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Sliders-5, Hethalon—Aug 14-16, 2009: Phoenix, AZ

The MCEO Freedom TeachingsTM Series Sliders-5 Workshop “Sliders-5" Essential Alignment, Stardust Flow, Mirror in the Sky & the Orbs of Aquareion

(Freeing the Body for Slide—Intermediate Telluric / Ah-VA’-yas Body Training)

Phoenix, Arizona: Aug 14-16, 2009 Friday Evening Orientation [Audio Track 1] A‘sha Good evening everybody and welcome to Phoenix! Hi! (Applause and chuckles) No thanks. (Chuckles) It calls to mind the Garden of Eden. (Chuckles) Anyway it‘s lovely to see you all here for this workshop, Sliders-5. This ought to be interesting. Did the itinerary get handed out yet—they did? Ok, notice there aren‘t times posted on them; evening hours expected. Yeah, this one‘s on security clearance again but at least we have the itinerary which gives me an idea of what we are teaching. I don‘t know what it‘s been like the last couple of months in the Shield for most people in their lives, but it‘s been utter chaos in ours since the last workshop actually. And there‘s been a lot of things learned and a lot of experiences moved through that you can chuckle when you look back on them but they are not quite funny when you are moving through, but I‘m sure they are perfect even if not ideal. So some of those things will be addressed during the course of this workshop because it was not just something that was affecting our family personally, but it was something affecting the entire Shield. It has to do with that little posting we had on the 4 th of July. Hello, yo, anybody out there want to help fortify the Shield, right? So we will be talking about that. That will be on Sunday or early Monday morning, whichever the case may be, we will deal with the larger planetary issues during that segment. What we have for Day-1 is going to be interesting. It‘s Ah-VA‟-yas Body training where we start to learn about our Ah-VA‘-yas Body and that is the Oscillatory Body. We‘ve talked about the Ah-VE‘-yas Body that is the Vibrational Body, and now the Ah-VA‘-yas Body that is the Oscillatory Body. There is a lot more to this than I had any idea. And when I‘m doing diagrams right now, they started last night, so there‘s going to be a sequence of new diagrams that have to do with understanding the Ah-VA‘-yas Body and its relationship to the Ah-VE‘-yas Body and the relationship of both of those bodies to the process of biological Ascension or Slide that we are attempting to regenerate in our own bodies and in our own gene code. We have done a lot of work for a number of years now with preparing the levels of the multi-dimensional identity for the times we are in now when we are beginning to prepare the physical systems themselves for the potentialities of biological Ascension. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 128

Sliders-5, Hethalon—Aug 14-16, 2009: Phoenix, AZ

We‘ve cleared a lot of blockages of various sorts that came from the environmentally induced mutations in the gene code and in the Light Body and Spirit Body structures. There is one last piece of major mess up in our multi-dimensional body structures that before we can begin to utilize that 82% ShaLAah Light Quotient that we have been building over the last couple of years—and we‘ve just reached 82%—before that can be brought into an active state there is something that has to be healed within the Ah-VA‘-yas Body set and this has to do with…we‘ve got our ShaLAah Light Fields aligned at this point with the Ah-VE‘-yas Vibrational Body. But, and we‘ve also got the Ah-VA‘-yas Oscillatory Body aligned now with the Ah-VE‘-yas. But the difference now is we still do not have our ShaLAah and Ah‘-yas which is the Ah-VA‘-yas and the AhVE‘-yas together phasing. We have to restore the ability of the Ah‟-yas Body—and that is what the Ah‘-yas Body refers to: the Ah-VE‘-yas and the Ah-VA‘-yas together, all right. So the Ah‘-yas Body needs to be able to begin phasing in order for it to bond with the Light Body structure, the ShaLAah Light Body structures that allow for the shifts in angular rotation of particle spin on the atomic level that will allow for Slide and Ascension and those kind of things. So in this workshop on the personal levels, we will be dealing with restoring the ability of the Ah‘-yas to phase and that has to do with clearing a mutation twist out of the Ah-VA‘-yas Bodies. This has to do with something fascinating and I won‘t even attempt to paraphrase—Oh what‘s that—off the top of my head. It‘s on the itinerary if we ever get it up on the screen, but if we don‘t that‘s all right; you have them anyway. There are 3 PSI-Interactive sessions/ techniques and there will be 3 Aqua-Tone practicum techniques covered through this workshop. And the first 3 build up the ability to conduct the second set of 3. There is something called the Atomic Mirror and this has to do with, believe or not, Orbs and understanding more about Orbs. That‘s why we titled this ―The Secret Life of Orbs‖ as far as the orientation because we are going to find out a lot more about what Orbs are. We know a little bit about what they are. We know that there‘s basically 2 different kinds. One is considered Elemental Orbs, which are literally like elements, like hydrogen, nitrogen coming in from higher dimensional fields or from host fields. And they are where we get the Orb-blizzard effect in the photos, showing Orb blizzards, right. Then there are the larger ones that are more distinct and you can actually see the rings like as if they are the Rasha Body rings inside of them and those kind of things. They are of a different sort and they fall into the category of what would be called visitation. So we are going to be talking about the Orbs and what is called the Stardust Flow. And this is funny because before I gave myself the name ―Stardust‖ I didn‘t know anything about this, right; I just related to the movie. And they were saying there‘s a big difference between stardust and space dust, and I always liked the movie, right. So now we‘re starting to find out what Stardust is. It has to do with Elemental Orb Flows that will be coming in. And these Elemental Orb Flows allow for…there are certain things that we have to actually go and create our own Mashaya-Hanic identity by taking a journey and putting our encryption into the fields of the hosts in which we want to go. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 128

Sliders-5, Hethalon—Aug 14-16, 2009: Phoenix, AZ

So if we want to ultimately get back to the Aquareion Matrix…once you go through Median Earth, AshaLA, ShaLa, Urtha and then you want to go back to the original Aquareion Matrix where the host is being carried from, we are actually going to plant our encryption there and then begin to bring some of the Elemental Orb Flows on a micro level into our body structures, into our cells and our atoms because it will create something that is referred to as the Atomic Mirror. When we have the diagrams out that will show what is happening with the Ah‘-yas units and how right now the Ah-VA‘-yas units that should be able to phase are actually stuck. And this actually makes the atoms in our bodies do something that they shouldn‘t be doing; it phase-locks them. We need to undo that phase-lock and the way to do that is, literally, to create a refraction mirror of the Kryst-coded Elemental Orb Flow from the host lines will carry the encryptions all the way down from the entire host. And it will create a buffer field that will allow for the reversed currents that are actually circulating through our atoms right now to hit that field, bounce back off and go back and reverse the reversal, in other words. So it will bring back the Mana that‘s been stolen in our atoms and actually being turned into something inorganic called ManE and it will reverse the ManE back to its natural Mana Flow, which will release the phase-lock on the Ah-VA‘-yas, which will allow the whole Ah‘-yas unit to begin phasing again. So we‘re going to first work with the Stardust Flow of bringing the first 3 that, by the time we get to the third PSI Interactive technique, we will be initiating the Mashaya-Hanic Elemental Orb Circulation. And that is the… Mashaya-Hanic refers to not just going to Urtha, but going all the way back to the Aquareion Matrix where the Krystal River Host is originally into their HUBs. So it‘s the strongest frequency that can be anchored here. What‘s going to be interesting is when once we get through understanding a bit more about our personal body structures and of the Ah-VE‘-yas and the Ah-VA‘-yas Bodies, and also what that has to do with what‘s called the Jha-DA‟ Body. The Jha-DA‘ Body is a projection body and this where we‗re actually, we are learning to become Orb visitors. So when we see Orb visitors like…nothing new where we have been learning for a couple of years now to go into Orb, the only difference is we haven‘t been able to bring our full body structure in yet. But we will learn more about the Jha-DA‘ Body and what its process is in relation to Slide Ascension. We‘ll also take this, when we get into Day-2, into a larger drama that‘s unfolding. Now we‘ve been talking about, kind of like about but not in detail, what the Beloveds have been referring to as the ―2012 Showdown‖, all right. This is when there is a certain Galactic Alignment, that‘s when Earth and the Sun make a direct alignment with the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. And at that point there is going to be an attempt to plug in from the Parallel System from the Parallel Veca-2, plug in the frequencies of what‘s called the Micca Complex. And that‘s like the whole conglomerate of—we had the BeaST here, we have the Threshold there—that‘s the whole mess when you put them all together. And there‘s been some headway made on that point, but on the 4th of July they did not win that round and get control of Watchtower Shield so they could run Solomon on the fall BPR. That is the agenda on the other side at the moment. There is a big agenda that they have in relation to 2012 that has to do with things that I have no idea about, that has to do with what the Beloveds refer to as a super weapon that has actually been progressively built on this planet, and the agenda of the FA groups is to activate that. And that is one of the reasons why they The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 128

Sliders-5, Hethalon—Aug 14-16, 2009: Phoenix, AZ

were trying to orchestrate the Armageddon scenario. It would give an excuse and a cover for usage of this particular technology. It is a scalar technology but it is of a level that…it utilizes the Alpha-Omega Temples which they did just get activated in the grids during the 4 th of July period, but it requires the use of the frequencies that will be coming in from the Micca Complex. Now, if in 2012, those frequencies that…it‘s like a direct alignment frequency-wise, they will be coming in and they are counting on those to activate this weapon. If this weapon is activated, we will be on what‘s called Silver Seed Evac by 2017; it would be that bad as far as what it would do to the environment and henceforth. So the idea and the counter agenda on the Beloveds‘ side is to attempt to not allow that weapon to activate. There is only one way to do that, and that has to do with, and I talked about the Atomic Mirror. But there is something called the Mirror in the Sky. It is a field that can be built that will do the same effect on a more macrocosmic level. When those frequencies come in from the center of the galaxy in 2012 in order to activate this machine that…it is a machine; it uses HAARP-type technology and various other things connected. Not just the HAARP machine, they said there‘s about 58 of those types of apparatus on the planet. You only hear about HAARP but there‘s about 58 others and a whole bunch of other things that go with them. But if we can create in the atmosphere in the Aurora Platforms a particular Mirror in the Sky, it will have the same effect. It will bounce back those frequencies or at least enough of them where they will not be able to activate this – what the Beloveds are referring to as the super weapon. So we‘ll learn a little bit more about that and about what/how we‘re all assisting the Beloveds with this process can be because this is quite serious. It‘s kind of like the last hurrah as far as the FA-type groups getting the level of control that they wanted here. It doesn‘t mean that after that, even if we win that round, it doesn‘t mean that they are going to go away and surrender and say, ―You win!‖ They never do that. But what is extremely important is that the Armageddon scenario…I mean at this point to avoid that completely ought to be interesting. How many Soul groups that don‘t like each other exist on this planet and they are competing for control of it? Good luck with not having a war scenario. I mean are we all going to come together in unity? Probably not, no matter what you did because there‘s so many groups that actually, Soul groups that hate each other. And it‘s not just them that hate each other, these, the people, the human element of these people might have a chance, except there‘s an issue of what is referred to as the mass possession that is taking place. There are many people with gene codes on this planet, 5.5 billion actually, there‘s not that many more on the planet, that are having an issue with the Biote, Miote, Symbiote thing that we‘ve talked about before and they are being activated, which means even if they are a nice person on the 3D level and they are trying, they are getting another push coming through them, to motivate them into things that they would not normally do. So this is how the FA groups have been for long planning to create the war drama scenario. Now they have a vested interest to doing it by a certain point; they want to do it by 2012 so they can use it as a cover actually for the activation of this machine and the super weapon. Even if we get past that point, which we probably will, all right, we will probably win the 2012 round. It‘s not absolutely certain, but it looks pretty good; we‘re still holding the Shield; the Soloman is still holding and there‘s enough people that care. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 128

Sliders-5, Hethalon—Aug 14-16, 2009: Phoenix, AZ

And even if there‘s 5.5 billion of others that are being used and progressively going to be used, all right, that‘s a lot of head count, but what kind of frequency are they running? You can take a thousand running frequency like what we‘ve been working with progressively and building to, and it will be stronger than that many other bodies that can‘t run that kind of frequency. So it‘s not about head count; it‘s about quality of frequency that can be run. So it‘s not hopeless or anything. But after that point, once we get through that point, then we‘ll look at ok, huh, got that one done, now what? Because you still have a bunch of people on the planet that are being motivated toward war and toward destroying each other and the FAs will never be happy with the fact that we are keeping Ascension gates open; they will never be happy with the fact of the Host and one of their main things will be to try to shut that down. So it‘s almost like, yawn, here we go, yeah, the usual nonsense. But we will progressively become stronger, both biologically and with the rest of ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually as we begin to work with the Mashaya-Hanic energies—our own, once we get our own identity seeded into those frequencies. But then that will open an ability to go visit certain places first in bi-location journeys, but later journeys where we will be able eventually to take our bodies with us. And one of the places they‘ve been taking me to and as usual they take me to it for a while and eventually I find out where I am and what it is, right. That‘s how it‘s been going as far as my teachers because I trust them and I‘m not worried about it as long as they check out and I know it‘s them: ―Ok, where are we going today?‖ ―We‘ll tell you later. Here‘s what it looks like.‖ Well they have been taking me to this place that is very beautiful. There are these mountains that are quartz; they are actually made of quartz, but it is very clear quartz where they look like they are snowcovered from a distance or are made of ice but they are not; they are actually quartz crystal. And I‘ve heard that quartz has no carbon content in it and I remember thinking that‘s interesting, you have quartz mountains. I don‘t know what that is but that was a little extra, hmm, interesting. But it‘s this beautiful mountain range somewhere in the cosmos, right. I didn‘t know where at the time. And it‘s called the Ah-Rish‟-ma-TU Territories. And there‘s a particular, it‘s a Watchtower station that is called Ah-Rish‟-ma-Ta‟-A. And it has all sorts of facilities. There are learning facilities; it‘s kind of like Club Universe where you have all sorts of beings coming from various places, yeah, for all sorts of reasons. And they have wonderful healing facilities there. And it‘s much closer than any of the places you have journeyed to. This is literally the first, where we can make a stronger contact to Median Earth. So it is literally, if you went to the Watchtower interface, that of Median Earth Watchtower interface which is the Watchtower Shield in Florida, right, and if you just went vertically up the planes in frequency to the Median Earth frequencies, that is what would be there. So it‘s kind of funny because Florida is flat, right, not a mountain in sight, right, where we live; only trees and flat. But if you jump that up in frequency to the Median Earth frequencies, it is this amazing place called the Ah-Rish‘-ma-TU Territories. So we‘re going to journey there, and this is really neat because when they first started to take me there, and I always end up in this one great room that was massive where I felt like the size of an ant compared to the size of the room. And it had this whole front, just open kind of like pillared doorways that overlooked this…and no screens or anything because they don‘t have bugs that bite you there, right, so no, they don‘t need a screen porch, right. They had the most beautiful view out over the waters and you can see from there what would be the equivalent of the GrU‘al here, but on Median Earth. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 128

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So it was a really, really neat place and I‘ve only seen a small portion of it. I‘m actually trying to do a drawing of it because they gave me an aerial view at one point where I could see the basic lay of the land where the buildings were. They are actually constructed into the crystal mountains but they are not underground; they‘re like—the mountains are sitting on top of the crust and they are in the mountains. And there is some beautiful water features and things. So there is something specialized…they haven‘t told me. They are going to have us first journey there. We are going to be able to pick something up there, a frequency of some sort that will allow us to go further on the journey so we can actually do a bi-location through the—what did they call it? The tunnel thing that opened up in the last workshop. I can‘t remember the name of what-was-that? Anyway, I‘ll have the diagrams up and it‘s all written on them. There‘s so many words at this point I‘m lucky I can remember my name! But we‘ll be journeying up to/from Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A into the Aquareion frequencies in order to literally create our own Mashaya-Hanic Identity: Take our encryption and say, ―I am going to seed it here.‖ And that would actually open in your encryption once you get the flow, the Elemental Orb Flow going, the Stardust Flow going from there once your systems are healed which this will help. First of all the Stardust Flow is a massive healing wave that will free the Ah-VA‘-yas Body. But it will also provide the encryption of anything in this whole matrix and also the other one where the Aquareion Matrix is. So it‘s like getting an upgrade in your passport where, yeah basically, where you actually will have connection codes that we wouldn‘t have otherwise, just coming in the slow way and birthing down in through this Time Matrix. It‘s giving us back the original codes of the original prototypes before the Turaneusiam Humans were created because the Aquareion races were the prototype race that the Turaneusiam were modeled after. So this is going back to like Core Self, Original Self. And there‘s a lot that we are going to learn together. There is a lot that I don‘t know about yet as far as what‘s this going to look like. We‘ll find out; by Monday we should know. But there is the one part that is interesting and I really didn‘t think they were going to go there and talk about it, is the…if you notice on the Sunday one it talks about Session-3, talks about the ManE, the Ah-LUSa-Ta-NE‟ Force, possession, and then the Atomic Mirror and the Mashaya-Hana which are the solutions to the first three issues, right, which are the ManE, the Ah-LU-Sa-Ta-NE‘ Force and possession. They are going to…we received a document over, during the 4 th of July fiasco, we call it Demon Fest 4 by the way, all right. Yeah, the first one, Demon Fest 1 was in Morocco; Demon Fest 2 I believe was Shasta; Demon Fest 3 and 3.5 were actually private ones that took place in California; so this was Demon Fest 4. Demon Fests are where there is such a level of attack where, for example in Demon Fest 1 in Morocco, I could actually see it; it looked like an air raid where the group was standing there and anybody that had any receiver codes that—everybody has receiver codes of receiving the negative because our bodies are still tied into the mutation, right. They looked like little bombs dropping down into people‘s crown chakras. And they were temporarily displacing them in their own bodies, but knocking them out and actually using their bodies. And people were, a bunch of people were seriously not themselves at certain points in the Morocco trip. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 128

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And I‘ve talked to a few people who said, ―My God, I saw photographs—that wasn’t me in there!‖ I said, ―I know!‖ right. Yeah, so we had seen things like that. Morocco was the worst as far as that kind of thing occurring. I mean, people were fine afterwards but when the FAs do that, if there‘s coding that allows for that, they will come in and temporarily possess the body and use it for their own doing. And that usually means running codes in reverse because that‘s why they want the bodies, especially if highly coded Krystic beings, right. Well, Demon Fest 4 was kind of like that too. That was worse than Morocco, believe or not. Yeah, and it was only a group of like 30 of us that were doing grid work up there for the 4 th (of July) period, and it was really, really rough. But through that they helped me understand something because I‘m going, ―What‘s going on here?‖ My God! I mean people you care about it‘s like ―Oh my God Who is that? That‘s not even the person I know is in their body! Where are you?‖ right, ―Anybody else up there, where are you?‖ So they gave me an explanation of the stages of possession. And many, many people on this planet came in with that started from whatever their life transfer, whatever they had come in from before, whatever incarnation because if you are one incarnation and you leave that incarnation, even though it still keeps going in its own little time loop, you transfer to the next incarnation in Fetal Integration to where it has the closest resonance to where you were when, say you experienced the death of your last incarnational body. So a lot of people have tags that from the Atlantean period and even from before, where it gives you a genetic vulnerability, and everything on the planet has a genetic vulnerability to this, but some more so than others. And there is, at this point, a massive wave of their trying to take out the Shield of Solomon and get it on the fall BPR; in that way, forget the Host; it‘s done. The only way they can do that is to get a hold of the bodies of the ones who have the codes that run it, so that‘s what they‘re trying to do. Now, when they explained the stages of possession, for some people it does start like literally in the womb, as soon as conception occurs, it starts. Sometimes you might not have issues of your own but when you fetal integrate into say an Illuminati parent, that even if one parent had Illuminati coding, reversed coding in a serious way in them, you will pick that up there. So some people started, literally the whole process has been evolving. But they are activating, the FA groups are activating ones that they have on those genetic tethers at this point. And there is a progression of how they get into the body, and they do something that is fascinating: they literally push the organic identity into almost like they call it comatic—I don‘t think that‘s a word in the English dictionary—but it‘s kind of like a comatose state but not exactly. That‘s what they referred to as comatic as opposed to comatose. It‘s not totally out of it, but it‘s like where almost like in a hallucination where the organic identity literally gets pushed into what‘s called the Secondary Neuro-circuitry. And I was going: ―What is that?‖ I mean we‘ve learned about Light Body; we‘ve learned about Spirit Body; we have so much anatomy at this point it‘s hard to remember what, where is what. ―That is the Secondary Neuro-circuitry,‖ and they said, ―That has to do with the Ah-VA‘-yas body.‖ So we will learn about what this Secondary Neuro-circuitry is. It is the place that displacement occurs into when a possessing entity begins, when it decides it wants to take the body. A lot of times possessing entities are just hanging in overshadow, and direct your thoughts and seed thought patterns and nudge your Emotional Body to make you do what they want. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 128

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But ones that really want to take the body and walk around as their own, they will engage in certain ways into the body once they hit a certain point of saturation and work their way up from D1 Etheric to D2 Telluric to D3 and that‘s when the personality really starts to change, when they integrate with D3 I-AM-Ego space, where it‘s like all of a sudden a person seriously is not acting like the person they used to be because the person they used to be has been forced into the Secondary Neuro-circuitry that has to do with the Ah-VA‘yas Body. And literally it is off in its own hologram like a dream that doesn‘t realize what is taking place. Once that happens and fortunately because of the Stardust Flows that are activating now, the long hard process of what is called Extraction does not have to occur because there was actually a couple of people that had go through it the long, hard way. And long hard way means some people—in the old days, extractions, they were never done unless the person was fully aware that they would probably die in the process. But at least the body would be stopped and they would be freed as Souls. Because the stuff that‘s activating now in the shields and with the Stardust Flows, there is a Mashaya-Hanic intervention that is made able, which means the parts of the extraction which the Catholic church might call de-possession, but it is an extraction when it is literally in the physical body cells. How do you get it out? An extraction can occur, a Mashaya-Hanic extraction, without killing the physical body, without disrupting the physical body. But it requires that the Ah-VA‘-yas Body be brought back into phase capacity and that‘s what we‘re going to be doing on a personal level in this workshop. So it was fascinating. We will cover these stages; we will go through the document that they showed us to get through Demon Fest 4 because we had no idea – what in the world is happening here? Because there is something seriously not right. It should be fun. We should be happy; it wasn‘t. Oh God! But we survived it, and so did the people who were getting targeted; you know. They will be all right. If there is any residual, they will be able to clear that through the processes of this weekend. Now, during that period, we watched some of these phases. Usually it takes several weeks once an extraction begins. Extraction starts with what‘s called the Retrieval. First of all you‘ve got to find your organic identity that‘s stuck in the Ah-VA‘-yas Body and bring it into a safe space, literally get it out of the body temporarily. And at that point you have the other thing in the body running the personality imprint, right. And the longer it‘s in the body, the more it actually adopts the nuances. It‘s when it first actually gets control of the D3 Mental Body that it‘s most distinct, not the person you used to know. And then it gradually takes on the encryption more so it gets better at it: the mannerisms, the emotional quality, but it‘s fake; you can feel a fake-ness behind it. (Technical pop sound) A‘zah/A-SaN: What was that? A‘sha: That sounds like that weird thing that happens on your computer when it‘s like spyware kicks in or whatever, right. What was that? Oh ok. Anyway, the stages of Extraction are very interesting. Retrieval is the first one and that‘s when the organic identity is rescued from being stuck in the Secondary Neuro-circuitry, brought up into Orb and given a chance to heal and wake back up in the healing environment with the Beloveds assisting in helping them understand and they would go through a review there, so they understand what was occurring with their body. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 128

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Now, some people choose to leave but—you know like once you are out of body, a lot of people say, ―I‘m not going back in there to fight that thing! Let it keep it—just shut it down,‖ right? In the old days, that was a wise decision because we didn‘t have Mashaya-Hanic extractions. That‘s when the next stage, after the being is retrieved and found it goes into…it‘s actually a semi-Jha-DA‘ Body state in Orb first and then they get the Jha-DA‘ Body on and realize that they have to go back in for the next stage which is called Reclamation, where they actually force in with the host assistant so they have more quantum. And they push the other part that the possessor into that comatic state, into the Secondary Neuro-circuitry. Then you have the good one back kind of going ―What just happened?‖ because you won‘t remember all of that once you go through it. ―I don‘t know,‖ but you‘re back, right? And then there‘s a third phase that they call the Trauma Period. It‘s when, in order to clear the thing out of the body structure, you have to open the Secondary Neuro-circuitry which means it wakes it up again. And that‘s where you end up with like, in the old days when we didn‘t have Mashaya-Hanic abilities with this, that‘s when you would have like what you see in the Exorcist movie type stuff, all sorts of crazy wacky stuff and most of the time it was not worth even attempting to do that. It was just get them into retrieval, get them out and stop the body, while, and use the body to trap the, whatever you want to call it; they used to call them ―demons‖ or whatever. At this point, because of the Mashaya-Hanic abilities that are opened now, that trauma phase does not have to be experienced. You can still do retrieval and bring it back in for reclamation. And then move them into the Ah-VA‘-yas Body where, as far as the possessor, move the possessor into the Ah-VA‘-yas Body where it stays in a semi-comatic state, does not engage a fight in physical body because those fights in the physical body are like bio-chemistry insanity. That‘s where you have the bio-chemicals going nuts, you know, polarity extremes, the whole bit. And that is avoided when the extraction part, which is the trauma phase, when the extraction begins, it is done in the Ah-VA‘-yas Body instead of in the physical body vessel. That‘s the only reason they are bringing this back as a potentiality now. There are 5.5 billion people on this planet that are experiencing this problem and don‘t know it. And this is not going to get better; it‘s going to get worse; they are just activating them now. So, and like Azurites are not exempt; I mean it depends on what you‘ve got in the gene codes. Some people of extremely high coding actually take it on in order to use their bodies to trap a quantum of the fall force. (A & A confer) What? Ok, I‘ll let you talk about that if you want. Yeah, I was given a brief on it. Some people of very high coding have actually agreed to take on a full-embodied possession. They always come in with someone that shows up as the partner who on some level knows that they were there to help balance this because they need somebody to help balance it, to hold their own host for them until they can trap a good sized quantum of the thing. And the thing we‘ll talk about what is the thing that does this; it has to do with the Ah-LU-Sa-Ta-NE‘ Force and those kind of things. So we‘ll talk about that later in the workshop. But certain people of very High Council levels do agree to take this on in order to piece by piece take out a huge quantum of that force, take it out of circulation in the mass drama, which means there‘s less of that – the fallen force pulling on the grids or pulling on other people, so they‘ve actually put their bodies up as vessels to trap it in, if you want to look at it in old fashioned terms. And then they need assistance in getting The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 9 of 128

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that out and that‘s where the extraction comes in. Some people don‘t survive it because there is a person— and this was before. Before the Mashaya-Hanic level came in, we just had the Mashaya-Hanic gates open. But we didn‘t have any beginnings of Stardust Flow yet, which we‘re getting now but we got a little bit earlier. And it was because a couple of people actually went through this process that opened the Stardust Flow that allowed for the rest to have the gentle version of extraction. But there is something called the Red Pulse that comes in and that begins the extraction process. Because what extraction means is, if you have a thing taking over your body, and you‘ve done everything in your power to say, ―look, you don‘t want to do this. I want this body. This is not yours; you don‘t have a right to do that.‖ They kind of go ―Ni, ni-ni, ni, ni, I can do anything,‖ right. At a certain point, negotiations don‘t work. It‘s not going to give up; it‘s going to fight to the death; it doesn‘t care if it kills you or the body. At that point you don‘t have anything rational to deal with as far as making a deal: ―You leave my body alone; we‘ll help you with the host.‖ They don‘t want the host. There is a merciful way for when you‘re dealing with twisted consciousness that is that twisted. And extraction is a merciful way because once a demon-folk is trapped in the body in that way because it refused to leave, right, the person who owns that body has every right to call in the frequencies that will create space dust return for that demon in the body. And it involves a red pulse where literally the body vessel is used as the containment fields where Red Pulse is sent in through the body and it progressively sends the, and it‘s a very specific Red Pulse that has the coding encryption of the possessing entity, which means particle and anti-particle meet without the third ShaLAah Light in between and they annihilate, which sends it back to Partiki dust. And then literally they go out of the body as dust and get taken back in through the next Ascension Cycle when the great inhale happens and everything flows back. They get taken back in to Back-flow Return. Now, that is what is occurring with some of the highly coded Kryst team on this planet, where they are actually allowing themselves to take on a possession like that in order to do the space dust return. There is another group that we are just learning about and they seem to be serving the Kryst in a certain way but they are a group of what are called First Fall White Dragons. Now, White Dragons are the ones that are running the worst of the worst here, right? Well, I guess according to them, the worst of the worst of the worst don‘t like the worst of the worst. And actually they blame the worst of the worst for getting them in the predicament that they‘re in. They refer to themselves as, not the extractors, but as the exterminators. Oh God! There is a group of these; we‘ll learn more about them. They are also called the First Fall White Dragons. Now if we go back to the White Dragon story, before we had Red Dragons and Green Dragons, and all of that, there were White Dragon Equari that used to be Aquari that came in and attempted to help the drama that was unfolding between the Annu races and the fallen Seraphim races, and they got caught in the middle of that, and every weakness was preyed on and they were just, basically, they became on the menu for lunch. And they fell because of it, but they decided that since they fell, why they fell was because of certain tactics. And they would learn how to do this better and badder than the worst of the worst, and apparently they have. Now, we work, the Kryst will work with the extractors, yeah we/some of us, not everyone is an extractor. But once you agree to be an extractor, that is considered a merciful way: the being is sent back; it‘s not like… The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 128

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you‘re not torturing it or anything like that. If it refuses to leave, you have a right to clear your body. And if/so a being that actually decides it‘s going to stay possessed; it‘s actually saying, ―I want to go back now as space dust.‖ If it is actually taking on a person who has the extractor codes who can hold itself and part of a fall field in its body at the same time. The exterminators are different: They decide whatever the being did, they will make it go through it itself. They will torture it mentally, emotionally, spiritually, whatever is necessary. Now see, this is why I‘m like ―Do we really have to even talk about those guys?‖ They said, ―Yes you do because they are coming in on the Treaty of Al-Ben-Yhan‟.‖ Oh great! But they are bringing a gift to the Treaty of Al-Ben-Yhan. They are bringing a gift of turning that path into the KaLE-RAma step-back, which means they won‘t have to go space dust. They will be able to do the step-back as a temporary space dust quick, and back through the Ring of Fire but back into the Edons. So they are bringing a gift to the Treaty of Al-Ben-Yhan‘ people as far as what potentiality that Treaty has in Ascension. Ultimately it was going to end up in Kryst fall until eventually, to get back you had to do space dust return. They are bringing with them the potentiality for the Al-Ben-Yhan‘ Treaty people the path of KaLE-RAma step-back to the Edons. So we are going to be learning a little bit more about these guys, oh my God, you know, oh great, we have to talk to White Dragon folk now too, great! So it‘s been a very, very educational several months for us since we‘ve last been at a workshop. We will share what we have learned with you about this and bring up more understanding about why it is important even to know about these things. Some people may find that they are actually experiencing the ―Did I really say that?‖ If you hear people saying to you: ―You said this to me, and you did this and you did this,‖ not just once or twice but over and over, it‘s seriously worth thinking once you think it might be happening, 1) You might be dealing with somebody who is possessed that is trying to mess with your head and drive you crazy, or 2) It actually may have happened. Yeah, it actually might have happened where if, yeah, because one of the things that is hardest about a person who engages that kind of body possession is they have no memory of large chunks of what was said or done while the other was in dominance, and they do not know that the other is there most of the time, all right. So it‘s a rough game and only people with the highest codes, honestly, will try to take that on as far as extractions go. And they will always come in with a team. Even if you don‘t know, it might be somebody you never met them before, but it would be somebody that shows up if you are having that problem. So one of the things is watching the shift, like a serious almost bi-polarity shift happening where like almost sometimes contradicting themselves. It is peaceful and it has these thoughts and then all of a sudden there‘s this other side of the self, almost like the Jeckyll and Hyde syndrome. Sometimes it‘s not that extreme. You know there‘s a lot of things happening that are being diagnosed in certain ways here because conveniently science has eradicated the old understandings of possession and those kind of things and made them old wives‘ tales convenient for the times. That was done on purpose because if you don‘t know what you are dealing with, there is really not a lot you are going to have the power to do on a conscious level to help yourself. And that‘s where there‘s a lot of everything from bi-polar issues coming up with The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 128

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people. It‘s not just the mutation; it‘s also what the mutation allows for. The mutation allows for body sharing and you didn‘t give permission for it. So we are going to learn a bit more about these things and about the fact, and the only reason they are teaching us about this because this can be very, very scary, right. And what I have noticed with the Beloveds what‘ll they‘ll do is, they‘ll teach the scary stuff at the same time and in the same workshop, they‘re teaching you the answer to it. And that‘s why instead of having to wait first to have to do the retrievals; and then a week or so after that, then you go for the reclamations; and then a week or so after that you get the trauma phase coming up; then a week or so after that there is another phase, right there‘s like 6 phases of it, or stages; they are doing expedited. So anybody that fears they may be having that issue, it is a safety net where just by doing the activations and if you don‘t have the issue, that‘s fine. They are the same activations. The same activations that will free your own Ah-VA‘-yas where they can begin phasing again. That will naturally set in motion a clearing of this type if that happens to be in with you. It‘s also something that they are going to give us eventually, maybe not this workshop but they‘ve been telling us about a step-down program as far as the healing things go, as far as other people who don‘t want to hear about the things we learn about, but how can we help other people with that? They are going to be bringing something in on that, even to the point where they told me supposedly, and I‘m like ―Ok, if you‘re writing it, I‘ll show up; put it on paper.‖ But they want a book out by next summer, and it‘s not one of the ones I‘m commissioned to do; it‘s another one directly about 2012. And it‘s meant for the, like not just us; it will be beneficial to people who are learning with us, but also it will be some kind of a quick read for the people who know nothing about this and just need some basic understandings of what‘s taking place on the planet, how to help yourself and that kind of thing. There is another little whammy they threw at me of—we periodically get invites for different radio shows and the news and that kind of stuff, and we‘ve been for years just turning them down, you know like ―Transitions‖ was the last one we did whenever that was. And just interfacing with the public on that level doesn‘t seem to help. We just do our thing; it‘s available to the public if they find our website. They are welcome to come to a workshop. We are not hiding anything from anyone. But we never sought media either. In fact we try to side-step it whenever possible. Well, they‘ve asked me to commit to an interview at the end of September on a station that did its—a woman who does the—her name is—I didn‘t think they are going to go there but they are. Her name is Sarah Simmons. And I have never heard her radio show or anything but she‘s out of Nevada right now in Vegas. And she is also getting syndicated in a couple of other things. So, and of all people like I‘ve never heard of her but she seems all right, and the Beloveds said, ―We want you to talk there first.‖ They‘re making some kind of outreach program at this point and so it‘s like there is this big mystery for me about what is this book going to look like. ―And what are we going to talk about on the radio show?‖ And they said, ―You can talk about the super weapon. You can talk about the fact that the planet is under evac order, and it‘s either sooner or later!‘‖ (Participants chuckle) It‘s like ―Can I go home now, please? Oh God, here we go again!‖ right. Yeah, you‘re a lucky lady talking about ETs, and not just talking about the planetary evac, oh, lord! So, it‘s going to get interesting, you know! The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 128

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But there‘s some of the things that some of the things we are learning here are, they have much larger ramifications as far as other groups of people—the reason what they are reaching out for are the people on the Al-Ben-Yhan‘ Treaty. And seriously it took us, what 10 years just about to get to the point of understanding and to get to the point of multi-dimensional identity body activations to be able to hold these frequencies. In this there is going to be a simple host plug-in that has to do with the Stardust fields where if we want to be able to help people, it‘s not that we don‘t send energy directly to them; we help create this field, the Stardust field, in the Aurora Platforms that will create a reservoir of extra frequency. And the Beloveds are going to get some kind of simple technique that general people can do as meditations that will actually make that Orb Flow available to them and give them protection and that kind of thing. And that will make a huge difference; well, let‘s say if 2012 didn‘t go really great and we got the order that by 2017 they are sending in the Silver Ships. All right, ships are something interesting. We‘ll talk about Plasma Ships too in the last day because some are coming. I‘ll just leave it at that for the orientation. Yeah, that has to do with the Alpha-Omega Temples on the FA side being activated and what that means, and as far as ‗They‘ve got their ducks in a row right now,‘ as you might say in Europe, or at least in London, where certain things are waiting for those portals to open in 2012 to come through. And if we are doing well with the Mirror in the Sky technologies that we are working with, with the Stardust Flows, we don‘t have to worry about that. But just in case we need to also bring in a fleet and a fleet is coming. They are beginning, the first 15 will be coming in during the period of this workshop, and yeah, yeah, so we‘ll talk more about that. And we‘ll talk more about Plasma Ships. To be able to understand plasma ships, and even really to understand the Aurora Continuum and that kind of thing, it helps to understand the types. How did they word that? There is a chart we are working on that‘s called the Five Stages of Translocation that has to do with the five stages of matter in the Aurora Continuum. And when we understand a bit more about that, so that‘s going to be part—that is the part we are getting into in Session-2. We‘ll talk a little bit about the Aurora Continuum, where it is and what type of energy is involved. That will help us have an understanding, more, a better understanding of when they say, ―Plasma ships are coming,‖ what does that mean? That means not really real? Oh, they‘re real, but it depends on what frequency bands you park them in and what they look like. Basically what they are, is consciousness fields that are choosing, the whole collective is choosing to take on a form to create a mass shield that they will be able to assist in evacs if necessary. So they are bringing them in, not to make war with the ones trying to make war with us, whatever. It is beginning to look like the Electric Wars though, honestly, way back when the Electric Wars period, everybody was bringing their ships in and things. But the idea isn‘t to—they are beam ships too which means they have the ability to run plasma beams, basically. The reason they are bringing them in first and foremost is…even on the other side isn‘t attempting right now to do a Star Wars scenario. No, they would rather do a ground war scenario and still go under like—where they are not disclosing officially now. But the big thing the other side is trying to do is get the base pulse rhythm of the Net Earth‘s core into the fall probability rhythms all right that we have talked about in the last workshop and we‘ll go over those briefly again. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 128

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And our Beloveds are bringing their plasma platforms; let‘s call them the ships. They all look like ships. If they came into manifest they would look like star ships on/ like Ashalum, and those actually are much, much prettier ones too. Actually bigger ones. But their purpose is to create enough pulse of the Net Earth core to keep the Probability-6 Essential Alignment as the main base pulse rhythm. So right now what the planet is going to be going through is a BPR war for the Net Earth‘s core, all right, because if the other, if the FA groups can get the core to pulsate at the probability, the fall probability‘s BPR, the Host will close. And then we will be on; we will have till 2017 to get people out of here and that‘s it. So they are very much trying to do that and we‘re very much trying to not let that happen. So it‘s not about Star Wars in the sky like in other periods in history if things had gone that way; this is about keeping the BPR of Net Earth‘s core to where it can still hold the Solomon activations and still hold the host. And in the event that it doesn‘t work out well, those ships will be here for evac and that because we might have right now 82% ShaLAah Light Quotient but it is still not active; it is not phasing yet. Once you start the phasing, it takes a while for that to build up in the systems and to become Slide-able. If you can‘t Slide, you need a host vehicle and that‘s the purpose that these would serve, if they had to do a fast Load-Out. They call it the Silver Seed Load-Out because they look like silver seeds when they fold up. And you know what‘s really interesting—I‘ve never seen anything in sci-fi movies or anything that ever resembled any of the ships that I‘ve been on because I was on Ashalum and that kind of thing until the ―Knowing‖ movie with Nicholas Cage…. My jaw almost hit the floor especially because you‘re not expecting this in that movie, right. You have no idea this has to do with space ships and red pulses that fry the planet. But those crystal ships that open like lotuses, they…somebody that helped design that movie knew something because they look very, very much like that. And but they don‘t look like bullets when they fly; they fold up into spheres and kind of hyperspace. But they open like that and they are the crystal ships and they are the plasma ships. And I watched that movie five times just to see the ending, ―I want to go Home! I want to go Home, here!‖ (Participants chuckle) And then the movie was really cool because at the end of it, they ended up dropping them off on this beautiful place and I‘m going ―Wow, Median Earth! Cool, how cool is this!‖ right. Yeah, and then of course what happened back on Earth, well, that‘s basically what‘s going to happen to this Earth after the Host is done. Because after the Host is done, there will only be a period of time where the Aqualene Sun buffer field that right now is protecting the Earth and the Sun from the Bhardoah ring waves that are progressively coming off, one a year, coming off the Sun, they‘re going to eventually manifest as, what do they call them, Coronal Mass Ejections CMEs? Yeah, and there is going to be a point and it‘s really funny because whoever put out that ―Knowing‖ movie, they definitely got their finger on some pulse up there because that is the scenario that…now if you take the Load-Out part of it and put that maybe at a different place, and then take the final ending issue, which could be like 2230 or something, could be even further depending on how far the Budhara host runs. That‘s after The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 128

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the Krystics are out of here once the Hosts close down. But ultimately that is what will happen because once the Aqualene buffer field dies down, once the host lines close here, it will progressively deteriorate the Aqualene field in the atmosphere and it will no longer be transmuting the frequencies the Gamma bursts, the red pulse Gamma bursts that are coming off the Sun, so it will look like that. And that‘s one of the big messages really that the Beloveds are moving us toward in that movie. Just saying, ‗So you talk to ETs,‘ and whatever, but what is their message? Well, their message is: we have about 200 years left if we are lucky to evacuate the planet, just so you know, and this is why…. Can you see this? Anybody want my job right now? Take it! You can have it! (Chuckles) But so, you‘re the first to know, right. But we‘ve been talking about this for a long time. At a point, ok, you know we get it through the Kryst Host and we get people that can do the Ascension off and now fortunately we‘re able to help with the Al-BenYhan Treaty. But what is the end of the Al-Ben-Yhan‘ Treaty? What is it look like for those doing Kryst fall? They will be evacuated. They are the ones that will see a scenario either sooner or later like in the ―Knowing‖ movie. I was blown away when I saw it. It was like that was it right there. In a nutshell, that was what it looks like. They will be actually taken to A10 but on the Path of KaLE-RAma if they can do enough regenesis, bioregenesis to be able to hold that path. But that is the scenario that those on the Al-Ben-Yhan‘ Treaty will eventually see. And that will be what we will see and it will be much sooner if 2012 goes bad which we‘re not planning on. So, it‘s not going to go, oh shucks. Can‘t we just go ride in the ships and back? (Chuckles) And they are saying, ―Just learn to Slide.‖ ―We‘re trying! We are doing our best to learn to Slide!‖ So we will be talking more about these things in the workshop—there‘s more instructions coming up there, oh God! There is something in here that they as usual that I can feel it there that has to do with all of these things and it‘s a key part that I don‘t know about yet but I can feel it there. So again we‘ll be learning together. This one ought to be interesting: it‘s been a long time since we had to talk about space ships; I prefer not to, actually. And I don‘t really like talking about super weapons either and those kind of things. I‘d rather talk about the happy, happy stuff, but light, love and clueless was not the contract I was allowed to be on even though I‘d prefer it except that it‘s not accurate. So stick with the detail; ok, it had to be accurate too. I think we‘re going to have a good time with this one. At some point there is going to be some drumming, and I‘m not sure what that‘s about. Another point, they are going to begin teaching us how to call the Orbs more. Not just the Elemental Flows but the ones that will visit as well, and also how to orb more ourselves as far as like kind of like being exchange students: ―We‘ll come and hang out with you as Orbs for a little while, and you can come and hang out with us as Orbs for a little while.‖ Yeah, there is an interesting book that is funny. I love how stuff just comes my way: when I‘m working on something with the Beloveds, it starts to show itself in the hologram, just like that movie. Like somebody said, ―Oh, you got to see ‗Knowing‘, it‘s interesting‖. And I‘m watching it and, well I like Nicholas Cage; he is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 128

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cool, kid‘s cute, and interesting concept. But until the last 20 minutes in the movie, you have no idea this movie is about this, which I found fascinating. And then when it started with shipping. Now I know why I was supposed to watch this. And it was like they were talking about the Silver Seed evacs in the event that it went wrong and they had to bring ships and I‘m like ok, right, whatever. And then I‘m like getting narrated points back to me in my hologram that‘s been happening with several things. Wait a minute, ok, they want me to talk to them. Oh God I have to do that! They are just saying, excuse me but because this is just the orientation, whatever. Not disorientation but touch on what we‘re going to be talking about—they did want to bring this up. One of the things that we are going to be accomplishing during this workshop period is re-opening our Secondary Neuro-circuitry. It has to do with the Ah-VA‘-yas Body once we get the Atomic Mirror set and all that kind of stuff, so we can get it back into phase capacity, which is what is needed for the body to be able to go through a biological Slide so that 82% Light Quotient can then become an active 82% Light Quotient. As we‘re doing this, I know some of you but I don‘t know if all of you have heard about it, but there‘s been a product—now the Beloveds never endorse products. Yes, whatever, you may try whatever you feel—they just stay out of it. There‘s one product that they have recently given a conditional endorsement to that can assist, they said it can assist with the process of opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry. Now, they are not going to address this right now in a full way; they will address it more after we learn about these parts of the body systems and that Secondary Neuro-circuitry so we have a better idea of what they are talking about when it comes to that, all right. And the product is the glutathione accelerator, all right. Now, I‘m not a supplement person. I mean I hate to say it but my supplements are caffeine and cigarettes (participants chuckle), and I don‘t recommend the last one. Don‘t, I don‘t recommend, we don‘t have to smoke at this point to keep your astral field mucoused. You have enough frequency to protect yourself in better ways. But, anyway, all right, they wanted me to say this now: it can help in certain conditions. For some people it actually, if you have an aversion to it, they‘re saying, ―Trust that feeling,‖ all right. But if you tried it and you think that it feels like it‘s helping you, I mean I tried it for seven days as it was prescribed as supplements, right. You take like two packs in one day period. It shifted a really bad flu condition that was happening almost instantly, all right. And my eyesight started to improve which was amazing. ―Oh, I might not need the glasses!‖ And it is a good product. I‘ll talk more about my experience with it after that 7 to 8-day period. I will still take it but the Beloveds told me about something that has to do with dosage. And the dosage, this is where personal becomes very, very important, all right.

