axi eauce or biensh the pictures very eonslderae ip the pre ac keno the ane, pit them atvayin tho dar . agen, wnt read if tho toning batt. Ber 3180, forbo Prepare aTe. Picture ‘Lo ising. now will and Toning’ pictare, in det isthe pesmandat, to tonebo andlrendered htoceseafy Tho thoprocessimage sot tho printand inathusdishwashof frat ater fora1s to fewak minutes, lear Feaining eoak of silverA Halt fee ofnitiate Gffie tho houes paper.changes the {wo surface onthie o orto that 123 Feadyof forthethowater, with ing, ton edocs wil ing ath. Bath. Toningconan $137, of TogotdPrepare fy sold ia a inbottles Chloaite of 90. drachins grains,add aDissolve. and acid,bottles dropstockof thia hyérachlors watts, iain & another aaa solution.olution preservethis it gold Make rank soda, solation washing Totilo as'aa eaterated iebavoas anch? olation;tle Taare stock Whoa also pristaaro readybeenfor sviution, Soda el directed, ay before washed mix olution of the gold¢9 formula, Lerche Toning, Pounce aceoring of water tvth fa a salreds piecoex-of tray, andlit drop into a pages; Pour wl becom itmas tive adding from the soda der the bath alkaline by atl begins the paperto prepare drop, Teis deopbigo byagain.” Sclotion, better tochonge thoto daring. as thotho day,bath whilo bath done, thy tonagi being seems printing acdsoon uniformity. smouthbess withbo more Ronk a8 misee, 6 however used, Temay a Picture. ‘The puntin 8198, “To Tone comers Atandfirstiemersed by bo bath. takenor toning {gnaw abo print the gold warm a Garm and Dleae, to bogin well wich soon ehapges {ato a beautifalral olor, ene, eno byin gen Put in theor prists fearih black. constentiy Feping themwhoaseparated tho changes alreadyge spoken tisGt thetion, Whenremovea deepthempurplo woloceur, ta basinwarmof is obtained, HClean at eater, toned, wnt al inarafixing ninco forshemsmanersion andfendy hve they sehen rondo thon pemanet Nag fg To Prepare a fixing Bath, of sola, hyposulpie ounces © water, ‘Tako Tounee, his sulution Cissolves from faral of tho chloro ser that has the a ia sot doos It ligt the by pon acted foun jure the pictaro or image, Tho ssw te {or teaving tho priatprintf sathlsheld bath is transmit about 13 t i e s . I f the s p to Toa light betore ies placed sn this solation, St what opaquopartsand ofclowdyin appearbo the.quito clear ‘wilt Should the pietuze ‘After thotin pent ‘Is ange oon in. tho.and bath thopent prone the wil tho favs a noveclear,bo transiteene effet. ‘The print should washed in 2 oF 3 . waters anIn {oft to soak fs adish of water a l night. the morning it ean be bingeof ekeup esperientto ay, and taste othe mounted, tien eray suggest, If tho coming savingfromof Hinthoo dsGingam Shject, tho print, alter totiy ean a common bo sinsed clothenwringes in water” aad. passed Ehrowgh Ateater, few timos, each timo being dipped in clean Shen tho pest wilproperly bo foundAxel,to boa pesfetty washed. When already oseribed, they ace 9 bo washed! and finally fnounted ou ctrl or bristol board. ho best posto for this prpoto is common lawadry Rare 3140. aPrecautions to be Observed in making. Bicture. "When deectonn a0 en to propaceand keep otthocourse, sensitive.Do under paper shoul ie coum, d a s k Ee flood that saytigiht only fs to bo excluded;
A. windowly harm. complete do no paper lightwienwillyellow gasor coveredlight Eisely andl ce dooF no‘ebemieal ‘nll_aetla of tly” filters ower, thoaad consequen will soft. of tho fing her. dcop a not tbat ytionp cafelul gets into tho gol or toniug bath. ARer tako. thecoegreatest of fixing, the thatnal process Jako do aginaf soda.” Hh pnts tate Solax the byposulpbite withpnsbl feontact e 1 place.”pao, Sobut keep Pot vinisharsfal out ts from it, Ta all of treo coolingly togers dishes and allt tho most perfect, tions,thoobsezvo tho manipnlaHandle ‘ofoatnoss, tipsionof pesntswithwiththe deliberat always and fingers, Your care Ie tho silver solution groves weak byBnd asoa miealy look to tho prints iodieates Tada few nitrate af silver. it by uso it toms grains a darkof wine sation sevcolos,theontandthe not whiioeforwhenaay deyoF two is mniek paper ei Infear Biter foro using again. Tho soda clear. than 2 not be aroHeedanlySnoreoccasion showld prints (stig)thee.bath Whero Sr3 exch bo ipado nth shoud a fresh bath Sly mado, fine of printing, Tho oll (Qoniog) srorks quicker when warnted Uo aboat oad Hens” Pons al tn tone bom 2106 Iitnites. Prints oi plaiaizel,payer will tou Quicker than allxonos "IEahn prints aze edos ther on sil nderton present a w bron ppearaie if toned luo ch, cold steal ce will'soon indieate olor, A bittlo experien the precise asunt of toning required ‘S141. ‘To Remove conseque Nitratenceof ofSilver prac: inovltable Ai ‘Stains, ticitg this process vill ho rains on tho Das find clothing’ from’ the nitrate of ever. Miston tho Spots with tinetsre of ofiodine, and hypostlsolution a ‘saturated ‘with ‘hea a actas of potaseaa Thite of soda.GergelyCyanide. dangerow ty ie ut Muro tted rocomnenaphic tuicony ansThenol Photogr Negativstaro Wo avo phe atesGeo photogea "Inprinmnimbor Cliché. or 3142." ot tho fel ebae ples upon {a fethatpeter was based tees: light ikdecompos ions eunabinat sige ats of silveryesthstcestaissa proportio n oF Urcho it 0Xto ecteuttho thatnctionsuetof Hit,sensitiveso 8strfaco fhe depth thoof posed tv or intensity of the hoage,tho eon, Hostal tt Toot esol Nowa péspavl epaper Formbo any paper, f o pleco or oldbisel Ryn would tfe sithowe d sshlane ie figusean illustration and place Tt upon the etniliae image oF efm eu Silvered paper, the procise fosad in the paper wouldthe. ponpaperremors whito : rewaiging Upon thethe ‘paper; the whileback, leat ot light=. tenreny” igreto the thier have Uirued espogel fa given tsA eceneo or bascliché. figure ‘Negatiee of thiy Papa! phie Photogra the easeauDy wpon e produced Sanimag Meative old tho of form (at aaiypeoved 2fiGitnera from theeby 11a nano derives obseusa) negativ ue reversed fs image the thae Het ted light Cloaking. through tt), tho transmit dark itpartsaro and to thoprodues dark, sed Hfgats appearing cheméeafs ‘ho Tight, combinations of the salts of silver, bat AES of fight,By thatexaction neously {io so sensitive toedtbe instanta titey aro ‘thedecompos formula wil follow a desenpposte,of tbo process How aphic a Photogr Make illtminat ‘3143.e, "ToIna roun by 8 ol only Negativ daylight such by or light, candle or as Thole power through of its chemical fs is Altered 4 hag atoNo. fete trot of pel gles 8149.)th flowed {ally covered, evesly(Seo been platowithhasbutcollodion. theIs quickly When to ly returned dalverate exeousbottle, and tho plato and slowly1 gentlythe collodion fie Sayed fecun side to Ado mal
sotWhen or when placed the grca tackytoadsth wile toch. on» dpe, Seadgy snngunos moten. famered ote Hon tido'uparl an thu'slver Bat, Casodee ‘Norby AE the pause stopped Sis ead lois tee.oe vata cheekminutehee depend wl sheerog ross "In'3 to Se ee pes te planim thooasllo! Weta othe words, thoshaychemicals lon ha thoualtedwith tho hitesta of slrit forming sonst saree or coatings Mitcodid eaicentty the surface i sepeae greasy; in this easo the plate must beretumed {She tai taeine iabeng in nearfone peti acetate Rig eae,tp foal ihat the operon tas aajonat nora tho egsbjee iso to bo dane:puotopeaped By fare ois tgIotoonspon ied in tad g a h or oa pad acts tig roan’acefalnod gags ofwhichthe mera, nlerenta poli ses ho neo uponupon tho tho groundpound asegsr AllAl Being bo Hage For‘Maen tls gendava pido,prownlThislag!ts joesbag trrot and. rmovetr thoorcover hater tei gubeutted nitenow phase. ‘Rial the holder is wh:the drwen and tho wnave plata exponed fo ‘ction af tho imago of ight thrown upon iby oxpont Of 16 tp 00 saeAloe sn ate thoSa tons.decaf ponbe ascertained cho intenDy onty conn the gat oft a he foroldede te ido toWs iherplaed Skpovietn SeR"he p l a t o taken dane toon aa‘S14.tn a "to Dovelop axvegative, Ti intceud, doug Riding by rmoving Ge pine banana hom th Weldpe the platen Sion owing’No. it191). wh Fthot property devoleping.ee saeoe (See ti.” prac ho ot ago tosis eeyearorien When arabery, tae GaPpose deus Lave Toes cidinn co wasted auloe thoanatssetae Fa B oreaguly cider carer ee len water dt te manga ont Aalosly e g ad porous eis seers Be adog iheofthepatedimTf notactl tho isingpenbateby andthe UiaDponaa Heke divoived ameps sero isring foo. eck tage Ma no Mian canoe Ssre e ee ed ire ek and ae eeei mut waemed ished a Negative. ‘The 145. (seeTo Varnish varnish No.8) is owe om (See.and Nooff precisely as with the ‘ollodion, BLss,) “Te"showld’ be again elighily: oFwarmed totng prevent tho varuish {rom chilling bloom. When dry, whieh will be in5 €0 do-10 hlouees, the nepative is ready for nse as feribed inof theXow, feat. 315, "ShoWld £6, axingtho theimagenegative Sostend haveof teridonce of fll exposize bythe existeuce fl the proper dstal and Yet want Vigor or Intensity, maybe imparted, before a ishing, bydhisre-development 3148,iv doneToby Re-develop a Negative. ‘This pouring upom the plate aboutto Tonnes of tho’ pyrogalle acid elution. ‘which has been aed 5 or 6 drops of the sl Yorsolution designated for that purpose, (See Note) es 8147,” Glass for Photography. For laudseape photo:
portritize quai of pore of wig. fgapiy, tho audest ordinary fow gloss wil suiiee, ‘hero is an article gold by asGenie:photographic "in ghotagrephic materiale glass or negative Known ito eu and parpase the for selbotod ‘whichis sizes Used inthe ar, Viz, stereo. the segalar copie, “quarter” size, “halt” size, "four. ud inches.names later being 61X34 their Tock "bo, iethe ractoal {eos For microseoplo audparts sientihc uggest. periments, plato glass would. be. preferable,ox
A quality known 9gtho “three quarterof ordinary white” plate, and only of thickness Engl forthick window glass, hag"Whea altoits requproSites exact photography. posed fo print ofphotographs ponplateglass, forfs Togiclonter transparencie gs as s, abaolitely essential fone grain and yncrease the bromide ono grain ‘8148, To Prepare Glass for Photo measur e7s, Iv Cowmmnerna ein Txcampin graphy. Ailnew gas should be placed fo fo and alesiol, of Sew ininutes in'a song solwion of com coat the requiredcovton quantity and much of the betting Head the gan and lastly the alts as distolvo in sleobol, thoroughly ds ther. Shake woel all overavo! night Set e folved, nd put aslo the owe orto continue into decant clear, When Such wf the excitants as de tering ‘ovo pplates a er than an emstour would bo feat Likely'to ule schenéver Use fresh eggs and a newly made solution coutingnde, plats, Tho Blau‘3149. mrepar il ke Collodion forUy whieh Photography. Collin ithe vehicle the. setten pote: zaphie etemivals are ited upon the Gf the wlase and tho esitiva conting pre fiuced, “IIs propston made by" dissolving in equalether eal gual of pin lSrith ind alcool gs cottonoe pyrong ino togeth certainde,altsi ofproportions potasciam,naunedcadimiai, smmoniem, in thdfr formule. 'Moyformtio are pablisued {his article to which reat alu is ataebed ome supposing that to its peculiar compo of fon belo Ihe principal eases of fluse success. “Phis it onlyin a degree trae. Toe Testor or eaxleselypeepared chemicals sed i fay sg of te prbees pt rele ‘walter gs fedof ealadion a3 generalthe inci in oftho reparation proportion rain of the to excl eatsgrains(inof euch ounim thoof follodis), wrery 10 silver That hv tustnto: TF tho silver bath eae tio is toa2 eacl 509, ousoe or, moreof water, dedutely,re would 6D grainmakeof Fiver thof collodion alot,5 rains toof eosintho Yavtous in eh ellaon0 udm, arsmonicm, bor or boanother way nsof Dateing fi tho hath sould ten mes Hrongins theselected colodion, ‘hespecialsensitizingslts Shoull bo with a roferesce toTt the peculiarities of tho Tight or suijecta. canbe anndoemergencies; under ondyetformila tokindscoverof most all special ‘work for extremes of ehlightcombnntonn or shadow cana ehobo Ingroved by raring exciting orof fenstoteg salts,‘ light For thoportraiture ina oon evenly difused todo ofsoftness cadraiam ag fhe Principal excitant gives and delicacy bo the image. ‘Thos! 1. Take of sulphuric ethes, 1 eunce; 95 por coat, aleohol, gun cotton, fodide of cadiniam,Launeos4 grtins; bromide6 graiba; of eadnium, 2 rans 1 Sulphrie ether,6’ rains; 1 ounce;foiealeobol, 1 ounce; gin cotton, of eadshium, &) grainey bromido of potassium, 2f These two formule give the utmost dei-
Dottie for use. shonld be diesatvod in Bot dissniva in aleoel water as is porate ad of arjuantity emall ‘Bg to the acolo ke, @ lit le al a time, and Badedl guiekly shakes, a solutionin Mako Silverof Bath, gixins nicrate of silver to proportion tho‘3150, jolation with [itn "Tost the Tounee allie, or wentral, add st slightly paper, and water, aol ty produce a. fine red reacticn. to Hitepaper. ‘The best method is to add & few the gel to an fnps ol chemically pare thisniteiosolstion founee of water nnd alddoops at.a tine. to‘Thenthe rery Jom fiver eolledion and lotst remain plate a will foala bath fartho bath all night, ‘The freshly wade eal Iodion ean bo nce for this purpose, and hus oth calfedion and silver solatlon dr bath be made vendy for went Uso sane time. ‘B1D1. Developing Solution, This may be inado in sto silutionot the dace, Bulpuate of iron and water, and Phen siasple
fnPor stronglh and solution yao realytake wager, foe use cach10-014; day tho stock auiphato of iron, 4 ownees, Dissolve andtol. fort When wauted for nse, take stocle tion, ouueos; acelie acid4 (ie! By Lontteos Fonerwater,Tho 4 addition ot about often face above offormula to theoven elechol Sunes fitates tao mmnath the solution on the plate, “Tits partiuasly essential when the long Boofrontsndtheie plates sates Fat” bntlwithesetherboot inad alcool S152.vigor Re-developing Solution, fitSs addiug and intonsity to the nogatlsn Inade“of water,ack, Lone}; pPost y into rain tte Pera, eaker or adevpping glassmoaabostof 1 aonsen of Ut solution, aly pipette, 6 drops’ of a elition uf 20 grainanitrat of Silver’ distlved in 1 omueo ‘watee. Kine Aiately Mow this setution over tbe plato, pea fioually retarning tho solution to the Ile beaker glass AS son as tho solution begins to assulte a wine colon,iss meting with signe ouGhatthethonegative al show boeloeedy watehe, aepative dacs nol become too tet. Whos suficlently way the sal fon aad thoroughly wash should both thioalirays nogativois and t h o glass. “Tho latter Ktopt perfectly olean ansolutions d five from any daposte frou‘S153, tho retoveloping Negative Varnish of exeallont uly on always be. tvueed att dealers Ei photographie materials. Tn an emergency common sueliae and varaich,Gleeradsomersbat hinged oven with aleokes, taeongte eatton, SwillS154. answer ‘Tho tho parpose. (Sea No. 2985.) Causes by ofthersolves, Failure wonkd almost require cbapter along exporieneo continces us thatninoott of overshe feaaten go fm a ane ocr, rosonco of care dite, negligence. "One estcantoroveshe Trsttone Bt deted topput tedagoho instead ot Srorenic, or cleanly —tho Tice of eadanm quantgy slaps55. rosrardinge tho most Cameo painstaking siotide of unaniany If tll grater om ‘To Euamol {fasts avof require, ovcaletun fide of ofeaston in Ordinary wll polisued glass plates Pictures, aro cuatet Hite l e r he poten, Folate a porsfcniogeneatng swith normal collodion of the usual doseripnttapa, whiteplan,and black dey while sg “Ttcontrat vehen thecompletely film has dey, get perfectly, but are dosiable, is well tion, hat hotand becomo tho pictares,
‘THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 ‘which have proviowsly been trimmed and nished, without aze dippeddelay.rapidly aleohol, "Tho and appliod totheinto plates. Hints aro-prossed aud rubbed” down, with Ssaootl writing paper, and the operation of downting Ts peveeede with ae soon ay the ‘hacks of the pietnres have Deenme white; of, worls, as. ‘Thesoan cardboard. ag the aleohol tain‘thereraporate. should hasbo ‘owe t9 romainin water for at least half an Hhnarpeevionsly to its being for nogneing, ‘The more rapidly theemployed piottres aro yplied sur fice, tho ailsorepressed heautifalpon willthe be callodion the finished
Seated “Cae, ee Ee eed
See ee Een aner sol el ‘ransof aweropure bleached whit, ag the plete violet tnt on & SineS187.Hae. Tapioca Paper. "To. forprepare tapes paper, win vere eto! copyeBOO Ine Since "phturgedye hy artical lh,” (43 daysvyia oahes) ofweight tplof wa:08 raked fog an oqed (abou 21 fits) of water ore AoFiderj HindiO iinres ateviard, for every itetoaide (que)of 19 grammes (Hot grains) sh, tame SO grams(et(469 Es bono rains) thebromowhofe \Fand Foiled fir 10 martes,
Gay, and decanted and filtered through fine liven. ‘Phe paper igimamersed, 1 or 20sheets ath to 30 tinjo-ot minutes; canitis bethendoated bung ‘upon wtp to it—for dry ie 13a
seoSip gta Beasten Gate ane airs
ek ery eat
Fae cite” ausa Phe oe taint Pigoranlit THRE
1vale.diactimMisparaffine, divealved 4 pares of.damartho pane solution with [part of the olution, “Plotograpbic: pints covered withA this varnish are ipemeable to water, gofation of tbe patatinedar nly sill doy bat 18 ‘puis . “Firstelass "Everlasting piotogrpase Photographsotheron Enamel, hhegatives or enamel positives,(see Bay "be" taken on Dichiemin’s Na. 2402) wither caliodian, by using if Situmes, or citrate of fron, ot perehtorde nei, orSolution bichtomate, or aay ironotherand salt;tartaricA good ty water, 100 parce Uy weight;for thiseen,parvo 4 parts; honey, 9.1 fart pacts fivensed ‘ichromate of potacke’ Filterfet theit est,guid,aftespreadwtich,it dver the it euniel and expose tn tho camera. Develop. the isoge b y brushin exer ivihe fellowing powders Oxide of iron, cobalt,96 180 pacts hy weight; black oxide. of parti; red lead, 100 parte; sand, 0 parts, Necoipave cheof biebromte bypartsfarsi in & hath formed water, 109 by weights Iipdrochlerie cei,ity" allS pacts,lastly, Wash i them cea ‘ator aiid dey vitnely en actean piece of east eon, tho ourfacepoootof ‘ehieh has een previonsly chalked. One Inioute will photograph saiee for indelibly fisngby carand feazng tbe which nos fully ndon enasel dowty"sHlowwd to.size, coulePhatojtaphs of any Hannes ae. prelly taterabtetakennudesiu thaall and may consequent and_Linosphori aptlybo cbdstions, ealed.evsslastag photographs, os Searing’s Process for Photoaphing onvebic on teWood picture for beEngraving. Frehluc be ned iwith s rst entinel dampened with water, then. whitesed rubbed foom the stgfuce of goed naipeled v i s i t i n g card. Rab. entlyy ree tnoving only the enansel, after whieh i 19 iiesied stiooth with a soleratey otis brush, from right (0 lof and sp and dowoy making & smooth even, aad tery thin snefaces AlhOw this tn dry, after which it iy flowed with solution albumen, made with tho white ofa Teg and 16 oxsess of water, dried by heat ‘erWF allowed to dry albumen spontanconly. Now cnatas wich nether solution made’ flows: Whiteainmnoaia, of 1 eg : 40 grains’ water, 4‘eatnuncestho boride of Swholo to's thick froth.througlow a fino to. subside, then devant oe blter sponge place ina g l a s Tunoel, “Pour a sufkeient {quantity spread on ono around corerwith of the thonid block ofty sor eover fehoa Helase tho edge). Allow the surplus Slaton (using to dean ade fat. tho butte hie by n gontlo bent, Next. flow oni tte dark fonn, soleaion No, 3,“aioli, prepared1 onace: 23 fle fows:""Btien L onmces oneottoy, 6 bitrate a of slvoa 2
egative afterwot fising anttho before deying,histheis Yaraish will aller intensity. ferery simple and that use ho eased. fs,practiced Won ddoroth also states has lowg tho covering of photogeapiie paper prints {pom both sides Twith eollodion waraish, sod ‘Blulsit'a completo preservative ofthe pikite enely photographs will ade way ih a fewyearsall ublens the protected. ‘8162, Prints, Collodion A‘Varnish for Photographic very effective grctablo polish ss commusigatod to card andoF cabinet print, eto, plainsimplyeallodiom, by coatingsidothem:at Sralt a lato Follows: cui, oinees;Dissolve ether ai omacens peso, 4 2 grate, flee eatht Thetsnal manson. ‘The patsts aco Best torthe proper site and ated wn the reverso “go pin clean water printat snl they lie andpefoethy iat; then tae one a time place Leis now"A poredain ready 6 {ten a pluce of glass uf t h e same sizn ns itsel, ntive. oeto anypriototheit suitable tnoist vale downwards easily adores t9 iuting-fame, meted, Inay’ bo wel’ Alter” panting ihe glass: Let the exehs of water drain off solution No. dis removed nd emove. all: molstere hom tho pletare frou the surfaco ot Surface; now eval it with the collodion and thosistedeek aaslving in ether aad aeaho}, by Fabiing ently with « softeponge ithe wsudl way, then dey ie be= ‘Pho pictivo ievitorain How be toned and Axedin Foe the Bite or in any mannerwhieh is moxt tho didinaryiy canwar, or ieand gold convenient, "Phispoish is ot so flagrant on poration, and taeda one tho hypo bath. After the one hand as the so-called eaatcel surface, Uelng allowed to dey, We is teady for the ppor dead san ailordisary albumen wppetto that tins sowadergono the operations. tho engraver. ‘8160. ‘To Recover Silver from Photo3163." Preservation of Photographs. graphio Waste. To vitals thn sliverrejected from Eepliotograpbicaad bath,clippiogs, gives the Sob: Photographs ov frou Baglead, of tho Jr Ijuig Cooper, im foruclato bora anpreservadive varoish against whieh artaut aneasure of eonmomsy in is thew ate,iodt ‘The {stated enliro protection fading? I drachin gin dexbar aiscolved in 1 ih should bo ltera, aad a eoittion of
Poy Apras een cot ace oa aa ea Arete eG i mene ke
ea oh
ee oncynatograpt ee
ae ami ae bf ae,
Senateive. papersalt for’to theTowneo camera,water;aso aud50 raios common {30 grains niteato of silver to withonce 0 water. Or: QD'geaias tthe niteato grains ucts of aun, ant 4 ounces rater Oon. r: 109 grains nitrate with tho barytie solu (eesensitive, No, S81)or eappigg engravings, Leesa Lotanicel and ehtomologieal specimens, ‘Tho salt solution to enneai 2% grain 60 saltgrainy0 owace water. ‘The silver solution "Foreopyingtae-work feathers,terilver patterns e. ‘Tho vale solution, 20 giains; elu: Gon, 40 graina to ous, Po fix the draw Sng om these papers, they"thensnustdippel! be ist ten wastedia ISolution nv lukowart Wates, of hyposulphite of sada (L ounce to t Pint), then in puro Water, and dried, S171.on ono‘Todized Paper, rush over tho paper side (which sould of besilver marked) {rthcast song salution of tea (100ot oun: th dip tf ston fodida of Gitte potaslaen ater(25. dain graius tosd T dey ousce); wantin Bromide Paper, Soak the gratas paper into 5173." solntion of roi of potassinm (40 Loanee); then brash Je over with stroug Solution of silvery and deyfn th6 dark,‘S178, of witeato Chromatype Paper.se flows, _Simplo oramatspo paper prep Soak nthe smal nation (0 Nox te) theed paperey tata bh so A to fit that’ reqaiced. Ie is not suiieiently
sensting for the camera, For Courocsb Cisowsrsre Pare, Wash the paper with the i.compound solution (See Yo. StS}, and dey "After the paper Hoy bem expos to thy aa wat ko ure tobo copiedtho dark superposed pom it iis washed eran with slation a of nitrate of ‘iver of moderato strenged, A vival pleture rpaley is appearance ‘whic is eueeatly tized by washing inAvother puro water. Porjstcopying gratings." method brad ‘esting paper over with apolulen of | drach ‘ofsod sulpoate of witcopper in 1 owes ofsaturated water; athen dy, h a strong bat not soln of ehroate pach. 74,”oveg Cyanotype Paper. Brashestetho paper w i t s sft aninoni UrNrou. ‘wash Expose tho whit paper ithe osealof frre: way, then Hover olution eganide of potassiams 3178. "Grysotype Paper. Wash thaof paper with ‘olution of ammonio-eltrate Fron, dey it,of andferrocranite sfterwards ofbrush St over with Aitnsolation potassium, Dey adarkeyoom, ‘Tho lmgo a broaght by brosbivg it over sith a neutral sonitionontof oF of svCalotype Paper, The paper is oud3176. satueated in ofI oes Water,ad contain 20 ns fodide potassiuan, died. “Thon aula osnee ofdistied ‘water vonsitivs containing hy soaking 20 grantin 1witete silver fod drach glsialdeetie uci, and dried dark roo InstantaneousPositive Paper. SIT, Mix 6 drochans ofa with saturated solution wota Uioblordo ot merenry 1 p i n t dstled selstionplace584Lit fabfer. dish,Float Diythe iypapertako onitnthis adace iy acanltolp wih a yellowof glass aul mstrate euler offt ‘ensitivo a vegon i avains Filver to Lowenie Hightwater.fous To2 yt, expo tIno 10 seer 2 falter, perpendicabout asinate ivfo avinter} theThe funmedideely cover with a black cloth, image, at fest sulphate very feobleof 3sfrom, developed. hy this’eolation;. 15erin Flavia acotie‘Thoneil,deepening 85 grains; of diillea wate be Pomc. Unt mist ‘watelid and arsed at the ponpee moment ‘ThenS178,wes, ‘Albumenizod sad fx with bys, Paper for ater, Positive Printing. White of egg, and gil parts 3 do af potash or ebony oIie f on gain fo ga yates (or paper bo. of potastian, 20 erains). Coat tho with solution bry, teat Tamerof silver ik taoto lak i bath of 120 grant Touneo wales. Dzj-agaio. Thisto 15is exposed Frith the uegative over for 10 tates ‘SL79, Prepared Wax Paper. Make a0 stroug so hy digesting 25 parts gelatine, of parts lined,hot-water, asd 100 ukPilterthvowgh ico, in 2000 10 53000 acloth, ‘ato" en, wheninecold,agar1000of parts ‘weight,of adthis discive nil by 50 of potas, 5; bromido of uuide6 parts, parts; jotassium, ® 8180, Artificial Ivory for Photographers. “Shoetsrfa atablet? of ofgelatine or fino. aro sinmnersed solution alsimin. Avon by tho and.aleminpolished flabs areentirely to bo pouotrated removed, evil, Ingvar, aya) o 181, ‘Bary tie Photographic: iseolve 35 rains corte at ba ‘umes diated water ‘3162. Chromate Photographic Soli9 ase is weleioh chromate "single tions, rated solution of Hetromate of pot Tito adigo being sometimes ad feito‘Tho sulpbato varycompornl tho atcolon, chromate of solution consists offains10 spate gratis bicaromats potash, si 20 of copper, dissdivetfh.1 ounce
DICKS distilled water. Hydriodato of Iron and Barytes‘8193. Photographic Solution, [ydtiotato fof barytes, 40 gruina; water, 1 otneo; pare fulpbato of irom, grams, anis, (ter, add a ‘top or two daluted sulphtie acid, and when ‘settled decaut tho elear liquor fae Woe. for‘3184. PositiveHardwich’s Printing.GoldPoreToning chlorideBathuf gold, 1 grain; hyposulpbito of soda, 1 to rains; hydrochlore acid, 4 minis; eater, 3 ‘185, Mayall’s Method of Cleaning Photographic Glaeses. Suakep toxether sleslol, 10: parts. stroug guid am 30"parts mouis, 40 parts water, and 0 parts fiue Txt poli. ho plates arn to he mbbed bard aud Gvenly sell halle uf eotton-wonl dipped in the thistore. When dry, rub again with clean ball of cotton, ad dust wl the back fand edges with a clean hug's-bair brush.
etals, acts aroee clomentary or U0 Dg ater tas iltingoished by thetrwelghy ust, feb, pool of combecting Beat eleticty, ad theby 4810 to MTShiehhate), Nos, compounds Bee ncroui ey foruish Sialation enone anahesa decom with ote Beads Won thee selutonsare posedap bypar agalrantecureneUie metals alae ae feel tho cloctrondgatice sure, ad e70 kopes‘Bley. etostronoetre bales Assaying. of hopure method of de tering hentai’ geld amse fn tho alloys of these metals. This atl te ghites gre auall ounit esperience i lsof eriho mange; tie oatnens preious tntns drauehe isc theAmsce utsnstof aby”hpottanes. ENfoeeuart sh0p8 abi aco uy be nploved provided 1p wil ind culiene pete -and flow tho nto Fer eae wilaecrakedae wid aan aa opentog aise aa theof iagpoctien tatedof theof proOS Sopot to alloy’ fens, Tees placed on the aii: platey by
‘hich tisa sort intiodeeel iota theerucil, farpace.madeTheof rupel 13 of sallosr one ashesexpeor burst bonesofthe Atalee the British int the entes Groschoras. Te powder i shighely moistene ectwith water, andsed atercredabong selpre mot 3 fila therewith, fight, fsfinishet ed with ste),aamiey tenes face of poled whl ieboommes strc firetbly with Pallet, ntl t h o mass puficientip hantacremosid,aberent, ‘The eupel i then carefully aud exposed i ho dirGays to dzy,Pie wUich Usually takes Hom 14propery to 21 mal with the eapels rfniged, boing placedcharcoal, in tho fumaecr tho aeab ter viled up sie and Iighted th top by oh plachglasts aWWhea! few ploees, heated to Schutenessy the cupels havo teen exposed forheat,haifa hogy, pute an inobavethembe tone sehige hy ie fend Uythis menns of & (uroughy. pair ct tings, se aid soon aa becomes as iefe called, the metal
5 hie cup heea ortil isthesaid metal to "ight
that Use wide ions, cand that ssnvoth, sto peargt tit y absorbed Wy he extn after which eertaitB
suddenly of raiubowan tives,unlato mamatieaerosscolors, and globules, the Tost soon motal Taeter te ant other each ‘ress andealedat and elear veryizedbriliant appeacs Ser ‘husks wlid. aun ocoues Teogut'U thot Uh separa:al ti showea thie "brightening”fa conducti proces ths ng vended. Gon y weigh qcourael bo must used {hoSty esmerits belore alloy tho of weight tho y l a e p pureof of baton resling tho aa n, ipelli gen tho gies direc Ro Shea on,fo deserti general he of proceting T Mloy.” tho venter wil in eupeltat process ihe erties fielsiblywithont again. en: Dwg . An4s the to bemiustiegoodof hewhenoperation torng intothought bead tho ‘apis bit fee uppersod wertuco withgrnslar teronn it, dead-wh 6ne finn, fs dtomerfora, thoandeupeHat, from sepacateof n thereally fi‘tonhontho fesurtee dull fs bead em been may tte boheatster,has somo too metal iPehnss audiat ifthe layed; funn andot byspongy, process, inthe lost n e b Evo 4 bead tho' “WWhen n, absorptio coloty and scales of litarge stil St various been autal hasmueres exmpleged in thely tho Toulstosidl thot tion ry of cupolis {necessa beprocatperfect process, ed by bo to re, therefo t, Though Pure. .) (Covley .” lithange wetted g Feducin ng n for Colori Solutiomothod r's ‘$188, Pusche gine of new is a ed coating, apd dat be ‘Ths ocoor To prepare cheapls.” bypera ed quickly ‘Groctt phite oad 1p onsies diseic Shotaaton ounces tj add aud wates, pouuddissotved in pomad of water. ffeinofoda Tea Sectato ated audto 190?precip.to rotatioosesn i slowly, this clear ‘hon Poti, ite decomp HOS ead ia in_ itbrown of ed sulphid {tates part offlocks.the sul ig now iemrs Thotal and aco; is deposiof tedtime.here, pid to.af thofea leogth uen conseq and fog Teal, of te saiphi ed. deposit the or Paes are proxed oloes ltherelustree beatia variousIn and ‘ho impatt be may s varying from a beat 6 migute ducal. color a fp‘Stalbrassgold atticlos e red; to a copperent vedanilinethen blao,eacinin aTostbles= to fhen da,like thon at and Teal; of a sulpbid ‘white, me co tho length"The ofcolors Jedich waite,fi agcording solutiodn wed. tho boaste hoy remam if slythe and posess ttoho bo mostcolored have last, previou beer Rifiole and ineabstetof ‘ids . 33by snl thowuglilythy cleaned they map To ano leat ngarticlesteel,s to be the g,polishi Booperoatedan evenpon byculorin tho prodlic heated, n takes stool asst bo evenlythis solatio Eoloced (reatsinewith ron ironSlory earnenorthedues case yt old first tho cbjects copper Gr 2; lead and sise aro entirely julilfereat0 equal of fend,ts thean typo acetabo taadd of ietho aed fr iustead sulpas of sweigat carrieda very00 process o of thosods,Brassand istho.covered .d with before, 15Tuiphit bybrown.@ greet, whieh to'nis followe fred,s finaly Beautchange d splendi aanoon and red iislitter; thi Tastis a with ery atten. , aod my(SeefindWo. special trablo enatingctures 3313.)ean be . eied dosigns ‘om inny. manufa ul mnsrbl beautif d tsing ntha lead. solution thickened pooace hm by traguca has on bras which ‘rit afterweardsof Pee, n andof stphid 210" solutio f° tna eon Heated. iy thosation may bo used eoverat treated ‘Po Toad, ontaacous chang. tines, eal isnt
Old, Tho most marked propertiesof Goldie ail wo tstuenind etek
ren ta peo Cm Jeune ea ar S100" "Ase AF Gold by tho Uso of yale. RE ver.
