Sussidi bibliografici per i manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Vaticana
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CITTÀ DEL VATICANO BIBLIOTECA APOSTOLICA VATICANA 1970 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.




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1970 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

anastatica Tipo-Litografia D im s.n.c. - M odem 1987 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



Le origini di questo lavoro sono da ricercare nei tempi ormai lontani del cardinale Giovanni Mercati. Il dottissimo Bibliotecario di S.R.C. aveva preso a compilare per suo uso personale una raccolta sistematica di schede bibliografiche concernenti le pubblicazioni di rilievo, le an­ notazioni e anche i semplici riferimenti ai manoscritti greci della Va­ ticana. A quelle schede, con il procedere del tempo, se ne aggiunsero altre, scaturite copiosamente dagli studi e dalle ricerche degli scrittori greci Mons. Robert Devreesse, Prof. Ciro Giannelli e Mons. Paul Canart; quando lo schedario così costituito assunse una ragguardevole con­ sistenza, sorse spontanea l’idea di mettere i frutti di tanto lavoro a disposizione degli studiosi. Su questo spunto, lunghe e meditate discussioni circa la formazione dell’opera condussero alla pubblicazione che presentiamo. Ricordiamo qui con gratitudine che, in riscontro alla comunica­ zione dei nostri progetti, presentata da Mons. P. Canart al 13° Congresso di studi bizantini di Oxford (1966), fecero pervenire suggerimenti e segnalazioni il Prof. Johannes Irmscher e altri membri dell’Accademia di Berlino, M. Petre Nàsturel, M. Pierre Langlois, i RR. PP. Émile de Strycker ed Édouard des Places e il Prof. Ihor Sevcenko. La redazione fu affidata agli scrittori Mons. Paul Canart e dott. Vittorio Peri, ai quali diedero valente concorso con diversi compiti Rita Fazzello, Teresa Korybut-Woroniecka, Rossana Razzola, Anna Capuzzi, Salvatore Lilla, Giovanni Morello, Valentino Romani, Peter Schreiner e Carlo Lattanzi. Applicazione intelligente, ricerche faticose, riscontri sistematici e incessante opera di revisione hanno condotto nel corso di un quinquennio a risultati che, senza pretendersi perfetti, sono certamente utili e ver­ ranno accolti con riconoscenza dagli studiosi dei manoscritti greci della Vaticana. Alfonso Raes , S.J. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



e um iti della presente bibliografia .

Il rigore delle leges, che dall’inizio del secolo regolano la descrizione scientifica dei manoscritti vaticani, prevede e dispone, fra l’altro, l’ade­ guata conoscenza dei titoli bibliografici, i quali utilmente trattino dei codici descritti, sia sotto il profilo paleografico e codicologico sia sotto quello filologico e storico. Il moltiplicarsi di edizioni, di monografie e di riviste, verificatosi negli ultimi decenni ed in costante aumento, ha finito col rendere di fatto inattuabile, almeno con sufficiente presunzione di completezza, lo spoglio preliminare degli studi, che ogni scriptor resta tenuto a segnalare e a valutare criticamente, nel presentare ciascun codice del fondo manoscritto da descrivere. Si aggiunga il ritmo, di necessità misurato, con cui sono apparsi ed appaiono i cataloghi stampati dei codici vaticani. Ampie sezioni dei fondi, non ancora investite dall’esame sistematico, rimanevano finora prive di qualsiasi indicazione bibliografica, abbastanza generale e di comoda accessibilità, per quanti dovessero occuparsi di manoscritti in esse compresi e desiderassero qualche preliminare notizia circa le pub­ blicazioni esistenti, che, sotto i vari profili specialistici e spesso per accidens, già avessero preso in considerazione i codici stessi: indagine troppo dispersiva ed incerta perchè ogni singolo studioso potesse, volta per volta, dedicarvisi con profitto. Da tali pratiche costatazioni è nata, alcuni anni or sono, l’idea di impostare la presente raccolta di schede bibliografiche concernenti i manoscritti greci dei fondi custoditi nella Biblioteca Vaticana. Concepito come sussidio, funzionale e materiale, non critico e non definitivo, il lavoro presentava fin dall’origine, agli occhi di chi lo impostò e ne as­ sunse la cura, delle esigenze condizionanti e dei limiti inevitabili. Da un lato non poteva trascurarsi lo spoglio completo delle mag­ giori collezioni di testi critici, delle principali edizioni particolari, delle monografie filologiche fondamentali dedicate ai singoli autori, delle ri­ viste suscettibili di contenere più facilmente indicazioni sui codici, di - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



articoli, di raccolte, di cataloghi speciali, delle pubblicazioni celebrative 0 commemorative dedicate a personalità insigni nel campo della filo­ logia, della paleografia, della codicologia, della storia e critica dei testi greci. La ferma intenzione di rendere presto accessibile un consistente sussidio di lavoro, per sua stessa natura aperto ad innumerevoli ac­ crescimenti, renderà comprensibile perchè il preliminare lavoro di spo­ glio, che per la vastità e la peculiarità del settore affrontato e per la destinazione al comune servizio non aveva altro precedente, fosse ef­ fettuato di preferenza sul non comune patrimonio bibliografico della Biblioteca Vaticana ed arrestato di regola alle pubblicazioni apparse nel corso del 1967. D’altro canto, mirando ad una realizzazione relativamente sol­ lecita del disegno, era giocoforza abbandonare subito l’ambizione, o meglio la velleità, di una completezza assoluta della bibliografia da spogliare: la mole stessa della materia- e la sua dispersione nelle sedi più impensate ed impensabili la mostrava concretamente irraggiungibile, tanto per il passato, quanto, e più ancora, per il presente. Inoltre la deliberata rinuncia ad un intervento critico, che superasse in qualche modo la disposizione delle schede nell’ordine numerico di segnatura dei codici e, per ciascun manoscritto, riportasse in forma sintetica le cita­ zioni reperite, disponendole in una triplice serie alfabetica (autori o editori, riviste, miscellanee e studi collettivi), ha escluso di proposito il vaglio del contenuto inerente ad ogni singola informazione biblio­ grafica offerta. Non sarà quindi raro veder migrare la stessa indicazione, concernente un manoscritto, aH’interno della medesima scheda; neppure tale ripetizione, necessaria dato il criterio abbracciato, sarà però del tutto inutile allo studioso, che potrà, se non altro, servirsene, per rico­ struire le tappe esterne e salienti dell’interesse suscitato da quel codice nella ricerca scientifica precedente. Opera incompleta, quindi, la presente, e provvisoria per. defini­ zione: di proposito e per necessità pratica. Nel confessarlo apertamente, 1 suoi curatori restano tuttavia convinti, per esperienza, della sua stru­ mentale opportunità. Per questo, può anche sperarsi, coerente con l’ori­ ginaria sua fisionomia, opera non inutile e non inadatta a rendere servizio agli specialisti di disparate discipline, i quali in numero cre­ scente continuano ad attingere al tesoro culturale manoscritto, conser­ vato e studiato per comune utilità dalla Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


II. R egole


adottate nella compilazione.

All’interno della scheda dedicata ad ogni codice le citazioni sono raccolte in tre successivi paragrafi, ciascuno distinto con un a capo: libri, riviste, miscellanee ed opere anonime. 1. Libri. I volumi spogliati si indicano in forma abbreviata: a) cognome dell’autore della pubblicazione o dell’editore di un testo, in carattere maiuscoletto, senza ulteriore specificazione in caso di cognomi identici; b) una parola, o, più di rado, alcune parole riprese dal titolo integrale, in carattere tondo; c) il numero delle pagine, eventualmente preceduto da quello del volume in cifre romane. 1/ordine di disposizione è quello alfabetico dei cognomi. Per le particelle nobiliari, che talvolta li precedono, ci si è adeguati alle regole di catalogazione in uso nella Biblioteca Vaticana. Nel caso in cui dei cognomi coincidano in citazioni successive, subentra l’ordine alfabetico dei titoli abbreviati. Si aggiungano alcune osservazioni particolari: Al fine di evitare contrasti stridenti di grafia si sono a volte uni­ ficate alcune particolarità ortografiche, quali, ad esempio, l’Umlaut o la traslitterazione di qualche cognome dai caratteri greci e emiliani originari a quelli latini. Nella citazione delle pagine si è indicato con sg. (= seguente, se­ guenti) e •passim l’estendersi della menzione del codice per due o più pagine, oppure il ripetersi del suo ricorso nel luogo indicato. Si sono inoltre impiegate le sigle: col. (= colonna); n. (= nota); nr. (= numero), come indicazione supplementare più comoda di quella della pagina per certi repertori; fig. (= figura) e tav. (== tavola). Una nota unica e non numerata la si è indicata convenzionalmente come n. 0. ha sigla cit. err., compresa tra parentesi, segnala l’individuazione ed introduce la correzione di una citazione errata individuata dai curatori nel libro esaminato. Per delle opere, la cui natura lascia dubitare, se debbano classificarsi come libro o come numeri speciali di rivista, si dirà qualche parola nel paragrafo seguente. 2. Riviste. Uè riviste vengono citate, in carattere corsivo, o con il titolo com­ pleto, se questo è composto di un solo vocabolo, o con una sigla; se­ - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



guono, sempre in cifre arabiche, il tomo, l’anno e la pagina; quindi, tra parentesi, è riportato il cognome dell’autore dell’articolo. Esso viene omesso nel caso in cui si tratti di una recensione, di un annuncio bi­ bliografico o di una rassegna di riviste. Quando invece un articolo ap­ pare pubblicato senza il nome dell’autore, lo si contraddistingue con la parola anonimo, inclusa tra parentesi, anche se il nome risultasse altri­ menti noto. 1/ordine di disposizione osservato in modo stretto, è quello alfabetico delle sigle e dei titoli. Si aggiunga, come osservazione parti­ colare, che all’indicazione costante del tomo, con quella eventuale della serie (= S.), fa seguito tra parentesi l’anno della rivista, mentre in alcune occasioni si è reso indispensabile rinviare anche al numero del fascicolo (fase.). Il problema della distinzione tra libri e riviste nasce con una certa frequenza per gli Atti delle Accademie. Si è allora abbracciato il se­ guente criterio di discriminazione: allorché un’opera appare munita di una numerazione autonoma, essa è stata considerata come un libro. Delle ragioni pratiche hanno saltuariamente consigliato di scostarsi della regola prescelta: così l’esigenza di non mutare il sistema per una me­ desima serie di Atti oppure l’uso, universalmente invalso per certi re­ pertori, di citarli con i nomi dei loro autori (ad esempio: Brandis per i codici aristotelici, Karo-Lietzmann per le catene bibliche, ecc.). Gli ar­ ticoli ripresi dalle enciclopedie sono stati considerati come libri. 3. Miscellanee ed opere anonime. Sono raccolti sotto tale classificazione gli scritti in onore di qualche singolo studioso o delle opere collettive oppure anonime. De miscellanee celebrative sono disposte secondo l’ordine alfabetico dei cognomi delle persone, alle quali furono dedicate. Tutti i titoli sono stati abbreviati, in modo convenzionale, alla stessa stregua, e cioè facendo precedere dalla sigla Misceli. (= miscellanea) il cognome del destinatario degli studi contenuti nell’opera. I volumi anonimi o citati come tali per l’elevato numero degli autori si trovano invece inseriti nella lista, seguendo l’ordine alfabetico delle parole scelte come rinvio abbreviato. Alle opere anonime vere e proprie si sono parimenti assimilate delle opere collettive, alcune raccolte di studi fatti per ricorrenze o per argomenti speciali, dei cataloghi collettivi (ad esempio quelli dei mano­ scritti di alchimia e di archeologia), degli Atti di Congressi e, infine, alcuni repertori, che è parso più semplice includere in questa sezione - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



(per esempio: la prima e la terza edizione della Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca). Le corrispondenti sigle sono state adottate con il medesimo criterio. Gli autori dei singoli contributi, ad eccezione di quelli di cataloghi collettivi specialmente noti, vengono citati tra parentesi dopo l’indi­ cazione della pagina. Abbreviazioni più comunemente usate: cit. err. = citazione errata col. = colonna fase. = fascicolo fìg. = figura Misceli. = miscellanea III. P rincipali

n. = nota nr. = numero S., N.S. = serie, nuova serie sg. = seguente, seguenti tav. — tavola

strumenti per lo studio dei manoscritti greci


All’inizio della bibliografia di ogni fondo si è ritenuto opportuno segnalare i cataloghi e gli inventari, stampati e manoscritti, relativi a quel fondo e intenzionalmente omessi nel lavoro di spoglio. Per tre fondi — Patetta, Boncompagni Ludovisi, Ferrajoli — l’esiguità nu­ merica dei manoscritti greci ha finora limitato la bibliografia a qualche saggio informativo, esplorativo e catalografico. Questi contributi, inse­ riti tra gli altri fondi, sarebbero risultati di difficile o quantomeno disa­ gevole reperimento: tale è il motivo per cui essi sono qui inseriti in un elenco generale dei fondamentali strumenti di accesso ai manoscritti greci della Biblioteca. Non sono stati invece presi in considerazione i lavori relativi a quei testi greci che sporadicamente si incontrano all’in­ terno dei grandi fondi manoscritti latini della Biblioteca Vaticana. Codici

greci dell ’Archivio di

S an P ietro

P. Canart, Catalogue des manuscrits grecs de l’Archivio di San Pietro (Studi e Testi, 246), Città del Vaticano 1966. Codici B arberiniani

Cataloghi S.



Ricci, Liste sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliotheca Barberina, Revue des Bibliothèques, 17 (1907) 81-125.

de - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



V. Capocci, Codices BarberianianiGraeci, I: Codices 1-163 (Bybl. Apost. Vat. codices manuscripti recensiti), in Bybliotheca Vaticana 1958. Inventari


Inventarium codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Barberinae, re­ dactum et digestum a D. S. P ieralisi, I-II. (Sala Cons. Mss. 376-377). Index codicum manuscriptorum Graecorum et Orientalium Biblio­ thecae Barberinae, redactus et digestus cura et studio R. D. S. P ik b at,tst, I-V. (Sala Cons. Mss. 169-173). Codici Boncompagni-E udovisi

P. Can apt , Deux manuscrits hagiographiques dans le fonds Boncom­ pagni-Eudovisi, Analecta Bollandiana, 87 (1969) 105-108 [Boncom­ pagni-Eudovisi A 9, B 4]. Codici Borgiani


d e ' Cavalieri, Codices Graeci Chisiani et Borgiani (Bybl. Apost. Vat. codices manuscripti recensiti), Romae 1927.

P. F ranchi

Codici Chigiani


d e ’ Cavalieri, Codices Graeci Chisiani et Borgiani (Bybl. Apost. Vat. codices manu scripti recensiti), Romae 1927.

P. F ranchi

Codici F errajoli

F. A. Berra , Codices Ferrajoli, III: Codices 737-977 (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices manu scripti recensiti), in Bibliotheca Vaticana 1960, p. 190-191 [Ferrajoli 830]. E. F ollieri, D’originale greco di una leggenda in slavo su san Pietro, Analecta Bollandiana, 74 (1956) 115-130 [Il codice Ferrajoli 830 è largamente utilizzato]. Codici Ottoboniani


E. F eron - F. Battaglimi, Codices manuscripti Graeci Ottoboniani Bibliothecae Vaticanae (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices manuscripti re­ censiti), Romae 1893. Codici P alatini


H.Stevenson sr . , Codices manuscripti P alatini Graeci Bibliothecae Vatica­

nae (Bibi. Apost. Vat. codicibus manuscriptis recensita), Romae 1885. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



Codici P atetta

P. Canart, Trois manuscrits grecs dans le fonds Patetta de la Biblio­ thèque Vaticane, Scriptorium, 16 (1962) 363-365 [Patetta gr. 1-3]. P. Canart, Deux autres manuscrits grecs dans le fonds Patetta de la Bibliothèque Vaticane, Scriptorium, 19 (1965) 293-296 [Patetta gr. 4-5], Codici

greci di


H. Stevenson sr ., Codices manuscripti Graeci Reginae Svecorum et Pii PP. II Bibliothecae Vaticanae (Bibi, apost. Vat. codices ma­ nuscripti recensiti), Romae 1887. Codici Regxnensi


H. Stevenson sr ., Codices manuscripti Graeci Reginae Svecorum et Pii PP. II Bibliothecae Vaticanae (Bibi. Apost. Vat. codices ma­ nuscripti recensiti), Romae 1887. Codici R ossiani


C. Van de Vorst, Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften der Bi­ bliotheca Rossiana, Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, 23 (1906) 492508, 537-550. E. Goeeob, Medizinische griechische Handschriften des Jesuitenkolle­ giums in Wien (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften in Wien, 158. Bd., 5. Abhand.), Wien 1908. E. Goelob, Die griechische Literatur in den Handschriften der Rossiana in Wien (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philos.-Histor. Klasse, 164. Bd., 3. Abhand.), Wien 1910. Codici U rbinati


C. Stornajolo, Codices Urbinates Graeci Bibliothecae Vaticanae (Bibi. Apost. Vat. codices manuscripti recensiti), Roma 1895. Codici Vaticani




Vat. gr. 1-329. I. Mercati - P. F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Codices Va­ ticani Graeci, I: Codices 1-329 (Bybl. Apost. Vat. codices manu scripti recensiti), Romae 1923. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



Vat. gr. 330-603. R. D evreesse , Codices Vaticani Graeci, II: Codices 330-603 (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices manu scripti recensiti), in Bi­ bliotheca Vaticana 1937. Vat. gr. 604-866. R. D evreesse , Codices Vaticani Graeci, III: Codices 604-866 (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices manu scripti recensiti), in Bi­ bliotheca Vaticana 1950. Vat. gr. 1485-1683. C. Gianneeei, Codices Vaticani Graeci: Codices 1485-1683 (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices manu scripti recensiti), in Bibliotheca Vaticana 1950. Vat. gr. 1684-1744. C. Giannelli - P. Canart, Codices Vaticani Graeci: Codices 1684-1744 (Bybl. Apost. Vat. codices manu scripti recensiti), in Bybliotheca Vaticana 1961. Vat. gr. 1745-1962. P. Canart, Codices Vaticani Graeci: Codices 17451962 (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices manu scripti recensiti), I-II, in Bibliotheca Vaticana [in corso di stampa].



Vat. gr. 1-992. Inventarium Graecorum codicum manu scriptorum a I/. P ortio Scriptore Graeco descriptum, I-II. (Sala Cons. Mss. 321-322). Vat. gr. 1-1484. Auctorum et materiarum index librorum Graecorum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae veteris Vaticanae . . . confectus ab 111. D. R. Aeaccio, scriptus a R. P ortio eiusdem Bibliothecae Scriptore Graeco, I-III. (Sala Cons. Mss. 41-43). Vat. gr. 1-1484. Initia operum, sermonum tractatuum etc., quae in voluminibus manuscriptis Graecis Bibliothecae Vaticanae conti­ nentur, excerpta et exarata a R. P ortio anno MDCRXXI. (Vat. gr. 2520, ora in Sala Cons. Mss. 43 A). Vat. gr. 993-2160. Inventarium codicum Vaticanorum Graecorum 993-2160. (Sala Cous. Mss. 323). Vat. gr. 1963-2123. Codices olim Basiliani seu Collegii S. Basilii de Urbe, nunc Vat. Gr. 1963-2123. Inventarium et index rerum, annis 1697-1699 confecta. (Sala Cons. Mss. 44). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



Vat. gr. 1963-2053. Codices Vaticani Graeci 1963-2053, seu pars co­ dicum olim Collegii S. Basilii de Urbe Inventarium post annum 1786 confectum. (Sala Cons. Mss. 326). Vat. gr. 2161-2253. Codices manu scripti Graeci Columnenses, nunc Vat. Gr. 2161-2253. Index R. Vernazza manu scriptus. (Sala Cons. Mss. 327). Vat. gr. 1501-2402. Inventarium codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae a 1501 ad 2402 . . . confectum a I. Cozza-Buzi. (Sala Cons. Mss. 324). In fine è sembrato utile indicare anche una raccolta su schede manoscritte di «initia», ripresi da edizioni di testi, da cataloghi e da codici, per lo più Vaticani : G. Mercati - R. D evreesse - C. Gianneeei, Initia Graeca, I-X (Sala Cons. Mss. 255). P. Canart e V. P eri - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

V' - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. l£


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III. OPERE COLLETTIVE ED ANONIME - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.



= Collection des Universités de France publiée sous le p atro­ nage de l’Association Guillaume Budé. B B = Collection byzantine publiée sous le patronage de l’Associa­ tion Guillaume Budé. B O = Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis. GCS = Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten [drei] Jahrhunderte. SC = Sources chrétiennes. T = Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Rom anorum Teubneriana. TU = Texte u nd U ntersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen L iteratur. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Abei,, Orphica = Orphica, ed. E. Abei, (Bibi, script. Graec. e t Rom., ed. C. Schenkl), Lipsiae-Pragae 1885.

Abei,, Scholia recentia = E. Abee , Scholia recentia in Pindari Epinicia, I: Scholia in Olympia et P ythia, Budapestini-Berohni 1891. Abee , Scholia vetera = E. A bee , Scho­ lia v etera in P indari N em ea e t Isthm ia, Berolini 1884.

Acheeis, Acta — H. Acheeis , A cta SS. Nerei e t Achillei (TU X I, 2), Leipzig 1893.

Acheeis , Canones = H. Acheeis, Die ältesten Quellen des orientalischen K irchenrechtes, I : Die Canones H ip­ polyti (TU VI, 4), Leipzig 1891.

Acheeis , Hippolytstudien = H. AcheEIS, H ippolytstudien (TU X V I, 4), Leipzig 1897.

Acheeis - F eemming, Quellen — H · A cheeis - J . F eemming, Die älte­ sten Quellen des orientalischen K ir­ chenrechts, II: Die syrische Didaskalia (TU XX V , 2), Leipzig 1904.

AdeER, Lexicon = Suidae Lexicon, ed. A. AdeER (Lexicographi Graeci, I), I-V, Lipsiae 1928-1938.

Adeer , Suidas =

A. AdeER, a r t .: Suidas, in Paulys Real-Fncyclopädie der d ass. Altertumswiss., 2. Reihe, 4. Bd., S tu ttg a rt 1931.

Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1 = Bu­ colicorum Graecorum Theocriti, Bio­ nis, Moschi reliquiae, accedentibus incertorum idylliis, ed. H. L. Ah ­ rens , I-II, Lipsiae 1855-1859.

Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae2 = Bu­


Akakiqs, Leontos logoi

= Λέοντος τοϋ σοφού Πανηγυρικοί λόγοι, ed. ’Α κ ά κ ι ο ς Ι ε ρ ο μ ό ν α χ ο ς , έν Άθήναις 1868.

Aeand, Liste = Κ. Aeand , K urzge­ fasste Liste der griechischen H and­ schriften des Neuen Testam ents (Arbeiten zur N eut. Textforschung, 1), Berlin 1963.

Aebers , Lucianus — L u d an i quae fertur Demosthenis laudatio, F. Aebers , Lipsiae 1910.


Aedick , Athenaeus = C. Aedick , De A thenaei Dipnosophistarum epito­ mae codicibus Erbacensi, Laurentiano, Parisino, Monasterii Guestfalorum 1928.

Aeexander , Oracle = P. J. AeExanDER, The Oracle of Baalbek, the Ti­ burtine Sibyl in Greek Dress (Dum­ b arton Oaks Studies, X), W ashing­ to n 1967.

Ae Exanderson, Galenos = Galenos, Περί κρίσεων, ed. B. AEEXANDERSON (Studia Gr. et L at. Gothoburgensia, 23), Göteborg 1967.

AEEXANDERSON, Prognostiken — B. AeExanderson, Die hippokratische Schrift Prognostikon (Studia Gr. et L at. Gothoburgensia, 17), Göteborg 1963.

Aeean, Aristoteles — Aristotelis De caelo libri quattuor, ed. D. J. Aeean (BO), Oxonii 1936.

AeeEN, Homerus — Homeri Opera, ed. T. W. AEEEN (BO), III-V, Oxonii 1951-1954.

AEEEN, Prolegomena



Hom eri Ilias, I: Prolegomena, Oxo­ nii 1931.

colicorum Graecorum Theocriti, Bio­ nis, Moschi reliquiae, accedentibus incertorum idylliis, ed. H. L. Ah RENS (T), Lipsiae 18872.

AeeEN - H aeeiday - Sikes , Homeric

Ahrens - K rüger , Zacharias Rhetor = K. Ahrens - G. K rüger, Die sogenannte Kirchengeschichte des Zacharias Rhetor (T), Leipzig 1899.

A eein e , Platon = H. A eein e , Histoire du tex te de Platon (Bibl. de l’École des H autes Études. Sciences hist, et philol., 218), Paris 1915.

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B ern ard ak is - B oigar

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Bodin - R omilly (de ), Thucydide

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E lenco dei libri


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B ronzini - C anivet


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Elenco dei libri

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C. P. Caspari,

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C antarella - C onsbruch

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E lenco del lib ri

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Creuzer , Commentarii = P ro d i Suc­ cessoris in Platonis Alcibiadem Prio­ rem Commentarii, ed. F. Creuzer , Francofurti ad Moenum 1820.

Creuzer , Institutio = Procli Succes­ soris Platonici In stitu tio theologica, ed. F. Creuzer , Francofurti ad Moenum 1822.

Creuzer , Olympiodorus = Olympiodori In Platonis Alcibiadem priorem commentarii, ed. F. Creuzer , F ran ­ cofurti ad Moenum 1821.

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Cambridge 1899.

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siae 1897.

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C onsbruch - Da R ios

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D ain , Problemata — Leonis VI Sa­ pientis Problem ata, ed. A. Dain (Nouv. Collect. de textes et docu­ ments), Paris 1935.

Dain , Sylloge = Sylloge Tacticorum, quae olim « Inedita Leonis Tactica » dicebatur, ed. A. Dain (Nouv. Collect. de textes et documents), Paris 1938.

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du tex te d ’Héron de Byzance (Col­ lection d ’É tudes anciennes), Paris 1933.

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D aremberg -

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D a R ios , Aristoxenus — Aristoxeni E lem enta harmonica, ed. R. . D a R ios (Script. Acad. Lynceorum), Romae 1954.

2 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Elenco dei libri


Darkó, Demonstrationes

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De F aeco, Iperide = Iperide, Le ora­ zioni in difesa di Eussenippo e con­ tro Atenogene, ed. V. D e F aeco (Coll, di Studi greci d iretta da V. De Falco, 8), Napoli, 1947.

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V. DE F aeco,

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Serai, Berlin-Leipzig 1933. Anecdota Atheniensia (Bibl. de la Faculté de Philosophie e t Lettres de l’Univ. de Liège, 36, 88), I-II, Liège-Paris 1927-1939. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

D arkó - De S im eon i


DEBATTE,, Herbarius = A. DEEATTË,

DEEEHAYE, Synaxarium = Synaxa-

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D e Marco, Scholia minora = Scholia m inora in Homeri Iliadem, I, 1, ed. V. DE Marco, Typis polyglottis V aticanis 1946. DE Marco, Scholia Sophoclis — Scho­ lia in Sophoclis Oedipum Coloneum, ed. V. D e Marco, Romae 1952.

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D e Simeoni, Animadversiones = F. A. DE Simeonibus, Specimen anim adversionum in Triodium edi­ tionis Venetae apud Nicolaum Glychi anno 1712, I-II, Romae 1721. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Elenco dei libri


DES PLACES, Diadoque = Diadoque de Photicé, Couvres spirituelles, ed. É. DES Pi,ACES (SC 5ter), Paris 1966. DES PLACES, Jamblique = Jam blique, Les m ystères d ’É gypte, ed. É. des P eaces (B), Paris 1966. DES P eaces, Platon = Platon, Œ uvres

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Deubner , Iamblichus = Iam blichi De v ita pythagorica liber, ed. L. Deub ­ ner (T), Lipsiae 1937. DEVREESSE, Antioche = R. DEVREESSE, Le p a tria rc at d ’Antioche depuis

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D e W aed, Illustrations = E. D e W aed, The Illustrations in the Ma-


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d es P la c e s - D indorf

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DiEES, Handschriften — H. Diels , Die H andschriften der antiken Ärz­ te, I (Abhandl. k. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Philos.-hist. K l„ 1905, 3); I I (id., 1906, 1); 1. N achtrag (id., 1907, 2), Berlin 1905-1907.

Diels , Prorrheticum = Galeni In Hippocratis Prorrheticum I etc., ed. H. Dieks - I. Mewaldt - I. H eec (Corpus Med. Gr., V 9, 2), Lipsiae Berolini 1915.

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E lenco d ei lib ri


D indorf , Polybius = Polybii Historia, ed. E. Dindorf (T), III-IV , Eipsiae 1867-1868.

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MEYER (T), Eipsiae 1907. DmiTri Evskij , T ypika

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D onnet, Traité


D. D onneT, Ee

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D indorf - Dujöev

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D üring , Porphyrios

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Düring - Owen , Aristotle and Plato


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D ufour, Aristote = Aristote, R héto­ rique, ed. M. D ufour (B), I-II, Paris 1932-1938.

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Medioevo — I. Duj&EV, Medioevo bizantino-slavo, I (Storia e letteratu ra, 102), Rom a 1965. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Elenco dei libri

DUMORTIER, Cohabitations =

Saint Je a n Chrysostome, Les cohabita­ tions suspectes, Comment observer la virginité, ed. J . Dumortier (Nouv. Collect, de textes e t documents), Paris 1955.

D umorTIER,

A Théodore = Jean Chrysostome, À Théodore, ed. J. D umortier (SC 117), Paris 1966.

D urand (de ), Deux Dialogues — Cy­ rille d ’Alexandrie, Deux dialogues christologiques, ed. G. M. de D u­ rand (SC 97), Paris 1964.

Durrbach, Lycurgue

— Lycurgue, Contre Léocrate, Fragm ents, ed. F. D urrbach (B), Paris 1932.

DVORNIK, Photian Schism = F. Dvornik , The P hotian Schism. H istory and Legend, Cambridge 1948.

E genoeff, Prolegotnena = P. E ge ­ noeff , Prolegomena in anonymi gram m aticae 1876.



E hrhard, Überlieferung = A. E hr hard, Überlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homile­ tischen L iteratur der griechischen Kirche von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jah rh underts (TU L-LI1), I-III, Leipzig 1937-1952.

E ichhoez, Theophrastus = Theophra­ stus, De lapidibus, ed. D. E. E ich ­ holz, Oxford 1965. E eeopoueos, Stoudios — N. X. E l EoPOUEOS, Ή βιβλιοθήκη καί το βιβλιο­ γραφικόν έργαστήριον της μονής των Στουδίου, ’Αθήναι 1967. E emseie, M ishna = W. A. L. E emSEIE, The Mishna on Id olatry 'Abo-

da Zara (Texts and Studies, V III, 2), Cambridge 1911.

E berhard , Fabulae = Fabulae R o­ manenses Graece conscriptae, I, ed. A. E berhard , Lipsiae 1872.

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EBERSOET, M iniature = J. E bERSOET, L a m iniature byzantine, Paris-Bruxelles 1926.

E dEESTEIn , Sammlung = L. E del ­ stein , Περί άέρων und die Sammlung der hippokratischen Schriften (Pro­ blem ata, 4), Berlin 1931. EGENOEFF, Epitoma = Anonymi G ram m aticae epitom a, ed. P. EGEnoeff , I-II, Berolini-Strassburg 1877-1889.

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E genoeff, Orthographische Stücke = P. E genoeff , Die orthographischen Stücke der byzantinischen L ittera tu r (Program m des gr. Gymna­ siums Heidelberg, 1887/88), Leipzig 1888.

E eTER, Dialogi — Io. K atrarii Herm odotus et Musocles dialogi, ed. A. E eTER, Bonnae 1898.

E eter , Epictetus

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E merEAU, Ephrem =


Saint E phrem le Syrien, son oeuvre littéraire grecque (Études critiques de litt, et de philol. byz.), Paris 1918.

E mminger, Studien I = K. E mminGER, Studien zu den griechischen

Fürstenspiegeln, I: Zum άνδριάς βασι­ λικός des Nikephoros . Blemmydes (Programm des k. MaximiliansGymnasiums, 1905-1906), München 1906.

E mminger, Studien I I = K. E mmin­ ger , Studien zu den griechischen Fürstenspiegeln, I I : Die sp ätm it­ - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

D u m ortier - F esta telalterliche Übersetzung der Demonicea; I I I : Βασιλείου κεφάλαια πα­ ραινετικά (Program m des k. LuitpoldGym nasium s in München, 19121913), München 1913.

E ngberding , B asileiosliturgie = H. E ngberding , Das eucharistische


F arina , Senofane = Senofane di Co­ lofone. Ione di Chio, ed. A. F arina (Coll, di Studi greci d iretta da V. De Falco, 34), Napoli 1961.

Farina , Silloge = A. F arina , Silloge pseudofocilidea (Coll, di Studi greci d iretta da V. De Falco, 37), Napoli 1962.

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F arina , Versi = A. F arina, I versi

E ngei,brecht, Hephaestion = A. Ε ν GELBRECHT, H ephaestion von The­

aurei di Pitagora (Coll, di Studi greci d iretta da V. De Palco, 35), Napoli 1962.

ben und sein astrologisches Compen­ dium, W ien 1887.

E rbes , Todestage


C. E rbes , Die

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F echT, Theodosius = Theodosii De

Theosophie = H. E rbse , Fragm ente griechischer Theosophie (H am burger A rbeiten zur A lter­ tumswissenschaft, 4), H am burg 1941.

habitationibus liber, De diebus et noctibus libri duo, ed. R. FECHT (Abhandl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen. Philol.-hist. Kl., N .F., X IX , 4), Ber­ lin 1927.

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F'ELTEN, Rhetores = Rhetores graeci,

E rbse ,

E rmerins , Anecdota =-- Anecdota medica Graeca, ed. F. Z. E rmerins , Lugduni B atavorum 1840.

EUSTRATIADES, Gregorius Cyprius — Γρηγορίου του Κυπρίου, οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου, ΈπιστολαΙ καί μϋθοι, ed. S., EUSTRATIADES, έν ’Αλεξάνδρειά 1910.

EUSTRATIADES, Michael Glycas = Μι­ χαήλ του Γλυκά, Εις τάς άπορίας τής θείας γραφής κεφάλαια, ed. S. EUSTRA­ TIADES (Βιβλιοθήκη Μαρασλή), Ι-ΙΙ, έν Άθήναις 1906-1912.

F arina , [pponatte — Ipponatte, ed. A. F arina (Coll, di Studi greci d ire tta da V. De Falco, 41), Napoli 1963.

X I: Nicolai Progym nasm ata, ed. I. F elten (T), Lipsiae 1913.

FELTOE, Dionysius — The Letters and O ther Remains of Dionysius of Ale­ xandria, ed. C. L. F eltoe (Cambridge P atristic Texts), Cambridge 1904.

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F esta, Iamblichus =

Iam blichi De com m uni m athem atica scientia liber, ed. N. F esta (T), Lipsiae 1891. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

E lenco dei lib ri


FESTA, Lascaris =

Theodori Ducae Lascaris E pistulae CCXVII, ed. N. F esta (Pubbl. del R. Ist. di S tu ­ di superiori pratici e di perfezio­ nam ento in Firenze, sez. di Filos, e L ett.), Firenze 1898.

F laceliÈre - Chambry - J uneaux , Plutarque = Plutarque, Vies, ed. R.

F laceliÈre - É. Chambry - M. J uneaux (B), I-IV , Paris 1957-1966. F lach, Hesiodus

FESTA, Mythographi = M ythographi

= Hesiodi quae feruntur Carmina, ed. I. F lach (T), Lipsiae 1878.

Graeci, I I I , 2: P alaephati Περί απί­ στων, ed. N. F esta (T), Lipsiae 1902.

F lach, Hesychius — Hesychii Milesii

F estugièr E, Hippocrate

= H ippo­ crate, L ’ancienne médecine, ed. A. J . FESTUGIÈRE (É tudes et Com­ m entaires, 4), Paris 1948.

qui fertur De viris illustribus librum, ed. I. F lach (T), Lipsiae 1880.

F lach, Synesius = Synesii episcopi H ym ni metrici, ed. J. F lach, T ubingae 1875.

F estugièr E, Historia Monach. = H i­ storia M onachorum in Aegypto, ed. A. J . F estugièr E (Subsidia hagiographica, 34), Bruxelles 1961.

FESTUGIÈRE, Révélation — A. J. F estugièr E, L a révélation d ’H er­ mès Trismégiste, I: L ’astrologie et les sciences occultes (É tudes bibli­ ques), Paris 1944.

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F icker , Eutherius



F icker ,

E utherius von Tyana, Leipzig 1908.

F i Eud, Chrysostomus = Joannis Chrysostomi, archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, Hom iliae in M atthaeum , III, ed. F. F i EUD, Cantabrigiae 1839.

F ischer , Diodorus = Diodori Biblio­ theca historica, ed. C. T. F ischer (T), IV-V, Lipsiae 1906.

F ischer - F ranchi

de ’


Codex Urbinas — Claudii Ptolem aei Geographiae codex U rbinas Grae­ cus 82, ed. J . F ischer - P. F ranchi DE’ Cavalieri (Codices e Vaticanis selecti, 19), I-ÌV , Lugduni B ata­ vorum -Lipsiae 1932.

F lach, Théogonie

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F lach, Violarium = Eudociae Augu­ stae Violarium, ed. I. F lach (T), Lipsiae 1880.

F leischer , Untersuchungen = U. F leischer , U ntersuchungen zu den pseudohippokratischen Schriften Πα­ ραγγελίας Περί ίητροϋ und Περί εύσχημοσύνης (Neue deutsche Forschungen, Abt. Mass. Philol., 10), Berlin 1939.

FLEMMING, Henoch = J. F lEMMing , Das Buch Henoch. Aethiopischer T ext m it Einleitung und Commmenta r (TU X X II, 1), Leipzig 1902.

F lemming - R adermacher, Henoch = Das Buch Henoch, ed. J. F lem ­ ming - L. R adermacher (GCS), Leipzig 1901.

F loeri - N auTin , Homélies = Hom é­ lies pascales, I I I : Une homélie anatolienne sur la date de Pâques en l’an 387, ed. F. F loËRI - P. N auTin (SC 48), Paris 1957.

FoERSTER, Achilleus = Achilleus und Polyxena. Zwei DeM amationen des Choricius, ed. R. FoERSTER, Leipzig 1882.

F oERSTER, Brumalia = Duae Choricii F lacELIÈRE, Dialogue = P lutarque, Dialogue su r l’amour, ed. R . F lace LIÈRE (Annales de l’Univ. de Lyon, 3e série, L ettres, 21), Paris 1953.

in Brum alia Iustiniani e t de Lydis orationes, ed. R. FoERSTER (Pro­ gram m Breslau, 1891-1892), typis officinae U niversitatis 1891. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

F esta F OERSTER, Libanius = Libam i Opera, ed. R. FoERSTER (T), I-X II, Lìpsiae 1903-1927.

F oERSTER, M iltiadis oratio = Choriciana M iltiadis oratio, ed. R. FoER­ STER (Program m Breslau, 1892-1893), typis officinae U niversitatis 1892.

F oERSTER, Orationes nuptiales = Duae Choricii Orationes nuptiales, ed. R. F oERSTER (Program m Breslau, 1891), ty p is officinae U niversitatis 1891.


F rick

logus codicum hagiographicorum Graecorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae, Bruxellis 1899.

F ranchi

d e ’ CavadiERI, Codex = Cassii Dionis Cocceiani H istoriarum R om anarum lib. L X X IX . L X X X quae supersunt codex V aticanus Graecus 1288, ed. P. F ranchi d e ’ CavadiERI (Codices e Vaticanis se­ lecti phototypice expressi, 9), Lip­ siae 1908.

F ranchi F oERSTER, Physiognomonici = Scrip­ tores physiognomonici Graeci e t L a­ tini, ed. R. F oERSTER (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1893.

d e ’ CavadiERI, Constantiniana — P. F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, C onstantiniana (Studi e Testi, 171) C ittà del V aticano 1953.

F oERSTER, Zambeccari = R. F oERSTER,

F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, Hagiographica = P. F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri,

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FOERSTER - RlCHTSTEIG, Choricius = Choricii Gazaei Opera, ed. R . FoER­ STER - E). R ichtsteig (T), Lipsiae

F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, M a rtin i = P. F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, I m ar­


F oddiERI, Teseida = Il Teseida neo­ greco, libro I, ed. F. F oddieri

tin i di s. Teodoto e di s. Ariadne, con u n ’appendice sul testo originale del m artirio di s. Eleuterio (Studi e Testi, 6), Rom a 1901.

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F ranchi d è ’ Cavadieri, Note — P. F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, Note agio­

F oucatjeT (d e ), Nicandre = Nicandre

grafiche (Studi e Testi, 8, 9, 22, 24, 27, 33, 49, 65, 175), I-IX , Città del V aticano 1902-1953.

de Corcyre, Voyages, ed. J.-A . de F oucaui/ t (Nouv. Collect, de textes et docum ents), Paris 1962.

F oucaudT (de ), Strategemata = Stra­ tegemata, ed. J.-A. DE F oucauet (Nouv. Collect, de textes et docu­ ments), Paris 1949. F raenked , Aeschylus — Aeschylus, Agamemnon, ed. E. F raenked , I-III, Oxford 1950.

sio ss. M ariani e t Iacobi (Studi e Testi, 3), R om a 1900.

F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, Scritti = P. F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, S critti agiografici (Studi e Testi, 221-222), I-II, C ittà del Vaticano 1962.

F ranchi

F ranked, Argonautica

= Apollonii R hodii Argonautica, ed. H. F ran­ ked (BO), Oxonii 1961.

F ränked, Einleitung

F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, Passio = P. F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, La Pas­

H. F ränked,

Einleitung zur kritischen Ausgabe der A rgonautika des Apollonios (Abhandl. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen. Philol.-hist. K l., I I I . F „ 55), G öt­ tingen 1964.

F ranchi d e ’ CavadiERI, Catalogus — P. F ranchi d e ’ CavadiERI, Cata-

d e ’ Cavadieri

- Lietzmann,

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F rankENBERG, Clementinen = W. F rankenberg , Die syrischen Cle­ m entinen m it griechischem Parallelte x t (TU X L V III, 3), Leipzig 1937. FRICK, Chronica — Chronica minora,

ed. C. F rick (T), I, Lipsiae 1893. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


E lenco dei lib ri

F riedeänder , Gemäldezyklus = S p ät­ antiker Gemäldezyklus in Gaza. Des Frokopios von Gaza "Excppaai? eìxóvo?, ed. P. F riedeänder (Stu­ di e Testi, 89), C ittà del V aticano 1939.

F riedeein , Pediasimus = Die Geome­ trie des Pediasimus, ed. G. F ried EEIN, Ansbach 1866. F riedeein , Proclus = P ro d i Diadochi

Gaisford , Choeroboscus

= Georgii Choerobosci D ictata in Theodosii Canones, necnon Epimerismi in Psalmos, ed. T. Gaisford, I-1II, Oxonii 1842.

GaeeavoTTI, Saffo = Saffo e Alceo, Testimonianze e fram m enti, ed. C. Gaeeavotti (Coll, di Studi greci di­ re tta da V. De Falco, 10, 15), I-II, Napoli 1947-1948.

In prim um Euclidis Elem entorum librum com m entarii, ed. G. F ried EEin (T), Lipsiae 1873.

Gaeeavotti, Theocritus = Theocritus

F ritz , Synesios — W. F ritz , Die han d ­

Gaeeay, Lettres — P. Gaeeay, Les

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F uchs, Schulen

= F. F uchs, Die höheren Schulen von K o n stan ti­ nopel im M ittelalter (Byz. Archiv, 8), Leipzig-Berlin 1926.

F uhr , Demosthenes = Orationes, ed. Lipsiae 1914.


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F riedländer - Gerke

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E lenco dei lib ri


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T. Gomperz,

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GÜNTHÖR, Dialoge


A. GünThör,

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G rabar - H arnack

Guieeand , Correspondance — Corres­ pondance de Nicéphore Grégoras x ed. R. Gtouand (BB), Paris 1927’

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— F. H aekin , Euphém ie de Chalcédoine. Légen­ des byzantines (Subsidia hagiogra­ phica, 41), Bruxelles 1965.

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H aekin , Vitae =

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H aeEER, Iovinianus - W. H aeeER, Iovinianus. Die Fragm ente seiner Schriften, die Quellen zu seiner Ge­ schichte, sein Leben und seine Lehre (TU X V II,2), Leipzig 1897.

H aeeier , Untersuchungen = L. H aeEIER, Untersuchungen über die Edessenische Chronik (TU IX , 1), Leipzig 1892.

H aem, Fabulae = Fabulae aesopicae collectae, ed. C. H aem (T), Lipsiae 1934.

H ammer, Rhetores = Rhetores Graeci ex recognitione L. Spengel, I, ed. C. H ammer (T), Lipsiae 1894.

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H arnack, Altercatio = A. H arnack, Die A ltercatio Simonis Iudaei et Theophili Christiani, nebst U nter­ suchungen über die antijüdische Polemik in der alten Kirche (TU I, 3, pp. 1-136), Leipzig 1883.

H arnack, Analecta = A. H arnack, Analecta zur ältesten Geschichte des Christentum s in Rom (TU X X V III, 2), Leipzig 1905.

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Die Überlieferung der griechischen Apologeten des 2. Jah rh underts in der alten Kirche und im M ittelalter (TU I, 1-2), Leipzig 1882.

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H arnack, Briefe

— A. H arnack, Ü ber verlorene Briefe und Actenstücke die sich aus der Cyprianischen Briefsammlung erm itteln las­ sen (TU X X III, 2), Leipzig 1902.

H arnack, Bruchstücke = A. H ar­ nack, Bruchstücke des Evange­ liums und der Apokalypse des Pe­ tru s (TU IX , 2), Leipzig 1893.

H arnack, De aleatoribus = A. H ar­ nack, Der pseudocyprianische T ractat De aleatoribus (TU V, 1), Leipzig 1888.

H arnack, Diatessaron = A. H arnack, Die A cta Archelai und das D iates­ saron T atians (TU I, 3, pp. 137153), Leipzig 1883.

H arnack, Diodor


A. H arnack,

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H arnack, Edict = A. H arnack, Das E dict des Antoninus X III, 4), Leipzig 1895.



H arnack, Ertrag1 =

A. H arnack, D er kirchengeschichtliche E rtrag der exegetischen Arbeiten des Orí­ genes (I. Teil: H exateuch und Richterbuch). — Die Terminologie der W iedergeburt und verw andter Erlebnisse in der ältesten Kirche (TU X L II, 3), Leipzig 1918.

H arnack, Ertrag 2 = A. H arnack,

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H arnack, K ritik

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H arnack, Leben

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H arnack, Lehre = A. H arnack, Die Lehre der zwölf Apostel nebst U n­ tersuchungen zur ältesten Geschich­ te der K irchenverfassung und des K irchenrechts (TU II, 1-2), Leip­ zig 1893.

H arnack, Marcion


A. H arnack,

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H arnack, Pistis-Sophia — A. H ar­ nack, Über das gnostische Buch Pistis-Sophia. Brod und Wasser: die eucharistischen Elem ente bei Ju stin . Zwei U ntersuchungen (TU V II, 2), Leipzig 1891.

D er kirchengeschichtliche E rtrag der exegetischen A rbeiten des Orígenes (II. Teil: Die beiden Testam ente m it Ausschluss des H exateuchs und des Richterbuchs) (TU X L II, 4), Leipzig 1919.

H arnack, Psalmbuch — A. H ar­ nack. E in jüdisch-christliches Psalm ­

H arnack, Fälschungen = A. H ar­ nack, Die Pfaff’schen Irenäus-Frag-

H arnack, Quellen = A. H arnack,

m ente als Fälschungen Pfaff’s nach­ gewiesen. Miscellen zu den apostoli­ schen V ätern, den A cta Pauli, Apel­ les, dem M uratorischen Fragm ent, den Pseudocyprianischen Schriften und Claudianus M am ertus (TU X X , 3), Leipzig 1900.

H arnack, Johannesbrief = A. H ar­ nack, Über den d ritten Johannes­ brief (TU XV, 3), Leipzig 1897.

buch aus dem ersten Jah rh u n d ert (TU X X X V , 4), Leipzig 1910. Die Quellen der sogenannten apo­ stolischen K irchenordnung nebst einer U ntersuchung über den U r­ sprung des L ectorats und der ande­ ren niederen W eihen (TU II, 5), Leipzig 1886.

H arnack, Rede = A. H arnack, Ist die Rede des Paulus in A then ein ursprünglicher B estandteil der Apostelgeschichte? — Judentum und - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

H arnack Judenchristentum in Ju stin s Dialog m it T rypho (TU X X X IX , 1), Leip­ zig 1913.

H arnack, Schriften = A. H arnack, Drei wenig beachtete Cyprianische Schriften und die « A cta P a u li» (TU X IX , 3), Leipzig 1899.

H arnack, Sixtus I I = A. H arnack, Eine bisher nicht erkannte Schrift des Papstes Sixtus II. vom J a h ie 257/8. Zur Petrusapokalypse. PatristischeszuL uc. 16,19 (TU X III, 1), Leipzig 1895.

H arnack, Studien

A. H arnack,

Neue Studien zu Marcion X LIV , 4), Leipzig 1923.


H ayduck


H arnack, Urkunde = A. H arnack, Die A kten des K arpus, des Papylus und der Agathonike, eine U rkunde aus der Zeit M. Aurel’s (TU III, 3-4, pp. 435-465), Leipzig 1888.

H arnack, Vorwurf = A. H arnack, Der Vorwurf des Atheismus in den drei ersten Jah rh underten (TU X X V III, 4), Leipzig 1905.

H arnack - Vischer , Offenbarung = A. H arnack - E. Vischer , Die Offenbarung Johannis als eine jü ­ dische Apokalypse in christlicher Bearbeitung nachgewiesen (TU II, 3), Leipzig 1886.

H art, Vitae = G. H art, De Tzet-

A. H arnack,

zarum nomine, vitis, scriptis, Lipsiae 1880.

Die H ypotyposen des Theognost (TU X X IV , 3), Leipzig 1903.

H atch, M anuscripts = W. H. P. H atch,

H arnack, Theonas = A. H arnack,

The Principal Uncial M anuscripts of the New Testam ent, Chicago 1939.

Der gefälschte Brief des Bischofs Theonas an den O verkam m erherrn Lucian (TU X X IV , 3), Leipzig 1903.

H atzfecd, Xénophon = Xénophon, Helléniques, ed. J. H atzfeed (B),

H arnack, Theognost


I-II, 1936-1939.

H arnack, Theophilus = A. H arnack, Der angebliche .Evangeliencommenta r des Theophilus von Antiochien (TU I, 4, pp.' 97-175), Leipzig 1883.

H arnack, Traktat

A. H arnack,


Der pseudocyprianische T ra k ta t De singiuaritate clericorum, ein W erk des donatistischen Bischofs Macrobius in R om (TU X X IV , 3), Leipzig 1903.

H arnack, Überlieferung = A. H ar­ nack, Die Überheferung u nd der B estand der altchristlichen L ittera tu r bis Eusebius (Geschichte der altchristlichen L itte ra tu r bis Euse­ bius, I, 1-2), Leipzig 1893.

H arnack, Überlieferungsgeschichte = A. H arnack, Zur Uberlieferungs­ geschichte der altchristlichen L itte­ ra tu r (TU X II, 1), Leipzig 1894.

H arnack, Übersetzung


A. H arnack,

Die griechische Ü bersetzung des Apologeticus T ertullian’s. Medicinisches aus der ältesten K irchen­ geschichte (TU V III, 4), Leipzig 1892.

H aupt, Carmen = Carmen Graecum de viribus herbarum , ed. M. H aupt (Program m Berlin, 1873-1874), Berolini 1873.

H aury, Procopius = Procopii Caesa­ riensis Opera omnia, ed. J. H aury, add. et corr. adiecit G. W irth (T), I-IV , Lipsiae 1963-1964.

H ausraTh , Corpus = Corpus F abu­ larum aesopicarum, ed. A. Hausrath, ed. alteram curaverunt H. H unger et H. H aas (T), I, 1-2, Lipsiae 1957-1959. H auTSCH, Origenes = E. H auTSCH, Die Evangelienzitate des Origenes (TU X X X IV , 2a), Leipzig 1909.

H ayduck, Asclepius =

Asclepii In Aristotelis M etaphysicorum libros A-Z commentaria, ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., VI. 2), Berolini 1888.

H ayduck, Categoriae = Anonymi In Aristotelis Categorias paraphrasis, ed. M. H ayduck (Comm, in Arist. Gr., X X III, 2), Berolini 1883. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

E lenco dei lib ri


H ayduck, De anima = Ioannis Phi-

H ayduck, Sophonias

loponi In Aristotelis De anim a li­ bros com m entaria, ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., XV), Berolini 1897.

= Sophoniae I n libros Aristotelis De anim a para­ phrasis, ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. m Arist. Gr., X X III, 1), Berolini 1883.

H ayduck, De generatione = Ioannis

H ayduck, Stephanus = Stephani In

Philoponi (Michaelis Ephesii) In li­ bros De generatione anim alium com­ m entaria, ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. in A rist. Gr., X IV , 3), Berolini 1903.

H ayduck, De partibus — Michaelis Ephesii In libros De partibus ani­ malium, De anim alium motione, De anim alium incessu com m entaria, ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X X II, 2), Berolini 1904.

H ayduck, Ethica = Michaelis Ephesii In librum quintum E thicorum Nicomacheorum com m entarium , ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X X II, 3), Berolini 1901.

H ayduck, Eustratius = E u stratii In A nalyticorum posteriorum librum secundum com m entarium , ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X X I, 1), Berolini 1907.

librum Aristotelis De interp reta­ tione comm entarium , ed. M. H ay­ duck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X V III, 3), Berolini 1885.

H eath , Aristarchus


T. H eath ,

A ristarchus of Samos, the Ancient Copernicus, Oxford 1913.

H eath , Transcription = D. E. H eath , A Transcription and Description of M anuscript V atican Greek 2061 (Gre­ gory 048), s.l. 1965.

H eck (van), Orationes =

Gregorii Nysseni De pauperibus am andis ora­ tiones duo, ed. A. van H eck , Leiden 1964.

H eeg , Erga — J. HEEG, Die ange­ blichen orphischen "Εργα καί ήμέραι, München 1907.

H egermann, Vorstellung = Η. HEDie Vorstellung vom Schöpfungsm ittler im hellenistischen Ju d en tu m und U rchristentum (TU L X X X II), Berlin 1961. GERMANN,

H ayduck, Metaphysica = Alexandri Aphrodisiensis In Aristotelis M eta­ physica com m entaria, ed. M. H ay­ duck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., I), Berolini 1891.

H ayduck, Meteorologica =

A lexan­ dri In Aristotelis Meteorologicorum libros com m entaria, ed. M. H ay­ duck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., I I I , 2), Berolini 1899.

H ayduck, Philoponus = Ioannis Philoponi In Aristotelis Meteorologico­ rum librum prim um com m enta­ rium , ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X IV , 1), Berolini 1901.

H ayduck, Sim plicius — Simplicii In libros Aristotelis De anim a com­ m entaria, ed. M. H ayduck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X I), Berolini 1882.

H ayduck, Sophistici elenchi = Ano­ nym i In Aristotelis Sophisticos elen­ chos paraphrasis, ed M. H ayduck (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X X III, 4), Berolini 1884.

H eiberg , Apollonius Pergaeus = Apol­ lonii Pergaei Quae Graece exstant, ed. J. L. H eiberg (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1891-1893. HEIBERG, Archimedes =

Archimedis Opera omnia, cum commentariis Eutocii, ed. J . L. H eiberg (T), I-III, Lipsiae 1910-1915*.

H eiberg , Astronomica = Claudii P to ­ lemaei Opera astronom ica minora, ed. J. L. H eiberg (T), Lipsiae 1907. HEIBERG,

De analemmate =

J. L.

H eiberg , Ptolem äus, De analem ­ m ate (Abhandl. zur Mathem., 7), s.l. s.d.


H eiberg , Definitiones


= Heronis Alexandrini Opera quae supersunt omnia, IV : Heronis Definitiones cum variis collectionibus. Heronis quae feruntur Geometrica, ed. J . L. H eiberg (T), Lipsiae 1912. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

H ayduck - H eisen berg

H eiberg , Elementa = Euclidis Ele­ m enta, ed. I. L. H eiberg (T), I-V, Lipsiae 1883-1888.

H eiberg , Hippocrates == H ippocratis Opera, I, 1, ed. I. L . H eiberg (Corpus Med. Gr., I Berolini 1927.

1), Lipsiae-

HEIBERG, Logica — Anonymi Logica e t quadriuium , cum scholiis a n ti­ quis, ed. J . L. H eiberg (Det Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selskab. Hist.filol. Meddelelser, XV, 1), Kobenh av n 1929.

HEIBERG, Mathematici — M athem atici Graeci minores, ed. J . L. H eiberg (D et Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selskab. Hist.-filol. Meddelelser, X III, 3), K obenhavn 1927.

H eiberg , Om Scholierne = J. L. H e i ­ berg , Om Scholierne til Euklids Elem enter (Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., 6. Raekke, Hist.-philos. Afd., II, 3), K jobenhavn 1888.

H eiberg , Optica = Euclidis Optica. O pticorum recensio Theonis. Catoptrica, ed. I. L. H eiberg (T), Lipsiae 1895.

H eiberg , Paulus Aegineta — Paulus Aegineta, ed. I. L. H eiberg (Cor­


berg (Abhandl. Ges. Wiss. G öttin­ gen. Philol.-hist. Kl., N .F., X IX , 3), Berlin 1927.

H eid e , Theodula = W. H eid e , Das M artyrium der hl. Theodula (For­ schungen zur Volkskunde, 40), Mün­ ster 1965.

HEIKEE, Beiträge =


K ritische Beiträge zu den Constantin-Schriften des Eusebius (TU XXXVI, 4), Leipzig 1911.

H eikee , Constantin = Eusebius W er­ ke, I: Über das Leben Constantins. Constantins Rede an die heilige Ver­ sammlung. Tricennatsrede an Con­ stantin, ed. I. A. H eikee (GCS), Leipzig 1902.

HEIKEE, Demonstratio Evangelica = Eusebius W erke, VI: Die Demon­ stratio Evangelica, ed. I. A. HEI­ KEE (GCS), Leipzig 1913.

H eimbach, Anecdota = ’Ανέκδοτα, I, ed. G. E. H eimbach, Lipsiae 1888. HEinrici , Erklärung = C. F. G. H ein rici , Des Petrus von Laodicea E rklärung des M atthäusevangelium s (Beiträge zur Geschichte und E r­ klärung des N.T., V), Leipzig 1908.

pus Med. Gr., IX 1-2), I-II, Lipsiae-Berolini 1921-1924.

