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Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
The MCEO Freedom TeachingsTM Series Sliders-6 Workshop ―Sliders-6‖ Engaging the Spirit for Slide Intermediate Level: The Arc of the Covenant, Sphere of Destiny & Stairway to Heaven Ireland: October 9-18, 2009 Sunday Orientation [Audio Track 1] A‘sha … well I wouldn‘t, enjoyable would be nice but at least pleasant. It is so nice to have you all gathered. It has been a very interesting month, just so you know. Now for anybody who doesn‘t know me, just in case, I‘m A‘sha Deane, Speaker 1 and this is A‘san, Speaker 2. But I think most people here know us. Participant: Volume up… A‘sha: Volume up, ok, working on it. Somebody is working on it. Excuse me while I get rid of my cough drop. Ok that‘s better. I‘m just a little bit out of breath from walking fast. So this is going to be a very interesting workshop. It is, as you can tell by the itinerary, a moving workshop where we are doing a lot of moving going to a lot of sites. When the Beloveds told us quite a while back that we were supposed to come to Ireland they didn‘t say a word about why other than the fact that we would be doing Sliders-6 here, but that was it. And they‘re still at that except for the last month. Actually, ever since I did the radio interview with Sarah Simmons I‘ve been doing all nighters ever since on information that‘s going into two places. The two places it is going to go is first it‘s going to be released here and then immediately it‘s going on the website in the Introductory Summaries that aren‘t posted yet. Now the information that‘s been given in the last month since the interview with Sarah Simmons has been quite extraordinary in certain ways. What started out as ―simple summaries for newcomers‖ that might…on the radio shows here and come on the website right, yeah so I thought. Well they‘re still called summaries. Summary 2 is 30-some pages long at this point. Yeah, and the first bit is a little bit about our organization, the evolution of the contemporary MCEO Teachings. When it got to a certain point in that the Beloveds just kind of let it rip on certain information. They did the same thing with Summary 1 which isn‘t quite done yet. I just finished The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 200
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Summary 2. Summary 1 is so far 16 or something pages and it‘s probably going to be over 20something when we get there. The information that they‘ve been putting in here is part of what they‘re referring to as their Official Disclosure Installment 1. And when we did the radio interview there wasn‘t time to talk about a lot of the subjects that we were planning to speak about so Sarah has actually invited me back to speak on the 28th and maybe one after that. But the information that the Beloveds are officially disclosing is quite interesting. There has been a period in time—we‘ve had tons of history at this point in the work but there is this one little area of time that I have not been able to access the Records on and I was always like, ―Come on Beloveds because I know something funky happened during that period.‖ It‘s an Atlantean period. It‘s actually two Atlantean periods and it was like this big gag order on the files that pertained to this particular set of periods. One of the periods we learned a little bit about was 13,400 BC that we learned was called The Great Netting that had to do with the point when what we call the NET—or the Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction Field that is basically controlling our planetary environment and our DNA—when that became active in the planetary atmosphere. There is another period after that, that I knew it was about 13,000 years ago. And there is this whole big thing about 13,000 years ago that certain people like to talk about that are also in the New Age movement. And there was a whole big secret around what actually occurred during this period. We found out that the period about 13,000 years ago is actually 10,948 BC. That period of time something extraordinary—and not in the positive—took place on this planet during the Atlantean dramas that created something that we are now moving toward the fulfillment of in 2012. So we‘re going to see in this workshop, we are going to explore some of the writings. I‘ll read some of the new information that they‘ve given from the summaries. And they are not out there yet, so you‘ll be the first to know that part. Then we‘re going to go beyond that information in this workshop to begin to understand what we‘re actually moving toward, why is 2012 such a big important time for everybody. Everybody is predicting end times, they‘re predicting pole shift. Even certain people that do what we refer to as the ―Daisy of Death‖ program on their radio interview on September 7th, they actually had said that the Mayans are predicting that we won‘t make it to see past February of 2013 because we‘re going to go into pole shift. So that was interesting timing too that that person happened to be on the radio on the 7 th of September and we had our interview coming up right after that. I think that‘s how it worked, he did his first anyway. But there is information pertaining to this period of time of 10,948 BC where a rather extraordinary set of events took place that we are now living the legacy of. It‘s more of, yes the Atlantean Conspiracy, but in a much larger way because what we‘re moving toward in 2012 is not an organic Stellar Activation Cycle. The Beloveds, as we know from the Voyagers books, the Beloveds had, the Guardians had triggered an early activation of the SAC at the half-point in the last 6th Continuum Cycle of the 26,556 year cycle. They did this because they found out about an event that was going to take place in 2976 AD where we would not make it to the next SAC in 4230 AD. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 200
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So the Guardians actually triggered the opening of the Stargates this time. But if they didn‘t, they were going to open anyway from the efforts of what are referred to as the ―Illuminati Elder Teams.‖ Just think the ones we have explored in the Voyagers books. You have all sorts of different Visitor Races that have come here and they‘re a part of our forbidden and hidden history. Well with those Illuminati Races that created the Illuminati/Human Hybrids that live among us now. And some of us are even those. You can‘t tell because we‘re all in a blended gene code, we all have Human faces. There were certain things that from this Atlantean period were specifically orchestrated to get us to this point in 2012. And what was supposed to happen in 2012…it‘s really funny because certain paradigms even now are teaching that, ―Oh it‘s just going to be a great Ascension period, we all go into the 4 th Dimension.‖ Yeah that‘s because their bodies just got totally flattened right (chuckles). I mean there is a whole deception taking place and it is not a new deception. Some of the things that the Beloveds revealed about this time period is something called the Atlantean Death Sciences and the role they played in that history. There was a particular aspect of the Atlantean Death Sciences that was referred to as the ―Bloom of Doom‖ paradigm. And it‘s interesting because it‘s alive and well in contemporary times as well. Now in the Official Disclosure information that we‘re actually putting out there as introductory information—you know, find the website, hit the introductory button and you have these options. They‘re coming in. Right now there is nothing under the options. The summaries— they‘re actually revealing a comparative between the Krystal Spiral and the Fibonacci Spiral, between the different pieces that we‘ve explored of the Bloom of Doom paradigm. Because understanding these has to do with understanding what is happening with what you hear all the rage and all the people who know something about what‘s happening in 2012 always go back to the Precession of the Equinox Cycles and what that means in relation to what‘s aligning with what in 2012. And even the Mayans knew and that‘s why it‘s the end of their calendar and all of these kind of things. We‘re going to find out some fascinating things about the Precession of the Equinox and what that has to do with what we‘re aligning with, what our Planet and our Solar System is aligning with through the Galactic Core in 2012. There is information. The reason why by the time we get done with Summary 2, the reason why the Guardians have begun their Official Disclosure Program is because of the severity of the consequences of the deception that is being run on the Planet. There is something that will occur in 2012—well, it would occur in 2012 if it weren‘t for Guardian Intervention and we all wouldn‘t be having to worry about it at this point. You might as well max out your credit cards because we‘re all going to be gone. But that‘s not what is going to happen (laughter). That‘s what certain people and forces on the Planet are actually trying to make happen as a fulfillment of the agenda from Atlantis, but that isn‘t going to happen the way they think it is. We are not going to go into pole shift in 2012 but there is something else that is going to happen that was part of that larger pole shift agenda. The Beloveds will be able to stop the pole shift part but they won‘t be able to stop certain levels of activation of what‘s called the Metatronic Code in the planetary grids. And this has to do with what we‘ve referred to briefly The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 200
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before as the Alpha-Omega Code and that kind of thing so we‘re going to learn more of what that is. But there is something that is going to happen in the DNA of anybody who lives on the Planet that will happen automatically because of the activations that are taking place in the Planetary Templar through the Halls of Amenti Stargates in 2012. And they are not activations that are being generated by the Krystic side. They are activations of the Metatronic side and it was supposed to end up as the 6th Extinction. That was literally supposed to be a very…these phenomena were supposed to create a very rapid pole shift where literally everything on the Planet would become extinct. And it‘s not. It‘s really funny because a lot of the Illuminati Races, you know the Human Hybrid Illuminati Races on the Planet, they know pieces of this information. They still work in service to their off-planet advisors and directors, and some of their kin. They don‘t realize that they are considered an expendable commodity, and they always were from the beginning of this plan. So it‘s kind of interesting the way the Official Disclosure is being put out, when it‘s going to be put out on the website. It‘s actually letting them know that there‘s a few things that they didn‘t let you know like they were going to leave you here when they did this. And there is an option for people of both Angelic Human and people with the Illuminati gene codes that if they are able to engage with what is called the Stardust Alignment which is the Krystic Alignment during that key period, it‘s a peak period on December 21 of 2012. If they can align with that, they can actually get back into an Ascension loop where they will get an imprint of the codes that they do not have, the Ascension Codes they do not have. So it‘s their first and last chance for actually to have freedom from the hierarchical soul groups that they‘ve incarnated out of. So we‘ll see where that goes because it‘s not just about Illuminati people or people with Illuminati gene codes, it‘s about everybody because if certain things are not done on the Planet and if we don‘t anchor certain types of frequencies, we will automatically flip into Metatronic reversal in the DNA and that applies to anybody on the Planet. So this is why the Beloveds are beginning now in preparation for 2012 with the information on what is called the Silver Seed Awakening. That is a certain set of frequencies that will be coming in in 2012. We‘ll understand a lot more about that once we see a little bit more in depth about the Precession of the Equinox Cycles and what all of this stuff means and what it has to do with 2012. But there is something that we haven‘t talked about in a long time. It was in the Voyager books and in the early days we talked about it. And that has to do with what‘s called the Sphere of Amenti. The Sphere of Amenti was the Race Morphogenetic Field that was set in the Core of—or was meant to go into the Core of Earth in order to open the Amenti Star-Gates beginning in the 2012 cycle. Now we haven‘t heard about the Sphere of Amenti in ages. Where was it last we heard? Because connected to the Sphere of Amenti was something called the Arc of the Covenant. Now the Arc of the Covenant was what the Angelic Human Seeding-3 took place through. Because of the damage to the Templar the Beloveds had created the Arc of the Covenant Portal Passage between Earth and the Andromeda Galaxy. Well we know where in the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 200
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Andromeda Galaxy now—Urtha. But there was supposed to be a whole process that would unfold in the opening of the Amenti Star-Gates in 2012 that had to do with the Sphere of Amenti being in Earth‘s Core and then the Blue Flame of Amenti coming down into the Sphere of Amenti and then the Gates would open and we‘d all have our Ascension Cycle. Well since the Voyagers books were published, it has not gone particularly well in this Ascension Cycle. The Gates are still open and this is good. However the Halls of Amenti StarGates fell under Illuminati control in 2003. We tried to re-birth those. That fell under control of the Illuminati Races by the end of 2003. The Amenti Gates are completely controlled by the Illuminati Forces. That is why, progressively, the Beloveds have activated the Polarian Interface Gate Systems, the Arc of the Covenant Gate Systems and the Spanner Gate Systems. There is one more set that will bring all of those together that creates a Transharmonic Gate System called the Aurora Silver Seed Gates that we‘ll be opening in 2012, in the 2012 period. So we still have Gates open, we still have the Ascension Cycle underway but where is that Sphere and what is happening with that Blue Flame that is supposed to come down and activate it? Because the Blue Flame of Amenti or the Staff of Amenti was a piece, Earth‘s piece of Tara‘s Morphogenetic Field. Tara fell into reversal during the—when was it 2005 when we went to Morocco, during Demon Fest 1 in Morocco. It went so badly energetically in Morocco because of what was occurring in the larger drama in the Pleiades System. And right now the last thing we need on this Planet is to have a reversed Blue Flame coming down to activate the Race Morphogenetic Field because it will take it all the way into reversal. So, this comes to why we are in Ireland. And this is probably why they didn‘t even bother telling me about it before because until they got through what they‘ve given me so far for the summaries, I wouldn‘t have understood what and why. When we‘re here, in our time together here—and some of it will be with you and some of it we won‘t. We won‘t be going with you tomorrow to the sites, but these sites are important. This place that is now called Ireland was once called Lohas Atlantis. It was the northern part of Atlantis and even in the Voyagers books we had little hints where they talked about the Original Arc of the Covenant Portal Passage. It originally came down in Ireland all right, well, Atlantis. Then it was moved around 49,000 something-or-other BC, I believe, because of damage to the grids after progression of the Atlantean Holocaust periods where the grids were being damaged over here. So they moved the Arc of the Covenant where it would still connect to Andromeda but it would come down and angle through into the Great Pyramid area of Egypt into the 4th chakra of the Planet. And that‘s where it has been ever since that period. Right now that entire complex and the Halls of Amenti Star-Gates are under Illuminati control which means they‘re in something called Fall Alignment. Now Fall Alignment we‘ll talk about a bit too, we‘ll learn a bit more about in the workshop periods together. But the big mission here, there is a big mission. It‘s kind of funny because we didn‘t put anything out and usually if you put more detailed stuff out some more people say, ok maybe it‘ll be interesting so maybe I‘ll come. We didn‘t do any of that, so it‘s almost like, it‘s interesting that who showed up, showed up because this was a very special mission and it wasn‘t put out as one. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 200
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This particular mission is because of—right now what we are looking at with the Sphere of Amenti, which is actually still in Earth‘s Core at this point. I forget it was in (19)80-something that it came down and it is still there. But the Blue Flame of Amenti is going to be coming down into the Sphere and it will reverse it. Now right now the Blue Flame would come down through the Pleiadian Spiral which is aligned with the Pyramid at Giza. It used to be the Syrian Spiral but now, I forget way back in Atlantean history they changed it to where it aligns with the Pleiadian Spiral. That is where the Blue Flame will finish its descent. I think it‘s in the upper frequency bands of D-3, I think that‘s where the Blue Flame—because it started to come down early and the Beloveds sealed it so it didn‘t. So, there is a mission that has to be done that, if we‘re going to be able to save any of the Sphere of Amenti Race Morphogenetic Field. Now if you can imagine that as a little sphere or large sphere down in the Core of the Planet, situated in the Core Gates of the Planet and you can imagine too up in the Andromeda M-31 Galaxy there is the connection point and there is like a tube of energy that runs down between them. Now you can move where that bottom part of the tube comes down and it will still come down into the Core. What we are here to do is to actually assist the Beloveds in moving the Arc of the Covenant back to the Atlantean space that it was in which was up here in this area. This has to do with the Skellig Michael grids and those kind of things. And we were actually told we couldn‘t bring anybody to Skellig Michael. The trip was a go and then something happened where some tourist fell off and got killed or something and then they closed it. That‘s what we were told, so we were told we couldn‘t go on it. This is ok. We can get close enough to run the grids. But the mission that we‘re being charged with is basically being the anchoring rods of literally moving the Arc of the Covenant Portal Passage away from the Pleiadian Spiral that comes down into Giza. When the Blue Flame releases into a portion of the Sphere of Amenti it will release and reverse that portion. This is all connected to the other things that are happening in 2012 with the Metatronic activations. That would mean all of us would go into reversal if something wasn‘t done. Now the reason the Beloveds are moving the Arc of the Covenant—first they‘re going to move it back here to its original proximity of its original location, the Atlantean grids and then they have to prepare the grids over at the GrU‘-al which is Siesta Key Beach so they can line it directly up and connect it in with the Watchtower grids and all of that. There will be a portion of it left here. It‘s almost like they‘re going to make several…if you take one tube and kind of splice it off and make several anchoring points, they‘re going to do that. And I know that one of them is going to stay here, one of them is going to be in Siesta Key, a few more of them—I don‘t know how many there are going to be, they didn‘t tell me yet, but we are actually going to be assisting in that process. As we walk the grids here, as we go through the various spaces that are all at this point probably very, well mixed coded let‘s say, there‘ll be some Krystic coding in the grids and there‘ll be some not-Krystic coding in the grids. Everywhere we are being guided to go with this tour has to do with passing through certain grid points that connect into the original place where the Arc of the Covenant came down. They are going to show us, as we go to certain places, different activations that we do. The first one that we don‘t need to be there with you—and I have to start taking down the stuff for the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 200
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next workshop which is tomorrow night. What they‘re going to do—I don‘t think we‘ve ever done this before in this orientation. Usually it‘s like the brief ―dis-orientation.‖ I talk to you for an hour about whatever and say ―Hi, I‘m glad you‘re here.‖ But tonight before we leave we are going to do a brief, but interesting, Journey meditation. So we usually don‘t do those in the orientation but because you‘re going out on gridwork assignment tomorrow, where the grids that you walk on…they don‘t want you to go without a team with you. So there is an interesting little team. I call them ‗little‘ because they look little when you meet them (chuckling). I won‘t spoil the surprise about them, they‘re blue (more chuckling) but they‘re really neat and they‘re part of our team of Guardians but they have a special job in relation to a place that we‘ll be taken (to). And in this meditation—I don‘t think it will last very long but I think we‘ll probably be going back there for other purposes somewhere else in the workshop programs. So we‘ll be doing that before we go. The spectrum of information that we are going to be covering in this workshop that has to do with the spectrum of information they‘ve been throwing at me in the summaries and all this new stuff and I‘m going, ―You‘re going to say that to the new people?‖ (chuckling) ―You‘re putting that in there?‖ And it‘s like ―full transparency‖. Bang, bang, bang, here is what it‘s about. (more chuckling) Take it or leave it. You know what I mean? But there is something refreshing about that too and they are saying, ―Don‘t underestimate people. The people who are ready will be ready and they are waiting for the information.‖ So it‘s kind of exciting because there is a lot of new information that was new to me that has to do with those time periods in the Atlantean drama, the hidden ones that they didn‘t even put in the Voyagers books that we‘ve never talked about and what is occurring in 2012. It‘s actually going to be a Celebration at least for the Krystic Races because the things that the Illuminati Races have been trying very hard and planning very meticulously to make sure they happen in 2012 are simply not going to. And I just found out right before I came down I was still on the computer typing up the, what I thought, again, was the end of the Summary 2. It keeps expanding every time I go back to proof it. But they just said, ―And in 2976 the Illuminati find it wasn‘t such a good idea after all.‖ Now in the Voyagers books they had mentioned that the Guardians saw a future time frame that we were aligning up with, in 2976 where Earth was destroyed, it blew up. That‘s not the only thing that blows up, it‘s a whole complex called the Alpha-Omega Complex. So the Illuminati people that are on planet know very little of any of this. They‘ve been left just about as clueless as anybody else on the planet. The ones who have been controlling these dramas from behind the scenes are the Interdimensional Extraterrestrial Fallen Race Groups and part…we‘re all related to some versions of them, not necessarily the fallen ones. But this is interesting because a lot of them, you have all sorts of secret societies and not so secret societies like Templars for instance, what used to be the Templars. I won‘t go into naming names but I‘ve named those before. They consider themselves very ―free.‖ Let‘s just put it that way. When you go to the Core of what they are actually up to, they‘re actually Luciferians, they‘re calling on the power of Lucifer. And boy is that stupid. Sorry guys, get a grip. Oh yeah you‘ll get power and it will eat you alive. That‘s what‘s happening. There‘s a lot of forces, negative forces, occult forces on this planet and they are interdimensional groups. Some of them are extraterrestrial too. Some of them are just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 200
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interdimensional which means technically they don‘t really have bodies unless they possess yours. But there‘s a lot of forces on the planet, Human forces and Illuminati/Human forces that worship these guys, they do their sacrifices, their rituals – the whole bit. If they only knew what this whole end game was about they would probably make better choices. Hopefully they will. I can hardly wait to find out what we‘re going to know by the end of the workshop because knowing this much about the information that‘s happening, that is so new compared to the last time when we had a workshop, of understanding what‘s really taking place in 2012 and what the Guardian Teams need to do with that. And what is it going to look like after this? Because a lot of the other groups are saying, ―Oh there is not going to be an ‗after this.‘‖ And when you see the title of the new book that I‘m supposed to have done with the Beloveds for release next summer…that ought to be interesting. God, not to mention the workshops inbetween and my daughter is going to be giving birth to a baby and oh boy, yes I get to be grandma, anyway (laughter)… yeah anyway. But the title of the book is, kind of like ―oh, what‘s happening?‖ because it‘s like ‗2012, Life after Earth‘ (chuckle). And the first thing you might think is, ―uh oh that means 2012 we‘ve got to do life after Earth.‖ It actually has the opposite message. We‟ll get through 2012. For the first time we‘re the ones that are teaching the up-message. No, it‘s not going to roll, we‘re still going to be here. And there is a positive healing thing that can take place in 2012 and move us forward into the future. The full title of the book is ‗2012: Life after Earth, Orb Whisperers and the Silver Seed Awakening.‘ Orb Whisperers—one of the things we‘re going to learn how to do with that book. It‘s going to have a lot of Techniques in it and it‘s going to be geared for somebody that even if they didn‘t spend ten years studying this stuff they can pick up that book, read it and get immediate benefit and start making contact directly with the Beloveds. Because it is going to literally teach us a bit more about how to Orb ourselves, going into Orb but also how to begin the Calling in the Orbs. You have Elemental Orbs that can come in, and that‘s where you get the snow flurries in your photographs, but you also have the larger Orbs, the Visitation Orbs. Orbs can be positive, negative, they can be just phenomena that happen from 3D reflections. So we‘re going to learn more about Orbs, what types there are. We‘re going to learn about making contact with Guardian Beings who will come and visit us in the form of Orbs and eventually teach us to go into the form of Orbs so we can visit them. So this process, this book is where we start to be Orb Whisperers. Just like you have horse whisperers and dog whisperers and this whisperers and that whisperers, you know, ones who communicate and establish rapport with. Well we‘re going to be having that kind of active involvement as we move forward with the Guardians. First through Orb Contact but it will be protected Orb Contact so you can tell the difference between whether you‘re dealing with Guardian Orbs or just any old orbs, because you can get Orb Visitation from Black Hole Systems as well.
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One of the deceptions that is being run in—I think it‘s particularly in a book that was from England I think, a lady is into Orbs and ―this is Archangel Metatron and that‘s Archangel whatever.‖ And she has a set of questions in the front and one of the questions she asked is ―can Orbs be negative?‖ and the answer that her angel orbs gave her was, ―oh no, because negative dark angels don‘t have light bodies.‖ Yeah right (chuckling) what about the vesica pisces mutation? What about all we learned about artificial light fields, static light fields being generated through the Metatronic Technologies for Black Hole Systems. So there is deception going on in relation to Orbs as well. It was funny that we ended up getting our Orb Fest photographs. And it was only in the last one that I actually got some. I never chased Orb photographs. I never was overly impressed by the Orb phenomena but in St. Kitts it started when we did one of the energy meditations on the beach as the group—and somebody wanted to take a picture or something and they ended up with Orbs in it. So then a couple of other people had cameras and started taking pictures and sure enough everybody is getting Orbs. And the next night they had talked—I think it was the next night, it was whatever time we went out on the beach after that. The Guardians had given us information, more information about Orbs and about Elemental Orbs and that kind of thing and they gave us the Orb Calls and we used those in the meditation and sure enough there were more Orbs. And then when we did the Drum Circle in Sarasota there were Orbs everywhere. So it‘s becoming like, ―oh neat they‘re coming when you call them.‖ So it‘s kind of like that was enough to pay attention to but not make a big deal out of. The Beloveds are making a big deal out of it. They‘re saying this is just a little bit of hint of Official Disclosure Installment 1. You can take it as reflections on the lens or take it like whatever you want. But they‘re going to teach us—they‘ve always said that the Orbs are just the beginning, when they started coming in in Orb form. That was just the beginning of contact. So we‘re going to be moving into that, those kind of teachings of learning more about Orbing ourselves which means being able to transfigure our atomic structure and turn to Light and Sound so we can get out of here and come back and visit until it‘s all over…but anyway… We‘ll be learning more about how to do that and also the Orb Contact. There is going to be an Orb Flow release that comes in with the Silver Seed Awakening in 2012 and I don‘t know a lot about that yet but it‘s going to be an influx coming in from the AshalA field. Now the AshalA is the original host star that the fragment of Tara that is called Earth was placed in, in order to re-evolve. Well, Earth isn‘t re-evolving but fortunately AshalA is still there and so is the portion of Earth‘s quantum, Amenti Earth‘s quantum that did not go in to the fall and into the NETs and that part we‘ve talked about before that‘s, we referred to as sometimes as Ascension Earth or Median Earth. It‘s a third of the original Amenti quantum that never got entangled in the negative de-evolutionary path. In the writings—and they haven‘t explained yet exactly what is that but I can feel it‘s different, they‘ve introduced something called Higher and Lower Earth. We‘re in Lower Earth, no kidding (laughing). This had to do with what happened in those two Atlantean periods of 13,400 and 10,948 BC where, when the NETs went up they netted a certain portion of the quantum of… The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 9 of 200
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We already had from 5.5 million years ago what they called the Wall in Time when a part of Earth‘s quantum fell into full reversal to form Phantom Earth. All right, so we lost a third of the quantum, the whole quantum 100%—a third of it was gone there. A third of the quantum was held in Median Earth under protection where it couldn‘t roll. And then we had the Blended Earth quantum which was the final third in the middle. We are in NET Earth and that is half of that final third (1/3) quantum so we are a 6th (1/6) quantum. Well that got split too into Higher and Lower Earth. So there is a place that if we are going to go up the vertical stack of planes into the next place that we would stop as far as, ok we get out of here, where is the next stop, where is the rest stop before you go further in Ascension? We have been aiming for Median Earth first and then we will do AshalA and then we do Shala-3 I think and then we would do Urtha in M-31. Well there is a little step in-between Median Earth and where we are and that‘s referred to as Higher Earth. That‘s actually the concept of heaven that people have been raised with. It has to do with those frequency bands. It is a set of the same 3-dimensional frequency bands but in a quantum that from the point of I believe they said 13,400 BC that part evolved differently out from under the NET and out from under Illuminati control. So it is still a portion of our Earth‘s quantum that is physically solid. When you‘re there it‘s as solid as here but it evolved along a different path and it is directly connected into the larger quantum of Median Earth. So we‘re going to be learning a little bit more I think if not a lot more about what is this Higher Earth. That‘s the first place where we are going to learn to project to. We have been learning to project higher. We started with Urtha and then we‘ve been working down. We went to Urtha and then we‘ve gone to Median Earth and AshalA and now we‘re coming down to the one that‘s closest, the reality field that‘s closest. It is right here with us but again at a different ARPS. So we‘re going to find out a bit more about that in this workshop and what that has to do with what we‘re looking at in 2012 and all of those kind of things. So, let me see I‘m going to look, I had my scribble-y notes on the back here, did I miss anything… Oh yeah, there is another thing that came out in the summaries that‘s called the Encryption Lattice. Now we‘ve had anatomy for 10 years with all sorts of parts of everything—Light Body, Spirit Body, this body, that body—in the multidimensional anatomy. There is a part of this somewhere and I‘m not sure where it fits yet, they haven‘t showed me. I‘ve actually seen it in my own field, at least a portion of it and it is called the Encryption Lattice and it‘s like a sphere of moving forms and shapes that actually surrounds you and the planet has one too. The Encryption Lattice, the best way to understand it will be—it‘s connected to what we‘ve talked about as far as the Aah-JhA‘ Body and Jha-DA‘ Body and the Ah-VE‘-yas and the AhVA‘-yas and all of that. I think it exists in-between them. But on the planetary level it‘s this part of the Planet. It‘s actually the Living Morphogenetic Field of the Planet, the 3-dimensional Morphogenetic Field. It is actually 66%, I think they said, Metatronic at this point and that Encryption Lattice actually will control what the DNA does and what frequencies can and can not come in into the planetary field or into our own body‘s field. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 200
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With the Encryption Lattices there is going to be an activation, the Metatronic activation sets that are going to take place. They are already beginning between now and 2012 but the big ones come in in 2012 and it‘s through the Encryption Lattice, as they exist right now within our fields and within the planetary field, that we would get full reversal just like the Sphere of Amenti would go into full reversal when the reversed Blue Flame hits it. So we‘re going to be shown a bit about the Encryption Lattices wherever exactly these are and how to begin putting different forms in them, different patterns which are different instructions where it allows for a different set of frequencies to come in and those frequencies will be connected to Higher Earth which will be connected to Median Earth, which will be connected to AshalA, which will be connected to Shala-3, which will be connected to Urtha up in M-31. We need to…we‘ve been moving the mutations out of every level of our multi-dimensional anatomy for literally 10 years with Techniques. At this point the Encryption Lattice actually controls the—on the Planet—the geomagnetic field. And that geomagnetic field controls our DNA and literally what our immediate fields are doing. So we are going to be given ways to begin the process of clearing off the progressively activating Metatronic coding in the Encryption Lattice and bringing it back around to natural Krystic coding by aligning it with new frequency patterns that are coming in from the Higher Earth. And they haven‘t talked to me about it but I get the feeling that there is a set of Gates that go from here to Higher Earth before we get from here to Median Earth. So we‘re going to learn a bit about that. By the end of this, I do believe, of this workshop we will have assisted in the literal moving of the Arc of the Covenant Portal Passage so it will not be connected to the reversed Blue Flame Staff of Amenti coming down into the Race Morphogenetic Field through Giza. That will still happen. What we need to do in order to not have all of the Race Morphogenetic Field go into that mess is first move the Arc of the Covenant and through the Arc of the Covenant we will be given the Silver Seed Flame. And that is, just like the Staff of Amenti Blue Flame was supposed to come down from Tara, this will come down literally from M-31 but not just there, it will pass through M-31 Andromeda, but it‘s actually going to come from the Mashaya-Hanic Matrix over in the Aquareion Matrix. So it is literally a new lease on life for the portion of the Sphere of Amenti that can access it and through the moved Arc of the Covenant that is where in 2012 that Silver Seed will come down. But I believe we are going to get a little bit of it as far as enough for the activation of the Aquafereion Shield that we are a part of here. We usually get our activations first before the planetary grids get them because we assist to hold them on the planetary grids. So I do believe, they haven‘t said exactly, but I think before the end of the workshop we are going to be getting the first bit of our own Silver Seed Awakening in the Aquafereion Shield. I will know more about this by the end of the workshop than I do now but I‘m excited about the information because it just brought together, I mean those summaries brought together a lot of things that—you know, you have pieces of data floating around all over the place and not sure where that goes like Sphere of Amenti, etc.. The summaries don‘t talk about the Sphere of Amenti but the information they do talk about is all about what‘s happening with the Sphere of Amenti. So we will take the information that will The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 200
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be new to us from the summaries and then we‘ll use that as a launching pad for the more detailed information that will come through the workshop. At least when you leave this workshop you can have the piece of knowing, now you know what is happening in 2012 as far as what is aligning with what? What‘s all this Mayan calendar stuff? Why are people predicting all the doomsday stuff? What does it have to do with the Precession of the Equinoxes? You will have a much better understanding of what that information is about and why it‘s being pushed so hard in the media right now. I mean we‘ve got even the History Channel is doing their—in America—they‘re doing their thing on Nostradamus effect and all the doomsday prophecies. You have like six or seven different options of doomsday shows at this point in any given week on the TV normal viewing hours (laughing). Yeah and this is like three years before the fact. So I can hardly wait to see what right before 2012, the whole 2012 will probably be all doomsday shows, ET invasion shows I mean, you know, floods, famine, fire (more laughter) you name it. There‘s reasons why that we‘re being given this information, when we start to understand a little bit more about Encryption Lattices. Every thought we think is a thing in terms of Encryption Lattices. These are radiation lattices that have certain specific form and shape and have a specific vibration. And every thought we think has, makes a picture in our Encryption Lattice. Every emotion we have creates a picture in our Encryption Lattice. Everything we watch on TV creates a picture in our Encryption Lattice. Looks like somebody really, really wants the mass collective to out-picture for them, the planetary cataclysm events. It‘s just being beamed at us everywhere. And every time—this is why the, for children, those kill ‗em, shoot ‗em up, chop ‗em up games that they‘re doing, the electronic games they can be so damaging because the emotional body does not react to that thing as if it‘s fiction. It actually is experientially experiencing that game as a real occurrence and those encryptions, that encryption of the fighting, of the killing of the whatever, is actually making energy forms in the Encryption Lattice. And at this point, the showdown, we are moving toward a showdown in 2012. And it‘s not a showdown about what is going to happen to the planetary grids. Finally, it‘s not about that because what‘s happening with the planetary grids is already set and we‘ll read a bit about what that is. And the good part is no, it‘s not going to roll. Hopefully if things go well it won‘t crack either but we should be all right. The Beloveds are not foreseeing any major cataclysmic mess happening in the 2012 period. But the showdown is about BPR or Base Pulse Rhythm and the Base Pulse Rhythm is the Core Vibration at any given moment of your Encryption Lattice and that actually is what will align you with a like energetic consequence. So it‘s actually our Core Encryption and the Base Pulse Rhythm of that Core Encryption that aligns us with different events in reality. If you say, ―Oh I want this,‖ but your Biological Core Encryption is actually twisted in a different way, you won‘t get what you‘re trying to manifest, you‘ll get that instead because the consequence, it is the consequence to the action of what the vibration is in your Core Encryption Matrix. Right now our Core Encryption Matrices are being controlled by the geomagnetic field of the Planet which is being controlled by something called the Synthetic or Artificial Christ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 200
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Consciousness Grid that was set during this ―about 13,000 years ago‖ period as some people like to say which was that 10,948 BC period. We need to, if we are going to end up where we would like to be by 2013 as far as what we are aligned with, we need to make a shift in our BPR because right now the BPR and the Core Encryption Lattice is being directed by the planetary geomagnetic fields and they are activating the planetary geomagnetic fields on the Alpha-Omega pulses. So we will progressively be getting that mess in our fields, in our Epi-Genetic Overlay and all of that. So we are going to be, we have progressively been working toward this where we started in the last workshop the Stardust Flows where the Eiron Currents coming in literally from our own Spirit Body cross the Vector Line. So this is just the beginning. In 2012 it‘s not a grid showdown because it‘s already determined. We know what parts are falling and we know we‘re not going to let the whole thing fall so that‘s like anti-climatic as far as everybody is ―it‘s going to roll.‖ No it‘s not, it‘s just not but there is going to be something severe that does occur. If a person, a being, does not anchor the Stardust Flows coming in, it will automatically be dragged into—the DNA—will be dragged into Metatronic reversal. So at that point, if a person goes through that, they will not be able to ever do Biological Ascension again. They will not be able to do Atomic Transfiguration. Now if they‘re lucky they will be able to do a Hosted Bhardoah out when the time comes and still get to an Ascension Path but it gets more difficult every day that goes past that 2012 Deciding Point and that Deciding Point takes place somewhere between the 21st and the 22nd of December. So we‘re already trying to, we are going to try to put in…they would like us to be at Siesta Key on the beach there at the GrU‘-al because that‘s…you know there is a lot about that we don‘t know yet actually – the GrU‘-al. Yes it‘s the Planetary Star-gate-2 but it‘s something else too that has to do with the meditation that we are going to do. It‘s called the Blue Krystal. But anyway we are going to try for 2012 to have a workshop where we can be on the beach with a Drum Circle for December 21st to herald this event in. It‘s going to be (a) big event. There is probably going to be people, groups, all over the place doing their solstice craziness celebrations. Hopefully by the time the Beloveds get done—I don‘t know how many Official Disclosure Installments they are going to do but if this is 1 I hate to see 4 (laughing). It‘s just going to be laying it out on a line. I think there will be more people who wake up to realize that some of the gridwork they have been doing has not been for what they thought it was. So I imagine there will probably be more people that come in from some of the other paradigms when they read this and they compare. And then there will be those who don‘t care anyway and they‘ll be going off and doing their Metatronic activations and those kinds of thing. But we are going to try. It‘s going to be a very special evening because it literally is the evening that will determine the future evolution of this race. And that is when the Evolutionary Destiny split right there because once the beings get Metatronic they can‘t, they will not get the bodies out in Ascension. So they can do a Hosted Bhardoah Ascension but they progressively are going to get the NET coming down controlling their mind where they‘re not going to want to so they are going to be aligned with what is called the Path of Fall. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 200
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In the summary information they gave it only came in two pages, I love how the Beloveds can do this. If I had to explain to somebody the Path of Rise or the Path of Fall I‘d go, ―Oh boy here we go,‖ yeah because there is like a million diagrams and tons of technicals. They just simplified it in a way where it is very easy to understand what is taking place and they did it by bringing out first the information about the Encryption Lattices. So we‘ll look a little bit at the definitions they gave for that because this Earth is going into the Path of Fall. That alignment locks in on December 21 st of 2012 and there will still be the portion, not of the Earth, but of the people on the Earth that will be able to pull out of that particular alignment by bringing in and aligning with the geomagnetic fields of, first Higher Earth and then Median Earth. So, literally, where most people‘s, their Encryption Lattices are a small version of the planetary geomagnetic field, ours will become a small version of Higher Earth‘s geomagnetic field. So it will literally change the encryption which will progressively make it where we can progressively take our atoms to that place and shift out of here. So it‘s the beginning of the next step of Slide and before we can Slide we have to shift and what we need to shift is our BPR Alignment that is currently being controlled by the planetary geomagnetic field. And we‘ll progressively be moving toward that shift from this point to 2012 when the big BPR showdown happens. And it‘s just a showdown for people, individuals, for each individual. It‘s the time when an individual makes the choice and if they choose not to choose, they‘re still making a choice. If you choose not to choose you get aligned with the larger quantum of the environmental field around you which means you‘re aligned with fall – period! And it‘s just that cut and dried. And that is why the Beloveds are trying to let people know, well you can‘t say nobody told you that this was occurring. So that‘s why they‘re doing the Official Disclosure Installments. What it is going to look like or what we‘re going to participate in, in order to move the Arc of the Covenant Portal Passage. I mean oh we just like pick it up and drag it over, what? (laughing) I don‘t know what this is going to look like but it will be an adventure as workshops usually are. Hopefully we‘ll be staying on relative…it‘s a bit, for some reason I think the Beloveds have mercy on all of us but especially me when it comes to time frames. When we are in Phoenix or Sarasota, forget it, you never know. I don‘t know. They did that in early Ireland too when we were at the Ireland workshops. We‘ll try to stay on schedule here for the workshops. The big one where we have an intensive day will be Tuesday where we have 1 to 5 and then after dinner we have 8 to 11 or whatever. You know it‘s kind of like til whatever and in the meantime I need to take down the program. I have the written information where they are explaining all these things and I have a bunch of these. If you saw my desk five hours before we left, before we packed to go on the plane to get here. I‘ve been doing all nighters for at least two and a half weeks and my desk—it‘s a large desk, it‘s like, I got this glass top thing that forms a U around me, two of them put together because it starts out with papers, computer and papers. So part of it goes here and part of it goes on the computer. And then you have papers everywhere. And then you get the second layer of papers. And then you get research books of this and that and the other thing that I had The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 200
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to look stuff up. And then there is another layer of papers. It was like this deep all around me. I didn‘t know what part was supposed to come to Ireland, what part was… it was a nightmare. So the information in there, finally I actually did. I had one hour left to pack my suitcases before I had to leave to get on the plane but I actually found glass. That‘s like ―Is it Monday yet?‖ for me right. I made it through to Monday, hey found glass! That means I made it through the menagerie of paper. And it‘s all important stuff of twenty different things that are interconnected but you have to, they just keep piling when the line comes through. So with all of the papers I managed to find a number of things I hope I have time to make into diagrams because they will be very helpful in understanding the part of the information that‘s about the Precession of the Equinoxes and some of the other things because right now I‘ve got it in descriptive writing in the summaries and it‘s easier if you see pictures. So I‘m going to be spending some time trying to get the graphs down with that. And there are some other things that aren‘t in the writing yet that I know they will show me through the graphs as they always do. So I‘m basically doing the on-call thing, here we go, another one of those sort of security clearance. It was almost, I don‘t even feel it‘s like security clearance because they‘re just revealing it, putting it out. As soon as we get done with the information in one of the summaries it gets sent over to Jared at the Watchtower and he‘s putting it up on the internet board. So it‘s there for anybody that goes in and I imagine it might start some interesting conversations out there when we kind of expose the Bloom of Doom paradigm without mentioning anybody here, in 3D here, just explaining the paradigm and stuff. So anyway we will, I will take some time to put some graphs together to try to illustrate the information. I‘m looking forward to what the new information, plus what we already have is. I‘ve enough basically that I could give a workshop on just the new information that has been given but I have a feeling there is a part I don‘t know about yet and usually that happens in workshops. There is always a part that when the Shield assembles, when the people come and get together it‘s like the collective of all of us are like little aparthi receivers and everybody brings in a piece of knowledge just in frequency form. And because I‘ve got that whatever little twist in my gene code that allows me to be able to translate line, where I can translate it, the fact that you‘re all here, and that goes for any workshop when there is a group of people assembled, it helps hugely in being able to bring in a stronger line for the translation. So I feel that there is something that is a gift that we will give to each other that comes from this assembly of people that I don‘t know about yet, that‘s connected to all of these things. But anyway there is, before we… We‘re going to do a Journey before we go so you have fortification and companionship when you go off into the world of the beautiful Irish grids. It‘s really beautiful out there even though it‘s not like the middle of summer. It‘s so green and gorgeous out there. I hope it stays sunny. But even in the rain it‘s pretty. But we will, in the Journey, it‘s going to be a short Journey, it‘s going to be the beginning and entry point Journey to a place called—they haven‘t given me the name of it yet actually, they just referred to as the Blue Krystal. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 200
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It is a large, blue hexagon-shaped crystal and I‘ll probably draw a rough sketch of that. Just imagine the top part of a crystal, hexagon shaped, six-sided, but then a long thing kind of like a building would be, like a skyscraper building but it‘s a crystal. And it‘s an amazing shade of blue. It‘s none of the shades of blue we‘ve worked with before which is kind of neat. And I‘ve seen it. They took me there a couple of times in the last couple of months. And I learn a little bit about it every time but then it‘s like gone and they don‘t talk to me about it. It‘s like, what? What‘s with the Blue Krystal? So they are going to teach us a bit more about this Blue Krystal. I do know it is connected on the Median Earth level and I have a feeling on the Higher Earth level, as well, to the area that is the GrU‘-al here. So it‘s not connected to the Watchtower which is the Pine Island location, it‘s connected to the Siesta Key Beach place. And it has to do with the core, how did they word it, the Core Elemental Force, like the Core Consciousness Field of the Elemental Force of the Outer Domains. Now the Outer Domains that we have talked about when we talked about the Outer, the Middle, the Inner, the Core Domains in Creation Structure, the Outer Domains have a base of Endoplasmic Water-matter base. And this crystal is called the Fire-Water Krystal and it has to do with the consciousness collective that—just like we‘ve talked about consciousness collective, say if you wanted to know hydrogen, every hydrogen atom in the entire cosmos would be part of that consciousness collective called hydrogen. Well this is a consciousness collective that is called…it has a name and I have to look it up, it‘s on one of the charts from a while ago but it is the Endoplasm Consciousness Field. And these are literally the ones who, the consciousness that is not just guards but are the Creator Consciousness for anything made out of matter in the Outer Domains and it‘s a particular appointment. There is another one that I haven‘t seen what color it is yet that corresponds to this that we are going to learn about by 2012, that corresponds with the Ectoplasmic base of the Middle Domains and at a certain point both will be activated. But when we do this Blue Krystal Meditation, this Blue Krystal is an Endoplasmic Krystal. It, itself is conscious but there is also in this Journey we go to visit it and for anybody who has used the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘A visitations where you know Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘A, this is actually, if you could be up in the air looking down on where is Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘A this is not too far away. If you‘re up in an airplane you‘d actually see where this is in relation to it just like as if you‘re up in a high airplane and had really good vision you would be able to see where the Watchtower Pine Island is in Florida in relation to where Siesta Key Beach is in Florida. They‘re similar relationship with them. So we will be going to the Siesta Key of Median Earth when we go to the Blue Krystal Journey. The important thing that they are going to have us do with this Journey today even though it‘s going to be a short one is to meet some friends. And we already have our Buddha Collectives, our six Buddha Team, our team and always if you feel so inclined you always bring them with you.
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And when you are going on strange grids, grids you‘re not used to, it‘s always good to fortify your field. We‘ve had some very interesting experiences in Ireland before, some very nice ones and some very wacky ones in certain castles. So just keep your fields amped. These guys will help you to do that. And they have a mission and they‘re asking to co-create with you in the places you go, that if they can hang with you, they know what to do with the grids in those areas and they are assisting in waking up the matrix that connects to where the old Atlantean Arc of the Covenant anchoring area used to be. So as you go in your sightseeing and that kind of stuff realize that all you have to do is be and breathe, if you‘re breathing the right way. And if you have these things activated in your field—the things that you‘ve been working for so many years many of you—to do, just being there and breathing bring frequencies into the place. This time you‘re going to have these little buddies and I call them ―little buddies‖ because, I mean I‘m sure they‘re a lot more intelligent and awake than I am (chuckle) but they look kind of like…I‘ll try to hold this up so you can see… squiggly, kind of like beans (chuckle). I don‘t know if you can see this but think of kind of like a lima bean, but they‘re actually, try to imagine a texture of water that holds its form, where imagine that if you had a splash and you had all these little kind of like bean shaped kind of sort of Eckasha shaped splashes, but then they held that form and then could bounce around and float around and giggle. I mean they‘re hilarious and they can if they want to. If you‘re bothered by the form, they‘re most comfortable in which is their endoplasmic, pure endoplasmic form, if you prefer hominid they can do that too (chuckle) right. And the name of them are, these are a group of, a specialized group of the Aquafar‘E and we‘ve talked about the Aquafar‘E before—the fairy folk—well these are the blue fairy folk because they look like, well they don‘t look like fairies with wings they look like water beans (laughing). And they‘re really little like many little water droplets, but they giggle and chatter and ―tititititi‖ and bounce on you and they can come together and make large shapes because it is not just water they can make but it‘s literally that water-matter base. And they‘re hugely consciousness. They can link with the water-matter base anywhere in the cosmos actually but this particular group are what they call the Main Guard of the Blue Krystal. We‘re still learning about what purpose this Blue Krystal has in Elemental Command because it is a level of Elemental Command that I know when they first took me to visit the Blue Krystal, when the Beloveds first took me there, I realized it was quite an honor and I was just kind of like, um, I don‘t think I‘m ready for this. This is important, don‘t take me here (chuckling) I feel like I‘m two years old and really dumb. And they‘re training me for a particular appointment in working with the Blue Krystal and I just feel like a total neophyte when it comes to that level of Elemental Command. But they assured me that somewhere I earned the ability to do that because somewhere I know what it‘s about (laughing)….
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Technique 1: Blue Krystal Meditation Introduction [Audio Track 2] A‘sha …very big and tall, taller than any skyscraper building you would see. And it is a hexagonshaped crystal but running on the vertical where you have the point pointing up as opposed to the points pointing horizontally. And it looks like it‘s coming out of a volcano crater, mountain volcano crater that has lots of, that looks like tropical trees and stuff around the base of the mountain. And it does appear to, it appears as an island that is sitting within a bit of ocean water. But the crystal is big and tall like that and this amazing shade of blue. If you could imagine a translucent where it‘s very, you can see through it but it‘s a deep beautiful blue. It‘s not like the deep D-10 blue-black color at all, it‘s not indigo either. If you take the color, in artist colors like acrylics called ultra-marine blue which is, I don‘t know how to describe it, ultra-marine blue. If you combine that with royal-blue which is a little bit lighter than ultra-marine, it‘s just a very interesting radiant color and I don‘t think I have anything to even point at. Except maybe… ah, hm… yeah, this is close but imagine it translucent crystal… let me see that… and it looks darker here because it is not translucent so like that but kind of like emanating and glowing so it looks a little bit lighter. And that has to do with the color of this endoplasmic water-base. So they call it the Endoplasmic Fire-Water Krystal. I don‘t know about the fire part yet, they haven‘t told me about that yet. But we‘ll just do a simple Journey. If you‘ve done the Journey to Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘A before where you go into that open platform that you can look out over the horizon and stuff, if you‘re used to going to that place you can start from there. If you‘re not, you can start from just where you are and we‘ll go into the visualization. But what we‘re going to do is end up in the air as if we kind of like popped in through a portal way up in the air above in the atmosphere and we‘re going to see it down there and it‘s going to look like at first like a little blue hexagon-shaped target, like aim here (chuckle). And even though this crystal holds its form if you poked it, it would go in, like move with your fingers because it‘s actually like a water that holds form and the crystal itself is made out of that as well. And we‘re going to go down through that from the atmosphere in a projection, and we‘ll go down into the base that goes past the mountain and down under into the core. And that‘s where we encounter certain things. I think they‘re going to give us something, yeah they just said they‘re going to give us something that we can take. Ok, they‘re going to give us a certain Arc Key, some kind of frequency pattern key to the Arc of the Covenant Gates—the gate sets that has to do with being able to move the Arc and this goes way back to the 49,000 BC something or other period when they did move it the last time. And when we meet these little guys they‘re going to get us to where we get this key and carry…just know you have it, hang it in your field like an ornament if you want to or whatever but sometime, and it might not be tomorrow, sometime during the workshop period you‘ll get an urge, ―this is where I am supposed to drop that key.‖ It will just be a feeling. So just hang on to it, even if it‘s the last day, just hang on to it. I mean you might even find, well I‘m at the airport and you just happen to walk in a certain way and go, wait a minute it wants to go there so it might be, you know that strange. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 200
Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
So you will get this key that is the beginning of the process, it‘s almost like unlocking the grids so you can open the field in which the Arc of the Covenant needs to slide into basically because it‘s the bottom of a tube that is going to slide from Egypt up into and lock into the old grids, the Atlantean grids up here. Ok…
Technique 1: Journey to the Blue Krystal [0:04:20] Just breathe gently for a few moments… and activate the Krystar Vehicle… Now if you have a good visual of the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘A platform, imagine you go to the edge and you‘re standing at the edge of it looking out over the horizon. And over there somewhere you can see a little island with the Blue Krystal sticking out. If you‘re not used to going to the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘A space that‘s ok, we can do the air drop-in. So if you‘re going to go from Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘A you‘ll just be projecting over where as if you‘re coming just from where we are here we‘ll be literally going up above our heads and then dropping down into that reality field. Ok so we‘ll begin the projection together. First we‘ll inhale and hold for a moment. Now begin a gentle projection on the exhale from whichever platform you‘re aiming from. Exhale… if you‘re coming from just here go exhale, pushes a version of you up which is your Jha-DA‘ Body up and it disappears. Now try to find your Jha-DA‘ eyes, your Jha-DA‘ Body eyes and see the Blue Krystal just, even just the top of it, try to see the blue hexagon shape, even if that‘s the only thing you can see, if you can see more of it, great. Now wherever you‘re hanging with your Jha-DA‘ Body or if you‘ve already got to the Blue Krystal that‘s ok. What we‘re going to do is visualize that we‘re all meeting in our Jha-DA‘ Bodies that look very much like us but with the Krystar Vehicle activated around them and a large Orb activated around that. And we‘re going to meet in a circle around and hovering quite a bit above, like maybe 20 feet above the Blue Krystal, and what we are going to do is enter together. But first we have to do is circulation which means if we line up single, like our Jha-DA‘ Bodies are lined up singly in a single circle around the top of the Blue Krystal. We‘re going to start moving that circle in a counterclockwise motion around the Blue Krystal. So we‘re all kind of like floating our circle starting to move counterclockwise. We‘re going to notice in a moment or two—and when we notice what I‘ll describe in a minute, when we notice this thing with our physical bodies, inhale and hold as if you‘re inhaling this spark that comes out of the Blue Krystal, because in a moment there is going to be, in response to our circulation of energy above, there is going to be a little splash upward coming out of the top of the Blue Krystal on its plane, on its flat plane on the top of it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 200
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And it‘s going to make a splash and the splash will break into little splashes and there will be one for everyone. And when that‘s going to happen, we‘ll inhale and when that is going to happen in a minute, when I say ―ok the splash is out,‖ just kind of (strong inhale) inhale and bring it into the AzurA. And it‘s not doing it yet, it‘s starting to vibrate, ok the circle is going faster… Try to feel the circulation-feeling counterclockwise as if it‘s moving around your body actually as if your Krystar Vehicle is spinning counterclockwise around you. Ok and it‘s picking up speed, picking up speed… it sounds juicy, ok, all right it‘s getting ready to go. All right, there it goes, inhale (strong long inhale) and just imagine you‘re bringing that little spark of endoplasm into your AzurA and then drop it down a little bit with the exhale breath to the Karanadis Seal (exhale) just behind the end of the breastbone. Try to feel the sensation, it should spread around, up around your shoulders and stuff from that. It might not but if you do, I felt it, so I thought you might. Ok now the circle and our Krystar Vehicles are settling down to a stop, we‘re stopping spinning… and now imagine in your Jha-DA‘ Body that you‘re hovering in the air above this beautiful Fire-Water Krystal and it has, the plane of its top is just like a quartz crystal grows where it‘s like a flat plane, six sided but flat and translucent. So we‘re actually going to just dive in as if we‘re diving into a swimming pool and just like inhale and on the exhale dive and push down (strong inhale – exhale). And as soon as you crest into it as if you‘re underwater but you are actually inside the crystal, you‘ll notice a current and the current is, feels like it‘s spinning, it‘s actually a clockwise current, a clockwise current is spinning. And imagine you‘re kind of like swimming with head down, as if you‘re going down, down underwater but you are actually going down, down through this crystal. And it‘s starting to spin you gently, so we‘re all spinning down in this vortice. And just try to feel the color radiation of this stuff, this endoplasm. It has a very particular feel to it that‘s quite lovely once you can get yourself in there, into the space of the mediation. Try to feel it as you‘re spiraling down. And we‘re going to keep spiraling down for quite a while. At a certain point the color tones in the crystal which are kind of like a medium translucent blue, they will begin to change as we crest the place where the crystal enters the mountain crater. And from there we‘ll still go down the crystal until we get literally down at Earth‘s Core. So we‘re going to go underground with the crystal inside the crystal. Once we crest the crater and start going underground, the light changes and we start to realize that it‘s self illuminating where it‘s actually lighter and more intense light within the crystal and it‘s this beautiful ultra-marine blue light that is just radiating. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 200
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At a certain point as we‘re spiraling down we‘ll notice the spiral stops and you‘re just kind of floating there as if you were floating in a very buoyant air-water. So stop for a moment and try to feel with your Jha-DA‘ Body hand—and you can also try to feel it here because you might get a sense of the texture on your physical hand as well, try to feel what this substance is like that your Jha-DA‘ Body is hanging out in right now, the endoplasm. There is a little tingle that you can feel on your palms of your Jha-DA‘ Body that may translate through to a tingle that you can feel here as well. As we‘re doing this with our Jha-DA‘ Bodies in bi-location, we‘re also bringing these frequencies directly into our fields. So they‘re actually surrounding us in our Jha-DA‘ Body fields around our Physical Body as well and our Auric Structure and our Light Body structures. So what we are going to do now is simply make one more dive and go down to the bottom and as we dive down we‘ll inhale and (strong inhale) and again use the exhale to push the dive downward (exhale) and down. And this time we‘ll start to see, it‘s almost like a pale yellow-gold light coming up at the center with the blue light around it way down at the bottom. And we‘re going to aim for that and just when we see the light, all of a sudden everything gets just really bright, filled with this pale yellowy-white light. And we‘re just going to swim right through that as if you‘re going through a light field, and you can‘t see the crystal around you anymore and it‘s almost like swimming through the light field. And when you get to a certain point in the swimming through the light field there‘ll be almost a sense where everything stops, where you just feel absolute ceasing of motion even atomic motion. It‘s almost like you‘re going so fast that you actually slow down. There‘s a thing that happens in physics that has to do with particle acceleration that has to do with that. So we‘re hitting this stop-barrier and we‘re going to inhale once more and hold for a moment (long inhale) and then gently breathe our Jha-DA‘ Body right through into the center of this bright light (long exhale). And when we get to the other side of it it‘s almost like we can look up and see the underside of where that bright light was shining, but the bright light is not shining down in this area. It‘s like a beautifully lit compartment that‘s at the base of the crystal. And it has a lot of other connections, like little doorways that open up off the main crystal that are other crystals that shoot up in different directions but we‘re just going to stay in this one. And if we turn our attention to what‘s hanging, we‘re hanging here in the base of this crystal. What is below our feet we‘ll see that it looks like a lake or a well of beautiful water, the same color of that amazing ultra-marine blue translucent. And it seems to have flickers of light moving through it just randomly, as if it‘s spontaneously communicating with itself electrically inside of it. Now we‘re going to again assemble in a circle down at the base of this crystal around this water. There is enough room to stand or float your Jha-DA‘ Bodies before it gets to the water part. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 200
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And what the Beloveds are asking us to do now is just look up in our Jha-DA‘ Bodies for a moment and realize that there is a big Orb coming down and that‘s a collection of the Beloveds coming down to assist with this. These, the ones that are coming down are actually ZionA that we‘ve talked about before. They were the, we called them the fish people, the ZionA people. They‘re just here to assist. They‘re part of our Buddha team. There is a collective of them that‘s just hanging there in Orb but they want us to know that was the ZionA that are there. And what we‘re going to do is if we would like to have, for the duration of this trip in Ireland, if you would like to have with you a collective of the Endoplasmic Elemental Core Guardian group that are associated with the Blue Krystal then simply extend the invitation that, ―sure I would like you to come with me and I will be glad to co-create Krystic gridwork with you.‖ Simply take your left hand in your Jha-DA‘ Body—and you can do it in the physical too if you want to, and as if you‘re reaching down and bending down, putting your left hand into this lovely water substance. And try to feel the water substance. It has a very unique feel to it. It doesn‘t feel like water, it moves like liquid mercury does but it‘s not thick in that same way or it‘s translucent and transparent. Now with the intention that you would like to co-create, just inhale and (strong long inhale) and exhale that intention just as an energy signature down your left arm (exhale) and out your left palm and into the water base. And then gently withdraw your hand and just kind of hang out and wait for a moment. (Chuckle) When they did this the first time with me I jumped. The reason I jumped was because this little family of these little bean-shaped water people came bolting out like a spout, like a water spout (more chuckling). And I was still bent over looking to see, ―they said they were going to come, where are they?‖ And they, splat, hit me in the face, it‘s like all over. And then they started to chuckle like, ―hee hee hee.‖ They were all over. So the invitation has been sent and they will respond momentarily. Yeah they‘re going to do it again, I can feel it‘s like a rumble way down beneath the water somewhere and you can feel it like a rumble starting, and it builds frequency and it‘s starting to do that. And at some point they literally come bolting out of the center of this lake-like area as this big water spout. But they‘re conscious and they‘re alive and if you like fairies and hominid bodies, they can take that shape for you but they still prefer to stay blue they said. So you can have blue fairies or you can have blue Endoplasmic Consciousness Elemental Command Force, whatever. All right they‘re getting ready and when they do this eruption, because it literally is like a joyous boom like a geyser comes up out the center and they all just kind of break off from the central geyser into their individuation and come down to the people who have, they follow your signature, who has left the invitation to come. And… yeah ok they‘re getting ready to do their geyser-effect. As they‘re getting ready to do this let‘s hold our breath, we‘ll exhale. When they pop up, we‘ll exhale. Ok, (long strong inhale) it‘s rumbling, I feel it coming… All right let‘s exhale… NOW they‘re popping (strong exhale). The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 22 of 200
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Try to see the visual on this because it is quite hilarious. And they pop and they go up and then they arch and they all split off into like millions of little drops, bean-shaped drops. (chuckle) And they start dropping like rain on our heads and shoulders. Try to feel the presence of the, it‘s literally like big raindrops that have a bit more weight than raindrops. And then they kind of bounce up and take their shape and kind of slosh around. They almost look like they have kind of like sticky out-y bums on the one side (chuckles) the backside. And their little chests stick out on the other but its just bean-shaped. And they‘re roly poly kind of beings and the energy with them is just absolute joy type energy, but absolute brilliance as well. I mean it‘s like they know, they probably know all the secrets of the Cosmos but there is just a joy with them. Try to feel them as if they‘re water drops that‘s splattered on you but now the water drops are getting up and kind of going uh, um, uh, um, stretching into their little bean forms and bouncing around and some of them are going ―trrrrrllllll‖ and running down because they think it‘s fun to slide down from your shoulder to your knee and that kind of thing. You will have a minimum of a dozen of them, which would actually be one collective, that‘s actually one identity and it chooses to be in its 12-form because it has more fun interacting with itself and you that way. Some of you may have more and it depends on if they know you from before. If you‘ve been to this place before in other lifetimes which means you‘re part of the team of Elemental Command, of the Endoplasmic Elemental Command Team you would get more but they would all come in sets of 12, so you‘ll have a minimum of 12. And they will hang around with you. If you, when you go back tonight after dinner or whatever, lay down in your bed, remember that they‘re here because they will just like hanging as invisible water droplets in your field. And they‘ll be busy doing their own thing. But if you call them into attention and say, ―hello I‘d like to communicate or just feel you or hi, can we get to know each other.‖ They will come into your field and for me I had, the first time I met them I was having a pain in my shoulder, in the back of my shoulder that was really, really bad and they just, I started to say ―hi I see you,‖ and they were like, ―leave me alone we‘re busy.‖ And they all collected and made this water form thing over the pain in my shoulder and I could feel it sinking into the cells in my physical body. And it shifted the pain and I also passed out which was interesting. I just… gone, pain is gone, I‘m asleep. But they will work with, assist you with healing and things. But they‘ve wanted to get, to interact with us this time to assist in co-creating of the moving of the Arc of the Covenant because they were part of the teams that were responsible for assisting to create the Arc of the Covenant Portal Passage in the first place. So we‘ve got our little Aquafar‘E friends. And they are saying, ―if you want we can make little blue fairies of ourselves and do gymnastics and things if you find that fun.‖ (laughing) So if you start, if you just like, you forget about the meditation, you‘re eating or whatever and all of a sudden you just get this image in your head of these like (chuckling) dancing gymnastic little blue fairies right, made of water. No it‘s them going, ―don‘t forget we‘re still here.‖ Now before we leave we are going to come up out of the Blue Krystal with our water drop crew, our fairy crew. There is one more thing that has to do with the keys that we are going to be given. There is something… The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 200
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Something else is rising out of the lake-like thing. Let me see what this is. Hm, ok what‘s that? All the little droplets are going ―hee hee hee hee‖ communicating with each other (chuckle). (talking to Aquafar‘E) What? They know what it is, what? I‘m asking them what it is because I‘m seeing something coming up out of the water… long… interesting… they look like walking sticks made out of light. That‘s interesting I don‘t know what these are. Ok they‘re keys… (talking with Beloveds) Yes you told me they were keys. I‘m having a conversation vertically, excuse me. Ok so these things that look like the walking sticks, what do they call them? They are an Irish shape thing. Shillelagh, yeah, they have the thing that comes over the top, is that a shillelagh? Well they‘re shaped like that but they are just made of light. And kind of different colors like, actually they all look kind of white with rainbow stripes flickering through them and seeming to come off them. There is one of them there for each one of us and we‘re still hanging out down there in our JhaDA‘ Bodies. One of these is going to just, they are literally going to rise together and one will levitate over to you and it‘s kind of like, they choose you (chuckle). Probably because that has to do with your past relationships with Elemental Command in relation to the Arc of the Covenant I have a feeling. But these are keys and they look like, they are the size that would be appropriate for a walking stick for the size of your Jha-DA‘ Body in there which means here they would be like same size appropriate but they are going to shrink up when they come to us, so they‘re like hovering in front of us. And they‘re going to just go ―ping‖ and turn into little tiny versions of the same thing and when, we can bring them into our field here and hold them for later by simply inhaling them from our Jha-DA‘ Bodies, imagine them the little shillelagh thing hanging in front of you down there in the Blue Krystal. And inhale it towards you (strong long inhale) and imagine you‘re cupping it in your palms. And now on the exhale we‘re going all at the same time blow ourselves right out all the way up out of the Blue Krystal and back into our seats. So and now… (exhale). And as we feel our consciousness settle back into the rest of our consciousness that‘s in our body here try to feel a little fuzzy form floating in the center of your clasped palms. If your palms aren‘t clasped, clasp them now to make that little bubble around it. Inside of that that little shillelagh key that is going to, it has materialized itself. There is more to the shillelagh thing, it‘s not just to get dropped some place, it‘s like a teaching stick. Ok, I don‘t know, I just got something about the old bards of Atlantis of Lohas and teaching sticks. So we‘ll learn something more about that but in the meantime even if you don‘t feel the little fuzzy thing in the center, it‘s almost like as if it‘s floating like a little mustard seed floating in a ball in the palms. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 200
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Just let it free into your field and it‘ll just go right into your field and hang there and you can kind of like move it over if it‘s not where you want it, just organize it where you‘d like to hold it. And just remember it‘s there and we‘ll come back to that. And meanwhile try to feel as you go out, the Aquafar‘E water bean people. Well water drop people. The one just says ―don‘t call me a bean‖ (laughter). I‘m sorry. This one‘s funny, it‘s definitely a female presence, it just went ―call me a curvy Eckasha‖ (more laughter). Oh, they‘re funny. Well they‘re going to hang out like on our shoulders and that kind of stuff. And if you find that they may be sliding down our arms, they‘re going to have fun. These guys, the Aquafar‘E they always told us would be buddies, our buddies, and they are fun and it‘s like having friends. And we can do serious work with friends. So enjoy your dinner this evening. We‘d like to go but I‘ve got to get back on the writing and the diagrams. And you‘ve got to go too because you have a bus so I don‘t want to make you late. Anyway have fun and have a lovely dinner and I hope you enjoy the, I think they‘re doing clogging tonight and that kind of stuff. (to A‘san) The dinner is tonight right. (A‘san) Traditional dancing. (A‘sha) Taditional dancing, yes which is usually pretty cool, traditional Irish dancing. So have fun with your curvy Eckasha Aquafar‘E people. And I will see you tomorrow… ah what time? I will see you for the workshop tomorrow. When you go tomorrow for your, for the day of sightseeing it‘s also day of grid-keying, right. Remember that you‘ve got your Aquafar‘E friends with you and kind of ask them just for a nudge or if you have open communication where you can hear them, ask them if there is anything specific they would like you to do in relation to the grids that you happen to be walking through. And if you don‘t have open communication verbally, just ask them anyway, telepathically and just trust your nudges, like if you get a hunch to go over there or over there. So kind of free flow with it because it is gridwork but it‘s also, you get to see neat things. So I hope you have a good day in your daytime tomorrow and I will see you tomorrow evening for 8 pm. Is that the right day? Yes, 8pm. Anyway welcome to Ireland and have a great dinner and see you tomorrow. (participants applauding) Goodnight.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 200
Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
Monday Lecture [Audio Track 3] A‘sha Thank you for your patience to another one of those workshops that just run on their own Guardian Time. I hope you had a really cool day checking out the sites and doing your grid drops and things like that today. For this evening when I just got done with this, they gave me about 10 more pages that goes into Summary-2. Now it‘s up to 41 pages I think. The reason they gave it to me is, it‘s going to be released once/ whenever we get to release the Summary, if it stops growing. It‘s because it‘s the information that they wanted to bring to you tonight first, so even though this information is going to go out, there‘s certain excerpts they would like me to read from this that have to do with the subject matter that we‘re going to be covering. I think we‘ll put this up honey if we could…. Ok, the paper copy of it too…. Yeah, this is just a basic ‗notes to myself‘, really, on what we‘re going to cover tonight, what the readings will be about. After we do the pieces of readings, we‘ll read and then we‘ll talk about the things, and after we‘re done with the readings, then we will look at some graphs that begin to help us understand where and what the Encryption Lattice is. At the end of this evening/ morning, whatever it‘s called, we‘ll have Technique 2, because we did the Intro Technique 1 in the Orientation, so we‘ll be doing a bit longer technique; and I do believe there‘s going to be 6 techniques by the time the workshop is done, so there‘s 2 coming in tomorrow. As far as tomorrow, just because of the amount of work I‘m going to have to do between now and then, whenever we get out of here, and I‘ve been trying to get a nap even a half hour since about noon, because I was up before dawn, and that didn‘t work. So I‘m going to have to push the hours back tomorrow night, so it‘s going to be a late night as opposed to starting at 1:00 in the afternoon. We‘ll probably start maybe around 7:00, right after dinner-type thing and just move through to there, so you have warning so you can sleep during the day time if you can and that kind of thing. Because I have to get some sleep somewhere; I‘ll just fall over! Anyway, this is just a bit of a summary of things that I would like to cover that we are going to cover in the readings and then talk a bit more about when we are finished with the readings. Most important things we‘ll talk about are the Encryption Lattices, but these subjects go down— there‘s a couple of headings under each of the main subjects. This gets really interesting: there‘s one question I think has 8 pages of answer. These are the things that will go out on…that are going to go out as part of the ‗1st installment of the ―Official Disclosure‖‘, but it is going to be disclosed to you first, and I think I‘m looking at this stuff and I‘m going, ―Oh my God! That‘s going out for entry-level people? You got to be kidding!‖ Anyway, you will get it first, and I think you will see by the end of it, for me there‘s been a bunch of questions, particularly my infamous question to myself and the Beloveds, ―But what‘s it going to look like?‖ I‘ve been asking that for 10 years, and getting little bits of answers here and there. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 200
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In the section where we look at the immediate questions and answers, this is about 2012 and moving up to 2012 and what that‘s about. When they gave me this information, it helped me, because it helped give me clarity about, ―Where is this going? What is going on? What‘s all the hype of 2012?‖ I understood some things about it, but nothing like what/ when we get done with the readings that we‘ll understand, and we‘ll be able to understand these things together. In doing that, we will then be able to use that as a platform to understand the Grid Work that we‘re going to be doing in this workshop and also the beginnings of the Personal Healing work that we will do in this workshop, because we are, as I‘ve suspected, going to begin the early activation of the Silver Seed Awakening for the Aquafereion Shield. This group here will be the first to anchor those frequencies. It won‘t be occurring until 2012 on the planetary level, where it is available to everyone; so right now it‘s just with the Aquafereion Shield. There‘s still a lot of things that have to do with whatever tomorrow‘s workshop that‘s going to be about. I know pieces of that. I have a feeling it has to do with some of the things that were in Summary Number 1 that‘s not finished yet. It‘s only at 16 or 20 pages so far. By tomorrow night it may double; I don‘t know. Tonight we are going to just do some of the readings and then look at some of the structure in the diagrams that we‘ve already had, but with other bits too, so you can see where/what are these Encryption Lattices and, ―Why are they important?‖ The, ‗Why are they important?‘ will become answered as we read through this and we see the role that they play: first understanding a bit of what they are, and then we‘ll see the visuals on where they are located in the anatomy. The technique that we will be doing at the end of this evening is this one: it‘s called the Lotus Bud Vehicle; it is an upgrade on the Krystar Vehicle, actually, and it‘s neat. They took me through it quickly, the journey that goes with it; so we‘ll begin, beginning with there. Then there‘s 2 other ones I haven‘t named yet, but these will be happening; that was the first one. These two will be happening tomorrow evening some time, and there will be 2 more activations. So I will just get on with the reading. It‘s kind of funny; there‘s only a little bit to read…. Every place you see a green sticky, that‘s a page that needs to be covered. There‘s only 41 pages there. So anyway, and when this comes out, we—what you will be hearing is this would be out of context of the entire summary as it goes. A bunch of it in the beginning just has to do with the title of ‗Introductory-Topic Summary-2‘ that‘s going on in the website. It is called simply, ‗Contemporary Origins and Evolution of the MCEO Teachings‟. Oh God! So we just started with little bits of stuff that is already known. For people who are just coming into this website, ―What‘s this stuff?‖ Then it goes into stuff that is unbelievable. I will read some of the things first. Under the title, there is this little ‗Includes‘ box, and it gives these sub-titles. This is what is contained within this ‗summary‘ of only the recent work, the contemporary work. This isn‘t the historical summary; the historical summary is in Summary-1. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 200
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So we‘ve got, and I‘m not going to cover all of these things; we‘re just going to cover the significant parts that have to do with that information on the board up there. The subtopics of ‗Introductory-Topic Summary-2‘—just pardon me; I‘m a little bit tired so I have to focus back into reading on paper instead of being glued to the computer, which is ‗eye-shift‘ thing. Ok, it said, ‗Includes‘ the first thing, simple stuff, ‗The Contemporary MCEO Speaker-1 Contract‘. It talks about a little bit of how I got involved with the work and that kind of stuff, where it came from this time around. It talks about ‗Kathara Healing, Ascension Cycles and its Templar and Azurite Press Travel Tours‟, just to give people a run-down. Then, ‗Elements of the MCEO Teachings and Ancient False Ascension Science‘; here we go! That‘s when they took it off the plot. I was thinking a couple-page summary; no. All right. So it started there, where the ‗Elements of the MCEO Teachings and Ancient False Ascension Sciences‟; the next sub-heading after that is ‗Ancient Deception of the Fall of Atlantis: A Comparative Review of Death Science Paradigms‟. Oh boy! That‘s when we get into comparing certain things about the—what they call the ―Bloom of Doom‖; that‘s the ancient name for it, actually, in English translation; the technologies involved with them. We start comparing the Krystal Spiral to the Fibonacci Spiral, that kind of stuff, just for lay man‘s terms, I don‘t know. Oh boy! Now I‘ve got even better after that; and at the end of that one is…wait a minute, fold the Lattice, that‘s science paradigms. Oh, the next one is, ‗Free Will Choice, ―It‘s ALL True‖, the Encryption Lattice and the ―Paths of Rise and Fall‖‘. So then we get into that information, and we‘ll be covering pieces of that. Let‘s see. The next one is, ‗The Hidden Human Dilemma‟. Part of that sub-title is ‗Hidden Human Dilemma: Channels, Earth‘s Extinction, 2012 and the Planetary Encryption Lattice‟. Oh boy! We won‘t be doing the part on ‗channels‘ tonight, but we will be taking excerpts from the ‗Hidden Human Dilemma‘, because that is the most important thing that we need to understand, particularly since we have been working, our groups have been working, with the Grid Work on this planet for 10 years at this point. So certain things about what this is about, where it is going, what‘s it going to look like, are most important for us before we worry about some interesting things about what‘s happening with the channels on the planet and that kind of stuff. So we‘ll deal with the ‗Hidden Human Dilemma and the Earth Extinctions, and the 2012 and the Planetary Encryption Lattice‟. Then the next sub-heading is the ‗Big Game, the 2012 Show, Pertinent Questions‘, and that‘s the one where one question had 8 pages or something advancers, ‗and the Silver Seed Awakening‘. Then there is a final section on that that‘s called ‗Wise Choices, Symbol-Clues and Salvaging the Sacred,‟ which we‘ll probably touch on some of before the entire workshop program is done, before we go home, but we won‘t be touching on tonight. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 200
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So there are just some of the things that are covered in this ‗Introductory-Topic Summary-2‘. You can just imagine being a new person who has just heard something that is out interesting on the radio interview and comes and clicks on this, just when you start hearing some of the content. (Ash chuckles) 0h, I‘m kind of going, ―Oh God!‖ I asked the Beloveds, ―Geez, are you sure you want to do this?‖ They said, ―That‘s why it‘s called the Official Disclosure‖. All right; Ok. Now, let‘s see, here we go. I‘ll get to my next little green sticky. The first bit, we‘ll talk a little bit about just what exactly is an Encryption Lattice, because we know that we have the basic template of the Kathara Grid and the structures built on that. This is a structure that is part of the Light Body, actually, and it is connected to all those things, of course; but it is a specific aspect of it. It doesn‘t go into Light Body here, but it tells you a little bit about what it is. Let‘s see, where does that come in—right there. So I will read to you in context of how the Beloveds worked it with me, and the way this is written is interesting. It‘s like it‘s me writing it, but they come in sometimes and weave it through. They have done this for step-down, because when you just read something and it is direct transmission from the Beloveds, it‘s a different frequency, like the Voyagers books. That‘s ‗Transmitting Matrix‘ whatever; ‗Speaker Number‘ whatever name is; it is ‗Step-down‘ whatever. It‘s much—it‘s a different frequency, and it‘s too high for making it so more people can understand what‘s being talked about. So sometimes they will just move the information through me as I am writing something, and I just kind of go crazy on the keyboard. Ok, so when you hear it, it‘s not written like the Voyagers books in the sense of, ‗this is so and so from whatever star system‘, that kind of thing. It‘s written as if I am speaking to you or the person who is reading it, well most of it. I think there is a little bit where you can feel the shift that pretty much starts with that. So we‘ll start with this one section. So far it‘s on page 13 as far as print-out, but I‘m not sure of, by the time it gets on the website, if that will still be the page number because they sometimes shift, right? So for now it‘s on page 13; it‘s under the heading of ‗Free Will Choice, ―It‘s ALL True‖, the Encryption Lattice and the ―Paths of Rise & Fall‖‘. So this gives a general parameter of what all those things mean. They‘ve already gone into talking about, before this, the Fib-of-no-chi Spiral and those kind of things, where they did a comparative, just a simple one. Even if you have never heard of these paradigms before coming in on the website, you‘ll still be able to get the gist of what‘s being said in the comparisons. So they moved from that and that information into this next level of information. Ok, and through this we‘ll find out a bit about Encryption Lattices. They said , ‗Though the ―Cosmos allows and finds value in all things‖, and ―It‘s ALL good/God‖ as the New Age sayings tell us, and with which the MCEO perspective actually The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 200
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agrees‘—we actually agreed with those statements— ‗it is also ―all good/God‖ to learn to discern between the various paths of spiritual awakening, if one hopes to have any conscious influence at all over the direction of personal evolution. ―Where precisely does each ―spiritual path” lead?‖ is a question worth asking. In the MCEO CDT-Plate dispensations, the answer to this question is answered in precise detail, unlike the lofty but vacuous explanations offered in other paradigms. And yes, ―eventually ALL paths return to Source‖, but another good question to ask is ―What will the experiential role between here and Source looks like?‖ For therein lies the core reason for discernment and choosing a ―life path‖, be it ―spiritual or otherwise‖.‘ Now, ‗The Cosmos ―runs by‖ certain immutable ―Natural Laws‖ that will exist and experientially apply whether or not one chooses to believe in them. One such Cosmic Law is that of ―Cause and Effect‖, ―Action and Consequence-to-Action‖, or the ―Law of Reciprocity‖: what goes around comes around, to put it simply. We WILL have ―consequenceto-action‖ for each action we choose to take, and if we happen to choose an evolutionary path built upon fundamentals of energy inherent to the ―Death Sciences‖‘ —which they had talked about before or previously and that has to do with the ―Bloom of Doom‖ paradigm and the Metatronic sciences—ok so, ‗inherent to the ―Death Sciences‖ path of finite life and Spacedust Return, we will live the experiential energetic consequence of that choice. If we ―choose not to choose‖ a path of conscious evolutionary direction, and simply say as the song says, ―…Sha-la…la-la-la-la…Live for Today…‖‘. That one; I can‘t sing right now, right? ‗Our not choosing still remains a choice, and in the ―choice of no choice‖, we will be at the mercy of energetic consequence that emerges through the ―field of mass action‖ surrounding us in the external environment.‘ So, ‗if we choose not to choose‘, and just don‘t bother ourselves with it, it‘ll be chosen for us by a quantum, what‘s called the dominant quantum, where the quantum of the collective is stronger than your own little one, and if you‘re not working directly in focusing your energy in specific ways, you‘ll just get dragged along with whatever the species field is in the planetary field. All right, let‘s see…okey doke. ‗In our current societies, we have a wealth of ―happy, affirmative New Age jargon‖ with which we could ―blissfully dance ourselves into unknowing oblivion‖ for several life-times to come, but behind the ―jargon‖, there are real energetic realities taking place. And it is through the response to those underlying energetic realities that we will meet with the reality of experiential energetic consequence.‘ Now, the jump of paragraph here to stay on point here; here‘s where we get into Encryption Lattices: ‗The ―reality in core frequency-vibration” of a being, thought, idea, emotion, matterform, or any manifest ―thing‖ represents what is called the ―core radiation-encryption‖. This core truth in frequency-vibration is in actuality the frequency-vibration of the core energyradiation signature held within the morphogenetic field template lattice, upon which the organization of the multi-dimensional form of any manifest ―thing‖ is structured. The morphogenetic field template is referred to as a ―lattice‖ because it is a constantly fluctuating, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 200
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flowing field of intricate, interwoven geometrical forms and patterns made of minute points of radiation, that exists within, behind and surrounding the matter-form that manifests upon it. ‗In terms of this core-radiation ―Encryption Lattice‖, even ―invisible phenomena‖ such as ―thoughts‖, ―ideas‖ and ―emotions‖ are literal manifest things, possessing tangible form, structure, matter-expression and a core Encryption Lattice somewhere within the multidimensional spectrum. The ―cumulative sum of the frequency-vibration‖ of the core Encryption Lattice at any given moment in time is called the ―Base Pulse Rhythm‖ or ―BPR‖. It is the ―BPR‖ of the morphogenetic field Encryption Lattice that draws a manifest form into the cumulative energetic consequence corresponding to the “BPR” of its energetic Lattice.‘ That means, if you just have thoughts: ‗I‘m going to do all my big thoughts and I‘m not going to focus on anything but my happy thoughts‘, that will be part of your BPR of your Encryption Lattice. But what are your atoms doing? Do you know? Because if what is happening on the atomic level, say through psychotronics that are being beamed through the planet directly into our bodies, you will, no matter how many happy thoughts you think, it‘s still going to go into an alignment that you are not choosing. That‘s why they are bringing the Encryption Lattices to our attention. Ok now, ‗The ―Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect‖ expresses within Ascension Systems as the ―Law of Reciprocal Attraction‖ through which the Encryption Lattice of a manifest form is drawn into reciprocal, or mutual, relationship with its corresponding energetic consequence; it is the ―Law of Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment‖ which simply means that the specific core frequency-vibration or ―BPR‖ of a matter form‘s Encryption Lattice will draw that matter form into relationship with other matter forms that have a correspondingly similar Encryption Lattice and ―BPR‖.‘ Now from here they go into a little bit about the ‗Paths of Rise and Fall‘, because that Law of Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment applies to Ascension Systems, but it works a bit differently in Fall Systems, and right now we are in a Blended System. All right. So, now in the path, ‗In the Re-evolutionary Path of Accretion or Ascension‟— that‘s the re-evolutionary path where we are re-evolving and accreting ourselves back into our wholeness, right? ‗In the Re-evolutionary Path of Accretion or Ascension, ―like-encryption attracts like-encryption‖ and ―opposite polarities attract”‘. So we still have the opposite electrical polarities attracting. Beneath that,‗like encryption attracts like encryption‘—ok— ‗through Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment of common BPR-core frequency-vibration between the morphogenetic field Encryption Lattice of a manifest form and the Encryption Lattice of the greater ―Unified Field‖ around us. Because of this dynamic, a manifest individual can use ―Free Will‖ to ―create its own reality‖ because its personal Encryption Lattice is connected to the larger Encryption Lattice of the greater Unified Field through an organic common neutral field through which energy openly circulates in mutually appropriate proportions, allowing for perpetual quantum exchange and self-regeneration between the personal Encryption Lattice and Unified Field Encryption Lattice.