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Now, people especially with Indigo coding, right, they tend to be more sensitive to certain things, or they‘re invincible to certain things, or invincible to some things and totally sensitive to other things, right. The Indigo gene imprint, it‘s very strong but it also carries with it sensitivities. This is why it is very important with that substance, just because somebody said you‘re supposed to take this many a day, doesn‘t mean you‘re supposed to, all right. It can be too much of a good thing for certain systems. And there is no like—that‘s why if it just said, ―Always take this much,‖ ‗always‘ doesn‘t apply to every individual. People have to learn to sense: ―Does this work for me? Does it feel ok for me?‖ What the Beloveds don‘t want to see is it becomes something that‘s like looked at as an Ascension pill, as if it‘s going to like get you there for you. No, it isn‘t. It can do certain things that are helpful, but too much of it can also do things as far as the spiritual end, and working with the spiritual energy flow that can actually create a backlash that doesn‘t help. So that we‘ll talk more about it once we understand more about the Secondary Neuro-circuitry and that kind of thing. There‘s one thing they have asked. There was some advice given somewhere by some doctor from some place that we heard about that were recommending double dosing it. They are asking people please do not double dose it for this workshop. It‘ll interfere directly with any of the activations, all right, too much of a good thing. So if anybody is doing that just— Now, what I have done with it at this point I still think I saw the benefits. I felt the benefits. I think it‘s good. But I‘m also a person who doesn‘t like to get addicted to stuff, right, especially stuff you can only get from one place, and that kind of thing that‘s—I have an aversion to doing that. But with or without my aversion, I decided that, because there was a certain effect, and I won‘t talk about this effect right now; I‘ll talk about it in relation to what we learned about the Secondary Neuro-circuitry and what the Beloveds are guiding us with in relation to this substance. Because it is a substance that can be helpful, especially right now with the activations we are going through. But I at the moment I will take one pack every 2 nd day or sometimes every 3rd day, and I find that is working for me, all right. I will admit the eyes are the only thing that have suffered; they went back to normal, normal ‗I can‘t see,‘ right. But the other effects that I was getting that were not comfortable have stopped and so I found a level where I will use it if I feel my system‘s getting a bit run-down and that kind of stuff, it will give the perk. So, some people can take it as prescribed and I won‘t doubt that some people could double dose it. It depends on the person. So we‘ll know a little bit more about why they even gave this conditional endorsement to this substance because it‘s not something they will usually do. Why they have said that it can be helpful in the processes that we are going through. So we‘ll talk a bit more about that one on the last day once we get through understanding more about that circuitry. But the reason we brought it up now is because they are asking that if you are people that, if there are some people who are taking it, just please do not double dose. And if you‘ve been double dosing like seriously do half a dose for the workshop because it will build up too much on—oh, it‘s going into— Yeah, ok, they‘re sending me stuff that you know about, the neurotransmitters. Yeah, it has a relationship with glutamine, which is an exciter neurotransmitter and it‘s because of that that it can be useful. But it is also because of that that too much of it cannot be useful, all right. So that‘s why they‘re just recommending The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 128

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if you have been double dosing it, half dose it now, and I don‘t mean half the double; I mean half it back with what the normal dose was, to bring the levels down a bit, right, and it‘s a balancing act. You know these supplements are very good and I‘m very glad that the people who brought them, brought them to our attention have done so; I believe they were guided to do that by the Beloveds. And it‘s just we need to be more sensitive to our own make-up and our own system. Some people will feel an aversion to them, and let that be ok. But don‘t judge another person that says, ―Oh I love this stuff,‖ right. Let it be a personal thing and let everybody respect each other‘s place and space with that. So we‘ll learn a little bit more about what does this Secondary Neuro-circuitry have to do with the neurotransmitters on our Primary Neuro-circuitry which is the one running your body. So I‘m hoping to learn more about that as we progress through that. And they are still endorsing the product. It‘s called a conditional endorsement, conditional upon dosage issues and also just basic compatibility with the individual. And there are some other things that they will look at in terms of—I remember saying, ―Oh great, there‘s all this positive stuff about it but where is the negative research? But there‘s always a negative.‖ And they said, ―Oh, there isn‘t any.‖ I don‘t believe that. And you know so it is like I know there is something, and maybe it‘s positive for most people. But anything that is actually, where trials are actually done, there‘s even if it‘s a little bit of ―Oh, that gave me a headache one day,‖ or something like that. There‘s a little bit of stuff: you know the only thing it had on it was a shellfish warning that some ingredients are derived from shellfish and some people have severe allergies to that, right, which they don‘t seem to bother me. So anyway, we‘re going to look more at that a little bit. And the endorsement is still there of the product. It‘s just that the Beloveds are asking us to be sensible about that, and individual, respect for individual bodies, and decide what you personally want to do. And just because somebody you know is double dosing or triple dosing on it doesn‘t mean that will work for you. But if it works for them, let them do that, ok. But agitation in the field is one thing that they do want you to look for. If that occurs, that is a signal right there, and it is not just with certain people who might have epilepsy or other things. It‘s with anybody that has an Indigo gene code, you might, doesn‘t mean you will. Some people can take tons of it and not have that issue; other people will have a sensitivity. If you start feeling agitation or almost like a—now I‘ve not had this, this part. I‘ve not had like grouchiness; almost like I‘m grouchier, like not as patient that kind of stuff. That is an indication that you need to balance it back down, all right. And it has something to do with I think it was serotonin you were talking about, creating a balance between (A & A confer), yeah it has to do with bringing in the balance, trying to balance in the body the neurotransmitters and the chemicals that some of them perk you up and others bring you down, like so you can sleep. Another thing is sleeplessness. All right, if you get the like sleeplessness where your mind is just awake in million different ways all the time that is also an indication that it might be good to just back it off a little. Doesn‘t mean it‘s bad for you, it just means your system is saying, ―Whoah, maybe a bit too much The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 128

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happening there, right, all at once.‖ So they wanted to bring it up now because of the fact that too much of a good thing for the activations that are going to take place can actually backfire and make it where the activations won‘t work properly; it will create an interference field. So it is a good product but used in more thoughtful personally tailored way than what it might say on the package or whatever. And especially for this the double dosing, it will just create a field agitation. You‘re going to be bringing in high frequencies all right during this workshop, and even if you are asleep you are still bringing it in. It might keep you awake for the night and for the next week and a half, oh great! ―Yes, I‘m awake for the workshop for the first time,‖ right, that kind of thing. It might do that! It can be very useful for this; actually it‘s like ―Wow, the first workshop there is no snoring in the audience!‖ If you take, it depends on you; you need to feel it out. If you‘re taking like say the regular recommended dose of this stuff, and it feels all right with you, you‘re not feeling the agitation thing or any of that, then there‘s no reason to bottom it out, right, just if you feel good with it where you are doing it—fine. If you feel just a little bit of an edge to it, you might want to back it off just a little, right. And it‘s an edge; it‘s an energy edge, just like a little edginess in the energy that can be used in a positive way. But it is indicating that there is a balance changing in the system. It might make your eyesight better but it also might do something as far as if you are trying to bring energy in from your Secondary Neuro-circuitry, it might fight with that at a certain point even though it is meant to help the flow. But if there is too much of it there, it might chemically over-saturate it or something. So we will learn more about what the process is. You don‘t have to stop taking it; just they are asking please don‘t double dose it for the workshop because that will create an interference where they are saying that it could actually be dangerous with the frequencies coming in if you double dose it because you‘re already wired. I mean this stuff it is seriously about: it wakes you up, talk about manic happy, hoho, yeah, hehe, you know bounce around, I mean it was that sort of effect on me like ―Wow, I can breathe for the first time‖ in like three weeks because I had like a flu thing. So I love this stuff, right. Then it got to be like ―Hee, haha, ho, wow!‖ can‘t sleep; felt like Jim Carey in some of those movies, you know what I mean (participants laugh). And it‘s like I didn‘t mind that either; this was not a bad thing; it was just new! But sleep was like becoming…I don‘t sleep a lot anyway. It was like…night four and I got 40 minutes before I woke up again, right, that kind of thing. So anyway, they did ask that we are not double dosing for this period while we are doing this. And whatever people choose to do in relation to that substance afterward, after we learned a little bit more of the Beloveds perspective on it, we are not medical doctors, yeah, no. And the Beloveds I‘m sure there are medical doctors among them but they are not down here in license, so we don‘t pretend we are medical doctors. We‘re not saying to go against the advice of medical doctors with or without it. I mean if you‘re going to take anything and you‘re on any kind of medication or supplementation or even have a nutritionist, ask them what they think too before you just gung ho because you heard that the Beloveds endorsed something, all right, that kind of thing. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 128

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But anyway, it is a good product as far as assisting with these particular activations. I don‘t know if they will say like let‘s say by 2012, are we still going to need that type of nutritional support in the system or will it be something we don‘t need anymore; I don‘t know. But if it goes to that, the Beloveds will let us know. And I‘ll say, ‗Ok, you know it served its purpose in this time‘ but it is always if you feel it‘s good for you and you want to do it, go for it. I mean we wouldn‘t say that if it was like an illegal drug or something. I will say, ‗Hey, get over it—it‘s really not a good idea!‘ all right. But this is the first thing they have given any kind of endorsement and thumbs up too. And it doesn‘t mean that there is not other stuff that is helpful to your general health and things out there. It just means that there is nothing that would specifically create an advantage as far as the activations that we work on than the techniques in workshops but this one will, as long as it‘s not too much of a good thing, and they spread it out over time and trust your bodies on that, so they did want me to bring it up before the fact. And hopefully we‘ll learn a little bit more about this by the time we…if I get these diagrams done as far as ok, where exactly is the Ah-VA‘-yas Body? That‘s what we were working on now as far as the diagrams. Ok, we‘ve got Light Body; we‘ve got Ah-VE‘-yas Body; we‘ve got Ah-VA‘-yas Body, right, and how these parts all fit together and that kind of thing, and what we are trying to accomplish with these bodies through this workshop period that has to do with the Stardust Flow. So once we learn about that, I think the Beloveds will bring it up into a little better understanding as far as why they did give a conditional on dosage recommendation or endorsement. It‘s kind of like it‘s not an official endorsement; it‘s we don‘t do official endorsements. Nobody in the world out there cares anyway; you know we talk about ETs. But as far as the Beloveds saying something on it, this is the first time they‘ve done it and they are still holding by it. But they are giving more detail as to why they endorse it in the first place, and what criteria they see as important that might not be looked at from a medical perspective as far as the people medically that are saying it is good for you for other reasons. So anyway, the techniques are going to be interesting too. We‘ve, yeah, onto another subject. The ‗Wings of Angels‘, this is a fun, it‘s an interesting one; it‘s called ‗Getting your Wings‟. It‘s a certain level of the Mashaya-Hanic Landing once you get your Mashaya-Hanic Identity and you anchor it into your field and get that frequency running in your field. There is a certain configuration that occurs in the Auric Field where it‘s actually has to do with sets of Merkabas coming in and one splits the other. And it creates what look like either angel wings or butterfly wings in the field so we‘ll be getting our wings by the end of the workshop. Yeah, yeah, and that happens with the first phasing of the Ah‘-yas. That‘s when we begin the process of finally turning on that 82% ShaLAah Light that we‘ve been progressively building; now it‘s the process of beginning its turning-on cycle. So there‘s a lot to learn and there‘s an awful lot of graphs to do. Yeah, they say there‘s supposed to be 20 new ones, and I‘m like ―Yeah, right.‖ You started me last night, right. I have to be here no later than tomorrow night, right, to like start this but you never know. So I‘ve got four done so far, yeah, they are the base graphs. Yeah, that took a day and a half for that one base graph, yeah, yeah. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 128

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So anyway, I‘ve got my work cut out for me when we go up into the hotel room. It‘s kind of like the sage locked in the temple kind of thing with us (chuckles), yeah. Do you want to talk about that at all, yeah, since you did bring it up? (A & A confer) Why don‘t you share about your…oh no. The glutathione? No, what you brought up before. Anyway, before we wrap up orientation, we‘d just like to mention that a while back we went through name upgrades right, when we get a certain level of self coming in that whatever the name was because I used to be Aneayhea Kananda Melchizedek at a certain level, and then my A‘sha-yana level came in as I brought more of myself into body. I‘m still pretty much me, A‘sha; it‘s actually E-A‘sha. But we just always use it A‘sha and a lot of people call me Asha and that‘s fine. But my Beloved has received his Mashaya-Hana; it‘s called the Mashaya-Hanic upgrade. And some of you may be getting this as well at a certain point where you just realize like ok, you might be a something-orother-yana, right. Well, it shifted up and now it might be a ‗Hana‘, or it might not have ‗Hana‘ in it, just Mashaya-Hana. But you may find a higher level name encryption coming in, so this is normal too as you create your Mashaya-Hanic Identity in this workshop. It may not happen immediately but it may come as you go along and you just realize ―I feel more like, this,‖ or like ―I‘ve had an experience with that level of my identity and people are calling it this name.‖ That‘s because that‘s what that part of my identity is calling. I AM that part of my identity. Maybe I should use that. So he‘s had a moment like that, so I‘ll let you, no, no? A‘sha: (A & A confer) That‘s it? I didn‘t bring it down either. But I have to ask for it. He said he‘ll call me back. Anyway, the short version, which is what we have been calling, I keep going ‗him‘, right, because you don‘t call him Az anymore, right. It‘s like that part has moved up and beyond that part as he has moved into his Mashaya-Hanic Identity level. And Á-SaN is what we, we‘re still A & A, but it‘s Á-SaN, A-s-a-n, right, and that‘s Á-SaN. Á-SaN: Slower, Á-SaN. A‘sha: Á-SaN, Á-SaN: Slower. A‘sha: Á-SaN, ok, I just talk fast. I call it Á-SaN. Á-SaN: I know you did. A‘sha: And it‘s actually A-s-a-n, is how it‘s spelt, big ‗A‘, right. Á-SaN: A-s, big ‗A‘ A‘sha: Yeah. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 128

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Á-SaN: With a tick across the top. A‘sha: Yeah, that means ‗A‘, yeah. Á-SaN: And a hyphen. A‘sha: Hyphen. Á-SaN: A big ‗S‘, little ‗a‘, and big ‗N‘. A‘sha: A big what? Á-SaN: ‗N‘ A‘sha: ‗N‘, ok, all right, we can get to the formal bigs and littles. Anyway, Á-SaN is what we call him; it‘s the last part of a longer name that begins with ‗M‘ actually. And so we‘ll let you know more about that as we go on. But I‘m still Ash, A‘sha, E-A‘sha, whatever, you know I‘m still—yeah, it‘s kind of like the E-A‘sha went with that. Yeah, it‘s really funny when you first get, if you get a name upgrade like that. You realize yeah, that feels better for me. It‘s like you remember a little part of it. I remember I had to keep it—A‘sha was easy. We went from Aneayhea which was a mouthful to spell because it wasn‘t spelt like you think it was. It had lots of ‗e‘s and ‗a‘s in it: A-n-e-a-y-h-e-a, I believe it is how to spell ‗Aneayhea‘. So it‘s nice to go to A‘sha-yana, which is like ‗Ash‘ and ‗yana‘; right, that was easy enough to remember how to spell, but to keep them written down until you get used to them, that kind of thing. So, we‘ve got Á-SaN‘s full name, full moniker, as they say, up in the room. We‘ll talk about that a bit more. So anyway, I‘d like to introduce Á-SaN. Is that slow enough? (Participants applaud) Á-SaN: Hello, hi, (participants chuckle) it feels like arriving in a placid lake with crystal mountains with something like snow on them. Having ridden white rapids for several weeks, it is a beautiful place to be. And I wish you will find it too. Have a lovely weekend workshop. Delighted to see you all once more (participants applaud). A‘sha: Did I forget anything? (A & A confer) A‘sha: Oh, ok, good. I always try to at least speak for an hour, and every time I check to see if it‘s an hour, it‘s usually about an hour and a half. So I‘ve been going on with the di di di di for an hour and a half now. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 22 of 128

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So anyway, this is the orientation. I have a feeling this is going to be fun, and I don‘t know why. But the fact that these Atomic Mirror Stardust technologies are being activated in this workshop, this is an amazing healing gift for literally for the planet because of the possession issues that I‘ve mentioned. This is the ability to have that part healed and without having to go through the trauma that it used to be. We‘ll read about…there is a document that let us know about the stages and that kind of thing, and in the old days what it was like. The old days were up until the Mashaya-Hanic upgrade that we‘ve got in the last couple of workshops. Before those gates were open, it would always look like eventually it would look like in ―The Exorcist‖ if you went through it or the person would end up dead. There was one person, I won‘t mention names, that wasn‘t part of the group at all but was a high Guardian having that kind of issue that had a heart attack and it was because the extraction was done. When the Red Pulse came in to start the extraction period the heart couldn‘t handle it. But he just got a host; that was just three days after he got/ asked for a host and he got one, and it was like, surprised all of us. I won‘t mention names on that. But we don‘t have to worry about that happening now. So if you have, it‘s kind of like, it‘s almost really lucky for anybody who is having that issue and doesn‘t know it because usually you are the last to know if you‘ve got that happening with you because the entity does not allow you to remember most of it, where you just have like little blank spots, or you‘ll have like a cover memory but it‘s different than what actually happened. You just remember select pieces, or select pieces of a sentence, or like select memory but it‘ll take out part of it. And people will be saying, ‗No, you did this.‘ And you‘ll say, ‗No, I didn‘t do that!‘ right, that kind of thing. But this way you don‘t have to find out first whether or not you actually have the issue because the healing activations that are good for everybody, that will get the Ah-VA‘-yas Body phasing again which is the next stage that we all need to go through if we‘re going to free the body for Slide, will accomplish the extraction if it happens to be there, so it will happen normally. Before, it was really important not to talk about it, like around an individual who is going through that, so you didn‘t tip the entity off, so it didn‘t try to jump temporarily and that kind of stuff. And that‘s why I was surprised. We didn‘t know we were going to be talking about this until after. We knew it had to run through the group Shield because there are people that have that in them and it‘s affecting the Host and the Shield of Solomon, and we were afraid that it was going to have to go through. It was going to be like past FOL 2010 before the Shield would have been done purging and clearing that if we had to do it the other way. And that was still the gentle way, the Mashaya-Hanic way, but not where it is done in the Ah-VA‘-yas Body where it was done but with the protection of the Mashaya-Hana level of Identity but still in the physical body. They‘ve expedited it now because we can activate the Stardust Flow that will allow this process to take place in the Ah-VA‘-yas Body as opposed to in the physical body which means the bio-chemical parts of the physical body do not go crazy when the entity flares up and tries to fight with the organic identity. So it‘s so merciful that you don‘t even have to really know if that was your issue or not. If it happened to be, it will clear that off you. And there will be technologies that eventually they‘re going to give. I‘m sure they are going to give some kind of new little meditation that can be done because they always ask for that on radio shows: ―Oh, do you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 128

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have a little bit of advice that you can give for our listeners too?‖ ―Oh yeah, (participants chuckle) I‘m sure the Beloveds have something!‖ that is meant to assist people in getting this type of protection by interacting with the Stardust fields. I don‘t know how they‘re going to explain that on a radio show. By the way, I think we are going to introduce Vertical Maps though. But so I feel really excited about this because it was a, this was almost like the trump card of the FA groups of how they would not only succeed in their agendas, but how they would take out the Kryst as well in the process. This will stop that and with this we are going to win the 2012 round. (Participants applaud) It would take an awful lot, not to let‘s put it that way, and I would love to get past the point where there‘s winners and losers. That‘s not our game; that‘s not the Krystic‘s game; a win-win game is how the Kryst likes to play it. And unfortunately when we‘re in this kind of drama where you have one group literally trying to take the freedom and in a big way, the evolutionary freedom away from our race, you have to have somebody say, ―Excuse me, no, we‘re not going to fight you but we‘re going to stand and hold this as long as possible, no matter what you do,‖ all right, that kind of thing. Maybe somewhere in here, and I‘m getting this from the Beloveds now, it might not be ideal: which would be everybody is happy and loves each other and nobody acts nasty to anybody and there is no negative groups trying to do anything negative, yeah, look at the state of the world, it‘s pretty obvious that‘s not how it is here. But it may still be perfect and maybe in here somewhere there is a win-win situation. I mean it might have to do with what they are bringing up about that First Fall White Dragon group where they have something to bring that will allow what would have been a space dust Kryst fall path to actually upgrade enough to go into the step-back, back into the Edons in the KaLE-RAma path. And they get, they will win; they will get what they desire which is they want to do KaLE-RAma and because that gives you one more chance to come back out in the Outer Domains and do it right the next time, and you can still ascend, directly ascend without having to do full space dust return. The other ones that are being very insistent, refusing to leave the bodies, maybe they have a desire too. Maybe they‘re sick of the game too because they know that the Beloveds have extraction technology. And they‘re still free to go, like ―Hello, yeah, we just announced it. Yes, we are doing extractions—you still want to stay? What is your problem?‖ Maybe they want to go Home, and maybe that‘s the easiest way to do it. So maybe it is a win-win situation; it just looks like a winners/losers situation. But right now we have a lot to learn before we see you next which is tomorrow. What does that say? (A & A confer) Ok, it says, ‗Level 1 and 2 ordinations at 5.00 pm.‘ That‘s a note, whoever is doing the ordinations passed to me. Ok, at 5.00 pm today? No, today is gone. It is tomorrow. (Participants chuckle) Pardon me, I‘ve been up a few nights already. Yeah, 5 o‘clock tomorrow? Á-SaN: For everybody else it‘s 5 o‘clock tomorrow. A‘sha: Oh, ok, yeah, that works. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 128

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Yeah, I‘ve been up for like, I haven‘t had much sleep in the last couple of days, and it wasn‘t because of taking any supplements either. It was just because I was awake doing diagrams and things. So pardon me while I catch up with ‗What day is it? What time is it?‘ Ok, as far as times, I think the easiest way to do this because I can try to…I know it is going to be evening because of the amount of work I have to do just to get the stuff on the Ah-VA‘-yas Body down which is the first session. It‘ll be probably somewhere like—it‘s going to be evening hours but I‘m not sure what time. If I can get lucky and they just manifest themselves really fast somehow and I end up in the afternoon, then posting it on the door might be the easiest way. So it will be posted like what times but you don‘t have to worry about being in—let‘s say it will definitely not be before 4:00 pm, ok. I wouldn‘t plan on 4:00 pm either, (participants chuckle) perhaps right after dinner until a very strange hour the next morning. What we do try to do is get four 3 to 4-hour sessions in, in a workshop this size. We do try to have that much of active workshop time. So somewhere in there we will get 3 to 4 hours, 4 blocks of 3 to 4 hours in. And we‘ll keep you posted and we‘ll have it posted—what time should we post? (A & A confer) How about post the schedule on the door for tomorrow evening? Á-SaN: Basically, it‘s going to be after dinner…sort of. A‘sha: Probably…ok, you know that now. Ok, let‘s just say, well what time is after dinner time? 8? All right, yeah let‘s just keep it simple: we‘ll start at 8.00 pm tomorrow. That means if, in the day time, if you can get some sleep or R&R or whatever to be able to get through the evening hours. I don‘t like this either just so you know. I just keep praying for one of those workshops that has normal hours: you do it in the day time; you have a nice little evening session; everybody goes to bed, and we get to go swimming in the pool because it closes at 11.00, yeah, whatever. Anyway, thank you for being here and I hope we have a very good and enjoyable workshop this time. (Participants applaud) And we‘ll see you at 8.00 pm tomorrow. And have—enjoy your time in between!

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Sunday Lecture [Track 2A] A‘sha This was a marathon on these. They told me there was going to be about twenty graphs, I figured for the entire workshop period. I didn‘t think fifteen or eighteen out of the twenty were going to be before I saw you next. So, there‘s a whole series of new graphs that they wanted to have for the first session. So what we‘re going to do is, we‘re going to do the first session and get through it, so we do the three PSI-Interactive exercises before we part again, and we‘ll combine two and three sessions, and they‘ll be today, later, later this evening. So, just bear with us with Guardian-Time, but we will cover all the material as intended. The series of graphs that they wanted done for this first session were, they have to do with the Ah-VA‘-yas Body, the Ah-VE‘-yas Body and the Ah‘-yas Body and its relationship to the Light Body and Atomic Body structure. They wanted us to understand not only the relationship between those anatomies a bit, but also a process that takes place between them, because that process, we need to understand a little bit about before we do these three PSI-Interactive Workshops, I mean, pardon me. I‘m really tired, these three PSIInteractive Techniques. These techniques are the beginning ones that will allow for the Aqua-Tone™ Techniques that we briefly mentioned in the orientation, to be done later tonight or tomorrow morning, as it probably will be. Again, we‘re going to have to post hours because we have to see. There‘s still more graphs that go with the other two sections that they said this is the long one of them. Wish they‘d let me know that before, because I could have let you know that before. But, anyway, we will…what I‘d like to do is; I‘ve got twenty-seven graphs to get through, as far as looking at the anatomy of the Ah‘-yas Body and its relationship to the techniques that we‘re going to be doing. And, when we get to the end of that, then we‘ll take a short break and do the techniques and then we can go to sleep. Well, you can go to sleep and I will put together the next series of graphologies to go with the next sessions. So, anyway, when you‘re ready…(speaking to A-SaN) Is there any water anywhere? Ah, there we go. Pardon me, I can‘t see. My eyes are totally red and blood shot. I‘ve been on diagrams for, I think, over twelve hours straight without a break. Its like one of those times like, shucks, I should have taken my glutathione. (Applause). So, pardon me if my mouth moves a little slower than my brain at this point but that‘s exhaustion kicking in. But, once the wave comes it usually comes out all right anyway so we will go for it. On your mark, get set, ok…

[ 03:05.8 ] (Graph: The ―In-Breath‖ & ―Out-Breath‖ of God and the Christos Seed Atom) This is just a brief reminder of; we have gone through anatomy forever as far as multi-dimensional anatomy structures. We‘ve gone from the Light Body anatomies that had to do with Merkaba structure. And, especially, that‘s why I used this diagram, to point out the Radial Body Field and the basic structure of the Meajhe Field, the Trion Light Field and the Reion Void Field around them; each of the Light Body levels from D-1 all the way up. Each Dimensional one is structured like that. We will see this structure in some of The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 128

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the newer diagrams in relationship to some of the other structures that we haven‘t seen yet that have to do with the Ah‘-yas Bodies. Next one, please.

[ 03:43.5 ] (Graph: ElumEir-adhona and Spirit Body, The ALUMIN-Atonah Cosmic Body & Akashic & Ecoushic Record) So, we went from Light Body anatomy to ElumEir-adhona and Spirit Body anatomy, and all of that; this is just to remind us of the sequence. So, we did all sorts of things on understanding different parts of the Spirit Body. One part of the Spirit Body is the, what was called, the Aah-JhA‟ Hydro-Acoustic Body. So, when we talk about the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies and things that are related to them, like the Ah‘-yas Bodies and also the Jha-DA‘‘ Bodies, we‘re going to learn more about those things. And, I just wanted you to know when we are learning about those things, in context, they are part of the Spirit Body anatomies. They‘re considered different than the Light Body anatomy. They‘re part of the Spirit Body anatomy, but they‘re actually getting into the point where the Light Body and the Spirit Body and the Atomic Body connect with each other. So that is the context in which the new diagrams and the new parts of the anatomy we are learning, fit. Next one, please.

[ 04:39.0] (Graph: The Elemental-Atomic Penta-g‘el Flows of the DN-1 Aah-JhA‘ Body) This is to remind us of when we were learning about the Pentagonal Flows of the Aah-JhA‘ HydroAcoustic Body, again, or the Spirit Body, and these are the diagrams that go with that a while ago. This was just showing the Pentagonal Flows. And this is the place in the anatomy that the basic elemental units, the Ah‘-yas units are actually formed; through the interactions of Prana going out the Allurean Chamber Lines and then Mana going out the Fire Chamber Lines, and then those two types of energy interacting with each other and going through the Pentagonal Flows and creating, literally, sparks that build up to become the Ah‟-yas units. All right, next one, please. So, Ah‘-yas are elemental units. They‘re structured like a ShaLAah Light unit, but ShaLAah Light units, actually, correspond with the Light Body anatomy. And the Ah‘-yas units correspond with the Spirit Body/Atomic Body anatomy, and there‘s a point when those two things come together. And when they come together in the proper way, that is when the potentialities of biological Ascension occur.

[ 05:50.2] (Graph: Living and Dead-Light Matter) This was…I would have liked to done this over a little bit more accurately because, honestly, these should be at a 45 degree angle and they‘re a little bit too close, because I just did them real quick without measuring. But, this was, we‘ve covered this before, the…looking at an Ah‘-yas unit, the whole thing together is called an Ah‘-yas unit. The top part is called the Ah-VE‟-yas and that is the Vibrational Water Cell. Then you have two Ah-VA‟-yas which are Mana based Thermal Cells, and Thermal Cells actually phase. At the center of them there‘s what is called the Atumus and the Atumus is where we get into atoms. Now, if we were looking at this on a very micro-level what we would be seeing is, the Atumus would be one quark. Now six quarks make up a proton and it‘s the proton number that determines…if you have a proton number of one you have Hydrogen. That is that element. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 128

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So when you see molecules or atoms of things here, it implies that there is this hidden Ah‘-yas Body structure around them and what you are seeing is a conglomeration of quarks that form protons, that come together to form elemental atoms and they come together to form molecules. So every time you have a single atom you would have collections of these, clusters of these, and all you would see would be the quarks inside of the protons, however many protons, you‘d have six quarks within each. So you have this whole micro structure of the Ah‘-yas units which are part Atomic and part Spiritual Body energy. These are ManA based energy and this one is actually EirA based energy. And there‘s also the structure they wanted us to see, because we‘ve talked about this structure of the Ah‘-yas units before and the fact that they phase, and when they phase, come together, they spark in the center and that‘s what actually rejuvenates the Eternal Life Atoms. Literally, the quarks are being re-powered by the phasing of the Ah‘yas units. And there‘s certain points that we haven‘t talked about, that we‘ll see on the larger structure of the same is; when they phase, there‘s a certain point where they build quantum, then they come together here as one, the two Ah‘-yas do, or, I‘m sorry, the two Ah-VA‘-yas do, and they go up into the Ah-VE‘-yas, and then certain interesting things happen. Now, these are not just…if we think of every molecule, or every atom in our body, every atom…we‘ve worked with the Ah-VE‘-yas Body before where we‘ve done techniques to, literally, begin the Ah-VE‘-yas Breathing, where we‘re actually breathing between the spaces between our atoms into the Aurora Continuum and moving ourselves into what would be our Ah-VE‘-yas Body. That would be part of our larger Ah‘-yas Body structure that is composed of the Ah-VE‘-yas units which are…it‘s the Vibrational Body; they‘re the vibrational, they call them water-matter units. What we‘re going to be doing this time is getting in touch with our Ah-VA‘-yas Body, the Thermal Imprint Body that goes with the Ah-VE‘-yas Body and we‘re going to see that, not only are these…we have probably billions of these, I don‘t know how many atoms actually are in the body, but I think we have billions of cells, so there‘s even more atoms. So when we were thinking before, when we were using the techniques to move in; start projecting in our Ah-VE‘-yas Body, we were imagining our Ah-VE‘-yas Body as composed of billions of these Ah-VE‘-yas vibrational, hydro-states or water-units. We‘re going to see a larger structure that‘s in our own multi-dimensional anatomy. Not only do we have the little tiny points of a body that actually is a replica of this body, or actually, this is a replica of that body; that belongs with the AhVE‘-yas, but also a set that goes with the Ah-VA‘-yas. And we‘ll also see that not only are they tiny little specks like our little atoms are here, but there‘s also a larger structure that we are within. So you can imagine, say yourself, your body was here and there‘s this larger structure in literally your Spiritual Body Field that interfaces with your Light Body and Auric Field and it is that part, it is the final part of our multidimensional anatomy that, right now, is still caught in what is called phase-lock. We‘ll deal more with the problem with it when we get to the next sessions, when we deal with the ManE Force and that‘s an inorganic force that is occurring within the structure, the organic structures of our Ah‘yas whole body thing, but it has to do with, before we were talking about just the little units. This is what the mutation does. It actually has separated the Ah-VE‘-yas from the Ah-VA‘-yas and pushed the two Ah-VA‘yas together into vesica pisces phase-lock and that mutates the atoms and actually, it mutates the Joules. It traps what are called Prana-Joules into the atomic structure in an unnatural way and it creates feedercells that go after other living units, other living atoms and also other living ShaLAah Light units. And literally uses them as food to continue their own momentum until they burn out at the Core. And that is actually at the core of why our bodies fall apart and why we die. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 128

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So when we look at that structure up there that is the organic one, shaped like a Tri-veca with the three interacting Orbs we…and look at this, we can consider these on a larger scale, as well. One of the things, the main thing that we are going to be doing through the processes involved with this workshop are bringing back in, the phase ability, the ability to phase of the Ah-VA‘-yas structure. Because right now, particularly on the physical body which is the D-2 level, the physical body is still stuck in the phase-lock of the vesica bond and we will look more at what that looks like tomorrow. But what we‘re going to look at tonight is what this larger structure of the natural or the organic Ah-VE‘-yas Body is around this, not just the little tiny ones within us, but also the larger one around us. And see where, what that has to do with the, what they call the Core neuro-circuitry, the Primary Neuro-circuitry, which corresponds to the Light Body and Atomic Body structure that we know of here and the Secondary Neuro-circuitry. And part of what we‘re going to be doing by the end of our session, this session, are…there‘s the last three PSI-Techniques, are beginning to open what‘s called the Stardust Flows, the Elemental Orb Flows that literally connect up into the Aquareion Matrix. This is the process that begins to bring in the frequencies that are needed to release the physical body from that phase-lock of the vesica mutation that comes from the mutation that we‘ve been talking about forever. So we‘ll look at the larger scale of what the Ah‘-yas Body is and what its components are and how it works. What I didn‘t know is, as I was doing the diagrams they were teaching me how some of these structures work together. How the organic Ah‘-yas part of our anatomy is supposed to work and what it‘s supposed to do. And in this we start to get a little bit of insight into what…we know that Orbs have to do with…we‘ve been doing Orb ever since we learned a bit about Rasha Body and moved on from there. We have learned a little bit more about the process of what going into Orb is about and, eventually, that is the process…once the body is free and once it reaches 82% active ShaLAah Light Quotient, that orbing becomes a biological phenomenon, not just a bi-location phenomenon. So they showed us through these diagrams, not only structures and how they relate to each other, but a little bit of the process involved when the Ah‘-yas Body is working naturally with the Light Body and the Spirit Body structures. So we‘ll see a bit of that too. Next one, please.

[ 14:04.1] (Graph: ―Angels,‖ ―Orbs,‖ & the Krystar Vehicle) We‘ll also see where these structures—the Light Body and the Spirit Body and the Ah‘-yas Body fit in with the structures of the Krystar Vehicle. And we‘ll see that we have Krystar Capsules on each of the Dimensional levels as well as the Density levels. And we‘ll see where those structures fit in with the rest of the anatomy. So I wanted to remind you of the Krystar Vehicle and of this—looks so easy just bang, activate Krystar Vehicle and you can fly. Yeah, but there‘s a lot of things that happen to make that happen and we‘ll start to see some of the processes involved with being able to literally go into levitation and then Ascension. We literally…at a certain point the physical body will actually Transfigure. First it will Transmute into a light-form that still holds structure and then it will Transmute completely into light. And then it will Transfigure and go into dark-matter, where you are Orb. And that is the epitome of what biological, physical Ascension is about, where you don‘t have to leave any atoms or body with a piece of your consciousness stuck in it, behind when you travel. So this is what we are all aiming for for the last ten years, is trying to get to be able to do this. It is also…part of these activations are also essential, that it may be quite a while before everybody gets where they can fully take all of their atoms with them, but there is a level that we are trying to reach, just in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 128

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case anything wacky happens in the 2012 period, so people are Silver Seed able. Which means having a hosted…being able to do, if an evac, a fast evac is necessary where people, even if you couldn‘t Slide yet you would still be able to engage with the Plasma Craft that could host, like, create a barrier around you, basically and give a Host Field that would allow you to be able to evac if it got strange. We‘re not planning on it getting strange, but you never know in this game. So it is part just exciting stuff like, hey, we‘re taking the next step and its also part, yeah, the drama‘s getting strange and 2012 is getting closer. So they are teaching us more to have us ready in the event that a scenario like what you see in the end of ―The Knowing‖ movie happens sooner rather than later. Because, eventually, that will happen but it could be a long, long time from now and most of us will have gone out in Slide before then. But if not, that is a scenario that would be very likely to be seen. It could be as soon as between 2013 and 2017. So with the activations that we are beginning now, we are freeing the molecular physical body structure so it would be able to, at a minimum, be able to do Silver Seed Evac more rapidly, if that were required. Next one, please.

[ 17:01.0] (Graph: Density-1 Imbedded Density and 3 Dimensional Kathara Grid) This was the base diagram that they had me work on. We‘ve had this one for ages, but this became the base for the whole series that came after that that I‘ve been working on for hours and hours and hours. And this is just simply showing the Density One, the 1, 2, 3 and the Density level of the embedded Kathara Grids. And this is, actually, showing…this is the Density Grid, this is the D-3 Grid and it is actually showing the D-3 Body, the Mental Body. The D-2 Body would be a smaller one in here and that would be the D-1 Body, the Etheric Body. So that‘s just showing the basic structure. So they‘ve taken that structure and expanded upon it. Next one, please.

[ 17:43:8] (Graph: Density 1 Imbedded Krystar Krystal Capsules) This is getting it a little cleaner so you can see what you‘re looking at. And, also adding…now, this corresponds to our PCM Universe, Particle Universe and this set of Kathara Grids would correspond to the PKA or Parallel Anti-Particle Universe. Now this doesn‘t refer, necessarily, when we‘re thinking of the Veca level, because we know that there‘s Black-Hole issues happening over in our Parallel Veca-2 and we‘re in Veca-5. They‘re smaller parallels. That is just referring to the closest one to you at whatever level you‘re talking about. But if you look at the shape, when you put the two of them together, the Particle and the AntiParticle one, it creates the base of the Krystar Vehicle, so that‘s where the Krystar Vehicle is coming from. It is actually the embedded Kathara Grids, both the PCM and the PKA sets, together. When we talked about Light Body and learned about Light Body in K2-3 Manual, there are infinite diagrams on showing how the Merkaba structure that fits on these, fit together. And how you had the singular Merkaba and then the double one, and how they built up to become the Eckasha Merkaba, so they‘re all interconnected. But the Krystar Krystal Capsule is actually part Spirit Body and part Light Body. It‘s when Spirit Body and Light Body come together with the Atomic Body, so it‘s not just a structure of the Light Body or not just a structure of the Spirit Body. A full Krystar Activation occurs when those three come together, when those three elements come together—Atomic, Spiritual and Light Body structure. Next one, please. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 128

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[19:24.6] (Graph: Density 1 Embedded Dimensional & DN-1 Atomic Bodies) Now this is showing a little bit cleaner version of the embedded bodies, the Density One Embedded Dimensional and Density One Atomic Bodies. So referring to the atomic bodies, that‘s the part that‘s not just the field around it, but it‘s the part that actually holds the form. So we‘d have this little guy in here would be our D-1 Etheric Body. Then we have our D-2 Telluric Body which is the body we‘re seeing, because our consciousness is stationed here so we see what is solid, what we see as solid is one Dimension below the station of our consciousness. Right now our consciousness is here. This is our D-3 Mental Body and this is our Density Level Body which is actually key to going into and crossing the Void Spaces. It‘s also key to going into the Aurora Continuum that we‘ve talked about. We will look at diagrams, next time we get together, that show a little bit more on where exactly are the Aurora Continuum, Continua and what they are, because there is one primary one and then there are several other layers to it that correspond to different layers of Aurora between matter. And between matter stuff is, if you have, say, an Etheric set of…an Etheric Dimension, say D-1 and a Telluric D-2, if you put them together and you get an Etheric-Telluric. That‘s a different type of matter. It‘s between the primary states of matter, and that is the type of matter bases that the Aurora Continua have and they, actually…it allows you to be able to move between. It‘s almost like being able to Slide between the spaces between atoms, and that is part of what the frequencies that we are progressively building in our bodies. So this is just to show the beginnings of where these other things that grew, that became the more new diagrams. The new diagrams have already started, because I had to clean all those up from that first one that showed the embedded grids to get this far, so we can see what else is built on them. Next one, please.

[ 21:26.7] (Graph: Density-1 Light Body: Radial Body Organic ShaLAah Living Light Fields with Dimensional Krystar Krystal Capsules and Atomic Bodies) Now this one is again the same one but it‘s showing the Radial Body, now it‘s the Light Body structures: Organic ShaLAah Living Light Fields with the Dimensional Krystar Krystal Capsules and Atomic Bodies. So you have the Atomic Bodies on the D-1, 2, 3 and the Density One level. You have the Krystar Krystal Capsule configurations and you have the Light Body structures where each one, D-1, 2, 3 and the Density level has a central Meajhe Magnetic Field, an outer Trion Light Field and then a border of Reion, they call it the Void Field and that‘s where we learned of those structures a long time ago. These become important in touching base with these again, becomes important because, when we start to see what is occurring with the other structures that we‘re learning about, which is the Ah‘-yas Body structure, there‘s a point where very specific combinations of Ah‘-yas Body, which has a similar structure to this, but it‘s twice the size. So you have certain combinations that occur where if you have, say, a D-2 Ah‘yas Body, it connects with a different one, not the D-2 Atomic and Light Body structure. So there are these interrelationships that occur that create these between matter states. And when we see the structures of the Ah-VA‘-yas Bodies we will see which sets…they actually used only one, the one we‘re going to be using tonight to activate because, it would have taken ages to do one for each of the levels to show which…all right, say, if you have your D-3, I‘ll use this for example, because that‘s the one they were using in the diagrams to come. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 31 of 128

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If you have your D-3 Mental Body, have the Light Body structure and you have you Atmic physical form, it‘s made of Atmic Atoms. You don‘t see that, but it‘s actually where your consciousness is stationed and that‘s why you see this as solid. Now that D-3 level of your Light Body Atomic Body structure actually goes into blend with the D-2 level of the Ah‘-yas Body structure and that creates that between state of matter; and then something very interesting happens. So we‘ll see the structures of the Ah‘-yas Body and how that works. We‘ll see which parts correspond to the Ah-VE‘-yas that we‘ve been moving around in, and also the Ah-VA‘-yas, the Thermal Body, and something neat that happens when they come together. And when they come together, this is where we start to learn a little bit about, oh, so that‘s how you go into Orb. So this is why I brought back seeing the embedded Radial Body Light Fields, because it is those fields that, in the atomic and Light Body structures that go with them, that the Ah‘-yas Body structures are going to phase into. After they phase to a certain level they will shift into alignment with each other and merge. And that allows certain things to happen that at the end of it create what is called the Jha-DA‟‟ Body. So, next one, please.

[ 24:30.6] (Graph: Density-1 Light Body: Radial Body Organic ShaLAah Living Light Fields with Dimensional Atomic Bodies & Density-1 Krystal Capsule Demarcation) This is showing the same thing but with being able to see the Radial Bodies a little more clearly, because I got rid of the Kathara Grids all over them and the Krystal Capsule structures. What I did leave was the big Krystal Capsule around them. When we see the Krystar diagrams where we don‘t have all of the gobbly gook in the middle, because you can‘t see what you‘re looking at with all that there. I left the base structure of that one and it would come down this way. But it helps you to see a little bit more clearly where you have your D-1 Body, where you have the Etheric Body and its fields; and where you have the D-2 Body and its fields; the D-3 Body and its fields; and the Density Body and its fields. What‘s interesting—and they haven‘t gotten into this yet, but eventually, they‘re going to go into this, when we look at these bodies—and I‘ve always thought that it curious but never really knew how to ask a question about it—if you look at…let‘s look at the D-3 one, because it‘s pretty easy to see. Now if the D-3 Kathara Grid is here and ends here, but the legs keep going down, actually, around here, but the legs keep going down, from the knees down, are actually in the Kathara Grid corresponding to the next Dimension up. So actually, what‘s supposed to be happening in our bodies is we‘re supposed to be pulling up through our feet the Dimension…the frequencies from the next Dimension up, and they move through our bodies, and we‘ll also be pulling them down through the top of our heads. But our natural body structures, our Light Body structures and our Atomic Body structures are a combination of the D-3 one, has D-3 on top but then the Density level one, the next one up, coming up from the bottom, on the bottom. So they haven‘t told me yet what that particular thing means, but I know it‘s important and I know it‘s been perverted by the vesica pisces lock on…phase-lock on the Light Body structure which we have released, but we haven‘t yet released it on the Ah-VA‘-yas part of the Ah‘-yas Body structure, which is still embedded on some of the Dimensional levels. It‘s still embedded within the Light Body structure where it shouldn‘t be. It‘s at the wrong angular rotation of particle spin. But, anyway, that was a little thing that just crossed my mind to mention. Maybe it will come back. Maybe that‘s why I mentioned it now but it‘s also been…it was always like, humm, interesting, why do the legs hang down? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 32 of 128

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You would think they would be in the same Kathara Grid but they‘re not; and that implies that from the knees down are in, bringing energy in from Dimension above, from where the top part is and I find that interesting. Next one, please.