HEinrici , Hinterlassenschaft = C. F.G. HEinrici , Aus der H interlassen­

HEIBERG, Serenus = Sereni Antinoensis Opuscula, ed. I. L. H eiberg

schaft des Petrus von Laodicea (Beiträge zur Geschichte und E r­ klärung des N.T., III, 2), Leipzig 1905.

(T), Lipsiae 1896.

H eiberg , Sim plicius = Simplicii In Aristotelis De caelo com m entaria, ed. I. L. H eiberg (Comm. in Arisi. Gr., V II), Berolini 1894.

H eiberg , Stereometrica

= Heronis Alexandrini Opera quae supersunt omnia, V: H eronis quae feruntur Stereom etrica e t De mensuris, ed. J . L. H eiberg (T), Lipsiae 1914.

H eiberg , Syntaxis = Claudii P tole­ m aei S yntaxis m athem atica, ed. J . L. H eiberg (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1898-1903.

Eiberg , Theodosius =

Theodosius Tripolites, Sphaerica, ed. J . L. H e i -

H eintze , Roman = W. H eintze , Der Klem ensrom an und seine griechi­ schen Quellen (TU XL, 2), Leipzig 1914.

H einze , Themistius = Them istii In Ubros Aristotelis De anim a para­ phrasis, ed. R. H einze (Comm. in Arist. Gr., V, 3), Berolini 1899.

H eisenberg , Curriculum

— Nicephori Blemmydae Curriculum vitae et carmina, ed. A. H eisenberg (T), Lipsiae 1896.

H eisenberg , Georgius Acropolita


Georgii Acropolitae Opera, ed. A. H eisenberg (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1903. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Elencp dei libri

H eisenberg , Nicolaus Mesarites = Nikolaos Mesarites, Die P alastre­ volution des Johannes Komnenos, ed. A. H eisenberg (Program m des K. G ym nasium s zu W ürzburg, 19061907), W ürzburg 1907.

HEEEMANN, Pseudo-Cyprianus = S. HEEEMANN, Pseudo-Cyprianus, De X I I abusivis saeculi (TU X X X IV , 1, pp. 1-62), Leipzig 1909. H eem , Eusebius = Eusebius Werke, V II: Die Chronik des Hieronymus, ed. R. HEEM (GCS), Berlin 1956.

H eem , Hippolytus = H ippolytus W er­ ke, IV: Die Chronik, ed. R. HEEM (GCS), Berlin 1955.

HEEMREICH, De temperamentis - Ga-

H enry , Photius = Photius, Biblio­ thèque, ed. R. H enry (BB), I-IV, Paris 1959-1965.

H enry - Schwyzer, Opera = PIotini Opera, I, ed. P. H enry H . R. Schwyzer (Museum Lessia­ num , Series philos., Bruxelles 1951.



H enry -

Schwyzer, Plotinus = Plotini Opera, ed. P. H enry - H. R. Schwyzer (BO), I, Oxonii 1964.

HENSE, Rufi reliquiae = C. Musonii Rufi reliquiae, ed. O. HENSE (T), Lipsiae 1905. HENSE, Teletis reliquiae = Teletis reliquiae, ed. O. HENSE, Tubingae 19092.

leni De tem peram entis libri III, ed. G. HEEMREICH (T), Lipsiae 1904.

HENTZE, Ilias — H om eri Ilias, ed. C. ’ HENTZE (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1928-1930'.

H eemreich , De usu partium = Galeni

HENTZE, Odyssea = Hom eri Odyssea, ed. C. H entze (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1889-18915.

De usu partium libri X V II, ed. G. H eemreich (T), I-II, Lipsiae 19071909.

H eemreich , Meletius = G. H eem­ reich , H andschriftliche Studien zu

HERCHER, Decades — A stram psychi Oraculorum decades CH I, ed. R.

H ercher , B erolini 1863.

Meletius (Abhandl. k. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Philos.-hist. Kl., 1918, 6), Berlin 1918.

H ercher , Erotici — Érotici scriptores Graeci, ed. R. H ercher (T), I-II,

H emmerdinger, Thucydide = B. H emmerdinger , Essai sur l’histoire

H ercher , Fragmenta = Claudii Aeliani

du te x te de Thucydide (Collection d ’É tudes anciennes), Paris 1955.

H ennecke , Apologie = E. H en ­ necke , Die Apologie des Aristides. Recension u n d R ekonstruktion des Textes (TU IV, 3), Leipzig 1893.

H ennephof , Homiliar = H. H enne phof , Das H om iliar des P a tria r­ chen Neilos und die chrysostomische Tradition, Leiden 1963.

H enry , États = P. H enry , É tudes lotiniennes, I: Les états du tex te e Plotin (Museum Lessianum, Sect. philos., 20), Paris 1938.

H enry , Manuscrits


P. H enry ,

É tudes plotiniennes, I I : Les m anus­ crits des Ennéades (Museum Les­ sianum, Sect. philos., 21), Paris 1941.

Lipsiae 1858-1859. V aria historia, Épistolae, Fragm enta, ed. R. H ercher (T), Lipsiae 1866.

H ercher , Historia = Claudii Aeliani V aria historia, ed. R. HERCHER (T), Lipsiae 1887.

H ercher , Natura = Claudii Aeliani De n a tu ra anim alium libri X V II, ed. R. H ercher (T), Lipsiae 1864.

H ercher , Prodromus

= Theodori Prodrom i Catomyoinachia, ed. R. H ercher (T), Lipsiae 1873.

HERGENROETHER, Entalma = E ntalm a Graecum patrum spiritualium of­ ficium describens, ed. J. HERGENROETHER, W irceburgi 1865.

HERGENROETHER, Monumenta — Mo­ num enta Graeca ad Photium eiusqüe historiam pertinentia, ed. J. HERGENROETHER, R atisbonae 1869. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

H eisen b erg - H oeck

H ergenroether , Mystagogia = Photii C onstantinopolitani Liber de Spi­ ritu s Sancti m ystagogia, ed. J . H ergenroether , R atisbonae 1857.

H ergenroether , Photius — J. H er ­ genroether , Photius, P atriarch von Constantinopel, I-III, Regensburg 1867-1869.

H ermann, Gorgias, = Platonis Gorgias, Meno, ed. C. P. H ermann (T), Lipsiae 1949.

H ermann, Plato = Platonis Dialogi secundum T hrasylli Tetralogias di­ spositi, ed. C. F. H ermann (T), II-V I, Lipsiae 1877-1887.

H er TEEIn , Iulianus = Iuliani im pe­ ratoris Quae supersunt, p raeter reli­ quias apud Cyrillum, omnia, ed. F. C. H er Tgein (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1875-1876.


P ernot , Poèmes


Poèmes prodrom iques en grec vul­ gaire, ed. D. C. H esseeing - H. PERNOT (Verhand. K. Akad. Wetensch. A m sterdam . Afd. L ett., N .R., X I, 1), A m sterdam 1910.

HEUSSI, N ilus = K. HEUSSI, U nter­ suchungen zu Nilus dem Asketen (TU X L II, 2), Leipzig 1917.

H eyebut , Aspasius — Aspasii In E th i­ ca Nicom achea quae supersunt com­ m entaria, ed. G. H eyebut (Comm, in Arist. Gr., X IX , 1), Berolini 1889.

HEYEBUT, Eustratius = E u stratii et Michaelis e t anonym a In E thica Nicom achea com m entaria, ed. G. H eyebut (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X X ), Berolini 1892.

H eyebut , Heliodorus = Heliodori In


H icks, Aristotle

= Aristotle, De anima, ed. R. D. H icks , Oxford, 1907.

H ieberg , Macrembolites = E usthathii Macrembolitae Protonobilissimi De Hysmines e t H ysm iniae amoribus libri X I, ed. I. H ieberg , Vindo­ bonae 1876.

H iegard, Canones = Theodosii Ale­ xandrini Canones. Georgii Choerobosci Scholia. Sophronii Patriarchae Alexandrini Excerpta, ed. A. H ie ­ gard (Grammatici Graeci, IV, 1-2), Lipsiae 1889-1894.

H iegard, Excerpta =

E xcerpta ex libris H erodiani Technici, ed. A. H iegard (Program m des Heidel­ berger Gymnasiums 1886/87), Lip­ siae 1887.

H iegard, Scholia = Scholia in Diony­ sii Thracis Artem gram m aticam , ed. A. H iegard (Grammatici Graeci, I, 3), Lipsiae 1901.

H ieka , Beiträge =

A. H ieka , Bei­ träge zur lateinischen Erzählungs­ literatu r des M ittelalters (Abhandl. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen. Philol.-hist. Kl., N. F., X X I, 3), Berlin 1928.

H il EER, Beiträge = E. HiEEER, Bei­ träge zur Textgeschichte der grie­ chischen Bukoliker, Leipzig 1888. HiEEER, Theon = Theonis Smyrnaei, philosophi platonici, Expositio re­ rum m athem aticarum ad legendum Platonem utilium , ed. E. HiEEER (T), Lipsiae 1878.

H inck , Polemon = Polemonis Decla­ m ationes quae ex stan t duae, ed. H. H inck (T), Lipsiae 1873.

E th ica Nicomachea paraphrasis, ed. G. H eyebut (Comm, in Arist. Gr., X IX , 2), Berolini 1889.

H obein , Philosophumena = Maximi Tyrii Philosophumena, ed. H. H o­ bein (T), Lipsiae 1910.

HEYSE, Abhängigkeit — M. HEYSE*

H oche, Nicomachus Gerasenus = Ni-

Über die A bhängigkeit einiger jü n ­ gerer Aeschines-Handschriften (Pro­ gram m Bunzlau, 1903-1904), Bunzlau 1904.

HEYSE, Reden — M. HEYSE, Die h and­ schriftliche Überlieferung der Reden des Aeschines, I: Die H andschriften der ersten Rede, Ohlau 1912.

comachi Geraseni Pythagorei In ­ troductionis arithm eticae libri II, ed. R. H oche (T), Lipsiae 1866.

H oeck - L oenertz, Nektarios = J. M. H oeck - R. J. L oenertz, Nikolaos N ektarios von O tranto A bt von Casole (Studia patr. e t byz., 11), E tta l 1965. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Elenco dei libri


ZunTZ, Prophetologium — Prophetologium, ed. C. HÒEG G. Zun TZ (Monum. Musicae Byz. Lectionaria, I, 1-5), H auniae 19391962.

H oermann - Seidl , Tipucitus — M. to O Tt7toóxsiTOi;, Li­ brorum L X Basilicorum sum m a­ rium , X X IV -L X , ed. S. H oermann - E. Seidl ( S tudi e Testi, 107, 179, 193), I-III, C ittà del V aticano 1943-1957.


H oerSCHELMANn , Scholia

= Seim­ ila H ephaestionea altera, ed. W. H oerschelmann, D orpati Livonorum 1882.

H offmann, Dialog

H ofmann, Costantinopoli = G. H of­ mann, Il vicariato apostolico di Costantinopoli (Orientalia christian a analecta, 103), R om a 1935.

H ofmann, Naxos =

G. H ofmann, Vescovadi cattolici della Grecia, IV : N axos (Orientalia Christiana ana­ lecta, 115), R om a 1938.

H ofmann,

Rom = G. H ofmann, Rom und der Athos (Orientalia Christiana analecta, 142), Rom a 1954.

H ofmann,

Syros = G. H ofmann, Vescovadi cattolici della Grecia, I I I : Syros (Orientalia Christiana analecta, 112), R om a 1937.

H ofmann,

Thera = G. H ofmann, Vescovadi cattolici della Grecia, V: Thera (Orientalia Christiana analecta, 130), R om a 1941.

H ofmann,

Tinos = G. H ofmann, Vescovadi cattolici della Grecia, II: Tinos (Orientalia Christiana analec­ ta , 107), R om a 1936. Inventio 1889.


(GCS), I-III, Leipzig 1915-1933.

H oll, Fragmente = K. H oll, Frag­ m ente vom icänischer K irchenväter aus den Sacra parallela (TU X X , 2), Leipzig 1899.

H oll, Parallela — K. H oll, Die Sacra parallela des Johannes Damascenus (TU XV I, 1), Leipzig 1897. H oll , Überlieferung = K. H oll , Die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Epiphanius (Ancoratus und P ana­ rion) (TU X X X V I, 2), Leipzig 1910.

M. H offmann,


D er Dialog bei den christlichen Schriftstellem der ersten vier Jah rh underte (TU XCVI), Berlin 1966.

H oedER, Inventio

H oll, Epiphanius = Epiphanius (Ancoratus und Panarion), ed. K. H oll


A. H oldER,



H oldER, Herodotus — H erodoti H i­ storiae, ed. A. H oldER (Bibl. script. Graec. e t Rom., ed. C. Schenkl), I-II, Lipsiae 1886-1888.

H olTZ,

Christologie = T. H olTz, Die Christologie der Apokalypse des Johannes (TU LXX X V ), Berlin 1962.

H omburg, Apocalypsis = Apocalypsis Anastasiae, ed. R. H omburg (T), Lipsiae 1903.

H omEYER, L ukian =

Lukian, Wie m an Geschichte schreiben soll, ed. H. H omEYER, München 1965.

H onigmann, Mémoires = E. H onig­ mann, Trois mémoires posthum es d ’histoire e t de géographie de l’O­ rien t chrétien (Subsidia hagiographica, 35), Bruxelles 1961.

H onigmann, Studies = E. H onigmann, Patristic Studies (Studi e Testi, 173), C ittà del Vaticano 1953.

H oppmann, Catenae = O. H oppmann, De catenis in Proverbia Salomonis codicibus V aticano Graeco 1802 et Berolinensi Phillippico Graeco 1412 traditis, Jenae 1911.

H orna, Analekten



H orna,

A nalekten zur byzantinischen Lite­ ra tu r (Jahresbericht des k. k. So­ phiengymnasiums in W ien 1904/ 1905), Wien 1905.

H orna, Stücke = K. H orna, Einige unedierte Stücke des Manasses und Italikos (Jahresbericht des k. k. Sophiengymnasiums in W ien 1901/ 1902), Wien 1902. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

H öeg - Ideler

H orst (van van


der ), Vers d'Or = P. C. H orst, Les Vers d ’or

pythagoriciens, Ley de 1932.

H ubert , Plutarchus = P lutarchi Mo­ ralia, IV, V I 1, ed. C. H ubert (T), Lipsiae 1938, 1954.

H ubert - P ohlENZ - Drëxi.ER, P lu­ tarchus = P lutarchi Moralia, V, 1, 3, ed. C. H ubert - M. P oheenz H. Drexler (T), Lipsiae 1960.

H ude , Anabasis = X enophontis E x ­ peditio Cyri, ed. C. H ude (T), Lipsiae 1931.

H ude , Avetaeus — Aretaeus, ed. C. H ude (Corpus Med. Gr., II), Berolini 1958.

H ude , Commentarii — X enophontis Commentarii, ed. C. H ude (T), Lipsiae 1934.

H ude , Comm. Thucyd. = C. H ude , Com m entarii critici ad Thucydidem pertinentes, H auniae 1888.

H ude , Herodotus = H erodoti H isto­ riae, ed. C. H ude (BO), I-II, Oxonii 1951.


H ultsch, Autolycus = Autolyci De sphaera quae m ovetur liber. De ortibus e t occasibus libri duo, ed. F. H ultsch (T), Lipsiae 1885.

H ulTSCH, Collectiones = Pappi Alexan­ drini Collectiones quae supersunt, ed F. H ulTSCH, I-III, Berolini 18751878.

HULTSCH, Metrologici = Metrologicorum scriptorum reliquiae, ed. F. H ulTSCH (T), I-II, Lipsiae 18641866.

H ulTSCH, Reliquiae — Heronis Alexan­ drini Geometricorum et Stereometricorum reliquiae, ed. F. H ultsch, Berolini 1864.

H ultsch, Scholien — Scholien zur Sphaerik des Theodosios, ed. F. H ultsch (Abhandl. k. Sächs. Ges. Wiss. Philol.-hist. Kl., 10, p. 381446), Leipzig 1888.

H umbert, Homère = Homère, Hym­ nes, ed. J. H umbert (B), Paris 1936.

H umbert - Gërnet , Démosthène =

H ude , Lysias = Lysiae Orationes, ed. C. H ude (B.O), Oxonii 1952.

Démosthène, Plaidoyers politiques, II, ed. J. H umbert - L. Gernet (B), Paris 1959.

H ude , Scholia — Scholia in Thucydi­ dem, ed. C. H ude (T), Lipsiae 1927.

H unGER, Prooimion = H. HUNGER,

H ude , Thucydides 1890 = Thucydidis H istoriarum libri V I-V III, ed. C. H ude , H auniae 1890.

H ude , Thucydides 1898-1901 = T hu­ cydidis H istoriae, ed. C. H ude , I-II, Lipsiae 1898-1901.

H ude , Thucydides 1913-25 = T hucy­ didis H istoriae, ed. C. H ude (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1913-19252.

H ug , Commentarius = Aeneae Com­ m entarius poliorceticus, ed. A. H ug (T), Lipsiae 1874.

Prooimion. Elem ente der byzantini­ schen Kaiseridee in den Arengen der U rkunden (Wien. Byzantinist. Studien, 1), W ien 1964.

H uschke, Institutiones = Imp. Iustiniani Institutionum libri quattuor, ed. P. E. H uschke (T), Lipsiae 1868.

H ussey , Historia = Socratis Schola­ stici Ecclesiastica historia, ed. R. H ussey , I-III, Oxonii 1853.

H uxley , Anthemius


G. L. H uxley ,

A nthem ius of Tralles, Cambridge, Mass. 1959.

H ug , Expeditio = X enophontis E x ­ peditio Cyri, ed. A. HuG (T), L ip­ siae 1891.

H ug , Institutio — X enophontis In sti­ tu tio Cyri, ed. A. H ug (T), Lipsiae 1883.

I deler , Physici = Physici et medici Graeci, ed. I. L. I deler , I-II, Berolini 1841-1842. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Elenco dei lib ri

IivBERG, Soranus = Soranus, ed. I. I eberg (Corpus Med. Gr., IV), Eipsiae-Berolini 1927.

Paris 1963.

I mmiSCH, Aristoteles = Aristotelis Po­ litica, ed. O. I mmisch (T), Lipsiae 1909.

I mmisch, Studien


J acques, Ménandre = Ménandre, I2: Ee Dyscolos, ed. J . M. J acques (B),

O. I mmisch,

Philologische Studien zu Plato, II: De recensionis platonicae praesidiis atque rationibus, Bipsiae 1903.

I mmisch, Theophrastus = T heophrasti Characteres, ed. O. I mmisch (T), Bipsiae 1923.

I rigoin , Histoire = J. I rigoin , His­ toire du tex te de Pindare (Études e t Commentaires, 13), Paris 1952.

I rigoin , Scholies

= J. I rigoin , Ees scholies m étriques de Pindare (Bibi, de l’École des H autes É tudes. Sciences hist, e t philol., 310), Paris 1958.

JAEGER, Aristoteles = Aristotelis De anim alium motione et De anim a­ lium incessu. Ps-Aristotelis De spi­ ritu libellus, ed. V. G. J aeger (T), Bipsiae 1913.

J aeger , Gregorius =

Gregorii Nysseni Opera, ed. W. J aeger , I-IX , Beiden 1952-1967.

J aeger, Metaphysica

= Aristotelis Metaphysica, ed. W. JAEGER (BO), Oxonii 1960.

J aeger , Scripta — W. J aeger , Scrip­ ta m inora (Storia e letteratura, 80-81), I-II, R om a 1960.

J aeger, Works = W. J aeger , T wo rediscovered W orks of Ancient Eiterature: Gregory of N yssa and Macarius. Beiden 1954.

ISEUIN, Apostellehre = E. E. I seein , Eine bisher im bekannte Version des ersten Teiles der Apostellehre (Didache) (TU X III, 1), Eeipzig 1895.

J aekee , Menander = Menandri Sen­ tentiae, ed. S. J aekee (T), Bipsiae

I strin , Chronika =

J agic, Psalmenkommentar = V. J agiG,

V. M: I strin ,

K nigy vrem en’n y ja i obraznyja Georgija mnicha. Chronika Georgija A m artola v drevnem slavjanorusskom perevodë, I-III, Beningrad 1920-1930.

1964. E in unedierter griechischer Psal­ m enkom m entar (Denkschriften Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien. Philos.-hist. Kl., E U , 1), W ien 1906.

J ahn, Anecdota = Anecdota Graeca theologica cum prolegomenis, ed. A. I ahnius , Bipsiae 1893.

J acob, Überlieferung = W. J acob, Die

J ahn, De musica = Aristidis Q uinti­

handschriftliche Überlieferung der sogenannten H istoria trip a rtita des Epiphanius-Cassiodor (TU BIX), Berlin 1954.

J ahn, Eclogae = Eclogae e Proclo de

J acobiTZ, Lucianus = Euciani Samosatensis Opera, ed. C. I acobitz (T), I-III, Bipsiae 1883-1888.

J acobs, Mythographica = J. J acobs, De progym nasm aticorum studiis mythographicis, M arpurgi Cattorum 1899.

J acoby, Dionysius = Dionysi H ali­ carnasensis A n tiq u itatu m R om ana­ rum quae supersunt, ed. C. J acoby (T), I-IV , suppi., Bipsiae 1885-1925.

liani De m usica libri III, ed. A. I ahnius , Berolini 1882. philosophia Chaldaica, sive de doc­ trin a oraculorum Chaldaicorum, ed. A. I ahnius , H alis Saxonum 1891.

J ahn, Eustathius = A. J ahn, Des h. E ustathius, Erzbischofs von A n­ tiochien, Beurtheilung des Origenes, betreffend die Auffassung der W ahr­ sagerin I. Kön. (Sam.) 28, und die bezügliche Homilie des Origenes, aus der Münchener Hds. 331 er­ gänzt und verbessert, m it k riti­ schen und exegetischen A nm erkun­ gen (TU II, 4), Eeipzig 1886. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Ilb erg - Ju g ie

J ahn, Prosopopoeia =

Gregorii Palamae, archiepiscopi Thessalonicen­ sis, Prosopopoeia anim ae accusan­ tis corpus e t corporis se defenden­ tis, ed. A. I ahnius , Halis 1884.


J oannou, Italos — Ioannes Italos, Quaestiones quodlibetales, ed.


J oannou (Studia patr. et byz., 4), E tta l 1956;

J oannou, Metaphysik = P. J oannou,

Die Eisagoge des Bacchius (Pro­ gram m Lyceum Strassburg, 18891890), Strassburg 1890.

Christliche M etaphysik in Byzanz, I: Die Illum inationslehre des Michael Psellos und Joannes Italos (Studia patr. et byz., 3), E tta l 1956.

J an (von), M usici = Musici scripto­ res Graeci, ed. C. J anus (T), Lip-

J oey , Hermas = Hermas, Le pasteur, ed. R. J oey (SC 53), Paris 1958.

J an (von), Eisagoge = K.


J an,

siae 1895.

J annone -

Barbotin , Aristote = A ristote, De l’âme, ed. A. J annone - E. Barbotin (B), Paris 1966.

J anssen , Nonnus

R. J anssen, Das

Johannes-E vangelium nach der P a ­ raphrase des Nonnus Panopolitanus (TU X X III, 4), Leipzig 1903. JEEP, Philostorgios = L. JEEP, Zur Überlieferung des Philostorgios (TU X V II, 3b), Leipzig 1899.

JENSEN, De oeconomia = Philodemi Περί οικονομίας qui dicitur libellus, ed. C. J ensen (T), Lipsiae 1906.

JENSEN, De vitiis = Philodemi Περί κακιών liber decimus, ed. C. J ensen (T), Lipsiae 1911.

JENSEN, Hyperides = H yperidis Ora­ tiones sex, ed. C. J ensen (T), Lip­ siae 1917.

JENSEN, Menander = M enandri reli­ quiae in papyris e t m em branis ser­ vatae, ed. C. J ensen (Bibliothecae Gr. et L at. auctarium W eidm anriianum, 1), Berolini 1929.

JERNSTEDT, Antiphon = A ntiphontis Orationes, ed. V. JERNSTEDT, Petropoli 1880.

JOANNOU, Discipline = P. P. J oanNou, Discipline générale antique (IIe-IX e s.), I, 1 : Les canons des con­ ciles œcum éniques; I, 2: Les syno­ des particuliers; II: Les canons des Pères grecs (Pont. Commiss. per la redazione del codice di d iritto can. orient. Fonti, IX ), G ro ttaferrata 1962-1963.

J oey, Hippocrate = H ippocrate, Du régime, ed. R. J oey (B), Paris 1967.

J oey, Recherches = R. J oey, Recher­ ches sur le tra ité pseudo-hippocra­ tique du Régime (Bibl. de la Faculté de Philosophie e t L ettres de l’Univ. de Liège, 156), Paris 1960.

J ones, Thucydides — Thucydidis H i­ storiae, ed. H. S. J ones (B O), I-II, Oxonii 1951-1953.

J onge (DE), Testamenta

= T esta­ m enta X II patriarcharum , ed. M. DE J onge (Pseudepigrapha Veteris T estam enti Graece, I), Leiden 1964.

J ordan, Fragmente =

H. J ordan,

Armenische Irenaeusfragm ente (TU X X X V I, 3), Leipzig 1913.

JÜTTNER, Polemon = H. JüTTNER, De Polemonis rhetoris v ita operibus arte (Breslauer philol. Abhandl., V III, 1), V ratislaviae 1898.

J ugie , Assomption


m o rt et l’assom ption de la Sainte Vierge (Studi e Testi, 114), Città dei V aticano 1944.

J ugie , Controverse = M. J ugië , art.: Palam ite (Controverse), in Diction­ naire de théologie catholique, X I, 2, Paris 1932. J u g ie , Homélies = M. J u g ie , Hom é­ lies m ariales byzantines (Patrologia orientalis, XV I, 3; X IX , 3), I-II, Paris 1922-1926. J u g ie , Theologia — M. J ug ie , Theo­ logia dogm atica Christianorum orien­ talium ab Ecclesia catholica dissi­ dentium , I-V, Parisiis 1926-1935. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


E lenco dei lib ri

J ungklaus, Gemeinde = E. J ungklaus, Die Gemeinde H ippolyts (TU XL/VI, 2), Leipzig 1928.

K aibee , Athenaeus — A thenaei Naucratitae D ipnosophistarum libri XV,

ed. G. K aibel (T), I-III, Lipsiae 1887-1890.

K ayser, Philostratus = Flavii Philostra ti Opera, ed. C. L. K ayser (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1870-1871. K e il , Aristides = Aelii Aristidis Sm yrnaei Quae supersunt, II, ed. B. K e il , Berolini 1898.

K e il , Consilium = W. KEIL, Galeni Puero epileptico consilium. Ausgabe und K om m entar, Gottingen 1959.

i — Claudii Galen P rotreptici quae supersunt, ed. G. K aibel , Berolini 1894.

KELLER, Historia = Xenophontis H i­ storia Graeca, ed. O. KELLER (T),

K albfleisch , De victu — Galeni De victu atten u an te liber, ed. C. K alb­

KELLER, Scriptores = R erum n atu ra­

K aibel , Galenus

fleisch (T), Lipsiae 1898.

K albfleisch ,

Institutio = Galeni In stitu tio logica, ed. C. K albfleisch (T), Lipsiae 1896.

K albfleisch , Sim plicius — Simplicii In A ristotelis Categorias commen­ tarium , ed. C. K albfleisch (Comm. in Arist. Gr., V III), Berolini 1907.

K alinka, Xenophon = X enophontis qui inscribitur libellus ’Αθηναίων πολιτεία, ed. E. K alinka (T), Lip­ siae 1914.

K arlsson, Idéologie = G. K arlSSON, Idéologie e t cérémonial dans l’épistolographie byzantine, U ppsala 1959.

K armires, Rousanos= I. N. K armires, 'Ο Π. 'Ρουσάνος καί τά άνέκδοτα δογματικά καί άλλα έργα αύτοϋ (Texte und Forschungen zur byz.-neugriech. Philologie, 14), A then 1935.

K aro - L i ETzmann, Catalogus = G. K aro - I. L i ETzmann, C atena­

Lipsiae 1891. lium scriptores minores, I, ed. O. KELLER (T), Lipsiae 1877.

KELLER, Xenophon = Xenophontis Historia Graeca, ed. O. KELLER, Lipsiae 1890. K em k e , Philodemus = Philodemi De musica librorum quae exstant, ed. I. K emke (T), Lipsiae 1884.

K enyon ,

Aristoteles — Aristotelis Atheniensium respublica, ed. F. G. K enyon (BO), Oxonii 1951.

K enyon , Hyperides = H yperidis Ora­ tiones et fragm enta, ed. F. G. K e ­ nyon (BO), Oxonii 1906.

K enyon , Res publica =

Aristotelis Res publica Atheniensium, ed. F. G. K enyon (Comm. in Arist. Gr„ Suppl., III, 2), Berolini 1903.

KERN, Fragmenta =

O. KERN, Orphicorum fragm enta, Berolini 1922.

KESTERS, Plaidoyer — H. KESTERS, Plaidoyer d ’un socratique contre le Phèdre de Platon: X X V Ie discours de Thémistius, Louvain-Paris 1959.

rum G raecarum catalogus (Nach­ richten k. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen. Philol.-hist. Kl., 1902, 1, 3, 5), s.l. 1902.

KEYDELL, Agathias = Agathiae My-

K arst, Eusebius — Eusebius Werke, V: Die Chronik, ed. J. K arst (GCS),

rinaei H istoriarum libri quinque, ed. R. KEYDELL (Corpus fontium histo­ riae Byz., 2), Berolini 1967.

Leipzig 1911.

K houry, Entretiens = K assel, Aristoteles = Aristotelis De arte poetica liber, ed. R. KASSEL (BO), Oxonii 1966.

Manuel I I Paléologue, E ntretiens avec un m u­ sulman, 7e controverse, ed. T. K hou­ ry (SC 115), Paris 1966. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

J u n g k la u s - K losterm ann

K ieh r , Lesbonax = Lesbonactis sophi­ stae Quae supersunt, ed. F. K iehr , Lipsiae 1907.

K inkel , Epici = Epicorum Graeco­ rum fragm enta, I, ed. G. K inkel (T), Lipsiae 1877. K in k e l , Lycophron = Lycophronis Alexandra, ed. G. K in k el (T), Lipsiae 1880.

K irsten , Quaestiones = C. K irsten , Quaestiones Choricianae (Breslauer philol. A bhandl., V II, 2), V ratislaviae 1894.

K leinlogel , Geschichte = A. K lein LOGEL, Geschichte des Thukydides-


K lostermann, Gegen M ar cell = E u­ sebius W erke, IV: Gegen Marcell, Über die kirchliche Theologie, Die Fragm ente Marcells, ed. E. K loSTERMANN (GCS), Leipzig 1906.

K lostermann, J eremiahomilien = Ori­ genes Werke, I I I : Jeremiahomilien, K lageliederkom m entar, E rklärung der Samuel- und Königsbücher, ed. E. K lostermann (GCS), Leipzig 1901.

KLOSTERMANN, Matthäuserklärung = Origenes Werke, X -X I: Origenes M atthäuserklärung, ed. E . K loster­ mann (GCS), Leipzig 1933-1937.

tex tes im M ittelalter, Berlin 1965.

K lostermann, Nachlese — E. K lo­ stermann, Nachlese zur Überlie­

K lEOPAS, Bioi = Βίοι των Παλαιστινών

ferung der M atthäus-E rklärung des Origenes (TU XLVII, 1),Leipzig 1932.

αγίων Άβρααμίου έπισκόπου Κρατείας, Εύθυμίου τοϋ Μεγάλου . . . , ed. KLEOPAS (archidiakonos), έν Ίεροσολύμοις 1907. K lette , Process = E. T. K lette , Der Process und die A cta s. Apollonii (TU XV, 2), Leipzig 1897.

K libansky - L abowsky, Parmenides —P lato Latinus, I I I : Parm enides . . . nec non Procli Com m entarium in Parm enidem , ed. R. K libansky C. L abowsky (Corpus platonicum Medii Aevi), Londini 1953.

K lostermann, Analecta = E. K lo­ stermann, A nalecta zur Septua­ ginta, H exapla und P atristik, Leip­ zig 1895.

K lostermann, Didymus — E. K lo­ stermann , Über des D idym us von Alexandrien In epistolas canonicas enarratio (TU X X V III, 2), Leipzig 1905.

K lostermann, Epilog = E. K loster­ mann, Epilog zu Origenes’ K om ­ m entar zum M atthäus (Sitzungs­ berichte D. Akad. Wiss. Berlin. Kl. für Sprachen ecc., 1964, 4), Berlin 1964.

K lostermann, Excerpte — E. K lo­ stermann, Griechische E xcerpte aus Homilien des Origenes (TU X II, 3), Leipzig 1894.

K lostermann, Onomastiken — Euse­ bius Werke, III, 1: Das Onomastikon der biblischen Ortsnamen, ed. E. K lostermann (GCS), Leipzig 1904.

K lostermann, Schrift = E. K lo­ stermann, Eusebius’ Schrift Περί των τοπικών όνομάτων έν τγ) θεία γραφή (TU X X III, 2), Leipzig 1902.

K lostermann, Symeon — E. K lo­ stermann, Symeon und Macarius (Abhandl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Philos.-hist. K l„ 1943, 11), Berlin 1944. K lostermann, Überlieferung = E. K lostermann, Die Überlieferung der Jerem iahom ilien des Origenes (TU XV I, 3), Leipzig 1897.

K lostermann

- Benz , Matthäus­ erklärung = E. K lostermann E. Benz , Zur Überlieferung der M atthäuserklärung der Origenes (TU X L V II, 3), Leipzig 1931.

K lostermann - Benz , Orígenes = Origenes Werke, X II: Origenes M at­ thäuserklärung, ed. E. K loster­ mann - E. Benz (GCS), I-II, Leip­ zig-Berlin 1941-1955.

K lostermann - Berthold , M akarius = E. K lostermann - H. Berthold , Neue Homilien des M akarius/Symeon. I. Aus Typus I I I (TU L X X II), Berlin 1961. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Elenco dei lib ri

K nopf , Clemensbrief =

R. K nopf ,

D er erste Clemensbrief (TU X X , 1), Leipzig 1899.

meiner Ausgabe von Origenes’ E x ­ hortatio, Contra Celsum, De ora­ tione, Leipzig 1899.

K och, Cyprian = H. K och, Cyprian

KOETSCHAU, De principiis = Origenes

u n d der römische P rim at X X X V , 1), Leipzig 1910.


K och, Gennadius = H. K och, Vincenz von Lerin und Gennadius (TU X X X I, 2), Leipzig 1907.

K och, Virgines = H. K och, Virgines Christi. Die Gelübde der g o tt­ geweihten Jungfrauen in den er­ sten drei Jah rh u n d erten (TU X X X I, 2), Leipzig 1907.

K och, Galenus — Galeni De san itate tu en d a etc., ed. K . K och - G. H elmreich - c. K albfleisch O. H artlich (Corpus Med. Gr., V 4, 2), Lipsiae-Berolini 1923. KoECHLY, Manethoniana

= Corpus poetarum epicorum Graecorum, V II: M anethoniana, ed. A. K oechly (T), Lipsiae 1858.

K oechly, Nonnus = Nonni Panopolitan i Dionysiacorum libri X L V III, ed. A. K oechly (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1857-1858.

K oechly, Onosander

— Onosandri De im peratoris officio liber, ed. A. K oechly (T), Lipsiae 1860.

K öhler , Textgeschichte = F. W. KÖH­ LER, Textgeschichte von Hierokles’ K om m entar zum Carmen au­ reum der Pythagoreer, M ünster 1965.

K oerTe - T hierfelder , Menander = M enandri Quae supersunt, ed. A.

K oerte - A. T hierfelder (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1953-1955.

KÖSTER, Überlieferung = H. KÖSTER, Synoptische Überlieferung bei den apostolischen V ätern (TU LXV), Berlin 1957.

KoETSCHAU, Beiträge = P. KoETSCHATJ, B eiträge zur T extkritik von Origenes’ Johannescom m entar (TU X X V III, 2), Leipzig 1905.

KOETSCHAU, Bemerkungen — P. KoET­ SCHAU, Kritische Bemerkungen zu

Werke, V: De principiis, ed. P. K oetschau (GCS), Leipzig 1913.

KoETSCHAU, Gegen Celsus =

Orige­ nes W erke, I: Die Schrift vom M artyrium . Buch I-IV gegen Cel­ sus; II: Buch V -V III gegen Celsus. Die Schrift vom Gebet, ed. P. KOET­ SCHAU (GCS), Leipzig 1899.

K oetschau, Textüberlieferung = P. K oetschau, Die Textüberlieferung der Bücher des Origenes gegen Cel­ sus. Prolegomena zu einer k riti­ schen Ausgabe (TU VI, 1), Leipzig 1889.

K olias, Choerosphactès = G. K olias, Leon Choerosphactès, magistrè, pro­ consul et patrice (Texte u n d F or­ schungen zur byz.-neugriech. Phi­ lologie, 31), A then 1939.

K ollesch, Galenus = Galen, Über das Riechorgan, ed. J . K ollesch (CorpusMed. Gr., Suppi., V), Berlin 1964

K ollesch - K udlien , Apollonios


Apollonios von K ition, K om m entar zu H ippokrates Ü ber das Einrenkeh der Gelenke, ed. J . K ollesch F. K udlien (Corpus Med. Gr., X I 1, 1), Berlin 1965.

K ominis, Pardos



K ominìs,

Gregorio Pardos m etropolita di Co­ rinto e la sua opera (Testi e Studi bizantino-neoellenici, 2), Rom a-A te­ ne 1960.

K onidarES, Metropoleis = G. I. K onid Ar ES, Al μητροπόλεις καί άρχιεπισκοπαί του οικουμενικού πατριαρχείου και ή « τάξις» αύτών, I (Texte und Forschungen zur byz.-neugriech. Phi­ lologie, 13), A then 1934.

K opp , Beiträge = A. K opp , Beiträge zur griechischen Excerpten-Litteratu r, Berlin 1887.

K orzensky -

Vàri, Strategicus Onasandri Strategicus, ed. E. K or­ zensky - R . Vàri (Sylloge Tacticorum Graecorum, I, 1), Budapestini 1935. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

K nopf - K roll

K oster, M anuscrit = W. J . W. K o­ ster , A utour d ’u n m anuscrit d ’Aris­ tophane écrit p ar D ém étrius Triclinius (Scripta Academia Groningana), Groningen 1957. KoSTER, Scholia = Scholia in A risto­ phanem , ed. W. J . W. KoSTER,

IV, 1-4: Jo. Tzetzae Com m entarii in Aristophanem , ed. L. Massa P osiTANO - D . HOEWERDA -W . J.W . KOSTER (Scripta Academica Groningana), Groningen-A m sterdam 1960-1964. KoSTER, Tractatus = T ractatu s Grae­ ci de re m etrica, ed. W . J . W . K o ­ STER (Nouv. Collect, de textes et

docum ents), Paris 1922.

K otter , Überlieferung = B. K otter, Die Überlieferung der Pege gnoseos des hl. Johannes von Damaskos (Studia p atr. et byz., 5), E tta l 1959. KOUGEAS, Arethas = S. B. KOUGEAS,

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E lenco dei lib ri


K roia ,

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KUDUEN, Überlieferung =

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L acombrade, Julien = L'E m pereur

K uehcEWEIN, Hippocrates = H ippo­

L aemmer, Bibliotheca = H. L aEMmer , Scriptorum Graeciae ortho­

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M. A. K ugener - F . Triff aux

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lae ad doctrinae περί διχρόνων histo­ riam pertinentes (Breslauer phi- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

K roll - L angkavel

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LammerT -

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ed. S. Ρ. LAMPROS, Ι-ΙΙ, έν Άθήναις 1879-1880.

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K orintherbrief,

Jen a

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L angkavEE, Sethus — Simeonis Sethi Syntagm a de alim entorum facultati­ bus, ed. B. L angkavee (T), Lipsiae 1868.

4 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


E lenco dei libri

L aourdaS, Isidorus = ’Ισιδώρου αρχιε­ πισκόπου Θεσσαλονίκης 'Ομιλίαι είς τάς έορτάς τοϋ άγιου Δημητρίου, ed. Β. LAOURDAS (Ελληνικά, Παράρτημα, 5), Θεσσαλονίκη 1954.

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Legrand, Introduction = Hérodote, Introduction, ed. P. E. L egrand (B), Paris 1932.

Lehmann, Geschichte = P. L ehmann, Eine Geschichte der alten Fuggerbibliotheken(Schwäbische Forschungs­ gemeinschaft .. . Reihe 4, Bd. 3. Studien zur Fuggergeschichte, 12), I-II, Tübingen 1956-1960.


Canabutzes = Ioannis Canabutzae m agistri Ad principem Aeni et Sam othraces in Dionysium Halicarnasensem commentarius, ed. M. LEHNERDT (T), Lipsiae 1890. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


L aourdas - Lindi

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LEOPOED, Antoninus = M. Antoninus

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Lenz , Untersuchungen — F. L enz, Untersuchungen zu den Aristeidesscholien (Problem ata, 8), Ber­ lin 1934. L eo n e , Athanasius = Sancti A thanasii archiepiscopi Alexandriae, Contra gentes, ed. L. L eone (Coli, di Studi greci d ire tta da V. De Falco, 43), Napoli 1965.

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E lenco dei lib ri


L indskog, Plutarchus

= P lutarchi V itae parallelae Agesilai e t Pompei, ed. C. Lindskog , Lipsiae 1906.

LINDSKOG - ZlEGEER, Plutarchus1 = P lutarchi Vitae parallelae, ed. C. L in ­ dskog - K. Ziegeer (T), I-IV , L ip­ siae


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L oenertz, Lettres


R. J. L oenertz,

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L oeschcke - H einemann , Gelasius = Gelasius Kirchengeschichte, ed. G. L oeschcke - M. H einemann (GCS), Leipzig 1918.

L indstam , Epistulae = Georgii Lacapeni et Andronici Zaridae E pistu­ lae X X X II, ed. S. L indstam (Col­ lectio scriptorum veterum Upsaliensis), Gothoburgi 1924.

L ong , Diogenes Laertius — Diogenis L aertii Vitae philosophorum, ed. H. S. L ong (BO), I-II, Oxonii 1964.

List , Antoniuslehen = J. L ist , Das

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L ivadaras, Historia

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e lat. 2. serie. Opere di Aristotele, 1), Firenze 1962.

LONGO, Bios = Βίος καί πολιτεία Μαρίας τής Αιγύπτιας, ed. Ρ. L ongo (Κείμενα καί Μελεταί νεοελλ. φιλολογίας, 7), ’Αθήναι 1962.

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L yons, Galenus = Galeni In H ippo­ cratis De officina medici com m enta­ riorum versionem Arabicam, ed. M. L yons (Corpus Med. Gr., Suppi, orient., I), Berolini 1963.

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L oofs, Studien = F. L oofs, Studien über die dem Johannes von Dam as­ kus zugeschriebenen Parallelen, H al­ le a. S. 1892.

L oofs, Theophilus = F. L oofs, Theo­ philus von Antiochien, Adversus Marcionem und die anderen theo­ logischen Quellen bei Irenaeus (TU X LV I, 2), Leipzig 1930.

L orimer, Libellus — Aristotelis qui fertur libellus De mundo, ed. W. L. L orimer (Nouv. Collect, de textes et documents), Paris 1933. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

L indskog - Ludwich

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Elenco dei lib ri

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L udw ich - M asqueray


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Martin -

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Elenco dei libri

Massa P ositano, Enea — E nea di Gaza, Epistole, ed. E. Massa P osi­ tano (Coll, di S tudi greci d iretta

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MaTranga, Versi — Versi politici di Michele Psello il Maggiore, costan­ tinopolitano, ed. F. MATRANGA, Messina 1881.

MaTTHES, Hermagoras — Hermagorae Tem nitae Testimonia et fragm enta, ed. D. Matthes (T), Eipsiae 1962.

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J anàÉEK, Sextus = Sexti Empirici Opera, I I I : Adversus m a­ them aticos, ed. J. Mau - K. J anaéek (T), Eipsiae 1954.

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Massa P ositano - Arco Magrì, Les­ sico = E. Massa P ositano - M. Arco Magrì, Eessico sintattico Eaurenziano (Univ. di Messina. Collana di studi classici, 1), Napoli s.d.

Mathieu , Démosthène = Démosthène, Plaidoyers politiques, III-IV , ed. G. Mathieu (B), Paris 1945-1947. Mathieu , Geste = Guillaume de Pouille, E a geste de R obert Guiscard, ed. M. Mathieu (Ist. Sicil. di Studi biz. e neogreci. Testi e Monumenti. Testi, 4), Palerm o 1961.

Mathieu -

Brémond, Isocrate — Isocrate, Discours, ed. G. Mathieu - É. Brémond (B), I-IV, Paris 1928-1962.

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Mau -

Περί λέξεως libri fragm enta, ed. A. Mayer (T), Lipsiae 1910.

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il rito


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Anecdota = A necdota Graeca e mss. bibliothecis V aticana, Angelica, Barberiniana .. . deprom ­ pta, ed. P. MaTranga, I-II, Romae 1850.

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M assa P ositan o - M ercati

Meineke , Strabo = Strabonis Geo­ graphica, ed. A. Meineke (T), I-III, Lipsiae 1877-1915.

Mekl ER, Sophocles — Sophoclis T ra­ goediae, ed. S. Meki .er (T), Lipsiae 1889*.

Meeber , Dio Cassius = Dionis Cas­ sii Cocceiani H istoria R om ana, ed. J. Meeber (T), I-II, Lipsiae 18901894.

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Ménager , Actes — Les actes latins de S. M aria di Messina (1103-1250), ed. L. R. Ménager (Ist. Sicil. di S tudi biz. e neogreci. Testi e Monu­ m enti. Testi, 9), Paierm e 1963.

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Mercati, Cidone


G. Mercati,

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Mercati, Codici — G. Mercati, Co­ dici latini Pico Grimani Pio e di altra biblioteca ignota del secolo X V I, esistenti nell'O ttoboniana e i codici greci Pio di Modena (Studi e Testi, 75), C ittà del V aticano 1938.

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Mercati, Isidoro


G. Mercati,

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Mercati, Notizie




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E lenco dei lib ri


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MERCATI, Psalterii reliquiae, Codex = Psalterii H exapli reliquiae. Pars prim a: Codex rescriptus Bybliothecae Am brosianae O 39 sup. pho­ totypice expressus e t transcriptus, ed. I. Mercati (Codices ex ecclesia­ sticis Italiae bybliothecis delecti phototypice expressi, 8), in Bybliotheca V aticana 1958.

MERCATI, Psalterii reliquiae,. Osserva­ zioni = Psalterii H exapli reliquiae. P a ts prim a: Osservazioni, ed. I. Mercati (Codices ex ecclesiasticis Italiae bybliothecis delecti photo­ typice expressi, 8), in Bybliotheca V aticana 1965.

MERCATI, Reliquie



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Mercati, Traduttori


G. Mercati,

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Mercati, Varia sacra



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Bibliotheca U niversitatis Leidensis. Codices m anuscripti, IV : Codices Perizoniani, ed. K. A. DE Mey i ER, Lugduni B atavorum 1946.

MEYIER (DE), Codices

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M ercati - M oraux

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MEYIER (DE) - H ueshoff P oe, Codi­ ces graeci = Bibliotheca Universi­ ta tis Leidensis. Codices m anuscripti, V III: Codices Bibliothecae publicae Graeci, ed. K. A. DE MEYIER E. H ueshoff P oe, Lugduni B a ta ­ vorum 1965.

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E lenco dei libri


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= L. P etit , art.: Macaire d ’Ancyre, in Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, IX , 2, Paris 1926.

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(Lunds Univ. Arsskrift, N .F., Afd. I, X, 2), Lund 1915.

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5 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Elenco dei lib ri κών Σπουδών. “Ιδρυμα Μελετών Χερ­ σονήσου τοΰ Αϊμου, 84), Θεσσαλονίκη

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PlÉDAGNEE, Catéchèses = Cyrille de Jérusalem , Catéchèses mystagogiques, ed. A. P i ÉdagnEE (SC 126), Paris 1966.

PiEREEONi, Opuscula — X enophontis Opuscula politica equestria et ve­ natica, ed. G. PiEREEONi, Romae 1906.

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PiSTEEEi, Iamblichus = Iam blichi In

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PiSTEEEi, Protrepticus


Iam blichi

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P itra , Monumenta = I. B. P i Tra, lu ris ecclesiastici graecorum historia et m onum enta, I-II, Romae 18641868.

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POEITES, Hodegos = L. POLITES, 'Οδη­ γός καταλόγου χειρογράφων (Γενικόν συμβούλιον βιβλιοθηκών της Ελλάδος, 17), Άθηναι 1961. P ost, Plato = L. Α. P ost, The Vatican P lato and its Relations (Philol. Monographs published by the Amer. Philol. Ass., 4), Middletown 1934.

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P rante, De coloribus = Aristotelis quae feruntur De coloribus, De audibilibus, Physiognomonica, ed. C. P rante (T), Lipsiae 1881. P ran Te , Physica — Aristotelis P hy­ sica, ed. C. P rante (T), Lipsiae 1879.

P rEGER, Beiträge = T. PREGER, Bei­ träge zur Textgeschichte der Πάτρια Κωνσταντινουπόλεως (Programm des k. Maximilians - Gymnasiums, 18941895), München 1895.

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PREGER, Scriptores = Scriptores ori­ ginum Constantinopolitanarum , ed. T. P rEGER (T), I-II, Lipsiae 19011907. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P ichard - Rabe

P r Ei SEndànz, Anthologie — K. P rEi SENDANZ, Zur griechischen Antholo­ gie, Marc. 481, Paris. Suppi. Gr. 384, Palat. 23 (Program m des Gross­ herz. Gymnasiums zu Heidelberg 1910), Leipzig 1910.

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ke, IV: Der Johanneskom m entar, ed. E. PREUSCHEN (GCS), Leipzig 1903.

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phei Hymni, Berolini 1941. Patrology, I-III, 1950-1960.


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PuSEY, Cyrillus =

Cyrilli archiepi­ scopi Alexandrini In D. Joannis Evangelium , ed. P. E. PuSEY, I-III, Oxonii 1872.

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R abe , Anonym us

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R abe, Aphthonius = Rhetores Graeci, X: A phthonii Progym nasm ata, ed. H. R abe (T), Lipsiae 1926.

R abe , Aristoteles =

Aristotelis De anim a liber B, ed. H. R abe, Bero­ lini 1891. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

E lenco dei lib ri


R abe , Commentarium

= R hetores Graeci, XV: Ioannis Sardiani Com­ m entarium in A phthonii Progymnasm ata, ed. H. R abe (T), Lipsiae 1928.

R abe , Hermogenes

R hetores Graeci, VI: Hermogenis Opera, ed. H. R abe (T), Lipsiae 1913.

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R abe, Scholia = Scholia in Lucianum , ed. H. R abe (T), Lipsiae 1906. R abe , Sylloge = R hetores Graeci, XIV: Prolegomenon sylloge, ed. H. R abe (T), Lipsiae 1931.

R abe, Syrianus = Syriani In H erm o­ genem com m entaria, ed. H. R abe (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1892-1893.

R adERMACHER, Libellus = Demetrii Phalerei qui dicitur De elocutione libellus, ed. I,. R adermacher, Lip­ siae 1901.




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R auer , Form — M. R auer , Form und Überlieferung der Lukas-Hoinilien des Origenes (TU X L V II, 4), Leipzig 1932.

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R auer, Origenes = Origenes Werke, IX : Die Homilien zu Lukas in der Übersetzung des H ieronym us und die griechischen Reste der Homilien und des Lukas-K om m entars, ed. M. R auer (GCS), Berlin 1959. REGEU, Analecta = Analecta Byzantino-Russica, ed. W. R eg ei ,, Petropoli 1891.

R aeder , Oribasius — Oribasii Col­ lectionum medicarum reliquiae, ed. I. R aeder (Corpus Med. Gr., VI 1, 1-2; VI 2, 1-2), I-IV, Lipsiae-Berolini 1928-1933.

REGEU, Fontes — Fontes rerum Byzan­ tinarum , I, 1-2; R hetorum saeculi X II orationes politicae, ed. W. REGEL Petropoli 1892-1917.

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R aeder , Theodoretus — Theodoreti Graecarum affectionum curatio, ed. I. R aeder (T), Lipsiae 1904.

R ahefs, Verzeichnis

— A. R ahlfs , Verzeichnis der griechischen H an d ­ schriften des A lten T e sta m e n ts (N achrichten k. Ges. Wiss. G öt­ tin g en . P h ilo l.-h ist. K l., 1914, Beiheft), Berlin 1914.

R aTHKE, Ignatius

= H. R aTHKE, Ignatius von Antiochien und die

Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der dass. A ltertum s wiss., Suppi. 7, S tu ttg art 1940.

R egnaueT - P reivieeE (de ), Dorothee = Dorothee de Gaza, CFuvres spi­ rituelles, ed. L. R egnauet - J. de Pr Lvieee (SC 92), Paris 1963.

R ehm , Eratostbenes =

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R ehm , Parapegma — A. R ehm , Grie­ chische Kalender, III: Das P ara­ pegma des E uktem on (Sitzungs­ berichte Heid. Akad. Wiss. Philos.hist. Kl., 1913, 3), Heidelberg 1913. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Rabe - R euters


Pseudoklementinen — Die Pseudoklem entinen, I: Homilien, ed. B. R ehm (GCS), Berlin-Leipzig 1953.

REHM, Ilekognitionen - Die Pseudoklem entinen, II: Rekognitionen in Rufins Übersetzung, ed. B. R eiim (GCS), Berlin 1965.

R eichardt , Briefe = W. R eichardt, Die Briefe des Sextus Julius Afri­ canus an Aristides und Origenes (TU X X X IV , 3), Leipzig 1909.

R eichardt , Philoponus

— Joannis Philoponi De opificio m undi libri V II, ed. G. R eichardt (T), Lipsiae 1897.

R eifferscheid , Alexias

Annae Comnenae Porphyrogenitae Alexias, ed. A. R eifferscheid (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1884.

REinach - Blum, Josephe — Plavius Josephe, Contre Apion, ed. T. R einach - L. B lum (B), Paris 1930.

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R eitzenstein , Anfang = R. R eit ­ zenstein , Der Anfang des Lexikons des Photios, Leipzig-Berlin 1907.

R eitzenstein , Arrianus

Arriani septimi

Των μετ’ ’Αλέξανδρον libri fragm enta, ed. R. R eitzenstein (Breslauer pliilol. Abhandl., III, 3), Breslau 1888.


publica libros nuper vulgatos (Bres­ lauer philol. Abhandl., IV, 3), Breslau 1889.

RENAULD, Psellos = Michel Psellos, Chronographie,ed.E R enauld (BB), I-II, Paris 1926-1928.

R ennie , Demosthenes = Demosthenis Orationes, ed. W. R ennie (BO), II 2III, Oxonii 1953.

RESCII, Aposteldecret — G. RESCH, Das Aposteldecret nach seiner ausserkanonischen T extgestalt (TU X X V III, 3), Leipzig 1905.

RESCH, Evangelienfragmenle = A. RESCH, Agrapha. Aussercanonische Evangelienfragm ente Leipzig 1889.




RESCH, Paralleltexte

= A. RESCH, Aussercanonische Paralleltexte zu den Evangelien (TU X, 1-3), Leip­ zig 1893-1897.

RESCH, Paulinismus

= A. RESCH, Der Paulinismus und die Logia Jesu (TU X X V II), Leipzig 1904.

RESCH, Schriftfragmente = A. RESCH, Agrapha. Aussercanonische Schrift­ fragm ente (TU X X X , 3-4), Leip­ zig 1906.

REUSS, Johannes-Kommentare — J. REUSS, Johannes-K om m entare aus d er griechischen K irch e L X X X IX ), Berlin 1966.


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REUSS, Matthäus-Kommentare = J. REUSS, M atthäus-K om m entare aus

corum fragm enta (Programm Ro­ stock, 1890-1892), I-II, s.l., s.d.

der griechischen Kirche (TU LXI), Berlin 1957.

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REUTERS, Briefe =

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Die Briefe des Anacharsis, ed. F. H. R euters (Schriften und Quellen der alten W elt, 14), Berlin" 1963.

R eitzenstein , Supplementa — R. R eitzenstein , Supplem enta ad P ro­

R euters , De epistulis = F. H. R eu ­ ters , De Anacharsidis epistulis,

d i com m entarios in Platonis de re-

Bonnae 1957. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


E lenco dei libri

R ichard , Asterius — Asterii sophi­ stae Com m entariorum in Psalmos quae supersunt, ed. M. R ichard (Symbolae Osloenses, fasc. supplet. 16), Osloae 1956.

R ichard, Florilèges = M. R ichard , art.: Florilèges spirituels, I I I : Flo­ rilèges grecs, in Dictionnaire de spiritualité, V, Paris 1964.

R ichardson, Hieronymus = Hiero­ nym us, Liber de viris inlustribus. Gennadius, Liber de viris inlustri­ bus, ed. E. C. R ichardson (TU X IV , 1), Leipzig 1896.

Rich TER, Dialektik

G. R ichTER,

R obinson, Euthaliana = J. A. R o­ binson , E uthaliana (Texts and Studies, III, 3), Cambridge 1895.

R obinson, Philocalia = The Philocalia of Origen, ed. J. A. R obinson, Cambridge 1893.

R ocheforT, Julien

= L ’Em pereur Julien, Œ uvres complètes, II, 1, ed. G. R ocheforT (B), Paris 1963.

R ocheforT, Saloustios = Saloustios, Des dieux e t du monde, ed. G. R ocheforT (B), Paris 1960.

R oemer, Aristoteles = Aristotelis Ars rhetorica, ed. A. R oemer (T),

Die D ialektik des Johannes von Damaskos (Studia p atr. et byz., 10), E tta l 1964.

ROEFFS, Kallist = E. R oeffs, Das

RlEDMATTEN (de ). Actes — H. DE RlEDMATTEN, Les actes du procès

Indulgenz-Edict des römischen Bi­ schofs K allist (TU X I, 3), Leipzig 1893.

de Paul de Sam osate (Paradosis, 6), Fribourg 1952.

R i TSCHE, Prooemium = Dionysii H ali­ carnassensis Prooemium A ntiquita­ tu m Rom anarum , ed. F. R i TSCHE, V ratislaviae 1838.

RiTTER, Studien — G. RiTTER, Studien zur Sprache des Philogelos, Ziirich 1955.

