Sliders 8

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Sliders-8 Workshop Advanced Physical Body Slide Training Awake, Aware and ALIVE in the Lands of Aah: The “Sea of Ah‟-yah,” Eternal Stream of Ah-yah-YA‟, The Covenant of Ah-yah-RhU‟ and Eternal Dream-Fields of the ONE August 13-15, 2010: Sarasota, Florida Friday Evening Orientation Part 1 [Audio Track 1] A‘sha Are we on? Yes, we are on! Hello, everybody and welcome to Phoenix…. I just love you guys. You really cheer me up…thank you. All right, just the last call for clearing of the halls there. We are going to start. Won‘t want anybody to miss anything. We are having another wonderful disorientation evening together this evening…. Ok, I think everybody is pretty much in. I have a feeling this is going to be another one of those unique workshops; mystery workshop, yes. Anyway, I‘ll explain that for the new people who are here. What‘s interesting about this workshop, by the way for anybody who doesn‘t know who I am, I‘m Ashayana Deane, and this is A‟san Deane my husband and Speaker-2, and I am Speaker-1 for the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order, so just in case you didn‘t know. I usually forget to even introduce myself anymore, because most of the people who come have been coming for a long time. This workshop, I think, is going to be a bit unique. First of all we are on sell-out, and there is actually still a stand-by list in case people don‘t show up. And of that over 300 people that are gathered here this time, I‘ve been told about a quarter of them are newcomers, where it‘s their first workshop, so yes…. So we‘d like to— A‘san: Can they stand up and wave their hands? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

A‘sha: What? A‘san: I was asking if they could stand up and wave their hands. A‘sha: No, no. A‘san: Just wave their hands. A‘sha: No, I wouldn‘t ask them to do that…. He‘s almost saying, ―Why, just have them stand up or wave their hands.‖ Not necessary, right. Anyway, what‘s interesting about that…first of all we would like to welcome all of the people who have never been to a workshop before. I don‘t know what level of exposure to the Freedom Teachings you might have. You might have just seen the Project Camelot interview in the last couple of months on Youtube, or you may have read Voyagers, so everybody that is coming in as their first workshop will have different levels of knowledge pertaining to the information that we teach. That always makes for unique experience, because people are coming from various different backgrounds and ideas, and very often have very little idea of the ten years of highly technical Ascension teachings that we have been bringing through progressively. Every workshop, and I think this is either eighty-five or eightysix, has brought through a new level of information for the last ten years. So if you are a newcomer: Hey! You are courageous to come in on a Sliders-8 workshop. Now, Sliders-8 means it started in Sliders-1…. The Sliders workshop series were actually the next level of Ascension teachings that came after what was, the couple of years before what were called, the more private 12 Tribes classes. So this is a…you could call it an entry portal into the work, and the Beloveds or the Guardian Alliance will be working the program this workshop. It will be doing the Sliders-8 program for the people who have been progressively with this work for a long time now, because we are on a certain level of very high-level activations that are taking place. We‘ll also try to make this where it is an entry portal for information, where you can make, let‘s call the „Beginners‟ Leap‟. Where, if you just came in, don‘t have a lot of familiarity with the work, when I say activations you go, ‗Mmm, what might that be?‘ Right, because some people will not even have known, know exactly what an ‗activation‘ might mean. Those kind of things. We will work the program for both groups to bring everybody into a common level, at least a decently common level of understanding by the end of the period together. Part of that has to do with what I will do this evening. Now, usually people that have come for a long time know the orientations, I often call them ‗disorientations‘. I usually use that word when I‘m still on a security clearance workshop, where we are all here and they haven‘t told me this specific subject matter of the workshop yet, other than the basic title that we‘ve had for two years, which is ‗Sliders-8: Advanced Physical Body Slide Training‘, all right? So we know that much. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Now, usually by now I would at least have a sub-title; they haven‘t given me that either. They‘ve played with a few ideas in fun, which may end up in a title eventually, I don‘t know, that I‘ll talk about in a little bit. For those of you who don‘t know what an orientation/disorientation is, it means I come down and greet you and share some information that I do have about things that have happened since the last workshop, about the work and those kind of things, and we‘lI kind of run a live wave, whatever the Guardians feel they would like to talk about with you. They will nudge me and it will just kind of fall out my head, ‗Hello, I‘ll talk about that.‘ OK, for those who do not know, I am not a channel; I could be if I wanted to be, but I am not. We do not use the method of channeling because it is dangerous. Channeling differs from data streaming, and for those who might not know, there is a very big difference. In channeling, you literally do have another entity that is a disembodied form coming into your physical body with you, sometimes knocking you unconscious and taking over your mouth, walking around on stage and talking to you. You will not have that in this workshop. Our teachings aren‘t against channels; we don‘t consider channels bad people. We consider people that are engaging in the process of channeling of endangering themselves in ways they probably do not understand yet. That is their choice and their business. The channels are welcome here too, and hopefully if they do come, they‘ll learn some ways to protect their bio-energetic fields from being harmed, because the process of channeling, as it is known in contemporary New Age speak, is actually a process that can damage your natural DNA template, which can mess up your ability to go on your natural organic path of Ascension or toward Ascension. So this is one of the reasons that we do not promote channeling. What channel is that exactly? OK, disembodied music from beyond…. The process that I work with, with the Guardians, is referred (to) in their speak as ‗digital data streaming‘ or ‗Keylontic Transmission‘. ‗Keylontic‘ has to do with the word called ‗keylon‘ that has to do with some of the Core Creation structures that we‘ve learned about in the early days in Keylontic Science, as we moved forward with more progressively detailed teachings about Ascension and various related things of Spirit and Science. So Keylontic Data Streaming is what occurs. That means, wherever the beings are that are sending in information to me, they send it in data packages, and sometimes I can see them while I close my eyes. I can actually see them in my inner vision, coming in and hanging in my field. It‘s almost like looking at your Inbox and on your email, you go, ‗You have 540 new messages!‘ Right? Uh-oh! Right. Usually I don‘t have that many at once. Usually there will be a large package and it‘s like an email, hugelike zip file or whatever, that I can‘t open yet until they let me know it is time for the data to stream and to begin coming. What they have been doing for years now, because progressively we are in the middle of a large drama that is taking place on the planet that does involve, unfortunately, a conflict of forces and their agendas. Because of that, the Guardians have gone on what they call security clearance, which means certain types of data they will not release until the Shield--we call the groups that come here the Shield-- is actually together and assembled, because there is just more general data protection in that context. Plus, if there is sensitive information that needs to be released, particularly when it pertains to what we call Planetary Grid work, it is given in the workshops live without any notice. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Once information comes in, there is a certain amount of time, usually about three days, before certain, let‘s say ‗forces‘ who are not working for Ascension on the planet, can intercept and translate what that message was to try to interfere with the grid work that‘s been done. So very often we will have these mystery workshops, where we know the activations are going to be there, and usually they are some of the best ones actually. They usually have wacky hours too; we‘ll talk about that a little later. When they have those security clearance ones, I will actually feel and see sometimes the large—it‘s like an energy bubble of information, and I know that is the line that will stream. It will come down into—it‘s like a DNA activation that comes down. So it comes on line with my consciousness so I can speak it and I can look at it, and sometimes I‘m, like, ‗Wait a minute,‘ and I will actually talk to them independently, because it‘s like a data file that is already written. Now, they are with me live as well. So sometimes, especially if you are new, you may see me on stage going, ―Hold on a second, what?‖ Right, and I usually look up over my right shoulder, because there are certain conduits that we have consciously, progressively opened in our bio-fields to allow for secured communication with the Guardian collectives. So if you see me doing things like that, know I‘m not crazy…and I can usually see them when I am talking with them. Once in a great while, you will hear a funny little change in my voice where I start to sound like I have a bit of a Transylvanian accent. Now, this isn‘t channeling, just so you know. The only thing I am channeling is a level of my own consciousness that‘s at a bit higher level of…it‘s not in what we call Density-1, which is Dimension 1, 2 and 3, where our reality field is; it‘s from a higher level. When I link with that level of my consciousness, which I sometimes need to do, particularly when we‘re bringing in live journey meditations and things, the frequency change comes about sounding like there‘s bit of an accent, but it‘s me, and that level of my identity is referred to as Azara. So if you ever hear the Azara coming through, it‘s just a different level of my own consciousness. That isn‘t channeling. You can reach other levels of your own consciousness, too, that are in the higher dimensional spectrums and they may sound a little different than you. They may present themselves--say, consciousness wants to give you a face that you can identify it with, even though you know it‘s one aspect of your own self. You can do this too if you train yourself to. That means that when it‘s your own self, your own higher identity that you are bringing in information from, it is very different than channeling something that is not directly a part of you. If it‘s part of you, it will actually have its coding in your DNA template already. So when that frequency comes through and communicates with you, and it won‘t knock you out of body; it will be there with you like a different level of your own perspective, and you can talk with yourself, if you feel like it‘s you. It won‘t damage your DNA template; it‘s not crashing in other mathematical coding or encryption that doesn‘t belong in the DNA template. So if you ever, and I‘m not sure if Azara is going…that level is going to come in with the activations this time. Once in a while that happens. I just want the people who are new to the work to understand what they are seeing or hearing when that occurs. It is still me; I am still fully embodied.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

So the distinction between channeling and data streaming can appear similar on the outside, but it isn‘t on the inside; it is not energetically, and I have been taught meticulously, really, the differences between a channel or a data streamer. What we do encourage people to do is learn to make contact with their own higher selves, their own level of their higher awareness and also with Guardian groups that are actually that; they are Guardian groups, not, let‘s say, we call them ‗Fallen Angelics‘ that are pretending to be Guardians and trying to mislead you, or get into your body and possess you, because there are those things that are occurring on the planet. The other thing that can happen with unsecured channeling: when people do that, they are opening their own bio-fields and their bodies for potential possession, where something else could actually come in and decide to stay and take over the personality, and almost put the personality itself in a coma and literally take over your life and keep walking it. So there are things we have learned for a long time, different ways of beginning to, first of all, clear our own bio-fields, protect our own bio-fields, so that we can begin to make that conscious connection with our own higher levels of identity, but also begin the process of connecting with Guardians that you can trust as Guardians. Now, there‘s a number of questions, especially for people coming in new, and I got a feel for this just by watching what happened after on Youtube, after the Project Camelot interviews, which I‘d like to thank very much Kerry Cassidy for inviting us to do and having the courage to put them on the air. In that process of just—I watched the interviews a lot—I just wanted to see if they came out right. I looked at them and I said, ‗I‘m happy with that.‘ It may sound different than what people are used to hearing, but this is what I have been living since I was a child, and this is the information we have been teaching for ten years. I think it was articulated well enough, particularly because it is going out to people who never heard of any of this. Some of them never even heard of the word ‗Ascension‘ before, so it was interesting. Then I reviewed some of the comments that they made and here we go: the ‗Shoot-the-Messenger Project‘, right? This happens every time. When we first came out with the Voyagers books in 2000, there‘s a whole bunch of people that are really excited about them and liked them, and a whole bunch went right for the jugular and tried to do everything from discredit me to whatever to whatever. The fact is they didn‘t; ten years later and we‘re still here, because the information that we are carrying is legitimate. The processes are legitimate. From what I‘ve read, well I guess it‘s perfect, but it‘s far from ideal. I would love to have a month before, have my programs down, have my pretty mylars done, know exactly how it is going to use my time, have our evenings free—wouldn‘t that be lovely! Oh yeah! Know what you have now is live data streaming that occurs; I have been doing it for ten years with the Beloveds on a public level. Before that, it was happening since I was a child and working with them. So I‘ve been with this process for a long time. You don‘t get fresher information than this; it‘s like ‗hot off the presses‘ before it even hits the presses; it is literally information that is delivered during the process of the workshop itself, the next level of information.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Now, for the people who are coming in new, I don‘t know if you have looked at the Azurite Press website enough to even just look at the product list. The product list is mainly full of programs that have been videoed live or put on DVD live from these workshops. Often there will be handbooks that go with them, which are graphs that the Guardians have given me that I have to produce up in the room before I come down for the next workshop, that kind of thing. So if you look at that, you can almost go, ‗Oh, my God, I am lost in a sea of workshops!‘ It‘s overwhelming; I look at it and it is overwhelming. People say, ―Gee, when did you introduce that concept?‖ and I go, ―I have no idea.‖ I have to go back and dig through the listing of the workshops. What the Guardians have asked me to do in the last month or so is, particularly because - first of all, the Project Camelot interview did go out where there is a lot of people who were, more people who were interested in perhaps looking at what the work is about. Also, because there were so many people coming in new, this being their first workshop, they have asked me to put together or update what is referred to as the condensed chronology of the work that we‘ve done since 2000 when the work went public. Now periodically, during some of the workshops before, we have rounded up what we did, what the activations were. We call them MUGs, Mission Upgrades, as far as—yeah, M-U-G, Mission Upgrades--the course of the work we have been doing with the Guardians since 2000 have occurred. Now, I can‘t even remember the last time we put one of those chronologies out, just so we‘ll have a running total of what is: where we came from, what we‘re doing, where we‘re going. This time they had me take the last one, add to it and we are building it up to where we are current with the last workshop, which is really good. This one I‘m going to put on until we know what it is about, which we‘ll do for next workshop, right. With this condensed chronology they‘ve asked me for the first time --and this is taking forever to go back through all of the workshops, and particularly the Sliders workshops and the 12 Tribe classes before that, not only show where they are in relation to the chronological order and what Mission Upgrades or whatever occurred in them, but they also had me do a basic analysis on the content of what was in them. So people that want to go back and find out information about this, or information about that, or what techniques, they are having me literally dissect the workshops and especially the Tribes classes. So you can read through this, and even if you are new, you can read through this and get an idea of some of the information that was covered. By the end of this workshop, I‘m hoping to have enough of that finished, where we at least will have the 12 Tribes classes information covered and also the Sliders information covered, because from those two sources that, what is going to become what is called the ‗Beginners‘ Leap‘ program is going to come on. There are certain techniques that have been done, and I‘m talking about techniques; I‘m talking about bioenergetic field techniques that affect the DNA template, that enable your body to hold more and more frequency and/or to clear certain things that your bio-energetic fields have picked up from the mess in the Planetary Geomagnetic Field, which are actually blocking your ability to have your own incarnational memory, and to also activate your own, what are called ‗Ascension codes‟, in the DNA. Now I am still using some big words if you are new, but that‘s ok; that‘s just for now; I‘ll bring it down a little bit later. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

In those particularly, the period of time when the 12 Tribes classes ran and the Sliders classes, which are still ongoing, there‘s 12 Sliders classes, this is number 8. There are certain activations that, if anyone coming in new wants to able to pick up the full benefit of what is occurring with the activations, that are going to be in this workshop or the next one or the next one. There are certain blanks of frequency that do need to be filled in. There are certain things that you don‘t have to do any of the stuff before, that you will get what is called a „Basic Link to the Host‟, and we‘ll talk more about that by the end of the workshop. If a person really wants to work with the program, like the people who have been with us for, some of us for ten years have been doing this, it allows more and more of your own spiritual awakening to occur, but also your bio-spiritual awakening, which means it is progressively preparing your body for the physiological processes associated with what is called Ascension. Now a lot of people don‘t even realize there is a connection between spirit and science, and there is a huge connection; they‘ve never actually been separated. There‘s only an artificial division that‘s in the cultural misunderstandings on our planet right now. There was a time in the ancient past when it was fully known that spirituality consciousness studies and science went hand in hand together: the Physics in Spirituality. We‘ve been teaching that—God knows there‘s a channel coming in there—we‘ve been teaching that…ever since the beginning. Progressively, we are at the point where we are working, not only with developing the ability to open your consciousness, your mind and into spirit, but also to prepare your physical body for the potentiality of what is called Slide Ascension. Slide Ascension, like any Ascension, uses what are called Star Gates, and there are natural configurations on planets and stars and those kind of things, but there are two types of Ascension one can do. Most people on this planet will still undergo what‘s considered a natural death transition; well death, honestly, isn‘t the natural condition. It is on this planet right now because of the DNA mutations that are coming from the environmental distortions in the planetary magnetic fields that have messed up, over many, many centuries, the natural DNA function of what was once called the Angelic Human species. Once upon a time, Angelic Human species did not die. We simply, when we were a being here, would accrete frequency or grow for a while, reach a certain age, usually 33 years old, and then we would undergo what is called Transfigurative Ascension, where we‘d have enough frequencies open in our bodies, through the DNA template and the DNA itself, that we could engage a bio-chemical process of producing certain types of chemicals, hormones and naturally occurring elements. Now, there are 144 naturally occurring elements. Science here hasn‘t found them all yet. Once upon a time, the body could actually create those elements under certain conditions. Through these bio-chemical processes, the consciousness would literally be able to Transmute first, which means turn its atomic structure into a light form, and then Transfigure, which means re-spiritualize or actually bring it back into what is called the Spirit Body Anatomy structure, and move it at the speed of thought and the will of

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

thought to other locations through the Gate Sets, the Ascension Gate Sets. That is the normal process that humans were supposed to evolve through. When we hear about Ascension these days, it‘s usually coming from some of the religious organizations that teach that such a thing exists. The closest we get, I think, are probably in the Christian teachings that give us the idea of a ‗Rapture‘, where people are all of a sudden going to get yanked by God and pulled up in the sky and go to Heaven. Some people really, really believe that that is what‘s going to look like. It‘s probably not going to look like that. Now…but that‘s OK. People are free to believe that if they want to. The Christian teachings still have a little bit, at least, of knowledge left about the fact that there was something called Ascension, which is better than what science is teaching. Science is teaching us, basically, we came out of pond scum; our life meant nothing before; it means nothing now; it was a happy accident, so why bother, who cares; you‘re going to die and that‘s it! You know it‘s pretty much what contemporary science is telling us! So if you had to pick one, science or religion, if there wasn‘t a place where they both met, I think you‘re better off with religion, because at least it gives you hope and a purpose for, ‗why bother being and going through all of this down here if there is nothing and it means nothing‘, right? Because science is really not caught up yet—it‘s starting to though. The new sciences are starting to come up where they recognize the link, some kind of link, between consciousness and physics, and that perhaps indeed there is more. That maybe we came from somewhere else; maybe there was life before Earth, and therefore maybe there is life after Earth and that‘s why, eventually, we are going to write a book by that title. Right now, what is unique about the teachings called the Freedom Teachings, is the fact that they actually have brought those two ideas, the ideas of spirituality and consciousness with the ideas of very intricate multidimensional physics, together and showed how they work together. They have shown structures, amazing structures of Cosmic Structure, all the way down to personal bio-energetic field structure. They have shown amazing processes inherent to those structures. They have shown maps that, literally, show us where we are in relation to the larger structure of the, what they call the Manifest Body of God-Source, which are the manifest realms that are materialized, manifest; where we have linear space-time experiences, and they show us where they fit. The processes that have been revealed in this work, and not just the processes, but the whole paradigm that this work has showed us, is amazing. And this is one of the things that gives me the courage to keep coming out and teaching about it, no matter how many people like to pick on me or call me crazy or whatever. Well, if I‘m crazy, I like this crazy! Because compared to the other options of belief systems that were given out there, I mean this one, this belief system, says you‘re welcome to have those too. A lot of them actually fit into this. They‘re just not showing the whole picture of what is occurring; where spirit and science fit together, where there isn‘t a conflict between genuine religion and genuine scientific understanding. This actually shows us a place where (we) each have an intimate, personal relationship with what can be called Source or God. It does believe in God. This paradigm shows you that there is a God, but it is not

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 211

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some big male father-god sitting on a throne that is going to send you to hell if you don‘t behave; it‘s different than that. The paradigm is huge and it is very mature compared to what is being taught, still, in a lot of the religions. There is a lot of good teachings in some of the religions. There is, the Beloveds have—I call them 'Beloveds' because they are beloved to me; they didn‘t ask me to do that but we kind of do that because we love them. They have asked me to do some comparative religion studies, and to start seeing where in various different popular religious belief systems there are little bits of the information they have been teaching all along. You can find it in Christianity; you can find it what they‘ve had me research recently is Buddhism. You can find it in Hinduism, which actually, from what I am reading, Buddhism had come out and evolved from Hinduism. You can find it going back into other things. You can find it in the Jewish faith; you can find parts of it even in the Islamic faith. There are little pieces of what the Beloveds have been teaching as a whole paradigm that show up all over the place. So for me, and I think for A‘san too and Speaker-3 Mac, when we‘re working with this, it isn‘t an exclusionary type of belief framework; it‘s very inclusive. It‘s saying all of these things belong; there isn‘t anything that doesn‘t fit or belong. It belongs somewhere in the concept of what we‘re trying to show you; it actually shows where the certain ideas that are core ideas in the religions that actually might be the best part that they offer, like that hope that keeps people coming back and actually believing in whatever the belief system is. They actually show the parts of those and bring them together into a whole, where you have a system of belief that you can understand a greater context for yourself, for the Cosmos, how they fit together, and what it means to be here. Why are you here in the first place? We won‘t tell you why. We just show you the ways that you can find the answer to that for yourself, because everyone is here for a different purpose; but we are here as a collective of a species on the planet for certain reasons that have to do with ancient times and why we came. The paradigm will show you some amazing history, and this is where science and this paradigm really have issues with each other at the moment, and that‘s OK. They are entitled to their opinion and we are entitled to our opinion. The history we have been shown here explains a lot of things about where humans came from: they did not evolve originally from apes or any of that. Science is moving toward actually proving that we didn‘t come out of apes. We have some things similar with them genetically, a lot; but that doesn‘t mean that we came out of them. There is a massive history here that doesn‘t just stop at Planet Earth; it goes way, way back. The history that we have been introduced in this work goes back, I believe, about 950 billion years, all right? They‘ve showed key events that had to do with, not just Earth, not just our Solar System, but with the Milky Way Galaxy, with the Andromeda Galaxy M31, which they actually have described as the Milky Way a very long time ago, had actually spun off from that. We were actually, this galaxy was actually part of the M31 Galaxy.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Interestingly, right now I‘ve heard that science is saying that the two galaxies are somehow moving closer together and eventually might merge. Wow, we are going Home, sort of…. So there is a massive amount of material involved in this work. When you are just coming in as a newcomer, and the reason that I am addressing particularly in this orientation the people who are new to the work, because I care about you and I don‘t want you to feel overwhelmed by some of the things you may hear or see or, ‗What‘s that about?‘, and there is no time to ask. We rarely have time for asking questions, like for question-and-answer things. Usually the pace of the workshops, it rides a wave of frequency that comes in once the Beloveds open the data stream for the information that is to come. Sometimes it‘s kind of funny: you‘ll find me talking really, really fast; I‘ll start talking faster and faster; yet you start hearing faster and faster. Sometimes this happens when, especially with people, groups that are composed mostly of people who have been here for a long time and you kind of get used to the hearing picking up with the speed, and when you realize how fast--sometimes I‘ll be in my head going ‗Wow…why my mouth is speaking really, really quickly!‘ That is when the data-stream line is coming in. Sometimes the Guardians will tap me on my shoulder; literally I‘ll feel like a tap or a twang on the head and go, ―What? What?‖ They‘ll say, ‖Excuse me.‖ I‘ll go ―What?" They‘ll say, ―Re-direct now, we need to go into this‖ or, ―go into that information.‖ The workshops are very valuable for a lot of reasons. The most important reason is: when people that are drawn to this work…let‘s say there is something that draws people to even look into this work, it has to do with what‘s encoded into your DNA. When people that are drawn to this work come together, they come into what is referred to as ‗the Shield‘, or ‗the Aquafereion Shield‟. Where each member of any one workshop group, even if that‘s your only one you ever went to, you decided you didn‘t like it--if you were drawn there even just for one check-out, ‗Look, let‘s see‘ or even, ‗Let‘s try to disapprove it!‘ ...there is a reason in your DNA that you actually had a co-resonant encryption or vibration that drew you to this work for a reason for that particular time. So when we have a bunch of people together, we consider them to be what‘s called, ‗in Shield‘; they form a shield of energy. Each person is a large complex energy unit unto themselves that is unique and different from every other person. When people come into any group, they are actually bringing their energy signature together, and whatever group that is will have a very, very special energy encryption or mathematical, geometrical, vibrational pattern that is unique from any other group. So each group, each workshop group, even though there's many of the same people coming back and sometimes new people coming in, it is a magical moment unto itself in energy terms. In that magical moment, there are frequencies that can open up within the data streaming packages that will allow certain types of information to come through that might not have, if that particular group didn‘t assemble.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

So the fact that you are here, that you showed up, even if you decided you don‘t like the work--which is fine, there is no obligation to - you are part of a moment in energetic history of the planet and you have the ability to access that moment, because it will be stored as a vibration, as memory in your cellular memory. You will be able to, if you ever choose, if you decided, ‗I don‘t like this right now,‘ but five years from there, ‗Oh my God, I probably should have and I didn‘t and it‘s too late‘, you can actually activate by intention that piece of you that has the memory that you were sitting here once, and it will allow you to connect back into the Shield. Now the Shield itself, just like every single person anywhere, whether they are part of this work or part of any other work or not part of any work consciously at all, the DNA of every person has the ability, and actually its natural process: it‘s the process of running inter-dimensional frequency. We are kind of like radio receivers, television transmitters, those kind of things. Our DNA works in this way: it is basically electronic, to put it simply. So we are always processing frequencies. The frequencies that one person can bring in might be able to bring in this station and that station and that station of information, but one person would only have, say, three stations. You put a whole bunch of people together and they can run much more than just those three stations of frequency; they can run massive amounts of frequency. When we come together to do grid work, what we call Planetary Grid Work, it means we are coming together, each one of us a part of this massive thing we call ‗the Shield‘, which, if you see it--actually, at some point you can get where you close your eyes in your inner vision, you can actually see it. It looks like a massive sparkling disk, and every person on it is a sparkle. It is like a sparkling ball of living energy. You can see certain geometrical forms that actually happen…and sometimes we do them consciously with the group. We sit in certain ways or whatever to make specific geometrical, mathematical, vibrational patterns that we interact with the planet with, in order to assist the planet in healing, because this planet is in a perilous position. It is not just because the surface resources are running out and we have political chaos in half of the planet most of the time; there‘s a lot of other things that are occurring. We‘ll talk about some of those. Most of the people that have been with us for long know what we are talking about, because we have been covering this for ages at this point. Each step of the way there is a big drama we‘ve all been a part of, and we haven‘t really wanted to be. We kind of like—the people who come to this work decide to stay with it; we‘re not— the group in the work does not teach fighting; they teach standing in the integrity of the truth that you have learned in peaceful stance; standing and holding energy in a way that is supportive of what are referred to as Eternal Life Krystic teachings. ‗Krystic‘ doesn‘t just mean Christian; the word ‗Krystic‘, as I said in the interview, has to do with the First Sounds of Creation, the first audible Sounds of Creation. That‘s where the word ‗Kryst‘, ‗K-r-y-s-t‘ - it‘s actually ‗Krystallah‘ - it came from. So when I say ‗Kryst‘ it‘s not just about Christian teachings. It‘s not against them but it‘s not just them; it‘s more. When we come together and we run frequency in the massive amounts, that large shield that is consciously educated in what they are doing, we can make a difference in what is happening with the planet.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

What is happening with the planet right now is, we are coming to a point in history that is the accumulation of a very long period of history that involved infiltration of the natural organic structure of this planet. We have covered this, and covered this and covered this, each piece of the history. What happened to the grids: where it is now…where it is now…for the last ten years we have covered the pieces of it. What this is leading us to is, there is an event, an energetic event, that is going to take place at the end of 2012 that will literally change the course of human evolution; it will create a new humanity and that is not necessarily a good thing. The things that will take place in the creation of a new humanity…(it) does not anymore have the ability in the DNA to actually go through Ascension Gates. That is not the new humanity that we could look forward to creating. It‘s not a fight; it‘s not a battle on the outside; it is a standing for, holding the ability of Ascension still on this planet within our own bodies, within the human race line, and within the Planetary Star Gates, because the Star Gates have been severely, severely damaged. At this point we are on what is called the Kryst Host Mission. If it weren‘t for, literally, hosting races…and we‘ll talk about a bit of, ‗Who are they? Who are the Guardians?‘ we‘ll talk about that in a little while. If it were not for the intervention of these Kryst Host races that have to do with, not only the Andromeda Galaxy, but also with the place they haven‘t showed us where it is, as far as star maps that science has identified; but it is called the Aquareion Matrix. If it weren‘t for these two other matrices that are not in what is called a ‗fall status‘ or not going into finite evolutionary or de-evolution, we will not have the chance to do anything in 2012. The planetary environment would take over the DNA; it would cause the mutations, which would trap the consciousness into a certain type of evolutionary, de-evolutionary future path that you couldn‘t get out of once that occurs. A lot of people don‘t realize, a lot of people that think about Ascension don‘t realize the connection between the consciousness and the body. They do not realize. 'Oh', they‘ll say, ―Oh well, I‘ll die and then I‘ll ascend if I‘m good in life and I behave, and all the Ten Commandments, or whatever I am supposed to do. Then, hey! God will forgive me when I die and then I can go to Heaven‖. Excuse me, it would be really nice (if) it was that easy. Unfortunately it really isn‘t that easy, because there is a direct link between the consciousness of your spirit and the atomic structure of your body. That link is called, the part of your spirit that literally gets embedded and imbued into the atomic structure of the body, is called the ‗GhaRE‟. It‘s a part of your Spirit Body structure; it‘s not your whole spirit. If your GhaRE‘ becomes trapped and, even through the death process, even if you die a body on the planet and have not transmuted the atomic structure with you back into your Spirit Body, you‘ll be stuck to reincarnate in that space-time zone again and again until you don‘t have any quantum left in your Spirit Body. That is on a personal level what is called the path of fall. Now if a person goes on a path of fall, or a solar system goes in a path of fall, eventually they encounter something that is called space dust return, the ‗ashes to ashes, dust to dust‘ concept that we‘re taught in Christianity. This isn‘t the natural process; it‘s an option. It‘s an option that happens when one has lost the ability of Ascension.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

When a system or a person goes into that state of fall, lose their Ascension codes and eventually just reincarnates and recycles their energy until they can‘t hold the form and they fragment, the consciousness just fragments back into the consciousness field around it, or the energy field around it. Eventually, because there is a natural cycle process between all things and there is nothing that exists outside of the Manifest Body of God-Source, even that consciousness will go back Home; it just won‘t remember the process. So the process of Ascension is getting you back to the same place called ‗Home‘, which was the original place where we all began as consciousness that was part of the Consciousness Field of God-Source. Within the Consciousness Field of God-Source we chose to enter a path of experience of individuation as individuals. Even if, worst case scenario, we end up in a fall system and we fall, what we will eventually have to look forward to is what we‘re made of: our consciousness itself, even if it is in its fragmented form. In fragmented form, we don‘t remember who we were at that point, but we will be taken back into God-Source. From that point it‘s like ‗re-start‘, where you are part of the Living Consciousness Field of God-Source. So 'fall' isn‘t like the concept of going to hell, not really; you are not going to be tortured by a devil forever and not really escape from it and (be) tortured by the devil forever. I think that‘s hell concept, basically. The path of fall and the path of Ascension, even though they both end up in the same place, there is a preference for most people for the path of Ascension because experientially it will be different. The path of Ascension is about bringing more of your consciousness, more of yourself into full conscious recognition and embodiment, and progressively growing yourself, expanding yourself back out in wholeness into the consciousness of God-Source and going into Conscious At-one-ment With Source. When you‘re on the path of fall, it is like the path of decreasing returns, where progressively there is less and less energy available; you‘ll find yourself in systems where all of a sudden natural resources aren‘t there anymore and where it becomes a survival-of-the-fittest type of environment; we are in one of those right now on this planet. This planet is very much built, the social systems on this planet are very much built by the concept of survival of the fittest, of competing for a limited amount of resources Now in fully Krystic or full Ascension systems, you just don‘t have those problems; they just are not there, because there is natural open circulation of inflow from Source energies and backflow from the energies of the beings out here. So there is a flow-out from Source and a backflow to Source that is the living circulation of energy. That is what‘s different between…yes, there‘s an infinite circulation of energy, yeah; he said, ―infinite verses finite‖; yes. The finite system has to do with when, progressively, a being or a system enters fall, what it means is the natural coding that you would have in your DNA, or a planet might have in its grid structure and in its what‘s called morphogenetic field template, that gets progressively eroded from what it naturally was, which means it can bring in less and less of the natural frequency spectra from the multidimensional spectrum. So eventually its energy supply becomes cut off to where it can no longer sustain its own living process, and progressively fall systems go into that. At the end of a system like that, if it were a sun let‘s say, that went into a fall process, it would no longer be able to, through its core, through the solar core, have natural frequency breathing that is supposed to occur The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

between space around it and the core of the sun. It would shut down; it would go into where it could no longer produce hydrogen; it would go into burning up whatever hydrogen it had. It would turn into what I call ‗red giants‘ and do its solar-death thing. If you were a sun, that was what the process would look like. As a person, it looks like a person‘s body would die. When we die by the way, even dying is not a natural process. When we die, it is because of the fact that there are certain parts of our multidimensional anatomy, one of them called the seed atom that actually is in the AzurA area, which is in the base of the thymus gland. There is a little energy thing there that has a certain amount of quantum. When you are born, when your body is conceived, the quantum starts; but not until your spirit integrates, which is about 33 to 56 days after conception. That quantum starts expanding as the spirit starts putting more of the quantum of its consciousness into the manifest form to grow it. Now when…if our bodies were acting normally, by the time we hit age 33, we would have brought in four Density levels of our consciousness from the Spirit Body, and we would be able to go through what is called the 'KaLE-Hara Transition', which is where we actually can begin the process of transmuting and then transfiguring the atomic structure into what is called the Krysted Body or the Eternal Life Body. The atoms are a bit different. You take these atoms that have a part of what would be considered –what‘s it, what do we call it? Let‘s say 'mortal matter' that is combined with a part of our own spirit that gives it the immortal potential. We can take that mortal matter and turn it back around and transfigure it into what is called the PaTa-Ur atomic structure. Pa Ta-Urs are (a) specific type of matter that is eternal in life, which means it self-generates quantum. So it doesn‘t need to feed on anything else in order to sustain its process. This is the type of body forms that Krysted beings actually have. We were all created to be Krysted beings and to be able to go through these natural processes of evolution. But because of the damage to the Planetary Star Gate System that is held in place within the Planetary Geomagnetic Field and something that is referred to as the Metatronic N.E.T.s or ‗the Met-NET‟ as we call it for short, has literally…because electromagnetics will affect the function of DNA, especially through what is called the Epi-genetic Overlay or EGO for short, which I thought was kind of funny. Epi-genetic Overlay: science is starting to realize it‘s a sheath, a chemical sheath, that‘s on the DNA that actually seems to have almost as much to do with what the DNA does as the DNA itself. It‘s like a switching mechanism; it will tell, what‘s in the Epi-genetic Overlay, can tell the DNA what to do, what not to do, what genes to fire, what genes not to fire. The reason our Angelic Human race has de-evolved to the point where it is right now is because of an environmental anomaly that has literally eroded, progressively, the natural functioning of the Angelic Human DNA. It‘s a long story. We have covered most of that story for the last ten years in bits and pieces. We still have the ability to resurrect those potentials of Ascension in our DNA. It is not just, ‗OK, I want to do this: I‘m going to flip it on and we‘re all right, good to go!‘ This has been the process. Bless the people who have had the stamina to stay for ten years and learn piece by piece this information. It hasn‘t been easy but somebody needed to do it, because if the people that have stayed with us hadn‘t been there, there wouldn‘t have been enough people to, actually, not only The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 211

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progressively heal the different layers of the mutation within the bio-energetic structure, there wouldn‘t have been enough people to generate enough quantum to keep the Ascension Gates open and to anchor the Host. So I would like to thank, and the Beloveds would like to thank as well, and so with the Speakers…all of the people who have been with us for so long…thank you very much…. The people who are new to this work, I hope by the end of this workshop that it moves you and you feel great and you want to be a part of it. If you don‘t, that‘s OK too. There is no obligation to it other than the fact that you came in the first place at all, even if you got sent by somebody just to go harass, because sometimes people get sent in to do that, but they are meant to be here too. You don‘t block them, unless they actually try to really harass people in the audience or something, we will have to, we will ban them from workshops. But the fact that you showed up just to be inquisitive even shows that we are something vibrationally that you are carrying in your template, that had some kind of vibrational similarity here. So even if you decide it‘s not for you, that‘s OK. You probably still somehow, in some way, connected with the greater Host that we‘re talking about. That doesn‘t mean that you have to be in workshops; there is an advantage to the workshops: we talk about things; we get the information out to the conscious level. A lot of what we worked through for so long, there is a lot of, especially New Age, groups out there, they‘ll tell you a little bit: they‘ll tell you, ―Oh, this is sacred geometry; here is that; here is that; here spin this that way and that‖. You go ―Ok, sure, what is that? What is it connected to? Why am I spinning that energy structure around me in that direction? What does that have to do with anything?‖ ―Oh, it‘s your Ascension vehicle.‖ ―OK, what exactly is an Ascension vehicle?‖ They don‘t answer these questions! They‘re advising you to do certain things; they are not connecting what those things are together or how they connect to anything else! We have for a long time with certain groups that are teaching sacred geometry said, ‗Look, why don‘t we just have a public discussion about it?‘ We‘ve invited them and they‘ve turned us down, couple of times; they‘re just aren‘t interested in discussing the technicals, which is interesting. Why? Because the technicals that have been shown in this work make it at least reasonable doubt as far as what the others are teaching. One of the things--actually, I‘ll deal with this in some of the questions, because one of the things that the Beloveds guided me to do right before coming down was to, since there are so many newcomers to the workshop in this particular group, we will use the orientation to address more so some of the questions that newcomers have, and some of the general questions that are out there that even people that have been with us for a long time kind of just dodge and say, ‗Whatever.‘ Yeah? Some of the questions you see being thrown as accusations and things, like that from the U-Tube commentary, and that kind of stuff, the shoot-the-messenger stuff.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Now the messenger doesn‘t really care if she gets shot. I wear a little ring. I bought it for myself. It wasn‘t very expensive, and it says, and bless Gandhi for this one, it says: ―Nobody can hurt me without my permission.‖ I thank Gandhi for that thought very, very much, and I would recommend (that to) anybody that gets picked on, because you might have a different view than somebody else and that kind of thing. What it means, ‗Nobody can hurt you unless you give them your permission‘ is; what it is about: You can choose. Somebody can be as mean and nasty and rotten to you as they want to; that is their free will choice. It is also your free will choice how you will choose to react to it. This is a little hard, not hard but at first it seems hard; it is part of emotional maturity. It‘s actually learning not to let other people‘s meanness harm you. Now it can be getting really weird in certain types of countries where they‘ll come and shoot you in the head. It‘s like, well, they did that with Gandhi—he did get assassinated. But I have a feeling by the time he allowed that to happen and I think he knew he allowed that to happen, he knew it was going to happen, might not know exactly when, but he was at peace with the thought already, because he knew he would go on; he knew his body might go but he would go further. When it comes to even dealing with more mundane type of situations where people are just harassing you; they try to make you feel bad about yourself; they are condemning you; they are threatening you; they are just, like, verbally that kind of stuff, you can choose whether or not you‘re going to get upset or not. This has been one of my hardest lessons, because I tend to be kind of thin skinned. Honestly, I‘m very sensitive to all sorts of things. Like, I/we used to live in an area where they did a lot of coal mining and I could feel the pain of the Earth, of the places where it had been raped. It was just this…it didn‘t have words—it was just this horrible, horrible feeling. So I feel the pain; I tend to be a bit empathic, and I would feel the pain of all sorts of things: people, animals, plants, Earth - I mean the whole bit. So when anybody in my face says, ‗You‘re this, you‘re that; I think you‘re horrible.‘…I‘m sorry, it‘s like, ‗Oh my God I‘m sorry, I didn‘t mean to be horrible.‘ Yes, so I was always very, very sensitive to that kind of thing. I was not a tough person; I didn‘t like confrontation or those kinds of things, because I was coming from a very lovey space, where I loved everybody even if they were mean. Just because you are mean doesn‘t mean you are not lovable; I see the good things and that kind of stuff. So it was a sentiment that really helped me and I saw it a number of numbers ago and I realized what it meant: that it becomes my responsibility whether or not I will let myself be harmed, whether or not I spend a week in depression because somebody upset me. Did they upset me? No, I upset myself, there‘s the difference. They might have done horrible things that would upset anybody! But you had a choice whether or not you‘ll allow your Emotional Body to get upset because of it or not. This is one of the things that I am working on. Personally, we all have our personal little areas where we are trying to develop ourselves more on that, and I just tend to get hurt really easy. So I am working on that one. I want to point that out, because it can be a helpful stance to understand. Before the fact, I wished I had been guided to it earlier and shared that with workshops earlier for people, because a lot of times there are some odd things that come up when people do get involved in the workshops, and they like what they are The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 16 of 211

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hearing and they see the logic. Because if you saw the stuff that‘s been revealed over the last ten years, the logic in it is flawless; it‘s never contradictory. It shows structure, process, how they work together; what it has to do with now; what it had to do with history; what it has to do with where we are going; what is has to do with your personal spiritual development right now—you know it‘s great! Then they go home and try to tell it to their Catholic father or Jewish grandmother, or their atheist spouse or something, and the you-know-what hits the fan, right? Where all of a sudden they‘re being called names, they‘re being picked on; the people they love are saying, ―You know you shouldn‘t be doing that! You can‘t do that. That sounds crazy….‖ That would be helpful in the early days for, I think, a lot of us, to talk about the Gandhi concept, his concept of, ‗They are not going to hurt me unless I give them permission‘. By allowing what they just said to be personal; they might think that it is personal, but I don‘t have to take it that way. So I would advise people that are new to the work to try to embody that stand just a little bit, or think about it, or even go get a book on Gandhi and read some of his stuff, because some of it was great. I haven‘t read a lot about him, but I feel a connection, a heart connection to him very much. I‘ve got another little thingy that says—I‘d love to put these on the product list, just because they meant a lot to me and I thought other people might like them. This one says, don‘t mind my eyes are a bit weird, ―Be the change you would like to see in the world.‖ Yeah, and that is another great advice from Gandhi. So there are certain things that can help with the Emotional Body as your Spirit Body is starting to come more in and your Mental Body is awakening to what that might mean, and your Physical Body is preparing to receive more of your Spirit Body energies. There are certain things, and I think we may be talking— Ah, I just got a little nudge, ah, little clues to some of the things we might be talking about in this workshop, in the Sliders-8 workshop, which is the advanced level of physical D2 level: ‗Physical Body Preparing for Slide.‘ We‘ve always taught for a long time that... now, D1 you have your Etheric Body. The D2 level frequency bands, you have your physical, which is called the Telluric Body or the Elemental Body, but it is also Physical/Emotional Body. That‘s where the quality of emotion comes from. I do believe it will be the first time, too, in the workshop if we actually directly went for the Emotional Body thing, but I have a feeling they are going to talk to us more, teach us some more things about what the Emotional Body is in connection with the Physical Body, and how to perhaps move that energy in more effective ways for ourselves. Emotions are tied to the bio-chemical realities of the body, which at times can go just wacky on their own, where you just had mood swings and all of that kind of thing. I think they are going to address some of that, and that just came in. So once in a while you‘ll see this little hint: OK, there we go! What I‘d like to, for the rest of this orientation/disorientation, is not just orient you but…excuse me, I would like to put a couple of mylars up that have to do with—oh, and by the way, at the end of this I will do a bit of catch-up on a couple of things—if I can read that small writing—for the people who have been with us through the Sliders-7 workshop and stuff. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

There‘s a couple of activations that—I‘m going to try to just take a hand count to see what, between the last workshop and this one, what life has been like. And yeah, for the people who have been working with certain level activations, there‘s been a healing cycle that has taken place in the last couple of months that oh, sometimes things can get a bit intense when you‘re going through healing purges and things. So what I‘ll do first though is, I would like to—yeah, there are some things that I would like to just—it‘s called the ‗Briefing for Workshop Newcomers‘. It is also good to hear if you‘ve been here for a while, ‗Oh yeah, that was what that was about.‘ It also shows you where you can explain to some people, if they are coming in new, after you have been trying to understand the work: ‗What is that about?‘ (To A'san): Yeah, you can put it up. It‘s just a little list of things to remind myself of some of the things I wanted to address with you. This can be for you, and it can also be for anybody else out there that saw the U-Tube thing and wants to get the next step. There are things to know about workshops, and I know there is a briefing team for newcomers, they give a bit of a presentation for you. The Beloveds would like me to address these issues just a little bit in our own way tonight and it is for you: the people that are newcomers, for the people who have been with us for ages, and for anybody who might decide to, off the product list, get this package, because I have the feeling the words ‗Beginners‘ Leap‘ is going to be involved in a title, which means it is a portal that people can go (to) and pick up there, and then see the little bits they need to pick up from behind. Because right now you have the newcomers‘ section, they have like a million different products and not enough time or money. I mean it just gets crazy after a while. So I‘m going to deal with some of these issues that, for people who aren‘t familiar with the work, it will help you understand what you might experience. Doesn‘t mean you will experience all of these, or any one of them, in a workshop; but if you do, please know what it means; because it gets really whacky trying to explain this stuff sometimes. So I‘m going to do it with the group instead of individually translate: ‗Calm down, calm down, it‘s only about this,‘ right? All right. Often found, these are thingies, things that happen, odd things that occur, issue-isms that you might find. That‘s why I just said, ‗Often found‘. Whatever they are: they‘re things, or they‘re experiences, they‘re whatever, they are these. Right? ‗Guardian Time‘: now we will talk about that one briefly first, and I have already introduced that a bit already. 'Guardian Time' means I have no control over the time frame when the data stream will be given. It will always be given within the confines of the workshop timing. This makes it very, very difficult for me to be able to give a schedule as far as, ‗When is Session-1? When is Session-2?‘ Etc. Some workshops I‘ve actually, like, three days before, the Guardians will give me transmission on a basic itinerary. Well, they‘ll say, ―There‘s three parts; one part here, and one part there‖...and give it an approximate time frame. They might even give a few titles or sub-titles for what‘s in there.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Some workshops are ‗just show-up knowing that it will be given‘. By the time the workshop is done, the workshop is done; it is given and the information is given. But, sometimes we are on Guardian Time, and Guardian Time is literally...I would call it that because I have to wait for the Guardians to give me the information before I can give you the information. A lot of times they will do Guardian Time because there is a particular activation that is going to take place in the Planetary Grids that have to do with the Planetary Templar, which are the Grid Systems and the Star Gate Systems and all of that. They will time things with our workshops, where we‘ll be given a certain block of information and then maybe a technique that taps in with the activations that are going down in the Planetary Grids. So they time them that way sometimes. Sometimes they are waiting to see how the Planetary Grids, almost like they are up there watching their watches --they don‘t have watches--- but they are feeling out the vibrations in the planet to see when a certain level of energy is going to open or 'pop', and they will actually have us on call, and then say, ‗It‘s now! Do this activation technique now to bring those frequencies in.‘ Right? So it can get a bit weird with Guardian Time, because I can‘t post a schedule or give you an itinerary that says, ‗Yo, show up at 1 o‘clock for Session-1 and show up at 4 o‘clock for Session-2.‘ I wish. Usually what works, particularly the ones that are going on high Guardian Time, and this one appears to be, and I was praying it wouldn‘t with all the people that are new. I was going, ―Please Beloveds, please, please, let this be one week. Give me the itinerary a week before and at least….‖ No. It‘s almost like yeah, beginners‘ leap indeed! We usually end up with between 14 and 16 hours of 'on' time in the 3-day workshop period, and it often happens at very strange hours. In the old days I used to try to fit it into a time frame where they say, ‗Maybe around 9 o‘clock you can go in.‘ Yeah right. They - we‘d be in the middle of, like, Graph-6-of-15 at nine o‘clock, so we‘d have to go down (and) say ‗well maybe eleven.‘ It was really difficult on people as well as us; but it was really difficult on people, because they didn‘t know what time to show up. If it was going to be late, they could have slept in the day, but they didn‘t know they could do that, that kind of thing. The Beloveds have given us a bit of warning anymore that, if it was going on Guardian Time, know we are going to have night shift, which means your day shift is free and that you might want to sleep some time during that shift…excuse me. Another part of Guardian Time has to do with the planet and what‘s called the 'magneto tail' of the magnetosphere. There is, at night time that is when the magneto tail if you—I usually have a diagram for this one—but there is better reception at night time. That‘s when, at night time, is when the side of the Earth you‘re on is not facing the sun, the magneto tail stretches out and it allows for frequencies to be pulled in from further away than when you have the magnetosphere that is more tied around the sun, when it is this side that is facing the sun. So a lot of times the activations and the information or the data streaming will be given at night, because at night time you have that magneto tail effect which increases the ability for transmission. You also have a common feel of the consciousness field on the planet, because most of the planet, at least the half that you‘re on that would be night or day where you are, right; there is a whole bunch of other people that have their schedules night or day there. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

When the majority of the planet that is, let‘s say, doing their nine-to-five work jobs and all that stuff, if they are mostly awake in daytime, there‘s this constant chatter, mental chatter. There is this fly too…. It just landed on my nose…. This constant mental chatter, literally in the astral field, but also just in the harmonic field that we‘re walking through every day, our consciousness field or the energy field of the planet, and when they go to sleep, it quiets down a bit. So you have two factors that improve the quality of transmissions during night time, so it is really a better time--unless there are specific activations that need to be done when, during the daylight hours, that side of the planet is facing the sun--they will try to do the evening hours. If it were just simple, where they could give me the thing, the program before, evening hours could be, ‗Well, from sunset till midnight‘. No, it doesn‘t work that way either. On workshops where they actually would give me a schedule, right; we could do those type. But this one they are giving us the warning. I think we are starting at 10:00 pm. That will probably mean we will go to 4:00 to 5:00 in the morning. All right? Now, I really feel bad when I have to have this conversation with people that are just new to the workshop because I really want you to have a good time, and that can be rather disorientating if you are used to sleeping at night and being awake in the day. We don‘t do this to you on purpose just so you know. It isn‘t easy for the Speakers either. What I usually do: what I will be doing, I won‘t be sleeping tomorrow. I will sleep a little bit tonight and I will wake up early. And then I will go into work and they will give me the transmission on what in the world are we teaching tomorrow night at 10:00, starting tomorrow night at 10:00. There will probably be graphs, new graphs and those kind of things. They will show me what tomorrow‘s itinerary is by the time I get there. So while you‘re being able to sleep or go by the pool or do whatever you feel like doing with your day time hours, I will be up there preparing the material for the evening session. And now A‘san helps and now that the people that are called ‗the apprentices‘, we‘ll talk a little bit about before the end of this workshop because the Beloveds have asked us to. They also help. They will help with typesetting and all of that thing, but before anything can be typeset it has to data stream, because I am the one that has the verbatim contract: Speaker-1 holds the verbatim contract of the transmissions, the data streaming transmissions from them. That doesn‘t mean the other Speakers and apprentices and other people can‘t communicate with the Guardians; they can, but as far as the official data streaming from what are called the Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates or the CDT records that we have talked about in the Voyagers books, that goes with Speaker-1 unless Speaker-1 is disabled and like dead or out of commission. So it means I‘m, like, a bottleneck for the information, where the official transmissions from the Beloveds have to come through the little body that is called me down here, and I have to scribble down as fast as I The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

can. I am really grateful for the help that everybody else gives with the typesetting and those kind of things; we didn‘t used to have that in the old days. And some of the graphs were scribbled all over the place. I was like the white-out queen: I‘d have white-out up to my elbows coming on stage at night; but at least I got it, right! And they were really messy, but they showed what needed to be shown. The graph series: if you don‘t know, if you haven‘t been with the workshops for a while, the graph series aren‘t just there to provide illustrations for ideas, though they do that. If the Beloveds are explaining something quite difficult in a process, technical process: the bodies are going through; the grids are going through, they are doing this not just to keep you occupied or amused; they are doing this because, first of all, the information is important for you to have on a conscious level for whatever activations in the next level of wake-up that the group is moving through, and that you may choose to want to do. But the graphs themselves act like what I call 'codes'. Now in a little bit we‘ll talk about codes. You‘ll see codes in our workshop. What is a code, right? Well, they look like pictures when you look at them. So the graphs actually work like what we‘ll talk about later which are codes and very, very soon later, because it‘s next on the list…. So just know when we have graphs, sometimes we have a few graphs; sometimes we‘ll have a whole string of them. I‘m not sure what way they want to move that this time with this workshop. But they will give some technical information that is very current and timely as far as what is happening now, what activations we‘re at. Also, information that will assist the newcomers to catch up with what they need to do to experience the best of this workshop. You may still have a lot of stuff you might not understand from previous workshops, but you can get benefit from this workshop by understanding a certain set of things and they will show me what that is for each group…. This is a particularly big one with a lot of people that are new. I think it is going to be exciting! It‘s like, ‗Hi, nice to meet you…. Hope you don‘t think I‘m nuts, but if you do, oh well…. I don‘t give you permission to hurt me…but you‘re welcome to think I am crazy if you want to.‘ Codes: now codes you will see often in various different techniques that we use and those kind of things. Codes, I don‘t actually have an example of one. I don‘t know if everyone has seen at least the Camelot interview, the Project Camelot interview, because we did show--ah! There‘s a code. All right. Codes, does anybody have one I can hold up? Yeah, I forgot, actually I didn‘t have one with me. Yeah, anyway, is there, has anybody not seen one of our codes, like the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan? OK, good; looks like everybody knows the basic concept of what (I mean) when I say a code. We are looking at something that looks like, sometimes, a pretty picture, sometimes an interesting geometrical picture. They are not always pretty- pretty, right? The codes are literally, first of all, when we take, if you take the module that talks about the codes, it will be explained that they are actually living, all right,? They are like a photograph of a person, all right? That person is alive. You can take a photograph of the person, and it‘s capturing a picture of the essence of the living being. That‘s what these codes are: they are living consciousness structures in energy that are actually, most of the codes we use are actually part of what is embedded in your own DNA as part of the Angelic Human encryption, what‘s called „encryption‟.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

An encryption is, (a) simple way to put it is, a core vibration of radiation pattern that everybody has. A little bit different one, but everybody in one species will have that similarity, and then little differences within the species encryption. So we have encryptions inside of ourselves, some of which actually, when you enlarge them, it‘s like taking a little tiny minute piece of your Epi-genetic overlay, a piece of your DNA template and blowing it up and seeing what it looks like, and you will see the Code Beings. They are living portions of consciousness that are taking on that geometrical form that is their body form, all right? They are part of you; you are made up of codes. If you could see yourself from a different level of awareness and look down at your body, it wouldn‘t look like the body you see in the mirror, or when we look at each other‘s bodies; we are actually seeing the illusionary hologram here of solid matter, and those kind of things. Beyond that and behind that and within it there is a living energy system that is your consciousness, the part of it that is imbued within your atoms and a part that is beyond being imbued within your atoms. So everybody looks like codes of various forms when we see ourselves from a certain level of consciousness. Right now, we‘re just the little solid part inside of a code. These code structures, they are used to, specifically, when we do various things with codes and various codes have different purposes; some are actually, they go with the Planetary Grids and are for opening Star Gates and those kind of things. Others are for opening certain conduits of natural energy within your own body, within your DNA, to allow corresponding levels of higher consciousness- your own- to come into your body and to turn on live within your DNA. So when it turns on live in your DNA, that is when you can consciously perceive it while you were awake here. It‘s kind of funny. With some of the early techniques, like the beginners‘ techniques and those kind of things, and this has been happening for years: if people are just starting out, and they start with a series of techniques, they put their headphones on and lay down at home and put on the CD and fall asleep after like a minute, right? After a while, you‘ve got fun music. ‗Oh wow, I was able to stay awake four minutes this time.‘ Because the activations, the techniques that we give are meant to very gently and subtly activate the natural coding in your own DNA that progressively allows the sequencing of your higher dimensional consciousness to come in. But the DNA reaches a saturation point and that‘s when you just go (makes snoring sound). We had a snoring workshop here once…whereby it was hilarious. You remember that one? I think we even heard it; you could hear it on the DVD and stuff…. It was one of those where we had to be up really, really late because of activations that were coming in. The activation techniques, because when there‘s grid activations coming into the planet, the Beloveds will actually give a specific technique on how to use those to assist us in our own awakening.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

By the end of this one, I think there was a 12-technique run or something we had to do, which just took ages, and everybody was tired to begin with. By the end of them you heard most people; most people were in their blankets on the floor. We can‘t do that with a group this big because there won‘t be enough room and it is a fire hazard. You can‘t lay down 300 people on the floor in a room this size, right! In that one, it was one where we could have people, where they could sit or lay down on the floor if they wanted to, and they are wrapped up in their blankies. A lot of them just said, ‗Oh, forget it!‘ because you will still get the energy activation, even if you lose it halfway through or (a) minute in if you start to (makes snoring sound) go into sleep. It means your biological self needs to stretch itself more. Your DNA, the chemical part, the bio-chemical part of the body, your atoms aren‘t used to holding that level of multi-dimensional frequency yet. The more you work with a set of techniques, the more you will actually stay awake doing them, which means the more of that frequency coding you are turning on in the DNA. So the body is actually becoming more able to hold it, all right? So you actually stay awake more in techniques. As you do them more, you bring in more of that frequency, whatever the frequency of the particular technique is bringing in. And as your body stretches to accommodate it, eventually it doesn‘t shut off and put you to sleep. The DNA will stay open and it will stay in its active memory, which means you are holding the activation. So there is a lot of interesting things that we‘ve gone through in the years and the Beloveds never warned me about that one. It was funny because people are going ‗I don‘t know what it is but it‘s like I just fall asleep after I‘m not even a minute into the technique. What is wrong with me?‘ We had so many of these calls and we went ‗Beloveds, what‘s happening with that?‘ (A‘sha chuckles) They explained the process and then sure enough, once people worked with them for a while, they found that they didn‘t fall asleep after a while. Actually, they could feel certain things coming in, certain frequencies coming in, so they realized it was a part of the growing process. For people just coming in new, if you hadn‘t ever been with us on this amazing…well wacky journey of Ascension because this is what it felt like for all of us sometimes that have stayed with it, you might not know what some of these things are; you might not know what the codes are. The codes are mathematical programs that actually are photographs of conscious beings or conscious configurations of energy, many of which make up your own body structure. When you use them, they actually help turn on those extra multidimensional frequencies within your body, preparing it more and more for the process of Ascension, or for healing certain things. There are certain codes that are used for healing aspects in the body that shouldn‘t be there in the body, and also within the bio-energetic field, your auric field, your chakras, the things that you don‘t see that are there. The fact that your body is there implies those other things are there that you don‘t see.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

There are certain codes that are used to directly heal aspects of your multidimensional anatomy that have been damaged by the planetary anomaly in the electromagnetic field of the planet or the geomagnetic field of the planet. So codes, there‘s lots of them. We have been very, very blessed with a dear artist lady. Now there‘s a few artists that work on them. There is one lady from UK, I don‘t like to embarrass Sue, but Sue, hi Sue…. (Audience applauds) She does amazing work on the codes…. (To Sue): Sorry…I hope I didn‘t embarrass you but I just wanted to give credit where it is due there. The Beloveds will give me, show me the codes that, if there is a new code coming in they will show me the code in my mind and fortunately I can draw halfway decently. I used to do portraits when I was younger to pay bills and that kind of thing, so I wasn‘t too bad of an artist. But I wasn‘t a mathematical artist; you know it‘s freehand, right, and I don‘t like measuring things. So mathematicals are like… I never learned computer art skills at all; I still type with four fingers basically, ah yeah. And forget art programs, I don‘t know them. So I will get the basics down using templates and all the old-fashioned stuff, drafting equipment that, when you are doing mathematical things by hand, I‘ll get the basics down, and then the colors. We actually, some of them are so intricate, like the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan code that we‘ve had to create working with Sue and A‘san, we‘ve actually created using, I think it‘s the pantone color chart or whatever. If it‘s a blue or an aqua-ey blue, which one is it? So we can actually let her know which ones go where. She will take the roughs, sometimes just the black-and-white drawing, put that in the computer and have to follow all the minute little, ‗OK, that‘s the color and that‘s that color‘. She does an amazing job. She just brings them to life and we are really grateful for that, because the codes will work even if they are just a flat black-and-white drawing on a page. Sometimes when they are first given, that‘s actually what we will use, because there‘s not been any time to make them fancy and pretty, and that, the code itself, even in blackand-white and small, will start the activation process. However, when the codes are built up and the frequencies of their colors which--color is frequency. Every, I mean even science knows that, that every color is a waveband and that it is a waveband of frequency. So when you see colors in the codes, it implies a very specific set of dimensional frequencies: red is D1; orange is D2, etc, all the way up the 15-dimensional scale. When you have those extra layers put in and especially with some of the—even if you just colored in with colored pencils, that would give you a little more. But what Sue does with them is amazing. She just, there is something that computer art does that is hard for artists to do without doing major oil paintings with shading and stuff, that it just brings them right to life! That gives more and more layers of the activations associated with the code, that are speaking to the codes, that look like that; that live in your body as part of your consciousness structure of your atomic structure and your field structure. So as far as codes, we are not just playing with pictures. Sometimes you‘ll see us inhale them, which is funny. That doesn‘t mean we stuff the paper up our nose or anything…no! We recognize them as an energy frequency pattern that - and you know what? Photographs are energy frequency patterns too; they are holding the encryption of whatever was in the photo. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

If you have a photo from five years ago from a certain location, you can actually use the encryption, that photograph, to actually travel back to that point in space-time to do stuff, and to find out things or whatever. So it‘s not just that our codes are living encryptions that you can look at on paper; photographs work in the same way. This is why people can do what‘s called ‗psychometry‘, where they actually start finding out things, and actually can do healings through photographs and stuff. It‘s because there is the energetic link to the point of where a photo was taken, or where a piece of artwork was created, that holds very specific encryption frequencies in its template, the part you don‘t see of it where it is an energy construct. Because, anything that you can see before you, even anything you can smell before you, even if you couldn‘t see, is an energy construct, and somewhere it is actually visible, maybe not from this level of perception, but from a different one. So when we work with codes, we will sometimes do Optical Pineal Induction that…we‘ve talked a lot of times about the pineal gland and why it is important in relation to the biology and Ascension, and the multidimensional anatomy. So there are things where sometimes we will look at a code, and depending on what the code is, sometimes the Beloveds will ask us to actually cross our eyes, where you see it as one, right? You actually see it kind of like you are looking at one that comes together as two; it‘s almost like two of them. Then you pull them back as one and inhale them into the pineal, which is where your sixth chakra is, which is your third eye. You inhale them there and then (exhale) expand them out inside of you. Then you can do things with them: running up and down your central vertical column of energy that some people call the ‗kundalini current‘. Kundalini is one small aspect of that current by the way, if you don‘t know. So there is an amazing amount of information we have been taught about the multidimensional anatomy, the states of consciousness that go with it. It is processed in relation to the mutation that exists on this planet that is keeping us in a state where we end up dying, where we don‘t remember where we came from when we get here, and we don‘t even realize where we are going anywhere once we leave. So we‘ve covered huge amounts of information, and we‘ve used lots of Guardian Time and lots of codes, and there is this other word „psonn‟, p-s-o-n-n; psonns is plural. A psonn is kind of a song: it‘s a special song. Just like the codes are visual, right? They are visual encryption of energy that has to do with a living encryption of energy that can be brought back into awakening within you. Well, there are certain sound tones that do the same. So there are certain psonns. Now some of them, some psonns actually don‘t have a musical component that has been given yet. They will just be a set of words, but you might look at them at first and go ‗What is that?‘ Because they don‘t look like any words you might recognize. That gets down to, some of the psonns have to do with strange languages…mmm, strange languages. They are really not strange languages when you understand what they are. A lot of the psonns, to get the most energetic and important level of what the words are, they could translate the words of these psonns into English and sometimes they do. Or whatever. If you don‘t speak English, if you speak Spanish, you could translate into Spanish too. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

But when the original words are used from strange languages, the strange languages have to do with about three that are being used right now in combination with each other. The base language is called Anuhazi. Anuhazi was the first spoken language, the verbally spoken language, outside language, in this 15dimensonal Time Matrix, all right? That means in the place our 15-dimensional Time Matrix spans, not only our Milky Way Galaxy but also the Andromeda Galaxy. So they were the first, it was the language of the first sound tones that were audibly spoken as a outwardly spoken language. When you get up into certain levels of existence, outward languages aren‘t even used anymore; they are not needed. It‘s all direct cognition, encryption to encryption. It‘s more than just telepathy; it‘s literally where you can send pictures to each other; you can send—you don‘t even have to think of sending to each other, you just know. There‘s a certain level of consciousness associated with Krysted Consciousness where it‘s just direct knowing, complete knowing. So languages, outside languages, where you speak words slowly with sound tones, aren‘t needed. In the lower dimensional structure it‘s…in our 15-dimensional system, as you come down into the dimensions, progressively more languages are needed, because less and less of the frequencies everybody has turned on of their consciousness in their DNA. So the external languages were formed as ways to carry, like carrier waves, to carry the frequencies of the ideas that couldn‘t be transferred directly anymore through direct cognition. Now the Anuhazi language, which is a language that is actually translated—they call it Anuhazi: it means ‗before Anu,‗. Anu has something to do with a rather nasty disastrous situation that happened in the Lyra Star System a long time ago in our Time Matrix, 250 billion years ago. This was considered the ‗Original Sin‘ fall in this Time Matrix, where the life fields started to go into a de-evolutionary pattern, and it had to (do) with what were called the Anu-Elohim races. The original Founders races, there were three of them of this Time Matrix: one were the Elohei, another were the Seraphei, and another were the Bra-ha-Rama of our Time Matrix. When certain things occurred, with de-evolution of some of those, a couple of them fell. Some of the fallen Elohei became what were called the Elohim, the Anu-Elohim specifically. These were a group of—these were beyond being just physical forms. They had physical-type forms, but could disappear and re-appear at will and that kind of level of consciousness, before falling. The Anu-Elohim--now that doesn‘t mean that all Elohim are a negative thing! There are many Elohim that were trying to re-evolve back into Ascension from getting caught in that fall. The Anu-Elohim were the ones who actually created what were called the ‗Anunnaki Raider‘ races, who were created in order to destroy the Angelic Human races. So anyway, when we get back to the languages, Anuhazi means ‗before Anu‘, which means before that fall, before that period 250 billion years ago in this Time Matrix, when the Time Matrix was still holding…this is the original encrypted language of this Time Matrix.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

So when you see, we don‘t have the whole thing, they haven‘t taught us the whole alphabet. What we end up getting are psonns, psonns of words that, some of them, they translate into English so you can see what the words mean. When the psonns are either sung or what they call commands, or requests spoken in the original language, that original language carries all of the frequency bands of this 15-dimensional Time Matrix. For example, in the 15-dimensional Time Matrix, the first 12 dimensions…you have 12 dimensions and each sub-dimension has 12 sub-frequency bands within it. So within a 12-dimensional span there would be 144 sub-frequency bands. Each one of those would be a little vibration encryption. The language of Anuhazi is built upon using all of, the whole spectrum of, not only the 144, but the ones that go (with) Dimensions 13, 14 and 15. So it is a full spectrum language. It has the ability to carry multiple levels of meaning in just one little three letter creation. We are taught how to speak them. They will talk to me and let me hear what they sound like and I try to put it…sometimes you‘ll see, like, big ‗A‘ with a line over it, and it‘s an interesting way of writing. It‘s trying to get down to what that sounds like. They are showing me the letters to use, and anyway you will see these things in psonns and you will find them in various other things. Some of the techniques like the Krystal River Prayer use some of that. You will find some in what are some of my favorite things that they do in techniques they have given, where the Orb Calls, what they call the Orb Calls / Commands, where you call the Orb Beings in to visit you; the good ones, because orbs can go either way. We‘ll talk about orbs at the end of this. But anyway, I want you to understand Guardian Time, codes, psonns and strange languages. Drum codes: drum codes are another form of language. I don‘t think we are going to hear too many here, but they did have me bring my drum for some reason, like I needed to drag that all the way from Florida! Because we tend to do the drum circles in Florida; we did the workshops over there because that has the beautiful Siesta Key beach, where we can get a permit and have the group sit out and do drumming and stuff. We don‘t do drumming just to make noise; we don‘t do drumming just for fun and to have a party, even though sometimes it can feel fun, especially if the weather is nice. The drumming has to do with, again, vibrational sequences, and specific beats and rhythms that have to do with something called Base Pulse Rhythm or BPR. This has to do with all sorts of things in the personal anatomy, but also within the Planetary Grids. When we do the drumming and drum codes, we are—they are very specific. They are teaching us this pattern, and by the way, I never knew how to drum this life. I have drummed in other lives. There‘s people who are professional drummers and they know all the stuff about drumming; no, not me, not at all! What they do is, they‘ve given mathematical codes, and they said, and they are very specific. They showed us this whole series of graphs and diagrams that have to do with the structure of probabilities in the Cosmic Structure and where we are in relation to that, and what numeric sequences go with which probabilities and which one we are trying to line up with, so we can move through 2012 without having cataclysmic results that others are trying to have happen on this planet. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 211

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They‘ve actually helped us learn these drum codes to begin the process of, literally, beating into the Planetary Grids the proper rhythms that will help the BPR of the Planetary Core, the Base Pulse Rhythm. It will help it to begin picking up the beats that are needed to align with the frequency pulses that are coming with certain future probabilities that we are trying to align with, as opposed to other negative ones. So when you hear drum codes, it is much more than meets the eye. There are some people that, fortunately, in the group are drummers. They are professional drummers, and thank God they were there, because they were able to, we could do the basic beats. We taught the group just how to do the basic ones, which sounds kind of interesting. It didn‘t sound too bad actually the first time we did it. Then we have the people who actually do know how to drum, could move it around a little and still keep the math, it became very, very fascinating. I don‘t know if anybody‘s been drumming. Sometimes at the workshops, when everybody is waiting because I am upstairs doing diagrams until 10.00 at night, they‘ll do little drum gatherings and that kind of stuff. They can be really fun. So if you see that occurring, if you are new to workshops, know where it‘s coming from. It‘s a lovely way to bring in the frequency to get the BPR into where it‘s supposed to be, and there‘s the ones that combine the psonns and the drumming. There‘s one that actually, I think it‘s the Psonn of Freedom it‘s called, it has its drum code sequences, but it also has the sequences of interesting-sounding words that are sung together. These words are not just Anuhazi; they use Anuhazi as the base, but they also combine the Aquareion language that has to do with the Host, the Krystal River Host Matrix. There is another one that I think the other language comes in on that is from Andromeda. So they are starting to blend in the other two languages that are needed to bring in the full spectrum of the Krystal River Host into some of the psonns they are giving us, and some of the word things. In the Psonn of Freedom you have the words being sung, and the words are actually the words for numbers, where you‘re not only drumming the numbers in, but you are actually using the vibrational sequencing with the voice for the numbers, just like we have if you…. Say, there is number 1, 2, 3: you can write it in numerals or can say: one: o-n-e, two: t-w-o, three: t-h-r-e-e, right? Well it was the same thing: they gave us the basic translation code for using the numbers. So that‘s where the Psonn of Freedom came from. I know people that have been with us for a while know all of these things, but the people who are new, you could probably think we are just a bunch of crazies, like what are these people doing? They are drumming and singing weird songs in strange languages and inhaling codes, and they do everything at weird hours at night…. You may still leave feeling that, and if you do, that‘s OK. If you don‘t feel that you‘re comfortable with the information you‘ve learned here, or this isn‘t the place for you, there‘s no hard feelings. Yeah, I‘m glad you gave it a shot. But please understand that, before your conscious rational mind that has never experienced a thing like this before goes jumping into conclusions and thinking, ‘Oh, it might be that, or it might be that‘, know what it is what you are seeing.