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‗Through this organic common neutral field, the individual can consciously direct the BPR and geometrical-mathematical contours of the personal morphogenetic field Encryption Lattice within a perpetual co-resonant relationship of mutual energy exchange‘, which means the Unified Field isn‘t dragging you around, because there is this neutral space where your Encryption Field meets that has to do with the physics of the energy. Where you meet with the Unified Field, you still have Free Will Choice where, whatever the dominant pattern in the immediate Unified Field is, your Planetary Field will not drag you around. You can still change your Encryption Lattice in relation to that. This operates differently in Fall Systems. All right. ‗Through the common neutral field, the field of the individual remains connected to, but not controlled by, the greater-quantum Unified Field Encryption Lattice—thus the individual shares a perpetual, reciprocally cooperative relationship with the living Unified Field. In Ascension Systems, for every action there is a reciprocally appropriate reaction. In Ascension Systems, the ―Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect‖ expresses as the ―Eternal Law of Reciprocity or Mutuality‖, which leads to progressive identity-accretion into wholeness and eventual Self-Transfiguration into eternal-life consciousness through the dynamics of ―Stardust Return‖ in Krystar Ascension.‘ All right. So Stardust is, literally, when we turn ourselves into particulates in the Ascension process; they are living particulates, which is a very different process than what happens in Fall systems. Now, ‗In the De-evolutionary Path of Annihilation or Fall,‘ – all right, so we had Reevolutionary Path of Accretion, coming together into wholeness, now the opposite of that is the ‗De-evolutionary Path of Annihilation or Fall‘. This is interesting. They are trying to put this in a simple way where it takes it out of the good-verses-evil framework, all of that; so people coming in can have a basic understanding of why we differentiate between certain teachings, why we need to look at those things. So, ‗In the De-evolutionary Path of Annihilation or Fall, ―opposite encryptions and opposite polarities attract.‖‘ Now in the natural systems, opposite polarities attract, but like encryptions attract. That is changed in the De-evolutionary Fall Paths where you have ―opposite encryptions and opposite polarities attract‖. Ok, and ‗They attract through Adhesive Disharmonic Alignment of opposite BPR-core-frequency-vibration between the morphogenetic field Encryption Lattice of a manifest form and the Encryption Lattice of a greater-quantum ―Quarantined Field‖‘. So this is different. So when you print these out, because you can print these out once they are posted, you can just look at each sentence, one by one. ‗Ok, they said that for the Fall, and this one—one on the Rise and one on the Fall‘; you can see the differences more easily. A lot of times what they will do, when they are bringing these type of things through, they will give me the sentence structure for the top one, then they‘ll have me copy it and then I‘ll just change the words to show its opposite, so it still has the flow where you can understand which parts correspond with which parts between the Rise and the Fall, for example. So, let‘s see… ok I‘ll read that line over again just because the next one refers right back to it: ‗In the De-evolutionary Path, ―opposite encryptions and polarities attract‖ through Adhesive Disharmonic Alignment‘ as opposed to the of Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 32 of 200
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BPRs.‘ It‘s actually adhesive; they stick together, Disharmonic Alignment, almost like syncopated alignment, part-reversed, part-forward and where it creates an unnatural bond. So, ‗Adhesive Disharmonic Alignment of opposite BPR-core-frequency-vibration between the morphogenetic field Encryption Lattice of a manifest form and the Encryption Lattice of a greater-quantum ―Quarantined Field‖ such as a black hole system.‘ Where the relationship between an individual in the living systems is with, literally, the entire Cosmos; the energy structure, the entire Cosmos, where in Fall Systems they are Quarantined Systems, black hole systems that are cut off from the natural flow and circulation of the Primal Life Force Currents and things. So it is a smaller quantum that the individual is interacting with as its Unified Field.‘ All right, ‗Because of this dynamic, a manifest individual has no Free Will; its personal Encryption Lattice is adhered to the larger Encryption Lattice of the greater-quantum Quarantined Field by an inorganic static bond through which energy cannot openly circulate.‘ So, this is instead of that neutral field that allows for that Free Will where you can move your own encryption around; this is, you are actually stuck on a larger one that will control your encryption for you. Ok so, ‗to adhere to the larger Encryption Lattice of a greater-quantum Quarantined Field by an inorganic static bond through which energy cannot openly circulate, but rather remains in an inorganic state of perpetual counterforce tension between the individual Encryption Lattice and the Quarantined Field Encryption Lattice.‘ So there‘s actually an ‗unnatural counter-force tension‘, a pull. One is trying to pull one way; one is trying to pull the other; but the larger quantum one will always win, and that will be the larger field that the individual is stuck within. ‗Through this inorganic field of counter-force tension, the field of greater quantum to which the individual is bonded will control and direct, by ―Quantum Dominance‖, the contours and BPR of the personal Encryption Lattice—thus the individual cannot consciously direct the BPR and geometrical mathematical contours of the personal morphogenetic field Encryption Lattice, as it can only respond in subjugate service to the Encryption Lattice of the greater-quantum field to which it is adhered. ‗In Fall Systems, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.‘ That‘s what science here tells us it is the way it is everywhere; it isn‘t. In natural systems, it is the reciprocally appropriate reaction as opposed to equal and opposite. In simple terms, equal and opposite reaction gives you: if somebody hits you, you hit him back, right? I mean simple as that, and that is usually not the right thing to do, but it goes into laws of physics and how they apply. Ok. ‗…in Fall Systems, the ―Cosmic Law of Cause and Effect‖ expresses as the ―Finite Law of Polarity Competition‖‘, wherein the Eternal-life Systems‘ cause and effect expresses as Eternal Law of Reciprocity or Mutuality. In the Finite Systems, in the Fall Systems, is the, ―Finite Law of Polarity Competition‖, which leads to progressive identity-fragmentation and eventual self-annihilation to the dynamics of ―Space-dust Return‖ in what‘s called Death Star implosion.‘ We‘ll learn more about what the Death Star is. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 33 of 200
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Ok, ‗Contemporary Earth is presently a ―Blended System‖ with over 66% of its Encryption Lattice in Fall System BPR alignment.‘ So this becomes a problem when we have 2012, as we‘ll find out. Now, in regard to, …‘the Sacred Sciences of Ascension Systems and the Death Sciences of Fall Systems, the MCEO Freedom Teachings® and the Guardians are not interested in ―proving which is right or which is wrong‖. From the MCEO perspective, there is no ―polarity drama‖ between the two view points and the reality systems they form.‘ It is an interesting perspective on how to look at the Fall-System-and-Rise-System concept. ‗BOTH viewpoints are known as ―The Truth‖‘ —this is where it is all true— ‗are known as the truth within the Unified Big Picture of Eternity. The Sacred Ascension Sciences contained within the ancient MCEO CDT-Plate teachings represent a record of The Truth corresponding to the re-evolutionary path of genuine eternal-life Ascension; this truth is imbued within the Encryption Lattice and demonstrated throughout the structures, mathematics, processes and dynamics inherent to every Ascension System and for which the MCEO paradigm stands.‘ So, literally, within all the structures that we talked about the Light Body structure, the Spirit Body structures; all the processes that we‘ve taught that go with that anatomy that the encryption that that information holds; because, remember, every thought, every idea has an encryption pattern underneath it. All of the information that we‘ve been taught from the CDTPlates holds the encryption of Ascension, Ascension Encryption in its Core Lattice. Now, ‗The Metatronic Death Sciences contained within the ancient ―Bloom of Doom‖ teachings represent a record of the truth corresponding to the ‗De-evolutionary Path of genuine finite life expansion.‘ So they are both true in correspondence to what they create. All right? So that is true too. The Death Science teachings are true corresponding to ‗De-evolutionary Path of genuine finite life expansion.‘ So, finite life expansion is actually what it creates; in a Fall System it actually creates a perpetually expanding universe that eventually self destructs, all right? That‘s what science is telling us is happening in our Universe out there. So these are what they are saying is both perspectives are true; they are completely true in relation to what they create, ok? All right, now, just like the truth of the Ascension Sciences are imbued within the mathematics, the sacred geometries, the things that we teach, well, the same applies to the geometries and things that are used in the Death Sciences as they call them. So this truth of Fall is imbued within and demonstrated throughout the, ‗… structures, mathematics, processes and dynamics inherent to every Fall System, and for which the Bloom of Doom paradigm stands.‘ So, literally, both are true in relation to what they create. So it‘s like: get over the good-verses-evil drama and all that polarity! In the larger picture they both exist as truths in relation to what is created through them and what they stand for; the core truth would be the encryption that is literally underneath them. All right. ‗Thus the contradictory perspectives are both Absolutely True in relation to the realities of energetic consequence each respectively creates and embodies, as they coexist as part of the ―IS-ness‖ within the Unified Big Picture reality of Cosmic Eternity.‘. So they are both part of the Cosmic Truth, part of the ―IS-ness‖ of reality. ‗Both perspectives are ―true in relation to their own energetic objective‖ and ―false in relation to the objectives of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 34 of 200
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other‖‘. So, what is our truth of Ascension would be considered false by those who are choosing Fall Path, and vice versa. Right. ‗The greatest difference between these realities aside, from the quality of evolutionary experience within them,‘ is that, like the eternal-life Cosmos, ‗Ascension Systems are eternal and represent a path of Source-Return through the Innocent Knowing of Stardust wholeness— whereas unlike the eternal Cosmos, Fall Systems are finite and represent a path of Source-Return through Innocent Unknowing of space-dust fragmentation.‘ So, it‘s literally as simple as that. It‘s not worth fighting over whose gods are better and all that kind of silly nonsense that most of the planet is stuck in right now. It comes down to Sacred Physics and what creates what is the reality that is taking place. As long as we have the division between Spirit and Science paradigms, we have religions and we have sciences and they always disagree with each other; they are both missing the point because you can‘t— Ascension doesn‘t happen without the unification of those 2 things. Ok, let‘s see; I like this saying: ‗That which is eternal remains eternal, and that which is finite eventually self-destructs, returning to its Source as undifferentiated units of consciousness; the God-Source Conscious Unified Field allows for the expression of both perspectives through application of the Gift of Free Will, and each expression will have its corresponding experiential consequence. All beings and things were originally manifest from the Common Eternal GodSource Conscious Unified Field, through the eternal dynamics of Sacred Science, and all were equally imbued with the birth right of Ascension and the gift of FreeWchoice. ‗The eternal Cosmos‘—this is interesting— ‗The Eternal Cosmos does not require Fall Systems in order to ―achieve and maintain its balance‖‘, which means that, even if nobody in the entire Cosmos chose to do anything that broke any of the organic natural physics laws and there were no false systems, the natural living systems are not dependent on the presence of Fall Systems to balance the polarities, which is an argument I‘ve heard in various spots. ‗Oh wow, the good guys couldn‘t do it. They were doing it, if it weren‘t for the bad guys‘. That‘s not true; it‘s just not true. It was, the only reason the concept of Fall Systems were allowed was so Free Will Choice will have free rein. The only thing that tempers Free Will Choice is not God pointing a finger and zapping you with a lightning bolt; you zap yourself with a lightning bolt, because you will get consequence energetically to what energetic things you put out and it‘s as simple as that. It just takes the whole understanding of how the Universe works out of the polarity drama, where everybody is nitpicking on each other, and nobody agrees; that kind of thing. We can actually get an understanding of how it works, so you can make better choices. Ok, let‘s see…yeah. ‗Source simply allowed for the potentiality of Fall Systems as a means for expression of Free Will Choice. The Eternal Cosmic Laws of Multidimensional Physics were created by Source to serve as an organic moderator to Free Will Choice, through the dynamics of cause, affect and consequence, and it is through the dynamics inherent to these Cosmic Laws that eternal Living Balance is perpetually maintained, with or without the presence of Fall Systems.‘ So, even if they all went away and everything got healed, it would still work; we would still have materialization, manifestation; we would probably have a lot of other things to do with our time instead of dragged to rescue Falling Systems. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 200
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‗The question over ―which path is right or which path is wrong‖ simply comes down to ―choosing the energetic Truth that most suits you‖ and your Encryption Lattice—the energetic consequence and experiential ―out-picture‖ of that chosen truth will be yours, whatever you decide. The reality of ―who and what you are‖ is the energetic truth in frequency-vibration held within your Encryption Lattice. In Ascension Systems, Free Will is the tool we use to ―create our own personal evolutionary destiny‖ within the preordained framework of the Cosmic Unified Field.‘ So, life is not pre-destined; there is a pre-ordained framework that exists, and within that framework we have complete Free Will. The only thing that tempers that is how energy works, as far as how physics works, and that is how we get our consequence, all right? It will sometimes help from cosmic fallen ones who like to really tip systems on their side, when they are here, like we have right now. Ok, let‘s see…ok. So we have, ‗Free Will is a tool we use to ―create our own reality‖ within the preordained framework of the Cosmic Unified Field through conscious direction of the contours and the ―BPR‖ cumulative core frequency-vibration of our personal Encryption Lattice.‘ Back to the Encryption Lattice again; it must be important, whatever it is, because it seems like we‘ve worked with all sorts of levels of our anatomy and progressively healed them and got them up, so we go to the next level of healing. Now we are getting into the core program set that, literally, floats around our fields; it changes from second to second, nanosecond to nanosecond, probably with every thought we think and also with every image we hold, with every photograph we see, with every song we hear, with everything that gets beamed through the Planetary Field. So there is this level, and it has to do with our bio-magnetic fields. Just like in the planetary level, it has to do with the geomagnetic field, and that is what is right now, what is happening with the Planetary Geomagnetic Field that we get a micro-reflection of it in our bodies. It is 66% Metatronic at this point, and it is going to go into what they call the 55-Spin Activation in 2012, which is a definite problem for the life fields on the planet. Ok. Anyway, ‗In Fall Systems, the personal power of Free Will Choice and control of the personal Encryption Lattice is progressively subjugated to the greater-quantum power of the Encryption Lattice of the environmental collective.‘ That is what is happening to most people, and the life forms on this planet, all right? There are things happening that are so huge most people don‘t even know such things exist in the Planetary Fields themselves. These things will directly, progressively take control of the individual Encryption Lattices of persons, which means progressively people will lose Free Will Choice in relation to their evolutionary destiny. What‘s sad about it is, they won‘t even know it‘s happening, or not that they do now either, the general populations. So the reason the Beloveds are bringing this information, even at this level, out is to give at least 1 level of step-down; there‘ll be simpler ones after this too. It‘s like a last call, people, because 2012 is going to happen and some fascinating things and horrifying things are going to happen during that period. Could be a lot worse though; we are not going to roll, so this is really good. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 200
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We‘ll go onto the next bit. I‘ll skip a little bit there, and then take into another section. This one is under the sub-heading. It‘s called ‗The Human Dilemma,‘ and the whole heading is called ‗The Human Dilemma, ―Channels‖, Earth Extinctions, 2012 & the Planetary Encryption Lattice‘. All right. So they are not going to read the whole thing on this. We won‘t talk about the channels tonight or any of that. That will be there for when it‘s supposed to. Let‘s see; we‘ll bring it back to Encryption Lattices. They mentioned a little bit in here, Encryption Lattices. It says, ‗When the events of history and contemporary times are viewed with an understanding of the function of Encryption Lattices and their direct role in creating ―evolutionary path alignments‖ through the reality of BPR co-resonance, it can be understood that ―specific mass beliefs‖ create corresponding ―specific contours in geometrical-mathematical patterns‖ within the collective ―Species Encryption Lattice‖, and resultantly within the Planetary Encryption Lattice, all of which directly affects the core BPR alignment of the planet, and thus the planet‘s evolutionary path alignment.‘ So, look at what we are being beamed with at this point: We‘ve got Nostradamus doing it; we‘ve got the Bible too; everybody is trying to—the Mayans are doing it, as far as, ‗Oh, it‘s going to be the End Times‘ scenarios. We are getting this beamed on TV shows all over the place at this point. Yeah, it‘s big hype and that‘s going to be hyped even more, because there are certain forces that are indeed trying to make that occur. By taking a collective of people and convincing them a certain thing is true, even if it isn‘t, you still create an energy signature that holds that reality in truth, and that truth will line up with one or the other systems of truth. It will either take you to a Fall or take you to a Rise. In believing in that particular scenario, there‘s a lot of people who do both in Science and Spirituality paradigms; they are literally aligning their personal Encryption Matrix with the Fall System. We‘ll find out more about what 2012 is about as we go on, and it‘s just kind of mind blowing, actually! If they had given it to me, ‗Oh, my God!‘ All right? It did explain one thing. I always wondered what happens after the 13 th breath in a certain ―Bloom of Doom‖ paradigm. (A & A confer) It might be the 17th; ok, whatever it is. Anyway, we get a clue as to what happens after it activates to 55—oh boy! Oh magical vehicles that is—take you straight to hell! A‘san: What did you say? A‘sha: It‘s a little magical vehicle takes us straight to Hades (A‘sha chuckles). A‘san: All right. A‘sha: Ok. Now we are going to move in, as we talk about Encryptions, and Rise and Fall Paths and Alignments with them, through our Core Encryption in this Encryption Lattice, lining up with either Fall Path or Rise Path. Then we talked a little bit, just about the mass beliefs and your own personal beliefs, and how they affect what the dominant quantum will be in the Planetary Encryption Field or Encryption Lattice.
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Now, they are going to move into what are called the ‗5 Mass Extinction Events‘. They are going to jump here a bit. There‘s not too much in between, actually, on page—right, that— yeah, it gets into the channels a bit there. We don‘t really need to cover that tonight. You can read it in context later. They want to get into the Mass Extinction bits, because this will bring us into understanding some of the things that are going on, on the planet now, that we are moving to toward 2012. So we can get to the most important stuff, which is an answer to some very interesting questions that, once you know certain things, you definitely—how they worded it, they worded it as ‗It begs a host of questions!‘ Yeah, that they can finally start answering. So we‘ll get through this part. The next parts they are going to talk about are, ‗The ―5 Mass Extinction Events‖‘ that have historically occurred on Earth: one approximately 446 million years ago, one about 364 million years ago, one about 252 million years ago, which was the largest; one about 200 million years ago called the TJ Event, and one about 65 million years ago called the KT Event, which is one where all the dinosaurs went elsewhere. ‗These were NOT ―happenstance occurrences that resulted from organic environmental conditions‖; these events were deliberately and specifically purposed extermination events orchestrated by competing Illuminati-Elder race ET groups as part of their long-running battle over ―Earth Templar Star-Gate dominion‖. All of these ―extermination events‖ took place prior to Angelic Human Seeding-1‘, 25 million years ago on this planet. On Parallel Earth it was 250 million years ago, but we‘ve only been on this side for 25 million; ‗…and all were created, all those events were created in order to change the mathematical-geometrical patterns of Earth‘s Core Encryption Lattice Morphogenetic Field.‘ So you wipe species out that hold certain vibrations and it changes the Planetary Encryption Lattice. All right. So, literally, these were done in order to get control, or try to control, the coding of the Encryption Lattice, ‗by removing the Encryption Lattices of ―undesired life-forms‖ from the Encryption Lattice of Earth‘s collective life-field.‘ All right? So those events were created on purpose specifically to do that; it was all about the Templar getting control of Earth‘s StarGates. We‘ll find out later why they are so important to them. All right, we know a little bit from what we learnt so far, but I could see even better. ‗The technologies by which such enormous effects like these Extinctions can be generated are the product of ―Bloom of Doom” Metatronic Death Science applications. During the Atlantean periods of 13,400 BC (about 15,000 years ago), and 10,948 BC (about 13,000 years ago), these pre-ancient Metatronic Death Science technologies were once again slowly but progressively re-awakened to serve an instrumental role in the Illuminati Master Plan Agenda.‘ That‘s why they are going here, because the Master Plan Agenda has to do with 2012, all right? Then they have a little bit on—in this particular re-writing, because it is a summary, these little in-parentheses things of ‗You can find more information on this here, here, here and here,‘ like what books, what workshops, that kind of stuff; so I‘ll skip that part. Then, ‗So in contemporary times, all humans, both ―Angelic‖ and ―Illuminati‖ alike, share a ―common human dilemma‖, as together we are facing a rapidly approaching ―appointment with destiny‖ during which the evolutionary potentials of human kind will be finally determined. Presently, both the ―Great White Hope of Enlightenment‖ that the New Age movement was intended to become, and the ―traditional brotherhoods‖ of religion and science that this ―Great White Other-hood‖ was planning to ―assimilate‖, are together wandering blindly The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 38 of 200
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toward a collective destiny, where they will have little conscious choice as to the ―nature of global events‖ in which they will become progressively entrenched. ‗Currently, both the ―traditional‖ and the ―New Age‖ collectives are unknowingly becoming, to quote an earlier passage‘—now this passage, I pulled it from an earlier one where they talked about things that happened in history; and they talked about all of Atlantis and what happened in Atlantis. This was said in relation to that historical period, and they are pulling it up because it is happening exactly now. They said, ―To quote an earlier passage, ‗a ―massive Metatronically coded biological electro-magnetic human quanta‘‖ —which is how the Illuminati look at Humans— ‗who performs specific spiritual energy rituals at various key sacred site locations of Earth‘s Templar during ‘—and I said, and they were talking about a different period— ‗ during all important periods of‘—they didn‘t call them Ascension Cycles yet, because they haven‘t revealed those words yet, but they are saying here, ‗during this all-important period of Earth‘s Stellar Activation Cycle‘, right. The passage continues: „This process of “invasion from within” worked relatively well in fulfilling the Illuminati small-scale agendas of the ancient Atlantean period, culminating in ”Fall by design” of Atlantean culture and resultant cataclysmic destruction of the territories of Atlantis. These “small Illuminati victories” of Atlantis represented “baby steps” in the fulfillment of a much larger “Illuminati Master Plan” to which the “small steps” were intended to lead.‘ Then here it went: ‗Sound familiar?‘ because that‘s what we talked about before in the other context of the history, right? So yes again, once again ―Atlantis IS Rising,‖ to repeat its ugly history all over again, but this time it‘s the ―Final Conflict Drama‖ and the ―Final Big Game‖ is on. Ok, ‗The ―baby-steps‖ of the ancient Atlantean Illuminati victories have now become the ―giant steps‖ of an invisible Illuminati-Elder Leviathan Goliath—the Illuminati-Elders‘—when I say ‗Illuminati-Elders‘, we‘re talking about the off-planet ones, the ET and other dimensional ones, not just their children which are the Illuminati humans; they are part-humans, the ones on planet, at least on the outside, some of them. There are some that are very still human. We all have a bit of the Illuminati codes with us for now, but there are some serious Reptilians hanging out in human form, yeah, and some others too. Anyway, these were the baby steps of Atlantis that were meant to lead up to now, and now these are giant steps of the invisible, because people don‘t realize it‘s happening, the Illuminati-Elder Leviathan Goliath. ‗The Illuminati-Elders are dedicated, as they have been since long before Atlantis, to their ―Prime Objective‖ of seizing dominion of Earth‘s Star-Gates, through control of the Planetary Encryption Lattice and geomagnetic field. The only reason that the Angelic Human lineage was permitted to survive, and the only reason the Illuminati-Human races were so painstakingly cultivated, was to enable the off-planet Illuminati-Elder races direct bio-electronic access to Earth‘s Star-Gates during a Stellar Activation Cycle. ‗In the view of the Illuminati-Elder races, once bio-electronic Star Gate access was accomplished, and Earth‘s Star-Gates were opened on a dominant Metatronic Code, through the presence of both the Angelic Humans‘—who had certain key codes that they couldn‘t interbreed in— ‗and the Illuminati-Human genetic lines, then both Earth human gene lines‘—both Illuminati and ―Earth human‖ will have ―served their purposes‖ and ―become redundant‖‘. They are planning to get rid of us all as soon as we got the Gates open, and that goes for the Illuminati ones too. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 39 of 200
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‗The ―point of species redundancy‖ within the Prime Objective of the Illuminati Master Plan, is the point at which Earth‘s Star-Gates would open under Metatronic dominance during a Stellar Activation Cycle. This point has been scheduled by the Illuminati-Elders for about 13,000 years to occur between the end of 2012 AD and the beginning of 2013 AD, and at this point, the Illuminati-Elders have long intended to orchestrate the ―6 th and last Earth Extinction‖, through rapid shift of Earth‘s geomagnetic poles.‘ Ok, next section is called, ‗The Big Game, the Show, Pertinent Questions and the Silver Seed Awakening‟. (To A‘san) It‘s very quiet I noticed. Ok, and here is kind of funny; I tend to not word things this way, so this is one of those where the Beloveds kind of came through like they do sometimes in the Voyagers, but it still seems like it‘s kind of odd. They said, ‗Dear People, the ―…BPR—right, like people out there on Planet Earth, right; ‗the ―…BPR Showdown‖ is on; are we going to pull up a chair, grab a bowl of popcorn and just sit, ―just watch the show unfold‖? Are we going to make an effort to achieve some conscious control over our personal evolutionary destinies? The choice is fully up to each individual and MCEO humbly respects whatever your Free Will Choice may be. Sadly, most human populations do not even realize that the ―show has been released into the theatre‖, and so will continue to move forward within the ―Atlantean Waking Dream‖ of long ago, from which we all emerged. For those of us who still care about our personal evolutionary destinies, positive, love-based, joy-filled things can be done in preparation for, and following 2012 which will provide the opportunity for us to SHIFT ourselves into a more desirable evolutionary alignment than that of the ―Path of Fall‖ to which the primary quantum of Earth is now engaged through 66% quantum alignment of its Planetary Encryption Lattice and geomagnetic field to the Metatronic code. Earth‘s current predicament ―begs a host of questions‖ that the MCEO Guardians can now begin to address:‘ —this is where it gets really interesting! Oh boy! We‘ll start with simple questions: Simple question 1: ‗Will Earth‘s current ―SAC‖, Stellar Activation Cycle, ―Ascension Cycle‖, Star-Gate opening period continue?‘ Like, will all that revert? Is the game still on as far as Ascension or is it just—‗help us!‘ The answer to that is: ‗Yes‘—it will continue—‗but with extensive modifications, which will be progressively addressed in coming MCEO teachings. In 2003, Earth‘s Halls of Amenti StarGate System fell to Metatronic Illuminati control; the MCEO Guardians‘ efforts to rehabilitate the Amenti Gates failed by 2003 end. And thus the Encryption Lattice of Earth‘s Amenti StarGates no longer aligns with the organic Ascension Passages of the Living Cosmos, but rather aligns with the Metatronic wormhole structures that interface with the fallen Parallel EarthParallel Milky Way Black Hole System. ‗With the fall of Amenti Gates in 2003, the MCEO Guardians have progressively activated a very ancient network of trans-dimensional Earth Interface Star-Gates which include the ―Arc of the Covenant-Hub Gate Network‖, the ―Polarian Gate System‖, and the ―Na-VA‘-Ho The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 40 of 200
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Spanner Core Gate System‖, which together, in 2012, will allow for the opening of the ―Aurora Silver Seed Gates‖ through which Earth‘s Templar can retain direct connection to the Living Cosmic Templar Ascension Passages despite the Illuminati scheduled 2012 opening of the fallen line Parallel Alpha-Omega Gates into Earth‘s captured Halls of Amenti Star-Gates.‘ So they are planning to open the Alpha-Omega Wormhole Gates into Amenti Gates. Ok, ‗Through the opening of the Aurora Silver Seed Gates, Earth‘s Arc of the Covenant, Polarian, and Na-VA‘-Ho Spanner Core Gates Networks will fully open in 2012, keeping the potentials of genuine eternal-life Ascension viable on Earth during the current SAC.‘ So that was a simple answer to that question. The next one is not too bad, or is it? That‘s, oh, one and one-half page answer on the next one. Ok, the next question was—this is interesting too. There‘ll be more Summary-1 on this too: ‗Why did Illuminati-Elders schedule the fulfillment of their Master Plan Prime Objective for 2012AD?‘ Where did that come from? They pulled it out of a hat, all right? ‗In 22,326BC, the Illuminati Earth Templar Quest ended in a ―stalemate‖ between Guardian and Illuminati races. Since that time, both groups knew that the ―Templar Conflict Drama Showdown‖ would occur during the next SAC Star Gate Opening Cycle, as the Illuminati force required Earth‘s Halls of Amenti Star-Gates to be opened in order to fulfill their agenda of using inorganic Metatronic wormhole structures to ―blend the Encryption Lattice of Earth‘s Templar with that of the fallen Parallel Milky Way Galaxy‖. Earth‘s next SAC was not due until 4230 AD, but the Metatronic Fall Gate artificial wormhole structures of Parallel Milky Way and Parallel Earth were due to open in our time equivalent of 2012AD.‘ So the reason they are focused here is because that‘s when their gates were opening in Parallel, but ours were out of sync. They are running on about, at this point I think, about a 25,771-year cycle, I believe at this point, where ours naturally go on a 26,556-year cycle. This gets into some interesting historical things that have been done on this planet in order to synchronize the gates. ‗In the 13,400 BC and 10,948 BC Earth Atlantean periods, the Illuminati Force succeeded in orchestrating 2 inorganic accelerations of Earth‘s ―wobble‖, the ―precession of the equinox cycle‖, and Encryption Lattice. These accelerations caused an inorganic time-acceleration within portions of Earth‘s Templar and Halls of Amenti Star Gate System, which would cause Earth‘s Halls of Amenti Star-Gates to open prematurely in the 2012—2013AD period, for Encryption Lattice blending with the opened Fall Gates Cycle of the Parallel Milky Way Black Hole System. The Earth‘s Amenti Gates would open in this time period only if there were sufficient number of Illuminati-Human hybrid races on Earth to run the bio-electric Amenti Gate Codes into Earth‘s Templar during this ―Parallel Gate Alignment‖. The Illuminati Parallel Gate Alignment is called the ―Alpha-Omega Alignment‖, which occurs between October of 2012 and February of 2013, with peak alignment on December 21st 2012‘, which is the Winter Solstice. ‗If the Illuminati-Elder Agenda succeeded, Earth‘s Amenti Star-Gates would be prematurely forced opened to engage direct Encryption Lattice and Merkaba Field Blend with Parallel The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 41 of 200
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Earth, through opening of the Metatronic wormholes within the black hole center of our Milky Way Galaxy,‘ which is what they were trying the beginning of, before in 2003, with the Dimensional Blend Experiment that we talked about in the Voyagers books, that we actually headed off in the pass when we went to Andorra and did the Grid Work there. Now, when 2012 comes, they are going to have to do that step that they were trying to do then, that they didn‘t succeed in doing. They are going to have to incorporate that then. They were expecting to get to what‘s called the ―Metatronic-55‖ point, which we will talk about later; they were hoping to do that in 2003 and they would have controlled everything from that point forward. They didn‘t make it then, but they were going to make it in 2012, as far as that goes. Now, ‗In preparation for the ―Parallel Alignment‖‘—or referred to as ‗Parallel Alignment‘ right now; it gets a bit more detailed as far as alignment with what Parallel Gates, but more, all right? ‗In preparation for the ―Parallel Alignment‖ and the Illuminati-scheduled ―Earth human 2012 Earth appointment with the Illuminati destiny‖, the Illuminati-Elder races progressively orchestrated the ―Common-man Mass DNA Mutation‖‘ - that we‘ve talked about in the Voyagers books - ‗through which the Illuminati-Human line—carrying the Amenti Star Gate Codes‘, interbred from the Angelic Humans – ‗would be ―ready‖ for the ―2012-2013 AD AlphaOmega Alignment‖‘. So they could be ready to run the codes in on reverse, open Amenti on reverse, so they could receive the Metatronic broadcast that would be coming in from the wormholes. ‗Throughout the history of this Atlantean Drama, since the 22,326 BC ―stalemate‖, the GAMCEO-Krystal River Guardians progressively attempted to postpone the ―Final Conflict Drama‖ until the organic next Amenti Gates SAC of 4230 AD, but intended to intervene directly if the Illuminati Force attempted to orchestrate early opening of Earth‘s Halls of Amenti Star-Gates in 2012 to engage the Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment. ‗In 1984 AD, the Guardians initiated the ―Bridge Zone Project‖ Templar Restoration Mission‘— this was talked about in the Voyagers books—‗and began early opening of the Amenti StarGates for the 2012 to 2017 period, because they discovered that Earth met with a cataclysmic end in the future probability of 2976 AD, and thus Earth would not make it to the next organic Stellar Activation Cycle of 4230 AD. ‗If the Bridge Zone Project had been successful, Earth‘s Encryption Lattice would have been restored to organic Ascension Path Alignment, and the Illuminati 2012 Master Plan of the Alpha-Omega Alignment would be prevented. With the fall of Earth‘s Halls of Amenti StarGates to Metatronic control in 2003, the Bridge Zone Project evolutionary option failed by 2006. Thus Earth is currently in the middle of the covert ―Final Conflict Drama‖ and rapidly approaching the 2012 Illuminati Alpha-Omega Alignment and its intended ―Last Extinction‖ Agenda. ‗The date of 2012 AD was chosen by the Illuminati-Elder races as the point of fulfillment for their Master Plan-Prime Objective because it is the date-period in which the Fall-Gate system of Parallel Earth and Parallel Milky Way open into the Metatronic Wormholes in our Galactic Core. It is at the point in time at which the Alpha-Omega Alignment between Earth‘s accelerated Templar and the fallen Parallel Galactic Templar system can engage inorganic The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 42 of 200
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Metatronic Blending through the Metatronic wormhole system in the black hole core of our Milky Way Galaxy. Simply put, the Metatronic Encryption Lattice of Earth‘s Halls of Amenti Star-Gates aligns with that of the fallen Parallel Earth and Parallel Milky Way through our Galactic Core, to engage the ―Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment‖.‘ That last sentence was in simple terms. So this is what 2012 is about. There is this alignment, it‘s not—and it‘s funny: there is all sorts of people out there trying to predict what the alignment is with Galactic Core because the Mayan calendar gave some hints to it that kind of thing. But there is underlying things that they are not going to fully understand what those alignments mean if they don‘t understand what is the Galactic Core connected to for example. All right, this has been part of the big secret since the Atlantean period: the part that the Beloveds hadn‘t talked about when they first gave the book Voyagers, because we were still hoping that it wouldn‘t get to this point if a lot of the Annu races have held their treaties with us, this, the activation of the Templar wouldn‘t have gone this far. But they are releasing the whole thing at this point because it has gone this far, and we‘ve got 3 years to be ready for this fiasco, which is basically what this is going to be. Ok, next question: uh-oh, let me see if this is the long one. (A & A confer) I think I want to read this one first, though. We‘re supposed to do a coffee break at 1:00, but I think I want to just get through, get this one before we go any place again. Ok, now, the next question. I think this, yeah, this was the one that took forever to answer, so I‘m sure I‘ll be glad for a short break after we finish, however many pages it is, 6 or 8 or whatever. ‗What is the core purpose behind the Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective of forcing Earth into ―Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment‖ in 2012— and how can they achieve this Prime Objective?‘ Oh boy! You cannot believe how complicated the answer to that one is, not so much the first part; the core purpose is not hard to understand. How can they achieve it? Oh, this is like crash course in how Death Star Merkabas work! So, we‘ll start with, ‗During the ―Illuminati Templar victory‖ of the 10,948 BC Atlantean period, the Illuminati force succeeded in establishing a long range electromagnetic wormhole-link between the Solar Star-Gates at the core of our Sun and those at the core of our ―Parallel Sun‖ within the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy.‘ So they started with making wormholes between the two Suns. ‗The Illuminati-Elder races refer to the Fall-aligned black hole system of the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy as the ―Alpha Wormhole System‖ as it is the ―beginning point” from which their progressive invasion into our Milky Way Galaxy was launched long ago. The Illuminati-Elders referred to our Milky Way Galaxy as the ―Omega Wormhole System‖, as it is their ―intended end point‖ at which their progressive invasion will end with the fulfillment of the Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective; hence the term ―Alpha-Omega Fall Path Alignment‖. They were talking about the wormholes that lead to what we will read about now. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 200
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When the Illuminati-Elder races achieve their 10,948 BC Templar victory through the large scale Metatronic ―Bloom of Doom‖ Death Science applications, and successfully created the inorganic long range electromagnetic wormhole-link between our Sun‘s core Solar Star-Gates and those of the Parallel Sun, this ―wormhole link‖ enabled the Illuminati-Elders to create a massive solar space-time anomaly called the ―Solar Time-Torus Tunnel‖. The ―Solar TimeTorus Tunnel‖ formed an inorganic ―vesica pisces‖ blend, and resultant anomalous ―Tube Torus-shaped‖ Metatronic space-time adhesion field between our Milky Way Galaxy and the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy, through the core Star-Gates of their respective Suns.‘ So, our Sun and through the Sun that would be of Parallel Earth, right? They literally created this Time-Torus Tunnel. All right, this is just the beginning of a mess they have created and which is activating. ‗With creation of the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel, our Solar System became an inorganic ―binary star system‖ with the orbit of our Sun directly, unnaturally tied to the orbit of this invisible Parallel Sun. ‗At the 10,948 BC point in time where the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel was created, the solar orbit cycles brought the Solar Star-Gates of both Suns into direct alignment with the core Star-Gates of their respective Galactic Cores.‘ So, in this particular period of time in the Solar Cycles of each of the Systems that the Suns in each system, Parallel and here, align with the Galactic Cores like they would be our Sun‘s StarGates aligning with the Galactic Cores‘ Star-Gates in our system, and the same occurring over there. Now, we‘ll probably look at this a little bit more tomorrow, if I have time to do the diagrams where I can show a bit of what that looks like on Probability Map Alignments that we‘ve been working before. What happens next is quite fascinating. So they created, this is the big secret of what happened back about 13,000 years ago; it was the creation first of the Solar TimeTorus Tunnel. Ok, wait a minute. Let me see where I left off…. So, at that time that they were created in that time period, that is when both of the Sun‘s Star-Gates also were in alignment with the StarGates of the Galactic Centers. All right, now, ‗Through the inorganic link of the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel, the core Star-Gates of our Milky Way Galaxy were inorganically ―wormhole-linked‖ to the core Star-Gates of the Fall-aligned Parallel Milky Way Galaxy.‘ So, it literally went from, you had on the Parallel side, you had the Galactic Core Gates that linked into the Solar Gates at that time period, and then they linked those Solar Gates to our Solar Gates. Our Solar Gates were already linked into our Galactic Core, so it created a whole link of wormhole right across. It looks like a straight line, actually, when you see it on the Probability Maps, as I didn‘t have time to do those for today. ‗This Galactic Core wormhole link created a second, massive Tube Torus-shaped intergalactic space-time adhesion field surrounding the smaller Solar Time-Torus Tunnel. The The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 200
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inter-galactic space-time adhesion field created an inorganic inter-galactic space-time displacement field time rip called the ―Toral Rift‖‘—T-o-r-a-l, derived from Torus, Tube Torus, all right? So, the Toral Rift Time Rip, and remember this was created with the Solar whateverthey-call-it Time-Torus Tunnel. Some of these words tongue-tie me, but these are all created in the 10,948 BC period, right? So they created this ‗inter-galactic space-time displacement field time rip called the ―Toral Rift‖.‘ It was created around the smaller time tunnel at its center. This was, ‗also known as the ―Great Rift of Space-Time‖— between our Milky Way and the Parallel Milky Way galaxies.‘ They put in parens here: ‗The ancient Maya referred to the Toral Rift as the ―Black Road‘‖; and there‘s the, I don‘t know… I haven‘t studied the Mayan‘s stuff a lot, but there is something about in 2012 we‘re supposed to align with the ‗Black Road‘, and there is a word for it in the Mayan language. Yeah, ok. ‗The Illuminati-Elder forces from the Fall-aligned Parallel ―Alpha‖ Milky Way Galaxy System had been attempting for eons, long before Earth became ensnared in the drama, to create the ―Toral Rift Inter-galactic Time Rip” anomaly; this anomaly represented the ―final missing piece‖ of the ―inter-galactic Metatronic Alpha-Omega wormhole puzzle‖ they had been painstakingly assembling over many millions of years to fulfill the Prime Objective of their Omega System Invasion Master Plan‘; because they have been planning to invade this system so they could harness it, the quantum, which we will get to know a little bit. ‗Though the Alpha Illuminati-Elders‘—the ones from the Alpha System and the Parallel System, so we‘re now referring to them as the Alpha Illuminati-Elders—‗had come close to creating the ―inter-galactic Alpha-Omega Toral Rift anomaly‖ during various periods of inter-galactic history, they did not fully succeed in this endeavor until their Templar victory of the 10,948 BC Earth Atlantis.‘ So, after all the millions of years they‘ve been trying to do this, there‘s all sorts of warfares that we‘ve seen pieces of the history of, they never quite got this far, where they could actually bring the two systems together, forced them together, forced this system to fall, turn it into a black hole that gets eaten by the other black holes, so it fills the quantum of the other black hole that is going to explode itself if it doesn‘t get fed. So that‘s basically, in a nutshell ,what it is about; we have more than a nutshell here. ‗The Prime Objective of the Omega System Invasion Master Plan, for which the Alpha Illuminati-Elder races created the inter-galactic Toral Rift space-time rip and corresponding Alpha-Omega Wormhole Networks, was quite simple and single-minded. The Parallel Milky Way Alpha Galaxy long ago entered final Fall Alignment to become a self-contained, finitequantum ―Quarantined Black Hole Fall System‖ that was destined, by the eternal Cosmic Laws of Cause, Effect and Consequence, to engage the ―Path of Space-dust Return‖ upon expiration of its finite quantum, and resultant full-system particle/ anti-particle annihilation‘— because that is what happens in Fall Systems; that‘s how they go back to Space-dust Return. They implode and explode, and then in particulate form or back-to-Partiki consciousness, then they pick up back into the Living System and can get taken back to Source. They don‘t get taken back in with memory matrix or anything; you just go back to units of the Consciousness of Source kind of thing, which they each have a little bit of consciousness, but you won‘t The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 200
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remember who you were, where you came from kind of thing. Say, ‗Hi, I‘m a Partiki!‘ It will be about the extended identity. So, ‗The ―fallen‖ Alpha Illuminati-Elder races devised their Omega Invasion Master Plan agenda with the Prime Objective of ―ensnaring further quanta of living energy with which to feed their dying system,‖ in order to ―indefinitely postpone the inevitable Space-dust Return‖ of their galaxy. ‗The Alpha Illuminati-Elders employed large-scale use of the Metatronic “Bloom of Doom” Death Sciences to create the inorganic inter-galactic Alpha-Omega Wormhole Networks, and to create the inter-galactic ―Great Toral Rift‖ of 10,948 BC. The purpose of the Toral Rift intergalactic space-time displacement field Time Rip was‘—that‘s a fake description there—‗was, and is specifically, to draw the living energy quanta of the Milky Way Galaxy into their Fallaligned Parallel Milky Way Galaxy Black Hole, in order to ―feed the quantum spin‖ of their falling galaxy to postpone the organic consequence of its implosion. If the Alpha IlluminatiElders could succeed in this Prime Objective‘—this gets even better—‗they believed they would then be able to ―enlarge the plan‖ by ―devouring other neighboring galaxies,‖ following the expansion cycle ratios of the Fibonacci spiral, to orchestrate an artificial facsimile SecondCreation that could perpetually sustain itself through ―Forced Metatronic Feeding‖ from the living ―First-Creation‖ systems of the eternal-life Cosmos.‖ If they could go that far, they could go the whole distance! That‘s what they were thinking. Oh boy, what were they thinking? This is what they were thinking.
