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English Pages [114] Year 2010/08
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Table of Contents Notice of Claims, Consent, and Commitment . Contemporary-Drama GA-MCEO Mission Upgrades & MCEO Freedom TeachingsTu Chronology 199U2010 ... "Awake, Aware and Alive in the Lands of Aah - The "Sea of Ah'-yah," Eternal Stream of Ah-yah-YA', the Covenant of Ah-yah-RhU', and the Eternal Dream-Fields of the ONE Who is the "GA-MCE0" (Guardian Alliance - Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order)? "Floating Buddhas" Elemental Command Cloister Sliders Teams "Families of the Wha" - The Mashaya-Hanic Wha-YA-yas Adashi Adept Families: the Wha-YA-yah Gate Keepers and the "Three Paths of the Kryst" The Eyugha and EyADa Cycles Macrocosm to Microcosm The Creation and Evolution of Eternal Consciousness and Form
Density lntegration and Transfiguration Points Density Accretion Cycles, Ages & Leap Years The KRYSTAR LastAscension "Load-Out" Schedule 2008-3333 AD Cycle .................. Stage 2 - The "Slide," KaLA Krysta Cycle Eiradonis lntegration Bharda Phase 1 & Masha Phase The2010-2012 AmorAea Activations pf the MilkyWay Metagalaxy and NET-Earth Ascension Alignments ....,.
Spirit Body The Core Creation Sequence Spirit-Born Cycle Trimester-2 EcoushaTA Stage Hara Bodies of the ElumEir'-Adhona Spirit Body The Alumin-Atonah Cosmic Body & Akashic & Ecoushic Record The Aquafereion Na-VA-Ho Ecousha-TA Passage Activation Code The Aquafereion Passage Vertical Map Aah-JhA Body Atomic Generator The "Mix-Master" Elemental Step-Down Alignments "Feel The Allur-E'ah Rashatan Good Code" 15 Suns of the Eir'-Adhona Domain Projection Bodies Eyugha & EyAda Bodies - Matter States of the Hara Body Light Body The Core Creation Sequence Starborn Cycle Summary Light Body Birth & Expansion Cycle Embedded Density-4 Body of the LotoSphere Diamond Sun Crystal Body The Personal lnner "Stairway to Heaven' of the Eukatharaista Body The Eckasha-Aah 1st God-World of Creation ......... Octanis and Probabilities - The Big Picture: Probabilities, Structure, & Space-Time Demarcations The Krystal River Tri-Matrix Cooperative Ecka Locator Map of Cosmic Light Body Our Place in the Cosmos The Aquinos / M31 Galaxy, AQUA'elle Ethos Host & Phantom Milky Way The Cosmic "Wheels within Wheels" Probability & Actuality Dominions "The Mashaya-Hana Host" 411312009 and the Wha-YA-yah Voids Universal, Meta-Galactic and the "333" Galactic-Solar System-Stellar Alignments of Aquinos/M31 Universe-S
Metatronic Spiral, Probability Map, and Star Map Correspondences Eyugha & EyAda Bodies - Matter States of the Hara Body The 5 Planes & Matter States of the Aurora Continuum, Aurora Earth, the Silyer Seed of Ah-SA'-yas, and the Wha-YA-yah Fields of Adashi Ascension The Wha-YA-yah Transcendental Fields and the "Families of the Wha" The Hara Bodies/Probability Dominions of 1 Cosmic Matrix/Elum'Eir-adhona Spirit Body The lnfinite Eternal Lands of "Aah" The KaLE Hara, Mahara Reisha, and HarA Krysta Chambers The HarA Krysta, KaLE Hara, and DhaLA KaLAea Chambers The Krystar Crystal Ascension Capsule
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Lifeborn Cycle Stage-2: ParTE'KEi Body, l5 "Rings" GelSpheres & 15 "Spans" Crystal Orbs, 1st Pillar of Power Pulse The Rasha-AmorA Body Embedded D-3 & D-2 Templates The Krystar Krystal Capsule of RashalAe Body The Three-Phase Activation of the Aquafereion Shield's Silver Seed-EtorA Krystal Temple The Krystar KrystalAscension Capsule and RashalAe Body "The Mashaya-Hana Host" 411312009 The Aquareion Matrix Host Currents The Hara Bodies/Probability Dominions of 1 Cosmic Matrix/Elum'Eir-adhona Spirit Body 1 Cosmic Cluster: 6 Cosmic Matrices 1 Cosmos: 12 Cosmic Matrices; 2 Cosmic Clusters 12 Cosmic Vectors, 864 Hara Cell Dominions, 576 Outer "Probability Dominions" & 288 Central"Atuality
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Dominions" ....,..........;. Code" Cosmos Cos-MO'-sa Matrix Eternal-ONE" ...........,. 3:Ah-yah-RhU'Ah-YA' Teams Rite
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 - 2010
A&A Deane
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The Allur-E'ah Rashatan "Feel Good 1 Cos-MA'-yah Cluster Eternal Life Matrix and the Ah-yah lnfinite-Eternal-ONE and the Element Core Flows of 1 Code 1: Ah-yah-RhU' 1 Cos-MA'-yah Eternal-Life Code 2: Ah-yah-RhU' Cos-MA'-yah Psonn of the "lnfinite Structured-Bubble Cosmos "Summary' Code "Floating Buddhas" Elemental Command Cloister Sliders The Floating Buddhas
August 20'10
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Norce or CmtMS, CoruseNl AND ConaurrMENT Pertaining to MCEO Teachings, Techniques, and Technologies
. . . o .
Contents TheoreticalPerspectives
MCE0 Meditations for Spiritual Exploration, Medicaland Psychiahic Considerations Claim of Authenticity Terms, Conditions, Agreements, and lmplied Consent A Commitment to Quality and the MCEO Course-book Manuals
Theoretical Perspectives The MCEO teachings presently exist on Earth as a growing body of detailed information pertaining to the spirituality
and science of creation and the history and evolution of humanity. MCEO teachings offer unique perspectives, techniques, and technologies of mind and spirit that have proven useful to many people in the exploration and expansion
of personal consciousness. lnformation contained within the MCE0 teachings represents a cohesive paradigm of ideas,
beliefs, and perspectives reportedly translated from ancient texts, which together comprise an affirmative and inspirational "point of view" or "worldview" regarding the tangible realities of spirituality, the mechanics of creation, the history of our universe, and the potentialities of the human condition. Like many popular "New Age" and "traditional" paradigms of spiritual, scientific, and historical beliefs, many points of view presented within the MCEO teachings extend
beyond the framework of presently recognized spiritual/religious, scientific, and historical "fact" that can be verified through common contemporary scientific procedures. Thus, like many other popular belief paradigms, including ALL
known'New Age" and'traditional" spiritual/religious doctrines and many fields of contemporary scientific study, the perspecfives presented within the MCEO teachings must, too, be presently categorized as theoretical in nature. The verifiable actuality, and thus the potential validity, of the presently theoretical spiritual, scientific, and historical perspectives of MCEO teachings pertaining to the "Ancient Science of the Shields" (scalar-standing-wave templates of matter and consciousness), "Merkaba Mechanics" (interdimensional electromagnetic vortex mechanics), "DNA Template Activations" (frequency accretion within the scalar template behind manifest chemical DNA), "interdimensional structure," "1S-Dimensional Anatomy," "Bio-Spiritual Healing" (support of biological healing and perspectives which are featured well-being through holistic spiritual practice), and humanity's evolutionary journey
in the MCEO Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Program, MCEO Maharata "Dance For" Programs, and related published
works of the MCEO
teachings, techniques,
cannot at this time be "proved or disproved." Therefore, the MCEO paradigm and its related and technologies are offered to the public as a unique and inspirational viewpoint, solely for the
purpose of public investigation, consideration, and theoretical exploration. Though the presently theoretical categorization of MCEO teachings within the public sector is recognized, it should
also be recognized that members of the Azurite Press, Trustees, and the AP Regents Council, as well as authorized MCEO translators/authors and teachers and many individuals within the international community, have personally chosen to accept the validity of the MCEO teachings as representing more than acknowledging
the MCEO paradigm as a factual reality
a theoretical perspective,
and practical worldview, through
progressive expansion of personal consciousness and coherent spiritual awakening are fostered. Such decision as to
the factual or theoretical categorization of the MCEO paradigm, and the responsibilities inherent to this decision, are deeply private spiritual issues, and thus must be assigned to the faculties of personal discretion. iii
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 -
2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration. Medical and Psychiatric Considerations As the MCEO paradigm is built upon presently theoretical spiritual, scientific, and historical perspectives, any and all
techniques and technologies offered through the MCEO paradigm must also be considered as presently theoretical in nature, and thus any and all techniques and technologies presented within MCEO teachings are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness, nor are they intended as subsfitution for professional medical or psychiatric advisory or treatmenf. Techniques and technologies provided within MCEO teachings are offered to the
for Spiritual Exploration," with the intention of assisting and serving the further evolution of human consciousness through providing exposure to an expanded range of perspectives and potentialities, !t is strongly recommended that individuals who have a history of medical or psychiatric difficulties, or who are presently under the care of medical or psychiatric professionals, seek professional advisory before using any MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques or technologies. public solely as"Meditations
Since introduction of MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies in 1999, many people
receive beneficial atfects and etfects in the development and expansion of personal consciousness and spiritual awakening through use of MCEO techniques and technologies. There have also been a lesser number of reports of individuals claiming to receive no atfect, effect, or benefit at all, but there have been no reports of individuals claiming adverse medical, psychiatric, or psychological affects or effects in conjunction
have claimed
with use of MCEO techniques and technologies. As a reflection of commitment to responsibility in presentation, MCEO techniques and technologies are not presented for exploration in the public domain until they are first (or simultaneously) explored, utilized, or practiced by authorized MCEO translators/ authors / teachers and members of the Azurite Press Board of Directors. Though the validation of factual actuality pertaining to affects, effects, or benefits of practicing MCEO Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies must, like the techniques and technologies themselves, for the present time remain within the realm of theoretical exploration, it can be reported that since 1999, findings pertaining to the practicality of using MCEO techniques and technologies have consistently revealed that affects and effects of such practices are quite individualized, though predominantly positive, in nature. Therefore, however,
no claims, promises, or guarantees as to the affects, effects, or benefits an individual might expect to encounter through use of MCEO techniques and technologies can be offered at this time. Utilization of MCEO Meditations for
Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies presently remains within the category of experimental self. exploration, through which absolute conclusions regarding generalities of mass affect, effect, benefit, or detriment cannot yet be drawn. An individual's involvement with the MCEO teachings, techniques, and technologies represents a choice of personal decision and discretion, and thus the responsibility pertaining to affect and effect of practicethat is inherent to this choice must also remain with the individual.
Claim of Authenticitv ln offering the MCEO teachings for public exploration, the translators/authors, publishers, promoters, and related individuals and organizations do not make any claims whatsoever as to the factuality of ideas or perspectives contained within the MCEO paradigm. Though the MCEO teaching lexfs fhemse/ves do on occasion claim that certain ideas and perspectives are of a factual nature, such claims represent points of view intrinsically contained within the ancient texts from which contemporary translations are drawn. The authorized translators/authors of contemporary MCEO teaching texts hold a binding commitment to ensure the clearest and most accurate translation of
commitment to clartty and accuracy of is possible under cunent evolutionary circumstances translation that must include the allowance, in contemporary translations, of any claims of factuality as they are contained within the MCEO texfs of antiquity.lnformation represented as factual knowledge in the MCEO texts of
MCEO texts that
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
antiquity, and in their contemporary translations, is understood to represent "potentialorpossible factuality, expressed as factuality within the ancient texts, but which presently resrUes within the domain of theoS' in the context of contemporary publication. The contemporary translators / authors of MCEO teachings claim only that the MCEO text translations contained within presently published works bearing their authorship represent an "as-accurate-as-possible" translation of MCEO text records believed to have been created in ancient times, which the contemporary translators / authors have had opportunity to review through authentic personal experiences. Translators / authors thus make claims only as to the authenticitv of their personal experiences through which review of ancient MCEO text records occurred, and as to the factuality that their translation of the reviewed ancient MCEO texts into contemporary English language has been rendered by them as clearly and accurately as possible. As the original MCEO texts of antiquity are not presently in the direct possession of authorized contemporary translators / authors, and thus contemporary translators/authors cannot at this time publicly display these artifacts in order to validate the reality of their continued existence and verifo their inherent content, those who explore contemporary MCEO text translations must understand that such works are presented as theoretical perspectives and possibilities, the validity of which one may choose to believe, or disbelieve, upon the merit of one's personal discretion. lf
ideas, concepts, or perspectives contained within the MCEO /crts, their contemporary translations, or related teaching materials bear any resemblance to ideas, concepts, or perspecfives contained within any other presently known spirituallreligious, scientific, or historical paradigms or teaching sysfems, such resemblance is purely coincidental. However, the event of such coincidence may potentially suggest that both the MCEO paradigm and paradigms to which it might bear resemblance may have arisen from a common source in antiquity that has yet to be discovered or scientifically verified, but which would upon discovery lend credence and clarity to such coincidence.
Terms. Conditions, Agreements, and lmplied Consent As the contemporary MCEO text translators / authors can make no claims or promises as to the factuality of ideas and perspectives presented within MCEO teachings, they likewise cannot offer any claims, promises, or guarantees
as to the affects or etfects that may or may not arise through personal use of MCEO teachings or Meditations for Spiritua! Exploration techniques and technologies. The responsibility for decision to engage involvement with MCEO teachings, techniques, or technologies rests with each individual, and thus the responsibility for any affects or effects that may or may not occur in conjunction with use of MCEO teachings, techniques, and technologies must also rest with the individual, The Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies provided within MCEO teachings represent translations from the ancient MCEO texts, and are provided to the public as an option for personal spiritual exploration, investigation, and experimentation, to be used at the personal discretion of the reader or workshop attendee.
As stated in numerous public forums and workshops since 1999, in choosing fo use MCEO teachings, techniques, or technologies it is understood that in so doinq the individual accepts full responsibili$ for any and all conditions that may or may not occur in conjunction with such practice. lt is further recognized that the
individual, throush the act of usino MCEO teachings, techniques, or technologies, therebv throuqh this act aqrees to release Azurite Press, Trustees, the AP Regents Council, authorized Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Program teachers and facilitators (pertaining only to MCEO-sanctioned Kathara "no-toLtch' procedures), authorized MCE0 translators/authors, teachers, promoters, and any individuals and organizations thereto related, from any and all claims of liability or damages perceived or assumed to occur in conjunction with involvement in MCEO teachings, techniques, or technologies, This statement of Terms and Conditions represents a written Notice of tmplied Agreement and Consentto Liability Release in regard to involvement with MCEO teachings, techniques, and technologies, This Notice of lmplied Agreement and Consent of Liability Release represents a reiteration in The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
O 1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
specific written format of previously provided notice as to the necessify of taking personal responsibility for any notice which has been and all consequences arisrng from chosen involvement with the MCEO paradigm frequently provided verbally in public forum since 1999. lt is recognized that ihe tmplied Agreement and Consent to Terms and Conditions of Liability Release stated here within is accepted and enacted as such upon the act of chosen involvemenf with and/or practice of MCEO teachings, techniques, and technologies, lf one is uncomfortable or in disagreement with this stated Notice of lmplied Agreement and Consent to Terms and Conditions of
Liability Re/ease, it is suggested and recommended that one choose at this time non-involvement with MCEO teachings, techniques, and technologies, untila future time wherein such concerns have been assuaged.
A Commitment to Quality and the MCEO Course-book Manuals TheauthorizedMCEOtranslators/authors,membersoftheMCEo,AzuritePress,Trustees,RegentsCouncil, teachers, and promoters of the MCEO paradigm extend their greatest efforts in making MCEO teachings available for public exploration in the most responsible and respectful manner possible, while striving to maintain the highest standards of integrity in MCEO text translation and teaching. lntrinsic to such responsibility in presentation, the authorized MCE0 translators/ authors, members of Azurite Press, Trustees, Regents Council, and authorized teachers and facilitators of MCEO programs are all individuals who personally believe in the factuality of the MCEO paradigm and who actively participate, for personal spiritual reasons, in MCEO programs, including personal use of MCE0 techniques
and technologies. These individuals all share a common commitment to achieving and maintaining integrity, quality, and responsibility in public presentation of MCEO teachings; this shared commitment arises from a commonly shared, individually held reverence, respect, appreciation for, and belief in the validity of the MCEO paradigm, its inherent teachings of personal spiritual self-discovery, and the limitless potentialities of human consciousness
that \,
this paradigm suggests. On behalf of this commitment to quality, may it be understood that MCEO Course-book Manuals, as featured within the MCEO Kathara Bio-spiritual Healing Program, MCEO Maharata "Dance Fof' Programs, MCEO Masfers Templar Stewardship lnitiative Program, and other MCEO teaching programs, do not represent completed books, but rather
exist as companion text briefings that are created in conjunction with specific corresponding live workshop presentations that are preserved via audio/ video recordings and made available on the Azurite Press Producf Lisf as specific Program Sets. The Course-book Manuals that accompany some of these audio/ video workshop programs contain only the charts, graphs, and most pertinent information relating to their corresponding audio/ video program, and do not contain the many pages of dialogue and detailed explanation that are incorporated verbally into the audio/ video program. Thus MCEO Course-book Manuals are not intended to be used alone, but are rather intended for use as an additional educationa! aid in conjunction with their corresponding audio I video workshop program.
As new MCEO workshop materials are often released and translated during live workshop presentations, the corresponding Course-book Manuals and their inherent graphs and charts ofien reflect the immediacy of the new information provided in that they are initially rendered "in-the-rough," often with portions of text in handwritten form, not yet "perfected" for book publication with appropriate dialogue text detail, typesetting, computer graphics, pagination, and indexing. As each new workshop since 1999 has introduced the next level of new, live MCEO data translations, there has been insufficient time to "move backward" and perfect the quality of production pertaining to MCEO Course-book
Manual texts from previous workshops. The information and new MCEO teachings contained within each workshop program always reflect the standards of integrity and quality inherent to the MCEO paradigm, but often the timely public release of new materials is achieved at the expense of production quality. The Azurite Press staff apologizes for any
inconvenience that such "data.in.the-rough" may cause; however, if workshop programs were withheld from Product List release until their audio/video recordings and corresponding Course.book Manuals were "perfected" in terms of production, it would be several years before these materials were released for public review. As new MCEO teachings are often time-sensitive in regard to the unfolding of planetary events (especially since
The MCEQ Freedom Teachings@ Senes
O 1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
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2000), it has been of greater priority during this time to expedite availability of the MCEO teachings contained within the products, than it has been to demonstrate the standard of excellence in quality product production that remains a goal of Azurite Press. For the time being, MCEO audio/ video Course-book Programs are in a state of continued evolution, as the small staff at Azurite Press, with the assistance of numerous individuals who volunteer their time and talents, endeavors to compile dialogue hanscripts and to perfect typesetting, computer graphics, and format organization of previous MCEO workshop presentations in an effort to fulfill the goal of creating "perfected" book publications that contain and "do justice to" the vast body of quality teachings that have been presented in MCEO workshops since 1999. The
commitment to achieving excellence in quality of production, as well as quality of information, that is held by members of the Azurite Press staff arises from the personal desires of staff members to "honor the spirit of the teachings" that they have found personally valuable, as well as from a desire to provide the best possible quality of product and service in spiritual respect to the public. Until the goal of achieving "perfected" product production quality is actualized, the Azurite
it is the quality and inherent substance of MCEO comes in," that demonstrates the value of Azurite Press MCEO
Press staff hopes the public will share in the recognition that
information, more than the "package educational products, ...... Azurite Press Board of Directors
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 - 2010
A&A Deane
August 2010
Contemporary-Drama GA-MCEO Mission Upgrades & MCEO Freedom leacfrings@ Chronology 199F2010 with Density Accretion Cycles I Leap Years for NET-Earth's 2000-2017 SAC Note: "SAC" = Stellar Activations Cycle. AIso note: "Y" = Accretion Cycle year number (yearly cycle runs from January uMllcu GA-Kryst 1st to December 31st), "Mission lpgrade," 'LEAP' = Transfiguration Year BPR acceleration into = next "Accretion Round." PREP.YEARS 1997.1998 Related events 9/1997: GA-MCEO activate MCEO Speaker-1 / Blue Flame Holder Contract.
Related events 1997-1998: GA-MCEO provide CDT-Plate Transmissions to MCEO Speaker-1 tor Voyagers Books 2, in preparation for 1999 publication and public release.
Related events 1998: The Amenti Sen'es-1 Classes: C/ass-f; Keylontic Science; fhe Science of Light, Sound, and tt" Get*tr',ratTrrytates of Mafter. Class-2: The Science of Keylonta, 1S-Dimensional Matrix, and Cosmic Structure. Class-3; lntroduction to Human Origins;the Turaneusiam Race. Class-4: The Fall of Man, History of the Root Races, and lntroduction to Amenti. Class-5; Morphogenetic Waves & Earth's Coming Transitions 2000-2017. 1998 private classes, New Jersey
r1gg7-8/200a An-UCtO presiding Kryst Councils: D-l2 Hohei-Hohim, D-ll Serapher'-Se raphim, and D-l0 Braharama Founders Races and Guardian Alliance Coltectives under Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO) Emerald Covenant Agreements. PREP.YEAR
Related events 1999: Earth populations prepare for 1st Stellar Activations Cycle (SAC) Star-Gate Opening Ascension Period, since the last one failed in 22,326 BC Eieyani Massacre event, when "Atlantean Conspiracy Final Conflict Drama" ended in stalemate between Krystic and Fallen Angelic forces. (Earth's organic SACs run on a 26,556-year cycle).
Related events 1999: GA-MCEO activate first MCEO Speaker-2 / Gold Flame Holder and MCEO Speaker-3 / Violet
ftame Holder Contract commissions; appointments transferred to Senior MCEO Councils 9/2000, after original 2 appointments fail to hold commissions.
NYC Expo: lntroduction Travel workshop 5/8/1999 Presentation; May 8, 1999, New York City, NY
Travel workshop 6/5/1999
to Keylontic Morphogenetic (Matter Temptate) Science; Expo
Coping Skitts for Coming Earth Changes: Preparing For 2000'2017; June 5, 1 999,
New York City, NY
Travel workshop 7/10/1999: PersonalHealing through Planetary Servrce; The Ancienf Rifes of Passage; July 10, 1999, New York City, NY
Travel workshop 9/18/1999 The Evolufionary Path of Human Consciousness; Secrets of the Melchizedeks & Guardian Races; September 18, 1999, New York City, NY Related events 199g: MCEO Speaker-1 moves to Sarasota, FL PSG-2 Grual Control in preparation for 2000 start of
Clrlstos Reafignment Mission (realigning Earth's Templar and Metatronic NDC Temples to Kryst Code for SAC Planetary Maharic Seal).
The MCEQ Freedom Teachings@ Series
1999 - 2010
A&A Deane
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Travel workshop 10/1999: The Light E fhe Shadow: llluminati Agendas Presentation; October'1999, Edgewater, FL
Travel workshop 11/1999
- Original
SpiritualSolufions; Lecture
: The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Sysfenr@ Levet-l & lntroduction to Kathara Levet-2
Workshop lntensive;November 1999, New York City
Travel workshop 12l12l1999 : Miltennium Roundup Expos6: Affirmative Action for the Year Zll};December 12, 1999, New York City, NY
SAC Staft: LEAP Jan-Dec 2000 (complete Rasha Cycle & enter DN-1 Planetary Accretion Cycle 2000)
Related events 1/1/2000: Transcendence Day Stellar Bridge grounds 12-Code in Earth's Templar; Earth engages the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations Cycle Star-Gate Opening Ascension Period,
Travel workshop 2/1212000: Beyond the Veils Emhracing the Eternal Self: Fetal lntegration, Death, NeanDeath Experience, Extra-ordinary Events, BEING a Sacred Being;February 12,2000, New York City, NY
Travel workshop 3/17-26/2000: The Egypt Lectures: Awakening the Flame of Orion; Five Lectures: (1) Activating the Giza Complex; (2) Giza, the Lost History: Stellar Races, Human Origins, and Giza;(3) Secrefs of Amenti: The Amenti Light Code Sea/s and the Keepers of the Flame; $) The Pharaonic Code: Ancienf Schoo/s ofAscensrbn; (5) Awakening the M: Advanced Light Body Mechanics Overuiew;March 17-26,2000, Egypt
Travel workshop 4/7-812000: Architects of Light: Healing & the Art of Relationship in the New Millennium, and Coming into the Light: Secrefs of the lndigo Children; April 7-8, 2000, New York City, NY Related events 5/5/2000: So/ar Spiral Aligns, Earth's Templar enters Solar Activation & begins 12-Code Activation lnitialBridge Zone Project Mission and engages")riginalAmentiGate Opening Schedulei'1997-9/2000.
Travelworkshop 6/2000: Angelic Realities: The Big Picture,3 Primary Agendas, and Preparing for Contact; Expo Presentation;April 2000, Laramie, Wyoming
Travelworkshop 8/2000: Machu Picchu Shr'elds Clinic: Emerald Awakening;not filmed for product;August 2000, Machu Picchu I Cuzco,Peru-1 -8/2000 GA Upstep-l to 3-Yanas Ramayanas, Watchayanas, Grandeyanas of PCM PLF. Travel workshop 8/2000: San Francisco, CA Expo; Expo Presentation; not filmed for product; August 2000, San Francisco, CA Travel workshop 9/2000: lntroduction to Kathara Bio-spiritual Healing System@ England Tour; notfilmed for product, GA canceled tour part way through when UIR War Edict became imminent; September 2000, UK. Related events 9/2000: GA-MCEO transfer MCEO Speaker-2 / Gold Flame Holder and MCEO Speaker-3 / Violet Flame Holder Contracts to Senior MCEO Councils after original 2 appointments fail to hold commissions. Anu enter Emerald Covenant Treaty of Altair Peace Treaty for alliance with GA after defecting from earlier Emerald Covenant Pl e i adi an-Si ri an Ag ree ments.
MUG-I: lo GA War Crisis Order & Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule / Planetary Maharic Seal, due to Anu defection from Emerald Covenant Treaty of Altair & UlRWar Edict issue; GA Mission diverts from original 9111-1212000
"Amenti Opening Schedule" to"Expedited Amenti Opening Schedule" and original "Chrisfos Realignmenf Mtssion" initiates upgrade to "Chnsfos Reclamation Mission," as UIR prepares for activation of the Planetary Metatronic BeaST Machine (Planetary Atlantean Death Star Merkaba Complex). 2
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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Travel workshop 11/11/2000: Entering the Presentation; November 11,2000, Miami, FL.
ith World: Ihe Sfafe of Affairs in Earth's
Stellar Drama; Expo
Y2 Jan:Dec 2001
Workshop 12129/2000-1/2/2001: Prequel to the Masters Templar Stewardship Series: Holy GrailQuesf; Ihe Planetary Templar, Mass Eyenfs, and the Angelic Human; December 29,2000 thru January 2,2001, Sarasota, FL. Travel workshop Easter 4/2001 : The Lemurian and Atlantean Legacies; Secrefs of the Arthurian Roundtables; 1st in the Masters Templar Series; April 2001, New York City, NY. 5t11t2OO1 MUG-2:
lo Crisis lnteruention-Reuche Pillar Activation-Trion-Meaihe Fields, Kauai AmorAea Passage /
LPINs activate to avert UIR-BeaST APIN activation; Planetary Shields Clinic Rainbow Roundtable Sfands begin for Manual Templar Activation; Emergency Templar Protection protocols initiate to separafe Ascension-viable from Falling planetary grid networks. 15/2001 GA Upstep-2to Ecka Eieyani (Gorresponding MGEO travel workshop: Secrefs of Lemuria and the Ancient Eieyani: Ancient Lemurian (Mu'a) Ptanetary Sfewardshrp Masters Training;2nd in the Masters Templar Series; May 2001, Kauai, Hawaii).
Travef workshop 7/2001
The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Sysfenr@ Level2lntroduction; July 2001, Dublin, Eire
Travel workshop 7/2001 The Arthurian Roundtables: Masters Templar Mechanics, Merkaba Dynamics, and the Nibiruian Checkerboard Deception; 3rd in the Masters Templar Series; July 2001, Dublin, Eire
Workshop 9/2001 Mechanics of Manifestation: EmbodyingYour Heroic Future- lntroducing the Bi-Veca and Tri-Veca Codes; 4th in the Masters Templar Series; September 2001, Sarasota, Florida Related events 9/11/2001; UIR launch '9/11 World Trade Center Tenorist Attack Cover Event" on one'year anniversary of 9t11-1212000 UIR War Edict, to create "sLtrtace cover / distraction" for damage created from APIN'Spike activations rendered by UIR in Phoenix-Falcon Wormhole merger activation; FA's Atlantean Conspiracy OWO Final Conflict Drama begins.
Related events 9/2001: Giza-Sphinx Planetary Hall of Records & Dora-Teura Matrix Link initiate opening; note: Hall of Records c/oses 5/2003 with Fall of Halls of AmentiGafes; 9/21-25/2007 MUG-22 Planetary Hallof Records-Akashic Record finally opens successfu//y.