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So when you see Guardian Time, when you see codes, when you see psonns, when you see drum codes and strange languages, know that there is a logical explanation for these. You might not have heard that logical explanation yet in the world out there, but they are not working with multi-dimensional physics techniques that have to do with spirituality and consciousness and Ascension. So there is a reason for it, and the people who have been around for a while know that that‘s there because, piece by piece, we‘ve learned those things too. So, I just want to kind of catch up with it, so you don‘t think we‘re all a bunch of nuts, all right! Now— (A‘sha and A‘san discuss logistics.) [End of Audio Track: 1:31:39]

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Friday Evening Orientation Part 2 [Audio Track 2:] A‘sha A‘sha: Hello, we‘re going to try to come back and see if the sound works better. Hey Jared, are we all right with the sound? (A'sha and Jared discuss sound logistics with audience) This workshop is a bit bigger than we usually have. We usually stop at 300 people and we‗ve fit that in this room before. There are fire codes that specify how we can lay out the seats in a room this size, and we‘ll get in trouble if we violate them, not to mention not just getting into trouble, but it would be dangerous to people. Right now we are seeing that the wings are having a hard time seeing anything that is on the screen. We‘re going to try to work with this and see what we can do to fix this by tomorrow night. We‘ll do our best and work with the situation that we have. We don‘t have the big fancy expensive equipment that does that, you know how they use in big colleges and stuff, where you have a little tiny professor down there that nobody can really see, and they beam him up on screens all over so like 1000 people can see him and his diagrams? We don‘t have that set-up yet; that‘s bigger and more expensive than our organization is right now. So we will do our best with what we have here and try to accommodate the people on the wings that are having a hard time seeing the screen. Right now, there‘s not a lot to see. I am reading; it is just words, really, to keep me focused on the things I wanted to address as far as the people that are new to the workshop. So you are not missing anything that hasn‘t been said; I read the topic and then I go verbatim on it myself with the wave and with the Beloveds. So for now you are not going to miss anything, but we will work with this to see the best-case-scenario that we can do by the time we get into major program with diagrams and all of that. So we‘re not ignoring you. No; and we realize there is an issue with that; we will do our best to work with that. As far as sound, I guess it‘s OK now; they tell me they think it‘s OK. It seems nobody is having a problem hearing so we can go back on. We‘ve never done a break in an orientation before to my remembrance, did we ever? No, that‘s the first— oh-oh, does that mean it‘s going to be a long one? Usually, by the way for people that are new, usually orientations are quite short. They are about an hour long, where we just come in and we say hello and welcome you; we give you a bit of a rundown and have a little bit of a chat about some of the things that are happening with the Beloveds that we know about. Especially in workshops where they haven‘t given us an itinerary or direct subject matter, there is not a lot to talk about, so we just convene for the next session. The sessions aren‘t like orientations; that‘s where we actually cover material and do graphs and learn the next dispensation of the information. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 211

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Tonight, because there are so many new first-workshop persons, that it is a good time to create this little discussion that I would like you to understand what you might experience in workshops. Not just for the people who were here, for people who might see one of the interviews or whatever and decide, ‗Oh I want to get a package. But I‘d like to get the more current stuff as well as the beginners‘ techniques and things‘. They can come in here and those questions will be addressed and so will, the next sheet has to do with, there are twelve frequently asked questions that just kind of clarifies some things, and that will I think be helpful to everyone. So I would like to get through these and it‘s a good use of an orientation, where we actually get more of an orientation than the usual groups that just have the people who have been repeatedly coming. We‘ve got through explaining some of these things, so if you see them you know what you are doing; you know what the people are doing. They are not just wacky, strung-out-on-something people; they are doing some things for a purpose; there is a logical reason for what they are doing and it has been covered in many of the workshops. So it‘s just the fact that you haven‘t had the training to understand what is going on with the people who are doing some of the things that you might see... if they are inhaling codes or doing psonns or doing drum beats, or running around stomping on the floor and dancing-- if you don‘t have a drum that your hands are playing, you‘ve got feet! Sometimes when we do the big drum circles in Sarasota on the beach, we‘ll have the drummer contingent. We also have the stompers and the slappers/clappers, right? Because they are putting the beats in just like the Native American tribes would do when they are doing the Sacred Dances and those kind of things. There are certain ways to bring the BPR rhythms, specific ones, right into the Planetary Grids. When we work with Planetary Grids, as we assist frequencies to come in, or to stabilize (those) that are coming into the planet, they also, we get a back-return of frequency from the planet itself that assists us in our next level of our awakening and healing. So it‘s a very, it is almost like a love affair with the planet when you begin to work with the Planetary Grids in this way, where you realize the planet is a living conscious being just like you are, and you realize that both you and the planet share a similar anatomy even though your matter form on the outside looks different: the planet is big and round and you are small and not round, and so you‘re obviously different. Right? But beyond that— Actually you are big and round but not in your physical body form…. Our Auric Fields are multi-dimensional anatomy: the shape of our Spirit Body, the shape of our Light Body, the shape of our Rasha Bodies, the shape of our Aah-JhA‟ Hydro-Acoustic Bodies, the shape of our Jha-DA‟ Orb Body, these are all part of the intrinsic multidimensional anatomy that every person, and even fleas have some version of that. All right.

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The planet also has that; the solar system has the same anatomy, but a much larger level with much larger energy flows and larger structures. The base structure of planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes and cosmoses, plural, is the same shape that we have as our Light-Body-Spirit-Body anatomy structure. We are just like the little atom in the middle of that, the little atom made up of many, many little atoms that we see when we look at the mirror, that we see when we look at ourselves. But this is just a tiny portion of ourselves and our consciousness in our body. So the Planetary Body and our bodies have a similar anatomy structure, even though you can‘t see it from the outside. It‘s because we have that similar anatomy structure that we can run frequency together. The planet has chakras just like our bodies have chakras, which are those energy centers, right? We actually have 15 chakras in the natural human anatomy; the planet also has 15 chakras. The Planetary Chakras are referred to as vortices. So when you hear about the Sedona vortices in Arizona, we are talking about chakras. All right? We are taught that not all vortices are chakras; some are just smaller ones. We‘ve had anatomy classes where we talked about, we don‘t just have 15; we have 15 primary chakras, which are the big ones, but then we have really millions of tiny little chakras that run all over the body. Even atoms have chakras. So these are part of the energy circulation system that we share with the planet, with the solar system, galaxy, universes, several levels until we get to the cosmos and the cosmos itself. It is an open circulation of Primal Life Force Currents and what are called 'Primal Life Source Currents' and 'Core Currents' that, when they circulate between the macrocosm of the Cosmos and the microcosmic aspects of it-- little beings running around on planets, little planets floating around suns, little suns floating around inside of galaxies--there‘s supposed to be an open system of circulation of energy coming in and then energy flowing back out. Energy coming in brings frequency in; it is supposed to stimulate frequency that sends frequency back out that is called 'backflow'. When backflow comes back to Source out through the Cosmos, Source sends backflow return, which is another inflow. So it‘s a constant give-and-take of energy; it‘s like a love affair of energy. That is the natural structure of the Cosmos, and that is the natural structure of the relationship between any one of us or the Earth or the Solar System in relation to God-Source. We look at God-Source as God-Source Eternal-Life Creation Field. It is conscious. It is aware. It is eternal. We‘ll talk a little bit about that when we get down to some of the other questions on the other sheet. So anyway, when we talk about these, the anatomy of the Cosmos and also of our selves, the Light Body, Spirit Body, etc. body, etc. body structure, then we can talk about activations. Now if you‘re not familiar with the work hardly at all and hear, ‗Oh we are going to have some big activations, did that work out?‘ What is an activation? Activation of what? I can remember myself before the Beloveds took me to this level of understanding of the multidimensional physics involved with consciousness, and somebody said to me, ―Wow, oh it‘s a great activation!‖

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―What was what? What activated?‖ Right. You think like computers? No… What activates? What activates are certain things in your DNA in your anatomy, your multidimensional anatomy or the planet's. When we have activations, it has to do with something that is dormant that exists within your template already, your DNA template and your Morphogenetic Field Template or your base template of which your being, your consciousness and all your body structures are built upon. There is all sorts of different frequency receivers that are in the DNA in the biology and in the multidimensional biology structure of people and planets. Now, many of those things are dormant right now and turned off. In a naturally Krystic world where you have those open flows of circulation between Source and Self all the way through the Cosmos happening, all of those things would be turned on. So they wouldn‘t have to be activated because they already are. When we talk about activations, we are talking about turning back on some of the organic structures that have been forced into shutting down because of the distortions in the Planetary Geomagnetic Field. So, as you progressively turn back on some of those frequency receivers, it enables our bodies to be able to bring in those frequencies from the spectra of the multidimensional frequency that floats around through outer space and around our planet and through our planet. When we work with Planetary Activations, it means the planet has the same problem. There are things on the planet that are desperately distorted in its natural, what‘s called 'Templar'. The Planetary Templar means temple pillars or template pillars. ‗Template pillars‘ refer to the basic structure of Star Gates and ley lines and axiatonal lines and vortices that make up the natural energy grid structure of the Planetary Multidimensional Body. We have our own version of that. The planet has a bunch of things turned off, a bunch of receivers turned off that should be turned on, has a bunch of other receivers that are turned on but are operating in reversed flow. Say there was a number sequence of frequency that was supposed to flow and it went 1-2-3-4-5; instead, the receivers are pulling it in as 5-4-3-2-1, which creates an opposite spin on things such as atoms and molecules and what‘s called angular rotation of particle spin. This is something that we talk about a lot; we have for a long time in the last ten years. It has a lot to do with what reality field you will find yourself in. Angular rotation of particle spin has to do with the more heavy physics aspects of the Ascension teachings that we were doing. When you first come into the work, you don‘t have to know what 'angular rotation of particle spin' means. But it does help to know a little bit about (it) when we talk about natural organic currents and unnatural or Metatronic reversed currents - where they are taking the natural current and bending it back in a way it shouldn‘t be - that creates an opposite flow of energy in the body structures than what it should be, organic. You will hear these type of things when we talk about what‘s wrong with the Planetary Grids in relation to what‘s coming in 2012. So there‘s time to catch up on some of that work about angular rotation of particle spin. If you don‘t want to, you don‘t have to. It does help to understand those so (you) understand more of—the more information you do understand about what we‘ve been taught, the more you actually get those ‗ah-ha!‘ moments where you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 33 of 211

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go, ‗Oh wow, OK, that‘s what that means! Oh, that‘s what that piece—that‘s what connects that piece and that piece. All right, I get it!‘ It‘s like the coldest ah-opening wakes up in you. That means this whole burst of frequency just turned on in your consciousness; this whole level of your own consciousness just came back in; more of your own higher dimensional awareness came back in. So it is worth learning the things that people who have been with this Work for a long time have, but it is not mandatory; it‘s completely up to you. We always say that what you feel a little bit of resonance with, go for that part. The beginners‘ techniques are very important because they begin the activation sets in your body structure, in your Light Body structure. Your Spirit Body structure begins the ability to bring in those broader frequencies of your own higher identity, to bring it into you and turn it on within your Physical Body structure, to begin the enlightening or awakening process of your conscious mind. You start to become capable of conscious evolution, where you realize you are evolving and you‘re taking active part; proactive evolution, where you are working with your body systems to bring in the Spirit Consciousness directly, by educating yourself in what that means and how to go about it. And it is very personal. You don‘t have to do it, but if you do, it does improve how the techniques will work for you. Part of the techniques are, actually, going through some of the diagrams that show how processes work or how structure works, because those are an encryption of energy. When you have (a) picture of a diagram in your head, even if you can only hold it for half a second, that energy is turned on for that half a second that you are holding it. That‘s why even doing meditations on some of the codes—you know, I think it‘s the Buddhists that like to do some of the mandala meditations, and they‘ll draw them and they‘ll meditate parts of them-you can do that with codes too. They will bring awareness to you, your own awareness. They‘ll turn (on) more and more of the body of information that goes with the mathematical codes, of those codes that are in your field. Organically it will progressively turn them on. So working with the codes is the fast way actually to begin bringing in the frequencies more and more. With the activations, there are a number of kinds. We have the bio-field DNA template activations. I say 'DNA template' because, right now, scientifically it‘s probably the best way to approach that legally. But the template refers to the D1 aspect of the DNA. The Epi-genetic Overlay refers to the D3 level of the DNA, and the chemical DNA refers to the D2 level. We call it the 'template'; that implies the rest of it is going too. So there will be changes. Eventually--we‗re not ‗run to the DNA lab every 2 weeks to see what happened next‘, right? In fact, I wouldn‘t advise that, because you never know that what would happen if the changes were becoming clinically provable. I would wonder where they would place that work and what they would do with us and what lab we‘d end up in—kidnapped and put in forever, all right? So we use the word 'DNA template Bio-field' referring to that great structure of multidimensional anatomy that you have, your bio-field, your bio-energetic field. 'Bio-field' is a quick way to say that and DNA template activations.

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Simply, the activations are turning back on the receivers for the natural organic flows of multidimensional frequency, so you can turn those levels of consciousness back on in your own conscious self and get your body physically able, progressively, to bring in frequencies that you will need if you ever are going to biologically walk through a Star Gate. Star Gates are interesting. They are energy structures. Star Gates are…I don‘t know if any of you‘ve taken any of the modules that talked about the Kathara Grid, the core template. Well, the planet has a core template too, and on the Kathara Grid that we‘ve talked about in some of those modules and classe--if you haven‘t seen them you‘re all right. You can just ask anybody that looks like they‘ve been here for a while; they know what the Kathara Grid is, because we started that in 2000; so Kathara Grid is basic simple stuff. There are 12 centers on the Kathara Grid and those energy centers on a planetary level are actually the 12 primary Star Gates, and they are in specific locations within the Planetary Body. When they activate, they actually turn into here‘s another word what look like „Merkaba Fields'. All right, 'Merkaba Fields' is another thing we have studied intensely in the last ten years. Simply put, they are a set—well, some of them have different structures—but they are basically a set of counter-rotating vortices of energy that are part of the natural circulatory system of persons, planets, solar systems, cosmoses. When Merkaba Fields are working correctly, they spiral energy in and out in a natural way through the bodies, be it a Planetary Body, Universal Body or your own Body. So we‘ve talked about Merkaba Fields. We talked about—excuse me a minute, they are interrupting - here we go! You‘re getting your first—'oh, there she goes', yeah! What? All right, all right. They are saying they don‘t want to keep you here till midnight, but they want to get on. We can talk about the Merkaba Fields later; don‘t get into it. OK…I have a feeling that most of the chuckling on that one is coming from the people who have been here for a while…and who know why this is probably not a good time to get into Merkaba Fields. But if you‘re coming here as a newcomer and from the Camelot interviews or something, you‘ve got a good introduction to the hard core aspect of it, really fast; where we talked about Merkaba Fields and how they should work and how they shouldn‘t work. I‘m just going to leave that as that for this discussion and move on. Anyway, activations, did I say that? All right, activations not only affect the bio-fields and the DNA, they also affect the functioning of the Merkaba Fields and related parts of the multi-dimensional anatomy. OK, they just said, ―OK, now stop with the Merkaba Fields!‖…Yeah, they are doing it lovingly; they don‘t order me to do stuff. When I have telepathic communication with them, which is different than the data streaming; the data streaming is like I said: it‘s like an email, but it‘s a bit interactive. I can send a question back and it‘ll actually answer it back, but it is different than talking with a person live. Just like getting an email, where the person is not there anymore but they might have sent a few things; like, 'if they ask this question, send that answer back'. That kind of thing; it‘s more automated. When I do the workshops, when I‘m up on stage, there is at least a cluster of the Guardians with me and they usually hang out right around here. That‘s when you‘ll see me dialoguing with them, and that‘s the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 211

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telepathic conversation where it is just like…and when I hear them in my head, know I feel them; I feel the conversation. It‘s not about hearing; the ears don‘t hear it. The only time they will turn on a bit of hearing with any of that is when they need me to hear specific sound tones when they are giving some of the music. Then they will... literally, it‘s, 'Oh, I hear a chorus in my head!' Sometimes they‘ll actually put it outside, where they hear it through the electricals, like the bathroom fan or the refrigerator hum. They‘ll actually ride the electrical current with certain psonns, and you can actually hear choruses sometimes come out of them. If you ever get this effect, it‘s not your imagination; the Beloveds are using the electrical systems of the planet sometimes, even a motor hum sometimes. They will sometimes play music for you. Sometimes it‘s activation music; other times its just to let you know they are there, so you feel comforted or so you feel like you‘re not alone. I remember the one time where I thought it was hilarious, because I‘m used to them doing this for a long time. Sometimes they‘ll actually come through and give you three songs in a row on the radio that have a bit of a message for you, right? And there is just a feel to it. ‗Wait,‘ you go; ‗Oh, what‘s that? Should I listen to the next three?‘...And you‘ll get, kind of like, ‗Yeah, OK.‘ Sometimes even they‘ll move with you with psonns. A lot of times it sounds like chorus stuff, like church music, that kind of stuff…lots of arias and that was wonderful! It‘s really beautiful—it kind of makes your hair stand up and go, ‗Oh yeah, that feels good!‘ Every once in a while they will do something funny just to let you they are there and hanging out. Nothing big is happening and not trying to do, help you with any big activation. They‘ll, like, turn on the country music channel…and I‘m nothing at country music; I‘m not a country music fan. I don‘t hate it, but it‘s not my type of music; but they‘ll do something funny like that. And you‘ll just hear it around your head, not in your head, and then you‘ll go, ―Is that you?‖ Then you go—you can feel the grin even though you don‘t see their face, and then they‘ll shut it off if you ask them to, that kind of thing. So when subtle contact starts in funny ways, sometimes if you‘re just working with the work, there are techniques that we progressively use to open up direct contact so everybody can begin interacting with the Guardians in a safe way themselves. It depends on your own gene code and what levels of awareness you yourself have activated and how much safety you‘re actually carrying in your own field, how long it will take before you can get telepathic open rapport with them. Because sometimes people have interference from, whatever their genetic code was brought in some interference from the other side, and you can get ones pretending they‘re Guardians when they are not Guardians, and that kind of stuff. There are some people who will get, really fast, where they can hear the Guardians and they can even see them sometimes; other people will work with techniques and it will take them years before they can actually have enough safety built in their fields where it is safe for the Guardians to help them open those conduits of communication. So it is very personal with that. Even if you don‘t get immediate interaction with them, just know that they are there if you want them to be. They‘ll go away if you don‘t want them there; they don‘t track you; they are not stalkers. But they will come if The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 211

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you care about the work and about thinking that there might be something in the work that could help you with whatever your next level of where you want to go in your evolution is. They will listen to your request. They are not judgmental; they are not like the old priests and nuns that are going to smack you over the hand for using the wrong hand to draw a picture. They are not coming from that space at all; it is a very, very loving and gentle type of relationship. They are there if you would like assistance. They will back off. You do need to ask them to come; kind of ‗ask and you shall receive‘, because they won‘t impose themselves on you. In the last workshop we did some interesting things, where we up-scaled the contact potential a bit by beginning to work with mirrors, which we‘ll talk about as we move through the workshop. But for the new people, I wouldn‘t play with mirrors yet, if you‘re just coming into the workshops, because you need to create a safety field in them before it‘s safe at all to even go there to contact anything, even yourself, in the mirror. Right? Mirrors are OK to look at and check out your outfit, but as far as going through them and projecting and things, there are certain ways to do it and certain ways it‘s really not advisable, because you could end up entangled in some very bad experiences. So anyway, contact with the Guardians comes through, again, ‗progressive activations in your own bio-field, and Merkaba Field, and Planetary Activations‘. Now, Planetary Shield Activations, what we refer to as the Planetary Shield. This was the stuff we talked about very early on in the Templar manual, when they were teaching us about the basics of Planetary Stewardship and what grids were and what vortices were and what Star Gates were and all of that. Part of the anatomy of the Planetary Templar is the Planetary Shield. That information can be found in the Templar course…. It is referred to in the product list as the ‗Templar course‘. If anybody is specifically interested in doing the Planetary Grid Work and really want to know all your stuff, that is the place to start with that information. In simple terms, just like I describe a shield here that when a group assembles, every being in that shield is a unique energy signature of living energy. When they come together, they form a shield of living energy made of all of the individuals and that shield actually holds a specific geometric configuration, even before you start to work with that consciously. Well, the Planetary Shield is a similar thing; it is a large but planetary level disk formation, and actually has a spherical counterpart that connects into the disk. But the main thing we call 'the Shield' is a horizontal disk that is made of many, many different--if you look at it, it kind of looks like...if you look at the chandelier bits here: we have all the little crystals, each one shining a little bit. It‘s kind of like that effect, but it‘s a flat disk made up of the little shining crystals. The information on the shield disk, the shields have to do with the circulation of energy that has to do with things called 'Aparthi' that are the receivers for bringing in the frequencies from the multidimensional spectrum etc.; it‘s a part of the anatomy. It is also covered on a personal level in Kathara-2/3 I think in the Kathara-2/3 manual and introduced a bit, I think, in Kathara-1 as well.

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So when we talk about Shield Activations, the planet normally has its own shield just like people do, just like any form actually has its own shield; it‘s part of the Morphogenetic Template. We refer to here the Aquafereion Shield. The Aquafereion Shield has to do with the specific shield or cluster of beings on this planet that are connected directly to the Krystal River Host. They are beings who are descendents from a certain line of Angelic Humans that were gifted with the codes to what is called the Spanner Gates back in, I think, the period was between, the last period that the gift of those codes was given to just certain family lines in the human line, it was between 13,400 BC and 10,500 BC. So there are people alive on the planet, and that is when I said before that, even if you just showed up here and even if you wanted to be the antagonist or whatever: ‗I don‗t believe in this stuff; I just want to prove how wrong it is‘---if you showed up here, there is a reason. There are that little vibration that I talked about that drew you in to where you even knew this knowledge existed, right, and got you far enough where you actually came in the door. It implies that you have some of those codes with you, which means you would be a type of human being that would be known as an Aquari Human or an Aquari Indigo Human being. It means you have certain specialized gene codes. Now, everybody has specialized gene codes on the planet for something. Most Angelic Human race lines had the gene codes for Earth‘s Planetary Star Gates, just the regular set of 12 Star Gates in their DNA. When their DNA activated they would be able to activate the Star Gates and move their biologies through them. That was the relationship between the natural Angelic Human and the Earth. Now the Spanner Gates that we talk about sometimes, these are Core Gates; they are much more powerful gates than the surface gates. They can go, they can take you to a lot further and they can also be the escape route if the outer gates of the planet fall. If the outer gates of the planet fall and the Spanner Gates are not turned on, there is no way of Ascension out, which means wherever the planet‘s evolutionary destiny is going, whoever is on it, is going with them there. The Spanner Gates have been activated because the Earth, its natural Star Gates, referred to as the 'Halls of Amenti Star Gates' have crashed. They are now under Metatronic control and they would not take you into Ascension realms anymore; they will actually ensnare you into black hole fall systems. So the Spanner Gates are activated as part of the Krystal River Host. The Krystal River Host is something that--the paper work that I at least try to get this much for everybody--is that chronology I talked about, where we went back and added a bit more of information including the stuff that was covered in the 12 Tribes classes. This will help the people that have no knowledge of what‘s an Aquafereion or what‘s a Krystal River Host, or what‘s the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Co-operative. Right? Who are these people, right? There will be enough written definition material in that, and I warn you it is in 10-point type, just because there is a lot; I think we‘re on 32 pages so far, or something. It will give you an idea of the progression of the drama. A lot will be over your head: activate this, activate that, these guys did this…but there will be certain sections that have the definitions. So it will explain to you who the Aquafereions are, what the Krystal River Host is.

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So, you can get a catch-up on that without me having to take two more days just to talk to you about those things that everybody else that comes to workshops that already knows that stuff would be bored to death with. So it‘s a way to get information to you quickly, where you can get a summary of what we are dealing with here. The summaries don‘t, they are not a replacement for the larger body of knowledge that has been given over the last ten years. What we are trying to do is create what we call 'step-down program'. The beginning of this will be the Beginners‘ Leap that we‘re working with, with this workshop, where we‘ll have this bit of orientation. We‘re also going to have some linking techniques that will allow the bio-fields, the bio-field of anatomies of the people that are new that want to participate in the activations, that otherwise wouldn‘t be able to bring them in because they don‘t have the stuff before they activated, they are going to give some kind of linking sequence for people who want to do that. And that would also be useful for people out there who come into the work later. So we are trying to make this process as easy as possible. The fact that you came implies that you do have somewhere in there and even if you didn‘t come, even if you‘re sitting there staring at the Camelot U-Tube videos and just going, ‗Whoa, I feel something with this!‘…All right? That ‗I feel something‘, that little ‗whatever it is I‘m not sure I‘ll like it,‘ right...just that little, ‗I feel something: I might love it; I might hate it; I don‘t know‘--but you don‘t just flat-line and feel nothing. That implies that you would have some of the Aquafereion codes that go with the Spanner Gate codes, which means you‘re not just yourself here; your larger identity levels as well came in as part of the hosted self where the host has a purpose. If the gates on this planet were going to crash, which are connected to the larger gate structures in the Milky Way Galaxy...if the Milky Way Galaxy was going to crash, there would be a point in time where they would have to activate the Galactic and all the Planetary Spanner Gate Systems to allow for Ascension Passages to stay open for a period of time that would be in the Evacuation Cycle. That cycle has begun in, I believe it was March 25 2007, when certain things happened in the core of the Sun. We are on a 200year evacuation cycle; at that point in March it was 223 years; now it‘s 220-ish years. So it‘s about 200 years where we are being prepared ourselves, but also helping to prepare the Planetary Gates, the Core Spanner Gates, and to help prepare any of the beings out there who would like to still be able to go into Ascension, to be able to keep alive in their DNA the codes that will allow that to happen. And it‘s going to take a couple of generations to get where people can just biologically walk through one of the Ascension Gates…. There's a lot of people that will never be able to physically walk through; we don‘t even know if we will physically be able to walk through. There is so much damage done to the bodies that depends on how old you are, whether you‘re going be able to get enough of the mutation fixed and cleared to be able to bring the full body through. But that‘s all right as long as, if your body was going to go through its death transition, there is a way to do it and there is a way not to do it. There is a way to do it that is called the natural Bhardoah transition that will allow you to go right into the Ascension Host once you go through whatever natural process would be at

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whatever your organic time of leaving would be…not in a suicide at all, just so you know That actually messes up your process, so it‘s best to don‘t go there, even if you possibly... If you end up as a person that realizes that either it‘s going to be too much work to get all that turned on back in the body and all that healed, that you‘d rather just, when the natural time comes, know that you can get out safely. Part of the programs that we have are teaching that as well. It‘s called 'natural Bhardoah' and there is a process of it. Now one thing you do not want to do is leave a body behind, because that will link you to the space-time location and drag you back into incarnation here. This is some of the things that there is so much trickery going on in, for the last number of thousand years, about death rites and what you‘re supposed to do with bodies and things. Do you know how many people are buried because they think that it‘s going to get them to Heaven? This is one of the things that probably will not make us very popular-- me and A‘san--very popular with Christians, because they‘re definitely into burying. The Egyptians wouldn‘t like this either, because they like to mummify…. Cremation was the natural way--actually the natural way of a death transition that was supposed to occur, if you have enough of your biology turned on to its natural organic state, you would be able to, once you pulled your spirit up and out of the body once the body had died, its chakra systems would then shut down, and there‘s a little spark that you, a spirit, would throw and it would throw it into that Seed Atom, and it would actually cause…vaporization of the body. You would take its energy quantum back with you, and it‘ll leave a little dust behind called Va-Bha‟-TE dust. The Va-Bha‘-TE dust is the little bit of quantum that was actually donated from, half from each parent when the biological conception occurred. The Va-Bha‘-TE Cell has to be released from a body for that body to be released from space-time location in which it‘s an incarnate. So there‘s a lot of little things that become very important things that we‘ve learned by learning the technicals of the Ascension processes. Simple things, like if your body dies, it is best to cremate it if you can‘t instantly vaporize it, because at least that turns it back into ash and releases the Va-Bha‘-TE dust where the spirit can pull itself back out. That spirit part that‘s called the GhaRE‟ that I talked about before, can release itself from the atoms and you can go up and out. If you know how to go up and out, you can aim yourself for Ascension and not get caught in the other negative things that are there. So there is a huge amount of information that becomes very, very practical once you see what it is implying, as far as just daily living and those kind of things. We‘re hoping to eventually do a step-down course that just teaches people the basics. You don‘t have to be a grid worker to have benefit from this belief system. Through this belief system you can have an amazing relationship with God-Source, direct and personal, without having a bunch of priests in between telling you what to do. You can have an amazing experience; you can find strength and growth in all the things that religion tries to give us that we get a little bit of it from. We can have that through this without having to know all of the gate stuff and all of that; but, it doesn‘t hurt knowing the gate stuff too.

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So if you are new, you might decide, ‗I feel like I am a grid keeper. I think I really got the grid keeper byte.‘ Well, that‘s always the more intensive course, where you do need to learn a lot of the details and that kind of stuff. But you can say, ‗Wow, maybe I can make a better connection with myself, and my higher self, and with Source, and that‘s good enough for me.‘ You can do that here too. The activations that we—‗activations‘, that‘s the word again—that we do with the bio-fields and the consciousness will work either way. If you participate in the grid activation, even though you don‘t really know all of what it was doing because you didn‘t study the Templar manual and all of that. Those frequencies that are coming in to assist the planet are also coming in to assist you and turn those levels of frequency and consciousness back on in yourself. So your path of personal spiritual development opens up whether or not you are consciously fully schooled in what grid mechanics are, and those kind of things. Whenever we do have activations that are about the grid mechanics, you are always welcome to participate but never obliged to. Any techniques that we ever do in the classes, you never ever have to use them. If you don‘t feel good about it, don‘t do it. If you feel, ‗Maybe I‘m just not ready, maybe I‘ll do it another time and get it on CD‘ or something, you can do that too. There is no pressure to perform or to be one with the techniques or whatever…that‘s three…. Anyway, I wanted to let that be. I‘ll probably say that numerous times. Whenever it is time to do a technique, just because there are so many people who are just coming in new, you do not have to participate in any techniques if you feel funny about them. You don‘t. You can just sit and listen and learn; you can leave the room if you are not comfortable; whatever. All right? Most people choose to stay because the techniques, they are not hard; a lot of the techniques, what we refer to as techniques, have to do with guided visualization and certain breathing techniques that it‘s like yoga uses certain breathing techniques and certain meditation techniques and Buddhists use breathing techniques. We combine certain specific aspects of breathing with certain things we learned about, like our Krystar Vehicle in our bio-fields. After we‘ve built that we know what it looks like; we know how to breathe with it and what it means to turn on things specifically at certain times within our bio-field. So when we give a technique, we will give a run-down on what it is, if it is a new one. If it‘s an older technique like people--if you‘re new and you‘ve not heard what is the Krystar Vehicle, that is something that took us numerous workshops to understand its relationship to all the different parts of our anatomy and to Ascension. It is basically a Merkabic—there‘s that word again—capsule that forms within the bio-field that, in one way it is a protection capsule, but when it is fully activated, it actually becomes the vehicle through which the transfiguration of your atomic structure turns into light and disappears at will, and can go where you mentally project it to go. So it does become your travel vehicle. So when you hear about the Krystar Vehicle, and I‘ll probably put that up when we start getting into the workshop a bit, just so you can see what it looks like, so you can conceptualize what it looks like in your bio-field. If you wanted to, even if you don‘t know how to do that, there will be a bunch of people in the

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audience that do, and we do it on a regular basis: I mean I do it every night and every morning when I wake up; I just activate it; it‘s like breathing, literally. Because there are so many people in the group that do this regularly and know what it is, even if you don‘t know what it is, you can just kind of say to yourself or to the Guardians, ‗Yeah, I‘ll like to try that,‘ and just listen to the breathing rhythm that they are using, right? Just try to link in with the breathing because you‘re sitting In-Shield, which means with a bunch of other people who already have those frequencies turned on. At least temporarily those frequencies will turn on for you if you ask that they do; they will not if you don‘t say, ‗Yes, I want this.‘ They will not activate in you if the permission from you isn‘t given. But it is an easy way to pick up the activations and then later you can learn a bit about, ‗What was that when my Krystar Vehicle activated?‘ and those kind of things. So, there we have techniques that work like that, that have to do with specific structures that we learned about, and processes and certain types of breathing. There‘s Lotus Breathing with the arcs and all sorts of different types. All of them are important at some point. You don‘t have to learn all of them; you don‘t have to know all of them. Usually we get at least one or more techniques in each new workshop, because it takes us to the next level of activation. Each workshop brought in the next level of frequency, because the frequencies have to be brought back in and turned on in the body in a sequence, in a proper sequence, or they just create disharmonics in the body. That‘s why some people might have heard of people that go to India and do some stuff with the chakras and kundalini activations, and have a really bad kundalini trip and a crash, because certain sequences were out of sequence and the body reacts to it badly physically. You don‘t have those experiences with the frequencies here, because each layer of frequency is brought in in its natural Krystic structure, which means in the structure that the natural Universe is created on. So it doesn‘t assault the body and freak the body out. So you have those techniques and the projection journeys, which are absolutely loved. A lot of times these come through live, where I will just sit down and the Beloveds are with me and they show me. Sometimes I‘ll run outside first and scribble it down, because it is almost like getting a really quick road map…‘Go over here. Project over there…. Turn right over there…. Do this…‘ and I write it down on a napkin really quick. Right? I‘ll come back and then I have to just go into a relaxed state and I will, over the mic, narrate it. I‘m seeing it as we‘re going, and they‘ll take us on journeys, literally. Some of the journeys in the 12-Tribes classes were wonderful. They took us to journeys to the Adashi Crystal Temples, which are on a planet that is similar and connected to Earth, but that is in M31 Andromeda Galaxy. These are some amazing journeys. I think--are we releasing the transcripts in this workshop? Is that the first ? Have we released them yet, the transcripts? Huh, no? OK, we‘re getting close: I remember asking if we could get them to have them on the tables, but I think it was just too…it was too many pages to get them on for this workshop.

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If they‘re not on the product tables in this workshop, finally after a couple of years we‘re getting ready to release the 12 Tribes transcripts. There‘s been no time to put this into book-book form. These are literal verbatim transcripts off of the verbal. These classes were not filmed but the techniques were recorded. So the 12 Tribes transcripts, there‘s three massive binders of them, just so you know. There were 12 classes over a period of a year and a little bit, and there was 24 people in most of the classes and we did some serious grid work and learned some amazing things. The activations that are in there, that‘s where the 12 Tribes journeys were, where they started. They started to take us on what are called Glide journeys. “Glide” refers to a specific thing in the bio-energetic fields that is different from Slide. Glide is a projection where the body itself, the atoms of the body, are not yet ready to be able to go through transfiguration so they could do a full disappearing and projecting elsewhere. So there is a portion of the consciousness in the body that is ready, that can be taken out in what‘s called the Glide. It‘s much more—the range of it is much broader than astral projection, and you have those things...remote viewing that you might hear about on the street. So there we begin the process of Gliding and we use words called the 'Rasha Body'-- that‘s the Dark Matter Template that is behind our matter. So there is a bunch of things that, when we get into techniques and the projection journeys, I find that it‘s really worth getting the journeys that were offered in that course even if you never get through the—I don‘t know, there must be a thousand pages of them? There‘s three huge binders, yeah. I was amazed when I saw it, and bless the people who translated it for us, transcribed my audio—I really appreciate that. I don‘t know if you are in the room, but if you are thank you my God, right! Anyway, so we‘ll have some projection journeys. They are not just the journeys that we did in the Tribes classes; we‘ve been doing projections ever since…excuse me. The Glide projections again are using a portion of the consciousness that have been transmuted enough, or the Light Quotient that have been transmuted enough, to ride with the Rasha Body Dark Matter Template and literally move out while you stay conscious in the body, but traveling to various areas. It wouldn‘t have helped us very much to be able to do that if all along the Beloveds hadn‘t given us maps as well. We have maps—oh boy do we have maps! Maps have to do with the structures, first of all. That‘s why they heavily taught us structure: what is the Cosmic Structure? What is the Light Body structure? What is this; what is that? So we knew the structures we‘re working with. Once you know the structures, you can start understanding where the Star Gate maps are in relation to those, and when you bring it down, we have not only the maps of way up there that science doesn‘t even know exists, where you have multiple, multiple Universes all embedded within each other in specific relationships to each other, but coming down toward Earth and toward where we are. We have the maps of the Star Gates that are on the planet, and we got the maps-- and these are the most precious ones to me--the Maps of the Planes, all right. Just because we are on 3-dimensional Earth The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 211

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system, there‘s a multitude of planes running through just this system alone. There are certain planes that you do not want to get trapped in, and certain planes that are safe planes that can take you up to the next levels in Ascension. That‘s where you hear the word ‗Aurora Field‘ floating around a lot with our work: it has to do with the Safe Zone Planes. So we have the Maps of the Planes. These are used in projection journeys so we know where we‘re going to project to: where we‘re going, what we‘re trained not to get entangled in, for whatever purposes we are having a projection for. So there is a lot to this work. These are some of the things that you may come across in a workshop. You may come across all of those things in any one workshop or just a few of them or just one of them. And I‘m not sure we will have these this time—there are activations coming in—there‘s probably going to be some of those. I think probably, in the off times when we are not doing anything, there‘s going to be--some of the people brought their drums—and when they do their drumming, even when we are not doing it like it is part of the stage thing, it is bringing those frequencies back in, opening the bio-fields, getting the Base Pulse Rhythm moving and starting that symbiotic relationship with the Planetary Grids for Ascension. So if you see people hanging out and drumming, you can probably assume they are with our group, and I don‘t think there is any other drummer hanging out at the hotel. Just ask them if you can just sit in and hang out, just listen; that kind of thing. So I hope that, at least now, any of the strange things you might encounter you have some idea of why they are there, and that there is a logical reason for them and explanation for what they‘re about. We are just not wacky people that do really strange things that make no sense to you, all right? Next one, could we do that? It‘s almost changing—are you changing? Participant: Are you going to talk about the ordinations? A‘sha: Oh yeah, I‘ll do ordinations. The word ‗ordination‘, we call them ordinations. They are activations. The ordinations— Yeah, would you change that? The ordinations are, they are offered by other ministers. We call them 'ministers' because, in the early days, this was called the Azurite Temple of the Melchizedek Cloister. That was before we had to change the structure from a non-profit into a regular corporation when we moved to England. The Beloveds asked us to move to England because—what is it? It‘s 12; it‘s one of the 12. It‘s not Cue Site...oh, Arc Gate 12. They asked us; we lived in Sarasota before, my husband and I, and they asked us to move to England where he is from, in an area that has to do with the place that‘s called Arc Gate 12, and we moved over there. We had to change the structure of the corporation because of that move, because there was something to do with the laws in Europe or at least in England that, under certain circumstances, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 211

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if a non-profit was set up around the Work itself and if for some reason a board of directors try to push us off, they can actually gain title to the work and take it out from under our control. A‘san: The members could hijack. A‘sha: Yeah, the members could hijack, literally, the right to use the teachings and could have changed them and distorted them. One of the commissions that I have, when I first started, and that when A‘san got on as Speaker-2 and Mac too, is: we have a protection agreement to protect this work as much as possible in the 3D arena from being manipulated and destroyed in ways that could hurt other people. If you took some of the techniques and changed them too severely, they could actually do something else. If somebody got control the Work, they could put writing to our Merkaba stuff, like writing to: 'Oh here and then just go do this with it and plug right in the Daisy-of-Death-Merkaba'--twisted stuff --right into it. So the reasons why we do uphold copyrights...we will let people know if they‘re violating them...we are trying to protect people from what could happen if this Work were taken and misused by forces who are not interested in Ascension at all. Part of that was, that is why we changed from—and we had just gotten the approval, the government approved us as a non-profit church, basically a temple. And then it changed and we had to move to England and we started Azurite Press, where it was an educational facility and that‘s how we run it now. Now, the ordinations: the Beloveds gave us, literally, the structures of how they work, what they are, the purpose of them. We have a little booklet that‘s the 'Ministers Handbook' I think it‘s called, and it‘s not very expensive; it is on the product list. It explains what they are and how to do them. Once you receive a certain ordination, sometimes the Beloveds will send frequency waves down for a group that wants an ordination, like a group one. They will just send the frequencies through and they turn on certain levels of frequencies that you already have dormant in your own bio-fields and in your own DNA. All right? Certain ones that allow you to run more energy than you would otherwise. Some, ones that allow you to—it is almost‘s not a path where you have to take a vow or anything like that, or for you to sell your soul to anybody; it‘s not like that. But it‘s saying that you would like to have that higher level of activation of yourself to bring in the higher level of consciousness that goes with it. And they offered us the opportunity, first of all, it was the three Speakers to be what we call ‗ministers‘. They‘re simply called 'the ministers'. There‘s a couple of layers in the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order Ministry that you can get the ordinations for. The ordinations are simply energy transmissions. Now once a person receives from the Beloveds, and I had my ordinations where I became—I went through all of the layers of them and became what was called an Eckar. That is one who has had all the ordination levels. It means those frequencies have been turned on in my body. It means my body is enabled to transmit those specific frequencies of the ordination to other people who choose to have it if they want to have it.

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So the ministers, it‘s not like you have to take some freaky vow or anything like that. It‘s about saying, ―OK, I‘d like to have this activation, these frequencies activated in my field.‖ If you ever decided you don‘t want them to activate it, you can say, ―I rescind it; I don‘t want it,‖ and it will shut off, because there is nothing violation about this stuff we teach. We are the ones that expose the other people who were trying to do these sneaky violations and have you spin your Merkabas the wrong way, and all of that stuff. So it is a very safe process. There are a bunch of ministers; there is tons of us now I think; I don‘t know how many. People who chose that, they know this Work means a lot to them, and this is the way of life they want. They know there is certain protection frequency that will come in with the activations of the ministerial codes, which literally gives you a protection buffer from some of the other things that are not, like some of the FA force that is messing on the planet, and that kind of thing. So there are groups of ministers that will offer them, and we usually don‘t do them on stage or anything like that anymore; but there‘s enough ministers that tend to come to the workshops, that they offer a certain time whatever level of ordination that they are transmitting, for anybody who wants to show up. And they are completely free; they are not anything you have to pay for or sign anything or whatever. So you know when you hear of those, it just means it‘s an entry level spiritual commitment to yourself where you are saying, ‗OK, I‘m going to try this; I‘m going to try to understand what it feels like to hold these Krystic frequencies.‘ Some people, once they move through the levels of ordination, they start to feel a huge love for the Beloveds in general and for the gift of having the information on the planet. Just like a minister in a different church or whatever, a priest might feel a calling. Some people feel a calling, where they know that they waited a long time for this because they were ministers before in other life times. So if you feel like you‘re interested you can come. If you feel like you just want to come to watch, you can do that too. And if you do want to receive one when they are giving them, because some of the Ministers, they‘ll let you know what time they give them, because they are not conjunction directly with the workshops. When I‘m up doing graphs and stuff, they use the time to offer those. Sometimes, once in a while, we‘ll do them on a grid site or something. We‘ve had some beautiful ones, like when we traveled to other countries, and in the ocean. But the Beloveds don‘t always do that, where they run a mass wave through. Right now we are still just working with the Ministers who have received their ordinations. So if you want them, they‘ll let you know when they are going to be available for that. And what‘s really nice is the ministry-if you could call it that, because it was it started as a ministry but not a dogmatic one in that regard --they not only had ordinations, but they also gave us the Hana Rites, which were the marriage rites that were used by the Krystics in the ancient Atlantean and Lemurian periods, and also that are used in other places, Ascension places, that are the marriage rites, baptismal rites for adults and children. They are giving us the beginnings of the core of the Spiritual Body of teachings. We would have continued with that if it hadn‘t been, really, for what occurred in the year 2000 in September, where there were certain The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 46 of 211

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agreements with certain groups on planet and not on a physical level. These were groups that decided that they wanted to be Fallen Angelic instead of co-operate with the Ascension program, and they issued an edict of war against the Guardians, not just our Guardians but Krystics in general, and they tried to take over the Planetary Grids. And we‘ve been working to stand with the Krystics to keep those Grids open and safe ever since that period of time…. The teachings would not have had to expose all of the Metatronic information if it hadn‘t been for that breaking of a treaty. The treat had been called the Treaty of Altair, and certain groups had made that agreement with the Guardians that we‘ll all work cooperatively, move through the Ascension Cycle together; everybody is going to be happy-happy, unity, love, joy, oh yeah! They turned on us and tried to take over the Templar! Once that occurred, it was necessary, step by step, for the Beloveds to introduce the information that exposed the trickery that was going down. That let people see the difference between, first of all, Merkabas that will hurt you and Merkabas that won‘t, the Krystic ones and the not Krystic ones, and to progressively let us become aware of what drama was unfolding on this planet. So at that point, there was not much time left to go develop the light, love, joy, happy, happy fun stuff of bringing in the presents. It‘s not creating a new spiritual system on the Earth; it‘s re-awakening one that used to be the main one in the Atlantean and Lemurian periods. This is just bringing back what was taken away here. So when you hear about Ministers and things and the ordinations, the ordinations are frequency transmissions that accelerate the process of your own bio-field activations. You‘re free to take them; you‘re free not to take them, whatever you want to do with it. Eventually we will be bringing back the rest of the teachings that go with the bits that we were given on the Ministry. And there is a book that is called the Book of KaLA that, before I‘m allowed to leave this planet, they tell me I have an obligation to translate that. That‘s not going to be yet; first I have got to get through the book that is supposed to be written by the end of summer. That was before, by the way, they told me that we had to move house again, right. They tell us when we need to move, because we‘ve been progressively moving houses in order to secure certain grid sites. Then we do stuff that the Beloveds ask us to do to change frequency. We end up renovating stuff like: change the door; move it over there on that grid instead of this one, etc, to change the energy signature of the house or whatever that they had us get. By the time we are done renovating it, it is time to move again. That is what we have been doing for six years now and it‘s crazy! You just never get, the dust never settles and that kind of thing. Anyway, I want to get through these as quick as I can. I‘ll probably come back to these, I think, and answer them in more detail. We are going to be here forever if I go this long on the sheet before we‘re going to be here till 3.00 in the morning. I think I will do this this way: these are very good questions and they are worth everybody taking a look at and hearing the answers the way the Beloveds would like it to be understood. I think I‘ll just read the questions now and we will address them when we come in first in the main session tomorrow. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 211

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We‘ve already been warned that the main session tomorrow--please, yes--will start at 10.00 pm. I have no idea what the program is yet, but they are going to give it to me when I wake up in the morning. That will probably run until 4.00 or 5.00 in the morning. Now we do have, there‘s the Grid Work day that‘s on Monday when some of us, not everybody chose to go because it is an option, most are though. All right, so we do have a bus trip on Monday, most of us. So I‘ll try not to keep you up all night on Sunday so you get some sleep before you have to go on the buses on Monday down to Tucson to see the Bio Sphere II. That is a Grid Work project by the way if you haven‘t figured that out. Yes, we are bringing light, love and joy to the grids at the Bio Sphere II. We‘ll learn more about that on before we go. So I‘ll just read these questions really quick this time, and then I will answer these in a way that the Beloveds would like those answers to be heard as a start of the next session. Now some frequently asked questions about the MCEO Freedom Teachings: 'One: Who are the Guardians?' These are my little notes to myself: it has to do with the Krystar Eternal Life Creation Cycles and the Eyugha Charts. All right. That‘s if I go back there I know how to answer that, like how to start that. That is a huge answer. It‘ll probably, I don‘t know if I have time to do the chart that actually tracks it from the time when the Voyagers books were given to all the Mission Upgrades and the Up-steps, they call them Council Up-steps. We have been progressively going through Up-steps in Councils where we started with Councils--let‘s say we‘re working with just the 15-Dimensional Matrix. We‘ve gone way up and above in Councils that are working in all sorts of larger aspects of Cosmic Level of Creation. So that is the question I can answer best by going to a particular diagram, and those kind of things, so we‘ll do that. 'Where did the Freedom Teachings come from?' I‘ll cover that basically, but that‘s also covered very extensively in the Voyagers books. So if you really want to know the detail on that, the best place to do is to read that there. 'What is the purpose of the Teachings?' This we will look at and some of us know some of what that is, but to put in a nutshell ‗What is the purpose of these Teachings?‘ Now: ‗What are the priorities of them? What is the Personal Level; what is the Planetary Level, and what are the priorities?‘ S we‘ll deal with that. 'Is this Work fear-based?' I love this one, because that is one of the things they like to throw at us when we put anything out in public: ‗Oh, it‘s just fear-based!‘ Actually no, it isn‘t. We‘ll talk about that.

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'Why do some people say this Work is fear-based?' All right, because we are not floating around with pansies up in the sky that‘s why! No…joking! So we‘ll talk about these questions a little bit more. 'Why should I care about Planetary Grids, the big-picture drama in 2012?' Like, 'why should I give a hoot', right? You will, if there are certain things that you care about, you probably might want to look at it. So we‘ll talk about these things a little. 'If this Work is so important to humanity'—that‘s what I love—'and if these Teachings are humanity‘s birthright'—which we have said they are—'why does your organization charge money for the workshops and products?' We will deal with that one; we‘ll explain why we do that one. And, by the way, just for a short answer: ‗Is the Work the birthright of humanity?‘ Right now they are paying a translator. You are free to pull it out of the ethers if you want to…good luck with that! And if you do, I suggest buying a lot of white-out and black pens and paper first, right; for the graphs, all right? But anyway, we‘ll get into that, because that‘s another thing, and usually when you have rabble-rousers that like to go try to slander me, they go after me in order to get people to not look at the Work, because the Work, they can‘t actually touch it. It makes enough sense that, whatever they‘re trying to throw to discredit it, it is very difficult to discredit the Work itself. So they go after me. They try to make up stuff about me; they try to make up stuff about the organization; they try to say 'just about money'...lah-de-dah-de-dah...just so you don‘t look at the Work and compare it to what else is out there. So anyway, it would be really nice if we could go and say, ―Hi Doubletree, we want to bring 300 people in and we‘re grid workers and of course that will be free, right? You‘ll feed us and give us our rooms to sleep in?‖ ―Sure!‖ Right; yeah. Or: ―Gee, there is a house over there that‘s on the Grids. The Beloveds want to secure those Grids. We are going to buy it now.‖ We are going to knock on the door, ask the owner, ―Do you mind moving? God said we need to live here.‖ ―Yeah right…why?‖ Do we charge for the translation of the knowledge? Shall I work at one of those marts somewhere for minimum wage in the day time and try to get the rest of this done…in the night? Yeah, I mean seriously. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 211

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There are slander techniques they are using to try to get most people in public to not even consider what is being said by the Teachings; they shoot the messenger so the message doesn‘t get heard. So just so you know. Especially if you are new and you watch garbage fly whenever any bits about the Work or me or Az end up in the public things. That‘s why we stay off 'MyFace' and all those things…. You know what I mean, 'MyFace', right? That‘s a combination of the two…. Yeah, at least for now we stay off those: MySpace and Facebook. Yeah, 'MyFace'…. You know sometimes these Freudian slips are really funny. I find that I kind of go—oh, yeah; OK, what? …MyFace?…OK. Oh, we‘ll look at this one too: 'Is this movement a cult'? Oh yeah, a cult! We‘ve heard people say that too. That‘s interesting. I had to look up the word, actually. I looked up the word and I said, 'Wow, I guess you could call us that, as long as you could call the Catholic Church the same thing, and Synagogues and Buddhism, and in that sense I suppose we probably are'. But in a sense that‘s usually meant which isn‘t about that…. I mean, I don‘t see people going around calling the Catholic Church a cult, unless they‘re really upset with them, right? They call them spiritual organizations, how respectable! We are a spiritual organization, right? Yes, however, the cult stuff has to do with mind control stuff; it has to do with disempowering people; taking their power away from them; taking money, sometimes they have to sign over all their worldly goods and the whole bit, and they‘ll be saved and that kind of stuff. No, we do not fit that at all. In fact, we do the opposite of what cults do. Cults try to disempower people by taking their power away from them and having them project it onto a figure outside of themselves. What we do is to give you the Teachings back that teach you to never have to do that again. Where you can go directly to Source through your own relationship with it at the rate that you want to, in the way that you want to. So as far as that, I don‘t believe we qualify; but people still throw slander. Whatever. 'Does it support a belief in science or God?' Yes, in both…if 'God', what 'God'? We‘ll talk about that, because that gets it into some of the subject matter that I only know one little word about, that has to do with the new information that‘s going to be brought in with this workshop, and there‘s one word. I asked, ―Please, just give me a clue, a hint, just like a little bit about what exactly is the subject matter?‖‘ They said a word: ‗Ah-Yah‘. I went ―Ah-Yah what?‖ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 211

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They said, ―Just Ah-Yah.‖ I said, ―What is Ah-Yah?‖ They said, ‗You‘ll see!‘ So anyway, this has to do with the answer to this question. When we talk about certain things that, once we get through talking about those certain things and reminding ourselves, for the ones who have been with us for a while, but expanding on that, we are going to start to understand where that word goes. What it has to do with is certain levels of activation, that have to do with levels that we‘re going to be able to open in our consciousness through the activations of this workshop. So it‘s just like a code word at the moment and it goes with—well at the last workshop we had the Wha-YA-yas and stuff; we had the world of Whas; now we‘re getting the world of Ah Yah‘s. Again: when it goes back to--we don‘t have the stuff that shows strange languages. Remember the words and the syllables in these languages are there for a purpose. They hold a specific set of multilayer encryptions in them. So when you hear strange words and new words, they do have a meaning and they have a meaning in frequency and vibration. So after a while, if you decide you want to hang out and stay with us and come to workshops and stuff, it gets to be funny because there‘s, 'we‘re off to Wha Wha Land', right? That actually means something! Once you know what the Land of Wha workshop was about and how we‘re actually able to project into mirrors and things like that. So anyway, when you hear strange words, just realize that there will be an explanation for them. There might already be one out there and some people might know it and you just don‘t know it yet, or it might be new ones like the word ‗Ah-Yah‘. So, Ah-Yah tomorrow. Do the…I can‘t talk I‘m getting tired...'Do the MCEO Freedom Teachings break up relationships?' This is an interesting one because, first part of the answer--I might answer that one tonight after that response. First part of the answer is: not intentionally. What they do is provide a very large big picture framework of understanding that some people choose and feel that they resonate with, and that other people on the planet don‘t. Now we teach: live and let live. We teach: just respect. Win-win situation: you respect me; I respect you. You believe what you want; I believe what I want. If you happen to be in a relationship with a person: it could be your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your child, your spouse, whatever, your doctor, your lawyer, your employer...I could keep going, right? Your priest, your uncle; whatever. If other people—now, what we teach in these workshops is, we teach the things that we teach, and then we teach people to, ‗Look, you have a right to believe that if you want to, and don‘t let other people talk you out of it.‘ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 211

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But you don‘t go shoving it down their throats either. They don‘t have to believe this either. They might not have the little thingy in the DNA template that vibrates with the information like yours does, and that‘s OK. So we basically teach very open-ended with that: if you feel you want to share something with someone, then feel free to. But if you don‘t, they don‘t want to hear it, then don‘t. Just carry on as you were before and focus on the things you have in common. Right. Now, if certain people that have a vested interest in controlling whoever they are related to, be it their sister, their brother, their spouse, or whatever; if they are controlling toward that person and they are actually trying to violate that person‘s right to spiritual choice by forcing their spiritual choices on them, that can interfere with their relationship. Whose fault is that? Is that the Work doing it? No. Is it the person in the Work doing it? No, because they‘re actually being taught to, ‗Let them be who they are.‘ They don‘t have to accept this information. Respect them and love them for the parts that you get along with. Right. It‘s the other sides that are saying, ‗No, you can‘t; no, you shouldn‘t; no, you have to change; you have to be the way I want you to.‘ Who‘s forcing what on who here? So if relationships do get a bit strained, it has to do with the control issue. Actually, a person deciding to stand in the Krystic Work is saying, ‗I have the right to stand in this Work and I will, and I don‘t have to talk to you about it at all.‘ If they are still getting flak, it‘s not the Work that is separating. The Work is exposing a power problem, an imbalance in a relationship where somebody is actually trying to violate the rights of free will choice and spiritual choice of another person by dragging them back into what they thought they were before. Now, sometimes it‘s because the other person just feels threatened by it; the person they love, is part of and dependent on, is changing and that can be scary! They change and might go away, right? But maybe they won‘t. If you change with them. If people the general world you don‘t think about these things much. They just get clingy or demanding, that kind of stuff, which pushes the other person away. They could just realize that, if you let a person grow spiritually, let them be who they are. If they want to go to workshops, let them! Don‘t give them more hard time. Just if you don‘t get along with workshop stuff, you don‘t have to do it! They are not trying to make you do it…. The relationships that can do that, where there‘s mutual respect, this Work there‘s no problem to that even if the other party does not want to be a part of the Work. It‘s only relationships that have a hidden power imbalance, where one person is actually trying to control another in a way that is inappropriate Krystically, that it will start to show that that is happening. So to answer the question: 'Does it break up relationships?' No, the Work doesn‗t. People who try to control other people‘s spirituality break up relationships. And that is something that it doesn‘t matter if you decide to be this: if you were Catholic, raised Catholic; your whole The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 211

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family is Catholic; you decide you want to be a Buddhist. Does Buddhism break up relationships? Or did you because you decide to be one? What if you felt like you were one, you know? It‘s this kind of thing. So that‘s why I put that question there, because there is a lot.... Sometimes, you are in relationships that have this undercurrent of somebody actually trying to control you, and often move you around through guilt and that kind of stuff. Not overtly controlling you but quietly controlling you, right? Where you have to be with them... as soon as you start to be you, they start giving you a hard time: whining, crying, threatening, heart attacks, or running away, or whatever! I mean, I have people in my family that kind of go there: ‗Oh, I‘m going to die! Look what you are doing to me!‘ I said, ―No, I‘m not doing that, all right? You‘re doing that actually, right now!‖ So the Work will help persons who choose to grow with the ideas here. It will help you find a sense of personal self-sovereignty in yourself that will make you be able to see, sometimes, the ways you‘ve been manipulated in the past by other beings or organizations, and realize that you have a choice that you don‘t have to be manipulated that way. So as you find more of your own personal freedom, these are the Freedom Teachings: they are meant to help you set yourself free! And you decide you want to be free and starting to see, ‗Wow, there are relationships manipulate me, isn‘t it? Maybe I don‘t want to be in it anymore!‘ Right. This is the stuff that the people are actually trying to, even if it‘s subconscious, because sometimes it is subconscious. The people love you to bits, but they are still playing these games; they actually don‘t know how to do it any better. In your own sovereignty, it could be this: what if you go buy your sovereignty down at the nickel-and-dime store for 15 cents? You came home with your ‗now you‘re self-sovereign‘. Do you think that you have the token ‗you‘re self-sovereign‘ now, it‘s going to give, even it was a token you bought for 15 cents, if it gave you that power to say, ‗I think I‘m going to choose differently, because I‘m honoring my feelings, and I feel this, and I‘m thinking about it, and I love you very much, but I really don‘t choose to do what you‘re asking me to do.‘ Now, is it the 15 cent token that breaks up relationships? No. So the answer to that one is no, and I think it is important, because there is a lot of people—one of the things that most people do not see when they are going through this stuff, and we try not to talk about it too much because we don‘t like to talk too much about the issues of--everybody is influenced by invisible things on this planet. You can have the best of persons, but if they haven‘t worked to protect their bio-field and they don‘t happen to be fortunate enough to come in with a good degree of bio-field protection, they are susceptible to being influenced by other things. There are tons of things floating around in the astral that would love to harass you; there are tons of things floating around in the astral that are FAs that do not want the Ascension to continue. What they want is to shut down the Gates and take control of the Templar. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 53 of 211

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Now, if you are a person who is just getting into the Work and you realize, ‗Wow, there is freedom here, and this feels right and I‘m going to do this‘; if you have people in your family that aren‘t interested, they are into other things or whatever--religion, science, or whatever--but if they are not doing anything to protect their fields, you don‘t know what level of susceptibility or vulnerability they have to be messed with. And sometimes, because of the closest thing to you, who is now going on an Ascension path to help keep Gates open, yeah, they will actually try to harass the Emotional Bodies and the Mental Bodies of the people closest to you to try to create conflict. Does this Work do that? No. It‘s an unprotected bio-field that allows that to happen. We teach how to protect your bio-field and, hopefully, how you are going to extend some of that protection to the people you love. So anyway, I shouldn‘t have to talk about that question too much tomorrow; I figured I answered that one tonight.... I'll deal with this one tomorrow though: this is the one that, I‘ve heard this with a whiny nasal tone, ever since the books first came out, right? ‗Where‘s the love?‘ not ‗Where‘s the love?‘ It‘s bloody everywhere in the Work! It‘s everywhere! The whole fact that the Work exists in the planet is about love. It‘s about loving enough to face fears and move past them. It‘s about loving enough to tell the truth even if it ticks people off sometimes. It‘s about loving enough that even if you realize somebody is really, really not going to be nice to you and you have a whole movement of people out there who really like to stomp you off the planet and they‘re pretending they love you, when they don‘t, right…really loving them back anyway—there is the love! There‘s lots more answers to that question, but this one‘s been coming through: people who have been with the Work for a while they will say, ‗Oh, where is the love?‘ What are we supposed to say? What do they teach in those other New Age things? 'Oh, let‘s go off and dance with the fairies! Let‘s hug and dance with flowers on the ground'. What did they bloody teach? Why can‘t they see and feel the love that is in these Teachings? The love is so big that there are people that have the guts to stand up and talk about stuff that nobody wants to hear, because they realize how important it is for those people if they want to be free! 'Where is the love?' It is in the ability to bring teachings through even if it makes you —well, I‘m kind of like prior the New Age Movement, just so you know. Whatever. We just became another movement that doesn‘t have a label for it. Because the love is there: all the values the New Age Movement was supposed to teach, all the values that the Old Age Movements of the traditional religions are supposed to teach, they come together in this Work. Where is the love from those other people who keep saying they got the love? I really wonder. We‘ve been working to actually embody the frequency of the love more and more. I think some of the techniques have something to do with that this time, too. Where we can become transmitters just like the Gandhi necklace said: ―Be the change you‘d like to see in the world.‖

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There is a lot of people whining about ‗Where is the love?‘ because they see the technicals and they can‘t deal with it. They see the fact that science and spirituality go together; they know that love and spirituality go together; but they look at science as below them and mental thinking below them. Well the Mental Body, dimensionally, is positioned between the Physical, Emotional, Mental Body, then Spirit Body structure, so if you want to integrate your Spirit into your Emotional and Physical Body, you need to incorporate your mind as well. And you can still have the love. So the love is very much there in a way that is much broader than, usually, people who do that whiny little thing: ‗Where‘s the love?‘ And it‘s a particular whine, and I actually know what the whine is: the people who say it that way are actually being influenced by certain Soul group. Oh you do want me to bring that, oh no! OK…. Really quick, a certain Soul group that tends to give that encryption behind it that makes it sound nasally and whiny no matter who it‘s coming from, if they say it…. Well, the people who have been with the Work a while know who this group is: they‘ve been causing active harassment since about 2006 or seven: the Thetans. And it was really funny because it brings you back to the one thing they almost said before, but I was thinking, ‗Do I really want to go there and blow this thing?‘ ―But we want you to because it might end up as part of the title to the workshop.‖ It reminded me of a movie I watched not too long ago, just tripped over; it was on recording or something; I don‘t know if it was included on Pay Per View or On Demand I think it was. There was nothing else good, and there was this ‗Clash of the Titans‖, right? And it was about the humans clashing with the gods of Olympus. Right; this kind of thing. The Beloveds kept saying in a jokey tone to me, ―You could call this workshop ‗Clash of the Thetans‘!‖ Which have to with a certain '-ology' movement that I won‘t put any more letters in front of and with an old race line that has worked to manipulate things here, that people who‘ve studied the history of here, they know what category they are in. So anyway, the workshop has something to do with the fact that there are—just like we have Guardian visitors that come with people, that hang with people, there are also some people that don‘t know it, but they have company of other sorts too. So when we have a bunch of people that are new coming into the group, there are people that are not used to doing many techniques. Their level of bio-field protection in themselves may be limited, so there is a bit of vulnerability. They may bring in riders and there may be a bit of Thetan issues happening. The Thetan groups were very, very not happy with the fact that, as of this workshop, the activations that finish, that we started in the last one actually, give the full spectrum. I believe it‘s 6-dimensional protection on the Met-NET Freeze and the purge is done, so they can‘t stop the biological immunity to the Metatronic Fence activations that are taking place in the Planetary Grids progressively between now and 2012.

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So they‘ll probably talk about the Thetans; we‘re just kind of subtitling ‗Clash of the Titans/Thetans‘ on this one because there‘s a bit of harassment, where they are not really happy with us. And there are certain groups out there that get moved to say things like ‗Where is the love?‘ Yeah, that has to do with a particular group of Thetans that are Tothian-Thetans, and there is another group that are just Tothians that say the same way. So the encryption of the nasally ‗Where is the love?‖ actually has to do with something coming through on the Emotional Body and the Mental Body and focusing a person on that. If you really ask them, they could be a perfectly normal person, but if they are getting moved to be an element of harassment, like to shootthe-Speaker mode or whatever, they will get impulses. Emotional impulses or mental impulses to look at things a certain way, even though it has nothing do with what is actually being done. That‘s been one of the battle cries of the Thetan and the Tothian groups: it is the ‗Where is the love?‘ I It‘s here, and so are they, and we love them too, because we all came from the same place originally, and we are all going back to the same place eventually, which is God-Source Consciousness Field. So we are taking the Path of Ascension that is what these Teachings are about. You--anybody is absolutely free; we are all given free will choice; you are perfectly willing (*free?) to take the path of opposite to free will expression, which is the path of opposite to the expression of Source-Will, which was loving kindness co-operation. Source is a loving Consciousness Field. It gave free will choice across the board. How we use it, Source doesn‘t judge us; physics judge us. We will get back the consequences of the choices we make in frequency, in action, in thought, in deed, and that is what we teach in these Teachings. So the people who are just new, I hope you‘ve enjoyed this and survived this without going ‗Oy, this is too much, too much! And God she talks fast!‘ Right? I will try not to get into the 'ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti' mode because I can do that when the wave runs fast. I‘d like to thank you all for coming here for being here. Oh, there is one more question! Oh yeah, oh yeah, that one…. How long do you think that would take? Just let me look at the question and then we can do that, correct, yeah…. Can you just, yeah, thank you. 'What does Orb Phenomenon have to do with the Teachings?' That is a very good question. I will answer the question tomorrow but I will give just a little visual demonstration about what we are referring to as far as Orb Phenomenon. Do what…. Yeah, I‘ll probably drop the lights first so you can see whatever they are doing with the computer I think. Have you, yeah, how are you doing it better? Now the little photos that you‘ll see here are kind of interesting. As far as orbs go, some of my first contact as a very small child was with orb beings that used to come into the room and they will talk with me. And they were good and happy, and I knew they were alive and they knew I was alive, and it was normal for me.

