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English Pages 20 Year 1888
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Patents Dec. 29. 1885. Jnne7,1887,
oct. 11, 1887, and Noy. 1. 1887,
:n::h~r :HI:oaub~se ~h:otel:dtN,Sp~:ln:. N DON L Y ~~ MANUFACTURERS OF
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erG the '"Publlc.
F THE public stands by us, we will stand by the public, and continue to improve our work as long as we make E'ff'fes This we will prove by the frequency with which letters patent are granted us. Any one watching our business will observe tha t ~ we are granted one or more patents on im provements every sixty or ninety days. It costs money to get out patents; and we have not enough room to use all patent dates Ml on our goods, there must therefore be merit ~ on what we secure patents. Beware of sharks and infringers who sell
goods patent See our .c..a....u...-. tion onwithout last page of thisdates. pamphlet. _.. --...............
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The \jictor5afe and ~ ~:
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KNIGHT & Co.,CINCINNATI: Print., 210 and 212 Elm Street.
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1Jl0 ~up .A~eOJfs. IllS hand-book is meant tor your convenience. Keep ~ it wilh wherever go. In addition to a fnll YOIl
description of the VICTOR SA.FES. it contains some .-aillable statistics and Information, dilllcult to find elsewhere. It will help you to iuterest prospective customers, aud aid you in making sales. The description of our Safes is accurate, the cuts being exact jac .imil~. of the Safes in finish and outline, exceptIn:; that the SMes are much more showy and handsome in the original, where tho colors used in ornamenting show. Closed views show dials. ornamentation of fronts, etc. Open views show perfect arran:;ement of idterior. Prices gi,en herein are onr usual retail prices for Safes.
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delivered in good shipping order on cars at Cincinnati, O. ::===== Agents and Dealers are supplied with confidenUal price-lists and terms. Our retail prices are very much lower than ttlOse of other companies. Our di.count8 to a:;ents and dealers arc" ;;;==_ tho best olTered by any manufacturin:; concern in tho country. This explains why so many dealersoarry our Safes In stock. ::
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This Catalogue is the connecting link between us. Keep It convenient to h::nd. It enables yon to explain intelJigently to yonr customers the great need they have for protection from fire, burglars and sneak thieves, and shows how small an outlay will now provide a first-elass Flre-proot Safe, with Non-Plckable Combination Lock. Hundreds of your customers will buy safes if you eall their attention to
We a.re first to offer a line of Safes direct to the dealers throu:;hout the country, and as we mako a specialty of the sizes reaching the popular elasscs, merchants Invariably find this a hi:;hly profitable d epartment to and to their stocks. W 0 will, on application, furnish to dealers one of thcse haud-books for each clerk in tbeir employ for pocket use. It is not necessary for dealers to carry a stock of sates.
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We keep lin IImple stock finished on hllnd for immediate shipment. One or more samples may La kept to show. Samples cost dealers wholesale prlr.s • . Dealers are al ways supplied with descriptive circulars' and order blanks.
To Whom it May Concern.
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The Victor Safes werein".nted, patented and put onto the market to satisfy an urgent demand heretoforo unsupplied. With the VICTOR we reach a virgiu field, unworked by other companies. This vast territory is practically limitless. 'Ve have made a careful studvof the requirements of the different classes we supply, and furnish Safes specially adapted to each, aud at;-priccs within the reach of all. We cater to the demand coming from the following classes: ])octor., Lawyers, Clergymen, Farmers, Small ])ealers in CitieB, Country Merchants and ])ealer8, Town8hip and CO'unty Official8, School and ChurGh Trw/ees, SOcietie., Lodges ana Building Associations, Postmasters, Butchers, Tailors, Bakers, Conjectioners, etc., etc. 'Vo supply railroad and express companies, and steamboat and steamship companies with treasure boxes. We make a specialty of Safes for household use, and sell fifty Household Safes where a" other companies sell one.
OUR COMPANY is the only Safe company iu the country systematically working foreigu markets, with trade establj"hed in Canada, lIlexico, Central and South America.
We devote a portion of this pamphlet to some Facts and Statistics regarding the value of Safes as protection for ~aIUables,etc .. also give some rare Information of the great Bank Robberies that have been committed in the United States, which will be of Interllslto a".
The Victor Safe and Lock Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO.
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Scientific Safe Making.