[ 27:15.4] (Graph: The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body with D-2 Telluric Phase Cells & Krystar Capsules) Here we go. That was a relatively simple one. I think I‘m going to have a sip of coffee for this one. All righty now and bear with me if I trip over myself. I‘m just learning these too. The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body. Now we‘re dealing with just the D-2 Ah‘-yas Body here because, if you‘re going to do them all, each one of those embedded levels would have a set of everything you‘re seeing on just one level here. And then the ones to come, they would be embedded on each of the levels and by the time you got done with that, you probably couldn‘t see what you were looking at. So they decided to show it on just one. And the same process and the same structures apply to each of the D-1, D-2, D-3 and the Density level ones, and also the D-4, the D5, the D-6 and the Density 2 ones, etc., etc. So what we are seeing first is, now, if you remember the little Ah‘-yas unit which is in the structure of a ShaLAah Light unit, we have this structure and this is using the D-2 level of the Ah‘-yas Body. Now the Ah‘yas Body…First, if we look at the angles of what is at what angle, if the Ah‘-yas Body is a part of the Spirit Body structures, primarily part of the Spirit Body structure, even though it interfaces between Spirit Body and Light Body, Light Body is at 15 degrees different rotation, ARPS. We saw that in some of the earlier things. We were looking at the Allurean Chambers that go with the Spirit Body in relation to the Fire Chambers that go with the Light Body and they were offset with each other, where you end up with an Allurean Chamber, two Allurean Chambers and in between you would have the Fire Chambers and Light Body structure, because there is an offset, a 15 degree offset between them. So we are looking at these diagrams right now. Before the ones we were looking at, that were just showing Radial Body structure, the top point would have been Fire Chamber number twelve, because we were looking at Light Body structures. Now, what we are looking at here is the Ah‘-yas Body which means Fire Chamber 12 is over here, right now. Fire Chamber eleven is here. Eleven point five is where Allurean Chamber twelve would be, so this is the top, the Spirit Body top, where this was the Light Body top. This becomes important when we begin to combine, after certain things occur in the Ah‘-yas Body structure, there is a point at which the Ah‘-yas Body shifts into alignment. It makes the 15° clockwise shift into alignment with the Light Body in order to pick up its corresponding level of the Light Body structure to take it into Transfiguration. So right now we‘re going to see what happens with the…and remember, at this point top is not your top. Where would this be? Over here 15°. Now we‘ve had the Rasha Body coming out here at 45. This would be 15 degrees, so it‘s closer. So if you‘re going to align your body up with your Ah‘-yas Body you would kind of like be right there…(inaudible) So what we‘re looking at here is the larger form even though all of our…literally our atoms have the structure of the Ah‘-yas structure with its Ah-VE‘-yas part on top, and its two Ah-VA‘-yas Mana based cells, you have the Thermal Bodies, it‘s called the Ah-VA‘-yas Oscillatory Thermal Body encryptions. So these two cells hold the encryption for that. When they go into phase, open phase, this is called the out-phase expansion. That means when they‘re at 45 degrees to each other. That is actually when the Thermal Body, which is a replica of the body that you have here on the atomic level in the Light Body/ Atomic Body The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 33 of 128

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structure, it is a replica of that. This is the body that actually holds what‘s called the Secondary Neurocircuitry structures…so a little bit of those, what that means later. And, what we‘re going to be doing through the techniques that we‘re going to be using is we‘re going to, first of all get the Ah‘-yas Body structure back to where it can phase, meaning these can phase like Partiki do, where the two Ah‘-yas, even though they both are positive charge, there are charges in the middle that, negative charges and zero charges, that allow them to come together. And what they will do in normal circumstance is the two Ah-VA‘-yas will phase into the center. When they hit the center…Now if they phase closed in in-phase they would form this, the one that‘s dotted right now. They would form that, and they would spark at the center and that Center-Point is the AzurA, but the AzurA of the Ah‘-yas set which is the one that is 15° over this way, 15° to the right. Now, this would be the Thermal Body, and here would be the body that we‘ve actually been using before in our Ah-VE‘-yas projections so there would be…this one stays materialized in its form in the Ah-VE‘-yas level, where this one comes in and out of materialization. It goes from being, literally, a Thermal Heat Body that follows all of the contours and the contents of your atomic structure, to disappearing and flashing off. It flashes off and on as the phasing occurs. And at certain points when the whole system is acting organically, there‘s certain points where every time it phases it actually, it builds charge and makes sparks every time it phases. And what these two create, they‘re both Mana based; when they spark they create a ManA spark, big ManA spark. Remember ManA is the 33 1/3 positive electrical charge, where Mana is 21 2/3, because it was ManA with Prana taken away from it, 11 2/3 positive Prana. So when these two phase in, going to an inphase, they spark ManA and, normally, under normal circumstances, they will send…the ManA Spark will split and polarize, the Mana part will feed and recharge the Thermal Body, or the Oscillatory Body, and the Prana will go up here. It will split into Mana and Prana, so, 11 2/3 Prana, a burst of Prana will go up. And Prana, in little bursts of twelve, they look like twelve little dots, are Prana-Joules. They are Joules and, Joules of heat, of energy, of Prana, specifically, positive charge. They will collect around this point here. This point that is at the center of the Ah-VE‘-yas Vibrational Water Body is…which is also called the Eirah Field; this point is called the Eiron Point. It is at the center of the Ah-VE‘-yas Body where the Ah-VE‘-yas Body AzurA would be. That Eiron Point opens and closes. When this goes into an in-phase, you‘re seeing it mainly in an out, you‘re actually seeing both phases together, because this happens when it goes in the inphase and this is what it looks like in out-phase. Right now it‘s in out-phase. When those two Ah-VA‘-yas come together and spark, it sends the Prana Back-flow up. It sends Prana in and after a certain point it actually collects for a while up here and when a certain critical mass of Joule Quantum, of Prana Quantum is acquired, it opens the Eiron Point and that Prana Back-flows, and it Back-flows into the Spirit Body. And when that Back-flow goes into the Spirit Body, the Spirit Body sends a Back-flow Return out into the Ah‘-yas Body. So the Back-flow Return of what are called Eirons…and they have a negative charge, so this changes the polarity relationships too, that allows for something to happen. Now, right now, in an outphase…see this place here where the two Ah-VA‘-yas interact with each other, where they‘re overlapped a bit. They‘re not fully overlapped, yet they‘d have to go…they‘re at 45° now. They‘d have to phase into 30° to form a vesica pisces down here this way. And they will pass that when they phase naturally, but with these two at the 45° position, it creates this. And because we‘re dealing with the D-2 Ah‘-yas level, that would be the Telluric Door, so it actually creates the D-2—it‘s a vertical doorway. And that‘s where the Atumus, it is called the Core Atumus at the center—and that‘s where the sparks occur. The Core Atumus and the Thermal Body form within that and through that vertical Telluric Ah-VA‘-yas Doorway. So the vertical doorway is called the Ah-VA‘-yas Doorway because it forms through the overlap of the two Ah-VA‘The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 34 of 128

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yas units. There‘s another doorway that forms, and we‘ll see as we go on, that corresponds to the Ah-VE‘yas when we go into an in-phase. So this is the beginning of this diagram. It‘s the beginning of understanding the structures of the Ah‘-yas Body. And again, this is the Light Body axis. This is where you are over here on this diagram and this is where your counterpart over here is. So when we‘re looking at it, because before when we were looking at the Light Body as being straight up, so now the Light Body is over there and we‘re dealing with Ah-VE‘-yas Body. Let‘s see if there‘s anything here that needs to be read. They also refer to this as the Mana Body, the Thermal Mana Body. What gets interesting too is these are at different points. Now remember, these were all built on those embedded Kathara Grids, so all of these diagrams, even though…if I had all of those in here you wouldn‘t be able to really see where was what. But, this Eiron Point in that set of embedded Density One Kathara Grids, or Krystar Krystal Capsules, this would be, it‘s the D-2 Ah‘-yas Eiron Point, but it‘s actually located at, if you saw those embedded structures, at the D-3 Rajhna. So, this is just like the…and for each one of these, remember, there‘s one for D-1, one for D-2, one for D-3, and one for the Density level, they are each located at a different place. There‘s also more structures that go with each one of these, so we‘re still going to look at just the one structure, where we‘re dealing with the D-2 Ah‘-yas Body, the D-2 Ah-VA‘-yas Body and the Mana Body, the Ah-VA‘-yas Thermal Body that these two form, and again, the D-2 Ah-VE‘-yas Vibrational Water Body or the Eirah Body with the Eiron Point at its center. Next one, please.

[ 38:45.5] (Graph: The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body with D-2 Telluric phase cells & Ah‘-yas Ah-VA‘-yas Telluric Doorway and Eiron Point) This is just showing…now, we‘re getting a little bit more structures. And again, I put it back on the embedded Kathara Grids or the embedded Krystar Capsules so you could see proportionately where what, where these things are coming from because, not only do we have the Ah-VE‘-yas and the two Ah-VA‘-yas of the D-2 level and this is the D-2 Thermal Body that would form. I‘m not showing here the Vibrational Body. It was the dot-dot-dot one. I‘m not showing that in this diagram, but that would be up in here. That is that Eiron Point that would be at the center of the AzurA level of the Vibrational Body. What we‘re seeing here that‘s different from the other diagrams are these things. See this capsule that forms here? Then, there‘s a larger one out here. They‘re actually the same capsule. This is called the D-2, because we‘re dealing with the D-2 set, Ah‘-yas Capsule. This is, in its expanded form, it expands on the out-phase. When the two Ah-VA‘-yas Cells are expanded out, the capsule around the entire body structure expands out. When they phase in and start to do their interesting thing that ends up turning it into an Orb and turning the corresponding Light/ Atomic Body into Orb too, is…goes into contraction. That would be the first contraction when they first phase close. So, I wanted to show you these, or this, capsule, showing you both stages at the same time, the expanded Ah‘-yas Capsule and also the contracted or contraction number one of the Ah‘-yas Capsule. This becomes interesting when we see what happens after they phase closed. Then what, because then they do what Partiki do. We learned a long time ago where they phase, they spark and then they become one down here, and then that one joins the one up above and interesting things happen at the Core. And that‘s what happens with these structures too, so we‘ll look at, in a minute, what just the fields look like without all of the Kathara structures inside, but I wanted you to see where what was. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 35 of 128

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That‘s those Kathara Grids again. This is the Density-1 Grid I bet, no, this is the D-3 Kathara. Now when we see some of the other ones, this is actually an enlargement, so when you see it this size on some of the other ones, when we were looking at the Light Body structures ones, this was actually the Density level. This would have been the D-3 level. Right now I just pulled it up where made this the D-2 level so this would be the D-3 level. That implies that up here would be the Density level one. So that‘s, its kind of hard because you look like you‘re looking at the same diagram but you‘re actually not. You have to read who‘s on first, what level are we looking at—micro or macro vision. So when we‘re looking at this, this here would be the Density-1 Rajhna. That‘s in the third shield in the Kathara Grid going with Density-1. So that‘s this part. This would be the Rajhna Line in any of the Kathara Grids, so that would be the Rajhna on the D-2. This is the Rajhna on the D-3, and that would be the Rajhna on the Density level. And if you come down, here we have the E-Umbi Lines as well. The E-Umbi on the D3 would be here. The E-Umbi on the D-2 is there. Down here below the feet in this view the E-Umbi, this would be the E-Umbi Line, the same line as that but on the Density level. So that‘s just showing that. You‘re going to see next what it looks like without all of those, so you can see the shape of the capsules a little bit better and then we‘ll start seeing how these things, how those spheres interact with each other. Next one, please.

[ 42:43.1] (Graph: The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body with D-2 Phase Cells and Ah‘-yas Capsule) This again, is showing the Ah-VE‘-yas, the two Ah-VA‘-yas, the Thermal Body, Thermal Oscillatory Body, the Vibrational Eirah Body and it‘s showing the Ah‟-yas Capsule. When you put the Ah-VE‘-yas and the Ah-VA‘-yas together you end up with the word Ah‟-yas, and that‘s why they refer to this as the Ah‟-yas Body, because it‘s composed of both of those things; so, the Ah‘-yas Capsule because it encapsulates both of those parts, and the Atumus which is that Center-Point, the spark point that, actually, that would be the quark. If you were looking at the tiny ones that would be a quark so it‘s much larger in terms of, it‘s a spark as far as when we‘re dealing with a larger body structure, but at a little tiny atoms level, that would be the quark point. That is where a quark would actually be materialized here, where it could be seen with probably an electron microscope or whatever they use for that. So anyway, this is showing again, the contracted state where they go (inhale) and this is the (exhale) expanded state of the D-2 Ah‘-yas Capsule. And again, this is the D-3 Rajhna. Now if I remember the other two names, they were called…they were the locks. We had the E-Umbi Lock, the AzurA Lock, the Rajhna Lock then we had the Mahadra Lock down at the bottom of the feet and the Adhrana Lock up at the top. So you end up with the Adhrana from the one below in the Rajhna in the one above and, so you‘ll see on some of the labeling you will see that. This is again, this is the Eiron Point, the D-2 Eiron Point and that is the point where, once the Ah-VA‘-yas Body forms through the phasing of the Ah-VA‘-yas…well, they call them Thermal Body Encryptions, so they hold the energy that holds the encryptions. Once that forms and this sparks open, this ends up being drawn up into alignment with the Vibrational Body up in the Ah-VE‘-yas and then some other interesting things occur with that. And when these things occur, the shapes of the capsule also change. What we‘re seeing here is the first contraction, and this is…there will be cycles where it simply goes (inhale-exhale) and breathes and sparks and breathes and sparks, and just sends up collections of Prana-Joules up around The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 36 of 128

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here. And it‘s only when those Joules collect a certain quantum that there‘s enough quantum to spark open the Eiron Point, and that‘s where the next stages occur. So it‘s the same thing. It‘s very similar to various things we‘ve learned about the Light Body and breathing, the Lotus Breathing and those kind of things. All right, next one, please.

[ 45:40.3] (Graph: The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body & Capsule in ―Out-Phase Position‖) That‘s just showing them…before we showed both of them together; the expanded and the contracted. This is showing just the expanded with the out-phase. So that‘s the D-2 Ah‘-yas Body Capsule in out-phase position with all the components that I‘ve already identified. Next one, please.

[46:09.7] (Graph: The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body & Capsule in ―In-Phase/Spark Phase 1 Position‖) I wish they were as easy to make as they are to breeze by when you‘re talking about them, because these are all done by hand. They‘re not done on computer and my white-out committed suicide. It was…I have these micro white-out things that you actually have to send to England for, because I can‘t find them anywhere here. They actually have micro-chips, but they don‘t last very long. And I bought a whole box with me because I go through tons of them and all of them would not work. So we had to go and get the medium tipped ones which is the smallest…they call them fine here, but they are not the micro-fine ones like we‘re using. So I was having to deal with a much wider point on the white out than I‘m used to. So they progressively get messier too, because we have a Brother printer/photocopier thing, portable thing that we carry with us for our portable office up there, or we‘d never have any diagrams to do in workshops, but, progressively, if you take one diagram and then you‘re going to build from that, by the time you get three or four the quality is going down and down and down, a copy from a copy from a copy. So, these are relatively clean. As we get further through the end of this stack they look dirtier and dirtier. And it looks like snow on a lot of them because doing the little black dots everywhere, like little snow dots everywhere. You can actually see them here already. I don‘t know if you can up there but I can see it here. It looks like chicken pox all over it. Anyway…all right, so, this one is the, this is the D-2 Ah‘-yas Body and Capsule, the Ah‘-yas Capsule in inphase/spark phase 1 position. So there are several positions that go with the in-phase and the in-phase is when they pull in. This is called the spark phase and it‘s the first position of the in-phase. In the spark phase, those two that were out here, the two Ah-VA‘-yas have come together in the center, around the AhVA‘-yas Thermal Body. And it activates this field which is the D-2 Ah-VA‘-yas Body Thermal Mana Field. So the Mana Field activates when they come together. At the Center-Point a spark occurs, a ManA spark, and this is where part of that spark goes up into a Prana-Joule quantum as Back-flow, and the other part energizes this Mana Field around the Thermal Body. So this is the first thing, 1A and 1B, let‘s see where they are. 1A and 1B is over here. That‘s where the two phase together, so it says the two D-2 Ah-VA‘-yas phase to center, they phase into the center and form this one. 2A, the D-2 Core Atumus sparks ManA which is that one, 2A. 2B, the D-2 Ah-VA‘-yas Thermal Mana Field activates. That would be this field activates. The (lines) around it is, it‘s activating. I wasn‘t sure how else to draw it quickly. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 37 of 128

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Number 3 is the D-2 Horizontal Ah-VE‘-yas Doorway opens and begins magnetizing the Light Body, the corresponding level of the Light Body. The corresponding level of the Light Body to the D-2 Ah‘-yas Body is the D-3 Light Body or the Mental Body, as far as our Mental Body structure is concerned here on the atomic and Light Body level. So this Doorway begins to open. Where these two overlap, there is the Horizontal Door. Remember before when they were spread apart, there was a Vertical Doorway where the two AhVA‘-yas overlapped around this body that way. Well, now, that has gone away because these two have come together, those two Ah-VA‘-yas have come together, and what that does is open up this Doorway. It goes here to here, and that is called the D-2 Horizontal Ah-VE‘-yas Doorway, because it‘s a Doorway to the Ah-VE‘-yas level. Four (4), the ManA Spark splits, 11 2/3 positive Prana and 21 2/3 positive Mana, sending a positive PranaJoule Ring to the Eiron Point of D-2, which is here, so it creates a Prana-Ring or a Joule Ring, and then the 21 2/3 quantum Mana makes the D-2 Ah-VA‘-yas Mana Body and field a superconductor. So the Mana infusion that comes after the spark, of the ManA Spark, splits; part of it goes up into the Prana-Joule Ring and the other part actually turns this into a superconductive field, which means it has no resistance to electricity, it just…electrical can just run right through it. And also, at the same time, this Doorway is open and it begins creating an electro-magnetic effect between the Light Body that is on this axis. So it begins to set the ground for them to pull together and to pull together, some interesting thing has to happen, because it doesn‘t just fall over into you and pull you back. You have to do Orb first. Next one, please.

[ 51:39.0] (Graph: The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body & Capsule in ―In-Phase/ Ascent of the Ah-VA‘-yas Phase 2 Position‖) The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body and Capsule in-phase, the ascent of the Ah-VA‘-yas phase 2 position. So, we‘re on in-phase, and first the Ah‘-yas D-2 Ah-VA‘-yas Mana Body and Thermal Field, the Mana Body and Thermal Field that were here, ascend. They go up from where they were and…which was here; this is where this was. The Mana Body was here and the field that went with it, and that was the ones formed from the AhVA‘-yas, pulls up into register, or into alignment with the Ah-VE‘-yas Vibrational Body. So, ascends into merger with the Ah‘-yas D-2 Ah-VE‘-yas Eirah Body and Hydro-Field, and it does this through the Ah-VE‘-yas Door. That was that Horizontal Doorway, so it literally pulls up through that opening that occurs between the two spheres, and the Thermal Body goes up into register with the Vibrational Body. And it forms, when those two bodies come together and those two fields come together, it forms the D-2 Ah‘-yas Body at the D-3 Rajhna, because this was the D-3 Rajhna Line. This was the common AzurA Line, and this was the E-Umbi Line, the D-3 E-Umbi Line down here. So at this point it actually pulls up into the Rajhna, the D-3 Rajhna level from its station, original station at D-2 where it was down here. Now next, number 2, A & B, let‘s see where they are. 2A, where‘s 2B? I find 2B; there we go, 2B, ok. The Ah‘-yas Capsule which was this thing, remember it‘s the big one, not the fully expanded one but the contracted…its first contraction where it‘s on the in-phase so it‘s the skinny, the long skinny capsule, but it was down to here before. All right, the Ah‘-yas Capsule engages its next contraction. So first it pulled in when it went from being expanded and pulled in horizontally this way, but it was still long. Now it goes into a second contraction up to the D-3 E-Umbi Lock. So where it was down here before, actually, pulls up into the E-Umbi Lock, so it shortens and pulls in a bit more horizontally, as well as vertically, so it‘s getting shorter because it was stretched out before when this body was down here and its feet were down here, it stretched out around it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 38 of 128

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Now that this one has come up into register, the Thermal Body has come up into register with the Vibrational Body; the capsule actually shortens and pulls in. This is the slow progress of watching Orb happen, because this is…it happens again, and next time it happens it doesn‘t look like an egg anymore, an upside down egg anymore. But, so the capsule contracts, goes through a second contraction. Let‘s see, 3A, the D-2 Joule Ring, that‘s here, back-flows, so this is where the Joules, the Eiron Point opens and the Joules, actually, back-flow as a quantum. Prana-Joules back-flow into the Spirit Body, so the Joule Ring back-flows to the Spirit Body and the Eiron Spark back-flow returns. So, when the back-flow of the Joule Ring goes back into the Spirit Body, Spirit Body sends an Eiron Spark or a twelve-point Eiron Spark back outward, and that sets certain things in motion. Now 3A, let‘s see where I have that; 3A, all right, so that‘s referring to that Joule Ring. So the Joule Ring at the Ah-VE‘-yas Core back-flows to Spirit Body and Eiron Spark emerges as Back-Flow Return. 3B; D-2 Ah‘yas Body activates Flame Field. All right, that‘s where we‘ve got these double fuzzy little things happening. So the D-2 wants to contract, and once the Eiron Spark comes back out, Back-Flow Return spark, the Ah‘yas Body, D-2 Ah‘-yas Body activates the Flame Field in response to the Eiron Spark Back-Flow Return in preparation for Transmutation. Now Transmutation isn‘t Transfiguration yet. Transmutation is Re-Enlightenment which means turning back into Mana first, or light. So what‘s going to happen, not yet on this diagram, but this body that is the Thermal Body plus the Vibrational Body holding the atomic structure is, actually, going to first transmute into light where it goes into the Core, and it‘s no longer in that form even though it holds the whole encryption of that form. 3B; the Ah‘-yas Body activates the Inner and Outer Flame Fields in response to the Eiron Spark Back-FlowReturn in preparation for Transmutation of the Ah‘-yas Atomic Body. Because it‘s now the Ah‘-yas Atomic Body, because it‘s the Thermal one and the Hydros one, the Vibrational and Oscillatory together, in preparation for Transmutation of the Ah‘-yas Atomic Body into the D-2 Core Atumus. So this body is actually going to transmute into light and pull into this central area. So that‘s just the atomic part we‘re talking about. It will still have the field around it, the Ah‘-yas Field around it, so we‘ll see on the next diagram what that looks like. Next one, please.

[ 57:03.2] (Graph: The D-2 Ah‘-yas Body & Capsule in ―In-Phase/ Aah-JhA‘ Orb 3 Position‖) What number is that? Ok, yeah, ok. All righty, so, number 1 is here. The D-2 Ah‘-yas Atomic Body which was here and, again, it‘s still stationed at the D-3 Rajhna level. Down here is the AzurA. The Atomic Body transmutes into D-2 Core Atumus. So where that body was, it is now pulled into the Atumus, the D-2 Atumus as literally a light-sound pattern. So this is where it was and it isn‘t anymore. This is the Krystar Krystal Capsule that‘s still there, that was around it, the D-2 Krystar Krystal Capsule and these little points here, when this occurs, let‘s see, all right. I‘ll read it in order here. The D-2 Ah‘-yas Capsule engages its third contraction and condenses into the Aah-JhA‘ Body HydroAcoustic Orb. So, first we‘ve got the Aah-JhA‘ Body happens, it turns into an Aah-JhA‘ Body. So, once…remember this capsule first was the big one and then it did its first…its first contraction was where it went from expansion into this long skinny one. Then its second contraction was where it, where the up-shift The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 39 of 128

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occurred, and this is still all on the in-phase. The up-shift occurred, so it got shorter and a bit thinner, as far as the Ah‘-yas Capsule. This time it pulls all the way up from where it was stationed at the D-3 E-Umbi, all the way up to the AzurA Point, the Center-Point and it no longer is shaped like an egg. It now becomes Orb-shaped, so it‘s gone into spherical form at this point. When this body, because it was keeping it egg shaped, was the fact that the, from the knees down of the Ah-VA‘-yas Atomic Body were, actually, down below that point in the D-2 Kathara Grid going into the D-3 level. But once they were pulled up, and all that turned into light in the center of the D-2 Body, while it‘s stationed at the D-3 Rajhna, that pulled that capsule up more, where it just turned into an Orb. This is where the process of…this is the very slow motion process of what happens faster than the blink of an eye, but, and it happens only at certain points. After certain Joule Quantum builds up enough for that Eiron Point to open, the Back-Flow to go back to Spirit Body, the Spirit Body sends out the Eiron Spark that sets the rest of this in motion. But it is still the natural process that, if our bodies were working properly, there would be a flashing on and a flashing off, literally, of your material form and I have a feeling they‘re syncopated. They haven‘t got in to that, say, D-1, D-2, D-3 and Density. I don‘t know if, on a normal stage—I bet they don‘t all do it at once, but only when you want to pop off somewhere and pop up somewhere else would they all synchronize their…when one‘s off the other‘s on, kind of thing. I think there‘s a pattern that keeps you manifest or materialized in one place, because if they all turned off at the same time, flashed off, you would be gone from that place. So to be gone from that place they all have to synchronize when they turn on or off together. They turn off you go into Orb and then turn back on and kind of bring yourself back down again. But it gets interesting when we see how this interfaces with the Light Body structure because, right now, we‘re still at the Ah‘-yas Body axis over here, 15° over to our right shoulder. So this body has disappeared and that‘s why it‘s dot-dot-dot-dot. Used to be there, gone now, and it‘s all pulled into here, into the Atumus Core. You still have the Krystal Capsule around it and you still have the field, the D-2 Field, Ah‘-yas Field around it. And the Ah‘-yas Capsule has contracted into Orb form at this point and it is still all at the D-3 Rajhna Center. …next happens, the D-2 Aah-JhA‟ Body…now they refer to this now as the Aah-JhA‘ Body. So, once the D-2 Ah‘-yas Capsule contracts and the Ah‘-yas Atomic Body transmutes into light into the Core, that is when this becomes, it goes from being the Ah‟-yas Body to being the Aah-JhA‟ Body Orb; ok, the AahJhA‘ Orb Body. There‘s another level of Orb that occurs too and we‘ll see that, and it has to do with when the Light Body joins into this. So right now we have the Aah-JhA‟ Body Hydro-Acoustic Orb, all right? The Aah-JhA‘ Body HydroAcoustic Orb, the 12 Allurean Chambers open and activate making a 12-point Starshine. So there‘s a flow that opens up with the Allurean Chambers. This is where, I don‘t know if…I don‘t have any right now with me, mylars of the Orb pictures that we‘ve been getting at Orb Fest that keep popping up when we do this Sarasota Beach stuff or the Siesta Key Beach things, where these Orbs that we see, you can see structures in them. You can see the fuzzy light points around them and you can see what actually… I‘ve see ones that look like they have the 15 Geleziac layers of a Rasha Body in them. So I‘m trying to analyze what exactly are we seeing. We‘re starting to get closer to understanding which part are we seeing when we‘re looking at those things. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 40 of 128

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There‘s also… it depends on how many of the diagrams I can get done on the negative side of this, what the mutation looks like, because they can also generate Shona Light bodies. That‘s one of the, whenever you hear people in the New Age Movement teaching something and they say, ―Oh, well the bad guys don‘t have Light Bodies so they can‘t do this or that‖. Well you know who‘s training them, all right? It‘s not Krystics that are training them, because Krystics know darn well that the darkness can make a facsimile of light in order to pass itself off as that. So anyway, this is the Krystic structure of how Orb occurs actually, when it‘s a, ―Hello, I‘m not just a little Element Orb, but I‘m a Being doing ‗orb‘ in order to visit you‖. We‘re going to have more and more of that occurring on this planet. So anyway, we‘ve got our 12 little Starshine points and that‘s when the 12 Chambers open. Now eventually there‘ll be another set of 12 when the Fire Chambers also open. Then, I would imagine, it depends on how many dimensions you have involved, because this is just dealing with D2. Just on Density-1 you‘d have 4-sets of that, so you have 24 on one layer. So you‘d have 24 times 4 on just the Density-1 body. So this is where you get that border around the Orb forms, where you see it looks like fuzzy little light points, like Starburst points, or you know, ‗Starshine‘ they‘re referring to it. So this is where the Starshine begins to occur. There‘s still things that have to happen, because it‘s still over here at this axis, and if this is going to have something to do with this body being able to go into Ascension or to be able to ‗flash off‘ and go into Light, go into Hyper-space into Spirit and then pop up somewhere else, they‘re going to have to come together. That process will happen soon, all right? So we‘re here, where the Allurean Chambers open and the circulations start. There‘d be circulations that it would almost look like a flower, a 12-pointed flower kind of thing, like a Lotus. Again, the Lotus flow kind of things are not just with Light Body; the same type of structures run other energies as well in the Spirit Body. Ok, I think that‘s all we need on this one; yes, next one please.

[0:03:47] Descent of the Aah-JhA‘ It‘s moving again…ok, this one is the D-2 Ah‘-yas Body and Capsule in In-phase. This one‘s called ‗Descent of the Aah-JhA‟- this is position 4 of the In-phase, descent of the Aah-JhA‘. Now remember, the Aah-JhA‘ was up here. It became the Aah-JhA‘ Body when the D-2 Ah‘-yas Atomic structure transmuted into the center Core up here. So this became the Aah-JhA‘ Body at that point, the Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-Acoustic Body. Now, the Aah-JhA‘ Body descends from the D-3 Rajhna where it formed down to the AzurA, the common line. It needs to do that in order… if it tried to, it wouldn‘t be able to line up with this if it tried to shift over 15 degrees from there. It has to be at that common center point, the AzurA Lock. And from there it can make a shift over into this Angular Rotation of Particle Spin. That is what was required. This one is the one that goes with the Light Body structure. That‘s where we are. This is our Fire Chamber12 point, so this would be Fire Chamber-12. So our Ah‘-yas Body on this point, called the Aah-JhA‘ Orb, will shift over this way. First it sends down, while it‘s still on the Aah-JhA‘ alignment, and once it descends down from D-3 Rajhna, down to the common AzurA point, then it makes its shift into the Light Body alignment. So it descends to the AzurA, then the Aah-JhA‘ Orb shifts 15-degrees clockwise at the AzurA to align with the Light Body axis and then the D-2 ‗C‘ Core Atumus. Now this is interesting. As the outer part of the AahJhA‘ Orb is shifting 15-degrees this way, once that happens then the Core of it, the D-2 Core Atumus…that‘s where the Atomic structure actually pulled into, shifts the opposite direction 45-degrees. It shifts into the alignment of the Rasha Body. So that actually Transfigures…first it Transmuted into Light The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 41 of 128

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when it pulled in from this shape into the Core…now that it‘s in the Core as Light, it‘s actually going to Transfigure into Rasha Dark Matter in this transition. So as the Aah-JhA‘ Body shifts into alignment this way, the Core of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, with the atomic structure now transmuted, is going to now Transfigure and shift Angular Rotation of Particle Spin 45degrees this way, going over there. That is the alignment that will bring what was the atomic structure of the Aah-JhA‘ side, right, into Dark Matter, and it will bring the Aah-JhA‘ Body into alignment with the Light Body structure. From that point other things can happen. If you notice there is the Lock Systems; this was the D-3 Rajhna Lock, when it was at the Aah-JhA‘ alignment, right? This is, if you take that down, it actually becomes something different when we look on the other thing, but that‘s taking that same diagram and keeping the lock on it, because it actually creates an interface in the Lock System. This actually shows you what it‘s going to connect with once it connects with the Light Body structure; this is D-3. So this is the D-3 one on this grid, even though we‘re dealing with the D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Body, this was the D-3 Rajhna up here and that was the D-3 E-Umbi. These actually correspond with, I believe, the D-2; when we get to the other, to the Light Body structure, I‘ll have to see. I‘ll have to make sure when I look at that; but these become important. There‘s interface between the Light, what becomes the Light Body locks, and the Aah-JhA‘ Body locks. Right. They actually interface. And when this transition goes through, when the one shifts this way and the ‗C‘ Core shifts that way, it actually brings the whole structure through the Aurora Continuum into the ‗in between‘ places and spaces. That‘s why it can pass from one, literally, space-time Domain into alignment with this space-time Domain to complete the process. It‘s that process that will allow for this body to do the same thing and go into Orb and go into other Angular Rotation of Particle Spin to end up in other Domains as well. Ok, so, let‘s look at the next one, honey, please…next one, please.

[0:08:34] (Graph: Density-1 Light Body and Aah-JhA‘ Body Orb Alignments on Light Body Axis) Ok, Density-1 Light Body and Aah-JhA‘ Body Orb alignments on Light Body axis. Let‘s say we‘ve got all the Aah-JhA‘ bodies and what we were talking about just the D-2 one; but remember there‘s one for D-1, D-2, D-3 and Density-1 just in the Density-1 set, and they each go somewhere different, which is enough to make one nuts when making diagrams. If we‘re looking at this now as we had originally looked at the Light Body diagrams, where it was showing the Density-1 one was the big one now, right? So we just brought it down a little bit, where the one we were…before, this was the D-3 one and this was the D-2 one. Now we‘re bringing where you can see the next one larger, which means we shrunk the D-2 one down again. So that‘s the D-2 one we‘ve been talking about, or the D-2 level we‘ve been talking about. That‘s the D-3 level we‘ve [been] talking about; that‘s the Density level we‘ve been talking about. What‘s interesting though, is when you do them by size, the Aah-JhA‘ Body structures are twice the size of the Light Body structures. That means, even when you do the imbedding to make these diagrams, if you take say the D-1 Kathara Grid and its body size and you enlarge that to 200 percent, you times it by 2, you get the next level up. Times it by 2, you get the next level up. So what‘s interesting is we are working with the D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Body over on the other side, the Ah‘-yas Body that became the Aah-JhA‘ Body, that is becoming the Jha-DA‘ Body, all right?

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That was the D-2 level over there; it is the same size as our D-3 level. So the D-2 over there, it merges and links with our D-3 Mental Body level of the Light Body structure and the Atomic Body structure here. That would mean if you have D-2, the lower one on the Aah-JhA‘ side—wait, yeah—linking with the higher Dimensional one, because they are actually the same size… so D-2 over there is actually as big as D-3 is here, in other words. So when you put them together…that would mean D-1 over there would link with our D-2, our Telluric level here, our physical body structure. What this is doing is just trying to show you first the circles that are down here; ignore the ones that are up there going that way and also these. This was that diagram that simply showed the embedded, the D-1, D2, D-3 and Density Level, Density-1 Level of the embedded Krystar Krystal Capsules of the Light Body and the Etheric Body, the Physical Body, the Mental Body and the Density Body and their Light Body structures with the Meajhe Field, the Trion Field and the Reion Fields. So that‘s what these main circles are. What‘s happening here is we‘re seeing where… because remember we had this at…when we‘re dealing with the Aah-JhA‘ Body structures we saw how they moved. It was a D-2 one; it started out aligned on the AzurA over there, then it shifted up to the D-3 Rajhna. Well, at some point they have a ‗landing point‘ over when they make alignment with the Light Body structure. They‘re different landing points, and when you put them all on the different landing points, it creates a series of where the bodies end up. Now, when they shift over into alignment you have an Aah-JhA‘ Body that shifts over. When that Aah-JhA‘ Body blends with its corresponding size and level of Light Body, it becomes a Jha-DA‘ Body, a Density Level Jha-DA‘ Body, all right? That is the difference between Aah-JhA‘ Body and the Jha-DA‘ Body. It‘s still an Orb, but now it has merged with the Light Body structure and the Atomic Body structure. So this is the process where the Aah-JhA‘ Body, or the Aah-JhA‘ Orb, comes over and blends with the Light Body structure to form the Jha-DA‘ Body. And there‘s one for D-1, for D-2, for D-3 and D-4…or not D-4 but Density, and then of course for the ones going up. Ok, now this would be the D-1 Etheric Body down here that corresponds to the Rasha Level of the AahJhA‘ Body, and that would line up on the D-2 Rajhna, all right? Said that one right (Laughs). I‘m going to take this one really slow for my own sanity‘s sake. Now, we have the D-2 body here…this is the D-2 Body leg and that‘s a D-2 Body head. Ok, that‘s the D-2 Light Body. That would line up with…help me…oh dear…with the, all right; if it‘s D-2 over here it‘s D-1. It would line up with the D-1 Aah-JhA‘ Body, right? The D-1 Aah-JhA‘ Body would be here and it would become the D-1 Jha-DA‘ Body. So that one would be here. When they line up, what they will do, they will first line up with…they‘ll come through the center point; they will line up with the body that corresponds to them and then they will up-shift to wherever their primary station is, progressively building a full Jha-DA‘ Body structure, which is a Trans-harmonic Body that can basically go between the atoms of time and space. Not just in relation to itself; but it can go through the Lock Systems and down through some of the Aurora Continuums into the Hubs and those kinds of things. Which is different from what just a regular Astral Body could do. It is a much more full way of projection, actually. So I‘m going to…I didn‘t have time to make a nice little list of typeset things that‘s just ‗Read this…this corresponds with this, with this, with this‘. Didn‘t have time to do that; I‘d still be up there doing that. Hopefully I‘ll have time to do that, a little summary sheet of that in words; if there‘s time I will. If not, I The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 43 of 128

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will come out probably with the chart pack, eventually. I think you‘re going to get some of these, as long as Kinko‘s stays open. This is just showing the concept. It‘s also showing you, you know, you can analyze this and it will come out to things you can put into words with the correspondences. What we were dealing with before was the D-2 level of the Aah-JhA‘ Body, or the Ah‘-yas Body that became the Aah-JhA‘ Body Orb, and that corresponds with our D-3 Mental Body structure. So that Orb would bond with our D-3 Light Body structure. That would then move up to, let me see, all right; this would be the D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Body that‘s bonded with our D-3 Mental Body that would form the Jha-DA‘ Body. That would be positioned here, centered on the Density-1 Rajhna, ok. So that one‘s centered on the Density-1 Rajhna. There‘s another one that is, that corresponds to the D-3 level, which we didn‘t do on the diagrams, we just dealt with looking at the Aah-JhA‘ Body and the Ah‘-yas Body on the D-2 level. If we took that up one and looked at its phase cells and the whole bit on the D-3 Aah-JhA‘ level, that would correspond with our D-2 level. Yeah…no, our Density Level, that‘s right, it goes up one. So, this would be the size of where our Density Body Orb, once our Density Body merged with the Aah-JhA‘ Body corresponding, it would pull up to its center being here, and it‘s much bigger. What you end up with is a series of Orbs, right? Where you have the Rasha Level Jha-DA‘, you have the D-1 Jha-DA‘, you have the D-2 Jha-DA‘, the D-3 Jha-DA‘ and there‘s more that you would see going up. They go all the way up to actually D-5 in Density-2, as far as how these come together. They wanted us to see some of the basics of how these structures fit together and how, what the basics of the process is, because of the techniques that we‘re going to do. We‘re going to take a break because they‘re just going to run the 3 of them as one long thing; it starts as a Journey and then we have to go do something else, and I forget what…what do we do in the middle of that? Because they gave it to me like really, really fast. Yeah, then we have to go…it‘s going to take a while for that Journey. I don‘t know how long it‘s going to be, but they‘re running that one live and they‘re combining the 3 first techniques. And they wanted us to understand, because at the end of those 3 first techniques, we are going to be initiating what is called the “Stardust Flow”; it‘s Elemental Orb Flow, but where does it come from? ―What exactly is this stuff?‖ That‘s what I was asking. So if I‘m asking, I wouldn‘t doubt you guys are too. So understanding these structures and some of the basic processes that are occurring here will help us understand what our fields are going to be moving through tonight, through these exercises. And this sets the ground for what will happen with the techniques that we‘re going to be using…I‘d say ―tomorrow‖, but it‘s probably not going to be tomorrow. Maybe it will be tomorrow, but in the morning, whenever we get together again. So we‘re basically having 2 condensed sessions as far as time goes, because there‘s not enough time for all of these diagrams. All right, next one please…so this was just to show you that it ultimately ends up like that.

[0:18:32] (Graph) Now, this is where they get really messy because there was no time to be…it would take 3 or 4 hours with the white-out to try to fine-tune every line and then make them thin again and all of that stuff. Computers do this stuff much, much easier and better. And unfortunately I don‘t know how to use them. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 44 of 128

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All right, now, we‘re still on the In-Phase, right? Which is where those, the Ah-VA‘-yas Bodies of the AhVA‘-yas Cells of the Ah‘-yas Body are still in-phase and still pull together. They not only pulled together, they pulled up into Orb, and that Orb came down and that Orb shifted over and that Orb popped in and bonded with our corresponding level of the Light Body. I don‘t think I want to say that again, but it was right. It came out right (Laughs). So, now we are on the In-Phase, the D-3 Jha-DA‟ Body. Now they‘re using, remember it was the D-2 over there, the D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Body Orb bonded with our D-3 Mental Body. So, the name of the Jha-DA’ Body will correspond with the Light Body name. So this is considered the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body, that was formed from the D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Orb and the D-3 Mental Body. Yeah, at some point there will be a chart nicely type-set where, ‗this equals this equals this equals this‘. You know, it‘s easier to see this stuff in words, but it never comes out in words; it always comes out in pictures, where they‘re showing me the processes. Then I not only have to get the diagrams done and then I have to analyze the diagrams and, ―What did that just say?‖ The processes… I would love to have had a summary sheet right now, because we‘re seeing all sorts of steps. First it did this, then it did that, then it did that, then it did that. It would have taken me another, at least, hour and a half, maybe two, to take all of those charts and take off all the little things…step 1, step 2, step 3, step 4 on that one. Step 1, 2, 3, 4 on that one, right, and put them all into a sequence to get a summary of, ―What was that process again?‖ Right. That‘s due too; but I didn‘t have time to do that either. I will try to do that, hopefully before we all depart and you go your own ways, because there will be something that you get you know, as far as handouts that go with this. I will try to give you these, even if they‘re messy. They‘ll be cleaned up in the chart pack, but at least you‘ll have something to look at, and there‘s more to come too. There‘s 2 other sets of charts I have to work on. They‘re telling me that this was the long run. I really hope they‘re correct or we‘ll be here for a year (Laughs), geez. Anyway, what this is showing is… let‘s see, what is it showing? The D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Orb Body transmutes the ShaLAah Quantum…now, just the ShaLAah Quantum. This will bond with only the portion of the Light Body and Atomic Body here that is ShaLAah units, which means it won‘t bond with the Shona Fields. So, if a person or a planet is made of all Shona, this process cannot occur. That is why it is Shona ‗Dead Light‘ Field, it cannot go through these processes. There is a way of regurgitating energy in order to create artificial light that you can create an artificial Light Body, using a vesica pisces and compaction; that‘s what the Metatronic science does to create their false Light Bodies. The genuine Light Body structure is the Living Light Body structure; so it will take whatever quantum of the ShaLAah Quantum that is built. So, if you have an 82% ShaLAah Quantum, and it needs to be active…this is what they mean by ―Active Quantum‖. You can have the ShaLAah alignment where you‘ve got instead of the mutation and things all stuck together, you‘ve got part of that freed and at least you‘ve got things aligned, where you‘ve got you‘re Light Body ShaLAah units back aligned with each other. We started that process when we began to release the split or the polarization in the Light Body structure. I think what was in…gosh…Slide 1 or 2 we started that process. Now there is a part that has to do with…I don‘t have the diagrams yet, but I‘ll have some of them at least, at least one, to show the mutation and what it has done with the relationship between the Aah-JhA‘ Body structures, or before it becomes Aah-JhA‘ Body, the Ah‘-yas Body structures. Specifically the Ah-VA‘yas parts, which are those 2 ManA parts; they‘ve actually been shifted over and stuffed into artificial The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 45 of 128

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alignment and phase-bond with the Light Body structure; it means they can‘t phase. They‘re phase-locked here. So, we‘ve already released part of them by releasing the Light Body structure back to its normal…releasing its reversed polarity; so that allowed them to go back over into alignment, but they still can‘t phase because they‘re still bound in a vesica pisces lock, even though they‘re back on the axis that they should be on. So we have the Ah‘-yas Body back into its ShaLAah alignment, but they are not phasing yet. We have got to bring, we have to break that phase-lock so they can begin phasing again so these processes can start to happen. So the Ah-VA‘-yas Body can phase and then pull into the Ah-VE‘-yas Body, and then that can form the Aah-JhA‘ Body Orb and then that can do its shift of Angular Rotation of Particle Spin into alignment with our Light Bodies, which will allow the formation of the Jha-DA‘ Bodies. We‘re going to start this process with the ones that they‘ve shown in the diagrams, which is the D-2 level of the Ah‘-yas Bodies, which corresponds to our D-3 level. So what we are going to be doing through the technique that they‘re running…there are 3 techniques that they‘re running into one long one tonight, or this morning, or whatever it is…that is going to serve to activate the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body. We call it the D-3 JhaDA‘ because it corresponds with our D-3 Mental Body, but that is bound with the Aah-JhA‘ Body on the D-2 level from the other side. That will begin a process called Stardust Flow. And it has to do with that Eiron Point and what happens when that Eiron Point opens and a natural flow of frequencies can come from certain places. So we‘ll look at that in a minute. So this is still on In-Phase and the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body, a.k.a. what used to be the D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Body, Trans-harmonic Orb. This is the fifth position of the In-Phase, right? All right. [It] says, ―the Aah-JhA‘ Orb, or D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Orb Body transmutes the ShaLAah Quantum of the D-3 Mental Light Body into Mana‖. So, it turns that quantum into Mana and it forms the Transcendental D-3 Mental Jha-DA‟ Body at the AzurA of the Light Body/ Atomic Body. So at the AzurA those bodies come together and whatever is made of ShaLAah units that are, you know, properly aligned ShaLAah Light Units of the Light Body and the Atomic Body connected to those, will go into…will be transmuted into Mana Light. And that will create the field of the Jha-DA‘ Body Orb around the ‗C‘ Core. You know, the ‗C‘ Core of the Jha-DA‘ Body. Remember that we had the Atomic Body from the Aah-JhA‘ side had pulled into the Rasha state. So you have part of the identity in the Rasha Dark Matter state and the other part forming the Jha-DA‘ Body Orb around it. Now this is happening at the AzurA right now, but then it‘s going to do something. It‘s going to move from the point where it formed the Jha-DA‘ Body and go back up into its natural station in relation to the rest of them. So it‘s going to move from here and move upward, and we‘ll see where that goes…next one, please.