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That was before I could speak at all…right before I was like babbling as a baby I had relationship with orb beings. That‘s how the Guardians first contacted me when I was very, very young. I had other experiences as I grew up with other types of beings, some of them which weren‘t good and the Guardians saved me from, so they kind of stopped the orb thing for a long time, because you can‘t tell from outside an orb if it‘s a friendly orb or if it‘s a foe, or if it‘s just a blob of energy floating by, because some of them are beings consciously projecting to you; some of them are just energy phenomena. Now, we didn‘t know the work had that much to do with orbs until we started having Orb Fests kind of by accident. We had been studying for at least several months the stage of our own Ascension Bodies that are called the—it‘s a part of the anatomy that‘s called the Aah-JhA‟ Hydro-Acoustic Body and it goes with the Spirit Body and the Light Body and all the other layers of our anatomy structure. Now, with the Hydro-Acoustic Body, there is a certain point when the rest of the bodies get together and harmonize in a way--I‘m just paraphrasing that really easy--get together and harmonize in a way where the atomic structure can begin its Transfiguration Cycle, where the atoms can transmute and then transfigure into Light and then Spirit. The Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body activates and becomes what is called the Jha-DA‟ Body. A Jha-DA‘ Body is an orb body where we literally turn ourselves into orbs of light and move ourselves back and forth and elsewhere. We can also do this before we can fully Slide or transfigure, in a Glide where you can literally pull a part of your consciousness and a part of your atomic imprint into an orb structure and use the Orb Body to travel. Now, we were taught how to do these things: we‘ve been going into orb and that kind of stuff. Didn‘t even think about, there‘s a lot of people that have had experiences with orbs and photos of orbs and all of that kind of thing for years in the New Age Movement; never really thought much about it. I knew that I had contact with orbs when I was very young, but it was never like-we were not orb hunters—you know, 'got to find the orbs!' No, we‘re just not into that. We were taught about what this orbing was about by actually learning about our anatomy and learning how this was a part of our Ascension structure. Then they gave us this very interesting set of strange language words that was called the Elemental Orb Command Call and…I‘m trying to remember that one. I don‘t use it a lot, but they are there anyway…. Yeah, I‘m getting stereo syncopation. It‘s the first syllable that I always…oh no, we‘re going way too far. Anyway, the story of the orbs was: they gave us this little technique to use out on the beach and the first one was at St. Kitts, when we went to the St. Kitts British Virgin Islands to do a certain site work at a gate site there. And we used the technique which we will play with that tomorrow too if you‘d like…. There is a lot of things I don‘t have memorized; I only have memorized the sequence that I use, like the night and the morning, just to keep my fields where I need to, because I‘m supposed to memorize so much other data when it comes in to give these workshops. Anything else I can read from a book or a song book, I just keep it there, because I honestly don‘t feel like I have any brain cells left when it comes to memory storage. So there's a lot of people in the group who have that extra memory storage because they are not The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 211

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trying to remember all the facts, and they actually have memorized some of these and they can use them and build quantum with them. Well, we were really surprised because in Kitts when we first used them-- it was right around sunset, I thinkwe started was a Shadra Shield, which is a group geometric shield. We were running energy and we used the new Orb Call and had a nice time and a nice meditation. I think we had a journey that it was part of that. And then people started just taking pictures when we got up, not because we asked them to bring cameras; some people had brought their cameras and they noticed they are getting orbs in it, and it was like, ‗Oh, cool!‘ So then we did another one a couple of nights later; it might have been the next night, and used the Orb Call again and again more people brought their cameras this time because they realized people were getting photos of orbs! Now‘s again ‗Oh, isn‘t that neat!‘ Kind of like a little gift from the Beloveds, a little bit of physical evidence, that‘s nice! Then we did one in Sarasota when we did the first Sarasota workshop, and that was--what date was that? 2009 April? Yeah, April 2009, and we call that one Orb Fest 3. We had Orb Fest 1 and 2, where we got a bunch of photographs. I didn‘t even take any at St. Kitts; I didn‘t have my camera with me, and I was too busy doing other stuff, like running the meditations live and things. But other people, people without being talked to about this or anything, were getting pictures of these orbs. People who never thought about worrying about getting pictures of orbs were like, ‗Wow, look at this! I got orbs!‘ So we started to collect an 'orb archive', a library of photos with the names, at least an indication if they didn‘t want their full names on them, of who submitted what pictures. We only archive what pictures were taken at workshops, so they were just pictures taken live there. It would reduce the chances of anybody faking stuff or Photoshop or whatever, and they were only in context of the workshop, the group workshops that we were doing. We started collecting them, and we‘ve got lots—I don‘t know how many are in there at this point. What? OK, we start now? OK…what? OK, you can start them. So I just wanted to show you these before we talk a bit more about the technicals; but these are some of the photos we were getting! This one, we were doing one of the drum circles stand Shadras, and they were using the Orb Calls and the whole bit, and there‘s a whole bunch of these. It wasn‘t just one or two; there were strings of them. What‘s funny about them is, it‘s not just one person out there with the camera photographing these; these were multiple cameras from multiple individuals. Some of them it was their first workshop and they were getting orbs, and people still are getting orbs. Sometimes we get them inside, but not in the concentrations that we have been able to when we generate energy outside.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

So just wanted to, especially the people that are new to the Work, to see we are getting some interesting phenomena. It‘s not the focus of the Work, but it is going to become more important, because we‘ve learned a lot of things about the orbs. Aren‘t they cool? It‘s like oh, they‘re so pretty! Hi guys! The funny thing is, some people, you can get a little feel that they are present, but you usually can‘t see them with your eyes. They only show up on the film, which is interesting, and they only show up on certain film. You can have three people standing next to each other pointing at the exact same space, depending on what‘s activating in which person‘s field, it will depend on whether they get the photos of the orbs or not. Yup, we‘ve got quite a lot of them. This was the biggest one we just had hehehe…orb blizzard…we learned it, we referred to it all--they are the blizzard kind. The blizzard ones have to do with Elemental Command. They‘re actually Elemental Orb Flows, where the larger ones are more likely to be visiting, somebody going into Jha-DA‘ Body from another place projecting down and visiting. The ones that look like snow, they are conscious too, but they have to do with, literally, the Elemental Kingdom and elements you see on your Periodic Table of Elements; the consciousness of them coming in and flow. We‘re working with orb flows, the Elemental Orb Flows for healing on the planetary level. But I just wanted to let you see some of these: we haven‘t published them or anything yet, and they are from a bunch of different people that were at the workshops. That was at St. Kitts, that one, St. Kitts. I hope you guys can see. Can you see it all over there? I‘m hoping you can because these are worth seeing…. Even if you wanted to come and stand in the back, you are welcome to do that. At some point, this I know is going to have to do--yes, another one. See: you can see the people, so you have background and stuff that shows you context. I was amazed. I was really thrilled, because it was at this one that I did bring my camera, and finally after I was done with the job part where I‘m doing the meditation, running the meditation on the headsets, I decided, 'OK, I‘ll take some'. I was so excited! I got my first orb pictures ever! I love the Elemental ones with the snow orbs, yeah. But everybody‘s been getting tons of pictures except Ash…so I finally got mine; I got a whole series of them. Where‘s the one in there? Yeah, there‘s there, see the ones inside tend to be more localized, like individuals with somebody hanging with them kind of thing…. Try to get out of the way if I‘m in the way over there for people…. Yeah…and there‘s so many of them. I think there is--I counted. I think we printed out at least 75 of them, and they were just from three events. They weren‘t—and then none of them are from people‘s sending stuff from home or anything. Three or 400 now, I think they said, that A‘san said; we‘ve got about that? There was one I remember: it was an indoor one that—and this was after they talked to us about the Krystar Vehicle, that is shaped kind of diamond-like. There is actually a photo inside of an orb, a colored orb that was shaped like a Krystar Vehicle, which was really cool, right? I don‘t know if that is in this series or not. I have a print-out copy of it somewhere.

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I don‘t think I‘ve seen all of these. I‘ve seen some-oh! We‘ve got somebody left over our heads there…! Let‘s see, we didn‘t watch these too, actually. Participant: This is the orb in the outfit. A‘sha: Yeah, it does…yeah, so is that the end of them? No, or we still have more? Participant: Yeah, that‘s the end of the sequence. A‘sha: Oh, that‘s the sequence, yeah, yeah. When you look at these more closely, you can see the structure of the rings. When we talked about the Rasha Bodies with the 15 Geleziac Ring Structure, the Rings and Spans, some of these you can see the structures of the Rasha structures inside of them, in the Auric level structures. So it‘s quite an amazing demonstration for us of the things that we have been taught for quite a while about anatomy, about our own ability to go into orb. All of a sudden we are getting demonstrations by using the specific tones that would actually call them in. And what calls them in is, first of all, they can choose to come if they want to. But there are certain aspects of the Planetary Grids that need to be opened, doorways that need to be opened. They‘re gates of some sort; they don‘t have to be just like the 12 Planetary Star Gates or anything, but it opens certain passages into the Shield, so we were like a traveling gate. When we get together and when we do these energetic exercises, the Shield itself that the group forms is like a traveling gate. Wherever you put it, it has the potential to open up and interface into the Ascension chambers so that Guardian visitors can come and visit. So it‘s a safe way to begin working with orbs. I do believe that the book that we‘re hoping will come out, now probably around January, because they gave me basically just an outline. They are going to transmit the new book: the 2012 ‗Life After Earth: Orb Whisperers and the Silver Seed Awakening‟. Orbs are going to become, I think, more significant in contact, and I‘m not sure what they mean with that yet. This was like a little sampling of some of the things we have to look forward to. Because sometimes when orbs fully come in, they could actually expand out, get as big as you are, bigger. They kind of rotate—I‘ve seen them do this—and turn into a pillar instead of...they kind of compact and go pillar-shaped. Then that pillar shape kind of goes…does this weird thing, kind of like stacking effect, and it materializes into a being. I‘ve had experiences like that in my younger days with beings that popped in like that. Where they come in as a tiny little orb, all of a sudden: Bang! Zoom! Real fast--pillar‘s there, and pillar turns into a being that is translucent. I‘ve had contact like that before, so I know it‘s possible. In the book, I think they are going to be giving techniques as far as how to engage, not only in our own ability to orb project, but also how to begin communication with some of the orb groups that are—and they

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are orb groups. They look like orbs here because they are going into orb to come and visit us, just like we‘ve been taught to use techniques to orb ourselves and project ourselves to go visit them. You are dealing with beings who have their own, mostly, hominid structure, just like we have hominid structure. And it‘s the first level of direct communication that we are actually getting photography of. There‘s a lot of people who have been getting pictures of orbs for lots of years. Some of them are fakes, because some people do that, just like some people fake crop circles; some crop circles aren‘t fake. These, we had no reason to fake; it was just a surprise, and anybody at these workshops can tell you that‘s what was happening. It was like, 'Whoa!' All of a sudden people running around with cameras going, ‗Look, look at orbs!‘ Right. So I just want to share that with you, especially with the people—I don‘t know if we ever—I don‘t think we ever put them up this way--have we, for the main group? Only once before; yeah. So it‘s nice for everybody to see them. Participant: If only we can see with our eyes! A‘sha: I know. I‘ve always wanted that too—why can‘t we see them with our eyes? But the camera can see them. I haven‘t got the answer fully to that. There‘s a bit of technicals and it has to do with light bending and the frequency of the eyes themselves and what they are able to pick up. Anyway, I just want to share with you some of the things that it means to be part of our workshops. I‘m glad that everybody that has been coming for a long time is still here, and we‘re very glad to have the people, who‘s your first workshop. We hope you enjoy it and decide you‘ve found a bit of spiritual family…so see you tomorrow, champions! (End of Audio Track: 1:34:21)

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Saturday Evening Lecture [Audio Track 3] A‘sha Good morning everyone! (applause) Thank you for your patience, and for people who it's your first workshop; thank you doubly for your patience because you haven‘t been a…you haven't got used to this yet. Ooi! I am glad it looks like most people survived and are still here because, well we just have a few graphs to go through tonight---I think like 49---and (audience responding) and, one of the things that they wanted me to do before they even gave me sequence was to---let me see if I can find the paper copy of it--because, we have to have things…especially when there's this many people that's huge printing runs at Kinko's. We had to get this 36 page thing done, so that will be in your handbook and that has to go out early in the morning. (applause) And this little thingy is the Contemporary-Drama GA-MCEO Mission Upgrades and Freedom Teachings Chronology 1998-2010 with the Density Accretion Cycles, Leap Years etc. Now, it also has definitions for all of the things that are…the most important things in the 12 Tribes classes and also in the Sliders classes to date; so it doesn't have the full analysis going all the way back to 1999 of workshop content, but I think _____ 2 up to 2007 which is pretty good. By tomorrow they're probably going to show me which sets of techniques are going to be needed for the beginners leap linking host. So that's why they wanted this, and they also wanted…it's a very good…a really quick primer for people who have forgotten because they've been with us so long, (chuckles) and also for people who are just coming on board. Some of the terms that are used---what they refer to, what they mean---especially when we get into things like, ‘The Aqualene Sun Buffer Field‘. ‗What is that’! You know; those kind of things. (chuckling) So! There's enough definition in there where it‘ll give you the idea of what we're talking about. Then once we got finished with that, they wanted us to go onto program for tonight. Now that‘s…it's really funny, because I was thinking when they had said that they wanted to let Sliders 8 be open to newcomers if they wanted to come in like even from the Project Camelot interviews and things, and I was thinking, ―Oh boy, okay. But how are we going to do this‖? Because, you're going to have one group of people that knows hardly anything at all about the work or the words or anything, and then you're going to have another group of people that are really, really up on what it means, so they know what the information is, why it's important and the significance of it. What‘s really interesting is, when they've showed me what we're going to be doing through this workshop period, it's an amazing Blend-Wave and we've talked about Blend-Wave before---the Kryst Blend-Wave---where the way they want to work the program is, it will bring the people that are just coming in right up into the level where they can take the activations with us and understand enough about ‗what that means‘ so they can perhaps get the significance, because the significance I think will probably mostly be understood and most felt, by the people who have been with us for quite a while. So it's not like just everything's catered to the beginners program here. There is something amazing that is happening with this particular program. It's something we have been waiting for…actually working toward all along and that's why they had it on a security clearance. So it's a celebration for the old-timers that have been around for a long time that have been working really hard with the activations and all of that; and with the grid-work. And it's also nice that the newcomers can come in and join us in that celebration with at least a rudimentary understanding of the potential significance of what it means, and even if you don't fully grasp the whole thing of what it means you will be able to participate in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 211

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the techniques and the activations---if you choose---and that will allow you to have a level of, like, protection in your field that will be very, very new to you. And what's nice about the way they are working this program is, before, as we progressively worked with the Krystic frequencies going higher, higher and higher in the dimensional spectra, if people would come in new at certain levels it could give them a bit of problem if they had field problems. If they had…say if they had something hanging in their fields that was on the FA team and they didn't know it, then they‘d start running Krystic techniques and there‘d be a clash; literally a clash of interests of…between the thing in the field that was trying to control the person---that they didn't know was there---and the Krystic frequencies the person was consciously choosing to bring in. What is really nice about the frequency spectra that we are able to finally open now, is; that won't happen. If there are people that have come in that might not realize they have things in their field that they would prefer not there if they were given a choice, there won't be the clash of frequencies in regard to those because there is a certain level of the Krystic frequency spectra that goes beyond just the Krystic, and it accompanies…it includes everything. So there…it can harmonize with the worst of an FA frequency just as much as it can harmonize with the highest of a Krystic frequency, and this is a new place, a new space that we have been progressively---pardon me, I‘m just a little bit tired---progressively working up the dimensional spectrum until we could get to… and I'll start with the mylar's first to…because there's a whole bunch of new words again! And just remember that---the people that are new---when you see funny words---and we've been working with words all along---we need a dictionary! Seriously, we have one. Thanks to a person in the group who actually made a dictionary and we need to keep adding to it. There are certain sound and vibrational encryptions---mathematical encoding---underneath the sounds of words, and that is why they use the sacred languages that literally correspond with the vibrations of the frequencies that we are trying to bring in. So, in the last workshop--- Sliders 7---we got introduced to the lands of Wha as they call them. W-H-A. The Wha sounds. Now, by the time we get through to where the activations come in for this workshop, the new people will at least have a rudimentary understanding of ‗what the heck is the lands of Wha, (chuckles) and wha-ever!‘ (A‘sha and audience chuckling) Because now we're going to graduate to the lands of ‗Aah‘, (much laughter from the audience) and find out what they are! (audience clapping) I finally got at least a rudimentary itinerary of things we are going to be covering in this workshop. These are some of the things that are going to occur. Now this is what they're calling it. We know it's Sliders 8, Preparing the Body for Slide. The Advanced Level. But the title is Awake -Aware and ALIVE in the Lands of Aah. (audience responds) The ‗Sea of Aah‘. Eternal Stream of…and pardon me if I have to slow these down because all these Ah-yah-yah's and YA-yah‘s and all that stuff, they're all…I have to really look at them or I get tongue twisted. So we've got the Sea of Ah-Yah. The Eternal Stream of Ah-Yah'-YA. When you see these words by the way---new people---you'll see capitals in certain places. You'll see these little accent marks which mean that's where you stress the syllable. If you see like capital, it like means…usually A unless it's at the beginning of something. That‘s just…like it's the title of it. Sometimes it's a small ‘a‘ sound at the beginning, or a small sound at the beginning even if it's a capital letter. But there is a trick to reading these things that you get used to after a while as far as they're phonetic; pretty much. They're pretty much phonetically written to carry the sound tones that the Beloveds are saying.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

The next thing is the Covenant of Ah-yah‟-RhU‟ and the Eternal Dream-Fields of the One. This is what they‘re titling this workshop and I'm going, ‗Oh wow! Okay, what's that about‘? (chuckles) So, we do know this from…and this information corresponds with the handout you will get that traces the MUGS which are the mission upgrades that we have had to progressively go through since the beginning of the work. And the reason we had to go through those was because of what was unfolding in the planetary drama in relation to the FA groups and what they were doing with the grids, and what they were doing in relation to what was called the Beast Machine implants in the planetary grids which are directly a part of…what we have even discussed in the Camelot Project interview was the Atlantean Death Star Merkaba Field, planetary level. So, all of these things are connected. So when you see things like this; MUGS mean mission upgrade number. We are on mission upgrade number 46 in this workshop. Yeah. And that's since 2000. We started in 2000. In this workshop we are going to…and we'll learn more about this one tomorrow; what's called the Covenant of Ah-Yah‘-RhU‘. This is also--- tracking when we go back to listing the MUGS---the Green Dragons Al-Ben‘-Yhan. This is Al-Ben‘-Yhan 8. The 8th Dispensation of the Green Dragons Treaty of AlBen‘-Yhan assistance, that in return for the assistance that they had petitioned for in relation to…because they're an FA group, and they were actually competing with the Red/White Dragons and they were losing terribly and they were going to get pretty much decimated. So they came crawling back after breaking the Treaty of Altair way back in 2000 and asked for the Beloveds protection and assistance, and in return the Beloveds said yes we will, but you need to hand over portions of your grids or we can't help you at all. So they are progressively handing over certain aspects to Krystic control which means they're letting parts of the Metatronic Grids on the planet run what's called the Kryst Blend-Wave, where you can blend a Krystic frequency wave into the wave forms that are being generated through the Metatronic frequencies. 13.29 So this is the 8th hand-over. The 8th assistance that they are giving. When we get to the Mayan Cruise, that is the 9th. So these two…what we are going to be doing with the people who are going to the Bio-sphere tour, they're going to be doing the first part of what finishes up on the cruise, and that is the 8 th and 9th handovers of grids which has to do with what's called the Metatronic Broadcasting System. Alright, just like you have broadcasting systems for radios and TV, well, there are Metatronic Broadcasting Systems on the planet, and right now we are…the Green Dragons are allowing us to interface with those in order to actually send the Kryst protection-wave through with the Metatronic-Wave so anybody that has Krystic coding in their DNA will be able to pick up the Krystic frequencies also, so they won't just get dragged fully in to Metatronic Activations after December 2012 when the planetary Death Star Merkaba begins to activate to a 55. It's not going to go to a full 55, but it will activate to a low 55. And if that makes no sense to you guys that are new (chuckling) don't worry about it; eventually it will. But, I'm kind of like talking to the people who know all this stuff and the people who don't simultaneously, so there‘ll be parts when I'm talking directly more so to the people who are not familiar and then the people who are will realize that I'm doing that, and vice versa. So if you feel like you're getting totally lost---people that are new---just let that be okay! Know that I'm basically aiming that at the other part of the audience that knows all the technical's, so don't worry about it. If you ever want to find out, the technicals are there. In amazing detail actually. The detail that this work had been progressively given to us in just amazes me. And if it wasn't for that I might have doubted it, doubted myself in relation to it, or any of that. But when you see the detail in this paradigm and how The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 211

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amazingly huge it is, it's just a no-brainer. There is nothing like it on the planet. And I'm just very grateful and I hope that…you know that it's here---and a lot of people that have come to understand it are---I hope that the people that are new will find it something that is freeing for them as well. So anyway, we'll get back to this. Now, what is occurring now because of the activations that have been going on before, and this is something that you will…the new people will be able to have a benefit from, but it's something that the people who have been with us for a while have been progressively working toward. We are going to have a 6-dimensional Met-NET-Freeze Immunity activating as of the end of this workshop period, which means all the activations we were doing before that had to do with the Mirror-Ball Fields and all of that, will be complete. And finally we will have the 6- dimensional Met-NET-Freeze Immunity which means the Metatronic Code cannot activate any further in your body than it already had before. (audience clapping) And it also means that four month purge cycle is done. (audience responds) Yeah! I don't know what it was like for any of you, but I know what it was like for us, and I wouldn't want to go there again. (chuckling) Okay, so. We'll be talking more about those technical things more in tomorrow's session or tomorrow…whenever. Today‘s session. This evening's session because it's already Sunday. So, the next session we will be dealing more with just covering that. It's also explained quite clearly in the…especially for people who know the terminology in the handout as long as Kinko's cooperates, that you will get those 36 pages. It does explain what they were and all of that, so I might not have to go over it verbally in the workshop. It's there for the reading. But what this allows for is something new that is called ‗Enabling initiation of building the „Dream-Fields of the ONE‘. And it was really fun.(chuckling) When they started to just give me pieces of the transmission they started saying to me ―if you build it they will come‖, (much laughter) like the Field of Dreams movie. And I'm thinking ‗what; baseball fields‖? And they're saying, ―not exactly‖. So we're going to find out more about that. We'll probably touch on that a bit tonight. We'll probably learn more specifics about the ‗DreamFields of the ONE‘ when we go into the next session‘s information. This is GA upstep-11. Now, upsteps for the people who might not know, are when we have a Council upstep where, say if you're working with a Council from…I'll just use simple analogy, these aren't the Councils---the dimensional number---but just say if you were working before with the Council from D2; you would upstep to the next Council that knows more and has more frequency etc, that would be say, on D3 etc., etc., etc., all the way up the scale, but the scale is much more than just 15 dimensions. It goes into Vecas, Eckas, Eckashas, Eckasha-Aahs, etc., etc. And those are something you probably have no idea what they are unless you maybe had taken the module that was offered---which I hope you did---because it will make it easier to understand. But we'll cover that briefly as we move through to get to the end place where we need to get to tonight which is all of us together having an understanding of ‗what is the Ah-Yah‘ exactly, (chuckles) and the other ‗Aah‘ words that go with it. So we will find that out after…by the end of the graph sequence. Now the upstep here is where we're going to the Krystal River Eternal Councils of Ah-yah‟-RhU‟ CosMA'-yah of the Cosmic Krystar Master Councils. Now, this is going to have something to do with graphs that we're going to get tomorrow that have to do with showing…we've already---the people who have worked with us for a long time---already understand the basics of cosmic structure and what a Cosmic Matrix looks like. Well there's something else that's even larger that has numerous ones of those in it that is called a Cos-MA'-yah. And of…the Cos-MA'-Yah level is

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

just like; out of your own matrix, going out of the matrix, and up into the larger framework in which that matrix exists. And we‘ll be learning more about that, but we will be beginning to bring in the frequencies from those levels of existence, reality consciousness, etc in…there's two activations that we will be doing before we leave this morning before we leave. It's probably going to be one of those break-up workshop and go to breakfast kind, but, there are two transmissions coming in for those who would like to participate in them that have to do with the first parts of activating this particularly high level of frequency in your own fields, and it is this particular level that has the ability to harmonize with everything be it FA or Krystic. So we will learn a bit more about ‗what is that‘? ‗What does it have to do with the ‗Ah-yahs‘ and all that‘? Let‘s see. We are going to get Aquafereion Shield---that's our Shield---another upgrade from what we had the last time. In Sliders 7 we got an upgrade on shield to. Which means---for the people who aren't familiar with this---when we get an Aquafereion Shield upgrade, it means the group shield actually gets an infusion of frequencies from the Beloveds from the next level---whatever the next level up is---that begins the activation in the shield and in your personal shields and bio-fields of those next level of frequencies. And it has to do with also what Councils will start coming on line with you, or guiding you and working with you. And whenever we do an upstep or upgrade, it's not as if we get rid of the Councils that were below, it's we add one above them, and we have the whole stream of frequency open between all of the Councils. So every Council from the ones we started with, which were the Elohie-Elohim when we first started getting the information, progressively the Councils that are above them came on line and the ones above them came on line. So this is what it means when we get a shield upgrade. They're turning on the codes in the Aquafereion Shield which means the persons attached to the Aquafereion Shield will begin the process of getting those codes turned on in their DNA and their bio-fields. So they will be able to start a communicative relationship, or at least a subtle relationship if you don't have the communication open yet. You will know that they are there, and they can hear you and assist you if you desire that assistance. Now what we did last time was we did an upgrade to the Tri-Universal--- and that means 3 Eckasha Matrices---Tri-Universal Mashaya-Hana Master Councils of the Krystal River Host which were the Wha-YAyas Adashi-Adept-Councils. Now Adashi-Adepts are the ones who have also already gone through the Krystar transition into full Eternal-life Krysted Bodies where they don't die anymore or any of that kind of thing. They don't Bardoah. They're in those cycles that we refer to as the Adashi-Return-Cycles. And we are still in the end cycle, the KaLE-Eyugha Cycle of the expansion going out from Source cycles, and at the end of the KaLE-Eyugha cycle there is a turn around that is supposed to happen to bring you back into the Adashi-Return-Cycles where you progressively still expand, but expand back inward to Source. So you go back into where you came from, which is the God-Source Consciousness Field. This was our last shield upgrade where these codes were turned on so we could open communicative relationships with these Councils, and now we are going to be invited…and this is funny, because I have to talk with the 3 Apprentices who have been identified since 2006 and have been working with us quietly. They have reached a point of what you could call ‗Graduation‘ because there's a period of life-tests that they need to go through that they don't know they're going through, that just are part of the contracts. And when they've reached a certain level of where the Beloveds feel that they have sufficiently passed those

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tests where they can hold the next level of frequency, then there's supposed to be a little kind of Swearing in Ceremony where they're asked again if they want to hold it. We were…I have to talk to them personally first to see if they want to do that privately, or if they would prefer to have their identities know to the group. That's up to them. But, we're all being invited to become Apprentices. To have Apprenticeship Commissions. Now, whatever level of Minister you have already, that is still yours. As far as our membership in the Mashaya-Hana Councils; that is still ours. We're being invited as Apprentices to these Councils which are the Councils of the Ah-yah'-RhU Cos-MA'-yah, and they are the ones of the Cosmic Krystar Master Councils that are beyond and out of the matrix. So that is a huge honor, and just the gratitude level that I felt when that came through, I was very excited for us all and what is really nice is that isn't something that the people that are new are being excluded from. If they would like to be a part of that, they are welcome to be a part of that, even though they haven't gone through yet the other layers of activation in the bio-fields and the other…you know, clearing layers. It will assist in that process in expediting that process if they choose to. If the people who are new don't want to because they're not sure about it yet or anything, that's fine too, you don't have to, and the activations will only come to you and activate within you if you give conscious permission. So it's nothing that you have to worry about. But for us, for the people who have been working really, really hard for a lot of years with this, this is really exciting. It‘s like finally crossing the finish line where (chuckling) you know there has to be an end to the race somewhere where you just kind of go ‗Aah, I'm home, yeah! Aah. ‗Ah-yah‘. Okay. So these are the basic things. Probably by the time this workshop is over this whole page could be filled with things that are going to occur and that we're going to learn. But this is the basics for now that they‘d like us to understand that we are going to move through. Next one please. And this is just a little teaser. This is actually…this is page 41 in the graph series, but I just want for the people…especially for the people who are Sliders 8; they've already done the other Sliders bit before. These are some of the things we're going to learn about which is, okay, they're calling them the Infinite Eternal Lands of “Aah”. 1. We're going to learn about something called the Ah'-yah = the “Sea of Dreams.” The Living InfiniteEternal God-Source Consciousness Field = „The Unutterable ONE‟. It actually…there is no word for it. There is not a ‗name of God‘. God has many names and no names. It is a place that‘s beyond even vibration, and to…you would need vibration to have a name imprint. So this is what is called the Ah'-yah alright, the Ah‘yah…actually, yeah, Ah‘-yah! So when…and that's the word they were saying to me. That one clue that they gave me (chuckling) for the last like week or so; what the workshop was about. Ah'-yah. Ah'-yah, aah (chuckling) okay. (much laughter with A‘sha and audience) So Ah'-yah is actually the word used to represent the ―Essence‖ of The Unutterable ONE because there isn't a word for that massive Consciousness Field. ‗Living Consciousness-Field of Source‘. But, to open the conduits of frequency where you can progressively be able to bring that level of consciousness awareness in the…Ah'-yah, is the essence. So that is the encryption essence of that field so you can use that word to begin the process of bringing those frequencies in.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Now the next thing we're going to learn about is---here we go again--- the Ah-yah-YA'! The Eternal Living Dream-Stream. It's the…Ah-yah-YA' is the “Flowing Essence” of the Unutterable ONE. So here the Ah'yah is that Consciousness-Field of Source. It is the encryption you can use to bring those frequencies in. It is not the name of God because there is not one you could speak, but it is one you can feel and open into your fields using the Ah'-yah and the Ah-yah-YA'. Ah-yah-YA‘ is when you go into that state and then begin to bring (inhales) those frequencies in and they begin to flow into yourself. So one is like a still sea, and the other is like a flowing river; or current. So, they call this the Eternal Living Dream-Stream because this is the Sea of Dreams. So it is the stream coming from the Sea of Dreams which is the Eternal Life God-Source Consciousness Field, so we are going to be opening this stream into our bio-fields during the activations that we are going through in…during the workshop. Number 3 is The Ah-YA'-yah. The Ah-YA'-yah is the state of consciousness of “Embodiment of the Living Dream-Stream”. Yeah, we… A'san set this for me. I had it in scribbles and I was figuring you know; I'm never going to remember which ‗Yah‘ is where, or ‗Aah‘ is where, so I figured if I'm going to have a problem, probably most people will too. Like what ‗Yah‘s‘ on first and who's where? (much laughter) So A'san set this for us quick so we could all keep track of which is which part. We have the Field itself. We have the Stream; the frequencies coming from the Field. We have the State of Consciousness of that Stream, and we have The Ah-YA. This is the “Embodiment of the Ah-YA'-yah Dream-Stream.” Oh boy! We're going to get into these more so…in the session 2 where there's going to be some very interesting things that we're going to do. The Ah-YA' is the body-replicate formed of the Ah-yah-YA' Dream-Stream Currents forming a replicate of your own body as it is right now, that progressively engages you with the Ah-YA'-yah State of Consciousness associated with the Dream-Stream. The Body of the Eternal Host. You can project with it, you can meditate from within it, you can mirror from it; and the people who have been with Sliders 7 know what mirroring from it means. You can Orb from it, and also; it will Host-link you now and ever---if you choose---even in a bardoah-state. Even if your body were to die, once you have this activated in your field you would be safe in terms of where your consciousness would go when you left your body. You would not end up stuck in the Hibernation-Zone Fields. In the planes that we've talked about, and those kind of things. (audience clapping) And this is why, that even though there's a lot of bio-field activations that the people that are new to the work would need to catch up on if they wanted to fully walk a body through a gate, they can still, with this particular activation set, catch the host where, even if they never get to the point---or they couldn't be bothered with learning all the stuff that it takes to get the Light-Body cleared and the Spirit-Body cleared and all of that---they would still have the security and the safety of knowing that whenever they left, whenever their body was done being alive here they would not have their consciousness trapped within it, and they would be able to go out to the natural God-State Consciousness Fields through a host---through the Krystal River Host---but they would not become trapped. And that is huge for people who really understand what it means to get trapped in some of those fields. If you haven't had the teachings that we've done before talking about the Hibernation-Zone planes that are just surrounding Earth and how miserable they can be, where when a being passes out of its body it gets The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 68 of 211

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stuck in those planes and it can't Ascend and it ends up either burning out its quantum of spirit energy while it is there, or it is forced into reincarnation back down in the Earthly cycles until each time it has to incarnate backwards because it has less and less quantum until it burns out. So it's a huge thing to have a…to have protection, to have immunity from that occurring even if you go through what would be considered here ‗natural death‘. There is no such thing as a natural death but, as far as…even if you didn't get all of the other activations done or ever get caught up or even bothered, you would be able to---if you wanted to take these activations---be able to hold the host and know you would be safe when you got out. You would also be able to pass on to others through transmission, even just being in their radiance. And there's a few ways you can just pass on the opportunity for hosting and for safety to others like your parents, your children, people you care about. You can't force it on them, but you can (exhales) breathe it gently toward their fields and if their fields want to respond and their higher consciousness wants to pick up that opportunity, you will have anchored it down in the Earth realm for them. So they will be able to…their higher consciousness will be able to choose what to do with that once you have that activation. You can never give anyone else an activation level higher that what you actually are holding. So you won't be able to help clear peoples Light- Bodies until you‘ve cleared your own, but, if you get this---even coming in as a new-comer---and you pick up these frequencies, you will be able to pass on that protection to others. You'll also be able to pass it on to, plants, animals, minerals; those kind of things. So it is a gift that… there's still…there is a lot of work to do, a lot of work a lot of people have been doing for ten years of clearing various aspects of their anatomy so they still have the potential to physically walk through a StarGate. And even…some people are like ‗well you know; I realize I can and I've done a lot of the activations‘…and the activations help you bring more of your own higher-consciousness in anyway. So even if you say ‗you know; I'm old and you know personally I'd rather just incarnate into like the next level up body, so I don't really care if I bardoah. I don't really care if I physically take myself through a gate‘, and I'm pretty much there myself right. Whatever! If I get my sorry butt through, fine. (laughing) If I don't, (audience laughing) at least my consciousness will go and my spirit will go. For…but, there is still a potential for a lot of us that do the Light-Body clearing and all of the things that we‘ve been working with for 10 years. Once those things are done you still do have the potentiality of being able to go through physical Transmigration through Transfiguration of the Atomic structure. So it is worth working for, because boy, would it be cool. I would so love to say ‗come on guys, let's go!‘ Leap! There's the portal; leap!‘ And come out the other side and go ‗Wow, we did it! Check it out‘! (laughing) ‗Am I solid‘? ‗Am I solid yet‘? Those kind of things. Because, it would be kind of like that. The experience would be something like that. But, anyway. Okay. So, we're on…where are we? We're on the Ah-YA'. The Ah-YA' is that body-replicate. This is where you begin to take the atoms as they are right now---your structure as it is right now---and bring that Dream-Stream into it and literally form an imprint of it with the Dream-Stream. And this body, you can do all sorts of things with. You can like sit there--once you have it activated---you can start learning…learn to put your consciousness more in it, and say; go walk across the room, or go fly on the ceiling or…you can do all sorts of things. Or like, go visit the Beloveds in various places once you know how to get there with the Ecka Maps and those kind of things.

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And the Vertical Maps. So, it is the beginning of a fun thing. They gave me a concept to compare the AhYA' to. If…I don't know if everybody‘s seen it, but that movie that came out not too long ago, it was called Avatar. Well, it's kind of like an organic process of…it would be like your Avatar body where you could switch your consciousness…but you don't have to be put into this like chamber, and you didn't have to genetically engineer your Avatar body like they did in the movie but, you would be able to literally transfer your consciousness into your Avatar body and begin to experience the worlds that were frequency compatible with that, which means you would be able to travel farther faster even while your physical body was still trying to go through the healings and the clearings needed to get it to the point where it could physically go. So there's a lot of fun that we can begin to have once we begin to activate this. I don't know if they'll teach us how to have fun with it yet, but what we're going to be doing in this process tomorrow, I believe we're going to be doing…creating The Ah-YA', and then there's this other thing they said. They said it's called the ‗Orbs of Ah-YA'. Orbs of the “Embodied Ah-yah-YA' Dream State”. So, Orbs of this; which is the embodiment of that. They haven't told me about what the Orbs of this are. We've already been going into Jha-DA Body Orb for projection and those kind of things; the people who have been working with us for a while. So this is another level of Orb-ing that also involves this bodyreplicate of you in the size…I think in the size that you are, maybe it's bigger I don't know, they didn't tell me yet. But anyway, we're going to be learning about this, and this has to do with…we're going to learn about something. We're actually going to assist the Beloveds in anchoring it, and opening it. It's called the ―Womb of Creation” in the Sphere of Amenti which if you're new to the work that's pretty clearly described in the Voyagers books. It's technically the Race Morphogenetic Field for the Angelic human race that was put in earth core to allow them to incarnate here. And there's been a lot of problems with the Sphere of Amenti in…was it last year's 2009‘s, yeah; Ireland workshop. It became…a part of it became what was called the Sphere of Destiny which was a part that was healed and protected from the Metatronic Activations. They're going to have us do something. Create a Womb of Creation within it, because this has to do with something that the Covenant…I forget the name of it, I don't have it on this list, but it was on the first page. There is a Covenant that has to do with people who are interested in assisting. There's a very big project coming in that has to do with the Dream Fields---Field of Dreams---if you build it they will come. There is a Host of the Mashayah that are going to birth in between…over the next 200 years, and they are asking us to first of all Create the Womb because we have to anchor it. It needs to be anchored in the frequencies down here to create the Womb within the Sphere of Amenti so that they can do that. And once that is done, there will be some of us that get moved to create the framework that they are going to need. There‘s going to be a lot that they‘re going to need because…well, can you imagine if there are like kids, and you're going to put them in mainstream zoos called schools? (audience responds) Not really! Yeah; I mean, you could! There‘s some things they have been mentioning to me a little bit lately about babies and infants and things, and about the development of neuro-networks and those kind of things where certain types of environments will actually allow certain neuro-networks to form and others not to. To remain dormant. And sometimes the dormant ones can be woken back up in adulthood, but very often they can't; all of them. The Mashayahs that are going to come in at a certain point are hoping that we would be able to create for them a community structure. It can be even small ones, but where we would have maybe like Charter The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 70 of 211

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Schools or those kind of things where their needs could be attended to as well. They could learn the stuff of reading, writing, arithmetic; all that stuff, sure! Computers, etc, and they'll probably be computer wiz's by the way. The next generation of technos‘. Oh boy! (laughing) They'll be like…I just laugh. My generation was just…didn't get that coding. (laughter) I'm still like four finger typing. But they have a big vision for this. Not everybody has to participate. It's just, if you feel love…it's something that we're being asked to co-create with the Beloveds to host these children because these children will---and their children's children---will…there‘ll be enough where they have a couple of generations. They will build a portion of the Angelic human genetic-code back up, but activate it to the point where there will be enough of them---when the time comes; when the gates are going to close here in 200 years---that they will be…the Beloveds will be able to physically have them come off planet, which means the Angelic human gene-code will not go extinct. It will be able to come in physical form off the planet before the gates close. Now some of us might make that trip too, and even if we make that trip…if we get our bodies to the point where we really can get them out biologically, it's not going to change the fact that you don‘t…it takes more than like a little group of people like this, even if we all got out, to restart a race. Because…a species. Because that is what's occurring. Because right now there's so much damage to the Angelic human genecode from cross-breeding with the Annunaki and the Draconian races, and for people who don't know about this a bit of that history‘s in Voyagers Volume II second edition. It talks about the Leviathan races and how they were created. They look human too, and…but they're not inside. Well some of them are. Some of them…many of us are just mixed coding right now. But this is a resurrection of the full Angelic human gene-code that will be coming in progressively. The first level of the Mashayah's that come in will be able to fix part of that coding and get it back to a more pure strain of Angelic human, and then their children will be able to do the same and just get to the point where…because right now when we go through---even if we go through---we're going through as, kind of like; pot luck. (laughter) The melting pot! Because we've got all sorts of codes in this version of human, and that's okay. That can go forth too. But to allow the original…literally the original DNA configuration of Angelic human that none of us fully possess anymore. We have it's potentials, but we have a lot of other stuff in with it too which gives us abilities to help a lot of other races, but the Beloveds would like to have the Angelic human race not go extinct as a gene-code. The Earth Angelic human race. So they are asking us to assist in the process of bringing the Mashayah's in so they can progressively bring the code back. And I imagine by the time there's 200 years from now when the gates are going to close you're going to have some very tall people walking around. Because I think they're at least twelve feet tall when they get… when the full code is activated, when the full Angelic human code is activated. So, we will see. But they are asking us to begin thinking about creating within…right within this Illuminati based civilization that we're in, little bubbles of protection. Little spaces that beings like that…where they can have the protected environment around them so those neuro-networks that they will need to bring in the highest levels of frequency will actually turn on in infancy when they're very small. And this goes back even to in the womb. Whatever a baby in the womb experiences…a lot of people don't realize it, but they hear it. They experience it. Whatever frequencies are blasting around it, like if you're listening to heavy

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metal when you've got a baby in there, you're baby's listening to heavy metal and the frequencies that go with it. So there's a lot of things that they will eventually be giving us. Not just the spiritual teachings of the practical level spiritual teachings. Like even if you don't want to learn about being a Grid-master and all that stuff just, well, this is like a really special belief system here, and you can really connect with God-Source and really find yourself and your higher-self and your spirit. They're going to give us that, but they're going to give us more practicals. They've already told us about Fetal Integration. They've already told us about what happens when you die and how to do it and how not to do it. They've told us many, many things about just things that we face every day as beings living on a planet. Birth. Death. Conception. They're going to start teaching us more things about those things. Like about children, about babies, about when people are older and if they are going to make a bardoah transition. So there's a huge amount of practical teachings that are going to come and they are going to…they're asking us---those of us who care to---to help create this little…these little pockets of higher civilization within the civilization that is here and the Mashayah‘s will come. Some people will have birthing-contracts. Some of them are already starting. There's a few in the last year or so I think, or 2 years actually. There's been a number…maybe even 3. I get a feeling it's 3 years that the first wave was like trickling in. A little bit here, a little bit there. But there's going to be more, and that doesn't mean a lot of people in the group are going to get pregnant. It doesn't mean you have to! It doesn't mean you have the (chuckling) birthing-contracts, and I'm thinking ‗Oh God, please no! (much laughter) No! No! I'm too old for that‘. So I don't think I have one of them. No. I kind of made the deal with the Beloveds. ‗Well you know; I'd go there on one condition‘. ‗If it was the last seed left for the human race, (chuckling) then it's yours, okay‘? ‗But please leave me out of that deal‘. I love babies, don't get me wrong. I just love them. And I've had 4 and that was good and it is good, and it's great that they're grown up now and have babies and I like being grandma. So, anyway. This is the larger picture of what they're showing us and it begins with…this is the first time we have had the protection-field; the six dimensional protection-field. If things had gone well in 2000 and the planetary Maharic Shield---the D12 Seal---went up, we would have had that protection. That didn't happen. We ended up in grid-wars from September of 2000 onward. So we have worked very hard to get to this point where this protection actually is taking root in the grids, and it allows for the continuation of the next levels of the Angelic human races being brought back to their gene-code integrity so that race does not go extinct, because right now, a lot of the human race is going to go into a new humanity called the Metatronic-Humanity where their DNA will be coded to the Black-Hole Fall Systems. They won't know it. They'll have a good time going for a while. because it all just seems the same, whatever! Until you realize you're living on a planet that's dying and everybody's killing each other and survival of the fittest gets worse and worse and worse, because that is what happens in Fall Systems. It may take many generations for that to occur, but anyway; we're not aiming for that part. We are aiming to bring not only ourselves out with kind of like the mutt codes that we have, where we have Angelic human codes and we have Aquari Indigo codes, and we've got all sorts of codes. Annunaki ones, we've got Draconian ones, we've got Reptilian codes. Humanity now is a mish-mash of all of those different codes because of what happened in our history. And this is the history that certain forces on the planet ever The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 211

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since the Atlantean period---which they try to tell you didn't exist either--- are trying to create a false history because they do not want it recognized. They do not want humans to know who and what they are because we're being run around like little puppets and we have been since the Atlantean period. So, the history; there's a good dose of it in Voyagers Volume II books if you care to look for it. There's a part about the Leviathan races and how they came in to the Earth's incarnation, and also about---what do they call it---transposition of race identity that has occurred in the Angelic human line to come up with this thing we call the Homo-sapien-sapien human. That's in Voyagers Volume II if you want to go that far and look at it. So we're going to be learning about these things and then…this implies---and this is probably why they had me bring the drum all the way from Florida---and I was thinking, ‗well, we're not even going to do a drumcircle‘. It‘s like…because we can't go to a beach or anything. We can't exactly go to the Bio-sphere and do a drum-circle, they're not going to let us do that. I don't think they would appreciate it. Not 300 people with drums or whatever. But this implies the Call of the Ah'-yah. Ah'-yah was the top one; that Field. The Still Sea of Dreams God-Source Consciousness Field. That's called the Ah-yah-Ah-YA' Command. Now it's more than that. There's more syllables to it. But it can be used as a mantra to progressively bring more of that state in and more of those frequencies in to the body, and there's going to be…I don't think from this workshop; but maybe. I don't know if they're going to give us a take home technique to use. There's going to be certain sets of just like simple daily meditations that can be used that are very just…they're not so much about thinking and moving energy here and over there and over the other place like a lot of the technical techniques have been. They will be much more…I could say Zen, but they're not Buddhist. But they're kind of like that Zen state that a lot of the Buddhist meditations talk about and those kind of things. They're more in that vein. So there's…this will be the beginning. We'll be using that and the Ah'-YA‘ Body for a whole new level of the techniques that are…it's going to actually, I think, become the beginnings of the Step-down Programs that anybody can use even if they hadn't gone through learning all of these things, and that can be put more easily…eventually they do want to…want us to be able to put a presence on places like YouTube and Face Book and those kind of things. Once we have the Step-down Program we‘d like to be able to give just like certain types of free classes of the more simple information that people can use on the ground. Just the simple stuff that can help you feel better and help you get your higher-self aware and stuff where you don't have to learn about grids and all the crazy stuff. It sounds crazy if you're not used to it. It's not crazy really, it's quite intelligent. But, you don't have to learn that if you're coming in and you're like…say you know nothing about anything spiritual or metaphysical and you trip over it on YouTube. You can sit there and you can watch the thing and go ‗wow! I just learned something‘. You can do a simple technique and you can start to feel the frequencies come in. So we do…we are trying to get to where we have a Step-down Program that would involve eventually an aspect that is a non-profit organization again; an actual Ministry. And that's what we had wanted to do in the start if we didn't end up entangled in the bloody grid-wars that the Annunaki basically started down here. And a part of that too is…this is just a little tid-bit of where we're moving. There‘s going to be…I can't give too much detail on it because it's still in the formative phase---stages---with a small group of people who are going to assist in the hands on process. But the Beloveds said they are going to work with creating a set of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 73 of 211

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visual meditations. Where they're visual journeys. Not just ones where you close your eyes and go; but something that you can watch and actually participate in. They couldn't do this before. I won't go further on the technical's on it, but they couldn't do this before because if you were watching anything on any kind of screen it is powered by electricity. And if it's powered by electricity you're doing optical pineal induction of electricity that is running through the planetary grids which are running on the Caduceus Network. Now that would activate Metatronic codes. When you watch TV (chuckling) you're just really helping yourself activate Metatronic codes and those kind of things. Now, they would not give these type of---we use visualization alot---but they would not put it where you could visualize it and just watch it on a screen or something like that because it would trigger not only the good codes---the Krystic codes in your DNA---but it would simultaneously trigger the Metatronic ones because of the electrical frequency coming in through the eyes especially. Now, because of the Met-NET Freeze on the D2 level---which is the physical level we perceive---that won't happen anymore. So the TV stuff is not going to hurt us anymore. (clapping) None of that stuff! (clapping, whistling) It's still good to not over saturate though, (laughing) because I know a lot of us do the electronic detox thing where you only allow so many hours a week and then you just get off it. Because actually it's meant to like drag you in, where you live more through what you're seeing on the screen go by than you actually live in your life, and it's progressively bringing people into like the holo-band experience of that…I forget what it is called. It begins with C. Participant: Caprica A'sha: Caprica, that's it! The Caprica series that had the holo-band technology where they were doing virtual reality where you‘d project into; and you're running around, and there's all sorts of worlds in there. Where you just kind of vegetate on your couch with your holo-band on and your life goes to Hades while you're floating around in virtual reality form. That is where certain forces are trying to take the technologies. Well, now that the frequencies---the electrical frequencies---won't…when you apply it to using codes; won't any more trigger the Metatronics because of the Met-NET Freeze that we've worked with, and we can also now spread to…literally through the Angelic-Human-Shield and through the Human-Shield. So the protection is available for anyone who anchors the base techniques that we're being given now. It means that we can enjoy that same type of getting drawn in, but we can get drawn into the worlds that we're actually trying to create. And it will just help to actually give you some simple places to follow in some of the journeys, and then you can take them on your own where you have enough of the visuals and you go ‗okay‘. This will be really great for people who have had a hard time visualizing, because not everybody can close their eyes and imagine they see something. For some people it's like, if you can't see it; if you can't do that really well; just intend that it's there even if you can't make the images happen on the inside of your eyelids. So this will assist lots and lots of people. It will also assist lots and lots of younger people that have become glued to those war-games and things that they're always playing. It will give them an option where you can also have joyful worlds where they're win-win games and not win-lose games. And worst case scenario, you can always do a game that has the

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Krystics and the Fallen Angelics, because all of those games tend to have…they have to have a good guy and a bad guy right, (chuckling) and the goal is the gates! Who is going to get the gates? But, anyway. It's going to bring the tech…it's going to combine finally our…the spiritual inner technologies that we‘ve been working with all along. We can now finally begin to combine them with the outer technologies that are basically running the planet and everybody's plugged into. So, it's a nice vision that the Beloveds have in mind here. Now things like that do not come cheap and they don't come easy, so they're not going to be like ‗out by next workshop‘. Yeah, right! We'll be lucky if they're out by 2013, but they are coming. That is part of the things that they‘re aiming for. Okay. The Call of Ah-yah is a…I don't know if it's going to come through with a drum beat, and I think it might, because that's why they had me bring the drum. But we‘ll do…this will be part of the next session. I won't say tomorrow because it will be today. Tonight! Excuse me while I take my shoes off. I have blisters on the backs of both heals and they hurt. I've been limping through the airport. There you go. Better! Okay, next one please. Now. (chuckles) I think it's the next one. Oh yeah, I'll go into this really quick. I'm not going to go heavily into these questions. I touched on them before and I'll probably touch on them again before we leave the workshop for good. Frequently Asked Questions about the Teachings. One of them is, Who are the Guardians? I'm going to show you something that will help answer that much more quickly than if I go on and on for an hour and a half. Where did the Freedom Teachings come from? When I get tired…by the way, I've been at the computer ever since I woke up this morning except for that last hour where I started to sequence the stuff. So, if I seem a little tired ‘yes I am’! But I'm still cheerful. It's just sometimes when I'm tired the wave of information that I kind of ride on when I'm speaking with you goes faster than my mouth can keep up with. It's a little bit funny sometimes, so pardon me if I trip over my lips a bit. Where did the work come from? This will also…what I'm going to show you will answer this and give you some pretty good answers into this. There's other…more answers you can get to this that have to do with the Cloister-Dora-Teura Plates and those kind of things, but for now, it will give you an idea of where all of even those things come from. What is the purpose of the Freedom Teachings? What we will see and learn about will in the thing I will show you…not just the thing; the next graph I'll show you, but---it's actually a list---but, this…by the time you get through---we get through I hope---the 49 graphs, this will help you understand. The purpose is simple. Ascension! Freedom from the mind-control networks here. Getting your birthright of Eternal-life, freedom, joy, love, cooperation. Nice worlds to live in, all of that; getting all of that back. That is the purpose of the work. But, you will see some more of the specifics of the purpose when we go through the diagram set. Is this work fear based? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 75 of 211

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No. We'll talk probably a little bit more about that when we're on our way out to end of workshop at the end of the last session. And that to. This will probably…you'll probably be able to answer that pretty much yourself. Why should I care? By the time you get through to the end of this…and if not that's okay. You don't have to care. Nobody has to. (chuckling) The Beloveds do, I'm glad for that. Okay. We'll probably talk a little bit more about this as a wrap-up in the last session. We talked a little bit about that; we might touch on it again. Ah, no. (chuckling) Simple answer; no! Call it what you want, but it's not that. Let's see. What we'll learn through even this graph sequence which isn't a heavy graph sequence, will give you a bit more information on that. Yes science; and yes, God etc, and what God? This will give you an answer. A bit to that. Do they break up relationships? We might touch on that again, we kind of covered that already. „Where's the love‟? What's really neat is; every time I've heard that question being thrown at me by certain people who say it in a certain nasally tone when they're saying it when they have people like Thetans and Thothians hanging out in their fields with them, I've always been like ‗what do you really mean by that‘? What love are you missing‘? Because this is all about love! But where is the love? With this! Now I know where it is! I know exactly where it is! It is that field! It is The Ah'-yah Field. That is the endless Eternal-love. The Infinite Eternal Love Field of God-Source. It is a living God-Source Consciousness Field. And that is literally the location of ‗where is the love‘, and we are embodying that progressively. So we finally found the love. (audience chuckling and clapping) I was kind of happy about that. So next time if anybody says that question just go ‗it's right here‘, and beam it at them. And I have a feeling we'll probably learn a bit more about Orb phenomena when we do the next sessions information about the Orbs of Ah'-yah, or whatever they call them on the other page. Next one please. We'll go back to Who are the Guardians? In a nutshell; this will be in your chart-packs or your handbooks. (chuckles) Basically; who are they? The Kryst Councils listed below are all active members of the GA-MCEO. Each Council has a massive number of other race-line collectives that exist as members within the collective of each Council. So this is just the basic Councils we're dealing with. Now you'll notice they have locations with them and if you're not familiar with the maps and the structures that we've spent ten years learning…‘that's a location‘? ‗What's that word‘? ‗That's a location, where is that‘? You'll learn a little bit about that when we go through the graph sequence that we're going to go through, but basically between 1997 and 2000 the first level of Councils that we were working with were from the D12 level in this Time Matrix, which means in the Milky The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 76 of 211

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Way Time Matrix which is actually called the Aquinos Matrix. It's part of the Aquinos Matrix. Aquinos is M31 that we fell from. D12 Elohei-Elohim. The D11 Seraphei-Seraphim, and the D10 Braharama, which are the Founders Races for this matrix. So they were literally the Kryst Founders Races that seeded the life-field into this matrix. And the whole story of those guys is in…I forget which. I don't know. That was early stuff like in 2000 when we were getting that information. So all of that stuff on ‗who they are‘ and ‗what they are‘, that's all published somewhere, I just can't remember which place it is. It might even be in some of the Kathara stuff, the early Kathara or maybe the Templar's Manual. I think it appeared in Templar's Manual actually. Then…so if you want to know more about ‗who they are‘…and this is like…this is above and beyond all of the race-lines that are identified in the Voyagers Books. So, they talked a little bit about the Elohie and all of those. But once you get up to here, these…this is where the work started to go beyond the Voyagers Books where the next…the first upstep---and this is the dates that those upsteps occurred---was a…this is the first one from these guys, to these. These were the 3 Yanas Races which are the Ramayanas, the Watchayanas, and the Grandeyanas. We met them in Peru. On our first Peru trip. And they are from the Primal Light…it says PMC. That refers to the Particum Universe that we are in of the Primal Light Fields. So they are in the Primal Light Field which corresponds with dimensions 13, 14, and 15. So we went from the D10, 11, and 12 which is called Density 4; to D13, 14, and 15 which is called Density 5. Next upstep was to the Ecka-Eieyani. I won't try to explain to you what an Ecka is until I show you the maps, and then you'll be able to see what an Ecka is in relation to what a simple matrix is. A Time Matrix, or a PCM Universe. Now in 2002 we upstepped 3 to the Eckasha level which is the next level up from the Ecka levels in the maps. We're going locations. Going up the scales. Actually up and out. Larger. These were called the EyanA. And this was just the MUG numbers. The mission upgrade numbers that those mission upsteps…or GA upsteps, came in on. This one; upstep 4, was in 2003. We…and this is when we went to…we actually did grid-work in Andorra and Barcelona Spain, and this is where the upstep for this was given and we met from the EtorA side…EtorA refers to our side of the Time Matrix which spins…it has a base clockwise spin. It has it's counterpart that spins counter-clockwise which is called the AdorA system with an A. So this is the EtorA on our side. Ecka-Eckasha, which means from the Ecka and the Eckasha level, these were called the Addondraea. And from the AdorA side, the Ecka-Eckasha AdonA. So, we met the Addondraea and the AdonA. Then these ones! Now these guys have all sorts of abilities to manifest/ demanifest and Ascend and all that kind of stuff to various levels within the greater structure of the Cosmic Matrix, but when we got to these levels, this is where we were dealing with beings that are…they are beyond confinement to physical form. They can choose form, materialization at will, or choose not to have it. In other words, they have reached a level of evolution where they are made of consciousness and they can form that consciousness into biological forms at will and demanifest it if they choose.

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Some of them have civilizations in whatever level of matter state they are choosing to be in, and do keep physical forms because they enjoy it. And others decide not to keep physical forms and just use them on occasion…materialize them on occasion to interact with people who still do, and don't have the choice yet. Like us down here. So these up here. This is where you're getting into Masters. Now just when you talk about…the Beloveds like to not use the term Ascended Masters because it‘s been highly, highly abused on this planet. When you hear all the other stuff, there's not one thing out there that talks about an Ascended Master that is talking about anything above D5. Now D5. If we go back up here and look at the…we were starting…the ones that were giving this information to begin with were starting with D12. They didn't call themselves Ascended Masters. They called themselves Avatars. These guys called themselves Rishi. They're not Ascended Masters. Now there's a bunch of other people out there running around in the Metatronic system, actually…and they don't know they're running around in the Metatronic system, but they're saying ‗Oh! A D5 Ascended Master‘. Well okay; it Ascended to D5. That means it went up to D5. That is not an actual Ascended Master. So the levels that we're dealing with of the consciousness…that's why there is so much detail to the information that we've been given. This is simple when your consciousness is up here. This stuff is easy! This is like kindergarten what they're teaching us. But, when you're looking at is a model…is a bunch of humans that can't remember where they came from or where they're going or the fact that they have a bioenergetic field, and you're dealing with a bunch of False Ascended Masters that are running around saying they're like God because they got to D5, no wonder the work looks a bit complicated. There's a little trick that they tend to use with some of the False Teachings. They'll tell you ‗keep it simple stupid, the devil is in the details‘. You know what, it's the opposite. God is in the details. God created the details. Do you really think if you look at a tree and the amazing root structure it has and the amazing branches and leaves it creates; even looking at a tree, do you really think the devil did that? That's very, very detailed! It's very, very beautiful. And it's very, very filled with love. Have you ever hugged a tree and you felt it hug you back? There's an amazing consciousness in trees. We take the opposite stance. We don't keep it ‗simple stupid‘. We keep it as simple as ‗still holds the truth‘, but we don't simplify things to where you lose meaning and it's easy to twist meaning, and we will show detail. Because it was in the detail that the Beloveds could show us what the Metatronic stuff was doing, because it showed what the whole Creation Structure was, what the forms were, what the sacred geometries were, how they are supposed to work, and it was all very coherent; and then it showed what was actually being done with it to twist it. So those other teachings are actually distortions of these teachings. So without knowing the details you would never be able to tell. So if anybody tells you the ‗devil's in the details‘, tell them to think again. Maybe it's God that's in the details, and maybe that's just a trick of the devil telling you that. So we've got all of these races. Now we're up to the ones who can manifest and demanifest, materialize and dematerialize at will. And they do have materialized civilizations because some of them choose that type of existence because they enjoy it. And the further up you go into Ascension the more you realize the purpose in being is ‗being‘, and being closer and closer to the God-consciousness state which is; Absolute Joy. There's a lot of teachings that unfortunately they're like…let's say the Buddhist teachings for example. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 78 of 211

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There's some wonderful, wonderful teachings in the Buddhist teachings, but when it comes back to the core, there's also things being told that are…there was one. Oh, ‗existence is anguish‘. Ah, yeah! Nirvana technically means extinction. They're dealing with a different set of…a different path of evolution that is part of this path, but those teachings---the Buddhist teachings---they can be very helpful to us on the Krystic path---some of them---but you have to be able to see which ones really don't apply to the Krystic path that you're on. They're good if you find yourself in a Fall System and you are going to Fall and there's nothing you're going to be able to do about that. They're very good for making peace with that and still holding your integrity. They would be like for a Kryst Fall, or even for a KaLE-RAma Step Back path of evolution, and some of them; some of the teachings can be for the Ascension. You can do some of the meditations and some of those things, but some of the other ideas are just not at all what the Ascension path teaches. Joy is! Now they would say joy is an emotion, that's just a lower form. Ah, Source experiences joy! Now it's a joy that while you're in one little body you'll never be able to know exactly the joy that Source-Consciousness feels unto itself, but Source does feel. Not little emotions like we do. With massive ones. We can't even fathom what they must be like. But the more and more we bring in the Ah'-yah--- the essence of that Consciousness Field---the more we will understand and probably be able to put less and less words on that…those levels of joy, of Absolute Love, of Absolute Forgiveness, of Absolute Eternal Being-ness, because that is the objective that the Krystic path and the Ascension path takes us on. Not to get to the point where we can detach ourselves because existence is anguish. It is anguish under certain conditions, but that isn't how it was Eternally created. Anguish has to do with when the Eternal Creation Flow has been progressively shut down to where you are left with limited flow, limited resources and moving toward Fall. So I just wanted to point that our. We are aiming for the joy, for the love, all of those things that…it's not about rising above them so you don't care about them anymore. Even desire! If Source did not have desire for Creation nothing would be in existence in the manifest bodies of God-Source. So desire is a natural aspect of Source. Just as is love, just as is joy, just as is intelligence and awareness. So anyway, I wanted to point that out because some spiritual traditions will teach you the…detachment--progressive detachment----where you really just don't care and won't be ruffled and therefore you don't suffer anymore; that, that is the ultimate to aim for. While we're still in this system here we still have a choice to aim for something higher, and you can take some of the good from those paths, because there are some great teachings in every path, there are some great teachings. But, those paths are not teaching the whole picture in order to get to the level of Ascension that we are referring to. So you can take the best of any path, be it Christian, or Jewish, or Buddhist, or Hindu, or Islamic, or whatever! Take the good. See where that part can support you in your path of going even higher. You don't have to stand against the other teachings. When it comes to Merkabas and Death Star Merkaba teachings, you don't have to stand against them either. You just stand with the Kryst and say ‗well, I choose to spin my Merkaba this way‘, that's all. (chuckling) And I know why I choose to do that. So…but everybody has FreeWill. People who want to do the Metatronic way have the absolute freedom to do that. And Source feels the same about that. Source gave them the freedom to make that choice in the first place. They will come home The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 79 of 211

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anyway. So Source doesn't feel like it's loosing anything because eventually they'll go back by Space-dust Return. It's all in the experience. We all were given equally, and created equally, in terms of value from Source, and we all came from the same Consciousness Field and we will all ultimately go back. The choice is ours whether we will live that as a joyful experience of becoming whole again, or as a progressively diminishing experience that eventually brings us into a Space-dust Return. But we will all meet back in the center again. So these are some of the things that this---at the core of the teachings---that we stand for. This is some of the things that it represents. Let's see. I'm just going to go really quick up these because you can read these and you can read them in your chart-packs when you get them. We went from…alright, these are the ones that are beyond where they can manifest and demanifest. We've got the Haah-TUr'. They're from the Inner-Hub Domains. The Inner-domain Hubs. Now, if you don't know the maps and all those things you're not going to know ‗what's a Hub‘. It has to do with the structure of the Cosmic Matrix, and a part of that would be referred to as Hubs and I'll try to point those out quick, when we go through the diagrams quickly. So we have, where am I; The Hubs. We picked those guys up in Morocco when we…in 2005 during Demon-fest 1. Yeah, that was a rough trip. (laughing) A good thing the Haah-TUr's were there. Next one was in June of 2006 where we upstepped to the M31 Urtha. Now M31 again is the Andromeda Galaxy that the Milky-Way a very long time ago actually spiraled out of because of a Fall. It began to Fall. It is a Falling System. So M31 Andromeda. From…it's kind of like a counterpart. I almost said twin and it's not twin exactly. Almost…a counterpart planet to Earth is a place called Urtha, and the Urtha and Sala…Sala is a counterpart to what would be our sun which is called Sol. So we have Urtha, Sala. There's a race called the Bhendi. Another race called the Aquafereion, both of which are part of the Adashi Councils. When you see the word Adashi it means Return. It means those cycles that after you do the 4 KaLE Eyughas coming outward from Source you do the turn-around---if you're Ascending---and go back through 3 cycles of Adashi Return back into Source. So when you see the word Adashi it means that they are Councils that have made the turn around already, and they're back in those cycles of various stages of going back into Source which means they are really Ascended Masters. That is what Ascension is. When you go through that turn around---which I'll point out in some of the diagrams---that is when you actually qualify for being called an Ascended Master. And the Beloveds prefer the term Adashi-Adepts because it is more accurate and it doesn't get entangled with the twisted meanings with the words Ascended Masters have been used to misrepresent here. So they prefer the word Adepts. So this is where we met these guys. Then, in 2008. January 2008 we met from the same area the AnshaTAsa Hub, which is another center point. A Hub is a center point in a matrix. The AnshaTAsa Hub and Adjugate---I'll show you what Adjugate means when we look at the diagrams---A10-BudhA'ea Adashi Councils. So 2 more Adashi Councils. We met the AnshaTAsa Hub ones and we met the BudhA'ea Adashi Councils. Next, 2008 we met the Median-Earth…and that I'm not even going to go into for new people, because there's certain workshops that cover that extensively, so if you want to know what's the difference between Net- Earth that we're on, Median-Earth, Higher-Earth, Lower-Earth---that we're on; that is Net-Earth---and various other things that have to do with the splitting of the Earth planes.

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Same Earth, but different plane splits from the original of what the structure here was before it became damaged. So, these guys… Median- Earth is…another word you can put there is Ascension-Earth. It‘s a portion of Earth that the gates from here will open into, but they first have to open into a place called Aurora-Earth, and Aurora-Earth is a set of gates that interface between this Earths set of planes and the set of planes that are the Median-Earth set of planes which are the next stage up in this progressive Ascension that we are opening the gates to, to put it simply. We met there the ZionA, and I love these guys; I've known these guys for a long time. They used to come to me in childhood and stuff in like etheric form. The ZionA…you could also call them the Mer-folk. Like mermaids and mermen and merchildren and things. They have the ability to choose whether they will take on an aquatic-hominid form or a land-hominid form. They can also…some branches of them can actually choose to just be fish. But they're kind of born like fish are born and those kind of things. But they're lovely beings, and they're quite beautiful. They're very…when they do their human thing---like their hominid thing---they look very human, but they're very…lets just say they look like what we would consider ‗models’! That kind of thing. They're very beautiful, and they're just hugely loving. And then you have the AquafarE'---and these are both Adashi Councils---the AquafarE' come in a lot of different forms and again; all of these don't have to take on form, they choose to. And they can also dematerialize it if they want to. When we get to 2009 we started even further upsteps. These are the AshalA-3. Now I'll just…the word AshalA has to do with…remember I said there was Net-Earth---where we are---then you have the AuroraEarth that is the next set of gates to go through to get to Median-Earth which is Ascension-Earth. Then there is what was called the Host-Star that in the Amenti Rescue Mission, that the fragment of Tara that is called Earth was actually Host-Seeded into. So it was actually a star planet at a different level of density that Earth was seeded into, and it's actually…it's beyond our plane structure like if you went up, up, up and out into space, you would start going into the plane structure of AshalA. You wouldn't see it, but you would be interfacing with it. So AshalA would be the next step up above Ascension Median-Earth. So, the Hubs of that place are called Ashalum and…like AshalA is the outer level, and then when you go to the center point of that, that is Ashalum. Here we met the A'quai and the Eiradhani A'quA-elle. So, these are another set of 2 that we met. When we get up a bit further we find that there's something called the Floating Buddhas which is a technique that I do believe they're going to bring in with the new people again tomorrow---and everybody that's done it before we can do it again--- because it's really good to bring in your good company. (chuckles) And we'll go over the Floating Buddhas technique with you---with the new people tomorrow---and it's really how to get a team that will work with you if you want them to. And it's a team composed of six of these particular race lines. And they'll communicate with you. They'll assist you. They each have their own specialty of being able to do different things. Some are better at like healing. Some are better at grid-work; that kind of thing. Some are better at training; like technical training and that kind of thing. So we have the Floating Buddhas workshop, I forget where it is in the chronology, but it's back there and that covers all of that where we first met them. You can catch up with that by using the techniques, so we'll be bringing that back in for everyone to do, but it will be the first time that the new-comers have an opportunity to meet the Floating Buddhas. And there's a reason they call them Buddhas.

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It's not because it's about Buddhism. It has to do with…I'll talk about the Bud---B-U-D---when we have the structure diagrams up okay, because that will make it simpler. The people that know all this information; they know what the Bud means. The Buddha. It's at the center of something and I'll show you what that is in structure. Without the diagrams it will be, probably…I will probably lose you with what I'm talking about. But when we're talking about the Buddhas, we're not talking about Buddhas of Buddhism. The concept of the Buddha…I actually collect little Buddha statues because there's something about that peaceful like sitting cross legged peaceful stance kind of thing that does have to do with these layers of your own self. You all have a Buddha level of self that you can access, and very…a number of Buddha levels of self. So we'll talk about that a little bit. Not extensively in this workshop, but as we go through the diagrams. Let's see. Where else, where am I? Right, here. Not those guys. Okay, next ones in April of 2009. That was when we did the big drum- circle, the first one at Sarasota beach, Siesta Key Beach. We met from the Middle-Earth…which is a different place than Net Earth. This is why the maps come in handy, so you have any idea where all these versions of Earth are. These aren't even Probable versions of Earth. Probabilities are something different that are part of the structure too. (chuckling) These aren't even Parallel Earths. Parallels are something different that are part of the structure too. Parallels have all these type of things in them as well. So the structure is huge that they've shown us with the Maps, the structure of creation, the structure of the Cosmos. It is huge! That's why if you try to read this without some interpretation, you're just coming in and you go ‗what the heck are they talking about!‘ How many Earths are flying around, or maybe they're Probabilities? No. We're not talking about those when we use these words. We use other words to talk about Probable Earths and those kind of things.(chuckling) So it is a huge structure of understanding. You don't have to understand all of it. What you do need to understand to benefit from the technologies and to actually grasp what you're having an opportunity to become a part of, is just some basics of the structure that help you to have the big picture of what our little tiny existence down here on Earth is connected to. The Cosmic Matrix. And…that we're going to see a little bit of that because it will help to conceptualize what we're talking about. You don't have to know every little Earth from every other little Earth and those kind of things to make this work for you. But it does help to know that they are there, and the potential for them is there, of other Earth versions and those kind of things. Next upgrade was…we already talked about those. Did I talk about…no, I didn't name these yet. The EdO'-ni Ma-sha-yah "Ah-JhU'-na". These were the Ah-JhU'-na guys. These are ones that, actually, they exist as Conscious Air. But when they interact with us…because we tend to have a hard time conceptualizing talking to Conscious Air, they manifest as like…just kind of like white light beings when they interact with us. And they have certain…they're also known as the Gifting Wizards. (chuckling)That can be very helpful. And they're from actually a place referred to as the Edons. And that's different than Eden. It‘s…the Edons are…if you can conceptualize of us being in the Outer Domains of Creation, and before there, there was a place called the Middle Domains of Creation. The Middle Domains are where the Edons are. They are called the Edons.

