Geschichte und Kultur der Kelten. Vorbereitungskonferenz 25.-28. Oktober 1982 in Bonn. Vorträge
353303643X, 9783533036432, 3533036448
Pages [292]
Year 1986
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Table of contents :
Eröffnungsrede des Koordinators
K. H. Schmidt (Bonn): History and culture of the Celts. Draft plan of a comprehensive survey
V. N. Jarceva (Moscow): Celtic and comparative studies
V. Kruta (Paris): Les Celtes des Gaules d’après Tarchéologie
S. Piggott (Oxford) and M. Jope (Belfast): Archaeological evidence: Britain and Ireland. First millennium B.C. to recent times
M. Szabó (Budapest): Archéologie des Celtes continentaux: contributions à une division dans le temps et dans Tespace
A. Tovart (Madrid): The Celts in the Iberian Peninsula: archaeology, history and language
D. E. Evans (Oxford): The Celts in Britain (up to the formation of the Brittonic languages): history, culture, linguistic remains, substrata
W. Meid (Innsbruck): The Celtic languages
J. E. C. Williams (Aberystwyth): Celtic literature. Origins
P. L. Henry (Dublin): The Celtic literatures in the context of world literature
T. Owen (Cardiff): Celtic folklore
G. S. Mac Eoin (Galway): The Celticity of Celtic Ireland
D. Thomson (Glasgow): Scotland: History and culture
G. Williams (Swansea): Wales: its history and culture
J. Le DÛ (Brest): Bretagne: histoire et culture
M. JOPE (Belfast): The crafts and arts
H.-J. Kellner (München): Die Forschungssituation zum Münzwesen der Kelten
D. Ó CORRÁIN (Cork): Law and society - principles of classification
P. Ó Riain (Cork): Celtic mythology and religion
F. Harrison (Canterbury): Celtic musics: characteristics and chronology
R. Ködderitzsch: “Preparatory Conference on the History and Culture of the Celts, 25-28 October in Bonn”, including programme and list of participants
Index of scholars (P. de Bernardo Stempel, M. Lucht, U. Seefloth)
Subject index (P. de Bernardo Stempel, M. Lucht, U. Seefloth)