‗When the Alpha Illuminati-Elders succeeded in creating the ―Great Toral Rift‖ inter-galactic space-time displacement field in 10,948 BC Atlantis—through first creating the ―Solar TimeTorus Tunnel‖ wormhole-link between our Solar Core Star-Gates and those of Parallel (Sun) — a second time-acceleration of Earth‘s ―pole wobble‖ was simultaneously initiated.‘ The first one was the one that happened in 13,400 BC. More of that will be talked about in Summary-1, but it‘s where they did certain things that accelerated the cycle of the Equinox, and that occurred by accelerating the ―wobble‖ of the Earth‘s axis, which has something to do with what they did in the core. So, it was basically, all of that was done in order to have the Gate Alignments occur between the Amenti Gates on Parallel that were falling and the ones over here that weren‘t falling yet, but are now. Ok, let‘s see; so it‘s that period when they created the Toral Rift. That was a big accomplishment: creating the Toral Rift, when they did the second acceleration on the Precession of the Equinoxes on the planetary wobble. ‗The second ―Earth-pole wobble acceleration‖ accelerated the SAC Cycle of a portion of Earth‘s Halls of Amenti Gates into direct synchronization with the SAC opening cycle of the Parallel Earth Amenti Star-Gates.‘ So back then, that‘s when it started; it synchronized in that period. ‗Because of this 10,948 BC Earth-time acceleration and subsequent inorganic Earth/ Parallel Earth Amenti Star-Gate synchronization, Earth‘s Amenti Star-Gates would open prematurely, during the 2012 AD opening of the Parallel Earth Amenti Gates. In 2012 AD when the inter-galactic planetary Amenti Star-Gates sets begin synchronized opening in October 2012, Earth and Parallel Earth will engage Metatronic ―Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment.‖
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‗As the two artificially-synchronized Stellar Activation Cycles initiate their Amenti Star-Gate opening cycles with opening of the Solar and Parallel Solar Core Star-Gates, the central inorganic 10,948 BC Solar Time-Torus Tunnel wormhole-link between our Sun and Parallel Sun will also open.‘ Now they start going in there. They are going to talk about, as if this is happening, but they are doing it under the word ‗if‘, ok? Which means potential for intervention, and at some point some of this better be stopped, otherwise you might as well go on vacation now, forget it! ‗If the Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective unfolds in 2012 as the Illuminati-Elders intend‘—which is not going to, but if it did—‗opening of the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel wormhole will then open the inorganic inter-galactic Alpha-Omega Wormholes at the Galactic Cores of our Milky Way and the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy, resultantly opening the 10,948 BC intergalactic Toral Rift Metatronic space-time displacement field Time Rip of the ―Atlantean past,‖ into the ―future period‖ of our present 2012 AD.‘ They will get that far, all right? The ‗if‘, that much is going to happen, all right? There is a bit more after that that is going to happen, but it is not going to go as far as pole shift, all right? ‗Once the Atlantean Toral Rift opens‘—now this is… let‘s say, ok, if it goes the way they are planning, right? So far it is going to, but there is going to be a point where certain things we are going to read here are not what‘s going to occur, but if not for the intervention that‘s been done, they would. Ok, so, ‗Once the Atlantean Toral Rift opens into the fabric of our contemporary 2012–spacetime, an anomalous space-time blend of ―past and future-present converging‖ will unfold.‘ So it‘s, literally, opening a tunnel into that particular time that 10,948 BC Atlantis is still a place in the space-time rhythms, because we‘ve talked about before that space and time are simultaneous and it has to do with what time track you are on. It is literally ripping a hole between two time tracks, and it gets even stranger. This is where we find out what Death Star Merkabas can do…. Ok, ‗As the two respective planetary Amenti Gate sets open into their respective Solar StarGate Alignments, Earth and Parallel Earth will be brought into Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment of the 10,948 BC Toral Rift Time Rip.‘ Now if there‘s anything, there‘s a number of things that are aligning here. But when it comes to 2012, what‘s the big thing? What are we aligning with? That‘s the big thing, ok? We have wormholes that are not quite as big an issue. And we have the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel that is not as big an issue. This is a big issue. This is massive, literally; where you could take a Solar System and suck it into a different space-time alignment, and from (what) they explained, it‘s not pretty. ‗Once the Amenti Star-Gates‘—now, again, we are going, if there is no intervention we‘ll see what would happen, right? ‗Once the Amenti Star-Gates of Earth and Parallel Earth engage with the Atlantean 10,948 BC Toral Rift Time Rip, Earth and Parallel Earth, and Sun and Parallel Sun, will then initiate cataclysmic geomagnetic field Pole Shift and Geographical ―Crust Roll‖ Rotation‘; where the axis actually stays there, but the crust rolls all over the mantle—‗Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment peak of December 21st, 2012, to…’—and the reason why this happened would be the geomagnetic fields would -‗resume the planetary and solar polar-alignments that were present and still are present in the 10,948 BC period.‘ So that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 200
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would roll them back in order to begin rolling us, literally, out of the fabric of space-time here and into the fabric of space-time there. ‗During the 10,948 BC period, the Solar Star-Gates of both our Sun and Parallel Sun were in direct alignment with the core Galactic Star-Gates of their respective Galactic Cores,‘ which means each Sun was aligned with the next galaxy and they open the Suns between each other, ‗which allowed for opening of the inter-galactic wormholes at the core of both galaxies, through which the Toral Rift Time Rip space-time displacement field was created.‘ So during that alignment, this whole thing was created in the first place. ‗When contemporary Earth and Parallel Earth, Sun and Parallel Sun resume the Galactic Core–aligned planetary and solar polar-alignments of the 10,948 BC period, the energy quantum of our Solar System and that of the Parallel Solar System will be progressively compressed and drawn ―backward in time,‖ the quantum of the two solar systems first compacting into a ―vesica pisces‖ bond at the center of the Toral Rift space-time displacement field.‘ Now here we go into the process by which this occurs which is morbidly fascinating! ‗The process by which our Solar System and its Parallel Solar System are ―drawn back in time‖ into the Toral Rift Time Rip involves Metatronic Death Science ―Death Star‖ distorted Merkaba Vortex Mechanics. The energy quantum of our Solar System, and that of the Parallel Solar System, first compact into a ―vesica pisces‖ bond at the core of the Toral Rift Time Rip,‘ —so they are not pulled in yet; they are actually aligning with it—‗as the Merkaba Field Vortex–set of each respective sun is progressively attracted into opposite-polarity electro-magnetic bond with the Merkaba Field of the other sun.‘ The Merkabas of each field are coming progressively together first before it goes all the way back in time. First they merge in our time: the two Suns begin, the Merkaba Fields start merging. ‗As the two solar systems progressively ―collide‖ to engage the ―vesica pisces‖ orbit, they are‘ and this is after the pole shift; we don‘t have to worry about it anyway; basically if it was going to happen, we‘ll all be roasted by now—gone, right? So this is what happens. After the 6 th Extermination, ‗As the two solar systems progressively ―collide‖ to engage the ―vesica pisces‖ orbit, they are both drawn ―backward in time‖ toward the 10,948 BC center creation point of the Toral Rift space-time displacement field.‘ Now, ‗As the two solar systems draw backward in time, the spin-speeds of their respective Merkaba Fields progressively accelerate. When the spin-speed of our mutated ―same-spin– vortex-set‖‘—because, right now, the Planetary Fields are mutated where, instead of having the top one going clockwise and the bottom one going counter-clockwise in every Merkaba set, what you have is 1 set of 2 going in the same direction and they create a phase-lock set, and another set of 2 going in counter-spin and they are also a phase-lock set, so instead of 2 vortices like would be the natural configuration, there is actually 4. That is characteristic of the Death Star and ―Bloom & Doom‖ Merkaba mechanics that are being taught, and we‘ll get to find out a bit about what these do, what these Merkabas do. ‗When the spin of our mutated ―same-spin–vortex-set‖ Solar Merkaba Fields reaches ―34 spin,‖ and the likewise-mutated ―same-spin vortex-set‖ of the Parallel Solar Merkaba Field simultaneously reaches ―21 counter-spin,‖ the two Solar Merkaba Fields and their contents,‘ —which happens to be our Solar System—‗are drawn together and begin ―backward-time progression― toward the center-point of the Toral Rift‘s Tube Torus–shaped ―Metatronic The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 48 of 200
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Harness Field.‖ As the two Solar Merkaba Fields merge, the faster 34-spin Solar Merkaba Field reverses the spin of the slower 21-Parallel Solar Merkaba Field, and the two Solar Merkaba Fields accelerate to a ―55 spin-speed,‖ blending to form a large, singular, inorganic External Metatronic Merkaba Field same-spin vortex-set.‘ So once it hits 55, it creates a larger one outside around the fields of the two, right? Within this large 55-spin Merkaba, it has ‗an internal, Metatronic Atomic-Encasement Harness‘—like a bubble of energy inside that harnesses atoms and which will ‗surround the quanta of the 2 Solar Systems that are held within it.‘ So it is actually taking two different Solar Suns and their Solar Systems, each with a Merkaba set that should be a top and bottom spiral, each one of them and forcing them together. It forms a larger shared Merkaba Field with a faster spin-speed, and it meshes the 2 Solar Systems together in the center. All right, let‘s see…it takes me a minute here. My eyes don‘t move that fast any more these days…. ‗Following the Fibonacci expansion sequence, the Blended Solar Merkaba Field accelerates from its ―55 starting spin-speed‖ to a ―144 spin-speed,‖—hits 89 first, then it goes 144, at which point ‗the Blended Solar Merkaba Field generates an external Thermal-Field Encasement and ―jumps the organic boundaries of space, time and light,‖ entering a superluminal state to pass into the center-point of the 10,948 BC Toral Rift Time Rip— where it becomes an externally fueled, finite-life ―Death Star External Merkaba Vehicle Black Hole Feeder Field.‖ Now remember, the Solar Systems are meshed in the middle of this, right? ‗Once formed, the Death Star External Merkaba Vehicle begins ―quantum feeding‖ from the remaining local living-energy environments of our Milky Way and the Parallel Milky Way galaxies, and initiating quantum growth and spin-speed acceleration, following the Fibonacci expansion sequence, through perpetual ―quantum feeding‖ of the life-fields of both galaxies.‘ So it will continue to feed on those galaxies until it drags more and more of the quantum into itself. What‘s interesting is, once it gets, what it does to the matter inside. ‗As the Blended Merkaba Field accelerates to ―144 spin-speed‖ to enter the superluminosity state of the Death Star External Merkaba Vehicle, it progressively acts as a ―particle accelerator‖ to the quanta of the two solar systems held within its internal AtomicEncasement Harness. Once the point of superluminosity is reached, extreme particle acceleration of the encased matter-forms of the two suns and their solar systems causes their Encryption Lattices and the atomic structure to progressively implode, explode and shatter within the Metatronic Atomic-Encasement Harness at the center of the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle. The two solar systems are thus reduced to raw energy quanta of ―hyperaccelerated space-dust‖ within the internal Atomic-Encasement Harness. The quanta of the two solar systems blends and merges to form a ―singular quantum field of inorganic, superluminal, artificial static-radiation Dead Light particulates,‖ quarantined within the Atomic-Encasement Harness. While in the superluminal state, the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle—and the superluminal quantum-radiation particulate field of what had been the two solar systems that is held within its Encasement Harness is then ―quantum-transferred‖ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 200
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through the Metatronic Alpha-Omega Wormhole passages, out of the 10,948 BC Toral Rift space-time displacement field and into the Alpha System Parallel Milky Way Galaxy as ―quantum influx.‖‘ So, they are using this time anomaly to drag stuff back in there where the Merkabas activate to superluminal state. It takes the particles back, and at that point they accelerated so much that they explode into particulate dust, and then from there it accelerates and moves through the wormholes. So it can move whatever it just stole wherever it wants to, and this is how the false ascended masters come back and forth from those systems because they activate those Merkabic Vehicles. But what‘s interesting is what happens after this. You get the structure back and once it has that structure, it can move with these Death Star Vehicles. ‗Once quantum transfer has occurred,‘—so once the thing is formed in the Time Rip and then dragged through the wormholes to where they want to put it in the Parallel System, right? - ‗the Metatronically-harnessed quantum of what was the two solar systems is transferred within the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle to the fallen Parallel Milky Way Galaxy Alpha Black Hole System, then the Death Star begins spin-speed deceleration, leaving the superluminal state, and the ―singular quantum field of inorganic, superluminal, artificial static-radiation Dead Light particulates,”—that‘s a long sentence, long description there—‗within its internal AtomicEncasement Harness begin corresponding particle deceleration.‘ So it speeds all up, goes superluminal, turns the stuff to space-dust inside of it, then it starts to slow down again when it moves it to where it wants to be. ‗As the static-radiation particulates of what had been the two solar systems engage particle deceleration and leave the superluminal state, the matter structure re-forms within the Death Star internal Atomic-Encasement Harness, through the process of particle re-accretion, following an inorganic blended organization of what was the original core–Encryption Lattices of the two solar systems.‘ So the Encryption Lattices, they got shattered of the two solar systems. Each little unit of anything will always have a piece of its organization still within it, its radiationsignature organizational instructions. So, they start to reassemble, but instead of just having things that are from the Particle Universe assembling with particle, and things from the Antiparticle Universe assembling with themselves, they are starting to assemble together in twisted form and they create something that is a complete anomaly as a matter-form that is completely not sustainable first of all, but it is completely inorganic, all right? So, ‗…following an inorganic blended organization of what was the original core–Encryption Lattices of the two solar systems. The ―Dead Light‖ radiation particulates within the Death Star Encasement Harness each still carry a minute ―nano-bite‖ of the original Encryption Lattice radiation-signature from which they fragmented. Through this nano-bite radiation-signature, the particulates from both the particle and anti-particle Solar Systems re-create a distorted organization, to re-form a new mutated, blended Encryption Lattice upon which the particulates re-materialize into a ―new‖ matter-form within the Death Star AtomicEncasement Harness. ‗The ―new artificially rendered matter-form‖ re-materializes within the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy Alpha Black Hole System as a ―singular, distorted, finite-life mutated facsimile‖ of the original two solar systems. The particulate field re-materializes within the Death Star The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 200
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Atomic-Encasement Harness in the Parallel Alpha System Black Hole as a ―new finite-life Artificial-Light Facsimile Death Star Solar System.‖ So this is where a Death Star Solar System is created, and that‘s the beginning of how they wanted to create the Death Star Galaxy and the Death Star Universe progressively sucking it in. They want to use two Suns to drag in our solar system and the Parallel Anti-particle Solar System, mooch them together and create the first step in their plan, which is the Death Star Solar System. That is a feeder system: it has a black hole around it that sucks energy in. So it will continue to suck the energy out of the 2 galaxies that it was connected to, and then from then on their plan was to have to continue to do that with neighboring galaxies and continue the building process. But they are going to find out it really doesn‘t work; they were warned for ages that it really doesn‘t, but it comes back on eventually. Let‘s see…where am I? Yeah, ok; I didn‘t get into the twisted and fallen version yet. Right. ‗The particulate field re-materializes within the Death Star Encasement Harness in the Parallel Alpha System Black Hole as a ―new finite-life Artificial-Light Facsimile Death Star Solar System‖ — a permanently mutated, ―twisted, fallen version‖ of our Solar System and the Parallel System combined. The new ―Facsimile Solar System‖ then falls under the Hierarchical Quantum Dominance of the Metatronic Encryption Lattice of the finite-life, quarantined ―Parallel Alpha Fall System.‖‘ So in other words, once you get in there, that Quarantined System, and what its larger Quantum Encryption Lattice is, will actually dominate your personal Encryption Lattice, which means you have no more Free Will. This is where you go into hive-mind stuff, where you don‘t even have…progressively the more that plugs in, you just lose—you don‘t have Free Will. So eventually you just don‘t have Free Thought and you‘re just like a kind of walking robot for whatever the larger collectives are that have more energy quantum than you do as an individual. All right, so it ‗…falls under the Hierarchical Quantum Dominance of the Metatronic Encryption Lattice of the finite-life, quarantined ―Parallel Alpha Fall System.‖ Once the Artificial Death Star Solar System is re-formed inside of the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle, it will continue Metatronic Fibonacci expansion.‘ It‘s progressive expansion. There is not contraction on this; it just keeps going and going because it keeps feeding and expanding, right? Like they say our galaxy is doing. ‗It will continue Metatronic Fibonacci expansion through progressive consumption of the two Galactic Fields from which it was formed, as its ―Feeder‖ Death Star Merkaba Vehicle continues to siphon energy quanta from the remaining living-energy aspects of the two Galaxies. As the Death Star Solar System ―feeds,‖ it will progressively pull the Milky Way and Parallel Milky Way galaxies into ―Death Star Transformation‖‘. They are calling this Death Star Transformation. That process that just happened, where it hit 55 speed–spin with the quantum of captured energy inside, be it a being, or a building, or a solar system, and then it accelerated to superluminal when it hit a 144 spin-speed, then it goes into superluminal, and superluminal accelerates the particles inside of itself so fast that they actually shatter; the Encryption Lattices actually shatter. They bring it back into that one-time period from which they can access all of the wormhole gates, and then they can move it in that vehicle, as just space-dust quantum, into The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 200
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whatever fallen system they want to move it in. Then they can de-accelerate the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle and it will re-manifest a twisted version of the original form, because of the pieces of the encryption of the original forms that were still there. That is basically in a nutshell of what this menagerie does. It‘s an abomination in nature actually, or anti-nature! Let‘s see, anyway…. All right, so that whole process is referred to now as ‗the Death Star Transformation‘. I guess later I won‘t go into this; I‘ll do that before break when we get into what this looks like at a personal level, because the people who have been working with certain paradigms have been taught to create and activate these Merkaba Fields with themselves. We‘re also going to all get a nice dose of it, even if we didn‘t ask for it in 2012, so there is a lot more to talk about with this. It may get to a certain point with this, but before I go into what it does personally, and what to do about it. Basically, because some people, if they‘ve gotten entangled with teachings that are teaching them to do that, they don‘t know the difference; they think it‘s Ascension stuff. There are remedial things that can be done. The only time there is really nothing that can be done is if somebody has hit full superluminal, where they can actually travel back and forth with it; at that point you can‘t undo the 1 st shattering and put it back together in a distorted form. They won‘t be able to do Ascension Passage stuff, but you can. A being that goes through that, they will never be able to do in this life-time, do biological Ascension, but with very specialized hosts, they can get out at the Bhardoah point of the body. But the body will not want to die; it will keep feeding and they/it extends life. These Merkaba Fields actually extend—well you have to be dead first, and then you become the living dead by sucking energy off other things through that Merkaba Field, but it will prolong that false form of living, which is not really alive. It kills the being first and then kind of resurrects it into a facsimile of itself; but they do have very, very long life spans, sometimes like 3-4,000 years old, because they can preserve the form, as long as they feed. So, if you want to become a vampire, use those forms, and it‘s not like sticking your teeth into somebody‘s neck kind of vampiring; it‘s actually more sinister; it‘s literally soul-stealing the energy field. So anyway, after we get through Death Star Transformation and corresponding, let‘s see…somebody sensed that there really should be three, but I look at ‗Where is the period?‘; ‗Where are the apostrophes?‘ or something. ‗As the Death Star Solar System ―feeds,‖ it progressively pulls the Milky Way and Parallel Milky Way into ―Death Star Transformation‖ and corresponding ―Path of Fall Space-dust Return Alignment.‖ So once you go into this, once you have this vehicle activated, be you a galaxy or a person, it is Full Fall Alignment because you—it‘s the point of no return once you‘ve gone through the Death Star Transformation, which means the first time that activates, and your template gets ripped apart and stuffed back together in a weird way, at that point you are in a Fall Alignment and there is no way to get you back on the Ascension Path without doing Space-dust Return first, all right? So that‘s what they are planning for our Solar System in our galaxy. Nice people this is not. Ok, so as they are using that Harnessed Solar System that they created the Facsimile Solar System with, they will use that as the core around which this Death Star Merkaba spins and continues to suck energy in from the galaxies that it‘s connected to, until eventually they can bring the whole galaxy in, and then they would not only just have a Death Star Solar System, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 200
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they would have a Death Star Black Hole Galaxy. Then they would be able to go for the Universal level. So, ‗Creation of the Artificial Death Star Black Hole Feeder Galaxy is the core purpose Prime Objective of the Alpha-Omega Illuminati Master Plan. The Alpha Illuminati-Elders of the fallen Parallel Milky Way Galaxy Alpha Black Hole System joined with other IlluminatiElder races of several other Quarantined Fallen Black Hole Systems to form the “AlphaOmega False God-Head” Illuminati-Elder ―Fallen Angel Hierarchy.‖ This whole God-Head thing that is coming through in…I mean you have Brotherhoods of all sorts of colors and stuff coming through the New Age movement. This is—they are directly connected into these. ‗Through creation of the Artificial Death Star Black Hole Galaxy—an abomination of Metatronic ―Bloom of Doom‖ Death Science creation—the ―Alpha-Omega False God-Head‖ falling Illuminati-Elder collectives hope to ―Re-create Creation in their Own Image.‖ They hope to use the Death Star Galaxy to ―create, then assimilate, others of its kind.‖ In other words, take living Universes, force them into fall, and then suck them in to blend them in to make their Universe bigger. The Urantia Book is really good at trying to get you to go there without even talking about Merkabas. Right, ‗…to form a massive Death Star Universe that sustains its existence and averts the organic consequences of eternal Cosmic Physics Laws, through perpetual rape of and feeding on the Living Cosmos. The ―Alpha-Omega False God-Head‖ will discover the great fallacy of its ―recent rendition‖ of their Master Plan Prime Objective in 2976.‘ So they have got an appointment with destiny in 2976. ‗The Metatronic ―Bloom‖‘—which we will talk about later—‗Metatronic ―Bloom of Doom‖ Death Science dynamics of the ―Death Star Merkaba Vehicle‖ described above in relation to the macrocosmic Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective, also apply,‘—and right after I finish this little paragraph here, that‘s when we can take a break and then we will come back, because this is getting into the personal level, right? Ok, so these dynamics that we just described of the Death Star Transformation and all of that; we described them in the context of, ‗the macrocosmic Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective. These also apply on a microcosmic level. Individual life forms who engage Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, either unconsciously through environmental Planetary Encryption Lattice Quantum Dominance,‘—which is what the planet is going into in 2012— ‗or consciously through intentional practice of Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation technologies,‘—both of them are ‗aligning with the ―Death Star Fall Path Destiny.‖ Individuals retain the ―power of Free Will Choice‖ in regard to evolutionary path ―biological Ascension Alignment‖ up until the point of the first full ―55 spin-speed‖ Death Star activation. At ―55 spin-speed,‖—and it‘s a full—when it first starts, it‘s not full yet; it actually has to go through all its sub-harmonics, but at the ‗‘55 spin-speed‖ the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle forms its internal Metatronic Atomic-Encasement Field, begins generating its external Thermal-Field Encasement, and initiates Fibonacci ―Death Spiral feeding‖ for expansion and acceleration.‘ So it was at that point that the Feeder Spiral starts, where it starts to suck energy off; if it goes fully to that point, then it would rapidly accelerate from 89 to 144 to superluminal into particle crunch and all of that. So this is going to become important. Later we‘ll read this when we get back, to see what it does on a personal level. Then as we get more toward the end of the reading, we will understand what this has to do with 2012, because there‘s a certain level of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 53 of 200
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these things that are part of this Master Plan Agenda are going to take place, because they can‘t be prevented; but there is a point of intervention where certain things can be done. So there are certain things that we are going to have to deal with, and that‘s why the Silver Seed healing technologies are being brought in. Because if our bodies are going to be tripped into this Metatronic-55 activation, we‘re all are just going to get plugged into the Broadcast NET, and we are going to end up with mind control and biological control, and it‘s going to reverse our entire Merkaba Fields and DNA Encryption and we are going to get sucked down into that destiny whether we like it or not. That‘s why the Beloveds are bringing the other technologies in. Those technologies rely on the things we are going to be doing during this workshop and in our Grid Work here, because the Grid Work here is going to begin the process of bringing in something called…the Stardust Silver Seed Grid, which is—we‘ll get into what that is a little bit later. It has to do with the antidote, well not quite antidote, but it, sort of antidote—we‘ll talk about that one later too—of the, what is called the Artificial Christ Consciousness Grid, which is a word that is a deceptive term that is used in the New Age movement to talk about the Metatronic Geomagnetic Field, the Encryption Harness that‘s the Encryption Lattice that has been Metatroniced. So there is going to be another field created. We have a primary geomagnetic field that will go into Metatronic Dominance fully in 2012, but we are also going to build a secondary field that aligns directly and actually is carrying part of the encryption of that Higher Earth we‘ve talked about, and of Median Earth. So it actually creates another set of geomagnetic fields that people that work with the technologies of the Silver Seed Awakening will be able to able to have that. It will be like having Median Earth be what the Planetary Field that is organizing your encryption for you, instead of the Metatronic one that is progressively activating on the planet. That will stop us on the Planetary Level from being pushed past. We‘ll start the 55-activation, because we can‘t catch it any sooner, but it will not go into a full 55-activation. So we are really going to annoy them for 200 years, because we are going to stall it. We will start it up just like we are starting a car and we just kind of put brakes on, where it‘s like this big invisible hand comes in and says, ‗No, you‘re not moving forward!‘ It will keep doing its thing, but it‘s not going to go in the full activation, but it is still going to go into partial activation, which will affect our DNA. That‘s why it is important to pay attention to our personal BPR because if we don‘t, it will simply flip over with what the Quantum Dominant Mess is here, and that will be the Metatronic Code. So anyway, I‘m going to take a few-minute break or whatever for—I think there is coffee out there. Is there coffee out there now? There‘s coffee, yeah, ok; so maybe 20 minutes, ok? I‘ll reach my wind here…so I could breathe…thank you....
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Monday Lecture 2 [Audio Track 4] A‘sha A‘sha: A‘san's eyes move faster than mine. I'm not too bad when I'm reading, but if I look up or talk about something and have to go find it, you'll probably notice it takes me ages to find where I was, to get back to it. So...almost there, not too many green stickies left. We're going to continue answering this question that's coming, and I'm going to give you (A‘sha addresses A‘san) the mic, and we'll go from there. So, A‘san will read for a bit, and there's still some diagrams at the end, and the technique. A‘san: So, we're going to continue with the answer. The question is: ‗What is the core purpose behind the Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective of forcing Earth into ―Alpha Omega Fall Path Alignment‖ in 2012 - and how can they achieve this Prime Objective?‘ A‘sha: All that before that you heard was part of the answer to that question. A‘san: We'll repeat the last paragraph, so you pick it up. So, this is the recap paragraph: ‗The Metatronic ―Bloom of Doom‖ Death Science dynamics of the ―Death Star Merkaba Vehicle‖ described above in relation to the macrocosmic Illuminati Master Plan Prime Objective, also apply on a microcosmic level. An individual life-form that engages Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, either unconsciously through environmental Planetary Encryption Lattice Quantum Dominance, or consciously through intentional practice of Death Star Merkaba activation technologies, is aligning with the ―Death Star Fall Path Destiny‖. Individuals retain the ―power of Free Will choice‖ in regard to evolutionary path ―biological Ascension Alignment‖ up until the point of the first full ―55 spinspeed‖ Death Star activation. At ―55 spin-speed‖ the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle forms its internal Metatronic Atomic Encasement Field, begins to generate it's external ThermalEncasement Field, and initiates the Fibonacci ‗Death Spiral feeding‘ for expansion and acceleration.‘ Onto the next paragraph. Now this is fresh: ‗From the “Metatronic-55” activation point forward, the Atomic Encryption Lattice and Bio-magnetic Field of the atomic structure become permanently mutated into Metatronic Code configuration. Through the ―automatic Death Spiral feeding‖ that initiates at the ―Metatronic-55-point,‖ the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle will eventually accelerate to ―superluminal‖ spin-speed, resulting in permanent ―Death Star Transformation‖ of the biological-atomic structure and corresponding permanent ―Fall Path Space-dust Return Evolutionary Alignment‖ for the entrapped spirit-consciousness. Once an individual life-form engages the ―Metatronic-55-point‖ of Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, any potentials of organic, biological-atomic Genuine Eternal Life Ascension are permanently lost for the current lifetime, but the spirit-consciousness can reclaim Eternal Life Ascension abilities through engaging very specific energetic counter-measures.
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‗If one desires to prevent or cease Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation, counter-strategies of Bio-regenesis healing — by which progression of Death Star spin-speed acceleration can be prevented, halted or partially reversed — are usable while the physical-atomic body is still alive. When the physical-atomic body has reached its ―natural‖ death point, if progression of Death Star activation has been sufficiently halted and reversed while the body was living, the embodied spirit-consciousness can then be freed into the Path of Re-evolutionary Eternal Life Ascension, through intentional application of the specific organic bio-energetic processes inherent to Eternal Life Bhardoah Ascension Transition.‘ A‘sha: In any words, if you hit the 55 spin-speed, the full one, you immediately lose the biological ability for Ascension, but you can still get out on Bardoah when the body would go through its natural death cycle, if you Bardoah properly, which means cremate it at the end and don't leave parts of yourself stuck in the atomic structure. The planet is actually going into that. People are going to hit that 55 activation across the planet. All the life forms are too, unless the countermeasures are being employed, and that's where our teams come in, because we are going to be bringing in the Silver Seed Awakening healings that will allow for us, first of all, not to get Metatroniced with the planet, and we will be able to assist the other kingdoms, like the plant kingdoms and animal kingdoms and that kind of stuff, in small scale compared to how many there are here. But, anyway... just thought I'd interject that. A‘san: ‗If a being has engaged Death Star Merkaba Vehicle activation (either knowingly, through practice of Death Science applications, or unknowingly, through Quantum Dominance override automatically generated by Metatronic Coding running within the environmental Planetary Encryption Lattice and geomagnetic field), and if no energetic counterstrategies are taken, then activation of the Death Star Merkaba Vehicle and its resultant evolutionary consequence will occur automatically, overriding any conscious ―Free Will Choice‖ to the contrary. ‗―Merkaba Field Vortex-sets‖ are an organic part of the ―invisible multidimensional anatomy‖ of all atomic-matter structures and biological life-forms, so ―everyone and everything,‖ including planets and stars, have sets of Merkaba Fields — whether or not one knows or believes they are there. The organic structure and function of the personal smaller-quantum Merkaba Fields is directly and continually affected by the condition of the larger-quantum environmental Planetary Merkaba Fields, Encryption Lattice and geomagnetic field.‖ ‗The Merkaba Fields, Encryption Lattice and Bio-magnetic Fields of individual life-forms on a planet will adopt a ―microcosmic copy‖ of the configurations held within the planetary body. If the dominant quantum percentage of the Planetary Body Merkaba Fields, Encryption Lattice and geomagnetic field is holding a Metatronic Death Star configuration, this configuration will automatically govern and override the configuration and contours of the personal anatomy, unless direct energetic counterstrategies are actively employed. ‗The Illuminati-Elder races were well aware of this fact of cosmic multidimensional physics as they progressively orchestrated their Master Plan Prime Objective toward its intended 2012 fulfillment. When the Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift 10,948 BC–Time Rip Fall Alignment peak of December 21, 2012 occurs, a dominant 66%-quantum of Earth‘s Planetary Encryption Lattice, Merkaba Fields and geomagnetic field will initiate engagement of the ―Metatronic-55‖ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 56 of 200
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activation point; this will create the dominant-quantum configuration for the environmental planetary atomic structure and planetary life-field. ‗Within 24 hours of when December 21, 2012 planetary “Metatronic-55-point” occurs, the Encryption Lattices, Merkaba Fields and atomic Bio-magnetic Fields of Earth‘s atomic-matter structure and biological life-field will automatically adopt a ―microcosmic copy‖ of this planetary Metatronic-55 configuration. It is at this point that individuals will need direct energetic counterstrategies, first to halt, and later to partially reverse, the automatic activation of the personal Death Star Merkaba Vehicle. For this reason, and the reasons to follow, the MCEO– Krystal River Guardians have been progressively intervening directly, and will continue to do so with the 2012 Silver Seed Awakening. ‗At the ―Metatronic-55-point‖ of the 2012 peak Toral Rift Alignment, if the Illuminati-Elders ―have their way,‖ a pre-cataclysmic ―40-day Window of Chaos‖ — starting from the December 21, 2012 peak Toral Rift Alignment and running to about the end of February 2013 — will unfold as the Encryption Lattice and Merkaba Fields of the Sun, and of Earth and its populations, engage Fibonacci expansion spin-speed acceleration up to and beyond full “Metatronic55‖ activation; in addition, Earth and our Solar System will enter a ―backward-time progression― toward the center-point of the 10,948 BC Toral Rift Time Rip.‘ A‘sha: IF...IF they have their way. We're not going to go this far. A‘san: All right. IF the 2012 drama progresses this far during this ―Window of Chaos‖, ‗the geomagnetic fields of both Earth and the Sun will begin the process of “pre-shift” erratic fluctuation and anomalous behavior, with corresponding increase in solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and rapid climatic and ―Earth Change‖ consequence, and biological populations will experience progressively more mental, emotional and biochemical instability as the Epigenetic Overlay ―follows the flux‖ of the planetary geomagnetic field.‘ IF ‗this ―End Times Scenario‖ unfolds, then at the end of the ―40-day Window of Chaos‖ the Encryption Lattice and Merkaba Fields of the Sun, the rest of our Solar System, and of Earth and its populations, will reach critical acceleration to ―Metatronic Death Star Merkaba 144 spin-speed,‖ at which point Earth and Parallel Earth, and the Sun and Parallel Sun, will first have temporary collapse of their geomagnetic fields, and will then initiate, over about 3 to 6 days, Rapid Cataclysmic Pole Shift of the geomagnetic fields and Geographical ―Crust Roll‖ Rotation to resume the planetary and solar polar-alignments of the 10,948 BC period. ‗This 3 to 6 day period will represent the 6th and Last Extinction of the entire life-field of Earth; and from this biological extinction, the Illuminati‘s ―Quantum Harvest‖ of body, soul and spirit will unfold. As full Toral Rift Galactic Alignment occurs through ―Pole Shift,‖ a glowingred Thermal-Encasement Field will form around the personal-atomic, planetary and Solar System Death Star Merkaba Vehicles, and the Death Stars, with their contents, will enter a superluminal state and ―time-jump backward‖ across the organic boundaries of space-timelight, passing into center-point alignment with the 10,948 BC Toral Rift Time Rip. ‗From the point of time-jump and thereafter, Death Star acceleration will rapidly increase until the Encryption Lattice and matter structure of everything contained within the Death Stars The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 200
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shatters and vaporizes through excessive particle acceleration, to become a ―singular quantum field of Metatronic particulate space-dust,‖ as the Solar System Death Star passes through the Alpha-Omega Wormholes into the fallen Parallel Milky Way Galaxy Alpha System for ―final Death Star Transformation.‖ ‗Once arriving in the Alpha System, atomic transformation will complete as the Death Stars and ―particulate soup‖ decelerate spin-speed and the particulates, along with the fragments of consciousness they carry, ―re-form‖ into a mutated, inorganic, non-living ―Facsimile Distortion‖ of what they once were. Beings who engage the ―Death Star Transformation,‖ following death of their organic biology, will suffer a permanently mutated Encryption Lattice structure, and complete ―memory wipe,‖ returning to ―Living-Dead‖ conscious awareness in a biochemical and mental state that resembles the characteristic symptoms of Alzheimer‘s disease. The ―Transformed Living-Dead‖ life-field will find that its original gifts of Free Will Choice and Eternal Life Ascension have been permanently subjugated to the ―selfproclaimed authority‖ of the Illuminati-Elder Alpha-Omega False God-Head Hierarchy, and the only evolutionary options remaining are those within the De-evolutionary Fall Path of Space-dust Return. ‗The Illuminati Fall-groups that promote the ―Death Sciences and Bloom of Doom” paradigms call the process just described above ―Ascension,‖ and have many ―Ascended Masters‖ who have engaged the Death Star Transformation. In the reality of the eternal Living Cosmos, the process described above is the antithesis of Genuine Eternal Life Ascension; it is simply the most rapid method of entering the De-evolutionary Path of Fall. ‗There are two primary options of experience within the Fall Path of Death Star Transformation. One option is ―making peace with one‘s plight‖ and regaining freedom through the organic process of Space-dust Return to the eternal-life Source Field, when your existing store of quanta is expended; this option can be accomplished only through the direct Guardian-race intervention efforts and education programs that are periodically extended into Quarantined Black Hole Fall Systems. The other option is remaining under the directive of the governing Illuminati Hierarchy, who have progressively lost their ability to FEEL, and who sustain their illusion of ―finite immortality and Elitist Subjugation‖ by raping, stealing and ―vampiring‖ energy from the ―Innocents‖ of Living Systems, and from each other, with no remorse, regret or mercy. In this option, one simply continues to de-evolve, becoming ―more and more like them.‖ The irony of this latter option is that, due to the Eternal Laws of Action and Consequence-to-Action that govern the ENTIRE Cosmos, ALL Fall Systems and those within them‘ – [A‘san asserts following vocal emphasis] - ALL EVENTUALLY MEET THEIR END THROUGH SPACE DUST RETURN, REGARDLESS OF WHAT IS DONE TO PREVENT THIS CONSEQUENCE. ‗It is a self-defeating path of progressively diminishing return to space dust fragmentation.‘ Next question. ‗Will this Illuminati-Elder 2012 Master Plan continue to unfold?‘ Answer, ‗Yes, BUT, not exactly as the Illuminati intend or envision due to the continuing efforts of direct intervention of the Guardian Alliance, MCEO Guardians and Krystal River Councils of Aquareion-Adashi Adepts.‘ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 58 of 200
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‗Will Earth experience the “6th Mass Extinction” through the geomagnetic and geographical Pole Shift that the Illuminati-Elders intend to initiate in 2012 as part of their Master Plan Prime Objective?‘ Answer – ‗NO, not in the 2012–2013 period — but due to their Dis-ease of Supreme Arrogance, the Illuminati-Elder Force still thinks so. Through continuing Guardian intervention, the geomagnetic Rapid Pole Shift and geographical Pole Shift ―Crust Roll‖ that the Illuminati intend to initiate between October 2012 and February 2013, will not occur as the IlluminatiElders plan. The Illuminati agenda requires Earth‘s planetary Merkaba Fields to reach a specific acceleration of Metatronic spin-speed, in order to fully engage the Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift 10,948 BC–Time Rip Alignment on the December 21, 2012 ―alignment peak.‖ Through Guardian counterstrategies that are already in place, Earth‘s Merkaba Fields will not achieve sufficient Metatronic spin-speed to progress into full ―Metatronic-55‖ activation for full immersion into the Toral Rift Time Rip. ‗Without full engagement of the Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Alignment, Earth‘s geomagnetic field, and thus geographical crust, will not engage the ―Rapid Pole Shift and Crust Roll‖ that the Illuminati are expecting. Immersion into the Toral Rift Time Rip, the resultant ―Rapid Pole Shift‖ of Earth and our Sun, and Death Star Transformation cannot be prevented, but these events will be postponed till the 2230–2976 AD period by ―stalling the Death Star activation process‖ in 2012. ‗However, the ―Metatronic-55-point‖ of the December 21, 2012 Toral Rift Alignment peak — and the opening of the Solar Time-Torus Tunnel, Toral Rift Time Rip and fallen Halls of Amenti Star-Gate sets — cannot be prevented or postponed during the 2012 period; these aspects of the Illuminati Master Plan will unfold. All efforts will be made by the MCEO–Krystal River Guardians to buffer and postpone, for as long as possible, the consequences of these events which will occur in 2012.‘ End of question. New question. You probably guessed. ‗Since Earth will avoid the Illuminati-Elder-planned 2012 Mass Extinction and Rapid Pole Shift, does this mean that potentials for Earth Changes, climate anomalies, and political and economic problems will also be avoided?‘ ‗Sadly, no; though the MCEO Guardian efforts can and will prevent the 2012 Rapid Cataclysmic Pole Shift — and thus the corresponding 6th Mass Extinction — Earth‘s Templar will continue to remain under a high degree of stress as the Planetary Metatronic Encryption Lattice continues its partial activation through the geomagnetic field NET. The MCEO Guardians‘ efforts will slow the progression of the consequences inherent to the Metatronic activations, but there will still be progressive environmental issues of growing tectonic instability, global warming due to Metatronic Templar frequency accelerations, continuing ozone depletion and increase in solar CME potentials. The contemporary problems of global pollution, species extinction and loss of sustainable resources will also continue and expand. ‗The Illuminati-Human populations will begin a ―covert stealth division‖ between those who do and those who do not accept ―Amnesty-Bio-regenesis Agreements‖ with the MCEO–Krystal The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 59 of 200
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River Guardian races. Illuminati-Humans who do not accept Guardian Agreements will continue the covert advancement of their ―One World Order and Armageddon‖ agendas. This onplanet Illuminati Force will continue to control global economic structures and orchestrate ―financial crashes for mass control‖ at their whims; they will continue their efforts of ―select population reduction‖ through the ongoing creation of ―targeted‖ wars, ―natural disasters & famines,‖ and ―designer diseases,‖ via ongoing applications of the Atlantean Death Sciences; and they will continue efforts to assist their Illuminati-Elder races in staging direct, overt invasion from Parallel Earth, once ―population reduction‖ efforts have reduced the threat of large-scale human resistance. ‗The Illuminati-Human Force that does accept MCEO–Krystal River Amnesty-Bio-regenesis Agreements will quietly and discretely operate as a ―counterforce of quiet rebellion‖ among the Illuminati Loyalists, slowing the progress of the Illuminati Master Plan agenda at every turn. Part of the ―Illuminati Rebellion Force‖ will adopt a strong ―sustainability platform‖ focused on better Earth-resource management until 2230 AD, while traditional Illuminati Loyalists within this platform will push for greater space programs to expand immediate potentials of resource exploitation and in attempt to create a feasible future Fall Gate evacuation plan to avoid Earth‟s coming confrontation with issues of solar CMEs. The speed at which these ―Illuminati Earth Dramas‖ unfold will be determined by how well the ―Illuminati Rebellion Force‖ causes ―resistance drag‖ on the forward movement of the Illuminati Loyalist agenda, and how well the human ―Guardian Force‖ works with the MCEO–Krystal River Guardians to assist in keeping Earth‘s tectonic plates as stable as possible.‘ New question. ‗At this point in the hidden “Final Conflict Drama” can the Guardians salvage Earth from “final Encryption Lattice alignment” with the Toral Rift Time Rip Path of Fall and resultant 2230–2976 AD Pole Shift?‘ ‗Again, sadly, NO — due to degenerative changes that occurred, as a result of Illuminati actions, within the core Star-Gates of our Sun in 2007; since this time ―Earth Salvage‖ has no longer been a viable option. BUT the Guardians can and WILL postpone this now-inevitable Illuminati Master Plan scenario, and the planetary Pole Shift and solar CME escalations this scenario implies, for a period of approximately 200 years — to about 2230 AD. ‗During this period of 200 years, humans who are still genetically able after the 2012 ―Metatronic-55-point‖ and corresponding ―2012 BPR Showdown,‖ and who desire to do so, can engage a program of Expedited Bio-regenesis Healing called the ―Silver Seed Awakening,‖ through which accelerated reverse-mutation of the DNA Template can occur, to allow reclamation of the organic ability of Ascension through atomic Transfiguration. ‗On a more positive note, though the current ―SAC Drama‖ certainly did not unfold as well as it could have, where the drama has led means that Earth‘s Ascension Passage Star-Gates, the Aurora Silver Seed Gates and corresponding Gate Networks, will remain open for the next 200 years. This ―200-year window‖ will enable humans, both of the ―Angelic‖ and “IlluminatiHuman” lines on ―Amnesty Contracts,‖ who engage the ―Silver Seed Awakening Healing‖ at its initiation in 2012, to heal their atomic-biology and Encryption Lattice sufficiently to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 60 of 200
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engage biological ―Star-Gate Slide Ascension‖ into the nearby ―Free Worlds‖ and the ―Path of Re-evolutionary Ascension‖ within which these worlds reside.
‗The period from 2007 AD — when the ―point of no return‖ was reached regarding the Solar Star-Gates — to the year 2230 AD is called the ―Cycle of the Load-Out.‖ It is the Final Evacuation Cycle of not only Earth, but of the falling Milky Way Galaxy. After the 2230 AD period, all Ascension Star-Gate Passages within the Milky Way will permanently close, and the galaxy will enter Universal Quarantine as a ―Fall System‖ on the ―De-evolutionary Path of Space-dust Return.‖ And it is for this reason, and the far-ranging consequences it implies, that the GA-MCEO Guardians and Krystal River of Aquareion–Adashi Adepts have now, with this writing and related public interface, engaged this First Installment of their “Official Disclosure” Protocol. ‗During the Load-Out Evacuation Cycle “200-year window” of open Ascension StarGates, will anyone who chooses to participate in Silver Seed Healing technologies be able to reclaim the ability of atomic Transfiguration for physical-biological Transmigration “Slide-Orb” Ascension to Higher Earth?‘ The answer is: ‗This is a ―time-sensitive‖ question. During the Illuminati ―Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Time Rip Alignment‖ peak of December 21, 2012, certain presently-dormant Metatronic ―Alpha-Omega‖ Codes will activate within Earth‘s Encryption Lattice, Halls of Amenti Star-Gates and geomagnetic field, initiating the third inorganic time-acceleration of Earth‘s ―wobble,” “precession of the equinox” cycle and two-thirds of Earth‘s Encryption Lattice. Activation of the Metatronic Alpha-Omega Codes will cause the Illuminati BroadcastNET in Earth‘s geomagnetic field to partially blend with the corresponding Illuminati-NET of Parallel Earth, which will strengthen our Earth‘s Illuminati-NET into an environmental electromagnetic Metatronic Time-Harness, within Earth‘s geomagnetic field; this Metatronic Time-Harness is deceptively referred to, within some contemporary Death Science teachings, as the ―Synthetic Christ Consciousness Grid‖ in Earth‘s atmosphere. The activation of the Illuminati-NET Metatronic Time-Harness in Earth‘s geomagnetic field will directly affect the DNA and existing biorhythms of all life-forms on Earth through the Epigenetic Overlay. ‗The greater quantum of the planetary Metatronic Time-Harness will override the smaller quantum of the existing Encryption Lattice, BPR and Epigenetic Overlay configurations of biological life-forms — and of the matter-base entrapped within the Metatronic Time-Harness — creating an automatic, environmentally induced inorganic time-acceleration/ vibration increase, Encryption Lattice BPR-deceleration/ drop, and corresponding biological-atomic Co-resonant Disharmonic Alignment with the Alpha-Omega Fall Path. ‗The Illuminati‘s 2012 Alpha-Omega Time-Harness/ ―False Christ Consciousness Grid‖ activation will engage the biological-atomic structure to biochemically ensnare the embodied conscious awareness into the ―perceptual harness‖ of Illuminati Broadcast-NET transmissions, and will cause the DNA Template and Encryption Lattice to engage the ―Fibonacci spiral expansion‖ of the Metatronic Code. Once the Metatronic Code engages Fibonacci spiral expansion to the ―55-Blending Ratio‖ within the Encryption Lattice, and creates corresponding Merkaba Field ―55-speed acceleration,‖ the atomic structure and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 200
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biological anatomy fall under the subjugation and dominion of the planetary Metatronic Alpha-Omega Time-Harness. ‗At the point of activation of the ―Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio‖ within the Encryption Lattice and DNA Template, any previously existing organic potential for biological passage through natural Ascension Star-Gates is permanently lost through critical-mass damage to the Encryption Lattice, DNA Template, chemical DNA and Epigenetic Overlay. With activation of the ―Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio‖ the ―Common-man Blended DNA Mutation‖ becomes permanent, and human DNA becomes permanently transformed from that of the original eternal-life Angelic Human species genome, into the inorganic finite-life genetic imprint of a new Illuminati-Leviathan mutant-hybrid-human Fall-species, predestined to temporary subjugated dominance, and intended eventual extermination, by the Illuminati-Elder races to which its mutated Encryption Lattice is connected. ‗If the consciousness is ensnared within a biology that engages activation of the ―Metatronic 55Blending Ratio,‖ the conscious-spirit will become entrapped within the Alpha-Omega Fall Alignment of the ―False Christ Consciousness Grid‖ within Earth‘s geomagnetic field — even following death of the physical body. ‗No biological life-form on Earth would be spared this 2012–2013 environmentally induced biochemical-spiritual holocaust and resultant De-evolutionary Fall Path Alignment — the intention of the Illuminati Master Plan — if it were not for the intervention efforts of the MCEO–Krystal River Guardians. ‗During the Illuminati ―Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Alignment‖ peak of the December 21, 2012 solstice, the MCEO–Krystal River Guardians will synchronize activation of their ―Silver Seed Host Grid,‖ called the ―Stardust Silver Seed Ascension Grid‖ of eternal-life KrystalConsciousness, with the Illuminati‘s Metatronic Time-Harness/ False Christ Consciousness Grid. Activation of the Genuine Ascension Path ―Stardust Grid‖ will engage one-third of Earth‘s Encryption Lattice and BPR with the organic, slower-moving time cycles of the Higher Earth Aurora Silver Seed Ascension Star-Gates; this engagement will remain until 2230 AD. ‗There is nothing the Illuminati Force can do to prevent or override the direct intervention of the Guardians‟ Stardust Silver Seed Ascension Grid; the Illuminati Force will discover the truth of this reality when they find that the Cataclysmic Pole Shift of Earth, which they are currently predicting for 2013–2015, does not occur as they plan. The Illuminati-Elder Force “AlphaOmega False God-Head” will also discover around 2976 AD that their Master Plan Prime Objective of creating the Death Star Black Hole Universe is also doomed to fail, because in 2976 AD the Parallel Milky Way Alpha Black Hole System explodes — as an energetic consequence to their own actions — even before the Death Star Solar System is created. Eternal-life First-Creation ―has a way of taking care of itself…eternally,‖ and this is why the Cosmos ―simply allows‖; this is a lesson that Illuminati Fall-groups everywhere would do well to learn. That which is eternal, remains eternal, and that which is not simply eventually destroys itself. ‗Individuals who make choices that allow their personal Encryption Lattices to enter Coresonant Harmonic Alignment with the Guardians‘ Stardust Ascension Grid between The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 200
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December 21, 2012 and January 31, 2013, will receive the gift of the ―Silver Seed Awakening,‖ which will create progressive biological immunity to the Illuminati‘s environmentally induced automatic ―Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio‖ permanent DNA mutation. ‗Those who successfully achieve the Stardust Ascension Grid Alignment before or during this short ―window of opportunity‖ will retain existing DNA Ascension potentials, and will receive regenesis of any missing organic Encryption Lattice/ DNA Template Ascension Codes, while generating sufficient strength within the personal Encryption Lattice to withstand environmental Metatronic Code quantum-override from the planetary geomagnetic field Metatronic TimeHarness. Individuals successfully achieving the Stardust Alignment by January 31, 2013 will retain the potential to engage organic atomic Transfiguration physical-biological SlideOrb Ascension through the Aurora Silver Seed Ascension Gates, to the Higher Earth territories and beyond. ‗Once a potential for biological Ascension is secured through the 2012-2013 Stardust alignment Silver Seed Awakening, whether or not an individual can fulfill the potential of physical biological Ascension – ‗will be determined by several factors, which include the existing stressdamage of the personal organic DNA, the remaining personal biological tolerance levels for atomic Transfiguration, and the progressive application of Silver Seed Healing Bio-regenesis activations, as well as sustained stability of ―Earth‘s side‖ of the Aurora Silver Seed Ascension Gates. With the Stardust Alignment, the potentials of biological Ascension Passage are restored, but even if the restored potentials for personal biological Ascension are unable to reach fulfillment for reasons such as those mentioned above, the conscious-spirit will still achieve spiritual Ascension to Higher Earth and beyond, through organic Bhardoah Ascension at the point of biological death.‘ ‗Regarding: ‗Bhardoah Ascension Transition at death, the living body before death becomes a ―vessel of progressive freedom‖ within which DNA Template and Encryption Lattice Bioregenesis reverse-mutation progressively occurs through Silver Seed Healing applications; attempting to ―accelerate‖ one‘s spiritual Ascension through acts of suicide can directly interfere with the organic mechanics of spiritual Ascension, and so the MCEO Freedom Teachings® strongly advise against such acts. ‗This short-term December 21, 2012 to January 31, 2013 ―window of opportunity‖ for accelerated DNA Template Bio-regenesis reverse-mutation through the Stardust Silver Seed Alignment is available to ALL contemporary Earth humans, with the exception of those who have already engaged the ―Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio‖ permanent DNA mutation.‘ … ‗Very few members of the contemporary Illuminati-Human race, and no members of the Angelic Human race, have engaged the ―Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio‖ DNA and Encryption Lattice mutation. Only individuals who have experienced full biological-atomic ―Death Star Merkaba Vehicle‖ transit through Metatronic Wormholes, via conscious intentional use of the ―Death Star Merkaba Vehicle,” or individuals who have directly, personally participated in Death Science Time Rip experiments such as the ―Montauk Project,‖ will have already engaged the associated ―Metatronic-55‖ permanent DNA mutation.
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‗So, like contemporary Earth Angelic Human collectives, most Earth Illuminati-Human collectives are still able to achieve the potential physical-biological ―Slide-Orb Ascension‖ freedoms offered in the Guardians‘ Stardust Silver Seed Alignment; engagement with the Stardust Silver Seed Ascension Alignment can be accessed by Illuminati-Humans through Amnesty Host Contracts with the trans-dimensional MCEO–Krystal River Councils, and through practice of the Silver Seed Healing technologies that will be progressively introduced in the MCEO Freedom Teachings®. ‗After the Stardust Alignment ―window of opportunity‖ closes on January 31, 2013, both Angelic Human and Illuminati-Human populations who have not achieved Stardust Alignment will biologically engage the automatic “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio‖ mutation from the planetary geomagnetic field, and from this point forward will become permanently unable to regain physical-biological “Slide-Orb Ascension‖ potentials. But, individuals who do not achieve the Stardust Alignment by January 31, 2013 can still, throughout the Load-Out Evacuation Last Ascension Cycle ―200-year window‖ of open Ascension Star-Gates, engage Krystal River–hosted conscious-spirit Bhardoah Ascension Stardust Alignment, through application of Silver Seed Healing technologies and Amnesty Host Contracts with the Guardians. ‗Achieving Bhardoah Ascension Stardust Alignment — and gaining freedom from the Metatronic Time-Harness/ False Christ Consciousness Grid in Earth‘s geomagnetic field, with its corresponding biochemical perceptual harness — will become progressively more difficult, but not impossible, following the end of 2013.‘ ‗Individuals who achieve the Stardust Alignment by January 31, 2013 will automatically ―genetically pass on‖ the biological Ascension potentials they receive to any offspring conceived during or after the ―2012–2013 window of opportunity,‖ and will also automatically pass on, through the parental-DNA Etheric Template link, the biological Ascension potentials to any children previously birthed, who are age 33 or under. Activation of the ―retro-inherited‖ biological Ascension potentials within previously birthed offspring will occur only if the ―Higher Self‖ of the individual child engages this activation through Free Will Choice.‘ A‘sha: They're just letting me know this now, that also through that Etheric link between the DNA, it can also be to full siblings, and parents as well, that you would be able to; but it would be just like the one, like up to the age of 33. You can send the activation, but still their own higher-self level has the right to choose. With the younger ones, if they came in - say if you got pregnant after you did it, that's an agreement right there. They came in with that alignment. So, you have every right to work with them with it and stuff. They didn't put that in the writing yet, but they were just letting me know now. So, full siblings and also parents can, you can run the DNA activation to them. (Audience member asks a question.) A‘sha: Oh, that's a good question. I'll have to ask. Somebody just asked if parents who are deceased also? That's a good question, because they are still floating around somewhere. I keep finding my father but my grandmother won't let me talk to him. They're saying, it's a little bit more complex in that regard... yeah. It depends on where they are, but there's more to it, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 200
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that has to do with more heavy Way-showers training, where you learn how to go back and forth between the dimensions yourself and you work with a team to go in, once the body is not here anymore. So, I think it's possible, but it's usually not a scientific ground crew in that kind of intervention. You can send a note up to the Beloveds, "Would you mind? Here's a name", and send an image of the face of the person. They're saying, in regard to that, each generation away from your immediate gene code, the weaker it will... the activation will be. You wouldn't be able to pass the whole thing, but, say if you passed to your mother, she could pass it to her mother, and that kind of thing. So, if you can... yeah... that kind of relationship. So, you can still pass it, but it's not as strong, right? That kind of thing, and again, it would always be, since you're not the primary caregiver of that person who came in with a soul contract for you, it would still be under the.… You can send the activation, but whether or not it will be accepted is completely up to the being on its multiple identity levels. Is anybody as tired as I am? A‘san: My two cents on the three different questions, and in similar situations, would always be the same, and some of you have heard me say before... with loving integrity to the forefront, when you have a gift of the Kryst available to share, and being sensible as regards any forms of exposure, adventurism, risk, madness, and cavalier behavior, you would make the offer always... unconditionally. A‘sha: (Inaudible) A‘san: I know... I was going to do that, but I knew you'd see the Etheric finger. No, no, anyway.... that belongs to yesterday, but you get the message. You know, really, the whole kind of self-starting idea of what you're capable of if you're coming to it from the right position. Right? One of the things about it is, it would be unconditional, wouldn't it? You'd give it your best shot totally, just because you can, and you do it in a protected sensible way, with integrity, like I said, and you do your damnedest, right? What more can you do than that? It's absolutely clear past here, as long as you remember those simple things. Whether it's this or some other thing like it, okay? A‘sha: Can I interject? Before we get back into this—there's hardly anything left, thank goodness because I am actually falling asleep in my chair. It's almost 24 hours straight up at this point, and that was with just the little nappy type sleep I have been taking for almost a month now. Because of my tired level, the Beloveds are saying that, as far as the technique, we will do that tomorrow, because I have to run Shield when they run it live, and it would be a disservice to you for me to run that when I'm this exhausted. What I can do, when we're finished with the reading, I'll go through, a couple... there's not a lot of diagrams anyway, but we will touch on, so you see where the Encryption Lattice is located in the anatomy, so we will start with ... at least we will have that information. I don't know if you will have any experiences with it, but I remember before I had this writing, I woke up one morning and it was one of those slow wake-ups, where I am aware here, and very aware here, and I'm aware that I'm coming back here, and it's kind of like... slowly come back and somewhere in between the two places of being asleep over here and being awake here, I could The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 65 of 200
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see this thing around me, and it really bugged me. It was like a sphere around me, but it seemed pretty close in, not some of the larger fields we're used to, and it was all just nasty mucky looking stuff. A‘san: That was me trying to wake you up. A‘sha: Nooooooooo. It reminded me of—I don't know if you've ever seen the pictures from the... the geographical survey people who take... I don't know what they are... readings of the magnetic fields, where they are all kind of like swishy strange things that keep moving, that aren't just the regular shaped ones that you see on a magnet. They are these kind of puddling moving things. It was like that, but I was kind of on the inside of it, and I was, like, ―What is that? Get off!‖ It was moving, and it would move actually when I touched it. At this point, I'm awake, and I'm still seeing it, and going, ―Oh, yuk. Get off!. What is that?‖ I learned to do this thing—I was trying to go to sleep the next night or whatever, and I would still be aware of it. Once I was aware of it, I always was aware of it. I knew it was there, and I didn't feel right. ―Get that off my anatomy, whatever it is.‖ I had this technique where... they didn't teach me how to do it. Something kicked in where I knew how to do it. I would just push up, when I would kind of project out to go to Ah-Rish-ma-Ta‘-A or whatever. Before I did that, I'd actually push and clear it, as if I was clearing muck away, and then project out through. So, you can do this kind of dive upward and... as if you're diving up a net of (inaudible) stuff, and it works and you can project better. I think these are coming in to perception at this point, because they are progressively activating now. It's not just in 2012. They are progressively doing the build-up activations to that, all the time—the 9-9-9 thing... that actually worked for our benefit as well. That was one of the Metatronic activations. So, anyway, I thought I‘d share with you a little bit about my first experience with what I came to learn... was the Encryption Lattice. It is a sphere-shaped thing and it is in the field, in a very specific place, and because with our Light Body fields we have many layers to them, we have numerous dimensional layers of this too. There are certain control ones, and before the end of tonight, after A‘san finishes the reading, I will just put up the couple of diagrams that pertain to seeing where in the field it is, and then there's this one very interesting chart. I don't know how I got that done, but I actually did, because it was 15 minutes before I had to come down. It shows the alignments of various things, so you can spot which ones are the control fields for what part of the Multidimensional Anatomy, and that's what we are going to be picking up with tomorrow anyway. Ok, now that you know what they are, what do we do with them? How do we get them calibrated to the geomagnetic fields of Higher Earth and Median Earth, and get them de-calibrated from the geomagnetic fields here to the degree that we can still walk around here, but we won't get suckered into the Metatronic fall thing? So, anyway, I'll return you here, but I just wanted to let you know, as far as the technique, I wouldn't do you the disservice. I can hardly talk, if you notice; I've been up so long and I'm so exhausted, so I wouldn't do you the disservice of trying to run that, because it is a live wave. If it were a reading one, I would let A‘san run it, but it's not. It's one that comes through live and I have to be awake and hold... it's like a wave that comes through. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 66 of 200
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Back to my darling. A‘san: So, we just got the final paragraph and then we‘re done with the questions. So, closing this question, final paragraph. ‗So the answer to the question of ―Who will have the opportunity to reclaim biological „Slide-Orb Ascension‟ potential within the Load-Out Last Ascension Cycle 200-year window of open Ascension Star-Gates?” is time-sensitive in relation to the December 21, 2012 – January 31, 2013 ―window of opportunity‖ for Stardust Silver Seed Alignment. In simple terms, those of both Angelic Human and Illuminati-Human gene lines who do not achieve Stardust Alignment by the January 31, 2013 close of the ―window of opportunity,‖ forfeit physical-biological ―Slide-Orb Ascension‖ potential — due to the automatic, environmentally induced Metatronic Alpha-Omega Alignment DNA quantumoverride that will occur through Earth‘s geomagnetic field. But conscious-spirit Bhardoah Ascension potential can be regained, with progressively greater difficulty, after the ―window of opportunity closes,‖ through Guardian Amnesty Host Contracts and Silver Seed Healing applications.‟ End of question and answer. So, then, this is wrapping this section; no more questions and answers. ‗Though the dispensations of the CDT-Plates and the GA-MCEO Guardians may reveal realities that most contemporary Earth humans ―just do not want to hear about,‖ these revelations nonetheless are made as a gesture of the Guardians‘ love for humanity, and of their enduring commitment to ―seeing us through to the end,‖ while holding for us the living potentials of our re-evolutionary vision of Eternal Life Ascension that we had long ago forgotten. What might this ―end,‖ which the Guardians are ―seeing us through to,‖ look like?‘ It is a question. ‗The immediate answer to that question has yet to be decided, for this decision will be made through the realities of personal and Planetary Encryption Lattice BPR alignment, especially as we move through the period of the ―2012 BPR Showdown‖ and the Illuminati ―Metatronic-55point‖ and Alpha-Omega/ Toral Rift Fall Alignment peak of December 21, 2012. ‗The ―2012 BPR Showdown‖ is not a ―showdown over planetary Templar control,‖ for the alignment paths of Earth‘s Encryption Lattice BPR, and thus the immediate planetary energetic consequences, have already been determined. Fulfillment of the Illuminati‘s Death Star activation, and the corollary 6th Extinction, will be stalled and postponed, and our Solar System will not be drawn into the 10,948 BC Toral Rift Time Rip, until the 2230– 2976 AD period, due to the MCEO–Krystal River Guardians‘ intervention. The “Metatronic-55point” acceleration will, however, control the primary geomagnetic fields of Earth and the Sun from December 21, 2012 forward, and will thus automatically control — by Quantum Dominance — the Encryption Lattice BPR of Earth‘s life-field and matter-base, unless conscious energetic counterstrategies are progressively personally applied. The ―2012 BPR Showdown‖ is a ―personal BPR Showdown,‖ as through it the use of individual Free Will Choice will determine which aspect of the now-preset planetary evolutionary-path alignment, and the corresponding realities in consequence, that each individual will experientially encounter. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 67 of 200
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‗May we all make our choices well, for this time it is the ―End Game,‖ and we will each exist within the energetic consequence of our contemporary choices for a very long time to come. The MCEO–Krystal River Guardians will also extend Silver Seed Healing “Ascension Alignment” opportunities to various plant, animal, crystal and elemental species whose Encryption Lattices are capable of engaging this alignment. Earth humans who choose “Ascension Alignment” through personal Silver Seed Healing will be instrumental in extending this healing opportunity to the other kingdoms of Earth‘s life-field, for these humans will be the only force resident on-planet with an Encryption Lattice through which the Ascension Alignment can be ―anchored‖ on Earth — and thus made accessible to Earth‘s extended life-field. The path of rise re-evolutionary Stardust Ascension return, or the path of fall de-evolutionary space dust return—‗the choice belongs to each and every human presently alive on Earth. The hidden energetic realities of the contemporary planetary and galactic ―Big Picture Drama‖ will ensure, through the ―Cosmic Law of Cause, Effect and Consequence,‖ that this human evolutionary choice is made, whether or not we are ready. ‗The Guardians are not here to ―save us‖; no one can ―save us‖ from the energy consequences resulting from our current and historical use of Free Will Choice. The most they can do is to temporarily buffer us from the full brunt of our collective planetary consequences, and return to us the knowledge of how we as individuals can choose to ―save ourselves.‖ ‗The current planetary drama is challenging us, individually and as a ―common race of man,‖ to ―be the change we wish to see in the world,‖ as Gandhi so eloquently phrased it. We can still change our personal destiny — and change our personal relationship to the Path of Fall Return with which the planet is now aligned — by choosing to change ourselves. The part of ourselves that most needs changing is not so much the ―external ideological associations‖ we choose to hold, but rather the underlying reality of energy frequency-vibration held within our personal Encryption Lattices, which lie beneath our consciousness and our biological-atomic form. ‗For the last 10 years, the GA-MCEO has been providing us with the MCEO Freedom Teachings® and CDT-Plate translations precisely so that we may empower ourselves to make this ―internal change,‖ and literally SHIFT the BPR (Base Pulse Rhythm) of our personal Encryption Lattices out of the planetary ―Metatronic-55‖ Fall Alignment — if we desire to do so with our Free Will Choice. The Guardians have offered us the opportunity to ―become our own saviors‖ and to reclaim our original birthright of Eternal Life Ascension, and fortunately they have cared enough, and intervened in the planetary drama sufficiently enough, to ―buy us some much-needed evolutionary time!‖ ‗Before we can become Orb-ing ―Ascension Sliders,‖ we need first to become ―Shifters,‖ through consciously shifting our morphogenetic field Encryption Lattice BPR, and thus our biological-atomic bio-rhythms, out of the current planetary ―Metatronic-55-point‖ Toral Rift Fall Path Alignment, and into Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment with the Ascension Path of the Stardust Alignment and the Silver Seed Awakening.