Pieces of black pottery
form excellent
aes of aa 8 ae te ae Coy) fat era ae mnie oe ren of naar Hine ia pit ieee atedie eee BBS. AP e aaa vy chemi
S107. “Assay f Gold by Cupellation.
to y/y of its weight, is mado on that account.
ig satel ae edding'S pes oftia ave io one obeyed Sait a apr ee Oe oe a 26, and ‘undiluted, may bo employed.
chemically ete omen obtan oid SAPsSI imo Ontun Se mie fehis iM tea Pre iced anes tes eee ie ee i aha il ae ie, te sri 6 chan a see eae atcermin
8194,aller, Grain Gold. Cupelied gold, ¥ party & partas eli and pone in @ alk Stream. into. watery dissolvethe Ovgrantha te silver eat ad siness, ee Useet d to snake preparations of gol ether -Agiinte Gad. Liquid B19. swith ssalation of tepose, teeblorideand ofdecant gold the for some to it allow time, pematantportim. — Naplitha anda3, essential Mis posiest the same property ether,fguidof taking gold ftom its solutions, "Phi ves foe het1 fnis gon etoempleyed gu for alSrrtingmnedieise, now only ona coating sie, ilding, ee,gold. AS (Soe We does, loaves’ of puro Nz 1585) { 3100, To Make Watch1 otiee Handa Red. aluinp,tal Foner earning, pasto overof sites Mix tos eed tne Hones has, the on past the of rome Drit japan. “aper layMaing thom iefaceover upovatis on hee of cap a spe Jaep until the Seed color appears ot them, for Coloring French isMethod 3107. parts mito, ot mato solution “A Gold, Pave Roman alum, and 1 of sear salls Tho jolnels ot articles ot aro kept in the sel Ho atm bling pt iehy tersfoun 15 "hoto 2eras ra Wash then and tess fie goldfed, but peste watford
the articles tho peoper color Tie process of
‘To Clean Gold Ornaments, Gold ornaments inoy also bo thoroughly 4 fiw seemnd leaned 1 ‘Phew washs with
auaonin. os stotof muninoni Thap, wn Polishing seater. Powder for Gold bas avalyzed a Hotnan W, Dr. Atticles, spies poste Bonaasy, which be interred higa’ p r i c e , and To found it Lo wall allsptat fe the p ova rary simp cont. rouge o nboatad. 70 per80 por cent. eahammoniae ture (Gron ofrust) ‘ohtorde of teem, obtained sin hydrorbloeie nei, non uti, prep ashi riod at such a tomporatie thar tho nde The falanssoning shall not bo velattzed, Drovoxito precipitate at lest Decotnes Bhargod withof icon sosquioxile. has a very white
lver, This metal ‘color, high deren of lustre, is txcoedtho Lest conand dete, and kuown, ibpy malleablo and Tes heat ity oroswleetsciey Gistor of ftom ebietly by amalgam. procured. Its epecifie weavity ia Elon aud andcupollation, melline-point 1873 Pahr.,acid,oF oes, right’ rodnoss. Tits soluble in nitric heat. Its tani in sulphuric acid by the aidby ofsulpaucette d fucfaco ia rapidly tamished hydewzaa, and by tho fumes of salphur. n. Assay of Silver by Cupellatio ‘The‘3208, assay pontid (usually 12 gr 20 grains for silver)of tho alloy for examination is acct: rately weighed, and then wrapped in a siall piece of paper’ ready to undergo the process
ff{ay oupellation. (See nodNo.waform, 3191.) vue‘Thedepends quan of Teal sedis fnLimosthotonatuyo of thoof thoalloy.eopperTe ahoutd be 16 weight prosuased. to bo"efiprosont in the sample.” "hts, homerer, bo ascraly antag, hough Oxporienced assayer i generally able to guess ety nearly tho mouse. foo age lead bowith ‘uso,toothosmall, buttonewingobtained by eupelltion to someasd ofif theto0 silver Doing abso:bel by tho expels title bofromted,still thecontaining bation tome vil eninocop er, ont too tage, helead tinto portaneo of justly proportion tho hoeanadtquantity’ tho alloy, ti too ofmel capper anistedpresent on, in(Covey) 8207, Assay of 10Silver by of Chemical Analysis.” Disyolso, raiay theg alloy TAIOB g r i n s of mieic ach specie Tos) by"tho aidoppor of hats. glasstho enbo,totatiogfurnished blag indo ih a Lal Smith foot; thet place eb Dalanee, wichequilibint, ssl andbo browad the usotest snsahution exact stato of {i00 No. of tho-lver : be Uarown dows ‘itbut iotha whole be taken not to noweseeenothis usmost poiat. earekomst uamber of gras ‘quire Lo restore the equilib of tho present nea ves tho exact quantity of piteslver {iro pares of the sainple. "The anim of thomostes! exactness, Liquor to the“Aersolation requires thethe each addition Topper should bo placed ia the ube, aud the Tattoriolotlyagitatod fora and short enable time, whem theSewetliquorwhenwill theypemationsseoucluled. rapialy clear 3 “Wet0 nose theu, st of nitrate clive, ofadda niall quantity i a solstion silver to tho liquor oie, afterha Spite, and Distosd tho assayof sighing cunne thogwantity then bo dee eu on. Sf{Wo tesparts,Tiquoeaid used tno graduatedmay ntobo holding 1000 geass, tedlinstead, every division of wieresectreguitedtho foshubthrow down the silver, wil ‘heand Uehefmt being liled to thegradeated Awuwanl rotent a orsain. se, bes the quantity poured ode may at Geuerally speaking, bowonee be read o of Ure eanteof ror, measuring doesSing, noted The termination i eleaityey marked, whea, quoton of the’ test to 2208, tho slversolatin, no Clondiness occur Sil‘Tost Solition for Asaaying vor, Disulve Oty scainsOE paregrainsresale (30 Norils) 3000) f n 98 onees (avoindae ditted water. Filer and’ keep in Rinppered bnttlo for to "Pure Sea-Salt, Boil a together fofora ‘$300, fow mintces, mt gins vessel, station sult wih a litte pee biewrbonate of sodbo fiers, add mrriate’ ae’ wotl the iquor houteal to andHeungs and turner paper; then raporato crystal, ‘BB10.is easily‘To done Extract Silver srafrom Lead. ‘This i n all y by mltiog heauiced metalswil byabo converte strong leatinoi thotharee, ope Ae,fui ho lead ehe silver will suis seal, tothethe bottom ofig es-tbo iver largy a On crucible. fractal tema rererberatary the lea! by thoFaraacooxidation of tho lend into of w portiene ‘ar eonstrtion, A shallow vessel, called m iis fl
tho surface, and. ms short timo amd@ crust of Oxtlo of Tout o¢ Hihavge is fost deve fffmouthto thoof thoside bellows, of the enpel eppnsits to apers tha wero a shallow live Ss mado$s forfared it to and pass driven over; anole erase flithasge off, and this 53Scored repeatedanduatilblown nearlyaside, al tbo ‘Tho. len! completo has been Separation of the Teal fs hadieated by tho ape tho conve nt Instroin heom eee, ofxe a melt bril ataase pearance Furfage of veensioned bythe removal of the lagh which erase ofSilverlitharyo sehieh covered. tho silver. IF tho this abstracted aa voverheratiry nat suldelentlyfrnace, pure, ivisferther refinod in boing placed tato a anenpelIatenso lined withHeat,60bonothatashesthe ani edpt itt whiehfg converted escaped oxidation bytheand frstia process into litharge, Ebgorbed by"ostthe ashes of tre espeSilver. ‘The 3211, for Motallic compounds of ilter, onmised with earhotate fowiy anil exposed charcoal to tho innerat amo of a blow-pipe, aord white,ssfhout briliant,any find ductto metalic” globules, fnerastation of tho ebarcosl.” (See also us saying.) $212,fe obtatod To Obtain Puro a Silver. Pareia silver by placing c o p e r sod folution of innilmue ofanigonia sven, digesting the precipitate eastic and wale Wilh ater; ip edloride boiling reeentiy prciptated anil wll mdse of slvr ieNo. belt fon S213, vessel along with water. (Soe S39) Solvent for Silver, Nitro. sniphuris acid,vitriol,Disslea 1fotparedissolving nitro fa the10 pists oil of Used Bilver fom plated go ds, blow Ge. Tt2005disolresad sive Hempertere| tearesly acts (Soeupon eoppe aia, oss dilated. Naw 26,790, alsli S72 ‘Pho silver is peciptaied Aron the ‘or modorataly aifating it, by cosnen sa fd thoan ctlorio ‘S214 215, redueod a diveeted 1 Nos
tho'whole inthe furstate.of elo ‘To‘otlods welueoaroof ittheailver into a . metalic used. ‘The ebtoride aust several e re and ener, divtifed. with washed eatedly suipice Iitindilete a ; eup avin fa Dlaced {eid Ving added, thothotoughly chloride washed, fsseon recat, ‘Thoer, allver, when quite I tho abseneo ane cup fe pore fin containing a sinebyplato may bethe wsedexp. ‘Tho cupprocens in expedited warming (eelNo. 3536.) ‘ i! ai ‘ S215, To Purify and Reduce Silver. ined a‘wichord,‘puto Hadcappercet.and. thesumonia, wash @hlonida ‘Thomnt quantity of ammonia-need oteave. be ehthe to diiwatee the ebloride, fintore for|radap,ll thentho. washwholthe silver thor ugh aut ust ‘thrid im notation of pore potash, adding a Lule‘3216.sugarsPoale’s when washed Wis quite pare Method of Obtaining Puro Silver from ita Solutions. by adding {a oxeess, a saturated solution of eon ‘mon felt tois thethrown aulutiondown,of nitrate ofinsoluble lve, the metal ay an fall, thothon chloride of silver” Thowilprecipitate uit bo carefully washed it 1sact,et Hroly feed fom the prevenco af nitric Granulated nestiredmustthrough then bethoadded tothe horde, and mass." ‘The finer the tine has been graaulated, t b o more Fapid wil beacothoboaddet reduction,and thaswholeatieed -Dilutssuipbuvie fcid must tho reduetion whichat Wilte from the bellows is made to play forciblyblastom fenil Do known by tho entifa ‘complete, disappearance
swhito into a sce grey oer, cblordg, A nn andaot itaof eonversion afin ake and in fromthis combination, great rapidity Jrith tho cdorine is Ubefated tho silver, whieh {aes ts mote frm,grey avpowder. above te‘Tho sive,he ‘appearance of iiving beenby thoadded fn ofeess, must sulphuric now be fomoved addition of dilute Zeid; afterall action has ceased, tho offselution ‘Ofsine muse bo decanted, or drain withfrom8 Sgphon, andthe silver wasbel ual fea ‘sldulous it may beof dried ty presare,matter, or tho after simplewhichapplication heat infortielting, A pan over withtho thofire, sual hon Gases, jt wil ofborenal ready tion cugyveth ‘hitre eld. ‘This process fs 378pid fa fattest infromind the Comoioeof trae, para ever, of a fathers. quality {houses dey and avo wellof adapted todotke neopreparation of puro iteato silver for of photogsapiers fnd.all otuersSilver who need aPellalo article. ‘S217. Dust. ‘Tako solve it in shanty diimted nite slver, ae dis. and Dreepitato it wil stipe af right eupper; Tesal he powder in epits, a ‘ity it Oe ‘Ais exceedingly ino slver’ dust may be obs peceiptated chord ofinined silverby bolinexecently with water acidulated sith Ralphurie Seid,S218,dine.‘To Frost Polished Silver, ‘To duce’ foste snfico wis on pulsed ees, {eo cyanide ch potassium brash. ho silver should nav be handled during the profess, buter bexwood, held. with kepliers prepostion made of should labee Srovdt ot ditvolred in f pater water. Us very once potronans S219," effect ""To $sOxidize Silver, A rurfaco very eau produced upon tho cf‘hich salverarticte,techoieally cefted oxicizing, gives the stofaco au appearance of poby od steel, ‘This ean be easly effected aking a litle fn eblonide ot receipt, plauionen,Reaige preparedtho tiSalton deserted tho next and applyiogrequired, ie co thowiver ehen thoan iuized surfaces end allowing Sclotion todry woom dhovilves. ‘The darkness of the color produced varies according to tho Hength ofgray ioto patna coltThign. fmef ect iitis steel bear black. process, when a combed! wid)and what fa termed dead work, vary pretty, may bo ccuily to inedals, givingappreciation seope for hoin screeapplied of taste. ‘Tho’ igh are now silver follow in opidized process ornaments ‘hich render annotico aroof vothe distines held, There by ebloside, whiehshadesbas in@ Interesting. produced tse—ono Urowaish "int,biuebtacl cud tho other’ byRo rulpher, cece tnt, petstho Uoniticle,farmer ft is only necessary to was with beantifal « solutios tint‘of may.skammuniae; fuel mute hovwever, bo compsd enon iyparts pln Sait ands a of sulphatehoof copper ‘equal ii wnggt. nowarm black Sno by a slightlyof sodiam.solution ‘nay be produced Usagi of potaraiu (Dr. Buona) ‘3220. ofTo Platinum. Prepare Thasitio-muinte Nitro-Muriato (Chloride) {Fiplatinuin prepared: Taxe(muriatie) 1 part nite acid, andis 2easly partsbydrochlorie a liete platinum; andneartdda bosliog togetber mis whole cid Keep the at or tho metal is ten dissolved, forming the heat: olution reqglzed 21,20 grainsiitateofsiverint To Make a Silver Troe. Dis solve fad ounco OfIneroury, ater "Arrange 8 pial thaand zine.ad ae drachon pre for tho lead iteo,‘8222. Wary‘Totiliant and leant. ered." Mako Clean it just Silver ved hot, after and LtitistoSol-
{hen Snil alan water, earthen ‘eel'923..bail iiBelgian bo ag‘Burnishing lent 98ianwhew‘Powder. ew. aumlning!of {pound fonder i yons chalk, te 3 ounces Zompeced Pipolclay, 2 ois nidwhitthoead,sainb¢ oanen Hsia eaonato quantitytogsf 3204, “Po Protect Silver-Ware from Taraishing. ‘The its tnsrto mpeg Sth, compound espa whee os i t rm ory. geet, silvoramithe fay ani ofuo Manish of heiforaconte BSirlberger, happy tough HoBis sooo to have trol various pate to gus nav liver, i f pouibles tw cvered is ‘witha line yell white vari, but fond that pon terned ShoBans lok(oti of is wave. i, ae leths Sidaat answer of ale Ht tr a sneer
last he overBit-upon Sisar gonads with ie re fad to answer pingessant erc Tos af silver,it fd no longer Tabor in keoping lean. Pho plat he adopts ts this: andHo thefirst b9 contol, to. articles the Swarms paints thom over earefelly wie ying thinnch lesbo}witha with et feloion Btaps, ot brass for tho purpose. Goneraly, te itis not advisable fio them over more thin Silver beengoods,exposedtells, protested {atorothieonce. wap, havo in hit witdon? that a your and amo as bright av even, while others stuprotocted have become perfect. Ay 3325." black inaRo fore‘Provenl’ months. Coins and Small from Tarnishing. Ailbe oma Omaments Kept whether if geldthey. oraroaliversean neutytarnishing carefullywhichcovered fom ill saved, ‘Tho tarnish it inrbox-wood thy them ffom being washed, afverjs most aisodry to sulphur. Gn silver-ware who wears a often cuesiver wateh fideof geutloman fames spur the from tarnished itis that rubber ring which holds togother his ery the get intoof tarthe enough eases Sulphurforfumes tickets, ordinary all tie to account
feather PillTeta Silver Plate, ‘BE87. To Clean 1ato pit wae! wth, Jnogo.slucopen. wi pound sad? potas ot erbcbata tre aad or, spoote the inal put Sow The minatess ora) them ado lat, fant othethenfre takeand tate theto saucepan otc for eal; become liquor thu Age sof toeeat.em Sack pleco cltuntoa) bepolishuted ‘ith Starred Yo lees pars Powder. Mix engravedBolling and Pluto fied "3228. commonaddedsalta cream of ofthisttt,povdor equal pers of‘A lito Shield eller plate abled ges fie wateraveryin whch tole whiteness, For Powder, leaning “Plate 3200, ME ee clon feted and silver acai gor fitekrs ragskonguiedputiy aie € port pred, pope Bea o e s d pou ‘pomiadead baratouseebarton 1 pdand pated AR rma. 3280, To Clean Siver, To clean we Juuso hot osb-onds. Put tho sver
ad wast ware Yooh2a,brash fo iclos, Toit L ounce finelyt pow d-Ast‘ale e hartskorn ink qiae water, Sulmang white theon and dry a shortovertine, afzo; then whentake allthemthe out, s e l c i t r a hess ion have d, pt into the safutated, dean, teste thus fret ace saturexcalatbangfor they he weaPhos Yvoolea rags; Uphing ththeda elves, as wll as for clean, polis g Tass8292,decr " -kab erve the Polish ons Pres To dailyh (itandin polis week it twien Silver,”with Wath , water hot and soap cey¥ tse) ‘with anton dane, (See next recipe) s, . 'Toie soleCleansnap Silve Ornament for va std r water Boil8283tonythom i, aodhasserub.with themtho pol them trsna hot then ain ustly with sap1 tery‘asd.steWatetbrash whito hot; then Tag. withead aliven ead nondey uhala onveare,HeatoF aa pieco pieco earth f and o tte ents theuponBre ie take ofPlacebrickthe omam for thepatipurpo et,seof ing Shem, an eating every Eerv tara towise evaporate; as n tho mois , Iicis wold Femai on the silver whicheasealker qoll st to tania, or anstme a gosh To, Clean,waitingSilver... Mohan someS284.24, tncly pordered or Paris ‘lo harsher, 26 the ver nit nto cloth sft with off Te rab en , hd) iadpolissilverih haisilver eae, Some sop keep looking ulely, ‘but inouy are chemfeat compounds ‘aL3235,” Inu Toofthe then sve. Clean Silver Plate, with Whit & inginfie finely porrdered and moistened sweet"eavell deyis excelent to. clean ailver. on, then rub 3 of wih my ‘nhiselothgivesand”silverpolisha benutifal with ebamel Seeane, ol al dan tho rr white wil ‘3258, The to Remove Take Stains Somof Silver,” topr and other. portions. Silver fukstauds: frequently become, deeply Aiseotored with ink, which i diene to 70. fnove by ordiungy teans. Tt may, However, iveChlenleof completelylikeeradicate mmakogwater,a Tus into pataby with abd ‘hig fepom the sala ‘3237. Tocurtai Remove Darkeor Stains fromine ayost the emedy A Silver, sen WofCbe ewe sumetimea stainandthtstrrv sve Setuate wae, Iiuensponnm wet Wat saucer, ack into ‘Chittioulpburie Blackened the on rit ragsand inten ‘eatsof Then coat stim @eappears. til thewith whiting “iverarticles and powdered Bnely iiofied) and nixed wits whiskey or spits of ‘rine, Whoa thoof whiting baaor snore deind wipe on, atlit Testo a y u a r t e r an bot TTotewit bekskin. sale honserebie and polish With 3238, To Romovo Egg Stains from Spoons, ‘To remove sigins eggs, on take spoons,% fumed by using them forthe builed
fia conta nd sbriskly alt mise tubbetween tho than ful finger tho stain, whieh ‘wll soot diappear. Then wash. 13299,Coin ‘Tofor Clean Gold, Silver,Gcllections, and Coperkone Numismatic soltiofit of cyanide potas aod inthe tnocaa 8 o n Bae th fenmadiatly sens St with very. fe brash oopWoxwoot ouloy savino dust in lon‘hiscoldreceipt Satay, i ndparledy Ularly Fond thofor fine proof coins: “De roltion careful hot fo'Iee cofus rematn fn he Tonger than tho tne specified, otherwise they
may No. BIGr,) axe"As thoa frosted ovanide appearance. of potassium (Soe ina very deadlyopomator poison, nov erat carest valess mast hisho bands takes aeby ‘the to nse feel frbo from eratches, thifino sulstion tay also used for clearing eopper nits, Dut caro mst be taken tot to wae the fiauive that has previously been employed formetalcleaning a coatiogot the may besilverthe orconsequence. (See latter Nos 20vrei and 3225.)tro often covered with a denya en oxide. remove in thissolution they shouldof am.bo Rooped for 10 tominutos oats, thew immersed a necessary, water and.a wiped ‘with " a solt towel! if fresh wusntity ‘of tho scistina "maybe applied. Sapper cola may be cleaned by dryiamersing in pure oweet oil and wiping with a soft fag. PET. stateThisapd metal is found in withthe itil in eombnaion oxygen, sulphs, aes,kingtom, and. other miuerals, Sod i n ' t h o engenic in the ashesTheof plants, and in tho blond of animsle, foe of comnerea tx picipaly prepara ironris. andof sopper fouCopper iu Corawall sdprepared other the Wetld. is omy Bom is arooresfiston roasted, tho large andseale.then ‘The copperby pyritea sinelted, Jehioh prosess coarse to neta! js produced thie Fsagain submitted caleination and. sutelt~ ing, whentndétgoer fine metal ie obtained, "Tt alternd ‘wards the process of refiting Lougheaing. This specie metal i gravity taleables and Getic. It hos’ fue att 2000 Pau Tt ie easly olin ft4a higher temporatuves, soluble ake aid al gchar oe tne rapidly b y ackls im general, It fans nuuner {nh etn of whichae mow a tess cigonots. on itssurfuce Exposure to4 green a dampcolored atiuoeplere prodiuces oxide, Known as verdigrss. Copper may be readily alloyed metals,withexcept oom aid Teal withwithsrhil‘otherit unites ditenlty. ‘Tost for the‘theQuantity ima‘S241.Compound, quantity ofuf Copper copper Brsabin any coinpnana nay ecinated ny hrowing it down om iW solution by pace potas, afer hich SU minst bo carefully Elect, washed, deed itedof theandosewe ged ‘Ts wil! five tho quantity from ‘which is cajivalent at stale. copper may ieeingcletlated; exery pares of the former nearly eeal to 4 of the latter: ox, mare
accurately 7 parts aro equal to 3.7 fof pare anctallic eopper Copper may also be
rciptated a atpieewmee af fh polish the anetalie state by Immersive steel Set tho Soliton rents Dit this mieion Wall Bot ive very ectrate 3243,""o Sepgente, Lead, frum fromTealCop-by per, Capper ay be separated ding sfpbusie teal to the ntscahem roltiony, aol evaporating to deyness, watee digested on the eesidani wil dissolve ont ihe enphate of eopper, but Leave the sulphate ‘vend sftion the oxo ‘topper litt, hay bo Bom thrownthisdawn at betore. S245. may"To beSoparato Zinefromfromsine Copper. Capper separated bydown al a phrettat heogen, seh wl throw Tnlplssret whiek a may ashe eet issulved i ‘8244, gu aeof‘Tocoppey ented Separate Tincopperfromwill Copper. Digest ia niteie seat the be die softer, the in wit renin an aslublo Separate Silver Copper,‘8245.Digest,To inatstatent hivefrom or powder,
fa, solution of elo of spotho whieh die Solves the copper and leaves silver Un changed. 8248. Copper To Separate Copper from its “Alloys, may be sepmated ty abso" inte leon, parity fom natimony, scenic, bismuth, lead a9 iveaits fa bel/aueta, brass,by brosze, And “other commercial alloys, foroftheaboutmetalall at hows, in crucible, 10perfusing, ports with I aadpart each of cop: seales (biaok oxide), glace,of Tie ‘pute copper is found at thebottle bottom the other metal or inpur tnthe erveilo, ate itheWhilevolute or dissolved i stho ‘3247.
Copper in Fine Powder.
fresh sulphate dissolving. a8 the action ocd gnAicengaged nl th whole exhausted Heapres t dug te operation, Tho tipitated copper ames be ached and died fs rapidly ax posse, to prevent exidation, 3249,” Feather-Shot Copper. Meliod copper, sen into cold water.” poured cfurap imsmala mail peces, with afeatbered celge, hence the nae. Tels used €9 make soli of opp 3 250. Welding Copper. A compoun of 358 parts phosphate waa snd 124 pares Voracie acid is prepared, and is used when tho
otal iat a dull red heat; tho heat ia then fneressed till the motal becomes of m eberry od color, and tho latter is at onee hammered. A hammer of wood is recomended foe this yarpose, as the motal is table to soften at a
‘oppor, athe access of the welling depends ‘on tho formation of an fusible phosphate fof enpper, which would easily ho radueed hideS251,by the prosonee of carbon to's pos To Provent the Corrosion of Copper and Other Metals, iv best Ione preventing st ip the ofafticlos fine corrosion into a veryof instal dite nits ‘cid immertho thems aftewacts fa liuswed el ‘nd allow excess of wil to drain vik By this proooss modals are efleotaaliy prevented from'rast of exidati ‘3252, ‘To CleanwithCoppers and,of vost Tins. ‘These aro cleaved + mustate Stone,thé consistency soft, soap, anduf vilsti of putty. turpeutine, tnixed foshoul The stone bo powdered vary fixe abd sited 2Fadleient, gsantity to. of lastthe for‘nistsrs along snapwhi bo The Articles should first bo twasho with bot wa , to romovo grease. ‘Then a litte ofthe above mistuce, mixed with wate:, should be rubbed over tho metal; then mb olf briskly, ‘with ray or leather, ands beasbiful polis drywl clean ets, "Wan ss aco mac lackeneul by the fica Qiey should be seoured with soap, water, and fine sand, ead, LS
Lead is only propared on the
alena, sulpharet of lead, by roast. fg tho 0orenatural in a reverberator au coal oud aitorwards salting it slong y vithTaraave, gravity, ina statoof abuolime.”"Tta purity,specie late’ is 11.98 to 11-44,"IY melts but ordinary Toad feldom oxeeeds 11.85. about 6120 abr, ond. when Yery slowly atcooled, erystallizes'in oetohedroas.” It 39 tnlleable of elasticity. Lead is fd ductile, but devoi hot dissolved by muvatio, dsulphirio, or the Yogotable acids, unless by free coutdet. with slowly but ultaic acid thon very1 forming ais, upidlyand. oxidizes a solution of uk Erato of Tend. Puro watery put nto a leaden ‘Yossel, and exposed Lo tho’ a, soon 1b and disso the nowy-fortmed usidecorrades ier aa spring. water exert no scl sulphates, ta f0c9, tho eashenstesi aad water destroying ts slvent. power. Lea withgreatly"most uttals, except ay bowhich’alloyed. hoe dite gravity and melting pola. fromIt hositis a specie stnon Sli or gold au ler, aud is theretre fmployed sopatate thove' metals, by cupel, atin, rom to other metals and minerals ‘9254, “Cautions oaOrlisary tho Uso of which Lead watey, &o, Cisterns, for fbounds in mineral salts, may bo safely kept {n'Teadon” cisterns; but ‘aivilled and. ala water, and water that coulains scarealy any Saline mates, speedily corrade, and divsolve f portion of lead, wwhon Kept in vessels of that metal. When, howeves, leaden estore hare {roa or braces, 8 galvanig setionor is ziueset fastenings up. the proservauivo power of faling matter c e a s e s at Une water" speedily itgcomesennta miuated with lead: Water eur: thining foe carbonic acid aloo nets on leas and hia Kept fs the reawon why the water of sng sori, lealon caer ar esaeproperby leads pumps, inpotsesses wawholesum ties. Reo carbone eid ufYe evolved dung to fermentation o r desay vegetable matter, and the. proprety of preventigg tho eaves henceof traps Tine ot lea Taling’ ints wratersteras Richnoas of Lead ad‘Toore,PestOrho the glen, follows:ik wect thaythy bets tested ns of4 is tho orowatei salient nitetn eae ply vith iad ne spel any exeoss of aid, and” largely dita Oho remainder with distiled water,” “Nest ai difate hedroehlorie acid, ‘by drops, at long as it oceasions a precipitate, ani leet ihe" whole, after being moderately heated, upon a sinall paper fer, ‘Treat tie Ingata with stress of saipharetted Altered calle the black preepitate, ashhyoThy nd digest it in strong uitae eid] when eu” rely “dissolred, preepitato. tho leat with niphntie acid.to dryuess, dipped thetn excess it, evaporate the salptne of vrceiplate i aul hein expelled by a father trong heat plied thedied,endsand The dry “iasa should be towards: washed, go light iguition inn poreciia eracible.exposed | The resulting dyVg stupliace a is eqnal to 68: per cont, of i 8206. To Find the Percentage of Ores,ia “his ean be dene Sy in Lead Lead applring the test wet way (sco No. 25855), and sualtipiring theUae weaghe or the pros dtaet obtaied im grains by OTe aso bo found in tho ery tay, a follows: mayPlango 2Tagnace, conical weought iron erueible into 4 blast raised. to as high & heata possiilo sete the erie has Uncame of atl ed Heat, inteodnee lage it 1000 grains gaten (lend ore) reduced! to: power, and. frit ently eth & pleco of ‘vitobe lattened aifogetthe end, ‘this wiee sulin must never sutered red hot. ‘Po prevent the ove from alters ing, after 3 of 4 mloutes cover up the cruel: Ulead when at a fll cherrp-re bea, add 8
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 oFfd 3 spoonfuls Dring to aof fullredueing white uxbeat(see ia No.12 2464), t0 13, imingtes, after having, seraped down tho seoria, ete, from the sides of tho crucible, into the melted! mass, the erueible should be removed from the fire, and the eoutents tilted into font thea small metal brass free finmould,seoria,observiug. by rakingto ran bo latter back with a picee of even woud. Tho seoria is then reheated ja tho erneible with 4 Spoonful of flux, and this second reduction flded to the fin. ‘The weight in grains of the metal obtained, divided by 10, gives tho percentage of motaife Tead in’ Uke sannple of Dissolve ‘S257. To Make a Lead Tree. of ead) in 1 ounce’ sugar of lead (acetate few drops of pints distifed ‘water; adda acid: place tho liquid in a clear whito Seetio ils botdle aud suspend a piece of sino in ‘ymeans offine thread seeared to the cork.
891 iron, a brownish Wlaek on steel, a deep black compositious aze to be mixed and fon cast iron, Itis the earbon ‘present in tether rho hot, and may bo Tai'an pat from wry 8s Iron Hous, proportions which produces tho Ise‘B269, tho TosameProtect ‘ence itt appearasee parpose, ‘then coated with a wniform luv of some ver. otablo oily this dons, t is exposed in a far hace to the setion of » high temperature, ‘which, however, must not bo strong euougl,
th carhonise th oil. at Ththe this way thethe ellcantis fron absorbs oxygen soment dlccomsprned, tthe burad eefewer a stosaly thin estai oftheres beosrnthofumed oxide, whieh my andtho wilape fuluit of high polsb, giving f t quite pearaveo of Browa th finestTintbronaes ‘S262. for Iron and Steel. Dissolve in # dtpuntaeon,ul 2 water, 2 parts crystal tzad chloride part’ chforde of antthe tSolin om, and par galieacidy and apply. on, the fad dry itnwith thors, h spotge Repent or elotathistothe only preparedby amine Tron Tti Seabtalued atiley LON, ay unmbet ato. Tarp accanding tho deptWashof swith color water, which and a ironfox thus(either cone crude oro‘along hoTimestono ob- fliv ietines desired to produce. The Gay).with moukd urnfo fod dr linseed a fnally rab themetalartickesUsos overrecehves with andBy thenthe const eis toiled oi.” he subse iron. rg tron_or east ites 2hore brown of tintansmiony "aid resists "he welding.) (puddli, processuf intorestive, {quent shot moisture. eae Hie ack tron wrought or inom sft couverted {iS well ives uf iron Yeeare tooapplica ant desertion, properties ‘Tho 263.weld "Losind ictBluest eatGunsto Barrels, Appl require. fo Known nitro the iron alte ids buna of branch every shot in fons then theoxile.latter Clean ‘will bethe coveted withanda. thin remarkably Its fufalte, feyfete,avo. andalmost fils of bare, of bar s i t i Dut tenacity, great paces ih metals. other the f o many thou meiteaule fess atot 3264, ‘To Ornament Gun Barrel , aud melts 7 8hantest gravity Te specie all of Te ihe metals, Fandaby.” dneile 37009 ‘about and whenal iho malleablewth carbon or sien (stee}, orabiued degreeix any iron. to alinent of being ortemperad fitsbaraness Metaile elasticity. OfSisingutsh Bihar tte SRP by theme mage Beate attracted being hy ed si meee o e ne dlluée of hydro: byselttion dissolved by being elds Set; withit flammabil sulpbure Soden eas ity andof hy tho uswal reactions ecogulged “exbitite Gotion ‘Bo dues not Soa i wane mat Ra Toon (Cooley) iran. of protoside on metals,poise.principally easlyof iewithhighocher Tioy eaaily Tels tesa fein eysiees protection and oxidization Stiacked oF Fust to preveut from tho byaly, aelly, ing e of Percentagrae the To Estimate ‘$259,in Oren. nucleo Frpare oon layers Ie tocessre pressing intocherenal elay by powdered pyof moistenel andthe Fall nati removing by cavity a but clear Solid; "Tskeake 200"it withgrafttho of sametho portion. Sentral and ore, powderal Feiptt of dry sacked lime, and 50 grainsehar f anain~ a tees a ea earbonnta.oes} ita sofactory Conte wth @ vory Used. mixture fay’ boi necessary and Une toettelble thiszpose tho iuto Todueo moderato n crucible up, toi of tho erucbo.ate the contents until apply, eat for half‘Theaa tasitatn and then iy, furnace. blast a of beds fl tho foe onmetalthe Femove the crucible, tapa8 toit stendly’ the bring so fume, the of tego bot. » 8268. To Protect at thocmetble together les contents Tiefportion of sehen Iron from Oxidizathe. break coo), and, touts a cleanthe bate inClean iron wilofthebe found oped, tho“he bottom son slag, ‘that wel, Ts it weg and rah eeatch Spi of Heh: the peroentage ive exankostio Givided n Sons of byto 2,cro wilandor anda sh Wrought ‘9260.Tron TofromDistingui Hlaner produces Steel, Gast apbywrepolishingaeld, orwhiehflivy,is and surface ight allowed of drop a pls and mitts, onewithoF wo therefor Toremain spot Tho’ water. off ashe then isBill then Tools pale shy gray on wrought
stirred to the Rust. propos this for ‘A mastleZoor covering pats Mia sil0 eve i floss trough pasted y i c r b Pourided whe fs ofthen80 thuwith Heed dvhanpos 20 ap parts Pian milter the by Tabb maybe dled pain whioh Deoro a thick fins Sto te tsp tagpeatige, of opines Swieh Prom cleaved. n well o be s shout i the Died eaad ut s s k r c a o expose l e upon y 2 Tnexpesonc to tho ai, watcret dally with eat 2 coatsheenof thtsmnasti, covered being eects er Ueronghly of with1 have tho good pave To Prevent the Decay of Iron 3270. bvery ono nisr have voticet the Railings, of lead aint 0M, combination Gostruedyo froin railiszs being fised ia stone with the
former metal. ‘Vis reason for this is, thata Keeps wp the oxygen of tho atmosphere ivane selina between the two. metals,
‘Bhs for wastolou munyfa which ba prevented hyatrante east ie tinofngo o ca t e inven woul’ bfallen tho tho wholo.af i tation would thm anc; uno reals Ing infra, oxide tho. otherof zing, neatlyHe tho same exposed to, tho atmo. tw ondinary pains phere isin SBanpovol of thy oside of teal, ‘S271. To Scour Cast Tron, Zine, or Brass, fan ba'seour"Cast iron, a {me mal toarine,and napht!
Tinks ofsattices feconumny labs,
ute'327D, atiphurie ct Stecland "Mo Cloan Make 1pastes unto rpsoiteonsnapthoandarticle voceswith Tron. c o m e r s io washctoather End i e wil hare a brilfac polish, Kerosene titi aio clean tae. tool, tho greatly atdition inerenses of « smallthe qnani t y ofenrbon hard. ness and tonactty of trun, and converts it tool. ‘ho aint of earbon to be aidedamto
showid bo just that whleh will produce the axitsum dt bardness and Loughnesy,withont Fendoring i br pary. stil ‘conta ‘about 1 per cent. of carbon; hard steel 1.6 to L7Baglish"por stools oot. Thoostimatst poreeniage of c by. Borthior LAr. Temelts at abont 25002 Par ‘3274. To Convert, Tron into.of cement Steel, ‘This is usually dono ly the process ation, produélsg what.of isa omc ered about Dlistered Stee” Ku iso bottom fetof fquaro ab Lt fost long, sually formed. fifo clay,of iacoment placa composed a lager, ofshout ® inches thie, 10 parts cha. coal and I'part ashes and common s a l t y «pon this staid’ Gor of thin frou bars about 4 inch apart; between and ‘over them, layee ‘offands0 comont tion 8tentsocondthe rowtrough, of bats, 02,fa spread Mtsrustely, poscly full; sand lastlyanda lajer of cover cementof Grete, covered Jit fost a closo to as to exclude thoi. ‘Tho trough is ox osod to tho best of @ coal firy wat o full Toll heat, abost 20000 Fabs,je obtained and Kepe up steadily for about? days, A holo is fettin tallow at bar being thodrawnend ontofthefor trough, examination. When a baryon b e i n g wthdeasen oad bgoken, Wag ace ue 9 erutlin texte the metal ya ibwwed. to goal down graltally, somo days Being allowed for t h i s , aud the change, when cual; withdraren ftom the trough. ako Bars
DICK* suhlimate, 1 of saltpetre, a iron bos,depta filo TY pints rock1 offall.sal-ammoniae, ‘The pleks sould be heat! Tact of eps od to a cherry red, and cooled ia. the bath, pot shy in Anita larde et steel thes tne eh salt gives hardness, aud the ether ingra: or & ‘The tient” gonInstrfor Ges and be betivect the chraixlsides ofaisnbr thead 4 steel, Foaces dente toughness toare theJett steel; anddrawing they Wil, fheStoelter spaco uch dint break they withont tha azo soyi red. (fans then moc,ot steels ati, lastly, at donee Teast on1 netop per. Inept chips, well ranpied 3275, byToeatingMates npShear-Stecl. 1 8203. Composition for ‘Temperiny offor thester, Hest to and Hecp at mead beat produced larsut btero Cost-Steal ‘To & gallons fom 9 tod hours Donotdsterb the box rater, ad Milounces Picks, Rit leggy of 20°tuehes at Wading ther each nitric acid, spirits af inSuingbunifes a rod usS281,cold Engraving Mixture for Wri- hartsiorn, solpliace of zing salammeniae, tized oflor 8 a or 9 by andi.a vg ‘Thesoof avestee,brought said alta} Goinees eal, with a double baud: ting on Steel, Sulpatea eapyer, | ounen; toabeliing Nett “hooand bining Weklel nn together ner Root-pacings; the'steel to be heated 9 separately, palveriz 1s thet osneos to color iy and mie fullack, of chery 4 venuilion Ealtononino, Tt must bo kept corked filings hlde shoved cfr teheatibn, the inass Es {ght tn preventred. exaporation, swith iY ouuces vinegar, Reb tho eel with fregel ‘soli aud esteuted. (sto 8 tate In 3204," ‘Tempering Steel, Mr. N. P. Toth soap and write with cleanistare,bsnl pen, Amos, Cause where dls operation fz repeately the lito of Chicopes, Mass, afer expend: frithout'a st, Uipped i tbe Steet i allotTo dowtteshenr tcc. {sis meh snoney th means experiments, is8 ing Tho steel Tools. ‘Tempering S276. Make Cast-stecl, "Cast sad ‘8985. that thetimomastand successful of tem: hp it ntoeating oldSt towae finind athe est variety foal fino. cuting tol Rerdened fist sgoncrally poring swords and extlasses that would This tsa tolstors of seraps of Wilferent. var fon,Shor vARteéwand plongiei drama by mu ho. United States Government test, wasstandby. red, atl tonthe deniper otis hlistered steed, colented tugether ia beatingin a charcoal fire, hardening in puro ood velactory clay crucibles wpon this @ rately heatingthe ste spring water, aid drawing the temper ia Enver |hail itis exposedl_tn'an intenso frees of bardioss hareonl fame, (Gee ne S680). Purposes fheas in a blastGtongee tortor A honts, Th 2205. ton"To Straightpleco en of tooHardened Steel. Hor roxy pale straw color, 490 for lancet, ‘ents are thet re fato moulds, Afr arena, harden AC shas bf Garker yellow, 4000, foe taaars Bete sahjected to Tow of a ulehamaser, coral: heatant i yalight,wea notstage epongh aud‘parte surgicalstraeinstismeat, the eaststea! zea faruse, "(Makin todnon the toner for pon-knives. yells, Steel fade olor eatting 2Sealcoran Siilldarker yellow, 4 ‘Take‘9277.iron serapsin smal from pieces, Tron pt 40 Scraps. pounds cold anvilILS Sithbest, ehanner owever toi eeclfnot rraigMien
ino emeible, with @ ounces eatconly and 4 fonnces bltek oxite of masizaneso; expose tho whole 15 hows to.a high leat, and rua into inoue ‘8278, fa blucing To Bluestect Steel. plogel! is merely‘Theto moda subjectem.ft olteat. “he dark hive fe produced at tome erate of GOO,thethesteel full must bite iest finely 6002, andpolish: tho at 6302, Tine talon ies surface, aud then esposed dora tat. fun het, “Aerordy threo deron ways ofof colmtiog frst, by & theamo acoproducing no soot, spiit of wines seconlly, byy-atiot plato of from and thindly, hy wood alhos. ds avery reatar degret ‘of heat is ovestass, woud asbes for fine work hear the prefereses, The be euvered over ‘with them, and earefally watehod when tho olor work lfia Derfot, {3 sudieiendly “ul ele iheightene deena the taken 8279. a! bus“To of Blue Make sheet Small fren, dllSteelih wiArticles. ani subject it to agreat heat. ‘The fo be blued suust he finished nd we Tinmesso. tho atticleg is of them until they color,ech wiien they shonld be taken ont messed i 6 ‘To, Make Edge-Tool Cast-Stecl and Tron. ‘This method consists intoa fisiug.a clean pico ut weonuht iron, brought welding heat, ia the contre of Ainold, ‘and thea pouringin melted steel, so as enticely to envelop the iron; and then forging the ‘mass into tho shape required,
Remove frouSealosteeltromariclowSteel.by 3281. may Tobo gemored Seale saphverie fhdkag aul inwhen watetrhe withrele isbiteloosened, bronact Bait, iL3262.ad Tona mst RestoreheeBurnt Cast-Steel.
