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Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
The MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Sliders-1 Workshop: Emerging from Darkness—Preparing the MIND for Slide Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ Friday Night Orientation [Audio Track 1] A‘sha It is so wonderful to walk into a singing shield. It feels awesome. That‘s why I decided to go back off the stage, because I didn‘t want to distract from the energy that was building. That was excellent. So, thank you very much. Ok. Well, welcome to Phoenix Slide One Class. I don‘t know if everybody‘s seen the workshop description that we put out right before. That‘s when I found out exactly what it was about. So, we‘re not doing too bad so far. I do have the program. I know what the program is. I‘ve seen the 25 graphs that go with it, and I‘m working on those graphs, so that‘s why we‘re setting… (A&A discussion) You‘re getting just a basic time itinerary for the workshop. We did set it for later hours, but at least we‘ll stick to those hours. That gives me the day times to get the progressions in because I‘m still getting them. But at least I have the program now, and the stuff that we‘re…this has got to be amazing. They‘ve… what I spent most of yesterday and today doing were, they showed me how to use all those little bits of the Allurean Atomic Chart. How to actually down step that. You have to down step it from…if you want to know what Hydrolase is here, you have to be able to down step it down through D3 to D2, so you can understand what atoms they are here, and those kind of things. So they‘re just starting to show us how to translate those charts into atomic structure here, so we can begin the process of re-activating the Solar Symbiosis ability of the body, and it‘s a very complex process. But I will try to step it down as easy as I can through the programs. So we‘re going to be dealing with that on both days as far as understanding, alright, let‘s look at Slide again. Now, we know Slide is another word for a certain type of Ascension, right? Slide is the…where you transfigure part of the cellular structure before you can full Span, which is full Ascension where you can transmigrate and leave here and go to other places of the eternal. You do have to be able to transfigure the entire structure of the cellular body as well. We‘re going to find out more about that whole process during this Slide One Workshop, and we‘re going to find out why the mind, or the Mental Body, is so key to getting the body to be able to Slide. Because there are certain structures within the mind format of the Mental Body that are called TE‟a-Wha Fields. That was a new word for me this week. I didn‘t know...I‘ve never heard of them before. They never talked about them before. These have to do with the Hydro-Acoustic Bodies. So, we‘re going to learn a lot of information about these things this time that will answer a whole bunch of questions, such as where does thought come from? What is it in the first place? Where does it go once it leaves your attention? What happens when…Ok, you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
think a thought and you let it go. Say if you have a desire and you‘re using an affirmation, Oh, I want to make this happen, right, and you let it go. Where does it go? And why so often doesn‘t it do what you wanted it to do? If we had the ability of direct manifestation we would know how to simply feel a thing, think it, learn encryption, which means learn how to put an encryption to it, a creation pattern, a template. And then send it someplace, so it would come back and step down into atomic structure. We‘re going to learn what that structure is about, what has been blocking it, and what the first steps we have to do to unblock that process. Because it is the same process that blocks that manifestation that is responsible for the Physical Body dying, and that blocks Ascension. So we‘re going to find out some fascinating material. I‘m looking at the graphs and things that are coming through. I‘ll get a few key ones done. And I won‘t get 25 done in three days, no way, because if anybody‘s been here before, you‘ve seen how detailed the graphs can be. But it will show us certain structures of the Mental Body and how all of the bodies…we‘ve learned about the Spirit Body, we‘ve learned about the Light Body, we‘ve learned about the Hydro-Acoustic Body. We know we have a Physical Body. Now we‘re going to learn how they all fit together, and where the mind actually is, what levels of mind. There are certain…they call them regions. There are six different regions to what is considered the Mental Body. And right now we‘re in a condition on this planet, because the environment…the planet has a Mental Body too, that structure of the Light Body. And it has been harnessed, and because of that, ours are harnessed too. We‘ll start to understand how the NETs have been working. What they do to thought, and not only thought, but what they do to our bodies. And we‘re going to be…by the end of this, we are going to be shown some tools that will help us to make what is called a window, a Mental Window that will become the sliding door, alright, where the body can actually go through. And it has to start with that window. So, there‘s some technologies that are coming through. They‘re Hydro-Acoustic Technologies. That word will make more sense by the end of this workshop, as far as what exactly is the Hydro-Acoustic Body. We‘ll learn some things about how to set what are called Morphogenetic Fields. Where you‘ll be taught how to…you could call them ―thought seeds,‖ but it‘s much more than that. It‘s actually how to create a pattern of something that you would like to create. And you can start simple at first, something that doesn‘t have a lot of emotional negative charge to it, ‗Oh, I‘ll never get that‘. When you do that you actually help create that when you put out that emotional charge. So we‘re going to learn some things about how to create Morphogenetic Fields. What they are called...they are called TE‟a-Wha Plates. And we‘re going to learn how to create TE‘a-Wha Plates, and where to send them, and how to breathe in order to use them. But before they‘ll work well, we have to undo some of the mess that actually runs through the physical atomic structure, due to the mutations of what are called Calorene Fields that are literally in the Earth‘s atmosphere as atomic layers that completely block the natural functions of Solar Symbiosis. Solar Symbiosis is the process by which we breathe through our skin. It is the process by which organic Breatherians live, and where they don‘t have to eat, because it‘s just a natural inflow and outflow of energy with the planet they‘re on, and with the universe that they‘re in. We‘re going to see some amazing new information that is all about that, and one of the most interesting things, and they just started this with me The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 160
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yesterday, is called…they said ‗oh by the way. We didn‘t just give you this for the workshop description but, we‘re going to‘…what the workshop‘s going to culminate into is what is called Re-Sanctification of the Pentagonal Code. And think about pentagrams. And you know there‘s all sorts of weird stuff attached to Pentagrams, and we‘ve always taught never use them without a circle around them for starters. We‘re going to find out that they‘re actually…the shape of a Pentagram here is not a natural Pentagram. We‘re going to find out what a Pentagram is about. What it has to do with the manufacturing of atomic structure from Light Body into atoms. And we‘re going to see where it fits in to the literal structure of the Hydro-Acoustic Body, and the Mental Body, and Emotional Body and Physical Body. And it is that particular code—the Pentagonal Code—that is holding this planet in grid lock. And we may not be able to heal the entire planet, but we‘ll be able to heal ourselves, and also parts of the planet. Once we have this problem of the…they call it the Pentagonal Perversion in the bodies. Once that is cleared, and you need to get to the point of using Hydro-Acoustic Technologies like the Aqua-tone System that we are just introducing and developing to be able to take that problem out. Because it is a problem that is set deeply into the Morphogenetic Field, the form holding blueprint of literally the Planetary and Solar and Galactic Bodies. So it is a very strong mutation that... it‘s been ages and ages, since anyone‘s been able to clear that from their bodies on this planet. It‘s been I don‘t think since early Seeding One where there wasn‘t some tint of that. We‘re going to begin that process of clearing the pentagonal mutation. And when we do that, that is when the Window in the Mental Body structure opens. And it is through that Window that we can restore the core flows that have to do with the Hydro-Acoustic Body—the flows of Spirit and Prana. We‘re also going to learn a little bit about these words that we use—Prana and Mana—things to describe the natural life force currents. It‘s like…ok, they‘re up there out there somewhere, but they‘re here too. With the step down charts, the Atomic Conversion Charts that they just had me working on, there‘s like six different steps you have to do, to find out what element is what on which dimension to find out what it is here. But we‘ll find out what Mana is, what carries it here. It‘s not even what carries it, but what is Mana on D2? Because there are atoms and structures such as Oxygen…that‘s not Mana but, that is something else as you go up the Step-Up Sequence, up to D3 and then up into the Hydro-Acoustic Body of Density One. So we‘re going to learn some more about these things, that really brings it a bit home more. And we‘re going to learn technologies that will help us to get to the next stage where we can start working directly with the body fields. Because it‘s not…first we have to clear the mutation from the Mental Body structure. Because that is a physical structure in atomic form as well as our physicality as we know it here. And only then will we be able to fix the problems in the Telluric Body fully at the core level that will enable Slide. I had an interesting experience. The way all of this started, they hadn‘t talked to me about much of anything, about what Slide One‘s about, that a few weeks back they gave the entire…because I kept saying ‗if you don‘t tell me what I‘m going to teach I‘m going to quit, because I can‘t stand going into workshops like The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 160
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this not knowing‘, right? (chuckling) The last one is like the workshop that almost wasn‘t. Kind of like the Christmas that almost wasn‘t. (Ash laughing) You know? It took so long. But I just said ‗please help‘, and within a week I got this down load of the schedule from now until 2012. (Ash & audience laughing) I was like, ‗Oh OK. Thank you‘. But then it was like ‗OK. Slide One‘s coming up‘. Aah yeah Ok.‘ ‗We know‘… I have a sentence about this. ‗What exactly is Slide One about, right?‘ ‗We‘ll tell you‘. ‗Please, not the night before.‘ Well, it wasn‘t that bad. It started like the week before. So at least I could get the program, that‘s why it didn‘t come out in the workshop description. I didn‘t have it until like Wednesday, I think. But hey, that‘s not bad, at least not the day after the workshop like often happens. But before that, I had this shift. I‘ve been feeling really, really ill physically, just like I could feel stuff. My body trying to transmute whatever was running in the grids. And it was getting stronger, whatever was running in the grids was getting stronger. And I felt like my body was losing the battle. And I was just like, I can‘t breathe, everything hurts, I‘m waking up in the middle of the night with heats, colds and pain in all my joints and all that kind of thing. And also with the heart palpitations. And like…(audience acknowledging) Are you getting that too? Yeah. And that was getting scary, ‗cause I‘m thinking like ‗Oh well‘. You know I would first blame that on me. I‘ve been smoking for many years. A female smoker, over age 40, smokes two packs a day, yeah…no problem. (chuckling) Yeah! I wonder why my heart‘s doing palpitations? But, my body‘s kind of used to that stuff that I do to it anyway, and I‘m going to clear that, eventually, but…(Ash and audience laugh) Eventually! But I was just getting really, really depressed about it. There was so much work to do, and it was getting to where every time I would go on and start getting a heavy line, and the lines keep getting heavier as far as saturation of data and technicals and that kind of stuff. The heat wave would come in, I‘d feel the heats. And then it would make my stomach turn, and I would get stabbing pain in my back and things, where it was just too high of a line. So they did something for me, and I didn‘t know what it was, but I knew they helped. And the first thing I noticed was, it started when I was on my way waking back up in the morning, after I went to sleep at night. I found myself in this interesting space. It was like ‗I know this space‘. It was just (inhale sigh sound). It‘s like looking down on your life. It‘s the place you go for Review. And I‘m thinking ‗did I die‘? (much laughter from Ash and audience) ‗Did I die and don‘t know it yet?‘ was my first question, because I had been there before. I remember coming through those fields to do the walk in, but also in Katie‘s body, the part of me that had walked out. She had that particular experience and that‘s…they are the places, the particular planes that she had to go through to get out. And that‘s when she had a Near Death Experience, and the body still has a cellular memory imprint of that, very visually, what it looked like, what it felt like. That was the place that after you go through the weird little tunnel effect, that it goes (Ash demonstrates a sighing sound), and it‘s light, but not like a bright light blinding you. But you feel like ‗oh that was all just a horrible nightmare down there‘. (chuckling) And it feels really good. And she didn‘t want to come back when she had the Near Death Experience. We had to convince her to come back and just wait to grow the body enough where we could finish the walk in/walk out thing. But, it was that place. So I really kind of…I remember finding my…three mornings in a row, I found myself on the way back here to wakefulness, but very awake there. And I just felt this most wonderful peace about the whole thing, and I could see stuff really, really clearly, as far as what the work was about, and what needed to be done, and all of those kind of things. And it was like ‗Oh good, I want to stay here‘. ‗Can I not The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 160
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go back too?‘ (giggling) It was like ‗No‘. So, the third morning that happened, that one, I woke up and I felt a shift in my body, like the wave of peace from there, came into my body, and… interesting. And I found myself the whole day walking around in that state of consciousness while being fully aware here too. That was really neat. And that was right around when I found my father too. My father died in ‘97, and I‘ve not been able to find him anywhere out there, because I can usually track people and find out where they are and see if they need help or anything, or at least say goodbye. And I could never…I couldn‘t find dad, and they just told me ‘Don‘t worry, he‘s in process right now‘. ‗He‘ll be ok‘ (Ash chuckling) I said ‗Great. Where is he in process? Can I even say hi‘? They said ‗No! It would not be good for him right now‘. But, before I had those openings, it felt like the opening came up here, like it was a very distinct feeling right up above the head. And right before that, I had had this really strange dream experience first, where I found him. And he thought he still…he didn‘t realize he had died. And there‘s a lot of people that get in this position, and they go into what are called Review Planes. And they don‘t realize their Physical Body had died, and it‘s like the matter state…because they‘re…depending on where your consciousness is stationed, depends on what levels you feel or see as physical outside of yourself. And he…I guess it had been so traumatic for him. He had died of cancer, and quite quickly. And he had transitioned quickly and got into the Review-space. He remembered that he was in the hospital, because he had a really bad car accident because he drank too much. And it made him stop drinking because he was in the hospital a long time, but he got better. And then his employer liked him enough to not fire him. So he stayed working at IBM, because he used to work at IBM when he was alive. (chuckling) And he just carried on, but he wasn‘t alone. He was in this place with a whole bunch of other people who are doing the same thing, which is really interesting, right? And it was like a place different than that (previous example of sighing sound) place. It was a place that still had all this tension, and he was still worried about not having enough money. He thought his daughter was off in Arizona going to Art College. That‘s how he remembered me. (chuckling) Ok…right? And the way I found him, is the Beloveds had taken me in to this situation with the Katie part of myself. She has been trained as a Way Shower on the other places. So now we kind of get together and we…you know, it makes it so we can do multiple planes simultaneously where we can help multiple levels. And they merged she and I so we could go in to his hologram. And he was so glad to see that we had come back to visit from Art School, and we were trying to help him get out of here, because he was still trying to figure out…he was afraid that he was going to lose his house because he wasn‘t making enough money because the medical bills were too high, and it was still all very real for him, physically. So they‘re starting to train me in how to intervene on that level. And there are sets of ideas, right, sets of beliefs that a person…when they transition over to the other planes, if they hold those beliefs, they will still materialize. And there are certain snares that make that happen in ways it shouldn‘t that have to do with the NET fields here. But there are interventions that are being done, and they had me do an intervention with him, and you have to do them carefully. You have to work within the paradigm of belief that the people have. If they‘re Christian, you have to use that symbology. If they‘re Jewish, you have to use that symbology. If they‘re Muslim, you have to use that symbology, whatever.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 160
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But they would understand the intent that you‘re trying to do. You actually have to…I remember we played angel once, like just choir angel in our early training. Just go back there and sing with the angels with the wings, right. It was in a Christian Rescue Drama. My dad was Christian. He was Catholic, but he was not…he didn‘t go to church or anything. And so we had to intervene, like you know, in a pair of jeans and, you know, ‗Hi dad‘. ‗Just came in to visit you from Arizona‘. (giggle) ‗How‘s Art School‘? ‗Pretty good‘. (much laughter with Ash and audience) ‗By the way, we‘re going to retire, my husband and I‘. ‗You got married? Why didn‘t you invite me‘? I was like ‗Help!‘ What do you say to that one? Like uh-oh memory glitch here! There‘s going to be a problem, because you don‘t want to terrorize them, you can‘t go in and say, ‗Hi, you‘re dead!‘… ‗Would you like to go‘? (laughter) You‘ll scare people, right, and they‘ll freak out and it will get even worse for them, right? So, it‘s like, ‗Well, I didn‘t know where you had moved to‘, which was the truth, right? You have to tell them the truth. You can‘t lie in those interventions, and I didn‘t know where he‘d moved to for three years, or no, it‘s almost eleven years now actually. (giggling) And he said ‗Oh, it must have been when I was in the hospital‘ and like his mind, his memory was a bit fuzzy about that, because he felt that he had just been in the hospital for three years or something long. And he was lucky to have lived because of the car accident he had, and that‘s not how he died. He didn‘t die in a car accident, bless him, but… So we had to work with him with this, and we said ‗Well, why don‘t you retire with us‘? ‗We‘re going to go someplace really nice, and you can come and live with us, and you don‘t have to worry‘. He said ‗I can‘t afford it, I can‘t afford it‘. ‗Well, that‘s all right, my husband and I…well we have a secret‘. ‗We have a little business and it supports us, so we can take care of you, you don‘t have to do that‘. And he‘s like ‗Oh alright, but I‘m going to wait‘. ‗I have two years left to retire‘. ‗When I retire!‘ (much laughter from audience) ‗OhhKaay…alright‘. And after that was…I‘m getting from the Beloveds ‘Aah, by the way‘. ‗Yes he does have two years, because in two years he‘s going to retire because he‘s birthing back into a body‘..right? (Ash chuckling) So we have to get him ready for that transition, because he doesn‘t believe in reincarnation, he doesn‘t believe in any of that stuff, but he managed to get through conscious, but still running a hologram. Not everybody gets through where they‘re conscious right away. They‘re kind of asleep for a long time and that kind of thing. But he did get through conscious. And after that experience…and that was before I had the opening experience, you know, of my own personal one, it started to dawn on me. Wow, this is really interesting, because those planes are just as physical, right? And you just don‘t go up to tell…what if you just went up and said, ‗Well look. You don‘t have to be afraid of money anymore because it‘s not real here‘. Right? That actually would be true. But that‘s the same here. They work the same. It‘s the thought projection, and it‘s done on a mass level. There are Mass Thought Bands. And it started to dawn on me…then I wondered. I said, Ok. Is there any possibility… remembering we had a boating accident in Paxos right? Az and I did. And that was very, very close. And I know, I was very, very sick for about 3 to 6 months after that. And I gave workshops, and one of them I think was…I had the wrap on because I had been coughing so hard because…just something affected my lungs really bad, that I actually tore a muscle from the coughing right before a workshop. And I still had to go in and do the workshop.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 160
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But I thought we died for a while there. I was like ‗You know what‘? ‗Oh my God!‘ Because they‘re talking about Mass Review Planes where when a whole group of people goes together, they just transfer their hologram. And they might remember a common little, ‗Oh, that was a big flood‘ ‗But wow, we survived‘. Even though their bodies didn‘t, right? Then the Beloveds got into more interesting things about such Mass Review Bands, and about the Amenti Rescue Mission. And what had happened about the Lost Souls of Tara, which started the reason why they started the Earth Host down here, as far as the Taran Fields went. That there were a bunch of those Review Bands here that had to do with the people from Tara who didn‘t realize they lost their bodies. And they‘re still carrying on. And that has something to do with the heavy dramas that are getting beamed down here in the NETs, and we‘re just living it out again. We‘re living out the Atlantean Dramas and the whole bit. So there‘s a lot…there‘s a much thinner veil between life and death than it seems like down here. And we‘re going to be looking into some of that and what that means in relation to these TE‘a-Wha structures and what the structures are supposed to be like. We‘re going to look at the planes of the Mental Body, which have to do with the planes of the Earth‘s Body as well. We‘ve talked about planes before in relation to the Earth with the Vertical Maps and those kind of things. Where we showed where Aurora Platforms were, where the Ecousha Platforms were. Literally, in relation to where the Van Allen Belts are in the atmosphere, you know, direct access to certain planes going all the way to Urtha and the Adashi Temples. Well there‘s other planes, within these structures too, that part of them are natural, and part of them aren‘t. And what we are going to be doing is poking a Window, a large Window, a personal one, but also one for the planet, that will clear through what are called the Cal fields. And they‘re made by the Caduceus mess that we‘ve talked about before. But they create an un-natural light structure called Calorene. Calorenes are like a perversion of joules that they measure, joules/calories, that they measure heat with, right? The heat stored in a body, that‘s how they figure out how many calories are in food and that kind of stuff here. So, there are certain Calorene fields that don‘t belong there, that are because of the NET. And they control our bodies, as well as our minds. And to be able to biologically Slide, or even mentally get to the point where, what‘s on the other end of Slide? The first stop is called Median Earth. That is the closest to Ascension Earth. That‘s the part of Earth that didn‘t get pulled into the NET‘s that is still left. The third quantum of Earths fields that did not get pulled into the NET mess, and the Phantom mess and all of that. So, in order for us to get there…even in projection it‘s difficult. I‘ve had some of the most difficult projections that I‘ve had, like I could get to Adashi real easy when that was all. And that‘s supposed to be all the way over in M31, you know, the M31 Galaxy? The Adashi Temples where we project through, the platforms, and we just go right over and it‘s easy. When we try to do the Median Earth ones, which are the local ones to get to where Median Earth is, it‘s a physically manifest place too. It‘s been one of the hardest ones…just like you‘re moving through fog, and you‘re trying to get there and it‘s hard to hold the focus when you‘re there. This is because these planes that are not supposed to be there, the Calorene planes, are imbedded in between the structures that would The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 160
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normally allow for open flow between those portions of this part of Earth‘s Body and that part of Earth‘s Body. What we‘re going to be doing…and I still want to know if we‘re dead. All of us down here, right? (laughter) I‘m serious. I mean, the whole planet could be in a Review-scape. That is what freaked me out slightly. Oh my God! We lost our bodies and we just carried on. How many times can you do that? You know what I mean? Well I died in my Review-scape, and then I went into Review-scape, and then I died in my Reviewscape. How long can you do this? I still don‘t know the answer to those questions, but I do believe we‘re considered the living dead. Then there‘s the dead dead, which are different Review-scape worlds. This is one that is straddling both for the moment. And part is going to go into the other, the ones where, yes dead, meaning you‘re cut off from the natural flows and you will not be able to get the Ascension potential back. But you still keep going on, even if you don‘t lose your body immediately. But then it comes down to…if there‘s such a fine veil, what is this body anyway, right? If you have one of these in your Review-scape after this one died, it‘s very strange. There‘s quality of matter that is there and here, where that actually feels more alive than this. Even the one my dad‘s stuck in. It feels like a bit of a happier place, not terrific, but…we‘re going to learn some of the answers to some of these questions through the structures they‘re going to show us about these planes, and we‘re going to open a Window to the place that we‘re aiming for, which is the next stop. If you want to Ascend off Earth, you‘ve got to get to Median Earth which is still a part of Earth. And it‘s much nicer there, and a much higher frequency. And that‘s the place that is Hosting. First you have Earth here, NET Earth. And then going up you have the part that is Median Earth that was the original Amenti Earth, before it got twisted in NET Earth and Phantom Earth. And then you have AshaLA, then you have Shala, then you have Urtha, right? That‘s the local Ascension stack as far as the gates and how you get out. So, they‘re going to start beginning to acclimate us first with the Mental Body Healings, that control the Epigenetic Overlay basically, which controls the DNA on the D2 level. So, this is why we need to work with the Mental Body structures, because it directly…the structures that don‘t belong in the Mental Body, not only mess us up and make us feel like we‘re running around in circles down here, and can‘t remember anything as far as how to Ascend and all that. And giving us artificial…it‘s like a Review-scape, that‘s being generated through us, that is not true, because it has…there‘s certain elemental mutations that cause these. The Calorenes actually cause these distortions of consciousness. Totally messes up the body flows. That‘s why we don‘t have physical control over the body in relation to even healing it, and why it dies. But they‘re going to open this Window, and when we open that Window we‘re going to be clearing… literally if you think of the DNA, and you pull it out and you make like a…you know, pull the chain out so you can see like it‘s double helix‘s. There‘s a coating on that called the Epigenetic Sheathe. It‘s a chemical coating that actually signals different things to the DNA. Science is just finding out about this and starting to realize it‘s important, because it seems to control the operation of certain genes. So it‘s not just the genes alone that are creating whatever in the body. It‘s how they‘re being…like say…it‘s almost like, if the genes were a piano, the Epigenetic Overlay is like the fingers. And where you put them will depend on what they play. And the Cal fields in the NET, are controlling the Epigenetic Overlay, and it‘s giving us false mind issues as The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 160
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well, as far as things that aren‘t really…that are not natural, and all sorts of addictions and things. All of the addictions, be it food, sex, drugs, alcohol. Any of that. And I mean food...like the need to eat, right? That would be considered an addiction caused by the mutation. People don‘t go around eating things or each other in the Ascended worlds. They‘re Breatherians. They have their systems turned on. They don‘t need to. So, the word Addiction is a broad spectrum in that regard. But there are certain things that addictions themselves are specifically and directly caused by these specific NET fields, that are blocking the natural, what are called TE‟a-Wha Planes, and we‘re going to be working with the TE‘a-Wha Planes to begin the process. Imagine if you had a natural crystal structure in your body, which you do, all over the place, all sorts of levels. But, let‘s say on the D3 level you had your Mental Body. And just imagine it‘s…imagine you‘re in a big crystal bubble. It‘s a beautiful…like not just solid crystal, but like all little crystal points, like being inside of a Geode. And then imagine there‘s this dirty slime of nasty crystals, like coal crystals, covering the beautiful clear crystals where the light can‘t come in. And those things, in your…they are literally structures that are hanging in our fields, in atomic form, that we need to clear. And what we‘re doing is poking a hole literally through that, wiping off some of the slime and then cracking a hole up through to the natural part, so we can bring the natural light in. That will trigger certain things in the Epigenetic Overlay. And that will begin to allow those frequencies, the natural frequencies from our Hydro-Acoustic Body, to start entering the body again through the DNA. And it will open the DNA, and that‘s what we‘re working on when we start working with the body in the Slide Workshops. And they all go in a set. You have first the mind one, then the body one, then integrating the Spirit. Then there‘s another level of that in how they scheduled the programs from now until 2012. But this is the first one that opens that Window, and it‘s a Window that will be in the Epigenetic Overlay that will allow for the body to be reached. And what the body needs to do, is to be able to restart the process of Hydrolase Conversion. And we‘re going to find out more about that. They‘ve…like first of all. What is that down here? What is Hydrolase? I‘ve gotten a bunch of the Atomic Translations, as far as what they are atom-wise down here, and that‘s exciting to begin with. Somewhere I think…but before the workshops are over, I will have been given enough information to figure out what it is we‘re supposed to be breathing, inhaling and exhaling, literally in the air. And what we‘re actually doing, that is actually not healthy. Because we‘re going to be prepared, if we want to Slide…so you want to learn to Slide? Well it means we have to learn to breathe Krystiac air again. The air on this planet is not the right atmospheric balances. That‘s why the Beloveds very rarely do visits. Because they would become ill here, and it would start messing up with their flows. They can come in certain ways, and they call them Sliding Cities. And they‘re going to…one of the things we‘re going to cover in this workshop, is that they‘re going to tell us a little bit about the Sliding Cities of the past, that were used here in the early Amenti Rescue Mission period. And they‘re going to let us know that they are re-opening them. And that means, if we can get to a certain level of Hydrolase Conversion, Pre-Hydrolase Conversion ability in the body, we will be able to enter these fields. And it‘s literally…like these would be cities that almost work like space ships. Where they can come…shift into…not like sort of come down. But it‘s more like shift The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 9 of 160
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into the ARPS, where they actually just manifest. They won‘t do that in the middle of other cities because that would break the links and things. They would be more in places where there aren‘t other structures. They can also do this in small scale. So they‘re opening the Slide Cities, so that we‘ll be able to begin to interact with them more directly. And part of what we need to learn, is to, first of all get those mind filters off, so we can start getting the Epigenetic Overlay to start signaling the chemicals it needs to in the DNA, so we have the biological ability to enter one of those Sliding Cities. And after that we will work on full transfiguration. But this is the first step. And there‘s going to be things that will change. If we do slide, and say ‗Yay! We made it out in Ascension and we made it to Median Earth‘. The first thing if you take this body this way, you‘re going to go (chocking sound). You‘re going to not be able to breathe, right? It‘s a different kind of air. It‘s actually a much lighter air, and it‘s…I don‘t know if they consider it lighter or heavier here. But we will look at some of the components of that air. Water there is Hydrolase, for example. Here, water is considered dead water. And when you translate it to…like the D3 planes, you find out what is in D3, which is where they use the word Hydrolase. And they just call what we call H2O, when you translate that up, they call that dead, up there, where they‘re from (laughter) right, and they don‘t have that kind of water because it‘s missing certain qualities. But these are qualities you can‘t get by forcing things together down here. They have to materialize down. Within this too, we‘re going to learn some fascinating things. In the translation things…there‘s a lot of process involved with doing Atomic Translations of…ok… on D3 it‘s this. On D2 it‘s this. On D1 it‘s this. So you know the Etheric, and the Telluric and the Atmic levels of what that particular substance is. But, first they did the water bit, like showed me how to do that with water. Then they did Gold. You know the old Alchemist stuff? Like trying to turn Lead into Gold? Well, there was a reason for that. They still had little pieces of the stuff from the Atlantean days when the memory was still there. About yes, you could manifest Gold by doing stuff with Lead and other things down here. You can‘t force it together. Not natural Gold. But, there‘s a step down formula that creates Gold. The reason they told us that isn‘t so we can go run out and make gold bars and manifest them directly. Not yet, no. In fact, by the time we can do that, we won‘t want to be here anyway. And we wouldn‘t have to be, right? And you don‘t need to take money there because they don‘t use that form of control over each other and their civilizations. But, the reason they taught about the water, about the Hydrolase and Solar Symbiosis process that takes place in the body, and about Gold and Silver and Platinum, is because these things have to do with something that in the old Egyptian periods they called it White Powder Gold. And it had to do with Star Gate Passage. And it used to be a highly prized thing that sometimes the Leviathan Races would kill the ones that could Ascend, because they knew they would Ascend as soon as they killed them. And if they could capture this powder substance that would release onto the skin quick enough, they could then ingest it and trigger temporary gate passage in themselves. Well. White Powder Gold is something very specific. It‘s called Cellestellite. Which is connected to the element we‘ve talked about, we call it a Transient Element—Celestalline—and the Celestalline Wave that moves through the body. What all of these together this knowledge comes to, is basically how to turn the body back into a Super Conductor. And that is what is needed for Star Gate Passage. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 160
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Turning it back into a Super Conductor is not going to happen by taking outside substances. It has to do with using the knowledge to open the natural, what are called TE‘a-Wha Fields. They have to do with Morphogenetic Fields. In order to bring back the natural processes in your body, so your body manufactures those substances themselves. So it‘s not about popping Gold pills. You know what I mean? To make yourself do what White Powder Gold does. It doesn‘t work that way. But they‘ve been trying since Atlantis to figure out how to make the formulas. And if you could steal some of the real stuff from somebody that you killed that was in the process of leaving their bodies, right, because you killed them? They used to harvest. It was terrible what they did in the Atlantean days. But it‘s getting exciting, because it‘s bringing all the information that we‘ve learned for all of these years now, you know it‘s been 10 years since we‘ve been teaching various parts of all this. But bringing it together to where it becomes a very, very real physical thing that you can understand, and we can understand where we‘re going. We can understand what‘s happened here on this planet, as far as it‘s not all ‗hunky dorey‘. No, this is not natural. Just because it appears in nature does not mean it‘s organic. We can learn all sorts of things. They‘re giving me little bits of things too on like…one of the perverted laws of nature that happens here, that isn‘t actually a law of nature. Let me see. How is it worded? It‘s one of the main ones—―for every action there‘s an equal and opposite reaction.‖ That is not natural. That is not normal. Not unless you have a Bi-Veca field. The two circles in the same spin. That‘s when it just keeps regurgitating, right? That means good is just as powerful as evil and evil is just as powerful as good. It means everything‘s locked into a continual power struggle. It is more, how did they word it? They said, ―Every action in the Kryst worlds has a proportionally balanced reaction.‖ That‘s where you get 33 1/3 and 11 2/3. When you get the masculine energies of the ManA being 33 1/3 and the negative charge, what would be called the female energies, being the 11 2/3. It doesn‘t mean one is better than the other. It means they‘re supposed to together, create a power exchange that allows both systems to be perfectly balanced, and be able to…not perfectly balanced and static. But balance is like the tides, in a perpetually moving universe. And it is through the perpetual movement that the spark phasing happens that allows the Light Body and the Spirit Body to work together, to create perpetual cellular regeneration, and atoms that don‘t die. So, this is what we‘re moving into now, and it‘s getting one step closer to the physical. And interestingly that step closer is the mind. So it will be the Mental Body structures we are looking at, but we‘ll be looking at a whole lot more. We‘ll also be learning to free the Pentagram into its natural form, because without that, you can‘t get control over the Physical Body. And this is why it has been such a symbol of occult stuff, because this has been known since the Atlantean periods. The shape of the Pentagram as it is used here is not normal. It, right now that‘s why we put a circle around it. It is, the way it is manifesting here. And what it does we‘ll learn during the workshop, is directly connected to how light turns into atoms. It is distorted and its angles are distorted. It creates distortions in matter that literally block us off from our own Hydro-Acoustic Bodies. So we‘re going to learn the actual shape of what a Pentagram is supposed to look like. And we‘re going to bring that shape back here and back into our bodies to clear out the perverted Pentagrams. Because right now, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 160
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there are two main Pentagram structures that are running our divided Mental and Physical and Etheric Body fields. If you considered you have a…just like your Radial Body around you. Like a circle/sphere around you. That has been twisted where you have a Bi-Veca instead. Where it‘s cut half in the middle actually, and the bottom was put on reverse. That‘s why a lot of people, especially magnetic females, can tend to fill out in the hips when the reversal is picking up. It‘s like from here down. I‘m going through one of those at the moment because the Omega Code is activating this stuff faster in the grids. They‘re starting to spin these Pentagrams in the bodies, in order to drag us fully into what would be the Caduceus fields. Because right now we‘re in a Blended Earth. We‘re one of the little balls on a Vesica Pisces and this is NET Earth. And then right on the other side you have the planes that are the Caduceus Earth. And the Caduceus Earth planes are falling into the Phantom Earth planes. They‘re being dragged… falling... forget it. They‘re being dragged in, and we need to separate a portion of NET Earth‘s planes, and bring them back into a natural alliance with the Median Earth planes. The Median Earth was the original Amenti Earth. And it‘s here now. It‘s certain sets of planes that are accessible in our atmosphere. So we‘re going to be learning all of this stuff. There‘s a lot of information. I have a feeling there‘s a couple of ah-ha‘s that are going to be exciting, like even more than those things that really show how this works. We‘re going to have a session tomorrow night that has to do with developing some basic sensitivities in the body—PSI Development, Psychic-Intuitive Development—which is basically Emotional Body Development, which is the Physical Body, the Water Body. So, we‘re going to learn some things, like hands on. We‘re going to break into groups and do some interesting things, to learn to turn some things back on in the Epigenetic Overlay that haven‘t been on. There‘s certain frequencies we will use. There‘s a particular Code that they‘re just giving us. I have a black and white drawn version. But this Code, they call it the Feel Good Code, because it can be used for all sorts of things. And it begins the process of turning back on the natural Hydro-Acoustic flows, and they‘re the flows of Prana into the body again, like fully bringing that on. So we‘re going to do a bit of psychic development in the evening session tomorrow, but we‘re going to go through a lot of technicals first. And then on Sunday, we are going to have more technicals during the day time and then in the evening period we will do the first Aqua-Tone Systems Healing thing. They‘re going to show us how to run an Aqua-Tone Session. And it‘s something that you…like if you‘re a Kathara Healer. The people that are there, if you‘re doing client sessions, it‘s something you can bring to a client session. We won‘t have books or anything on it yet, where you can say ‗what was that list again‘? But we can teach you the basics of how to run it. Once we run it on ourselves, what this will do, is working with these Hydro-Acoustic frequencies, will literally clear out of the Mental Body structures and the Epigenetic Overlay, this particular thing that blocks this Pentagonal Perversion as they call it, that is blocking through the Epigenetic Overlay, the body‘s ability to breathe and to do Hydrolase Conversion. And if we can‘t do that, we can never biologically Slide. The most we can do is try to escape out the Window. But at least we‘ll get the Window open. There‘s also something in here, that with these technologies and the knowledge we‘re going to learn here. Once that Window is open, we can…even if there are people that we know, or say if you live someplace, and there‘s like a natural The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 160
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disaster and a lot of people die. You can actually know how to open the window for other people, so they can get not stuck in what are called Review-scape loops. That‘s what my dad is in, right now. He‘s in a Review-scape loop, and we‘re doing an intervention. Loops are not just bands or planes. But it‘s like that saying ‗they still think they‘re alive‘, and it just keeps going, and they‘re still miserable, and they still…they die in review, even though they are biologically dead here. They have a biological level there. And that can go through misery. And they just continue on doing that until they burn out the birth quantum. So we‘re going to be taught how, once we open the Window within our own Hydro-Acoustic Body structure into the Mental Body, we‘ll be able to transmit the frequencies to others, that will just open that Window to their own natural…it won‘t make them go anyplace, they can go where they want. But it will give them that option, as far as where they can get out safely. When people do, where they go, ‗Oh I‘m a ghost hunter. I‘m going to go into a building. Oh I sense you there. Oh you died like 500 years ago, I‘ll set you free. I‘ll set your spirit free‘. Oh yeah? Good luck with that! Free to where? Because…people mean well when they do this, you know, I respect psychics who can see and hear and all that kind of stuff. But, they have no idea how bad it was here. This is why we didn‘t start teaching that first. We would‘ve had 1,000 people in every class if we were teaching the psychic stuff. That‘s the fun stuff. ‗Oh everybody‘s going to go be a psychic‘, you know? No, we had to teach the whole thing, of what is really happening. So by the time we started teaching people how to be psychics, they would know where to go, how to handle themselves. And they would have the frequency in their bodies to be able to not get dragged in themselves, into body possession, into all sorts of things that when you go blind trying to work into these planes because nobody remembers here what it‘s like. It‘s very scary to be a psychic, un-protected. That‘s why some of them are very good, they can read the immediate field. But they can‘t tell what is happening around them. They won‘t know where they‘re going to go when they die, and if they die and they go to a place that seems like their heaven, they‘ll think that‘s it. Right? There‘s all sorts of snares in these belief systems. It has to do with the mass programmed Calorene Fields that have these Holographic False God Concepts. So everybody on the planet is like ‗Oh that‘s my God‘. ‗Oh that‘s my God‘, and they‘ll fight about their God. These are literally Mass Belief Screens that have been beamed in on purpose. They have part of the truth, and then part of the twist. We‘re going to learn to get ourselves out that Window. And that Window has to do with that amazing feeling that I woke up with. I didn‘t know about the Window, first. First I had the experience about having to help dad get out of the Review whatever it was he was in, Review-scape loop. And I didn‘t know the word for that then. I knew it was a Review-scape, I‘ve seen those before, and I‘ve intervened on those before. But I didn‘t understand the mass concept of them. Where it‘s like wait a minute. I thought like…I remember finding one relative. She was in a bar, and she couldn‘t get out (chuckling) and the bar tender couldn‘t hear her and he wouldn‘t give her a drink. (laughter with the audience) And I figured ‗Oh my goodness‘! She got over, you know, as Spirit, and just manifested herself as a holographic bubble with a bar, right? ‘Cause that‘s where she used to feel…you know…how she‘d go just like to relax if she was stressed out right? (chuckling) That one was easy. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 160
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We just did a…intervene as somebody. First we tried to call her on the phone, and then that didn‘t work because static got on the line. So then we had to go in, and literally come in the door of the bar and say ‗Hi‘ and go and get her a vodka and orange juice. That‘s what she wanted (laughter) right? Because the bar tender could hear me but couldn‘t hear her (having a good chuckle), because she was slightly invisible to the bar tender. Oh God! Anyway… There‘s a lot to talk about. And there‘s a lot that I would like to…I would like to be able to bring you to those spaces. I‘m really hoping that you will experience the way I did, not so much my dad‘s dreamscape but, the feeling up over the head when that certain thing opens. It wasn‘t only…it was about three days it took, since they did it. I don‘t know how they did it, but the Beloveds opened that for me. It was like good. Because I felt like my body was going to die if they didn‘t, you know…so I was going into review anyway. (chuckling) It‘s like ‗might as well‘. ‗Pull all the plugs‘, you know. Gosh, ‗get me out of here‘. When you open…they opened the Window. They didn‘t tell me about the Window. I just found on the third day I had this coming back in from…I‘d be asleep and I‘d wake up, this just amazing, expanded space that I hadn‘t known before except in relation to like being dead and coming in and that kind of stuff. And the one day, the third day, it hung with me all day. It now…it comes and goes. Because you need to energize it. Which they‘re going to teach us how to do during this workshop. But it was just…it‘s the most amazing feeling. And then after about the third day, the fourth day I woke up and before I got to that space, from wherever I was in Sadhi and stuff, because I can run all over the place when I‘m free from the body. I could see it coming back in, and it looks like a, actually it looked like a Pentagon shaped Window in crystal. There was a crystal dome that I was coming back into, but it had this Window in it. And then I got back in, and I could feel myself stopping and going, ―what was that? What did I just come through?‖ You know, because I felt myself passing, my consciousness passing into this sphere toward my body that was inside of it, and it had this Pentagram shaped Window open. And I‘d never experienced that before. I guess I usually just kind of just like go as air through the sphere of crystal or whatever. But this was a very distinct window structure, and I looked back and sure enough, you could see it from the inside too. And…they…I could hear Ma‘a chuckling, ―you got your Window open.‖ I went, ―what is that Window?‖ He says, ―you‘ll find out, don‘t worry.‖ But I could see things through it. And then they did this neat thing with me, where they bi-located a part of me through the Window, to a little bit further in the future to show me where we‘re going to be living, and what the work was going to be out there. Because they needed to get a part of my body, physical body, because we‘re at about a point where I can do bi-location, and where part of the atomic structure has transfigured enough where you can do bi-location. They literally took that part of the atomic structure, planted it in the future and that self wouldn‘t look back and say ‗Oh I was born here and my time line ended up here‘. No. That part knows she was pulled through a Window and put in a different space time location. She knows that she is me, and I am her. And I know that she is me. And they were showing me how to move my consciousness back and forth between the spaces. And there was this little trick they use, like when I do my personal journaling‘s, to try to sort my own stuff out when I‘m not in direct transmission. There was a trick that if I could shift my consciousness into that space, and I would feel that same place that I had felt before, that (sigh) ‗I like it there‘. And, it was like… looking back, I can see. Looking back, I am me. Still me there. But looking back toward here I can see and remember. And remember what needs to be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 160
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done next. And it was actually used to down step the workshop. Because direct frequency coming in to my body, this part of my body, which is the part that‘s not transfigured yet. This was not, it was going to kill it. So, they literally pulled the other part out, got it in the future, where the lines are a bit clearer open because of the planetary Shield of Solomon thing and angled it back over to me. So. These are some of the potentials. There‘s just the beginnings of the potentials, that once the Window is open, you can start to do... where literally it‘s not just like a glide projection. A part of your body literally goes and you can…when you get in a peaceful state and you are awake here, you can actually feel both simultaneously. And you can learn to think from there, which helps you get out from under whatever issues that you‘re trying to figure out here. Literally put yourself to the point in the future where you‘ve solved them already. And, it‘s a whole new level of being able to work with your own line. So this is what…this is one of the things that we are going to learn how to do in this workshop set. But there‘s a lot of technicals that go with understanding what the TE‟a-Wha Fields are and how to seed them. Because once we get the Window opened, we will be able to seed things into the natural Hydrolase Cycle, Solar Symbiosis Cycle. Which is the process by not only which eternal life bodies live, but it‘s also the process by which consciousness goes through its sequences and into atomic manifestation. So they‘re going to teach us how to make Morphogenetic Templates and put them directly into the Hydro-Acoustic Body. They‘re also going to teach us the first healing modality involving the ability to do this. So it‘s really exciting and I hope I can go to that Window and stay out there for a while to get all of this data in, and maybe I can put that self…give her some diagrams to get done over there (much laughter) and I can do this here, right? We will have some of the new diagrams. I don‘t know how many I can get done, because I‘m looking at 25 of them. Like spread all over my desk in layers. It‘s like layers of knowledge. Yes… all over my desk, over my floor. I mean, it‘s getting bad. When it gets really intense, a really intense line, it‘s like my office explodes. And I have layer upon layer of all sorts of things, with scribbles of everything all over them, and they‘re all important right? And you can‘t loose track. ‗Oh no! That goes to that, and that goes with that‘, and I can‘t even find a place to put a can of soda down. ‗No, can‘t do that‘. (chuckling) ‗Where did the scissors go? Need to do a cut out‘. ‗No! Where…Oh no, can‘t find this‘. It‘s in that state. Which means, there‘s some really good data coming, right, when they get the diagrams. So I‘ll be working on those tonight and tomorrow during the day. That‘s why we‘ll be starting at 4:00pm tomorrow. Because I want to get as much of this in as I can. And some of this…I‘m still trying to wrap my brain around. ‗Oh my God‘. ‗Gee Whiz‘!. ‗We‘ve got all these new words‘. ‗OK this does that‘. ‗What is that breathing rhythm‘? So, I‘m in that kind of place. I will get past that by the time it‘s time to bring that to you, but this is what I‘m going to be doing this evening and tomorrow during the day. And I hope we have an exciting time together. I‘m excited for everyone here, and for the planet, and for us. I hope I can get enough of it through, where we can really know it was a darn good workshop by the end of it. And if this is just the beginning, I can hardly wait to see the end workshop in Slide. I‘m really looking forward to it. And it will all build. Every Slide Workshop is important. There are points where you can catch up, but when you are in one, you will get the benefit of the field amplification as far as, you‘ll get there faster. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 160
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You don‘t have to go to every one. I know it‘s expensive, especially with airplane fares going, what they‘re doing now. We‘re trying to figure out ways to work with that. If we could take off two years, and do nothing except write books, then we‘d have some great programs to deliver. But meanwhile, people need to get this stuff happening now. There‘s not time to do that, and the shield amplification…every person that comes, helps every other one. So there‘s a big thing. The reason why we‘re able to not be eaten alive by the Omega Code that‘s running in the grids, is because the group shield has gotten so strong. So for now we‘re going to have to keep doing this, you know, this way. But we‘re going to try to keep it more civilized as far as trying to sticking to programs, even if they‘re later times. Sometimes we‘ll try to do our best to be there on time, we‘ll be there on time. And eventually, we will, hopefully be able to get those books out, where people can do study course and that kind of stuff yourself. Where you can, you know, if you can‘t afford to go to a workshop. The way they structured these workshops, this whole set between now and 2012 though, is so if everybody couldn‘t go to every one, because that‘s a big financial commitment. You don‘t know where the finances are going in the US right now. That you could come to one…like the FOLs, are where you could pick up at least a shield activation of the ones you missed before. But some of them, you need to feel out which ones you feel most like you want to be at. If you couldn‘t come to all of them, which ones you feel the most for because some people need ones, the material most immediately…that will be covered say, in this one. Others will need the one most that‘s covered in the next one. So just feel it out. There‘s no sequence of ―oh yeah, well this will be presented and that‘s going to be old then.‖ It‘s not going to be like that. There are some things that will be covered that will be something that one person needs but you need the other thing. So you have to really just sense it out. One of the things that we‘ll be working with in tomorrow evening‘s PSI Development Session, is learning to sense encryption a bit. There‘s something you can do with your fields once you learn a bit about your TE‘aWha Fields and your Mental Body structure. There‘s a way of using that, to learn to read encryption, so you can start to feel certain things out. And no matter what they appear as on the surface, you can feel if that‘s something that resonates or not. So we‘re going to…that‘s one of the techniques that we‘re going to learn how to do. So, I don‘t know. I don‘t know how long I‘ve been going on. Five minutes? I‘m right about on time aren‘t I? It was 7:35pm when we came in. I mean, I was amazed. We were supposed to be here at 7:30pm, and it was 7:34pm when we pulled up in the parking lot. I was so glad. I was off to a good start. (audience expressing their appreciation) Thank you all for coming. You‘ve got a question? Participant: Prayer for Safe Passage. Do we have (in-audible)__________ to still assist these people in these review groups or… A‘sha: Yeah, but there‘s more. You can use that. For now that‘s the strongest thing we have. But, what will help most, are making those Windows. And once we get the Windows open for ourselves, if you‘re interested in helping the people in Review-loops that have already passed their bodies here, you can ask the Beloveds, the Adashi‘s to, when you do the projections, that you would like specialized training. And The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 16 of 160
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you‘ll start getting it first in the dream state. But you‘ll find yourself in them. That‘s how you start getting training from the inside. I don‘t think…we‘ll talk about how the Way-Showers Training works. That would be Way-Showers Training. Those who are interested in helping ones who have got stuck in the Review-loops, it is considered a Way-Showers Training job. And there are other types of training so there are other job positions in the world of Ascension. But it is a very noble one, because there are a lot of people trapped there. One of the things…I‘m just getting this. One of the things we will be doing in opening a Collective Window like we are, will actually be opening a big Window in several of those Review-loops. So they will be able to get out, and the Beloveds from above can also come and help them. So we don‘t have to worry about ―OK, well I have to be me today down here, and then I have to go and pretend I‘m an angel or what am I today?‖ (chuckling) You just use a persona that can help a person get out, because it‘s the only way you can reach them when they‘re tied in a mind knot, and the mind knot becomes a reality knot. It wouldn‘t be so bad if it weren‘t for the way the planetary fields are. That is what‘s causing the Review-loops. There would be Review planes where you get out into that space, and you kind of look back at your life and you can try this, or try that again, and take yourself back to when you were four, and then take yourself back to… up to when you were like 90, and you know, try to play out things to understand. But then you would be free to go, and you would be able to get yourself out and not loop and loop and loop. So these Review-loops of where a lot of the dead have gone for eons here, we will be facilitating opening a large Window. So in general, even if…you might not be…like any one of you might not be the particular Way Shower that comes in to get the particular person you‘re after out. But you will open the Window so they can. And we‘re going to do it on a mass level. I have a feeling that means there‘s probably going to be some interesting things happening in the next ten years that you would need large Windows for to get them out. Because I think there‘s going to be some things involving water. I don‘t know why. But, yeah. Not huge, and it‘s not like everything‘s going to sink. But I think there‘s going to be some turbulence, and there‘s going to have volcanoes and things like that. We already have those. But we‘re going to get those Windows open, so that other people on this planet will have the ability to get out. This is also something that connects to the Bardoah Rights for people who are not going to transfigure, but who are doing full…you know, taking the body out in Bardoah. They talked to me a little bit about a training that they used to do, when actually there was a whole bunch of them from Median Earth that died, and this is why I wonder if we‘re them down here, or some of us here, are them? Because, there were a bunch that when the Amenti Earth was split and Phantom Earth was formed and then the other part was split and not quite pulled to Phantom, there were people that were in bodies there and their bodies died. I‘m wondering if we‘re in a band that is a Review band, and actually we had lost the Physical Bodies there? There was a way that the Beloveds would bring those Slide Cities in, with Healing Temples. So they would bring them in, and the important thing was, if they lost their Physical Bodies and didn‘t know it, up in the Median Earth level, right? They still had the Va-Bha‟-TE Cell that we have talked about. And that original quantum was still stuck there. So they would be stuck. They wouldn‘t be able to Ascend. So they had The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 160
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technologies where they would bring that back down. They would actually teach them how to re-integrate a lost Va-Bha‘-TE, that if you were in a Review-scape and you lost your Va-Bha‘-TE donated cell somewhere, you have to bring it back before you can release it and transmute it to get your original quantum back. So there are some sophisticated things that they used to do. But they did say that, no, we‘re not totally dead here, like where the totally dead are. (chuckling) We‘re the living dead here. (audience laughing) Because I do believe part of…I think what they mean by this… alright, yeah. They‘re laughing at me again up there, chuckling gently. They‘re saying ―yes, this is like a Review-loop.‖ Alright? This is very much like a Reviewloop. Some of the people here, already actually have lost their bodies. Some of them were the ones from Tara. Some of the ones were from Median Earth. And some of us came in on purpose...with…you know, didn‘t lose a body. We actually birthed into a Review-scape. And I think that‘s probably where Azurites fit in, and Indigos, where we actually came in to help get them out, the ones who could come. So there‘s a lot more to learn about that, and I‘m still kind of going ―OK, you sure I‘m not dead?‖ (Ash chuckling with audience) Right? I feel more alive…you know… just thinking about it. Anyway, there‘s a lot to learn with this workshop, and I will do my best to deliver… its amazing information. I will do my best to deliver it to you. Sometimes I get very, very frustrated and just say, ―Will one of you please come down and deliver this on time and…you can do it better than me,‖ right? But they can‘t do that right now. At some point they will. So what we‘re preparing for, is preparing to actually have a meeting place, but before we could get to Median Earth, a… kind of a zone, and that‘s what those Sliding Cities would be. Where they could come down without getting ill themselves, and we could be able to…if we got our DNA and some of the filters moved off the DNA, the Epigenetic Overlay cleared a bit, we would be able to walk into those Sliding Cities here. So we would be set up for experiences. And these are strange ones. I mean, you can have experiences that are very interesting where you‘re driving down the road and you know you drive that road everyday, and you know that‘s there and that‘s there, and you‘re on your way home. All of a sudden that‘s there and…‗‖Where am I?‖ The road just changed. And you didn‘t make a turn, right? And the scenery is completely different. And you don‘t know where you are, right? These things can happen. It used to happen a lot with the Hibernation Zones, because they had certain portals open where people would end up in these little detours in the Hibernation Zones, and then they‘d pop back out, and come back home. Well, it‘s going to be a positive version of that, with these spaces. So this is the beginning of preparing ourselves for the next level. I can hardly wait to see what it‘s going to be, but thank you for being here to share it with us, and I hope you have a great weekend. See you tomorrow. Thank you.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 160
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Saturday Night Lecture [D1 C5 1:01:02] … Oh God, I‘ve been on the computer staring into it doing this stuff since 6 o‘clock this morning and I got two hours sleep. I went to bed at about 4, because I was doing graph stuff all that time, so it‘s been one of those transmissions. The Beloveds did say that it was going to progressively get easier as far as the time frames. I guess it‘s the distinction between the word ‗progressively‘ and ‗immediately.‘ (loud laughter in audience) I appreciate you being patient with this. I‘m am, I just physically, I wish I could curl up in a ball and go to sleep somewhere for about a week but when the wave comes through I will be able to move with that and then, you know pass out later. So this is really, the information that we‘ve got this time, what was taking so long on the computer today were two documents in themselves. While they‘re tiny print, they‘d be a lot longer if they weren‘t ten point type, but there were two key documents that explained processes that I didn‘t know yet either. I knew they existed, but I didn‘t know what they were. And one of them, the first one that they gave us—and this was really difficult to translate, to get them all down right, it was like back and forth from the bottom one to the top one stuff, it‘s called The 1st 12 Steps of Materialization: the Progression from Consciousness to Matter. This is the stuff that I‘ve been wanting to understand for ages and wanting to be able to share it with you. And it‘s very, very fascinating. We‘re going to cover this, but to cover this, there are a few diagrams that I will need to show first that help you to understand the regions that we might be talking about and just to get into where this process is occurring. So it‘s a fascinating process and what‘s also fascinating with it is, they‘ve been, we have all these words that we‘ve heard for so long like ‗Hydros‘ and ‗Ectos‘ and this ‗-tos‘ and that ‗-tos‘ right. They‘re starting to give the Step-down Translation, so you‘ll have a sentence like for instance: 1st Hydro-Vapor Hydro-plasmic pre-matter substance, it is called Hydros and it is, its D-3 level is H2, Hydrogen-2, 2 Hydrogen units. Its D-2 step-down is O2, Ozone, for example right. It‘s starting to plug in these things that we‘ve been talking about for a long time, right, into what they actually are in the atomic structure here. But before we get into those what is fascinating is understanding the process by which these things occur and this is the, they call it the Pentagonal Transduction Process. And that has to do with certain regions of our Light Body, Spirit Body and Aah-JhA‘ Body structures that we‘ve talked about before. If I had had all this information like a month in advance I would have loved to put it together, a sequence of graphs that would have taken three days just them. Remember what this looked like, remember what that looked like, putting all the pieces together. There is not going to be time to do that. And they said, ―that‘s not important, that stuff is out there and even if it‘s your first workshop this stuff is already out there, you can find it.‖ And these are the next level diagrams that I will bring us back to a few, one or two that we‘ve seen before so you see where these new levels of these body structures fit and why these are so important. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 160
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These are the Hydro-Acoustic Bodies. And the Hydro-Acoustic Body is the thing that you literally, when you breathe, every time you breathe you send certain currents up into that Hydro-Acoustic Body that carry an encryption of what your last perception this way was. The last perception coming this way is because when you breathe in it sends currents of energy out, of consciousness out, and they do certain things in the Hydro-Acoustic Body. They lay the imprint of the last one you just had and then they circle back through so you see the next moment. It‘s what gives us our hologram in time and when it circles back, it circles back through the process of the Pentagonal Transduction and that is where first it becomes Light, then it becomes Atoms and those atoms will follow the imprint that was put in from before. This is what the TE‘aWha Planes are about or the TE‘a-Wha Field of the Aah-JhA‘ Body. The TE‟a-Wha Field is literally an energy structure of the Aah-JhA‘ Body where when you have an energy current going out from yourself—and it‘s not just out in one direction, it‘s out, if your body is working normally it‘s out in a 12-point, like a 12-point Spark running the Fire Chambers in the Light Body and it intersects then with the Allurean Chambers. So there is a whole process of understanding which comes first and that that we‘re going to have by tomorrow. But I‘ll be able to show you how these structures fit together so you‘ll understand the orientation of where. And I was most fascinated when they showed me where and how matter units, those little things we call elements, like Hydrogen, Oxygen, where do these come from? We actually manufacture them. If our bodies are working normally, our bodies actually manufacture them as well as the Earth‘s Bodies and as well as Star Bodies. The problem with this planet is the Planet can‘t manufacture them anymore, it is progressively being killed and these natural processes of Transfiguration have been hijacked and this is where we get to understand the hijacking of the pentagram and those kind of things. So I will put the first diagram up. And once we see some of these structures then we can get into talking more about—there‘s not a lot of mylars but there will be, there is two that are just these two pages and it‘s not proofed or anything so I can‘t really let it out for, you know, giving a copy, but I‘ll see what I can do about that by tomorrow because I would like to be able to give you a copy of this and also the other one that has to do with the Fetal Integration process.