R i TZEnfeed , Proclus =

Procli Diadochi Lycii In stitu tio physica, ed. A. R itzenfeed (T), Lipsiae 1912.

R ivato , Platon = Platon, Œ uvres complètes, X : Timée - Critias, ed. A. R ivatjd (B), Paris 1925.

R ivier , Recherches

= A. RiviER, Recherches sur la tradition m anu­ scrite du tra ité hippocratique « De m orbo sacro » (Travaux publiés sous les auspices de la Société Suisse des Sciences morales, 3), Berne 1962.

Lipsiae 1885.

R oeffs,

Urkunden = U rkunden aus dem stischen K am pfe des (TU X II, 4), Leipzig

E. R oeFFS, antim ontani­ Abendlandes 1895.

R ome, Commentaires = Commentaires de Pappus et de Théon d ’Alexan­ drie sur l’Almageste, ed. A. R ome (Studi e Testi, 54, 72, 106), I-III, C ittà del Vaticano 1931-1943.

R omieey (de ), Thucydide I = Thu­ cydide, L a guerre du Péloponnèse, livre I, ed. J . de R omieey (B), Paris 1953.

R omieey (de ), Thucydide I I — Thu­ cydide, L a guerre du Péloponnèse, livre II, ed. J. de R omieey (B), Paris 1962.

R omieey (de ), Thucydide I V - V

= Thucydide, La guerre du Pélopon­ nèse, livres IV e t V, ed. J . DE R omieey (B), Paris 1967.

R obbins,

Ptolemaeus = Ptolemy, Tetrabiblos, ed. F. E. R obbins (The Loeb Classical Library), Lon­ don 1948.

R oos, Arrianus = Flavii Arriani Quae ex stan t omnia, ed. A. G. R oos, add. et. corr. adiecit G. W irth (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1967.

R obin , Platon = Platon, Œ uvres com­

ROOS, Prolegomena = A. G. Roos,

plètes, IV, 1: Phédon; 2: Le B an­ quet; 3: Phèdre, ed. L. R obin (B), Paris 1926-1933.

Prolegom eni ad Arriani Anabaseos et Indicae editionem criticam, Groningae 1904. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R ichard - R ozem ond

R opES, Sprüche — J . H. R opES, Die Sprüche Jesu die in den kanoni­ schen Evangelien nicht überliefert sind (TU X IV , 2), Leipzig 1896.

R oques - H e ii , - Gandileac (de ), Denys = Denys l’Aréopagite, L a hiérarchie céleste, ed. R. R oques -

G. H e ii , - M.


Gandieeac (SC

58), Paris 1958.

R oscher, Siebenzahl = W. H. RO­ SCHER, Die hippokratische Schrift von der Siebenzahl in ihrer vier­ fachen Überlieferung (Studien zur Geschichte und K u ltu r des A lter­ tum s, VI, 3-4), P aderborn 1913.

R ose , Anacreon = Anacreontis Teii quae vocantur Συμποσιακά ήμιάμβια, ed. V. R ose (T), Lipsiae 1876. R ose , Anecdota = V. R ose , A necdota Graeca e t Graecolatina, I-II, Ber­ lin 1864-1870. R ose , Fragmenta = Aristotelis qui ferebantur librorum Fragm enta, ed. V. R ose (T), Lipsiae 1886. ROSE, Soranus = Sorani Gynaeciorum vetus translatio Latina, ed. V. R ose (T), Lipsiae 1882.

Ross, Alexander — D. J. A. Ross,

Alexander historiatus (W arburg In ­ stitu te Surveys, 1), London 1963.

R oss, Analytics = A ristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics, ed. W. D. R oss, Oxford 1949. R oss, A rs rhetorica — Aristotelis Ars rhetorica, ed. W. D. R oss (BO), Oxonii 1959.

Ross, De anima — Aristotelis De ani­ ma, ed.W . D. Ross (BO), Oxonii 1959. ROSS, Fragmenta = Aristotelis F rag­


R oss, Physica = Aristotelis Physica, ed. W. D. R oss (BO), Oxonii 1950. ROSS, Physics — A ristotle’s Physics, ed. W. D. Ross, Oxford 1936. ROSS, Politica = Aristotelis Politica, ed. W. D. R oss (BO), Oxonii 1957.

Ross, Topica — Aristotelis Topica et Sophistici elenchi, ed. W. D. Ross (BO), Oxonii 1958.

Ross - F obES, Theophrastus = Theo­ phrastus, Metaphysics, ed. W. D. Ross - F. H. F obes, Oxford 1929.

Ross - Minio -P aeueeeo, Aristoteles — Aristotelis A nalytica priora e t po­ steriora, ed. W. D. Ross - L. Minio- P aeueeeo (BO), Oxonii 1964.

Rossi T aibbi, Filagato — G. Rossi T aibbi, Sulla tradizione m anoscritta

dell'Omiliario di Filagato da Cerami (1st. Sicil. di Studi biz. e neoellen. Quaderni, 1), Palermo 1965. R o ssi T aibbi , Martirio — Vite dei santi siciliani, II: M artirio di santa Lucia. V ita di santa Marina, ed. G. R ossi T aibbi (1st. Sicil. di Studi biz. e neogreci. Testi e Monumenti. Testi, 6), Palerm o 1959. R o ssi Taibbi, Vita = Vite dei santi siciliani, I I I : V ita di sa n t’Elia il giovane, ed. G. R ossi T aibbi (1st. Sicil. di Studi biz. e neogreci. Testi e Monumenti. Testi, 7), Palermo 1962.

Rossi T aibbi -

Caracausi, Testi = Testi neogreci di Calabria, ed. G. Rossi T aibbi - G. Caracausi (1st. Sicil. di Studi biz. e neogreci. Testi e Monumenti. Testi, 3), P a­ lermo 1959.

m enta selecta, ed. W. D. R oss (BO), Oxonii 1955.

R oussee, Isée = Isée, Discours, ed. P. R oussee (B), Paris 1922.

Ross, Metaphysics = A ristotle’s Metaphysics, ed. W. D. R oss, I-II, Oxford 1948.

R ousso, Studii = D. R ousso, Studii bizantino-romine, Bucure§ti 1907.

Ross, Parva Naturalia = Aristotle, P arv a naturalia, ed. D. R oss, Oxford 1955.

R ozemond, Christologie = K. R oze­ mond, La christologie de saint Jean Damascène (Studia patr. et byz., 8), E tta l 1959. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


E lenco dei libri

R udberg , Études


S. Y. R udberg ,

É tudes sur la tradition m anuscrite de saint Basile, Lund 1953.

R udberg , Homélie = S. Y. R udberg, L ’homélie de Basile de Césarée sur le m ot « Observe-toi toi-même » (Acta Univ. Stockholmiensis. S tudia G raeca Stockholmiensia, 2), Stockholm -Göterborg-Uppsala 1962.

R u Ehe , Xenophon

= Xenophontis Scripta minora, II, ed. F. R uEhe (T), Lipsiae 1912.

RuEEEE, Aristoteles = Aristotelis quae feru n tu r Problem ata physica, ed. C. A. R ueuee - H. KNÖEEINGER I. Kx ek (T), Lipsiae 1922.

RuEEEE, Dubitationes

— Damascii Successoris D ubitationes e t solu­ tiones de primis principiis, in Pla­ tonis Parm enidem , ed. C. A. RuEEEE, I-II, Parisiis 1889.

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R udberg - Scherm ann

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R o­


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Schenkl , Studien


K. Schenkl,

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Elenco dei lib r i

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Schmid, Apokalypsetext


J. Schmid,

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Schmid, Einleitung


J. Schmid,

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Schmidt, Fragmente


C. Schmidt,

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Schmidt, Gespräche


C. Schmidt,

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S ch erm an n - Schroeder


Schmidt, Studien

Schöne, Aeneas = Aeneae Tactici De

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Schöne, Apollonius

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Schneider , Scripta = Apollonii D y­

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SchoEEE, Proclus = Procli Commen­

Schroeder - K ahee , Galenus = Ga­

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Elenco dei lib ri

SchrörS, Textgeschichte — H. Schrörs, Zur Textgeschichte u nd Erklärung von Tertullians Apologetikum (TU XL, 4), Leipzig 1914.

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Schultz, Überlieferung


H. Schultz,

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Schwartz, Codex =

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Schwartz, K o r r e s p o n d e n z — E. Schwartz, Eine fingierte K orre­

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SchwarTZ, A . C. O. ---- A cta Con­ ciliorum




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Schwartz, Aktenstücke - E. Schwartz, Neue A ktenstücke zum ephesinischen Konzil von 431 (Abhandl. Bayer.

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Schwartz, Nestorius

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Schwartz, S a m m l u n g e n — E. Schwartz, Publizistische Sam m lun­ gen zum Acacianischen Schisma (Abhandl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Phi­ los.-hist. Abteil., N. F., 10), Mün­ chen 1934. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


S ch rörs - S íg a la s

Schwartz, Schriften — Drei dogm a­ tische Schriften Iustinians, ed. E. Schwartz (Abhàndl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Philos.-hist. Abteil., N. F., 18), M ünchen 1939.

Schwartz, S e r m o n ia i or = E. Schwartz, Der s.g. Sermo m aior de fide des A thanasius (Sitzungsberich­ te Bayer. Akad. Wiss. Philos.-philol. und hist. Kl., 1924, 6), München 1925.

Schwartz, Tatianus = T atiani Oratio ad Graecos, ed. E. Schwartz (TU IV, 1), Leipzig 1888.

Schwartz -

Mommsen, Kirchenge­

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Schwyzer, C h a i r e m o n = H. R. Schwyzer, Chairemon (KlassischPliilol. Studien, 4), Leipzig 1932.

Scrivener , Introduction — F. H. A. Scrivener , A Plain Introduction to th e Criticism of th e New T esta­ m ent, ed. by E. Mieter , I-II, London-New York-Cambridge 1894. ScoTT, Hermetica = Herm etica, ed. W. Scott, I-IV , Oxford 1924-1936.

SECK, Untersuchungen



U ntersuchungen zum Iso kratestext m it einer Ausgabe der Rede an Nikokles, H am burg 1965.

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Sichere , lamblichos

M. Sichere ,

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Siebenkees , Anécdota =

Anécdota Graeca e praestantissim is Italicar. bibliothecarum codicibus, ed. I. P. Siebenkees , Norimbergae 1798., Johannes

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E lenco dei libri


Sigaeas, Theodoros = A. Sigaeas, Des Chrysippos von Jerusalem Enkomion auf den hl. Theodoros Teron (Byz. Archiv, 7), Leipzig 1921.

Simonides, Panegyric = The Panegy­ ric of C onstantine th e G reat com­ posed by C onstantine Acropoliti, ed. C. Simonides , London 1853.

Sinko , Studia = T. Sinko , S tudia Nazianzenica, I (Rozprawy Akad. Umiej. W ydz. filol. Serya II, 15 [ = t. 41], p. 249-312), Cracoviae 1906. Siw e k , De anima = P. SiwEK, Le « De anim a » d ’A ristote dans les m anuscrits grecs (Studi e Testi, 241), C ittà del V aticano 1965.

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Siw ek , Parva Naturalia — Aristotelis P arva n atu ralia graece et latine,

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Skard, Index =

E. Skard, Index A sterianus (Symbolae Osloenses, fase, supplet. 17), Osloae 1962.

Smutny, Epigrams = R. J . Smutny,

S oden (von), Neues Testament = H. von Soden , Das lateinische Neue Testam ent in Afrika zur Zeit Cy­ prians (TU X X X III), Leipzig 1909.

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Soemsen, Inscriptiones — Inscriptio­ nes Graecae ad inlustrandas dia­ lectos selectae, ed. F. Soemsen (T), Lipsiae 19052.

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S ig a la s - Steffens

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Th ie e (van), Rezension = H. van T h iee , Die Rezension λ des Pseudo- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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T itze - Vaccari

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Elenco dei libri


VaheEN, Longinus = Διονυσίου ή Λογγίνου Περί δψους, ed. Ο. VahlEN, Lipsiae 19101.

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Vian , Tradition = F. Vian , Histoire de la tradition m anuscrite de Quin­ tu s de Sm yrne (Publ. de la Faculté des L ettres de l’Univ. de Clermont. 2« sér., 7), Paris 1959.

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Verpeaux , Choumnos = J.V erpeaux ,

Vioeet , Märtyrer - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

V ahlen - W agner ViTEEEi, De generatione = Ioannis Philoponi In Aristotelis libros De generatione e t corruptione commen­ taria, ed. Hier. ViTEEEi (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X IV , 2), Berolini 1897. ViTEEEi, Physica I — Ioannis Philo­ poni In Aristotelis Physicorum li­ bros tres priores com m entaria, ed. Hier. ViTEEEi (Comm. in Arist. Gr., XVI), Berolini 1887. ViTEEEi, Physica I I = Ioannis Philo­ poni In Aristotelis Physicorum li­ bros quinque posteriores commen­ taria, ed. Hier. ViTEEEi (Comm. in Arist. Gr., X V II), Berolini 1888. VÖLKER, Gnostiker = W. VÖLKER, Der wahre Gnostiker nach Clemens Alexandrinus (TU UVII), BerlinLeipzig 1952.


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Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber = M. V ogel - V. Gardthausen, Die

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Elenco dei libri


W aitz, Organon = Aristotelis Orga­ non Graece, ed. T. W aitz, I-II, Lipsiae 1844-1846.

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W atTZ, Anthologie = Anthologie grec­

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rum litteris minusculis scriptorum , Heidelbergae 1878.

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W eigt , Kamateros — Johannes Kam a-

W atties , Themistius I I — Them istii

teros, Εισαγωγή άστρονομίας, ed. L. WEIGT, I-II, Leipzig-Berlin 1908.

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W atties , Topica = A lexandri Aphro­ disiensis In Aristotelis Topicorum libros octo com m entaria, ed. M. W atties (Comm. in Arist. Gr., II, 2), Berolini 1891.

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WEIT, Aeschylus = Aeschyli Tragoe­ diae, ed. H. W e it (T), Lipsiae 1891.

- R omitTY (de ), Thucydide I I I = Thucydide; La guerre du Pélo­ ponnèse, livre III, ed. R. Weit J. de R omitty (B), Paris 1967.

w e it - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

W aitz - W elz

WEINBERGER, Adnotationes = G.WEINberger , Adnotationes ad Graecos Italiae codices spectantes (Programm Wien, 1896-1897), Wien 1897. Weinberger , Carmina = Tryphiodori e t Colluthi Carmina, ed. G. W ein BERGER (T), Lipsiae 1896. W eis -L iebersdorf , Diadochus = San­ cti Diadochi, episcopi Photicensis, De perfectione spirituali capita cen­ tum , ed. J. E. W eis -Liebersdorf (T), Lipsiae 1912.

WEISS, Anastasiana

= G. WEISS, S tudia A nastasiana, I: Studien zum Leben, zu den Schriften und zur Theologie des Patriarchen A nasta­ sius I von A ntiochien (Miscella­ nea B yzantina Monacensia, 4), Mün­ chen 1965.

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WEISS, Briefe — B. WEISS, Die k ath o ­ lischen Briefe (TU V III, 3), Leipzig 1892.


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Weitzmann, Roll


K. W eitzmann,

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WELLESZ, Akathistos


The A kathistos H ym n (Monum. Musicae Byz. T ranscripta, IX ), Co­ penhagen 1957.

WELLESZ, Elements =

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Evangelien — B. WEISS, T ex tk ritik der vier Evangelien (TU X IX , 2), Leipzig 1899.

W ellmann, Dioskurides = M. WELLmann, Die Schrift des Dioskurides

D in der Apostelgeschichte X V II, 1), Leipzig 1897.


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B. WEISS, Der H ebräerbrief in zeitgeschicht­ licher B eleuchtung (TU X X X V , 3), Leipzig 1910.

WEISS, Quellen = B. WEISS, Die Quel­ len der synoptischen Überlieferung (TU X X X II, 3), Leipzig 1908.

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WEISS, Untersuchungen = H. F. WEISS, U ntersuchungen zur Kosmologie des hellenistischen u nd palästini­

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W elz , Analecta = C. W elz , A nalecta B yzantina: Carmina inedita Theodori Prodrom i et Stephani Physopalam itae, Lipsiae 1910. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

E lenco d ei lib ri


W endel , Scholia = Scholia in Apol­ lonium

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W endel , Theocritus

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W endland , Aristeas — A risteae Ad Philocratem epistula, ed. P. W end land (T), Lipsiae 1900.

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W endland , Refutatio = H ippolytus W erke, I I I : R efu tatio om nium haeresium, ed. P W endland (GCS), Leipzig 1916.

W endland , Themistius = Them istii

WENKEBACH, Beiträge — E. W enke bach, Beiträge zur Textgeschichte der Epidem ienkom m entare Galens (Abhandl. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Philos.-hist. Kl., 1927, 4; 1928, 9), I-II, Berlin 1928.

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W enkebach - P faff , Epidem. V I = Galeni In H ippocratis Epidem iarum librum V I com m entaria I-V III, ed. E. W enkebach - F. P faff (Cor­ pus Med. Gr., V 10, 2, 2), Berolini 1956.

WENTZEL, Übersetzung = G. WENTZEL, Die griechische Ü bersetzung der Viri inlustres des Hieronym us (TU X III, 3), Leipzig 1895.

W erhahn , Synkrisis = Gregorii Nazianzeni

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W erner , Paulinism us

J. W erner ,

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WESCHER, Poliorcetique =

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WEST, Hesiod = Hesiod, Theogony, ed. M. L. WEST, Oxford 1966.

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WESTERINK, Datnascius = Damascius.

W enger , Assomption = A. W enger ,

W esterink , Olympiodorus = Olym-

L ’assom ption de la T. S. Vierge dans la trad itio n byzantine du V Ie au X e siècle (Archives de l’O rient chrétien, 5), Paris 1955.

W enger , Catéchèses = Je a n Chrysostome, H u it catéchèses baptism ales, ed. A. W enger (SC 50), Paris 1957.

Lectures on the Philebus, ed. L. G,

W esterink , A m sterdam 1959. piodorps, Com m entary on th e F irst Alcibiades of Plato, ed. L. G. WESTERINK; A m sterdam 1956.

W esterink , Proclus

= Proclus Diadochus, Com m entary on th e F irst Alcibiades of Plato, ed. L. G. WESTERINK, A m sterdam 1954. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

W endel - Wolf

Westerink , Prolegomena = A nony­ mous Prolegom ena to Platonic P hi­ losophy, ed. L. G. W esterink , A m sterdam 1962.

W esterink , Psellus = Michael Psel-


WlELiAM, Fragmenta = Diogenis Oenoandensis Fragm enta, ed. J. W il -

LiAM (T), Lipsiae 1907. W illoughby, Apocalypse = H. R. W illoughby, The Elizabeth Day

lus, De om nifaria doctrina, ed. D. G. W esterink , Nijmegen 1948.

McCormick Apocalypse, I-II, Chi­ cago 1940.

WESTERMANN, Biographoi = Βιογράφοι.

W immer, Theophrastus = Theophrasti

V itarum scriptores Graeci minores, ed. A. WESTERMANN, Brunsvigae 1845.

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WOLF, Handbuch — J. WOLF, H and­ buch der N otationskunde (Kleine - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Elenco dei libri


H andbücher der Musikgeschichte nach G attungen, 8), I-II, Leipzig 1913-1919.

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von L ingenthai,, Hand­ bücher = E. Zacharia von Lin ­ genthai,, Die H andbücher des geist­ lichen R echts (Mémoires de l’Acad. imp. des sciences de St. Pétersbourg, VH« série, X X V III, 7), St. Pétersbourg 1881.


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von Lingenthal , Novellae = Im p. Iustiniani PP. A. Novellae quae vocantur, sive Constitutiones quae ex tra codicem supersunt, ed. C. E. Zachariae a L ingenthal (T), I-II, Lipsiae 1881.

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Zervos, Psellos =

C. Zervos, Un philosophe néoplatonicien du X Ie siècle: Michel Psellos, Paris 1919.

Erophilc = Κρητικόν θέατρον. Έρωφίλη. Τραγωδία Γεωργίου Χορτάτζη, ed. St. XANTHOUDIDES (Texte u n d Forschungen zur byz.neugriech. Philologie, 9), A then 1928.

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Y oung, Theognis = Theognis, ed. D. Y oung (T), Lipsiae 1961.

ZlEGLER, Sirach = Sapientia Iesu filii Sirach, ed. J. Ziegler (Septuaginta


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m otu circulari corporum caelestium libri duo, ed. H. ZIEGLER (T), Lip­ siae 1891.

auct. Soc. litt. Gottingensis ed., X II, 2), Göttingen 1965.

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Zimmermann, Quintus Smyrnaeus = Quinti Sm yrnaei Posthomericorum libri X IV , ed. A. Zimmermann (T), Lipsiae 1891. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

W rede - Zur Jacob sm u eh len


Podagra — Luciani quae feruntur Podagra et Ocypus, ed. J . Zimmermann, Lipsiae 1909.

Zintzen , Damascius — Damascii Vi­ tae Isidori reliquiae, ed. C. Zintzen (Bibi. Gr. e t L at. suppletoria, 1), Hildesheim 1967. Kommentar = F . ZoEPFE, Der K om m entar des Pseudo-E u sta­ thios zum H exaëm eron (A lttestam entliche Abhandl. hrsgg. v. A. Schulz, X, 5), M ünster i. W. 1927.


Zoras, D i e g e s i s = G. T. Zoras, Ίωάννου Άξαγκόλου Διήγησις συνοπτική Καρόλου του Ε' (κατά τόν Βατικανόν έλληνικόν κώδικα 1624.) (Σπουδαστηρίου βυζ. καί νεοελλ. φιλολογίας τοϋ πανεπι­ στημίου ’Αθηνών, 39), Άθήναι 1964.


Zoras, Trapezountios = G. T. Zoras, Γεώργιος ό Τραπεζούντιος καί αί πρός έλληνοτουρκικήν συνεννόησιν προσπαθεϊαι αΰτοϋ (Σπουδαστηρίου βυζ. καί νεοελλ. φιλολογίας τοϋ πανεπιστημίου ’Αθηνών, 4), ’Αθηναι 1954. ZoSEE, Excerpta — Ο. ZOSEE, De excerptis historicis Constantini Porphyrogenneti iussu confectis quae­ stiones Herodoteae, Thucydideae, X enophonteae, G ryphiae 1913. Z u n TZ, Inquiry =

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Zur JACOBSMUEHEEN, Pseudo-Hephaestion = Pseudo-Hephaestion, De m etris, ed. H. Zur J acobsmuehlen, A rgentorati 1886. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


II. - R IV IS T E ί 1)

A A P = A tti dell’Accademia Pontaniana. A A T = A tti dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze morali, storielle e filologiche. * A B — A nalecta Bollandiana. *AC — A ntiquité classique (Τ’). A c lt = Accademie e Biblioteche d ’Italia. Aegyptus — Aegyptus. Aevum — Aevum. A F L N — Annali della F acoltà di F e tte re e Filosofia dell’U niversità di Napoli. A F P = A rchivum F ratru m Praedica­ torum . A GM = Sudhoffs Archiv für Ge­ schichte der Medizin. *A J P h = American Journal of P hi­ lology. A lP h O = A nnuaire de l’In s titu t de Philologie e t d ’H istoire orientales (et slaves) de l’U niversité Fibre de Bruxelles. A lS C h = A nnali del Pontificio Istitu to Superiore di scienze e lettere « S. Chiara » (Napoli). A I V = A tti dell’Istitu to Veneto di Scienze, F ettere ed A rti, Classe di Scienze m orali e F ettere. AlCal — Almanacco Calabrese. A L F B = A nnali della F acoltà di F ettere e Filosofia di Bari. A M S L = Archives des Missions Scientifiques e t Fittéraires. A P = Άρχεΐον Πόντου. A P h T h = A cta philosophica e t theologica(Societas Academica D acorom ana). ArStoria = Archivio della Società R om ana di Storia patria. Arte = A rte (F’). A S = A rt Studies. A S C L — Archivio Storico per la Ca­ labria e la Fucania. A S N P = A nnali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. A S S = Archivio Storico Siciliano. Athena — ΆΛηνα.(*)

Athenaeum — Athenaeum . B A B = Bulletin de la Classe des Fettres . . . de l’Académie Royale de Belgique. B A G B = Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé. *BBGG = Bollettino della B adia greca di G rottaferrata. BC = Bulletin critique. B C SS = Bollettino del Centro di Studi Filologici e Finguistici Siciliani. BECh = Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes. Benedictina = Benedictina. *Bessarione = Bessarione. B F C = B ollettino di filologia classica. BiblH & R = Bibliothèque d ’H um a­ nisme e t Renaissance. Biblica = Biblica. Bibliofilia = Bibliofilia (Fa). B IB R = Bulletin de l’In stitu t histo­ rique belge de Rome. B ID R — Bullettino dell’Istitu to di D iritto Romano. B I S I A M = Bullettino dell’Istitu to Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo e Archivio M uratoriano. B L E — Bulletin de littératu re ecclé­ siastique. BodlR — Bodleian F ibrary Record (The). *BPEC = B ollettino del Com itato per la preparazione della edizione nazionale dei classici greci e latini. *B P hW — Ber liner philologische Wo­ chenschrift (Philologische W ochen­ schrift) . B S = B alkan Studies. B S H A R = Bulletin de la Section historique de l’Académie Roumaine. B S N A F = Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France. BuArchPal = Bullettino dell’Archivio Paleografico italiano. Bybul — Byzantinobulgarica *By J = Byzantinische-neugriechische Jahrbücher. *Byslav = Byzantinoslavica.

(*) F ’asterisco indica lo spoglio sistem atico di tu tte le annate della rivista, fino al 1967. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

AAP - NH J *Byzantion = Byzantion. *ByzZ = B yzantinische Zeitschrift. BZG — Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und A ltertum skunde. CArch — Cahiers archéologiques. CCM — Cahiers de civihsation m édié­ vale. CD = Ciudad de Dios (La). CE = Chronique d ’É gypte. CL = Convorbiri Literare. C M = Classica e t Mediaevalia. C M F = Ceské Museum Filologické. C N = Calabria Nobilissima. Convivium = Convivium (Bologna). CPh = Classical Philology. *CQ = Classical Q uarterly. CR = Classical Review. C R A I = Comptes R endus de l’Acadé­ mie des Inscriptions e t Belles-Let­ tres. DChAH et = Δελτίον της Χριστιανικής ’Αρχαιολογικής 'Εταιρείας. D IE H et — Δελτίον τής 'Ιστορικής καί ’Εθνολογικής 'Εταιρείας τής 'Ελλάδος. *DOP = D um barton Oaks Papers. ED = Ephem eris Dacoromana. E E A th = ’Επιστημονική Έπετηρίς τής Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου ’Αθηνών. * E H B S — Έπετηρίς Εταιρείας βυζαντι­ νών Σπουδών. E L = Ephem erides liturgicae. E M A = Έπετηρίς του Μεσαιωνικού ’Αρ­ χείου. Emerita — E m erita. *ΕΟ = Échos d ’Orient. *Eos = Eos. *Eranos = Eranos. E T h L = Ephem erides theologicae Lovanienses. GA = G azette archéologique. G IF = Giornale italiano di filologia. Gnomon = Gnomon. G R B S = Greek, Rom an and B yzan­ tine Studies. Helikon = Helikon. *Hellenika = 'Ελληνικά. *Hermes — Hermes. Historia = H istoria (Milano). Homme ----- Homme (L’).


H SP h = H arv ard Studies in Classical Philology. J A M S = Jo u rn al of the American Musicological Society. J A W = Jahresbericht über die F o rt­ sch ritte der klassischen A ltertum s­ w issenschaft begr. V. C. Bursian. J B L — Jo u rn al of Biblical L iterature. * JH S — Jo u rn al of Hellenic Studies. I M U = Ita lia Medioevale e Umanistica. *JOBG — Jah rb u ch der Österreichi­ schen Byzantinischen Gesellschaft. I R A I — Izvëstija Russkago Archeologiceskago In stitu ta v K onstantinopolë. Irénikon = Irénikon. J T h S = Journal of Theological Stu­ dies. J W I = Jo u rn al of th e W arburg and C ourtauld Institutes. KCh = Κρητικά Χρονικά. K lio = Klio. K S p = Κυπριακαί Σπουδαί. Lateranum = Lateranum . L N U = Lëtopis istor.-filol. obscestva pri imp. Novorossijskom Universitetë. M aia — Maia. M B = Musée Belge (Le). M E F R — Mélanges, d ’archéologie e t d ’histoire de l’École Française de Rome. M H -- Museum H elveticum . *Mnemosyne — Mnemosyne. M R S = Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies. M S H P = Mémoires de la Société de l ’H istoire de Paris. M S R =M élanges de Science Religieuse. *Muséon = Muséon (Le). N A M S L = Nouvelles Archives des Missions scientifiques et littéraires. N E M = Notices e t E x tra its des m anuscrits de la Bibliothèque N atio­ nale et autres bibliothèques. NGG = N achrichten von der (König­ lichen) Gesellschaft der W issenschaf­ ten zu Göttingen, Philol.-hist. Klasse. *N H = Νέος Έλληνομνήμων. N H J = Neue Heidelberger J a h r­ bücher. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


E lenco delle r iv iste

N J P h P = Neue Jah rb ü ch er für Phi­ lologie und Paedagogik. N JP h P S u p p b d — Neue Jah rb ü ch er für Phüologie und Paedagogik, Supplem entbände. N S = New Scholasticism (The). N T = Novum Testam en tum . *0C — Oriens Christianus. *OCP — O rientaba C hristiana Perió­ dica. OrChr — O rientaba Christiana. Osiris — Osiris. O stkiSt — Ostkirchliche Studien. P A A = Πρακτικά της’Ακαδημίας’Αθηνών. Parnassos = Παρνασσός. P B A = Proceedings of the British Academy. P B S R = Papers of th e B ritish School a t Rome. *Philologus — Philologue. P L S — Proceedings of th e Leeds Philosophical an d L iterary Society, Literary and H istorical Section. P P = Parola del Passato (La). PrOrChr ~ Proche O rient chrétien. QGU = Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der N aturw issenschaften und der Medizin. QUCC = O uaderni urbinati di cul­ tu ra classica. RA = R evue archéologique. R A A N = R endiconti deba Academia di Archeologia, L ettere e Belle A rti di Napoli. R A B M — R evista de Archivos, Bi­ bliotecas y Museos. R A L = R endiconti deba Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche della (Reale) Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. R A S — Rassegna degb Archivi di Stato. R B = Revue Bénédictine. R B i = Revue Biblique (Vivre et P enser). RBiblioth = R evue des Bibliothèques. *RBPh = R evue belge de Philologie e t d ’H istoire. RC C M = R ivista di cultura classica e medioevale. R E A u g = R evue des É tudes augustiniennes.

* R E B yz — Revue des É tudes byzan­ tines. RecAcLeg — Recueil de l’Académie de Législation (Toulouse). RecSR = Recherches de Science reli­ gieuse. *REG = Revue des É tudes grecques. R E J = Revue des É tudes juives. R E S E = Revue des É tudes sud-est européennes. RevArch = R evista archivelor. *R F IC — R ivista di filologia e d ’istru­ zione classica. R II — Revue historique. R H E = R evue d'H istoire ecclésias­ tique. *RhM — Rheinisches Museum. R H R = Revue de l’H istoire des Reli­ gions. R H S E — Revue historique du Sud-est européen. R IA — R ivista dell’Istitu to nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell’arte. R icSl = Ricerche slavistiche. R ID A = Revue internationale des Droits de l’Antiquité. *R IG I — R ivista indo-greco-itabca. Rinascimento = Rinascimento. i?Jli = Revue Mabillon. RO = Rom a e l’Oriente. *ROC = Revue de l’Orient chrétien. R P A A — Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia R om ana di Archeologia. *RPh = Revue de Philologie. RQA = Römische Q uartalschrift für christliche A ltertum skunde und für K irchengeschichte. RQH — Revue des Questions histo­ riques. RSCal = R ivista storica calabrese. R S C I — R ivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia. RSO = R ivista degli Studi orientali. R SP h — Revue des Sciences philoso­ phiques e t théologiques. R S R — Revue des Sciences religieuses. R S S = Rassegna storica salernitana. Salesianum = Salesianum. SB A W — Sitzungsberichte der Baye­ rischen Akademie der Wissenschaf­ ten, Philos.-hist. Klasse. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

N J P h P - ZRVI S G IV = S tudi si cercetäri de istorie veche. SCO = Studi classici e orientali. * Scriptorium = Scriptorium . SD SD = Studi e D ocum enti di Storia e D iritto. Sem Ko = Sem inarium K ondakovianum . SFG — Studi di filologia greca pubbli­ cati da E. Piccolomini. SicGymn = Siculorum Gymnasium. *SIF C = Studi italiani di filologia clas­ sica. S M = Studi medievali. S M U B = S tudi e Memorie per la Storia d eirU niversità di Bologna. *S0 = Sym bolae Osloenses. SP A W = Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der W issenschaf­ ten, Philos.-hist. Klasse. *St B iz — Studi bizantini e neoellenici (R ivista di studi etc.). Stoudion = Stoudion. * T A P h A — Transactions and Pro­ ceedings of the American Philolo­ gical Association. Thesaurismata 07jcraupta[j.aTa. T M — T ravaux e t Mémoires (Centre de Recherches d ’H istoire et Civili­ sation byzantines, Paris).


* Traditio = T raditio. VChr '= Vigiliae Christianae. VD = Verbum Domini. ViOb = Vizantijskoe Obozrënie (Re­ vue byzantine). *ViVrem — Vizantijskij Vremennik. *W S = W iener Studien. Z B B = Z entralblatt für Bibliotheks­ wesen. Z D MG = Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. ZK G = Zeitschrift für Kirchenge­ schichte. Z M N P = Zurnal M inisterstva Narodnago Prosvësëenija. Z N T W = Zeitschrift für neutestam entliche W issenschaft. Z N U = Zapiski imp. Novorossijskago U niversiteta. Z N U F = Zapiski imp. Novorossijska­ go U niversiteta, Istor.-filol. Fakulteta. ZOG = Zeitschrift für die Österreichi­ schen Gymnasien. Z R V I = Zbornik R adova (Srpska A hadem ija Nauka, Vizantoloski In stitu t) (Recueil des Travaux. Acad, serbe de Sciences, In stitu t d 'É tu d es byzantines).

7 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.






1. Miscellanee. Misceli, Accurti = Miscellanea biblio­ grafica in mem oria di don Tommaso A ccurti ed. L. D onati (Storia e L etteratu ra, 15), R om a 1947. Misceli. Albareda = Collectanea Va­ tican a in honorem Anseimi M. card. A lbareda a Bibliotheca Apostolica edita (Studi e Testi, 219-220), I-II, C ittà del V aticano 1962. Misceli. Amantos = Εις μνήμην K. Άμάντου 1874-1960, Άθηναι 1960. Misceli. Bellini = Libri e stam patori in Padova. Miscellanea di studi storici in onore di mons. G. Bellini, P adova 1959. Misceli. Bourberes — Χάρις Κωνσταντίνφ I. Βουρβέρη, ΆΌηναι 1964. Misceli. Brugi — S tudi in onore di Biagio Brugi nel X X X anno del suo insegnamento, Palerm o 1910. Misceli. Calderini - Paribeni = S tu ­ di in onore di Aristide Calderini e R oberto Paribeni, I-III, Milano 1956-1957. Misceli. Da Costa Greene = Studies in A rt and L iterature for Belle Da Costa Greene, ed. D. Miner , P rin­ ceton, New Jersey 1954. Misceli. De M arinis = Studi di biblio­ grafia e di storia in onore di T am ­ m aro De Marinis, I-IV , Milano 1964. Misceli. Desrousseaux = Mélanges offerts à A. M. Desrousseaux p ar ses amis e t ses élèves en l’honneur de sa cinquantièm e année d ’enseignem ent supérieur (1887-1937), P a­ ris 1937. Misceli. Diehl = Mélanges Charles Diehl (Études sur l’histoire et sur l’a rt de Byzance), I-II, Paris 1930. Misceli. Dolger — Polychronion. Festschrift F ranz Dolger zum 75. Geburtstag, ed. P. W ir Th (Corpus griech. U rkunden. Beihefte, 1), H ei­ delberg 1966. Misceli. Ehrle = Miscellanea France­ sco Ehrle. S critti di storia e paleo­ grafia pubblicati sotto gli auspici di S. S. Pio X I in occasione dell’ottantesim o natalizio dell’ car­ dinale Francesco Ehrle (Studi e Testi 37-41), I-V, R om a 1924.



Misceli. Filangieri — Studi in onore di Riccardo Filangieri, I - III, Napoli 1959. Misceli. Friend — Late Classical and Mediaeval Studies in H onor of Al­ b ert M athias Friend jr., ed. K. W iìiTzmann, Princeton, New J e r­ sey 1955. Misceli. Funaioli — Studi in onore di Gino Funaioli, Rom a 1955. Misceli. Galbiati = Miscellanea Gio­ vanni G albiati (Fontes Ambrosiani, 25-27), I-III, Milano 1951. Misceli. Gomperz = Festschrift Theo­ dor Gomperz dargebracht zum siebzigsten G eburtstage am 29 März 1902 von Schülern, Freunden, Collegen, Wien 1902. Misceli. Grat = Mélanges dédiés à la mémoire de Félix G rat, I-II, Paris 1946-1949. Misceli. Graux = Mélanges Graux. Recueil de trav au x d ’érudition clas­ sique dédié à la mémoire de Charles Graux, Paris 1884. Misceli. Klauser = Mullus. F est­ schrift Theodor K lauser (Jahrbuch für A ntike und Christentum . 1. Ergänzungsband), M ünster W. 1964. Misceli. Klostermann = Studien zum Neuen Testam ent und zur Patristik E rich K losterm ann zum 90. Geburts­ tag dargebracht (TU L X X V II), Berlin 1961. Misceli. Lake — Quantulacum que. S tu­ dies presented to Kirsopp Lake, ed. R. P. Casey - S. L ake - A. K. L ake , London 1937. Misceli. Lampros = Εις μνήμην Σπυρί­ δωνος Λάμπρου, έν Άθήναις 1935. Misceli. Leone X I I I = Nel giubileo episcopale di Leone X III. Omaggio della Biblioteca V aticana, s.l. 1893. Misceli, von Lippm ann — Studien zur Geschichte der Chemie. Festgabe E dm und O. v. Lippm ann, ed. J. R eska , Berlin 1927. Misceli. M ansion = A utour d ’Aristote. Recueil d ’études de philosophie an­ cienne e t médiévale offert à monsei­ gneur A. Mansion (Bibliothèque phi­ losophique de Louvain, 16), Lou­ vain 1955. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

M isceli. A ccurti - C h ry so stom ica Misceli. Mercati = Miscellanea Gio­ vanni M ercati (Studi e Testi 121126), I-V I, C ittà del V aticano 1946. Misceli. Merlier = Mélanges offerts à Octave et Melpo Merlier à l’occa­ sion du 25e anniversaire de leur ar­ rivée en Grèce (Collection de l’In s­ titu t français d ’Athènes, 92-94), I-III , Athènes 1956-1957. Misceli. M iller = Miscellanea biblica et orientalia R. P. A thanasio Mil­ ler O.S.B. . . . oblata, ed. A. Met ­ zinger (Studia Anselmiana, 27-28), Rom ae 1951. Misceli. Mohlberg = Miscellanea li­ turgica in honorem L. Cuniberti Mohlberg (Bibi. « Ephem erides liturgicae », 22-23), I-II, Rom a 19481949. Misceli, de Morawski = Charisteria Casimiro de Morawski septuagenario oblata ab amicis, collegis, discipulis, Cracoviae 1922. Misceli. Oldfather = Classical Studies in H onor of W illiam Abbot Oldfather, U rbana, Illinois 1943. Misceli. Panofsky = De artibus opu­ scula X L. Essays in H onor of Erwin Panofsky, ed. M. MEISS, I-II, New Y ork 1961. Misceli. Petit — Mémorial Louis Pe­ tit. Mélanges d ’histoire e t d ’archéo­ logie byzantines (Archives de l ’O­ rien t chrétien, 1), B ucarest 1948. Misceli. Ramorino — R accolta di scritti in onore di Felice Ram orino (Pubbl. dell’Univ. Cattolica del S. Cuore, Serie IV, 7), Milano 1927. Misceli. Ribbeck = Commentationes philologae quibus O ttoni Ribbeckio . . . congratulantur discipuli Lipsienses, Lipsiae 1888. Misceli. Rzach = Charisteria Alois Rzach zum achtzigsten G eburtstag dargebracht, Reichenberg 1930. Misceli. Terzaghi — L anx satura Nicolao Terzaghi oblata. Miscel­ lanea philologica (Univ. di Genova. Facolta di Lettere), Genova 1963. Misceli. Thomson = Γέρας. Studies presented to George Thomson, ed. L. V arce - R. F. W i i j .etts (Acta Univ. Carolinae 1963. Philos.-hist., 1. G raecoiatina Pragensia, 2), P ra­ gue 1963.


Misceli. T isserant = Mélanges Eugè­ ne Tisserant (Studi e Testi 231-237), I-V II, C ittà del Vaticano 1964. Misceli. Ubach = Miscellanea biblica B. Ubach, ed. R. M. D íaz (Scripta e t Documenta, 1), M ontisserrati 1953. Misceli. Willmanns = B eitràge zur Biicherkunde und Philologie August W ilmanns zum 25. Marz 1903 gewidmet, Leipzig 1903. 2. A ltre opere collettive o anonime. Alto Medioevo = Centro italiano di studi sull’Alto Medioevo. A tti del 3° congresso internazionale di studi sull’A lto Medioevo, Spoleto 1959. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1 — Bibliotheca hagiographica Graeca, seu Elenchus vitarum sanctorum Graece typis im­ pressarum, ed. H agiographi Bollandiani (Subsidia hagiographica, 8), Bruxellis 1895. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3 = Bibliotheca ha­ giographica Graeca, ed. F. H alkin (Subsidia hagiographica, 8a), I-III, Bruxelles 19573. Byzantino-Sicula = Byzantino-Sicula. Scritti di G. Agneeeo, E. F oeeiERI, V. L aurent, B. L avagnini, A. P er ­ tusi , G. Schirò, A. T usa (1st. Sidi, di Studi biz. e neoellen. Quaderni, 2), Palerm o 1966. Casinensia = Casinensia. Miscellanea di studi cassinesi pubblicati in oc­ casione del X IV centenario della fondazione della badia di Montecassino, M ontecassino 1929. Catal. alchim. — Catalogue des ma-

nuscrits alchimiques grecs (Union académique Internationale), I-VIII, Bruxelles 1924-1932.

Catal. astrol. = Catalogus codicum astrologorum Graecorum, I-X II, Bruxellis 1898-1953. Centri = Centri e vie di irradiazione della civiltà nell’Alto Medioevo (Set­ tim ane di studio del Centro italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, X I), Spoleto 1964. Chrysostomica = XpuaoaTopuxà. Studi e ricerche intorno a s. Giovanni Crisostomo, a cura del com itato per il XVo centenario della sua morte, 407-1907, Rom a 1908. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Opere co llettiv e ed anonim e

Congr. byz. I I = Deuxième congrès international des études byzantines, Belgrade 1927, Com pte-rendu par D. ANASTASIJEVIC - P. Graniô, Belgrade 1929. Congr. byz. I I I = I I I e Congrès in ter­ national des études byzantines, Athènes 1930, Com pte-rendu p ar A. C. Oreandos, Athènes 1932. Congr. byz. I V = Actes du IV e Con­ grès international des études byzan­ tines, Sofia, septem bre 1934, ed. B. D. F ieov (Bulletin de l’In stitu t arch. bulgare, 9-10), I-II, Sofia 19351936. Congr. byz. V, Catalogo = Catalogo délia m ostra di m anoscritti e docum enti bizantini disposta dalla Biblioteca Apostolica V aticana e dalrA rchivio Segreto in occasione del V Congresso internazionale di studi bizantini, R om a 20-26 settem bre 1936, C ittà del V aticano 1936. Congr. byz. V I — Actes du V Ie Con­ grès international d ’études byzan­ tines, Paris 27 juillet - 2 août 1948, I-II, Paris 1950-1951. Congr. byz. I X = Πεπραγμένα τοϋ θ' Διεθνούς Βυζαντινολογικοΰ Συνεδρίου (Θεσσαλονίκη, 12-19 ’Απριλίου 1953), ed. S. K yriakides - A. X yngopouLOS —P. ZEPOS (Ελληνικά, Παράρτημα, 7-9), I-III, Άθήναι 1955-1958. Congr. byz. X . = Actes du X. Con­ grès international d ’études byzan­ tines (Istanbul, 15-21. IX . 1955), Istan b u l 1957. Congr. byz. X I , Akten = Akten des X I. internationalen B yzantinistenkongresses, München 1958, ed. F. D ôi.ger - H. G. Beck , München 1960. Congr. byz. X I , Berichte = Berichte zum X I. internationalen Byzantinisten - Kongress (München 1958), München 1958. Congr. byz. X I , Diskussionsbeitràge — Diskussionsbeitrâge zum X I. in ter­ nationalen Byzantinistenkongress, München 1958, ed. P'. D oecër - H. G. Beck , München 1961. Congr. byz. X I I == Actes du X I I e Congrès international d ’études b y ­ zantines, Ochride 10-16 septem bre 1961, I-III, Beograd 1963-1964. Congr. byz. X I I I = Proceedings of th e X II Ith In ternational Congress

of Byzantine Studies, Oxford 5-10 septem ber 1966, ed. J. M. H ussey D. Obot.ensky - S. R unciman, London 1967. Congreso Eucaristico = X X X V Congreso Eucaristico Internacional 1952. La Eucaristia y la paz. Sesiones de estudio, II, Barcelona 1953. Eremitismo = L ’eremitismo in occi­ dente nei secoli X I e X II. A tti della seconda settim ana internazio­ nale di studio, Mendola 30 agosto 6 settem bre 1962 (Pubbl. dell’Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Misceli, del Centro di Studi medioevali, 4), Milano 1965. Mélanges bénédictins = Mélanges bé­ nédictins publiés à l’occasion du X IV e centenaire de la m ort de Saint Benoît p ar les moines de l’abbaye de Saint-Jérôm e de Rome, Paris 1947. Mélanges Marinescu — Mélanges d ’histoire générale, ed. C. Marine ­ scu (Univ. de Cluj. Publications de l’In s titu t d ’histoire générale, 1), Cluj 1927. Menologio — Il Menologio di Basilio II (cod. Vaticano greco 1613), I: Testo (Codices e Vaticanis selecti phototypice expressi, 8), Torino 1907. M iniature — M iniature della Bibbia cod. Vat. Regin. greco 1 e del Sal­ terio cod. V at. P alat. greco 381 (Collezione paleografica vaticana, 1), Milano 1905. Miscellanea critica = Miscellanea cri­ tica, I, ed. J. I rmscher - B. DOER U. P eters - R. Müeeer , Leipzig 1964. Monachesimo = Il MonacheSimo orien­ tale. A tti del Convegno di studi orientali che sul predetto tem a si tenne a Roma, so tto la direzione del Pontificio Istitu to Orientale, nei giorni 9, 10, 11 e 12 aprile 1958 (Orientalia Christiana analecta, 153), Rom a 1958. M ont Athos = Le millénaire du Mont Athos 963-1963. É tudes et mélanges, I-II, W etteren 1963-1964. Montfaucon = Les m anuscrits de la reine de Suède au Vatican. Réédition du catalogue de M ontfaucon et cotes actuelles (Studi e Testi, 238), Città del Vaticano 1964. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C ongr. byz. II - X enia R om ana Nationalbibliothek — Festschrift der N ationalbibliothek in Wien, Wien 1926. New Palaeogr. Society — The New Palaeographical Society. Facsimiles of A ncient M anuscripts, etc., Series, I, ed. E. M. T hompson - G. F. W arner - F. G. K enyon - J. P. Gilson , London 1903-1912; 2.nd Series, I, ed. E. M. T hompson G. F. W arner - F. G. K enyon J. P. Gilson - J . A. H erbert H. I. BELL, London 1913-1930. Oriente Cristiano = A tti del Convegno internazionale sul tem a: l’Oriente cristiano nella storia della civiltà (Rom a 31 m arzo - 3 aprile 1963; Firenze 4 aprile 1963) (Accad. Naz. dei Lincei. Problemi attu ali di scienza e di cultura, 62), Rom a 1964. Palaeogr. Society — The Palaeogra­ phical Society. Facsimiles of M anu­ scripts and Inscriptions, I, ed. FI A. Bond - E. M. T hompson, London 1873-1883; 2.nd Series, I, ed. E. A. Bond - E. M. T hompson - G. P\ W arner, London 1884-1894. Persia = A tti del Convegno in tern a­ zionale sul tem a: la Persia e il mondo greco-romano (Roma 11-14 aprile 1965) (Accad. Naz. dei Lincei. Problem i a ttu a li di scienza e di cul­ tura, 76), R om a 1966. Philologica Hamburgensia — Philologica H am burgensia für die Mitglie­ der der 48. Versammlung deutscher Philologen und Schulm änner, H am ­ burg 1905. Riproduzioni fototipiche = Biblio­ teca Apostolica V aticana e Musei an ­ nessi. Riproduzioni fototipiche e plastiche: catalogo illustrato, C ittà del V aticano 1943. Stampa = Studi e ricerche sulla storia della stam p a del Q uattrocento. Omaggio dell’Ita lia a Giovanni G uten­ berg nel V centenario della sua sco­ perta, Milano 1942.


Studia Evangelica = S tudia Evange­ lica, I: Papers presented to the In ­ ternational Congress on "T he Four Gospels in 1957" held a t Christ Church, Oxford 1957, ed. K. Aland - P\ L. Cross - J . Daniélou - H. RlESENFELD - W. C. VAN UNNIK (TU L X X III), Berlin 1959; II- I I I : Papers presented to the Second International Congress on New Tes­ tam ent Studies held a t Christ Church, Oxford 1961. P a rt I-II, ed. F. L. Cross (TU L X X X V II, L X X X V III), Berlin 1964. Studia Patristica — Studia Patristica, I-II: Papers presented to the Se­ cond International Conference on P atristic Studies held a t Christ Church, Oxford 1955. P a rt I-II, ed. K. Aland - F. L. Cross (TU L X III, LX IV ), Berlin 1957; I I I - VI: Papers presented to the T hird International Conference on P atristic Studies held a t Christ Church, Oxford 1959. P a rt I-IV, ed. F. L. Cross (TU L X X V III, L X X IX , LX X X , L X X X I), Ber­ lin 1961-1962; V II-IX : Papers presented to the F o u rth International Conference on P atristic Studies held a t Christ Church, Oxford 1963. P a rt I-III, ed. P. L. Cross (TU X C II, X C III, XCIV), Berlin 1966. Tome commémoratif = Tome commé­ m oratif du millénaire de la Biblio­ thèque Patriarcale d ’Alexandrie (Pubi, de l’In stitu t d ’É tudes orien­ tales de la Bibl. Patriarcale d ’Ale­ xandrie, 2), Alexandrie 1953. X enia Romana — X enia Romana. S critti di filologia classica offerti al secondo Convegno promosso dalla Società italiana per la diffusione e l’incoraggiam ento degli studi clas­ sici, Roma-Milano 1907. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


' Λ 4 '· - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI GRECI DEWARCHIVIO DI S. PIETRO - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Ca ta lo g o P. Ca n a r T, Catalogue des m anuscrits grecs de l’Archivio di San Pietro (Studi e Testi, 246), C ittà del Vaticano 1966. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

A rch. S. P ietro B. 59. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 142. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 292 n. 3 (De Maio). A rch.

S. P ietro C. 144. GlANNBLLI -

V aillant. Lexique, p. 8, 9.

Arch. S. P ietro C. 149. Giannelli - Vaillant, Lexique, p. 8. AB, 85 (1967) p. 246. — Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 9 n. 1 (Canart). — ByzZ, 60 (1967) p. 169. A rch. S. P ietro C. 150. 8 n. 5, 16 n. 1. A rch. S. P ietro C. 151.

Giannelli - V aillant, Lexique, p. 7 n. 1,

Giannelli - Vaillant, Lexique, p. 8.

A rch. S. P ietro C. 152. Capocci, Codices Barber., p. x x v i-x x v ii. — Giannelli - Vaillant, Lexique, p. 8. — L ivadaras, Historia, p. 240. A SC L , 8 (1938) p. 213 (Mercati). — P P, 22 (1967) p. 237 (Pugliese Carratelli). A rch. S. P ietro C. 153. Giannelli -

Vaillant, Lexique, p. 8.

A rch. S. P ietro C. 154. Giannelli A B , 85 (1967) p. 246.

Vaillant, Lexique, p. 8.

Arch. S. P ietro D. 157.

P P, 22 (1967) p. 238 (Pugliese Carratelli).

A rch. S. P ietro H. 45. D i e l s , H andschriften, I, p. 58. A B , 85 (1967) p. 246. — P P , 22 (1967) p. 237 (Pugliese Carratelli). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. :'v-,





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C odici B arberiniani greci


C a t a l o g h i st a m p a t i S. d e R i c c i , Liste sommaire des m anuscrits grecs de la Bibliotheca B arberina, Revue des Bibliothèques, 17 (1907) 81-125. V. Ca p o c c i , Codices B arberiniani Graeci, I: Codices 1-163 (Bybl. apost. Vat. codices m anu scripti recensiti), in Bybliotlieca V aticana 1958. I n v e n t a r i m a n o sc r it t i

Inventarium codicum m anuscriptorum Bibliothecae Barberinae, redactum et digestum a D. S. P ieralisi , I-II. (Sala Cons. Mss. 376-377). Index codicum m anuscriptorum Graecorum et Orientalium Bibliothecae Barberinae, redactus et digestus cura et studio R. D. S. P i e r a l is i , I-V. (Sala Cons. Mss. 169-173). T a v o l e d i c o n c o r d a n za c o n l e a n t ic h e s e g n a t u r e

I m anoscritti B arberiniani hanno avuto tre successive segnature. Le « an­ tiche », risalenti all'inizio del X V III secolo, sono quelle indicate negli inventari Barber. lat. 3138 e 3139. Le segnature introdotte da Sante Pieralisi verso la m età del X IX secolo, com pletate da Alessandro Pieralisi. Quelle date ai m a­ noscritti allorché entrarono, nel 1902, nella Biblioteca Vaticana. Si danno qui due tavole di concordanza: la prim a a partire dalle segnature « antiche», la seconda a partire dalle segnature Pieralisi.