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Sectional view of Safe, as manufactured by
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A-Crescent angle frames :Va inch thick; bound to box plates by double counter-sunk rivets every 3 inches. B-Outside box plate bent rounded at all corners, forming top, sides and bottom all in one piece, and boiler riveted under the bottom. (Weare the original inventors of this manner of constructing outside safe shells, and any others made like these are direct imitations of ours.)
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C-N on-conducting; absolutely fire-proof, concrete forming walls. The best known to the safe trade. Will not expand or contract in heat or cold. Our walls are hermetically sealed, and we guarantee our Safes to be entirely free from dampness. ' Our concrete being a natural disinfe~t!mt, the usual bad and disagreeable odor found in fire-proof safes is never found in ou~s. The seams in our safe can not open like those in other safes. D---':Iron sub-treasury box with duplicate flat key lock. E-Interior of Safe. F-Back iron cap of door. G-Air chamber. H-Lock tumblers, spindle and dial. I-Outside door plate. J""':'Exact allowance for expansion in fire. K-Inside iron box or shell. L"':"'Cabinet work of interior, M-Hinges on outside door.
Bolt ~ork ~an not be shown in this view. Bolts enter bolt'holes both front and back. A mechanical eye can see at once that we have reached the highest point of perfection in the construction of
:9111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 L!: 6 THE VICTOR SAFE AND LOCK CO. §
The Vietor Combination Locks, the Latest 1m. proved and Patented.
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We lise the Victor Lo c k s on all of ollr safcs, ana wOllld usc no other. ]n perfecting it, we have marie a careful study of all other makcs and ayolded theoiljeetionablc fcnturesfollnd in them. The principles lnvolnd In We V Icto r are :rear8 III allvance of uthel'8, Limitcd s)lace will allow 118 toeite bllt one pal'ticu)nr feHtl1l'C. Other snfe compnnics. ndvcJ'tise cxtenshely what they call" detached handle. We go milch fllrther. We combine the hnndlc and dial in one. When 0111' safe 18 locked, it has no handle. Nor can It handle. toopcrate holts, be formed by anyone, eXCCI)ting the penon who is entrusted ,yith tile comlunntion of t Ie lock. In forming- the com hi nation to open the
the dial, uftcr bringil1A' the tnmhlfl),s into propel' lIosj~
tion. en~n::rcs the heh'n"jng- disc" wIth the holt lever, anti forms n IJerfect I"'nimen8ion..
OU~8ide, 19 in. high; 12ill:wide; 13 in. deep,! Inslde, 12" H 8 ~~ ,. 8 H H
_ $24 00
135.1b8 •
Sub-treasury, 4x4x8, with duplicate flat keys. Spa('e under sub-treasury, 8x4x8. Book space, 12x4x8. This is our smallest size. We place No. I mostly in bed-chambers and private offices. It is an excellent safe for private paper~. money and jewelry.
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.Apprmmmau Retail Weight. Pri~.
?~~~~i~:e. r~ i,~. hir;h; l~ ~:" w!?e; 19~n de~p.!
- $30.00
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Sub-treasury, 5x4xS, with duplicate flat keys. Space under sub-treasury, 7x4x8. Book space, I2x4x8.
I= =~:_ Shop'f~~~:~{ea:~~~/~~~~le!/h:?d ~;sC:,OI'S, Fal'llle1'S, small
In addition to furnishing ample room for papers, S",_,==:====_ it will take in with ease several books, I 1,% inches high by 8 inches wide.
Our Company is the onl.'1 one f, ~Q'30",.o~
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Value of
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as Protection.
URIl\G the fiscal year ending June 30 , 1886, 586 third, and fourth-class post-offices, having no Safes, were robbed. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1887, 596 post-offices were robbed, 589 having no Safes. (We are now supplying more Victor Safes to post-masters than all other companies combined.) All post-masters are required to give heavy bonds, and it is becomin~ difficult for good men to qualify, unless they have safes. The expense of replacing a single document lost by fire or theft frequently amounts to ten times the cost of a Victor Safe. A fire-proof Safe is the only insurance on valuable papers. The destruction of the records by the burning of Hamilton County Court-House, at Cincinnati, Ohio, March 31St, 188j,will furnish cause for litigation for one hundred years. Fire-proof vaults would have saved them. Thousands of business men carry their valuables on their persons, and their books and papers home from their places of business night after night, offering themselves as targets for foot-pads, because they have never felt able to buy fire-proof safes. The Victor will stop all this. The yearly loss through sneak thieves and housebreakers is estimated ~o be four times as great as the amount lost through bank robberies. To give some definite idea of what this means, we give an accurate list of the great bank robberies that have bee 11 committed in the United States.