[0:26:39] (Graph) Eeek! There it goes again! All right. Remember at the center, that is where the Eiron Point is, because if we go all the way back to, ―Where did that Orb come from?‖ It was the Ah-VE‘-yas Body that had the Eiron Point at the center; then the 2 Ah-VA‘-yas pulled up into it and then it went to, became an Aah-JhA‘ Body, and then that became the Jha-DA‘ Body. At the center is the Eiron Point, and that stays with it. So the Eiron Point at this point is open. It moved from the AzurA Locks up into the Density, because we‘re looking at where the D-2 is smaller now…so this is the Density Level of the, it‘s a Density Rajhna. So that is The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 46 of 128

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its parking space. So the parking space of the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body that, let‘s say, ―holds‖ the D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Body is at the Density Rajhna place. So…and at some point we‘ll figure out what these Orbs are, right? Like ok, if I‘m seeing that here, what does that mean? That is some of the questions I have, right? It‘s like, ok, I get it. We see an Orb and they have this structure, or they have the other structure, and it means dimensional interface. Usually if they‘re larger it means it‘s somebody visiting, not just elementals floating through. I still don‘t have all of the answers to that yet, but hopefully we‘ll have more by the end of the workshop. Right now we‘ve got Jha-DA‘ Body. We are going to activate the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body because it is the first stage in opening/initiating the Stardust Flows. Now the Stardust Flows…I have to go to another diagram to show a little bit more about that…they will come through here and we‘ll see where they come from in a little bit, in the next diagram I think. They will come through the Eiron Point and they will go from the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body down through the central vertical column and through the Aah-JhA‘ Hydro-acoustic Bodies. Remember when we did the Pentagonal Flows we showed those with the star-shaped things on all the Fire Chambers and the Allurean Chamber lines? From certain levels of that is where these Elemental Orb Flows will come. They will begin to bring influxes and circulation back directly on-line, first with the D-3 body and that will down-step it to the D-2 bodies…also going to up-step it. Because there‘s a sequence that usually transpires when everything‘s operating organically, a sequence of…since we have one at D-1, D-2, D-3 and Density Level, which set phases first, and then what happens? It usually works from the top, down. We‘re going to be starting in the middle, with the D-3 Light Body, D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Body combination, which is the D-3 Jha-DA‘, instead of having to wait. So we‘re going to do these techniques that will allow us to actually trigger the center so we can go up and down in the Orb Flow activations, that will allow us to be able to bring in, literally, an Orb Stream, first from Median Earth and AshaLA, move it up through Urtha and move it up into literally, into the Aquareion Matrix Hubs. So we‘ll have an open flow of these currents. They‘re going to let us know more about these Orb currents, but they are currents that are Elemental Orbs, and they‘re rather larger…oh, that‘s what they were! Ok. I had a really interesting experience. I think it was after…no, before the 4th…before the 4th of July. Before that there was myself and a couple friends, female friends, had gone up to Siesta Key and we were out on the beach really late one night. And I had an experience where I saw the ZionA. I saw a line of them standing in the water. I have this fear of water thing, especially since the boating accident we had in Paxos. I almost drowned. And swimming at night at 3:00 in the morning in the ocean is not my idea of fun. Swimming in the ocean ever is not my idea of fun. Going on a boat that swims in the ocean is not my idea of fun (Laughs). I saw them. We were kind of sitting there, just quietly singing songs on the beach and you know, nice night at the ocean. There was nobody around, and I saw a line of them in Etheric vision, like you know, ghost form. They were doing kind of like we‘ve done at Virginia Beach and stuff, where we‘ll stand, sometimes holding hands, sometimes just next to each other in a line. They were out in the water, right? They were singing, and I could hear them; they were saying, ―Sing‖, you know, like, ―you can sing it, go ahead, sing it‖. So I started to sing it, and you know, whatever the song was, and I don‘t remember; I wish I had a tape recorder. They wanted me to walk toward them. It was about overcoming fear. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 47 of 128

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I‘m going, ―Ok, I‘ll walk toward you‖…up to my ankles, and they‘re going, ―Oh God, you‘re far out there…oh no‖. Thankfully it was Siesta Key in the summer, so it was very warm, so at least we didn‘t have freezing water. That would have put me under. ―Forget it! Sorry, I‘ll send a post card, you know‖ (Laughs). So I started walking out and singing. I‘m up to my knees and it was really weird, because usually…and I was barefoot…you can usually like feel stuff, you know, under your feet. Just pieces of shells or you hope it‘s pieces of shells because it was sharp, all right, or weird things that like hit your legs that could be seaweed…you hope it‘s seaweed because it doesn‘t bite (Lots of Laughs). Right. It was as if everything was cleared out of the water and off the sand, right? So I‘m walking out there and I‘m singing the song to myself and they wanted me to come out where I could do a Patra Pose with them. And there was a bunch of them. It looked like they went on for a mile and I was kind of like somewhere in the middle of it. I could feel fish swimming behind them and I could sense that they were dolphins, but like ‗guard dolphins‘; ones that were actually working with them and protecting us. So I felt this ―safe thing‖. I‘m telling you this because there‘s a reason; it connects to Orbs. Finally [I] got out and for me this is like, at this point I‘m… (Ash makes an ―underwater‖ sound with mouth indicating the water was nearly over head)… because the waves were coming up and I‘m going, ―I will not panic, I will not panic…3 more steps‖, right? Finally get to the point, and it‘s literally where every time a wave would come it would just go… (sound with mouth again)…my head‘s still up this far. My heads up, my eyes are still up, but I have to… (Ash breathes in)…―Am I close enough yet?‖ Finally the one held his hands out and I put my hands on it, and there was this huge rush of healing and a removal of fear that was a very deep fear, right? It was really neat and I could almost tell, I could hear him and I knew what he was going to ask me right before he asked me; then he said, ―Now lay down on your back.‖ I‘m saying, ―(Ash makes her own ‗hesitant‘ sound)‖. Meanwhile, the girls were watching me on the beach going, ―Where‘d she go?‖ They didn‘t know if I drowned or what, and I‘m telepathing back to them, ―Don‘t follow me. I don‘t know if this is safe.‖ So I finally say, ―Ok‖. Of course you always go… (Ash makes her own little sound) …and you sink more, right? A little bit into the water on your back, even if you‘re floating. All of a sudden there was a really weird, it almost looked like the water was ‗lit‘ from underneath. It took on like a weird effervescence, like underlighting. I could feel Orbs come up underneath me and they actually lifted me up where it was, like, only about this much of me was in the water. It was actually…it was like…I felt like floating on top of the water. This has to do with Beings and Elementals in Jha-DA‘ Body State. That was a direct experience with some of them actually coming in and I believe these were the ‗elemental ones‘, but they were sent by the others. Now if I had saw, at a certain level of frequency, I was seeing an Etheric-looking set of beings standing there called ZionA, right? What I wasn‘t seeing was the huge fields around them. They were in Orb too. I was seeing them at a certain, probably their Thermal level, I wouldn‘t doubt. So I‘m still learning about this. It just reminded me that those Orbs that came, the Elemental Flows, they were part of some version of this. I‘m just trying to understand this myself; but I see the connection of the Stardust Flows. These were Stardust Flows coming in from somewhere and they were coming in, literally, through the fields of the ZionA The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 48 of 128

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that were holding the protection frequency there. They were literally making me feel like I was lighter and gravity wasn‘t affecting my body in the same way. Would I have gone out 20 more feet? Hell, no! I decided I hit my threshold right there. ―See? I‘m not afraid anymore…right here‖. I didn‘t realize it then, but that was a beginning of Stardust Flows activating here. It‘s really funny, because right before or right after that I ended up with my ―Stardust‖ self on the E-group, right? And I did it because I like the movie and I like the ending. They all went back into being stars again. So I related to the Stardust character. Didn‘t know we were going to get Stardust Orb Flows. I encountered them first and didn‘t know what to call them or what they were. We are going to activate the D-3 Jha-DA‘ level and that will begin the, through the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Eiron Point, will begin the Elemental Stardust Flows, which are Elemental Orb flows that will…I‘m not sure if we‘re going to start with Median Earth? I have a feeling, because of just what I‘ve seen on the techniques; but I think we‘re going up first and on our way back down we‘re going to take them in from up to down. So we won‘t get the Median Earth ones first, we‘ll get them last. Yeah, I‘m getting the feeling. Because when we go for the break before we start the technique, they‘re going to give me a few more specifics because I have my little scribbles as far as, ―go here, go here, go there, do that, do that‖, right? That‘s how they give it to me when I‘m running them live; it‘s like, ―Great, here we go.‖ I have 4 sentences and it‘s like sometimes an hour Journey or whatever. You know, because the wave runs. That‘s why I‘m glad there are things like tape recorders, because I would have no idea what I said in the beginning by the time I get to the end of those, with the wave. We‘re going to bring in through here…now if we look at this again, these little diagrams that we used as a base for this; there‘s a reason for that, because they had certain information. Here, this point here is Chakra 12A, 24 inches above the head. Ok, here was Chakra 11, 18 inches above the head. Here is Chakra 10, 6 inches above the head. So that‘s where they‘re going to start coming in. They‘ll come in through the chain, working their way down. That is where that point is right now. The D-3 Jha-DA‘ will actually be stationed at, and seriously, like a part of you will be in Jha-DA‘ Orb. Your Mental Body will be, a part of your Mental Body in Jha-DA‘ Orb, whatever part of it is ShaLAah compatible where it can bond with that. That opens up into, when we look at the other diagram, the I AM GOD-Self Bands of the D-3 Aah-JhA‘ Body when we look…that‘s the other diagram I‘ll show you next, where it has the Pentagonal Flows on it again, where you saw the I AM Bands for D-1, D-2, D-3, and Density. This is the Density Level, the I AM God-Self Band. And it‘s from here that we‘ll be getting the Stardust Flows; from here, and they will come in from all the way up the chain, from Aquareion down through Urtha, down through AshaLA, down through to us here, into this band and then into our bodies. I believe before the workshop is over…I‘d say ―tomorrow‖, but whenever…before it‘s over we will be doing, this is the first part. When we get through the other 3 techniques that go with the Day-2 session, I believe we will be doing a similar thing with the D-2 body, our beginning the process of initiating the Flows. Because this has to do with creating the Atomic Mirror that will actually free the D-2 Body and free the D-2 Ah-VA‘-yas so they can begin phasing again. So the D-2 Body is able to go through this as well as the Mental Body. Now I‘m not sure why they‘ve chosen the D-3 level. I don‘t know if there was something that we‘ve made more advancement there as far as freeing the D-3 Mind. I mean, we did just do freeing the mind, right? That The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 49 of 128

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was Slide-5. So it has something to do with whatever we did in Slide-5; that is why we‘re using the D-3 mind level now. This one‘s Freeing the Body. So we will be bringing this activation and the last 3 techniques down into here and that‘s where we get into the natural processes of bringing the Stardust Flows into the Atomic Structure, which will immediately create the Atomic Mirror, literally inside the atoms, that re-reverses the reversals back to normal so the Ah-VA‘-yas can go back into their normal alignment and begin phasing again. And it also has to do with opening the Primary, in this body, and Secondary Neuro-circuitry together. So you actually open the Flows between what was the Secondary Neuro-circuitry that was carried in the Ah‘yas Body that is now merged with the Light Body. So you‘d open those Flows into the natural Flows here that have to do with your neurological structure and the Autonomic Nervous System…that thing. So before we leave, we will be doing the activations that take this and bring it down one more level into our D-2 level. Then it takes some time for us to get 82% of our ShaLAah units actually activated, to where they are activated into a Jha-DA‘ State. By the time we have the Ireland workshop they‘re going to be, it will be the next level of whatever, you know, the Shield is able to hold in the next level of this. One of these days we should have some interesting Orb experiences…or Silver Seed space ship experiences…please…anyway, next one, please.

[0:41:52] (Graph) Wave incoming…ouch. This is going back to the Aah-JhA‘ Body structures of the Pentagonal Flows. Just to show you where the Orb structures we‘ve been looking at, once they‘re parked where they belong, they form a structure that in relation to this level of the Aah-JhA‘ Bodies in the anatomy we can understand where they are. What we have been dealing with was this one right here. Now these numbers correspond to a list that you‘ll see after this. It is the closest we‘ve got to a type set basic form…if it‘s a D-3 this, it‘s a Dwhatever that and it‘s located ‗where‘, all right. We‘ve got that much of a summary. This is the one that we‘ve been working with here, which would be the D-3 Mental Body, Mental Jha-DA‘ Body, and that‘s the D-3 Light Body with the D-2, what was the D-2 Ah-VE‘-yas, all right? Because the AhVE‘-yas was the top circle on those before they pulled into Aah-JhA‘ and quote, ―turned into Jha-DA‘‘, and all of that. So we‘ll just refer to it as the one that was over there from the Ah‘-yas Body, the D-2 Ah-VE‘-yas and the D-3 Light Body. That forms the D-3 Mental Jha-DA‘ Body. That was what we are working on. So it is from here, if we look at the center of that one, the center of that one is here. This is where the Flows will be originating, you know, beginning to originate from. They will open in through this band and then come down into our bodies. This is our Mental Body here. So this Seal will open here. It‘ll bring in this level. Now this is right past D-3, it goes up into the Density Level. And this is like Zero Point of Density-1…where D-3 ends, Density-1 Body begins. This would be D-3.5, D-6.5, D-9.5 and D-12.5 of the Density Level. So we‘re going to be bringing in this band here. The Elemental Orb Flow will come in from above and fill this level, the I AM God-Self Station and then that will turn on and go down into and feed the Mental Body structure. And then progressively, through the Eiron Point that is open there…and that is that Eiron Point that we saw on the other diagrams, that corresponds to this diagram right here, the border between the end of D-3 and the Zero Point of the Density level frequency sets, which are the I AM God-Self level of awareness. And this will begin moving itself down. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 50 of 128

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Now when we get, when we look at these we have on this level here, where D-3 ends here and Density starts here, here‘s I AM God-Self level…here we have where D-2 ends and D-3 starts. This is where I AM EGO level. That also, that‘s actually the station of our consciousness right now when we look down and see our D-2 body as being…wait a minute…am I on the right one? No. D-3…yeah, right here is the D-3 I AM E.G.O…that‘s where from here we look down and we see the body below it as ‗solid‘, which is our D-2 body. It also stands for ―Epigenetic Overlay‖. So when these frequencies start coming in they will first begin the Transmutation of the Epigenetic Overlay on the D-3 level. So that will begin once we do the activations tonight. Then that will work itself down when we go into the D2 Physical Body layers of this activation, into what‘s called the I AM Atom, because that would be your Physical Body: I AM CELLS, I AM ATOM, I AM BODY Consciousness. That would take you into the Telluric Realm and right into the DNA and the RNA and then you go into the Etheric Template from there into the I AM Element. And that‘s the Etheric Level, the I Am Element, and then into the Rasha Level. Now this is the body we‘re dealing with right now. Here we have the…when you see the other list, number 1 is not shown here because it would be huge. That‘s usually the first one to activate, which is the highest level of it. And then that brings its Stardust Flow into the next level down and then that activates. We‘re actually doing a faster activation wave by hitting it in the middle and then it will activate up and down. And that‘s because of the Mashaya-Hanic intervention. That‘s why those frequencies can be brought in through the platforms, the Aurora Platforms, the Aurora Continuum. So normally we‘d have the really big one that the paper‘s not big enough to show how large it would be in proportion, and that would be the D-1. And that has, it‘s called the Astral Jha-DA‟, but it‘s a lot more than an ‗astral body‘. It‘s the Density-2, D-4 Astral Light Body combined with the…what does that say honey, can you see it? I think it‘s the Rasha. Uh, combined with the Density-1 level of the Ah-VE‘-yas…so the Density-1 Level here. We‘re only dealing with the D-2 level right now, of the Ah-VA‘-yas over here. This would be the big Density Level of that, so it‘s huge; the structure of it‘s huge. So that‘s not shown on the diagram. The next one is 2, right here number 2 and you‘ll see these on the list in a minute. Can we pull it down a little bit honey? Number 2 is the Density-1 Jha-DA‘ Body. Remember, we‘re activating the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body. So Density-1 Jha-DA‘ Body is a Density-1 Light Body and the D-3 Ah-VE‘-yas Body in combination. All right, that one is this size, ok and it‘s actually this…it‘s stationed here. And it goes up and I believe that‘s the one that goes up and crests D-5 if you keep doing the expansions up and out. So that is number 2. Number 3 is the one we‘ve activated. So when we activate this, it‘s going to go up and down. The activations will spread from both directions. That‘s the D-3 one we just did, the Mental. Then the 4th one we will do is called the Bio-Emotive, a.k.a. the ―Physical-Emotional Body‖, which is what we see as physical here, all right? The Atomic Body. That one is the Bio-Emotive D-2 Jha-DA‘ , the Telluric Jha-DA‟ we consider it, the D-2 Light Body and the D-1 Ah-VE‘-yas. And then below this we have this little guy down here that would be the number 5. Number 5 is the Etheric Jha-DA‘, which is the D-1 Light Body and the Rasha Ah-VE‘-yas. Then this little tiny one at the center here is number 6. It‘s called the Ah‟-yas Seed. It‘s the Jha-DA‘, Density-1 Rasha and ElumEir-adhona Spirit Body. So that actually goes into the Spirit Body Core, that one. So there are 6 layers of the Jha-DA‘ Transcendental, 6 Primary Layers of the Jha-DA‟ Transcendental Orb Body and Stardust Elemental Orb The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 51 of 128

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Flows. And that is on one Density Level, all right? That is just dealing with the Density and D-1, D-2 and D3, all right? So there would be that for each of the levels. I believe, once we get into them, because I only have them half done, I‘m still trying to figure out, ―Who‘s on first?‖ New words again as far as the… there‘s 5 States of Matter associated with these things…great, yeah. I don‘t have those plugged in yet, but they‘ll be covered too, as far as the 5 States of Aurora Matter, the in-between, „between matter‟ and what that has to do with these. So they‘re some of the charts I have to work on when I go upstairs…next. Actually, I think I‘m going to sleep for an hour before I fall over.

[0:49:20] (Graph) So anyway, that‘s kind of showing the other diagrams that we‘ve seen about the Ah‘-yas structure, about the processes going from the Ah‘-yas body into the Aah-JhA‘ Body and that becoming the Jha-DA‘ Bodies by blending with the Light Bodies. And that shows it more in the context and actually shows the structure of, once they‘re ‗parked‘ on their proper locations, as far as what Density Rajhna or what Dimensional Rajhna is each one parked at, you end up with this structure. At a certain point they haven‘t talked about yet, there‘s a big ‗Hooray!‘ where they all pull into the center and make full Orb. That‘s after all of them, the D-1, D-2, D-3 and the Density Level, are fully activated and then they all pull in together. Because right now they‘re kind of strung out. You have a lower one…and it‘s almost like imagine if they were all centered up here, they‘d just be concentric rings within one circle, right? But they pull down; they kind of go, ‗brp, brp, brp, brp‘, (Ash goes down in tone as she makes this sound), down into materialization. The opposite of that would be… (Ash makes a different sound…going up in tone) … back up into dematerialization; that‘s what full Orb and full Jha-DA‟ Body Activation would be. And full Jha-DA‘ Body Activation would mean you would be able to, at will, move your Atomic structure wherever you wanted to, and if you‘ve got that much going for you, you could probably heal just about anything in it as well. Yeah, so we‘re working toward that, but we‘ll start with the Eiron Point in the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body. That‘s what we‘ll be doing tonight…next one, please.

[0:50:54] (Graph: The Organic Ah‘-yas Phasing Sequence) The organic Ah‟-yas Phasing Sequence. Yeah, this is what I was talking about before with those numbers we‘re corresponding to. Could we push it over this way a little bit honey, so I can see the numbers, please? Yeah, thank you. Ok, now this is the Light Body Field, when we‘re talking about the Light Body side. The Ah-VE‟-yas Body Field, that‘s what we were talking about the one over here, the Ah‘-yas Body; but you have, the Ah‘-yas Body has the Ah-VE‘-yas and then the 2 Ah-VA‘-yas…we‘re just talking about where that sphere, that top sphere, because we were just using that, where that would go. It becomes the Ah‘-yas and that becomes the Aah-JhA‘ and that becomes the Jha-DA‘ when it blends over here. This is basically a list that shows what‘s blending with what. What Ah-VE‘-yas level over there blends with what level of the Light Body over here, and where that blend occurs and where its parking spot is once it does that, all right? So these are the basic correspondences, and this is the sequence that they will usually go in, all right? They will usually start with, first, the Density-2 Etheric D-4 Astral Light Body Field. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 52 of 128

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Well, first this would activate and this would bring in this field. So the Density-1 Ah-VE‘-yas would activate first, and that would be at Density-2, D-5 Rajhna. We don‘t even have graphs that go up that far, you know, to show where that would be as far as expansions, because you wouldn‘t be able to see D-1 and 2 and 3 in them. They would, you know, you‘d have to do it where you just kind of said ―somewhere in that center that you can‘t see is D-1, 2, 3‖. So, they would usually be first. Second would be the Density-1, still in Density-1, the Atmic D-3 Mental Ah-VE‘-yas would be the thing that activates and it would go through into its Aah-JhA‘ state and then into Jha-DA‘ state by blending with the Density-1 Light Body, that big Light Body of ours; the biggest one. And that would happen at the Density-2, D-4 Rajhna. Then this is what…we started here, even though you usually start there, because we started here so we can run up and down at the same time and the first place will be down. Now remember, when these activate and it goes through the…this one pulls up into that one, basically, it pulls up into it. It‘s actually, this one slides on over or shifts on over and blends with that one and then pulls it up. That‘s the process that I described. But anyway, where was I going here? So that one pulls up into that. When we start…yeah, I‘m going to go back here…when we start with this one, we can run them up and down at the same time, this is the most important right now because the physical body that is still caught in phase-lock with the mutation, which means its Ah‘-yas can‘t phase, or its Ah-VA’-yas can‘t phase, so they can‘t pull into its Ah-VE’-yas, so its Ah‘-yas is stuck. That means its Light Body is stuck in its materialized form, so we are activating this today. We will be activating this tomorrow. I believe today we‘re going to go, and I think our Journeys are actually going to serve the purpose where it‘s starting the activation here, but on our way back down I believe we‘re probably triggering those in. So they will activate as well and we‘ll get the Stardust Flows coming all the way down the Stardust Orb Flows, the Elemental Orb Flows. One of the first things that we‘re going to do is the… once we come back from the break, we‘re going to do the Engaging Our Ah-VA‟-yas Body. That is, that should be a pleasant one. It‘s a Journey to the place they‘ve been taking me to for a while now, and finally they told me where it was, it was the Median Earth Ah-Rish‟-Ma-Ta‟-A place. And it was quite beautiful. There are temples there and there are quartz mountains, but right by the sea. It‘s a really beautiful place. I didn‘t have time to do…I want to do a painting of it. I drew a drawing of it, like a little just rough; but I haven‘t had time to do it. But I believe they‘re going to take us there, and then there‘s an experience you have that involves the silver—well, involves the ships. And you kind of go for a visit and yeah. They‘ve been doing that with me for the last probably week, and that was new. I‘ve been at the Ah-Rish‘-Ma-Ta‘-A place for a lot. I‘m getting to the point where I can actually be very aware of being in both places simultaneously. And I can sit there. When I go to sleep I always lay down there. I‘ll just go and go (Ash sighs), ―Back again…like it here,‖ right? I‘m always in this one spot where I‘m looking through, it‘s like it‘s all made of quartz . It looks like a glass temple, it‘s gorgeous; but it has these open arched pillars that form arches and it just looks over this most beautiful view.

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I always end up planted there. I just pop in and go (Ash sighs) and lay back and go…and look at the view for a while and pass out. I‘ve got to the point where even right now there is a ―me‖ there, and this has to do with the Mashaya-Hanic level of Self, where it‘s like that part of me is there. It‘s getting to be very distinct. So when we go through these Journeys, part of what we are going to do is, first, we‘re going to seed our own Mashaya-Hanic Self in the Aquareion Fields, you know, way over there into the beginning of that Host. Our encryption is actually at the place we ultimately want to end up, which is like the Adashi Return, the whole bit like, you know, the Core of that whole Host. And when we come back we will have, it‘s almost like ‗growing yourself from the future back to the present‘, right? We‘ll have our Mashaya-Hanic Self that will be able to stay in the Median Earth Watchtower space and probably other places too; but that‘s where the landing pad is right now. And it‘s really strange in a nice way, to have both sets of consciousness, and it‘s just…I can‘t really articulate it well, but it‘s a different level. I‘ve had some interesting levels of perception and projection and all that. This is very interesting because I‘m aware of both simultaneously. I‘m aware of me sitting up there now. I also was aware that I shapeshifted and they‘re teaching us how to fly or reminding us how to fly there. And I think they‘re going to start that here too. Not just Orb, but fly. That means, ―Yo…superman!‖ Right? Where you can do it with the body without having to pull it all into full Orb. So I don‘t know why, I mean, hey, ‗Orb sounds good to me; just bang, zoom, swoosh!‘ You know? You don‘t have to worry about dressing it. You know what I mean (Laughs); you know, clothes or anything. If you fly in a body you probably have to wear clothes and stuff. Did you ever get wrapped up, if you‘re projecting, in ‗what should I wear? Do I wear a robe? Should I be naked? But what is somebody sees me?‘ You know what I mean? Because you can get your mind in all these little 3D loops when you start projecting. Orbs are easy; what color is it? That‘s about it. Anyway, the techniques will take us into the beginnings of…see, they didn‘t give me the techniques. They work with me and half of it I‘ll remember and half of it I won‘t, but I‘ll end up there. Then later when they give me techniques I go, ―Oh, that‘s what you did with me, ok. I get it.‖ Right, so it‘s one of those. I‘ve moved through this, but I didn‘t know what it was until this, you know, until they showed me what this technique is about. It‘s like, ―Oh, that‘s how I got there; ok.‖ So it‘s a nice Journey and that will lead to, at the end of what, when we get to go back and go to sleep or breakfast or whatever, then we will initiate the Stardust Flow, the Elemental Orb Flow. That will give us time to maybe go and go to sleep or have breakfast, and I have to go to sleep before I attempt the other diagrams. I will come back for the next session as soon as possible, because I know everybody has to leave by Monday, you know; but we will cover this material. I want to wrap up these charts here…next one, please.

[0:59:01] (Graph) We‘ll bring it back to the neuro-circuitry just for a moment. Now when we do the Journey, and this is why I brought this one up; this was something that we finally got it refined for the Sliders Workshop pack. We certainly didn‘t have it done for the workshop, but this was when we were talking about the Probability alignments and the Essential Alignment and the, what was that called? The Mashaya-hana Vortex here.

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Now these were the maps, right? We were showing the Probability Alignment Maps. Then on the small microcosm level we showed how those things interfaced with our brain and we showed where this vortice here, we had one in our head. And this time I actually corrected the brain so you are looking down at it, instead of looking at the underside pretending it‘s looking down at it, just enough to show the connections of where these things actually anchor in the brain. It came down to, in Sliders-4 we activated the Mashaya-Hanic Tunnel, basically, which is like a tunnel and I think they called it the embrace, the Mashaya-Hanic Embrace. Because we first took this tunnel effect from the right side, and if you‘re looking at it like this it would be here. It went up and then on the other side, the other arm went up. So it actually goes up all the way into the Mashaya-Hanic level of the Aquareion Matrix and that would be their Hub levels. It links around…it is a Host Link, where it actually frees the Mind for Slide. It actually begins…this is what created the ability to now bring the…all right, I‘m just getting this in—the D-3 Mental Body into phase capacity. It was because this link was opened into the Host all the way up. It creates the potential for a full circulation, which is what we‘re going to begin to do—open that circulation more fully to get the Orb Flow, the Elemental Orb Flow, the Stardust Flow moving through the brain. That will allow it to move into the, first the D-3 level, the D-3 Mental Body neuro-circuitry. I‘m getting, they‘re showing me and I‘m translating what they‘re saying. All right. They‘re basically saying, once we do the techniques, one of them will involve creating an active circulation of the Elemental Orb Flow or the Stardust Flow through here, and then running it in some other way, probably down the central column and that kind of thing. And that will begin the process of opening the neuro-circuitries between the Core neuro-circuitries, which are encrypted into the part of the Jha-DA‘ Body that holds the encryption of the AhVE‟-yas Vibrational Body. And they would be the Core Encryptions, and you know, they‘re Krystic Encryptions. Then we would have the Primary Neuro-circuitry that is in the manifest… well, we see the D-2 level of it when doctors cut people open and see stuff inside of them and things. That‘s the D-2 level, where you see your nerve networks and all of that kind thing and the physical brain and all of that. But there‘s also the D-3 Atmic level, the Density Level Ketheric level and the D-1 Etheric level to those neuro-circuitries, but they‘re considered the Primary Neuro-circuitry, that are involved directly with the Light Body and the Atomic Body structure. Then we‘ll also open the Secondary Neuro-circuitry, which are the ones that are directly involved with the Thermal Imprint or the Ah-VA‘-yas levels of the Jha-DA‘ Body structure. And it begins the Flow, the Stardust Flow, directly into first the full Mental Body into Mental Atomic Structure and then that will allow us to bring that into the D-2 Body to create that Atomic Mirror to release the reversals that are still holding the D-2 Body in phase-lock. So they just wanted us to, with all that stuff that we learned about anatomy and the Ah-VA‘-yas Body and the shift over and now it‘s a Jha-DA‘ Body and all that thing, they wanted us to know that so we would understand when we do the techniques that…and I don‘t think they‘re going to be very hard techniques. I don‘t know how long they‘re going to be. I wish I did trance at this point, but I don‘t (Laughs). I could, but I‘m not allowed. But, we will open those circulations and bring the Stardust Flow in through the body to begin the process of freeing the physical atomic body…next one, please, almost done. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 55 of 128

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[1:03:46] (Graph) That is just showing the…when you‘re looking at the Cosmic map, this is where those loving arms come down through the Probability maps from the Aquareion Matrix over here; that is the holder of the Krystal River Host. Ones coming down here would be the right side and then the one coming down on the left side, and it creates that loop of the Mashaya-Hanic Loop I refer to it as… it doesn‘t really have a name yet, but they‘re going to do something with this. This is going to open in a larger way and I‘m not sure what that‘s going to look like yet. That‘s going to come out in the techniques as we move forward, so I was just giving you context as far as, ―Where are those arms attached to?‖ They‘re attached up here to the Hubs of the Aquareion Mashaya-Hana Core and that is the strongest link to the Host, because that goes all the way down through Urtha and through Shala 3 and through AshaLA and through Median Earth and down to us. All right, next one, please.

[1:04:54] (Graph) When we talk about Primary Neuro-circuitry, it has to do with the nerve things, the root nerves and things that go through the spine and also through the brain, that whole circuitry. I‘m not going to go through each one of these. You can find this in any decent medical book, that kind of thing, that shows the different parts of the anatomy…next one, please.

[1:05:19] (Graph) All those plug into all those things, right? So the neuro-circuitry is extremely important. It has to do with the flow of energy that becomes electrical impulse that runs into the Physical Body that runs through the Autonomic Nervous System and literally controls and regulates all the functions of the energy flows in all of the organs and the tissues and all that kind of thing. So when we‘re referring to neuro-circuitry, we‘re referring to this apparatus that runs through the spinal nerves, the brain nerves and on into all of the organs. Our Physical Bodies have this but so does the… when our Ah‘-yas Body is in its phase where it has its Vibrational Body, its Eirah Body, and its Thermal Body, when it‘s still in that, when it‘s not in full Orb Phase, they each have a replica of —or we‘re a replica of them—as far as there is a body structure made of those energies that has all of these systems as well. So there is an interface. That interface has been blocked and shut off because of the mutation and the twist in the Ah-VA‘-yas part of the Ah‘-yas Body. Because we‘re untwisting that, it will begin to let the natural flows between those 3 body parts to occur so the Physical Body will progressively become able to go into Orb as well as just the Mental Body that we are working with right now. So I just wanted you to see what the, when we say ―neuro-circuitry‖, what we‘re talking about. We‘re literally talking about the bio-control mechanisms that run the body, because these are all connected to the metabolism and heart rate and breathing rate and everything all right. We‘ll talk a little bit, too, next time when we get into a bit of understanding the negative force and how it works with this and what those circuitries have to do with possession and also with extraction. Because it is because we are able to turn back on the phase ability of the Ah‘-yas Bodies and begin the process of the Mental Body going into Jha-DA‘ State, we can now experience extractions that do not have to traumatize the body to a horrible degree like it used to be. Because it used to be, you were better off The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 56 of 128

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dropping it, honestly, than fighting in the body. As long as you could get out in a Retrieval and safe, it was worth just seriously not taking on… the certain type of let‘s say ―consciousness‖. Think of collective consciousness fields…you know how you can have a bunch of happy, happy people who really have good intentions and they create a collective consciousness field? Well, imagine a collective consciousness field that is created and becomes a force on its own just like any group of people becomes a force, an entity, right? Imagine what the cumulative entity of all the FAs and all the twisted elementals; what kind of entity might that be? That is literally the force that is anchoring into our bodies. And it does have a consciousness, just like a group has a consciousness, just like an individual does; well, so does a group; this is a big group. There is a big, positive group, the Krystic groups and there‘s also the opposite. So we are progressively going to bring the Krystic Consciousness, Collective Consciousness, into the planet and into our bodies and progressively move out the reverse consciousness. That reverse consciousness, as a collective, is referred to as the Ah-LU-Sa-Ta-NE‟ force. And it has to do with the names Lucifer and Satan. That‘s where they came out of and it is the twisted elemental force, the twisted Elemental Kingdom collective consciousness. It doesn‘t mean just twisted fairies, you know; it means twisted, massive, flowing Light Beings that are not made of nice light and that have really nasty intentions. So we‘ll look at that a bit more tomorrow. What I would like to do is… because tonight, well tomorrow, whatever, you know - I‘m using those terms in a relative way. ―Tomorrow‖ is whenever I see you again after we do our techniques tonight. God! So I would like us to take…I need 15-minutes. I just need to sit down, regroup and I‘ll turn the logical part off and turn the other part on. That‘s what it‘s like in my brain. It‘s like there‘s 2 different functions. When I have to run live-wave to take people up and out that‘s one set, and I can feel it, that‘s one set of things. Maybe it‘s this…maybe it‘s the Secondary. I don‘t know. I haven‘t figured that out yet. To do like logical focus stuff it‘s a completely different wave. I need adjustment time, especially if I‘m tired, where I switch from one to the other. Also gives you time if you need to do ‗bathroom run‘ or whatever, and then we‘ll come back. I will try to keep them as not long as possible, all right? There are 3. These are the preliminary ones; they shouldn‘t be too long. Then we can have breakfast or go to sleep or whatever. I‘m going to go to sleep, but not before I come back in about 15-minutes. We can come back and we will run the 3 as one long one. ―Long‖ doesn‘t necessarily mean it‘s going to be for 2 hours, you know. It is just the 3 are going to be strung together as one technique. They‘ve done that before. We will have the activations of the Stardust Flow initiating by the time we leave each other‘s company this morning or evening, whatever. So see you soon (Clapping) 15-minutes or so…15/ 20. I hope that was worth staying up until 5 (am) for, so far.

Technique Intro [Track 3] A‘sha All righty! Now basically there are three stages to this meditation once we move in. We will be doing the first part which is engaging your Ah-VA‟-yas Thermal Oscillatory Body, and this involves what‘s called Journey to Ah-Rish‟-ma-Ta‟-A. And that‘s the place that what the…if you saw it from an aerial view which The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 57 of 128

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we won‘t, we‘ll actually get the inside pop-in view on this one. But from an aerial view the place is quite beautiful. It looks like mountains. They look like they‘re made of ice but they‘re not, they‘re made of quartz. They‘re not selenite, they‘re quartz, but like clear quartz. And in them there are like…well, they look like they‘re carved, but I believe they were sung into being, into form, with the Shadra Shields and that kind of thing. But it‘s an amazing beautiful complex of buildings. It has everything from like…I remember seeing one area that was a spa area, another area that was like a library learning center, another area that was a healing area—it is just huge. But the place that they have been bringing me to…and this is why! (chuckling) Because—now I know why they were bringing me there—because I understand now what I was actually going through when they were bringing me here because they didn‘t explain that to me. But it‘s also so I could run Shield, to do this to bring everyone else through into this place. It is a really neat space when we go into this one area. They never named it before. Again, I have seen it so many times that I could actually paint a picture of it—not that I ever get time—I would love to someday. But what I didn‘t know is it‘s called the Contemplation Planes of Ah-Rish‟-ma-Ta‟-A. And it‘s a really neat space, and what is even more neat about it…and I was trying to figure…because I sensed this when I…a couple of times when they had taken me there, but I didn‘t really know how to conceptualize it even. But they have explained it, that this particular phenomena with this place where I could always go there and be absolutely alone, like just nobody else in there and it‘s a huge place right? But absolutely by myself with nobody else to bug me. If there was like…if anybody wanted…if any of the Guardians wanted to interact with me or whatever, they could come in, in Orb and that kind of stuff, or like come in not-Orb. They could come in, in whatever form they chose. Or, I also found that if I wanted to invite someone in that state, in that part of their own identity to come and meet me there, like to discuss something, or to…if I was having a problem with someone to come and talk about it, or get a Guardian mediator to come in with me and request a certain person to come just by holding an image with loving feeling of wanting resolution to bring into this space. But it was a very private space, but I also realized there‘s probably billions of people from all over the place, not just Earth, that are coming here whenever they want to. Why aren‘t we bumping into each other? (chuckles) And they introduced something in this technique that explained it for me. They call it the Lone Harmonic, and it has to do with something that we‘re going to get that belongs to us that is called our Ah‟-yas Key, and it looks like an egg—an upside down egg—with a flame inside of it. And what it is, is it‘s actually the consolidated encryption of our entire Ah‟-yas Body, which was our original encryption before we even manifest into our materialized…into atomic structure. And by using this, it actually creates like, they call them Lone Harmonics which…it‘s your harmonic, and it is just your encryption that activates and opens that version of that space. So you can join with others if you want to, but everybody can be in the same space, but because everybody‘s harmonic is a bit different as far as their encryption goes, it literally creates and materializes a version of that same space, of that same platform around you, so you have it all to yourself as well. Yeah! And what was really neat for me, they didn‘t take this into this meditation but if you find that after you do…I just call it a meditation for short, it‘s an easy way to put it. A journey. I also found that at one point, it was about the third time they had brought me there, and I was just very happy to just sit in this place. It was just so peaceful and I loved looking out over the view and not having to talk to anybody. Not even Guardians. I like Guardians. I love them to bits (chuckling) but sometimes like, ―shhhhh,‖ please, just ―shhhhh.‖ (laughing) I can go there for that ―shhhhh.‖ I won‘t talk to myself, nobody talks to me, just let me be. At one point I was in that space and just really…and I used to…I got used to going there and just like pushing The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 58 of 128

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myself through the spaces between my atoms into that space where it was like, I must have gone through the Aurora Continuum but it went so fast that I just went (makes quick sound like ‗shoo‘) and I was just there. And at one point one of the Guardians came up to me, kind of orbed over and then de-orbed and boomboom-boom-bang, here he is. And he said, ―by the way, you know when you make it this far, when people get to this point of visitation, they‘re considered a part of the Councils—of the Mashayah-Hana Councils— and everyone has their own room. It‘s a suite. So you don‘t just have to sit out in like this commons area. There‘s a place, it has like comfy bed type thing if you want to go to sleep here (laughing), and it has various facilities.‖ And I was like, ―Oh! Ok.‖ So they kind of led me out one of the doors and into this space that was like my hotel room or something. So we would all have one of those on our Lone Harmonic Key. So even though that‘s not in this particular journey, once this journey gets you to that space if you want to go back there, first of all you can just by intending it and like breathing yourself backward through the spaces between your atoms and getting yourself to that place. And if you can‘t figure out how to do that just ask one of your Buddhas to help get you there because you‘d like to go back there. And, I mean sky‘s the limit once you‘re there on your own Lone Harmonic Key, because you can interact with the Beloveds there, they can…I know that there‘s a spa area, there‘s a library area, there‘s a medical healing area that does not involve medical equipment like we have on this planet. Thank God. (laughing) It uses light and sound and aromatherapy and stuff. But there are amazing places. I also know…I remember from the aerial view once I saw that in the same complex but not in the same…say if a couple of mountains—crystal mountains— represented say one building complex, there were several others around and one of them had to do with, almost like regenesis, like Noah‘s Ark but not ‗arcs‘, where all sorts of life forms—animals and plants and things—had been brought there for bio-regenesis so they could make it through into their next stage of evolution. So there‘s places like that there too, it‘s a really interesting place. We won‘t go into all those places on this journey, but once you get into this one particular area—the Contemplation Plane space and on your Lone Harmonic Key—you can…you are invited to by the Beloveds to access that whenever you would like to, for whatever reasons you would like to. You can ask for a certain type of counselor if you want, like somebody advising you of this, an advisor, a counselor, their version of doctor, or whatever it is you feel you need. It‘s like… and doesn‘t charge like $60 to $100 an hour or more (chuckling) to go for like therapy. ―Can I go for therapy‖? Yes, I can go for therapy ‗up there‘. (having a good laugh) Because it‘s helpful to have ones you can trust to talk things over with. And a lot of times they‘ll just like hang out in Orb and direct cognate with you, that kind of thing. So it can be a very…it‘s an amazing place to be in. I have felt so much more peaceful and centered and optimistic really since they had begun taking me there. And now they don‘t have to take me there. I just go to sleep and every time I just start to go to sleep—I‘m not even asleep yet—it‘s like I‘ve trained myself to automatically flip, so I actually go to sleep from there which is a neat thing. And I‘ll be like just usually sitting in the lotus position in my meditation contemplation state and just kind of looking over the view. Sometimes it‘s nighttime outside and sometimes it‘s daytime. And even if it‘s nighttime here, that doesn‘t mean it‘s nighttime there. The time frames are different (chuckling) but, anyway. So that is the first place we‘re going to go. Once we go through into there, this is the place where we will actually engage our Ah-VA‘-yas Thermal Oscillatory Body. That is that version that is our Heat Body. Thermal refers to heat. But it is the atomic part that we saw in the diagrams, so it actually is structured like your own body. It is a three-dimensional body experience. So we will engage that there, and then we go The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 59 of 128

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through and now I found out what this was too, because I had no idea what it was. It felt great though. It was cool, and it‘s like wherever I am (chuckling) it‘s neat and I trust you Beloveds, which I do. But it has to do with going up a beam. And I knew when I went up the first time it was into a ship. I didn‘t realize it was Ashalum. I‘ve been on Ashalum before but not in this section of it. Ashalum is a Plasma Ship. It would become a materialized ship if it came in to certain frequencies here. It runs the Aurora Continuum Planes and the Aurora Platforms as well, and it is available now. They‘re actually bringing it in. They‘ll be doing that, well, later tonight. Yeah! Between 12 midnight and 1:00. We have permission to go do a silent meditation thing out by the pool because water is needed. So we‘ll kind of hang out by the pool while certain activations are coming in that are connected with this, with Ashalum. But we will be using the Lone Harmonic of our Ah‘-yas Key—our personal Ah‘-yas Key—and going up. So it won‘t be like 200 people going up in a beam. We will be doing that, but we will just experience ourselves individually as going up there, and there‘s a place where once you…you kind of pop up, disappear, and then you pop back on again and you‘re there again, but you‘re somewhere else, and you‘re in what‘s called the Receiving Room of Ashalum—or one of them—there‘s a lot of them on Ashalum. Ashalum is a city craft which‘s huge! It‘s like numerous…what do they call them—football fields here? I mean, it‘s massive! It‘s like a city would be here and it has all sorts of different places and versions of like places____ with purposes. But the purpose for going to here is it‘s going to be used as the facility to allow us to get to the MashayahHana Hubs of the Aquareion Matrix. So we can actually plant our encryptions there which would be the future, quite far in the future from where we are now, but we can seed our Mashayah-hanic level of self— our own Mashayah-Hana identity—in that future space. That is the space that once we Ascend—fully Ascend—and become Adashi Adepts, we will…that‘s where we would be. So actually from here we‘re putting ourselves there, and it will be like a tractor beam moving us forward once we‘ve come back here as well. So, there‘s a particular‘s really neat, and I know we started this and I met a group of 15, there were 15 people in the first group that…and some of them I knew and some of them were…well I didn‘t know them well. I was like, ―hmmm, interesting that you‘re here‖. (chuckling) ―This isn‘t just my hologram obviously right?‖ (laughing) Because I wouldn‘t have thought of that. But where we go in Shield, and we will meet each other and do a Shadra Shield there, and we actually use flame travel where we go into a flame together that takes us in to the Aquareion Hubs. It‗s like a hyperspace thing, and that‗s why they have to use the craft—the Ashalum—it has hyper-dimensional capacities for that. So we will end up going into there. And from there when we come back out of there, we actually bring with us the first Stardust Flow which is the Elemental Orb Flow, and it‗s in the form of…actually Hydrolase Water. It is from the Aquareion Matrix Hub, and as we come back it actually trails with us—like a trail that comes with us—and then we come back in, in a specific way that brings us back in to our bodies literally using what are called the Mashayah-Hana Chambers. That‘s what they‘re referring to them as. That was those arms that came down from the right side and going back up, so we‘ll actually be coming back down those, and then once we‘re in…we come back down and we‘re kind of like a mini-self in our pineal. Then we go down into Net Earth‘s Core and wrap around it and through it, come back up and out the other side and create the circulation. Because as we‘re going we‘re actually dragging a wave of Stardust with us and that is the first circulation, the start of the first circulation. And then we come back into our bodies actually through Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A again, then we go back through Ashalum and then down the beam and back into our Thermal Body—our Ah-VA‘-yas Body—and we leave our Thermal Body there in The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 60 of 128

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that form, and then bring our consciousness back as like a cloud of energy and move it back in through the spaces between our atoms here. So it‘s a really neat journey and it means that we‘re holding our Thermal Body imprint there in Ah-Rish‘-maTa‘-A so we can begin to get more of the experiences. It may start in the dream state for some; it may be instant for some people. It depends on how much of your neuro-networks are opened and that kind of thing. So that is the beginning of the activations that will go into the next three techniques that we will do before you leave which is tomorrow, early. (chuckling) It‘s still tomorrow, it’s not Monday yet! (still chuckling away) God! And then we will finish the other things and of course there are the workshop segments that will…it‘s going to be consolidated but it will be covered. The information will be addressed that corresponds with session 2 which is Plains of Aurora. Aurora Matter States. 5 Stages of Jha-DA‟‟ Body Ascension, and of course going into the ManE and Ah-LU-Sa-Ta-NE Force. The Possession Issue. The Atomic Mirror which is part of what we are going to create in the Aqua-Tone™ Healing Technologies. And the Mashayah-Hana. So then after we get that information we will do the other three. Actually we‘ll probably do…there‘s going to be a break in here because if we‘re starting at nine...because I‘m looking at it and it‘s…I have to be here by nine to cover the material I need to cover, but I‘m never going to have the material I need to cover if I attempt to start it any earlier, because there are still at least two sets of diagrams that I have to produce to go with these sessions that I just don‘t have them down yet, and they have to be. I don‘t think they‘re as bad as this one was, where there was like…there was at least 15 new ones in there. So it shouldn‘t be that bad but, I‘m going to show up at nine o‘clock with whatever I have and the rest will just run live whatever it is, (chuckling) because the wave will run. They used to tell me all the time…because ―I don‘t know what I‘m even teaching,‖ and they said, ―just show up. Just show up. Trust us.‖ (laughing) So I said, ―Ok.‖ That‘s how I‘ve survived this long doing workshops this way. I do just show up but, I will…this will work well, so I will come for nine and we will complete the things but, between twelve and one we have the meditation thing to do, and it has to be quiet because that‘s the only way we get permission to have everybody out there, because the hotel gets upset because other guests get upset if we‘re loud when we go out. So when we go out we‘ll be quiet, so before that we will be given what‘s happening. But this is when there is an activation going to take place, and this is happening in the planetary Grids, it‘s happening with the Beloveds, and we will be able to…I‘ll be able to explain what we‘ll be able to do more. We receive something from this if we participate in it. It amplifies something. I can‘t even say what, but something to do with the three things that we‘re going to be accomplishing with the Aqua-Tone™ Techniques. But on a planetary level this is where we begin to work with the Aurora Platforms to begin setting the Fields for what‘s called the Mirror in the Sky, and so that‘s why it‘s called the Mirror in the Sky and the Orbs of Aquareion. And this has to do with the 2012 showdown and why that Mirror in the Sky— just like the Mirror in our atoms—will reverse the reversals and send back the stuff that‘s coming in from the Galactic Core on December 21st of 2012. So we‘ll wrap it up with that, and if we don‘t get…if I‘m coming in at nine, that‘s only three hours. I‘m not going to be able to cover all of that above that in three hours, so that will be somewhere in between those. And then we‘ll finish whatever techniques after we come back in from that. And also not just techniques but whatever I haven‘t got to as far as diagrams and the session work. But the…again it‘s a 12:12 activation type thing, the Beloveds said, ―12 is good‖, and that‘s why they asked for 12. And we can‘t have all night, so it‘s like you have to pick an hour or so, and that was a good hour. So now that that‘s run down and said, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 61 of 128

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what we‘ll do is, I will do my best to not go cross-eyed while I‘m reading my scribbles here. But we will begin the Journey that encompasses the first three PSI Interactive Techniques.