1 2 3 4 5

I I I .88 I I I .59 I I I .41 I I I . 18 V.45 * ILIO ( V I.25 1 1.73 ( V.21 IV .64 IV .27 I I I .71 IV .31 V. 16 I I I .38 V.37 V I.4 IV.54 III. 110

369 340 322 299 549 189 586 73 525 482 445 352 449 520 319 541 565 472 391

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

fi D 7! 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Pieralisi attuali

I I I .65 IV .85 IV .52 IV.26 I I I .36 IV. 56 V.50 IV .44 V.23 IV .5 IV .6 VI. 19 V.38 V.24 V. 19 I I I .52 I I I . 114 I I I .74 V.25

346 503 470 444 317 474 554 462 527 423 424 580 542 528 523 333 395 355 529


37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55



V .41 IV .34 I I I .7 I I I .50 V.4 V.5 I I I .73 I I I .44 I I I .66 IV .55 IV. 16 I I I .51 I I I . 115 1.83 I I I . 126 III. 13 I I I . 119 I I I .34 1.169

545 452 288 331 508 509 354 325 347 473 434 332 396 83 407 294 400 315 169 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

T avole di concordanza

56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100


Pierai!·' I V .12 — V.33 V.51 IV .63 V.20 V .l l V. 18 —

IV .82 IV .57 IV .75 IV .7 I I I . 56 I I I . 43 I I I . 17 III. 1 I I I . 75 I I I . 132 I I I . 78 I I I . 69 I I I . 55 I I I . 112 III.4 8 I I I . 64 I I I . 35 IV . 13 I I I . 108 IV .41 I V .17 IV .70 V I.10 IV .40 I I I . 104 —

V.31 IV .51 IV .32 IV .42 I I I . 68 I I I . 33 III.9 5 I I I . 94 IV .49 IV .39 IV .66 I I I .92

attuali 430 — 537 555 481 524 515 522 — 500 475 493 425 337 324 298 282 356 413 359 350 336 393 329 345 316 431 389 459 435 488 571 458 385 — 535 469 450 460 349 314 376 375 467 457 484 373

antiche 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147

Pleralisi attuali 374 I I I . 93 I I I . 58 339 308 I I I . 27 I I I . 40 321 I I I . 22 303 307 I I I . 26 428 IV . 10 I I I . 105 386 IV .81 499 338 I I I . 57 446 IV .28 IV .53 471 I I I . 131 412 478 IV . 60 502 IV.84 301 I I I . 20 498 IV .80 468 IV .50 483 IV.65 I I I . 130 411 168 1.168 37 1.37 11.68 247 173 ! 1.173 217 \ 11.38 231 11.52 255 11.76 38 ! 1.38 170 ! 1.170 258 11.79 1.157 157 136 1.136 253 11.74 223 11.44 182 I I .3 11 1.11 221 11.42 212 11.33 159 1.159 1.165 165 11.94 273 261 11.82 276 11.97 259 11.80 18 1.18 20 1.20 1.151 151


antiche 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192

Pleralisi 11.98 11.49 11.50 11.59 11.53 11.62 11.24 11.25 1.36 ) 1.29 ( 1.30 — 1.125 1.166 1.142

1.110 1.94 1.10 1.102 1.140 1.39 V I.24 1.130 I I.1 V.39 I I I . 12 1.129 11.54 1.85 11.55 11.56 11.57 — 11.32 I I I . 11 1.163 III.5 IV .43 V I.8 V I.7 V I .15 1 1.12 j I I I . 98 V.28 IV .3 1.89 I I I . 42

attuali 277 228 229 238 232 241 203 204 36 29 30 — 125 166 142 110 94 10 102 140 39 585 130 180 543 293 129 233 85 234 235 236 — 211 292 163 286 461 569 568 576 12 379 532 421 89 323 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

110 antiche

193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205


207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 .228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235

G odici B arb eriniani greci Pierallsi attuali

IV. 11 1.75 V.15 I I I . 127 I I I . 128 I I I .70 111.96 I I I . 113 I I I .97 I I I .39 11.30 11.92 11.93 1.95 | 1.96 1.112 | 1.119 i 1.128 1.156 I I I .6 V.l IV .77 V I.9 IV .46 V.36 I I I .84 IV.47 I I I .82 I I I .91 IV .37 IV .35 III. 125 I I I .31 I I I .4 IV .30 IV.83 V. 17 V.52 VI. 14 IV .86 VI. 13 V.26 IV.61 IV.33 IV .25 I I I . 129 I I I .90

429 75 519 408 409 351 377 394 378 320 209 271 272 95 96 112 119 128 156 287 505 495 570 464 540 365 465 363 372 455 453 406 312 285 448 501 521 556 575 504 574 530 479 451 443 410 371







236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263

I I I . 102 I I I .24 I I I .21 I I I .72 I I I .77 IV .48 III. 19

383 305 302 353 358 466 300 392 283 344 310 456 517 547 419 588 561 360 309 — 330 566 — 291 494 87 164 22 99 109 226 44 86 186 257 265 248 183 80 118 21 252 194 227 — 242 172

282 283 284 284bis 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306

1.111 11.72 1.32 11.60 1.103 1.81 1.162 1.126 1.45 1.143 11.35 I I .6 — 1.178 1.4

111 251 32 239 103 81 162 126 45 143 214 185 — 178 4 — 28 19 70 78 463 306 219 496 176 267 274 590 546 536 538 533 534 161 145 82 367 544 526 490 149 334 6 289 296 447 577

264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281

I I I .I li

I I I .2 I I I .63 I I I .29 IV.38 V.13 V.43 IV .l VI. 27 V.57 I I I .79 I I I .28 — I I I .49 VI. 5 — III. 10 IV.76 1.87 1.164 1.22 \ 1.99 '/ 1.109 11.47 1.44 1.86 I I .7 11.78 11.86 11.69 I I .4 1.80 1.118 1.21 11.73 11.15 11.48 — 11.63 1.172

307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326

1.28 1.19 1.70 1.78 IV.45 11.25 11.40 IV .78 1.176 11.88 11.95 VI. 29 V.42 V.32 V.34 V.29 V.30 1.161 1.145 1.82 III.86 V.40 V.22 IV.72 1.149 I I I .53 1.6 I I I .8 III. 15 IV .29 VI. 16 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


T avole di concordanza antiche

327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371


1.53 1.27 , 11.29 11.37 ' IV. 8 I I I . 17 I I I . 122 1.26 1.25 1.23 1.46 11.36 11.31 I I I .80 I I I .45 1.127 1.141 1.148 1.114 1.35 1.71 1.108 1.33 1.141 11.34 IV .58 11.41 1.123 1.24 1.105 1.113 1.47 11.28 11.45 1.49 VI. 18 I I I .46 V I.20 —


53 27 208 216 426 398 403 26 25 23 46 215 210 361 326 127 141m 148 114 35 71 108 33 1411 213 476 220 123 24 105 113 47 207 224 49 579 327 581 —

III. 137 418 158 1.158 I I I . 14 295 11.64 243 V.44 548 567 V I.6 564 V I.3 270 11.91


372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415



VI. 26 I I I . 103 1.97 I I I . 107 V I.23 1.34 1.43 V I.21 I I I .23 IV.62 r I I I . 123 \ 1.91 1 1.92 ( 1.132 1.147 — 1.88

587 384 97 388 584 34 43 582 304 480 404 91 92 132v 147 — 88

492 260 399 174 150 240 — 573 572 146 364 — 84 74 442 264 41 318 — — 124 1.124 90 1.90 485 IV.67 275 11.96 246 11.67 I I I .54 335 244 11.65 III. 134 415 1.15 15 1 1.1

IV .74 11.81 I I I . 118 1.174 1.150 11.61 — V I.12 VI. 11 1.146 I I I .83 — 1.84 1.74 IV.24 11.85 1.41 I I I .37


416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461

Pleralisi attuali

I I I .109 390 — — 438 IV.20 V I.2 563 V.35 539 I I I .89 370 477 IV .59 192 ) 11.13 514 ( V.10 269 11.90 578 VI. 17 V.9 513 197 11.18 486 IV.68 184 I I .5 — — 489 IV. 71 512 V.8 III. 124 405 368 I I I .87 357 I I I .76 — — I I I .62 343 — — 52 1.52 72 1.72 48 1.48 [VI. 34= or. 5] I I I . 133 414 — — 181 II .2 — — 139 1.139 175 1.175 I I I .30 311 262 11.83 167 1.167 135 1.135 117 1.117 160 1.160 155 1.155 1.77 77 290 I I I .9 592 — 106 1.106 230 11.51 153 1.153 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici B arberiniani greci



462 463 464 465 466

1.101 V.46

467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486

101 550

) 1.100 1 V I.22 1.17 —

100 583 17 —

1.121 121 V I.l 562 ( 11.84 263 / III. 135 416 11.70 249 11.17 196 11.17 196 — — —

I I . 17 11.14

196 193

I I I .67 I I I .60 11.21 11.66 IV .69

348 341 200 245 487

Pieralisi attuali

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14



1 415 2 fiat. 1673] — 3 4 295 — 5 6 322 7 fiat. 3309] 8 537 — 9 10 164 11 136 12 188 — 13 — 14




487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507

V.14 IV.79 11.87 I I .8

518 497 266 187

508 509 510 511 512

V.2 V I.28 11.12 1.177 11.19 11.20

506 589 191 177 198 199 — — IV .18 436 437 IV. 19 IV. 14 432 I I I .85 366 IV. 15 433 11.22 201 11.22 201 1.65 65 507 V.3 202 ( 11.23 1 11.89 268 I I .9 188 IV .73 491 I I I .120 401 IV.9 427

Pieralisi attuali

1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


414 535 468 145 298 146 275 263 334 353 333 332 328 297



513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539

I I I .121 402 I I I .81 362 1.51 51 342 I I I .61 1.66 66 1.144 144 1.76 76 1.79 79 1.58 58 1.60 60 1.64 64 1.67 67 1.68 68 1.122 122 59 1.59 1.57 57 1.62 62 1.56 56 1.63 63 1.54 54 1.55 55 1.42 42 1.16 16 — — 1.8 8 I I I .16 297 I I I .3 284

Pieralisi attuali

1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42



29 157 30 157 — 31 — 32 33 347 34 377 344 35 156 36 37 124 38 129 39 167 40 fiat. 1671] 41 403 534 42 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

T avole di concordanza Picrallsi attuali

1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89


378 266 289 335 356 441 359 —

515 439 327 532 533 530 528 521 527 522 —

529 531 523 506 517 524 525 —

299 345 440 7 400 194 519 456 300 520 273 286 315 50 399 175 267 261 385 191

PierallsI attuali

1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.95 1.96 1.97 1.98 1.99 1.100 1.101 1.102 1.103 1.104 1.105 1.106 1.107 1.108 1.109 1.110 1.111 1.112 1.113 1.114 1.115 1.116 1.117 1.118 1.119 1.120 1.121 1.122 1.123 1.124 1.125 1.126 1.127 1.128 1.129 1.130 1.131 1.132 ( i-iv j I.132V 1.133 1.134

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131


407 382 382 —

163 206 206 374 —

264 467 462 165 285 —

354 459 —

346 264 162 282 206 355 343 —

453 274 206 —

470 526 352 406 159 288 340 206 173 169 —

132I-IV 132v 133 134

382 — —

113 PierallsI attuali

1.135 1.136 1.137 1.138 1.139 1.140 1.1411 1.14 lu i 1.142 1.143 1.144 1.145 1.146 1.147 1.148 1.149 1.150 1.151 1.152 1.153 1.154 1.155 1.156 1.157 1.158 1.159 1.160 1.161 1.162 1.163 1.164 1.165 1.166 1.167 1.168 1.169 1.170 1.171 1.172 1.173 1.174 1.175 1.176 1.177 1.178 1.179 I I .1


452 135 132 136 — 137 138 [lat. 3539] 447 139 140 166 1411 348 341 14 lui 142 161 143 290 518 144 314 145 146 396 383 147 342 148 320 149 150 391 147 151 152 — 461 153 — 154 455 . 155 156 207 157 131 365 158 139 159 454 160 313 161 287 162 182 163 262 164 140 165 160 166 451 167 123 168 55 169 129 170 171 [lat. 2189] 281 172 126 173 174 390 448 175 305 176 495 177 294 178 804 179 170 180

8 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici B arb eriniani greci

Pieralisi attuali I I.2 181

II. 11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16

182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195



11.18 11.19 11.20 11.21

197 198 199 200



11.23 11.24 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.28 11.29 11.30 11.31 11.32 11.33 11.34 11.35 11.36 11.37 11.38 11.39 11.40 11.41 11.42 11.43 11.44 11.45

202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224

I I .3 I I.4 I I.5

I I .6 I I .7 I I .8 II.9 11.10

antiche 445

135 183 429 292 268 490 509 6 —

494 423 479 277 — 474 475 478 427 496 497 483 504 505 508 154 155 [lat. 3371] [lat. 2453] 357 329 203 337 180 138 349 291 336 329 126 — 303 351 137 —

134 358

Pieralisi attuali

11.46 11.47 11.48 11.49 11.50 11.51 11.52 11.53 11.54 11.55 11.56 11.57 11.58 11.59 11.60 11.61 11.62 11.63 11.64 11.65 11.66 11.67 11.68 11.69 11.70 11.71 11.72 11.73 11.74 11.75 11.76 11.77 11.78 11.79 11.80 11.81 11.82 11.83 11.84 11.85 11.86 11.87 11.88 11.89 11.90 11.91 11.92

225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271


265 278 149 150 460 127 152 174 176 177 178


11.102 I I I .l

151 284 bis 392 153 280 367 412 484 410 125 271 473 [lat. 3338] 283 276 133 —

128 —

269 130 144 388 142 450 472 402 270 489 306 508 424 371 204


11.93 11.94 11.95 11.96 11.97 11.98 11.99 II. 100

I I I .2 I I I .3 I I I .4 I I I .5 I I I .6 I I I .7 III.8 I I I .9 III.10 III. 11 III. 12 III. 13 I I I . 14 III. 15 I I I . 16 III. 17 III. 18 I I I . 19 I I I .20 I I I .21 I I I .22 I I I .23 I I I .24 I I I .25 I I I .26 I I I .27 I I I .28 I I I .29 I I I .30 I I I .31 I I I .32 I I I .33 I I I .34 I I I .35 I I I .36 I I I .37

attuali antiche

272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318

205 141 307 409 143 148 — — — —

72 244 539 222 183 208 39 323 457 259 181 172 52 366 324 538 71 4 242 118 238 107 380 237 302 108 105 254 246 449 221 ____

96 54 81 22 404 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. i» .

T avole d i concordanza attuali

319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365


13 202 106 3 192 70 44 339 361 — ■ 79 256 40 48 33 321 411 77 69 112 104 2 482 516 437 245 80 18 45 481 95 76 198 10 239 43 35 73 435 240 75 253 338 514 216 397 214

Pieralisi attuali

III.85 III.8 6 III.87 III.8 8 I I I .89 I I I .90 III.91 I I I .92 III.9 3 III.94 III.9 5 I I I .96 I I I .97 I I I .98 I I I .99 III. 100 III.101 I I I . 102 III. 103 III. 104 I I I . 105 I I I . 106 III. 107 III. 108 III. 109 III. 110 III. I l i III. 112 III. 113 III. 114 III. 115 I I I . 116 I I I . 117 I I I . 118 III. 119 I I I . 120 III. 121 I I I . 122 III. 123 III. 124 III. 125 III. 126 i l i . 127 III. 128 III. 129 I I I . 130 I I I . 131

366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412


502 316 434 1 421 235 217 102 103 98 97 199 201 188 — — — 236 373 89 110 [lat. 2309] 375 83 416 17 243 78 200 34 49 —

330 389 53 511 513 331 382 433 220 51 196 197 234 122 115

115 Pieralisi attuali

III. 132 I I I . 133 III. 134 III. 135 III. 136 III. 137 IV. 1 IV. 2 IV .3 IV .4 IV. 5 IV .6 IV.7 IV.8 IV.9 IV.10 IV. 11 IV.12 IV .13 IV. 14 IV. 15 IV .16 IV. 17 IV. 18 IV. 19 IV.20 IV.21 IV. 22 IV.23 IV.24 IV.25 IV.26 IV.27 IV.28 IV .29 IV.30 IV .31 IV.32 IV.33 IV.34 IV.35 IV.36 IV.37 IV .38 IV .39 IV.40 IV.41

413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459


74 443 413 472 —

364 250 — 190 — 27 28 68 329 512 109 193 56 82 501 503 47 85 499 500 418 — — — 401 233 21 9 113 325 223 11 93 232 38 219 —

218 247 100 88 84 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici B arberiniani greci

Plerallsl attuali

IV.42 IV.43 IV .44 IV.45 IV.46 IV.47 IV.48 IV .49 IV.50 IV. 51 IV .52 IV.53 IV.54 IV.55 IV.56 IV.57 IV.58 IV.59 IV .60 IV.61 IV.62 IV .63 IV .64 IV .65 IV.66 IV.67 IV.68 IV.69 IV.70 IV.71 IV.72 IV.73 IV.74 IV .75 IV.76 IV.77 IV.78 IV.79 IV.80 IV.81 IV.82 IV.83 IV.84 IV.85 IV .86

460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504


94 184 25 301 212 215 241 99 120 92 20 114 16 46 23 66 350 422 116 231 381 60 8 121 101 408 428 485 86 431 319 510 387 67 276 210 304 488 119 111 65 224 117 19 228

Plerallsl attuali

V.l V.2 V.3 V.4 V.5 V.6 V.7 V.8 V.9 V.10 V .ll V.12 V.13 V.14 V.15 V.16 V.17 V.18 V.19 V.20 V.21 V.22 V.23 V.24 V.25 V.26 V.27 V.28 V.29 V.30 V.31 V.32 V.33 V.34 V.35 V.36 V.37 V.38 V.39 V.40 V.41 V.42 V.43 V.44 V.45

505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 431 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549


209 492 507 41 42 — —

432 426 423 62 —

248 487 195 12 225 63 32 61 7 318 26 31 36 230 —

189 311 312 91 309 58 310 420 213 14 30 171 317 37 308 249 368 5

Plerallsl attuali

V.46 V.47 V.48 V.49 V.50 V.51 V.52 V.53 V.54 V.55 V.56 V.57 V I.l VI.2 V I.3 VI.4 V I.5 V I.6 V I.7 V I.8 VI.9 VI.10 VI. 11 V I.12 V I.13 VI. 14 VI. 15 V I.16 V I.17 V I.18 V I.19 VI. 20 VI.21 V I.22 V I.23 V I.24 VI. 25 V I.26 VI. 27 VI. 28 V I.29 — — —

550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 (*) 558 (*) 559 (*) 560 (*) 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593


463 — — —

24 59 226 — —

— —

252 471 419 370 15 257 369 186 185 211 87 395 394 229 227 187 326 425 360 29 362 379 467 376 168 6 372 251 493 307 —


(*) Ora Barb, orient. 161-164. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


B arber, gr. 1 ( = I. 1 = 415). Calai, astrol., V 4, p. 31. B arber, gr. 3 ( = I. 3).

LammerT-Boer , Ptolemaeus, p. xxv.

ByzZ. 55 (1962) p. 98.

B arber, gr. 4 ( = I. 4 = 295). Consbruch, Hephaestion, p. x x x i. — GaelavoTTI, Theocritus, p. 254, 327. — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 139, 140. — KoMiNis, Pardos, p. 72. — Livadaras, Historia, p. 243. — Studemund, Anecdota, p. 168 sg., 182 sg. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 93 n. 151. BPEC , N.S., 2 (1953) p. 71, 72, 74 (Bolognesi); 7 (1959) p. 32 n. 13, 43 (Gallavotti). — ByzZ. 47 (1954) p. 186; 55 (1962) p. 98. — CQ. 53 (1959) p. 129 n. 9 (Longman). — Hermes, 93 (1965) p. 148 (M atthiessen); 94 (1966) p. 398 (Matthiessen). — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 23 (Smyth). — J A W , 71 (1892) p. 27 (Zacher). — Philologus, 54 (1895) p. 276, 285 (Schroeder). — R F IC , 62 (1934) p. 557. Miscell. Bourberes, p. 324 (Livadaras). B arber, gr. 5 ( = I. 5). Die l s , H andschriften, I, p. 4, 13. — DiLLER, Überlieferung, p. 4-6. — H eiberg , H ippocrates, p. v. — N achmanson, Erotianstudien, p. 319 sg., 322, 520. — R ivier , Recherches, p. 140 n. 2. B P hW , 16 (1896) p. 1541. — Hermes, 39 (1904) p. 133 (Heiberg). B arber, gr. 6 ( = I. 6 = 322). H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 927. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 197, 348. — R ichard, Florilèges, col. 488, 492. — W achsmuth, Studien, p. 105. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97. B arber, gr. 7 ( = I. 7 = lat. 3309). Almagià, Holstenio, p. 4 n. 1, 44 n. 3, 51-52, 55 n. 2, 57 n. 1, 59. — F unk , P atres Apostolici, p. x cv m . — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 58, 70, 76. — MeyiER (de ), Codices Vossiani, p. 219. Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 251 n. 1 (Garzya). — ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 359. B arber, gr. 8 ( = I. 8 = 537). Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 251 n. 1 (Garzya). — ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 359. B arber, gr. 9 ( = I. 9).

W en d el , Tzetzes, col. 1969. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci

118 B arber. gr.

11( = I. 11 = 136).

D i e e s , H a n d s c h r ifte n , I, p . 5.

B arber. gr. 12( = I. 12 = 188). Buermann, Isokrates, I, p. 13. — De Marinis , Legatura, nr. 1030. — D rerup , Isocrates, p. x x . — L ivadaras, H istoria, p. 243. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97. — P A A , 14 (1939) p. 208 (Kouzes). — R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). B arber. gr.

13( = I. 13).

Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 31-34.

B arber. gr. 15( = I. 15 = 414). Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 308. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 549. B yzZ , 5 (1896) p. 65-66 (Lampros); 35 (1935) p. 161. — R hM , N.S., 66 (1911) p. 638, 639 (Bees); 67 (1912) p. 142 (Mercati). — StBiz, 4 (1935) p. 237, 239 (Zoras). B arber. gr. 16 ( = I. 16 = 535). Andros (de ), Catdlogo, II, p. 16. JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 156 (W asserstein). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 34-35. B arber. gr. 18 ( = I. 18 = 145). A emagia, Holstenio, p. 45 n. 1. A J P h , 57 (1936) p. 127 (Diller). — BBGG, N.S., 15 (1961) p. 89 (Vitti). B arber. gr. 19 ( = I. 19 = 298).

I rigoin , Scholies, p . 84-87. — Stu -

DEMTTND, Anecdota, p . 153, 160, 163, 185, 291.

Philologus, 54 (1895) p. 276 (Schroeder). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158. B arber. gr. 20 ( = I. 20 = 146). Meyier (de ), Codices Vossiani, p. 191. — Schone, Damianos, p. ix , x i. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 6. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). B arber. gr. 21 ( = I. 21 = 275).

D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2775. —

DtiRiNG, Aristotle, p. 15. — L ong, Diogenes Laertius, I, p. x x ; II, p. x iv . —

Mercati, Isidoro, p. 139, 149. B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 95 (Donzelli). — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373.— Scrip­ torium, 16 (1962) p. 138. — S IF C , N.S., 32 (1960) p. 177 (Donzelli). Miscell. Tisserant, V II, p. 281 n. 9 (Ruysschaert). B arber. gr. 22 ( = I. 22 = 263). Mercati, Isidoro, p. 139, 149. — Moore, Polybius, p. 192. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 137. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373; 55 (1962) p. 9 7 ,— Scriptorium, 17 .(1963) p. 77 (Canart). Miscell. Tisserant, V II, p. 281 n. 9 (Ruysschaert). B arber. gr. 23 ( = I. 23 = 334). Schenke, Themistius, p. vn. — Waeeies, Themistius, II, p. v, x . — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 137. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 11-39 B a rb e r, g r. 24 ( =

I. 24 =


Schenke, Themistius, p. v u . —


WarTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 137. Schenki,, Themistius, p. v u . — W ar­

B a rb e r, g r 25 ( = I. 25 = 333).

TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 137. B a rb e r, g r. 26 ( = I. 26 = 332).

Bruns, Scripta, I, p. xi.

B a rb e r, g r. 27 ( = I 27 = 328). Cohn, Paroemiographen, p. 49 n. 1. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 109 (Patrineles). — Scriplorium, 18 (1964) p. 258 (de Meyier). B a rb e r, g r. 28 ( = I. 28 = 297). B eth e , Pollux, p. xi. Miscell. Tisserant, V II, p. 281 n. 9 (R uysschaert). B a r b e r , g r. 29 ( = I. 29 = 17 (1923) p. 305 (Lampros).


N H , 5 (1908) p. 451 (Lampros);

B a r b e r , g r. 30 ( = I. 30 = 157). Coeonna, Storici, p. 79, 136. —■ Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 343, 354. — WENDEE, Tzetzes, col. 1969. B P E C , N.S., 5 (1957) p. 45 (Finocchiaro). —■ B y J , 7 (1929-30) p. 354 (Moravcsik). — B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 24 (Wendel); 46 (1953) p. 303 (Hunger); 48 (1955) p. 6, 8, 11 (Hunger); 49 (1956) p. 158; 25 0 n. 3, 253 (Hunger); 50 (1957) p. 442; 55 (1962) p. 97, 98. — JOBG 3 (1954) p. 35 (Hunger). —· OCP, 21 (1955) p. 534. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 132; 13 (1959) p. 151; 14 (1960) p. 183. B a rb e r, g r . 31 ( = I. 31). AeEEN, Homerus, III, p. xi. — B érard , Introduction, I, p. 13.— B érard , Odyssée, I, p. x x x ix ; II, p. xi; III, p. xi. — P ertusi, Leonzio Pilato, p. 158 n. 1. P B S P , 5 (1910) p. 13 (Allen). B a rb e r, g r. 33 ( = I. 33 = 347). B a rb e r, g r. 34 ( = I. 34 ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97. B a rb e r,


B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.


g r. 35 ( = I. 35 --= 344).

W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 137.

B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.

B a r b e r , g r. 36 ( = I. 36 = 156). V e r p e a u x , Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 43, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 86, 110 n. 3, 113, 127, 129. BBGG, N.S., 15 (1961) p. 89 (Vitti). B a rb e r, g r. 37 ( = I. 37 = 124).

PosT, Plato, p. 74.

B a rb e r, g r. 39 ( ^ I. 39 — 167). Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 252. — T uryn , Codices, p. 9, 88-89. — W eiss , A nastasiana, p. 76. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B arber, gr. 40 ( = I. 40 = lat. 1671). lieri). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 166.

A B , 80 (1962) p. 268 n. 9 (Fol-

B arber, gr. 41 ( = I. 41 = 403). Coeonna, Storici, p. 79. — Grumel , Regestes, nr. 814. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 354. Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 200 (Mercati). — BPEC, N.S., 7 (1959) p. 28 n. 7 (Gallavotti). — Byslav, 9 (1947-48) p. 185 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 38 (1938) p. 455; 55 (1962) p. 97, 98. — EO, 20 (1921) p. 297 (Emereau). — N H , 17 (1923) p. 305 (Lampros). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 139. B arber, gr. 42 ( = I. 42 = 534).

P asquaei, Proclus, p.

ix -x ii ,

BERTöea, Registri, p. 59 n. 1. :—


S IF C , 14 (1906) p. 127, 143 (Pasquali). B arber, gr. 43 ( = I. 43 = 378). Livadaras, Historia, p. 243. — Maass, Phaenom ena, p. x v m . — Martin, Aratos, p. 248, 249, 254, 255, 295-299. — MÜEEER, Geographi, II, p. xxxvii nr. 78. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97. — CQ, 58 (1964) p. 178 (West). — Hermes, 19 (1884) p. 96 (Maass). B arber, gr. 44 ( = I. 44 = 266).

W arteleE, Inventaire, p. 137.

B arber, gr. 45 ( = I. 45 = 289). H SPh, 18 (1907) p. 159 (Cary). — S IF C , 1 (1893) p. 443 n. 2 (Piccolomini). — T A P h A , 37 (1906) p. 205 n. 2 (Cary). B arber, gr. 46 ( = I. 46 = 335).

H SPh, 18 (1907) p. 178 n. 4 (Cary).

B arber, gr. 47 ( = I. 47 = 356). Chambry, Fabulae, p. 23. — H ausrath, Corpus, I 2, p. xra. — W einberger , Adnotationes, p. 12. Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 683 (Raoss). B arber, gr. 48 ( = I. 48 = 441). B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.

Coeonna, Storici, p. 59.

B arber, gr. 49 ( = I. 49 = 359). RPh, N.S., 36 (1912) p. 4; 222.

Diebs , Handschriften, II, p. 7, 92.

B arber, gr. 50 ( = I. 50). Sichere , Iamblichos, p. 85. N H , 10 (1913) p. 71 n. 3 (Lampros). B arber, gr. 51 ( = I. 51 = 515). Castigeioni, Collectanea, p. 219 n. 1, 224, 238, 240. — Garzya, Ixeuticon, p. x, x x v m . Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 255 (Garzya). — N H , 5 (1908) p. 453 (Lam­ pros). — R A A N , N.S., 36 (1961) p. 88 (Garzya). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 359; 18 (1964) p. 298. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 40-65 B arber, gr. 5 2 ( — I. 5 2 = 4 3 9 ).


W a r t e e l E, I n v e n ta ir e , p. 137.

B arber, gr. 54 ( = I. 54 — 532). 8-9 (1958-59) p. 76 (Patrineles).

B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97, 98. — E M A ,

B arber, gr. 55 ( = I. 55 — 533). 8-9 (1958-59) p. 76 (Patrineles).

ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97, 98. — E M A ,

B arber, gr. 56 (= I. 56 = 530).

Betjie , Pollux, p. vn. — Coeonna,

Storici, p. 103. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 342 (K rum baclier); 55 (1962) p. 98. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 78 (Patrineles). B arber, gr. 57 ( = I. 57 = 528). Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 251 η. 1 (Garzya). — Scriptorium. 15 (1961) p. 359. B arber, gr. 58 ( = I. 58 = 521). Meeber , Polyaenus, p. xvi. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 78 (Patrineles). B arber, gr. 59 ( = I. 59 = 527). Beck , Kirche, p. 596. — R o o s, Arrianus, II, p. x e iii . A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 148, 157, 169, 173, 174 (Dain). — Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 251 η. 1 (Garzya). — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270; 15 (1961) p. 359. B arber, gr. 60 ( = I. 60 = 522). RuEEEE, Dubitationes, p. IV, xiv. — V ogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 21. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 264 (Jordan). B arber, gr. 61 ( — I. 61). Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 171 η. I. — Moheer , Darstellung, p. 336. — Moiieer , Gelehrtenkreis, p. 455. Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 137 η. 1 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97. B arber, g r. 62 ( = I. 62 = 529). Sichere , Iamblichos, p. 83-87, 89. G IF, 5 (1952) p. 2 (Sodano). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 286 (de Meyier); 13 (1959) p. 169. B arber, gr. 63 ( = I. 63 = 531).

MÜLLER, Geographi, p.

xxxvii nr. 79.

B arber, gr. 64 ( = I. 64 = 523). Coeonna, Storici, p. 21. — Verpeaux , Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 25, 43, 63 n. 4, 95, 101 n. 5, 102 n. 3, 105 n. 1, 114, 115, 119 n. 4. — Vogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 26. Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 41, 45 n. 43, 46, 50 n. 74, n. 78 (Verpeaux). — B yzZ 55 (1962) p. 98. B a rb e r, gr. 65 ( = I. 65 — 506). J ohn, Eclogae, p. vi. — P itra , Ana­ lecta sacra, V 1, p. x x x iii ; V 2, p. 1. — SCHOEEE, Proclus, p. 9. B P hW , 9 (1889) p. 371. — Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 251 η. 1 (Garzya). — ByzZ, 15 (1906) p. 623; 55 (1962) p. 98. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 359. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B arber, gr. 66 ( = I. 66 = 517). 8-9 (1958-59) p. 76 (Patrineles).

ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — E M A ,

B arber, gr. 67 ( = I. 57 = 524). B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98; 321. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 78 (Patrineles). — SIF C , 14 (1906) p. 127 (Pasquali). B arber, gr. 68 ( = I. 68 = 525).

K l ib a n s k y -L a b o w s k y , Parmenides,

p. x x x , x x x iv . B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 76 (Patrineles). B arber, gr. 69 ( = I. 69). Co l o n n a , Storici, p. 21. — D i l l e r , T ra­ dition, p. 58. — G a l l a v o t t i , Theocritus, p. 327. — K r o l l - ViERECK, Hermippus, p. vn. — P r e g e r , Scriptores, I, p. x ix . — W e n d e l , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201. B P E C , N.S., 4 (1956) p. 25 (Colonna); 9 (1961) p. 44 (Garzya). — Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 251 n. 1 (Garzya). — B yzZ, 4 (1895) p. 515 (Preger); 55 (1962) p. 98; 59 (1966) p. 275 (Jurss). — RCCM , 3 (1961) p. 311-316 (Tarditi). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 359. Calai, astrol., V 4, p. 35. B arber, gr. 70 ( = I. 70 = 299). D e S t e f a n i , Etymologicum, passim (appar. crit.). — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i - L ie t z m a n n , Specimina, tav . 56. — N ic k a u , Ammonius, p. u n , l x x v . BBGG, N.S., 19 (1965) p. 48 (M alatesta Zilembo). — BPEC , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 10 (Colonna). — B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 598; 8 (1899) p. 213; 16 (1907) p. 52-54, 56 n. 1 (De Stefani); 50 (1957) p. 446; 55 (1962) p. 97, 98. — R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 615. — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 32. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 296 (Mercati). — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 228. B arber, gr. 71 ( = I. 71 = 345). Dem etrius, p . l x v i i i . B yzZ, 55 (1962) p . 97.


Libanius, IX , p . 1. —

W e ic h e r t ,

B arber, gr. 72 ( = I. 72 = 440).

DiELS, H andschriften, II, p. 81. —

SJÖBERG, Stephanites, p. 49, 52, 54.

B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 5 (Sjöberg); 55 (1962) p. 98. — P A A , 14 (1939) p. 208 (Kouzes). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 171. B arber, gr. 73 ( = I. 73 = 7). (anonimo). B arb er, gr. 74 N ektarios, Geschichte, p. 709 n. T r e u , A enigm ata, p. L oenertz,

Bessarione, 6 (1899) p. 86 n. 1, 92 n. 2

( = I. 74 = 400). G a r z y a , Psello, p. 23. — H o e c k p. 113. — K o m in i s , Pardos, p. 98. — K r u m b a c h e r , 2, 720 n. 1, 785 n. 10. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 110. — 35. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 66-84


BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 42 (Parlangeli). — Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 321. — B yzZ , 29 (1929) p. 2 (Kum aniecki); 45 (1952) p. 121; 55 (1962) p. 97, 98; 59 (1966) p. 400. — Eos, 4 (1897) p. 158 n. 1 (Sternbach). — Helikon, 3 (1963) p. 44 (Speck). — Hellenika, 20 (1967) p. 262. — N H , 7 (1910) p. 484 (Lampros). — OCP, 32 (1966) p. 588. — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 154; 332. — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 298 (Mercati); 7 (1953) p. 165 (Parlangeli). Miscell. Böiger, p. 191 n. 44 (Follieri). B arb er, gr. 75 ( = I. 75 = 194). TEELE, Inventaire, p. 137.

T o s c a n i , Typica, p. 8 n. 6. — W a r -

B arber, gr. 76 ( = I. 76 = 519). M a r t in , Aratos, p. 39. Philologus, 107 (1963) p. 279 (Lenz). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson). B arber, gr. 77 ( = I. 77 = 456).

M a r t in , Aratos, p. 39.

B arber, gr. 78 ( = I. 78 = 300). BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 85 (Korolevskij); 7 (1953) p. 99 (Minisci). — Bessarione, 16 (1904) p. 216 n. 2 (de Meester). — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. B arber, gr.

79 ( = I. 79 = 520).

B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.

B arber, gr.

80 ( = I. 80 = 273).

D ie e s , H andschriften, I,

p. 67, 121.

B arber, gr. 81 ( = I. 81 = 286). S oyter , Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 13. — T erzaghi, H ym ni, 'p. xiv, xvi, x x ix , 3. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, p. XXXII. B P E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 29 n. 6 (Garzya); 10 (1962) p. 2 (Terzaghi); 15 (1967) p. 149 (Colonna). — B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 289 n. 3 (Terzaghi). — QUCC, 3 (1967) p. 75 (Dell’Era). — R A L , S. VI, 10 (1934) p. 23 n. 1 (Terzaghi). — R E B yz, 17 (1959) p. 274. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 169. — SIF C , 20 (1913) p. 450, 452 (Terzaghi). B arber, gr. 82 ( = I. 82 = 315). B u e r m a n n , Isokrates, I, p. 13. — D r e r u p , Isocrates, p. xx . — L iv a d a r a s , H istoria, p. 243. B yzZ , 55 (1962) p. 97. B arber, gr. 84 ( = I. 84 = 399). Gian n eeli , Codices Vat. II, p. 97. — Mercati , Opere minori, IV, p. 171 sg. — Mohe ER, Darstellung, p. 395. — Mohe ER, Gelehrtenkreis, p. 88, 159. — N ock , Sallustius, p. c x x i n. 18. — R ochefort , Saloustios, p. x ei -xev , Ei. — V ogee - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 250. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 137. Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 137 n. 1, 138 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 168; 38 (1938) p. 71 (Powell); 42 (1942) p. 67 n. 1, 68 n. 2 (Mohler). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 206. — S IF C , 3 (1895) p. 7 (Muccio). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici B arb eriniani greci

B arber, gr. 85 ( = I. 85 = 175). Alexanderson, Prognostikon, p. 105. — Colonna, Storici, p. 159. — K öhler , Textgeschichte, p. 138. — Souilhé , Épictète, I, p. lxxvi, lxxvii , lxxxv ; II, p. i; III, p. i. — S panneut, Épictète, col. 847. — W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 137. B arber, gr. 86 ( = I. 86 = 267). WarTELLE, Inventaire, p. 137.

R abe , Anonymus, p. vu, xii. —

Biblica, 24 (1943) p. 5, 11 n. 2 (Mercati). B arber, gr. 87 ( = I. 87 = 261). Brunschwig, Aristote, p. cvm , CXLIX. — WalliES, A nalytica priora, p. x v m . — W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 137. B P E C , N.S., 11 (1963) p. 91 sg. (Torraca). — ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 338. B arber. gr. 88 ( = I. 88 = 385). BPEC , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 73 n. 69, 74 (Bolognesi). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 370. — RPh, S. I l i , 9 (1935) p. 17 (Dain). B arber. gr. 89 ( = I. 89 =


B arber. gr. 90 (= I. 90 = 407). — T uryn , Euripides, p. 373.

B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.

Müller , Geographi, p. x x x v n nr. 77.

CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). B arber. gr. 91 ( = I. 91 = 382). B arber. gr. 92 ( = I. 92 = 382).

DiELS, Handschriften, II, p. 90.

Monro - Allen , Homerus, I, p. x x x .

B arb er. gr. 93 ( = I. 93). A l l e n , Homerus, III, p. XI. — A l l e n , Prolegomena, p. 51. — B é r a r d , Introduction, I, p. 13. — B é r a r d , Odyssée, I, p. x x x ix ; II, p. x i; III, p. x i. — PERTUSI, Leonzio Pilato, p. 158 n. 1. P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 13 (Allen). B arber, gr. 94 ( = I. 94 = B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.


B arber, gr. 95 ( = I. 95 = 206). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 401.

B atiffol , Rossano, p. 98.

BPEC , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 48 (Alberti).

B arb e r, g r. 97 (= I. 97 = 374).

PESTA, Mythographi, p. VI,


— M e r c a t i , Codici, p. 25. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 159 n. 1, 161 n. 1. Philologus, 57 (1898) p. 106 (W endland). — R F IC , 22 (1894) p. 475. — RPh, N.S., 31 (1907) p. 233. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson). B arber. gr. 98 ( = I. 98).

Wendel , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 85-116 B arber, gr. 99 ( = I. 99 = 264).


WARlBUilt, Inventaire, p. 137.

B a r b e r , g r. 102 ( = I. 102 = 165). A u b r e t o n , Démétrius Triclinius, p. 16, 17. — B a t if f o e , Rossano, p. 97. — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 48 n. 6, 51. — G a e EAVOTTI, Theocritus, p. 273. — PERTUSI, Leonzio Pilato, p. 484. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 104 n. 89. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 74-75. — Voo.EE G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 345. B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 264 (Wendel). — JOBG, 8 (1959) p. 142 (Hunger). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 316 (Vaccari). — RPh, S. I l l , 32 (1958) p. 146. B a r b e r , g r. 103 ( = I. 103 = 285). Bidez - Cumont , Epistulae, p. ix. — F oerster , Libanius, IX , p. 135, 224. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 133. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 116 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). B a r b e r , g r . 105 ( — I. 105 — 354). Corpus, I 1, p. xiv; I 2, p. xiv.

Chambry , Fabulae, p. 14. — H aus -

ra Th ,

B a r b e r , g r. 106 ( = I. 106 — 459). (Mogenet).

Miscell. Albareda, II, p. 284

B a r b e r , g r. 107 ( = I. 107). Aemagià , Holstenio, p. 16 n. 1, 44, 55. — D i i ,i ,ER, Tradition, p. 50, 55, 65, 69, 73. — .Si c h e r e , Iamblichos, p. 85. A JP h , 57 (1936) p. 127 (Diller). — Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 251 n. 1 (Garzya). — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 359. B a r b e r , g r. 109 (== I. 109 = B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.


W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p.


B a rb e r, g r. 110 ( = I. 110 = 162). A e e e n , Prolegomena, p. 51. — M o n r o - A e e e n , Homerus, I, p. x x x . — P e r t u s i , I.eonzio Pilato, p. 158 n. 1. B a r b e r , g r. I l l ( = I. I l l = 282). P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 354. B y J , 10 (1933) p. 414 (Moravcsik). — B yzZ, 31 (1931) p. 125; 43 (1950) p. 394; 44 (1951) p. 435 n. 1, 436 (Moravcsik); 49 (1956) p. 451; 52 (1959) p. 148; 53 (1960) p. 213; 55 (1962) p. 97, 98. — E E A th, 4 (1953-54) p. 219 sg. (Zoras); 6 (1955-56) p. 178 (Zoras); 16 (1965-66) p. 597 sg. (Zoras). — E B B S , 22 (1952) p. 233-289, 389 (Zoras). — Hellenika, 20 (1967) p. 166 sg. (Zachariadou). — N H , 5 (1908) p. 454 (Lampros); 16 (1922) p. 140, 188 (Lampros). — R BPh, 34 (1956) p. 903. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 148; 15 (1961) p. 220; 16 (1962) p. 229. Congr. byz. X , p. 199 (Bastav). B arber, gr. 114 ( = I. 114 — 343).

Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 35-36.

B arber, gr. 116 ( = I. 116). D r e r u p , Isocrates, p. xxi. N H , 4 (1907) p. 327 (Lampros). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici B arb eriniani greci B arber, gr. 117 ( = I. 117 = 453).

B a rb . g r. 118 ( = I. 118 = 274). p. 33, 71. — R aed ER, Oribasius, p. vi. Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 36.

B y z Z , 55

D ie e s , Handschriften, I, p. 67; II,

B a rb e r, g r. 119 ( = I. 119 = 206). B a rb e r, g r . 120 ( = I. 120). Inventaire, p. 138.

(1962) p. 97.

B yzZ , 55 (1962) p. 97.

W a r e i ES,

A nalytica priora, p. x v m . —

W a r t e r r E,

B a rb e r, g r. 122 ( = I. 122 = 526). T A P h A , 66 (1935) p. 309 (Diller).

W agner , M ythographi, p. x ii .

B a rb e r , g r. 123 ( = I. 123 = 352). B e c k b y , Anthologia, I, p. 73, 100. — D e M a r i n i s , Legatura, nr. 2665. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 728. — M e r ­ c a t i , Prolegomena, p. 113, 121, 125. — S t a d t m Ü rr ER, Anthologia, I, p. x i i i ; I I I 1, p. iv. — S t e r n b a c h , Appendix, p. v sg. — W a r t z , Anthologie, I, p . r v i, r x x x i x . B P E C , N.S., 7 — B P h W , 10 (1890) p. 97, 98. — E M A , 2, p. 19 (Hammer). (Canart).

(1959) p. 28 n. 7, 35 (G allavotti); 8 (1960) p. 16 (Gallavotti). p. 1389; 38 (1918) p. 3. — B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 169; 55 (1962) 8-9 (1958-59) p. 93 (Patrineles). — Eos, 41 (1940-46), fasc. — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 78

B a r b e r , g r. 124 ( = I. 124 = 406). MERCATI, Codici, p. 60 n. 3. — Merca Ti , Opere minori, IV, p. 88. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 138. · Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 125 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 11 (1936) p. 365 (Jugie). — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97, 98. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 114 (Patrineles). — T A P h A , 94 (1963) p. 54 (Diller). B a rb e r, g r. 125 ( = I. 125 = 159). Bivadaras , Historia, p. 243. — Überlieferung, p. 27. Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 3, 9, 33 (Turyn).

S c h u r Tz ,

B a rb e r, g r. 126 ( = I. 126 = 288). KosTER, Scholia, IV 1, p. ix, xxi, IV 2, p. 365. Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 308. — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 312. — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 8 (1955) p. 200 (K oster - Holwerda). — RPh, S. I l l , 36 (1962) p. 301. — REG, 76 (1963) p. 391 (Koster). r x x iv -r x x v i;

B a rb e r, g r. 127 ( = I. 127 = 340). BOER, Paulus Alex., p. v m . — Ptolemaeus, p. v n , x i i i . — C r u s i u s - C o h n , Paroemiographen, p. 224. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 26, 39, 40, 56, 101, 113, 117, 118, 128, 131; II, p. 10, 15, 28, 76, 80, 87, 102. — G i a n n EEEI, Codices Vat. II, p. 45. — L a m m e r t - B o e r , Ptolem aeus, p. x x iv . — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 52, 90-93, 97. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 522. B ore - B o e r , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 117-139


Bessarione, 32 (1916) p. 209 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372; 55 (1962) p. 97, 98. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 88 (Patrineles). — P A A , 19 (1944) p. 72 (Kouzes). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 36-58. B arber,


128 ( = I. 128 = 206).G a r z y a , T e o g n id e , p.23.— p. v i i , v i i i , x v i , x v n , x x v i . BP E C , N.S., 7 (1959) p. 26 (G allavotti). — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 67 (Patrineles). — R F IC , 81 (1953) p. 149 (Garzya). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 21 (Young); 9 (1955) p. 175; 17 (1963) p. 72 (Canart). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 58. Y o u n g , T h e o g n is ,

B arber,

gr. 129 ( = I. 129 = 173).S chöne , Damianos, p.v i i ,ix. Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 43, 57, 62 n. 4, 63 n. 5, 64 n. 4, 65, 66, 105 n. 2. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 18. B yzZ , 55 (1962) p. 98. — V e r p e a t jx ,

B arber, gr. 130 ( = I. 130 = 169). Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 67 (Canart). B arber, gr. 131 ( = I. 131). L e n z ,Aristeidesstudien, p . U ntersuchungen, p . 113. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 70 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart).


Le n z ,

B arber, gr. 132 ( = I. 132; I. 132 V = 382). C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 90. — Libanius, V, p. 296. — L ouis, Histoire, p. x e v i i i , e i i . — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 447. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 138. Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 251 n. 1 (Garzya). — ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98; 57 (1964) p. 305 n. 0 (van Dieten). — Philologus, 54 (1895) p. 276 (Schroeder). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 359; 20 (1966) p. 177. F o erster ,

B arber, gr. 133 ( = I. 133). Hermogenes, p. x ix . B arber, gr. 134 ( = I. 134).

L iv a d a r a s ,

H istoria, p. 243. — R abe ,

D ieeer , Tradition, p. 61.

B arber, gr. 135 ( = I. 135 = 452). ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.


Aeschylus, p. 84.

B arber, gr. 136 ( = I. 136 = 132). A e e x a n d e r s o n , Prognosticon, p. 85. — F i s c h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i ERI, Codex Urbinas, I, p. 200. — L o r im e r , Pseudo-Aristotle, p. 6. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — V o g e e - G a r d T­ h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 179. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 138. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 98. B arber, gr. 139 ( = I. 139 = 447).

W ar TEEEE, In v en ta ire, p. 138. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B arber, gr. 140 ( = I. 140 = 166).

D onnet,

Traité, p. 113. — W e i n -

BERGER, A dnotationes, p. 4.

B arber, gr. 141 ( = I. 141; I. 141 I = 348; I. 141 I I I = 341). Hermogenes, p. x ix . B arber, gr. 142 ( = I. 142 = 161). B arber, gr. 143 ( = I. 143 — 290). REG, 75 (1962) p. 299.

R abe,

NGG, 1929, 2, p. 174 (Frankel). W en d ee , Überlieferung, p. 6.

B arber, gr. 144 ( = I. 144 = 518). M e r c a t i , Prolegomena, p. 125. — MÜEEER, Geographi, II, p. x x x v n nr. 144. B arber, gr. 145 (= I. 145 — 314). — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 139, 149. — Codices, II, p. 14. B yzZ , 27 (1927) p. 373. Miscell. Tisserant, V II, p. 281 n. 9 (Ruysschaert).

Mio n i,

B arber, gr. 146 ( = I. 146 = 396). Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 256.

Co e o n n a ,

Storici, p. 42, 159. —

N fl, 5 (1908) p. 455 (Lampros). B arber, gr. 147 (— I. 147 — 383). H ausraTii , Corpus, I 1, p. vm ; I 2, p. rx. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 138. B arber, gr. 150 ( = I. 150 = 391). H ie g a r d , Scholia, p. x x x v m . — A nalecta Sacra, I, p. x e v i i , e x x x v i . — W e n d e e , Tzetzes, col. 2005. ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97.

P i Tr a ,

B arber, gr. 151 ( = I. 151 = 147). L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber,p. 328. A S S , S. III, 9 (1957-58) p. 161 n. 2, 165 n. 17 (cit. err.: 152)(Caruso); 12 (1961) p. 277 n. 1, 278, 279, 283 (Caruso). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 168; 16 (1962) p. 171. Miscell. Filangieri, I, p. 235 (cit. err.: 152) (Caruso). B arber, gr. 152

(^= I. 152).

B arber, gr. 153

( —I. 153 = 461). A e e e n , Homerus, III, p. xi. — I, p. 13. — B é r a r d , Odyssée, I, p. x x x ix ; II, p. xi;

B é r a r d , Introduction, III, p. XE

W a r t e e e E,

Inventaire, p. 138.

P B SR, 5 (1910) p. 13 (Allen). B arber, gr. 154 ( - I. 154).

ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 140-166


B arb er, gr. 157 ( = I. 157 = 131). H o b e in , Philosophumena, p. x x x rx , S chutte , De codicibus, p. 3 (cit. err.: 1579). R hM , 68 (1913) p. 569 (M utschm ann).

I. XXH. —

B arber, gr. 158 ( = I. 158 = 365). B oissevain , Cassius Dio, p. xtiv , — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 420, 926. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 348. — R ichard, Florilèges, col. 489, 492. — W achsmuth, Studien, p. 105. B yzZ , 7 (1898) p . 168 n. 1 (W endland); 55 (1962)' p . 97, 98. — QUCC, 4 (1967) p. 147 n. 27 (Di Eello-Finuoli). — R E B yz, 17 (1959) p . 274.

xtv , cx x iv .

B arber, gr. 159 ( = I. 159 = 139). Drerup , Aeschines, p. 8, '15, 20, 21, 52 (cit.: 139). — H eyse , Reden, p. 2 (cit.: 139). — Martin - B udé (de ), Eschine, I, p. x x v m (cit.: 139). — Schuttz, Aeschines, p. x x v (cit.: 139). B P hW , 25 (1905) p. 661. — S B A W, 1902, p. 320 (Drerup). B arber, gr. 160 ( = I. 160 = 454). H ilgard, Canones, p. T 160). — P itra , A nalecta Sacra I, p. txxxvi; cxxxvii.



J A W, 58 (1889) p. 265 (cit.: T 160) (Egenolff). — RPh, N.S., 15 (1891) p. 86. B arber, gr. 161 ( = I. 161 = 313).

Atten , Homerus, I, p. x x x . —

ATTEN, Prolegomena, p. 51. — T uryn , Codices, p. 9, 103. — Vogei, - GardThausen , Schreiber p. 275.

ByzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97; 58 (1965) p. 373. B arber, gr. 162 ( = I. 162 = 287). S c h u e t z , Überlieferung p . 27. Gnomon, 38 (1966) p. 337. — P L S, 11 (1964-65) p . 103 (Gottschalk). B arber, gr. 163 ( = I. 163 = 182). CunTz, Ptolemaeus, p. 31. — F ischer - F ranchi de ’ Cavatieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 177, 226. — Mütter , Geographi, II, p. xxxvii. B arber, gr. 164 ( = I. 164 = 262). Devreesse , Introduction, p. 312. — d e ’ Cavatieri - E ietzmann, Specimina, tav. 41. — SchubarT, Palaeographie, p. 166 (nr. 41). — T uryn , Codices, p. 9, 86-87. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 78 n. 126. — W atties , A nalytica priora, p. x v m . — W artettE, Inventaire, p. 138. A JP h, 88 (1967) p. 211. — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373.

F ranchi

B arber, gr. 165 ( = I. 165 = 140). N H , 17 (1923) p. 305 (Eambros).

K e it , Aristides, p. x v m .

B arber, gr. 166 ( = I. 166 = 160). Vian , Quintus, I, p. XTVH, tiv ; II, p. ix . — Vian , Tradition, p. 11. — Voget - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 74. M S H P , 12 (1885) p. 91 (Omont). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 331 (Lampros).— Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 162. 9 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arb eriniani greci


B arber, gr. 167 ( = I. 167 = 451). RAVCSIK, Byzantinoturcica, p. 326.

Colonna, Storici, p. 19. — Mo-

OstkiSt, 12 (1963) p. 62 (W irth). Misceli. Lampros, p. 312 (Moravcsik), B arber, gr. 168 ( = I. 168 = 123). p. 441.

Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber,

B arber, gr. 172 ( = I. 172 = 281). K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 896 n. 2. — SjöBERG, Stephanites, p. 42, 52, 54. A S N P , 7 (1884) p. 370, 372 (Puntoni). — B yzZ, 5 (1896) p. 213. — SFG, 1 (1882) p. 29 n. 1, 30 (Puntoni). —- StBiz, 1 (1924) p. 143 (Mercati). B arber, gr. 173 ( = I. 173 = (Pasquali).


SIF C , 14 (1906) p. 127, 134

B arber, gr. 174. ( = I. 174 = 390). Guilland , Correspondance, p. xiii. — Guilland , Grégoras, p. x x x m . — Tr e e , Aenigmata, p. 20. AB, 46 (1928) p. 447. — A IS C , 3 (1936-38) p. 1 (Bezdechi). — ByzZ, 26 (1926) p. 155. — ED, 2 (1924) p. 239 (Bezdeki). B arber, gr. 175 ( = I. 175 = 448). Colonna, Storici, p. 122, 155. — Grecu , Sphrantzes, p. xv. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 285. Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 649. — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 141. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 332 (Grecu). B arber, gr. 176 ( = I. 176 = 305). Colonna, Storici, p. 122. — Grecu , Sphrantzes, p. xv. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 285. Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 649. — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 141. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 332 (Grecu). B arber, gr. 177 ( = I. 177 = 495).

ByzZ, 5 (1896) p. 413 (Wünsch).

B arber, gr. 179 ( = I. 179 = lat. 804).

Vogel - Gardthausen, Schrei­

ber, p. 441. B A B , S. V, 40 (1954) p. 552 n. 3 (Masai). B arber, gr. 180 ( = II. 1 = 170). p. 441.

Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber,

B arber, gr. 181 ( = II. 2 = 445). Cammelli, Cydonès, p. x x x ix , XLix. — CasTiglioni, Collectanea, p. 36. — Drerup , Aeschines, p. 8, 23 (cit.: 445). — H aury, Procopius, I, p. x x ix , x x x ix , xlii , Lii. — L oenerTz, Cydonès, I p. 8; II, p. x x v i. — T oenertz, Lettres, p. 13, 49, 70-74, 81-82. — P ost, Plato, p. 74. B P hW , 48 (1928) p. 1294; Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 390 (Wilson). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 265 (Jorio); N.S., 1 (1920) p. 160 (cit.: Barb. 423 II, 2) (Cam­ melli). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 415. — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 442 (Sestakov). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber. gr. 167-194


B arber. gr. 182 ( = II. 3 = 135). H ubert , Plutarchus, VI 1, p. ni, iv, vin, x x . — H ubert - P ohlenz - D rexler , Plutarchus, V 1, p. vn, vm , xx -x x iii , xxv, xxxi. — N achstädt - Sieveking - Ti Tchener , Plutarchus, p. x i n. 0, xxx. — P aton - P ohlenz - Sieveking , Plutarchus, p. x, xn, xv, xvi, xxvi, xxvii, xxxi. — W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 18, 42, 48, 52, 55. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 107 n. 1 (Valgiglio). — B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 1600. — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 93 (Einarson - de Dacy). — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 407, 413 (Wegehaupt). — RPh, S. I l i , 10 (1936) p. 358. B arber. gr. 183 ( = 11. 4 = 272). MohlER, Bessarion, p. Vili. — Mohl ER, Darstellung, p. 263, 359. — SiCHERL, Iamblichos, p. 74 n. 3. B yzZ 28 (1928) p. 136. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 286 (de Meyier). B arber. gr. 184 ( = II. 5 = 429).

Co l o n n a ,

B arber. gr. 185 ( = II. 6 = 292).

Storici, p. 59.

H arnack,

Überlieferung, p. 478.

B arber. gr. 186 ( = II. 7 = 268). M o g e n e t , Autolycus, p. 25-30, 36, 39, 49, 51, 53, 115-125, 153, 189. — MERCATI, Codici, p. 62 n. 4, 204 n. 3. Scriptorium., 6 (1952) p. 173; 14 (1960) p. 148. B arber. gr. 187 ( = II. 8 = 490). 287-288 (Mogenet).

Misceli. Albareda, II, p. 283-284,

B arber. gr. 188 ( = II. 9 = 509). V o g e l - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 26. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 250 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). X enia Romana, p. 12, 13, 24, 25 (Pasquali). B arber. gr. 189 ( = II. 10 = 6). B arber. gr. 190 ( = II. 11).

Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 58-59.

S to r n a t o l o ,

Topografia cristiana, p. 24 n. 6.

B arber. gr. 191 ( = II. 12 = 494). ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 658.

Co l o n n a ,

Storici, p. 2.

B arber. gr. 192 ( = II. 13 = 423). Byzantinoturcica, p. 326. JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 128 (Mazal). Misceli. Lampros, p. 312 (Moravcsik).

Co l o n n a ,

Storici, p. 19, 55, 63.

— M o r a v c s ik ,

B arber. gr. 194 ( = II. 15 = 277). B i a n c h i , Kalender, p. 21. — Prolegomena, p . 125. — W u e n s c h , De mensibus, p . l x , L x v m . B yzZ, 5 (1896) p. 413-414 (Wünsch). Catal. astrol., V 4 p. 59.

Me r c a t i, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici B arberiniani greci


B arber, gr. 195 ( = II. 16). Aggen, Prolegomena, p. 52. — Monro Aggen, Homerus, I, p. xxxi. — P ertusi, Leonzio Pilato, p. 158 n. 1. B arber, gr. 196 ( = II. 17 = 474). Agmagià, Holstenio, p. 16 n. 1, 44, 45, 48. — DIGGER, Tradition, p. 57. — Stornaiogo, Topografia cristiana, p. 24 n. 6. A J P h , 57 (1936) p. 127 (Diller). B arber, gr. 197 ( = II. 18 = 427). Catal. alchim., II, p. 194; VI, p. 12.

Vieiggefond , Cestes, p.

x x ii .

B arber, gr. 198 ( = II. 19 = 496). C o l o n n a , Storici, p. 94. — M o ­ Byzantinoturcica, p. 280. Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 137, 141, 150, 159, 175, 193, 194, 201, 203 (L aurent).

r a v c s ik ,

B arber, gr. 199 ( = II. 20 = 497).

Co l o n n a ,

Storici, p. 94. — Mo-

RAVCSIK, B yzantinoturcica, p. 280.

Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 137, 141, 150, 151, 175, 193, 201, 203 (Laurent). B arber, gr. 200 ( = II. 21 = 483). Roos, Arrianus, II, p. XGIII. A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 173, 176-178 (Dain). — ItPh, S. I l i , 9 (1935) p. 18 (Dain). B arber, gr. 201 ( = II. 22 = 504). Castiggioni, Collectanea, p. 219 n. 1, 240. — Digger, Tradition, p. 57. — Garzya, Ixeuticon, p. x, xxvm . Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 250, 256 (Garzya). — R A A N , N.S., 36 (1961) p. 88 (Garzya). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 359; 18 (1964) p. 298. B arber, gr. 202 ( = II. 23 = 508). L azarev, Istorija, p. 320. — Mercati, M anoscritti, p. 89 n. 2. — Mercati, Note, p. 14 n. 2. B arber, gr. 203 ( = II. 24 = 154). Cogonna, Storici, p. 94. — Mercati, M anoscritti, p. 143, 145 n. 2, 148. — Moravcsik, B yzantinotur­ cica, p. 280, 467. Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 137, 141, 147, 155, 156, 171, 175, 189, 193, 194, 203 (Laurent). — ByzZ, 47 (1954) p. 186. — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 157. B arber, gr. 204 ( = II. 25 = 155). C o g o n n a , Storici, p. 94. — M e r ­ Manoscritti, p. 143, 145 n. 2, 148. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 280. Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 137, 141, 152, 155, 156, 171, 175, 189, 193, 203 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 157.

c a t i,

B arber, gr. 205 ( = II. 26 = lat. 3371). B arber, gr. 207 (=^ II. 28 = 357).


Co g o n n a , uryn

Storici, p. 94.

, E uripides, p.

382. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 195-220 Barber, gr. 208 ( = II. 29 == 329).


WaeeiES, Themistius, II, p. v, x.

— WARTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 138. B arber, gr. 209 ( = II. 30 = 203). des P eaces, Platon, II, p. 5. — des P eaces, Lois, p. 5. — P ost, Plato, p. 2, 29, 74. B P hW , 55 (1935) p. 1187. — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 679 (Wohlrab). — P A A , 14 (1939) p. 208 (Kouzes). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 390 (Wilson).

Diès , Lois, p. 7. — Diès -

B arber, gr. 210 ( = II.

31 = 337).

BFC, 43 (1947) p. 164.

B arber, gr. 212 ( = II.

33 = 138).