[D1 C5 1:06:34] The ELum-Eiradhona Spirit Body
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But, the Fetal Integration process by the way, once you understand what exactly happens, how does that Spirit get into the Body? We know how the structures were formed, we‘ve covered that in other, how the structures of the Spirit Body and things form from when egg and sperm come together. But the Fetal Integration process is a very specific thing that has to do with, alright you have these Spirit Body structures and the Aah-JhA‘ Body and the beginning of the Light Body structures and then you have this baby body that is growing already inside of the womb. When do these two intersect with each other, where they connect? When is that point of tethering? And that‘s what the Fetal Integration Process or Point is. From that Point a certain process is set in motion. And why they want us to know this process now is because it‘s exactly the same process that is repeated over and over once it starts. It is the Manifestation Process and there is a way that that starts in the Fetal Body when you as a new incoming person comes into that baby body and it‘s in the womb between the 33rd and 56th day and it‘s an amazing process. It is the Manifestation Process. It‘s the same process we will use a version of to seed thoughts, so we can start to learn to manifest directly. Because, basically, you set a template into the Aah-JhA‘ Body and this process of the Pentagonal Step-down or Transduction starts, is set in motion. And it literally manufactures the elements and the elements will follow the instruction of organizing that is set in that pattern, that pattern you put into the Aah-JhA‘ Body. So these are the real core mechanics of not just Manifestation, that‘s getting things into Light, but Materialization, how that Light turns into Matter. And we can understand that very clearly through the Fetal Integration process. We‘ll also be able to understand, through that document, and I will read that one, and that‘s kind of a doozie, and I didn‘t have a chance to like put it in big type or anything but I will read that and then stop and talk about things in-between. It also helps us to understand what happened to us down here. And it, literally, there is a certain, it explains the process that is supposed to happen and it would have taken me another whole day to get down the process as it works now because it doesn‘t work properly but we will talk about that and I will go live on that one after we do the readings. So there is certain things I want you to understand before we get to that. I would like you to understand, first of all, the structures that we are talking about, when we talk about the ELum-Eiradhona, this is, we‘ve seen this before and this is the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body, the Spirit Body structure and we all have one. And around it here would be what we are referring to as the Aah-JhA‘ Body. And the Aah-JhA‘ Body is literally a capsule that forms and expands out around the, I believe, around the records, the Akashic and the Ecoushic and the REi-ShA-ic Record Seeds, the RaSha Seed it‘s called. When at a certain point—we‘ll look at those points like how that all gets to be there. We‘ve done that before but we will do it at the end, but I just wanted to remind you of the structure of the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 160
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Body, once it grows and becomes its full self and that‘s…it grows to become its full self through those processes we‘ve discussed before of the Cousha‘s and the SEda Cycle stages and all of that. So this culminates in this part of the new identity structure building and that comes first, it‘s the Spirit Body. These are the flows that we‘ve talked about before, they‘re the…the Allurean Chambers aren‘t shown here, these are showing the NaVA-Ho Flows, those ones that look like figure eight‘s on each of what would be the Allurean Chamber Lines. The Allurean Chambers are where in the RaSha Body levels the presubstance and pre-matter start to occur and it moves outward from there into the Light Body structures. So there are these layers of spheres within spheres of energy and inside of this you would also have your Light Body structure. We have other diagrams some place that I didn‘t have time to dig out that show how they‘re aligned with each other, that show OK where does the Light Body come to and all that. But when you try to draw them all on top of each other, you can‘t see what you‘re looking at anymore because there is so many layers so we tend to do them in pieces. But when we‘re talking about the Hydro-Acoustic Body which is the Aah-JhA‘ Body, it is the large, it is the parameter around all of the rest and the rest grows inside of that. So we are literally, we grow from the time of fertilization this process of this bubble expanding around us and then our Light Body structure, Spirit Body structure…first Spirit Body and then Light Body structure and then our more immediate consciousness structure of what is called the Va-Bha‟-TE Sac, they grow inside of that and that‘s all tethered to the Fetal Body that started with the point of egg and sperm coming together in what‘s called a Va-Bha‟-TE Quantum which was a quantum of energy donated by both parents. When they came together there is a spark that is created that creates what‘s called the Va-Bha‟-TE Cell and it‘s the donated quantum that allows the baby body to grow in the mother‘s womb here, men can do that too up there (laughter). The point of Fetal Integration is actually the point where the new Spirit coming in tethers the rest of its body that already grew—the Light Body and Spirit Body and all that—and the Aah-JhA‘ Self right to the Fetal Body and that‘s the point where the parent quantum stops generating cellular growth. So literally, what is growing the baby body, while it‘s in the womb, from the point of fertilization until the point of Fetal Integration is not the new Spirit the new Soul, anything. It is the process of the parentdonated energy from the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell fuelling cellular growth following the pattern that is set in the genetic code. And the genetic code is set in patterns called the Biological Time-Filters that are in the VaBha‘-TE Cell. And that‘s how we get the filters of our parents and they‘re passed on and passed on. So anyway, I will get to Fetal Integration again when we get toward the end of this but I would like you to understand a little bit about the fascination of how elements are formed and it starts with understanding the basis of this structure and that‘s the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body. There‘s other ones that show that you have the HaRa Body structures with them. Each one of these on the larger scale represents a Vector Line with 2 Horizons on it, so there are 6 Vector Lines with 2 Horizons forming 2 Horizons each and they constitute the Allurean Chambers, the Allurean Elemental Command Chambers. We‘ll see in a minute, this structure is connected to the Light Body through the structures of the, what are called the Fire Chambers. They are a version of these lines that run in the Light Body structures which come later. So the Spirit Body and the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies are the bodies that come first and they‘re your The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 22 of 160
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most Eternal Self, alright? That is where your most Eternal Consciousness lives. And the Light Body grows just like the Physical Body grows as that consciousness steps from here into those smaller structures within the Aah-JhA‘ Cell. Next one please…
[D1 C5 1:14:03] Rasha-Body Allurean Chambers and Light-Body Fire Chambers of the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body
Now this is, I want to show you a little bit, there is about a ton of these that aren‘t done yet but I can show you the relationship that I would like you to understand cause that‘s very important in understanding how the stuff of Spirit becomes the stuff of Light and then the stuff of Matter. This again would represent the same thing you saw there, which is the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body and all of those together. What we‘re looking at simply is taking out all the other flows so you can just see where the Allurean Chambers would run, right. This would be Allurean Chamber # 11, that would be # 12, and where the Light Body Fire Chambers run. They run in-between. And there is this relationship of where energy is created in-between the RaSha Body and the Spirit Body and the Aah-JhA‘ Body. And then currents flow up out of here and split when they hit the outer parameter like they‘re inside a bubble, they go up and out on these lines and when they hit the parameter of the bubble they turn around and become what are called Refracted Code Particles of different types of currents, Pranas and stuff like that are formed that way. And when one line of energy is coming out this way and it hits the outer parameter of this—and what it‘s actually hitting is called the Va-Bha‟-TE Sac that you‘ll hear in the Fetal Integration Process where that forms, it forms as Fetal Integration is occurring—but it will split and part will go this way and part will go this way. So these Allurean Chambers feed the Fire Chambers on each side. That goes all the way around, so this one will feed these two, that one feed these two. So you start getting blending currents happening in the Light Body Fire Chambers. This is important when it comes to understanding the Elemental Charts because each one of these lines, we‘ve talked about this when we did RaSha Body training, each one of the Allurean Chamber Lines has specific codings for 12 specific elements. So you get 12 specific Elemental Families and they are the 1st 12 Elements that are on the Atomic Charts, you know from Hydrogen all the way up to Magnesium I believe, yeah Magnesium # 12. And then they create children, right. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 160
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So you have the 12 Elemental Families, the first ones. One would form on each of, first their pre-state forms in each of the Allurean Chambers and then they combine and bring their currents into the Fire Chambers and combine and progressively step up into matter to become the simple elements that make the ones that our scientists can find here. So if we can understand, the simple part is this exchange between the Fire Lines. Something comes up out here—Allurean Chamber—and then it splits and feeds both of the Fire Lines on the other side. You start to see how the currents start to blend right. This becomes important when understanding who‘s on first as far as what elements come from where and how can you step them down or whatever and understand what they can be here, right. There are three levels to the structure of one Density level Light Body right. You have your Aah-JhA‘ Body around it. You actually have the Aah-JhA‘ Body around the…you know how you have your DN-1 level Self here, then DN-2, DN-3 and DN-4. Then you actually have your Aah-JhA‘ Body out there. But there are smaller, little Aah-JhA‘ structures that are around each Density, that separate the Densities from each other. So that is where our DN-1 currents bounce off from alright. You can also open those currents all the way up to the full level and that‘s what we‘re going to be working on doing. But as far as Elementals, the Elemental structures of literally elements like Hydrogen and things are formed through this interchange with these chambers but to find out like, once you can list them all out, which line carries which ones that‘s the first part. I have charts that I‘m working on just with that, I‘ll show you in a little while where, it‘s going to become an amazing chart that shows all the line-ups of how you can translate. And once you have that and two other charts, you can actually translate any of the elements here, you can find out which one they came from which means what are they on D-3, what are they on D-1 so you can find each level of them. Once you know those things there is something that we‘ll talk about tomorrow that‘s called the Elemental Alphabet. Once you know who is who and who made them you can start calling on the parents, which are the parent elements that created them and literally working consciously with those forms of Consciousness because they‘re not just things, they‘re Conscious and the procedure of the 12 Steps of Materialization show how…if anybody ever doubted that you know atoms are Conscious, this shows you how the translation happens. It started with Consciousness, they‘re made of Consciousness they didn‘t become un-conscious in the process of becoming atoms. So our Matter is literally alive, it can die by being cut off from these breathing processes, because the processes of the entire Light Body, Spirit Body, Aah-JhA‘ Body and Physical Body structure are intertwined. And when we breathe our heart rate and all of that has to do with the circulation of the currents that are formed in and out. And when those currents can‘t go in and out like they‘re supposed to, that is when we become finite, when our Matter can not self-regenerate anymore and when we progressively die. The Fetal Body will die. So we‘re going to understand, first a little bit about how we got the Atomic Translations that you‘ll hear here and there through the workshop and that helps us understand about the Water and we‘ll get to the Water too. That has to do with understanding the Water, is why they gave us the 12 Steps of Materialization, so we see where this fits in the sequence of how things come into materialization, why Water here is so important and why Water here, the way it is right now, is considered Dead Water and how to bring it back to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 160
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Life again. So, without understanding these basic things that we‘re going to talk about, it would be very vague as far as trying to put together how exactly does that work. So I wanted to show you a little bit about what I‘ve been actually suffering through for the last two weeks of trying to get these translations. It starts with understanding the Lines because they didn‘t just say, oh here write that down. No, they said, here is that chart, here is that. You want to know what the D-3 level…if this is D-3 like they gave us the formula a long time ago for Hydrolase but on D-3 which was H2O2He3 right, but what is that here? There is a Step-down Process that occurs and to translate, the translations take quite a while for even one, it‘s amazing what you have to do with three different charts and who is the parent, and what line is that on and if that is line # this on D-2 which means it‘s line # this on D-3. But then there‘s also D-1, so it means it‘s line # that on D-1 which would be the Etheric level. You have to line all those up. Then, you have to count up on the Atomic Chart what are, say you‘re in the Hydrogen line right. I‘ll show you the charts in a little bit as far as we‘ve seen them, I‘ve shown them briefly before like our version of the Atomic Charts. Where you‘ll just have like 1 through 12 going across the bottom and then 13, 14, 15 across in a row of 12, and you have 12 lines going up. There are 144 natural occurring elements. But you‘d have to go find, OK find out what line it is on, say it is Hydrogen right. So you know you‘re looking for Hydrogen here. Then you have to find OK what number if you‘re looking for your number say 70 whatever that is, you have to find 70 on the chart, trace the line down to see what its base element is, right, count up how many that was, that would be child # 1, child # 2, child # 3 all the way up and translate that first into D-3 then into D-2 and then into D-1, or even just down to D-2, just to get the D-2 translation. And then you have, if you have a complex substance even as simple as H 2O, that‘s a couple of families, that‘s not just one like H right. So you have to go find all of them, then plug them in together to find out what they really are on each level. So it‘s a fascinating process and it begins with understanding how the elements form in the first place from the RaSha Body levels and the Spirit Body levels that carry the Allurean Elemental Chambers that split their currents and bring them into the Fire Chambers of the Light Body structure. And it‘s in the Fire Chambers of the Light Body structure and in relation to its connection to the Aah-JhA‘ Body structure that allow for Matter to happen. And it does happen through this process and we‘ll describe the process a little more. If we can think of, I haven‘t had the time, to like draw the circles, oh this is where the Light Body stops and this is where that stops. But this again would represent, out here would be like the Aah-JhA‘ Body structure. In here we have an interesting structure of the Light Body itself, the levels of Mind. Where is our ―I AM-ness‖? What is our ―I AM Conscious‖ come from? Our EGO for example, you know the part that looks out on 3-D. What are those other levels of Consciousness? Even just in Density-1. The structure of these bodies, of the Light Body parts that are connected into and exist within the Aah-JhA‘ Body and the Spirit Body construction. There are levels to each of these. Wherever you see these little hairy lines right, you‘ll also see they‘re connected to dimension numbers. Here we have where D-3 Mental Body structure starts, what we consider the Atmic Plane of the Mental Body right. That goes down to D-2. In-between here you have this little fuzzy line that indicates, it‘s actually the 3.5 level. If there‘s 12 sub-frequency bands in that one dimension, in D-3 that would be at the 3.5 subThe MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 160
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frequency band. This is the place where certain things happen in the relationships between the Light Body, the Spirit Body and the Aah-JhA‘ Body that Consciousness flashes on and this is where you get your ― I AM‖ presence, this is where your Eiron Stream of Consciousness continually reawakens itself, while you‘re still, and it happens so fast that you see a continual stream even though you don‘t notice you‘re flashing off because that Consciousness goes away, comes back, goes away comes back, right and we have a continual Stream of Consciousness. Because of the Va-Bha‘-TE Filters that are in that Cell that we inherited from our parents, it set the biological patterns, the gene code, the encryption that came from both parents together which also had the encryption for the Planet and the Time Vector and the particular Planes on this Planet and Time Vector we‘re in. So we take that on when we come into the Fetal Body. So anyway if here we have the D-3 level that‘s considered the Mental Body structure. It is made of Atmic energy which is the stuff that is 3/3rd Manifest, which means there is no part of it in the Spirit Body right. So it‘s independent and that‘s the most vulnerable area because of that. When you get into the D-2 level, D-2 would be here and it goes down to here. There‘s another fuzzy area in D-2 right. But this part, it would have its own 12 sub-frequency bands. This one is Telluric energy which is 2/3rd of Mana and 1/3rd Spirit or EirA energy. So it‘s not as vulnerable as the D-3 level one that has no part of itself interacting with the Spirit Body level. And then you have down here D-1 that would run down to here and down to here right past that little fuzzy line to there. And then you would have the RaSha Body structures alright, where they connect in to the rest of the process. And they are the Dark Matter structures. That‘s where all sorts of things happen first to begin the pre-substances that form, that will come out into the Light Body to form, progressively form first Light and then literally stages and states of Matter and Atoms. So we have RaSha Body D-1 level of our Etheric Body and D-2 level of our Telluric Body. This is the part of the body we see as solid, this is where…solid Atoms are here and if we were standing at the centre, these are the fields around us that are actually creating these levels or planes of our own manifestation. We don‘t see our Etheric Body from here and we don‘t see our Mental Body from here. We are actually stationed in the Mental Body structure looking down and we see as solid, what‘s a dimension down from us, we see as solid matter. So these, you have the D-1, D-2, then D-3. Then out here you have what are called the TE‟a-Wha Fields. The TE‘a-Wha Fields of the Aah-JhA‘ Body. This is where the Light Body and the Aah-JhA‘ Body intercept with each other. And they intersect on the Fire Lines and the Allurean Chamber Lines and there‘s little, they call them TE‘a-Wha somethings, they‘re, let‘s just call them Nodes for the moment, I can‘t remember what they‘re… Orons right, TE‟a-Wha Orons that are on each of the, I believe, Fire Chambers. And there is something that happens when energy comes out these Chambers and it comes out all at once. It doesn‘t come out like one and then another, it comes out all in one burst, a 12-Point burst. And there is interaction that occurs where portions of the Light Body open up temporarily to the Aah-JhA‘ Body, which means the finite part of yourself because you become temporarily finite or mortal once you get into Fetal Integration because you‘re inside of this thing and you have all these layers and you have a filter that is around this layer. Alright this is around, right about here, there is a filter called the Va-Bha‟-TE Cell or Sac. That is the sac that grows out where you get your Consciousness in to the Fetal Body and you actually The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 160
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expand outward so you‘re expanding the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell layer around you and it expands out with your Light Body. So it gives you literally a filter, a spherical filter that holds your parent program in there and that is where your thoughts go but if there is a distortion in that body it will distort your thoughts, it will distort your energy processes and that is what is happening on this Planet. It‘s happening in the Planetary Fields as well, it‘s happening in the Galactic Fields here and in the Milky Way as well. Now I‘d love to have all the words on these but I‘m just trying to do it from what I remember so far because it takes so long to make just even one of these by hand. It drives me crazy but I get there. And some of them are so detailed, you can‘t really, I couldn‘t do them on computer. I just don‘t have the computer skills or the time to learn them. Anyway, we have the D-1, the D-2, the D-3 and then here you have the TE‘aWha Fields. And the TE‘a-Wha means… what is the word TE‘a-Wha mean? It means to transfer and turn back again, or to transfer and turn around. So it‘s, this is where the energies turn around and start interacting with each other to form the other currents. It is literally the area of the Aah-JhA‘ Body that creates the currents that become the Matter Currents. So when we talk about TE‘a-Wha Fields we‘re talking about the larger structure from here. You got Mental Body down here and the TE‘a-Wha Fields run up really from here to here. There is the lower TE‘a-Wha‘s and the upper TE‘a-Wha‘s. And it‘s past this point which would be the 6.5 sub-frequency band in the TE‘a-Wha Field that would be free from the direct interface with the Light Body. So that is where like pure Spirit, your pure Spirit Consciousness is. What‘s interesting about the TE‘a-Wha Capsule, not TE‘a-Wha Capsule but the entire Aah-JhA‘ Capsule, is that, that is your immediate Source Consciousness Field, your little Source Consciousness Field. You came in from somewhere. Your Consciousness came in as a stream of energy following a particular path to form this Aah-JhA‘ Body around you and it‘s the, there is a Quantum of Consciousness that was put in as yours. And that Consciousness progressively steps-down and into, first of all the Fetal Body, and then grows the body outward. So when you‘re growing, when the body is growing from the fetus all the way through, it is taking the energies that first came in, into the Core and into the Aah-JhA‘ Body and then Spirit Body and progressively bringing them in to expand the form as you bring what was in the Aah-JhA‘ Capsule into full embodiment. And the idea is to then Transfigure the Atoms, let clear the Va-Bha‘-TE Filters and the Va-Bha‘-TE Sac and then you have your Ma-Sha-Yah Body through Transfiguration of the Atomic structure. But that process is not working here. That process isn‘t working because of the distortions that have been put into…that distort the TE‘a-Wha Fields. And we‘ll talk about what the distortions are later. I would like to show you first how it‘s supposed to work because this is what we‘re aiming to going back toward is reestablishing these natural flows. So, you have TE‘a-Wha Fields out here. And you will see some interesting things with TE‘a-Wha Fields and find out what the Pentagonal Transduction Code is about in a little bit. But I also want to point out, these little fuzzy bands that run from…so if D-2 ends here it means D-3 starts here right, so this would be like the D-2 1st sub-frequency band, 2nd one, 3rd one, and this would be 3.5 which means in-between subfrequency band 3 and 4 right. And that happens on each one of them. This would be the 3.5 level of each of those bodies. That 3.5 level has certain interactions between the currents they‘re flowing up and down the Allurean Chamber Lines and Fire Chambers that literally create that Spark of ―I AM Consciousness‖, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 160
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that ―I AM Aware‖, ―I AM Aware‖ right, repeatedly over and over that gives you your Eiron Stream of Consciousness. And that means for each of these levels there is an ―I AM‖, we call them the ―I AM Bands‖ because this is where the levels of your Mind actually are. You have the ―I AM EGO‖ would be this one that runs, it actually runs right above the D-2 and you‘ll see in a little bit, I don‘t have all the diagrams done but it shows how in-between these you actually get where the energy bodies form. So these fields are like the electro-magnetic background that certain other energy fields that form a smaller version of your Hova Bodies that are around you that allow for, they‘re like matter clouds to form so your atoms can come together in physicality. But what I want you to understand first is, these are like the EM Fields or the background fields that matter manifests in and you have a level of it on the D-1 level, your Etheric level, you have the D-2 level, which would be the Telluric level, the elemental level we see as matter manifest here, and the D-3 level. Now you‘d also have a set of these bodies expanding out bigger and bigger and bigger, one for each density. This is just one density level of the body structure, the Density-1 level. Well, with this structure, you have here the one that corresponds with the D-3 Body, it‘s in the D-3 frequency field, at 3.5—it actually runs between 1 and 3.5. This is your ―I AM EGO Self‖. This is the part of yourself that looks down on this and sees it as conscious. If you go in here, this is the D-2 level. This is your own ―I AM Body Consciousness‖ right. So you have your Body Consciousness awareness level too and normally these are open to each other. The problem is we are really out of tune with our bodies and our bodies are out of tune with us, it‘s because these flows have been shut down and they don‘t work properly. So you have your ―I AM Body Consciousness‖ here and you have your ―I AM Atoms Consciousness‖ here where it‘s literally the Etheric level of the Atomic structure. And they‘re literally levels of awareness that normally you‘re aware of all of them when you‘re in a healthy body. And what‘s really nice is up here. Guess what that one is? Anybody want to guess? ―I AM God Self‖? ―I AM God Self‖. That is that space. That is the space that I was telling you about, all of a sudden there‘s this ―ha‖ (release out-breath) and I remember the space that I had passed through, didn‘t know what to call it but I remember it from doing the walk-in and walk-out and I remembered it from when Katie had a neardeath experience with this body. This is where that is. It‘s the ―I AM God Self‖ space and this is where you look down on the whole thing and it seems just like a little dream, a little thought or…and you know it doesn‘t worry you and you just feel peaceful and everything feels harmonious. And it‘s like, that‘s the place that when you find it, it‘s really hard to come back right, you just don‘t want to come back but… And the idea is once you do find it, then it‘s worth coming back, because once you can find that, that means something opened. And I didn‘t know what the Window was, I told you the story about how I was seeing it like up kind of over here somewhere. What is that? And we find in the reading that we‘ll do about Fetal Integration, we‘ll find out what that Window is, more specifically, but the Window corresponds with going from the boundary between the D-3 levels and into this space and out. It‘s actually the boundary that crashes through here and goes out into these spaces. It opens and it has to do with the process of Fetal The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 160
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Integration. It‘s supposed to open when Fetal Integration occurs. And the problem with our bodies, they‘re mutated from the point of conception on, because the parents carry the mutations and that Window does not open. And there are things that correspond in the Core that do not open either. So, literally, there is a finite quantum of energy that we got into our Aah-JhA‘ Bodies, grew our Spirit Bodies and at a certain point the process of integrating those was cut, where certain things that were supposed to happen, that would open all of these flows, did not. Instead only Light Body flows got opened. So, literally, the Spirit Currents of Prana can‘t come into the body. It‘s a horrible thing that was done here. The more I see of it, the more I just want to bite. I know forgive them, I know got to love them anyway, I know. How could you let them do that, right? But yeah I‘m working on that stuff. I‘m not really angry. I just, it saddens me to see the process, but I‘m also overjoyed that we still can get this information back so we can finally understand and heal ourselves. And they‘re getting pretty serious about the level of knowledge they‘re giving us, if they‘re giving us the Atomic Codes here that go with certain things. But the thing is you can‘t, some of these elemental substances, science won‘t be able to stuff stuff together even in particle accelerators to make it stick, it‘s not going to work, they have to be stepped down which means they have to be manufactured organically. This Planet can‘t manufacture them anymore but we can and that is why, that‘s why for many eons there has been Azurite huntering and the hunting of Indigos by the Fallen groups that wanted to continue controlling this process here because we do carry gene codes and the Collective Shield has the ability to open the Windows within our own self and get those flows back on. And if we do that, we will be able to pass it on to others. At first it will be through touch, but that‘s just a temporary stage. Otherwise it will be just through direct thought-to-thought communication. It also allows us to open the Bhardoah Chambers, it allows us to crash through a hole in the screens, the NET screens that they have. But we will be able to get people out on Bhardoah, we will be able to get people out on Ascension, we will be able to eventually Slide, even with our molecular structure. And if you can‘t Slide, if your body is crashing out underneath you, you can still get out because there is a natural Bhardoah Process. All of those require that Window to be open. And the Window has to do with, I believe, Allurean Chamber-12. And it‘s connected in up here and it connects into the Fire Chamber, whatever is on the other side of that, that‘s 1 and I think that‘s Fire Chamber-12. Yeah, I can‘t see the numbers well from here but it‘s up here. And it runs from here to here. And it is actually a Pentagonal Window that would be a pentagon shaped thing. And I‘ll show you where the pentagon shape things come from in a minute. But that is the Window that we‘re going to be opening, we‘ll read more about it in the manuscript, because they can word it better than I can. But at least I finally found it. Ah, that‘s what that is. Neat, you know. So it is a Pentagonal shaped Window that comes from up here. It connects to a Door that exists in the body that exists in the Seed Atom, that is supposed to be open and that wasn‘t opened in Fetal Integration either. Our bodies never had these flows opened. We‘ve been able to work with Light Bodies and start to get a little bit of the Spirit Body structure in as we were working with the RaSha Bodies. But to have it all the way open to the Aah-JhA‘ level we have never been able to do that yet. That‘s why we had to build up over the years all of these technologies to work with each level until we could finally get to this one. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 160
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And there is a very special something that is called the Eternal Water Seed that is the Spark of Consciousness, I mean the start of Consciousness. It is an Atom and we were born without that Atom because of the mutations here. We are going to have the opportunity to get that back and they‘re going to do it sometime during this workshop, tonight or tomorrow but… I had no idea about that part that was part of the stuff that came out. That‘s why they had to, we had to hold it up to get this information in because I didn‘t know it either. So we will start with opening a Window that later becomes a Door and in that Door there is the Eternal Water Seed. And that is the Seed that links directly through to the Hall of Record, your own Hall of Records that is part of the Spirit Body structure and into the Aah-JhA‘ Core. And this allows for the turning back on of the natural flows that would normally go between the Allurean Chambers and the Light Body Fire Lines. So, it‘s the beginning of being able to breathe again, on an Atomic level and that is the first step. The reason why we have to start with the Mind, before we can prepare the Body for Slide we have to prepare the Mind because this is the Mind, this is the structures of it. We have the D-3 EGO level here, we have got the Body Consciousness, you can call it the Atomic Molecular Consciousness in the Etheric, and we‘ve got the God Consciousness Self. These are all structures that are controlling—the 3rd Dimension level on each one of them is the one that is connected to—like on each of the Densities—is the one that is connected to the TE‘a-Wha Planes and it‘s that one that controls. The TE‘a-Wha Planes are where, when you breathe a pattern out, it sticks and it forms a morphogenetic field for what the Atoms will do through the Fire Chambers and how they will manifest when they come down. So the TE‘a-Wha Planes are the most important, they control a couple of other things here. There is little bands at the 6.5 level. I don‘t have them marked here, I just got them dotted lines but each level just like it had a 3.5 level where the ―I AM‖ happens it also has a 6.5 level and that 6.5 level are where there are smaller filters called the, they‘re like little versions of the TE‘a-Wha Planes. And the one that goes with, the D-3 one they consider this one, alright, so the one that‘s up here in the main TE‘a-Wha Planes, it is considered the corresponding ones to the D-3 Mental Body. Then this one here is a smaller one that corresponds to the D-2 Physical Telluric Body. And then there is another one down here that corresponds to the D-1 Body. So you have these TE‘a-Wha levels but they have different names. The one that corresponds, this is the main TE‘a-Wha Plane. The one that corresponds, actually this is, no I just described that wrong, this one does just go with the TE‘a-Wha‘s, this is the D-3 one. The D-3 one at 6.5 is – I forget the word for it it‘s TE‘a-Wha something or other, it‘s a longer version of TE‘a-Wha‘s, it‘s TE‘a-Wha‘s something stuck on the end of it. This one the D-2 one is right here on 6.5 and that one is called the Gru-AL right. I think that was the GruAL. No, that‘s the Gru-AL that‘s right. I‘m trying to remember, they just taught me this stuff so something like which was what yeah. This one was called the Gru-AL. Now remember we talked about the Gru-AL controls in, they‘re associated with D-2 right, the D-2 Telluric. It‘s in D-3, controls D-2 Matter base right. So this is where when you think, when your body thinks thoughts they go up in here. When you think thoughts, that goes up into here and this serves as a little TE‘a-Wha Field where it sets things and beams them back down. So that one is called the Gru-AL Field and it is the Gru-AL that we‘ve talked about, the Holy Gru-AL The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 160
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because it controls the D-2 structures which are the Telluric structures, which are the physical atoms we‘re walking around in. Then there is the one that corresponds with the D-2 dimensional planes and that one is called the, what do they call it, the Jhan-Da‟s, the Jhan-Da‘s. And it does the same thing as the larger ones but it sends the energy in the materialization back down to the D-1 level. And then there is one more on the D-1 level that corresponds to the RaSha Body. Through these filters, energy comes up, bounces off, turns around and comes back into Matter form and it does it on the D-1, the D-2, the D-3 and the larger Density level. This is why we‘ve for the most part, most spiritual paradigms out there teach you to ignore the Mental Body. I wonder why? Because it is the control. They don‘t teach you about these structures, because these structures right now have been harnessed, where we can‘t control our thought forms because they‘re being controlled for us and we‘re going to learn to break through that. So this is the beginning of understanding the different levels of Mind and the States of Mind. These go in, these have to do also with where the filters of distortion are. Our EGO level would be in the D-3 band right but it‘s this little, from D-1, the sub-frequency band 1 to 3.5 right, that band there is, would be considered where our EGO awareness is and the EGO is the awareness that creates the Epi-genetic overlay, that chemical overlay on the DNA that signals genes to tell them what to turn off what to turn on and how to sequence. So that is the control for the Biological Processes and that is very severely blocked. Right now, where we should just have these lovely shining crystal bands, spheres, layers in our fields, what we have instead are these nasty carbon, twisted carbon buckyball ones, C-60, Carbon-60 artificial light, unnatural not-living light. That was mutated light from the Light Body structure. Our own Light Bodies were turned against us, basically, to control the atomic flow and they were done not individually, this was done because it was done to the Planet. And that was done to the Solar Fields and it was also done in the Milky Way and most of the places in the Milky Way have the same problem. So until science gets out of, astronomy gets out of the Milky Way and maybe goes check out some Living Systems they‘re going to see some really strange Laws of Nature that aren‘t natural at all because of what the distortions do. This should have ―for every action there is an equal and appropriately balanced reaction.‖ Instead what is created is ―an equal and opposite reaction‖ which means a finite quantum of energy keeps bouncing off and re-circulating and re-cycling and re-cycling until it burns out and that is what happens with our bodies. So it was fascinating to know that we were actually born without what is called the Water Seed. And, you know, whole generations of our Races on this Planet. The animals have the same problem. We can start healing others in a big way once we get our Window open, our TE‘a-Wha Window open that will allow us to open the Door that brings back in the Water Seed that is the final piece. We‘ve talked about Seed Atoms and Tauren Seed Atoms and Prana Seeds and all these pieces of things that we got in the centre, you know somewhere down in there in the AzurA that you can‘t see right. They‘re in there somewhere and they connect us to those other parts. This is the one that is the open Living connection and you‘ll see why it‘s called a Water Seed once we get through the 12 Steps of Materialization that show why there is a very special 1st Manifest Substance. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 31 of 160
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And it isn‘t Hydrogen that comes first. It is the first element ―Water‖, real water is not just that. Here it seems like, they think oh the little ones built and then they stuck something else to them. Yeah that happens where you know like elements will build to form compounds. What they don‘t realize is there are larger compound structures that come apart and make those little families of atoms or elements that then come together. So there is a thing behind the 1st 12 Families of the Atoms that we know here, of their Elements that we know here and that thing is very connected to what we would call Water, if it were Living Water, it is not H2O but they‘ve given us the formula for what that is. But it‘s not Water that can be made in a test tube. It‘s Living Water that involves stages before that involve what‘s called Celestalline and Celestallon and Celestallite, three different ones. We‘ll see where they fit. And all of this has to do with getting the Breathing Processes back through here. So I‘ve laid out the basic structures. This is just your 3-D Hova Body, your Hova Bodies are in here, your Radial Body I believe comes to about here. I think the Radial Body comes up here, you know the Radial Body we talked about in the Kathara 2-3 and even in Kathara 1 I think we introduced Radial Body and the different parts of that. They all grow within this. And I think right up to here is where, when we talked about Radial Body we talked about the Meajhe Field and the Trion Field and the Reion Field. I think here is the, I think it‘s here, I don‘t have it written on here, it‘s either here or here but I think it‘s here is the boundary of the Trion Field where if you drew a Kathara Grid that would be the Kathara center 11 that from there down you would get, from there 11 to 2 you get the circle, the size of the Trion Field. And then inside there, which would be right around here, right around the D-2 Body you have the Meajhe Field or the Magnetic Field. So this is where the Radial Body structure and all that we‘ve in Crystal Body and all that we‘ve taught fits in, it literally grows inside of the Aah-JhA‘ Capsule with its TE‘a-Wha Fields. But the TE‘a-Wha Fields are the control fields and we are working with the Mental Body because they have, this is one connected to the big TE‘a-Wha‘s, the Density TE‘a-Wha‘s that control the other TE‘aWha‘s. So if you, you could try to release this but it‘s as above so below. The TE‘a-Wha that goes with here controls this one, this one controls that one. This one controls that one, that one and that one. So to free the Body, the 3 levels, 3 dimensional levels of the body, we have to start with the Mind and we have to go through the Mind and into this TE‘a-Wha Field and open what is the natural Pentagonal Window that would allow the natural processes of the Allurean Chambers interacting with the Fire Chambers to turn back on the Flows. And we‘re going to turn back on the Flows in the work that we do in this 2-day workshop, it seems like a 2year workshop sometimes, but we‘ll get there… Next one please…
[D1 C8 1:48:50]
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Is that the next one? That‘s the one I need yeah. Now, I have fifty to a hundred of these, all have vital information that I have to then pull apart and get it into legible form cause this is how this stuff comes in, right. What this is going to be… Now (to Az) you know put the one, the first one back up just for a minute so they see what that, what is that? Alright you‘re looking at this right. I put these two good ones together but they‘re not proportioned to each other so it would be misleading. So these are the Flows, remember, of the Spirit Body and the ElumEiradhona and all the Core Flows and all of that right. Alright, now let‘s go back to that one. That is what that little one is up in the corner right. And what I did was take one of those and quickly draw—this is how the information got bigger on the graphs you just saw before the ones you‘ll see next, it started here where they showed me first of all to, first of all the specific line up of…if you have, let‘s see, Allurean number 12 for example, up here we have it on top, I usually have it over here because the Light Body, we‘re still looking at the Light Body being up, they are at a different angle to each other. This is, you have the Aah-JhA‘ Body and the Spirit Body are on this angle. You have, this would be their 12, so that would be 6 right, you have 3 and 9, so there is your Allurean Chambers right but it‘s offset where you have A-12 or Allurean-12 and over here you have Allurean-11 and at what would be Allurean-11.5 (eleven point five) that is where the, I think it‘s 11, I have to count them, oh I have to go for the D-3 level right, where the D-3 level of the Fire Chamber-12. So you‘d have D-3 Fire Chamber-12 and on this side of it you would have the A-12 and on that the A-11 because it lines up at the A-11.5 is where you put the 12-point of the Kathara Grid, which is where the 12 Chamber of the Fire Chambers is. This gives you this offset all the way around. It‘s hard enough if you were just dealing with one dimension D-3 right. Now what you do, you have to find, first of all you have to find out which way what is spinning and also take into consideration that there is, we‘ve always taught that in-between one dimension and the next, there is a 90° shift of ARPS. Now we are in what we consider a female Universe, it has a female Monad, our Planet. So this means that the Density Bodies are spinning, D-1 would spin CW and D-3 would spin CW, normally, and D-2 would spin, the Gru-AL spin would match the Monad spin, should be CCW. So to line up these numbers and know what Chambers are what on which level. This is the secret to being able to analyze the Step-down Process. Because this process has to do with, in the TE‘a-Wha Fields up in here, there is a specific process of Atomic Step-down where Light is made and then progressively becomes Matter but very specific Matter. Each one of the Allurean Chambers has a pattern or a set encryption for 12 different elements. So there are 12 Chambers and it gives you the 12 times 12, that‘s 144 natural elements and they then combine and come down Fire Chambers and those elements, the pre-elements blend and become the Manifest Elements. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 33 of 160
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You have to actually trace the spins, and I won‘t even try to analyze that right now at this diagram but I do have them. This was at, this is actually clear enough where I was able to pull translations. It is correct but it is like I‘m used to looking at it in micro where I can do my things really quick and I can get this like focus that‘s like a laser beam. It‘s hard to do that when I‘m up here doing this, so. The translations that you will see came from, they didn‘t just say, ―here call that that, here put an H 2O there, put it in there now.‖ No, they say, ―here is this and then, here is several other pieces of things, so you find that first, that‘s your key. Then there is several other keys and once you know that you have to find this other thing and then find the Step-down.‖ The Step-down is, it starts with the parents right, the parent ones. You would have two parents. For each Fire Line that creates a manifest set of 12 Atoms you would have two parents that were the Allurean Chambers right. You would have one that bends its energy this way, one that bends its energy this way to go down the Fire Chamber where Atoms are made. So you have Command Elements, two-parent Families and there is ways they‘re going to teach us I think a bit about tomorrow of being able to call on them. Because what if you call on them and open those Flows, it will start to straighten out the Flows of all of their children. And each of their children, each Line, each Fire Line would hold one of the, it has a set of 12. So a set of 12 would have its primary main child number 1 and then it would have Line-1 number 1 would be Hydrogen for example. Line-2 number-1 would be Helium. But then there is a whole chain of them going up, of Elements on the chart that give you specifically what Atoms are made from that Family as the currents step-down from the TE‘a-Wha‘s, the Density level TE‘a-Wha‘s into D-3, then into D-2, then into D-1. And that‘s the key to translating the Elemental Code so we know what it is. And if they say oh that‘s you know Hydrolase. What is Hydrolase? H 2O2He3. Huh? Oh, that‘s on D-3 right. OK. What is it on D-2? And they never tell me. Why? Because they are going to make me work for it I guess. Because if not, well, they wouldn‘t have had to show me this and then we wouldn‘t be learning how this works so we understand the processes we‘re involved in. But it‘s fascinating, I‘m looking forward to when I get these diagrams done, very clear ones and I will definitely, like they‘ll definitely will be put out at the workshop you know in published form at some point. A lot of this will be. It‘ll take ages to write a book about this but even doing a chart pack with some of this to give people the keys and that‘s what I would like to be able to do. So I‘m in the progress of doing this but there is more to add. And there is never time to go back, they keep giving me more stuff on top of that so I have millions of papers everywhere. You know I can‘t throw those away, I can‘t throw those away because they have all the real detail pieces. I‘ll try to get this one done as soon as possible but it won‘t be done by tomorrow. That‘s why I just wanted you to see it, to know it was there because there is enough here where I can explain what the dynamic is here and this is the Step-down dynamic by which Light, which the Light is made out of here, the TE‘a-Wha Fields and then steps down progressively through the Fire Lines, from the Allurean Chambers to the Fire Lines to make 12 sets of 12 different Atomic Elements or literally Atoms, Atoms of Elements, Atomic Elements, whatever. Anyway, so this is what the TE‘a-Wha Fields do. They actually set and hold the pattern. It is actually where consciousness or the currents that were before, they were already turned into other things, to the RaSha The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 34 of 160
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Body and that kind of thing, and that‘s what that 12-Step Materialization thing is about. But this is where they come out and they do some interesting things here. You‘re going to see some diagrams that will go back to where you see the Fire Chambers and the Allurean Chambers and you‘ll also see something different on them. They‘re not going to be shown on these Flows, these Core Flows. But I just want you to see these, you know these are the Core Flows that run the Spirit Body and they‘re supposed to be like—they call it the mix-master by the way. They refer to this whole structure as the mix-master, because it is. It mixes all of the currents and it brings them, that is the way that the solidity, the stuff we see as solid matter is actually created, the elements of it. Next one please… (The next slide is not put up, and she continues talking on the current slide.) So I‘m not going to try to read all of these. But what you see here real quickly is you see the D-3…D-3, D-3, D-3, D-3 is the one that is running the outside. Then there is D-2‘s right on the Fire Chambers. And then there is the D-1 levels. There is another level to this too that has to do with big ones, that have to do with the master ones that control the TE‘a-Wha Fields. And they haven‘t given, I think I actually have them but they‘re so scribbled. They were scribbled in color, and I can‘t tell which ones they are on this one. It doesn‘t matter. We‘re going to get more on that where I‘ll have them specifically written out, whatever ones we‘re going to use. There are fascinating processes here. I don‘t think we‘re going to get into certain ones. There are certain ones we need to do with the Mental Body structure first. But when we get into working with the Physical Bodies in the next workshop and the Spirit Bodies we‘re going to be given progressively more ability to work with these Families cause we—these are part of our Consciousness that is manifesting itself, first manifesting itself as Light and then transducing itself down into the Atomic structure that we‘re built of. This is part of our birth quantum. The Planet has a part of its own birth quantum. So, we will learn eventually—I saw, I don‘t know when the Technique is going to come, it won‘t be in this workshop, but there is a way to find what Line you‘re particularly from. What particular line of—because everyone of us has more, say if you were, you had more energies from this Allurean Chamber, it would give you certain parent ones right and you can kind of find your parents, the parent form but not in your own little body, in the larger structure. Because people, everybody has a body— you know and this is only your Density Body level. So every planet has one of these, every sun has one of these. The sun‘s one births out the different stars, when there is supposed to be stars that sometimes die and become planets. And the Planet births out, has its own structure of these. So we actually come in through the Cores and the Aah-JhA‘ Body structures of…say if you are out in M-31 you come through the Cores as Consciousness, as you know like whatever stage I‘m not sure even, but you come through and you would then, that‘s where you would create and enter your Fetal Integration into a single one and then you would grow that structure on a micro-cosmic level. So there‘s large levels of these too. And that means we each came from a particular local Source Field right, a larger than us and not as big as God-Source, you know the big God-Source Field which all of this is taking place within, but a smaller one. There is a whole Step-down Process as we come into the Densities and then, you know, to a single lifetime where we do Fetal Integration. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 160
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At some point, and I hope it‘s not anytime soon, they show us the structure of in our personal bodies—this is where our Probable Selves come from, where we actually have 12 Probable Versions of our own Self from one Fetal Point right. That‘s not even incarnations, this is just versions of you running around that looks something like you. Yeah that‘s real complex. So we‘ll keep it simple first, dealing with the simple structures that each of us are literally suffocating to death from, because they are being blocked and that‘s why people die here and animals die here and this is also why inorganic behaviors like eating things in order to steal Mana is—this has turned into a vampire planet. The fact that we have to eat—it doesn‘t mean stop eating now, your body needs that now or you‘ll kill it. But we‘re progressively opening the flows back up so we can start to breathe and breathing is eating. You don‘t need to eat things once you get to the point where these Flows are open. But you do need to eat things before that or you will deplete your body of Mana so badly that your Seed Atom will crash and you won‘t be able to open the Flows. So it‘s important to stay normal with your food and that kind of thing and not saying, ―Oh God eating is vampiring.‖ Yeah, it is, but right now it‘s a stage of evolution we have to go through if we expect to get to the next one. And it‘s going to be a while that, you know, before—so it‘s kind of like, have a good time with that while you‘re here. It doesn‘t mean, you know, pig out and like, you know, you don‘t have to eat everything but you know enjoy the process while you‘re here because where we‘re moving to, when we get to Median Earth, there are still certain levels of their evolutionary planes, and they will be the ones that we‘re going to first, that eating is still there. But they kill nothing in order to eat. So they go beyond vegetarianism because vegetarians kill too, alright. Carrots have faces, they have Spirit Bodies, they have Souls alright. So the excuse of, ―Well I won‘t eat anything with a face.‖ Well, sorry you can‘t see the face, but it‘s still there. What is not a violation are things that are given naturally. You know how trees give fruit and nuts and those kind of things, they have that kind of stuff there. But if you pick up, if you take a vegetable say like a potato you got to kill that plant right, to eat that. They wouldn‘t do those there. They would do things that the plant gives off naturally right, because the plant is giving that as a bounty to assist in those processes. And it was not a Kristiac thing that, oh well God said you can go eat the animals cause you‘re the most superior life form on the planet and they‘re here to follow… Yeah, who do you think invented that one? God didn‘t, you know. We are in the process of moving toward becoming Breatharians but, first of all, if you‘re a Breatharian here, you would immediately poison yourself because the air is toxic alright. The water is toxic. So we have to work our way out to these systems. When we open up the Flows which will progressively open up our consciousness capacities, our Mental Bodies then our Physical Bodies, we will get to go into, first a medium zone between NET Earth where we are and Median Earth where our next stop is. And that‘s where the Sliding Cities come in. So that‘s something we‘re working toward first. So, with the biology, it‘s important to try to maintain evenness with it. Don‘t do drastic stuff with it, because that can actually deplete it to the point where it can‘t hold the activations that you are trying to anchor. So, like, kind of just be normal. That‘s why we say that if you are physically ill, go to see a doctor and take care of it on that level, as well as on the levels we are working. We don‘t just say: Oh well, you know just throw The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 160
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out your medicine and leave it all up to God, that kind of stuff. Yeah, well, it‘s a good way to die because, at this point, our bodies need all the help they can get on this planet, not just ours, but everybody‘s. So, if you can, if you have medical intervention, psychiatric intervention, we always say that those—if you feel you need that, don‘t use this to justify why to not do it. You need to combine them both. It‘s very compatible, and I wouldn‘t try to explain it to your doctor unless he happens to understand (Laughter); he‘ll think you‘re wacky and probably put you on Thorazine or something, right? Yeah, I would suggest not trying to explain it to your general MD person unless they‘re an enlightened one. There are many enlightened doctors, but not too many enlightened in this way yet, bless them. But, they do their best within the framework they understand. I don‘t understand Medicine, and I‘m, like, thank God---I don‘t have enough brain cells left to do this and understand all that. I respect doctors hugely because they have to learn and, in a certain way I am a doctor of metaphysics, right, which is not---I‘m not a surgeon; I‘m not any of that stuff in that way. So, I don‘t claim to be. But, I do respect doctors. They work really hard to get to the point where they‘re doctors, so they can learn all of that. And so we‘re not saying to just: ―Ha! We‘re going to heal now, and don‘t ever have to do that again.‖ We need to work ourselves through this mutation. No one ever said it was going to be easy or simple. Simple, it obviously isn‘t (laughter): But, it will get easier, and right now on this planet we are working with the fact that the Omega Kill Code was activated by the White Dragon Teams of FAs. And, that was meant to rapidly kill the planet and shut down Gates, but it was also made to rapidly kill, especially, those who are sensitive to the energies coming in, the Guardian Teams that were here. It was meant to hit, you know---They knew it would hit our gene codes first. So, we‘re the ones that are actually, because we came in because we are trying to transmute this stuff for the masses. And, it‘s not easy or fun sometimes. And, what we’re trying to do is keep the spins balanced, where, if they accelerate, we have to accelerate, right, to transmute the mess they just tried to throw into our bodies, because every time they activate in the Earth‘s Core or they step up the spin of the reversed Merkaba Fields and stuff, it steps up the ones in our own fields, the Cal Fields; they are called Cal Fields. And it, literally, are trying to make our fields consume our selves. They‘re doing a good job of it already, ever since we were born with the Fetal Integration problems here. But, it‘s getting nasty as far as what‘s being done behind the scenes. And, it‘s personal, but it‘s also larger scale. It‘s not just: oh, they‘re going after the Azurites. No, they‘re going after anything that is still alive so they can take it into the Harness Fields, with the Caduceus setup. We‘ll talk more about the bigger picture tomorrow, like probably toward the end, because some positive things have actually happened in that that we‘ll talk about tomorrow. And this is why we are able to do these things now. We wouldn‘t have been able to do it unless certain Grids were given back, and they were. And, amazing how being scared to death because you knew you were going to be eaten alive can get people to be really cooperative all of a sudden! The Green Dragons just realized they lost the war with the Red ones before it even got to the surface of the Earth. And, well, they asked for help, again. And, this was good though, this time, because they had certain Grid blocks, that, if they allow certain things, we can do what we were doing, actually, in this workshop. It is this anchoring of what will be the Water Seed that will make all of this healing possible: This healing, right? Well, not exactly that healing, but where we could open the TE‟a-Wha Windows, to begin the process of turning on the natural flows. And, I wonder, I‘m wondering if---I think we have a set of twelve TE‘a-Wha Windows; I think we would. And, I think, perhaps, one big one that goes with our Horizon Line in our own, larger structure of where our Probable Selves are and stuff. So, I think the one that I saw was the big one, and then there should be twelve smaller ones that would progressively open in the TE‘a-Wha Structures. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 37 of 160
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These are windows that open the flow between the TE‘a-Whas, the natural flows, back through the Mental Body, first; so you get a bit of Haaah (sighs in relief), mind release, right? And, they will talk to the Epigenetic Overlays and begin poking holes in the Chemical Nets on the Epi-genetic Overlays. And, that will, in turn, start allowing the natural chemicals to start coming back in to the bodies that will trigger the right things in the DNA, so the DNA can start healing itself. And, then, that will trigger the Etheric Pattern. So, it actually goes: as above, so below. And, that has been used to cause horrible harm here. Well, it can also be used to heal here. So, that‘s why we‘re doing TE‘a-Wha Fields. Next one, please…
[D1 C9 2:07:33]
Back to TE‘a-Wha Fields again. Now, this interesting---Now, imagine these on all of the lines, right. There would be one set of these. You see there‘s these big ones that are centered, and these are Pentagramish’s. ―Ish‘s‖, I call them because what we consider all a Pentagram here is actually a mutation of this geomancy. This geomancy is large; this is the natural structure of a Pentagram. See how skinny it is? There are specific proportions to it because it fits in between the lines. And there‘re a little bit different proportions for each of the Dimensional Levels. Like, you have, like- these are the ones for the TE‘a-Wha Levels. And, they go from, literally, this is, like, d-3 Line, where d-3 starts there, and the TE‘a-Whas start up here. So, the bottom points run from the dimension below up, through that field. And, this one, the big TE‘aWhas, go all the way out the Allurean Chambers and into the Source Field around you, all right? Now, this would be, if it were just you sitting in the middle all by yourself, in the middle of God Source, it would take you out to God Source Consciousness Field. But, what it takes you into next is your Local Source Field, all right? So, that means, if you were on a planet, the planet would have this structure, too. And, out here, would be the larger Consciousness Field of the Planetary Aah- JhA‟ Body, and then that one would be plugged in through—these are plug-ins. They would plug right in to the next level out, which would be the Solar one; and, that would be plugged in to the Galactic one, and all the way up to the God Source Consciousness Field. There‘s supposed to be an open breathing flow on all of these lines, all the way through. That breathing flow has been shut off, and that is the problem. That is why this is a dying system, this planet and this solar system and this galaxy. This is a Fire Chamber, right? The top of the d-3 one is here. See, this is another Pentagonal Code, all right? So, you have that coming up between the ones in the TE‘a-Wha Fields. It‘s in here that we will actually use certain techniques that they didn‘t tell me how to do The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 38 of 160
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yet, that we will be able to manifest and put things, things that we desire, something desired, and seed them. Once the Window is open, we can then seed them in the TE‘a-Wha Fields, all right, and begin the natural process of their manifesting again. So, we‘ve got a set of these. They run the Fire Lines for d-3, d-2 and d-1. They run the Fire Lines, and that‘s the Light Body Lines, all right? And, they are fed by, first, the ones that run the Allurean Chambers. And, there is a specific process of breathing, as far as Twelve-Point Spark Pulses being sent out from the Core, which would be at your AzurA, right, being sent out to all the lines simultaneously; and, it will travel up the Allurean Lines first. And, then, that current splits, and then comes back down the Fire Lines into these. And, there‘s something happens with the currents on each level as they go from the Allureans. Out there, they spark; this is where the TE‘a-Wha- whatever it‘s called… I refer to them as nodes, but it‘s not, that‘s not the word: Orons, that‘s it. The TE‟a-Wha Orons are here. It sparks that, opens the flow here, allows the bit of, I believe it‘s Prana, to come in from the Source Field around you and then that comes back down and it splits and goes in here to feed the Fire Chambers. Meanwhile, there‘s several flows; there‘s several things happen that they‘re just showing me the, how the structure of the flows is on one, on one of these, what is the pattern. There‘s a specific pattern that holds the natural electromagnetic balances. And it‘s through this pattern that sparks are formed. On each of these points where the lines cross over there…the lines of current spark. First, the energy coming back in, it comes out; it goes up there; it splits, and one of the currents comes back in here. I‘ll see the flows on that one a little better. But, it starts this: It comes back in from here, down like this, right? But, at the same time, it comes down on this side, too. And, then, this one bends over that way, and this one bends that way. And, then, this one bends here, and this one comes in here. And, they meet. And, everywhere they meet and touch, they spark. And, it‘s those sparks, those Endo-Geleziac Sparks that form the Twelve Points of Matter on one line. On one line, say, d-3, you know-whatever-d-3 Fire Chamber- 12, all right? There would be a set of 12 sparks made that create the 12 Elements of that line in d-3. Same thing would happen in d-2; same thing in d-1. And, it‘s all because of those TE‘a-Wha Fields. This is the big one and then there‘s the little ones the run at d-2, you know, d-3, d-2 and d-1. So, you have this process of energy currents splitting and interacting and sparking and making living Geleziac Sparks. And this is sparks of your consciousness; this is part of your body that you grew: and part that has been shut off because of the mutation. You still have this body structure. It was set when the AahJhA‘‘ Body was first set, which is in the Pre-SEda Cycle-partially in the Pre-SEda Cycle, partly in the SEda Cycle, and when you grew your Spirit Body. So, you have a Spirit Body, too, and a Rasha Body. The problem is, The Light Body is not connected. The open flows between them are not connected to each other, and that‘s why the Physical Body is finite. So, we are going to get into the…I‘ll look at these for a minute. This is also, there‘s diagrams—I‘ve seen them. And, I haven‘t had a chance to even attempt to draw them yet. But, you could fit the Human Body in there, too. This lineup specifically, with a Human Body, in certain ways, and it is not the way that it fits into the other Pentagram. It is not the structure that is being taught in the Daisy of Death paradigm that shows the little Michelangelo, I think it was, drawing or whatever, that, you know, the proportions of our bodies are twisted because of this particular twist. Next one, please. We‘ll look at the flows.