sale 1 pum bony gual eames ena of water tne, ada gilheey Bind tad aboro aodboll boltoo ivi fa'an ut fades not Do paste: . a atiTope ori becomes colle uaybecome Stel,had onFueasinllg wiAnneal (> 3589 chopra a a fron to saat iin thenbe theburytelSadust ar, Hic li cover ctisefe, aedty, Lota vith alereerquatt Bor lis R'SopuottGo sul, pack thein to bo very roqulced Aenwiiis cas or planedlehips ron Cte odd
“Brown yellow, 600°,thigedaxes wath,and plane-irone, Yellow, slightiy. parple, 8202, table‘S286,knives foAu ‘Temper eateh prin Drills. Dost stecl to cheery ra alte hams easly col forming the eal theto tequlsite fattened siapo, then heat ie again weherey edscklver. aid plnge A solution inte a hump a ein of apo” of eyantle o f {Resins rain waters sometines usedes goud for fheas temperiug plunge bath but i t isnot quicketlyeroe reso. ‘8287. ‘To Temper Gravers, ‘These nay bo tempered im tho same way as dsilay fir tho rod hot instrument maybe pressed im which about the to holoreceive ent.acon eon Bas’ melting deep.of eadLead, inea plecother finino and. em wil give ie an excellent temper. 3268."toa cherry To Temper Spiral Springs, Heat ved in achateou! fro, oiltal 3 Irardon in o i l , To temper, Daze off the Himes, the rao as foe fat spring Grind ‘To Temper Old Files. ual a Bright cuttings on onothen side, tho SNivtabed cout‘3289. rnefaewof fr tho datop leon thempieeo
upvwardee TH abont, aint 1d ell eggin to tora Fellosr; acd when iho yellow bas deepened fo abort the eulor of sles, plngye ia cold vats 3200, ‘To Make Polished Stoel Straw Color or Bluo.& paleThe strawsiriueecoloref pullshed Steel acquirer lat 4602 Fake. and a uniform deep hive at S80 Fabr, 8291. To Temper Mill Picks. After working the steel exrotally, print, preparewhieha bath Of lead heated to Use tiling will tos ie ZBL agitation of the a Tn it place the end of the pick to the ‘th of 1 ihelies, not heated to the tem. potatos of the fea, tken plage snsmediately. Fivelear cold water,” is ‘Pheat thetemper wil be jaseve temperature Tight, if the bath
Tugel. Theare! Mest prtelpal ot requisition in Seenndy makin Thil picks good eel. frorlsteel it ata by lowovestatine heat; most ‘Thi blacksmiths Jiro heat lorin
(enperiogGath miuct direct exposure to theagainst Gre ‘Thea actsmerely azprotecdon thotemperhoat,velwhich is aint elways too geet & ‘3800,galinas Bath tainfor Hardening Picks, rrako'® eaten Tosh.Millcorres
ititeween the a cones ofawoodlai tired Aull or on Uleck of widn a mallet ‘Warm fbule sits really othe blowspleof ho alle. cold would tren Like 3200. ‘To’Magnets, Restora Toiestre the Bower of Horseshoe iiseioe trognets Ibat bese ck oan thelr power Hac from doetho Geena as with th magset too charge, gaint Tetel"oleaeSaunas i b n Shred st drawupona teplecomagnet of call{obacharged, bon, placed sifromrightthe Thon angles tathe end. Dots a number tf‘iagaot times idaspoles cach silo of tho magnet ifthe of g o d tes, this produees a ma Tima powers it is the metiot of acai, a "3207, is dansiored on of the bettv tho operation Cano-Hardening obyf iriug aarace of soe! to pises of Iron, are rendered capablo of rel thoy Srhich Ipakigresteateruatardness who to ofitrtor fot alle. Chaghness goot Broughton, Ths i s accomsied by feat Feeldovestele” tho ro tn gtcy th saps-tnearucas ttn na Goonfe Tile fntendod toanna! bo easerhardened arothe putbofataoaddhe be wth carbon, aad tirtight by aluting i andwithhepa ‘ely. Toy ere then iced Gora ie ra Heat any length Inbal of Une,tn acon to thethe opin regaled hour ahr tok andiths contents havewil beanscarcely bea a quethe trough, haninees {Disktets how, Soquted double fn‘ho gox forthof theyabel tl wetakames dedtcdrem daaopus fe wate roa Nheysho Goutauts onptied topare cold fan bo takenfore euto the watersiding wid di ((rasteve Go'Kosp thn Uh rusting), tun with some dey serdar; and Choy polling.” ffmGas-bardoag thos wal forcorer foSpec Tisuovalways fnunatiade or esonomy that rou fsIEE easepreteablo harden,motely but for of tings to ste), arly and anseor bey,tho Hope esate, "sieate Bistoring mayor bones bo dippedor oliinto a‘oul powderantapatofwhilohesting, burns leat, matte 3808, "Fo Gave: Harden with Chascoa), sap gon, Raised inveryfeapeet utevened pol {Shing are put nto aa ion bog and fitk“hnindl orsed vogstbla chafoal, and em ented ata uct, foro period varying ‘with the sito ‘and doseiption ut tho rtles
‘porated on.Moxon's Mothod of Caso-Hard"3209. ‘ening. Cows evil, hom andoF hoot is 0 boia baked erhatthoroughly pulverized, anorthe moro may be got indo the box: with cain” Orone dash to dastannwes tho ano porpago, T o this alan equal chamber quantity ei a,nyor eal nix hm ‘with alo whitewsistare, winoandvinoger; covertho thosane ironin ‘with thie bad fein Tam, oF ensloso it forge fa an toirondry”box; abdlayMarden; ie on the hoor of the thou puhi it juto the fit,hat,asdandblowno tlhigher,the Imp blood-red Tost mixture bo Durnt ibntoo ater. much, ako tho ‘8800. iontho out, ad itnmerse ‘Fo Caso-Hardon, 2fnko a pasteof with @-concontratad solution of prussate potasl oat Toars, alstrong enat redtho heat, irom therewith Thon expo it toa whoa ivatohscoldfallenwalseto. dail red, plango’ and tho whole ‘S901. ‘To Gase-Brrden Polished tron. ‘Phe iros, previowsly passed and fished, fofpriakled bo hicated toorth8 Deight rd ofandpotash, rubbed! ASor ovar prussiato Shon ws the prussiate appears to bedecomposfi‘water. and disipated, plunge the ardclefuto cold "When tlio provess of easo-hardeaing has boon weil auficientiy condtcted, hardthe tosurface of the amotal proves resist ‘Phe plaus method arb a greatBy improvement ‘upon lagetho two common the applica tin part of theof &prassiat, receipt, fy piece uf azfron inwaythe belasteaso-hark ‘ed without interfering with tho vest 8802, Improved Process of Hardon: Stool. -Aviicles inauwlactared stout parpoies of cutting, are, ahostof wie forfont theau exception, fis tho aayforgesintermetho undergomg withost. taken Hardener dite process, widmisebiet sueh arising 1s tho aeoustomed routing, that the hasproduear exeapeda observation, ‘Tho act of forging Strong sealoof orthocoating, which Js epread over the hole Mado; this sale or coating feto nequal fa substance, varging in proportion tho dogees of heat communicated to thoto Steel In forging; its almost Sumpenctrablo the actionof ofhardening. water whenItonceimmersed. for Gi. tho purpocs it fs that ferent dogreosmnantfactated; of hanlness. thisprevail in nearly& ‘very razor is evidently positive dteet;didwronce ne so long ast continues to Exist, great of temper must exist likewise. "Tosteat, therelere, of passed ardenig the bla from the anvil, Tet it bo Imediataly frm thoapplication hands of the frgerstoneto tholk frinder; a sight of tho move tho ‘willwhotovenof betho propery rele of eoating, aato tho razor prepared nul thoTe eporation of hardediig with tatead antage. teplain thas steel mu this Tneats in tho immersed, fie. with greater rogulanigy, abd that, when becomes exqally ‘hard frou one extremity to thelowestother.posse ‘fo thisiaay Thowhich ated, that, as th heat thont stel begomes bard. ia fndubitably Hest, thom here hy reogamendel, wl beo fund the o n l y oe srhich the process hardening cas be effected! with «less portion ofSway.” firo thas i, orca bo, required in any othor ‘Theso observations ‘aro deciive, ndin ‘wil, ig all probability, tend to estaba enor uso whatimprovement easoL bat boin regarded asa ‘ery important tho inane. Inting3968,of ego stl instrament.Smal Articles ‘To Case-Harden ofor orelbie, Tron, “Pose{part together, praasiato inof anpotashiton andveal10, to tho article allow! chen sal, andmiautes, parts eomivon Fos fa th Hguia'30 pat therm {neold they awillShotbo eave-bardened. ‘8804,waterTo andClean Gua. Wrap
clean around the eleasng rod; Uoproc: tka soatesude tod waters ueuet tow ofrude atecSand red up andquits dow the Changs barrel Tokyu cheater ack, ihothe nipples Water nt pourHy‘etn toYop esatorcraghdowa the bagi, and rub dry with fees clean tows thn a ule‘hypwe clan t ollthoco sto, tw down thowilbelae f e rub farucs feed il,wittyTf boling hotao" water farib vse,ed thobo Bare Woter pprchended or is injaring the. tempervineof « fino gam, Some sportamen use bolimethod. this the g0, Geto tcannotwaterrecommend njre not docs JRfeie hatreac oing water t0 oy100 218°to giveFat ie andie thomopgu oun. was heated ws GunAnointing, for Grease 800, It id that Barrels'on teinateSea-Shore, and ablimats acoso erat agaaat on efectsalprowction wil proveof gun-barrla feed ou the sonar rastidy ‘Bs8808, To Protect Polished Steet port t o . opeat io Nang Siusts” front Sothna fr preeryiog ts" poled sutace Betton and Lol‘by ekpermet:oxtdipns thoon; areaed inne abrald ribied vipat choot color, wich sein mag. orTE ble,wl Soltien eoatgo wheter bagi Bad rl rotate ti tha any
‘parish, 3307, To Protect Polished Metal from Rust, ‘Take 10 pounds entta-perel pounds ueats’ muttonfootsuet,oil, and prmads 2BO gallons L gallonLeetaposi oi! Mele toguther watil dhoronghly dissolve! and mixed, aa culoe with a shal portion of sose pink; ‘il of Uagimnor other perfnmsing. s at er Bray be added. When cold. the emnposti i to be rabbed on the strftee of bright steel, iron, brats, or othor inetal, rxysiring protee tion’ from Fost 3808, To Remove Rust from Steel.
from 250° to 3002 Fabs., brittle and easily alton at 5005 fsck at 77) and be fines ecoanged de wit “et, tn close essels. tis scarcely by expostre to{he air and moisturo; honeoalfected its geaéral tee inof arte fr tho prnctaetar ‘of estls eapacity, tubing, de that teqsire Lightness and Acids, even tilted, attack ino darabiity rapidly. "also soluble. su eavstic alkali: Heated to whiteness, Pues fn eontact with tho air it burns 941° seth great Drilianey,” and. fa coxverted fata. oxide (overt of wid msiatie sine). Thin very sulubin in ovale. dilate Sulphuric aid, with tho oh of bydroges ges. ho salts of aise aro colores sine is never pure, aud ie obs Commezei) tained vom the native suphutet (aie blend) frties,earhonate (ealamne), by roasting. thosa and isting then along seth carbon: Sensis matter in covered earthen erdeible, faving, its otto coomected. with iron cho ich termisalrs over a vessel of water Sivsated leneath thever furnace. ‘Phe Gt pore Eats goes ene can i its, a adeate b y aha i ental fall ie bron ble; but when the metal apie begins bnew with a bese itothe Nine, en the. Hite blaze coxnsences, latedwichstad fsof collected, Zine(Contey.) inay bo alloyed mot the metals. BOLL, Purification of Zine. while “Grasiato sii hy mele, an punting, very iot, into deep vessel fled wih water, Paco the’ gasolated sine widi aonesfourth Merion eewcibly in tefaate layars its weight tfover asimt,he withertebte, ash exeeas of ltzetheat Til;tho thes top. a d . securo fpply heat.tor Who dellgration takes place, onoe the fke separate the dost, and fain the sie Snto an shgot mould. Tt quite Fro3813. from ‘ToareneGranulate Zine. Granulated sine obtained fy poring te molten metal into a wars mortas nd tarating vgoroUnly, ‘eit an front pestle, uatl fesoldites, (S20 Nowa.) 3313.” To ColorDy paslphite Metals, ofMake a insoluTh tion of ouves soda pists of ofwater, and addsamea solation af ofL water. otc Acetate tead inthe quantity ‘rteleswhichto is colored ve. placed heated in the rahe: fate, then gradally to a oiling point.” ‘The elect of this solution {0 give, fon tho effect of blue steel, size be:is Comes iene, anyellowishcopper orsearet, Urass’heomes Stcevesively ted, de p & Ung bive, Sineks whit and nally white with solution finsno effecton Tead frafthe rose. tin.satation ” ByThisveplaelsg tho acetato of leadbrasein with euipbate of copper, luocomes of a a indeseent fine rosy tint, then colorsgreen, Zinoand finals, of brown ns clr ofis higbrownslato, hepa doe ‘precipitate sulpburet ef copper; Ihab hosted inn polation containing bot3 lena ‘and copper, becomes covered with ‘eek mybe 3188)improved bya thin coating‘ert, of was.hick (See-No,
st thosuayartile bo rentoved fon vil steelfy aby fewtmers ng‘Pho in Revoseue days, rast vill become sn meh foovened: that feroth may eatily be rubbed oil By this simple badly rusteda tolerable Knives anda fe anilo to p r o s e n t orroan nowmoatgoodsbatthere is no way do remove Mast by gate Welow i , or tone iulery ng thu paper surf, wil do,Whore fe 1songnot standing doop-seated,the bats foods yhust New bo refine ‘3909. Mode of Removing. Plunge” tho p r i c fa hath ot wlth 1 plot gnabye @hlonte (urate) act ditueed Swater, Lewvewel iwith there 24seeublingsinish. houray Uken take‘Thoit Det asdeub a Oxia will Should como offalyTikestildittoman, under a8 the9 action ofsnap. Like fnbaththet forcorroed. pacts, vetnen t h o metal tothethe a fow hours more, and repeat eerabbing., ‘The ld,metal esau will preseot thobo sell sp eurance of dull then Rrasbed. in plain ‘water suveral” mes, ad thoronghly tied befura a f r e . Easy Title rabbingthevith el sudShotdfine emery poserpease wil restow posh, ol ox Have mingled wlthit by-a tho ros, itsolution will hoof neces tary to romovo bat soda Dofore submitting the metal tothe ackt, ‘This metal approaches silver in Tat attaekes tho rast alone, withon injuring id lustre, When pure, it tho steel; but eo wnsbiug i n . plain water fs albimportant, as, afterfom taothoatmoephiors process tho metal ‘wil abvor oxygin ely party let Hany truco ofthe acid Uo allowed to remain, aiitstpectte BGowotnpanct by alrotestiphethf nee and
4 blueish qehito metal, Daving. w spo« site gravity of 68 to 7.2 fomgh shen cold, ductive sod inalleable at
mmnriatie acids; and may be combined and tiogelewih most of beset mote, a scsi dae ea fometioes ay welphavefoundem uldortho ppoten) namea QUonwaly Englands oP tnstbne snoined With copper Of,
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 rocks; and as an alluvial tho slate oF gr epost (tz ot fctis) inties thofrumbeds Dastea.of ivors"The arto Pears natal eb tut mith fist to 30+ washed 'edueed
in stamping Beove powder nasteddeogt earthy anduate, alphas ahem thon tp gaya orarson abn & its reduond by stheltiigwieh dized of oattl kind (a cul’ powderedand alittle Stacked nes freight, in ofWales), Pou flepo lgustion (seetho No.2), Finest refined by stmelting paver neon while ina ub stato by a then, Ipwel is of fase to worlho alloweo gscen of bilets Tvith pesetIs wunalns. Tan produces itoe bloetstins aid cass fetile, reGhed termed it thie wien honey crackling julian pare Branner tis foilpoise tayo stints
from to" so-called Ge Toil in gonnral ‘which consist of Toad seit a Ha surtaee ont BBL5. Tests for the Purity of
Evaporation, If thero be
resid, ad
"3318. Genin Tin. This is mate tom
DICK'S quantities, IL uuites with oxy Sswoxpane portendaa orm sine st6a considerablo en, forming boxe; and with chlor ae carer or tte ne an or dreioe forming. calomel and. corvosive sublimat Wein oizo (SeeMetall, Not, 0H, e) or Crystal- swith the motals it forms. amalgas, combin E820. howover, with ditieulty with Iron, sick), tized Tin, A method of ortamenting tho ing, und somo other less iniporeant Messer ti pate Dy acts, Solitons oe plates ee platinum,” metals. "us oxides forin sulla with the acids Ssh w i d e an abies thew ouly acids, that, act on metallic mercury ruts heat, gn sped or eae spre wit ‘Tho fro the sulphuric and mitrie Int for thy pa tain, wiln'ike dope sf tetemployod, ant thenateplato,sn pose‘3325.the furmer must bo heated Mrengui of fhe ads ‘Test for the Purity of Merce: piped a r o sds ts of sppication ae ster Metallie’ mercury may iio wate aptly sesh “ase ant tility; and when in befinelykuown.dividedby fsof v 894
rer i n ite or cole eariches” The {Sling ary mone of ag sel sins termactto athseld,te tenon degre s at, of Fiton’ mapa wits part Tart of walpinsio aa, 2 of muuriatie aid, nalheli; SofT partwaterniteieastro of ms acid > sulphneie, and 18
fr waters A solution of potast is also used, 3821. Frosted Tin. A frosted appear. ane miay given to sheet tin by a wash of Iecntoride of ty 8322. To Make a Tin Treo, Dissolro 8 diachina muriate (chloride) of tia in 1 pint iigtilled water, adding 10 or 13 drops nite facia; and sispend a sinall sod et clean rue ia ' phial containing the above olution
icleel, A white,capabletard, of malleable, ‘Pagwotie ital, rociving ihHhomered Nstr of is silver Te apeiie gravity, whene aboat 88! Melel i Fry fuse, Aarau andlessphase eewth aceniteon tevith didetey ised {eid butdoosWe noeis Hoa lble in tho dheTateroF Sickel onlay ot tamieh diay wellae withfallow: eop pti,Fees ide"comperatareTealogs io, pore ete. it forey abtainad a then with olareoal poveder, fist ull afby thotelearsenic iS expelled,tls thoandareds eure “aor cesses obo Sraieed nun part susghue wont 1 part pach; melt tn awth ernedbtewate,wihdin & Send theat eo Gduteorte Sire iacilauinharioackt mixedearbonat with 4of ilo ese, eepitats ih pb Simrcdered sash,"iege mie tho preclgtats ich ‘charcoal, and reduce i by Heat Bor cemiea parpes pare nickel i beat ob tained by erueible snolernielyliedeating is oxalatebofa Seoveeed with ckarcoal of nickel fayelow; the sotpdrous sate degreefor hyucated, ton pare {Eefinityhnol "Nickel ealations. paloint green fernishing "found: presode meteono ron, ands congly shagnetiy but Fabe.lowes thsTei ropecty cuteda 350°" to heated, wwhen Gorman of manatutire inthe ployed sel medially, nce is fects. Sulphate wadof soporte fer soothing ‘with ercury or Quicksilver. ‘This aeary Hija powsessingmullsmeanute.silver“Phewitspcipal chlor, mot, und « ian surest of Tia ths Jnotal atthe present tive aru the mines of 3n Gant, anda in Spain,fomwheto i ‘isis under Oi form af ennsber, shh puro moltoe fstonobiained byiniondstiling that ‘rote ah Cite Alte retest 1moroury cottanerss Ia inthe sie sete a elainethewhlsulphurtheooloned fr tatable rou
thocome brit height, by whien they are bro aeaconsiderable which constitute“ intotin, ormallfin sntraghnonts, tears Brain‘817. "in Powder or Filings. Melt tee, na ruheated (ste No, 3316) mortar fn ana carthen-ware fete a brisk fn tttsate ad. point its meltingcooks; Tact, sift the prod foro. tho metal ipa remains byi what propared process tawith fs elzo fd ropeat thoPortiored fhosieves flag and easpibg Cornish Tako a wooden ‘Tin. nto Powdered f, onandthepour molt ti; rat sataO18.well wit hice {ox,chic clos tha corer inside sakto centage aid orfugit rece ts tin tho until volently then wash it im clean water, and Trywieder?it iment The Tin. To Make ts Feathered ‘3319,of feathering Gn into ita to bringwhichthe pevnits covjoct stato ofmuchminutetoresabiiiston, in acid of dissolved rapidlyBaving tobe awontencapacity ladle anfluidironounces, Proouro 12 ‘coutainingand2 ofa 3 altos mt ofstone Shout vessel eld fraro fee tin, bar pure of pound 1 Wetec, lead,About pieeesin oftheabbotladle 2 js to be eat inte froin in’ length, and melted fnehos When melted, pour tho tin in a very small stream, from a The hight lallo of abitshoakd3 foe,ho intorapeedtho cold water. “roma in ofsana ezele, tinhonststkes posting,tho water or tho whoo the melted ft onoo remelting. point, stillTho, coolfeathered in fomps,tn dsandto i=ta Pant, and: when solid iy duelte, anlleabl, ‘tenacious; bolls at ordinary 602° Pate,temperature but vo. izes slowly atthe mall holbt; oF, St tho atmosphere, and whew mixed. with laze Keowee Seater at fom 140° to 100% ea volatilize ia
eisby dltstet te dissipated by treet, and disselved ‘lie eid, bintacid.s poured. solubleoff,in boiling musicto dicid. Tho and Wlovwed. foo i her core hydrogen. or. fale 4 presi fate’ with sulphoreted| obile orod about ou a shect ol paper yields no trails puro aiphhure acd agitated sith 3 (in the Tearingéuld)any ovaponntes. reside, when heated, without 9826. "‘Tofs Purify Meroury, Meseury, simp ual ey pry 2 nay prepurol f i r mesieal purposes by ut ars into of retort antl tailing off 4 partsbo io wholo the mercury may, howerte, safely drawnboltedover.with ho2 titproductdrachis to behydeksh tated aud ‘hlorie eidthe aidduelal; I iluidthetoseewashed waterwithfor each pound of pce ater, and died hy heat. steong earthen Jar oo retort with aw mayneck be teltubofor Upping into a hash of water, a pli. 7, andTo bestPurify Meroury. Onemereury uf ts quickest metas of yrying Po agtiato it with aataeoncontrated solatinn of nilrato of inereury, heat of 104° Palsy then wash aoveral St will nes distledthromgh water, clean, dydry byhams passing lather. ° 3828, To Purify Mercury. Distll equal, parts hen Agewater,hn ms Bos Fetor, ofintomeroniy a vesselaotcontaining 9329,simple‘To method Purify of Meroury. ‘Tho fo lowing positving quicksilver {sbottleby br“capable Millers ofPotcontaining the quieksiertimes.into itsa quantity, addatho litle powdesta Toatvigorotaly sagar, and stopper bottle, thako it {orn fre fow mints, thenwithaopenpairtho ofbottle nnd blow air ints je Uellows Repeat this 3 a orcono4 ines, and filter tho paper mix: ture through of smooth writing. hhaving its Telapexhelind piereod nthe with afin pin,with sotho stgar is Alter ones of aay ofother present,of mute aod a Sal quantity eretryietulsiv wuts
Tuminum, this is ithethe molto Vass et altsing, hich pasta Heo of certain eins of lng ‘he color Salis ht, fling to blue Te fs ‘ery malleaie, and dict. Leaspeeio re y's nly 10008 abet260 ite melding portconornet tesa than Pain| Tea ho meat OF{hickall eats Tesalumina, then powdered. obtained caren, Mako & paste of Sugar fdatl the andcreamsheat itnmanos covered evel Stil i destroyed tnnafer thotheyre tonrth porcelgn the, andthea eoneee ones another tbotho Containing ded chiovado ‘of eau, and shee nd withthe porelain a smal tbulated.Teiver ‘Then exposo tubo ahoniallehtorine dif.of eaten emeo, and tv having with 8 vosen di
DICK'S aig inflames and ia converted into teroxide ing it tofaircombnatible eubstances, andseo thus thofof antimony, whieh ia deposited in benatifal casing oxdton Ty thi way erystals. Antimony’ ‘teat and. pyeoxilio s p i r t may b e converte into in hot. ‘Groehlorie acid, formingdissolves terchloride of antbyand ‘mie wal ac (So No.7, nitro seid converts it into, antimonie loo tortie dei.) (CodPlatinum, ‘The ne- mony; Acid. ‘This metal i9 obtained principally from and Germany. toFranco the vapors of antimony,Gold,loseswhenitaexposed: ductility ‘and malleability, and becomes lo as ‘antimony itself ‘3340, ‘Testa for Antimony. An acid ives, in combination solution’ of antimon rogeh, with, sulpharetted recipitad, sparingly lublo anin orangored amnion, 895
eogaging chlorine, pass the gas through the ‘pparatits at thoreless. sano time raising2 tours, the heator agof ihe tne to Tn Lor soon asbo theallowed tubo tobecomes choked, the whale inust cool, anv taken to pices, ndFirenedthe eolleetel, sougulehlonds of alwraivost thus Then placa 9 or 10 pieces ofnian potassim, Wo wizahemof pens, eau ina rteof about at se $aterof ofaluoing, sina formedpieces as above;ofthetho covereaquichlorido i now {obo put on an eestzel i tts place wit ‘She, tnd ualthe heat of spe Jamp cautiously Spt the spontahcousinantenconch Beno readily soluble it oro potassa.and alka: cPse matter censes, col, water throw getha Tho aud Henle rene sulphrots.-Hydosulpburet of amanon large vesselWhenof cold into rucita sponte metals pun rows down”precipitate, fron thoreadilyvacid. sofublo solutionin oxan tate and calle theyelfand gray dypowder deposited, shin ‘form postoaquses with Cabwateriidpressed n'a orange-red al again wash i t i is gray Srna mould watt ot contain if tholiquorfattercontaining Dovedering consists of Tule suallnot.metallic e ntdyby 16Fondor thas maiegtoo eaaedhato Sulphur precipitant oes of thein excess; plating,” a e t d on ead m a g it tion ded, carey. an the rate, tt fs asd dissolvedTea hy theto alkalies and wilnet andaterhasnt posed my. thbo {ho‘oringo-yollow redissolved preeipitito preciitato ongivestho a ation yellow ofof Sine rey Teatal sau this eaten fatches fre inand oxygen buns withgas, with great intense 19pidey riin shape, Mitel iat| (Caotey). gto o worked any Need Stetennion their potas, alof trae andi tne fn acid, Ammonia, {holignes’aly an“the seat powder, anWowfinmeneo upon number the ameof bostos ‘8835.it aPlatinated Dip as. futic) giroa bulky white precipitates that ofSdamedweandloaleplaye solution of Asbestos. chlorido of platinum, from ammonia beingfrom.insoluble in oxeess of thet0} points of preat eplendor. find heat ito rednen, Te eases t h o inflam tant tht. potasea realy [2981," generally "To olinemployed “Aluminum, the toation of Rydges in tho same manor as are only elt from tho arouate tote sabstanees for polishing bio-on tho application of het fluminamthe acotee ofof noan weer. Moray recom P3886 "Spon Bpongy. Platinum.ofum.plating, _ Dis Dissolve of the Purity Estimatopulverized 3841, ‘Wo Treat ‘nena emelon of egal parts separately orate fthlorgo and aatinooy Antimony, ftTigaida sum together and olive oi, made by. shaking these Igrocorato of emmonin in ‘proof spits SHMh nites eid; tha oxidizes tho antimony, state, thewhistoxide in 8 thebutte. tho one olution to tho other ae long as 8 End Tearesthoit other iasolubloCollect Whenback thestreaks in an metals. buee ‘thing stone fused peculiar gtolees while and, collected, in this falls; Drecipitato fist appearing shold. teot metal cause. in vexatin, seeigh thsi and gen dey, site, filter, wash, TEM noms, formotdriedintoand {ite bala wrheated piecon,to ‘hs on weigh Binco Uicy do Hot injre th leat, by mahipe ‘which are on grautally iil may be removed wth aTwoolen rag. Tho redness. sreightof pute meta inthe taigple examine ‘hjeets ta question may aleo be brightened In thoat por weighed, boen provionsly has 3837, 8 Platinum, Dissolve Teikis Jorsshlve In whe ett owen cra mt ‘eatage of pa metal i easly aie platinum, by the aid of heat, in a mixture of feFor takencleasing ot toparposes, mako usebenzole of toohasstrong @ lye 3 48, ‘ro 16obtain Motallic ofAntimony. {bree parts nitric and 5 parts mariatic ocd, antimony beer faind eulphuret parts together ais avoiding great excess of acid. ‘To this solu powder! in oth Jnents Objests of amin ean be ectzotartar, of exeauh parts 6 dnd ue, a qaaatities pated withoutimparting tho least tothem aiteulty,abright, ana Moueay echall in mixture, tho rit white reaction when redex; to este tenet succeeded in Tito conse aso tho mss a the aftermetal15 from ranula,the stro in passing thom snoceseively throng & four Tout and separate freak babct ofthonhydrodurie sidssaandtobe aqua fos Hing.‘Sr: ‘Tho nearly pure. of antimony ‘ho obtained ealy Bqaalproducts parts of protosite surprising. ofthetartar): potalea ani(eeeain of Above, bitartrats ant 32," To Frost Aluminum. ‘tho imix and fise_as pot metal Simply heating it to redness. reial i pluged into a solution of caustic nto stall consent mom. ‘3898, Platinum-Black. Platina Mohr, potash, ‘Or: oftartar, 8 parts salphuret of antimony, 6 parteas is platinomn fa finely divided state, and reo Hot tarthoom surface, expostrobecoming to tho itfrosted docs ‘This an 3 porta ntre. Heated ig obtained thua:—Add to a solution of Di boa, chloride of platinum, an excess of enrvonato parts sulphuret of antimony: andfn 81 fof soda, and a quantity of emgar. Boil until part‘Oc iron2 lls; cafe aba strong Heat the precipitate which black, forms andbecomes, after n Envored ort ble: gine ale cate, gm Tite while, perfectly the superna. tin Pia Anti. Obtain Commercial er ‘To on bu ‘3943, nana taut liquid colorless; filter the powder, wash, heir y of l f of sulpharet parts gravity 100 speethe to oot 215. together having arated Wuso and dryitby a gentlo heat. “Another inethod mony, Ay3D mwown, Elling, 40 pars oealie fon, and 0 parts maybe bien {s'by platinadigesting ore with rst twieoin dilute ts weight harder iron, than ot zie, melting powdering, sal- dry crude sulphate of soda. iin produces whiter is ie g. fomerin from 60 tod parts of antinons, besides the turace, hotest o tho in tafosbt silva, phurio'aeid, and next in difato nitric acid, than . On blow” compound tio before Femove the sino, assiating the action of theto Score or ah, Krhic is also valasble ‘only relia Shi this ‘menstraum Fake. capsules by Heat; ie 13 then digosted in about 20809 ipo ata iheat t Ws ofvaluable Boum for making potash Tye, and lastly in puro water, after heat. toaan ‘hich it 19 earofally dried. Platinum: black to rste ong fitontel Seyftadorgoo an ar epomice y b s nochang possesses tho property of condensing pases, pali s princi i00, meta This _ th, snith's of heat ismu stone th of ‘oro especialy cargo» into ita port aad Tnuitire ed ny, ax Germa in prapar ip by nay of aadthoaipare ‘Merwards yielding it to various ‘oxidizable gore, eduoally const os arse ad aoe tackedcote fogs bobands i Sutinnens.” Te oho oft be mized with a 85 aline welts intl, eryaboatiitS098 netyscolory eis wh’ more h t i w thongh regs), (aqta std cohol into a paste, and spread on a wate Bert, fare dalsh ofira powdered and “Spoogy gold. than ‘lass, puro acetic acid is given off and afore fenty lize lig ealrs andof Ustho Stone (lowe at 8 ectee volatiryaa of S ready meansof diffusing tho oder of vinegar Pahee lonfo panei rotiackb tho posses plato form fumed yeh oxyge of untn fan apartment, (See No. 1741.) Srcete ig ebieiy ly e a heated T aeoge ben ideas " tanta). oth from d e t r o p m i oat of gravy spect ban tian tho ean. Ural fn nyand. a fow other at loi Ceylon, ‘Tactof Russia, h mau n of timut to otherecieemeals 88.Inpees tthetheeditiolig tains rl pout silver, with alloyed when Pisum, nots , ct ances g in a ngeote eel P akin eryta ntimony. ‘this is binish-white, ha; Ees Io pre nual ne tion etal ompos elder aad iypeim of Uis’c ination comi-crystaling, extrema st les or more y f at Inised byBy “dwnagus Tein, fits meal of about 67 epactio. grat ne (eo ti,To ee) En al th. conceDiswl ve y Bismu inputs brittleness to alloys taflamasnble Purif S948, Plain ntra’ h i m c a and e init B crite igh temperstare; malls oat ander rene, £168 and woattses tadte args balk“thesoF pont osltion hy intoevape'8 rion’ ‘hito tr head, fomes, and henboy ‘suddenly exposed at to feleat olan
Vol. 2 rater, and bo white pow: 2 Gaioet (sabsnitente of bisInu) wil precipitated. the prey
Hate ad to digest i evapfora ineany fn ersenious a ito Cast Potashy dissolvo acidsthe Bint may bo ext ash ad dry subsnitato? he eventh abortcree its andWeighthe of shard jaa wll o found a the bottom of 16 bismuth (Haken. Bisteraeie. from Bismuth Separato "To 2946, mtne in motal mised tho Dissolve Leads” ail; ad hsm enusti aitpotach in, excess and the taidayof lead wil be preepltatoy inet lead oxideThe wiloxibeatof bvmath once reanaolved byUe separael the alkal. ean tea by dlcation, washed aod tea. tains.) = Aloys.