Travelworkshop 10/2001: OneWortd Order Rising: WC
Derailing the llluminati Agenda;
Stn in tfre Masters Templar Series; October 2001, Allentown, PA
Related events 11/2001: 7sf Regenfs Consulafe Meeting, November2001, Sarasota, FL. Related events 1212001
2ndRegenfs Consulate Meeting,December 2001, New York City, NY.
Travel workshop 1212001-1/2002: Amantani tsland-Lake Titicaca Shr'elds Clinic; not filmed for product; December 2001 thru January 2002; Machu Picchu / Lake Titicaca, Peru-2 Y3 Jan-Dec 2002
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 - 2010
A&A Deane
August 2010
2-712002 MUG-34; to initiation of Arc-Gate Proiect due to Wesedak-UlR alliance;Wesedaks and Wesedraks of Fallen Wesedak Matrix of WesaLA Matrix engage and escalate Planetary Drama. 12/2002
GA Upstep-3 to Eckasha EyanA
Travel vyorkshop 2/2002: The United lntruderResisfance "Michael-Marf' Turnstile Matrix & Calgary Rainbow Roundtable, and The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing Sysfem@ Level-l with lntroduction to Level-2 Parts 1 & 2; Calgary Shie/ds Clinic & Lake Louise grid work; 6th in the Masters Templar Series; February 2002,Calgary, Canada
Workshop 3/2002: The Dance for Lif&: The First 36 Elements of Spiritual Mastery: The lnner Keys to the Higher Kingdoms, Translated from the Maharata Texts of 246,0008C; Book One: " Restoring Personal Divintgi' 1st in a Series of 4 Programs; March 2002, Sarasota, FL, Travel workshoo 5/2002: The Dance for Lov&: Ihe Second 36 Elements of Spiritual Mastery: The lnner Keys to ttn to*er, n;date, rm nUner God-Wortds;2nd in a Series of 4 Programs;Marih 2002, Greece & Cyprus
> _
Travel workshop 6/2002: Dance for Lifdc;^ and Dance for Lov& Condensed Presentation plus the Secrefs Teatron;tst & 2nd in a Series of 4 Programs; June 2oo2,UK
Travel workshop 7/2002: lntroduction to the " Arc Project' & Eieyani Mentorship Program, MCEO Eieyani "CONTACT" Course Levehl, and the ECKA Games; July 2002, Bermuda-SG-3
Workshop 8/2002: Dance for Lif&lDance for Lov& & Contact Wo*shops Condensed; August 2002, Phoenix, M
Travel workshop 9/2002: USA Wrap Up & Dance for Love Condensed; September 2002, Allentown, PA
Related events 10-11/2002: Wesedraks "Spearof Destiny" lnitiation in competition with 5/2003-scheduled UIRWesedaks "ArchangelMichaelBlue Fire Sword'Metatronic Network initiation.
Travelworkshop 11/2002i"Dancefor Freedom" -Part-l: The 12 Scepfre Codes, 12:12:12:12/ 11:11:11:11 Activation, lntroduction to the Cosmic Clock, and Preparing for HE-Thar-O; Parl-1 of 3,0 in a Series of 4 Programs; November 2002, France
Travelworkshop 11/2002i"Dancefor Freedom" -Part-2: The 12 Scepfre Codes, 12:12:12:12/ 11:11:11:11 Activation, Cosmic Clock, and Preparing for HE-Thar-O: Part-2 of 3,0 in a Series of 4 Programs; November 2002, Tewkesbury, UK Y4 Jan-Dec 2003 112003-
MUG-38: Meajhe Zone sites do notfully open, mission diverts from"Expedited AmentiOpening Schedu/e" to
engagemenl of " Arc-Gate Project." Travel workshop 2/21-23/2003: The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation-l: The Cosmic Clock, Secrefs of Lohas & the Arc of the Covenant; Secrets of the Arc of the Covenant and Landing of the Falcon; February 21-23,2003, Dublin, Eire
MUG-4Ato Reusha-TA ResetTime Leap CvclelTemplar Reset Restoration/Separation to avert plR-BeaST Dimensional Blend Experiment 8/2003, Bridge Zone Project fails, AmentiGates Phantom-fall, Parallel Earth Wesedrak-fall, due to 5/2003 UlR-Wesedak Blue Fire Sword lnitiation; GA birth New AmentiGafes; lst " Hetharo Electrical Peak" -May 27, 2003 (Corresponding MCEO Travel workshop: "Dance for Joy-Part-l: 1st Hetharo Electrical Peak; Birth of the New Dawn, Second Coming of the Krist;Part-1 of 4th in a Series of 4 Programs; May 2003, Paxos, Greece-2) 5t2OO3-
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MUG-48 "Leap-Shift-1" BPR.alignment (MW MG-1 to MG-3), Grand Cross Showdown Andorra, Golden Fleece Buffer FieldlArc Zone activates, frnal 3 of 6 2000-2017 SAC Sfellar lnfusions engage, expedited Buffered 3Dav Particle Conversion, fs. "Hethalon Magnetic Peak" August 12,2003; GA-Krysts avert UIR-BeaST Dimensional Blend Experiment activation via Mahadra-Adhrana BeaST Over-ride activation. Note UIR "DimensionalBlend Experiment" refers to activation of the "P/anetary Metatronic Death Star Merkaba Field' for "Toral Rift" engagement; attempt rescheduled lor December 2012; more detail given in 2009-2010 MCE0 dispensations. *8/2003 GA Upstep-4 to EtorA Ecka-Eckasha Addondraea & AdorA Ecka-Eckasha AdonA (Corresponding MCEO Travel workshop: "Dance for Joy" -Part2: I't "Hethalon Magnetic Peak; Ihe MahadraAdhrana & 3.Day Particle Conversion Period; Parl-Z of 4th in a Series of 4 Programs; August 2003, Andorra and 812003-
Travel workshop 9/2003: Ihe Science and Spiritualtty of Creation; September 2003, Seattle, Washington
Workshop 9/2003: The Cosmic Clock Re-sef; Entering the Reusha-TA Great Healing Cycle- "Arc Gate 7" Planetary Shields Clinic; September 2003, Phoenix, M. Retated events 10/2003: Wesedraks engage UIR War & activate "Spear of Destinf' Metatronic Network in competition for Templar Control with the U\R-Wesedak Blue Fire Sword lnitiation of 5/2003. Travel workshop 11/2003: "secrets of the Yugas, the Celestial Arc's and Angles ("Archangels"), the Monadic Key and Time Projection-Night of the 2 Moons-l;" Time-travel Proiection, "Voyagers," the Halls of Amenti and Adhrana Planetary Shie/ds Clinic;November 2003, Dublin, Eire Y5 Jan-Dec 2004
MUG-| to Starburst Response lriqsered due to Bourgha-Budhara LA-estaki wormhole activation. (Corresponding MCEO Travelworkshop: Kathara levels 2-3 Foundation - "Awakening the Living Lottts" Heating Facititation Through Crystal Body Alignment, and Facilitators' Presentation Portfolio; April 2004 Phoenix, 511112004
& May 2004, Long Beach, CA)
812004 MtJG-6lo EVAC NOTICE due to Gravitron activation; Bourgha-Budhara Wormhole Merger and Gravitron
(Corresponding MCEO Travel workshop: Revelations of Ra: The Pillar of Power and the Nadradon Awakening lntroduction to Kathara Level-4; August 2004, Mexico) Travel workshop 9/2004: The IJK Michael-Mary Line - The Zendradon, Ecka-lndigo Shield and Planetary Shield Awakening of the llniversal lndigo Sun and Planetary Diamond Sun Hosf; September, 2004, UK 11-1212004 MIJG-7 lo EVAC WARNING. Templar Viable Salvaoe, Polarian/Arcffrinity Gates/AdorA Rama Passage
activation due to Bourgha-Budhara/ Bellatrix-Oberyon Telos/Ecka Wars engagement. Bourgha-Budharal Bellatrix' Oberyon engage planetary drama.
Related events 1212004: Evac-Waves begin-lndonesia Tsunami YG
Jan-Dec 2005
SfnflO-W,Polarian Host-Rama Passage continues, Trans-Eckasha lnitiates, "Ubys," and Thetans engage), Bourgha-Budhara activate Triple-9 Complex. Equari Dragon Wars (Equari, (Corresponding MCEO Travel workshop: The Kethradon Awakening: Starburst Pillar.l3 and the Gifts of Ramal January 2005, lndia). 1IIOOS MUG-\ to Sfarburs
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Workshop 3/2005: lntroduction to Elements of Kathara Level - 4: tnstatlment 1 - the Eiradon Awakening, the Voyager "Trinity Time Wave" 'Ra-Sha-U' Restoration, the'Ah-Seu-Ra-Shan' State and the Hon'a-tiL-E-a Rin. March 2005, Phoenix,
5i2005- MUG-? to Starfire elgages, EVAC ENGAGE, Arc-Hub-Ctuster lnturtace Gafes initiate,due to TaralAtcyone SfaffReversal-Ecka-Veca Fall engagemenf, Bourgha, Thetans, Ubys open Bourgha Eumbic Time.Rip& initiats Bourgha ThresholdlBeaST merger, Morocco Demon-fest Gravitron Staff Titt begins, AdorA Budhara Wars engage. .5/2005 GA Upstep-S to HaahTUr lnner-Domain Hubs. (Corresponding MCEO Travelworkshop: "The Ethradon Awakening & the Ashatum Chamber, Etheric Gateway to the Stars;" May-June,2005, Morocco)
Workshop 9-10/2005: Whispers of the RashaRerch A, Revelations of the llnspoken Oneg the HaahTttrs and the HUB; lntroduction to the Monadic Masfers, the Hidden Worlds of the Yunasai and the Path of the Kanatareiah . September-October, 2005, Phoenix,
Y7 Jan-Dec 2006 112006
MUG-I0 to Startire 3-DAY-EVAC NOTICE, due to Bourgha/Red Dragon Alliance activation of Earth Core
"Demon Seed."
(Corresponding MCEO Travel workshop: "Festival of Light Celebration the OriginalAmentiRescue Mission." January 1-3, 2006, London UK)
- The Starfire Cycle and the Re.birth of
lo Starfire- 3-DAY-EVAC WARNING,Earth Core-Tauren-Rebirth due to Thetans/Red Dragons activation of Threshold Complex via "Demon-Seed" Earth's Tauren Reversal. (Corresponding MCEO Travelworkshop: "Testaments-of-Outrageous Renewal-Revetations 2006 - Treasures of the Tower & the Secret Garden- Jewels of 1st-Creation, "Restoration of the Light-Fantastic" & "Reclaiming the KEYS fo the Sacred Garden'February 2006, Tenerife) 2t2OO6 MUG-11
Related events 2/2006: GA locate Alon-7, CO site
Workshop 4/Easter Weekend/2006: Two Moons Risrng-Easfer; 9-year expedition of TaKEYon Activation Cycle, to override Thetan/Red Dragon activation of the Threshold Spiral; April 2006, Phoenix, M. Related events 4/2006: MCEO Speakers 1 & 2 secure Alon-7, CO site Related events 5/26/2006: "Hibernation-Zones Go Red" as Hibernation-Zone Beli-Mahatma, Saxony & Paracletes break MCEO Amnesty Contracts Shasta-Telos, enter Red Dragon Alliance & turn Hibernation-Zone grids over to Bourgha-Budhara, GA secure Alon-7 CO site. (Corresponding MCEO Travelworkshop: "MCEO Grid-Keepers Communion Conclave - l - Etementat Commands, Cellular Secrefs and the Aurora Potential- Glass Towers, Crystal Canyons And the Aurora Force," May 26,2006, Mount Shasta, CA.)
MUG-12to Starfire- Krystal River Host initiates due to Red Dragonsffhetans amplification of Eumbic Time-Rip M, & Green Dragons push for 777-Caduceus alignment. -6/2006 GA Upstep-6 to M31-Urtha-Sala Bhendi & Aquafereion Adashi Councils). 612006
& activation of Threshold-7 Tower Network
Travel workshop 7/7-912006: Sacred Sexuality & the Art of Divine Relationship. Spirit, Biology & the Elemental Force Part-1 of a three part series; July 7-9, 2006. Denver, CO.
Workshop 8/2006: Sacred Sexuality & The Art Of Divine Relationship- Elemental Healing, Gender Benderg Shock-Ras & RashaLAe Reunion.Parl-2 of a three part series; August, 2006 Phoenix,
M. 6
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Related events 9/2006.1212006: Aquafereion Adashi Councils privately announce the Official Appointment and lnitiation of the 3 GA.MCEO-AdashiSpeaker-Apprentices; the BIue Flame Apprentice, the Gold Flame Apprentice and the Violet Flame Apprentice. When the Kryst Councils Adashi-Adepts agree that the 3 Apprentices' Elect have satisfactorily fulfilled their personal "period of life-tests," the Kryst Councils will invite the Apprentices' Elect to a "swearing-ln Ceremony," during which specifrc "Transmission of Kryst Contracf'frequency-infusions from the Adashi-Adepfs Councrls will be offered to the Apprentices' Elect choosing to accept their commission. The 3 MCEOSpeaker-Apprentices' Elect received their "invitation for Swearing-ln" in August 2010.
Travelworkshop 10/2006: Sacred Sexuality & The Art Of Divine Relationship - Divine Coupling-lntimations, Explorations & Cosmic Connection Part-3 of a three part series; October 2006, Virginia Beach, VA. Related events 1212006: GA locate Shalon-7 site,
Y8 Jan-Dec 2007
Workshop 1/1.2/2007: Festival of Light 2007 -"Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari" January 1-2,2007, Phoenix, M. "12 Tribes of Aquafereion" Classes START ffiO-2112007 MUG-13t0 Starfhe Krystal-River-Host, early activation of Earth's Aquafereion Shield, Gryodome & Spannner-Gate-T M,12 Tribes of Aquafereion Rasha-Body/Glide Classes begin, 12 Tribes-Class-1 initiates Rashallah Shreta activation, due to Red Dragons activation of Micca-Mecca-Eumbic-Time-Rip Complexvia Solar Core Gate6; early activation of Earth's Aquafereion Shield, Krystal River Host and Gyrodome blocks Red Dragons' attempt to activate lhe Metatronic Threshold-7 CentralTower, Tempe, AZ in conquest for control of Aquari Spanner-7 Gafe and Grid' Network, Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix, M. 12 Tribes-C/ass 7 inkoduces the Krystal River Prayer (this is a Krystic Elemental Command Master-lnvocation and Prayer Request that calls in and anchors the frequency spectra and Host Councils of theTri-Matrix Krystal River Host,il activates and draws in the Krysfa I Spiral frequency sfreams from the 3 Eckasha Matrices of the Krystal River Host, the Aquareion Host Matrix,the WesaLA Matrix and the M31-AndromedalAquinos Matrix This Master-lnvocation is used for Krystic Templar Elemental-Command "Grid-worldGate-work Planetary/Galactic Stewardship endeavors, as wellas for anchoring, maintaining and increasing personal Bio-field/DNA activations and amplifying personal protection); Veca RA-sha-EL Hub Activation.l; Prayer for Safe Passage to Heaven (The Kan-TanRlE'a Um-Shaddh-Eie Edonic Gate Command; anchors and opens the Middle-Domain Edonic "Gates and Flows" from the Krystic Kantarian Passage Polarian Gate-Network Procyon-lnterface. Can be used for various Krystic purposes, including certain Grid-work, personal work and especially for "assisting the deceased in achieving Krystic Safe Passage to their next organic Krystic evolutionary experience," including assistance in escaping from Hibernation Zone entrapment); Psonn of Adamal A-Da'.ma-E-TlJrNa (song of the Adama Eternal Flame; activates and draws inlhe Adama Ring-2 Flame'field of Earth's Rasha Body Core; used for work with Rasha Body Takeyon Harmonic Key Cycle activations); the Shield of Aquafereion (When brought into activation, the Shrb/d of Aquafereion is a powerful, massive energetic disc, that is composed of many individual people from all over Earth, in both past, present and future time, who carry specific Aquafereion-NaVA-Ho Spanner-Gate DNA-coding);when the dormant DNA'Gate-Codes are collectively activated,lhe multidimensional bio-energetic field of the collective generates a Trans-Time, Trans-Harmonlc planetary-ScalarStanding-Wave Shield-Disc energy-platform that runs through the "Aurora Continuum" and planes of Earth, which serves as a "surrogate Planetary-Templar Host Shield," "serving as sfand-rn to fill-in the missing frequencies" in areas of damage/dysfunction within the organic Planetary Templar Shield and Star-Gates. Through progressive activation of the Ptanetary Sh,'ed of Aquafereion, the Aqualene Iransmissio n Cunents of lhe Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host can directly anchor and activate within Earth's Templar, progressively bringing Earth's Templar on-line with the Aurora Platforms, HoslGate-interface-Systems, organic Spanner Core Ascension Gates and Gyrodome Ascension Field of the Krystal River Host. Once activated, Earth's Planetary Shield of Aquafereion progressively comes "on-line" with the many other Solar, Galactic and Universal "Aquafereion Shield" and"Aquareion Master-Shie/d"collectives which exist in
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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locations within the Milky Way galaxy, M31-Andromeda/Aquinos Matrix, the WESaLA Matrix and the Aquareion Host Matrix, progressively opening on Earth the "/ines of communication, contact and Glide/Slide Ascension Potential" of the Krystal River Ascension Host, The collective of beings carrying the genetic profile of the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative AquafarE/ Aquious Guardian Aquai Outer-Domain race line from 450BYA Parallel-Adjacent Eckasha " Aquareion Matrix," the original-humanid-Angelic Human-prototype Krysf- Guardian race, caniy the specific full-spectrum Tri-Matrix DNA Codes and collectively form lhe"Aquareion Shield'within the Tri-Matrix territories. fhe collective of beings carrying the genetic profile of the Aquari/Angelic-Human-hybrid Aquafereion race line from 13,4008C-10,5008C Earth, from which the contemporary " Aquari-lndrgo" earth racelines emerged, serves as the " Aquafereion Shre/d' within the Tri-Matrix territories. Through the hybrid Aquafereion Shie/d, the Krystal River Host Frequency Spectra is "SteppedDown" from the larger collective"Aquareion Shield'into the hybrid "Aquafereion Shield," and then "Stepped-Outward' into the morphogenetic fields of the many other racelines that have hybridized with the original Earth Angelic Human race. This "Step-Down/Step-Out" of Krystal River Host Frequency Spectra, enabled by the hybrid Aquafereion Shie/d, allows greater "Out Reach of the Kryst Host" into the Angelic Human and human-hybrid races lines, and to the animal/planUelemental kingdoms of Earth, Tara/Alcyone and Gaia/Polaris, to which the Angelic-Human DNA is coded, thus extending to this life-field renewed potentials of Ascension that many had lost in the Gaia/TaralEarth de-evolution progression toward fall. These 2 collective 'Shie/ds of Aquari," that carry the genetic and Star-Gate Coding of the 450BYA "Aquareion Lineage," are the "Standard Bearers of the Krystal River Ascension Hosf," and the Kryst AscensionGate GuardianslSfeuyards, within the Outer-Domains of the Tri-Matrix territories. These collectives, under the guidance of the Krysfar-Ascended Adashi-Adept Krysted Eternal-Life Hder-Masters from the Adashi-Return Krysted Ascension Cycles, are presently orcheshating the Krystal River Host 223-year Load-Out-EVAC Lasf Ascension Cycle within the currently Black-hole-Falling Milky Way galaxy, and will remain in assistance in these territories until the final close of the
Milky Way Ascension gates in 2230AD.);the 12 Feathers of Aquafereion (The term"12 Feathers of Aquafereion" refers to lhe 12 Specific Aquari/Angelic Human hybrid-Tribes that were last seeded on Earth by the Aquari 13,4008C'10,500BC, to upgrade the Seeding-3 Angelic Human DNA with return of the Seeding-2 Na-VA-HO Spanner CoreAscension Gate Codes). Prior to this, the"12 Feathers" lineage had been imbued within sections of the 12 Tribes
Angelic Human races of Seeding-2. This more recent "12 Feathers" genetic upgrade imbued Seeding-3 Human racelines with the potential of Spanner Core-Gate Ascension Passage, which was not part of the Seeding-3 Angelic Human gene code. The Seeding -3.12 Feathers" DNA upgrade was orchestrated by lhe Tr|Matrix Krystal River Host races and Krystar Adashr-Adepfs, via the Na-VA-HO Aquafereion hybrid races from Seeding-2, to prepare Seed-3 Earth humans tor Kryst-Hosf Ascensrbn in the event that Earfh's AmentiSfar-Gafes and Templar, to which the DNA of Seed-3 Earth races was "keyed," fell to Metatronic Black-hole Alignment before or during the scheduled SAC/Stellar-ActivationsCycle Star-Gate Opening Period ot2000-2017AD. Representatives of each of the Seeding-3 Angelic Human "12 Tribes" races, 7 Root Races/S Cloister Races, were invited into the " 12 Feathers" Hybridization Program, resulting in creation of a"Family of 12 Aquari-Aquafereion/Angelic Human hybrid Ascension Hosf Races"on Earth, 7 "Aquari-Human" lines and 5"Aquari-lndrgo" lines. The 12 Aquari hybrid human "lines" were refered to as the " 12 Feathers," each "Feathef' representing a Tribe-line within the "Family of the 12 Feathers of Aquafereion Ascension Host Races" of Earth. ln contemporary times, the dormant Krystal River DNA coding canied by contemporary descendants of the "12 Feathers of Aquafereion" lineage, is progressively activating as the "12 Feathers" are being progressively awakened to activate the Planetary Aquafereion Shield and Krystal River Host on Earth); lhe MET-NET-fields and Hihernaion Zones (The 3 inorganic Dimensional MET-NET harness fields/ Metatronic-Nibiruian-filectrostatic-Transduction fields, that covertly control earth's Planetary Geomagnetic Field and Templar, and their corresponding 6 inorganic interwoven fallen harness-plane Hibernation Zone sfrucfures within and surrounding Earth, were created through the use of Atlantean Metatronic Death Star Merkaba Black-hole technologies between lhe 13,4008C Great Netting period and 9,562 BC). The Hibernation Zone Vertical Map reveals the locations of the 6 inorganic Metatronic NET-field Hibernation Zones NETControl planes and reality fields within the core, mantle, crust and atmosphere of Earth; the D-3 Upper H-Zone lelos/vlt. Shasta connection & Lower H-Zone Shamballal'false Eden" Mental-Atmospheric atmic Cloud-Cities of the D-3 EGO (Epigenetic Overlay) Nef; the D-2Upper H-Zone Olympus and Lower H-Zone-Atlantis-Lumeria physicalfime-warps with
Zeta Bases, that correspond to lhe D-2 lntra-NET chemical/biophysical harness; and the D-7 Upper H-Zone-OZ lin ozone layer, Mt Shasta connection and Lower H-Zone-Agartha/subtenanean of the corresponding D7 Derma NET etheric-atomic DNA Template block. Each of the 6 Hibernation Zones represent an inorganic , 3-sub-dimensional plane structure realrty
fietd lhalwas formed through harnessing and reversing the angular-rotation-of-particle-spin of portions
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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of the organic 3-dimensional plane structure of Earth; a portion of each of Earth's organic 3 dimensional planes/frequency spectra was harnessed by the corresponding dimensional level of the MET-NET field, which split each of the 3 harnessed dimensional fields into 2 Hibernation Zones, an Upper and Lower Hibemation Zone.The 3-subdimensional reality fields of each set of Upper and Lower Hibernation Zones is composed from the type of matter-base
characteristic to the organic dimension from which the Hibernation Zone set was formed; D-3 atmic, D-2 telluric/physical, D-1 etheric. The 6 Hibernation Zones are actively inhabited by multitudes of various, often competing and warring, Fallen-Angelic and ET races possessing various different Metatronic Genetic Codes, whom have created elaborate structures of FA culture and civilization within the Hibernation Zone planes. Cunently and throughout post-13,4008C history, the Hibernation Zone races have covertly directly intervened and interfered with evolving earth races in conquest for full control of Earth's Templar; many "Channels and Mediums" consciously receive their "spirit communications," and multitudes of humans unconsciously receive "creative inspiration, ideas, mis-guidance, invention and direct mental/emotional/physical manipulation etc" from Hibernation Zone races through the Metatronic Broadcast System Mass-Control-Matrix of the planetary MET-NET. During general "Astral Projection/Remote-Viewing and subconscious Dream-state projection, as well as following death of the physical body, multitudes of humans find their continuingconscious-spirit ensnared, entrapped and imprisioned within the reality-fields of earth's Hibernation Zone planes, unable to continue their organic path of spirit-evolution to Ascension. Kryst-Guardian races continue work to free such trapped consciousness from the Hibernation Zones and are currently actively opening the"Aurora Safe-Zone Platforms" to allow Earth's life field safe inter-dimensional communication and safe Ascension passage beyond the entrapment fields of Earth's inorganic Hibernation Zones);and the StarBorn Process (Within the Krystar Eternal-Life Creation Evolutionary Process, the SfarBorn Process is a set of organic dynamics by which the Tauren Light Seed Phases, and the Rashala Body engag es Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycles to progressively expand the quantum, size and number of Light Body Cells in the organic growth cycle of the lnner-Domain Light Body Yunasai Seed Atom). The StarBorn Process occurs during the StarBorn Cycle of lhe lnner-Domain Aah-LA Eyugha-2 Time Cycle of Eckashi Expansion, which is lhe 2na of 7 Evolutionary Growth-Cycles inherent to Krystar Eternal-Life Creation, The 7 Growth-Cycles of Krystar Creation are: The 4 Eckashi Expansion Cycles; 1. SfarSeed- 1 Cycle, Core-Domain Ra-LA' Eyugha-l Time Cycle;2. StarBorn -2 Cycle, lnner-Domain Aah-U' Eyugha' 2 Time Cycle described above; 3. StarFlame -3 Cycle, Middle-Domain Sha-U' Eyugha-3 Time Cycle; 4. StarBursf -4 Cycle, Outer-Domain Ka-LA Eyugha-4 Time Cycle; and the 3 Adashi-Return Krysted Eternal Life Ascension Cycles: 5. Sfadre -5 Cycle, Adashi-l Middle-Domain EyAda-l Time Cycle;6. StarLight -6 Cycle, Adashi-Z lnner-Domain EyAda-2 Time Cycle;and 7. SfarShrne -7 Cycle, Adashi-3 Core-Domain EyAda-3 Time Cycle). Featured Techniques: A. Early Activation of Earth's Aquafereion Shie/d-Rasfiala Shteld (Rasha Body lnner'
Domain) Activation B. Cloud-Walkers Stand-l C. Expedited lnitation of the Krystal River Host and Gyrodome Activation. (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion," Class-1, January 20-21,2007, Phoenix, Related events 21212007: MCEo-speakers 1& 2 move to Shalon-7 site, M (from Gilbert, 2m-2212007 MUG-I41o Arc Journeys begin.