[D1 C9 2:13:31] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 39 of 160
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Oh…Not to flows yet. These are the same things up there, but what I wanted to show here, just quickly: These are showing---These are capsules of: Once the sparks happen, they actually go---Each one of those would have one on it. But, it creates a Spark Cloud that densifies and becomes, literally, the atom that it picked up the encryption from its line, from the Rasha Body that coded that line. It literally solidifies as it cools. When it sparks, it‘s hot. It‘s an Endo-Geleziac, I think they call it, Endo-Plasmic Spark. And EndoPlasmic is associated with liquid, all right? It has to do with the liquid states of matter, and we‘ll read about those and look at those in a little bit. Heaven help me, all right? It‘s a lot on that one. But, anyway, these are capsules of elements—Elemental Atoms—that literally form. And then they will assemble, following the patterns that are set in the TE‘a-Wha Fields. They pick up the Core Pattern of: ―Hi, I‘m Hydrogen‖ from the pattern set down in the Allurean Chambers down in the Rasha Body. And then they come out; they take those patterns out; they seed them into the TE‘a-Wha Fields; and then you have the---If, say you were breathing and sending energy out into your TE‘a-Wha Fields, those atoms that you make every time you breathe, you‘d be making atoms, right? And, they would come in and take on the manifestation of the encryption that you set, and it would come out in your hologram in d-2, and you would see it as your next moment, that kind of thing. It is that direct. We actually are the atom-makers; our bodies are the atom-makers. And, this is why there has been so many lies told on this planet about: ―Oh, if you want to be spiritual, oh, that‘s just the Mental Body. Leave it alone. Oh, die the Mortal Body. You know, whatever, bury it‖ Yeah, right. This is the living structure that has the power to turn these processes back on. We might not be able to do it on the planet at this point. We can do little parts of the planet but not the whole planet. It‘s too… because part of it is too damaged, and they are activating the reverse, small Pentagram things in the Core of the planet that are going to pull it into what is called the Caduceus Fall, where it will completely reverse, at some point, the Light Fields there. They‘ve already been partially reversed. They will reverse the rest. We are not going to be pulled into that, and there‘s a part of the Earth‘s Grids that: Our groups are going to be here to pull back in the other direction and into the spin and clear out the mutations, putting them into the spin of Median Earth, so we can—which is Ascension Earth; just the first stage in Ascension Earth. So, there‘s, literally---Well, it was more of a power struggle before because you had certain groups of Green Dragons that were trying to pull it that way, too, because they thought they were going to win. And then they realized they were losing the fight with the Red Dragons, who were fighting with them, once the White Dragons got involved. So, the Greens decided, ―Uh oh,‖ and decided they would prefer----Because The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 40 of 160
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you can‘t fix Earth at this point, you can‘t fix the whole thing. You can‘t pull the whole quantum of Earth back into Median Earth, but we can pull some of the quantum. And, it was going to be a lot harder to pull if these agreements hadn‘t been made. I forget the name of the Treaty, but it came through somewhere bizarre, like three o‘clock this morning or something, and I have to process it. But, this treaty: It is a formal treaty, and they had to put their, whatever, their quantum up first because they are so used to breaking treaties. I mean, a treaty with the Green Dragons is, like, good luck with that! You know, I‘ll sell you some real estate in, like, you know, the Everglades, too, you know? Right? No, so, they had to hand them over first. But, what they want is help in pulling the Caduceus part of Net Earth away from the Phantom Earth that it is now being completely controlled by the Reds, because they’re getting pulled into Phantom, and they don‘t want to go into Phantom, not under Red. They wanted to go in to Phantom under Green, and take over the Reds, and that didn‘t work. So, the Green Dragons would like to do Sovereign Fall (laughs ominously). Right, they would…I can imagine…I think I know where a few of them are on the Internet. Anyway, their Sovereign Fall would require a Host, and the fallen Budhara Groups, who did do Kryst Fall, who accepted a Host, that they are a Fall Matrix, but they are doing it under Krystiac, you know, under the Krystiac Laws of Energy and with Krystiac Principle. They‘re---it‘s a last-chance space, so they could finish. The Budhara have their system, and they‘ve had it for ages and ages, for, like, literally eons, since their Fall. And they‘re not afraid of going back as Space Dust because they understand the whole process. They bring these teachings back in so people can understand that, even if it gets to a point where you might not be able to do a full Ascension anymore, you still go home. You, know, even the idea of Fall was created by Source as a failsafe so nothing would get lost. It would always be able to get home, even under the worst conditions that Free Will might set in motion. And, they teach a really beautiful, peaceful way about that. And, the---Not all of them, but a big group of the Green Dragons have agreed to work with the Budhara as their Kryst-Fall Hosters, and with the help of the Aquareion and the An Sha TA Sa Passage, which they had to get our guys‘ permission for. That will take place, if it is successful. (2:18:37) So, we should have some Green Dragon people deciding they liked us, after all. And, that would be really good because they‘re welcome. Part of me spent eons working with them. A lot of them are the Annu families that were, like, both the Jehovian and the Thothian Annus. And, I had extremely strong connections to them; I love them to bits. And, it‘s been breaking my heart to have to take a stand against the twisted teachings that a lot of them are bringing through, most of them not knowingly, you know, where they didn‘t realize it was twisted. You know, you‘ve got Archangel Michael and all those things, the Daisy of Death. Most of the people involved, they knew part of the truth was there, but they went; they went in to the Thoth thing when Thoth fell and went off Emerald Covenant and started stealing the knowledge he had been entrusted with and using it for Black Hole Technologies. This was way back in the Atlantean Period. There‘s whole Shields of people that were under his guard that he was supposedly going to get out that he betrayed and took them down with him. And, they have been tricked ever since. So, when…it‘s been like a war of attrition, yes, in this particular New Age drama that has been unfolding. You know, nobody….we don‘t even talk to each other. We‘ve invited them to, like: ―Why don‘t we come and have a public debate?‖ They won‘t even listen. So, I was like ok. But, some of these guys are going to be coming back, which means some of their higher consciousness The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 41 of 160
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levels, their God-Selves levels and things are going to gently---it doesn‘t mean they‘ll always agree, because they always, you know---as long as they stop whining, because they tend to whine a lot. You know, there‘s a particular Green Dragon whine thing that‘s about: ―Why isn‘t it free?‖ or ―I‘m special, so I should have it better than everybody else. Oh, I shouldn‘t have to do that. Somebody should do it for me. Can‘t I call an angel?‖ I mean, they do all this stuff. You know, it‘s, like, get a grip and take responsibility, please for your own---they want somebody else to do it for them basically. You know, and it‘s always nice to have maid service, but they got pretty got maid service here. As far as, if we weren‘t doing this, it wouldn‘t be happening on the planet, right? So, part of the agreements were that the whining would be toned down to a dull roar (Laughter) because there is a lot of whining that comes with some of them. Not all of them; there are some lovely people that are, you know, born out of the Annu Matrices, that are really nice, kind, intelligent, enlightened people. But, there are others that have these particularly Annu kind of filters that give that problem. But, they‘re going to be coming back in. Not all of them, but some of them; they‘re actually dividing. There‘s going to be a split in the, particularly the Thothian groups, where some of them are---we‘re actually helping them to get out because the others are trying to not let them get out. And, you know, I don‘t know if we‘ll ever see them at workshops, but we will, they are coming in on the Shield, because what we are going to help them do is achieve their Sovereign Fall. And, in so doing, we will achieve our getting away from the Caduceus part, and bringing the part of the Grids that still can go to Median Earth into Blend there. That will set them free. We‘ll be able to pull enough up swing for them to pull them away from Phantom, that‘s down here, right? (2:21:27) If you think of it in terms of several Bi-Vecas glued together, you have one circle that represents Phantom Earth. And, that has two splits in it, one twisted one way, one twisted the other. Then you have another one in a Bi-Veca lock that is the Caduceus Earth. Then you have the NET Earth that is us. And we are NET and Caduceus together right now, and that‘s why they called it Blended Earth, right. And, then you have Median Earth, which is the natural part of Earth that is left from the Amenti Earth that used to be the whole thing. And these Bi-Vecas have been fighting for who‘s going to get the Rings, right? It‘s like Lord of the Rings, right, yeah. And the idea is to separate the rings and let Phantom Ring go where it is going and where it chose to go, but help the Caduceus ones to get free, because that will help us to get free, back in to the Amenti Earth alignment and they will get to be Sovereign as long as they get hosted with the Host Agreements that they‘ve made with the Budhara and with the Aquareion people. Aquafereions, too, but more so the Aquareions directly, the ones from Urtha and M31. So, they are going to assist them to hold a Kryst-Fall Host. And, at least, they will get their Sovereign Fall. So, this is good. So, we will have not as much fight, but, right now, the others, the White Dragons and the Reds, are really, really trying to activate the Omega Code faster, on faster spin. And, it‘s hurting the bodies. I mean, I don‘t know how you guys are feeling, but the ones who are most sensitive to the planetary energies are the Guardian Groups here. So, we will be processing and trying to purge this stuff off. So, we‘re being given these activations now, in order to help us before it kills us. Because, I mean, I‘ve had a terrible month just with the body. Everything‘s hurting; I‘m, like, getting spleen pain, getting back pain, head pain, everything hurting. There‘s not been a day where there was always something that hurt; and all day long. Knees swelling, I mean, ankles swelling, all sorts of stuff: The usual stuff, but amplified, right? And, I started to feel this horrible field in front of me here, and it was spinning. And I didn‘t know what it was, and twice I had to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 42 of 160
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consciously bring---I realized it was dragging my Chakras in to a reversed spin than I‘m used to them being. I had to drag them back, ―What the heck is that‖, you know? This is what it is; it has to do with, they are activating the reversal faster. And it‘s the bottom--they split our natural fields, our natural Light Body Fields, our Density Field, into two, making a Bi-Veca Lock. So, you have a circle on top and a circle on the bottom, and they‘re both spinning in the same direction. But, at least, they‘ve been spinning slower in the same direction. There were still a little bit of the currents coming in from our own, natural spin, that didn‘t have it as a full phase lock same-spin set, which would create a lockdown on the body systems. But, they are trying to create that lockdown now. The top part still goes in what was its organic spin. What they did was turn the bottom around. That‘s why, so often, it feels like you are cut in half, where, like, I don‘t know what my bottom…I don‘t know where my body consciousness is. I can‘t find that; I can‘t feel that. I can‘t even feel my legs. You know what I mean---that kind of thing. And then the rest of you seems to be up here, you know? They are trying to pull those together now, to drag us in to, well, phase lock, which will create the reversal of the Merkabas, and it‘s shut down. That‘s what the Omega Code was designed to do. That‘s what they‘re trying to do on the planet, as well. And, that‘s the Red and White Teams that are trying to do that. And, the Greens were helping, but they wanted to pull in their direction, and they lost. So, now they are helping us to help themselves. (2:24:52) Not too bad of a deal, but it‘s a mess because this Code, this natural structure of the Pentagonal Transduction Code is supposed to have a big, long top, right, because that‘s what plugs in to the next level up. If you look at these, how they line up, they have…this is the d-3. Wait, let me see; this is d-2; this is d-3. All right, so this is the d-3 frequency set, right? Here, this would be one, d-3 Pentagonal Code. And, it goes past the d-3, the top of it. It goes up, into the in-between spot, in between the two big ones that are the TE‘a-Wha Level of them. The d-2 goes right up into the center point, the bottom center point of the d-3 ones. See, these things are linked together point to point, bottom to top, kind of thing, all right, and it‘s only these that are offset, right, because of the Allurean Lines being offset. This is the shape of what a Pentagram should really look like, a natural Pentagram. That‘s why when we always use them, when we had to use the other one, because we had to use it to start activations of the Light Body the way it is. We had to deal with what is first, before we could fix it and bring it back. We would do it with a circle around it, right, because, that way, when we are running Kryst Frequencies, we could control the spin of it and hold it so it didn‘t be dragged in to the Caduceus spin, which is the reverse spin. And, that‘s why I always said, ―Put the circle around the Pentagram. Don‘t ever use a Pentagram without a circle,‖ because of this. So, then at this point, we‘ve had to use regular Pentagrams because that‘s all that was available here. Not just because nobody drew them yet, but, because we had to activate the Light Body itself first, before you could then go and heal it. But, now we‘re going to be taught how to use this natural shape. And that will restore these flows. What‘s really funny is, about the Pentagram that they use here, I have to draw the drawings, but I‘ve already seen it. To make this look like a normal Pentagram, right, you‘d have to bring the top down; it makes the legs stick out further, right? And, it changes the height; it brings the arms down, so, it literally, completely changes the flows. And it makes them where they don‘t plug in to each other. They‘re actually off set, where they have a very strange angular relationship, and that is what creates---just because these are the places where first Light is made out here and also in here. And, that Light transduces into the little sparks that become the Endo-Plasmic Matter. They change the angles on these, and it creates Bi-Veca The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 160
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Light instead of the natural Sha-LA‟-a Light, which is a Tri-Veca. A Light, a natural Living Light Unit should have three Sparks attached to it, not two. And, they have built an entire system of Fall on the Bi-Veca Code, ―The Code for making Light!‖ Yeah, dead Light, right? It also makes dead water and dead elements and dead people, eventually, and dead planets. So, what we need to do is straighten these back out, and once we get that one, main window open, which is what we are going to do in, you know, through the process of this workshop, tomorrow sometime we will be doing that, probably tomorrow night. It seems we‘re always on night shift, you know? Then, we will be able to bring in the natural codes from the Parents, right? Not from the parents that gave birth to our bodies that were mutated, too, but from the natural structures that are beyond what is called the Va-Bha‟-TE Sac. The Va-Bha‘-TE Sac, and it has to do with fetal integration, expands out from the VaBha‟-TE Cell. And that is the cell that came from the parents, all right? So, it‘s a piece of the quantum of your energy that doesn‟t belong to you. It was borrowed. That part is what is holding these filters in. The sins of the mother and father get passed down and down and down in the gene code. So, there is a Sac that surrounds the Light Body and keeps it, makes a barrier between the Light Body and the Aah-JhA‘ Body and the Spirit Body. And that is the Sac that is holding these nasty filters. So, we‘ve got to clear the filters that came in with the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell. And, that‘s…once we do that, we can open that window and then begin the process of restoring the flows. And I think that‘s the first—the big window has to do with these, probably twelve. They haven‘t told me this yet, but I am sensing. I‘ll ask them if it‘s true, but I---Yeah, ok, this is the one that—wait, no, this one. This is the one that we‘re actually opening, and it‘s actually a big one; it will go this way. If you draw a Pentagram around the star shape, it gives you the Pentagram shape, like a window, right? And since you‘re in a sphere, it‘s kind of like a Pentagram-shaped window that you see from the inside out on the sphere, as if you‘re living in a spherical house and that‘s one of your windows where you can look out on the Universe. So, they‘re going to open this one, and that---Ok, no, they‘re going to open two. They‘re going to open this one and this one: These are the… Ok, they‘re saying this one isn‘t the one I was seeing. What I was seeing was this one. They‘re opening these two, and that will open the one in the Mental Body. And, that‘s where you get that (sighs in relief), where you‘re just, like, Oh. There‘s just a space, and it doesn‘t stay. It hasn‘t stayed all the time. It just, it flashes in and out, but I can still find it. I can kind of like shift my consciousness. Oh, there‘s that peaceful space. And it‘s the space where, if you were able to Bhardoah naturally, even if you were leaving your body, it‘s where you would go, right? Oh, this is Heaven, and that kind of feel to it, right? But, it‘s not---you don‘t have to leave your body to go there. But, it‘s also where people would go if they did drop their body and went through a Bhardoah, and they wanted to do a review before they came in to another body structure. They are the places they would normally do them. They‘d be natural Review Bands, up here, right? It‘s the God-Self space. So, it‘s opening the God-Self Flows. This is the I Am God-Self, which means your local God Source Field, right? And, that‘s because they are activating these, and that opens this window here. So, we‘ll be opening this window. That is the window that controls the Epi-genetic Overlay. Which means the flows here will start, and it will start bringing the natural Light and the natural atomic structures back into the Epi-genetic Overlay, into the gene code, so we can start turning on the right sets of genes and turning off ones that are actually meant to kill us. The twisted Light ones that we talked about, they are making artificial Light stuff— that Artificial Light makes twisted elements. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 160
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It makes elements that don‘t bond to each other the way they are supposed to, and they bond in artificial ways. And, that comes down into our bodies, too, and it creates an artificial sheathe, Epi-genetic Chemical Sheathe, that is triggering certain genes. And the Omega Code was made to make sure, when certain things activated on their twisted ones of these, to make sure it would trigger the genes that would cause death in the body, to shut our bodies down before we could fix this; because they knew the only ones on the planet who would have the ability to do this would be Indigos and Aquari, and Angelic Humans. And, so, they went after us with a vengeance, as far as that goes. It was designed to not only take over the planet, but to kill the Guardians first, to have their bodies kill themselves, right, where their bodies would kill… Literally, they would poison themselves. They‘ve activated the level that will start doing that rapidly, and that‘s why they are doing this now, because, you know, it‘s---we‘re not going to get very far of Sliding if our bodies get shut down and go into compaction. There are still, that‘s why we are also going to be teaching the—this is also the same thing that, even if a body died, if you have this window open, you‘ve got your free passage out. You will get out in Bhardoah naturally and freely, even if you can‘t go through the whole Transfiguration here. If you do that, you‘ll drop the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell and Filter and the Sac, and you will be able to reclaim your original quantum, take it back up and if you want to, you could actually go into Ma-Sha-Ya with that same body image. Or you could choose to incarnate up into a different life form if you preferred, if you wanted to get out of this Human skin already. But, you could still transfigure into Ascension, into the Ma-Sha-Ya, you know, full Eternal Life Body Form, the same structure you had, because it will come through, your consciousness will come through with an encryption that matches your body here, but it will be transmuted into its highest state. So, if you wanted that as your body, you could have that, or you could have other options if you wanted to be a, say, birth into an Aquafereion Line and just experience that more evolved type of body. I‘m going to, if I get to do this one way or the other, I don‘t really care at this point if I die and Bhardoah out or if I transfigure it here, I‘m going to transfigure it. This poor little body has worked so long and so hard to get this stuff through I owe it that much, right? (Applause) And that goes for most of you, too, I think. (2:33:22) So, you don‘t have to keep the same image. They would show you how to let go of that full encryption if you didn‘t want this, the highest version of whatever your body is here once you got through. You don‘t have to be afraid of death, is what it is. Once this window is open, it doesn’t matter. They can‘t do anything to harness us anymore. And some people will feel… They will actually say: You know, the body feels like the trap, and I‘m just too tired. And, if that happens, that‘s ok. You will still, you‘ll be on the edge of the window. We‘ll all still meet up again and it will be in the Median Earth. So, if people that you love are passing on, there‘s going to be a lot of people passing on, on this planet, in the years to come, more than the usual rate. And, it helps to know that, as we open this window and start this process here, this is opening the bigger window in the grids that can still hold it that opens into Median Earth, so as many as possible that can still plug into the Host will be able to get out, even if they can‘t take their bodies, even if they end up getting buried because their religions tell them they‘re supposed to, and all of that, there is a way. And, it has to do with something that has to be done from the other level, where you track, actually, where the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell is in, you know, where it, well, where the body was buried, you can still find---believe it or not, every time a body is buried instead of transfigured and the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell is stuck, the Va-Bha‘-TE Cells stay in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 160
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the Planetary Grids. This whole place is infested with Va-Bha‘-TE Cells of people who didn‘t get out and just got in their Reincarnational Cycles—regurgitation cycles—because they were tethered. They couldn‘t get out. So, there is going to be, at certain points, big, mass waves where we release the ones from the past, as well. And, there are procedures that can be used there. Some of the things that the Adashi Masters teach and, like the Way-Showers Training has to do with learning how to do those things. And, first, we‘ve got to get ourselves to a point where we‘re healed, and our bodies aren‘t trying to eat us alive; because basically, the bodies are going to try to eat us alive now. And, it‘s because the, because we were doing so well with the other stuff that the White Dragons are really upset at this point, and they‘re hoping that they can shut us up and stop us from doing this because they don‘t want to lose the quantum. There‘s so many people stuck here right now. If you have a little tether line to that Va-Bha‘-TE Cell, imagine all the millions of people and billions of people who have died, over just since, say, Allantis, probably, which is 9,558 BC, imagine since Seeding One, 550 million years ago, right? There‘s an awful lot of people stuck in the Review Plane Loops here because of this mutation. So, we are going to set them free, any of them that can get out. So, by doing what we‘re doing, we are being the Way-Showers (applause). We send that vertically, thank you, Beloveds, all right. And, it‘s like, ―Good, that means I can get daddy out,‖ because I found him, all right, you know? Ok, anyway, let‘s go on to the next one, please…I think we‘ll look at the flows on that one.
[D1 C11 2:36:28] 15 States of Matter _____ by the 5 Elemental ______
Oh, this is just to remind us of the States. Remember, in the Tribes Classes, we learned about the Five Primary States of Matter that create the Fifteen Different States of Matter, the five main ones that do--Way before this, all sorts of other stuff happens, and that‘s the stuff we‘re going to read about; and we‘re going to see on the, when I read this. I‘m going to put---I have mylars, and I‘m going to put it up. And, I think I‘m going to take a break for just, a ten-minute one before I go into reading that because I have to, actually, readjust my eyes when I‘m doing reading. My vision‘s getting so bad now, and I‘ve been on the computer since 6 o‘clock this morning until when I came in, so I‘m having a little bit of a hard time reading. But, these were just the beginning of understanding Elemental Command. These have to do with the states that were begun in the Rasha Body as it was doing its Na-VA‟-HO Phasing and its, in the Allurean The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 46 of 160
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Chambers of the Rasha Body, were creating the pre-substance Elemental Structures. There‘s a whole lot more that goes with this. Next one, please…
[D1 C11 2:37:53]
Before we get in to the heavy stuff on the 12 Steps of Materialization, this structure here, this is how the Pentagonal Codes work where---and, I still don‘t know which comes first, the chicken or the egg, kind of thing, which flow starts what. But, it starts somewhere here, and I believe…I don‘t know if there‘s a flow that comes down the Allureans first from the Outer, from the Aah-JhA‘ Body. I‘ll know this stuff by tomorrow because they are going to teach us how to open these. And, there is a breathing rhythm that you use with the Physical Body, inhale to exhale, that—and I forget which one it is because they‘re just teaching me it, but tomorrow we‘ll learn about that part. But, what this is showing, and again, this…I have ‘x’s on those: Whoops they‘re in the wrong place. Like, just ignore those, right- those two balls. They are meant to show the bodies that form in the Bodies of Atomic Clouds that form. And they actually take on the manifestation of your encryption and fill it out in 3dimensional Matter and Compounds and everything. So, it literally forms itself inside these, but I have them on the wrong spaces because they actually form between. And I‘ll see if I can get that one done for tomorrow, because it shows, like, half your---you have the upper and the lower half of d-3, and the upper half of d-2 is where you have what you know as you, where your consciousness part is in the d-3 I AM Band and the part you‘re experiencing as your body part is the upper band of the d-2. And that goes down on all of the levels, so they actually make atomic things that if you have the main dimensional spectra that run back here, the Wave Forms, this is where the atomic stuff accretes, half in one and half in the other. And it blends them into this thing that you can perceive and look down in and experience as a solid, dimensional structure. So, we‘ll look at those a little bit more, if I can get those diagrams done. I would like to, but they may have more important stuff that has to get done for tomorrow. And, it‘s going to be another one of those. It‘s going to be late; I can feel it. But, we‘ve got to get in some of the---I think. It depends on how tired we are going to be tonight whether we‘re going to do the psychic exercises with the Aqua-Tone. And I think we‘re going to do that because it‘s not going to be great, when we‘re this tired already, and when I’m this tired, because part of my responsibility is holding Shield when a group is here, and if everybody‘s tired, and I‘m tired, too, and Az is tired, that‘s not the greatest time to start opening and playing with your psychic senses, if you know what I mean, right? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 160
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So, I was getting nudged from the Beloveds earlier this evening that we would probably put the bottom half of the hands-on program in with the Aqua-Tone stuff tomorrow. And, there‘s still going to be a lot of technicals tomorrow. There‘s a lot more information that needs to be covered first. And, I have to get it down first, which is the usual. But, at least we had a little bit ahead of the game. At least I had an idea what the program looked like. So, progressively, the time thing will change, not immediately. Oy... (2:40:41) Anyway, these flows are interesting. And, again, I know we have---I think they are probably going to talk about this more in the Virginia Beach Workshop. That will deal with the Body Level, right? But, we have a big one of these. It‘s like we‘re standing in the middle of it, right? And, there‘s a natural way things are supposed to flow. There‘s, and there‘s names for all of these Currents, right? You have the current that will come up, and I‘m so tired I can‘t remember it because I got that manuscript through, where I have so many terms dancing in my head. I won‘t even try to remember what I knew when I, before they gave me that because it blew this stuff out of my head pretty good, as far as names of things. But, the current will come from the Core, right, and out all the Lines simultaneously, of course. But, we‘re looking just at what it does on one. It would come out and go all the way up the Allurean Chamber. It would hit the Oron out there, on the edge of the Aah-JhA‘ Body. And, there‘s, I think there‘s two of them: This is the Aah-JhA‘ Body one, and this might be called a Node. I‘m not sure what; they didn‘t tell me that yet. But, the current comes out, and it refracts. It becomes: what are called Refracted Code Particles. And it refracts into two. It splits the two currents. This one is Ethos, and that one is Eiros, all right? This is where just the beginnings, the Eiradonis Levels are set. This is where the Eiradonis Body and all that start forming first, is where that type of matter forms first. So, you have: It comes up, and it would be, I think this, they call this the Logos Stream because if you put Ethos and Eiros together, you get a substance called Logos. And these are all substances, and some of them we‘ve got the translations for, like, what is Mana? What is this? What is that? We‘ve got the step-downs on them. So, they are specific, Atomic Composites. So, these are like atomic composites that---it didn‘t start with one, you know--- Just, it starts with one type of thing, but not like all the twelve Elements across the bottom, their families. There was something that came before that was a composite of a bunch of them, right, that then fragmented to, or refracted and allowed all of these other twelve families of Elements to form. So, the Logos Frequency comes out here, splits into Ethos and Eiros, and the splits are always, if you look at this and say that it was you, you‘ve got your left side and your right side. And the left side, this Current over here, we will get to in a minute. That has to do with part of what, wait a minute, one of them is running Mana, and one of them is running Logos. They are two very specific currents, but the one that---this is where Prana comes in. It splits here, splits off here, and then the Logos comes here, creates the Eiradonis Levels flows, which are the Pentagonal Flows. And then the Prana Flows go this way, and they are the ones that go into the Fire Lines, all right? So, it comes up the Allurean Line, all the way out, hits there: splits, becomes a Refracted Code Particle, and then splits again coming through the Va-Bha‟-TE Sac, right, which would be about this level, forms the Prana, Prana Kei, and Prana Chi. Kei is positive, Chi is negative. And, they are specific. If you put Prana Chi and Prana Kei together, you get a full Prana. And, a Prana is a full Joule Quantum, all right, a Joule of heat. So, you‘ve got 1/3 Joule here and 2/3 here. When they come together, they make full Prana. And that creates Prana Joules, which are a specific Radiation, a heat radiation. That‘s the stuff that make…that they The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 48 of 160
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talk about calories and how you burn something and whatever is left, they say it‘s that many Joules of heat, or energy. That is what they‘re talking about. So, the Prana is carrying the Joules. They call them Prana Joules. And they go into the Fire Lines from the Allurean Chambers. The Eiradonis Currents come down—the Ethos and the Eiros—come down very specifically. The white arrows are the ones that are carrying the Ethos, which is the positive charge. And the dark ones are the ones which are carrying the Ethos, which is a negative charge. The Eiros, I believe, has something to do with picking up what‘s called the Adjugate. And I won‘t even try to wrap my brain around that right now. I‘ve talked about the Adjugate Twin that would be from our opposite, our direct opposite Horizon on the opposite end of our Vector Line. If we‘re on, say, if our Solar system is on Vector Line 4, 4-10 and we are in 4, which is the Vector that we are manifesting in, 10 would be our Adjugate, all right? And, they would be the opposite. If we are: EtorA- 4 System, cross that Vector Line to the center, and you would find the AdorA- 10 System. And, that is considered our Adjugate. And, out here, there‘s an exchange of energies, or there‘s supposed to be, between the Adjugate and, like, the elements from the Adjugate and elements from here. And that‘s what allows the natural formation of some of the things we will hear about when we read this, that have to do with Celestalline and allowing the natural processes. We‘re supposed to be able to breathe back and forth. And atoms and elements are supposed to be able to move back and forth between the systems and has to do with what is called an Adjugate Bond. And this is why the elements right now---if they tried to make these substances down here, they couldn‘t make them. Only the bodies can make them, by opening the Flows to get the Adjugate back in; because the Adjugate Bond is the element you don‘t see that is holding two together. So, they force-bonded certain elements here to create a type of Matter Base and Chemical Base, but it‘s an inorganic one. The natural one has an Adjugate Bond, where instead of being just a Bi-Veca, which are two, like, say, two substances bound together, there‘s a third, invisible one that is actually on the opposite spin in the AdorA side that is the Adjugate. And that is holding them together and allowing the Living Life Cycle to take place. So, as we begin to open the flows, we‘ll be getting the Adjugate Flows back in, and I believe they flow with the Eiros. So, we‘d be getting the Eiros back in. Eventually, all this translates into the combinations of Base Tones, Overtones, Resonant Tones and Primary Tones that the natural musical scale is built on; because, every one of these lines has a natural vibrational and oscillation signature and has its own specific set of tones. And there are ways to use those tones in the body to bring, to open these flows, to bring the Adjugates back in so, natural structure, so our bodies can start producing natural elements. And that will be very interesting to watch. Remember, Ethos is Adjugate Spirit, which is the Spirit of the Adjugate; which would be on our side, right, yeah. And, with the labels, take the labels with a grain of salt because these are what take so long. All right, it‘s that. No, it‘s that. And, I have to double check and triple check. These are just in their, you know, very rudimentary stages, but I know what‘s basically correct, all right? As far as understanding all of these Flows, hmm, that‘s going to be fun some day. There‘s another set of flows, by the way. See here. There‘s this little thing coming down through, and it‘s the Lotus Petal Flow. It‘s the same thing you would see in that bigger one that had the, in the ElumEir-adhona, that showed the big petals, right, in the Spirit Body. There‘s Flows that come down that way, too. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 160
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And, all these Flows interact with each other. The Eiradonis Current comes down. And this gets really tricky because you have male and female, or negative and positive Orons, which create different ones, and they would be opposite. If this one, this might—I forget which is which. I had, they just started showing me that. But, you have to trace them around to find out which one‘s male and which one is female. And they would have flows that were in opposite direction. I don‘t think that works when it gets down into dimensional level. It does on the little ones, but it doesn‘t on the Density one. And that would just go with whatever the planet is, and that‘s the one we‘re going to be using. So, we can use the same one, but ours will adjust themselves. Like, whether you‘re male or female, as far as what your energies are, the---if you get the Density one going the right way the planet‘s is supposed to, that will set yours, the Dimensional ones, into the right state. But, they go male and female, and then they step down here—male and female too going down to d3, d-2, d-1, as far as the flows. They switch and combine. And it allows them…there would be another set here, right, and another set here. And all the way around, right? And it allows them to exchange energy between each other as well, between the lines. And that‘s where the Elemental Currents become formed through these processes; because every time one of these crosses over, this one…these are happening at the same time. This comes down here, bounces; hits that Fire Chamber. It bounces; goes over here. Same time, this one comes down here, bounces and goes over there. And that hits it up here again—both of them—and they bounce and they come here. Everywhere they cross, they make a spark, and there are 12 key points where they spark. And those 12 points make what are called Endo-Geleziac Sparks that, once it cools, where the fire isn‘t coming through, they call them Fire Lines because that‘s where the, you know, the living, moving currents are coming through. Once those currents go back, they cool and they solidify. And they become elements, literal elements. And then they already have in them the intelligence that‘s in their encryption that was set by the TEa‘-Wha Fields and what was in here. So, they literally self organize. Well, they‘re supposed to. Right now, the Cal Filters which are the unnatural Light Filters—the Bi-Veca Light Filters—that are blocking out…you have one on each level: d-1, d-2 and 3. I‘m tired. So, we have to crash through those Cal Filters, and the way to do it is to open the window. We wouldn‘t be able to do that without help. The Beloveds are helping and they are doing it on a planetary level. And they‘re, you know, the Host Shield here which is our teams, the Azurite Teams and the Aquafereion Teams and Aquari Humans and the Angelic Humans; you know, anybody who‘s left here that cares to learn about this stuff, and a lot of people who don‘t even learn about it. There are lots of us sleeping all over the place and it will be interesting to see the wake-up that is going to happen once this window is open, because that will help a lot of people to begin running these flows if they have any of the Krystiac Codes in them where they can anchor them, which will be really good. Anyway, the flows create the sparks, and then there‘s a spin. I think they spin from the center and they create currents. This is where we get the Krystiac Spiral-proportioned currents. And that‘s where, on the same level, the Metatronic nonsense with its messed-up Pentagram, it creates a different-angle spiral. It creates the Fib-of-No-Chi Spiral, which is the Metatronic Sequence Spiral. So, all the things that we‘ve learned, they all fit in to this basic…it all leads up to this, which is the materialization of literal matter. And it self-organizes following the patterns that will be held in the TEa‘-Wha Fields. And since we have, around the Light Body, between the Light Body and the TEa‘-Wha Fields, there is what is called that Va-Bha‘-TE Sac, that came from the parent imprint that we expanded out within, from inside of. That is what they have mutated and they have created distortion in that to the point where we can‘t, this process does not work. What the Metatronic Merkabas do, is they take the bit of energy that was our original birth Quantum that we The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 160
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should have brought into this whole wonderful process of opening up the flows, and it kidnaps it and it hijacks it, so, literally, all that can run the Chambers are…and on each level. You have the Etheric Body ones, and they don‘t interface with the ones up above, the Telluric Body. So, the Physical Body runs one level; the Etheric Body, another; and, the Mental Body, another. There‘s hardly any connection. There‘s only, there‘s about half-quantum connection, I think, between them, as far as, half the quantum has been stolen into the reversal of the lower field. And that doesn‘t allow any of the natural connections to be formed. So, we still spark, but we spark and the spark shapes we make are these. The currents bend at the---Aren‘t these, they‘re the currents of the mutated, twisted Merkaba. And it squashes up our fields. And finally, through this, I was able to finally indentify the one thing I so wanted to learn for so long because I knew there was something wrong with them. There‘s a lovely lady named Barbara Brennan, whose books I always respected very much. I respect her very much. She‘s a very talented seer, and, you know, and healer. And, she is definitely seeing what is there, right? But, I always knew there was something wrong with what is there. And, I was, like, thank you for showing me because I could see them, too, but it confirmed what I was seeing. But they‘re not supposed to be structured that way. It creates…it, literally, splits them, and I‘ve finally been able to plug in where the Brennan Bodies, I call then the Brennan Bodies because she identified them, as far as, publicly, she was the one that did the best I‘ve seen as far as explaining them and describing them, where, what they‘re actually…there are not… (2:53:40) It looks like there‘s, oh, seven dimensions, or eight or nine dimensions that there‘re not. It‘s only the 3dimensional currents being split and mush-ed in together to form these artificial capsules. They are part of the prison. And what we will do…our fields will change as we turn on the natural, larger flows. And, it will start healing them and allowing them to grow back into their natural status. So, one of the charts I‘m still working on is the one that shows…and it looks kind of like that other one, you know, the one with all the numbers all over, around and around. It‘s kind of like that right now. But, I did manage to get the one that; it showed me, with the numbers, this is d-what; this is d-what. And, this tells us what‘s controlling the DNA, and one of those is a main control one in there that probably goes with the outer thing. So, they are just teaching me this stuff. But, it answered a question that I have been always: I know they‘re not…I know there is something with that structure. What is it, you know? Now, we are being able to see. It is a mutation of this that has created that particular body structure. So, I don‘t know if we‘ll have time in this particular workshop. It depends on what they want as the transmissions for tomorrow. It might end up in the Virginia Beach one. But, we‘ll be able---Probably that one because it has to do directly with the Physical Body, you know, getting more into the Physical Body. But, it will be able to show what those fields are now and what they will become once they are healed. All of this also affects the Axiatonal Lines and the Meridian Lines that run in the body because the Axiatonal Lines have actually been running Reversed Light Current, instead of natural Rasha Currents. The Rasha Currents have been closed off. The Dark Matter process has been closed off. And in our Axiatonal Lines, their numbers are all messed up. They‘re supposed to correspond directly. If you‘re standing on this Shield, right, with six in front and that twelve in back of the Light Body, you would…I believe we line up, we‘re supposed to line up with the 6 in front of the Light Body, right? And that would put the rest of the Allurean Chambers where they are supposed to be. The whole thing is twisted in the Shields. The Axiatonal Lines running through our body are all messed up. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 160
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And, even worse, the Meridian Lines that are running through the body, which are the ones that carry the Light Body part. So, our Meridian Lines in our body, our electrical lines, correspond with the Light Body. And our Axiatonal Lines are supposed to correspond with the Allurean Chambers. So, our bodies are, literally, hacked up with this mutation. What will be happening as we turn back on these flows, it will start straightening out the Natural Elemental Families as they‘re supposed to manifest and the Light Forms that are supposed to manifest through each of the Axiatonals. It‘s a huge healing process, you know, but at least we can still do it. Once it is done in a body, though, you can then transmit it to others. And that‘s what the Aqua-Tone Hydro-Acoustic Healing System is built on. It‘s built on using, first of all, healing that part of yourself, because you can‘t give a gift that you don‘t have. If it doesn‘t belong to you, you can‘t give it. And, if you‘re pretending, you‘re only compounding the problem for people. So, if we can heal these parts of ourselves, we will then be able to transmit that level. And this will help a lot of people because one thing we will be able to do when we leave this workshop is open the natural door---Well, not door, the Til-E‟-a Window. And I‘m not sure if we‘re doing the door this time or if the door opens---I think it takes, I think there‘s a bit of time, but I‘m not sure. They haven‘t explained that part yet. But, the door will open either during this workshop, with the window, or in the next workshop. And then there‘s the next level of working with the body. So, I‘m not sure if that goes with, if the door goes with the body part and the window starts here. But, the window does start here. So, these are some of the things I have to learn before I come back and speak with you again about the next level. So, I hope you can see why it was a little bit of complex stuff. You haven‘t even heard the readings yet, of why I was, you know had to come in late tonight. There was no way in the world I was going to get enough of the pictures done. And, they‘re not done, as you can see. But, there‘s enough of them there that I could give you the visual reference, where, ok, that‘s where my TEa‘-Wha Fields are; or, ok: That‘s what that structure is. It would have been very difficult to explain this without any diagrams, especially the Flows, all right? Right now, the Flows with the---I was seeing them as they were giving me the correct ones. I was seeing the diagrams that I don‘t have time to do, that go with the mutation, and they are all messed up in the other, Pentagonal mess, in the Pentagram the way it‘s used here. They reverse polarities all over the place. They block off things; they literally cut the body in half, in to a Bi-Veca and run it on that Yin-Yang Flow, where it‘s really just a self-consuming field. We‘re eating ourselves alive and not even knowing it, yeah. Whoever designed that one, Jeez, anyway. But it‘s nice to know that this one exists, and, you know, it‘s kind of funny. There‘s a direction, too. I‘ve always had a problem with. I could never draw Pentagrams, like, the way they are here. This, in the opposite direction, I use my left hand and it always has to be this way when I draw this way. And this gets into other things about the difference between left and right and, say, reading and things like that. There are specific spins that are supposed to happen here. We are reading languages that create the reverse-spin right through the eyes, right through the Pineal, right through, yeah. We read most of the languages here, not all of them but most of them, read from left to right. They should be going the other way. And then there‘s other stuff that has to do with vertical ones that I‘m just learning, and which should be from top to bottom or bottom to top. And all these languages correspond to this stuff. There are sound tones. There is a sound alphabet of 144 letters and a written code alphabet of 144 letters, each one corresponding to one of the 144 Elements. And they‘re going to start giving us the first twelve. And we‘re going to work with them. We‘re going to work with some of them tomorrow; I‘m not sure which ones. But, when we‘re using languages, all of the languages here are chopped-up versions of the twisted The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 160
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stuff that…because we lost the ability to speak, to even think thoughts in a linear form when this mutation, as this mutation progressively did, somebody had to teach us new languages. Yes, that‘s what people like Thoth and all those guys were for, right? They came in and gave us the reversed languages so we would be able to work very well with the reversal. Hmm, that was really sweet of them. (End of Disk 1) Yeah, because what it does is it amplifies it, and it creates something. And it‘s really funny. There‘s somebody that is doing a trip someplace in England, some person, and they showed a diagram. I have seen this, but I just never had time to bother trying to draw it. And there it was. Oh, come activate this particular thing, right? It‘s the Caduceus running inside the body, right, where it controls---we always said that Axiatonal Lines 11 and 12 were wrapped around the Core. They‘re not supposed to be, right. So, we‘re going to be unwrapping those. And, so I think I still have that diagram someplace. It isn‘t one I did, but it was one; I saw it, and It was: oh, my God; oh, no. I know that‘s not good. Now I know why. Yeah, I will just take the picture and show it. I‘m not going to, you know, like, let you see the whole thing because I don‘t want to embarrass the lady or get her upset if she ever sees these videos or anything. I‘m sure she probably means well. And they‘re doing some kind-of-like walk on the Grids, a big, long walk through the English Grids on the Michael-Mary Line- to activate this shape. No, not Sue! No, this other person, you know, somebody. Sue from England sent us this and said, ―ook at this. Look what this group is doing,‖ right? Oh, great. Well, I have---bless them, you know? I wish they would come to one of these workshops and realize why there are better patterns to walk, right, especially on the Michael-Mary Line, oy. Anyway, we will be restoring, we‘re in the process of restoring these flows. And they have to come through the Mental Body structures first. And we do it by the TE‘a-Whas and the opening the window. And it will begin the process of turning the flows on, but not just on one line. It will start with, I believe, it starts with turning on the flow that would come in right over your head, which is the 12 Fire Chamber, right. And that means that would be carrying the A-12 and A-11, I believe. Yeah, A-12 and A-11 are the ones on this side. So, that would be opening that main flow. And, that will trigger, probably, the next one, I wouldn‘t doubt: Is the Rod. So, that‘s opening the Staff. That would open the Rod. And then it will send a spark, a 12-point Spark out all of them and open all of them. So, it begins the process of bringing the natural, organic elemental language back into our bodies. I couldn‘t believe we were actually self-consuming. I didn‘t get that part. I mean, I knew our fields were killing us, but I didn‘t know how, specifically, right? They were, literally, sending back; mutated atoms into the body. We‘re still manifesting: We‘re manifesting our own death, right? This is why, whenever we try to manifest something, you get maybe a bit of it that‘s coming in, that‘s opening to some of the flows to the Mental Body level that will allow some of what you tried to seed come back. (0:03:15) But, it comes back with an equal and opposite reaction in the negative, right? So, you‘re, like: ―Oh, that didn‘t come out good. Oh, yeah.‖ It‘s almost like---I got to the point where I started to realize I could be good at manifesting stuff. But, sometimes, it was in direct opposite of what I was trying to do. And I was, like, you know, I‘m not going to teach this; I‘m not going to do anything until I learn how to work this. I knew there was something wrong. That‘s why we never had heavy manifestation courses. We‘d teach you little The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 53 of 160
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things that you couldn‘t hurt yourself with. But, I knew there was something wrong with that equal and opposite pull, that, Why did it always get twisted into the negative? I know we‘ve taught before about, well, the green line and the red line. And the good one, not the Green Dragon line, either. We were meaning Emerald Line and the other one. The one you want to listen to and the one you don‘t want to listen to, right, you get that: Same thing with any communications like channels and that kind of stuff. You‘ve got both sets going. Some can bring in some of the stuff from the part of the Mental Body that is not on the wrong spin, but it gets twisted from the part of the bodies that are on the wrong spin. So, it‘s very hard to tell the difference. I spent years trying to, before I ever started speaking, you know, teaching, to be able to sense the encryption of one line from the other. I didn‘t know what to describe them as, but I could feel if that was right or that was wrong. And, I can feel every time a twist comes in, like when I‘m taking these down. And, that‘s why you‘ll see scribbles, and, nope, not that one, nope. I go through the, I sort all the time when I‘m doing these to make sure. And then if I can tell that I‘m not sure, that‘s when I ask the Beloveds: ―Yo‖, directly, to make sure. And, if I can‘t get a clear answer from the Beloveds, I‘ll put it down and, you know, get whatever‘s bugging me off me. And it‘s usually somebody trying to not let me get that part of the line down because it has information they don‘t want me to get. And it‘s not our side, all right? So, nobody is, at this point, fully protected. You have to learn to sense encryption. That‘s why one of the things that we‘re going to do, and we will do them, the hands-on as they call it, even though it‘s not handson. It‘s, like, fields-on stuff. We will do that tomorrow, but one of the things we will learn to do is begin to sense encryption and ways where you can do that because you need to---it has lots of applications. But, one of them is to be able to tell which line is coming, be it an emotional line; be it a thought line. The thought ones are real important because certain ones will send, FA s will send thoughts running up on the false line, through the bottom, reverse-spin part of the Va-Bha‘-TE Sac, and that creates thought runs. And they will create, like, CDs in your head and things like that. And, they‘re being run on a mass level, as well. Some songs, I‘ve noticed, like songs that you get on the radio that you don‘t even know the words to or anything…hear them once. Don‘t even think about them, didn‘t even like them. And then they turn on, like somebody hit a switch and you‘ve got, like, a record guy in your head. Where did that come from? I don‘t even like that song, right? It‘s stuff that‘s cycling through the Grids. They‘re using music, too. I mean, the music industry here. And images; Look at all the images that we watch all the time. Look at what our children have been being put in front of to call amusement. You know, shoot-‗em-up games, you know, with the heavy light coming in to the eyes on the twisted sequence. All these things go right in to the localized, the immediate TEa‘-Wha Fields. And they set encryption programs. When you read something, it sets, it takes that light, right, goes through your Pineal, into your system, and it sends it out, into that field. So, everything you hear, everything you experience, everything you read, everything your eyes see or your ears hear or your nose smells creates an encryption in energy that goes back into even the distorted fields. It sets that pattern there and it builds it up into a manifestation. What they‘re trying to build here, on the mass level, is a mass extinction through self-destruction. They‘re trying to create the World War III Drama. Not by coming in and bombing us with space ships: that would be a last resort on their part, right? They are trying to, literally, have us kill each other, and they are seeding thought forms. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 54 of 160
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(0:07:21) And not only that, they are also seeding things through Infrasound. Now, Infrasound is what, and, hmm. I won‘t go heavily into this right now, but when we are dealing with the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies, all right, the AahJhA‘ Body is---if you could see the Light Bodies, you would see the Light Body, but you would not see the Aah-JhA‘ Body because it‘s on the opposite spin, what‘s called the AdorA Spin, all right? It‘s on the Adjugate Spin. And it‘s the energy of the Adjugate Spin, the Adjugate spinning one way, and then you have the Light Body spinning the opposite way. And, wait a minute…I‘m being told not to go there tonight, all right. All right, I‘m going to stop there, right there. I just got, literally, got, ―Security breach. Stop on that one.‖ Ok, I don‘t know what that was about. We‘ll pick that up tomorrow. Anyway, I will---I don‘t like when they do that. They rarely, rarely say it that way, right? So, I‘m not sure what that is. I mean, does that mean break time? It does, doesn‘t it? Yeah, ok. Ten minutes good? Ten or fifteen should be fine. Ok, huh, I‘m trying to see where it is, where is it in-coming from? Anything more? Just break, or? Ok, yo, break now, please. Yes, they just said, literally, to scatter. I don‘t know; I‘ll find out more when we go out. I haven‘t had that happen since Belize. Belize was the last time that happened. Remember? Belize was the last. Just ten or fifteen minutes tops, ok? (D1 C1 0:09:04) …that, where they said, ‗Get out now!‘ Since Belize when we did the workshops on the boat, and when the Wesadeks came in, that was like long time ago, but when they had come in, and they had amplified the line and of the, I think it was the Greens that were trying to mess with us that point, and they literally had us scatter, like we had to stop, ‗Just stop the workshop. It‘s done, go!‘ alright. Because they said it makes, when we are scattered, it‘s not as easy of a target because we create a concentrated field when we‘re together. And we all still have part of our fields that are reversed with the Calorenes. What I didn‘t know what this was about, and it hit right when I was going into the information on Infrasound—notice, yeah—and about children, and TVs and things. Uh-huh, ooh, they didn‘t want me to talk about that! Our guys don‘t mind. In fact, that‘s what we‘re supposed to do this time. Umm, this might get me dead from the outside, right. But anyway, this has to do with the water too. When I went out it was funny, when everybody kind of like went out, and I was still in here on my way out, I said, ‗Alright, what‘s up? What‘s up?‘ Usually they‘ll immediately start and they said, ‗Outside!‘ right. They had me get out of the room before they‘d even let me know any more. And I felt this really strange tension, and I started to get pain all the way down my back, and it was starting like shaky and dizzy. I got outside and did some Krystar breaths and blew out my capsule and did all the stuff, the highest stuff I know how to do as fast as I can, right. Ok, and then they said, ‗You‘ll all be all right in a minute! We caught this, alright.‘ So the Beloveds actually did something to protect the field, where you bring more of that open Window stuff in, because our Windows, the group‘s windows aren‘t open yet as far as those TE‘a-Wha Windows. And that leaves a vulnerability, and the vulnerability I had no idea. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 55 of 160