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‗Between October 2009 and December 2012, the MCEO Freedom Teachings® will progressively focus upon the study of healing the personal ―Encryption Lattice‖ in preparation for the ―2012 Mass BPR Showdown‖ and the Silver Seed Awakening. Humanity is welcome to join us in this journey of healing and freedom. Sometimes truth really IS stranger — or at least much more complex — than fiction. What has been described in this writing IS the reality of what is occurring behind the scenes on this planet; the reality of this drama will move forward with or without humanity‘s acknowledgement or consent. We can engage our planetary reality through conscious knowing or unconscious unknowing — both are choices, and individually we WILL experience the energetic consequence of our choice. ‗May the sun warm your shoulders, may the wind be at your back…and may you choose to ride the Rising Tides of Stardust into a joyous, loving Eternity. Signed off, ‗With Love, Light and Awareness… and a ―Sprinkling of Stardust…‖‘ by sleeping Speaker 1. A‘sha: I‘m beginning to feel like Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet… except I am not allowed to trance. (Laughs) Okay… I‘m going to move now. Excuse me. I‘ve never been this tired on stage before. I was pooped when I got up for break. (Discussion with A‘san about which graphs to show) Okay… now we will find out where exactly is this Encryption Lattice. Before we discover our Encryption Lattice, I‘m just going to show you something for a moment, which is a diagram that someone, not me, has done of the synthetic Christ Consciousness Grid around the planet, so you have an idea of what some of these structures look like, and this one is an Etheric one. It‘s actually a D-4 Etheric one. This is the artificial Christ Consciousness Grid. It‘s an Etheric construct that is controlling the geomagnetic fields on the planet, and we have the same configurations and including what you… there‘s also other geometries that are in this. We looked at those when we dealt with Shona fields a long time, with some of the other geometries that fit within the structure. This particular grid is the false Christ Consciousness Grid that is part of the Metatronic machine that‘s meant to harness us and take us in. This is what is going to be activating to a 55 pulse, which will create the 55 spin activations in the Merkaba fields. Next one, please. On a more cheerful note—we‘re going to build one too, and it starts with this workshop. I‘m not sure if it‘s coming in tomorrow; parts probably will. Once we get down in the region… well, it was supposed to be Skellig Michael, but in that region, when we‘re there, we are going to birth in another one. It‘s going to be a secondary grid that is the Stardust Grid. That grid is the one that will directly connect into the geomagnetic fields of first, what they are calling Higher Earth, which are actually some of the planes of Net Earth that didn‘t get netted, and that connects into Median The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 69 of 200
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Earth, which is the next layer out, when we are talking about the vertical maps that we dealt with before. So, we are going to be anchoring the beginning of that formation. I don‘t know what it‘s going to look like, what its geometries are going to look like. It doesn‘t have all those kind of hard lines to it. It seems to just be spherical. What I keep seeing is a sphere, but I think it has lines, perhaps, like some of the radial body structures that we learned about in Kathara 2/3. So, anyway, we‘re going to be the lucky ones to get to anchor that first, which means we will catch the strongest anchoring wave of it. So that will begin in our own fields as well, and it is literally a matrix that our biology can transfer it‘s association with, so it doesn‘t get dragged into activation of the artificial Christ Consciousness grid. So, there‘s a lot of activation stuff happening in this workshop, and somewhere in there I need to sleep, so, I can run it, because it comes through in a wave. Everybody runs it, but a certain line comes through and the words come on it often that my body is responsible for transmitting out, and I just can‘t be too exhausted to do that. So anyway… this is an old diagram that, when we‘re studying Merkaba fields and the shapes of them and the proper spins of them, I just brought this one up so we could look at this in relation to the structure of the Radial Body that goes with Merkaba fields. Now, these are part of Light Body structure, and the Merkaba fields go with the Light Body structure in a Radial Body structure. Now, we have Dimensional ones, and then we have the larger ones, Density level ones around us. You have at the center, you have what‘s called the Meajhe Field, which is a magnetic field. You have around that what‘s called the Trion Light Field, and then you have around that what‘s called the Reion Void Field. We‘ve gone into those heavily; I think they‘re in Kathara 2/3. Then the Primal Light Parameter Field around that. The reason I wanted to show you these is because where the Encryption Lattice actually lives; it is part of this Light Body structure. It is like a skin, like a full skin layer, thin layer of skin, energetic skin, over the Meajhe Field. So, everywhere we have that Meajhe Field structure in our Light Body structure, that is where we have one of these Encryption Lattices, and they have different configurations and they are constantly moving. They are like the geomagnetic field maps you see of the planet, all sorts of configurations coming and going and moving. Over here, they actually… on this side, the EtorA side, they actually are just vibrational patterns, but they actually can be seen. They are visible when viewed from the AdorA side, which we‘ve talked about before as far as the spins - the EtorA and the AdorA Universe. We‘re in the EtorA right now. So, these are… I‘m sure at some point we‘re going to be taught some kind of technologies to again go over and be able to see them from the AdorA side so we can see the visuals on them, and start moving with those. These also directly connect in… I‘m just getting this now, to the Chakras. They actually control… whatever the encryption is … this is a new one, literally. If, say, this one Meajhe had that skin of the Encryption Lattice, well… the Chakras also have, in their little Seed Seals and Star Crystal Seals and Seed Crystal Seals, they actually have the same micro version of that. So, there‘s one around every one of our atoms as well, and around all the subatomic particles The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 70 of 200
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in our atoms, our quarks, and those kind of things. There‘s literally spheres with these encryptions that are held in the micro places and the large ones as well. The little fluffy part is just to make the distinction between the Meajhe Field and the other ones with straight lines. So, that‘s where it is in relation to Light Body structure. When we talk about Light Body structure, because we learned that our atoms are actually in the wrong place; they should be at a different angle because Light Body structure should be at one angle. Fifteen degrees away from that is where the atomic body or the Ah-VE‘-yas body structure should be. In this mutation, our atoms have actually been dragged over and forced into phase lock with the Light Body structure, and that is inorganic. That is being held in by the particular Encryption Lattices, so we started in Sliders-5 to begin to loosen that. We started what was called the Stardust Flow, or the Eiron flow, where we created, literally, an Atomic Mirror. By bringing certain frequencies in through the Ah-VE‘-yas body, we were able to create… go into the Metatronic mutation that‘s actually holding our fields in the wrong place, and begin to unwind it by joining it and then reversing it. It reversed our natural currents, so we brought in a current to reverse them back, so it was like a mirror effect; they called it the Atomic Mirror. There‘s going to be a large version of this done in 2012; it‘s called the Mirror in the Sky, where we‘re going to create a similar effect that will allow for the stalling for 200 years on their Merkaba activation. So, anyway, as far as this goes, these structures… can I look at the next one please? In simple terms of understanding our basic bodies, this is just showing the embedded levels. We have our D-1 Body, our D-2 Body, our D-3 Body and our Density 1 Body, and this would imply the embedded Kathara Grids that go with them. I just took those off so you could see more of what‗s happening with the fields and things, and these just indicate where the Kathara Grid top would be up here, like this. These are just part of the Krystar Vehicles, where it shows you the big one, the lines of the Krystar Vehicle, to show you that that‗s there. It‗s these fields in here… this is where the Meajhe fields would be. So we had to find the Meajhe fields for each of the dimensional levels first. Then there‗s also this other thing. I started to notice a pattern and it dawned on me it was connected to things we learned in Sliders-5, where this one said D-1 Reion Field, D-3 Meajhe Field. Hmmm… which means D-3 Encryption Field, Encryption Lattice is on the D-3 Meajhe, so there is a correspondence between them. So, I was able to get them going all the way up and down the dimensional scale. This is showing in relation to our D-2 Body—this little one here, not the tiniest but the second one up… that‗s our D-2 Physical Telluric Body, and this is the one I was seeing, right? It was like around me here, and I was trying to get it off me, and move the swirls away so I could get The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 71 of 200
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my consciousness out. That would be… if this is my D-2 Body, it was this one that I was seeing around me, okay? There‘s a larger one that expands out further in your field, and there‘s this one out here. The correspondences are interesting. This one is the Density-1 Reion Field, right? It‘s actually the lattice for the D-5. So, there‘s a chart that I will show you. I can‘t believe I got this done, because I am not a fast typist; but I just learned how to do proper columns. So, it went faster and I was afraid it might not; so it did. We‘ll get more into this… this is actually showing you…. Now, this is the Ah-VE‘-yas Atomic Body. When you see the Ah-VE‘-yas Body, that is where the atoms are supposed to materialize within, and it also is connected to what‘s called the your Mana Body. Then you have the Light Body structure. That‘s supposed to be… its Angular Rotation of Particle Spin is supposed to be 15 degrees different from that. Right now we‘re actually aligned… our atoms are actually aligned with our Light Body. Our atoms should be over here, and they‘re not, but we‘re moving that way, because once we get all of our atoms over there, we won‘t be seeing this. We will be seeing the first levels of Higher Earth, because that would be on the natural axis for that. So, learning about the Encryption Lattices is going to give us more power to be able to free ourselves and our atoms from these harnesses. It‘s like, now‘s the best time, because in 2012... we will have preparation for this. We may be able, I think, that if we work with this enough before the fact, it will actually build an immunity to the activation anyway; but if it doesn‘t, if we activate the Silver Seed Awakening in 2012.… If that‘s the only option left, it will still kick it out of reverse. The magnetic fields will hit our fields, and then this will counter that, and drag them back in, so we won‘t have to go through the Metatronic activations. So, there‘s a lot we‘re going to learn about the Encryption Lattices, because this is where… I mean, getting one step closer again to returning the Power of Direct Materialization, or Manifestation. It‘s this field that, when we send a thought out to the Cosmos, that we‘re hoping will meet us with a like encryption, and bring it back in our hologram so we can see it, it still doesn‘t work as it does when our systems are fully in natural Krystic Order. As we work with these, we‘ll be able to actually create things, once we clear them and get that secondary… the Stardust Grid, or the real Kryst Consciousness Grid, that we are going to put in on each level. It will be … the one with the circles… there will be ones inside of us, and around us, around our atoms, around the parts of our atoms. It will literally give a second grid instead of the Metatronic one, that can progressively activate to stop the other from activating and will progressively move us into that freedom of the higher planes of Earth first, and then into higher spaces like Median Earth that we‘ve talked about, and those kind of things. These are just some of the interesting points. This would be our Atomic Bodies. So, if we wanted to find the atoms that are physical self—that we can poke—are made of, that would be the D-2 physical atoms, right? If you draw these as spheres, the spheres for that portion of the body … so you have the D-2 Telluric Body, right? It actually aligns up with… because these are actually so much … the light field that becomes the Mana Field that goes with these, of the AhVE‘-yas, are actually the size of the next one up. So, this is part of the Light Body structure. You had the D-2 physical body that‘s supposed to bond with the D-3 Atmic Body, and what this is connected to—and if you drew them they would The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 200
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all be the same size circle in the diagrams, and in the same place. This one is the D-4 Etheric Meajhe Field and Encryption Lattice. So, the Encryption Lattice is what controls and sets the pattern for the other spheres it‘s connected to. So what controls the part of the Ah-yas Body that forms the atomic structure is connected to the D-3, which is the Mental Plane and the Light Body, but it‘s over here. This is the physical control. So, if we want to begin to directly interface with how to fix something on the physical level, this is the Encryption Lattice that we would work with. Now, if we want to create larger changes, we go to the Density level ones… these are Ketheric. Notice each one of them has…if you have, D-4 is Etheric, just like D-1, D-2 and D-3 is the same… D-4, D-5 and D-6.… You have Etheric, Telluric and Atmic, and then Ketheric in between them—different kinds of energy. So, they are just beginning to show us these alignments, but it is giving us a key to, if we want to begin to work directly, and they are going to show us more of how to work directly, with the Encryption Lattices that we can say, ―Ok, I want to fix something on the D-2 level‖. So that means you go to the D-4 Meajhe Field level, which is where the Encryption Lattice is that controls the D-2 Telluric and the D-3 Atmic. So, you can find these things. If we want to work with healing the atomic structure of which our mind is made out of, our mental planes here in the atomic level, that would be connected to the Density 1 Ketheric field. That would be the D-5 Telluric field, which is the D-5 Meajhe Field, and that‘s the encryption. The D-5 encryption controls the D-3 Atmic level of the Mental Body here around us. So, all of these connections that are progressively going to give us the power, and I know they‘re going to be giving symbols and things. I don‘t know if they will do that in this workshop, but there are certain symbols, certain tones… everything we think, do, or interact with creates a vibration and thus an encryption image within this sphere. So, once we have the new Stardust Grid created there, where we are creating with Krystic frequencies instead of being overrun by the false Christ Consciousness Grid that‘s from the Metatronic ones, then we‘ll be taught how to specifically work with healing, work with manifesting, and probably at some point, by 2012, have a pretty strong manifesting crew together to make sure we manifest the intervention levels hold. Well, we won‘t worry much about it if they don‘t, because we‘re not going to be around to talk about it, but they said they will. They are holding that vision for us, even if we messed up on that. It‘s not going to roll in 2012. I‘m excited about what they‘re teaching here, because it‘s where you can find the keys. ―Ok… where in my field do I put what?‖ Right? ―In order to heal this, if I want to heal down here, if I want to heal Mental Body, if I want to get myself out on Ascension, what codes do I put where?‖ So, this is the beginning of the information on the Encryption Lattices, and this is where I was going to get to… I was just going to recap a little bit of what we had gone through in Sliders-5. We can do that integrating with tomorrow evening‘s program, I can tell, because I‘ve got to get a couple of hours sleep, please, before I find out what diagrams we have to do, what typesetting I have to do. I think I have to finish Summary one to get the last bit of information that we‘re supposed to go into. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 73 of 200
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There‘s something else I wanted to say. Let me think. What was it? If it‘s important it will come back. If it isn‘t, it won‘t. Something about these… never mind; oh well. When I‘m tired I‘m just like gone. Anyway… oh yeah, that‘s what it was. Okay. There‘s one thing… even though they won‘t run the second technique tonight - we‘ll do it tomorrow with the others - there is an image that you can use in it, and just imagine yourself as your Bud self, like the bud of a flower, your Buddha self, and imagine that you‘re sitting in… oooo, that‘s close… who brought that? Close! I love it! I was going to say, I have one of these things at home, but I don‘t have it with me. It‘s very close to this, but they‘re more petal-shaped. I don‘t know whose this is, but imagine this a little bit more opened, and imagine that it‘s a 48-point Crystal Lotus that your Buddha is sitting in, and imagine that your Krystar Vehicle is around that, and it‘s a next level up of the Krystar Vehicle. It has to do with the 48 coding of the 48 strands, so it looks kind of like that, but they‘re more Eckasha-shaped petals. The one I have at home is like Eckasha-shaped petals, but this gives you the idea. Imagine you‘re the Buddha, your Buddha self sitting in the middle of that, and you use that in projections, and it has all sorts of keys in it because of the 48 petals, so we are going to use that image in the technique. So you can start playing with that if you want; like send yourself out on your little Krystal Lotus when you go to sleep or something, and see where you go. It will keep you safe. That‘s neat. That‘s really funny. Somebody materialized that there. It must have been catching the wave. Right. So, that‘s the last thing I wanted to touch on for now. I don‘t know how long we‘ve been going this evening, but it feels like I‘ve been going for 45 years at this point. I have, actually. I just turned 45 this year. That was a slip too. (Laughs) It‘s four o‘clock in the morning? Ok. Well, four o‘clock in the morning, that‘s a good time, I think, to go to bed or have breakfast, one or the other. Thank you for your patience with the time, and we‘ll see you tomorrow evening about seven. Have a good day‘s sleep.
Wednesday Lecture [Audio Tracks 5 and 6] A‘sha A‘sha: ...visit to the Blarney Stone and things like that. I will tell you a little story since the last time I saw you. A‘san: Did they hang out there? (A‘sha- Hmm?) Did they hang out there? A‘sha: Did anyone hang upside down and kiss the Blarney Stone? (Big laughs from group and Speakers as someone admits to this). I love it. A‘san: Go to the back of the class now (Laughs). The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 74 of 200
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A‘sha: Well, somebody had to do it. (Laughs) A‘san: That‘s what they put it there for. A‘sha: The kiss of Kryst. The kiss of Kryst (Laughs in group) A‘san: (low comment with group) Sorry…go on darling. A‘sha: Sure. Anyway, since I last saw you, it was interesting when we were trying to figure the schedule for this trip. I‘m looking at that large-houred workshop at the front of the trip and I‘m going, ―Hm‖. Because usually most of the information, the wave starts to come in and then it builds toward the end and the big stuff comes in at the end. So we were just trying to accommodate whatever the hotel arrangements were and all of that. So it didn‘t surprise me when that just went out the window. And that‘s what happened. That night that I last saw you, whenever it was, because at this point it‘s like they all blend into one long day and night. It was really funny, I was so tired while on stage. You probably saw me. I was trying not to yawn and that kind of stuff while A‘san was reading. Well, got back upstairs, everything ached and I was even too tired to just like take a bath to make the aches go away. So I had a cup of coffee. That woke me up enough to take a bath (Laughs). I fell asleep in the bathtub for about a half hour. And that was enough. That was just enough…water started to get chilly. It was like, ―Ok, alarm clock‖. Woke up…I wasn‘t planning to sleep in the bathtub. But woke up after about a half hour and for some reason that kept me going. I didn‘t go to sleep until noon that day. And I went for a couple hours at noon, but they had me on a diagram sequence. So yes, there were diagrams, but it‘s like ―Great, what‘s the program, Beloveds? Like, would you mind giving me a clue so I know what I‘m teaching,‖ right. We‘re driving down on the bus thing today…going, ―Ok Beloveds, got a pen, got the paper ready, any time you‘re ready‖ (Laughs). They‘re not saying anything and I‘m going, ―Great. We‘re going to get there. What am I teaching tonight,‖ right. About an hour ago, got that, right. And I feel much better now because I know what we‘re teaching tonight and how that fits in with the rest of the things we‘re going to be doing. So tonight basically, the things that we‘re going to cover have to do with tomorrow. Because tomorrow, when we go on the site thing…now the site we‘re going to see isn‘t ideally where we would be, because it would have been nice if we could have gone out to Skellig Michael, except we were a bit worried about more tourists falling off the edge and getting killed, you know, because that would not be great. Especially with a lot of people and I guess it was a long hike and that kind of stuff. But we were willing to do it. A‘san: (low comment to Ash) A‘sha: Yeah, but the government closed it, that‘s why we didn‘t do it. We were going to at least take a small group up, you know, the more hardy of folks that felt like they could deal with it. And I was thinking, ―Could I wait on the bottom and wave?‖ (Laughs) I was going to be on the lower tier on that one. But it was taken out of our hands with it being closed. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 75 of 200
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So what we‘re going to do is…I don‘t know what the place is that we‘re going to look, like it might be a parking lot, but it‘s in… A‘san: It will be a parking lot. A‘sha: It will be a parking lot? (A‘san comments a bit more to her). Ok, right. It‘s the only space where we can actually do something you know, with the larger group. (A‘san comments to Ash) Yeah, A‘san is pointing out that before, if we had done the thing we would have been broken up into I think 3 groups because we wouldn‘t have been able to go up all at once or anything. Oh yeah, that was fast. Good, good. All right, we have some new magic words for the end of tonight and tomorrow. But, the place that we‘re going to go to is the closest where we can get grid access to Skellig Michael. Now tonight we will see a bit of the maps, as far as the Atlantean Maps. And it will give us a bit of an understanding of what we‘re doing there, as far as why you know we‘re going to that site, why we were aiming for Skellig Michael. What I didn‘t know before, I mean I was working on the maps in that like crazy period after the bath time, but what they gave me in the last hour was fascinating. If there was anything I had no idea this workshop was going to be about, it was Merkaba. I thought we did Merkaba…been there, done that, you know, moved on ages ago. Oh no. We‘re moving into a new era of understanding Merkaba—Transharmonic Merkaba—and how to activate it. So we are going to have a very interesting…the rest of the techniques tonight. We will do one technique at the end of the presentation. The one for tonight, it‘s called the Lotus Seed. What is it? Receiving the Lotus Seed. This has to do with getting our first little spark of what they‘re referring to as the Silver Seed. And the Silver Seed has to do with what‘s called the Flame of Aurora, or the Flame of Mashaya-Hana. And it is literally, just like the blue flame of Tara was a piece of Tara‘s Morphogenetic Field that would come into our Sphere of Amenti Race Morphogenetic Field to activate it, well this is a piece of the Mashaya-Hana Hubs in Aquareion Matrix. So it is the beginning of the Silver Seed Awakening. Because of the Silver Seed, it will enable us to activate Transharmonic Merkaba. Which means it will…Merkabas that can take the Light Body and the Atomic Body through the Aurora Continuum and are not bound by the hierarchal structure of the dimensional chain as it exists on the outer. It means you can go in between the Domains, between the Outer Domain and the Middle Domain. So we‘ll be learning more about that, particularly in the long workshop. But the things we‘re doing to build up to the long workshop are fascinating. For tonight we will receive the first beginning of the Silver Seed for our personal selves and for the Aquafereion Shield. There will be a point in time where we initiate this in the planetary grids as well, so when 2012 occurs it‘s ready to fully activate. So a part of the Sphere of Amenti in 2012, because of what we‘re starting tonight, a part of the Sphere of Amenti will activate on the Arc of the Covenant that becomes aligned with the Krystal The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 76 of 200
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River, which will assist a lot of people that are connected to the Sphere of Amenti that wouldn‘t otherwise have the ability to pick up those frequencies when the Metatronic 55 happens. But some of the neat stuff that we‘re doing is, by the end of this journey through Ireland we will have opened 2 large Transharmonic Doorways. What we are doing and why we needed to come down here is, by tomorrow night we‘re going to do Technique 3, and Technique 3 is the beginning of the activation of our Merkaba Fields, but not just individually, the individual ones, but also we‘re going to create a large, mass Merkaba Field. And it‘s going to be a freestanding, spinning one once we leave. Now when we go in the daytime we will be seeding, because we will be having an activation tonight, we will be seeding the activation into the grids and sending that out into the Skellig Michael area. And when we come back in the evening we‘re going to learn something that I‘m going to be sitting up there taking dictation on tonight. It‘s called Stardust Breathing – Level 1. This has to do with activating the Density-1 Level of our Density-1 Merkaba on a Transharmonic spin. When we learned Merkaba mechanics before, and we learned tons of them…we learned all sorts of phases of Merkaba, the different speeds, all of that stuff…these were the ones that would just climb the vertical ascent in the dimensions. These will activate faster and at a certain point…they‘ll still use similar ratios, but they will be able to go into the Aurora Continuum in order to get us into what was referred to as the Higher Earth Field. Probably in the big end workshop we will do some of the reading from the Summary-1 that‘s not finished yet either, that deals with where and how those planes that are referred to as the Higher Earth, which are different than the Median Earth. They‘re between where we are in Lower Net Earth and Median Earth. So there‘s this set of planes, 3-dimensional planes in between, that we would experience physically as a version of Earth that from the 10,948 BC period evolved without the NET. So it evolved in, you know, a much more Krystic way than what we have seen here. So we‘re going to…these, the Transharmonic Merkabas, they‘re called the Aurora Merkabas. To be able to activate those will allow us to begin opening the Gate Systems between Lower and Higher Earth. This will allow us before…by the time we‘re finished with all the activations in the workshop, we will first anchor the encryption of the Geomagnetic Field of Higher Earth into our fields and then we will activate them. What that will do is create a different lattice, a free lattice, around the Metatronic one that is being held into our fields by the Magnetic Grid, the Geomagnetic Field here. So we will first re-encrypt our own field where we still have the coding from here, so we don‘t like just disappear, because right now our atoms wouldn‘t be ready to disappear and they would like, you know, vaporize. So we will end up with both, where we are connected to both down here where the Metatronic grids are activating, but also we will be connected to Higher Earth. Which means we would have enough frequency from the collective Higher Earth‘s Field coming in to counteract and counter-balance. It will create an immunity to, a progressive immunity, before we get to 2012 for the Metatronic stuff. So that will not flip over and take over our DNA The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 77 of 200
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and that kind of thing like it‘s going to for masses of people here. So this is the first part of literally freeing our encryption lattice and bringing in the encryption of the Higher Earth Field. What‘s going to be neat too about this is, let‘s see, with tomorrow night‘s activation…so first we, in the daytime we set the grids for what we‘re going to do in the evening. What we‘re going to do in the evening is the Density-1 Level for the Transharmonic Merkaba Activation. Before, we used the spin speed ratios of 33 and a 1/3 rd electrical clockwise on the top and 11 and 2/3rds counter-clockwise, bringing energy out, from the bottom. We will start with those, but then we will bring them to what‘s called a Transharmonic Snap. Ok. I didn‘t even know that. That just came through my mouth, ok (Laughs). Write that down, would you please? I‘ll forget what it‘s called…Transharmonic Snap. (A‘san speaks low to A‘sha). And there‘s a certain way of breathing (Laughing…A‘san doing something)…yeah, seriously, I‘ll forget it, right. When it falls out my face like that I‘ll forget it. Anyway, there‘s a Transharmonic Snap point that once you get the fields moving in the 11 and 2/3rds, 33 and a 1/3rd, there‘s a point where they will build and become a 45-activation…both top and bottom, but still going counter-spin, right. That‘s the difference between a Krystic Merkaba and a Metatronic Merkaba. Metatronic Merkabas have same spin spiral sets where a top and a bottom one spin in the same direction, where we will always have different movement in the two. But, they will be creating a ―45‖, so you add the two together right. The 33 and a 1/3rd and the 11 and 2/3rds bring it up to a 45-activation. What that snap does is begin the Krystal Spiral Activation in, right, in the Density-1 Level of our bodies. Just like with the 55-Metatronic Activation, that starts the auto-pilot on the Fibonacci ―sucker‖ spiral, well we have our version how that works but in a Krystic way, where it literally starts the Krystal Spiral expansion and accelerations within the Density-1 Field. So we will be activating our Density-1 Transharmonic Merkabas tomorrow night. And what that will do is trigger in the grids…we‘re actually going to do a Shadra here, a big one, and that‘s why it‘s not going to be in this room. We‘re going to a room that‘s much bigger where we can do the lay down thing, so it‘ll be one like, you know, ―bring your pillows‖ or whatever if they let you kind of thing. Because we‘re going to do a lay down Shadra Projection and literally activate first our own personal ones to that snap point, and then we‘re going to do something. And I‘m not sure what it is but I‘ll explain it, you know, they‘ll explain it by tomorrow night. We‘re going to activate in the room the large one, the group one, the Transharmonic Doorway. And then we‘re going to send it out to the grids that we already set the encryption alignment for. So we send it out there. Then when we go back to Dublin on Saturday, you know, because Friday‘s just like travel day and me probably staying up all night and doing program for Saturday, as usual. Saturday we create another one, but this time we take our own activation levels to the Density2 Level. Now there will be some Mylar program stuff to go with this. We will look at again some of the things we learned in Sliders-5 about that Orbing thing that we‘re supposed to be able to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 78 of 200
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do, as far as what the natural process that if our atoms were at that 15 degree offset like they‘re supposed to be, because they‘re actually stuck to our Light Bodies right now, that there‘s a natural process of going into Orb that is how the living network works. What these Merkaba activations are doing are bringing us to the point where we can begin to do that, where our fields are capable of it. So we will…we talked about in Sliders-5 that it required 5…6 dimensions worth of activations. It‘s actually up to D-5, but that includes the Density-1 level down here. So you have 4 levels down here and 2 of the Density-2 levels to create that Transharmonic Orb thing. So what we are going to do is activate the Density-2 level of the Merkabas. Where we take it from…I have to find the chart because I haven‘t looked at it in years, but I believe the speeds were, instead of 11 and 2/3rds I think it‘s like 101 or something on the bottom and 303 on the top. And you add those together and that‘s the ―snap speed‖ there. So they‘re going to teach us how to do that activation and get us part the way through that. That will begin the Density-2 Level of the Krystal Spiral activating. We‘ll also then create a large, 2-Density level or you know six…it has six dimensions in it even though it only goes up to D-5 because it has that Density level interface too. So we‘ll have, that will create the 2Density‘s level large, Transharmonic Merkaba there. And it will also trigger this one down here that we left behind, that‘s going to be at the old Arc of the Covenant site in Atlantis, where it had originally come down. And it will trigger that one into it also. They will stay there. When that occurs, when we do the snap point on the Density-2 level, it will begin the Krystal Spirals of both of those Merkaba sets, the 2-Densities‘ worth of them. And not just the one that comes out and expands, but the one on the AdorA side that actually goes counter-clockwise. So it creates both. These are literally Transharmonic Doorways. They‘re referring to this as…how did they word this…they said, ―You could tell the people that we are creating, we‘re building the ‗Stairway to Heaven‘. That we are Architects of Light, Sound and Spirit Stardust.‖ They refer to these Transharmonic Merkabic Doorways as the ―Spheres of Destiny Doorways‖. Where before, I remember I said, ―that sounds familiar sort of‖ and it was like ―Oh‖…and A‘san reminded me. He said, ―Is that the Spear of Destiny?‖ And I said, ―No, the Spear of Destiny are the Drak grids activating. This is the ‗Sphere‘ of Destiny or the ‗Orb‘ of Destiny if you prefer.‖ Yes, this begins activating our Krystar Vehicles with the Light Body to the point where at some point we are preparing our bodies, you know, the next level of preparing our bodies to be able to actually go into Orb. Where we would be able to visit first the Higher Earth planes. We will learn more in the larger workshop about the Earth planes and those kind of things. And you know, where they are and in relation to the other millions of things we‘ve learned. And there‘s probably a few things that I don‘t know we‘re going to learn yet, that have to do with graphs that aren‘t here yet. Where I hope that by the end there will be a chart pack again, but at least we have the starter for tonight after we do the Journey. And that‘s after we do some The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 79 of 200
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mylars. There‘s this thing you‘re going to have. In fact, we can hand it out now…it doesn‘t matter. This is the beginning of a new Psonn except they didn‘t give the melody yet. So that will come eventually. But what they‘re referring to this is, they call it the Sphere of Destiny, which is your Krystar Orb activated, you know, your 6-dimensional Krystar Orb that allows you to go Transharmonic. All right, The Sphere of Destiny, Psonn of the Arc of the Covenant. This is only Part-1. It has 2 Stanz, S-t-a-n-z they call them. What this does, is first they said, ―It‘s the calling of the Arc of the Emerald Covenant of Aramatena‖. Because that‘s what the Arc of the Covenant was if you go back and look in the Voyagers books that‘s what the Arc of the Covenant was about, the Emerald Covenant of Aramatena. B) ―It will be the Orbing activation Psonn and it will go with the Stardust Breathing‖ …that we‘re going to be learning tomorrow night the beginning of, and then in the larger workshop, the you know, the second level, the Density-2 Level. So it will go with that. And it will come to a point, once you get your bio-rhythms used to the breathing style…I don‘t know what this is, they haven‘t taught me yet either. So I haven‘t hit my Snap Point (Laughs). I have no idea what it‘s going to feel like. And the more…this will be a technique that once we learn these we can take them home and the more you work with them the more it will accelerate the whole process for you. So it‘s something that, it‘s progressive. Like you can do it as often as you like to progressively accelerate your activation levels with going into Orb State. And this Psonn would go with it. At some point we‘re going to get the melody to it. And I don‘t know how many more Stanz we‘re going to get. We‘ve got the ones to use…they want us to do a Krystal River Prayer together tomorrow, probably in the parking lot, and then at some point in that, like after we open the grids with the Krystal River Prayer, then they‘re going to have us do the 2 Stanz to begin. And that‘s how we‘re anchoring in the grids. And then we‘re going to send that out in the direction of Skellig Michael. And I‘ll show you why on the maps, what that connects into, of why we‘re aiming for there. And then I think there‘s probably going to be 2 more Stanz at least that will be given for the last workshop, for the long one. So we will have the Command Call anyway. We won‘t have…I don‘t know if we‘ll have the music for it yet—the melody, but for the Psonn of the Arc of the Covenant. And this is the one that once your body gets used to it, once you practice with the Merkabas and the whole bit for a while and you get your bio-rhythms used to that, there will be a point where you can just sing the Psonn, once we have the melody and all of that, and you‘re activated. And there‘s going to be a point with these 2 Transharmonic Merkabic Doorways that we are creating here, one will stay in Dublin, one will be at the old Atlantean activation site. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 80 of 200
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There‘s going to be one more. I know they‘re going to create one during the Sarasota workshops, the 3. There‘s like 2 drum circles and 1 Shadra on the beach at night in the next 3 workshops coming. And they are key in getting the BPR of the planetary grids where it can hold the Probability Alignment that we have. And I know we‘re going to create a large one there. And I have a feeling that‘s why we need to go to Maui as well next year, because we‘re going to create another one there. Maui, not Kauai this time—Maui, but since you‘re out there you know anybody who wants to do a side trip, Kauai‘s just a little airplane ride away. When we get…they haven‘t told me how many of these we need to get, but at a certain point when we get enough of them activated we‘re also going to be taught at some point, maybe in the Sarasota workshop, of how to create these in our own living spaces. So we can actually have our own portable one, but we can also create standing ones in the places that we live. That doesn‘t mean you‘ll be able to bring your house through once everything starts to rock and roll on the planet, but it means it will keep it less Metatronic-ed than it would otherwise be. So we‘re going to be taught how to do that. But at a certain point there‘s going to be a critical mass of these created on the planet and every other place that we‘ve ever done a Stand, because in the old days we used to do Stands all the time…the Merkabic Stanz…it will trip them all into Transharmonic activation. Yeah. Which means we will at least get while we‘re on planet for the next 200 years or however long we stay, right, or next generation, it will at least have part of all of the grids including the main Star-Gates, Halls of Amenti bit that will be, temporarily at least, under Krystic control. Now, when the end-end times come, which a lot of us will be gone by then. Either if the bodies just are…because sometimes I don‘t even know if I‘m going to make it through with the body. I don‘t really care. But after all the work we‘ve put in for so many eons I‘d really like to just bring a group through and say, ―See? I told you we still could.‖ (Chuckles) But one way or another, once we have these…we‘re doing this like 3-years in advance, before the heavy Metatronic activations kick in, that even if the bodies are too tired to keep up with these accelerations in the Transharmonic…now some people‘s will actually stabilize and move backward, where they will actually have less aging. I can‘t say you‘re going to turn back into age 33, but you know, with the rate the planet…because the Metatronic stuff is still working in our DNA too. But whether or not we get the physical bodies through, if we are holding this activation, we have the Transharmonic ability that is stabilized in the field and built in the field where we can just sing the song and it pops, or it snaps (chuckles), yeah, then you will definitely get out when whatever Bhardoah time is. You will definitely be able to. So that‘s kind of like the, you know, the alignment ticket that no matter what the Metatronic stuff is doing, you will already be keyed to the Geomagnetic field of Higher Earth. And that‘s the step in between where we are and Median Earth. And then Median Earth‘s a step in between here and AshaLA. And you know there‘s steps. So we‘re literally opening the stairway to heaven. And this is the first time we‘ve actually built, like consciously built a mass, huge Merkaba Field, all right, a living Merkaba Field. Because they are living, breathing Elemental Structures. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 81 of 200
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We‘ve done smaller ones before. We‘ve done, in the 12 Tribes classes we did Elemental Command Stands (*Stanz). And I think we‘re going to be using one of those, some version of one of them tomorrow night. But this will be a lot more people than were involved with the 12 Tribes because they were small, limited classes. So we‘re going to be learning the next level of what it means to be a Krystic Guardian on planet Earth in the middle of a Metatronic activation period. So anyway, these can get passed out. (A‘san asks for volunteers to pass out papers) You want to pass those out? Thank you. Yeah, and tonight is supposed to just go for up to 2 hours because we do have to get some sleep and then be ready to go out tomorrow. And what we‘ve basically done is we should have about the same hour content. We tend to aim for about 15hours for a workshop and we should get that in as long as we stick with the timings that we have. So we do try to make sure we get the times that we‘re planning on, even if they‘re moved around. So tonight if we do 2-hours, tomorrow night we do 3-hours. And then we have the long 7-hour period or whatever one on Saturday. Six? Six or Seven…whatever it is…six-ish, all right. We will get the time in, but what‘s more important is we‘ll get the activations in. And I think we‘re going to learn an awful lot in that last workshop. I‘m kind of going, ―Oh boy! How many graphs that we don‘t have yet, that I don‘t know about yet are coming?‖ Because I think I got about 10 last night. (A‘san shares low with A‘sha) Oh yeah, the rehearsal parts. Yeah, that‘s true. Yep. Ok. Anyway, all right, what I‘d like to start with is for tomorrow…(A‘san asks A‘sha a question- low). It would be great if you could. Thank you. No, there‘s not too much (A‘sha speaking with A‘san). All right, what we‘re going to…what? (Chuckles) All right, we‘re going to look at a few mylars here to…(quick exchange between Speakers 1 and 2) so when we go tomorrow we have a clear understanding of what we are on the maps, of why we are doing what we‘re doing and where was the Arc of the Covenant before, that we‘re bringing it back to, and that kind of thing. So we‘ll start with…these are just the little maps from Voyagers. And they weren‘t done in a properly scaled map. They were just kind of like a rough version of the map. So this is the, these were the, in this period, the 50,000 BC to 28,000 BC to present period where we have just the little island clusters of what was left of the continents all right.
[0:26:30] Updated Voyager 2 Book Map Now what we‘ve done is we‘ve plotted these on the mercator maps that Wilbur had painstakingly put together for us. So they‘re a bit more accurate as far as ―where was Atlantis‖, ―where was Lemuria‖ and that kind of thing. And they‘re a bit more accurate. They‘re not absolutely perfect but they‘re a lot closer. (Quick exchange between Speakers 1 and 2) Now if you notice up here we‘ve got England and Ireland up here. They were part of what was Lohas, Alta Lohas or it was the Northeast Territories of Atlantis. And it‘s now Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales area. And there‘s a few other areas too, when you see the other maps. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 82 of 200
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This was the Bermuda islands area. All down in here there was a whole, what are now like island chains and everything, there was much more land mass here because there was literally a continent in there. And then there was a continent right in here too, as we‘ll see on the next map. So we‘ve taken these and upgraded them a bit so we could see a little bit more accurately what we‘re aiming for. Like, what is the longitude and latitude of where the Arc of the Covenant used to be and where it is now, which is at Giza. And, you know, it‘s easy enough to find the Great Pyramid at Giza longitude/ latitude. But now we know where we‘re aiming for as well…next one, please.
[0:27:57] (Graph) All right, this is showing where, until the…between 50,000 BC and 28,000 BC…this went down in 28,000 BC, piece by piece. And it left the islands afterward. And this went down 50,000 BC. And ―down‖ is an interesting concept because it‘s not lying on the ocean floor (chuckles). Part of it got literally sucked into what we talked about in like last year and the year before about the Hibernation Zones, that have to do with the Vertical Maps and what got put on opposite spin and things. But these were where they were. Now, we‘ll see these plotted a little bit more accurately, because even these are not exactly accurate as far as the shapes. They give you the basics so you know where you are, but they‘re not longitude and latitude perfect. So we‘ll see that a little bit better on the next maps to come. We‘ll also see this stuff in relation to the, what we refer to as the Planetary Rods and the Planetary Chambers. We‘ll be dealing more with that information in the last workshop, where we‘ll find out ―what do the Rod and Chamber Maps‖, because they‘re plotted on the maps on the planet, ―what do they have to do with anything?‖ We‘ll see what that has to do with the Precession of the Equinoxes and the mess they made of that, and why they made the mess. So I‘m in the process of working on the diagrams that actually show the alignments that are occurring in 2012 and what we‘re actually trying to counteract. Because, as we read in that information that they had given us, about what the Illuminati Master Plan was…was literally the ―last extinction‖ and just ―grab the planet and suck it back in time and then throw it over in the Parallel Matrix‖…lovely, you know. It‘s like these are…the potentials of these sciences are amazing as far as immediate power that you can generate, but it doesn‘t change the fact that it immediately makes sure you fall, if you do. And, that the systems that use the Metatronic Sciences are those ones who got themselves in that predicament already. And they are not making peace with their process. They‘re still trying to take other systems down. And eventually that backfires on them. And it will backfire on them in 2976, because their Matrix is going to explode. And fortunately, that wouldn‘t happen right now because if it did, because the wormholes are going to be opening to Earth, it would take out this system with it. So anyway, we‘re going to look at these plotted a little bit more accurately. We had, right in this area was called Nohasa. And that was the Central area and that was…there were a lot of lakes in here. So it looked kind The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 200
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of like Swiss cheese as far as water and land. It was known as like the ―water Continent‖ because there were so many lakes inside. And even some like salt-water-type things that would come in. So, we didn‘t show all of those, but we gave you an idea of where the lakes are and things like that. And over here was what was Lemuria. And you got the Hawaiian Islands and what I think whatever‘s down here, the Polynesian Islands and that kind of stuff down in this area. They‘re still remnants of what those continents were. All right, next one, please.
[0:31:02] (Graph) Yes, these are a bit messy. These were…I think we did these in Kitts, right, where we introduced the…these…if you haven‘t seen these before you‘re probably going, ―what is that?‖ But if you have seen them before you‘ll understand that this is just like the Earth, it is a sphere. Now this sphere isn‘t showing its bulge at the poles which is because it‘s spinning too fast, and it‘s spinning too fast because our Merkabas are acting like a particle accelerator because they‘re on the faster and faster Metatronic spins. But, if you just take a sphere like a planet‘s supposed to be, you have its vertical axis that it spins on. You also have what would be the Planetary Shield, which has the Rod, because we‘d have the Staff and then the Rod coming out. But there‘s also the Chambers that run forward…that‘s the projection into the future…and then the Bhardoah Chamber that runs out the back. Ok, so it‘s energy moving that way, energy moving that way…there‘s a natural alignment they should be. You should have your Shield coming out here, and you should have your front and back Chambers aligned front and back, and you should have the Rod Chambers aligned East and West or left and right. The Chambers, these would be the Chambers…if you took that sphere and flattened it out, just like if you take a globe and flatten it out, you can get an accurate map right, as long as you do the spherical adjustments for the Mercator adjustments and that kind of thing. All right, so this is showing a map of the planet and it‘s also showing…the little dotted lines are where the tectonic plates are and the solid lines are where the Continents above water are. But these are the tectonics as well. When we see this running across, it‘s running across the equator, they‘re the place that the Natural Rods should be. The one that would be the front and back, because it runs through, so it‘s front and back and the one that would be side to side, or left and right or east and west. These are the natural positions for them, so they literally can be plotted you know, what areas of the map of the globe they come out. And these are the natural ones that run along the equator and these are connected into Median Earth directly, because Median Earth is actually in the same axis as we are. But it evolved differently from much further back than the Higher Earth part, which is in between. So these would be the natural configurations. You‘d have the front to back chamber and you‘d have the side-to-side chamber. One side would be East, one side would be west, one side The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 84 of 200
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would be front and one side would be back. The whole thing on this planet with the Greenwich Meridian Line and all of that, that was a total recalibration built on the precession accelerations that they did that recalibrated the Geomagnetic field on the planet, and progressively brought the Metatronic thing in. What it does is it messes up the natural configuration of the Rods. Because these Rods, you can tilt them, right, you can move them out of natural alignment, and that‘s what‘s occurred. These are in the normal places, and those places still interface. At a certain point in time they will start to spin to allow for more of the gate openings to occur into Higher Earth and into Median Earth. There‘s also another set that we‘ll look at in a minute that has to do with what are called the Caduceus Rods. The Caduceus Rods were, at different periods in time…and one of the last periods was 65 million years ago, where they actually shifted. They rolled the crust north and I believe west, a bit. Yeah, that‘s where we ended up with the, what became the Greenwich Time System. But they split the amount of quantum that the Rods had and they split them and they offset them. So there‘s literally, it‘s the Caduceus Rods that keep the artificial Time Pulse here. And with the activations that are occurring in 2012 these are progressively activating. The Caduceus Rods have to do with what are called the Alpha-Omega bases, which are literal implant systems that are in the planetary grids at specific areas. So we‘ll see those in a minute. So the natural ones run on the equator with their tops touching the Tropic of Cancer and the bottoms touching the Tropic of Capricorn…next one, please.
[0:35:26] (Graph) This got a little bit more complicated. We saw these before too. Yeah, all righty, it‘s like, ―Hmm, where do you start on that one?‖ Ok, here‘s the natural ones running the equator, right. Here‘s where we have actually…what‘s that…the true front? This would be the true front, as far as there is actually what is really the front, what is really the back, and what is really north…I mean, not north and south, but that too, but East and west. What they‘ve done to the rods, they‘ve actually created, they‘ve reversed the front and back and the East and West. This has to do with misalignments that are being created on purpose to connect with misalignments of the Rods and Chambers and in the Solar Fields, because the Sun has sets of Rods and Chambers like these too. And that has to do with misalignments connecting into the Galactic Core, which of course connects into the wormhole structures and into Parallel. So it was all part of a very massive, large plan that‘s coming to fruition in 2012. So what we have here is they actually split them, split the Rods, the frequency of them. And this had to do with like wacking the planet hard enough with a major asteroid or two. And actually, the asteroid was secondary. What was…it was really a thrust that came through some of the Parallel wormhole sets that actually pushed. And what it does is, when they activate some of their bases on the planet it actually heats certain levels of the mantle to where it makes them a little bit more where the crusts can slide over them more.
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And they‘ve actually done pole shifts here where they don‘t shift the whole axis and shift the whole thing, it still stays at 23.5 degrees. Or it‘s not quite 23.5, it‘s 23.439 or something like that, but they need that axis alignment to keep the poles aligned with the misalignments that go into the wormholes and into Parallel. But what they can do is roll the crust sideways or up and down. And they‘ve done that before in the past, trying to get the Rods angled just right for the alignment that‘s coming in 2012. So what we have here is they first shifted them up so they were running on…it‘s actually what formed the Tropic of Cancer…and then they shifted them over this way. So what should be here is now up and over. Now this was the true front chamber, and that should have energy coming in and projecting outward toward the future, right. That‘s your future projection. And there‘s another one where energy projects out back where you came from, actually. And it‘s a front and back circulation. But that‘s the past and that‘s the future in how the projection works in a materialized form. What they‘ve done with these is they‘ve reversed the front and back so what we‘re calling…it‘s actually 158 degrees East…is actually the natural front of the mantle actually. And over here, I believe at 22 West that is the true rear chamber. That‘s the Bhardoah Chamber. And the Bhardoah Chamber would actually open up like this…just likes it‘s a big tube that comes out you know, they can plot on the Kathara Grid. If you have a sphere around you, which we do, and we‘ve seen that in other anatomy things, it‘s a tube, tunnel, big tunnel coming out behind you. This would be the big tunnel coming out behind the Earth except they have it on partially reversed spin. Over here we have, at 90 degrees West, you would think that these would be the West Rods. This was the East Rod, but it was shifted up and over and became the false West. And that one‘s at 112 degrees West. And the other one over here, the East Rod, and the East Rod…we‘re revisiting these things because these have to do with what‘s occurring with the 2012 alignment. We‘ll go heavier into that when we have the workshop part that deals with the Precession of the Equinoxes and the Time Accelerations and things. But over here, we have the East Rod. Normally it would run here at 68 degrees East, as far as the…these numbers correspond with the Caduceus Time Accelerations right. They‘re not the natural ones. Normally you would have, you know, the rods would come out on the 90 degrees and then you would have a front and a back. But they‘re…the 90 degrees, that would be like the sides to the planet, are now twisted…the twisted rods. So these numbers all go with the way we look at the planet now. I mean this is how everybody navigates on the planet and that kind of stuff, but they‘re actually keyed to the fall system. Where naturally, the true West Rod would be here, but we call that 68 East. It should be a 90 West is what it should be actually, in the natural system. And up here it got split and shifted over and this is the Caduceus False East Rod. The False East Rod is, I believe, what is going to connect into the solar alignment that has to do with connecting us in this timeframe in 2012 into that 10,984 BC period, into the Toral Rift and all of that. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 200
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There‘s also going to be an issue over here. Now if we look at them, somewhere around in here we have the Sumatra area. It‘s hard to see on this one, but they‘re starting to activate the rods. And they do that by all these little points in each of the rods. Now these are ours, ok…these are theirs. Notice the center of ours…one of theirs, a part of that is split into it, because they split it up and they split it over so there‘s actually a set of them here that interface as well…these are a split of our own Rod. These interface with Parallel Earth, so these are actually bringing in frequency unnaturally from Parallel Earth, and that‘s a fallen system at this point. Over in here they‘ve begun activation of what they call the East Rod, all right, and it‘s kind of like…there‘s something, and I think it might have been the bible, about a something ―coming from the East‖…whatever it is that‘s, you know, whatever wipes you out is going to be ―coming from the East‖. Not sure if it was biblical or Nostradamus or something, but I remember there was some kind of prophecy. And for some reason when I heard somebody say it I was thinking, ―Hm, there‘s something to that. But I don‘t know what though. What does that mean?‖ Now I know. Because they‘re activating the False East Rods in order to begin the process of making these spin. Now these are rods going through the planet, right, side to side. As they make those spin, they create vortices going into the center, into the core, and the same thing with the front and back ones. Once they all activate, if they‘re activating at the wrong angles, they are literally the ‗machine‘ by which the planet can be sucked into the wormhole structures. So the little dots on them are literally implant networks that are in the mantle level. Some of them go into the crust, but most go down, you know, deeply into the mantle. You can think of them as little crystalline microchips, because that‘s really what they are, they‘re programmed crystal chips that aren‘t natural, organic crystal here. Some of them are connected to massive, underground crystal bases. Others are just a little, tiny like nano-chip that is enough to anchor the frequency and change the normal mathematical programming that would be running in the planetary grids in that area. So when we talk about the Alpha-Omega bases…these would actually be the Omega bases. And I was trying to figure this out before, like which ones are Alpha, which ones are Omega. These that say Caduceus that have to do with the Caduceus Rod…and there‘s another map we saw in Kitts where it had…it was kind of messy looking because it had these outlined in green and these outlined in red and then ours outlined in blue. The ones that were green were the Caduceus ones and they have to do with the crust shift and offset here, they‘re a part of our Rods. These red ones actually have a little bit of that frequency, part of our Rod, but these are the ones that connect directly into Parallel, into Parallel Earth. So they‘re bringing in a different type of frequency. Parallel Earth is in the Alpha system, so the red ones would be the Alphas because…I think I might have had it backwards before. But the red ones are the Alphas because they connect into the Alpha Parallel Milky Way Galaxy system. And these are the Omegas because they connect into the ―End-Zone‖, which is where all of this was supposed to end by dragging us into the Alpha system. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 200
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So these are the Alpha-Omega temple sets. And it‘s interesting when you see where they are, just the locations of them. Some of them are like right on tectonic plate…I forget what they call those, the divisions between the tectonic plates…some are spreading ridges, some are the opposite…subduction zones…there we go. So when they start with these Rods, we‘ve seen a little bit of just beginning the activation of the East Rod, because they began this with the Spear of Destiny Activations or began trying to do that, in what was that…around December-ish of 2004, I think. Because whenever that big Tsunami hit over…that killed like what, 200,000 people or something over in the Sumatra area. There‘s also been a number of earthquakes. Every time they do stuff to activate the rod over there it messes up the grids in that area. It has the potential…if they got their way in 2012 the whole thing would be history before too long, because these things would start spinning. And when they start spinning, they actually create sinkholes in the center that suck stuff through into Parallel. So right in between these where you have the Parallel Rod coming through and you have the piece of our Rod ones running on the Tropic of Cancer, these open up and create spiraling sinkholes that literally suck land mass out of here and into Parallel. And they do that by creating one of those Death Star Merkabas. They harness it, and through the Death Star Merkaba Mechanics, which are controlled by the Temple Base, or what do they call them, temple bases. We call them just bases. They actually program it into creating a Merkaba Field, a Death Star Merkaba, around a portion of the quantum of the grids that are quarantined. And it literally accelerates the particles to the point where they turn into that ―particulate soup‖ and then get dragged into the other system. And they get dragged first through the networks that line up with the wormholes at the center of our Galaxy, in order to pull them through. But they literally have pulled things through the sinkholes at different times. Not all of them at the same time, but that has to do with how both Atlantis and Lemuria ended up progressively ―disappearing‖ from the face of the Earth, not just sinking. They did more than sink. So we‘ll come back to these more when we get into the Cycle of the Equinoxes and all that stuff. Right here, what we have is the Shield of Solomon that we have been progressively activating from Caral, which is Shala 3, running up to here, into Adare, and also passing through Skellig Michael, right, and coming back over to ShAlon, which is in Phoenix, Arizona. And we‘ve expanded it now because they‘re activating the Alon grids finally, because it‘s getting secured, and this will expand the Core Triangulation here. And St. Kitts is right in here someplace too. I don‘t think I have it marked on here, but that‘s all part of this. Ah, there‘s Kitts I think. So where are we? This one‘s really hard to see. Somewhere in here we have Florida…where we live…let me see if I can find Florida. The other one I think is easier because it doesn‘t have all the stars and everything all over. Ok, there we go, right there…there‘s Watchtower, right. That‘s where we‘re living right now. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 88 of 200
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And right up from that is the GrU‘al center, which is the…they call them the ―holy grails‖, the Holy GrU‘als, because they actually have to with interfacing with the Density Level grids. So this would interface with Density-1. And then the GrU‘al, which would be SG-5 on Density-2, would interface with the Density-2 Level of the Light Body fields and stuff. So there‘s a lot more secrets to the GrU‘als than we know so far. And this has to do with some of the things we‘ll be learning with the Light Body structure and the Atomic Body structure and the Ah-VA‘-yas and all of that, that we‘ve been progressively learning pieces of. But this is what we‘re activating progressively. And notice what‘s harnessed in it is the thingee that‘s running on 90 West, which is the Caduceus False West Rod. Through this, first of all we can hold it from spinning, right. So we can, ―Urt…no you don‘t‖, right. And if you hold the West Rod from spinning it will hold the East Rod from spinning too. So, it‘s like a push/pull inside the planet. But this is not good for the planet. This is why the Beloveds said even though we already know that this will succeed in 2012, I mean they are not going to finish their great mission in 2012, but what this might look like as far as how the tectonics hold out, it‘s going to require a ground team. We‘re going to be taught at certain points in time of how to do these large Transharmonic Merkabas to keep grid stability. And even how to do them remote, where once we learn how to actually create them and we have enough strength in our own fields, we would be able to get together like in little groups even of like 3 or 6 people and make really strong ones and send them places that need stabilization so things don‘t start just ripping apart from the tension. Because the rip apart places would be the points that are closest to the sets of the Rods and the Chambers that…where those are closest to the tectonic split lines where there‘s different plates. And, you know, this is why California would be history. Seriously. It has the, whatever, San Andreas Fault and all that stuff running right down…it‘s got a couple of them here. All over here there‘s a mess of them…there‘s a bunch of little plates in there. And these are right on the Rods. But, so this is the Caduceus False West Rod. This is our actually True East Rod, the natural one. At some point in time they‘re going to start activating these. And I think what they‘re going to do is activate them. I think that they had said this in Kitts, they, as these start to spin, because there‘s going to be a point where they‘ll have to be allowed to spin a little bit, because if they don‘t it will do something like blow up at the core or something. So we will counter-spin to…all right, they‘re pulling this way, we‘ll pull back the other way…so it just neutralizes it. This is why it won‘t, the Metatronic 55, won‘t reach a full…I don‘t know what they call their ―point‖…ours is called a ―snap point‖, right, which I found out tonight (Laughs). I don‘t know if it‘s a ―pop point‖ or what, but where they go into the next, you know, fast spin speed…they won‘t get that far into the 55 activation. It will hold at 55…not quite full 55…all the way up until the end of the Load-Out Cycle. But literally, this grid that we‘ve been creating here, or activating…it was created before, but it‘s activating now…is holding the Rods from going as fast as they normally would, which is holding the tectonics together at the moment…a bit better. Now over here, we will see…let me see, where am I. Let‘s look at this from this angle. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 89 of 200
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Ok, when…oops, I have to readjust my eyeballs. All right, there‘s a place called Ruta, by the way, here that in the old Atlantean Period it was Ruta-15. Ruta-15, Urta-14, which is down here, and Shala-13 which is there, these were Core Gate connections. And they…you know, like the Core Gate 13, 14 and 15, and they actually connect into like Median Earth and Urtha and those kind of things. So, you know, they‘re important sites as well. This one is on a particular line that‘s interesting. All right, and notice this is an interesting place here…it‘s at the top of what would be our Natural Rod, right, but when it was split up. So this is actually where Parallel Earth interfaces through its Rod where it shouldn‘t, but down below it is where our Rod is. And this is the true rear chamber, so that‘s actually our Bhardoah Chamber, the one that goes out the back. They‘re calling this one…or this is the interface from Parallel…and this one is one that was shifted over from this one. You know, part of it split up and then shifted over. And then this is the Greenwich Line, right. That‘s where they started the artificial time pulse rhythms from here. So you have the false front which would be zero front point that is actually the false front. And it‘s actually split off of the rear chamber. The actually rear chamber is at 22 degrees West, and Greenwich is the false one. Now this place becomes important when we see the next set of maps, which will show this map without so much stuff on it, but it will also show where Atlantis and Lemuria were so we can get an idea of where the Arc of the Covenant was, where it is now, and what we‘re doing. Because after we get these 2 Trans, huge Transharmonic Merkabic Doorways created they‘re actually going to then…they will draw the Arc of the Covenant Passage, which is a huge passage that goes all the way up to Andromeda in M31. It will literally…they‘ll bring it in. They‘ll spin it in and they‘ll move it out of Giza and spin it up. All right, that will be happening once we get to the 2 nd Level of activations in the night before we leave. And that has to do with the Sphere of Amenti and actually bringing it on-line with the Host, because before it wasn‘t on-line with the Host. So we‘ll see what this…this is the Core Power Shield of the Shield of Solomon. But once we get it fully activated it‘ll actually span here…yeah. And what that will do is it will hold, using the power of the true chambers…there‘s the true rear chamber and the true front chamber…it will hold them, all right, so they can‘t be spun around and dragged up and over. Because what they‘re trying to do is make the final adjustment where they drag it all up and roll the crust again and shift it over so they pull the whole thing into the 2012 alignment. So it‘s kind of like, we‘re in amazing times. And what‘s the most amazing thing about it is most the planet has no idea about any of this. So it‘s kind of like we‘re the first to know, God help us (Chuckles). Yeah. But anyway, I‘ve tried to keep a sense of humor while learning all of this. There have been times…the thing that I wanted to quit most over…not ―quit‖ with the Beloveds, but quit doing the public stuff, was because workshops could never run on time. No, they‘re running on The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 90 of 200
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like Median Earth time. And that has larger, more expansive Time Cycles. That‘s why I‘m always trying to run to catch up with the faster time cycles here. I didn‘t understand that until they started explaining about the Precession of the Equinoxes. This information is coming in on a wave that‘s much broader. It carries much more information in it, but it‘s coming into a particle accelerator that makes it very difficult to bring the information in. So when it comes into my body I‘m moving on a slower pace. And it‘s like that‘s part of the reason the workshops are always…always seem like we‘re running to catch up with them. I am trying to get there when, ―Oh, only 3 days late on this one,‖ that kind of thing. So it has to do with the time differences. Time, when we get to the…when we finally get to experience the places of even the first level, which is the Higher Earth planes, it is much more expansive. It feels like time moves slower because there are more moment points turned on in that time. So space and time are expanded. Right now we‘re in a particle accelerator called the Planetary Merkaba Fields, and you know, it‘s all cramped and it gets more tense and more hectic, and you know, if you just look at society and the way…what it used to be like 100 years ago. People had time to sit on their porch in the evenings and like talk to their kids, and have dinner on occasion with their family, right. These days most people are just running around, just trying to…between work and this, and that and the other thing, it‘s like there‘s just not enough time to do everything that is required. And this is because the time pulse is accelerating. The exterior time pulse is accelerating. And what that means is the interior time pulse is decelerating, all right. So how much energy is actually coming out is actually getting less and less. And that creates more of a friction and a tension and a shorter time wave out here. So it seems to be going, you know, it seems to move faster. So one of the things we can look forward to perhaps, once we get to the other side, is go, ―Ah‖…finally relax (Laughs) and don‘t have to run and dash and do something, you know, every 2 minutes kind of thing. So anyway, let‘s go to the next one I think…wait a minute. Is there anything more I want to say? I think there‘s something else I wanted to say on here. Maybe…oh, I just wanted to point out up here, I think these were in some of the chart packs already I think, where we have up here it says the E-umbi, right. That‘s the E-umbi that‘s usually down here. But the Kathara Grid on the planet, because the poles are actually tilted…what we call North is actually South…so this is actually the E-umbi. And down here is the Rajhna. And if you put the sphere, if you made the map into a sphere right, you would have you know, one chamber going out the back, one chamber coming out the front, and you‘d have the Kathara Grid actually running down the center with the, you know, the Rajhna would normally be this way and the E-umbi would be this way. So when you see those on the maps that‘s what it indicates. That actually would come through the center of the planet, but it would interface with certain parts in the front and in the back. So that‘s what those refer to. And this is, if you take this up this is actually showing the Kathara The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 91 of 200
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Grid as it goes off the poles, right. So this would be the natural Kathara Center 4 and Kathara Center 10, the 4/10 Line because again it‘s tipped upside down. So that‘s what those configurations mean. This lot becomes important when it comes to the Host that we‘re anchoring, or when it comes to ―where is that spot in ancient Atlantis that the Arc of the Covenant first came down in, where it was first calibrated to?‖ And I still, I don‘t have the Voyagers book with me, but I remember it was like 49,000 something or other BC I believe when they moved it. And they moved it because of the mess that happened in the 50,000 you know, around 50,000 BC period where that‘s when Lemuria went down and bits of Atlantis were damaged because of what happened in the dramas there. And that‘s stuff in the Voyagers books. But that‘s when they recalibrated it down to Giza. Let‘s look at the next one, please.
[0:59:13] (Graph) Yeah, exactly…actually, that‘s the way it should be (Laughs). Here again this is showing the Power Shield of the Shield of Solomon area. This…I just redid them very simply where you can see more of what‘s under them. But again, these are the Natural Rods and…that‘s a chamber isn‘t it…yeah…yes, true rear, that‘s the natural Bhardoah Chamber. This is the false front one. So this is, there are those same areas just without all the stars and stuff in them so you can see a bit more of what‘s under them. Now, if we look right here this is the longitude/ latitude area of Giza, all right. This is where the Arc of the Covenant is now. Where it used to be was over here. That used to be, if you see this shape here, this is huge. That was Atlantis, but there were huge areas of lakes, and some of them were saltwater lakes. And some of them were like inlets that went in, so we‘re not showing all the little details. But that is basically the parameters. Look at up here…these were connected, where England and Ireland weren‘t even islands. They were connected to the rest of the landmass that was over there. Yeah, so this was Atlantis and this over here was the Lemurian continent. And these are plotted a little better because the other maps from the Voyagers books, the whole thing was squashed up, right. It was just like, the continents were moved closer together…it wasn‘t to scale. So they were just stuck in to show the basic shapes and about where they were. This is showing more accurately where they are actually located. So that was…they called it the ‗Crescent Moon‘. And they called this one the ‗Sea Turtle‘, right…―and creation was born on the Turtle‘s back.‖ There are Native American legends that talk about that. And they were referring to Atlantis. Yeah, and then there‘s ‗Grandmother Spider‘ too (Laughs), yeah, and the ‗web‘, which is the NET. It all came down in some form or another through the Race Memory. Ok, so…
[Audio Track 6] We‘re going to run this power line here. We‘re also going to run this one, here. And that will allow us to later, we‘re going to…it‘s going to be shifting into the GrU‘al Point, but it will leave a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 92 of 200
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portion of itself there. So you‘ll actually have an ―access point‖ from here and, you know, an Arc of the Covenant Access Point there, another one at the GrU‘al, I believe another one in Maui, and I think there‘s a couple more, but I‘m not sure where they‘re going to be. And that means they‘re actually splicing the end of it so it will be able to feed more of the gate systems, more of the Polarian Gates, more of the Aurora Gate systems, more of the Spanner Gates. So it will allow for more of the areas where everybody doesn‘t have to run to America or run to Ireland in order to be able to use Ascension Chambers because it will plug in the network through them. So what we‘re going to be doing is when we go to Skellig Michael, here we‘re going to be dropping the activations that we get tonight. We‘re going to be sending…we‘re going to be getting what they call the Lotus Seed or the Silver Seed of our own, just a quantum of it from the Journey we‘re taking tonight. And then we‘ll just create a replica quantum of that, because the Beloveds will actually run it down. So you keep your quantum, but we will be able to seed a little bit of that into the grids at, in the parking lot by where we‘re probably…hopefully if it‘s a clear day, where we‘ll be able to see Skellig Michael. So… ―somewhere out in the mist over there…just aim and breathe‖ you know what I mean…it may be one of those. But we‘ve have stranger grid work sessions, like in Egypt we couldn‘t bring any paperwork so it was all…I had to do like 2 weeks‘ worth of things on tape that I would get little scribbly notes and then have to rip them up after I read them, right. So anyway, there‘s been stranger than this, stranger than parking lots. Peru was I think the strangest, where we actually did the activation on the buses (Laughs), sitting out in front with this Shaman staring at us and trying to curse us because we didn‘t take the bait and go to…he was going to host us at his house. He was going to zap the group is what he was going to do. And then the Beloveds right at the last minute say, ―Cancel it. Don‘t go‖ right, because there was no time for him to do anything else to set us up again (Chuckles). And we went and we activated the grids. We couldn‘t even get out of the buses. We just had to sit on the buses and Dar‘s running back and forth saying, ―All right now, do this‖ right (Laughs). So sometimes grid work gets really interesting on Illuminati Central planet down here. So hopefully tomorrow will be nice and peaceful. Ireland‘s been…well, the Southern Ireland‘s been good. I think Newgrange is still considered part of Southern Ireland, isn‘t it? I remember I learned to shut up in Newgrange (Chuckles). I thought we were going to be executed (Chuckles). There was one lady there who was having some field problems with lots of Draks and she was like this little, tiny, militant lady and she just kept saying, ―You will not speak. You will not meditate. You will not sing‖ (Laughs). And she was going to babble the whole time, right. ―You will listen to me.‖ We were walking through going (*no sound) ―and do not touch anything,‖ right. So you can‘t even like touch the walls. We‘re like ―ok.‖ And I forget after…a couple of people were just like, ―Oh whatever, what is this thing?‖ and she‘d say, ―Don‘t touch the walls. Don‘t touch the walls.‖ And I remember this is when I learned, ―Oh, this is not diplomatic. I should shut up before I get myself killed.‖
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But I remember her again repeat to the group, ―You cannot do that‖ and somebody was singing or humming one of the psonns or something and she says, ―You cannot do that,‖ right. And I remember saying to her, because we were supposed to put a krystal down and do a thing…oh good luck with that, right. Well I kind of distracted her while A‘san did that anyway. We had a good-sized group around us. And I remember saying to her, and I just looked at her, I said, ―You know, you can control what we do with our voices. You can control what we do with our bodies. But you can‘t control what we do with our minds.‖ And I just smiled at her. And she flipped. She started running around as if she short-circuited and calling for help on the radio. And security‘s coming and all of a sudden, ―Uh oh,‖ right. ―Uh oh.‖ Fortunately the security guard who came was much more stable and he kind of like, ―Ok, people,‖ because she was like ―crazy group…they‘re trying to do something bad.‖ We weren‘t trying to do anything bad, geez. So anyway, that was a strange one (Chuckles). But I remember I learned a lesson that day, ―Shut up, self. Yes.‖ I should have just telepathed it (Laughs), right. Anyway, hopefully it will be nice and easy and peaceful tomorrow. We might look a little strange, clustered around buses briefly chanting and breathing, but if there‘s any problem you kind of like just do it inside you know. If anything breaks it up in the middle of it, still keep doing it but just scatter. Like if say, for some reason police came up and said, ―You‘re not allowed to do this here.‖ If we‘re not, fine. Just keep the mind doing it, you know, and obey what they‘re asking and that kind of thing. But remember the objective and just keep it focused as if…in fact, project your Jha-DA‘‘ Body still there. There‘s no law against having Jha-DA‘‘ Bodies standing there (Laughs), right. And continue in your Jha-DA‘‘ Body wherever your body may be, right, to finish the grid work. Because we will lay the seeds from here and then we‘ll literally use the breath to push them through this line to activate this site. And then they‘ll be sitting there like little glowing embers waiting for the rest of the activations. They will come after we do the work here, where we come back to the hotel and everybody has dinner and stuff and then we do the 9…I think it‘s 9…yeah, 9-12 thing. In that period is where we‘re going to learn the first phase of what they‘re calling the ―Stardust Breathing‖, as far as activating the Density-1 Level of the Transharmonic Merkaba. And once we get ours activated it will trigger the activation over there. We‘ll probably end up sending a current over there. And that will open up the Density-1 Level of that Doorway. And then when we do the work on Saturday up in the other hotel, we‘ll send that through and that will activate the 2 of them as well as our own fields. So, that‘s why we‘re going. It‘s kind of neat. I would love to go back and see this place. I have little piecemeal memories, but it‘s like, ―Gee, was I here? Or was I there? Where was I (chuckles)…and what time frame?‖ I don‘t remember. I still can‘t figure it out, but seeing it on the map it‘s like ―Yeah.‖ I remember being there.