of Aquari.Aquareion
M rental & Alon-7,
M31 Hostanchors on Earth with Tribes-2;Tribes Adashi.Glide
12 Tribes-C/ass 2 introduces Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative (A large collective of Krystic and Adashi Ascended beings from the Aquareion Parallel-Adjacent-Eckasha,WesaLA Adjacent-Eckasha and the AdonA-EyanA Founders races of our Eckasha system formed this "Krysfic lntervention Team Cooperative" 450BYA for the purpose of protecting the organic tffe-field and Eternal-Llfe Ascens ion potential of these 3 neighboring Eckasha-Matrix systems from being "assmitated, entrapped and eventually destroyed" by the fallen Borenthasala/Bourgha-MUsala-AhAma Time-
Raider Races, who caused lhe Black-ho/e fal/ of their entire Ecka-Veca system in the Parallel Eckasha 480BYA and .Bourgha races" caused fall of their Eckalaunched a crusade to "entrap and assimilate" All Life Everywhere .The fallen "Victim-Victimizer Game," which inherent Veca through their "Great 6-6-6-6 Quarantined Polartty Experiment'and its they engaged in an attempt to discover the "root cause of consciousness de-evolution into fall," in hope of "Eradicating fatl poteniial"; they lost control of their experiment and fell into extreme polarity disorientation and violence, and created a"Time-Rip Technologl/'that allowed them to break free from the localized quarantine of their "Great Experiment" to launch their conquest of "Absorbing and Assimilating All Life Everywhere ." The Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host CooPerativeo The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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of 450BYA developed lhe Krystic Gyrodome Technology and the Aqualene lransmr.ssion Krystic evolutionary option, to protect the Krystic evolution and Ascension Potential of the organic life-field in the 3 neighboring matrices by eventually "Sealing the Bourgha Time-Rip" and reestablishing quarantine on the fallen Bourgha Black-hole system. The Founding
High-Councils of the TrLMatrix Krystal River Host Cooperative are a collective of Eternal-Life-Adashi-Adept race lines from the Parallel-Adjacent Eckasha"Aquareion Matrix,"lhe AquafarE of the Edon-Middle-Domatns, their Aquious lnnerHub-Domain collectives, and the Aquarioriginal-humanid-Angelic Human-prototype Krysf-Guardian race originally of the Aquareion Matrix Outer-Domain race that the AquafarE and Aquious races co-created. All Founding Councils and members of the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative work in Krystic Seryice to the Hrghest Eternal-Life Evolutionary Potentials for All Life Everywhere, under the Eternal Guidance of the Mash aya-hana Master Councils and related Krystar-Ascended Adashi-Adepts of the 3-domain Adashi-Return Cycles.The Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative and their Adashi-Adept Krystar Master Councils continue to be the "guiding force" and "active orchestrators and facilitators" of lhe TrLMatrk Krystal River Host, and its "Step-Down Projects" such as the "550 I'llY A AmentiRescue Mr.sslon." All GA-MCEO (Guardian Alliance/Melchizedek CLOISTER Emerald Order) and IAFW (lnterdimensional
Association of Free Worlds) organizations, as well as many other Kryst Service organizatons, are direct, active members and representatives of the TrLMatrix Krystal River Host Cooperative. Aqualene lransmission (The lerm Aqualene Iransmlssrbn refers to 2 interrelated aspects of the Krystal River Host Mission; in regard to the contemporary M31 Andromeda/Milky Way galaxy/Earth drama, this term refers specifically to a very powerful, "Blended, Braided Transharmonic Spectral Frequency Current'composed of an "Aqua colored" current from the Outer-Domain of the ParallelAdjacent Eckasha Aquareion Matrix that is called the"Arc of Aquari," a "Blue colored" current from the Aquareion Matrix AnShaIASa Hub-Domain and a "Deep-Blue" cunent from the HaahTUr Hub-Domain of our Eckasha System, that when activated creates a Frequency Bridge through which the Frequency Spectra of the Ti-matrix KrystalRiver Host "StepsDown" from the Parallel-Adjacent-Eckasha Aquareion Hosf Sysfem, through the "Aurora Continum," into the Haahtur Hub-Domain of our Eckasha System, then into the M31-Aquinos/Andromeda Galaxy and into our Milky Way Fragmentgalaxy,to bring the Krystal River Host link and Ascension Potential into the falling territories of the Milky Way. The Aqualene lransmission Cunent anchors into various Hosting Territories through the Living Aquafereion Shield collectives incarnate within those systems to serve the Krystal River Host; once anchored and activated, the Aqualene Iransmisslo n Current enables the Aurora Platforms, Gates and Gyrodome Fields of the Krystal River Host to open within Hosting Territories. The other use of the term Aqualene lransmission dates back to the 450BYA when the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative engaged the Krystal River Host; one aspect of this Host was a very-long-term Krysfic Hybridization Program and evolutionary option that was called the Aqualene lransmission, which specifically involved co-creation and Seeding of the Outer-Domain Guardian Aquarirace line within the territories involved with the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host.The AquafarE of the Edon-Middle-Domains, and their Aquious lnner-Hub-Domain collectives from the Parallel-Adjacent Eckasha"Aquareion Matrix" co-created the Aquarioriginal-humanid-Angelic Human-prototype KrysfGuardian race to enable members of their races to incarnate directly into the Outer-Domain territories to service the Krystal River Host; lhis"Aquareion lineage" carried the specific DNA Codes to enable its members to run the specific frequencies of lhe"Aqualene Transmission Currenfs," so that they could collectively form lhe"Aquareion Shie/d'within the Tri-Matrix territories to anchor and service the Ascension Gate systems of the Krystal River Host and activate the Gyrodome Protection Field to close the Bourgha Time-Rip. Over many eons, the Aquari prototype further hybridized with many other Kryst races, spreading the "Codes of Aquari/KrystalRiver Gafe Codes" among a percentage of the lifefield of the Tri-matrix territories. The Aquari bio-genetic form served as the prototype for the original Angelic Human lineage of our Milky Way system 560MYA, through which the Angelic Human/Aquari"Aquafereion" hybrid Krystal River Host Guardian race emerged on Earth and in neighboring territories; a further, more recent genetic restoration upgrade was gifted to the faltering Angelic Human lineage of Earth inthe Aquari-Aquafereion Earth Hybridization Program ot 13,4008C-10,500BC,from which the contemporary "Aquari-lndigo" earth race lines emerged. The collective of beings carrying the genetic profile of the Aquari/Angelic-Human-hybrid Aquafereion race serves as the " Aquafereion Shield' within the Tri-Matrix territories, through which the Krystal River Host Frequency Spectra is "Stepped-Down" from the collective "Aquareion Shie/d'into the hybrid "Aquafereion Shie/d,'enabling greater "Out Reach of the Kryst Hosf into the Angelic Human and human-hybrid race lines. These 2 collective "Sh,'elds of Aquarf'are the "Standard Bearers of the KrystalRiver Ascensrbn Hosf," and the Kryst Ascension-Gate GuardianslStewards,within the Outer-Domains of the TriMatrix territories); the Arc of Aquari (the "aqua-colored" current from the Parallel-Adjacent Eckasha Aquareion Matrix Outer Domain, one of the 3 currents that together compose the powerful, " Blended, Braided Trans-harmonic Spectral 10
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FrequencyCurrent' bridge oflheTri-MatrixKrystalRiverHost);TakeyonCycles(ATakeyonCycleisanorganiccycle ol energy-quantum self-generation that is composed of 12 Harmonic Key Generation Cycles, each of which produce a set of 12specific geleziac-radiation Harmonic Frequency Keys;Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycles are an organic process inherent to the Rasha "Dark-mafter" ParTE'KEiBody, Light Body and Physical/Atomic Body structures of organic Krystic Eternal-Life personal and cosmic multi-dimensional anatomy. Through Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycles, the Rasha Body, Light Body, and Physical/Atomic Body structures grow and expand into materialization in space-time, drawing the consciousness of the Spirit Body into incarnation through progressive se/fgeneration, storage & transduction of conscio us-geleziac-radiation expressed in the form of superluminal ioule-quanta that becomes translated into atomic matter. Within the context of the organic Eternal Life Krystar Evolution process, the 1't Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycle, called the Rasha Cycle, occurs during the physical pre-birth Fetal Growth cycle in biological forms, which starts following birth of the Hum'Eir-adhona Spirit Body skucture and resultant birth of lhe Tauren Livng Light Seed, both of which phenomena occur after the physical process of "Conception," but before the process of physical " Fetal lntegration of the Spirit Consciousness" begins. "Phasing of the Tauren"/spark-generation produces a progressively building self-generated quantum of geleziac-radiation "pre-quark sparks," that interact with the Spirit Body Rasha Seed, and accrete together to form Crystallizations of stored energy-quantum, or "Ia Key ions" lTakeyons; Takeyons further accrete into groups-of-1 2 and crystallize to form specifically-encrypted " Harmonic Frequency Keys" within the Rasha Body, progressively expanding the size and quantum-thrust of the Rasha Body structure, and fueling "cellular division, growth and diversification" within the Fetal Body. The Harmonic Frequency Keys generated in the 12 Harmonic Key Cycles of 1 Takeyon Cycle carry the radiation-encryption corresponding to certain portions of the 12-Dimensional Frequency Spectra and their inherent Sub-Frequency Bands. The crystallized-Takeyon Harmonic Frequency Keys of Rasha Body/Light Body shucture manifest within the Physical/Atomic Body as the D-2 physicatDNA, D-3 Epigenetic Overtay and D-1 DNATemplafe in biologicalforms, and within the Physical/Atomic Body of Suns, Stars and Planets, and thus control and regulate the biophysical and bio-chemical potentialities for Physical/Atomic Transfigurative Ascension, for both "biological forms" and "celestial bodies." When working properly, the Harmonic Frequency Keys and their celestial DNA-translations allow for progressive "accretion of the multidimensional frequency spectra into Physical/Atomic embodiment, a process that is required for progression of the Physical/Atomic Transfiguration process inherent to the process of genuine Ascension. At the end of lhe 12 Harmonic Key Generation Cycles of the 7st Takeyon Cycle, when a certain amount of quantum-thrust or "Harmonic Key radiation-quotient' has been generated and accreted within the Rasha Body, and the Rasha Body and Fetal-Atomic Body structures have progressively grown within the Spirit Body, lhe Tauren Light Seed engages the "BE Bang"/ Diad-Generator-Cell birth point, and birth of the Fetal Body, The "Big-Bang"/ Diad-Birth Point is the point of entry into the Star&orn Quantum' Reptication Cycles through which the Cells of the Light Body progressively grow, increase in number and specialize to birth of the Light Body Yunasai Seed Atom, and through which the post-birth physical-atomic body progressively grows, expands and "materializes its consciousness" into Density-1 matter, through transduction of the dimensionally'encrypted Harmonic Key joute-quantuminto quark/atomic/molecular/cellular structure. At the "Big-Bang-Bifth-Point' at the end of the 7st Takeyon Cycle, Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycles continue, initiating the generation and translation/transduction of the Density-1 Harmonic Frequency Keys into Physical/Atomic Body embodiment. Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycles progress rn sefs of I Takeyon Cycles/96 Harmonic Key Cycles called"Octant Growth/Expansion/Frequency-Accretion Dens/y-Time Cycles, " through which the Harmonic Key Sefs of each of the
Takeyon Cycles are generated, and lhe Harmonic Frequency Keys, and related Spirit Body consciousnessJeve/s, of the corresponding 3-Dimensional/1-Density Frequency Spectra are translated/ transduced into atomic embodimenf. At the end of each '8th Takeyon Cycle," the Harmonic Frequency Key Sefs and inherent Spirit Body consciousness corresponding to 1 Density/3-Dimensions have been generated and embodied into the Physical/Atomic structure, and the 1-Density Harmonic Keys, and the afoms into which they have embodied, then engage a TransmutationlTransfiguration Cycle, transfiguring a portion of the embodied Atomic Shucture and consciousness into the less-dense-matter-state of the "next Density up," while the "Accretion/ or Harmonic Frequency Key Embodiment Cycle" of the of identity, awareness, and Harmonic Frequency Keys corresponding to the "next Density up" engage their B-Takeyon-Cycle Harmonic Key Accretion/Embodiment Cycle into materialized atomic embodiment. After 4 Densrty' Sefs of 8 Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycles, or 32-Takeyon Cycles, have successfully completed, the Atomic Body, Light Body and Rasha Body structures, and 4-Density embodied "Avata/' consciousness, engage the lasf Density-Transfiguration Point,lo enter the 'KaLE HaraTurnaround Cycle" for entry into organic Biological Krystar
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Ascension, and entry as "Eternal-Life Beings," into the 3 Eternal-Life Adashi-Retum Ascension Cycles of "return to AfOne-mentwith the Eternal God-Source Consciousness Fr'eld." Takeyon Harmonic Key Generation Cycles can be understood as one of the interrelated dynamic bio-spiritual aspecfs of the organic process by which an Eternal-Life Being enters into Physical/Atomic incarnation, "grows the anatomy of the multidimensional Physical-Atomic/Rasha/Light Body structure into manifest incarnation," progressively Accretes the 12-Dimensional/4-Density Frequency Spectra and consciousness-levels into atomic embodiment, and then progressively hansmutes and transfigures its consciousness, Light Body, Rasha Body and Physical/Atomic Body structure back into the Eternal-Life Spirit-Body form, and integrates Dimensions 13-15, through the organic re-evolutionary process of Krystar Evolution andAscension. The Krystar Reevolutionary Process of the "Refu rn in Wholeness fo EternalSource" can be understood as the organic path by which beings "set themselves free from the temporarily limited constraints of Space-Time-Matter incarnation, to return to their "Original Eternal Form" of Pure Consciousness rn Af-On e-ment with EternalSource, from which they once originally emerged to experience the qualities of manifesUmaterialized Space-Time-Matter expression.); Aurora Fire Crystals (Aurora Fire Crystals are an organic aspect of Rasha Dark-matter ParTE'KE Body, Light Body and Physical/Atomic Body anatomy, that carry the mathematical radiation-encryption corresponding to the "opposite-spin AdorA-side of Creation, which features prominently within the "Eh Takeyon Cycles/ "Flame-Shift Cycles"/Octant-7 Cycles of the organic Krystar Evolution process. Like the crystallized-Takeyon Harmonic Frequency Keys of Rasha Body/Light Body structure, the Aurora Fire Crystals manifest with the D-2 physical DNA, D-3 Epi-genetic Overlay and D-1 DNA Template of biological forms, and corresponding dimensional levels of celestial bodies, and thus control and regulate the biophysical and biochemical potentialities for Physical/Atomic Transfigurative Ascension for both biological and celestial forms of consciousness. When working properly, the Aurora Fire Crystals and their DNAtranslations allow for merging of the EtorA and AdorA-side Frequency Spectra within the biological form, a process that is required for fulfillment of the Physical/Atomic Transfiguration process inherent to the process of genuine Ascension); Rasha Body (The "Dark-matter" ParTE'KEi Body, which forms within the Elum'Eir-adhona Spirit Body during the "Rasha Cycle" of Harmonic Key Generation , The Rasha Body contains a structure of 1 5 geleziac-radiation Rings and 1 5 crystalline-radiation Spans between them, and the Rasha Seed/Prana Seed at its core. The Rasha Body links the Spirit Body to the Light Body and Atomic Body structure, and allows for circulation of Eternal Life Core Creation Currents between these organic layers of multidimensional anatomy via the Core Rasha Seed/Prana Seed/ Light Body Seed through which the layers of anatomy are centrally united. The 75 Rings and 75 Spans of the Rasha Body set the "invisible Dark-matter ParTE'KEi Template" upon which the 75 geleziac+adiation 'Auric Layers" and 1S-crystalline 'Bands" of Light Body anatomy later manifest. The full "Rasha Body" structure is composed of "7 layers or aspecfs of Dark-mafter ParTE'KEi strLtcture," and the corresponding Light Body/Physical-Atomic Body expressions, each of which correspond to 1 of 7 re-evolutionary cycles and conesponding sfafes of consciousness, within the Eckashr'-Expansion-Eyugha Cycles and the Adashi-RerlurnEyAda Cycles of Krystar Eternal Life Creation 1 . the Ra-sha-A Body aspect conesponds to the "Eternal Beginning Point" of Krystar Creation, the point of undifferientiated One-ness with Source Consciousness Field upon 1.t entry and individuation into the "Cosmic Matrix Manifest Body of Eternal God-Source," lhe RaLA-Eyugha-l Core Time-Cycle,the SfarSeed-7 Core-Domain Ra-sha-dons, the Krysfallah Core-Seed-Atom and the 'Yuna-SEda Core-Consciousness State; 2, the Rashala Eody aspect that corresponds to the /nner- Domain Aah-LA-Eyugha-1 Expansion Cycle, lhe *Yu'mah" StarBorn-2 lnner-Domain A-dons, the Yunasar'-lnner Seed-Atom andlhe lnner-Consciousness State; 3, the RashaLE Body aspect that corresponds tothe Middle-Domain Sha-U-Eyugha-3 Expansion Cycle, the StarFlame-3 Middle-Domain Edons,lhe UmShaddh-EieMiddle Seed-Atom, and the "Sa'dhiMiddle-Consciousness State;4. the RashaHe Eody aspect that corresponds to the Oufer- Domain KaU-Eyugha-4 Expansion Cycle, the StarBurst-4 OuterDomain RA-dons, the Yon-A'sa-Outer Seed-Atom, and the 'SA'Ta Outer-Consciousness State; 5. the "Krysted EternalLife" Reishaly'.e Body aspect that corresponds to lhe Adashi-l Middle- Domain EyAda-l Adashi-Return Cycle, the Stafire-S Adashi-l-Edon-Middle-Domain, and the 'Sadhr-SAta Adashi-l Ascended-Edonic-Consciousness State; 6. the "Krysted Eternal-Life" ReishaLE Body aspect that corresponds to the Adashi-2lnner- Domain EyAda-2 Adashi-Return Cycle,the StarLight-i Adashi-2-Adon-lnner-Domain, and the 'Sadhi-Yuma Adashi-2Ascended-Adonic4onsciousness State; 7. the "Krysted Eternal-Life" ReishaLa Body aspect that corresponds to the Adashi-3 Core- Domain EyAda-3 Adashi-Return Cycle, the StarShine-7 Adashi-3-Ra-sha-don-Core-Domain, andlhe'Yuma-Yuna" Adashi-3 AscendedRashadonic-Consciousness State. Once completing Krystar Re-Evolution to the end of the Adashi-3 Return Cycle a Krysted Being engages the Rei-sha-A "Eternal End Point,'the point ot " Re-mergence in Wholeness of ldentitf' into the original Eternal One-ness with Source Consciousness Field, at which point a lully Krysted Being may chose to re-enter 12
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the cycles of manifest Krystar Eternal-Life Creation as a "Krystar Being"...an Eternal-Life STAR/Krysted Celestial ENTITY, that will next engage the CelesfralLevel of Krystar Creation Re-Evolution While in the stages of re-evolution within the Krystar Eternal-Life Creation process, if a being engages "KaLE-DEma Fall-Path alignment" due to excessive use of "Free Will Choice" in service to the "Opposite Expression to Eternal Life Creation," the Being will eventually enter the Bhardoah Transition Process, during which the personal Light Body/Physical-Atomic Body anatomy progressively disengages and separates from the personal Rasha Dark-mafter ParTE'KEiBody. Engaging Bhardoah Transition will result in the need to"Reincarnationally RE-Birth' within the same space-time-matter-vectorin which the biological death occurred, UNLESS the Being completes organic Bhardoah protocolthrough cremation/vaporization of the Physical/Atomic Body to release the Va-Ba-TE Cell and GharE'embodied Spirt quantum, in order to engage the Krystar Ascension 'KaLE Hara Turnaround Cycle" following completed Bhardoah Transition); and the Hibernation Zone Vertical Map (the Hibernation Zone Vertical Map is a verticalcross-secfion of the Planetary Rasha Body Spheical Maps of the Planes that shows the placement/ locations of the 3 inorganic Dimensional MET-NET harness f,elds and their corresponding 6 inorganic interwoven fallen hamess-p/ane Hibernation Zone structres within and surrounding Earth.)
Featured Techniques: A. Arc of Aquari lnitiation B. Cloud-Walkers Stand.2 Featured Journev: . Journey to the Urtha-Aquafereion Adashi Crystal Temples Adashi-T Floor-l -Adashi Access Key J ourney (Shala-l 3 Adashi Chamber Rashallah Ring -1 opens,) (Corresponding MCE0 Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-2" February 21-22,2007, Phoenix, M). Related events 3/15/2007: So/ar Core-Gafes and Solar Prana Seed engage compaction due to Red Dragons activation of the Ihreshold-Micca-Mecca Network Solar Gate interface.
3l17.18l2007MUG-15to,'W,AquareionHub.AnShaTAsaPassage&AqualeneSun Butfer anchor & activate on Earth in Tribes-3, serving as Earth's Prana-Seed'respiratof'to avert Solar-Symbiotic Bhardoah Response Earth Prana-Seed compaction, due to Red Dragons 3115-2512007 compaction of Solar Prana Seed via Threshold-Micca-Mecca Network The potential for NET-Earth linking with the "223-Year Galactic Load-Out EVAC" of Milky Way/Procyak Galaxy to M31-Aquinos Andromeda Galaxy triggered with our Sun's 3/15/2007 Prana-Seed Compaction & resultant 312512007 Solar Bhardoah Commencement. 12 Tribes C/ass 3 introduces the BhendiAquariRace lines (various lines of AdashiAdeptlAscended Hub-Domain Aurora races from M3llJrtha who are part of the Tri-Matrix KrystalRiver Host, and who are cunently offering SpannerCore Gate Ascension training on Earth through the GA-MCE0);the AnShaIAsa Passage (Krystal River Host live energetic-frequency passageway that runs from the Aquarerion Matrix Hub, through M3lAquinos Hub and into the Ascension-Hosf Gafe Sysfems of the Milky Way; serves as a "Respirator Line" from the Aquareion Matrix Hub reaching into falling systems, that is strong enough to anchor and hold lhe KrystalRiver Host Fieldinto such systems, to temporarily enable continued function of Ascension-Host Sfar-Gafes for final Ascension opportunity within systems engaging the Path of Fall); the 3115-2512007 Sfand-Down Order (Councils of the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative give "Sfand- down Ordef' warning to Bourgha and Bourgha-Budhara races of Parallel Milky Way/Parallel Earth, stating that if they choose to assist the Red Dragon conquest for Spanner-Gate-7 through further activation of the Bourgha E-Umbic Time Rip & Micca-Mecca Network Solar-Gate interface, that the Aqualene Bufferfield of the Krystal River Host will refract the Bourgha aftack-currenfs back to their source, initiating rapid KaLE-DEma fall & Nova within the Bourgha Matrix. Bourgha launch attack-currents, which do refract back to Source and initiate Nova sequence within Bourgha Matrix; Bourgha-Budhara take over Red Dragon Command 412007 and escalate conquest for Spanner-Gate-7); lhe Vertical Map (a vertical cross-section of the Planetary Rasha Body Spherical Maps, that shows the placemenUlocations of the organic and inorganic interwoven planes, and their manifest characteristics, within and surrounding Earth) reveal locations of the organic Aurora Safe Zones, Aurora/Ecousha Platforms and Aquafers, and locations of the inorganic Metatronic NET-fields and Hibernation Zones, within the core, mantle, crust and atmosphere of Earth, The Vertical Map allows for consclous navigation through earth's intenruoven planes structure and thus offer greater protection when used in consciously directed Glide-Projecfion and S/lde-Ascension journeys); the Adashi Cyctes (the 3 organic EyAda-Time-Cyctes of Krysted Ascension-Return-to-Source, during which a Krystar-Ascended Aeing oi system engages progressiue contraction out of materialization and expans ion inio God-Source Consciousnesi Field,tromthe Outer-to-Middleto-lnner-to Core domains; the Adashi-Return EyAda-Time-Cycles follow completion ol 13
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lhe 4-Eyugha-Time-Cycles of Eckashi-Expansion evolutionary-accretion/progressive expansion from Source into materialization through the Core-to lnner-to Middle{o Outer Domains;the Adashi-Return cycles are entered following successful completion of the KaLE-Hara Turnaround Krystar-Cycle lhal comes at the end of the 4tt -KalA-Eyugha. The Eckashi-Expansion cycles can be conceptualized as the "Out-Breath of God" by which consciousness expands into space{ime-matter materialization, and the Adashr'-Return Cycles can be conceptualized as the "ln-Breath of God," the "lnhale following the Exhale," by which consciousness is contracted from materialization and expanded back into God Source); lhe Aqualene Sun (a Pale Turquoise, spherical, 3-layer frequency field, progressively activated since 3/2007 by the Councils of the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host Cooperative and Earlh's Aquafereion Shie/d, which initially serves as a Buffer Field to protect Earth from the potential CME'S that may occur as the Sun engages progressive release of its "15 Solar Bhardoah Rasha-Ring Waves" between 512008 and 112022, following the premature Commencement of the Solar Bhardoah Cycle 3115-2512007. The Aqualene Buffer Field activates through progressive activation of lhe 5 EtorA Aurora Platforms within Earth's KrystalRiver Host Planes; progressive activation of the Aqualene Sun field activates fhe 5 AdorA Ecousha Crystal City Linking-Platforms, activation of which progressively activates the Gyrodome Host Sphere frequency freld around and within Earth. The Gydrodome Host Sphere progressively merges lhe 5 Aurora and 5 Ecousha Platforms, activating the Aurora Slide Zone Earth Host Domain between Earth and M31Urtha. fhe Aurora Slide Zone Earth Host Domain seryes as the multi-dimensional frequency medium through which the Trans-harmonic Aurora Continuum,and the later-2010 Mirror Ball Field Blend Zones 3-6-9-12-dimensional S/ide-Ascension Fields and 2012 Mirror-ln-The-Sky-Deflection-Field, can progressively activate and open on Earth. fhe 2012 Mirror-ln-The-SkyDeflection-Field will prevent "Omega Kll Code" Eafih pole shift in 2012by deflecting Procyak-Scalar-Transmrbstbns fron Milky Way galactic core alignmenf, and will assist in holding the Krystal River Ascension Host to 2230AD). This '12 Tribes Class also explored RashalAe Body Anatomy, the Krystar Sequence, Orbs/Rings, and Aqualene Sun Buffer Field and AnShaTAsa Passage initiations.
Featured Techniques: A. Aqualene Sun Buffer Field and AnShaIAsa Passage initiations, B. Cloud-Walkers Sfand-3 Featured Journev: . Journey to Urtha-Aquafereion Adashi-7 Floor-2 Healing Spas, (Sha/a-13 AdashiChamber Rashallah Ring-Z opens) (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-&" March 17-18,2007, Phoenix, M). Related events 3/25/2007: SOLAR BHARDOAH CYCLE commences initiation within Aqualene-Sun Buffer Field causing Solar & Earth Core Light Bodies & Atomic Bodies to begin separation from their Rasha-Body-Dark-MatterTemplate. Our Sun engages pre-mature "Star-Death-Cycle'with So/arBhardoah Commencemenf due 1o311512007 Solar Core-Gate and Solar Prana Seed Compaction.
Workshop 4/6-8/2007: "The Krystar Awakening, Starfire Maps, Solar Gates, Prana Seed and the Aqualene Sun." April6-8,2007 Phoenix, M 4121-22n007 MUG-I6 lo Aurora Platforms,Tribes-4 initiates opening of KrystalRiver Aurora Platforms, Earth's Aquafereion Shield engages lst Prana Exchange Cycle on AnShaTAsa Passage Host, Bourgha-Budhara takeover Red Dragon Command & escalate efforts to capture Spanner-Gate-7 to use for direct invasion of M31-Urtha-3. 12 Tribes-C/ass 4 introduces the Solar B hardoah Cycle (Bourgha higgered premature initiation of our Sun's Solar Bhardoah Cycle on March 25,2007, requiring GA-MCEO Mission Protocols to shift lothe"223-yearLasf Ascension Cycle Galactic Load-Out Evac" agenda); Prana fuchange (Organic breathing process by which the RashalAe Body breathes/circulates Prana Currents into and out of Light Body, Spirit Body, and Atomic Body structure, to maintain a Living Sfream of Consciousness and flow of Life-Force energy circulating between God-Source Consciousness Field, the Rasha-Dark-matter Body and the manifesUmaterialized Body, Closing of the Prana Seed through which Prana Exchange occurs, initiates the Bhardoah Death Cycle, progressive release of the bond between lhe 1S-Rings of the Rasha Body and LighUMatter body, corresponding separation of the Rasha Body from the LighUMatter Body, and subsequent sequential shut-down of lhe Chakra and Merkabic circulatory systems); Shadra (a Group Geometric Shie/d in which members take specific positions within a collective geometricalformation, through which the group generates specific combinations and spectra of frequency, and creates specified energetic structures, in order to interface directly, in co-creative action, with the Planetary Templa/shield/Gates and with the Aquafereion Host Shield. Shadras are 14
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currently used to sustain the Planetary Ascension Host-Field); Aurora Field (an organic Trans-harmonic Multidimensional SpectralField, access to which was set into the Templars of Earth and our Solar System when the Amenti Host Mrssion was set 550MYA, which when activated, allows part of the frequency spectra from M3lUrtha to blend with part of the frequency spectra from Eafth and our So/ar Sysfem .The local Aurora Field is part of a larger M31 Andromeda/ Milky Way Galaxy Universal Aurora Field structure that serves as a Universal Host Matrix Field through which the Tri-Matrix Krystal River Host can access territories of the Milky Way galaxy to keep Ascension Gates open and viable for Hosted Krystic Ascension Cycles); Thetans (an ancient hybrid-race of fallen-Lyran Bourgha-E-U-Uby/AnuElohim created about 250BYA in the USG-11/USG-12 Lyra Star System of the Milky Way, during the "Fall of Lyra "Original Sin" period; for a time, the race was forced into exhile in the Bourgha-Budhara AdorA Black-hole system, but later emerged and re-settled into the USG-1 Theta-OrionStar-System, becoming known as the "Thetans." As the Thetan-Raider race evolved they further hybridized with various groups of both Anu-Elohim/Anunnaki and AnuSeraphim/Drakonian descent, and most notably with factions of lhe Metatronic Thothian-Anunnaki, from which they evolved their more hominid "Wraith-like" appearance and mind-control skills, ln later Earth mythology the Thetans were often referred to and depicted as "energetic-vampire-hominid-creatures" called 'Wraith.'Historically, the Thetans were responsible for the decimation and fall of the Angelic Human Seeding-1 of Parallel Earth 250MYA, where they joined forces with the Bourgha races and created the Micca Complexwormhole network; the Thetans raided Earth 75MYA and constructed lhe Mecca Complex wormhole network counterpart on Earth, and began creation of the Metatronic "Threshold-G/ass loyyers" Grid-control systems in Earth's Templar, intending to take over and combine the power of earlier Metatronic Earth Grid-lnstallments from competing raider-races through the Bourgha E-Um-bic Time-Rip. Guardian Aquari races initiate the " 7st Sfand of Aurora" and opened M3l Urtha Gates onto Earth, causing atmospheric disturbances intolerable to Thetan biology. Thetans defected from Bourgha alliance and returned to Parallel Earth Micca Complex and other locations in the Milky Way, but continued aftempts to reclaim Earth and activate the Micca-Mecca Complex, The Thetans remain a "powerful, hidden force" within the contemporary Earth drama, being the motivating force behind several prominent "mind-control movements" in contemporary Earth culture, and waging conquest over the "Glass Tower Grids" of Arizona in 2007, in an attempt to take control of the Aquari Spanner-7 Gate; they currently follow the White Dragon/Red Dragon/Bourgha FA "Omega Kill Code" agenda); Great Netting (ln 13,4008C the Bourgha and competing raider races attempted to capture Ufta-14 & Reuta-l5 Eafh-Core Gafes by manipulating Earth's Merkaba Fields using Mefafronic Atlantean Death Star-Merkaba Black-hole technologies, which created the NEl-harness anomaly distortion in Earth's Geomagnetic Field and resultant DNA-block and race-memory-wipe for Earth's life-field).