Combinations of the matals ‘with each by fusion, When mercny sone other of he obtainedcompnentmetaly, ho compoittd is tors an act amalgam, (Seo No,ach Seal ose ot tho amo with othernew byproperties, fision of ‘Thus’ amalgamation, and Soquire copper allo fed'with ring becemies brasssodaadcolorposseates 0 digrent density, hardness, to either ‘offmanafactare fs consttuets, Noapplicable general rues for can the of alloys to each boiting given;metalsbut dieing it may bogreatly remarked that,meltim in their lng potas, th others least fesble should bo timo, meltedim ‘BRE, and tho aded, ono ata their order oftho fesbiity, the.aldmost.alsofosble fetal being last. to bo tty boforo the aldition of each succoeding metal the temperatare ofto hothe lowest alreadypot atfaved whieh mash should bo reduced ie‘will remainpointfd,of thoor metal 08 near’to a2bo poesible next intro.to fasing the faced, 20 andhat lsts Secausnay teot compan evaporate orto babo fldized, Atmperteet. This is a pozeral rule, to be apied iu most caves;geld utwill samy thove ava exceptions, RE lastaueor” aelted tiny acd plato in naociotive. metals,th HEInstance, platiournadded,oro tho isttemperatnco melen, andnecersary xine, forto abtaia tho volatilize fusion of theplatisuea wouldmistara bo sudia Sient to sive.” Tho tually ofected nner ats, orandcomoexposure materialto that will provont craporation Go{in together, atmosphere.in forming ‘hens solder, in meltiog leadtallow and test or Is thrown upon. tho suvfaco? ia tinsing cop. per thoin surface is bed withmetal, sal-ammoningy Zul combining’ somo. powdered arcoat a weed for tho sauno putpore. | (Seeof or 3490.) As wo havo alzeady sad, most themetalsalloys-aro prepared by sinaply considerable, fusion tho togethet; att Usceobo aiferenco'n this pectic geaviies, the heat ferart very.of Ube generally snbrides, aud’ tho lower sass ths difers in composition Roi tho prevented mpper. ‘This tay bo thoin alloy a greatUl measure hy agitating solidifies but thispo plates, 1 nt alwaylich s conveatent, ‘Thus in siereots ar east moro vortical, the upper site vstallycostasns antimbay that the othes. AK & general ral, iho "substances (clements) et ator waite together ia fsed ont de toms, thereliyforasingnewy compound. als{ho uaite w i t h non-metallic bodies, and when obey samo. goncral law; but. ietals, lunited with'tals, appear to form a eject oxcop ton, though much donbeexists om tbe ‘They seemmoaliied, to mix poseasing in any proportion, andpropaco thereby: therenler erties whichnd ‘itart.thomThesefor roauy purposebeingfa commerce compotinds considered at prosont non-chemical bodega
DICKS 896 Table of the Principal Alloys of Copper. This tale ofthe alloys of coppat 4 $948. from Dr. Ure “tno bronze fur statues is the esinpouition used by Keller others, the salebrated brass founders. ‘Niskal [Antimony] Land
er Sata eB eet gene ; oe Speculum metal. ras for set. Gilding motal Princo’ metal
Dateh metal Beoglish wi x Mosaie gold : 68,000 | 34.000 90.3 | 9.070 Gon motalmotalfor bearings, esstacks, &e--°] 60000 ‘Munte's } 40.000, Good yallow brass. Babbites metal for bashiog 3 Y metal for largo bella... ‘Bell ‘Britannia metal... 1,000 | 2.000 Y og aves, Nickel a te Pansian 50.000 | 13.600 Gorman silver 50,000 | 25.000 Pinehbeek ons 2 ] x0.200 | 20.000
term of althe French togetheraro under clazod more fusible than generally foye, Alloys metals; the component chan the teat isibloharderoF and the more ort but are often
Geer rks temot Prk Dect aise) anew Chrorinin, ial
Ta eatnium,
Plt gana, ‘Molybdenum, | Zo! alge fon asin Keke, ‘Panestn, Patstfom, | Cadman? | Crain! Puasa, Kouta,_|
of Heat iOrder See of Foe nur ot ety. Jonder Pega "Fowers® [Sing Soren
Trou, 1000 Copper, '550 Plawonim, Silver, 434"340 Goll,’ 213100 Ying, hoy, “6350| toad,
| || | || |
Gold, | Platiaam, || Silver,” Copper, | Tron, Zine, Tiny Sana, |
Copper Gold, Siver, Zing Piationm, Iroo,, Tiny Tent, Mercury, Potaetin
Es agencegin ea torall metals. Betote some metals aro ren:
| 0.030 3.400 20,000 | $1:000
22.200 19.300 25000
8.200 16,000
dered fuid Uy heat, they Decome ‘Tho pasty; follow euch {san indlealon of malteabifiy. dng‘whichtalsmetals gives tusetho dogrocs (Babr.) of heat ab
3349, Properties of Metal: of nature, form part of tho elements distinguish metals fre undecompounded bodies, and fed frou tho other elements by their lustre, Sroight, do. in their Order, ‘Tablo Showing, the8850, Comparative Properties of Motals,
ovine of al ability. Gol, si
property of fauea without mnotals, Ductility also a toproperty found in 8855. somo metals. IU isis allied malleability, and often confounded with it. Teis tho prop: frty of being drawn into wire $356. "Tenacity, or tho resistance at being patted asunder by the foreo uf tention, eedinely in metals, Brittleness, resulting from hard ross, is property also ‘met withy and where the brittliness is not extreme, hardens it ia favor sehero subjected to comprossions This use: fal 3358, alloy of How capperto andMaketing Brass.is now generally mado by plunging the copper in slips into the ine melted inthe usnal manner. ‘The former metal rapidly combines with the uid ants, fand the adition is contiaued until an alloy is formed somewhat dificultof fusion, when the remainder of the copper is at once ad ed, ‘The brass thusunder formecharcoal, i broken ‘and remelted and into properpieced a ition of either zine or copper made to bring itupto the color and quality desired. Small guste of rast may be tad by melting io copperandand stirring rine separately, together vigorously.pouting (See text Copper Flux, No, 2470.) Tt is tien poured into ‘moulds of granite, Before being subvitted to tho rolling press for reenction to thin plates, it bas. to undergo the operation of Enneating. In the receipts whieh follow, I ‘will thet thothelarger ‘copper,bo sean the darker color,thethe proportion greater theof
density, and, to a certain extent, thethe weit toughSows of tho allo. “Zine Teasens’ Sop color. "in gives arduess and gran,fot fd dead toughens f e and renders fe dtr ‘Working. “AR application of thothesemetals principles Ywil sefro“as guido for amdof Proportions to be fuel to produce a brass Soy description rosie, ueo80. Eine ght Yellow Brass, le3380," together Bright. 3 partsCopper and pare sine ellow Malieabie Brass. together 7 parts copper snd 3 301. parts sna"Melt YellowcopperMallenble Brass. Mle$502,togetherDeep Pyare and part ene. Brae Mallenblo whilst Melt‘8365. togother'dHed partsBeast, copper Melt aod 2together pats Hot, zine.6 parts capper and torl 1 pasne, “Aomay mich a8 10 Darts of Eopper part zine be tse, hoLealcolorpart being a deeper red for every addi: of copper employed. ‘S304, ane Brass part, for Buttons, Copper, 8 passa This the Dmg am,"3905.piatin,Palo Brass for Buttons, &c. elt fe gt (Geg.Noewane 3850), 12 prs parts zine, and yell i pare tin,rs $306, Common Pale Brass’ Melt to-
soe penn cones 30 puttin © prs
53887. LoPine Palo Brass for9 Cas Melt g e t h e r 15 parts copper, parts 2k fds‘3308,patetin, t h i s isadler bridles” Dark Brass for7 pets Gastings, ‘Molt together 90° parts copper, ste, ® parts ‘Gay and by 1 using part 2leadspts "Tho colorne, willbe ail Alecper les of and 1 par ‘moro each of copper and tin. ‘$869, copper, Palo Brass for 32Gilding. Melt3 together 64 parts; parts zine, ant pareBrassBan for Gilding, Mot ere3970,ead (Hod together 83 paris copper, Isparta rng,anSparts tin, and 1 part lead. _ for trast Solder.(sce Melt together 12°are‘SO71. partdine,fine[Brase yollow No. 8050), 6 and't part tin. Used for ordinary raging. S875. 98Palo Brass for Turning, | Melt together parts fina bras Cee Ne. 9), and 2 pars lead,
3873, 06 Red Brass for Tuming, Molt togator parts copes parts in 9 pata ‘3874, Red Brass for Wire. Molt together 72 parts copper and 25 parts sine, annealed. Droperty 8875, Brass for Wire, Melt tosgethor 64 Pale parts copper, 34 parts sing, ond parts lead. ‘3876. To Make Brass which Ex. ands with joint Kron.between it is liieult by& Heat make Equally a permanent ‘ras and iron, on teeount of thelr unequal expansionof Uy heat. “Tna recent issue of tho jovrzal Chemisty,” new al ire fr“pplea fh te 8 ponsion’ by heat so. nearlynent similartnto that Kom, as t0 of a union betweenig, then, which, for allallowpractical purposes, perme: ent,” ‘This consists of & mixture of 7 parts ype, 18 pats zine and G parts tn . "To Harden Brass, "Brass tempered or hardened by rolling or hammer Ing} consequently, be mado of tempered. brats, i theany objects hardeningto must tlono before working it into’ the required shape. ‘3878. To Soften Brass, Heat it to a chozry red, and plunge it into water. 8879. To Cover Brass with Beautiful Lustre Distalve 1 ounce eream of tartar inColors. 1 quart boiling water; then add ‘ounce protochloride of tin dissolved in 4 oun-
cesfp coland” wae, Next bette olf bi « deciot tho clear selon fom telling precipitate, and pour, under continual by pout ounces EPef isto'senltlotat hate eoda hp pint water, then eat again Sale teparated te tlie fom WrPubolingThis andeolution produces on brass tho Farious Isto color, depending on tho tengt offo time dungiainwhichThote color articlesat areSet ald remain wil allbe it to dark g o l d yellow, p a s i n g through tints of fel-of colors oan a producedie e hybrowse A Similar secies sulphide stfemaflaio copper andfor lead whith, hewercr ate tienee ther eablity) whelher fe al bonedand bytie the eaalone exn show. Solntien,experence 3380, ‘Fo Puta“MakeBlack» song Finish souton on Baneof Instruments, ‘lta otin sveanather:sa on“irde fhean toof nitrate of npper logstber sollte te Gracie” Now bee Brac eveiy t l t h e Tequred d e g r of de Dinekness is obtained, ‘his is the method of protuciog theoptical beautusteuments detd bisekand)so which mock Eitird S a n was3981,colong Nena secretWatch by the Movenients, french. " T o Frost aude together 1 omte cally each mura acl, tts ac and common inmerse tmisiare be art te ny frond tbe i e ras fies jst Ico it asunder a hore time;sourthenbeerimmerse fbrfo cover con and, ‘Revue winhag)n brushwacmu in ofwater fre bras iro {eke ander Gatien oleobol) “Thei dened surface Ww en realy t8085, oe or alverlato "To Golor Brame Aliough 20 l o g presen a ore aprecabla appearance fo‘the eye thau mes when iif ab Mateo ols yet the fulity with which tarnishes St, baaexpeiaiy rearedi itthose neemsery to colorwhereoF ronan inntoas faynently tae ozpores i the Laity of bag fre: handled. ‘The following receipts are an alsa” and te (See said toSeer poss a high German gros ofsouree permanonca.” ge)Give Brass an Orange Tint. $300." ‘Aniy deorangegouabing tine tnelning to aldgold,thenw rodend th bra plangof {tora f o r seconds into a neutral solution teystalised gctat tsof compte. copper eatobuing takenot ike tho solution desta tiltae,foe scl and posswes o am tempers ‘Sie, into To, bathColorof copper Brass taoGrey-Green. Dipped being Eed?pousnedy a in ist Reel, thotlstrexalng 3586," Violet. abn A besushee Hobo gaseGolor Brass pear tt
Inequer upon the surface of brass,and selene ‘The one aublly elployed. for optical Instruments onsite Benin’ frst, polishing. thoa object with Tripoli, Wwasblog i e with ‘mixture composed ofgolly1 pand, art nitrate ofallowing tin and paris chloride of afer thi woah wiping to remainI offfor neatly fa noug wth a quarer bth 0 ait tin oxetie of nid inernses ito Intensity j “by atiother aro die solved in nitriomethod acid unlcopperhoctunings is saturate the ace cleand, immersed inmoderately tho st fio, objeris and. subsoquentiy ested. must bt ‘This process hie,to profico s charcoal over fopeated inorder a bisck colo,halts GE"fiet teal only gives a deep eee, he finishing tou isto polish with olivooi 8388, Much‘fo pee Give ay‘Brass an ghost English Zook, taken objects anBratBags look. Hor andthis thonparpse they are heated to else, lp PodMhorwarts ina week solutim of sulphuric. ac they aro‘washed immersed ia dilute nie acid, tocoughly in ater, and in tawdust, ‘Lo effect a uniformity indsiedthe olor they aronite plunged into 1 w partbath raineansstin of 9 parts ack aud’ water Sword thoy ara sulfered to remain for sven Minutes, “Should the the.coloraperation uot be free Toonbe pote and patohea, mst Bpeated unt"To thoCleandesired effectsiitasesud produced.cop 9380. Brass. perate best cleaned withnmestol and Tripol bath-trick,on withrationflannelston,and orpotsred Perdered rubbed Paiedust, fdvwith leather. Vitrolveryaud.bright, moarsto aod tae brass and copper but they very tarnahy and eoasequcatly Bore soon guanteleaing, Atonglyy of requ roche alum and water wil lso improve brass, A olution of oxalic acid abled over taraited Bross ithrendering @ cottontho metal rag, soon remores tie famfahr bright. "The veld fost bo with washedwhitening off with water and theand bres Fubbed i pomder soit10 Feather, “When ae tro employed. for toving the oxidewashed from brass, the etalor it must boamishthofoughly afterwards, will i n s few minutes afer Veilg exposed to 3800." tho ae To Give a Golden Color to Brass," A toistire of ariatie acid and alum dissolved in ‘water imparts «golden Color brass asticles that aresteeped in ittor ‘few3801,toseconds. Pasterottenstone, to Glean 4 Brass, Sof soap, 2 ounces; oumets; beat het paste to with paste,rweestoi, Or: Rotten stone ston, malo {nto'a Or: Rotten Aonsess; turpentine oxalic acid,enough 1 ounen;taken sweet oil,paste1h ‘ances; ‘The fiat ‘Thoaud last aco bestappied withspitsitoof water. socond, witht lito iged cm fa sap eek ot sweet oil." Hoth require frie at ee ne turpentine, Lon with sotof eather ‘3802. ‘Toand Clean Brass Inlaid Work. ha pea Si one Mix Tripoli linseed ol and dip iatowe pninne fens e s bac rubber tado theof worpieceandof raban offold Nat, with sel et Olea ‘whieh polish withor clean Soares Toft leather. If the wood bo elooy rove SESS Sy mae wo a ‘ood, polish it ith w ide faely A powdered a acon a ree a a2 ea pe cider ates;secreh,or make paste of Tolen-stone, see S Titdo sweet Ol, aad oxalica Prone acid, SPS pha Ihixed with water Tho omamentsot ona he i aso Bele aro,eaefuly: however,rubbed, beet cleaned With, ty Dreadsolved betirosn the sing and tho copper in the tlock rum, so\ag not spoil the woodwork.” Ormold candlestick, lan) he haePareil Sie Ga tnd branches, may be cleaned wilh wp an ee ode Water. "They.articles, will which bear more leaningby than aSeioar tateieSiete es es Ioqusred aro apoifed fre= anguezailng or by acdgor song alles Sl es ser eeeRie cae Sa . Solutions to Clean water Praas,€6 Te Finely powdered satammoniacy a a a ea, Tees nee Re PS moisten. “Or: Roche alam, 1 part; water, 16
le, ‘einai cacti. mins 285), ‘mo cman Vory Dicey Bras, rua a sae teoe Frey manly momteal ias aapay fat So erres e aeeaas i as Gia aia oats leper mal tocar at ote ante gelood fmen Waa emtes comer TeSie Ta EE) cniatertctd. Bow tiiee i eee rites orien inane degeeny aaa erent earl rea pt sad atSe sae nanan ait a mee of Epa ara perinealoe pas a pa crea A Pes Sih laity size ccaeane aoe ace Te nd ea 3h Sin. ny aaa reiive nase ont rao ley See oeerenal oa peer gam mre Gc es Bai Seltaxe Bour Carat Gold,_& kas onl be ereae e de Tu acne SedISL"om wake Green Gold. Per gad Ste gree oat, be EBs. vols for Anil tact onesPcsice abage fc ashe
and salad 3 7. Hard Silver, Analloy of parts aera
pattcopper toma tho hase iy "French Silver, This consiats8408, of 9 part silver Coin and 1 partThiscopper. . "Gorman Silver. well Amown alloy, tho Gur variotien ufts a whic nearly silver in whiteness andwil they Ditypass ofequal receiving high polity it,in hardness and durability. siztave of tho metaleiseffected in (Seo (Bo sameNo. tray ab is given for making alloys, ‘Buiz.). Teauthorities, receipts here giventhoato resulta from theof ibghert or aro" scttal analysis of the finest commercial smn es WG410, German Silver for Rolling. ‘Nickel andfine, sins,Or: eaenickely1 pare;25 eopper, 2 part20 Very parts; "zine, artsy copper, 0 parts” Ure for rolling ‘Sail, and "German Silver for Castings, Nickel sine, each 20 parte, copper,"OF,6to 5 ofTead, 3s pasts Por eastings. the above idt0 3 percent. of white ‘3412,
Equal patsto anyof copper andalloysnickelcontain uperier of the 2ail fogrtsmoreof copper to part of miekel make tho malleable, thous not to white. SALA. Chinese White Copper. Thi consist of 0. parts copper,96 pars nickel, DA parezive. ‘3418,China,Pakiong, or White ef Copper from This? composed 41and parts copper, 32 patts nickel, 2} part iron, 24 portico" Gin! Pang i Forwhite,prepared fromhighnativepolish,ore. veryit inconoroud, sly takes a talleablo ata dalt red beat, Bnd may” bobothrolledcold.intoandleaves or drawn into ‘8416, White German Spoon Motal. This toether alloy£5 aula plate” Melt pare copper, nickel,a 16 Posts‘taseflsin, alloy. Sart ty a 24part, pata eon. S417. ti,Britannia Metal. Plato brass, 44 ounces} 4 ounces; when faseil ald’ thunees eae ofis bismoth antimony.to melted "This ‘composition added at anddiscretion th, ‘$418, To Clean Britannia Ware. Baitanbiaclothware audshould be oi,fre then washedwasted with in ‘wooten sweet ‘water and stds, ‘Thus and rnbbed ‘with sofTtain teatberita ad whiting. treated; it will beauty orcleanedto thojn thoJas. sameDeltannia-waro wayas copper,mayim also No,
anti S419. Lea,Lend, 29 parts; Metal.taper.” e Matal. 19, pastType Typmeted snongy Sul pes tralarge Muayoncemadook podof harder componen then ciernlype cal a nad toned ofl) pts; atnony, 2 arta Flam “pare thy tise alloy enpetn'00 seine d steeniady ait Bier M§A20, Bismuth partand gsLoud, Ten 9 aris tintin) a alloy wie lates powerfully at the timo. of cooling. ‘an eterwhich mas etre bibl to alland egtitps t h e gests, sarpnoen ” © nish ao ‘doaeable, 8431, jury‘Min and Zine, Tin and aa sine, of nth saort ay tauasiona Bey Sai ns Soo! Paro
9429, Powter.4 parts; Tn, 100andpartsbinmath,antimony, 8fonatitula parts; copper, part tho “eompoaed commonly called pewter, napa, Alloys of Stel.metas,Stoimproving apeomsts i y alloyed with other {ualitiesfor some topurposes. -rby Gfpart of aver ads3 ineronsea iromonsely tho hardness tech and fla tenacity. y4y pact of plate fam, though,and not forming 20veryfingreat, an alloy 28 ‘ho tlver scl, gives a degree ‘offd toughness. ithodii,pallaaiies, im,their osmium mak elael very hard, but ‘so, from their Taboratory. eos, Ss eonfiuedPlatinwas, maily to$n theits ‘experimental Talloallo out bot with to a boknife; trith sted tats, i Torus mayaa boalloy tovehedOe with3424,a fle. “tron, Coppes, and Zinc, An toytndconsisting of 10notpartsadhere east toicon, 10moulin copper, 60 zing, does tho. tasting, and polished. ie a of-a,‘Thobosatfal astro metals when filed abd least fasiblo fro melted frst and to zine las, in making
e 2408, onal or More 2. Patriatatts nig QS
0" enc Mea, oe BEip nomen Aly for Ron pd ry eile Oe ie Bile” Boars dee TRE ek
SSSR AAG SE atuminam. ve if the:aanistary is pet ‘cousiderable. £
In re
an seareolybo ‘istingushed! fora pare
Sl OMBS # spel Sa wdtloak LN SOOPEL laa lay, ie Sie eae SPict ala ei or oI" serere se aes Te ree Rieter nia aitwil te seh at
usinis thong of9 percent, of duetitey slaminnm and. of{3‘hogold hard sill itscent.eolorof fat of green gud. 10 por ol, the composition a rendered erystallin. ih combinin olaminam with thecopper thoaddedTat. tereel must boi gmelted frst and former all yoruons aca time. Acom-parts ination o f 10 pur aleminnm and 90 enpper produces a” fo aluuaiauin bronso, bth, wowovey tobe ater th ht mie ings I increases in strength aud tenacity on adie snccesiv e fusions, but withhstho.bronas los cach ie, ofa itl iain” Shuy be flaws forged ata dll red Like. hest copper, without eppre, Seating of cracks. fendered moregoldductilo by being ested and water, iato plunged 2450," Copper and Aluminum for Journals , is tat"ihe most important alloy of afumiauin composed of 90 porn, eet, of topper aad 10 percent, of alumninai “Ttposeng Senses a alo gol eal, hardness sarpasti tek of andy tron iexsiee aeeptb ioftai ngeet ton ne Hoch, forged than Bis bh would noreplace a iy ‘ed.ayand’ ayellow less costly, Irate, hardnessfor audtho jonrealy tenseity andreaderbear1 pecniasyTes adapted Ings ofit machibery . Chrstote , polofishing’ Pars, deh, 90 aes for a Jounal for a . ‘Gund thacit iabted six ts,times18 fonger than of inary joumnals —that mouths. ‘ThereTt wepe voip me pe aaates {5 furtherof stated, on. brouse, good dathorty ,Wasthat & Jeurual this now which em ployed forrevolatio thonzlens ofper sewing machine, mak: Jng’2f0 minuto, didngexcelent seile for year whoa inidt the Tetdo eiceney. Journals o f ortinary ‘brongo, ot, a9 more 8 wallthanknown, lastcentoverof 6alumina onthe, Wea 10 per enters into tho composit ionweaker of thoandbron, tho alloy gratually becomes Team Ieableaadin aa mort. eng so Unite thn it caaly pounded 3481. is manefect "Oroide, or Artificial Gold, This spateral uredjowelty langedadin thootherUnited areox. imitation into States gold, from dstingdl ecatealy cles, ahable cpt tho dutergr gravity; onond toiba haat. {otit does ofbySurpriso to alma fear thak not contain asinglo gram of the pres cious metal Te sao iy tang 00 part copper,of commetes 17 of pute 26"tn, Gof magnesia 3 Erandpurofasta , ‘Thoof sal-ahin ontta 1.6 of unacked lime. eopper is fiwng tpelted, and tho other aubstanc Cescepti es {Bo‘hola“tinywellned, ite ata tine, and Oe sired mistaro, for 30 mines, Drodueo a. perfect when tho20 tna3 19fo round and.antlthe melted, atidcovered, in. andts thon frowncrucible fusod ‘Tho takenTt scum the and minutes, 26 for ap use. for ready aubstanee tho ‘rien ’is be worked can gold. and Uke. and ductile, {i{anyiallesblo "The leaves into even form, gran substtat ‘by made bo also may aliay ing flaged athe for ts, but it wil not rela its ing Motal. withMelt» ‘part copper, lle old brass, and #oxnce tinto erery pound ‘of copper. This alloyis almost of to color, together 2 parts brass,
thoy of gold coin, of the Standard Mea‘Sasat sureatousedong by Government, This 2yellow com: 9); i paras Brass3495,(22 copper to Tin tof nes, 48 orpartsMoulds, Dentist Alloys sho go paces on which arial tvth aro
fastened,by oxobeingfashioned to ftbetween exactly& towouldthe rout hammered and di, The cast plaster froma mode! plasteris obtained model of the ‘mouth,’ fomthe 2gorie mould ofoftbewax, preted. while soft into out, and allowed to berden aplicats m o u l t s andthe hammering, dies ave megessay, atto Aiffrent stags of m oer obtainchardoiorsti a peseclly {ting plete,”Tho neces.tho ‘sary of the metal used fur ca pene ordute oe& righnoss,oa and,don rm fut e a p e i a l y for the moulds, freedomtall fiom’ employed chnukagsforte tn. cooling. The ‘eal deacons (of8 parts tin, I fspartmuchlead, nnd part bismuth, ‘This compoad Harder than to, melts atDone,a lowerheat, shrinks Ite, or song. praciallyTe bn castings is tough aid Ielis atardor about and80°lossFah,fusibloAlthough gener~ ally a metal if for tho frst swaging, this alloyfs patieularused convoniont for taking duplicate dies for fini {cts ng.”Tts tenacity adapts i for eases of partial ropresonting. tho teath,by adding ‘The: mould oF unte dio r metal is mae to 1 part of this than mistaTea,6 parts of lead.not ‘Tie eauI is ftarder and does gio nde toth drive Mo, thopruning reste sutho ont plato ap well against dis. Tea460°sheinkage fs bat Might melts et from to 4002,procesTe is designed for use ‘when tho dipping isresorted to,” intoThisay Consists pouring the melted metal Sopropriatathey plats shaped’ edd vessel orthe mould natal and rs the ofmotentocn fused at gslaton, tDoho petro point eongelation tho plasir east ma , employed without provios baking; cer.of ino lui bo baked to expel it ate exystaliztion, ‘8456. Hard Tin Alloysformula for Dentists! Moulds. ‘Tho folowing fords s Hiphly wool alloy, wher toughnoss as ant well 5monyhardness parting iv ersentals1 pac. Go, 16 partoy this allay harder than the preceding dio formetal, tnd equals it in tonsety, being suited any Hind dios teroqoees& higher tempera to'melt it, bat ie melts sooner then in, an thetectum ouli-incal6 tre mentionedaf which in tho pre-dle Coding fe taken Uy iedip,withdocssafety. "Tt adords, jnay fand, © perfect not shrink, and, whether potred into a’sand or motal mould” "with a sinooth, bight threefice. Tes {ho{orfomesthobestoutparpose. combination of these metalgof "But when dies are made {vom andfr montis andcomter-ies a more fusible metal isfom movie aking cr moulds them lead, it may 8 bismuth, bo bal byaod a combination of 5 parte 1 tn; on & Darts led, 0 to 4 bismuth and 1 tin hnrder, afte Aatilmo although refasbl ecompau nd, 3437, Copper Alloysid formost Dentists Mooulda. “Avery hart valuable Alloy for general oo may lead by a mixture efpark. Un, 1S Teds parts;otantimony, 2 parts; copper, nue inferior to se 16 hardness, caste without sensible shrinkage, dnd makes.n perfect Tea anil very handsome dle, et and emt. les fasble than tho har infor diotaking metal Gesin lastfromreceipt bue may be Used the ‘movld-metal tentonedthe. insame’Ro. temperature, ass bt, this melt at nearly requires eae ow made of by valapp in enapatonio. s$ias,) moulds with lead Te lb rathertho bel foras oles forare partial Sota representing text, theo liableit to bredk on reme from dhe inatrixy but ving {2 abundantiy strong enough for raging pu Doses. combiaing. these charcoal aueals’ fom, (ibich Ina iusbe Tadono in an orlinary meson point necessary to raiseplace tho Heat’ to thoby nomelting of copper),
{bo copper inpourerucilo andtina. bring asnlimony, to a red heat ‘then tn tho ole, avpreventoveresidatim, tho wy ‘Thowi copper thali {hat Soon igubly or dissolve, aa it were, combining, fur, motals, Wabout with the‘of other peneaty Ther elation temperate” "To uae Beli aed, talent, auioy, Thich t a t e s place at a high red fiat, 146tho tral enough to ad fo tho copper but hlf Taalthe antimony, fn and when these theatv rersining combined, addtin. und then ‘hig eal larger ouscruel, to eandut fh arc fnelting fs oy, indeed in an from ale. “Itis best to let tho Goal downas, seme, beforeont pouring fruma heatthe uci if pred at toorhigh tho’futimony ally anoxdbes. A largerthopropoation ofof tne inereases hardnosa Tet, ta hee co imperce tastings IF tin bo nsed ta aeeer tho alloy i, of course, softer, aad iquantity, ehinks ‘whem cast.” ‘ho relative. proportion of may ine Bil autimony fa eapess to eneh other, ioFeationof somenhatthe qualities varied, without of the material mod crmpond; ba
aiployedshouldtho zatio held. oftoabout the quantity of Hudity, tin em: d to8. Wor excess of antimonynonsbriakaey over eupper appears to bodnmous ‘reguisite.""For tio. joint of satiinony and about copper1 toshould bo forto tho: quantity of Un as 43 23, example, ti, 1 antimony, 1 copper} ge A bP8 partsastiney, cooper on foantar. iy Sontimcos, T copper’ For’ Gauing dies of theat last alloys,or a mosde sutablo fom mete,diesfusible aboutnamed 380° Fabs, ts had by @ mixture of 3 parts leud, 1 art biamth, aad wot over ely part tn, Tt wonderful how tho smallalloysa ofquamtty of is.tin serves to inprovo lead aad math, givingoxidation, them promoting a white, clear fasibiliy taste,8 provoating Ehort, producing almost Alloys a new metal ‘8438, Cadmium for Dentists? Moulds. fy tho uso. of cadmium woof mayte proce wt marder alloys than aay recoMing, possesingin ai“Tas,equal 10parts dogzeo ofevery ther desiable quality, ia,of T'partmim,of antisions, i of copper, aad 1 produes & composd which has bout the hardness zine; boit eats fand is noaey all thatof eould desea,pecoctly, exeapt hat, like tho eopper dio metal, itis vathor Ibnttle for certain castings. (See No. 3137.) Bubstiated foe copper ia theso connection’, ‘cadmium appearsand, toup confor greaterpoint, harness find toughness, to a carta proan ‘motes fait. 8 paris of tia, 1 part ot mony, andtongh1 pmetal art cadmium, tarnish ahomo very hard and of compact, renters, whchetswtfoat ra forming perfect dio with a . smooth, Diggut face” ThTn Inelts ab about theealmium, melting point oftin. thoemploymentot Baro must bo takon not to subject itavoid to a heat high “enough to volaizo i t . ‘Po this anger, i t 1s best to u n i t o tho other metals ‘Ging sodaudiciout then ald tho iteadmiuts heat ‘ho geeat a objec: to melt Harciy ‘on3439, do this Alloy metal Isofies ‘Wiekel exponsivens. and Copper. “A rodeos mixture of grayish I part nickel and 2 pacts copper white mtaly tenacious Ructile, and alloya moderately fasiblo. and CopS440," of Platinim, per.és A compound of L part platinuay and ¢ Te of a vallaw-pink color, hard, Sacto,copper stl suscepti of a fine polish platinum and ® parts early ofRealy 3 who, white, parts ¥ery cop er porMal,ialay Rearly hard, and‘The bole, French Bell Metal, metal used in Francs for hani-bels,elook bells E'inado. of 5 to 60 parts copper, 40 to 4B
reatto lustre, andinconpooa of a light, fiyellow , Hel bo nado tlee feopeas Mtr afadgo used only copper ndof pounds 2 of proportion tho io i, train ER3445. former Babbites to 144 daneesAnti-Athrition of too late. Motal, ait copper,Benes ada tb,by degwecn 13 poundslusa ofponnis bantitnony, eat! geslly Sepvaade and is 12n'apounds moreratetin mica compotion tho vito “iter the eoppes is mseltod aint Lr Spins
of tin have beon added, the heat should be euluced tn a-dull re, to. provent oxidation + then add the remaiuder of the metal ag above. Jin melting tho composition, it i better to Iceep a small quantity of powdered ebareoat tho snefare Of the inetal.. The above eomoonposition is ealled haedening, For Tuing tho
Pores, take L.poutd, of of thisBancahardening and whic tiny ponds 2 with f t , nade rodacestiousthe forininghingmetalmetal forse, aro ‘The, tho 4 pounds Pop er, Buea 8 poundstin regulas of antimony, and 98 pound’ 2446.anlage Gongsandse Ces: Cymbals, Geworking ‘Tho sosret wrk‘obs bate seems broatoze used for maltingby the 0fac bp solved {haa oro which hese alloyed atrsints ary mal, consisting of eoppor with about 2} pe atcoatondioaey of tin,femperatares ant alone a becomes beitle asa9 nds loablo.Thisas discovery sot irom, worked at a mado dullredin heats was roeeutly Varts, ofuy experiments ACME Julienat thoand. Paris Champion, tho ‘ull Mint ‘S447. hasPhosphorus Bronzes. A great aalvance lately been made im tho on. ‘ruction of bronzed, by t h e addition of a smal preceutage of of phosphorus although tho Yee prefica fusetion thin enbetanee has nob Sidkero well nadertood.one According asso of tothe Lertine however, Kuncl, and. fesioity constant preseuce inof bronao traces ofconsists tia in iathe bythostate of an separeting mechanically nots which Baht, tiol culor whichof thein alloys thus nofaterposing: 4tho abstanes Hlself haw touscley tue alton “of phosphorus. reduecs. thispor Gri, ad covingrendersss color thealleyts much. moro tonacity, andof all1 iiota ty physicalresobien propertion’more “Tho graih that andOF itssea,rel i Clastiity se much augmented See t® fo"prossire. “sometimes more "than SBabted. darability fs roster, and, when tiolte, of greater Guldty, aud ils the tout3448,in itisies Saest details, Fontainemoreau's Bronzes. chore is a kind of bronzo known as Fontaine: ‘oreais bronze, in whieh zine predominates. Pistia to pouring anwar in well etl outage ‘hati, foe metal moulds, by W method {ee rendered ery homogeneous. ho creatine nateadditionof oftea small xing i proportion ental hanged b y t h e feopper, ion,resombles dey. Thesock”alloy Moreover ia Mand eovetrained, and tela fssior to fle thas either sine oF copper. ‘The
900 following table presents the proportions in
co woa || s8 elt m1 | _bm | 8
|| oa | t | 4 | éa |
1i °° 3 8A
1. composed of to¥en ars ‘trapper, 4 oF zine, and 1 of tin, bas
found to ofconsidersblo be so hard a8 tovaluebe adificnlt to work, ways cerain yet ul beca have methods Various worked, ‘Whe a readgeworkat M.effesting aiming Aitempted, recent hs attained andalloy inBechatatn alloy, tit of Ing potrolonm, tho soaking ipfby this desirableTo ond.Clean Bronze. Tt, was ob'3450,in, Berlin that thoes porta of & bronze scrred “hy heto andl uch, which ere tatuo thief and surface, good a retained public toteddo thot fat hadwansomething TioWitr eonslusion therefore experiment Am it sars Ono, eat somo years with four bronzes, forteathoniy=Chninber Joaraak—n ith vcloth; nad wipedday wwith of, every day with opery was tanother water} washed ‘washed, but was ho.tiled third was. similar the fourth was left tice a "Tho year, fitaa looked Deeauiflly; tntovehed, a year tie been oiled had which Tie‘ya, thir, and deal looked second the passablo; dull and black‘Futana, | Mt ourih wadEugestroom The S451. 8 partsWhenregulusaddedof 4 andparteLparécopper,bison together ilimony. be ptfo use of, Chi compound ready 8 partaof 3402. ‘Putenag. parts of Molt zine, wgether ald 3 pats Metalio,forato.Tinning. in’s Kustit Whit talleable of I apousd spoheat‘$159. and antimony, of regulus ounces 5 d l "THe tin. Molueca purest the of DEatopounds tho co tt and {rep fromyliveslea orwoul arsonMetal, cl together ‘S454. of Expansion aod 1 ation, oF parts eg 2 arearts bismat and of Sodium 3458, Fiuia“It4 Alloy mixed aro sodiuay parte Potassium. Jeithyappenranca potassium, the alloy will havo exactly Tho ahd hoconsaieney of mereury, oraaay topes tenat gd ofthe @ Bismuth, Alloys, ‘3456.Tead, Fusible parts) 9 parts: “ny parts; alo Father, 2 “Metts below 219°" Fahe. i,| Or:3 poBis: But parts ‘nd, 9 acta MSIE inparte;BalingDemuth, wats 5 parts; "Ore Leas 9 araMelts tin, ini, stidePiab, io "tho"sueprise abo children. are wet foby_their make toy-spoons, sid hot fa onor coe aad oFto rm neil for writing ase’ skin, paper Feed abhi hunt arabe ‘uo Mie last may bo emplayed rearing as au anotomical soy baler fete, I'part.quiehalver (wana).» igus Be at 172°; ‘solid at 140° Fabr. ‘2457. Wood's Patent Fusible Metal melts ufbetween 100° and 4160.tn, Fabs. Teandeon15, his parts eulmium, 8 lead, Dismueh, "Te caraish has a really brillant metals Taste, find doesnot Tho ofMostbisiauth,Fusible ‘There‘3458.fs'an alloy i, andAlloy. Toad, called points aeling lor ery ts from
ay af Deen (Seo No.3, ett however, ite addition ko that’ torn ae mentioned alipysofmeltingtho above tothe thele dau lower, stil point reduces ‘olals Zn alloy of 4 volumes cadmium, 6withquite5 hirmath, tp,heelead, tnendparts each ‘olumes Uy weight, S171the Top? at Tiguid cadmium, pares 24 bo would Alte. Ao. bissuth.of (Seo and of 1060" Head, . tase volames 2 35)Th 205"Anten tn,‘aloy Tse od ofaoa, ofaad Tea equivalent 1 y o l a ‘an Fab, Toa}> with tro equivateuts cash of the adtviuay whicheachso of ale als ialloyite)of {part metal {Bretathr aa of point thes vou Haver inmatoeoxered aD. fuefusog tho{he opa ingredienta their fnsing uy vlblo Towostpastyprastcabio atail hobeco Porteainer me at lowerto ‘They Temperature. abovos, given those hau temperatures at whichaddedthe quoteduid,are thuso femporstures sould Te logs ero perfetiy alloys very y, allplacethese.in water unfertunatel thai, when oxidize rapidly of Alloys Heats.of ‘Fin and Bade.and ‘Table their Melting Lead
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 sine parts tin, and 10 t0 15 parts Put iat crac, 3440, "Bed Tombac, when fused addi blo vanSb sine;pounds‘etocopper; otal wil combing, form. Rig an alloy of a reddish eolor, but possessing, move lustre than copper, and also greater durability. Whon coppor Tombac. by melting. them with arsonie, is ‘3413, combinedWhite togothor ina closo eruciblo, and covering the nsfuco with common salt, to prevent oxida ‘on, a white brittle alloy is formed, ‘S414, ‘Speculum Metal for Teleand when poundszine of andeopper, scopes. faved ald Melt? 3 poubds 4 pounds tin 90 metals Will combine to forma beautiful
mbis applied NUKES ,, whichto are stances, ‘of_ This easy term fusiblity
iidded to others more reffactory, to promote their fasion. Various Buxes ‘ae given in bother portions of this work (seo Soldering and Enamels), but the principal fluxes are the foltowing: tartar, 2 ‘3461,nitre,Black parts; 1 part;Flux. powder,Creammis, ofand delta: ato by emall_quantitiesat’ atime, in a red Bot crucibie. This is merely carbonate of ze wth chara! hf ney ek ota Fed state. Te Js used for smelting metallio bres, and exercises a reducing action, a8 well, Sspromotingthe fusion. "(See No. 1h) 482. 'White, or Cornish Refining part lux, odlagratoCream as Tost.of tartar and titre, equal “Morvenws Powdered. glass (feo fromReducing lead), 8 Flux. parte: Galeined borax and charcoal, each 1 party all fn fine povrder, and triturated together thor fonglly, "Use a8 black jtuz._ (Seo No. 3461) ‘9464, Flux for Reducing Lead Ore. ‘take parts 1 redpartangel, 4 parts pulverio nitre, 2 parte borax, aud furepar; "wall, and mix thoroughly. cing Flux. 3 Crale Comish Redu 8465, ports; borax, parts. pares; 4 tartar, 10 last. nitro, Mixa tho Crudolux, Saa mo black fur, 3468, gration. della tho ing (a0 NO, HOi), omitt
Veo‘S407.for redueing., Liebig’s (SeoFlux.0.and 26.) Carbonataof porof oyasido s#0 Norese.2065), Uood orrodecng (dey, pre soda Ein “°3468, Fresenius’ Flux, Carbonate ofpe sen ( A r y ) , (ere No. 20D), 3 parts; e ido of pat park Por the arveneal 9. Christison’s Flux for Arseni Garvonaie of soda, (crystallized), 6 part hereoal (in fino powder), part; mistana ‘Frudualy to‘Flux bo heated toCopper, teas, Sal-enixum ‘3470, for (tho rfasoof thofromchelbeal aquaforts, to atbo a,obtained St‘ost,mostiestrogy works tiling recommended. by Larkin a8 & etl fa or compe fndingy arses wie lasgo to masses of thecoppertin lave tozine. be Mioledprioe adding. and Nothing's equaleverything ‘to ie elo.‘This, with obaronl,‘S471,fpaisos "Various Blues, Borax, tartar, 3, na ammonig, comin salt-ehtone and several other sub: rosin, flee, norspar, Suances aro tued a3 Ques iaseelo fusgcrudemetals, fnd soldering. On tho large tare {aris omployed, (See No. 3472.)