Technique: Journey to Ah-Rish‟-ma-Ta‟-A They‘ll simply begin by just doing at least three Krystar breaths. Rasha, Eira, Krystar, (exhales) Now. All righty. Part 1 is Engaging the D2 Ah-VA‘-yas. Journey to Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A. Number 1. We will use Ah-VE‘-yas breathing. Remember how we did the Ah-VE‘-yas breathing where you (inhales) inhale backward into the…through the spaces between your atoms and hold. And behind you. And behind you will be your access to the Aurora Continuum, so imagine it as that indigo-blue lit space that‘s kind of like…it seems like a tunnel that runs horizontally. And just breathe. Inhale back into there and then (exhales) exhale outward. And as you exhale imagine that the Hydrolase Living Liquid Light is coming back outward and filling your atoms and surrounding all of your atoms. So do several breaths of the Ah-VE‘-yas breathing. (inhales) Inhale hold. (exhales) Exhale. Try to feel the healing wave that comes out on the exhale when you bring the Hydrolase frequencies of living water back out to surround the atoms. In a moment we‘re going to take a final inhale and hold back in the Aurora Continuum (inhales) now. And on the exhale we‘re going to push ourselves out into the Aurora Continuum—not back through our atoms— and (exhales) exhale ourselves out as a cloud. A cloud of golden-silver consciousness that‘s just kind of suspended there, hanging in the Aurora Continuum. Try to feel the transfer of a part of your consciousness where you can actually feel it behind your physical head in the space of the Aurora Continuum. So you can feel a bit of your awareness in both places—in your head and behind your head. Just breathe normally and breathe in your physical body but also, imagine you‘re breathing as a cloud of golden-silver light in the Aurora Continuum. Imagine that as you inhale your cloud contracts and gets smaller and more condensed, and as you exhale, (exhales) your cloud expands. And try a few of the inhale/exhale contraction/expansion breaths in the Aurora Continuum. Now in a moment every person will receive a set of three individuals who are what are called Wayshowers. They‘re not ones who will be…they‘re not your Buddhas. They‘re not ones who will work with you every time. Wayshowers change depending on…it‘s kind of like shift rotations (chuckles) on a big job. So these Wayshowers will appear first as a set of three pearly-whitish-pink glimmering Orbs, and they‘re rather small. They‘re bigger than a grapefruit, but smaller than a basketball. Something like that. And they will stay in Orb form, but who they are, are they are each—the set of three—they are three Mashayah-Hana AdonA Adashi Adept Wayshowers. So what we are dealing with are, they are Mashayah-Hana level Adepts— Adashi return Adepts—but from the AdonA race line groups, and they‘re the ones associated with the AdorA side. So for whatever reason these were the Wayshowers appointed for this journey. So try to put your awareness into your breathing cloud of golden-silver light in the Aurora Continuum. And try to sense and see in your mind‘s eye—because you can see as a cloud too but we won‘t get into that right now—but, see around you these three Orbs of pearly-pinky-white glimmering light. And these Wayshowers, they‘re going to triangulate in order to hold Shield for you to get you through into the AhRish‘-ma-Ta‘-A space. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 62 of 128

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So next, with your awareness as your cloud in the Aurora Continuum, try to sense if you can‘t get a physical image visually, just try to sense the presence of your three pearly-pink Orbs and inhale both in your body and in your cloud, (inhales) and as you inhale contract your golden-silver cloud into a tiny golden-silver speck, like a little piece of Stardust. And sense that the three Wayshower Orbs triangulate around you. And now gently exhale but keep yourself in the tiny speck form, and you can breathe normally then and sense that you‘re a tiny speck in the Aurora Continuum—your consciousness is—and you have the three Wayshowers almost like an airplane around you where you have the front pointing where you‘re going, and then two carrying the flank and you‘re like riding in the center. In a moment they‘re going to…the Wayshowers are going to initiate the Journey to Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A, and they will do this by emitting a tri-tone hum. So the Orbs that they are—the Orb state that they‘re in—they will each emit a tone that creates a tri-tone, and it will feel like a ripple running through your little spark of consciousness that is riding there, and it will actually open up a triangle-shaped platform like a triangular Shield underneath your little spark. So it‘s like you have a triangular-shaped magic carpet with the three Orbs—one in front and two in the flank riding you through into this, because there‘s a hyperspace leap involved. That‘s why we have Wayshowers doing this, because right now we wouldn‘t be able to do it on our own. We‘d lose track of it and actually lose track of ‗where am I again?‘ Like in the meditation. (chuckling) So as they emit this tri-tone hum try to sense it rippling through your little spark that was your cloud, and try to sense, not so much hear the sound, but try to sense a vibration moving through the spaces between your atoms in your physical body as well. You may or may not feel it. It is there, but if you can sense it, it actually helps to bring it in more which helps to link the physical body to the Journey that you are taking. And just breathe normally and try to feel a bit more of that vibration of the tri-tone. Try to feel it almost as if there‘s a static noise, a white static-like white noise (makes sound like skraaaa) behind you. Not in your head, but behind you in the area in the Aurora Continuum where you are. And in a moment we‘re going to inhale and hold. (inhales) And now we‘re going to exhale and there‘s a sense of pop that happens with this. (exhales) Now you may feel the pop in your…what was your speck of consciousness—your golden-silver speck—or you may actually feel it in your field around you. I felt it in my field around me on that one. (chuckling) And around my body. Now, when…after this pop, you can breathe normally now, but you‘ve actually done a hyperspace leap with the Wayshowers, and what was your cloud of energy of consciousness is now no longer in the Aurora Continuum. It‘s actually in the Contemplation Plane—which is that place I was telling you about—in AhRish‘-ma-Ta‘-A. Now as you‘re…just breathe normally with your physical body and try to feel out where your little speck of condensed consciousness was with your three Wayshowers, and just breathe gently and imagine now as you‘re breathing and slowing your breathing here a bit that you‘re going back into…you‘re expanding back out into that cloud of golden-silver light. So you‘re not just a speck anymore, you‘re expanding out into the cloud of golden-silver light, but this time you‘re not in the Aurora Continuum, you‘re in this amazing place that has massively high domed ceiling and many, many pillars that form arched doorways, that they‘re just like doorways or windows but windows without glass. They just overlook nature, and there‘s like water out in front a little ways away and you can see quite a view from there. Except what I‘m seeing right now is it‘s The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 63 of 128

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nighttime. I don‘t know if everybody will experience it the same, but as I‘m up there now even as my cloud— I haven‘t even run into the Ah-VA‘-yas Body yet—but I‘m seeing nighttime. So just feel your…try to feel yourself there. Try to feel yourself as a cloud breathing. Try to sense that they‘re not in triangulation anymore but they‘re just kind of hanging around your Field waiting to assist with the next thing that we need to do, but you have your three Wayshower Orbs. And try to sense first underneath your cloud the solidness of the quartz floor that runs this entire room, and the room is pretty much round, but it has certain configurations toward the back that make it kind of distort the sense of roundness so it doesn‘t look completely round but it actually…the ceiling is. The really high domed ceiling is. The high dome ceiling also has a center hole cut out, it‘s actually a portal passage that sometimes has a screen over it—like an energy screen—and other times opens which will happen later. But as you‘re breathing as an energy cloud there in the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A Contemplation Plane, try to sense not just the quartz floor under your feet, but—not feet, under your cloud—but also try to feel around. Now if you‘re a cloud you can feel and see actually not just what‘s in front of you, but 360 all the way around because all of the little sparkles of consciousness are conscious and aware and they can perceive and translate information—energy information—just like eyes and ears can hear and, noses. So it‘s a broader sensory spectrum, 360 peripheral view. Try to sense where you feel the front of your cloud is and try to sense what it feels like is in front there. And if it‘s not…if you‘re not feeling the sense of the large pillars…you may be a ways away from them, but try to align your sense of where the front of my cloud is with, ―Ah, I‘m pointing toward those open arch doorways made from the columns‖, where some of the other doorways that go round the other way are actually closed and they go into the mountain, so you‘re actually facing outward. So you can feel the energy coming in like fresh air and energy actually coming in off the waters that are in the distance view. Try to orient your cloud into that orientation where you‘re actually facing outward. Like facing outward toward the pillars that overlook the ocean. And just breathe gently. Now this is a Contemplation Plane of Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A and your Orb Wayshowers are hanging out with you. And now we‘re going to move into engaging with our Ah-VA‘-yas Thermal Oscillatory Body. Our own personal one. Now when we do this we‘re going to do it through what is referred to—what I talked about—was the Lone Harmonic, right? So we‘ll be…once we‘re in the Contemplation Plane we will be receiving a pass-key for the Lone Harmonic and that pass-key is our Ah‟-yas Key. It is…it looks similar in shape, but upside down to one of these eggs—flame eggs—except it would be upside down the other way just like the capsule in the diagrams that we saw. The longer skinnier capsule. And inside of it there would be a flame, a little flame—and it‘ll be different colors for everybody—that is actually same type shape, but pointing upward. So it is like…it‘s like two Eckashas actually, but three-dimensional. One with its point down and the other inside—like the yoke—with it‘s point up. And this will be around the size of…not as big as the big eggs that are up here, but maybe two…bigger than two inches and, let‘s say three inches, three and a half inches. They‘re about that size. There may be a little variation per person. Now this…as you‘re still cloud, and as the conscious golden-silver sparkly cloud, sense the three Wayshowers coming together in a triangulation again, but moving for a moment to the center of your cloud of consciousness. And from that center point as they all come together—and they don‘t merge into one Orb but they all stick together really close—and there‘s a little pop in the center point where they all come The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 64 of 128

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together and from that emerges your Ah‘-yas Key. This is where your flame egg pops up. So they have facilitated retrieving the core encryption from your Ah‟-yas Body in a way that you can directly access it in linking into your physical body through the Aurora Continuum and the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A Contemplation Planes. And now that you have received…and it‘s hanging. It‘s like an energy egg hanging in the middle of your cloud of consciousness. Now the Wayshower Orbs will pull out of your cloud of consciousness and they‘ll just busy themselves hanging around, but they won‘t bother you or anything directly and they‘re not going to hang out in your cloud. But once you‘ve received this key—this flame egg Ah‘-yas Key—imagine inhaling into it and inhaling your cloud of consciousness all around it. So you‘re contracting into your…holding around it tight and then moving yourself into the center of it. Into your key. Into your egg flame. Now do a final inhale and hold inside of it, (inhales) and then on the exhale push outward, (exhales) and notice that your cloud of consciousness starts to swirl and becomes a vortex that actually lands and from the bottom up, materializes itself as you in your Ah-VA‘-yas Thermal Oscillatory Body that looks very much like you do now. It may be a bit more perfected form or it may feel…it feels much lighter actually than what your form is, but it looks just like you. And it actually materializes from the bottom upward, and it‘s materializing as if you were sitting on your bottom on the crystal floor of the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A Contemplation Plane and sitting in a lotus position. And even if you are anything like me that have very achy knees and hips and it‘s like, ―yeah, ouch‖. (chuckles) But here, the aches and pains don‘t apply. You don‘t feel them. Try to sense yourself sitting there. Now you‘re back in a body. This is your Thermal Body. This is your Heat Radiation Body. And from the level of consciousness we‘re moving into, this too can be perceived as solid. It is just as solid in its own way as your physical body is here, and the physical body here is just as non-solid in the same way as that is there. Depends on your focus of consciousness. So from where we‘re looking in the in-between states where we‘re part here and part there, we will be able to experience both. Right now we‘re more anchored in the physical body because the body has not been— the physical body—has not been freed fully yet for Ah‟-yas Phasing. But we have freed the D3 Mental Body and that‘s when we freed the Mind for Slide in Sliders 4. So we can move that part of our Ah-VA‘-yas Body into form, into mobility. So try to sense for a moment that you‘re sitting there now, and notice first of all that your key—your egg flame Ah‘-yas Key—will have become a little more solid just like you did, just like your Oscillatory Body did. And it‘s actually sitting there kind of like in your lap as you‘re sitting crosslegged lotus style. It‘s just kind of hovering in your lap. It‘s not quite sitting on it, it‘s just like hovering there right in front of you. And try to feel the sensation and just breathe easy and try…almost like a newborn where you‘re ahhhhh, you finally just open your eyes of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body and at first it might be blurry, just like infants when they open their eyes into this world when they‘re born. The vision will clear, if it doesn‘t right away that‘s ok, just close them again and just try to feel, try to sense. Try to sense the immense sense of height of the ceiling of this place. It would be proportionately—if you were going to draw it—you would be about the size of a small red ant, placed in say a room like this, but with higher ceilings. So it is a massive structure. Also sense that there‘s much, much, much activity going on around you but none of it touches you. You could see it if you want to, but you don‘t need to because you are in your Lone Harmonic because of your key. And without your permission no one else can access that space, that is yours. And it is a space that once it is activated with this key—it has now been activated—you will be able to go into that Lone Harmonic within The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 65 of 128

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this Contemplation Plane of the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A and again, Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A is the Watchtower Complex on Median Earth. It‘s the one that connects directly into the interface that is in the Pine Island, Florida area. Just try to enjoy this space for a minute. It‘s a space you‘ll want to go back to, because you can go back to this space to literally remove yourself from the drama for a while. If you want to it‘s a great place to go to contemplate, or to not contemplate anything. To find peace, just, ‗phew! Ok‘. Disengage temporarily from the Earth drama, the 3D drama. If you‘re tired, if things are getting to you and that kind of thing, it‘s a great place to go and remind yourself when you‘re there, ―everything is perfect, even if it‘s not ideal. But it‘s perfect, so it‘s okay‖. Let whatever is happening in your 3D life, whatever is happening on a mass drama, let it be ok. It is what it is. Because when you do that you free yourself from the emotional binding to the trauma of the drama. So when you go into this place just kind of go and, ‖it is perfect, whatever it is. I am perfect, whoever I am. I am okay. Here it is peaceful, here it is okay. I‘ve been invited here. I am welcome here anytime. I‘ve got my own place in the Cosmos that‘s not as far away as the Adashi Temples when we went to Urtha. It‘s easier to get to. It‘s closer in frequency.‖ This is a place that can become very precious to you as individuals. Your Lone Harmonic in the Contemplation Planes of Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A. It‘s also a place you can request any type of assistance. If you need a counselor, or if you need a medical advisor, or anything like that, this is where you go to ask. If you need a career advisor. (chuckling) That kind of thing. You can ask for assistance from here and it is very much heard. And the appropriate type of being will show up and explain things to you. It‘s also a very safe space. When you go into this space you can‘t be violated. Even if you‘ve had a double line running, even if you‘ve suffered from possession and those kind of things, in this space those things can‘t reach you. So it is the absolute safety spac—-the beginning of the safety spaces—where those things cannot follow you. If they ever try…or you may find yourself flipping in there at night if you‘re sleeping and you end up in a nightmare. You may find yourself in that space and all the weird stuff in your nightmare is like outside of this big bubble that‘s around you, and you can like watch it as if you were in a safe fish bowl or something, and it‘s just like flying by around you and you realize it can‘t touch you. It‘s a space that you can go to say, ―Aaaah. Here I can center. Here I can make it all stop enough to get my bearings. To find my grace. To find my peace. My safety.‖ It‘s a very precious space. Now, sometimes you might want to go and just hang out there and really get your focus into there, see how far you can get yourself focused into there, because eventually we‘ll be able to visit there physically once we get the body able to do that. But for now we‘re going to continue the Journey because we have more places to go. But try to remember the feeling of this place, of being here, and work with it when you go home. Your Lone Harmonic is the safe space that no matter how bad it is outside, in the outside world or on the inside world within your own self, you can pull yourself together here and you do it in your Ah-VA‘-yas Thermal Oscillatory Body. And from there you can figure out how to help yourself as far as what‘s happening on the 3D, within your body and also outside in your hologram. So, now that we‘re hanging out there in our lovely safe space in our Lone Harmonic, sense that there‘s a bit of movement, like almost like a ripple that you feel quite a few feet behind you. Because…actually it might be more than a few feet depending on where your Lone Harmonic‘s place is within the larger thing because this is a massive…it has a massive floor, a massive ceiling, and you‘re very tiny compared to the size of this particular space even though it‘s empty except for you and your three Wayshowers. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 66 of 128

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So somewhere behind you, you will sense that there is an oscillation, like a vertical oscillation you can feel running, and if you turn the head of—it doesn‘t matter which shoulder you look over—of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body and kind of look over one of your shoulders, you will see that in the center—even if you‘re facing the center—for some reason…no, they‘re saying that at this point nobody is facing the center, all right. So you will…everybody will have to look over their shoulder to see that there‘s something occurring behind them in the center point. It would be the center point that is exactly underneath the circular portal that is way at the top of the big domed ceiling. And what is occurring is that portal is opening and a large beam of pale silvergold with aqua flecks light is coming down, and it is a transport beam. And on the other end of that beam way up above, not only up above in the huge ceiling but past that and very high up into the sky of Median Earth, there is the Plasma Ship of Ashalum—the city craft. And this particular beam takes you into one area of the Ashalum craft. It specializes in Journeys like the one we‘re going to go to do to create our MashayahHanic identity. To place it in the future so it can be with us now. So once you sense the beam behind you, feel yourself standing up in your Ah-VA‘-yas Body and holding in one of your hands—kind of cupping your flame egg, your Ah‘-yas Key, and turn around and walk toward the center flame. And again you‘re walking toward it is an individual. There‘s nobody else in the room except your three Wayshowers as Orbs, but know too that everybody else in the room is walking toward it. We‘ll just have our private little encryption to run in the beam without having to do the whole group ‗fly the Shield‘ thing. When we get into the beam just inhale and hold for a moment, (inhales) and on the exhale push downward with the exhale and feel it push your body upward where it starts upward movement of the body, (exhales) and like jet propulsion coming out your feet of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body. And then notice there‘s a sense of, almost like a tractor beam sense where you can start to feel a gentle pull where you don‘t have to keep breathing to push yourself up. It‘s actually that one push that blasts you in to the upward moving currents that will take you up the beam. And sense yourself now still in your Ah-VA‘-yas Body kind of gently floating, not slow, but not really fast either up this really, really tall vertical pillar of light moving toward the portal in looks like a hole in the domed ceiling. But notice as you move upward you begin to feel lighter and lighter in weight as if you‘re getting thinner and thinner, almost like you‘re like two-dimensional. You almost feel like as light as like what you might imagine Etheric energy to be. And as you get…just begin to crest the top where you‘re moving outside of the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A Contemplation Plane building—and you‘re moving still upward in the beam. Notice that first you hear that kind of white static noise, that chrhhhh sound, and sense that you‘re feeling lighter and lighter and all of a sudden there‘s like an electrical, gentle electrical vibration that‘s running through your Ah-VA‘-yas Body as it‘s still moving upward and the white noise is getting a bit louder. Not unpleasant, but chrhhhh. And then just as your feet come out of the portal and you‘re still going up in the beam but you‘ve cleared the roof, the ceiling of the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A, notice there‘s just like a pop blank spot, where the white noise sense is there and it may even grow louder, but all of a sudden you just lose track of yourself. And then there‘s another pop spot right after that, that will come with an inhale/exhale breath. So let‘s inhale and we‘re still moving up in the beam, (inhales) but we‘re actually dematerializing momentarily. And now exhale upward (exhales) and sense a gentle pop sensation where suddenly you‘re aware of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body again and it‘s there and it‘s intact, and what you find yourself in now is, it‘s a smaller room; it‘s a receiving station in Ashalum and the beam is still there. It‘s almost reminiscent of Star Trek with their whatever beams that they use to materialize and dematerialize in for transport. Their transporter room The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 67 of 128

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effect, but it doesn‘t look like their transporter room. But this beam does work in that sense. The little pop space where you lose track of yourself is where you‘re actually going through and temporarily dematerializing, and that means bringing…if you could think of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body in relation to the Ah‘yas Body and the Ah-VE‘-yas, that would be a certain point where you flash off because you went into the (inhales) ―in‖ phase, and then hold up into the Ah-VE‘-yas, and then pop back out again. And your Ah-VA‘yas Body is manifest again. So you‘re still in the beam, and now you can walk out of the beam and you‘re still on your Lone Harmonic Key. So even though all of us are doing this, and probably others from elsewhere as well, we‘re not bumping into each other, we don‘t see each other yet. And as we‘re walking forward out of the beam, notice that it‘s kind of dimly lit in the area. It‘s just like the beam glows quite a lot but then it‘s kind of just a palebluish light in the rest of the room, but there‘s an arch doorway in front of you. And on each side of that doorway there is a Guard, and in your Lone Harmonic—as you pass through this doorway—there‘s a Guard on each side and it‘s a Guard that you know. You will know these two beings. And they will be someone here. I mean I was blown away when I found out who the Guards were, (chuckles) when I found out who they were here. And they showed me that they were bipedal. They looked like hominid but I couldn‘t quite see their faces. And then they flashed their Earth faces to me when I went through the first time and they were our chinchillas. (chuckling) Our two Guardian chinchillas. They‘re not always animal folk, but boy did I have an awful lot more of like, ‖Whoa! That‘s what chillas are here for, they‘re Guards. They‘re Door Guards, ok.‖ But it was the beings that are the chinchillas here, were these Guard beings and they had a certain job there, and they were not little tiny chinchilla consciousness. They were very aware and we kind of like did a little bow to each other and greeted each other and then it was time to walk through the door. So that‘s what we‘re going to do now. But before we walk through the door, just stop for a moment and try to sense or see with your Ah-VA‘-yas Body who the two Guards are for you in your Harmonic. And it might be hilarious. I mean some of them will be funny; some of them will be like, ―Oh! Ok,‖ because the last thing I would have thought of would be the chinchillas. So just try to sense who they are. It means something about their relationship on a higher level to you as far as protecting you and guarding when you move through a certain change, because when you move through this door you‘re going to have a neat experience. And that neat experience is going to have to do with realizing your Ah-VA‘-yas Body as it accelerates going through this door can actually shape shift into something bigger and even more powerful. So just breathe gently and kind of give a little nod of ‗catch you later‘ to the Guards, and then walk through this—or float through if you want to because you can float in your Ah-VA‘-yas Body. Walk through this door, or float through this door and then stand for a moment on the other side and before worrying about what you‘re seeing try to sense a shift, where it‘s like all of a sudden your Ah-VA‘-yas Body just sprouted upward and downward and just all of sudden you‘re like at least twice as big as what you sensed yourself to be before. And try to sense too that somehow you‘ve inherited a gown. It‘s like a robe. Just general robes of light, and it will have its own color; everybody‘s will have their own unique color, or blends of colors. They‘re actually like a living frequency Shield the robes are. They look like fabric and things, but they‘re actually an energy field that has to do with the encryption that you carried in your flame egg. Try to sense yourself from where you are as your expanded Ah-VA‘-yas Body, but also from where you are in your 3D body and try to get a 3D body sense of looking at that self. And when you look at that self realize it‘s a very, very tall, still hominid being. Very thin, and lean. What would look like a white light being, it‘s just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 68 of 128

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radiating white light. And in a moment we‘re going to…and oh! And also notice… right, that your egg flame, your Ah‘-yas Key has actually jumped and manifested itself inside of the AzurA of your expanded Ah-VA‘yas Body, so it‘s actually like a living flame in there, in the AzurA. And now we‘re going to walk forward but we‘re going to go into a place where we meet all together, so even though we‘ve been running our Lone Harmonic we‘re going to come together and meet each other. And we‘re going to just walk forward and to your right there will be what appears to be a not very steep stairway going down to the right in what appears to be crystal stone walls. So it‘s like going through a hallway with stairs in it. We‘ll go down a little ways. And when you get to the bottom, you‘ll find that there‘s…it‘s a huge room. It‘s a little bit more pale lit, it‘s an aqua-y…part of it is aqua color and part of it‘s pale violet, kind of moving together like light in the air. And notice that there‘s a huge circle, a Shadra Shield, but people sitting up in the lotus position. And it is all the people on this Journey with us this morning, and notice one thing that, wow! Everybody looks just like each other because they all look like tall, skinny, white light beings. Now there‘s an exercise you can do when you have these things where you can actually go up, and just place your hands over their…your palms over their palms, and you will get a flash of the face of who it actually is. But in this particular expanded form of the Ah-VA‘-yas Body we all look like glowing white light beings—radiation—beings of radiation. So there is a spot in this Shield, Shadra Shield that belongs just to you, to each one of us. We‘re going to move toward it. Just sense where it is. And you can sense the encryption even if everybody‘s sitting because they‘re facing the center of this big circle. So just try to sense as you get an image of this big circle of people with their backs pointed outward and they‘re sitting facing something in the middle of the circle. Just sense who they might be by encryption. Don‘t worry about their names. But sense where you feel most comfortable to position yourself and that‘s where a place will open for you to sit yourself down. So move to the circle and place yourself in a position that feels comfortable. And then notice that in the center of the circle there is a massive flame. It looks like…almost like a translucent flame of a cross between flame and water, but standing. Standing flame. And it‘s an aqua blue color, translucent aqua blue. And now all at the same time everyone in the circle, in the Shadra is going to inhale, (inhales) hold for a moment, and only if you want to, on the exhale, (exhales) exhale and project out from your AzurA a copy of your key. (everyone exhales) And project it directly into the flame. If you don‘t want to you don‘t have to, you can just sit there and look at the flame if you prefer. But in order to seed your Mashayah-Hanic self identity into the future of the Aquareion Hubs you need to finish that journey to... you need the key to access the flame to keep going on the journey. So now breathe gently and try to notice as you‘re sitting there—now you‘re going to get a three point perspective—where you‘re here in your body in the physical, you‘re also there in your expanded Ah-VA‘-yas Body. But notice now that when you projected your key into the flame that it turned into a little version of your big tall white light being of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body. And that little version of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body is now diving downward through the flame way down. And notice the bottom of the flame has actually opened up from everybody putting their keys in, and it‘s as if a portal has opened in the floor to another space/time location. This portal is a hyperspace link from Ashalum into the Aquareion Hub. And notice that all of our little…I‘ll call them the mini Ah-VA‘-yas Bodies. It‘s as if they‘re diving downward toward what appears to be water. It‘s actually silken water air. And almost…it looks as if you‘re in a underground tunnel or something, like a cave, but very beautifully lit with this aqua blue light. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 69 of 128

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And now imagine that you can feel also the sensations of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body—your larger one—and also the small one diving down. And try to feel as it‘s diving down and crests that silken water and like dives in head first. Try to feel the silken water on that part of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body. Try to feel it all the way back through to this body. And then feel yourself coming back up as if you dove down in your little Ah-VA‘-yas Body and then got near the bottom and then were coming back up to bring your head back up to the surface of the water. And then imagine that you have your head back up now. You broke air so you‘re not in the silken air water anymore. This is the place that is a certain type of garden. It‘s not the Garden of Eden, it‘s the garden of the Aquareion Hubs. And this is a place where…it is a place in relation to where we are in frequency in space/time. It is far in the future. But this is a place where we can if we choose, create, seed our own Mashayah-Hanic identity. And we will do that by projecting out from our little Ah-VA‘-yas Body, projecting out another replica key in the egg flame form. (everyone exhales) And then as it is projected outward, imagine that it sinks like a stone way to the bottom of the silken water air. And it embeds itself in the ground there which is crystal sand beneath and it is planted there in the future. Now imagine in your small Ah-VA‘-yas Body that you‘re going to dunk yourself down under the silken water one more time until the feet of your little Ah-VA‘-yas Body hit the crystal sand below, right on top of where your key went in to the sand. So, you can inhale (inhales) and on the exhale use it to push your body downward (exhales) under the silken waters again. And when your feet touch the crystal sand, then bounce upward—and you can breathe normally—but just bounce upward from there as if you are pushing off with your feet from the crystal sands going back up through the silken waters. But then sense these millions of little tiny Water Orbs all around you. And inside each of these Water Orbs there‘s a little speck, a little sparkle, of Eternal Life Stardust. The Orbs that are in these waters are the Stardust Flows. The Living Water Stardust Flows of the Aquareion Hubs. So imagine that they‘re clinging to your body all over as if they‘re filling you‘re still in your little Ah-VA‘-yas Body with it‘s still like…the little white light dude and imagine that following the instructions from the key that you set in the ground beneath the waters in the sand, that they are filling out the form of your Mashaya-Hanic self. They are surrounding you. And actually as if you‘re like the mold on the inside and they‘re covering on the outside to take on the form of who you are, to bring that ‗who you are‘ here into the spaces of the future, the spaces of the Aquareion Hubs. Feel the joy as these Elemental Orbs…actually they‘re such a healing presence with them. They‘re very conscious, but they‘re elementals just like your body is made of elementals here, but these are a much higher state of evolution of elementals than the ones we‘re dealing with here. So now we‘re going to do the final part of the Journey which has to do with…you have just created your Mashaya-Hana identity. Now it‘s still hanging around you in Elemental Orbs form—not plain Orb, but Orbs plural—many, many of them. Little Water Orbs. But the next thing and the final thing we‘re going to do, is initiate the Mashaya-Hanic Stardust Flow of Elemental Orb circulation. And that is where we‘re going to move from where we are and come back into our bodies here, our physical bodies and bring that Stardust Flow with us. We‘ll leave behind the cluster of Water Orbs that formed our Mashaya-Hana identity there. We‘ll leave it in the silken air waters of the Hubs, the Aquareion Hubs. But we will now take ourself, still in…we‘ll kind of pull our small Ah-VA‘-yas white light body out from in between all of those Orbs that stuck The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 70 of 128

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around it and realize that it made a copy of who we are. Our encryption is there in these Water Orb forms with their little tiny Stardust at their core. But now we‘re going to leave because we have to finish our Journey. And what we‘re going to leave to is, if we notice where we placed our key down below us in the crystal sands, notice that an area large enough for our small Ah-VA‘-yas Body to go through opens up like a portal in the floor. And we‘re going to use our small Ah-VA‘-yas Body, and we‘re going to dive down it because it‘s a water portal and we‘re going to dive down. So imagine yourself—just breathe normally—but imagine yourself diving down into this hole that opened up in the sand. And imagine there‘s a pale bluish-aqua light, like you‘re going through an underwater tunnel with beautiful aqua light but you can breathe this water so you don‘t have to worry about coming up for air. And what you‘re doing now is you‘re swimming downward and downward, and there‘s a bit of a curve to this like underwater tunnel. What you‘re doing is you‘re actually swimming down the right side Chamber of the Mashaya-Hana Chamber that comes into the right side of your head. So you‘re actually swimming down and at a certain point you‘ll see a little flame. And right now the little flame is orange colored. That will change in a little while, but that little flame is actually stationed in your physical body‘s pineal gland. So when you come to the little orange flame as you‘re swimming downward, stop there for a moment in your little white Ah-VA‘-yas Body and for a moment inhale and hold, (inhales) and then dive downward through the flame on the exhale. (exhales) And you‘re diving down through the orange flame, down through your pineal, all the way down your Central Vertical Current, and you‘re spiraling quickly now all the way down through your Central Vertical Current, right into Net Earth Core. And when the spiraling sense stops, kind of inhale again and hold for a moment, (inhales) and notice as you inhale it pulls you together and you‘re back being—you‘re not spinning anymore—small Thermal Body, your small Ah-VA‘-yas Body. And when you exhale, exhale now. (exhales) Down in Earth Core, Net Earth Core, notice that when you exhale, this beautiful Stardust, sparkly Stardust rainbow colored little… it looks like twinkling micro sparkles actually comes out on your breath as you breathe. Just take a few gentle breaths and realize you‘ve carried the Stardust Flow. It has come with you, and you‘ve brought it all the way in to the Mashaya-Hanic Chamber at the right side of your head, down through your pineal, down through your Central Vertical Current, down into Net Earth‘s Core. We‘re breathing it into Net Earth‘s Core and the more you exhale—you breathe and then we exhale—you‘re sending more Stardust out, the Elemental Orbs from the Aquareion Host. And now we‘re going to go back up again and finish the circuit. So let‘s inhale and hold, (inhales) and on the exhale we‘re going to push ourselves back up through the Central Vertical Column out of Earth Core, (exhales) through the Central Vertical Column back up to the pineal orange flame. And as you hit the orange flame it turns into a rainbow flame. And then we‘re going to go out the left side of the MashayaHanic Chamber in our heads. So out the left side of our head (exhales) and back upward, again swimming in the air water you can breathe going back up into the Chamber, back up into the place that we‘d originally left from which was inside of the aqua blue flame that took us into the Aquareion Hubs. So we end up back where we had planted our flame egg, our Ah‟-yas Seed Key. And we have just opened the circuit because as we moved we brought the Stardust with us, the Elemental Orb Flows from the Hub, the Aquareion Hub. So now we‘re going to come back, and the way we‘re going to come back is we‘re going to inhale—and remember we‘re still inside of that aqua blue flame—so we‘re going to inhale, and (inhales) on the exhale push ourselves upward, (exhales) and out of the flame and back into our larger glowing white Ah-VA‘-yas Body that is sitting in the Shadra Circle. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 71 of 128

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With a fair nod of farewell for now to each other in the Shield, we can now—each of us on our Lone Harmonic again—get back up and walk ourselves over to the door that we had come through. And as we pass the door we‘re going to go back into our smaller version of self that looks more like we do, of our AhVA‘-yas Body. So we pass through the door and say…give a nod to our Guards again, and notice we go back into that smaller form that resembles who we are. And we move forward into the teleport beam, the tractor beam. Inhale once we‘re in the beam and hold, (inhales) and use the exhale to push ourselves downward, (exhales) and notice there‘s a very fast, just hyperspace. You were just at the top of the beam and all of a sudden bang, you‘re sitting in the lotus position on the floor still in the center of the beam but in the center of the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A Contemplation Plane. Kind of like bang, zoom, oh back again. (chuckles) Now you can get up out of the tractor beam and walk around and see what…if you‘d like to sit down someplace or lay down someplace. But here you‘ll find your three Wayshowers again, and if you‘d like them to stay and just chat with you, with that part of you because you‘ll leave that part of you there as a second station of consciousness in a place that is your safety place. It‘s also a learning place where you can learn all sorts of things. If you would like the Wayshowers to stay for a while they will, but they won‘t stay permanently. Your Buddhas will come. And if you invite your Buddhas there they will come in. They won‘t intrude unless you invite them, but you can work with them there. And from there, knowing that you‘re going to leave your now activated Ah-VA‘-yas Body there so you can have this dual state of perception, is simply imagine how you got there in the first place which was the Aurora Continuum. So imagine now you‘re going to inhale in your body, your Ah-VA‘-yas Body. (inhales) Inhale and hold. And you‘re going to push a portion of your consciousness back into that indigo blue light space of the Aurora Continuum as a golden-silver sparkly cloud. (exhales) Try to sense that golden-silver sparkly cloud right behind your physical head in that horizontal continuum that stretches behind you. And in the physical, inhale (inhales) through the spaces between your atoms and back into your cloud and on the exhale, bring your cloud back home (exhales) through the spaces between your atoms. (A‘sha gives a big sigh) And for a moment try to sense the presence of yourself that is still in your Ah-VA‘yas Body, in your Thermal Oscillatory Body sitting in the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A Contemplation Plane on your Lone Harmonic. When you go to sleep this afternoon, (chuckles) whenever, try to have this be the first place that you concentrate. If you can‘t remember to even do your…what I always do even if I‘m absolutely exhausted, go ―Rasha Eira Krystar Now!‖ (breathes) Three of them quick, even if (chuckling) I‘m so tired I‘m going to like fall over standing up. But, try to just do real quick set of three of those Krystar breaths, and just (exhales) push yourself as you‘re going…before you‘re even to sleep. ―I‘m going here when I sleep,‖ and merge in your sleep state with your Ah-VA‘-yas Body there and take it from there. And you may find that as soon as you close your eyes and lie down it starts to come automatic where, ―Whoa!!!! I‘m awake here. Yeah cool, good, put the body to sleep it‘s tired,‖ and then you go off. Sometimes you‘ll remember what you experienced, other times you won‘t. I know we‘ve been getting flying lessons of not just how to Orb, but how to first levitate and then fly. And then for some reason this is going to be important, I don‘t know why. So if you end up having flying lessons in this place you‘re not the only one (chuckling) just so you know. I hope that this session has been worth staying up till five in the morning for a start. (applause)Thank you for your patience. We will see you at 9:00 and Rose and Noel will see you at 4:00. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 72 of 128

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A-SaN: Rose. A‘sha : Rose? Ok, Rose will see you at 4:00. And just thank you very much for being here and…you know if you want, maybe we can like say hi to each other when we go to the Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A thing. Just a little bit like peak out of our Lone Harmonic and go, ―Hi!‖ So I will do that if you‘ll do that. (chuckles) A little group ―Hi!‖ Yep! Going to sleep.‖ Anyway. Good night. Good morning. Good afternoon, whatever it is. We‘ll see you later. Have a good one.

Monday AM Lecture [Track 4] A‘sha There wasn‘t another 20-diagram sequence. It was just...there was a bunch of written material that there was not even time to typeset, but that explained different parts of different things and then a couple of diagrams that came to be able to illustrate those and that kind of thing, when it comes to the activations that we‘re going to be completing in this workshop. So, it was a very, very long night. So, if I look like I‘m half in a coma, I‘m not. I just look like I am because I‘m a bit exhausted. I‘m glad you‘re here and still standing, or sitting and I‘m still standing as well. What we‘re basically going to do, as far as we still have permissions for using the pool area for, like, an hour- forty-five minutes to an hour. But, it opens about six, so we‘re going to try for about 5:30. It‘s not a long activation and it‘s quiet. There‘s not going to be any talking because it would disturb the other guests at the hotel. But, we will begin in here, and, if anybody has drums—I know at some point somebody had drums with them. Anybody have drums with them this evening? Yeah, ok, because we‘ll just be doing some rounds of the Sacred Sequence before, to begin building the energy before we go out. Now, we will get… It‘s almost that time already. It‘s only about a half an hour. So, I will get into the beginning parts of the graphs and we‘ll go until about ten-after-five, I think, because if somebody can give me a heads up at tenafter-five. And then, we‘ll move into the generating the frequencies for the Silent Meditation. The Silent Meditation is really—we‘re really like kind of a greeting committee because they are bringing in the first of the fifteen Plasma Ships and it is going to be stationed over ShAlon area. So it is…this is the first one that‘s going to land, ShAlon-7‘s area. Yeah, so it‘s interesting, too. I don‘t know if we‘re going to get any Orbs out there tonight, or this morning or whatever. But, it doesn‘t hurt to bring the digital cameras to see. So, we will do that and we will meet and greet. And I have a feeling the reason the hours worked this way—because sometimes the wave comes really quick and the data‘s flowing and I have six different piles moving. But, this was like moving through frozen molasses. The line was just moving so slow and the Beloveds were saying just take your time. I don‘t want to take my time! I want to get down there already! And, I have a feeling they… the line was moving as slow as it was because I think they were timing it so we would be late. They didn‘t tell me that because they probably figured I would be not happy about that. But, because the ships…That ship has not come in yet. That was the one that we were on standby for waiting to be a greeting committee for—since—for midnight. But it looks like it‘s coming in between five and six—I have a feeling it‘s probably about six. So, we‘re anchoring a field there to assist in bringing in the Stardust Flow that will allow that—the Plasma Ships—to come into the Aurora Continuum in this location, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 73 of 128

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though, much more gently, let‘s say, because whenever the activations involving the Aurora Continuum happen, if there weren‘t people on the planet that are running Aurora Frequencies that have the ability to help anchor it—we help stabilize those frequencies. So, with all the craziness flying frequency-wise on this planet already with the Omega Code being activated and everything, something like bringing in a fleet of, basically, city craft-because they are huge—could, even if you‘re not bringing them right into the D-2 atmosphere here, it could still upset the balances. We help to balance those things so it doesn‘t create more chaos on the D-2 planetary level. So, I mean, it‘s not an obligation; you don‘t have to come and sit quietly at the pool and just kind of, after we amp in here with the drums and things. But, if you want to, you‘re welcome. Meanwhile, get back to what we were talking about the last time. I won‘t even go ―yesterday‖ because I don‘t even know what day it was at this point; I‘m so tired. But, you know what, I forgot my pointer. Excuse me a minute. Is there a pointer anywhere there? Uh oh, I have to find a pencil. I forgot my pointer. Usually…Oh, great, thank you. Thank you. Ok, thank you. All righty, got the pointer. Now the information that we had in the last session, we started to understand about the Ah‟-Yas Body and the structure of the Ah‘-Yas Body. We started with just revisiting briefly the Krystar Crystal Capsule, which is the Ascension Vehicle. And, around the Krystar Crystal Capsule, an Orb forms. So, that would actually be the structure inside of the Orb of energy when you go into Krystar Ascension. We‘ve learned a little bit about the process of the Ah‘-Yas Body interacting with the Light Body Structure and how, in the organic form, there are certain points in time when, literally, the Physical Body would flash off and go up, into Orb State for recharge and then come back into materialization. We don‘t experience that process right now because of the mutation that is on the planet, in this galaxy and in the matter base itself of this planet and this galaxy. So, what we‘re going to do is: we talked about the Krystar. Next one, please…

[05:15] (Graph) I‘m just going to go through the couple that have to do with what we already looked at, to remind us and to bring us, visually, back where we were. Ok, we visited the embedded Kathara Grids that actually become the embedded Krystar Capsules. And around them you have the Light Body structures. What I‘ve learned as we get to the couple of the diagrams where…In fact, there would have been several and they kind of mushed everything on to one because there wasn‘t time to make the pull-out diagrams on the couple that I have made. So, in a little while we‘ll see some things about…Forever we‘ve been taught that, here‘s our Light Body structure; here‘s up; here‘s the top. And we learned in the last session about the Ah‘-Yas Body structure and how it‘s 15 degrees over here. Its top is 15 degrees over to our right, all right? And, finally, it dawned on me…And, they‘d given me enough information; I was getting ready to come down and I was actually getting dressed, and I went ―Oh, my goodness; wait a minute.‖ The Ah‟-Yas Body is the one that holds the actual atomic structure. We‘re actually supposed to be at that axis, our angular rotation of particle spin on the Physical Matter level. So, we are literally aligned with the Light Body Axis, and it creates a complete holographic distortion in the field that we are walking around in. So, we will look at that a little bit more closely when we get in to looking at the mutation.

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Before we look at the mutation, I‘ll walk you through a little bit of these, back to the point where we talk about the different…the Stages of Matter that are associated with the Aurora Continuum and a little bit more on where and what the Aurora Continuum is. And understanding what the Aurora Continuum is will help us to understand a little bit more about what the Stardust Flows are, the Stardust Elemental Orb Flows. Because they are a specific type of energy that comes in and it is a type of energy that would normally come in during the organic phasing of the Ah‘-Yas Body. But, because our D-2 Bodies do not phase right now because of the phase-lock that is on the biological atoms, we don‘t usually have those flows coming in. So what we are going to do by the time we leave this workshop, we are going to actually anchor the Stardust Flows that we began to anchor into the D-3 Body; we are going to bring them down for the first time into the Physical Body. And what they will do is release the phase-lock. We‘ll see a little bit of what the phase-lock looks like, what is phase-lock on your atoms. It is very strange: they‘re actually tilted and bonded artificially into the Light Body structure, which hangs up both the Light Body and the Atomic Body and it creates an unnatural form of matter that is actually much more dense than any of the organic kinds that would be in a natural living structure. So, anyway, we went from the Krystar Capsules and looking at the embedded grids because, through the embedded grids—and this is only D-1, D-2, D-3 and the Density levels. So, it‘s the D-1 Body set. We revisited the Meajhe Fields, the Trion Fields and the Reion Fields around each of the embedded dimensional grids. And understanding this helps us understand what is where around us and also what interacts—what part of the Ah-VA‘-Yas Body interacts with what part of the Light Body structure. So, that‘s why we did that whole series of diagrams for the last session. Next one, please…

[08:34] (Graph) This is just revisiting; I‘m not going to go all over these. These are in your chart packs and there‘s also pages—what is it—26 through 42 that are at Kinko‘s at this point. So, you have another part of that chart pack coming. So for as much as you didn‘t get to see us up on stage this time, you did get quite a hefty chart pack to go with it. (Applause) Thank the Beloveds on that. At some point it will be typeset and cleaned up, but at least you got the first one, hot off the presses, with the white-out and everything. All right, so this was the Ah‘-Yas Body structure. And I‘m not showing all the embedded grids, but these structures were all shown to me, explained in relation to the context of the mathematical proportions and things of the embedded Kathara Grids and Krystar Capsules. So this is where we began looking at what the Ah‟-Yas Body is, where it has its three organic cell structures. One is the Ah-VE‟-Yas structure, which is the Vibrational Body, the Vibrational Eira Body or the Water Body, and the two Ah-VA‟-Yas, which are thermal units. They‘re what form the Oscillatory Thermal Body. They hold the encryption, and, when they phase together naturally into the center point here, they create and recharge the Thermal Ah‘-Yas Body. And, it‘s the Ah‘-Yas Body that…No, not Ah'-Yas—sorry, I'm tired—the Ah-VA’-Yas Body, that is the Thermal Body. That is what we went and engaged with in the last meditation voyage set that we did. And this would be the natural structure. The phase sets would do their phasing: It sparks and they phase in and eventually, the sparks collect up here and send—They collect what‘s called Prana Joules up around this point, which is called the Eiron Point. And, at a certain point, the Eiron Point opens the Prana Joules Backflow into the Spirit Body. And, then, the Spirit Body sends a Back-flow Return called an Eiron Wave out. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 75 of 128

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Now, the Eiron Wave is actually what is referred to as the Stardust Wave. So, when we‘re talking about Stardust, we‘re talking about very specific types of Elemental Orb Flow. We‘re talking about the Eiron Wave Flows coming in from our Spirit Bodies. And our Spirit Bodies, if we recall some of the early other workshops, we‘ve talked about the structure of the Hara Bodies—we‘ll look at that a bit. I have some of those diagrams in here—where, if we are here in the Manifest, in the ManA, moving outward phase in the formation of our Hara Bodies, we have our Spirit Body that projects on the same Vector Line, but at the opposite Horizon. So, if we are, right now, on the planetary level, we‘re on a planet that is in Probability-3. We‘re in a solar system that‘s Probability-3. So where the Spirit Body of this planet—the full Spirit Body, they refer to it as the Spirit Body—it‘s actually the Eira Body, which is a part of the Spirit Body, because the whole Elum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body holds the whole thing. But, the Eira Body part of the Spirit Body would actually be on 9, on Horizon-9. That would be our…it‘s not our…It would be where our Adjugate is, but the Adjugate would be on the AdorA side if we‘re on the EtorA side. So, we have our Spirit EirA Bodies actually located on this level, on the planetary and solar system level, on the Veca 3/9-Line, they‘re on the 9-Horizon, but still on the EtorA side, the EtorA side, where our Adjugate would be the AdorA-9, all right? So, and, we‘re in the EtorA-3 System. So, we‘ll see a little bit when I look at the diagrams of…There‘s one diagram that they had me do that shows a bit more of where the Aurora Continuum are, the planes of the Aurora Continuum. And through that diagram, I‘ll be able to show you a little bit more about where these Stardust Flows are coming from. They‘re initiating from the Aquareion Matrix that we actually traveled to and seeded our Mashaya-Hanic Identity in to the Hubs there. And so the first flows are coming from there, but what those flows will do is enable us to turn back on the organic flows from our own EirA part of our Spirit Body set—the one that‘s on the opposite Horizon. And that‘s what allows the KalE-Hara Body that we‘re in and the Mahara Reisha Body, which is our Spirit Body, the part that holds the Eira Body, come together in the center in HarA Krysta State. And that is entering that Buddha State, or the Bud State. So, it‘s all connected in the things we‘ve talked about before. But, one of the most interesting things as we…We‘ll get through this and a little bit more on the Planes and some new words that have to do with the names of states that go with them. Thankfully, there‘s only five and these will be in the next part of your chart pack that‘s coming, as well. So, you will have that information. But this is just to remind us of what the natural structure of the Ah‘-Yas Body is supposed to look like, as far as its Phase Cell is structured just like a ShaLAah Light Cell would be. This is the larger body structure, but, again, every atom would have its own little microstructure of this and the center point, called the Atumus, would actually be a quark. So, there would be collections of quarks that form the nucleus of atoms. And every quark would have the natural structure of the phasing Ah-VA‘-yas- or Ah-VE‘-yas- around it. When we see the diagram that is coming that has to do with how this has been mutated and pulled out of alignment, it also applies not just to what‘s around you, but also to each of the little quarks within you. And that means the atoms as well that are built upon the quarks, etcetera. So, anyway, what‘s the next one please?

[14:21] (Graph) This one is just reminding us about the capsules that form around the Ah‟-yas Capsule that forms around…This is its expansion state when it‘s in an out-phase, when the Ah‘-Yas is in the out-phase. And this is the contraction, first contraction, when it pulls in and when it‘s on its first spark phase. And this is just The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 76 of 128

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to remind you of the capsules that are there because there‘s a capsule affiliated with the mutation, as well. And that‘s something that we are, after the activations that we will experience before we leave here, we will finally be able to begin the process of transmuting the capsule, the harness capsule that goes with our D-2 Body, which is our Physical Body atomic structure. And it‘s also called the Derma Net. We‘ve referred to it as the Etheric Derma Net and the reason it‘s ―etheric‖ is because the mutation…If we, when we learned about the natural structure of these, we learned that, and all of these diagrams were geared toward looking at the D-2 level, just the D-2 level of the structure of the Ah‘-yas Body, which bonds with the dimension up, on the Light Body side. So, the D-2 Ah‘-yas bonded with the D-3 Mental Body structure, on the Light Body structure, right? Well, the D-1, it‘s the D-1 Etheric Ah‘-yas Body that actually bonds into the D-2 Telluric Body, Light Body structure. And, the D-2 Telluric is the part that we experience as what, as our physical matter. So, it is actually an etheric problem; it‘s an Etheric-Body block. And, it creates an Etheric Body capsule that completely alters the characteristics of the matter form of the body itself. And, it‘s not just our bodies, of course. It‘s the entire planet and this galaxy; it‘s the Milky Way, actually, has this tilt problem. And there are places, other than here, that don‘t have this tilt problem. There are even places in the Milky Way that are connecting in to the natural flows of the natural, the Host‘s flows, that don‘t have this twist in matter. Places like Median Earth, they don‘t have this twist in matter because they have been running the Host for a long time. So, anyway, we‘re not looking at the twist in matter yet, we‘re simply looking at the natural structure of the Ah‘-yas Body. And, again, this is the capsule that as, at certain phases in…There are certain stages or phases to the—what they call the in-phase, where it goes in and sparks. And then there are certain things that happen, that we talked about in the last session, where this body kind of draws up into the other and, progressively, the capsule gets smaller and smaller, until it becomes an Orb. And, this is how, when we see Orbs that we can sense, or beings—not just little elements like Hydrogen or Oxygen from someplace else coming in. But, this is how they actually go into Orb structure. It is the process. It‘s not a full summary, but it‘s a decent-enough summary. This is one of the things that took a while. They wanted that in your chart packs. We‘re not going to go over that now. It‘s just too late for me and too late for everybody because it‘s already in writing and thanks to…It came down longhand scribbles and thanks to ASaN here, we have it in typeset form. All right, so that will be also in the chart packs. I don‘t…I‘m not sure if it ended up in the first part or the second part, but that process that we went through on all of that series of diagrams that we saw in the first session, that is outlined; I think it‘s in the last couple of pages, actually, the part you didn‘t get yet. So, you do have the summary of that, so you can remember a bit of how that phasing works and a bit of what it means. All right, let‘s see, any more on this one? No, next one, please…

[17:59] (Graph) This was just showing how the capsule is, as the stages of the in-phase are occurring and the changes that we talked about in the last session are occurring, the capsule is getting smaller and smaller until it finally becomes the Orb shape, up here. And, that‘s when the Atomic Body actually dematerializes and changes state and goes into the Core Atumus. And then at a certain point, that pulls into the Rasha State, and you just have the field around the body. And, that‘s where you get the Orb structure.