Featured Techniques: A. Comu-NaVA Rounds 5-8, B. Cloud-Walkers Elemental Command Stand-4 Featured Journev: Voyage to Ah-SA'-LE'-yon Cloud-cities, Aurora-2 Platform, in Earth's Thermosphere. (Rashallah Ring 3 opens) (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-4"April 21-22,2007, Phoenix, M.) Na-VA-HO Passage & LA'HE de LunaWindow open 4 years ahead of schedule preventing Red Dragons from capturing Spanner-Gate-7 via activation of Cadeceus-Gate-7 interface; also Gyrodome and Aqualene Sun Buffer Field Level-l Activation; opening Level-l Aurora Slide Zone (via merging Aurora-1 Subterranean and Aurora-2 Cloud Cities platforms)Ascension Code upgrade to Seeding-2
5m41n017 MUG-17A to"4-Year Leap" spanner-Gate-7,
Krystal-Heart N a-VA-Ho Passage Gafe-Codes. This Travel workshop introduced Aurora & Ecousha Platforms in Cara[ Sacred Valley of the lncas, Cusco and Machu Picchu, Peru; pre-ancient Earth Seeding-2 hisfory associated with these "archeological sites" and connections between these sites and the Seeding-3 Astura, and Seeding -2 Krystal-Hearf Aquafereion Ascension Passages; the Aquafereion.Na.VA.HO Cousha.Cluster Takeyon-Control-Temple-CIuster at Sachsayhuaman, and the new Starfire Ascension-Projection Map depicting Aurora Platforms 1,2 & 3, and Ah-Mu'a ha-DA (Ecousha-1 Machu PicchuAdorA side), Esh.fa.Ta.RA (Ecousha-2 Maui & Kauai AdorAside) and Ah-SA-LE-Yon (Aurora-2 Cloud Cities EtorA side). This workshop also explored the multi-networked AnShaTAsa Passage Hosf4scension Passage and its historical relationship to Human Tribe Seedings-2 & 3; Aurora Slide Zones (4 levels of 3-dimensional Ascension Sfafion reality-fields) and opening of Aurora Slide Zone-1; Aurora-l Platform subterranean cities of Ah'RU'NE'Wa (EtorA)and Ah.RU.NE.Pet (AdorA), the Aquafereion RaSha Na-VA-HoTrans-harmonic Cycle,the kystarVehicle, Eternal Krystar Cycle,'RaShaLAe Body' activation and the Krystal-Heart Na-VA,HO Passage Gate'Godes. 15
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Featured Techniques: Expedited fulfillment of the Aquafereion RaSha Na-VA-Ho Trans-harmonic Cycle, including the Comu NaVa, NaVE & NaVA harmonic. Featured Journevs A. Journeys fo Aurora-l Platform subterranean cities Ah-RU-NE.lfla (EtorA) and Ah-RlJ.NE-Pet (AdorA), and Ecousha-1 Platform Ah-Mu'a ha.DA (Machu Picchu-AdorA side). B. Journey to Adashi-7 Floor-4- Gyrodome and Aqualene Sun Buffer Field Level-l Activation; opening Level-l Aurora Slide Zone (via merging Aurora-1 Subterranean and Aurora-2 Cloud Cities platforms) and Seeding-3 AquariHuman/lndigo-Human/Angelic Human Ascension Code upgrade to Seeding-2 Krystal-Heart Na-VA-HO Passage Gafe-Codes. C. Journey to LA'HE de Luna; Opening the LA'HE de Luna Window (Window of the "safe passageway through the Moon"). (Rashallah Ring-4 opens).
(Corresponding MCEO Travel workshop: "The Krystal River Dance & the lst Dance of the Cycle of 'Last Sfands,"' Machu Picchu-Caral & The Sacred Valley-Peru" May 21-31,2007, Peru) 6117l20AT MUG-178 to private
"Mmu-NaVA-Hosa activation," RashaLE Rings 1-15 open, Shalon-7, CO.
"Eye of God Sacred Heart Passage," opens in Aquafereion Shield via Tribe-S "Live Earth" Caduceus Rod "Big Ankh" activation on Reverse-spin by Green Dragons, blocking Red Dragons intended Rod activation; Green Dragons petition for GA assistance. Also, completion of Ecousha-3 Passage Flows into Tenerife Aquafereion Shield to begin merger of Aurora Platforms 3 & 4. 12 Tribes C/ass 5 inhoduces the Krystal Heart of AquariCodes (a line of DNA-Gates Codes canied and passed on by a group of Seeding-2 Angelic Humans and Aquafereions, conesponding to the Krysfal Heaft of AquariPassages of the Spanner-Gafes, which enable opening of the passages in the event that Seeding-3 Ascension passages were closed or collapsed); Hydrolase ("Living Water" substance inherent to organic Ascension biology and process;D3H2O2HE31 D2 02H2NE3); the Solar Symbiosis Cycle (the organic process inherent to Ascension Biology by which radiation from Solar Light, as absorbed via skin, eyes & breath, interacts with the Kalon, Shalon and Alon Crystals of the Rasha Body to create bio-eleckical/ bio-chemical/hormonal affects that allow for organic embodied production of Hydrolase,and fulfillment of the natural Hydrolase Conversion Process, through which 1bule energy is produced, stored and cycled within the body to fuel the biochemical changes that allow for the cellular/atomic skucture lo transmute into light radiation, then fransflgure into Spirit-energy, for Sfar-Gate Traveland Ascension. Solar Symbiosis is also the process by which "Breatherian" biology continually refuels its cellula/atomic process to maintain perpetual life and biological integrity; organic planets and stars also use this process to maintain life and continue re-evolution to Ascension); the Allurea (the "First Eye of God," the "Eye of EtorA" PLUS the "Eye of Adora"); Glide (to project with only the Rasha Darkmatter Body portion of consciousness, without physical-atomic shucture); Path of the Ring of Fire (the "Path of Mercy," the "Step-back Path" or the "Path of the Dha-LE LUma. The Ring of Fire refers to the Shala-13-Gates at the core of each 6123-241 2007 MUG-18 lo
stellar body where there is an opening of the Eiron Point that occurs right when Bhardoah ends and Nova begins in a star or sun). This class also explores the StarBorn/LightBornlLifeBorn/GodBornlKristBorn Cycles, the Rasha Template, the RashallahlRashaLEa/RashaLAe Bodres of Rasha Body anatomy,lhe "Heart and Eye of God," the KaLA Eyugha,the Krystar Activation,the Ring E Span lones, the Fallen Micca-Mecca Complex, the "Firsf Sfand
of Aurora," the 13,4008C Great Netting,the 9,5628C Great Encasement,lhe 13,4008C-10,5008C AquariAquafereion Earth Hybridization Program,lhe Vertical Maps, the Sun's Bhardoah Cycle,the Elemental Master SE Ur & Cloud-Walkers sfands, and Hibernation Zone Reclamation introduction. Featured Technique: Elemental Master Sfand-Sfand of the Sacred Heart Featured Journev: A. Journey to Adashi-7 Floor-i-the Hibernation Zone Reclamation, B. Journey to the Eye of God (RashaHe Ring 5 opens) (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class'5,"June 23-24,2007, Phoenix, M.) 7121-22120A7 MUG-19 to
"12:12 Spanner/Arc-Hub-Cluster-Gates, Sala-KaLUSala-Sira Chambers, LA'HE de Luna
Grande E Sala Caduceus Sheath" activation, via Tribes-6, allowing GA-Krysts to slow & regulate Caduceus Rod spin to slow Earth Changes for as long as possible. 12 Tribes-C/ass-6 introduces the Astura Passages (passages through which Seedrng-3 Aquaferelon Races were seeded on Earth), the Na-VA-Ho Passages (core Spanner Gate passages from Seeding-2 Aquafereion Races that The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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access the Aurora-1 Slide Zone), lhe LA'HE de Luna ("safe passageway through the Moon"), lhe "7-7-7 Activation" (Green Dragons use Live Earth Concerts 7 locations, 7 continenlsT t712007 , to reclaim control of Caduceus Big Ankh from Red Dragons in attempt to prevent Red Dragons from creating 3-day Earth Pole-Shift), the DhaLA-LUma Path (Adashi-Ascension Master Path), the DhaLA Ka-Rista Body (full Krystar Body, Manifest Body of the Kryst-100% spirit form; being in a fully transcendent Krysted existence), and Transfiguration (re-spiritualization of matter; organic Krystic reevolution/de-manifestation process). This class also explores Spirit Body Anatomy-2: DhaLA Luma, LUma-Eturna, SEda Cycle; "Dialogue with Earth-the Being," Spirit Body Anatomy, anti-Krystic Anatomy including the "7n Head of Caduceus" and the Caduceus Ankh;lhe7-7-7 Gaduceus Stand-off and the "period of the plagues," Cusco & Machu Picchu Peru connections to Ascension Passages, Peru Events & Fly-bys, the Aquareion Matrix lnner-Domain-Hub AnShaTAsa Races and AnShaTAsa Gyrodome connections between M?lAndromeda and Srrrus B, and inkoduction to lhe LA'HE de Sala Chamber as prelude to opening of the other 1 1 Spanner Gates. Featured Technique Opening of the Luna DhaLA REi-sha Passage- Part-1 & the Knighfs of Aquari and
Aquafereion. Featured Journev: Sala-Sira/Adashi 12:12 Journey to Sala-A, Opening the Sala-4 KaLE' Solar Chamber ( RashaHe Rrngs 6-1 2 open) (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-6," July 21-22,2007, Phoenix, M). 8110-1212007 MUG-20 to "Hosfed SolarSymbiosis lnitiation," Earth's HarA-Krysta Chamber,Urlha LA'HE de Sa/a Grande WindoWl2-Solar Passages & Eafth-Urtha-Sala-4 So/arPassage open, allowing for Earth to to receive 912047
"manual kick-start" of Hosted Solar Symbiosis for "Salvage-Resunection." This workshop inkoduced the Cosmic Evolutionary Cycles Earth is now entering, and what it means to enter lhe KaLE.Hara Turnaround Cycle, at the end of a KaLA Eyugha End Cycle, (which Earth entered on 811212007). This workshop introduced and detailed the mechanics of the 3-part KaLE-Hara Turnaround Cycle and Celebrafion; (Note: the KaLE-Hara Turnaround Transition Cycle involves two shifts of ARPS, the 1st called the KaLE-Krysta Cycle/90degree shift, the 2no called the KaLA-Krystar Cyclel180-degree shift; once these two shifts complete through the processes inherent to the KaLE- Hara Turnaround Cycle, entry into the Sfaffre Stage-2 KaU-Krysta-Bharda Cycle commences. NET-Earth entered the KaLE-Hara Turnaround Cycle during lhis 8/10-12 /2007 workshop, and completed the "two shifts" of lhe KaLE-Hara Turnaround Cycle to enter Starfire Stage-2 KaA-Krysta-Bharda and engage the "Load-Out Evac Link" during lhe 1/2-3/2008 workshop period/. The 3 parts of entry into the KaLE-Hara Turnaround Cycle are 1. Anchoring the Sala-Ka LE-Krysta Wave & Opening the Chambers of KaLE, through the Sala-Ka[E Chambers (set of Solar Passages from our Universal SG 4-Sala, which our sun is hosted within, to the Spanner Gate l2.sets from M3l Urtha to Earth), 2. The DhaLA-LUma Activation, and 3. Opening the Sala-Sira Chambers via the 'LA'HE de Sa/a-Sira" . Edonic "Healing Temple of the Central Sun of Sirius B" (the Sa/a-Stra Chambers are a set of chambers that connect to the DN-2 Middle-Domain Sala-Sira Edonic Temples of the Central Sun of Sirius B). When a system enters lhe KaLE-Hara Turnaround Cycle,3 distinct Evolutionary Paths become available; 1 . the Path of KaLA-Krysta Eternal-Life Ascension (which starts with lhe KaLE-Hara Turnaround Cycle at the end of the KaLA Eyugha 4th EckashiExpansion Cycle, and progresses into the organic stages of the Ktysfar Startire Ascension Cycle and the Folds of Creation " before entering the Eternal-Life Adashi Return Ascension Cycles), 2.the Path of KaLERAma Step-back (in which one returns lolhe Middle-Edon-DomaLn then re-enters an incarnation re-birth cycle into the Outer-Domain-Cycles, to re-evolve and re-accrete lost Ascension Codes through a "Second Chance' cycle of evolution in the Outer Domains), and 3. The Pafh of the KaLE DEma Fall (which is the path of fall culminating in eventual Spacedust Return). This workshop also introduced lhe Teachings of the KaLA-Um-Sha-TaRA ('Book of Timely Knowledge"), the first part of a set of 3 encyclopedia sets which are collectively considered the Books of Adashi. The Books of Adashicorrespond with the 3 Adashi-Return Ascension Cycles inherent to the Pafh of KaLA-Krysta Krystar Starfire Ascension. ln shortened form, the books are titled: the Book of KaLA (which coresponds to Adashi-Retum Cycle-l, and "graduation" from the KaLE Eyugha "End Cycle," 4tn-and-last-Eyugha of the Radon Outer-Domain Eckashi Expansion Cycles, into the Adashi-l Edonic ShaLA-EyAda Cycle);the Book of ShaLA (corresponds to "graduation" from the Adashi-1 Edonic ShaLA-EyAda Cycle, into Adashr'-2 Adonic AahLA-EyAda Cycle);and the Book of AahLA (corresponds to "graduation" from the Adashi-2 Adonic AahlA-Eyada Cycle, into the LUma-Eturna Cosmic Krist Body, and "Krysted" return to GodSource Consciousness Field). The Books of Adashi,which have not been translated on Earth before, are drawn from the 17
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massive data records contained within the KllmA'yah Al-humbra Crystat Discs of the M3lAndromeda/Aquinos and Aquareion Kryst-Founders Mahices, and feature essential teachings for organic Krysted Ascension through the Core Domains.The KUmA'yah-Al-humbra CrystalDiscs and their translations in the Books of Adashirepr.seni the extended, Multi'matrix Core-Domarn Ascension Teachings and Records from whichthe "single-matrix,, OuterDomain Cloister'Dora'Teura (CDT) Plate Silver Discs, and their subsequent "Maharata lexfs'itranslations were originally drawn and "down-stepped." fhe CDT-Plales and Maharata Iexfs focus upon the ,,slower paths,, of reevolution characteristic to Sing/e-matrix Outer-Domain Ascension, whereas the KUmA'yah Al-humbia CrystalDiscs and Books of Adashifocus upon the "accele rated path" of Trans-Matrix Core DomainAscenslon, most often utilized by incarnate Reishi and Mashaya-Hana, and in times, such as the present, of required Emergancy Matrix Evacuataion. Due to Earth's 8l12t2OO7 entry into the KaLE-Hara Turnaround Cycle,the life forms of Earth will progressively engage with and "vibrationally phaselock into," via "automatic co.resonant harmonic alignment," one of tne S
Evolutionary Paths; Earth's entry into the KaLE-Hara Turnaround Cycle presents earth humanity w1h the opportunity for Conscious Evolution, in which Free Will Ghoice (applied through sufficient education), can be used to consciously choose which evolutionary path one will engage. ln furthering our education, this workshop explored ist Creation Structure, Cosmic Ordu,lhe Meaning ofAscensron,the Light Body, Rasha Dark-Mafter parTE,KEi Body, ist Creation Domains, Cycles, Evolution & Ascension Mechanicg the EckashiExpansion-Eyugha & Adashi.Return Ascension Cycles, Prana Exchange,lhe Na-VA-HO Cycles, the Triad, Ecousha.TA, Reusha.TA, and REisha.TA Trimensters of the SEda Cycle Pre-Tauren Creation Sequence (through which the ElUm-Ei/-adhonna Spirit Body is born), the Ecousha-TA Matrix, "Eye of God," Epirit Body Anatomy; Secrefs of the DhaLA: DhaLA.Lttma, Dha'LELhama, Ascensron, Re-birth & Reincarnation; Return to Reisha: the KaLA-Krysta, DhaLA.KaLAea & the Krystar
Activation. The So/ar KaLE-Hara, Sala-KaLE Chamber & Reisha Body Dynamics; Spirit, Manifestation, Materialisafion, the "Zero-G" Point,the KaLA-Krysta, DhaLA-Lllma & the Re.spiritualization of Matter; Merkaba, Chakras, Axitonals & the Dfa[A -LUma Activation; "Light Eaters": lhe DhaLA-LlJma, KaLA-Krysta, Celular Regenesis Support & the "Breatharian" Connectiou and the DhaLA-LtJma Activation & KaLA- Krysta Wave Briefing. This workshop also explored the AmentiMission, KrystalRiver Host, AnShaTAsa Passagg the,Vertical Maps,; the Aquafereion Host Shield, Spanner Gafes, the Asfura & Na-VA-HO Passages & Krystit-Heart Gate Networks, 12 Tribes, Slide'Zones & Ascensro n Earth - Gliding, Sliding & Spanning, the Adashi Temples, Aquafereion Races & Rasha Body Activalfon the KaLA Eyugha "End Cycle'& the KaLE- Hara Turnaround Cycle, the 3 Evotutionary Paths, New Ascension Earth, Aurora Slide Zone Journeys, Sotar Bhardoah, Recent Events, and the Caduceus Network & the Sala-KaLE Chamber; also Rejoing the Cosmic Community, a glimpse of the future ,the,,Heavenly Host" in the Age of Aquarius: KalE-Krysta, KalA-Krystar, Bhar-DhAe, KalA-Krysta-Ascension, KaLE-Mma-Ste[back, & KaLE-DEma-fall Nova Cycles, Coming Krystal-Heart Solar Healing Programs & Ascension Training, and the KaLE Hara Celebration.
reatureo rechniques: A. Journey to the Eye of God . Shield projection Journey B. The KaLE Hara Turnaround and Celehration; 3 parts - 1. Anchoring the Sala.Ka LE.Krysta Wave & Opening the Chambers of KaLE, through the Sala-KaLE Chambers (set of Solar Passages from our Universal SG 4-Sa/a, which our sun is hosted within, to the Span ner Gate l2-sets from M3l Urtha to Earth), 2. The DhaLA.Ltlma Activation,3. Journey lo "LA'HE de Sala-Sira" - Edonic "Healing Temple of the Central Sun" and Opening the Sa/a-Sira Chambers;" (a set of chambers that connect to the DN-2 Middle-Domain Sala-Sira Edonic Temples of the Central Sun of SrTius B).
(Corresponding MCEO Workshop: Revelations Of The"DhaLA-Lllma," Transfiguration of the Kryst &the KaLEHara Celebrafion. Augusl 10-12,2007, Phoenix, M.) 8i25'26/2007 MUG-27
to "$-Year Lelp" lst Resurrection, DhaLA-KaLAea Chamber
Opens via Tribes-7, initiating Earth's Aquafereion Shield Transfiguration Cycle-1 in prep for "Solar Symbiosis Kick-Start." 12 Tribes-C/ass-7 introduces Spirit Body Anatomy-3: the 7 Core Lava Currents,lhe E-Lltma.Un (Ecousha-TA Root
CellSpark), Joule ForcelJ Force,the HaRA Krysta Chamber (vertical), the KaLE Hara Chamber (horizontal Rod), the DhaLA-KaLAah Chamber (horizontal fronVback), the IVuVA- na Cycle (Pki 1), the NaVA-na Cycte (Pki 2), the NaVE-na Cycle, Eiradonis (embodied adjugate spirit), Lllma EturnalKrystar Entity, Fa Ratio (Jha-FA Ratio materialization point), and Zero Gravig slate. The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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Featured Technique; Rar.srng the Eiradonis -Resurrection-l (RashaHe Rings 13-15 open) (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-7,"August 25-36, 2007, Phoenix, M.)
"So/arSymbrbsis ManualKick-Start & Planetary Hallof Records Akashic Record (AdorA Akashic Record on EtorA side/Shala-13 Open." 1't Hydrolase Conversion in Earth's Aquafereion Shield "Kck-Starts' Hosted SolarSymbiosrs, Earth's NDC-Temple Matrix goes on-line with Sa/a-Srra DN-2-Edon, Shala-l3-Core-Gate, Planetary & Galactic AdorA-Akas/ric Halls of Records & Aurora-3-"Ocean Cities" S/ide-Gafes open. D-3 Epi-NET disengages and Aurora-1.'Subterranean Cities" and Aurora-2J'Cloud Cfties" Slide-Gates closes to block Red 9121-2512007 MUG-22 to
Dragons intended 2008-2009 Direct Earth lnvasion from Atlantean Hibernation Zones. This workshop introduced the 3 "Transfiguration Point / Ecousha Centef' Live Activations (IFP 1-2-&-3; the 1st 3, of 7 , TFP Activations), in the Aquafereion Shield, the Krisfrac Time Cycle'tsirthday Chaft" (organic Krystic Frequency Accretion & Growth-Expansion Cycle), the Eiradonis, the Aqualene Sun, the "40 Year Time Leap" (needed to ovenide the Red Dragons plan for OfficialDrsclosure and lntended lnvasion of Earth);GA-MCEO physical Slide-Zone-3, the "New (Ascension) Earth" and the "Aquafereion" (Aquari + Angelic Huma hybrid) Ascension Races, the DN-2 Stnus. B Edonic Temples & Sala-Sira Chambers, the embodied Ecouslra Centers, the D-3-Atmic C60 (Carbon-60) "Buckey-Ball harness" floating in the Pineal Gland (blocking Chakra-6/ 3'o Eye function), and the conesponding tailbone mutation (first of the first 8 Cells). This workshop also introduced new information on "Fetal Integration," the organic Birthday Chart (organic Krystic Frequency Accretion & Growth-Expansion Cycle),the Hydrolase Converston (HC) Wave, Solar Symbrbsig opening of Earths' organic Akashic Record/Planetary AdorA Hall of Records (which closed by 2004 -end due to the Fallen Angelic Drama escalation), opening of the Personal Hall of Records, reclaiming the Master Eternal Divine Btueprint Memory Matrix, Reprogramming the Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Gnds (NDCG) in Earth's crust, news of Jesheua.l2's physicalreturn to Earth, and Chronology of Historicaland Recent Evenfs that have led to where we are NOW in the Planetary Drama. Featured Techniques: A. "Resurre ction: Rarlsing of the Eiradonis" (Reseffrng the Eternal Life Divine Blueprint within the Atomic Core); B, "shadra Journey . The Akashic Record Activation" (opening the AdorA Hallof Records and
lhe Akashic Memory Crystaf'\. Featured Activations: A. S "Transfiguration Point
Ecousha Center" Live Activations (TFP 1-2-&-3; the '1st 3, of 7, IFPActivations), in the Aquafereion Shield. (Note: lhe TFP Activations conespond to Ecousha Cenfers/AdorA interface points, in the physical body and bio-field, and to specific "organic growth points" in the Knsfiac Time Cycle "Birthday Chart"/organic Frequency Accretion & Grovtth-Expansion Cycle. The TFP's and corresponding embodied Ecousha Cenfers have never before been activated in biological life-forms on earth, due to the Planetary-Metatronic Sextant-Time-ClocU "False-Time-Keeper" environmental anomaly. TFP Activations speed up the bio-energetic and biophysical Base Pulse RhythmtsPRof the multi-dimensional anatomy to the "hrghest point of embodied frequency accretion," which organically would correspond to the biological age of 33 if the Metatronic DNA-mutation were not present. Activation of the IFP's and their corresponding Ecousha Cenfers enables return of the organic biological ability to Transfigure biological matter back into SpiriflEirA-based energy quantum, which is an essential prerequisite for genuine biological Transfigurafive Ascension). These LiveTFP/Ecousha Center Activafions (which employ specific sound-tones to activate the biological TFP/Ecousha Centers), initiate clearing of the failbo ne mutation (1st of the 1st8-Cel/s), and clearing of the D-3 "C60.atom (Carbon-60)/ Buckey- Balf' ("Buckminstefiullerine") atomic-harness, that floats within & controls the function of the Pinea I Gland. Clearing of the "C60- atom/ Buckey- Ball implant" from the Pineat Gland, enables activation of the embodied "6th Chakra/ !d-Eyd' (in forehead), and allows the biological form to engage the core BPR of the "highest point of embodied frequency accretion/age 33," (which will assist to reiuvenate the biological body and engage the personal spiritual-mental-emotional/physical & etheric bodies in progressive reclamation of the organic potentials of Transfiguring biological-atomic mafter back into SpiriUEirA-based energy quantum; a prerequisite for genuine biological Transfiguratiye Ascension). Achieving Activation Level "TFP.3" allows the Aquafereion Shield to be "Slide -Zone-3 able" in case of emergency; (this means lhat a "3-Day-Evac Protocol," will nof be needed, because lhe Aquafereion Shield can be "instantaneous/y physically pulled to Sltde Zone-3 safefy," if the planet experiences sudden cataclysmic earth changes).
B. 1't Activation of the Hydrotase Conversion VVave (HC-Wave) & Manual "Kick start" lnitiation of Solar Symbross. 1"1 Hydrolase Conversion in Earth's Aquafereion Shield 'Krck-Sfarfs" Hosted Solar Symbiosis; So/ar Symbiosis can be understood in layman's terms to mean "being refueled by the sun; which is what "Breatharians" do 19
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as their source of bio-physical & bio-spiritual nourishment. (Note: Through Kryst-Host transmission of lhe Hydrolase Conversion/HC Wave, a small quantum of the elemental matter-body of personal and planetary "watef' merges with its Spirit-Body Counterpart, initiating personal and planetary Hydrolase Conversion, which is the organic process by which inorganically mutated, finite-life "Dead-Watef'-H20, transfigures back into organic, Eternal-Life "Living-WaterHydrolase".H2O2HE3. ln the "/lfan ual Kick-Start" of the organic So/ar Symbiosis Procesg the organic process by which Llving-Light Spectra emanating from So/arLrghf is absorbed by, and interacts with, the personal and planetary anatomy, via the skin/crust, blood/lava and bone/mantle-stone, to initiate and maintain organic bodily production of Hydrolase-H2l2HE3 Living-Water,the Aquafereion Shield first receives an elementalinfusion of Living-WaterHydrolase from the Krystal River Councils of the Krysf-Hosf. This elemental infusion of Living-Water-Hydrolase initiates the organic process of Hydrolase Conversion, within a small quantum of the "waters" composing the biological anatomy of the people receiving, through the Aquafereion Hosf-Shield,the Kryst-Host Hydrolase elementalinfusion. Once the physical bodies of people "receiving the Hydrolase Conversion Wave" from the Krystal River Host have initiated small-quantum embodied.Kck-Start'Hydrolase Converslon, their physical bodies begin to reawaken the long. dormant organic process of "solarSymbiosis," by which the physical body interacts with "Solar Ray Emanations" from the Sun, to continue and amplify the once-organic bio-physical processes of Hydrolase-Living-Water production. Once members of the Aquafereion Shield achieve "small-quantum biological Kck-Start' of organic Hydrolase Conversion, and resultant triggering of the dormant personal biological Solar Symbiosts process, through the initial elemental infusion of Hydrolase from the Krystal River Host, such members become able to transmit this Hydrolase Conversion Wave aclivation into "water-forms" manifest upon the planet. "Transmitting Members" of the Aquafereion Shield will then "pass-on" a small-quantum of the Hydrolase Conversion Wave, and resultant ability of So/ar Symbiosts, to the planetary elemental.waters of Earth (in specific "hands-on locations"), thus imbuing a small-quantum of Earth's waters with the ability of Hosted Hydrolase Conversion and Solar Symblosrs. Such "Healed Earth Waters" can then, in turn, "pass on the gift of Hydrolase Conversion/Solar Symbiosr.s," back to human populations who interact with such "Healed Watersi" these "Healed Waters" can then serve to progressively "pass on the Gift' of Hydrolase Conversion/Solar Symbiosrs, (and the conespo nding potentialities for bio-physical "Ascension"), to members of Earth's human, animal, plant, mineral & elemental "kingdoms." Such "Healed Waters" can also amplify and accelerate lhe Hydrolase Conversion/Solar Symbiosrs ability within the "originally activated transmitting humans of the Aquafereion Shre/d, " who first received the Hydrolase Conversio n Wave activation and "passed it on to localized Earth waters." As the "Healed Waters" pass back and amplify lhe"Hydrolase-Healing" lothe"original Healers of the Waters," the 'original Healers of the Waters" are thus enabled to "pass the Amplified Gift Fonrard" to MORE Earth Waters, setting in motion a"Continuous CHAIN of Water-born Healing," (the "likes of which this Earth has never seen before")! C, Opening of Earths' Organic Akashic Record/AdorA Planetary Hall of Records (AdorA Akashic Record on EtorA side), which were closed by 2004-end due to the Fallen Angelic Drama escalation. (Note: 9119-2112008 MUG-34' Opening NET.Earth "Hall of Recordsi' EtorA Ecoushic.Record on AdorA side"). Current opening of the AdorA Akashic Hall of Records (on EtorA side), allows for opening of the Personal Akashic-AdorA Hall of Records, (and resultant return of the Eternal Master.Divine-Blueprint Memory-Matrix for our planet). Opening of the AdorA Akashic Hall of Records allows Kristic Races to not only bring the ARC-Hub-Gafes on line with lhe KrystalRiver Host, but also allows for activation of the IVerry A mentiGafes (recreated in Hetharo-5/2003 workshop period), and activation of the Trinity Gates (Base-3 ARC-Interface-Gates, previously shut down due to U-estakh'iWormhole Triangulation activation); cumulatively, the "Opening of Earth's Akashic Record/AdorA Planetary Halls of Records," creates the conditions that allow for more Ascension options, for some of Earth humanity, and for Earth's animal, plant, mineral& .kingdoms." elemental D. Reprogramming the Nibiruian-Diodic-Crystal-Grids (NDCG) in Earth's crust, via GA-MCEO Kalon-7 Shle/d Clinic, conducted in front ol Edgar Cayce's ARE Center in Virginia Beach, VA; GA-MCEO-Shield Clinic was conducted here in order to remote-access the "ARE Labyrinth-Grid East-Coast-USA Alpha.Omega Metatronic Control Center;" this action released planetary "Met-NET" Fields that have been blocking activation and opening of lhe planetary AkashicAdorA Haltof Records. This effort of "Kryst-Host lnterface" allowed the Easf-Coasf-USA AlphaOmega Metatronic Control Center NDCG's to begin running Kryst-Host Frequencies, along rnfh its usual Metatronic' F all-Spectra frequencies.