Björck , Apsyrtus, p. 42, 48.

B arber, gr. 213 ( = II.

34 = 349).

W arteeEE, Inventaire p.138.

B arber, gr. 214 ( = II. 35 = 291). GalEavotti, Theocritus, 327. — W endel , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201. R F IC , 44 (1916) p. 486, 486 n. 1 (Garin). Miscell. Galbiati, II, p. 170 (Sbordone).

p. 285,

B arber, gr. 215 ( = II. 36 = 336). Dreizehnter , Untersuchungen, p. 67. — W arteele , Inventaire, p. 138. B arber, gr. 216 ( = II. 37 = 329). B arber, gr. 218 ( = II. 39). Inventaire, p. 138.

R ic h a r d ,

P'iorilèges, col. 488-492.

H eyebut , Heliodorus, p. vi. — W arteeee ,

B arber, gr. 219 ( = II. 40 = 303).

BECK, Vorsehung, p. 146. — K houMercati, Cidone,

ry , E ntretien, p. 11 n. 1. — L oener Tz, Calecas, p. 49 n. 1. — p. 523. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 518 n. 5.

Bessarione, 37 (1916) p. 206 n. 2 (Mercati). — Byzanlion, 37 (1966) p. 36 (Dennis). — EO, 37 (1938) p. 114 n. 5 (Loenertz). — IM U , 6 (1963) p. 257 nr. 1560 (Diller). — N H , 5 (1908) p. 456 (Lampros). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 135 (cit. err.: 129). B arber. gr. 220 ( = II. 41 = 351). Bidez , Julien, I, p. x x m . — Bidez CumonT, Epistulae, p. xiv. — F oerster , Libanius, I, p. 24, 79, 208, 238, 239, 263, 268, 279, 287, 305, 322, 354, 361, 372, 373, 380, 385, 391, 393, 413, 433, 437; II, p. 2, 9, 47, 63, 84, 87, 116, 120, 156, 160, 184, 206, 226, 236, 374, 385, 416, 421, 446, 449, 468, 471, 510, 514, 536, 538; III, p. 21, 23, 45, 47, 60, 63,82, 87, 120, 124, 163, 165, 208, 210, 225, 227, 251, 252, 306, 308, 334, 337, 350, 353, 357, 359, 378, 379, 402, 404, 426, 428, 451, 452; IV, p. 4, 6, 23, 25, 108, 110, 176, 178, 181, 203, 208, 304, 311, 323, 329, 343, 346, 384, 387, 409; V, p. 7, 10, 13, 123, 158, 194, 199, 228, 288, 303, 362, 413, 418, 451, 459, 484, 508, 511, 530, 534; VI, p. 7, 84, 87, 241, 244, 316, 318, 340, 346, 371, 374, 437, 443, 464, 467, 496, 511, 547, 550, 566, 573, 612, 617; V II, p. 3, 7, 39, 42, 74, 79, 111, 117, 182, 185, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici B arberiniani greci


203, 207, 235, 240, 260, 265, 291, 295, 321, 324, 368, 371, 396, 400, 476, 480, 523, 526, 545, 550, 580, 583, 609, 612, 642, 647, 700, 703; V III, p. 1, 59, 62, 103, 104, 121, 122, 136, 137, 155, 209, 213, 278, 329, 361, 443, 547; IX , p. 182. —

F oerster - R ichtsteig , Choricius, p. xxi, xxvii. — K eie , Aristides, p. xvm . A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 173 n. 1 (Dain). — BBGG, N.S., 8 (1954) p. 118 (Mercati). — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 682, 698, 699 (Raoss). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 29 (Hunger). B arber, gr. 221 ( = II. 42 = 137).

BPEC , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 48 (Alberti).

B arber, gr. 223 ( = II. 44 = 134). Bruns, Scripta, p. xxvi. — H eye H eyebut , E ustratius, p. v in . — W arTEEEE, Inventaire p. 138. REG, 78 (1965) p. 428. — RhM , 39 (1884) p. 312 (Heylbut). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 170. bu T, Aspasius, p. vi. —

B arber, gr. 224 ( = II. 45 = 358). Vieieeefond , Cestes, p. xevi . B yzZ, 35 (1935) p. 146. B arber, gr. 225 ( =

II. 46).

GardThausen , Paléographie, I, p. 160.

— I rigoin , Scholies, p. 163, 164. Philologus, 54 (1895) p. 276 (Schroeder). B arber, gr. 226 ( = II. 47 = 265).

W arTEEEE, Inventaire p. 139.

B arber, gr. 227 ( = II. 48 = 278). B arber, gr. 228 ( = II. 49 = Wobst) ; 22 (1913) p. 638.


Coeonna, Storici, p. 55. ByzZ, 1 (1892) p. 594 (Büttner-

B arber, gr. 229 ( = II. 50 = 150). Coeonna, Storici, p. 140. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 594 (Büttner-W obst) ; 22 (1913) p. 638. B arber, gr. 230 ( = II. 51 = M iniature, p. 17 n. 3.


B arber, gr. 231 ( = II. 52 = 127).

W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 139.

Misceli. Mansion, p. 392 (Safïrey).

Barber, gr. 232 ( = II. 53 = 152). Coeonna, Storici, p. 33, 38 (cit. err.: 233), 134. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 380, 542. B yzZ, 29 (1929) p. 287. — Philologus, 53 (1894) p. 416 n. 2 (Kroll). — T A P h A , 68 (1937) p. 226 n. 31 (Nickles). — ViVrem, N.S., 19 (1961) p. 76 (K aidan). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber. gr. 221-240 B arber. gr. 233 ( = II. 54 = 174). B yzantinoturcica, p. 533.

Co l o n n a ,

135 Storici, p. 131. —

M o r a v c s ik ,

B arber. gr. 234 ( = II. 55 = 176).

Colonna, Storici, p. 55.

B arber. gr. 235 ( = II. 56 = 177). Colonna, Storici, p. 23. — L eib , Alexiade, I, p. clxiv, clxviii. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 220. B yzZ, 31 (1931) p. 410. Misceli. Diehl, I, p. 196 (Leib). B arber. gr. 236 Alexiade, I, p. CLXiv, T oscani, Typica, p. 8 B yzZ, 31 (1931) Misceli. Diehl, I,

( = II. 57 = 178). Colonna, Storici, p. 23. — L e ib , CLXVin. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 220. — n. 1, 33 n. 1. p. 410. p. 196 (Leib).

B arber. gr. 237 ( = II. 58). B ywaTER, M etaphrasis, p. vi. — Colonna, Storici, p. 57, 74, 90. — DiELS, H andschriften, II, p. 32, 62. — LENZ, Prolegomena, p. 120, 126. — Moore, Polybius, p. 192 (index). — Moravcsik, By­ zantinoturcica, p. 431, 447. — W arTELLE, Inven tane, p. 139. B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 505; 9 (1900) p. 369 (Patzig); 57 (1964) p. 305 n. 0 (van Dieten). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson); 20 (1966) p. 177. — ViVrem, 20 (1913) p. 251. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 204 (Canari). B arber. gr. 238 ( = II. 59 = 151). Colonna, Storici, p. 116. — Mo­ p. 337, 340. — PERTUSI, Storiografia, p. 68 n. 176. Hellenika, 18 (1964) p. 81 n. 2 (Tsolakes).

ravcsik , Byzantinoturcica,

B arber. gr. 239 ( = II. 60 = 284). F o e r s t e r , Libanius, I, p. 1; IX , p. 133, 194, 226. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 133. — M e r c a t i , Prolegomena, p. 125. — T u r y n , Codices, p. ix . B yzZ, 44 (1951) p. 63 (Bonis). — Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 75 (Lundström). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 449 (Capo). B arber. gr. 240 ( = II. 61 = 392). Colonna, Heliodorus, p. 363. — Colonna, Storici, p. 79. — D evreesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 126. — D onnet, Traité, p. 110-111. — F oerster , Libanius, V ili, p. 1, 21, 29, 59, 103, 121, 136, 155, 210, 278, 329, 361, 446, 547. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 443 n. 5, 709 n. 2, 908 n. 1. — K urtz - Drexl , Scripta, I, p. x ix ; II, p. x x . — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 354. — Vilborg , Tatius, p. 165. Athenaeum, N.S., 2 (1924) p. 1 sg. (Leopardi). — BFC, 43 (1937) p. 163. — B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 83, 91 (Donnet). — B P hW , 41 (1921) p. 698; 57 (1937) p. 1081. — Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. 27 (Browning). — ByzZ, 11 (1902) p. 660; 24 (1923-24) p. 297 (Mercati); 34 (1934) p. 167; 46 (1953) p. 412. — Covivi- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici B arberiniani greci

vium, N.S., 4 (1958) p. 463-466 (Raoss); 6 (1957) p. 685, 686 (Raoss). — Eos, 7 (1901) p. 190 n. 1 (Stembach). — OC, N.S., 13-14 (1925) p. 295. — R E B yz, 12 (1954) p. 180 (Darrouzès); 25 (1967) p. 43, 47 sg., 51, 54 sg„ 59, 60 (Canart). — S B A W , 2 (1893) p. 42 (Krumbacher). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 288. — SIF C , N.S. 27-28 (1956) p. 412 (Perosa-Timpanaro). — StBiz, 1 (1924) p. 176 (Mercati); 9 (1957) p. x n . — ViVrem, 17 (1910) p. 289 (Kurtz). — WS, 28 (1906) p. 199 (Homa). B arber. gr. 241 ( =

II. 62 =

K roll - Viereck , Herm ippus, p.


Colonna, Storici, p. 7, 63. —

v ii .

B yzZ, 52 (1959) p. 365; 59 (1966) p. 275 (Jtirss). Calai, astrol., V 4, p. 59-60. B arber. gr. 242 ( = II. 63 = 280). Colonna, Storici, p. 19. — MoravCSIK, Byzantinoturcica, p. 326. Byslav, 24 (1963) p. 7 n. 14 (Kazdan). — OstkiSt, 12 (1963) p. 62 (Wirth). Misceli. Lampros, p. 312 (Moravcsik). B arber. gr. 243 ( =

II. 64 =


W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 139.

B arber. gr. 245 ( = II. 66 = 484). Roos, Arrianus, II, p. x l iii . A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 157, 176, 184 (Dain). — B yJ, 8 (1929-30) p. 408. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 373; 20 (1966) p. 316. B arber. gr. 246 ( = II. 67 = 410). K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 709 n. 2. — W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 139. RPh, S. I l i , 8 (1934) p. 342, 243 (Dain). — RSO, 10 (1923-25) p. 238 (Mer­ cati). — StByz, 7 (1953) p. 153 (Monaco). B arber. gr.

247 ( = II. 68 =


B arber. gr.

248 (= II. 69 = 271).

Mai, Bibliotheca, VI 2, p. 6. Mercati, Biblioteche,

tav. IV.

B arber. gr. 249 ( = II. 70 = 473). D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2693 ter. — Vogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 33 (cit.: «Barber. ohne N um erierung»). B arber. gr. 250 ( = II. 71 = lat. 3338). Ma i , Bibliotheca, VI 2, p. 148, 165. — Mercati, Storia, p. 257, 259, 260, 262. B arber. gr.

252 (= II. 73 = 276).

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 167 n. 2.

B arber. gr.

253 ( = II. 74 = 133). Mai, Bibliotheca, II, p. vi. — W ar­

TELLE, Inventaire, p. 139. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 356. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


B arber, gr. 241-269 B a rb e r, gr. 256 ( = II. 77).

R P h, S. I I I , 9 (1935) p. 16-18 (Dain).

B a r b e r , g r. 257 ( = II. 78 = 269). — JAN (VON), Musici, p. EXXVN. B arber, gr. 258 ( = II. 79 = 130). ster; cit. err.: zz. 79). X enia Romana, p. 24, 25 (Pasquali).

D üring , Ptolemaios, p. x x x v n .

RhM , 55 (1900) p. 441 n. 2 (Foer-

B arber, gr. 260 ( = II. 81 = 388). H eiberg , Stereom etrica, V, p. i ,xvi n. 3. B arber, gr. 261 (Canart).

( = II. 82 =

H eiberg , Optica, p. x v m . —


B arber, gr. 262 ( = II. 83 = 450).

M is c e ll.

Tisserant, VI, p. 203

Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 60.

B arber, gr. 263 ( — II. 84 = 472). H eyse , Reden, I, p. 2. — Meeber , Polyaenus, p. Xiv. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 89 (Patrineles). B arber, gr. 264 ( = II. 85 = 402). Colonna, Storici, I, p. 2, 33. — H eisenberg , Georgius Acropolita, I, p. m , v m . — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 380. Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 4 n. 7 (Lundström ). — ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 658; 11 (1904) p. 629. B arber, gr. 265 ( = II. 86 = 270). Da R ios , Aristoxenus, p. xiv, xvi, xv ii, x ix , x x iii, x x iv , x x x v ii-x x x v m , i.v, xcviii , en, cm , 3. — D üring , Porphyrios, p. xiv. — D üring , Ptolemaios, p. xxxvii . — H ieüER, Theon, p. v n . — J an (von), Musici, p. lxxvii . — Menge , Phoenomena, p. v in , ix. — Mercati, Storia, p. 199. — P oheenz - Ziegeer , Plutarchus, p. iv. — W in nington - I ngram, Q uintilianus, p. vu, vin. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 262 (de Meyier). B arber, gr. 266 (— II. 87 =


W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 139.

B arber, gr. 267 ( = II. 88 = 306). CosTiE, Dudith, p. 297 n. 3 sg., 301 n. 2. — Dain , Héron, p. 11, 19, 59, 60, 64-67, 71, 75, 77, 81-94, 98-103, 114-116, 120, 155. — Mogenet, Autolycus, p. 29, 53, 127-145, 152, 153. AC, 2 (1933) p. 1 (Dain). — REG, 48 (1935) p. 17 n. 1 (Dain). — Scripto­ rium, 6 (1952) p. 140. B arber, gr. 268 ( = II. 89 = 508). B arber, gr. 269 ( =

II. 90 =


Mercati, Storia, p. 200 n. 3. W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 139. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B arb er. gr. 270 ( = II. 91 p. 33. — J a n Anecdota, p. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 390

— C a r e i n i , Platone, 74. — S t u d e m u n d ,

= 371). A m s e e , De rhythm is, p. 123, 155. (v o n ), Eisagoge, p. 27. — P o s t , Plato, p. 60, 228. (Wilson).

B arber. gr. 271 ( = II. 92 = 204). D e M a r i n i s , Legatura, nr. 962. S IF C , 10 (1902) p. 182, 210 n. 1 (de Stefani). — T A P h A , 96 (1965) p. 60, 66 (Dilts). B arber. gr. 273 ( = II. 94 = 141). D e M a r i n i s , Legatura, nr. 2683, tav. CCCCLXV. — D ü r i n g , Ptolemaios, p . x x x v n .

B oee

B arber. gr. 274 ( = II. 95 = - B o e r , Ptolem aeus, p. vi, xi. Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 60.


B oee,

Beobachtungen, p. 7. —

B arber. gr. 275 ( = II. 96 = 409). H e n r y , E tats, p. 34. — H e n r y , M anuscrits, p. 225. — M a r t i n i , Analecta, p. 90. B P hW , 19 (1899) p. 1476. — R hM , 88 (1938) p. 367 n. 1 (Schwyzer). B arber. gr. 276 ( = II. 97 = 143). B e r g (v a n d e n ), Anonymus, p. 3-5. — Corpus, p. 47 n. 1. — D a i n , Elien, p. 227, 228, 236, 238. — D a i n , E x tra it tactique, p. 15, 17-20, 68. — D a i n , Tacticiens, p. 28, 29, 62, 65. — D a i n , Tacti­ que, p. 75. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 274. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 3. - F o u c a u l t (d e ), Strategem ata, p. 71. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 508. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 638 n. 3. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 224, 404, 419. — R oos, Arrianus, I, p. x x x v n . — VÂRÏ, Liber, p. x n , x x iv . — VÂRI, Tactica I, p. x i i i . — V i e i e e e f o n d , Cestes, p. x x x i i . B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 595; 15 (1906) p. 48 n. 0, 49 (Vâri); 26 (1926) p. 385; 31 (1931) p. 230; 44 (1951) p. 362 (Lammert). — Eranos, 54 (1956) p. 153 (Dain). — REG, 45 (1932) p. 254 (Dain); 447; 63 (1950) p. 310. — RPh, N.S., 4 (1880) p. 90 (Graux); 31 (1907) p. 116; S. III, 9 (1935) p. 329. — Scriptorium, 1 (19461947) p. 42, 45, 48 (Dain); 6 (1952) p. 129; 145; 13 (1959) p. 189, 190 (Irigoin). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 377 (Dain). — ViVrem, 10 (1903) p. 500. — WS, 59 (1941) p. 113 (Schissei von Fleschenberg). D a in ,

B arber, gr. 277 ( = II. 98 = 148). P a v a n o , S a g g io , p .

C o s t ie ,

D udith, p . 246 n. 3. —

x e i.

REG, 45 (1932) p. 254 n. 1 (Dain). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 230, 235 (Canart). B arber, gr. 278 ( = II. 99). K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 800. — Anecdota, p. v, vi. — M a r t i n i , Textgeschichte, p. 44. — S c h e n k e , Marcus Aurelius, p. x x x iv . — S t ic h , Antoninus, p. ix . — W e g e h a u p T, Plutarchstudien, p. 19. — W e i n b e r g e r , Adnotationes, p. 6. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 317, 327 (Schmitt); 5 (1896) p. 217; 22 (1913) p. 638. — L N U , 8 (1900) p. 355 (Papadim itriu). — RPh, N.S., 36 (1912) p. 5. — ViVrem, 12 (1905) p. 490 (Papadopoulos - Kerameus). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 205 (Canart). L undströ m , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber,




B arber, gr. 279 ( = II. 100). K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 799 n. 5. N H , 5 (1908) p. 195, 458 (Lampros). — Parndssos, 5 (1963) p. 513, 514, 520 (Proïos). — SD SD , 14 (1893) p. 161 (Tacchi-V enturi). B arber, gr. 280 ( = DEEEA Vid a , Ricerche, p. N H , 5 (1908) p. 459 — REvArch, 6 (1945) p. 3

II. 101). DujÔEv, Cattolicesimo, p. 178. — LEVI 368 n. 1. — L obee , M anuscripts, p. 4. (Lampros). — OrChr, 11 (1928) p. 60, 62 (Hofmann). (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 137.

B arber, gr. 281 ( = II. 102).

StBiz, 6 (1940) p. 506 (de Meester).

B arber, gr. 282 ( = I I I . 1 = 72). K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 397. — PiTRA, M onum enta, II, p. 244. Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) prilozenija, II, p. 2 (Almazov). B arber, gr. 283 ( = I I I . 2 =


A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo).

B arber, gr. 284 ( = I I I . 3 = 539). D e b a t t e , Herbarius, p. 115, 161, 181. — D e e e h a y e , Mélanges, p. 168. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten - Catenen, p. 181. — P r a d e e , Gebete, p. 285. — S c h e r m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 21 n. 3. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 540 (von Dobschiitz). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 415. B arber, gr. 285 ( = I I I . 4 = 222). L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 304. — M e a r n s , Canticles, p. 11. — M e r c a TI, Osservazioni, p. 23, 26 n. 4. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 208, 209 η . 1. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 236. OOP, 9 (1956) tav . 5, 6 (Strunk). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 301. B arber, gr. 286 ( = III. 5 = 183). Orationes, p. x x i, x x m , x x iv . S IF C , 19 (1912) p. 6 (Terzaghi).

F each,

Synesius, p. ix. — K r a -

b in g e r ,

B arber, gr. 287 ( = III. 6 = 208). A e a n d , Liste, nr. 167. — G r e ­ T extkritik, p. 161, 1098. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, I I I , p. 466, 467, 673. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 107. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 62 n. 9 (Follieri). gory,

B arber, gr. 289 ( = III. 8 = 323). FoERSTER, Phyisiognomonici, p. c e x x x h . — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 73. — P i t r a , Analecta sacra, I, p. 249. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 236. — SOYTER, Byzantinische Dichtung, ρ . 22. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 99, 162. — W a r t e e e e , Inventaire, p. 139. OrChr, 8 (1926-27) p. 84 n. 4 (Gordillo). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 228 (Stembach); 11 (1889) p. 200 (Stembach). B arber, gr. 290 ( = I I I . 9 = 457). ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 337 (Rëdin).

Sa jd a k ,

Historia, p. 23. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici B arberiniani greci

B arber. gr. 291 (III. 10 = 259). Gian n eeei , Codices Vat. II. p. 152. — J aeger , Gregorius, V i l i 2, p. exxv . — J u g ie , Controverse, col. 1788, 1803. — K otter , Überlieferung, p. 74. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 191-204. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 139. — Mey Endorff , Introduction, p. 371, 375. — P i Tra , M onumenta, II, p. 317. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — EO, 30 (1931) p. 413 n. 1 (Jugie). — OCP, 25 (1959) p. 215, 216, 249 (Candal); 29 (1963) p. 419 n. 1 (Candal). — REB yz, 23 (1965) p. 81 (Darrouzès). —- REG, 40 (1927) p. 453. — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 167; 20 (1966) p. 108; 296. Misceli. Ehrle, I, p. 16 (Rackl). — Misceli. Tisserant, V II, p. 281 n. 9 (Ruysschaert). B arber. gr. 292 ( = III. 11 = 181).

Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 16 (Mercati).

B arber. gr. 293 ( = III. 12 = 172). B r ig h Tm a n , Liturgies, p. l x x x i x . — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — M e r c a t i , Opere m i­ nori, II, p. 532; IV, p. 8, 10 sg., 13. — T i d n e r , Didascaliae, p. 138. Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 110. B arber. gr. 296 ( = III. 15 = 324).

P i Tr a ,

Monumenta, II, p. 244.

B arber. gr. 297 ( = III. 16 = 538). B a Ti f f o e , Rossano, p. 95, 163. — D e v r e ESSE, Manuscrits, p. 50. — HoECK - LoENERTz, Nektarios, p. 98, 102 n. 55. — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. e x x v i i . — J u g i e , Theologia, IV, p. 36, 37, 68 n. 3, 102 n. 5. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 70. — P e r t u s i , Leonzio Pilato, p. 484. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 35-37. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 181. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — BBGG, N.S., 6 (1952) p. 88 n. 2, 89 n. 3, n. 5, 91 li. 4 (Roncaglia). — Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 164 (Mercati). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 313 (Vaccari). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 73 (Wilson). — StBiz, 7 (1953) p. 450 n. 2, n. 3, 452 n. 2 (Roncaglia). Bizantino-Sicula, p. 77 (Pertusi). B arber. gr. 298 ( = III. 17 = 71). S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. Z N U , 63 (1894) p. vi e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). B arber. gr. 299 ( = III. 18 = 4).

R a h i .FS,

Verzeichnis, p. 236.

B arber. gr. 300 ( = III. 19 = 242). T a r d o , Melurgia, p. 66, 81 n. 3, 150, 151 sg., 166 n. 1, 168 n. 4, 176, 177, 222 n. 3, 224 n. 8, 266, 269, 285, 327 n. 3, 333 n. 1, 353. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 222, 225 (Tardo); 5 (1951) p. 93 n. 3, 221, 222, 230 n. 16 (Di Salvo). — R E B yz, 5 (1947) p. 266. — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 165. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 27 (Anglés). B arber. gr. 301 ( = III. 20 = 118). T a r d o , Melurgia, p. 77. BBGG, N.S., 15 (1961) p. 175 (Di Salvo). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 420, 429 (Gaisser); N.S., 6 (1916) p. 107 (Wellesz). — StBiz, 6 (1940) p. 518 (Petresco); 8 (1953) p. 436, 437 (Tardo). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 27 (Anglés). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 291-316


B arber, gr. 303 ( = I I I . 22 = 107). A t a n d , Liste, nr. I 528. — E n g Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 433, 1230. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. b e r d in g ,

B arber, gr. 304 ( = III. 23 = 380).

A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo).

B arber, gr. 305 ( = III. 24 = 237). BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 153 n. 16 (Schirö). — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 324 n. 2 (Maas). B arber, gr. 306 (--= III. 25 = 302). H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 644. — M e e s t e r (d e ), Studi, p. 148. — P i t r a , M onumenta, II, p. 206, 354. — S c h e r m a n n , Apostellegenden, p. 159. — S c h e r m a n n , Vitae, p. i,vn. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 3 1 8 .— Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloäenija, I, p. 61 (Almazov). B arber, gr. 307 ( = I I I . 26 =


B arber, gr. 308 ( = III. 27 = 105). - - S o y TER, Byzantinische D ichtung, p. 22.

B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 310 (Maas). P i Tr a ,

Analecta sacra, I, p. 249.

B arber, gr. 310 ( = III. 29 = 246). B e c k , Kirche, p. 614. — G i g a n t e , Sophronius, p. 7. — J u g i e , Assomption, p. 683. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 709 n. 2. — M a i , Collectio, I, p. x x n . — M a i , Spicilegium, IV, p. x x sg.; IX , p. 739 n. 1. — M a Tr a n g a , Anecdota, p. 27 n. 2. B yzZ, 17 (1908) p. 390, 392 (Mercati); 40 (1940) p. 451. — E H B S , 29 (1959) p. 458. — R A A N , 28 (1919) p. 426 n. 1 (Mercati). — RPh, N.S., 33 (1909) p. 44. — RSO, 10 (1923-25) p. 232 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270; 19 (1965) p. 299. — SicGymn, N.S., 16 (1963) p. 193 (Anastasi); 20 (1967) p. 210 sg. (Anastasi). B arber, gr. 311 (= I I I 30 = 449). S a j d a x , Historia, p. 232. ByzZ, 7 (1898) p. 206. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 130 (Przychocki). — L N U , 6 (1896) p. 424 (Almazov); 9 (1901) p. 223, 303 n. 1, 305 n. 2 (Almazov). — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 623. B arber, gr. 312 ( = III. 31 = 221). B arber, gr. 313 ( = III. 32). 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). B arber, gr. 314 ( = Hymns, p. xi,v n. 42.

R a h tfs,

Verzeichnis, p. 236.

Z N U , 63 (1894) p. vi e passim (Almazov);

III. 33 =


Ayoutanti -



B arber, gr. 316 ( = III. 35 = 81). B r ig h t m a n , Liturgies, p. i.xxxix. — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — F u n k , Didascalia, I, p., — M a n d a t a , Protesi, p. 72, 85, 126. Traditio, 10 (1954) p. 54, 61 n. 13, 62 (S trittm atter). Miscell. Friend, p. 201 (S trittm atter). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B a rb e r, g r. 317 ( = I I I . 36 = 22). D evreesse , Introduction, p. 140 n. 5. — Kr.osTERMANN, Analecta, p. 44 sg., 80 sg. p. 4 n. 4. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. M E F R , 12 (1902) p. 197 (Serruys).

B aTiffo e , Rossano, p. 66, 103. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 20. — — K eostermann , Überlieferung, — Mercati , Nuove note, p. 57, 81.

B a r b e r , g r. 318 ( = III. 37 = 404). E hrhard , Überlieferung, I, p. 530 n. 8; III, p. 785. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, M artiri, p. 138, 142. — F ranchi d e ’ Cava f ie r i , Scritti, II, p. 17. — P aschke , K lem entinen-Fpitom en, p. 68 n. 1, 113, 142, 232, 236sg„ 257, 265, 282. — R y d S n , Leben, p. 39, 46.

— Stegemann, Dorotheos, p. 65. A B , 19 (1900) p. 81 (anonimo); 22 (1903) p. 91; 71 (1953) p. 166 (Devos). — BBGG, N.S., 8 (1954) p. 118 (Mercati). — B y J , 3 (1922) p. 311 (Allgeier). — B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 397; 15 (1906) p. 383; 21 (1912) p. 309; 39 (1939) p. 173. — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 181. B a rb e r, g r. 319 ( = III. 38 = 13). A eand , Liste, nr. 164. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 47 n. 4, 50 n. 6, 96-97, 296, 307. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 161, 1098. — L ake , Manuscripts, V II, p. 15; IX , p. 3. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 304. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — S choez, Reise, p. 107, 109, 110, 170. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S oden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. — T ik k a n en , Studien, p. 185 n. 1, 187 (cit. err.: 139), 188. — VoGEE - Gard Thau SEN, Schreiber, p. 263. ByzZ, 40 (1940) p. 119. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305, 320 (Vaccari). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 19. B a r b e r , g r. 320 ( = III. 39 = 202). B ubere - GERSTINGER, H and­ schriften, II, p. 36, 51. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 307 n. 3. — L ake , M anuscripts, V III, p. 15. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 236. — T ik k a n en , Psal­ terillustration, p. 128, 130 fig. 128. — T ikk a n en , Studien, p. 119, 153, 159, 165, 173. — W e i Tzmann , Mythology, p. 68, fig. 85. BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3 (1956-57) p. 123, 125 n. 1, 127 (Bonicatti). — DOP, 19 (1965) p. 168, 169 n. 44, 173 (Der Nersessian). — R IA , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 219 (Bonicatti). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 340; 19 (1965) p. 307. Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 19. B a rb e r, g r. 321 ( = I I I . 40 = 106).

Brigh Tman , Liturgies, p. ex x x ix .

— R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 237. B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 310 (Maas - Mercati - Gassisi). B a rb e r, g r. 322 ( = III. 41 = 3).

Mearns, Canticles, p. 11. — R ahefs,

Verzeichnis, p. 237. B a rb e r, g r. 323. ( = III. 42 = 192). B e n e Seviö , Sbornik, p. 54, 85, 88 n. 1, 102 n. 1, 137 n. 7, 139 n. 3, 141 n. 7 e 8, 142 n. 2, 143 n. 3 e 4, 145 n. 1, 146 n. 1, 149 n. 1, 177 n. 1, 228 n. 3, 284, 331. — F u n k , Dida- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber. gr. 317-336


scalia, I, p. e ; II, p. x x x iv . — Gribomon T, Histoire, p. 63 sg. — H eimbach , Anecdota, II, p. x e ii , XEix, e ix . — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. 47, 96, 538, 576; II, p. 224, 373. Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 648. — B yzZ , 3 (1894) p. 189-190; 34 (1934) p. 315 (Schweinburg); 35 (1935) p. 308 n. 2 (Michel). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 141. — T M , 2 (1967) p. 7, 18 (Gouillard). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). B a r b e r . g r. 324 ( = III. 43 = 70).

B e n e SEVi Ö, Sbornik, p. 4 n. 1, 331.

B a r b e r . g r. 329 ( = III. 48 = 79). B righ Tman , Liturgies, p. e x x x ix . — E ngberding , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — MEESTER (d e ). R ituale, p. x. — MEESTER (d e ), Studi, p. 21. — PiTRA, M onumenta, II, p. 296 n. 6. BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 66 (Minisci). — L N U , 8 (1900) p. 372 n. 13 (Almazov). — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 309 n. 2 (S trittm atter); 22 (1956) p. 362 n. 2 (Mateos). — PrOrChr, 15 (1965) p. 337 n. 23 (Mateos). — Traditio, 10 (1954) p. 69 (S trittm atter). — ViVrem, 7 (1900) p. 748. — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Miscell. Friend, p. 201 (S trittm atter). B a r b e r . g r. 330 ( =

I I I . 49 =

B a rb e r. g r. 331 ( = I I I . 50 = 40).


K otter , Überlieferung, p. 74.

P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 441, 461.

B a rb e r. g r. 332 ( = III. 51 = 48). A nrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 40. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, I I I , p. 812. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 237. B yzZ, 39 (1939) p. 472. B a r b e r . g r. 334 ( = III. 53 = 321).

RAHEFS, Verzeichnis, p. 237.

B a rb e r. g r. 336 ( = III. 55 = 77). B eck , Kirche, p. 242, 243, 246. — B ornert , Commentaires, p. 105, 108, 109 n. 2, 149, 162 n. 1, n. 3. — D e v reesse , Introduction, p. 196. — E ngberding , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x , x x x v ii . — F u nk , Didascalia, I, p. x x v m . — Garitte , Documents, p. 132. — H anssens , Liturgie, p. 49, 78, 82, 520. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 5 42.— JUGIE, Theologia, III, p. 132, 135, 140, 172, 228, 265-269, 275, 482. — Mandaeä , Protesi, p. 20, 70, 76, 100, 105. — MEESTER (d e ), Liturgies, col. 1598, 1600, 1643. — MEESTER (DE), R ituale, p. IX. — MEESTER (DE), Studi, p. 15 n. 3 .— MERCATI, Biblioteche, p. 73, 79. — MERCATI, Opere minori, II, p. 507; IV, p. 7-15, 143 n. 2, 472 n. 1. — P ae ' mov, Postrizenie, p. 1. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. 3, 47, 48. — S wainson , Liturgies, p. xv. — T id n e r , Didascaliae, p. 138. BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 66 (Minisci). — B I B R , 37 (1965) p. 17-20, 21 n. 6 (Jacob); 54 n. 4, 62 n. 3, 63, 66, 70, 72, 74-78 (Jacob). — Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 340. — B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 242, 243; 57 (1964) p. 503; 59 (1966) p. 426; 60 (1967) p. 174. — E L , 47 (1933) p. 329-367 (S trittm atter). — EO, 35 (1936) p. 324 n. 1 (Jugie). — E T hL , 35 (1959) p. 407 (Ries). — JOBG, 14 (1965) p. 180 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici B arberiniani greci

(Buschhausen - Lenzen); 16 (1967) p. 333. — L N U , 6 (1896) p. 400 n. 34 (Almazov); 8 (1900) p. 377 n. 21, 434 n. 168 (Almazov); 9 (1901) p. 7 n. 7 (Almazov). — Muséon, 77 (1964) p. 73, 75 (Jacob); 78 (1965) p. 178, 201, 202 (Jacob); 79 (1966) p. 303 (Engberding). — N A M S L , 2 (1892) p. 259 (Graux - M artin). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 215 (Scherm ann); 40 (1956) p. 51 (Engberding); 46 (1962) p. 48, 50, 54, 55, 55 n. 48 (Engberding); 47 (1963) p. 18 n. 9, 27, 34 (Engber­ ding); 48 (1964) p. 216 (Raes). — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 309 (S trittm atter); 24 (1958) p. 7 (Raes); 26 (1960) p. 269 (Engberding). — OrChr, 20 (1930) p. 175, 176 (S trittm atter). — OstkiSt, 13 (1964) p. 105, 107, 109, 112 n. 26, 117 n. 44 (Engberding); 15 (1966) p. 35 (Jacob). — PrOrChr, 15 (1965) p. 338 n. 34, 344 n. 48, 348 (Mateos); 16 (1966) p. 14, 15 (Mateos). — R B , 45 (1933) p. 10 (W ilmart). — Scriptorium, 5 (1951) p. 318; 6 (1952) p. 116; 144; 13 (1959) p. 270; 15 (1961) p. 210; 362; 387; 19 (1965) p. 321; 335; 20 (1966) p. 111; 170; 297; 299; 327. — StBiz, 6 (1940) p. 145 n. 4 (Goschew). — Traditio, 1 (1943) p. 81 n .4 (Strittm atter); 10 (1954) p. 70 n. 21, 71 n. 27, 96 n. 49, 99 n. 56, 100 (Strittm atter). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloienija, II, p. 54 (Almazov). Misceli. Friend, p. 198 (S trittm atter). — Misceli. Mercati, III, p. 43 (S tritt­ m atter). — Chrysostomica, p. 271 (de Meester). — Congr. byz. TX, II, p. 206 (K onstantinidis). — Riproduzioni fototipiche, p. 22. B a r b e r , g r. 338 ( = III. 57 = 112). HÖEG - Zuntz, Prophetologium, p. 107. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 237. Misceli. Lake, p. 197 n. 22a, 216-219 (Höeg - Z untz). B a r b e r , g r . 339 ( = III. 58 = 104). F unk , Didascalia, II, p. xxxiv. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. 249. — S o y t e r , Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 22. CM, 23 (1962) p. 310 (Raasted). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 396. B a rb e r, g r. 340 ( = III. 59 = 2). Acheeis , H ippolytstudien, p. 81, 128, 223. — B eck , Kirche, p. 596. — D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1122, 1124, 1138. — D e v r e e s s e , Commentaire, p. x ix , xx. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 634, 640. — K a r o - L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 21. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 136. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 383 n. 3, n. 4, 389, 456 n. 2. — M e r ­ c a t i , Osservazioni, p. 31 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. xiv. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, passim. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 132, 428, 440, 441, 653; I I I , p. 278, 279, 282, 528. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis p. 237. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 16. OC, 7 (1907) p. 381 n. 1 (Faulhaber). — OCP, 26 (1960) p. 322 n. 2, 323 n. 0 (Rondeau). — R Bi, 38 (1929) p. 44 (Devreesse).

B a rb e r, g r. 343 ( = p. 693.

III. 62



E hrhard , Überlieferung, III,

B a rb e r, g r. 344 ( = III. 63 = 245). A i .mazov, Prokljatie, p. 57. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 42, 123; II, p. 57. — MEESTER (DE), Studi, p. 137 n. 1, 147 n. 2. — P radee , Gebete, p. 325 n. 1. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 338-351


BBGG, N.S., 13 (1959) p. 16-18 (Petta). — P A A , 19 (1944) p. 170 n. 2, 176a (Kouzes). — ViVrem, 20 (1913) p . 247. — Z N U , 63 (1894) p . VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloZenija, I, p. 15 (Almazov). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 60. B arber, gr. 345 ( = III 64 = 80). Brightman, Liturgies, p. exxxix . — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 59 n. 2. — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x xx. — MercaTI, Opéré minori, IV, p. 147 sg. PrOrChr, 15 (1965) p. 337 n. 23 (Mateos); 16 (1966) p. 12 n. 40 (Mateos). — Traditio, 1 (1943) p. 132 (S trittm atter) ; 10 (1954) p. 68 n. 13, 69, 98 n. 53, 99 n. 54a (S trittm atter). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloienija, II, p. 50 (Almazov). Miscell. Friend, p. 201 (S trittm atter). B arber, gr. 346 ( = III. 65 = 18). HÖEG - Z u n TZ, Prophetologium, p. 107. T — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 237. — SCHOI.Z, Reise, p. 107. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403 (cit.: I l l 45). Miscell. Lake, p. 197 n. 22a, 216-218 (H öeg-Zuntz). B arber, gr. 347 ( =

III. 66 = 45). B a Ti f f o e , Rossano, p. 166. — 50 n. 5. — K o t t e r , Überheferung, p. 74. — VOGEE p. 376. B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 389. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 316 (Vaccari).

D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber,

B arber, gr. 349 ( = III. 68 = 95). servazioni, p. 195.

Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Os­ ·*'*■'

B arber, gr. 350 ( = III. 69 = 76). B a Ti f f o e , Rossano, p. 95, 162. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 309. — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 45 n. 2. — D m i t r ie v s k i j , Typika, I, p. 823 sg. — L a k e , Manuscripts, IX , p. 2. — M e r ­ c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 532. — T u r y n , Codices, p. ix. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u ­ s e n , Schreiber, p. 162. A S C L , 8 (1938) p. 205 (Mercati). — BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 80-82 (Korolevskij); 5 (1951) p. 33, 42 (Parlangèli); 7 (1953) p. 99 (Minisci). — B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 334. — J A M S , 16 (1963) p. 132 n. 22 (Levy). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 309, 309 n. 1 (Vaccari). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 141. — StBiz, 6 (1940) p. 506 (de Meester). — Traditio, 10 (1954) p. 71 n. 27 (S trittm atter). — ViVrem, 4 (1897) p. 602. MonacheSimo, p. 222 n. 0 (Minisci). B arber, gr. 351 ( = III. 70 = 198). J a c o b s , M ythographica, p. 9. — A nalecta sacra, I, p. 249 sg. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. 539; II, p. 224, 354. — S o y TER, Byzantinische D ichtung, p. 22. Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 139. Congr. hyz. X I I , II, p. 322 n. 75 (Follieri). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). P it r a ,

io - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B arber, gr. 352 ( = I I I . 71 = 10). Aeand, Liste, nr. 161. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 160, 1098. — Mai , Bibliotheca, I I 1, p. 224, 317; X 3, p. 271. — S choez, Reise, p. 107, 110. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 61-63, 72 n. 3, 76, 137, 138 (Follieri). — ByzZ, 50 (1957) p. 500, 516. — Hellenika, 15 (1957) p. 236 n. 2 (Manousakas). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 286, 305 (Vaccari). — Scriptorium, 9 (1955) p. 185 n. 28 (Lowe); 18 (1964) p. 125. B arber, gr. 353 ( = III. 72 = 239). BornerT, Commentaires, p. 133 n. 1, 141 n. 2, 143, 207.— KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 74. — P i Tra, Monumenta, II, p. 297. Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 152, 153 (de Jerphanion). — RE B yz, 25 (1967) p. 286. — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145 (anonimo). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Petridfes). B arber, gr. 354 ( = III. 73 = 43). Batiffoe , Rossano, p. 97, 165. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 52. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. I l l n. 120. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 316 (Vaccari). B arber, gr.

355 ( = III.

74 = 35).

B arber, gr. (Follieri).

358 ( = III.

77 = 240).

Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 129. A B , 80 (1962) p. 262, 274 n. 6

B arber, gr. 359 ( = III. 78 = 75). Batiffoe , Rossano, p. 165. — DEVREESSE, M anuscrits, p. 16, 43. — DmiTrievskij , Typika, I, p. 895 sg. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 317 n. 1. — VoGEE - Gardthatjsen, Schreiber, p. 80. B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 574. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 308 (Vaccari). — PrOrChr, 15 (1965) p. 336 n. 19 (Mateos). — StBiz, 6 (1940) p. 507 (de Meester). — ViVrem, 4 (1897) p. 602. B arber, gr. 360 ( = III. 79 = 253). Opitz , Untersuchungen, p. 81.

K otter, Überlieferung, p. 74. —

B arber, gr. 361 ( = III. 80 = 338). Studien, p. 7.

B retz , Asterios, p. 7, 8. — B retz ,

B arber, gr. 362 ( = III. 81 = 514). Brinkmann , Disputatio, p. vi. — FETER, E pictetus, p. 11. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 622, 625. B arber, gr. 364 ( = (Engberding).

III. 83 = 397).

B arber, gr. 365 ( = III. 84 = 214).

OstkiSt, 13 (1964) p. 106 n. 7

H arnack, Überlieferungsgeschichte,

p. 30. R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 618. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 352-379 B arber, gr.

366 ( = III. 85 = 502).

B arber, gr.

369 ( = I I I . 88 = 1).


R ahufs, Verzeichnis, p. 237. R ahgfs, Verzeichnis, p. 237.

B arber, gr. 370 ( = III. 89 = 421). — E ngberding , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x .

B rightman , Liturgies, p. gxxxix .

B arber, gr. 371 ( = III. 90 = 235). P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 354. N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 679 (Wohlrab). B arber, gr. 372 ( = III. 91 = 217). Agand, Liste, nr. 2359. —. B o­ nicatti, Studi, p. 141 fig. 170 e 175. — B uberg - Gerstinger , Handschriften, II, p. 23. — D e W agd, Illustrations, I I I 1, p. 3. — D ufrenne , Psautiers, p. 41. — E bersogt, M iniature, p. 30, 65 n. 4, 70 n. 4 (cit. err.: Vat. gr. 372). — EGEOpougos, Stoudios, p. 53 n. 3. — Grabar, L ’empereur, p. 27, 117 n. 3, 119. — L afonTaine - D osogne, Iconographie, I, p. 43, 144. — L ampros, Leukoma, tav. 97. — Lazarev, Istorija, p. 108, 313. — Martin , Illustration, p. 17, 22, 37, 39, 46, 151. — Mearns, Canticles, p. 10. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 408, 410, 441. — R ahgfs, Verzeichnis, p. 237. — Tikkanen , Psalterillustration, p. 12. — T ikkanen , Studien, p. 145, 164. — W ei Tzmann, Illustrations, p. 192. — Wiggoughby, Apocalypse, I, p. 100, 515, 538, 540, 552. BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3 (1956-57) p. 121, 125 n. 1 (Bonicatti). — Byzantion, 25-27 (1955-57) p. ,594 (Grondijs). — ByzZ, 7 (1898) p. 253; 11 (1902) p. 192; 53 (1960) p. 268; 54 (1961) p. 296 n. 123 (Deer); 55 (1962) p. 96. — CArch, 15 (1965) p. i l n. 10, 49 n. 18, 50 (Sevcenko). — DOP, 21 (1967) p. 247 n. 16 (Jenkins - Kitzinger). — R I A , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 249, 263 (Bonicatti). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 127; 131; 9 (1955) p. 299; 12 (1958) p. 301; 13 (1959) p. 149; 15 (1961) p. 137; 16 (1962) p. 176; 19 (1965) p. 196; 20 (1966) p. 292; 335; 21 (1967) p. 176; 355. — ViVrem, 3 (1896) p. 664 n. 2; N.S., 3 (1950) p. 215 (Lazarev). Miscell. Friend, p. 228 n. 32 (Der Nersessian); 232 n. 5, 241, fig. 23 (Mi­ ner). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 19. B arber, gr. 373 ( = III. 92 = 102). Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 307. Oriente Cristiano, p, 252 n. 2 (Follieri). B arber, gr. 376 ( = III. 95 = 97).

Cammeggi, Cydones, p.

xgix .

B arber, gr. 377 ( = III. 96 = 199). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 342 n. 4, 373, 376, 378, 381-382 (Follieri). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). B arber, gr. 378 ( = (Follieri).

III. 97 =


B arber, gr. 379 ( = I I I . 98 = 188).

Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2

B yzZ ,

17 (1908) p. 390 (M ercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odlci B arberiniani greci B a r b e r , g r. 380 ( = I I I . 99). B a rb e r, g r. 382 ( = I I I . 101).

P i Tra , Monumenta, II, p. 206. DiEES, Handschriften, II, p. 89.

B a rb e r, g r. 383 ( = III. 102 = 236). D m itriev sk ij , Typika, I, p. 833 sg. — T tjryn, Codices, p. 85. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 404. A S C L , 8 (1938) p. 205 (Mercati). — BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 81 (Korolevskij); 5 (1951) p. 42 (Parlangèli); 7 (1953) p. 99 (Minisci). — B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 242. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 309, 317 (Vaccari). — ViVrem, 4 (1897) p. 602. B a rb e r, g r. 386 ( = I I I . 105 = 110). — E ngberding , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . BO, 9 (1915) p. 147 (Mercati). i

Brightman, Liturgies, p.

exxxix .

B a rb e r, g r. 388 ( = III. 107 = 375). D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1159, 1160. — K aro - Lietzmann, Catalogue, p. 312, 315. ·— R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 237. B a r b e r , g r. 389 ( = III, 108 = 83). Brightman , Liturgies, p. ex x x ix . — E ngberding , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . B a r b e r , g r. 390 ( = III. 109 = 416). J u g ie , Theologia, III, p. 16, 401. — Meester (de ), Studi, p. 262 n. 3. — Mercati, Opéré minori, IV, p. 143 n. 2. AB, 19 (1900) p. 84 (anonimo). — B yzZ, 44 (1951) p. 103 n. 4 (D arrouzès).— E L , 47 (1933) p. 330 n. 3 (S trittm atter). — K S p , 29 (1965) p. 68 (Chatzepsaltes). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 159 (Darrouzès); 17 (1959) p. 274. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137. — Traditio, 7 (1949-51) p. 225 (Mercati); 10 (1954) p. 71 n. 27 (S trittm atter). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloïenija, II, p. 54, 55, 87 (Almazov). B a rb e r, g r. 391 ( = III. 110 = 17). HÔEG - Zuntz, Prophetologium, p. 107. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 237. Miscell. Lake, p. 196, 197 n. 22a, 216-219 (Hôeg - Z u n tz). B a rb e r, g r. 392 ( = I I I . I l l = 243). A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — Bibliofllia, 26 (1924-25) p. 37 (anonimo). — J A M S , 16 (1963) p. 161 n. 58 (Levy). B a rb e r, g r. 393 ( = I I I . 112 = 78). Brightman, Liturgies, p. exxxix . — E ngberding , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — Mandaeà , Protesi, p. 85, 114. — Mercati, Opéré minori, II, p. 532. L N U , 8 (1900) p. 373, 382 n. 33, 434 n. 168, 449 n. 221 (Almazov); 9 (1901) p. 8 n. 10 (Almazov). — Traditio, 1 (1943) p. 132, 134 (S trittm atter); 10 (1954) p. 68 n. 13, 99 n. 54a (S trittm atter). — ViVrem, 7 (1900) p. 748, 749. — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloïenija, II, p. 43, 54 (Almazov). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 380-411


B a rb e r, g r. 394 ( = I I I . 113 = 200). Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 139. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 316 (Follieri). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2, 253 n. 12, 254 (Follieri). B a rb e r, g r. 396 ( = — LEROY, Proclus, p. 51.

I I I . 115 =


K otter , Überlieferung, p. 74.

B a rb e r, g r. 397 ( = III. 116). K otter , Überlieferung, p. 74. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harbinger - Wiesner). B a r b e r , g r.

398 ( = III.

B a r b e r , g r. 399 ( = III. W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 139.

117 = 330). T uryn , Codices, p. 151. 118 = 389).

Coeonna, Storici, p. 103. —

B a r b e r , g r. 400 ( = III. 119 = 53). E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 594, 600, 606, 619, 620. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 350. Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 245 (Kominis). B arb er, g r.

404 ( = III.

123 = 382). MERCATi , Atum ano, p. 44.

B a r b e r , g r. 405 ( = III. 124 = 433). M e r c a TI, Atum ano, p. 45. RO, 8 (1914) p. 103 n. 1 (cit.: 404 = III. 124) (Risso). B a r b e r , g r. 406 ( = III. 125 = 220). B a r b e r , g r. 408 ( = III. 127 = 196).

R a h efs, P i Tr a ,


p. 238.

Analecta sacra, I, p. 405,

423. Byzantion, 39 (1963) p. 99 (Follieri - Dujcev). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 300. Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). B a r b e r , g r. 409 ( = III. 128 = 197).

P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, I, p. 405,

425. BBGG, N.S., 19 (1965) p. 84, 85 n. 20. 86 (Petta). — B yzZ, 17 (1908) p. 390 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 139; 20 (1966) p. 150. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 317 (Follieri). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). B a r b e r , g r. 410 ( = III. 129 = 234). A l a n d , Liste, nr. I 529. — B r ig h TLiturgies, p. e x x x i x . — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — Gr e ­ g o r y , T extkritik, p. 433, 1230. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. Z N U , 63 (1894) p. vi e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) prilozenija, II, p. 70 (Almazov). man,

B a r b e r , g r. 411 ( = III. 130 = 122). A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). Miscell. Friend, p. 83 n. 5 (Strunk).

T a r d o , Melurgia, p. 68 n. 3. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B arber, gr. 412 ( = I I I . 131 = 115). A e a n d , Liste, nr. 166. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 161, 1098. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 107, 111. — S o d e n (v o n ) Schriften, I, p. 58. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). B arber, gr. 413 ( = I I I . 132 = 74). Z N U , 63 (1894) p. vi e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) prilozenija, I, p. 81 (Almazov). B arber, gr. 415 ( = I I I . 134 = 413). EO, 29 (1930) p. 398, 400 (Laurent). B arber, gr. 416 ( = p. 119.

III. 135 = 472).

B arber, gr. 418 ( = III. 137 — 364). p. 107. — R aheES, Verzeichnis, p. 238.

Candae , Cabasilas, p. 74 n. 2.

A n r ic h ,

H oeg

Hagios Nikolaos, II,

- Z u n TZ, Prophetologium,

B arber, gr. 419 ( = IV. 1 = 250): A e a n d , Liste, nr. / 530. — B r ig h TLiturgies, p. e x x x i x . — D a r r o u z Es , Chapitres, p. 20, 23, 37, 38. — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileioshturgie, p. x x x . — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 433, 1230.— M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 173 (DarrouzEs). — REG, 70 (1957) p. 385 (des Places). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 396. man.

B arber, gr. 420 ( = IV. 2).

S c r iv e n e r ,

Introduction, I, p. 403.

B arber, gr. 421 ( = IV. 3 = 190). C a n d a e , Bessarion, p. Gie e , Acta, p. vii. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 201 (Canart). B arber, gr. 423 ( = IV. 5 = 27).


JAEGER, Gregorius, V, p. 9.

B arber, gr. 427 ( = IV. 9 = 512). BonwETSCH, Methodius2, p. x e iii . Methode, p. 34, 41. B y J , 6 (1927) p. 108, 110, 118 (Heseler). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 140.

— M u s u r ie e o - D e b i d o u r ,

B arber, gr. 428 ( = IV. 10 = 109). B r ig h t m a n , Liturgies, p. e x x x i x . — Basileioshturgie, p. x x x . — M a n d a e A, Protesi, p. 21, 72, 105, 126. Museon, 77 (1964) p. 83 n. 102 (Jacob).

E n g b e r d i n G,

B arber, gr. 429 ( = IV . 11 = 193). A e a n d , Liste, nr. I 607. — G r e ­ T extkritik, p. 471, 1231. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272.


B arber, gr. 430 ( = IV. 12 = 56). DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 57 n. 4. — E h r h a r d , Gberheferung, II, p. 174, 269 n. 1. A B , 19 (1900) p. 84 (anonimo). — Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 237 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 412-443


B arber, gr. 431 ( = IV. 13 = 82). A l a n d , Liste, nr. I 531. — B r ig h TLiturgies, p. e x x x i x . — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — Gr e ­ g o r y , T extkritik, p. 433. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — P i t r a , Monumenta, II, p. 354. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. Traditio, 10 (1954) p. 61 n. 13, 64 n. 26 (S trittm atter). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloäenija, II, p. 42, 53, 89 (Almazov). Miscell. Friend, p. 201 (Strittm atter). man.

B arber, gr. 433 ( = IV. 15 = p. 118, 130, 134, 135.


F aulhaber, Propheten-Catenen,

B arber, gr. 434 ( = IV. 16 = 47). CasTIGLIONE, Collectanea, p. 219 n. 1, 220, 236. — K otter, Überlieferung, p. 75. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 389. B arber, gr. 435 ( = IV. 17 = 85). B r ig h Tm a n , Liturgies, p. exxxix . Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov).

— E n g b e r d in g ,

B arber, gr. 436 ( = IV. 18 = 499).

A B , 19 (1900) p. 84 (anonimo).

B arber, gr. 437 ( = IV. 19 = 500). B r e t z , Asterios, p. 7, 8. — B r e Tz , Studien, p. 7. — F a u l h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 34. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 75, 116 sg., 121, 130. A B , 19 (1900) p. 85 (anonimo). B arber, gr. 438 ( = IV. 20 = 418). Congr. byz. X , p. 120 (Bonicatti).


Physiologus, p. xxiv.

B arber, gr. 440 ( = IV. 22). B u r c k h a r d T, Commentatio, p. 10. — Storici, p. 62. — P i t r a , Monumenta, II, p. 206. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403.

Co e o n n a ,

B arber, gr. 441 ( = IV. 23).

H oee, Epiphanius, p. IX.

B arber, gr. 443 ( = IV. 25 = 233). A e a n d , Liste, nr. I 532. — B r ig h T­ Liturgies, p. e x x x i x . — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 59 n. 2. — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 433, 1230.— M a i , Biblio­ theca, X 3, p. 272. — M a n d a l a , Protesi, p. 72, 123. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 8, 10-14. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — T i d n e r , Didascaliae, p. 138. B IB R , 37 (1965) p. 69, 77 n. 1 (Jacob). — L N U , 8 (1900) p. 373 n. 16, 382 n. 32 (Almazov); 9 (1901) p. 8 n. 11 (Almazov). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 111. — Traditio, 1 (1943) p. 132 (S trittm atter). — ViVrem, 7 (1900) p. 748. — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). man, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici B arberiniani greci


B a r b e r , g r. 444 ( = IV. 26 = 21). 20, 152.

REUSS, M atthäus-K atenen, p. 16,

B a r b e r , g r. 445 ( = IV. 27 = 9). Aland , Liste, nr. 160. — B aTiffo l , Rossano, p. 94, 161. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 304. — Dev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 11, 39. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 160, 1098. — L ake , Ma­ nuscripts, V III, p. 11. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — S cholz, Reise, p. 107. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 58. B a rb e r, g r. 446 ( = IV. 28 = 113). A land , Liste, nr. I 533.l— D e ­ Manuscrits, p. 55 n. 4. — Gregory , Textkritik, p.433, 1230. — HöEG - Zuntz , Prophetologium, p. 31. — R ahlfs , Verzeichnis, p. 238. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. Miscell. Lake, p. 197 n. 22a, 198, 216-219 (Höeg - Zuntz).

v reesse ,

B a rb e r, g r. 447 ( =

IV. 29 = 325).

Mai , Bibliotheca,

X 3, p. 272.

B a rb e r, g r. 448 ( = IV. 30 = 223). A land , Liste, nr. I 534. — De ­ Manuscrits, p. 55 n. 4? — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 433. — Mai , Bi­ bliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. Miscell. Mercati, III, p. 31 n. 29 (Garitte).

vreesse ,

B a r b e r , g r. 449 ( = IV. 31 = 11). Aland , Liste, nr. 162. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 306. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 161, 1098. — L ake , Ma­ nuscripts, V III, p. 13, 317. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 320. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — S chermann , Volksgebete, p. 7. — Scholz, Reise, p. 107, 110. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S oden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. — T ik k a n en , Studien, p. 176 n. 1. — V ogel - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 274. B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 201; 40 (1940) p. 122; 49 (1956) p. 354 n. 2 (Laurent). — Hellenica, 15 (1957) p. 282 η . 1 (Christophilopoulou). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 155. — StBiz, 6 (1940) p. 339 (Osieczkowska). — ViVrem, 9 (1902) p. 197; N.S., 19 (1961) p. 146 (Lichaceva). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 19. B a rb e r, g r. 450 ( = IV. 32 = 93). A B , 80 (1962) p. 265, 267, 281, 282 (Follieri). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 166; 19 (1965) p. 139. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 317 (Follieri). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Fol­ lieri). — Persia, p. 228 n. 3 (Follieri). B a rb e r, g r. 451 ( = m atter).

IV. 33 =


B a rb e r, g r. 452 ( = IV. 34 = 38). 231, 235 (Canart). B a rb e r, g r. 453 ( = IV. 35 = 219). P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 315, 331.

