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English Pages 7 Year 1904
The Victor Safe & Lock Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO.
.......................................................... 190 Ship to .................................... To"Wn ................ County. ................. ........................... State............................. ...................... ..................................... No •..................................... Vidor Safe .............. ...................
For which .................. ........ .................................. agree to pay to your oraer the sum of..........············· .....................................................................Dollars ($............................................. ) as follows: ...............................................................................................................................................................
......... ..................................................to he aeliverea on hoard cars at Cincinnati.
fo~~:;:i~;a~a~: } · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · ·········i~~:·=··:·~:~··;·:..~.~;:~..;.~ . ~;~~.::~~j.................................... It is agreed that no money shall be paid, for, or on account of this order, except as above stated, and that the title to said property shall not pass until it is p~id for in full, but shaH remain the property of The Victor Safe & Lock Co. until such payment is made, and in default thereof said Company, its agent or attorney, may take possession and remove said property without legal process, and for which purpose may enter in, or upon the premises without prejudice. It is also agreed that nothing but shipment shall constitute an acceptance of this order, and that this paper contains all the agreements and understanding between the parties hereto, and that upon default in any of the payments herein stipulated for, all of the remaining payments shall thereupon become immediately due and payable.
Sign here....................................................................................................................................................................
••• DIMENSIONS •.• OUTSIDE, 16 )( IHches HI.gh, 10)( Ittches Wide, 13 IHches Deep. INSIDE. 10 .. .. 6 ){ 8 " ._
Approximate Weight, 1001bs.
The above cut (reproduced from photograph) ~hOW 8 tbe back and side views of our No, 1 fi.afe after being f'ul,j,'ctf-'U to n 1l,Ilst intense heat, This snfflwnsplaced in our fnrnl\('" fOr' OIH' hour, not only did it become re(l hot.uut itreachecln .\\·lliltllwHt. which i~ th p poinl just before iron melt~, Ko Ihe conld l'o"flibly or"'l1r h :I l ' m'ill"~~ hf)use or resi,jen('p thnt cut (I'pproducpd from 11 photograpll) ~hOWR ()IlI' Ko , 1 !lafe (open vipw). Aftt'l' lpl\ving sl\fe in OUI' furn"ce one !tOUl' it was tllkpn out and allowpd to thorough ly cool off, and when oppnpd the f"ll1lwing cln:v. 1111 thp pnppl'~ I\nd blloks whit'h had been placed in the t;afe weL'e fuullll tu be in pm'fect condition,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE! This May Be the Warning Cry Heard By You Some Night. Whether the above shou ld refer to your store, factory, mill, office or residence, it means that all of yoUI' valuable account books, secUl'itit's, deeds, mortgages, insurance policies, notes, receipts, etc., will be utterly destroyed if not protected by a fire-proof safe. (Jan you afford to run this hazardous risk? The loss of an insurance policy alone would cau e YOU end les" trouhle and expensive litig-ation to secllre a settlement, for you ,;yould have serious dlfficult.y in proving your claim . It is n dut,l' you owe to your bu~iness, to you r fa mi:~' and to YOl1rself, to protect these articles against fire. That old tin box 01' drawer in which you have been in the hahit of k{'eping yonI' paper would he of no service whatever in case of til'e. Tbis fire-proof box will la, t yOu a lifetime, and considerin g the low price at which the box is sold, it is the best investment that can be made for the mone,\'.
Something Entirely New and Needed in Every Home.
DIMENSIONS: Outside- B inches long, 9 inches wide, 6 ~ inches deep. Inside- to inches long, 6 inches wide, 4 inches deep. Approximate Weight, 50 lbs. First·class Padlock, Duplicate K eys.
The fire-proof walls of this box are sufficiently thick to make it fire-proof in any residence. It is a perfectly safe receptacle for Deeds, Bonds, Contracts, Mortgages, Notes, Insurance P olicies, Tax Receipts, Jewelry, etc.
T HIS cut was reproduced from a photogl'aph taken of box after it had bepn subjected to an intense heat in our furnace Jot only was the iron heated red hot, but it reached a white heat, which is the point Just before iron melts, The contents of box were not even marred. No fire could ever occur out in the open air to equal the intense heat to which this box was subjected . We, the undersigned commit. tee, appointed by your Board of Directors, have witnessed this test, examined the contents before and after the box was placed ill the furnace, and fully confirm the above and do not hesitate to recommend this box to all who may purchase same.
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