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But when I got out there and the line stabilized, it‘s like the Beloveds created—it looked like an ionic, lovely golden-silver ionic screen that was hanging like a dome in the fields. And immediately, as soon as I saw that, it was like the tension released, and my body stopped hurting, and I was right back again. I‘m still getting a little dizzy though. That was strange. But the group was protected. That‘s why they said ok, we can go back in now. But they gave me, I said, ‗Alright, what? What was that?‘ you know. We‘ve gotten some weird whacks from the invisible, from the—it‘s the White Dragons crew at this point, and some of the Thothians that are working with them, new ones that decided that they were going to go in that direction. They‘re usually a blend of Thothian-Anu, mixed with one of the Drak races, because a lot of the Draks, they just got hijacked. The White Dragons had worked with them and seduced them into certain energy exchanges literally with their grids and their shields, and they can‘t pull out of it. We‘re trying to get—I mean if any of the Drak people want, you know, to come into host, part of our jobs especially on the other levels is to try to help them to do that, and boy, that‘s really ticking off the Whites. We have all really, really ticked off the White Dragons with all of this stuff because we‘re not dead yet (laughter)! They were hoping within a week of the Omega Code being activated—which was what, in January?— that it would be ‗crumple fast and die‘, right, and not just for like a couple of us but the Shield. I mean they were trying to take us out because we have the ability to fix a lot of this here and get a lot people—which is quantum they will lose—back into natural host. This one, this particular whack, which is the fastest one, I‘ve never seen one like, since Belize, that went that quickly. Even in Volubilis, in Morocco where we got nailed pretty good on regular basis there everywhere we went, it wasn‘t, it wasn‘t this bad, whatever they tried to throw at us. ‗Alright, what is it that you won‘t even talk to me,‘ and they did that once ages ago when I first went to England, and we literally had to cancel the rest of the workshop tour because they were coming after us just to bring the information in. And they wouldn‘t even tell me why. We just had to all of a sudden give everybody‘s money back and there were five more left in the tour, right. So we had to get that handled and come back. And that was when Az came back with me and then, well, we ended up getting married and stuff really fast. But this one, alright, they usually don‘t try to do that much fire power, because at this point we‘re still useful because of the information we bring in. Right now we‘re bringing in some very, very useful information. They‘ve actually, probably allowed me to stay alive, you know, as far as the ones working in secret places in physical bodies that have organizations like the World Management Team, which is there. And it does have people in bodies that are running it in the secret societies, and those kind of things. They know about a lot of this, but they are working the other agenda, most of them. They let me live and breathe, and I‘m sure they have dossiers like this on me, and that‘s ok, and on Az, right. But we‘ve not done anything, we‘re not doing anything counter-culture. We‘re just doing very peaceful stuff, which they don‘t care about. And, but they do know is that we have a real line to the Beloveds. And they know that what the Beloveds know, and they have been waiting for this stuff on molecules and atoms and the water.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 56 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So they did warn me a while ago that it might get a bit dangerous once—that was for me, and Az, once that information was released, not for you—it‘s the information that will help you to set yourselves free. But it may be dangerous to me because they may kidnap me and make me disappear or something once I start revealing that publicly, because I know my job is to reveal it publicly to anybody who actually wants to hear it. This is where the hit came in tonight. I had just started talking about kids and TVs and the effects of all those programmings getting pulled in through the eyes and back out thing. And I had just gone into the Infrasound Pattern. (0:15:00) Now there are all sorts of Scalar Wave Infrasound technologies that numerous governments on the planet are developing. Yes, ones that can stop a heart just by transmitting a certain frequency; ones that can create mind-control NETs to control populations, all sorts of things like that. Also ones that can control numbers of populations as far as genocides that are invisible, where diseases can be triggered that are carried latent in the gene codes. They do these through these technologies, and this is the stuff—that‘s why we‘ve got the incoming on the White Dragons, because they wanted to make sure I didn‘t say anything to you about that. And I‘m going to say it now. I had to write it down just in case they tried to wipe it out of my head, right! (Laughter and applause) First what they wanted me to do, and this was right where I had started to do, because I brought up Infrasound but I hadn‘t explained that in relation to the Aah-JhA‟ Bodies yet. Now we talked about this a bit in the May workshop, I believe, where when we talked about the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies and how the Aah-JhA‘ Body itself—these patterns that we put in, the TE‟a-Wha Plates that go into the Aah-JhA‘ Body—they create what looks like a dot matrix in light. The encryption that they carry actually looks like a light form, but not here. The Aah-JhA‘ Body and the Light Body spin in opposite directions. The Light Body in this side—we are on what‘s called the EtorA side, that is the clockwise spin on the D2 level, right, and this is the D2 Telluric Field. The Aah-JhA‘ Body on the D2 level spins counter-clockwise, so we don‘t see it. So when we send these imprints out into the Aah-JhA‘ Body, they go out into the natural reverse spin of the AdorA side. And they go into the AdorA side, and we don‘t see them but they create a standing wave Scalar Grid, right, a Morphogenetic Field over there. Here, it looks invisible; it‘s the space between objects, right. You don‘t see it. And actually we‘re walking around in the Light Field that is the Aah-JhA‘ Body of the AdorA side, right. So these are overlaid fields. Now when we set these templates into the TE‟a-Wha Fields, they go into the Aah-JhA‘ spin, or the counter-clockwise spin, and appear there as a Light Matrix, a dot matrix Light Field. Here, it‘s those same— everywhere there is a dot over there, it creates a vibration here in the atmosphere, in the air that runs right through the Matter Base that is called an Infrasound Pattern, alright. That‘s why it‘s called the HydroAcoustic Body. Hydro has to do with the substance that it is made out of, and also about some of the stuff when we get to the readings. But the Acoustic part has to do with what appears there in the Aah-JhA‘ Body on the AdorA spin as Light appears here as Infrasound Patterns, the ultra, ultra low frequency sound that is actually the under sound, inside of Matter, right. This, the knowledge of this has been conscious in contemporary times The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
since the Zetas came in and started teaching the governments about how to do certain weaponry, and that kind of stuff. The Zetas are working the Red agenda at this point which got hijacked by the White ones, so they are Red and White over there. And now the Greens are splitting and half them going there and part of them running over here. But they have developed, and they have progressively been developing and putting lots of black budget money, not just here but in other countries too, into developing Infrasound technologies. They have developed them to quite a degree. Part of that development was digital television. And notice that they are killing the analogue signal pretty soon where you just can‘t get it anymore, right. The reason they do—they have found some of the keys to working with the Metatronic version of the twisted Cal Fields, where they can send programming in, just like when you see something with your eyes or you hear it with your ears—it creates a pattern that goes through even the twisted processes. But it goes into the Mental Body, the Mental Body Field that would be this part, right. This is the D3 Mental Body Field. This area here, that 6.5 level of D3, is what controls the D2 Telluric realm. That is the body mass, right. They are programming stuff in, using Infrasound. And every time, I mean it‘s not—I used to be able to see some of these sometimes but the signals are getting better because you can‘t, you actually, they are harder to see. I used to see geometric forms coming off the light on the television sometimes. ‗What the heck is that? What are my eyes doing?‘ And they started to explain to me about the programmings and stuff that were being put through. And they seem to—I don‘t see those so much anymore but it is a sound at this point. It‘s a funny sound, especially to high-def and that kind of stuff. A‘zah: Metallic sound. A‘sha: Yeah, there is a weird metallic sound to the high-def things. And it‘s not because they haven‘t finetuned the technology yet. They are using these to create mass mind-control and through the body. And it is not only affecting the mind, they are also broadcasting up higher into these areas that they can still access because they‘re still inside of the Va-Bha‘-TE Sac, so they are trying to do mind-control from the higher ones, and body control from the mental one. And they didn‘t want you to know about that. And it‘s very specific. They send signals into these bands and it would be, if you wanted to control the Telluric realm, you‘d send it into the 6.5 area sub-frequency band, between sub-frequency bands 6 and 7 on the D3 Dimensional Spectrum. And that would create a pattern, a dot matrix pattern that becomes an Infrasound Pattern. It doesn‘t hit the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies. They‘ve got some of the Light Fields of what should be the Light Body spinning in reverse spin to make them work like a fake Aah-JhA‘ Body because they‘ve blocked the connection to the natural one. And they bounce it off the reverse field and bring it back in, and it steps down to the Dimension below. So we‘re actually being progressively subjected to this. Ah, hmm, with this, let‘s see, let me see what else they said, if there‘s anything more to say on that because that‘s what they didn‘t want me to talk about, the other guys didn‘t. And that‘s why they just threw a whack. Oh yes, ha, and one of the solutions to this, this is what they really don‘t want, ok, yeah I‘m going to sit down for this one, (laughter) just in case. (0:21:48) Ma‘a is giving me a really funny image. He‘s giving me the image of the little, what were they, tinfoil hats that a couple of people wore (laughter) after the movie ‗Signs‘ came out. Yeah, I think the kid had read in a The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 58 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
book or whatever that the tinfoil, because of certain properties, would block the signals that the ETs were trying to send to mess with them, right. We had a couple of people, a number of people, actually—there‘s like two rows of people once in a workshop being funny—that came in wearing the little tin hats, right. A‘zah: In Calgary. A‘sha: Yeah, I thought—what was that? Sorry, what? A‘zah: In Calgary. A‘sha: Calgary was it? Yeah, but I thought that was quite funny. Participant: It happened here too. A‘sha: It happened here too! I thought it happened here, yeah, alright. Did they? Yeah, but the concept is interesting. Now I guess tinfoil from what I‘ve heard from, I think you told me, aluminum foil, yeah, that‘s what I mean. They are different substances, aren‘t they? Aluminum foil, if you put it over, say, a satellite dish, messes up the signal, right? So there is something to that. That doesn‘t mean we all have to go get our rolls of foil and make hats. Part of the problem is it‘s not coming in through the head; it‘s coming up the feet, so we need tin booties too (laughter)! But it‘s not just coming in a bit through the head, a bit through the feet; it‘s coming in through the chakras and the fields so we need like a tin mummy outfit (laughter)! Fortunately, right, because that could be very uncomfortable really quick, fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. I didn‘t know this; they were going to tell us tomorrow but they are going to tell us now, well because of the whack that just went. Yeah, it was not just personal; it was meant for the whole Shield, and it didn‘t work. And the thing I was seeing was like the little golden-silver, tiny little ions at some level, but I could see them like right up above here. It wasn‘t my eyes here seeing them. I was seeing them from like the top of my eye ball level which is very strange. It‘s a new place; I haven‘t seen from there before. But it immediately blocked whatever it was that it was creating. It was building a tension and it was like, causing body harm. There is a way once the Windows are open that we can create inside of—if we have our natural D1, D2, D3 body structure levels, and they have these nasty Calorene Fields, the control NETs that are running in them at the moment, right, it will take a while after we open the Window to clear all of that out of ourselves. Now if we clear it too fast, we‘d blow ourselves up! So, you know, it‘s a process that takes time. But they are one of the first things that can be done is we can learn how to create like an ion field, a net inside the NET, and harness the NET itself. And the energy that it tries to use to mess with us, that‘s why I‘ve got that surge of (giggle) oh, I‘m going to come back here and talk with this! I‘ve got a surge off that one, right! I did! Woke me up, whoa! But there is a way that by using the Window technologies, we can create an ion buffer field that literally has some kind of—I don‘t know what‘s its molecular structure is or its elemental structure is yet—but using the natural processes, we can create this buffer field and harness the harness, and turn its energy back. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 59 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So every time they try to blast us with something, and just walking around on Earth you get blasted with stuff all the time because these frequencies, these Infrasound frequencies are being sent, we can turn them back around when we have that thing inside of our fields, and all the stuff they‘re blasting, they‘re trying to hurt with, we can turn that quantum back around and use it to accelerate our own healing. (Applause) So we don‘t need tin foil or aluminum foil. I feel very relieved about that one because I‘ve been feeling like in the last month there‘s been so much of the nasty frequency running in the grids that I feel like I have aged 500 years! And I‘m just falling apart in myself, you know what I mean, like my bones are hurting, and joints are popping, and you know all that stuff, like uh-oh. There is something, there is a larger technique that they will give us tomorrow, and they said they‘re not even going to do main tech, any open-your-field type techniques right now, because of we‘re being watched—no kidding we‘re always being watched, right. At least some of them are good guys. But there is a quick way to begin that process. It will only go in on the Light Body level but it will recode enough to begin the process and create a bit of—what? They said, ‗Think green slime (laughter), but good emerald green, like a jelly-type effect filter that will coat the inside of the levels where the bio-NET is.‘ And we can‘t do it yet on the higher one. We have to wait till we open the full thing. But there‘s enough there where we can get that, that much so it will stop the bioassaults that are being run through, and it is specific. The frequency is the space between the 6th and the 7th sub-frequency band of D3, is where they are transmitting that particular set of Infrasound mess that goes right into the physical body structure. So there is quick way to do it that just has to do with optical pineal induction—seeing a code, inhaling it through the eyes, holding it, and then in your mind do the ‗Rasha-Eira-Krystar‘ (exhale) NOW, right. It‘s real simple; it‘s not a full technique yet but it will be enough and I‘ll show you what the code is. I was going to just show you at the end. We‘re going to show you now, right. (A‘sha referring to A‘zah) Bless you! It‘s the end-one in the pack, honey. Yep, you‘ve got it, ok. Yeah let‘s put that up please. We‘ll get that part done now. Let‘s put on our green slime! (Giggles) The green slime field is coming.
[D2 C3 0:28:33] The ―Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan‖ ―Feel Good Code‖
(A‘sha confers with A‘zah) You want to run that? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 60 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
This holds the math. I didn‘t have time to paint it or color it or anything yet, we just got it. It is, you can tell, based on the Spirit Body structure, right. They would be the petals that you see. This is part of, that‘s the lower flows of the figure-8 NaVA-Ho Chambers, right, the Core Chambers. And this code, there‘s ways to use this. We are going to be taught how to use it in the chakras, and that kind of stuff. It‘s also going to be, this is called the „Feel Good Code‟ because it can be used for all sorts of things, and what it does is open the flows back up. But what we need to do though, honey, is, see this one, I have to—I didn‘t have time to put it right on the paper, this one needs to be on top. See the one with the little look like a Sun around it, yeah, that represents our Vector 4, alright—not Vector, but Horizon, because we‘re on the 4-10 line. Ok, let them just do a couple of these first, just to get it in. And you seriously just look at it (inhale), bring it in the eyes and ‗Rasha-Eira-Krystar‘ (exhale) NOW, and push out your capsules, your Krystar Vehicle Capsules. If anybody doesn‘t know what they look like, just imagine you got one, and the group will activate yours just because it‘s close proximity. That‘s in some of the earlier workshops. They had me lay on this because I was getting sick during the transmissions. Ok, alright, (referring to A‘zah) you want to do it? You run that one, yeah. Ok, now Az knows that this will work, this will help to, bring it in a bit deeper until we get the full technique. This one, yes. That is the, what is it, the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan, this code is called. A‘zah: What? A‘sha: It‘s called the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan. (Participants repeat name)
The “Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan” Code Induction [DVD times] A‘zah Now ok, this is something that—I don‘t know whether we tripped over it but we finished up in a horizontal position. And this is something that I‘ve waited for personally for a long time. I‘ve talked to many of you before about trying to remember that a code is alive, ok. Tonight you‘re going to treat it literally, as it is working with you, as a breathing, living thing. Now what I want you to do is to repeat the ‗Rasha-Eira-Krystar NOW,‘ ok, and know it is doing exactly what you‘re doing. Now I‘ll just talk you through it, and then you can do it on your own. It is very simple; it is only 3 or 4 breaths. Take one main breath to expand your Krystar Vehicle, and know it is doing exactly what you are doing. And as you imagine your own Krystar Vehicle expand, if you like, imagine, see, or intend, whatever way you connect with it that it too has expanded its own Krystar Vehicle around itself. Ok, that will be Breath-1. In Breath-2, I want you then to create a miniature of the Krystar Vehicle sitting up in the peak part, ok and know that it too is doing the same thing as you. On the exhale you push out the miniature Krystar Vehicle as it will, and those 2 miniature Krystar Vehicles will meet far out in space. What? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
A‘sha: Wait, wait, wait, wait. They are saying no, not now. There is a good technique— A‘zah: We don‘t want to do that now? A‘sha: No, not on a security breach, no. You want to keep them in their bodies. A‘zah: Ok. Well we can, we can put the replicas into the apex and leave them there. A‘sha: Yeah, just keep them in the body. Don‘t take them, don‘t have them go out. A‘zah: Ok. A‘sha: Because that takes them on bi-location. A‘zah: Ok, I apologize if I was being misdirected. (Laughter) A‘sha: Sorry, pardon me, I didn‘t know— A‘zah: This just in—correction. (Laughter) We enjoy a very close line on a good occasion. So then, when you exhale, exhale the miniature into the peak part of the Krystar Vehicle. Don‘t push it out beyond, ok. And then take 1 more breath and see the miniatures merge together, ok. A‘sha: Where? A‘zah: Inside the apex, ok. So there is a Krystar being expanded out there by this code. It will create a miniature which is sent to the apex - of its own as you will. Right, imagine the 2 on the next breath, the miniature Krystars joining to become one, ok. And inhale and then exhale and see them separate out again and make a link between the 2 large Krystars. On 1 final breath, blend the Krystars while focusing on the code, ok. Participant: What do you mean by the apex? A‘zah: The top! Inside, inside, not outside, Jo, because you‘ll get me into more trouble, right. (Laughter) It‘s the pointy bit, the Krystar Vehicle, the top part of it, the top area, ok. I can‘t give it to you in millimeters or anything because you, you take me away, you know. But in the upper part, anywhere near the upper part, Jo, that will work fine. Participant: Of the Krystar Vehicle. A‘zah: Yeah of the Krystar Vehicle. Ok, so first breath, you and this code together—focus on the code though, recognize it is working with you. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
Inhale and expand, ‗Rasha-Eira-Krystar NOW.‘ Ok, exhale, expand the Krystar. It‘s expanding its Krystar, ok. Inhale and then exhale a miniature version of the Krystar Vehicle up in the top part of the large one. Now inhale, and on the exhale merge the 2 miniature Krystar Vehicles creating a link between the 2 large ones. Ok, inhale once more, bring the miniature ones back towards you. Exhale and merge the large Krystar Vehicles. And I left a step out to keep it simple, but it‘s brought you to the place where we need to be. That is a better form of induction. It is a better form of connecting with the person that you want to make a special connection with in terms of pre-technique, meditation, intimate moments, whatever you like. Thank you. (Applause) A‘sha: Thanks Az. I didn‘t mean to interrupt that. I didn‘t know that they didn‘t want us to do that part. Thank you for running that, love. And, something that goes with that, this is, this just came in now, they‘re the beginning of using the tones that have to do with awakening the TE‟a-Wha Fields, if I can remember this. Sometimes it comes through so fast I‘ll lose the melody, but at least I got the words down. I think I have it. And if anybody has a tape recorder, this is good, because at least we‘ll get the sounds that originally came through on, you know, so we can, you know, pull it from there. Now let me see if I can do this, and it will begin the process of activating that code in the system. (0:35:36) What that code does, that is a code that is a part of your natural living consciousness that is the structure of the entire, you know, your Density Body structure with the Aah-JhA‘ Body. It is the Hydro-Acoustic Programming Code that brings back and turns back on those flows because right now, they are the natural flows that would normally be on in your body, in your DNA, and all of that. They are blocked, and they are actually turned off in the gene code by the Epi-genetic Overlay because of the filter that blocks out the actual chemical compounds that would allow those frequencies of energy that are Atomic to come naturally through the body. When we put the code in like we just did, in Krystar protection with the Krystar Vehicle activated—which is the, you know, ‗Rasha-Eira-Krystar NOW,‘ it goes on in all our bodies and pops in, in activation—this one will begin setting the sound equivalent to bring it through. We programmed it in by looking at it, right, and then sing it in to where it pulls it through faster, through the cycle faster so it can come back out as the Infrasound Pattern. And this one I got was, let‘s see, alright, the first part is just very simple syllables but they are repeated 3 times. It goes Um Ma-TA Um (3X)
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 63 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
Melody: A1
A1 -
G1 G1
(Note: Although it is spelt as UM Ma-Ta UM in the Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan handout, A‘sha tones it as UM MaTA UM in this sequence. Also, ‗UM‘ is spelt as ‗UM‘ in the same handout but A‘sha spells it later in this workshop as ‗Um‘.) You can wait on that one for a minute. They said build that up for a little bit like in sets of 3. And then we can bring it up a little higher as well. And you can move it like some people do, higher/ lower, whatever your voice fits. Ok, we‘ll start with Um Ma-TA Um (3X), Um Ma-TA Um, Um Ma-TA Um,
Um Ma- TA Um,
A E A1
G1 G1
Um Ma-TA Um - , C‘ C‘ B B B
A1 -
B1 B1
Um Ma-TA Um,
Um Ma-TA Um , C‘ BB B A A
Um Ma-TA Um,
Um Ma-TA Um.
A -
And hold, and now I‘ll try the next one. Let me see. I‘ll just try this myself first, see if I can because it went in so fast. Ok, the tune is this. I think it goes Mm - Mm - Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm, Mm (Ash humming to herself) Melody: E –
D The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
A1 -
And the sounds are TE‘…Wha… Na‘-hA-Vu-Sa-ta (2X), TE‘…Wha… Na‘-hA-Vu-Sa-ta, Melody: A GG F E– EE D– D DC B1 B1 A1 TE‘…Wha… Na‘-hA-Vu-Sa-ta
C B1
Um Ma- Ta Um, Melody:
A1 -
Um Ma-Ta Um,
Um Ma-Ta Um Ma-Ta Um Ma- Ta Um,
G G E A1
A1 -
G1 G1
B1 B1
Um Ma-Ta Um Ma-Ta Um Ma- Ta Um, UM Ma-Ta Um Ma-Ta C‘ A
Ma- Ta Um The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 65 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
Ooh, I‘ve got tingles on that one. That was neat. I like this one. Mm, this is just, just the beginning. (Giggle) Oh no, how long is this song? How long is the—I lost 12 letters of the alphabet I have to get down tomorrow, and all of the techniques, and all of the other stuff I‘m going to teach. Oh boy, it‘s already tomorrow. Yeah, alright just so you know that the syllables of this: they were Um, U-m, and then separate word MaTa, M-a dash T-a, both little ones like not with big ‗A‘s, little ‗a‘s, and then Um again, and that part, Um, Um, Um: big ‗U‘, little ‗m‘, Um Ma-Ta Um. And the bottom part, the bigger one, yeah, it‘s TE like capital ‗T‘, big ‗E‘, like TE‘a-Wha, TE, and then Wha: W-h-a, and that‘s the TE‘…Wha… and then the other part the Na‘-hA-Vu-Sa-ta Melody:
D E–
A1 -
It is Na: N-a dash hA, small ‗h‘, big ‗A‘—dash Vu, big ‘V‘, little ‗u‘—dash Sa: big ‘S‘, little ‗a‘—and ta, and they have a little ‗t‘ and a little ‗a‘. So you can use that if you feel, you know, you need protection or whatever, you‘ve got enough of the code in. What we will do is we will get you all a copy even though it‘s rough, it‘s very rough. But it‘s enough to hold the math and do the activation. (Applause) And what it does is set a dot matrix grid. Thank you. They are really powerful, those tones. My hair was standing up in a good way. Ok, now back to the scheduled program, alright. Alrighty, so that was a little bit of a fast-forward on what we were going to start with tomorrow, but what we needed it tonight. And this will keep you safe. If you feel weirded out, like anything is trying to bug you— because people come in with stuff in their fields. We can‘t protect you from yourselves, you know what I mean? We‘ve all got Calorene Fields and they are all susceptible to being, you know, tapped by the larger Calorene Fields on the planet where they are broadcasting. If you feel you need, you know, protection, just use the tones to yourself, you know. Just sing them and did you see how I fluctuated with them a bit? You can do that a lot and build the momentum, right. And you don‘t have to just say, ‗Mm -, mm -, mm-mm,‘ (humming on one pitch) right, you go Um Ma-TA Um,
start wherever you want, Um Ma-TA Um,
Um Ma-TA Um Ma-TA
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 66 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
Melody: C A1
G1 G1
A1 -
Um Ma-TA Um (3X), Um Ma-TA Um Ma-TA
G1 G1
A1 -
Um Ma-TA Um Ma-TA Um E E D D D D D C C
B1 B1
G1 G1
A1 - A1
B1 B1
B1 B1
Um Ma-TA Um E D D D C
A1 -
B1 A1 -
You can play with it like that because when you feel, if you feel the urge to move it like that, let yourself do that because what you‘re doing is you‘re hitting Undertones, Overtones, Adjugate Tones. You‘re letting them move through your body in a way that is natural for you, so you can do that. And sometimes if you‘re working with a big group, it‘s good to like start out the same and try to keep around the same spot. But then we can go into—once everybody is like up in the shield, then we can go into all the oscillations as long as we are doing the Um parts and the TE‘…Wha…parts together at the same time. So even the Um Ma-TA Um, if you can‘t remember real fast the TE‘…Wha…Na‘-hA-Vu-Sa-ta part, at least the Um Ma-TA Um will bring that protection field. And this is the Emerald Shield, and it‘s like an emerald gel that it will actually work kind of like the tin, the aluminum hats right because on the inside, it will put it on the inside of the D3 level of the Aah-JhA‘ Field. And that one I think is the one that‘s called—what is that one? Oh, that‘s the one that has the big long name. Maybe it‘s Um Ma-TA Um, I don‘t know. But it puts it on there. It is literally like a cleaning film. So when the broadcasts do come through, it will clean off a lot. Now, it won‘t clean off all of it right away; we have to build the strength of this inner bubble protection field. What we will eventually do is we will have one of those; they‘re actually like metallic light that will work very much like the foil hats (giggles). And we‘ll progressively be able to create biological immunity to this stuff and build it up in our systems. And that‘s why they are giving us these technologies now because the White Dragon forces are speeding up the activation program of the mass mind. They are messing with the whole mass biology and trying to first do the mind-control bit of getting them into war, so they can like, people can make each other extinct, you know. And they‘re also kicking up the ones—there are certain ones they want to keep alive of course, right.! They want to keep me alive until I give them whatever. There‘s something they‘re looking for that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 67 of 160
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they know that the Guardians know, that they can‘t do something because they don‘t understand something and they know our guys know it. So they let us live, breathe, and walk, and talk (giggles) right. Haven‘t hit that one yet but anyway, this will give you some immediate protection for tonight and forever more. You can use that fast. Yeah, excuse me! Participant: Can we share this with our TV-watching children? A‘sha: Yeah! Please do! I‘d like to learn how to put one of those bubbles right around every electrical appliance, every TV, every one of those little Game Boys, all those things, I think we will learn how to do that. We will learn to transmit that buffer. It‘s more than buffer; it‘s a transmutation field that will turn the reversed stuff that‘s coming into the bodies from the Omega pulses. It will turn it back around and make it usable quantum. Oh, it‘s about time! I‘ve been so, I feel like I‘m falling apart from the inside physically, you know, from the Omega activation. This is where we get to reclaim that energy and turn it back around. So even if they are sending in stuff in to our energy field—they‘re trying to stimulate our own energy fields to produce stuff that doesn‘t belong there—it will turn all of that back around, and the more they hit us, the more we‘ll be able to energize ourselves more quickly. (Applause) Yay! I‘ve just got the image of the little Ever Ready bunnies, the little pink bunnies with the drums—tu, tu, keeps on ticking whatever, no, that‘s Timex—whatever the little battery bunny does, it will kind of like, it‘ll rev up our batteries because we will be reclaiming our own quantum, because it‘s our own quantum that is being used against us. They pulse the Shields through the planetary grids, and it sets certain things in motion in our twisted Calorene Fields, and it transmits what they sent through the Planet Body. It transmits it right down into our bodies. So now we‘ll be able to reclaim all of that quantum. And I bet eventually we‘re going to be able to transmit to at least to some parts of the Planet, a strong enough field that will serve that way too. Like start with maybe over our houses or apartments, yeah. Yes, exactly, you‘re absolutely right. This has to do with creating a superconductivity field, alright. This is just the beginning because eventually the bodies themselves, when they heal, become superconductors. And that means they can run like, you know, pure, natural electromagnetic currents. I know science tries to create false superconductors here by stuffing stuff together on this level because they don‘t know how to manifest it directly down here. That‘s what they haven‘t figured out yet. And the Zetas won‘t tell them, right. Yeah, I mean this is ET technology that was brought here and given to certain ―organizations‖ on the Planet and secretly developed. But they didn‘t give them key formulas and things, because the Zetas weren‘t their friends in the first place, right. The Zetas were trying to set them up so they could use them to do the leg work and dirty work—build the stuff here, make that, put that there, you know that kind of thing. But they wouldn‘t give them key things about understanding the elements, and what you could put together to make whatever it is—the White Dragon, the human peoples that work with the White Dragons—want to do because they want to do something, something that has to do with the Montauk Experiment, that kind of stuff. There is something they want to—they realize something they could do with that and they want to make it bigger. But there‘s certain key somethings and it has to do with atomic relationships that they don‘t understand, and the Zetas won‘t tell them. Oh, maybe we will by accident but The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 68 of 160
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by the time we do, they won‘t be able to use them quite the way they thought they‘d use them, because we‘ll have the Windows open. Now what I would like to do is—I do want to get to the readings. There are one set of charts I will try to read up there. Or I‘ll put it up for you to see and I will read it off the paper. The other one I will just read to you directly and it‘s like micro print. But it‘s precious because it is about the Fetal Integration Process. This describes also the process of what happens in your body, in your whole body system, what‘s supposed to happen when you think a thought. Where do thoughts come from? Where do they go? It will answer that and in quite the usual detail, alright, which is like I have to take their transmissions when I get them down like that. Then I have to pick them apart and just, alright, make this simple and can I put in like 14-point type please, simple bulleted items step by step: first, what happens; then what, without 20 million words. Well there are not 20 million words for each step but there is quite a lot of things to follow. But it is clear enough where I think you‘ll get the idea, and I find it fascinating. But it tells you the process that how thoughts are born, where your thoughts come from, where they go. Before we can read that one, we need to get into a little bit more about the Matter as far as how does Matter come. It goes through those 12 steps. There‘s 12, what do they call them? Steps of Materialization, yeah the 12 Steps of Materialization, and I think, yeah, I‘ll start with that. Next, before I do that one, there are ones I think I put behind them in the stack that I think I‘d rather start with. Let me see what‘s right behind them. Oop, I‘ll blind myself. Yes, I can do with that one. Um, let me see this one and the couple behind it because I might put those behind this because I think it is easier, ok got the Periodic Table. Um, I‘ll read it. I‘ll do the big one first. This one is a bit of a challenge. Yeah, I think this will probably be the best sequence. Ok, there‘s 2 pages of this, just so you know. Ok, I‘m going to read these off instead of point. I will let you look at that but I will read this to you because it‘ll be the print. That will be really hard for me to read with my eyesight the way it is, standing up. So first of all
The “First 12 Steps of Materialization” The Progression from Consciousness to Matter [D2 C4 0:50:54]
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Now we learned in pieces, before about the first part of the Transduction Sequence that was just referred to as that. We‘ve learned about the Translation Sequence which is the Pre-Partiki Sequence that before the 1st Partiki is born, what happened. And it‘s about I‘m not even going back to analyze what that process was. It was described in several workshops where Source focused—Source is like a massive, endless, what they call E-ta-Ur Field. And ‗E-ta-Ur‘ is the word—it is not a substance. It is Consciousness, and it is the Consciousness that actually goes through these stages to become the different levels of Sound, Light, Matter, all of that, alright. So you have the Source Field, the Cosmos is within, exists within a huge Aah-JhA‟ Body that itself exists within this massive, limitless E-ta-Ur Field or Consciousness Field that is the God-Source Consciousness Field. That is an alive field; it is alive, aware, just like you‘re alive and aware. It is a lot more alive and aware than we are down here right now. But it is massive and it is alive; a big It with a capital ‗I‘ because it‘s not a boy or a girl; it is not a he-god, or she-god; it‘s All-God. It is all things manifest from that Consciousness Field. We were created in the image of God-Source. We are, as our first state, huge Consciousness Fields like that. And we individuate through the process of creating the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies, and then birthing the Spirit Body and the Light Body within them, and then tethering them to something. Now, some other processes don‘t involve having to tether them. That is how things are born on Earth. But in other societies you actually don‘t have to have a parent. You can just pop yourself into being —when you get into, once you‘ve transfigured the body and brought it back into its natural, what‘s called the MaSha-Yha-nic Fold, you have an Eternal-Life Body at that point. And you can—that will be your Core Encryption of whatever body you take. Like if you take the body now, you take your body through Transfiguration that would be your Eternal-Life Body. But you can shape-shift it to anything you want temporarily but it will always hold your Core Encryption. Anyway, these are the steps that where it goes from Consciousness through these Substances. But before Substances, there are what are called Pre-Substance States, alright, and they all have names. And I‘m sure the names have sound tones and that‘s why they have the names as far as what these things resonate as because, you know, they just don‘t pull names out of their hat. They name things that go with the Sound Vibrations and Light Oscillations that the Substance holds. So the first set, this has to do with the, is Born of the E-ta-Ur Conversion. It‘s called E-ta-Ur Conversion. That‘s where Consciousness Conversion within the personal, planetary & solar Atomic Body. So this happens not just in your own body but also in the Planet, in the Solar level, in the Galactic level. So all of the levels of the body all the way up to the Cosmic one are going through these processes. And this is where first, Consciousness from that Source Field—if it‘s your own little body, your immediate Source Field, your individual one is your Aah-JhA‘ Body that comes into being during the early portions of the SEDa Cycle that we‘ve talked about before, and will probably touch on, you know, at the end. But, so we are drawing, it is through this—we put a quantum of Consciousness of pure E-ta-Ur, our self as pure Consciousness into this structure of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, and then grow/fill the Aah-JhA‘ Body like a bubble, like you fill a balloon with air. And then that Consciousness goes through these processes to progressively become Matter.
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So it‘s actually your own Aah-JhA‘ Body that is feeding into from the point of Fetal Integration—feeding in the energy and expanding the form as it‘s downloading its Consciousness into your Consciousness into the body. And that‘s what grows the body from the point of Fetal Integration that becomes yours. Before that the body is actually still the parents‘ because you have not tethered in and started bringing in your Consciousness from the Aah-JhA‘ Field into progressive manifestation of materialization in the body. So this process occurs through various levels of between the Aah-JhA‘ Body, the Rasha Body, the Light Body. And different parts of it take place at different stations in the bodies. So in this you‘ll see that like for the first one, for example, it says, ―Born of E-ta-Ur Conversion,‖ which means the conversion of the E-ta-Ur or the Consciousness, that pure Consciousness within the personal, planetary & solar Atomic Body. Once Fetal Integration begins, this process is set in motion in the physical Atomic Body that was the borrowed body that was grown into the baby, the baby had to grow to a certain big-enough point. The baby grows before you integrate into it from the donated quantum of the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell that was given by the combination of egg and sperm from the parents, right. That is actually what grew the body. And then when you start to come in and tether—that can‘t happen till about 33 to 56 days after fertilization of the egg because it would blow the egg apart. It would actually blow, it will kill it, because it would be too much energy for that little tiny egg to handle. So the body has to be grown to a point where it can handle the high frequency of the new Consciousness coming in. So this process, it also happens in the core of Stars and Cosmoses and things. This is the birthing process by which everything is set in motion. It works a little different as far as that doesn‘t anchor to a fetus exactly. I‘m sure there is something equivalent to a Star Fetus right, which has to do with possibly anchoring into some little thing that already exists in the Manifest Fields? Or it maybe not, it might be one of those that are able to just maybe like where did the first bit come from to form the Aah-JhA‘ Body? Where was the egg and sperm that started the Star? I don‘t know the answer to that but I have a feeling they don‘t need one. I think at that point their level of Consciousness, where they can create their own first Va-Bha‘-TE Cell of their own energy and grow that out enough, and then get inside of it and grow inside of it. I have a feeling that‘s how they go. But these processes happen on a personal level all the time. Every breath would involve a very fast version of this, much faster than I read it. And it also, in a living Planet, in a living Star, this is the same process by which the Planet, or the Star, and the Cosmos breathe. And it starts out before the breathing can happen, there‘s certain stages of Substance where Consciousness first becomes Pre-Substance. Then it moves from Pre-Substance into what is called Hydrolase which is—now this is the Pre-Substance Compound. (D2 C4 0:57:53) It is a Compound Pre-Substance, and there‘s a different type of Hydrolase that comes later that is an Atomic Substance, and it is not a Pre-Substance; it‘s an actual Substance, alright. And Hydrolase, wherever it is, be it in the Pre-Substance state or once it gets into Atomic state, it has a very specific code as far as its combinations in D3 it is H 2O2HE3, right, that‘s D3 level. That‘s 2 Hydrogen, 2 Oxygen, and 3 Helium. When you step that down using that very intricate chart of making sure all the spins are right and counting everything, it becomes in D2, it becomes O 2H2N3, alright, that is what the Substance of Hydrolase is in Atomic structure. We find out as we progress through this that it is the structure of what Living Water is supposed to be. That is what Living Water is supposed to be. But you cannot force water here to bond that way from the outside, no matter how much you mix stuff up in test tubes, or whatever they do in science The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 71 of 160
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labs. But it can be brought back into water, if a body can bring it into their own body water by regenerating this ability of breathing. So we will be able to—and they just taught me something, right, when we came in there, where as soon as I came back in, they wanted me to drink water and they told me to—and I don‘t know what, this will be a technique tomorrow, the beginning of a technique. They just said, ‗Put your hand over your head and grab there,‘ like where I can feel the spot, and that‘s where the Window had opened, right. I could feel it, and they said, ‗Just grab stuff.‘ What kind of—‗Just grab stuff‘, so I grabbed stuff, alright. And they had me put it under the water and push it up in, just like you would in Kathara healing. Push it up into the water; they had me do that twice, and then said, ‗Now, drink it,‘ right. So it helped, and it did. It felt really good going down. I don‘t know if it would chemically change enough on the level where it can be seen under a microscope yet but eventually it would do that. And if we could build enough frequency. But even a little bit of it, even where it is so tiny that it would, you know, it would be hard to find in the microscope, it creates a field that opens the potentials of these flows, the potentials of Hydrolase coming back in. Alright they‘re saying what it does at first, it will allow the D3 natural element to bond to the dead one, alright. And then progressively as that element heals by bringing in the D3 thing, it will start to recode itself. And it will begin to allow the drawing in of the missing elements, because right now we got H 2O here is water. Alright I had to translate that and I‘m not looking at this now. I‘m going to read this first. But I did translate back and forth. Ok, if it‘s H2O here that means that line, this line on D2, so that means on D3, it‘s this, right. So I could find out what the translations were, so I could find out what exactly is missing from water, and we did find out what is missing from water. And it happens to be like the 3, I think it‘s 3 Nitrogen and 1 Oxygen. H2O, no, 1 Hydrogen, anyway I have it on the other thing but we do have this formula for that. So anyway, all of these Substances that we are looking at here and we‘ll finish up with here, this is the progression from literally Consciousness through Pre-Substance going into Pre-Matter, which is the next level, and that each of these takes place in a different area in the whole body structure. And from the Pre-Matter it goes into the, let‘s see, goes into those 15 States of Atomic-Matter. It starts going into the Atomic level first as various things in Hydro-something, and then Thermo-something. I‘ll read this to you in a minute more formally. But then it finally comes into what‘s called the Ecto, into Ectoplasm, ok. Now, an Ectoplasm, there‘s a difference in these. When something in the early stage is spelt like Endoplasm, it‘s not Plasma, it‘s Plasm, right. By the time you get to these stages, the Plasms have become Plasmas with an ‗m-a‘ on the end, not just an ‗m‘, alright, so there‘s a difference between those Substances, alright, and its spelling reflects that. So it gets into the Ectoplasmic state and that is the one right before it goes into what our Matter state is, like what our atoms and elements are made out of here. And the Ectoplasmic state is interesting because there are Three Main Substances, yeah, they are Substances at this time. They are considered Ectoplasmic Crystalline, Crystalline-Electro-Light, Atomic Matter. So it‘s like, it looks like gossamer threads of crystal that things are built out of, like you can The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 160
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see, because I can see them sometimes; I can see the Ectoplasmic levels. I didn‘t know what they were but I always thought they were pretty, alright. And this substance, the first one of these substances of Electro-Light—Crystallized Electrified Light is what the substance actually is, Atomic though, Atomic Light, and it is called Celestallon, right. That breaks down and becomes two other ones: one is Celestalline and one is Celestallite. We have the formulas there for what they are. And what‘s really funny is Celestallite is what used to be called White Powder Gold in the old days. So that is what in the old days they used to hunt, the ones who couldn‘t go through Star Gates used to hunt those who could to kill them because there would be a burst as they try to get out of their body fast, once their bodies were killed. There would be a burst of well, Hydrolase Conversion, a real fast one that creates the Celestallite, and the Celestallite would come out on the skin. And they would actually dust the powder off the skin of the person they killed, and then take it because it would give them temporary electrical superconductivity abilities in the body that they could not generate themselves. I can hardly wait for this to start, oh boy, which is something eventually—well you know by the time we can do that, they‘ll get us out of here. Yeah, so they don‘t go hunting again. This time they are going to open the big Window on the Planetary level that goes between, they are going to force through the Calorene Fields between here and Median Earth, so we can begin the process. And by the time we would be worth hunting, we‘ll be out of here, ok. They are not going to let that happen again this time, unless some people want to stay. I mean some people stay, some Guardian-type people stay in the worst battle fields because they want to help the rest that are stuck in it, and knowing us, me and Az— not again! Yes, it‘s like you never get to retire, ok. But we will have progressive protection from those kind of things as we get this. It is not going to be a fiasco like Egypt was because Egypt was a fiasco. You know, there were still some people who had little bit abilities left to go through. You had Hibernation Zones open. You had all sorts of crazy stuff flying in Egypt. And there was a lot of nasty things going on between what were the Leviathan races which were the ones that had hybridized in for bio-regenesis and decided to go to the dark side. And they were killing our people because we could go through Gates and it made them very jealous. They were whining, ‗Why can‘t we do that!‘ ‗So well you‘re on bio-regenesis, we‘d be glad if you could but you got to wait!‘ And they wanted to take the Substance to make it happen to try to override the natural processes. They got themselves damaged in the first place. That is the only reason they had to come here on Earth to bio-regenerate. But they wanted the quick-fix, right. And they figured ‗Oh, it would be better just to make a Substance. We could trigger that,‘ you know. And they had little recipes that would almost work but not quite in Atlantis because if they were not naturally manufactured through a living body that does it, they don‘t work really well and you can get yourself like spontaneously combusted in attempting to go through a Star Gate, right. So the real stuff worked best and that‘s why they hunted for it. Anyway, this is way up in the process of, this is the Step-in Sequence, where Consciousness is actually stepping into the levels of manifestation, and then materialization. (D2 C5 1:06:27) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 73 of 160
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And from the Celestalline level, it gets very interesting. This is where we find out what the heck is our Matter made out of anyway. And this is where we find out why water is important. Where, actually, atoms of elements here are made of Crystalline-Liquid-Light Atomic-Elemental Water-Matter Base. The base of our Matter here is water, but natural water, Hydrolase, alright, Atomic Hydrolase. What is missing from our water are part of the little Atomic numbers and letters that would go in that formula, and that‘s why it is dead. And in fact what it does is help to run the transmissions that are being sent from the twisted Cal Fields. And we‘re going to be taught how to start healing our waters. We started this, and a lot of people—thank you guys for doing it when you were at home, from the May workshop. They had 7 blasts they could stick their hands in, and it started the ability to heal the water in the body. But it is different to be able to heal what‘s in there in the moment, then that goes away. You have to get back the ability to make more of that, right, where you just have to keeping healing myself and bringing in the technique, not to do it forever, and like we have been doing for 10 years, right. We just have to keep doing the techniques unless if you don‘t want it to shut off. This will begin the process of where we learn how to use water in a way that we‘re not using it. Everybody uses water. Does anybody ever communicate with it? Not usually, right? We can communicate with the water and offer it a healing first, and then—the water is very up for this on the Planet by the way. It‘s like grinning like ‗Yes! Yes!‘ alright. It doesn‘t like being used for harm but it is the First Compound Atomic Substance from which the other 144 smaller elements emerge. So it is the Compound, there is a Compound before the individual elements. And this happens on each of the stages. So you know I don‘t think I‘m going to spend the time reading all this tonight. I‘ve showed it to you and I think I will get you a copy of this one too, alright, (applause) just in case they kill me before the next workshop! Oh God, it‘s out there! Yeah, so you can at least read through this. I‘m hoping there is no typos. If I find them I will let you know because it is a rough copy. There was no time to proof anything in that regard but I will, when we have time when the workshop is over I will proof it to make sure. And I‘ll just, we will put it out on the site, or whatever, the website to let you know what letters are wrong or anything just in case, alright. But this gives you an idea, the most important part of understanding this is it starts as Pre-Substance stuff in that Translation Sequence that is the same sequence of how Source created the first, took its Consciousness and created the 1st set of Partiki. All this happens actually it starts—when you‘re birthing into a physical body, it starts when the egg and sperm come together. They create what‘s called the Singularity Point, and then in that Singularity Point, the birthing process of how Source turned its Consciousness into manifestation begins, and that‘s where we grow, that‘s where we get the Aah-JhA‘ Capsule birthing out and all of that like before anything much happens in the first like, several seconds or minutes, or whatever, of conception. But anyway, then the process is, the first part—the one thing I do want to talk about is the first part of all of this is where Consciousness first starts to change into Pre-Substance, it‘s actually in the Atomic Body, alright. So there‘s that Seed, Thought Seed, that has to be set even if you are Star or something. You have got to seed something. They might create their own Atomic Body, like little blob of Atoms that they can anchor into. We have to use fetal bodies here to birth in, but it starts in the Atomic Body.
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The physical body has always been the key to this process. And if the physical bodies are blocked, it shuts the breathing down, kills the body. That‘s what they did to the Planet; that‘s what they did to the Sun. But it goes from the Atomic Body in the Pre-Substance states and this is where you get Plasm, Endoplasm, Thermoplasm, Hydroplasm, Ectoplasm. And then they interact with each other and cause what is called the First Pre-Substance Compound which is Conscious Hydro-Ecoustic. With an ‗E‘, right. So there‘s a Hydro-Ecoustic level as well as Acoustic. The Acoustic one is the one we‘re dealing with on the Outer Matter level. But this is like on the Inner Matter level before—it is not even Matter yet; it‘s Pre-Substance, right, a Pre-Substance Compound. And that is where the First Living Pre-Substance Water comes and that is also called Hydrolase and it has the same formula in Pre-Substance elements. (D2 C5 1:11:26) Then that progresses into—they call them the, there‘s little words up there—the Five Pre-Substance Conscious Plasms. Then you got the 1 Pre-Substance Compound. Then you‘ve got the 2 Pre-Matter Conscious Vapors. They call those Vapors. And that becomes where the Hydrolase becomes Pre-Matter Substance. Now this is gone from a Pre-Substance to a Pre-Matter Substance, so it‘s now a Substance, right. And that is Hydros and Ectos. And Hydros on D3 is H2, 2 Hydrogens, right. On D2, it‘s O2, 2 Oxygens and I believe that is Ozone and I think it is. I haven‘t looked that up, but I think I‘ve heard that‘s Ozone, isn‘t it? (Participant input) A‘sha: O3 is Ozone? Oh, good, so cross out Ozone, that was my guess alright, because they just showed me the numbers, of what to do with the numbers to get the letters. So what is O2, anybody know? Participants: Oxygen. A‘sha: 2? O is Oxygen. Participant: It‘s molecular Oxygen. A‘sha: Oh! Thank you. Thank you. (Giggles) Yeah, good, I‘m glad. I never liked Ozone, ever since we learned about Hibernation Zones. Ok, so cross out that, if you see Ozone anywhere like that, just with an O 2, that would be considered a typo, because I didn‘t have time to look up what that actually was, that means researching the Internet and stuff. I don‘t have books on that. So it is molecular Oxygen. I‘d love to know the difference. What does it do? Can you breathe it here? Participant: Yeah, absolutely! A‘sha: Oh good! (Giggles) So it‘s not poison to us since we‘re twisted, right? This is really good. Alright, so Hydros is molecular Oxygen. Cool, right. That‘s even more cool than Ozone. I‘m glad about that.
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Alright now when we have the Substance called Ectos, it is on D2, you know the D3 ones are there, you‘ll see them. But that is H2N3, which is 2 Hydrogen and 3 Nitrogen. Any scientists out there know what that is? Participant: It doesn‘t exist. A‘sha: Ah! Participant: It doesn‘t exist. It can‘t ___. A‘sha: Right. Participant: It can‘t bond. A‘sha: Yep! That‘s because it doesn‘t have its Adjugate relationship, Yep.