Miscell. Friend, p. 201 (Stritt-

Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 216, 230,

R ahlfs , Verzeichnis, p. 238. — - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 444-463


B arber, gr. 455 ( = IV. 37 = 218). B a t if f o g , Rossano, p. 102, 163. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 66. — M e r c a t i , Osservazioni, p. 24 n. 3, 26 n. 4, 130, 133, 137, 145 sg., 152 sg. — MERCATI, T raduttori, p. 202 n. 1 .— PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, I, p. e x x i i i ; II, p. 402. — R a h g FS, Verzeichnis, p. 238. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 53-56. — VOGEG - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 394. A JP h , 88 (1967) p. 211. B arber, gr. 456 ( = IV. 38 247). A n r ic h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 119, 158. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. 702 n. 4; III, p. 806. A B , 19 (1900) p. 85 (anonimo). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 132 n. 66 (Przychocki). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1168c, 1867a. B arber, gr. 457 ( = IV. 39 = 100). CM, 23 (1962) p. 310 (Raasted). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 396. Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). B arber, gr. 458 ( = IV. 40 = 88). B r ig h t m a n , Liturgies, p. g x x x i x . Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — M a n d a g a , Protesi, p. 85. — MEESTER (DE), R ituale, p. X n. 5. Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) prilozenija, II, p. 29 (Almazov). —

E n g b e r d in g ,

B arber, gr. 459 ( = IV. 41 = 84). B r ig h t m a n , Liturgies, p. g x x x i x . Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — P i t r a , Monumenta, II, p. 354.

— E n g b e r d in g ,

B arber. gr. 460 ( = IV. 42 = 94). P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, I, p. 249. Byzantinische D ichtung, p. 22. Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). — Persia, p. 288 n. 3, 234 n. 51 (Follieri).

— Soyter,

B arber. gr. 461 ( = IV. 43 = 184). A g a n d , Liste, nr. 1535. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p . 433. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p . 320. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p . 271. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. B arber. gr. 462 ( = IV. 44 = 25). G r ib o m o n t , Histoire, p. 39 sg. É tudes, p. 127, 148. B yzZ, 48 (1955) p. 451; 50 (1957) p. 159; 218. — CM, 17 (1956) p. 112-114 (Mercati). — Muséon, 67 (1954) p. 61 (Gribomont). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 303 (Gribom ont). — R udberg,

B arber. gr. 463 (= IV. 45 = 301). Musuriggo - D ebidour , Méthode, p. 31, 34. B yJ , 6 (1927) p. 108 (Heseler). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 140. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B a r b e r , g r. 465 ( = IV. 47 = 215). E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 656. — M e r c a t i , Prolegomena, p. 125 n. 3. — R o ssi T a i b b i , Filagato, p. 19, 63, 66. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 303. B yzZ, 59 (1966) p. 371. B a rb e r, g r. 466 ( = IV. 48 = 241). B a r b e r , g r. 468 ( = IV. 50 =


Stev enso n ,

Prodromus, p.

x x v ii.

A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo).

B a rb e r, g r . 469 ( = IV. 51 = 92). PiTRA, Monumenta, II, p. 354. A B , 80 (1962) p. 285 n. 8 (Follieri). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 139. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 317 (Follieri). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Fol­ lieri). — Persia, p. 228 n. 3 (Follieri). B a rb e r,

g r. 470 ( = IV. 52 =


M a i,

Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271.

B a r b e r , g r. 471 ( = IV. 53 = 114).A l a n d , Liste, nr. 1536. —- G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 433. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduc­ tion, I, p. 403. B a r b e r , g r. 472 ( = IV. 54 = 16). Aland, Eiste, nr. I 135-136. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 399. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — Scholz, Reise, p. 107, 108. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. B a r b e r , g r. 473 ( = IV. 55 = 46). B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 389.

KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 75.

B arber, gr. 474 ( = IV. 56 = 23). A l a n d , Liste, nr. 2022. — A r is t a r Photius, p . p i e ' . — B a e h r e n s , Überheferung, p. 232. — C o h n - W e n d LAND, Philo, I I I , p . x v ; IV, p . x x i l i , x x x ; V, p . x v . — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1101, 1228. — D e v r e e s s e , O ctateuque, p . 192. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 318, 1190. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 628 sg. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p . 15. — K l o s t e r m a n n , A nalecta, p . 80. — L i n d l , O ktateuchcatene, p. 9 n. 4. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p . 272. — M e r c a t i , Nuove note, p . 81 sg. — PELLETIER, L ettre, p. 8. — PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 315, 331. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 238. — S c h m id , Einleitung, p. 85. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 107. c h is ,

— Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. Byzantion, 20 (1950) p. 215 (Richard). — Hermes, 31 (1896) p. 440 n. 3 (W endland). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 378 n. 2, n. 4, 385 n. 1 (Faulhaber). — Scrip­ torium, 14 (1960) p. 177. B a r b e r , g r. 475 (= IV. 57 = 66). — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 38.

Devreesse , Introduction, p. 307.

A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 71 n. 1 (Lavagnini). — B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 111. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 133; 20 (1966) p. 321. Miscell. Mercati, III, p. 31 (Garitte). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 465-488


B arber, gr. 476 ( = IV. 58 = 350). G r ib o m o n T, Ascétiques, p. 63 sg. V 2, p. 104. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p. 248, 277, 373. 134, 147. R E B yz, 12 (1954) p. 263.

— P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, — R u d b ERG, É tu d e s , p .

B arber, gr. 478 ( = IV. 60 = 116). A l a n d , Liste, nr. I 608. — G r e ­ T extkritik, p. 471, 1231. —- M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — T a r d o , Melurgia, p. 50 n. 0. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 225, 238 (Tardo). — J A M S , 16 (1963) p. 132 n. 22 (Levy).


B arber, gr. 480 ( = IV. 62 = 381). M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osser­ vazioni, p. xv, x i x , passim. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 238. B arber, gr. 481 ( = IV. 63 = 60). A n r i c h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 119. — E h r h a r d , Ü b e r lie fe r u n g , III, p . 259. — G e b h a r d t (v o n ), Akten, p . x x i i . — H a l k i n , Inédits, p. 132. — JuGiE, Homélies, II, p. 294 n. 4. A B , 19 (1900) p. 87 (anonimo); 22 (1903) p. 377 (Galante). — ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 475. — E H B S , 2 (1926) p. 400. B arber, gr. 482 ( = IV. 64 = 8 ). A l a n d , Liste, nr. 159. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 304 n. 1. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 160, 1098. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V III, p. 11. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 107. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). B arber, gr. 483 ( = IV. 65 =


A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo).

B arber, gr. 484 ( = IV. 66 = 101). B a t if f o l , Rossano, p. 93, 160. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 304. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 37. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V III, p. 10. — Q u i r i n i , Officium, I, p. l x e passim (non cit. esplicit.). — V o g e l - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 262. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 314 (Vaccari). B arber, gr. 487 ( = IV. 69 = 485). E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 960. A B , 19 (1900) p. 90 (anonimo). —* ViVrem, 21 (1914) p. 223 (Latysev). — Z N U , 113 (1914) p. 165 n. 1 (Dobroklonskij). B arber, gr. 488 (— IV. 70 = 86). B r ig h t m a n , Liturgies, p. l x x x ix . — E ngberding , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 66 (Minisci). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 61. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici B arb eriniani greci


B arber, gr. 490 ( = IV. 72 = 319). Geschichte, p. 709.

J u g ie , Assomption, p. 683. —

B arber, gr. 491 ( = IV. 73 = 510). A B , 19 (1900) p. 90 (anonimo).

H aekin , Vitae, p. 12*.

K rum bacher,

B arber, gr. 492 ( = IV. 74 = 387). — K h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 919 n. 1. — K r a Se n i n n i k o v , Sermones, p. x x v i i . A B , 19 (1900) p. 90 (anonimo). — B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 360 (Bidez-Parmentier). — RPh, N.S., 17 (1893) p. 118. — S B A W , 2 (1892) p. 222, 238, 246, 251 sg. (Krumbacher). B arber, gr. 493 ( = IV. 75 = 67).

MERCATI, Opere minori, III, p. 289-

293. EO, 26 (1927) p. 142 n. 3 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 59 (Can a rt). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 191 n. 68 (Canart). B arber, gr. 495 ( = IV. 77 = 210). A e a n d , Liste, nr. 849. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 227, 1111. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — S c r i v e n e r , In ­ troduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. B arb er, gr. 496 ( = IV. 78 = 304). B r i n k m a n n , D isputatio, p. vii. Überlieferung, p. 622, 625. — W e n d e a n d , R efutatio, p. XI. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 168.

— H arnack,

B arber, gr. 497 ( = IV. 79 = 488). B r e t z , Asterios, p. 11. — B r e t z , Studien, p. 11. — d e s P e a c e s , Diadoque, p. 78. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 623. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 72, 74 sg. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 137. A B , 19 (1900) p. 91 (anonimo). B a rb e r. g r. 498 ( = IV. 80 = 119). Miscell. Friend, p. 83 (Strunk).

A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo).

B arber. gr. 499 ( = IV. 81 = 111). P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 354 (cit.: 111). AB, 80 (1962) p. 268 n. 6 (Follieri). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 139. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 316 (Follieri). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). B arber. gr. 500 ( = IV. 82 = 65). Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. 99 (Follieri - Dujöev). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 300. Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). B arber. gr. 501 ( = IV. 83 = 224). A e a n d , Liste, nr. I 1505. — H a r ­ Überlieferung, p. 76. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272.

nack, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 490-516


B arb er, gr. 502 ( = IV. 84 = 117). A e a n d , Liste, nr. / 609. — G r e ­ T extkritik, p. 471, 1231. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403.


B arber, gr. 503 ( = IV. 85 = 19). A e a n d , Liste, nr. 1952. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 304, 1188. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 104. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 132-133. A JP h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. B arber, gr. 504 ( = IV. 86 = 228). A e a n d , Liste, nr. 850. — G r e ­ T extkritik, p. 227, 1111. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. R B i, 36 (1927) p. 202 (Devreesse).


B arb er, gr. 507 ( = V. 3 = p. 118.



Propheten - Catenen,

B arber, gr. 508 ( = V. 4 = 41). G r ib o m o n t , Ascétiques, p. 40 sg. — Überheferung, p. 75. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 127. EO, 28 (1929) p. 36 (Jugie). — OrChr, 8 (1926-27) p. 84 (Gordillo). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 302 (Gribomont). K otter,

B arber, gr. 509 ( = V. 5 = 42). x x iv ; V III 3, p. 188. B arber, gr. 510 ( = V. 6).

Ma i,

Bibliotheca, V III 1, p. x x n ,

A B , 19 (1900) p. 91 (anoninio).

B arber, gr. 512 ( = V. 8 = 432). D i e e s , Handschriften, II, p. 67. Propheten - Catenen, p. 130 sg.

— F auehaber,

B arber, gr. 514 ( = V. 10 = 423). A B , 19 (1900) p. 91 (anonimo).

K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 169 n. 7.

B arber, gr. 515 ( = V. 11 = 62). DES P l a c e s , Diadoque, p. 78, 82. — Fuagrios, p. 152. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 927. — P i t r a , M onumenta, II, p. 244, 349. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 490, 492. — R u d ­ b e r g , Études, p. 177. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 37-38. AB, 33 (1914) p. 219. — A JP h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — Muséon, 44 (1931) p. 37, 40, 43, 45-49, 51, 369, 370 (Muyldermans); 51 (1938) p. 191, 192, 198, 199, 208, 210, 218, 225, 226 (Muyldermans); 52 (1939) p. 235, 235 n. 1 (Muyl­ dermans); 54 (1941) p. 1, 12, 14 (Muyldermans). Gr essm a n n ,

B arber, gr. 516 ( = V. 12). A n r i c h , Hagios Nikolaos, I, p. 338; II, p. 94, 145. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 838. — J u g i e , Assomption, p. 87-88. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici B arberiniani greci

AB, 19 (1900) p. 91 (anonimo). — ByzZ, 10 (1901) p. 174 n. 2 (von Dobschütz). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 295 n. 4, 296 n. 1 (Jugie). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 328. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 433c. B a rb e r, g r. 517 ( = V. 13 = 248). A n r i c h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 119. Stylites, p. ra . — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 57 n. 4. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 92, 117 n. 1. — FESTUGIÈRE, Révélation, I, p. 371. — G e b h a r d t (v o n ), Akten, p. xx . — K r u m b a c h e r , Miscellen, p. 51, 56. — LEROY, Proclus, p. 179. — L i ETz m a n n , Symeon, p. 201. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 1, p. 170, 171. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, II, p. 529. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 564. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 238. A B , 19 (1900) p. 92 (anonimo). — Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 237 (Mercati). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 387b, 925g.

— D e l Eh a y e ,

B arber, gr. 518 ( = V. 14 = 487). (Laourdas).

Hellenika, 12 (1952) p. 267 n. 2

B arber, gr. 519 ( = V. 15 = 195). m ert).

Congr. byz. I X , III, p. 171 (häm ­

B arber, gr. 520 ( = V. 16 = 12). A l a n d , Liste, nr. 163. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 308 n. 3. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 161, 1098. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V III, p. 15. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 320. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 107, 138. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. A clt, 25 (1957) p. 15 (Bonicatti). — BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 63, 137, 139, 153, 155, 156 (Follieri). — ByzZ, 40 (1940) p. 119, 123; 50 (1957) p. 500, 516. — Hellenika, 15 (1957) p. 236 n. 2 (Manousakas). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 358; 18 (1964) p. 125. Alto Medioevo, p. 360, 361 (Bonicatti). B arber. gr. 521 ( = V. 17 = 225). A l a n d , Liste, nr. 392. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 83, 84, 185, 1027, 1047, 1104. — H a t c h , Manuscripts, tav. XLI. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 307. — R e u s s , M atthäus - K atenen, p. 221, 226, 229, 235. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 107, 108, 111. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. B arber. gr. 522 ( = V. 18 = 63). B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 131 n. 2, 133, 135, 139 n. 1, 143. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 428, 431, 436438, 440 n. 1. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 348. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 244, 246, 297. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 497. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 543, 559 (von Dobschütz). — REG, 70 (1957) p. 385 (des Places). — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145 (anonimo). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 449 (Capo). Congr. byz. I X , III, p. 171 (Lammert). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 517-534 B arber, gr. 523 ( = V. 19 = 32). — R H E , 18 (1922) p. 423.


Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 191 (Mercati).

B arber, gr. 524 (== V. 20 = 61). Bronzini, Leggenda, p. 287 n. 91. Überlieferung, II, p. 433. — P a s c h k e , K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 172, 207, 238 sg„ 255. A B , 19 (1900) p. 97 (anonimo). —


B arb er gr. 525 (= V. 21 = 7). DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1115, 1124. — D e v r e e s s e , Commentaire, p. x x i n. 3. — M a r i é s , Études, p. 17. — M e r ­ c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae. Osservazioni, p. x v i-x ix e passim. — M e r c a t i , T ra­ duttori, p. 49 n. 4, 63, 65 n. 1, 166 n. 1, 239. — R a h i e s , Verzeichnis, p. 238. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 154 n. 4 (Mercati). — OCP, 10 (1944) p. 17 (Mercati). — ROC, 24 (1924) p. 140, 147, 185, 186 (Mariés). Barbe.:. gr. 526 ( = V. 22 = 318).

M e r c a t i,

Opere minori, II, p. 442 sg.

— P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 246. Muséon, 75 (1962) p. 110, 110 n. 7, 111, 111 n. 8 (Canari). — Scripto­ rium, 17 (1963) p. 148; 19 (1965) p. 122. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 263, 270 (Canari). B arber, gr. 527 ( = V. 23 = 26). E m e r e a u , Ephrem , p. 134. — J a e ­ Gregorius, VI, p. e v i ; IX , p. 371. — M e r c a t i , Ephraem , p. 122, 142, 142bis. A B , 19 (1900) p. 98 (anonimo). — N H , 5 (1908) p. 285 (Eampros). — OC, N.S., 4 (1914) p. 76, 77 (Béès). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 14Ih, 592k.


B arber, gr. 528 (= V. 24 = 31). D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 297. — G a r i t t e , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V II, p. 9. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 388. A B , 19 (1900) p. 99 (anonimo). — Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 191 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 23 (1914-20) p. 438; 40 (1940) p. 120. — Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 160 (Darrouzès). — R H E , 18 (1922) p. 423. — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 129. Studia Patristica, V, p. 350 (Kirchmeyer). B arber, gr. 532 ( = V. 28 = 189). A B , 19 (1900) p. 100 (anonimo).

E hrhard,

Überlieferung, III, p. 998.

B arber, gr. 533 ( = V. 29 = 311). Ma i , Bibliotheca, IX , p. xi. A B , 19 (1900) p. 100 (anonimo). — Helikon, 3 (1963) p. 59 n. 71 (Speck). — Z N U , 113 (1914) p. 214 (Dobroklonskij). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 12 n. 2 (Dobroklonskij). B arber, gr. 534 ( = V. 30 = 312). — Helikon, 3 (1963) p. 44 (Speck).

A B , 19 (1900) p. 101 (anonimo). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B a r b e r , g r. 535 ( = V. 31 = 91).

D ebiasi Gonzato, Analecta, p. xix,

294, 317. AB, 80 (1962) p. 268 n. 5 (Follieri). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 139. — StBiz, N.S., 2-3 (1965-66) p. 216 n. 2, 219 n. 5 (Gonzato). Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 316, 318 (Follieri). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). — Persia, p. 228 n. 3, 233 n. 39, 234 n. 50 (Follieri). B a rb e r, g r. 536 ( = V. 32 = 309). F auehaber, Propheten - Catenen, p. 41, 44 sg., 65. — K aro - L ietzmann, Catalogus, p. 338. — P reuschen , Orígenes, p. xxxi. — R ahees, Verzeichnis, p. 238. B a rb e r, g r . 537 ( = V. 33 = 58). Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 87, 158. — D iekamp , H ippolytos, p. 59, 66. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 256. — E mereau , Ephrem , p. 135. — Mercati, Ephraem , p. 12, 42, 42 bis. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 238. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 207. A B , 19 (1900) p. 102 (anonimo). — B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 542. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 319 (Vaccari). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 160 (Darrouzés); 17 (1959) p. 274. B a rb e r, g r. 539 (=

V. 35 = 420).

Coeeman - N orton, Dialogus,

p. EXXXV n. 5. B a rb e r, g r. 540 ( = V. 36 = 213).

B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 379.

B arber, gr. 541 ( = V. 37 = 14). A e a n d , Eiste, nr. 165. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 312. — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 16, 20, 42. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i Er i - E ie t z m a n n , Specimina, tav . 38. — G a r d Th a t jse n , Palaeographie, II, p. 253 fig. 65. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 161, 1098. — M a i , Bi­ bliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — M e r c a t i , Atum ano, p. 13 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 321-325. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 335. — P e r t u s i , Eeonzio Pilato, p. 493. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 107, 110. — S c h u b a r T, Palaeographie, p. 166 (nr. 38). — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 78, 80. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 114 n. 131. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — BECh, 42 (1881) p. 558 (Omont). — Bessarione, 30 (1914) p. 349 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 9 (1956) p. 227 (Koster). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305, 318 (Vaccari). — REG, 24 (1911) p. 89. — R F IC , 81 (1953) p. 265 n. 1. — ¡RPh, N.S., 35 (1911) p. 96. — StBiz, 7 (1953) p. 29 n. 1 (Concasty). Miscell. Graux, p. 735 (Gardthausen). -— Bizantino-Sicula, p. 78 (Pertusi). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 19. — Eremitismo, p. 416 n. 146 (Pertusi). B a rb e r, g r. 542 ( = V. 38 = 30). Schoez, Reise, p. 111.

Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 273. —

B a r b e r . g r. 543 ( = V. 39 = 171).

P itra , Analecta sacra, I, p. 423. —

S ajdak , Historia, p. 269. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 535-555


Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 139. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 316, 317 (Follieri). -— Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). — Persia, p. 228 n. 3, 235 n. 0 (Follieri). B a r b e r , g r. 546 (= V. 42 = 308). Beck , Kirche, p. 596. — Devreesse , Chaînes, col. 1223. — K aro - L i ETzmann, Catalogus, p. 601. — K otter, Überlieferung, p. 75. — Staab, Pauluskatenen, p. 37, 44. OCP, 17 (1951) p. 58 (Hoeck). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. B a r b e r , g r. 547 (= V. 43 = 249).

— —

DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 57 n. 4. 157. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 90, 292, 294, 298. 171. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 529. Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. 381 (Leroy). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 311.

E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. M a i , Bibliotheca, X 1, p. 170,

B a r b e r , g r. 548 ( = V. 44 = 368). Mercati, Osservazioni, p. 11 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. xv, 280 n. 30, 392. — M e r c a t i , Traduttori, p. 156, 195. — R a h i .FS, Verzeichnis, p. 239. OCP, 26 (1960) p. 311, 311 n. 3, 314 (Rondeau). B a rb e r, g r. 549 (= V. 45 = 5). D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1154. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 105 n. 1, 111 n. 1, 116 n. 1, n. 5, 130, 132 n. 1, 134-136, 137 n. 4, 141. — F aulhaber, Propheten - Catenen, p. 5, 31, 102, 117 sg., 130, 134-136. — K aro - L i ETzmann, Catalogus, p. 347. — K lostermann, Analecta, p. 44 sg., 49 sg. — K lostermann, Überlieferung, p. 55, 114. — Mercati, Nuove note, p. 33 n. 2, 157. — Mercati, Opere minori, I, p. 321, 323; II, p. 284; III, p. 48 sg., 300 n. 1, 399, 416, 418 sg. — Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. x n i. — Mercati, Traduttori, p. 63 n. 2, 139 n. 2, 145. — Rahlfs , Verzeichnis, p. 239. Biblica, 22 (1941) p. 365 (Mercati); 23 (1942) p. 82 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 576 (Zuntz). — Muséon, 30 (1912) p. 247 n. 2 (Dieu). B a r b e r , g r. 551 (= V. 47). K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 786. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 244. Bessarione , 33 (1917) p. 200 (Mercati). B a rb e r, g r. 552 (= V. 48). B yzZ , 48 (1955) p. 289 (Mercati); 49 (1956) p. 157. — Scriptorium , 13 (1959) p. 159. — S tB iz , 9 (1957) p. XXI. B a rb e r, g r. 553 (= V. 49). Colonna, Storici, p. 131. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 346. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 533. AB, 19 (1900) p. 104 (anonimo). —- B P hW , 5 (1885) p. 914. — Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 87 (Fourmy - Leroy). B a rb e r, g r. 555 (= V. 51 = 59). A n r i c h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 39, 79, 80, 158. —- B r e t z , Asterios, p. 11. —■B r e t z , Studien, p. 11. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 57 n. 4. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 320. — F a u l h a b e r , il - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


Propheten-Catenen, p. 181. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l i e r i , Scritti, II, p. 11, 12. — A nalecta sacra, II, p. 331. — R o ssi T a i b b i , Martirio, p. 36. AB, 19 (1900) p. 104 (anonimo). — B y J , 12 (1936) p. 353. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 329.

P i Tr a ,

B arber, gr. 556 ( = V. 52 = 226). B r o o k e , Origen, I, p. xi, x ii. — C o h n - W e n d e a n d , Philo, IV, p. vi. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 271. — M e r c a t i , Codici, p. 117. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 315, 331. — P r e u s c h e n , Orígenes, p. x x x , x x x iv . B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 244. B arber, gr. 561 ( = V. 57 = 252). G a e e a y , Lettres, p. 26. — P r z y Gregorius, p. 141. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 219. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 568. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 108 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 228 n. 137, 230, 232, 235, 248 (Canart).

c h o c k i,

B arber, gr. 562 ( = VI. 1 = 471). Ca n a r t , Archivio, p. 30. — D e Chaînes, col. 1175, 1182, 1194, 1197, 1202-1204. — DEVREESSE, Codices Vat. I, p. 417. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 77. — R e u s s , JohannesK om m entare, p. x ii, xv, x x x iv . — R e u s s , M atthâus-K atenen, p. 23-24, 28, 29, 33, 93, 94, 99, 110, 156, 158, 159. — REUSS, M atthäus-K om m entare, p. x i i , XE, x e v i . — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 141, 150, 155. B y J , 17 (1944) p. 64, 65, 69, 70 (Reuss). — R B i, 36 (1927) p. 197, 198 (Devreesse). — S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 449 (Capo).


B arber, gr. 563 ( = VI. 2 = 419). E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 433. — PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 199. , A B , 19 (1900) p. 106 (anonimo). — RO, 9 (1915) p. 159 (Mercati). B arber, gr. 565 ( = VI. 4 = 15). A e a n d , Liste, nr. I 134. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 399. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 107. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). B a rb e r, g r. 566 ( = VI. 5 = 257). M onumenta, II, p. 244. S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 449 (Capo).

H arnack,

Überlieferung, p. 620, 638.

— P it r a ,

B a rb e r, g r. 567 ( = VI. 6 = 369). F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 56. — K a r o - L i e t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 317. B a rb e r, g r. 568 ( = VI. 7 = 186) — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1149. Propheten-Catenen, p. 45, 65. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 216, 230, 232, 235, 288 tav. 4 (Canart).

Fauehaber, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

B arber, gr. 556-577


B a r b e r , g r. 569 ( = VI. 8 = 185). B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 233. Eusèbe d'Ém èse, p. 171, 174, 178-183. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1099, 1101, 1104-1113. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 6-25. — D e v r e e s s e , Octateuque, p. XI, xv, 1 n. 4. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 77, 115. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 627, 628 sg., 836. — K a r o - Kie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 7. — Ki n d e , O ktateuchcatene, p. 8 n. 4. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 239. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 501. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, III, p. 39. — V a c c a r i , Scritti, I, p. 99. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 4 n. 5, 7 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 18 (1909) p. 387, 389 (Faulhaber); 40 (1940) p. 33, 34 (Altaner). — R B i, 39 (1930) p. 366 (De­ vreesse); 44 (1935) p. 173 sg. (Devreesse); 45 (1936) p. 201 sg., 366 sg. (De­ vreesse). — RecSR, 44 (1956) p. 562 (de Riedm atten). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 163; 14 (1960) p. 177; 20 (1966) p. 155. Miscell. Klostermann, p. 258 n. 1 (Rauer). —

B u y TAERT,

B a r b e r , g r. Textkritik, p. 161, K atenen, p. 221. p. 403. — S o d e n

570 ( = VI. 9 = 211). A e a n d , Kiste, nr. 1 6 8 .— G r e g o r y , 1098. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — REUSS, M atth?us— S c h o e z , Reise, p. 107. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58.

B arber, gr. 571 (= VI. 10 = 87). MEESTER (de ), Kiturgies, col. 1607. — Mercier , Kiturgie, p. 132, 137, 159. B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 60 (Jacob). — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 314, 316 n. 1, 317 (S trittm atter). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1896) priloîenija, I, p. 79 (Almazov). B arber, gr. 574 ( = VI. 13 = 229). A e a n d , Kiste, nr. 1986. — DE­ VREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1212, 1213, 1222. — Devreesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 162. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 310, 1189. — K aro - Kietzmann, Catalogus, p. 608. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 58. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 140, 161, 257, 270. — S t a a b , Pauluskom m entare, p. ix , x x x m . B arber, gr. 575 ( = VI. 14 = 227). B r o o k e , Origen, I, p. xi. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — M e r c a Ti , Storia, p. 47 n. 3, 50, 309 n. 2. — P r e u s c h e n , Origenes, p. x x x i, x x x iv . B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 244. B arber, gr. 576 ( = VI. 15 = 187). R u d b e r g , Études, p . 79. — R u d Homélie, p . 150. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 356. Studia Patristica, III, p. 119 (Rouillard); V II, p. 91 (Rouillard).


B arber, gr. 577 ( = VI. 16 = 326). R u d b e r g , Études, p. 79. Studia patristica, V II, p. 91, 93 (Rouillard). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici B arberiniani greci


B arber. gr. 578 ( = VI. 17 = 425). Baehrens , Überlieferung, p. 42. — Bene Seviö , Prilo2enija, p. 18. — B ene Seviö , Sbom ik, p. 16 n. 1, 331. — BENEäEViö, Sinagoga, p. 103-106, 214-219, 220, 224-250. — GrumEG, Regestes, nr. 425 (fasc. 3, p. 199). — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 417. — J oannotj, Discipline, I 1, p. 4, 19; I 2, p. x v m . — P i Tra, Monumenta, I, p. 47, 539 (cit. err.: VI. 425); II, p. 13, 373, 443. — Schwartz, A.C.O., I I 1, 2, p. 68; III, p. v, x. CM, 23 (1962) p. 295, 299 (Engberg). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 7, 19, 43 (Gouillard). Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 442 n. 27 (Gouillard). B arber. gr. 579 ( = VI. 18 = 360). Agand, Liste, nr. / 537. — Gre ­ Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — Scrivener , In ­ troduction, I, p. 403. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). gory, T extkritik p. 433. —

B arber. gr. 580 ( = VI. 19 = 29). M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 272. — Reise, p. 107. — T o s c a n i , Typica, p. 7 n. 7.

S choez,

B arber. gr. 582 ( = VI. 21 = 379). Agand, Liste, nr. 453. — D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1205-1209, 1225. —- F aughaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 34. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 271, 1106. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 281. — K aro - Li ETzmann, Catalogus, p. 594, 597. — Mai, Bibhotheca, X 3, p. 272. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 199. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. — Staab, Pauluskatenen, p. 16, 172, 219. Biblica, 5 (1924) p. 298, 300, 302-307, 321, 336, 342 (Staab). — OCP, 17 (1951) p. 58 (Hoeck). — R SP h, 19 (1930) p. 305 (Devreesse). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 220 (Giannehi). — S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 449 (Capo). B arber, gr. 583 ( = VI. 22 = 467). Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 158, 165. — Degehaye, Mélanges, p. 125-149. — D egEHAYE, Stylites, p. cvm . —- E hrhard, Überlieferung, I, p. 562 n. 4; III, p. 476, 514, 523 n. 3, 524 n. 0. — H a g k in , Inédits, p. 132-146. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 55, 60. — M a i , Bibho­ theca, IX 1, p. xv ii. — M e r c a t i , Biblioteche, p. 25-26, 67. — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 41. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 573. A B , 19 (1900) p. 107 (anonimo); 33 (1914) p. 76. — ByzZ, 6 (1897) p. 625; 23 (1914-20) p. 129 (van de Vorst). — DOP, 15 (1961) p. 240 n. 78 (Jen­ kins - Mango). — Muséon, 77 (1964) p. 157, 163 (Leroy). — N H , 5 (1908) p. 301 (Lampros). — OCP, 32 (1966) p. 54 (Bickersteth). — R EAug, 13 (1955) p. 159 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 150; 17 (1963) p. 155; 19 (1965) p. 144; 151. — ViVrem, 21 (1914) p. 223 (Latysev). — Z N U , 113 (1914) p. 165 n. 1 (Dobroklonskij). Miscell. Diehl, I, p. 121 (Guilland). — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.s, nr. 334e, 829e, 1936s. —- Congr. byz. X , p. 120 (Bonicatti). B arber. gr. 584 ( = VI. 23 = 376). Beck , Vorsehung, p. 171. — Den Takes, Hymnoi, p. 13*. — Den Takes, Kyparissiotes, p. 35, 59, 63. — L oenertz, Cydonès, II, p. xxvi. — LoENERTZ, Lettres, p. 13, 49, 70-74, 81-82. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


B arber, gr. 578-598

B yzZ, 30 (1930) p. 497 n. 4 (Mercati). — Hellenika, 12 (1952) p. 267 n. 2 (Laourdas). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 366; 16 (1962) p. 415. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 265 (Jorio); N.S., 1 (1920) p. 160 (Cammelli). Congr. byz. X I , Aktcn, p. 101 (Dentakes). B arber, gr. 586 ( = VI. 25 = 6). EO, 25 (1926) p. 12 n. 2 (Jugie).

R auer, Origenes, p.

eu , exiv .

B arber, gr. 587 ( = VI. 26 = 372).

Sherwood, Ambigua, p. 2.

B arber, gr. 588 ( = VI. 27 = 251).

R E B yz, 17 (1959) p. 274.

B arber, gr. 589 ( = VI. 28 = 493). Coeonna, Storici, p. 88. — P i Tra, M onumenta, II, p. 317. A clt, 26 (1958) p. 331-337 passim (Bonicatti). — B yzZ, 51 (1958) p. 245; 52 (1959) p. 228. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 137. B arber, gr. 591.

W arTEELE, Inventaire, p. 139.

B arber, gr. 596. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 262 (Hemmerdinger - Iliadou). B arber, gr. 598. E E A th, 16 (1965-66) p. 598 sg. (Zoras). — Hellenika, 20 (1967) p. 166 sg. (Zachariadou). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI BORGIANI GRECI - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Catalogo P. F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Codices Graeci Chisiani et Borgiani (Bybl. apost. Vat. codices m anu scripti recensiti), Romae 1927.

T avola

di concordanza con le antiche segnature

Le segnature ufficiali dei m anoscritti greci Borgiani sono quelle che P. F ran ­ chi de’ Cavalieri h a loro a ttrib u ito nel suo catalogo, in cui altresì forniva (p. 165) le vecchie segnature in una tavola di concordanza, che viene qui riprodotta. ■litiche L .V I.l L .V I.2 L .V I.3 L .V I.4 L .V I.5 L .V I.6 L .V I.7 L .V I.8

attuali 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





L .V I.10 L .V I.l 1 L.V I.12 L .V I.13 L.V I.14 L.V I.15 L .V I.16 L.V I.17

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

L .V I.18 L .V I.19 L .V I.20 L.V I.21 L .V I.22 L .V I.23 L.V I.24

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


B o rg ia n . g r. 1 ( = L. VI. 1). zioni, p. 236, 236 n. 85, 241 n. 101.


Psalterii reliquiae, Osserva­

B orgian . gr. 2-4 ( = L. VI. 2-4). D evreesse , Codices Vat. I, p. 1 1. — Devreesse , Commentaire, p. x ix . — Mercati, Fram m ento, p. 31, 35. — Mer ­ cati, Osservazioni, p. 4 n. 2, 37 n. 2, 38 n. 1, 44, 51 n. 5, 57 n. 3, 58. — Mer ­ cati, Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. x x x v n n. 1. — Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, passim. — Mercati, T raduttori, p. 49, 67 n. 3, 69, 74, 129 n. 3, 163-175, 184 n. 2, 189, 195. Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 464-466 (Follieri). — Muséon, 76 (1963) p. 152 (Goffinet). — OCP, 17 (1951) p. 57 (Hoeck); 26 (1960) p. 309, 311 n. 3, 315 n. 1 (Rondeau). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 160 (Darrouzès). — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. 103 n. 1 (Follieri); 10 (1963) p. 220 (Giannelli). B o rg ia n . g r . 5 ( = L. VI. 5). BBGG, N.S., 14 (1960) p. 87 (Vitti). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 160 (Darrouzès). B orgian . gr. 6 ( = L. VI. 6). Aland, Liste, nr. / 37. — Mai, Biblio­ theca, X 3, p. 286. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403.

D evreesse , M anuscrits, p. 51. — Man­ T uryn , Codices, p. ix.

B orgian . gr. 7 ( = L. VI. 7). dala, Protesi, p. 128 n. 43. —

B IB R , 37 (1965) p. 68, 73, 77 (Jacob). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 317 (Vaccari). B orgian . gr. 8 ( = L. VI. 8).

R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 160 (Darrouzès).

B orgian . gr. *(*)( = L. VI. 9). Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 286. — Scri­ p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59.

vener , Introduction, I,

B orgian . gr. 9 ( = L. VI. 10). A land, Liste, nr. 852. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 44. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 286. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 247. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T uryn , Codices, p. 9, 100-101. B orgian . gr. 10 (= L. VI. 11).

VOGEL - GardThausen , Schreiber,

p. 272.

f1) Su questo codice, oggi perduto, vedi P. F ranchi de’ Cavalieri, Codices graeci Chisiani e t Borgiani, Rom ae 1927, p. 121. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici B orgian i greci


B orgian . gr. 13 ( = I,. VI. 14). 67 n. 1. B orgian . gr. 14 ( = L. VI. 15).

Bene SEVIÒ, Svëdënija, p. 65 n. 1,

WarTELLE, Inventaire, p. 139.

B orgian . gr. 16 ( = L. VI. 17). (Vitti).

BBGG, N.S., 15 (1961) p. 89 n. 16, 90

B orgian . g r. 17 ( = L. VI. 18).

BBGG, N.S., 15 (1961) p. 86 (Vitti).


B orgian . gr. 18 ( = L. VI. 19). A land, Liste, nr. 180. — Mai, Biblio­ theca, X 3, p. 286. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T uryn , Codices, p. 9, 50-52. B orgian . gr. 19 ( = L. VI. 20). L aily , Analyse, p. 8. — R udber G, Études, p. 84. — T hodberG, Alleluiarionzyklus, p. 25, 31. A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 237, 238 (Tardo). — BBGG, N.S., 16 (1962) p. 139 n. 11 (di Salvo). — B yzZ, 48 (1955) p. 382. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 320 (Vaccari). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 137. B orgian . gr. 20 ( = L. VI. 21). KoTTER, Überlieferung, p. 75. S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 251. R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 181 (Grumel); 22 (1964) p. 277 (Darrouzès).

B orgian . gr. 21 ( = L. VI. 22). Ayoutanti - Stòhr - HÒEG, Hymns, p. xlv n. 42. — L aurent - Guillou , Liber, p. 334. B orgian . gr. 22 (= L. VI. 23). H enry , M anuscrits, p. 44. — P ost, Plato, p. 3, 38, 74. — SiCHERL, Iamblichos, p. 26, 36. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 108 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 50 (Sicherl); 390 (Wilson); 21 (1967) p. 199. Studia Patristica, V II, p. 343 n. 1 (W erhahn). B orgian . gr. 23 (= L. VI. 24). 74 n. 1, 75, 86-97, 105 n. 2, 120, 130. B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 93 (Donnet). B orgian . gr. 24.

D onnet, Traité, p. 25-26, 56-57, 73,

Mercier , Liturgie, p. 132, 135, 159.

B orgian . gr. 27. Devreesse , Introduction, p. 194 n. 1. — D evreesse , M anuscrits, p. 38. — MercaTi , Opéré minori, III, p. 357-363. R S S , 24 (1963) p. 4 (Carucci). Miscell. Friend, p. 198 (S trittm atter). : - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI CHIGIANI GRECI - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Ca ta lo go P . F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l i e r i , Codices Graeci Chisiani et Borgiani (Bybl. apost. V at. codices m anu scripti recensiti), Romae 1927.

T avola

d i c o n c o r d a n z a c o n l e a n t ic h e s e g n a t u r e

Le segnature ufficiali dei m anoscritti Chigiani restano quelle dell’inventario com pilato da V. Guerrini nella seconda m età del X V III secolo, in cui i m ano­ scritti greci non furono separati dai latini. T u ttav ia i m anoscritti greci Chigiani sono spesso citati con la num erazione continua che h a dato loro P. Franchi de’ Cavalieri nel suo catalogo. D a q uest’opera (p. 164) viene qui riprodotta la seguente tavola di concordanza.

Franchi de’ Cavalieri


Franchi de’ Cavalieri

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

R .IV .l R.IV .2 R.IV .3 R.IV .4 R.IV .5 R.IV .6 R.IV .7 R.IV .8 R.IV .9 R.IV.10 R .IV .l 1 R.IV.12 R.IV.13 R.IV.14 R.IV.15 R.IV.16 R.IV.17 R.IV.18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36


R.IV.19 R.IV.20 R.IV.21 R.V.28 R.V.29 R.V.30 R.V.31 R.V.32 R.V.33 R.V.34 R.V.35 R.VI.38 R.VI.39 R.VI.40 R.VI.41 R.VI.42 R.VI.43 R. V II.45

Franchi de* Cavalieri

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54


R .V II.46 R .V II.47 R .V II.48 R. V II.49 R .V II.50 R. V II.51 R .V II.52 R .V II.53 R .V ili.54 R .V ili.55 R .V ili.56 R .V ili.57 R .V ili.58 R .V ili.59 R .V ili.60 R. V ili.61 F. V II. 159 R .V I.a2 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C higian. R. IV. 3 ( = gr. 3).

DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 54 n. 8. —

R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 277. C higian. R. IV. 4 ( = gr. 4).

R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 277.

C higian. R. IV. 5 ( = gr. 5).

R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 277.

C higian. R. IV. 6 ( = gr. 6). Aeand, Riste, nr. 396. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 185, 186, 1105. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 273.— S choez, Reise, p. 115. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 404. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58.

C higian. R. IV. 7 ( = gr. 7). des P eaces, Diadoque, p. 71, 82. — Devreesse , M anuscrits, p. 56, 58. — Martin , Illustration, p. 11, 184, fig. 9. — REGNauet - P réviee E (de ), Dorothée, p. 99 n. 4. AB, 16 (1897) p. 298 (anonimo). — B yzZ, 57 (1964) p. 436. — OrChr, 26 (1932) p. 90 n. 3 (Brun). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 113. — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 315-318 (Pierleoni). C higian. R. IV. 8 ( = gr. 8). Aeand, Tiste, nr. 2033. — CoewEEE, Apocalypse, II, p. 71, 112. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 320, 1190. — Mai, Bi­ bliotheca, X 3, p. 273. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 218. — Schmid, Einleitung, p. 15. — Schoez, Reise, p. 115. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 404. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 212. — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 318 (Pierleoni). C higian. R. IV. 9 ( = gr. 9). SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 319 (Pierleoni).

R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). —

C higian. R. IV. 10 ( = gr. 10). Ceresa -G astaldo, Capitoli, p. 38. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 192 n. 9. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 117 sg. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 251. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 319-321 (Pierleoni). Studia Patristica, III, p. 45 (Ceresa-Gastaldo). C higian. R. IV. 11 ( = gr. 11).

Diekamp , Analecta, p. 163. -— KoT-

TER, Überlieferung, p. 75. — Mangeesdorf, Anecdota, p. 3. — P i Tra , Monu­

m enta, II, p. 248. — Sbordone, Physiologus, p. x x v i, cx. — U heig , Ars gram ­ matica, p. Ein. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 321-322 (Pierleoni). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici C higiani greci


C higian. R. IV. 12 ( = gr. 12). Coeonna, Storici, p. 158. — K otter, Überlieferung, p. 76. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 538. A B , 16 (1897) p. 298 (anonimo). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). — StBiz, 1 (1924) p. 170, 172, 176 (Mercati). C higian. R. IV. 13 ( = gr. 13). L aurent - Guieeou, Liber, p. 333. — Congr. byz. I X , III, p. 175 (Lammert). C higian. R.

IV. 14


gr.14).SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 322-323(Pierleoni).

C higian. R. IV. 15( = gr. 15). Ven (van den ), Spyridon, p. 63*. A B , 16 (1897) p. 298 (anonimo). — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 323 (Pierleoni). C higian. R. (W erhahn).

IV. 16( = gr.


Studia Patristica, V II, p. 337 n. 2

C higian. R. IV. 17 ( = gr. 17). FoERSTER, Libanius, V III, p. 593. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 146; 15 (1961) p. 355. C higian. R . IV. 18 ( = gr. 18). DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 49 n. 6. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 31..— KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 76. — L ake M anuscripts, V II, p. 14. SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 323-325 (Pierleoni). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 20. C higian. R. IV. 19 ( = gr. 19). ry

H enry , M anuscrits, p. 163. — H en ­

- Schwyzer, Opera, I, p. xxiv. SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 325 (Pierleoni).

C higian. R. IV. 20 ( = gr. 20). KosTER, Manuscrit, passim (v. p. 258). — K oster, Scholia, IV 1, p. ix, x x i sg. AC, 36 (1967) p. 642. — B P E C , N.S., 5 (1957) p. 9 (Colonna). — Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 308. — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 312; 58 (1965) p. 99. — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 7 (1954) p. 138 (Koster - Holwerda); 8 (1955) p. 200, 201 n. 0 (Koster H olw erda); 13 (1960) p. 323 (Holwerda); 17 (1964) p. 88. — R F IC , 86 (1958) p. 408. — R hM , 29 (1874) p. 81 (Rühl). — RPh, S. III, 33 (1959) p. 91; 36, (1962) p. 301. Miscell. Bourberes, p. 324 (Livadaras). C higian. R. IV. 21 (= gr. 21). P erry , Studies, p. 72. S IF C , 15 (1907) p. 325 (Pierleoni). C higian. R. IV. 28 ( = gr. 22).

Mercati, Biblioteche,



R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 277. S IF C , 15 (1907) p. 325-326 (Pierleoni). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C higian. R. IV. 12-R . VI. 39


C higian. R. V. 29 (= gr.23). Aland, Liste,nr. 634.— Gregory , T extkritik, p. 278, 1109. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 273. — Scholz, Reise, p. 115. — ScrivEner , Introduction, I, p. 404. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. — T uryn , Codices, p. xvi, 9, 177-180. B yzZ, 51 (1958) p. 31 (Politis). — R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 198 (Politis). C higian. R. V. 30 ( = gr. 24). (Mercati). C higian.




Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 161 n. 1, p. 176



Mercati, Biblioteche, p.118 sg.

C higian. R. V. 32 (= gr.26). Aland, Liste,nr. 1950.— Gregory , Textkritik, p. 304, 1188. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 273. — Scholz, Reise, p. 115. — SCRIVENER, Introduction, I, p. 404. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. — STaab, Pauluskatenen, p. 218 (cit. err.: F. V. 32). C higian. R. V. 33 ( = gr. 27). Aland, Liste, nr. 2058. — Beck , K ir­ che, p. 274, 692. — des P laces, Diadoque, p. 208. — L aurent - Guillou , Liber, p. 331. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 273. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 218. — R égnault - P ré ville (de ), Dorothée, p. 93. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 506. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 247, 249. — Schmid, Einleitung, p. 75. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 404. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. B P hW , 50 (1930) p. 773. — B yzZ, 31 (1931) p. 378; 46 (1953) p. 58 n. 4, n. 10 (Beck). — EO, 31 (1935) p. 19 (Disdier). — RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 212. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270; 16 (1962) p. 171; 19 (1965) p. 146; 20 (1966) p. 113. — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 326-328 (Pierleoni). M ont Athos, I, p. 327 (K irchm eyer). C higian. R. V. 34 ( = gr. 28).

E hrhard,

Überlieferung, II, p. 599.

— Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 116sg. — W enger , Assomption, p. 17 n. 1. A B , 16 (1897) p. 298 (anonimo). — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 328-331 (Pierleoni). C higian. R. V. 35 ( = gr. 29). A B , 16 (1897) p. 299 (anonimo). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 106 (Patrineles). — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 331 (Pierleoni). C higian. R. VI. 38 ( = gr. 30). D evreesse , Codices V at. I, p. 1. — Mercati, Opéré Minori, II, p. 327 sg., 330, 332, 338, 342, 346. — R ahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 277. C higian. R. VI. 39 ( = gr. 31). Delehaye , Mélanges, p. 180, 395. DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 20. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 317, 672 n. 6. — Gebhardt (von), Akten, p. xxi. — K rumbacher, Miscellen, p. 51, 57. — Mercati, Storia, p. 116, 203, 311. —

A B , 16 (1897) p. 300 (anonimo); 80 (1962) p. 35 n. 2 (Devos). — ByzZ, 13 (1904) p. 262. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 156. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1225f. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici C higiani greci C h ig ia n . R . V I. 40 (= gr. 32). W arTEIAE, Inventaire, p. 139. SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 331-332 (Pierleoni).

C h ig ia n . R . V I. 41 ( = gr. 33). DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 38, 49. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 84, 89, 113, 115. B yzZ , 27 (1927) p. 373. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 14 (van Regemorter); 17 (1963) p. 69 (Canart). — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 332-333 (Pierleoni). C h ig ia n . R . VI. 42 ( = gr. 34).

SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 333-334 (Pierleoni).

C h ig ia n . R . V I. 43 (= gr. 35).DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 88 n. 3. — F oERSTER, Libanius, I, p. 10, 79, 208, 238, 239, 263, 268, 279, 287, 301, 305, 322, 351, 354, 361, 372, 373, 377, 385, 391, 393, 399, 401, 412, 433, 437; II, p. 1, 46, 63, 83, 87, 115, 120, 155, 160, 183, 206, 225, 236, 374, 385, 415, 421, 445, 449, 467, 471, 494, 509, 514, 534, 538; III, p. 2, 20, 23, 44, 47, 60, 63, 81, 87, 120, 124, 147, 149, 163, 165, 188, 191, 207, 210, 225. 227, 237, 239, 250, 252, 264,266, 277, 279, 293, 295, 305, 308, 334, 337, 349, 353, 356, 359, 377, 379, 401, 404,425, 428, 450-452, 470, 471; IV, p. 3, 6, 23, 25, 51, 54, 70, 72, 107, 110, 129, 132, 147, 150, 175, 181, 202, 208, 322, 329, 342, 346; V, p. 5, 13, 154, 194, 199, 228, 412, 450, 459, 484; VI, p. 340, 346, 496, 511, 590, 593; V II, p. 4, 73, 79, 396, 400, 548. — MERCATI, Biblioteche, p. 6 n. 1. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 392. Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 692, 695 (Raoss). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 120 (Patrineles). C h ig ia n . R . VII. 45 ( = gr. 36). Ach eijs , Hippolytstudien, p. 88, 223. — Bardy - EEFÈVRE, H ippolyte, p. 67. — Ceriani, Cod. Marchalianus, p. 5 n. 8, 16. — Cozza - Buzzi, Fragm enta, III, p. v. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 107, 132 n. 1, 133. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 620, 640. — KXostermann, Analecta, p. 31. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 31-34, 243-245. — Mercati, Biblio­ teche, p. 6 n. 1, 117 n. 1. — Mercati, Nuove note, p. 5, 26-35, 48. — Mercati, Opere minori, II, p. 403, 533; I I I , p. 49 n. 1. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 278. Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). C h ig ia n . R . V II. 46 ( = gr. 37). Ceriani , Cod. Marchalianus, p. 5 n. 8. — Cozza - I/uzi, Fragm enta, III, p. v. C h ig ia n . R. V II. 47 ( = gr. 38). Beck , Kirche, p. 706. — Schreiner , Studien, p. 164 n. 4 (cit. err.: Chis. 18). Muséon, 67 (1954) p. 68, 69 (Gribomont). — N H , 6 (1909) p. 108, 484 (Lam pros). Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 334-336 (Pierleoni). C h ig ia n . R. V II. 48 ( = gr. 39). E hrhard, Überlieferung, I, p. 75; II, p. 338. — H aekin , Euphémie, p. 145-161. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 115 sg. A B , 16 (1897) p. 304 (anonimo). — SIF C , 15 (1907) p. 336-337 (Pierleoni). C h ig ia n . R . V II. 49 ( = gr. 40). DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 96 n. 7. ■— E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 538. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 114 sg. — OddfaTHER, Studies, p. 202, 209 sg., 212, 214 sg. A B , 16 (1897) p. 305 (anonimo). — B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 18 (Garitte). Misceli. Ehrte, II,p .2 2 7 n. 2 (Eevison). —Misceli. T ìsserant, VI, p .249 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C higian. R. VI. 40-R . V ili. 55


C higian. R. VII. 50 (= gr. 41). E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 627; III, p. 499 n. 2. — J ugie , Assomption, p. 320. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 116, 117 n. 1. — R ahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 280. A B , 16 (1897) p. 306 (anonimo). B ibl . hagiogr. gr . 3 , nr. 1755j. C higian. R. VII. 51 (= gr. 42). Devreesse , Introduction, p. 96 n. 11. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 742. — R ydén , Leben, p. 39, 46. A B , 16 (1897) p. 308 (anonimo). — Byzantion , 9 (1934) p. 86, 93 (Fourmy Leroy). Bibl . hagiogr. gr . 3 , nr. 1254e. C higian. R. VII. 52 (= gr. 43). Aland, Liste, nr. I 538. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 433. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 273. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 491, 497 sg. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 404. C higian. R. VII. 53 (= gr. 44). L aurent - Guillou , Liber, p. 334. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 525. — P itra , Analecta sacra, I, p. lxxxiv , exxxv. Scriptorium , 16 (1962) p. 171. Bibl . hagiogr. gr . 3 , nr. 2233. C higian. R. V ili. 54 (= gr. 45). Baehrens, Überheferung, p. 236. — Buy Taert, Eusèbe d’Emèse, p. 173. — Devreesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 272. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 88 n. 1. — F aulhaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 5-7, 13, 18, 21, 41, 89, 94, 129, 130, 134 sg., 136, 162, 173, 192-196, 203-216. — K aro - Li ETzmann, Catalogus, p. 332, 337, 344, 347, 350. — K lostermann, Jeremiahomilien, p. x x m . — K lostermann, Überlieferung, p. 84 n. 1, 110, 111, 114. — L azarev, Istorija, p. 82, 301. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 119sg. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 122. — Mercati, Psaltefii reliquiae, Osser­ vazioni, p. 219 n. 43. — Mercati, Traduttori, p. 137 n. 3, 138 n. 2, 139-142. — NEUSS, Bibelillustration, p. 94 n. 78. — R ahxfs, Verzeichnis, p. 280. — Sicken BERGER, Studien, p. 131. — W ei Tzmann, Illustrations, p. 204. — W e i Tzmann, Roll, p. 44. A S , 1927, tav. I li, p. 128 (Friend). — Byzantion , 14 (1939) p. 577 (Zuntz). —■B yzZ , 18 (1909) p. 388, 394 (Faulhaber); 19 (1910) p. 597; 29 (1929) p. 284 (Lazarev). — E H B S , 23 (1953) p. 56 (Xyngopoulos). — JOBG , 6 (1957) p. 141 (Weitzmann). — R B i , 42 (1933) p. 544 sg. (Devreesse). — RecSR , 44 (1956) p. 562 (de Riedmatten). — Scriptorium , 12 (1954) p. 163; 15 (1961) p. 150; 20 (1966) p. 171;.21 (1967) p. 376. Congr. byz . V , Catalogo, p. 20. — Studia Patristica . I li, p. 317 n. 3 (Tetz). C higian. R. V ili. 55 ( = gr. 46). Axand, Liste, nr. 1951. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 96 n. 13. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 304, 1188. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 273. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 120. — Scholz, Reise, p. 115. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 404. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 58. — STaab, Pauluskatenen, p. 103. 12 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici C higiaiii greci

C higian. R . V ili. 56 ( = gr. 47). Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 117. — R udberg , Études, p. 72. — R udberg , Homélie, p. 150. Eranos, 52 (1954) p. 193 (Rudberg). — R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). — R M , 48 (1958) p. 88 (Rouillard). Studia Patristica, III, p. 118 (Rouillard); V II, p. 90 (Rouillard). C higian. R. V ili. 57 ( = gr. 48). DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 22 n. 1. S IF C , 15 (1907) p. 337-338 (Pierleoni). C higian. R. V ili. 58 ( = gr. 49). Proclus, III, p. vi. B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 692.

D ie h e , Proclus, p. x ix. — K roee ,

C higian. R. V ili. 59 ( = gr. 50). F oERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 133 n. 1. — Mercati , Biblioteche, p. 48 n. 3. B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 415. — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 11 (1958) p. 25 (Kamerbeek). — R A A N , N.S., 26 (1951) p. 260 (De Marco). — R F IC , 81 (1953) p. 265. — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 6, 33 (Turyn). — ViVrem, 11 (1904) p. 568 n. 2 (Rédin). C higian. R. V ili. 60 ( = gr. 51). DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 89 n. 10. — J acoby, Dionysius, I, p. iv, v ii . — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 6 n. 1. — W ie EOUGHBY, Apocalypse, I, p. 403. Eos, 27 (1924) p. 12 (cit. err.: 58) (Auerbach). — Scriptorium, 10 (1956) p. 37 (Diller). C higian. R . V ili. 61 ( = gr. 52).

B P hW , 55 (1935) p. 916.

C higian. F. VII. 159 ( = gr. 53). L azarev, Istorija, p. 222, 362. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 88 (Patrineles). ·— Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 163. Misceli. Bellini, p. 352, 353 n. 12 (Mioni). C higian. R. VI. a2 ( = gr. 54).

JUGIE, Theologia, II, p. 349, 352, 355.

— Mercati, Isidoro, p. 57 n. 1, 96. B yzZ, 51 (1958) p. 478. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 88 (Patrineles). — EO, 28 (1929) p. 144, 146, 140, 155 (Laurent). — R E B yz 20 (1962) p. 281. Congr. byz. I V , I, p. 261, 268 (Bolides). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI OTTOBONIANI GRECI - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


E. F e r o n - F. B a t t a g u n i , Codices tnanuscripti Graeci O ttoboniani Bi­ bliothecae Vaticanae (Bibi, apost. V at. codices tnanuscripti recensiti), Romae

1893. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. y-dfe « ?* * 5:·*» ■


O ttob. g r. 1. A nrich , Hagios Nikolaos, I, p. 66, 152, 184; II, p. 32, 63 η. 1, 88. — D ee Ehaye , Saints m ilitaires, p. 56. — DEEEHAYE, Stylites, p. n i. — D evr EESSE, Codices Vat. I, p. 411. — D evr EESSE, Manuscrits, p. 57 n. 4. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 293, 661 n. 4; I I I, p. 777, 984 n. 2. — E m e r ë a u , Ephrem , p. 137. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i E r i , Catalogue, p. 244-249. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i E r i , M artirii, p. 138, 142. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i E r i , Scritti, II, p. 2, 12, 17, 20. — H a e k i n , Inédits, p. 87-93. — H a r n a c k , Über­ lieferung, p. 127. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 128, 130, 136, 227. — L i ETz m a n n , Symeon, p. 201. — M e r c a TI, Biblioteche, p. 62 n. 3, 128 η. 1. — M e r c a TI, Cidone, p. 261 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Ephraem , p. 196, 200, 200 bis. — M e r c a t i , Note, p. 211. — P a s c h k e , K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 144, 231, 237, 253, 255, 257, 265, 282. — WEYH, Barbara-Legende, p. 11. AB, 5 (1886) p. 288 (Bonnet); 22 (1903) p. 91; 377 (Galante); 47 (1929) p. 137. — B yzZ , 12 (1903) p. 397. — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). —· R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 118 (Bassi). — RO, 9 (1915) p. 147, 159 (Mercati). — R SR , 32 (1958) p. 5 n. 9 (Saxer). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 126; 15 (1961) p. 205; 19 (1965) p. 144. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 η. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri-Muccio). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 93. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, 6d, 351e, 372e, 386h, 1050c, 1876b. — Menologio, p. 47 n. 7. O ttob. g r. 2.

Aeand, Liste, nr. I 130. — B atiffoe, Rossano, p. 72. —

DEVREESSE, M anuscrits, p. 18, 55. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 398. — Mai,

Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — Mercati, Storia, p. 21 n. 3. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96, 111. — Scriv Ener , Introduction, I, p. 403.

O ttob. g r. 3. BErTöea, Registri, p. 1 n. 5. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 23. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko). — IM U , 3 (1960) p. 122 n. 2 (Pertusi). — RPh, N.S., 25 (1901) p. 257 (Misier). O ttob. g r. 4. Ber Tôea, Registri, p. 1 n. 5. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 1010. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 53, 55. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 68 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki).