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(Corresponding MCEO Workshop: "The Greatest Love Story - Resurrection of the Kryst, Dawn of the Aqualene Sun, and Living the Legacy of Love," september 21-25,2007, Virginia Beach, VA.) fi127-28n007 MIJG-2T to "Galactic Hosf Jesheua Code & "Caduceus-BeaSl-666-Seal Clearing" Tribes-8 Jesheua Code Universal Sfar-Gate Encryption activation clears "666-Seal' in Earth's Aquafereion Shield to block the Red Dragons 1 0/2007 intended activation of the Europ ean Caduceus-BeaSl-6 66-Grid Triangulation and resultant " Omega Kll Code" activation. 12 Tribes-C/ass-8 introduces lhe ElumEir'.adhona Spirit Body, the Akashic Record (natural memory record on AdorA side that holds Divine Blueprint for EtorA side; 1st EtorA Cell, manifests on AdorA side), and the Ecoushrc Record (natural memory record on EtorA side that holds Divine Blueprint for AdorA side; lst AdorA Gell, manifests on EtorA side) of Sprnl Body Anatomy, Adjugate-Bond Transfiguration, Solar Symbiosrs, the Jesheua CodeslCodes of AquA'elle (Universal/Galactic JhA-ia Suns codes), the Gyrodome Field (of the KrystalRiver Host),the"7th Line of Jesheua-l2," the Sfructure of Galaxies and introduction to Galactic History. Class also introduces information on the Fallen Milky Way Fragment Galaxy (once part of "M31-Andromeda Galaxy"/ "Aquinous Universe"), the Sagiffarus A* and Abadion-Procyak 666-Deafh.Seal Matrix (of inorganic Black-holes &Wormholes at the center of the Milky Way galaxy, which directly affect personal DNA function), and lhe Procyak False-Memory-Matrix Record (a network of 10 galactic "etectronic data.imptant.systems" inthe Mitky Waytragment galaxy, that contain intentionally falsified historical records" and Metatronic.Black-hole falf'technology-teachings, and which progressively release reversecurrent Metatronic-frequency-infusions once opened and activated;the Procyak False-Memory-Matrix Record includes the Pleiadian"Alcyone Libraries," the Omega-Centauri Library, the Nibiruian.Taran "Tiamet Library," the fallen Polaris-Gaia"Gaiam Library," the fallen "Procyon Library," the ObE'rYon "Abaddon Librar!'and many other Metatronic "False.Memory.Matrix Library-Record sysfems" in the Milky Way and beyond. (Note: Historically, Earth .inspirations & communications" "channels," "medittms" and 'mysfics"frequently, but not always, unknowingly draw their from these intentionally-created
F al
se-Record Sources).
Featured Technique Jesheua Command lones (Aquinous-AquAelle activation) Featured Journey: Releasrng the Procyak 666.Deafh'Seal Matrix M.) lCorresponding MCEO Ctass: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-&"0ctober 27'28,2007, Phoenix, 1112-4li}07 MUG-24 lo lJniversat Reishiac Record & Blocking the Caduceus-BeaSl-666.Grid Triangulation. Kryst-OriO neishiac Record lnterface in Amsterdam, Netherlands allows Earth's Aquafereion Shield to block Red Dragons intended 11I1OOB European Caduceus-BeaST-666-Grid Triangulation & "Omega Kill Code" activation. Prepares NET-Earth's Shield tor 11t2008 "Adjugate-13-St. Kitts-Core-Gate" & "Shield of Solomon-AdorA Omega Ovenide" activation. This workshop introduced information on the "Hidden 7n Line of Jesheua-l2," "GreatWhite Buffalo Woman" and the specialized 'DITIA Jesheua-Codes'carried in numerous family lines from the Amsferdam area and elsewhere. The workshop inhoduced lhe "Never Ending Story and Seeds of Creation" graph sequence on the Eternal Krystar Cycle, starting from the 11-Tree Kathara-Grid kist-Code (organic core Eternal-Life radiation lattice) then moving through the NaVE na Cycte (NaVA-na & NuVA-na Cycles) of Pre-Partiki Creation, and into the Primary Movements and Structures of the 4.TrimesferSE'da Cycle (4-Trimesters:1.Triad,2. Ecousha-TA',3. Reusha'TA',4. REisha'IA', through which lhe HumErladhona Spirit Body is born); includes formation of the Cousha-EtorA and KaSha'AdorA Krystals,
the Ecousfr ic-EtorA and Akashic. AdorA Record 1.LCells, and the Ecoushic-EtorA and Akashic'AdorA Hall of Records 1st T-CellClusfers, This workshop introduced detail on the "Eye(s) of Got' structure, Event Horizons, Time Vectors (upon which Trans-vector Adjugate-Twin aspects of anatomy merge into the Krystar Sfafe), the spheres of the DhaLA REisha-EtorA and DhaLA Krysta-AdorAthat merge to form the HaRA-Krysfa Sfafe (not "HaRE-Kish'na" = "no Kryst"-sfateJ and the "Halls of REiSha.TA' Eternal Hall of Records" (within the REisha-TA' Field of the Eternal Cosmic Spirit Body, which open when the Ecoushic-EtorAand Akas/rlc-AdorA Hall of Records-1st -8-
ElumEif-adhona Cell Clusters merge,with release of the Celestatline Wave). This workshop also introduced new information on the Seyen Celesiattine Sung Natural Adjugate Bonding, Hydrolase Conversion, the Celestalline Wave,the Thrust-Quanta/G-Force (corresponding{o Etheric, Telluric, Atmic, Ketheric, and Keriatric matter), the Mysteries of fhe MilkyWay(theM.SlAndromedaGalaxy,theAQUA'etle-AquinousAscension HostUniverse,theirassociated Galactic inl:iaand Density Jhala' Suns), where Earlh and our Milky Way came from, (and howll3l'Urtha'3, in the 21
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"M31-Andromeda Galaxf'2,2 million light years away, serves as Earth's host planeUstar), the 6.6-6 BeaSf Triangulation, Procyak False-Memory Matrix, Bloom of Doom, Black Cube Matrix and the Curse of the YHWH Matrix. This workshop also explored ldeological Disempowerment & Distorted Vision of Self and Source, the"dualig of mind and thinking" ideologies that have historically formed humanity's self and God concepfs, and a summary of the Universal-Galactic-Planetary drama that has occurred since 2000 AD fall of lhe Treaty of Altair. Featured Techniques: A. Ring-l Access Key Journey, B, the Jesheua Codes (power-tones), C. Journey tothe Core-Krystal Krystar Capsule,D. Journey to the Halls of REisha-TA'(Eternal Hall of Records within the REisha-TA' Field of the Eternal ElumEif-adhona Cosmic Spirit Bodyi'opening the Cosmrc Halls of REisha-TA through the Sha/a-73 KrystalCore and AquafarE Sa/a-Srra Passage), E. the "Gifr of AQUA'elle;' (Corresponding MCEO Travel workshop: "Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found: Milky Way Mysteries, Hallsof Recordsandthe 'Uesus Codes," November2-4,2007,Amsterdam, Netherlands). Y8 Jan-Dec 2007 continued
MUG-25 lo"Galactic Arcturian Bypasg Bridge of Sol & Ring of Fire Core," Galactic Reishiac Record "Ring of Fire Core" comes on-line with NET-Earth's Templar, via Tribes-9 opening of Galactic Arcturian BypassBridge of Sol to fortify AnShaTAsa Passage Host & prepare NET-Earth Templar for 1112008 early "Shield of Solomon" activation. 12 Tribes-C/ass-9 introduces the Krystic Polarian Matrix Adora-side Gates, lhe Arcturian Bypass, Code of AR-tur-alCloakof Arcturus&theAkashicBypass Key;the5Sfages of Starfire(1,KaLEHara812007-112008,2. KaLA-Krysta512008-2047,3. HaRA-Krysta2052-2225 AD,4. HarA Krystyanna Hydrolase Conversion Cycle 22303230 AD, 5. Reisha Krystara 3233-3333AD), the Reshaic Tractor Beam to 3333AD Adashi-l cycle; DUA-Template upgrades for 1/3,4 of Eafth Angelic Humans from 12 to 24-strand lndigo-2 capacrty, and upgrade of 1B,a of Eafih lndigo2 from 24 to 48-strand lndigo-l/Urtha-ascension capacity; the Krystal Core Access Passage (from Earth Seeding-1 ), the Reishaic Hallof Records, Adjugate & Conjugate Twins, the Book of KaLA,the Eyugha Cycles, and the HaRA Krysta Sfafe. Also, the Milky Way Galactic Procyak Black hole Matrix & Bloom of Doom, partial fall of M31 Procyus sun (350 billion years ago), fallen Procyak, Abaddon, OberYon, Black Cube, Scorprbug and Borgha-Buddhara Matrices, lhe YHWH and Arimathaea Wormholes, and the Seed of Metatron ("7 Heads of the BeaST). Featured Techniques; A. "Rarbrng the Eiradonr.s" Resurrection B."Anchoring the Bridge of Sol' Featured Journev: Journey to the White Room-Cosmic LUma-Eturna Reishaic Record Ring of Fire Core (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-9, December 1-2,2007 , Phoenix, M.) 1211-212007
2129 -31 12007 M U G -26- Aq ua
reion Matrix
es Shalon -7 Arizona-Vortices
11212008 Aquafereion Host Shield enters
Starfire Stage-1 KaLE Hara Cycle
Yg LEAP Jan-Dec 2008: (complete DN-1 Planetarv-lncarnate Accretion Cvcle & enter DN-2 Solar-Galactic Soul Accretion Cvcle 2008)
Bharda & LOAD-OUT EVAC link." NET-Earth Shield reaches sufficient BPR to initiate entry into Starfire Stage-2A KaLA-Krysta Bharda and to connect to the 223-Year Galactic "Load-Out EVAC" of Milky Way/Procyak Galaxy to M31-Aquinos Andromeda Galaxy. This workshop introduced the Krystal River Healing Program, (involves specific combinations of cross-harmonic tones that catalyze rapid healing of the DNA-template and opening of the organic ascension passages within the personal and planetary bio-fields; initiates the sfrongest healing possibrTilres ever seen on Earth); the Spirit-Born Cycle Trimester-2 EcoushaTA Stage-2, which includes details on the Cousha, the "Eyes and Hearts of God," lhe Eternal Kryst LovelLava Flows, the 48-Hara Cell Adjugate Twins, the Allurean Elemental Adjugates on the Elemental table, the "180 Suns Space-Time-Matter Domains" of the ElumEir'-adhona Cosmic Spirit Body ,the Hara Bodres and Stations of Identity, lhe Krystar Krystal Capsule Vehicle and the Krystic Allurean Eiradonas Flows (of the organic Axiatonallines); also introduces the Four Folds of Creation (the Ma-Sha-Yahnic, Ma-Sha-Ta-Ra-ic, Ma-Ha-Ra-Tic and Ma-Ha-Raj-ic Folds), and the Krystar Last Ascension Cycle 223-Year "Load-Out" Schedule. 112-312008 MUG-27 to "Stage-2A
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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This workshop also explored the "in-between" (between Earth & Shala-3/M31-Urtha-3) Sentinel Host Star AshalA (Host Star into which Amenti-Earth was seeded 550MYA at start of the Amenfi Rescue Mission), lhe Ashalum Temples ol AshalA Edon-Middle-Domain (a vital "stepping-stone" on the Ascension Path), the Shalon (M), Alon (CO), and Kalon(VA) sites of Spanner Gate-7 (M) and their related "safe-zone/Load-Out Station" Adjugate Sifes. This workshop also explores 480 billion year history eyenfs that lead to the fall of the Milky Way (the Fall of Procyon, formation of the galactic Procyak False-Memory-Matrix and the fallen Obeyron, Abaddon and YHWHNod'-HA Vod'-HAr/"YahWaf'-Matrix), M-31's Al-Tara and the Treaty of Altair (7/5 thru 9112,20004D), and the hidden anomalies of the Metatronic Atlantean Death Star Legacy, including the galactic "Bloom of DoomlDaisy of Death" finite-life galactic black-hole network, the "Bubble of Trouble" geomagnetic harness, and the finite-life "Golden Mean-ielFib-of-No-Chl'
Spiral. Featured Techniques: First Krystal River Healing Technique; Releasin glhe DhaLA Luma Seals (at center of the HaRA Krysta Bodies), Anchoring the Bridge of Sol, and Opening the Ftrsf Slide Passage from Earth to AshalA (via Shalon-7 Phoenix and AshalA's Edon Domain Ashalum Temples). (Corresponding MCEO Workshop: "F0L-'08: Engaging the Load-Out; the lasf Ascension Cycle and the Gate of AshalA, January 2-3,2008, Phoenix, M).
MUG-28 lo"Earth Changes Red Alert, OMEGA CODE & Early opening of Adjugate-13-Kitts-CoreGate;" Tribes-10 engages early remote-activation of Adjugate-73-Sf. Klffs-Core-Gate to initiate early activation of NETEarth "shreld of Solomon"-Omega Ovenide,due to RedMhite Dragons "Fortification Contracts" activations of "Omega-Kll-Code Last Extinction Ordef'via PSG-7 Puerto Rrco breach from Wesedrak-fallen Parallel Earth. OmegaCode "Earth Rods" activaton puts NET-Earth on permanent Red Alertfor massive Earth Changes via forced-Tectonic 115-T12008
Plate-tearing, 12 Tribes-C/ass-70 introdu ces AshalA (host star), "Salvage lsland' (from Earth Seedings 1 & 2, now St. Kitts), the Bourgha Triangulation, Omega Kll-Code,the Folds of Creation (1. Ma-Sha-Yahnic, 2. Ma-Sha-Ta-Ra-ic, 3. Ma-ha-ra-Tic,4. Ma-ha-Raj-ic), Sfages of Startire,the CelestallineVapor-Wave,and the Micca Complex. Class also discussed the progressive opening of the Sala KaLE, Sala Sra, & Amoraea Passages and the Arcturian Bypass, AshalUAshalum,the Aurora Platform Sysfem, the M3l-Tractor Beam,lhe Adjugate Gate System & St, lfffs Load-
out Station. Featured Technique: "Great Balls of Fire" (Eckasha-A Level Ra Flame activation) .1/5-7/2008 GA Upstep-7f,to M31-AnShaTAsa Hub/Adjugate A1}-BudhA'ea Adashi Councils (note'. 11/12-22/2008 GA Upstep-7pto Median Earth ZonA & AquafarE' Adashi Councils, 1/1-3/2009 GA Upstep-7Qto AshalA-3-Ashalum-Edon A'quai and Shala-3-Eiradhani AQUA'elle Adashi Councils & "Floating Buddhas" Sha-DA Shie/d Slide-Teams, and 4/1012/20A9 GA Upstep-7pto Edonic Amenti-Middle-Earth Central Actuality Dominion, E-dO'-ni Ma-sha-yah "Ah-JhU-na"' Ad ashi Ti me-T rave I Ade pts). (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-fQ January 5-7, 2008, Phoenix, M.) 2116-1712008 MUG-29
lo DhaniAwakening-l, Sfarof Solomon,White
Dragon OfficialDisclosure lnvasion:
Tribes-1 1 Dhani Awakening-1/Star of Solomon initiates early opening/activation of NET-Earth Bhardoah Chamber, Gha-fa Line & Eiradhani Breathing Iube. Median Earth's "Rod of Paladia" merges into NET-Earth fontanels to prevent Omega-Code from splitting NET-Earth Rod for rapid cataclysm, opens Median Earth Ascension/Bhardoah Chamber & initiates close of Caduceus-Earth Bhardoah Chamber in preparation to close Hibernation-Zone Gate-links to prevent White/Red Dragon intended 1012008 NET-Earth Zeta-Ship lnvasion. White Dragons fake over Red Dragons, UIR-Anu-Drak & Green Dragon Caduceus-Earth/Hibernation-Zone Grids & NET-Earth "Channels"; White Dragons make 1't attempt at fulfilling lhetr 10/2008'Official-Disclosure lnvasion/AllKll agenda by preparing to seize Green Dragon
Atlantean Hibernation-Zone Gates for direct Zeta-ship lnvasion of NET-Earth. Kryst-Host"Treaty of Al-Ben'-Yhan" "no.contest.negotiations" begin with GA-MCEO-Kryst Councils, Kryst-Fall Budhara Counicils, & early Green Dragon & U/R Red Dragon defector groups. 12 Tribes-Class-1 1 , "The Dhani Awakening Part-l & the Shield of Solomon lnvitational," introduces the Tectonic & Rod-Fontanel Maps, Earth Extinctions History, Bhardoah, Gha-Fa Body,the Eira-Dhani Breathing Tuhe, Dhani Adjugate.l0 Codes, Dhani Awakening &Dhani Ring, Harmonic Convergence Points & St,erd & Star of Sotomon/AdorA, the Cosmic Halls
ReishaTA and the
Bhud-Aeah AdonA High Councils. 23
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Featured Journev: Journey to the Eckasha level Dot Matrix Field via the Flame of KalA &the A10 Event Horizon. (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion," C/ass-11,February 16-17,2008, Phoenix, M.) 3t2g-3Ol2OOg MUG-30 to Green Hibernation-Zone Evacs, Atlantean Hibernation-ZonsGates Close, opening of Median Earth Ascension/Bhardoah Chamberand close of Caduceus-Earth Bhardoah Chambers Complete; Gathering of the Shaman-l. Tribes-12 assist GA-Krystics to complete opening of NET-Earth/Median/Earth Ascension/Bhardoah Chambers, closing of Caduceus-Earth Bhardoah Chamber connection to NET-Earth, & successfully close Atlantean Hibernation-Zone Gates to block White Dragons intended 1012008'Official Disclosure Zetaship lnvasion." 12 Tribes-Class-l2 introduces lhe Bhardoah Transition Readings, the '3 Sfages of Ascension" (Glide, Slide, Span), the Krystar Sfafe, lhe "Rapture," Transgenesis & the Mashayah; also Fetal lntegrafion, Ascension, ZhEon Depletion,Death,organic BhardoahTransition,lheVictory Spark&theVa-BA-TE Cel/. EngagesGatheringof the Shaman.twith 15 additional people called to attend, plus the usual24 class members (note: Gathering of the Shaman2-5122-2712008 Hetharo workshop, Phoenix, M& Gatheing of the Shaman-!-11112-2212008 S/tders-3, St. Kitts, BVI) Featured Techniques: Dhani Awakening Part-2 (Part-1 2116-1712008 12 Tribes C/ass 77) Featured Journev: Journey to Median Earth-Past E Release of the Caduceus Victory Spark (Corresponding MCEO Class: "12 Tribes of Aquafereion, Class-l2, March 29-30, 2008, Phoenix, M.\ "12 Tribes of Aquafereion" Classes END (started January 20-21,2007)
lo Synchronized Rod-Spin Acceleration, Omega Sink-Hole Block; &.Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave.l releases within Aqualene-Sun Buffer Field causing D-l Light Body & Atomic Body to begin separation from their Rasha-8ody-Dark-Matter-Template. Further expedition of Adjugate-73-Sf Kiffs-Core-Gate mantle activation 5122-2712008 MUG-31
amplifies sprn-speed of NET-Earth Rod & Median Earth Rod of Paladia, bringing the Rods inlo"reciprocal counter-spin acceleration" with the Caduceus Rod, temporarily preventing White Dragons from openingthe"Tropic-of-Cancef'-
Omega-Sink-Holes. White Dragons 4/2008 attempt to open the Omega-Sink-Holes, via accelerating Caduceus-Rod spin, for direct Zeta-ship lnvasion from Atlantean Hibernation-Zone, is successfully blocked by GA- MCEO. Gathering of the Shaman-2 (note: Gafhering of the Shaman-!;3129-3012008 l2Tribes Class-12 Phoenix, M; Gathering of the Shaman-!-11112-2212008 S/iders-3, St, Kitts, BVI);Aquafereion Shield Stage-2A KalA-Krysta Cycle Bharda Phase starts 5/2008 (completes-2027 ). This workshop introduces the Pre-p artiki Translation Seguence and the FIVE states of pre-substance, and a GA-MCE0 document titled "A little bit about God," which revealed information on intricate subjects including: Eta'-Ur pre.substance, the Aah-JhA Creation Bubble, (a sphericalhydro-acoustic infrasound body of frozen crystalline radiation/aka the hydrose body womb of waters or Primordial Waters), the ItlaVE-n a Partiki Creation Cycle, and the t'five specific sfafes of Source-Consciousness Awareness & corresponding pre-substance states of manifestation (the 5 sfafes of Source-Consciousness Awareness can be conceptualized as 1. FEELING/direct vibrational cognition of Being; 2. E-MOTION/electro-magnetic motion expressing the desire to create as intrinsic to Being; 3. NOTION/ congealing of E-motion into a multi-faceted organizational structure that embodies the desire to create; 4. THOUGHT/ associative organization of multi{aceted Notions embodying the desire to create; 5. IDEI/ linearlogical organization of groupings of more "solidified multi-faceted Notions" that embody the desire to create specifically). This workshop also introduces the Aah-JhA-areia stafe (subjectle-objective'God-like' sfafe of consciousness );the new Organic Axiatonal.Line Chart; the Organic-Eternal ElementalTable (144 Organic Eternal-Life Elements); restoring Earth's waters through Hydrolase Conversion (restoring the H7O2He}-hydrolase component to water); Solar Symbrosis (the organic environmental bio-field/bio-chemical process that is catalyst for biological Hydrolase Conversion, and the process through which, biological Hydrolase Conversion occurs); Hydro-acoustic Theory and Conscious Manifestation throu g h d i rect Kry stic Elemental Comm a nd. This workshop explores detailed information on the mechanisms of the formation of the three Manifest Primal Source
Currents associated with the Reishaic, AdorA-Akashic, and EtorA-Ecoushic Records; the kinds of physical and mental disturbances that result from disruption of the Organic Eternal-Life Translation Seguence; the "Planet in Paradox- Perils and Potentials" and the "Why's of contemporary planetary reality" (Why tides occur/and their antiOrganic effects, Why the lce caps on the planet are really melting, Why we really have Lightning and Thunder, Why we 24 The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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will see more and more volcanoes erupt and why certain parts of the globe are more 'prone' to earthquakes than others); the Partiki/pre-substance Translation.Seguence in context of the growth/frequency-accretion Birthday Chart and the
200+-year Load-Out Eyac schedule. Also addressed in this workshop:the KrystarVehicle, the Omega Kll Code,lhe Soloman Shie/d (Shield of AdorA), Safe Zones , Demons,lhe Dhani Sfiield and Codes, the different levels of Earth's Ascension Host (NEI-Ea rlh, Median Earth, AshalA, Shala and M31-Urtha), the importance of the GhaRE Body in the processes of both atomic Transmutation (re-enlightenment) and atomic Transfiguration (re-spiritualization); "Plate Harmonics" and the 'Krystic Global Swat Team'that will play an important role in restoring Earth waters to undergo the natural process ol hydrotase conversion, to enable continuation of the 200+-year Load-Out Evac-Ascension cycle. Featured Techniques: 3.Part Technique: 1. Removing the Omega Seal LOOP implant;2. Restoring the natural Aah.JhA flows in the first 3 chakras; and 3. Initiating the Aah-JhA-areia sfafe entry. (Corresponding MGEO Workshop: "Hetharo.2008- Winds of Change, Tides of Transformation.Visions of Joy for
a Transitioning World' (May 23-25,2008, Phoenix, M.)
lo Treaty of At.Ben'-Yhan, Watchtower & Triggered Recession White Dragons revert to Red Dragons "1- lnvasion Protocols" & orchestrate "sub-Prime Mortgage Collapse" to trigger Economic Recession & 712008-End M\JG-SZ
.World Management Team" confrols, following Kryst-Host block of the desiabilize Green DragonlJtR tltuminati White/Red Dragon's Zeta-ship Direct lnvasion routes. Green Dragons plead "no confesf"to GA-Kryst-Host Councils & enter the Treaty of At.Ben'.Yhan, promising progressive hand-over of their 2/3'd NET-Earth Grids to Kryst-Host directive in exchange for Kryst Host protectorate from White/Red Dragons grid take-over and race-dominion.