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[1:21:21] Then there's of course a Inner level of Creation. Then there‘s a Core level of Creation. And then there is Source. This is part of the Expansion Cycles coming back…literally coming into manifestation from Source. So they were in the Middle Domains. We are in the Outer ones, the furthest away from Source where we make the turnaround to start coming back. So, we met the Ah-JhU'-na. We met, who else? We met the Mashaya-Hana Hub-Councils of the Aquareion Matrix which when you see the Maps it will help (Chuckles) to know where they are. The Aquareion Matrix is a place, and the Hub Councils are again, a part of that Hub structure that all Matrices have. They are part of the Tri-Universal Mashaya-Hana Priestcast. When you see this Tri-Matrix and Tri-Universal stuff, there's enough in the chronology---enough definition stuff in the chronology---when you get into the section that covers the 12 Tribes Classes that will help you understand who they are and how…where they came into our history, you know, what historically…where they are. They're from about 450 billion years ago. That's like our relationship with them. They're much older than the human race, but they‘ve always been a part of our race lines and connected with us. So, some of that‘s explained in that document that you will get so you can read up on it. And of course it‘s already been hugely explained in various other workshops. There's tons of stuff in the other workshops. So here we met the Mashaya-Hana Hub-Councils of Aquareion Matrix, and these are considered the Tri-Universal, which means 3 Universes, and not just Universes; they‘re actually 3 Eckasha levels which is above a Universal level. When we use the word Veca; Veca is equivalent with a Universe. So there are multiple Vecas within a larger thing that's called an Eckasha. And then there's multiple Eckashas in something larger called an Eckasha-A. And then there is more Eckasha-A's in something bigger; the Cosmic Matrix, that's called the Eckasha-Aah. So there is this huge structure that helps you conceptualize, helps you understand the Maps. You are here. Where's God? (Chuckles) First of all, like I know yes, God is here, God is with us, but! Where‘s the rest of Creation? Is there a structure to dimensionality? Oh yeah there is; a huge massive beautiful one. So anyway. You‘ll…the more you understand about this work the more you know what these kinds of words mean as far as where these Matrices are, what Tri-Universe, what Tri-Eckasha means. Now in January of 2010 we had another Upstep---Upstep 9---to what are called the Tri-Universal MashayaHana Master Councils, which would be Councils above the regular Priest-cast Councils of that same Council group. In the last workshop we had Up-step 10 to the 6 Wha-YA-yas Adept Councils. Now the Adepts are Adashi--in the Adashi Cycles---of the Tri-Universal Mashaya-Hana Master Councils of the Aquareion Matrix of the Krystal River Host Temples of Eira. (Chuckling) And this lists who the different…there is 6 different groups of the Wha-YA-yas that have different names, and we each have on our own Rishi level of consciousness, each one of us actually has a relationship with one of these. Like an association with them. Like as far as family; a family association. So we had…in the last workshop we did some techniques to actually discover which ones would work with us and they…like which ones we are connected to in our Rishi levels, and they have agreed to---members of them---have agreed to work with us just like the 6 Buddha ones that we call the 6 Floating Buddhas. So we had a 7th one that works with us now. So the Beloveds are actually teaching us progressively to open communication and contact with them. So it's not just one person standing up on stage trying to explain it all to you, where you can start getting your own private conversations and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 211

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interaction with them so you can learn things on your own. Okay, now lets see. And with those guys we did the Wha-YA-Yas. And this time we are going one step up. And this one is to the Eternal Councils. This is going out of the Matrix, where we're beyond the Cosmic Matrix structure, and into a structure that is bigger than that, that interfaces directly with the God Source Consciousness Field; the Eternal Life First Creation Infinite Consciousness Field. And that gets into something called the Structured Bubble Cosmoses, or I forget the word. It's plural; Cosmoses. (Chuckling) But we will look at that in structures tomorrow when they actually show…you'll see the structures that lead up to that, and a lot of people have already seen them, so we're not going to spend a huge amount of time on them, plus it's very early (Chuckles) late, early, whatever, and I don't want everybody to be asleep by the time it's activation time. So, anyway. We will…these are the Councils that we are now coming on frequency line with, and this we have been working for, for 10 years and probably many lifetimes actually, because it's not just our own selves in this space time, but our Incarnational families. Time is simultaneous and so is space. It looks like it's linear and one thing comes before the next while we're focused within a track of time, but it is actually… time isn't circular. It's spiraling. It spirals and expands and contracts. That's living time. It's…if you have dead time, like Metatronic time; it actually does circle. Goes around and around, flips; goes round and around until it burns out. We're dealing with structures of time and structures of space when we are dealing with this work. We're not just dealing with shapes of things, but we‘re dealing with our experience of time. When we talk about we‘re working with ourselves here, we also have just in one 15 Dimensional Matrix; the fact that you exist---and a lot of people that have been with us know this---the fact that you exist implies you have 1727 other selves simultaneously in different space time locations right here, right now in the space Time Matrix. Now, if they were behind you in vibration, they would appear to be behind you in time. If they have a higher vibration, they would appear...or, I think I used that wrong, I'm using vibration liberally there, not in the technical definition in the way they use it, but; if they have more energy than you… let's use energy than you. If they have a little bit less energy quantum activated in their bodies than you do, they would be in a space time location that you would perceive as past. And if they have more energy activation within their bio-forms, they would be in a time frame that would appear to you as future. So, you are---as a single Incarnate---you are you, but you are a family. You are 1 of a family of 12 children that together comprise your Soul. And that keeps growing upward. 12 Souls comprise the Oversoul. 12 Oversouls comprise the Avatar. 12 Avatars comprise the Rishi. All of these are you. Are your levels of identity. But, you as a single Incarnate here, are responsible for you. You are not indebted. If you did something bad; if one of your others did something bad in other lifetimes; it is not your fault. You do not have to pay for it here, but what you do get---and this is where karma comes in--you get a bit of energetic bleed- through right through the DNA Template from that time period because of this larger structure that nobody sees. The Spirit Body structures that unite all of this. They unite space time. It's untied through that. Because of that structure you will actually get bleed-through from some of the lifetimes that are behind you in…let‘s say Base Pulse Rhythm, where they're less quantum than you, and you will also get bleed-through from the future. And this is where you end up picking up karmic patterns as well as memories.

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You can get very clear sequenced memories from your other lifetimes; your past ones. You can even get points where you know when you died. When you open those memories it will feel like you because it is, but it's a different aspect of the consciousness than the you that is here. And if it did things that were bad, it was not you here that did those. There are ways to create DNA block where you can bring through the memories but not take on the karma, because if you take it on---activate it in the DNA---it will start to outpicture in your life and you'll repeat the patterns again and again. So there's a lot of things to learn. Anyway, I'm trying to give a little crash course as we're going to the people that are new to help them catch up with how broad the things are that we're talking about. Anyway. So, we are going on to dealing with the Ah-Yah'-RhU' Cos-MA-yah. That's that word for the plural of Cosmic Matrices. Cos-MA-yah of the Cosmic Krystar Master Councils. When we see the word Krystar, it refers to the Krystar Creation Process. A natural process by which beings expand out and…or Cosmoses expand out from center, and then hit through the 4 Eyugha Cycles, then turn around and go back in. That turnaround point is where you go through what is called Krystar Ascension where certain things happen. You become a Krysted being. Your body becomes Krysted, your atomic structure transfigures and from that point on, you would be considered…of the Krystar Matrix, where you are now a Krystar Ascended being. So when you see that, it applies to beings who have done that already. And these have done it on a very high level. So we're going to learn more about what that level is in the next session, but we're going to learn a bit as we go along here through the rest of these graph; oh my God. I won't talk as much on these graphs. I'm going to have to go fast just so you know; the new people. It's important…it's not just for the new people though, just so you know; guys that have been with us a long time. You've seen these before. You've seen these graphs before. But there is a sequence again that is building to when the next level that are going to be given in the next session, it hits that sequence, so it fires…when you look at these graphs it's like looking at Codes like we've explained before. When we look at the Codes we are actually turning on those frequency sets in our DNA template, our body-fields, our biofields, all of that. So, when we do a sequence of graphs, it's like looking at a sequence of Codes that you can use it…say one day you use it with Code a, b and c, and then next day you use it where b, a and d; those kind of things. You can use them for different purposes. So when we go through graph sequences, you are seeing Coded mathematical information that will speak to your…literally, your bio-fields and your DNA even if you don't get it consciously. Even if you fall asleep in your chair and it's still floating through the room, you will still pick up some of it. (Chuckles) It's best if you can stay awake because then you actually consciously remember it too. But just so you know, when you guys that have been…done…have looked at these graphs before, understand that the sequence; it's used in a little bit different way than it's ever been, to lead up to when we all use the new…the final graph that's on top of this that I have to…they're going to show me how to put it together for the next session. That is going to become a Code. I do believe there's a new Code that is going to be given. (Audience responds) Yeah! At least the black and white version, it hasn't gotten its fancy on yet but, yeah. So, (Laughing) it's fancy; that's Sue. These are the Floating Buddha ones---just to go very quickly---that I was referring to for those who don't know. These are the races. The Aquafar'E. The ZionA. The A'quai. The A'quA-elle. The Aquafereion. And the Bhendi Aquari. They are the ones that…a member from each of those groups will form what is called your Floating Buddha team which is, it's…they'll form a shield with you personally, and they will assist you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 85 of 211

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in various things. Journeys and teaching you things if you want them to. It's an invite thing. The people who haven't done it will have a chance to do that tomorrow. And we can all have a chance to play with our own Buddhas if we‘ve been working with them for a while. These…what you'll notice over here is I want to point this out to the people that are new. There are certain…again; these are tones. If you want to call the ZionA, you don't go ZionA. (A‘sha singing ZionA and laughing) You can! They'll get it, but, if you really want to open the frequencies to them in your bio-field, you would use KA'-Vo. KA'-Vo is the vibration. And that vibration would trigger the Codes that open those conduits to those frequencies in which they exist. All of these have different ones. You have the SE-A'-Ta. The KA'-Vo. The Ah'-RA. The KEI'-sa. The A'-TU. The Za'-Ta. These are the literal core encryption vibrations of the names of those races which will put you on line with their broadcast; their communication of frequencies. So there's ways we use these in Codes. In verbal Codes---in commands---to open the Gates, and this is…we've used these in certain combination to have those Orb- fests, where if you use them and really build energy behind it---which means you're really bringing in more of those frequencies---that's when all those like Orb photos were taken and those kind of things, so there's some real power to using the right words. Anyway, I just wanted to point out. I will give you a copy of this too in the Chart Pack as long as Kinko‘s cooperates. Because what I'm looking at right now, is if we get through all these graphs---I will try to put them all in the chart pack---that's 49. There's 36 pages of the ones that we have to send out as soon as Jared---bless him---finishes proofing them. He's proofing them, bless him. (Chuckling) They're all in 10-point type. So. We will try to have all of this stuff for you. If not, these are published in other handbooks in various different workshops, but we'll try to get you a copy of these so you know who they are; the basic thing of where they're from; the basic things of what they kind of look when…because they choose to have a manifest form. And like some of them like…these are like bipedal 3 to 8 feet tall. There's one really tall one, which were they? I think it was these guys. Yeah, 72 to 216 feet tall average height. 144 feet. ―Hello‖. (A‘sha and audience having a laugh) Good thing they can shape shift their form, because sometimes when they'll come in to interact with you, they will just shrink themselves down proportionately to your size. Like bring that much of themselves in so you're not like talking to the big toe of (Everyone laughing) some monster giant being. With these beings, just so you know, they will never ever be pushy. They will never tell you what to do. They will never ever offer to have sex with you in the astral. They will never…seriously, (laughing) I mean there's some weird stuff out there that does. There's some real dirty angels on the scene and stuff that really get into that. So there's a whole bunch of behaviors that you will just not find, and if you have anything trying to contact you that has behaviors that are anything less than appropriate, know it is not one of ours. It is not the Guardians. What it is, is something trying to come in on your field. Work more with the techniques, because everybody has stuff with them when they first start working with this. Progressively we build the immunity. You will get the initial immunity, but you don't have your Light- Bodies cleared yet, and you don't have various stuff. So there's certain levels of Metatronic stuff that everybody will have until they clear it. You‘ll get the first immunity level of that where it can't take you beyond a certain level and drag you into full Metatronic activation. But that doesn't mean things can't harass you. If they're with you, they're still going to be with you. If there's inappropriate type of behavior at all, where you say, ―Oh, a Krystic beings shouldn't do that‖, you're probably right, and just shut it down. Say, ―I'm not talking to you‖ and go…this is why the techniques can be very helpful. Go call on the ones you know you can trust, because they will never do those things and they will help get those other things off you. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 211

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So that's mostly for the new people because the people that have been with us for a while have been progressively getting themselves more and more free from that kind of nonsense that kind of comes with the human package on this planet in this day and age. You will get a copy of these. Tells you who they are and where they are located in the stack of Ascension Gate sets that's from where we are on Net-Earth to Aurora-Earth to Ascension Median-Earth, to AshalA, to another place called Shala, to finally, Urtha-3, which is in the M31 Andromeda Galaxy. Next one please. 1:37:07 (Graph) These were the ones we met in the last workshop in Sliders 7. These were the Families of Wha. I'll put this in so you can read a bit about them too, and if you want to do the activations that go with them, you can…they're in the package that comes with the Sliders 7 Workshop, and the techniques are on the CDs I believe; or DVDs. But you can run them there. But these are the names. You can also just use their names to call them. Like these are their tonal resonance names that you can use. Like ShE‘-whas. And, I‘ll just name them so you can hear the names said in case you ever want to call on anybody. The E'-LA'-whas. The SA'-whas. The EUR-whas. The TA'-whas. The HA'-whas. And the ShE'-whas. And you can find out more about them in Sliders 7 if you want to, or once you have this in your chart-pack you can just play with the names and see what they…what their basic…when they present to you…because again, they don't have to hold a form. They're choosing to use these forms for whatever reasons they know better than we do, that they're using these to interact with us down here at this time. Next one please. I'm going to start going faster so we have hope of ever getting to the point where we do the first part of the activation before we're all asleep. 1:38:28 (Graph) Okay. Now this…alright; The Eyugha and EyADa Cycles. The Eckashi Expansion and Adashi Return Cycles. Even in the Project Camelot interview I did try to explain briefly ‗What is Ascension‘. You have to understand what basic evolution is to understand what Ascension is, and there are basically…I'll show you another graph that I showed on that, but this is called the Krystar Eternal Life Creation Cycle which is the Evolutionary Cycle. If, say there is a center here. Then there are these 1, 2, 3, 4 cycles of expansion outward at which point you go into a turnaround---The Krystar Turnaround Cycle---which begins with what's called the KaLE-Hara Cycle. And then you go back into the Adashi Return Cycles. The cycles coming out are called the Eckashi Expansion away from Source point, and then turnaround in the Adashi Cycles going back to Source point. So it is evolution where you progressively…Source progressively moves energy outward from its Center, through the Core, the…where am I? The Core. The Inner. The Middle and the Outer Domains. We are in the Outer Domains here. These cycles are referred to as Eyugha Cycles. There are 4 Eyugha Cycle expanding outward. We've got the Ra-LA Eyugha. The Aah-LA Eyugha. The Sha-LA Eyugha. And the KaLA Eyugha. And it's the KaLE-Yuga that they've been calling it in some of the old Sanskrit texts and all of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 211

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that thing. That's what they're talking about, the end time cycle. And it's supposed to be a good end time. (Chuckles) It's supposed to be an end time where you finish the cycle of growth and expansion and go through the Krystar Transition. You Eternalize your atomic structure through Transfiguration, and then go back as a Krysted being through these cycles. The Adashi Cycles of Return. The time cycles associated with the Adashi Cycles are called EyAdas. So you have the expansion Eyugha Cycles and the returning EyAda Cycles back to Source. So that is basically the simple process of ‗That is evolution‘! That is what Creation is about. Whether it's you as a person, or whether it is a Cosmos or a Cos-MA-yah---which is the multiple Cosmic Matrices together--it‘s the same process of expanding outward from Source Consciousness Field into individuation, and then progressively pulling from the Spirit-Body, more and more of those frequencies back in, expanding your form to the point where it can transfigure and go back into the natural state. From going into manifestation and materialization to the height and the fullness of materialization manifestation in the KaLE-Eyugha Cycle, then progressively going into the stages of dematerialization and demanifestation. And these are what real Ascended Masters are. The ones that are up in these cycles. Anything that's in any of the Matrices down here, D5 is not high. D10 is not high. There are millions of sets; billions of sets of D5s and 10s and everything in between them in the structure of Cosmic Matrices. So this is the real path of Ascension. Next one please. 1:41:10 (Graph) There's that fly again. (Chuckling) Found me again. (A‘sha shooing the fly) Look at this, it's chasing me. (Chuckles) Alright, this is just a quick summary, we haven't covered these for a long time, but it's The Creation Evolution of Eternal Consciousness and Form. These are some of the things we‘ve talked about. There is what we call Pre-Partiki Creation Cycle. Oh boy, what's a Partiki? That's where we go back to Keylontic Science in the year 2000 and we learn about the physics. They‘ve been teaching physics for a long time. They finally united the physics with the expanded spiritual teachings. So in this workshop, if you're new and you came because you wanted to hear the physics, the physics have been talked about for ten years. You'll get a general bit about the physics, but if you want the ‗Quantum's of particles‘, or ‗What is a Partiki‘?. What is a PartikA‘? ‗What is a Particum‘? ‗What is Partiki Phasing‘? All of that stuff is in the other workshops. You're free to get them on the product list. We have been teaching this for a long time. So these things are part of that. We are now going into the high spiritual teachings that go with the high science teachings. We started with a bit of spirituality and more of the science, and now we're moving---coming back full circle---into the big spirituality of what that science was about. So, you won't have me going through all of these and going back and figuring out…remembering what the quantum of a Partiki and a PartikA and a Particum was, because they all have different numbers as far as quantum and power and thrust and all that. But we had a Pre-Partiki Creation Cycle; was called the Na-VA-Na and the NU-VA-Na Partiki Birth Cycles. The SEda Ecousha-TA Cycle. The Lightborn Cycle. The Starborn Cycle. The Lifeborn Cycle. The God Born Cycle. The Big Bang. These are all processes by which the…from one point of intention, let's say, in the God Source Consciousness Field; that Eternal Field; the Ah'-yah field that this is the word for the Essence of it. In that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 88 of 211

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field there is a point of Creation that starts, be it for a Cosmos or for a being, and it starts with the 1st Partiki and then the 2nd Partiki. There's a whole massive amount of information that's been given on how the Light-Body grew. But first before that; first you have the Spirit-Body grows from the 1st Partiki. Then you have the Light-Body growing. Then you have the…what's called the Rasha Dark-Matter Body growing simultaneous with the Light-Body through what are called Takeyon Cycles which are Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycles, which are quantum that manifests itself. It has the quantum that…Eternal Life structures have the ability to what is called phase, which means, just say energy units bump together and it makes sparks. Those sparks generate additional quantum than the quantum that was the original sparks had, so they continually generate their own quantum. That's the difference between an Eternal life type of form and a Finite life form that cannot generate its own quantum. It has to suck quantum off other things in order to sustain it's existence. Anyway, that was just a little side bit in there just to (Chuckling) wrap certain things up. All these cycles have to do with…every one of these had huge chart spans that in various different workshops, you‘d take one part, and that would be…all the detail in that would be given, all of the detail on the next one, all the detail and then how they fit together. So there's a massive amount of information that combines the physics and the spirituality that is behind us. But these are the basic cycles we're going through. There's another chart that I really love because it helps to really conceptualize all those cycles together. Next one please. 1:44:53 (Graph) I'm starting to talk fast because it's getting late, (chuckling) early, whatever it is. (A‘sha to A‘san) That's…that the next one? There should be another one in there. There‘s supposed to be a next one. (A‘sha and A‘san have a dialogue). Excuse us. To conceptualize all those cycles there is a simple Core Creation Sequence chart that helps to conceptualize them. We'll put this in your charts too so you can look at it more closely, because in other workshops we have detailed every bit of these things, of…all of these words. We‘ve detailed…you‘d have like one or two or maybe three workshops on this section, and then this section, and then this section. I just want to show you these because we're going to look at Spirit-Body structure and a tiny bit of Light-Body structure, just to get to the point where we know what we're aiming for when we are going for the Ah'-yah Field, and the structures of where we are in relation to where that field is, because that will give us the sequentiallittle map of mathematics turning on in our DNA and our fields that will lead us to be able to do the activation that has to do with anchoring the Dream Stream at the end of this. So, anyway, right here, this cycle here; is the Spirit-Body Gestation Cycle. It is from here that the Spirit-Body starts to grow. Now we don't have the ones…this was never type set yet from…what I think it was back in Tenerife, and I think that was 2005. I believe it's around there that we introduced this chart, but in relation to just a single life from the point of conception where a sperm and an egg come together. That would actually happen down here. That would be the point where sperm and egg

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come together. Then all these certain things happen, and they were going from like the first 12 seconds, to the first 12 minutes so it could be used…this is also what happens when conception occurs. But on a larger scale, as far as Universes and Cosmoses and stuff, there's a general format---that the numbers are much different than seconds and things---where first you have where the 1st Partiki would be born---the first energy unit of consciousness--- then you would have where the 2nd Partiki gets born in here. When you get 2 Partiki together it forms something called the Triad, and that is where phasing can start to happen between those 2 energy units. And that's where generation of more quantum and more sparks can come. From that point after you have Partiki 1 and Partiki 2 that birth themselves, and a whole bunch of other neat things that happen in here too, like the Akashic Record 1 st Cell. The Eckashic Record 1st Cell. This talks about the Hall of Records and all of those things. The structures we went through with these were amazing, and it really…the words you hear floating around the New Age Movement like, ―Oh, the Akashic Record‖, and the ―Hall of Records‖ and all that stuff; it explained what these things actually are in terms of a Planetary Body, or a Cosmic Body, or your own personal body. So those things were there. But what we're going to pick up on with this one, is just this part. I'm not going to go through the Trimesters. There's 4 Trimesters to what is called the SEda Cycle. The SEda Cycle is the point where the Spirit-Body first grows. The Spirit-Body has a different type of energy than the Light-Body, which has a different type of energy that the Atomic-Body. So the Atomic-Body---if you were looking at it from conception--- does begin with that first little donated quantum of the egg and the sperm. That's where you get your Va-Bha‘-TE Cell that you have to release in order to get free. But, anyway. Yeah! I could go on and on for ages and I'm trying not to do that. When we get up to here, you have these things that occur first, from ‗The point of conception‘, be it conception of Source decided to create something so it conceived the Thought and started the Partiki, or, from egg and sperm coming together. When we get up to here, this is where the Spirit-Body structure begins to evolve and grow. And when the SEda Cycle‘s done, then there is like this (A‘sha makes sound) point, and what's called the Elum'Eiradhona Spirit-Body births. And when that births at the center there is something called the Tauren LightSeed. It's a little Light-Seed and it is actually a phase generator where it sparks and makes quantum, progressively. And once that occurs…and meanwhile of course you have a baby body growing if you're talking about this in terms of pregnancy. This is in the womb after the conception point. You do not have a Spirit that is in that body yet. It would blow the body apart it is so small. Conception happens over here. Fetal integration happens over here. Fetal integration is where the Spirit attaches itself and begins to put itself into the fetus form, attaching itself to the atomic structure forming the GharRE‘. That part that sticks to the atoms. The part that needs to be set free if a body‘s not going to have to reincarnate into the same space time location. I'm really condensing a lot here just so you know, but, hopefully it makes some sense. Anyway, this is where the Spirit-Body births, and the Light Seed inside of it. Then you go through what are called TakEyon Cycles, which again are more quantum generation cycles to put it very, very simply. And you go through a series of those. This is the birth point. Now, that's called the Big Bang point. That's where---in a physical pregnancy---that‘s where the frequencies would raise to a certain level where the Spirit-Body‘s already born, right. The Light-Body forms through this cycle here, so the Light-body structure has been born up to a certain point. It has the Tauren Light-Seed, and at the point here; is where the Diad---which is the next level of the Light-Body---births. When the Diad births, there's too much energy in the body to keep it in the Host The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 90 of 211

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body, so it has to birth out. And that's the point that a natural birth would occur, as far as babies coming out of bodies and things, and also it's a natural point at which---if you're talking about planets and solar systems---it's also the Big Bang point. There is a Big Bang point, except there's lots of stuff that comes before the Big Bang. It's not the Big Bang that starts the Cosmos. It's a part of a chain of things that start the Cosmos. So once you get to this point; the birth point, what I want to look at when we look at the Maps that we're going to look at…because we're going to look at structure in order to understand the Maps in order to understand where we're going to draw this frequency from and where we're going to go on our journey to get the Dream Stream. Did I say that too fast? (Audience responds/A‘sha laughs) I'm sorry. (Laughing) The Wave is coming through pretty fast. I apologize for the new people if I'm talking too fast for you. I'll try to slow it down a bit. Geez! People get used to me after a while and the hearing just kind of follows. I go; (Making various sounds/laughing) Okay. Anyway, we're going to look at just what happens with the structures that form in these 2 cycles, because it is from understanding the basics of those that you can understand the Maps and you can understand the structure of your own form, as far as your multidimensional identity and those kind of things, so we know what we're...there's that fly again. It will not leave me alone. Yeah, I hope it's not one of those little micro-robotic things that they send out. Get off! (Much laughter from audience and A‘sha) Get off! Where did it go? (Response from audience, ―On your arm‖) Arms okay. Just don't like it on my nose. At this point when the Diad of the Light-Body structure births, that is another phase cell, but a much more powerful one. It's twice the amount of the first one. This one has actually; only like say, 3 light cells that generate quantum. At a certain point---(A‘sha makes sound) there it goes again---through these Harmonic Key Generation Cycles, enough quantum is generated where it actually pulls in---into the center actually---it disappears out of Creation and pops back out again. And this is actually 6. You just can't see them. It's 2 of these put together, but 2 of them are at the center. So it looks like there's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, but there's actually 6. 2 of these; in that. So there's a quantum expansion that occurs through the process of Takeyon Key Cycles. Each of these; there would be a different level of the Light-Body grows. You would have here, the Diad. Here the Miad. Here the Monad. Here what's called the Amorea 48 Unit Cell. Here you would have…and this is going back around, like conception started here. This is coming back around to the second round, right; let me see. Here you'd have the Adon which would have 144---not just 3---it would have 144 Cells up to this…at this point. Here you would have the 1728 Cells of the Edon. And up here, you go back into the formation of what's called the Seed Atom, and there's different names for that depending on whether you're in the Core, Inner, Middle or Outer Domains. But the Yunasai Seed Atom is referred to as the Inner Light-Body structure. And up in these places is where you would have the Yunasai form. You‘d also have something called the Aton that forms here, and it has 20,736 of what used to be 3 here. Now you have that number of these. So this is the quantum growth. This is what a living organic Krystic life form does, or body form. There's also a process that goes with that that we'll see in a minute that has to do with what are called Birthday Cycles. And Birthday Cycles are literally where, once the structure is born, there's a process of bringing in the frequencies from each of those layers, progressively, of Light-Body. (A noise which has the audience laughing)

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It's a fly-by. (A‘sha laughing) Not the usual fly-by we look for though. Maybe the fly wants to Ascend, or whatever! It's taking in the teachings. Ooi! Whenever possible I try not to kill things. (Laughing) Like bugs. If I have to; yeah! Like the flea infestation that was like making our cat sick. Sorry; exterminator had to be called, nothing personal. You know what I mean? But, I don't like have to whack flies just because they're annoying me. (Chuckling) I don't have to be annoyed, I can consider it fun and I will. Anyway! (A‘sha and audience laughing) What I think I'm going to do, is I'm going to go just to the next graph to tie it in with this one, and then just do a really short bathroom break. Is that alright with everybody? (Audience responds) Hope you don't mind? Yeah, because we're up late anyway. We're going to be up late, and I apologize for that, but it is what happens sometimes. So, I will give just a little bit break so we can do a quick bathroom, then come back or whatever. Okay, next one. 1:55:36 (Graph) This is the Birthday Chart I was telling you about. It's called the Density Integration and Transfiguration Points Chart. If you took one of those cycles that you just saw on that other chart, each one of these, would be like that. Now, you'd have all those mini little lines that show the little tiny Trimesters and Harmonic Key Cycles, but the main cycles are these. They're called Octant Cycles. And there's like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 8 different cycles. And you can do this by years. There‘s…actually here it says like a…let's see, right here is the birth point, like that we talked about. That would be right here. Say if it was a fetus; that would be where it birthed out from the body. And then each one of these would be a yearly cycle of growth. The yearly cycles of growth occur because there's something called the Process of Frequency Accretion where the Light-Body and the Spirit-Body progressively bring in and open into the cellular structure the frequencies that they are carrying at various levels, starting with the lower frequencies and progressively building up. So, literally each year---say of a child's life, or, the life of a solar system or a sun or a star or a planet or whatever---it does this Accretion Cycle where the Spirit-Body and the Light- Body structures begin to transfer, or translate, their energy into base matter, where it would turn it into matter. And at the end of one of these cycles, just one of them, you get born here and go through this like…this is a…birthday 1 would be here. Birthday 2, birthday 3, birthday 4, birthday 5, birthday 6, birthday 7, birthday 8; where you're coming back around, this is called a Transfiguration Cycle. And that is where the atomic structure that was brought into matter---where GharRE‘ was attached to atomic structure, and atomic structure grew as the GharRE‘ and the Light-Body frequencies came in---then there would be a Transfiguration Point where a portion of that energy would actually transfigure and go to the next level of Density and you‘d start binging in the atomic structure of the next level of Density. When I speak about Densities---and most people that work with us know this---Density is…for example; Density 1 is dimensions 1, 2 and 3. A Density is a 3 dimensional band, so we're in Density 1 down here; dimensions 1, 2 and 3. Density 2 is dimensions 4, 5 and 6. Density 3 is 7, 8 and 9. Density 4 is 10, 11 and 12 and Density 5 is 13, 14 and 15. That is the base structure of a 15 Dimensional Matrix or a 15 Dimensional…even Identity. An Identity is structured that way too.

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So, anyway. You would go through each of these cycles. If this was your birthday thing…when I mentioned in the introduction that at the age of 33 would be the normal point if our human…Angelic Human DNA was working right, at the age of 33 is where we would reach our Krystar Turnaround Point. We would go through what is called the KaLA-Hara Transition and go into the Adashi Cycle. So our…we would never age past the age of 33. We would have our 33 year old body at its height of expansion, is when that would be made Eternal and we would go on into the Adashi Cycles from there. So I just wanted to show you the connections with these because it has to do again with the structure. The structures of the Spirit-Body and the Light-Body, and they all have to do with the structures of space and time. And the structures of space and time have to do with understanding where we are right now when we look at the Load-Out Schedule and those kind of things which is that 200 year ‗We're being evacuated‘ schedule. (Chuckling) These all tie together. And the cycles tie in with the processes of Partiki Phasing quantum building; building of the Light-Body, Spirit-Body, etc., and the processes tie in with the space time issues that we are facing on this planet and in this solar system and in this galaxy. So understanding the basic of these things, or at least how they fit together, can help you have a picture of what you're really looking at in reality right now. It's a picture that is much bigger. It is the big picture. Much bigger than anything that is teaching you out there. You will not find the picture this big in science, even at the height of it right now. They can theorize and stuff, but they have no idea. The closest they come, are what is called Bubble Universes. And that was on…like on last year sometime, on a discovery it actually featured an article on Bubble Universes. And it's a theory that, you know, is becoming more popular in science that has to do with Bubble Universes floating around and maybe they can crash into each other, and maybe there's more than 1 Universe. Well; kinda! There are Bubble Universes, yes; it's a good concept. But there is something called the Structured Bubble Cosmos, and that is what we're dealing with. There's not just random bubbles floating around that could crash into each other on occasion as Universes collide. That can happen in Black Hole Systems where there are no longer connected energetically to the natural structure, but there is a natural structure of the Spirit-Body that…and like---Spirit-Body, Light-Body structure---that actually is the Bubble Cosmos concept, but it is ordered in a very neat way where there's natural interactions and pass-throughs between all of them, and this is where you get Gate sets too. So, anyway, back to this chart. (Chuckles) Little tangent over there; sorry about that. The Birthday Chart is not only…does not only apply to a person's birthday from the time when they are conceived and they get born, okay, the cycle you saw before is where you had the…a Partiki are created. Spirit-Body is created up here, Light-Body is created and bang, you're born. (Chuckling) And then you go into your first…to your 8 th birthday---your zero-point to your 8th birthday---and then you'd have your 1st Transfiguration Point where you begin to transfigure the atomic structure into the next Density level and begin bringing the next Density level's frequencies into atomic structure. After you go through the Density 1 level, Density 2 level, Density 3 level, and Density 4 level, that is when you've got your 4 Densities of your Avatar in your body, and you would be able to then go through the KaLE-Hara Transition and begin the process of going into Adashi Return Cycles with the Transfiguration Point 5. So, this cycle applies to Cosmoses and it applies to persons, and it's the natural Krystic Cycle. The cycle gets messed up with the Metatronics, and our planet has been running progressively on the Metatronic twisted cycle which is called the Sextant Time Cycle. I won't go into that now. I covered it a tiny bit in the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 93 of 211

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Project Camelot interviews and there's other workshops that it has been covered much more extensively. So I'm just trying to show you the way it works, alright. Not worrying about the way it doesn't work or what's not working. We've covered that enough. We're looking at the way things fit together, the way they work, and how it applies to you; and to the Cosmos and to everything in between. Next one please. 2:02:20 (Graph) I‘ll just put the next one up and then we'll go. I won't talk about it too much, I'll just say what we're going to talk about. That Birthday Chart that you just saw? This basically shows you at what ages various things occur. There are leaps. When you hit those Transfiguration Points where you're supposed to transfigure part of the atomic structure; they are the Leap Cycles. So you would actually leap into the next Density level of accretion and growth. So this just goes with those and it shows the ages and I will put this in there too. These things have been published in other things before. Okay, I'll leave it off on this one. I will just take a break right now and then we'll come back to this one. I say 10 minutes but it's usually 15. (Clapping from audience) Thank You.

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Saturday Lecture 2 [Audio Track 4] A‘sha Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, Round-2 starting! (participants cheering) When we were out on break a funny thought dawned on me, especially for anybody that‘s coming in new or anybody that watched the Camelot Project. I remembered there was a funny comment made by somebody - one of the detractors said ―Oh, great, we‘ve got a yuppie that data streams,‖ right. They said something about that because I had explained the process of Keylontic Data Streaming. And, this happens to me all the time at workshops. I talk about riding the wave and the whole bit, the wave information that comes. Well, you know when I went to that whole phase where all of a sudden I was talking, like, really, really fast, and (talks very fast) like that? That is a perfect example of data streaming, Keylontic Data Streaming. When the wave releases from that big energy ball that I‘ve talked about in the Orientation -when it starts to release and come through- it literally is a wave-form, and, at certain points, it moves very, very quickly. And, that was a perfect example, for anybody that might have seen the Project Camelot interviews, and... ―what is data streaming?‖ That is a perfect example. When the wave comes through, it‘s me in here, I‘m fully conscious, but when that data and the frequency it carries enters my consciousness and my fields and translates through my body, it just comes out and I just speak faster and when the pulse of the wave gets faster, I get faster. And usually the hearing of people gets faster too, in the Shield, which is kind of neat. It just dawned on me. It‘s a good example of Keylontic Data Streaming. Yes, anyway, may I have that please? Thank you. All right, A‘san and I were also discussing something that... (to A‘san) We‘re on what page? 8? (A‘san) Um, I don‘t know really. (Audience) 14... Now, 14 is crossed out, because I had to pull them from various other programs. I think we‘re right about 8 or 9, out of 49? And because he‘s so good with numbers, he said ‗you know, even if you spent two minutes on every other one of them, it would still be two more hours just to finish that. And, I‘m going ―ah, yeah right.‖ I don‘t think I‘ve ever spent two minutes on a graph. So, there may come a point, now if not, you‘ll just hear the wave going really, really fast again, right, where I sound like a chipmunk, right? Alvin and the Chipmunks teaching ascension! But, there may come a time - and I have a feeling there is - where there‘s a certain set of the graphs that I can touch on very quickly and then, take them out, and use them as portions of the program that we‘re going to be doing this evening. So, if I get that nudge that ‗ah ha, here we can do that with that and just shift that over where it plugs in more perhaps to things we‘ll be expanding on in the evening session, then I might do that, just so you know. But, anyway, there‘s still 49-minus-nine to go, 40! The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 95 of 211

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Anyway, I‘m still on cycles, just trying to have us all touch base, re-touch base - I don‘t think that‘s a wordwith the Cycles of Growth and Expansion. This cycle that we looked at before in terms of the Birthday Chart is also, in a larger context, the cycles by which we can track the stages of the Load-Out Schedule, which is the, it runs the to..., the Gates actually close, the whole cycle runs past when the Gates close here. But, we are over in this stage of the larger, the Planetary and Galactic relationships with the Ascension Cycle, or..., it is the last Ascension Cycle. Normally, it wouldn‘t be the last Ascension Cycle. When Planetary Grids and Galactic Grids are working the right way, these things are just perpetual. They continually do it; there‘s continually Ascension Cycles, and there‘s Expansion Cycles, and there‘s Turn- Around Cycles, and it keeps going. When a System is going into ―Fall‖ like the Milky Way is, there comes a point when that Expansion and Contraction doesn‘t happen anymore. So, there is a point where there is a Last Wave of Ascension that can go out before the Gates close. The System stays where it is, where it fell, but it doesn‘t go through the evolution anymore. It stays until it burns out. That is what a Black Hole System does; that is what ‗Fall‘ means, is the Primal Life Force Currents that normally re-circulate and re-generate themselves through the natural processes of the Living Matrix. Actually, the Fall Matrix no longer can process most of those frequencies. So, it gets stuck with just the frequencies it has until it burns them out. So, that is what we‘re in right now, is the Last Ascension Cycle that - it‘s 200 years now. It was like 223 years starting in 2008, is when the Gates will finally close. That doesn‘t mean this System is going to be dead. It means it‘s going on, the Milky Way System is on its way to dying. That can take many, many eons for that to occur. But it tends to go more quickly, our Solar System will experience it more quickly because the Sun has entered Solar Bhardoah because of the Core Gates being forced closed on March 25th of 2007. So, there still will be life on Earth. There still will be a life that can no longer - it will, once the Gates close, the life forms on the Planet will, it will shut down any potentialities of Ascension Codes they had. But, because of the Metatronic Activations that are occurring in 2012, that‘s going to happen to a lot of the life forms anyway, before the point of final gate closure happens. We‘re holding that Ascension potential open on the Planet and in our DNA and for, literally, the Human Race and the Angelic Human Race. This Cycle Chart, which is published before also, just simply shows the Birthday Chart, but on a larger scale of the years we are moving through until certain things occur. Now, when we go over here - these are Transfiguration Points again- when we look at it here, in 2008, in January 2008, between December of 2007 and January of 2008, we entered this point that was called, actually, the KaLE-Hara Cycle. And, that‘s the point where, if you don‘t reach a certain level of frequency and Base Pulse Rhythm that you won‘t even enter the ability to go into the next stages that take you into Krystar Starfire Evolution. We were fortunate that, because of the Gridwork that was done with our teams... we‘re not creating it. What we‘re doing is co-creating it. We‘re allowing the frequencies to anchor here, because without us, and the people working with us, there would be no anchoring rods for these frequencies on this Planet. So, it‘s because the people that were working with the Beloveds with this.

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And, some are the ones that come to workshops; others are ones that live all over the place. Some of them are in countries where they‘ve never even learned to read or write, but they have the codes in their DNA. So, it‘s not just the people that come to workshops. There‘s other people out there that are part of the Krystic family too, that never heard of us and never heard consciously of any of these Teachings. But because of that collective, that collective of the Aquafereion Shield on the planet that we did make the KaLE-Hara Point - it was a celebration because we actually made it to where we could start going into the Starfire Ascension Cycle, the Krystar Ascension Cycle. And we are right here, about, in this area. Like this spot right here is where we will be in May of 2013. So, we‘re back in here somewhere in this cycle. We‘ve just started the Bharda Phase of the larger. The Stage-2 is called the KaLA-Krysta Cycle. And, that runs from May of 2008 through 2047. We‘re only right here in this, right, 2047 would be over here. There are certain things that take place with, now if you remember, we‘ve talked about structures, and we‘re going to go into those structures a little bit. You could put this chart of birthdays and the different Octants or Time Cycles, you could put the structures of the ‗bones‘ and the ‗balls‘ on top of this, and it actually will show you where you can understand some of the things that occur at various points that are called Folds. Now, we started here. When we go through this cycle, this is a point that we‘re going to reach I think it‘s about January of 2028-ish, right around there. Once we get over here, to 2047, when we talk about the Mashaya-Hana, or the Mashayanic Fold, that is when - when we‘re going to see the graphs in a little bitwhere there are two things called our Hara Bodies. There are actually three levels of them. It would just be like a circle here and a circle here, on this Vector Line, right, that runs this way, where those two balls will come together, into the center ball. And that is considered a Mashayanic Fold. Then, they‘d come back out again. When they go back into that center, they recharge. And it is at that point that we start picking up enough momentum. It is at this point too that we begin the separation from the portion of the Milky Way that is not going to hold ascension, where it‘s going to go in its own direction. So right now we‘re here. We‘ve got a lot of years before we get there. And there‘s a lot of things that happen before we get anywhere near there. This phase that we‘re in is called the Bharda Phase. At the end of the Bharda Phase of the KaLA-Krysta Cycle, this is when something called the Bhardoah Chamber opens. Now the Bhardoah Chamber, we‘ll look at in some of the structures when we get to that. It has to do with a chamber of energy that runs through systems or beings. Our Bhardoah Chambers run horizontally, front to back. Actually it‘s only the back part of a big tube of energy that runs this way through us and connects us to the rest of our Spirit Body, Light Body, etc., anatomy. The front part is called one thing, and when I look on the chart I‘ll remember what it is, because we‘re always talking about the back one, not the front one. The Bhardoah Chamber is actually what opens when a person‘s body dies and they go through natural Ascension, where they get out of body, they would go through the Bhardoah Chamber. That would be experienced as the ‗tunnel of light‘ and those kinds of things. There are smaller tunnels that aren‘t the full Bhardoah Chamber, but it would actually be the consciousness of the Spirit coming out and going through those chambers to vacate the body. Now, that doesn‘t mean it‘s the death point, all right. So that doesn‘t mean that when we hit this time that the Planet is going to die or anything like that. It just means that that chamber will open. That chamber is a good thing because it allows for frequency to come out from center to us as well. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 211

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So, we‘re going to learn about, we‘ve learned a lot already about these things in other workshops, but we‘re going to be working with, I believe, the 4-chamber, the 6-Chamber set with the activations we are doing. I‘ll show you what that is when we get to the point where we‘re doing the activations. But, all of the structures plug into the processes, plug into the Time Cycles and how to chart the cycles of movements and what happens. So, these become very practical, where the cycles themselves become practical, where you chart your dates and what‘s coming in the future and know what you went through in the past, once you understand how to put these into the time-frame that you‘re actually in. You‘ll find when we look at the structures that the structures also allow us to see where we are. They provide the structures for the maps, so we can say ‗Ok, where are we down on Earth, here, in this little Solar System in this Galaxy called the Milky Way? Where is that in relation to God-knows-what, and God in the whole structure? Where are we in relation to what?‖ So, all of these things allow us some very practical information, to know where we are in time, to know where we are in space, and to know what the natural process of evolution is supposed to be, so we can start becoming part of conscious evolution, we can start consciously evolving. So, we‘ll just go to the next one, but we are here. The next phase is called the Ma-Sha Phase, and that‘s when those two balls that I talked about come together in the center and then come back out. The Ma-Sha Phase has to do with the word called the Mashaya-Hana. The Mashaya-Hana or the Ma-Sha-yas - now, the word “Messiah” got twisted in translations from the old texts. This information, part of it, was in the old Atlantean texts and the CloisterDora-Teura Plates Texts, which were the Maharata Texts. So, these words were actually there before they got translated into English here and those kinds of things. The word ―Ma-Sha-ya‖ has to do with ones who go through this, enter this fold, finish this cycle and go through into the Mashaya-Hanic Fold, after they finish the Ma-Sha Cycle. And, that is where the Transfiguration can fully begin, the full Transfiguration of the body form. So the whole legends about the Messiahs and the Messiahs coming and all of that, the ―Messiah‖ was a twisted concept having to do with the word ―Ma-Sha-ya‖. And, ―Messiah‖ got twisted into waiting for some great being to come down and save you, from the outside. It was, the Teachings were never about the outer Christ; they were about the inner Kryst, and that is what Jesus stood for, too. He was real, Jesus was very real. He was known as Jesheua-12. Well, we call him ―12‖ just to indicate his strand count on DNA. But his name was Jesheua. He was actually of the Constantine Family Line, what became the Constantine Family Line later. And, there was another guy named Jeshewua-9, who was an Annunaki, that was supposed to be part of the Ascension Program and decided to take it in a different direction. And, he is associated with the things like you see in the Davinci Code and the lines coming with that. So, there were actually three ―Christs‖. You have those two, and you had one other one, poor guy named Arihabi. He‘s the one who actually got crucified. Neither of the Jesheuas did. So, Jesheua-12, the one that was the actual Ma-Sha-ya, he wasn‘t crucified. He finally left - by choice, through Ascension, out of the gates at Giza, which is SG-4, and, he left through the Giza Passages. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 211

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And, the other one, I forget what happened to him, because I don‘t really track the story of Jeshewua-9 because that‘s a different family line that‘s the Annunaki Family Line, and they were part of the ones that broke the Treaty of Altair and decided that they were going to take over the Planetary Grids and fight the Dracs and all that stuff. So, anyway, I just wanted to put a little bit about the Jesheuas in there because there‘s a rumor going around that actually is on somebody‘s web site that they had the nerve to actually say that and it really ticks me off because there‘s a person that says, ―oh, she‘s this and she‘s that,‖ right. And it‘s a person that‘s in a position similar to mine, as far as a public speaker that are teaching certain things. Now, I‘ve never gone after that person. I‘ve never picked on the person. I don‘t even name the person in public. I address the teachings. I don‘t even call the teachings by their published name. I say enough about them so the comparisons can be made. But, this person said, ―and, she doesn‘t even like Jesus!‖ Whoah, ooh, don‘t like that one much; I won‘t let it bother me, I don‘t have to. But, it‘s funny because he was, Jesheua was one of the Speakers. He was Speaker-2 in that time period, and there‘s a man that came to be known as John the Baptist that was Speaker-1. And there was a woman that nobody heard about much that was called Miriam that was Speaker-3. There were the three Speakers then too, and that wasn‘t the first time. They were there before; they were in Hindu form, like in the Hindu teachings. They were even back before that. they were... The Speaker configuration of bringing this information here has been going on for eons. But as far as, I want the people especially that might not know much about me, or the work, to understand that we are not against Christianity. What we don‘t appreciate are distortions, and I don‘t want anybody to think I personally don‘t like Jesus or don‘t believe in Jesus, because I very much so do. The thing that differs between base Christian teachings and the teachings that we are teaching, we are teaching the teachings of the Inner Christ, or the Inner Kryst, and that is exactly what Jesus taught. The big difference is there‘s a whole movement in Christianity that is highly attached to having to have a martyr as their Savior, hanging Him on crosses; that is Jesus. That was Arihabi, historically, it is in the Maharata Plate Records. That was Arihabi. He was tricked into being a decoy so Jeshewua-9 could escape to France. So, anyway, it‘s really sad to see what a twist in history back then can lead to this far in the future. But I just want people to understand that might not know much about us or about me or anything, that we are not at all against the teachings of Jesus. In fact, we are giving a version of what Jesus was teaching, just so it‘s known. Anyway, next one, please… another tangent.

[17:20] (Graph) This is just showing the same thing. Don‘t worry about the words right now because these are actually pulled from other texts. Some of these were from the module that Melissa and Fraz were offering. But, this is just showing where we are in the cycles again, down, in through here. And there‘s tons of information that go with explaining these cycles and all that, and they‘ve been progressively given in various workshops. And I think some of them are analyzed already. I‘ve gone back to, like 2007, with analyzing the workshops The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 211

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and content, and I think these came out in that period. So, it should be, if you read the stuff that hopefully Kinko‘s will get printed for us all, you should be able what workshops they‘re in, if you‘re interested in going backward and getting that information and watching the workshops that focus more on this information. Next one, please…

[18:06] (Graph) Oh, yeah, this is showing a tiny, little piece of time within that larger cycle. I‘m not going to even explain what this stuff is right now. That had to do with when we talked about the spirals, the Krystic Spirals and the Metatronic Spirals. And again, we‘re just looking at a time frame that started with April 2009 when we did the big workshop and the Drum Circle in Sarasota, where we had the big Orb-Fest where major activations were taking place. And, we‘re working through this time cycle down, into - and this is like a smaller one within that larger time cycle - the Bharda Cycle. This is a little phase; this is only taking us from April of 2009 up to December 15th of 2012, all right. So, this is the immediate, smaller cycle that we‘re in the middle of, and various things occur during this period. So, again, I‘m just trying to show you how these cycles fit together and the fact that there are structures that form at each, at points in each of these cycles. And, when we look at the structures, you will see where the space - that has to do with maps, and the time - that has to do with cycles, go together to give us the understanding. Because in the Camelot Project interviews, I went over it really quickly because of the scale of what needed to be accomplished. And I didn‘t put that sequence together, the Beloveds did. They said, this is what we want to put out as the ―Official Disclosure‖ thing. And, I was like, ok. So, this is adding a little bit more detail of how those pieces fit and showing a little bit more of the graphology that goes with them. Next one, please…

[19:34] (Graph) Now, we‘re going to talk about Spirit Body. All right, this is from the module that Melissa and Fraz were offering. So, I just have it here just for Spirit Body. I‘m not going through each of these phases. You can go to their module to learn the consolidated form of really, in-a-nutshell, what is Transfigurative Ascension, because they did a perfect job of pulling that data out of the massive sea of information that we have been given, to make it concise where you could understand it, but still see the detail and understand it. So, I just wanted to point this out for Spirit Body. Hey, there‘s one less than two minutes! Next one, please…

[20:12] (Graph) (A‘san commenting) Oh, I know. I have it in there again for a reason, to bring us back to Spirit Body Gestation Cycle, right. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 100 of 211

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So, it‘s in this phase, that SEda Cycle, or the Spirit Body‘s creation, that you will see the formations or the structures of the Spirit Body, be they your personal one or a Cosmic one or a Galactic one, or whatever, right. So it was just to show again that it‘s this area that we‘re talking about and the structures that go with this particular set of processes and time, ok. Next one, please…

[20:50] (Graph) I think right now Melissa and Fraz are doing a much better job than I would at this, because it‘s been so long since I‘ve had to do these, that we‘re going to have to go back in and look at all the detail. There is a ton of graphs that went with this whole sequence. This is a bit of, each one of these were actually big, full graphs that then got consolidated into summaries, progressively. This is just showing the Spirit Body when it starts. It starts with the Cousha, which corresponds to what is said on that other time chart, the point where the Cousha forms. I‘m not going to go explaining what the Cousha is. There‘s whole workshops done on explaining every part of this, every word - where you know what every word means, every shape, those kinds of things. I just wanted to show you that where the Spirit Body starts growing is with the Cousha. And it progressively does a, it phases and creates Quantum Generation, which means it expands its quantum, its original quantum. It expands and progressively forms more shapes, more cells. These are spheres, spheres-withinspheres. So, there are these levels that form the Core Levels. This part is called the First Eye and Heart of God, all right, and has to do with the Eternal LaVa Flows. They call them LaVa Flows, and that kind of corresponds to lava on planets actually, and how that actually works. And there‘s actually lava in stars as well. So they didn‘t get into that level of it, but this is where we talk about the LaVa Flows. And, you hear a lot of the people in the group going, ―oh, the LaVas; I LaVa you, I LaVa you,‖ right. They‘re talking about the Core Flows that come from the core aspects of the Spirit Body. And these are the Eternal Flows of the Kryst. These are the Seven Core LaVa Currents. And, this is where you get the, KaRa-Ya- Sa-Ta-Ha- La, right, the Seven Core Vibration Sounds that go with the Seven First Currents that form from this process as the Core of the Spirit Body is growing. And then, there‘s the whole bunch of graphs that go into, this is the Three Eyes of God. First you get into one eye, and, then, it replicates, and you end up with three of them. This is progressively building the structure that you will see very soon that has to do with the Spirit Body structure that we talk about. And now we just kind of like pull out the big graph and show you, this is Spirit Body, right. They actually showed us how that was built, and there‘s all sorts of things with what had what quantum, and this had number this, and this had number that. And, this mixes with number that and makes this number. It was amazing, some of it, it was like... and I really don‘t like numbers, so I was, like ―oh, God, I hate doing this! You know, I love the information, but, really, we should bring somebody down to transcribe the numbers.‖ But, we got through the numbers, and fortunately, you don‘t have to know all that stuff. But, if you want to do, what we‘re really doing is getting a PhD in Metaphysics. Now, you don‘t get a fancy degree or anything at the end of it, except, if it really works, you get to get out of here, right. But, the equivalent of the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 211

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information and the detail that‘s been given would be equivalent to something like going to whatever major you were going to major in college, and getting a PhD in it. Not everybody needs a PhD to do what it is they would like to do in life and with life, and that applies to here too. But, they had to give the PhD program first, because it was going to take that to keep the Gates open here, once the Treaty of Altair was broken by the Annunaki, and they were going into grid wars. So, what‘s going to be nice is once we finally do get the step-down gentle program for people who don‘t want a PhD... We‘ve already got the high level of the Ministry, where just like in any church structure, you will have the people who are the masters, the ones who have studied all the texts and know lots and lots of stuff about it. And the, you have, like the middle priest caste that knows a bit about it and knows how to make it work on the ground and operate it, but never studied all the heavy duty texts. We‘re going to end up with two levels of the MCEO Priesthood, with ones being the ones that are carrying, you know, the Record Keepers basically, that know all of the big stuff. And the others, they feel a calling, and they want to be able to help other people and find spiritual peace themselves. But what we are doing is, this is the - I don‘t like to use the word ―master‖ priest caste, but we will be the ones who carry, we are the Record Keepers, the ones who hold all of this knowledge. So, everybody‘s welcome. It‘s not one that we‘re going to say ―oh, the other people who want to come in later can‘t.‖ No, it‘s always open as long as there‘s something to run DVD‘s on, which is what‘s a little scary, because if electricity ever goes, all these teachings - most of them- are gone, which is scary. There‘s an awful lot for a transcription team to attempt to put on paper. Anyway, this is just showing how the Spirit Body Core forms, with the Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La, or even the Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta. We sometimes just leave it at Kryst or Krysta, but it‘s Krystala actually, when you do the whole thing. And, these are the Eye of God things. And these things all phase; they are spheres of energy with different quantum and different qualities of not-quite-matter, they‘re before you get into what we call matter. And they move together and they phase, and they make sparks, and that generates currents. It generates the currents that start coming out from the center of the Spirit Body. And these currents are currents of consciousness. They‘re not - they‘re coming from Source Consciousness Field, that Ah‘-yah Ah‘-YA, Ah‘-yah, Ah‘-yah place that we‘re just learning about that has to do with the God Source Consciousness Field. It‘s when it first individuates and starts coming into individual expression, be it as a Universe or Cosmos or a person. It starts with this structure of the Spirit Body. Next one, please…

[26:16] (Graph) Now, Hara Bodies of the ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body. This is showing a part of the ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body, but in simple form. Now, this would be just looking at front view. These are spheres, remember, they‘re not just flat circles. We‘re dealing with spheres of energy. If you turn that on its side, right, if that was a dish of spheres and you turned it on its side, right, it would look something like this, right. So this is just showing you that these are the Hara Bodies because we‘re going to look at these a bit in terms of certain structures and processes, so we know where we are.

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It‘s from understanding these structures that we can understand the maps. And from understanding the maps, we can understand where it is we‘re going to be projecting to, where we are drawing frequency from and why it‘s exciting that the levels that are opening now, with the Ah’-yah Field is something we‘ve been working for the whole time to get to this point. So, we‘ll start, simply, with those. From the front or the back, you will see the spheres laid out like this. Turn it on its side, you would see them from the side, and it doesn‘t look quite spherical, not yet, anyway. So, these are the basic structures. What you‘re seeing here are called Allurean Chambers. I won‘t get heavily into Allurean Chambers for people who don‘t know. For people who do know, you know why I won‘t get heavily into Allurean Chambers. They‘re basically what form, what eventually becomes atoms of elements. There‘s 144 different Elements that form on these Chambers. There‘s 12 Allurean Chambers, and each Chamber would form 12 Elements, and that‘s where you get the 144 Elements of the actual Periodic Table. And it plugs right in to the Periodic Table that science knows, but there‘s more Elements than have been identified. So anyway, we‘ve got the basic structures. When you have one of these lines, the Allurean Chamber Lines - that also is what‘s known as a Vector Line, or a Time Vector Line. It has two Event Horizons. One would be this one, right, to the center, that‘s an Event Horizon, and then, from the center back out, that‘s another Event Horizon. So, one Vector Line has two Event Horizons. On each of the Allurean Chambers, you will see a structure of a sphere, all right, on each one. We‘ll look at what these are called because actually they are called Hara Bodies of the Spirit Body. And, it‘s the Spirit Body structure that actually forms what‘s called Hara Bodies and processes that are built on Hara Bodies, which we‘ll look at very soon. So, I just wanted you to see the base thing before we get the flows and things in there, before we get the ElumEir-Adhona happening, because that has lots of detail to it. This is the basic structure that we are dealing with, where you have the 12 Vector Lines, and on each of the Vector Lines, each of the Vector Lines has 2 Event Horizons. Each Event Horizon has a sphere of energy, or a Hara Body. And its other, its corresponding Event Horizon on that Vector Line, also has a sphere of energy, one of the Hara Bodies. At the center, there is the third Hara Body that links the two. When I talked briefly about how, at certain points, we go through the Mashaya-Hanic Fold, where the spheres come together, into the center; that is what it‘s talking about. One set of these would phase together on its Vector Line, and each Event Horizon would meet in the center. The center is referred to as the Bud. That‘s where we get the concept of the Buddhas as they‘re used with our teachings. So, we‘ve covered all sorts of aspects of the structure of this. This is just showing some basic things to touch base with where we were and so people can catch up if they don‘t know. I think we‘ll go on to the next one, please… Excuse me; my shoes are going again. At least this time I haven‘t done any of the shirt on and off thing. Not full shirt all right, but there are times when the heat waves come through, where the heat comes through with the wave, that I‘ll get so hot, it‘s just, like, the scarf comes off, the sweater comes off. You know, that‘s why I always wear layers, so I don‘t end up naked on stage. But so far, I haven‘t had to take clothes off. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 103 of 211

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[30:20] (Graph) Now, that structure that you saw, the simple, the balls, all right. I call them the ―Balls‖, and there‘s other structures inside them that are referred to as the ―Bones‖ that have to do with the interwoven Kathara Grids that we‘ll see in a minute. But, when you - the balls are still here, which are the Hara Bodies; two on each Vector Line, one for each Event Horizon, and the center ones. All of these things are Flows. They are Flows of Currents. Those twelve points, those twelve petals are forming on the Allurean Chamber lines that we talked about. And they‘re Chamber Lines where energy circulates out and back. So, they‘re circulation systems, and these are, these flows here, these are called the Astura Flows of the Spirit Body. And, half a one looks like the Azurite ―A‖ that we use sometimes, that goes like that. That‘s actually half of an Astura Flow. A full Astura Flow would be the Azurite ―A‖ with a backward one going the other way. Next to it, it forms these. These are the bigger, Outer Flows, and then in here you have these little figure-8 type flows. These are the Core Flows. They‘re called the Spanner Flows. When we talk about Spanner Gates, we‘re talking about gate systems in the planetary body or a galactic body that are these, so the configuration, they look something like a figure-8, and they are running the Core LaVas, the Core LaVa Flows. They require more DNA coding to use than the Outer Flows. In terms of gates, the Angelic Human we‘re in Angelic Human Seeding-3 on this planet. The other two seedings were destroyed. The information on that is in the Voyagers book. But Seeding-3 was seeded through these, not the Core Gates, which means the Seeding-3 Angelic Humans had only the coding to go with these Outer Gates. If, at this point in time - because of what has happened to the natural Templar in this system, the Outer Gates alone would not be enough to be able to hold the Ascension System open. That‘s why we‘ve been given upgrades at various points that are called the Aquari Genes have been given back to us in Seeding-3, back between 13,400 and 10,500 BC. There were hybridizations with what are called the Aquareion and the Aquafereion Races in order to bring back the codes that Seeding-2 Humans actually had. Seeding-2 Humans that, before our Seeding, they were wiped out - the Seeding-2 ones were wiped out. But before that, they had been actually born through and incarnated from the center, through these Gates. So, they had all the Codes to the Spanner Gates. Another word for the Spanner Gates are called the Na-VA’-Ho Gates. And the races of Angelic Humans that were brought back in, or actually that were from Seeding-2, were referred to as the Na-VA‘-Ho. And ElumEir-Adhona that is actually, there is still a descendant trace in the Navajo lines of the Native American people. There‘s also other ones, other lines of people that carry that all over the place that aren‘t affiliated with Native Americans. So, anyway, the ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body is the key to understanding lots and lots of things. It‘s the key to understanding the base structure of your own Spirit Body. This is before we even get to your Light Body. They interface with each other all right, and your Aah-JhA’ Hydroacoustic Body which interfaces, and your Rasha Body which we‘re not going through all those tonight - just so you know, this morning, whatever it is.

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But I wanted to touch base with the Allurean Chamber Lines, the Flows that form on them, the Outer Astura Flows and the Inner Core Flows, or the Na-VA‘-Ho Flows and just how all those things fit together with the structures. And in the core of these things, this is where we end up, I‘m not going to do this heavily either, it was covered in other workshops. But at the core of these, you end up with the Eckasha - I forget what they call the one on the other side, but the Eckashic and Ecoushic Records that have to do with the EtorA side which we are on and the opposite-spin AdorA side of Creation. This is where we get Halls of Records and all of those things on the planetary level, when they‘re talking about opening the Halls of Records, they‘re talking about opening these core structures that are in the core, here. When we talk about the Eckashic Record, it would be the first - I believe it‘s the First of the First Eight Cells. And then, the Halls are the Eight Cells that form around that First Cell. So, all of these things that you hear in the mythologies and all of that about Halls of Records and la di la, well, this is what they are, and this is how they form. They are part of these structures. And this goes of understanding Self, but also understanding Cosmos, understanding Planet. It‘s all the same anatomy, that from the macrocosm down to the microcosm, we share. And it‘s the invisible part. We look different here, but we all started with this same structure. The structure can become damaged, and that‘s what happened on this Planet, in this Galaxy and in our own bio-fields. But, it can still be repaired at this point in time because we‘re not in Full Fall yet. Next one, please…

[35:16] (Graph) That‘s just a close-up of structure of one of the Core Flows and also of one of the Na-VA‘-Ho Spanner Gates. And there‘s lots of different aspects. See all these chambers? There‘s like chambers of energy inside of them, and then these larger flows that form out here. And there‘s also Merkabic structures that form around them when they fully activate. And they literally allow you to go in, in your Krystar Vehicle that‘s shaped something like that - and Transfigure yourself into Light, and then - actually, first Transmute yourself into Light and then Transfigure yourself into Spirit Body and disappear, and pop up elsewhere. And there‘s platforms that these connect to, and there‘s maps that they connect to that are literally the Planes Maps here. I‘ll just show you that really briefly in case people haven‘t seen that. Next one, please…

[35:59] (Graph) We were talking about these on a Star Gate level, a Star Gate that‘s on a Planet for instance. This is, this was a mural actually, that‘s at the ShA‘-lon house that I painted on the wall. This is really big. I didn‘t paint this part, but I painted what you see behind this that you can‘t see really well. But this was a full-colored mural, and it was done to show how the Spanner Gates fit. All of these reach different platforms that are at different layers of the atmosphere, and they lead to different things that lead to different things. There‘s like Subterranean Cities, there‘s Cloud Cities - what we consider Cloud Cities because they‘re up where our clouds are. There are what they call the Ocean Cities where there‘s layers of actually Aquifers that interface with different planes or different levels going up from the Earth‘s surface, up into its atmosphere. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 105 of 211

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So, this is just showing you how on - even though we were talking about structure of the Spirit Body, how that structure of Spirit Body literally forms the structure of Gate Structures on this Planet and in the Cosmos. There are little ones on a planet just like there‘s even smaller gates inside you. You have Spanner Gates inside you, too, your Spirit Body Spanner Gates. But there are sets of them. You would have the Planetary level ones that would connect to the Solar ones, the Central Sun in that Solar System. They would connect to another set, they would connect to another set in the Galaxy. The Galaxy ones would connect to another set in what‘s called the Mega-Galaxy level. They would connect to another set in what‘s called the Universal level, which is called a Veca. They would connect to another set there in what‘s called the Eckasha level, which is going up from the Universal level. This is part of the structure that builds, that the maps are about. So, there‘s all these sets of gates that the Planetary leads to the Solar; the Solar leads to, basically, the Galactic; the Galactic leads to the next level up, next level up, until you‘re fully into expansion into the Cosmic Matrix. So, I just wanted to show how it‘s not just Spirit Body, but personal, and not just Spirit Body even of Cosmic, that‘s just, oh Spirit Body floating there. No, Spirit Body is what forms the Core Flows that form the Core Gates, and then, there‘s Outer Gate Structures that also interface with these, that are a natural part of Planetary and Personal and Cosmic anatomy. Next one, please…

[38:01] (Graph) I go, aaahhh, ahhh, Ah‘-yah, Ah‘yah, ‗yah, ‗yah... yeah, I‘m not going to cover this one heavily. I might come back to this tomorrow actually. But this is showing, on the same structures - I just want to do this really quick. We have, if you‘ll notice here, there‘s not just twelve lines, right. There‘s not just twelve rays, there‘s twentyfour. This is because we‘re showing the Allurean Chambers that we showed - the Spirit Body Chambers we‘re showing those, but in between them, there are what are called the Fire Chambers. The Fire Chambers are Flow Chambers that are in the Light Body structure. And because Spirit Body and Light Bodies are existing in the same place - they‘re just made of different stuff, and they have different qualities that differentiate one body from the next. There‘s a flow that happens between, where energy comes from center - and I won‘t even get into that, because there‘s a whole workshop on that and the Pentagonal Flows and all sorts of complicated things. But simply, energy comes out at the same time from the center into all of the 12 Allurean Chambers, comes up, and it hits the outside portions of what - now, in this term, this would be considered the Aah-JhA‘ Hydroacoustic Body layer that‘s part of the Spirit body. Well it‘s kind of like between the Spirit Body structure and the Light Body structure. Energy would come out, hit that boundary and split, forming currents. So, whatever the coding, the encryption on this level, on this line was - Allurean Chamber Line was, that would split. Part of it would go this way and part of it would go that way. Part of it would interface with Fire Chamber-12, part with Fire Chamber-1, and they‘d all be doing this, right. It‘s a mix-master; they refer to it as the ―Mix-Master‖ because this is literally what begins the formation of where Spirit Body energy and Light Body energy and what is called Rasha energy that has to do with the Core, begins to circulate The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 106 of 211

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and break apart, refract and create what are called Refracted Code Particles that come together. They start to group together, once the split happens down the Fire Chambers. You will have other things happening once the energy comes together and blends in the Fire Chambers that actually creates the things that bond together to form atoms. Now, each of these Fire Chambers has very specific encryption, and there are layers to this where you have, you‘ve got 12, well, you‘ve got the 12 Allurean Chambers. The Allurean Chambers are what carry the signature for the Elements, and there are 144 Natural Elements. And there are 144 of them because each one of the Allurean Chambers has the coding for 12 Elements. So, when you have the frequencies from here coming out and splitting, that‘s carrying very specific Elemental Encryptions, like Hydrogen, Oxygen, Helium, right? And we all broke them down, too. It‘s actually - I‘m not going to read them all right now, but they actually have them there so you see what they are. There‘s also dimensional structure involved with it, where you have the Allurean Chambers. If you have, all right if you‘re on an Allurean Chamber, let‘s say it‘s 11, out here right, say - that‘s called the Density level which is like a barrier around D-1-2-3, Density-1. You come down into D-3 level, it‘s the same thing, Allurean Chamber-11. You come down to D-2, Uh oh, we‘re on Allurean Chamber-3. This is why it‘s a mix-master, because these spheres of energy that are holding the Allurean Chambers actually, the chamber numbers which has to do with the encryption they hold, actually changes. So, you go from the 11 - 11 to 3 - and then, down here, into 5. So, you‘re getting different combinations of these Core Encryptions that form little light units called Refracted Code Particles that then come together and literally form the different atoms. A way to look at this and to not have to memorize all of this stuff and to activate the potentiality for those 144 Atoms in your Light Body structure and your Physical Body structure, is simply using that translated with its frequency colors, because each one of those dimensions, each one of those numbers - 1 through 12 - has a specific color frequency. This is where we get the Allur-E’ah Rashatan. When it‘s not in color, it looks like this. Next one, please…

[42:10] (Graph) I do believe that is what you just saw, without the technicals, without showing, labeling the lines. These are just the color combinations. The colors have to do with what dimension they are. What the number is will actually tell you what, if you look back on the Mix-Master Key Chart, you will actually be able to see; oh, that‘s Hydrogen; oh, that‘s Oxygen; oh, that‘s whatever, right, but it‘s encoded in this Living Symbol form. It is literally a Living Symbol form that carries the Encryption of the 144 Elements. So, I just wanted to bring that back for a minute so people that have, when I‘ve talked about... ―you‘ll see some strange things here, and sometimes, we inhale (A‘sha Inhales) the energy from codes, pictures pretty pictures.‖ All of the pretty pictures mean something. They all - many, many of them, we have all of the technicals going all the way up that shows you what the structures are, where those forms came from. All of the Flame pictures you might see around on peoples‘ windows when you walk down that way outside. I don‘t know whose room that is, but it‘s really nice to see them in the window - they all plug in this way to the

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mathematics, to the actual structures and processes and Time Cycles that Creation is, exists within and runs on. Next one, please…

[43:32](Graph) Now, we‘re going to come back to a simpler way to look at -remember these spheres, the Hara Bodies of the ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body that had all of the spheres around? This is looking at just one Vector Line ok, where you have the one Vector Line, and that one Vector line has two - one, two Event Horizons, and it has the central area out of which these two spheres, or bodies, actually first come. So, it all starts at the center, and then they expand outward. What this is showing you too - and it wasn‘t shown on the other diagram that just showed all of the 12 of them, because it gets really, really, you can‘t really see what you‘re even looking at when you have all the detail on all 12 of them - but this can show you that, inside, you not only have on one Vector Line, you have the central sphere of energy, the central Hara Body that the other two come out of. You have this Hara Body and that one, but you have these little, smaller ones inside. These have to do with the core formations that we were talking about, with the Core LaVas and the Core Structures of the Spirit Body structure. And they form literally these smaller spheres within the larger spheres of the Hara Body structure. And again, this structure applies to anything that has a Spirit Body structure, which means everything, all right. Everything originally started with a Spirit Body structure like this, so it applies to large structures, such as the Cosmos, and smaller structures, such as you. So, these are showing you what we‘ll look at in a second, that represent the Time Cycles of, literally, of what expansion into Materialization and then turning around, and going back into Dematerialization, back into Source, is. It‘s easier to see when you just look at them on one Vector Line because, technically, you‘re just seeing one out of the 12 Vector Lines, which means you would have sets of these on all of those Vector Lines, right. So, you get lots of those little Time Cycles, and they move in and out, and expand and contract. That‘s the natural breathing rhythm of Source bringing itself back from Manifestation in parts of its Consciousness, and then, expanding it back out. That is the Natural Cycle of Evolution. Next one, please…

[45:49] (Graph) I‘m not going to go through all the detail in this, just to show you it‘s here, because this is showing you when we talk about the Time Cycles that have to do with these structures, we are dealing here with the Eyugha Cycles that we talked about. We have the Core Eyugha Cycle, the Ra-LA’ Eyugha; the Inner, which is the Aah-LA’ Eyugha; the Middle, which is the Sha-LA’ Eyugha, that goes with the Edons; and, we have the Ka-LA’ Eyugha, which is - that should be an ―A‖, actually, Ka-LA‘ Eyugha. It‘s out here, and this is the place where, when you finish accreting the frequencies of this cycle, is when you go into the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 108 of 211

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Krystar Ascension Turnaround. And then, you go back in through the Adashi-1 Cycle, Adashi-2 Cycle, Adashi-3 Return Cycles. So, it‘s a very simple process of consciousness expanding out, into Materialization, turning back around and Dematerializing, going back into Source. It‘s an Eternal process as long as the structures are not damaged. And the problem in this Cosmos, well, in the more local area of this Universe, which - when I say this Universe, this Universe really is what would be referred to as what science calls the Andromeda Galaxy, all right. The Andromeda Galaxy - the Milky Way is supposed to be a part of. It actually fell out, and there is about, what is it, I forget, 2 billion Light Years or something... (A‘san) 2.2 million... (A‘sha) 2.2 million, thank you. There‘s about 2.2 million Light Years between Milky Way and Andromeda right now. But, the Milky Way was once a part of that system. Ok, I‘m getting nudged here. Ok, what do you want me to not talk about? ... Anyway, you get the idea. What‘s interesting here is, look at this? All right, where these cycles that expand outward first, the Eyughas, they‘re referred to collectively as the Eckashi Expansion Cycles. Now, at the same time as these are expanding out - that‘s only one Event Horizon - simultaneously on the opposite Event Horizon, there is another set expanding out. That other set, if you were over here, let‘s say, in a Universe that‘s over here, this other one that‘s on the same Vector Line as you, the other Event Horizon, is referred to as your Adjugate, or your Adjugate Twin. So, actually, the Spirit Body, part of your more immediate Spirit Body energy actually materializes over here, and your Matter Body materializes over here, and same for the other. The Physical Body or Matter Body, let‘s say of your Adjugate Twin self, would be materialized here, and its Spirit Body would be over here. Now, so you have a Spirit Body with you, but it happens to be that one‘s right, and vice-versa. They meet in the middle when the natural contraction into center happens. And then they come back out again and recharge. But, when we refer to the currents that are called the Eiradonis - you‘ll see that in some of the work. The Eiradonis is the Adjugate Spirit. That is the Spirit Body that you immediately work with, that is the Spirit Body of the other side that is with you, and your Spirit Body is with them. Technically, the whole thing is the Spirit Body. These are the more localized Spirit Body energies of the Hara Bodies. And there‘s a natural process in these Time Cycles. There‘s a set of the Time Cycles that go out that way, where the Eyughas go out this way. These are called the Eyanas, they the Expansion Cycles over there. And, where we have Adashi Return Cycles, They have Eckashi Return Cycles coming back this way. So, that is the structure of time, how time works in relation to the structures of Spirit Body structure. Next one, please…

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[49:12] (Graph) Aaaahhhh, Light Body! I think we can do this fast, because I don‘t have a lot of these. I just put a couple up just so people see that there are differences between the two. Next one, please…

[49:25] (Graph) ―Light Body‖, the big word on the top is all you need to know. We‘ve seen this before. This is showing, over here, this is where the Light Body structure begins to form, all right, in that place on this Time Cycle. Remember, conception started here, right; all right, and Spirit Body started here, and Spirit Body ElumEirAdhona Spirit Body, the big one, manifests here with the Light Seed in it and that‘s where the Light Body starts to grow. And meanwhile, if you‘re talking about a physical fetus, the fetus already started here, but it hasn‘t integrated yet, it‘s Spirit Consciousness. Spirit Consciousness starts coming around here somewhere. Next one, please…

[50:05] (Graph) In that cycle of where the Light Body starts to form, it starts with this one. This is where the Tauren births after the Spirit Body. At the same time that the ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body births, the Tauren Light Seed births at the center of it. That would be this one. Then that whole cycle that we showed there - that had the four trimesters, right, which is called a Takeyon Cycle, that whole cycle would lead to the birth of the Diad, all right. So, that‘s that Generator Cell. And that is the point in physical bodies where the baby would have to be born or it would kill the mother actually, if the body didn‘t express itself. So once, be it a Cosmos or a baby is just born, this is the Big Bang point in Cosmos‘s, where that Big Bang that science talks about, it actually does happen. There is a Big Bang but all that stuff happened before it. So, it wasn‘t a starting point, it was the Birthing Point where, from whatever happened before, then finally it birthed out, into a Cosmos or a Solar System or a Galaxy. But then, there‘s this whole process of Quantum Generation that occurs because these cells are generating energy as they bump together and make sparks. And sparks eventually form quarks, and quarks build up to form the - well they‘re the subatomic things that make subatomic particles, actually. There‘s sparks before quarks - and science has found the quarks, but they haven‘t found the sparks, yet. Let‘s just put it simply. So, there‘s this whole process where what was that little Light Seed that had, that looked like that, that was the three. Actually, there is a center ball in the Tauren, but it has the equivalent of three Partiki, which are the tiniest units, the first units of consciousness. It goes from the Tauren to the Diad which has, it actually has a power of six Partiki because it has got - let‘s just say six cells for now - because it‘s got two of those ones that have the three phase cells. Then, that expands again, you‘ve got the Miad, it grows.