[D2 C5 1:13:50]
So...this is something that could be formed once the Adjugate relationships come back. So, the things the body actually can't form right now that it needs...that's why we have to eat stuff on the outside, because we can't generate the natural stuff we‘re supposed to. This will begin to change. It won't be over night, but it will begin to change in the bodies. Okay...so there's one that won't bond. It will be fascinating, once we get a whole bunch of these down, to see which ones do bond here, and which ones don‘t. Because the ones that do bond the way they‘re supposed to...right...they would be ones that are coming in on part of the currents that are still not reversed, and they would become extinct eventually, if the reversals progressed, right? So, what we‘re doing is bringing back in more of those to bring the currents back around into the natural. Ok. What other ones? Ok. Oh, this is really wild. This is where we get the old alchemical formulas. There is something called atomic number 126, which means it has 126 protons. I don‘t think it‘s been found yet, or if it can exist here yet. It‘s called ―Golden Silver.‖ It‘s the Golden-Silver One. It is the Pre-matter Plasmic Element ManU. Alright? There‘s where we get ManU, ManA and EirA—those forces we talked about? Well, these actually translate into matter. There‘s also levels of these that translate up into the full atomic level. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 76 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
We‘re still in the pre-matter level, but it translates up into the matter levels here too. And the Golden-Silver One is literally—on D3 it‘s WPd, which, I believe, is Tungsten and Palladium. And translates down, steps down, to AuAg, which is Golden-Silver, literally. These guys are called...and every one of these has a metallic component. These guys are the Metallic Electroplasms. Now, if you notice, like this one...the metallics are born of A-riE‟-ah Conversion. The AriE‘-ahs were the name of the last group of pre-matter substances, right? So this one...this set is born of the set before, right? These substances, then this happened, alright? These elements—every one of these—have a name. The metal ones are called...there‘s a way to pronounce this. Ma‟-Tah LE‟-ka. It‘s not Meta. It‘s Mata. Ma‘-Tah LE‘-ka. Before that you had the A-riE‘-ah. Before that you had the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan, and before that, and when you get your copies, cross out the Ra-sha-tan part on the first one, because the Ra-sha-tan actually comes in when it‘s on the second one. So, on step 6, Allur-E‘ah Ra-sha-tan. And the family is Allur-E‘ah on steps one through five. But these are family names that you can sing and tone and stuff and use to bring in the natural family names with their signatures that will bring—you‘ll be calling in those substances. When we need them...eventually we‘ll be taught how to use them, and what ones you want to call, you know, and for what, those kind of things. We have the Ei‟-Ra-DA‟-ah, or the step 9 ones, and they are the ones that form the Eiradonis, and interestingly, they‘re called the Eiradonis Nobilities. These are a Hydro-geleziac Irradiant—which means it‘s holding radiation power—Atomic-Element Matter Base. And this is Hydro-geleziac atomic so we‘re moving into atomic matter base, and you got Hydrogen, Neon, Helium, and three other ones that form on the bottom one, which are Krypton, Xenon and Radon. These are the noble gases. Except for Argon. Argon...that‘s not one of those. I don‘t know where that comes in, but they said that‘s not one of them and don‘t put that in there. But literally the ones that are on the atomic chart as the noble gases. These are the Eiradonis Nobilities, which means they should have, if they were functioning normally, have the ability to carry the Eiradonis frequencies of Ethos and Eiros and Logos.
Now, born of the Eiradic Conversion, or the Ei‟-Ra-DA-ah Conversions, the next step, step 10, creates the A-don-yha. These are Thermal-geleziac Electro-magnetic Atomic-Elemental Inner-Light-Matter Base. Alright? So, it‘s going to inner light now, from the inner Hydros stuff—whatever that was. I‘m trying to keep track of all of these. This was a bit hard to put together, translating all this. Like, who‘s on first...what is that called? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 77 of 160
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And it tells you what creates it too. We‘re following one thing over here, step nine—that was created by Tauren phasing. We talked about the Tauren light seed ...so we‘re entering Light Body at this point. Before that it was the dark matter templates phasing and the Rasha body, the NaVA-Ho phasing. So, it‘s just the charts will explain about where it‘s coming from. What level it is coming and engaging in. The important thing about knowing these is, this is where we start to understand where the elemental formulas start coming from, and it also gives us the beginning of understanding just how it‘s very organized, and there are specific elemental families. And since this is consciousness in the first place, when you come in and this cycle starts in your own bodies on a natural level like it‘s supposed to at fetal integration, whose consciousness are they? Yours. It was part of the quantum that you brought into the Aah-JhA‘ Body that then down steps itself through the atomic transfiguration into form your body. So, it‘s not that you‘re taking somebody else‘s consciousness, or some strange geometric form out there that‘s alive. They‘re you. They‘re parts of you that are in that shape. Just like the atoms are parts of you. It‘s your consciousness that is manufacturing the body. It is your consciousness that is manufacturing the Light Body and the Aah-JhA‘ Body, and that exists within a larger field of consciousness, that takes you into the group part, where you have your incarnational selves and probable selves, first, and then incarnational selves, and that takes you into race shield stuff, where you have the species you‘re a part of and then the planet you‘re a part of, the galaxy, etc. So, there are all of these bubbles within bubbles within bubbles. Very big bubbles and little ones. And the little ones are pretty complicated all on their own. And this is only our Density 1 level that we‘re dealing with here. But the Density One body—I‘m not sure why yet, but it holds the key to this, and there‘s later stations where we will actually open up and do soul retrieval on ourselves, and get the higher parts of our Light Body out and things. But there‘s some reason that this body, the Density 1 body, is the key to doing this quickly. Instead of having to do the slow evolution where you go from here to Tara, and then up to Gaia, and you know, the whole slow climb. They haven‘t shown me the difference yet, but I do know there are these levels on each of the densities. So, anyway, we‘ve got the A-don-yha Thermal-geleziac—what do they call—they are referred to as the Inner-Matter Conscious Thermal Ether-Vapors, the Thermoplasms. Then we have the next ones are the Ectoplasms, and they are the ones that look like gossamer crystallized light, that...they almost look like threads that bond together and fill out matter. I almost think of like fiberglass threads, as if they were in fluid, and were kind of starting to stick together and form shapes and filling out forms. The intelligence they carry is actually internal. They are conscious. They are made of consciousness. And once the encryption is set in them, they carry the encryption, that idea, and they literally follow it into manifestation. Every one of the elements does this too. Right? So, how does hydrogen know how to bond with this or whatever? Because it remembers. That‘s the problem that‘s happening here. Because of the light distortions in the Light Body structures of the planet the elements aren‘t remembering how to bond, because they can‘t. Their processes are shut off just like ours are. So, they become dead matter, becoming absolutely dead matter, where it can‘t connect with its Adjugate to keep the life cycle going. So, it becomes finite and it falls apart. It gets that half-life thing. Well, you have a whole life if your atoms are working right, and your atoms have a whole life if they‘re allowed to do their natural cycling. They don‘t do this deterioration thing that happens down here. It might be in the natural world here, but it is not a natural The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 78 of 160
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phenomena for that, for the composition and things, and bodies falling apart around you while your consciousness is going, ‗Oh God, another year.‘ (laughing) Ok...let‘s see. Anything more on this page? The one thing that I didn‘t understand before was I knew there was something about the water, and they kept referring to ‗the water body, the water body.‘ ‗What are you talking about? The emotional body?‘ ‗That‘s part of the water body, but yeah, but there‘s more to it.‘ And what I‘ve got out of this...and there was like a little light bulb going, ‗Ah, ok, I think I‘m getting this now.‘ That the next step from the Ectoplasmic level is going into the atomic as we know it level—the outer Light Body matter, or atoms, and they‘re born of the family before, which is the Celestalline group, and they were called the Cel-‟is‟Tal-‟E‟. So, that family, the Celestalline group, were called the Cel-‘is‘Tal-‘E‘. And it‘s what the Cel-‘is‘Tal-‘E‘ do that, through Radon phasing with its Light Body structure on the outer domain level of our bodies, they create what is called the Hy‟dra-LE‟, Endo-geleziacs. Alright? This is another family of consciousness. All of our matter out here is made of the Hy‘dra-LE‘ Family. They describe it as crystalline liquid light. It‘s Atomic-Elemental Water-Matter Base. But that water is Hydrolase. And it is the same composition of Hydrolase as we gave for the pre-substance state. This Hydrolase is actually atomic. This is what should be cycling through the planetary body. This is what our oceans should be made of. This is what our bodies should have. There was a liquid state that it stays in at a certain point in the Hydrolase Conversion Cycle, where it stays on the surface for a while, and then it goes through an evaporation process, that is referred to as the Solar Symbiosis Process, that allows for the Translation of, or at this point they are going into Transfiguration, of moving out of Translation and into Transfiguration into light. We‘ll talk more about the Solar Symbiosis Cycle and stuff in tomorrow‘s things, but also in tonight‘s . . . what I want to before we go. It‘s already tomorrow. I wonder if the sun‘s up yet. But I do want to read the thing on fetal integration, because this will help you to understand how...where do thoughts go? Where do thoughts go—is first of all, they follow this pattern of going from being consciousness, coming in from a Source field—say your Aah-JhA‘ Body—right? And then they go through from the pre-substance states that every thought goes through this stuff for sure, the natural thought would. What we have here is happening...we have a little bit of the natural substance of E-ta-Ur that we were...we brought in to fetal integration, and then the process was shut down, so we couldn‘t finish the rest of the process. That quantum is stuck in our bodies, in the Va-Bha‟-TE Cell, and that is actually being drawn out, and will manifest in our hologram, through the twisted fields. And we‘re recycling the same energy. What we‘re going to be doing anyway is getting the natural ability back. We‘re going to be able to get what is called...alright...they want me to go there. What we‘re going to be anchoring what is called the Eternal Water Seed, and that is the spark of the Atomic Hydrolase that would naturally mark a certain point in the fetal integration process, that would mark the point of opening up the whole breathing system, where the child body started taking over its own cell growth processes, and would no longer be feeding off the VaBha‘-TE Cell of the mother. This is the point where we get to clear the structures that are called biological time filters that are coded in, and is a radiation signature on the dark matter level, into the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell. We will clear those filters. And clearing that is the first step in getting the window to open. I think they are going to do the window opening. They said they'll start it tonight. It will be started for anybody who wants it, just let them know. Because they are going to do something tonight. It‘s the first stage. And then they are going to have us do more technique working with that, tomorrow. But they will begin the process tonight. And since you had to do the other one early, you might as well. They just said. Okay? Yeah. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 79 of 160
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I hope...for me, I had that weird little window dream, and before the window dream I had the...just, oooh, just that little space where...I love that space, and I would get it right when I woke up. When I was making that transition, where I‘m asleep, I know I‘m off someplace else, and you may have a little blank spot, and then you kind of start to realize you‘re awake. Usually in the transition it‘s hard to keep an open consciousness through that transition. But I found it. It was like an open space where I went from dream state...oh yeah, I‘m awake. Didn‘t move the body yet. Right there. And it‘s like... expansion. So, I would suggest looking for that when you wake up. But it might not come the first night. I don‘t know how long they worked on me before that happened. And then it was only after that. After three days of a bit of that. Then I started...I first got the glimpse of the window. Right? What is that? It was like right up here. It‘s attached to the fontanel. Just so you know. That soft spot in babies‘ heads when they‘re born? The skulls aren‘t meant to fuse the way they do. That‘s an anomaly that is created by the reversed light stuff. There is also the Water Seed and the Seed Atom and the AzurA. All of those things...they‘re supposed to connect to a duct, an actual duct that is an atmic duct, which means it‘s in the...you wouldn‘t see it if you peeled apart your thymus, you know, the base of the thymus, because it is an atmic energy, which is a little bit different angular rotation of particle spin from the Telluric energy of D2. It‘s in D3 energy, but it is there. That is where the Water Seed attaches. But the Water Seed is actually...I don‘t know...I think it might be a molecule...or it might be more than just an element. It is at least...it‘s...what do they call these? They didn‘t really tell me the name. Those ones that...yeah, they‘re elements, but they are complex elements, that then break down, to be the other currents. And this is something we were born without, and they‘ve not been able to bring this back. We had to work with the healing levels of the planetary grids and with the shield to get where the body could hold that, because otherwise you just couldn‘t bring it in and the body, the fields would kill it. We‘re going to be opening that tomorrow. But they‘re going to start the window, I think, tonight. What I‘m going to do first, though, is I would like to read you—it‘s a bit long, but it‘s an interesting thing to think about. They were kind of rebirthing, in a nice way, not like the scary rebirth treatments that are sometimes floating around out there in psychology land. The rebirthing will bring back what...what I‘m going to read is about the natural process of fetal integration. This is interrupted. They didn‘t show me where yet, because I didn‘t have time to go back and say, ok, where did they do what, and what does it do to us? I know what it does to us. We already know what it does. If I have time, I will get that in before this is published. I don‘t want to really let this loose, because this has like shorthand all over it, and like, you know, like weird little letters, and you are not going to know what they mean. It‘s typewriter shorthand. I use abbreviations for all sorts... So, I don‘t know if I can get that cleaned up fast enough, but I wouldn‘t mind releasing this either. It would be nice for people to know. We‘ll try. If I can get it cleaned up. I can‘t promise though. (applause) This one is a three pager. Okay...but it is seriously shorthand. It‘s like, well, it‘s like how they talk to me when they are bringing me the stuff down...ok, ok, getting it down. Alright, try to get that, try to get that. So, if you do get a copy of it, you can consider it...it is a rough version, and the most important parts of the process are highlighted. It‘s still up for...if there are any corrections that need to be done, or if I got a word wrong or something, they will let me know. It‘s nothing severe, or they would have said, ‗yo, change that now.‘ So, if you can take it for what it is. It‘s a rough. But, it‘s pretty close.
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Anyway...it‘s called, ‗Where It All Begins.‘ (laughs) And remember, this isn‘t just fetal integration. This is every time you think a thought. This process goes...actually by the time you notice it, on the ego mind level, it‘s already been through quite a lot, right? It‘s been through quite a lot of passing up through the states, the pre-matter states. But, this will give you an idea what every thought does, as well as how the fetal integration takes place. There‘s a series of places in the body the energy goes through first, and that will show you the same thing that happens with thought as well, in its different pre-matter states and things. First of all, let‘s see what my shorthand says here. I‘m just doing my shorthand so I can know where I started with this. I‘m not going to go into the SEda Cycle stuff. I‘ve covered that in other workshops. We got the egg and sperm come together, it goes through all sorts of things. It goes through the SEda Cycle. In that process of the SEda Cycle, the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell is actually set with the merging of the egg and the sperm that comes from the parents, and it creates a quantum of energy that was donated. It gets used to raise the body, but it also becomes a filter that the Light Body expands within, and actually stands between the Light Body and the natural TE‘a-Wha structures of the Aah-JhA‘ Body. And that‘s where we get the filters that genetically, that have our genetic programs within them, and a lot of our cellular memory. You get parents‘ cellular memory too. That is how memory is passed down from generation to generation. And the race memory mind as well. But anyway, I‘m going to start with, let‘s see...so we got the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell, and we got the Va-Bha‘-TE Sac, and at this point we haven‘t even...let‘s see, we haven‘t even birthed out the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body yet because the SEda Cycle that happens after conception, then births out the Spirit Body. The AahJhA‘ Body starts first. It starts right around the time of when the Akashic and Ecoushic records form, and the Reishaic records, which are the center of the Aah-JhA‘ Body and the seed from which the Spirit Body grows. We covered all of this stuff with the SEda Cycles when we were dealing with that. I‘ll go back over it a bit tomorrow probably with that chart, but I‘d rather just read this tonight, and then maybe let everybody get some sleep, and maybe even get a little bit myself before I have to wake up again and do it all over again. Anyway...so, if we can get us to the point where we know that the Spirit Body is growing, and finally with the birth of the Spirit Body Elum-Eiradhona inside of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, that‘s when the Tauren light seed births. Right? That‘s when the start of the Light Body starts to grow. And then the Rasha Body starts to grow from there. Now we have those structures, and this is way before fetal integration takes place. These all happen like in the first hours, days, and weeks, really and I think it‘s...I forget what the weeks are...it‘s on the other chart. We will look at the exact times on the chart tomorrow. It‘s a quite complicated chart. I‘m too tired to read it now. But, there is a point where the Spirit Body and the Tauren birth, and it‘s still after that, several weeks after that, that‘s 33-56 days before the body form that has been being fed, its cellular growth pattern is being fed, by the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell that was donated by the parents. Then the fetal integration point occurs. When the body reaches a critical mass of energy holding capacity, when it gets big enough to hold the quantum that is the smallest quantum you can put in, as the Spirit trying to integrate. And when that point happens, that point is called the Fetal Integration Point.
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Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So, here is how they described this. And again, it is slightly shorthand, as far as...when we do formal text for books and stuff, there‘s a lot more words, right? So, this is kind of like in a nut shell. It does this, this, this, this.
Reading from Unedited Book Excerpt, “Where it All Begins” The Organic Process of Fetal Integration [Audio Track 3B 0:21:34] The first thing is: The E-ta-Ur Spirit which is the stuff coming in, that is the E-ta-Ur consciousness. That is the eternal non-substance that is everywhere. The aware stuff. Right? God stuff. Alright. E-ta-Ur Spirit from the Source Field enters E-ta-Ur Consciousness quantum into the Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body Rasha Seed, setting the mana-seed-Zeion light-quantum and the EirA-GhaRE‘ spirit quantum. So, it comes into the Aah-JhA‘ Body and into the Rasha Seed that‘s at the center of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, and sets two bits of quantum—one of mana that is the Zeion Seed, and one of EirA that is the Gha-RE‘, the spirit quantum. That is the spirit quantum that gets bound to the molecular structure, the atomic structure, because it is part of what cycles through to become the matter itself, and that is the part that gets trapped in the body, if the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell at death isn‘t released from the body. It gets stuck there, and that‘s where you get ghosts from and all of those things, where people get trapped in the atomic structure. That is the part of your consciousness that bonds into this particular energy called EirA, and it translates into currents that you‘ll see move through and become part of the—what‘s the—the Life Force Currents, the consciousness stream, the Eiron stream, that fuels this whole breathing of the entire body structure. So, once it enters into the cell, it starts to become tethered to the matter. But that tethering especially occurs once the breathing starts, once the cycle starts. Because then part of it has become atoms, right? So, it is literally a part of you held in an Endo-geleziac form. This matter is the water matter, they call it. Compared to some of the other types of matter that they describe, this is Endoplasm. And it‘s an endoplasmic form that is a water-based matter form. So, it gets bound by water into atomic form. And that is why the waters on the planet are being used to mess with everything, because they are literally...that is the first substance here. So, anyway, as we‘re getting into the fetal body...getting ready for...we do the Rasha seed thing. So, Consciousness enters its quantum into the Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Rasha Seed and it sets the Mana seed, which is the Zeion, and which is the light quantum a positive charge, Light Body stuff The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 82 of 160
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And then the EirA, GharE, which is the spirit quantum from the Spirit Body. It pulls a piece of the Spirit Body quantum into the center of the Rasha Seed. Next, number two. When the Reishaic/Akashic/Ecoushic Records form And we‘ve talked about those that form at the center of the Spirit Body, during the SEda Cycle, the Coushas and the Kashas and those things... When the Records form in the SEda 2 Cycle, Spirit expands... And we‘ll just call them the E-ta-Ur Spirit... Spirit expands from the Rasha Seed into the Aah-JhA‘ Body, around the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell, Which is the cell that forms around the egg and sperm, or the fertilized egg, when it is fertilized. So, The Spirit expands from the Rasha Seed into the Aah-JhA‘ Body, around the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell, forming a ―local Source Spirit Identity Field.‖ It remains in the Aah-JhA‘ Body until the parent gift quantum from the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell grows the fetal structure to a quantum tolerance. So, that means that the...it‘s hard to paraphrase this without breaking it down. I didn‘t have time to break it down. So, it‘s basically going from the Rasha Seed, the consciousness moving from the Rasha Seed into and around the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell, and I have a feeling it goes into the Records at that point too. Yeah. Alright. Because they paraphrase a lot of this. There would have been probably a whole page for each number on this page. So, it goes from the Rasha Seed and then expands into the Hall of Records structures that we‘ve talked about at the center of the Spirit Body. And it hangs out there until the fetal body grows big enough, by using the energies from the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell that the parents donated. The fetal integration point, it starts 33 to 56 days after fertilization. The new spirit, which is an easy way to say the E-ta-Ur Consciousness that came into the Aah-JhA‘ Body, that is, as you... The new spirit engages the fetal body, initiating the ―Fetal Integration Point,‖ by sending an ―E-ta-Ur Consciousness Spark‖ into the D1 Etheric Duct at the thymus, where the E-ta-Ur translates to State-1 Pre-substance Plasma-1, which is Feeling, which gives us feeling. The body gets feeling. Let me see...then this engages, once that Duct-1 connection has been made, it engages the translation sequence through the body, through the physical atomic body of the fetus. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 160
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Upon entering the D1 Duct-1, the incoming spirit engages the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell biological time filters and the Pre-substance Plasma-1/Feeling E-ta-Ur Consciousness Spark draws the polarized +ManA Zeion light quantum and the –EirA GharE spirit quantum together, forming the ManU quantum Eiron Stream of Consciousness. So, it literally pulls those two quantums together and starts to form the stream of consciousness that becomes your ―I AM‖ Awareness. I am aware. I am here. I have a flow of energy that I see. I don‘t see the blank spots between moments, that kind of thing, because there are. The moments actually flash on and off. We just don‘t see it. This is what the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell does. It creates a rhythm, a base pulse rhythm that allows you to perceive the hologram of matter without seeing the spots in between when things flash off. And it also controls the BPR, the base pulse rhythm, at the core level, and that‘s why we have to clear these filters, because they create biological time filters. Right now, we‘re in a time loop in the blended Earth on the NET side, and that would make it where we can‘t get out into the BPR‘s, or base pulse rhythms of the body that would be necessary for Slide, to get into Ascension Earth. So, that‘s why they are trying to teach us about these parts and how they work together. The consciousness makes an Eiron Stream out of using a spark of E-ta-Ur, directly from the Aah-JhA‘ Field, and blending the Zeion ManA quantum and the GhaRE EirA quantum in to form the Eiron Stream, making a ManU Stream of Consciousness. The Eiron Stream draws the State-1 it‘s still at State-1 Pre-substance Draws a State-1 Pre-substance Plasma into the D2 Telluric Duct, Duct -2 at the coccyx, the end of the coccyx, Translating it into Endoplasm-2. So, the coccyx is where it goes from State-1 of Pre-substance to State-2, Endoplasm, which is associated with the experiences, or the awareness of Emotion, which heats up and becomes Notion, right before it‘s ready to spark and become thought. Alright? So, next The Eiron Stream draws the Endoplasm 2/Emotion-Notion into D3 Atmic Duct-3, the Spleen And this is where I always get nailed for some reason. When they are trying to mess with me. That‘s obviously where there is something that‘s not right in the anatomy that causes those problems. So...the spleen is where it will take the D2 Endoplasm, which is the pre-substance. It takes that, the Duct 3 takes that, and then the Eiron...wait a minute...I‘ll just read it the way it said, but it starts there. The Eiron Stream draws the Endoplasm up into, from the coccyx, into the Duct-3 Spleen where the Eiron Stream and the Endoplasm-2 heat and spark, translating into Stage-3 Thermoplasm3/Thought, which is E-ta-Ur-heat-vapor.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 84 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So that is where Emotion and Notion become Thought. Which is—it‘s actually electrified heat vapor. We talked about these a bit, just the simple states, and not where they were translating in the body, in the May workshop, so this is that sequence but expanded upon. Next...so now the consciousness is translating into Thought through the spleen, into Thought, it turns into heat vapor. The Thermoplasm-3 which is the third state. We just put the number 3 after it to indicate which state of pre-substance it is... the Thermoplasm-3 E-ta-Ur-heat-vapor, thought, ―thermal-transfers‖ like a heat, right? ―thermal-transfers‖ to the blood, central nervous system and hypothalamus, from Duct 3 spleen, and rides the Pineal Triangulation And I can‘t even remember what it is called. We taught it a long time ago, but I‘ll have to look that up. I didn‘t have time to go digging for those right now, then passes up to the Density 1 Ketheric Duct 4 at the fontanel, the top of the head. This is connected to what, when we open the window, that will open. And that is what was forced closed during the Fetal Integration process, so this process was mutated progressively, right around at this point and forward. Thermalplasm-3 E-ta-Ur-heat-vapor thought ―thermal-transfers‖ to the blood, central nervous system and hypothalamus from Duct 3 spleen, and passes into the Ketheric Duct 4 at the fontanel, where the Thermoplasm-3 and Eiron Stream polarize and translate simultaneously into State-4 Hydroplasm and State-5 Ectoplasm. The State-4 Hydroplasm and State-5 Ectoplasm blend into a stream of Hydrolase And this is the Ecoustic, with an ‗e,‘ because it‘s still in a pre-substance state. blend into a stream of Hydrolase Hydro-Ecoustic pre-substance compound (living pre-water substance). The Hydrolase Stream carries the consciousness of the new spirit. The Hydrolase stream engages its 1st Hydrolase Conversion, moving inward, back down through the Translation Duct system, to Duct-1. Passing in reverse out of Duct-1, the Hydrolase Stream opens the Rasha Body and Spirit Body ―Allurean Passage‖ and passes back into the Aah-JhA‘ Body Rasha Seed, opening the Hall of Records while opening the door of Allur-E‘a Ra-sha-tan, the ―Passage of the Living Connection‖ between the Aah-JhA‘ Body, Spirit Body and the fetal body.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 85 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So, that is where the other bodies are starting to become opened into the fetal body, and this is the door that was never opened in our bodies, just like the window was never opened in our heads. And this is the door, the window that becomes a sliding door. This is what the next levels of activations are about. So, I‘m not sure if we‘re getting a door here too, or we have to start with a window, and wait a while until it processes, and then by the next workshop we‘ll be able to—we‘ll know by tomorrow though. So, that is what becomes the sliding door. The Hydrolase Stream next passes into the Rasha Body for translation into the 6 Pre-matter Metallic Electroplasms, then moves outward into the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell (picking up the genetic VaBha‘-TE encryption) and this is where it picks up the filters, and opening the Taurenic Passage between the fetal body and core Light Body Tauren. So, this is where it starts opening the Light Body structure into the others. So, the Allurean Passages opens up the connection into the 12 Allurean Chambers that run in the Spirit Body, and then they have to open the Light Body up next. opening the Tauren Passage between It‘s called the Tauren Passage between the fetal body and the core Light Body Tauren. I‘m just calling it at this point, the H-stream, because I was in a hurry, so when you get this document, the Hydrolase Stream became H-stream. Later it turns into something else which became the C-stream. as the H-stream engages translation into the 6 Liquid-Light Hydroplasms of the Core Light Body. So, it‘s progressively going through this stage. It was listed what the stages were. As it goes from Thought all the way through. This is happening right in the body. And then it goes through the body and then emerges out from the body and moves into the larger body structures. Now, next, as the H-stream expands outward through the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell, that was the donated cell by the parents‘ Light Body, the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell progressively expands a portion of its energy outward, forming the parentally encrypted and filtered Va-Bha‘-TE Sac. So, as the consciousness is coming out and expanding through the cell, it‘s starting to expand the layer of that cell out, and that becomes like a filter on your bag of waters, because your Aah-JhA‘ Body is kind of like your big bag of water. And this is where you get your entire field encrypted with whatever was in that egg and sperm. That can be really scary. (laughing) And imagine what...this has gone on for generations, since the Atlantean times. Oh my God. Can you imagine what has been in our Va-Bha‘-TE Cells by now? That‘s where all the crazy stuff that has been happening on this planet. Because it‘s still generation after generation is bringing it forward from the past, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
and amplifying it every time, whatever it is, and it hasn‘t been good, since from, well, from a long time before Atlantis, but it got especially twisted then. So, this is where the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell begins to expand the layer. It‘s just an expanded self...it‘s actually expanding a layer of itself. We‘re doing shorthand again. Outward, forming the parentally encrypted filter Va-Bha‘-TE Sac within which the new spirit‘s Radial Body Light Body will progressively grow. So, it‘s within the Va-Bha‘-TE Sac that the Radial Body that we talked about in Kathara and that kind of stuff, grows, and it‘s in that that the Crystal Body and all that grows. Next...next The H-stream translation progresses through the Thermoplasmas and Ectoplasmas of the Inner and Middle Light Body. ...yeah, the H-stream engages translation into the six Liquid Light Hydroplasmas of the Core Light Body, when it went into the Tauren, I think. I didn‘t miss a step, did I? It‘s when it did the Tauren passage thing, when it connected the Light Body into the physical body structure. I‘m just so tired I can‘t remember what I said two minutes before right now. So, pardon me if I‘m reading a bit awkwardly. Next… The H-stream Translation progresses through the Thermoplasmas and Ectoplasmas of the Inner and Middle Light Body. In the Middle Light Body the Hydrolase-Stream Translates into an Ectoplasma Celestallon-Stream, and continues expanding outward until the Va-Bha‘-TE Sac has expanded out to the inner parameters of the TE‘a-Wha Field (the transfer back and forth field) of the Aah-JhA‘ Body. Upon full TE‘a-Wha Expansion out to the inner part where it hits the TE‘a-Wha Field, where they just start, and that‘s where the Va-Bha‘TE Sac stops, and then something happens. Upon full TE‘a-Wha Expansion, the Celestallon Stream opens the Pentagonal TE‘a-Wha Window (here we go), the passage between the new spirit‘s Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body, its Rasha Seed, the Rasha Body, Prana Seed and the Central Vertical Column and Pineal of the fetal body. So, this is where the window opens. It‘s supposed to open during fetal integration. After opening at the TE‘a-Wha Window, the what is now a, it‘s now the C-stream, that‘s the Celestallon stream, because it changed from being Hydrolase into Celestallon up in step 12, which we read. The C-stream, Celestallon stream, passes through the window into the outer TE‘a-Wha Field of the Aah-JhA‘ Body setting the Va-Bha‘-TE encryption into the outer TE‘a-Wha Field, forming the first TE‘a-Wha Plate Morphogenetic Seed The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
They are going to teach us how to start playing with this tomorrow. into the outer TE‘a-Wha Field. The Translation Sequence continues as the outward moving C-stream next engages the boundaries of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, and interfaces with the TE‘a-Wha Oron Remember that little Oron that‘s on the end of each one of the Allurean Chambers, I believe it is, yeah, yeah—‗it interfaces with the TE‘a-Wha Oron that extends from the Rasha Body to the Aah-JhA‘ Body, at the end of the Allurean Chamber-12 And all of the Allurean Chambers have one of these Orons at the end. And the Orons are supposed to connect the TE‘a-Wha Fields directly to the—I‘m really tired—to the Aah-JhA‘ Body. So, it‘s supposed to be an open connection, a flow. Upon engaging the Oron, the C-Stream picks up a Prana Spark from the Aah-JhA‘ Body Actually through the Aah-JhA‘ Body, I think, from its dark matter, so it‘s one of the Rasha sparks, a Rasha Prana Spark from the Rasha Field. then refracts, polarizes and turns around, splitting into two currents of Ectoplasmic Consciousness, a positive charge Celestallite Stream, which is Ectos plus Mana, carrying Prana Chi—a third quantum joule that‘s the white powder gold stuff and a Celestalline stream, which is Ectos, Mana plus Hydros, and all of these have specific chemical/elemental atom numbers and letters and things. And I‘m still working on the charts to try to make the list of all of them. Some of them are on that longer document there about the states, where it gives some of the formulas for the ones I had handy. And the Celestalline which would be the female stream, the negative charge one, carries the Prana KEi which has two thirds of a joule. If you put Prana Chi and KEi together you get a full Prana, which has the power of one joule, one joule power. The Celestallite, the Prana Chi Stream, and the Celestalline, the Prana KEi Stream, travel downward through the two Light Body Fire Chambers on either side of the Allurean Chamber-12.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 88 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So that‘s where we saw where, when we had the diagrams up, where the energy would come up the Allurean Chamber, right, and then it would split and part of it would go down one Fire Chamber on this side of it, and part down the other on this side of it. So, at this particular one, let‘s see...it goes down the Light Body Fire Chambers on either side of the Allurean Chamber 12, which are Fire Chamber 1 and Fire Chamber 12. So they are the ones that line up with the D3 level...because it enters, it‘s coming in toward...from the Aah-JhA‘ level or the TE‘a-Wha level, coming back down the lines...coming down the lines so it hit D3 first. This is why they say, ‗as above, so below.‘ because it takes the pattern out, breathes it out, puts it out here, and then takes the pattern down, and it is the TE‘a-Wha Fields that control what manifests what is below. So, that‘s the above, so below thing. It takes me a while to find my space where I‘m reading. I‘m seeing very double. There we go. Coming down the Fire Chambers, and returning into the Light Body Core Tauren Seed, So it‘s coming back down the Fire Chambers. It went out the Allurean Chambers, came down the Fire Chambers, then passing out into the Aah-JhA‘ Body Rasha seed again, where these currents (the Celestallite and the Celestalline) again combine and deliver the two Prana currents into the A/E/R Halls. That means the Akashic, Ecoushic and Reishaic Halls of Records in the Spirit Body. And I honestly don‘t think I am going to have time to clean this up, so if you can deal with this shorthand and have a clue of what I‘m saying, I won‘t mind letting you have a copy of this. There‘s going to be too much more that has to be done. It will take me an hour to clean this up properly because they always add more. Every time I go back to clean up something, they add more detail. Within the Rasha Seed...so we‘re back in the Rasha Seed now...the two currents—the Celestallite and the Celestalline—come back down the fire chambers, and they go into the Tauren light Seed, and then pass into the Rasha seed, and deliver the two half Pranas that they carried, which create one Prana, into the Spirit Body Hall of Records. This is where you get the Hall of Records coming on line with the physical body, the Spirit Body Hall of Records. Within the Rasha Seed, the recombined Celestallon When the Celestalline and the Celestallite combine they form that first compound element that was Celestallon. The recombined Celestallon Stream picks up the original stored that little energy before that they left behind called the Zeion, the Mana seed, and the GharE, which is the EirA energy that becomes the Spirit Body tethered to the matter, so it picks up these. The C-stream picks up the original stored Zeion+mana and GharE -EirA quantums and draws them through the D1 Thymus-Duct-1 and into the AzurA of the Light Body, where ―transformation happens,‖ as the Celestallon, Zeion and GhaRE spark translating a portion of the Celestallon into Atomic Hydrolase Endoplasma, which is deposited within the AzurA, with the Zeion and the GhaRE, which together form the Eternal Life ―Living Water-Light Endoplasmic Seed Atom,‖ the ―Eternal Water Seed,‖ by The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 89 of 160
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which the 1st Organic Breath, Solar Symbiosis and the Pentagonal Transduction Sequence of Materialization is set in motion. (In Eternal Life Biology the ―Eternal Water Seed‖ connects to the physical body through the D1 Thymus-Duct-1.) They have a little note here in between numbers. They said, by the way, The Solar Symbiosis Process, which takes place through the perpetual dynamics of Hydrolase Conversion and Celestallon Breathing is the process by which the Light Body, Rasha Body, Spirit Body and Aah-JhA‘ Body structures perpetually self-produces Living Conscious Light Radiation for the Eternal Life Cellular Growth and fuel. The Pentagonal Transduction Sequence of Materialization is the process by which this Eternal Living Radiation light steps down via the Pentagonal Elemental Code to produce a perpetual supply of the 144 Elements of Outer Endoplasma ―Water-Matter‖ of which physicality is made. It is also the perpetual process by which thoughts translate and transduce into manifest and materialized hologram of matter. So, they first become...they translate and become manifest, and then they will transduce and become materialized, as literal matter. Healthy planets and stars engage the same processes. Back to number 18. Where did we leave off? Here somewhere. Ah, the Eternal Water Seed. We‘re almost done with fetal integration. Once the Eternal Water Seed is set and the first breath is taken where the Celestallon Stream blends with the Zeion, and the GhaRE streams becoming the Eternal Life Eiron Stream. So, the first...the breathing starts at this...and the body is breathing already, the baby body, being fueled by the processes of the parent‘s Va-Bha‘-TE donation cell. At this point, it‘s where the processes of the body that involve breathing, get taken over by the new incoming spirit, in the fetal integration process. So, they said ‗once the Water Seed is set, and‘...let me read the first breath part again, somewhere up here they said that. by which the original first breath the original first breath again refers to the beginning of the Solar Symbiosis Cycle, which is that breathing cycle, where the energy...you know...is in here, goes out there, comes back in, and it‘s actually syncopated. They have some of the other stuff, and I don‘t know if it‘s gong to go in this workshop, that they gave me about a week and a half ago. Once that goes out, the other is coming in. So, there is a set that goes out the Light Body Fire Chambers, and there‘s a set that goes out and in the Allurean Chambers as well. So, you‘ve got ins and outs on both sets of chambers, and they interact in all sorts of different ways. But we‘ve got the basic flows down enough to understand the process we‘re involved in. So, once the Water Seed is set and the 1st breath is taken, starting Solar Symbiosis, the Celestallon Stream blends with the Zeion and the GhaRE Streams becoming the Eternal Life Eiron Stream of Consciousness. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 90 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So that is that continual stream of consciousness that gives you a hologram, where you can see, because of the syncopation between the energy flows, through the bodies, it‘s...you don‘t see the blank spots between moments because one track of consciousness is going out while another one is coming back, so there‘s a BPR, base pulse rhythm, that controls that, and that‘s where you actually pick up from the VaBha‘-TE Seed, and that‘s the one we‘ve got to clear, because all we‘re ever going to see is this hologram if we don‘t clear those filters. It‘s an amazing syncopation how literally consciousness goes out, turns itself into matter, comes back...you see the matter, and by then the other one, the other pulse is halfway out already. So, it continues to circulate. We started to talk about that process in I think it was Kathara 2 or maybe the end of 1, which started to explain about the plates and about memory and those kinds of things. Somewhere I have those diagrams, but they weren‘t...I couldn‘t find them for this. This is where the Eiron Stream forms. The Eiron Stream is formed by the Eternal Water Seed that‘s holding the Celestallon Stream, bonds in with the Mana Stream, Mana, not big A but little ‗a.‘ The Mana stream of the Zeion and the GhaRE streams. I don‘t even think they are streams at that point. I think it pulls them into becoming streams, and bonds them all into an eternal life Eiron Stream. So at that point, the stream of consciousness, which first engages the Duct System of the fetal body So, first it engages, once the Eiron Stream is formed, it engages the Duct System of the fetal body again, enters through the duct system, enters the Central Vertical Current, opens the Star and Seed Crystal Seals on the Chakras, causing the ―Conscious I AM‖ presence to awaken within the new embodied individual. A natural ―I AM‖ presence would involve I AM atoms, I AM body and I AM ego, right? But not twisted ego. Right? And ego means Epigenetic Overlay. But also that state of consciousness that is right before the big one, which would be the God Self consciousness, which is in the outer fields of the TE‘a-Whas. That‘s that place...it‘s like from the first subharmonic to the 3.5 subharmonic. That is where the ―I AM‖ bands are... causing the ―Conscious I AM‖ presence to awaken within the new embodied individual. At THIS POINT the fetal body must ―BIRTH into independence,‖ as its energy quantum will become too large for the body of the mother to hold. And it could kill the mother if it stayed in too long. Physical birth is initiated by the birth of the Light Body Diad. If we go back to when we learned about the Tauren, the Diad, the Miad, the Monad, etc. etc., in the Inner Light Body. They start growing. Those things now start growing. You have the Radial Body structure of the Light Body that is already set within the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell. But this is where the core parts, that we‘ve learned for ages about the Tauren, the Miad, Diad, the Monad, and all other however many pieces of that are to the point where it fills out and grows the entire Yunasai Seed Atom, and that kind of thing. Then it The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 91 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
starts...this is as the body grows. It‘s not going to happen when you‘re doing fetal integration. It‘s actually quite a slow process, this whole integration of self part. So at birth of the body...is when the body...I‘m so tired...when the body births, it is when the Diad of the Light Body births...that means the Tauren has phased enough to self-generate enough current where it births out the Diad next, and that is the point where there‘s too much energy, and it would kill the mother‘s body if she stayed...if it stayed in the body. So, Physical birth is initiated by the birth of the Light Body Diad, when the Eiron Stream becomes engaged in the continual translation sequence of Hydrolase Conversion, Solar Symbiosis. So, this whole sequence starts to repeat itself, over and over. Every thought is a birth, right, where it begins the breathing process, the natural breathing process of the physical and Light Body structures that are supposed to be synchronized. Okay? So, it continues the Translation Sequence of Hydrolase Conversion, and Solar Symbiosis, opening all 12 Hydro-Acoustic Allurean Chambers and Light Body Fire Chambers into the fetal body, animating the physical and the Light Body/Crystal Body structures while setting in motion the perpetual Pentagonal Transduction Sequence, in which the new identity will progressively project its identity and ideas into the atomic matter hologram (which takes place WITHIN the personal and planetary Aah-JhA‘ bodies and is in its inherent structures). So, this is at the point, once the Diad births, the body has to birth, the physical body has to birth. And that‘s when the natural self-breathing cycle is supposed to initiate. All we get is self recycling cycle, and we use the quantum that was originally in the Seed Atom, and in the Water Seed. We burn that out, because it‘s supposed to recharge. This comes into what is supposed to happen later. Now they said, From the fetal integration point which is the 33-56 days...oops I said 55 there. That‘s a typo. the new incoming spirit takes over the processes of fetal cellular growth and becomes tethered to the fetal body. At the BIRTH POINT, the Solar Symbiosis Cycle moves into full swing, progressively breathing its original Mana-Zeion Birth Quantum and EirA-GhaRE, and Light Body Diad Quantum, into atomic translation and transduction. So that‘s when it starts to make atoms. We have the ability to make atoms. This is how we‘re going to make the protection field in our own fields. To get this process going back. I just saw the sparkly field again. It‘s back. This is the big one. We‘ll have these right in our fields. Okay? So it moves into ―full swing‖—Solar Symbiosis Cycle, progressively breathing its original Zeion and GhaRE and Light Body into translation first and then transduction into matter. The Fetal Integration Process ends at the first birthday. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 92 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
It takes that long just to get the original quantum in and started, and process the original birth quantum. Then, that would mean it would be translated and transfigured into atomic form already, and then it would start the cycle of the Diad, where the Diad energy, that would start to grow, and the Miad would birth in the Light Body, just as the Diad cycle would begin. So, eventually the Light Body grows itself over the years, and this is the process of growth and development, the body gets bigger as it‘s being fueled from the growth of the Light Body. Then the Light Body sends in the frequencies of the one that just grew before. So, if you have the Tauren, the Tauren would empty its content with the base of the birth quantum during the fetal integration process, and the Diad births out and because the Tauren has phased enough and created enough energy quantum to generate the next level, and then after fetal integration is done, then you start the Diad integration, right? And then you do Miad integration, then the Monad integration, etc. etc. and this is how you bring in the structures. Because each one of those—the Miad, Diad and all of those —they are all connected with one of the four levels of the identity that we‘ve talked about—the incarnate level, the Density 2 Soul, the Density 3 Oversoul, the Density 4 Avatar, and the Density 5 Rishi. So, it‘s a progressive process. And when you get to the end of that process, you‘re supposed to go into cellular transfiguration, where you clear the Va-Bha‘-TE imprint, transfigure your selves back, your atoms back into light, and have an eternal life body, that is the Ma-Sha-Yah body. That‘s supposed to be the natural process. So, from the fetal integration point, that‘s where the spirit takes over...we got that. So, it ends on the 1st birthday, the fetal integration process. That‘s when the Light Body Miad births, on the 1st birthday. And that‘s when the Diad begins to empty into matter, and empty its quantum into matter translation, when the Miad births at the 1st birthday. That would be with complete embodiment of the Diad consciousness. So, once the Diad completely embodies the Miad pops out in the Light Body structure, and it gives the next set of cells that you download into physical form. Childhood progresses to adulthood as each Density level of the Light Body grows and steps down into embodiment through Solar Symbiosis, causing progressive growth and maturation of the physical body and conscious identity, until the identity grows to adulthood at age 33, to engage the KaLE Hara and Starfire Ascension Atomic Transfiguration Cycles.‘ The age of 33 is when the whole structure should be downloaded. That‘s when you get the Avatar integration. Your Density 4 level comes in. That‘s when you would naturally go through a natural KaLE Hara Cycle, and that would take you into the four stages of Starfire, and that would take you into the MaSha-Yah fold. And life was supposed to be eternal. We started out a bit behind the eight ball here. We don‘t have our door open or our window and that could be a real problem if you want to breathe. We‘re actually suffocating to death, energetically suffocating. But that‘s going to change, because we are going to bring the technologies in, piece by piece, but we will get the window open. They will start that tonight, because you‘ve already got the code and the tones. You can play with the tones a bit if you wrote them down. I couldn‘t even remember them. I‘m so tired. I will have to listen to them again. You can tell them to me tomorrow, because I‘ve just been up for way too long on a constant wave. I wanted get through this much at least today. We will cover...we will keep going and we will cover as much as we can that‘s on the itinerary, and we will do the work tomorrow, and we‘ll try to get that in that space where it‘s a bit earlier so people aren‘t so tired. Because when we‘re doing...we‘ll do both the psychic techniques that were named in the description, and they will show us what the first Aqua-Tone healing application is. I think it has something to do with grabbing stuff from a field like they have me do at the water. And we will learn about the water and what to do with it, and how we can heal and put...begin this The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 93 of 160
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process in the water, to put it back in, and then drink the water, and have that bring it in faster into our bodies. And they‘re going to teach us a lot about the water. Our bodies are made of water matter. That is something I didn‘t know. It‘s Endoplasma. It is because of that water...I mean this water is supposed to be Hydrolase here. Surface waters are supposed to be Hydrolase. Sweat would be Hydrolase. Right? And it would build up for a bit and then it would be cycle time. Planet times are much longer between...like we breathe...planets breath like over long periods of time. So you would have bodies of water sitting and collecting, but good water, healthy water, they would be collecting and allowing for the planet to do the Solar Symbiosis. And it would keep making more water. It actually births water. The planet births water and we birth water in our own bodies. So, we‘re going to learn how to take dead water and begin to put a charge in it, a good charge that will help our bodies to integrate this faster. So, tomorrow, when we come for the...I‘m not sure what time we are going to do the hands-on stuff, but there is going to be a point when we start doing the techniques, where you have to break into small groups. If you could bring a bottle or two of water with you, so you can play with it, because we are going to teach you how to...it‘s more than just charging water. There are a lot of people pushing thought affirmations at water. They mean well...but...(laughing)...first of all, it‘s not being recognized that it‘s fully conscious. ‗Would you please let me put this thought in there.‘ And even if some of them might be, if they don‘t have the window open, they are talking to dead water. If they can‘t heal the water first, it‘s going to take part of the program and it will just be a mild surface level imprint, and it will take it in the body and because the water, the way it is now, is keyed to the reversals in the body, it is dead water. It is keyed to the Metatronic sets in the body. Right now, water is helping to kill us. Yeah. Yeah. But, we can start healing...yes...it‘s a good cancer agent. Even the purest of it. Because it isn‘t pure. That‘s the problem. H2O is poisonous to a natural Angelic Human body. Yeah. I mean it‘s horrible what has been done here. If I weren‘t so tired I would get feisty. I‘m just too tired to be feisty anymore. My body is eating itself alive from the inside out and I really don‘t like that feeling and I have to clear that. Because it‘s meant—especially with the Omega Code—it‘s meant to make all of that happen faster, so it‘s really going to cause problems, and the more sensitive a person is to Kristiac energies, the more they are going to get nailed with that kind of thing, because we‘re the first to pick up any of the frequencies that are coming in, be they good or bad or in-between. So, we‘re going learn how to work with water. It will first be simple. Learning how to properly communicate with water. And first we have to communicate with ourselves, getting the window open, and they are going to show us what technique to use. They just showed me how to do a quick one, but I had no idea what I did. They just said, ‗grab some of the stuff there.‘ ‗What is it?‘ ‗Just grab some of it and hold it and literally put the bottle on the hand and just blow it up in.‘ I don‘t know what it was that I grabbed. But they said, ‗not enough. Do another one.‘ I said, ―What am I grabbing? Because I don‘t know what‘s up there. I know that‘s where the fontanel duct connects into the window. I know they are going to begin the process. I don‘t think it‘s going to crack our heads open. I don‘t know, though. I‘ve had skull cracks that emerged in really weird places over the years when working with techniques. Not painful ones. They don‘t do any damage. But they give a little....ease...to the pressure inside of my head. So, maybe the brains will grow, and maybe our fontanels will physically open someday too. Yeah. And you don‘t have to do any of those horrible practices. Some people in the New Age science doctors set...ee-yew...they resurrected some The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 94 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
horrible torture techniques in order to enlighten themselves again. Where they would literally...in certain other countries, they would actually do this to the children. They would take like a sharp object, kind of like an awl or a screwdriver, right? And they would hammer it right in through. Yeah. Yeah. Some of the Tibetan sects do that. And sometimes they would also do it to there. I‘m surprised that cultures that engage in those practices had anybody left on planet by this point, because the chances of killing a person that way are very high. And it doesn‘t help. It actually damages the apparatus. These were taught by the FA groups to do this. Innocent people were taught to do this stuff, promising enlightenment. Oh, it will open certain stuff up. Yeah, it will open you right up to the Metatronic fields. So, you don‘t have to do that kind of stuff. It will happen naturally if you‘re bringing in the right currents. You don‘t have to mess with your body in those ways at all. So, anyway. This is the beginning of a fascinating journey, again. Every workshop is another journey for me and I think for you. I will do my best to keep times...I don‘t even know what time to say come back tomorrow. It‘s almost like going to be like one of those on-call ones, like somebody, like Mac or somebody we‘ll give it to them and let us know. It‘s not going to be early. I would love to have it before four o‘clock. I hope so, because they would...there‘s a lot to cover. I will see where this goes. But I don‘t think it is going to be four o‘clock, at least for my part of it. Now if we can get some technique in first, like they did last time. They had to. Az would come running back and forth, and they would give us the next load, and he would come and do the techniques. But I need more bodies of my own to do this. There‘s not enough hands. There‘s not enough time to be here and taking it down at the same time. So, we‘re trying to work with that. Audience Member: Bi-locate. I keep trying. I‘m wandering around somewhere where there‘s a beach out my window, actually. It‘s really funny. I have this piece of me they actually sent to this other location, so I could get the line in more clearly in the future, from a future space. And they‘ve been sending it down that way, because it was crashing my body. The line was too high frequency for what the body can deal with right now. I don‘t know if they are going to teach how to do that yet. I don‘t know how to do that either. It happens. Some part of me, obviously knows what this one doesn‘t. We all have this wonderful place, though. It‘s that ―I AM God Self‖ space in the TE‘a-Wha Fields. And as we open these windows, more of that...and that‘s where you get that bliss, heavenly feeling, where everything seems kind of like, you know it‘s a thought form, and you realize...I remember one of the realizations I had. I felt so bad for my dad caught in his Review-loop and he still was worrying about money, like not having enough and horrible things and all that. I was saying, gee, I wish I could just explain to him how easy it is. He‘s dead. He doesn‘t have to worry about that there anymore. Then it dawned on me. It‘s the same there as it is here. It‘s just as hard or just as easy, depending on what you know. So, we‘re going to learn how to do a lot of things that you might only otherwise experience once you did escape peacefully from a body. I don‘t know how to go there with that yet, but all of this will lead to those kind of things. Because this is, in one way, a half dead Review-scape. We‘re like a guardian team that came in alive in order to try to get people out of a partial Review-scape. And they were the souls of Tara. That was what the Amenti mission was about. It was to get them out of review. We are the Way-Showers, God help us, at this point.
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Anyway, we mutated in to a partly blended...it‘s partly blended and partly alive, partly blended dead and partly alive. And we have to turn the alive part back around so we can get back out, and get whoever out with us that wants to go back to the Ascension Earth pattern. Anyway...I hope this was enough hours for tonight. I hope you‘ve enjoyed the material. (applause) Have a good night guys! Az: I‘ve been asked to tell you, before you go to bed, do sleep well, enjoy your window in the morning. Regent ordinations are at 5pm tomorrow.