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And there‘s more to Orb structure and, eventually, we‘re going to learn more about that. But the most important thing they wanted us to understand in this particular workshop was the relationships between the Light Body and the Ah‘-yas Body structure and the problem of the, what is called the ManE Mutation— it‘s M-A-N-E- which is reversed Mana. These are supposed to be those phase cells. They‘re supposed to be those two that are on the other diagram. The Ah-VA‘-yas are supposed to be ManA-based, which are positive charge. And what has happened in the mutation is they‘re actually reversed and phase-locked together and put on counterclockwise spin, and they carry, and they‘re reversed to a negative charge. So they create a magnetic field as opposed to a living electrical field, and this is part of what phase-locks the Atomic structure in the body. Let‘s go to the next one, please…

[19:26] (Graph) We‘re getting to the ones that they had me modify. And this is just to remember that that‘s when it goes into the Orb state, when the Atomic Body, the Ah‘-yas Atomic Body, actually pulls in to the Core. And, it becomes an Orb and then the Allurean Chambers activate and it looks like a shining, radiant Orb. All right, next one, please…

[19:48] (Graph) Ok, this was: Once it gets to be a shining, radiant Orb, then, it shifts the 15-degrees—15 degrees clockwise—to align with the corresponding Light Body level. For the D-2 one that we were looking at, the D2 Ah-VA‘-yas would align with the D-3 Mental Body structure. And once it aligns, the frequencies will bond together. The ShaLAah Light Units: the ShaLAah Quotient of the D-3 Body will bond with the Ah-VA‘-yas Unit. At this point, the Ah-VA‘-yas is called the Aah-JhA‟ Body, and it will rise and park itself up here. This is where the D-3 Body would be: It‘s called the D-3 Jha-DA‟ and it‘s composed of D-3 level of the Mental Body—Light Body—and the D-2 level of the Aah-JhA‘ Body. So that‘s the part in place where that would go and each one, each layer of the Light Body structure has its particular parking place and it parks on one of the Rajhna levels, all right, where we have the Rajhna Lock. They always park on the Rajhna Lock. And at the center of each one of them is an Eiron Point for that dimension. The Eiron Point is, literally, the breathing point between the Spirit Body and the Materialized Body. So it‘s the breathing point through that Vector Line to the opposite Event Horizon, where your Eira Body is. And in the mutation that we‘re suffering from here, that Eiron Point has been blocked where that flow is completely blocked. And that‘s why bodies die and cells die and all of that kind of thing. Next one, please…

[21:30] (Graph) That is the Eiron Point I‘m referring to. That would be the D-3 Eiron Point. That‘s when the Aah-JhA‘ Body bonded with the D-3, the D-2 Aah-JhA‘ Body bonded with the D-3 Mental Body of the Light Body and became—it went from being a Jha-DA‘- an Aah-JhA‘ Body Orb to a Jha-DA‘ Body Orb. And that‘s just one dimension‘s worth. So each level would actually go into that state before you‘d have a full Jha-DA‘ Body experience. Now a full Jha-DA‘ Body experience…There‘s a new word. I think I have it scribbled someplace on one of the later diagrams. I think it‘s called the Jha-DA‟-yahh and that is literally when you have six levels of this together.

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That is when you have a vehicle of travel that is capable of Translocation and, which is Slide-2, and also Transmigration. Which means, once you get all six levels in one, you know, it‘s Density—It‘s part one Density and part the other, so it would be your first level of the Jha-DA‘-yahh Body would be: It‘s part Density-1 and part Density-2. And that would allow you to actually transmigrate anywhere in between those frequency bands. But until you get six levels of the Jha-DA‘s activated, you would be able…You can bilocate in some of them before you have six. And you can translocate which means temporarily visit but, then, have to come back until you get the rest of them fully activated. And they haven‘t broken down where can you bi-locate and where can you start translocating, even if you have to come back. They haven‘t gotten into that level of analysis yet because that will be the focus of further things as we move forward in the future; because the focus of this work is to get us to the point where we free the body for Slide. And freeing it means releasing, finally, that ManA phase-lock, (corrects herself) the ManE phase-lock on what should be the ManA Body. So, this is just one Eiron Point and that one is of the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Body. Next one, please...

[23:36] (Graph) Now, this is a chart that started with just these, where it said what Light Body field it was, right, and what Ah-VE‘-yas Body field, which is referring to…The Ah-VE‘-yas is that top cell, the Vibrational Body Cell in the Ah‘-yas Unit and it is what holds the Eiron Point. So if you‘re looking for what the Eiron Point is, where the Eiron Point is, that‘s why they used ―Ah-VE‘-yas Body‖, but they‘re really talking about the entire Ah‘-yas Body. So here you have what Light Body level it is bonds with or pulls up into what Ah-VE‘-yas Body level and where it is located at, once it parks itself, all right, once it goes into Orb and integrates and becomes, actually the Jha-DA‘ Body, what Rajhna Lock it parks itself at, all right? Now, here, we‘ve added these: this column here of what do you call that Jha-DA‘ Body, because the Jha-DA‘ Bodies are composed of two different dimensional sets, one from the Ah‘-yas side and one from the Light Body side. For instance, the one we were working with before we were…Here, we have the D-3 Jha-DA‘ Mental Body. Now that corresponds and it carries the same name as the D-3 Atmic Mental Body of the Light Body. So it‘s carrying the name of the Light Body Field, all right? So, but, what it‘s composed of is the Atmic from the D-3 but, also, the Telluric energies from the D-2 Telluric of the Ah-VA‘-yas side. So each of them have two different types of matter. They‘re a between-matter state where you have one type and another, like a hybrid form of matter. And this corresponds with some of the hybrid forms of matter that the Aurora Continuums themselves are made of, of what their matter component is. When you activate the Jha-DA‘ Body structure and go into the Jha-DA‘-yahh, that is when you become able to actually, to travel the Aurora Continuums. The Aurora Continua are very interesting because they‘re literally between space-times. You can hop through space-times through them. It‘s much…it‘s a level of freedom where you‘re not bound to the BPR‘s of the Va-Bha‘-TE Cells that are connected to the space-time location into which your body was born. It actually gives you a point where you can free that imprint when you activate the Jha-DA‘ and, literally, the universe is, like, fair game for you to go and explore, right? You can go see what‘s out, many, many places because it literally takes you out of the pulsations of energy that our bodies and our consciousness are locked into when we agree to come into a set of incarnations, because we have a minimum of 1728 simultaneous selves in different space-time The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 79 of 128

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locations. But they‘re all connected through the fact that they are a part of the same, larger body structure, as far as Light Body and Aah-JhA‘ Body structures. So you have lots of selves running around and they are a piece of you and you are a piece of them. And collectively, you are an Entity, all right? And Entities, once they come into a space-time matrix, they take on the coding of that space-time matrix. And then they have to work themselves through the coding of that, in order to spiral back out and pull themselves back together. When you bring in the Aurora Continuum frequencies, it actually gives a place where your body can take on and transcend the immediate, local Base Pulse Rhythms and space-time orientations. So people that become good at it are often referred to—not by the Beloveds so much, but by some of the other ones, particularly the Green Dragons—they call them Time Lords and stuff. And I just think of Dr. Who flying around in his little telephone booth because, basically, once you‘re able to do full Jha-DA‘-yahh Body structure, where you can translocate; you can transmigrate. It totally changes what it means to be alive, actually, because just think…I was thinking, you know, it would really save on rent and mortgage because you‘d just hang out in your Orb, you know what I mean, like Genie in the bottle, kind of thing. Anyway, so this is the new chart pack today. This has been added, with this level. Now here we get into something where we start to talk a little bit about the, it says: Stage-1 Translocation. Now for me to read that, I‘m going to be blocking the rest of it from everybody else: Stage-1 Translocation Aurora Continuum Outer Plane-1, Atmic-Telluric. It‘s Hydro-Thermal Liquid Light Vapor Base. It‘s called the Ah-SA‟-yas First Aurora Continuum Matter State. All of these correspond to the first of five of the Aurora Continuum Matter States in the Aurora Planes, the Five Aurora Planes. So we‘ll see a little bit more. There‘s a chart that didn‘t get finished, but I put it in there just so you see how it‘s going to look, how it will look when it‘s done, to give you the idea of how you organize this information and how the information fits together. So, this has to do with some of the new information that they‘ve provided about the States of, the different States of the Aurora Continuum Matter and the different planes, the five basic planes of the Aurora Continuum. And interestingly, each of the Aurora Platforms that we‘ve talked about, the four Aurora Platforms, each of those has those five planes. So, it‘s not just that…They're not the planes themselves. They are each sets that have sets of five planes. We‘ll see more about what that is. All the technicals, this is just where if you know your basics of: D-1 is Etheric, D-2 is Telluric; D-3 is Atmic; the Density Level is Ketheric. And there‘s a few others here they call the Rasha Matter Base, Mashayanic Base, yeah, Mashayanic, not Mashaya-Hanic, but Mashayanic Base, Matter Base. And, we‘ve talked about these—I forget which workshops—a while back, when we talked about how much, when a thing is coming into creating or birthing its Hara Body structures, how much goes forward into Manifestation and how much stays back in Spirit. Which means, how much is going into the ManA expression and how much is going on the opposite of that vector line, into the EirA expression. And that gives you the percentages: a 2/3 to 1/3, a half and half like Ketheric Matter, for instance, is a half Spirit and half Manifest, as we were using the term simply. And that creates a certain type of energy and Matter. And then you have other ones like Etheric is, I think, 1/3 Manifest and 2/3 Spirit. So it‘s much lighter because most of it is in the Spirit Body, EirA Set. So anyway, this is where we get the names for the different types of matter that go with that body. They‘ll probably be teaching us a lot more about the matter states as well, when it becomes important to know how to have command of them. Right now we‘re just trying to learn of them, the fact that they exist, see them in context of the larger structures that we‘re actually trying to learn to command. And what we‘re trying to learn The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 80 of 128

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to command in this workshop is the freedom of our Atomic Structure. And that‘s a big one. Everything we‘ve done so far, for the last almost 10 years of teaching has been gearing to this point, where we could finally get to the point where we could free the Physical Body structure from the mutation that is keeping it bound here. Next one, please…

[31:07] (Graph) What time are we on? Five to go, ok. Almost ten after, yeah, because I figure at about ten after, if we could start the Sacred Sequence and start building some energy up, as far as just a little indoor Orb-fest. It would be more fun to do it around the pool, but I think we‘ll get probably chased around by security if we‘re out there drumming at 5:10 in the morning or whatever, or 5:30 in the morning. Now, so, I‘ll just cover these briefly. We‘re not going to go heavily into them. This is kind of like when they‘re introducing something, where they just let you know about it, know that it‘s there and here‘s its name and here‘s some basic things about it. And usually that means it will pop up later in future workshops as something that is a significant focus and we learn more about it. But they were bringing these in. Now the…what‘s our Outer Matter structure, right, is actually Crystallized Liquid Light Endoplasm, Water Matter Base. We have atoms and identity in the Outer Radon Domains, they are as Crystallized Liquid Light Endoplasm. So this is one of the Outer Domain states. There are the main states, or the Outer, the Middle, the Inner, and the Core Domains. These states are actually between them. They are when you combine part of the energy from one with part of the energy from the other. And the first one is called the Ah-SA‟-yas State. It‘s Transduction of the Outer Matter structure into the Ah-SA‟-yas Hydrothermal Radiation Endo-Ectoplasma. So it‘s not just Endoplasma anymore. It‘s also Ectoplasm, which has a crystalline, more of a crystalline base, where Endo has more of a Hydros, or a water, base, all right? So, it‘s Endo-Ectoplasma Liquid Light Vapor. For simple terms, Liquid Light Vapor. What is that state? What is the Matter Base? It‘s Liquid Light Vapor. It‘s easier than remembering all these long names. And these were shortened from the pieces of the document that they gave me, like, with all sorts of things that—new words that maybe at some point we‘ll be able to finish. But there‘s never time to take those type of documents down. It takes months to actually, to get those. Even if I‘m doing forty pages a day, when they start giving the intensive information—like when they did the Voyagers II book—that just took forever to get the information down. I could do forty pages a day and be totally burned out. But, it never ended. There was never a stop point where even—that book never really stopped. We just had to stop it somewhere so it could get published, right? So it‘s like that with the documents. You know, they can go on forever and ever and ever and when some day, you get to that point, then it leads to another one. And then it goes in several directions. So they‘re, at this point, giving me little snippets of larger texts and where they‘re in context to what we‘re actually trying to learn about and work in our systems. And this was like that, too. It was a lot of pieces of longer things and they didn‘t all fit together yet. Like, what comes first? What do you talk about first, because you get a detail on this, a detail on this, but you have no idea how they fit together and, with the other things you have from the week before.

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So these, they just wanted us to understand the Ah‘-yas, the States of the Jha-DA‘ Body Ascension, which are the states of the five Aurora Continuum Matter States. And they‘re just five stages of Translocation. The five stages involved: Transduction, Transmutation—which is re-enlightenment, Transfiguration— which is re-spiritualization; Translation—which is that going in to the pre-Partiki or pre-Matter structures; and Transformation, all right? So there‘s the five ‖T‖ s, all right: Transduction, Transmutation, Transfiguration, Translation, Transformation. And this has to do with the Outer going through to the Core States, all right? So for this level here, this is the word that was on the set that we saw before where it was showing the different layers of the Jha-DA‘ Body. And it takes six layers of that just to achieve that, ok? So it‘s not that, like, number one through six on that other chart; like one, two, three, four, five or six, uh-uh. That was all under number one, right? So, Density-2 level would fit the Density-2 to Density-3 level of the Jha-DA‘-yahh Body, would fit here. That would be able to go into those levels of the Aurora Continuum. And that‘s actually what we‘re going to be working toward as long as the Host holds; and, even the people going in to step-back, the Path of KalE RA‟-Ma, which is the step-back path. Even if they can‘t fully ascend forward, they will need to be able to step back into the Edons and they will need to be able to enter the second level of the Aurora Continuum, which is here. And this state is called the Ah-SA‟-yon State. And here, we have the Ah-SA‘-yas, and here, we have the Ah-SA‘-yon State. And that is what we‘ll be aiming for with everybody on the KaLE RA‘-Ma path. People for the Ascension path, the full ascension, I have a feeling we‘re aiming for this. They haven‘t said it yet, but I think we need to do a minimum of this for full-on Slide, all the way through, if we want to go to Urtha. But, I do believe we can access Median Earth from even this level. And, that‘s the first place they‘re going to try to help us get to where we can actually biologically interface with. So, we have the Ah-SA‟-yas State, Liquid Light Vapor. And, that‘s considered Aurora Continuum-1. And that is between the Outer Radon and the Middle Edon Domains, all right? The Second State is the Ah-SA‟-yon State. It‘s Crystalline Electro-Thermal Vapor. And, this is—It‘s the identity Slide-2, goes into Slide-2, Translocation into Aurora Continuum-2, which is between the Middle Edon and the Inner Adon Domains. And the identity would change into Crystalline Electro-Thermal Vapor in order to do that. The third one is the Aeri-sa‟-na State. And this is Eiradhani, meaning the Eiradonis energies are involved now, like the Ethos, the Eiros and the Eiradonis; the Eiradhani Liquid Light Vapor. And that‘s the Inner Core Geleziac Matter State. And it has to do with Aurora Continuum-3 between the Inner Adon and Core Eton. Then we have the fourth state, which is the Aeri-A‟-sa State. And that is Eira-Metelectric—new word, you know? It means metallic-electric, right, because there was a certain one we…there was a different chart a few workshops ago that showed the basic, from pre-matter, from consciousness, all the way up to the creation of matter and the matter levels. And there was one level that was metallic-electric. And they call this level, literally, the Eira-because it has to do with the Eiradonis that was up here—that‘s combining that with the Metelectric Level, or the metallic-electric level. And that is Liquid Light Vapor. So it‘s Eira Metelectric Liquid Light Vapor. I hope we‘ll see some of that stuff; that sounds fascinating. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 82 of 128

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And so some of these things are, like, try to wrap your brain around what might that look like, you know, even trying to remember it, for me, anyway. It‘s, like, I‘m not a physicist. I just kind of go, whatever sounds pretty, right? So Metelectric Liquid Light. This is Core Rasha Pre-Matter Geleziac Matter State, between…it‘s Aurora Continuum-4- between the Core Eton and the Rasha Dark Matter, which is the Dark Matter Pre-matter. And here we have the Aeri-Hana State. And, this is the State of Pre-water Et-a-ur Vapor. And it‘s called— let‘s see—Metelectro Protoplasm, Metelectro-Protoplasm Rasha Ecousha Pre-matter Pre-substance Conscious Et-a-ur Vapor. It‘s a primal state. And this one is a state that corresponds with Aurora Continuum-5, which is considered the Transcendent Continuum, which exists between the Rasha Dark Matter Pre-matter Radiation Body and what is called the Ecousha Pre-Substance Consciousness Emanation. And these delineations have to do with…It helps to look at the structures of the Hara Bodies, the Hara Body Structure to see where these states exist and what‘s between what and where those states are. So that‘s where…we do have a diagram coming up that shows in simple form where the Aurora Continua are in relation to the Hara Body structure. And we can see where our Eyugha Cycles are and our Adashi Expansion Cycle, or, yeah, our Eckashi—I can‘t even—Adashi Return Cycles and our Eckashi Expansion Cycles that are on this Manifest side of the Matrix. So all of this corresponds back into the structure of the Spirit Body and the part of it that is referred to as the Hara Bodies. And we‘re also learning now about these structures of the Spirit Body that are known as the Ah‘-yas Bodies. So, let‘s go on to the next one, please…

[40:21] (Graph) It‘s time. Let‘s just see what the next one is so I know what I‘m coming back to. Oh, more writing, right. Yeah, you can leave that up if you want. You can leave it up and we‘ll just ignore it. But we have to put up the thing-y, don‘t we, the Sacred Sequence? Yeah, I don‘t have that memorized yet, either. Yeah, this is where we‘re going after we get back from—it‘s kind of like meet and greet. Well I don‘t know if we get to meet, but we at least get to greet and anchor and ―Hi, up there!‖ as they bring in, they‘re bringing in, through Span-7, the first of the fifteen Plasma City Craft. And, at some point, they could become the Silver Seeds and literally appear in our atmosphere. If Load Out occurs, if it went bad here, they would do that. And we would be actually telepathically reached through the Aurora Continuum and asked to go to the nearest locations where we could be found and, if we wanted to, get out and off. Kind of like the Nicolas Cage movie, but they wouldn‘t be as creepy. The ones that turned out to be the angel things were really creepy in that movie and you didn‘t know if they were, like—They seemed nice once they got their weird human clothes off, but the Beloveds wouldn‘t be that creepy. A-SaN: We don‘t have this on mylar. A‘sha: We don‘t have that on mylar. I don‘t know, actually. I think most of the group knows it, don‘t they? I think most of the people here—We actually don‘t have this on mylar here, the Sacred Sentence. But most of you know it, I think, already, yeah. Ok, so why don‘t we just begin doing…If we can have some drummers that would be great and begin a few rounds of this. Hey, they‘re doing something here. Oh, they‘re going to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 83 of 128

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do something. Where‘s my list? Ah ha! I knew they were going to do something. They‘re actually, they‘re saying the Technique-1, the Aqua-Tone technique: Landing your Mashaya-Hana, Creating the Atomic Mirror that is starting with this activation. So when we get the drumming going and the whole bit, it‘s the beginning process. And, when we go outside, it‘s so we can actually be, like, in the atmosphere without so much building around us and that kind of stuff, because they are going to give a transmission when the ship comes in. It is the first flow of the Orbs of Aquareion. They are bringing in the Eiron Field, the first infusions of the Eiron Field from the Aquareion Matrix into the Aurora Platforms. And anybody that‘s tuned in to the Aurora Platforms, that‘s been working with those energies, will be able to receive that first flow of the Orbs of Aquareion Elemental Flow. It‘s a Stardust Flow, but it‘s the most powerful Stardust Flow that can be brought into this Matrix. So they‘re saying that as we do this, this isn‘t separate; that we‘re going to do the first part, just the first part? I think, just the first part …Yeah, they‘ll teach us a bit about Stardust Breathing after we finish this part of it. So, this, as we move through this, we will be landing our Mashaya-Hana and that is the part of ourselves that we went and literally seeded in the first set of techniques, where we literally went into the Aquareion Matrix and, remember, we went into the Flame and in to the Silken Waters and put our encryption, our…the encryption of our entire Ah‘-yas Body there in order to create our encryption in the future, this future place, for ourselves. And if you recall in that technique set, that the Elemental Orbs, the Water Orbs there, began to form all around us and actually created a version of an Elemental Orb form of our encryption of our Body, like creating a body of ourselves there. We‘re actually going to call that body home. And it‘s going to bring with us the Mashaya-Hanic Frequencies from the Aquareion Hub. So this is the beginning of anchoring our personal Mashaya-Hana and it‘s our personal identity that is seeded up there, but it‘s opening our identity here to that level of consciousness, to those consciousness fields that we have a piece of ourselves in. And this is what was done with the Aquareion Shield itself when we landed the Mashaya-Hana during the 4th of July set. And that created a Protection Field for the Shield because it was under quite intense attack at that time. And there‘s a lot of other purposes for it, too. It‘s part of being able to progressively go into the Orb States and those kinds of things, where you can Transfigure and do Orb and be free from here, and those kinds of things. So, this will occur as we…They‘re saying get the Psonns moving a bit and they want to do the Sacred Sequence and they want to do something else. Ok, Psonn of Aurora, ok, Psonn of Aurora, and, just to begin getting the tones moving and the energy moving because that does create openings in your field and it charges your frequency. And then once we go into the quiet state, it will simply be going out and we‘ll just mill around and sit by the pool. I think we can all fit in the pool cage. I don‘t know, though. It‘s not a really big pool. But, just for a little bit, and if we can just put a finger in the water or whatever, the water actually assists in running these frequencies. And when… if we can‘t all touch the water at the same time, it‘s all right. Just before we leave to come back in, just put a finger in the water for a second or two. And it will actually…There‘s going to be a transfer of the Mashaya-Hana Identity that you created there. It‘s going to be transferred through the water, literally, from the water Orbs up there into the water Orbs here. We don‘t see the Orb; we just see the water molecules, but it‘s actually going to be run through the frequencies of the water. And that‘s why they wanted us to be able to do it by the pool, so we could do that little just touch water and it creates part of the activation. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 84 of 128

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So we‘ll see. We‘ll probably learn more about it when we get back, I wouldn‘t doubt. That‘s how a lot of these work – just show up. It, like, ok, I‘m here, and then you find out later: oh yeah, then that happened and that happened. So I will stop talking and allow the drum people…

[47:13] (Participants tone Sacred Sequence) [01:03:15] Thank you, guys, all guys very much. Excellent. We‘ve got the energy moving and it‘s about time to take a gentle, quiet walk out to the…We have to be silent because we get yelled at by the hotel people, right? So if we can just go in to the area by the swimming pool and just sit comfortably somewhere, find someplace comfy to sit or stand or whatever you‘d like to do and just breathe. We‘ll be there for about, probably about fifteen minutes, all right? So we‘ll just hang out for about fifteen minutes and just breathe gently. And you can do Krystar Breaths and you can also do Ah-VA‘-yas Breathing, where you‘re breathing through the spaces in between your atoms when you‘re out there. And just try to feel. Put yourself into Ah-Rish-maTa‟-A State. Remember when we went to visit Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A? Try to find yourself up there again and move into that state while you‘re just sitting out there. All right, so try to project up, in to the Ah-Rish‘-maTa‘-A, all right? And we‘ll be back in about fifteen minutes, break up by six o‘clock, actually, because we‘ll break up by 6 o‘clock, actually, because that‘s when it becomes…


Monday AM Lecture 2 [Track 5] A‘sha …See or feel anything on that one. But maybe I‘ll take a little raised-by-hands poll. Did anybody see anything, like with etheric vision or anything, during that? Ok, a number of people, ok, yeah, that‘s cool. Anybody maybe not see anything, but hear anything? Just wondering. Ok, I know one other person heard something. There was, I‘d heard the effect of and I knew who it was that does this – it‘s the AdonA groups, where they sing through the electricals and it sounds like choirs, like almost Arias sometimes. Ooohhh. They were doing the ―Be Tu‖‘ song and that kind of stuff. Yeah, I was surprised because when I felt it first, I knew they were coming in, but a lot of times, stuff like that‘s…well they know it‘s there, but I don‘t see it or hear it. So, whatever. I just show up because they asked me to. But when we got out by—I wasn‘t even in the pool area yet—I noticed there was like a rippling effect that almost looked like a horizontal heat wave running across the sky. And I couldn‘t even see past—it went past the hotel in both directions. But it was kind of running horizontally with the length of the pool, but quite up high over the hotel. And it caught my attention and I kind of went ―Hmmm.‖ And there‘s this, I call it my other set of eyes. There‘s this strange thing I can‘t even describe what exactly my bio-field knows how to do, but at certain points it shifts to a vision that feels like I‘m looking out of the tops of my eyeballs, where it‘s a different angle of perception and it gives you a different range. And I don‘t use that very often and I don‘t consciously ever decide ―hey, I‘m going to do that.‖ But it kicks in on occasion when I‘m supposed to see whatever is in those frequency bands. But that occurred and that The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 85 of 128

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doesn‘t happen very often. And I saw it. It was almost like where that ripple was…the ripple was…It‘s like it parted. The bottom part moved down and the top part moved up and it literally opened. It looked like a rip in the sky. And then really slowly, this thing started to drift in. And I kept going ―Oh, neat! What is it? It must be the ship.‖ Because, everything…oh…Plasma Ships. What might they look like? I don‘t know. I mean, I don‘t know what they look like from the outside. I‘ve never actually watched one land from the outside. I‘ve been in them and been beamed up, but I‘ve never watched one drift in. And that‘s exactly what it did. It drifted and it started to drift over where it was, like, completely covering where the whole pool area was and the whole hotel area. And I couldn‘t see any sides to it…and I could sense it was, like, if you turned it on its edge, upside down and looked at it, it would be round on the bottom and quite thin but gently domed toward the center of it when you look at it from the side. And I remember thinking ―wow, it‘s more solid than I thought it would be‖ because I was thinking, like, etheric ghost-image, or whatever. And it wasn‘t; it was quite solid-looking. And the only thing that I could think of, of what I could compare the substance to was, it looked like kind of a silvery stingray skin. And I‘d mentioned that to A-SaN. I said, ―it‘s like stingray skin,‖ right, because of the texture of whatever it‘s made out of. And it moved in and it stayed for a while, but it didn‘t stop. It was, like, moving but drifting really slowly, going somewhere, kind of—I don‘t know what directions we are here—but it was coming in, over the far side of the pool and drifting over this way and then down, out that way. And I couldn‘t se where it stopped, so I telepathed to the Beloveds. I said, ― How big is that?‖ And, they said, ―68 miles.‖ Oh, I was, like ―oh, no wonder I couldn‘t see the edges,‖ all right? And then at one point, it started to go that crystal effect, more like ectoplasmic effect, where it wasn‘t as solid anymore. It started to look less solid and that‘s what I thought maybe a plasma ship would look like from the outside, to begin with. But it moved into that phase, but it was much more dense-looking first. And it went into that phase and then it stopped a little bit and started to rotate, where you could feel this, like, huge disc rotating for a little bit and they transmitted something at that point and focused it into the pool. And later in the pool I saw, like, the little water Orbs from Aquareion popping up, but not as if…not from a portal or anything. They were, like, popping up between the spaces between atoms. And they were just: bump, and there they were: pop, pop, pop, like little bubbles. And they were about this big—the ones that I saw in the pool. But then, I mean, the ship thing is still out there, but it seemed to go on a curve and go back up a little bit again. And it got less dense-looking as it went up. I wasn‘t really expecting to see anything. So I was quite surprised to even see it. But it was comforting to know that they are there. And they said that was the first one to anchor in, but the other fourteen are coming in, in their locations, at the same time. So it‘s almost like that— they‘re quite large and I could picture if there was, like, lots and lots of them, more than fifteen, it would almost be like putting an armor around the Earth, like a protective armor. And I‘m wondering if that has something—Yeah, right, that has something to do with the Mirror in the Sky, yeah. Ok, all right, yup; sometimes it falls out my mouth and that‘s how I learn it, all right? Because I know part of the Mirror in the Sky has to do with what we are going to talk about at the Atomic Mirror, but on a larger scale. But I think it has to do with the other waves coming in. This is what they call the first wave. There will be other waves of the Plasma Ships coming in, in preparation for 2012. And that is because the other teams of the FA groups have—they have their ships in position to actually trigger the activation of the Alpha-Omega Temples. We‘ll talk a little bit more about that toward the end. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 86 of 128

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But if they are able to trigger those in 2012, it will create the necessity for our Plasma Ships to come in sooner rather than later and to get us out of here because it would be catastrophic if the FA‘s agenda works during the 2012 period. But for now, we‘ve got company closer than it‘s ever been and this is a good thing. There are fifteen; there‘s one that roves, they said, that just travels around. And there are the 12 fixed ones that will be over the Arc Hub Gates. So they will be in the center areas of those Arc Hub Gates. And actually they said they‘ll sometimes scan the periphery, because the Arc Hub gates are bigger. So they‘ll be at the center most of the time, but sometimes they‘ll travel around the perimeter of the further-outside parts of the Reuche parts of it, of the Arc Hubs. And the one roving one, I don‘t know what that‘s for. They didn‘t tell me more of what they‘re for. But it‘s nice to know that, finally, we‘re not all by ourselves down here. We‘re finally actually getting to have a little bit closer relationship with good guys. There‘s been the ones who are playing the bad-guy agenda for a long time, doing ships. You know, I mean, there‘s lots of photographs of Zeta ships, with their blue beams coming down and that kind of stuff, abducting people. But you don‘t very often find photographs of friendly ones and Krystic ones that have positive intentions. Finally, it‘s like reinforcement is coming even closer. So anyway, what I would like to do is, so we can all at some point finish the Activation set…

Monday AM Lecture 3 [Track 6] A‘sha …what it is doing, and what we are going to do with the activations to come, that will finally begin the process of freeing the body – literally, the atomic structure. So, this was the page after the page you saw before This one is a summary of the Aurora Continuum Between Planes and States of Matter. So this is a simpler, easy at-a-glance kind of thing of the longer page that was before that. You have both pages in the second part of the chart-pack. So we have the five Aurora Continuum planes. The Outer one is the first one, and that will correspond with those first six stages of Jha-DA‘ activations. Once you‘ve fulfilled all of those, you‘d actually be able to travel through any of the Aurora Platforms in this plane set – the first plane set. That‘s the one that‘s between the Outer and the Middle of the Domain sets, when we get into the structures of the Hara Bodies on the mass level – not just your personal one, but also on the Cosmic one. Right. Next is the Middle Plane, and that‘s between the Middle and the Inner, and then we have the Plane3, between the Inner and the Core; Plane-4, between the Core and the Rasha, and the Transcendent Plane-5, between the Rasha and the Transcendent Ecousha Domains, which are the Meta-electric protoplasm pre-water E-ta-Ur vapor. They call this one the Aeri-Hana Rasha-Transcendent Matter State. So these are Matter States that are associated with the Between Planes, where we learned a bit about the basics, as far as…in the Domains we learned the basic states; you know, the Etheric Matter, Ketheric, Telluric…those different types; and way back we learned a bit about what that meant and how those The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 87 of 128

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delineations of matter were created – how much is manifest; how much is pulling back into the Eir-A side of the Spirit Body side. This is the summary of the Primary Domain Planes and their States of Matter. So these would be the ones that are not between. These are the ones that those are between – if you know what I mean. They‘re the Outer Matter; Middle Matter; Inner Matter; Core Matter and Rasha Dark Matter. When we look at the structures of the Jha-DA‘ bodies, we find that they are also ‗Between-Matter States‘. They are made of two different types of matter. Each level of the Jha-DA‘ body will have two different components, one that goes with the Ah-Jha side, or the Ah‘-yas side, and one that goes with the Light Body side. Next one please.

[0:02:39] (Graph) Ooph! Heat wave! First I‘m cold, then I‘m hot. It‘s doing the hot and cold thing again. This is the chart that…I would still be up there, probably for two days before finishing. This one goes with the other type-set chart. Not the one that‘s right before, but… (To A-SaN) Yeah, could you find the one – we‘ve already done it – it‘s the one that you type-set up for me – the Horizontally running one. I just want to put that up over there for a second, just to remind them which one it is. Now, this chart would be an expanded version of this one that shows the six layers, where you have the 1,2,3,4,5,6 … and that‘s just in that one Continuum, or that one matter state – the Outer state. So if you took that up, for each of the dimensions – we have the Jha-DA‘ Body level, which is D-4 Jha-DA‘, which is the Astral one, and this is the type of energy that it is, and type of matter. It‘s actually Etheric and Ketheric, and when you put Etheric and Ketheric together you get Keriatric – it‘s called Keriatric. So these are the different types. You know, this is what the Light Body is on this level; this is what the Ah‘yas Body, or the Ah-VA‘-yas Body is, and that is where its parking spot is located – at that Rajhna Lock. We could take this all the way up, and I didn‘t have time to do this, but eventually we will for the next one – the one we just saw. So, I just put this in here to show you where it‘s going; this information goes all the way up. So, you could just see how the levels of the Jha-DA‘ body do fit into the delineation of the planes and all those kind of things. Eventually this information will fit into maps and those kinds of things; where can you go with what state of activation and what type of matter. If you‘re going there, what can you expect? What kind of Transmutation do you expect to go through? So if you‘re really…what‘s interesting about the Beloveds is, they must be serious about teaching us the real way of Ascension because they wouldn‘t be bothering teaching us all these other things. Other people say, ―Oh you just go do this meditation; put yourself in the white light and go float away.‖ Yeah right! You know?! If you actually had the ability to biologically de-materialize your atoms at will…what would you do The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 88 of 128

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next? Would you have any idea where to go? I mean seriously. Ok, well, gee, sky‘s the limit! Universe is the limit! What is the limit? Is there a limit? We are being trained properly, because they know there is a good chance at least some of us will be able to actually engage the process. That‘s why they do the painstaking detail. So we‘ll eventually get around to taking those first 6…you can only see down to 5 here, but it‘s on the bottom. This would be that first set, where you had the D-1 going up to the D-4 level, and that would create that first state, which is the Ah-SAyas State. That would allow you to travel Aurora Continuum Outer Planes. This would be considered the Density 1 / 2 (Density One and Two) Jha-DA‟-yah Orb. That‘s… the Jha-DA‘-yah is when you have all those levels of Jha-DA‘ Body activated, it creates the Jha-DA‘-yah Orb. And at that Point you are able to Orb and pick yourself up and take yourself elsewhere. Once…I could feel part of the technicals that they weren‘t going to give for this workshop, but eventually we‘ll learn more about. I think it‘s that once you get this far you can… I‘m not sure exactly if you have to get this far first, then you can Transmigrate. If you‘re here you can Translocate, but it means you still have to come back until you incorporate the rest of them. I‘m not sure where the marks are, but there are basic rules of physics that apply in relation to that. This big thing is being able to Transmigrate. That means you can leave and not have to come back to the space-time Domain that your body-form was born into, which means you are completely free from the VaBha‘-TE imprint and the Space-Time System that you are in. It means you won‘t have to re-incarnate into that system either, because a lot of us have been stuck in this system for a very long time, because of the Va-Bha‘-TE imprint that we‘ve not been able to fully clear. So there‘s a lot more technicals that will go with this whole process; they‘re just giving us the next level from where we were before, as usual. Next one please.

[0:07:18] (Graph) So that doesn‘t have all the information on it, but it will, going up the stack – you‘ll see four more sets of that information that go with the other bodies. This is going back to the diagrams where we talked about the Hara Bodies of the Spirit Body, where we talked about the structures of the Elum‘Eir-adhonna Spirit Body and how it forms. This is just one of its Vector LineVector Lines, or one Allurean Chamber, and that‘s where you get a KaLE Hara Body and the Mahara Reisha Body…we talked about…it‘s funny, because the next one you‘re going to see, I actually reversed them, because right now, in the Planetary and the Solar System level, we‘re actually in the 3 position – and that means we would be over here, looking at, and the 9, which would be our opposite Horizon, would be over here. So you‘ll see this information reversed. So what you have, on every Vector Line, is a set of these spheres. You will have a Spirit Body set; you will have the Manifest Body set – the KaLE Hara -they‘re both manifest in their own way, but one is a Manabased energy and the other is an EirA-based energy. That‘s why we refer to that as the Spirit Body – it‘s actually the EirA body of the Spirit Body. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 89 of 128

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You‘ll also have another set of them that run the opposite way. So if you‘re on Manifest, say, Vector 9, over here, Horizon 9 – your Spirit Body would be on Horizon 3. There‘s also a Horizon 3 Manifest Body whose Spirit Body would be on Horizon 9. You know, that‘s how they go. So this structure is just where we started to look at…and the reason I brought this back up is, it touches on the Matter States again.l We have the Core, and then the Inner and the Middle and the Outer realms…and they each have a different type of matter. The Core matter has Etheric at the very Core, and it has Keriatric, which is a combination of Ketheric and Etheric, in this area. And then up to here is Keriatric. Then we have the Inner, which is Ketheric; then Telluric coming out to the Middle, and we‘re Atmic out here. And Atmic is three-thirds manifest, and no thirds in Spirit Body. So it‘s the densest form of matter in the Outer Domains. With this diagram we‘ll be able to see, very soon, where exactly the Aurora Continuum are – where the continua actually run in relation to this. We have this structure in our personal Spirit Body structure, but it‘s also the structure of the Cosmos. That‘s where the maps – the Probability Maps – were built on understanding this structure. So, I think that‘s all I need for here. These are just the names of the different areas in the structure. Next one please.

[0:10:08] (Graph) The Five Planes and Matter States of the Aurora Continuum. So, we‘re looking at the same diagram, but this time I put the Manifest one over here and I didn‘t have time to white-out all the mess. This one is now the KaLE Hara Body. You saw that on the other Horizon before. So now this is our number 3 planetary and Solar System Probability - number 3. So this is our KaLE Hara Body, and over here would be our Mahara Reisha Body, which is the EirA-based Body or Spirit Body…that part of our Spirit Body. So we have a part of our energy over here and a part of our energy over there. The natural occurrence—when we looked at the diagrams that showed the phasing of the Ah‘-yas unit, the Eiron Point in the centre of the Ah-VE‘-yas unit, the top unit—when that opens, when the joules collect around it from the phasing of the Ah‘-yas and that creates critical mass and it actually sparks open the Eiron Point, it would send energy from where we are, back through into where our Spirit Body – or the EirA part of our Spirit Body is. Then the Spirit Body would send back-flow return of an Eiron Stream back; there would be an open circulation between the Vector Lines. Where there‘s open circulation there would be open transit, which means you should be able to be able to naturally go into the Center Point, and your Spirit Body go into the Center Point at the same time, and that‘s when you go into the HarA Krysta State, where you‘re in full-on Orb and…this is the natural state…the folding and unfolding of Creation, where we flash on and flash off, just as a natural state…and then we can choose when to flash on and use that as a travel medium. You don‘t really have to build houses and collect wardrobes and all that stuff when you finally get to these states, because you don‘t have to drag a manifest or materialized body around with you if you don‘t want to. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 90 of 128

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Most of the Cosmos is structured like this. There are exceptions, which are fallen or falling systems, which we are in one and getting out of. This is not the rule down here; this is the exception. Most of the Cosmos is structured on the Living Light principles and is not in a trapped phase like it is down here in this particular falling system. What we‘re seeing here, in the centre—I didn‘t have time to put all the little labels on—they were on the one you just saw. Basically, you have our Outer Domain body, our Middle Domain Body, our Inner and our Core Domains. These, between, would be our Adashi Return cycles. So these are expansion outward cycles to expand outward into Materialization from the Core, and we end up in the Outer Domains eventually, after we have lifetimes in each of the time bands that go with these. Then we hit this one which is the KaLE Eyugha. That is when, if we are able to ascend, we would go into the return cycles – the Adashi Return cycles. What is the center of these are these…this is a diagram that was in the series—I can‘t remember which workshop it was in—when we got into the Gha-Fa fields that have to do with the Bhardoah Chamber and all of those kind of things, that are a part of the fields and allow us to interface with the Aurora Continuum and our natural part of the Ascension Body, or the mechanisms in the multi-dimensional Identity that allow for Ascension and materialization and de-materialization. So the Aurora Continua actually connect in with the Gha-Fas. This one is between the Outer and the Middle. So that would be the Aurora Outer Plane. So anywhere in through here—and notice, in the Continuum, if you‘re in this Domain here, you are limited to one Horizon—one Domain and one Horizon. When you enter the Aurora Continua you can travel the bands, and you can go into any Probability System in the entire structure. So they‘re between time and, actually, like time-leap systems, where you go past the limitations of the barriers of space-time, once you are able to engage with the Aurora Continua. You don‘t need spaceships to ride the Aurora Continua. Sometimes the Beloveds will create…how do you create a spaceship? These spaceships aren‘t made of nuts and bolts and metal. They may appear to be if that‘s what the collective, who chose to manifest themselves as a spaceship, decided on, but they are actually bio-ships. They are living entities and the entity is created by a group of individuals who choose to come in for a certain purpose to assist. Now the only reason the Krystic ones send in ships is for periods where Evac may be needed or systems support, life-support, may be needed for a Planetary System, and there are beings that would not be able to go into full Orb. It is a way to help masses of people, actually; either by helping them to heal or helping them to get off if they need to, and that kind of thing. Actually, what you‘re seeing is an energy construct that is created by the consciousness of people getting together, like when we get together and do Shadra shields, right? When we lay down on the floor and point the heads together, we actually create an energy construct that allows us to transport ourselves. Right now we‘ve not been able to levitate through the air and through the ceiling and out into the atmosphere – not with our physical bodies yet; but there are Adashi Adepts that are masters at this type of technology, and that‘s what we‘re seeing. So these are where, in relation to the basic anatomy of the Cosmos and the anatomy of our own body— where the Aurora Continua lie. So we have the First Plane, the Outer plane, then we have the Middle Plane that runs between the Middle Domain and the Inner Domain, and then you have the Inner Aurora Plane, The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 91 of 128

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Plane 3, that goes between the Inner and the Core. At the center in here, we actually have the Fourth Plane —that‘s the Aeri-A‟-sa—that‘s between the Core and the Rasha, which you don‘t see in this diagram. So it‘s actually in the center, in the area that would, in the more detailed diagrams, be referred to as the DhaLA-LU-ma Doorway – so it‘s in there. Then the fifth one, the Transcendental one, is actually out here. It‘s between, but on the Dark Matter level. If you took the Rasha Body level, went in through there, got into the Rasha Dark Matter State, and then extended all the way out to its borders, where it interfaces with this area, which is called the Ecousha Domain of the Elum‘Eir-adhona Spirit Body—this is considered the Transcendental one, which is the biggest one. Then, once you are able to access that, you can literally go…you‘re fully ascended…that would be a full Krystar Ascension Being could go into those Domains. So this is just giving us a little bit more of an idea where they‘re located in relation to the structure of the Cosmos. On this you could also put the other Allurean Chamber lines and all the other Vectors, so you would see the Spirit Body that‘s also the thing that the Probability Maps were designed on. So when we look, a little later, at the Probability Maps to see where like the Alpha-Omega Temple sets are, as far as cosmically – this structure applies to those maps as well, which is kind of interesting. I haven‘t put them together yet, to see what part of the Milky Way interfaces with those. We‘re just starting to learn how to tell what part of the Milky Way is what on the Probability Maps. Anyway, this is giving an idea of where they are – you know, where the Aurora Continua are located, and there‘s a real freedom in them. What‘s nice to know is, they are still matter-based. You still can…and they still are, literally, materialized planes – physical planes you can enjoy and experience lifetimes in neat forms. Like, you don‘t just have to float around as energy, which is neat, but you know, once you float around as energy for a long time you have the yearning to experience physicality. In these planes, and in others – once you reach the levels where you are ascended and have conscious direction of that process, you‘ll take time flipping back and forth, because once you‘re out of manifestation and materialization for a while you kind of miss some of the things that go with having a physical body. So you can have the options like, ―Will I wear clothes today or will I not? Will I wear a body today or will I not?‖ That kind of thing. So, eventually we‘ll be able to experience those things. Next one please.

[0:18:59] (Graph) Huh – this one! Yes! Now, the levels of the Aurora Planes—the five Aurora Planes—all connect into the Vertical Maps that were done off the Spherical Maps – as far as the planet Earth, right? From Earth Core going all the way up into the atmosphere. This is just showing you a vertical slice of that vertical ascent from Earth Core, which is down here.

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The Aurora Platforms that we had talked about: the Aurora Platform One, which is the Subterranean Cities; Aurora 2, which are the Cloud Cities; Aurora 3, which are the Ocean Cities; and Aurora 4, which are…they call them the Winter Lands. These actually exist – these Aurora Planes actually interface directly with our atmosphere and portions of our Planetary Body, where the Cloud Cities are in the thermosphere, what science here would call the thermosphere. I don‘t have how far up it is. I‘d have to take the time to research that on a scientific level here to plug in those figures, and I just haven‘t had time. Here we have the Aurora 3 Platform and that‘s in the Van Allen Belt. Now science knows where the Van Allen Belts are, right? There‘s a gap between the two – the Inner and the Outer Van Allen, and in that area of location—it‘s a physical location that we can identify—that‘s where the Ocean Cities are, the Aurora Platform Ocean Cities. Here, this is just outside of the Outer Van Allen Belt, so it gives us an idea of where these planes are very tangibly interfacing with our reality structure, with the Aurora Planes. In between them are the Ecousha Platforms. The Ecousha Platforms are Aurora planes, but on AdorA side, where the Aurora Platforms we named here were on the EtorA side, which is our side of matter. On the AdorA side they are here. They have locations that connect here as well, where there are connection points where – Ok, this is up in the thermosphere, and there are certain places like Machu Picchu, on Earth, that are direct anchoring places for, or access places to, those continua – to the Aurora Continuum. All of those Aurora Continua and the Ecousha Platforms, each have a set of those five Aurora Planes. So each has a set between the Outer and the Middle; between the Middle and the Inner; between the Inner and the Core; and then between the Rasha and the Core; and then between the Rasha and the Ecousha on the outside, right? So they each have—it‘s not just one of those represents one of those planes. Each of them has a set of those five planes and its corresponding levels of matter. So I wanted to show you how those pieces fit together and how Orbs, in the process of moving into Orb and integrating with the Ah‘-yas body, how that all has to do with all of this, because that is actually the vehicle of travel in order to get into those plane states. What‘s really interesting is to realize how tightly focused we are here. The more I start to get just little glimpses—like when they brought me to Ah-Rish‟-ma-Ta‟-A—there was something. I guess because it‘s closer, as far as range, it seems much closer because it was just so real – the experiences were so much more tangibly felt: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually—all of that—than some of the other journeys. That…wait a minute…excuse me…. I must look at Technique 2. OK – Opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry – yeah! ―Get to it now, the activation‘s coming in soon.‖ (Laughing.) Sorry, we‘ll get back to that discussion. All right, next one.