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And what you‘re seeing is the growth process, the Starborn Cycle, the growth process of the Light Body structure. Now, it starts with the Diad and Birth. This means, if you‘re a baby, in the womb, you get born when your Diad forms. And then there‘s this whole huge cycle of where the rest of your Light Body - you‘ve already got your Spirit Body, but your Spirit Body has to turn itself into, once it starts integration into a fetal pattern in that... Before that birth point - and it‘s usually 33 to 56 days before the Diad births or the body comes out of the womb, at that point of birth, there are still all of these levels of structures of Light Body, where the Spirit Body needs to translate itself into the expansions of the Light Body. When we looked at the Birthday Chart, those cycles of bringing in the different levels of the Light Body, they actually occur in the first - I believe it‘s in the first eight years, you actually would birth what is called the Yunasai by the time you get done through all these expansions, where it‘s growing and growing and growing and growing in structure. And it‘s very specific. All of these, they look tiny here, but they were all big diagrams where you could see the structure of them. They each have x-amount of quantum; they each have x-amount of cells, of Light Cells. So, this was a huge amount of material when it was originally given. I won‘t even go into the Flame-Shift Cycle right now, but I will say there is something that happens when it grows to this size that involves an angular rotation of particle spin shift. It‘s called a Flame Cycle, and these little shapes here that you might see on charts and stuff, or like, they‘re codes, they are very beautiful codes that Sue took from their rough forms and turned them into beautiful art. But that beautiful art is just like the Allur-E’ah Rashatan. It brings those Core Light Body flows back into activations. So, we use those codes that way, too. So, if you see Flame Codes, that‘s what they‘re about. Then, there‘s the next stage of quantum replication, and the replication happens where a certain amount of quantum is built from the cells pulsing. At a certain point, it generates enough quantum where they actually go (A‘sha slurps) and pull, literally, back into the center, disappear for a moment, and then... Well at first they start doubling the quantum of them, and at a certain point, it goes from not just doubling, but even, even, let‘s say, I think they have the times here. It goes times 12, times 2, and that would be times 2. There is just like it doubles itself. Then, you get down here, it triples itself there. By this time, it does itself times 12, and again, it does itself times 12, as far as amplifying and growing its quantum. So, this is a little of how the Light Body structure goes. And you end up with something that‘s huge - Light Body structure within the Spirit Body structure that is called the Seed Atom. There is a different level for the Inner Domain... - the Core Domain, the Inner Domain, the Middle Domain and the Outer Domain. And the Yunasai one goes with the Inner Domain. The one out here, I forget what the one out here is, but the one we‘ve been using a lot is called the UmShaddEi, and it is the Seed Atom where this level of the Light Body structure that goes with the Edon Level, which is the Middle Domain. So, we work with the Yunasai or we work with the UmShaddEi, or any of the others that I don‘t remember the names of but they are on some of the charts. So, I just wanted you to see the Light Body structure, how the Light Body grows. Next one, please…

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[55:01] (Graph) Hmmm, I haven‘t done these in a long time. Yeah, ok, the Light Body, I just, oh boy... When we‘re looking at those structures that have all of the circles right, the spheres of energy that we refer to as the ―Balls of Creation‖, right, around those, in the Light Body - an aspect of the Light Body is called the Krystal Body structure, that forms within and around those light spheres of the Light Body part, not the Spirit Body, but the Light Body part. So, if you want to know about these, its Kathara 2-3 Manual, oh, it just dissects them completely. And, this is where you learn about Axiatonal Lines, Meridian Lines, all of that stuff. And if you‘re interested in it, you can, and if you‘re not, you don‘t have to all right, unless you‘re wanting to go for the PHD in Metaphysics. Inside of this, what you‘re seeing is a Kathara Grid right, which hopefully, you‘ve seen before. And a Kathara Grid is that 12-pointed Core Radiation Template. There‘s a lot of good teachings that we‘ve given on the Kathara Grid and why it‘s important, and I won‘t go into that now. But this is where we‘re starting to see the ―bones‖ of Creation, because, where you have ―balls‖, it implies you have ―bones‖. So, we have the ―bones‖ and the ―balls‖ of Creation. The ―bones‖ are these structures of energy, and these are energy lines that run between points, fixed points of energy radiation, little points of Geleziac Radiation that actually form encryptions of things. And an Encryption is the Core Template that you don‘t see, but it holds the rest of the structures together. If you have a mutated version or a version that does not look like this, as far as the exact proportions and the exact numbers of energy points, you have a mutated Kathara Grid, which means you will have a mutated Light Body or whatever else is built on it. That‘s what is happening on the Planet; the natural structure of this was mutated. One the Planet, the regular surface-level Star Gates - they go to the Core, they go to the Core, but they‘re not the super-core flows of the Spirit Body level, they‘re of the Light Body level - would be the Kathara Points, and they identified the original 12 of those. On the Planetary level, they were known as the Halls of Amenti Star Gates, and they fell in 2003 into Metatronic reverse spin. And that‘s why the Beloveds have progressively had to bring on the Spanner Gates, the Core Spanner Gates, and bring them on line, or we would have had lost all ascension potential by about 2003-2004. So, anyway, Crystal Body structure goes with the Light Body structure, and they interface with the Spirit Body structure, but they are not the same thing, ok. They are interrelated but not the same thing. Next one, please…

[57:29] (Graph) Yeah, we‘ll start down here. I‘m just going to, really quick, do this. This is called the Stairway to Heaven. This is where you‘re looking at the bones. Not looking at all the bones, you‘re only looking at sections of the bones so we could actually see what we‘re looking at. All right, it starts with the one Kathara Grid, the one Kathara Grid on a Cosmic level, and this is where you start to understand when I say, ―oh, it‘s on Eckashalevel whatever, or it‘s on the Eckasha-Aah level, where you start understanding, ―what are you talking about?‖

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They‘re considered the God Worlds, when you get past the word ―Universe‖. And Universe is equivalent to the word ―Veca‖ ok, in the Maps. Then, there are structures above what a Universe is. And that‘s where we have, up above - the next level above a Universe is called the Eckasha. Then, there‘s the Eckasha-A, then, there‘s the Eckasha-Aah and the Eukatharaista. So you have these layers of expansion above that. If you can, if, if what I said before on the other thing, where you‘re looking at one of these - this is fading away; you can‘t really see this very good, but it‘s two of these put together this way. One going this way and one going that way. This Kathara Grid structure that is here would represent one Universe or, like one 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. And let‘s say, if we were in Density-1, that means we would be down in here - where D-1, 2 and 3 are. We would be down in this section of it, and that‘s where our reality field would be. And so, like these would be the Star Gates we are most close to and everything. This is just the beginning of a structure, as far as the Kathara Grids. So the Kathara Grids are the bones of the gate structures. They show you how natural, organic gate structures of the Cosmos are interfaced with each other and how they can be used, like when you, how you know where to go. If you learned how to project and disappear at will, where are you going to end up if you don‘t know where to go. It‘s like, well, do we think the world is flat? Once upon a time, everybody thought the world was flat here. Well, right now, science thinks that it‘s random, the way it‘s structured out there. They don‘t remember Star Gates; they don‘t remember the structure. The bones give the structure of the interface of Star Gates, and these are the Outer Gates, the Light Body Gates. All right, this is where we go from the simple Veca level or, yeah, the Veca Universe level into where these grow, where you have four of the Vecas together make an Eckasha. At the center of it, you have an Ecka. And this is where you get into Core or Hub Domains. We talked about the Hubs, some of the Races coming out from the Hubs. We‘re talking about the Ecka‘s, but then, deep down into the Ecka‘s if you go back into the Hubs, say, of the Edon Domains right, that are inside of that because we‘re just looking at what‘s happening in each of those little Eyugha Cycles. And there were four of the Eyugha‘s coming out on one side, right, in our Event Horizon. So, this is just the structures that happen in one of those little ones withinside the big one on one Event Horizon, on one side of that line that we‘ve seen on those other diagrams. These progressively build. I‘m not going to go through each level highly. (to A‘san) Can we bring it down just a little, please? So, they‘re showing us, right now, these in sets of four because it was easier to understand that way. There‘s actually two more sets of four, which means there‘s actually twelve of these. For everywhere you see four, there‘s actually a set of twelve. But they showed us the easy way to understand the basic relationships of the bones when they first - before they started giving us the twelve spheres and all of that stuff. So, these are called the Ecka Maps, where they actually show you where you go from Veca to Ecka and Eckasha to Eckasha-Aah, which is four Eckasha‘s or Eckasha-A, which is four Eckasha‘s, to the EckashaAah, which is four Eckasha-A‘s.

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And what that forms is called the Eukatharaista Body. Now the Eukatharaista Body are the bones of the Light Body structure. On those bones: where there‘s bones, there are balls, and where there are balls, there are bones. And that is what - one implies the other, right. This is Cosmic structure, and though there may be damaged areas within it, most of the Cosmos is structured this way, because most of it is still living because it is an Eternal Life System. It was created that way, where just the laws of energy, how they work within these systems, at a certain level, they cannot be compromised. And there is a certain level when you get past the Veca level, Eckasha levels can‘t fall. So, from that level, they‘re referred to as the God Worlds, because, there, you don‘t have the duality consciousness. You don‘t have Beings making the choice to create a fall situation, to try the path of Opposite Expression to Divine Will. You have the absolute At-Oneness feeling with Source. So they have their free-will choice. They could always choose to fall if they want to, but you have to enter the lower systems to do that, energetically speaking. So, most of the Cosmos is not in problems like this. These problems are very, very localized, even though they may seem huge when we‘re walking in the middle of them and learning about them. Compared to the wonder of the Cosmos, they are very tiny. And these are areas of the Cosmos that will eventually heal. Even if the fall occurs, they will heal by going back in Space-Dust Return where the energy and consciousness will get re-circulated back in to the entire structure and back into God Source Consciousness Field. So, it is the most beautiful explanation of relationship to Source that I have ever, ever seen. There is nothing that can touch it on this Planet, honestly. There‘s lots of great ideas and theories and some bits of Truth in all of the Teachings of all sorts of things, but nothing shows you how the beauty of this Living Entity called the Cosmos, that lives within the Consciousness Field of God Source. And what the Cosmos is made out of is the Consciousness of God Source. That means everything in the Cosmos is made of the Consciousness of God Source, given free will to do what it wants with itself. That means you are too. You don‘t need somebody to tell you, to make good with you and God. Now, Ministers can help if they can help transmit frequency that helps you open your conduits, but the conduits are yours. You may need help with repairing your, whatever damage your Planet might have done to your Light Body, or whatever your choices might have done to your Light Body or your Spirit Body structures. But you have a direct relationship with God Source, and that is one of the most beautiful things. This is what Jesus taught. This is what a bunch of people taught whose names are not even remembered anymore. This has been being taught since time immemorial because these are the Ascension Teachings. This is, just simply, the way it works, and if somebody wants to know, there are always Beings who preserve this information. That‘s why we‘ve always said it is humanity‘s birthright; it‘s the Cosmos‘ birthright. But translating it can be a bit difficult, especially in a system - in a Krystic system, you would know this, you wouldn‘t need me. I wouldn‘t have to translate it for you, right, because you would be able to access all this information in direct cognition. You would know it; you would see it in 3-dimensional form inside your head any time you though about it, and that‘s what we‘re moving back toward, having that ability. So, anyway, this is showing the Light Body bones. Next one, please…

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[1:04:12] (Graph) I‘m not doing too bad. I‘m not doing too bad. I haven‘t found the ones I want to leave yet, though. That‘s looking at it closer. Now, here‘s where we start to understand the Maps, as far as where we are in relation to, who‘s where and that kind of thing. So, this, again, is the Euka... it‘s called the full Eukatharaista Body, and it‘s showing, it is showing the sets of four, right. The sets of four here, and the four here, and these have four, and going into four‗s. But actually, there would be two more sets of four in the same, two more, like cross shapes. So, that would give you 12 points, and it‘s when you realize that it‘s actually 12 points and you‘re only seeing one set of four of them, that you start to understand how the Spirit Body structure actually interfaces and fits in with this Light Body structure. And it is between the two of them that you actually do find the Maps, where you can say ―wow, ok, we are here, and we are trying to go there, ok.‖ What gates do you need to open in yourself, and what gates need to be opened on your Planet and in your Galaxy to be able to get there? That is simply what the on-theground ascension stuff is about, knowing how to go and what you need to have open in order to get to the places you want to go. Next one, please…

[1:05:43] (Graph) This is showing the interface of the Eukatharaista Light Body structure with its bones, and it‘s - well it‘s showing its four sets of bones, and how it interfaces with the Cosmic level of the one Cosmic Matrix of the ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body, where you‘ve got your Allurean Chambers, and you‘ve got your spheres on those, your Hara Body structures on them. What‘s interesting is, each level of this, when you come down from the Eukatharaista level, you‘ve got - these are called Eckasha-A Matrices. Each Eckasha-A has a structure just like this, where you‘ve got 12. Inside each Eckasha-A, right, you have four other little sets of bones. Each one of those other little sets of bones is called an Eckasha. Each Eckasha has a set of these 12. This is where we get into understanding Probabilities and Probable Universes and Parallels and Adjacents and that kind of stuff, because there are Parallel Universes. There are Adjacent Universes. There‘s all sorts of different ways to describe the relationships. It‘s easiest to describe them by pointing when you have a map to show what you‘re referring to. A Parallel would be, if we were here, a Parallel would be at 90-degrees right, that would be one of our Parallels. So, you could have two potential Parallels right, for any one. There are combinations of these that are called - this would be an Adjugate Twin Set, where the two balls are on the same Event Horizon, they are Adjugate Twins. If you had two sets of Adjugate Twins, say, one ball here, one ball here; one here, and here - and all these balls are Probabilities when I‘m talking on this level, probable versions of the same core structure Universe that birthed out, right. So, if you had four of those balls together, that is called, It‘s two Adjugate Twin sets, you have one there and one this way- that‘s called a Resolute Twin Set. We‘re going to talk more about that tomorrow because that has to do with bringing together your Avatars, because in every structure, I mentioned before that you as a Being, as just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 115 of 211

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an Incarnate, implies that there are 11 other immediate ones in your Soul Family that you, as a Soul, incarnate simultaneously as 12 separate Individuals. Now, there are four faces to the Soul, that when you bring them together, they can pull the rest together and form at the center, form the Soul at what‘s called the Buddha, or the Bud, right. This goes all the way up the chain, where we have our 12 Incarnates that form the Soul, there‘s also 12 Souls that form the Oversoul. Same thing can happen there, you can bring those four of the Souls together to bring the whole Oversoul into the Bud State. Same thing goes when you go up to the next level. The next level of course would be what? I‘m getting a bit tired. When we go up from the Oversoul level, you‘d have a set of 12 Oversouls, would form one Avatar. And then you‘d have, going up to the next level to Density-4, you‘d have, 12 Avatars would form one Rishi. Now, that‘s your one 15-dimensional Identity. So, you would have 4 Avatars, when we take it up to that level, 4 of your Avatars that each have all of those other parts of you inside, as part of them. The 4 Avatars could come together and pull you into Rishi state. We‘re going to be working with that, somehow, tomorrow. Well, not tomorrow, but in the next session, and I‘m not sure how. But it comes back down to these Maps, the bones and the balls. What I want to go from there is back into looking at this on the Cosmic scale, and realizing that we‘re looking at 12 Cosmic Probabilities right here, Probability Fields. They‘re called Probability Domains, oh, no, sorry, Dominions. Where the Domains are those things where we saw the larger circle with circles going back in it to the Core, they are called Domains. And the Probability Spheres are called Dominions. These are places where Materialization occurs, where Matter and Materialization occur, and ok, we‘ll go to the next one, please…

[1:09:35] (Graph) This is just looking at the bones again with reference to, we are where? Now, remember those bones imply that set, that big set of Probability Domains, sorry, Dominions; I always get those words flipped - Dominions within the Cosmic Body. But we‘re just looking at the one little section of the Light Body bone structure in relation to some of the things that we talk about. We‘ve talked about the Aquareion Matrix, we‘ve talked about Andromeda M-31 that Milky Way fell out of, which is actually called the Aquinos Universe. And a Universe would be one of these ok, one of these little Kathara Grids, actually down on this level I believe, yeah, down on this level. So, it would be a Veca Universe. So, when we get to those, as I‘d said that each of those 12 ball structures have - each one of those balls would have a set of 12 balls. And each of those balls would have a set of 12 balls going down from the Eckasha-A level, all the way down to the Veca Universe level, and then, from the Universe to the Meta-Galactic to the Galactic to the Solar System to the Planetary kind of chain of them. ―Wheels-within-wheels, within-wheels‖ is how they refer to it. But this is just showing us where we are. This is Aquinos, which means M-31, the M-31 Universe. It‘s from over here that we actually twisted off, the Milky Way actually twisted off. The Beings that we are dealing with in the Tri-River, no, Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host, yeah those Beings that are the ones running and holding this Host for us, they come from here, which is the Aquareion Matrix. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 116 of 211

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That‘s over here. That would be considered - I think it‘s our Parallel Adjacent Eckasha-A, they‘re over here. This is our Eckasha-A, over here. And they‘re over in here. There‘s also another Matrix here called the WEsaLA that parts of the currents come from. Now this Matrix has nothing fallen in it whatsoever. It is considered a Control Matrix, where the Beings who incarnate in there agree to have it as a Matrix that stays as pure to Source as possible, so it can actually bail out other Matrices that play more risky games with free-will choice and that kind of stuff. So, the Beings that incarnate in that Matrix choose to uphold that so it is there as a rescue in case anything around it, any of its neighbors, go into a crisis situation. So, they are actually running the frequencies of the Krystal River Host, and we are anchoring them down here. There‘s a whole path of passage by which that is occurring. There is a part of this system that fell. So, when you hear things or hear about the Wesedak System, it‘s part of the WEsaLA which is a natural system that did go into fall. And there‘s a couple of these that are fallen, and that‘s where some of the Raider Races are coming from. And there‘s various places; we‘re not going to look at the Raider Races. I just wanted to go back into seeing the bones and how they do apply to Maps. We can already identify - ok, we know we‘re on Earth. We know scientists tell us Earth is in the Milky Way Galaxy, and we‘ve got some basic concepts of pictures of what that looks like. And then, ok, if that‘s the Milky Way, and science knows that Andromeda Galaxy is there too - and they have maps and science books that, they show you, they try to show you about where our Galaxy is in relation to M-31. If we know that much, coming from down here up, then we can take it - ok this is Aquinos or M-31. All right, this is showing us there‘s this whole other, massive set of many Universes, Multi-Verses. This is a MultiVerse structure that science hasn‘t identified yet. But it‘s beginning to show us the Maps. These are the Maps that the Ascended ones use. These are also the Maps that the Fallen ones attempt to distort, because they are the original ones. They try to build Wormholes in between them and in Fall Systems that do go into Fall, they try to build Wormholes out of them so they can suck energy off the Living Light Fields to try to keep their system alive longer so its quantum doesn‘t burn out. So, there‘s a lot of information to be held in these, and some of it is very practical when we want to project. When we want to know where to draw frequency from, it helps to know what Matrices are actually carrying currents that are not fallen, and which are carrying currents that can hurt you, because you don‘t want to bring in the frequencies of the ones that could hurt you. This is the way to actually chart this information. So, that‘s why they are Maps. Some people go ―Maps?‖ Oh, that‘s not a Map. Oh yes it is! It is a Map once you understand the structure of the Cosmos that you‘re dealing with. Science doesn‘t understand that yet, but eventually it will. Science here doesn‘t; science up there does. Anyway, next one, please…

[1:14:18] (Graph) This is showing again, we are here. You can actually tip this, this way, because we were looking at it this way in the last diagram. It‘s the same diagram, right. We are down here. We are in Veca-5, right That was our M-31, but, wait a minute, we‘re in the Milky Way; where‘s that? Well, if you enlarge this and pull it down here to look at this more closely, this one right here that‘s running on this line, which is the natural line, that is M-31. The Milky Way‘s template twisted off and actually, it shifted. So, its top is over here, and it‘s shifted, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 117 of 211

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and that is why that creates a what is a 2.2 million Light Year difference I think was the thing, between them in time, in space-time. But that is because the template split. What was this simple template, the regular Veca Universe template of M-31, split and it formed two Galaxies. The Milky Way is a sub-galaxy of the Andromeda Galaxy. When you put them both back together, you actually have a Universal Veca System, which would be right there. And, then, there‘s the other systems we were talking about, here the WEsaLA‘s and the Aquareion Matrices. And the Aquareion is the one that is our bail-out team, down here. Anyway, next one, please…

[1:15:40] (Graph) That‘s showing you more closely what the twist-off is. If this one was the natural structure of M-31 Aquinos, the way it‘s supposed to sit - and that would connect into that point where the Veca connects into the Eckasha and the whole bit. This is the tilt factor. And we‘ve got into, like the tilt numbers and like, the tilt that happens that is in our magnetic, or actually, I think rotational axis on the Planet. All of that, all of this, we‘ve got into the numbers before in the different workshops. I‘m not going to get into them now, but these tilts can be actually seen when you see the tilt of the Earth‘s Magnetic Field in relation to - like where‘s North, where‘s geomagnetic North? Where is North-North, geophysical north, those kinds of things. It translates right down to these things, but the same thing is happening on a Galactic level in the Milky Way. The centers, the Milky Way center would be here, where the natural center of Andromeda would be here. They used to be in the same place, but they‘re not. So basically this Galaxy is spiraling into its own Black Hole, and science knows there is a Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy right now. What‘s also interesting is, they are drawing back together, where eventually once it does implode, it will be drawn back into where it came out of, because you have to go back. When something goes back, even as Space Dust Return, it will take the path of the encryption that it had in the first point. So eventually, these will come back together again in some distant, far, far time. But before that happens, we‘ve got 200 years before the Gates in the Milky Way close, where they will no longer be open flows between the Gates that are still trying - from M-31, that are still trying to hold it as a Living System in the Cosmic Matrix. Next one, please…

[1:17:30] (Graph) This is just showing the concept of the wheels-within-wheels, where we had the bones, we had the balls, and this is looking at the Eckasha-A, that biggest level, all right. And inside of each one of those, you have then the Eckasha‘s... this is Eckasha-Aah. Then, you‘d have the Eckasha‘s. Then, inside the Eckasha‘s I‘m getting tired. Eckasha-Aah‘s, the big one. Eckasha-A would be the next one in, smaller one but same structure. Inside of the Eckasha-A you‘d have the Eckasha set of Probability Dominions. And inside of the Eckasha, you would have the Veca systems. And the Veca systems are, again, are Universal levels. And from there you can take it and break this down and keep going down with the circles and down with the circles. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 118 of 211

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This is how we got the Probability Maps, where you can see what Probabilities we are in, not just on our Universal level, but bringing that down from the Universal to the Meta-Galactic to the Galactic to the actually the way they‘re using this is, they‘re calling this one the Meta-Galactic one when they‘ve done the Maps on them. So, they take us down from our Veca Universe, into the Meta-Galaxy and then the Galaxy and then our Solar System and then to our Planet. Depending on which Probabilities we are in, some of the Probabilities when we get into those lower levels are actually going into fall, and others are not. This is where we have the Base Pulse Rhythm - yeah, I‘m getting really tired, the Base Pulse Rhythms, where we do Drum Codes and those kinds of things to align with the Encryption. If it‘s on a number 3 Allurean Chamber, it has a specific Encryption. If you have a 3 and a 4 and a 2 and a 1 - I forget what our line-up is, but we use it as a Drum Code, you actually have a specific set of Vibrational Encryptions that will, from where you are, bring in the frequencies from a specific set of Probability Fields. And this is what we‘ve been working on for getting the right Probability Field Alignment, so as we move through 2012, we don‘t get drawn into the full-fall system, that we can hold the Gates open long enough where the Ascension Wave of the Beings who are going to leave will be able to come out and go into the natural systems and structures. But this whole structure that started with the Spirit Body and then the Light Body, as they are just parts of anatomy, they are the anatomy of the Cosmos too, that give you, the mysteries of the Cycles are revealed in them as far as time, and the shape of space-time is revealed, and therefore, the Maps. Next one, please…

[1:20:00] (Graph) This is showing the bones of the Cosmic Matrix, one Cosmic Matrix. And again, it‘s showing the Probability Dominions, right. It‘s showing our Probability Dominion and where we are, going from the Eckasha-Aah to the Eckasha-A to the Eckasha to the Veca. This is where we are, this is where we are right now. And there is a big Black Hole over here, and this is where we‘re getting problems from the FA‘s, the Fallen Angelics and stuff. There‘s an even bigger one over here. So these two segments of this Living structure are going into fall. That doesn‘t mean the rest of the system has to, but it means these areas are. We are very close to those areas. That‘s why Earth is in a problematic situation; that‘s why M-31 has been in a problematic situation, to which it had parts of itself fall to become the Milky Way Galaxy. So this is actually showing you where the things are you don‘t want to evolve into, and where the things are you do want to evolve into. Next one, please…

[1:21:04] (Graph) I‘m going to go fast I think from now. Let‘s see where we‘re at. We‘re getting really close to the end of this; yeah, we‘re really close. I really thought I was just going to go, ―why don‘t we talk about that later?‖ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 119 of 211

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This is showing... (to A‘san) let me see this a little bit, when we bring it down. This is, I‘m just given you a demonstration of how we look at the Probability Maps. Once you take it from that large level down, then we have here, one Universal Veca-5. That was our Veca-5 that was that little, little one on the big Map, right. So now, we‘re down to this level, where we have our Meta-Galactic level, and actually, we have our Veca level - that‘s our Universe, that would be the M-31 natural Universe. This would be showing actually M-31. We‘re not showing that offset yet remember, because they‘re not lined up. So you‘d actually have the one ball - that was the M-31 Galaxy, split and form two that were at odd, not natural structure to each other. And that‘s what the Milky Way would be, the one that‘s on off-kilter. We‘re not showing that here, we‘re just showing where the M-31 would naturally be, where Milky Way should naturally be, as far as its form. This would be the Galactic level. No, this would be the Meta-Galactic level, here. Inside of that, you‘d have the Galactic level. Inside of that, you‘d have the Solar System, which Probability is our Solar System in, right. And inside of that, you‘d have, in our Solar System, which Probability is our Planet in? We‘re in Planet-3. We got into stuff before, as far as the natural gates and stuff. Earth is Star Gate-3 in this Solar System. So this plugs right in to the stuff that we‘re looking at when we study science and all that. I just wanted to bring that back to home. Next one, please…

[1:22:43] (Graph) I‘m not even going to do this heavily, I‘m just going to show... This is where we showed how all those fit. Now, here‘s the Milky Way split. Remember, it wasn‘t just on its straight, natural axis that would have been the thing you saw on the last Map. But it has that off-kilter, which means there is a twist off, of the balls at a certain degree. And the degrees match up, so it shows you the placement of the unnatural Milky Way and the natural M-31. It also shows you where then the center of the Milky Way would be. That‘s the place where the Black Holes are. That‘s the place where Sagittarius-A star that science has identified and such exist. So we can find where the center of our Galaxy is in relation to these things. That is where the transmissions are going to be emitting from, from Black Holes that are connecting, over here. They‘re connecting through the Probabilities over here. They are going to be sending pulses through, into our Galactic Core, in order to finish the Fall basically, to force it into Fall. And this is what we are helping to stand against with the stand that we are taking on Earth. We‘re not fighting with anyone, but we are standing in frequency, holding the frequencies that will stop the full Metatronic Merkaba activation, that will allow those frequencies to come into this Planet and use this Planet as torque, to actually drag a portion of this whole Galaxy in. It would take more than just our little Solar System to pull the whole Galaxy. But it‘s just another piece that (it)will drag in, and we will be like a little finger that you wrap a big cord around. And eventually, the entire Milky Way would go in to the Fall System. That is actually what is going to happen, except for the parts of it that we are going to bring out on Host. The Planet can‘t be brought out on Host now. Its Core Gates in the Sun are closed. Once that happens, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 120 of 211

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eventually the Planet will go into Symbiotic Bhardoah with it. We are helping to keep the Gates open at the Core right now like a respirator would. What we call the Krystal River Host is actually sending a stream of frequency in that works as a respirator that is keeping the Core Gates in our Planet from shutting, because the Sun‘s have. And if the Sun‘s have shut, it‘s actually diverting the Sun, because the Sun‘s Gates have closed, and we‘re actually keeping the Planet alive with a respirator-line of frequency. So, this is just showing how these Maps fit together because from the Project Camelot things, they could look a little bit confusing, because, like ―what is that?‖ This shows how they fit together, but it‘s also the structure of where we are, what our Spirit Body and Light Body are structured at, and eventually, it will get us to the ones I want to get to, which are right here. (to A‘san) Let me see, do I need this one? Yeah, I‘ve done that before. Yeah, I just really quick, I just want to touch base on the shapes again. Yeah...

[1:25:18] (Graph) This is just to touch base because we looked at this before, just to touch base on the shapes again. Let‘s bring us back to looking at just one Vector Line with the Hara Bodies, right, two Event Horizons, two Probability Dominions of the ElumEir-Adhona Spirit Body. From this, we can find the fields. Now here we‘re going into the fields so we can find out where is it that we‘re going to be projecting to when we do this Technique, right. Ok here, showing the same thing, it‘s showing the Eyugha Cycles and the Core and the Inner and the Middle and the Outer Domains, and that we‘re out here, all right. There are areas here that are referred to as the Aurora Continuum. We‘ve talked about the Aurora Continuum areas. There‘s various regions, these little ones with stripes in them are. This is the Aurora Outer to Middle. They‘re the in-between continua, and they‘re actually called Trans-Harmonic. Where if you have - each of these Domains is created with a set of harmonic frequencies, a harmonic scale that is unique to itself, but it‘s connected to the other harmonic scales. In between them, there are trans-harmonic - which means they span two sets of harmonics, two or more sets of harmonics. So we have the Trans-Harmonic Aurora Fields that actually form in here. It‘s the Aurora Fields and the Aurora Platforms that are giving the Beloveds the ability to interface the Gate Systems directly through those fields. When you open the Aurora Fields into one of the Outer Fields, or the Manifest Fields, it creates a Blend Zone, or a Kryst Blend Wave, that allows for an actual other field to temporarily form. And it‘s through that other field that we will be able to keep the Ascension Gates open and eventually move out within the next 200 years, into places that are no longer going into Fall. So, this is just showing us, we learned about - this is from the last workshop where the Wha, Wha-YAh-yah Fields were. First, we learned about the Aurora Fields, these guys. Then we learned about the Wha-YAThe MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 121 of 211

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yah Great Void, exists between the Density-5 Ah-Jha‘ Body and the Wha-YA-yah Adashi-1 Eckasha Density-1 D-1 Field. There‘s a lot of words to this, that‘s why it‘s better to just read them like when you have them in your lap. And what the Wha-yah Fields are compared to the Auroras, you have the Auroras, but if you take an Aurora Field, and you take one of the natural - well, they‘re all natural, but if you take one of the Outer Fields, just like from the Eyughas. You take the frequencies from the Eyugha, you blend it with the Aurora, and then, you blend it with these Void Fields that run between, that have to do with the Adashi Cycles. So a Wha-yah Frequency Field is part of the Wha-YA-yah is what they call the Outer, or the Outer Spectra, plus the Adashi Spectra, plus the Aurora Spectra. So, it‘s literally a braid of three different Frequency Spectra that allow for the opening of these very specialized Gates that have to do with the Core Gates and the Spanner Gates and all of that. So, what we‘re going to learn now that we know - in the basic structure of the Cosmos, and of course every level of that would have their version of it, from the tiniest, that means your fields and, like the fields of fleas to the largest, meaning the Cosmic Matrix. When we were dealing with the Councils last time, the upgrade we got, where we were dealing with the Wha-YA-yas, they were the ones that were coming from these fields out here, and these are totally in the Krystar Fields. Out here you would basically have the beginnings of the Ah’-yah Field, the God Source Consciousness Field, the Eternal God Source Consciousness Field of First Creation is what we say. Boy, you know, when you want just to say ―hi God‖, that‘s an awful mouthful, you know? Let‘s say you‘re praying, I want to make sure it‘s the right God I‘m talking to, like, Eternal Life God Source of First Eternal Life Creation, right. And, it‘s like, you‘re trying to go to bed and say your prayers and just get tongue-tied. You know, Ah‘-yah is a lot easier. So, anyway, when we get past the Wha-YA-yas which correspond with this level - still of the Matrix but like the outer skin of the Matrix, there are two other structure levels from a Cosmic Matrix. This is one Cosmic Matrix we are looking at. There‘s two levels of numerous Cosmic Matrices coming together to form - what was that word, the Cos-MA’-yahs I believe was the new word they gave us, where, if you took a number of these- and, we‘re going to look at some of the structure involved with that, just to see the next expansion level. But if you took several of these Cosmos‘ or Cosmic Matrices and put them together, now you would have, past the Wha-yah Field, you would have the interface of the Ah‘-yah Field frequencies, the God Source Consciousness Field, right. But you still have more structures, bigger structures, and finally, you would reach the boundaries of one of the Manifest Bodies of God Source, a Matrix right. Once you reach that, there is like a skin around- it‘s not a skin, skin, it‘s an energy field around the Matrice that actually helps hold it together. And it is through that skin that you would begin to feel the direct, the Ah‘yah Field of God Source Consciousness Field itself. And again, you can‘t call, say Ah‘-yah is the name of God. No, it‘s just a word to describe the essence or the vibration, the closest vibration you can get to describe the essence of what God Source Consciousness Field is, because that is the Unutterable One. There is no word or vibration that can express it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 122 of 211

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So, we‘re going to go beyond this when we do our Projection. We‘re going to go beyond Cosmic Matrix, we‘re going to go into the next two levels which we‘ll see more of the structure before. But this is enough to give you the link, up of from where you are, how we‘re getting up there, where we‘re expanding out to and where we are going. We are going to literally go first I believe and sit on the outside of our Cosmic Matrix bubble. They‘ve been having me do this for, like a month, and I‘m going ―here are we?‖ This is neat, all right, because it felt completely different, and it was like it seemed, like very dark, like sitting on a beautiful, like blue-y, kind of blue-y black sky of velvet, but not like, no textures, just - it‘s hard to, now words - the Unutterable, yeah. I remember they had me sitting there; I‘m sitting there like a Buddha, you know, with my Orb bubble around me and going, ―wow, this is so cool‖, because it really helped when we were doing the purging cycle and the Emotional Body stuff was kicking up with bio-chemicals, and you‘re getting like mood swings all over the place and you go ―what is wrong with me‖. I would find myself, I would have to go to sleep and project out of body just to get away from the body chemicals, right, because I was fine mentally, but the body chemicals were getting dragged around, where I‘d wake up with these, like, just waves of pain and... over what? I don‘t know right, that kind of thing. And it was like, body chemical purging. So, they took me out to these spaces, and I said ―oh, are we going to teach this in workshops? Where are we?‖ Because I didn‘t know where we were. And, it would all stop, where I could, like, look down on it and go ―ah, that‘s better‖, and I could do it, even after they took me there a while, I could do it even while I was still in the body, where I didn‘t have to force myself into - I can force myself to sleep and Project out, so I can get out of body. I was doing that, where I found that I actually could reach this state while still in the body, and that was really neat. So, I‘m just learning to work with this, and they‘re going to give us the official Technique. They didn‘t give me official Technique; they didn‘t tell me how to get there. They just kind of dragged me there. I was going, ―help, help, please help! I can‘t take this anymore!‖ (laughing) Oh, I have days like that, too, just so you know, especially when you‘re going through D-2 level of Met-NET purge, right. So, anyway, we will be going first, I believe - they‘re letting me know this now, we will be going past the Wha-YA-yah Field, but this is where, when we‘re talking to the ShE’-whas and the HA’-whas and all the Whas, this is the area they‘re coming from, you know, as consciousness. They can manifest as whatever they want to be, but consider them as Conscious Air basically, right. They‘re created in the image of God Source; so are we, Conscious Air, Conscious Clouds, right, Clouds of Consciousness, however you want to word it, the Great, Eternal Sea of Consciousness. Anyway, we‘re going to be like little Buddha‘s sitting on the outside of this, first. I do believe, tomorrow - or tomorrow is today already - tonight, they are going to give us the next part, where there‘s two activation levels that are going to come in before we go and get to go to sleep that have to do with getting ourselves... There‘s one level that opens something in the body, because I have to go out there and actually get, they‘re going to tell me what to do really quick on my pad, like they do right before they run Live Journeys. And there‘s something we have to do first. And then, they‘re going to teach us how to go out there and begin pulling in the Ah‘-yah.

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But there‘s a different layer of the Ah‘-yah we‘re going to actually access, which would be the two levels of structure above this. But the Ah‘-yah Fields come in on the outside, that Still Field of Source right, comes in once you get past the Wha-yah Fields. But, there‘s two other layers of it that, once this is taken in to the greater structures that, I believe, we are going to bring in tomorrow - or tonight. Before we leave today we will bring in the first ones where we will get, from where we are - and I don‘t know how yet. I‘ll have to go out and sit at a table for about 15 minutes and scribble really fast because they give me the road map. They say ―here, go this, bring it this way; go over there, turn this here; shoot the Shield over that way,‖ right. They give directions, literally, and that‘s how I have to jot them down when they do the Live Ones. And it sets the pattern enough for me so when their Wave, because they will actually transmit a Wave that we can ride on, all of us can ride on to go to those places, so we can activate those places in our own Spirit Bodies. They‘ll actually transmit the Wave, and if I have those little road marks, it‘s enough to anchor. So it just runs live, and if you haven‘t been at a workshop before, I will just sit there with the mic, and I usually have to sit by that point because it‘s usually the last thing we do, and I‘m usually absolutely exhausted. And we will just run, live-stream, and it‘s a live–stream Journey that‘s even more. It‘s still a Keylontic Data Streaming but it‘s like a new, ongoing e-mail, as opposed to an old e-mail that got sent, and the person‘s not there anymore. It‘s like they‘re sending direct, into my e-mail box, and that‘s coming out direct; so it‘s kind of like that kind of loop. So, we‘ll be doing a Journey. The second part, I believe, is a Journey. It‘s probably not a really long Journey. I think the longer one will probably - I hope - come out in the next session, which will be this evening. But this will begin the activation process of bringing in the Ah‘-yah. (to A‘san) Can I see the, that page 41 again? That‘s the one I almost started with.

[1:36:10] (Graph) Yeah, so, what we will be doing is beginning to access the Sea of Dreams and beginning the Eternal Living Dream Stream coming in to our bodies. And by the time we get to the next level of activations this evening, that have to do with the Ah-YA‘, the embodiment of it, literally bringing those frequencies right in to the body with you and the rest of it. This will give time when we do these parts now, it will give time for the frequencies, the activations to settle in our fields and to finish whatever their cycling is as they‘re turning on, before we go into the next round. So, if we can just remember that one, that one image. There‘s another image I just want to show really quick. (to A‘san) It‘s the last one that shows the Krystar Vehicle, please. Don‘t need to go there, no I just need the Krystar Vehicle.

[1:37:18] (Graph)

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Yeah, I‘m just going to put this up really quick, in case anybody doesn‘t know what the Krystar Vehicle looks like, because you will be going into Krystar Vehicle like we always do when we go into any of these Journeys or Projections. (to A‘san) It‘s a really clean one. No, it has the Vehicle; that‘s just the shapes on the outside. Try the one before it. Well maybe it‘s... Anyway, I‘ll use that one. It‘s on the paper. Just give me the other one; that‘s fine. This looks like it might be it. There it is.

[1:37:57] (Graph) For anybody that doesn‘t know what the Krystar Vehicle looks like, ok, this shape here would form around your body. It‘s actually a crystalline, like a gossamer crystalline capsule, but it‘s also formed of what are called Eckasha Merkaba Fields. So they are actually - it‘s actually spinning fields of energy that are around you. And the spheres, the sphere levels of your Spirit Body and all that - it‘s not showing all of the anatomy because if you put it all in one place, you can‘t see what you‘re looking at, when you have the Spirit Body and the Rasha Body and the Light Body and the Aah-JhA‘ Body. When you put all that anatomy in one place, in one diagram, you can‘t see what you‘re looking at in black and white. If you could do it as a hologram hanging in the middle of the air and make each one of them a different color, you could actually see how they‘d interact. But we don‘t have that technology here, so… Anyway, so if those of you who don‘t know, you‘d have this capsule around you. These are actually Flame Fields that form at different areas. And we won‘t go into those, we went into those a long time ago, explaining what they were and that kind of stuff. But this is the shape that, if you are going to visualize - and there‘s a certain breathing thing. There‘s actually a 3-step breath, but you don‘t have to know that right now; you can just, actually, because there‘s enough people who do it, and they know how to do it, like with the 3step breath, you just go (breathes in and out) and literally push it out around you, when we get into mode all right, when we get into, where we go to the Journey. Because, right now, if you don‘t know anything about it, and you just go (breathes in and out) - try to do it, you probably won‘t get a full activation because the other people haven‘t - in the Shield, haven‘t actually activated it in the Shield yet. What it‘ll do, when everybody does the breathing, it actually makes a huge one around the entire Shield. That actually reaches out to the people in this room, but also, reaches out to anybody on the Planet that actually has the Aquafereion Shield coding in their DNA. So, it‘s pretty neat. So, that just gives you an idea, around your body; here‘s your body; there is your Krystar Vehicle. There are some of the Flame Fields that form around it and Flame Fields that form within it, and that‘s good enough to go. (to A‘san) And let me put the one back that I was showing the Wha Fields and stuff on, please… That was the one with the Hara Bodies. It was the one I had on right before this.

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[1:40:20] (Graph) So, when we‘re going to take a break so I can get the - and this may be 15-20 minutes they‘re saying, because they‘re going to give me the directions. But when we get back, we‘re going to be using this basic visual, all right. This will be the basic visual, because, when we do the Projections, we know that we are out here in the Ka-LA Hara Cycle, and - or Ka-LA Eyugha Cycle, and we‘re going, we‘re going to go through the... We‘ve already accessed the Wha Fields in the last workshop, which means the Shield has. And even if you haven‘t been at the last workshop, you will pick up the frequencies while you are in Shield to do that. That‘s why you will be able to do this connection, because of the amount of people that have already done all of the clearings to - the activations and clearings in the body - to allow the frequencies in. But we will be sitting like little Buddha‘s in our bubbles. Imagine a Buddha, a little - it doesn‘t have to be a little pudgy guy; he can be a little skinny guy too, or a girl, right, or an androge, with an Orb bubble around them. And it can be a shining Orb bubble if you want to, but only when you‘re transmitting. So, imagine, we‘re going to imagine that we‘re sitting on the outside of this, sitting on top of the Wha Field, Wha Field right under us, so we‘re actually entering the first level of the Ah‘yah Field. And I‘m probably going to need to keep those words really close to me, so when I‘m giving the meditation, I don‘t twist my ―Ya‘s‖ up all over. But that will be the visual we‘ll be using. So, I‘ll leave this up on the thing for when we come back. And when we come back, I‘ll have the Techniques to run live. And, it‘s a two-part. I think the first part‘s quite short, and then the second part‘s a little longer, but it shouldn‘t keep us up for ages... All right, see you soon, 15-20...

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Saturday Lecture 3 [Audio Track 5] A‘sha We've got two techniques. The first one is pretty simple. The second one is not simple. It's a journey, but it has an activation of the flows before the journey, and we're going to do that. What it will do is bring... it's activating the Eternal Dream Stream Ah-yah-YA‟ Flows. Yes. I'm getting my ahs right here. I'm trying to get my ahs right. The second part of it, where we will do our first journey, once the flows are open, into the Sea of Dreams, or the Ah‘-yah. Right? (Graph) Now, before we do it, there are a couple of things I just need to point out on the diagram for people, just in case they haven't seen this. This is part of that structure again. It's just showing four of the balls, instead of the 12 that would be there. Just to show you these chambers. You have the Mahata ReishA chamber and the KaLA Hara chamber running vertical, and front to back here you have the KaLE Hara chamber up front, and you have the Mahara Reisha chamber going out back, and that‘s the one that connects into the Bhardoah chambers and stuff. I'm just using this diagram, you don‘t have to read the stuff on it, I'm just using it to show you the shapes. What we're going to be using is the vertical column that runs in our system. So, I just wanted to show you that. Next one please. (Graph) In relation to your body... (laughing) angular rotation of particle spin problem (laughing) the diagrams are getting tired (laughing). They want to go horizontal. So, when we get into those shapes, in relation to our bodies and around our bodies, it's the HarA Krysta Chamber, the one vertically. We're going to be doing a lot of action there, and also this one here, and I forget what it's called, but it's the one that goes downward. This one, actually here, refers to the one that goes side to side, that rides your Rod, side to side. We're not going to be using this one or this one, I don't think, right now. It's just going to be the big vertical one so you can just think of it as the HarA Krysta Chamber, but we're going to use the bottom part too, because there's something that in the last couple of workshops came out - it's called the Orb Reservoir - that was opened in Earth's core, and it's the Ah-SA‟yas Orb Reservoir, which is a particular type of matter. It's in between matter, between the Outer Domain and the Middle Domain. So, anyway, there's this orb reservoir that was opened already by activations that the group has done before. We are going to be drawing frequency, or orbs, literally little tiny... those little snow... they look like snow orbs, the elemental orbs. We'll be drawing flows of that up into ourselves, and then moving that around and doing things at a certain point. So, just so you know that, when I say go down and breathe in, when I say, ―breathe orbs up,‖ right, from the orb ... however it comes out... it gets worded however it does when I'm 'on wave' as far as the live, running the live technique. but, it means just bringing... using your breath to bring through these... if this connected you to Earth core, way down there, it would be bringing up just the orb flows, up through the whole chamber, but it's going to be centered in here, where you concentrate them in there, at a certain point. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 127 of 211

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So, I just wanted to point out these structures in case anyone wasn‘t familiar with them, because they do pop up, as if you know those chambers are there. So, now you know those chambers are there. Now, what was really neat, and it's really funny, because my voice progressively over the years is getting croakier and croakier, and it's not... I'm not... I used to be able to sing a lot of the things. Now, it's a bit rough. I can still sing. I can croak them out to get them down so people that have voices can sing them, but it was really funny. I thought they were going to start this later, like tonight when they start getting into using the sounds, and there's a whole command that goes with this. But it was really funny... I'm walking back and I‘m hearing part of it already, and it was at the right rhythm, and there's a group of people that were playing with just like the Ah‘-yah sounds out there, and I got nudged from the Beloveds, that 'hmmm, by the way, have them come in and set the field first, to begin moving that vibration, and those tones through the room and through the shield.' And they said, 'by the way, it is the right BPR to start with for now,' until they give the larger command and all that. So, we've asked the drummers that are good enough to catch up with, whatever the voices are doing. So, we're going to do a couple of rounds... they'll let me know when, is what they're saying. They'll go, 'ok, that's good.' Just to actually start building a frequency field that will anchor these things, once we open them, and it will serve as an anchoring rod for the Ah-yah-YA‘ flows. Yeah, I think I'm just going to go back to like the Dream Stream. I can do that. Right? (laughing) So, it will help once we get into the Ah‘-yah Sea of Dreams, we'll be able to anchor more fully the Dream Stream Ahyah-YA‘. The Ah-yah-YA‟ Dream Stream. Yes. I'm really glad they give us these little like code words to use, like Dream Stream, so we don't have to go ‗ay yI ya yI - I'm lost,‘ right? Cause it takes a while to learn the words. It is best to use them when you're doing technique. It is best to use the actual words, like if you're... it doesn't matter if I'm speaking it to you. If I say Dream Stream, you know what it means, right? But if you were, say chanting, or whatever, you don't want to go 'dream stream, dream stream.' You want to use the real tonal value of the frequencies you're trying to bring in. So, anyway, they're asking us to have these guys, cause they got guided, actually, to... now that the Beloveds are asking... they've done this before too with some of the drumming, and sometimes some of the singing, where I might get the words, but they'll actually give how to sequence them to a little collective within the group. And it's not always the same people either. But, it's like... they speak with all of us in certain ways, so sometimes people end up being asked to do things like this because they were doing it out there, because spirit was speaking with them, right? So, we'll start with this, and then we'll go into the visualization activation levels. Once we call stop on this, first of all, I would just like for everybody to ... a lot of people already did... activate your Krystar vehicle. For people who don't know how to do that, just remember the shape of that Krystar vehicle around you. Take one big inhale into your AzurA, or the base of your thymus gland, right about there, hold it for a minute, and then use the exhale to push outwards, and that will pop your Krystar vehicle, cause you have the field support for it right now. If you feel like chanting along with the chanters here, feel free to do that, because it's really powerful when the whole shield starts actually running the tones. It gets really, really powerful. There may come a time when they ask me to ask you guys to pick up the rhythm, just so you know, you guys here. They may ask, 'ok, increase it a little bit.' That actually builds the frequency. It's starting to pick up the BPR with it, so they may ask us to do that as we move through it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 128 of 211

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There will be a certain point where they call, 'ok, bring it down.' Which means it will slow it down, the BPR, go quieter, quieter, quieter, til it stops, and at that point, I will come in with Technique 1, which is called In the Image of God. This is where we turn ourselves temporarily into conscious clouds. Once we do that for a bit, and get a little used to that feeling, then Technique 2 has two parts. The first part is Activating the Eternal Dream Stream Ah-YA‟-yah Flows, that's releasing the flows, and then the second part, 2b, is Journey to the Sea of Dreams, and this is where we actually use, we take our cloud self and we project up the conduit that we have opened, and the Wha-YA-yas, from that Wha-YA-yah, whatever band, before you get to the Ah-yah field there was that Wha-YA-yah void field... they will be working with us, the WhaYA-yas races from there will be working to help us with this. They are helping to open the conduits between the Wha-YA-yah fields and the Ah-yah field, and remember the Ah-yah field is when you get beyond the immediate cosmic matrix. There are two other levels to this that we will go through this evening once we see these structures, because seeing the structures actually, it gives you the map. It gives you the mathematical map through the optical pineal induction, just even seeing it for a second, you‘re actually getting the math of the link-up. It's like a dial-up code mathematically, that's visually imbued. We'll be doing the ... going up for a journey, and then coming back in, once we're done with that... that will be the end of the activations for this period. Then, I mean, we all have to get some sleep. I have to get some sleep, and then get back to get the program, so I'm still looking at probably 10:00, alright, which means we are going to be up late, but I'm not going to be up this late. We're not going to be this late, because we've got the bus trip the next day. So...if we get maybe 10 to 2, or something... you go to sleep about 2:00-2:30, you still have a decent amount of time to get some sleep, and that kind of stuff. If that works, okay. Are you alright with that? Can you survive that? Good. Cool. Okay. That way, good... So instead of telling you after the technique, what I'd like to do is once we are done, we'll just kind of like float on, you know, home to your rooms to bed, or whatever you want to do, or breakfast, or whatever... right? Instead of me going into dialogue again, after we've gone into that space, just like take the space of the experience, the meditation experience, with you, instead of me interrupting it with logical... de de de de de de. So, that's basically the plan. I will run this meditation after they're done with this part, and then I'll just, when it's over, they usually say something in a nice calm voice, and then we'll just kind of like cruise on back to wherever we're going, and the next time I will see you will be at about 10:00, and I will do my best to hit that, cause we don't have a lot of leeway as far as hours go. We will be back for the rest of the program. There's still quite a bit to cover, including two more activation levels that go with this. And I do believe some version, at least the beginning version, of a code, that goes with the Ah-yah. And, also I think the Ah-yah Command... it's an expansion of what you guys are doing. I don't know what it sounds like yet, but I've got some of the words. But you have some of the words in what you're doing. So, that's kind of, in a nutshell, what we're moving through right now, and I will be quiet now, and let you guys start to go, but remember... when you hear these guys... let them get their rhythm first, and get it kind of moving, and you'll feel a harmonic. You'll actually feel a... it's almost like a quiet rumble. It's really the under signature of it... and once they're getting established, I might say something just gently, like, 'alright, join in,' and anyone that feels like toning in, and then if you tone in, it's actually opening that frequency receiver set in your own fields, so the toning really, it has a purpose.

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It's not just about focusing your mind. It's about bringing the vibration of that tone set into ... awakening it in your body. So, feel free to tone with them, when we do this, and the drummers will drum, and if you feel like doing ... a lot of us that have been doing this for a while, sometimes we'll drum on our knees, or like do the feet thing, if we feel like the hands want to move too. So, it's up to you what you feel like doing. You don't have to do any of it. And again, as with any techniques we ever do, for anybody that's new, everybody that isn't new knows this already, over and over and over again, cause I say it every workshop, that if you don't want to participate in any level of it, you do not have to. It's not being inflicted on you. Nobody gets upset with you... it's all up to you. If you don't want to do it now because you're not too sure, you can wait, and another time... these are recorded, so you can always go back and pick it up again, by running the CD's or the DVD's, and just doing the technique at home, if you'd prefer. So, it's completely optional, and... so, just I'll leave you at that, and do what you like with it. Alrighty... so... I will hand this over to the singers and drummers. (singing Ah-yah tones) Okay, yes, thank you, and thank you guys very much for being the receivers for that coming through. Alrighty... (sighing)... now we can just slow our breaths a bit... (breathing)... give it a few moments just to go back into normal slower breathing. Go back to normal breathing rhythm. Then try to consciously slow it by about half. Cause you're starting to ride a wave that's going down... slower... deeper into creation. It's like a time wave that usually we ride on the surface of creation, but the Kryst time wave is deep. It runs deep and back up and down and up and down. So, try to slow the breathing, now get ready to move us through into the first technique, In the Image of God. I‘ll be with you in a moment. I just don‘t want to pant the technique at you. I‘m still panting.

Technique 1: In the Image of God [0:23:36] A‘sha Now, there‘s many ideas and teachings out in the world that talk about God and whether you can or can‘t ever know God or touch God, or if there even is one. There are a lot of teachings that say that God is a being and that man was created in God‘s image, therefore God is a man with all the parts associated with men, and there‘s a lot of misunderstandings, really, about what God Source, who God Source is. It‘s much bigger than can fit in one form like a man or a woman. It can be in all forms, but they would only be a small piece of the God Source consciousness field. If we want to begin to get an idea, to be able to conceptualize and begin to feel a little tiny bit of what it‘s like to be God, God Source consciousness field, the living conscious intelligent breathing thinking feeling consciousness, just like you are, but on a... billions are not enough time scale. So... God Source consciousness field, it is an infinite field of consciousness, with no boundaries. Now within it, in that amazing Sea of Dreams, there are massive and beautiful constructions of reality fields within which individuated lifetimes/existences take place. When we talk about the cosmic matrices, we are referring to the manifest portions, the manifest and materialized portions of the body of God Source. But those things take place within the larger consciousness field itself of God Source. In some of the things we‘ve taught, we‘ve explained how, in as best as can be explained here, how the first Partiki formed out of the desire that God Source had, and by focusing a bit of its energy, just in one place The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 130 of 211

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within its own consciousness, within its own mind, the first Partiki was born. And from that structure emerges, and that structure continually... there‘s always rebirths and there‘s always the expansion and contraction back in to the first Partiki, but where all those Partiki... the Partiki cosmos, cosmoses made of Partiki that have all that intricate structure. You can look at them as massive bubbles of manifest creation. They hang somewhere. They hang in the consciousness field of God Source. So, there‘s a little bit of exercises they would like us to get, just to get a feel for what that space is like, the space of being in the image of God Source. God Source is aware of all of its bodies, all of its cosmic matrices and all of the beings within those matrices, all at the same time, all at once. In this field, this God Source consciousness field, time doesn‘t work as we experience it here. It is not perceived as that. It is perceived as all things now, in direct cognition and knowing. There is no beginning and no end. There‘s no start and finish. There are start and finishes to the creation of manifest forms, but not the consciousness with which they are created. Everything in creation exists within the cosmic God Source consciousness field, and it is made of the substance of God Source. Free will was given as a gift, and that is where we can end up with fall systems and things if choices aren‘t made in harmony with the natural laws of physics that were set in motion to create the cosmic matrix. It is an eternal matrix, which implies it has an immune system, that it will not let itself be destroyed by a certain percentage of the manifest creation choosing to go into fall status. You can‘t make God fall. That‘s only a lower system‘s experiential option. So, what is it like to be the Big Thinker, the Great Thinker, the Infinite Internal One? We‘ll never be able to fully answer that, not while we‘re in single bodies, but we can be able to begin to touch it as it lives within our single bodies. There is a part, because we are made of God stuff, created of the consciousness of God Source. That doesn‘t mean we‘re Gods and we can go around bossing everybody around and stuff. That‘s not what God does anyway. That‘s what God-lettes do who have an ego problem. The part of us that can touch, and the more we work with the techniques, certain techniques of bringing those frequencies into us here, the more we can, not just touch that cognition space, that experiential space, but the more it becomes a part of us, where we more and more consciously become walking embodiments of God Source consciousness, and it changes our state. It changes the way we perceive what we‘re walking around within. It changes how our emotions work within us. We still have them, but they‘re much broader and calmer. So the beginnings of reaching of this state has to do with opening the essence, going into the essence, the Ah‘-yah, the essence of the eternal infinite, Unspeakable One. It doesn‘t have words. Unutterable, because there is no sound tone to translate the name, or the full encryption of God Source. So now for a moment as you are breathing gently, just focus your attention on your AzurA area at the base of your thymus gland, just right about there for anyone who doesn‘t know, and just breathe gently from that space, in and out of that space. Now imagine or visualize... if you can‘t visualize, that‘s alright. Just intend it through ―I intend that this shape is there.‖ Imagine around your AzurA there is a cloud shape forming, just a little sparkly cloud. It can be any color you‘d like it to be right now, the little portion of your consciousness that is seeking to go back to its more original state, its more eternal state of conscious cloud. Breathe a bit more and as you inhale, hold at the top of the inhale, and then as you exhale, gently puff out that cloud to a bigger cloud inside of you, where it fills your whole chest area. And just breathe normally again and realize that every exhale breath makes that cloud a little bit more materialized, a little bit, not bigger, it‘s not expanding yet. It‘s strengthening as opposed to getting larger in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 131 of 211

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shape and size. Expand it to where it‘s just about a little bit around your body. It doesn‘t have to be a circular formation either for this. It extends out a little bit in front of you and around your sides. And as you breathe, try to begin to feel it around your body, feel the parts of it that are on the outside touching your body, as if there was a gentle mist that was pooling around that area of your body, around your chest and your AzurA. Try to feel the texture of it, ‗cause there actually is a texture, and if you work with this you can actually feel it against your skin. Even if you can‘t feel like, feel that texture right now, that‘s alright. If you haven‘t done a lot of techniques... you get sensitized the more techniques you do, with being able to sense the subtle sensual experiences that go with them. So, just... if you can‘t feel it, just intend that the cloud is there, any color you want at the moment... and we‘re going to draw it back in again on an inhale breath. Let‘s inhale in and hold... and draw the cloud back into a concentrated cloud right at the AzurA area, and this time, when we exhale, we‘re going to push the cloud out until it fills the whole shape of our body... inside... as if it‘s taking on the shape of our body, on the inside of our body. Try to sense the feel of this energy, this is your cloud self, your cloud consciousness. Try to sense it in between the atoms and cells. Try to sense. It‘s a very subtle sensation, but it is there. We‘ll take a few inhale/exhale breaths, and when we do, when we inhale, we‘re going to actually just tighten, not change the shape of the cloud, as it‘s expanded out inside of ourselves, but we‘re actually going to just pull a little bit of tension into the units of energy that make it up, where it‘s strengthening on the inhale... inhale and pull in... and then exhale... out and push out a little bit... where it makes a little flame, where each little speck in that sparkling cloud makes a little flame, like a little burst of flame. Do a few of those little flame breaths, where you inhale and tighten it up again... and exhale and flame it. You may sense a reverberation run a bit through your body and your nervous system. You may or may not, but I did anyway. One more. Now try to visualize or at least imagine that you‘ve amplified the sparkle quality. Let‘s just call it the sparkle quality of your cloud that is now taking the form of the inside of your body. It‘s filling out the inside of your body, as if it were a hollow form, and we‘re going to begin moving this now. Now inhale into the AzurA and hold for a moment... and on the exhale, we‘re going to push your cloud form shape, not as a cloud anymore... it‘s shaped now like your body and we‘re going to push it upward vertically until its feet are standing on your head. Take a few very relaxed breaths and on each exhale move your consciousness, that‘s in your head and in your mind, in your physical body, you‘re going to move portions of it up into the head part of your cloud self. As you put more and more of your consciousness awareness into the head of your cloud self, you should be able to get a bit of a sensation, as if you‘re perceiving from two perspectives, one that is... you have your eyes closed here, so you don‘t have to worry about what you‘re seeing, but you can feel the plane, that if you opened your eyes that you would be seeing if you were looking straight ahead. Your cloud body has that same plane where its eyes would be, as if it were going straight out in front of you, and your eyes when you opened them, you would be able to see, but as if you‘re way up there over your own head. So, you would be seeing from a different perspective. Try to just sense these two perspectives right now. Don‘t worry about opening the eyes of your cloud self. Try to sense yourself that feels the plane out your physical eyes, and also try to sense the self that can feel that plane extending out way up there where the eyes of your cloud self would be. Two point perspective. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 132 of 211

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Let‘s hang with that for a moment or two and breathe gently. Now we‘re going to move our cloud self, still holding the form of our bodies. Inhale into the AzurA of both our cloud self and our physical self... and hold for a moment... and on the exhale, we‘re going to push our cloud self up even further and lie it horizontally upwards, its face is facing up on the ceiling. Try to sense the change of feeling of perspective. Your physical body is sitting up straight and its perspective plane is down here. Try to sense that consciousness that‘s yours, that‘s still up there and your linked to your cloud self, as if you were lying down and you could feel the ceiling almost touching your nose and the tip of your toes as you‘re lying down. Try to sense the sensations and the feeling of the space around you from the two different perspectives. Now for a moment, try to put as much of your consciousness into your cloud self as you can. Do this by trying to first remember, there‘s a moment before you lose consciousness when you go to sleep at night. It‘s a little type of fuzzy space. Sometimes you can see through your eyelids when they are closed in that space. Sometimes it takes a while before those perceptions turn on. But it‘s the space right before you‘re still vaguely aware of what‘s happening in the room around you and in your physical body, but you know you‘re going under. There‘s a space right there, that can actually catch hold and expand, that links the different states and the brain wave patterns that go with them. Try to find that space in your physical head right now. Just try to remember when you‘re falling asleep, still here, but you‘re getting drowsy, stop right there. And when you feel that little drowsy bit, stop there, and then in that really kind of drowsy way, as if your eyes are like... you know... kind of not quite crossed, but ‗I‘m going under...‘ from that space where your consciousness is relaxing in your physical head, just inhale and on the exhales – do several of these – breathe upward and shift that feeling of that sleepy drowsy space with you... up into your horizontal cloud body self. Try to imagine you‘re in your cloud body self now, lying down, just like you are when you are going to bed and you‘re right there at that stage. Now in that space, between being almost here and almost gone, as far as sleep goes, there‘s a little window that can open. You can perceive it, first imagine it, and try to imagine it from the consciousness that is in, lying horizontally in your cloud form body up on the ceiling. Imagine this little tiny speck of a Krystar vehicle shape. It looks like just a little diamond. That is a window that can open into a band of frequency that will link the two states, and eventually you will be able to start seeing things, like when you close your eyes and you‘re getting ready to go to sleep, you‘ll start seeing, like you may be starting to see through your eyelids a little bit where you can see shapes in the room right through your eyelids when they‘re closed, especially if the room is dark, and then you might start seeing this wonderful ultraviolet pulsing kind of blob that happens in the third eye, when you start being able to go through and open the link between the sleeping and the waking state. You don‘t have to worry about doing those things right now, but you‘re lying up there and you‘re almost asleep, and you see that little window. Try to move your consciousness from being in that really sleepy state in your horizontal cloud body, into that Krystar window. It‘s almost like you went out of a dark cave and just walked into light, and you‘re not quite asleep anymore, but there‘s still a sleepy part that‘s back in your head, in the cloud body, and there‘s still the other point of perspective that is aware of both of these things occurring, that is down here in your physical body.