;;11 III i 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 is.
~1I111 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ THE VICTOR SAFE AND LOCK CO. ~.-
Great Bank Robberies Commuted In the Unlted states. ~~.
Bowdoinham (Me.) National Bank, June 20, 1866, $75,000.00; Scituate (R. 1.) National Bank, March 25, 1868, $Il,OOO.oo; Blackstone National Bank, Uxbridge, Mass., July 12, 1872, $40,000.00; Saratoga County Bank, Waterford, N. Y., October,1872, $300,000.00; Third National Bank, Baltimore, Md., September, 1872, $140,000.00; Lycoming Insurance Co., Muncy, Pa., 1872, $30,000.00. The last four mentioned were supposed to have been committed by the following expert bank robbers: James McCoy, Tom McCormick, Jim CaBey, Johnny Dodds, Jim Brady Harry Glenn, Ike ]\farsh, Shang Draper, Red Leary, Billy Connor, Thomas Dunlap, and Wm. Scott.
Under the instructions and directions of that most consummate schemer, George Leonidas Leslie, alias Geo. Howard, and the immediate supervison of the prince of bank robbers, Jimmie Hope: Souhegan Nat'l Bank, Milford, N. H., Oct. 20, 1874, $100,000.00; Marion Co., Treasury, Knoxville, Ia., Oct. 10, 1876, $12,000.00: Ream's Bank, Somerset, 0., Dec. IS, 1876, $10,000.00; SO'lth Amana Bank, South Amana, Ia., April 27, 18n. $2,000 00; Keeseville Nat'l Bank, Keeseville, N. Y., July 6, 18n, $227,000.00; Auglaize Co. Treasury, Wapakoneta, 0., Sept. 5. 1878, $40,000.00; Bank of South Pueblo, South Pueblo, Col., March 29, 1878, $5,000.00; Doane's Bank, Canton, Pa., June 4, 1878, $3,000.00; Concordia Savings Bank, Concordia, Mo., August 29, 1878, $4,000.00. THE THREE HOST REHARKABLE ROBBERIES.
S. Kensington Nat'l Bank,Feb. 2, 1871, $100,000.00. Robbed loy James ]\fcCoy, Tom McCormick,Jlm Casey,Johnny Dodds, Jim Brady, Harry Glenn, Ike Marsh and Jim Hope.
Northampton (Mass.) Nat'l Bank, Jan. 27, 1876, $ 1,500,000.00. Robbed by Shang Draper, Red Leary, Billy Connor, James Burnes, George Howard (Leslie), Thos. Dnnlap and Wm.Scott.
Manhatton Savings Bank, New York City Oct. 27, 1878, $3,500,000.00. Robbed by Jimmie Hope, Wm. Kelly, .Abe Cookley, Pete Emerson and John Nugent.
Eighteen robberies footing up the enormous total of $6,099,000.00. In a period of 15 years 75 bank robberies occurred, footing up a total of $15,000,000.00 loss.
15 111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II1Ii.
Help us to Detect and EXI)Ose
E were the originators ot a line of popular safes and locks, and manufacture under patents dated December 29,1885, June 7, 188; Octoberll,l887, and November 1, 1887. Every respectable and legitimate safe company manufactures under letters patent, and their sates show their patent dates. Every fraudulent company sends out its spurious imitations without patent dates, claiming that all good patents on safes have expired, which statement they know to be a malicious falsehood. It is dangerous (0 purchase sates bearing no patent dates. It they infringe other makes, ajudgment against the manufacturers extends to the buyer, seller and user, and they are alike liable for damage3. Our concern is the only legitimate and responsible company ' making a specialtv of Household and Office Safes. No one can compete with us on prices, unless they imitate us. I! any so-called safe company, claiming to make householC) or office safes a speClaltv. offers its safes to you, we will make it greatly to your iuterest to notify us at once. We will furnish you with information of a .tartlin(l nature.
We will positively prosecute to the full extent of the law anyone who makes, buys, selli~, 01' use~ safes infringing our patents.
Victor Safe & Lock Co.