[0:23:04] (Graph) That means I‘m going to speed up the graphology a bit, because I have to get to the ManE part, so we have an idea of what it means to open up the Secondary Neuro-circuitry. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 93 of 128

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All right, this was that scratchy little diagram that showed the basic structure of an Ah‘-yas unit, with it‘s AhVE‘-yas and its two Ah-VA‘-yas, and its Atumus right ? Be that a tiny one or big ones around you or around planets. This is showing a very rough version of the mutated one that is in a Vesica phase-lock, and this gets into all the little things – I think you have a copy of this in your thing. If you can read it, God bless you! I look at it and go, ―What did I write there?‖ It actually breaks down—where‘s Prana? There‘s Prana joules trapped at the center and artificially bound. It‘s cut off from its Ah-VE‘-yas state in an unnatural way. These would be roving ones that, once they‘re put into this form, then they latch onto other things—living life-fields—and literally suck the energy out of them to use to continue their own spin. That‘s why they‘re finite light units; they have to feed, they‘re feeder units. Unfortunately our D-2 Elemental Body has been turned into that, because something has happened to the two Ah-VA‘-yas that would normally form our Thermal Body, the Ah-VA‘-yas Body. We‘re bringing this back up so we can go take this concept of the formation of the ManE (and ManE is reversed Mana). In simple terms, our Thermal Body or our Ah-VA‘-yas body – the atomic one (when it‘s in the atomic phase, not just the field), it is our Mana Body – and our Mana Body has been twisted and its currents running in reverse, which makes its polarity go into opposite polarity. So, instead of having positive-charge, it actually has a negative charge, and its phase-locked together instead of being able to openly phase and spark. So it‘s finite; it has to feed off other things because it can‘t generate its own energy. That‘s why our bodies die. So we‘ll look at that as we move through these diagrams. That‘s just by itself in a small context. Now let‘s move forward and see it in a larger one.

[0:25:22] (Graph) This is the same diagram that used to have a body in the middle of it. So this is just looking at the structure of the Ah‘-yas itself, and I took out the dimensional numbers right now. What we‘re going to be looking at…in all of the diagrams before we were looking at, when the body was in here, that would be the D-2 Ah‘yas body, right? What we‘re going to do now is look at these in terms of D-1, because when we‘re working with the D-2 Ah‘-yas Body, that bonded in with the D-3 Mental Light Body structure; so that was working with the D-3 Mental Body structure. To free the D-2 Telluric Body we need to go one Ah‘-yas below; we have to work at the Etheric D-1 level of the Ah‘-yas Body. Now, this is simply showing the natural structure. It‘s in the open phase; it can open and close, and when it closes it phase-sparks here, and that‘s when it sends quantum joules up into the Eiron Point, and the Eiron Point opens and the back-flow goes through to the spirit side and then the Spirit Body sends the Eiron Flow back. It just continues the living sparking atomic matrix, actually. At the center here, this is called the Atumus, and the Atumus is literally—on the smaller ones it would be a quark; I‘ve explained that before. Groups of quarks come together to form protons in the nucleus of atoms, and progressively it builds up atomic structure. Technically—and this is something I didn‘t realize before; they hadn‘t mentioned—but when they showed me these diagrams, it just dawned on me—wait a minute! Our atoms supposedly go with the Hydro-acoustic Body. Our Light Body is one thing, but the atomic…you The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 94 of 128

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know when it interfaces…but the bodies we see in the Light Body charts are supposed to be our Light Bodies, not our Physical Bodies that we see here. They went ―That‘s right!‖ So, ―Why do we look at…it‘s always like our Light Body charts with, this is Up here, as if we are our Light Body?‖ It‘s because our Atumus Body, our natural Mana Body, has actually been shifted—first phase-bound, and then shifted over into an unnatural bond with the Light Body structure. So right now we are at the top. We should be over this way, instead of having that 15 degrees over here; that‘s where our atomic structure should be. Now, we‘d feel straight—up and down—we‘d be still straight if we were in that…we wouldn‘t be walking around like this (leaning at an angle). But we would be invisible here, because this is a different Angular Rotation of Particle Spin. What we actually have, because of the mutation of the natural structure of the Ah‘-yas, and it‘s the larger Ah‘-yas around us; also the little tiny ones that make up all the billions of things you don‘t see around every atom, they have the same problem. It has actually created an inorganic unnatural state of matter that binds these two things in a different way. They‘re supposed to be the natural way that, when you have the two Ah-VA‘-yas come together in the centre and they spark, and then they pull up into the Ah-VE‘-yas, and then that goes into its Aah-JhA‘ Orb stage, at a certain stage when the body de-materializes and goes into the Atumus Core, that‘s when it naturally shifts the 15 degrees to align with the Light Body structure – that‘s when we go to the next stage. That‘s how its supposed to work; but it‘s not working that way right now, the physical bodies, because of this particular Derma-Net, or the Bio-harness. It‘s an Etheric harness that actually is holding and locking in the physical atoms of the D-2 Telluric realm. Next one please.

[0:29:02] (Graph) Pardon, this is very messy—I didn‘t have time for any clean-up at this point, or I would still be up there. This is showing…and I could have done four or five diagrams pulled out from this one, but there wasn‘t time. If I had tried to do that I never would have got here. It would have been the workshop that didn‘t happen—or the half-a-workshop that did happen. This is showing…now here‘s the Vibrational Body, the Ah-VE‘-yas, right? On its normal axis. It should have the two Ah-VA‘-yas coming down here from it, and right here should be their phase-center. What this has done, instead, is it‘s taken…this body should be centered in this Orb at this axis, and that should be our Atomic Body, actually, because the Atumus is the Core of our atoms. So that Mana body…our Atomic Body is supposed to be a Mana body…it‘s Mana, but also it‘s a Thermal Body; but it‘s also composed of Atumus, or atoms. So the atoms should have their thermal counterpart, and right now the thermal counterpart is actually mutated. Because, not only were the Ah-VA‘-yas broken off from here, where literally there‘s a static line The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 95 of 128

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that blocks completely their relationship to the Eiron Point, but they were put on reverse spin, which means they have a negative charge, which makes them more magnetic. So it‘s an unnatural form of energy. Now, they were broken off from their axes, forced together into a Vesica Pisces…so this…a color would help here if I had time to color in…this would have been one of the Ah-VA‘-yas, and this one is the other. They‘re actually…their axis was broken off from the Ah-VE‘-yas, then they were forced together horizontally, and then shifted vertically into the Light Body axis, and that dragged the natural Angular Rotation of Particle Spin of the Atomic Body literally out of whack with its natural orientation. It means there‘s a whole world that is still going on—sets of planes that are the real Earth. This is where Median Earth is still functioning on the natural structure. That‘s why we don‘t see it, because our bodies are still here. So they‘re like a holographic prison lens that projects out a reality field that is in this unnatural bind, where the natural structure actually still exists…and what we‘re trying now to do, or working to do, is to get the ability to ascend to, first of all, Median Earth, which will be seeing the planes of Ascension Earth that are still built on the living Light Body structure, and the natural relationships between atoms and Light Body structure and Spirit Body structure. So what you see in the center here too is this, where this dotted line was, that used to be…that was the original capsule of the Mana…what do they call it…the Ah-VA‟-yas Capsule, that formed when the two AhVA‘-yas would come together to spark. That was that natural capsule round them, but now it‘s shifted to the 15 degrees to align with the Light Body in an inorganic manner. Around here…now you have this other window that actually creates a harness—an electro-magnetic harness—where it creates what‘s called a Yin/Yang flow. Yeah! It just regurgitates and recycles its own energy. That would burn out; it would use all of the energy in the Atumus at the Core and kill the structure, if it didn‘t feed off other things. It tends to feed through its side Rods, instead of having natural flows, it actually sucks energy from whatever environmental field it‘s put in. So our bodies are actually doing that to the Planetary Body; but that‘s all right, the Planetary Body‘s doing it to us too, because it has the same mutation. So we‘re like in vampire-ville here. Everybody thinks vampires have teeth that suck blood. You know, this system is literally a system of energy vampiring that is occurring in order for anything to exist. I mean, just think about it —we have to eat things. We have to…we don‘t have to kill things, but most people do. You know…go kill something in order to keep your own body living. I mean, the things that we‘re killing…they go kill other things to do the same thing. Everything is killing each other here, just in order to sustain itself, and that is not natural. In systems of fall like this, with these types of mutations, it is natural and if you don‘t eat, until you get the circuitry turned back on, your body will die because it will go into Mana depletion because it can‘t make and process its own Mana any more. So there is, finally…we have worked so hard with so many different techniques at so many different layers of first the Light Body, and then the Spirit Body, and all sorts of multi-dimensional Anatomy, to get to the point where we can finally tackle this one, because this is the one that is literally the physical atomic phaselock. You couldn‘t release that without all the other structures being straightened out decently before. So the way to change this…and changing it to what…changing it back into bringing back to the D-2 Physical Body its ability to phase and to regenerate itself again. So, to bring back phase-ability so its natural Ah‘-yas structure can go back into phase, and that means, eventually, once we‘ve transmuted all of this twist and we hit 82% Transmutation and clearing of that from our D-2 selves, we would progressively be The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 96 of 128

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able to go into Orb more. Eventually we‘d take the whole thing with us, once we hit 82% on the six different layers; then we would be able to fully pull into our Jha-DA‘-yah Body and cruise the Aurora Continuum. Before that, we would be able to do visitations and things, especially because we have a Host here. You know, the Beloveds have brought…they‘re bringing ships now and those kind of things. So if we get to a certain level…they could not take us easily on ships without huge buffer fields when we‘re in a state like this, because we could actually spontaneously combust really easily when you bring them into…they‘d have to put us in a specialized environment that still held that—almost like those chambers that they put people in when they‘ve been underwater for a long time and they have to re-stabilize or whatever…yeah, like decompression chambers or something. It would have to do with the type of matter we‘re carrying, not just the pressure and things. So what we‘re going to do with the activations that we‘re going to be finishing—we anchored the first one, but we‘re going to go in to the second one soon, as they interrupted to tell me. That one is the ―Stardust Breathing,‖ and Stardust Breathing has to do with creating the Atomic Mirror. Now the Atomic Mirror is a phenomenon that, if we can make it occur in the Light and Ah-VA‘-yas Body structures, it will also occur within the little tiny billions and billions of structures around all of our atoms. What the Atomic Mirror is meant to do is, well, what do mirrors do: they reflect energy back. If we could get some energy of the right sort going in the right direction, circulating in through here, especially around in here…where when these currents come up from the twisted reverse currents…if there was a current that came up here and that hit it, it would bounce it back into reversal. So what we‘re going to do—it would reverse the reversal, in other words. So, what we‘re going to do is open the Eiron Point, and we‘re going to bring in the Stardust Flow, the Eiron Waves, into the D-1 Etheric Body, in order to free the D-1 Etheric Body from this mess which is binding the D-2 Light Body and Atomic Body structures. So the first part of it, and I‘m explaining this as best as I can, right? Because I didn‘t get any heavy written technicals. The Atomic Mirror on the personal level is, literally, bringing in the natural Eiron Flow; that requires assistance from the Beloveds, because right now this is all phase-locked, so it can‘t send in a back-flow to get the Eiron Flow back-flow return. So the Beloveds are going to do something with this that has to do with the Mashaya-Hanic Chamber that we opened, that runs from the right side of the head and through the Pineal, and all the way up into the Aquareion Matrix – the Host Chamber. They‘re going to use that. I don‘t know if we‘ll get the technicals on how they‘re going to use that. They‘ll be able to interface so they can bring the Orb flows into the body, and then they can send it down into the D-1 Etheric Atumus Body and create this field inside of the distorted field. Because around the distorted…this is considered the ManE Body now, because it‘s literally an unnatural form of matter called ManE—you know it‘s reversed Mana. It forms a capsule around itself and the capsule has a negative charge and it creates an artificial magnetic field around, you know, in the Auric Field of the body. It also creates an artificial magnetic field literally around the body itself—the Etheric Body. There‘s a lot of people who can see that, and there are some very good teachers out there who have very good vision and they can see what is there. They might not get the fact that it shouldn‘t be. All they can see —they see the Etheric Body—that Etheric Body layer that we‘ve taught in Kathara, that is about this far out The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 97 of 128

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from the skin. There is a strange red line underneath it that takes a certain type of vision to be able to see, but that red line is actually the unnatural magnetic field that is literally keeping…it is a product of this mess that is going on in the Ah-VA‘-yas Body structure. So what we‘re going to do is bring in the Stardust Flow—the Eiron Flow—and start cycling it through here, but on the opposite, right? Where if the Yin/Yang is running this way, we‘ll run the currents in this way, and then they will bounce the currents. As these are coming in trying to circulate, they will bounce them and send these back in reverse. That‘ll happen a couple of times and then it will reverse back the spin on the whole Ah-VA‘-yas Unit. It will turn it back into a Mana Unit. And the same thing with the one on the top— when it comes in it hits that barrier, that mirror, and reflects back, and it will turn it back around into natural spin. Once that happens it will, first of all…let‘s see…I‘m asking them, ―which one happens first?‖ So, once these start spinning in their proper directions, then we still have the issue of phase-lock to deal with here. They‘re in a Vesica fold, and they‘re locked at the cores. But this will change next, because once you reverse these—the charge on these—it will also reverse the charge and spin on the cores of them. That is what is holding them into phase-lock; they have unnatural charge and spin and reversal because the Outer part of them do. So it will allow this phase-lock to undo itself, and that will allow us to bring this back, to actually bring back the alignment. It will …the Ah-VE‘-yas Body, the Vibrational Body, will then be able to magnetize to the Mana body and bring it back to alignment. Once we do this with the larger body structure around us, then it will start with the atoms; literally with the quarks and the atoms. It will take a while, probably—I have a feeling it‘s going to be somewhere around the next workshop period. They tend to plan stuff around…they plan workshops around when activations are coming in so there will be a decent amount of critical mass of the body that goes into shift. We do need to get 82% of it shifted back into…you know, where it‘s out of this mess and shifted back in here. ―82%‖ means 82% of however many billions of little quarks you have that are making up your atomic structure— 82% of those need to shift back into alignment. Once it is started, it will continue. It won‘t stop, so you don‘t have to force it. There are things we‘ll probably be doing to accelerate the process, but it‘s not something that can go back in. What‘s interesting about this is, when we anchor this healing for ourselves, we‘re also going to do a similar version for the planet in relation to the 2012 things that are coming in, and some of the things that the fallen groups are attempting to orchestrate, with the currents that will be coming directly out of Meta-Galactic Core and Galactic Core, that are coming directly from the black hole systems; they have a line shot up the middle for that period of time – the Solstice, the Winter Solstice period of 2012. There‘ll be certain levels in the atmosphere that will carry the mirror effect as well, and the mirror effect are the Eiron Orbs that are coming in from Aquarion, and also from our own natural other Vector – our opposite Event Horizon on our Vector – our own Spirit Body flows. The Elemental Orbs coming in from Aquarion will actually open the channels through the center that will allow the natural Eiron Flow circulation to occur between the Spirit Body level, or the EirA Spirit Body, of ourselves and the Mana part of the body out here. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 98 of 128

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So this is a freedom we‘ve worked a long time to get to the point where we could do this, and it‘s…it is what it is. I‘m learning this too, so I‘m like, ―Ok.‖ Especially when you get really tired and you go, ―Oh boy, this looks really complex!‖ Yeah, it is; but it comes down to simple techniques that they guide us with that will create the effect, and the effect that we‘re going to do is bring in the Stardust Flow in order to send it down through into our at-themoment twisted Ah‘-yas body, and allow it to simply circulate. That will create a bounce-back effect where it will actually stop the currents that normally come in—the twisted currents—that normally come in and cycle and do…they actually bounce off each other, and that‘s what creates this thing…it creates an artificial electric current, actually, by bouncing one electric current off itself so it has a positive and negative capacity at its core, but it still has a same-spin set. When we talk about Merkabas it‘s always about the same-spin sets. If the top and the bottom are spinning the same way, that is an anti-Krystic Merkaba; it is a Merkaba that is a vampire Merkaba that will actually harm you if you try to spin your fields that way, because that‘s what these are. These would have Merkaba fields on them too. So we‘re just looking at the spheres at the moment. We will free our…the larger structure around our bodies, so it can go back to normal, and that will begin the process of our atoms going back to normal. You know, it will take a while to reach 82%, but this is closer than we‘ve been in eons to this, because we‘ve been trying to do this on this planet for a long time—bring back these abilities—bring back the healing. So it is again the next level in the healing of the Mind-BodySpirit System. So, next one please.

[0:45:05] (Graph) Wave must be coming. Activation must be coming, because I‘m getting the back thing. You can always feel the back kind of goes ―Owwww—it‘s coming in, owwww.‖ Just for a little bit, and then it kinda like sinks down and usually hits about the Fourth Chakra, where it comes in through the Astral—that feeling of ―uhoh.‖ Then it‘ll shift out of there and go down and it‘ll hit the Kundalini stores at the bottom of the tailbone and it‘s like, ―Owwwww!‖ Right? Then it‘ll just shift and it‘ll go down to the knees and then it‘s like, ―Owww!‖ and then it shifts down—you know, the ―owww‖ eventually goes out the feet and you don‘t feel it anymore. This is looking at what that mutation is, what it does in relation to our structure. We‘re used to seeing our Light Body structure and our Reion Field and our Trion Fields and our Meajhe Fields, with our bodies centered in the Middle of it. What it actually creates, around our physical body, is like a magnetic space suit that phase-bonds the Mana body in its reversed state, to the ShaLAah Light Units and the Shona Light Units of the Light Body structure. It actually feeds on the ShaLAah structure and progressively produces more Shona fall-out. So it creates this directly around the body and also creates this distorted capsule around the body, and this would happen—the capsules are actually on each of the dimensional levels and they are the ―Brennan bodies‖. You know, we call them the ―Brennan bodies‖ because Barbara Brennan‘s a very talented seer and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 99 of 128

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she was able to do very detailed analysis of what is there—she was seeing what is there—and the Brennan bodies are formed because of this matter structure. So we will be releasing, progressively, this capsule. This will become the mirror around us. There will actually be that mirror field running in our field, and like an Eiron Stream running where that red band appears between the bluish-gray part of the D-1 Etheric Body Aura and the skin. It will actually begin to run the Eiron Flow through there and, yeah…! So I imagine it‘s probably silver, and that‘s probably why they‘re calling it the ―mirror‖, but, yeah—like silver sparkles. So…actually silver-blue sparkles, ok. They said, ―silver-blue sparkles‖. So by the time we finish with these activations today we will be the first people in ages and ages that have been anywhere near being able to biologically free the molecular and atomic structure from being phaselocked into this planet. So I‘m excited. I‘d be like, ―Yeah!‖ Except I‘m so tired I can‘t move. (Loud applause). Asha: Thank you, you‘re doing that for me! It will also begin the process of clearing this mess. This is where that Yin/Yang flow twists the currents, and that‘s why, when we used to show the diagrams about how the natural structures of the Yan/Yun Flow is supposed to go, where it creates a flow structure – and electro-magnetic lines that look like butterfly wings coming out. We‘ve been stuck without it, because the currents get twisted back on themselves in the figureeight configuration that‘s actually what the Yin/Yang is, and it blocks the Rod currents. So as this…finally on the D-2 level, we finally clear this by clearing the D-1 Template…it will begin to clear this, so we start to get the natural flows of those butterfly wings, or angel wings—the beginnings of angel wings—back in out natural Auric structure as this releases, because it will release the Yin/Yang twist-in-on-itself flow that actually still occurs on the D-2 Telluric Body level. Next one please.

[0:49:16] (Graph) It will also…now this was…I think we started this one in Kitts, where the Unigenetic Underlay—that is the level of these cross-lines that connect between the Axiatonal lines and the Meridian lines under certain levels of activation. We brought them into activation, I think it was in Kitts, with the Inner Aqualene Sun. This area will now begin to carry the Stardust Flow, so it…yeah…so we will be running it through the entire Unigenetic Underlay, which will progressively assist in healing the quarks that will heal the atoms and those kind of…you know, that process. So it is another layer that will be directly affected by the healing currents of the Stardust currents coming in. Next one please.

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Oh dear, yes! They said, ―Don‘t start that until you‘ve finished the two exercises.‖ Ok. This is a conversation…Oh God! Yeah. In a nutshell, that twisted little Mana body—the ManE body that shouldn‘t be there—right? That becomes a twisted, distorted Secondary Neuro-circuitry system, where it should be the natural Mana Body neuro-circuitry system. The Secondary Neuro-circuitry system, that should be open with the primary one that‘s running around, which is part of the Physical Body structure. Possessions occur…no, I don‘t even want to go there, not yet! No we‘re going to do the second…well finish up the first and do the second technique in a minute. I just have to find out exactly what they want me to do with this. The possession issue happens because of that distortion, where the ManE Body allows all sorts of things to actually get direct access to the physical atomic structure, so it can progressively move itself into your body and take over and push your consciousness out of the primary networks. It will interface first and access the body through that Secondary twisted ManE Body, and then from there it will push into the Atomic Body and start pushing you out—your quantum of energy out. So you get stuck in the Secondary ManE body while it progressively takes over your primary physical body and neuro-circuitry. So in this process, in these processes that we‘re going through here, that are simple healing processes that are…their purpose is to free the physical body from this mutation so we can continue with our Ascension. For beings that are hanging on, trying to possess someone else that is not their body and it doesn‘t belong to them, it will also create a buffered extraction. A lot of times you can ask something that‘s possessing you, or somebody up there can help and intervene and say, ―Will you leave? We‘ll get you a Host, and whatever, just leave them alone.‖ This is a force that we‘re dealing with that is called the Ah-LU-Sa-Ta-NE force. It is the Collective Consciousness Field of all of the ManE consciousness that exists in the matrix. Just like you can have a collective consciousness of people, or a collective consciousness of Kryst consciousness, it is a conscious energy and it is a field that contains a lot of quantum. It also has many little individuated parts of itself that you might call identities, but it is a single force – it just has many little faces, just like the Kryst is really a single force that has many little individual faces. So the force that is possessing, it is once force, and that‘s where the stories of the Christ and the Anti-Christ came from…it‘s Kryst and anti-Kryst is really what it is. ―Anti‖ just means it is working the opposite to what the eternal life Kryst frequencies are working for. The only difference between the Kryst and the anti-Kryst is the Kryst is working for the eternal life system, and to continue the perpetuation of the eternal life system, and the anti-Kryst is working against the natural organic laws of consciousness and nature that were created through the Kryst system; so they‘re attempting to create a finite system. That‘s…you know, you can do the whole good versus evil thing, but ―evil‖ is just ―live‖ spelled backwards, and that‘s really what it all means. So when you get these possession issues, if this force is in our bodies because of the mutation, and it will personify itself into, literally, a conglomerate identity, and it will use you if it feels it wants to. Sometimes it will be with you, but it won‘t ―use‖ you, it just harasses you because—well it harasses you just by being there, because that‘s why your cells die. You know; that‘s why you can‘t go into Orb to go to work in the morning, you know what I mean? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 101 of 128

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So it‘s always there, present. When we work with bringing in the Stardust Flow into the D-2 level of the body it will begin the process of pushing back. Now first of all, we‘ve already…in the technique we actually did, by running those first three techniques together, we actually started what is called the Retrieval in the first block of techniques that we did. We finished up with the frequencies that were actually broadcast when the plasma-ship went over —the landing of your Mashaya-Hana. This process, where we‘ve got the beginning connection with the Water-Orbs of our Mashaya-Hanic identity…there‘s going to be another level of that coming in. We‘ve already—the Retrieval aspect has already occurred. The Retrieval aspect has to do with, if there was a part of the organic identity—your organic identity—that got pushed into that ManE body, and it goes into what they called a ―comatic” state where the other thing is in your body, or even if it‘s doing it temporarily, like push you in there, use your body, get you in trouble or maybe not, and just do stuff you don‘t know is happening…then let you come back out and it goes and hides in that body. The first part in a healing where a possession is involved is where the trapped portions of the organic identity that have been pushed into the comatic state are retrieved and pulled up into the Ah-VE‘-yas Body—actually up into where you can still angle them up into the Ah-VE‘-yas Body. There the consciousness can wake up again and get out of its…you kind of go into a stupor when you‘re stuffed into that state… where it can get a grip on what just happened, and it‘s like, ―Oh gosh, my body has got something else in it.‖ That‘s when you decide you‘re going to go back in and clear it. This will all happen fast now. We‘re not having to make the decisions and go up and like, ―Ok, I‘m floating around, something else is running around in my body, do I really want to even go back and try this?‖ We don‘t have to worry about that now, because this healing technology that the Stardust Flow automatically sets in motion—and it‘s an Ascension healing technology—it‘s not a technology to go after things that are possessing your body, but it just so happens to take care of them. Because what it will do is, it will first bring the natural identity into Retrieval, which we‘ve actually already done – and that part of the energy consciousness will come back in to the Primary Neuro-network structures once the other two parts – well actually, as the next part of this process occurs. When we begin to do Stardust Breathing, and opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry, that means opening the circuitry between what is right now still the twisted ManE Body and the primary physical body that you know yourself walking around in. Before you want to open that neuro-circuitry, the first thing you want to do is do the Stardust Breathing, which allows for the Eiron Stream to come into that body and begin the Atomic Mirror effect. At that point it is safe to open the natural structures of flow, as that body is healing and moving back. It is at that point that the natural identity that went into a Retrieval state, into the Ah-VE‘-yas, will come back in and reclaim the body—the primary neurological structures—and whatever portion of a possessing identity is hanging with the body in the ManE state, with the ManE Body, will be forced back into the ManE Body and out of the Primary Neuro-networks. Then, as the larger body around it starts to go into its natural orientation it swings back to its Ah-VA‘-yas axis—at that point the frequencies—it will begin the flows, the Stardust Flow of the…and that means when the Ah-VA‘-yas starts to phase…it will create the back-flow that will go through the Eiron Point and will The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 102 of 128

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create back-flow return, and it will restore the phase-ability and the flow of the Eirons from the Spirit Body, and the Mana exchange from the Atomic Body. When that occurs, those frequencies will literally send whatever possessing entity that has an encryption that is different from your own. If it does not match your own it means it doesn‘t belong in the body; it means it shouldn‘t be there. It will not be able to tolerate the pure encryption of your own encryption coming back and forth. It will go back into space dust and will simply go out on one of the back-flows. It will go out and it will find wherever its own encryption lies and it will be drawn back to whatever its source is. So that is the process by which a biologically anchored possession is healed, where the organic being is healed from it, and it is a merciful way also for that entity. Instead of…there are other tactics in demonology, fighting demons and stuff, where there are ways of torturing them and that kind of stuff—it‘s a merciful way. If they won‘t leave the body and they‘re saying, ―I‘m going to take that body,‖ and that body‘s not theirs, you have a right, that body has a right itself to say, ―I‘d like to heal now, and I don‘t think I‘m going to let you do that, so you can leave—there‘s the door. But if you don‘t want to leave…here comes the Eiron Flow, and here comes the Stardust.‖ That‘s about what‘s happening. So anyway, I think I did that pretty good in a nutshell, but we‘ll go over the stages briefly, at least just to name them—not before we do this though, we‘ll do this first. You also have that document – there‘s three pages of that. That‘s the summary of a much longer document that was never finished, and it was done in shorthand, so it‘s not something that can even be published right now. It‘s a summary of that information that gives you an idea of the stages involved with possession, of how it starts and can start in the first place, and then how it progresses and what happens at about 90% saturation, and that kind of thing. So it‘s a fascinating process and it‘s quite horrible when you just look at it. It‘s like, ―Oh my God, it would be awful to go through that!‖ You know, the person going through that… some people have taken it on; particularly, there‘s a lot of High Council Krystics that will take it on in order to ‗catch a demon by a toe‘ as they say—catch a quantum of the demon-force—because it takes a part of that quantum away from active circulation, in larger dramas like this on a planetary level. So if you have a large number of people that take this on, you know, Krystics that take this on in order to take and harness some of that quantum so it can‘t go and do more damage to the planetary grids or to whatever…it‘s almost like a Kamikaze thing. I wouldn‘t…I would never recommend it, but it is respected and understood. There‘s only certain Councils that will do that—will say, ‖All right, we‘ll go in and reduce the active quantum of that entity on the planet, because if we don‘t nobody‘s going to get off that planet.‖ You know, that kind of thing. So if you think you might be possessed, or if you think you know somebody that is possessed, let that be ok and realize that running these frequencies will begin the process of naturally removing that problem, without having to go through the craziness of exorcisms and all of that, because they rarely work. Usually you‘ll have the thing, if it finally gives up the body you‘re trying to exorcise, it‘ll try to jump in the person who‘s trying to exorcise it. You know, that‘s why we never teach that. That‘s why we‘ve never taught how to do that, because usually you don‘t win and it‘s not worth…it‘s just a way for a being—a nasty entity—to spread itself through people under the guise of healing. So anyway, what we will do next, let me see…Stardust Breathing…are we going to do this one live or are you going to have to take me outside? The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 103 of 128

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[1:03:47] (Graph) All righty, what we are going to do is…this one‘s…they said this one‘s a short one because it‘s actually an activation that is coming through that we just need to anchor for this one, and it‘s actually not just two – it‘s part of one. This is where we‘re going to receive the transmissions from the—I‘m explaining this slowly because they‘re explaining it to me and I‘m like, ―Ok, I heard that,‖ and repeating it. They‘re going to be sending the Orbs of Aquareion Flow from—the Elemental Orb Flow—from the Aquareion Matrix, down through, first of all, on the planetary level, through the Plasma Ships. There are 15 of them that are now parked; well one of them is still roaming. They‘re going to send them down on the larger scale, for the larger mission; we‘ll be getting that process now. We will also, in the Mashaya-Hanic Chamber that links us directly to that Host, it‘s also going to begin the Eiron Flow down through…it will come down through the right side of our chamber, and at a certain oint as it begins to flow, the Orbs of Aquareion, Stardust Flow begins to flow, we‘re going to be asked to circulate them, where you let them come down here, and then kind of (breathes in) use the breath to push them back up, and create like a loop of circulating energy of the Orbs. And then they‘re going to go live from there, so I don‘t know what it‘s going to do next. So we‘ll take it from there. They‘re explaining to me now. Usually I‘m out there with a pencil, right? They‘re going to have to take me outside for the ‗Wings of Angels‘, because there‘s something—I have to write something down for that one. They‘re going to take us through the—this is the big one where we get the—we create the Atomic Mirror. We‘ll bring that flow, that Eiron Flow in, and circulate it. Once we begin the circulation, they‘re going to have us do something that opens the Eiron Point that sends a part of that frequency from Aquareion into…it‘ll trigger open the Eiron Point with a back-flow to the Spirit Body which will, in turn, create a back-flow-return of Eiron Flow from our own Spirit Body structure on the opposite Horizon line. So that will begin that natural process. From there, once that back-flow return comes, it will go down into the Atumus Core, and it will begin to circulate. What it will do is interface with those reverse currents and bounce them back, and it will begin the Atomic Mirror effect. It will start in the Ah-VA‘-yas Body structure and Light Body structure, but it will progressively go into the atomic structure, doing the same for releasing those artificial magnetic fields that are literally holding our quarks hostage. So this is the…it will be this technique that takes care of that, and we had to do it at a certain time because that‘s when the activations are coming in—that‘s what they‘re saying. So they‘re getting ready to do that now. That must be true, because that‘s why I feel like my back is in a vice. Lots of frequency running through and the muscles go, ―ouch!‖ ―So where are we going to end up with this one? How far are we going?‖ I‘m asking them.

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All right. Once we do that…all right, you want to do the second one second. First part of the second one before the break; ok. I‘m asking them what they want to do here. They‘re going to take us through finishing Number one because we started the Retrieval stage…the frequencies were already given for that. We‘re going to do the creating the Atomic Mirror, receiving that Eiron Flow, and then we‘re going to do a little bit of the Starburst Breathing, which is the first part of Number 2, and then they want us to take a short break. I knew I was going to have to do a break where I have to go out with my pen and get Number 3. I knew I was going to have to get the real quick coordinates of how to run Number 3. But they‘re going to break it at half-way through 2, and they‘re going to give it a bit of time – a little bit of time, not a huge amount—like 15 minutes or whatever—for the activations of Number 1 and Stardust Breathing to build enough quantum before opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry, which means before bringing your newly re-aligned Mana Body online with your Primary Neuro-networks in your physical body. That will still be a gentle process. They‘re saying they‘re not just going to like bang, zoom, blow open all the circuitry, because it would fry your circuitry here. It would overload you electrically. So it will be a gentle— once the ManE force is reversed and turned back into natural Mana in your bodies you‘ll progressively have —just like with DNA activations—you‘ll have little bursts of when a little bit more comes through, when you get kind of like an ―Oh!‖ You feel it coming, then it shuts back down. You get that kind of…little bit further…kind of like two steps forward, half step back; two steps forward, half step back, that kind of thing. And that‘s easier on the physiology of the body. So let‘s see what they have to say about landing your Mashaya-Hana and creating the Atomic Mirror. They‘re saying, ―You already landed your Mashaya-Hana.‖ A‘sha: ―So that was it, in the pool – there‘s no more of the Mashaya-Hana, yeah, to bring in?‖ I‘m asking them – excuse me a minute. They‘re going, ―Weren‘t you happy with the Mashaya-Hana that you picked up in the pool?‖ (Laughing) We have a funny dialogue together. All right, they‘re saying, ―You‘ll see.‖ All right, I just got a little flash of where they‘re going with this. At a certain point in this technique, when the mirror goes up in the field, that‘s where the little bit of the Mashaya-Hanic encryption of ourselves from those Water Orbs that we picked up…that‘s when it‘ll kind of go, ―Yeee-Haaa!‖ and explode into our fields, where it will be running the mirror. So the Mashaya-Hana will be large and big and right there with us at that point. That‘s what I thought because we‘d had some pre-activations of this around the fourth of July period, and it was definitely like a landing of a part of yourself and you could feel, it was like having this big protective being walking around with you. This big cone came down, like a Merkaba cone that was like…it was just like a protection field that you could really feel. So that‘s why I had asked them, ―That‘s it? Just the little Water Orbs we picked up in the pool?‖ I didn‘t think it was. So we‘ll get our cones back in. Now I‘m getting cold so before I start going into the wave, because it‘s a wave that I just let fall out my mouth while I‘m still conscious…. [1:11:16] The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 105 of 128

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Technique Intro That better. Now you‘ve already done your Krystar breaths. All righty. They‘re saying, in a moment they‘ll let us know when they‘re giving the transmission. This is the transmission that‘s going out from the 15 Ships actually into the Shield of Solomon; so we can pick it up from there. It‘s not as if they‘re targeting us…they‘re beginning to beam into the Shield of Solomon. They‘re giving me a quick run-down so I‘ll let you know what that is before we get into it. What they will do is, when they give the call that the frequency is being released in the Shield of Solomon, they will—they‘re showing it to me in pictures—they will…(laughing). All right, they‘re saying there‘s no time to explain—do it now. Ok. Yeah, welcome to my life. I‘m letting you see what it‘s like to live in my head with the Beloveds and stuff. Ok, so we‘re not going to get a run-through. Basically, we‘re anchoring that Stardust Flow. We‘re going to anchor it into the Pineal, because the Pineal Gland is actually the Rajhna level of the D-2. I just wanted to let you know. So we‘re going to bring it into the Pineal, and from the Pineal we‘re going to run it. So I will find out where we run it. So if I pause here and there it‘s because I don‘t have the run-through yet either, so it means I‘m just listening and waiting for them to tell me the next step, so that‘s what it is. All right. They‘re talking really fast.

Technique: Creating the Atomic Mirror [1:13:33] Now, imagine a disc up over your head. A large disc has entered the room. This is a holographic projection disc emerging from the Plasma Ship that is now over Shalon-7, and partly over you. Now in a moment there‘s going to be sent through Shalon-7—sent through Spanner-7—they‘re going to access the Shield of Solomon through Spanner-7 with its broadcast. The broadcast is meant for NET Earth‘s Core, to fortify its BPR on the Probability-6 alignment because the others are progressively activating their Alpha-Omega Temples to try to drag it into the fall BPR alignment. So we can utilize this energy, because it is an Eiron beam – it is an Eiron Flow that is coming from the Aquareion Matrix. The Shield is just waiting; it‘s kind of on stand-by up above the room. It‘s really big, too; it‘s larger than the room, and it‘s up about…it‘s not quite fully down through the ceiling – it‘s in between the ceiling and the floor upstairs. Ok. They said you may hear a tone, or feel pressure in the region of your head as this frequency emerges through the Shield in general, and in the back where you head hooks onto your neck, in that area – you may actually hear something from there, like a rumble or certain tones that that part of your brain can actually hear too, in certain ways. So if you hear that, just don‘t worry about it; it‘s normal. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 106 of 128

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The transmission is starting. Ok…Ok, they‘re starting the beam now, and actually… what I‘m seeing is the disc is starting to rotate, and it‘s emanating all of these really tiny, but quite beautiful threads of aqua energy downward—not toward us—almost like creating…they‘re angling them out where they‘re not touching our bodies or anything like that. They‘re just creating a safety field. Ok, actually, what they‘re doing is anchoring our Shield right now into the Shield of Solomon because it‘s Solomon that‘s activating. So the activation‘s not going to come down from the top, it‘s going to come upward from the Shield of Solomon. This is just linking us into Solomon so we can…so that the natural circulation will come. This circulation is going to be… first of all, the first burst of the Orbs of Aquareion. So there‘s going to be an Eiron Wave coming directly from the Aquareion Matrix down into the Solomon Shield through the ships. That will be the first wave that, when we go, ―All right, now,‖ you can inhale and just (A‘sha inhales) pull up into the Pineal. Just try to feel a bit of Stardust Flow…a little bit of those Water Orbs…they have a distinct feel to them…these aren‘t small either – these are larger ones. Just feel them just kind of moving upward, and once you get to the Pineal, then just exhale gently and feel them move out around your body. So they‘re outside of your body now. This will begin the process of the Stardust Flow through the Shield of Solomon. The next thing is…breath gently while we‘re in between steps here…right. Once that link is made…and we brought them up to the Pineal and they will naturally go into circulation up through the Mashaya-Hanic chambers, the ones that come out the sides of the head; they will start their own circulation there. You can for…they said to amplify that effect, imagine for a moment that you‘re going to run a circle of these Elemental Orbs through the Pineal and up, way above your head to the Aquareion Matrix. Up, from the right side go up, and then come back down on the left side. When you inhale, go inhale and hold for a minute at the Pineal and then use the exhale to push the Orbs out to the right and up the Mashaya-Hanic Chamber – and then pause at the bottom of the exhale. When you inhale, use the inhale to draw the Orbs down again – the left side. Do a couple of those breaths. Exhale to push them up the right, and inhale to draw them down the left. You can do it a little bit faster too, to get it moving. Then you can slow it down a bit, and then gently bring it to a stop; it will circle on its own, but pause at the Pineal. Just return to regular breathing. We‘re now going to activate the D-2 Eiron Point in the Pineal. We have the Aquareion Orb flows already running and circulating through the Mashaya-Hanic Chamber; when we open the Eiron Point, this will allow our own frequencies—our own Spirit Body / EirA Body to begin sending the organic EirA flows / Stardust Flows back in from our opposite Event Horizon—the natural flow that will allow for the in-fold and the outfold, and the whole process of Ascension with the Hara bodies. Ok so, we‘re waiting here for a minute—Ok. All right now…they‘re saying, as that Elemental Orb flow—the Aquareion Orb flow is circulating through the chamber through your head, for a moment inhale at the Pineal and hold for a moment…and just, with the inhale, hold a bit of the quantum of those Orbs. The rest of them keep circulating around, but a bit of the quantum is now being directed by your breath. Imagine, very slowly, you can see a little point of white light deep inside your Pineal; you‘re going to gently, slowly exhale that energy from the Orbs into it. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 107 of 128

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Notice, at the end of the exhale, that the Eiron Point first sparks blue, where it was a white spark and it just went blue, electric blue, and toning down to indigo color now. Sense now that there‘s this vibration occurring in your Pineal, in the Eiron Point in your Pineal, and it‘s going to reach a critical mass of vibration, and there‘s going to be the sense of a back-draught, an (A‘sha inhales sharply) inhale, as if energy went flying out the back of your head—this little stream of energy. That will be the energy that you drew from the Aquareion flow—the quantum you drew as a back-flow, that you sent that energy in as a back-flow, because right now the bodies can‘t spark their own back-flow. So we had the gift of the back-flow given to us by the Aquareion Orbs. See if you can sense that ‗pop‘ feeling when the critical mass—it‘ll be different for everybody, but everybody‘s will go. Don‘t worry if, ―Oh mine didn‘t pop.‖ It just means you didn‘t hear it or feel it. Try to sense that stream of the back-flow, the gift of the Beloveds that opens our Eiron Point and sends back, way back behind us – through the structure of our Hara bodies, all the way out to where our EirA body exists. Now, in helping the EirA Body a little bit to bring its first Stardust Eiron Flow in, just use a gentle and slow inhale, and feel the inhale drawing EirA energy – drawing an EirA wave from way back behind you, through that spot in the back of your head behind your Pineal, right down through into the Pineal. So inhale, and slowly draw in the back-flow return…Eiron Flow / the Stardust Flow. Bring it right into the Pineal. Hold for a moment at the Pineal. Now we are going to send it down to the AzurA in one sharp burst downward breath exhale. Try to sense the stream of Eirons, still moving from back behind your head through the back of your head into your Pineal and now downward into…circulating…still building up more and more, into the AzurA. As it‘s entering the AzurA Lock, start to feel a spin toward the right, as if the currents are coming in, and they‘re starting to spin around in the AzurA. Now they‘re expanding outward a bit, and they‘re going into that distorted ManE structure of our Ah-VA‘-yas. Imagine now that you can see in there and you can see there‘s sparkles—these silvery-blue sparkles forming on this current. Try to recall the diagram that showed the center, where the AzurA had the Vesica-Pisces window holding it. Imagine now that the silver-blue sparkle current of the EirA wave—your own personal EirA wave that comes from your own EirA Spirit Body—is now building a silver-sparkly field all around the Atumus level— the central part of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body. Sense now that it‘s expanding outward to two points where the reversed ManE currents usually intersect with that Yin/Yang flow that we had showed in that diagram – the centre. You can inhale and hold for a moment, and then use the exhale to gently push out that silver-blue sparkly field of Eirons, out all the way into filling that whole window between the two spheres of the Vesica phaselock. Now we‘re going to use one more inhale–hold–and–exhale breath. On the exhale we‘re going to push more of the silver-blue sparkle energy out the Rod, right – horizontally out the Rod, and circulate it, one coming up from…circulating clockwise, one counter-clockwise, all through the capsule field around the body. So inhale, hold and… (everyone inhales, holds and exhales.) The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 108 of 128

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Now breathe gently for a moment and sense a shift occurring that you can mostly feel at the center of the atoms. It‘s the shift that is just beginning of the reversal of the currents back to normal, of the Ah-VA‘-yas— the trapped Ah-VA‘-yas Units. Imagine that they are going back to the positive charge now. They‘re actually moving away from each other and shifting at the same time the Atumus and the Mana Body—shifting it back into its natural orientation, its natural axis; it shifts back 15 degrees into alignment with the Ah‘-yas. Try to sense a feeling of release and relief, all across the back of the shoulder areas as the Yin/Yang flow starts to clear out of the chest area, the Fourth Chakra, and running through the arms and out the Rod – horizontally out the Rod. Now try to sense the little tiny versions of the Atomic Mirror and capsule starting to pop in around every quark in every atom. A little, kind of ‗pop, pop, pop‘ – a little vibratory feeling that actually feels good, like a little release wave that moves up through the core of the atoms. This will be just the beginning of the atoms reaching their 82% of natural phase-ability. In this process, the quantum of the Mana that had been turned into ManE will now progressively reverse. With every breath you take it will be another bringing in…because every breath that we take has always made a circulation of the Yin/Yang flow in the D-2 Body. This will release that, so every circulation of breath will bring more of the natural back-flow / back-flow-return effect through into the body. It will begin the phasing very soon…as soon as we build up a little bit more of this Ah-VA‘-yas breathing, and the Ah-VA‘yas breathing will turn to Stardust Breathing. So when we breathe between the spaces, when we do Ah-VA‘-yas breathing, Ah-VE‘-yas breathing…spaces between our atoms, we‘d inhale back through the spaces into our Ah-VE‘-yas Body, and then back out into the physical body. Now we‘re going to actually inhale back into our Ah-VA‘-yas Thermal Body, opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry—just a beginning, because we‘re going to give it some time before we fully do that. Now just exhale gently back through the spaces between the atoms. Right now, the energy you‘re pulling through is the Eiron current / the Stardust current. So it‘s just setting a bit of Stardust into the physical atoms, spaces between the physical atoms. Now wait a little while. We‘re going to take a 15-minute break on this one. I‘m going to get the last part of this technique, and it will also give time before we open the Secondary Neuro-circuitry to fully engage the flow. Then there‘ll be the final activation of the wings, and that‘s pretty neat. That‘s a protective field. Then there‘s just a couple more mylars to go after that, if there‘s anybody that still cares about technicals. I figured we‘d do this first. See you in about 15.