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So I don‘t know if you will get a bit of that. It‘s a sense, almost like as you‘re staring. I got a little bit of this when we first went to the Portmarnock Hotel the first day we were here this time, where I was looking out over the water and I realized the water used to be a lot further away, where it was like at least 6 miles or something before you saw the shore. There was more land. And there were also different configurations like plant-wise and that kind of thing. And it was warmer. I remember it was warm at whatever time I was remembering it from. So if you start getting some of the bleed through of the Atlantean period and memories, don‘t be surprised. There‘s always a reason why certain groups assemble for certain workshops. And it‘s because people have had to do with the work that‘s being done. They‘ve been involved with that before, right. So that‘s why you‘ll see some people are like the team that‘s always there, right (chuckles), yeah. They have other selves in different timeframes that are doing the same thing. They have specific jobs or roles in relation to the Templar Stewards. And then some people will just come and go. They feel like going to this one but not to that one, or you know, they feel more drawn to one to the other. When you feel drawn to one it has to do with connecting to other places where you‘re part of that same mission. So the people here have been part of this Atlantean Mission. And I don‘t know as far as what memory bits might pop up, but don‘t be surprised if they do. So we are going to be…this is going to be a huge standing, perpetual-motion, Krystic, Transharmonic Merkaba Doorway. It is a Doorway to the Stairway to Heaven, one of them. And there‘s going to be another one in Dublin. There‘s going to be things that happen that link those and other places in Europe from there. But right now, I wouldn‘t doubt if you‘re dragging one down to England. Because when we leave I‘m going back after the workshop is over to America, but A‘san‘s going to visit his family for a week in England. So I wouldn‘t doubt if he‘s just running the grid line too, you know. The Beloveds are usually good with that, ―Yes, go for a tour, go visit family, yeah, ‗activate grids‘. Just be there and breathe,‖ you know (Laughs). So I have a feeling…do you have to pass Stonehenge? A‘san: M‘hm. A‘sha: Just breathe hard when you‘re driving by, will you? (Laughs) Yeah, right. A‘san: (Mentions something low to A‘sha) A‘sha: It‘ll link them. It will link them and at some point…I don‘t know if there will be something done by the English crew, because you know, there‘s a small clutch of English people that you know, live in England and are working with the work and stuff. But at a certain point we will be asked to…we‘ll be putting stuff out on the internet I think. I think at some point too, they mentioned it and I was like, ―What‘s that? What‘s a podcast?‖ Because I don‘t know much about technology, but at some point…I think some time next year…they‘re going to start doing I think a monthly podcast where anybody can tap into it, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 95 of 200
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where it‘s just like a Journey Meditation of some sort that people who are old-timers, people who are used to the work and know the intensity of it. But also, people who just feel inclined and who would like to do a Journey Meditation, where we can do grid work that way and link in that way. And it will also help spread the Host for people who feel…make it available to them. So I think we‘re going to start those too. And all of this has to do with building to the point where we will be maintaining, we will be the ground team maintaining the grids. And literally it‘s the only paradigm on the planet that‘s actively doing grid work to prevent the Metatronic full activation. So we are holding the Host on the planet. And it‘s a bit of a responsibility. That‘s the one reason I haven‘t quit, honestly, because I‘ve gotten so tired with just the craziness of workshops where the line takes so long to come in and then the other, the ―hate me‖ crew out there (Laughs). Like a few websites and stuff like that. I‘m like the pariah of the New Age Movement anyway. Why? Because I‘m not buying into the Metatronic stuff, that‘s why, and I‘m also saying, ―No, that‘s not right.‖ And the only reason I haven‘t given up speaking publicly is because it‘s so important and I have more faith in people than to just give up and say, ―I‘m just going to keep the information for my own private self.‖ That would be selfish. I feel an obligation to people, even to people who don‘t like me that don‘t come to workshops and talk badly behind my back and stuff. You know, I feel bad for them. Kind of like, ―forgive them for wherever they are at,‖ because they just don‘t get what I‘m about and what this work is about. So it‘s an obligation, but it‘s an obligation of love that I keep doing it. And at some point we are going to be the ground team that stands quietly right next to the Metatronic crew, with Love and Light and not-cluelessness. We‘re not standing ‗against‘ them we‘re standing ‗with‘ them. Now if we stood against them it would just split the grids. We‘re just standing with them, which means it just slows the Metatronic activation down. So, it‘s an interesting thought to consider with…I‘ve really been wanting to go to a few workshops actually (Laughs), you know, say nothing, just go and beam (Laughs). Or a few churches and things like that, just bring the Host. When you have these things activated in your field all you need to do is go somewhere, show up and be YOU. Because your field, your breathing…as long as you‘re breathing you are bringing that frequency. And you‘re not imposing it on anyone, but you‘re making it available into spaces that it wouldn‘t be available otherwise, if you didn‘t bring it. So you know, this is why we say with the religions and those kind of things, you know, ―don‘t throw the baby out with the bath water‖. There might be twists in it and distortions in it, but there‘s a grain of Krystic truth in most of them on the planet, except for maybe like Satanism. You know, there‘s really not much there at all. Except it‘s kind of like the Bloom of Doom paradigm, right, it‘s the antithesis of what used to be, you know, ‗good teachings‘. Anyway, it‘s about integrating and going and being a part of, as opposed to segregating and being afraid of. When working with the Kryst we‘re not supposed to be afraid. I mean it can get scary when you look at the stuff that‘s happening on the planet. I‘ve gone through my periods of just being overwhelmed, honestly, and said, ―Please take me off planet. I The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 96 of 200
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can‘t stand it anymore,‖ (Laughs) right. And the Beloveds, they talk me down, ―Calm down, calm down, it will be ok.‖ Yeah, when you‘re getting the aches and the pains and you have Demon Fests pop up in your face and you‘re like ―can we ever win?‖ It will get better. It‘s not about winning and losing, but it‘s about simply standing in the power of the Kryst. And we‘re getting an extremely…this, this one coming in…finally we‘re getting back into not just the Merkaba Spin Mechanics, but the actual ―Snap.‖ And that is where, just like the distorted Death Star Merkabas, just like they can ―take a quantum of energy‖, harness it, they twist it up in a not good way, but they can go hyperspace, super-luminal, and take that quantum elsewhere. So they become vehicles that certain ones, certain beings, can move back and forth through the fallen systems. Well, natural Merkabic structures are meant to be able to move. Your Merkabas do activate. When you activate your Krystar Vehicle fully and all of that it implies that your Merkaba will activate. So we‘re going back into now learning the next level of the Krystic Merkaba Mechanics so we can, well, get our Orb Body or our Sphere of Destiny activated. So anyway, this is where it was. Right now it‘s over here. Up here, if you notice this is the Eumbi line, which actually runs all the way down to what would be the Rajhna because it‘s upside-down, right, there‘s actuall…this is where they connect through from Higher Earth and also from Median Earth beyond that. So it‘s actually frequency that runs this line, so it‘s not just being held through this, it‘s also opening the locks between here and here. It would run that whole line, I just don‘t have the whole line drawn yet. So it‘s connected into the E-umbi. That gives more power, of course, to it. It also runs down through the natural…that‘s our Bhardoah Chamber isn‘t it…yeah, that‘s our natural Bhardoah Chamber. So it runs down the natural Bhardoah Chamber. It will actually stop this guy from spinning, or it will hold it. It will actually try to spin but it will hold…will create a bolt right there, that will make it so it can‘t do its spin speed acceleration. That‘s one of the ones that comes through from Parallel Earth, where that‘s the other one. And if this is phase locked, it can‘t open the sinkholes. And they need to open those sinkholes in between those ones running the Tropic of Cancer in order to fulfill the 2012 thing. So it‘s a big mission we‘re a part of. There tends to be a lot of graph work. I can see why…I‘m glad we didn‘t have to do this in the Christ period (Chuckles). Can you see us chiseling it out on stone tablets? Right. Drawing it in sand? No. We had a few writing instruments but we did not have photocopiers. I think…is there more? Yeah. How am I on time? Oh, ok, there‘s time. It‘s not a long…(low sharing between Speakers 1 and 2)
[0:15:59] (Graph) Yeah, I‘ll just go quick through this bit. (Quick, low exchange between Speakers 1 and 2) Ok, and what‘s connected to those rods and everything, to the twisted Caduceus Rods, is just to remind you…and this is not a very good drawing of it, but we‘re going to ask, bless him, Bob, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 200
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who‘s so good with the graphic thingees. Could ask Sue too, I mean, if they could put together one of these to illustrate it. But anyway, that‘s just to remind you of the Metatronic False ‗Christ Consciousness‘ Grid. It‘s a D-4 etheric energy from Parallel Earth. It‘s actually the PKA instead of PCM system. It‘s actually an anti-particle, etheric NET that is holding in the mutations on the planet. And this is what they‘re activating. Next one, please.
[0:16:51] (Graph) We‘ll get more into these structures and understanding what they have to do with the planet and our bodies when we…on the Saturday workshop. This is just to show you where we have the Density-1 Level. This would be Earth‘s crust, ok, the D-2 atomic crust, the one below our feet that we see as solid. And we‘d have…the D-3 Meajhe Field would be running with that, and the D-1 Reion Field. We would have here the Density-1 Meajhe Field. And remember outside of…there‘s that whole list that shows if it‘s a Density-1 Meajhe Field that means there‘s a Density-1 Encryption Lattice as the skin around it. All right, so these are the levels. This is where the D-4 skin is. And if this is thermosphere…this is the Earth‘s crust, this is the Earth‘s Thermosphere. This is quite a ways out there. And this is where that nasty grid first comes in. But it replicates itself down through each of the levels, and that‘s the nasty encryption that we are going to progressively override by beginning with tomorrow night‘s activation. Where once we get that Merkaba, Density-1 Merkaba Level, activated we will be able to tap into the Encryption Lattice of the Higher Earth, which means it will go beyond that and bring the other one in on top of it. So progressively we‘ll have 2 layers that can activate. And progressively the other one will be more powerful, the Krystic one will be more powerful. And it will hold the other from activating. So it‘s the beginning of programming, into a natural Krystic Order, the Encryption Lattices that are controlling our Light Body and Atomic Body structures. We‘ll also be learning a bit more about this in the other workshop, as far as, I mean the end workshop, as far as more particulars. And I think we‘re going to do some chakra work, of how to bring that encryption directly into the chakras and those kind of things. So this is where the Earth‘s atoms should be, which means this 15-degree shift is from where what we call ‗north pole‘ now, that is actually where the north of Higher Earth is. Which is a little bit different place than where Median Earth is. Median Earth is actually running the same tilt as this Earth, but it‘s not phase locked into its Light Body structure. So Median Earth…this is actually…the Higher Earth is actually in between at a different angular rotation of particle spin, in between the Median Earth and this Earth. And it‘s actually keeping Median Earth safe from being dragged into the NET, actually. So we‘re going to be progressively training our particles to be able to go into that rotation, or angular rotation of particle spin. And that‘s when we‘d progressively be able to enter the full The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 200
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activations and snap points of the Merkabas, where once our atoms can hold that activation that is when you get to do more than just bi-locate, where you‘re projecting, you actually get to project and take your atoms with you. And that is what we‘re aiming for in the Sliders Workshops, where we still have that biological capacity. And we‘re doing our best to get it activated. So next one, please.
[0:20:02] (Graph) We‘ll get into what levels of what control all that stuff. We‘ll get into that in the longer workshop because I tend to get tongue-tied and you know, like, ―Who‘s on first,‖ right. We‘ll also get into this stuff in the larger workshop. Maybe a little bit more tomorrow night, but I‘m not sure how much. This applies to the planet body or our own bodies. This is showing the different axis things that are happening, where our wobble is, where the Parallel Earth wobble is, how they‘re inter-connected, what this actually has to do with the Precession of the Equinoxes, and what is aligning with what in 2012 as far as Galactic Core, Solar Core and our planet and our tilted rods, and why they titled them to make this alignment, because this is where we are in 2012, right here. This is the alignment right here, the Galactic Plane Alignment, or the Galactic Rod Alignment. We would be aligning with the Galactic Rod. So there is this really intricate…this is why they‘ve angled everything and messed with tilting rods and those kind of things, so they could make this connection. This actually connects back in 1100 AD, right, where we are here in 2012. But it reaches back and connects to this. This connects into the Solar…the Solar Chamber. And that connects back into the Galactic Chamber. So we‘ll look at more of what that is and how the Precessions of the Equinoxes were accelerated. And I‘m hoping out of that we‘ll find out, ―Ok, what‘s it supposed to look like?‖ you know, because we‘re not really supposed to have a Precession of the Equinoxes. We‘re not supposed to have a wobble. We‘re not even supposed to have a pole tilt. So we‘ll see if they give us, ―what do the natural 26,556 year cycles look like?‖ Because this precession, I believe it went from 25,920 years to then accelerated where now it‘s at 25,771 years, I believe. It‘s a progressive acceleration with the cycles getting faster. It‘s almost like it‘s getting faster and moving down a spiral, getting smaller and smaller and faster and faster as it moves to the center. But this is the point where they were planning to pull it all through. So we‘ll look at that more when we get into…There‘s another set of diagrams. I can feel them there. I don‘t know what they look like though. So this is just to give you an idea of where it‘s going. Some of it gets very complicated, like ―where are we?‖ Right now we‘re aligned here, and so is our Earth. And this is the Light Body axis. Our atoms should be over here and our Light Body should be there, and the whole thing shouldn‘t be at 23.5-degree tilt. It should be at the same axis of the Sun. The north/ south should line up. We‘ll look at those again. We‘ve looked at that before, where when you see a Solar Plane, there‘s supposed to be in the natural Solar Symbiosis Communication Cycle of energy that happens between a Sun and all of its planets or stars. It‘s because of this that we‘re in a dead The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 200
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solar system at this point. None of the other ones glow like stars. You can live on a star. This is what science doesn‘t realize. It has to do with what planes…you might see fiery heat on the outside; that‘s the coronasphere. There are layers beneath that, that a normal, living star would be like a ‗planet‘, but you won‘t see that by sending a space shuttle in to take pictures of it because it‘s in a different plane-set than the plane-set of the shuttles you sent in. So they will only see what‘s in their pulsation field, all right. So we should be a Sun. Earth should be a Sun. All the planets in the system should be, but they‘re not because their coronaspheres are turned off because they‘re all tilted at really weird angles. All of those really weird angles have to do with creating these alignments with the Parallel Solar System through the Galactic Cores, in order to fulfill the stupid Master Plan. Pardon me (Laughs). Sorry, I slipped, but it‘s stupid. I mean, get a grip guys up there, you other guys…anyway, next one, please.
[0:23:52] (Graph) So, just to remind us, this is what Merkaba Fields, basic Merkaba Fields look like. I remember millions of diagrams of different types of Merkaba Fields, natural ones, and as they grow and build. We‘ve got Eckasha Merkaba Fields and Mahunta Merkaba Fields, right. So I‘ll be digging out those diagrams probably for Sarasota and going, ―Ok, what‘s next,‖ right, as we build the Transharmonic ones. But, with a natural, Krystic Merkaba you always have the top spiral, it is electrical and when it comes down it brings energy in on a clockwise rotation. It brings electrical energy in. This one, it would be connected to Earth‘s Core, it spirals magnetic energy out. So it‘s a constant circulation. They‘re part of a natural circulation structure. They are shaped like star tetrahedrons, which are like 2 triangle based pyramids running through each other. And one is supposed to rotate one way and one is supposed to rotate the other…that‘s counter-rotation of spirals. Where the other Merkabas, they actually have these phase-locked, where they‘re locked together. And they‘ll rotate 1 one way, and then they‘ll take another set of phase-locked spirals and rotate that the other way to create a set of counter-rotating vortice fields. And that is what creates the larger 55-thing, which is the ‗Death Star‘ Merkaba, external Merkaba Field. So natural ones are at this configuration. This is how the Radial Body structure fits into what we‘ve gone through this before in other, you know, when we were studying the Light Body and that kind of thing. So we‘re moving back into the study of this stuff, but on a higher level, where we begin to understand much more of what it‘s connected to in relation to the Ah‘-yas Body, in relation to where our atoms are supposed to be and all of that. Next one, please. [0:25:32] (Graph) This is just to remind us of the Krystal Spiral. Because once we get the, when we get the activations done tomorrow night where we do the level, Density-1 Level of the TransThe MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 100 of 200
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dimensional spin speed activation with our Density-1 Merkabas, it will start the natural Krystal Spiral coming out through our Shields and also through our atoms and things. So this begins its natural expansion, acceleration phase just like with the Metatronic Death Stars. They, at 55-point, they…full 55-activation…they begin the auto-pilot of the ‗feeder spiral‘ that sucks energy from outside in order to sustain itself. Well these are natural ones. This means the sparking will start inside, because the Krystal Spiral is built on natural Partiki Phasing and different parts of the Light Body and things, sparking to generate their own quantum. So this will begin, but also on the AdorA side we‘ll also get the one that goes counter, that forms the…when you put them together they form the Flame thing up there. So we will be getting those on the Density-1 Level starting its activation. And this is the beginning of the healing, all right, the Silver Seed healing. This will be starting on the planet in 2012, as far as the areas that we get these Merkabas set in will begin to have that. That doesn‘t mean we‘ll be able to save the planet, but it means we‘ll be able to keep safe zones on the planet and to hopefully keep the tectonics where they‘ll hold for the 200 years left of the Load-Out Cycle…next one, please.
[0:27:15] (Graph) Ok, this is what we call the ‗Golden Meanie Spew-all‘ (Laughs), instead of the Spiral. God, some of the things the Beloveds have come up with over the years have been really funny (Laughs) Oiy! Yeah, this is just showing the difference, right. This is the natural Krystal Spiral built on the rotations of the Kathara Grid right. It‘s built on the rotations of the Kathara Grid which was shown on the other diagram right before. This is showing the Kathara Grid, here. This is showing the relation to what the Golden Meanie is doing, all right. And the natural shape of the Krystal Spiral and the really weird looking shape of the Fibonocci Spiral when you plot it, you know, the way they plot it. When you put them together you end up with this thing, where this one becomes a harness field where it crosses over the Krystal Spiral at a certain point, because this actually gets bigger faster, but there‘s a certain point where that accelerates past it, grabs it and harnesses it and bends it, where it takes the energy and turns it in on itself and unfolds on the Metatronic Code. So all of the Metatronic stuff is built on having to have something to feed on, because it has to attach to something in order to feed to expand. Where the Krystal Spiral one, it starts with Source, right, always keeps its relationship to Source, and it just expands from the process of Partiki phasing and Light Body phasing, where it is self-regenerative. And it always keeps its direct connection to the center of Source. It‘s also interesting to look at the off-center-ness of this. Where this is on-center, the Krystal Spiral, the natural Krystal Spiral is on center, but the Fibonacci isn‘t. It goes along this Golden Mean, twisted looking thing, where it‘s actually off-center unto itself, where the Krystal Spiral isn‘t. So this needs to feed off this in order to grow, and this is the natural one. So this is what‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 200
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going to activate in our system. And what it will do is counteract the activation of that, that the planetary grids are going to try to set in motion. And the areas that we can secure with these large Transharmonic Merkabas that will be freestanding, they will create safe zones. And we can create small ones in our houses and that kind of stuff. So it…it‘s kind of like 2000 all over again, ―Here we go again, it‘s time to go do Merkaba stands (stanz) right,‖ but I think they‘re probably going to give us a new way to do it. I hope so, because it‘s been a long time since we‘ve twisted around in circles (Laughs) 33 and 1/3rd, 11 and 2/3rds. I remember when we first started some people were like falling over and stuff, bless them, because it‘s really strange if you‘ve never done it. And we‘d manually spin them to get the fields going and using our bodies as torque, actually making them go because the planetary grids had them trying to go in the other direction. And some people, after a few times, especially if you go too fast too soon and don‘t stop quickly if you did go fast, right, s-l-o-w-l-y unwind or you‘ll just go ―boonk‖ and fall over, right. So it looks like we‘re going to be learning some version of that again. I don‘t know if we‘re going to have to do the manual part or if we can get to a point where we don‘t have to do that anymore. We might start with it and then take it higher, I don‘t know. But, this is what we‘re going back into – Krystal Spiral Awakening. And it will have the currents coming in with the AdorA side of it too, the one that goes counter-clockwise with that. That is what will be the Stardust Spiral. That is what will be Spirit Body energy coming directly in, so we‘ll be integrating the Spirit Body energy with the Light Body energy, where the Light Body‘s coming out on a clockwise…the other will be spiraling out also, but on a counterclockwise from the AdorA side. And they come together and they progressively create the Krystic Healing. And eventually they create that Flame shift that we talked about back in Light Body days, when we were talking about the Flame Activations and things. So, is there anymore…what‘s on that one? Ok, we can put that back just for a minute. Just put it back just to remind us, and that‘s where we‘ll probably pick up at some point.
[0:31:15] (Graph) This is just to remind us when, as we, when we bring that encryption in tomorrow it will be coming in and the encryption is the encryption that is held in the geomagnetic field, the organic geomagnetic field of Higher Earth. It will be coming into these areas, the D-5 level, the D-4 level, the D-3 level, the D-2 level and the D-1 level and even the Rasha Level actually. So it will be creating an overlay over the overlay that will connect us directly into the natural time rhythms of the Higher Earth. Ought to be interesting. I wonder what that‘s going to look like as we progressively blend both of them. I hope it doesn‘t get a little disorienting where, you know, like you‘re walking down the street and all of a sudden you‘re back where you started or you‘re forward and you don‘t remember how you got from there to there (Laughs). We‘ve had that with the highway effect where, ―Where did the last like 6 or 10 exits go?‖ It was just like ―bang,‖ where did it go? Must The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 102 of 200
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have been distracted or something. Yeah, and sometimes it‘s so obvious you know it‘s ―or something‖, right. So anyway, the activation tonight, which we‘re picking up our Silver Seed, this isn‘t a long one. We‘ll have plenty of technique to play with in the next, between tomorrow night and especially the next, the big workshop. Because there is a lot of technique involved there, because it‘s all activation-oriented. So tonight we‘ll all get off a bit easy…Well, you guys will. I‘ll have to go back up and figure out what graphs we‘ll need for tomorrow night. So we‘ll just…I will sit down and take a little drink of water.
Technique 2: Receiving the Silver Seed — Introduction And they call this Receiving the Lotus Seed or the Silver Seed. And it‘s from the Aquareion Matrix, the Hub of the Aquareion Matrix, which is the Mashaya-Hana Hub. And they refer to it as the Golden-Silver Flame of Mashaya-Hana or the Flame of Aurora, whichever. And literally, this is the Flame of the Krystal River Host that is coming in and which will be what activates the portion of the Sphere of the Amenti that will be able to experience Ascension. And the other part will activate on the reverse blue flame that‘s coming down from Tara. So…I‘ll have a little drink here. Can you hold that for a second, please? Thank you. All righty, so this is just a simple pickup Journey. And by the way, don‘t forget that you have your little Aquafereion Water People friends hanging around with you still. Some of them are going, ―They forgot I‘m here‖ (Laughs), right. ―We‘re here, we‘re here, even when I pull myself together into one big water drop and say, ‗hello‘, they‘re not hearing me,‖ right. I‘ve had a few of them saying that. They‘re trying. They‘re tired too. It‘s been a long journey. So remember that they are with you and they‘ll hang out with you at least through the duration of this. They‘ll have to go back. These guys…your Buddhas stay with you, right, as long as you want them there they will stay with you, the different ones that we‘ve…I forget which workshop it is but there‘s like 6 different ones, each of the Races. But these guys will go back because they are the guard of the Blue Krystal, so they will go back there. But sometimes they will work with you and when you‘re doing grid work they will come back and work with you. But they‘ll hang out with you for the trip because it‘s part of the grid work thing that they‘re doing. Ok, so they wanted you to remember that they‘re there. They‘re going, ―Yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo, you too,‖ right…they‘re like ―me too,‖ right (Chuckles). I was talking to you in the bathroom before. I remembered I was going for a shower and thinking, ―Oh yeah, the water people are around somewhere, aren‘t they?‖ They‘re kind of like, ―Mm hm, nice of you to remember.‖ They really have personalities as far as like much more reminiscent of what like we know as human personality, as far as just like the quirkiness, the humor type stuff, the you know, can put the hand on the hip and say, ―Wow.‖ They do it in a Krystic way, but they‘re not all that lofty, floating, kind of ―beyond that kind of emotion‖ thing. They have the emotion thing happening.
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Anyway, they will be joining you in this. It‘s going to simply use 2 images we‘ve already mentioned before. And we mentioned them so if you‘ve bothered you could play with them a little bit. One we already did—the Blue Krystal Journey—we‘ll be going back to the Blue Krystal, but we‘ll be doing it in a particular way, by using the image that we, the last time we were with you and we were speaking, of the Krystal Lotus with yourself as Buddha sitting in the middle of it. Like your own Buddha Self, right, sitting in the middle of it. And using that, literally, as your vessel and vehicle for travel and knowing it implies the Krystar Vehicle around it, right. This, it has 48 petals, all right. It has like 4 layers of 12 petals and they correspond to 4 different layers of…actually, these particular ones I think correspond to the 4 different layers that we have to move through between here and Urtha, I think. So they‘ll explain exactly what that means. But instead of having just one set of the 12 Lotus Petals, we actually are having 4, which are the 48-strand pattern when it comes to DNA and that kind of thing. So there‘s something powerful enough about that image alone that that‘s…the one time when I was like fighting to get through whatever muck that was, that I now know was the false Christ Consciousness grid thing, that I could actually see from the inside out, and it was like trying to squash me and I could feel it, where I tried to push myself through and like this. And I ended up popping out in the form, and I kind of went ―cool, I‘m riding in my candle holder‖ (Chuckles), right. Because I have a candle holder that looks like that, right. So my first thought was, ―wow, I‘m in my candle holder.‖ Why? See, sometimes I will learn…they teach me a lot this way, where something will happen, I have no idea what it‘s about. At least you guys get to hear about it before you go into it. I just have weird stuff happen and then I go, ―Ok Beloveds, I‘ll just wait for the dictation on that one, whatever it was.‖ So using that image, it carries a power with it because of those 48 petals that does something with probably the speed levels with the spin on the Krystar Vehicle, because the Krystar Vehicle does spin. You know, you don‘t notice it when you‘re hanging out in it, but it is actually spinning. It‘s probably counter-spinning actually, top going one way and the bottom going the other way. So it‘s actually accelerating the power of the thrust in that enough to push through the Metatronic Grids that are activating. So this is why we‘re going to use this. But it will also allow us to pick up, when we‘re going to go up and there‘s certain breathing thing. They‘re going to have pop up above our head in that vehicle and then literally pop over into where we see the Blue Krystal from the air again. And we‘re going to come down and go down the big Blue Krystal again way down to the bottom. And there‘s something about keeping in that Lotus, Krystal Lotus configuration where you‘re kind of sitting like a Buddha in it, that will allow you to pick up enough of the frequencies to build the Silver Seed. If you only went in say with 12, if your Lotus only had 12 petals, you wouldn‘t be able to pick up the 48 frequencies involved with the Silver Seed. So there‘s a reason we‘re using that you know. Visually it looks like that, but it‘s a mathematical construct that allows us to bring in the frequencies of the Silver Seed. So we‘ll be doing just a simple projection to do that, as far as I The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 104 of 200
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know, right. Ok, let‘s just…I think most of you already have, but if not, just activate your Krystar Vehicle.
Technique 2: Receiving the Silver Seed [Audio Track 7] A‘sha A‘sha: …yourself in your Krystal Lotus Buddha form. And on the exhale you‘re going to push it up and out. Way above your head until you lose sight of it (exhales). And then just breathe normally, and as it‘s flying up there, just sense that there‘s this spiraling little tube of energy that actually is following it, even though you can‘t see where it went anymore. You can see the little…or sense the spiral of energy coming up out of your head and one part of the spiral is going clockwise and the other part is going counter clockwise. And it‘s, right now, connected directly into the AzurA . What we‘re going to do in a minute is call our Floating Lotus Self back, we‘re going to call it back and then send it down to make the connection down into the Earth Core, but then through into Higher Earth Core. So, we‘re going to inhale, and inhale upward to go up and grab wherever it went (inhale), and hold at the top of the inhale and that‘s where you‘re grabbing a hold of wherever yourself went as your Floating Lotus. Now, use the exhale to gently bring it back down, just to the AzurA (exhales). Station it there in the AzurA for a moment. Now inhale again and hold in the AzurA (inhale), and now use the exhale to push it all the way down to Earth Core and then through a membrane into the Higher Earth Core (exhales). And then breathe normally for a moment and again try to sense that spiral, kind of rotating spiral energy that followed it down. Now, gently inhale it back up from the core, back into your AzurA (inhale), and with a very gentle exhale, move it from the AzurA just down a little bit to the Karanadis Seal at the base of the breast bone (exhales). Now, one more inhale and hold into the Karanadis (inhales) and a nice, forceful exhale and push it our around you where it goes (exhales) and feel your Lotus Buddha get just as big as you are. Actually a little bit bigger where you‘re actually sitting in the Krystal Lotus now and you are the Buddha but you also feel the other part that you sent on projection right there with you. And just try to breathe gently and become aware of the spaces between your atoms. Imagine that you are breathing through this, there‘s a current of breath moving between the spaces between your atoms and the spaces between the Buddha Self‘s atoms, and the Buddha Self has already pushed a hole up and down through the Metatronic false Christ consciousness grid screening through the NET, so imagine that that hole, that space that you can finally get freedom through is now opening into the physical body, into your physical cells as you breathe between that part that you sent up and brought back and the part of you that‘s still here in atomic form. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 105 of 200
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Try to feel the reality of the Krystal petals sticking up around you. I‘m seeing them like big Eckasha shaped petals with the bottom part is the big fat part is on the bottom and the point is on the top and just four sets of twelve of them and they are quite beautiful and sparkly. Now, what we‘re going to do is, from this place of blending with our Floating Lotus Buddha Self, we‘re going to use the breath to actually transpose a place that we‘ve been already into this reality space, so we can bring it closer which means bringing it closer to the physical atomic structure. Call to mind whatever images or senses that you experienced when we did the first Blue Krystal journey and try imaging that you are going to…as if you‘re coming in again, seeing it from above, but this time, once you have that image, think of the image in your head as if it‘s like behind your forehead and sitting on your third eye on the inside of your head. Inhale up and grab the image (inhales), gently exhale down, putting the image into the Karanadis Seal (exhales) and breathe gently and normally for a moment. Now, inhale and hold for a moment in the Karanadis (inhales), and when we exhale, we‘re going to push that whole image of that place out past our Buddha Selves as if it‘s sitting right in the space with us, so (exhales). And just breathe gently now and imagine, right out in front of you, you can see, not too far on the horizon, that big, beautiful, Blue Krystal standing up there in its little volcano hole with its little green trees around it. And, you‘re still where you‘re sitting but now it‘s in your space with you, out in front of you. So, what you‘re going to do at this point is, we‘re just going to project our Buddha Self as we were and ourselves as we‘re sitting in the chair together, we‘re going to create a replica and send that replica into flying, almost like flying on a magic carpet but we‘re flying in our Krystal Lotus candle holders. We‘re moving in the Lotus so, inhale and hold for a moment into the Karanadis (inhales) and on the exhale, move forward, a whole image of yourself just as you are with your Buddha‘s and Lotus, toward the blue krystal in front of you (exhales). [0:06:50] Imagine that it‘s quite a few miles actually between where your body‘s sitting and where the Blue Krystal is, so imaging the part of you you just projected toward it is getting smaller and smaller. It looks like a little bit of sparkle dust as it‘s moving over toward the Blue Krystal. So, from where we‘re sitting in our chairs we should be able to see the Blue Krystal with lots of little sparkle dust. I‘m not calling them space dust because it‘s not space dust yet. I‘m calling them ‗sparkle dust‘. In a circle again, let‘s assemble in a circle around the top of the blue krystal and getting ready to dive down in. So, let‘s inhale here and on the exhale we‘ll dive ourselves down in (inhales) the blue krystal ,and dive down in as your sparkle self (exhales) and just breathe gently in your physical body and try to turn on your eyes of you projection body. It‘s the Jha-DA‘ body projection that we‘re doing so we‘ll call it the Jha-DA‘ body Floating Lotus Self. See if you can see, you‘re still in your Lotus now, your Krystal Lotus and we‘re all kind of floating down with our Krystal Lotuses right underneath us, sitting in them, and we‘re spiraling down gently through the blue Krystal. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 106 of 200
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We‘re moving through the barrier at the bottom. You can see the kind of pale yellowy light coming up, and we move into that and it‘s so bright you can‘t see anything, and then you pop through the other side and it gets more of the blue light color. And then there is the liquid, water-like energy, a blue liquid water-like energy. Imagine right there the space expands on a horizontal plane where that water plane gets really huge, as if the Krystal quadruples in size so it‘s much, much bigger. And we‘re all going to go and float on the water as if our little lotuses, our little Krystal Lotuses are little boats that we can sit in and we‘re going to line up against the inside walls of the Krystal on the water, kind of float there in a circle, because, in a minute there‘s going to be a vortice effect which, let me see if that‘s counter-clockwise or clockwise…clockwise. It‘s a clockwise vortice that is going to form in the center of the water that is there and it‘s going to gently take us down in a clockwise motion to someplace else deeper. [0:09:36] So, just imagine that we‘re spinning, starting to spin. Try to see if you can feel the clockwise spin which would be going from your left to your right and back and then forward, left forward, right kind of spin. See if you can feel the momentum with your physical body and even let the body move a little bit in that direction, clockwise, as if you‘re going, your physical body, your physical atoms are spinning right along with your Jha-DA‘ Floating Buddha Lotus projection. At a certain point the spinning is going to slow and stop and we‘re going to find ourselves kind of like going ―plop‖ and, all of a sudden we‘re in air and not the water effect anymore, and we‘re hanging and we‘re kind of popping out of the bottom of the vortice, one by one. I‘m watching this and it‘s kind of, this is neat, and we‘re going to assemble kind of floating in the air in this other space that‘s deep, deep down beneath the levels of the Krystal that we went to before. Now, I‘m seeing this huge cone shape of beautiful pale aqua light coming down and it literally is like, the skinny point is at the top, and it‘s coming down in this whole area of air that we‘re floating in beneath the water part of the Krystal and it‘s filling the whole chamber. So we‘re being surrounded by this beautiful cone of pale aqua-y light and down underneath us at the bottom of the cone, it kind of like passed through us and it‘s like a platform underneath all of our lotuses that are floating in the air. It‘s a Shield, beautiful, twinklings like golden-silver one pale silvery gold flashes, a little bit of rainbow sparkles. Ok, they‘re asking us to now see if you can sense that same thing occurring here where this huge cone of pale aqua-y light has come down over the entire room, like the tip of the cone you wouldn‘t even see. It‘s way up in the sky somewhere and, even the parameter of it, it goes outside of the room. The bottom would be a circle so big that you wouldn‘t see it, the edges of it, in this room. And, it‘s going to sink just a little bit down into the crust level of the planet and that‘s where that Shield will be, the sparkling Shield at its base. They would like us to try to simultaneously keep in mind our Lotus Self projection and also our Self here in a dual focus and inhale and hold from both places, drawing upward from that Shield that is now in the Earth crust but also in that place inside the Krystal. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 107 of 200
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[0:13:11] So, inhale up into the Karanadis (inhales). Just hold for a moment. We‘re bringing a quantum of this beautiful, sparkling energy in, and then, exhale gently and just into your own body, don‘t move the energy, and empty the lungs. And imagine you‘re going down now, your focus is going down to the shield again and inhaling a bigger stream of that energy from that beautiful sparkling Shield (inhales). Again, into the Karanadis Seal and hold because while you‘re holding it‘s actually keeping the line open so it‘s feeding more energy in. Then gently just release the breath (exhales) and we‘ll take one more nice, deep breath and hold to bring more energy up (inhales) in the Karanadis. And do a little, tiny bit of an inhale to bring it up now to the AzurA (inhales) and then release from there gently (exhales). And, in a moment they‘re going to release what they‘re referring to as the Stardust Spark of Transfiguration that‘s going to transfigure these three little quantums or quanta of energy that we brought up from that Shield from the tip way out, up in the air somewhere of this big, beautiful aqua cone that‘s surrounding us and protecting us. They‘re going to send a flurry of aqua and kind of indigo blue-y sparks. Some of them are the Hydrolase Living Water connected with the Eiron stream that we‘ve been using before, so you‘ll see a little bit of indigo and also a little bit of sparkly golden-silver with it. And it‘s going to be spiraling down and as we breathe in. We‘re going to move our consciousness upward toward wherever that visible tip of this cone is and then we‘re going to bring, inhale, some energy down from there to create our own little stream of this. This will be the transfiguration element that we‘ll bring into the quanta of the three that we already have and when they come together it will, they‘ll pop and they will form, literally, a living seed of Mashayanic Seed from the Hubs of the Aquareion Matrix. So, imagine that the sparkles are coming down, they‘re not into the room yet, they‘re still way up in the cone. We‘re going to breathe up into the cone to actually bring them down. At the same time, don‘t forget our projection that‘s in the Blue Krystal. The same thing is going to happen there so that action is taking place in both spaces. So, let‘s inhale our awareness upward into that cone that goes out into the atmosphere through the ceiling and the roof and everything, (inhales). And when we get up there just hold for a little bit because on that hold there‘s actually, we‘re drawing in the sparkles. Imagine we‘re drawing them in. Now, we‘re going to exhale slowly all the way down to the Earth Core and back into the Earth. Push further into the Higher Earth Core so, (exhales) and imagine that stream of sparkles coming down with you, and as it passes through your AzurA, there‘s a little pop and hum sensation because the three quanta of the Shield energy that we had brought up have turned into, literally, what looks like a Silver Seed. It‘s actually golden-silver seed but it looks mostly silver and it looks like a tri-veca configuration with a little dot of aqua in the center like a living little flame in the center, and it‘s like an aqua flame with rainbow colors around it. And, it‘s very, very tiny, like a little nano-seed. That seed will eventually grow and we‘ll activate the seed when we begin the exercises tomorrow. We can begin the activation of it by using these tones before we leave and just, these are the sheets of paper, and you can leave your person self in the Blue Krystal if you want to, where you can hang out there tonight, or you can pull it back just by inhaling from where it is in front of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 108 of 200
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you (inhales). If you want to pull it back for now you can pull that part of yourself back or if you want to leave it hanging out in the Blue Krystal. Eventually it will come back on its own so you don‘t have to worry about it getting lost or anything. So, that‘s up to you but that seed right now is in the AzurA. We‘re going to use the breath to once again move it into the Karanadis Seal. So, we‘re going to inhale to grab a hold of the seed, the Silver Seed, (inhales), and use a very gentle little breath to bring it down into the AzurA, (exhales). Ok, I haven‘t said these out loud either yet so we can say them slowly together. Where it says ―three times‖, we only have to go through this thing once but where it says do it one time, you say that one time and then the part where it says say it three times you say that three times and then go back to the thing that you do one time, then the thing you do three times. Ok, so, let me say this to my brain first before I try. Ok, I‘ll say it first and then we can say it together. I think that will probably be the easiest because I have to trip over my lips a little bit too. All right, first is… [0:19:47] Ā - ah‘ - RO
tĀ Ē‘ DON Ā‘
(line over A's and E)
and the next one is, Ip‘ - Rha
Ē‘ LĀ‘ SU Ā‘ - jhŪn - et - a (line over E, A, U)
now we have Ē‘ San DĒ - STah‘ - RO IN - ish‘ - Tah Ā
(line over E's) (line over A)
and two more times on that, Ē‘ San DĒ - STah‘ - RO IN - ish‘ - Tah Ā
(line over E's) (line over A)
Ē‘ San DĒ - STah‘ - RO IN - ish‘ - Tah Ā
(line over E's) (line over A)
Just breathe for a minute. That was three all together I think, yea, I said three. Ok, and just breathe a bit there and kind of (inhales-exhales). Ok, and now the next one: Sep‘ - Tah en - Ā‘ ShU ah‘ - RA a CŪm sa - Ā‘ - VO A - Ton - Ā‘ BRE‘ - hem De - ah - sa‘ - Lo ah‘ - jhem DĒ'-Sta en'-Tah
(line over 1st A) (line over U, 1st and 3rd A)
(line over E) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 109 of 200
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ep'-Ā SE'-rah ah' -jhun - Ā' ah' - jhun - Ā'
(line over A) (line over A's)
OK, now, we have to do it one more time, two more times. The whole thing, yep, two more times, the whole thing on the bottom. DĒ'-Sta en'-Tah ep'-Ā SE'-rah ah' -jhun - Ā' ah' - jhun - Ā'
(line over E) (line over A) (line over A's)
DĒ'-Sta en'-Tah ep'-Ā SE'-rah ah' -jhun - Ā' ah' - jhun - Ā'
(line over E) (line over A) (line over A's)
(inhales-exhales) Ta A‘jha- in‘ta DOr-A, (group repeats) that‘s not on the paper but, Ta A‘jha- in‘ta DOr-A, Ta A‘jha- in‘ta DOr-A. (inhale-exhale) [0:22:51] All righty, we‘ve got our Seed tucked away in our Karanadis Seal. We will be meeting at whatever time but we‘re coming with you to do the circle tomorrow in a parking lot, I think it is. A‘san: Yes. A‘sha: Yes, yes, yes. If anybody asks, we just like to sing to buses, whatever. Anyway, and then I don‘t know how long that‘s going to last. I‘m not too sure how far it is from here but then we‘ll do the, you guys will be going to dinner, we‘ll be still working and then we‘ll come back for the 9-12 again, I think, tomorrow night. A‘san: And, we need to do a rehearsal before dinner. A‘sha: A rehearsal before dinner? A‘san: There might have to be. If we have to do a stand tomorrow night …(inaudible) A‘sha: Ok, well, what do you want to say about that? A‘san: Just stand by on rehearsal before dinner. A‘sha: Well, what time is dinner? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 110 of 200
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A‘san: I don‘t know. A‘sha: I don‘t think we‘re going to be back in time to do that, love. A‘san: Well all right then…(can‘t hear the end of the sentence) A‘sha: Yeah? A worse case scenario we stay up later. A‘san: We‘ve done it before. A‘sha: Yeah, ok, yeah, so, we‘ll be seeing you tomorrow onsite and then we‘ll also be doing the three hour bit tomorrow night. Three hour-ish. A‘san: Doing the Stands/(Stanz) as well, it will be longer than that. A‘sha: Yeah, it might be a little late as far as past midnight but there‘s that lovely long bus ride if you can sleep. I don‘t know if your bus was bouncy but ours was bouncing all over the place. It was a lovely bus but, boy, tried to lay down and kept getting bounced off the seats. I just gave up. Drinks were bouncing out, there‘s a little cup holder, they were bouncing out of the cup holders, it‘s like, forget sleeping. So, I hope you enjoyed this segment and I‘m excited, once they let me know what they were doing (applause). Yep, see you tomorrow. DE-va‘ en-TUr‘-A E‘-Sta-en-taO Rei-ha-VA‘-ah UN-Krys-ta‘-LO (A‘sha sings while leaving room)
Sphere of the Arc Stand Instructions [24:51] A‘san A‘san: Ha, where did the tape go? Participant: You‘re sitting on it. A‘san: Holding it down? Participant: Yeah. A‘san: That‘s a good plan, never thought of that. Ok, right, schedule is changed slightly. You will see in a moment that there‘s been a little competition in our apartment for who gets to use the only laptop and I didn‘t win, (laughter) so, I‘ve tried to use my best handwriting. The schedule then is going to be something on the following lines. In the next hour and twenty minutes I‘m going to prepare you in a partial rehearsal for, in certain respects, the main business of the trip which consists in the activation of the Density One Transharmonic Merkaba Doorway which we left hanging over Skellig Michael. And since that relates directly The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 111 of 200
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to the relocation of the Arc of the Covenant and all the rest of, all the other things that means, my card marks it as the most significant reason for us all traveling as far as we have done and doing all the things you do to make all that possible. So, that‘s what we‘ll be doing in the next hour and a bit. Darlene, who‘s not feeling at all well, bless, is doing the best to line up a bit of a short notice coffee break for you after we finish the rehearsal because it would be a nice thing to do and also because it will give my friend another half an hour to spit and polish on the techs because it‘s a bit tech heavy. Almost all of the evening, there‘s a little bit of technical explanation to deliver this evening but the majority I think is coming on Saturday. So, it‘s all going to be pretty much floor work. Just maybe a few mylars, not many, even if there are going to be any. I don‘t really know yet, so we should be through by about 3 am. It‘s what it‘s like, isn‘t it? So, I‘m not going to disturb your comforts on the floor but we will need to use the floor in order, (laughter), attempt a grin here. We will have to do that but just stay where you are and I‘ll run through the outline of everything first before we bother to do that. And once you‘ve stowed your personal gear off the floor, best to leave it where you store it. You can bring it back if you want to but you‘ll have to move it away again because, pretty much, the next thing we‘ll be doing once we resume after the break will be the stand itself and then you will be able to lie down, bring your stuff in and get comfortable. You won‘t have to move anymore until we‘ve finished. So, just give me a second to separate my paper from my plastic. How many people have done this Stand before? It would be easy to say how many have not because then I‘ll be able to see the hands. That‘s good, Ok. What? Yeah, any of the Round Table Stand work that we, relates back, Ok. All right, I think that what I‘ll do is I‘ll just, first of all, show you the summary of what we‘re going to be engaging in and then I‘ll have to switch into, I think it will be better to switch into the allocation of position and, if you like, command function. So then when I start to show you the layout. And what we‘re doing is similar to but different from. It has common elements in it from the Tribes period where the stand consisted of two different configurations: one to do with Elemental Command and one to do with the Reuche Divine Blueprint structure. But it‘s always easier, perhaps, if when I show the graphs that you know what part of the graph is talking to you. So, if you‘re going to be north in part one than you‘re looking at the graphs thinking, that‘s where I need to be. And then when it‘s time to make a note of what Elemental Command expression in Anuhazi you‘re going to use you can make a note of the appropriate one because you know that that‘s the one that you‘re going to be working with, ok? And then the second part will have to do with you already knowing that your position in relation to the graph work is going to be such and such a position so you‘ll be able to focus on the specific circumstances that relate to you individually, ok? And, with the things that I have in mind, some of you know are quite amusing, and those of you who have not done Stands before don‘t understand what amusing means in this context. The reason for the tape on the floor is a breakthrough (laughter). It means I get to not feel like being bossy or even short-tempered or even amusing when I‘m not being or vice versa. It‘s very personal. This tape thing is very personal and if it works it will be so smooth, right. You‘re just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 112 of 200
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going to love it and we‘ll all lie down and roll around and be really happy about the idea but if it doesn‘t work don‘t blame me, blame the Beloveds. [0:30:47] Ok, so, wait a minute. It‘s the only way to get promoted to speaker one if you get anybody to do these kind of things for you. (laughter). Now this is a bit faint but this is all about the competition for the laptop you understand, don‘t you? Right, if you‘re too far back in the room and you can‘t really make it out, what it says at the top is ―Sphere of the Arc Stand Commands‖, quote-unquote, like a generic expression for a catch-all for a lot of things. So, part one, the part one section is where we‘ll be sitting in a shape that I‘ve yet to show you and where each of you will be assigned a relationship with an elemental command tone which corresponds with the four cardinal directions. Also corresponds with a thing called a ―Witness‖ and I‘ve just remembered that my assistant forgot to bring down my bag of things, but we don‘t need them quite yet. But we have Witnesses which actually occupy the center point of each of the four cardinal positions, and when we get to the point then we‘ll just decide in a democratic way like saying will you please take care of this and light it, or whatever it is you have to do with the thing to get it alive. So, the first part is sitting, so the first job to do is what I was touching on is that, once you know where the circles are, each of the four witnesses which will be used will be placed in a part of the room where the group that is the north group will take care of the witness, put it where it belongs in the middle, will do whatever has to happen; light something, fill something, whatever is necessary, and then everyone will sit down around facing the witness in the center of their respective position. Once there we‘ll officially open the Sphere of the Arc Stand and perform the Krystal River Prayer together. Having done that we‘ll do the Psonn of Aurora together, six rounds starting at a slow-ish pace but finish up going real lickety split, building frequency like mad. That‘s something that we haven‘t done for a long time but I really like it when we do it like that. Then there will be a period of time where we perform the elemental command tones and they‘re the things that everyone who is North will say the same thing, and I haven‘t shown you what they are yet so you don‘t know what I‘m precisely talking about, but, each of the cardinals have their own elemental command tone. And then we‘ll finish part one with just however many rounds of ―Um ah UN‖ done as melodically as we used to do them in the Twelve Tribes until we feel as if we‘re done, essentially. One thing about the command tones, and I‘ll probably tell you again when I show you them, is that, once you‘re assigned them and once we complete part one, you take these particular command tones to your positions in the actual stand configuration, the Reuche or Divine Blueprint configuration. Wherever you go, wherever you‘re assigned to go, you will take your Command Tone into the position. And there is a point when, if you like, the Command Tones then get scrambled, get all mixed up because everyone‘s mixed up within the Divine Blueprint configuration, and that‘s fine. That‘s how it‘s supposed to be. So that, remember, you‘ll be using your Elemental Command Tones in two different physical situations; one sitting down in the four cardinals and the other one when you‘re standing up in the actual stand, and you have to perform in slightly different ways. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 113 of 200
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[0:34:41] So having relinquished our sitting position we stand up and we go, as orderly as we can, into the Reuche positions that we‘ve been assigned, whatever point number or signet you‘ve been given for that and this wonderful stuff called tape, which did have numbers written on it; and if anyone‘s got squiggle bum and you remove the numbers, you‘re really in the poo and the very least you‘ll have to do is go and stand in the corner and try and remember what that number was that you can‘t see anymore (laughter). And if you get stuck and you‘re really nice I might help you out. So, assuming that we haven‘t rubbed the numbers out and assuming that we can get everybody to form a circle around the respective numbers that are there on the floor on the tape, having got ourselves settled down and brought purpose to mind we will then actually begin, assuming there we are, all of the members of whatever point, signet one if you like, will be standing in a circle facing inwards around the number one that I hope is still on the tape, and in that position they will perform their Command Tones and they will rotate according to where they are within the actual Stand grid, and I‘ll tell you which directions you‘ll be using. If you‘re in the three, six, nine or twelve you‘ll be rotating one way. If you‘re in the other numbers you‘ll be rotating in another way, all right? But, you‘ll be using the command tones doing something like this, just simply, very gently, very easily, quite slowly but just doing the Command Tones over and over again. That‘s the first thing you‘ll do when you‘re in the Stand. Then we get into the thing that‘s kind of different because this is the first time we‘ve used a spherical rotation involving three spheres and there‘s a usual one which is formed by the inner points three, six, nine, and twelve; there‘s the outer one relative to the inner one which is common that‘s formed by all the other points, and, instead of there being Sentinels as there have been on occasion, even back to the early days in Sarasota, there is a large ring that actually surrounds the entire Stand. And they rotate in different directions and there are three phases where we do phase one doing one kind of direction, each of us, and then we go on to phase two and we change direction, and then we go on to phase three, change the shape from three spheres back to two and, oh, by the way, we‘re using different spin command speeds and we‘re using Anahauzi, not numbers. We‘re not going 33 1/3 anymore; we‘re saying it like we really mean it. So, they‘re the things I‘ve got to show you and we will finish off with doing three rounds, whole rounds, of the Psonn of the Arc, whereas, so far we‘ve only actually run through it from beginning to end one time. Ok, we‘ll do that from beginning to end three times and when we get to that point we may say we‘re done. So, what does this hard thing look like? Well, not nearly as challenging as I make it sound but, before I go there, pen and paper at the ready please, all of you. If you have to run off and pick one up that‘s fine. Are we ready? Ok, now, the way I‘m going to do this or the way I‘m going to introduce it to you, based on what I‘ve done, is just simply random assignment because I had to come up with inner circle, outer circle, sentinels as well as people who are going to be in each of the elemental positions as well out of the total number of people that we have distributed in a sensible way. So, I‘m going to address you in groups of twenty eight people so the first group and this is alphabetical so if your name, if you‘re last name begins with E or F, this is not for you. This is from people from A The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 114 of 200
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to D so people with the last name of A to D, everyone of you are in the north group. I‘ll read your name out anyway and in reading your name out just know until I advise you differently, I‘m addressing only the north group and I will give a number where numbers has cropped up. If a number isn‘t given it means that you‘re occupying the third sphere which is the outer circle. So, this group, everyone is going to show up, all twenty-eight of them will form a circle in part one in the north point, and the north point is there Noel, isn‘t it? So there‘ll be, this group will form a big circle over there. If the tape stays on the floor we‘ll know where to put it and twenty-eight of them will form this circle and they‘ll be the north group. So, addressing north group: (A‘san reads off the names and numbers of the north group) [0:40:46] Now, the south group are people whose last names start with a Fa and if you don‘t find one in shift you‘re in serious trouble. And it goes down as far as Samual MacKay so (reads participant name) you‘re in east group so we‘ve got the L, M and Hollis or round about there. So, anyway, this is the east group and we‘ll go on, so this is the south group, sorry, and we‘ll continue with the east group afterwards beginning with Malmoth(?) (more names beginning with M) and going on from there. So, south group then, listening up: (A‘san reads off the names and numbers of the south group) And that is all of the south group people who will be in the circle over towards the table where the water is. Ok, everybody all right? Yep. Participant: (cannot hear what was asked) A‘san: I hope. (laughter) I hope, I really hope...we‘ll finish up with at least six people who are number seven. I really hope. You know I‘ve got to check my own work. Participant: (cannot hear what was said) A‘san: I didn‘t mention a G? Ah, you‘re in the outer sphere my lovely. Get over it (laughter). Bloody attention grabber. (laughter) It‘s been a long day. Ok, easterlies, beginning with Malmoth (?) and going as far as the Rutger (?) people. Ok, east group: (A‘san reads off the names and numbers of the east group) That‘s the end of the east group and finally the western ones which I suppose you all gather goes toward Z or something like that. Anyway: (A‘san reads off the names and numbers of the west group) And that …here endeth the lesson. So, what does all this really mean? I will leave the registration list is here. I‘ll leave it on this table should anyone want to double check anything. Often we have one or two people who go to the bathroom and come back and they can‘t remember who they were. It‘s said by some that I lead the group astray and that‘s just how I do it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 115 of 200
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Sphere of the Arc Stand, 16th of October ‘09. I understand this is likely to change by the time we get to Saturday too. Now, I‘m not being a cheap skate at all actually but given the accessibility of laptops, computer programs and printers, I‘ve been quite economical about the approach to this. Now, this little guy here, you see is part one. This is the part where we‘re sitting down so what this is doing is representing the four elements. If you pick this up and you put it down over the Reuche, you see these little dotted circles here? This is this guy. The part one position has picked up and put down right over the Stand configuration where the tape is. So, I‘m going to talk about this just this way very briefly but that, as I‘ve said, actually sits on the floor where these guys are, all right? Now, in order to get yourself oriented is that we, for the time being anyway, continue to set the Stands up with the six point aligned in the southerly direction. This is drawn this way because it‘s very easy to draw it this way but, essentially, to fit this room it has to be turned 45 degrees so this is south and that faces the table over there, just so you know where it is. So, south is by the table, north is yonder and that makes where I‘m standing west and the far end of the room is the other one. So, this is south by the table, this is north over there, and this is west and that is east. So west is just down here and the other chap is yonder. [0:49:54] Participant: (cannot hear the question) A‘san: Where are the what? So, I didn‘t get on to the question. Yea, so south is over there and north is over there and west is this way and east is up there. So, we will have, if whoever had that little lotus cluster of quartz, would like to bring it in, then we‘ll use that little cluster of quartz to represent the earth element in that area which is the witness for that. Up here we‘ll have a brand new candle, Tesco‘s candles, guaranteed to work for at least five minutes so we‘ll have to hurry along and the fire will be up there. No it won‘t. It will be over there in the north. Then I‘ve stolen a glass from the room, a vessel, clean and polished, breathed on with my own, my very own breath with some charged water that Ash and I have prepared so that chap will go over there. And then air, can you believe it? We couldn‘t find incense anywhere but I did find a lovely air freshener that smells of jasmine and freesia (laughter). But I did get a little saucer to put it on so it looks more important. So then, when we get to go to that point of go-go(?) so those of you who are the southerly lot will go over yonder and the northerly lot will go where you‘re going. You‘ll get your individual bits of business set up in the center really nicely and we won‘t be joking when we get to that point because you‘ll be deadly serious or I‘ll kick your butt. So, we‘ll get all that set up then we‘ll sit down. We‘ll just do a few Krystar breaths and really get ourselves settled and focused and then we‘ll actually begin the formality of all of it. We‘ll begin with the Krystal River and then go through that sequence that I showed you at the beginning. Once we finish floating around with the Um ah UN in that lovely melodic way we used to use in 12 Tribes, when we feel we‘ve done enough then I will, just from the center, just, just call you to slow down and bring it to silence and then you‘ll be asked to go and assume your Stand The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 116 of 200
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positions which is where your numbers come in. Now, just to help you, this relationship, remember, it is a south to north one. It‘s always aligned with six, so here, essentially, south people will be close to the six point so just giving you a little bit of a reference. And twelve is yonder to it, opposite to it, all right, with the three and the nine like that. So, you‘ve got the configuration from it so, the south is here, the north is there, the west and the east people, so, wherever you are, if you are an east person and you‘re an eight, you‘re going to make you way across to here and get yourself together with the other eight people. All right? Simple stuff; and if you happen to be working in part one in a northerly position and you‘re a two or a four then you‘ve got to wander all the way across to the two point and the four point. So, there‘s just simply a physical transition from one location to the other and when you leave any of the locations like I mentioned at the beginning, if you‘re going from here having worked as, with the northern elemental command and you finish up in six or five, whatever, wherever you are you take your elemental command tone with you. And when you get to that place and we do the little on-the-spot rotation and you‘re signet five, you‘ll be a circle of people around the five point and you‘ll just rotate in your position in the circle doing the elemental command. And all of that will be done like that before we start messing about with these particular parts of it. All right, that will be the first thing that we do. Now, when we have completed that stage you‘ll notice that we move into almost strictly movement where we‘re developing the Seur pillar, we‘re building the frequency in a very serious way. So what will begin to happen is that we will come to a stop when we‘re doing the individual on-the-spot stuff and we‘ll just get to the place to where we‘re paying attention and ready to peel off from our little circles around the signets. So, because, what‘s going to happen is, and, can you, or, can we? All right, thank you. So any of the four inner points, let‘s just say we have six here, twelve here, nine and three, and these guys are going to rotate clockwise, just this inner circle. But, you have a circle of people here, circle of people here, one there, one there. So what has to happen is that this circle has to unwind in all four points at the same time so it unwinds with one person almost like rotating around their own circle and coming on to this line as the other one is rotating and coming on the line, this one‘s already rotating and coming on the line and then this little line starts to unwind until everyone is actually moving around their circle. The same thing happens with the signet points that exist on this circle here. The third spherical group remain as a circle all the time and if you were to, if you were able as you will in a little while, you move all the bodies back, you will see that I and Noel and Crozzie, we actually put pieces of tape that actually indicate on a dotted line basis where that third sphere actually is and what the true circumference of that third sphere is, and the taping on the inner will help people with their rotation and their geometric integrity in every way so the quality of this ought really to be a lot better than some of the difficulties in remembering where our little bit of tape on the floor, whether it‘s yours or someone else‘s and all that kind of problem. So, I‘m really just pointing out that when you come into the spherical rotations that each of the signets actually unwinds in an orderly fashion, you just don‘t break. I want you to unwind into the bigger sphere in each of the points in these two spheres. So, this is the point where I‘ll show you the sheets and you can make a note of the language that you‘re going to have to use, but in this first one the inner three-six-nine-twelve points will be working with the 45 Merkaba speed. That‘s the combination of there two characters and they‘ll be going clockwise. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 117 of 200
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The outer or the one-two-four-five-seven-eight- ten-eleven signet people will be doing the rotation counter-clockwise initially and they will be using the command for the 11 2/3rds speed while the outer third sphere will be doing this rotation working with the 33 1/3 rd. Once we get this underway, at this point we will do twelve rotations each because of the time it takes a big circle to make an entire lap around itself, this one will take the longest while. This one will be done first and this one somewhere in between. And all that one needs to do is to recognize that this, the inner sphere will be done, needs to stand quietly and continue to utilize the language that supports this speed. This sphere here will come to rest sometime after this one. They stand still and continue to recite this until the outer sphere completes its twelfth and stands momentarily just continuing, just for a few seconds, five or ten seconds, and then we‘ll just wind that down, come to silence. Before then we change the rotation and we change the speed commands. So, the inner group will go from 45 and start to work with 11 2/3rds and they will change direction from clockwise to counter-clockwise. The inner sphere will also change direction and it will change from 11 2/3rds to 33 1/3rd and the outer will change direction also and will assume 45. Now, the final act is when, we‘ve done twelve rotations of each of the three spheres, we‘ve done the same, we‘ve behaved the same way. This group stops first, continues to use the 11 2/3rds command. This one comes to rest sometime after the inner one continues to use the 33 1/3rd command until, finally, the outer sphere using the 45 comes to rest on its twelfth and final rotation, five to ten seconds of using the speed command here, that‘s all, and then we all just come down to silence. Now, from that point the third and final moment is when the inner sphere and the outer sphere join and create one. This one and this one join together and it will be, there is no technical significance or reason why we should do anything but have the middle sphere just move out and merge with the outer one, and the particularity of position as far as I‘m aware is not significant. In other words you can just move directly and occupy the first space you can on the outer. So, just this one here just moves out and forms a nice big circle here and everyone performs the 45 instruction. The only point of difference is that the outer one rotates in the counter-clockwise fashion which is the, this relates to the AdorA side, and the inner one rotates in a clockwise fashion. The rotations in the final stage will be twenty four rotations, not twelve. Everybody Ok with that? Is that clear? Good.
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Skellig Michael Grid Work [Audio Track 7A] A‘sha The Stanz that we got last night of the song of the Arc of the Covenant. And we‘ll just…we don‘t have the music for it yet, so we‘ll just you know, repeat that as we did last night. Once we get that far we will then, there‘s a Journey type thing that they‘re going to have me run live with my little scribbly notes. And what the purpose of what we‘re doing is we‘re going to build what is called a Space-Time Conjunction Point. It‘s going to…when we leave there will be a large Shield, like a glittering shield, underneath the circle. And then we‘re going to project that over. Now, we can‘t see Skellig from here, but Noel has said if we look at the white house over there, across the water there, and go up where the little hill steps down right above it, and just a little bit to the right of there, if we aim for there once we‘re at the stage where we‘re breathing the shield over, that will keep it in the direction of Skellig. I wish we could have gone out on the boats, but they told us we couldn‘t. (*Low discussion between A&A) What we can do is we‘ll keep in a circle, but face in that direction so the whole time while we‘re doing the sound and everything it‘s carrying in that direction. So just imagine that we‘re creating a line, a projection line of energy that we‘re carrying over, up over that house and you know, into that area of, you know, where the sky meets the little step and then just a little bit to the right. So we will actually send the energy line out that way. And that answers something that I was wondering why the Beloveds had me do it. When we had been in the lobby and they have that big picture, a close up of Skellig Michael. For some reason the Beloveds had me stand in front of it and do this breathe-y thing, like connecting through psychometry with the actual site. And I was like, ―Hm, ok, what are we doing that for‖ (Laughs), right. I didn‘t think of that or we would have said, ―everybody try that‖. And then we would have made a scene in the lobby (Laughs). Everybody going, ―Huh, huh,‖ breathing in the picture (Laughs). But now I see why that they wanted to do that. Because it picked up enough of the encryption, so we‘ll send that encryption with it so it will hit its destination. And we will slide that Shield over there. It will actually be…we will create one here and one will stay here, and it will actually do the times 2 replication, and one will slide over there. Then when we get back this evening, when we do the first level, the Density-1 Level of the Merkaba activations, the Transharmonic Merkaba activations, that will pop this Shield into the Transharmonic Doorway. So that will be the beginning. And then we will do the same thing when we get back up to Dublin, and it will activate it to Density-2 Level. Which means it will create a Sphere of Destiny. Which is a large sphere with the fully activated Merkabic Structure inside. And it will also create one up in Dublin so there will be 2 of them. There will be another one created in Sarasota when we do the energy work there. And progressively, we are creating The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 119 of 200
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temporary safe-zones. But also, zones that will allow, that will build a base of frequency that will assist lots of people on the planet. But we can talk about that more on the last workshop. So for now, we‘re just going to do the 3 opening things, Krystal River Prayer, Elemental Orb Call and the Psonn of the Arc, first 2 Stanz. And then I will go live and read the, whatever it is the wave‘s going to bring through. Let me see what the…I have little scribble notes of ―here, do this, this and this‖, right (Laughs). This is how they give me this thing. It‘s like Hieroglyphics. I can‘t even read it half the time. Don‘t mind me, I‘m just mumbling to myself here…(*A‘sha reading her notes quietly). Ok, there‘s one little part at the end after we do this sort of meditation, for a simple word. After we do the meditation thing then we shift the Shield over. And as we close there‘s a little thing that we say only once and it‘s not on…we didn‘t have time to put it on anything because they gave it to us this morning. It‘s the words: Im ip-ta A-ta Lam (sp?) So I will repeat that and then you can repeat that one after me at the end. And that closes it and, you know, does the ―send‖ and beginning activation. And what the Shield is going to be, it‘s an activated circular disc, a shield that will sit in the ground and wait for the next stage of activation. Which we won‘t be able to do until we activate our own selves to that level, then we will be able to track it back into this Shield set. All righty. So what time is it? 3 after 12:00…they said we can start now. Yeah, we don‘t have to wait until 12:12, yeah. Ok, Krystal River Prayer. Bless the people who‘ve memorized the Krystal River Prayer. I‘m not one of them yet. So, as we do the KRP I‘m going to go on mute because as I‘m stumbling through it, a lot of you are better at saying this than me. So I‘m not going to be stumbling through it in your ear. So I will go on mute for this. Do your Krystar breaths. Krystal River Prayer (*KRP) (Participants recite Krystal River Prayer) A‘sha: Now just 1 Round of the Psonn, ok? (*Group psonns 1 round of Verses 1 and 2 of Aurora Psonn- 1 ‗BE-TU‘ and 1 ‗LaVa‘ round) Now, 3 rounds of the Elemental Orb Call Command. Participant: Are you still on mute? A‘sha: Yes, ok, I‘m still on mute so I‘m not screaming in your ear basically, while I‘m doing these. All right, so 12:12 exactly - interesting. Ok, 3 rounds of the Elemental Orb Call for those who know it. I will put this on for those who might not know this. Ok, now I‘m not on mute. Elemental Orb Call Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra- O‘cha- Sa! The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 120 of 200
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Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra- O‘cha- Sa! Ah-ShA‘-ah NE‘Ra- O‘cha- Sa! A‘sha: I‘ll just turn in for a moment here so you don‘t have to hear me stumble over these words in your ear. We‘re going to just 1 round of the whole Part-1 of the Psonn of the Arc of the Covenant. And where it says, ―3 times‖ on the sheet, you know, we repeat that 3 times. Don‘t have the music yet, so we‘ll just do it as a, you know, as a Psonn Statement. So, we can start at the count of 3…1, 2, 3.