"sliders Workshops START (August 8-10,2008 SL-1)
gtg.l}tz}Og MIJG-33 to Al-Ben'.Yhan-1, Green Dragons deliver 2/3"Threshold-Caduceus.TlShalon'7 AZGlass' Grids," Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-Host their 2/3 control of "Caduceus-7/Shalon-7 AZ Glass-Tower Grids', fulfilling their first Treaty of Al-Ben'-Yhan commitment during this S/lders-7 workshop. This workshop introduces the Atlur.E'ah Rashatan Elemental Spectral Code (Hydro-acoustic Reprogramming Code -Tower carrying the encryption of the organic 144- EternalLife Elemenfs;aka the "Feel Good Code"); the Caduceus Network(the reversed Metatronic encryption network operating through the Vagus Nerve,that holds and actively runs the bio-electrical/bio-chemical program for physical death within the physical-atomic body); the Aah'JhA Hydro' acoustic Body Anatomy & Krysfa I River Aqua-Tone Hydro-Acousfic Sysfems Technologies; the TE-Wha Field (TE-Wha= to transfer and turn around) of Aah-JhA Hydro-acoustic Body anatomy, lhe "l AM Streams of Consciousness" (l AM EGO, I AM Body, I AM Elements and I AM GOD-Self) of Aah-JhA Hydro-acoustic Body anatomy; lhe TE-Wha Seed (for Personal Materiatization); the Pen-ta'g-onalTE-Wha Window (MentalWindow);lhe Pen.ta'g.onal Code & Penta.g'el Flows (organic dimensional current-flow circulation patterns of the Aah-JhA Hydroacoustic body, through which dimensional flows from the Rasha Body, Spirit Body and Light Body interact and intermingtethrough the Allurean Chambers, Fire Chambers and Penta-g'elFlows, to form Ah-yas units (note: 1 A\-VE'yas,2 Ah-VA'-yas and 1 Atumus form 1 Ah-yas unit) which then group to form Sha-Uea Living-Light Unls and their
torresponding specific 144-elemental atoms);the Pen-ta'g-onal Transduction Process & the Pen'ta'g'onal Transduction Pathway; environmentally induced Metatronic Pentagon'-al Perversion, and "Re.sanctification of the Pen.ta'g.onal Code." This workshop also introduces lhe lnternal Etheric Ducf Sysfem of the physical body (cunently & historically malfunctioning due to planetary environmental Metatronic mutations), and revealed Two Key GA'MCEO' Krystat River Host Couniils Documents 1."Where it all Begins - the Organic Process of Fetal lntegration," and z.i'The f2 Sfeps of Materialization. the Progression from Consciousness fo Matter," which further introduced personal-anatomy information pertaining to the Va-Ba-IE Sac ,the parental Va-Ba-TE Cell, Va'Bou-Di Dust, the 'Akashic/Ecoushicseeds, the Aah-JhA Rasha Seed, the Mana ZhEon-Seed Light Quantum, the EirA GhaRE' (personalspirit quantum embedded within atoms) and the Eiron Stream;workshop also introduces the Krystic S/tUtng Cifres (intermediate zones between NET-Earth/here and Median Earth)' This workshop also explores the Caduceus Network (a planetary-environmenlal Metatronic anomalous geophysicat &' biotogical mutation, once historically described as the "Wounded Giant of Albion Grid," that is Oireitty .ssociated wi[n tne Metatronic "Daisy of DeathlBtoom of Dooml' "Golden'serpenf Snake," "Poison Apple"' Geo-magnetic Field and Atlantean "Death Star Merkaba" black-hole technologies); the inorganic Metatronic Review 25 The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 - 201 0 A&A Deane
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Loops/Planes (the distorted reality field "false holograms" created by "NET'ting" of the mental body of entire collectives of people,where many people have become stuck for eons after physical death of the body); this workshop further explores the anomalous biologically internal Personal Caduceus Netwo* that interfaces directly with, and thus controls, the bio-electrical/bio-chemical systems of the physical body via direct interface with the Vagus Nerve, and how the Kryst-Host will now, and in the future, help humanity to heal from the Vagus Nerue Caduceus Mutation, and to assist people ensnared within the planetary/galactic"Metatronic Review Loops/Planes," to become free from these inorganic planes of consciousness entrapment, so they may move forward in their spiritual re-evolution to genuine freedom & ascension. Featured Techniques:A. Activation & Optical Pineal lnduction otlhe Allur-E ah Rashafan Elemental Spectral Code (Hydro-acoustic Reprogramming Code carrying the encryption of the organic l44-Eternal Life Elemenfs; aka the "Feel Good Code"); B, Ihe TE-Wha Seed - Planting the Seeds for Personal Materializafion (Parts 1& 2); C. Opening the PentagonatTE-Wha Window and Conscious Materialization (Z2-sleps, opens the Ketheric Duct at the fontanel to receive the DN-1 TE-\llhaflows); D. Removal of the Caduceus (the reversed Metahonic encryption network operating through the Vagus Nerue,that holds and actively runs the bio-electrical/bio-chemical program for physicaldeath within the physical-atomic body); E. Allur-E'ah Rashatan Water lnducfion (Hydro-acoustic healing facilitation on water, to reset the encryption of the organic 144-Eternal Life Elements). (Corresponding MCEO Workshop: "sliders-l-Re claiming fhe Vessel, Preparing the Body Atmic Body Training." August 8-10,2008, Phoenix, AZ.)
for Slide.lntroductory
gllg-zltz}Og MUG-34 to Al.Ben'-Yhan-2, Green Dragons deliver 2/3 Threshold-Caduceus-7/Kalon-7 VB Glass' Tower Grids/ Labyrinfh Easf-USA -Watchtower lnterface Control, "Freedom Psonns Labyrinth Wave'Run" & Opening NET.Earth Planetary Hall of Records Ecous hic Record (EtorA Ecoushic Record on AdorA side). (note: P/anetary Hatlof Records Akashic Record, AdorA Akashic Record on EtorA side, opened 9121-2512007, Virginia Beach, VA). Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-Host their 2/3 control of 'Caduceus-7/Kalon-7 VB Glass-Tower Grids/ Labyrinfh Easf-USA -Watchtower lnterface Control " Virginia Beach, VA, fulfilling their 2nd Treaty of Al-Ben'-Yhan commitment during S/lders-2 workshop lnternational Day of Peace/Fall Equinox- "Freedom Psonns Labyrinth Wave Run," which allowed KryslHost to link into Global Green Dragon Grids via Virginia Beach "Kalon-7" and "ARE Labyrinth Control" during "lnternational Day of Peace Toning Event," extending Kryst Host option globally, and finally opening NET-Earth's "Hall-of-Records" after the 2004 halting of their opening cycle. This workshop introduces the Karanadis Seal and Karanadial Complex of the Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Body, the D2 Control Grual ('Grait') Window,the Dimensional Penta-g'el circulafions (within the D-1 Jhandas,D-2 Grual,D-3 TE-Wha and D-4 Jha-Dha windows), the personal GhaRE (organic embodied elemental-atomic Spirit) and Gharoche (inorganic Metatronically mutated portion of the GhaRE), more information on the 12 Steps of Materializafion (plasm, protoplasm, vapors, metallic electroplasma, hydroplasma, thermoplasma, ectoplasma - includes celestallon, celestalline and celestallite - and finally endoplasma water-matter), and the manifestation and materialization process that takes place in the RaSha Body, Light Body-Etheric Duct Sysfem, Spirit Body and Aah-JhA Hydro-acoustic Body. This workshop also explores opening communication between the D1 ,D2,D3 and Density-1 'l AM'levels of consciousness (inherent to the Aah-JhA Body), to allow greater unity with our organic embodied GhaRE elementalatomic Spirit, re-enlivening lhe GharE and releasingiclearing the Gharoche from our bodies and foods, and the "Daily Grail" technique program for en-livening GharE and clearing Gharoche in daily practice. Featured Techniques: A, Sliders-2 Prep Technique-A, B & G; B. Optical-Pineal Induction of the Allur'E ah Rashatan Protoplasm Code; C. Creating the TE-Wha Materialization Seed; D. Opening lhe Pentagonal TE-Wha WTNDOW & Conscious Materialization. E. 4 PSl-lnteractive Techs 1 . Activating the Grail Window- Pafl' 1&2; 2. I AM THE VOTCE - Phase-Toning;3.A-E Entering the Grail (Grual) State (70 sfeps; 90 minutes); 4. A-E:
Opening the Grait Door; F. Journey to the Keivas (Median Earth hydrolase pools,); G. Psonns of the Sacred Wave: Calting of the 6 Directions and the Host of Al-ben-Yhan; lnternational Day Of Peace-Fall Equinox'Hour of Requiem-Friedom Psonns Labyrinth Wave-Run & N ET-Earth Hall of Records openin g. H. " Daily Graif' program for en-livening GharE and clearing Gharoche in daily practice, (Corresponding MCEO Travel workshop: "sliders-2- Reclaiming fhe Vessel, Preparing the Body lntroductory Telluric Body Training. September 19-21, 2008, Virginia Beach, VA.)
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
for Slide'
Al.Ben'.Yhan-3, Green Dragons deliver 2/3 "Threshold-CaduceusWatchtower Anchor Shield" Pine lsland, FL GIass-Iower Grids/ FL-Caribbean-Gulf of Mexico Control, Green Dragons hand over to GA-KrystHost their 2/3 control of "Caduceus Watchtower Anchor Shie/d Pine lsland, FL. G/ass-Iower Gridsl F.Caribibean-Gulf of Mexico Control" Pine lsland, FL fulfilling their 3rd Treaty of Al-Ben'-Yhan commitment during Pine 912912008 MUG-35
lsland, FL. visit.
Related Events 9-10/2008: Speakers secure Watchtower, Pine lsland, FL., Shalon-7,
stewardship transferred.
'teap.Shift-2" BPR-alignment (MW MG-3 to MG-4), & Al-Ben'-Yhan-4, Green Dragons detiver "sleeper-Vofe" to Sfop Coup. Green Dragons "wake up & motivate" their "Sleeper Vote" during the USA
111212008 MUG-36 to
Presidential Elections, preventing, via a "large margin of win," the White/Red Dragon intended coup to keep their "Warmaker Agenda"/ covert-invasion strategy as the USA political power-base. Earth Templar & Aquafereion Shield Great Leap.Shift.2 from (round-3) MG-3(8/15/2003)to (round-1) MG-4 probability alignment11l112008. 11t12.2212009 MUG-37 lo AbBen'-Yhan.5, Green Dragons deliver lst 1/3 of Threshold-Caduceus Watchtower Anchor Shield & Etemental Command,Watchtower & Solomon Shield Network 1/3 Activation & Median Earth Grail Door opens; ORB.fesf I & 2; Gathering of the Shaman-!(note: Gafhe ring of the Shaman-!- 3129-3012008 12 Tribes Ctass-l2 Phoenix, M; Gathering of the Shaman-2 -5122-2712008 Hetharo workshop, Phoenix, M). During this st Slders-3 workshop, Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-Host the 1 1/3 of their 2/3 control of N ET-Earth Elemental Command "CaduceusWatchtower Anchor Shie/d Pine lsland, FL. Watchtower Anchor Shie/d Pine lsland," FL.
So/omon's ShieldTriangle,shala-13-Core-Gafes AdorA&Caral-Peru&senfrne/s-1/Shalon-7&Affitsengagel/3 activation, & Median Earth Grail Door opens. This Sliders-3 workshop introduces the Ah-VE'-yas Point of the Karanadial Complex, reintegrating the 3 sefs of 3 Eternal "Pa.Ta-lJr" Afoms. (which were left on Median Earth as we lncarnated onto NET-Earth; the Density-1 Ra-sha' pa.ta.lJr to the AzurA,the Densdy- 2 Pa-Ta lJm-Eir'-A to the E-umbl, and Density-3 Pa'Ta RE Hah'yah to the Rajhna) and why reintegiation of these is essential to progressively experience the Um.shaddhi Sfafe Transcendent' Sfafe of consciousness associated with "Slide;" also introduces Rasha Door Activation and the Inner'Sun of Aquareion-(the 1st Median- Earth Eternal Atom, within the KaranadialSea/ of the personal Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Body), the "UGU". tJni-genetic lJnderlay (the Eternal-life "Living-Water Web" within the cellular structure of the physical body), and the 48.Ah.RA'.yas of Power ("Zonetargeted dynamic repetitive motions of expansion, contraction and resiitance," that progressively strengthen, expand, balance and generate quantum power within the Axiatonal
the uni-genetic lJnderlay,while strengthening and toning the muscles and respiratory system, and assisting to balance the chemical-hormonalsystems of the physicalbody), 12-Ah-LEi-yas of Momenfum, accretion of personal Probabitity Vector-Codes (4 Event Horizons of 1 Density-level Probable-Self Resolute'Twin Sef integrate and Meridian Lines and
during each of 3 stages), and how each stage of Probability-Vector Code integration reciprocally expands the embodied "Living.Light Quotient" (ShaLAah Light) potenfral of the personal physical-atomic body (note: the "LivingLight Quotienf' represents the portion of the atomic structure that has fulfilled Krystic TransmutationlRe' eifightenmenf to becom e Mana-light, the quotient or quantum of which determines whal evolutionary paths remain accessible and available to the embodied lncarnate ldentity, during biological life and/or after death of the physical body,)
This workshop also explores the "Bio-energetic Time-Leap" that opens the personal "Time Passages of the Spirit Body," (to progressively bring our Heroic Probability and Transcendent Self "on-Line" with the Axiatonal and Meridian Line systems of our physical-atomic bodies), information on Diet and Exercise in relation to Slide
Ascensron, the connection between the Treaty of Al-Ben'-Yhan and the 2008 USA Presidential EIection, the importance of Sf. Krffs as one of the "4-sentinets" (which along with lhe "Watchtouvel' make up what is called lhe Median Earth Safe Zone Cathedrat Complex Ah-VE'-yas-ShieCI; also explores information on the nature of "Safe.Zones" and the "Safe.Zone-Mrp," and the Krystic ShaLAah Light Hemental"Orb Beings" from Median Earth (who joined in "Orb.fest 1 & 2" Group Shadra-Shield contact-activations on the beach, to bring in ShaHah Light for e*pedit.d healing, and to assist in transmuting inorganic Metatronic-Shona Fields from our physical bodies and multidimensional anatomy).
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 -
2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
Featured Techniques: A.
PSl-lnteractive Techs: l.Engaging the Personal Ra-sha-pa-ta-ur- Awakening the
personal Pa Ta Um-Eif-A through engaging the Median Earlh Karanadis; Z.Opening the Personal Rasha WindowPreparing the Physical-Atomic Body to engage the Spirit Body Flows; 3A&B lranscendental Being & the Eternal Now, and Befween the Veils of Time-the Place Called Um-shaddhi; 4. Personal Karanadial Convergence & Journey to the Ah-VE'-yas Watchtower "Slide CW" - opening the personal Rasha Door, activating the Uni-genetic Underlay and igniting the Eternal lnner-Sun of Aquareion, and opening the personal Ah-VE'-yas Point. B. 5 Krystal River Aqua-Tone Hydro-Acoustic Systems Techs: 1. The l2-Logayanas Ah-RA'-yas (Loga-posturesffanas-breathing), 2.The 12Upper Ah-RA'-yas (upper body haining), 3. The 12-Middle Ah-RA'-yas (core training), 4. The l2-Lower Ah-RA'-yas (lower body training), and 5. The 12- Ah-LEi-yas of Momentum. C. Meeting your ZionA Mer-folk Attendant (Krystic Being from Median Eafth who will stay with you if you request, to help you move safely through Slide or the Bhardoah process); D. 6 Mindfulness exercises E. "Orb-fest 1
Group Sha-dra Shield Beach Contact events,
50%-minimum to 10%-gain in ShaLAah Living-Light Quotient. r1/5-7/2008 r11/12-22/2008 GA GA Upstep-7Eto Median Eath ZonA & AquafarE' Adashi Councils. (Note: Previous -1/1-3/2009 GA Upstep-7Qto Upstep-7f,to M31-AnShaTAsa Hub/Adjugate A1}-BudhA'ea Adashi Councils, and later AshalA-3-Ashalum-Edon A'quai and Shala-3-Eiradhani A'quA-elle Adashi Councils & "Floating Buddhas" Sha-DA Sh,e/d *4/10-1A2009 GA Upstep-7pto Edonic Amenti-Middle-Earth CentralActuality Dominion, E-dO'-niMaS/ide-Ieams, and -T rav e I Ad e pts) . -y " -J Ah n Ad i T i me sh a ah h U' a," a sh (Gorresponding MCEO Travel workshop: "Sliders-3- The Wind Beneath Your Wings-Engaging the Spirit for Slide- lntroductory Atomic-Etheric, Rasha & Spirit Body Training." November 12-22,2008 St, Kitts/St. Christopher's, British Virgin lslands, Caribbean) Related Events 1212008: Speakers 1 & 2 move to Watchtower, Pl, FL. Y1 0
Jan-Dec 2009
lo Al-Ben'-Yhan-6, Green Dragons deliver 2nd
of Threshold-Caduceus Watchtower Anchor Sh,eld & Elemental Command, Watchtower E Solomon Shield Network 2/3 Activation, Solomon Shie/d Expansion, Earth Gate-Networks 2l3-Reclaim on Solomon Host, NET-Earth GrailWindow Opens, AshalA 12:12Solar-Lunar A6-VE -yas Auto-Transmissions begin & Aquafereion Shield-75%-ShaLAah Light Quotient. During this F0L-09 workshop Green Dragons hand over to GA-Kryst-Host the 2nd 113 of their 2/3 control of NET-Earth Elemental Command "Caduceus Watchtower Anchor Shie/d Pine lsland, FL. Watchtower Anchor Shie/d Pine lsland, FL. 111-312009 MUG-38
So/omon's Shield Triangle, Shala-l3-Core-Gafes AdorA & Caral-Peru, Senfine/s-7/Shalon-7&2/Kifts& Senfrne/s-3/Alon7&4/Adare-Eire engage A3 activation, Solomon Shield Expands into US-CA & European Grids, NET-Earth GrailWindow opens & NET-Earth's Spanner/PSG/Arc-Hub-Cluster-PolarianlTrinity 12-Gate-Sets come on'line with Solomon-Shield Host at 2/3-quantumthrust. The I't Aquai'-ah de So-[a'-RA LU'na AshalA ElementalLiving LightTransmrbsion received in NET-Earth Core, raising the Aquafereion Shield to 75%-ShaLAah Quotient & beginning the daily 12:12 Solar-LunarAuto-Transmissions. Omega-Sink-Hole opening blocked to end-2012, preventing White Dragon 20092012Zeta-Ship Direct lnvasion; White Dragon's attempt lo re-open sink-hole potentialvia Parallel'Alpha Grid'Earth interfaces, resulting in localized seismic activity. This workshop introduces the "Floatrng Buddhas" Elemental Command Cloister Sliders Teams, the Sha-DA' Buddha Shreldand lhe Floating Buddhas Rife the Personal Sha-DA' CloisterTeam, the "Bud Self' (in relation to the Elum Eir'-adhona Spirit Body),the Krystic Homing See4 Va-Ba-TE False Homing Seedand the KEI'-salAh-RA Clearing, the Inner Sun of Aquari, the Aquai'-ah de So-[aLRA LU'na Ah-VE'-yas Elemental Living Light Transmissions (Median Earth Aquai'So/ar Luna nano-speed pulse lransmisslons which will continue to build between now and 2230), the Orb people, and introduced more specific information about the ZionA-Mer-folk andthe AquafarE Orb People (who featured prominently in the Sliders-3 workshop and "Orb-fest"). This workshop also discusses a brief update on the Treaty of Al-Bhen'-Yhan and the Krist-Fall Host, the Red/White and Green electorate maps in North America, the Load-Out Charts, the artificial Galactic Procyak Black-hole Grid with"Bloom of Doom" configuration at Milky Way galactic-center, lhe Milky Way'A','M' and 'P' Gates,lhe Omega Kill Code, twisted NET-Eath Rod, Sink Holes and the role of Methane Deposifs within the Omega Kll Code agenda, This workshop also explored the interconnectedness of NET-Eafth, Median Earth, AshalA, Shala and Urtha, the second expansion of the Shietd of Solomon/AdorA (global network of Kristic energetic structures that can override the Omega 28
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O 1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
of the Cosmic Drama,lhe "lnternal Body Quantum War (exercise-sequence introduced in St Kitts 1112008) (UGU) lJni-genetic Ah-RA'-yas and the llnderlay Attrition," lhe
Kill Code activations.), detailed update on the Chronology
ability to increase and maintain our Sha[Aah Living-Light Quotient. Featured Techniques: A. Entering the Buddha Space, Activating the Homing Seed Keys & Awakening the Homing Seed; activation of specific core encryptions that open the personal Homing Seed Keys to begin the organic process of "bio-field homing" lhat guide us to places on Earth to which our bodies are naturally attuned, where we can most easily (re)establish a direct energetic rapport with the Median Earth grids. B. Clearing the Va-Ba.TE False Homing Seed-The KEI'-sa/Ah-RA clearing and Healing the Wounds of Time via the
"Aquai'-ah de So.La'.RA LU'na Ah-VE'-yas ElementalLiving Light" Solar-Luna75%-ShaLAah Light-Quotient Transmissions; in which the Seed Atom is put on 2/3 thrust capacity and the ShaLAah Light Quotient is increased to 75%, lncluded group transmission of the MCEO Level-4 Consummate Ordination. C."Elemental Orb Call" Command"- Calling your Sha-DA Cloister for lnformal Communication D "The Floating Buddhas Rite" - Calling your Sha-DA Cloister for Formal "Sha-DA Buddha Shield" Elemental Command.
75%.Light Quotient Aquai Solar.LunaTransmissions (Aquai'-ah de So-La'-RA LU'na Ah-VE'-yas Elemental Living Light Transmrssions) -1/1.3lzfllg GA lJpstep-7C to AshalA-3-Ashalum-Edan A'quai and Shala-3-Eradhani AQUA'elle Adashi Councils, "Floating Buddhas" Elementat Command C/oisfers Sha-DA Shield S/ide-Ieams , & M31 AnShaTAsa Hub/Adiugate A1 }-BudhA' e a Councils.
(Corresponding MCEO Workshop: "F0L-09-Brave New World & the Floating Buddhas" -The Treaty of Al-Ben'Yhan,'Being Buddha," Engaging YOUR "Place of Power," Healing the Wounds of Time, Elemental Command S/ider Teams &the 12:12 "Aquai'-ah de So-La'-RA Ll)'-na" Iransmissions, January 1-3, 2009 Phoenix, Arizona) Related events 1/3/2009 7.6 quake, Papua lndonesia & 1/8/09 6.1 quake, Costa Rica- White Dragon's attempt to re.Alpha Grid' Earth intelaces (see reference above). open sink-hole potentialvia Parallel
Related events 2-312009: Stewardship of Alon-7, C0 transferred
4llO42nOOg MIJG-3I lo " Great Leap.Shift-3- "6-3-3-3 Great Crossover Hosf Essenfra I Alignment (MW M G-4 to MG-6) lnitiation" Al-Ben'-Yhan-7 Green Dragons assisf inWatchtower Shield 1/6th Quantum Pull'Back; NETEarth Grual Reclaim; Middte.Earth Edonic Bud-Gate & NET-Earth Grail Door Open; and the Aurora Continuum comes on-linewith Shield of Solomon Hosf & NET-Earth's 5lffn Templarbringing "LEAP YEAR Back'Run Regeneis" Edonic Healing and Ascension potential to NET-Earth for the first time ever. ln "Great [eap-Shttt-3" the Aquafereion Shield BPR LEAPS fron MW MG-4 alignmenf to MW-M31-MG-G GL-1 Octant-l alignment, anchoring the MG-6 alignment on ("pass-2/Octanll") GL-1-start (entry into the GL-1 DN-2 accretion cycle), bypassing MG-6's DN-1' entry ("pass -111}-Oclates") & entanglement with MG-6 DN-1 ("pass-1"/axis-6) Metatronic Spiral Harness, ORB'Fest #3 occurs at Siesta Beach Drum Circle;April 12,2009. NET-Earth Aquafereion Shield engages Continuum.Leap'Master' Shift.1, from Probability.Round.l/Probability-l to Probability-Round-3/Probability-6, a7-year BPR time'leap to next LEAP.YR-17t2016 BPR (& completion point of DN-2 Solar-Galactic SoulAccretion Cycle/entry point into DN-3 Metagalactic Over-SoulAccretion Cycle). April 14, 2009 Aquafereion Shield initiates 333.Crossover Essential Alignment to MG-O GL.l &enters MG-6 DN-3 Metagalactic Over-SoulAccretion Cycle al Gt-1 (the Density-2 Probability-l/Octant-lSoul Accretion cycle of Density-3 MG-6 Galaxy-1). Aquafereion Shield initiates rise to 82%'Sha' LAah Quotient (initiating acceleration of Shield capacity from 75%-S/ide r-Translocation into the 80+o/o-SpannerTransfiguration potential; 82%-ShaLAah Quotient completes 5/22-24/2009 rn S/iders-4 workshop\. This workshop introduced: Probability "Hopping-Blending & Bleed-through," & "The 6th Probabilitf' "Wheels Within
Wheels" Cosmic.Universal Probability tntroductory-Maps, the Aurora Continuum, Great Leap'Shift'3r'6'3'3-3 Great Crossover Hosf Essentia I Alignment" (MW MG-4 to MG-6); Middle Earth,the Gates of Edon and the E-dO'-ni *Ah-JhlJ-na',' AdashiTime-Travel Adepts (also known as fhe "Gifting Wizards) and the Edontc Code; the Mashayah Structure of Probabilities, Probable Selves & Probable Universes, "Parallels"- "Probables"-Planes & the Structure of Time; Accretion Cycles, Sextant Time-Loop & Time Doorways; "Probable" Selves, Probable Earths, Potential Futures, 2012 &the 12th Probabitity;The "12 Earths," Current Drama, Probability Hopping, Resolute Twins, the Aquareion Kryst 29 The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
O 1 999 - 2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
Mission, Dragon Wars &the Mayan End-Times Prophecies,2012ltayan Mishaps and the "End-Time That lsn't;" Solar System 2012 Alignment with Galactic Black Hole Core & Earth Stewardship; also 1st Journeys to "Aurora Continuum" and "Seat of Edon," lst use of the Edonic Drum-Code (5-11-12-414-4-3-2111-5-6-10) & Edonic Code Transmission, 1st use of Staah-LEi-yas Translocation Codes, Sa-A-Dhas Compound Encryptions & the "IAMIT Formula." This workshop also explored the Circle of Life- the Gift of Co-Creation- Loving Earth-Embracing Our Motheri'the Perfection of Creation, the Law of Reciprocity/Attraction, the Mass Hologram, Probable Realities, Beyond Mass lllusions, Mass Beliefs, Bio-filters & Probability Alignment, Preserving the Probability of Ascension; Dream-Weaving, Living in a PERFECT WORLD NOW, Personal Evolution, Co-Creation , Empowerment & Materialization Power-Tools, Evolution of STATE/From Children to Co-Creators, the Perfect-the ldeal-& the lS- Making Peace with Opposite Expression, the ECKON-omy of Abundance; Encryption, "Vibration" & the "Law of Reciprocity," Owning your "Vibration," Personal ldeas, Beliefs & Responsibilities in Krystic Co-Creation, Creating your Desired "Vibration" for Personal Empowerment within the Mass lllusion.
Featured Techniques:A. Staah-lEi-yas Translocation Codes, Sa-A-Dhas Compound Encryptions, the "lAMlT Formula" & the Back-run Regenesrc Edonic Drum Code.B. Aurora Continuum Time-Travel Technique-l "Entering the Aurora Continuum," C. Aurora Continuum Time-Travel Technique-2: Journey to the Seaf of Edon (Co-Creation Cockpit)-Using Staah-LEi-yas-1 and the Aurora Continuum to access the "Rec/rnerRoom" of the Middle-Earth-Watchtower "Seat of Edon," D. The 33-Day Staah-LEi'yas Bro-filferShift & Edonic Awakening HomePlay Assignment.
82%'Light Quotient Ah-JhU-na lnitiation Transmission GA Upstep-7D to Edonic Amenti-Middle-Earth Central Actuality Dominion, E dO'-ni Ma-sha-yah "AhJhU'-na," Adashi Time-Travel Adepts. (Corresponding MCEO Workshop: Doorways Through Time & the Drums of Aquafereion- "Circle of Life' Drum Circle Celebration and Aurora Continuum Group Shadra-Shield Projection, April 10-12,2009 Sarasota, FL) 14/10-12/2009
5122-2412009 MUG-4)A to Aquafereion Shield and Milky Way Galaxy engagemenf of the (MG-6131-3/SS-3/-S-3/
"6-3-3-3 Great Crossover Host Essenfial Alignment" and Trans-galactic Urtha-333/Adjugate-9 Triangulation, and resultant opening of the Tri-Universal "Mashaya-Hana Vortex and Arms" Host-protection Line and corresponding brain receivers, SolarBhardoah Ring Wave-2 releases within Agualene-Sun Buffer Field causing D.2 Light Body & Atomic Body to begin separation from their Rasha-Body-Dark-Matter-Template. NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield completes shift in Light Quotient from 75%lo 82%-ShalAah (lnitiated April2009), enabling the Shield to enter the MaShaYah Fold-One and initiating upgrade from Melchizedek Cloister Priesthood (of our Local Aquinos/M31 and Milky Way Matrices) into the first stages of the Krysfic AdashiMashaya-Hana Priest Casfe Councils (of the Aquareion Matrix Hub-the Kryst Host system in the parallel Eckasha-A). NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield is at Essential Alignment MG-6 GL-1 at1/t-Octanhl cycle on512412009. This "Sliders-4" workshop introduces the Trans-galactic Urtha-333/Adjugate-9 Triangulation of the '6-3-3-3 Great CrossoverEssentialAlignmenf' (MG-6/GL-3/SS-3/-S-3), the Tri-Universal "Mashaya-Hana Vortex and Arms" Hostprotection Line, "Wheels Within Wheels Cosmic-Universal Probability Defail-Maps," lhe Andromeda Aquious Codes, Callof AuroraNumericDrum CodeandtheSacredSentence(seriesof numericallyencoded words corresponding to the probability numbers of the Esse ntial Alignmenf that vibrationally 'dial-up'/createBPR-alignment-with the specific Cosmic Probability Dominions of the Essential Alignment.), the "Dragon's Eye" (the Eye of the BeaST- Metatronic Black-hole lnterface with our Parallel Universal-Veca) and Black-hole probability alignments, and the 2012 Pass-Through to MG-12 Alignment. Also discussed: the history of Milky Way galaxy probability alignments from the 22,32689-Eieyani massacre to the present; lhe Black-hole MICCA-MECCA complexes (and 5 Pillars of the One); the unfavourable alignments between the Bourgha Black-hole/parallelVeca-2 and our pineal glands; our switched-off 360-degree multi-dimensional vision; the twisted currents that result in our unnatural limited bi-focal visual field at the front of the head and the false memory "bubble" behind the head, that block the natural flows from our Spirit Body. Featured Techniques:A. Activation of the SacredSenfence-Callof Aurora, B. Opening theTri-Universal"MashayaHana Vortex and Arms" Hoslprotection Line & 333/Adjugate-9- Triangulation Brain lnterface - 82%-Light Quotient Ah-JhU-na'Transmission and upgrade to the Krysfrc Adashi Mashaya-Hana Priest Casfe Councils (of the Aquareion Matrix Hub) 30
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GA lJpstep-l to Mashaya.Hana Hub-Councils of Aquareion Matrix, Aquafereion Shield upgrade from lJniversal Melchizedek Cloister Priesthood to Tri-Universal Mashaya-Hana Priesfcasf (Ascended Adashi Adepts Councils of Aquareion); of fhe KrystalRiver Host. (Corresponding MCEO Workshop: Sliders-4; Freeing the Mind for Slide- lntermediate AtmiclAh-VE'-yas Body Training: The Callof Aurora- Probability Alignments &the Adjugate Bond -$tay 22-24, 2009: Phoenix, M.)