Monday Morning Lecture [D2 C10 2:23:15] Before that, they had me working on 7 or 8, actually about a dozen different graphs simultaneously. So, I‘ve got pieces of at least 5 new ones that fill out what we needed to talk about. And, I‘ve been up, well, I went to bed last night whenever it was, at 7 this morning, right, because it takes a while to shut the line down so I can sleep. I slept until about quarter of 9 and then got back up and have been working ever since. So, it‘s been a bit of a long weekend, for you too. And, I want to thank you for, for being patient and still being here. And I think you‘ll find it‘s worth it this time (Clapping), if for nothing else, what‘ll at least be worth it, I think it‘s the first workshop in 2 years at least that we actually have a chart pack of something you can take home with you, right. And it‘s not in the chart pack yet because it‘s being printed, it‘s being you know, run off now. But, you will also get a copy of the 22-step Technique that is the Window Technique but also, the Manifestation Technique that you can use any time after the window is open. So, that is what…they gave it to me on the computer instead of in longhand like they often do. So, we have some interesting things to talk about, but more interesting things to do. I will do probably the graph sequence first and then we will go into technique. Because there is the 4 that, they‘re like introductory techniques to just kind of get the side juices flowing, and then we will move it into the big technique. And then, we‘ll start to see how this gets applied to the Aqua-Tone Healing System, the Advanced Kathara System. Once we have the windows open and certain energies flowing that are kind of almost explained in the technique, right. And we‘ll give you a run through on the technique before we launch into it. But, then I was thinking…they had said that we‘re going to do ―client sessions‖ like we do in the early Kathara workshops and I was saying, ―How are we going to do that with that many people anyway? The room isn‘t big enough to lay everybody on the floor with a partner so they can do that‖. And, at this point, there wouldn‘t be enough time to do that. And they said, ―That wasn‘t the plan. The first ‗client‘ is the water.‖ That‘s why we were asked to bring water. So, we will work with how to start the healing process with water. And, we can do that once we heal ourselves and that is what this technique, well I‘ll read it to you when we get there. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 96 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
I‘m wondering if I‘ll read it to you first. Do I want to read it to you first? Hm, some of it. I‘ll save it for right before we go into it, yeah. So, what I think we‘ll do first is learn a little bit more about what we are healing here and why it needs to be healed, because of the distortions that we‘ve talked about that are in the gene code in the Planetary Fields. There is something that will become fixed inside of ourselves with this particular technique, that will be toward the end. And it is something that is quite sinister and I was amazed when they told me. I said, ―Oh my God, you‘re not‖…it kind of creeped me out actually, where there is a direct physical manifestation of the distortion that is part of the human biology and we‘re going to see what that is. So, and they wanted us to understand that tonight because that particular thing is going to start changing once these activations are done and it will start healing. And I‘m wondering if it means it‘ll start disappearing, because it‘s a part of our body that‘s in there that actually doesn‘t belong there. And it‘s part of the mutation that, because the body is an atomic generator, you know it is…there are key parts of the manifestation, atoms process, that take place in our bodies. This particular part of our body wasn‘t there when we were Angelic Humans. And, I‘m wondering if it‘s going to like just eventually do something different maybe, like get put in service for the Kryst? I bet that‘s what we‘re going to do. Ok, I got that it‘s…ooh, ok, we‘re going to use that…that‘s how we‘re going to harness the other fields and bring it in, since they‘ve got a receiver in our body anyway. Once we clear the bodies we can turn that receiver on to turn their fields around. That‘s how we‘re going to get the energy. That just came in, right. I didn‘t know what they were going to do with that. So anyway, we‘ll start with the graphs and get that part over so we can get into techniques. Then…what? Yeah, I‘m ready. Ready as I‘ll ever be.
[D2 C10 2:27:51]
This is just to remind us, when we‘re talking about the TE‟-Wah Fields we‘re talking about these areas up here in the Density 1 um…I‘m sorry. I‘m tired. So, I might be tripping over my lips a little bit tonight…um, the Ah‟JhA Body, the Density 1 Ah‘JhA Body. Now, of course this connects into much, much larger structures from the Density 2 and Density 3 and Density 4 Level. But, this one is actually control for the whole system because you can actually, progressively, if you get the Density 1 body healed and begin this Transfiguration Process, it will just bring the rest of them in. So, we won‘t lose the parts of ourselves that are stuck up in the matrix. We‘re almost like the ―Trump Card,‖ our bodies down here, where the trump card, if you couldn‘t get out and you could get one of these bodies out, it would get your whole matrix out, like anything that‘s not completely fallen in a black hole status. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So, this is just to remind us about the Pentagonal Code that is the thing that creates the sparks in those corners, every one of the lines, the Allurean Chamber Lines, creates sparks. And these are the things that generate, what they actually do is start spinning. Certain currents come up the Allurean Chambers and do their split with the Prana and then come back down the Fire Chambers. There‘s that whole process set in motion here, of literally Endo-geleziac sparks and Endoplasma. And Endoplasma is the water matter substance that our atoms are made out of. So, this is literally the atomic generator. And you could put yourself, like standing right here in the middle of that; you are one. We are atomic generators. And, we‘ve been hijacked because they use our fields to actually create the NET Fields in Earth‘s atmosphere to keep Earth imprisoned, which is interesting, yeah, that‘s why they did it. And I didn‘t even know that, it dawned on me at 7 this morning. I said, ―Wait a minute, we‘re generators, right. We‘re atomic generators. Oh my God, they twisted our biologies in mass, by the millions, not just ours but Angelic Humans and Indigos and stuff. We‘re the most powerful generators on the planet because they had all the Gate Codes. So, they actually used our bodies to generate these systems. They put up artificial NETs for a time, but it was because they got our bodies going ―on-line‖ with it that we would just be self-imprisoning and we would keep the planet imprisoned. There‘s more to that story I think, that has to do with water. And, I think they used our bodies to create an atomic, an atomic NET that killed the water, the surface water that H2O is right now. It is incomplete. It can‘t breathe. It is dead water to begin with and it is also poison to the Human Body, which it‘s like, ―But we‘re built out of it‖…we have so much water, you know, we‘re made of water. This type of water is poison to us. It is actually killing us and it‘s something we have to have or we die anyway. So, it‘s a vicious circle. What we‘re going to be learning tonight, what will be turned on by the time you leave this morning will be, you will have an ability that you didn‘t have before. You will have a thing in your field, an open window in your field to some very, very special things, and you will have the Water Seed. And, that is something that no one on the planet has been born with for ages and ages because of the Fetal Integration problem. And, there‘s a part in the Fetal Integration problem where the NETs come down genetically and it locks you in and you can‘t get the rest of you in so you can never go into Hydrolase Conversion; you never open the Fontanel. And, we are going to open our Fontanels tonight and we‘re going to open them to the window, yes (Clapping). And, we are going to do something really cool after we get all that done, we‘re going to do something really cool. One other thing that‘s really nice in this technique, it also explains to you what the Materialization Process is without me having to have gone through five million different graphs of tracing that flow and that spin, and this part and that part. It laid it out very clearly. Because usually I‘ll have to get it down really technical, and then I‘ll pull it apart and make it easy for even me to understand, because it‘ll come through like dadadada and I‘ll read it through and go, ―Oh my God, what?‖ And have to read it again, and I pull things apart on the computer and that kind of thing. They actually showed us the last bit of those teachings and a little bit on the graphs, but mostly in the technique, the last technique, where it shows what is happening, how it works. And what‘s nice is, the technique you can use and take home anytime after this. It‘s also the preparation technique that you would use for any client sessions using the Aqua-Tone System. But, it is also something you can use to materialize anything whenever you want to. You can literally materialize in Co-creation. And, this is very The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
different than trying to make something happen, or putting a thought out in some funny way and trying to make it happen. This is actually giving birth. The process of Partiki mechanics that we have been studying for ages and the process of the SEda Cycle, when 2 PartikI come together like an egg and sperm and they start their thing and it starts the SEda Cycle and the Spirit Body builds first and then the Light Body. We are being taught how to manifest that way. First, to manifest into the Light Forms that way with Spirit Body, where actually the things that we create will be first, they will be seeded just like a baby is…well, they won‘t have the Va-Bha‟TE issue, they‘ll have their own Va-Bha‘-TE on them, right, because you created them. But, it‘s not just trying to make stuff happen it‘s literally set in motion. You‘re going to birth things into your hologram just like Source does. And I had no idea that was coming, so that‘s the part that I‘m excited about. So I just wanted us to like skip through these really quick. There‘s going to be things if we can remember, when we do the techniques where, if we‘re standing here there‘s a proportional diagram coming later that will give you an idea about how far out in your own fields, but if we can remember that we have these I AM Bands. And this one, the big one up here, is the I AM God- Self Band. That‘s where the sparks happen, actually brings that flow of awareness, that continual stream of consciousness into your attention when you‘re in body. So, you have the I AM God-Self here and I AM Ego here. That‘s the one that controls the epigenetic overlay and that‘s where the NETs are in. And then there is the I AM Body and I AM Atomic-Etheric Cellular structure, Atomic Structure. And, this is probably, actually, I AM Elements, I would, yeah, ok. I was always wondering what to call that. They just kind of said, ―I AM Element‖. Right, this is where we would do, I believe, Elemental Command from, where we would get in touch with that level of our consciousness. When we get through with this technique tonight, or this morning, right now you‘re going to see in a little bit the mess that these fields are in because of the mutations in the DNA and on the planet. And when we leave, that will be changed. It will take a bit of time for it to run the Axiatonal Lines, but the main things that are holding the mutation into the body, that will be gone from this point forward in the people who have done this technique. And you will be able to spread that if you want to. If you do healing sessions, even if you do just (exhales) Radiant Sessions (chuckles), you can do those at the grocery store (Laughs). Yep, and anybody that has any receivers for Krystic Frequency will be able to pick up Host that way. Yeah. I‘m thinking about going and sitting in some cemeteries, you know and just like visit cemeteries and start freeing the Gha-REs, you know, but we‘ll do that later…anyway, next one, please.
[D2 C11 2:35:12]
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
We should have Gha-RE Freeing Parties, you know, like just get together and do the circles and just really like do clean sweeps of the Earth‘s grids and get a lot of that out for them. That‘s coming later I think (chuckles). All right, this is just to remember what, to help us remember what the Pentagonal Codes are about. It‘s about how the, when the conscious energy comes up through here, splits here, some of it goes out here, the Ethos and Eiros come down in here and form this. And this is just a Flow Pattern. And, it‘s through the Flow Pattern that Sparks occur. Every place you see a dot is where the Sparks of Matter occur. These are Endo-Geleziac Sparks, and the Endo-Gel is the stuff, the ―water matter‖ that we‘re made of and that atoms here are made of. And each one of these lines has, each one of the Allurean Chamber Lines has the Core Encryption Program for a set of 12 Elements. One of them is the Prime Element and the other are its children, and so you get a set of 144 naturally occurring elements that would be a natural structure. Here we don‘t have that. Here, we have some strange concoctions actually that don‘t really exist in anything else but Fall Matrices. And, we‘re going to start turning back on the potentials that do exist within the natural atomic base, because there is still a bit of natural left. We‘ll see why when we look at the diagrams that explain about those, the two Pentagrams I was telling you about, one on the top and one on the bottom as far as in the bodies. Well, they‘re also on the planet and fortunately at least there‘s two. At least one of them is still spinning in the direction it was supposed to and it‘s only because of that, that there‘s any potential left to bring the quantum back and to try to get out of here, you know, get the mutations off you. So, we are just touching base with the visuals of the structures again, so we remember when we hear them, we remember, ―Oh yeah, that looked like that‖…next one, please.
[D2 C11 2:37:20]
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 100 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
This was my favorite (Chuckles), this was the one that just explained how they‘re, for d-1, d-2, d-3 and the Density Level, there is an off-set in how the Allurean Chambers line up. So, if you want to find and understand Elemental Charts and Atomic Charts and the Allurean Chambers you have to have those offsets, and I haven‘t had time to do this. This will take me forever to do this because you have to be real careful with all of that. So this is just to remind us about how we find the different, like what Elements are what, on what lines, in the particular graphs that are coming. And that is the key to actually, you can actually find out the down-step pattern of any element or the up-step pattern of it and what its natural parents are, and that kind of thing. And, eventually, that will become very handy for us as we move more into the Hydro-Acoustic Systems of Healing and of Materializing and things. But, to get an understanding of how this works now it is a good idea. And this was just to remind us about, that we have d-3, d-2, d-1 on each line. And also, each one of those, and even on one dimension, say d-1 you would have a Chamber, it would have its 12 Elements and each of those 12, that would be 12 tones, right. They‘d actually be sub-tones and there‘d be one Main Tone for each one. So you have this, there‘s some Psonns happening here, because if you have all those tones just on 1 dimensional level of the Allurean Chambers and then you have 3 of them together, plus the ones that are extending into the TE‟a-Wha Fields, that‘s like four (Chuckles), right, four different sets of tones. So, every line would sing a Psonn. Eventually they‘ll be showing us what that is. It‘s also interesting that every line also has a series of letters. And there are, just like there‘s 144 Primary Elements, there are 144 Primary Letters that the natural Krystic Languages are made out of, just like un-natural languages we have to use here are. You know, we have languages and they‘re running in reverse, most of them. The Krystic Languages have different symbols and we are just, we‘re shown, they were going to give 12 but we would still be over there and not here. So, they gave us 1, 2, 3…I think we have 4 or 5 of them. And just to give you an idea of how they work, they‘re going to be brought into the Aqua-Tone Healing System in a really unique way. I can show you some of where that‘s going. It‘s not going there yet, because it would have taken me until next week to finish that diagram and we wouldn‘t have had time to use it. They said it wasn‘t meant for here anyway. It was meant for the body workshop, the one that deals with the Physical Body. So, this is where it all comes from. This messy little diagram is an amazing little chart, because it is the first key to understanding how you decode the Elemental Code. And, with, it‘s a good thing they‘re teaching us this so we understand what we‘re dealing with, because with the activation that we‘re going to have before we leave, it is going to bring us into where that I AM Element part of ourselves, it‘s going to clear the, it‘s going to clear mainly the ―I AM God‖ space, to bring it into the Mental Body. But, it will also trigger partial clearing already in the ―I AM Element” space. And at that point, you will start to begin to actually feel and interact with elements in a different way, as consciousness, where you‘ll begin to feel them and they will feel you, and you can have conscious communication and create things together. And, that‘s where this is going. I mean, the people that live in the Krystic Worlds, they can manifest at will and they don‘t have to go through 22 steps, right. You know, because the more you do it, the more it works. And by the next workshop they will probably show something else to do…we can open something else up and I have a feeling that‘s the door. We have to open up the door and that will speed up the process, where if you‘ve worked with the technique that we‘re being given this workshop, and then you went to the next one, you‘d probably not have to go through the 22 The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
steps all again. There might be key steps, so it will get easier. It‘s not that everybody pulls out little papers and reads it up there to, you know, how to manifest. They‘re teaching us what it means to live like Krysted Beings, what it is to have all those powers back. And there are some preliminary teachings that we‘ll cover a little bit that have to do with just like getting a handle on your thought forms and those kind of things, and your emotional body forms. And a lot of times they‘re not yours. That‘s part of the problem. There‘s a mess being run through the grids all the time. And it‘s like every time you feel something it‘s like, ―Are you sure that‘s me?‖ (Laughs) ―Or is that being beamed into the mass hologram and it‘s just affecting my chemicals so I‘m feeling it as my own?‖ That is what‘s happening on this planet. We‘re getting thoughts seeded into our minds without permission. We are getting emotions run through our body because they hijacked the process by which literally, consciousness moves up through the system first to become manifestation. So, they‘re using us as Manifestation Machines to manifest the fall of this planet. This is going to be nice because we can stop this now. And tonight, this is what…all of the work we have been doing, has been to try to get to this point of what we can do tonight. And I‘m really excited about that. So anyway this is the key, one of the keys, to unraveling what the Natural Elemental Code should be; next one, please.
[D2 C11 2:42:27]
This is another key, which is a basic one. This just tells you the lines, right. I didn‘t have time to copy this one either, or type set it or anything, and even to double-check it. And I‘m sure it‘s right. I did check it twice for my own things, because I had to do those translations, but with all of it, before it‘s fully published, I will actually go through everything to make sure all the spins are right and everything to make sure it was lined up right. But, it shows you at least how it‘s supposed to look. You have on, if you‘re in d-2 right, and this is Hydrogen here and that‘s line 1…and I‘ll show you what ―lines‖ mean on the next one…up here in d-3 that would be Oxygen, number 8, right. Up here there would be two parents. This is the line that has to do with the TE‟a-Wha Planes, where you know how on one Allurean Chamber the pulse will come up and then it will split into two and then it will ride down two different lines of the Light Body, the Fire Chamber Lines. Well, these are being made from the Fire Chambers but they have two parents that came from you know, one Allurean Chamber Current splitting. So this shows you actually what the starters are.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 102 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
There‘s going to be a point as we…first of all, we have to clear the stuff from our bodies progressively, and that‘s what the first I think probably block of 3 of the Sliders Workshops is about. The second one, we‘ll be starting to learn how to use this and the music charts, because we can learn to call on these. Now, to call on…it‘s one thing to just call on and say, ―Hi Hydrogen, please talk to me‖, you know, ―I‘d like to meet you. Want to create something?‖ It‘s a little different. I‘ve had little bursts of it when, and I just, just experienced this actually, when they were giving me this technique, coming through, because I always get a little bit of the activation when I‘m typing out the technique. And I felt this direct cognition thing happen and it came from below my feet, and I just felt the presence, but little bursts of it. Not like ―presence‖, but I felt the Elemental Kingdom. Not little faeries running around, that‘s a different layer of planes. They‘re fine too, I like faeries, I have no problem. But, this is different. This is literally feeling an At-One-Ment where they don‘t feel a seam between their consciousness and yours, and you can hit that space where you don‘t either. Where you, because the elements that you have to work with for manifesting are yours, you manufacture them; they are made of your consciousness, right. So, the first thing we‘ll learn how to do is get back in touch with our own elementals. And they‘re not, like you have little fairy plane levels and stuff, they‘re actually thought forms that got stuck, thought-form people, that are made of elements just like we are. We‘re kind of thought-form people that got stuck too (Laughs). So, we‘ll be freeing a lot of faeries and stuff as we go down, but we‘re going to go further, right down into the consciousness itself, to the vapors and those things. Because, we each have a part of ourselves manifest as part of the Atomic Kingdom here, and that is just fascinating. There is a feel to it and I‘d never felt it before, until the little bursts came up as that technique was running. So, I hope that you guys will have the same experience but like even bigger, because I was like in a hurry and I was just grumbling under my breath all day actually, ―Can‘t we ever, ever be on time for a workshop?‖ But, anyway this is the next key right (Laughs)…I left that up long enough, if anybody‘s really quick you might want to ch,ch,ch…write it down. I don‘t care if you do that, but we will put it out. Again, if anybody takes this and wants to do anything with it I‘m not guaranteeing that they‘re right because I haven‘t checked them, right. And that goes with any of the formulas except for the Hydrolase one, they did say that was correct. And I checked that one about 20 different times from every angle. So, and they gave it to me in the first place and then I checked the step-down. So…but these were just get it done fast and just get the idea of how the chart works, but I do believe they‘re right…anyway, next one.
[D2 C12 2:47:03] Allurean Table of Elements
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 103 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
Then there‘s another one, when you‘re trying to figure out the step-down these are the things you have to look at. First you have to look at the scribbly one with all the arms on it, right, and then you have to look at that one too. I think I want to put the other one up first, you know the one? Is that, that one? Yeah, those two I‘ll put up after the one…I forget where I put it in the pack there. It‘s in there. I just want to see. But, I decided that I want to put that up here. This…could we see the bottom hon, please? This is the main one. This is, when I talked about what family line and what child number, right? This is the Elemental Chart. The elements run this way then each one of these represents one of the vertical Allurean Chambers. And each one of these represents, you could turn each one of those in a circle and they‘d be which circle level that, that one was on. These are Spans Lines here. You got the span and you got the Allurean Chamber Line and each of the elements, 144 elements, would fit on there and elements are put on there of course by their proton numbers, which are their atomic number. There‘s also, for each of these, there would be sets of notes for each of them. There would be specific codes. These are a few of the actually alphabet letters that are of the Elemental Kingdom. I don‘t know their tones yet, but just like letters here have sounds and you put them together and you make words and sentences and carry meaning, right, same thing with these. The scary thing is, words here do the same thing, yeah. You would speak these words and it would move atomic elements into certain configurations. We speak words all the time here on this planet and they do the same thing. So, our words are actually creating the sound signal that goes with our thoughts out into set the templates. So even if you‘re thinking the nicest affirmations, if you‘re thinking in a language that is on a reverse spin you‘re going to get some interesting results, not the ones you wanted, and that‘s part of what‘s happening here. But, we are going to be progressively taught the Primary Letters first, which go with…these are considered the Primary 12, the first 12 Families, right. So they‘re the ―family lines‖ going over that way. And then, say this is the Hydrogen Family and all of these would be the children of Hydrogen. All these would be the children of Helium. And this has to do with those compound elements, what they call the compound elements, like Hydrolase is a compound element. And it means there‘s a larger element that has many things in it. And then its encryption breaks apart to make many smaller ones, kind of like Source, sparking out and making all of us and worlds and universes. So, we‘re going to learn how to use this. The translations are a pain in the neck to do, honestly, at least by hand, because you have to find, ok, if it‘s…it‘s not so bad when you‘re just dealing with these guys, the bottom ones. Because ok, if it‘s let‘s say Lithium on d-3, what is it on d-2? Then you just look at that one chart where it said, ―Well if it‘s this on d-2, it‘s that on d-1 and this on d-3.‖ That‘s simple enough. But then when it gets up to, say if you want to know what that is in d-3 or in d-2 or in d-1, you would have to first find the line, make the line conversion, then count up the children number and it would be the same child number on the other converted line. So, it‘s all these calculations that are enough to make me nuts. But I wanted you to see how the system works. It‘s very advanced. It‘s a very intricate system. [D2 C12 2:50:49] Allurean Table of Elements (cont.)
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 104 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
And there‘s going to be a point in time, and I think that‘s quite a bit later after we learn about a lot of other things. There are…these are the lower command elements for the whole system, but there are higher command elements. And these are not, they‘re not considered elements, they‘re considered Vapors. Can you pull it down honey, so we can see the top? Each one of these lines goes up to the key commands. And if you use like the bottom of the line and its Vapor Key up here, it controls the entire chart. It can take it in and out of manifestation. The Krystic ones, that can direct manifest and like make things appear and disappear and all that kind of stuff, they just sing the tones inside their head and just hum a feeling, right. That is how they create. That is how they moved from one place to another in, not even translocation, in transmigration. It‘s an amazing different type of world than this one, and it is where we are preparing to go. And if they didn‘t think that we were going to seriously be able to make it, they wouldn‘t be going this far, showing us this much. So, I wanted you to see how it works and the potentials that are in it, piece by piece we‘re learning more…next one, please.
[D2 C12 2:51:25]
See, this is what the translations kind of look like when you‘re starting to scribble stuff out. There‘s also a whole set of charts. I wanted to get this one done for the chart packs, but there was no way. It takes too long to do all these little things, plus I have to organize them into, ―Ok, now that we know we have that long set of charts that talk about what state it is…is it a plasm? Is it a plasma? You know, what is it?‖ These could be organized into that and then you have all these, ―this plus this equals this‖, ―this plus that equals that‖. These are the things that, the interactions that are taking place when we are doing Solar Symbiosis Breathing. They‘re the natural things that occur. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 105 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
We got a couple interesting ones though, like for Mana. Mana is Gold in d-3. It‘s Tungsten in…or, d-2 Gold, d-3 Tungsten, right. And, it‘s really funny because somewhere else I have the chart. I might have it there but I don‘t think I do, but it was one of those real scribbly ones. But, when I traced it up it is, one of its parents is Lead, up as the main ones. So all that stuff of the old alchemists trying to turn lead into gold, right (Laughs), yeah, from the outside instead of the inside. Right, all this stuff was known at least to some degree, even in late Atlantis. So these are just brining back the information that people were abusing then. Well, yeah, that‘s how Atlantis, why Atlantis isn‘t here anymore, because they used this so well. Here‘s the formulas here, for Celestallite, which is the White Powder Gold stuff, and which is a combination of Ectos and Mana. So, it‘s got Mana here, which would be gold, right. And Ectos, which is up here. So you would combine those and you would have the formula for White Powder Gold, d-2, d-3. There‘s going to be a reason…we could take it down to d-1 too, but we just left it at d-2, d-3 to see the step-down because ―as above, so below‖. So I have a feeling they want us to be familiar with the d-3 level ones first. And there‘s something you can do with kind of sandwich-ing it, use the ones with the codes from the top and the bottom to clear the middle, but I don‘t think we can do that yet. We have to clear the, whatever the physical level of this is, because there‘s an activation in the Virginia Beach workshop that goes with this that opens that door on the physical level. And I think after that we might be able to play with the resets of tones, because it would really create…dimensions are structured with a base tone, an overtone and a resonate tone. The Resonate tone is the middle one and that‘s where the Telluric System is. So, they‘re going to teach us how all of these work in relation to music. Fortunately we don‘t have to memorize all of them, and that kind of thing. It‘s just to see what they, all of that ―translation stuff‖ comes down to this, where you can actually know what the organic structure is supposed to be, of atomic structure, what is supposed to bond with what. The problem here right now is Hydrolase doesn‘t…you can‘t make it because the things won‘t bond together, because it requires an Adjugate. Which, in the natural process, there is a bit of atomic transfer between the AdorA Side of creation on the A-10…we‘re on the E-4 Line, which comes down this way in the larger cosmic, Spirit Body, and they‘re on the A-10 Line. And, there‘s supposed to be a flow of energy between the two, where they swap atoms a little bit here and there, and that allows for the whole process to take place, where the energy exchanges. That is blocked here. So, we get some really strange bonded elements that don‘t belong together. They‘re dead because they can‘t breathe. And these substances can‘t, they can‘t be created ―outside.‖ They can‘t be created in a laboratory. They are naturally occurring in a living being, or even like a living planet would create these, or a living flower would have their own natural versions of the ―Cellests‖, I like to call them. Because, you have Celestallite, there‘s also…I have down the bottom, Celestalline and Celestallon. And they are those, I forget, what do they call them, plasma? Yep, Plasms…is it Plasms? I don‘t know. I‘m just still trying to remember all of which date is which, but anyway. These, we are going to bring back the ability to manufacture these substances in our body, naturally. And that is going to progressively give us progressive ability to heal our bodies more rapidly. And we have to be able to produce some degree of these naturally occurring elements in order to make a Slide with the body if you want to. You can bi-locate without too much of it, as far as getting yourself out and moving a part of your atomic structure. But, you still have a Gha-RE that is stuck within the, that part of the Spirit that is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 106 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
bound to the matter or got ―turned into matter,‖ actually. It‘s still bonded here. And, to get that out we have to begin to generate this. (D2 C12 2:56:18) And, part of the thing we‘re doing tonight or this morning, at the end of the evening of this morning (Laughs), we‘re going to be doing the technique that starts to bring in the process of being able to create Celestallon, which is the ―Mother‖ Element. And then you get Celestalline and Celestallite come out of that. So, it is the beginning of opening the Celestalline Flows, which are the natural Living Water Flows both on the pre-water level, which would be in the pre-substances and on the real water level. Once we have that we can transmit that into water and we can begin to heal water here. It starts small because you have to build the quantum in your own fields you know, you have to get yourself healed to a certain degree before you can go take on a lake or something like that. But, every little bit you put in a lake helps. It gives anchoring rods for when the larger things in the Planetary Body open, that the Beloveds are going to help us open. And, they will open through our Shields. That‘s what the Host Shield is here for. And we‘re hosting the Kryst energies from Median Earth to come down so we can code some of the place to bring it out of fall. And we‘re going to be taught how to do larger bodies of water, but in the meantime we‘re going to be taught how to even just hold a bottle of water. And once we have these things open in our selves, simple procedure to communicate with the element of it. We‘ll be able to do that more strongly after the Virginia Beach workshop because we will have that final Ring, the I AM Element Ring open, that I AM space open in our own bodies. But even now we are getting to the point, when we do these techniques, we are getting to the point where we can interact with them on the TE‟a-Wha Field Level and really start creating a healing affect in the water and then we can drink the water and it will create healing effect. It will be like a mutual love affair. All of a sudden, if we love water first and help it heal, it will come back and return the gift, and then it won‘t be a poisonous substance. Because right now it is actually poisoning our bodies but you can‘t live without it at the same time. It‘s poisoning our bodies from the inside. And the sad thing is, our bodies, because of that, are poisoning the waters on the outside. We‘re helping to poison the planet with the emissions that we, that go out in our field. Because our fields are large they go out into the atmosphere and they give discharge. I mean, well what do we discharge that we know about? We know we breathe, right? So we‘re breathing in oxygen and sending out carbon dioxide, right. What if that‘s not normal? What if that does something? It must do something. I don‘t think it‘s normal and I have a feeling it‘s going to change. And, that‘s probably part of the reason why the Beloveds very rarely will come in here, because they probably have to wear a gas mask you know (Laughs), because it‘s just, you know (Chuckles). Not that is smells, but it‘s just air that is not alive and that would probably affect them and make them ill.
End of Disk 2 [D3 C1 0:00:30]
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 107 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So anyway, this is just to let you see how it goes. Down at the bottom, please honey…all the way down here we have this one. Here‘s where you get Celestallon and Celestallite, where there, you know, the formulas for them are there. You‘d have d-3 and d-2. I didn‘t bother doing the d-1‘s on them. It was just to show. And, before I‘d ever publish these fully, without having to say, ―this is just a rough‖ on top, right, I would double check and triple check them all. And that means I have to do the many months of graphs that it takes to get those others perfect where you can easily see them and read them. And then perhaps scan them into a computer and let a computer figure all that out. Because you could put this in, once you got the system down you could, well, I couldn‘t, but somebody who knows how to do computers could do a program on it where you could just plug it in. Because it‘s got the simple code of ―here, this means this, means this‖ you know, ―what does that number come out to be‖? So, there‘s a lot of potential for finding out things. There‘s going to be a time where we need to know a bit more about what‘s supposed to bond with what. I‘m not sure why, but they‘re giving us the kind of like a ―preschool‖ starter on that one…next one, please.
[D3 C1 0:01:15] Table of Elements
That was just to remind us this is what we‘ve learned. Here is the Elemental Chart. We‘re missing quite a few, right. Just ignore my scribbly notes. These are like…they should have a question mark because I‘m trying to figure out something. There‘s something to do…if we can figure out what the Adjugate is there‘d be one more step. If you can figure out what the invisible bond is, which is that element that is actually holding bonds together over here that has to do with the AdorA spin side, you would have to figure that into The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 108 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
the equation. But, you could actually figure out the atomic numbers of things. But, if you just try to take the two substances here, you still don‘t have, you still won‘t know how many protons the whole thing has because it‘s…I mean, what we‘re making are compound elements, all right. We‘re bringing them back into being able to become compound elements, but you wouldn‘t see the ―dark side‖ one until you do this on the other side, which means you‘d have to know the AdorA spins, make the whole set of charts for the other side and then cross reference the charts. So, I‘m not going to be doing that any time soon, but the potential of it is there for anybody who likes math and stuff. So anyway, these elements are the same elements we‘re talking about. And these elements are, what they are formed from, are the body of the Earth and the Solar Body, because we get an exchange with the Solar Wind. There‘s always an exchange of energy of particles and those particles are coming from, literally, the bio-fields of everybody on the planet and the planet itself…next one, please.
[D1 C1 0:02:34] Allurean Atomic DN-1 Step-down Conversions for Living & Dead Water.
This is just looking at…this one is in your chart packs just so you have that one, so you see what that is and you see the step downs. And this is what‘s missing on the 3 levels. There‘s going to be a point when we‘re able to find the missing ones and like, we‘ll probably do this…I wonder if we‘re going to try this, if we‘ll have the information in yet for next workshop? I‘m not sure, but where we start to get the tonal signatures for the things that are missing. And because we have our window open, and over there we‘re going to open our door, we‘ll be able to begin singing them back into the water, and that would create larger healings of the water. Not only ourselves, but also with larger places that are surrounded with water. And if you think about water, it‘s not just like oceans and rivers and stuff, it‘s in the atmosphere. There‘s water vapor, rain, snow, ice crystals. This planet is full of water. And right now water is called ―H 2O‖, because that is what it looks like here. It‘s going to start changing that. I mean literally, when we start breathing…once our window is open it will start sending some of the beginnings of this healing right out into the atmosphere, because right now everybody else is sending all the poisons out into the atmosphere. So, we‘re going to become ‗walking healers‘ and I just find the whole thing fascinating. This was grueling, to try to get it to where you can even like figure out these, like, ―How does this system work? I know it does, I can see it.‖ But, once they showed me those three different charts you have to work with to try to say, ―Ok, this is this here and this is that there, child number what? Line number what?‖ And it does work. It is a system that you can make the translations. Anyway, next one, please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 109 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
[D1 C1 0:04:16] Progression of Materialization
This is just to remind us…in simple form you‘ve got a little one of these in your chart packs, it‘s on the bottom of the thing that talks about them in more detail. But, it‘s just a list of…this is the process by which Materialization occurs. I‘ll get out of my own way here. This, it helps to remember this when we go to do the technique that we‘re going to do later, because once we get through with the technique we have set this in motion, all right, this process in motion. And the 22 steps that…I don‘t know if you have those yet…they didn‘t hand those out yet did they? No. Yes? Oh, they‘re doing it now, ok. In that technique we‘ll go with the code, the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan. So we will use the Allur-E‘ah Ra-shatan with that technique. So this is just to remind us what they are, because once we get to the bottom of that and finished with those 22 steps, this is what gets set in motion. And it‘s a good time now, since we‘ll be chatting for awhile, if you just have a little part of your mind thinking about ―if you had a desire that you wanted to bring in‖…you can start small or you can try to start big. But don‘t try to heal the world, right. Try to keep it personal (Laughs), you know what I mean? And work up to large, mass events, ok. But try to think about what that might be, because we‘re going to go through a technique or two that gets us a little more focused on how to, ―Ok, what if we had the power of manifestation given back to us right now? What would we do first? What would we want to do? Because, did you ever get to the point where, ―Oh, I really like that, but do I really want that? What if it‘s the wrong thing? Is it Krystic? Maybe I shouldn‘t have that? Well, oh, just surrender it all‖ you know. Or you just say, ―I surrender it in the name of the Kryst, whatever. You do it God, please‖…right (Laughs). So, it gets a bit interesting when you‘re not sure. If you think you want something…it feels right, but then what if it‘s not Krystic. You‘re not sure if it‘s hurting anybody and that kind of stuff. It can be really interesting when you try to formulate TE-Wha Plates, which are literally thought forms that are held in mind in a pentagonal shape. And they are what we use to ―Seed‖. And, after we Seed it up there all sorts of fascinating things happen as it goes through the system. This particular technique is going to open the window and reset for the first time, reset the water seed. But, it is also the same process that you can use once the window‘s open, to manifest and all sorts of things. So, next one, please…that‘s just…you know, I‘m not going to read them all again. You have that…that is a little one. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 110 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
[D3 C1 0:07:00]
At the end of that technique, what this sets in motion is this. I think I need to see over here first honey. Right, this is the Core Creation Sequence. So, when we get to the end of that, what we have started…we‘ve done this and we have done this. That technique leaves off right here, and that‘s where you let the thought go, what you seeded, go. Because why? Because it goes…it goes and builds a Spirit Body. And then it builds a Light Body, right. And then it begins to integrate with one little piece of atom consciousness that your intention took with it, because it‘s a little piece, a little atom of you, well not even a whole atom, just a little spark of you that goes in as the center around which that thought seed grows. And then it integrates, fetally, and starts the same process. It would be a living, breathing, thought form. So it‘s something…I mean, you can create a house, you can create a new life, you know what I mean? Because sometimes I‘d like to create triplets that were of me that they could go and do workshops and I could go write books, (Laughs), right. But, I try to start reasonable and rational, but it literally sets this in motion. And this is what makes, this approach to creation, different from all those self-help books you can get out there…oh, ―The power of mind‖ and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, you can create with the twisted energies that are running here and you can force your will on them. You‘ll get so far, but not hugely far because you‘re still going to have the polarized split, you‘re still being poisoned. It‘s not changing the conditions that have taken away the ability to thought manifest in the first place. We are manifesting all the time, but most people are not manifesting with any control over that process. Even the ones that, well they can get big and tough when they start. You know, there‘s another way you can get really powerful in manifesting, it‘s you can actually be one of the people who decide they‘re going to do the Merkabas the other way and they actually know the difference and they decide they‘re going to do it anyway. Oh, you‘ll get some manifestation power back, as it eats you alive, you know, which it will. And, it will take you into Black Hole Fall, but for awhile you can have a good time, maybe get rich and famous and stomp around the planet like you‘re somebody important and those kind of things. But, any type of creation like that, it will be a finite creation because eventually your creation will eat you and it‘s much better to learn the natural process that is involved because this is an eternal life process. These are things that…one of the things that we‘re going to try to do too, I think, when we‘re visualizing, whatever our little, small personal creation is that we would like to set in motion and set into the birthing process, there‘s also a larger one that if we could carry that image together, or that encryption together, and that is about people being able to go over into Slide, to Median Earth to get to Ascension Earth and to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 111 of 160
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help healing as much as we can while we‘re here but to let‘s first be able to visit, you know. Visit it before you decide you want to move in for sure, that kind of thing. You know, are there dinosaurs? I mean, that‘s the kind of things like you see in those movies in the middle of the earth or whatever, right. So, we‘re going to try too, to use this opportunity of our healing to send a healing message out to the Earth, and it will be sent out through the waters. So, we‘ll play with the waters a bit, I believe here, our bottles of water…get them to heal us a bit and you know, because you can drink it after, drink a little bit of it after. But then you can ask that water if it will communicate with itself. (D3 C1 0:10:33) Water can communicate through any substance because all substance here is made of water base. And, it can reach any waters all over the place. It is the most powerful manifesting compound that there is because it is conscious, living and alive, but it has been raped of its true power and healing. So, if we put in that, what was missing, even temporarily, just a little spark of it until…we won‘t be able to fully change it until we can change ourselves enough where it holds. But, it can send a message out, literally, through the atmosphere, through the Planetary Grids and touch anything that still has some Kryst Spark left in it and you know, give it an opportunity to pass the healing on. So, it‘s the beginning of being able to do that. Eventually, we‘ll have focus groups, which would be smaller groups that can…I don‘t know when. It‘s not going to start this year because I almost didn‘t survive Tribes, you know. They were once a month, oh my God, plus workshops in between. I thought I was going to die, right (Laughs), from the exhaustion. But we‘ll do focus groups. And they can be on different things. You can get a group of people together that you know, 3, 6, 12 people. You can get together and do amazing healings. You can point it at whatever the group would like to do, that kind of thing. If some people want to do psychic work, like helping find missing people or some people want to go help people that have died and help them get out of places where they‘re stuck. Or, if you want to help the planetary grids stay stable so earthquakes and all of that don‘t get kicked up too badly. At some point we‘re probably going to have a set of groups that, not quite yet, but that need to be trained for, to be able to actually telepath closely enough with each other where they can sense when something‘s wrong and that the others are actually engaging and, where we can, wherever we live, actually sit down where we are and focus on stopping the plates from cracking because of the Omega. So, that‘s…we‘re being trained to eventually…those of us who want to; you don‘t have to, but those of us who feel that kind of commission, that is where this is leading. And a lot of times we‘ll do it through song and dance by that time. Anyway, this is the cycle, the charts that we use to show what happens. Like down here is when sperm and egg come together, right. Then it sets in motion the NaVENa Cycle, which has the NaVANa and the NuVANa. This is how Partiki 1 becomes born. By there, Partiki 1 is born. And then this is where Partiki 2 becomes born, and that‘s when Partiki 2 pushes into the space of Partiki 1, just like a sperm going into an egg. And that‘s when we get the Triad Cycle. That‘s where it starts to become a phase cell, self-generating/sparking phase cell, and that‘s when it goes through to the whole processes. This is what happens after conception when a baby is…this is what‘s going to happen after you plant what is called the Ghar-on. It is called the Ghar-on Seed, and it is going to planted in the planet, but a very special planet (Chuckles), and we‘re going to then…then you don‘t have to do anything to it. It‘s set in motion on its own natural impetus. A piece of you, one of your manifestations…we have to be responsible The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 112 of 160
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when we create. And you don‘t create things just like on whims and ―let me create an elf, ah‖, and then you go send it on its way, because it will be alive. Our thought forms are alive. They take on atomic structure somewhere, even if it‘s not on the planes that we see. So it‘s a whole level of learning how to move with mind in a way that is kind and responsible. Because some people…most people that come to workshops like this are generally kind, all right. They‘re really not trying to push their will on anybody and that kind of stuff. But sometimes you can inadvertently set things in motion that you didn‘t mean to, trying to be helpful. And it‘s like, ―Oh, I want to stop that earthquake‖ and it‘s like ok, ―And if I stop that earthquake over there‖, and if it wasn‘t the right one to stop and that was just a little one that was going to let some tension out of the Earth, you might have one in the middle of New York City that makes the city sink, you know. (0:14:29) So you have to…there‘s a whole level of responsibility that comes with getting back the ability for Materialization. And I‘m still in the space where I kind of go, ―I don‘t know. Is that good? Is that not good? I don‘t know if I should?‖ That means I surrender it and I go vertical. ―Hi Beloveds, just let me know,‖ right. I‘ll just stay out of it and I‘ll say, ―No, I won‘t manifest it‖ because I‘m afraid to manifest stuff. You know, I would still be…and I trust myself with being a nice person, but there‘s a space where it gets like, it gets really weird. And you start to realize…I‘ve had a couple moments where all of a sudden I realized I made something occur. Not anything bad, like not just a…like a conversation with somebody, but like literally I thought about something and then it popped out as either an opportunity or as a manifest item. Small stuff, like you know, think of a feather and focus on a feather and a feather will find you, right. Think of a car, a car will find you. So we have to be specific. If a car was going to find you, you better be specific about the way you want it to find you (Laughs). You don‘t want to end up under the wheels, you know what I mean? ―I want a car, I want a car‖…oh really? We have to be a bit more specific when we‘re thinking about what we‘re desiring to create because we will set it in motion with these processes. There will be time, because we‘re progressively doing healing now. So things are not just going to leap out of our face and into the world and come back to get us you know. It will be a slower process, but once we do this…I don‘t know what the time frames are on them, once you send one of these Seeds in for its fertilization and it begins to take on a life of its own because you asked it to…I don‘t know what the time frames are. How long it takes, they haven‘t said. They haven‘t said if you have to like energize it every couple of days or whatever. But, it goes into the womb of creation and just like, that‘s how we got here too. So, this whole birth chart, it applies to planets, to stars, to the Cosmos and to our little Ghar-on Seeds that we‘re going to learn to create and learn to plant in these techniques…next one, please.
[D3 C2 0:17:13] The Natural Krystic Biology Transfiguration ―Birthday Chart‖
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 113 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
And after that, after it gets through all this, it births out and it creates a Diad, which is the Light Body. And that‘s the point where it starts to birth out into Matter, all right. Just like that‘s the point when all of this would take place from conception or fertilization all the way through until the birth point, right, with the birth of the Diad. And that’s when the body has to come out into Matter by itself; on its own, right. The thought forms work that way too, when we‘re seeding thoughts. But, I don‘t know what their gestation period is, as far as you know, we know it‘s however many, 270 days or whatever it is I think, is supposed to be for a human baby to come out. I don‘t know how long it is for a human thought to come out. So I‘m sure we‘ll find out more about that eventually. After this though, what it starts to do, it births out when the Diad births in the core of the Light Body…next one, please. Then it goes through a Birthday Chart, just like we do. It‘s the same thing that happens with us. You have your SEda Cycle, your gestation cycle, the body births out and then it enters these accretion cycles, where it starts drawing in the energy of first the Diad that was born here. This cycle would be about bringing the energy of the Diad in, and then the Miad births and then that‘s bringing in the Miad and then the Monad. The three of those go…I think the three of them, I don‘t know…I have 2 charts that say something different. I have to see if it goes, if Diad, Miad and Monad go through this bit, because they‘re like there, because they would grow the Soul. So, it‘s actually a structure. When you do this thought form you‘re going to actually grow something that actually has a Soul and an Over Soul and all of that. And it will have its own natural process of getting to the point, if it finishes all its cycles, it hits its equivalent of the 33rd birthday, because it would be different depending on what quantum…it would probably be much shorter because of the quantum. But, when something, when a manifestation hits what‘s the equivalent of that 33 rd birthday, when it accretes all of its Light Body…it grows its Light Body and then accretes it into the Matter Structure…the next natural thing is it would de-manifest itself by Transfiguration and go back into the Return Cycles. So, just like we do this, going back to Source in much longer cycles, atoms and things would do this as well. The atoms are part of us. We are their ―Source.‖ If you were a little thought form, let‘s say, somebody created and said, ―Ok, I‘m going to go see that there‖, you are their ―God‖ because you created them, right. And they would look to you, that little Being, a little person, even if it‘s an element right. Elements are conscious. It‘s all consciousness. They would have feeling. They would wonder where their Source was, you know, ―Where‘s mama? Where‘s daddy,‖ you know (Chuckles), that kind of thing. So, when we create things it‘s important that we take in mind we are creating a life. We don‘t want to create Frankensteins that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 114 of 160
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are tortured, you know. And that puts a whole different layer on, ―Gee, well what do you think about creating then?‖ (0:19:22) Sometimes I find with this, because I‘m just learning this too, of what the best way to approach that is, instead of saying, ―Ok, I want…I would like to create an apple‖, right, ―because I‘m hungry‖…―Apple, apple, apple‖, right (Laughs). No, sometimes it‘s qualities they‘ve had me be using. I was really trying to...I‘ve been getting grouchier and grouchier because of the stress of the way the workshops go and the line is running continually and it‘s waking me up in the middle of the night and it‘s like you know, I‘m just getting exhausted. And not just at workshops, this is going on. We had supposedly like two months where we didn‘t have to do anything…oh brother, forget it. I got tons of other stuff and then other things keep coming up like the house had to be painted and this and that…there‘s no breaks, you know. So, I‘ve been getting really, just like disgusted saying, ―I just want to go to sleep and be gone for awhile. You know how on Tara we used to put our bodies for like six months and keep them in suspended animation and go? Can I please go?‖ And they said, ―No‖, right. But they did say, ―Try this‖ and they created a Triad. And, we‘ve talked about Trynes when we briefly introduced the music stuff that goes with the Allurean Chamber charts. And they said, ―Form a Tryne. Pick three qualities that you would like to have right now, just as experience, what you would like to be feeling and experiencing right now.‖ So, I thought about it for a minute and said, because I was feeling tense and awful in my body and part of this is because of what you‘ll see later, because it‘s all starting to activate in our bodies and we transmute it faster than it hits other people so it doesn’t hit other people. But, I decided peace would be nice, right. Peace would be really good (Laughs). And then I said, ―I‘d like also to have some balance.‖ Balance, yes, like being able to show up at a workshop on time, things like that. And, ―But I have to do it with integrity‖ you know. I mean, not in a way that hurts other people or is not kind to them and that kind of thing. So they said, ―Well there you go. You‘ve got ‗peace‘, you‘ve got ‗balance‘ and you‘ve got ‗integrity‘. And what do you think they create?‖ And I said, ―Well, I don‘t know, but I‘d like any one of them if I had to pick one‖ (Laughs), right. And they showed me this image of just like a little Partiki symbol, right, and said, ―Which one do you want on top, as your Primary Tone?‖ And I said, ―Uh?‖ ―Which one do you need most?‖ ―Balance…balance please.‖ So I put balance up there and peace over here and integrity over here. Kind of like peace was the Particum and balance was the Partiki and integrity was the Partika. And I didn‘t realize this, what they were doing, but they taught me how to do this and they just said, ―Now phase them. Go…‖ (Ash inhales and exhales) And they went ―Spark!‖ And I went, ―Oh neat! What did you do?‖ And they said, ―We didn‘t do it, you did it.‖ ―Oh.‖ So, we‘re just starting to learn these little processes. You can put three qualities that you would like to bring in, qualities of experience, of feeling, before you worry about manifesting objects. You can try to manifest objects if you want to, but try to think of what‘s behind the object, the feeling you would like to have that the objects will give you. And sometimes, the best thing you can do is ―you have it right now‖, right. Put yourself in a Bi-locate state to make it a feel, like into a place where you do have that thing, if it‘s that important to you, and try to feel it in your atoms. It‘s the encryption that will set the encryption. An emotional energy is a signature of consciousness, right. And that would probably be at its endoplasmic state, the emotion. You need to be able to feel what you‘re trying to create. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 115 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So, if you have an object in mind because you think…the only reason people want objects or other people in their life is because they think that object or person will give them a feeling that will feel better than where they‘re at now. You need to encrypt through what encryption speaks. Encryption, it is the core pattern of Endoplasm. Emotion needs the feeling behind it, and that will connect it down to the things before that. So, when you‘re thinking of what you would like to try to create, try to think, ―Ok, the image is here‖. Move the image over, say here, and hang it in your field, and then try to (Ash breathes in and exhales) move yourself toward it a little bit and just feel, ―What does it feel like? Does it feel warm, cold? Does it have a fuzzy color?‖ If you can‘t feel it that way then go (Ash breathes), ―Ok, I‘m going to bring it here and hold it in my hands. I have this now (Ash breathes). I feel peace, balance, integrity‖…they were mine. Say you wanted a new car and you‘re driving and you have to put yourself behind the wheel and you‘re driving down a road that you really want to be on and go, ―Oh, it‘s such a beautiful day. Oh I just love this car. Smell that new car smell…ooh, just love it.‖ You really have to learn to put yourself there, right, and then try to pick three feelings, three qualities of feeling, and try to figure out which one is the most important. And the other two you can really put wherever you want, but if one feels more feminine and one more masculine, or one more magnetic and one more electrical, then you can put them in the positions that you would with you know, electricals and magnetics. And really, they haven‘t said you had to put them either way, you can just have two on the bottom. But we usually use Base tone…if you‘re looking at it you have the Primary tone here, the Base tone on the right and the Overtone on the left, and they phase together and they make what‘s called the Mu tone or the Mu‟a Tone. And that strikes the Base tone, and that sets something like the whole birth process in motion, if you put it in the right place. Ok, you can do those, and they actually do shift the immediate environment. I felt much better. I used it three times and it…this whole tension field shifted off me. It was like (Ash breathes in and exhales), ―Wow, that worked. That was simple,‖ right, like not complex. Didn‘t have to write LTR Grids you know, ‗til my eyes fell out or anything. It was just like three little thingees. It‘s the using…this is the power of three that a lot of Wiccans and stuff know about, but they don‘t know ―why.‖ They just know ―we have to say it 3 times and you know, do this 3 times and that 3 times‖. This is why. It has to do with striking the tones, the Base tone, Overtone and the Resonate tone, and that will create the Primary tone that brings those elements into Manifestation through your field. So, it‘s going to be interesting as we learn to play with this more a bit. While we‘re thinking about what you‘re going to seed remember to find the emotional encryption. Try to reduce it down. Strip off its layers of, ―Ok, it looks like this‖, right…ok, right. Move yourself toward that a little and say, ―Ok, move the visual off it‖. Feel it around…pretend you‘re seeing blind, right, pretend you can‘t see. And you‘re rubbing on it, right, energy. You‘re rubbing your energy on it. What does it feel like? Then stop (Ash breathes)…‖what does it feel like?‖ There‘s a way to feel encryption by getting these perceptions out of your way. And most of us stay in a Beta brain wave pattern all the time, except when we‘re sleeping when we go into Theta. And there‘s not too many variations in between. If you can move the consciousness down a bit, and that‘s why we…a lot of times they‘ll have us ―slow the breaths‖. We don‘t have to do that too much anymore. People are pretty good at just going where they need to, but in the early days we had to do a lot of, ―Now slow the breathing by 1/2…slow the breathing by 1/2.‖ Because the breathing is what‘s controlling the frequency of phasing, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 116 of 160
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and right now phasing is a mess because of the splits in our fields. So, it‘s good to get yourself…you need to get into that state, that peaceful state. After you leave with this technique, once you do this technique, you will find more and more of this state because it‘s actually clearing out the stuff that‘s in the way of us knowing that state. And that‘s the state of being able to create consciously from. But, in the meantime even, we can still reach a peaceful state. Use, you know, even ―peace, balance and integrity‖ to start you know, as just first. You can build like a whole song with them. But, there‘s a special way to seed and it has to do with using the Triad configuration to begin with and then, if you could hear the sound on it, try to feel out the sounds. Like, they could take me behind those words and ok, there would be an inner sound to the word ‗peace,‘ and that would have a feel on it. That‘s getting closer to the encryption, right, where you‘re getting closer to what it‘s actually about. And that‘s the feeling that you would want to imprint into what you‘re trying to create, not just a hollow image of something because you think you‘d like it. You need to find the reason. Sometimes you‘ll look behind stuff and you‘ll realize something like, ―Oh, you know, so that’s what I‘m looking for‖, when you put yourself in ―oh, I feel this, oh I feel free now. Maybe it wasn‘t a car I needed.‖ You‘ll get these like insights, ―maybe my car was fine and I don‘t need just another one. Maybe it‘s a sense of freedom because I‘m feeling something…I‘m not free for some reason,‖ right ―so let‘s look at ‘freedom’ as what I actually want,‖ right. Behind every object or person you think you might want, or that kind of thing, there is an idea that is trying to be filled behind it. There‘s a feeling that is trying to be filled, and if you can find what that is and put that as your affirmation in a Triad configuration, you will get more results and you will be able to create more quickly and responsibly with energy. So that‘s the beginning of our learning how to see…we‘re going to try that by the way. We‘re going to try to do a little seeding thing. We‘re going to try to go through these exercises and then we‘re going to go into the big technique once I‘m done up here.