oldering and Welding. oldetog tthe an ef artiog thathe oe farms of ints postal foto a forton ofmls an alloyfingyeeensnore thefeteedge,then whichthe eat Ingais oiiek ie andait.sf "Solder ao. todae Sched ' e s hand sesoring Che Eliicalty’ of fusion, “Hard solders usually Saulvanly ata cel hot, Tubat order of soaar RSwet Mower temperance te pie Hie Tltackavo tata solder ant thaobe uaetho {hak ata lower temperate Sisto nly bo as oeaely may shoes posable toe anny G u t approach fo thera in pointof hardness; and pectin Hine Peel the ea th jewel, Sinilacity of coloris aa ‘object, . Tho heat Foquite oto(or cldcring slate suck as Jobat fs nual obtained outa dng Mowpipos ws bytsoneisa sal end Sueae seatGoma may bo oneenteted sw s asepet ttten at fobp a, eae Mee cos Forfan bragng ‘or tatingof ieese'y Berger cbpetsargsWik solders frnac Bay be cipopats inandwerige tk w heated yee, Becoppersolder apptiod tape by talparscaelto bo joel soldering von” Toe ons eu eee UF ellerng etpereiy cles foutterect ant taoderthe ocafation Go ena Teta ell asta wicket metasNo anlrgs when noatates kente Hurts aved (es S179 whieh teSageietorar teen Gm oluereiesPiet rious’ ape sooner S170.SeldenWo Mao Bolderingaf Tia for soft Tato muriate put eoel Piso ee ual al baling ceadst tome EID omco sul-ammonia to each pouad of egal S474sto Routral Soldering Fini, Dissolyn It orate ta oe oaoms, en tram fh eafudon ond popder ad suioe ode ot Carbooata of Gin to seseatse {Tin provents tho Ail rom conwalag' te S475.i matoSoldering, Liquid. Soldori Ughld by king Mydrmeblose. ace E\pBE grata toy TF oancoy dole Saif at some gominenSaler and ate of ammo, 8476.porposes Flux powdered for Soldering, ‘mon ‘hed. "Sloat aid obtainedrestfrom
hydroedloFor comUfo ix_gonerall candy
factories, makes a good flax. for fin tin work, 8477. Disolro "Flux forbiotaSoldering Sigal of aie i Tron. ser or 78, perfitly Flux forwhen Soldering Stoel,is an This ansiwers the fractare old1 Ore. To" h , saliratedsl ation of zine ia int muriatio acid dd 4 ounces. pulverized Satammonia e;i a well oil ftcorked for 10 bottle, minutes;thepati ‘when ea, bo ingS479, must be‘BottdonoSoldering. iva copper este. ‘TheTend,solder Sx anat alloy of ® parts tin to 1 pert fasiblo SHO"aomerios Fabr.? oF, "9 for cheapness, the proportion issupstaneo to 2 withitea at See? oie is applied hot eopperfame, too called a solderag-ro or by Ulowpipe n, Heat,otidizo; however,therefore eauses thotho cies ofarothocovered metal to,ils edges suintancs boring eatong aration br{otheoxygen, a n d . disposing t h e metal to unite Snider at alow taunperature,” Such substances aro ealled fluxes, and are’ chiedy Uorax, resin, eal-anrmonia n,oamorate of sing, Venise turpentin, tallow 8480."oF otherFluxsimilar for Solderi Brass, For ng brass alloy, reso, ea-oromoao, andthemlriato ofsine are andthe thieb, proper faxes, Should work bo bear tho eoldesing rqates to bo dus. ovr a charcoal fro it ite, order to “eleKeepSa thewelttool unheated within Peper te surfaces efor ntoldering; iameted toma toler cases simply dipsthe pingrarpose, po of fects ot but the dip must be done instantly Fluxsolder for fom Soldering Zinc. Zine Jsgot‘8481, fie to dhe fact that it is fo esta tho’ rom the eeeriag ‘holt tneeachand ahaeopperthan having a stronger afice fifo nt opp, ho proper fox 4 muriate of zing, mado b dis. y solving small bits of zine or zing. drops in rustic acid mixed with au oqual bulk of water, S462, "TinFluxan for SReqs oldering in ‘TinoF olandos ead. ea te fa. ‘$485. requires Flux » Os for ofSoldering Powter, Powter aad’imayy Ta a> Aiton to tte soldering-ro process, be older: m ‘al 3484. by a current of heated ate Flux formotatSolderingshould kayoBritannia Mial. Britannia ofSlowpipe ino for a fas, and be soldered muriato by the ‘SAB. to"To boSolder Tron requires the surfaces tioned Tron. over Lefora being vol, dered the methods give in No. 316. $480,togotieTo Soft Solder Smallealdered, Articles, Join tho parts to be hse Iolatening thom wlth soldering Auld (oc Noetho ‘3473, l a y ’ a exall pleco of solder over Joint ‘anord byapplymeansheat, either over a. spine Hamo, of theshouldblompipe, asthe caso thay bo. “Phe neat bo withdrawn at tho become momentbritto, of fusio, otherwise tho solder ‘may 7. "To Boft Solder Smooth Suroath surfaces aro to bo foined, moisten tho surfaces with, soles, Haid (Seo them, No. 3473), anthemly’ together pieeo of closely, ti fo betweon press and apply heat eufiient to fase the tin fi 3488,” Hardin hard Soldering or is Brazing. ‘The alloy used soldeting genemuch ado of equal parta of oper and sige, Sf tho zine, howoves, i lose in tho procesn 50 fatto sealis heated proportion isa charcodlfirg not edual pacesand ‘The alloy over Mgpkon toproportion grationis usedanon moray cop: aliforent for soldering per and iron,namevis, ia 3'speltr sino oT solder» copper, ‘ho Commercial Flux forfor ter Solder, The fox‘3480.employed peer Spelsolder ‘is boras,
‘which ean cithor bocream, sed sepaataly, orthmixed,is Byahr ing 10 re in averyTo Hard litle waterSolder. When the 3490. workin clone, bonnd, fo sed, andcbaroal spattered,of Borwholo fe sabjectl m clear cateral,fo cononieot, on minnow teaming fare cleanly and managed "halos Blowpips.. iy ‘ho arfoot passes fom & fellows propelled tho through Gee Bngrashag) Tho gos pastes trough 3,
and tho famo con bo diroctod to any pint, ‘on acount of its being hinged at er ‘The Bhavan be octendad several by wnageororl stands orStand,by constructing Burners. om Som on “Pho eat to suck greater than ghareot, theo es bo tenperatre rca pleas, and fepeat forsoMerag. any’ thefives tite. "Int. proces of hard ‘water deivensoonolffollows hy gentle«glassy feat; iobabstance fasionshoul ofnppears thoUo lux {Estum, fe seploce ater yy tetho alloyfrothyia sedwhtligaldi form; tho Ulno fasse from the ignited sine {nforins openator hothat work Ue auldet now fangs, 40 that toax soon i ached WK foley tut bn withdcam, alowed to fd BA01.. ecole in water Mako Scider,by melo The mixtare of the aesTo spose them fogether in the ‘une manner aa for al (eee No. employed Sor) withshouldthe i of 8. Ae Ietala bo. pure, expec tr ster coin makes the solderto ar‘8402, Solder forpaveGold.silver, ‘Takeand 12 parta pare gold, 2 paris 2 bart Sapper BHO8.silver=not Solder sliver for Silver, Tako pots 6 Ure parta poro colte-6 fdommon pts sng Or pac aon 1 prt pins. bis ivan dasy Bowinguodler, Use a gas jet to solder with. ¥ S40 Haeine.Soler, ‘Tako mtscopper opper anc part Os, equal partsof and irs. (See No. 3488, < ® S403, “Solder for Silver, pete ont ale part capper, and Take 20 parte19 3400,2 by weight stiyer silver Solder, Melt together 34 parts, coin,dropaud S parts co pers ‘after cooling litle, into the amie Tose“240%.parts rnc, ion het agxin ine 19iver Solder, Mele ina clean crucible, parts pore ilver 10 partg
ies 8, and 1 pst eanper add aaa
pate of
3498. Solder for Copper. hard soldering. “(See No, 2108.) Same as 8499. Solder for ‘Tin. ‘Tako 4 parte pewter, 1 part tin, and 1 part bismuth. "Use
902 powdered resin when soldering. ore, and A pact zine. ps. ‘3500, Fino Soft Solder.” Tako 2 parts To Make Solder-Dro 3519. steady stream tinplates,amd aud”1 parttinning tend.” copper. Used forAddsoldering. in solder, aid pour r,it-in afrom tho heightof 2 resi as hnbout giceh innto diamete earo that taking water; cold Hux‘8501, when melting i , inches Bqual parte brtho solder, at th time of poucing, is no hotter Very Bott Solder. for Huidiy. oft, Iead ‘Solder ond bist than is just necessary Mouray Solder. differe ‘8502, for Pewter. Tako 2 inum ‘3620. Alum nt being , solders parts ti, 1 part eack of Lead aad Take bismuth, nt dilfore five ye and aluminum, 3 parts ‘omplo Solder, tions of ine, copper, Glaziers’ ‘3503; propor is feet, he alamminum lead3004. and 1 part tin. Pusiblo ‘hie melts at 900° Rake Tho copper is melted whole tho whien s; portion 4 or Bolder in Boiling Wa 3 in added ter ako prt i, putea ad parte thon it is stirrell with an ionthorod.fire, ‘The iv melted, the e is then withdrawn thefeommass, fueibl tho and into y erred 3505, Plumbers? Solder. Tako 1 part gradaall ine shaped moulds, pre bismuth, 6 parts tea an parts tn poured into ingot Lonsine ‘whol . Tho parts ‘3508,and 1 "Bolder forThisLead. fs good,Tako 2 parts9 ously wiped outfollowwith tions are by lead part tin. if whten propor ing small quantity $s poured oma table, Tito Biven in’ ho ‘
fe spedwien cope ag damian Suen , Sekt puts rte as frenols,” When soldering iin with3807.) Oily tise"Brass powdered ren ako 12 ports =e a noi Solder. st fae brass, 6 pact ine, al 1 pa Un Take fo ‘ "ThodeAluminum, 3508. Strong Brass Solder Bolder ‘To ‘Bb21. solders parts brassaud fart tte above. tbo of uf the, object. In of eitbor sslogioa PUade tpn “thn tara ‘3909, To Solder Fine Brass Work. ‘Wet the partsapplywithtn &folstrong solationthem,Of salad Soler to'quicken ite balsam fasion ofon copaiba tha, motaand T titra of 3 parts mmotiag, between Vente bpurueis pesformed anae aia exactly fetthe iteat no more than is neceseury to aso tho fre tho operation ti, ‘3610, To Solder Iron, Apply gout Wis amo maner ag in thosolder brazingtaspeead of otherwithout met. i Tho aluminum mize orae with, 58) No, (see brass tou ‘with water to tho consistence erent. (Ste ‘lay om tho previously heated surfaces to. bo Ta Heating, tho bi9efe ome gas No,3514.” 8488). Solderfor Joining Steel. ‘This is Tastened.or together. ap” blast tuspentive tho flamo Thoth gore and thooer theiL is solder utter tan the usoal brass solder, for uniting loved Sead over surface, beter emp lor rem ona gata, If soft col Solder. appara. ‘3522,fused Aluminum i "Fake whiter beidiganf andy loos aro; doris with one-half one-fourth, or(10ono.bo by pats, 1) doamsfing silverssbservable, ie‘eight, of its weight of zine amalgain 2 parts lahath ann 1 port copper, Uy dissolving sine in mereury, see No. ‘rase; ‘melt thom ustlor m eoat of charcoal Ine fusibleto easly and bac lest or nore @ 509), dust‘8512, Brass Solder for Brazing Tron ‘ased. ho may’ which obtained, is set or to other metal of trashare toarebe iojinhe Sider Thin thplatos or‘nettedBoch,between '3523,_,aluminum Weldingto itself Powderand stecl for Tron and that eas when” to Sigel. ploces compo 8 ion welling For bo very work. In_IE-tho. Stas Tately been patented in horas, Telgiat,20 tobeDoras,braaed ato sai? broken a of Htaves Sonsisting of ton linge 40 pats, dis pulverized toyether-cover itthatwithit mnay inenrporato with parts; alsa of copa, ce somo other Fesinin ovator baled {hol 2; and salcmmoniae, 3 parte,Tho hoy the it; to added i which powder brass fem are nied, heated, and pulverized. prowith fro tho exposedond to heated till the esa of wlding 1) much tho sane a8 ital. must bo then piece coals, the. Pat touching surfaces to'bo welded azo powdered with tras is seen to an Ferrules for Tool ‘The tho, composition, and. then brought. toa 3513. ‘Toéc. Solder Shery ted portions heat, at towhich the aropowder melt, lap ron Tako pioco tho offerrule Handles, wie the bo united taken from then wi, brass fotnding.asaall iho ald joined TIE tho pieces to bo weldad borax. andon Jhficw geouull el tho putferro,staneeatlee just jomuing, to forgo, bo bothoneintzoluced at heheated same thobrassetd fuofs . a wire,1 wil tetino toolarg {io Tato the ean bo frat the tll Bee aad forza 9 pertect, solder, ‘with the. welding. powder to a chorey-red itn fhejoining, hold up thoaerwards fill aud tho other afterwarda tobo aelected . white the lathe &c. ica, be tiredfor tnSoldering, Heangy teat, after which tho welding may Tin Ironito muratic(hpdro: S514.dae Toshavings 3824, Welding Composition for Cast Diop. no- more dissolve. Tro, wil water, ioft, ste Steel, 10 thomparis teat preparedof silver by dinsobsing 1 patt, im 10 paste Sraistiiod water, Soran No. ammonia, comets having of an agen a,0 tion o f pug a onsty 1iehang . 4 pasts of * para Solutio No.2 consists of auto sada iNo. ibd4 isa aged mater, Solntion mato by dissolving 124 parts of tho best wit Loaf sear sn 100 parts Uist 120 part,ambos,by iueasin bute, oF seater. tee ack,To this oilthe adformoleenlar oraler of he sygan aezaage™ toot invert der Shout the particles and parka then Iiideater to inereaso the volume to S00 y-measere aad finally add 50 Unchanged parte ales.for ‘Those solutions ell enain time, Tiguid Whenby roqaired foeintohse, prepare 8 along slvering pruring dak No.1 parts by meatute, af the sleer solaion, Toasts, b25y meacue, of thof ammonined the nada. solto parts 20 then No, iukiony tion, No. yaad, Tasty, 2d up0 parts of distto te, onder to tnk Tho wale {0,(f thothe proportions havo beewill proper! bserved, Tguid 30 prepare beby perfect clea, hut ll fendered carbid tho ‘halle ation of nitrate of silver soition. Teanasefor'34bo allowed to ponnit remain without distarb-par ano hours, to the lostiog ticles to sediment settle, "Thewil thes clear beliquid. decanted from tho ready forto soba ‘Tho surfaco of the g l a s which as Sitvered msta fowebo drops well cleaned withaid, asdtafUeof ottoman of tne Srashed witandh distilled yeater, (Seesarfaea So. of3021)tho Drain 3 suppurt eon tho silvering bath, which i compose of aden the aboraof deseibc ilvering iui wich tho tyNoch,or iy“ineits ststuce volume to ofbe thoavered, sugar Hhould,b solution, themay upper pastuf omit tho had, Apreference, iiclowthat uparant. tho bo silverat ‘hese boarodeposited omim two advantages this "Aish ene depmsit fuer ani moro even of loaing fe no on danger they secunhy nd, particles of d s t settling the surfaces t0 say" thatIE Kehowever, sarcely necessary pon every partof tha wil be is deposited ives which der th suefac of Uh liquid, less of tho fs wll as upon tho sidesmatterand. ufhottom ecowomy, sa that, 90 Newel; backe ofof thothe gulastat ofto Uketho. etion Titi ds"bo posutite exposed fould i tho toome to bu mor eapid. action ‘Tho tho salitehes inTightdarkness,tho TiquidUnderbecomes Ticgfht than yellow, aiiused tho mipaten few jaa aud roses, thon wilsekoloboTn of tho of plats surface the expésed. ofCovered silver. of with a offinoan deposit tho thickuoas hourbo suffeient n quarter Stout to bear1 fio metalic coating wil without tnjaey operations thohint.subsequent with plenty of water, then boby washed. thick ‘ono papercomerto dy of eval rested nd spontaneous of blotting nossosurface a thin withremoved ow bo covered ‘Tho veil, will bo really Teather; which withmiay chamuiy ‘ehitish. by gentlo friction with Jow wilit bo erfplished afterwards tag’ p ectly brliant surtaco fotgo, when a (See No. Topraduced, Bilvering tho ‘dod. io Repair"Tho3622) at to slof repairing assoa,. Lookiing-Gl ea has of looking-giassaioe the backs ering -consideen Bitserto on "boon simple tho,method, and ry befor operation. basAnew Poly beenof deserbed HBwever, Tt teashy follows Leipsie. Society technic plas carorubbing af the taking bare portion the with {loan to re fineof cotton, {gently TE this grease, defects novo aug trace dustvery a dcarefully, bo not dono Sleauing Sri appear around tho place repatred. With
tho pointlooking of yourglass knifosound ext a npportion on tho backof thoof nother lvering of tie required formy deop Buta.of Kelle Tanger. ‘Upon place a stall mer:be Bp surface tho sizeof equaa p's head will to tho sin of pen.the “The mccoy spre imately, ‘trates tho amalgam to where ie-was 6h OF ‘with tho nite,aful sath equine pieeo temayhe ‘ow bo lite removed ta the plc repaired. "This‘Phenis thopressmostlightly dificultthopartrenewed ofthe fopeeation. Portion with hastens almost lately, and thocotton;lass i presoats the samofan ‘3625, upon Toa sheetRepair a filDamaged Mirror. Pour oft about 3 drachans otfurtly quiksilver to tho equate foot of fl. Head with a piece of bsckstin enti to fiBat Deconues bila Tay tho glass on © table, Taco dowuvwnrs; plaeoglassythe ayfoila sent upon tho damaged portion of the ofBiotperot wood over theor Ti and of place, tomwithea a piece marble perfectly fatprosesurfaco? pat.fight; upon Tet it itsulicient Jreight to. i t dunn remain jnauihore this topostion fow hows, ‘Theft will tho gla. 3626, Process for Silvering Animal, Vogotable, or Mineral Substances, Tht eleetro-chemieal tho pon founded is proccss ction exeteised bywiivered certainareliquors Sn which tho objects to bo planged. eth of preparing thet ihe tfThe Tiquoe Iie,No. Take 2 of partsmilkby weight of cauatle 8 of augar or grape fugue, 2 of gale acy and. make of them Inisteo in 660thoparts dstitedas water; protect frou aie asof mach possible,torand Pt in a closely mapper Dotto wail the TLiqhor2 No.2gat Dissolve 20ot port nitrate aadof say elution ation tu to this elution 650 parts distilled war. ‘When itis intendedto dperate, tho two. pro: cog i a ati,filtered sn,‘is ateorhavingarc Veen well agitated, tho solution 6€ smmoula of eonceutration, eommseree nad jovalways tho samo degree of itnitrate wanldof bosilverbetter, perhaps, to. dissolve tho destined No.2 Tirtin distilled water thenfor thoimix liquor the solution ‘with liquor No, I and then ad ammonia in feanty only jk wacent toof entre clearbo ho mislares ‘tho deposition eilyercan ceclerated by temaperstuee the emplayiment of pon heats. thein his eave, t h o depends. aru tho submitted to tho poration.af tho oijat ‘ T h o method oftho employing. tho fbovo liquors in slvering sustaces of di. fernt mei given i tho fliowing = receipts 3027, mo Silver Silk, Woolen, Cotton, Ete, ‘When it is intended to silver silk, Wovien, cotton, ete, commence by washing tho substanin thoclea’sauieatedsebstion this dame, tminerse i fr ‘Armotsent of4 gall field then ‘withdeaw it to. plango for 20a Secohd.in another salation compared of ucts nitrate of alternate rlver to. 1000immersions parte are.distilled Water, ‘These contied, und the substance from being dark lecomes of a brillant tots. alter that St plunged jn abathNos, composed ofa mixtare of Thetiotiquars, and. (See No. 026.) When oiled itt completely eiered, eisof tartar withdraw: and ina tolation of vale (earllonats of potassa in water au there emtains nothing w last washing snd desing.moro to be done but 3628."Bone,"To horn, Silverwood,Bone,paper,Horn, Paper, Ete, ele are withsil. ‘evel in tho namo way” (bee Nos 368%) Ihisiference, howerer, dat, nthe place of
the alterato immersionsare above indicate, tho objects to bo ilvered operated upon ‘with 8 falc rahaidor sation ral lpg kemately ttheof and. in that of arate iver. “tho stveed surfaces are then washed ‘vith distilled water, deied by fteo. eat,'3620, To Silver Leather, For airleasherand tamed (eeewithNo.semact, ia thechloride placo mixed of ikrata of« ver 2627) the with few dropsalvantage, of rosemary ‘The ofl slrered may be eurtace employedis ‘with Thon washed ad dried as directed in last re pt 3630, and Topottery silver mayStuccobo alivere and Pottery. stucco by tho fame, process as No. 32, bat before Velngbo fubmilted to tho operation they. should: covered with «coat of searing of varus. 3681." to, oer Sliver’ gloGlass,lyeCrystal or oral, ener sn, commeneo by washing’ thorewghly. (see ovat) the oct wath distal wate, Sod ‘rth withthe aleehol, audanistresthen operate as3626.) has been ail (Bev No. “Obein jets witha plane surfacd shout be. placed iponvortrutal position, and. 3618, the liguer poured them, "(See Nos. fe) Inlrors ate tobe sitvered, the patey of "When gluse placo vertical oeposition;edges ay bevottaldiapoteétr in lacsagnont rBek preventthe afli caro fitto with of gatia withpercha,the taking then sides) ‘ontact info& of silverthoeommencss Precipitation fail, of end aud hour, at of iaviar When dry, operationsuefucois fsizhed. tho vere varnish eth the Coatjours 2092," To Silver the ‘Metals, Com80!) mirioof evan: them a with cleansing vith by afterwards amonee uistare thon Tab then, silver, powdered potassiumwithandwater, Hie of wbing plunged 220 they after Land 2 (sce Nossusheleuty into thotheyliquors ‘Morante until appear 9606) ‘No, Yerod. If working with iron, it should be of ofhas sufphato ina toluion fit erimmer de een whieh process” The advan seabed and of thoemploying very solidaboveresults,al ofters ago of presents pete. Platos with of lowCopper hheateal "To Coat ‘3033, agents ate boltsuctent thoof platen, ‘Brass, Zine ” . e n fumes to, tho Expose Ip.Feporized hea ands whive a to i Heating by Copper Tnside of part tho Dissolved. ‘S034. ‘fowith Coat zine Brass, ‘Vessels it pts 3 ee of Atta lrtar)taenandboila Sparto flargol(crudo ta water seid vestel; tho Sificient {nthe ves Deposit Copper upon Cast 2088. "The,To pleces of cast tun are st Tron, hydro 1 parts and of 50. 1405, pilnoed epecitonext,madogravity cid, bath EMforie ina second 10 bak,patacom of aitsoof 10.acid;parts ntsina acid, Dirt Posed. of theto, injust60 pars of eop as, dissolved Ehfoida alleded es acid bydroeldore amo with Awithwoolenwater,vag end rubbedwashed aro next ‘Thoodjecte endof brash, aol Sgain immerbed unt theWhendesizedits thickness desire to is depodted.e of bos th conte Slopertheagpnran fee sa mixtarooxalicof 4abdpartsacetic a each {ruled and} with fnmoniae part Sek3036,oeGracgera SpareProcess wee for without Covering& ron and Sted, with Copper aro Rese well cleaned objects ‘Tho “nted Battery. over with a solution. of and then e of tin, aud immediately anerProtochtori Mean with an aumonineal solutionthusof prolseed spate ofeapper. Thelayer of copper fuiheres to fimuy canto thobe fron that the and polished mabbedor stl diiferedt objects
ining with‘RoardHin of Tron ie, Without the Aja "3040, ofProneHeat,tyo ‘Ooteats10s quits eter Ai ined ellcd er6 this vere Sota and nese Aitered coughs tofoun Geaeneyreploypiat bt cies pid of olay 975ed06dpounge3 (oalled tinof crystalprotchiono of tn inneuteal Protochlonde pounds, BQH thine 4ts Ses eure esd Gousha tie qldaad Prince wall mado wooden ‘and for various oehamental purposes Seer specially for tho patel toning foroonthe Ee RL Sara wid heiouty nee Goa, en rue reac aesWo ttearding Gaskines”just mannaWes cyanide sted ofof elton feo of peta af taken, oe eyasiogsiveed pve onaSead.andporceuy inning. forSemneon eis am a eae re ‘minan acduvialetnTomst Cleameo byore deansTron by hs slation me Yater, efor aca sxiphine bo Roti eae) ead at eee a ee se$643,ety aoeanthnand KromcomeeFostwel wkcleansewatenest3 ene Pe nora tienthe feat thereto jst ove hot shaugh tovnel toy uy tho untac tha of some speonie and sabamenise, Pete or teen creel pore i BeFyne ofoa orer evadly wig Picea SA Bes3815,stiomtcad"Gold vipat Serre Timing. Rud iwpuroanaltin weit ogetiee quiceateor fobend cecesul ete ca hata Se ee Fee eae tel ite spins of oye eee. aay", wie ucts rab hg sek eaeataat ich rape big quae: aie God, Brase, Stolbe’s Methodia theof Colds Tixnin Copper, ant 70m SaRteatwickupaeasus,. heentlyhye.feo tofombe Traut Ear anat bo sear aah emetWak bouo uretally Searedars Stave bo ten gree opts fet; it makes no dilfbreuce whether the ol Jit te ceaned mechascaly or cheney fof copper to a threefold, in which cas ¢h Tio preparations ne requegr tho purpess Ze peer pn aihaposting liath no longer deposits copper, but, to all ap- otting aed artical by melting se pearances, bronze. By redneing the points of Win an iron raprtan (Se Eontact between thelamsat fom uniform and witerdistances, thought folaining thospira i st should boef abont as fo asof the deposit adaiy asumen'a namboe ot Solidification; Ning saed soation pratocktride colots in. tho fllowlug series, viz orange, 8 toto perechts to ret stick beee Slver-whit, pale yellow, goldea yellow, ear. Tretktnng Gee alivelicd rout of tant maine, geoeo, Drove, and daek bronze. Asteoon det"Tho Ql go ontine ibe port ofanoetened kal with 4gYashedin tho sited colo i attained, thodied object cheat warm water, an aga at ‘the tn solation, after which itis rubbed ard jetween each subsequentchango of colo isan dec‘he!tare ksdecouposed tcalag sppears interval of aboutwhetminates. ‘tho reaction 1a aie Mroouco, tin salt ie bythethe toro decided tho alkaliuo reection of Bie cialis tn Beng dopetod When thea brnger, "Wor indoor work or Sait anol i poitiod wrss of madCopper fmmaments tho hours; timo of forimmersion wayobjectsvay & Soca ae hosatil sit svered soisas om) to 72. outdoor Bitte or slong tine Fe led ay imich longer ino wes be necessary. OMe at liens Buprars bee 3688." To Tin Iron Pots and other andbeeongsopperof wae appar Dee etsto oadtne Domestic Articles, Tho arieles ate clean Sha) trl importanco axtwith and, ahd if necessary, wih acid, and milo ts W e s in dhe Ge putrcan thon in ‘a hath, prepared’ with Totes Tap coulis S u l t a n s has nota yet oon ‘sean Etftin), of 10tartaquats n, Lance ti ‘This salt bath (protachloride water. musk inabo ihe 3645, ToRegn Tin Copper Hept sua tomperature of 190° Pat, Walcier it a Tubes, ria op_W. stoneware oF waoden tank, its of uel
Zine ave When put intotho. and coat hetieen, the dilfer Tieces. thiek ‘enough, tho ertiesof aroin istakenconsidered 8h ald be th wes ded ont of “Bo sototionTinot by partthe protochtordo Moist Way,of Mako a Gnu Ub parts water, to sodarbieh addpartssolntion ofthe 2 mistare parts of becomes caustic in 20 watery turin tts does not filet tho timing operation, whieh fa efected iyy heating’ tho objects to hebo ianed in thisto ibid earn being taken, a kame tine, pled portrated Un'plato,fa thoand liquid tostira pideo up thoof Rid desingblocktho
Tors Fea Toaoftinsolutionof fs at Roudellosalts preipate w otsation ste
sees ee Htc, wlisuTye. erected ood Un digolred invent The: copper tubo, ied ha then fee been ised with deda Pine acd at washelyisthen Fri ty baling olution, ieee Tal unched wie ool witch case ihe ‘epoato ofa cot of motte tn 3246, To'Tinmay a beWornobtuse CopporBy prepa Kettle, -ihsecosting divaolved a moar Sus& tinniugal, solution aking ofthesine.soatoa ty Qk
1 [VOR Vol. 2 beatte salummoniae, A with zine as possible, addingof Clean tho inside.
tho kettle, place tinitin'a charcoal fire untilthena Peco of block placed inside melts Ft ala, in onthe somecopperof tho, on by Solution, quickly saree, Incens ¢f'geen} all thoof oaktmana,readilyHiloadbere, pow. fered. G i n wil ‘Wrought ison and steel may bo ined in tho oil Vessel. a Copper ToHelTin wth thoff ‘3647. copper Bunion of siannate polasa mixedand with tin. kal borings,of oFcreambollof Svan ings caustic cwltar, bo fim In afewatte mimites alayer of pore tn "To Tin solution Caat Copper Make3038,agaturated of xidnetor Brass. Un (im putty), in potash Ive; add 1 tho solution {ome tin titles shavings; make st ag bot
os posibleyie willthenho fatroduce. te few Urss oF cop edand Uaned I n a seconde The diforand Tron, to-alfed, Galvanizeplates, ‘2040, hetwornTogaleanized nooSibot-tny” teatinthntcoating tho latte fet while iron covurad wih of backetn, tho formerof ines fy sheet romeetcovered withresale, thin frting the latter {hoki mas eqefit Tae a lane or te sephare of parts u a l Ingae batiot td wate sed wae, (Se No, “hey aro then eeried with ene Seaand, to lean and theydetachare which after arothemetethoroehly Gh sealégodinif anya proparing bath of equal arta Shaeaurmontn, lution offomeblonte o f sige and which bath they Aid: metaleof to the eqeteatenta tly tramngered cheniea 20 o f consisting ‘aan, O10 by weight, of tuereury 1 sing ne fundsto ofara to§ to 106G ounces of jon,towney, to whieh of eodiiny, AS temperate he atamned has fn the Sootas bov Maal bath. whieh bly 680? tig Babe, it may bo remoted, and will then bo ete found bo thownigiy taket int to leave cme in this bath i suc that they nia
"with plates ie,”too Cara long the as its aiulty fOr become dissolved.
of weougbt: ease evenwilhwhenthin¢ plates his isthe naythereDo thie, tac whgeh, ieon, iistved ina few gocosds. Te lesa, act oh someat forest let the bath pevsionsly a portiongreat disolves 3 that 20 satisfy ita lneanventehlly ughtiro, onert Jehu net for this unig8650. To Zine or Galvanize Grey arciles e h t clesho Castings. Lon dimasy chang ally wbiel ennsista inof a8 irre revolving’ on ies axis eontataing ont themcandy take ho rensoged, white then eathe onecandhy is oneall png ft hydro 10 pounds follows heck Tiguid eouspoced asmaffctent e to BakoTn in473) clio eel aod“Solution, saturatedthis elton, when(See th80. eeuetion at Ingfas ceased, add maets, ot prefer eis et ie Loud, and should Spintowallef-amionia, dswhea dipped‘riteatocastings. atul this solution, oreo bot that ‘und instantly removed, they wil immodiately iy, lonving tuo. suréace” erystallized HKG frdt-work on ‘window pases, Next pinogs tom aie Hot, bat prefetlyieanitngdey, intotho oxide bath provioulysk zi, aelted Sn tho surface away, and throwinglaramoniae. thereon 8 mall amount af” povileredsa Eth articlos arv vary nal, ineloso thom in fthomwrought irotho basket ona poloy and Tower ato metal, “Whoa otal, andthis astis done, that off tho supordicusm {nto a.vessel of water to prevent thom them (rom lsoring when tho sino sohibes, Vesor Brassatehlonide sels,‘3651,Boil ‘Tothe Zine voselCopper tha solution
DICK a short timo leavo theto beliquid oil, ‘Thoand objects of sine, adding w quantity of zine turnings to lavender platinized are to Tho‘3052, ofation" Boottger's Process for Coating tovclarify. be thinly eoated with the ave preparation heated for @ fow minntes in & anid afterarls a Webin ‘ude Zine or byposrdce Copper andHlacoBrasszine with Bunsen bamer. a over er gras in Process. Copper, Yellow Platinizing 3858. ‘Snon metalic yesse, and cover tha zine w i t h (9 obtain oder Th Brass, and Metal, of sahammoniae solutionand Heo fSear‘concentrated. of platinizing copper, eapablo ikl platiniding to ebultion, sea ito the Fellorr metal, and brass, ad to a moderately: Tnistaro’ the objects of copperafter having ee of brass solution of chloride of piatinus, pro: Eoncontrated coat, to desied itis ‘which of soda, wntilefferpowdered finely Derly oujest cleansed them, Aflor witha fewa brillant migutes, ‘escenra ceases; earbonato next como glucose, and after {ho wil bo covered ag will ents0 salt on ‘vards jst so much comm firmly adhering depos ofsine, (See N32.) red itis de When precipitate. whitish-colo A 3053." "To! Goat Copper. with’ ofZine. tho platinizing, for mixtuco this appip to Sized cop suae0 elemn the rit,with zine iy placing’ tie tbjects to be lreated aro placed in a ressel grantbo coated stoperimay tado of zine atl perforate with holes; tho Tro metals in contact in a roution of caustic ix then placed, with its contents, fur a fod or potash. (Seeof Fig. [, 20.paoo9865.)slowly,Th vessel thus described, Ter geemda in tho mixture tho cold tho depost xse takes bo heat! just previows to using, should from but‘8054, at 1008 Purcher's feds effected Method rapidly. of Coating ‘whieh, tho removed ted to 1109 Tah. Oa being with washed bo to aro objects the vessel, tine pare ounces 5 Tron.end Disslvo withof iva, ine ‘water and dried in sawdust fulphato 3 ounces sal-asmoniac, of Nickel ‘3659, Stolba’s Method ing pouruls of boiling wate, an imnediately vesset—whieh plating tho, Into Plating: imme tho objects to betatel. APs 8feoce nay boot porcelai, but preferably of eapper, epost Mack loose tho minates Tor’ by trashing it aif with water. "Tho Sfplacedl a concentrated solution of chloride moved with from to 2 is thenand dilated of zine, whic Principal effettho. ofsurface, thin operation is w_porfootin fwolames heated to boiling. Te of water, Tloaning. of ‘Tho ianmersion any precipitate separate, iL is to bo redissol thoLs differenco hot iron thatthe golation objects, 1s then when repeated, with fil by adding a for drops of hydrochloric acid. taken ent, pordered zine as ean be taken on fro leated, witaout rasing, over a yaaFapors-ac0 ot HS hoKs inueh whieh knify is thrown in, by with ofa point aammonacal tho as long ay vals a internally covered becomes ¥essel the imatersions, several after "When, frolred, which ealt—for pickel The zine, of foatiig Tho 1s conskleredand thick enough, Ie 1 purpose either the ebforide or sulphate may palscoatingby teh, wi ever aletrand atved—is then aided until tho ligt is dis Tt [ietinclly ngaanst oxidation. perfectfino protection so. and. the articles to be plated, black Tusttn to tho evated” sar previouslygreensthoroughly impart cleaned, are introduced, zine fragments. ‘Tho some mith Tngether Articles Covering for Process 2055, 15 minutes, when the for continued is hiling One feuating ‘byCopper or aBrass Zinc with ‘PoCopper ofGiamersion, tho process completed, is iekel of coat of i is finished. ‘The articles eo welland washed give zine with Grorigbrassor forgilding, tho prose of a subsequent chalk. If a thicker with cleaned and. water the following solutions are outings ln desired, the operation may bo re ised: Por copper alone, anolution of stphate Stelba found that copper eaten. husProfessor’ Stace,eopper, saluted ata solution thw common temperaef frestels plated were searesly tarnished it mised with of eyanido ifver several months uso in the laboratory. Potassium, addig asinteh of the ltter ag $s Focessary to tedisvlve the precipitate throws Pectrotyping. | ths is 0 po; down a fit, ‘Tho prowie acid disenaeged cosa for dbponiting'a coating of metal
‘urlug this oporation inset le eared wif by gure Ine Wunof water theirs ct ft Fof octs volusno o f atsmonia water to ofmdecop: with aphato then dilated and Baume, ‘idea, brass, Por fitz andof" sulphato eal pr of sie ero used Iaparts orportion, and prepared sul before. as give capper of nalphato Lof incl of Dhato Bingutbrass cooting. Droviows to theiedipe Dingho withale finelyofpowdered near rabbodparnies-stone off tha Ungliy indfacedised in bath wate,sad aorremainwhlchthrothey Tor are24 iu tho. fous, After that time they are again sel in water aucovering simplyhaywiped off. ight “tho oper ase A very TodK thickness as if polished, acoat nd, adheres perfectly. ‘Tho’ of tho may bo aftervands by tho aid ofa batters Inereased ‘2056, Dullo's Method of Platinizin to.tuboprovent "This. thints recommended Glass. fase of tho ond of a glass usedof forfo atubo,blowpipe. tm deawiig out tho end leave the diancter slightly Tagger the narvow ronghen iy necessary; | then tan in alton of wae baa Shloside of patina, Digcontaining of ie.5 perdrop,cost, andof excesslast acquives % momctal;Tremovo the the il cautiously feat thle3657.appearsicn, RepeatMethod thia 4 oFPlatiniz8 tines. Boettger’s of ing Glass, Pow rosemaryporeolan oll npon dish, the and dry n'aparts aro moistened; ofsellplatinum hfosde until all Kinead ftom rab this up with 8 times its weight of
by he erin electricity. sn abe, ep of a. meta currentof galvanio of tae catering into. any" description Bore bo. aecwsarydives.to Jneihods employed, it will prelisinary Jive gomo flo, in onderindisponsabla. that dso whdlo matter jamin. may bo ‘ho matter cleanly fromunderstood. mIpore derived tho ath edition of Napiors Munual of Bleetro-Aetallurey. B01. Solution of stiphate Copper for Electro-ba copper of fino C r u s h typing, ERRInE; and expose to thothataiemayfor bosomopresent tino. ‘This oxidizes any tron Stir isto. puro cold ‘Water,theuntilsulphate tha waterof copper wil dissolve ho moras soln decant the iesclearquantity aud one-foneth then fotel e tosettle, bout ie Hons fs ready for wen arauer, a"To Amalgamate ‘Sf ‘3002, Immerte apne ipa sn offorthe a Zino, eed 5 moments ey acid, nalphiteie dilated ‘hon rub shfaes quickalyer overamalgarsated the surface. zineWhenex rer the ofthe Plage in. tatorycoating, begins theto sine backend fod its quicksilver must io taren out of tho acid call and amalgamated gain,'3663._To Keep the Zine Plates of a Smee Batterytrouble Constantly AmalgamSted. Tho of renewing the bo coxting Gf'ataalgam on the sine plates tay obvi:tho ted ty a very simple contrivance. Cover Vottom ofplbtesthe bocal longwithenbugh quicksiver, aad lotit, tho Zino to dip into ‘Tho silver plate must boa ttle hotter than
tho sino plas, ¢o that it will not touch the Inorury.” this arangement tho zine plates dave up thoBytmeronry a1 fast as is worn oft ty tho action ofthe Geld S864: "Decomposing, Gell This is « esul ofthotaoplating ortape eleetrotyping td dinessolstion; con {aining dis usualy furnished with tppliance over itfor suspending and sostaining in thie pro per position th electrodes or arti es to receiva tho negative motalio eoatiag and their orespondia g postive electrodes of ‘metal, Which serve to complete orthe lates electric
‘ebch their special excellence; tnt for electro.