Part-1 of the Psonn of the Arc of the Covenant (Participants recite) The Sphere of Destiny Psonn of the Arc of the Covenant PART – 1 For Use in Sliders-6 Technique-2 (A) Calling the Arc of the Emerald Covenant of Aramatena (B) Will be the “Orb-ing Activation Psonn” (to go w/ Stardust Breathing when completed) (C) Will start activation of the Silver Seed of Aquareion (after receiving it Wed. PM) STANZ 1: Ā - ah‘ - RO tĀ Ē‘ DON Ā‘ Ip‘ - Rha Ē‘ LĀ‘ SU Ā‘ - jhŪn - et - a
) ) ...
Ē‘ San DĒ - STah‘ - RO IN - ish‘ - Tah Ā
) ) ...
STANZ 2: Sep‘ - Tah en - Ā‘ ShU ah‘ - RA a CŪm sa - Ā‘ - VO A - Ton - Ā‘ BRE‘ - hem De - ah - sa‘ - Lo ah‘ - jhem
) ) ) ... ...
DĒ‘ - Sta en‘ - Tah ep‘ - Ā SE‘ - ŕah ah‘ - jhun - Ā‘ ah‘ - jhun - Ā‘
) ) ) ... ...
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A‘sha: All righty, now we will do the live wave one, the Shield Activation, now that we‘ve got it vibrating in the grids below our feet. The first thing they‘re asking us to do is to just close your eyes and visualize under the entire circle and sticking out about 6-feet all around the circle past where we‘re standing, that there is now a shimmering Shield, circular Shield. That is about 4-feet thick, is what they‘re saying. I don‘t know if you can hear me, I have this down under my chin (*A‘sha adjusts mic). So, about 4-feet thick and it‘s down at the area where the crust touches the mantle. So that‘s actually where the Shield that we‘ve created is located. And that‘s the plane that it will shift out on, will start out on, because it‘s actually going to go up in the air and go over the horizon there when we send it. So this is the beginning. We‘ve got the grids vibrating in the circular formation. Let me see here what they want to do next, ok. All right, next, if we can remember I think it was last night where we did our Krystal Lotus Buddha thing, where we created a little version of ourselves in our mind sitting in our Krystal Lotus. I like to call it the Krystal Lotus Candle Holder, where we‘re sitting Buddha-style in that. So we‘re going to do that again. We‘re going to visualize it inside, behind our foreheads. And then we‘re going to use the breath and actually they‘re going to have…all right they‘ll go live with it now. All right, so hold in mind for a moment the image of yourself in your Krystal Lotus Flying Machine, 48-petals you know. Ok, now we‘re going to Inhale and go up and grab the image in our head and hold for a moment. And we‘re going to gently bring the image down on half of the Exhale to the AzurA. Hold for a moment. And then we‘re going to use the rest of the Exhale to bring it down just a little more to the Karanadis Seal at the base of the breastbone. Just breathe normally for a moment. And now once again we‘re going to clear the hole in the Net Screen in our fields. So we‘re going to Inhale and Hold that flying Buddha image. And on the Exhale we‘re going to push really forcefully upward, and send it way up where you can‘t see it anymore. And then just breathe normally. Let it sit up there for a few moments. Now we‘re going to Inhale up and use the Inhale breath to go up and catch it. And on the Exhale we‘re going to actually run it really forcefully down through, all the way down into Earth‘s Core and then through the membrane into Higher Earth‘s Core. And at the bottom of the Exhale just leave it there for a moment, in the Earth‘s Core. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 122 of 200
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And then gently Inhale it back up, into the AzurA point first. And then a little Exhale just to drop it down to the Karanadis Seal. Now we‘re going to Inhale from a 12-point Inhale from your field around you, the Allurean Chamber lines. And imagine like a big sunrays, 12 sunrays, around you in your field. And you‘re just going to Inhale energy from those 12 rays into the Karanadis Seal and hold for moment. And on the Exhale we‘re going to puff out our Buddha into full life size around us. Try to feel the presence of your sitting down self that is in the Buddha sitting position within its 4-sets of 12 petals of the Krystal Lotus Vehicle. And feel that your feet are actually on the plane that would be the inside bottom of the Lotus Vehicle, the Krystal Lotus. And we‘re going to use an Inhale breath to bring that plane up, where we‘re going to bring the Krystal Lotus with the Buddha up to the plane that comes out from our AzurA. So, straight arms out, straight to the side level. So we‘re going to use the Inhale to bring the whole Krystal Lotus up around us. And it‘s quite large. Try to sense the size of it. It‘s quite large. And just kind of Inhale and bring it up. And on the Exhale, we‘re going to project it out that Skellig Michael line. And we‘re going to land them in a circle on the top of Skellig Michael. All right, and Exhale now. Fly. And then just breathe normally for a moment. Try to sense your Krystal Lotus Flying Buddha Vehicle Self just landing over on the ground as we came in from the air, and you‘re just kind of landing on the ground. And we‘ll be sitting in our Buddhas in a circle, like a circle of these beautiful Krystal Lotuses. Now also notice over there, in the parts of ourselves that have projected there, I‘m seeing…there‘s a spiraling column, a very thin, like little tornado effect coming from somewhere way up in the sky, coming down in clockwise. It‘s coming down in a clockwise rotation into the center point in the Shield. And it‘s also, because when we do this projection from the space we‘re in like this, we‘re actually combining the encryption of 2 space-time locations into 1. So it‘s actually coming down here in the center too. I think it‘s right behind you, actually, right behind us. So this is the beginning of activating the Shield. Now, we haven‘t floated the Shield underneath us here, out there yet, but they will be the receiving committee, ourselves out there. Ok, now just breathing gently, imagine again that if we can recall from last night, that cone of aqua-blue light that comes down over the entire group. All right, imagine that we are going to, when we breathe next, when we do an Inhale we‘ll go up and grab it. And on the Exhale we‘ll actually bring it down. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 123 of 200
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It‘s a huge cone that will come down over the entire group and everybody will get their own little cone in their Krystar Vehicles as well. And the same will be happening with our Bi-locate Selves over on Skellig Michael. So, let‘s Inhale up and catch the tip of that cone way up in the atmosphere somewhere. And gentle Exhale down…bring her in. And imagine that the cone is so large that it keeps going down, the tip. We can‘t even imagine where the tip is it‘s so high. So it‘s going down and down into the Shield that we‘ve set within, between the crust and the mantle. Ok, now let‘s just breathe a couple just general breaths. And as we breathe, notice that a spiral of electrical energy also activates in the top spiral of our Merkaba Vehicle actually, but it‘s just a small stream, not like the full Merkaba vortex. And it‘s coming down through the chakra at the top of the head, the 7 th chakra, and moving all the way down into the Shield, down between the mantle and the crust. Same thing is happening with our Bi-locate Krystal Buddha selves. Now try to get a sense, this is why I‘m wobbling a bit (Laughs), I‘m noticing I‘m kind of swishing from side to side. The Shield down in the mantle is actually starting to turn into kind of a liquid gel effect. And it actually reminds me of bubble wrap, like the large bubbled, bubble wrap, where it‘s made of like lots of these Orbs of water. But they‘re actually full-sized, like they‘re about the size of large bubble wrap but they‘re not as hard plastic like that, you know. They‘re liquid-y, kind of like a combination of bubble wrap and fish eggs, actually, but they‘re translucent. They‘re like see-through, kind of like pale-clear color. I know what they remind me of, those things they have here in Europe that they use to hold water for plants in vases, whatever they call those. Anyway, try to get the feel for down underneath the Shield that was a Krystal Shield before, which is a bit more just solid, it‘s actually going into the Endoplasmic state. Where when it‘s the Crystalline State it‘s more of an Ectoplasmic state. So now it‘s moving into the Endoplasmic state of the Outer Domains matter base. And try to feel it. Do this side-to-side swishy thing and image that your feet here, your legs, are going down, like almost like squashing grapes, as if you can feel the squash, squash down there. So extend. Imagine your legs grow all the way down to the point between the mantle and the crust. And try to feel the swoosh. Because the more of us that do that will actually get it doing this all the way up, where we‘ll actually create a space in the grids where even on this level it is shifting like this. And that begins the process of once it gets moving like that, then it can start to spin. And when it can spin, it can fly.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 124 of 200
Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
Ok, just try to get in touch with the squishy effect as if we‘re together shifting a Shield from side-to-side, right. It‘s like a plane that‘s going like this. When we go…it goes that way. When we go this, it goes this way. See if we can synchronize a bit of that motion. Hello people with legs. Use your legs. Anybody have legs? (Laughs) Right. Where you actually feel it. You‘re bringing that into the atomic reality of your own body, but also of the Shield, the Planetary Shield where we‘re standing. Yep. Ok, now we‘re going to get ready to lift the Shield and fly it. Except it‘s not going to come straight up like a plate underneath us, it‘s actually going to come up more like a space ship, at an angle, where it‘s laying flat like this now. And as we Inhale up it‘s going to actually tilt and go like this. So by the time, so it‘s like this down in between the mantle and crust right now. And when we start the breathing, the push breathing to send it, it‘s going to angle like this and fly out from under us. And actually, by the time it hits where the water is that you can see, it will crest up out of the water and go flying over the white house and over the area behind it, following the line that we sent out with the Buddhas to Skellig Michael. And then we‘ll see what to do to anchor it with our Buddha selves over there. So we‘re going to begin the Shield movement. Ok, it has a specialized breath that I don‘t know yet. They‘re going to teach me. Hold on. Ok, I have to cough, hold on…excuse me. (Mutes mic momentarily) Getting ready to breathe cough. Ok, oh that breath, oh cool. All right. Mm, all right, there is a particular breathing pattern. This is funny, because I remember using this and delivering one of the babies that I‘ve had, one of my children. And it helped (Laughs), all right. And it‘s 2 Inhales through the nose and then and then ‗out‘ through the mouth. And just do several of those. Let‘s do that for a little while to build momentum. (*They do no more than 10-12 of these breath patterns) And then on the next one, we‘re going to go (*A‘sha takes the 2 Inhales through the nose) and hold. And now send a forceful burst of the Exhale downward in a pillar, really like down into the Shield. Then just do a couple of normal breaths. Now we‘re going to do a couple of rapid breaths, starting with empty your lungs completely and send them down to the Shield, way down between the Earth and the crust and the mantle. And empty your lungs completely.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 125 of 200
Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
Now we‘re going to do a set of rapid ones. We‘ll Inhale and bring a pillar of energy up and shoot like up out of the top of our heads into somewhere you can‘t even see. So you go (*A‘sha Inhales deep and fast). And then bring it down again. And we‘re going to pick up the speed of this. Up, down, up, down, up, down. (*Approx. 9 rounds of up and downs) Now hold up. And now we‘re going to push forward with the Exhale. And now return to normal breathing and try to feel there‘s like a fibrillation in the Shield as if these little Orbs of water-gel are starting to jiggle and vibrate. It‘s getting ready to fly. Yes, our little blue friends that have been hanging with us are hanging in the Shield at this point. They‘re going to ride it over. It‘s really funny they‘re giving me little silent commands. They‘re going so fast I can just like, sh, sh, in my own head. And they‘re sending them down. Bless you. Ok, now they‘re getting ready to pop it and it will go and it will literally launch, and part of it is staying here and it‘s actually going to split and a replica will go and do the space ship thing up over and into, over, when it goes and lands it‘s going to be hovering above our circle of Buddha selves in their Krystal Lotuses that are hanging out at the top of Skellig Michael. Ok, so they want us to do one more Inhale all the way up to oblivion upstairs. You can‘t see how high it goes, it‘s just a way up there. (*They hold a bit) And when we do the Exhale down into the Shield, that‘s when it will pop and fly. And now. It was cool. If you close your eyes you might actually be able to see it. It‘s going in slow motion. I thought it was going to go really fast. It didn‘t. It‘s kind of going (*A‘sha makes noise with mouth of the sound she‘s hearing); it‘s not crested the water yet. Oh neat. Ok, we‘ve got the little blue drop people, the Aquafar‘E ones hanging out waiting for it to come up out of the water. They just said when it crests the water it will go fast right, ok. They‘re saying, ―It‘s coming, it‘s coming.‖ Ok, hold your breath now, up. And push toward it, it‘s coming out. Feel like we‘re giving birth (Chuckles). All right, there it goes. Whoa, that was fast. It just went, shwoo. It‘s like just for a second I can see like a saucer-y, flat saucer shaped thing kind of crest the water and just went flying so fast I lost it over the white house.
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Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
All right, they‘re saying, ―You‘ll find it again. It‘s going over – you know where it‘s going. It‘s going over the Buddhas.‖ Ok, so let‘s breathe normal for a moment. And try to tune into your Buddha Bi-locate self that is over on Skellig. Try to feel that self, sitting down as if you‘re in the same place with it. You‘re standing. And try to feel that self, sitting, where your head is kind of like here, in your middle. Again, try to feel around you right here the Krystal Lotus, 48-point Krystal Lotus, and also the one that‘s there. And now for a moment, try to actually sense that you are on Skellig Michael. Try to tune out the fact that you‘re in this body and try to feel yourself sitting there in this circle with this physically manifest Krystal Lotus thing around you, where you‘re sitting comfortably in the center of. Try to look around with your eyes closed here and see the sea-views that you can see from Skellig Michael. Try to feel the presence of this. They said at least 6, but more like 12 people have been here before on Skellig Michael Island, 3 of which lived there permanently in different incarnations. Hm. I wasn‘t one, I know that…I‘ve been there a long time ago though, and it was not an Island in the same way. All right, ok now, as we‘re sitting there and feeling ourselves as that group of people there, we‘re going to bring the Shield down because it‘s circulating over our heads, probably about 60-feet up in the air. And it‘s going to spiral itself down. And again it‘s got two, like 2-layers of its own disc, one goes clockwise, one goes counterclockwise. So let‘s just breathe here and there, up, to reach it way up in the atmosphere. Once we‘ve reached it let‘s just very gently Exhale down. Try to feel the point when it passes through our physical bodies on its way down to the Earth over there. It‘s going very, very deep. It‘s going below the Island, beneath the water, down into the mantle, between the mantle and the crust. Imagine just for a moment that as soon as it gets into place, which it‘s starting to do right now, it‘s kind of settling. It‘s sending this flurry of golden-silver sparks upward. And they‘re coming up through the Island and they‘re coming into the old ruins that were there. And they‘re actually, what I‘m seeing is creating almost like a Krystal version of those ruins, where as if they‘re made in 3-dimensional clear Krystal surrounding them. Oh cool. And then there‘s this counter-Shield that just opened up in the sky above it. All right, so there‘s two of them over there. This is new. They didn‘t tell me about this part. So we‘ve got a big Shield over Skellig Michael now and a big one way deep down in the mantle/ crust level. And they kind of cross at the center. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 127 of 200
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In the center, it‘s above water actually, the place where they cross through, so it‘s in the Island, in the center of it. And it‘s running up through, this is the beginning of creating the Transharmonic Doorway. Now there‘s that final little sentence they want us to say and we only have to say it once. So I will say it first and then I‘ll say it with you. Like you can say it with me, because it‘s not something that we‘ve had before. Ok, and it‘s: Im ip-ta A-ta Lam. Yep. (*A‘sha takes a breath in and out) And they‘re saying, ―If you don‘t mind, leave your Buddha selves over there for now and they‘ll come back in later,‖ because we‘re still going to use, you know, use the anchoring spot we have over there since we‘re over there already, this evening when we do the Density Level 45snap activation of the Transharmonic Merkaba Fields, our personal ones and the big one we‘re going to build in the Stand, because we‘re doing a Stand tonight. We have a really lovely, large room over there to do it in too. So this was Part-1 of this. This is actually, what do they call this? They‘re not considering these ―techniques‖; they‘re considering these grid work items. So there‘s going to be a difference between techniques and ―grid work items‖. The techniques are ones that you can go and play with at home yourself, where the grid work is employing the things we‘ve done with the techniques, in order to create the planetary stewardship endeavors. So, we would like to thank you for being here with us and for helping us create this, helping us with the Sphere of Destiny, as we are creating and building the Stairway to real Heaven, which is Higher Earth at the moment. So we will see you back, you guys are…what? (*Speaking quietly with A‘san) For this evening? Oh. A‘san‘s wondering if anybody has a compass with them that he could borrow for this evening so he can line up the Stand. Yes? Thank you. All right, all righty, so as far as today, people can do what they want here and then go for lunch, or I don‘t know what the coaches are doing. What are they doing? Oh, so you‘re going to Waterville? So you‘ve got your program. Cool. Ok, because we‘re going to go back because I have to get the program for this evening, you know. They haven‘t taught me the breathing yet and that kind of stuff. They know me. I want to do it and disappear, right. It‘s like, ―No, not yet.‖ So anyway, thank you and we‘ll see you this evening. We‘re still aiming for the 9-12 frame, but it may go a little later after 12. So we‘re on a roll, thank you guys (Clapping).
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Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
Stand Preparation [Audio Track 8] A‘san What we are looking at now are the Elemental Command Tones which you will, each of you individually will need to make a note of them. The screen is almost legible but I will read them through for you. If you are part of North Group you will be working with Ē-Shaw T-A-TUM-Na which is cap E, hyphen, capital S, lower case h, a, w, allthough the w is silent, capital T, hyphen, capital A, hyphen, capital TUM, for Tommy, hyphen, capital N, little a. Ē-Shaw T-A-TUM-Na. Is that a what? (exchange with participants) The 3rd letter in? Yeah, it‘s an h, yeah Shaw, yeah w. Capital T, capital A, capital T, U, M and finally N, a. The South Group are big D, little a, hyphen, big T, big A, hyphen, big N for Noddy, big U, for USA, hyphen, big R, little a, hyphen, big A. Da-TA-NŪ‘-Ra-Ā. The East Group is big A, little h, Ah, hyphen, big B, little e, little h, Beh, hyphen, big D, big E, DĒ, hyphen, big T, big E, TĒ, hyphen, little a, little h. Ah-Beh-DĒ‘-TĒ-ah. West, big E, hyphen, big D, little a, hyphen, big S, big A, hyphen, big UM, U, M, hyphen, big K, little a. Ē-Da-SĀ-UM-Ka. And the center-point is always the point that represents the combination of all of them—the Ethers and that Command is only relevant to mac, Ash and I. Anybody need any help just to nail it? Everybody getting there? (participant asking question – not audible) A‘san: Yes… yep, I said that I would, since I got a type-written note, just to concentrate on the Elemental Command on this particular mylar because I got another one that is clearer than this. OK, shall we go on now? The Merkaba Speeds Command page. (participant asking question – inaudible) A‘san: Yes? I‘m not convinced (chuckles in audience) A‘san: Shall I change the mylar now? Participants: Yes. A‘san: Are you sure? Participants: (a resounding…) Yes! (participant to A‘san – inaudible) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 129 of 200
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A‘san: Yes, yes, that‘s what I was waiting for. Now there you are that should be a lot clearer than my handwriting. (participant to A‘san – inaudible) A‘san: They will rotate and use Elemental Command just like everybody else when it‘s Elemental Command time. Then when you leave your Elemental Command locations… I was trying to finish this but… You take your Command Tone with you when you finish Stage-1 to wherever you‘re supposed to be in Stage-2 and when it‘s time to rotate on the spot you use your Elemental Command wherever you find yourself. After that it‘s the Merkaba Speeds which is what we‘re trying to slide in now. (0:07:14) So is everyone going to copy out all three, even though you‘re not all going to use all three. Participants: Yeah… A‘san: Yeah? You might as well because they will come in handy at a future point… (participant commenting) A‘san: Pardon… you can‘t read that? Participant: When we‘re spinning we won‘t be able to read… A‘san: No, that‘s why you‘re making a note of it. Yeah, yeah, that‘s what this part is, this is rehearsal for writing them down, you know. (laughter in audience) Participant: When we are spinning, a full spin, then we…saying the Elemental, we say this one? A‘san: No, you‘re being very bright, but the Elemental Command when you finish Part-1 and you come into the Reuche configuration which is called Part-2, the very first thing you do when you start off Part-2 is you just turn around slowly using your Elemental Command, you just turn around slowly on the spot, right. You‘re not going anywhere big time. When you start to work with the Merkaba Spin Speeds you are going somewhere big time because then you‘re working as a big sphere right. So there are two completely different situations right, where the Elemental gets used, where you‘re just rotating on your own feet and not going anywhere like a big sphere would. And then when we get to the three stages of the big sphere we‘re using this, OK? Cool. (participant to A‘san) ―Rhu-ShE-ma-NUOT – Rhu ShE-ma Nout, it‘s different from this to that. N, u, t - n, o, u, t - n, u, o, t. I think you‘re right unless, we don‘t often remember what‘s in caps and what isn‘t, or even that is spelled a word. (further exchange with participant) Yeah, nuot as in almost nut, yeah, yeah. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 130 of 200
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Suzy just pointed out –which is probably a typo which is this here where the u and o are significant because the sound you make is more like ―nuet‖ if you have the u before the o. But take that as being n-u-o-t not n-o-u-t. I mean this is the Rhu-ShE- ma-NUOT from the Sacred Sentence, yes. (participant to A‘san – inaudible) A‘san: The one that you used when you were in Part-1. Participant: That‘s the one I don‘t understand the Part-1. A‘san: What were you assigned, North, South, East, West, what? Participant: No, no, I have no number. A‘san: They were given you in groups. You‘re either, here it comes, you‘re the North Group, here it comes you‘re the South Group... Participant: That‘s what I said my name was not on there, North, South. A‘san: Your name is not on here? What is your last name? (participant to A‘san – inaudible) A‘san: I‘ll have to take it out with the management. It‘s really the numbers too. You‘re there? Right, you‘re in the outer and you‘re also sided as being this side from after whatever. You‘re in South over there. So you would work with Elemental Command of the South and when you go to the... at the beginning of all of it you use your Elemental Command on the spot rotation before you do the big rotation, yeah? Participant: Good, thank you. (more participants asking questions to clarify their position in the Stand) Participant to A‘san: … can I also clarify on the Psonn of Aurora, sometimes we sing verse1 once and verse 2 twice, are we singing verse 1 and verse 2 once each? A‘san: Yes, six times very quickly in the end. Participant: … not to repeat second verse. A‘san: It just depends on what the Beloveds would like us to do on the occasion. I know it‘s perhaps better to have a kind of a fixed approach but certain things get changed you know on the occasion. Participant: Ok, that‘s fine. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 131 of 200
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Other participant: How many times do we do the… around by ourselves? A‘san: How many times do what? Participant: … do the Elemental Command, just for your own number, in circles. A‘san: Oh, until you get bored, you‘re fired (laughter). At my age, you know the government increased my allowance for next year by 4 dollars a month. (participant commenting – inaudible) A‘san: I know, I know, I‘m going to go down the yard and have fun with the chickens. Now then here we are. So just to explain this, the way that this wonderful idea emerged is if you‘re on the ceiling looking down you‘ll be looking at the Reuche and each of the points facing in represent the 3-6-9-12 elements which form the inner sphere OK. And the other points, signet points which are the ends in the V-points they actually create the outer sphere (participant commenting – not audible) relative to the middle inner one. You‘re right it‘s the middle one, the middle sphere and also the helpful little gnomes, we gnomes have placed some arcs on the carpet which form an almost perfect circle for the 3 rd and outside sphere OK. So that mean really, it‘s just so easy to do it like this, this room is really facilitated that. So then, from the graph that I was showing you at the beginning for Part-1, we‘re going onto Part-1 now, if you notice I put a dotted circle along the centerline in the V. So the middle of the circle for this Command Position which is South, this is the invisible center of the circle of the southerners are going to sit as if they were sitting in a cup, like one of those fancy cocktail glasses, bottom sort of out touching the V and going on around, you can‘t go wrong really, can you? So would all those southerly people demonstrate how to make a perfect circle instantly by sitting in the correct position, all the southerly folk. Come on don‘t be embarrassed. And to deflect attention from them doing such a lovely job, don‘t rub out the numbers Dear, or you get in a lot of trouble. The Northern Group do the same thing, following the same general principle. And then the East Group on this side, again making that lovely little circle using the V, trying to make the nearest thing to a perfect circle you can, shuffle around a bit. And then the Western Group… don‘t sit on a number, just sit down but don‘t sit on the number. (participants taking positions – A‘san assisting and directing) Are you guys part of South? You don‘t know. You don‘t need a number right now you need to know you‘re in the South Group. Can you count off, David, and see how many of you are in the… don‘t stand up, just count them. 115 minus 3, 112 divided by 4, that‘s 2… you should be 28. Fraz, can you get your group to count off? You should be 28. Martin, when you get people sitting down can you get them to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 132 of 200
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count off, there should be 28 of you All right. Can you make like this is for real? And you‘re actually going to create a perfect circle now? Cisco, when you got people seated can you get them to count off? And you should be 28. Now… are you guys lost and alone? (participant responding – not audible) A‘san: That‘s because you didn‘t realize the way that we did it. So that‘s South, that‘s North, this is West… (A‘san continues to direct and assist people)… Ok are we ironed out? Are we all 28‘s? You got somebody lost there? You got 28, the math should work, at least the math should work. You can do it or you can have someone else do it but when we go to real thing –this is just practice right, whoever is going to be the leader of this group - and there needs to be one - should be on their feed in the middle checking out the shape and the structure of this piece of geometry that we‘re working with OK. I mean for now it‘s more important to be happy that people are happy with where they are, and they‘re in the right place, All right but when we do it for real somebody needs to be on their feet just moving this thing around so we do have something like a circle. Ok guys… you good with 28? (assisting and directing continues…) [0:21:14] … this is really about making sure that people are comfortable of where they should be for this part. Now when we get to the real thing - and there we should all be mindful of the fact that we‘re pieces of something quite precious and important which is called geometry. I mean the fundamental mass configuration, I mean in a pure circle is a little more powerful than in a circle that‘s a bit higgildy-piggeldy so I will ask David, when we do this for real, to be on his feet when you‘re settling down, just saying please move back a little bit, adjust this, adjust that and try and get the best human circle. We could spend a week trying to get a perfect human circle and we won‘t do it but we can improve it. And all that we can ever expect of ourselves is to do our best and to get the best out of what we‘re trying to do. So when it comes to the real thing I‘d like David to just be wandering around, making sure the circle, the integrity of the circle, is as good as we can make it quite quickly All right, so just cooperate when you‘re asked to do that. Participant: Will this mark be the center of the circle? A‘san: That mark was one that was put down when there was a misunderstanding. You can take it away. There should be a piece of tape that tracks you through here though. I think that‘s too far out, hang on a minute… yeah you‘re right, you‘re absolutely…leave it, that‘s right.
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Ok guys, everybody happy now? You‘re count is good? I mean this is really like I said to the other people, just about getting people happy knowing where they need to be in the room and all that kind of thing, that‘s the most important part. Now we‘ve reached that part. We need to have anybody who‘s remotely, I don‘t know, I should probably get Celine to do it actually. But you need to practice about being bossy in a nice way, you know, and then you can teach me how to do it. But when we do this for real Frazy I want you on your feet in the middle helping people to create the most perfect human circle that is fair and reasonable right, so the geometry which is the next important consideration is halfways like useful right. Ok, so you listen to him when he asks you to move around a little bit. So you get this lovely circle and just commenting on where you are you could usefully ask Noel if he can inch that table back a bit so you‘ll be comfortable in moving your circle back that way because your circle is relative to all the other ones right. And these tapes are showing you where your butt shouldn‘t be beyond. So right now you sprawl right over the edge because that table is tending to be pushing you this way, so you can make that little adjustment. Just another foot on the table and you guys can go back and these guys can come up to the tape more comfortably. Participant: There is 29 there, there is 27 there and 28 here. No, no 26. A‘san: There should be 28 everywhere. Participant: I know… A‘san: All right, David… … posing that on you in the next 5 minutes because it‘s like…well at the moment we‘re up to about four pages worth of detail and I didn‘t really think it was reasonable to have you digest all that and incorporate, so you‘ve got basically a day‘s grace. Noel there will be a little bit of a copying run for everybody tomorrow at a sensible hour after whenever and as soon as possible we can do it. I don‘t know when in the morning we can manage but it would be ideal if we get copies to people before the coaches leave so that they have them and then everyone can do the practice during tomorrow. It still leaves us Saturday to do practice if we don‘t manage to get the thing to come together, but this additional Breathing Technique will be utilized during the Stand on Saturday. So we don‘t have to take a bunch of new breathing detail on board as well as the rest of the stuff we‘re doing this evening and it‘ll be OK, we‘re not going to lose anything as a result of that. Derek brought up a point that has been made a couple of times before when it comes to doing what we‘re about to do and that is appointing a counter for each of the spheres, the inner, the middle and the outer sphere. So rather than asking for a volunteer, PamE B. can you do the inner please? Pam you just going to do the 12 count, 12 count and 24 count. Derek, since you reminded me you have the privilege of doing the count for the middle sphere. You know what they say about he who sticks his neck out right. I know you‘ll do a good job of that. And Suzanne Anderson, would you be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 134 of 200
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kind enough to do the outer sphere count? Is that a ―yes‖? Yes Suzanne, you can do that? Are you happy with it? OK, cool (laughter). A‘san: Both hands, love it! Righty, Bob Ambrose will you please come and take charge of the witness for the North Group. Bob Ambrose, will you please come here momentarily. Yeah you can leave… (chuckles) you can leave Illustrator at home just for now, bless… there you are. That‘s the candle. So the North point right. And someone will loan you a lighter. Now Bob when we finish with this part, the witnesses will be an active part of it for Part-1. When we‘re done and as the groups –this is common for everyone who‘s looking after a witness, when we‘re done with Part-1 if you‘ll just move the witness to the edge so that when we start to do the big rotations they don‘t get under people‘s feet. They‘re still a part of what we‘re doing so don‘t like you know shove them under a backpack or under a table but just put them out of the way of people when they‘re moving around the outside edge, far enough, so not too far away. Melissa Fathman will you come and take charge of this here crystal for the South Group? Maria Moore, you can come and get some holy water, being a good catholic girl (laughter). And would Rose Tobin, would you please come along and—oh no do you have a pen knife with you? Can you prise the cap off this horrible jasmine and freesia smell? (laughter) We just lob the top right off that and let some of it emanate. It‘s not to say not being unkind to it. Ok, so they‘re all done, that‘s all done, that can go off now, that can go home with me later. Ok so if the Witnesses can be set now in the center of the circles. Before you begin if you could just bear in mind my comments about the quality of the circle and make sure that bums are inside of the V of the tape and that the circle quality is pretty decent… (Participants perform Arc of the Sphere Stand led by A‘san)
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Thursday Lecture [Audio Track 10] A‘sha Just so you know, there‘s a bit of strangeness hanging in the air over the hotel. I noticed it when we got back, so if it feels a little odd to you just know that that‘s there and that‘s usual,. It‘s…well, let‘s say the Metatronic side is keeping tabs on us, but it‘s not causing any harm, so we‘re moving forward with what we‘re doing. What you just did with the Stand was the first part in the completing what we started today over at the parking lot in view almost, of Skellig Michael. But what we needed to do first, we…with A‘san you‘ve planted the Elemental Command Grid Stand. Now this will fully activate once we do the second part. The second part of the Grid Work has to do with you guys first doing the technique. They actually lumped two techniques into one, it was supposed to be two because they‘re adding more in on Saturday. I can hardly wait (chuckles) for that because it‘s a bit rough to get them. We‘ve got a forty-step technique. (response from audience)Yeah, I know. That‘s what I said too! (chuckles) I‘ve got a splitting headache from bringing it in. But, this one is important because it is the one that brings you up to activation of the Density-1 level Transharmonic Merkaba, and you only need to run it once more, like by yourself, so we‘ve got it. So it‘s printed out. They didn‘t just give it to me in hieroglyphics, that‘s why it takes so long to get them in longhand. So you can run it by yourselves once more before we do the level-2. Once the levels 1 and 2 of these Transharmonic Merkaba activations are done, they actually stay there with a simple maintenance breath pattern that they‘re going to give us for Saturday, because you can‘t use that until after you get the level-2 done, but…so tonight before we can finish what we had started with Skellig Michael, we need to have that level of our Merkaba fields activated in order to do that. So we‘re going to do it in a Shadra kind of configuration—not standing up and spinning or anything anymore—where we can lie down to do it. But, we need to move through the personal activation level first to get that Density-1 Transharmonic Merkaba activation, and by the end of that, it will stay active with you. But you do need to perk it once more since we have more than 24 hours between when we‘re going to do the second round. But then it‘s something that you will have, and this is the thing that brings in the encryption of the Higher Earth. So it‘s important, because it‘s literally at the end of this technique that, that particular encryption opens up, and you actually go on line past the geomagnetic block here with the Metatronic fields, and actually make the merger with the electromagnetic fields of Higher Earth. So it‘s a really important technique in that regard. Honestly, I would rather go to bed too right now. (chuckling) I see a lot of people kind of going, ―Oh God, a 40-step technique!‖ Yeah, I agree, right? But, we…to finish the work down here on the Grid Work level…I mean, we could say we could do this with ourselves up there, but to finish the Grid Work here, we need to have that activation level in ourselves. So if you‘ll bear with me, I‘ll bear with it too and we can move through this. And after we do the forty steps, then we‘re simply going to go right into the Grid Work thing so it doesn‘t take forever to do this. I‘ve just got a couple of mylars here to point out some points on what‘s going The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 136 of 200
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to happen in this technique so it‘s a little bit easier to understand. You‘ll also get a copy of it so you can run it yourself, so you‘ll be a little bit more familiar with it by the time the second round comes when we have to have it activated in our field to do level-2. So that was coming. But we‘ll go right into the Grid Work, and that‘s not going to take long. It‘s simply, once we get our fields activated, we‘re going to generate a really, really big one in the room, and with the help of the whole Buddha set teams, and also with our new Aquafar‘E friends from the Blue Krystal, we‘re going to send that over to Skellig Michael. And that will begin the full activation process of the Shield that we have there, because we still have our own Buddha‘s out there sitting in their little Crystal Lotuses. So we can bring them back tonight when we‘re done with this, and then we can call it a night, or a morning, or whatever. And tomorrow‘s just a travel day to get everybody back up there and everything, and then Saturday we‘ve got the grand finale, and I think it‘s like seven hours of workshop, and I‘m still doing graphs and there‘s still the other God knows how many step technique that goes with this. And I‘m just like, ―not tonight please!‖ (laughing) So! I will…yeah. Why don‘t we put these up first? I would like this one first please. That one and then that one last.
[04:48] (Graph) Ok. So we‘ll just look at a couple of mylars first that have to do with understanding the steps of the technique. You know what‘s funny? The technique isn‘t that hard. Like, visually it‘s not that hard when you imagine it in your mind. It just takes forever to put these things in words, I find. It takes hours just to get them down on paper. Where when we run the live ones, they just give me little cues that are like in hieroglyphics, and then the wave runs and they just go, and sometimes they go for a long time, and sometimes they‘re shorter. But it takes a long time to do them this way but they‘re really important, and they need to be…they are something you can use at other times, or like say use with other groups, or teach other people. And there‘s reasons why they put certain things in print. All right-y. So this is just to remind us of the…let‘s see. Where‘s the pointer please? Thank you. This is just to remind us of the…where our Meajhe field levels are, and as the skin on the Meajhe fields we have our natural Encryption Lattice—the spherical Encryption Lattice—and that is where the False Christ Consciousness Grid is coming in. It‘s a D-4 Etheric Grid on this level, but it also goes down to each of the dimensional levels. This is the thing that‘s going to activate the 55 spin speed, and that will control the Merkabas. Our own Merkaba Structure— also the planet‘s—in 2012. [06:05] So in preparation for that we are building the immunity to that, while we do these techniques. This is the beginning of the Silver Seed healing, and the Aquafereion Shield will get it first, and then we‘ll be able to step it down and out for other people to get it, because we still are using words like ‘Karanadis Seal‘ and stuff that most people have no idea where that is, unless they‘ve been working with us. So by the end of the things we‘re going to do with activating the Transharmonic Merkaba field, it will allow for us to…for our Encryption Lattices on each of the dimensional levels for DensityThe MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 137 of 200
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1, to merge with the electromagnetic fields of Higher Earth, which means we will begin to pull in the encryption of Higher Earth that will progressively pull us out of the Metatronic alignment. And while we‘re still on planet—while our atoms are still here—you can‘t just whip atoms through because they tend to disintegrate and go and vaporize. So that is why we can‘t just bang, zoom change the encryption pop up over there. We have to nurse our own atomic structure back into where it can fully hold that, so you kind of like…it‘s almost like when you change…I don‘t know if you‘ve had animals before, like cats or dogs? But if you‘re going to change their food, especially when they‘re babies, if they‘re used to one thing, you‘re going to change it to another, you have to put half of one and half of the other so they don‘t get sick from the change. Well, it‘s kind of like that with our atomic structure. We have right now a Metatronic planet that we‘re living on that‘s activating more and more Metatronics, and if we just tried to move fully into a Krystic planet or whatever, our bodies wouldn‘t hold it. Our atomic structure wouldn‘t hold it. So as we‘re doing this, this is bringing in the new structure of where we want to go, that will progressively allow us to wean ourselves from the—our atomic selves—from the structures of the Metatronic Code that we have been raised in, in this lifetime, but also has been here for many lifetimes that most of us have been here for quite a lot of times. We have other places and spaces that we have simultaneous-selves incarnationally. That is influencing us too. So we‘re not just healing this in ourselves. It actually reaches forward and backward in time to other portions of ourselves. As our DNA heals and our atomic structure heals, it also moves back through our greater identity structure into our other Incarnational-Selves. So it takes a bit of time. [08:25] So one of the…what is exciting about the technique tonight is when we‘re finished with it, we will finally have the other encryption. We‘ll have a second skin as they call it. Because right now we have a skin that hangs on our Encryption Lattice that holds mathematical programs that should not be there, and we‘re going to get a second skin that holds the original patterns that should be there. So progressively the one that‘s coming in from Higher Earth is stronger, and it‘s stronger in frequency. So as the Metatronic one activates in the planetary fields and activates here, the stronger one will tap into that, let it run to a certain degree and then bring it back around. So it will progressively clear it. It won‘t clear it all at once, we‘ll still have it in 2012, and we‘ll still be clearing the Metatronic stuff as it activates. But without that encryption—the second skin encryption from Higher Earth—we wouldn‘t have the ability to do that, and literally, we would be taken into the Metatronic activations like everything else on the planet. So this was just…this diagram was just to remind you of where those layers are. I haven‘t gotten into how many feet out or whatever. You can get a proportional idea in general. It‘s probably much larger than this actually, but it gives you an idea of how far…of where the areas are. So we‘re going to…each of these layers will get the re-encryption…genuine Crystal Lattice coming in from Higher Earth when we‘re done. The part that I want to…that I had to take time to do a little diagram that we didn‘t have before, we have this one that I‘ve talked about before that shows Merkabas. And that‘s just there to remind you that we have this one, and we talked about the Meajhe fields that that‘s where the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 138 of 200
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Encryption Lattices form on each dimensional level of those. So we have one of these for each dimensional level. When we get into the technique, we‘re going to be dealing with spins that have to do with first the electrical and then the magnetic. But we‘re not going to be spinning Merkabas this way. We‘re actually going to be spinning a field around us, this way. One‘s going to go clockwise, and the other‘s going to go counterclockwise. One is called the—what is it? The Stardust Stream, and that is an Eiron Current. And the other is called the Starlight Stream, which is a Prana Current. And it‘s actually the process of blending these two currents, getting them at the right proportions and speeds in circles going around us. So we don‘t have to worry about what the vortices are doing. It‘s actually the fields—the Radial fields around them—that we are working with, and that will bring the Merkabas into their Transharmonic spin. So we don‘t have to worry about spinning them individually anymore. Next one please.
[11:00] (Graph) This is showing this just a little bit differently. I had to throw it together really quickly. But this is the information that‘s drawn from the technique where we‘ll have the electrical Prana Starlight Stream that creates this rotation. The hardest part about this whole thing is getting the rotations right when you‘re first doing this, especially if you‘re tired and somewhat dyslexic, (chuckling) like I am. This is a bit tricky. And, oh! There‘s also a misspelling there. I didn‘t have time to proof it, so the Rhu-ShE–ma-NUOT word is spelled wrong, but it means the same thing. So we can fix that before it goes out in general but, we don‘t have a proofing team here while we‘re doing things at weird hours. So when we‘re dealing with this set of things, which will be the first 14 steps I believe, deals with activating this circulation of energy around us. It starts down here, so it actually starts…I have to do this or I will get dyslexic. It starts down here and goes clockwise up this way, and around that way. So I believe it‘s an inhale up? Yep! Inhale up to the right (inhales), and then exhale (exhales) down. And it‘s a circulation. (Ash inhales and exhales several times) So we do that one. And there‘s…we use the…there‘s the particular words that go with that. We‘ll be using that on the exhale part. So as we go (Inhales) and then I forget what the word is, I have to read it when I‘m doing it. But, the Rhu-SHE‘-ma-NUOT whatever it is—the new ending on it— (exhales) as you‘re going downward you‘d be saying that tone. And that one has to be done 18 times. Actually the first one you do, you don‘t use the toning. But the first one that you use the toning—it‘s not a practice one—that‘s considered number 1. So then there are 17 other rotations that have to be done. Fortunately when we get to the magnetic one which is this one here, that‘s only 6 rotations, because it actually keeps the proportion—a relative proportion between them—like a 3:1, I believe. Like where you have a…three of those. Three sixes are eighteen. So it‘s three times more energy being put into that one. Once we get these fields activated, a whole bunch of interesting things take place, and when we‘re doing this it has to do with our Krystal Lotus Vehicle again. That…I call it the crystal candle holder. The crystal lotus candle holder. That‘s going to be moving to various places. What that does…that‘s the 48-Code Encryption. And first of all, it opens the passages between—in our personal fields—into the passages that the Beloveds are opening on the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 139 of 200
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Higher Earth fields. So it actually is like a frequency runner, where you can bring it up and pull frequency and bring that frequency back down. So we‘ll be using that, and it ends up in various places. But, by the end of the whole thing after we‘ve done this and this, then we go into where these two come together into the 45-Spin. Where this is still going clockwise, but 45. And this one is still going counter-clockwise, but 45. It creates what‘s called a Zero Differential Field in between them, and that is where it goes Transharmonic where they still spin, but they‘re spinning at equal speed. So it actually does this anti-gravity effect inside, once you have a six-dimensional one activated, and once the atoms can hold it. But what we are going to do, is we‘ll get to this point in activation where it‘s running on the 45 activation. When that occurs some interesting things happen that we‘ll see as we go through the technique, and I‘m not going to take the time to read through each step and explain it and then go back and do it or we‘ll be here until like 7 o‘clock tomorrow morning. But, by the time we are finished with that, we end up with this disk and…what did they call it? They called it the Starflight Disk. We had the Stardust. The Stardust and the Starlight becomes the Starflight when they blend, and it literally creates the 64-foot disc that pops out from the AzurA. And that stays there. Once this activation takes place, you need to do it one more time, and then…because then we‘ll do the level-2. But once you do the Level-2, Level-1 stays. With this disc, this is where from the center the Krystal Spiral will start bringing the natural Krystic energy. The elemental flows from Higher Earth will start spiraling out. One will be clockwise, one will be counter-clockwise, and the counter-clockwise Krystal Spiral is an AdorA Current coming from the AdorA side, where the clockwise expansion one is the EtorA side that we‘re on. So, it will begin the process of activating all of these things. The Krystal…our Krystal Lotus will end up down here, like below our feet sitting in our Maharic Shield, except that it expands to be as large as this, which means that it expands to be 64 feet around us. They‘re going to teach us other stuff to do with these. It doesn‘t mean we can‘t use the little ones to project with. We can still do those projections with the little versions. But this will literally be an activation that we hold in our field from here forward, and we‘ll be taught what to do with that next. Eventually, when we get to…there‘s other levels of activation even past level-2. But when we get past level-2 Saturday, that will begin the process. They call that the Sphere of Destiny activation because at that point there‘s this sphere of energy that pops around the entire Merkabic structure, and that is what eventually turns into an Orb where you end up going in as light and sound pattern into the center of it, and you can move between…through the Transharmonic Aurora Platforms. You can move into other Reality Fields. So this is what we‘re building toward. And most importantly, as we build this we are building immunity to the 55 activation that‘s coming in, in 2012. So, I just wanted to point out to you a little bit of the configurations like the large Shield that is going to form, and the fact that this Lotus is going to be down here, except it‘s going to be a big one. It‘s going to be as large as that. There‘s going to be some interesting things to do with that Krystal Lotus, but they haven‘t told me yet. But I just have a feeling there‘s like a whole bunch of pages as far as dictation, as far as what you can do with that and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 140 of 200
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what it does. But it is the Access Code for the 48-Strand Imprint that connects with the dimensional scale up in Higher Earth, and also Median Earth and going up to Urtha. So! This is going to be a major activation. I‘m going to sit down to read it because there‘s no use of standing there and pointing at things while I‘m reading it. Now, let‘s see. Everybody‘s kind of sitting now. I‘m trying to see if it‘s better if we sit or lie down, because at some point, we should get in a Shadra position. Um, let‘s see. A‘sha to A‘san: Would it be better to get people in a circle Shadra position before? A‘san: Yes. A‘sha: Yeah, ok. What…because we are going to do a Shadra Shield at the end of this which means… they‘re the lay-down Shields with everybody laying down with heads pointed toward the center in a circle. That‘s how we‘re going to build the large Transharmonic Merkaba field here once we have ours activated. So since we‘re going to move from the end of this right into the Shadra Shield, we should probably get in that kind of alignment now. This isn‘t as complicated as doing the Stands where you have all sorts of, ―You have to be here, and this has to spin that way‖. It‘s just a matter of, if people could get in a…like a circle. Can somebody…(audience feedback) Are you in a circle? Ok. It doesn‘t really look like it. Ok, so if you lie down (A‘sha interacting with audience). It just looks really random, it doesn‘t look very circular at all. All right, so if people lay down all your heads are pointed toward the center right? Because then we‘re good to go (audience response). All right. All right, good. Ok. Because for this you don‘t really…it doesn‘t matter actually if you lay down or sit up, you could do either for this activation part. But once we go into building the large Merkaba structure, then we need to be laying down. All right, that‘s good. It‘s funny because it didn‘t look at all like a circle from here. (chuckles) Yeah, it looks more like a circle now. A‘sha: I may switch off with you if you‘re up to reading anything? A‘san: (inaudible) A‘sha: Because my eyes are killing me from the computer. Okay. So this one‘s called…this is actually…it should have been Technique 3 and 4, but they just lumped it all under Technique 3 because there‘s more stuff coming that they didn‘t tell me about for Saturday.
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Technique 3: Stardust Breathing Level-1 (Density-1 Transharmonic AuroraMerkaba Activation) [Audio Track 11] A‘sha I think he‘s going to try that. Yeah, I think we‘re going to do lights down and sound up, perhaps. Except I need lights up here so I can read. I wonder if I should leave that on up there in case people get confused? Yeah, ok, there we go. Ok: Part 1A. It‘s called: Engaging the Electrical-Prana Star-Light Circulation. And, that‘s the one that‘s connected to the Upper Electrical Merkaba Field that spins clockwise. Just do kind-of-like a cleansing breath, and pop out your Krystar Vehicle (Participants do Krystar Breaths). Ok, as we do these activations, they will actually, the Fields that you‘re building, will actually form inside of your Krystar Vehicle. And, they will actually expand your Krystar Vehicle out, so it will get much, much bigger than it usually is. And, by the time we have the full, the Star-Flight Shield activated with the 64 feet out around us, that will, the Krystar Vehicle, will expand proportionately to be that large, as well. Ok, so the first thing is to visualize the 48-Petal Crystal Lotus Access Code, which is…that‘s what that is…at you Third Eye, on the inside of your forehead. And then, inhale (participants inhale), using the inhale breath to draw the Crystal Lotus gently downward, through your AzurA and into your Karanadis Seal. So, you‘re inhaling (inhales) and moving it downward, from your mind, down through the AzurA, into the Karanadis Seal. Ok, now, exhale forcefully upward (Ash exhales) using the exhale to push the Crystal Lotus upward, from the Karanadis Seal to the Upper Aurora Point, far above your head. (participants exhale) Now, just keep going way up to that point where it disappears. They‘re referring to that point as the Aurora Point. There‘s also one that goes down. They connect into the Higher Earth Fields. Ok, now, inhale downward from the Upper Aurora Point (all inhale) using the inhale to draw the Crystal Lotus and a stream of Golden-Silver sparkle-current called the ―Star-Light Prana Stream‖ downward, into the Karanadis Seal. Hold at the top of the inhale, in the Karanadis Seal, allowing the Star-Light Stream to turn the Karanadis Seal a Golden-Silver Prana-Light color. And then, exhale firmly downward, (all exhale) using the exhale breath to push the Crystal Lotus and the Golden-Silver Star-Light Prana Stream downward, into the TransLuminal Lower Aurora Point in Earth Core. So, there‘s a point in Earth Core (participants exhale). Ok, now just hold at the bottom of the exhale for a moment, allowing the Star-Light stream to fill the Earth Core with Golden-Silver Prana Light. And, because there is this Lower…this point down there, we don‘t have to worry about saying ―Higher Earth Core‖. It goes right through, ok?
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Now, ok this: Breathe gently for a minute or two, or a minute; just back to your normal breathing rhythm. And, in a second, we‘re going to initiate the Clockwise Prana Star-Light Stream Circulation. That‘s the clockwise circulation that comes up from the bottom, up around the right side, to the top, and then down, exhaling down to the left. So, we‘re going to do that in a minute. Ok, so, take one more breath and hold for a second (all inhale), then exhale gently into the Earth Core (all exhale) and hold at the bottom of the exhale. And now, leaving the Crystal Lotus in Earth‘s Core, inhale, using the inhale breath (all Inhale) to draw the Star-Light Prana Stream in and up, in a half-circle (inhales). So, you‘re drawing it up this way (inhales) from the bottom, and this is just the Stream, you‘re leaving the Crystal there; (inhales) up, hold at the top for a moment, and then, (exhales) exhaling it down on the left side, down to the bottom again, ok. And you can breathe normally in between these. You don‘t have to hold your breath until you feel like you‘re going to pass out on them. Ok, I just did that really quickly. I went through twoand-a-half steps that way. Ok, this one, we‘re going to…when we do this next circular breath…we‘ve got one circular breath going. When we do the next one on the exhale part when we‘re coming down from the top, that‘s when we‘re going to use the Electrical Command, which is the Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘et-ta, yeah, Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘et-ta. So, that will be…and that‘s where we start counting for the breaths. (A‘sha to A‘san: ―And, I‘d appreciate your helping me count the breaths because I lose track of those easily‖). So, we‘re still down here, and we‘re going to bring the Star-Light Stream, the Prana Stream, up again. And inhale it up (inhales) to the top, and then, exhale it, and as you‘re exhaling, say the Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘et-ta (all repeat). Right, that counts as breath-one. There‘re 17 more of those, ok? So, in (Inhales) up (Exhales): Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘et-ta Two: (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘et-ta (Ash to A‘san: ―You counting‖)? (Repeats 15 more inhale/exhale Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘et-ta, for a total of 18). (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 143 of 200
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(Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Three) (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot –san ep‘et-ta And, last one: (Inhales and Exhales) Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘et-ta Just breathe normal for a second there (inhales and exhales). Now, inhale for a moment (all inhale), and then exhale and hold at the bottom of the ‗exhale‘ (all exhale) with your attention down in Earth Core. Now, we‘re going to use an inhale breath to draw the Crystal Lotus up, all the way up to the Upper Aurora Point, way out in space. So: (all inhale). Ok, now we‘re going to leave that there for a moment and just breathe normally (exhales). Now, try to become aware, as you‘re breathing normally of the sense of that clockwise field, the clockwise Prana Star-Light Stream running the field now, because it‘ll be on auto-pilot now. And, with the encryption coding that‘s in it, it will be running on the 331/3 Electrical Clockwise Spin. Now, we‘re going to…next is Section 1B: Engaging Magnetic-Eiron Star-Dust Circulation. And, this is the one that will activate the Bottom Merkaba. Well it‘s, actually, we‘re doing the counter-clockwise spin. And the counter-clockwise one goes…if I can remember; I‘m trying to teach myself this, too. That one starts at the top, and goes counter-clockwise to the right, first. So, you‘re going (inhales); you‘re using an inhale breath actually, yeah. Yeah, see, you‘re actually using…as you‘re going (inhales) you‘re bringing it down on an ‗inhale‘ and then, (exhales) pushing it up on the ‗exhale‘. And, fortunately, there‘re only six of these that we have to do. So, I‘ll read this, and that was a practice one. Ok, so we‘ll read this now. Ok, so now we do an inhale breath (all inhale). And with that inhale breath, bring the Crystal Lotus gently downward from the Upper Aurora Point and into your Karanadis Seal. Now, exhale forcefully downward, using the exhale breathe to push the Crystal Lotus down, into the Lower Aurora Point in Earth Core (all exhale). Now, we‘re going to use an inhale breath upward, from the Lower Aurora Point (all inhale), using the inhale breath to draw the Crystal Lotus and a stream of Indigo-Silver SparkleCurrent, called the Star-Dust Eiron Stream, upward into the Karanadis Seal (all inhale). And, hold at the top of the inhale, and allow the Star-Dust Stream to turn the Karanadis Seal a bit of the Indigo-Sparkling, Silver-Indigo light. Now, we‘re going to exhale firmly upward (exhales) using the exhale breath to push the Crystal Lotus and the Indigo-Silver Star-Dust Eiron Stream upward, into the Upper Aurora Point (all exhale). And, hold at the bottom of the exhale. And now, we‘re going to go into initiating counter-clockwise Eiron Star-Dust Stream Circulation. So now, it‘s like: Inhale, leaving the Crystal Lotus in the Upper Aurora Point. Inhale, using the inhale-breath to draw the Star-Dust Eiron Stream in a downward, half-circle The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 144 of 200
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arc, moving down, downward around the right side of your bodies. So you‘re inhaling, going (inhales), and into the Lower Aurora Point. And, hold briefly at the top of the inhale, down at the Lower Aurora Point, then exhale gently, and using the exhale breath to push the Star-Dust Eiron Stream in an upward half-circle arc (all exhale), moving it up again toward…up the left side…toward the Upper Aurora Point. Now, we‘re going to inhale downward again (all inhale) using an inhale to draw the Star-Dust Eiron Stream down, around the right side and all the way to the Aurora Point in the bottom. Now, we hold briefly at the top of the ‗inhale‘ at the Lower Aurora Point. And, on this exhale, we‘re going to do the other Command, which is: Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nout jhun‘-ta em‘. And, that‘s the 11 2/3 Command. So, now as we exhale, we‘re going to use the ‗exhale‘ to push the Eiron Stream up the left side. We‘re going to say (all repeat): Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘. And, we need to do 6 more of those, or 5 more of those. That would count as number one in a set of 6. Ok, so, again, inhale, and down the left side (all inhale). Right side, I‘m sorry, right side. And then: Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘ (all exhale). Ok, inhale, and down the right side (all inhale). Exhale and up the right [left] side: Rhu-ShE‘ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘ (all exhale). (To A‘san: That‘s 3, right?) That was three. And now, again, down the right side, and then exhale; Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘ (all exhale) up the right side, left side. Ok, inhale again and down the right side (all inhale). Exhale again up the left side: Rhu-ShE‘ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘. (To A‘san: We should have one more, right?) (A‘san to A‘sha: Yup) Ok, last one. And, inhale, and down the right side (all inhale). And, then: Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘ (all exhale) up the left side. Ok, now, inhale and hold for a moment (all inhale). And then, exhale, and hold at the bottom of the ‗exhale‘ (all exhale) with your focus on the Upper Aurora Point. Now, we‘re going to inhale forcefully downward and use the inhale breath to draw the Crystal Lotus down from the Upper Aurora Point. So, we‘re going to inhale forcefully downward (all inhale) and bring the Crystal Lotus down from the Upper Aurora Point, through your Central Vertical Current and into your AzurA, and then into your Karanadis Seal. So, you‘re putting it back in the Karanadis Seal, and then you can breathe normally. And, you can leave the Crystal Lotus in your Karanadis Seal. And, try to become aware of the counter-clockwise Magnetic Eiron Star-Dust Stream that‘s circulating around your bioenergetic field in a counter-clockwise top/right, bottom/left circulation. And then, we will go into 1C, Part 1C. This is the Density-1 Transharmonic Aurora-Merkaba Star-Flight Activation. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 145 of 200
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Ok, now, with this one, just breathe normally from the Crystal Lotus Access Code, that‘s in your Karanadis Seal while being mildly aware of the Clockwise Prana Star-Light Stream and Counter-clockwise Eiron Star-Dust Stream circulating around you in your bio-energetic fields. So, just be mildly aware of those two counter-rotating fields that are running in your fields now. As you breathe normally from the Crystal Lotus in the Karanadis Seal, speak the combined Electrical and Magnetic Command. Now, this is before we go to 45. First, you combine them. So, you have the Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘et-ta and then Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘, all right. And, they would be pronounced on the ‗exhale‘. So, we can do this breathing normally, but on our normal exhales for 3 ‗exhales‘ in a row, we would repeat that, ok? So, we would just inhale (all inhale) and, then, on the exhale: Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘ et-ta; Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘ And, inhale again (all inhale) and then, exhale (all exhale). Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘ et-ta; Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘ And, one more (all inhale) (all exhale). Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot -san ep‘ et-ta; Rhu-ShE‘-ma-nuot jhun‘-ta em‘ Ok, and after completing the third repetition of the combined command, inhale deeply into the Crystal Lotus at the Karanadis Seal (all inhale) and hold at the top of the ‗inhale‘. Now, we‘re going to release a 24-point exhale breath, out into both the Allurean Chambers and the Fire Chambers. So, release a 24-point exhale breath outward from the Crystal Lotus at the Karanadis (all exhale), and using the 24-point ‗exhale‘ to send the stream of Pastel Rainbow Metallic Light simultaneously into the 12 Allurean Chambers and the 12 Fire Chambers. So, on that exhale, the Pale Rainbow Metallic Light is moving out from the Lotus and into the field, into your lines. Now, this is interesting when I say: begin an inhale-exhale, rapid nasal breathing for twelve breaths. And, that‘s a, (inhales and exhales rapidly through the nose), for 12 times. So, if we can try to synchronize that. And then we‘ll hold at the bottom of the twelfth exhale when we get done with that, ok? (To A‘san: You‘re going to count? Ok) (Participants inhale and exhale rapidly 12 times) Hold at the bottom of the ‗exhale‘. Now, focusing on the Crystal Lotus in the Karanadis Seal, inhale slowly and deeply, using the inhale breath to simultaneously draw in an Indigo-Silver Eiron Star-Dust Stream upward from the Lower Aurora Point and a Golden-Silver Prana Stream downward from the Upper Aurora Point. So, you‘ve got the Indigo one coming from below and the Gold one coming from above (all inhale). And, we‘re drawing them together, into the Crystal Lotus at the Karanadis Seal. Now, we‘re just going to exhale gently while those two currents are meeting in the Karanadis Seal (all exhale). And, there‘s a little spark, an Aqua Spark that gives off when we exhale, when those two currents touch and combine in the Karanadis Seal. Now, they‘re saying; just breathe normally for a moment and call to mind your tri-veca shaped, minute, little ―SilverSeed‖ that we got, that we received in the earlier techniques in the last couple of days. And, in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 146 of 200
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the center of your Crystal Lotus; imagine it is in the center of your Crystal Lotus at your Karanadis Seal. And, now we‘re going to inhale into the Crystal Lotus and Silver-Seed (all inhale) and visualize your Silver-Seed contracting as you inhale, into a single, minute point of Silver Light within the center of your Lotus. And, hold at the top of that ‗inhale‘. Now, we‘re going to exhale firmly and notice that the Silver-Seed expands with a ―snap‖ sound within the Crystal Lotus. And, as the Silver-Seed snaps, the Eiron Star-Dust Stream and Prana Stream blend within the Crystal Lotus, becoming a single, pale Aqua-Silver Current called the Star-Flight Stream. So, we‘re going to exhale firmly (all exhale), and there‘ll be a ―snap‖ feeling or sound or, even if you don‘t hear it, it‘s there. Ok and this is going to begin the process of the Pale Aqua-Silver Current that is the combination of the two. You can breathe normally for a minute now. The Pale Aqua Current is the Star-Dust Current combined with the Star-Light Current, or the Prana combined with the Eiron Stream. Ok, so now we‘re going to inhale (all inhale) using the inhale breath to simultaneously draw a portion of this Star-Flight Stream upward, into the Upper Point, Aurora Point above your head, and downward. So, you‘re going to inhale, and at that inhale, you‘re going to send part of that stream downward and part upwards, simultaneously (all inhale). And now, as you exhale, we‘re going to slowly speak the Density-1 Transharmonic Spin Tone Command, which is the ―45‖. And, that is: E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san, E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ san. (All repeat E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san while exhaling). And now just breathe normally for a moment and observe, as the Lower and Upper Pale AquaSilver Star-Flight Streams simultaneously return to the Silver-Seed at the Crystal Lotus Core, in the Karanadis Seal. And, we‘re going to take two more inhale-exhale breaths from the SilverSeed, and, on the ‗exhales‘, speaking the 45 Command Tone. All right, so let‘s take one more inhale (all inhale). And, exhale with: E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san (all repeat on exhale) And one more (all inhale) (all repeat E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘-san while exhaling) Now, we‘re going to inhale into the Silver-Seed and hold. (All inhale and hold) And now, we‘re going to exhale in a minute firmly, and as we do, this is where our disk is going to pop out. That 64-foot disk is going to pop out from the AzurA Level. So, exhale firmly (all exhale), and as you exhale, a large, horizontal pale-aqua, glowing, circular disc-shield ―snaps to life‖. That‘s that snap-point, expanding outward, on the horizontal plane, from your AzurA, extending 64 feet around you. Also notice that, as you do this, the Density-1 ―Star-Flight Shield‖ emerges; your Silver-Seed and the Crystal Lotus shift upward from your Karanadis Seal, into your AzurA. So, they‘ve shifted up into your AzurA, as well. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 147 of 200
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You can to return to normal breathing now, and as you do, observe, try to observe at your AzurA area where the Star-Flight Shield has come, is emerging out from; imagine that you can sense that there are 2 small currents of pale-silver light that are expanding slowly outward from the Silver-Seed, into the Disc Shield. And, so they‘re expanding; they‘re Krystal Spirals expanding on the horizontal plane out, into the Disc Shield. One is spiraling out clockwise, and the other from the AdorA side, counter-clockwise. Try to sense the feeling of this Double Krystal Spiral, as it emerges outward from your SilverSeed, into your AzurA and into the Shield around you. Ok, now take a final firm inhale ‗breath‘ into the Crystal Lotus in your AzurA (all inhale) and hold. And, as you exhale firmly, we‘re going to pop out the Crystal Lotus and make it the size of the Shield that actually pops out to that expansion. So, exhale, and firmly exhale (all exhale). And notice that the Crystal Lotus is now huge. It‘s 64 feet around you now. Ok, you can return to normal breathing again. And, as you return to normal breathing, just try to sense the feel of its movement. The Shield still stays where it is, and it‘s actually slowly rotating. Part of it rotates clockwise, and part of it rotates counter-clockwise, the under side. But, try to sense now that the Crystal Lotus is actually starting to descend as you just breathe normally. And, it‘s starting to just move slowly down, and it‘s going to move down until it‘s below your feet, just a little bit below your feet, where it‘s in you Maharic Shield. So, it‘s actually expanded your Maharic Shield out to activation level of 64 feet. We‘ll be raising this. I don‘t know if we‘ll be raising the diameter of this in the next activation or in other techniques to come in other workshops. But, this is the beginning-level activation. This already has a BPR of the 64, that‘s initiating the 64 BPR, which is stronger than the 55 Metatronic one. And, this is why it progressively builds immunity in the bio-fields. Let‘s see, ok, well, at this point, once the Lotus settles down into your Maharic Shield, your Density-1 Transharmonic Merkaba is now activated, and the next and final thing is where we finally get to pick up the encryption from the Higher Earth Planes. Just breathe normally and observe that, now that your Transharmonic Merkaba Field id activated, observe that within the Encryption Lattice Layers of your bio-energetic field, those layers that you can kind of get a sense of where they are. One of them is quite close here; it‘s not the D-4 one. It‘s, I think, one or two in, but I remember seeing the inside of that, and it had gook on it, and it was, like, ―get off, whatever you are.‖ This is the time where we bring into…it‘s just coming in normally, and it‘s coming in as a mist. Notice that a fine gossamer, pale silver elemental mist, made of minute points of Higher Earth Elemental Radiation are gently cascading downward from the Aurora Point above and also upward from the Aurora Point below. And, they‘re creating a thin, crystalline Second Skin over the Metatronic NET Skin that‘s covering our Organic Dimensional Encryption Lattice Spheres. It says: ―Your encryption Lattice has now opened to the Encryption Lattice of the Higher Earth Planes, which begins the process of Silver-Seed Healing within your Density-1 multi-dimensional anatomy, in preparation for the Sphere of Destiny Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba Activation‖, which is what we will be doing on Saturday. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 148 of 200
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[29:01] (End Technique) Ok, now, they‘ve also said run this technique, like all of the steps of this technique, once more in private before you engage the Level-2 Activation on Saturday. So, some time when you have a chance, even if you have to do regular breathing in between steps, that‘s ok. It‘s activated now, and the Beloveds are running in the Shield like, literally Shield-wide, they‘re running the activation. So, it will keep up with you, but it will help you to get familiar, more familiar with moving the breath and that kind of stuff because eventually that will become important, not so much in memorizing words and things here, but in where you get used to moving the breath around and in specific ways as a maintenance thing; because, once we do Density-2 Level, we will need a maintenance for the Density-2 Level, even though that will kick in, the activation on Density-1 will stay.