(0:26:50) Anyway it sets all this in motion and literally we are going to be taught to seed elemental things. What are things anyway? Things aren‘t really dead. I mean you can have them dead in terms of they can‘t breath anymore and eventually they‘ll go back as space dust but they‘re still Consciousness, they are still conscious and it requires…if you were a little like hydrogen atom, wouldn‘t you prefer somebody asked you if it was ok to bond you to that thing or this thing? I don‘t think it‘d be too happy, I wouldn‘t be too happy if somebody just kept sticking me to stuff and forcing me into chemical reactions and doing all sorts of, now particle colliding me to see if I can make black holes in a, how many km-long monstrosity? They just started that up from what I heard on the 8th—I forget what it‘s called, what is that thing called? CERN, in CERN… yeah particle collider. It‘s massive; it only creates little black holes so, right? Oh great! They actually have a black hole machine that they have put online. A massive one, I don‘t know how long it is but interesting world we‘re in. Participant: 17 miles
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A‘sha: 17 miles long oh oh, right. 17 miles long collider, particle collider to see what they can make happen. It‘s a what…this way? Oh it‘s round. How long? It‘s a long thing too isn‘t it. Oh my goodness I was thinking it was long, I‘ve never seen it. Hm, it is long? It‘s not circular? I don‘t care, whatever it is, it‘s a particle collider. That‘s just another way to assault nature on this Planet and I wish science would learn some of these things. I‘m glad that there are people who care about science and some scientists and doctors and people that do have intelligence and degrees in those things that are listening to this because it can be translated into the things they already know and they‘d make better choices. You wouldn‘t have to do all sorts of things like collide particles if you could learn to ask them to go together, you know, and simply bring them into manifestation and that is what we‘re teaching. It‘s a different type of science. Anyway, next one please…
[D3 C3 0:31:12] Til-E-‗a Sphere
Now when we do, there‘s processes in here. This is an old drawing from when we were doing the Crystal Body stuff for Kathara 2-3 and this is a Til-E-‟a Sphere. We talked about Til-E-‘a Spheres there. And the Til-E‘a Spheres are inside of the TE‟a-Wha Fields and they‘re actually inside of the Va-Bha‟-TE Cell. So the Til-E-‘a are actually, this is where once the atoms are created there are encryptions that would be held like little screen imprints on here and the atoms actually organize themselves to come together and bond after they‘re made by the vortices that happen with the Pentagonal Spark creation in the TE‘a-Wha Fields. Then they would step down and through the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell, pick-up the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell encryption and then come into configuration of whatever was set on the pulse that came out first in the first place that set it in motion. Because we‘re going to be doing some things like if we‘re sitting at the center of that sphere inside there, this is a sphere like a huge crystal sphere—and our Crystal Body grows within it, it‘s part of our Crystal Body structure. But we‘ll be sending on the lines the—both the Fire Chambers and the Allurean Lines, we‘ll be sending energy out like bursts of 12 Points we‘ll be sending it out. And whatever we take out will get encrypted in here first, it‘ll come out here and set in motion—or it‘ll come out here and spike the Orons that are on the ends on the Allurean Chambers and then it‘ll split the currents and they‘ll come back and start the pentagonal thing and then the pentagonal thing will create vortices because they start to spin when they, when the sparks pick-up speed and heat and that‘s when Matter forms and the vortices. And then they come back through here, pick up again the encryption that was left by passing the Consciousness through it in the first place and then they form clouds in the areas of the ―I AM‖ spaces that we talked about. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 118 of 160
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Those from the sub-frequency band 1 to 3.5 area, they are the ―I AM‖ spaces and remember we have I AM Element, I AM Body, I AM EGO, I AM God Self levels. So after the atoms are made by the pentagonal configuration the vortices stop spinning and the thought form steps down into those fields as literally Living Elements, little Atoms of Elements. And from there, there is a whole procedure that they go through after that. But when we create in the technique that we are going to use, we‘re going to create enough with this particular technique that it will give a coding (or coating?) of natural Living Elements to the insides because inside each of your layers of your I AM spaces there are these filters that are the Calorene Fields and it will, we will start coding (or coating?) them with natural living elements. So it will create a protection field more and more in our own fields for them. And at the end of the exercise—they didn‘t say you could do this, but I know that once the Window is open anytime that you want to draw energy from that you can simply just breath up (Ash‘a inhales strongly to demonstrate) Kind of up and back because the Window comes right about up here. And it‘s a little bit different height. Some peoples will be out there, some peoples will be close to your head it doesn‘t matter, it‘s just depending on the size of the fields. And you can draw energy down into it and just (inhale) go up as if you‘re bi-locating up and… (exhale). Bring a beam of it back and keep the beam turned on alright so you can really, really begin the process of doing a lot. This technique has so much potential for creating faster results with things than we‘ve ever been able to experience so far. Alright this is the Til-E-‘a Sphere and I just want you to see that that is connected to it because this is also connected to something else, and this is part of the problem. You have Til-E-‘a Spheres on each level D-1, D-2 and D-3 and then of course the rest of them but we‘re dealing with the Density-1 Body now. These are connected to a set of mutations and these are what are holding in the twisted pentagonal code. Next one please…
Now this was a diagram I would love to have got done but actually it goes that way, it doesn‘t really matter but I feel dyslexic looking at it. This will eventually have lots of words and things and arrows. What you are seeing is, lets say this is our TE‟a-Wha Fields, right here you have the lower and the higher TE‘a-Wha Fields which means this is the boundary of the Mental Body right. This was the boundary of the Telluric Body and then the D-1 Body would have been in here. This is the configuration that we‘re carrying, that the Planet is carrying, we‘re carrying it now. It is literally that the D-3 field was split in two and pulled into a bi-veca which is the Vesica Pisces thing, same with the D-3, D-2 and D-1. So our Matter is manifesting in through this mess right. Instead of having these lovely spherical circles we‘ve got this mess and right now they‘re both on the same spin and it‘s creating a same spin set. It‘s an electrical generator, we‘ve been turned inside out half of us. But only half, they had to keep the top going in the normal direction but they reversed the spin on the bottom. And that‘s why with the activations that are taking place on the Omega in the Planetary grids it… The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 119 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
If you ever get strange feelings like across here where it‘s like it gets, it tries to compact and it‘s almost like something is trying to pull your shoulders down to your belly button, it‘s from down here. This is this kicking in because what the Omega is doing is accelerating the spin on the bottom one to make it activate more quickly. What that is is a particle generator. They‘ve turned us into electrical particle generators. They know we‘re atom generators and this mutation was done on purpose. But right now it‘s activating so strongly in the Planetary grids that, this is why the Beloveds are giving us this technology now because it will start killing people and we—Azurite people and all sorts of people even aren‘t Azurites are very sensitive to frequency and it will hit them first. If you happen to be people with gate codes—which most people that show up at our workshops have them, that‘s why they show up even if they don‘t know it as far as codes that go with the Star gates. We have a particular, they were designed to try to take us out fast so we have to—this is why we’re being given the opportunity for the healing that‘s occurring so we can fight this. This is why I‘ve been having such a hard time with the Physical Body and Az has been having it too but not as much. I‘m glad. I wonder if it‘s more, if it‘s more electrical and draws into more magnetic bodies because you know a Blue Flame runs a lot of magnetic, I wonder. Hm, I don‘t know but they‘re, anyway it‘s this configuration. And this is one of the things, this is just a part of something you‘ll see that has to do with something fascinatingly horrible that this creates in the body and actually manifests in the body as an inorganic system in the body that will be turned back into whatever it naturally was supposed to be once upon a time before the mutation happened. What we will see when these charts are done is each one of these can be taken over. If these, let‘s see these bigger ones here, this one and then this one, used to be one circle that was the D-3 field right. They‘re actually split and now they form one down here, so lower half of D-3 and up here you got the upper half of D-3 right. The same thing with D-2 you got the lower half of D-2 going here and the upper half of D-2 going here, lower half of D-1, upper half. This is like putting it in a blender, mix-master at least was balancing everything. This is creating a mess. If you think of every time we breathe we are actually sending emissions out on the Fire Lines. They‘re not connecting into the Allurean Lines right now fully because of the mutation. But it‘s twisting everything. It‘s creating types of matter that don‘t organically exist by blending half of this and half of that and half of this and half of that. If you take each one of these over—I didn‘t have time to do this but it will show you the bodies, the Brennan bodies that you know Ms. Brennan is seeing and you know she‘s a very good seer and she‘s right, the structure is there. And she can see how they function and what they do but she doesn‘t see what they came from. This stuff is in Morphogenetic Field level. It‘s a lot of it, it‘s in Light Body. If you don‘t have certain things open you‘re not going to be able to see those structures in Auric Fields. Hopefully with the activation that comes tonight we should start being able to, we‘ll watch our psychic senses start to bloom too. Not too fast though, you wouldn‘t want them all to turn on very fast. But this is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 120 of 160
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the beginning of—oh that can be real fun…aahhh! Who brought out the flying monkeys? (laughter). That is what the Astral Field looks like really these days, there is always something flying, usually BS. (laughter) So this will eventually show which planes are forming, unnatural planes are forming. They‘re literally manifesting. This is our NET field, a part of our NET field and I‘ll show you what it has to do with the pentagonal thing of what it does to what should be those nice pretty little long pointy pentagrams that are sticking out and breathing through the tubes. It does something very different with them. Can we see the next one please…
[D3 C3 0:40:43]
This is the beginning of seeing the pentagrams. This, this…this, Sue sent to us from England because it was one of the advertisements on somebody‘s trip that they‘re going to ―walk the grids‖ to walk the MichaelMary line to activate this and they called it—what‘s really freaky, is the word they used to call it, it‘s this word is what they used on their thing. What amazed me was, especially the timing, because this just happened, I just saw this… Could we see down the bottom here? This is the word that they had given me, our guys as far as the Treaty that had been made with the Thothians—remember I told you that some of the Greens were coming back in. Look how close it is. That‘s ―Albenian‖ and that was ―Albion‖. Yeah, right. And this just happens to be exactly what—they saved me a lot of work to find out exactly where the twists were because this is the Caduceus as it goes in the body right—it gets really bad when you see where it goes in the organs. This is what it does to the fields. This whole, the original, our Axi-atonal Lines right now are all running that stuff. They‘re supposed to be running Spirit Body energy and not reversed electricals. But they turned the bottom on to electrical spin so it would go in the opposite direction and create a magnetic field. But this is a harness field and these are the things, this is considered a good thing by certain people, right. The Thothians are teaching that this stuff is OK. The Metatronic people are teaching you to do this and activate this stuff in your body. It‘s really disgusting what they—they‘re lying to people and they are hurting people and I‘m getting angry about it actually. I‘m just like you know I just want to get out and say, yoohh I invite you to have a conversation publicly and see who will show up. Because they used to terrorize us, you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 121 of 160
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know, insult us all the time and put up bad posts about us and make up stuff about us so people wouldn‘t come to workshops and stuff like that. And we never took them on, we never named the teachers or anything like that. But if these teachers are really teaching people what you think they might as least want to consider what is being shown here. We have so much proof that all of the teachings that they‘re showing, what they do in the field and what they show. So I don‘t know, but this is what we‘re going to change in our fields tonight. This… (cheering and applause), yeah we had talked about it in more gentle terms when we had said, you know how we have five fingers right on each side and we learned in the Lotus Healing that we should have a thumb like over here. We‘re supposed to have six fingers and six toes because we‘re supposed to have 12 Flows in the Axiatonals and instead we have—11 and 12 are wrapped up around the middle. This is what the wrap looks like. That is our 11th and 12th Axiatonal Line and actually Fire Line that has been literally wind around to form our harness. There‘s all sorts of seals in here that control the chakras, these control the flows of the chakras so they‘re not natural flows anymore. Can we see the next one please…
[D3 C3 0:44:10]
I didn‘t get a chance to clean this up but this, these are the two pentagrams. This one is upside down, it‘s horrible, and this one is right side up. This would be—I didn‘t get a chance to put them all in yet but this is a line with…this would be Fire Chamber-12. Normally that would be our over our heads, right. What it does is when you take these lines out to the Til-E-‘a Sphere of the D-3 level, on certain ones it interfaces and it‘s actually sucking energy off the—I think there is a couple. I‘m not done with it. And there might be a couple that even they‘re trying to suck energy off the Allurean Chamber Lines but some of them are definitely lining up at weird angles when you take this over to here and this one over to here. They‘re trying to pull energy off of the natural structures of the Aah-JhA‘‘ Body and they‘re trying to literally suck in—and this is happening to the Planet too. And this is being held in place with the Caduceus thing. The Caduceus thing is really horrible. Can we see the next one please…
[D3 C4 0:45:21] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 122 of 160
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On the outside of the Til-E-‘a Sphere it does all these Daisy of Death patterns where it literally runs the Daisy of Death in your entire Til-E-‘a Sphere so you‘re getting beamed in, it‘s getting, literally your atoms are manifesting as Metatronic atoms. Another one please, I don‘t like to leave that up very long.
[D3 C4 0:45:49]
Yeah let‘s put the other one first that shows more and then we‘ll get back to that. And Az found these for me and I was very glad. Can we do the other one first? Upside down, here we go. Yeah there is one that shows organs, there we go... Now, this little apparatus here—the Vagus Nerve—we all got one. I don‘t know a lot about it but it is the physical manifestation of the thingy, of the Caduceus thing. It is like a living organ, Metatronic organ and we all have one. That doesn‘t belong in our biology. It‘s a, when I, when they told me that I said, ―Oh my God.‖ I felt like I had, you know I was in like one of those horror movies, you know how you see where there is like a nasty thing crawling up the spine on the inside trying to, you know. That‘s just what I felt like, I was like, ―oh, oh, yuck, yuck, yuck.‖ Now there is a natural process that‘s supposed to happen that we‘ve talked about in those stages of progression into materialization that go right through the body and they start at the AzurA area which is down here some place—you got the thyroid up here so it would be probably down here. I didn‘t draw this one that was just one that Az found and you know I haven‘t even analyzed it yet but somewhere up around the thyroid area. And down in here you would have where the AzurA is right and… The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 123 of 160
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Wait a minute I‘m getting incoming—not bad this time, they want to say something… (to Beloveds) I‘m going to tell them about this plane duct in a minute… alright, I was getting there alright I told them about the spleen duct first OK (laughing in amusement). The story of my life, this is how I talk to myself all the time you know because they‘re always talking to me… Anyway there is a duct here, that duct number 3 that is, it‘s actually in the spleen. This is the place where you have Endoplasm coming which is the liquid one carrying Emotion, moving up and heating till it hits a spark point and it‘s that spark point that makes it turn into Thermoplasm that is Thought right. So it is where Emotion turns to Thought and then it rides a certain set of what used to be natural networks that went, that go up and take it into the brain and out into duct-4. That would be the duct-4 out here. But there used to be a natural set of nerve networks that were ours that didn‘t look like this and didn‘t run like this. This is manifesting because of the Caduceus and it is blocking that ability. So Thought turns into something else. It still makes, part of it makes its way up so we‘re still like sort of aware, sort of conscious but it convolutes the rest. And I‘m just learning about this but this, with the activations of Omega that are taking place now, they‘re accelerating the spin on that bottom sphere, on that bottom pentagram, that twisted pentagram in order to accelerate the process of killing the human body by using this system—the Vagus Nerve. And it goes all the way up into the head and I think up into the nose area. And Az is going to read a little bit about what he has found that it does and he‘ll quote the sources that it was from. But some interesting research has been done on what this nerve system is about and he‘s going to read some that he found credible so I will hand it over to him. So you just can get an idea of what does the Vagus Nerve do anyway because that‘s what I asked, what does it do? I don‘t know. And they said, ―wait and see. Az knows about that one. A‘zah: Show this one it shows what it connects to.
[D3 C4 0:50:06]
A‘sha: Oh, OK yeah what it connects to on top… yeah oh no I remember our natural triangulation. I can never remember the name of that. Yeah it connects to all of these things and we have a natural structure that‘s supposed to be in there. This is what we used to be, that they harnessed our whole psychic network The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 124 of 160
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actually as well as our manifestation ability. But these are the areas of the brain that it‘s like connecting into… here is the eyes, the pineal, the whole bit. It‘s mind control manifesting itself right inside our body. And what‘s nice is when it‘s also, since it‘s there, I mean personally I was like, get it off, cut my spine open, do what you need to do, pull it out, get it off me alright or I‘m going to leave. Right, that was my first reaction I was just so grossed out by it. I just thought it was horrible. It‘s not even organic? No, it wasn‘t there in the first place. And it‘s not even like a slight mutation of something that did used to be there. It‘s completely a growth that should not have been there, there was something else that it ate and used that as fuel. Yeah, yeah I wonder if, it made me wonder if our appendix really had a purpose after all once upon a time and that‘s on the way out too because of things like this. So what‘s going to be nice about it though is with the technique that we‘re going to do it is going to let loose the Caduceus which means our natural flows and once we get that Water Seed back, that will start to take over control of that organ now that it‘s part of our bodies. It will bring it into a Krystiac function of some sort and it will allow us to be able to interface and transmute the energies that are being sent in to harm us. So it‘ll be, this is where, it will actually transmute it into a protection field as it‘s pulling in the currents that are meant to keep the reversals in, we‘re going to turn it back so it pushes them back out again and it sends nice protection fields out every time we do it. So we‘re going to reclaim, reclaim whatever it was. I don‘t even like the name, there is something about it that, I never even liked the name of it and I didn‘t know why. Now I know why. But it is literal manifestation a physical manifestation in the body of the Caduceus flows of the, you know that used to be our 11 and 12 Fire Chambers. So it‘s, this is a huge mutation and I‘ll give this to Az now so he can read this to you. Some fascinating stuff about what has been discovered and what is thought this is about and it‘s from metaphysical as well as not just physical.
Reading by Douglas Baker [D3 C4 0:52:36] A‘zah This is a bit tricky because I‘m not going to make a bridge between what Ash has just said and what this is talking about OK, that‘s one point. The second point is—and we both respect the protocol of quoting other people‘s work, so I should first say that this is selected elements from the work of someone some of you may have heard of called Dr. Douglas Baker, Esoteric Anatomy. I‘m not saying this in a critical way. It‘s evident that this is a two-headed person, it‘s important that you remember that. I‘ve said so because—no, I‘m not being rude, this man was a prominent surgeon, okay, he was a neurosurgeon and a very good one. The other part of his interest I would just simply say in passing was very much connected with the Theosophical Society and if I offer my personal interpretation of where that leads then we‘re heading towards the Great White Brotherhood as well, okay. Now when Ash refers to the Caduceus and we‘ve all had pause in our lives to reflect on stuff we believed, then just try and bear these few comments of my own, my personal opinion stated publicly. We‘re honoring the copyright—I don‘t know whether Douglas Baker is still alive. The copyright dates back to 1976 and he was of mature years through that period when he was writing quite a lot. But what the things sound like when we start to open the idea of the Caduceus, it‘s implications, the way that we look at The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 125 of 160
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things and the paradigms that exist in the wider world that some of us have touched on briefly before moving on unspeakably quickly…I did. So bear those things in mind and you‘re going to fit this together yourselves, alright, and I‘m leaving out a lot of the Theosophical ―GWB stuff‖ so I‘m trying to be very fair okay in the way I read this. I‘m certainly not reading it to prop up our perspective for sure. So I‘ll cut it as hard as I can but there‘s some interesting stuff here. So medical comment I would say is better than 90% accurate, I would expect from a neurosurgeon; interpretations are interesting. The 10th cranial nerve is called the Vagus Nerve. The name arose through the diffuse nature of its many parts. Anatomists could not trace its many fibers to their ultimate connections and still, to this day, not all of the nerves‘ ramifications have been located. Now there‘s some medical people in the room, I don‘t know whether they‘d agree but people don‘t quite understand why the hell it‘s there anyway or what it really does. However Dr. Baker is hoping to explain. There are not more than ten structures in physical substance which are of great esoteric significance. Of these, the Vegas Nerve must be one of the most important. It is said to hold the physiological key to super-conscious experience. It… right, it is, (laughing) Shall I stop now? You‘ve got it (laughter in audience) You‘re all, you‘ve all graduated, okay. What the latter are to the Solar Logos, the Vagus Nerve is said to be the in-dwelling entity of a human body, i.e. the Soul. The cells that make up the Vagus have, like other cells of the body, minor lives in occupation. It‘s a funny expression. Unlike other cells, however, these minor lives which express themselves through the Vagus tissue are not involuting, they‘re evolving. Now here is a comment made by a person who thinks that coming into the world of… what… forms of dedication which are rather like the form of the reference to the Chaler, you know, the probationary spiritually enlighted person who has come to understand that the master is really to instruct said ―disciple‖ okay. And that‘s the kind of context that this is being said in. These are evolving. The elements of body tissue are related to the luna petris. What‘s that, Hez or Georgi can you tell us? What is a luna petris? Georgi: No idea. A‘zah: I don‘t know either (laughter). So anyway it‘s related to something called the luna petris. It could be a bit of a cosmic joke. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 126 of 160
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To them, progressive immersion in material of denser and grosser structure constitutes spiritual development. Now what is being said here essentially is that the elementals enjoys being bad. It‘s rather disrespectful don‘t you think? It isn‘t entirely untrue but it is a bit of a twist. Any expressions of rage or loss of temper of emotional instability in the human host, represent experiences of spiritual quality to such elementals. What? It should give us pause on occasion of emotional effusion to ponder on who at those times controls the body. That‘s not a bad comment. It isn‘t actually. It‘s a fair comment, but he doesn‘t really realize what he‘s saying and why he‘s saying that, anyway. Equally so on other occasions for instance in deep meditation one could pose the same question and hopefully the answer in the latter instance is the higher self. I thought some of you‘d laugh. Anyway this is still serious stuff. Vagus tissue is different. Solar divas make up the indwelling host of these nerve cells. They are responsive to solar fire whereas other cells respond to the energy of the fire by friction. Okay? The Vagus Nerve is an outpost of solar fire. When this is projected into the human aura it is these cells more than any other which have the capacity to pass the fire down into the physical tissues transmuting through the splinter of divine alchemical gold what webs they weave. It is truly said that every disciple must rebuild his physical temple so the overshadowing lord, the human soul or overself may dwell—therein increasingly. Many are the disciples which aspirants undertake with this in view, vegetarianism, abstinence, celibacy. boredom, oops sorry (laughter in audience)… A very few take heed of disciples that excite or stimulate the Vagus Nerve, okay. So I‘m in no danger of stimulating mine (more laughter - Ash commenting). I‘m just going through my crossed out bits now. The Vagus Nerve opposes the sympathetic nervous system This is medical comment really this bit. and its agent provocateur, astral instability Excuse me I got overexcited then. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 127 of 160
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For this reason alone it is worth knowing the anatomy and esoteric significance of the 10th cranial nerve. Remember at the beginning that is the Vagus. The nerve forms the major part of the parasympathetic nervous system. It becomes accessibly active when meditation is practiced or when the individual goes to sleep. All men not women, bear in mind all men are capable to some degree of extra sensory perception during the sleep state. Halelluia! (more laughter). Few, however, retain the retention of awareness during sleep for this capacity to be of any use. Continuity of consciousness, 24-hours of every day brings increasing control and use of the Vagus Nerve with its psychic side effects. We begin to understand now why the nerves are referred to as the psychic aerial. With solar fire flowing through it, it acts as an antenna for the input of energies from the realms of atma, buddhai and Maas (sp?). Rotten fibber, liar, liar (Ash commenting on the background). Okay. Oh just this little bit. In this, the rounded out personality is tested to the hilt but it relieves pressure on the masters. Bless. He fires others to spiritual effort, he heals, he teaches, he guides, he consoles, he becomes nought—but a channel for higher forces, all the time the embryo grows. (Ash on the background) Oooohhhh, aaahhh… (more laughter). What physical organ… Does he mean which or what? What physical organ bears the main brunt of these firery intrusions and assists more than any in turning them to create abuse. It must be an organ that will express something of atma, buddhai and manes (sp?) as they flow into his head… Not hers of course. heart and throat opened and secured by the initiator experience when the rod of initiation was applied on the mountain top. Only one tissue in the human body fulfils its function adequately, and that is the Vagus Nerve. In highly developed man… The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 128 of 160
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Notice not woman (laughter) In highly developed man the Vagus Nerve takes an added functions of an esoteric nature and it attracts to the initiating actually the physical permanent atom material of the highest possible order but within the limits of the karma of the individual. That is where he dropped the ball. Because he wouldn‘t be saying any of this if he understood what karma was. Into its structures which are numerous and ramify in many parts of the body in initiates… Lucky ones. These attracted atoms might even possess highly activated—spirillae ( sp?) of the 5th and 6th order which have qualities identical to the planes of atma and buddha and manes and with which they would be in resonance. A‘sha: Oh, so they could be body-snatched. A‘zah: Absolutely. Hence, the description of the Vagus Nerve as being the psychic aerial or antenna. All of the parts in the physical vehicle this nervous tissue would be composed of more of such transformed atoms than any other. Furthermore the region of the Vagus would be the main site in nerve tissue where transformation of atoms of low order Bless them, that‘s the elementals. You missed the first part. Under the stimulus of Phohat (sp?) I mean it reminds me of a joke that prince Charles once said about his mother wearing a fox hat and she said, ―where the fuck‘s that?‖ (much laughter). Jim, you edit that part, okay, that… but prince Charles did say that on a hunting trip when his mum was wearing a fox, fur hat right, anyway. So there we are, anyway this is connected with the vitality globule. The Vagus Nerve is the open sesame for the energy pathways that let into the etheric body, the vitality globule. Whether it‘s from the service of the lungs, from the pores of the skin, from the surface of the skin over the openings to the alter major center in the neck or from the skin region overlying the spleen. Beloved, okay, that‘s it… Or from the skin region overlying the spleen, or such pathways of entry are widened in vagal stimulation. Ingress of the vitality globule is less inhibited at the moment of deep inhalation which results in the stimulation of the Vagus Nerve. Pressure on ones eyeballs leading to a slowering of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 129 of 160
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the heart rate and simulation of the parasympathetic nervous system and a number of other processes some of which remain a secret of initiation Hm, hm… all lead to the same results. The esoteric disciplines of pranayama which incorporate more effective uptake of the vitality globule aka Prana or Chi its breakdown in the transport of its energies into the nadis and the Ida Pingala and Sushumna tracts form a sound basis for the physical frame in the long trek to the mountaintop of discipleship. I‘ll skip that page, skip that page… A‘sha: He knows a lot about Metatronic science. A‘zah: Yep, and then finally, I‘ll skip through this real quick. (to Ash) No, this is not being put forward I‘ll explain to what the guy, who the guy is and what he is alright. So the only part that I think, which accounts to some extent about breathing, meditations and what nots, is the bit where it says about…this little bit here…and all that and then I‘ll get out the way The origins of the Vagus Nerve lie behind the narrowing sphenoid bone and the inferior metus ( sp?) of the nose; the latter lies below the inferior turbinated bone, the turbinates are folds in the lateral walls of the nose. So in other words it‘s going up from here right up over behind the optic chasm over the hypothalamus and then the diagram that Ash was showing shows it picking up here, the medulla. And they talk about the area of being inhale takes a spiraling path, as it passes in the turbinates thus a cone of air strikes the posterior wall, the pharynx, as it passes through each of the nostrils. The air is moving very rapidly, its electrical particles have their charges enhanced by the spiraling which is also is consistent with water when it‘s in its pure form, which does the same thing or similar thing. This breathes a stimulation of the nerve endings of the cranial, those of olfaction but when breathing patterns associated with the science of Pranayama were employed the stream of electric excitation affects the vagal nuclei of the medulla. And then it just goes on really about various things but this, one of the thing too, just, if I can. Just a minute. Vagus Nerve endings are found in the region of the soft palette, indeed the uvula called by some the small tongue at the back of the throat is the nerve supplied from the vagus. When the doctor asks the patient to say ―aah‖ he watches the uvula. If it lifts during this pronouncement then the physician knows the Vagus Nerve is not damaged. If however the uvula pulls to one side then it means that there is damage to one of the two Vagus Nerves right or left. The occult significance of this is that the sound made constitutes the opening vowel of the sacred word ohm or om. The latter The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 130 of 160
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directly stimulates the Vagus Nerve and is used frequently as a preliminary to meditation or for the seating of oneself of some high act of mental focus. In the same way the sounding of the second vowel of the word produces effects in the pituitary area as the sphenoid sinus resonates to the sound. So this is really just to illustrate how this network of manipulation and the components. If you see that the components I‘ve tried to touch on by just stripping tons of stuff out of this. How I said, how what a web is woven, of…you know where you have truth, body of truth and then this stuff inside of it. We often mention things like that. But I just thought it would be useful to bring the Vagus alive because, I mean calling it the Caduceus because it‘s a wicked, wicked piece of work. But I don‘t need to read anymore I mean there is all sorts of things even about why the Vagus is responsible for babies dying. A‘sha: Yeah I remember you read me that part somewhere. A‘zah: You‘re back…and you can go on.
[Audio Track 4B 40:20] A‘sha When they told me about the Vagus Nerve, it‘s like what is that anyway? What does it do, I know little bits about it but you know it‘s there for one. But I didn‘t know any of that stuff so I asked Az do you know anything about it, you know, he has read some books by Dr. Baker. And it sounds like the man knows a lot about that particular thing and he knows it within a particular tradition that is teaching to look at it in one way. A‘zah: A neurosurgeon and anatomically, a very knowledgable man A‘sha: If they knew the outer structures of the field that it was connecting into, they might have a different view on whether that was a good thing or not OK. So now that we have an idea, it‘s not just this nasty looking thing that‘s growing in our bodies with us but it is literally something that is trying to control whole bunches of other functions including the brain function even the thing about the soft palette. That has to do with being able to make the sounds right. It‘s even trying to control our ability to tone so perhaps we can‘t make the sounds, right. (Az/Ash sorting next graph sequence) Okay we‘ll leave that on it‘s the beginning of a chart too. But I want to finish up on the thing about the Vagus. When I went outside the Beloveds said, ―I want to talk to you.‖ So I went, I was listening to them and they said, what we‘re going to do is the Vagus Nerve interfaces directly with all of the inorganic structures that are in the field. It is running them directly into the body and what…it connects in through the EGO or the Epi-genetic Overlay and it‘s a direct interface between what should be the natural processes. We get hijacked at the spleen where the process by which the Endoplasm coming up from, from Duct-2 which is in the coccyx coming up, it can‘t heat enough to spark because it gets hot enough where it sparks, where Emotion becomes Notion and then sparks to become Thought right. That process is hijacked. We get a little bit of Thought and this organ processes those impulses differently. There was a natural structure The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 131 of 160
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there once that was the physical manifestation of being able to do the natural Solar Symbiosis Breathing & Creation Process. So what we can do—this is not a mutation you can just like snap your fingers and it‘s gone it‘s literally, physically manifest all over in the body that is carrying it. But what we can do because with the Technique that we‘re going to do—this is going to be the first group of people who, on the Planet, who have had this done since Atlantis probably or maybe even before. But that particular mutated organ can be turned around to a positive function with these particular technologies. The ones that were earlier on the Light Body and stuff, they couldn‘t do anything about that but these particular ones because now we‘re going literally into the entire Pre-Matter Sequence. We can bring this—these energies are strong enough because we‘re using the Aah-JhA‘‘ Body structures. We will be able to reprogram it to do, well not quite as good as the organ that used to be there but eventually we can grow a new one. It won‘t be while we‘re here that we would grow a new one inside but we can use this one in a different way and change the way the currents work in it and get it actually to facilitate what it took away and that is the ability to follow the duct system so the natural processes can come back. And the Beloveds are helping us to do this. But this will be the first group that has ever had this done since Atlantian times. And it means that the snakes will unwrap. And what we will begin, we will be the first (to Beloveds) really? Okay, I didn‘t know if that was going to happen here. We‘ll be the first groups to have—there is a shield expansion that happens because right now if we had, if you think of these horizontal shields that we stand on right, that have a horizontal version of the Allurean Chambers and the Fire Chambers, and if you yanked two of those Fire Lines out and pulled them up it would actually contract the Shield, right, and make it smaller. Well what the activation tonight is going to do, it‘s going to literally loosen the Caduceus, let the Caduceus go. That Caduceus was ours, that was our 11th and 12th Axiatonal Lines and the Axiatonal Lines run on the frequencies of the Allurean Chambers. And the Fire Chambers run the…or their frequencies are run through the Meridian Line system. So we are going to be able to get back our natural processes and that will make changes in the way that organ behaves. It won‘t be able, it will still be connected to what it‘s connected to but it will begin to be able to bring healing into there once we have this spark back, once we have—well it‘s the Liquid Spark, once we have our Water Seed back. It will start to run the sequences of the Water Seed and that, it is the first step in actually taking on what was holding the biological mutation in the body and it‘s primarily that. There‘s lots of the structures around the body and some other ones that aren‘t in the Telluric level—you know this level matter, but that is literally a manifest organ that is holding, it was made to turn us all into Metatronic systems and that… You know, it‘s funny there is a lot of Teachings. I‘ve not found any teachings that don‘t support these type of things about the—not just Vagus Nerve. You know they‘re teaching reversed merkaba, they‘re teaching all sorts of stuff that we‘ve painstakingly picked through. The Beloveds are showing us like look this is what this is. Look this is how it works and you know, this is, this will be an amazing beginning of healing because if we can get this done—which we will… (D3 C6 1:15:20) And the more you use that technique by the way you don‘t have to, you know, live and breathe on it you know every day or anything, it‘s 22 steps, it takes a while. But it is something that the more you use that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 132 of 160
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process, the more it energizes the system, the more it will recode the Vagus Nerve. And it recodes the Vagus Nerve through the Epi-genetic Overlay right. They have a communication system between the Epigenetic Overlay and the Vagus Nerve system. This is what they‘re telling me right now I didn‘t know that. And this is what‘s controlling the entire process of not being able to manufacture Hydrolase in the body. So we‘re going to get a boost because the Beloveds, there is an activation set going down during this workshop period that, on the planetary level, that they are beginning to open this potential in small portions of the Earth grids. They can‘t do it in the whole Earth‘s Seed atom or anything but they can do it a bit through the Host Line that is still holding Earth‘s Seed atom and Prana Seed open which is the AnshaTAsa Passage. So, this is, I don‘t know what this is going to feel like except it is going to be a relief and I know that. I started to get a little bit of the frequencies. I still have my Caduceus in there. It‘s in there and you know, that‘s why, I actually I‘m, that‘s part of what has been activating as they‘re activating Omega. It starts transmitting more and more of that frequency through the body and it will kill the body system if that‘s the program being run through the Omega system which is the program being run at the moment. So this particular Technique when you take it home, that‘s why the Beloveds wanted it typeset not just like where I do my little scribbly things that nobody can read but me. So you could have it and work with it because it will help to heal the Epi-genetic Overlay more and more. The more you bring it in, the more it will help that and the more that will help to re-circuit the way that the Vagus Nerve works in terms of what it is doing in the field. It will be progressively plugged in to the natural field structures through the Window. And you know the Window that we are going to create, you know the Pentagonal Window going into the TE‟a-Wha Fields and that will allow it to become under the influence progressively of the molecular flows of the Kryst, that are coming from the Kryst, the Atomic Flows from the Kryst. And then it will do what it does which is generate field. It actually hijacked, that nerve hijacked—I‘m getting this now, it had hijacked the natural process that we had learned about, about how Consciousness turns progressively into matter through the body. It hijacked that and we‘re going to hijack it back so it can function to do that. It won‘t do it as well as when we, when we eventually re-grow our own natural organ that used to be there but it will work well enough to get us through the mutation so we can begin Hydrolase Conversion in the body which means we can begin Solar Symbiosis. And once we can do that we can share it, you know our fields will actually share it with the Planet. So that‘s what they wanted us to look at the spleen and I knew that it was about the spleen because I, whenever there were certain high level frequency lines that would come through, they were good stuff but my body would crash, it would feel like was getting stabbed in the side all the time and it is really painful. Sometimes when we were younger when Katie was in the body she, it would hit her so bad that she would just have to crawl up somewhere and she go completely grey and there was never anything particularly wrong. It was a major target like a place that was used for astral attack and all that kind of thing. So this is finally, this is where we‘ll start to get our immunity. This is actually going to be the internal machine that will generate from whatever the negative is trying to come in from the fields to hurt us, it will be coded to turn that back around and create a crystalline field that blocks what it is trying to harm. And it will turn it back around so it becomes useful energy that can circulate through so we‘ll—and I don‘t know what the timeframe on this is but they‘re going to assist us. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 133 of 160
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This Technique is going to assist us in re-coding the Vagus Nerve to do what the old apparatus we used to have was supposed to which means it will help turn on the psychic senses back in a natural way and it will help to heal the mutation that it has actually been helping to cause. So that‘s that level of it of understanding the Vagus connection. This is going to be very interesting. This is a beginning of seeing—I‘m not sure if we‘re going to be introducing these in Virginia Beach or if we are going to be introducing them in St. Kitts, I‘m not sure which. But this is the beginning of a chart that goes with several other ones that are, they used some of the illustrations of what to do with your hands and stuff like in the healing manuals, the KaThaRa Books. But there is a fascinating system that they just started to show me where the code that you have that you were given one of we‘re going to use that tonight as a hand inhale like we did in the KaThaRa 2-3. If you haven‘t had KaThaRa 2-3 there is a process by which you pick-up a code, you inhale it in and you actually pick-up its radiation signature on your hands and you can use codes for healing and stuff like that. We‘re going to do a version of that tonight and playing with this to—after we do the Window thing to begin healing, learning how to heal the Water and to feel the Consciousness so we‘ll walk you through with that.
[D3 C6 1:20:15]
But where this is going is not only having a hands chart like this, you know, this is small it‘s hand size. There is the usual way that you can inhale the imprint in—except they do it double handed on this one for some reason, you use double hands this way and then double hands the other way. You pull them in on both sides. But each of these, this is where it gets fascinating. The little versions of the same thing, right, but remember how this has that one highlighted Axiatonal or whatever you want to call it, Allurean Chamber, I‘m saying those together because I‘m calling them A‘s whatever because they run the same frequencies. This is in different positions right, in every one of these. This is in the 1 position, there is in the 2, 3 all the way to 12 right. So it‘s on the rotations. Now inside of each one of these there is going to be—which I didn‘t have time to do, there is going to be the letter that corresponds to that particular—one of the 12 on the bottom the 12 Elements, the 12 Primary Elements, you know Hydrogen, Helium etc. etc. going across the bottom on that one chart. We will have the Primary Element in each one. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 134 of 160
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There will be tone sets that go, tones like how you‘d say that letter if you saw it like in our alphabet, if you have an ―a‖ then you go oh that‘s ―a‖, you know you teach the little kids ―a‖. Well these have certain tones to them too. They‘ll have the tones and it will have the Activation Tone which is the one that we just, we just used the ―UM Ma-Ta UM‖ thing. But what‘s fascinating about this, this is meant to be, where we can actually directly heal, like give, directly assist in healing. If you do client sessions or anything like that or even on ourselves or our loved ones. I don‘t know the finger positions yet but after you pick-up this and you have that imprint there, these you use on the fingers and you can actually say, okay, if you have say you want to heal Water alright and you know that its natural code is H 2O2He3 on D-3 and then whatever that translates into on D-2 right where you give some basic code things. You would be able to pick-up, alright where is Hydrogen? Where is Oxygen? Because each one of these represents the whole span of the element and all of its 12 children. So, remember that each like… Hydrogen if you took the line up that would be all of its 12 children going on the vertical. One of those would equal that, that would be the one for Hydrogen and it would carry that whole code because of the Key Code that would be in the middle which is the letter that goes with that line. You pick them up on the fingers and you can do, there is, you can do like playing piano. You would be able to pick-up certain ones if you wanted to—for Water if would be probably the simple one but there would be other complex ones and once you‘ve got them… I think there is certain fingers that you would use for certain ones. And you can directly work on the Axiatonal Lines in the body for yourself or for someone else where you sit there with your own feet, you know what I mean like hahaha. It‘ll fix, it‘ll accelerate the process of clearing the Vagus out, clearing the Epi-genetic Overlay because you‘re literally sending the direct symbols in the language of the Elementals, the natural language, you‘re sending it back in to the body Axiatonal Lines. And the Axiatonal Lines are supposed to run the Prana and they haven‘t been running Prana because of the mutation. So it will be a very powerful aspect. And this is just the first level of where they‘re going with this I mean eventually Water is going to be involved too. They even said that there are going to show us designs to build some spa tubs that would be used for therapeutic purposes and those kinds of things so where we really get to use the water and you know those kind of things with knowing the technologies. I found this really exciting where we could literally, and these are small on the chart, they‘re small, they‘re finger size. And you would energize this but to use this you would need to have your Window open right the Window that we are going to open tonight. And then it will get more powerful once you have the Door open which we‘re doing in the next workshop. And it‘s just the beginning of an amazing Healing System because… Okay, I just got a picture, playing with balls in the air, oh cool. Oh neat! I don‘t know where this goes but I just saw Ma‘a actually standing there and he was giving me a demonstration right of not just like for fixing Axiatonal Lines in your body and stuff, it‘s great for gridwork too I‘m sure but he‘s going like this. You know how jugglers do things where the balls are go between their fingers. I can‘t do that but they have like a ball and it goes between the fingers. He was just kind of moving his hand like that but he had these balls that were about this far up over the tips of his fingers and he was going like this and they were making sounds like chimes. And there is ways to activate them and manifest with them and, oh neat I just got chills all over my arm and I haven‘t even touched them, actually I did touch them. Oh neat! The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 135 of 160
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Anyway this is the beginning of how we‘re going to use the technologies. Tonight at the end, after we do the big thing and activate the Window and all of that, we‘re going to do the palm thing on the ones. That‘s why you needed to have one with you plus they wanted you to have it to take home to play with. What‘s nice about these is you can‘t really get them in reverse, you know like what… as far as these you can because you use them for specifics. But these you really can‘t reverse them, you could flip them over and it looks the same which is kind of nice. Like it‘s not one of, am I sure I have it right, yes. It‘s what it is. So we‘re going to use this with the Water tonight and this is where it‘s going though and this will have music, eventually this will go into the music charts and there will be Psonns and eventually I guess you can do, you could probably manifest stuff in the air I wouldn‘t doubt, oh boy, yeah (chuckling). He just showed me that, he just… and atoms came like a vortex happened and atoms came and a butterfly went tututut… Oh cool! I‘m seeing it right he is going, see what you have to look forward to, some day right (more chuckling). Oh neat! Gosh, I forgot about that. It‘s been so long since I‘ve been Home I forgot about that part. Yeah, there is direct manifestation at some point. Where people wouldn‘t see the balls right unless he wanted them to and lit them up so you could see what he was doing but it would just be the magic of hand and Spirit through Body and manifest things. This is how they make their houses on Median Earth and that kind of thing. They don‘t go like hack up trees or carve out crystals to go live in these beautiful crystal houses. And most of them are very, they are like selenite crystal, they‘re beautiful at least on the higher levels of Median Earth just like they are in the Adashi‘s and a lot of other Krystiac places. They manifest them. They ask the Elements if they would like to live with them alright and create this and they do. And they can de-manifest them in the same way. So there is not like a need for garbage trucks and recyclables and all of that stuff either. It‘s an amazing, it is such a different type of existence than what we‘ve been trapped in down here for so many eons. But it is still real, it is not something of science-fiction it‘s just something, this is like science-fiction to them. They can‘t believe anybody could survive in conditions like this. So anyway this is the beginning of something probably a lot more than I know about right now. Like the balls are just a little tip off as far as what you can really do with this. Oh cool, they just said imagine putting them on your feet, what could you do with the Earth grids? Right, yes. And then imagine what you could do if you really got your systems going with them on your feet and you wanted to walk on the air or the water instead of the ground (chuckling). Oh, Okay these are powerful. These are just to give you a little hint that‘s what he‘s saying and I‘m repeating what he‘s saying to me. Oh boy, Okay next one please…
[D3 C6 1:28:23]
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(to Az) I don‘t know, which ones you got? I‘m getting close to the end… what‘s that one? Oh, this is the, this is a messy one but it‘s where we‘re going to be going back to. I don‘t have the numbers yet but they will follow the natural numbers of what the Shield should look like. All of the constriction points—except for the natural Lotus Points that are supposed to be there that are in the Axiatonal Lines in the Body, these are going to begin turning back on. Tonight we‘ve already started the beginning of turning them back on but the big thing was getting 11 and 12 out of that mess in the middle of our bodies and that will happen with this workshop tonight. And that is what will allow us to be able to recode the Vagus Nerve to work for us instead of against us. But the Axiatonal Lines the natural ones that should be running they should be running Hydrolase. They will begin the process of pre-Hydrolase running. It‘ll take a while and we have to have the activation that comes to open the whatever Door it is in there. I forget what it connected to this, to that, to that, it‘s in the Fetal Integration part. But that Door combines with that Window to form powerful currents that will then allow the full runs of the Axiatonals. And the Healing Systems, once we have these things open we can do a lot of things. Our touch can become very special when we know how to play with the balls and we get them on our fingers and stuff. You don‘t have to have somebody come for a KaThaRa session or whatever, you can just touch a loved one or something like that. But touch them with knowing and knowing what you‘re doing. And you‘re offering an opportunity, you are not imposing anything, you‘re just offering it as an energy and if there‘s anything in them that wants out, it will help them to connect with that energy. So it‘s the beginning of the best healing that has hit this Planet for eons actually and I‘m really excited about it. And it‘s the stuff that‘s needed for Slide because while our bodies are in this condition we‘ll never get them through in a Slide. The most we can hope for, there‘s almost one trump card it‘s like no matter what you do to me OK if we don‘t win this, if I can‘t get out, well I at least can die well. And boy will I cremate it. I‘ll make sure that kind of thing just so I can get the birth quantum out because then we can be free. So whatever the mutation is doing and whether you can get your, you know walk yourself through a Gate with your whole molecular structure your whole atomic structure right now or not that‘s not the most important. What‘s most important is while you have a body, hey let‘s get it back into Hydrolase Conversion and function and then maybe you can. But you don‘t need to be scared that if you can‘t because you can still get out. This activation will make it so you, when you, if you don‘t take your body you will be able to get The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 137 of 160
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the rest of you out, your birth quantum out so you will not be stuck in the incarnational fields here anymore and tethered anymore. It will get the tether out, it will clear the Va-Bha‘-TE Cell which is usually something that happens at the, closer to the end of Transfiguration of the Atomic structure. It will clear those filter programs off that do not belong there. So it‘s like getting a new lease on life, a new lease on your Va-Bha‘-TE Sac filter that will allow your thought forms to start becoming, like we can start telling who are you really because we had so much feed in from other places with things that run as if they are our emotions, our own thoughts and they‘re not even from us. We‘ll start to be able to feel more of ourselves like ―Who Am I?‖ and you‘ll feel more of you. So it‘s a big healing that‘s coming with this. Next one please… is there a next one? Because then we can get to Technique… (to Az) OK, cool, alrighty so I think what I would like to do, let me see what time it is because I want to have plenty of time for that. OK, we‘re doing fine then. I just want to look at these for a minute. Before we do the long one I‘m going to do a short break so people can use restrooms and things like that. But I want to see if I can do one of these, one or two of these first because these are shorter ones. What do they want to do with this one? OK, with this first one, oh OK if you want to go for a break you can now. I saw people getting up and… was I confusing. I didn‘t mean to be confusing. It looks like there‘s a lot of people that want to go anyway. Alright why don‘t we do the break now and we‘ll do all of them when we come back altogether OK. 2:15… you know I can feel that in me, it feels like a slimy, it feels like a slimy…
[D3 C6 1:32:45] A‘sha Alrighty, Hello. Back again. We are in the stretch now. And you know what? Just like we were going to wait till after we did the big one, right, to code the water? I‘m looking at the list of the other ones that we‘re going to… they‘re techniques. I don‘t have those in writing yet. I‘m going to run those live. But every one except the TE‘a-Wha Seed: Planting the Seeds for Personal Materialization, that one we would need to do before, so you have an idea of…you know, a little clear idea of how to create that Seed and what to do with it, right, the idea that you want to bring with you, the desire that you would like to bring into that first materialization run that will come with opening the Window. I think what we‘re going to do is, we‘ll just do the TE‘a-Wha Seed one, number 4, first. And then we‘re going to go into the big one, because I‘m feeling the heats coming in for the big one already. And I have a feeling, the others will be more effective experientially, once the Window‘s open. I mean…I would think it would be. So, we‘ll do this one, and I‘ve just got to go vertical for a second, and see what… where they want to start with this. A good beginning for this, and this is the beginning of figuring out…Ok, let‘s say we have the manifestation ability back. Honing in a little bit on how you want to use that. On manifesting something you‘d like or materializing something you actually want to happen, one of the big parts is learning to move the layers of the image of it off. And some of these things would help in teaching that as well. That‘s why they were put first in the program. But I think they will still work more effectively after that. I don‘t know though. Wait a minute. I‘m still debating up there with the Beloveds. I‘m not debating actually, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 138 of 160
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I‘m listening to them debate. (chuckling) This sides going, ‗do the other one, the wave‘s coming in now‘. Yeah. ‗Well if the wave‘s coming in now, why don‘t we just do the big one first‘? ‗Because you need the Seed‘. Right! Ok. We‘re getting ‗do the Seed‘, ‗do the Seed‘, ‗and then do the rest‘ (chuckling) ‗the big one‘. Ok. We‘ll do it that way. Anyway, the other things are meant to help develop sensitivities that will help you in learning to materialize better, once you have the key, which is the big technique, and the Window being open and things. Then, there are skills to learn in honing that ability. ‗Ok, now that I can, you know, have more of my power back to do this, what‘s the best way to do it?