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Now, holding in the mind‘s eye of your cloud body, we‘re going to inhale and when we inhale you‘re going to pull your cloud body, the whole cloud body into a little speck of cloud and put it right in the center of the Krystar diamond window. So, inhale and pull... and exhale out into the Krystar diamond window. Try to notice the change in sensation. There is a bit of a change in sensation because now you‘re very tiny. You‘ve constricted yourself into a little tiny shape while your physical body is still down here in a large shape. And now from... using the diamond core crystal of your Krystar, little Krystar window, with the cloud inside of it, you‘re going to use some breaths to expand the cloud outward around it, first in a sphere, and then we‘re going to have a little bit of shafeshifting fun, to get the feel of what it means to be your form being a living consciousness field. So, let‘s inhale, and inhale into the Krystar window... find the little speck that was our cloud body, and then use the exhale to push it out into a sphere around the Krystar window. Do a few breaths and make it a bit stronger. Now try to just breathe gently and normally from where you are down here, and try to sense the part of your consciousness that is in the spherical cloud form, with its little Krystar window at the center, that‘s up there. There‘s also an invisible cord that connects to you, to your body, so you‘re not going to lose your cloud body consciousness. The cord actually comes in the back of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is kind of like... in between your breasts area, and there‘s the back part of it that‘s directly straight through, so it‘s... you can actually maybe feel a little bit of this. It‘s a silver cord that comes down from your spherically shaped cloud self, and connects it to yourself. What you are doing is beginning a bit of accessing the astral fields through the fourth chakra, but we‘re doing it from the Aurora Continuum, so it‘s not the general astral field that you would take in astral projection if you weren‘t using transharmonic frequencies. Try to sense yourself and the other people that are in orb, in cloud body orb, floating up on the ceiling, with their little streamers of their silver cords connecting them back to their bodies. We can pass through each other and move through each other in this state, just like the probability fields rotating through each other, without crashing or colliding. We each have our own encryption, which gives us a lone key harmonic that allows us to occupy space in our own way, even if there‘s other things in that space, without crashing into each other. So, try to sense yourself as that spherical cloud, and then also try to sense the others around you. And now we‘re going to try a little bit of shapeshifting. We‘re going to, let‘s say, turn your spherical cloud self, as if it went two dimensional, and turned into a circle plate shaped thing, or a shield. So, inhale... and on the exhale, collapse it down and flatten it out so it‘s just a circle. Try to sense yourself, the part of yourself that is now a disk shape. Try to sense the difference between that and the sphere shape that it was before. Now, we‘re going to inhale again, and this time we are going to make ourselves into a cloud that is a vertical squiggle shape, whatever squiggle shape you want to make it. So inhale... and with your cloud, push outward and downward simultaneously vertically from that center point, and make yourself a living squiggle. Let yourself move around. It doesn‘t have to be a fixed squiggle. Once it‘s a squiggle, it can turn itself around like a snake, or smoke rings. It can make shapes. It can flatten itself out to a flat squiggle. All sorts. Play with it for a little bit, with your squiggle. If you want, you can bounce it up and down from the ceiling to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 134 of 211

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the floor and back again, and feel how it bounces. Feel the feeling when it hits the floor, and then when it hits the ceiling and you‘re bouncing like a little ball, going boing, except for the squiggle, it kind of springs, and goes bling bling bling. Just try to sense and feel and try to follow and track it with your consciousness. You can play with this when you‘re not here too, you know. You can do all sorts of things with your cloud self. Now... we‘re going to try to get a little bit closer to the concept of what the Ah-yah is the essence of, the God Source consciousness field. Let‘s bring our squiggle back and hold it still up there at the ceiling. Remember, it‘s got the little Krystar window gem inside. We‘re going to inhale it back in to the Krystar window, and this time when we exhale it, we‘re going to exhale in a horizontal plane but up at the ceiling, and just first just a little bit, but no boundaries, not like a sheet of paper. It can be flat like a sheet of paper, but it doesn‘t have any square or whatever boundaries around it. We‘re going to take several breaths now, and on each exhale we‘re going to expand it a little further, but when we inhale and hold, and try to feel the size of your consciousness plane; you‘re creating a consciousness plane cloud. Try to feel the size of it, and then on the next exhale, you expand it out, a little further, then inhale again and hold, feel the boundaries, the expanded boundaries, and try to sense the difference, because there will be, when you start really tuning into the sensations of this, there will be a sensation that when it‘s a smaller plane cloud, it will be concentrated, where the awareness is more tightly... if the awareness was made of molecules, which it isn‘t... let‘s just call them sparkles of consciousness... but they would be more condensed in the smaller plane shape, but every time you breathe and exhale and expand it out, they start to separate a bit. The smaller condensed form of the cloud is very similar in its own way to the type of consciousness you have when you look out on a 3D world. Its sparkles are much more condensed and they are much more focused in just a single direction down here. As you expand, inhale and exhale and expand, feel the sparkles of your consciousness plane stretching out further and further and further. Feel them stretching out of the room. Feel them stretching across the state of Arizona. Stop there for a moment. Stop expanding and still breathe but stop expanding. Try to sense... ok... imagine a picture of a map of with a little shape of Arizona, and now imagine you‘re looking at it from an aerial view, and you can see your consciousness. It‘s actually like a cloud plane, hanging over Arizona. And now, when you go into that, move yourself from looking at it as if you are looking at an aerial view, to sensing you‘re back up in there with it. There is a sense of spacial shapeshifting, spacial shapeshifting that will come if you work with these kinds of techniques enough, where you can feel the expansion and you can realize that is you. You‘re still cohesive. You‘re still conscious. You can still think. You can still feel. You can still desire. You can still create things. That cloud of expansion of your consciousness, of yourself, is the beginning of understanding what the God Source field of consciousness experiences itself as. We will only be able to experience the little part of what that means, that each of us carries the encryption for. But it is enough to get us out of our heads and out of our bodies, because once you get into that space, if you move yourself into that expanded over the state of Arizona space, hanging there like a cloud, imagine a little wind ripples through the Earth‘s grids. You can feel yourself (makes sounds) with the wind. Even if you don‘t get blown away, it just kind of ripples through you, feel those sensations. There‘s a relaxing peace with this. There‘s also a gentle swaying motion. It‘s not quite like a river. It‘s not big waves. It‘s just a gentle back and forth motion. For some reason right now, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 135 of 211

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they‘re saying, you use the back and forth one. Feel your consciousness drifting up there. Imagine how tiny your life looks from the perspective of being up there with the God Source consciousness field. It‘s like having a near death experience without dying. You look back and you realize, wow, those problems weren‘t so big at all, were they? They were just tiny. Gosh, if I had only known they weren‘t so big, it wouldn‘t have bothered me so much. You can learn to move into these spaces. These are the spaces you actually pass through when you do have a near death experience. I had one when I was 18, and there‘s a very beautiful peaceful space, and it‘s before you go into the light and all of that stuff. There‘s a space where you‘re free from the biochemical harnesses of the body. You can begin to build a bridge of being able to do that much more fully when we use these techniques. And now that we‘re moving into activating the Ah-yah flows... and I have to cheat and look at their Ah-yah-YA‟ Eternal dream Stream flows. We will have more and more ability to hold the consciousness we have here, but also to hold that greater free identity. That cloud is just a beginning of the part of us that is free. That can go anywhere and do anything eventually, and it looks back on this life, and it realizes it‘s just a tiny little experience, like if you decided to go to a movie one day, and I got really engrossed in the movie, and then I decided to come out and leave the theater, because when I was done looking at the movie – I can always go back in and be with the movie, but if you can cultivate the ability to have both states consciously. You know you‘re here. You know you‘re engaged here. You‘re fully focused. You‘re not detaching. Yet, you are going into a nonattachment space at the same time, and holding two perspectives. This can bring a calm into your biochemical realities and your physical atoms into the D2 emotional body, and the D2 physical body, that has not been able to be opened yet in our bodies, in our fields.

Technique 2: Activating the Eternal Dream Stream Ah-yah-YA‟ Flows [0:54:10] A‘sha From this space, they are going to move us into the other two activation levels for technique 2. Technique 2 is about activating the Ah-YA‘-yah Dream Stream, which is the moving stream of consciousness from the Ah-yah field, or the God Source essence field. We‘re not just going to play with our own cloud now. We‘re going to move through the ascension passages that have been opened so far, and with the assistance of the Wha-YA-yas crew, I want you to call to mind where you are going, if you remember that one diagram that had just the one large circle with the two smaller Hara bodies circles and the little tiny ones inside of that. We‘re going to go way up beyond that structure, and we‘re going to end up sitting outside of it by the end of this journey. We‘re going to sit outside the cosmic matrix. That means we‘ll be opening the passages from every level, because, as I‘ve said, from the tiniest level our microcosmic bodies, to the planet, to the solar system, to the galaxy, to the metagalaxy, the Vecas and all the way up, those structures exist. So, there are the Aurora fields in all those structures, there are the WhaYA-yas fields on all those structures, and there‘s the little band of the Ah‘-yah structures, but beyond that, there‘s just a little band of it until you get to the full outer form of the cosmic matrix structures. We have a bit The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 136 of 211

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of a band that we‘re going to move into first, and when we come back this evening, it‘s when we‘ll see the final code graphs that take us up to the final big circle. It‘s from that circle, or sphere, that the rest around you is pure Ah-yah, pure God Source consciousness field. So, right now, we‘re entering the first level, the first band on a cosmic level of that. We‘re going to open those flows, and then we‘re going to journey to there, and when we do the journey... by the way, you‘re still hanging out over Arizona. Just so you know (laughing). If you forget yourself, your body will draw you back eventually... so, don‘t worry about getting lost out there. We are going to... when we go into that, when we finally finish this technique, we‘re actually going to leave a portion of our consciousness in that space for when we go to sleep, for now, and we‘ll bring that part of ourselves back to... when we do the rest of the techniques. So, the first part is Activating the Eternal Dream Stream Ah-yah-YA‟ Flows. Let me look at my notes here for a moment. My hieroglyphics. They would like us to inhale, and as we inhale, gently bring our cloud back from over the state of Arizona. And bring its plane in and into the room, and back down... inhale it back down, right into the AzurA area, and then just gently expand it out a little into that fluffy cloud form inside the chest area. Just breathe normally for a few seconds. I‘m getting the feeling it takes a little while to download. It‘s like coming in but it‘s not there yet, and I can feel these little tingles... when we get the rest of our cloud in. Just give it a few seconds of normal breath. Okay. Now, they are going to have us use our little fluffy cloud inside of ourselves, our cloud self, to begin the process of activating the Dream Stream Ah-yah-YA‘ flows. First they would like us to charge our cloud self with the Ah-SA‟-yas Orb Reservoir orbs. That‘s down way in Earth‘s core. So, imagine you‘re going to inhale, and as you inhale up that big bottom currents, that chamber that we saw in the diagram... just inhale, like snow orbs, that look like a blizzard, and just bring them up just to the cloud and fill the cloud with them. This is actually bringing that between state of matter, the state of matter that is between the outer domains where we are, and the middle domains where the Edons are. That‘s the Ah-SA‘-yas level of matter, and we‘re actually beginning to change a bit of the encryption of our consciousness cloud by bringing the orbs matter state into it. This allows us to access the Aurora Continuum, the between state of the Aurora Continuum more easily. Now before we do this breath, just remember what that diagram looked like, where we‘re going to go all the way to the outside, past the Wha-yas field, as if we‘re sitting out on the outside of the bubble, of that big cosmic matrix. But we‘re not going to sit up there yet. What we‘re first going to do is inhale, and as we inhale we‘re going to keep our cloud inside of our chest, and we‘re going to keep the orb flow coming from down below. So, we‘re going to inhale and hold for a moment at the AzurA, and now we‘re going to exhale, forcefully upward and push our cloud and the orb stream that is coming up behind it, all the way up and out, up the chamber, all the way up and out, past the Wha-yas field, past every level of them, past all of them until you get to the Wha-yas void of the cosmic matrix. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 137 of 211

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Then you‘re going to let your cloud hang there for a second, and breathe gently. This will probably be too far out for you to get any sensation yet, because the flows haven‘t been activated yet. So, just breathe normally, while your cloud, a fluffy little cloud, is hanging up there, way up there in that diagram, way, way out past Andromeda, past all of that. Now, imagine that you can put your consciousness again in your cloud, because a part of it is a part of your consciousness, way up there. Imagine your cloud is inhaling frequencies. It‘s going to go (inhales), and inhales and contracts itself as it inhales. It‘s going to be pulling in some of the frequencies from the WhaYA-ya field band. And you can visualize them as being golden-silver. Then just exhale gently, and for a couple of inhales just charge your cloud up there with the golden-silver frequencies of the Wha-YA-yas band. Now, we‘re just going to move the cloud just a little bit on the next inhale. We‘re going to inhale and contract it and push it up just a bit, as if it‘s going through the membrane between the Wha-YA-yas Field and the first Ah-yah band. So, inhale... pull the cloud just up a little where it‘s half and half on each. And then exhale, just like a starburst of energy outward. Just breathe gently for a moment. There will be a pop sensation way up there in your cloud, and as the pop sensation occurs – and the Wha-YA-yas are assisting us to do that. They are actually transmitting something that will allow this pop to happen. Imagine you‘re just breathing normally now, but the Ah-yah field is actually drawing your cloud up now, drawing your cloud up to the outside of the cosmic bubble, the cosmic matrix. Just sense it just for a moment. Now, we‘re going to begin to activate the flows. Observe for a moment while your cloud self is still up there hanging out on the outside of the bubble, that from the place where your cloud moved upward through your KaLA column that runs up vertically, way up through. You‘re still connected to your body, all the way through all those universes, all the way out to the outside of the cosmic matrix. You‘re connected through your chamber. So, sit in your cloud for a minute, just as your cloud, sitting on the top there in that amazing space, where time is just not real at all. It‘s real when you‘re in the matrix, but you‘re outside the matrix, for the first time, as a cloud. Notice something interesting is starting to happen. There‘s a little sense of like vibrational movement, right down below underneath your cloud, where the Wha-YA-yas field is. And now try to hold a two-point perspective, one in your physical body way down here, and one still in the cloud. As the cloud self, at the top of your chamber, sitting in the outside of the cosmic bubble, you can kind of turn your attention downward, and notice in your chamber, coming from the Whayas level, it looks like golden-silver rain is starting to fall downward, down your chamber. It‘s going way down there, and it‘s almost like it‘s encrypted as well. It‘s kind of like a lovely gentle gossamer rain that goes in like little flashes and spurts, but straight down, straight down the chamber. If you use the microscope to zero in on one of those little drops, you would see amazing codes, encryptions, language written, that says all sorts of things that have to do with you. Now, keeping yourself as cloud up there, return your attention a little bit down here into your physical body. Try to sense up to where your chamber hits the top of the ceiling, cause it goes way past there. It goes all the way up to the cosmos, but try to feel the space where it comes in to the ceiling. In a moment or two, there‘s going to be the golden-silver rain of the Wha-yas fields coming down, the flows The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 138 of 211

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of the Wha-yas. There‘s a little bit of a kind of a fuzzy vibration feel, like almost on the outside of the building. I can sense it out there. That will be coming down soon. They are going to ask us to inhale and hold for a moment, and when it comes to actually exhale and push it down so it comes in faster. So, they‘ll let us know in a minute. Okay... alright. Inhale and hold... and as you inhale, imagine that inhale is actually making the flows of the golden-silver rain come faster. And now, we‘re going to exhale it forcefully, and pull those rains down, right down our chambers, right down into the orb reservoir. (exhales) And there‘s going to be a backflow pop that goes shooting right up your chambers, all the way up to where your cloud self is sitting outside the cosmic matrix, from the orb reservoir. Just breathe gently for a moment. Now, we‘re going to bring our cloud self back down, and there‘s going to be a very interesting thing that occurs when our cloud self comes back in through the Wha-YA-yas field. Now, the golden-silver rain is still going, those flows are activated and opened in the chamber and they are running downward. As our cloud, way up there sitting now in the Ah-yah, we‘re going to take some breaths and fill ourselves with the Ah-yah frequency. The Ah-yah frequency itself doesn‘t have a color. You could use various colors to move with it, just like you can use the name, Ah-yah, to represent the essence of it, but it is best to give it no color, unless it shows you a color. So right now, just imagine you‘re in this amazing God Source consciousness field band, this Sea of Dreams, this calm sea. And you‘re just going to inhale by pulling in, as if your cloud has lungs inside of it. It‘s going to inhale and pull some of the Ah-yah into itself. (inhales) Pull it into the center of itself and then gently exhale it out just to fill itself out. Take a few more Ah-yah breaths... just fill your cloud with Ah-ya, the invisible eternal consciousness... one more... Now we're ready to bring our cloud self consciousness back down our chamber and back into our physical body. And as we do this, as our cloud self now filled with the Ah-yah essence, it goes back through that little membrane, that barrier between the Ah-yah field and the Wha-YA-yas field. Something really neat is going to happen to the golden silver rain that is pouring down the chambers. As we move the cloud back, our cloud self back through to where it goes back into the Wha-YA-yas layers, we're actually going to open a conduit there, that will stay open and run the Ah-yah frequencies down through our chambers as an open and active flow that will stay with us from this point forward, but before we do this, I'll give you a little clue. Even though the Ah-yah is invisible - it has no direct colors, all color and no color, it's like all names and no names - but as we bring our cloud back down into the Wha-YA-yas field, an interesting interaction takes place between the invisible frequency and the Wha-YA-yas frequency, the golden silver Wha-YA-yas frequency. As soon as we bring our cloud fully into the top part of our chamber, that is in the Wha-YA-yas band, there is going to be a popping sensation and a big ultraviolet purple burst, like a starburst to the top of our chamber, and all of the rain, the golden silver rain, is going to become (singing) ―purple rain, purple rain...‖ UV purple rain. It is a combination of the invisible Ah-yas frequencies interfacing with the Wha-YA-yas that turns the WhaYA-yas into... the ray of transmutation it's been called before, the ultraviolet ray. And we're going to ... so we're going to do this part now and start the purple rain, and then we and the purple rain are going to come back down into our bodies and then we'll take the next step, and we're not too far away from done at this point, but we need to activate the purple rain. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 139 of 211

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So, let's go back up into our cloud self that is still sitting, waiting to come back down into the Wha-yas field. We're in the Ah-yah. Try to get one last bit of feel of hanging in the Ah-yah lovingness, ooooh. Try to feel the love in this part. When you get into this space, seriously, you might want to go, ―do I really have to go back down the tube?‖ When you really work with these techniques, you will get your consciousness in there, where you feel it more real and more real, and you'll realize what a state it really is. It's awesome. But right now, we're just going to inhale and hold for a minute... and on the exhale, we're going to move our cloud self just a little bit down, but where it's in the top of the tube in the Wha-YA-yas frequency bands. And then, you're going to feel a little bit of like a rumble, like a thunder that you don't hear but you feel, and then there's a flash, and all sorts of little sparks actually, it's like little sparks of starburst that are happening inside your cloud, and then, oooh, the cloud, alright, inhale now. The cloud is going to contract into itself, and it's going to expand outward to fill up the whole top of the tube. And it kind of flashes in a really neat way. It's flashing the ultraviolet now. And it's almost like radiating it. I've seen certain light effects on like search lights and stuff that do this type of effect, and that's the effect that I'm actually seeing, where you have the ultraviolet purple rays and these like silvery sparkle rays, just kind of shining out of the cloud. In a moment, we're going to bring our... at the moment our shining ultraviolet cloud self down but not quite yet. We're waiting for a release of something. There is going to be a pop and at that point, just like we had the little rumble that was the inaudible thunder, and then we had the pop pop pops and the flash of lightning. There is going to be a downpour, and this is when the purple rain frequencies just go (makes sounds) like a huge massive downpour, with big huge drops, just going to go flying down your whole chamber, inside your whole chamber. And it means down into your whole self, down through your body, and they're going to go right through you and expand, actually your chamber actually expands around you, so it's not just going through you but also around you, around your entire body. If you stretch your arms out to the sides it will go out even like an inch or two past your fingertips. That's how big your chamber will expand to be with the purple rain. So, we're waiting for the pop of the purple rain, when the cloud burst goes (makes sound). When that happens, we're going to ride down with it and put ourselves back in as cloud into our AzurA area. Alright, they're going to let us know when it's going to pop. Okay. We'll inhale right before and hold for a moment. Okay, inhale now into our cloud, and hold for a moment til they give us the sign... and... now. Just push downward, the cloud down, the cloud down, rain down. Stop your cloud right at your AzurA area and leave it there, and switch your awareness a bit to feel what's happening around your body. Try to feel the sense of the rain coming down all around you in your chamber. But it's not an unpleasant rain. It's the rain of Ah-yah. And it is purple rain and it only has that color because of its interaction with the Wha-yas frequencies. Cause otherwise, it wouldn't have a color, but it would have a feel. These rains that we've activated now will, in a moment or two all on their own, pull down a stream of the same ultraviolet color frequency directly from where our cloud was, because now there is an open conduit in our pillar, in our chamber, that goes all the way up into that place that's sitting outside the cosmic matrix. So, in a moment we're going to get an infusion that is called the Ah-yah-YA‘, which is the Dream Stream, directly from the Ah-yas state, the Ah-yah field. It is the Ah-yah field frequency, but now moving downward in a stream. a small stream, smaller than the big rains around you. The rains will stay around you, but the small concentrated stream that on its own now just as you breathe gently is going to come down. It's The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 140 of 211

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starting to release already. It looks neat, from viewing it up there. It's like this amazing ultraviolet purple stream of almost like liquid energy, but... I wouldn't say liquid... liquid light feels a little different. This feels more watery or not quite as thick as a gel. It's an interesting feel. See if you can feel it. We'll let you know when it's coming down to where it will be coming into the chambers at the height of the ceiling, and that's when we'll go up and use the inhale to grab it a bit and accelerate it. Okay, not quite yet. Okay, now, they're saying inhale for a moment... and just hold at your cloud in the AzurA, and just that inhale motion will accelerate the process of the stream coming down. Feel it enter the AzurA, and then on the exhale, you're going to push that stream all the way down, the Dream Stream, all the way down into the orb reservoir at Earth core. Just breathe gently for a moment. Try to sense these flows, that once that core flows down, the rains almost start coming down like a sheet, like a very beautiful thin sheet of water, almost, but the ultraviolet water all around you. But also, running through you, it's like the sheet of water is the skin, but it's just this lovely fluffy feeling, ultraviolet glow, that's moving down and all through you. Feel it... try to feel it and just breathe gently and as you inhale, feel it go into your atoms and in between the spaces between your atoms. And as you exhale, feel it go out, and as you breathe, feel it cleansing your atoms, and the spaces between them. When you breathe now, just when you breathe normally, you will have this activated. The Ah-yah-YA flows are now with you and activated. There are ways we will learn to amplify them and do all sorts of things with them, but right now they are actively activated, and you still have your cloud self that's hanging out at your AzurA, and as a final part of this, they would like us to take that cloud self and stretch it out again into our whole body self. Remember we made it fill out our whole body? So, inhale... and exhale the cloud into our inside of our body shape... and inhale again and hold for a moment, and exhale and push upward and push our cloud body self up again, with our feet on top of our head, just the feet on top of our head. Notice now that it too is sparkly ultraviolet and silver sparkles. Just breathe normally, and now with yourself, your cloud self, imagine you're sitting yourself in a lotus position... you know, like the cross-legged position. They used to call it "Indian style." Right? On top of your head, as if you your bottom is sitting here. As if your head is the floor and you're now sitting down in a lotus position. Now we're going to inhale for a moment into the AzurA of your cloud self. And on the exhale, we're going to push a beautiful violet sphere around us, a violet orb. It's a violet orb with a silver sparkles twinkling through it, the Orb of Ah-yah. And now, inhale one more time into our AzurA up there. Use the exhale breath to push the Orb of Ah-yah and our self in the lotus position all the way up to the place that we went past the Wha-yas field and sitting outside of the cosmic matrix. Feel a little bit of a nudge as your sphere, your orb actually touches the inside part of the Wha-ya field before it passes through that little membrane, and when you feel that little bit of nudge of your orb self, inhale for a moment, and then use the exhale to give a little bit of thrust to your orb and push it through... and as it pops through it kind of bounces as it settles, as an orb with your self sitting in lotus position inside of it, way up there on the outside of the first band of the cosmic bubble in the Ah-yah field.

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Imagine that your cloud self there is a Buddha. Are you Buddha? Not a Buddha that has to be a Buddhist, but a Buddha self, the Bud self, that is the unification point in the self, in the Spirit Body. So imagine yourself as whatever kind of Buddha. If you were going to be a Buddha, what would you like yourself to be? If someone was going to make a sculpture of you, or a picture of you as a Buddha, how would you like that sculpture or painting to look? It can be anything you want for now. So, just have it hanging out up there, and we're going to leave that part of our consciousness up there for now, and we'll call our Buddhas home later, this evening, when we get the rest of the activations. But, when we go to sleep tonight, or this afternoon, whenever it is when we go to sleep, as you go to sleep and find that little space, that little space right before you drop off, where you lose complete consciousness of here, try to take one last inhale breath, and exhale your sleeping self all the way up, and join your Buddha self sitting out there. So, go into the Ah-yah Orb, in the Ah-yah field. Exhale yourself into your Buddha and go to sleep from there, and begin that process. There will be times when we meditate from this state too and have some interesting experiences open up for us, but for now, when you go to sleep, or even if you don't. Even if... if you don't... if you're a person who really can't sleep in the day or something - bless you - with workshops like these, but even a little power nap, even if you don't get to go all the way under, helps. The body needs to go horizontal before you go through the next series of exercises, techniques. So, I hope you've enjoyed this much of the activations, the techniques. You have a part of you that now is in open flow with the Ah-yah-YA‘ Living Eternal Dream Stream, and you can now project yourself, when you go to sleep, up into the part of you that is hanging out in the Ah-yah field, as you go into dream. So, we will see you about 10pm tonight. I hope you have a very nice afternoon. I think it probably it is by now almost. And thank you for your patience. Goodnight.

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Monday Lecture 1 [Audio Track 7] A‘sha Participant: Is this a uni-directional mic? Is this a uni-directional mic? Singing of new song accompanied by drumming. Participant: I knew it would get changed. (A‘sha sharing drum beats with drummers. Singing recommences). A‘sha: Thank you guys. That was wonderful, guys (Clapping). I wanted to hear this, because I have not heard it except when the Beloveds sang it to me. This is brand new. And it came through, what was it? About 8:00, I think, something like that. A‘san: Yes. A‘sha: And I use this weird little shorthand because I don‘t write music or any of that stuff. And I‘m trying to write it down in shorthand and I‘m going, ―I‘m going to forget this by the time I get all the graphs and stuff, I know it.‖ So I‘m scrambling, trying to find something to record it on. My cell phone battery‘s dead so I can‘t go into the video mode where I can at least get a recording. So Willa saved the day. She had one of those little recorders and she brought it up. And I just kind of screeched it because my voice is really rough right now. I just kind of screeched it into the, into the thing, had the written words for it because they had just given them to me, and they just took it and ran with it. So I was like, ―Yeah. They‘re doing really good.‖ (Clapping) That works up a sweat. Yes, it is a very special psonn, p-s-o-n-n, actually. It‘s called the…what do they call it? The Psonn of the Infinite-Eternal-ONE, big O-N-E, and there‘s sub-titles. And we‘ll see that in a little while. Anyway, here we go again, out of breath. Oiy! Yes, it got a bit warm. Yes, but that was neat. The drum rhythm and everything that they were doing, that was all brand new. And there‘s 2 parts to this. That‘s what I was trying…they have the main part, but there‘s this other part where another part of the group is supposed to go: Ah‘ Ah‘-Yah Ah-YA‘!, Ah‘ Ah‘-Yah Ah-YA‘!, while they‘re doing all the other melodic part. And it creates this harmonic, this quite amazing harmonic once you get it right. I think we‘ve done a wonderful job with it since they only had it since 8:00. So that‘s the reason I wanted to hear it first before we got into workshop mode. (Clapping) So thank you guys so very much for your talent, your voice, your drumming and all of that, thank you very much. We will be using it at a certain point, in context. So this was just a practice. What‘s really neat is I‘m noticing in this workshop, and some others but it was more pronounced in this one, that because the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 143 of 211

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Beloveds know I‘m a bit tired and my voice right now is not up to the singing and those kind of things, neither is my lung capacity, and they‘re actually, they‘ll give me the basics and they‘re like helping other people to actually hear it so they can move with it and be the voice for it. And that‘s really nice because it‘s becoming like a really group experience in that regard, where the Beloveds are working with not just the 3 Speakers but with a lot of us. So I‘m really grateful for that. Pardon me for being out of breath. I will stop in a minute. Anyway, thank you for your patience. I was aiming for 10:00…yeah, right. Well that was before they let me know there was 12 new graphs. Yes, and if it weren‘t for Bob, who did some preliminary just shapes, that they showed me some shapes. I had no idea, the Beloveds didn‘t tell me what the shapes exactly were, or where they went, or how you combine them, but thank goodness for that or we never would have had the graphs. But the graphs were important because we have a new 3-step code which is quite amazing. Even in black and white it‘s very, very powerful. So I‘m really looking forward to when Sue does her magic, hopefully, on it and brings it to life with the color. But the codes and the psonns were important this time because of the activations that are coming through that we began, I would say last night, but it was actually this morning because we had 6 hours, literally, on Sunday morning. And now we‘re in Monday morning already. But it‘s one of those strange workshops where we have Guardian Time prevailed. What I‘d really like to do for this evening, because the most important thing that we can do is get to the point where we do the next set of the activations, to finish what we started yesterday. Now I know there might be 1 or 2 people who actually wanted to come to the workshop but they weren‘t able to be here yesterday, so they‘re actually coming in just for the last couple of hours, God Bless them. So for the few people that fit into that category, the best thing you can do is watch the DVD if you really want to know what the rest of it was about. But you‘re welcome to participate in the techniques that we will do this evening, and in the activations that will come through. Activations are an interesting word. I described that pretty well, I think, in the Introduction, the 3-hour Orientation we had which was a record. We usually have like an hour long Orientation. We had a 3-hour Orientation for this because of the number of new persons to the workshops…I wanted people to understand some basic things. So if anybody is just coming in, just feel free to flow with the group. Understand that the music and the drumming, and those things, that it is explained in the Orientation. That these are part of very technical things that we do here as far as understanding the anatomy of our personal multi-dimensional anatomy and also the planetary, galactic, cosmic, all of that level of anatomy. It‘s about bringing in frequency, and very specific frequencies for very specific reasons. So even though it seems like a lot of fun, which it is, and it‘s really nice to know that you can work hard for the truth, and for spirituality, and to assist in your own awakening and all of that, you can work hard but it‘s fun. So it‘s like playing hard instead of working hard. We work hard when we learn about the diagrams, and we learn about structure, and we learn about cycles, and all of the heavy technicals that we‘ve been learning for 10years. But there is a fun and joyful aspect to the work. And this is a bit of it. It gets really fun when you start moving with…there‘s a harmonic then, once you, especially get a large group of people that, first of all, understand why they‘re using certain music, certain tones. Because right

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now the words, even though we know they are words in a different language, it‘s not a language that‘s recognized on the planet so you can just consider them tones in that regard. But they‘re more than tones, they are very specific mathematical vibrational commands that open circuitry within the planetary grids, within our own electro-magnetic structure of our Light Bodies, our Spirit Bodies, all of that. So even though it‘s fun it is very sacred work. And I‘m so grateful to have you guys with us where we have progressively, over the years, developed kind of a really neat relationship with that, where most people that have been to even a few workshops get that, even if they don‘t have the clinical definition of ―why exactly do you use drums‖? Or, ―why exactly do you do this‖? So I just want to thank you all for being here and participating. What we…what I would like to do this evening, or this morning…it‘s morning already. Because we have…a lot of times we‘ve started workshops at like 5 in the morning and just go whenever, because it‘s on Guardian Time. And that means when the Beloveds don‘t give me a dispensation until it‘s ready, until they are ready. They wait sometimes for various reasons. The reason tonight they said was because…I said, ―Why didn‘t you give me these graphs before? You told me little bits and pieces, you didn‘t show me how it‘s supposed to fit together or anything, and now you expect me in this little bit of time to put these together, to assemble a mathematical code that‘s very important to the activations?‖ And they said if they had given me the structure of putting them together that it actually would have started the activation early, in the Aquafereion Shield and in the planetary grids. So sometimes it‘s not a security issue in the sense that anybody‘s going to interfere, any of the FAs are going to interfere or anything. It‘s more of the fact that these codes are mathematical programs. A lot of the graphs are the same way, that if they give them too early they actually start, they will trigger my DNA, they will trigger the Aquafereion Shield to start activating before it‘s actually time for that activation to take place. And that is why they said they waited until, literally, today to give me the graphs and show me. I was very glad though that at least, even though we‘re a bit late we at least have the graphs, and thanks to A‘San they‘re actually typeset so they‘re functional. And thanks to I think Mac and Currie, they‘re off at Kinkos, so you should be able to have them before you go, to add to the ones you already have. This has kind of been unique because with this workshop you ended up with, I think we had 36-pages on the first round, and then 49-pages on the second round. And I think there‘s 18 now on this last round. So that‘s quite a big handbook (clapping). Now, I‘m just going to sit down for 2 seconds before I go onto graphs. But you can look at this thing for a minute. We actually put the printer away because we had to pack it up because we have to pack up and stuff too, because it looks like a paper mill exploded all over the hotel room and it‘s a bit of a nightmare. But I would have liked to have done a few more. There‘s a bunch of interior pictures of this place. This is Bio-sphere 2, where we‘re going to do grid work today. And it‘s about a 2-hour drive. And I think people have to start meeting for the bus at 8:45, which is frightening, yes, seeing that it‘s going for 2:00 right now. But anyway, the reason we are being asked to go to this place, first of all it is a fascinating place just to go check out and look at. It‘s…there‘s a lot of literature on it. You can look it up on the Internet and get tons and tons of printouts on it. They‘ll show you the maps inside and all that kind of thing, but they‘ll probably have that stuff there. They probably have the little tourist maps you can get a map and see what the place is.

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But we were guided there and it was really funny the way that I even found out about it. It was one of the times we were here and quite a while ago. Actually, I think it was like 2-years ago when I first saw it and just kind of filed it in File 13. I saw it and just kind of went, ―Woah, what is that?‖ And I saw it in the books that they have in the hotel here, just leafing through the Arizona books. ―What is that contraption,‖ and the Beloveds said, ―You need to go there.‖ And I said, ―What is it,‖ and they said, ―Don‘t worry about it now. You don‘t have to do it now.‖ And that was a while back. So I just kind of, in my mind filed it in what I call File 13, and didn‘t think of it again. And then they brought it up where, ―Oh, by the way, remember that thingee? Yes, we need to go there.‖ ―Like now?‖ ―Yes, for this coming Phoenix trip.‖ I said, ―Ok.‖ The only thing I‘ve seen like it is called the Edon Project in England. And fortunately this one, when you look at the structures here they‘re quite fascinating. The only way we had this little picture was he actually photocopied it out of the book upstairs, and we give credit to the book upstairs, whatever that is. We‘re just showing a picture of it. But it‘s a very different structure than the Edon Project. The Edon Project one is fascinating, it‘s quite large where they‘re literally building kind of like ―environments‖ inside these glass structures that are different than…the climates inside of them are different than the climate that exists outside of them. And most people are involved in these experiments to try to…it‘s about sustaining life. Say if you wanted to put life on Mars or something like that, these are trying to create self-sustaining civilization potentials. With this one, when we looked up ―Why do they call it Biosphere 2? Where‘s Biosphere 1?‖ They called Biosphere 1, Earth. So this is Biosphere 2, ok. What‘s interesting about the structures of their glass buildings where they have these environments are they look more like the Mayan Step Pyramids, and those kinds of things than the Geodesic Dome Effects that they have in the ones over in England. The ones in England are quite interesting, and they‘re fascinating to walk through. We went there privately. We never brought a group there. But they were all constructed on what we call the Bucky Ball shape which is the, it has to do with the C-60, Carbon-60 atom, and all of that. And that goes back into the Shona Fields or the Dead Light Fields of the Metatronic Code. So it was beautiful but creepy looking at the one in England because they had all these like half Bucky Balls that you walk through. And they‘re growing plant life and things in them. And it has just very strange feel to it. It‘s beautiful to look at but it‘s a strange feel. This, I get a very different feel on, so this might be a very interesting place to go. The reason we were asked to go, however, has to do with what I‘d mentioned before. We‘ve been, for now, tracking the Treaty of Al-Ben‘-Yhan, with what we call the Green Dragons for about 2-years, they have been progressively…because they asked for protection from the Beloveds, from the Red-White Dragon crews. And the Green Dragons are mostly the Anunnaki Races, many of which are responsible for breaking the original Treaties that created the grid wars here in September of 2009, where it started that. But they realized they were going to lose to the other side that was competing for them, and they were going to suffer very badly for it. So they did ask for clemency and said, ―Please will you help us, even though we betrayed you,‖ basically. And the Beloveds said, ―Yes, but there are certain things that you need to do because we can‘t help you otherwise.‖ And part of that was assisting the…what our work is about, we are bringing in what we call the Kryst Wave frequencies that allow for the ascension gates to stay open. There are certain specific set of frequencies that are different from the Metatronic frequencies that are bringing frequency in from the Black Hole The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 146 of 211

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Systems, the Fall Systems. So what, in order to assist the Green Dragons as they requested, what they need to do is be able to bring in the Kryst Wave and blend it in with part of the Metatronic Wave so the ascension potentials to whatever level they can go, are still available to them. Because otherwise they will completely go into the Metatronic 55-activations come December of 2012 when the Planetary Grids begin that. So there‘s been a series of handovers of grids, where we show up and just…a lot of times we just show up and we‘re tourists. And that‘s what this one‘s going to be. We don‘t show up and go to the people that run the place, ―Hi, we‘re here to do grid work, do you mind?‖ No, no, no, no. They‘d probably chase us away with shotguns. By the time we go we‘ll have certain things finished activating in our own fields and just the process of our breathing actually circulates those currents. There‘s going to be certain currents that are going to be released from the Green Dragon side through their grids. They‘ve said that this is one of their Broadcasting Stations, where the Met-NET networks have various broadcasting stations. One is the Louvre over in France, there‘s HAARP of course, over in Alaska, there‘s a number of things that are disguised as something else but that is actually what they are doing, they are running the Metatronic frequencies through the planetary grids, and through the atmosphere, and that kind of thing. So they‘re connected into the networks that are part of the Caduceus electrical systems, and those kinds of things. So when we go to places like this on a…it‘s a ―Peace Mission‖, where they‘ve asked us to come because they need the assistance, not the people that run the place but the people who are actually responsible for the grids the place is connected to, have asked us to come and assist. And just play tourist, and breathe, and touch water when you can, because that helps. We‘ve had times where we just kind of go and put our fingers in water and breathe because we have our hand circuits activated, and we can send the frequencies of the Kryst into the water molecules, and just breathing into the atmosphere. So it‘s one of those where we‘re not going to like stop in one room and have a big conversation about anything. It‘s going to be stealth. Which means we talk about it here, we don‘t talk about it there. Like I‘m not going to come and do a lecture there or anything. So it‘s one of those types of grid works. We‘ve had a lot of those over the years, so it doesn‘t step on other peoples toes that are out there in the world. They don‘t need a bunch of weird people always dressed in white and like singing chants, and drumming. Only Siesta Key beach seems to be very tolerant of that, which I‘m really glad. So anyway, it is a stealth operation, where it means we don‘t bother the locals. We just go in, we play tourist, enjoy the space. Enjoy it as if was a tour on the 3-D level but also know that we have been asked to go there in order to bring in the ―Blend Wave‖. And there‘s something we‘re supposed to pick up that maybe by the end before we go they will let me know so I can let you know, but it‘s also like a pick up of something, like a frequency that we‘re supposed to pick up. That can help them to help somebody else that they‘re trying to assist. And we‘ve agreed to do that. So I‘ll probably get a little bit more on that once we‘re in the final wrap up before it‘s time to go to bed for however long. So anyway, we‘ll come back to this. What I want to do mostly is get us to the point where we finish the techniques and activations that we started yesterday. That‘s the most important thing, so we finish what we basically came for. Part of this is creating your Ah‘-Yah. That is that Avatar Body that we talked about. And there‘s going to be a technique The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 147 of 211

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for that. I think it‘s actually 1-technique that has numerous stages to it, which they often do. And it‘s going to be another one of those. I‘ll go through the base program because I do…they want me to just touch on the sequence that we did yesterday. Not heavily, but just like flip graphs fast and say, ―Oh, we did that, we did that, we did that, we did that‖, just to trigger the cellular memory. Because those graphs again are creating an opening, a specific sequence of little activations in your bio-field and your DNA template that allow a certain set of frequencies to come through. Because once that is open again we‘ll go back into the new graph set. Where we go from, we already worked with the frequencies in going into what the Beloveds refer to as the Ah‘-Yah Field, and that is just the name for the essence of the Eternal God-Source Creation Field. Because it doesn‘t have a name, it is the ―Unutterable ONE‖. But the word Ah‘-Yah refers to its essence, like the essence of it. It‘s the closest you can get basically. And it is a frequency that will help open that frequency within your bio-fields, and within the planetary bio-fields. So we‘ve got to one level where we first accessed it, on the level of our own Cosmic Matrix. So we looked at the structure of the Light Body and we looked at the structure of our Cosmic Matrix a bit, just as a refresher, because we‘ve covered that stuff heavily in a lot of other workshops in the past. And that brought us up to where, when we did our projection we had a concept of where we were projecting to so our 3-D minds are involved too. Because they need to be if we‘re going to anchor the frequencies down into D-2, into our body and D-1, into our Etheric Body, and the D-3 level has to have the circuits open too, which means we have to have some conscious knowledge of what we‘re doing. The next stages, and the graphs they have given us since then, were, where you go up, there‘s 2 more layers to go up in the Cosmic Matrix. When you have one, you could call it the Spirit Body of a Cosmic Matrix. And that‘s what…when they first started giving us the Ecka maps of the God World Gates and all of this you think, ―Wow, that‘s huge‖. And it‘s like, ―Wow, that‘s what the single, manifest body of Source is‖. No, that‘s just one. That‘s just how all of them are, and there‘s more than that. So there‘s another set where our Cosmic Matrix is part of larger matrices that have specific names, what they‘re called. So we‘re going to look at what those structures are. The reason they wanted us to understand those structures is because from those structures are pulled, as always, the codes that hold the mathematics of those structures. And it is the codes, that when we use them in certain ways actually will trigger, through optical-pineal induction, or through inhaling them through your hands, which you can do, there‘s lots of ways to play with these codes. But they will bring those frequencies on-line and open…you have natural circuitry for this but it‘s dormant, so it will bring the next level of this. And this level is very, very special. We talked about that a lot in the 6-hours that we were together this morning, about that level. It‘s the level we‘ve been aiming for, for all of these years with each level of activations that we‘ve gone through to bring in the next level up, and the next level up. This is finally where we‘re going into the literal God-Source Consciousness Field, the nameless place. It‘s really even hard to speak about it because there is a huge feeling to it, an experiential quality to it. But to find words to even describe that, I‘m at a loss for it very often.

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And I guess we‘re lucky that the Beloveds know what words to use for that because they gave us a bunch of new words that…I remember when I walked into the workshop, into the Orientation, I said, ―Well, I know one thing about the workshop, it has something to do with the word Ah‘-Yah. And I don‘t know what an Ah‘Yah is,‖ right (chuckles). So we evolved from that point and now we will finally have some of the questions answered about what are the Ah‘-Yahs, and all of these things. We had a lot of that answered yesterday. So for the couple of people that weren‘t here, best thing to do is catch up on the 6-hours that you missed out of, it‘s going to be a 10 or 11-hour program at this point. Because that‘s where all of the information is, and everybody else is pretty much up to speed with what it was. But this workshop, what they said, there‘s several things. Now the Mission Upgrade-46 activation of the Ah-Yah-YA‘ Stream, we did that in the techniques yesterday. That was the beginning of activating those flows, the Ah-Yah-YA‘ Stream. The Covenant of Ah-Yah-RhU‟, now this is a word we haven‘t learned anything about yet. Pardon me with my ―ah-s‖. I‘m just learning these words too, ok. The Ah-Yah-RhU‘ is something we will learn about when we look at that next series of graphs that shows some structure. And once you see what that structure is you‘ll know ―where‖ and ―what‖ the Ah-Yah-RhU‘ refers to. And there‘s a Covenant that has to do with, it‘s an optional thing that once we have certain activations and we can actually access those frequencies, then we have an option if we really want to assist with the larger mission that is happening here with the Ah-YahRhU‘ Collectives. Because they are actually initiating the final birthing wave of their Mashayas for the next 200-year cycle in order to keep the gates open and to assist us. Because a lot of us, well I don‘t know, you‘re not yet, a lot of you, but a lot of us over here are getting old and a bit tired. So it really helps to have other people to carry the torch, and to carry it forward. Because I‘m not expecting to be able to do workshops for the next 200-years personally, and I don‘t think any of the Speakers are really planning on that. So it‘s an honor to be asked to help set the ground for their birthing wave to come in. These are a very special wave of what will start as children, but they have huge potentials genetically. We talked a little about that this morning when we talked about their job is to actually begin to bring back the full Angelic Human coding so the Angelic Human genome doesn‘t end up extinct. So once it‘s time for, once ascension does occur here and it‘s time for the races here to move off-planet there will still be an actual collective of living Angelic Humans. So they‘re going to actually re-evolve from where we are, which is a mixed race at this point. We have lots of coding, as was talked about, even though the base of it is Angelic Human. They‘re going to take the Original Angelic, the templates we have and progressively, through a couple of generations move them back into the Angelic Human imprint. So it‘s really neat to be invited to be part of that. It‘s optional. Nobody has to. So that‘s what the Covenant‘s going to be about. They‘ll tell us a little bit more about that when we get the technique things. Now I know the names of the basic, not so much the names that we‘ll put officially on, but I know what is going to be taking place in the techniques as far as we‘re going to do this bit that‘s called…this one is creating your Ah-YA‘. And that‘s the one we kind of use the concept of Avatar. And not ―Avatar‖ like we usually use the term Avatar, not your Density-4 Level Self. We‘re using it in a more symbolic way, as in the

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Avatar movie, or when you have an Avatar when you play the games and stuff on the Internet. You know, you can create your Avatar and give it whatever color hair and eyes, and that kind of stuff. They‘re referring to your Avatar Body, but it‘s your Eternal Avatar. It does have something to do with your actual Avatar Level of Identity on Density-4 and a lot more than that. But the first part is just literally creating the Ah-YA‘, which is an embodied quantum of the Ah‘-Yah Field that literally becomes part of you, and blends with your GharE, right into your atoms. Remember the GharE is the part of your Spirit Body that integrates through Fetal Integration and progressively becomes embedded with your atoms. And the, what we are going to do with the activation or creation of the Ah-YA‘ is bring the Ah‘-Yah frequencies right into the Atomic Structure, which will assist with a lot of things. We‘ll probably not learn about a lot of what that‘s going to do yet. We‘ll get it done first. And then progressively I imagine they‘re going to be using this for a while, things you can do once you have these activations. And I‘m looking forward to that too. So we will get…I think the first part that‘s what we do. Then there‘s something they refer to as the Orbs of Ah-YA‘. And this has to do with a certain activation that has to do with the 3 rd Level of the codes. There‘s like Code 1, 2 and 3. They‘re all derivatives of the same one that are derivatives of the graphs of structure that are the mathematical templates for these activations, and for the structure, literally, that we‘re dealing with. But on the 3rd code they‘ve explained just a little bit about, once these activations take place, this is when it starts to come into the Atomic Structure, it also creates this massive Orb around you that has actually gorgeous geometrical coding. And you‘ll see what it looks like when we get to the graphs. But it is the, this is the Ah-YA‘ Orb. And we‘re going to do something once we have those things activated in our fields, they are asking us, those of us who want to participate because not everybody…if you don‘t want to as I always say, there‘s no obligation to participate in any of the techniques or anything like that. But they‘re going to ask those who would like to, to go on some kind of projection journey they‘re going to let me know about that we‘re going to into the Sphere of Amenti, the Sphere of Destiny part of it that we actually assisted them in shifting away from the Metatronic part of the Sphere of Amenti and in the Ireland workshop last year. So we‘re going to actually access that. And once we have the Ah-YA‘ Field activated within our bio-fields and within our atoms, we‘ll be able to project in Orb and go there and bring that coding into the Sphere of Amenti. What that means, it will bring a coding that a long time ago was removed. Not removed by being taken out but by being mutated so badly that it was no longer cohesive. So we‘re actually bringing back the template. To be able to bring back the template, you can‘t give somebody something that you don‘t have yet yourself. It‘s like trying to, if you have a dollar in your wallet and somebody says, ―Can I please have $100?‖ You might like to but you can‘t give them $100 if all you have is $1 in your wallet. That‘s how frequency is too, that‘s why you can‘t transmit to someone else anything over the level of activation you have. Now the Sphere of Amenti used to be able to hold these kind of frequencies, the natural Ah‘-Yah frequencies; it‘s been a long time since that‘s been enabled because of the damage of these planetary grids, and because of the damage in the Milky Way grids themselves. So we‘re actually going to bring that alive back in ourselves. And because we then have it to give, we‘re going to take a journey and leave the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 150 of 211

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imprint there. So it will become available for the Angelic Humans on the planet that have any Kryst Coding left, it will open that accessibility to them. And for the new ones coming in over the next 200-years, it will give them the imprint they need to actually birth in. They need that imprint in the Sphere of Amenti in order for the Mashayas to come in. So by us doing this journey we‘re assisting the Beloveds, we‘re kind of like just curriers really, on the ground curriers that we will bring the coding on the ground level over into the Sphere of Amenti so it is there and the Mashaya birth waves can take it from there. There‘s been a few who‘ve come in, but they wouldn‘t have the full spectrum of codes because the Amenti Sphere could not hold the full spectrum of codes. We are going to bring the full spectrum back in. And this is part of the Covenant that they‘ve invited us to be a part of. And it is the Covenant of that word, that we will find out about in the graphs, the Ah-yah-RhU‘. Ok, let‘s see, this we just talked about briefly. And most of this you can just read up on what that was about in the first 36-page chronology thing that you got. If you go to the last workshop, May of this year, you‘ll see where we were, what activations we did. Because I broke those workshops out in pretty much detail, so even if you weren‘t there you can see basically what was done activation wise. And it‘s from the activations that happened there they finally completed during this cycle. It took that long for them to finish. But because they finished, finally we do have the 6-Dimensional Met-NET freeze. Which means it‘s a block on the Metatronic activations. Our DNA will no longer respond to the Metatronic signals being sent through the planet. So we are basically immune. We might still have some of the active stuff that was activated before in our system that might still be on its tail end of purging, but the big purge cycle where once the frequencies of the Metatronic frequencies that are flying around on the planet were blocked in our fields, then it meant no more would activate. But you still had what was already activated still processing in the system. And the activation of the Freeze on it actually made that accelerate. So it was like processing your karma really, really fast and intensely. Fortunately they did the first level, the D-3 Mental Body Level, went first before the activations came into D2 or D-1 or anything. So there was a period between the April workshop and the May workshop that I remember it was just the weirdest mental period. I was all right and I could still hear the Beloveds and everything, but I was getting like radio in my head and all sorts of weird stuff. And I go, ―Beloveds, what is this?‖ It wasn‘t serious, like really bad, but it was like annoying to the point where I‘d talk back to the radio stuff and go, ―No.‖ And I‘d sing like the ―BE-TU, et-te-ta, et-A‖ and I‘d sing it back at the songs that were coming through and stuff. So it was like interference, right, there was this really weird that I don‘t usually experience. And then that went away by the time we were at the May workshop. And then the May workshop we did the activations that began the Met-NET Freeze on the D-2 Level of our bodies. I think it was D-2, D-4 and D-1, I believe went, because they had to do 2 of them early because of certain activations in the grid. Well D-2 corresponds to our Physical-Emotional-Elemental Body. And D-4 is our Astral Body. So we got the Freeze on them. But if there‘s any 2 places you have the most muck stuck it‘s in the Astral Field and in the Emotional Body Field, which is part of the sub-conscious field. And boy, when that started to come through, I don‘t know how many people…I remember saying when they explained it to me, ―It‘s not just you. You‘re not losing your mind.‖ I go, ―No, my mind is fine, it‘s my emotions I‘m worried about.‖ I‘m not usually emotional. And I The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 151 of 211

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was waking up with like, it felt like panic attacks, for no reason. And there was this fear, and terror, and dread. And I go, ―what in the world is this?‖ And they said, ―Don‘t worry, it will pass.‖ And I said, ―What is it that‘s going to pass‖. And when they explained to me that was part of the purging I said, ―Well shouldn‘t we maybe put something out? Because if it‘s not just us at center shield that are getting this, what might the poor shield be doing out there? It must be awful for them.‖ And they said, ―Well first of all, the main, the Aquafereion Shield itself won‘t get it as strongly as the first 3 in the center. They‘re the ones that will experience the activations the strongest, because we‘re actually trying to purge some of the frequencies on the mass level so it doesn‘t hit the shield. So they said if I wanted to put something out and say, ―heads up, we‘re having Emotional Body purge so don‘t make any important decisions between now and August‖, anything that‘s life-changing, that kind of stuff, because the Emotional Body could be kicking up all sorts of things. So I hope you didn‘t have as rough a time as I did. It was really funny. I don‘t think A‘SaN had a rough time at all. He seemed fine. You were getting it physically, like things were hurting, and your leg, and stuff. A‘san: Makes a low comment. A‘sha: No, but I was getting like the Emotional Level and a couple other people, and they were all females or males that were running mostly Magnetics. So I think it hit the people that are more Magnetic. Like female bodies tend to run more Magnetics but there are some male bodies that run more Magnetics than Electricals. And I think the people that are running more Electricals weren‘t as affected by it as strongly. And I don‘t know why, but that‘s what it felt like. So anyway, that period is finally over. And it‘s really nice because now I wake up and I feel normal again, where I was actually starting to put myself to sleep whenever I didn‘t have to do something. I would just go and go into Sa‘dhi, you know that light sleep state, just to get out of body because I was fine as soon as I pulled myself out of the body. It was all a bio-chemical sensation, but it would just like grab your consciousness and drag you around emotionally. So if you ever get any of that there are ways they are actually going to teach us, because you‘ll still have bits of that. It‘s not all Metatronic. Sometimes it‘s just our own circuitry processing. There are ways, especially now when we work with the Ah‘-yah Fields that you can actually, instead of running away from it, like I found it was my only coping mechanism was put the body down, get out until it passes, whatever it is. And I found myself sleeping 12-hours a day, which is not usual for me, and that kind of thing. But there‘s another way, where you can actually especially now with these frequencies opening, you can actually lean into it instead of trying to pull away from it and resist. And in leaning into it, you can actually feel it as strongly as it is, and then change it, and shift it. You can do this with biological pain too, and discomfort and those kind of things. So I think as we move forward with the teachings, now that we‘re having the Ah‘-yah frequencies opening, they‘re going to teach us a lot of very practical, on-the-ground skills of just life coping skills. How to make your life feel better, how to make you feel better in your life, those kind of things, that will help us bring in a broader state of consciousness that we don‘t get dragged around by the things people tend to get dragged around by down here, the physical sensations, emotional sensations, mental sensations, all those kind of things.

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Where you can actually have all of those, but choose to have the good ones and when the not pleasant ones are coming, not avoid them, run away from them, and try to run away from yourself or let them kind of make you frustrated and upset, but literally move into them, through them and change them consciously. So I‘m looking forward to those teachings because they‘ll be very, very helpful. When you have the ability to hold that kind of consciousness you can help a lot of people. Because most people on this planet get really dragged around by the mind, the emotions, all of that kind of thing. And when you can hold that peace, that loving peace space no matter how somebody might be acting toward you, where you don‘t get caught in the reaction but you can still be open-hearted in the Krystic way, where you can open your fields and open your heart but they can‘t harm you, but you can be there for them and not be reactionary, and not get dragged into whatever drama. That can be very useful if this planet does, while we‘re on it, go into any larger levels of crisis where you have natural disasters or things where a lot of people are suffering. To be a help to suffering in the world you need to be able to deal with your own suffering, move past it, clear it enough in yourself, or all you do is add to the suffering. So they‘re going to be moving us into a much broader range of the deeper spiritual teachings let‘s say, about really knowing how to shift those kinds of energy in ourselves, and become a force in the world that is a force of healing. And a force that is very loving. So that‘s some of the things we‘re moving toward. So let‘s see this one, the Up-step. This is the Up-step that when we get into the Covenant, The Covenant of Ah-yah-RhU‘, this is when they‘re going to be transmitting the frequencies of this place called The Ahyah-RhU‘. It is a place. And the beings that are there, they are beyond form at this point. They are fully ascended Adashi Adepts. And they actually stay in a certain location in the Cosmos to assist in…it‘s like a different station. Let‘s say after you fully do a Krystar Ascension, you go through all your Adashi Cycles, and you birth out as a star or a solar system, you go through that cycle, what do you do next? If you‘ve, all right, ―I‘ve been small beings, I‘ve been a massive collective called a solar system. And then I was a galaxy.‖ It‘s like ok, what do you do now? You just kind of go home and say hm, what do you do now, God? Is there like another thing to do? Because after a while there‘s…the impetus of life seems to be a desire to experience more. And I think that desire comes from God-Source Consciousness Field itself, where it‘s infinitely curious and inquisitive. So there‘s always something new it wants to try. There are some collectives of consciousness that have gone through all of those levels of ascension all the way up past these levels of Krystar that we‘re talking about, all the way up into the levels that we‘re going to see beyond our single Cosmic Matrix. There is that fly again (laughs). And they actually hang out as conscious air, basically, in this particular location. So we‘ll see the location. And it is those beings that we will be dealing with. And they are beings. They can individuate if they choose and they can materialize if they choose. They could come and visit us if they wanted to. But they‘re natural state is beyond form. And they have huge amounts of things that they can teach us and assist us with. And there‘s a lot of healing they can assist us with too. So these things are connected. The Covenant is connected to the Councils, is connected to the Upgrade. So those are the things that when we get through with the graph sequence, when we get through with the graph sequence I will show you the codes that we just have. And even in black and white they‘re pretty neat. And it‘s even…they‘re black and white but I had to use paste up and stuff so I…there‘s the fly again (chuckles). So I wasn‘t able to do them on the computer properly or anything. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 153 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Do you mind? This fly loves me. I swear. It keeps coming back just to say hi. And I won‘t hurt it. I don‘t want to hurt it. But I don‘t want it on my nose either. Once we get through the graph series, and see the codes, and look at the words to the Psonn, because I don‘t think…they‘re not back yet. They were in the last pack that went out, so we do have the Mylar to put up so you can see the words. We can practice them just a little bit. Actually, I‘ll let the gang come up that knows how to sing them. But first we‘ll just pronounce them so you see what the words are and you can see them on the screen. Once we do that, then we‘re going to have a short break, because, they always do this whenever we‘re going to run live technique. It‘s like right before they have me take a break, and a pen, and a pad, and go outside, and they will give me what I‘m supposed to do with the technique. So that‘s what…it‘s going to be one of those again. So anyway, that‘s basically what we‘re going to do. I‘m going to try to do this as quickly as possible because I really don‘t want us to have to walk out of here and get on the buses. That would be cruel. I‘m really trying not to do that. It would be cruel for all of us, us included, because we‘ve been doing graphs all day as well. So instead of having to worry about wrapping this up later, the Mayan cruise is the extension of the, where is it, the Al-Ben‘-Yhan-8, we‘re on Al-Ben‘-Yhan-8 here. When we go to the Biosphere that is where that grid exchange is going to happen. We‘re going to bring in the Blend Wave for them, the Kryst Blend Wave. And they‘re going to give us back another transmission. Which I have a feeling they‘ll probably let me know about either during the guided journey itself, because sometimes stuff will just come out and I go, ―Oh, that‘s what that‘s about‖, while I‘m narrating it. Or when I go out to take the notes they will probably let me know a little bit more about that. Let‘s see, the cruise is the next installment of that. That will be Al-Ben‘-Yhan-9. And the places we are going to…it‘s interesting, the only clue they‘ve given me is they‘re calling it ―The Maya Mother Matrix‖. There‘s something historically, as far as that isn‘t commonly known about the Maya Civilization, and there was certain grids that at certain times were part of the Primary Maya Network. But they were shut down. And I believe they were shut down by the Beloveds because there were problems with the Anunnaki, and the Maya Races, and starting to plug in the Metatronics into the grids. And I do believe we are going back into these places to open them again. Some of the places actually have Mayan ruins, some of them don‘t. But that doesn‘t mean the Maya weren‘t there and that they‘re not Maya grids. So this is what the Beloveds have told me about this. It is another…there‘s something very special about it that it‘s one of those, it‘s ―Well, we‘ll find out as we go along.‖ But I do know that much about it. And it‘s about opening the Mother grids. And these are grids that have not been accessed by the Metatronics. So once they are open they will blend with the other Maya grids, and bring the Kryst Wave through. So it‘s going to be an interesting experience. They‘re also offering some wacky thing of zip lining across the canopy of the jungle, and playing with monkeys and stuff. The monkeys I can deal with. I‘m not going to zip-line, just so you know.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 154 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

So anyway, that is what this is going to be about. The subject matter, this is going to be Sliders-9, which is the Advanced Spirit Body Level. And they are going to take it from here with the activations that we are doing in this workshop. They are going to take it into something, I think, that‘s getting down into the more like what you do in your life with this on a daily basis, more of the personal. Because we have been working so much, our groups have been working so much on trying to take care of the grids to keep the gates open that we haven‘t had a lot of time to kick back and learn all those nice meditation techniques where we can go out for 2-hours, and all of that. There are those levels to these teachings. So I think they‘re going to start introducing something about that and…ok, they just said, ―and Orbs‖, ok and Orbs (chuckles), whatever that means. There‘s something about Orbs with this trip too. I don‘t know what it is. So I don‘t need to talk about that. I don‘t know anything more about it. I‘ll just let you know now so I don‘t have to cover it at the end…next one, please. [Graph 0:52:45] Now I‘m going to start picking up speed on the wave, which means I‘m going to talk progressively faster. I‘m just going to go through this really quick to cover the basics of what we talked about really quickly and get us to where we were. That was a briefing for the newcomers. We went through this. We talked about the things…this is really funny. I remember when I started I said, ―Well sometimes you‘ll see some of these things at workshops‖. You might see Guardian Time, you might see Codes, you might see Psonns, or hear them. You might hear drum codes or strange languages, chants, invocations and technical terminology, activations, bio-field, DNA template activations, planetary Aquafereion Shield Activations, MCEO Ordinations, and techniques and projection journeys. You know, we got them all in this one. We have seen every one of those in this one. And we don‘t often do that. We don‘t always get new codes and those kinds of things. We don‘t always directly use codes in every specific workshop. But this one had it all. So it was kind of funny, I‘m glad we kind of gave the run down, especially for people that were new so you just had a clue. I have talked about these. I don‘t need to cover them again, but they‘re covered in the Orientation. So you know, for anybody that was walking into the workshop that said, ―Well, what are these people doing, I‘m curious.‖ And you see some of these things and going, ―What are these people? Are they wacky or what?‖ If you don‘t know what the technical information behind why these things are being done, what it is, and we did explain that in the beginning. So that‘s there…next one, please. [Graph 0:54:03] I‘m not going through all of these. Oh, this is this one. These are where we learn the new words. The Ah‘yah = ―Sea of Dreams‖. The Living Infinite-Eternal God-Source Consciousness Field = the Unutterable ONE. So it‘s the Field that‘s actually nameless. A name, it creates a vibration, even if it‘s unspoken. If you say a name in your head it creates a vibration of energy; has an encryption. There is this Field of GodSource Consciousness within which everything takes place and everything manifest exists that is beyond all of that. It is beyond Light, it is beyond Sound, it is pure, pure Consciousness. And that is something that I don‘t know if we could experience fully or even attempt to define while fully in, while in an individual form. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 155 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

But progressively, as we ascend more and more, and bring more and more of that frequency into our bodies, the more we understand it in direct cognition. But it is beyond Light and Sound, therefore it is beyond being named. You can‘t call it a name but we, we‘re using the Ah‘-yah, Ah‘-yah the Essence of the Unutterable ONE. So it is the essence, is the closest you can get to the vibration of the Essence to bring that frequency in, and to open the conduits from your field to God-Source Consciousness Field. And you need to go through the entire Cosmic Matrix to get to the point where you can fully open those Chambers. And that is what we‘ve begun the process of doing. The Ah-yah-YA‘ is the ―Eternal Living Dream-Stream‖. That‘s when the Sea of Dreams, that Field, when you open the Flows you get a flow of that Consciousness into your bio-fields, into your body, into your awareness. This is the beginning of becoming at-One with Source consciously while you are still in a body. And it‘s a very special state of being. This is the state like people like Buddhas, people who are trying to be Buddhas. I know the word. I know it visibly but it‘s hard to pronounce. I think it‘s Bodhisattvas, which are Buddhas in the making. They‘re on the path of trying to become the Enlightened Ones, Buddhas. And some of the Buddha teachings are really, really good and some of them, kind of, don‘t aim high enough. But that‘s ok. As far as there is higher spaces than Nirvana, especially when Nirvana means extinction, and you‘ve really talked yourself out of caring about anything in order to avoid suffering forever. And well, in certain places and types of Matrices that consciousness will help. In others, you can say, ―Well, yes avoid suffering, but you can have joy too‖, where in some teachings like Buddhists teachings you get a little bit of the, ―Well joy is just a fleeting emotion and it implies its opposite which is sorrow. So if you have joy it‘s just going to imply you‘re going to have sorrow.‖ So you talk yourself out of both. There is a different approach, and we do take a different approach to that. So when we begin to bring in that Consciousness Field more directly, because it is a set of…it‘s really beyond frequencies, it is a Consciousness, where Consciousness can create structures that form frequencies, but it is even beyond frequency. I can use ―frequency‖ loosely in relation to that Field, but it is a Consciousness Field. That when it begins to come in it becomes a frequency within our bodies, but it is a living Consciousness. And what‘s neat about it is even with a little trickle of it starting to come in you can actually feel a part of you. You know it‘s you, but you know it‘s huger than you, bigger than you, bigger than the ―you‖ you know. But it‘s like the ―you‖ you always knew. And it makes this little self, you can almost forget yourself here, like, ―Oh yes, what was I…why do I even care about that stuff‖. When you start to have that Consciousness come in it is an amazing space. And it is filled with love, but not the little, tiny love here that gets possessive, and gets worried, and gets insecure. It‘s not that kind of love at all. It is just an amazing space. I felt little trickles of that. I felt little waves of that come in sometimes. And it is an amazing state. And the more we work with bringing that state into our self, and bringing our self to that state…and that‘s going to involve sometimes a bit more meditation type practice, where you really learn to still the mind and you learn to go deeper while holding consciousness in the body. So I know the teachings will move in those directions in order to help us do that.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

So the living steam is…it‘s the Ah-yah-YA‘ is the Flowing Essence. Here you have the Essence of the Unutterable ONE and this is the Flowing Essence, as it‘s flowing in to the Consciousness while you are still in the manifest Matrix. Then you have the Ah-YA‘-yah. It is ―The State of Consciousness of ‗Embodiment of the Living DreamStream‘‖. So it‘s the state of consciousness you experience by having, by embodying the Living Stream of the Ah-YA‘-yah. And I still have to look at these and it‘s like I‘ve got that one down, yes, but as far as these others I get tangled on my ―yahs‖ and my ―YAs‖ and which one has the big ‗A‘ and which one has the little ‗a‘. So that‘s why I thought it was important we had these in our chart packs, because I was having problems remembering them so I thought other people might too. And just so people that might be new where you see us singing these weird things, ―well what‘s an Ah-yahYA‘,‖ right? Well, Ah‘-yah, Ah-YA‘! Ah-YA‘, ―The Embodiment of Ah-YA‘-yah Dream-Stream‖, that is when you fully embody it, and bring it right into your cells and your structure, and you actually become a walking vessel of Dream-Stream, and the Consciousness that it carries. So even…I love that Ah, Ah‘-yah, Ah-YA‘ part because it‘s going Ah, Ah‘-yah, Ah-YA‘ and it‘s opening the frequencies that correspond to those 2, where the other parts of that Psonn weave frequencies in between all of these. So it‘s very, very special Psonn. And that came through really fast. A lot of times they‘ll give me like a little part, and then a couple days later they‘ll give me another part. And by the time a workshop happens it will come together and I‘ll go, ―Oh, that‘s what that is.‖ They didn‘t this time. They said, ―Oh by the way‖…I‘m in the middle of a graph and they‘re going, ―by the way, get a page on the other side of your graph there, because I want you to write something down‖ (Chuckles). And then they sung it. I‘m going, ―Ah, yeah, wait a minute, wait a minute.‖ I‘m writing and I‘m trying to do my little music notation where I don‘t write music, but I used to in ancient times where you‘d use horizontal lines going up and down, and it almost looks like a wave on an electro-cardiogram or something (laughs), and the voice actually knows what to do with that. That‘s how I was trying to take notation. Thank goodness there are recorders because I don‘t think I would have been able to remember it even looking at that this time. But when we‘re singing, these are the words that we are bringing the frequencies, the vibrational patterns of these words awake in our bio-energetic field, in our bodies. When we get to here, the Orbs of Ah-YA‘, these, the ―Orbs of the Embodied Ah-yah-YA‘ Dream-Stream‖, these…so this is an Orb Field that will form around us after we finish the coding techniques. And it‘s quite beautiful when you see it. It actually looks like a massive code, one of these codes. And it allows us, they‘re just telling me this now, it allows us to be able to transmit what would look like, if you could see that level of frequency with your eyes, it would be like little Orbs of that encryption, that coding. And there‘d be like really beautiful encrypted Orbs that would be of many colors. So they‘re just letting me know that. I didn‘t know that before. But we‘ll be able to actually transmit them and start playing with them. So it‘s interesting, we‘re learning about Orbs as ―yes they can visit‖ and ―yes we can go into Orb to visit things‖, but now we‘re learning that we can actually create them by having certain things activated in our The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 157 of 211

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system. So I have a feeling there‘s a whole training that‘s going to end up having something to do with the book on Orbs. Which, the 2012 book isn‘t just about Orbs, but they did call it Orb Whisperers in the subtitle. So that obviously has something to do with Orbs. But we‘re going to turn on our Orb Field, where our Jha-DA‘ Body Orbs will carry this Cosmic Level, beyond Cosmic Level, coding. Because one Cosmic Matrix is just one Cosmic Matrix…there‘s 2 other Levels of Structure up above that before you have the pure God-Source Consciousness Field. You have little layers of God-Source Consciousness Field that go all through there, but that really, really still place, the Unutterable space, is on the outside of the other 2 layers that we haven‘t seen yet. And that‘s what we‘re going to open this evening or this, whatever it is, morning, when we do our techniques. The ―Call of Ah‘-yah‖, now this is what they first called…they finally titled it The Psonn of the ―Infinite-Eternal ONE‖. But in parens it is (The ―Call of Ah‘-yah‖, the Ah‘-yah Ah-YA‘ Command). And it is literally a command to your own bio-field to open all of those circuitries to allow that Consciousness to come in, into your fields. And progressively, I do believe we‘re going to be working more and more with what you can do with that, now that you have it open. Because finally there‘s not a level higher, that we have to ―Ok, now we have to get the next level activated, and the next level activated.‖ This is the final level that you have to get activated, as far as the frequency spectra to bring in. And once you‘re here there are all sorts of things to learn, about what do you do once you have that, once you have that unity space. It enables us actually to embrace any FA at all, because that Consciousness loves them too, even if they‘re being really, really bad, and doing horrible things, and massacring civilizations, and all of that. That Consciousness still carries absolute love, doesn‘t enjoy what they are choosing to do, but it honors the fact that they have free choice to do it…still sees them as suffering. It sees both victim and victimizer suffering, because the victimizer wouldn‘t be victimizing if they weren‘t suffering. That doesn‘t excuse the behavior and the way the laws of the Kryst and physics work, they will still have their consequence. Basically you get back what you put out, and eventually it will catch up with you. And Source doesn‘t intervene with that. The Matrices are set in motion by the Kryst Code and if beings act in harmony with that they will progressively go through the Eternal Life Structures, and have more and more embodiment of joy. And ones that choose to fight with that structure and to cause harm will progressively have a Diminishing Return, and their reality fields will get smaller, and smaller until they finally go back to space dust. So it‘s a very fair system. But it allows us to not have to…when we were first…with the teachings we were first having to protect our fields because we were being assaulted as far as on this planet, this planet was being assaulted, the consciousness on the planet was being assaulted in the Astral Field, and from the various other platforms, the Hibernation Zone platforms and all of those things. In ways we didn‘t even know we were being dragged around mentally, dragged around emotionally, and we‘ve been fed a false history, and a partial science that was meant to take us in a direction that was completely inorganic, and not natural. So there was first a need to separate ourselves from those things. Not in anger, but just ―Woah, get yourself together‖. Clear your fields enough where you had some stability, and then progressively build a protection. We have built the protection now. We have the immunity now. Now it‘s time that we can The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 158 of 211

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embrace and be useful and not just as food (laughs). Because before if we ―opened our heart‖ it was like, ―ah, steak on a plate‖, you know what I mean. But now we can open our hearts. We can open our hearts and open our minds, because we‘ve built the integrity in our fields, and we will learn how to use that more and more with this state, the Ah‘-yah state of Consciousness, or whatever the Consciousness State is that …the State of Consciousness, the Ah-YA‘yah. Ok, once we have more and more embodiment of that state we can interact with just about anything and be of assistance, and not just as sustenance so something can destroy us in order to sustain itself. So it‘s…oh…it‘s squealing (microphone makes loud noise). Are we all right back there, on the sound? Ok, good. Sound check‘s good. So anyway, those were the new words we learned that had to do with this workshop. And it was kind of neat because we did some things to try to help the new people understand some of the things we talk about but we also brought in the new level of information. So we kind of brought a new understanding together where we can meet in the middle, which is the new information. All right, next one, please. [Graph 1:06:22] Yes, these were fun. Remember we went through the questions. I felt I answered them, most of them, pretty well. The only thing I didn‘t point out here was I did talk about why do we charge money for the workshops, and I was satisfied with that. But the one thing I didn‘t, I was kind of saving it for the end, was just to mention that the Beloveds have always taught the Law of Fair Energy Exchange. That‘s like, people that expect to get something for nothing, you‘re expecting to vampire energy off something, and give no back flow. We teach flow and back flow return. And there‘s nothing wrong with asking a reasonable amount of energy exchange. Now, I still would like to create a non-for-profit to help people that really, really don‘t have the ability to do that. But as far as people that do have the ability to do it, well sometimes you get what you pay for…if it‘s free, good luck with that. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn‘t. This information, if I was in any of your shoes, I would be willing to pay for it. I would be really grateful for it. I‘m really grateful for it being the person I am even if I made nothing off it, even if I couldn‘t make a living off it. Because I know what this information is, and how sacred it is. So I think I covered that well enough in the first 3-hours we were together in the Orientation, but it has to do with a fair energetic exchange as well. If you want something, first think about what you can give. If you want a job out there in the Universe, or on the planet, or in your local community say, ―What can I give?‖ Give first; fore-give first. Say, ―What can I give? I have these abilities‖, whatever it is and go vertical and say, ―Whatever it is Source, what do I have that they could use here that I could be of service here?‖ And that will link you with something that needs that service. When people go and say, ―How can I get a job…how can I get a job‖ it‘s like catching butterflies sometimes, where the butterflies, as soon as they see the hand coming they run, and the job‘s like not there, that kind of thing. So the fair exchange has to do with literally being willing to give. You don‘t always have to give first, sometimes somebody else gives first. But to expect a give and take, not just a take, and a take, and a take, or a give, and a give, and a give, that‘s what sets up the Victim-Victimizer Game. Where you have The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 159 of 211

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one side giving, and giving, and giving, and the other side taking, and taking, and taking, so fair exchange is where the balance is created. And that was part of the reason why that they…they‘re the ones who told us how to do this structure of this. It wasn‘t we sat down and figured out, ―how do we make money‖. No. If I wanted to do that I would have wrote fiction books, yes. Yes, I would have done a Harry Potter type thing (laughs). And we could have, and I know that. The Beloveds could have done that. But that wasn‘t what I came here for, and that‘s not what the Beloveds want to teach. So here we are. No, it‘s not a cult. We went into that. Cults try to take power away from people, they try to teach them to put all their power on some external authority and have that as their savior. We teach you the absolute opposite. We teach you to find that power in yourself, vertically, to your direct relationship with Source. So as far as that goes, anybody that throws that nonsense around has no idea what they‘re talking about. All right, do Freedom Teachings support…yes, we‘ve covered that a bit and we‘re showing how those things fit together. That one was kind of funny…not good ones (Laughs)…they actually strengthen good relationships. But if somebody‘s jerking you around, and they‘re trying to make you believe what they want you to believe, and they‘re not respecting your right to choose what you‘d like to believe…it‘s very simple. If you‘re having a relationship with somebody that‘s not into the teachings, if you respect theirs they should be able to respect your beliefs too. And you just go on and stay with what‘s coming. But if somebody else is going to harass you just because you‘re choosing to understand your spirituality and the way you are, it may be a test of assertiveness for yourself. Where, how long do you let other people imposing their ideas on you, drag you around, kind of thing? A lot of times you can find the happy medium space where ―love them anyway, but do what you need to do anyway‖. And if that upsets them, are you upsetting them? Are they upsetting themselves over something they can‘t control? Because that‘s actually what happens with that kind of stuff, you have a mom at home that‘s like, ―Oh don‘t go to those terrible workshops, don‘t go to those terrible workshops. Come to the Catholic Church with me‖ or something like that. I know if my Grandmother was alive she‘d be like that. She‘d be like, ―don‘t teach those terrible workshops‖ (laughs), right. Why? Because there‘s metaphysical training, and the Christian thing tends to teach you that that‘s evil and that‘s the devil‘s work, and all that kind of stuff, which it isn‘t. But now, I could upset my Grandma and say, ―Well, I‘m going to do it anyway.‖ And she goes, ―well, how can you do this. Oh, my heart. Look what you‘re doing to me. Oh, I‘m going to have a heart attack,‖ because she did, at times she would go into that, where, ―after all I‘ve done for you.‖ ―How can you?‖ It‘s like, ―look, I‘m going to a workshop‖ you know what I mean. ―Excuse me, I‘m going to have to ask you to respect me as a person.‖ And that‘s how you handle those things, ―I‘m going to have to ask you to respect me as a person. I love you. I respect you. Please don‘t upset yourself over this. But I‘m going to do what I feel I need to do because I respect myself. I‘m asking you to respect me too.‖ And then you‘ll probably still get, ―blah, blah, blah, blah, blah‖ back in your face, and that‘s when you say, ―see you later.‖ Kiss on the cheek, ―bye.‖ And you go do your thing. I had to hang up on my Grandma 5 times once. It wasn‘t over this. And she, bless her, she‘s dead now but, well, here…she‘s elsewhere (laughs). It wasn‘t because I hung up on her either, but when we were much younger she was quite, she was a great Matriarch. She like held the family together, that kind of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 160 of 211

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person. And she‘d try to take care of everybody, but of course, her way (laughs) and like a bit strong willed lady. And if you did something that she didn‘t like or your life was being the way she didn‘t want it, she would call you and say, ―What do you think you‘re doing? You should be doing this. You should be like married by now and you should be like going to the Catholic Church‖ and all, and she would call and just rag on you, and rag on you, rag on you. Put the phone under a pillow and you pick it up, she‘s still going on, and on. And bless her…you don‘t want to say anything…and finally after a bit of…I forget what she was at me about, but it was really just, it was hurting my feelings at that point. And I said to her, ―Wait a minute, now you‘ve called me like in the last 3days 8 times to tell me how lousy I am, how awful I am, how stupid I am, how ‗this-that-and the other‘ thing I am.‖ I said, ―You know, it really hurts my feelings and‖….‖oh, how dare you tell me I‘m hurting your feelings.‖ Thpppt. Yeah. Sorry! (laughs from group) And I said, ―Well you know what? I‘m not enjoying this. And if you don‘t stop right there with the way you‘re speaking to me, and speak to me with respect like you would like to be spoken to, I am going to hang up on you.‖ ―Don‘t you dare!‖ Click. (Laughs from group) I did. I did it 5 times. Click. Immediately she calls back. I know it‘s her. I go, ―Hello.‖ ―How dare you hang up on me!‖ I said, ―I‘m going to do it again if you don‘t stop yelling.‖ ―How dare you!‖ Click; 5 times, finally, the last time, ―hello,‖ she went, ―don‘t hang up.‖ I said, ―Ok. Can we speak nicely now?‖ ―Yes, fine.‖ Totally changes the subject and she never, ever played that game with me again. It was amazing. I was amazed. It‘s was like, ―Woohoo, that worked. What was that, that worked?‖ So sometimes you just need to use gentle assertiveness. Keeping the love space, but declare your boundaries, if somebody‘s stomping all over them. And try to be careful not to stomp all over everybody else‘s either. If somebody doesn‘t want to hear about this work, don‘t tell them, don‘t burden them with it. If they want to hear, share. If they don‘t, share it with somebody who does or go vertical with it, that kind of thing. It‘s about building respect. So relationships here, they only break up if there‘s something underneath them that is a power game being played. And they would break up if you went to say a…there‘s the neuro-linguistic reprogramming guy, Anthony Robins, who just basically teaches you, ―hey, stand in your power and yes you do have the ability to do this‖. He teaches you self-empowerment. If you went to one of those workshops he would tell you how not to be jerked around by other people‘s games. And he‘s a good teacher with that kind of stuff. He‘s very famous because he‘s very good at what he does. And the same thing, somebody could say, ―oh, that breaks up relationships.‖ It teaches people how to stand in their power. If they have a relationship that is based on somebody else dragging their power around, and dis-empowering them, it will bring it to the surface, that‘s all. So anyway, we dealt with those. Where‘s the love? We found the love field. Finally we have the location of it as well as knowing it was there all along (laughs in group). The love was in the Ah‘-yah Field, that Infinite-Absolute…because that is the feeling of it, it‘s just absolute, total love. And now we not only are…we‘ve always embodied as much of that as we possible could like the shield, the teachings, they all do. It‘s always been there. There‘s been a…it‘s been tough love when necessary, saying, ―look, you‘d like to hear you‘re all going to fly off and become angels after you ascend through the Metatronic Gates guys.