[29:53] (Begin Grid Work) And, now that we‘ve got that far, we can now move directly into finishing the Grid Work. And, this is, ―Sacred‖ is, like, a tiny word compared to this stuff that the Beloveds are doing at this point and that we‘re facilitating, because they‘ve asked us to. But, this is where we open the First Transharmonic Doorway. This is the Density-1 Level, just like in our Fields. Now we have…the Beloveds have given us the gift of the beginning of the Silver Seed Healing, with this Merkaba, Transharmonic Merkaba Activation, and now we‘re going to give that gift back to the Earth. We couldn‘t give it before because we didn‘t have it in our Fields. But, now that our Merkabas are doing that, we will be able to create a large one that, with the assistance of the Beloveds, who will amplify it hugely, and we will simply send it over to Skellig Michael and bring it down with the circle of our own Buddha Selves that are sitting over there since this afternoon, hanging out. And, we will anchor it through and, from that point on…ok, they‘re saying when we do this it will, once it gets over there, it will come down, and it will actually, where the half-point in the Merkaba is, where this area here, this will actually be where the water is. So it gives you an idea of how far it‘s going down. This would be where the water line is; so that Shield would run in, literally, in the water around the mountain, kind of thing. All right, they didn‘t say how large this one‘s going to be. The Disc on this will be much larger than 64 feet. That‘s just proportionately small, for our size. And, they said that…ok, they‘re saying now that that Disc on the larger one is going to expand in increments, and it depends on certain other factors in the Grids, what size it will be. So, they‘ll probably let us know by the Second Activation where it‘s stabilizing, what, like how many miles it‘s stabilizing at, because it‘s going to be…this is not a little Merkaba Field; this is a huge one. And, once it‘s activated to Density-2 Level, which we will finish in Dublin and send it down here. So, we will just finish the process by creating a very large Field. Now, we already have our personal Transharmonic Merkabas activated. And, these are Internal Merkabas, by the way. They‘re still inside of your Krystar, Krystal Capsule. So, they‘re not external Merkaba Fields in that regard. So, you already have your own protection field, because it‘s not good to do group Merkabas unless you have you own protection field already activated, where yours is already activated now. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 149 of 200
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So, now, we‘re just going to…and this is the lay-down part, with the heads pointing toward the center if we can, please. We don‘t have to do any fancy breathing. There might be a couple points of holding and pushing energy this way or that way with the breath. But, for now, they‘re just saying: breathe gently and relax. Try to feel as if you‘re sinking into the floor a little bit; slow your breathing by about half. Slow the bio-rhythms; expand time by slowing the bio-rhythms. Feel the sense of time opening up and getting more space to it, where it takes longer. There‘s no rush-y, pressure feeling. This gets us closer to the Alpha Brainwave patterns. Ok, now they‘re asking us to put our attention on our AzurA, because at this point it‘s in our AzurA at the center of that spinning Shield around us that our Silver-Seed is stationed now. So, put your attention on your Silver-Seed, and think for a moment of the intention, the intention of why we‘re creating this Grid Work, why the Beloveds are creating it. This is a doorway, finally, between Higher Earth and Lower Earth, where we are. And, that is the band that has been separating us from Median Earth and the things that are higher than that. This is the first full opening, where that Higher Earth Band, like a membrane, is actually being opened. And, it‘s going to be creating a permanent fixture, a 200-year Merkaba Field that is a Transharmonic Passage. It‘s through this Transharmonic Passage that it will be able to replicate, and send…part of itself will actually shift over to the location of the Arc of the Covenant, once we activate it to Density-2 Level, to the location where the Arc is coming. And it will pull the Arc in from Giza, but that‘s after. What we need to do first is get this large doorway set there, and this will be the Density-1 Level. It‘s a huge project we‘re a part of, and the Beloveds would like to thank you for being here to assist the Earth in this way and assist the people of the Earth in this way. And, I would like to thank you, too, A‘san and I would, and Mac. So, as we‘re relaxing and focusing on our Silver-Seed, we‘re going to inhale and hold at the Silver-Seed (all inhale) and make the intention of a replica quantum of the Silver-Seed. You keep your own, but you‘re going to send one as a gift to a joint creation. And, you‘re going to send it vertically, up through your 7th Chakra, out the top of your head and into the center of the Group Shield, into the center of the Shadra Shield area (all exhale). Ok, and what that has created right now is: you have a silver streamer that links every person to their little replica of the Silver-Seed in the center of the circle. Ok, I‘m getting…they‘re doing this live. They haven‘t told me what they‘re going to do yet, ok. Now, we‘ve got this interesting Spiral of, what is it? It‘s clockwise. There‘s a clockwise spiral of the AquaFar‘E coming up, the little blue beans, curvy Eckashas. These guys, there‘s a whole fleet of them coming up and spiraling up, into the center of the Shield, where you left the intention seeds, little Silver-Seeds. Oh, neat, and they‘re forming, some kind of Water-Gel Matrix around those Silver-Seeds. Oh, neat, and now a Crystal Lotus is growing out of that Water-Gel Matrix, with the Silver-Seeds, in the center of the flower, as if they‘re little seeds inside of the flower. All right, now they‘re asking you to envision just a tiny, little Merkaba structure, like your own. And, again, it will be just a little replica with the intention encryption, but like your own, with a small version, but with its 64-foot diameter and activated Transharmonic Density-1 one. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 150 of 200
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Imagine a little one of those, and send that up with your Silver-Seed into the center of this Lotus Flower that‘s growing out of the center at this point of the Shield. So, inhale (all inhale). On the ‗exhale‘ push it up through your Crown Chakra (all exhale), and out to the center. Oh, neat, and now they…all these little Merkaba Fields are kind of spinning in a circle over the top of the Crystal Flower that grew out of the Water-Gel Base that‘s holding our little Silver-Seeds. And, the Merkabas are spinning in, again, clockwise, they‘re spinning clockwise. I‘m narrating what they‘re showing me, actually. So, when I do that, just know that‘s what I‘m doing. In a minute they‘ll ask us to do something. Ok, they‘re picking up speed. Ok, they‘re asking us to actually amplify the speed of the rotations that they‘re on, simply by breathing some firm breaths on the exhale, firmly out the Crown Chakra and right toward the center, just to amplify the center spin (all exhale sharply repeatedly). Yup, and now they‘re asking everybody to hold at the bottom of the next exhale. And, just hold there for a moment and create a moment of silence. There we go, the little Merkabas just popped. You can breathe now. The little ones just popped into one, larger one. It‘s not huge yet, but it‘s about the size of a basketball hanging over that Lotus structure with the SilverSeeds in it. Ok, now, the AquaFar‘E are going to raise, ―Raise the Lotus Shield‖, they‘re calling it the Lotus Shield. It is the center point of the Shield, of your Shadra Shield. They‘re going to begin raising that up, and as they raise it up, the Merkaba is going to get larger. And, they want us to do something here. The chant, they want us to use that one. Ok, as they‘re raising the Shield, they want us to simply breathe. But, on the ‗exhales‘, to do the 45, which is the: E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -San‖. And, just do a bit of repeating this like a mantra for a little bit. So: Inhale, and (on exhale) E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san, one more: E‘-Ta‘La-VhUr-A‘ -san There we go. Ok, right now, and you can try to see this with your inner vision. Some of you may have a sense of it, or some may see it or hear some sounds associated with it. It‘s actually rising up, past the center ball that‘s hanging there now and going up through the ceiling. It‘s going way up; it‘s over the hotel now. It‘s going way up. This is going to be…they‘re not going The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 151 of 200
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to fly it above, though. It‘s going to go flying down into the Earth Core. They‘re lifting it up high to get momentum. Oh, I see what they‘re doing, ok. Yeah, it‘s just floating way, way up, it‘s…yeah, past cloud lines and stuff, up in space, not space, but still in Earth‘s atmosphere but past where the clouds are. Now, they‘re asking us to inhale and hold for a moment (all inhale). And, as they push it down, we‘re going to exhale and give it more thrust to go down. And, we‘re actually going to push this big Lotus construct, with its little Merkaba on top, all the way down into Earth‘s Core from there, so and (inhales) now (all exhale). Cool, all right, you can breathe normally now. As we did that, as they brought the Lotus down into the Core, this huge Merkaba Field just went (makes pop sound) and popped up, out of the ground, and it‘s actually just hanging. But, it‘s not spinning yet. Its Fields aren‘t spinning yet, but it‘s hanging over the group. And, it‘s going to expand. Ok and they said we‘re still connected to it at the center of this, this huge Merkaba. There‘re all those little Silver Intention Seeds, our Silver-Seeds that we set in there. And because of that, when we breathe now, if we just breathe normally, as if we‘re inflating a balloon, it‘ll actually increase its speed and make it larger. Because we‘re still connected, then we will bring our Seeds back until we get over to where it goes (breathes in and out rhythmically). Ok, now in a minute, the AquaFar‘E are going to begin moving this. And, how they‘re going to move it is: they‘re going to be moving the Lotus construction that‘s down in Earth‘s Core; they‘re going to move that end of it, and some of them are going to actually trail this and, they‘ve created a…there‘s an orbital field, just a circular field, shield going around it. So, they‘re going to fly it over, and they would like us to simply think of ourselves as a gentle pushing, nudging force behind. So, if we…how do they want us to do this? I know what they want us to do. They‘re showing me in pictures. Ok, how do we do that? All right, they want us to make a bi-locate of ourselves, literally, the physical size of ourselves and inhale. And, on the exhale, push the bi-locate of ourselves up towards about half way between the ceiling and the floor where you‘re lying. And, it‘s still lying-down self. So, it‘s lying in the same position you are in. (All inhale) and (all exhale). Oh, neat, ok, and that forms, like it‘s a lighter-matter version of the Shield that you‘re actually forming there. And, right in the center-point, it‘s as if the center-point is a little ring that gently holds the bottom of the big Merkaba, so we can fly the Merkaba over there in, with Shields. That‘s called ―Flying the Shield‖. So, we‘re just going to try to remember the feeling of being over near Skellig Michael and imagine, and remember the photographs of that we‘ve seen of it. We‘re just going to breathe gently, but try to imagine ourselves now in this Shield that‘s suspended in the air. Right now, it‘s just in the air, up above where we are, directly above where we‘re lying. But, in a moment, it‘s going to begin moving toward Skellig Michael, and we‘ll start the movement simply with the breath. They‘re asking us to do, simply, 12 charged breaths. And, they‘ll fly it from there. So, just inhale, and on the exhale, push. It‘s like a push breath to give it charge, thrust toward moving. Ok, so (all inhale) (all exhale) two, three…seven, eight…eleven, twelve. There we go. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 152 of 200
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Just return to normal breathing. Ok, it‘s moving a little bit slowly now. They‘re saying just relax now for a minute or two, because it‘s moving slow now, but it‘ll pick up momentum. And, it will actually go partially Trans-dimensional. So, it will go fast; they‘re accelerating its speed from there. When we get, when they get it over to hovering above Skellig Michael, they‘re going to ask us to breathe it down again, too. What we can do now, while we are waiting for the large Merkaba to arrive over there, is try to recall our Buddha Selves, our little Buddha Selves sitting in the little Lotus, Crystal Lotuses that we left in the circle, over at Skellig Michael. Try to feel out yourself there and get yourself back into that position, where you can feel- and try to see what‘s around there, through the eyes of your Buddha Self, or sense the breeze against your skin, or something to make that more physical connection between your body here and your body there, as your Buddha Self. Ok, oh, this is neat. I‘ve got my Buddha Self over there, and I can actually see the big thing, the big Merkaba, flowing in, over the horizon from this direction, like: phhhp. It‘s coming toward us because we‘re sitting on the mountain. Oh, that‘s neat. All right, it‘s funny, it‘s kind of moving like those big blimp-type things. You know how they‘re kind of slow? They‘re not like airplanes, where they‘re going (makes a zooming noise) they‘re, like (makes a plodding noise). It‘s moving; it‘s coming close now. Ok, oh, it just jumped. It just did a hyper-jump, and it‘s, literally right over the Skellig Michael site now. And, it‘s right over the, like, over our heads, over our Buddhas there. And, ok, the AquaFar‘E are asking us to now just simply breathe it down to where its Shield Level would be at the water level. So, we‘re bringing it down, through the mountain, and they‘ll let us know when the Shield crests the water level because that‘s where they‘ll stop it. So, to help them bring it down, they want us to inhale and hold, and then kind of pull downward energetically with, as if we‘re reaching up to that Shield up above us and pulling it down with every exhale, so just a couple of those types of ‗breaths‘. So, inhale up (all inhale). Now, grab hold of the Merkaba Shield, and (all exhale) exhale down (all repeat several times). One more ought to do it (all inhale and exhale). Ok, it‘s in place. It‘s going to do something. I‘m just waiting to see; now what? There‘s going to be a pop thing happen, because its full Shield hasn‘t popped yet. Ok, I‘m talking to them, like, ok, I‘m watching. What? What? Oh, it just started making really neat noises, actually. If you get any strange sound effects in your head, it‘s probably coming from there. It‘s almost like the sound of wheels, like ancient wheels, metal wheels starting to turn again, that kind of sound. Ok, there it goes; the Shield popped, all right, good, good. Ok, and, now that the Shield has popped, we can…and the Merkaba is in place, it…inside of it, will become a Transharmonic Passage, so we can pass through there all the time. The same thing will happen with the Arc of the Covenant. So, for now, we‘re going to just call our Buddhas back in, kind of like inhale them back into our bodies here (all inhale), and just bring them home for the night. And, that, the large Merkaba, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 153 of 200
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Transharmonic Merkaba over at Skellig Michael will continue to accelerate through the night. And, by the time we come back to do the Density-2 Level Grid Work, that is when it will split. It will accelerate to the point where it has enough quantum that it will actually make a double of itself and send the double over to the old, Atlantean Arc of the Covenant site to begin the pulling. But, that stuff will happen with the second activation Saturday night. So, for tonight, we have managed to still be relatively awake. And we have, for the first time, our Transharmonic Density-1 Merkaba Fields activated. Next will be the Density-2 Level, which means we will have the 6 Dimensions of an Orb effect. It will be a 5 th Dimensional consciousness, but there‘s 6 Dimensions because of the Density space in between. So, this is the beginning of the Sphere of Destiny, our Orb and our getting our ability to biologically orb back again, and also, the beginning of our immunity to the Metatronic 55 Activation in 2012. So, thank you troops, for being here and hanging out with us for the wacky hours (participants applaud) and, excellent job with this Stand, everybody. And, we will…well, tomorrow, today is a travel day back up to Dublin, and we will see you for 12:30 on Saturday for the marathon workshop. And, hopefully, get some sleep today, either on the buses or when you get back, so you don‘t have to worry about getting any place except, back to Dublin, and asleep. So, it will be an easy day. So, thank you very much for your patience and with the timings and I hope you‘ve enjoyed that activation. Try to do this one more time before…we won‘t be doing this activation until the later part of the Saturday workshop. So, you could even do it earlier Saturday morning or something if you wanted. It doesn‘t have to be today, Friday. But, it would be good to do that one more time, the whole thing, before. (A‘san asks Ash a question) (A‘sha to A‘san: What? I have a copy, a master for him. That‘s not this one. It doesn‘t have staples in it) (A‘san- inaudible) (A‘sha to A‘san: Ok, we can give him this; we just have to take the staple out, ok). And, by the way, when you get a copy of these, which, I think, we‘re going to try and have them for you for tomorrow some time, ok? Noel is going to run them off as soon as he can. So, we‘ll get these to you as soon as we can, so you have them. But, there are a few typos and stuff; just ignore them. We haven‘t had time to proof, so at least you will have them there to work with. And, again, thank you. I hope you have a good night‘s sleep and morning‘s sleep, and see you on Saturday. Thank you.
[53:30] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 154 of 200
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Saturday Lecture [Audio Track 12A] A‘sha We appreciate your patience on this one, and the Beloveds appreciate mine! Yeah, I‘ve been working on graphs all day – just got finished with the series of them that have to do with the Precession of the Equinoxes and those kind of things. They wanted you to be able to have those. So it‘ll be, I think it‘s a 28 page chart pack that is being photocopied; so it should be ready for you, if some people have to leave early, you will have that. They‘re going to run the rest of the technique live tonight, toward the end, but they‘re going to be conscious of people having to leave. It‘s kind of like one of those workshops where you get the condensed version at the end, but it‘s still all of the information – just in a very intense, condensed form. We‘ll probably go about 4 to 5 hours, and other than that, somebody better walk my body around because I‘m going to fall over! I‘m really, really exhausted! So, we will get going in a minute – I think there are still some people out and about. I‘m wearing my coat just because I‘m so tired that I get cold and I shiver even if it‘s warm, so I figured I‘d head it off at the pass. That‘s all right, once the wave comes I‘ll get warm again and wake up. So… There we go… All righty; at least on the positive side, the weather has been quite lovely for this time of year, from what I hear, so we got lucky that there was a lot of sunshine during this trip – comparatively. Can we see the next one – I just want to see which one that was. Ok, yes. All right; we‘ve looked at this map before, and this is just a map of the planet, showing where the Rods and the Chambers – the front and back Chambers, and the side to side Rods, come in on the maps on the planet. What we‘re going to be looking at in the section that covers the Precession of the Equinox is…it‘s going to start before we get to the Equinox we‘re going to look at the Precession of the Seasons and what‘s actually happening there. There‘s a little surprise in…when they were doing the graphs and things they showed me, that answered something, so I just wanted…All right, ―What exactly were all the ancient people doing, with their circles?‖ ‖I know that certain circles are on Star-Gates…‖ and that kind of thing. There was a whole bunch of them that are definitely not Guardian sites, and that kind of thing. It goes with the large plan – the ‗prime objective‘ that has been run here for millions of years, that there‘s these sites here that are where the Rods and Chambers interface…. They have something to do with what‘s happening in the Solar Plane itself. During certain times, the Precession of the Equinoxes, and just the Precessions of the Seasons – every year we have a point in time that is the Equinox alignments – the Autumn Equinox and the Spring Equinox, and some very interesting things occur during those periods, and also during the Solstice periods that I didn‘t know about before. They wanted me to get those graphs done, and also for you to be able to have them. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 155 of 200
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These are periods in time, because once you see what takes place during them, these are great times for doing activations; working with, you know, if you want to do a group or anything like that, they are great times to really amp the fields, when you see what is taking place. So they did want us to understand, all of us understand, a bit of what is happening with the season cycles, and then going into the Precession of the Equinoxes. That becomes important, just in really understanding what we‘re looking at for 2012 – what we‘re actually moving…facing in 2012, as far as what‘s happening on the planet, and the fact that, even in a small group of people comparatively, can make a huge difference because of the frequency that we‘ve anchored. If it weren‘t for the Beloveds doing their end, there wouldn‘t be much for us to do down here. We would just follow along with it like the rest of people are doing here. It‘s amazing that the power of the small groups that we‘ve been for the last 10 years have made it possible that we can now, literally, work with the Beloveds to prevent the inevitable, at least for a while – at least until there‘s a proper evac cycle, where those who are willing to get their fields together to get out, will be able to. So I just want to point out on this graph that we have the natural interfaces of the Rods and Chambers. This would be the natural rear Chamber – Ok, it‘s called the Bhardoah Chamber of the planet, and this would be the true East Rod. This would be the true front, and this would be the true West Rod. They‘re actually reversed. We have up here…these are the Rods that are activating now. There‘s another set they‘re going to talk to us more about when we get into the Sarasota workshop. There‘s a whole other block – they keep doing this, they just piggy-back one on the other, and the other…when I get home the line doesn‘t stop. It just keeps going until the next workshop. That‘s why I‘m a bit fried on this one. They‘re going to show us some of how these, when they activate…because this is what‘s activating now. These are, I believe they‘re on the Omega sides, which are on our side. They‘re going to activate, and they‘re going to tilt. When they tilt they create all sorts of interesting alignments in the Solar Plane, and this is what they wanted to show us about what occurs when they tilt. Now when they tilt a bit, this…it‘s like this big machine. When you see how our planet works, and what we learn in our history books and our science books, about when our Earth spins this speed and it‘s tilted, you know we have seasons because of that. All that…sounds perfectly normal, ―Oh, it‘s natural – it occurs in nature, so that‘s the way God made it.‖ Oh boy! Not really! When we see what this stuff is connected to, it‘s like this megalithic monster machine of electro-magnetic perversion that, literally, is holding the Solar System, and actually on a Galactic level, hostage as well. It‘s nice to know that the Beloveds are here, and they‘re going to assist us, progressively, to move through the 2012 period. There‘s going to be another set of these – I‘m not sure if they‘re down here, but they come down on this line. They cross in with those, and they actually angle them, as if they were like knitting needles. They move them and turn them and they make the cross shift, and all sorts of things. Yeah, it‘s a brilliant design and it‘s just horribly brilliant what they‘ve done. The fact The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 156 of 200
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that…I kind of go, ―My God, we‘re taking out people who are that smart? Great!‖ I don‘t feel that smart, I‘m glad we have the Beloveds! I‘m glad they know how to do this. Next one please. [0:07:41] We‘ll start to see what the Solar Plane looks like in relation to Earth, and the seasons…to start out simply. Now, there are certain alignments that are very interesting that occur, that most people don‘t realize occur. We‘re not looking at the Precession of the Equinoxes yet. We‘re just looking at the Sun and its Shield – the Shield, Solar Shield – and it‘s in the Shield, Solar Shield that all the planets are actually revolving around the Sun. It is the spinning of the Shield, and the spinning of the individual Planetary Shields that actually keeps the orbits in line. Now normally – we‘ve looked at the normal diagrams before, of how planets and suns should sit with each other, where they should have this relationship between their North Poles and their South Poles, where they circulate and communicate energy. We don‘t have that happening in our Solar System. All the planets are turned at very odd angles, and those angles were done on purpose – specifically to make certain portals and wormholes line up with others in order to orchestrate this ‗prime objective‘. So I just wanted to show you that. They haven‘t given us the full thing of, what does our cycle look like? The 26,556 year one. There wasn‘t time to do that set of diagrams too. It will be based on…here you see 12 points. They haven‘t gotten in to aligning which ones, or whatever, because the alignments are messed up; so you have to back-engineer the mess-up, and then you can pull out what the normal one was, and it takes hours, if not days, to do that. They wanted us to see that, basically, and this would just be the path that Earth takes around the Sun, there are certain things that Earth aligns with as it moves through these paths. One, right here; this alignment that Earth would align with the Galactic Centre, or the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy at that point. It‘s really funny, because some diagrams people show, it‘s actually on the opposite side. There‘s a lot of things where you take a certain body of work and it actually has things inverted or reversed, but when you see how the natural structures are supposed to be, then you can see where it fits, and you can see that it was inverted or reversed. So we‘ll see some interesting things involving that in a little bit. This is where…when we‘re talking about ―align with‖, we‘re not talking about the North Pole aligning, right? The North Pole of the planet pretty much stays at its 23.5 degree shift – you know, tilt – and proceeds around this way. What we‘re talking about aligning are the Rods and the Chambers, because it‘s when the Rods and the Chambers – they‘re the ones on the horizontal planes – the front and back and the side-to-side – when Rods and Chambers align, very specific things happen. When it‘s a natural Solar System, there‘s the active sparking and the open circulation on the horizontal as well as the vertical circulation through the Poles, North and South.
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There‘s all sorts of very strange things that are occurring in our Solar System to align us with the black holes that are at the centre of the Sun. Part of the Gates were completely compromised back in…it started in 13,400, and then it progressed further in the 10,948 B.C. At this point we have the Solar Gates – there‘s, literally, two wormhole offsets in here that create this progressive time acceleration that‘s been occurring in stages. They‘ve been making it happen in stages in order to get to the point where, in 2012, they could synchronize the Gates and they could actually pull us into the centre. So we‘re going to look at what some of the alignments are with the Rods and…not just the Rods – the Rods are side-to-side – the Chambers are front-to-back – and we‘ll see what the alignments are. Then we‘re going to look at a little bit about what some other people have taught about the Yugas, and where that fits into this. What‘s being taught about Yugas out there, right now; I mean some of the Sanskrit stuff might still be accurate. If they‘re saying a Yuga is about 150,000 years, they‘re the ones that are right, because it‘s actually 159,000-something-or-other years. Inside of one Eyugha there are six Euiago SAC cycles, and each of those is 26,556 years; so normal Eyughas are very long. What the perversions of the mathematicals that are being taught, along with spinning Merkaba in the wrong direction and those kind of things…. They‘re making them very short. What we call an Euiago they‘re attempting to call a Yuga. It started out where they took the natural Euiago Cycle, 26,556 years, progressively accelerated things through the apparatus of alignments that you will see soon, and the first increment was from 26,556 to 25,920 years. So it speeded up, and then another one brought it up to 25,771, I believe it‘s right around there, now, as far as the Precessions are. There were a couple of other things done in there too, little increments and bumps.There was also, at some point – they haven‘t told me exactly what period, but there was somebody else trying to…one of the other Illuminati groups tried to take the Templar stuff away from the ones who were doing it. They actually slowed them down, so they had to go forward again. They‘ve been fighting over this for quite a while. It all comes down to alignments here. Now, when we look at this, this is just simply…once we start to see the plan on it – it would be the Precession of the Seasons, right? This would be December 21st, the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and it would move counterclockwise. So we got to March, the Spring Equinox, again in the Northern Hemisphere. I just put the Northern Hemisphere ones; it‘s opposite for the Southern Hemisphere. You proceed, and actually every 30 degrees is about a month; a full cycle around would be a year – you know, 365-point-something-or-other. Yeah, 365.2564-ish – that‘s one of the science estimates that we‘ve seen, so you know, we use that one. So, that is simply the Precession of the Seasons as Earth spins around the Sun. Even as it spins around the Sun, there are these things that the Rods are aligning with, the Rods or the Chambers of other things. One of them is, from here, we‘re way out in one of the more outer arms of the Galaxy, but if you go all the way back into the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, we‘re still a part of the Galactic Plane, and the Galactic Rods and Chambers spin. They have their own cycle – I‘m not sure what their timeframe is, but at certain points they will align on this line, with our Solar Plane, and then the Solar Chambers and Rods will interface with those, just as the Planetary Chambers and Rods will interface with those of the Sun. When Stellar Activation Cycles happen, that‘s what it means – there are certain alignments of the Rods and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 158 of 200
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the Chambers that allow for sparking; that allow the vertical Stargates to open, because of the alignments in the horizontals. So you‘re going to see a masterpiece of macabre when you see what they‘ve done to the normal structure of this. This is just showing here, we have Earth…and most people don‘t realize that we have Earth, and let‘s say Earth was over here at the December Winter Solstice, right? It has its little axis tilt – the 23.439 or whatever, but 23.5 – that‘s what its geographical axis is tilted, and it wobbles on its axis and that‘s what gives you the larger cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes. Basically it just rotates around the Sun. What you‘re not seeing is this one. This is Parallel Earth, and it‘s actually, when we‘re over here in the Winter Solstice position, it‘s over here in the Summer one.We‘re literally linked electro-magnetically. If you look at the difference now, we have the same common solar axis North – right; we‘re tilted this way, looking at it from this angle, and they‘re tilted the other – same amount of tilt. When you add the tilts together, it comes out to be about 47 degrees difference between the two, which means there would be about a 47 degree difference between Angular Rotation of Particle Spin. That‘s why they don‘t run into each other and crash – because particles can move through each other at certain angles of spin, and be invisible to each other. Literally, it is this on the other side, wherever we are, is opposite, except at certain points in the cycle when we actually pass through each other, and that‘s the point where…right now Parallel Earth is fallen. Its Gates are fully under control of the wormhole structure, the Alpha wormhole structure, and we pass through it regularly, twice a year. Then…I‘ll show you the other diagrams…it‘ll make a little bit more sense. This is just to show you: Solar Plane, Sun, Earth that goes around, and Parallel Earth that goes around in the other direction. So Earth is going around in a counter-clockwise rotation, where Parallel is going around at its axis tilt in a clockwise rotation, which means they pass each other at two points in the cycle, because their speeds are synchronized. This is what they were trying to do back in the 10,948 B.C. period. They were trying to get that final synchronization down and they‘ve managed to do it. Next one, please. [0:17:08] This is the series that took so long because they‘re all alignments and they‘re very difficult to do when there‘s a bunch of them. Ok, this one is in the Northern Hemisphere – PCM side, our side, Particum side – Winter Solstice, Earth and Parallel Earth Chamber alignments, through the Solar Time Torus Tunnel PCM Omega wormhole. Now the Omega wormholes, remember, are on our side – the PCM side; where the Alphas are on the PKA anti-particle side. So, if we look at…and the reason most of the diagrams I didn‘t even bother trying to track how these rotate, because these rotate once, a full thing, every 27 days, I believe. So there‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 159 of 200
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another whole set of things that would take a million diagrams…actually need to animate it to see exactly where things spark and hit each other. This is where we will be, our alignment would be,during every Winter Solstice period. It gets right down to the point where, if you know where the Rods are – what Rods are where, and you take that into the maps – the flat maps that we looked at, you can actually tell where this point, where that peak alignment is. It actually starts at dawn on…Greenwich dawn, which means where the Zero line is of—I get that confused again—longitude or latitude? The vertical ones, right? Yeah, north/south; I always get those inverted in my mind. Anyway, where the Greenwich line is, when this alignment / when this line, inside of this tube fully hits that point – and it‘s at the point, the planet is at a tilt at this point in the season‘s cycle, where that point, where the Solar Plane intersects, will be on the Tropic of Capricorn, as opposed to up on the Tropic of Cancer. Right? It will actually come in under Earth‘s Shield, so Earth has its Shield, and then it also has its Chambers. Here‘s the false front – remember we talked about the false front? We called them the Caduceus Rods, the ones that are the splitoffs of the natural ones. The false front aligns here, directly with the Core of the Sun, which aligns directly with the front of the one from PKA, or Parallel Earth. So every Winter Solstice this alignment occurs. What it allows for are the Gates to open inside here – not the full set of them – but enough where passage back and forth can occur. There‘s about a seven-day period on each side where they start to open…they hit their peak on December 21 st. Then they start to phase outward again, where they start to close again. Every year at that time this was done, so we‘ve never been left alone. The people who set this stuff up have been here as our little wardens and prison-keepers for a very long time. In the old days the…you know, we have stone-circles and monuments here and there that seem to be lined up with where a beam of light comes through on the Solstice or on the Equinox, right? They were taught to keep track of when the visitors would be back again, because the visitors were their ―gods‖, right? This was once they wiped our memory, and everybody was reduced back to a primitive state where they couldn‘t remember languages, they couldn‘t remember anything. Then they would come back and interface with us and ―teach us their languages‖ and that kind of stuff, yeah! They also taught how to use rudimentary calendars, and what they were keeping track of was this stuff. When every year they would have a point where these Gates would open, and that means the ones from Parallel could come over and visit. Then as the…and there were specific alignments too…when this was the false front Rod, which is actually the…it‘s not the real back, the real back is offset a bit; the real rear Chamber. The false front line is here – that means the false rear is there. It also means the false East is up here – East Rod, and the false West Rod is there. We call them ‗false‘ because they‘re actually reversed from what they should be as far as the natural Rods that go in with Higher Earth and Median Earth and AshaLA and the rest. So what we‘re looking at here, too, on this is the Solar Chambers – here we‘ve got the front Chamber, and the Bhardoah Chamber at the back, and I believe that‘s the East Rod – no that‘s the West Rod, this is the East Rod. I didn‘t put the Rods on there. Now this core spins too. It spins counter-clockwise, so at periods of time it aligns directly with the larger Vortice lines that would be coming from the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. There‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 160 of 200
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another alignment down here that this would be; if you kept going, you‘d get to the centre of the Parallel Milky Way Galaxy – the one that has the large fall system in it. So there is an alignment period here. There are times when, you know as it‘s spinning, it aligns with every one of these marks; right, the Solar Rods and Chambers would – just like the planetary ones would, as they rotate they shift a bit. The front will always stay – like this front will always face in to the Sun. This is one that always [inaudible] the Gates. It creates an anomaly, because it should just be a nice little Rod that sparks with these when they come by. It‘s left open as an energy structure that doesn‘t belong there, interfacing with the front Chamber from Parallel, and that runs through our Sun. It literally controls – and the moon has something to do with this, too – they literally control the movement of everything, from the tides to the placement…all of this was to synchronize things so they could finish this – you know, eat the Solar System thing. It seems like they‘ve gone to an awful lot of very long-time trouble to find out that in 2976 it wasn‘t worth it anyway. That doesn‘t mean they‘re going to give up now, unfortunately. If they did give up now, what do you do with this mess? Seriously, it‘s going to fall at this point, it‘s so damaged I don‘t think they could repair, even it they said, ―Here Beloveds, you take it – you fix it.‖ I don‘t think you can fix something when it‘s been messed up this badly. So this is just a year cycle that we‘ve seen. This is looking at the Winter Solstice and that is the alignment that always occurs. Ever since they synchronized the Gates in 10,948 B.C., this is the alignment that has always occurred and will continue to occur. The next would be moving counter-clockwise. Next we would see the Spring Equinox. This gets interesting, because that‘s moving counterclockwise…this one is moving clockwise, and their orbits are actually going to pass through each other. Next one, please. [0:24:20] This is when they just start to pass through each other. So you have the Parallel come in this way, and you don‘t see the Parallel, of course, but it‘s there, and they don‘t see us, but they know we‘re there. Then we come this way, and they literally cross over. First the fields form a Bi-Veca configuration, or actually a Vesica Pisces configuration, and the East Rod here, which is the PCM one coming from this one – that starts to blend with the West Rod, the anti-particle West Rod,– and the anti-particle East Rod starts to blend with the PCM West Rod, except through the false PCM. When it says ‗PCM west‘, it means false West – we‘re using those alignments. I think they‘re going to expand on this—Heaven help me! —in the Sarasota workshop, where they show where our alignments are too, as far as, ―where is Median Earth; where are the alignments for Higher Earth?‖ So we can know what times…this is showing us that we can plot times from these cycles and know certain things are going to occur during those times. There‘ll be other alignments that they will show us, as far as where the Rods and Chambers of the Median Earth and Higher Earth fall into it. So we‘ll know what times to kind of duck and puff up The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 161 of 200
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your fields and just kind of get through it, and what times to really soar, when you have energy coming in that is supportive to what you‘re trying to do. Because there are times, right now, that the energy is not supportive at all – especially during these four alignments that…everybody needs to go celebrate. Whoa boy! What they‘re celebrating are, you know, Parallel Earth‘s wormholes opening…so…they don‘t know that though. So when these come together they first start with the overlap, and this goes about seven days in each direction – two with its highlight being March 21st, which would be the Spring Equinox. These start to interface with the Core Gates, but also the vertical Gates. So they start to interface with – I‘m not sure where these align – I just left these in the position they are for 2012, because I knew I had to get to that diagram. So I just left these instead of trying to make them spin, because it would have taken me forever to figure that out without animation. So I‘m not sure where the Solar Rods and Staff are, but I wouldn‘t doubt if they‘re aligned during this part. I wouldn‘t doubt if they do, you know, cross this way. It starts opening the vertical Gates inside, into the twisted wormhole structures. So these, when it just starts, it starts to allow things from a lot different places to come in – not just from Parallel Earth, but other parts of the Parallel System, and other black hole interfaces through the Galactic Core, because it begins to interface with this line from the Galactic centre, and also from Parallel Milky Way Galactic centre. Next one, please. [0:27:29] Now when it come into full alignment they become one, temporarily. They answered my question of: ―Why did March seem horrible this year?‖ Energetically it was just one of the hardest months that I‘ve been through in a long time; It was just really heavy energy and didn‘t know what that was about. I‘m starting to get a clue now. So they do – as they‘re passing through each other – they have a period of 24 hours when they merge, and in that period…this is like…they should have called that Halloween, right? When all the ghouls come out to play, because it allows for…it‘s a much more powerful alignment than the one that just allows for Parallel Earth Gates to open. It allows for Parallel Earth gates to open, but also triggers the wormhole sets that go in through…now, the whole Milky Way isn‘t all wormhole…well it‘s centre is, but there are places that are not fallen in the Milky Way, so you can get both on that line. The wormholes start to pull stuff from the Galactic Chambers as well, because outside of…if you took the line…if the centre of the Galaxy was out here, and you made one of the Chambers, they would be huge and they would come down like this, right? They would follow that line, and then there would be another one coming from this direction, that was the Parallel one. So it starts to interface at the equinoxes. The interface direct pass-through occurs, and it literally opens the centre Gates completely, in Earth Core…into the wormholes and the Sun as well. So this is where you get, like, demon fiestas, you know? Where they come in to do whatever they do. There‘s a lot of rituals that take place, and they…even in the ancient cultures, were taught to do certain celebrations and ‗fertility rites‘ and yeah, a great way to make sure if things come into baby bodies and that kind of thing. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 162 of 200
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So a lot of the things that we‘re being taught in the ancient cultures that seem sweet and endearing, and, ―Oh, they‘re so smart because they had a spiritual relationship with the Sun, and could understand these things‖…that‘s true as far as how they, the people, were. What they were experiencing, too, was contact that was explaining to them how to do certain rudimentary things so they could chart when they were coming back. They looked at them as gods, and even though a lot of ‗them‘ I‘m talking about were us back then, where once you have your memory wiped you‘re just like a child again – it‘s not yet speaking, like an infant. You don‘t know how to speak…you don‘t remember who you are, how you got there, where you are, how to do anything. You know…how to tie your shoe if you happen to have one on your foot. You have memory wipe so brutal…it‘s like instant Alzheimer‘s, and you just wake up and ‗you are‘, and that‘s all you know. It‘s really a horrible experience. So the ancient people that were misled by the visitors who set this up,like the Mayans…I feel bad for the Mayan people, because they‘re very devoted to Great Spirit and to following the guidance of their ancestors and all of that kind of thing. The calendar was given to them. I believe Thoth gave them the calendar – yeah! In order to help them understand about this, so they would know when the End Time was coming. It‘s right there in the Mayan calendar. That‘s why the whole big 2012 thing is coming up, because the Mayans called it, thousands of years ago, and even Nostradamus was calling it, the Bible keeps telling you about the End Times, but they don‘t give a specific date…so it‘s all converging at this point. It‘s like a little bit of, race memory is just starting to resurface where, ―Ah, this is why…‖, right? Not enough for anybody to do anything about it. You know, we could put this on CNN and nobody would care. Most people would not care! ―Oh well, whatever.‖ You know, ―It‘s a good excuse to max out the credit cards.‖ It‘s so big it seems surreal. It doesn‘t seem real, and unfortunately it is. So, we have our lovely Spring celebration of passing through Parallel – yay! This actually – we‘re going to bring the joy back into the cycles of the seasons. I don‘t know what it is yet, but I was getting a nudge, and this is why the Beloveds wanted you to be aware of this level of the information now, because they‘re going to be building on this into something…where there‘s something fun and very healthy that we can do on those times too. This isn‘t about pulling away from the ones who are working the Metatronics – it‘s about embracing them and standing right next to them and saying, ―Fine, you spin yours your way and we‘ll spin ours our way, and let‘s just have a good time‖. Which means that lovely big Transharmonic Merkaba doorway that was created down at Skellig Michael, and that we‘re going to finish activating to its Level-2 tonight after we get our activation to the Level-2. We can do very interesting things at these power points in time, because when those Gates open we can actually set one of those Transharmonics in that, if you‘re falling down that Gate, and you happen to have Kryst Codes, it‘ll pull you over this way so you can half make a choice, instead of just getting dragged into that reality. So we can actually co-join Gates, since they‘ve got them there, we can put them there too – Evac Gates. So there will be things that we‘re going to be shown how to do on the larger scale. Some of this is going to have to do with knowing when to help the Grid harmonics to hold together, because the stress points on the tectonics are going to be horrendous through the next 200 years, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 163 of 200
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because of this mess that is happening. The other option is to just let them go so there‘s no stress on the grids, and then it all just rolls – and then the 6th Extinction is going down. So we may get more earthquakes, and we may get more of all of that because, yes, we are resisting them pulling it down – in. You know, they can have it in 200 years, but give people enough chance to get out if they want to. So it could get very strange on the planet in the next 200 years, as far as climate changes and things. They will continue and they will escalate. Hopefully, we can keep them balanced. There‘s not a whole lot of other people on the planet that are going to care or even bother to try to do something about it, so the people who do come to the workshops, and understand the level of the information what we‘re working with – we will be entrusted with being the Gridkeepers, literally, who are doing the right things instead of running the Merkabas in the wrong direction and that kind of stuff. So it‘s going to be an interesting 200 years. At this point, it‘s like, ―Please, get me to next week. Can we go home? I‘m tired!‖ No, I‘m just hoping these Merkabas – Oh, they said something, by the way, before I forget…. With the large Transharmonic Merkabas, like the stationary one, that just sit and spin and open – these are going to become healing Chambers. One of the things they wanted to do is, if I got the diagrams done, they said. ―You know, you better expand time, Beloveds; I need another week to get down what you want done here. They said, ―You don‘t have to type the next technique. This one‘s easy.‖ ―Easy!? Yeah right! You said the first one was easy, and there was only, like, 3 times 14 steps to that one!‖ It was easy, when you‘re verbalizing it. But it was much harder to get it all down in typing – I don‘t have a huge typing speed or anything. They said, once the activation takes place, they will get us into the Density-2 level activation of the Transharmonic Merkaba, which means we will have a Jha-DA‘ Body activated, and that means you can fly at a moment‘s notice if necessary. So if they had to pull Shield, you would be able to go. We can go into…they want us to learn to project into these spots. Right now there‘s only three of them. Well, right now there‘s only one and half – we blocked part of one with this up from when we were in the Skellig Michael area, so we have a part of one here; an imprint of the big one we made and sent the other way – we‘ve got a faint version of that here. We‘ve got the one down in Skellig Michael, and there‘s going to be one, by the end of this morning, there‘s going to be one that splits off – that pulls the Arc of the Covenant in. So there‘s going to be three spots that you can project to right now. Once we have the FOL thing at Siesta Key Beach, there will be another one, and we‘re going to build, progressively – that‘s what they call…I think they put at the end of the name on this, ―Building the Stairway to Heaven‖ – they have in there something like that. We are, literally, going to create the spots that are the stairways; we can go – we can project into these. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 164 of 200
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They‘re safe zones that you can use your Jha-DA‘ Body to project into, and they just want us to breathe the Stardust in there, and breathe it into the physical bodies; through the projection we can do that. That is all it will take to keep the Density-2 level active. They said, ―Twice a week for 15 minutes‖ That‘s it, you know…that‘s not hard. You just go…fade into a picture of Skellig Michael and…find the big Merkaba in there…that kind of thing. They‘re going to teach us a bit about how to use photographs for projection, because they work very good for that. At some point we can actually get some pictures of Median Earth and things like that, but maybe we can get some paintings at least. But they‘re going to teach us how to use psychometry.You can use psychometry to read photographs, but you can also use those photographs – they represent an encryption of an exact moment in space-time. Place and time are fully encrypted in them, and you can, because space and time are simultaneous. Just because it‘s ‗past‘ to you doesn‘t mean it‘s stopped existing. You can actually move yourself through a photograph, or a Code, to get to other places. That‘s actually how, once we do know how to fully Orb – once we can get our fields to do that – then it‘s like, ―Ok, how do you drive this thing?‖ You drive it with encryption. You hold an image of your mind and a feeling of where you want to go; and you just Orb and ‗pop‘ – you‘re there. If you‘re a little bit like, ―Hmmm, not too sure‖, you can be zinging all over the place and wear yourself out a bit. Say, ―Wait a minute, I‘m just going to sit still until I get my thoughts clear on this.‖ So they‘re going to teach us some of the…about just simple projection abilities. You know, all of these abilities, they are part of our own nature. It‘s not as if they‘re giving you something that doesn‘t belong to you already. A lot of people don‘t bother using them. I mean, you kind of like, ―Yeah, yeah, I know I have psychic senses – whatever.‖ You get excited because you remember it and then you forget again. So you don‘t actually employ them in your 3D life – you know, in your life. They would like us to get more used to doing that, because there may come a time when they are the saving grace. It will be through the psychic senses, if something goes wrong here, that you will hear the Call and know where to go…as far as getting up and out, and that kind of thing. So they‘re going to help us working with encryption. They‘re going to help us understand more and more of this; if we can understand the mess that‘s here, which is not so much this…but this. Yes. It shouldn‘t be. There‘s a natural relationship that should exist between particle and anti-particle systems; but they shouldn‘t be hitting each other on tilts like this. When they come together like this, in that point where they‘re literally in the same space, they create these vortice sets, these unnatural vortice sets between the wobbles from the tilts. They go up into Density-2, so they literally allow for fleets of other things from Density-2 Fall Systems to come down into Density-1 into our Solar System. There‘s a lot more…what did they say? ―It‘s a comedy of horrors,‖ is what they just said; but don‘t worry about it because we‘re focusing on the positive things – yes, good! They did want us to know about what occurs during the Precession of the Seasons, before we worry about the Precession of the Equinox – which is all connected to that. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 165 of 200
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So this is the stuff that‘s actually holding the time acceleration, and they are doing an acceleration again, because they have a particular plan – the Illuminati have a particular plan that they would like to accomplish in 2012. We‘ve read about what the plan is, but what it looks like is kind of interesting. It doesn‘t look like this – this is an Equinox; where we‘re going to align in 2012 is back over there, at the Solstice point. So let‘s see what happens first when they split again and come over here – it‘s just another version, really, of the opposite; but the Rods are reversed in different directions. Next one, please. [0:40:06] So this one is the Summer Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere, and this is where…Earth started over here…we started the diagram over here, and its pole was still like this, North Pole, and the pole‘s still like that – well, at 23.5. You know it‘s not flipping around – it‘s staying where it is, but the Rods are changing. This Rod stays in front, but they shift and rotate – they still spin, but when it gets to here it‘s aligned in the front again. When it gets there it‘s aligned in the front again, so they do spin – the Shield spins, but they go back into that alignment on the four points in the cycle. So here again they‘re aligned, but this time the…if you drew a line directly from the centre of the Sun and the Shield of the Sun, and followed it – this is a tunnel, right? Inside of that there would be a line that the tunnel follows. That little line, right here, and again it would hit the Greenwich Meridian Zero East/West, but it would hit above the plane – above the Equator, because of the tilt – because of the angle the Earth comes in on, on that position in the cycle. At some point they‘re going to teach us more about what they‘re calling Nodes. This is the North Node, because it‘s in the north at the Tropic of Cancer, and the one that was over here is called the Southern Node, and that was on the Tropic of Capricorn on the Zero line. So they‘re going to teach us more about the Nodes. I don‘t know what they have to do with exactly, but it has to do with Rods sparking and things like that. Therefore, remember every Shield has a set of 12 Fire Chambers, and a set of Allurean Chambers. So these diagrams could be a lot more complex – and thank God they‘re not right now, or I never would have got here tonight. So this is the beginning of showing us – here we go; we‘re having our summer time in the north, and then come back around and again, as they leave this…this one‘s going clockwise, so again they‘ll come and they‘ll cross through each other over here in September. September 21st will be the height of that. So you‘ve got about seven days on each end of the peak period, when they start to cross through, but the energy‘s most intense at that peak period. What‘s really interesting, if you look at these other lines – the natural ones – the one that‘s coming in from our Galactic centre…this period falls where you have…this one was the Spring Equinox, then there was March 21st, and let‘s say April 21st, give or take a few days; March 21st…April 21st…May 21st…interesting, May 21st through 27th – this is actually when the Hetharo Electrical Peak occurs, and it occurs because of this alignment.
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So we have a Hetharo that occurs here…we have down here the PCM Hethalon Magnetic Peak. That‘s when the planet crosses through the alignment with the Parallel Galactic centre. Then there‘s something here called an ―Antharo‖, and that happens in November – November 21st. The Antharo is the anti-particle side‘s Electrical Peak. Up here we have the Anthalon, which is the anti-particle PKA side‘s Magnetic Peak. These are the peaks – usually it‘s around here that the Illuminati are always trying to do dimensional blend experiments, and things like Montauk Project and Philadelphia Experiment. They were both done, I believe, on August 12 th or August 8th…somewhere right in that frame. [0:44:00] They do that on purpose because of this alignment with Parallel Galactic centre, but also because of some other messes that are happening that you‘ll see. The graphs get a little bit rougher as we go, because I didn‘t have time to White-Out millions of things, and that kind of stuff, or I just never would have been down here before dawn. This gives you an idea. We‘ll still see another clean one or two. Then we‘ll go onto something that has to do with the fake Eyugha cycles. What we‘re seeing now is the simple progression cycle of the seasons; you know, one year, what the planet aligns with in a year. It‘s not a natural cycle because of the tilts of everything. You know, they‘re not supposed to be there – the wormhole alignments are not supposed to be there through the Sun. What makes it even stranger is, at least so far we‘ve been looking at the twelve points. Now these twelve points…if you think of 12 Allurean Chambers or 12 Fire Chambers… Ok, they haven‘t identified which ones – they actually would be 24 points. Where there‘s 24 lines, they represent points that…if you took the 12 of those, they would be the 12 probabilities – literally probability lines for the Solar System for one year .In those probability lines you would be able to take, I believe it was 1 ½ of them, and you can divide them into the Octant cycles that we‘ve talked about in other workshops – where you have 12 lines, but then you divide those 12 with the other grid over them, where you get the eight time cycles that correspond with the natural expansion cycles of the Kryst. This, you could do that with – I didn‘t have time to transpose that on it too, but what – I guess I didn‘t need to because what has happened is…we‘ve talked about the Sextant program before, that is running in the Shield, Solar Shield. It controls the astrological alignments and all that kind of thing. We get a little bit closer look at what that actually looks like. Once we understand this is our basic Solar Plane, and its 12 main alignment points…these align with other things, and I can‘t wait to find out what because I‘m really hoping some of them are, ―Yes! Give me a rod from Higher Earth please!‖ I‘ll go sit on that location until you beam me up. (Laughing.) No, I‘m not that much of a sissy; but anyway, it would be nice to know where the fun sites are too, and what the good stuff is that‘s coming in. I know that they will give us that. I think there‘s going to be more of this type of thing in the Sarasota workshop. Once we understand this, we‘ll have to do a real quick recap on this stuff, and then take it into the other alignments. I know that we have…even when you look at them, trying to align…like, just look at Earth and, say, Solar North. Ok, there‘s the 23.5 tilt, and then you have the 11-something-or-other tilt, then you have the parallel coming in at this direction. They get really, really complex, so it‘ll take a while. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 167 of 200
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There are interface points for all those places we want to go, as well as the places we don‘t want to go. A lot of them probably cross through the same areas, where you might find some of our passages crossing through here as well as some of the other ones. So it ought to be interesting to see. Just calculating, from the information that‘s there, to get the drawings, takes…it will take days to do…you know, that level of work – so, unless they have something else in mind, I‘ll be working on that for the next workshop. For this one, at least, we get to understand a bit more about our cycle of the seasons, and what it is and what it shouldn‘t be. So when we come again here, we‘ll cross over in September and…Ok, yeah, put the next one on please. [0:47:33] There‘s the crossover again, and it does the same thing – it makes the big vortices that go up into Density 2, and it aligns completely with the Stargates in the centre of the Sun, and opens into the wormhole sets that go into the Parallel Galaxy, and also into our Milky Way Core, which is part black hole. So that‘s the alignments. When you think of all the little…what I would be really curious to do is, since we actually can plot, by knowing where the Rods are, and the Chambers, we can actually plot where on the planet is lining up with what, because we have the maps that show where the Rods are too. Notice these Rods are…they cross…this one is running horizontal. As they move they cross through the centre, so they‘re not just running on the Tropic of Capricorn like they are on the map. That set of them implies another set down here that creates a cross through like that. So, they actually move like this, if you push the end of one up the other end goes down, and that kind of thing. So there‘s more to learn about the Rods. Eventually I wouldn‘t doubt… they‘re probably teaching us this level because we‘re going to be asked to have some responsibility for maintaining the Rods. That won‘t be yet – I don‘t think – I hope not. We‘re still trying to figure out how to maintain our bodies! You know, we get our Light-fields up and get our Orbs going and that kind of thing. So I‘m sure they will stage the training, as far as how much of a Grid-master you need to become overnight, or not. Not everybody has the inkling, or the feeling that they want to do the Grid-work, and that‘s OK. It‘s not an obligation. It‘s just…some people do feel that level of love for Creation, really, that they want to participate in that way. So that‘s what it‘s there for. It‘s not something you have to be – a Gridkeeper. Just so you know, for anybody who might not have been to workshops before. Anyway, so that is the basic Winter Solstice – Spring Equinox – Summer Solstice – and Autumn Equinox. This one is even worse because this one actually, the Rod lines up with…which Rod is it to, I think it‘s the….this is where they blend, so you have both Parallel Earth and Earth Rod lining up with the Solar Rod, and that‘s connecting into the Parallel Milky Way centre, and in the Black Hole system. So that is a dangerous alignment, right there. So, in other words, the energy there would be worse. That‘s kind of funny…that comes in…the peak of that will be September, and it‘s kind of funny that right in-between here and here, October happens, and so does Halloween. I just wonder if somebody, a long time ago, has a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 168 of 200
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sense of humor, because you have here…this is the Antharo, which is the Electrical Peak point for the PKA side, which means certain things open on the PKA side, and this is the Bhardoah Chamber of the Solar Axis, which also runs the full Milky Way line. So it‘s like the backside of the Milky Way line. All sorts of things could come in from all sorts of places when the Earth passes through those points, if the solar things are aligned. It would be really interesting to animate it, to find out. Ok, this goes at…it spins…where Earth goes around in a year – I think it‘s 13.5 or something rotations. One rotation is 27.07 days, I think, of the Rods. That would be a day on the Sun would be that long…just like a day on the Earth is 24 hours, well a day on the Sun would be 27 Earth-days long…that kind of thing. So there is a way to synchronize that – I‘m not good at that kind of stuff – I don‘t know how to do animation, but it would be fascinating to see it. Anyway, that‘s a little bit of something you probably didn‘t know about the Precession of our Seasons. Next one. [0:51:44] I was surprised…I knew it was connected into a mess-up in the Solar System, but I always kind of had that – it must be the old Druid in me – I always liked the Solstices and the Equinoxes and thought they were great times because that‘s when you‘re…you know, well the veils were supposed to thinner, and your family could be closer. Yeah! I didn‘t realize they were running on black hole system. This one that I didn‘t have time to get rid of a lot of the lines, I should have…I‘m going to pull this chair up though, because I‘m getting a little bit weak in the knees here from exhaustion. Excuse me. Yeah, this one is ‗in progress‘, but it‘s interesting. You saw the basic format of the shape that we had with the other ones, and the alignments…we had the Galactic alignment coming in; the Sun‘s at the center; you had the Parallel Galactic alignment coming in there, right? We saw this one as the Precession of just the Seasons. Well it‘s the same type of Shield that creates the Precession of the Equinoxes, but the Precession of the Equinoxes is a much longer cycle that is about…over here you can see where…here‘s the Sun, and there‘s the Earth, moving around the Sun. Now, every time the Earth does a circle around the Sun, it doesn‘t change the position of its pole, but over a long period of time, because of the wobble—it stays at the 23.5 axis—but there‘s a wobble effect. So the pole actually points to different stars in different points in that larger cycle. Right now we‘re pointing…our geographical North Pole tilt points towards Polaris, and at the total other end of that cycle it would actually be pointing at Vega, I believe. So it, literally – even though the pole itself is not shifting – the wobble rotation, it‘s hard to...(inaudible) but the wobble rotation is causing it to align with different things as it moves around the planet, even though itself is staying at the 23.5 degree shift. I think there is a larger cycle that there‘s a little The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 169 of 200
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bit of shift…I think a three degree shift…it actually goes up to 26 degree, but it‘s over 45,000 years or something like that. It‘s a long, long period, compared to Stellar Activation Cycles. So what we‘re doing here is taking that same format. We‘re looking at it in terms of that larger cycle where, before this just represented one year, right? The progression for one year around the Solar System…this is representing the Precession of the Equinoxes where there would be an Earth at each one of those little points, and the tilt would cause it to align with different things within the Celestial Sphere, whatever they call it, where if you…you know, how it looks like the stars are painted on and you‘re moving within them? Well, this is how they get astrological alignments, and those kinds of things, from watching those progressions. With the Precession of the Equinox we go through this whole cycle, and the whole cycle normally…normally we wouldn‘t have a Precession of the Equinoxes – not in the same way that we have here. We wouldn‘t have pole wobbles; we wouldn‘t have pole tilts. We would have natural alignments of the spinning Rods in certain periods when interfaces with the Galactic Rods and things happen, where you‘d have big bursts of great energy that would keep fuelling the system – you know, a Living System we‘ve talked about through the Solar Symbiosis process. We don‘t have that, so we‘re a blended-and-going-down-system at the moment. We have – this is the Precession. So if you look at that now, in terms of a year, this should be 26,556 year cycle to go all the way round. That would be one period in there. They haven‘t shown where natural Stellar Activation Cycles are supposed to plug in, because right now they‘re all twisted because of the mess in the middle here. I believe Stellar Activation Cycles have to do with aligning with the Galactic Gates, because you‘d get the burst of energy coming in from the Galactic side to open the Solar Gates – the Solar Gates open the Planetary Gates – and you have the open circulation; the Ascension Passages would be open. Now we get different kinds of alignments through this period. What‘s very interesting is, I won‘t go into the time things heavily now, but I wanted to show you where there‘s totally distorted teachings that have been around. A lot of them have been around for many thousands of years in various teachings that…I think the Mayans even had a version of it, but I know it was in Sanskrit first. Some of the Sanskrit teachings are actually true. They understood about the Euiago cycles inside of the large Euga cycles, and those kinds of things. That knowledge has been lost progressively over time, but I think there‘s still some versions of them that understand that. Down here is a little diagram that I just used as an excerpt, just to show…when I first looked at it…. First of all, when you see it in the book it‘s upside down, and it says, ―We are here‖. We‘re moving here, right? It says there‘s the Galactic centre, and we‘re moving counter-clockwise; these are the names of the little ‗Yugas‘ they call them, and that‘s the opposite; that‘s as far away from alignment with the Galactic centre that you can get in a cycle. I suppose that we‘ve passed that point already. Now we‘re here, and we‘re going into what they call the ‗Ascent‘. We‘re moving toward the Galactic centre, which is a time of more energy coming in from the Galactic centre, so we wake up and get more aware, and when we‘re moving away from it we supposedly go ‗to sleep‘ – yeah! Interesting, this. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 170 of 200
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When I looked at it I said, ―Either it‘s a really bad drawing, or that has some very twisted mathematics to it.‖ These lines…now I didn‘t…I actually made a photocopy of it, so I didn‘t distort the lines at all, right? I wanted to make sure I got the angles right, because from those lines you can tell the angles. The one thing that was very easy to find is, it doesn‘t really have a relationship with its centre point. If you measure the centre of how long the thing is, it doesn‘t line up naturally. Any of its own cycles don‘t line up naturally with the centre. Now what is that doing? Right, like you can bring these two in, and these two in a funny shape, but these are just in very odd positions. I had no idea, but that‘s just very strange – is it just a quick drawing, or are they serious about those being the angles that they‘re saying the cycle breaks in? They‘re serious! This is what it looks like when it‘s plugged into what actually exists, where here‘s your Galactic centre alignment. There‘s your furthest away point from Galactic centre; that would be over here. That‘s the point we just passed – right – about 1100 B.C? Something like that…it was about…no, it was actually about 900 years ago I think. Then up here is where we are, right? Right in here, coming into the 2012 alignment. That‘s just what this is saying too, except I had to actually analyze it and turn it upside down to see how it actually fit. The rotations are still the same, right? I didn‘t change anything, except figure out – Ok, Galactic centre‘s that way; Ok, how does this fit? The Beloveds showed me how it fits, and it fits at a tilt. It‘s running the Galactic line, which is also the line that one of the Solar Rods…or actually the Solar Chamber runs – the front/back Chamber runs. It has…see these little black dots? If you take the breakdowns on these, right, this is the two sides of the Ka-LA cycle, the Ka-LA Eyugha. We have the Ka-LA Eyugha, and it was a lot more complicated, but if you take this into there, right there would be a point where they‘d meet. Same thing with these two; these two were relatively the same angle, where you could make them come into a point. So you go the two points…they‘re actually black-hole knots that are lining up on the natural Solar Rod and Galactic Rods. They‘re literal points of…they‘re probably reversed planets or stars in some of the Galactic Systems that are, you know, that actually are in the Rods. We wouldn‘t see them from here, but they‘re literally anchoring the set of distorted tension. It‘s all about creating tension, where it holds tension and counter-tension, to keep all the balances just right, like a juggler. So you have this one – goes here – forms an unnatural Ka-LA cycle, and supposedly—it‘s really interesting: one of the clues that something was up with this was, I remember the comment being made in the writing, ―Oh, and they say it‘s not in these points when any of the catastrophes or anything happened – it‘s just after them.‖ Yeah, like 2012! Yeah, this is why, because that‘s when you come into alignment directly with the black hole sets, and that kind of thing. That‘s when there‘s a natural roll where this maniacal machine attempts to roll the poles back, or actually switch the poles; where our poles roll into the position that Parallel would, and Parallel would roll into ours, until they could get to the point where they could do the full thing, which is this 2012 period. Before they were just happy with accelerating it. It was about building enough quantum to actually do what the planet does in 2012.