Bled, mo congrct a choay cal ‘and placo a sheet-rino cylinder therein, and GeSN Abi oe pe ties are Siatepiey, La tesco pe
cirenit, and whose on Ke p tip the strengthdecompositi of the solation,serves. Theto
postive moat always bo oft sane etal as electrode that which tho solution contains. p00, The Principles ofpicotho of Galvani tery Explained. Ifa inotalic zine be pt into dino salpiarieordinary sci, itis speotily seted npon by the ae, and hydrogen gas at. the sane timo evolved from Ifthebo zing bo taken ott, anda italittlesurface. morenry over its sur fico, an amalgamation takesrubbed place between tho tro'etals ant tho plato becomes of a beaut fi bright silver appearance, Ifthe zie thas amalgamated bo again pat meresary nto the dilute wei, {Gieto isto avtion, for the Totals be en to pote ett the cil.” withIfa liek piceo o f copper inumersed. aon ‘With tho sino, and tho to Yemetals bo male te Hone onc rw partite due sin dtuged among the thre elements, sine, taht at tho adap ao up cop er, sino as if no moroury was upon it, but the Iisdrogen is now sect to escape from the sure faco of the capper; this ateactionKeptwill go on a Tong as the two metals ‘Contact (Or i instead of causing the two. metals to towed, a vite bo attgeted to each, and their ‘pposte deo placed im ite dilate acid {anotherondavessel, tho sarmo action Wil take place between tho sing but and incopper a when {hey were in contact, this instane tke elo th to wes ich dip into tho Yossol containing acidwill undergo a chonge; Tho ono. attacied to the sinc wil give oft & quantity of hydrogen ay, while the ono Aehed t o tho rapidly copper, supposing it to be ‘alio.copper, will d i s o l v e . ‘Pigaro 1. "Representstho zine and copper, placed sulphur acd, brought dato Eontase;in indilate this experiment, ‘seaping from tho copper. gas will bo eeen
igure. Zine attached, and cop er, wie, placed in dilate acid and wizoa when conetho ected, will exhibit tho same effects ax in fineFigure ease 3. Shows tho wires eomnected by means of ofa copper, liquldy ete, siet contained ae acil and”in a water, fulphate wine: sls othe ‘copper and
zine, ¢ and z, with tho acid
inthe frst vescel, Gguze3, constitute a battery ofTiceone pair. The wine'glass im whieh tho ach placed torte tho decompoding cll (ee No. 8051), and receptaeto oF vessel in which the processis theof electroplating iseflected. ‘The abovo description will give 8 Simple foley lear fa ofthe pincipis ota galvanie battery. kinds of batteries are only different Diferent. modifications or
a ae Be iy eeu Dae es 01 pa eee amc cee peor ca Epis era «hr oi ee sg eati gcn osecy See cel aso Seer Sea ogee Snap 8 eo When oroa orcont ineaincols stoi compou a aloes fathori nd baof ng nate tery thd fiat cl ifs eceste d aie th Wavy te of to ofsecond; Plates second th pat Ever wit dthoho Sonn calli ecte ely this he of shoo with of thof thothirdfart Siver thend tino‘coon of calle agying nammber though ‘wito batary tho cokmect wires two ‘Tho on anche fw trough fotho decomp osing ell cla.n thoin ener plates plato thothfrat fast ine lier tothe fae othe polo svar and hat the pos orine thoist Ins collacoealyco satatefurnishtheingbatty, Sditon an cach cls {Grmedi fe wor, of atest, fo th glvant {ota Gree sno (orlepo oe connectcalleded with"tho thpation "Tho wieo pion tin) oombectdthe Yopotete ta tho’) plotwire scaled cathode nopaieg (of Slver br bobo used should "tie ulead anche, fo usually polo asd copper wire Tooling ee Cp tare cerofthe ainda Snof bags luat Ray ve eae ths entiac flotion ole by dipping,aidfistthea n'ata etal Bo analgatatol ty of mee,
hho lots it stand for 24 hours, when it is ready
3009, Electrotyping by the single THD ivan adaptationof Baalalhe celtsi ve daypurneroralecrttene! iiy Uupocine Ropartsarydogoul atde ic ow van Senpesng sel conCied isnplghy on go aKieu {Sretea Sjats Gomis Fal jaro pate Re oa ost any boo slag: fh Pl fabaespoionsNaS) vowel npr of simulio iihe soeal Goll Process,
Tisight jar (thono porous tubesapparataa ean bo foundatas anytho storo whoro'chorsical iswwator sold), and.and I pourpar fotosulphuric. itm mixtaro of M1 parts wot,standsuntilat. tho Aifatea acid nebo porous tubo tho Same level as tho safphate of copper ealation fade it, a"Tostripone ofendaonalgamated of a pleco ofzine copper ‘eirefaston Geo No.poteas3682),tube;whieh $s to bo inserted. in tho to the other end of tho wire Mach tho objet to bo electtotyped, properly tho fetato tha snd place’ (see ‘No. swith9699),is Taco, prepared Eopper solution, parallel fine about In4am about incl from tho sido GfAopositof Whoplato,poronsand. tae. 24 howe copper will be of about tho thickthe hiebe ints, of ecard; thoad zinenay’ should be takenbo of.taken When ‘hot out,o& Ywasted tad dried; and when it uso must ara toe, tube. th Hotton orgoodayplanaterto art of the porous Tis five tho wirothoonotp twist roundtev astick of te wood, aero of th ud and suppuet the enclosed vue. A infoe a.crystalpiveo. oof Fulphato off eopper, Jawa or net,jestshould bethehangsueface fromof thethe edgo af the vessel below copper t2 replace the copper that.and depots ‘onSolution; tho ebject being eleetrotsped, prevent the‘3670. solution "TofromCoatbecoming weaker Silver withproces, Platina, ‘This fs effeted by tho ono cell sab sting for the eulpbate of copper soliton, ‘walec asdlated withchlorideralph acs, and con” {ining a littlo. of platingen, Silveri Gat roughened on tho sueface by "Tho apit washed; and ae, of tho wire leadingta strong tomitethe ond plyingattached fyen from the fa sinethe plateplatinum in thesolution poroes col, ad aai if rmorved exactly itiwero aimed to with bo electrotyped antl the Surfaea iv covered dar and granalar dopo S671. Blectrotyping with a Battery. or this parposo a Since battery (see No. '3667) is usually employed, in eonneetion with ‘decomposing cel . (See No, 2064.) As tho
Iethod i forsubstantially eleetrotypiag, tho samo or coating. with ‘copper, at foF other metals,decomposing adoseriptioncellof being the frstchargedwil sulio. ‘Tho With & Solution of nulphato of capper (sea No, 2601), tho objec daly prepared Gre At bo ‘leotrotyped, is wihproperly secured orin.mfpostion, fd conde ho cto TeaTo {ng from tho ne plates af tho battory. tho ‘anaa positive or wireelectrode, leading consisting fou the ilver plate, ofcon:a Dices of t h e samo metal as ‘eho solution {ains (in thisnthease,oll copper), acis attached, and fumered to. fact hofrom object to bo clectrotrped as ontthohe copper the solution is precipitated. ob ‘3608, i ‘ImprovedSie Fito Liquid for the Galjoel, tho pleco of enpper is dissolved, abd thas Baga n ‘vanic Battery. Hoops up tho stronath of the solution. Any atiory liquid tsof mao by with mixing a litle & solation inter of objects may boprovided. electrotyped ia tho8 offd bichromato potash’ Limo, sane decompnsing cell, that euch wit slp’ ei Ho pts 2 pouns ouneoted with tio aie polo elestroda, of tho battery, Biohromato ot potash ing a cool gallondownof toboii tnd hangi facing. positivo The ‘wator, and lets to sation 635 and aids 2 ounces of lime. After stirring, he ‘sal arrangement fur tess pusposo consists of ‘uida volphvirie noid watt the gravity reaches watertight. tough ofto contain ‘enitable tho 20.copper and 435° Bauiné. ‘Thea, having sted the whol, sibapo (usally oblov),
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 for other metallic solution, and is provided ‘with, metal tho Tongth of thebazs,troughlong andonoagh rest toon reach tho upper dge al euch end; tho bars rest on dey
wae chs of woe ac ui
bo electrtyped, suspended from the tobar bo A.A,de ray bo visible; they aro supposed TRind and Adis closely commectod. facing thohy copper platZU ‘Tho ae tie wiee the‘3072." wine poloTo of Obtain tho batterya Copper Mould of faoilGoin,tio Aedgofinn of enpper wireand amust ho. putby tho cof fastened tesstige” Then cover tho backss party andquired the ‘iro, ou whieh the deposit nut Yrith bees’the wax oxof tallow, of,fa what is percha better, Hnsed back tho ein gutta, Have tho foromutstoned part-oe face Tho sacfuco with wellsweetcleaned, ofl, byad & Camelchate pose and then appeses elesneddey offon, by in fie cloth, tll tho setuen eal ofMack’vil lead, tho which slice maywill boimpact brited€0 20er wei Tonze appearance, ‘Thotho usedepesit of thoadhering il oF luck lead Isto pecvent, fo{obothe sijected fico of theto cain.tho single ‘Tho enhcell fsprocess now (see A, whieh meat ptt otThis part or mould of tho coin ig obtained. Touldl may next bo ittreated exactly as coin,de fered for obteiuing from tho orginal Sd the deposit row i will bo a facsimile ofBer oneof sideduplicates: of tho coin.may With caro, from’ any nambe taken’ this siould, it be properly costed. ‘3873.a ill Coating for spinte Copperof turpentine, Moulds. ‘Tako of rected aud ado fe abont tho wize of an ordinary
peo wax. When this is diseolved, wet rer of theDees!murfueo of tho mosid with i and then allow it to dey: is taken then Feudy tout into the solution,the mould Medals fro Totus 0 prepared retain. thelr beautifully Ucight enlor fora long time. But when. fio line arethe turpentine bo. costed, tnayth be ttle wax cnmarin disselved in estos so an i bck heady for bothob ave a catendeney toturpentine. Bill up tho wash fino lines. tt this s e let the bo wiped off handketebie. instead of drying 2 foewith ask fe ondary ‘wil searcely appl nets this. objection 8674, Preparation of Wax for‘Taking ‘Moulds. he torbees washavostearing inieor nat, Whethe ibis est preparo fein tbo fol Tnwing manner: Put sme cosine vigand vax sito an earthenware pot or pki, Dlige it orer a-sow fires and when i fall Inefted, stir into sta little white lead (lak hie) or blakleadeadto (plambage), say about Innes white the pond of wax} this mistire fens to. prevent the moni racking in the cooling, aud from floating mtin the solution tho mizttrestoutd be remeled {ovo times before singe it for the frst Unto.” or thr Resin haa boon. recommended as a sisturo with wax; mixtirer of which, rious proportions, ave been used withn orxe: cose; but when often used, decompositio Some change takes place, whieh males tho yestuseful eranula wt moulds, bl, fondeing Jos for taking "When rer je used, the mixture, when fst melted, irebiled, nearly to, and Kept at thatshoal nest Aull effervescence ceases; fe ia then to potized oie pon a fat plate to cool, afterbo ‘hich ie may be nsed ax dseribed. S675,to the"To copied Take Mould in Urished. Wax, ‘Tho s over medal must-bo ‘witha Ide srert oils asote brash, ealled Pointers sash tool, suite thie purpooo wells Fare must of bethetakes medal, to after brah which the ofl thewellsuper. into ‘alitwssparts must be wiped off with a pleco of gut eitox eto mah tt aa as iright polished suru, very fittlo oilie re aquired, but it the sorte bo matted or dead, hoquives moro care withthe -A slip ieof cardteard ots how hodoil, ound fiigo, of the medal, the edge of which ei Sold rie about osesourth ofan inet higher finn the. bighest part om the face. of tho fnedal. "This domes bold the medal with ts Fin aiitte sloping, yourbringthe max in thexa Towest portion, end then gently We level, hat the melted wax may gradually low over} this will prevent the forsation of ae-bubite Care'iutt the taken not to. pour the wax on too hot, as that is one ret causa of fale in getting good moulds; poured on ist as itis beginning toi shouldbe set ia the foot asthe compositn poured on thedish, medalA ‘set hecomes soli), tnd tho rim, for if 1 ‘wat allowed remath om til the wax became perfectly eco),fo the would adhe to it, {hd wold Hable waxto crack from ehrioking Pat tho medal and wax in_a cool plac, and {in‘Whonabouttheyan hour the thotwo wil separate ely adhere, eauso i either th too littlo ott has eon ved, or that tho wax tras ponteon too ot
5876." 1htho To ‘Tako’ Wax Mouldsthe mptld from Pinater, object ftom which is‘otal, tbo be taken, whichof plaster wo sasumo to boant4 gomposed of Paty, thofgperation mould‘ intoto prepare bo fakéntho.in pastor” was, tho’metalAst Some bolled linseed oi, lidsuchas is usodparcby Houta painters i s bo over tho ofgontane tho modalwii with'aspout eame'chait pent,Whichand etartdy {a'imown by thowil) plaster consng absorb fay moro oftho operon to"mucoeod
DICK when tho medal is heated a lite. ‘he Dost modal should now bo laid asido till the oil
completely dies, whoa the plaster will ap.bo found to bo quite hard, aad Having tho pearanco ot €opolished anarblo; it. the const. Aunty, Gt be woe for taking reaan ould; which fy done in the samo s o a e r frooma.havo metalic. described medal. for taking(See a waeNow. mould 3075.) Many preter eatarating tho dnedal with wa: ter,Brack this is best dono Uy placing the medal down inthe thofanwater bt nat allowing It felon ores the waters, by cai larg attraction, to taodampsurface of tho medal, oiling tho faco withost being wel. ‘Pho sim etn now ied or tho plaster ine tho meltodit equally wear isgood,posed.bn wpon ik, to Thfal tho Laity dos iabeing ite tovgreater, eased oneratly hy maythe war hot.’ ‘Tho plaster medal ihodried;eatirafed with tis ekimmved. mule and heae b y repeating twie, the plaster fumes of tho sustace an appeacasea ike ma To'9877,""To an nay ho"Tako tee forMoulds taking in.wae Plaster. molds Ifa plaster of modal, Pars moulds to bo takenaf fontho tho metallic tho preparation redal find when.is tho,0" ram preparedas deseried with tho invon No.of 3070, ear Dose or tiny gota asia with aa soneh water infiaodie atmouldwill bo(a solficient to. make proper very Hitleexperiencd wil fcuablo tho operator fo ow 8h) them take ‘he finest plaster ofit Paris wndsistaro spmtidehecomes it Sato the water, iri tl tho tho eonsistoues of thick exeamof thethenmedal, pot ' ‘offodsanall portion ton tho faea bhbrushRatho to plastor ha edinto. fro fg art ityta g e u t l y eve(86 of tho surface, hich vrll provent formation of‘of airbubbles; ttithea it'see pour on€o the remainder tho plaster the ‘ogo of tho rin iftio plaster it gow it wll Uorready for cotaking olf inbefore an bot.fir, ThoI ould it thon bo peed fanbe place, oven, tnt quite dey, aftersn which 1E 38ves:t0 back duvremards a shallow FelAloptheoutaining meltedtho wae, notthoof moald, sadiciental to flow over Ties of owing thowaxwholohas topeneteated remain over a slow and foo until tho the platter, lppoaes upot tothehasden, fase. itHaving removedbo ready ito ‘cool place wil soon forcollontslottrolyping.Glveoring.alfeda an ox coating for tho interior of plaster moulds, ‘adhering toto peovent, tho insido tho,af melted the mould.wax from, 3678, Plaster To Take MouldsWheof Plaster from “Models. «plasterix hotlist be taken, the Taco of tho model in order to thatof desertbod, diferently prepare to‘Th prevent. tho adhesion th two plasters, est sabstaeo for this parpowo fw mis. taro of and tallow,theiruniversally used, byCalley pottorssoftthemsoap for preparing moulds, andtho Menen. T e d s prepared ta following manner’ | ponswhichsoft aromoxpet 3 ohpat& into 3 pnts clean water, clear ze,the atlmistureKept begins in agitation ‘byad atireing vehen to ol, frontie top ounces tallow ad Keep boitog ci redced in woe.bullet Thoaboutsurfacepints,of” thowhenmeta itis Feally for oust boabsorb washed over with this laeque,aehen alowFe fog i t o ar ch aa Hens assumes theprepared. appesrancy of sinpolished marite itis uow with a of paper and tho mond taken a s izeete for taking plaster Inoulds, (See No, easily.” 267 .) Wetting When thohardened, Depfood)wil separate plaster witha solution of reap before talng fie eastsaturated will do,withor lor if tho milly plasterTe hasmodeloaly basto boen bo moistened teal mode, with sweet oll tho gama 60°
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 8679, To Tako Moulda mould Alloy from Plaster Models, of “If'«Fusiblo ‘of fusible metal be requized from a. plaat ‘model, the plaster may be saturated ‘either ‘with, boiled oll (see No. 3078), or the tony tnd tallow Tacquer (coe No. 3678), and tho mould taken i the sare manner aa from a ‘metalic medal.
Hen prepared for taking o usual (See Nor 1072, $e.) "WV neo hardly manner mextion tho ‘model ial this case is destroyed; but,that not. ‘withstanding, in the caso of plaster models, to tako a copper mould fast may he repaired in iseasothe ofmosteightpreferable, land ft may be tsed over and over apni defect, fut deterioration. “When an electrotypo.withtis Foquired of a model that of of a bust or figure, the processis tnderent, which wo Geseribed will not answer, at the mould havo not separato from the model. In such can eumstances the general method of proceedinit~ jsto part tho mould in separate pieces, and then these together. ‘The material used for thisjoin purposo is plaster Paris, ‘The operation, however, 1a bo well of! dono, ‘person of considerable experience, requires 3681. To Tako “Moulds in Gutta Percha, Gutta thepercha, a material noulding, serves parposeas most admirably.for
Sura Peer beens ae come mag es 2d
mic of aPoron Cae ‘brush nimbly cover the faco about the thicknot close his eyes. Semiy enough to wrinkle
Say ose Be at tae Sry Aas aa re see Se SRP arond Figures tn Poste,
‘Take the crumbs of a new drawn white loaf,
sia Hane weenie a ae,a, Sieg tan Scar Se eee as Gy ec ns te today Betey Dees Sena oe noe prosorvo it ftom vermin, you iaay mis a Hite ene pean J8u ltn for Taking sialte Moulds affark teasCotpeal Eee neehe gn otha oy a ge tens wu Te, Sump Re mee alg eee e a eee Boy ean ear te fs So ee ‘Bieles in plaster of Paris must bo first et ee eee So e ae “3085. ‘Moulding.
To Make and Use Elastic proces! patented by Me. Parks for kingTho ciould of kay isd of model
in ono piece, 1g excellently adapted for the clef The 12mner eglecomponed of duoand molasses." pound arosteo s for eovezalit thoroughly; hours ia as thssmack putwaterfata a8a meill Invision {boing, whichWhen’is placed im aot bath of al ie vessel, wafer, tho glu fall into @ uid seat, 3 pounds of molases are added, fand. tho now, whole thatis showell mould mized’of aby sling, Suppose, small bast80 {oop ig wanted, 0 cylindrical vessel is chosen that tho.iho hist may stand in it aa inch or sounder edge.of stout The ‘nsido ofis tpasted his veasl 4sthe olled, a piceo paper on botbont af the bust to prevent: the fid anistare fom goingsand inside, aod {titi cont pore of plaster, fa pet inside completely to provent hom Moatnig. Te Is ext drenched all andthe pisced upright in the vex: sel,” This in done, melted mixture of gino and molasses is poured in the bust isebolo fab ferged to the depth of an inet.» ‘he Just stand for a least 28 hourg, ull iy pers fect cool throughoat— aferuponwhicha table,tis won, taken out hy inverting tho veel Gfeotrse,Te thomould bottomis now of the bust is presented Thue, sharp knife, from the bottomeu upiy te‘meansbackof of& {ho Pastopento thoby thefrontoperator, of the when’ head, an Tisasistannext held Utes one the-A pceo bust of andbrown the moat i allowed to fe-clse. paperis ted round Ieconipleto to cep mould it firm,of the‘Thobustin operatorone husplese)now but Nostate» 'ctus treat 3 ko wax moulds as ite gue iot coluble in water, sl WoNldA mixture bo deved iP put into the eslution, en resin,qui withallowedoceasionally a littleiti ‘cet,Wax1s melted to gland tll
Gn‘cefiy tho point of wetting, when itiscool poured into the mula et to the mould is then ustied aad opened up as beforey tho. wax bast is taken ont, and tho mould nayAnd resin, bo tedthere wp fur aroetherseveral casts. otherBesides wax matures iused™leer toto common such, ating cle, fasho prefrablo object is get a mixture hat takes aton”good th eastwhich and becomes solid atthea hen esr would ol atl Moulds of Figures. 1of 3080, thoParis, modelTomoutd or Take fino bo composed of fasterby is oten taken in copper fepoiin, honadgiocapperineatarated withuponwaxit (GeoScifclonely No. 688),thick deposited to. lear handling without taraago xo tale from tho model, ho Figure. with tho cower d e p o s i t 1p carefully sawn into, and fs then baledand in easly water,copeDy ‘Whigh the plaster softened ated ‘om! in thewhiehcapper, which Howto serves The mould the deposi be made,as
1. preparbr eddepositin in thog saocoppawayrmouiax de, worn (seedo. Serta Savors)tie “Poea ian gourer moa, loaty tho copper ould oped a, tod tho to halves oP tho pure edice ether opon ‘Tae thet evppera moulds Shih aseie thode Fests’ models taken Sane uit aro often tied thonat s Sone ] tt tor goerl iy tho ode tro sed g ilesaverof thoof “ect ol inetn tem, to obtainfor deponta fue-sin these meta nich eae Me copper Hotta Sodi obr vad a Goat oniigu Figureress with Cop eier. When1887,plaster"To bots aro wanted copaegrses eetho caneusu wazway sc iso prspa pro reihthe gue ss STith a thin depot otopero cope,n, ets thoas sopfo erloneremain Bom whe secre thetyplier aand wachead evermgtestho Jad with an of tin Tats Sycnwarhiog ie dapper maceneocpoiou y poeto leaned fis i of on S O ne ae S tecSeppemode andwl eteease kethesteugt alloyie to adoro to thaot ta ahier SER ste throw depothte nguizo mst ontne ofno roport nery cees, crit wil Seah Uhrosghnots Tat aay sofdopoabst,my Qato asl flight of Saostel Soneby, mata of ‘ido emery of ns paper,"no(See itt,Plasto eee, Prepar a Cast sfor e ctrot Sint iy nga copats yping . ino gran thofon thon ghy, g s t oqo of bues" wax and common resin, smelt. thom togetherhsaya moro;bel when fen cootsoldatget somowil goadsok Shtor Bek Letend sight and overfo too e, ese eately38)Snot BSE 3600,al " ds To"ReceivPrepa dtotalisay reDaposis on Wer Mo to e ofthe d'to planethoovear moguls seserscd ind a sors frachd ne ang imiho Bo con.l olutio inthe sang matuct as deeag n vo, 200, uo thdeportplasternetldnor thobs obicae d, Bona nether a 8 conduc torow beof agpled elestdity.”te the Somp substan ces SSistu saaco i enior SleeGrays ofeonlis ingsiingpore, tistherpropearsesOat comma Uo Best and’ most slznplo forthe artietes under onade raton i 0 apply comanon Has ead (earburet of iron) in tho folowing mente Seopper l,or,sr p rouarousetaod, alaea tainof liphe amoda wax r moulds StSon copperidomay be focranightiy d toHeatedtip anets alof a) eine ‘pon tha owbadetakente (sal Evo’ will ataoerah Afery Bead Paltable) overand tori aippo noato ngaf totme ack tatTeetho ruse Brnsn tosp foesaf g iotho bewiscoutna cd thyunl Found opin eg, oF Comper compato g coathe ton! ag’pny alee sealto formin Ii “tei dost Sn brashiobtain on agquitlacknd Teady go d. caro soa ng be fai akt totho alowcopperany t0'g9tionsSporot theihe en bak’ oF beyond connec spose adwil mako followtho'mo ie? Eatuld somorecaneailoes of oppor, ouhenike thee depact? ofteagtb wee i mallcom ptly Wack l th copper wire e o l , withtca u andth attached mould tothe inmses sin pate iain thohoFooteddipper porous e ed t sluion the dopost i iomed ; ti Bg pan over th cpp encomple e tly trvsood s party t a y pttad esuticecrepe cenlefor lyne aTaLon apa gre ed tite atly in I foorion Gouns iasce mil equ al 9 dayomt medal ho {Skea out the tluton, aad wasted old
off, ofIf is takentho edo and tho notconnection water,dépout farbo over gono the ‘mould, has by may tho’separated the tle pal; the if twootherwise, ruperiuous abo takenbut ASpost must bo eased off, aad if earagains over so ft-to be thotrhoawaxtho may owrever of Paris, plaster with moulin wae Ifiy ele bo sacrated iinemay condition Woll the to usothie,agatis advisadomaster mould bo large an or tallow, wax with coat tho bock ‘withit over Bie'to elthet which is done by brushing ina molted state; tho mould, being Tabstancs ol, willba notrecovered absorb thoagin.wax or tallow ; honesof ‘Pinay sulphat ‘copper possessesnoimperfetion penetra occurs tyia thothat ifataration f'tho slightest of tho through mould byit, was, thothe solution ‘wil ponetrato and copper Trill Yo deposited upon the feo ofthe object adhoring to tho plaster, giving to tho metal S rou matted appearance, and sorionalyin-
SO eel SEL ASTBean Pash sree semen a
, 3600.
To Use
Fee TeSeesRole nen ee
Maiip rine, pees Is Ge eTee oFnone plated nae are aie yee uote, te omer et ot oo ety sng renee Spares eaete reekeeet fe cet ee, ee gar baat oe SeSeen ee eee bn enpor2ka ystat ee Sits sere onreebona Hiei ae sar CN Ses peste eas ian cmenetly base Seve tee ce es elmees Ea cosets A ics a wut” Pale: thaihe coe San Be pe alae er gh a oeGeinTe All ide beta seme eke gota Ear oy sire tie gre ha ner eal wismeeeel Beat Soe seaside oom ep rhosha ea onlyois scram erent; mes Seah ate preter fu Sacer elec Ake ese ge ee neg ae een mann a age fee rae ae a cena foe, nee nue es ee ‘Wacetead, iisthe sliended with leotroypen consideralo {iialty 40 inexperienced. ‘ThoBe deport: grows overoe al aetho Sea prominent sera ire seep King el ugh ecaran guoe mised it seguivesgies conseersble manage:
eee alee
of clocticity. Tt is recommended by somo lostrotypist s to take ont tho Dust, ald cont the3 Rrther parts deposited upon the was, fo practice provent doposi on thems; but tis {shotan good, especiallyonght-withneverplasterto beof Pars, forfue dlectrotypo takes t Aaiehedl l Sometimes tho resistance tthebocomiag hollow parts is oceasioned ‘on exhausted from its bythepositionsla fa regard oftthe,position ontizo polaremedy. Xn hi cue & ‘hango effets Te-may fo romarked thathollowwhenpartaa bustuponori, ay tolargebe sarfuco hnving tlestrotyped, eonneatonathese4s possible ought.as tomanybe Copper alida between Letmadetho cho battery and thowithsine theof hellow bares Connections parts Vo ‘with the tho‘Guestsine plato ‘wire which cantcall behava: ‘hod, and’ Jet Jn tho large surface to ofthoconsiderabl surface of e thei figze, and attention thocompared battery1s bopaid to these.and condi tensity;cho.if mort intieats figures tions, ‘busts tnay bo covered over in a few hours. Caro iin to” bo observed in taking ff tho cones: tions offfom potion ‘the depositor tho operator nay tea 0 tha depoct ian wie are ue, surfeo. tuey shonld We ext off close to Tistse deposited 3095.and Togares, Coat andBustaotterand compbeated Figures, Buss of art, which cannot be perfectly coutedot i‘works Macla be covet by a ha y ver ot ¢9gold,the copper.” whieh eeryes asi effected a conducting rediam This by elution of phosplorus in suphuretofc asbon, ‘The solution of pound phosphorus is eabseanco prepared. by15 iMiding to each of that ound agitating bisnipburettheof mietard eatbon, andthisthensolution thorDoghly ie"opplenble to variousdeposits’of uses, and,mataamongst ‘thers, to obtaining upon on-mtatlic substaness either by combina Iewith thoas substances ‘onof wax, whielor itis to be deposited, ia the caso by costing pres of th inknown Anyho treated thereat. {he eurace tions of wax may this way, mk thoouneasono of thopreferred is compored ofwas,fromand 6 108 solution,6 pounds 5 pound account doors fat,of thomelted together nature at lowof Helton infamnsable fhe phosphores. “Theby composition us ob: {ainal ip acted upon on eectrotyping tion as readily an if © wore costed with tho Diack lend,
pared willmanylast arcs. for & ong"When time, itandis ere asforabove, great convouient 3 it best to uso both solutions. ‘Tho connecting wiro should Smt be atached, toJnvothoatticlo to becoated, before being dipped the phosphorss soliton, but eppearan connected aeuch pres as will not huey the of leaving ® mark when i is {akentho off.abjectCareby should bo taken not to touch the article with the hands after ft is dipped {nto tho solution. Tho object mupported by sod in tho phosphorus ‘thoconneetions is kane solution, it taken remainsaut fueit istwodipped er eareo tainutes. where "When into the silver saletion, andy ay soonaa the stanen Decomes black, having the appearance. of pleco china, iis to bo dipped soveral {ites oftn blac distled and thet immereed inthe tho solution of eter, gold about, three minntes; furfaco taker & Dronse tinge bythe ro acon of tho gol Te i gent washed fa istiled ‘water by sorely dipping, ot b y {rowing water spon i "ho wie connection issndnow aitached 0 tho sine uf tho battery, then the article pat intoth therlcopper oat. salt ima in few ite ver of copper. A thin copper Suefacowith maya denont ties bo to siall bastoF Sguues without senstlygivendistorting te entoren 95. Eleetrotyping on Wood, Di tho wood in n wae e then Drech orc t e d ‘with black-Iead antl polished; insert a wiee of Copper aud seo tha ies also covered with tho plimbago, and in contact with that already. Jin tho woud; nov attach to tha pote of tho tery, and immer in the polation of eal phato wt {oo strong.copper. The battery should’ not be ‘lectroplating. ‘tho foregoing
Sater Men toketiotyping Aas eopper coating b y galvanism, ‘lecteoplatise, or coating with ager fs conducted n'a am Jaca to leetroiying a aroi concerned, a general ineiples and maniptlationBru dar in tho ofwolations gaed toas bowellelectro ax 1 tho preparation tho objects placa ‘3607,dizolve"To Prepare Cyanide of 2 Silver. Pint 1 ounes pare slverin ouress dite neld and 2 ones hot. water, ater ‘hich forther dato with 1 quart hot water, Tho popney of diningbys thoara of of avespo. Inforo precipitating eyanido ‘3694. ‘To Gild or Silver-Plate Flowancesseafom(atchtho asfetthotaenitrates, tho saltschlorof era, do, If tho tolution of phosphorus (sce tasslam Potash and sulphates), rion ofi strong seston, Sige te lesmlelo dae oe rcsdissolveand amall quasttiey tho silver saleby tnd ths eauso alos, which is provented previous dition withwater. The nitio(url acid 2Sbon), forcoedevery eepound ieee Ge {sed must bo freo from Ihydroeblorio phosphorus contained alc) of tho ofacidalver; add {few acid;dropstoa small of solutionguantey of niteete Aftainsit given a milky whito precipitate, it conmuriatio aoid, and. should be rejected. Shen dolvo 9 onncet apa of posta in Tquare water. A d this by degrees to isthe tilver solution aati tho whole of the slver Stir tested haa: precipitated, andwhichallowmoy tobo sitio; Hossa’ then drop {nto tho clear liquid m.vfrom ery smal quantity o seinen of a fey see Be the second preparation heen of lars sotto sitet ma iy etleel fod;S's poofif thothatclearthe gadholo fs ofrendered turbid, it pees genie tho silver 1s hot remainy une tho thelguidslver it that seperated; but changed, shows it enticaly any le nel ape feparated, Tho clear Tiqatd fa then to.eyan-be wared off, and tho precipitate, which fa of silver, washed at Teastfor uso. 4 timesThoin bot dried ‘end bottled ns0 stern ag sang wh 2 gale Rio‘water, Sa atding of eps ot psa eles IL grains‘The of it fames aro thrown euboiont {o'kill-acaution, grownos person.
‘ffSeals whilohighly disslving tho silver inmust.nitricnot asiabo deleterious, nod Inlet betas thereto, no oases ‘3698. of ToeverMaireused Silver Solution, Theof aclation for plating consists yanid of silverof dissolved In potassium, adho Bg‘eyanido a slution eyanie of potasiam to of solution aver unteonstitates it isaldesalved. ‘Theof Salting tho cyanido Dotassin eilve,to aud forma theprevious platingto olution, Teandoxght bo filtered back sedi. formedaaa canoe, always aver, as there js orn Tsing, crore ea al upon eoltion, wouldthodepost, if lehof iathotheariclerecciving hich,suited Tis ‘ail sediment, howovee,ai ust mako not botrough. thrownof ‘Tho sway, as it contains to dis: usedso diluted potaceum, eyanide of slver, Tho eyanido Yer, alto tho may bo that the plating solution, then formed stallof gallon; te in silver of ounce contain} fafger mayfor beplating of silver Sour the proportion Sramaller, but10thatomegiven i bes ale, chenro low. ofingredient Ea Giesig roportons o f each those ‘wbigh havo been found in practca to bo the Dost, ‘Tako 7 pounds of tho best nitro ac, Shilo Gunes of ezande of tas, of hs precipitate will tif quaotlty quality;of silver S‘ievorage 100 ounces in tho62 acid dissolved take oun washed, fs this Aner olution, ‘osGf which moro ofwilleyauldo of potassium, th solution disolve the. precipitate; this then form: is solution plating the done, Being fel “Or coumotho these’ proportions will raryof quality tho in diference to ‘Secording eiva_an will servo to prepared matetials;coie butof thotheyaversion theeste Silver of Dissolve Dissolveof Cyanide "To 3699, Potash. Prussiata Yellow inpea of super Dr yal pasta of wash (forrocyanido of todssolvo potassium),1 owaco 3 poundsot Foquired aro Urvwhich slaan excelentsurteoplating ‘Thisyieldsformsa beautiful Sven, steer. of and tion, ad pos pores weak battery a eilver hv hha ‘The f a t , very fs tho fequently. doesnot divalvointhiasofution; rvelectrodo scaly a wbitobottom: fore formeddropsnponoff itsand surface tothe falls which trast, of fd theandsolution Silver, wil toon ne d to becomes be renowed.exhausted 3700, A Solution Madosolution with forOxide of Silver. good silver aloctse Dating shito metal and brassin ia parts mado cyan by di Solving 1 part oxi of silver of{defpotassitm andmade64 parts warm water. 0 silver ta b y precipitating tion of thoof baryta. nitrato by’ aldiselved ati like potassa 3701, To Make‘The Silvben Bi of making up the silver soltion ib by te fbethod ahs ane al expen of prepare adh a and tater the labor ofwhewhieh precipitation. "To: tohave. an is intended Siler solution nice ser f tha gion ava ‘ounces cyanide ofrave potassium fa 100 Sesgal ons Galery Get one fet porous Submerge in thia olution halt feght eowith thom tho tho ia fil elation homin to within tho ama theseof om porousoF ‘esses place emall plates or thesia oppey and connect, themsolution with thoutside sine polo ofa battery; ia the theof Shallow -vessls place a . sheet or ahoste silver connected with the silverbeypoleadoof thoat Uadtry. his aangement, night, and. the of 6poweresl employed being “a Siltvs battery the Snes 7 inches fquare, it will will bebo, dissolved fous in”60 tho. morning that there to. 80 isnow dofellver from tho shots ‘Thosolation ounces
that thanthe and byHaveobserving forto uso} ready tice ese plata bo ‘elles redo, postveelect the flaon Mrforthveritplatstwoforing ShekGe wl the dae r e v . i t l i in a of quantity propor the five ia, totho alver is found. Casonally 2 ide therefore advisable notthem ‘withont itis cals porous in solution tbo away Frou fo donoamiby for liver,atidwhi Hist tesinglide it musat e tothe dil dverpton, may, fom thiolution eectzotypst tear or a 9 quantyof soll a Thakeup example or befigufs, medals Wis ering of soon gallon. tothe elver af Beene mayAy thebo quantity atmall well, sory do trl hou, an than ore nile Prepared what diese: of epra {Fado may bo quor plating f battery o iHouid formed by merely lowing a piceo of eilver to thie days; forbutsmall for foalthough in dhsandoltion steep sneer, $S*tlalous retsola aro Bot adit wilwhooserveporous {pertions, porposs. tho hnvenios, Solu-af Silver from 3702, "wien0 Recover oat gots solution avsier ign, foraddingso canoemay bpbo rendered and ever SRG, by recovered te Seay that wllac teas tp ulationWitany ofacdmph tOUhoalkall bei ad,hydeobat cyanide, jrecipltteras ever {i toe aver will catabo pre: {hlsacd buaused, Who Inorseter ehlofdos as Slplaied te of portion diate, bo shoul Scion will bo redinecived, he prech deprecipita Tito fs allowed to deposit, the elear liquor ith ator olto veuelwhichfiledjs aterwards andthe hited, prota, tho ‘us mized and Chenof pola, die, upon tera TEeved earbnate of weight tos With mi for 18 toa crab in thoHessian fused Sin ceases Hid fed intl of Aes, axa {hefoncruebble, removing Tbrvssee, "wha Talo dato‘an ounng thealver"Ontole metalic Sn to Zhe found bo wil the Zeal ae ty of Woiom at tbo when pouring the aid ato the fio Teer be taken reat care must Fanide solution, which of, given fms thend poeoneun, ‘Tho eporationare EEery fabalo abundant wren thenthe ai, nd down in th ofopenahrowing ithe don potead Pea the betterto favoto evaporate is t i acs byan Huser product the and drynom eo elution tran anid the cave weh in Soiesetbeds addition no suing tne seducing Shale saves to mecesy t and atoo pola fumes, rbon SFea posoness Steveeing of Po-s Cyanide reo for “est ‘3708, dni I7'eo Solution” in’ of rulphele of copper an tasdtum oulfait ak quantty fs produced theo of ammonia, orcenscolor. wil potasiom of Cyanine Vigo accp ehomieal Reed in color, lao the Sesidy tke poroton Fovotin poesnanh of ofTo peotathenoyaide ecrerigy nova Pinode tk eran quan coppe,eas,a ofwhol lpia of ay it10 intra tyesofort ho ponr amore an sad: ingo tho from qunauy, ven Seog’s cyanide liquor Blao this Ulkelimoter tho color s rsd, to destroy til cease Styotastium ouatons tontaeralp inn vil rep:e of copprrane solution SSEPeaat'chat To" “amount potacsam— of eraing tho andfall for ot bo thon wil test GuanttatyS solution, tho n i ofaslpotesium Ganide thatthewosolordor Sayelation ay offollows: bo eel bu tho srehuntions 2760 potas: cyano of rains 10 tho y o t E SEO) cyan fea of qeanty the eat to tag, Hugs heeonve-0 af plana or an fve omligusan in anyalalietar btoe ations ofandtheate ling vessel,flution, il to color of the hie fone ‘hegabeplating i Gestoyed, ten note Wo quatlty
a eeSen rma i si sre 10 conan whi piesSo ny cas os onancanecewieyfo ot s Pre te Quast ant fooneal otek, Bottom of oxraie ee te a pened rade Be eyanide the by dissolved is plate, dilver Pr a of aie tale ot cae ie ed ogee oe mee ie tae, atbe ario platen af pune sa se ws rte se uni esnfat renconcaa Gunto oma Roldan? Eevee act" et aot E ie eis ee pies aii eo a a meas stole(edz ge tp ERr sein resi ron i agate ge ara and es rountaneee cmeera Ees aa be hal ey ie of fa known by. taking somo nitrato of silver, in ‘he. eolution
Aissolving ivin distilled wator 8), gratei (see No.and 6placing. alkalimeter common ina ated intotnt 100 pasts. Thoeld proportion’ of echthe Hirt in ik is fo ve that every two 1 gradeations of tho.quantity solutionof should contain ‘A'given the plating solution andis theow testtaken—any 1 found b y meastpo, rolation of Stato of ellver fs addedformed to it byig redissolved. degrees, eo long aatho precipitate ‘When ceases aadthe chonumber of graduations iffivesthenthothisnoted flowin eatin quantity o f fieo cyanide. “Every {75 itrato of silver are equal to 190 cyanide of potato nso, "Buppon, 20 grade. tions werethentaken, equal10 , OLED to 10 prains innstrate ofellver, 178: freby yanide’ of potassium, ‘his, mialtplied 1p 'the mufber af fd oats per alo, will make about 24 ounces. We have taken 2'raduations to 1maygrainbo ofconsiderably nitrate of silver, that the solution diluto and les liable to ere. tho following tabloto Sealeulated at a half grain nitrata of silver the. aad will"The be quantity a guido ofto solatho Student.graduation, or workman. tion tested is Tonnes by measure. reocyanido per gallon.