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Well, you know that‘s not going to happen.‖ Sorry we had to point out that this wasn‘t going to happen so people could have a choice. Bringing these teachings to the planet and speaking out even after being harassed constantly, because ever since I brought this information out I‘ve been harassed, slandered, ridiculed, the whole bit. Shoot the messenger so the teachings never get heard. If there wasn‘t a huge amount of love in me, the other speakers and the Beloveds we would have just said ―forget it. This is not worth it.‖ But because we do love people very much, sometimes you have to love someone enough to tell the truth. You tell it as gently as possible. You tell only as much as they need, really, not so much that you just offend them and devastate them or anything. That‘s why we‘ve never named the teachers. We‘ve named what parts of what teachings were teaching the opposite of the teachings we were teaching and we showed why. But we never went after the teachers. We never even blamed them. They‘re being fed information from things they don‘t see or only occasionally see that are teaching them the wrong things. And they‘re not even having a free will choice, so the victimizers are being victimized too. So anyway, the love is there, and now we also have the relative geographical coordinates of where that field lives. And we‘re being able to access that space. That‘s a whole different depth of love that we‘re moving into with the Ah‘-yah Field. All right, ―What do Orb phenomenon have to do with it?‖ We are still learning about the Orb phenomenon. We showed a bit of the photographs that have been collected at workshops. We talked a little bit about what we know about it so far, about the fact that we‘re learning how to Orb and those kinds of things. So our information on Orbs is still in process, our learning is still in progress. Eventually, it will be really neat if we can actually do our Orb thing and disappear. I think it would be really cool if we could give them a demonstration. Like, teach half the room how to…or teach everybody, but half the room go into Orb, and the other half stand and take pictures (laughs), and then reverse it. I don‘t know if we‘ll ever get to that point but I think it would be so cool. Or to go float up on the ceiling or something and float into a Metatronic workshop and go, ―hi, we‘re angels.‖ (Laughs) Anyway, yes, so we covered most of this just enough to address the questions that people ask, and just calmly say, ―fine, I will look at that. I‘m not trying to avoid the question.‖ So we covered that good enough…next one, please. [Graph 1:17:40] Now we‘re getting into pictures so I‘ll speed up process I think. We‘re almost on pictures. Oh, one of the questions was, ―who are the Guardians?‖ We did answer that. These lists are now in your chart packs, so you‘ll have that. But it literally shows from the time…and that‘s only the recent stuff, the Guardians that have been communicating since this dispensation of the work. There are many, many more. But these were just the ones that came on-line progressively from the lowest ones in D-12 all the way up to the levels of what we‘re dealing with now, which is beyond the Cosmic Matrix Level.

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So who are the Guardians? They are these beings, and of course the other 2. We can flip these really quick now. And that includes these guys. That gives some basic statistics as what they look like, what their shape is, where they live and what tones you use if you want to call any one of them, because it brings in…it opens the communication line in your field so they can hear you and communicate with you if you‘d like…next one, please. [Graph 1:18:39] So we covered a lot of this. I‘m just going into, ―we saw that and we saw that and saw that‖ so we can get to what we want to see tonight, this morning, whatever it is. These were the ones we met in the last workshop that were the next council up. And again when we go, and next council up, that means another one has joined the line, not the others have stopped. So it‘s literally building a larger and larger communication line vertically, upward. So everyone that we‘ve had before, we can talk to any one of those. And they are always a part of what we are doing anyway, but some, depending on their specialty will be the ones that are presiding over certain sets of activations, or whatever. Right now we‘re working with the very high-up councils, the ones that are already completely ascended because of the amount of knowledge that we need to do the activations that are required here on the planet. But you can still talk to any of them, even like somebody, one of the Guardian Alliance ETs down in D-5. But this is not about ETs. Yes, there are some ETs in the Universe. Humans are ETs in the Universe. But most of the Guardians that we deal with are far above even biological form level. They are the consciousness that you find like Buddhist people, or some of the Hindu people talking about, or other religions talking about. So it‘s not all about ETs, and I think it‘s something a lot of people out in the general public don‘t really know, if they see this stuff, oh its ET stuff. No, it isn‘t ET stuff. Just because we acknowledge ETs and there‘s communication with some of them sometimes, the work isn‘t coming from ETs, the ETs learn this work too, from the same sources, the ones who have gone through Krystar Ascension…next one, please. [Graph 1:20:09] We explained the Krystar Ascension Cycle before. I‘m not going to go through this again, but this was explained in the Orientation. Where we just explained how consciousness comes out from the…into the Cosmic Matrix from the Core of Source, expands through the Eyugha Cycles, the first Eyugha Cycle all the way out to the 4th Eyugha Cycle. They are the Eckashi Expansion Cycles. Then there is the Krystar Turnaround Period, where if your field activates the way it‘s supposed to you will be able to turn yourself into light and Re-immortalize your atomic structure, Re-spiritualize your matter and go back through the 3 Adashi Return Cycles into full ascension back into Source. So it‘s very simple. What is an ascended one? That is an ascended one. Somebody that just goes from the Density-1, D-1, 2, 3 to Density-2 D-3, 4, 5 they‘re climbing the Stairway to Heaven slowly but that‘s not ascended unless you really don‘t have a better frame of reference. If as far as you can go is D-5 I guess The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 163 of 211

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that‘s your high one. Well, our D-5s are like…we don‘t really even communicate with ones down there. We started with the D-12 ones. We would communicate with D-5s but the D-12 communicators that we started with from the beginning, the Elohei-Elohim, they would actually assist us to assist the ones who are stuck in those couple of dimensions. Once you have a D-12 line coming in here, you don‘t listen to D-5 angels, they listen to you, that kind of thing, you know what I mean? So anyway, we explained the basic processes of ascension…next one, please. [Graph 1:21:43] We explained a little bit about the cycles of where, if conception occurred here, be it for a Cosmos, or for a baby conception, where we go through the Partiki Cycles where the first 2 Partiki are born. Then we go through where the Spirit Body births through these cycles here. Then it goes into the Light Body; births through these cycles here, and that‘s where the Physical Birth would occur. And the Light Body keeps growing for several cycles until it fills out within the Spirit Body…next one, please. [Graph 1:22:11] The reason we talked about cycles was to lead up to the basis of structures, which was a lead up to the basics of maps, which was to lead up to the basics of where are we projecting and where is this frequency coming from that we‘re pulling in so, we would know what we‘re doing when we do the techniques. And so we would get the final structure maps that show us the final code of how to activate all the way up to the God-Source Consciousness Field. So the time cycle you saw before…there‘s that fly again (chuckles), oiy! The time cycle that we saw before fits into this; that would be 1 Round of there. So after several Rounds of the processes involved with that time cycle there would be the point of…and each one of these areas in the Rounds are Transfiguration Points, where part of the Atomic structure should be able to turn back to light, transmute into light. And at a certain point, after you complete these structures, all of it would Transfigure…go away fly, please…would Transfigure, and that‘s when you would go into Krystar Ascension. Right now on the larger scale we are looking at the Galactic Cycle that we are in. That is why we have the Load-Out Schedule. It is the last evacuation schedule in this system because the Milky Way Galaxy is falling. And the gates will close at a certain point, so they showed us the structures and the cycles so we would understand, not only our personal little birthday chart, because you can look at this in terms of your own birthdays. And by the time you were 33, if things were going well in your DNA you would have gone into Krystar Ascension. And you would have had a 33-year old Krysted Body, and it never would have got older than that, and it would never be sick, and those kinds of things. But we‘re working with DNA mutation. But this works too. They showed us these structures so we‘d understand the larger structures we are moving through in this Galaxy, and thus on this planet and solar system. So we‘ve covered this in other…for a while now, in other workshops.

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I was just wanting to show, how cycles lead to structures, structures lead to the maps, maps lead to understanding where you are and what your context is in relation to creation, so you can make more intelligent choices about what you want to do. So that‘s why we put this series together the way we did this time. It also creates a wave that builds naturally to the final coding, so that‘s why we worked through it…next one, please. I‘m just going to go through these really quick because I‘ve already done these. [Graph 1:24:27] Those cycles that we just saw over there, you could take just an even smaller one, and it shows from April of 2009 all the way up to December of 2012. And this is when all sorts of things happen in 2012 and that we are actually going to try to hold, we‘re going to, we‘re not going to try. We‘re going to do it. We‘re going to hold the gates open and hold the DNA potential of Krystic Ascension on this planet. Because the amount of frequencies we are able to bring in at this point, even if there‘s much less head count as far as many less people that are holding this frequency, the frequency is so much larger than the Metatronic frequency that it would take much less people on this side to be able to hold and stop, at least temporarily stop, the Metatronic activations on the other side. And the job of, the missions of the people we are working with, the beings we are working with, is to keep this Ascension Cycle alive for the next 200-years until the gates go into their closing cycle in the Galaxy. So that‘s it in a nutshell. We covered these before where we looked, we went into the cycles and what all these funny looking, these little petals and things are. They have to do with the Krystal Spirals and what spirals are coming in, when there‘s monadic activations, when certain temple structures are activating…so these were covered in other workshops. One of them, we started that in April 2009 one, Sarasota one, and we‘ve covered it in several others. So that‘s why I didn‘t go into details on any of these. I just wanted to show where things fit with other things so we could get to the point where we see where we fit with Cosmic Structure…next one. [Graph 1:25:58] When we got into structure; this was the beginning of the Spirit Body. When the Spirit Body starts to birth in that cycle that I pointed out in that other chart that had lots of little lines, there‘s that one area called the SEda Cycle that this whole process occurs in. This whole process is the expansion by which the Spirit Body Core grows, and finally it reaches a point on that vertical axis on that one chart with all the lines, when it goes from here to here, it finally reaches enough frequency where it births the ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body structure. And that is the structure of Cosmoses, and of Probability Fields, and all the way down from the largest level to the tiniest level, to our own bio-fields, that is the natural structure everything else grows within. That is the structure our consciousness takes in coming into Materialization.

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And then it builds the Light Body structure from there, and the Atomic Body structure from there. So we all are created in the image of God-Source. And the ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body Structure is the image of God-Source Manifest Body. The rest of God-Source isn‘t in Materialized or Manifest form, it is the Ah‘-yah Essence, the God-Source Consciousness Field of absolutely just pure, alive, consciousness…next one, please. [Graph 1:27:08] Go quickly. That‘s the ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body structure with all of its flows. Showed the flows, the flows flow on what are called the Allurean Chamber Lines. Between Allurean Chamber Lines the Light Body has its Fire Chamber Lines. There‘s a whole, amazing set of dynamics that go on with this structure. But this structure helps us understand a lot of things. These little figure 8 things are called the Core Gates, the Core Flow Gates. When you talk about planets, and planets, and stars, and Universes, and things, they would actually be the Core Star Gates to go through if the Outer Star Gates weren‘t working. You have these flows here that are petals that are actually the Astura Flows, which are more Outer Gates on a planetary level, on a personal level these are things that when your natural Spirit Body Flows are moving through your Light Body and through your Atomic Body the way they‘re supposed to, all of these Flows are open and circulating between Spirit Body, and Physical Body. And this would be the natural structure of what you look like, basically. We all tend…we all would look like that if we had our full Krystic, our Krystic Shine on let‘s say. And what we‘re doing is progressively turning back on the Shine…next one, please. [Graph 1:28:15] That‘s just showing the larger structure of one of those Spanner Gates, those Core Gates, and how it works as actually Star Gates. Now we have them inside of our own body structure. We also have them on the planet. The ones on the planet interface directly with the planet. Can we see the next one, please? [Graph 1:28:32] And this is just a really fast recap just to reawaken the line of the sequence that we showed. This is where you see the Spanner Gates in relation to…this would be mountains here right, so this is like Earth‘s Crust…this is going up into the atmosphere. This is showing where various planes and platforms interface with the Core Gate structure. This is a Merkabic structure. When it fully activates it turns into what looks like a Krystar Vehicle, and Merkaba construction. And literally they are Star Gates. This is half of one of the Astura Flows. They‘re the ones that go up further and form the petals. They are not as strong as the Core Spanner Gates. The Core Spanner Gates are the gates, they will open if the planetary, if the planet is going to go into Fall and its Seed Atom is going to close at the Core, and its Prana Seed is going to close, they will open the Spanner Gates as a last resort. And that is what‘s occurring…next one.

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[Graph 1:29:23] This was just to show where atoms come from. Actually, the only reason I‘m putting this up here is because we‘re going to be using something that has to do with the ElumEir-adhona Code, or not the ElumEir-adhona, the Allur-E‘ah Rashatan Code. And this is where we start to learn about Allur-E‘ah Rashatan, where it‘s showing the part of the Aah-JhA‘ Body structure, which is connected with the Spirit Body structure just to put it simply. And you have all of these little lines. These are Chambers. You have Allurean Chambers that are actually the ones that have the coding to create the atomic signatures that create the 144 Elements. And then between them you have Fire Chambers. It‘s interaction of flows between them that literally generate the sparks, that become Quarks, that become the organic elements that are Manifest Matter…next one, please. [Graph 1:30:08] When we take that information we can synthesize it and condense it into this. This says the exact same thing that, that other chart said, except it doesn‘t have the words Hydrogen and Nitrogen, and all of those things written on. It‘s implied by the colors that would shine on the chart. Because each of the colors represents a frequency spectra, and each of the layers of this represents one of those layers that was in that other diagram that has to do with the dimensional structures. So if it‘s like, if it‘s say a D-2 orange, yes, orange on one level, it might be a D-3 yellow on the next level. So you get these shifting colors. And what you get is the Allur-E‘ah Rashatan in full color. I don‘t have one on Mylar but there‘s been quite a few people have them floating around. So I only brought this back in to touch back on it because it is incorporated in the code that we are using that is an expansion of this coding…next one, please. [Graph 1:31:02] Now we talked about the Hara Bodies of the ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body, that Spirit Body with all its beautiful flows and all that things. If you take the flow levels away just so you can see the structure you end up with this basic structure, if you‘re looking at it this way, if you‘re looking at it front on. If you turn that on its side…these are all spheres, if you turn it on its side like a plate it actually is shaped like this. You‘re looking at the side of it. And this structure becomes important when we start to see the structures that go beyond the Cosmic Matrix. Because it‘s actually using these side views of it to show the greater structures that form from this…next one, please. [Graph 1:31:39] This we also touched on…is showing just 1 Vector Line. Now there were the 6 Vector Lines with the 12 Event Horizons in the organic structure of the ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body. And this is just showing the Hara Bodies. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 167 of 211

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Where we have the Hara Bodies and the Eyugha Cycles, and this is where we get the structure for those charts, where we can see the Eyugha Cycles and all of that. It applies directly to the structures of the Spirit Body that literally form the framework that creation takes place in, the space, time, and matter, take place within…next one, please. [Graph 1:32:12] This is a breakdown, and these are in your chart packs so you can read them if you want. It tells you literally what types of matter that exist in each of the areas. You have the Core, the Inner, the Middle and the Outer Domains. Here‘s the Outer Domain, the Ka-LA Eyugha Cycle. We‘re at the end of the Ka-LA Eyugha Cycle, and that‘s where we‘re supposed to go into Krystar Turnaround, and go back into the Adashi Cycles, and back into Source. So this, we just showed how all of these structures fit…next one, please. [Graph 1:32:38] Went back to cycles, and then looked at where the Light Body over in here, all that stuff happened and formed in that period, in this cycle chart. Over here is where the Light Body structure forms. I‘m going to go through these really quick because I want to get to the new ones. In that process, that one little wedge of cycle, we have a thing going from where you have the Triad, which is actually in the Spirit Body side, but the Triad, once the Spirit Body forms this Tauren Living Light Unit is born in the center of the Spirit Body. And from there, this accretion by self-frequency generation inside of the cells actually creates the growth of the Light Body within the Spirit Body. At this point, this is the birth point, if it were a fetus inside it would have to come out of the mother at the point where the Diad births, or it would kill the mother, the frequency would be so strong. So this is just the Starborn Cycle. It‘s a part of this larger structure showing how…just like we showed a little bit about how the Spirit Body got there, that structure got there, we also showed how the Light Body got there. And these were…this was a very long course. So this is just a ―remember this was there‖. It‘s, for anybody that doesn‘t know, we spent lots of time on all of these, each little piece of it, with its quantum and this goes here, and how much that, and numbers all over the place. So this is just a really condensed, ―Oh yeah, this exists.‖ So don‘t think this is all we taught about it…so next one, please. [Graph 1:34:01] Light Body, we‘re still on that. When you see the Kathara 2-3 Manual we talk about the Light Body but also the Crystal Body that forms around that. And that‘s where you learn about Axiatonal Lines and Meridian Lines, and all sorts of really neat things. And the Chariot of Fire, which is all sorts of fields that naturally activate around you. So this is all connected to it…next one, please.

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[Graph 1:34:20] This one shows the Stairway to Heaven, which is absolutely precious. We‘re down here in this little, tiny Universe. This is where you start understanding them as maps. They‘re not just maps of your own body, but they‘re actually maps of Cosmoses. We call these the Bones, where the round things we were looking at, the Spheres or the balls. These are the bones. The Bones are literally a geleziac radiation imprint, an imprint you don‘t see but actually organizes the matter, and the structure, that form upon them. If there‘s a distortion in the organic form of this you do not have an Eternal Life System. This particular shape of arrangement of little, little points, invisible points of organic radiation, Krystic radiation, when they are in that position they allow for the perpetual motion free energy system, where its self-generating energy, generates sparks so things can move. If this structure gets damaged and it looks different than that, if it is not holding that exact mathematical template it takes it into a different type of creation that is a fall creation. The Metatronic Creation, actually, has a very distorted looking Kathara Grid, and they call it the Tree of Life. We call it the Tree of Artificial Life. This is the Tree of Organic, Krystic Life, which is Eternal Life. So anyway, these, 1 Kathara Grid builds, they cluster. And this happens as a natural part of the Expansions that we talked about in the Starborn cycle, where things are growing, and they generate quantum, and they grow again, and that kind of thing, and expand. All right, so they form structures that form layers of creation that build up together where you have 4 of these, and then 4 of those form this structure. And then this structure, 4 of those end up in there, and this all happens in cycles. When we looked at the Starborn Sequence, where you had the 1 little unit, the Diad, or the Tauren, first starts phasing. Which means the energy in it starts rubbing against themselves making sparks, sparks that eventually become quarks. But they‘re generating quantum that‘s more than the quantum that either of those 2 had to begin with. As they build enough quantum, eventually, they actually go through a change where they pulse. They contract and puff back out, and the quantum actually replicates. So it‘s a quantum replication process that has a natural order to it. It‘s not as if its quantum, it just keeps going, and going, and going, say like a cancer cell keeps going, and going, and going, once it starts growing, it isn‘t. There‘s a parameter that‘s set within the core radiation imprint that something grows out of. Its Core Seed will hold the imprint for how it‘s supposed to grow, what its structure is supposed to be. And that‘s why if you have a baby and you‘re a human it doesn‘t turn into a fish. Or if a fish has a baby it doesn‘t turn into an ape. There is this core imprint that is biologically held, but it‘s also held in the Spirit Body and in the Light Body Structure. And when it comes to bodies it is one thing, we‘re looking here at the body of the Cosmos because we share the same energy structure as the Cosmos. We have a microcosmic version. So this is where we start to realize they are maps. Those little geleziac radiation points that are the points on the Kathara Grid, in relation to the maps, they are the Primary Star Gates in a system. Our planet has 12 Primary Star Gates and then it has its 12 Spanner Gates that go in the core. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 169 of 211

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The Outer Gates are the ones that are more susceptible to falling or to being corrupted where they no longer plug into the natural circulation network. Because really, when we‘re talking about all these conduits and star gates and all of that, it‘s a natural circulation network of frequency and consciousness between Source Field, and what‘s materialized within Source Field in the smaller constructs. You can think of them like little…we could think of creations, Cosmoses, like little bubbles that float around in the Consciousness of God-Source. And literally in the natural Cosmos, there is a natural flow of where the Cosmos expands and contracts. The part of it that‘s manifest expands and contracts because energy comes in and then circulates back out, in and out, as a living system. It‘s when certain conduits get blocked, or the gates…or conduits of energy where it can come through, where they don‘t send any energy back, eventually the energy starts bouncing off itself and the system becomes distorted. Its natural energetic relationships between angular rotation of particle spin and all sorts of other things become corrupted. And that is when it becomes progressively a finite system that cannot process the natural flows that are coming in, into the living part of the Cosmos. There‘s only ―x‖ amount, level, of the Cosmos that can actually go into corruption. And when we get to this down here, these are called Veca Systems. And there‘s 4 Veca Systems hooked together with what‘s called an Ecka, at the center. These are susceptible to going into fall. In these systems are where you have a lot of beings that come into materialization, and races that choose to explore things, and sometimes use the free will that they are given to push the envelope, let‘s say. And to make choices and experiments that work against the natural physics that is really the arbitrator. God doesn‘t get mad at you. It‘s the physics that will get you if you choose…seriously it‘s the physics that will get you. Which is kind of nice, if you think about it, God doesn‘t have to worry about feeling guilty because he zapped you because you were bad. No, you zap yourself, seriously. If you go into a fall system it‘s because you‘re part of something, you ended up Incarnating in a place where, your consciousness resonated with that place for some reason. And if it‘s a place going into fall, you either chose to come to help, or you got sucked into it because some choices you made at some place in your consciousness that weren‘t very good ones. So free will has everything to do with it, but the arbitrator is the natural, are the natural laws of physics that are part of, there‘s no separation between Spirit and science, between consciousness and science. But what science is here is a science that doesn‘t even remember itself. It doesn‘t remember 99% of itself, which is the Spirit Realities. So they are connected. When we get…these levels can fall, these Ecka-Veca Systems can fall. Right now we‘re down in one little area here in our little Veca System. We‘ve seen these on the maps before. With this, and we call these the God World Maps, and these are just showing the bones, they‘re not showing the balls yet. Where you see one of these Kathara Grid structures it implies a sphere around it. So it implies its own set of balls. Where you see bones there are balls and where you see balls there are bones. We‘re just not showing them all at

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 170 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

the same time in diagrams like this. We‘re hinting at them there though, that‘s where they would be, the spheres around there. So we‘ve got, around this structure that same, it‘s the exact same mathematical template, the Kathara Grid. It expands again, holding that. This level of it would have a sphere around it and that‘s called an Eckasha. Now in this structure it expands again. You have 4 Eckashas, each with a sphere around them, and there‘d be another sphere around this one. This one‘s called an Eckasha-A. These are the levels that are referred to as the God Worlds. Because, and not that there‘s a million gods, but these are ones where the ascended ones exist. And they have Adashi Cycles and all that too, but in these realms there is no fall potential. You cannot damage a system that badly up there. So they‘re always the fail safe. When a system down here is getting damaged there will always be assistance offered from those higher worlds that are beyond that level of evolution. Only polarity consciousness creates messes like we have down here. And that‘s what we‘re in the middle of down here, and we‘re learning to evolve beyond it. So really this is just a tiny, little step in the evolution of an Eternal Race of Consciousness that takes many, many forms. So it may seem like a big drama down here, but when you look at it from a higher space, let‘s say an Ah‘-yah Space, it‘s just a tiny little blink of the eye. And consciousness goes home one way or the other, so it‘s not as horribly traumatic as it might seem when you just look at it from the surface. So when we get up to here you‘ve got the Eckasha-A here. You‘ve got 4 of those, 4 Eckasha-As. And that forms the Eckasha-Aah. Now this is where we get the map of one, of the bones of 1 Cosmic Matrix. This is…for a long time it was like, ―Oh wow, the Cosmic Matrix‖, as if there were only one, as if it was ―the‖ only thing manifest in the God-Source Consciousness Field. Well, there are larger structures, and that‘s what we‘re going to see, and that‘s what we‘re going to be given the codes to begin activating the frequencies. It means we‘ve activated the frequencies, all the work we‘ve done in the last 10-years from way down here, we have opened all these gate structures in our bioenergetic fields all the way up to here because now we can go into the levels, the 2 levels that are beyond that. And that‘s pretty awesome. It‘s almost like, ―Oh, that‘s what we were doing‖. So we got all of those frequencies finally turned on, and we‘re helping the planet to hold those and anchor those frequencies. And again, when you look at these, these are directly connected to the maps of the balls where you see the Probability Dominions in those sets of 12 in the ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body. But you‘re only seeing 4 here. This 4 set that you see all over the place implies there‘s 2 more 4-sets. Where if you just counted…if you put a whole circle around this and made it 30-degrees like a clock, the 12 Event Horizons, you would see that there are actually 12 Balls here, which means there are 12 Kathara Grids. But they only showed us the ones that we‘re immediately connected to, which were the first 4. That‘s called a Resolute Twin Set. So there‘s 3 Resolute Twin Sets in one Matrix. And that‘s how you plug this into the structure of the ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body and understand it as a map…next one, please. [Graph 1:43:42]

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

That is looking a little more closely at it so you can see more of the things. This got into Reuche Pillars and things like that. And the only reason that‘s kind of interesting now is the final configuration that is taken of the Cosmic Matrices when bunches of them cluster has to do with this Reuche, what we‘ve learned a long time ago was the Reuche Configuration. So anyway, we‘ll see how this becomes a map of the bones of at least our sets of the Resolute Twins, the 4 sets. But remember, there are 12 of the Kathara Grids coming out from each one, so it would look like a circle if you had them all there…next one. [Graph 1:44:20] It‘s a little hard to plot the maps though, when you have all of those Kathara Grids together because they intertwine toward the center and you‘re kind of like, ―Where are we?‖ So it‘s hard to see where you are. So when you‘re just looking at a third of them, 4 of the 12, this is where we would be located as far as in the Cosmic Matrix that our planet and our solar system is manifest in, this is where we are located in the Eckasha Level. This is our Eckasha-A Matrix. Coming down a step, this is our Eckasha Level. And then inside that there would be the 4 Vecas. We would be in one of those Veca Levels. And then inside of the Veca, a Veca is a Universe, inside of that Universe there would be a Meta-galactic Level, a Galactic Level, a Solar System Level and a Planetary Level. Each of them would have a structure like this but literally, and if you think of them in terms of spheres within spheres, or wheels within wheels it is literally like spheres of energy that are all interconnected. When we‘re bringing frequencies from up here, we‘re literally opening the conduits through each of those levels to bring them down into here. So it helps to understand we‘re not just ―pulling frequencies from where‖? Well specifically, right now we‘re pulling frequencies from right over there. We‘re pulling them down through the networks and actually going through the centers in what‘s called the Hubs that are inside the centers, and pulling them through into the center, over here. So they can come in and reach the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, so they can come in and reach anything that‘s in the Milky Way Galaxy like Earth, and our Sun. So that is literally, there is a map of what we are pulling frequency down from, but this is also the same map of where we are going as we progressively ascend. So literally, these are the maps that will…once you can Transfigure your body, these actually come on-line where you just know. And you close your eyes and just by vibration you can end up and know exactly where you‘re going to end up in those. These were part…we actually have these coded right in our DNA. Right now it‘s in the junk DNA that‘s not assembled yet, but by looking at these it helps you assemble them. It helps your DNA remember where it actually starts to go, ―Ooh, maybe that piece should connect to that piece, and that piece…yes‖. Because these are mathematical encodings, that‘s why they have us look at them sometimes, because it does trigger the DNA template to begin sending a vibration through the DNA that helps to bring in the next level. So next one, please…but this is why we‘re running back through them really fast; recap. [Graph 1:46:45] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 172 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

This is showing that structure, the Light Body structure of the bones inside of the Spirit Body structure that has the spheres and, go to the next one, please. [Graph 1:46:53] This is just showing how if you‘re looking at the big one up there, that‘s the Eckasha-Aah Level. Then the little one inside of it that would just be 1, there would be 12 of these little ones, so you have the 12. Then inside those you‘d have 12 more little ones and that would be, that‘s the Eckasha-A level. So the EckashaAah coming down, Eckasha-A, coming down, Eckasha, coming down, Veca System…so you‘d have your little Veca System. That would be our Universe. When you look at these as maps they‘re quite fascinating because you can see what your next to, you can see what numbers your Probability is and that‘s where you get drum codes and things…next one, please. [Graph 1:47:29] This is just showing actually what I just described, ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body and the bones of our Cosmic Matrix. This is our location here. This is…we‘re actually in Veca-5. This is Veca-2, which is considered our Parallel because it‘s at 90-degrees…if you trace those lines, that‘s 90-degrees. This is a black hole system. And this is a larger black hole system that is not in our Eckasha. It‘s in a neighboring Eckasha. This is where all the problems are coming from. They‘re trying to feed energy into our system through the center of our Milky Way and drag us in as quantum for them to keep their systems going longer…next one, please. [Graph 1:48:10] And now we‘re getting there. This is just showing how all that…I‘m not going through it…how all that plugs into actually the Galactic Maps that you can find in science books. Because it actually does show center of our Milky Way is right in there. So all these things, actually these maps translate into the maps that science knows…next one, please. [Graph 1:48:26] That is the Krystar Vehicle that we‘re going to be using when we do the techniques. And just in case anybody didn‘t see that, especially the couple of people that didn‘t make it to the classes before, this is when we go (Ash inhales)…and exhale the Krystar Vehicle out to activate it, this is the shape of the fields. It‘s like a gossamer crystal around you, but it actually has counter-rotating fields, so it is a complex Merkabic structure. And it is a travel vehicle. And when you go into full Krystar Vehicle that is when you would go into full ascension. So we‘re progressively building the Krystar Vehicle travel potentiality through Atomic Transfiguration…next one, please. [Graph 1:49:03]

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

This is just to remind you of the Chambers that we have. If your body‘s here, you have a set of Chambers. One running horizontal because we will be…I mean horizontal, no, that‘s horizontal…and one running vertical, and one running horizontally this way. You have one front to back, you have another one horizontal side to side, you have another one vertical, up and down. I‘m only showing these again…we‘ve covered these in other stuff…but just because we‘re going to be using some of these Chambers in the activations that we‘re doing. And if anybody‘s going to do the activations that hasn‘t seen these they won‘t know what we‘re talking about, so there they are…next, please. [Graph 1:49:33] Yes, we‘re going into the new ones now. Now, this one‘s getting into what we did with the activations last night or this morning, whenever it was. This, if we‘re just looking at the ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body, you know that big, the Cosmic ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body, but right now what I‘m only showing is 1 Time Vector, 1 Vector Line, which has 2 Event Horizons, which are called Hara Domains, Hara Body Domains. They are considered Adjugate Twins when they are directly across from each other. And if they were actually 90-degrees to each other they would be considered Parallel Twins, like we talked about in the maps. And there‘s another set. If, the ones that would be here if…I didn‘t have time to do this part of the diagram…you could take, you could show not just 1 Vector, you could show 2 Vectors. Now a Vector is the line all the way up and down both sides and it has an Event Horizon that is half that line. So you have…if you had this one with the circles on it too, you would have 4 of the Hara Bodies showing and you have KaLE-Hara, the Mahara-Reisha Body…they all have different names but they‘re all Hara Bodies, which is a certain type of energy. If you had the 2 here, these 4 would be considered a Resolute Twin Set, because when they pull into the center together, which they can at certain points in evolution, they pull in together into the center and they literally recharge the entire Matrix and reset its natural pattern, its natural, organic pattern. So if there‘s anything fallen in it, that is cleared, literally, from the system, which means it will actually be cut off, where a fall system gets cut off from the natural Matrix it was on at certain points once it loses its capacity to hold, once its gates can no longer hold the frequencies. But it doesn‘t immediately explode or anything, it just goes through an evolutionary cycle until it progressively loses its core energy. And eventually it reaches a point where it implodes and then explodes and goes back to space dust, which opens the gating structures so that the consciousness in it, and the raw energy in it, will go back into circulation within the living system. But anyway, this is showing us a couple things. This is showing us, if this is the Cosmic Body, there are these layers of different types of frequency within it that have to do with the different Domains, the Core Domain, Inner Domain, Middle Domain and Outer where we are. In between the Middle Domain and Outer Domain are what we call the Aurora Continuum. When we talk about the Aurora Continuum it is actually a type of matter that is a blend between this one and that one. There are names for all that, we‘ve covered all the names of each layers of the different types of matter that is…it‘s not as dense as the matter that is out here. And I think it‘s not as dense as there either. It‘s called Transharmonic. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 174 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

If each of these represents a Harmonic band of frequency spectra that matter is built on, these are Transharmonic. They actually transfer between both Harmonics. So when we use the Aurora Continuum, you can actually, not just have to go through the natural gate structure out here, you can access the other natural gate structures that exist within the Middle Domains or other places. We‘ve been progressively using, opening the Aurora Continuum Gates into this planet because it‘s the only thing that‘s going to allow the Spanner Gates to work, the Core Gates, so that we can continue to have ascension as an ability on the planet. We learned some of the different layers of the fields in the Cosmic Spirit Body. In the last workshop we actually learned about the Wha-YA-yah. They call it the Great Void. There‘s the fly again (Chuckles). And that would be this band here. And in the exercise last night, the technique last night, what we actually did was project from here where our systems are right now…look at this fly, it‘s chasing my eye lashes. Right here, and we actually projected up through the Wha-YA-yah Field and into this area. Now this area, if this is a sphere it‘s sitting in something or hanging in something. This is the first layer of Ah‘-yah, the Essence of the God-Source Consciousness Field. But it is not the full one, there‘s still another 2 layers of structure that go up from here. And that‘s what we‘re going to be using in the technique that we do. Ok, next one, please. [Graph 1:53:42] There‘s not too many more now, I just needed to open the wave again for people. Yes, we‘re back to that. Ok, I can skip past that. Yes, we already covered that, a million times really, in other workshops. Go away. Oiy! This fly likes my nose. [Graph 1:54:08] Ah, back to these structures. All right, remember the Hara Bodies. Hara Bodies, there are Probability Dominions of 1 Cosmic Matrix, ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body…so again, we‘re looking at our 1 Cosmic Matrix. Here‘s where we‘re going to see how the structure builds from here. It builds to Cosmic Clusters first, then these…wait a minute, that was set different. Actually I‘ll show you on the other one, they‘re inverted. So it actually goes to Cosmic Clusters, then to Cosmoses, then to Cos-MA‘-yahs. So there‘s that word that we‘ve seen that was on the list of strange words that had to do with this workshop. A Cos-MA‘-yah is what is called that final level, where you have the Cos-MA‘-yah that has a bunch of different Cosmic Matrices and stuff inside of it, specific numbers. And then outside of that is that pure Consciousness Field of GodSource. So that is where we‘re going, in that pure Consciousness Field of God-Source. So we go from where we are, where we projected out. We were sitting up on the outside of this in that little Ah‘-yah Band in the last technique that we did. And if you haven‘t done the technique you can pick it up on watching the DVD. You can kind of back-run it.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

This fly is really, really trying to make me nuts here (laughs). So we had projected out into this area to begin opening the Purple Rain Flows, of the Ah‘-yah Flows. Now it‘s actually buzzing at me in my ear. That was interesting. All right, this is the front view again. If you turn it on its side, that‘s the side view. Now there are 72 actually, Hara Cells, they call these Hara Cells. It looks like only 12 but there are actually 24 in the center and there are 48 out here, which means that you‘re only seeing 12, 12 Event Horizons, 12 Balls. It means there are 4 Levels of that in each one, so it means there are 4 different spheres that are spinning in different angular rotation of particle spin that are on the same Vector Line. So this is just giving cell count. Because this cell count gets bigger as we go up into, ok, what‘s the next stage where you have more than one of these put together…next one, please. [Graph 1:56:11] And that has 6 Vector Lines…a Vector Line isn‘t this, that‘s an Event Horizon there…there are 12 of those, but 6 Vector Lines…1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. So that full line across is a Vector Line. So that has 6 but it gives you 12 visible domains that actually have times 4. The next one, we‘re still looking at side view now. That‘s why they started with the side view things, where the big one we saw on the other was a plate and you turned it around, and you were just looking at it, it looks thinner from the side. But you‘re seeing the balls; you‘re seeing the ones that are coming out in the front. You wouldn‘t see what was behind them. And there is the membrane around it. So when you take this as 1 Cosmic Matrix being viewed from the side, and then still viewing from the side, and you put 6 of those together, you start to form…something starts to form. This is literally 6 of those put together, that would be 6 Vectors, of those put together, and that‘s where it grows from being 48 Outer Hara Cells and 24 inside. It grows to having 432 Hara Cells altogether, 228 on the Outer and 144 in the Center. That‘s one level of how, once you have a Cosmic Matrix, then the next thing you have is a Cosmic Cluster, which is 6 Cosmic Matrices. So you have 6 Cosmic Matrices that form a Cosmic Cluster, it gets bigger…next one, please. [Graph 1:57:47] Remember, we‘re trying to go past…we were outside of 1 Cosmic Matrix, so we‘re still trying to get out of what the next one is and what the next one is, into that pure Source Consciousness Field. Now this one, this is called a Cosmos. You have 12 Cosmic Matrices or 2 Cosmic Clusters. Two of the last thing we saw would be in here. And the last thing we saw had 6 Cosmic Matrices. So in this one you have 12 Cosmic Matrices. And again, how many Domains are there completely keeps amplifying. So in this one, we have 864 total of the Domains, 576 Outer and 288 in the Center. Now, so it‘s that, it‘s that Cosmic Matrix, the single one, times 12…next one, please. [Graph 1:58:36] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 176 of 211

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And the reason they wanted us to see this is because with these overlaps, this is a mathematical encoding. These grids are mathematically encoded to the structure that actually exists within our own Spirit Bodies but also in the Cosmic Spirit Body. Now this is what 1 Cosmos looks like up close, 12 Cosmic Vectors, 864 Hara Cells, 576 of them on the Outside and 288 in the Center. So you‘re getting this very interesting interweaving. And these are all spinning on their Vector Lines. They‘re actually spinning balls, and they‘re not just balls, they have whole Cosmic Matrices, many Cosmic Matrices inside of them. So this is huge. Gosh, I remember thinking it was huge when they showed us the Ecka Maps of the God World Gates. And we saw 1 Cosmic Matrix. It was like, ―Wow, the Cosmos‖. No, just 1 Cosmic Matrix…but they promised it doesn‘t get bigger as far as structure from here. This is the final layer of structure. From there it expands infinitely, but not in terms of materialized or manifest structure…it is like a sea of consciousness that you find structures like this kind of floating in. If you have an idea of…you know when you see space pictures where you have like space and there‘s all these galaxies hanging in space…imagine if they were little thought bubbles and not galaxies. Or imagine if they had bubbles around them but we just don‘t see them, it‘s that kind of concept. The space is like the God-Source Consciousness Field, where things are materialized in there, there‘s living systems in there, and they are hanging in a vast Consciousness Field that doesn‘t have a beginning or an end because it is not inside of a shape itself. Itself is not a sphere. It is just an infinite Consciousness Field, which is an interesting concept to try to explain when you‘re in a linear time pattern, when your brain is keyed to linear time. The more you bring in that ―beyond-time‖, ―beyond-space-time‖ consciousness of the Ah‘-yah the more that makes sense to you in direct cognition and the less you need words to try to describe it, is the only way I can describe it. Because I felt that place where it‘s like, ―Yes, but, but…‖ and then you kind of go, ―Oh, right‖. And then you try to find words to describe the ―oh, right‖ and you really can‘t find them, or I can‘t find them, easily. So anyway, this is the beginning of a code that we‘re going to use. And remember, that‘s 12 of these, and remember they‘re viewed from the side. So it‘s 12 of those Cosmic Matrices. And we‘ve made it to the top of one, and now we need to make it to the top of the 12, in order to get outside, right into the Source Consciousness Field…next one, please. [Graph 2:01:10] This is the one layer up from that. This is one Cos-MA‟-yah Cluster. And at the center it has something very interesting, it‘s the Ah‘-yah Infinite-Eternal-ONE, the Cos-MA‘-yah Cluster. This whole thing is the Ah‘yah Infinite-Eternal-ONE, and the Ah-yah RhU‘ Cosmos. The Ah-yah RhU‘ Field forms in the center here, this is like the Eternal Womb of Creation. This is where that consciousness that I told you once you get past like being galaxies and stars, and you want to figure out what to do next, as your next plan of experiencing existence, there are beings literally as consciousness fields are, hold this field in this space.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

There‘s a breathing that occurs. If…this is the God-Source Consciousness Field outside of that, and that is that vast endless…that just has no limitation, no boundaries to it, Consciousness Field. And this is the structure, the largest structure that forms within it. And that has…let me see down here, honey, please. What this has is this Cos-MA‘-yah, it‘s called an Eternal Life Matrix, the Cos-MA‘-yah, has 12 Cosmos and 1 Central Ah-yah-RhU‘. So when we‘re talking about the Ah-yah-RhU‘ frequencies, I‘m talking about accepting a Covenant with beings from an Ah-yah-RhU‘. We‘re talking about engaging with that level of the Cosmic Matrix, and also opening that level of our own selves. Because it implies, these structures imply we have a microcosmic version of them. So there is a level of our own Spirit Body Structure that is a part of this larger family. So, as we interact with the frequencies of the larger cosmic structure that we‘re working with…with the Beloveds and the Gates and all of that, it is also opening our own doors, windows and conduits to that part of our own self. And we‘re going to learn a lot more as the work progresses about this space, but this is a space that is…how to describe it, because I had a little feel for it. When they give me the diagrams it starts activating things, that‘s why sometimes they wait if they don‘t want the activation happening to quick. Because as soon as they come in and I start seeing them and understanding what they are it starts doing the DNA thing, which starts going through my feet and into the Aquafereion Shield, and stuff. But there are things we will understand about this, but this is literally like an Eternal Womb of Creation. And we can go in there and we can actually activate it within our own field, within our Orb Field. And that is what, at the end of the 3 codes that we‘re going to use and the activations that go with them, that we will actually be activating that in our own field. I‘ll show you what that looks like in a minute. Now the Central Ah-yah-RhU‘ Cosmos of the Cos-MA‘-yah…all these new words…believe me, if you‘re new here, when you go, ―look at all these words‖, I know the feeling, every workshop there‘s a whole mouthful of them that I‘m tripping over myself. But eventually you kind of get used to it…‖Oh yes, that‘s a Reuche. Oh, that‘s a Wha Field, yes, yes.‖ Eventually it just becomes part of the vernacular, but it takes a while if you‘re just new to the work. The Central Ah-yah-RhU‘ Cosmos of Cos-MA‘-yah Life Field is the External Womb of…it‘s supposed to be ―Eternal‖, that‘s a typo. The Eternal Womb of Creation through which the Ah-yah-YA‘ ―Dream-Stream‖, that is the moving Essence of that field, perpetually circulates Ah‘-yah, the Essence of the Unutterable ONE Source, into and out of Creation. See these little lines here? Now you have these, every one of these are one of those 12 Cosmos…is that‘s not the right word for that, is it…I‘m not sure, we were typesetting really fast. I want to make sure. Let me see the one before this, please. Yes. [Graph 2:04:58] I just want to make sure that we got our words right, because they‘re so easy to get them messed up. Ok, that is a Cosmos. There‘s another word…Cosmoses…they call these Cos-MO‘-sa actually, the Cosmos ones…ok, thank you.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 178 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

But the one we saw before, Cosmos, each of these are a Cosmos. Now this is in the Reuche configuration, what we learned a long time ago that was part of the Core Monadic Structure. And that is what we have on…some people have the little pendants like I do where it‘s literally, not that one, that‘s literally the Reuche configuration, which is this shape here, the center point, and here. And you have the Primary Reuche Pillar Points, as they were called when we were first learning about them, the 12. In that center area, that is the place, the Ah-yah-RhU‘ Field, that Eternal Womb. We‘re going to open the frequencies of that and we‘re also going to be able to open the conduits, these are like breathing tubes that go directly out into the Infinite Consciousness of Source Field. So this is the process that we‘re involved in. And just…I‘m learning this with you. I don‘t know these things before, because I‘d be able to articulate them really, really quick and not go, ―Hm, that‘s a ‗what‘ again‖? I‘m learning it with you. So we learn it together, there‘s no hierarchy that I float in and say, ―Hi, I‘m your guru. I know everything.‖ I don‘t. We‘re learning this together. But I‘m so glad you‘re here and I hope you don‘t mind that students can teach students (chuckles)…next one, please. [Graph 2:06:27] Now this is just to remind us of the Allur-E‘ah Rashatan, which was the atomic code that has the mathematical encoding for the 144 elements. Because we‘re going to combine that with something in a minute…finally….now, remember, this was 1 Cosmos. 12 Cosmic Matrices, 2 Cosmic Clusters, so that is what this looks like. This is only the Cosmos Level. And there‘s 12 of those that formed the Cos-MA‘-yah. But this is 1 that we‘ll be using as a code for a specific thing, because first we need to get from our singular Cosmic Matrix that we got outside of the bubble of out to the next level, which would be outside of this one…next one, please. [Graph 2:07:23] So this code they‘re going to show us how to use, which I don‘t know how to use yet. I don‘t know if we‘re going to do optical-pineal induction or what. But when we take a little break they‘re going to show me what to do with these. The Code-1 is the Ah-yah-RhU‘ Cos-MO‘-sa. So the Cosmos Level, they call Cos-MO‘-sa. And then the bigger layer where you have 12 of those is called a Cos-MA‘-yah. So these are new words but we don‘t have words in the languages here to explain these things because nobody here knows these things exist. So they‘re sharing with us the words that are commonly used in the languages that do know these structures exist. So that‘s where we get some words that technically you never heard of them, that‘s because nobody down here knows about that concept yet. Did anybody in the time here, scientific wise, before anybody discovered quarks did anybody know what the word ―quark‖ meant? Probably not, down here, you know what I mean? It was not in your average dictionary because it wasn‘t discovered yet.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 179 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

So anyway, that‘s where we get some of the words. But this is a Cos-MO‘-sa and the first layer of…the next layer of the Ah‘-yah frequency we‘re going to be bringing in or the Ah‘-yah Field. I use ―frequency‖, but again I‘m using that lightly when I use it in that context. It‘s usually very specific, but it is beyond frequency. Frequency implies kind of a light-sound vibration effect, and this field is beyond that. This is the Pure Consciousness Field that is a different animal. It‘s a completely different quality that forms space-timematter frequency by interacting with itself in certain ways. So I will just call it ―field‖ as opposed to ―frequency‖. And if I keep slipping on that, eventually I‘ll learn not to. So anyway, we‘re going to bring these frequencies in from here, Ah‘-yah Field, not frequencies I mean (Laughs), yes. So we‘ll be bringing those levels in. Then the next one, this is the one where it gets very interesting. [Graph 2:09:15] Now this isn‘t a code yet, this is 1 Cos-MA‘-yah Eternal Life Matrix. Can you imagine what this is going to be like in color? It‘s going to be awesome. This is what contains the 12 Cosmos. This isn‘t the code yet, this is just reminding you of what it is, but showing…before we showed you the structure of how those Comsoses fit together. Now we‘re showing it with all the mathematical encodings of them, integrated in it. And something really weird happened, even in black and white, weird and wonderful. When I did the last phase of this, which was to make the code, we took 1 more Allur-E‘ah, and a big one that was this size, and just put it in to show those flows. And it changed into something fascinating…next one, please. [Graph 2:09:57] It is really interesting. It has some like weird doorway effects and stuff in it. It‘s like, I don‘t know, it‘s like some holy cross of some sort, but a good one. When this is going to be in color it‘s going to be awesome too. Even in black and white, when it was smaller it almost drew you in, it was an amazing thing. There was like this doorway effect happening in through here. It almost reminded me of things you‘d see in like old Byzantine Chapels and things like that, there‘s really…neat thing. But what this is, it is purely a mathematical encryption that is holding that stack of information going all the way up into those, the Ah‘-yah Field. When we activate this in our fields, and in the planetary grids, we are bringing the potentials of that pure Consciousness Source coming back into ourselves and into the planet. Now there‘s one more stage of code…I think I did the Summary first. Did I do the Summary first? Yes, let‘s do that one first. I‘ll put that one before I put the little bit Summary bits. Because these are really just reminders so they have them in their chart packs. And the 3 rd code, it actually has the image of a person. This is where we‘re going to learn to create our little Avatar guy, after we do certain things with the other 2 codes. We‘re going to do something, I don‘t know what it is yet, I have to go out and find out. But once it is finally done this is going to create our Ah-YA‘ Body, the Living Embodiment of the Ah‘-yah Source-Force.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

These are the Centers of Ah‘-yah that will open in the body, so there‘s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 right now. There‘s probably a couple more that will open as other things progress, I wouldn‘t doubt. But this is what our Orb will look like, our Orb of Ah‘-yah, I think they call it. So literally our Jha-DhA Body will carry the full configuration of the codings. And when this is in color it‘s going to be awesome. And it‘s like if you ever think…if you ever look in the mirror and say, ―gosh I‘m ugly. I really wish I was pretty‖. You‘re gorgeous…that kind of thing. Because something can be pretty on the outside but it doesn‘t mean it‘s pretty on the inside (clapping). Once these fields are activated, I mean, it‘s all fun and stuff to see the diagrams and understand it on an intellectual level, that‘s important because you have to get it past the intellectual level to get it into your Emotional Body and your Physical Body, because the mind is focused in the D-3 Frequency Bands. And below that is the body in D-2, so if you want anything to affect your body you have to get the mind to be open to it, including frequencies that we are bringing in. Finally we are bringing in Pure Consciousness. We are beyond just the frequencies. We have progressively built, from down here, upward, the frequency trail that will open the gates, that allows for the Pure Consciousness to come in. Once this occurs we don‘t have to go any further, higher up building things. What we have to do is go deeper and bring more of that conscious awareness into us. And learn how to do amazing things within ourselves here, where you literally shift state more and more and you go into a state that when you look back on before you had that state, you can‘t actually imagine you never had it. You‘re like, ―Wow.‖ But you do, you remember what it felt like to be tiny and small, and frustrated, and just uncomfortable where you‘re searching, and you‘re seeking, and you‘re trying to get a grip on something you can‘t even put your finger on. But that seems to be what humans down here do. Because there‘s a part of ourselves we know existed, we sense exists, but we have no explanation for it and we don‘t know how to find it again. This is the beginning of really finding it, but in a safe way, not just saying, ―Well ok, I‘ll detach from everything and I‘ll get really spiritual and be ok with the fact that existence is anguish. And that desire is a cause of suffering, caring is a cause of suffering…‖you have to care. Loving, kindness is very important but basically there are certain philosophies that teach you ―just be a martyr and don‘t want anything and don‘t care about anything, and just focus your life on serving other people and taking care of them, and that‘s the only way to avoid suffering.‖ Anything just built on, built on just trying to avoid suffering, it‘s like ok, avoid suffering but can‘t we also expand into joy as well as avoiding suffering? So there‘s some lovely teachings in Buddhism. There‘s some lovely teachings in Christianity. There‘s some lovely teachings in Hinduism and in Muslimism, but what they don‘t really show you is the whole structure or what it is, that itch, that spiritual itch that everybody seems to find a bit of what they‘re looking for. This is showing you the structures, and now finally we are beginning to open the frequencies so we get to play with more than just our minds with it. Because this has been very logical information and there‘s a place that, that has. Once we have the coding, we see what the basic structure is, which means we have the mathematical conduits in the Mental Body now so now we can start opening the field and just experiencing it. And there will be a point where you go past lots of words. We‘ve had to use lots of words, lots of pictures, to get these conduits open. But once they are, it goes more and more experiential.

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 181 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

And I wonder if we‘ll ever have quiet workshops where we all just telepath to each other (laughs)? Eventually that could happen. I won‘t say it‘s ever going to happen on earth with our groups or anything, but it is a potentiality. So, they wanted us to see those structures to understand our context in relation to where we are and where that is. Understand it‘s very real. These are maps. But they‘re also maps of our larger Cosmic Body and our own personal ones. By the end of the activations we will have created this full activation in our Orb Field. And that will also go right into the cellular structure, so it will actually be encoded in our atoms. And that means our atoms will be able to begin being able to run that frequency right into the body. And when we go out for a break they‘re going to let me know, ―Ok, how do we use these 3 codes‖? They‘re obviously in an order, which implies there‘s a technique that they use with them. You know, first the first one, then the second one, and then the third one. And once…this is the third one that will give us our Ah-YA‘ Body…and once we have the Ah-YA‘ Body that‘s when we‘ll do the Journey and as a collective, bring the imprint into the Sphere of Amenti so it is there, so the Mashayas can start their birthing wave in. And so the frequencies can start spreading out in the planetary shield to people, to humans everywhere. And when we go to these Metatronic broadcasting centers, because we are going to put this in the Sphere of Amenti it will also allow that coding to blend in and run through the damaged part of it as well. Which means it will allow part of it to run through into the Metatronic grids. So people that have any of the conduits still left where they can turn on, will be able to pick up some of this Consciousness. So we are bringing a healing with us when we go to the Biosphere, and also when we do the Mayan Cruise. So we‘ll be back in about…I‘m going to…I know it‘s late. We‘re not going to get any sleep, are we? I‘m sorry we have to go through this. It is a 2-hour bus ride, though, going down to the thing, so buses, planes, so we can sleep on the bus. Let‘s see, just like 15-minutes. It usually takes me 15-20-minutes to get what they want me to do with the technique down. We‘ll come back…it shouldn‘t take that long for the technique. So I‘ll see you in 15-20.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

Monday Lecture 2 [Audio Track 8] A‘sha Fortunately, there‘s several layers of activation that have to happen here, and I‘m very glad we don‘t have to do the long route, like we did this morning…early this morning. I‘ll call that ―last night‖ because for me it was. But when we had to move our cloud-self energy up and over and down…we don‘t have to do a lot of that for the first two parts, because what the Beloveds are going to do is actually…it‘s not just the Mashaya-Hana Beloveds and those this point we‘re going to have…the Ah-yah-RhU are actually going to be transmitting down through the communication frequency lines that we have – you know, with the others that are online and in the ―stack of Beloveds‖. And, what we‘re going to do…there‘s 1, 2, 3, 3B, 4, 5 parts. But, they‘re not too bad. They could be a lot worse if we had to do the manual stuff, where you have to go, ourselves, and open things and activate things on parts 1 and 2. But fortunately…I‘m just going to give you a run-through on this so you know what we‘re going to do. And I had no idea how they were going to move this or what it was going to look like. But the first part we‘re going to do is, it‘s called the Cos-MO‟-sa activation. That‘s where we activate the coding and the Ah-yah field, but also the flows…I still have to look at my thing. The Ah-yah-YA‘ – Eternal Living Dream-Stream…alright, that‘s when we activate that from the Cosmos level, which is the next level up from where we were when we did the Cosmic Matrix level in the first activation. Now if there‘s anybody here that didn‘t do that first activation, that‘s alright. You can back-run it. You‘ll still get the activation here because there‘s enough people in the shield, in the group, that have done that. And if you want to participate you‘re welcome to, and you can just pick it up from the DVD and back-run it to get those extra frequencies turned on that we did this morning if you weren‘t here, because there‘s a couple of people that weren‘t here. Now, again, anybody that doesn‘t want to participate, you don‘t have to, you can sit and listen, you can choose to participate and then tomorrow you decide you don‘t want to…you just say ―I rescind any activations I had – I‘m not interested.‖ So it‘s not an obligation or anything like that. It‘s not somebody zapping you with something you can‘t un-zap yourself with. It‘s that kind of thing. It‘s all cooperation and it‘s all…your free will is totally and completely respected. So that needs to be acknowledged and known. And alright…what they want to do is, they‘ll first…the way they‘re going to do these is great. They‘re actually going to put the code up on the screen, and that beams through the other screens as well. And they said first they‘re going to beam in, on this one, they‘re going to beam in a pillar of golden-silver WhaYA-yah field frequency, and then they‘re going to transmit the Cos-MO‘-sa Ah-YA‘-yah stream right through that. It‘s going to come out horizontally and just kind of come out through the three points. Right, so one will angle out that way, one will angle out this way, one will angle out that way. Um, let‘s see…I have to read my little scribbles, because when they give it to me really fast I write really fast, like hieroglyphics. OK, and they said once they do that they‘ll let us know when they have the transmission running, and they‘re asking us to just hold our hands up, just about shoulder level, and that actually means you want to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 183 of 211

Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

receive the transmission, and the frequencies that are moving through the room will actually first come in into contact with your palms – your palms actually draw them in like to you. They‘ll flow to your palms and then…OK…so once your palms draw it in then you keep them there for a minute, but the beam that‘s coming out horizontally – and they‘re going to be doing like really wide beams where it will cover the territory coming from each one, because it‘ll come out and like make a cone as they come out. So there‘s nobody that will be not in the range where they can pick it up. Once you pick it up then it will actually…I had put that diagram up that shows the chambers – you have that front-back chamber, and that‘s horizontal, right, and you have the one running side-to-side, and they‘re really big, wide chambers of energy, right. And then you have your big, wide vertical chamber. This one is going to…actually, once it touches your palms it‘s going to run right through from front to back. So it‘s actually from the future. Because this is the future chamber, right? Your future is out here, where you projected out. It‘s going to come in from the future and run right through you and back to the past. All the way through the layers of your Spirit Body back to what would be your Krystar Self…but not Krystar Self…what would they call it…it‘s the Bud Self at the center, when you go back through the Edons, then you go back through the Adons then the inner ones, then you go back to the Core. So it‘ll literally open that whole chamber with the frequencies. And they said when that happens…let me see…I‘m doing this for me as much as you, right, so I can read my writing. Oh. And they‘ll give…OK, like now…then you can just take your hands from here and just put them just kind of like down, like this. You don‘t have to stretch them out or anything, you just like put them down like that. And that will actually bend the rod chambers…the ones that run side-to-side…down, with them, for a minute. And the frequency coming from the front-to-back one will actually expand through the rod, and your arms will stay down, but the rod chamber will pop back up. So you‘ll have the full horizontal – that will be a four-point activation at that point, and when that happens there will be a little pop sensation here, and it will…a little ball of…what do they call it, the Ah-yah sphere…the Ah-yah Flame Sphere will activate in the AzurA area, and will kind of stick out about this far. So you can try to sense it. If you don‘t sense it it‘s OK. This is what will happen if you agree that you want the activation. Then, let‘s see. Then you‘ll feel a little bit of like a pop when that starts. Just like a ―ptoo‖ feeling. And, let‘s see. Let‘s sit back down to read this. OK, we get that far. Alright, that sphere…that flamesphere of Ah-yah frequency…of Ah-yah field/consciousness/energy will…that‘s the beginning of starting, of activating your Ah-yah Orb – that big orb that eventually grows really, really big. So that‘s the first part of that. Now the second part, once we get that far…you can rest your hands on your laps…and the second part is, we‘ll put up the Cos-MA-yah code…you know…change the codes, and then they‘re going to do an activation again, through that. They‘re going to bring frequency and then the Ah-yah-YA‘ stream in through that. What they‘re going to do with that one is, they‘re going to make the three-point beams come in, but they‘re going to actually angle them to the back of the wall, and hit them off the back of the wall, and they‘ll come up…one will come up and one will go down…one will actually go down into Earth core, into the Reservoir and angle back up, and the other will come down…kind of like go up in the air and then down through the ceiling and split into like little rays that come down to anybody who accepted the first part of the activation; as long as you don‘t say ―stop, I don‘t want anymore‖. Right, you can always do that at any point. And then it‘s done, and if you say ―get whatever you did on me, off me,‖ they will do that, no problem, right.

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

But it will come in from both top and bottom and it will activate the vertical chambers, right? So there‘ll be some coming in from the top, and then some coming up through your feet from the bottom…of the frequencies. And this will carry the level of the coding from the Cos-MA‘-yah level, which is the final level that is…the Cos-MA‘-yah is the one that sits in the God/Source consciousness field. So that gives us the other two layers of activations, where the ―purple rain‖ effect that we had before, we‘ll actually be getting purple-y-silver-like, violet-silver rain effect coming from the future to the past, and running both ways across the Rod, and up and down through this. So we‘ll have rain coming up and rain coming down, and it‘s going to be like the purple rain effect field. That‘s the color it will be. And that will give us the two levels of activations. Let‘s see…Oh, and once we have…they call this a ―Six-direction‖ activation. This is why, one of the things, with the Beloveds‘ teachings it‘s always been kind of neat. You have a lot of other belief systems out there in the New Age movement that are using the ―four directions‖. One, two, three, four…no future/past. No connection back through the Spirit Body to the Core that you came out of through the Domains. And this is why we always says the ―six directions‖ as opposed to the four directions, because you have the Chambers: the horizontal ones, you have East and West, and you have North and South, but you also have Future and Past. And that creates the whole circulation of energy. So this is a six-direction activation, in that regard. OK, now once the…they‘ll give a call like when there‘s going to be a little bit of a pop, and the sphere of Ahyah frequency that was…Ah-yah field energy that was building here will pop out and expand, and it will become your Ah-YA‘ Orb Body, and it will be about 12 feet in diameter, and it will stay there. Once it‘s there, it will stay permanent unless you choose to undo the activation, which you can undo at any time. You can just say, ―I don‘t want it, I decided I‘m going to go like, you know, I‘d rather be a Catholic, or I‘d rather be an Atheist or whatever‖. And they will respect that. It‘s your free-will choice. And they will simply withdraw anything that they gave, because they would not want to offend. So they will not cross boundaries like that. But you will, at that point, have the 12-foot sphere around you…and again, because you each have your own special encryption you‘re not going to bumping into each other and squashing each other‘s spheres into funny shapes because you‘re sitting so close. You‘ll actually just run right through each other as if the other wasn‘t there next to you. Because you have your own specific very unique encryption – a radiation encryption of energy – so you have almost like…it‘s that ―lone-key harmonic‖, they call it, where you have your own harmonic, and it‘s like your own space in the Cosmos that other things can run through you, but nothing can touch that space or put its codes in that space. So sitting next to each other like you are, it‘s not going to change the fact that you can still have your 12-foot diameter bubbles around you, right. Now that‘s the easy part, right – which is, they‘re doing most of the work and we‘re just like, ―OK – I‘ll be there‖. And through this…we don‘t have to do any like, breathe, hold, or any of that…just breathe normal, right, just breathe. We will do the real quick activator/amplifier – your Krystar – real quick, you know, with a couple of breaths just to amplify the field. Now, here‘s where it gets a little interesting where we do have to pay a little bit of attention and breathe and do things. And this is really the hardest part of everything. It‘s not really hard, but as far as what our

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Sliders-8, Hethalon—Aug 13-15, 2010: Phoenix, AZ

participation needs to be…it‘s called ―Awakening your Ah-YA‘‖. That‘s your Avatar Eternal, right. That is that body that is like your idea of a perfected You. Now you don‘t have to design it right now. The way they‘re doing this…there will be an image that everyone will use to just set that energy signature. You can add your details to it as you go, when you decide…when you start really building the feel of it there. Then you can start deciding if you‘d like it to have this quality or that quality. But it‘s important to keep it true to your Va-Bha‘-TE cell, which means your gene code now. You know, that if you‘re white and you want to be black, or if you‘re black and you want to be Hispanic…save that for later. But right now, (laughter) if you‘re a girl and you want to be a boy, save that for later. If you‘re a girl or boy and had a sex-change, use what you have NOW, OK, whatever your signature is now, biologically. It‘s important to bring the biology that you have into this activation, so it‘s YOU and not just like some thoughtform of you that you have of yourself. So it is you. But you can also, as you go along…right now you‘re just going to see it as a perfected energy field with just hominid shape – like a light-being. But eventually, as you learn to play with it more…we will learn to play with our Ah-YA selves and do more things with them, like project with them and move them around and do all sorts of things. But for now we‘re going to create them and bring that level of Source-Consciousness right into ourselves. So you don‘t have to worry about deciding on…you can change your eye color – little things – little tweaks…you can change your hair color. But keep your basic nationality, gene code, height, that kind of thing. Like weight…you can play with that because you could play with that here, right. You know, you could make yourself fatter, you could make yourself skinnier. So you can do that, but you don‘t have to worry about, ―Oh, I‘m going to go and sit for twenty minutes and figure out what I want my Avatar-self to look like‖. You don‘t have to do that yet. But you can play with it as you go along, like after the workshop is over and stuff. Think about it, and those thoughts will actually go into that body and start to form it, and it‘ll take on more characteristics, and sometimes…when the people who‘ve done Sliders 7 that are playing with mirrors, you may start having some interesting effects where you start to see it with you, looking out with you. And it‘s you. It‘s a level of your own consciousness that is in closer at-one-ment with Source. So in a way you could say that it‘s a future you – the you that you‘re choosing to become. And you kind of make a commitment to yourself that, yes, I want to be that. But you can design what that is. It‘s not imposing it on you. Just whatever your most perfect version of you, as you decide what that will be is what that image will hold. Right, so to do this, to awaken our Ah-YA body…and we already have our Ah-YA Orb around us, right. So the next this is we‘re going to be…we‘re going to have to focus our energy at the AzurA, and then we‘re going to inhale the six-directional inhale. So when we start these breathings we‘re using the six directions. So we‘ll inhale through the six points of the chambers. And then we‘re going to exhale and pop what they‘re calling the Ah-yah Flame Sphere, that‘s at the AzurA, that started to form when we did the orb, but there‘s a small sphere still in there, and we go (quick inhale and short sharp exhale) and pop it, where it turns into a sphere that goes…it‘s pretty big. It‘s probably…maybe basketball-size. And it hangs there and has like a flame-field in it.