Monday AM Lecture 4 [Track 7] A‘sha Hello again, still awake. By the way there were some people who had to leave to catch flights but the activations that were coming in on live waves that you really needed to be here to get—they have been gotten and the other, the rest of the techniques which is Technique-3 and the rest of 2 they are just now The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 109 of 128

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that those flows are open of using them and circulating them in a certain way and we will do those here. And the people that weren‘t able to do them here, they can do them off a recording and they will also get a bit of it since they‘re connected to the Shield anyway, it will be activating with them anyway as they go. But they can amplify that so they didn‘t miss out on the rest of it. (Audience applauding) And what I would like to do—I finally got the rest of the Technique down from the Beloveds—I would like to go through quickly these last few mylars just, I‘m not going to read every bit on it because you can read that when you get home because it‘s in your chartpacks. So it‘s just to point out the bits about Possession and I‘ve talked about, we‘ve talked about how the Possessor will access through the ManE Body in the Secondary Neuro-networks then push into the Primary ones in the body and actually push you out into the ManE Body. Well at this point we have engaged the healing with the Eiron Flows and the Stardust Flows that will, that has begun the realignment of the Ah-VA‘-yas Body where it is no longer all like 100% phase-locked into the ManE artificial structure. So it means that we have a part of the quantum of our ManA Body now available to us and that will be, we will be opening the circuitry between…the Secondary Neuro-circuitry of that now reclaimed ManE Body and the circuitry… the Primary Neuro-circuitry in our own bodies. And the ManE circuitry is the connection between the Core circuitry that has to do with the Ah-VE‘-yas Body, the Vibratory Body and the primary circuitry that is in the Physical Body as we know it. So once that bridge is open again it will restore the ability of the phasing of the Ah‘-yas and it will also bring our atomic structure back into its proper alignment with the Ah‘-yas and then that will allow for the natural processes of moving into Orb through the phasing of the Ah‘-yas and bonding with the Light Body on a natural structure to begin to emerge. So with the possession bits—fortunately it‘s not something we have to go through every one of these stages now because of the expedition these activations allowed. There were a few people that actually did go through these stages to actually set the potential where this could happen before the Mashaya-Hanic levels had activated here to the point where we could do the freeing of the biological body. So these were the phases, it starts with, you have the Breach Period. That‘s basically when it starts and sometimes it‘s at birth or conception actually, not always, but sometimes. Then there is the Overshadow Period where it hangs out with you in the ManE Body and kind of like influences you but it‘s not fully embodied into your primary physical body yet. There is the Embodiment Period and it goes through several stages of progressively getting into the body where it works itself up from the Etheric into the D-2 Physical and then goes into the D-3 Mental. And that‘s when you start to see the change in—other people will start to see the change in personality where it really feels like sometimes there is two different people there. And the point where it‘s most noticeable is right when it starts to get into the saturation of the Mental Body where it hasn‘t taken on the full encryption yet so it hasn‘t blended the emotional nuances and the mental nuances and the way of handling the personality that the Organic Identity would. And sometimes it blatantly feels like a different person in there and then it progressively is better at mimicking what the organic identity was. And as the Possessor moves its way up through the neuro-networks of the physical body it progressively pushes the Organic Identity quantum out into the ManE Body, the Secondary structure and—where it puts it into like a comatic state and it keeps it The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 110 of 128

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there to use this quantum. If it‘s allowed to go through the full possession it will simply draw on that energy as quantum and use it to keep feeding the bodycells so the body even though it‘s running a dead light structure can still continue on. And beings that do that with bodies—they tend to go very specifically for certain types of energy feeding, sexually is one of them, where they act like Incubi‘s and Succubi‘s because they have to draw energy off others and sexual connection is one of the ways that that is used. That doesn‘t mean all sexual connection is a negative thing—it isn‘t, but it has been used rampantly on this Planet by people who have had this problem with this quiet possession occurring and the Possessor needing to feed. Because if it feeds just on the Organic Identity it‘s going to run out of quantum at some point so it‘s going to need other things if it‘s going to…if it went to the trouble of taking over the body it means it wants it for something. It wants it either because it wants to be in physicality here or because that body has Codes that it wants because it has interesting Gates and stuff like that. So fortunately we don‘t have to go through the what used to be fatal, physically fatal processes of extraction because of the Mashaya-Hanic Activations that we are doing now and because of now, this specifically, this set of Techniques will just by nature of what it does organically to restart the natural orientation of the phasing of the Ah‘-yas system that‘s connected to the physical body, it will create a buffered version of the Extractions so the Organic Identity can get back in without the fight, without the trauma to the physical body. And progressively as the ManE part of the Ah-VA‘-yas Body goes back, turns back into natural ManA structure anything that is not part of that natural ManA structure will simply on connection with the Stardust currents, the Eiron Flow currents will simply do, will spacedust and just literally go back with the back-flow and out back into the Universe to wherever its source was. So it is the, it‘s the greatest way to do an Extraction if one needs one. But not everybody needs an Extraction and that‘s ok too, but what everybody does need is we‘re all stuck here at the moment because of our atoms being stuck and what we have done now is the process of freeing the body, freeing those atoms to where they can progressively build back up to their natural alignment where they can shift ARPS. They can stay here or they can shift elsewhere and this is the process we‘re starting. So these are just the stages of—you have the Embodiment Period, the Saturation Period—that‘s when it goes it really displaces the Organic Identity. In other words, to say Possession is either temporary or permanent identity displacement because it actually displaces the Organic Identity where it‘s something else running the primary personality and imprint. The Blend Period—I won‘t go through every one of these but once we get here to the Stages of Salvage this is, they call it the Hell-Fire Period, that‘s the Retrieval Stage that can be… We‘ve had a very gentle Retrieval Stage here because of these activations. God I wished we had these at the 4th of July. That was Demon Fest 4 because it was just crazy watching people just get nailed by these things coming in. They‘re coming in through their own bodies because of the ManE code. It was pretty rough. And bless the people that underwent that because I‘ve seen a couple of them here and they‘re themselves again, they are themselves again. And I‘m so glad because we were very worried for them because they were people that we care about very much. So anyway you have the Retrieval Stage. Next one please… The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 111 of 128

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[0:08:12] (graph) And you can read through these periods, read through these detailed on your own in your chart packs. The Stealth Period is the Reclamation Stage and that‘s the stage where you actually get the Organic Identity after it has been retrieved and kind of like goes through review and gets its act together and goes ―Oh my God I have to go get my body‖. It pushes the Possessor into the Secondary Neuro-structure and takes over the first again. But you still have to open up the neuro-structures –again the Secondary and the Primary and that‘s when the Trauma Stage occurs where the fight begins usually. There won‘t be a fight now because of the way this was done because the Secondary Neuro-networks will be opened. That‘s the last thing we are going to do, but at this point they‘ll be opened only into the reclaimed portions of the ManA Body. All the quantum of the ManA Body isn‘t reclaimed yet. A good portion of it is still in ManE form but there is a quantum now that is strong enough, that has gone back into its natural ManA alignment, that is the portion of the Secondary Neuro-structures that we will open. And meanwhile anything that isn‘t of our organic imprint will end up with the ManE part of the body. And progressively that ManE part of the body is going to continue to transmute back into its natural ManA state and as that happens it will progressively spacedust anything that‘s not of its encryption. So it‘s a much gentler way for the whole process to be set right. It is the Krystic way for the process to be set right where yes people get their bodies back because they shouldn‘t have been possessed in the first place right. So Stealth Period, release periods, this Stealth Period and it‘s the Reclamation. Then we have the Peace Period where there‘s a Rebalancing and then we begin the Extraction. And this is where we get into trauma phases and stuff, the 6 Phases of Extraction. This is the Spike Period. This is where in the old days most people would die because of the pulse, the Red Pulse that had to come in and it would short circuit the Primary Neuro-circuitry but at least it would free the Organic Identity so it wasn‘t trapped with it karmically where it ended up incarnating with the thing still attached to it because that can happen too, in the old days it could. But with these activations those problems go away because that cannot happen anymore with bodies that have undergone the processes that we are going through now. It just explains how, it explains, this is quite detailed in the big document that‘s like still in shorthanded and not nowhere near publication-ready. But it explained that most of these always would end in Bhardoah where you would safely get the organic out and just, you know the body, it shut down the body. But now the MH Mashaya-Hanic Extractions these are the ones, they don‘t get as desperate as that because of the buffer field of the Mashaya-Hana and now—which is a step even further than we had taken by the 4th of July, are the stages of being able to actually take that fight completely out of the body structure where the Organic Identity gets its body back and it just goes into like the subconscious clearing part as far as there is no fight, no trauma anymore with it.

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So the Trauma Phase is, and the Extractions go, there is a Red Pulse that is sent into the body and it contains the encryption of the Possessor actually. So it‘s aimed at the Possessor and it‘s an anti-particle to the Possessor‘s particles. So when particle and anti-particle meet—in the bodies when these things would, when these where done in the bodies because you couldn‘t do it the way we are now doing them. Particle and anti-particle would meet, of the Possessor, in the body and that would progressively send the Possessor in spacedust but it was a process that you were living with it where there was this part of you – and sometimes it was a part of you that was with you since you were conceived where it feels like a part of you is dying because you would feel its emotions along with your own right where it‘s going ―aaaaaahhhhhh Red Pulse‖ you know that kind of thing. You would go ―I‘m dying, I‘m dying‖ you‘re feeling like ―I‘m dying, I‘m dying‖. No, you‘re not dying, it’s dying. I mean that kind of thing. So that was very traumatic and thank God we don‘t have to do those anymore. All right and this is where the heart messed up because of the electrical surge of the Red Pulse that comes in to begin this process. And then there was the Trauma Period where you see the Red Pulse comes in and it collects first, it collects in the system and doesn‘t run yet so it‘s not coming in and immediately sending the Possessor into spacedust. It gets in and builds up in the system. And then when the Trauma Period begins, that‘s when it starts to wake up the Possessor that got temporarily pushed into the Secondary Neuro-structure so it wasn‘t aware that the Red Pulse was coming in. It wakes up and finds out its going spacedust. And it is not happy. And sometimes they are but usually they‘re not. Next one please…

[0:13:18] (graph) This is where—it‘s usually about that period, that‘s where the Red Pulse starts releasing into the system and progressively burning off the, turning into spacedust, meeting particle with anti-particle of the Possessor. And that is where all the wacky emotions and stuff happen because the organic personality is experiencing part of what the one being extracted is experiencing, so it‘s not a pleasant period. It‘s Mini-Death because it actually, the Organic Identity actually is feeling the death-feelings that the Possessor may be having because it realizes it‘s dying and whatever idea it has about what dying means but it realizes it is no longer going to be in that body. It is losing the body, its body, right—that wasn‘t its body in the first place but. So the other Organic Identity is like experiencing this Mini-Death as if it‘s dying and going through the emotions with the Possessor that is leaving. When that is done then there is the Rebirth Period and that is a period where, depending on the severity of the possession, I mean some were very severe where there is whole blocks of memory that did not belong to the Organic Identity, they went with the one who is in the body at the time it like pushed, where it literally would push the Organic Identity into the Secondary Neuro-structure and run around with the body and do what it wanted. And once the Organic Identity gets the body back it often won‘t remember—when it was in Retrieval it remembered, it understood what the process was, but when it gets back in it won‘t fully remember really what happened. There is disorientation a lot of the time where it‘s like ―hm… I don‘t know.‖ The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 113 of 128

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And it just feels different and feels like it lost part of itself or something because it was so used to that other energy there. So if a person is aware of it at this point it is helpful, but not all beings that go through a serious depossession really can reach a level where they can understand what they just went through while they‘re still in the body so they‘ll finish living their life and then if they go out through Bhardoah or whatever then they would understand when they went into review again and realized they had reclaimed their body and that kind of thing. But it‘s almost like the Organic Identity has to retrain its personality because it picked up a lot of bad habits from the Possessor as far as ideas, reaction patterns, emotional over-reaction patterns, those kind of things. So it goes through a kind of a Rebirth-Childhood Period where it‘s like feels new and kind of disoriented but also kind of free at the same time. Then it goes through an Adolescent Period and this is where it has to discipline itself. It‘s like, that‘s where the self is reclaiming in coming back into its body has to say ―Oh, that is not good for me to do and I‘m going to make a better choice.‖ And so do the people around…it like the old patterns that the thing, when the Possessor was in the body, the old behavior patterns, that kind of stuff and especially because a lot of times the Possessor would be not nice to other people. Like if other people enabled that, that is the time where you stop enabling and you say ―Excuse me, that does not work here and that is not acceptable, please don‘t speak to me that way‖ or ―Do not do that to me again, I would prefer you don‘t, if you do that there will be consequences.‖ Just like with a child, you say ―This is the action that you were asked not to do that, you‘ve done that and this is the consequence for that action.‖ So but the identity itself is actually teaching itself how to do that in the same way so it sets boundaries for itself to aim for what it really wants, the better feelings and the more positive outlook and that kind of thing. Then it goes through the Adolescent Period where it‘s kind like ok it rebels against some of the rules that it set down for itself. It‘s like, kind of gets that, you know that like adolescent ―Hm, I could probably do anything or nothing‖ or ―I‘ll rebel against…‖ stuff. You know that whole, just coming into my own still trying to figure out ―who am I really?‖ You know it‘s like a whole other ―who am I really‖ space, like your second adolescence. And then there is the New Adult Period. And this is where the personality has recalibrated itself and got rid of the encryptions that were left, from the negative encryptions left from the Possessor. And it‘s like a new lease on life really for the Organic Identity where it gets much more whole and much more centered in itself. So it has a happy ending, these processes do but it is a process. Fortunately when it‘s done through this process there is the Mashaya-Hanic Identity that actually comes in into overshadow and it will assist directly—like your own Higher Self coming in but a Higher Self you could actually trust that will come in and help you through those stages, help you burn off some of the emotional turmoil you know that you can‘t figure stuff out, help you see through some of the thought cloud stuff that happens. So these are literally a Godsend, having this type of Extraction potential. The fact that Extraction is even necessary, the fact that that kind of possession even happens is quite horrific all on its own. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 114 of 128

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And it‘s really funny because psychiatry today doesn‘t believe in Possession of course. And not all things are treatable by drugs. This is not, and often what it does is it medicates the Organic Identity and gives the Possessor a stronger link. Not always. Sometimes it actually does the opposite. Sometimes the use of the psychiatric drugs can actually give the Organic Identity a little bit of reprieve from the fight that it‘s in with the other because the Organic Identity is fighting, and it will give it enough reprieve to recalibrate its strength and get back up and try to take over the Primary Neuro-networks again. So it‘s not always a negative thing that psychiatry and medicine used drugs for those purposes. It‘s a very individual thing. But it would be helpful if they could recognize that Possession—whatever word you want to call it, that might be an old fashioned word— ―Temporary Identity Displacement‖ is more accurate. And if they understood about the Secondary Neuro-networks, and if they understood about Light Body structure and those things it would be more helpful and they could probably choose what, when and what types of medication would be better, but I wouldn‘t hold my breath waiting for that to happen while we‘re on Planet. So in the meantime trust your doctor, you know if you have doctors trust your doctors but also work with your own Spiritual Guidance and those kind of things. Sometimes taking meds will stabilize the body chemicals so the Organic Identity can hold the body, so they‘re not always a negative thing, but they‘re not always a positive thing either. It‘s kind of like, I don‘t know, it is kind of like hit or miss, it‘s very individual. Ok, anyway next one… (Question from audience, inaudible) A‘sha: Oh yeah well they went through a whole bunch of Indigo-3‘s, yeah, yeah. She‘d asked about Indigo3‘s. We talked about Indigo-3‘s a long time ago where they actually took one on to assist in its rehabilitation but then the ones that were rehabilitating, forced back and try to take over the bodies yeah. Won‘t try that again any time soon, forget body sharing, no.

[0:20:27] (graph) This is just bringing us back briefly because we‘re going to go into the wrap-up now on the end bit as far as the larger game and then we‘re going to go back to the final piece of the Technique. This was from the Sliders-4 workshops. And finally we‘ve got them typeset, thanks to Willa and Jared. Actually they typeset these for me. Bless them, yeah. And that was not an easy job. But this is just basically showing the, our Veca system and our Parallel-Veca system. It‘s showing where the Blackhole Fallen systems are in the Parallel Veca and their interface lines into where we are. We‘re over here right now, we‘re in Milky Way Meta-Galactic-6. Actually we‘re here, we‘re moving toward Galactic-3 by 2012 so we‘re over in this area. This is where the Mashaya-Hanic Vortex and the Chamber— we have the little version running through our head and in our brain but it‘s also running through the Milky Way. This is the Milky Way here and this is actually M-31 here, there were the same system when, before Milky Way fell. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 115 of 128

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So this is showing actually the Host in the maps and this shows, this is called the Dragon‘s Eye because this is where our Veca-2, Parallel Veca interfaces with our Veca-5 and it‘s in this opening that these are the places where the Fall Systems are and there is a whole conglomerate of them and they‘re connected into a Blackhole that is at the center of Veca-2 and that‘s a larger one, larger of what is happening over here. These are the complexes that they‘ve been trying and they‘re still trying to take the quantum of this Matrix down, our Matrix down in you know as quantum food basically for their system because you have to feed Blackholes or they will self-combust. They will actually eat themselves until they burn themselves out and then they will implode and explode. And the ones that live in them tend to know that so that‘s why they devise very elaborate schemes of vampiring energy from other systems. This is just to remind us that when by the time we get to 2012 we need to be in this alignment up here right where—this is where our Earth would be and this is the M-31 as it rotates around M-31, ends up as the bottom sphere where Milky Way is the top one. And this is where Urtha in M-31, its Rod and the frequencies transmitted from its Rod will actually, actually no I think its it‘s Staff, yeah it‘s its Staff, will actually hold Earth‘s Rod. And it‘s the Earth‘s Rod that the others have been trying to split that would create…the Omega Code, the Kill Code…it‘s meant to split the Rods which will create total havoc on the Planet and the last extinction. It will actually hold that through the rest of the Host to the 2230 AD period and that kind of thing. And so what the fall groups are trying to do is –we are trying, we need to stay in this Meta-Galactic-6 alignment. We can move from Galactic-1 to Galactic-3 and that‘s as far as we need to go. But we do not need to go from Meta-Galactic alignment 6 through 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. That is what the Fall System is going to do. And it‘s going to end up in the same, we‘re both are going to end up in Meta-Galactic-12 but the Fall System—I don‘t know if I have it marked on here in a way I can read. I have it on one of them I think it might be the other one is… I forget which Galactic alignment they are because we‘re, the Host System is MetaGalactic-12, Galactic-12, Solar System-5 of Stellar-3. And there is another false 3:3:3 one. It‘s the false 3:3:3 alignment that is actually the Fall System where Phantom Earth is already been dragged into that BPR. They‘re now trying to drag NET Earth and the Shield of Solomon into that BPR where we would have to go through the experiential alignments here that would lead to the Armageddon scenario and all those kind of things. And for 2012 the Grand Hoorah where they were able to activate that weapons technology and at that point the Host is done and we have very little time to get out via Silver Ships, the Silver Seed Space Ships. It does not look like that‘s going to happen. So far, so good but we don‘t expect the Fall team to decide to stop anytime soon. But if we can get through the 2012 period it doesn‘t mean that the war games on this Planet won‘t continue, but it does mean that they will not be able to activate that weapons complex that involves the Alpha-Omega Temples. The Alpha-Omega Temples correspond to some of the star alignments over here. The ones on the Veca-2 side would be referred to as the Alpha, the beginning, the Blackhole beginnings and the ones, the corresponding ones that link through our Veca Core and into our Meta-Galactic and our Galactic Core are the Omega sets. And what they are doing is activating the Alpha-Omega network, which means they‘re activating through Parallel Earth which is in the Parallel Veca, they‘re activating the Micca Complex that is the Alpha-Omega set. That brings together the Threshold Technologies that we‘ve talked about before and The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 116 of 128

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the Metatronic Technologies. And it brings them all into one huge basically nasty Blackhole eating machine technology. So it‘s like, at this point we‘ve been listening, we‘ve been hearing about this drama in this lifetime for about 9 years. And personally I‘m so tired over it, I don‘t want to hear about it anymore but we‘re in the middle of it so we do need to talk about it a little bit. I just wanted to point out those things and then there is another one that shows a little bit more of a closeup but they‘re not ready yet.

[0:26:12] (graph) See, these are still a mess but we‘re identifying in this one the Alpha complexes. Of this where we get the 11:11 and the 12:12 temples and we actually have a set over here because there is also a Parallel Urtha over here. And the M-31 that‘s over here right, the parallel version, that we have been able to interface through 11:11‘s and 12:12‘s so we could ride the Krystic broadcast in with them but they emerge from these particular temple sets here, not temple sets but they‘re like bases that transmit frequency. But it‘s all of these that are going to activate and then pass through the Dragon‘s Eye into the corresponding receiver stations that are on various Stars and Planets in the Milky Way over here. And this is, this is going to happen at some point but not while the Host is on. The Host is supposed to run till at least 2230 AD. At that point because of the problems with the Sun that we have here in this system— you know the Sun has entered Bhardoah and it‘s doing its Ring Waves. It is not throwing CME‘s at us yet because of the Aqualene Sun Buffer Field that the Beloveds have set with our help in anchoring it. But once the Krystics are out, you know have gone on in Ascension, and it is left with the Kryst-fall groups there is very little chance of them holding the Host even with the Budhara helping. That is why—and they‘re telling me this now, that is why that one team of first-fall White Dragons that decided they were going to become the worst of the worst of the worst because they couldn‘t stand the worst of the worst because they felt that they were the ones that made them fall. They have certain keys to the Path of KaLE RAma which is step back into the Edons. Instead of having to go through full Spacedust Return they can go back, but then they have to come out into the Matrix again into the Outer Domains and try not to mess it up the second time around because you only get once where you can step back once and then come out, and after that you lose too much quantum and you‘d have to go back spacedust. Well they have the ability to do that but they need our help. The Green Dragon folk and the Red Dragon folk and anybody else on the Al-Ben-Yan Host would really, really like the opportunity to be able to do StepBack as well because that wasn‘t an opportunity available to them. So if the White Dragon groups, that first fall White Dragon group wants, you know our assistance, because they need our Key Codes to be able to do the Step-Back back into the Edons. If they want to do that they have to share the wealth with the other Al-Ben-Yan teams. And they‘ve agreed to do that.

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So it will end up as, this Planet will be evacuated at a certain point. Even if the Host goes well at the point of time where the Host is due to close down, where the Krystal River frequencies are just not running into this system anymore, it will be a scenario very similar to the ―Knowing‖ movie where you will have CME‘s you know blasting life off the surface of the Planet very quickly. And they‘re actually, they will be Red Pulse CME‘s they will be, Red Pulse will finally be the end of this. But that can be a long time from now to 2230 AD. It could even go, they said it could go possibly— depending on how people act here and who they interact with, it could go 700 years longer. They could even extend it that much longer under very strict, like resource management type things because the Planet is dying if anybody hasn‘t noticed right. I mean the waters are dying, the air is dying. How much more of it do you need to die? Do you need it like fry to be convinced? Because that is going to come too. But meanwhile the people who are left here, the people who are left here will be the people that cannot do the Krystar Ascension Path, they can‘t make it yet to Median Earth, they will do that Kryst Fall Path. But at least now it‘s a Step-Back Path as opposed to just Kryst Fall and eventually Spacedust is how you get out. So it‘s much better for the people on the Al-Ben-Yan Treaty but they‘re going to have to learn things about you know bio-regenesis and upgrading their gene codes because they need to be able to take those ships, be able to ride the Plasma Craft out when it comes time for their Evac because if they can‘t biologically go they would just like spacedust by trying. So there will be efforts of providing technologies and teachings and healing modalities for people on the Al-Ben-Yan Treaty in order to have that support that will ultimately— you know maybe not them, they may still do the usual ―you die when you leave here‖ that kind of thing that most people on this Planet do to leave here, but they will have generations to carry their genecodes forward. And the potentials of this are, you know will belong to those people as well because usually once you‘re in a treaty contract like that, like the Al-Ben-Yan Treaty or any like a Guardian Treaty in general, you will find— like children don‘t happen by accident. It might seem like they‘re accidents here but some kind of agreement was made. And sometimes it was not an agreement. Not every child was meant to be born here. Sometimes it‘s a forced thing from the astral, but most are through agreements. So the children that will come in through parents who were say on Al-Ben-Yan will have within them the orientation with Al-BenYan, even if they never heard of what that treaty is about. On this level they will know and that will be the path that they will be moved to in whatever way. So the prognosis is a lot better for the people on the Al-Ben-Yan Treaty because of the first fall White Dragons being willing to offer part of their codes. They have a genetic link to all of the Dragons and they can empower that or they can dis-empower them with it. And they‘ve chosen to use it to empower them for this circumstance. And it means forgiving and stop blaming for them a lot of it. It seriously does. And that‘s hard for them because they blame them for making them fall. And then they blame their own kind, the ones that went Green or Red or whatever, they just, you know you are becoming as bad as the things you hated, that kind of thing. So they‘re having to learn to get over the blame-game and that kind of thing and that‘s part of their lessons. So anyway this is just…these aren‘t ready to..these aren‘t in the chartpacks because they‘re not ready obviously but it‘s just showing, they‘re close-ups of those, you know close-up pieces of the broader maps that are in the Sliders-4 manual. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 118 of 128

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So they‘re just showing where some of the Alpha-Omega temple things are and the whole complex is the Micca Complex and it is the Blackhole System thing. Anyway, next one please… I think this is another close-up one.

[0:32:49] (graph) Yeah, this one shows our side too. See this is their mess over there on the other side of the Dragon‘s Eye and we‘re on this side of the Dragon‘s Eye. We‘re over here. We started out though over here which was like no wonder we‘ve had all these failed Stellar Activation Cycles. I‘m surprised we didn‘t get swallowed a long time ago because we started out in number 1. It‘s not shown on this one but this is 12. So it would be like right here and we were over in this proximity, we were like right in alignment with them. But we‘re coming into even more of an alignment when we make the shift because one way or another in 2012 we‘re going to be in MG-12 alignment. What‘s important is that we end up in the MG-12, Galaxy… I believe it‘s G-5, 5 is our Host—wait a minute no MG-12, I need 12, Galaxy-3 this is…wait a minute. I have to look at the other one. See these aren‘t complete yet. Anyway we need to, our numbers—these become the call numbers as far as drum numbers and those kind of things and ours is the one that has the 5 in it— it‘s like MG-12, maybe Galactic, I think it‘s G-5. I have to look at the other ones because I didn‘t finish all the labeling on these so I might have them wrong. But anyway what the struggle right now is about is which BPR is Earth‘s, NET Earth‘s Core going to carry. That‘s what the other side is trying to do right now, is force it into carrying the one that does not have the Host, that aligns it with Phantom Fall so it ends up in the Fall Probability. So that is what the latest nonsense as far is you know Shield waking and stuff that‘s going on, that‘s what it‘s about. And at this point it‘s like, I refuse to let any of it upset me. The drama is stupid. Yeah we‘re in it. Ok, let‘s just try to hold ourself in grace in this. Let them do what they do. That doesn‘t mean we have to always go reactionary on it and that kind of stuff. We need to ―stand‖ and stand for what the Kryst people are here to do and just continue with our mission and not let it overwhelm us. Because for I while there I was like, I just don‘t even want this job, I don‘t even want to speak publicly about this. If it‘s this bad I don‘t want to let people know about this. I don‘t even want to know. But then it‘s like but I‘m glad I do even though it‘s not what I want to know, I‘m glad if I need to know it that I do instead of having no clue. And that‘s why I keep even still talking about it and still doing the workshops because I respect other people that might feel that way too. So anyway, these are just showing some of the things that the way this drama is about, that from the 4 th of July on they‘ve been trying to get the Shield of Solomon to carry the BPR of the Fall Code and the only way they can do that is that if they get a hold of the Watchtower Shield and try to run it directly through those who have access to the Watchtower Shield, genetic access to it and that‘s why they went after part of the Core Team. But they didn‘t succeed in it because of the things that the Kryst had done during that period. And thank you people who did participate when we kind of put out the, word it gently but ―Hello, we could use some frequency support, if you feel like you‘d like to join or remote at our picnic.‖ It worked. So they did get the Alfa-Omega networks activated but they did not get the Watchtower Shield which means they did not have the ability to interface the Shield of Solomon. So Solomon is still running Kryst The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 119 of 128

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Code and the Host is still on, as well as the dumb drama around it. Next one, next one please… almost done here and then it‘s wrap-up.

[0:36:26] (graph) This one is in your chartpacks. It is just to show you the points where, these are the primary Alpha-Omega base locations on our Planet. And these are the stations that they‘ve activated during the 4 th of July period. They have them on what‘s called ―base activation‖. What they want to do in 2012—that‘s where that superweapon thing comes in—and it‘s a super-weapon that employs things like the HAARP apparatus. But not just those, there is underground bases as well, that‘s meant to trigger all of these at very high power. They‘re positioned on every point of the Rods. So if they were to be activated at the level where they could receive fully the frequency bursts that are going to be coming in through the Milky Way Core from the Micca Complexes on that alignment because that alignment is what is key—in December 21, 2012—it starts a little earlier but that is like the peak of it, is when the Earth and our Sun align directly with the center of the Milky Way in a way that will allow for those transmissions to come through the center of the Milky Way from the Parallel Matrix in a very high concentrated form. And if they activate those on that level they will get control over the Rods and rip apart the Planet. But first they‘ll do a little harvest here for genetic material and mess with us first. Yeah, wouldn‘t be pleasant. And that is what it looks like in the probability of the Phantom Earth Fall when they get to 2012. That is what their 2012 looks like and it‘s pretty messy even getting there but it is a very unpleasant set of Probability Event Horizons. So the Kryst is very determined to keep us—right now we need to stay in MG-6 alignment until 2012 when we actually go through the center. We fold in to the 12 because we do have to get up to the 12 BPR. It‘s just part of the natural cycle, either go around the long way or go through the middle. If we go through the middle we‘ll be able to choose and rotate into the proper Host alignment so we don‘t get dragged into the Fall System. And that‘s basically what it is about. So I gave you a copy of this with the little dots on it to show where the main Alpha-Omega bases are. I believe there is 12 for each cluster and there is 4 clusters so there is 48 main ones but there is, I think they said 156 or something like that between the other parts of it. The other parts have to do with some of the HAARP apparatus—I think there were 50-some of those, and the one that everybody knows is Haarp, that‘s not the only one on the Planet. There is a whole bunch of other ones that are much more secret and a few other type of complexes that are usually disguised as something else, public places usually, often involving pyramids. Even contemporary pyramids, yeah like the Louvre and places like that. They are some very interesting receiving stations and transmitting stations. So what we‘re going to do to be able to block this from occurring—this is where the Mirror in the Sky comes in, it‘s like the mirror in the atoms. We‘re going to bring in or assist the Beloveds. They‘re going to bring it in with or without us, but if we assist them we‘ll be able to bring it in in a more stable way. They‘re going to bring in the Orbs of Aquareion Flows into the Aurora Platforms and begin interfacing them with the Light Body structure of here—not just in the Aurora Platforms, but getting them ready to interface here if they The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 120 of 128

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need to. They‘ve already brought in the 15 Ships and that one was they said was 68 miles in diameter, and they said they‘re all around that size as far as the ones that they‘re using right now. It‘s a first wave of 15 of them. And they will kind of like hang out and keep the BPR of NET Earth where it still has the potential to hold the Host so it doesn‘t get dragged down because all of these temples are meant to pulse the Core to where it changes the BPR into the Fall Probability. They are also the bases from which if they ever decide to do a direct invasion from, with their ships, they‘ve already got them parked basically. They have versions of Plasma Ships too and they have a bunch of them in underground locations and some of them in underwater locations literally on our Planet. And then there is a bunch that are on the corresponding aspects of a Parallel Earth over in Parallel Veca which all they have to do is activate and open the portals that link them and they can pop them right through. So they‘re also the sites that would be let‘s say invasion-vulnerable, the more vulnerable places. I‘m thinking ―great‖, we‘re right up here right in Watchtower, lovely. It‘s like at this point you want to be on the North pole, but there is stuff up there too, they just don‘t talk about it much. So anyway, Mirror in the Sky is the project between now and 2012. So I think this is basically enough said about this. We‘re going to be using more of the Drum Codes. We have a couple of drum circles that we‘re going to be doing at Siesta Key. I‘m going to sit down because my back is getting sore because they‘re starting to run the wave for the Technique. Let me see if there is anything else I need to address directly before we go into technique. We will be given more I think on the Mirror in the Sky and like with this project, project Mirror in the Sky because there is another mirror-type thing in the sky that has to do with some weird sciences on the negative side that are actually being done here. And I don‘t know much about them but I‘ve heard about them and the Beloveds said ―yeah you heard, that is true, they are doing that‖ where they‘ve actually seeded in some level, I think it‘s the thermosphere but they‘ve seeded like aluminum particles into the air and this is what part of the chemtrails concept was about. Because supposedly it has something to do with bouncing frequencies off them where they can, it has something to do with the technology that has some kind of radar that can—ground penetrating radar, that can see better and they can see all sorts of things that you wouldn‘t be able to actually image otherwise. But that‘s just the cover. This stuff is part of the larger super-weapon plan. And basically the super-weapon plan is to create annihilation rather rapidly here and just drag the quantum down into the Parallel System. So anyway, on a happier note (chuckles)… and the happier note is we have got the Stardust Flows running. They are the Eiron Elemental Orb Currents that are coming from the Spirit Body side and they were able to come because we opened the Aquareion Orb Elemental Flows from the Aquareion Matrix to the Host. From that we were able to spark open from this side our Eiron Point so we could begin the process of freeing the ManE Body back to its ManA Self. And in this process, this is the beginning of the phasing of the Ah-VA‘yas Body where the Physical Body structure has more of a chance now than it ever has. In fact it never had a really great chance without this. It was always building up to where this would have to occur because you can‘t do Biological Ascension or Slide without freeing the Body to do that and this is—I don‘t know because I don‘t know what else there is yet to come but I know this is a key stage in freeing the Body. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 121 of 128

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I don‘t know if there is other stuff we‘ve got to tweak and clean up too, or if this is finally are we done getting the mutation off us. But this is, it is a landmark workshop in the sense that we might not have had as many hours where you‘ve seen us but the content and the activations are extremely, I mean they‘re really off the charts. This is, this is… this is probably the biggest healing opportunity that we‘ve had with all of the Techniques and Technologies and Activations that we‘ve worked with. But it wouldn‘t be possible if it weren‘t for the others that we‘ve worked with. We‘ve built up, we‘ve earned the ability by paying attention to this, by doing Techniques, by working through the Light Body and the Spirit Body. So it wasn‘t as if somebody handed it to us on a silver platter. We‘ve worked for this, the people who have been working this work. This work isn‘t easy, it‘s not easy for me, it‘s not easy for him, it‘s not easy for you either I‘m sure but anyway… I‘m going to need a little more light up here… (preparing/reviewing notes Technique).

Technique Intro [0:47:12] A‘sha All righty, in the first part of this is actually the second part of the Aqua-tone Technique-2 and this is the ―Opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry‖. And during this process this is where the expedited reclamation would occur for anyone that was having the problem with the Possession issue. And we‘ll go from there into the 3rd Technique, the 3rd and final Technique which is the ―Wings of Angels, First Phasing of the Ah‘-yas and Expedited Extraction‖. In the 1st part with the opening of the Secondary Neuro-circuitry what we are going to do is make a connection with the portion of the quantum of our Ah-VA‘-yas Thermo Body, our Mana Body that has been already, since we did the activations, but has already turned around. There is already a quantum of that that has been brought out into salvage in its natural orientation. It‘s not running reversed ManE anymore. And that is the portion of our Ah-VA‘-yas Body that we are going to make a direct connection with and that AhVA‘-yas Body right now may seem, when we first see it, it may seem like a little flickering kind of ghost image because it‘s still, it has some quantum but it doesn‘t have the full body quantum yet and over several weeks or months and stuff it will be bringing more of the reversed ManE back into its natural ManA state so that body will be getting stronger and brighter as the ManE Body transmutes and as the anything that doesn‘t belong in the ManE Body gets extracted. So when we first meet it, we don‘t have to be afraid of this ManA Body anymore because it is the quantum of the ManE Body that is actually now ManA and it does not have a neuro network connection directly to the part that is ManE so that is being buffered by the Mashaya-Hanic level. So we can begin to open the Secondary Neuro-circuitry into our Primary circuitry which means it will allow our Core circuitry which is in the Ah-VE‘-yas Body, the Water Body to come directly online with us so the whole system gets its circulation back on the physical level. So this is going to be an interesting experience. It‘s an interesting Technique too. Hm let‘s see, I want to see if there is anything more as a prequel (continues reviewing notes). Yeah, I wanted to give that prequel because there is a certain point where we merge with that part of our Mana Body and I didn‘t want you to The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 122 of 128

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feel frightened of that, it‘s not, you know it is not connected. Once it transmutes and goes back into its natural alignment it isn‘t connected to the ManE part anymore or whatever the possession thing might be that‘s in the ManE. Because by the time we are done with the…we are actually at this point, we‘ve done Retrieval in the first part of the Stardust Breathing we‘re opening the Eiron Point and all of that, we have successfully pushed any of the possessing entity energy into that ManE Body where the Organic Identity is at the moment in the body, in the Primary circuitry. Ok so first thing they‘re saying is….

Aqua-tone Technique-2 Part-2: Opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry Get in touch with the feel of the Aurora Continuum behind you. It‘s kind of like a band…like almost like a tunnel that goes horizontally and indigo blue light inside of it. Just try to be aware of it and feel it expand a bit where it comes down to about the bottom of your ribcage in the back where you can sense the presence of the Aurora Continuum from by the presence of your back and going out way past the sides to places you can‘t even see from the ends, it just goes way out horizontally. So feel it widen to the point where it‘s down to the bottom of your ribs in the back and up a bit above your head height in the back so it kind of expands a bit. Now move a bit of your attention, you don‘t have to do Ah-VA‘-yas Breathing yet which would, that‘s between the spaces in your atoms. What we‘ll do first is try to sense there a presence there of a part of yourself. This is where the quantum that has just been transmuted back into Mana from being trapped in the ManE state. This is that quantum, this is the little golden flickering body and it‘ll be the same size as yours but it will seem smaller. At least when I see the Aurora Continuum things seem smaller in it even though I know they are the same size, I‘m the same size, it‘s a size distortion that happens with the, you know when you‘re crossing the planes. But just feel the presence of your ManE Body back in there in the Aurora Continuum as if it‘s standing there waiting to meet you. But this time instead of you going into the Aurora Continuum to meet that part of yourself, what is going to happen instead is you are going to actually bring the Aurora Continuum into meet you. Not just the ManA Body but you are actually going to begin the process of aligning the atomic structure of the D-2 Physical Body with the Aurora Continuum so it has the ability to access, biologically access the Aurora Continuum. We‘re going to do this by first do an inhale (inhales)… and as you inhale feel the Aurora Continuum move with you until it actually moves right in where it‘s centered around your body, where you can feel it is still stretching out from side to side running your Rod actually, and just gently exhale (exhales), just leave it there but try to sense the feeling of the Aurora Continuum that used to be behind you is now actually as if it stepped up into you or you stepped back into it but it is actually running your Rod now. It is a horizontal chamber and it is running your Rod-line from left to right. And the ManA Body that was standing in there, your ManA Body waiting for you, waiting to engage with you is now actually in with you. It is right on the other side of the spaces between your atoms but they are connected at this point but they‘re not open, the neuro-circuitries aren‘t open yet. The only opening we had The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 123 of 128

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done was in the earlier technique where we opened the neuro-circuitry just a bit with the Mashayanic Buffer when we did Stardust Breathing through it. At this point what we are going to do is bring the Mashaya-Hanic Identity of your own self into play. And this is where we get to bring it into our Water Orbs that we had—our little Water Orbs—and now they‘re just going to do their ―yeah‖ and you will feel this field shift or hopefully you‘ll feel it it‘s there even if you don‘t. But we‘re going to activate the Mashaya-Hanic Identity so it creates a strengthening buffer and protection field around both (in and within), both you and your atomic structure, but also in the atomic structure of the newly reclaimed ManA part of your Ah-VA‘-yas Body. So it will make it, this is what will stop any bleed-through from the part of the Ah-VA‘-yas Body that isn‘t transmuted yet back to natural ManA. It will block any of that from influencing either the Secondary Neuronetworks that are opening in the new ManA Body or the ones that, or the Primary Neuro-networks. So it‘s a safety precaution. So what we will do in this one, the next is to inhale again (inhales) just into the AzurA, sense the presence of your ManA Body in there with you in the Aurora Continuum and on the exhale run a stream of Stardust from your Pineal downward into the AzurA and then out the Rod on both sides (exhale). And now see if you can sense there is a, it‘s almost like a little bubbling sensation that I‘m feeling and it‘s all around in the AzurA but beyond the AzurA which is probably that area of the ManA Body, the Core Atumus that would now be in alignment with your Physical Body. And it‘s in here through the Atumus that there is going to be a burst of those little cells or the little Elemental Orbs that you brought in as the beginning parts of your Mashaya-Hana Identity. They are going to really quickly replicate and just kind of spread out like ―yeah, we‘re alive‖ and completely cover your ManA Body and shroud it in a safety protection field. And they‘ll also be there to interact with your Physical Body structure as well. It will create a protection both ways and also bring some extra energy to the Physical Body cells so they have, you know they‘re a bit more supported in the process of opening the neuronetworks between them. And now that we have the Mashaya-Hana Activation let‘s do this, inhale again (inhale) try to sense this cluster of the Aquareion Orbs of your Mashaya-Hanic Self around in the AzurA and push out the 12 Allurean Chamber Lines. That will send them into circulation and they will begin to replicate and that is how they will shroud the, make the protective shroud around the ManA Body. Ok and then the next place, the next thing we are going to do is turn on the, open the neuro-circuitry between the Primary and the Secondary Neuro-networks and also the beginnings of the Core Neuronetworks which means the Ah-VE‘-yas Body as well, the Vibrational Body. So again we‘re just going to inhale and hold at the AzurA (inhale). Try to sense that as you inhale you actually inhaled into the Aurora Continuum but it‘s now in you. And you not only inhaled into the spaces between your atoms but also between the spaces of the atoms of your ManA Body. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 124 of 128

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And now exhale and push outward through the Allurean Chambers and the Fire Chambers simultaneously (exhale). And if you can hold the idea or the image in your mind now of the ManA Body which is on register with, meaning it‘s aligned directly at the same, where head is up at the same level right because it‘s actually beginning to shift the Core Atoms in your body into the 15º CCW shift that it should be back where we should be aligned. So it‘s beginning to take their core, their 12 Core Atoms in our body that actually will control what the rest do. I don‘t, they said they are in various places, they didn‘t identify where, but these atoms will now begin to align with the natural 15° shift and keeping the ManA Body in our bodies with us now with the head in the same place as our head is. It will allow those 12 Atoms to continue the process of bringing the ManE Body out of phase-lock and turning it back into the ManA Body and giving our atoms the ability to phase back all at the same time. So we are going literally have our Aurora Continuum now running with us in our, through our Rod right through our body and in that Aurora Continuum we are also going to have the ManA Body shrouded by the Mashaya-Hana Buffer Body. And they‘re all parts of your own identity and parts of your own energy field but they instead of having to go there they‘re now like right here with you. As far as Aurora Continuum you are in Aurora Continuum which means your atoms are in Aurora Continuum. At least 12 of them have the ability to fly right now (laughing) and eventually more. So let‘s see what‘s, we have one more part of the Technique after this one, part-3 I mean… (reviewing notes). Ok so for this last part of opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry we‘re going to inhale into the Pineal (inhale) Eiron Point then exhale downward partially, only partially exhale down to the AzurA (exhale), hold half of the exhale breath… and now imagine from the AzurA and use the rest of the breath to push outward through all of the spaces between the atoms, both yours and the ManA Body (continue exhale). And now do a quick inhale back through the spaces between those atoms and up to the Eiron Point in the Pineal (inhale). And now exhale, and use the exhale to push two sparks of light from your Pineal through the Mashaya-Hanic Chambers that go up into the Host out the sides of your head (exhale). And that will create opening of the Secondary Neuro-networks into the Primary and into the Core so it begins the opening between the atomic structures of those three levels of the body systems.

Aqua-tone Technique-3: Wings of Angels, First Phasing of the Ah‘-yas and Expedited Extraction [1:02:05] Now there is one part left, this Technique-3 the Wings of Angels, Wings of Angels. Let me see if I can read my handwriting, hold on a minute (reviewing notes). Ok this is where we get our Wings as they say. It says a couple of inhale/exhale breaths and what is going to occur during these is we‘re making a link with the portion of our Mashaya-Hanic Self that we had seeded in the future, that is still there in that future space-time location in the Aquareion Matrix Hub. And we‘re The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 125 of 128

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going to make a direct connection and a protection field around our Physical Bodies from there and then we‘re making another part of a connection. Actually that one will come in from the top, that connection will come down from the top. And there is another one that will come up from the bottom which is a connection directly through the Host Line into Urtha, into M-31 so it creates a link. And there is the point once you make these connections—that I‘ll describe how they look in a minute, that we use the breath to open the Angel Wings as they say. So you‘ll see what that means anyway once you see what the connections are. So this is quite simple. Just inhale and hold for a moment (inhale) and as you‘re holding the inhale upward sense a large Cone of White-Blue Light descending from above all down over your entire body and down to your Maharic Shield where the bottom, the wide part of the cone is anchoring in your Maharic Shield. And when you feel it anchoring in your Maharic Shield just exhale gently (exhale). Hold at the bottom of the exhale and notice that as you exhaled there is another Golden-Silver-Blue Cone coming upward from below, from Urtha‘s Core and it‘s meeting the underside of your Maharic Shield. And now inhale and it will bring the two cones together in the Maharic Shield (inhale), and exhale upward (exhale) and push from the center of the Maharic Shield. And it will activate the Maharic Shield in the Host coding connecting to both Urtha from the bottom and the Aquareion Matrix from the top. Now there is one further amplification of this and this is just another inhale/exhale but at this point I‘m going to describe it for us. We‘ll inhale and when we inhale we‘re going to imagine a replicate set of those cones forming right where, in the same place but like times two, where you have two cones on top and two cones on the bottom. And then when we exhale we‘re going to split the replica and it actually splits, and the cones split and it comes out and looks like angel wings both upward and the downward one, so it looks like either angel or butterfly wings that open behind you from your back. So let‘s inhale and (inhale) and replicate the cones in our minds, and then from the AzurA exhale out the back and split the replica of the cones (exhale). And you maybe able to notice that once those wings are activated they will actually start to move like wings do. After own volition they will move as the Ah‘-yas begins to phase. So the wing movement is actually when the Ah‘-yas is doing its phasing. That is the first phasing of your Ah‘-yas Body‘s Ah-VA‘-yas units where they are freed enough, where the quantum is freed where they can now engage phase to build quantum. And at certain points they will go into the whole set. They‘ll build quantum for a while before they open the Eiron Point again themselves. But this is the process of restoring the Stardust Flows in the body, the Eiron Flows in the body and of reclaiming our Mana Bodies and reclaiming our Atomic Bodies. So we have the activations with us now. Try to sense the wings. And they‘re not rigid wings they‘re fluid, they‘re kind of like, they hold the shape but they kind of move as if they‘re made of energies of like a breeze blew on them, they kind of oscillate and move a little bit with the breeze and then they go back to their form. The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 126 of 128

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And when you feel them, sometimes you might like be sleeping and in your dreamstate you feel like ―wow my wings are moving‖, they‘ll do this on their own. It has to do with the natural phasing cycles as your Ah‘yas Body is getting used to phasing again because it‘s like being reborn, it‘s its first phase. Usually when you‘re in a natural structure that doesn‘t have the mutation the Ah‘-yas Body doesn‘t phase until Fetal Integration occurs and its first phase would be at Fetal Integration. So this is like the first, it‘s like doing Fetal Integration all over again as far as the structures of the Ah‘-yas Body and the Light Body are concerned. So you‘ve got your Wings and you‘ve got your Protection Cones and you‘ve also got the ability now that you have running your, literally running your Rod, so it‘s not just that you have that loop that you can travel up the tunnel in your head to go to visit the Aquareion. There is going to be a natural expansion as these, as the Wings do their gentle, you know moving back and forth, expanding and contracting. It will create the Aurora Continuum that you‘ve now brought actually into yourself in your Rod, it will actually expand that upward to where it merges with the chamber, Mashayanic Chamber running through your head and it merges and goes all the way up to… like if you can consider the thing running through your head, the Chamber running through your head as a loop right like an Eckasha shaped loop that connects up to the Aquareion Matrix it will now expand progressively the Aurora Continuum Chamber large enough to go all the way up to the top of where that loop would anchor there. So it‘s expanding your ability to interact with the Aurora Continuum and this will, from this place you can simply (inhale) inhale and imagine yourself in your Krystar Vehicle and (exhale) pop out where and imagine yourself in a spot in your Lone Harmonic in the Ah-Rish‘ma-Ta‘A places and literally just flip that fast. You don‘t have to go on a spaceship you don‘t have to meet people with orbs to help you get there. At this point you can simply pop there and it will be a state of bi-location for now but eventually they‘ve said that is one of the first places that we would be able to translocate to, where we could actually take the bodies too. So I thank you for being so patient with this workshop and the crazy hours. I hope it has been worthwhile, I hope you have enjoyed it (participant applauding). And I‘ve enjoyed being here with you (participants applauding and cheering) and thank you. Have a very safe trip home… thank you…

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Friday Evening Orientation (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sunday Lecture (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Technique Intro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Technique: Journey to Ah-Rish‘-ma-Ta‘-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Monday AM Lecture (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Monday AM Lecture 2 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Monday AM Lecture 3 (A‘sha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 87 Technique Intro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Technique: Creating the Atomic Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Monday AM Lecture 4 (A‘sha). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Technique Intro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Aqua-tone Technique-2 Part-2: Opening the Secondary Neuro-circuitry. . . . 123 Aqua-tone Technique-3: Wings of Angels, First Phasing of the Ah‘-yas and Expedited Extraction. . . . 125

The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc. Copyright A & A Deane, 2009, All Rights Reserved Page 128 of 128