708: 19Tagenonsise atin mio: aes ntomat mie is easily effected
about #
by boiling
the carbonated
pound soda-ash, or pearl-ash, to the
ry ara gantry re argri ye ede a at "Sire pty Tetpose , eros, sna at for the Artiles. Pota o Brepkes:ag Ne eo aE aeeteee oe DesmamieSemeCLl at 2s te Soe et a o e SaaS a s ee Pe au perme, ae Bip e maa r al rre Pereies lete Ta a wc eh Pong a lpg hal re rent 41 ge em fetal. Any old acid will do for this purpose.
saves Sa S0u aa ae ich Sigel ona a ase facet Speed = vig eee Sr ce pn Beye pat b,c cree rg gee Beh tomoll ieseealtAil Shree ieee een Snta i ect BOS sieve tdevela preter Gee i akerd ei a ras sade re Brot aren a rtt areope gi Sie sical tegen pd rince Depoeaace seta pee Does SS Te ese.a ie ee (such as those plnted in factories), itis not
916 always sufficient to dip them in nitric acid ‘wash ond immerso them in the solution, order a perfect tho twaof metals,” to effect To secare. this, adhesion a small ofportion iuckslvor ig dissolved {a nitric aed, anda hte of" this solution is added to water, in
copper, bras,tho nitric or German silt,washed after 6 being imped ia acid and dipti podThe surfuco into thofs nitrate of anereury solution white; 1s thon well washed b{aiding y plunging clean it water, ata two.andit separato vastly finally pu fata cumtho Plating nd Eon of thosolution. wetals, ‘ThisOno secdrod ounoo otporfeee quicksilver thas liquor disolvedin will do every” for along timo,When.thoughtho thoImoreusy sed d a y s inthis soluton fsDiackexhaaatedi¢ ts Habito Yo tam tho artielo upon’ being dipped iatoaoit; cashes this mesttho dponited bo avoided,motas tafo Ena en stip‘3708. of To Preserve theafterDead, Matted EleotropiaSilver of Appearance Tit desired toartolo preseremustthobo swriaco inthis condition, the taken at{akeof nottho lectpating ston, ere Being to touch it by tho band, and is Iered in boiling disled water for few Ininates. On boing withdrawn, audicient heat hhas been fmparted to tho metal to dey st Stantly. IE Stinaframemodalimmodiaialy, i oughtto orbe iapat in'an airtight gar, tina to abfow once ced tor 9thoaea Slade, aso very d a y s expomaro to tamishes ie, by thei aonmation ‘iver, especialy room whereof sulpburet there i fireof or ‘S709, gas To Remove the Chalky Appearance of Silver after Plating.” When Enicies are taken out of inthoater,electroplating Solution they aro sil and thes put into boiling water, ‘They does are afterwards them ere which bot sawdust, rut into heir Keotip. colors chalk-white. generally “weighed. before being ‘They soratch.ara rishedy that is, 2brushed with. odfinetd wire Brus (oe and 270, a, beer,i, o gli,Srateror containing in solation ttle sagan, butTt may tho beamateot ma {Godan aie brisk, afterwards barsished. accorling to thetho surace tival method of Ibaraishing, by rubbing with con Siderable.preseze with polished steel or thth Tineral termed. bloedstone.AleBough Uperation. does notif’ displace any ofappearance, tho silver, shill, in taking tho chalky hero ina slight los ofis that weight.of bright ‘Tho metalio appear: nce after scratching silver, ‘3710, To Increase the Brightness of tho Deposit. A litle rulphuret uf exrbon Sided to tho platingand solution provents tho chalky appearasee, gives the deposit the Sppearango of metallic silver; the reaction wiih takes ‘the placebestin thin mistnre ia not yet Understood. method of applying thaOh Sulpharet of carbon sto pat one or Cw ‘cestinto a Iaege having bottle, anthanexcose All of withcyanica neroof Sher olution tarsi,if occasionally. aud lev reposeA lie for several of thisdays,ait Shaking ‘er soliton iswhich aed,wila rethoa‘ticles roquied to thisplated pl. Uingsolution, the samo appearance asf semichod, > TL ofit also found that tho presence of sulphucet ‘carbon thewe havo goltionseen from going that ott ffsesh onier;prevents indeed, a soliton county orking fom too three years, hile, generally, t h e y wero gub ject to'go out of order fora tine, i Joes than tno year-althongl, aferthosestanfing azo CuriousCie,To” they would recover bat
DICKS actionsnot ret ine 711. ‘To Insure Success in tho Eleetroplating Process, upon In vrier stiecoss inilverplatnyg metals toandinstro me falic alloys, two solutions of silver aro quisite; the’ fist, to whiten or Gx tho silverre to guch motals as iron, steel, britansia metal, sand socond,silverto eanfinishbe the ‘work,Gorman ag any silver; amount theof pure dePeet fom a seo flat, First, pounds or cyanide Whiteningof potassiues, Solution, Dissolve. 24 troy 8 ounces carbonate of soda, and’ ounces ‘eyanide of silver in 1 gallon rain or distilled
ata.” Tia hattery oationof 3 south ovedaccord with a compount! t0 10 p a i r s , {2 tho nz ofthe work to bo plted, The use Of this solution will insure the ailbesion of vil Yor to all kinds of brass, bronze, typo metal, e, without employing moreury, the frequent ‘use'of which is injarious to the health of tho ‘operator. ‘8713. 44 Second, Solution. Dissolve teoy ovhessor Finishing eyanidoof potassians, ‘and 1} ounces cyanide of silver, in 1 gallon ain solution battery, show ‘bo aiedof distilled with one water, large cell‘Phisof Smee's
‘obserriog that the sliver plato is placed Ei possible, S714. Boottger'sMetals. Test for‘Thothetest Silver ongoa Bilver-Plated fluid of saturated solution of ichromate of potasia in vamish nitric wc, speoise gravity by ‘Aug die or having been femoved trong alcohol feom thetose metalic suriuce totobeit ted, 9 drop oft oid Is applied Dherrea y moans of a lastof wi roy ome end inisedtately cal wae Duro silver is provent ( a s regards siiver ‘oins,thoso aro Tet in contact with the text fiuid for a greater lenge uf time), thore wall appear clay a blooded coldrel sack ‘{Ghromato af silver). Upon batGerman silver {ho tstliqaid appears brown, alter wach ing with ‘water tho blood-red. colored nar dees totapyea; th patinu svcd sobans metal {seatored Mack: on etion is i ible; ofmetalic sarfces coated with a wich, ama gain mozcury yield aeeddish speck, However, is entvlythowashed olf byTors water;& yokof ead and bismuth test liquid ow-coloted. precipitate; sino. andtest tinliquid,are Doth strongly acted pom by this which, at regardsby the fortier metal, is em Broly omoved water, wiley as separ doih, and.Latter,addition the toseof water quid produces fs colored a brow yellow precipitata which somewhat adteres tho ay ‘3715, Plating on Iron or Steel, 0 ‘Tako 2fof quarts rain water shssolvo® pours éyanide potnasitmy, and’ Aiter. In onder to plate feel ‘ot iron, dip i fato puto sulphuric acid forand onobrash; mint,ase,then abdcleahongwith inpumice stone, olution. of €yanide of potassium for tires minutes, ut ‘near the surface of the articles to ‘be plated as
Wali it becomes whith; then bau in silver solution 2608) watt plated heavy enough (See No 3716. Taking Silver from Copper, Bo. ae byty stripping this is Mirdono puting offotodissolving a stonewaretoll}at ‘eopper pan soine strong sulphuric nei (rit Fol}, to whieh a litte nitrate of potasea ix ‘added; the atielo fs laid into this solatio Which will diasolvo tho silver without mater: ally adfacting the copper; nitrato of potarsa fy added by dogrons, a3 ooeasion reqnires; and if the uetion is slow a little heat is applied. to the vestel. Tho silver being removed, thn article is well washed audthen parsed toran the potash olution, and. Gnished for plating, ‘When the sulphuric acid becomes raturate ‘with silver itis diluted, and tho silver is pre-
common andsels feredthe offa collected 8 slain, tysilver ciated formed of hlondo when of potash, with carbonate na erueble obtained iIoallveris nembe atte, metal a ' n not thonld eralble ‘he button. or Knob fu. full, andceases.should “Thobe kept twro-theds {er Ss craeilo ofervogeenco tilFenored Sfon coo, when and, fre the from {hen es SO) showa hea rile No: offen rae "(See lite rough: seids y b Stapped acid basbat be: ofthe estioe fromcopperthe efleets nat silver the ‘ner fnuse"the neces , a thereoro is it polished foun to pol electroplating inthe Detore Pracige dono ‘This iaor Tess plating.factories Eitthe articles moro brash, circular a of by.ed ancans anda einat a lade, ground pen as required, off fsed pumice-stone and of made posto of process thed surface loan, eanDy bothisemoothedan fo nsrele polished Any to ensurotho te requiredto polish experience itd a ‘ut operator the enkble ad Steoess, brush inmnekspot. without must leaving Surace bo eleawed the article ‘Nite tisequally plated Silver from Copper. before ‘Toite Recover a 717. means silver by common ‘ofasinstipping Tastead , G16,of40 esthebeesha more Nemode ‘ofnd aed,prefer off"Tn thethis silver caso operationmustjst bodeseribed. tytie tebrashings and dried collected, pan, Jeon” nh in be dono omed; this eredmay hest s all eaeboneceau it atconsumed; theuntilremainder eoping fsed is are Tales oF potash,withwhena titletho of insodacombingtion With carbonata obtained, Bivens copper. Bria, its, Cyanide of Silver During and Potassium, ‘Decomposition thetho fu sale fiver "The Process, Plating Diatingeetution it 9 true double salt, of 1 equbeinofg, a compound described, Galtady of silver,salts.aul | Taof thoeyanide alent of eytide distinct decom: Dotacsium=-twro Positionof thoformer, silver eyanido slation of byver,the ieelectro. thehoses don and laneth Etrrent, ated or elec plateis Qireforo to theof positive pastes eyanogen potassium eyanide io ode, ofitsthe arilo eurfac upon thedeposit, Seta ibertythe sifyer feceving and solttion, Tring. specifically giver an tho” general hast of the a plating solution, rises toalong tho ty place take to euzrent eases {his arteloor “It a. thewalter being plated. artielo suppote of atthe sarface, fave of that frase ting, upon sound which tho'n prominenca exits, aa a Iheuinting eg, st wll cause Hiner Mn ridges fromsolutions tho Vottom tothe suject top.b> mat are foe Neviy produce thisDead. annoyance. ‘S719, Silveringwhich &formeillMedals. ‘mip perfect sothness genevery fe renders surfiee, tho on posesces Tally ever d e a d of couting a ubtain fo Tiedt tusteo sky except beavtialof work ichacactesizes f, having thor fipon whieh that kind ByhiGhgivingtikesit away a very tethieksbarpnew conting ofofthoaver,lint bo easlyto canprevious dead tho appearancy ion, byThisputting modal, Phrained of ofcopper,ea,auduedopo 8 «solution iy ivoring, mean fagtno opblushyyof Copper which gives tho faco at erystalingvichness that copperbeautiful THe modal The to give. known is doposited thee copper tho fom wasted tobe. then odal put into,of setho to bocoating and inmedintely folution;gation. slight avery Siyer lustrosofo dead frosty give thogeneral sues toadn ‘erRuchwil aes o tien Ohta, Old from with Silvertogether To Recover 3720, Goods, viol, of Oil percont, of nitrate of woda, is heated in a SPinted
alloy doesap" metalo ofor svar, otherteriti With noebarar ared,d poco yothiete 2122 to pao stoeay ily, aso arewiplaces i Petes in bomo cases the texting. fad ‘only clippings Tho silberpated ’ ahr. shannon ales or baket infastened whistehh,i of thosre meth, thu susfaco scolored at it mayaa thebosilver move is Boprde palley As thoon to ald. formed, tates precipi Gehan in thetho eallender is fase, allowed to Sortovar, eaundt belconfounded with thoro of bout Tomoved, bronghnot redintospotcontact n fitliverfori Germa and emp: Aree, in incoldtho water imamereed then {rainy after toting wii manner. samo ised again bo 'to fied, hare r, howeve wil, ,y hoconledspot, Hstanoia, metal washed Tralng deslvening che fresh, baths acid tuo Whi Neonsl tem with heavy rapity,but anda fowevenminutes; very.takes proceeds o sine; s Tendstronglvesy comod anein notapoty Pili with ware Pintod plow a atid m Flau Ui of hat mows ada andaration d byteeingtho y adeete atrongt s i tin o; ectat when d e v l r e p ready i it isthoEirequired, ored. th-col browni the when uf w-reliow precipitate ts pete Ride amount Mosmall borenowed, mast ocd washed s i {yd pr eopper, the to adhering ged solution StSiptatos tho odmetal; totantish Gehty adler which snc to Wathe aived, brought when silver its rara ed attack gly Featron scope ENR eae npn, ronor, action tho by ned tighte s i otal this Heuer oft as. ‘bs ay water i n Sore ‘ean in’usedthe bath prepared. tecont i afterwards a whieh into ip ed mangos tsalto bo to m»oer oper ng. ildi ro-G lect Ua ata no ot of Ipc mek. ng covi ov , ding onot semituid erystalline a to congeals ‘odling, , rte batery tho by gold of g cookin h'8 dawit ‘Tbe soda.” of and copper of sulphate of ‘tass lato an suet cago tis in rmed (com-at ieBina eth to excopin of a fow practical of sodiamy eileideiu sual byadded removed is ‘iver portions i which salt) ton Inodifieations.
repeals t ee ripes Seep oe ee of ie repel San see he eee oa pines et SFA ao macover Sane som
Seriig eromnt pot metal Tho plated io pou water, Pode andasle ier
of Gold. ‘3725. To Preparein @Chloride parts nitio-bydroDissolve 1 pari gold regia); ‘anti (aqua begin to evaporate aofcid. eblotine Ghlorie d,s disengage bo" Sapors
to ersstale asido nitrionei olution Apart Taee' Sct! choconsists d and of regip ‘Aqua (hyotae meson) by pants caloric) (hth act of added toesa solution bo axmoyia ‘Tfaqua reddshe precipitat it regi, gold hy aqua collected,t whichhissmy. tho bo mnmoninre deposits Fellow dried. aut Yauhed, prepared traudlet aad.fuuninate must beie batug Of‘vithgoudyreatand caution, of tho
old, a Solution of Gold. "3726. To Prepare to & of eyanulo of potassinm Add solutionchloride 3725) No, (sec gold of olution of precipitato is redissolved ; bat funeil all the this gives ehloride of potassium in tho’ola-
enais ieion etety Sa cote rel Moin eee iat amma a HaePen Eeet Hering elon, Trion yBfie ae ati tbe ot Seecnt omosobomine. hpi a and L.
‘When the ‘nfstare
haa ‘been pre-
titer tee ta eg feos orp ins sa fee Soe Gorda Plated Sooke, ie, ay Sstest slver Sra Fated ing? tng rer a see a, ny aah 4 iOe, ra rey oe) Hg cineca ne tel at he oY gsi the peste tect atta a nt mai Eg meee adieu ae as cathe great erick wre ant pot the alert cee Saal fhe vibes Tho fareitbig cou, 9 wah e o b e mee ae eg ag thats he gu By e ther , tae aay a inee snacs eee gheony eet
Tenmido of gold,
Were this preeipitato to bo
sein sir ies ere ofa aa Dee
st ah ro tlie tene alt a al pr ee gh chief Pea a ag poe ae eadPraseae Ba
atwithsilvertho second Gee Nor preparation 3th), ond wdproceedfor eyanide tm the '9728._ 4 ‘Totry Proparea Solutionof ota of Gold. Dissolve ovaeen rani Anrdistled L ouncewatereyanidPhistolution of goll in 1 fo gallonbo rain weed AEtreoabout $0° Foe, witha battery of ab least cells.to suitGoldtho cintaste,in bydeposited, of thovarious suds ating to goldof Solution a small quantity of the eyanites Silver, copper, ofof ammonia, sin, ant afew cope of Hisdesmuipnet 8729.. To Proparo a GoldVo prepare Solutiona byelon the ofBattery Brocess. old tot, salvo M rants Kent thoporovssofation to ill13 Far now eyanide taken salt cell a wit this solution, andtht place iUtaside tho pallon otof soluiron tions into el a pt small plate ‘oralocopper, ad attached by a ofsedgo to isthoplaced zine ok a battery. A pleco oto tho largooath splationy facingtcthe alive pata ia thethe poscanel attory. until‘thathe whole is allowedfs to tobotaken remain ostin ation gold, which weighed, as Tost the to tine inaadsolttion. fom tito requir quantity Ryho thismade,meansno solution et any strength ean oring to theee,titenesalowed.tho action "Che solution fn ttinned ho porousHong, has cm willHalfhavean nohougo!wil andsufisatforhea Ghrown awa. tmuall_quantiy of solution—of ‘quantity of solution may bo mado cme up hy anethe amo Forsation, all thooperations ofheated giding.to UyAf tholeastmeans, evanide ie must bo 1309 in Pahtho way"Tho desenbed atiles tofor bealee gilt sro(Gee cleaned Nor 3705), to Dutbeingae pusnot intlippedthe itogold nitro Sei previons solesto ion. Soe four minntes ia selene time fi ony adsonal dred anclo. hy After tho articles are leaned art weighed, an, sehen lt they” aro weighed again) us thytained ganniiyAy at“coavonient! gold. deposited i ascer meats Tho “may oneBo Iilepted for heating tho solution, fenerally adopted to patko @stonoware pan Fontainiag the solution a iron or Bs plato vessel witheither water,by white isplaced kept {the boilingfilled. point being. Hat «hatteey over gs, powerthn ie hot the required, uf 3 uedia els iat wed1300 fOrto fli,st? Far.Gnd Hut theatierycftion Kept is heated to 200" 1 ell wil answor if tho ola. 800. Process of Bleotro-Gilding, pou artes, hetmedhod of procee=aro igfleanedissilvera09 flowers When tho. artiles in) No. withS108,wiretheybrushare ‘weighed, anddeserted well seratched chieleateo aveay any tamuish from“of aetho find prevents the formation ihbbies. “they are theato lanier Kept an them clean igwatertho tu is convenient old soliton, Ono immersion tsof then given, Shieh merely bnpasts a Dash golds theya0 agothea. takenpat nek it-atdinto again Drasheds they olutionwill ‘andbe site kept 4 aisutinthe whieh s'or for theeo Gout if Uo butsolution aud’ battery neo ia good ondition;. tho length of tine necessarily dlopenls ok thoso two conditions, whieh inyatuded and yepulated by tho operator.mua ‘8731. To Blectro-Gild Tron, Tin, and Lead, “Iron, tin, and lead aro very dificult ety ofeyeappertherfore geheraly. hav ‘iytg this thocoating deposited pod them eyanide ofand topper eolutionput (veito Nos.tho B54 and 359), hnmediately ding solution.
8782. Conditions Required in BlectroGilding. ‘Tho gids olution gonerally ontaies From oneal to at onto of gold i the gallon, hit foe cgverg small article, Shas ripe, todas,tHimbles, for tingings dagworreotypes, falding te, a weaker sli frill doo tolution shoud bo eoficient iUsaquantityshould to notgidhavathe toarticles at bitonce, £0 bo done hy bit toe tera ane generally ho gli ddmack past o u t , there wil boa Tino tho suiac of tho elt touching eine Whe tion. tho at thvapity.suataco with Huowhichof the‘meta0 fete upon iremarkable. If tho n'tho postivesolution, eleeeode a foot sbolly immersed it wily diva fime, asstbo etont throng ae tho in sheftes ftsp t theshove water, by m k a i f o . the eave in silver, copier, and other ok tions‘3783, ‘ToSolution, MaintainAs thothe Strength of tho Goid gold solution Sraporstes byfo being hot, distilled water exase from timo tio. ‘added, ‘The water should always by added when the operation ofCommenced, gildingio ofover,tho notsolution whon itis about to bo80 will not give satisfactory’a rosclt.saccosivalyTorseveral When tho gilding ays, opera. tion is continued tho waterdepotshouldof xbooodnddedeutor,at night. "Po ob fan's mach depends ‘pon tho sala of tho solution and batty I dhoreforo necessary tat srt attention bo to. these, and tho mary sos t6 gORd so fationarticla is veryreceiving lisblo tothochango if tois sinot Ueof tho doposit famo_nt the postive electrodeanplato.0x: ‘Thoeeionls, ronal thatof eoatinaed a oferlevaf observations daily” throughout Fodod of‘aine maui shoal tet fn feeeqaal Enttaneos only tho deposit was exsclly toPlate.”tho quantity slisolved Yrom the postive In madyeases the difference Siditaose not Bxeooi 3 percent though occasionally to50 por cent. Tho overage diference, how vor, rat 35 perdissolved. cent Ia was"somo deposited, caves doublein hoothortquantity” tho feversmadeuecurred both resulting from alterations in tho respect preof cours; for in thoso experiments the state tho wolution and thoelectrodes. ralative sizes uf wan tho neg ‘ative tnd positiva wero far‘of Koopinye na practicable, ‘Thoregister most simplo methodof a constant of tho stato tho solution is i tointoweigh the. gold ad,electrode botore putting tho solution; whenthe taking it ont, to eompara the Tose with mont deposited.” A forite small allowance, howof fever, mast bo mado postions ‘notathatdissotvod in whieh, tho solution, fm tho ts aeper loa ro gilt, when gilding formed daily is'consklerable i'w year. over Constant comirol ean thus bo exerdised the solution, to which will have ‘dito from timo to timotheraa Lille eyaniteto be,of potaisitm, a simplo testeleetod of teqaieement being Ehat tho gold posntiv should ala teomo out cloany for if itthathag thea finsolution or erust it {ficient e certain dndication is do of putas, Carewhichmustis bo‘ecaiionally takenof £9eyanido distinguith this erast, dark geen or black, fromlla black appearaneo, which tho god electrody tako ‘whton very small i comparison to the netcla Doing and which i thcauned byan the ten Aofenoy eyanilo foeit,volvo gas. In i s ease addition of poscsiom srould.from.increase the eri. “tho. blatke appearance. tho. ten ones to tho escape of gus has slimy ap. oacance, Thinfe neti generallyesha takes phaco hen Be‘hichaoiton of ld factrelativo this appearance, taken conta1 with tho tees of the electrodes sare‘S754. guide." To Regulate the Color of the
Shag atbontto fud (oy 36.58) Fr a cas ass Cased Ga: oer lets of tte ee) 1 7a
an eee Mae Meee ae SM
Sidr, Pete Suse
in Bee.
SE mo Deptt Copper, Sve or
Gold by the Battery on Paper and other
Sontag peat oeBe ee ory aes ees bs er erent Boiiiiee, die teumintl ea hoe ar: ingec yal coe eryrtts ayer ee eccnaes SEE Saaane Gold from Olt Saye creas te ie cae rene at iesol eee pang eenaeel eran reer tra ae acne, 2 Meee ge SS ge eiemens ie40, ‘ta Recover Gall fom te Acid ess eset Cols See cures, Tureau cates Aa pened ee ba nenuae set te ie rie oe Eun oeot dae oes ope eet aa Sieh teams Sop acta pers!
rics a a ao ear heey ah oe ire eau ene bao
receipts furnish the means of coating objects ‘wit a, zine, brass, German slser, and. otter metals To Electroplate Copper, Brass, ox{ko‘3749, Getman, Buivery with” isinimy equal tall _measizes of sulphuric asi antand frater, or L measure ead sulphnrie Inydrechlorie acy nu measures water; all {2tho thoproportion water a ofnuall8 oF quantity of Dipipe, it 10 geaina weight (0 ‘vary oanoo byubmeasizo ofy withwatertho (oFwaterf ounes {otho pint). tho c a nat tho two aro perfectly mixed, then ald the wed to tho lay solution, and bol the‘Allowmixtsro in a tho quid
Secrets atog witost Sepa eshiin sere ean at rn ee ee ses asthe CHL Aa tom» ahBearer earns cata casellit, nehcem acathne Sari Psalms i enon of Be rubbing i over thosurluce of tho artiele to be selaele beanies cone ero Se i etree mesma cag te hoee Aa soe cena aoe Sa ao ate angi Gol arae soiree
Datton ay the bottom of the erueible, When tho Daruedgold ot isa brushed red heat, off,and thethe brushings residue fusedare
‘with carbonate of rodwill nndnot abe ete borax This cave, the gold pute, will hye‘S741.to'bo Torei.Separate Gold from.ad Gilt Copper Silver, to Takes solution of borax in rinklo Peas oroverapply tho it racy aad it some faely powdered salfe fry make tho arts rel hot, a d quench Eee; then scrape off the goldy-and tecovarit by Tomeans‘Recover of teal Gold (See'No.fromS191)Gilt ‘3742, Asticles. "Gold may bo stripped trom artic les that’nitrichavo weld,been ia giltwhieh.by pleeing them in Strong some salt bas Deon dissolved. When a solution, number ‘of{pegins artesproviously have been trpped in the toiy anduse work slowly, ade fs‘Thetimegoldthenmayto abantion a net one. {en he eovered fromdsynese, theand alisingsaiton by evaporating ito the Fes: tum a small piece of soda se‘Tepotash, {hoonogold‘wilt being fused ntoabutton, datte lite saleptto wil tend to make Toflaing processconnected more complete, As throit is om todbie with this proces fcareely worth opting where ‘very. all & such “Tn coueersed, are gold of ‘quantities Sine itis n beter planHs toto suspend the article From which the gal be vemoved inwhenthe ling bath, into pace of the auode, Eling another atic 3743, Disolve Blectzo-Gilding Without ofa Battery, 9 pare torchlorde, old 300in parts i000 bicarbonate to 2000 parteof potasss, pare waters.aad then ‘Edd boil forupper,two i hours. ‘The metalic article, I not covered veith nz of copper alm: wltcoany with Tiguan,bingby meredith tailing placing 8 hwplece ebennitStr along wih," Aa on of copper iv obuerved, the plecoof cop: Pa is taken out, and the liquor continued iting unt a degp yellow color is obtained.