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And, let‘s see…then the next one…so the inhale – six-point – and then exhale and it pops…that part. Then we‘re going to go to…we move our attention down a bit, and they‘re saying…this is interesting…they‘re calling this spot – this is a new spot – we have lots of spots that we‘ve learned about over the years in the anatomy, as far as Ra flames and Karanadis Seals and all those things – but this one they‘re calling the Ah-yah‟-RhU Seed. And it is actually the core of the Silver Seed. Now we‘ve been working with activating the Silver Seed progressively that has to do with the frequencies that are coming in from Aurora Earth and from the Aurora Continuum and that space. Well, imagine that that has a little core inside of it that can open and awaken, and this is what we will be awakening with this part. So to do this…this ―seed‖ isn‘t in the AzurA like most things are. This part – this core – to bring it awake, at some point I‘m sure, in other techniques, later in other workshops, they‘ll probably have us do things like merging them – the different flame areas and stuff. But for now, this one is…wherever your navel is, and wherever you can sense the base of your breastbone, try to imagine a spot half-way between there. It‘ll be right about in that area and it‘s very deep in your Central Vertical Current. And it actually just hangs there in suspension. It‘s like a little tiny speck and it holds the potentials of the full Core Silver Seed Awakening and it will open the Ah-yah field right into your biology. So we‘ll be inhaling into that spot and then exhaling. And it will again make a flame-sphere that will extend from the bottom of the breast-bone to the top of the navel. And then…ah, the next one will be from our pineal, so we‘ll do the six-direction inhale into the pineal, and then exhale, and it will pop the…and this one will come, almost like a little…looks like a space-hat…a space-bubble right around your head, where it will actually be around your head. And that‘s kind of interesting. When they give me these things I have to run a little bit of it, even though it‘s not time for me to activate yet, just by them giving me the steps where I can see them, because I need to be able to see them for some reason for the wave to run, and it starts in me. And when they did this part with me it was pretty cool because I realized, Wow, that state that we‘re always like reaching for…and it‘s somewhere else, where you just feel a bit better…I could feel a bit of it open up around me. And it‘s like: ―Ooh, I like this space. This is great‖. Because there was this calm, this stillness that feels like that Ah-yah field. And I imagine that progressively, as we work more with this field of consciousness/frequencies, we will experience that more and more. And it‘s nice because, like wow, that part of your awareness is right there with you. So it‘s not just your little awareness that kind of goes ―Aaah, what am I doing here – it was a lousy day,‖ and that kind of stuff. And you kind of go ―phew, yah, just get that off me…haaah,‖ and just expand yourself into that space and it‘s right there with you. So then we‘ll do that part and we‘ll have our little bubble there. You know, the pineal one expands to become the…I‘m just calling it a space-hat for easy, because when I‘m working with these, they‘re giving me more visuals…sometimes more words to come on. The easiest words I can use to get across what we‘re doing is the best. So if I have to keep looking over here to go, ―what was that? – Ah-yah-YA / Ah-YAyah – what am I yah-ing here?‖ You know, that kind of thing. Sometimes ―dream stream‖ works good…unless you‘re trying to tone it. If you‘re trying to tone it you need to use the syllables, but if I‘m just describing to you what it is, it‘s not going to matter because you know what it is and I‘m just saying to you, yeah, the dream stream, or whatever.

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So anyway, the space bubble will pop after you do the pineal-level activation of the Ah-yah flame sphere. Then, let‘s see, ah, this is where it gets interesting. This is where you get to begin to actually meet your AhYA self – the one that has the body. So you have your Ah-YA Orb, but you also have your Ah-YA self. You can imagine a small, silver self – a perfect you – just silver, twinkly energy, right? And you‘re going to imagine it at the pineal…just a little you in the pineal. And then (she breathes in and out) push it out gently from the pineal, through the third eye, until it‘s about right here, and then watch it get about two/three inches tall, and imagine it‘s right here like you are, but just a tiny version. And it goes out, where it‘s still looking forward, and when it gets out to where you can sense that your space-bubble hat is, it turns around and looks at you, right? So you‘re facing each other. Alright, this little version of you that you‘re seeing, they‘re referring to as your ―Ah-YA Seed-self,” so that‘s the Seed-self – that‘s not it yet. That‘s not your whole Ah-YA self yet. OK, they‘re saying that when you have it in that space, imbue it with all of the feelings of joy and love and expansion and enlightenment that you can muster within yourself, as if all the things that have troubled you – any tension, any pain, any frustration, any anger, any old victimization patterns where you felt hurt by this or harmed by that, or somebody did something terrible to you. Imagine that you‘re just…it‘s all like a wind is blowing on you and just (fweeew) right through your cells, and cleaning it off you for a moment. And then (she breathes in and quickly breathes out) breathe that intention of joy and just cleaned cleanliness of all the negative, all the stuff that hurts – breathe that in to the seed of your Ah-YA self. So we‘ll just do like a couple of regular breaths, but when you inhale…OK, they‘re saying, ―when you inhale, actually imagine that you‘re squeezing all the negative stuff that you might see as dark energy, and just squeezing it tight, and then when you exhale you‘re projecting light energy that‘s in you, forward, and the other stuff goes back.‖ The dark stuff goes back behind you as if it‘s in the past now. That it‘s moving away from you – it‘s going back to the past where it‘ll be transmuted through your Spirit Body. So once you imbue it with a bit of the joyful feelings of your new life…this is your new life, your new self. You are the creator here. You can create yourself anyway you choose to. No matter what your life has done so far, or how you‘ve run your life so far, you can make a clean start and begin to choose how you want it. Even if you don‘t know exactly how to do that, just say, ―yeah, I can…there‘s a lot of things I can let go,‖ and know that just the intention of wanting to do that, you will get guidance from this level of your own self, that will help you to see a bit more clearly, progressively, what might work better for you, and where you find more joy in your life. Now, let‘s see, it says…you‘re still looking at each other, where you‘re closing your eyes and you‘re seeing your seed-self there…your Seed Ah-YA self, and they‘re saying we‘re just going to put our palms up a bit again, like we did to receive the horizontal transmissions, and see in your mind‘s eye…if you can‘t visualize yet, that‘s alright, just intend…that your little self in there, your Seed-self also puts its palms up and it transmits a ray of frequency to you – directly to your palms, and just breathe with that for a few moments. And then, I think the Beloveds will probably…it has to do with hitting a certain quantum of transmission on that, and the Beloveds will probably give me a sign where I say, ―OK, that‘s good,‖ and then once we get that ―OK, it‘s good, enough frequency,‖ then imagine that your Seed-self and yourself put your palms together in front of the large AzurA flame that you have there now. Alright, and now it‘s saying, if you‘d like to you can make a vow to yourself that you will let this future, perfected You – the way you design it – to be your guide…to not give up on yourself, no matter what – to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 188 of 211

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not be too hard on yourself, to not you know, ―Oh, I should be better than this, I should be more perfect…‖. Get rid of the ―should-bes‖. You need to love yourself as you are, even with what you might consider imperfections. But make a vow to yourself that you‘re not going to give up on you. That you can become that more and more, and embody that energy. And it may look different than you think. There may be a whole bunch of things that you‘re actually – ―Oh, I know I need to fix this and I know I need to fix that about me, or the other thing.‖ There may be. What really happens is you realize that you aren‘t the problem – it‘s your feeling you need to fix you that‘s been the problem. So some of the things you‘ll actually start feeling more motivated to do that are more positive for yourself that, you know, would actually help to fix some things that might need fixing. But you would also start to feel yourself more and more at peace in your skin, where you realize you don‘t need that much fixing after all – that you‘ll get there. It‘s alright. And that creates a balance in the self, where you learn to BE, instead of always trying to aim for something that isn‘t here yet. Where you‘re living either in the past, ruminating about old memories and all would-have, could-have, should-haves, or you‘re trying to create something in the future and it‘s always out there in front of you. When we get too caught in that pattern, our ‗nows‘ go away. And right now we‘re not even focused in the now. Our bodies are, but we‘re not. And ‗now‘ is where the point of power is, and always will be. It is our creation point. So progressively we‘ll learn to bring that consciousness of the now and being at peace with the now – that means ourself in the ‗now‘ and what the now is doing in the external hologram, and those kind of things. So we‘ll be working with that. But it‘s making a vow to yourself to not give up on yourself, and whatever that perfected level of yourself is…you might just decide you‘re perfectly perfect just the way you are, and you don‘t have to change a thing – I‘m fine! Right, and it‘s OK if it goes there. But to make a vow to yourself that you will let that be your guide – that ideal for yourself – whatever it is, in your relationship with God-Source Consciousness-field, whatever that idea of perfection is, that you will not give up, and you‘ll throw out all the old programs that tell you how you‘re not good enough, or you had Illuminati parents, so I know I can‘t ascend, or whatever! You know, all that negativity, you don‘t need to have that with you anymore. So that little vow – you don‘t have to make a vow to yourself – but it‘s a good place and space to do it. It‘s a commitment to YOU. You‘re making a commitment to you. You‘re saying, ―I am worth it.‖ And if people have told you you‘re not worth it for ages in your life…it might be hard to say, but actually look and say you are a person – you have a vote. You are voting, ―I am worth it!‖ And use that. That, and ―My Relationship with Source Comes First‖. And if you really honor that vow with yourself, to you and to Source…and that doesn‘t mean to the Beloveds in between either. I mean they‘re wonderful – it‘s lovely to have great brilliant friends that are ascended, but the big relationship is between you and that God-Source Consciousnessfield. And finally, thanks to the assistance that our very good teachers and guides have given, we can do that fully, directly now. So it is a vow to yourself and to wanting to embrace whatever that amazing level of enlightenment and expansion is, that means where you and God-Source directly meet and become at one in consciousness. [0:27:38] So after we get to that point where we are still with our hands together in front of the flame-field here, and we make our little silent vow to ourself, then it‘s saying at that point, after you make that commitment to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 189 of 211

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yourself and whatever your organic relationship with Self and Source should be, then you can just relax your hands and go back to regular breathing, and just notice that the Seed-self actually comes back in – walks back in to your third chakra…gets smaller as it comes back and gets into your pineal and just goes and hangs out in your pineal for a minute. And then a neat thing happens. This is called…this part of this technique is called ―Turning on the Shine‖. And at this point we‘ll put up Code 3, which is the third one that has your body in it, right – the little body image in it. You start to just breathe gently, and at a certain point…aware that you have your Seed-self in there…and inhale into your AzurA and then you would exhale just gently, just once, and your Seed-self would expand its consciousness all through your entire molecular structure, so it actually made a complete replica – it‘s right there with you, literally every little nuance in your entire structure, every neuro-network, every atom, every quark. It is literally recording and creating itself in that image inside of you. And then you just breathe normally. Then we have the Co-MA‘-yah Code (probably means Cos-MA‘-yah), well the Cos-MA‘-yah Code is the one that will have Code 3 because that has the body in the middle of the Cos-MA‘-yah Code so that‘s the one that we‘ll be using. And what we will do is actually inhale it toward you – you know, you each have a screen so you can see it, and you‘ll actually begin to just (inhaling) bring the code with its little symbolic image of your Seed-body. Just (inhales) look at it and bring it toward you. And we‘re not going to do optical pineal induction like we‘ve done before, where you have to like you know, cross the eye-currents and bring it directly into the pineal. We‘re not going to do that. Instead, this time we just breathe, and every time we inhale we feel it coming a little closer off the screen. And as it comes off the screen…where it‘s like this big on the screen, it keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And it gets huge by the time it reaches you and there will be a version of it that reaches every one of you so you all have your own – you‘re not breathing off the same code. When it expands like that, and you can feel it kind of…there‘ll be a little sensation of…just a little bit of sensation as it‘s coming toward you…you should be able to feel something. If you don‘t it‘s OK. It doesn‘t mean it‘s not there. It just means you don‘t have certain neuro-networks turned on yet that allow for sensing energy of that, you know, that particular bandwidth or whatever. So don‘t worry about it if you don‘t feel it, but just kind of sense like, OK, I think I‘ve breathed it enough, it must be here by now – that kind of thing. When it comes in, and you can feel it coming towards you in the front, it‘s actually going to stop right here…right, it‘s like a two-dimensional plane, but it will stop right here in the center of your large Ah-YA Orb. Anyway, it will literally be like a disk in your Ah-YA Orb and…let‘s see, what do we have to do then? Once it‘s in that position, where it reaches a position so it‘s like running through your body and in your orb as a plane – but a vertical plane, a circular vertical plane in your Orb – you might sense a little bit of like almost fizzing in your field around you. Just a little like ―tchzzzzzzzzz‖, and then a kind pop thing, and it will actually go three-dimensional where it just fills your Ah-YA orb. And at that point you are carrying the Code of Cos-MA‘-yah…and they‘ve said some more things about this. What this does, once the pop occurs, they said, ―and then it turns on the Shine.‖ Now the ―Shine‖ is interesting. Once it pops into 3D life it will fill your Ah-YA Orb, and then it will also affect your Ah-YA Self…your Ah-YA body that‘s still inside your body…the silvery shine body that‘s inside…it‘ll actually push it out a little, where its frequency starts to go into your etheric body. So it‘ll be about two inches…it‘ll stick out The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 190 of 211

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– the fuzzy field of the silvery energy sticking out about two inches around your entire body where your etheric body is, but it‘ll actually push a bit past your etheric body as well. And that‘s the beginning of the Shine. And you will also start radiating out through the spaces between your atoms and between your cells, and it will actually start radiating out through your skin, so there‘ll be like a feel to this for some people who are sensitized to these kinds of energies. There will be a feel to it coming through the skin, and that will be a permanent thing until you tell it to go away – if you ever decide to shut down the activation you can. But it will literally start to…it‘ll be a glow – it‘s turning on a Shine that will literally be shining through…it‘ll be shining through your eyes; through your skin; all of that. And let‘s see…and it‘s funny, it says everything from between the spaces between your atoms, to your skin, to even the molecules in your hair, and even your clothing, like whatever clothing you have on will actually start to take on just a little bit of a silver-violet shine, so they‘ll be a little bit like ultra-violet – not dark purple but that really ultra-violet-like, solar-ray ultra-violet color. But most of it will be the silvery sheen – so we‘re turning on the Shine. And it will also, once it turns on, it‘ll just cycle on its own in like little beaming pulses, where there‘ll be times when you can feel, if the wave-forms are coming out…like they‘ll come out all together and it‘ll be like one pulse through your body, where your Shine might go ―whoooo,‖ and it comes out to here, and then it‘ll go down again. And there‘ll be times when it just it just pulses, right (said very gently and quietly), and there‘ll be other times when it REALLY pulses, and sometimes it gets really subtle. So it‘ll really interact in its own way with the consciousness of your body and your atoms and that kind of thing. And it will also start shining rays through your Orb – through your Ah-YA Orb, so that will also pulse. And you might feel a little tingle sometimes. You might not feel the thing on the skin yet or anything like that. And just imagine, too. Whatever the outside of something is, is your skin. When you go inside your body you have organs, and they have an outside of them too, so all of your organs will start to have this effect, so it‘s internal as well as just external. And it will help, progressively, especially the more…once this activated you can actually just like, you know, sit comfortably in a recliner or lay down in a chair and just breathe, and just intend that it will cooperate with you, because it is your consciousness. That you will inhale, and when you exhale you may get a pulse, so you can actually control the wave pulse. And if you have an area that‘s hurting you can concentrate more of it there and make it move more slowly and deeply, or more quickly – whichever feels right. So you can really start to work with your body and your atomic structure. If it‘s your…they‘re just telling me this…this applies to your emotional body as well. Your emotions do - what we call emotions are…part of it is our consciousness of spirit, but most of it is getting entangled in unnatural chemical issues in the body because of the mutation. So if you‘re feeling emotions that you don‘t…that are not pleasant, instead of trying to push them away or distract yourself or avoid them, or medicate them or whatever…I‘m not saying go off meds if you‘re on them, that‘s not what I meant. I meant like drugs, alcohol, recreational, to try to dull your consciousness. Sometimes people do need to use…you know, with psychiatrists and stuff, sometimes that does help temporarily. So you need to work with your doctors, not against them with those kind of things. But when you‘re dealing with emotional stuff that‘s coming up and making you feel agitated and all that, you can go to a quiet place and amplify your Shine. But before you amplify the Shine, actually sink into the The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 191 of 211

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feeling. Instead of trying to pull away from how bad it feels, actually say, ―OK, I‘m going to go meet it there.‖ Let it feel as lousy and rotten and terrible and awful as it possibly can. Remember, you‘ve got your Shine. Don‘t want to see your Shine yet. And feel it, and feel how awful. And once you really feel it and going, ―bleah – I‘m going to throw up – I hate this, I can‘t stand it.‖ Right? Then go, ―that‘s alright, I embrace this. This is just sensation. I embrace this pain. And now I‘m going to turn on my Shine.‖ And you inhale…and you inhale as much of the pain cloud that you can feel at this point. Then exhale Shine through it. And you will learn progressively as you do this, to focus just on the Shine and the breath, and breathing the Shine in and out. And eventually the power that you felt with the pain, and whatever that unpleasant emotion was, it will start to shift and it will start to change. And progressively…it might not all go away the first time you do this. It might take a bit of practice. But eventually you will be able to control that type of thing so it doesn‘t control you. Like if you‘re a person who has panic attacks or something like that, you can actually learn to use this technique of, ―I‘ll focus only on my breathing and breathing the Shine.‖ And you can train your mind to take care of that biochemical reaction stuff that‘s happening, and get it calm. So there‘s a lot of uses for this. I‘m letting you know these now because we don‘t have anything written down – ―here, go do this or this‖. But once the Shine is turned on, these are some of the things you can do with it. You can also shine it out your palms to help other people heal or things like that. But, once we‘ve turned on the Shine, that Shine is our Ah-YA Body and we have our Ah-YA Orb around us. There‘s going to be times we can take our Ah-YA Body out. We‘ll still have the Shine, but we can take a portion of it and lift it up and send it places. And that is what we‘re going to be doing next, for those who want to participate in the first part…this is before we get into the Covenant part. But this is the part where they‘re going to ask us to journey, and we‘re going to journey to Siesta Key beach because we‘ve set up a very powerful what‘s called ―Amoraea Crystal Temple‖ there, with the activations that we‘ve been doing, and the people at workshops consciously participated in creating those energetic structures. So what you can…if people who haven‘t been there, if you want to do the journey with us, what you can do is just imagine…if you‘ve never seen Siesta Key Beach in Florida that‘s OK – it‘s in Sarasota Florida. Just imagine beautiful white sand beach – and I mean WHITE – it‘s crushed quartz crystal so it‘s absolutely gorgeous white sand. And just imagine aqua waters where the ocean is and just imagine, on that white sand, and extending out into the aqua waters there‘s this absolutely massive, like skyscraper-size Krystar vehicle and it‘s that kind of diamond-y shape big merkaba vehicle, because there is one there that we have activated. So we‘re going to project into that, but we‘re going to do this in a very interesting way. To do this journey they‘re actually going to ask us to do this, and I know because this is actually part of…a first part of a test of being able to…now that we‘re safe, (sighs) relax a little bit and realize we are safe now! The activations, the Met-net stuff has stopped. Nobody can implant you with stuff at this point – those kind of things. So what they‘re going to ask us to do is, we‘re going to get in touch with the Orb level of ourselves, which is still…it will pulse too by the way, our Shine will also pulse through our Ah-YA Orb and when we do the journey, to start it they‘re going to have us first do a few breaths to pulse and amplify our Shine and our Orb Shine, and then they‘re going to ask us…if you don‘t want to you don‘t have to, but they‘re hoping that we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 192 of 211

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can create kind of like a multi-layer human chain. We can sit down where we are, but whoever‘s next to you – whoever they are, even if you don‘t like them, right, let that be a first lesson in loving kindness and safety. Know you‘re safe, where you can just like touch finger tips or one finger. If you really don‘t want to you don‘t have to, right? You don‘t have to violate your personal body-space or whatever. But the more of the linking we can do, the better. Now you have your own Orb. Nobody‘s going to get in your Orb, so you‘re perfectly safe. We‘ve done other types of projections before with orbs and pillars and things. We always have our own – that never goes away. We don‘t blend the fields into one large mass of energy where everybody takes on each other‘s coding and stuff, so you don‘t ever have to worry about that. They‘re going to ask us to just like touch fingers, or hold hands if you feel more comfortable – hands makes a stronger link. And then we‘re going to breathe a bit – breathe and sync a little bit together and form a huge collective Ah-YA sphere around the entire collective. Now you all have your own, still inside of it, and anybody that doesn‘t want to be a part of this…if you don‘t have yours activated because you don‘t want to be a part of it, it‘s fine. It‘ll just go right through you, won‘t touch you, as if you weren‘t there and it wasn‘t there to you. So this is for the people who want to participate in the journey. And they‘re going to then have us take our Ah-JhA‘ Body – the hominid-shaped one that looks just like us, and actually raise it up and take…it‘ll take an image…we‘ll still have ours down here and we‘ll have our Shine and we‘ll still have our Orb, but we‘ll take a replica of them and lift them up to the ceiling, and then we‘ll make this…we‘ll take our massive Orb and we‘ll inhale once and then pop, and we‘ll actually pop right into the center. We won‘t have to like fly across the sky – we‘ll actually pop right into the center of the Krystal Temple that is over on Siesta Key Beach. And from there it‘s a very simple journey. What we‘re doing with this journey is, now that we‘re carrying the Cos-MA‘-yah Code – that‘s the big one – we‘re carrying that in our fields. So now we can give it as a gift. When we give it as a gift as a collective it has a lot more umph behind it, as far as…there‘s more of it – more layers of it, so it‘s stronger. We‘re going to go down from the Temple, and directly down into Earth Core into the Orb Reservoir that we‘ve talked about before. You can imagine just a reservoir of those little snow-like orbs all over the place, but they‘re prettier. They‘re actually like translucent. They sparkle like these type of things but in all sorts of pastel colors. We‘re going to go in there, and we‘re going to see a large blue – not quite aqua, but more electric blue color – sphere of energy. And that is representing…actually the sphere of Amenti is in a frequency that we couldn‘t actually see it. It‘s another one of those ―feel‖ things. But this is a symbolic thing that will connect our energy to it. We‘re going to just bring our large orb down over the small blue sphere and just breathe for a moment there. And that will breathe the code in, so it will literally be seeding the structure into the planetary body that the Mashayahs need to be able to come in and do a birth-wave in here. And it will also be seeding it in there so the Sphere of Amenti can now link that in to the rest of the grids – even the Metatronic ones – so even people that are going in Fall Path can pick up part of those frequencies – whatever their own templates and DNA could hold. So it is literally giving a huge gift to many people on the planet, and not just people…to animals and plants and those things. Because anything with a Kryst Code can benefit from those frequencies coming through. It will actually bring the Kryst Code up. It‘ll help to amplify the Kryst Code.

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And then, these won‘t take long. It takes longer to explain it really, than it does to actually do it, but I wanted to make sure that I understood, and also that I wouldn‘t lose people with this, because there‘s a lot of steps to it. So, once we do that then we simply just inhale down there, and intend ourselves back here, and we just kind of pop and go flying up through the Temple over the and pop up in our seats over here. And then we go into the closing round. Sometimes there‘s a lot of steps to things. Alright, now that we‘ve finished the coding of the Sphere of Amenti the next place that we‘re going is to what they call the ―Ah-ya-RhU‟ Covenant‖, for those who are interested in a covenant. The covenant has to do with a couple of things. First of all, the only reason it‘s being spoken about is because they‘re offering us an invitation because they‘re aware of the work we have been doing, and doing with the Beloveds. They have taken votes actually – they actually do vote. This is how the Speakers were appointed before we got our contracts when we came in. This is also how the Speakers‘ apprentices were appointed. Not by us – they were appointed ‗up there‘, and we just get informed, right, who‘s elected. And then the person elected has a choice, whether they‘re interested or not to accept the commission. Well, the whole collective of the Aquafereion Shield…and this applies to people who aren‘t here too, right, that aren‘t at this workshop, or even don‘t know about this stuff consciously. But we have been invited to be what are called ―apprentices elect‖, which means we‘ve been elected as apprentices – each one of us – we‘ve been entrusted with that. It doesn‘t mean we have to accept it. An apprentice is…I always think of Mickey Mouse and the Sourcerer‘s Apprentice. I don‘t know why – probably because I‘ve been apprentices before. They‘re not like that at all. They‘re actually…what their purpose is – I know when they appointed the apprentices to the Speakers – the purpose was that they would assist us, directly, in running the frequencies so we could amplify the abilities that we had as Speakers, on the planet. They would also…we would also help each other with various things, like the people that have been working as apprentices with us – because the Beloveds appointed them, I didn‘t – and they have been doing all sorts of stuff, you know, working with us doing chart-packs, doing all kinds of things to assist, and we try to assist them as well. But with the apprenticeships, the invitation and the commission is the…and this is coming, not just from the Mashaya-Hana Councils but literally from the Ah-yah-RhU‘ Councils. They are asking us if we‘d be interested in helping them run frequency and hold the Shield, and hold these gates open for the 200 years, and if we would help make way for the Mashaya-Hanas coming in for the Mashayahs coming in. And if we don‘t want to we don‘t have to. You know, they won‘t take it personally. Just say, OK, it may not be a good time. Like you know, just let us know if you ever decide you want it, because you have…you have the ―elect‖, which means you have been elected. So if you‘re not ready for it right now, that‘s OK, just let them know and they will hold it and you can ask them some day – even like five life-times from now – ―you know, I remember I think I put one of those on hold. Could I activate it now please?‖

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So whatever you want to do with that. But they‘re going to…they‘re going to tie this in with an official part that we‘ve been asked to do in regard to the MCEO apprentices that were appointed as apprentices with us. They‘ve gone through a period of what they call ―life tests.‖ And there are some that come with apprenticeships. This doesn‘t mean that you‘re going to have a horrible life. It means you‘re going to have experiences that are made to help you grow a bit and look past some of the old ways you might have interpreted things. And honestly we go through that all the time anyway. But the apprentices that were appointed with MCEO – they were elected in 2006, and they finally…the Beloveds feel that they have, you know, passed the life tests sufficiently. It‘s really…passing the life tests is being able to handle with grace the life tests that you have. It‘s not that somebody‘s giving you more tests. It‘s that they‘re observing how well you can stay balanced and OK with, yes, life is a learning experience and I can take even the worst of it as a lesson. And every cloud has a silver lining. There‘s always a little bit of good, or something that you‘ve learned out of an experience, no matter how bad it was. So it‘s not that they‘re inflicting tests on you. It‘s that life kind of does that. Karma does that; being in a physical body down here does that. And the test is simply about how you handle yourself and your energy in relation to your life and your life circumstances. Because before you…the commissions of apprenticeships do involve…it‘s a collective…it‘s saying ―OK, I‘m willing to work in service to the collective – to the good for all life everywhere,‖ and not to be a martyr to it, because I‘m part of the good; I‘m part of alllife-everywhere, so you have to be good to yourself too. It‘s not about being a martyr. But they…yeah, I know. They‘re saying, ―Come on!‖ ―OK‖. Alright, you don‘t want that part? OK. So anyway, so basically if you do decide that you want to accept the apprenticeships…the ―elect‖, you will simply be…they will be observing to see how you just deal with life lessons. You know, just the stuff that life throws at you. And the faster that you get it and you say, ―OK, now there‘s a reason why I should behave and say alright, I know I should look at that better; I know I can not let that get me; I can not give myself the luxury of sinking into misery or grouchiness on that one. The more you make, the more Kryst-wave choices, the faster that you will be actually brought to where you don‘t have…it doesn‘t have to take four years. There‘s not a number attached to how long it has to take before you will get that final, what‘s called a ―swearing-in‖ where you‘ve actually hit a certain level. Some people might get it almost instantly, actually, because they‘re already doing that. And like, you know, within a couple of weeks…once the activation activates in the field, it‘ll just be there and you‘ll have some kind of experience, personally, with one of them. It may be in a dream-state; it may be in a meditation-state; but they will let you know that you‘ve been asked if you would like to be sworn in. You‘ll have the choice to make that choice again. You can say, ―No, I think I‘ll not do the apprentice thing right now,‖ but if you want it, then they will transmit a certain…it‘s like a mission contract, to you. [0:51:36] They will give us the beginning of that – just a little seed – and it holds some of the things that you…because they‘re aware of certain levels of your higher identity and what that‘s connected to – of some

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of the things that would be part of the mission as your contract as apprentice. And we will all get one of these too. We‘re being invited as apprentices to these guys as well, which is kind of nice. You know, we may be Speakers on the MCEO level, and that‘s backed up by the Mashaya-Hana levels, but this is a whole different level. So we‘re all being invited to start at the apprenticeship elect level on that one. Once we go through that little bit there‘s a thing you have to say – and I‘ll repeat this…we can repeat this together a couple of times before we get to the point…because it‘s going to go fast…I just did all the talking about it now so I don‘t have to do it then. When it comes to the time, when we get back from the journey, say OK, now it‘s the time for the decision, and the decision is whether or not you want to accept the commission you were elected for, and if you choose to, the words to say…and we can say this out loud, you don‘t have to if you don‘t want to…you can say it in your head, whichever you prefer. Now let me see. I have to pronounce this correctly myself. OK, because we don‘t have this on a mylar because we just received it. OK, when I start repeating it my eye will actually take over my mouth. I have one somewhere in the bottomless pit called my purse. (Gets a pen) It‘s ―Ah-yah-RhU‟ Ah-VA‟ E-Da VA‟ ‖ and it‘s in that hybrid part Anuhazi, part Aquareion Matrix, and I wouldn‘t doubt part of the Ah-yah Matrix level coming in now and the language encodings. There‘s a lot of ―Ah‘s‖ and ―A‘s‖ all over the place. What it means…I‘ll say it in a minute, but what it means is, ―Yes, I‘d gracefully like to accept the apprenticeship elect and take it from there,‖ and also it means ―I‘m willing to assist in helping to create this ascension here – I‘d like to help in whatever way that would be for you to do, you know, in helping the Mashayahs come in or helping…just helping in general – helping the population.‖ And it doesn‘t just mean helping Krystics. It means caring about everyone and learning how to – now that we can do it safely – open our hearts in loving kindness, and being able to reach out to others and to…we don‘t have to be afraid of hugging now, and stuff like that, where we really shouldn‘t have been afraid before…just like yeeahh, put up your Maharic shield really strong before you do because people were implanting each other. Things were implanting people through their fields. We‘re immune to that now. So we can be a lot more touchy, feely, cuddly, happy – kind of thing, right? So in these words it is saying, ―Yes, thank you for the appointment. I don‘t know what I did for it, but thanks guys up there‖…in my speak. It‘s actually a very formal way of saying that. And also that, yes, I‘m willing to assist in the mission of ascension for all life everywhere, and the words are: ―Ah-yah-RhU‟ Ah-VA‟ E-Da VA‟. ‖ You can say it with me if you like, just to get the feel of it. Ah-yah-RhU‟ Ah-VA‟ E-Da VA‟ Ah-yah-RhU‟ Ah-VA‟ E-Da VA‟ And you just need to say it once, and you can say it quietly to yourself if you want to. Sometimes it helps, though, if you say it out loud because if somebody forgets…it‘s easy to forget and say was it an ―A‖ or a ―VA‘‖ or what was that? Right? If we do say it out loud we will help each other to make sure we‘re saying the right sounds, and if not you can very quickly mentally correct…no that was an ―A‖ not a ―d‖ or whatever. OK, so once we do that, then…as soon as you do that you will actually receive a silver-violet spark that will come down through the chamber on top, and this is called your ―Mission Spark‖, which means it will have an encryption. And it won‘t activate immediately – it‘ll just be sitting there. It‘s like, OK, as an apprentice, as The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 196 of 211

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an assistant of ascension on this planet, there‘s tons and millions of jobs out there because there‘s a lot of help that‘s needed, and they will be like an idea for what that is that you might want to do with that. And it will open up as…it will interact with your own field and with your own Ah-YA body to reveal things to you. And you can interact with it. If you get like, ―Oh I think I‘m supposed to do this…but I don‘t want to!‖ You don‘t have to! Right? It means you can say, ―You know, I think that‘s coming from my Mission Spark and I don‘t really think I want THAT mission. Can I trade this in for another mission?‖ They will do that. It‘s up to you – it‘s your life, it‘s your free will. So they will just like give you ideas of ―yeah, this could be helpful / that could be helpful‖, but it‘s not set in stone. You can just say, ―OK, let‘s try something else. How about something kind of like…‖ And give them some ideas. And then they will assist you in seeing the broader spectrum of the mission. Like you could say, ―well gee, maybe I want to be an artist.‖ And you have a little idea of what that might mean. But they actually might say ―OK – so you would like your mission to be in art.‖ And they might give you all sorts of interesting ideas you might never have thought of, of how that art can actually serve ascension. And that can go for anything, from being an automotive mechanic or a doctor, or a lawyer – any of that. So it‘s like that. Nobody‘s forcing anything on you. Once we get done with that, finally, we‘re almost done. Once you receive your spark, then we have a brief thing that we need to do. It is part of our protocol as Speakers, that when our apprentices elect have been…the Beloveds have said that they have done well with their life tests…and the three of them have, in the same like parameter, and they were elected in the same period of time too. And we just invite them up for a minute and introduce them briefly. And a lot of you probably know who they are already anyway – but introduce them. And they basically share standing with us, the Beloveds will, you know, be on line with them and hanging with them a lot. They won‘t have like the…nobody else gets the one ―verbatim from the CDT plates‖ contract, but all of us have our own special contracts. A-san has writing contracts with the Beloveds, and Mac has contracts with the Beloveds that I think are going to come out in meditation tapes and things like that. So the apprentices will have them too. But it is out of respect to publicly acknowledge them, and we first had to ask them if they wanted to do that. Because if they didn‘t, it was not our business to do that. So we just followed the protocol, but because they said, ―Yeah, OK‖…it‘s really most people know anyway. And it‘s just kind of like been embarrassing – ―Oh gosh – apprentice – the people will think I‘m ego-bound or something.‖ No, it‘s not an ego appointment at all. Neither is Speaker. There‘s very little ego involved in it. For me, being a Speaker was like ―Just show up.‖ Yah, they used to tell me, ―Just show up. We‘ll be there‖. ―But I don‘t know what I‘m teaching. I don‘t know…‖. ― Just show up‖. ―And shhhh, listen, and we will be there.‖ And well, we‘ve been doing this for ten years and haven‘t had a nervous breakdown yet. Yeah, showing up for workshops that you don‘t know what you‘re teaching but three hundred people are waiting for you. Yeah, that‘s a little stressful. So anyway, once that‘s done we‘ll bring them up, and it‘s just for a minute. And we‘re supposed to do this little ―hold hands‖ thing, and the Beloveds are going to transmit something that has to do with doing the next level of full activation. And that‘s the same type of thing that whenever your apprenticeship with the others is…when they feel that you‘re actually ready to handle it, and you decide that ―yeah, I‘m going to do it‖. They will actually do a similar thing with you privately. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 197 of 211

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You may have an elaborate one. I mean I remember when I got some of the ordination levels with the Beloveds. They were quite amazing. Some of them…they would pull me, literally. My physical body would be over here but they would pull me out and I would be so real there, I couldn‘t even remember my physical body. And there were some really beautiful Patra Stance-type things in amazing places. They used to take me to Inner Earth a lot, and those kind of things. So you can have some amazing experiences once you‘re working with them like that. This is the beginning of opening that to the next level so personally you can have those relationships. Because…this is another reason why for that question, ―is it a cult?‖ Heck, it‘s not a cult. Cults say, ―here‘s a leader. You gotta go worship that leader – you gotta listen to that leader.‖ What we‘re trying to do is give you your power back and say, ―here‘s a bunch of people who are wonderful teachers‖, and you each…we‘re all equal, and you have a right to have a relationship with them and here‘s what you can try to open the conduits of communication so you can learn personally. So, once we‘re done with that then finally we do a few, couple rounds of the activating psonn, which is the Psonn of the Infinite Eternal One. And when we do that, we‘re going to try to do it with the two parts which we‘re just learning to do up on stage there. There‘s the one that had…we will put this up as a mylar so people can read it. And we‘ll also ask the ladies and gentlemen who figured out how to put it together decently – we‘ll ask them to come up on stage – and the drummers, and we‘ll get that going. And we‘d like to – as far as who‘s singing what – we would like to break it down this way just to keep it balanced where, you could call it the harmonies…they‘re not really harmonies – the other words – are just ―Ah‟ Ah‟yah Ah‟YA.‖ That‘s really easy, and just keep repeating it and just kind of like strong. It‘s like…have a bit of passion to it, and you synch it with the other stuff with the ―more words‖. We just like to do it – just to keep it very simple – the people that are over there on my right, which would be on the left side of the room, you start with the Ah-yah‘ Ah‘-YA, so you‘ll do the harmonies. This section here do the chorus; this section here – this big one over here – do the harmonies, and that small section there, do the chorus. That way it should balance because you have two large sections in the middle, and then you have two smaller ones on the sides. So we‘re going to try to create a balanced wave-form, you have to take one of the…you know, and try to stagger them. So you have the Ah‘yah Ah‘-YA‘s coming from over here, then you have the main…oh, actually – yeah the Ah-yah‘ Ah‘-YA‘s over here; the main line coming here; Ah-yah‘ Ah‘-YA‘s there; and the main line coming there, so it‘s more balanced as far as just how much strength is coming in the voices. We don‘t have to do it for a real long time, but while we‘re doing it, know that this is when all of the things that we just set into activation go into motion. Right, because otherwise they‘re activated, but they‘re kind of like on idle. It‘s like, OK, the car‘s started but you haven‘t hit the gas pedal yet. This will be hitting the gas pedal. And then it‘s probably going to be time, I hate to say it but…what time is it? Ten after six! Well by then it‘s probably going to be time to go clean up quick and get on the bus. I‘m sorry that it worked out this way, but I‘m wondering if it was supposed to. You know, up there…I‘m wondering if there was a reason why…that we would get done with this major activation and this power amping that comes from when we do the music

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and really like start the car and get ‗em running. And then we end up on the bus, get to sleep a little bit so we can tone the bodies down so, oh my God, so I‘m not walking in a coma. But then we get there. I‘m wondering if there is a reason why it was done this way, that it was so close together. Because when we get there, all we need to do is just breathe and walk around. We can sing a little bit too, if you want to, if it doesn‘t seem to bother anybody. No, we don‘t need headsets – we‘re going stealth on this one, which means we just look like a big tourist group, right…that likes to sing on occasion, if it‘s appropriate – if it doesn‘t bother any other tourists, right? I‘m getting a feeling we might get a nudge to do a few rounds of the Psonn here, out there, if people can remember it. The people who took this first and got the music going with it, they might be able to remember it most easily. Because I don‘t know if we‘ll have the handouts by then. I think we‘ll have them back by then, will we? We‘ve got them already? You do? Oh goodie! Now I don‘t think anybody will get upset if like, when we were getting on the buses to go home, if we maybe did a circle round the busses and broke into song because we loved it there so much! I think we could do that, for those who‘d like to. If you‘re too tired by then it‘s OK. But if we could get a bit of a little song round going on…like just as we‘re collecting in the parking lot wherever it is, and getting ready to go on the bus, so nobody can like yell at us or anything. We‘re going home…they‘re going, they‘re going, whatever! You can continue it on the bus if you want to. I mean that gets fun. We used to do that in some of the traveltrips. So we‘re going to get on with this. It will go, probably, pretty quickly now, because anything that had to explain in between and stuff, I‘ve already done. So now it‘s just getting to the technique. Are you guys ready Beloveds? [1:06:03]

Activation – Parts 1, 2, 3, 3B, 4 and 5 Alrighty. The Beloveds say they‘re getting ready to beam. They‘re not beaming yet – they‘re getting ready to beam. And that basically means that we‘ll give an ―OK now,‖ when they give me the signal that it‘s beaming and it‘s strong enough concentration, and as they beam the horizontal golden-silver pillar through, you just put your hands gently like this – like at shoulder level – (short interruption about what‘s showing on the screens)… In just probably a couple of seconds they‘re going to say, ―OK, go,‖ which means they‘re transmitting. And what you can do is just put the palms up, and they‘re saying, ―just gently breathe in, as soon as we say, ―now, it‘s transmitting‖. OK, now, just inhale, hold, and gently exhale. And now it‘ll move on its own, spreading from front to the back through your horizontal front/back chamber, and just kind of feel it moving through your body. It‘s almost like a light, sparkly feeling. And just breathe gently. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 199 of 211

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OK, now they‘re saying to put the palms down. Just bend the arms downward a bit, with palms still facing up though. And this is going to have…the rod chambers are actually going to bend down with your arms, and just breathe gently and in a minute there‘s going to be a little ‗pop‘ sensation, where the Ah-yah Orb pops around your chest area. And at the same time the rod…your arms can stay down, but the rod chambers pop up. So just breathe gently and watch for the little pop sensation that‘ll happen when you‘ve built enough frequency of this transmission coming in. Just breathe gently. OK, they just said, to make this easier, you know, synching everybody‘s bio-fields so we don‘t have to wait for five minutes for some, they‘re just going to…they‘re going to send a frequency through that‘ll just pop the Ah-YA‘ Orbs. And at that same time your rod chambers – the side ones – will go up, even though your arms stay down. OK, and they‘re transmitting the ‗pop‘ code. Try to sense the feeling of the rod kind of gently going yuuuup, up right to where its normal position is horizontally. OK, now we‘re going to put the other code up. This will be Code 2, which is the Cos-MA‘-yah Code, and it‘s for the Cos-MA‘-yah activation. This is the level that corresponds to directly in Source consciousness field – God-Source consciousness field. Alright, as long as you want the activation, they‘ll let you know when it‘s coming through…this one you don‘t have to use your palms. You just sit there and know that when the activation comes they‘re going to send through the three Codes that are showing, and triangulate...bounce it off the back of the wall, create an arc that goes up and an arc that goes down, so there‘ll be an infusion coming from up under your feet – going up, and one coming down from above your head and coming down into your vertical chamber. OK, they‘re sending the three beams out. I‘ll let you know when they hit and bounce. OK, they just kind of splatted and split up and down. They almost look like slow-motion fire-works coming down. And there will be one current for every one who has said they want the activation. And the other ones are coming up from under the feet. Just breathe gently while this is occurring. OK now they‘re saying right here we could actually inhale for a moment into the AzurA area, just for a moment, and as you go exhale you do a pop exhale and it will push out our orb around us to the 12-foot diameter. They said it would do it on its own, but that would make it happen a little quicker if we participated directly. They‘re referring to this as…this large 12-foot diameter Ah-YA Orb as our personal Womb of Creation where it is our personal space of the Ah-yah-RhU‘…is our personal Ah-yah-RhU‘ space around ourselves. And I‘m getting a feeling that eventually they‘re going to teach us how to use this space for more direct manifestation abilities and those kind of things. How to create and dis-create things in your hologram. [1:13:07] OK now, going to the more active part – Part Three, where we‘re awakening our Ah-VA Avatar Eternal Body. So now focus, in the body at the AzurA point at the base of the thymus, and inhale a six-directional inhale and hold for a moment, and then exhale quickly and pop the Ah-yah Flame Sphere at the AzurA. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 200 of 211

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OK, now inhale again – six directions – and this time move the inhale down to the space half-way between your navel and the bottom of your breastbone, and exhale there. And it opens the Ah-yah Flame Sphere in that area – that fills that entire area. Next, move our attention up to our pineal gland in the center of our brain at our head and inhale six directions, and then exhale…and it creates the Ah-yah Sphere – that space-bubble helmet around your head. And now you can breathe normally for a bit and we‘re going to visualize or intend – whichever works better for you – you have a small silver self that‘s the perfect you, whatever that means. It‘s the small silver self Perfect You, and it‘s in your pineal at the moment. And as you breathe gently, notice that on every exhale it actually is moving itself, like it‘s walking out your third eye, until it gets to the end of your space-bubble helmet, and then turns around and looks at you…about two or three inches high, and it‘s silver/sparkly. This is your Ah-YA Self seed. Now here‘s where you just feel – as if a gentle wind is blowing back behind you, all the nasty dirty-colored energy that‘s from all the unpleasant feelings you might have or things stored in your memory…all of those kind of things. You‘re going to cultivate the most joyful, beautiful, free thought of ―I am enlightened, I am joy, life is wonderful, existence is wonderful‖ – those feelings. And once you feel…get in touch with those feelings, because with these feelings you‘re going to put into your new life/ your new self/your self-seed. And just inhale gently when you feel those…when you‘re happy with the quality of your feeling, and then gently exhale and project it into your Seed-Self. And now breathe gently and put your palms back up around by your shoulders, facing your Seed Self, and imagine your Seed-Self as doing the same thing, in its position standing in front of you watching you. And it‘s very tiny compared to you so it can‘t reach its arms down that far. But it will send chords of energy down to your palms. So just breathe together for a moment, where your Seed-Self is breathing and you are breathing with your palms in remote Patra Stance it‘s called. Just hold that for a moment…you get to know each other a little bit. And now bring your hands together in front of your AzurA, and imagine that your Seed-Self is doing the same. This is where you would make the vow to yourself to not give up on you; to believe in the best of you, and in the best of everyone else too…but a vow to not give up on you…that you will stand by yourself and you will learn how to feel the joy of being that Perfect You. Put your hands down now comfortably in your lap. And as you do, imagine that your Seed-Self is walking back towards you. And make it smaller and smaller as it gets toward your third eye, and walks right back in to your pineal. [1:17:55] Now it‘s time to turn on the Shine. Honey, we need to put up Code Three please. OK, what we‘re going to do first is…you can look at that for a minute if you want to, before we go further. You don‘t have to inhale it or anything…you can if you want to. We‘ll get back to that later. But what we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 201 of 211

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could do first is, we‘re going to get ready for our Seed-Self; our Seed Ah-YA Self to expand itself into our atoms and molecules. So let‘s inhale and hold into the pineal for a moment, and then in a nice, gentle, slow exhale….Aaaaah! Feel your Seed-Self expand itself all the way through your whole body – in-between the spaces between your atoms and your quarks and your molecules and your self. Try to feel the sparkly silver sensation, the aliveness, the joy, the cleanness of this energy. We‘re going to do one more breath and when we do this breath we‘re going to feel our Ah-YA Self expand a bit beyond our skin level, into our etheric body – about two or three inches around you. Inhale and pheoooooo. (breathes out long and gentle.) Try to feel it in your internal organs too, as if it‘s coming through your liver and expanding out…so everything has this lovely silvery twinkle to it – this healing field. Now we‘ll look at the Cos-MA‘-yah Code, with your image of your body in there – your perfected self. And you can begin to do the gentle inhale breathing, where you inhale it toward you. With every inhale it moves a bit off the screen and towards you – its mathematical encryption – and then exhale gently and it stops. Then inhale more and bring it towards you more, and notice it‘s getting really, really huge by the time it gets in front of you. Then bring it just one step more. It‘s in front of you – bring it just a little bit further where it‘s right running through your body, and expands all the way out the twelve diameters of your Ah-YA Orb. Just breathe gently for a moment and try to sense a vibration feeling – a little fizziness happening, almost like in the air around you – in the spherical air around you, inside your Orb, as the Code is interacting with the Ah-yah frequencies or the Ah-yah field there. They‘re going to do a synchronized pop so let‘s inhale for a moment. Hold at the top of the inhale, and when we exhale the Beloveds are going to send the ―pop‖ and it‘s going to turn on the Shine. And NOW. (Everyone exhales.) As you do this the Cos-MA‘-yah Code comes to 3D life in your field. At the same time you start to have the lovely silver/ultra-violet sparkle rays start to come through your skin. Try to feel them coming through your skin; moving in between the molecules and your atoms. Try to get the feel of controlling the Shine with your breath. We‘re going to inhale…you can contract it in where it gets really, really tiny Shine…and you exhale and you pulse it out and it goes ―feeew.‖ Do a few gentle breaths of just trying to feel that (inhale) contract, (exhale) expand. Contract the Shine, expand the Shine. Almost as if it‘s washing your atoms as it‘s going back and forth, like little ―scrubby bubbles‖ is washing your atoms clean and charging them – energizing them. [1:23:29] And now just breath gentle and your Shine will go back to its…about two or three inches around your skin, and including the skin around your internal organs and things. And it‘s also…your Orb has like shiny spikes on it now all the way around it…not spikes, they‘re just little beams of the Shine…pale ultra-violet and silver sparkles. Now the Shine will stay there with you as long as you want it there, and it will stay in your orb with you. At this point you have your Ah-YA body and your Ah-YA Orb are activated. When you would like to charge your fields or charge your body and help yourself feel better if you‘re not feeling good – if you‘re feeling The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 202 of 211

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tired, it‘s a good time to do a bit of just gentle breathing. You don‘t have to like push it out hard, just inhale gently. Exhale with an ―ahhhhh,‖ not a ―fwoooooo.‖ And just feel the Shine moving and as it moves it actually brings you a bit more energy and consciousness, and it relaxes a bit of tension that is in your body. You can breathe the Shine anytime, anywhere you want – even if you‘re in the middle of a hectic job or whatever, remember to breathe the Shine. Because you have to breathe, one way or another, if your body‘s walking around, so regardless of the situation you can train your mind to remember that, whenever you breathe, just breathe the Shine. You can set it on auto-pilot but it‘s especially important when you‘re in stressful situations, or when you‘re exhausted or people are harassing you or you‘re running around like a maniac, at work and there‘s not enough time to get things done. That‘s the time to call to mind the mindfulness of remember to breathe the Shine consciously. And you can calm yourself down by slowing the rate of the pulse of the Shine. Because if you get all wound up it‘ll be going…(panting fast breathing). And you want to go…(breathes in and sighs out). Right….nice slow deep easy waves of Shine. Because you can go much further when you go deeper. And little hype breaths. Right! We‘re almost done. Here‘s where we‘re going to do the brief journey, for those who would like to participate, where we bring the Cos-MA-yah Code into the sphere of Amenti. [1:25:58] Now, be aware of your breathing, of your Shine, of your orb, your Ah-YA Orb and its Shine. If you want to you can amplify in your palms and hands a bit (sighs out). You can turn on the Shine stronger in one part of your body than another when you want to. So just turn it on if you want to, in your palms, and then if you feel inclined to do the joining of hands which does actually help create a stronger circuit, feel free. If you don‘t want to it‘s OK, but the amping of your Shine in your palms gives you…it‘s like putting on extra energy gloves where you‘re more protected, if you‘re worried about that. So you can amp that. OK, now we‘re going to get ready to cruise very quickly. The Beloveds are going to help us with it too actually. They‘re going to amplify the whole thing – the Orb we‘re going to create. We‘re going to do a collective inhale and hold for a moment, and on the exhale we‘re going to push out a massive orb of Ah-YA Orb around the whole Shield. Still be aware of your own Orb around you, and be aware of the feel of your Shine Body in you, because in a moment we‘re going to raise the Orb Shield – the Orb that we‘ve made together – the collective. And we‘re going to do it by raising our own Ah-YA bodies up and out where they‘re sitting on our heads, basically. And our Orb goes up with them, but it‘s actually a replicate because we still have our Shine in our body. We‘re just splitting it where part of it‘s going up for a journey and the other part‘s staying right there with us. And our Orb body staying right there with us is just taking a portion of its quantum to go on this journey. So let‘s inhale and hold at the AzurA for a moment, and on the exhale push a replicate of your Ah-YA body up, and your Orb goes up with it, and let‘s meet in orb at the ceiling. And as we project up there we‘ve actually lifted the large collective Orb that we‘ve created. Now hold in mind for a moment the idea of Siesta Key Beach and the big Amoraea Krystal Temple energy field that we created there. If you have never seen Siesta Key Beach it‘s alright. Just think of white sand, beautiful aqua-marine ocean, and this beautiful crystal-like ghost image of a beautiful crystal temple that‘s

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shaped like a Krystar vehicle. We‘re going to inhale and when we exhale we‘re going to actually pop and actually end up right in it. So inhale…hold…and exhale and pop the whole Orb over. Try to feel actually, literally the shift where you can feel the sand down below you, and sense the little bit of the movement of the water. I actually got the smell of the salt water which is neat. Now we‘re going to go down and deliver the encryption of the Cos-MA‘-yah Code into the Sphere of Amenti. Let‘s inhale and hold for a moment, and on the exhale we will push our collective sphere downward into the Orb reservoir at Earth core…and there we will see a symbolic glowing electric blue Orb that is the symbol for…an access point for the Sphere of Amenti race morphogenetic field…Angelic Human Race morphogenetic field. So just breathe gently and let‘s feel our collective orb actually hovering over the Sphere of Amenti, and then gently settling down on its own over it. And they‘re asking us to take just three gentle inhale/exhale breaths, and when we do, when we inhale we hold, and when we exhale we push a replica of the encryption of the Cos-MA‘-yah Code out into the Sphere of Amenti. Inhale and hold…exhale and code. Inhale and hold…exhale and code. And one more, inhale and hold…exhale and code. And now just breathe normally and gently for a moment, and on the next inhale/exhale we‘re going to inhale…hold, and exhale and we‘re going to pop ourselves right back into the room here. Inhale and hold, and…return pop. Haaaa…and we‘re back. And now it‘s time for the Ah-yah‟-RhU‟ Covenant of the Apprenticeships Elect. For those of you who would like to accept the apprenticeship that you were elected for. Oh this is neat (speaking to A-san) yeah, which one is that? We don‘t need that one in yet, but we don‘t have the other one. You can keep that on there. OK, now it‘s interesting. The Beloveds are doing something actually. Oh that‘s cool! We‘re getting a gathering actually happening up around the ceiling. They‘re like all coming in in like small bodies…they‘re maybe like this tall, and some of these guys, when they materialize there‘s so much energy quantum that they‘re massive – they‘re like buildings. But they‘re actually projecting a portion of their consciousness in. And it‘s interesting, I‘m watching…we‘ve got Ha‘ah-TUr coming in over there…there‘s a whole bunch of the Ha‘ah-TUrs – we haven‘t seen those for a while – Hi Guys! Oh this is a party. OK – oh neat, this hasn‘t happened in a long time. Let me see who‘s where. OK, we‘ve got AdonA‘ on the left…I love those guys…yeah. Alright, all the Buddha groups are coming in right about here, which are the ones that…you know, when we do the Floating Buddhas techniques…all of those groups, and all your personal ones are coming in. The Mashaya-Hana are going ―It‘s getting very crowded down there‖. A‘sha: Are you guys coming?...Of course you‘re invited! They‘re laughing. ―We know.‖

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OK, oh neat…that‘s why they‘re coming in. Oh very cool! I‘m seeing this swirling energy, and it‘s not here yet. I couldn‘t say it‘s up above the building. It‘s like it‘s in the room but not in the room yet. This is a new effect actually. I have a feeling of what it means; I can‘t describe it. The Ah-yah-RhU‘ are coming in but they‘re not taking form. They‘re coming in as swirling conscious air. And it‘s building. It‘s neat…it‘s here but not here yet, as if you‘re transposing two pictures of the same thing together and there‘s something in one and not in the other and they‘re slooowly coming in together where you‘ll see what‘s in the one, in the other…a bit…but just at least feel it. Oh neat. They‘re actually spreading out like we did in the technique on Sunday morning. Oh cool. Yeah, it is OK by the way, to snap pictures if you want to. I don‘t know if you‘ll get anything, but we‘ve definitely got company. They‘re spreading out literally within the air molecules in here. They said, ―you can breathe us if you want to. (laughing) But you don‘t have to. We‘re hanging out in the air but you breathe air and we‘re at a different frequency, so don‘t worry about it.‖ OK, cool. So they‘re getting ready for…they will give the moment of…and they‘re not going to ask it out loud, but it‘s about the apprenticeships, and they say, alright the question is asked – when they tell me to say that, that is when you would respond with the…I‘ll say it once more again for all of us… Ah-yah-RhU‘ Ah-VA‘ E-Da VA‘. OK, so that was a practice. Oh neat. They‘re doing it in energy. There‘s this ripple they just sent out and they just said, ―The moment of asking is given‖, which means they asked you formally. And now, for those of you who would like to, you can say the response. Ah-yah-RhU‘ Ah-VA‘ E-da VA‘. Just hold your breath up for a moment. Inhale and hold. And those of you who asked will have a little violet spark; violet/silver spark come down your central vertical column. You can exhale gently. And the little spark will go into the Ah-yah Flame that is in the AzurA – into that sphere – and it‘ll hang there for a bit. That will hold the beginnings of your potential commissions. It‘s almost like a job offer. Like…how about this one? And it will open just…in everyone. It will do it in their own time. And you‘ll start getting some ideas about your greater mission. In becoming an Apprentice Elect we are all being invited to be a part of this massive service team – not just to humanity, but to literally all life everywhere. And we‘re learning about how huge the cosmos and the Cos-MA‘-yah really are. And we‘ve made our connection – finally a direct, full-on connection with the God-Source consciousness field beyond the CosMA‘-yah. There‘s little bits of it everywhere and the God-Source consciousness field is what our consciousness is and what the molecules of everything are made out of. But to touch it in its pure state is something that everyone that has sought enlightenment is actually looking for. We‘re getting to the point where now we can open into that enlightenment. We have worked very hard to open the conduits to bring this ability back on this planet, and welcome, apprentices all – us included. We‘re all apprentices together – apprentices elect. They will work with each of us personally and let us know when they feel that…it wouldn‘t…basically the life tests are about where it wouldn‘t burden you to add ‗taking care of everybody else or other people‘ to your own thing. They want you to take care of you first, and they will assist you with that. And when they feel you have yourself…and it doesn‘t mean you have to have everything in your life perfect or anything like that. It just means that you have a stability and patience in your life with yourself, regardless of what your outer The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 205 of 211

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circumstance is…that you wouldn‘t feel over-burdened or stressed with assisting others. And, you know, that‘s when the little ‗job offer‘, whatever it is, and everybody‘s…it‘ll be different for everybody. And some will find that you‘re on teams like, ―Oh OK, there‘s a team of like ones who do this, and ones who do that.‖ So you may have similar job offers. But they will open once the Beloveds feel that it is safe for you and it‘s comfortable for you to do that – that you can handle it with grace – without it making your fields wobble and making you feel tired or anything like that. So welcome. This is really neat – yeah. And what we need to do next is our final step before we go and ‗hit the gas on the car that‘s idling‘, and that is, we‘d like to invite Mac up – Speaker Three – is she here? ―Hi Mac-ers.‖ And we would like to invite the three apprentices of the MCEO up please. (Applause.) [1:40:00] A‘sha: Where is she? She had to leave? Why? (Someone in audience says something about the baby-sitter.) A‘sha: Oh, OK. Well the other one is Zhan. She‘s going to be very bummed! Oh, you know what….ummm…is Jackie here. Jackie could you do me a favor? Could you go up and just switch for just fifteen minutes – or ten minutes? We won‘t do the other part without you, OK. Because I know the baby knows you and she trusts you, and just tell her to get down here for this. And then she has to go right back up and bring you back down for the rest. OK? So anyway, we‘ll introduce the other two apprentices. We have…Blue Apprentice is Willa, Willa Mulhair. She prefers her spiritual name Ashalae. And we have Jared, Jared Mulhair…you prefer Jha‘Da? OK – prefer Jha‘Da, and hopefully we‘ll get Zhan down here very soon. Yes, so we‘ll just wait for a moment. But what we could do while we‘re waiting for the moment is we could bring the singers and the drummers up and start pushing the gas on the idling car. And then we‘ll do the final transmission right at the end when she does come down. A-san: There she is. A‘sha: Ooh – is she here already? Yay! Is Jackie with baby? Did she bring her down or is she sleeping? Zhandra: She‘s down here. A‘sha: She‘s down here with her? Oh good! Could bring her in for this if the drumming doesn‘t scare her. Anyway, the third – the violet apprentice…is Zhan – Zhandra Glaab. What spiritual name do you prefer to be called? Zhandra: Ashondra LAe‘hana.

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A‘sha: Ashondra LAe‘hana is her spiritual name she prefers to be called. She says she hasn‘t used it a lot, but she knows it‘s her. So, Ashondra…(aside – discussion between Zhandra and A‘sha) I can‘t remember that much…it‘s a mouthful. Zhan is good too, if you‘re happy with that – it‘s up to you. Anyway this is the protocol of publicly introducing…these people who have been working with us since 2006 when they originally received their apprenticeship appointment, and the Beloveds told me like two days ago. That it was our protocol, and it comes to Speaker 1 first, like the Blue Flame will have it first, as far as whose job is it to inform them – to ask them if they still want to hold the commission, before the next activation, and to ask them if they want public or not. And what we can do is…(to Zhandra) Jackie‘s still out there with her right? OK, I‘ll think we‘ll do this part now since you came quickly. We were going to actually try to move around a little. Zhandra: I was walking down with Joy and Jackie came out of the room as I was saying ―bye‖ to Joy, and I had the baby in the stroller. A‘sha: Awesome. Good timing. So it is just a simple transmission that we need to link in. A-san: Will you both please come this way? Jared will you stand between mac and… A‘sha: And I need somebody else to help hold this actually. A-san: Mac will come round and grab Ashondra… A‘sha: We need somebody in the middle to hold the microphone actually…is that allowed, Beloveds? OK, that could work. You look uncomfortable. [1:44:30] A‘sha: Inhale and hold upward for a moment. On the exhale breath the Beloveds will transmit a coneshaped field of frequency over the three apprentices. Each one has one. And they‘ll put a larger one over all of us. Exhale please. Just breathe gently. They‘re actually transmitting an interesting current through our palms. And they‘re asking me to repeat something that I‘m probably not going to remember three seconds after I say it because it‘s in another language. It‘s the official whatever their swearing in frequencies/vibrations are. (faint audio; spelling approximate only) A te HA HO Dur A Leth-a Jhon-e DE-a ma DE ah SU-ta Na-nat ma she ta al-at Me-ta E na ma ya mU U Ho-tA. Alright, we‘ve got a Mashaya-Hana standing in the middle right now. It‘s standing in the middle right now and each of you…it‘s actually standing as a pillar…it‘s manifesting as a kind of cone-shape pillar. And it‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 207 of 211

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going to extend the equivalent of arms with thumbs…but three arms…right, it‘s just like energy currents that are going to touch each of you on the third eye. Just close your eyes and sense when that occurs – just breathe gently – so that you may see clearly. And it‘s going to do the same and touch you on the …actually where the thyroid is, which is above the thymus. Breathe just gently there – so you may speak clearly, and with wisdom and grace. Now it‘s going to touch you on the heart chakra – so that you may feel clearly and deeply, with loving joy and divine compassion. And the last one it‘s going to touch you on the second chakra, below the belly button, so your body may heal and hold the frequencies that you have agreed to bring, and assist in bringing, for the service of all life everywhere – in the name of the Kryst. Thank you and welcome to the Mashaya-Hana Councils. A-san: Ta A-jha inta Dor-A A‘sha: Ta A-jha inta Dor-A All: Ta A-jha inta Dor-A x 3 A‘sha: Ashalum-ta Eckasha Dur.

And so it is.

Welcome dear apprentices. (Much applause and jubilation.) [1:48:37] A‘sha: They didn‘t explain that to us either. I didn‘t even know apprentices exist until they told me in 2006 that they had to appoint them. And they said, ―they were voted in.‖ I said, ―OK, what do apprentices do?‖ They said, ―we‘ll let you know as we go along.‖ Right? They know, and it‘s a commission between the person and the Beloveds, and they informed me who the apprentices were, and actually we each had…each Speaker had one vote, but not consciously. It was in the dream state that we got to cast our vote. But I woke up and I knew I‘d voted ―No‖ for Zhan, because I didn‘t want her to have to go through the tests or anything. I didn‘t want her life to be harder because of it. I thought she was a bit too young. But I got out-voted anyway, and they said, ―oh well – you had your vote – sorry.‖ She was voted in anyway. I‘m glad though. I‘m very proud of her. But anyway. So the apprenticeships are something quite fascinating to me. I feel like I know all about them somewhere. Like some part of me does, but I‘m not allowed to open that record now, because I also had that Babylon contract where I…if I know it I share it! So I think it‘s supposed to be something that we all learn to understand in our own way, of…OK, I decided to be an apprentice…that means I‘m going to help run the frequencies of the Beings I‘m working with, and right now we‘re working with the ones that are directly associated with God-Source consciousness field, and with running our personal relationship to God-Source consciousness field. So what does it mean to be an apprentice on that level? I have no idea. I‘m just really glad they thought I was doing good enough at something that they elected me – and you guys and all of us guys. So this is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha & A'san Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved Page 208 of 211

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cool. What it means, we‘ll all find out in our own way. Maybe someday we‘ll write a book called ―The Apprentices‖. Or maybe we‘ll each write books. Alrighty, so…last phase (more applause). (private discussion between A‘sha and Zhandra) But what we do need is the people who do the singing and the drumming. A-san: Do we need the words for this? A‘sha: When we come up here we‘re going to have to not be in the way of this so people can read it. Oh this is the wrong one actually. That‘s not the right one. No, I thought that was the song one, honey. A-san: That‘s what I was asking. There you are. (Discussion about positioning of the words and chairs, singing people etc.) A‘sha: I want my drum. Does anyone have a drum that they‘re not going to use? Really? Because I have my drum upstairs. It will take me too long to get it. I just noticed this interesting little note up on the desk. It says, ―Why are we building our collective energy to give to the Green Dragons? Their habit is power and greed to absorb our energy.‖ I don‘t know who wrote this, but I will address it. For one, we‘re not just giving it to them because we‘re supposed to be above how they are – like more mature and more spiritually attuned. First of all, you realize that they do need help. We‘re not giving it to them to suck it off. We‘re not letting them suck our energy off. But the most important thing is, do you really think we‘d be keeping these gates open ourselves if they did not hand over part of the Metatronic grids? We‘d be doing three-day Evac before we hit 2017. So, whoever wrote this note, they are giving something back this time. They‘re helping themselves, but they are helping us help ourselves as well. We are helping them – they are helping us. So whoever wrote the note – I don‘t know – but I‘m trying to let you understand that we‘re just not playing the martyrs again. ―Oh here, let them go abuse it again.‖ NO. And they‘re progressively handing over the grids. Because if they don‘t, they‘re going to lose them and we‘re going to have to pull out way before two hundred years from now. Because we‘ve joined in the collective with them that they will be helped. Now we don‘t have to deal with them directly. They had to go over our direct Council‘s heads because they broke agreements with our Councils. And there‘s at least…I forget what the time-frame is, but it‘s at least a few hundred years or something before you can petition again, once you broke a petition and tried to hurt the Krystics. They say, ―No, not for a while.‖ But they had to go over our heads and it was actually agreed that, OK, if we would agree, and if we were backed up by the Budhara first-falls, that if they tried to do anything to mess with the Krystics again and to betray the agreement, that the Budhara first-falls would step in…or the Budhara Kryst-falls would step in

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and they would take it from there and handle…they would take the commission from us and handle it themselves. So, whoever wrote that, it‘s an interesting question. Oh somebody just left a note that, ―Why are we building our collective energy to give to the Green Dragons? Their habit is power and greed to absorb our energy?‖ Which is kind of like ―huh?‖ But I get the sentiment that was in it. Why are we helping them? Why are we doing all this to help them? We are not doing all this just to help them. We‘re doing this to help all life everywhere. But they‘re actually helping us and we are helping them so we can, together, move through this period into, you know, to keep the ascension gates open. Because we didn‘t have enough collective quantum on the planet to actually be able to withstand…we could have held it off for a while, the Metatronic activation, but we would not have been able to keep the gates open for 200 years. So that is an answer to that question, just because I wanted that to be very clear, if anybody else is thinking that. It‘s not just another ―here, hand over, go abuse it,‖ kind of thing. So it is a mutual exchange of energy this time. (A‘sha and A‘san discussion and discussion/coordination among musicians) A‘sha: All right. Here we go. Ah‘ Ah‘-yah Ah‘-YA [1:58:48] (Start of Psonn) Ah-yah‟ Ah‟-YA HA‟-yah Na-VA Ah‟-yah HA Ah‟-yah Sa TE-A-SU Ah- RA SE-Ah‟-Sa


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TABLE OF CONTENTS Friday Evening Orientation Part 1 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Friday Evening Orientation Part 2 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Saturday Evening Lecture (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Saturday Lecture 2 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Saturday Lecture 3 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Technique 1: In the Image of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Technique 2: Activating the Eternal Dream Stream Ah-yah-YA‘ Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Monday Lecture 1 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Monday Lecture 2 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Activation Parts 1, 2, 3, 3B, 4 and 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199  Ah-yah Orb  Womb of Creation  Awakening our Ah-VA‘ Avatar Eternal Body  Turning on the Shine  Bringing the Cos-MA-yah Code into the Sphere of Amenti  Ah-yah-RhU‘ Covenant of the Apprenticeships Elect  Introduction of the Three Flame Apprentices

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