7n-7n009 MUG-408 to anchoring the Mashaya-Hana Healing Wave-l into Watchtower (Pine Island, FL) Median Earth Ah-VE'-yas Shield; lstprivate use of the "Psonn of Freedom" Drum Code. Fallen Bourgha-BudhAea"BrUhan" White Dragon-EquarifromVeca.2 Parallel Milky Way become administrative leaders of the"FallTeams," succeed in activating their "Alpha.Omega Rod Bases" on NET-Earth, and attempt takeover of NET-Earth's Watchtower Shield via Alpha.Omega Control Base-Cuba; attempt to use Watchtower Shield to run "Metatronic Fall Code" BPR into NETEarth's Shield of Solomon Hosf to end Kryst Host and expedite the FA-llluminali"2012 Last Extinction/ Planetary Metatronic-Net-55-activation" agenda, BrUhan initiate Symbiote Alpha-Pulse assault on Aquafereion Shield to activate those carrying the DNA "Codes of Bruah-Atlanfis" for intended BrUhan possession. Mashaya-Hana Councils of Aquareion expedite " Landing of the Mashaya-Hana Healing Wave-l ," empowering Watchtower Stewardship Council to block BrUhan Watchtower and Solomon Shield takeover; Mashaya-Hana initiate lst "Extraction" procedures for Core Aquafereion Shield members affected by the BrUhan pulse. "1st FallWhite Dragon Equari" from our Veca-S Milky Way stand against the Veca-2 BrUhan-White-Dragons, enter KaLE-RAma Path agreements with Mashaya-Hana Councils & agree to assist in Security/Protection of Krystal River Councils & Aquafereion Shield. Aquafereion Shield at Essential 1/z-Octant l on 7/6/2009. Alignment MG-6 GL-1 (Related gathering: Juty 4.5,2009 Private "lndependence Day" gathering alWatchtower, Pine lsland,FL. and Watchtower Stewards grid work at Siesfa Key Beach, Sarasofa, FL-PSG-2/Grual;GNMCEO-Watchtower. Stewards blocked FA BrUhan takeover attempt of Watchtower and Solomon Shields, in direct energetic confrontation).
Related events 7/3-6/2009 -FA White Dragons Team succeed in bringing the PKA.Alpha and PCM'Omega "666 wormhole networks" on-line in Earth's Templar through activation of the "Alpha-Omega Base Networks" of our Earth and Parallel Earth (via PSG-7 Omega-Code Breech-point Puerto Rho). The FA White Dragons did however fail, on 7/4/2009,10 claim the NET-Earth/Median Earth Watchtower Ah-VE'-yas Shield (Pine lsland, FL) under Alpha-Omega BPR, & thus also failed to block GA-MCEO activation of the 'shield of Solomon" Kryst Host Gnds & related "Arc-Hub" Star-gate interface Networks. The FA White Dragons had attempted to bring the GA-MCEO Watchtower Shield under FA Metatronic Alpha-Omega BPR activation, in order to drag the GA-MCEO "Shield of Solomon" Host-Network into Metatronic BPR, to force NET-Earth into losing the Krystal River Host "solomon Shield" Ascension-Gate linking Network (which would have resulted in rapid permanent closing of all NET-Earth ascension gales and corresponding loss of the "Load-out Evac Starfire Ascension potential"). 8114-16t2009 MIJG-41 to Aquafereion Shield and Milky Way Galaxy activation of the Sfardust Eiron Flow, Stardust' Wave, Atomic Mirror & Solar-Galactic "Mirror in the Sky" and incoming of the /5 S/ver Seed Plasma Shtps (of the GA-MCEO-Mashaya-Hana Aquareion Councils; 12 of the 1 5 SrTver Seed P/asma-shrps engaged protective position over NET-Earth's 12 Arc-Hub-Gafe sifes, 2 positioned over the Alon-7-CO & Shalon-7-A7JSt. Ktts sites, & 1 is"roving'). During this Sliders-5.workshop, Krystal River Sfardust Eiron Current Elemental Orb flows from the Aquareion Matrix, M-31 Urtha-3 & Shala-3 step-down through the Aurora Continuum to AshalA, Median & Higher Earth and anchor into the Milky Way Meta-galactic & Galactic & NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield, initiating the "Atomic Mirror" (11.S-degree CCW shift of the Aquafereion Shield's bio-atomic spin-axis back to organic A\-VE -yas alignment & out of inorganic Metatronic lighlbody phase-bond). Atomic Mirror activation within the Aquafereion Shield initiates the preliminary Elemental
"Stardust" Eiron flows into the Milky Way atomic-matter-base from the Metagalactic to the Higher-Earth levels, initiating building of the "Sola r-Galactic Mirror in the Sky'' Eiron flow Elemental Refraction Fields (which will buffer a portion of the Milky Way's atomic-base from the building Milky Way Core Procyak-Black-hole fransmissions that will cause the Meta-gatactic Metatronic-Spirat-Harness-5$A ctivation in 2012). Activation of the So/ar- Galactic Mirror in the Sky bufferfield prepares NET-Earth for the 2012 Planetary Mirror in the Sky elemental-buffer activation. The Planetary Miror in the Sky eiemental-br.rrfer begins building in NET-Earth's atomic base and atmosphere in March-April2010 (following completion of NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield MG-6 GL-3 Essential Alignment), through 2012. (ln2012,the 3'1
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 -
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August 2010
Planetary Mirror in the Sky elemental-buffer will activate into an Hemental Refraction Field lhalwill refracildeflect a sufficient quantum of lhe 2012-Metatronic-55-Procyak Milky Way core-transmLssrons to NET-Earth, preventing full "55Death Star Merkabic Torsion Field" activafion in NET-Earths geomagnetic field, thus enablinglhe 200-year Load-OutHosf to commence on NET-Earth). With initiation of the Aquafereion Shield Atomic Mirror & Sfardust Eiron Flow, Aquafereion Shield initiates rise to 85%-ShaLAah Quotient; Aquafereion Shield generalExtractions start, as 3/r-Octant-1on 8/18/2009. Aquafereion Shield enters EssentialAlignment MG-6 GL-l This "S/iders-S"workshop introduced the "Planes of Aurora," "5 Aurora Mafter Sfafes," "5 Sfages of Aah-JhA
Body Activafion," the "Atomic Mirror," lhe "Ah-VA'-yas Body Secondary Neuro-circuitry," "Wings ofAngels" lst Ah-yas Phasing; the planetary-galactic Ah-LU'-Sa-Ta'-NE fall-force, the 5 Sfages of FA-Possession, 4 Sfages of Krystic- Salvage and the 6 Phases of Krystic-Extraction, and reopening of the Ah-VA'-yas Secondary Neurocircuitry lo allow faster/safer Extraction to occur within Ah-VA'-yas Body instead of the physical body; the Telluric doorway & Eiron point;the Ah-VA'-yas Doorway (vertical), Ah-VE'-yas Doorway (horizontal), shift of lhe Core A.tUmus, the Ah-yas Capsule, six-layered Orbs and the Bio-emotive Body. The workshop also introduced the personal planetary-galactic"Dl Derma-NET ManEHarness" D-1-Etheric Ah-yas Mutation (inorganic, Metahonically-induced environmental mis-alignment betweenthe Ah-VE-yasllibrational-Body & atoms and the Ah-VA''yasloscillatory-Body & LighlBody, which prevents organic Eiron Point circulation of Eternal Life frequencies between the Spirit Body, Light Body & Atomic Body, resulting in unnatural eventual geophysical/biological death, and elemental/biological/chemical entrapment of the organic consciousness), and introduced for the first time, the Frsf FallWhite Dragons' who bring the giftof the KaLERAmaStep-BackPathlosomemembersof the Treatyof Al-Ben'-Yhanhosters. Thisworkshopalso discussed the coming 2012 showdown (between Eternal-life Krystic & Metatronic-Fallforces, over the genetic evolutionary potentials of the Earth-Human lineage, & the geophysical evolutionary potentials of Earth), the planetary Alpha-Omega Temples (White-Red-Dragon FA affiliated) ,the FA Super Weapon, and the possibility of a Krystic Silver Seed eyacu ation by 201 7 (only lF the " FA-Omega Code Last Extinction-Agenda" prevails in lhe 2012-2013 "Frequency Showdown"). Other topics of discussion include the personal and planetary-galactic Aah-JhA, Jha'DA', AhVE -yas, Ah-VA'-yas & Ah-yas Bodies, and the 15 (68-mile-wide) Silver Seed P/asma Ships (of the GA-MCEOMashaya-Hana Aqu areion Councils). Featured Techniques: Activation of the Sfardusf Flows & Sfardusf Wave and initiation of lhe Mirror in the Sky. First Series Techniques include: 1, Engaging Your Ah-VA'-yas Thermo-Oscillatory Body, Journey to Ah.Rish'-ma'Ta'' A (Median Earth) and the Lone Harmonic Pass Key;2. Seeding the Future:Creating Your Mashaya-Hana ldentity; 3. The Sfardusf FIow; lnitiation of the Mashaya-Hanic Elemental Orb Circulation; 4. The "Meet and Greef" sibnt meditation (preceded by the Sacred Senfence) to welcome the 75 Silver Seed Plasma Shtps. Second Series Techniques include: 1. Landing your Mashaya-Hana: Creating the Atomic Mirror, Releasing the Ah-VA''yas Phasetock & Expedited Retrieval;2. Stardust Breathing: Opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry & Expedited Reclamation, 3. The Wings of Angets: First Phasing of the Ah-yas & Expedited Extraction.lnformation and techniques presented in this workshop initiate preparation for the Silver Seed Awakening of 2012. (Corresponding MCEO Workshop: Sliders-S: "Freeing the Body for Slide"- lntermediate Telluricl Ah-VA'-yas Body Training: Essential Alignment, Sfardust Flow, Mirror in the Sky & the Orbs of Aquareion August 14-16,2009 Phoenix,
Related events 9/30/2009 engage "lst GA-MCEO Official Disclosure Protocol" with lnterview
Sarah Stmmons Radio
(move of Sphere of Amenti race morphogenetic field & Arc of the Covenant Passage from Giza-Egypt back to old Lohas-Atlantis-Eire/Eire location & keying to Higher Earth, 1.t activation of 3 "stainnray to Heaven" Trans-harmonic Merkaba Gateways between Net, Median & Higher Earth Fields, in Dublin, Skellig Michaet& old Lohas -Arc Point (in Atlantic Ocean), and activation of the Trans-harmonic Projection Doorway (with Higher-Earth Stardust Eiron-stream flows) over Skellig-Michael. Essential Crossover Alignment comes on-line with Median & Higher Earth & with NET-Earth's Shr'e/d of Solomon and Watchtower Network. Higher Earth DN-1 Ah-yas Body Elemental Field initiates 1S-degree CW "ln-phase Shift" into Aquafereion Shield Light Body alignment, beginning Higher Earth's ln-phase into NET-Earth alignment. NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield initiates early activation of the Silver Seed Awakening, receives the "Ftrsf Spark of the Silver Seed' (from the Aquareion 1Ot9-18t2OOg MIJG-42 to Lohas Sphere
of Destiny Event
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
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August 2010
Matrix Mashaya-Hana Hubs), activates the "Sphere of Destinf' (6-dimensional trans-harmonic protection sphere that becomes lhe Jha-DA' Body Orb Vehicle), and activates the Lotus Bud Vehicle (access code for the 48-Strand DNA imprint that connects us into Higher Earth). DN-1 Aquafereion Shield Encryption Lattice initiates live-link with DN-1 Higher Earth Encryption Lattice & initiates "DN.1 Met.NET-Freeze bio-immunity" to the 2012-Planetary-Galactic-Metatronic-55 activation; immunity begins with Higher-Earlh initiation into the DN-1 NET-Earth encryption lattice, Aquafereion Shield completes Essential Alignment MG-6 GL-1 on 1010112009 & enters MG-6 GL-2-Octant-2 accretion cycle. This workshop introduced the "Alpha.Omega Solar-system Precession Maps &2012 Galactic Core Alignments," Encryption Lattices, the 2 Planetary Encryption Lattices, the Unnatural Precession of the Equinoxes, the Atlantean Toral-Rift Time Rip, the 13,400 8C and 10,948 BC "Great Netting" of Lower Earth (initiated separation ol Higher Earth and Lower-NET-Earth planes), the 12D012.212013 Stardust Alignmenf Window of Opportunity, the Aurora Silver Seed Trans-harmonic Gate System (link NET-Earth to Higher Earth), and Transharmonic Merkaba activations of Densities I E 2. Also discussed the"2012 End-Times Drama," updates on the Arc of the Covenant Passage, Sphere of Amenti and nowreversed Blue Flame Staff of Amenti, and lhe 2012 implications for the race morphogenetic field. Featured Techniques: "First Spark of the Silver Seed' (from the Aquareion Matrix Mashaya-Hana Hubs),"Sphere of Destinf' activation (6-dimensional trans-harmonic protection sphere that becomes the Jha-DA' Body Orb Vehicle) , and lofus Bud Vehicte activation (access code for the 48-strand DNA imprint that connects us into Higher Earth). lncludes: (1) Entry-point Journey to the Blue Fire.Water Crystal (of Median Earth) and meeting the BIue Water Aquafart',(main Elemental Guard of the Blue Crystal); (2) Golden-silver Flame of Aurora Pick-up Journey, the Flame of the Krystal River Host;(3a, 3b) Trans-harmonic Density-1 Merkaba Field Activation and creating a 64-foot StanFlight Disc and double Krystal Spirat;(4, 5, & 6) Trans-harmonic Density-2 Merkaba activation, Jha-DA Body Orb activation and the Psonn of the Arc of the Covenant-parf'f (Orb-ing activation Psonn). (Corresponding MCEO Travelworkshop & Elemental Command Stands: "SltUers-O Engaging the Spkitfor Slidelntermediate Level: The Arc of the Covenant, Sphere of Destiny & the Stainrrray to Heaven" . October 9-18, 2009, Dublin & Skellig-Michael, Eire).
Related events 10/28/2009 lnteruiew
"lst GA.MCEO OfficialDisclosure Protoc;ol" with 2nd Sarah Srmmons Radio
Y11 Jan-Dec 2010 111-312010 MUG-43 to Aquafereion Shield Sfardust Blue Trans-Harmonic Merkaba activation, "Temples of
(Stardust Blue tJftha-AmorAea EtorAMonadic-1 KrystalTemples), Sarasota, FL. open & DN-{ "Met-NET.Freeze lmmunity" engages: Stardust Blue/AmorAea Temples of Eira Higher Earth DN-1 Ah-yas Body Elemental Field engages 1S-degree CW "ln.phase Shift" into DN-1 Aquafereion Shield & NET-Earth Atomic Body-Light Body alignment, engaging Higher Earth's DN-1 in-phase into NET-Earth elementalalignment. DN-1 Aquafereion Shield Encryption Lattice engages live-link with Higher Earth Encryption Lattice, & DN-2 EtorA Monadic Passage out'flows open into Watchtower Median Earth Ah-VE'-yas Shield, Shield of Solomon & NET-Earth's DN-1 Elemental Aquafereion Shield. DN-1 Aquafereion Shield & NET-Earth ElementalAquafereion Shield come on'line with DN'2 EtorA Monadic Passage out-flow currents. The "stardust Blue Urtha-AmorAea" EtorA Monadic-1 Krystar Krystal Temple Trans-harmonic AmorAea.Merkaba Gateways (Iemples of Eiral between M-31 Urtha-3 & NET-Earth's ElementalAquafereion Shield Grual open; NET-Earth's DN-1 ElementalAquafereion Shield comes on-line with M'31 Urtha.3's Elemental Orb FIow currents. The 10/2009 "3 Stainrvay to Heaven" Trans-harmonic Merkaba Gateways of Erre upgrade to become Trans-harmonic"Temples of Eira" AmorAea-Urtha Gateways following activation of the 7't lfirtha-AmorAea Temple of Eira at Grual, Sarasofa FL. The M-31 "stardust Blue" Atomic Blue.Krystal Eira Buffer Field activates within the DNA, atoms & Aha-yas-Ketheric-Atomic Body of NET-Earth's DN-1 Aquafereion Shield and ElementalAquafereion Shield, building DN-1 Ketheric-atomic "DN-1 Met-NET-Freeze immunity" to the accelerating planetary-galactic Metatronic-55 activation. Aquafereion Shield accelerates to MG-6, approximately 2/tra Octant'2 accretion cycle. Mashaya-Hana Master Councils invitation to "Iemples of Eira Baptism." Workshop introduced lhe Monadic Passage, lhe Monadic Passage Activation-l Star-Dust Blue (Era) Urtha' AmorAea KrystalTempte Fretd, Sresfa-Key "First Last"-AmorAea-Temple (2-miles wide), the lrans-harmonic Merkaba Field and "Nugget-of-Pure-Joy," the pre-Octant Ocfate cycles (two Round-zero SEda Cycle Ocfafes, eight 33
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Round-1Axes 1-8 Octafes, and two Round-2Axis-1 and Axis-2 Octates),TransharmonicTwin Sefs;the Monadic Axis (Round-2 Axis-4 forms on EtorA and AdorA sides), lhe AmorAea Pass-Through Trans-harmonic Hyperspace reality field,lhe 12:12:12:12 / 11:11:11:11 Kryst-Buddha Alignmenf, the ll|ashaya-Hana Baptism -LTR Master Grid; the Metatronic SpiralHarness and the Dueling Meta-galactic-Galactic Spira/s. This Workshop also discussed the Probability Maps, Bifthday Ghart Octants, the Spirals of Creation,"background radiation " the Core Retbhaic Passage, Akashic Record, Eckashic Record and the Aquafereion Shield's 3-Part Silver Seed-Monadic Activation. Featured Techniques: Sfardusf Blue-Temples of Eira- Monadic Activation-1of NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield Sr7yer Seed.EtorA AmorAea KrystalTemple activation; (part-1 of the three-phase activation, to be followed by parl-2 Starlight Gold-Temples of Mana4l24l2010, and expedited part-3 Golden-Silver ONE-SrTver Seed-Temples of M a n U -5 I 22-24 I 20 1 0 activatio
GA llpstep-9 to Tri-Universal Mashaya-Hana Master Councils of Aquareion Matrix- Aquafereion Shie/d upgrade from Tri.lJniversal Mashaya.Hana Priest-Casle of the Krystal River Host fo Tri-Universal Mashaya-Hana Master Councils of the Krystal River Host "Temples of Eira" Baptism. (Corresponding MCEO Workshop & Drum Circle: FOL-'10- AmorAea KrystalTemples, the Monadic Passage, & Galactic SpiralAlignments. Sfardusf Blue Trans-harmonic AmorAea Merkaba activation-l"- January 1-3,2010, Sarasota, FL,)
- Haiti7.i-mag.
Earthquake; (estimated 52+ aftershocks of 4,S-mag. or more, 230,000 dead, 300,000 injured, 1 million homeless). GA comment that this quake was a direct result of the FA White Dragons team grid-activation, by which their "Alpha.Omega Grid Control Base"-Cuba was successfully brought on-line with the Drakonian "Spear.of.Destiny" Grid-Control Base-Haifi. FA White Dragon teams are next seeking to "capture the "Metatronic Gravitron" ("Earth-Staff-vortex Torsion-Field set") in the Gulf of Mexico & link it to the AlphaRelated events 1/1212010
Omega/Spear-of-Destiny Grid-Network, in order to use the Gravitron lo force rapid geographical & geomagnetic Earth pole-shift in end-2012, to complete their "2012 Omega Code Final Extinction" agenda.
Related events 2/2712010 Chile 8.8-mag. Earthquake: GA comment that this quake was a direct result of the FA White Dragons team "Wha-JhE.A-Ta Wing.dongs (WMs) allies" activation of the "Broken Arrow Site" in Cusco, Peru. The FA White Dragon "Wing-dong allies" were attempting to activate the "7 Broken Arrow Sites" (and corresponding PKA 7-Jehovian Seals) to amplify the strength otthe Metatronic Alpha-Omega/Spear-of-Destiny Grid' Network, in hope of capturing control of the"Metatronic BeaST Gravitron-(Staff-vortex-Torsion-Field set') in the Gulf of Mexico, in order to use the Gravitron to force rapid geographical & geomagnetic Earth pole-shiftin end-2012,to complete theu "2012 Omega Code Final Extinction" agenda. (ln the GA-MCEO 412-412010 MUG-44 workshop, the GA-MCE0 successfully activate lhe"12+24 Ancient Arrow" GA sites under the Kryst Time Wave Blend, thus preventing the "7 Broken Arrow Sites" from being activated by the FA White Dragon "Wing-Dong allies"). Note: Chile quake produced small death/injury toll, but magnitude of quake is rumored within some sectors of the scientific community to have literally shifted the Earth's geomagnetic pole "staff'slightly, & resultantly slightly "shorted & accelerated Earth time," (which is exactly what the Metatronic FA teams have been slowly and progressively doing over the course of about 13,000 years, and what they hope to accomplish in "critical mass" by end-2012 with their "S5-Metatronic Death Sta/' activation. Acceleration of Earth time progressively brings earth into BPR-alignment with PKA-Parallel Earth and the FA PKA-Toral Rift Atlantean black-hole subtime anomaly field).
Related events 2/2010: Stewardship of Watchtower, Pine lsland, FL transferred. Related events 3/5/2010: Speakers 1 & 2 secure Anow-12 Myakka House connected lo Ah-MA-Ya-san Aurora Earth. Related events 4/1/2010 i engage "2na GA-MCEO Official Disclosure Protocol" with "Kerry Cassidy-Proiect CamelotYouTube video"- lnteruiew 6HRfilming at Hyatt Hotel, Sarasota, FL day before workshop.
4t 2-4t2O1O MIJG-44; to Aquafereion Shield Starlight Gold Trans-Harmonic Merkaba activation, "Temples of ManaSlarlight Gold (Amenti-AmorAea) EtorA-Monadic-2 KrystalTemples", Sarasota, FL. open. DN'l'Ketheric Body "Met.NET.Freeze lmmunity" comptetes, & D-3-Atmic-Mental Body & D-S-Telluric.Archetypical Body "MetThe MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Serles
1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
Sliders-8 *
August 2010
NET-Freeze lmmunity" (& corresponding D-3-Mental Body/Ego-Nef & D-S-Archetypical Body/FAM-Net MetatronicPurge-Cycles) initiate;Mirror Ball Communion Planes C,Plane-3 & C. Plane-S initiate opening. Mashaya.Hana Healing Wave-2 anchors & "DN-l Higher Earth Krysf-Blend-Wave" (Aurora-Earth + NET-Earth Time-wave Blend) activates. The Ah-SA-Yas Orb Reservoir in NET-Earth core initiates opening. NET-Earth Essential Crossover Alignment (initiated on 311512010 start Octant-3) comes on-line with NEI-Ea rth via Median & Higher Earth & NET-Earth's Shield of Solomon, Watchtower Network & AmorAea KrystalTemples 412-512010 (1/8ttt Octant-3); NET-Earth Host Grids begin Great Crossover (Urtha)-333 Essential Alignment to MG-6 GL-1 & Aquafereion Shield completes "Lock-in" of Essential Crossover Alignment MG-6 GL-3. Higher Earth DN-1 Ah-yas Body Elemental Field completes 1S-degree CW "ln.phase Shift" into DN-1 Aquafereion Shield & NET-Earth Atomic Body-Light Body alignment, completing Higher Earth's DN-1 ln-phase into NET-Earth elemental alignment; DN-1 NET-Earth's Encryption Laftice & Geomagnetic Net Field fulfill livelink with Higher Earth's DN-1 Encryption Lattice Overlay, and the DN-1 "Krystal Path of Freedom" Higher Earth Encryption Lattice Overlay activates and mergers with NET-Earth's DN-1 Metatronic Encryption Lattice, activating the "Hiqher Earth Upstep Bridqe DIJ-I Krysf-Blend-Wave" frequency spectra within NET-Earth's DN-1 atomic base. NET-Earths DN-1 Ketheric Aah-JhA Body begins running the DN-1-Ketheric "Higher Earth-Bridge Krysf-Blend-Wave Codes" & initiates DN-1-Ketheric-level out-picturing of the "Krystal Path of Freedom;' The DN-1 Aquafereion Shield Encryption Lattice completes live-link with Higher Earth DN-1 Encryption Lattice, Mashaya-Hana Healing Wave-2 anchors, & DN-2 EtorA Monadic Passage core-flows open into Watchtower Median Earth Ah-VE'-yas Shield, Shield of Solomon & NET-Earth's DN-l ElementalAquafereion Shield. DN-1 Aquafereion Shield & NET-Earth Elemental Aquafereion Shield come on-line with DN-2 EtorA Monadic Passage core-flow currents. The "starlight Gold AmentiAmorAea" EtorA Monadic-2 Krystar KrystalTemple Trans-harmonic AmorAea-Merkaba Gateways"Temples of Mana" (between Median & Higher Earth & NET-Earth's ElementalAquafereion Shield Grual) open; NET-Earth's DN-1 ElementalAquafereion Shield comes on-line with Median & Higher Earth DN-1 Elemental Orb Flow cunents. Building of the "DN-l Planetary Mirror ln the Sky" Elemental Refraction Field initiates within DN-1 NET-Earth's Elemental Aquafereion Shield & Geomagnetic Field (willcomplete activation 51213-2412010). The Median-Higher Earth "Starlight Gold" Atomic Gold-Krystal Mana Buffer Field activates within the DNA, atoms, Ketheric-atomic & Lrghf Body of DN-7 NET-Earth Aquafereion Shield and ElementalAquafereion Shield, completing DNI Ketheric-atomic & corresponding DN-7 Light Body "Met-NET-Freeze immunity" to the accelerating Planetary Metatronic-S5 activation, and initiating activation of D-3-Atmic-Mental-Body &D-5-Telluric-ArchetypicalBody "Met-NETFreeze lmmunity" & engaging the corresponding D-3-Mental & D-5-Arche$pical Metatronic-Purge-Cycle, (will complete in 5122-2412010, during Sliders-7 workshop). Workshop introduced the Trans-harmonic "Minor Ball Communion Planes 1-5" (Time-Wave Blend Zones between NET-Earth & Aurora-Earth) and initiated activation of Plane"- 3 (MB DN-1 controls D2-Light Body & D1-atoms, releases D-3 Mental-Body EGO-IVef epigenetic overlay) & C.Plane-5 (MB D-5 controls DN-1 LB & D3 atoms, releases D-5 Archetypical-Body/Higher Astral FAM-Net )complete in 5122-2412010, during Sliders-7 workshop). This Workshop introduced lhe Monadic Passage Activation-Z Starlight Gold (Mana) Amenti-AmorAea Krystal Temple Fteld, Planetary Mirror Ball (coronasphere) activations, the Aurora Earth, Hidden Cities, AuroraEarth Blend-Zone Fields (Trans-harmonic Time-Wave Blend field Communion Planes), the Ah-SA-a s Orb Reservoir, and the 12+24 GA Ancient Elohei-Aquari Arrow Sites"/"Silver Seed Gates," the "7 Broken Arrows" & Wingdong" (Wha-JhE Afa "Wingmaker") groups. This workshop also introduced the SrTver Seed DNA encryption code (perfected original encryption birthed out from the Middle-Domain Edons), the DN-1, D-4 & D-5 "Death-star MerkabaMet-NET Fields" (DN-1 Soul-IVef, D4-Lower-Astral FCC-Net "False Christ-consciousness grid" and the D5-HigherAstral/ArchelypalFAM-Nef; "False-Ascended-Masters grid," the 84 Primary Flows of the Organic Sfair-Sfep Creation
Rasha-Materialization-Current,lheMetatronicl'Met-NET'-Freezelmmunig,andthe 2012-United-Forces-of-the Kryst Sfand. Also discussed in this workshop; the Concept of Evolution, Religion and Reunion and the GA-concept of Re-evolutionary Determinism, the Nephilim Wars (between and the KaLE-DE-ma Path Beings and the Wingmakers-Corteum), the "7 Jehovian Seals" & "7 Broken Arrows"), and Fall-y-wood Bull-avard mass-media Met-NET projections. During this workshop the GA-MCEO successfully activate the "12+24 Ancient ArroW' GA sites (via "raising the Arrow-{2 Bow-Ship of Ah-MA-ya-san"/FL. & activation of Signet Shield-6/New Mexico) under the Kryst Time-Wave-Blend, thus preventing the FA'7 Broken Arrow Slfes" from being activated by the FA White Dragon "WingDong allies" (preventing the FA "7 Broken Arrow Sifes" from being linked into the FA Alpha-Omega/Spear-of-Destiny Network for takeover of the Gravitron), The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999
- 2010 A&A Deane
Featured Techniques: Starlight Gold-Temples of Mana-Monadic Activation-2 of NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield Si/ver Seed-EtorA AmorAea Krystal Temple activation (parl2 of the three-phase activation, with initiation of part-3 Go/den-Silver ONE-Si/ver Seed Temples of ManU which engaged expedited activation and opening 5/222412010.Part1 Stardust Blue-Temples of Eira-Monadic Activation-l occuned 111-312010), lncluded: A. Receiving the Silver Seed lmprinf (from the Middle-Earth Edon-Domain Aj-JhU-na' Gifting Wizards), B. Transmuting 'objects of opposition,' C. the Bliss Journey into the DN-7 Krystal-Spiral-Time-Wave flow, D. The "1.1Journey lo Ah-MA-ya-san" & "Raising the Bow-Ship" (Ah-MA-ya-san Arrow-12 Hidden City of Aurora Earth, connected to NET-Earth MyakkaSarasota, FL), and bi-location journey to the Broken Arrow site in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico to engage Stgnet Shield6 Monadic Activation (which triggered activation of all12 Primary and24 Secondary Arrow Sites and initiated the Golden-Silver ONE Mashaya-Hana AmorAea Aquafereion Shield KrystalTemple SilverSeed Monadic Activ atio n Lev el-3 (com p leted 5 I 22-24 I 2010 S d e rs-7 wo rks h op). (Corresponding MCE0 Workshop & Drum Circle: "Makers of Wings & Other Things: the Orbs of Ah-SA-yas, Planes of Aurora, Ancient Arrows, Planetary Mirror Ball, & the Hidden Cities of Eadh"- Starlight Gold Trans'
I i
harmonic AmorAea Merkaba activation"- April 2-4, 2010, Sarasota, FL).