Technique: Creating the Desire Seed (1:35:37) The way that they are suggesting, and it is the way that I described before, was forming a Triad. And forming the Triad of the emotional experiential qualities that you can sense behind the object, or event, that you‘re trying to manifest. Try to put yourself into it or with it. If it is an object, try to…close your eyes for a minute, we‘ll do it this way, and try to down step a little bit, the bio-rhythms by, slowing the breath. And if you do a few slow breaths, it starts to slow down the bio-rhythms and the energy moves a little slower. And you can enter that space where feeling comes a little easier, instead of thinking on the rational level. That would be moving toward Alpha Wave. Now from that space, a little more quiet space, hold in mind for a moment, the thing that you decided was going to be the desire that you could begin materializing. You‘ll each have different types of ones. If it is a situation; if it is a healing; if it is an object, or whatever, you need to put yourself with it, as if that were already there. And you are already with it, and it was already with you. It is already with you. It‘s with you in idea, and there are a set of ideas that were with you too, that has made it so it‘s not physically being seen by you yet. Now, if we realize we can move behind a little bit, behind the image. If it‘s a healing, imagine yourself getting up from whatever the condition is, and going…exhale sound. ‗Oh my gosh‘! ‗My body feels so good‘. ‗Aah, this feels wonderful‘. Really talk to yourself, as if you are there. Because you are creating the condition of the words that you are putting in, and the words have sound encryptions. So first, try to put yourself there. If it‘s healing. If it‘s a house, a car or boat, put yourself behind the wheel…in the house. Just feel it. And feel that. But then, pull yourself back. Leave it around you if it‘s a house you‘re in or something, or if you‘re going, ‗aah, I‘m healed‘. ‗Yes, I feel it‘. ‗Aah, it‘s excellent‘. Then try to move…see yourself a little bit and the image, as if it‘s on a thin film of mylar or paper. And you‘re going to move yourself, and push your fields through that paper a bit, to begin to see/feel. To begin to sense what is actually behind it. So, we‘re going to do this by doing an inhale (inhale). Hold for a minute. And on the exhale, we‘re going to push through that veil (exhale). And as we push, push your field out around you. Just feel yourself like a bubble expanding in all directions, but especially into and through the image. Try to sense beyond the veil of the three dimensionalized. And then feel a sense of energy movement or an energy pattern. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 139 of 160
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Now, imagine that you are over… there‘s a part of your consciousness as conscious air, on the other side of that paper or mylar or veil. And imagine you‘re going to turn that part of yourself back around, just as a cloud, a cloud of air. And look back at the other side of the paper, or veil. And what you‘re going to see, are dots. Try to see them, they will be there. That is what it looks like on the AdorA side. What becomes an Infrasound Pattern here, is a Dot Matrix. A three dimensional Dot Matrix form there. If you can‘t see it, try to sense it. It‘s like little tiny Scalar Wave points. They stand still and they just pulse. Eventually we‘ll be taught how to read those, and find all sorts of things in them for more rapid healing. But for now, this is where encryption is read from. And encryption is reading that signature. So if you can move through the veil and then turn yourself as a cloud back around, and then try to move back toward the paper as that cloud, and try to sense, move slowly and try to sense a feeling. Then move through the dots. Move your consciousness through the dots, and back through the veil, and bring your fields back in, closer to your body on this side of the veil now. By moving through the back side of the encryption from the back door of the AdorA side, you‘ll be able to pick up a heat imprint from it that will be a sound imprint, an Infrasound Imprint, when you come back through. And from that Infrasound Imprint, you can derive a Triad or a Tryne. Three points of feeling that resonate with what you just passed through, and took an imprint of back with you. Try to sense any emotional feelings about what used to be your image, right, the Hologram. Now you‘re getting to what it really is. It‘s about feeling. Try to see if feeling can translate into words you know. Simple words. Try the three words that fit best, of the qualities that that whole… having that whole experience will bring to you, because that is really what you‘re looking for. It is the feeling that having that whatever. And creating it, starts with knowing the feeling. So if you can find that feeling. Try to find three. If you find one, try to sense it out and find two other words that would have something to do with it because we‘re going to use words for this one. You can put images to it later if you want to on your own, but first do the Tryne. When you find your three words, pick the one that seems to have the most significance, emotionally. And then put that in the top of the triangle, and then the two others, don‘t worry about which side you put them on. Just put them down as the feet of the triangle, and you‘ve got yourself a Tryne Phase Set. And try to think for a moment, there‘s one other word. That if you brought those two things together and all of it, it would give you something. For me it was when I brought my three together and they phased. JOY was the outcome that I was actually looking for. The highest of all of them put together. So try to find the word, it doesn‘t have to be joy. It could be love, or peace, or healing, you know, Krystiac Healing, whatever word works for you. And once you‘ve got your Tryne Set, and you know the outcome that you are aiming for, which is that spark when they come together. That raises all those three up to the next Octave, to the next higher level. Once you have those, in a minute we‘re going to do an inhale and bring them together and phase them together. Ok. Inhale, and when you inhale pull them together, and hold at the top. Imagine this big spark burst going off in your head. And when we exhale gently we‘re going to bring it down to the AzurA. (exhale) And see in the AzurA that it‘s become a multi-colored sphere of spinning energy. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 140 of 160
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If there are any colors that you sense or see…if you don‘t see it, it‘s ok. Sensing it‘s there is all right too. If it feels like it needs some different colors put into it, add them. Intend them. If it‘s a little too pink or a little too blue, add a little bit of whatever it feels it needs because you‘re adding nuances that the words weren‘t big enough to translate. And also…try to hear. See if you can hear with the inner hearing. If it has a sound, try to hear the sound, and see if it sounds good to you on the inside, or if it sounds too sharp, too flat, a note you don‘t like, a hum you don‘t like. And then kind of breathe inside. Breathe energy into it, into the AzurA, and harmonize it. Does it sound too sharp, flat, too this, too that? Add what it is missing. This is how you fill out your Seed. You use all the tools that are available. Not just words. Not just images. In fact, images from the outside can be the most deceiving. They cloak the best. So now that you‘ve created this, the beginnings of the Seed, this is the Core of the Seed. Alright, now that you have that, remember the original image that became the image on the veil. Bring that image down, just move it gently down from your mind and into the Seed, and watch the Seed go ―sshuup,‖ and absorb it. Now we‘re going to take a contraction breath to…when we inhale we‘re going to contract the Seed into a very tiny little…very compact little nodule, because that is going to become the core of the larger Seed called the Ghar-on, which is the Seed of the Living Lotus actually. And that will come when we plant the Seed…before we plant it, it will be filled out to become a Ghar-on. So let‘s do a quick inhale and contract it (inhale and contract). Hold, to pull it in tight. And then gently (exhale), and as your breath releases it stays small, a little tiny speck in the AzurA. Now, this Seed is ready for planting. And the planting takes 22 steps. But it does a lot more than just that as well for you. We will take this into the Opening the Window. Keep your Seed in the AzurA, and that‘s where it will be picked up. When we get back from our trip through the Window, we will then do the other techniques. Alrighty? So before we start this, well, Az is going to read this to you. It has a bit of description on it as you see, and…I‘m going to what? (chuckling). They say…and I‘m going to hum. I am going to hum! (Ash amused) They said at certain parts I‘m going to make noise I guess. Tones. They‘re going to run them through me. Okay, that‘s why you‘re reading it. (chuckling) Alright so, when you‘re in process of this…and in fact I think maybe…do you want to do a run through first? It‘s a lot of steps to do a run through on. Has everybody read that through yet? No! I didn‘t think so. That was a take home copy. I‘ll do the run through. Alright. I‘ll do the run through, you do the reading. Ok? I‘ll do it fast. And if there‘s anything that seems unclear I‘ll just like…right? Because it‘s a bummer to have to do that, when you‘re in it already. Okay, so, I‘m not going to read it all step by step, I‘m going to read key steps. And then they‘ll be read step by step, you know, when we get into the groove. (1:49:39) First of all, Opening the Pentagonal TE‟a-Wha Window and Conscious Materialization. It is a technique that does both. And the first time you do it, it is for the purpose of opening that Window. And The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 141 of 160
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opening that Window and finishing the process that is in here, will release the Caduceus. And it will actually…it‘ll kind of go…it‘ll…like two snakes that un-wound really fast. It will flip out, and go down and stretch back out in your shield, in your Maharic Shield, and expand your shield out. So it‘ll be real quick. At a certain point, I don‘t know at what point it‘s going to pop, they didn‘t say what. But at a certain point that is going to pop. And that is when the Vagus Nerve begins its new journey of re-awakening in the Kryst. Because once that is released, the whole systems…well the…the Pentagrams will release, and we‘ll begin to get freedom from these messed up Light Fields. It won‘t fix the whole thing completely. We still need to do the Body Level of it, and there has to be time between them. That‘s why they spaced them into…I think there‘s three steps to it. So this is…when you go home, even if your Window‘s open, that‘s why we gave it to you so you could use it to do this material. It‘s for materialization. You could…like we just did the Thought Seed, right, or the Desire Seed. That is the Core of the Desire Seed, a little spark of an intention that you want to birth into matter. And through this process of running this process, you will be able to plant that Seed. And it will literally begin…it will be, by the time you‘re done, you‘ll have…it will be like when PartikI 1 and PartikI 2 intersect, and it will start the SEda Cycle. And it will grow a Spirit Body. What…the seed you just did. So while it‘s still in there, kind of send it some love and stuff. You‘re creating a child. It is a manifestation. It is a manifestation that will become a materialization, and it is living. You‘re asking living consciousness, your own….parts of your own atomic structure to manufacture this, to create it. And so try to feel a rapport with the Core of your Seed. It is not just things, but…this is neat. ‗I‘m not alone in the universe‘. I got a Seed. (chuckling) Hmmm. Yeah. And it‘s not alone either. It has a creator who remembers that it is conscious, which is nice. Yeah. So, what this does…I‘ll read key parts, because it‘ll take too long to read the whole thing, and then go back and do the whole thing, and then do the other things. Right. The Pentagonal Window is the passage between the Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body Rasha Seed, which is the core of that. The Rasha Body Prana Seed, which is the Dark Matter Body‘s Prana Seed. The Vertical Column, and Pineal of the Matter Body. So it connects all of those things together. This technique opens the Ketheric Translation Duct for At the Fontanel. That‘s the one that never opened in Fetal Integration, allowing the Mental Body EGO…or Epigenetic Overlay, and the body, to receive the Density 1 TE‘a-Wha flows from the Density 1 3.5 I AM GOD SELF fields. And we talked about where they were. They were the high ones of where awareness sparks continually, and that is the Field of Awareness. That is the space that opened up that one morning when I woke up, and it was just like I was looking down from a very happy Review. And it‘s like from there, problems don‘t The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 142 of 160
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look like problems. It‘s like really cool. You just want to float around in it and, you know? But we‘re going to learn how to, in this exercise, to bring…that space will open and be with us. We‘ll bring our God Self with us from this point on, once we finish this. Okay, and by the way, this is also the same procedure for TE‟a-Wha Materialization, so it‘s not just for opening the Window. Once the Window is open, it is the same procedure you use to plant the Seeds of Materialization. And, lets see. It is also the personal preparation step for what will be the Aqua-Tone Hydro-Acoustic Level 1 Client Sessions. We‘re not going to do a whole client session here, except… well, we‘re going to start. And the first client, is the water. And we‘re going to learn how to simply induce the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan into the water, once we have our own sparks of Hydrolase open in the body. And we‘re just starting to be able to do that. We will have a current running through, and it is being hosted. It is being facilitated. So this is a technique to hold onto, because it has multiple purposes, right? (chuckling) So what we do before, we‘ll do the…there‘s a formalized set of the Rasha-Eira-Krystar NOW. (Audience member faints. People discussing.) We better take care of this. I‘m not going to leave somebody laying on the floor and continue with the meditation. Hold on a second. I‘m going to see what‘s happening.
[Audio Track 6] It‘s alright. I‘m not going to, you know, make somebody go to the room because—if they feel they want to be here for meditation. It did bring something to my attention though. This is a very powerful meditation, and we are also up very late and that kind of stuff. If we could just kind of be our brothers‘ and sisters‘ keepers during this, if you get a sense that anything is wrong with somebody next to you or something, you do need to let us know, even if it—we‘ll keep going for the group. Az will keep going. But, maybe that‘s why they have me on, where I‘m going to be toning and stuff, whatever, on occasion during it, so there‘s somebody that can go and assist if there is any assistance that‘s needed. So please, if you find anybody near you, or you see somebody that is having a real distress problem or something is happening physically, please get my attention. I will keep my eyes open and kind of do vigil while Az reads it ok because I don‘t, you know this is big activation, right. Anybody that has field company, their company is not going to be happy about this, just so you know, right, like the not-nice field company. So this is going to give a protection field to you if anything was trying to snatch you or anything. Plus it‘s just going to give a lot of energy to your body as well. So, I just, I hadn‘t thought of that. I‘m glad that, not glad that happened but glad that something brought my attention to that, so I could just please ask that everybody, to let‘s be our brothers‘ keepers, if there‘s a problem I will try and scan and stuff while I am doing whatever they‘re going to have me do that involves noises. I don‘t think they I‘m going to be oinking or mooing, but, who knows? Anyway, oh the heats are coming in. There‘s a lot of heat with this as far as this activation. I‘ve been getting blasts of it, I mean just little bits and it‘s not even started yet. So, if you feel anytime—by the way—if you feel at any time that you need to get up and get out to get fresh air or something, you need to do that, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 143 of 160
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alright. You don‘t have to stay, sit there, and suffer until you pass out or something, you know. Seriously if you need to break, you got a copy of it, you‘re still in the field support, so you get the support from the shields here. If your body can‘t handle it now, be with your body enough to take it where it needs to go and just let it cool down and calm down and stuff. You‘re still in the Shield, and you will still get— There‘s about a three-day, three-to-four day activation level that holds as far as amplification of everybody, each of your personal fields, by being in the Shield. So you have time to go use it at home too. So I don‘t want you to feel you have to sit there, ready to pass out or anything like that, ok. It‘ll work. Anyway, back to that. I‘m going to do a simple paraphrase because I don‘t want to waste any more time on my chattering because I want to make sure we get through, you know, the most important part. And this is the most important part. This is the big one and I‘m so excited about this because, well specially because I feel like it‘s been trying to kill me from the inside out since they did the last activation. It‘s doing horrible stuff. It must be organs or something because it‘s all puffing and stuff, and hurts all the time. And every time I eat, it usually makes me sick in one way or the other, and that kind stuff. This is not good, and it‘s like ‗no, I will not let you get me, you know, I‘m not going to let this monster machine eat me alive.‘ So I‘m looking forward to this, and I think this is going to give us a lot, give us something that we‘ve been working for all this time actually. This is the beginning of it anyway, or it‘s more like the middle I think. This is more like the middle.
Technique Introduction: Opening the Pentagonal TE‟a-Wha WINDOW & Conscious Materialization [D3 C9 1:58:02] A‘sha So anyway, the Window is going to be something that opens up back here and it is shaped like the outside of—it‘s a pentagon, not a pentagram but a pentagon shape. So if you drew, if you had a pentagram, and you drew, made it a 5-sided figure, right, that is a pentagon. Alright, so it‘s a window that is shaped like a pentagon. And let‘s see if there‘s anything else we need to know in here. I‘m just trying to go over any words that, you know, might need like ‗oh that‘s this, and that‘s that‘. Ok, there is things you know where it talks about at one point you merge a Golden Zeion and Silver GhaRE light-points within the Seed Atom. We talked about those a bit yesterday, I don‘t know if I mentioned it today but the Zeion is the Mana quantum that is put in at Fetal Integration, and the Gha-RE is the Spirit quantum that is put in when Fetal Integration occurs. And they form two currents that combined with the currents that become the Eiron Stream, and that kind of thing. So there‘s going to be points that you hear of words like that, so if you hear the Zeion, it means the Mana. Just imagine a little spark of Golden Light, and for the Gha-RE, I think they said Silver, I think. Yeah, it makes the Golden-Silver-ONE current. So there‘s little words in there like that.
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If there‘s words in here that you don‘t remember what they are or don‘t feel that you‘ve heard them, just follow along with the next—like skip that. Don‘t fixate on that, just skip that and move because it will still, the activation will still move because the group shields is moving, so it will be alright on that. Just want to scan this quick to see if there is anything particularly hairy. Ok, there‘s a reference or two to making a 12-Point Pulse, right like when this one is exhale firmly from the AzurA, pushing a 12-Point Pulse of Golden Mana Light outward from the Zeion Spark. It‘s at your AzurA—figure Zeions in there. Don‘t worry about finding Zeions if you cannot. What does it look like? It‘s in there. It means go (inhale) and (exhale). The 12-Point Spark is you‘re sending the energy out. When it‘s 12-Point, you‘re not just one breath going one direction. It is actually one breath going (exhale), and going out the, either the Allurean Chambers or the Fire Chambers. And it will specify which ones because sometimes you send a breath out the Allureans, and another time you send a breath out through the Fire Chambers, and what happens is they meet at a certain point. The ones in the Allureans hit the boundaries of the bubble, split, turn back around, and come back down the Fire Chambers, and they meet in those, in the I AM Bands, and that is featured in here. So this, when you read this at home and play with the steps like slowly with yourself, it will show you exactly what the manifestation process, or the materialization process is, and so I‘m not going to go through with that over and over on it. I‘m just trying to find any things that might sound like ‗What‗s that? Didn‘t hear about that before.‘ We‘ve got Fire Chambers; we‘ve heard about those. Ok, there‘s references somewhere in here to the Orons, to ―Sparking Orons‖. The Orons are at the end of the Allurean Chambers. Remember they‘re just those little Spark receivers and they spark back. So when you have Orons, you have one on each of the 12 Allurean Lines all around you, alright. Oh, it‘s pale Aqua-blue Living Water. Yes, that‘s cool. There is one part in here that talked about the KaLA‟ah Chambers which is what they collectively call all the Big Chambers. You know that there‘s somewhere, and I remember one part that we haven‘t talked about in this time but we have in some of the earlier workshops. Yeah it‘s in number, yeah numbers 11 and 12 deal with it, and it has to do with, it says, it reads like this. It says ‗…drawing these sparkling atoms from the three I-AM Layers simultaneously into the large, spinning, right and left Horizontal Rod, Vertical Staff AND the Horizontal, Front/Back Bhardoah KaLA‘ah Chambers.‘ That set of 3 Chambers that form a 6-point directions, you know it‘s like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 directions that are 3 Chambers. They are the real big ones, alright. They‘re like almost as big as your body, so they‘re not just the little Rod coming out. It‘s the really big chambers. So they will be used and used all at the same time, so we actually use those to breathe in what we‘ve already created as Endoplasma Atoms in the fields. They are used to bring them in, and then do something with them from there. So I think they‘re the only points that might have seen a little like, you know, ‗What was that?‘ By then you‘re on the next step and go ‗Oh no, what was that?‘ So I don‘t want people to get lost. Yeah, Endoplasmic Cloud, yeah, ok, I think we‘re alright.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 145 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
(A‘sha addresses A‘zah) Ah, no I‘d like that to be a surprise; I‘ve already mentioned it enough. (Giggles) Yeah, ok. (A‘sha confers with A‘zah.)
Technique Part A: Opening the Pentagonal TE‟a-Wha WINDOW & Conscious Materialization [D3 C9 2:04:21] A‘zah Ok, if you are ready, we‘ll prepare by running the ‗Rasha-Eira-Krystar-NOW‘ Three-Step Inhale, holding at the top of each inhale. So begin with the first ‗Rasha-Eira-Krystar-NOW.‘ INHALE, hold at the top. On the exhale, forcefully push the Krystar Vehicle out around you. Now repeat that again exactly the same. Inhale, hold at the top Rasha-Eira-Krystar-NOW. Hold at the top. Push the Vehicle out around you. Now on the 3rd breath, on the Exhale, you‘ll shift your same-size Bio-location Body to sit up at the top of the AzurA Shield as if your bottom is sitting on a plane where your shoulders are now. So the 3rd breath, inhale and hold. And on the exhale, shift your same-size Bio-location Body to sit at the top of the AzurA Shield as if your bottom is sitting at shoulder level. And just breathe easy for a second, and bring to mind—can you hear me all right? (A‘sha confers with A‘zah) Ok, you did. Ok, we did the breathing good anyway, not to worry now.
Technique Part B: To open THE WINDOW, and/or initiate Materialization once the Window is open [D3 C9 2:06:00] A‘zah Now then just take a few relaxed breaths, and bring back to mind the TE‘a-Wha Plate image or the intention you were desiring to manifest a few minutes ago when Ash was talking to you. And in parens here it says, ‗let your first intention be to open the Window if you have not done this once before.‘ Inhale slowly and deeply now from your E-Umbi. Fill your lungs completely with air and let your tummy expand outward. And imagine that a pale blue-white Prana Stream emerges into your AzurA from your The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 146 of 160
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Rasha Body, and merges with your Golden Zeion and Silver Gha-RE light-points within the Seed Atom, forming a Golden-Silver-ONE Eiron Stream of Eternal ―I AM God-Self‖ Consciousnes spiraling within your AzurA. While holding the inhale, focus your mind on your desired intention and mentally move the intention into the AzurA, filling it with Golden-Silver Light. Exhale slowly into the AzurA, INHALE SWIFTLY in a moment, causing a 12-Point Eiron Stream to ‗pop‘ from the AzurA into your twelve Allurean Chambers. Imagine twelve Prana-carrying Eiron Stream currents expand outward from your AzurA, into your twelve Allurean Chamber Lines, carrying your desire with them as they travel outward into the Aah-JhA‘‘ Hydro- Acoustic Body to spark the Orons at the Chambers‘ ends. Well, there‘s a lot to say in one breath. Now you should be holding at the top of the inhale. So just inhale quickly now and hold while sensing your Orons sparking as your desire becomes surrounded by a pentagon-shaped TE‟a-Wha PLATE upon intersecting with the Orons at the ends of the Allurean Chambers. Exhale firmly from the AzurA, pushing a 12-Point Pulse of Golden Light Mana Light outward from the Zeion Spark in your AzurA into the Twelve Light Body Fire Chambers that run between the twelve Allurean Chambers. Hold at the bottom of the exhale a moment as the Fire Chamber Mana currents race outward to interface with the refracted, split Prana Chi and Kei Back-Flow Currents that are now returning inward in the Fire Chambers toward your AzurA as the Mana Currents move outward. Sense for a sparking sensation to occur all around your body, about 3-inches away from the skin. When you feel the sparking sensation, INHALE FIRMLY, and imagine the twelve TE‘a-Wha Vortices are now spinning rapidly, one on each Allurean Chamber line, in the TE‘a-Wha Fields in the outer Aah- JhA‘ Body, as your TE‘a-Wha PLATE engages Pentagonal Transduction for Atomization. Now Exhale slowly and gently and feel the sensation of the T-Vortices stopping spin, as they each gently release a bubble cloud of Golden-Silver desire encrypted atoms into the three-dimensional ―I AM Accretion Bands‖ of the Light Body. Now just follow this with a few gentle breaths, and focus as you do that upon sensing the millions of minute ―sparkles‖ of atomic Light, building to form a beautiful sparkling Golden-Silver-Blue Endoplasmic Cloud within the I AM Bands of your Light Body. Now just breathe with that in mind, millions of minute sparkles of atomic light building to form a beautiful sparkling Golden-Silver-Blue Endoplasmic Cloud within the I AM bands of your Light Body. Don‘t do it quite yet, but in a second, once we we‘ve all sensed a significant quantum build-up of these three layers of ion clouds, then we‘ll be engaging a firm 6-point INHALE, drawing the sparkling atoms from the three I-AM Layers simultaneously into the large, spinning right-to-Left Horizontal Rod, Vertical Staff AND Horizontal Front/Back Bhardoah KaLA‘ah Chambers of the Spirit Body, and then into the AzurA. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 147 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
So, firm 6-Point INHALE, draw the sparkling atoms in from the three I-AM Layers into the large, spinning Rod and the Bhardoah KaLA‘ah Chambers of the Spirit Body, and then into the AzurA. Hold at the top of this breath. Just Inhale until you sense that the 6 KaLA‘ah Chambers have slowed in the spinning and completed their inhale of the Atomic Cloud, and imagine a small, dense, sparkling Endoplasmic Atomic Cloud accreting around your AzurA. Now next you‘ll exhale firmly BACKWARDS, pushing the sparkling atomic Desire Cloud horizontally back out the Bhardoah Chamber with the exhale breath, seeding the Cloud into the Gha-Fa of the Spirit Body. Release the Desire Cloud gently into the Gha-Fa, and slowly Inhale back to the AzurA. And when you‘ve done that, take a few relaxing breaths, releasing the thought of the Seeded Desire and clear your mind for a moment, and then try to sense or feel for a ―vibrating ripple‖ occurring around the outermost ‗skin‘ of your Density Aah-JhA‘‘ Body, as your Spirit Body prepares to release a Twelve Point Atomic Hydrolase Living Water Burst through the Allurean Chamber Orons and downward into the Allurean Chambers. Spend a few breaths on that, releasing the thought of the Seeded Desire, sensing for a ―vibrating ripple‖ occurring around the outermost ‗skin‘ of your Density Aah-JhA‘‘ Body, as your Spirit Body releases a Twelve Point Atomic Hydrolase Living Water Burst through the Orons and downward into the Allurean Chambers. Now in sensing this vibrating ripple, bring a slow, deep inhale into the AzurA and hold at the top of the inhale, as you feel the soothing twelve-point inflow of pale Aqua-blue Living Water moving into your AzurA. Exhale gently, and then notice what sensations your skin may experience as the Waters flow into your Etheric Body. Breathe in a relaxed manner, and then turn your attention towards the Window area, upward and just behind your physical head, and notice a sparkling Golden-Silver Pentagonal Window has opened within your TE‘a-Wha Field. Continue with relaxed breathing and observe a beautiful wide ‗beam‘ of Golden-Silver Light shining downward from the Window to completely cover your head and the back of your shoulders, as your personal ―I AM God-Self‖ Band opens, surrounding your head with a Golden-Silver Halo of Light. Now, the next Inhale, not quite yet, this is a long paragraph, so I‘ll read it all before we do it. On the next Inhale, we‘ll be taking this Golden-Silver-Light down through your Duct-4 Fontanel and downward to your AzurA, where the Golden-Silver Window Stream interfaces with the Living Waters in your AzurA. You will Hold this breath at the top of the Inhale to amp and collect the Golden-Silver Light and pale Aqua-blue Waters into a tennis-ball-sized Ghar-on Seed Sphere at the AzurA. Once formed, a spark of Ghar-on will permanently remain at the AzurA as your Endoplasma Eternal Living Water-Seed, through which you enter the world of Conscious Krystic Elemental Co-creation. So then, inhale this Golden-Silver Light down through your Duct-4 Fontanel and downward to your AzurA.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 148 of 160
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Intend if you need to where the Golden-Silver Window Stream interfaces with the Living Waters…. Hold at the top of the breath to amp and collect the Golden-Silver Light and pale Aqua-blue Waters into a tennisball-sized Ghar-on-Seed Sphere at the AzurA. Now Exhale firmly downward using the breath to push the Ghar-on Seed rapidly downward into the Earth‘s Rasha Core, then give a final exhale-push to push the Ghar-on Seed into the Core of Median Ascension Earth. And in doing so, giving birth to your own conscious Partiki Seed. Now just inhale gently back to the AzurA, hold the inhale to build charge, and when you feel ready, exhale through releasing a spark of Golden-Silver Light downward into your Ghar-on-Seed, sending in the encryption that will create Partiki-2, to set the ―SEda Cycle‖ in motion. And now relax into gentle breathing and lean into the expanded, peaceful space of your I-Am-God-Self Band by drifting your mental focus up a bit upward and backward to that space. The Golden-Silver Light Beam will fade from shining once the creation is set, but the Window will always remain open for future creation. Just spend a few breaths enjoying that sensation.
Technique Part C: “Manifestation Part” and Releasing Axiatonals 11 and 12 [D3 C10 2:17:58] A‘sha Alrighty, now, the part that isn‘t written in here, this is the manifestation part. The last part is there is going to be the ‗pop‘ when the Caduceus snaps, alright. And there is actually a series of them in all the places in the Caduceus thing that was running down the Central Vertical Column. It‘ll be like little, little bolts going ‗pop, pop, pop, pop‘, and the cords going ‗whee-ooo‘ really quick. And this will go spiraling back down into your Maharic Shield, and then it will pop out where they need to be. And we‘ll facilitate this with the breath in a minute. And when they pop out where they need to be, it‘ll take the natural configuration of the Maharic Shield back into the Twelve Fire Chambers instead of the ten that having been running in— Well, our Maharic Shields are running alright. But as far as our D1 Etheric Shields, we‘ve had to work through and clear them as much as possible. We worked with the Density Maharic Shields but the little ones that go with each of the dimensional levels, they have some clearing but they still hold the Caduceus. The Caduceus still had a hold on them. So we‘re going to release the Caduceus, free the snakes this way. It‘s coming in live. Alrighty, it‘s saying imagine now that a lovely Golden-Silver Big Beam of Light is coming in again down from the Window, from the TE‘a-Wha Window. And inside of it this time, you have the Gold on the outside. It is shaped, the Beam is actually shaped like a pentagon, like a tubular pentagon if you know what I mean, like a cookie cutter. It‘s a long one, like Play Dough machines used to be. Do snakes made of shapes. It‘s big, long, and it holds the configuration of the pentagon shape. But inside of it, notice now this time, there is way up in the Door, try to see up into the Window at the back behind you, and notice there is a big Aqua-blue ball of what looks like liquid, but it doesn‘t act like liquid. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 149 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
This is Hydroplasm, alright. They are going to—literally this is coming in from the Host Line of the AnshaTAsa Passage intercepting with us here. This is what will amp this enough to free the snakes, alright. It‘s like a big, amazing, beautiful bowling ball of Liquid Light Hydrolase Living Water. In a minute we are going to go up and just send a little push of our consciousness as a cloud up to nudge it, and it‘s going to come down like a river. And it‘s going to come down our Central Vertical Column. But it is also going to come into the heads of the snakes, and run the whole snakes. At that point it will intercept with the vagus nerve and go out through the entire structure of the vagus nerve, and the things that it is connected to. And at that point there will be little ‗pop, pop, pop‘ sensations as the snake uncoils. And then there will be just a really quick-like snap, and that will go ―wheeoooo‖ down into the ground. They‘ll go into your shields and anything that doesn‘t belong on them will actually fall as Va-Bou‘-Di Dust underneath you. Ok, so it‘s going to feel like a lovely, just flood of healing waters and beautiful Light from your own I-AMGod-Self awareness level. Ok, so let‘s go up together and just as a cloud of energy, just move up into your Window with an inhale, and see your cloud moving up the Chamber to the Window, just kind of push a little bit an energy ball (exhale) and then go and exhale down, and then just sit peacefully as Water starts to flow. And just breathe gently; it‘s coming into the Central Vertical Currents now. Alright, now it‘s starting to expand out. Now it‘s actually coming out from around the ears to the Caduceus snake heads, and it‘s starting to run the snake. And it‘s starting to pass into, to flood into the vagus nerve. Very strange. It‘s like there is a thing living in there that is screeching like, ―Oh, no, get off, get off me!‖ Just let the waters move. Ok, getting ready to ‗pop‘ for the Pop Point, and getting ready to put bolts that will hold the things in the little implants. Ok, in a minute we‘re going to inhale and hold for a minute, and when the Pop Point comes, let‘s all push out together, kind of like push outward and downward at the same time. Ok so let‘s, ok inhale now, hold for a minute, and push downward (exhale). Try to feel like a fibrillation in your shield, your Maharic Shield down under your feet, as the Axiatonals 11 and 12 are integrating into their proper position, and actually re-aligning the entire Shield Overlay. There was a Shield Overlay on it that was blocking that. Now feel a Pillar of that re-alignment moving all the way up in two places, all the way up through your shields—they are like the dinner plates that go through your body at various levels at the horizontal, but also up through your Central Vertical Column. Feel this expansion happening in the Chakra Seals. It almost might feel like the Chakras are going ‗wheoo-wheooo‘ and shifting themselves back into their natural state, or closer to natural. Now bring your awareness up into your brain area, and the Waters are still flowing from above and also through the body. And we‘re going to bring a two-point—one bringing more from down, and one bringing more from up of the Aqua-blue Water Flows. We‘re going to bring right in the center of the Pineal, and that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 150 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
will be on an inhale, and then when we exhale, we‘re going to blow them out horizontally up the Third Eye, front and back. So, ok, let‘s inhale and draw them into the Pineal, hold, build charge. And now go on horizontally (exhale) through, and also feel the Waters as if they are flooding through your brain now. Feel them going up like your sinuses, clearing your sinuses. Feel filters being pulled off your eyes, twisted filters. Feel your eyes absorbing from both front and back the Liquid Light, the Liquid Water of the Hydrolase. Feel it moving through your eye balls, literally the molecular structure of your eyes. Sense it popping the lenses behind the layers of the pupil that don‘t belong there that block the Light out in certain ways that you can‘t receive the Hydrolase Cellular Symbiosis. Just imagine the Waters flowing all through your brain, your eyes, your nose. Now bring it into your ears, into the back of your head where your neck hooks on. You‘re filling with the Living Water. It‘s communicating to every cell in your brain, your head, right in your skin. It‘s coming into your skin. In the Etheric, this is the pale pretty Aqua, you know like, a silky covering. And now imagine it going down your neck, and down through your shoulders, clearing off all the residual. It‘s moving, it‘s flowing into the pores and out again, through every organ, any sore spots in your body that you feel, move it, make it flow a bit more, and back and forth, sway it through. Work it down your spinal column that way, and flowing through your whole body, clearing as you go. Kind of swish it back and forth. At this point it‘s expanding to become a large Pillar of Living Light-Water around you. It‘s a combination of Light and Water. Ok, and now we‘re going to do one more thing. We‘re going to, in a minute, take an inhale, and with the inhale we‘re going to pull ourselves into Duct 3 at the Spleen, and on the exhale we‘re going to push from there and grab a line of energy that the vagus nerve is used to tap into the spleen-ic processes, the natural processes. We‘re going to grab it with the inhale, that nerve-ending, and we‘re going to take a cord from it and go (exhale) right up to the Window, right up, back up to the Beam of Light still open and up into the Window. So in a second let‘s inhale, grab that nerve-ending that doesn‘t belong doing what it‘s doing, and welcome it back to the Kryst for it is atoms too. And now exhale and up to the Window, and in about a second there‘s going to be a big electrical Spark that comes right down through your whole body. It goes out your feet and down through, and that will be when it goes online with the Window, ok. Ok, let‘s inhale and wait for the Spark. And when the Spark comes and once it hits the body, then push it downwards, ok. So now, just wait for it; we‘re not bringing it in, we are just waiting for it. It‘s going to come on its own. Here it comes, ok, (exhale) push it down, and push it all the way to where your Ghar-on-Seed is, down in Core of Median Earth. There we go! You can continue with the swishing if there is any parts of your body that are not feeling well. You can also do that when you get back. All you have to do, you‘re back to your rooms, you can simply ask for the Flows to come from the Window. And first the Golden-Silver-ONE will come as the Light Beam, and then at its The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 151 of 160
Hethalon August 8-10, 2008 Phoenix, AZ
Core will come the Living Water Beam, and you can bring that into your body at any time to help your body atoms to heal from what they have been so long trapped in. And it‘s very, very healing working with the Waters, the sloshing. You literally just feel them going through the pores, into organs, through the skin, sloshing it gently back and forth at a rhythm that feels right to you. And then when you‘re done, you simply let them be, and they‘ll integrate on their own. That is the best medicine in the Universe! Oh, ok, we can take a bit of a break from concentrating, and stretch a bit if you feel like it. I do.
[D3 C11 2:32:53] …in your body where there is like a concentration of built-up reversal stuff or illness. Just imagine it‘s still swishing through there until it clears out. And you can rub it a little to help, you know the part if it hurts any place to loosen up the energy. So it‘s actually a great time for everybody to give each other back rubs to work it through the system. But that wouldn‘t be really practical, right. That Window will stay open now, and so will its connection to the Fontanel and to your body. There is a freedom that will come from this as far as that level of consciousness. Imagine it as the big Halo, but it is a Halo kind of like with a nice veil hanging on the bottom, because it comes down over your shoulders too. You can call that Light into the Halo anytime you want, and just move yourself back in consciousness and breathe it in. And if you want healing for whatever, if stuff‘s bothering you and you‘re upset or anything, just breathe it in and ask for the flow of the Waters to come. And bring it right down through your whole body when it does. Make it a big wide stream, like a tunnel of Water that comes down and clears and heals and takes away anything that‘s not supposed to be there. This will help when there‘s any—progressively as we do this also, it will build up more of those Sparkly Fields. These will become our protection bubbles within the levels of the—I can‘t even talk—the I AM Bands. Sorry, I‘m a bit spacey from that one. It feels good though. It‘s a good spacey. I just feel like I‘ve got much bigger and everything got brighter, which is really neat.
Mind-Shift – Engaging the TE‟a-Wha Fields
[D3 C11 2:34:38] A‘sha So anyway, there‘s still a little bit left of thingies to do. We‘ve got the Mind-Shift thing. This is not a long thing to do but it‘s learning how to play with your TE‘a-Wha Fields, and you can use the Window to (inhale) pull in some of the Light Current first and then the Waters. Hold them at your AzurA, and (inhale), hold them in, then (exhale) push a bubble of Waters out around you, like a sphere, like a beautiful, lovely Aqua sphere of Water, right. And then just relax and sit in it for a minute. Okay, just breathe normal, and relax and sit in it for a minute. And try to make it touch the back of the chair of the person in front of you, kind of move it forward and nudge it. Feel its connection to your body; it‘s almost like it wants to pull you into the movement The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 152 of 160
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too. Try to feel the molecules of the chair, not the person, but the chair. Let the Water, just like it can slosh through your atoms, it can slosh through those atoms too. You can get a feel for understanding all sorts of things, and when it‘s done through Krystiac processes of Water communicating with Water through the Kryst, there is no violation. It would not allow you to hurt anyone if you tried to use this to hurt anyone but will also be protective of you. No one could do stuff to harm you if you brought your bubble up. You can bring up the strength of this Flow now whenever you need it. And if you feel frightened or in danger or anything like that, it is a good time to bring this sphere around you. And then there‘s fun things you can do with it. You can learn to expand and contract it once you‘re inside of it. And it‘s really pretty; it‘s like it changes the color of the Light to where you can see little Mana Rain and Hydrolase Rain, just gentle little bits moving in the air. But from inside there, you can also make a little sphere of it and put a part of your awareness as a cloud inside, and send the little sphere; I‘ve learned to do this with our Chinchilla. I had to ask him, I have to ask. And it‘s an asking that you don‘t ask in words, you ask in intention. You take those words, ―Is it ok if I experience, if—and it‘s really, is it ok if I love you?‖ Because it creates complete vibrational harmonization with the thing that you‘re aiming at, but it must be asked first. This is what the Waters can do because they are all of the same Substance. Atoms are all of the same Substance, and it‘s recognized on that level that we are all one; we all came from the same places. You can never use it to hurt someone, or to mind-pick them, or to seed thoughts in their head or anything like that. It‘s not, you know, it just won‘t work with you that way. But if something, if you kind of put the thought, kind of like a little feeling, like the feeling is as if you‘re going to say, ―Is it ok if I—Chinchilla, is it ok if I just feel what is it like to look out your eyes for a minute to feel what‘s it like to be a Chinchilla?‖ And if that was what I wanted to say to it verbally, right, there is an intonation of how I would have said it, right? That‘s the feeling behind it. That is getting more into Elemental Speak, where it‘s the emotion and the movement and the lilt of the energy. Don‘t you push stuff at them, you kind of gently ask, and then you wait, and get a feel back in return. You start to hear the inner communication, because there‘s always a communication that takes place between Matter. And when we learn to ride the Hydrolase Wave and play with the sphere, which it allows us to do because it considers—it‘s kind of like the Hydrolase considers us part of it. It doesn‘t look at it—it looks like it feels it‘s bigger, and we are like little parts of its entirety because it is a, it is the Substance, the 1st Endoplasm Consciousness that all Matter here forms out of. So it‘s pretty big. And we are all made out of it too. You know it‘s like we are all part of it, and so we can learn to gently ask. After asking and getting a little feel in return, and you might get a like a tiny pull-back feeling and that means ‗no‘. That means whatever the being was, it is not in the mood, doesn‘t want it. This will also protect you if the being happens to be possessed by something or something like that. It cannot attach to you. And you would actually be able to get a read on what that was about and if there‘s anything you could do to help, because sometimes there isn‘t, even with the Waters, that sometimes it would be violation of Soul group decisions to force that will. Just because you want to be Krystic doesn‘t mean everybody used the choice of Free Will that way, and that‘s ok. You have to let that be ok, and love them anyway. But it is an amazing thing. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 153 of 160
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This happened once when I was much younger, when Katie was in the body. And she flipped—I call it ―she flipped into that state‖ and without having a bubble or anything like that. But she had been sitting in her kitchen looking out the window and she was on the third floor, and there was a big tree there, and there was a bluebird. And it was just hanging out, looking at her, and I think it might have done it to her. I don‘t know because I saw the cellular memory of it, even though it was her experience. But all of a sudden she was in the bird, and she could feel how warm its feet felt, and how it experienced the tree. And it could feel green blood running in the tree. She experienced what the bird was experiencing, and then it just flipped back. This is the type of thing that you can do consciously in co-creation. You can‘t use it to force your will on anything, but if you want to try to understand something—and animals are great with that because most of them are open to being loved. And it is a wave of love in the form of Hydrolase Living Light that you are sending to them with simply the intention of ―I would like to know you. I would like to understand.‖ And if someone wants to do that…person to person, you‘re dealing with a bigger field, right. So it is easier to start with things that you might feel benign toward in the first place, because people tend to have a lot of issues with each other. I wouldn‘t—if you‘re a close couple or something, or close friends, and close family, you could start doing this with each other. And the way to do it is have one sit very quietly and both put your bubbles up, like do these bubbles, make these, do your Krystar Vehicle but then put the bubbles up too. And if your family hasn‘t done the techniques, well, you can kind of just put a big bubble up and welcome them into it, you know. And then kind of just do a little bit of energy games. You just move the consciousness toward them and on some level, if they love you, they will be in agreement. But don‘t assume that. You have to wait for the back ripple that says ‗ok‘ or ‗No, not right now.‘ You need to respect that because it, the Water, will not actually—you will push and the Water will not go with you if it is a violation. So you‘ll push yourself outside the sphere as a cloud, and then you could take on who knows what when you start doing that. So you need to work—you can‘t abuse this energy. It won‗t allow itself to be abused. What would happen here, as far as abuse, is it got shut off. But this is like a Living Love Current that comes through, and it comes through as Endoplasm which is the Hydrolase Living Water. So that is, you can learn to expand and contract them, and that is what about learning to engage in the TE‘a-Wha Fields where you can start moving your consciousness around, and that is just little ways here. Then you can start moving it up, and out, and asking for directions with some of your—when you are in that state because you can go up and out through that Window, and get into the higher states of your own I AM God-Self Mind, right. You can start experiencing from there, go into your own Review Bands while you are alive, right, your natural Review Bands, and be able to look down and check out what‘s happening in your world. And maybe if there is something you should do, or if there is a problem you want to solve, you could go up there and just kind of leave it there as—let it accrete some helpful information and come back. And then come back up and find the answers. Sometimes you will go back up in dream state, and you‘ll find yourself up through the Window. I found myself sitting on the Window like it is like this big crystal sphere with this really neat Window in it, and I am on the inside, and I‘m way down in here in the inside. And I end up going up the Beam, and I found myself sitting in the Window looking outward and swinging my legs, ok, and there‘s like, wow it‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 154 of 160
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really high! It was like being in a big spherical building but up on a really high floor. I don‘t know what that was about. So there‘s a lot more that we can do with the Windows. There‘s going to be a time when we are able to open the whole set of them because there will be a Window like that on every one of the Allurean Chambers. And that‘s when we can start really breathing in the Pillars. That‘s when…if we can bring this much of the Hydrolase in. With just one little Window open enough to release the Caduceus out of the bodies like that, imagine what can be done when we are able to open the bunch of them. And I have a feeling, hmm, I have a feeling that the one that opens the I AM Element Field down on the D1 level, that and the Door are going to come, I think, in the next workshop. And then I think it‘s probably the Kitts one that they are going to be able to use that and blow the Windows open basically. And what happens after that I can‘t wait to find out actually. I just hope it doesn‘t come in this hard and this late as it— you know. They said it will get easier, and maybe this is why, you know, they said it will get progressively easier, and I said ok. I was thinking ‗What, now? Like yesterday, like last year?‘ No, that‘s not progressive. That‘s like progressive going backward. So I appreciate that you have been—you‘re still here, and you‘re still standing and breathing. And I hope it was worth it. I know it was. And I‘m glad that you recognize that it was worth staying for, because this is the beginning of something amazing. Now, we‘re not done yet. We still have, I mean you can go off if you want to, but we‘re not done yet. Participant: What about the water? A‘sha: Yeah, that‘s what I mean, yes! We have to do the water. Participant: (Comments not clear) A‘sha: Oh basically, number three (of Sliders-1 Workshop Description: ―Elemental Communication‖). I realize I actually did that when I was, when we were doing the Creating the Seed before we did the exercise. I tied some of what I was going to teach there into that one, featuring activities that will assist participants in ‗Reading, Creating and Transmitting Elemental Field-ENCRYPTION.‘ Yeah, I did that, the veil thing and all of that, that was going to be part of that, ok. Sometimes they all blur together into one long, life-long technique in my world which is just—
Re-Coding Water with the Allur-E‟ah Ra-sha-tan Code
[D3 C12 2:46:04] A‘sha Alright, so that does leave us to the water and to working with our first client session, and our first client is the water that we brought. Participant: Should we take the caps off? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 155 of 160
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A‘sha: Don‘t have to, no. The only thing is, though, whenever, if you are trying to code bottles of water or whatever, metals tend to interfere with the process until you have stronger currents. Once you get the twelve Windows open, I imagine nothing will interfere with the currents, right. But while we‗re just getting our systems, plastic is alright. It‘ll go through that. It‘ll go through glass. But metals tend to, you know—are a little more difficult to pass through. Now somewhere we got our Code, just put your Code on your knees so you can pick it up, and then point the round part, the Vector Identification Point, which is that round thing up there, point that. Just kind of where it‘s pointing out if it is sitting on your lap, which that round ball part is pointing out. Yeah, you know like away from your body. The little ball would be away from your body if it‘s sitting like this. Ok, now we are going to do the Palm Induction, where we literally pull the mathematical radiation signature of it onto our palms, as if we‘re actually picking it up like this, right, as if it was sticky energy, and it was on our palms, not into our palms but just on them. But we‘ll do it this way and I have to put this down to demonstrate. It needs to be picked up on both palms, and we‘ll start with—they said it doesn‘t matter which one you start with. But you do—I‘ll show you what I mean. So I‘m just going to do it, yeah, do it this way. Alright so, and you just inhale, stick your palm on the Code. Feel a fuzziness develop between the Code and your palm, and then bring on the exhale a flow of the Liquid Light down, of the Liquid Water down, you know both Light and Water, the Golden Light and the Water inside. Put it into the Code and then inhale and bring it up onto the palm like a dish. There you go! And just feel it actually just kind of fans out around your fingers and just hangs there. Neat, I didn‘t do that before. That‘s neat. Ok, and then we do it with the other one, ok. So put the hands over, inhale, bring the Waters down (exhale), and pick her up (inhale). This is at the point, by the way, in the healing sessions where, like when you want to go into the Piano Keys—when we get to the next stages of those in the next workshop or the one after, where you would do a similar thing, but you would pick which Keys you want for which purpose, and (inhale) bring them up too. And then you‘d have the big Spheres around the hands but also the spheres within the spheres. And they are going to teach us how to do all sorts of things with those. But for now, we‘ve got the ones on the hands. And now, the water, ok. He‘s going to catch up because he‘s holding the mike for me. (Giggles) (A‘zah completes the Palm Induction.) That‘s neat. Neat feeling isn‘t it? Yeah, you can go home and play with that, see if you can stretch it and stuff, and how big you can make it. (Giggles) But for this one, (laughter in audience) who needs those, like, Game Boys and stuff when you got this stuff to play with. I like Endoplasm better! Ok now, let me see. (A‘sha talking to A‘zah) They don‘t always want to do it that way. They don‘t always—that was last night. It‘s a different situation. A‘zah: Absolutely. A‘sha: So I‘m asking them, ―Do they want it bottom up this time?‖ (Giggles) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 156 of 160
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A‘zah: How silly of them! A‘sha: They said no. This time we actually prefer you to shake it first, ok. (Participants shake their bottles of water and many are laughing.) Ok. A‘zah: I‘m leaving. A‘sha: That generates a bit of a charge in the Etheric level, in it. Moving Water. When you dance, shake your Waters. (Laughter) A‘zah: I love it when you dance. A‘sha: Ok, and they are saying it doesn‘t matter whether you hold it in this situation. In general it doesn‘t, but they told us to do it that way the other night. I don‘t know why. But anyway, now you angle it up as if you were aligning it with the Window but through your head, right. Yeah, it‘s hard to see sometimes like ‗Oh, what‘s going on there?‘ Never mind, I‘ll just do the hands too. It helps a bit if you are going to do bottles, right. If you play with the mirror as if you can see what you‘re doing like, you know, ok, am I, is it? Where‘s my angle, right? (A‘sha confers with A‘zah.) What? Ok, I‘m going to try to feel it out anyway. But the idea is to make a direct line between the top of the bottle, or the water, whatever you‘re aiming at, right and your Window. And then again you inhale, and before you bring anything into the water, first you get your line ready if it wants it. But then you do that little thing like I do with the Chinchilla, where you gently push a bit of a sphere of the Waters out with the intention, ‗Is it ok, would you like to share this co-creation with me of healing?‘ And see if you can sense the back vibration that the Etheric will give you. If it feels like a positive, you can go ahead, and most water will not resist because it has been waiting for this for a long, long time. Is that you? I just had the water going at me, ―Get on with it already, will you?‖ (Giggles) Ok, so alright, let‘s inhale up, and go right up to the Door, and we‘re going to flow down with the Current, just like a river coming down through, right through the bottle (exhale). You should be able to feel a bit of a vibration, almost a shake in your palms. And it‘s not your palms that are shaking. It‘s the Etheric Field of the water. Try to see all the little Aqua Sparks that are happening in the water. And you might—well I just got the water. This one just said, ―Another one, please!‖ (Giggles, followed by an inhale and exhale) I‘ve just got a ―Thank you.‖ Eventually you will be able to hear everything talk, by the way, alright, and it will translate into your language. With the Elementals, I hear all sorts of interesting consciousness talk. It used to be a problem when we were in high school. We could hear the lockers talk, the molecules (giggles), and things, and it was a bit distracting. Ok, now for the last thing with the waters for now is, with one hand on the bottom and one hand on top, you‘re going to take the Codes that you picked up that are in your palms, and you‘re going to blow the one on top down, and the one on the bottom up, and meet them in the middle, and make a sphere around it of the Waters as you do. So you‘ve got a Stream coming down this way, Stream coming this way, and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 157 of 160
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Streams are coming through your arms, right, and into your hands. And a stream runs this way, going up this way, and when the two Codes hit, it‘ll make a big Sphere around it, and it will actually create little spheres within the—within the what?—within the Quark Bands and the Protons. Ok, that‘s really deep in the molecules. That‘s sub-atomic stuff, yeah! Ok, cool, so inhale, and (exhale). Great! And that amount should have been sufficient for about three gallons they said as far as waters that, you know, for your own personal use, and that thing. We‘ll get to the point where we can transmute huge—what just went out and I haven‘t done that before, the way they just showed it do that. There‘s—now they‘re going…first, it was like little tiny blue, Aqua-blue flecks all in it. It is not on the physical level, yet. And they said it was going into the Protons, the Quarks that are inside the Protons. That‘s small, that‘s you know, that‘s sub-atomic. Then I noticed something happening though. It is still, and it is not on the Etheric level though. I am trying to see on what level I am seeing on because I know when I am seeing Etheric, it looks a certain way. Oh, I‘m seeing Atmic at the moment, oh, ok. There‘s little particles that I‘m seeing, and it changed from the blue ones, and now they are like silver, little silvery sparkles. Now there‘s gold coming in. Oh neat! And it just, they just all kind of (makes sound) and flash off and then back on together, and they all look like micro levels of these, in gold. That was cool. (Talking to A‘zah) With What? A‘zah: Just now I described it as the thing with totally snow inside. A‘sha: Yeah, yeah, exactly! Yeah, like those snowballs you know, how did you, what did you call those? A‘zah: They are like little things inside of snowballs. A‘sha: Yeah, the snow— A‘zah: They are not water. A‘sha: No, the little globes, snow globes, yeah, especially those with the sparkly stuff in them, yeah. It looks just like that. And it‘s, I‘m amazed I could see it on that level! I‘m not used to looking into Atoms. I can hear, I can hear Atoms, and I can have conversations with them which is—I don‘t do that in public because people think that you‘re really crazy, alright! But this is neat. And what they said now, if you‘d like, take a drink of the water, and invite the healing of it into your body so it can start communicating with the other waters in your body because there are levels of healing that have to take place. We brought in the Healing River; the Krystal River, really, is what it is. And it will probably taste the same, but well, maybe it won‘t. I don‘t know, alright. Participant: How long would it last, like you do a bottle of water and set it aside to store it. A‘sha: That‘s a good question. They said after the Door is opened too—which is the one that we get the Elemental I AM space open as well—then it will hold indefinitely unless it‘s submitted to certain types of radiation exposure. Like don‘t sit it on top of the television for a month kind of stuff, you know, those things. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 158 of 160
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But for now because of the shield amplification here—if you‘re doing it by yourself, you got about a 3-day charge with the level of activation in the field right now. With the group amplification, it gives us all about a week and a half, where it will hold for about a week and a half. And your system will get stronger so that number will go up once we get all those Windows open. It‘ll probably hold forever if we‘re lucky, you know, hopefully and then we can start working on lakes and rivers and oceans and things. But I think that answers the question we got. On your own it would be a 3-day charge, like when you‘re doing this right now. And then that will grow once you open the other thing that we don‘t have the technique for that yet. It has to settle in the system they said, this part. You can apply this to many things by the way. Participant: Can you apply Atomic Water for healing? A‘sha: Yes, yes, yeah, you would do the same process if you want to help your body in healing, because your body will breathe. It will actually help those—very good to bring that up, yeah, because you can just stick them onto your palms and then (exhale) imbue them into the water in the bath tub. And then— Participant: Put the water in it? A‘sha: In it. Put your hands right in it, yeah, and see millions of little ones go out. What these did is, first they were, they were…. I remember they were silver—oh they were little blue Aqua color. And then they kind of went like this and went, popped off a little bit and popped back on. And they were like silver flakes, and then they went into that and popped off again, and came back on, and they were perfect little tiny micro versions of this in gold. So there‘s a process here, and I‘m learning too. I‘m just so glad for this. That feels so good when that comes in. I‘m hoping you enjoy this as much as I do. I just—this is the best technique I‘ve ever brought through and I‘m really grateful for it. And I hope that from here you go forth and prosper with that, right. (Giggles, and applause) Thank you for being here. Participant: You said that at least you‘ve got a gallon of water, so if you have a large tub. Would you have to blow more into it? A‘zah: About 3 gallons I think. A‘sha: Yeah, they said that will do about 3 gallons with the…. So if you have a larger—if you want to do it to your swimming pool for example, it would be good to, say, if you ran this technique, right, that will give you a lot of amp power on it. You can go to the Window anytime, but that would amp how much you can bring through if you run the techniques. So if you want to do—once you get to a certain point once that next one level is open, then it won‘t be hard. You can stick your hands in (inhale), do two breaths, you might even find that the plates on your hands are lasting for a week or a month, where they won‘t go away. They‘ll stay after a while, but for a while, until we get the next technique that actually opens the rest, the Door and the rest of the things for the D1 level. We got the D2 level now and the D3 connected but we got to still get the D2 and the D1 connected, and that will happen in the technologies for the next workshop.
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So for now we have to pick them up manually but then they will just stay. I‘m going to get to go and stretch mine. They want to stretch. I don‘t what that means but I could feel them wanting to stretch and I don‘t have time to know. Anyway, I hope that you have enjoyed this workshop even though it‘s crazy hours. Thank you so much for being here, and I hope that you will have a really safe trip home. (Applause) I‘m going night-night now. And I think I covered everything else I was supposed to tonight, at least close enough. A‘zah: You did. A‘sha: Good! Ooh! I‘m going to go home and collapse there. I‘m going to taste the water.
The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A'sha-yana & A'zah-yana Deane, 2008, All Rights Reserved Page 160 of 160