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Saturday Lecture 2 [AudioTrack 12B] A‘sha So we have this artificial Eyugha Cycle that is actually snaring the organic time pulse, and it is accelerating and it is making it faster. In 13,400 BC, they did the first leap—that was a big one: they went from 26,556 which is the organic time pulse, and it accelerated to where it was 25,920. That‘s like 636-year time acceleration. That‘s a lot to do in one shot. And this one was a bit smaller, the 10,948 BC one; that was 149-year leap. They didn‘t tell me how far this one was but I think we‘ve leaped even further because this one brought us to the—maybe this one‘s not finished; it‘s a feeling that I‘m getting. There‘s another event that is in the Voyagers book; it is called the Babylon Massacre where they shifted the magnetic fields again, and again wiped the memory. They have wiped it at least 3 times, where as soon as we start to get on our feet and start remembering who we are, remembering our history and waking up again, they just shift the magnetic fields, wipe out the epigenetic overlay, and we‘re back to being can‘t-even-speak that kind of thing, so the last one that I know of was in this period. They didn‘t tell me yet what they did with the time acceleration thing but I imagine they— because here in 10,948 BC, that‘s when they brought it up to the 25,771 period. And they didn‘t do it all at once. Actually they whack the frequencies so they accelerate the frequencies and then it picks up over time, right. And by the time it hits certain points in the next cycle it‘s already accelerated to where the cycle‘s no longer what it was; it‘s faster now, that kind of thing. And they are planning to do a final one in 2012 with these alignments. So, let‘s see anything more than that. So I just wanted to be able to show you where this information does fit in, so when you hear about Yugas, they are different than Eyughas; the original spelling was E-y-u-g-h-a. And a natural Eyugha has 6 Euiago Stellar Activation Cycles in it. And each Euiago Cycle has 6 Time Continua Cycles in it. And each Time Continuum Cycle is 2 Probability Cycles. That‘s how it works. So we have the math and how all those cycles are supposed to work. This is the twisted version that we are living by; this is what our whole astrology is built on basically. You can put another ring around this and just find the original 12 lines, right, and then assign whatever characteristics to them. But the whole astrology system right now is built on tracking these influences. And oh indeed if you‘re in one house, you‘ll have some different effects; and if you‘re in another house here you can get like beamed at by Parallel Earth; here you can get beamed at by the Parallel Galactic Core; here you get beamed at by our own Milky Way Core. And the thing is they do beam; this is what most people here do not know. And it is really interesting that nobody‘s taught anything about the Rods, right. Oh they teach about the Poles moving and things like that, but nobody teaches about the Rods. The closest you‘ll get is a few people talk about the Solar Planes in relation to the Galactic Planes. Yes but Planes we call Shields, and Shields imply Rods and Chambers because it is the alignment of those that actually tells you anything. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 172 of 200
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And so there‘s a lot of information out there that keeps your mind well possibly running in circles. You can‘t wait to get to the answer but you never quite find it because there are certain pieces in the information that are hidden. And part of that information is the information about the Rods, about the natural structure of the planet, about the fact that there have been visitors here for a long time and they are trying to take our Solar System down into their Black Hole. I mean there‘s a lot of things that have been left out in the details in the training that we receive here but we are getting a piece of it back. And what is interesting about all this—I look at this, I don‘t like the job I have right now; I love being with the Beloveds and being a Guardian; I feel very honored that they trust me with it, but it is not fun having to be the face on the person speaking this to normal people. You‘re not normal; you‘re special; you‘re wonderfully special. You‘re advanced people; you have advanced spirituality to even show up at these workshops. Not everybody out there is like that. It‘s like I still have to live in a house on the street—you know what I mean—I don‘t want to talk to anybody; I don‘t want them to know it‘s me, right, because then they just call me names: ―That crazy lady up the street!‖ you know. No, this isn‘t crazy, and I watch a lot and I would be glad to say, ―Ok, I‘m just crazy,‖ and let‘s leave it as that, but the information that‘s been given is just, it‘s—I look at it and I‘m amazed. You know I couldn‘t make this up; if you held a gun to my head, there is no way I could make this up. It‘s so cohesive and it‘s huge, and I know from who I am from my larger self I have my own memories; I know that it is true. But it is interesting to be out there talking about ―Yeah, and by the way, here‘s the Black Holes in the Solar System; they connect to certain times in the Earth.‖ I‘d really like to at some point, and maybe they will help us see how this plugs into the astrological thing. And if I can understand that part—I‘ve always had an aversion to astrology so I never learned it, and I don‘t particularly want to have to learn it either. But just understand the basic alignments in this framework and then see when we get our alignments on too, and they show us where Median Earth interfaces, where Urtha interfaces those kinds of things, then astrology might actually be fun because you could actually translate it, where you would actually have those Krystic influences coming in as opposed to just tracking the influence of the self Black Holes coming in because that‘s what astrology is doing. So anyway, so I‘m not going to go heavily into these; there are teachings out there if you want to learn about those. There is quite a few ‗Bloom of Doom‘ facilitators available on the internet, right. So anyway, and I won‘t mention the paradigm but you can just ask around and I‘m sure somebody knows, right. Anyway, so it is good to research. If you are in doubt of any of this information, compare it to information that others are putting out and just see, but don‘t just compare one piece. Compare the context that we‘ve put it in, see what context they‘ve put it in, see who makes more sense, so we suggest. Next one, please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 173 of 200
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[0:06:31] The Illuminati Prime Objective 2012 I think we are almost done with the rolly pollies. Umm, which one is this? This is ‗The Illuminati Prime Objective 2012. For the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, cross-shift and link with Alpha and Omega Galactic Wormholes,‘ what they are planning over here is we‘ll be in this alignment, right, where we have our false front, which is the Greenwich Line, right, lining up with the Parallel Chamber. They are actually planning to build a frequency pulse, or 10 or more, to hit the Rod and make it spin in order to spin it this way, and I think it‘s about 30 degrees; I have to check that to make sure it‘s 30 degrees. But they want to shift the planetary axis literally and the magnetic fields this way to make that Rod align with here that will have the East Rod align with these hole systems, the Black Hole systems coming through the Sun. And this alignment, this is when these will still be open. It‘s actually reaching back in time because this, we passed this point about 900 years ago. So this actually would allow the frequencies to reach back in time where they can open the wormhole sets and drag us in through the Bhardoah Chamber, backward through the Bhardoah Chamber into the Sun into the same thing because there is a bigger one that‘s opening here that is the Galactic one that comes out from this angle; it will come through the Sun. They literally want to collapse the two; they want to knock the parallel one that way into there, this one into here, pull them together into the Sun and suck them all out into the core of the Galaxy. And by that time, they are definitely going through Metatronic transformation, all right, seriously, where they are going back into particle dust and then being reassembled into a mutated facsimile of what they were on the other side. It really is a horrible technology. So, that is what their intentions are, and right now thank goodness there‘s a huge force in the Universe and in the Cosmos that is helping to not have that happen yet. And there‘s a small force on the planet that‘s trying not to have that happen yet—that‘s kind of us, I know, well hopefully us—the group that pays attention to this information. It gets a bit bigger because there‘s going to be an awful lot of people in 2012 spinning their Merkabas the other way on purpose. That‘s not even the billions of people that are going to have that happen just because they hit the 55-activation that they know nothing about, right. There is going to be heavy duty grid work going down from the Metatronic side. So it‘s going to be interesting to see how what the Beloveds guide us to do. It‘s almost like they are giving us preparation. They are letting us know now, letting us know about the 4 key points where whatever energy work with the Kryst, that even if it‘s just running Krystal River Prayer, now you know like the key points of sensitivity, that we can use those points too, and we can just seed the Krystic Silver Seed frequency into those areas as well. Instead of going ―Oh no, one of those alignments is coming up,‖ say, ―Ok, let‘s see what the Kryst can do with that,‖ and go over to go get some guidance. We‘ll be getting more formal guidance as we move forward but for now they want us to understand the larger picture we‘re in. But their primary concern is that we get our own bioenergetic fields where they need to be so we don‘t get dragged into the planetary muck that‘s taking place, so we will be able to reclaim the ability to orb, which is Ascension. But not all orbing is Ascension; but the orbing that we teach is Ascension, right; the other kind that uses the vesica pisces is not. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 174 of 200
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So anyway, that‘s the show they are planning. If they actually succeeded with that, to be able to do this, they have to reach a full 55-spin on the Planetary Merkabas, and that‘s where the Beloveds come in. They‘re just going to create, they try to go for like they hit 55 but then there‘s a whole set of sub-harmonics that have to be progressively activated. The Beloveds are just going to counter every sub-harmonic. It‘s kind of like a record that stays stuck on the one set of words, right, like ―Whomp, we go fast and we go fast and we go fast,‖ and they can blast more energy to make it go past. But the Beloveds will blast more energy just to hold it, so they‘ll just meet them. And at a certain point they are going to do something sophisticated that actually allows the Krystal Spiral of its earlier stage to have the thing latch on but then amp the Krystal Spiral which when it‘s amped larger and stronger than the Fibonacci Spiral and actually grab hold of it and turn it back around. So there‘s going to be a certain point where they are going to try to bring some of the quantum back but that‘s for 2012 stuff probably. I don‘t think they‘ll be teaching us about that quite yet because it‘s kind of complicated. I‘m kind of looking at it and going ―Oh boy, I understand a bit of that. I get the concept but…give me 6 months to prepare for that workshop and I‘d be glad to give it. Teach me first!‖ yeah because I learn with you; this isn‘t…. If I had my way I would have a week before every presentation, I would have my presentation perfect, colored mylars, time schedules. I would be funny and not exhausted…I‘d be cheerful and raring to go and all of that kind of stuff…. It doesn‘t work out that way because I never get an opportunity to have the information until everybody shows up, and then it comes in. But anyway, enough about me, let‘s get back onto these. Yeah, I don‘t know if there is anything more in here but I—ok, I think you get the picture on what they‘re planning…yeah, now, yeah, I think I‘m done. Ok, that‘s the problem. What‘s the solution? Now, this map, this map I think I showed you before is where I added the Atlantean and the Lemurian continents in for where they were in the past and so you see where they were. And this had to do with knowing where we are going to put, where we‘re moving the Arc of the Covenant Gate to. All right, so the Arc of the Covenant is here in Giza. It still is there but it‘s beginning to actually lift, it‘s like its Shield is separating from the grids at Giza. When we activate the Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba tonight, the large one, after we do our own, it will create the swing effect. It will actually, the Beloveds are going to trigger activation of the Planetary E-Umbi which is up there because it‘s upside-down, and they are going to interface with the site. This will start drawing the Shield. It‘s actually splitting the Merkaba that we made in Skellig Michael. It will split that and bring part of it down here, and that will spin, and that spinning will progressively draw the Arc because it is like a big tube of energy; it will draw it into alignment there. And the Merkabas will stay here and here, and the one in Dublin will stay, and these grids will close down actually. But this, the Shield of Soloman, this is the first step actually be able to fully open the whole set. This is why I know even I really don‘t want to do planes, they really want us to go to Maui. That‘s some place… where are we…over here somewhere, yeah, right in here it used to be in Lemuria, that area. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 175 of 200
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So there‘s another something over here that they want to do where they split the Arc site, where there is another quantum coming down, almost like making pillars of the Arcs so it will stabilize the grids. But then we will be able to keep at least this portion of the grids stable comparatively. ‗Stable‘ is a relative word, compared to what? If these Rods do start rolling, they can shift a little bit back and forth, and up and down, but what‘s dangerous is when they start to, when they turn them on in core, they actually roll, right, and spiral and they can make vortices, and they can move them faster and faster. And if you bring them up to the 55Metatronic thing, they will simply shatter the tectonics on the planet, and that‘s the first stage in getting it into space dust. So it‘s pretty nasty End Times scenario for those who created it. They don‘t think so; that was just all the same to them. It‘s like kids playing with Legos and they get done with it and they just kind of go like that: wipe it off the table under the floor; they don‘t care. And that is a disease of mind; that is like too far gone. You really can‘t reach beings that are in that state. They don‘t want to be reached either; they think it‘s perfectly fine to do what they‘re doing. So, fortunately, the Kryst sends people like us. Yes, next time I raise my hand, kick me, but (chuckles) just gently: ―Sure you want to do that?‖ Oh, if I had known, if I had known, in 2000 if I had known what ―If you release the books you can‘t turn back,‖ what that meant, I probably wouldn‘t have released the books. I would have been terrified, but I‘m not anymore so we‘re here. So, this, we have done well with activating the Skellig Michael site. We‘ve built a lovely Merkaba that is spinning there and waiting for its next level Activation. We‘re going to do one tonight here, and we don‘t have to do because we did the Elemental Command Stand there and like the large, heavy stuff, it‘s really just popping one here. So it‘s a quick activation the Beloveds are going to bring in. There is something else they are going to do before that though. It has to do—I don‘t know if it‘s before it or with it like on the way in to our fields, it will then go into the larger one; I think they will let me know. But what they are going to do something fascinating with our biology where we‘ve been trying since Sliders-5: we need to make the angular rotation of particle spin 15 degree shift where our atoms should be to get them unglued from our Light Bodies so we‘re not stuck here anymore. Well, that‘s going to take a while because we have a lot of atoms that are stuck to the Light Body. They are going to help us out. They are actually going to activate the Ah-VE‘-yas Body and as if they are going to give it the quantum boost as if it already had its Mana Body there and went into its natural fold because after it goes into its natural fold, it rotates over here to pick up the Light Body quantum. So we are going to get our Orb, and it will hang around us, and like is our own personal Orb. But that will actually create a buffer field and a healing field to expedite the process of the atomic structure being able to shift back into that 15 degree shift because that 15 degree shift this way, an angular rotation of particle spin is needed to go to Median Earth and also the Higher Earth planes, so that‘s what we are working on is to get there.
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Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
So this is really good. It‘s not . . . I was thinking like ―Oh no, another,‖ some of the work that over the years I‘ve been given, I mean ―How many pages of techniques?‖ Like Virginia Beach that one year was amazing, just like I think there was only 6 but it felt like 600, there is so just so many steps to the techniques. This one, they said they are going to run it live, which is good. That saves a lot of time as far as I wouldn‘t have made it down here if I had to try to typeset it. But it also means it‘s not hard to use that technique when you go home. There‘s so many things that take a lot of time to do. Once we get this activation tonight with get our Orb back, that‘s where they put in the title of the workshop: they put in ‗The Sphere of Destiny‘ right because we are getting our sphere back, our Orb back, and usually we would have to get our particles over there first, and then go through the natural transfiguration process and build enough quantum, and then they would naturally shift back over here into the Light Body structure, and then go in with the Light Body structure and full into Ascension. But they are actually going to expedite that process, and that means they are going to give us a host quantum of energy that because we don‘t have the energy that is stuck here, is making us so that part can‘t reach its own Orb state. It can‘t reach enough frequency so it‘s giving it a Host line from the Elemental Kingdom up in Higher Earth, so it‘s literally just an elemental flow of current. And the only thing we have to do once this is done, and because they did say the Density-1 Transharmonic Merkaba would stay; that activation would hold once 2 is done but there would be something we had to do to maintain 2 and I was thinking ―Oh God! How many steps, how many days a week does it take you know that?‖ It‘s really simple: once they do this configuration with the Orbs, it‘s literally just breathing it up and down to Earth Core for 15 minutes twice a week after projecting into 1 of the 3 sites. The 3 sites are going to be like healing chambers where we can literally go in there, and it will be an environment that has the open flows of the Higher Earth frequencies, so they are literally asking us to go. That will maintain the activation levels where you don‘t have to do heavy duty hard stuff in order to maintain it. You don‘t have to sit in a corner and like do all the breathing and remember which is going which direction and all that kind of thing. You know, you‘re the ones…you knew it once…that‘s you did it once, good, or twice, all right. But it‘s really hard if you have to memorize all of that stuff: what steps, what turns which way, what color was that current and that thing. So this will just make it very quick and easy. So they are going to teach us a little bit. I‘m not sure what order they are going to move these techniques in tonight but I think they are going to do what they often do, where they‘ll do the personal one and then move it right into the grid work one. And part of the personal one has to do with just talking a little bit about encryption and learning to project using encryption like a photograph, right, where you can literally use the encryption of that because it has more than you can hold in your mind—an idea of a place and that‘s good. But you can also take a picture of it and that amplifies the ability to zero in on where you are going so it makes it clearer, and when you get more clear, if you can clearly project into these spaces to where you can start feeling bodily the sensations your body would feel there, right, that means you are making the atomic connection. And that means if you are breathing The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 177 of 200
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Stardust there and the healing energies, that means it‘s affecting your atomic structure here too. So the stronger you can make those connections, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, put yourself in it seriously when you go there, and it‘s worth spending some time just like really trying to get into the space, ok, I‘ve projected over. ―What temperature is it? Are there any ants crawling around me as I am sitting on the ground?‖ Like try to really put your consciousness there and not to be distracted by where you are in physical, and the more you do that, that‘s the beginning of learning how to, once your Orb is fully available to go travelling and your atoms are too, that is how you get there. You have to be able to hold a clear encryption of your intended destination, so they are going to I think throw a bit of that in on this as we move into it. Next one, please.
[0:22:34] (Graph) What‘s that? Oh, yeah, this is just showing and this will be in your chart packs too, some areas that are a bit vulnerable on the planet, yeah, so ok, so they are in your chart packs. They are just the points of the Caduceus; we call it the Caduceus Rod, the East and the West Rod. These are areas they have been kind of pounding at the East Rod I believe, and that‘s the one that‘s over in like, not right in, but like near Sumatra and stuff. And it‘s what‘s happening with that Rod that is creating the earthquakes, and that‘s just the first. I mean so far it‘s not been horribly, horribly bad, but these things if they hit these points, there is a connection list that I believe down the bottom that shows where it comes through because they can say activate a site with a burst of scalar pulse. Can we see down the bottom honey, please? But the place, it might, depending on how the grids are, how stable or not they are, they might not see an effect in where it came through; it might come out directly on the opposite side. So you start tracing longitudes and latitudes and saying, ―Ok, if there is something they did here, it might actually show over here.‖ So these are some of the sites. They‘re a bit vulnerable at this time and they just wanted us to be aware of them so it‘s in the chart pack. Next one, please.
[0:24:06] (Graph) I‘m not going to cover every one of them. You can read them on your own. Here we go, nice, clear stuff, those. That goes with those points so it‘s not scratchy little handwriting like mine. But it doesn‘t show the line-up ones yet on that; we didn‘t get that far with the typesetting. But the line-up ones are on kind of like messy handwriting down at the bottom of the chart itself. So, there‘ll be more as we go along as far as learning about sites and ―Where are you?‖ We already know where some of the sites are. California is seriously sitting on some heavy duty The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 178 of 200
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grid lines there, yeah, yeah. So, but they haven‘t said, ―Give warning to your folks in California and tell them they might want to move,‖ they haven‘t said that. So we just keep going on, and well, we live in Florida on a well kind of, it looks like a grasscovered patty with some island in the water (chuckle). And our garage we are not allowed to like live in our garage because it‘s not above flood plain. So California, Florida, wherever, with things like that are happening with these now, there is no place to run on the planet. There may be a chance if we have to ok, move out of harm‘s way, to the degree that you can, but this is major stuff. But hopefully, it will go really well and we‘ll be able to maintain stability of the grids until the Load-Out is over. The thing that concerns the Beloveds more at this point than the grids, is the political craziness that‘s going to go on here because the last thing these grids need are atom bombs being dropped on them, right. They don‘t need the tests they‘re doing on them either, right. So they are more concerned about what humans will end up doing in this situation. When the Illuminati didn‘t get their way, right, and it didn‘t roll, and it‘s still not rolling and why isn‘t it rolling, aye, they did do something, didn‘t they, right? Because I guess they don‘t believe the Guardians are going to intervene. They told them they would. But they can‘t stop it, but they can at least prolong it. So it‘s going to get strange; it‘s already strange if you haven‘t noticed. Do you really think that there is any peaceful solution for the people, all of the people who live on this planet? There is so much hatred among groups that… I mean as individuals there are sweet people in every group. But there are just so many, there are these mobsters that quietly or not so quietly lead the groups, using religion, or using this platform or that platform, and it is really going to be sad because there‘s still forces trying to build the Holy War in all of that kind of stuff: the Christians against Muslims, that whole thing. And of course there are the Jewish people in there too where the Muslims want to get rid of them and the Christians are protecting them; it‘s just crazy; they‘re still planning the drama. So even if we do really well in 2012, it‘s like well we still have that stuff to deal with, and I don‘t know. I think the best thing to do is to try to stay out of it as much as you can but help where you can, that kind of thing. Anyway, next one, please.
[0:27:36] (Graph) Oh, that‘s just a close-up of the mess that somewhere in there is Earth, right. This is the geomagnetic field of Earth, the big one that‘s around it, but it‘s actually a big swirly-looking encryption field but the basic structures, the polarity lines that follow that. These are the vortices, the nasty vortices that are formed just from the wobbles themselves, from the 23.50 wobble that creates the equinox cycles to the 11-wobble. And there is another one: there‘s 2 or 3 inside of that actually, and they are all based on this: this is the Fib-of-NoChi Spiral and that actually creates like a Tube Torus generator inside where it recycles and regurgitates energy; that‘s how it spins and it sucks energy through its Rods and through its bottom and top in order to fuel itself because it can‘t spark to generate some quantum. So I just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 179 of 200
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thought kind of lead up from the maps and the Rods from the Solar System to the maps to the yeah, there‘s Earth—and there‘s what we are talking about. Next one, please.
[0:28:46] (Graph) Back to friendlier things…this is our Ah‘-yas Body, and this is the one that runs with the Allurean Chambers, right so this would be Allurean Chamber 12, and then over here 15 degrees you‘d have Fire Chamber 12. Fire Chamber 12 is where the Light Body structures would be, and this is where the 15 degrees over this way is where the Ah‘-yas Body would be and also the Mana Body which forms in between here and here; it‘s where our atoms are supposed to be. So literally the materialized part of ourselves, our atoms, we should seeing the reality field that is 15 degrees different from the one we are at because we‘ve been squashed over and our atoms unnaturally electromagnetically bonded to the atoms of the Light Body field which is not supposed to occur. Next one, please. So this is just showing the structure. These are Phase Cells that phase and spark when they‘re alive.
[0:29:48] (Graph) That‘s just showing it within the Krystar Vehicle so they all fit in together, the embedded Krystar Vehicles. So we have these natural—when we‘re over where we‘re supposed to be, we have this natural structure of the Ah‘-yas Body which has the Ah-VE‘-yas and the 2 Ah-VA‘-yas. And the 2 AhVA‘-yas phase and they spark, and it is through that process of phasing and sparking that enough quantum builds and here that triggers an opening here and there‘s a whole set of steps that go with—then they are in I think they are in the what-you-call-it Silders-5 manual. But it allows for this, the Mana Body and the Atomic Body to progressively transfigure. It pulled up into the center point and at that point shift over 15 0 to pick up the quantum of its corresponding Light Body level and that is how you go into Orb. Once you pull your quantum into that space, then you use the power of thought to move where you like to and that is what Ascension is. That‘s what full Ascension is—when you can transfigure all of your atomic structure in order to pull it into an encryption pattern within—these 3 basically come together and form a bright star-like effect. It has the points because all the Allurean Chambers and Fire Chambers light up in it so it looks like a 24-point star at certain points; unless of course you‘re playing with 48-point lotuses, then it would look like a 48-point star. So when these just naturally phase: those 2 come together and they spark in the center, and then when the spark goes up and creates storage joule energy up here and when there is enough quantum of joules stored, that creates a Backflow. It opens that point and that backflows to the Spirit Body, and then the Spirit Body gives a Backflow Return, so it creates a circulation and at certain points. Normally we will do this and just having an atomic structure, it would occasionally flash off as it went into Orb just to go regenerate because it goes into Orb, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 180 of 200
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pulls in, pulls in the Light Body and then pops off completely into Spirit and then comes back out again. So it is a natural process of rejuvenation of the atomic structure of a matter form; that‘s why they are eternal-life matter forms that have these. They start out of what they call Aah-JhA‘ Bodies, which is the side that is over here, and after this transfigures to a certain level and then makes its shift over to blend with the Light Body structures, it is then called the Jha-DA‘ Body. So we are going to be receiving the activation of our personal Jha-DA‘ Body levels where usually we would have to have our atoms over where they‘re supposed to be in the first place, in order for the natural phasing and circulation to take place that will eventually allow us to dematerialize up into here and shift that Orb over into with the Light Body so then we could finish the Ascension. What they are going to be doing is actually giving us an influx of Elemental Currents that are opening because we have opened the 1 doorway. It‘s not opened into Density-2 yet, but they going to do this tonight. They are going to do this 6th Dimensional level Activation of it, and that will allow for the Density-2 overflow to come in. And with that it will allow us to have enough quantum just by breathing it; it‘s like healthier air than here. If you breathe down here you end up with Metatronic signature on what you are inhaling. It‘s giving you a counter-balance to that where you can still be here and live here and breathe that, but you can also energy-breathe this, and it‘s coming from Higher Earth planes first and then Median Earth; they‘ll probably blend it. They haven‘t said which but I know we have to go through the Higher Earth levels first before we can get to Median, before we can get to AshaLA, before we can get to the ones higher. So, it‘s a bit of a process, isn‘t it? I suppose it could be worse. So anyway, next one, please.
[0:33:41] (Graph) That‘s what we look like now. Yeah, our atoms are supposed to be aligned on this axis but it actually took our 2 Ah-VA‘-yas, the Ah-VA‘-yas, the ones on the bottom that are supposed to phase and spark, and rammed them together and twisted them. And they are harnessed by the Encryption Lattices, the Metatronic Encryption Lattices, the false Christ consciousness grid, urgh, that is hanging as a skin on the Meajhe Fields of our Radial Body levels; that is what is locking it in. So literally what they are going to do on this axis, on the natural axis they are going to accelerate this. They are going to give us the option to breathe in the frequencies from this massive Merkaba that we have created there, this Transharmonic Doorway. And increase our frequency by doing that to the point where we would get the natural Spark Point here that we don‘t have a body there right now to pull up into it because that body is stuck over here. But if we can get this part of our anatomy to behave as if it had already gone through that and now it‘s time to shift, it will shift over into alignment with where we are now. It will stay there and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 181 of 200
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progressively transmute and heal the atomic structure here and it will give us protection as well so our Orb will hang around with us here until the atoms are able to leave the bond of the Light Body. And it‘s the beginning, well the next stage in learning how to orb and seriously being able to take your atoms with you. It will also increase, they said it will increase the projection abilities a lot too where you will get more—it will progressively if you use them, if you use the projections or journeys, you will progressively know them as more and more real as far as experience, experientially. But by doing this, by bringing in, by allowing that natural Sphere of Destiny, or Destiny or Ascension Sphere, to actually activate around us—it can‘t fully activate yet because it will blow our atoms apart because they can‘t fully hold that frequency in the state that they‘re in of the twisted bond. But it can gently accelerate their returning back to their normal state and building the Mana Body back in the natural structure. And when that happens, then we‘ll be able to do 2 things: since we are already part-orbed already, we already got that level of activation done, we would be able to fully orb and then shift back 15 degrees if we wanted to and de-orb, and find out what it looks like 15 degrees different angular rotation of particle spin over on Higher Earth and see how, see what that‘s like. I mean it still is a potential. It‘s going to be a potential for a small amount of people after 2012, but fortunately the people who do bother to work with this work, they will be able to still have that potential. We‘re all still going: ―Well, will any of us get to take the bodies out?‖ I don‘t know; hope so, I mean we‘re still trying. If not, it‘s like well at least…well if you tried, that‘s good. If it doesn‘t work to get the bodies out, what do you lose? You‘re going to die anyway, right? I mean the bodies die here. If it comes to the point where the physical body can‘t come out, what you do, what you want to be able to do is to Bhardoah well and know where you‘re going when you leave; leave with as little pain as possible and clean up after yourself so you don‘t get any part of yourself stuck here, and simply go that way. So we‘re hoping that the atoms hold up. I feel like my atoms have got very, very old in the last 10 years, right. I‘m really hoping they start feeling a lot younger. But anyway, this will be the next phase in once this occurs, once they—let‘s try another diagram because I have this series of them that show the little star effect. Next one, forward please.
[0:37:47] (Graph) A‘san: Forwards? I really think we are going backwards. A‘sha: (Sighs) Yeah, ok. A‘san: Oh, here we are. A‘sha: Umm, I just want to point out that the/this Orb that is part of our natural Orb-y structure and that‘s what I‘m going into it‘s like the Orb-y structure, called the ‗Orb-y structure‘ for short. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 182 of 200
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But it will occur on each of the dimensional levels for the entire Density-1 Body but also for the 2 levels up to D5 of the Density-2 Body. And that means you will have like a multiple Orb, like multiple Orbs within Orbs, and at some point they will turn into one big Orb. And that‘s when you would literally, you could fully ascend and disappear and go elsewhere and not have to return. But in the meantime it will keep this protection field that will progressively not burn off but transmute and turn back around the Metatronic frequencies that will be coming in through the planetary grids. So it will literally accelerate those being turned back around into Krystic frequencies. And the parts of them that are not Krystic, that don‘t belong in your field will be separated from the parts that are your natural energy that was getting hijacked. So these, we will have them on each of the levels where the false Christ consciousness grid comes in. This Orb-of-light effect will be it‘s like a star; actually it has points all over; it‘s quite lovely, and it‘s shimmering when you see them. They are like shimmering Orbs of light, actually. But anyway, they will come in and surround this so they actually create like a buffer between the Metatronic mess that‘s on our fields right now, on our Meajhe fields and in our Encryption Lattice, and it will start transmuting that mess into the natural organic encryption. And the first encryption set will be that of Higher Earth, and from there it would be the Median Earth and that kind of stuff. So it will also, when this thing occurs, we don‘t have to play with spinning the top Merkaba, spinning the bottom Merkaba a bit this way. We don‘t have to do the words tonight for this one because when they do whatever this Activation is, it‘s going to be one of those like if you want to receive the frequency, it‘s going to be done like when they do some of the journeys where they will say, ―There‘s an Activation coming. You know you‘re welcome to accept it but you don‘t have to. You can take it later if you‘re not too sure,‖ that kind of thing; it will be one of those. But once that Orb is created and there will be a little journey at some breathing with it I think, but you won‘t have to activate the Density-2 level the hard way; it will pop it into activation; it will naturally take it, take the Merkaba into the Density-2 spin-speeds which are I believe 303 13 or is it 2 3 ? I keep forgetting, I think they switch. That‘s why it confuses me. Anyway, it‘s on one of the other charts. So 303 and then 101, and it turns out to be like 405 when they do their Snap Point when they come together, so it‘s quite fast compared to what we were doing before. It will also expand the Shield out from the 64 feet to 128 feet so it‘s the next increment of times-2 expansion; it takes the 64 and doubles it and expands it out, which will increase the speed of the Krystal Spiral, bringing in the frequencies in. So it‘s kind of like the Beloveds might just ―Here, here, do this, just, just,‖ they are trying to get us out and I know that, and I keep sensing that, but not ―Run away, or pull the Shield because it‘s going bad.‖ They know that this is not going to be easy moving through the period of time. They want to make sure that we‘re Orb-able, and we don‘t get caught up in the frequencies that would take us down where we don‘t have that Ascension ability anymore. You know it‘s funny they said something to me today, and that‘s great; I‘m just like everybody else where I don‘t remember most of myself either, like incarnationally or anything, and they said, ―Do you know why we chose you for this job?‖ And I said, ―No.‖ Actually, I know I must The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 183 of 200
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have raised my hand with a bunch of other people but they said, ―No, because you haven‘t lost a team yet,‖ and I don‘t remember, but that surprised me. I was like ―Cool,‖ and I could feel it was true. Oh, right, it was like ―Yeah, right, no I haven‘t, have I? Ok, cool!‖ So, (participants applaud) thank whatever part of me was still good at that, so hopefully it still is. Yeah, I remember there were times when it was like this is still peaceful compared to what some of the other times were when we were in Gate wars. I mean we don‘t have spaceships fly through the sky mow us down with laser beams by the thousands which we did in the Electric Wars, yeah, that was something, mm. There‘s been some big something‘s that this is easy so far by comparison. We just have to stay up at bizarre hours and breathe funny, and look at way too many diagrams! Anyway, so it will again create the Orb-star effect in the fields of each of those levels, and there is only one level of it that they want us to use: to maintain the level all we need to do is to breathe it. If we‘re aware that the one that is around us here, the D3 Reion Field that goes with the D4 Meajhe Field, this one, just when you inhale, all right go up, and when you exhale, make it go down, that‘s it. (A‘sha does 2 deliberate inhale-exhale sets followed by 3 rapid inhaleexhale sets—participants chuckle.) And I‘m sure you can do it to drum beats if you wanted to, too. There‘s probably… But anyway to keep it maintained once they activate this, once they release the frequencies for its Activation and whatever breathing they are going to give me the little steps I‘m going to take a break to write them down. They told me to bring a note book. I know what that means. That means really quick hieroglyphics outside, right. But it comes down to once the Activation occurs, to keep that whole thing going, all it requires is 2 times a week, spend 15 minutes projecting into 1 of the active sites. They haven‘t…They‘re calling them Transharmonic Merkaba Sites. There is another word for them but I don‘t know why they are not releasing it yet. So eventually, maybe there is another layer to them, and then you go ―Ah-ha, that‘s why that word fits,‖ I don‘t know. But I have a feeling it is coming out in the Sarasota workshop. But just projecting to there so you can breathe the Stardust Flow and breathe the frequencies in from Higher Earth so you can get a bit of balance instead of just having this atmosphere assaulting you all the time. You‘ll have a space you can breathe directly; it‘s like a healing chamber. And it‘s again it will come naturally with like one of the projections we had: what do they call it? The Lone Harmonic Key where we can all go in there but not see each other because we each have a specific harmonic. And because we created this one especially, we each have our own little special version of it, which means ‗private room‘ kind of thing. Yeah, and there‘s more to this, yeah. I just saw a big sphere actually expanding in it and there is something more; you are going to tell us more about that aren‘t you later, yeah? They are just showing me things as usual. They usually show me in pictures or video and then it‘s kind of like I have to translate the words off of what I‘ve seen or it‘s just direct cognition and they have to slow it down and try to get the words as they come. It‘s a bit interesting but there‘s a big sphere that opens up inside of this, and it has tunnels that go many places—I think that‘s for later. Anyway, or it‘s for the—it might have something to do The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 184 of 200
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with the technique I don‘t know yet because they didn‘t tell me yet with the run that‘s going to be on it. But I just wanted to show you the levels of where it‘s going to be. Next one, please. We‘re almost there.
[0:46:10] (Graph) Yeah, this is just showing the phasing set. These 2 would phase together and spark. They send quantum up there. It would open. The quantum would be back-flowed to the Spirit Body all the way across the vector and then that would send back Backflow Return to you and then that would make these phase some more until you built up quantum. And then, once you built up quantum, you would start to go through the Transfiguration. Next one, please.
[0:46:36] (Graph) This is like on the inhale where the 2 come together and they spark, and various whole bunch of stuff happens that I‘m not going to read tonight. It‘s in the Sliders-5 workshop. That was hard enough when I wasn‘t totally exhausted to bring it through. But in simple terms you progressively as you‘re building quantum up around here, up around that point in your Ah-VA‘-yas Body, the Ah-VA‘-yas part comes together, and at a certain point of quantum-building, all of this pulls up again as you‘re progressively de-materializing yourself right, and pulling yourself into core state matter. Right, next one, please.
[0:47:18] (Graph) See, the capsule got shorter; it was here. Now, all of the circular fields, the bodies that were around you, have now all come into one place right, but you‘ve still got your body, your manifest materialized body. And but you got a lot of joule quantum at the core at the AzurA level of your body. And that quantum allows the transfiguration of your atomic structure to occur, and it‘s only transfiguration temporarily; you can come back out but you will be in eternal atom form at that point where it would take the atoms that are finite-life atoms and they would transfigure and get their full expression as eternal-life atoms back. And that‘s what a lot of the Orbs are that you‘re getting photos and stuff…There are people that know how to do that. They know how to just… well they think it, and they pull themselves into Orb and go visit where they want to, and then de-orb if they want to. And that is what our evolutionary destiny was always about as Angelic Humans and a lot of other races too. And we aren‘t a fall race yet, and we are still coming to workshops and still learning how to do this stuff again. So it‘s a heritage that what it comes down to is being able to do this process with your Atomic Body, not just with your mind, not just projecting but taking the whole thing with you. And that‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 185 of 200
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what in the bible Jesus was talking about. I mean in transit he was not crucified; he did this to get out, and that‘s what he taught people. So anyway, we‘re pulling up into Orb. Next one, please.
[0:48:51] (Graph) And we still notice on the—that‘s all right, that‘s all right; it‘s here too—we‘re still on the what should be the atomic axis, right, with our Light Body axis over there, right. Now, we‘re pulled up more up. Now, we disappeared, right, the physical body has disappeared. Now, it‘s fully pulled into the center of the Orb structure. Remember that Orb structure started out if you had the 2 what are called the Ah-VA‘-yas units down here and the 1 Vibrational Body, the Ah-VE‘-yas unit up there, right. It‘s when they all pull together and combine quantum and take the atomic quantum with them up into core state. And from this place you can start going in between the domains of matter. You can go into the Aurora Continuum…from instead…you can leave like the Outer Domains and move into the space between the Outer and the Middle Domains. So it‘s where the usual laws of electromagnetic structure for dimensional structure, you‘re able to move past those into a broader framework into the Aurora Continuum. So orbing is like (chuckles) it‘s kind of like the ‗Mercedes of Light Body structure‘, whatever; that‘s an old car but I‘m an old chick (chuckles with participants). Next one, please.
[0:50:07] (Graph) So once you‘ve got this far, once you‘re up this far and you‘re in that state, you still have to pick up the Light Body, and that‘s when as an Orb you‘d shift over into alignment with the Light Body; you‘d shift 15 degrees. Because this is your body here, right, you would shift your angular rotation of particle spin as an Orb; it‘s much easier to do as an Orb, right because it all kind of goes eee…. You don‘t have like part of it going and you‘re slowly disappearing like ―There goes my leg!‖ yeah, I‘m joking on that one. So anyway, so you‘re still really in the same place; you‘re just shifting the axis of the rotation of your atoms and your Orb body structure. Once the body shifts into alignment with the Light Body axis, once this shifts over into that axis, then it goes from being what was called the AahJhA‘ Body over here to the Jha-DA‘ Body over there which is a projection vehicle; I mean it is an Ascension Vehicle, the Jha-DA‘ Body. And it‘s really funny, I learned about the Jha-DA‘ Bodies from one of our cats who transitioned, and she taught me about it. She actually pulled herself out of the body and I saw this ghost body, and she wasn‘t even dead yet; she was lying, she was dying and we knew she was dying. But she kind of pulled herself out and just looked at me and I saw her, like I could see her with my—she just projected really strong; she was always good at projecting. She‘d like talk to you and like pop up in your face even if you were hundred miles away, so she was really good at projecting. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 186 of 200
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But she said, ―I want to show you something,‖ and she pulled out her feet, like her bottom feet were the last to go. She kind of pulled them out, and kind of shook them off like ―Urgh!‖, right, and she wasn‘t dead yet though. There was still part of her in there right, and she was kind of looking at me too; oh boy, this is weird, right? And she telepathed to me and she gave me part of the wording actually: ―So this is called the Jha-DA‘‘,‖ and started to explain things to me, and then she went off. Within a couple of weeks after she had died, the Beloveds came in and said, ―Now it‘s time to learn about what you saw, right, and what she did.‖ And it‘s something that you don‘t have to be doing a death transition to use; she had to because her physical body couldn‘t last any more, and she used it to get herself out and to safety it so she didn‘t get trapped in the physical atoms when they were transitioning. But ideally the Jha-DA‘ body is for Orb transit, for Ascension transit wherever you go because once you can ascend, you don‘t just like go up and float around with God forever. You can do that if you want to. But eternity is a long time you know, so everybody usually decides to go do something, all right. You can even pretend like you don‘t exist for a while, right because you just get tired. Existing is like…from here and I‘m like and believe me…Put me in sensory deprivation. Gentle, nice warm water, please, chamber where I can just pretend I‘m not here, right, pretend I‘m nowhere, just for relaxation purposes, right, then come back and have… Anyway, the Jha-DA‘ Body structure forms from the Light Body and the Aah-JhA‘ Body coming together and forming literally the Orb, and we are seeing a portion of this in the D4 level. It requires, to do this actually takes 6 dimensions‘ worth of energy, so you use D1, D2, D3, the Density level that connects into the Transharmonic levels of the Aurora Continuum, and then D4 and D5, all right, so it actually is a 5 th dimensional consciousness vehicle and when you go into full Jha-DA‘. And the Jha-DA‘ structure requires 6 dimensions. You don‘t have to go up D1, 2, 3, then 4, 5, 6; you can have that 1 Density level one in there so you can go to 5th dimensional consciousness but it does require a certain level of consciousness and thus DNA activation and all of those kind of things to fully be able to do that. But this is what every genuine Ascended Master had to learn somewhere along the line. That‘s how they can bop in and stuff because some of the ones who pop in and visit are actually decent; they are not all fallen. There‘s a lot of ones that are fallen that are pretending they are ascended but they are actually descended masters. But there are some that are good natured and actually do use Orb. Usually the ones who are working Guardian teams do not like the word ‗master‘. They don‘t like the hierarchical insinuations so they usually refer to themselves as ‗adepts‘ because they have become adept at doing the particular function, so they prefer it that way. They shy away from the word ‗masters‘; they think it is kind of arrogant. So they kind of go ―Umm, ok, whatever.‖ So they are training us to be adepts, Adashi Adepts. ‗Adashi‘ means ‗that cycle that‘s return, returning home‘. So, next one, please. And this is what we are going to get activated tonight, and that is going to pop the Density-2 level of the Merkaba. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 187 of 200
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Once…this gets even more complicated. Once we make the swing-over where all right we got that at 15 degrees and it swings over to be with us, that energy comes and hangs with us, we can‘t fully go into the next level. If we could, if our atoms are ready to fully go, we would actually start pulling the Light Body up too, and up even higher. And there‘s specific alignments of what pulls up to where and specific alignments of what level of the Atomic Body combines with what level of the Light Body because the—it actually is your Atomic Body. If you‘re a D1 Atomic Body, it actually combines with the D2, the D2 Atomic combines with the D3; it‘s actually an offset and so it‘s interesting. It forms the in-between type of matter that allows you to go in. So it gets a bit complicated when you try to do diagrams especially with that color and computers. But you progressively pull the Orb levels up, the dimensional levels of the Orbs until they all pull up into the center and that‘s when you‘d be off and flying and you‘ll be able to go into Density-1 framework, and you‘ll be able to go into Density-2 framework, and you could also go within any of the frameworks that are connected within the Aurora Continuum. Eventually we would be able to go into the Hubs with this. We‘ve talked about the Hubs before that are like going into the cores. We would be able to use that structure for that. So, next one, please. And of course it activates the Krystar Vehicle at a much larger level.
[0:56:54] (Graph) Yeah, that‘s just more of showing our little hairy guy, see it? This little, each one of those little poompy-up things, comes from the sparks at the end of Fire Chambers, all right. And eventually we‘d have Fire Chambers and Allurean Chambers. And if we‘re doing a 48-activation level, which I have a feeling we must be because they have been having us play with 48-petalled lotuses, that it would activate those as well. Probably a set of 24 for here and a set of 24 for Higher Earth and Median Earth I wouldn‘t doubt as far as the coding goes. But you‘ve got to start somewhere so we are starting with the 12 and 24 sets. So once we get this, we simplify it and get it off all the bodies; there are levels of integrated bodies that we have in our Light Body structure. Next one, please.
[0:57:42] (Graph) Make it simple. The only one we have to be concerned about is, because we‘ll have them on each of these levels, right, little spikey Flame Bodies; there are different level of Flame Body. But this one, right which actually would be this one we could use; well they said you could use either one of them. They said you could do it—ok, I‘m getting this; they are giving me this now too. They said this one you could do and the breathing just up and then down, and then up and then down, and then put it back and then try to move the big one, the bigger one, right where you breathe it. Now right now it‘s at your feet, right? You try to bring that up to your AzurA which would bring the top up to there, right? And then (inhale) down, all the way down.
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So you just start with them. It actually will open all of the flows that go with those natural structures instead of just trying to do the figure-8 breathing that some people use the Merkaba activation that kind of stuff. We can do parts of that too using the Core Flows. But this will begin the activation of all the Core Flows and stuff just by simply moving the structure so it‘s moving your Orb Body. And when you are not moving it, it will just hang out around you. You‘ll have one like will hit you right about here, like round by the knees and go up around, and then you have one that is bigger that goes from under your feet, and then you have a much, much bigger one around you. And this one we call it, this one will expand out I believe to 128 feet around once the Shield expands to 128 feet, so this one will follow that I believe, yeah, yeah ok. So this is the beginning of Level 2 Activation. Before I do it because I have to run the live wave, I‘m going to take about a 15-minute break. I have to scribble down the immediate directions because they give me like ―up there, turn there, look at this, use that color,‖ right, they‘re really quick directions, so they are going to give me those, and we can come back in and let‘s see what else I have there. I don‘t think any of that I really need to—I‘ll touch-base with some of—a little bit more of that when I come back just to right take over right before we go into the work, yeah, so I‘ll leave that there. Yeah, all righty, so about 15, 15-20 minutes and then come back for orbing.
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Technique 4: Initiating the Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba – Introduction [Audio Track 13] A‘sha Hello again, still here. Thank you. Fortunately, the Beloveds are being merciful on me especially, and hopefully you too. All right, they‘ve broken it into Technique 4, 5 and 6, which is incorporated in the grid work. Because the grid work we‘re going to do at the end, which is…it‘s all quite concise and not too hard and won‘t take too long, but the grid work is being considered a technique. Which they usually don‘t, because you can go back and do the same process yourself to get yourself into the space that we‘re going to go into for this grid work. So once you know, when you go home, you can play with going back there as the means to get into the Transharmonic Merkaba space, which they still haven‘t given me the word for. I know there is a word for what these things are called. And they‘re not ―accelerator seats‖, they‘re different. But anyway, we‘re going to go into the one down in Skellig Michael in the grid work. And that, accessing it in that way is something you can do personally you know, whenever you feel like you want to charge, you know, charge the Orb because you‘ll have your Orb by then. So the first one is Technique 4 and they called it, Initiating the Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba. And this, it‘s a simple activation you know. It begins the activation of it. Then we‘ll go right into Technique 5 from there. This one…let me see what this one does. This one, in Technique 5, is where they will give the activation over to your right that will bring your quantum over there into Orb State. And then there will be a process of breathing it back over, so it comes to that 15-degree shift and anchors in your Encryption Lattice and in your biology. And let‘s see…I‘m just looking at my steps here. There‘s just a little bit of breathing there. Then once we get the Orb over, then they‘re going to have us do 6 up and down, those up and down breaths, and they‘re the ―charging breaths‖. They‘re the ones you would use you know, at home, just to charge it in general. And especially if you go, you know, you do Projection into one of the Transharmonic Merkabas to breathe the Stardust, that would be the process you use of, you know, Inhaling the Orb up, the one that‘s like closest around you. Inhale it up and then bring it down. Inhale it up and then bring it all the way down. Then up and bring it all the way down. And then just bring it back into its resting position. And we‘re basically just going to do 6 breaths of those and one is for each, like one would be the little one, the little D-1 Etheric one. So that would be just a little guy moving up and down…little Orb. And the next one would be the D-2 one, which is bigger, and you know you would feel it this way. You don‘t have to worry about the sizes or whatever they know what size they are. So you just think, you know, ―D-1‖. You know, Inhale, you know the Orb‘s coming up. Exhale, you know it‘s going down to Earth‘s Core. Inhale it back up…just remember at the end of an Inhale / Exhale, just bring it back up into place right, so it‘s not left down in Earth Core and separated. And there will be one for D-1, D-2, D-3, for the Density Level one, and D-4 and D-5. So we‘ll do, you know, that‘s 6 breaths all together to bring the Orb Factor into play. Then they will be in our fields. And at that point it begins the spin speeds. Once those Orbs are aligned it will The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 190 of 200
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start the 303 and 2/3rds I think it is…isn‘t it? And 101 and 1/3rd, or something…yeah, it will start those spins. And then when we get through into the grid work there will be a point where there is the snap point. And that‘s when they, on their own, the Density-2 Merkaba on its own hits the 405 snap point, which is the equilibrium point where it goes like zero gravity. And then we….that simply, you know, with those activations they‘ll probably…they might be a little bit longer because they tend to, you know, when the wave runs. But it shouldn‘t take too long. And before we go into that and while I‘m still conscious (Laughs), I would apologize for being as tired as I have been in this workshop. This has been rare. I‘m always tired, but I‘m used to being tired, but this was like to the point where it‘s like, ―C‘mon body, don‘t fall over‖ you know, that kind of thing. And I like to be a bit more spunky than that, so I do apologize for being a bit weary. It‘s just physical, it‘s just physical exhaustion. It‘s nothing else. But before we get into this, because this will take probably the last like squeezing the wash cloth water out of me (Chuckles), right, it will be probably the last coherent thing I will be able to do this evening. I hope you are satisfied. I think we did hit the 15-hours in program, which is what we usually aim for. It‘s been varied in this one. We‘ve had more grid work than like, you know, mylar mania and that kind of stuff, but we‘ve had some good new information, mylar information. I was amazed when it was like ―last call‖, ―is there going to be a chart pack?‖ I said, ―With all these graphs they had me do there should be,‖ right, ―I think so.‖ So it was like, ―ok, see what we can put together‖ and it just kind of assembled itself. So at least you do have the benefit of the work that was done, that you didn‘t ―see‖, but you know, was done for that. So I hope that you were happy with that. And I hope that it‘s been a good experience for you. It‘s almost like I‘ll say my goodnights now while I‘m still functional and then we‘ll run the techniques and then I‘ll just say a little bit of night-night. So I really…I hope…to me it feels like the energy has been very strange here. The exhaustion factor is a bit new to me. I‘m used to being tired but not this exhausted. I don‘t know if it‘s just the travel or whatever has got to me, or it‘s just a particularly intense line of information. Because sometimes when the information‘s very high frequency it just fries my circuits for a while until my body gets used to that. I hope that you‘ve had a better time than I have. This has been hard for me, this one, just because it was relentless, you know. It was lovely. I was thrilled that we had nice weather because at this time of year, especially they were saying that down by Skellig Michael it was amazing that there was sun at this time of year and stuff. So it was like we were getting a little blessing shining on us that we had nice weather and those kind of things. So I just hope that…it does matter to me that the people who come to a workshop, I care that you are happy with the experience that you‘ve had and I hope that you do. I hope I haven‘t let you down by being a bit too tired this time. But the activations are worth it. (Lots of clapping) Thank you. I appreciate your support. So, I won‘t waste the last of my breath just babbling The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 191 of 200
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because I can do that when I‘m really tired, just deedadeedadee. No, we‘ll go into the Technique. Take my coat off…here comes the heat. What will be nice about having the…going through this Technique…once we‘re done with it we have our Jha-DA‘ Body Orb literally with us at all times. And it will stay active as long as we do like the little bit of Stardust breathing to, you know, keep the frequencies running. So it‘s a neat space. I felt bits of that because sometimes it would, you know, mine would turn on. They must have been doing something with it and they‘d turn it on. And then it would turn off and it was like, ―where‘d it go? Whatever you did, do it again because I felt good before‖ (Chuckles). Because it would make me feel more peaceful and also, especially like the more I deal with the higher level of the line, the higher the information goes the harder it is to deal with just like regular 3D stuff, like say go grocery shopping or just being in like icky energy, where the energy‘s really low and the consciousness is really low. And I find that with this effect of the Jha-DA‘ Orb…and I‘m excited that it‘s going to be permanent like now it‘s ours, and it will stay with us until we can go with it, you know, atomically. It was like having literally a little protection bubble around me. Where it would buffer the stuff, and like the disharmonic frequencies wouldn‘t bother me so much. So I hope it has that effect for you. It‘s almost like a little tent you can go…(inhales) and just like energize it really good and make it shine really big. It can really protect…give a protection field around you. I have a feeling that that can go even further than that. That it would be something to keep in mind if there‘s ever, if you‘re ever in any danger for anything on the 3D level or whatever, try that. Don‘t forget that that‘s there and you might be surprised at what magic can happen with things like that, with direct intervention and those kind of things. So, now, we will begin the:
Technique 4: Initiating the Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba This isn‘t going to be too difficult, we‘re just going to, after we have our Krystar Vehicles activated, of course…(people activate their Krystar Vehicles). All righty, we‘re going to…if we can recall we have the, our Krystal Lotus, 48-petal Lotus that is down in our Maharic Shield like as if we‘re standing in it or sitting in it. And we‘re going to use that and bring its all, huge, big wonderful self up because I believe it‘s 68-feet wide, last time we heard, wasn‘t it? You know, diameter…64…right, yeah, 64, that‘s right. It‘s 128, yeah, ok, that it‘s going to. So, we‘re going to use the breath to lift it up into the disc area at the AzurA. Just Inhale it up and hold for a minute there. Feel a little burst from your Silver Seed, just a little kind of like, ping, going into it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 192 of 200
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And on the Exhale we‘re going to push it out to its whole 64-feet, and a little bit beyond…just a little. Then we‘re going to contract it back in really quickly, right into the Silver Seed…make it really tiny. And hold it there for a moment. Then we‘re going to Exhale it out hard and a little bit further than we did before. And one more contraction into the Silver Seed, and this time when we Exhale it out we‘re going to push it all the way out to the 128-feet diameter around us. And go. Try to sense how far that is. It‘s almost like having, like a little platoon of soldiers standing around you…the petals are standing up (Chuckles) around you. At this point, with it that large, try to feel the consciousness of it. Because it is not just a ―thing‖, it‘s a Being. All things are Beings of some sort. They‘re conscious and aware in their own way. It represents an elemental configuration from the Krystic worlds and just like crystals…I don‘t know if any of you remember being incarnated as a crystal, but I remember that stage, so it is something some people do experience. These are very beautiful crystals. They‘re Eckasha shaped crystals, the petals. And there‘s a family. And they have a lot of information. Each one of them is like a memory storage crystal that‘s keyed just to your…not just to your individual self, but to your Soul Collective, Over Soul Collective and you know, all the way up to your Rishi. So it has…it‘s like…they‘re explaining this to me. It‘s like something that will assist you in storing all of that memory because right now the bio-chemicals don‘t allow for that much memory storage in the body. But you can go and do meditations with this crystal, with the Crystal Lotus, just sitting in the middle of it you know, in your room…or you can take it and project into the Transharmonic Merkaba spaces with it and just kind of feel yourself kind of reaching forward and touching one of the crystals…and asking it to co-create with you. And asking it if it has anything that you should be aware of, or is there any memory there that would be helpful for you to have at this time. You can begin to use that exercise to directly interface with the appropriate mathematical parts of your own anatomy that are storing that memory in the body cells and things. So you can use the crystal, your relationship with the Crystal Lotus, in this way. You can also use it as just a simple guiding influence. So you can ask it questions and see if you can get answers back. And even if you can‘t hear really well yet, devise little ―yes/ no‖ things. Like wiggle your petal forward means ―yes‖ and wiggle it backwards means ―no‖, you know, and talk to one petal at a time, as if they‘re each an individual being, right. So there‘s a lot of interaction you can do with this Being, because it is a Being, and it‘s a part of you. It‘s a part of your own Being-ness in the multidimensional spectrum. But it‘s not just a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 193 of 200
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solid thing to play with. It is something that you could have a very rich relationship with on the elemental level that would help you in your process, personally.
Technique 5: Entering the Sphere of Destiny – Jha-DhA‘ Orb Activation And now that we‘ve expanded it and it has co-created that expansion with us, now we can go into the Sphere of Destiny, where we will get our Orb, our Jha-DhA‘ Orb activation. And this is…most of the work here is being done by the Beloveds. Because, they are going to actually interface through the Arc of the Covenant Shield that is beginning to activate. It doesn‘t have its Merkaba fully on it yet…we‘re going to finish that later tonight. But they‘re going to literally run through the Arc from Median Earth and Higher Earth and run like a stream of energy directly through the Arc. And skip it up to Skellig Michael and beam it over to us, and it‘s going to come in like what…like what? They just said like, ―a soft blob of greeny-purple energy over your right shoulder‖…ok. So that‘s the Mentor Space area as well, right over in this area somewhere. They said, ―but pretty greeny-purple, not mucky browny…‖ because I‘m going ―ewww, greeny-purple (Chuckles), that sounds yucky.‖ And they‘re saying, ―Not the yucky kind.‖ So, ok, ―think pale green and purple swirls.‖ Ok, that‘s better. Thank you. Ok…what they want to do with this…ok, first of all, the greeny-purple blob of energy, because it‘s not ―spherical‖ yet, it‘s kind of hanging there and moving a little bit. So it‘s kind of like ―blobby‖ shaped. It‘s very happy feeling though…it has a very pleasant frequency. And you can see little silver speckles running through it. It‘s just hanging there as an option. If you want to, because obviously the activations are Free Will Choice, there‘s no obligation to do them. If you would like it, you know, then…if you don‘t want it, let‘s put it this way, because most people will, but if you don‘t want it you just let it be there and kind of say, ―thank you, but no thank you for now‖ and it will go its way and you know, won‘t pester you…the greeny-purple blob of energy. But if you do want to participate with the activation, the next thing is they‘re saying to, ―gently Inhale, as if you‘re Inhaling through your right ear, and just bring that energy field, the greenypurple energy field, right into your head with an Inhale‖…like as if sliding it over. And then on the Exhale, gently just expand it through all of your atoms and cells. Try to feel what that feels like, because there should be a little tingle to it, just a little one. Ok, now this is just getting ready. That‘s just setting the ground field for the other activation to come. And they‘re going to let me know when it comes. They‘re doing a time thing. They‘re waiting for it to release. It‘s coming soon, so I will let you know as soon as it does, and when it does. Ok, there‘s going to be like a popping sensation that you may or may not feel over about 15degrees you know, over your right shoulder area, and that is when the activation has been received by your personal Ah-VE‘-yas Encryption Body. And it will go really fast from there. It will just, you know, move itself into Orb. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 194 of 200
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So when you feel that little pop or little vibration over in that area over your shoulder, then just really quickly, just Inhale it and hold for a moment. And then lower it gently down to the Karanadis Seal just below the breastbone. And now we‘re going to use an Inhale breath to actually bring it up to the AzurA but from behind, as if you‘re making a little U-turn in the Karanadis and bringing it up your backbone, inside, back up to the back of the AzurA. All right, and now they say to, ―Inhale breath and hold for a moment‖. And then Exhale, a 24-point breath, down all the Axiatonal and Meridian Lines. Oh, sorry, Chambers. Feel a little like, sense of almost like a liquid gel fibrillation happening in your AzurA area but toward the back of your AzurA area. See if you can sense it and kind of just gently fibrillating through your shoulders. In a minute we‘re going to pop the Orbs up big. And then we‘ll energize them with the breathing, up and down breathing. Ok, now Inhale for a moment into the back of the AzurA area, and now using the Exhale just gently expand the Orb body out. And remember it has the 6 levels to it. So just remember the levels when they‘re coming out as you expand. We‘ll take one more Inhale and quick Exhale, and expand that outer Orb all the way out to the 128 diameter of your Shield. Ok, your Orb Body is set, and now, let‘s make it glow. Ok, so this will be simply 6, Inhale up, you know, where you‘re moving the Sphere of it up and then Exhale down. And then on the next Inhale, the one you did before, in the next Inhale, the next one up, the next dimension one up, its top will go up, but it will also bring up the bottom one from before. So you don‘t have to worry about the one down, you know, that you left down there. So as the next one is going up, the one you Exhaled down there will come back up to its place. So we‘ll just do 6-breaths like that. Ok, so let‘s go. Inhale upward, and then Exhale…that‘s for D-1. Now, Inhale up again…D-2…and Exhale. Inhale upward and Exhale. Inhale upward and Exhale. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 195 of 200
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Inhale upward and Exhale. And this is the last one, I believe, Inhale upward and Exhale…and draw the last one back up to register where it belongs. And just breathe gently for a few moments and try to sense the feeling of those layers of your Jha-DA‘ Body that have now come into register with your Physical Atomic Body. Try to sense that as you breathe, every time you Inhale just a gentle inhale, it actually charges and makes the little rays, the 24-Rays in them, glow. And as you Exhale it brings that glow down to the center of itself. So every Inhale is like expanding energy out and making it shimmer and shine. And then every Exhale is bringing that shimmer/ shine down to its Core, you know, at the AzurA. Try to sense it. Ok, and now we will go onto the:
Grid Work and Technique-6: Replicating the Transharmonic Merkaba Doorway We‘re going to start this by projecting out to Skellig Michael. Not just to the parking lot or the hotel we‘re in, but literally out to the island. And the way to do that for now is to…you can either look at the brochure if you have it handy, or you can just imagine what the picture on the brochure looked like cause that holds the encryption of it. So we are going to, in a minute, all kind of fly out there together. And imagine now that you have your full Orb, that you just pull yourself into the Orb in order to fly and travel. So Inhale and pull into our Orb. And on the Exhale aim for Skellig Michael and the big Merkaba. Try to see yourself coming in down aerially, over it, as if you are an airplane just kind of like soaring down and you see it there. And you see the big Merkaba structure. Now we‘re going to aim for, just like we went into the Blue Krystal in the beginning, we‘re going to just kind of dive down in as we‘re coming down, dive down into the top spiral of the Merkaba. And then when we get inside we‘re going to find it‘s like a huge, spherical space inside. And it has many doorways. So this is a space that we can explore and use for healing with ourselves. But for now, what we‘re going to do now that we‘re inside the spherical space of the Transharmonic Merkaba, we‘re going to amplify our Fields and our strength by breathing Stardust. Now Stardust is the Indigo-Bluey-Silver sparkly stuff that comes from the Spirit Body on the opposite Vector, our Spirit Body. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 196 of 200
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So imagine now that you‘re inside of this spherical area inside of the Transharmonic Merkaba, and there‘s suddenly spirals of this Indigo-Silver sparkly stuff coming down from the top of the sphere, and you‘re inside the sphere. There is a base to this sphere as if it goes…there‘s a piece of ground like in the bottom part of it…so you can either float in there or stand, whichever you prefer. But just notice the Stardust Currents just swirling. And just get used to the feel of breathing them. So while you‘re in there, when you Inhale, again bring one of your Orbs up just to get used to that breathing rhythm again. So, Inhale Stardust, then Exhale Stardust. And one more time. Inhale. And Exhale. And now what we are going to do to finish the grid work here, we‘re now inside of the Skellig Michael Merkaba, Transharmonic Merkaba Doorway that we‘ve created, and from here we‘re going to split the quantum of this Merkaba into 2 other quanta. We‘re going to make a replica of it, one going to that Arc Site that the old Atlantean Arc Site that Skellig Michael is close to and links into on a line, but isn‘t exactly the location of. So that was on the map, so just intend that it goes to, you know, the old Arc Site. And we‘re going to send another one up here to Dublin so we don‘t have to make another one up here. We‘re just literally going to split it, replicate the one that we had. And we‘re going to leave one here and one there. So in order to begin this process, first of all let‘s just Inhale and hold. And Exhale toward the center. If we‘re in a circle inside of this sphere inside the Merkaba, Exhale toward the center. And watch literally like the little funnel or little dust devil of Stardust has formed in the center from what we Exhaled. And now sense the presence of your Aquafar‘E who are going to pop in and hang out at the bottom of this little vortice of Stardust. In a moment it‘s going to be very quick action and they‘re just going to ask us to Inhale and then push with the Exhale for the split. And they‘ll simultaneously, one will come up here and one will go over to the Atlantean Site. That‘s going to be in a minute. Ok, Inhale now. And Exhale and imagine we are splitting it now. Then just breathe a little bit more of the Stardust breathing. Just Inhale up, Exhale down. Feel your body as you breathe as if it‘s filling with the Indigo-Blue-Silver Stardust Light in the spaces in between your atoms. Try to feel that light. And before we leave to come back, we are going to get a special gift. The Beloveds are saying, ―a special gift from them‖ via the Orb conduit that is now open, which means there is an open passage now, a clear, open passage. We started this before in Sliders-5, but there‘s a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 197 of 200
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clear and stable open passage between our Atomic Body here and our Ah-VA‘-yas Body over there where our Orb Body belongs. So it‘s an open affiliation line and they‘re going to be giving us a stream of Pale Pastel Color Silvery-Metallic Light. So if we would like to receive that as an extra boost, you know, just frequency boost, and it goes with AshaLA actually. It‘s coming from the AshaLA Level of the planetary stack. Ok, so we just breathe in from the right ear area, and then Exhale it into the Krystal Spiral that‘s gently circulating in the center of your Shield at the AzurA. Ok, and we‘re going to do one more Inhale of the Pale Pastel and bring it right directly into the Silver Seed. (*Inhales) And when you Exhale, notice a sense of ―snap‖, because this is when your Merkabas will activate to the 405 snap speed. (*Exhales) Try to sense the large, duplicate Merkaba Field that has come into the room. It‘s really huge. It‘s like a skyscraper building, but its point is in the center of the room, hanging. All right, they‘re saying, ―Within the next 24-48 hours the one that is activated now to a Density-2, which is the Skellig Michael one, that will speak to both of the other 2 and progressively bring them up to activation speed.‖ And at a certain point, sometime today…today is Sunday, right…sometime Sunday they will, the Arc will begin its journey. It will begin to shift from the Egypt location and just literally move like a big light beam, it will be a like a big light beam that actually moves, like a tractor beam. And it will come into register in the old Atlantean Site. And that will…it‘s going to give extra energy to the 3 sites. So they will be sites that can be used for all sorts of things. And you‘re welcome to come to those sites in projection. And you can simply use just a photo of it, or a memory of a photo of it to project there. And see…and you won‘t be alone when you project there. If you would like the, even the Blue Krystal People, if you know, they‘re very much into the space as well. So if you would like to communicate with those little Aquafar‘E, they would come, or any of the Buddhas that you‘ve worked with before. And ―it‘s a whole new level of education and learning to work with these structures,‖ is what they are saying. ―It is a very sacred entrustment‖…yeah. They are trusting us with this. And in the old days, very few people were allowed to have this knowledge for obvious reasons, because a lot of them used it for the opposite reasons you know, and moved it into the Metatronics. So it‘s an entrustment and an entitlement, because the more you learn with it, the more of your own power you do get back. And this was given to us now, the opportunity now, even though that we all still have a lot of awakening to do personally, because we need to be ready for 2012 and beyond. And they care too much about us to take any chances with us not being able to make it out because they didn‘t give us the information, the activations fast enough. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 198 of 200
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So the Guardians would love to…they look forward to meeting you. And they said they meet most of you in your dreams already, but it is very often not remembered. But that‘s all right. One day you will remember. And it will be a reunion for them too, that they are looking forward to us coming home as well as we are looking forward to going home. So they are saying, you know, ―Good night and enjoy your Merkaba Activation because it has many surprises of a good nature‖, right, ―that there will be changes if you keep the spin speeds up with simply doing the Inhale up and Exhale down rounds of breathing and if you project into the Transharmonic Merkaba spots‖. And Skellig Michael right now is the most active one. These other 2 will build up strength as you know, as the speed progressively increases and holds. But that is the strongest one right now, so they‘re suggesting go there, because really it‘s the only place on the planet right now that you can get that concentration of open Elemental Flow coming in from Higher Earth. There will be many more as we work with this, but this is the first one. And it wouldn‘t be there if you guys weren‘t here to create it with the Beloveds. So we‘d all like to say ―thank you‖ and feel free to enjoy your creation (Lots of clapping). And have a safe, safe journey home. And thank you for your patience and putting up with my sleepy self (Chuckles). Yes, have a very safe, safe journey home. A‘san: Absolutely. A‘sha: Yes. Nighty night.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 199 of 200
Sliders-6: Awakening the Sentinel of Eire—Oct 9-18, 2009: Ireland
TABLE OF CONTENTS Sunday Orientation (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Technique 1: Introduction (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Technique 1: Journey to the Blue Krystal (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Monday Lecture (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Monday Lecture 2 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Wednesday Lecture (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Technique 2: Introduction (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Technique 2: Receiving the Silver Seed (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Arc of the Sphere Stand Instructions (A‘san) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Skellig Michael Grid Work (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Stand Preparation (A‘san) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Thursday Lecture (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Technique 3: Stardust Breathing Level-1 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Grid Work (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Saturday Lecture (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Saturday Lecture 2 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Technique 4: Introduction (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 Technique 4: Initiating the Density-2 Transharmonic Merkaba (A‘sha) . . . . . . 192 Technique 5: Entering the Sphere of Destiny – Jha-DhA‘ Orb Activation (A‘sha) .194 Grid Work and Technique 6: Replicating the Transharmonic Merkaba Doorway (A‘sha) . . . . . 196
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 200 of 200