tBiygiiden, the detection of tho gotd.i tage. (See No. 3190.) ‘3746, ‘Test Fluid for Gilded Articles, A little easbonate of copper is put into
ftestesic, ad to thie acid, is added, drop. biasby doops pute’ hydrochloric tll’ the' powder has disolved tofe over a cleara api green mp. uid, Becastonally warming. ‘Thi toftion of chloro uf toep:EL perTimes isconcentrated diluted for uso with from 10 ts volume of distil water ‘S747, “Totho Meat Gilded Articles. Befor testing metalte surtaco must bo well leased. Thsfor canminutebe dono efeetvally hy Urashing i ‘or to with a itlo Spits ofTheWino,surface om better, ithdried, absolute: leof filial. having a litte Tho ing Hd ef cio), opped fon ad alawed to rexoan in coBtact for about &‘eane minite.of a sialt ‘The fluid ie aud then thnremoved. byof pipette, surface ThePapersmetalif no completely dredtien with. bibaloas dark spot bo visible, tho ate elo coated with puro gold. TE tho metalic turhhco i buti lighlly glided,remarked, a vory” whieh slight laokening’ sometioies throwto make a donbtghitouponcertain, the rotit. Taof suchthe 2say cas, a litle farfacd mayagainbo applied. scraped off,It’ anddarkthenspotthois testing fluid Prairie eile iy’ bs coded tbenoo
ey emrnes aeSee Taare oes otra See dette ise sist ete nop Paes Seles aa mr res neh es eres SIO GMoONa manag, 3, Mae Leaner hie teredeee sha es
Seer one seg apes mente lems pesioee fg mirethe ost Bosat aosritedente eet ay ree ary Lu ‘tectroplating with Vaious Motals, Tis loving ale Ge i car o5cean onsaisua ed ee ony 8 ene
Yory thinly gaded,
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 tinned heatedand to durabiiey the melting:of point ofarotin,afterwards the goodness hhot-tinned nlaterilsisthus obtained. Copper hus tinned (ealvaniealy), snd afterwards heated, is superficially converted into. bell nietal, while the metiod of tinning gatva ically’ great advantage over tho old method,baathatthe Tt-can_ le applied to objects to thick tho raethod of tioning in oxdinary use Snot applicable 3752. To Electroplate with Brass, Brass can be deposited when the solation is composed of 1 part eulphato of copper Ii 4 pare hot water, 8 part sulphate of sige in 16 parts of hot water, 18 parts eyanido of potas. Sinm of Hotwaterwater, ‘mixed, in and36. 360partspartsof added, ‘These. -Tastendare (of A Copper poritive electrode plate, one of brass is necessary; tho solation fs requized to
920 ‘oxygen. Ain immersion af five isminutos durato on in tho e v a n i d o solution scien Aloposit pou theto iron ai of copper. utof {cle necessary the completo protection tho iron, that itasthe shouldesas havo a process toeradly8 expen thick conting; and, ‘iv, tho ironeyaaideDadsolero ecived HE afinis peoforable, of eopperwhemby tho tion, to itotakea single ib ont, colwathor weak it im battery, water, and ‘tiach aud pot i t into a solution of sulphate of copper Tewiteeecoperin'any-yd part eysid not sahelently satin, thocovered a hata will make thee pars of a dazk colo Thich such '@ touchfa theof case, tho’ finger will mvant remove.bo ‘Wheat the article
761. ‘toceopiating with rtm, Eeroe oe ceais pd wt, desing
Ene Arie coral ieee sealer s te itrat Ee hartg Siereprmee te oe edse aut gay en amt ole Maul amy ear cena oe Na ts poem erate e ea aie $235" ne5 Prepare eas eran PRS Gyanidenof-Co Graaf eee Piel er eae Fer rer Oe eat araeTaae Set nt Dae ne ae Spina sla ay te igceamea peas gnats d or eal, Se rete a Boe) oes ee ton aera eter ence a be ted Saat bene rr eer ey a Seek nae ao ni hen Sy ee HIG, ort er Gabranied aioe we Seu ere ay ee Sr Se ae A RP Se spe Oe rel WM See Sea are eee cea n faoniey ant he pruerty oe tat bait fable ec ema oie es Si sy anneeke pegapent ti Heese aes ieee meitiinaa cass or tm pri a Mei agor age sag Tapes guia be aera aca of hile. TB bes & rans Relat Bere ie. Agree ea aie TRL Lae aes eta esidk aia
Si ee eres eee neeene ee Be cote ‘To Preparo Iron for Coating ‘with Copper. itis itrequired cover ‘aa iron article withWhencopper, 18 fist tosteeped in hot eaustic potash or soda to remove any. freaso or ol.” Being washed from thot, tt 45 placed for ‘short timo in diluto salphric ‘oid, consisting about 1 any part oxide of acidthat tomay16 [parts water, whichof removes Sxist.Itisthen washed in water, and scoured ‘with sand tillattached tho surface perfectlytndclean, and finally to the is battery, im" Imersed in’ the eyanido solution. "(See No. 3755.) All this must be dono with dispatch, ‘80 a8 to prevent the iron combining with
Ses eae ae re Peay uh, ese See ee asin aire, sae oa wt a masn. isla eae ine me aren enepar comenta e e eee sk mes Nea eee ena eat sears oe va aa a yd sepa Dare a need loin Oe
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 proces of deposition with coat is tho same ‘Bewith nickel (Soo No, 3763.) ‘8767. ‘To Electropiato with Silicium, asaate tho following manner, a coating ofRosilicium® cial Rc ems he
adding carbonate of feeiry ammonia,and which brings down bie sino more shocld ft be Sonia fo rng dows th peri goatar mantity, eyaniieeing of ilar potasiuinto that is ofaidedthe fen treatibeat propmrae’ owes, ydrachlonie ty wore bravo botore desert Dfplowing hydroduods nod, 4 £ ounce”
Seid anor 40ot orfoe50 te gra andotherCeof precipitated Sik former tie {blocs most rnp) an bel eho whats together TONZING. This ix tho process no ooo allen We se fevsolved, tow "Ubemiauey-uatl ‘of giving W brongoslike or an Antique {netallic appearance to tho surface of eopp.r, ths toation exactly in ho same Sannte othewhite taydepotwhatiosaf mech (se Nor stenoSGD brass, and other metals.” This is goncrally fala effected by the. action of some substance fing ‘ilStlbe iottainelprbedea tha th ofsiathe o eleto ‘which combines with and changes the nature ofthe surtaco of the metal. The application s agape to tho quay ff poxtdered.bronzinge substances, made to {Srsay eapeat "Cinna sno, ted, fadbero by sizing, dv, to the surface other kindof sos stom elywha ean powdered,and ‘torial than mietul, such as wood, ofplaster, ‘ay bo sted in ple of Wo He, ia termed srfaco bronsing, (See Nos, sthIe hydrockiore eqaat smcodyac ifto 1 seme be previously ated the te xisa 2382, fe.) ofBoehionauanauen ot otheraud linpuntes, in depoating feo,8772.‘Tako Brown a wino-glassBronzes of water,for audMedals, add to lun ies owsary 6 itd or5 drops niteic acid; with this solution wall eatuate tw acd Wik toe poids. wet tho medal (which cught ‘to hare beet Sent y wilbollingwtbervis very ilo depo previously well cleaned from oil or grease) ofmetal begbtained. od then allow dry ; whenheat, deyUy tmpact 3708, "To Prepare a Brass Solution. to it a-gradval ieandwo eqitable which orFitoneaetaegalonof rast tsed ty abe tages the surfico will be darkened in propértion to pound carbons of ainmonio 1 oat apple. pram paiddaud at cance poston © ounces eyaste Ae8773, Bronzing with Crocus. Make Tigres yest ot cae ‘9 thin pasto of eroeus and water: lay this Ensues to solution fr thy decosponing whiely must Sell Lemay beef prepared, ln,of orn oo ators tho medal, faeo auof oven, ‘pasta. booh puttho into then oF Tald om an iron froportiony sarbunata aempont and plato over a slow firos, when the paste i pe. ffabide af potas, bytaoomersog in reducedcosting; to powder, iNtge shoot ot bass of dened qual, ‘onfectlyanother at the brush same itimeoff and quickenlay enoaing the anole ari elltods tho fire, taking earo that tho additional heat oAlois f nipowerta galvani artery. or magueto ig uniform; as soon as the second application mncats ator negates nating >electro, sor test fof paste it thoroughly dried, brush ie off ‘teal te cathode ost medal being now effectually secured STuch hydrogen mae be iltey the evolved Thishas ‘The from grease, often occasions Speration f o Sondaed otvion Ural cinwhich ite tits, ut adfailures fo thein cdken np sueent guanty of fhe bray ‘ofsrablotho time; fire, anda sustain the heat willfor proof oguline epost with Brass. lit le experience ‘3709., ‘fo Blectroplate ‘ae eislstiondesablo (sev No.ih Bos) mayoes,bo tscd collAL ‘medal moy be withdrawn;or to thedecideChindwhencontintho Sue(according many to heat renioved, the surface will present a tothe’Spon)natureto 22°" of tho Patearticles rorto being Deattiful GO"afpocied_ Aeemedl toobrown light thebronze. process Ifeanthehe broneo repeated,is srroughe or taney’ otk, abent 1506 Fab Wrilgivecxedlen ose machin, ‘The avissat baibo “After374.tho medal Bronzing hay with bert well Black-Lead. cleaned for tag, aetrletis wax or grease, by washing it in a little capes ofor efelving byarogen relyor article from theale eaustio algal, brash some black-lead over eatbouo negative cleetfode, a then est itin the came {Gcked thereto Tes prefered fo havo a largo as described in No, S773 for crocus}. or a shod or pote electrode,the ssaril tis favors te ‘way thin pasto of lacke-load may be used, and the volition aflylrogen, or ails processes already referred t0 be repeated until Alone’ aososted before withSexérbed ilBy" oneal Thodesired brown Gat iy obtained, Ta this Necomo bras.” continues Kind ‘of bronze. Tittle hematiti ieon ore, o> bo nay dostedtekneS aay tSSppossy table “Steal the copper have a tendency {Some down inany Ue gkaon’ reater proportion than dain which ty the dopeit tain lbg to al 2 pppenrcy eis seat iSr byAy M6a reduction addon ofof Grimnats of mans, temperate, whenhove Usa Sion Ebr," shud the dhe fendeney fo may come bodowneon inbythe oo great « propor tion, wileh dopode belGP toote bala fo sppearauce isis corectel Bitionof tempore of anid of potato or hy. ek iSgren Str. ‘howo alley, Electroplate with isGerman poet eat ne silver, oan eer dopoat lSoosleby sans of @coltion consisting of ext bro ply epponhng Mark, teat ac of ammonia and eyanido of petasiam ie Seem (intai thecplal proportion given ovo or tho brass), or oir componnds of 2k oppey, and sng Su he ropes proprtons folgomatite Germanthe silver Iti,by ena However,at fed to me Son i garanig battery or, fortress, auagnstoslectaio ee andoe Vermilion Se ; 6 ounces a snsaeciaeach Should oohertrerdigris deserved abore as thachlae, the coprr of the Germen ever come: down in un pea a properon, thie i commected by tlam ‘and sel-ammonino, all im fine powder,
a sulfcent vinegar to make @ opyes, poste; tnen Speeed Stover tho surface uf thy re Stonly well cleaned and. brgonea” ba Toomiy wellwarm asada tho aril by ithey henykre ifnd after Wands thebo Sok Bovnat deep enous, the pincess "may ated. The felinuddtica of & TitotO" aenlphnt fopper e s the eolor chestnut Seite; ‘anda le torus to @ yellowieh Thrown, ch etaploged hy to Chinese for capper teu.Carbonate, Bi77." of Iron Bronze. Beit tte ave pened ‘ying pawas pvedet ae munge Afr moat wih ten iti men appliodath! wit ented tho sas pegin peiely SE S778, bronze Blacktay Bronzes. A. byverySaidack0 ealored bo obtains ile suphareted atkal! Gnipburce of sie3 motia i s best). ‘ T h o faeo of tho medal Sashed withthe thomedalsolution, witch seul boNeat, luteabdoverauduowaeds nied at gently polished witha hardis hake’ ros Sulphoretied. hydrogen gat fonetiesom tisblaekund thoLemat,ges itfever tho dterons ectpleyed of eis vtonotenpiosobathed gud, I thse Sma the aoa of th copper fs converted into a sulphuret 3779." BlackGermaneseMethod of nithods Bronzingef Brass avo two preci hoa ick eer "that npn theusally eutacoeaeo ras ono: wih ploged for option! Sut seloutiie instrument Eoiniss fa Mie. washingpotsing thon mixture tjet eowith ‘Poipoll then it with dosed oftof golpact andwiteteaor of Un tnd parts Elovid alowing this Back to‘pinggemalnoff on willfor a lout 1 2 - or 16."Anminutes, fnen cloth, exeers otboye es i ent of hots a ether method, capper tunings tro die volved iv nite add wut the seid ts entaraica th andoct er fhe ste, leat stbaequently heatedrocesytoderatel over a liweoal feb. ‘TEs mune boa8 ‘epeatot in urder to peodio's lack euler {ho fist al oycol r fegeneatained, Seep {hegeenBathing when the{out desired is gitonBlackby polishing withMayelive metallic oe 8780." ‘Bronzes. erlabiens, act as vat acid solutions of pation, a datepalatal, antimony,nusfocgete,ot Yall apieold, color tothe Iason theybeg dap aredippedtoto iathe thems hpws male metalic ition rouseEsto bothosellsetae Washedeoutained ad beenbed ‘ih in thoof thoeo ints tee prelptatet s the tao p o n Copper mda whic is-aesompanied Syrarpartis gelation of ofc tho copper for Figures Bronzes Green ‘3781. alto requico bronaes "Groen Busta, aid hore ume’ than thowo aieatydevc rbot, They depend uponor other tho formation of copa senate, carbons, green tale. of of tuo medal Steep tho surfco upea days Boror somo in a strong solution of common i reer mbes peril bronsing tale ll gv , a f rasied Fenatitlfand In water aad allowed ie yor permanent, Gal sa to dry dowiy, ‘moniae may Vo substiited for common calt Hyon afocus song solution of acksugarywil tone, oF wrth oroxaie produce gro ofbrouzo; so also acid, mil exporar toamesthe foes este acetic to wen of hydrochlone acid,aobation apd toof several otheree apis A. ict amsnoain. ToPoH' a togoadry tnt, pon botthonotcopper srfaco wil leave very permanent ‘S785. Bronzing with’ Bleaching Powder, Hlecirotjges msy_ bo broa ety Hering. the “appearance of ancienta ono, by avery simple process. Tako
powder of bleaching ‘mall portion dry vesel,theof of andw chloride tho bottom place iin Time), it, wilcover tho medal thoovermedal fand gospend acquirebe ahort thetimedepth ‘ossely ina maypore whic of ered condng of bleaching quantityhat by toohn regulated tho anymelasrt ol Serta course, fumes iy of wich in itsmeans bnepenied or any tho alecteo‘eovel fuses of fewtho fo thopuspovo; Type, inay willbe expored answer the that fa Feqhived Powder, ans of tho porrdor is isall clean or tarnished as Guo medal ‘Tecoraing diferent suspended, wee, when ry ordiffrent aSits degrees of adhesion, wil botints,ob tind, Dissolveg Fino Green S783, verdigrs sa-ammonia onnco andand1 Bronze, 2in'Tounoes inixtaro tho metallic, pint vinegas, btditeslightly until bo fasts ‘with water a fow miautes boiled forsal it must eons sohen ey rtfh Teethoroughly Bnd geass dom leaned Mlously the at prox in the Tiquor steepedtho dese to bo ant diya poiny effects oiling them not to keop taken When “Gore'musttoo bolung. uceds ost takenwater, solutionbo carefully fnthey thoshould hot ia appearance Washed antigo well diel,‘fo Cavesan and ‘8784, Brasa_ Tint.Orange,At Bronze Violet and Grey Greenish by gold, thea produced to and i sling Grange plungiag offe the bcs, fiat @ polishing softionee intsof snebtral for few seconds copesplsteyaredestunte acta rg ison a weaem taraper. tho golition that acit, on free possesses and ofall te into a bath of capper, Sturo. "Dipped whileita lease isa greyishbp greed, tint Footing {ilu violet is obtalned inmntrsing of chloride offoraea solution a in instant finglo covered Wealth a stick aad robbing Gnong, of tho Basbrast8 fosperatare "kooperation Sith ettos, tn progres At tino to delieacybe adie should beauty the upon inflaoneo eat instanco in tho lastas just StHatotho tint; to botolerae to to degree tone. Moire Bronze. A moira appear. the8785, aneo, vastly superior to fiat usually ane, is producedby boding tho object in a volution to thoand thopro of copper,‘betweenAcconling of sulphateobserved the xno fovtons in the eousporition of tho brass artcl, Expver ho tots obtained vary. Solwil it requires tho emploptmontTa ofaangslightin ‘tances of faction with & resinotn oF waxy tlegteo to being ont the wary appearanen Varaish, cingular. ao nas tote, whieh Uharaeteristie nto a fev ts from iyentanced byof droppiig the bath. emiventof Bronze, French mekes 8786, actlptor neo of Ana mixture Parisian rat, 4 ounce andenmnon ammonite, entsists fous iperial 1 bartshorn, of {nce will altotoaneobo yacgar. A pool resele aquartof by substititingan addtional Shesinod hart of tho spirits ofcleaned, falammodiae ae ,pioinsteadof ital, ofbeingthosewel solutions hom, ono’ with a clean brush bo radbed bywithfietion into then tn tho hue debe foal tho end ofTE palo hoat repeated. too nay if tho operation bray, fo bo more attantageeus to operat Jsjn found tho sunstive than in tho shade, with SulCopper To Bronze ‘3787, “When aro ofd copper made atjects phur, asap with molted aosulpitsraixe Ehuersodho inaes obtain tho ap Bikey of hronet and treated ean bo polished withDearaneo Dnt losing that aspect. Dissolve Antiqueae, Bronze, ‘3788,sal-ammont of tar1 ounces eream $ ounce in 1 pint hot far, and 6 ounees common sat, watery then add'2 ounces mitzate of copper,
reputedly th eile iced na Sition, by. mesos of '&!bruch inoistene iret. “ahs podues arya hace 3700, toltion AntiqueWt aelphae Bronze, Rubthomedal vid» afappear potsedeeyot Ton dogs profes tao snligus bron tay exci 3700, ‘Bronzing Liqiids for bene Tin Castings, Wash thei ond ater wel SiSeea nad ipod witr's sluion Of pot Stpbeteo oe a | par slghaus ot Soe Fegan presen aor wh ao. ition of f'pureforavorigns eit tae Tinegaryledve a to Gee and the ern ad br ste Polis 3701,ustiags "TomayBronze Tron. ig’ Castings, Thon oe boused nesete leaning (00 Nor 9641) ad senna Sicaie x wltiencogsoe eupeaionl orooes ten fhe eeguroa of totter aoa hoy3109,mais Surfaeo be'ten asked in wate Bronzing. his terathai applet in in proces of farting tsces of ule of ond ines ate otonePantyoF BSekera meutlbappectoen then neat Wont ofdey il applying ose varity aulSeluorging sheeof ugis wih aay& enteuor Seanitele petal oFSke Ge maauelie ronania poder of ofthsnatn, pone y be placed Piteo ag SiEnkholdustedof ger th ste, am “Thoehorwards wit aad ffir sues igh3103. eflerward varied Eomining‘Brougote. gore Paper. upPaperith is6 wooed by Mil gim fod water, anderwarde gate Inge fhenot paper tse thochowue conta suieas ‘lng fleioro Bronze 108Powdes 704,Pe neBenwifleipa ta Redaf copper pea bea p b a ents 0 e ea aeSeana edogs and poioy cody ee eeat and mix, well parts; 15 ‘add copper filings, tr 0 mates, atin a day, eo‘ Wi Moroughly wask Ee fore ‘ratey, and dre Powder Bronze Gola Colored SHB. Soutcors anes, pemee tity verdes Weblopatea each odes; Doraxend sire, 2 tn neo Cat theta make ongcor we together, them false BERD asl elo Ors Grad batch Jaca cy at impaiple porto. yma Gee"§r00" beaaafleat Btsilveront White Powder, Bronze sed, sty euch Tounee borer ate cook qscerers suazing Samen Be mad‘S107, ET poetGrahams TiBronsing Quick ear reps Halo rte myenouctng bie coppee nt nes by Seite a‘70s, Black or Brown Bronzing: for s8 Copper, iconor ia’ Zine.pit Diswlee Brno’ OF: w a t e r seer Bree water, pine10 ounces int woe f rend arti ro ohsined be ley Pep Srl of ia 2 pats pemmucate Att fee " mae pat Poaea'l for Ted Bronzing: | brown 0 orets ‘3708, pinto maria Sein BemWaters azacknahyponnphitet mayinbo Rul acid sods 1 drachin mitre Ors thesia on, for Brass, YorHhed-Brown ofBronzing Haetea $800. aad pee at eeeeats ee bromght wate, pst ak es seasba tad’ then oolel. ots 1 nat BRT 3 afd passin of teteyanide ot ration ia slo is fater ate eee re an hour to proton good ro ee aking sree waits dissolved te 4 pint water; mix well, and
DICK 8801, Dark Brown Bronzing for Brass, “Mix 1 nts ounce ac, eyanide polacsiut, aula drachuns with of pint water
‘3802, Red Bronzing for 6 Brass. Aixso0Tutor grasofpearas, teraulphite of areonie, drackins aad Bronzing | pit water.for Brass, ‘9803, Orange potssh solution of sur nl 2 wet plot‘3804.drach water Olive Greenpermtria Bronzingof ron forIn Brass, "Disolve 1 plat 2 hms water,Slato-Colored Bronzing for ‘9605. Brass," Disolvoa ® drachus eulphucranige o{tomy f pasa deacbns pereorido ot ia pink water "3808. Bronzing an‘rater drachins"Blue hypostiphite at forsoda Brass. with 2 Mix pint ‘3807. Stecl-Grey Bronzing forof Brass, ofSieh Copper. six 1 sane muiriie arsente P plat w a t e r , and we ata Beat not tag ba Drab Bronzing for lessCop‘3808,his Darke6 proparet by aluing Zrachiha per, Bipboeyanide of pouasivin to”Pounce tho sulphate Mistire siren in No. 3807,” Or: anix St copper, t otneo byposuiphite of sola 2 Arachis hydzoehlora acd, and pt water 9809.Aix Bright Red sulphide Bronzingof antimony, for Copper. 2 drachus Bhd.‘8810.ounce pearlsh, im I pint water Dark ldsschin Red ‘Bronzing forI ouneo Copper, Dissolve sulphur aud Pearlash, 3 pint water BBL. Dark proteblonde Grey Bronzing for and Zinc, i Mix 1 drach of¢cin drachm salphoesanido of potassiany, with 1 pint water. Or! Dissolve Ldzachm each sul [hato ofespper ad effect rotatemayof bofou,obtained in pintsby Tater. A salar Inizing macato of ead wleh Water to the ete Stoney of eran, ‘3813. §dzachin Green-GreysniiateBronzing forinn 1Zine, Dissolve of ion pink water BBi9. (iadderred) Red Bronzing for Zine. Uso sguraneino inusion bolle hot, ‘814. Copper-Colored Bronzing for8 Zine, agitate tho articles fu & solatig of Aieling sulphate of incopper,Vp end8 draehins hiypavtiphite of soda, water, 3815.Plates.Copper Colored Bronzing for Zine "eke a wistion of 4 areas Sulphate ofeopper ah 4 drachtoa peaslach, a T'pine water, Tonmerse the zine pinto in i, connected at anein ein.d withNo. a plat of Th opper, seepeaente Wil ho seen, inducos a falvanie Helectropading ona small sales earrent, Aud 5816!i a Purple Bronzing ob logon for Zinc Im morse boiling iattsion S817. of "Larkins Bronzing “Color. Eluids Mrfor Alloys Silvery-Grey Tacks etetes whichWat, areforthe purpose of render: fils ol lvery-gey cle, penfecth suitable a3 substitutes fer. copper, Tronze," tothe brass, ietals and. other metals, theintended olor proper which they are Uo Substitute is imparted to tiemThe.by hydromeats ofEhorate “eng. ofsolution. of copper, copperss diceeted 4 fid intotheanswer best, fund is omployed five follow Ing rece 8818. Diveotions moti of theseLarkin's In forehorUsing Fluids. Bronzing ‘aTay ds ofbe coloring, m soluion of sal-ammoniao substituted for theingeediont figaid. ammonia, ‘The quantities of each not ton stated, as these depend upon thoharenature attho alloy, the shade of he desiced, and the Aturablty reguived to Thethe redblaish-bronge color soay be guperadded or eopper color, ‘whereby’ a beautifl nah olor fs producedest
THE SURVIVOR Vol. 2 thetho parts prominent pars ofthearticle bronzed, or on fom which the Usekish-bronas color fnay havo been rubbed of. "Thess now alloys bo'used a 1ssubstitaes for various metale now i goneral sich as S t o n y lead, fi,bres,oF copper, in ppesand tubes; aud bronse, copper i most machinery andothermanufactorie, 8‘tn well as for of tho for ‘hich more expensive metals arepurposes employed. 0819, Bigckiah, Bronze »a Colocing. ‘or giving sllvery-grey alloys blackish: ‘renzo’ cole, they arv iceated with a polation ofSderable hydrocblorate of copper diluted with aquae con quantity of water, anda small Sof i aid may Ada n820. Lead or Copper Coloring, Ts impart a lead or copper color, add to tia don hydrgehlorste sonia oftoda litle aetioof copper, ald. liquid ant "To BronzebronaoColoring. 3821, ¢ brassAntique impart oF antiguo coloe either meanswithmaysomobo’ adoptfollowing’ of the threo ed: solution of eopper, acetiofor fa, “orth moat bifro dese top er calor, Or —Wwith a largo addalat proportionwithof ed liga r e t a Strona,” iris y ful, b whleh beautifal bluish shades may He{ui pode Te mut be ahereel however bo properyportion euploy”of fotSoperonlastthoprocest alloya eanwhichonly contaia'a 822, a very Drab Bronzo for Braso, Brass obtains beaiuldatupdeeb sand bronzefor by& bong Syorked ia iotlders’ shure Tine and brushed up. "3803, Casts, "To Mako Bronze Powder of sodafor sohtion To. 0, Plaster fap in linseed pints of, cleared by. ofstraming, tltodd copper sulphato of ‘mixture tion, and.prociptatos 1 piat muphata of soapiron of solution, ‘which a metalic pee” Tisr brongo fap; wash with eold Water a tin,
ftonnrae, and ompowtion pte and lok.‘1 ‘and‘3824. dey to Topowder. {ogeglass frames fo performed as follows: Bronze Plaster Casts, &c. ‘lates are frst dogo over with atin solution ‘of wratorgass (500 No. 2516) by the aid. of &
ing Sgt,up ‘Biaco 1 ‘on mmoathly, and without the plaster desiga. indoatations’of fora fow days in a bool placa; and,as soon
fTab thothe amelf of thoover tonp varnish haswool, goneoF nsof, aurfco wis cotton Tinon rag, an.powdervariognted withgold,a fowSmallstreaksobcofJeotsmetalmay bo dippodof iashell tho-molted mixture, ‘ad expased to tho heat of a fie tl cuighly ponotrated snd evenly coud withthori ‘$828,separately "To Makoto Bronzing for Prosaas Wood. ‘Grind fino powdoe, bine, chrome. yellow, rawr ulnber,lampblack ad olay and ilx i guch propertions as will Droduco a desired dark green huos thon mix Jrith3826,moderately etong ginoWood.size. First cost To Bronze tuoTompblack clan Wdthen Wh istry of thoao adgreen apply to coats of coorad sizingpowrdes, in tuo such fase receipt; and Dufest svith bronze as powdered Feil, Inid- obof withCaste« bras Finismosato with gold, © thin@6,eolution woap; ‘ware, and Composition Pictureto poreel A"broaaing process, applicable antoys
Apeinth, to make.water, Resela Flower Rela Preparations of ” from Rela Stains, co remove 366, eein Bese, Aeidity . Retaity In Wine, Aelaityin Minas &9 fone Relda! errece of Dye for c i
1 -Purpte Maehjde eee orate Lemonade. © Beer03160, 2177 appa inpare. to Ages forsesces2 Cement ry AiMbaste MBuminizea paper for Photography: 3132 ceeesszzc0 aicthslate 4300 13857) 1017 eos Machydess of Rosesssese
3308, "9426 60 13413,
Stivers. Binet! Tin and Lead, “saitingBais"neata26of 3424 3246 2392 iter Soaps Ripaca Dresses, to wash... Riu Prose
Aeaigam, Bralgany mange, Jmaneine, Rmandine, Amandine,
Varni Zine, : ciyeerines.: to make.
Anber, Corent for:
Reber Spirie-varnish Ambergris and muse, inboraris, Besence of. 013 of. 124 Bmergris, Mnceuce of. 2)do: 592 Bmbergrie, Anbrette, ‘Bau or Eapeit Rubrette, Essence of
Res to finess ‘Aluminum, “Ald Muminum, Seager for. 23520, 3522 ee, 11364; 1 2 0 coat. 0° Caustle, Rails to electropiate with. RH stains, o renowe fiom garmints; Per foron Hata. sttetening Mat! colorof + of ettecr AiGiies, Rivatine'Netats, Anatgane MicqnetsRea Color. soc Ritey, Expansions Aealgams for Silvering Eiecteicai Hirors:s: Nachings. 935960. Reaigam €or 3508, 3958, 3585 Gres: 3434 Anaigam Aeaigam, forGoldsVaraishing se-sr-os
tot Bronzonot povrder is thenknocked dusted on,olf ‘and bran. ‘any excoas adborentis byated, a fawto diygontiotho tsilicate, aps. ‘Theand artilo is nextbotho bron comes firmly attached. Probably, in thocas0 of‘hetical porcelsn, ise, oF stoneware, ome union of the sliato will tako plac, But in other caves tha water-gass will only fend to make tho brosao powder saharo {oto heating, ‘with tho bronze taytole be.surfice, pollshodAfteror thobumisbed “agate ‘3628,ounce Bi ench aqua forts for andGunewoetBarrels. tix psrits2 ofSunces nitro; tinetura 4 onnoesof on, powdered Diao vitiol; Sgitate until diesolvod. and. water, 1} pints; vitriol water, and ewoct rits of nitro,ak offast.(Oc:eachBhuoL-ouneos 1 pint; spidissolve ‘Or: Mixolf equaland petsapplyof thebuttrmixture of antimony anilsweet to 200 {ron3829, previously warmed. To Brown GunmustBarrels, pal bo fist ‘Tho browned lo to barrel i n ‘Shed and Uuen rubbed with whiting to remove allped ollywith matter, Itsrods,twowhichends serve shouldas bohandle, stop wooden End touch-holo(i filled with wax. wih‘Theanenrab ont‘og thoorthe ton tag eet sponge “Let tll the whole tilnurco is equ day, Ineistenta, itemaia the most hen withwiuntil ra” hogcolor is tayproducole™ be ngeimoffWhen epplied a propor Doatlash water, and this afterwardsthe in‘age,lean wash wate,i End thenDeed”polish, either with &thocoatburnater oF ‘with, wax; or epply of shellso Yarnish, (So No. 2954.)
Hydresuiphuret of. Renoniucet of Gola 3735 Anatonles Preparations, “Amaigan fordsq? Angelica Water,G12 to aveeiates-s1071, taser 1073 Anglo-German Rnitine Back Varnisi 2553,$2993 a0. solubte in vater....2558 Aniline Colors, te remover yresesy1 13585 fote remove Sugar’ fgn2s62 test for Sugar. te test quaity of. ings6t 72560
Aniline, difficulty in Dying Cotton’ with
2570 332, 2552) :2563 60. BMordants itsct ionsfor: ’ corBoryUsing. by 2567 Bnitine Byes, to distinguish :000212864 Bniline Dye,
Black Black Black Bleck Bick Bick Black Black Black
Anitine warking ink,
ATHIDS Gataletecs transparent.” Seat Bynes eda os sitteieers to dete in ct Wixe fabr d ics Bean-Flover Bev~Rum Inltwater, atign:-*to0.--distill. 4 anfeth substances, to sliver nise, beeen eo Sustisidnisette Goralsi rb, saay og. Bambee mie Baste pete eee gest sun Bech Rederiet,Mogaeclea. frneteg: PrSheet cocoa,
Rnoge of 9 Battery: iber Ane tmonosa.= = : TITIES imony Bae Bneimony, Gommotedai S20 IIIT)2LE 13343 Mango 22020202 se. of Chase Antimony; Tesee tors. 2012210113340, Jaan Rneimony, Antimony, Metaltie, to abcainis.s+1.3342 Antique Bronze. Antiscornuie bantitrica, Appte ‘gne Molberry Wines Appte Bosence, Areiticial Aople Hise Syrups s se s ee esr Apple Aeple Mines ores iceaeratea Apricot Essence, Areificial. Apricot Wines Aqua Marine, initation Rquarla, Ronitecte®Conant Zor. Reeca-Nut Reeca-nut Tooth Tooth Paste: Power
peers Seoes Beers Beers Beers Beer,
Bitter elednge’ goss Etakness int ver : forse. Flavoring Foxing, Frosted, Boaguet ‘to recover.) German for. Ginger. + . Ginger, Fowlers” For! Hot Br earoried Meseineas in; to" ramedy
Spruce, Poder fOr. to ripen...
ce ee
fa Be r, Wahoo Root. rete Sn coe Reona of Cordial os Bataan t ar ole, uae Aromatic Splrite, Disciiied, Aronatice, Proportions of) for Perfused bm BROCE 8 2: Govmnefoeniat ne fs for Fortis, Aeveine: Gautions Reon GEESE eS ATS ooo 21800 Beneeln otavater! 21, ASSES Aromatic Waters from Eesentiai oiistioss Benzoin Ponade. Arrack, Imitation... 100s aa Sanaa Paementa ee) > « abit Aagamet, Stsones of Eeecelte OF gots: Seejomtey dope de. Anlariews matin’: MiaCoignet.ere? Be Beton =. Racine Aniline Arnold's Writing Fluid...
Rotogeaphie Ini bya.) 212.
Washingof Nixtare, Bitd'a node Sitvering
Abie i Baste for tH °
Blamuth; caution against Bismuchy co purieys":
Aare sivas or Seaies: French’ Remedy for
snarekcbrown Aniline Byer
as Gosmeciclini
Bitter Ainond Paste
Baidnesa, Ponade fors...s.
Bitter Bitter Almond Almonds, Water, Essenceto
B70TA 1333 Baim Spirit ofy Compounds. 2.220.11,3a3 Baim Water, to'distitic.+.:ci03i; 1073 Basan for Freckles, .++/0/icizersts1i22 Balsam ofof Honays-ces2.ciidi; 8035;'5251 Baisam Peruy Oli Gflecrtscvevssi2dl Balsam ofof Peru; Ponader,.../,111,111262 Balsam Peru; Tincture of /.115,1;1020 Banana Syrupeetsrsesseresessococossldi3 Bandotine, Rowe EINIAGSS Dank-Note ‘Cement TEINIII2308 Barbers" shampoo Mixture, :.,1138 Barrel, toBrandy, cleanseto a plasters Foul... 1111/1169 s54 Barrels, Barrels, Cider, toWax cleanse,..1.0,l,l84l Barrels, Leaky, Putty for.s.1,1096 Barrais, to give appearance of Age1.099 Barrela, to make, rightsrr++-+099y 2195 Barvood bye for Cottons, y.iiiisserestsq Barwood Spirit, wscsssess TIO Baryeay Sulphate of.0110251112699) "4291 Baryees.cccrees T2687, "ke, Baryeie forPhotographic Soiutloadtel;’a1e} Artificial Ge, Varnish for Geng.,es-2i4i, SIN12053
DikCor atte for Bootes clese seseseen e870 piteern, Beowersteceec 20200 0 1 Brack Aniline byes! Fi : beTR68 Black Bonz uy Black, Brunewick. .. v e 2899 Black Cement. ie 2193 Black Chery gagenca,to Actiéicial,. 1.1030 Black Choret Naver distiai.1071, 1079 Black crape, to renovator + ) 402 Black Grape, to clean: rae Black Currant Minesres ‘ne ise byes for Cortona: /212121148) 186k Byes for Cotton and’ Wool mixed. "fee 206 Biask Dye for Cotton silk ana Wool mixed B51, Dyebe. for Sik. ...4+.234, Ge. 304 Back Sack bye for Sik ahd'Wool mised. /,250 Black bye for the Halr.r.i201, se. 6401 Diack Dye for the Hair, to uet.c+1.1202 Black Dye for Hoods. =. erred303 Black Dye for Woouengs.1.1193,°233) bigek Dye for Veneers. sole leeetec,+ 2838 Baack Branets: yeceese2.l0202052580, "2998 Black cor Ministire’Palntere: [02.276 black fron Coloriese Ligutde..0000112627 Black Glazing.-+e[abi Ee! Tato Black Inkeeees ss "e008
Baldnoss, Washes for: 0.1.
DICK'S Lace Vel1e, toNetate,. Kash. 11466 Lacquer for 2.13064, 3367 Lead, to Bronze With, 304 Luster-Color Pepper, Exeractfar ofPaper, &o1...2626 1095 Pigment, Tahi6) 29 Powder for the fade! (207 Toa Reviverscscsresrr Nasa Seal Inge 020501 Nahe
Black Silks, to restore... Tiss. Black Spriniie for books. Serres) Black Stain for Noodss1+,3043/2050, 2664 Black Varnlehy Aniline, ccessterses-2942 Black Varnish for tran Works 71717172900, Black, Vinegar, for sook-indors.s 03128 Black Walnut, Seo WALNUT Blackberry Brandy .essresse.s.+4.782, hee Blackberry 11404 Blackberry Syrup Wines for+++ Soda Water’... ra Ti Bleaching Liquors. + ia, "4766 Biistered S374 Block Tin, Steot ss : 31a Biond male byes.0 2) Toe Biond for" the'fiages11.012 1109 Blond, Powter white Siix, to clean !21 Inna ine Dye Dye for Feather, 38 Dye for Siiks.-254, 306,ysl. 2610; 362 Dye for Wood. 212029 Dye, Noolens 317,232, 389; 2609 204, Ehatels: papenee Fluka for eakdag ian 2.22101112a0SL6 Ghastoa EIN 2aos Liquid Colors. 2615, 66.2828," 2641 Pigments, : Bera, 2607 Seating wax. 10020)00000I Sag NT "3103, Sprintle for Books: Stain or Clase Rennerst Bive Stain for Marbie. 2037 Bive Seain for Wood. s: Bie Vat, Stonessess rsees a.sc Blue to propare Blue Verditer’ Bive Vieriol: Boards, to cleanses /.0, Boards, to exernct ink’ from. s. 1! Bost=bottona, Paine For: Boctiger*s Electric Anaigan Boettger’ Imitation Gens: Bosttger's Method foro¢ Silvercpiated cilding Giaas, Ware, 13597 Bosteger's Test Sie Crom GLa Bohemian sama Bohemian ‘Tube Chass, Bolted os) Bolted 0:1 for varnish.» Bolted O11 for Zine Paint. : Boiled O11, to brignten. Bolter Tncrustations, to prevent323,c0. Boilers, Paine forceserevtecveresene2274 Boltara's Anisette: | aoa Bone Fatesss+s ecety Bone Fats io" pueiéy. NS Bones of Live ese to ‘Tndia-rubber Glue...
Marbles, Sprinkiessi02, ce. Dookbinders! Varnish. srvscrsseevee2 2993 Bookbinders! Vinegar Biseies 2051120.511a Book Covers, to marble. Sida, oa. Book Eagen, to glide... Book Rages, toto sprinido: Book Muslin, clear-scarch. Bootay French Varnish for-s Boots, White Jeans to clean: Boots, White Kia, ‘to «s.clean: Borate of Hanganose. Borax and Hyreh Nout Raa Borox'totion for Sore Guna. Bottie-Green bye for cottons
Bottle-Green Dye for Silke.
Bottie-Green dye for Wootens. Bottie Goctaites. Dottie Wax for Soaiing Corks:
Bottles, Gold Labeis sss"for: geties, to edeans Doudet'e Depiiacory: Bouguer de Hiaberieur: Bouguet de Rondelet ia. Bouquet, Bau de, oguet, ‘Esprit do...2. Bouguet, Jockey Clubs +.
Bouguet, Seapersesess Bourbon Whiskey, “imitation: Boxwed, to stain, brow. Bovlevs Lute for etores Braconnot'a Glue of Caseine Tnitation:: Peachesosss Brandy Branay ‘Punch. Smash,
Brass, Bronzing for 3738, ‘3784,'3797 Brass expanding equally with iron.+3376
Brase, for soidering.++.3480," 3331 Braga’ forFluxButtong,-srsertscsseeees+3304 tiie? Be for Turning. + ENG Brass for Wire. eset Brasa, Inlaid, co clean. s.cl0l01003392 Brass, intaid, tofore++ polish,+3088, 6.3387 .otlc.s.2982 Brase, Lacquere Brass, Maiieable. si.3a60 Ornaments, to color, 221213396 Pater s+213305, 3369, Noire, Metaii iguess.
Varnish for....2914, 2236 235
Slivecoll sort-aaap, Spat suet gpleta Saeticns
gti Sebo fl ati
Heemne ia ola
°“Ergms aoe
Paintings, Of] pce
1239, 1247
Recs a eu
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sen Smee Se Sere:
bICcK'S ceicocessa5s41227
or bie by6
ctr ste MiCEalSsFrotoatapnie Pabets
aces Sita te cleanest focoscs) veeitis arid
revegeresTincture sutmegs Notmeq, tenet of;off0500005 Memes Baeract
Morveau's Reducing Flux...
ddoriferous Water.
seta GaMEatiet seen,
gi tele St cao
Mowide; Copper, Conting tors.
Sia cotorn, to
csssss2702 NNSISITEDNE Gee RSIINGbR7; "2ma6) 2053 fe:
an sreeme Fluxceric Saes r y Reducing. Yor forest of.3255, Richnoas 96.3059 the Richness Tent the to Test Ores, Lead, Bees, fron, to Orgeae syrup. iis ie imita Syrup, Srgeat SitaRntes Sonpaetton” £6n0 000000 Tzt0e ail .2. asence’ Oeelen Powers Greie sce Orrin TooenPante,
ee Eee t ae ing:
Oxceeli for Waehings-+ ‘Ox-Gatl, to refine. oxide Oxide ofof Chromium. Leaders sss: Houde, ae
Tora of 487
Sih SF elfnanon:
paint, pteoprootsccceceeseeess cor’ Canvass. Flexible, Paine, 2 nto ont! for PRIME, Boilers... for Paint BLINE £SF Woncsson: Paine for Oba’ HovsesWorks. Paint for gt-door Seine se s 000. the for Paine Westherboatde. for Paint Pline, abe for Wixings
‘THE Paint. Paint Paint, Paine,
SURVIVOR Vol. 2 to Cleans9 remove’ sresesonexesQ28 staina, Hom cisthee, 339 sticky, to Harden. . .to Economia Fenove the Snell of Varnished, to lean. when € Apply. esee Without O41 or Leads
Painting, HowsMidi.» Palneing tn Painting, to Kili Gre 298 Painting, to kit Knots beforec:+4+42777 Painting, to. prepare Nails fora763, 2700 Paintings, PAINTINGS, Paxtongs: ee OLL eegrateecess3412, 3415. Palatino-dtange Aniiine bye: t e + 1 2596 Palladium, Blectroplating with. 3961 Paim Oi, to bleach, ‘Soap. O11 Paim Soapesc Palm r. Paina christ “PomadePhotogra 2 Paper, Albuneni zed. phic3i32, 3178, Paper, Bromide Photogra phic. Paper, Calotype.. Chromaty pes ss. Crysotyp e: Cyanotype:
Blectrones otype, “i215 On221. 113738 £0te C114 03844) 3999, 3738 fo prepere , for Photog raphy, 3131 fev; 3078 ks fo Sliversserrerescers to writePhotographic... on Gresey. Waxed Baper-Hang ing. Giueseizing + Poper-itanging, £o0..++ Paper-Hanging ‘on whitewashed Paper-ianging, Paste forss. Walia. 212 Paper-Hanging, Utensils ors: fore +++ Paper-Hanging, Varntah Paper-Hanginga, toto clean. .Grease ts, tromil0 Paper-Harginga, remove Raper s Malis tSto spptyrasesacs"s.tcegaid Paper, Wally prepace, for Hianging2el3 aplet Mache, to: clean Papler Saxe,Sige: 101111 Parchaent Parchment, toto Giid‘on: Parchnent, on cslesiee Parente fgthodwrite of Preserving Win Soup: ParlalanTollet Diamonds» eer) dariotan Wash to darken the’ fiadrs. Parker'e Cements s: Cologne Water: ToneySkin, Reure for the Bitter Alsons. Depiiatory: Paste, ciyeerines Paste for Co1d-piating: ;perchana ind.
Paste for Polishing Furniture,298 ings «= Siiver-plat forshaving.» Paate Paste, ofcr Figur Nouide fooy mane Paste, eeoe ae D ane e Fiseey t s of: Essence Patchoully Batehgull: Pate @AnandkExtract ofc. ert Genes+ SE Arcificiai Base for making atent TELES IS 332 Ink. Biue Patent Dryers Patent Patent wash Mixture. Orrie Toothpaste, Patey's Poach Brandy Brandy, Imitation. Peach for coxton Peach-Colo red DyeAreiFictea Ennence, Peseh for Liquor! Flavoring Easence Peach of. Peach-Kern ela, Poach-beat‘Method Hatersof ‘obtaining srsrtecesssdOvi, 073 pure Si1ver Peat, Bopence, Artificiat.....++,+1052 Pearl White for the Skin. ‘tos Pear Syrup: Brite Peart Dentifrice "1303 Pearl Power for the’ Skin, Pearl Pearl Tooth White Powerstssrsrss Dye for Siike:., Peau a*Eapagnes cove Peligot's Bohemian Pelletier's Quinine Dentifrice: Pelletier'a odontines s+, Pelotze's German Silver. Pencil, Black, to, Brick-work: Popper, Extract of. Peppermine Brandy. Perfuned Be Perfumed Perfumed "1229 Perfumed ‘228 Perfuned 1227 Pertuned 1083; Perfumed Sealing te s 2323ke. Perfuned 1980; 1070, "976, 998 Perfumed gc. Perfumed Waters, Bractical ‘hints tores. 076 Perfuned Proportions of Aronat= Waters, Tee for, 1071 Perfumes waters, Soubeiran'e Apparatus fors1077 Perfuned Waters, to£0 Distini....++51073 Perfumed prevent “ion Sour Waters, ‘ing. 1075 Perfuned Waters,1074 to remove the Burnt ‘Snell from. Perfumery, General Receipts for939, kc. ‘economical 1086 inte of Potaasa iiair Dy Perooz's Anilineto Biackssrtvtsersy212574 Perspiration, remove Séaina of. 1-303 Seruvian Dark Toothepaaterrsrs.c+ 11310 Peruvian Lip-saive. Ino Peruvian Ponade. +: ian Tosthepa Petroleum, Cement Petroleum for turning onNetala.. Petti jean‘ Siivering Gl Pewta Composition. Peweer, Fiut’ for’for,Soldering: Pewter, Solder Peundhelier's Bary‘es«« White Phenol ofto Phanyie. 2588, 3916 Phiaia, Cleans 432 Phtlocones SEEEUSHG Philosophicai ‘inatzunenta, Lacquer’ for 3082 we Phosphine AnsLine Dye... Phosphorous Bronzeays.. Photographers, india-rabser ‘Giue’ acc:£02203 Photographie caienen to. sekercn 3142 Photographic Impressions with F i pt me Photographs, Cameo, to Varnieh BnameL.+.++ ++315S Photogeapha s Coltodion gots 13162 potographs, Developing Solution for-++ Sisi, 3152 Photegtaphe Enanet for. os 2402 Photostaphe,, Everiaeting , “on name /3164
DICK'S Photogeaphs, Fiicing Bath f0F,+.++24.3129 Photographe, Negative £ar3i47,3148 Photograph, Negative, Glose 0 Savelops. 3144, 3146 Phe, ‘onNegative, Veenien for Photographs Wood Photogra 01) Photogeaphs, phe, Paper Papier fore... Save for‘... Preservation of2.1, Tapioca Paper for.202. 315? Photogra phs, to clean Glass forsiG0,3 163 Photograp ha, Varnish for2932,. 2935," 3i61 Pretosrarhy: eegraphy, aise atte Artific Photogtap hy, ial tvory for Photogra phy, Causes of Faliure in Photography, mane Photoaea phy, : Photogra phy, Precautions ins...0.21l3141 Photogra phy, Sliver Bathfor.+,., fof. 3i8i, 10102113150 Photograp hy, Solutions ker Photogra phy, te prepare Paper Fores 1.+ 313, bershy; Toning 3165, ber Photograp for..2137 3184 Photography: Wax PaperBathforest 2eey2, 3179 Phetie Picture held.+ Franca, ¢o'Bt 2907, 381i, ke. Pictures, to Clean. sss. Plerre Artificielio. Pleogera Pig Tron:tau se Cobar. 000.
Pineapple, 983, 1060, Sacence of, Artificial:
Fink Pink Pine, Pipes,
"e8to Conebye siike a: £oBrandy, bye wookens to Plaster,
Pigues, Method of Washing. 2.00490 Pique, Erench to. Starch.cereesreseenese0 e730) Pistechlo Creamess/ccc.r00000000000 38 pitch stainey to remove for0 Chinese Japanning3040 Manes 3077) ke te propare for Blectro= bo prepare Bronze. ..3792, 3823, Plastered Walle, to for Painting re8 Plastering sturea and stucco. PlasticGraNaterial~ Plate 3349, Ge Piated-ware, to cleans. Pinted-Nare, to test Platina, seo PLATING
Plating Powder, Gola Plating without a Battery... Platin e’ Platinum, Alioye' 3&0? TES, Platinum, Blacke