Relatedevents4/20-2212010: BP's DeepwaterHorizonoffshoreoil-drillingrigintheGulfof Mexico,which"hadjust completed an exploratory well 52 miles from shore in 4,992 feet of water" (re: kosmix,com), engaged an "explosion and fire" on 412012010 that resulted in sinking of the rig on 412212010, Sinking of the rig damaged the oil well, and the well's "blowout prevente/' (safety device) failed, resulting in the "oil spill gusher on the ocean floor." (Note: Gulf of Mexico is the location of the FA Metatronic BeaST Machine's "Gravitron" Staff-vortex Torsion-Field set). GA comment that this was not a "happenstance accident," but yet another attempt by the White Dragon FA team to link the "Metatronic BeaST Gravitron Staff-vortex Torsion Field" in the Gulf of Mexico, to the planetary Alpha-Omega / Spear of Destiny / "Broken Arrow" Metatronic grid-sites Geomagnetic Matrix, after GA prevented link of the 7 Broken Arrow sites to the FA Alpha-Omega / Spear of Destiny Network for takeover of the Gravitron 412412010. Note: "oil gusher" was finally capped in July 2010.
Related events 4/30/2010: MCEO Speakers 1 & 2 move to Aurora Earth; Shalon.-7, M Stewardship kansfened.
Myakka House connected to Ah-MA-Ya-san
Related events 4/ 2.4 to 5/21.2412010: NET-Earth Aquafereion Shield processes D-3/mental body/EGO-Net & D-S/Archetypical Body-Higher Astral/ FAM-Net Metatronic Purge as D-3 & D-5 Met-NET Freeze lmmunity progresses.
MUG-45 to Aquafereion Shield Golden-Silver ONE Silver Seed Trans-Harmonic Merkaba activation, "Temples of ManU" (Mashaya-Hana) EtorA-Monadic-3 Krystal Temples, Sarasota, FL. initiate & complete early opening, and Wha-YA-yas Gafes of Adashi engage Expedited Opening. D-3-Mental-Body & D-5Archetypical/Higher Astral Body "Met-NET-Freeze lmmunity" (& corresponding D-3-Mental-EGO-NET & D-S-HigherAstraI-FAM.Net Metatronic-Purge-Cycles) complete; D-2-Physical-Emotional-Telluric "Met-NET-Freeze lmmunity" initiates (& corresponding D-2-Physical/Emotional/Telluric/Bio-chemicallntra-Nef Metatronic-Purge-Cycle), & D-4Lower.Astral, D.l.Etheric & Rasha Bodies engage Met NET-Freeze lmmunr$ Etrpedited lnitiation (& corresponding D-4-Lower-Astral Body/FCC-Nef, D-1-EthericBodylDerma-Net, & Rasha BodylWha-ZE'-yenta Harness expedited Metahonic-Purge-Cycle). Solar Bhardoah RingWave-3 releases within Aqualene-Sun Buffer Field causing D.3 Light Body & Atomic Body to begin separation from their Rasha-Body-Dark-Matter-Templale. Mashaya-Hana HeatingWave-3anchors & "D-3 & D.5 Higher Earth Kryst-Blend-Wave" (Aurora-Earth + NET-Earth Time-wave Blend) activates. NET-Earth Host Grids continue MG-6 GL-l accretion cycle at about 1/3ro Octant-3; (NET-Earth Host Grids will enter MG-6 GL-2 accrelion cycle on July 4,2010 al2l3'0 Octanl3). Higher Earth D-3 & D-5 Ah-yas Body Elemental Field completes 15-degree CW "ln-phase Shift" into D-3 & D-5 Aquafereion Shield & NET-Earth Atomic Body-Light Body alignment, completing Higher Earth's D-3 & D-5 ln-phase into 51 21.2412010
NET-Earth elemental alignment; D-3 & D-5 NET-Earth's Encryption Lattice & Geomagnetic Net Field fulfill live-link with Higher Earth's D-3 & D-5 Encryption Lattice Overlay, and the D-3 & D-5 "Krystal Path of Freedom" Higher Earth Encryption Lattice Overlay activates and mergers with NET-Earth's D-3 & D-5 Metatronic Encryption Lattice, activating
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 - 2010
A&A Deane
August 2010
atomic base. NET-Earths D-3-Atmic & D-s-DN-2-Telluric Aah-JhA Bodies begin running the D-3-Atmic & D-S-Telluric "Higher Earth.Bridg e Kryst.Blend-Wave Codes" & initiate D-3-Atmic & D-S-Telluric level out-picturing of the "KrystalPath of Freedom!' The D-3 & D-5 Aquafereion Shield Encryption Lattice completes live-link with Higher Eaffi D-3 & D-5 Encryption Lattice, Mashaya.Hana Healing Wave-3 anchors, & DN-2 EtorA Monadrc Passage core-flows open into NET.Earth's D-3 & D-5 ElementalAquafereion Shield. D-3 & D-5 Aquafereion Shield & NET-Earth
ElementalAquafereion Shield come on-line with DN-2 EtorA Monadic Passage core-flow cunents, The "Golden.Silver 0NE Silver Seed Mashaya-Hana" EtorA Monadic-3 Krystar Krystal Temple Trans.harmonic Mashaya-Hana-Merkaba Gateways,"Temples of ManU" (between Median, Higher & NET-Earth Elemental Aquafereion Shield Gruals, & AshalA, M-31 Shala & Urtha-3, & the Mashaya-Hana Hub of the Aquareion Matrix) open; NET-Earth's D-3 D& D-5 ElementalAquafereion Shield comes on-line with Median & Higher Earth D-3 & D-5 Elemental Orb Ftow currents. Building of the "D.3 & D.5 Planetary Mirror ln the Sky" E/eme ntal Refraction Field initiates within D-3 & D-5 NET-Earth's ElementalAquafereion Shield & Geomagnetic Field (willcomplete & activate 8113-1512010), The "Wha-YA-yas Gafes engage Expedited Opening and the "Temples of Wha-YA" engage expedited initiation (will complete opening between 8113-1512010 A 1nU1). The Mashaya-Hana/M-31/AshalA/Median-Higher-Earth "Silver Seed" Atomic Golden-Silver ONE Krystal ManU Butfer Field activates within the DNA, atoms, D-3-Atmic & DN-2/D-5-Telluric Atomic & Light Bodies of D-3 & D-5 NETEarth Aquafereion Shield and Elemental Aquafereion Shield, completing D-3 & D-5 Atomic Body & corresponding D-3 & D-5 Light Body "Met.NET.Freeze immunity" to the accelerating Planetary Metatronic-S5 activation. lnitiates activation of D-2-Physicat/Emotionaltfetturic-Body, & engages Expedited lnitiation of the D4-Lower-Astral, D-1-Etheric & Rasha ,,Met.NET.Freeze lmmunity" (& engages the conespo nding D-2-Physical/EmotionallTelluric, D-4-Lower- Astral, Bodies D-1-Etheric & Rasha Bodr'es Metatronic.Purge.Cycle, (willcomplete inBl13-1512010, during Sliders-8 workshop), The S/iders-7 Workshop introduced C. Plane-6 of the Trans-harmonic "Mirror Ball Communion Plane" (Time-Wave Blend D3 controls D1-Light Body & Zone between NET-Earth & Aurora-Earth) and initiated activations of lnitiation of C.Plane'4 Expedited & engaged tiIIRA-tVet), Rasha-atoms, releases D-2 Physical/Emotional/Bio-chemical (MB D4 controls D3-Light-Body & D-2-atoms, & releases FCC-Irlef) , C,Pfi4lruB D2 controls Rasha Dark-matterBody & DN-5 atoms, & releases etheric DERMA-NeI), & C.Plane-6 (MB D1 controls DN'S LightBody & D1S-atoms, & releases Wa.ZE.yenta Harness). Note: C. Planes 2,4, & 1 will complete in 8/13-1 512010, during Sliders-8 workshop, &
C, Plane-6 will completein 112011 FOL11 workshop). Sliders-7 Workshop introduced the "Ihree Paths of the Kryst," lhe Wha-YA-yah Planes of Adashi, lhe 6 Wha-YAyas Mashaya-Hhana Adashi Adepf families, "Parting the Veil of Wha," Mirror projection, communication and contact ihrough lhe Wha.YA-ya/Aurora Kryst Blend-u,ave Planes, Personal Evac-plasma-craflWha-hosf, the Wa-ZE Yenta fall gates and Net Harness, the Adashi Density-S Reshaic Aah-JhA Body Wha-Yha Capsule "Rainhow Body Capsule," Whi-YA-yas Communication, Projection and Contact Techniques and Monadic Passage Activation'3 Golden'Silver
l"silver Seed" (ManU) Mashaya-Hana-AmorAea KrystalTemple
Field. Featured Techniques: activation of the Golde n.Silver ONE-Silver Seed-Iemp les of ManU-Monadic Activation'3 of NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield SrTyer Seed-EtorA AmorAea KrystalTemple activation; (part-3 of the three-phase activation), with initiation of part-3 which engaged expedited activation and opening 5122-2412010. Part-1- Stardust BlueONE
Temples of Eira- Monadic Activation-l occurred 111-312010,Parl-2-Starlight Gold-Temples of Mana-Monadic Activation2 occurred 412-4t2O1O) AND expedited activation of the Wha-YA-yas Gafes of Adashi. lncluded: The Wha'YA'yas
Communication, Projection and ContactTechnique Seguence; A. Securing the Mirror Field to Krystic Spectra, B. Parting the Veil of Wha, C. Activating the Transcendental Flame of Wha-LA'-yah, D, Activating the Window of Wha Field within the mirror- the Wha-ya Sphere, spherical Wha-YA'-yah Field Window and Patra Stance Communion, -5/21-24/2010 GA lJpstep-lT to the 6 Wha-YA-yas Adept Councils of the Tri-Universal Mashaya'Hana llSstel Councits of Aquareion Matrix-Aquafereion Shietd upgrade fromTri-Universal Mashaya-Hana Master Councils of the Xrystaniver Host "Temples of Eira" to Wha-YA-yas Adept Councils invitation. 6 Wha-YA'yas Adept Councils are: Serue KaLA-Krysta Ascension-Path Kryst Host- ShE'whas/female & HA'-whas/male; serue KaLE-RAma Step-back Path Kryst Hoit-TA'-whas/F & Ellr'-whas/M; serve KaLE-DEma Kryst-Fall Path Kryst Host- SA"whas/F & E-LA'-whas/M). (Corresponding MCEO Workshop & Shadra Shield: Sliders-7 Preparing the Mind for Slide'Advanced Level: "The Lands of Wha: Mirror Mapping, the 3 Paths of the Kryst, and the Wha.YA.yas Mashaya'Hana Adashi Adepts" May 22-24,2010, Sarasota, FL). Expedited SrTyer Seed Transhaimonic AmorAea Merkaba Activation
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
O 1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
Related events 5/31/2010: FirstYouTube airing of "2nd GA-MCEO OfficialDisclosure Protocol" -"Realities of Ascension" with Kerry Cassrdy of Project Camelot; 6-hour video interview (filmed 41112010 at Hyatt Hotel, Sarasota, FL. the day before the 412412010 MCEO workshop); Kerry aired the interview on YouTube in 3 pafis starting with Part-1 on 5/31/2010, followed shortly aftenruard by Parts 2and3. Related events 6/26, 7/6 & 7/13(?)/2010 "Save the Gulf" FA Met-NET BPR acceleration attempt...3 "phone calls:" WD intercept event and ride "ghost pulse"...during this event...GA have us tune it out & dealt with each themselves 3 days after each call when "peak" dwindled to a trough...so GA re-linked Kryst Time-Wave Blend 3 days after Met peak, to reestablish Blend-wave & not get "Shield-nailed" during "call-day Met peaks"...
Related events 7/4/2010: NET-Earth Host Grids, Shie/d of Solomon, Watchtower Network, Alon-7, Shalon'7, Arrow-l2, nmoreea KrystalTemples enter MG-6 G[.2 accretion cycle al2B'a Octant-3 of the Essential Crossover Alignment (which initiated on311512010 at start of Octant-3).
Related events 5/21-2412010 to 8/13-15/2010: NET-Earth Aquafereion Shield processes D-2lphysical-emotional Telluric body/Bio-chemical INTRA-Net, and expedited D-4lLower Astral Body/ FCC-Net, D-1/Etheric body/DERMA-Net and Rasha BodyMha-ZE-yenta harness Metatronic Purge as D-2 MeINET Freeze lmmunity, and expedited D4, D-1 & Rasha (C. Plane-6) MeINET Freeze lmmunity progresses.
8t13-15t2010 M\JG-46 to Activation of the Ah-yah-YA' Stream and the Covenant of Ah-yah-RhU', and Al'Ben'' Yhan-r Green Dragons provide fst assrbf in merging Kryst Blend-Wave with Mef-IVET.Broadcast Networkvia Tttscon, AZ. The4-Month Metatronic Purge Cycle (4-812010), ends 8/13-1512010 and 0'Dimensional -Biosphere.2," Met-NET Freeze lmmunity activates in NET-Earth's Aquafereion Shield and Planetary HementalField, enabling initiation of building lhe "Dream-Fields of the ONE."
Ah-yah-RhU'-Cos-MA.yahofthe Cosmic
Krystar Master Councits - Aquafereion Shield upgrade from Tri-Universal Mashaya-Hana Master Councils of the Krystal River Host "Wha-YA-yas Adashi.Adept-Councils" lo invitation into Apprenticeship Commissions with the EternalCouncils of Ah-yah-RhU'-Cos-MA'-yah of the Cosmic Krustar Master Councils. (Corresponding MCEO Workshop & Biosphere-2 Planetary Shields Clinic: Sliders-8 Preparing the Body for Slide-Advanced Level: "Awake-Aware and ALIVE in the Lands of Aah-Ihe "Sea of Ah'.yah," Eternal Stream of Ah-Yah'.YA, the Coyen ant of Ah-yah-Rhll', and Eternal Dream-Fields of the OffE August 13-15, 2010, Phoenix,
M). M|JG-47 to & At.Ben'.Yhan-9 Green Dragons provide 2nd assisf in merging Kryst Blend.Wavewilh Met-NET-Broadcast Networkvia B "Maya Mother Matrix," Costa Maya, Roatan & Cozumel.
(Corresponding MCEO Workshop & "Mother Maya" Planetary Shields Clinic: S/iders-9 Embodying the Eternal Spirit for Slide-Advanced Level; October 16-23,2010, Mayan Cruise Costa Maya, Roatan & Cozumetl.
Yl2 Jan-Dec2011 Related events 5/22-2712011: So/ar Bhardoah Ring Wave-4
Yl3 Jan-Dec20l2Aquafereion Shield CONTINUUM-LEAP-SHIFT-2 from Probability ROUND'3/Probability-6 to Probability ROUND.3/Probability.l 2- a l}-year time-leap to next LEAP.YR.2512024 BPR & (complete DN-3 Metaoalaciic Over-Soul Accretion Cycle & enter DN-4 Universal Avatar Accretion Cvcle 2025)
Related events 5/22-2712012: So/ar Bhardoah Ring Wave-S ,1rr Z1l2,the Planetary Mirror in the Sky elemental-buffer will activate into an Elemental Refraction Freld that will refract/deflecf a sufficient quantum of lhe 2}12-Metatronic-55-Procyak Milky Way core-transmissions to NET-Earth, 38
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 -
2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
preventing full "55-Death Star Merkabic Torsion Field" activation in NET-Earth's geomagnetic field, thus enabling the 200-year Load-Out-Host to commence on NET-Earth.
Y142013 5/22-27/2013; So/ar Bhardoah Ring Wave-O Y15 2014 5/22-27/2014: Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave-T Y16 2015 5/22-27/2015; So/ar Bhardoah Ring Wave-l Y17 (2016 LEAP (complete DN-2 Solar-Galactic SoulAccretion Cvcle & enter DN-3 Metaqalactic Over-SoulAccretion Cvcle 201il; 5/22-27/2016: Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave-9 Y18 2017 5/22-27/2017: Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave-l} Y19 2018 5/22-27/2018: Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave-11 Y20 2019 5/22-27/2019; So/ar Bhardoah Ring Wave-12 Y21 2020 5/22-27/2020: Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave-13 Y222021 5/22-27/2021: Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave-14 Y232022 5/22-27/2022: Solar Bhardoah Ring Wave-l| Y242023 Y252024 LEAP (Complete DN-3 Metaoalactic Over-Soul Accretion Cvcle & enter DN-4 Universal Avatar Accretion Cycle 2025) Y262025 Y27 2026 Y282027 (Aquafereion Shield Stage-2B KaLA-Krysta Cycle Ma-Sha Phase shart1112027) Y29 2028 Y30 2029 Y31 2030
Y322031 Y332032 LEAP (Complete DN4 Universal Avatar Accretion Cvcle & enter 14-year (2033-2047) Mashayanic Host-Link Cvcle as NETEarth (salvaqed reoions)-Median Earth-AshalA link (via Shala-3 AQUA'elle Eiradonis)to the M31 Aquinos UniversalGalactic Host & DN-5 Adashi Return-1 Cvcle 2033) (Aquafereion Host Shield Stage-2B KalA-Krysta Cycle Ma-Sha Phase ends 1212047,S-year Mashayah Fold and AQUA'elle-Shala-3 Universal-Galactic Host2047-2052. Stage-3 HaRA-Krysta Cycle
Note: Stage-2 KalA-Krysta 5/2008-2047 ElorATransfiguration (Eiradonis Merger) Cycle, Phase-1 Bharda 5/20081112027 Aquafereion Shield NET-Earth-Median Earth-AshalA-Shala Bi-location Cycle, Phase-2 Ma-Sha 11120271212047 AQF Shield NET-Earth-Median Earth-AshalA-Shala Translocation Cycle. Stage-3 HaRA-Krysta2052-2225 AD AdorA Transfiguration Cycle, Aquafereion Shield NET-Earth-Median EarthAshalA-Shala Transmigration Cycle, and EtorA Universal System M31/Aquinos Bi-location Cycle. Stage-4
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 -
2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
The MCEO Freedom Teachingso "Awake-Aware and ALIVE in the Lands of Aah" The "Sea of Ah'-yah," Eternal Stream of Ah-yah-YA', the Covenant of Ah-yah-Rhu', and the Eternal Dream-Fields of the ONE Sliders-8 Preparing the Body for Slide - Advanced Level: August 13-15,2010, Phoenix, M
MUG-46 Activation of the Ah-yah-YA'Stream
Covenant of Ah-yah-RhU'
Green Dragons AI-Ben'-Yhan-8 Biosphere-2, Tucson,
4-month Metatronic Purge Cycle (4-8/2010)ends
. .
6-Dimensional Met.Net Freeze lmmunity activates in Net-Earth's Aquafereion Shield and Planetary Elemental Field, enabling initiation of building the "Dream-Fields of the ONE.' GA Upstep-11 to the KrystalRiver EternalCouncils of Ah-yah-RhU'-Cos-MA'-yah of the Cosmic Krystar
Master Councils
Aquafereion Shield Upgrade from Tri-Universal Mashayah-Hana Master Councils of the Krystal River Host "Wha.YA.yahs Adashi-Adept-Councils" to invitation into Apprenticeship Commissions with the Eternal Councils of Ah-yah-RhU'-Cos-M4'-yah of the Cosmic Krystar Master Gouncils.
Note: Mayan Cruise 10t16-23t2010 \ll)G-47 to and Al-Ben'-Yhan-9 Green Dragons provide
assist in merging Kryst Blend-Wave with Met
NelBroadcast Network via B "Maya Mother Matrix," Costa Maya, Roatan & Cozumel.
(Corresponding MGEO Workshop & "Mother Maya" PIantery Shields Clinic: Sliders-9 Embodying the Eternat Spirit for Slide-Advanced Level; October 16-23,2010, Mayan Cruise Costa Maya, Roatan & Cozumel).
40 The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
Who is the "GA-MCEO" (Guardian Alliance-Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order)? The Kryst Councils listed below are allactive members of the GA-MCEO; each "Council" has a massive number of other race-line collectives that exist as members within the Collective of each council.
GA-MCE0 presiding Kryst Councils: D-l2 Elohei-Elohim, D-11 Seraphei-Seraphim, and D-10 Braharama, Founders Races and Guardian Alliance Collectives under Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order/MCEO Emerald Covenant Agreements.
*8/2000 GA Upstep-1 to 3.Yanas Ramayanas, Watchayanas, Grandeyanas of PCM PLF; Peru-1 *5/2001 GA Upstep-2to Ecka Eieyani; MUG-2 Kauai, Hawaii
.2/2002 GA Upstep-3 to Eckasha EyanA; MUG-3A *8/2003 GA tJpstep-4to EtorA Ecka-Eckasha Addondraea Andorra/Barcelona, Spain
& AdorA Ecka-Eckasha AdonA;MUG-4B;
Beyond Confinement to Physical Form
can choose form materlization at will
GA lJpstep-S to HaahTUr lnner-Domain Hubs; MUG-9; Morocco
GA upstep-6to M31-llrtha-Sala Bhendi & Aquafereion AdashiCouncils;MUG-12
.1/5-7/2008 GA lJpstep-7f,to M31-AnShaTAsa HublAdjugate Al0-BudhA'ea Adashi Councils;MUG-28; Phoenix,
M, *11/12-22/2008
GA Upstep-7p to Median Earth ZionA
& AquafarE
Adashi Councils; MUG-37;
Christopher's, British Virgin lslands, Caribbean 11/1.312009
GA lJpstep-7Qto AshatA-3-Ashalum-Edon A'quai and Shala-3-EiradhaniA'quA-elle AdashiCouncils;; "Floating Buddhas" Etemental Command C/orsfers Sha-DA Shield S/r'de-Ieams, & M3l-AnShaIAsa HublAdiugate Ali-BudhA'ea Adashi Councils; MUG-38; Phoenix, M.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 999 - 2010 1
A&A Deane
August 2010
"Floating Buddhas" Elemental Gommand Cloister Sliders Teams All Groups are Krystic Adashi-Adept Ascended Mashayah', Eternal Life, Breatharian Species, who choose to retain a Mashayanic biologicalform in their home environment. (Gender Note: 4 potential genders
Primary Biological
Androgynous M-F combinedgender, 2. Male, 3. Female, 4. EUnic
Race Name
Service Occupation & Description
no gender Asexual)
Elemental Calling Tone
Urtha-3 M31 Adashi Temples
Bhendi Aquari Trainers (Children of the Aquareion from Aquareion Matrix) Have various different species & body forms such as blue-aquatic-humanid, bi-pedalwingedJions and white-humanid-genies, plus many others. Technical Teachings Specialists & Trainers. 4genders.
Urtha-3 M31 AdashiTemples Aurora Platforms
Shala-3 Eiradhani Healing Temples
AshalA-3 Ashalum Edonic Healing Temples
Aquafereion Greeters (Aquari-Earth-Human Hybrids from Aurora Platforms) Refined Human Form, breathe air or water, various races, skin/hair colors, 4 genders, 8-1 8' tall-average height-1 2'. General Teachers & Urtha Hosts. A'quA-elle
- Healers (Eiradhani "Ethos Sparkle People" AdorA-Aquari-Human)
"Shape-shifter Humanids made of M31-adjugate-spirit "Ethos-Sparkle-Matte/'; palepastel-iridescent-metallic-sparkle-Light-Beings; various races, no gender, J12 origin-
family; Spirit-Body "Resunection-Healing" Specialists & Master Counselors.
Healers (Children of M31 Edonic An-Sha-TA'-sa Aquari of Aquareion Matrix) original Edonic M31-Aquareion An-Sha-TA'-sa Aquari Elder Refined-Humanid form. Known as the "Radiant Giants" due to luminescentgossamer-skin that perpetually radiates light from within; skin changes colors with inner-light radiation spectrum, which responds to all thoughts & emotions. Radiant white is base oscillation. 4-Genders, 72-216'tall-average height 144' (approx=16-story building)
radiant white mn vary
Biological Healing Specialists.
Median Ascension Earth Ah-VE-yas Cathedrals
Median Ascension Earth Ah-VE-yas Cathedrals
- Attendants (Children of Median-Earth
Aquai-A'- & Urtha-Aquafereion), gel+ggs, grow into small "Fish in water-born life Aquatic-Aquai-Human People". Start gossamer-skinned 'fish" (no scales or slime); in adolescence kansfigure to "Mer-folk" (Mermaids/Mermen etc.), then have choice to transfigure to bipedal. 6-18' tallaverage-12'. Master Tutors, General Healers & Companions, will be the 1't ones we meet physically in Slide-2 Translocation to Median-Earth.
AquafarE'- Helpers & Playmates
(Hybrid Children of Urtha Aquafereion) Urtha-Aquafereion Aquari-Earth-Human Hybrids further hybridized with many other planetary & inter-universal Krystic race-lines to engage specialized service as Telluric Elemental Command Force planetary guardians on Median Earth (& elsewhere). Many Aquari-Human forms, Bipedal 3-8'tall on Median Earth, but appear 3-12 inches
tall when visiting Net-Earth. Many occupational specializations. Note: 3-8'tall NetEarth-Humans retain their "home size" when physically visiting Median Earth; same size range as the AquafarE'; the tallest Tree* folk on Median-Earth are an average 12lo 48 times taller than the 72-216 feet tall Median-Earth Aquai-A' Elders, Aquai from AshalA that were seeded on Median Earth to serve as Kryst-Council Elders. Tallest Tree-folk 864'to 10,368'
NetEarth Ah-VE-yas Cathedrals
Fae'Ri' - Helpers & PlaymateS (Children of the Median-Earth AquafarE') Seeded on NetEarth by the AquafarE' to engage specialized service as Telluric
Elemental Command Force planetary guardians on Net-Earth. Many Human forms, Bipedal 3-8 inches tall on Net-Earth; appear microscopic when visiting Median-Earth. Many occupational specializations (some lines have fallen to Caduceus & Phantom Earth agendas).
(From FOL 2009) 42
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 - 2010
A&A Deane
August 2010
"Families of the Wha" The Mashaya-Hanic Wha-YA-yas Adashi Adept Families: the Wha-YA-yah Gate Keepers and the "Three Paths of the Kryst" Androge Consciousness Androge Consciousness Gate Key & Kryst Path
E'-LA-whas Light being Blue-black straight hair to shoulders White gauze puff-sleeve navel shirt Purple, blue, and white curvey diagonalstripe kilt with gold waisttrim
Light being, six feet tall Long white hair to hip length "Fan dress" robe in pink-orange
Eckasha/Adashi-1 DEma Gate Codes KaLE-DEma Kryst Fall Service Commission
EUR-whas Light being Mostly bald head with thin red-hair "mohawk stripe" on top-middle of head Violet-blue on top, indigo Robes blue on bottom, with designs
Light being Bald head with smallwhite braid of hair at lower back of head Pale yellow robes
Eckasha-A/Adashi-2 RAma Gate Codes KaLE-RAma Step-back Service Commission
Light being Bald head Pale green robes
Light being
Bald head Pale pink robes
Krysta Gate Codes KaLA-Krysta Adashi Ascension Starfire Path Service Commission
Note:All exist as "conscious air" but take the form of light beings with 12 toes and 12 fingers for contact with us
43 The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
O 1999 - 2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
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4 Eyana Bodies
Adeshi Expansion
3 Eyuna Bodies
Adashi Relurn
Eckashi Return
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 - 2010
A&A Deane
August 2010
Earrh,,n.'Ji,.u,.3so':'i,y8[l,|u1ffi fitJffi'*Y,ti:?f,,T:ft:Ti^dashiAscension The Wha-YA-yah Fields are Mashaya-Hanic Adashi Domain Fields that correspond to and blend with the Eckasha through Eukatharaista Light Body Fields, which allow for intersection between Eckashi Domains & their
Opening of lhe 12+24 Ancient Arrow Sites & Portal Gates to Aurora Earth, and the resultant Mirror Ball Transharmonic Time-Wave Blend Field activations, allows the Silver Seed encryption to pass into the Outer Domain Body.
Aurora Continuum counterparts. Aurora Planes interface with the ..- Gha-fa Bodies
Aurora Continuum PIane-5
The Wha-YA-yah Great Void exists between the Density-S Aah-JhA Body and the Wha-YA-yah Adashi-1 Eckasha DN-1 D-1 Field. /-?'
Aurora Eternal
"... \
Plane-1 Ah-SA'-yas State
Domain an eternal "Perfect Out-picture" of the full
original Krystic encryption as birthed forth from the Edon Domain
The eternal Perfect Oulpicture lS the "Silver Seed" Ah-SA -yas
to Edon Earth and back out to Aurora Earth.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings@ Series
@ 1999 -
2010 A&A Deane
August 2010
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