O ttob. gr. 5.

B ouvy, Isidorus Pelusiota, p. 164. — Sajdak , Historia,

p. 110 sg. R B P h, 7 (1928) p. 279.

O ttob. g r. 6. Gaeeay, L ettres, p. 26. — P rzychocki, Gregorius, p. 141. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 219. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci


B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 568. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 107 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). Miscell. Tisseront, VI, p. 214, 228 n. 137, 229 n. 141, 235, 248 (Canart). O tto b . g r. 7. B e c k , Kirche, p. 470. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1147, 1152, 1153. — F auch a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 128 n. 1. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 69, 80-82, 111. — K aro - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 338. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 215 n. 3. — M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p. 136-145. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, I I I , p. 423. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 240. — V o g e e G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 384. Biblica, 5 (1924) p. 348 (Staab). Miscell. Ubach, p. 29 (Mercati). O tto b . g r. 8. D u m o r t ie r , Cohabitations, p. 34. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 26. WS, 9 (1887) p. 200 (Stembach). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 201 (Canart). O tto b . g r. 9. H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 837. — K aro - L iet z ­ Catalogus, p. 329. — PiTRA, Analecta sacra, II, p. 361; III, p. 597. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 240. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 26. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 135 (Bertini); 26 (1945) p. 155 n. 1 (Mercati). — W S. 9 (1887) p. 200 (Stembach). m ann,

O tto b . g r. 10. M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 59. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 316 (Vaccari). O tto b . g r. 11. M a e in g r e y , Providence, p. 28. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 386. Traditio, 18 (1962) p. 26, 41 (Malingrey). O tto b . g r. 12. B a u e r , Asterios, p. 46, 64. — B r e t z , Asterios, p. 10. — B r e t z , Studien, p. 10. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 107. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i ERI, Catalogus, p. 249-250. — K u g e n e r - T r i f f a u x , Homiliae, p. 784, 785. — W ë n g e r , Assomption, p. 114. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 31 le, 699a. O tto b . g r. 14. DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 31 n. 3. — E h r h a r d , Ü ber­ lieferung, I, p. 213, 228 n. 3. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 108, 110, 114, 204, 206, 208. — N o r d b e r g ,' A thanasiana, p. 8*, 36*. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, III, p. 494.

— Sickenberger , Studien, p. 135. — W utz, Onomastica, p. xxx. AB, 85 (1967) p. 532. — BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3, (1956-57), I, p. 121 (Bönicatti). — B y J , 12 (1936) p. 353. — Byslav, 28 (1967) p. 337 (Franc-Sgourdéou). — E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 425 (Pallas). — M S R , 21 (1964) p. 115 (Liébaert). — R E A ug, 2 (1956) p. 461 (Wenger). — REB yz, 25 (1967) p. 221, 224, 225 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 307; 20 (1966) p. 173; 21 (1967) p. 122; 363. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 7-23


Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 36 (Camelot). — Bibi, hagiogr.3, nr. 415n, 2213g, 2219u. — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 20. O ttob. gr. 15. MorTreuie , Histoire, II, p. 443. — N oaieees- D ain , Noveiles, p. x eii . — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x, 538; II, p. 153, 154. — Svoronos, Synopsis, p. 11, 17-48 passim, 55, 56, 64, 65, 67, 68, 72, 73, 184. R E B yz, 11 (1953) p. 48 (Dain). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 185. O ttob. gr. 16. Ber Töea, Registri, p. 75 n. 1. — F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 31. — HERGENROETHER, Photius, I, p. 14 n. 6. — R ahefs , Ver­ zeichnis, p. 240. Biblica, 24 (1943) p. 3 n. 2 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 17. Aland , Liste, nr. 1996. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 311, 1189. — HERGENROETHER, Photius, I, p. 14 n. 6. — MERCATI, Storia, p. 198. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 91. O ttob. gr. 18. p. 182, 183 n. 4.

BerTöea, Registri, p. 84 n. 8. — Mercati, Codici,

O ttob. gr. 19. Martini, Textgeschichte, p. 24, 114. — Severyns , Chres­ tom athie, II, p. 21. R F IC , 40 (1912) p. 329. — R IG I, 13 (1929) p. 132 (Cantarella). — Scrip­ torium, 16 (1962) p. 195. O ttob. gr. 20.

Ber Töea, Registri, p. 68 n. 2, 84 n. 5. — F ranchi

DE’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 250. — Martini, Textgeschichte, p. 24, 114. —

P aschke, Klem entinen-Epitom en, p. 143, 231, 234, 237, 244, 265. — ryns , Chrestomathie, II, p. 21.

Seve ­

R F IC , 40 (1912) p. 329. — R IG I, 13 (1929) p. 132 (Cantarella). — Scrip­ torium, 16 (1962) p. 195. O ttob. gr. 21. Vogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 353. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 72 n. 11 (Schirö). — RhM , 64 (1909) p. 247 (M utschm ann). O ttob. gr. 22. B oegar, H eritage, p. 475. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Codex Urbinas, I, p. 195, 200. — R abe , Hermogenes, p. x ix . — Vogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 187. J W I , 24 (1961) p. 317 (Diller). — REG, 24 (1911) p. 89. O ttob. gr. 23. HERGENROETHER, Photius, I, p. 246 n. 27. — LEROY, Proclus, p. 49. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x ; II, p. 178. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 562 (von Dobschütz). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 215, 229 n. 141, 236, 288 tav. 18 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici O ttoboniani greci

O tto b . gr. 24. H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 405, 837. — K aro - LiETzMann, Catalogus, p. 329. — Mercati, Storia, p. 198. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 361; III, p. 597. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 424. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 135 (Bertini). O ttob. g r. 25. A n a s t a s i j e w i C, Alphabete, p. 88. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 320. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 5 η. 1. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a r ie r i , Catalogus, p. 251. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i ERi - L ie t z m a n n , Speci­ m ina, tav. 50. — H e u s s i , Nilus, p. 44 n. 2. — LEROY, Proclus, p. 92. — S c h u b a r T, Palaeographie, p. 168 (nr. 50). — VoGEE —G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 420. R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 160 (D a m n as). O tto b . g r. 26.

VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 183.

O tto b . g r. 27. Caspar - L aehr , Epistolae, p. 371. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERi , Catalogus, p. 251. — H ergenroether, Photius, I, p. 154 n. 7. — L aemmer, Bibliotheca, p. 2 η. 1. — Moheer, Darstellung, p. 393. — P itra , I, p. X; II, p. x x η. 1, 98 η. 1, 101, 101 n. 2. B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 269, 272. — OCP, 7 (1941) p. 56, 83 n. 2 (Drammer). — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 14 (Papadopoulos-Kerameus). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 607 n. 132 (Leonardi). O tto b . g r. 28. Guenther , Epistulae, I, p. exiv , xciv. — P itra , Mo­ numenta, I, p. x; II, p. 6. — Schwartz, A.C.O., III, p. v. NGG , 1894, 2, p. 119 (Günther). O tto b . g r. 29. P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x, 425; II, p. 178. — S chw artz , A.C.O., I I 1, 1, p. v; II 1, 3, p. 2. — S chw artz , Chalkedon, p. 9. B P hW , 56 (1936) p. 34. — B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 448. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 214 n. 120, 215, 217 n. 125, 236 (Canart). O tto b . g r. 30. Candae, Oratio dogmatica, p. exxv. — D urand (de ), Deux Dialogues, p. 522. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. — Gie E, Acta, p. vili. — Mai, Bibliotheca, II, p. vi, 75. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. OCP, 21 (1955) p. 178 η. 1, 179 (Laurent). O tto b . g r. 31. Aeand, Liste, nr. 1946. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 303, 1188. — K aro - L ietzmann, Catalogus, p. 608. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — Schoez, Reise, p. 97. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — Staab, Pauluskatenen, p. 102, 190. — Vo­ GEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 95. O tto b . g r. 32. Berghoff , Palladius, p. 13*. — Brandis , H andschrif­ ten, nr. 115. — Carini, V aticana, p. 112. — P apadimiTriu , Prodrom, p. x xv, 204, 257. — PEEEETiER, L ettre, p. 9, 21. — ViTEEEi, Physica I, p. x v m . — W endeand , Aristeas, p. xi. Klio, 43-45 (1965) p. 368 n. 3 (Hansen). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 250

(Harlfinger - Wiesner); 21 (1967) p. 143. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 24-42

de ’


O ttob. gr. 33. F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 20 n. 1. — F ranchi Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 251. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x, 538. Hellenika, 12 (1952) p. 267 n. 2 (Laourdas). O ttob. gr. 34. Mercati, Opéré minori, IV, p. 370. StByz, 2 (1927) p. 120 (Mercati).

O ttob. gr. 35. B oissevain , Cassius Dio, II, p. n . — Brandis , H andschrif­ ten, nr. 204. — Coeonna, Storici, I, p. 139. -— H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 393. — H ayduck, De anima, p. v h i . — KoETSCHAU, Textüberlieferung, p. 77, 157. — L efherz , Studien, p. 144. — R abe , Anonymus, p. x ii . — R obinson, Philocalia, p. xxix. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 111 sg., 209. — WarTEEEE, Inven­ taire, p. 139. Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 262 (Jordan). — R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 619. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 205, 236 (Canart). O ttob. gr. 36. DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1228. — MERCATI, Opéré m i­ nori, IV, p. 370. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 240. — Schmid, Einleitung, p. 88. StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 120 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 37. Aeand, Liste, nr. 878. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 229, 1112. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — REUSS, M atthâus-K atenen, p. 221. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 379. W S, 9 (1887) p. 198 (Stem bach). O ttob. gr. 38. Canivet , T hérapeutique, p. 68, 72 n. 1. — R aeder , Quaestiones, p. 2, 3, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21 n. 1, 22, 23. — R aeder , Theodoretus, p. v n. 1, ix. B P hW , 21 (1901) p. 133. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 306. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 248 (Canart).

Sternbach, Gnomologium V at., p. 101. — Vogee - Gardt­ Schreiber, p. 382.

O ttob. gr. 39. hausen ,

IFS, 10 (1888) p. 230 (Stem bach). O ttob. gr. 40. Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 28. W S, 9 (1887) p. 202 (Stem bach). O ttob. gr. 41. H onigmann, Mémoires, p. 33. — J aeger , Gregorius, I I I 1, p. En; V, p. 17; V III 2, p. x x ix , x x x . — Mercati, Opéré minori, IV, p. 370. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 425. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 120 (Mercati). O ttob. g r. 42.

Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 180. — W arTEEEE, Inven­

taire, p. 140. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici O ttoboniani greci

O tto b . gr. 43. K otter, Überlieferung, p. 64, 76. — N ickau , Ammonioslexikon, p. 37. — N ickau, Ammonius, p. x x ix . — Vancourt, Commen­ tateu rs, p. 41. Hermes, 22 (1887) p. 388 (Heylbut). O ttob . g r. 44. F aulhaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 72. — J aeger, Gre­ gorius, VI, p. x viii. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 370. R hM , 31 (1876) p. 214 n. 1 (Mendelssohn). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 120 (Mercati). O ttob . g r. 45. A peet , Aristoteles, p. v. — Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 121. — Giannini , Paradoxographi, p. 221. — H eiberg , Simplicius, p. ix. — Martini, Textgeschichte, p. 46. — Usener , Kleine Schriften, III, p. 253.

— W arteeee , Inventaire, p. 140. — W estermann, Paradoxographoi, p. n. B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 31-38 (Oehler). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 164; 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson). O tto b . g r. 46. FoERSTER, Libanius, VI, p. 84, 241, 291, 371, 548, 568; V II, p. 39, 75, 182, 203, 368, 700; V III, p. 444. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 370. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 154 sg. — Sickenb ERGER, Lukaskatene, p. 13. Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 695 n. 4 (Raoss). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 120 (Mercati). O tto b . g r. 47. Mercati, Osservazioni, p. 111. — Mercati, Psalterii re ­ liquiae, Osservazioni, p. 99 n. 32, 330, 355, 362 n. 6. O tto b . g r. 48. Cohn , Libellus, p. x v m . — Cohn - W endeand , Philo, I, p. xiv. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 314, 315. O tto b . g r. 49. L obee, M anuscripts, p. 50. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 26, 67. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x, 425; II, p. 178. — Schwartz, A.C.O., I 1, 1, p. x v m . — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 125. B yzJ, 4 (1923) p. 218. Misceli. Tisseront, VI, p. 251 (Canart). O ttob . g r. 50. O ttob . gr. 51.

Moore, Polybius, p. 192. — P édech , Polybe, p.

xevii , evie

L udwich , Nonnus, I, p. xn; II, p. 1.

Hermes, 12 (1877) p. 273 (Ludwich). Montfaucon, nr. 663. O tto b . g r. 52. Lehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Vogee Gardthausen, Schreiber, p; 192. O ttob . gr. 53. E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 584, 693. — F ranchi Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 252. — Mercati, Storia, p. 298. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


O ttob. gr. 43-60


O ttob . g r. 54.

E hrhard, Überlieferung, I, p. 425, 547, 668 n. 1. — F ran­ CavawERI, Catalogus, p. 252-253. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavadieri, Note, VI, p. 163. — F ranchi de ' Cavadieri, Scritti, I, p. 321. — H eid e , Theodula, p. 9. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 256. chi d e ’

Bessarione, 6 (1899) p. x x x v i i i . — B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 266. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1325y, 2434, 2440. O tto b . g r. 56. Achedis, H ippolytstudien, p. 152, 153, 154,224. — F audhaber , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 72, 95, 146. — J aeger , Gregorius, V, p. 236; VI, p. x x i. — Mercati, Codici, p. 117. — R ahdfs, Verzeichnis, p. 240. — Voged - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 450.

P B A , 17 (1931) p. 97, 98 n. 1 (Lobel). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 60, 75 (Canart). Miscell. Tisser ant, VI, p. 249 (Canart). O tto b . g r. 57. A dden , Homerus, III, p. xi. — Bérard , Introduction, I, p. 13. — Bérard , Odyssée, I, p. x x x ix ; II, p. xi; III, p. xi. P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 12 (Allen). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 165 n. 1 (Bignami Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 660. O ttob . g r. 58. Adden, Homerus, I, p. x x x . — Adden, Prolegomena, p. 49. — PERTUSI, Leonzio Pilato, p. 486 n. 4. — Severyns , Chrestomathie, III, p. 30, 36, 359; IV, p. 66. — Severyns , Texte, p. 362 (Ottobon. G e H). J H S, 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 172; 16 (1962) p. 183; 17 (1963) p. 410. Eremitismo, p. 414 n. 137 (Pertusi). — Miscellanea critica, I, p. 144 (Mertens). O ttob . g r. 59. B onwetsch, M ethodius1, p. x x ix , x x x , xdiii . — H orna, Analecten, p. 28. — L udwich , Apolinarius, p. xxv, x x x , xd. — Mercati, Codici, p. 120. — Musuriddo - D ebidour , Méthode, p. 33, 41. — P i Tra, Ana­ lecta sacra, I I I , p. 241. B y J , 6 (1927) p. 102, 108, 109, 113, 118 (Heseler). — ByzZ, 15 (1906) p. 350; 16 (1907) p. 407. — N H , 3 (1906) p. 3 (Lampros); 6 (1909) p. 4 (Lam­ pros). — OrChr, 33 (1934) p. 219 sg. (Stadtm üller). — R F IC , 62 (1934) p. 399, 403. — RPh, N.S., 38 (1914) p. 111. — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 140. O ttob . gr. 60. DiUDER, Tradition, p. 31, 47, 55. — JUGIE, Theologia, I, p. 478. — Daemmer, Bibliotheca, p. x v m . — L aemmer, Mantissa, p. 41. — L aurent - Guiuuou, Liber, p. 333. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 71 n. 5. — Mer ­ cati, Storia, p. 166 n. 1. — R ahdes, Verzeichnis, p. 240. — Sickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. l i n . 1. — Voged - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 193. — WEGEHAUPT, P lutarchstudien, p. 57. AC, 8 (1939) p. 92 (Festugière). — A M S L , S. III, 13 (1887) p. 839 (Berth elot). — B yzZ, 47 (1954) p. 198. — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 305. — R IG I, 12 (1928) p. 127. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici O ttoboniani greci


Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 259 (Canart). — Miscell. Tisserant, V I, p. 216, 228, 234, 236, 249 (Canart). — Bizantino-Sicula, p. 18 (Follieri). — Catal. alchim., I I , p. 69. O ttob. g r. 61. Aland, Liste, nr. 1947. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 303, 1188. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Scholz, Reise, p. 97. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — Staab, Pauluskatenen, p. 217. O ttob. g r. 63. F oerster , Libanius, IX , p. 212. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 29 (Sternbach). O ttob. g r. 64. MorTreuil , H istoire, II, p. 443. — N oaillES - Dain , Novelles, p. x lii . — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. — Svoronos, Synopsis, p. 11, 17-48 passim, 57, 58, 60-62, 74, 78-79, 130. R E B yz, 11 (1953) p. 48 (Dain). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 185. O ttob. g r. 66. Aland , Liste, nr. 386. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 184, 185, 1104. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scri­ vener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — Vogel GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 297. O tto b . g r. 67. Colonna, Storici, I, p. 59. — Cuntz, Ptolemaeus, p. 37. — H arnack, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — K oetschau, Textüberlie­ ferung, p. 83, 116, 157. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 451. — R oos, Arrianus, I, p. xxviii . — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 172. — Vogel GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 385. — Zakythinos, D espotat, II, p. 317.

N H , 14 (1917) p. 409 (Lampros). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 210 (Sternbach). O ttob . g r. 68.

OOP, 21 (1955) p. 179 (Laurent).

O ttob . g r. 69. F oerster , Libanius, I, p. 222, 236, 280, 283, 284, 368, 377, 414, 417, 432; II, p. 47, 156, 417, 446, 468, 535; III, p. 60, 237, 350; IV, p. 176, 301, 407; V, p. 7, 185, 365, 508; VI, p. 316; V II, p. 292, 435; V III, p. 211. — F oerster - R ichtsteig , Choricius, p. xviii , xxvi. Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 692, 693, 695 n. 4; 698 (Raoss). — SIF C , N.S., 27-28 (1956) p. 417, 423 (Perosa-Tim panaro). O ttob . g r. 70.

Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 232. — W artelle , Inven­

taire, p. 140. O tto b . g r . 71.

Colonna, Storici, p. 59. — Mercati, Storia, p. 198.

O tto b . g r. 72.

Colonna, Storici, p. 59.

O tto b . g r. 73.

Opitz , U ntersuchungen, p. 102 n. 5. ROC, 22 (1920-21) p. 177 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 61-81


O ttob. g r . 74. A land, Liste, nr. 1967. — Cohn - W endland , Philo, I, p. v m ; I I I , p. XVIII. — D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1129, 1130. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 254. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 309, 1189. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3 , p. 285. — Mariés , Études, p. 14-17. — Mercati, T ra­ duttori, p. 38 η. 1. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 314. — R ichard , Asterius, p. XVI. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — Sternbach, Gnomologium V at., p. 38. B yzZ, 34 (1934) p. 96. — N H , 18 (1924) p. 26, 31 (Lampros). — SO, 29 (1952) p. 32 (Richard). — WS, 10 (1888) p. 6 (Stembach). Misceli. Amantos, p. 391 (Kolias). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 237 (Canart). O ttob . g r. 75. F aulhaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 159. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 393. — K oetschau, Textüberlieferung, p. 77, 157. — MohlER, Darstellung, p. 121, 127. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — R obinson, Philocalia, p. XXIX. Bessarione, 15 (1904) p. x ix . — B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 672. — EO, 35 (1936) p. 282 (Péchayre). — N H , 10 (1913) p. 5 n. 0 (Lampros). — S IF C , 3 (1895) p. 20 (Muccio). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 201 (Canart). O tto b . g r. 76. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 89. — D owney , Themistius, I, p. xi, XXV. — D umortier, Cohabitations, p. 34. — Schenke, Bei­ träge, p. 63. — W artellE, Inventaire, p. 140. W S, 20 (1898) p. 209 (Schenkl). Misceli. Desrousseaux, p. 330, 333 (Mugnier). O tto b . g r. 77. DujÒEV, Medioevo, p. 425, 426, 430. — Mai, Spicilegium, VI, p. 598. — Mercati, Codici, p. 122. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 241. B yzZ, 39 (1939) p. 539; 46 (1953) p. 446. — Muséon, 71 (1958) p. 241 n. 3 (Garitte). — Scriptorium, 12 (1952) p. 128; 21 (1967) p. 353. — Traditio, 10 (1954) p. 111 (Toumanoff). — ViVrem, 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0 (Samodurova). O tto b . g r. 78.

Candal, Bessarion, p.

lxxv .

— Gil l , Acta, p. vm .

O tto b . g r. 79. Bonwetsch, Methodius2, p. x l iii . — GribomonT, Ascé­ tiques, p. 271, 272 sg. — H oll, Fragm ente, p. IV, vm . — H oll, Parallela, p. 5, 11, 14, 20, 22. — R ichard, Florilèges, col. 480. — Sternbach, Gnomo­ logium Vat., p. 32. Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 237 (Mercati). — B P hW , 17 (1897) p. 457, 458. — B yzZ , 10 (1901) p. 395 (Ehrhard). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 206 (Stembach). O ttob . g r. 80. Canart, Archivio, p. 81. — F aulhaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 84. — R udberg , Études, p. 72, 201. Studia Patristica, V II, p. 91, 93 (Rouillard). O tto b . g r. 81. rid Ès

Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 99 η. 6. — P etit - Sidé - JUGIE, Scholarios, II, p. 269. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici O ttoboniani greci

Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 136 n. 5 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 614. O ttob . g r. 82. Colonna, Storici, p. 3, 109. — H aury, Procopius, I, p. XXVIII, XXX, exxxviii . — K eydeee , Agathias, p. x m . — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 215, 491. B P hW , 29 (1909) p. 963. — B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 637. — Helikon, 4 (1964) p. 158 (W irth). — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 449 (Kraseninnikov). O ttob . g r. 83. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 124. — H eiberg , Simpli­ cius, p. vi. — H enry , É ta ts, p. 200. — W arTEDEE, Inventaire, p. 140. B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 1387. O ttob . g r. 84. AeExanderson , Prognostikon, p. 105. — D evreesse . M anuscrits, p. 22 n. 4. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 13, 81. — Garitte , Documents, p. 359 n. 2. — Da P iana , Rappresentazioni, p. 135 sg., 202 sg. — Deroy , Proclus, p. 67, 69 sg., 86, 93, 274, 292, 298. — Mercati, Opere minori, II, p. 418. — Mercati, V aria sacra, p. 57 n. 2. Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. 360, 381 n. 1 (Deroy). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 288 n. 5 (Jugie). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 221 (Wenger). — RO, 3 (1911-12) p. 242 sg. (Da Piana); 4 (1912) p. 47 sg. (Da Piana). — R S R , 32 (1958) p. 5 n. 9 (Saxer). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 311. O tto b . g r. 86. Batiffoe , Rossano, p. 65, 70, 75. — Devreesse , In ­ troduction, p. 33. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 20, 36 n. 4. — E eeopoueos, Stoudios, p. 9, 41 n. 3, 42, 46. — Mercati, Storia, p. 92 n. 2, 116, 311. — PrÉdagnee, Catéchèses, p. 21, 22, 46, 47, 51, 52. — Quasten , Patrology, III, p. 364. AB, 68 (1950) p. 47 n. 5 (Devreesse). — Muséon, 55 (1942) p. 40, 41 (Swaans). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 219 (Irigoin). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 225 n. 3 (Giannelli). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 244, 247 (Canari). O ttob . g r. 87. Ber Endts, Überlieferung, p. 14. — DEEEHaye , Saints m ilitaires, p. 87. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 629, 693. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 254-255. — R aiii.fs , Verzeichnis, p. 240. B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 178 (von Dobschütz). O tto b . g r. 88. E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 540. — F ranchi d e ’ Ca­ valieri, Catalogus, p. 255, 256. — Oedfa THER, Studies, p. 202, 207, 210,

212 sg., 216. A P , 28 (1966) p. 4, 34, 36 (Dampsides); 66, 68 (Dampsides). — B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 18 (Garitte). — B yzZ, 60 (1967) p. 401. O tto b . g r. 89.

D ie t s , H andschriften, II, p. 11. — P ack , Artemidorus,


Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 391. — TaPhA, 90 (1959) p. 184 (Pack). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 82-96


O ttob . g r. 90. Arnim (von), Dio Chrysostomus, p. x m . — Bidez Cumont, Epistulae, p. x. — Guilland , Grégoras, p. xx v . — Sonny, Ana­

lecta, p. 24. Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 69, 75 (Lundström ). — J T h S , 6 (1904-05) p. 78 (Tur­ ner). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 316. — SIF C , 2 (1894) p. 337 (Vitelli); 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). O tto b . g r. 91. BraTKE, Religionsgespräch, p. 85, 86. — E hrhard , Ü ber­ lieferung, III, p. 871. — F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 256, 257. — H eik el , Constantin, p. x, x x . — Oi.dfather , Studies, p. 202, 205, 216. — P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 302. — P i Tra, M onumenta, II, p. 246. — Sternbach , Studia, p. 174 n. 2. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 165. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 238, 239 (Canart). O tto b . g r. 92. Bonnenses sodales, Marcus Diaconus, p. v m , v in n. 1. — D elehaye , Versions, p. 412, 420. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, I, p. 571; II, p. 609 n. 3; III, p. 424. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 257-260. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Hagiographica, p. 18. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Note, V II, p. 97. — Grégoire - K ugener , Vie de Porphyre, p. x cix.

A B , 21 (1902) p. 143 (Delehaye); 78 (1960) p. 41 (Halkin). — ByzZ, 6 (1897) p. 171; 620; 12 (1903) p. 398; 18 (1909) p. 204. — EO, 25 (1926) p. 288 n. 1 (Jugie). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 164. — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 161. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 298a. O ttob . gr. 93. Bolling - L agarde (de ), Iohannes Euchaitenus, p. iv n . 1. Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 259 (Canart). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 201 (Canart). O ttob . g r. 94. Barnard, Clement, p. x ii . — H arnack, Apologeten, p. 70, 87. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 257, 299. — Mercati, Storia, p. 198. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 573. — Schwartz, Athenagoras, p. v m , xi. — Stählin , Beiträge, p. 12, 13, 15, 19, 20. — Stählin , Protrepticus1, p. x x iv , XLvii, Li, lu . — Stählin , Protrepticus2, p. x x iv , xlvii , l ii . — Stählin , Überlieferung, p. 7. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 240 n. 168 (Canart). — Studia Patristica, V II, p. 145 n. 0 (Canivet).

O tto b . g r. 95. Mercati, Psalteri reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. xvi, 218 n. 40, 246 n. 114, 316, 334, 344, 362 n. 7, 369. — Mercati, Osservazioni, p. 34 sg., 36 n. 4, 38 n. 2. — Mercati, T raduttori, p. 16-19, 29, 37-44, 46 n. 1. — R ichard , Asterius, p. xvi, xxvii, x x v m , x x ix , x x x iv . — Vogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 118. B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 221. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137. — SO, 25 (1947) p. 62 n. 4, 67 (Richard); 29 (1952) p. 32 (Richard) O ttob . g r. 96. P i Tra , Monumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 206, 443. Byzantion, 7 (1932) p. 517 (Laurent). — IFS, 25 (1903) p. 178 (Horna). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici O ttoboniani greci

O tto b . g r . 97. B orner T, Commentaires, p. 136 n. 1. — P i Tra , Monu­ m enta, I, p. x ; II, p. 224, 646, 648. O tto b . g r. 98. B arnard , Clement, p. χ ιι. — Colonna , Storici, p. 21. — P r EGER, Beiträge, p. 14. — P reg er , Scriptores, I, p .x n i, x x ; II, p. xiv, x xv. — Stählin , Beiträge, p. 12, 13, 15-17, 20, 21. — Stählin , Protrepticus1, p. XLVH, Li. — Stählin , Protrepticus2, p. x l v ii . — Verpea u x , PseudoKodinos, p. 43, 97 n. 1. O tto b . g r . 99. B e c k , Vorsehung, p. 171-174, 189, 193, 207, 210. — D e n TAKES, Hym noi, p. 13*, 32*, 34*, 35*, 49*, 54*.— D e n t a k e s , Kyparissiotes, p. 17, 20, 32, 35, 41, 59, 62, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 121, 3*. — E h r h a r d , Ü ber­ lieferung, III, p. 871. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 804. — KOTTER, Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 76. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x , 425. B yzZ , 30 (1930) p. 497 n. 4 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 366. Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 101. O tto b . g r . 100. A land , Eiste, nr. 879. — D ev reesse , Chaines, col. 1187. — D iekamp , H ippolytos, p. 125 n. 6. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 229, 1112. — K aro - Li ETZmann, Catalogus, p. 581. — Mai, Bibliotheca, II, p. 566; IV 1, p. 108, 157, 159; X 3, p. 285. — R auer , Origines, p. xlvi, lxiv . — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 235. — Sickenberger , Fragm ente, p. 66. — Sickenberger , E u kaskatene, p. 64, 86 n. 1. — Sickenberger , Studien, p. 31 n. 1, 43, 141. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 625. — RQA, 12 (1898) p. 64, 68, 69 (Sickenberger). O tto b . g r. 101. F aulhaber , Propheten-Catenen, p. 111. — F loéri N au Tin , Homélies, p. 11, 12, 109. — Mercati , Osservazioni, p. 55 η. 2, 56 η. 2. — N autin , Homélies, I, p. 26, 27, 28, 32; II, p. 18, 53. — S kard , Index, p. 10. Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 140; 15 (1961) p. 364. O tto b . g r . 102. H e ib e r g , Optica, IV, p. v m , xvi. — S c h e n k l , Epic­ tetus, p. x x v . — S o u il h é - J a g u , E pictète, I, p. l x x v , l x x x v ; II, p. i; III, p. i. O tto b . g r. 103. Bolgar, H eritage, p. 504. — Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 128. — VlAN, Tradition, p. 12, 32. — VOGEL - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 244, 423 n. 8, 474. R F IC , 88 (1960) p. 84. O tto b . g r. 106. JAEGER, Gregorius, V i l i 1, p. 163, 363. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 216, 238 (Canari). O tto b . g r. 107. S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 100. W S, 10 (1888) p. 229 (Stembach). O tto b . g r. 108. F e l t o e , Dionysius, p. 2. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 562. — E ae m m e r , M antissa, p. 5. — Me r c a t i , Storia, p. 191 n. 1, 198. — S chw artz - M o m m sen , Kirchengeschichte, III, p. xx v . - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 97-120


O tto b . g r. 109. Boer , Ptolemaeus, I I I , p. xxv. — Brandis , H andschrif­ ten, nr. 229. — Michee , H um bert, II, p. 86, 315. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 183. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 140. B yzZ, 35 (1935) p. 309 n. 0 (Michel). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 64. O tto b . g r. 110. H eiberg , Astronomica, p. x x iv , Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 183. O ttob . g r. 111.

xeix . —

Vogee -

Coeonna, Storici, p. 138.

O tto b . g r. 112. J aeger, Gregorius, VI, p. x x iii. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 235. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 72. — H arnack, Apologeten, p. 70, 74 n. 174, 90 n. 216. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 486, 783. — Massa P ositano, Tradizione, p. 8. — Massa P ositano, Simocata, p. 14. Congr. byz. I X , III, p. 203 (Massa Positano). O tto b . g r . 113. Mai , Bibliotheca, I I I 1, p. vi. — R auer , Origenes, p. x x x v in , XEiv. — R euss , M atthâus-K atenen, p. 127, 128. — Sickenberger , Studien, p. 18. O tto b . g r. 116. Coeonna, Storici, p. 79. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 354. Congr. byz. X i , Akten, p. 299, 300 (üampsides). O tto b . g r. 117. Acheeis , H ippolytstudien, p. 146, 147, 148, 150, 224. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 78, 83, 85 sg., 89, 94, 113 sg., 119, 121 sg., 123, 126 sg., 129, 132 sg., 135 sg. — F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 167. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEri , Catalogus, p. 261. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 634 sg. — H eisenberg , Curriculum, p. evh . — J ugie , Assomption, p. 720.

— K aro - L ietzmann , Catalogus, p. 303. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V II 2, p. n i. — Mercati , Opere minori, III, p. 397 n. 3. — P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224, 243. — R ahees , Verzeichnis, p. 241. — R eichard T, Briefe, p. 70, 70 n. 1, 76. OC, 7 (1907) p. 378 n. 1, 385 (Faulhaber). O ttob . g r. 118. Coeonna, Storici, p. 13, 116, 117. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 274. JOBG, 7 (1958) p. 73 n. 48 (Pertusi). — S B A W , 2 (1893) p. 237 (K rum bacher). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 186, 186 n. 49, 197 n. 81, 204, 213, 216, 229, 238, 288 tav. 17 (Canart). O ttob . g r. 119. Daniéeou , Vie de Moïse, p. x x x m . — J aeger , Gregorius, I I I 1, p. xeix , Ei; V, p. 19; V II 1, p. x v i; V i l i 1, p. 149, 150; V III 2, p. x x m ; IX , p. 19, 144, 175, 180 sg., 183, 189. O ttob . g r. 120.

Mercati, Codici, p. 110-116. — W arteeee, Inventaire,

p. 140. 13 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici O ttoboniani greci


O ttob . g r. 121. Drachmann, Pindarus, I, p. x, x n , x xv. — Mercati, Codici, p. 116. — W arteeee, Inventaire, p. 140. O ttob . g r. 122. Bidez , Discours, p. 56. — Drerup , Isocrates, p. xx. — D owney , Them istius, I, p. x n , x v n . — P oerster , Libanius, I, p. 431. — K esters , Plaidoyer, p. 282. — Mercati, Codici, p. 110 n. 1, 119. — Schenke,

Beiträge, p. 54. B y J , 6 (1927) p. 102 n. 2 (Heseler). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 217. — W S, 20 (1898) p. 210, 212, 214 (Schenkl). O tto b . g r. 123. Mercati, Codici, p. 119. StB iz, 2 (1927) p. 169 (Benesevii). O ttob . g r. 124. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 239. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 20 sg., 25 sg., 31. — K aro - L i ETzmann, Catalogus, p. 315. — Mercati , Codici, p. 118. — P asquaei, Parerga, p. 12, 13. — S ternbach , Gnomologium V at., p. 23. R hM , 55 (1900) p. 441, 441 n. 3 (Foerster). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 250. — IPS, 9 (1887) p. 197 (Stembach). Congr. byz. I I , p. 87 (Sovic). — X enia Romana, p. 24, 25 (Pasquali). O ttob . g r. 125. F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 20 sg., 25 sg., 31. — K aro - Li ETzmann, Catalogus, p. 315. — Mercati, Codici, p. 110 n. 1, 118.

B y J , 6 (1927) p. 102 n. 2 (Heseler). Congr. byz. I I , p. 87 (Soviö). O tto b . g r. 126. Aeand , Liste, nr. 1824. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 1184. — Mercati, Codici, p. 117. — Mercati, Storia, p. 66 n. 1. — S oden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 389. A S S , N.S., 16 (1891) p. 212 (Carini). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 312 (Vaccari). O tto b . g r. 127. Aeand , Liste, nr. 1824. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 1184. — Mercati , Codici, p. 117. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 60. O ttob . g r. 128. LE bon , Athanase, p. 20. — L eo n e , Athanasius, p. x v h . — Mercati, Codici, p. 110 n. 1, 117. — Mercati, Storia, p. 66 n. 1. — Opitz , Untersuchungen, p. 61. B y J , 6 (1927) p. 102 n. 2 (Heseler). O tto b . g r. 129. DiEES, H andschriften, II, p. 71, 72. — Mercati, Codici p. 120. — R aeder , Synopsis, p. vn . O ttob . g r. 130.

Mercati, Codici, p. 116.

O ttob . g r. 131. Coeonna, Storici, p. 23. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 278 n. 4. — Leib , Alexiade, I, p. cexiv, CEXix. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 220. — Mercati, Codici, p. 110 n. 1. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 121-143


B yzZ , 31 (1931) p. 410. Miscell. Diehl, I, p. 196, 197 (Leib). O ttob . g r. 132. E hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 693. — F ranchi Cavatieri, Catalogus, p. 261. — Mercati, Codici, p. 120.


O ttob . g r . 133. K aro - L ietzmann, Catalogus, p. 582. — K otter, Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 76. — R auer , Lukaskom m entar, p. ui. RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 73 n. 2 (Sickenberger). O ttob . g r. 134. K aro - Lietzmann, Catalogus, p. 582. — R auer , Orí­ genes, p. u . RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 73 n. 2 (Sickenberger). O tto b . g r. 135. B onvvetsch, Methodius2, p. x x ix . — Mercati, Codici, ρ. 120. — Mercati, Storia, p. 139 n. 2. — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat.,

p. 173. B y J , 6 (1927) p. 101, 102, 118 (Heseler). — WS, 11 (1889) p. 211 (Sternbach). O ttob . gr. 136.

MERCATI, Codici, p. 122.

A B , 47 (1929) p. 214. O ttob . g r. 137. Coeonna, Storici, p. 23. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 278 n. 4. — LEIB, Alexiade, I, p. cexiv . — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 220. B yzZ , 31 (1931) p. 410. Miscell. Diehl, I, p. 196 (Leib).

F ranchi de ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 261, 262. — Mer ­ p. 110 n. 1, 121. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 953.

O tto b . g r. 138. cati, Codici,

B y J , 6 (1927) p. 102 n. 2 (Heseler). O tto b . g r. 139. Mercati, Codici, p. 110 n. 1, 120. B y J , 6 (1927) p. 102 n. 2 (Heseler). O ttob . g r. 140. Mercati, Codici, p. 121. Calai, astrol., V 4, p. 64, 65. O ttob . gr. 141. F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 25 n. 1, 30, 30 n. 1, 123 n. 2. — Mercati, Codici, p. 110 n. 1, 122. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 350; III, p. 555. O ttob . gr. 142.

F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 5 n. 2. — Mercati,

Codici, p. 121. O tto b . g r. 143.

M er c a ti , Codici, p. 121. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici O ttoboniani greci


O tto b . g r. 144. Candat, Bessarion, p. x u v . — Candat, Oratio dogma­ tica, p. txxv . — Drachmann, Pindarus, I, p. x, xix, xx v . — Mercati, Codici, p. 110, 116. — P etit - Sidéridè S - J ugiE, Scholarios, III, p. 76. Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 28, 36 (Rackl). O tto b . g r. 145. Diets , H andschriften, II, p. 63. — Mearns, Canticles, p. 86. — T uryn , Codices, p. 9, 157, 158. — VoGET - GardThausen , Schrei­ ber, p. 387. O tto b . g r. 146. Aubineau , Grégoire de Nysse, p. 221. — J aeger, Gre­ gorius, V III 1, p. 226, 231. — MERCATI, Codici, p. 137 n. 3. O ttob . g r. 147. B e k k e r , Anecdota, III, p. 1158. — B r a n d is , H and­ schriften, nr. 253. — B r u n sc h w ig , Aristote, p. cv n. 3. — F o e r st e r , Physiognomonici, I, p. x t iv . — H it g a r d , Scholia, p. x x x v i. — K o u g e a s , Arethas, p. 28, 35. — L ouis, Génération, p. x x m . — L ouis, Histoire, p. x t v iii , un. — M a i , Spicilegium, X, p. v n i. — SiwEK, De anima, p. 9. — W a r TETTE, Inventaire, p. 140. B yzZ, 47 (1954) p. 17 (Jenkins-Laourdas - Mango). — RPh, N.S., 7 (1883) p. 205.

O tto b . g r. 148.

R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli).

O tto b . g r. 149. Courtonne, Basile, I, p. xvi. — R udberg , Études, p. 38. Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 303 (Gribomont). O tto b . g r. 150. D iets , H andschriften, I, p. 13. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaTiERi, Catalogus, p. 262. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 129. — L udwich , Batrachomachia, p. 48. — Ludwich , Commentarii, I, p. 3; II, p. 1. — L udwich , Dis­ sertatio, p. 8. — R o ssi T aibbi, Martirio, p. 37. R F IC , 78 (1950) p. 375. — R hM , 20 (1865) p. 176 n. 1 (W achsmuth). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 329. Bibl. hagiogr.3, nr. 37a, 995f. O tto b . g r. 151. BECK, Vorsehung, p. 55. nr. 195. — Dreizehnter , Untersuchungen, p. rung, III, p. 960. — F ranchi de ’ Cavatieri, Tradition, p. 12, 56. — W artettE, Inventaire, Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 315 (W ittek).

— Brandis , Handschriften, 67. — E hrhard, Überliefe­ Catalogus, p. 262. — Vian . p. 140.

O tto b . gr. 152. Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 104. — R oss, Physics, p. 118. — WARTETTE, Inventaire, p. 140. O tto b . g r. 153. Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 46. — E ichhotz, Theo­ phrastus, p. 48. — K rott, De oraculis, p. 3 n. 1. — Massa P ositano, Simocata, p. 14. — Massa P ositano, Tradizione, p. 8. — N ock - F estugière , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 144-167


Corpus H erm eticum , I, p. xi. — R abe, Sylloge, p. cvi. — R abe , Syrianus, p. vii, x v i. — Ross - F obes, Theophrastus, p. x x v i. — Scott, Herm etica, I, p. 21. — W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 141. CPh, 56 (1961) p. 109 (Wilson); 58 (1963) p. 34 (Richards). — R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 121 n. 0 (Bassi). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson); 228; 18 (1964) p. 240 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). — SIF C , 12 (1904) p. 160 (de Stefani). Congr. byz. I X , I I I , p. 204 (Massa Positano). O tto b . g r. 154. Aland , Liste, nr. 2065. — Colwell, Apocalypse, II, p. 66. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 324, 1191. — Schmid, Einleitung, p. 68. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 333. O tto b . g r . 155.

T u r y n , Euripides, p. 383. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spanger).

O tto b . g r. 156.

Codrington - Meester (de ), Liturgy, p. 79.

O ttob . g r. 157A.

DiELS, H andschriften, I, p. 13.

O tto b . g r. 157B .

A e e x a n d e r s o n , Prognostikon, p. 85. — D ie l s , H an d ­

schriften, I, p. 5, 13. O tto b . g r. 159. des P laces, Diadoque, p. 79. — F aulhaber, HoheliedCatenen, p. 20 n. 1. — H alkin , Vitae, p. 45*. — H eisenberg , Curriculum, p. cix . — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 244. REG, 70 (1957) p. 385 (des Places). O tto b . g r . 160. F u n k , Didascalia, II, p. x x x v m , x x x ix . — P it r a , Mo­ num enta, I, p. x, 102, 425, 489; II, p. 168, 169, 224, 317, 354. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 158, 159. — V ogel - G a r d t h a u s e n , p. 235, 309. B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — ViVrem, 9 (1902) p. 399 (Suvorov). O tto b . g r. 163. Martini, Textgeschichte, p. 47. — Sternbach , Gnomologium V at., p. 84. — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 26. DOP, 16 (1962) p. 396 (Diller). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 213 (Sternbach). Byzantino-Sicula, p. 18 (Follieri). — Montfaucon, nr. 982. O ttob . g r. 164.

P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 304.

O tto b . g r. 166. Garzya, Teognide, p. 23. — Michel , Humbert, p. 309 n. 6. — Y o u n g , Theognis, p. x x v i.

R F IC , 41 (1913) p. 337. — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 21 (Young). O ttob . g r. 167. valieri, Catalogus, p.

Anastasijewiö , Alphabete, p. 88. — F ranchi d e ’ Ca­ 263. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 470 n. 2. — Mer - - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici O ttoboniani greci

198 cati, Note, p. 9 n. a. —

P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, V II, p. 738. — Schermann, Apostellegenden, p. 149. — Schermann, Vitae, p. Exv. B yzZ, 16 (1907) p. 480 n. 1 (Anastasijewic). — OC, 2 (1902) p. 407 (Schermann). Miscell. Galbiati, II, p. 267 (Mercati).

O tto b . g r. 168. F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 263. Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 28, 39, 43, 45 (Leroy-Molinghen) ; 386, 404 (Ca­ nivet-M alvaux); 35 (1965) p. 213 (Leroy-Molinghen). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 296. Studia Patristica, V II, p. 145 n. 0 (Canivet). O tto b . g r. 169. F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 14 n. 3. — W aeeië S, A nalytica priora, p. xvii . O tto b . g r. 170.

Drachmann, Cyrillglossar, p. 19, 20.

O tto b . g r . 171. Gie e , Acta, p. vm . OCP, 21 (1955) p. 179 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 134. O tto b . g r. 172. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 155. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 56. — P i Tra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — STERNBACH, Gnomologium Vat., p. 193.

— W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 141. — WESTERINK, Psellus, p. 7. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 61 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). — IFS, 11 (1889) p. 231 (Stembach). O tto b . g r. 173. Bekker , Anecdota, III, p. 1080. — Costie, D udith, p. 319. — D onnet, Traité, p. 17, 23 n. 1, 30, 43, 56, 57, 71, 72, 106, 110, 111, 120, 315-323 sg. — E genoeff, Orthographische Stücke, p. 11, 33. — H ie gard. Canones, p. exx . — H iegard , Scholia, p. x x iv , x eii . — K ominis, Pardos, p. 32, 80, 87. — K opp , Beiträge, p. 91, 97. — Schneider , Scripta, p. v u . — U heig , Apollonius, p. x x x ix , El. — Vieborg , Tatius, p. 168. B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 83-85, 88, 90, 91, 93, 96, 96 n. 7 (Donnet). — ByzZ, 20 (1911) p. 81 n. 4 (Mager). — S I FC, 10 (1902) p. 124 (Terzaghi). O tto b . g r. 174, Guy , Apophthegmata, p. 118, 121, 126-188. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 366. O tto b . g r. 175. Aeand, Liste, nr. I 131. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 398, 399. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96. — Scri­ vener , Introduction, I, p. 403. A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 237, 238 (Tardo). — RE B yz, 14 (1956) p. 35 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 366; 21 (1967) p. 144. O tto b . g r. 176. Aeand, Liste, nr. 1948. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 303, 1188. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Schoez, Reise, p. 97. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 168-187


O ttob. gr. 177. N ock - F estugiäre , Corpus Hermeticum, I, p. xir. — P ost, Plato, p. 74. — R eitzenstein , Poimandres, p. 324. — Scott, Hermetica, I, p. 21. B yzZ , 54 (1961) p. 331 (Laurent). — N JP hP Suppbd , 15 (1887) p. 679 (Wohlrab). — Scriptorium , 16 (1962) p. 390 (Wilson). O ttob. gr. 178. Batiffoe , Rossano, p. 97, 164. — Brandis, Hand­ schriften, nr. 206. — D evrEESSE, Manuscrits, p. 49. — Drerup , Isocrates, p. xx. — D üring , Aristotle, p. 80, 121, 126. — F uhrmann, Anaximenes, p. ix, xev . — F uhrmann, Untersuchungen, p. 617. — Mercati, Storia, p. 59 n. 4. — SPENGEE - H ammer, Rhetores, I, p. v. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 164. —- W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 141. O ttob. gr. 179. E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 985. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 263. — P i Tra, Analecta sacra, I, p. 249. — SoyTER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 22. R E B y z , 25 (1967) p. 221 (Wenger). — Scriptorium , 14 (1960) p. 152. — WS, 11 (1889) p. 218 (Sternbach). O ttob. gr. 180. B urckhardt, Commentatio, p. 7. — BurckhardT, Synecdemus, p. vn, xxiv, xxvn, xxxiv, xeiv . — Coeonna, Storici, p. 62, 88. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 263, 264. — H iegard, Canones, p. xcviii. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 206. ViVrem , N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 0, 159 n. 27, n. 28, 161 n. 0 (Samodurova). Bibi , hagiogr. gr . 3 , nr. 1042fg. O ttob. gr. 181. Bidez , Discours, p. 70 sg. — F ritz , Synesios, p. 368. — L acombrade, Julien, p. vn, 99. DOP , 4 (1948) p. 211, 212 (Anastos). — Scriptorium , 13 (1959) p. 154; 17 (1963) p. 62 (Canart). O ttob. gr. 183. Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 31. — T uryn , So­ phocles, p. 29. T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 168 (Turyn). — WS, 9 (1887) p. 205 (Stembach). Byzantino - Sicula , p. 18 (Follieri). O ttob. gr. 185. T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 82. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 102. H S P h , 44 (1933) p. 23 (Smyth). O ttob. gr. 186. Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 171 n. 1. — P itra , Mo­ numenta, I, p. x. Bessarione , 38 (1922) p. 137 n. 1 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 187. Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 152. W S , 11 (1889) p. 63 (Stembach). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci


O tto b . g r. 188. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 98. — L o n g o , Aristotele, p . XXXIX, l x x i . — L o r im e r , Libellus, p. 3. — L o r im e r , Pseudo-Aristotle, p. 6. — M o r a u x , Aristote, p. c l x x v h . — W a r t e l l e , Inventaire, p. 141. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 306. O ttob. gr. 189. A n a s t a s i j e w i c , Alphabete, p. 88. — C o d r in g To n M e e s t e r (d e ), Liturgy, p. 13, 15, 137 sg. — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 20, 43. — F a u l h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 135 n. 3. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 264. — M a n d a i , À., Protesi, p. 85. — S a j d a k , Historia, p. 252 sg. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 183. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 569; 25 (1923-24) p. 40 n. 1 (Mercati). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 131 (Przychocki). — N H , 12 (1915) p. 412 (Lampros). — OCP, 4 (1938) p. 243, 248, 249 (Hanssens). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 299. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 205 (Canart). O ttob. gr. 190. J a e g e r , Gregorius, V 1, p. 16. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 131. W S, 10 (1888) p. 260 (Stembach). O ttob. gr. 191. C o l o n n a , Ammonio, p. 1. — C o l o n n a , Teofrasto, p. x v i i i , — H a r n a c k , Apologeten, p. 70, 74 n. 174. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 783. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 180. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 356. — W S, 11 (1889) p. 218 (Sternbach). XXIV.

O tto b . g r. 192. A l m a z o v , Prokljatie, p. 60. — C o l o n n a , Storici, p. 109. — D i e l s , H andschriften, I, p. 5; II, p. 94. — F l t e r , Gnomica, II, p. 94-96. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 431, 929. — H a u r y , Procopius, I, p. x l i i , Li. — K r u m b a c h e r , Studien, p. 342 η. 1, 351 sg. — L u n d s t r ö m , Anecdota, p. v i . — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 162. — P i t r a , Monumenta, II, p. 244, 541, 591. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 251. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 3, 7, 8, 14, 16, 18, 26, 35, 39, 51, 54, 57, 58, 61, 64, 71, 72 n. 176, 73, 77, 85, 88, 101, 103, 103 n. 266, 105, 106, 120 n. 310, 131, 137, 158 n. 423, 166, 170, 175, 177-180, 180 n. 484, 181, 197, 202, 204. — T h i e l (v a n ), Rezension, p. 69. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 49. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 320. — W a r TELLE, Inventaire, p. 141. — W e i n b e r g e r , Adnotationes, p. 6. B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 638; 9 (1900) p. 222. — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 2 3 '(Smyth). — R IG I, 19 (1935) p. 2 η. 1, 7 (Sbordone). — RPh, N.S., 14 (1890) p. 194. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 102 (Wilson). — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 290 (Sestakov); 451 (K raseninnikov); 6 (1899) p. 230; 12 (1905) p. 490 (PapadopoulosKeram eus); 20 (1913) p. 247. — W S, 9 (1887) p. 177, 181, 182, 186, 188, 190, 192, 193, 200, 202, 206 (Sternbach); 10 (1888) p. 3, 7, 19, 22, 26, 29, 32, 39, 40 n. 176, 41, 45, 214, 217, 230, 232, 232 n. 266, 234, 235, 249 n. 310, 260 (Stem bach); 11 (1889) p. 2, 3, 12 (Schenkl); 47, 48, 196 n. 423, 204, 208, 213, 215, 216, 216 n. 480, 217-219, 235, 240, 242 (Stembach). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 65. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 188-204


O ttob. g r . 193. B o i s s e v a i n , Cassius Dio, II, p. H. — C o l o n n a , Storici, p. 139. — F l a c h , Theogonie, p. 22. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405. — MÜLLER, Geographi, II, p. x x x v i i nr. 75. — S c h u l t z , Überlieferung, p. 27. A M S L , S. I l i , 13 (1887) p. 839 (Berthelot). — R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 619. Catal. alchim., II, p. 207. O ttob. g r . 194. B o n w e Ts c h , M ethodius2, p. x x x n . — B r in k m a n n , D isputatio, p. vi. — E h r h a r d , Überheferung, III, p. 897 n. 3. — F r a n c h i d e ' Ca v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 265. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 625. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 176 n. 10. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 136. — W e n d l a n d , R efutatio, p. xi. R E B yz, 11 (1953) p. 226 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 168. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 82. O ttob. g r . 195. T uryn , Codices, p. 9, 154. Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 141. O ttob. g r . 196.

OCP, 21 (1955) p. 174 n. 1 (Laurent).

O ttob. g r . 197. P f e i f f e r , Callimachus, p. CQ, 14 (1920) p. 4 (Smiley). O ttob. g r . 199.


l x x iii.

Sophocles, p. 199.

O ttob. g r . 200. D ö l g e r , B arlaam -Rom an, p. 10. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a ­ Catalogus, p. 266. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 570, 577. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 131. — W a r TELLE, Inventaire, p. 141. W S, 10 (1888) p. 260 (Stem bach). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1076q. v a l ie r i,

O ttob. g r . 201.

K otter, Überlieferung, p. 77.

O ttob. g r . 202. Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 27. W S, 9 (1887) p. 201 (Stembach). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 184 n. 42, 185, 229, 238 (Canari). — Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 7 (Carini). O ttob. g r . 203. L o b e l , M anuscripts, p. 54. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 318. N H , 6 (1909) p. 281 (Lampros). O ttob. g r . 204. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 387. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 185, 1104. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 96. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 153. Montfaucon, nr. 868. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci


O tto b . gr. 205. D o b s c h ü Tz (v o n ), Christusbilder, p. 302. — K r u m b a Geschichte, p. 398. — M io n x , Codices, II, p. 35. — S b o r d o n e , Physiologus, p. xx . Bessarione, 7 (1902-03) p. XUV. — ByzZ, 13 (1904) p. 282; 651 (Kurtz). — EO, 6 (1903) p. 295 (Petit). — ROC, 8 (1903) p. 146 (Petit). — ViVrem, 10 (1903) p. 413 (Papadopoulos-K eram eus); N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 13, 161 n. 42 (Samodurova).


O tto b . gr. 207.

Sa jd a k ,

Historia, p. 209.

O tto b . gr. 208. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 880. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 229, 1112. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 77. Montfaucon, nr. 885. O tto b . gr. 209. B e t h e , Pollux, p. x n . Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 7 (Carini). O tto b . gr. 210. B a t if f o e , Rossano, p. 97. — C o e o n n a , Opera, p. n . — DEVREESSE, M anuscrits, p. 51. — L iv a d a r a s , H istoria, p. 243. — P e r Tu s i , Leonzio Pilato, p. 491. —· S c h u e t z , Überlieferung, p. 28. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 56. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 159-161. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schrei­ ber, p. 393. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 333. — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 23 (Smyth). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 317 (Vaccari). — P B A , 37 (1951) p. 34 n. 1 (Weiss). — RPh, S. III, 32 (1958) p. 146. Byzantino-Sicula, p. 78 (Pertusi). O tto b . gr. 211. P a p a d o p o u e o s - K e r a m e u s , Fontes, p. v n . — U s e n e r Opuscula, I, p. xxv. B P E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 45, 46, 48, 58, 59 (Alberti); 9 (1961) p. 59 (Alberti); 12 (1964) p. 46 (Alberti); 13 (1965) p. 17 (Alberti). — CQ, 32 (1938) p. 107 (Powell). — Hellenika, 20 (1967) p. 175, 176. R aderm acher,

O tto b . gr. 212. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 388. — B u b e r l - G e r s t i n g e r , H and­ schriften, p. 52. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 185, 1104. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 96, 98. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. O tto b . gr. 213. D a r r o u z e s , Documents, p. 86-87, 365, 379. — K r u m Geschichte, p. 99. —· K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 77. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 94. — L a e m m e r , M antissa, p. 46, 48, 55, 103 sg. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 117. — P i t r a , M onumenta, II, p. 353. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 95 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 42 n. 1, 49 n. 2 (von Dobschütz) — StB yz, 2 (1927) p. 169 (Benesevic).

bacher, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 205-225


O ttob. g r. 214. P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 224. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 63. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 40. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 73-74. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 145. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 355. W S, 10 (1888) p. 31 (Sternbach). O ttob. g r. 215. V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 178. — W u t z , Onomastica, p. x x x , 6. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 247 (Canart). O ttob. g r. 216.

F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 65.

O ttob. g r. 217.

M e r c a t i,

O ttob. g r. 218.

REG, 70 (1957) p. 385 (des Places).

Storia, p. 198.

O ttob. g r. 219. Bauer , Asterios, p. 61 n. 3. — Bratke , Religionsgesprach, p. 86. — Bretz, Asterios, p. 9. — Bretz , Studien, p. 9. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, Catalogus, p. 266. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x. Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 260 (Canart). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 201, 228, 228 n. 137, 237, 238, 239 (Canart). O ttob. g r. 220. n. 3, 57, 58, 63.

P ié d a g n e e ,

Catéchèses, p. 15 n. 0, 28, 29, 46, 51, 51

O ttob. g r. 221. A c h e e i s , H ippolytstudien, p. 152-154, 224. — F a u e Hohelied-Catenen, p. 95. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 241. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 240. IVS, 10 (1888) p. 228 (Sternbach). haber,

O ttob. g r. 223. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 998. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Catalogus, p. 266. — G o e Tz (v o n d e r ), Logos, p. 23. — L e o n e , Athanasius, p. x v i i . — O p it z , Untersuchungen, p. 53. — S t e g m a n n , A ria­ Ca v a e i e r i ,

ner, p. 42. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 229 n. 141, 239 (Canart). O ttob. g r. 225. D a r r o u z è s , Documents, p. 87, 88, 367, 410, 411. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i e r i , Catalogus, p. 267. — G r u m e l , Regestes, nr. 425, 434. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 92, 94, 443. — L a ë m m e r , Mantissa, p. 46, 48, 104, 108. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 55 n. 6. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 117. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p. 353, 354. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 95 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 42 n. 1, 49 n. 2 (von Dobschütz). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 169 (Benesevic). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 33, 43 (Gouillard). — Z N U F , 8 (1941) p. 105 n. 4, 125 n. 6 (Dobroklonskij). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 36 (Rackl). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci


O ttob. gr. 226. C o e o n n a , Heliodorus, p. xxv. e v . — D ö r r ie , Longus, p. 116. — M e r c a Ti , Storia, p. 105 n. 1. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 108. CQ, 20 (1926) p. 36 n. 3 (R attenbury). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 237 (Stembach). O ttob. gr. 227.

Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 692 (Raoss).

O ttob. gr. 228.

R a t t e n b u r y - L u m b - M a ie e o n ,

Heliodore, I, p. x x iv .

O ttob. gr. 231. B i a n c h i , Kalender, p. 21. — B o e e , Beobachtungen, p. 8. — B o e e , Epigram m , p. 144. — B o e e - B o e r , Ptolemaeus, p. vi, ix . — PiTRA, M onumenta, II, p. 244. Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 65, 66. O ttob. gr. 233.

P usey , Cyrillus, I, p. xi.

O ttob. gr. 234.

M a Tr a n g a ,

Anecdota, p. 12.


O ttob. gr. 235. D a r e m b e r g - RuEEEE, Rufus, p. x x v . — D i e e s , H and­ schriften, II, p. 71, 89. — M a i , Class. auct., IV, p. vi. — M e r c a Ti , Codici, p. 137 n. 3. — R a e d e r , Oribasius, I II, p. v. O ttob. gr. 237. F a t je h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 20 n. 1. — R a u e r , Origenes, p. x x x v m . — R e u s s , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 154. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 18. O ttob. gr. 240.

R ah efs,

Verzeichnis, p. 240.

O ttob. gr. 241. C r e u z e r , Commentarii, p. x x i. — G r e s s m a n n , Evagrios, p. 152. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, II, p. x x i. — W e s t e r i n k , Proclus, p. v m . Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 263 n. 1 (Jordan). — Z N U F , 8 (1941) p. 105 n. 4 (Dobroklonskij). O ttob. gr. 242.

PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 136.

O ttob. gr. 243. N o a ie e e s - D a i n , Noveiles, p. x e i i . — P i t r a , Monu­ m enta, I, p. x . — S v o r o n o s , Synopsis, p. 11, 17-48 passim, 76. — VOGEE G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 146. Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 185. O ttob. gr. 244.

M e r c a Ti ,

Suida, p. 31.

O ttob. gr. 245.

K r iv o c h f .i n e

- P a r a m e e e e , Symeon, I, p. 72, 73,

119-121. — MERCATI, Codici, p. 122. OCP, 20 (1954) p. 300 n. 0, 316 n. 1 (Krivocheine). — OrChr, 9 (1927) p. 115 (Hausherr). — RPh, S. III, 39 (1965) p. 149. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 335; 20 (1966) p. 169. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 226-253


O ttob. g r. 246. D a r r o u z è s , Chapitres, p. 20. — K r iv o c h é i n e - P a Syméon, I, p. 72, 73, 102, 119-121. — M e r c a t i , Codici, p. 122. B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 58 n. 4 (Beck). — OCP, 20 (1954) p. 300 n. 0 (Krivo­ chéine). — OrChr, 9 (1927) p. 115 (Hausherr). — RPh, S. III, 39 (1965) p. 149. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 335; 20 (1966) p. 169. r a m e e e E,

O ttob. g r. 247. IX , p. 86, 88, 178.

H e c k (v a n ),

Orationes, p.

x x ii.

— J a e g e r , Gregorius,

O ttob. g r. 248. P apadim itriu , Prodrom , p. 72. — Sternbach , Gnomologium V at„ p. 50. — Stevenson , Prodromus, p. x ix , x x v n (cit. err.: 1248). IFS, 10 (1888) p. 18 (Stembach). O ttob. g r. 249. H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 804. — K o t t e r , Überlie­ ferung, p. 77. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x, 425; II, p. 206, 354, 443. — S a k ­ k o s , Anastasioi, p. 241. EO, 35 (1936) p. 115. — R H S E , 22 (1945) p. 190 n. 1 (Laurent). O ttob. g r. 250. DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 86 n. 4. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 20, 31. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 5 n. 1. — H e u s s i , Nilus, p. 92. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 166 sg. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 200 sg. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 75 n. 7. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 204. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 328. BBGG, N.S., 19 (1965) p. 47 (M alatesta Zilembo). — Bibliofilia, 60 (1958) p. 47 n. 4 (Campana). — OC, 4 (1904) p. 367 (Gassisi). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 242 (Stem bach). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 20, 21. O ttob. g r. 251. DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 97 n. 17. — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 20, 31. — E h r h a r d , Überliefemng, III, p. 1029 n. 3. — G r i b o m o n T, H istoire, p. 223 sg. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IX , p. xiv. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 166-168. — MERCATI, Storia, p. 200 sg. — P i t r a ,' Monumenta, I, p. x. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 75 n. 7. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 210. BBGG, N.S., 19 (1965) p. 47, 48 (M alatesta Zilembo). — Bibliofilia, 60 (1958) p. 47 n. 4 (Campana). — B yzZ, 57 (1964) p. 495. — Helikon, 3 (1963) p. 42 (Speck). — Irénikon, 11 (1954) p. 24 n. 5 (Leroy). — Muséon, 71 (1958) p. 332 n. 0, 349, 358 (Leroy). — OC, 4 (1904) p. 367 (Gassisi). — R E B yz, 11 (1953) p. 225 n. 1 (Mercati). O ttob. g r. 252. P a p a d i m i t r iu , Prodrom , p. 300. — S t e v e n s o n , Pro­ dromus, p. x x i. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 81, 82. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 77. Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 692 (Raoss). O tto b . g r. 253.

P it r a ,

Monumenta, II, p. 353. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci


O ttob. g r. 255. Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 263 R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 241. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. VOGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 425. —

n. 152. 77. —

Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 176 (Mercati). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 45 (Stembach).

O ttob. g r. 256.

P itra , Monumenta, I, p. X.

Montfaucon, nr. 888.

O ttob. g r. 257.

F ranchi

de ’

Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 267.

O ttob. g r. 258. Aeand, Liste, nr. 628. — BaTifeoe , Rossano, p. 103. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 277, 1109. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Mer ­ cati, Codici, p. 78 sg., 262 n. 288. — Mercati, Atumano, p. 13 n. 2. — Schoez, Reise, p. 97, 111. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). O ttob. g r. 259. DiEES, Handschriften, II, p. 36. -— F oERSTER, Libanius, IX, p. 25. — Lefherz , Studien, p. 164, 167, 169 sg. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 80. — Sickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. 11 n. 1. A B , 68 (1950) p. 220 (Mercati). O ttob. g r. 260. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 171. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 122. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 108. — F a u e h a b e r , ProphetenCatenen, p. 79. — G r e c u , Sphrantzes, p. xiv. -— M o h e ER, Gelehrtenkreis, p. 532. ■—· M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 285. —- S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 186. — T r a p p , Manuel, p. 15*. — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 141. B y J , 9 (1933) p. 341 (von Prem erstein). — Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 649. — R E B yz, 7 (1949) p. 17 n. 4 (Loenertz). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 141;

20 (1966) p. 305; 21 (1967) p. 286 n. 24 (Concasty). — IPS, 11 (1889) p. 224 (Sternbach). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 244 (Canart). — Nationalbibliothek, p. 652 (von Premerstein). O ttob. g r. 261. Monumenta, I, p. x.

L oeschcke - H einemann , Gelasius, p. xvi. — P itra ,

O ttob. g r. 262. taire, p. 141.

B r a n d is ,

Handschriften, nr. 170. —

W a r TEEEE,


O ttob. g r. 263. B r a TKE, P i t r a , Analecta sacra, V 2, p. S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat.,

Religionsgespräch, p. 54, 85, 85 n. 4, 86. — 302. — P i t r a , Monumenta, II, p. 246. — p. 70. B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 621. — W S, 10 (1888) p. 38 (Sternbach).

O ttob. g r. 264. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 165. — E hrhard, Über­ heferung, III, p. 477. — F ranchi de * Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 267-269. — H aekin , Inédits, p. 132 n. 2. — LEROY, Proclus, p. 57. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 255-278


B yzZ, 23 (1914-20) p. 129 (Van de Vorst). — OCP, 32 (1966) p. 54 (B ickersteth). — R E B yz, 13 (1955) p. 159 (Wenger). O ttob. g r . 265. B a u d r y , A tticos, p. e v i . — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 566. — M e r c a t i , Codici, p. 5 n. 2. — M r a s , Eusebius, X, p. x i ,i x . — S c h w a r t z , T atianus, p. v. O ttob. g r . 266. B a u d r y , Atticos, p. e v i . — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 394. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 241. R H E , 45 (1950) p. 489 (Brok). O ttob. g r . 267. B r a Tk e , Religionsgespräch, p. 81, 272. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 953 n. 2. ■— F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 269. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 302. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 246. B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 279. — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 230. O ttob. g r . 268. B r a t k e , Religionsgespräch, p. 86. — D i e k a m p , Hippolytos, p. v u , x v iii. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 270. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x. — S c h a e k h a u s s e r , Makarios, p. 127. — S c h e r m a n n , Apostellegenden, p. 149, 168. — S c h e r m a n n , Vitae, p. e x i v . — S c h r e in e r , Studien, p. 52 n. 3. — S t ä h e i n , S trom ata1, p. e e x . B yzZ, 17 (1908) p. 249. — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 13 (Sam odurova). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 153d. O ttob. g r . 269.

Ma i,

Bibliotheca, II, p. 105.

O ttob. g r . 270. D ä m m e r t - B o e r , Ptolemaeus, p. x x v i. — P i t r a , Ana­ lecta sacra, II, p. 136. O ttob. g r . 273.

Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 186, 229, 240 (Canart).

O ttob. g r . 274. H arnack , Apologeten, p. 69, 87, 89 n. 215, 153, 299. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 99, 257. — S chwartz , Athenagoras, p. viet, x i. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 229 n. 141, 240, 240 n. 168 (Canart). O ttob. g r . 275. H arnack, Apologeten, p. 70, 87. — H arnack, Über­ lieferung, p. 257. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — Schwartz, Athenagoras, p. VIII, XI.

Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 240 n. 168 (Canart). O ttob. g r . 276.

B id e z ,

Discours, p. 38, 41, 43.

O ttob. g r . 277. H i e g a r d , Scholia, p. x x x ix . Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 240 (Canart). O ttob. g r . 278. taire, p. 141.

S e v Ce n k o ,

Polémique, p. 41, n. 6. — W a r TEEEE, Inven­ - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci

208 O ttob. g r . 279.

W a r TEEEE,

Inventaire, p. 141.

O ttob. g r . 280. A h r e n s , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. x x x rv . — G a e Theocritus, p . 327. — L i v a d a r a s , H istoria, p. 243. — W e n d e e , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201.


O ttob. g r . 281.

Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 204, 229 n. 141, 240 (Canart).

O ttob. g r . 282.

VoGEE - GardThausen, Schreiber, p. 335.

O ttob. g r . 283. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 2066. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 324, 1191. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — S c h m id , Apokalypsetext, p. 5 n. 1. — S c h m id , Einleitung, p. 45, 127, 187-191, 193-195. — S c r i v e n e r , In troduc­ tion, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 171. B y J , 17 (1944) p. 77 (Schmid). O ttob. g r . 286. T i Tc h e n e r , Plutarch, p. 21. — W e g e h a u p t , Plutarchstudien, p. 18, 22, 42. O ttob. g r . 287.


Studia, p. 207.

O ttob. g r . 288. B r ig h t m a n , Liturgies, p. e x x x i x . — E n g b e r d i n g , Liturgie, p. x x x . — M a n d a e à , Protesi, p. 85. — M e e s t e r (d e ), Liturgies, col. 1644. O ttob. g r. 290. F e s Tu g i È r e , Révélation, I, p. 373. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca Catalogus, p. 271. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 80. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 30. — S c h e r m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 24 n. 3, 26, 27 n. 5, 30, 33. Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 191 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 636. — L N U , 8 (1900) p. 457 n. 243 (Almazov). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 308, 309 (Scherm ann).— OCP, 20 (1954) p. 178 (S trittm atter). v a e ie r i,

O ttob. g r . 292. p. 257.

K otter, Überheferung, p. 77. — Sakkos, Anastasioi,

O ttob. g r . 293. ventaire, p. 141.

B r a n d is ,

H andschriften, nr. 126. — W a r TEEEE, In ­

O ttob. g r . 294. F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 14 n. 3. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 241. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 159, 166, 169, 171 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 636. O ttob. g r . 295. M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p. 180 n. 2. — S c h e r m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 6 n. 6. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 279-309

O ttob. g r. 296.


VOGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 455.

O ttob. g r. 297. Aeand, leiste, nr. 389. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 185, 1104. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96, 111. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. O ttob. g r. 298. Aeand, Tiste, nr. 629. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 277, 278, 1109. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Mercati, Atumano, p. 13 n. 2. — Schoez, Reise, p. 97, 105, 111. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). O ttob. gr. 299.

Montfaucon, nr. 978.

O ttob. g r. 301.

Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 254.

O ttob. gr. 302.

W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 141.

O ttob. g r. 303. Aeeen , Prolegomena, p. 50. — Monro - Aeeen , Home­ rus, I, p. xxx. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 374. O ttob. g r. 304.

Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson).

O ttob. gr. 305. F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 33, 37, 45, 47, 50 sg„ 53, 56. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 624, 643. — K aro - Lietzmann, Cata­ logus, p. 319. — Laemmer, Bibliotheca, p. 94, xi. — L aemmer, Mantissa, p. 40, 46, 55, 114 sg. — Maeingrey , Tettre, p. 35. — P itra , Analecta sacra II, p. 224; III, p. 530. Traditio 20 (1964) p. 419 (Malingrey). O ttob. g r. 306.

Livadaras, Historia, p. 243.

NGG , 1929, 2, p. 183 (Frankel).

O ttob. g r. 307.

P eaTnauer , Aristophanes, p. xxn.

B P h W , 43 (1923) p. 579 n. 4. — CPh, 1 (1906) p. 3 n. 1 (Williams). — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — J A W , 71 (1892) p. 27 (Zacher).

O ttob. g r. 308. Aeeen , Homerus, III, p. XI. — Bérard , Introduction, I, p. 13. — Bérard , Odyssée, I, p. xxxix; II, p. xi; III, p. xi. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 49. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 164. P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 12 (Allen). O ttob. g r. 309. Bene Sevié , Sinagoga, p. 187 n. 1. — Coeonna, Storici, p. 16, 21. — D arkô, Demonstrationes, I, p. xxv. — Mai, Collectio, IV, p. v. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 62 n. 3. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 162. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 394. — P i Tra, Monumenta, I, p. x. — P reger , Beiträge, p. 25. — P reger , Scriptores, I, p. xx; II, p. xvh , xxv. — Soyter, Byzantini14 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci


sehe Dichtung, p. 25. — Sternbach, Studia, p. 52. — Trapp , Manuel, p. 16*. — VERPEaux, Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 43, 80, 81 n. 3, n. 4, 82-84, 86, 113. — VoGEE GardThauSEN, Schreiber, p. 164. Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 219, 220 (Mercati). — B I S IA M , 74 (1962) p. 49, 57 (Petrucci). — B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 458 n. 3 (Preger). — DOP, 17 (1963) p. 318 n. 1, 323 (Mango). — E H B S , 3 (1926) p. 145 (Banescu). — EO, 27 (1928) p. 466 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 161 n. 3, 162 (Benesevic). — ViVrem, 3 (1896) p. 29 n. 3, 58 (Pavlov); N.S., 12 (1957) p. 203, 204 (Veselago); 14 (1958) p. 193 (Veselago). O ttob. gr. 310.

Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 70, 184 (Heiberg).

O ttob. gr. 311. DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 64, 65, 80, 111; II, p. 6, 98, 100. — H eemreich , De tem peram entis, p. v ii . — Marquardt - MuEEEER H eemreich , Scripta minora, I, p. vi. —- Oeivieri , Aetius, p. ix-x. Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 66. O ttob. gr. 312. A n r i c h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 568. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Catalogus, p. 271. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 76. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 11 n. 1. — WESTERINK, Psellus, p. 7. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 932h, 1364h.

Ca v a e i e r i ,

O ttob. gr. 313.

Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 138, 146 (Müler).

O ttob. gr. 314.

KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 77.

O ttob. gr. 315. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 254. — E h r h a r d , Überlie­ ferung, I I I , p. 1006. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i e r i , Catalogus, p. 271. ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 528 (Papadopoulos-Kerameus). O ttob. gr. 316. L ouis, Aristote, p. x e v i h , taire, p. 141. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson).


— W arTEEEB, Inven­

O ttob. gr. 317. T a r d o , Melurgia, p. 71, 148, 150, 174 sg., 266, 285. B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 115 (Papadopoulos-Kerameus). O ttob. gr. 318.

S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 21 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio).

O ttob. gr. 319.

Montfaucon, nr. 898.

O ttob. gr. 322.

KoTTER, Überlieferung, p. 78.

O ttob. gr. 323.

K o m in is ,

Pardos, p. 96.

O ttob. gr. 324. A n a s t a s i j E w ió , Alphabete, p. 88. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 79. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. 307 n. 2. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschich­ te, p. 145, 738, 739, 759. — K u r TZ, Gedichte, p. x i i i . — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 398-399. — M a Tr a n g a , Anecdota, p. 709. — M o r a v c s ik , Bizantino- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 310-335


turcica, p. 257, 354, 538. — P apadimiTriu , Prodrom, p. xxv. — Spelthahn , Studien, p. 16, 18. — Sternbach, Studia, p. 197 n. 1, 207 n. 3, 208 n. 0, 280 n. 3. — Stevenson , Prodromus, p. xix, xxi. — W endel , Tzetzes, col. 1969. A B , 58 (1950) p. 126, 127 (Mercati); 69 (1951) p. 401 (Halkin). — Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 220, 221 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 23 (1953) p. X. — ByzZ, 7 (1898) p. 474; 8 (1899) p. 66 (Papadopoulos - Kerameus). — E H B S, 23 (1953) p. 115 (Tomadakes); 30 (1960-61) p. 613. — Eos, 6 (1900) p. 56 (Stembach); 8 (1902) p. 78 (Sternbach). — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 3$. — SIF C , N.S., 32 (1960) p. 158 n. 4 (Donzelli). — StBiz, 1 (1924) p. 176 (Mercati); 11 (1964) p. 22 (Schirò). Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 299-301 (Lampsides). O ttob. g r. 325. Aland, Piste, nr. 630. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 278, 1109. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Scholz, Reise, p. 97, 111. — Scri­ vener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. O ttob. g r. 326. Aland , Piste, nr. 1 132. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 18, 55. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 399. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — Mercati, Storia, p. 21 n. 3, 226 n. 2. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. O ttob. g r. 327. O ttob. g r. 329. p. Lxxvi.

I rigoin , Histoire, p. 393-394. Schenkl, Epictetus, p. xxvi. — Souilhé , Épictète, I,

O ttob. g r. 330. Drerup , Isocrates, p. xx. — Mras, Überheferung, p. 46 n. 1, 57, 59, 239. Scriptorium., 6 (1952) p. 316 (Wittek). O ttob. g r. 332.

Carlini, Platone, p. 46. — P ost, Plato, p. 74.

Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 390 (Wilson).

O ttob. g r. 333. F aulhaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 72. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 271-272. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 644. — Mai, Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 442, — P i Tra, Analecta sacra, II, p. 224. — PiTRA, Mo­ numenta, I, p. X; II, p. 248. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 252. — Schermann, Vitae, p. Lxn. — T rapp, Manuel, p. 26* n. 65. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 58 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — EO, 15 (1912) p. 224 n. 6 (Jugie). — OC, 2 (1902) p. 407 (Schermann). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 393. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). O ttob. gr. 334.

Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 318.

O ttob. g r. 335. Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 134. — Colonna, Storici, p. 128. — E orimer, Eibellus, p. 4. — Lorimkr, Pseudo-Aristotle, p. 6. — MoRAVCSIK, Byzantinoturcica, p. 521. — MÜLLER, Geographi, II, p. xxxvii nr. 76. — VOGEL - GardThausën , Schreiber, p. 423. — W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 141. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci


O ttob. g r . 337.

R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 120.

O ttob. g r . 338. B j ö r c k , Apsyrtus, p. 44. — B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 131 n. 2, 133 n. 1, 135, 139 n. 1, 144. — E g e n o g f f , Orthographische Stücke, p. 11. — H ig g a r d , Canones, p. v i l i , x i x . — H ig g a r d , Scholia, p. v , x x x i x . — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra I, p. x g v ii , g x x x v i , g x x x v h . — P i t r a , Monumenta, II, p. 297. Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 152 (de Jerphanion). — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145, 147 (anonimo). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). O ttob. g r . 339. A g m a g ià , Planisferi, p. 136-137. — B i d e z , Discours, p. 45 sg. — B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 205. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, IX , p. 5, 25. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 78. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 475 n. 2, 487 n. 6. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. x ; II, p. 224. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 355. — V og EG - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 213. — W a r TEGGE, Inventaire, p. 141. — W e i c h e r T, Demetrius, p. x g i i i . AC , 18 (1949) p. 241. — B yzZ, 56 (1963) p. 172. — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 104 (Spranger). — Hermes, 93 (1965) p. 150 (M atthiessen). — REG, 62 (1949) p. 237. — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 288; 20 (1962) p. 6-8, 30 (Laurent). — R F IC , 78 (1950) p. 375. — RPh, N.S., 10 (1886) p. 84. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 130. — ViVrem, 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 0, 159 n. 27 (Samodurova). — W S, 25 (1903) p. 178 (Horna). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 206, 209, 228, 241, 288 tav. 11 (Canart). O ttob. g r. 340. C o g o n n a , Storici, p. 116. — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 12 n. 8, 43. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 178, 248. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 337. — V o g eg - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 165. B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 415 (de Boor). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 311 (Vaccari). — RPh, N.S., 30 (1906) p. 135. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 260 (deM eyier). O ttob. g r. 341. F a u g h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 69, 70 (Lundström). — J T h S , 6 (1904) p. 75 (Tur­ ner). — S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). O ttob. g r . 342. A ggEn , Prolegomena, p. 50. — G a r d t h a u s e n , Palaeographie, I, p. 177 n. 2. — S t e r n b a c h , Studia, p. 138 n. 2, 202, 266 n. 6. E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 608. — J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Alien). Miscellanea critica, I, p. 147 (Mertens). O ttob. g r. 343.

R ahgfs, Verzeichnis, p. 241.

O ttob. g r. 344. B r ig h t m a n , Liturgies, p. g x x x i x , 549. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 307. — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 40. — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a g ie r i - L i ETz m a n n , Specimina, tav . 31. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V ili, p. 14. — M a n d a g à , Protesi, p. 129. — M e e s t e r (d e ), Studi, p. 139 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 8, 10-14.

— Mercati, Suida, p. 31. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 224, 296 n. 4, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Ottob. gr. 337-356


321. — S c h u b a r T, Palaeographie, p. 164 (nr. 31). — T i d n e r , Didascaliae, p. 138. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 63. B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 79 n. 4, 80 n. 2 (Jacob). — ByzZ, 40 (1940) p. 123; 43 (1950) p. 120. — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 312 n. 4 (S trittm atter); 32 (1966) p. 127, 127 n. 59 (Jacob). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 313 (Vaccari). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 144; 20 (1966) p. 111. — Traditio, 1 (1943) p. 133, 134 (S trittm atter); 10 (1954) p. 54, 68 n. 13 (S trittm atter). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. vi e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloïenija II, p. 58, 63 (Almazov). Miscell. Lake, p. 194 n. 14 (Höeg - Zuntz). — Miscell. Mercati, III, p. 41, 44, 49, 54 n. 24, 56 n. 27, 57 n. 30, 59-64 (S trittm atter). O ttob. g r . 345. W u e n s c h , De mensibus, p. Ell. B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 126 n. 8 (Kugéas); 37 (1937) p. 297 n. 1 (Diller). O ttob. g r . 346. F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i e r i , Catalogus, p. 272. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 46. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 186. CPh, 44 (1933) p. 24 (Smyth). — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 104 (Spranger). O ttob. g r . 347.

Montfaucon, nr. 973.

O ttob. g r . 348. F u n k , P atres Apostolici, p. lieferung, p. 58, 70, 78. O ttob. g r . 349.

x c v iii.

— H a r n a c k , Über­

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 29 n. 2.

O ttob. g r . 350. B e n e Se v i Î , Svëdënija, p. 37. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V 2, p. 78. — PiTRA, M onumenta, I, p. x. J H S, 40 (1920) p. 5 (Allen). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 173, 174 (Benesevic); N.S., 2-3 (1965-66) p. 223 n. 3, 226 n. 1, n. 2, 243 (Longo). Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 260 (Canart). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 201 (Canart). — Monachesimo, p. 210 n. 229 (Leroy). O ttob. g r . 351.


Euripides, p. 216.

O ttob. g r . 354. S b o r d o n e , Physiologus, p. x x i v . Congr. byz. X , p. 120 (Bonicatti). O ttob. g r . 355. D ü r i n g , Aristotle, p. 14. — L o n g , Diogenes Laertius, I, p. x x ; II, p. xiv. — M a r t i n i , Analecta, p. 100. — W a c h s m u t h , Sillographi, p. 53. BP E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 95 (Donzelli). O ttob. g r . 356. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 1949. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1210. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 303, 1188. — K a r o - L i e t z m a n n , Cata­ logus, p. 600. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 7, 18, 20, 23. A B , 56 (1938) p. 457. — OC, 4 (1904) p. 7 (Baumstark). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 241 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici O ttoboniani greci


Ottob. gr. 357. DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1102. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 241, OCP, 9 (1943) p. 456 (GianneUi). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 133. O ttob. gr. 358. A B , 53 (1935) p. 370 (Halkin); 68 (1950) p. 104 (Loenertz). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 117 n. 4 (GianneUi). — Z N U , 113 (1914) p. 166 n. 2, 214 (Dobroklonskij). O ttob. gr. 359. P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 244. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 246. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 229 n. 141, 241 (Canari). O ttob. gr. 360. Colonna, Storici, p. 116. — F icker , Eutherius, p. 16. — K rum ba ch ER, Geschichte, p. 191 n. 1. — LEROY, Proclus, p. 104, 117. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 204, 228, 229 n. 141, 241, 242 (Canart). O ttob. gr. 361. Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 337. — SoyTER, By­ zantinische Dichtung, p. 25. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 160 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 415 (de Boor). — R P h, N.S., 30 (1906) p. 135. O ttob. g r. 362. B a r n a r d , Clement, p. xxiv. — B r a Tk e , ReUgionsgespräch, p. 86. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 272. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices V at. II, p. 30. — G r u m e e , Regestes, nr. 32. — K o t i e r , ÜberUeferung, p. 78. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 138, 440 n. 1. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x, 47, 425, 538; II, p. 168, 169, 224, 244, 246, 317. — R i c h a r d , Florilèges, col. 509. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 251. — S c h a e k h a u s s e r , Makarios, p. 7. — S c h e r m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 6 n. 6. — S t ä h e i n , Protrepticus1, p. x e i v . — S t ä h e i n , Protrepticus2, p. x e i v . AB, 81 (1963) p. 414 n. 5 (Halkin). — Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 75 (Lund­ ström ). — S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). Studia Patristica, V, p. 353 n. 0 (Kirchmeyer). O ttob. gr. 364. Meeber , Polyaenus, p. xvi. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 78 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 76 (Canart). Misceli. Graux, p. 724 (Mueller). O ttob. gr. 365. Costie, D udith, p. 246 n. 3. — P avano, Saggio, p. x ei . — Usener - R adermacher, Opuscula, I, p. xvi. Mnemosyne, S. I I I , 12 (1945) p. 267 (Koster). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 136. — IFS, 2 (1880) p. 26, 28 (Schenkl). Ottob. gr. 366. Brandis, H andschriften nr. 42. — Busse, Dexippus, p. ix. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 566. — Mras, Eusebius, X, p. xeix . — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. O ttob. gr. 368.

F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 65. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 357-379 Ottob. gr. 370.


P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 6.

O ttob. g r. 371. H enry , É tats, p. 34. — H enry , Manuscrits, p. 196. — H enry - Schwyzer, Opera, I, p. x x iv . — Mercati, Codici, p. 54 n. 2, 204 n. 5, 227 n. 58. — P i Tra, M onumenta, I, p. X. Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 99 (Muller). Ottob. g r. 372. taire, p. 142.

B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 192. — W a r t e l l ë , Inven­

O ttob. g r. 373. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I II, p. 917, 919 n. 1. — F r a n c h i DE’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 273, 274. — G a r it t e , Documents, p. 272, 276. — S c h w a r t z , Kyrillos, p. 2, 317. A B , 60 (1942) p. 230, 231; 64 (1946) p. 250, 254 (Halkin); 72 (1954) p. 75, 83 (Garitte). — B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 18 (Garitte). — Byzantion, 25-27 (1955-57) p. 342 (van den Ven); 32 (1962) p. 65, 66 (Garitte). — ByzZ, 41 (1941) p. 506. — R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 250. — R H E , 37 (1941) p. 202, 207 (Ga­ ritte). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 132; 133; 11 (1957) p. 176; 16 (1962) p. 426; 17 (1963) p. 362. — Traditio, 5 (1947) p. 383. O ttob. g r. 374. taire, p. 142.

B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 181. — W a r t e l l e , Inven­

O ttob. g r. 375. D o w n e y , Themistius, I, p. xi, xxv. — S c h e n k e , Bei­ träge, p. 63. W S, 20 (1898) p. 209 (Schenkl). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 228 n. 137, 229 n. 141, 242 (Canart). O ttob. g r. 376. Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 189. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 79 (Canart). O ttob. g r. 377. B u t l e r , Palladius, II, p. xvi, x xv. — H o n ig m a n n , Studies, p. 107. — P r e u s c h e n , Palladius, p. 152. A B , 48 (1930) p. 268 n. 3 (Halkin). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 185, 197 n. 81, 216, 229, 243 (Canart). O ttob. gr. 378.

E rbse , Theosophie, p. 28, 30. — P i Tra, Monumenta,

II, p. 297. B y J , 9 (1933) p. 340 (von Prem erstein). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — S IF C , N.S., 1 (1920) p. 313 (Ferri). — W S, 28 (1906) p. 43, 53 (Mras). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 229 n. 141, 243 (Canart).


O ttob. g r. 379. F a u l h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. — F r a n c h i Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 274. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 71 n. 5. — P it r a ,

A nalecta sacra, II, p. 136. N H , 9 (1912) p. 352 (Lampros). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 173 (Darrouzès). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 58. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici O ttoboniani greci


Ottob. g r . 380. R aasted, Intonation formulas, p. 31-33. A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 28, 31, 32 (Tardo). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 27 (Anglés). — Miscell. Friend, p. 83 (Strunk). Ottob. g r . 381. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 390. — B u b e r l - G e r s t in g e r , H and­ schriften, II, p. 63. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 309, 317. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 398 n. 1. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 274. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v æ i e r i - L ie t z m a n n , Specimina, tav. 32, 44. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 185, 1104. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — S c h o ez , Reise, p. 96, 98, 101. — S c h u b a r T, Palaeographie, p. 164 (nr. 32), 167 (nr. 44). — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — T u r y n , Codices, p. ix , 9, 65-67, 175. A B , 84 (1966) p. 509. — Bessarione, 6 (1899) p. 224. — ByzZ, 9 (1900) p. 613; 20 (1911) p. 292; 52 (1959) p. 22 (Neugebauer). Ottob. g r . 382.

S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 240.

Ottob. g r . 383. F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). — Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 72 (Lundström). Miscell. Tisser ant, VI, p. 204, 229 n. 141 (Canart). O ttob. g r . 384. C o d r in g t o n - d e M e e s t e r , Liturgy, p. 13, 26, 46, 47, 50, 163 sg. — D o n n e t , Traité, p. 17, 23 n. 1, 42-43, 56-57, 61-68, 120, 326. — G ü n Th ö r , Dialoge, p. 11. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 622, 623. — H i e g a r d . Scholia, p. v in , ix , x. — K ö h e E r , Textgeschichte, p. 136. — K o m i n i s , Pardos, p. 87. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 241. — S a j d a k , Historia, p. 23, 27 sg. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schrei­ ber, p. 39. — WEGEHAUPT, Plutarchstudien, p. 12. B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 93, 96 (Donnet); 38 (1967) p. 11, 14 sg., 23 (Donnet). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 315 (Vaccari). — OOP, 4 (1938) p. 240, 243 (Hanssens); 15 (1939) p. 114, 115 (Hanssens). — Traditio, 1 (1943) p. 83 (S trittm atter). Miscell. de Morawski, p. 130 (Sinko). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 205, 207, 228, 243, 288 tav. 12 (Canart). O ttob. g r . 385. F r i t z , Synesios, p. 368. Eranos, 6 (1905-1906) p. 53 (Lundström). O ttob. g r . 386. Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 51. — Ross, Analytics, p. 94. — W arÎEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 255 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). O ttob. g r . 387. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 75 n. 1; III, p. 146, 149. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 274-275. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 392. — K o e t s c h a u , Textüberlieferung, p. 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 12 n. 3, 13, 16, 157. AB, 47 (1929) p. 137; 71 (1953) p. 165 (Devos). — RO, 9 (1915) p. 159 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 380-398


O ttob. g r. 388. Garitte , Documents, p. 272, 276. — H ausrath, Corpus, I, p. XXII. — R abe , Hermogenes, p. x ix . — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 20. — VOGEL - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 50, 112, 113. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 243 (Canari). ...


O ttob. g r. 389. Gil l , Acta, p. ix. OCP, 21 (1955) p. 179 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 134. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 205 (Canart). O ttob. g r. 390. F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 276. — F ranchi Cavalieri, Scritti, II, p. 101. — K raSeninnikov , Prodromus, p. 8 n. 2. — Mai , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 42 (in n o ta ms. di A. Mai in Vat. lat. 9621). — Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae. Osservazioni, p. 374. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x.


O ttob. g r. 391. F u n k , Didascalia, I, p. x x v ii. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, IX , p. 386. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x, 111. O ttob. g r. 392. n. 3 (Follieri).

Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). — Persia, p. 228

O ttob. g r. 393. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, I, p. 434; II, p. 170. — E hr hard , Überlieferung, III, p. 724 n. 1. — P aschkE, Klem entinen-Epitom en, p. 228, 243, 257, 270, 285. A M S L , S. III, 13 (1887) p. 851 (Berthelot). — BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 48, 156, 166, 213 (Schirò); 2 (1948) p. 11, 23 (Schirò). — ByzZ, 43 (1950) p. 419. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 143. O ttob. g r. 395.

Pitra , M onumenta, II, p. 244. — Vogel - GardThau­

sen , Schreiber, p. 150.

B P hW , 30 (1910) p. 201. — B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 106 (Treu). Misceli. Miller, p. 18 n. 2 (Mercati). O ttob. g r. 396. S a j d a k , Codices, p. 35. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 65 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). O ttob. g r. 398. Achelis , H ippolytstudien, p. 126 n. 3, 224. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 295, 385, 926, 405, 634, 837, 928. — K aro - L i ET z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 28. — Mariés , E tudes, p. 29. — Mercati, Note, p. 1, 3 n. 1, 150. — Mercati, Opere minori, I, p. 324, 383 n. 3, 384 n. 4, 389-391. — Mercati, Osservazioni, p. 18 n. 1, 19, 44, 50 n. 2, 52 n. 4, 55 n. 4, 58. — MERCATI, Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. ix , x, x x i. — Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. XIII, passim. — Mercati, T raduttori, p. 83 n. 1, 89 n. 2, 107 n. 1, 185 n. 1. — N autin , Dossier, p. 161-163. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 130, 224, 399, 407; III, p. 370, 632. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 249. — R ahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 241. — R ichard, Asterius, p. xviii , xix. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici O ttoboniani greci


Eos, 12 (1906) p. 102 (Sinko). — ROC, 24 (1924) p. 95, 106, 107 (Mariés). — OCP, 26 (1960) p. 309 n. 2, 311, 315 (Rondeau). — R B i, 1 (1941) p. 11 (Mercati). — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. 106 (Follieri); 10 (1963) p. 220, 221 (Giannelli). O ttob. g r. 399. B i d e z , Philostorgius, p. c e . — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. 378. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 276-278. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i ERI, Scritti, p. 172. — O e d f a Th e r , Studies, p. 399. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 164. Bessarione, 2 (1897) p. 247 η. 1 (anonimo). -— Byzantion 3 (1926) p. 327 (Abel). — Hermes, 94 (1966) p. 399 (M atthiessen). — OC, 4 (1904) p. 279 (Batareikh). Miscell. Miller, p. 37 (Mercati). O ttob. g r. 401. G a r i TTE, Documents, p. 272, 276. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 221 (Wenger). O ttob. g r. 402. A n r ic h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 119. — DES P e a c e s , Diadoque, p. 79. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 805. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i Er i , Catalogus, p. 278-280. — G a r i TTE, Documents, p. 272, 276. — J u g i e , Assomption, p. 706. — WENGER, Assomption, p. 11, 113, 128, 293. AB, 47 (1929) p. 137. — Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 237 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 1 (Baur). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 199. Miscell. Ehrle, II, p. 226 n. 2 (Eevison). — Miscell. Miller, p. 25, 37 (Mercati). O ttob. g r. 403.

P i Tr a ,

O ttob. g r. 404.

WARTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142.

M onumenta, I, p. 425.

O ttob. g r. 405. K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 99 n. 5. — S e v î e n k o , Polémique, p. 119 n. 3; 127 n. 2, 144. B yzZ, 18 (1960) p. 45 n. 2 (Laurent); 41 (1941) p. 11 n. 5, 17 n. 5, 18 n. 2, n. 5, 37 (Previale); 43 (1950) p. 109; 50 (1957) p. 516. — EO, 26 (1927) p. 147 n. 31 (Laurent); 29 (1930) p. 34 n. 7, 36 η. 1, 44 η. 1, 46 n. 5, 47 n. 4, 49 η. 1, n. 4, 50 η. 1, 51 n. 3, n. 6, 52 η. 1, 54 η. 1, n. 4, 55 n. 2, n. 3, 56 n. 2, 57 n. 5 (Laurent); 39 (1940) p. 1, 3, 7 η. 1, 8 n. 0, 11 η. 1, 13 η. 1, 15 η. 1, 16 η. 1, 17 η. 1, 18 η. 1, 19 η. 1, 20 n. 3, 21 n. 3, 22 η. 1, 23 η. 1 (Salaville). — R E B yz, 2 (1944) p. 119, 120 (Salaville); 5 (1947) p. 101, 102, 105, 108 (Sa­ laville); 12 (1954) p. 42 n. 4, 43 η. 1 (Laurent); 14 (1956) p. 48 η. 1, 64 n. 3, 79 n. 5, 81 n. 2 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 143. Miscell. Miller, p. 30, 37 (Mercati). O ttob. g r. 406.


u y s s c h a e r T,

Codices, p. v in.

O ttob. g r. 407. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 212, 351. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. ···>·


O ttob. gr. 399-413


O tto b . g r . 408. B e c k , Vorsehung, p. 137, 138 n. 85, n. 88. — B o r n e r t , Commentaires, p. 134, 143. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 111. — F u n k , Didascalia, II, p. x e h i . — H a n s s e n s , Liturgie, p. 62. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 282, 457, 644. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. E xxm ; II, p. 198, 224. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. x, 47; II, p. 206, 297. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 80. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 232, 235. — S c h e r m a n n , Apostelle­ genden, p. 149, 159. — S c h e r m a n n , Geschichte, p. 99, 100. — S c h e r m a n n , Vitae, p. x e v m . B yzZ , 13 (1904) p. 246. — EO, 29 (1930) p. 34 n. 5 (Laurent). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 75 (Lundström). — OC, 2 (1902) p. 398, 402 (Schermann). — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145 (anonimo). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Petrid£s). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). — ViVrem, 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 0, n. 13, 161 n. 42 (Samodurova). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 35 (Rackl). — Miscell. Miller, p. 30, 37 (Mercati). O tto b . g r . 409. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 774. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 280-281. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 104. Miscell. Miller, p. 29, 37 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 410. Moravcsik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 431. — H arnack , Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — K oetschau , Textüberlieferung, p. 83, 88, 157. — VOGEE - G ard Th a u se n , Schreiber, p. 61. Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117, 410 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). Miscell. Miller, p. 29, 37 (Mercati). O tto b . g r . 411. A n r i c h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 158. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 602 n. 1; III, p. 828, 830. — E r b s e , Theosophie, p. 147, 153. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 181. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i e r i , Catalogus, p. 282-285. — K r u m b a c h e r , Miscellen, p. 50. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 102. — M ë RCATi , Ephraem , p. 12, 13, 42, 42 bis. — Q u a s TEN, Patrology, III, p. 495. — W e n g e r , Assomption, p. 28. A B , 64 (1946) p. 246 (Halkin); 79 (1961) p. 243 (Halkin). — B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 540 (von Dobschütz); 47 (1954) p. 215; 55 (1962) p. 153. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 110 (Patrineles). — KCh, 2 (1948) p. 542 n. 5 (Laourdas). — R E A ug, 2 (1956) p. 463 (Wenger). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 111 (Darrouzès); 11 (1953) p. 161 (Halkin); 17 (1959) p. 208 (Stiernon). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 123; 11 (1957) p. 176; 12 (1958) p. 130; 171; 16 (1962) p. 151. — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. 224 (Halkin). — Traditio, 9 (1953) p. 112 (Baur). Miscell. Mercati, III, p. 318, 334, 336, tav. IV (Mercati). — Miscell. Miller, p. 29, 37 (Mercati). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 58. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 838c, 932i, 1042e, 1381f, 1049s. — Nationalbibliothek, p. 655 n. 1 (von Prem erstein). O ttob. gr.

412. Miscell. Miller, p. 28, 37 (Mercati).

O ttob. gr. 413. Schwartz, A.C.O, I 1, 5, p. i, 2. Miscell. Miller, p. 16 n. 4 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici O ttoboniani greci

O tto b . g r . 414. D evreesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 28. — D e v r e e sse , In ­ troduction, p. 40, 43, 294 tav . X IV . — D iekam p , Analecta, p. 175. — E eter R adermacher , Analecta, p. 43 n. *. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 392 n. 3. — L ake , M anuscripts, V II, p. 11. — M ai , Bibliotheca, V 2, p. 77; VI 2, p. 151. — M ëRCATi , Opéré minori, I, p. 5-11, 15-18. — P i Tra , Monumenta, II, p. 244, 248. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 241. — T amieia , Dialogus, p. 4, 5. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 637 (Millet); 10 (1901) p. 277; 11 (1902) p. 621. Miscell. Miller, p. 16 n. 4 (Mercati). O tto b . g r . 415. A n r i c h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 119. — A u f h a u s e r , Drachenwunder, p. 13-15. — B r o n z i n i , Leggenda, p. 262 n. 12. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 829. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 285-288. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 127. — J u g i e , Homélies, II, p. 353, 356, 357, 405 n. 1, 437. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 193 n. 2. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 122. — P a s c h k e , K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 128, 235, 262. — P i Tr a , Ana­ lecta sacra, II, p. 224. — P i t r a , M onumenta, II, p. 248. — S a k k o s , A nasta­ sioi, p. 242. — W e n g e r , Assomption, p. 25, 209. BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 90 n. 10 (Mioni). Miscell. Miller, p. 30, 37 (Mercati). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 110c, 388c, 865p, 1346a. O tto b . g r. 416. Aeand , Liste, nr. 1 133. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 399, 1226. — Ma i , Bibliotheca,X 3, p. 285. — S choez, Reise, p. 97. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. O tto b . g r. 417. A eand , Liste, nr. 631. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , C ata­ logus, p. 288, 289. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 278, 1109. — Gribomont , Ascé­ tiques, p. 300. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — S choez, Reise, p. 97. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — T uryn , Codices, p. 159. Miscell. Miller, p. 27, 30, 37 (Mercati). O ttob. g r. 418. B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 136 n. 1. — D a r r o u z è S, Documents, p. 371. — E e t e r , E pictetus, p. 11. — F a u e h a b e r , ProphetenCatenen, p. 181. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 289. — G r u m e e , Regestes, nr. 405, 406. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 638. — H e is e n b e r g , Curriculum, p. e x x x i . — M a i , Bibliotheca, I V 1, p. 61; V 2, p. 93,103. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, II, p. 440 n. 1. — M i c h e e , H um bert, II, p. 76, 225. — M u r r a y , Study, p. 77, 82. — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224. -— P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x , 425; II, p. 224, 244, 246, 248, 274, 297, 317, 324, 326. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 230, 248, 252, 256. — S e v î e n k o , Polémique, p. 133 n. 4. — T h i EE (v a n ), Rezension, p. 25, 70. B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 273 (von Dobschütz); 30 (1930) p. 490 n. 1 (Laurent); 41 (1941) p. 14 n. 6 (Previale); 43 (1950) p. 109; 58 (1965) p. 337, 338 (Turner). — EO, 15 (1912) p. 40-48 (Pétridès). — R E B yz, 2 (1944) p. 125 (Salaville); 5 (1947) p. 116 (Salaville); 16 (1958) p. 276. — RO, 3 (1911-12) p. 97. — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 293 n. 1 (Pétridès). — ViVrem, 10 (1903) p. 211; 11 (1904) p. 866 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Ottob. gr. 414-426


(Benesevic). — WS, 11 (1889) p. 195 (Sternbach). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 90 (1903) p. 155 (Almazov). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 23 (Dobroklonskij). Miscell . M iller , p. 29, 37 (Mercati). — B ibl . hagiogr. gr . 2 , nr. 117k, 1768d. O ttob. gr. 419.

R E B y z , 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger).

O ttob. gr. 420.

R E B y z , 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger).

O ttob. gr. 421. B auer , Asterios, p. 61. — Bretz, Asterios, p. 9. — Bretz , Studien, 1914, p. 9. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1156. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 340. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 289-291. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 346. A B , 30 (1911) p. 260 (Van de Vorst). — R E B yz , 14 (1956) p. 36 (Wenger). X enia Romana , p. 126 (Guidi). O tto b . g r. 422.

A n r ic h ,

Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 158. — B u b e r e - G e r -

STINGER, H andschriften, II, p. 87. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 294. —

Überlieferung, II, p. 311; III, p. 793. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i e r i , Catalogus, p. 291-293. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i e r i , Note, IX , p. 173. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i e r i - L i e Tzm ann , Specimina, tav. 19. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V II, p. 11. — L e f o r t - C o c h e z , Album, tav . 88. — S c h u b a r t , Palaeographie, p. 161 (nr. 19). — VOGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 145. — WENGER, Assomption, p. 124. B y zZ , 3 (1894) p. 460 (Bonnet); 40 (1940) p. 118. — R E B yz , 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger). — ViVrem , 8 (1901) p. 159. — Scriptorium , 13 (1959) E hrhard,

p. 200, 202-203 (Irigoin); 270. Bibl . hagiogr. gr . 3 , nr. 108c, 571b, 952y. O ttob. gr. 423.

R E B y z , 14 (1956) p. 35 (Wenger).

O ttob. gr. 424. E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 1007. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 293. — Lefherz , Studien, p. 126. — Murray, Study, p. 125. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 38. B y zZ , 19 (1910) p. 477, 491, 501, 505, 515, 516 (Reil). — Eos , 12 (1906) p. 98, 99, 102 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 63, 64 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). Miscell . de Morawski , p. 126, 143 (Sinko). — Miscell . M iller , p. 16 n. 4 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 425. P i Tra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 245, 253. R E B yz , 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger). O ttob. gr. 426. DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 312. — E hrhard , Über­ lieferung, II, p. 462; III, p. 962 n. 6. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 293-294. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri - L i ETzmann, Specimina, tav. 39. — P aschke, Klementinen-Epitomen, p. 185, 239, 240, 248, 250. — Schubart, Palaeographie, p. 166 (nr. 39). — T uryn , Codices, p. 9, 99-100. — Vogee GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 221. A B , 84 (1966) p. 510. — R E B y z , 14 (1956) p. 34, 36 (Wenger). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici O ttoboniani greci

O ttob. gr. 427. F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 294, 295. — E hr hard , Überlieferung, II, p. 409, 454 n. 2. — Gebhardt (von), Akten, p. xxii. — K rtjmbacher, Miscellen, p. 50. — P aschkE, K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 211, 220, 223. R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger). O ttob. gr. 428. Vogei, - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 145. Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 182 (Mercati). — R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 200-203 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 376. O ttob. gr. 429. E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 409. — F ranchi CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 295-296. — K rtjmbacher, Miscellen, p. 50.


R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger). O ttob. gr. 430. F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 65. R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger). O ttob. gr. 431. W enger , Catéchèses, p. 18. R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 35, 36 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 366. -— Traditio, 20 (1964) p. 418 n. 9 (Malingrey). O ttob. gr. 432. Aeand, Eiste, nr. 391. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 185, 1104. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — R auer , Eukaskom m entar, p. 19, 47. — R auer , Origenes, p. xe n. 3, xei , ex ui . — Reuss , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 55, 61-62, 68, 72, 73, 120, 177, 182. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96, 100, 111. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. — Sickenberger , Studien, p. 122. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — T homas, Collections, I, p. 143, 148, 158. R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 34, 35 (Wenger). O ttob. gr. 433. R udberg , Études, p. 58. — R udberg , Homélie, p. 150. R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). O ttob. gr. 434. Brightman, Liturgies, p. exxxix . — E ngberding , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — Mandaeà., Protesi, p. 72, 85, 115. Muséon, 77 (1964) p. 74, 76, 76 n. 53 (Jacob). — Traditio, 1 (1943) p. 82 (S trittm atter). Miscell. Friend, p. 198 (S trittm atter). O ttob. gr. 435. P i Tra, M onumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 317. Miscell. Miller, p. 29, 35-37 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 436. B utcer, Palladius, II, p. xvi. — D arrouzès, Chapitres, p. 20, 21, 37, 38. — des P eaces, Diadoque, p. 79. — Gressmann, Euagrios, p. 152 (cit. err.: 486). — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 218 n. 3. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 249. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 510. A B , 33 (1914) p. 219 (cit. err.: 486). — ByzZ, 16 (1907) p. 411; 43 (19501 p. 99. —- Muséon 54 (1941) p. 1, 9, 15 (Muyldermans). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 427-442


p. 161 (Darrouzes); 173 (Darrouzes). — REG, 70 (1957) p. 385 (des Places). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 140; 12 (1958) p. 125; 15 (1961) p. 396. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 173 (Benesevic). — Traditio, 7 (1949-51) p. 227 (Mercati). Miscell. Miller, p. 30, 37 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 437.

F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 18 sg., 21, 31, 75. — Catalogus, p. 333. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 241. Biblica, 24 (1943) p. 3 (Mercati). — B P hW , 54 (1934) p. 115. Miscell. Miller, p. 34, 37 (Mercati).

K a r o - L i ETz m a n n ,

O ttob. gr. 438. P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. X; II, p. 224. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 60 (Petrucci). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. Miscell. Miller, p. 16 n. 4 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 439. M o r Tr e u i e , Histoire, III, p. 262. — P i t r a , Monumenta, I, p. X. Miscell. Miller, p. 34, 37 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 440. M o r t r e u i e , H istoire, I I I , p. 364. — T t jr y n , Codices, p. ix, x m . — V e r p e a u x , Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 291 n. 2, 292 n. 2, 293 n. 6, 294, 295 n. 1. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 284. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 210. — B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 61 (Petrucci). — Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 327. — R E B yz, 21 (1963) p. 221-231 passim (Verpeaux). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). Miscell. Miller, p. 26 n. 4, 31, 37 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 441. B e n e §EVIÖ, O tvety, p. 1 n. 2. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 14. — D i e k a m p , Hippolytos, p. x x i. — DiEES, H andschriften, II, p. 20. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 31. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 296. — K r a § e n i n n i k o v , Prodromus, p. 22, 48 n. 41, 49 sg. — K r u m b a CHER, Geschichte, p. 205 n. 4, 743 n. 4. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 81. — M o r a v c s i k , Byzantinoturcica, p. 274. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 247, 257. — T t jr y n , Euripides, p. 396. — VoGEE - G a r d T h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 408. Byzantion, 23 (1953) p. XII. — B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 189; 25 (1925) p. 327330 (Mercati); 40 (1940) p. 33, 34 (Altaner); 44 (1951) p. 209 (Grumel). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 116, 129 (Przychocki). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 161 (Darrouzes). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. — SIF C , N.S., 1 (1920) p. 313 (Ferri). — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. x m ; 114 (Follieri); N.S., 1 (1964) p. 19 (Schirö). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 0, n. 13 (Sam odurova). — IVS, 33 (1911) p. 263 (Przychocki). O ttob. gr. 442. F u n k , Didascalia, I, p. x x v i. — P i t r a , Monumenta, I, p. x, 47, 49, 59, 111. — STEIN, Encomium, p. x x ix . B yzZ, 28 (1928) p. 437. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici O ttoboniani greci

O tto b . g r . 443. F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 296, 297. — H a r ­ Überlieferung, p. 214. — P a s c h k e , Klem entinen-Epitom en, passim. — REHM, Pseudoklem entinen, p. IX sg., x x m . REG, 18 (1905) p. 211 n. 4 (d’Alès). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 142. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 26, 27.


O tto b . g r. 444. A l a n d , Piste, nr. I 566. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 435. Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 57. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 159. — R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). — R M , 48 (1958) p. 85, 88, 93 (Rouillard). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 161. Studia Patristica, III, p. 117 (Rouillard); V II, p. 90, 92 (Rouillard).

— Ma i,

O tto b . g r. 445.

Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285.

O tto b . g r. 446. P iédagnel , Catéchèse, p. 21, 22, 47, 51, 51 n. 2, 56. Muséon, 55 (1942) p. 40, 41 (Swaans). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 202, 203, 210, 244, 288 tav. 9, tav. 14 (Canart). O tto b . g r. 447. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. 702 n. 4, 703 n. 0; III, p. 1003 n. 5, 1004. — F r a n c h i d e ' Ca v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 297. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 155. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 15 (cit. err.: 477). O tto b . gr. 448.

Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 247 (Canart).

O tto b . g r. 449. P i t r a , M onumenta, II, p. 244. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 246. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 203 (Canart). O tto b . g r . 450. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 782. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Catalogus, p. 297-298. — H a l k i n , Vitae, p. 37*, 64*. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x. A B , 81 (1963) p. 414 n. 5 (Halkin). — Muséon, 31 (1913) p. 325. Ca v a l i e r i ,

O tto b . g r. 451. R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 503. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u SEN, Schreiber, p. 354. O ttob. g r. 452. A c h e l is , H ippolytstudien, p. 80, 81, 224. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 236. — B e r e n d TS, Überlieferung, p. 74. — B u y Ta e r T, Eusèbe d ’Émèse, p. 173. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1146, 1155. — D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. II, p. 282. — F a u l h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 58, 89 n. 3, 162 n. 1. — F a u l h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 1-5, 13, 18, 21, 41, 89, 129, 130, 134, 136, 162, 192-196, 203, 216. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 620, 639, 640, 838. — H e i k e l , Dem onstratio, p. x x ix . — K a r o - E ie t z m a n n , Ca­ talogus, p. 333, 344, 347, 350, 452. — K l o s t e r m a n n , Jeremiahomilien, p. xxm, x x x ix . — K l o s t e r m a n n , Überheferung, p. 38, 38 n. 3, 39 n. 2, 84 n. 1, 110, 111, 114. — E i n d l , O ktateuchcatene, p. 149 n. 2. — M a i , Bibhotheca, V II 2, p. iv, 82, 92. — M e r c a t i , Osservazioni, p. 219 n. 43. — M e r c a t i , Traduttori, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

O ttob. gr. 443-463


p. 137 n. 3, 139-142. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224; III, p. 538-541. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 241. — R eichardt , Briefe, p. 66. — R ichard , Asterius, p. x ix n. 24. — Sickenberger , Fragm ente, p. 66. — Sickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. 95 n. 2. — Sickenberger , Studien, p. 31 n. 1, 131. — Staab, Pauluskatenen, p. 2. Biblica, 5 (1924) p. 345 n. 1 (Staab). — B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 227; 19 (1910) p. 597; 23 (1914-20) p. 288. — R B i, 42 (1933) p. 544 sg. (Devreesse). — RecSR, 44 (1956) p. 562 (de R iedm atten). — RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 68 (Sickenberger). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 163; 15 (1961) p. 150; 20 (1966) p. 171. Miscell. Miller, p. 16 n. 4, 23, 34, 35 (Mercati). — Studia Patristica, II, p. 208 sg. (de R iedm atten); III, p. 317 n. 3 (Tetz). O ttob. gr. 453. Aeand, Riste, nr. 881. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 229, 1112. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 285. — REUSS, M atthäus-K atenen, p. 222. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p . 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p . 60. O ttob. gr. 454. Ae and, Liste, nr. 881. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 229, 1112. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. O ttob. gr. 455. Aeand, Liste, nr. 881. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 229, 1112. — REUSS, M atthäus-K atenen, p. 222. O ttob. gr. 456. L e o n e , Athanasius, p. x v i i , xvm . — O p it z , U ntersuchun­ gen, p. 36. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 242. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S t e g m a n n , Arianer, p. 24, 25. Miscell. Miller, p. 25, 37 (Mercati). O ttob. gr. 457. Devreesse , Introduction, p. 296. — E hrhard, Über­ lieferung, II, p. 311, 702 n. 3; I I I , p. 1001. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Cata­ logus, p. 298. — L ake, M anuscripts, V II, p. 16. — L azarev, Istorija, p. 304. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 53. Miscell. Miller, p. 15, 28, 37 (Mercati). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 21. O ttob. gr. 458. M e r c a t i , Pergamene, p. 3. — P i t r a , Monumenta, II, p. 244. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 229. Ottob. gr. 459. B o r n e r t , Commentaires, p. 210, 211. — K r a s n o s e e ’CEv , Svedenija, p. 311. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 160 n. 5. — P i t r a , Mo­ num enta, I, p. x; II, p. 297. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 241, 243, 248. BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 153 n. 16 (Schirö). — EO, 30 (1931) p. 182 (Jugie). — OrChr, 9 (1927) p. 148 (Hausherr). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 293 n. 1 (Petridfeü). Miscell. Miller, p. 16 n. 4 (Mercati). O ttob. gr.

461. P i t r a , Monumenta, I, p. x, 425; II, p. 178.

O ttob. gr.

462. Miscell. Miller, p. 28, 37 (Mercati).

Ottob. gr.

463. P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x.

15 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici O ttoboniani greci


O ttob. gr. 466. K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 759 n. 2. — M a i , Biblio­ theca, V I 2, p. 414, 417. — P a p a d im i Tr i u , Prodrom, p. x x v , 156, 260, 267, 279, 283. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, I I I , p. 364. — S t e v e n s o n , Prodromus, p . x x , XXI.

R A L , S. V, 17 (1908) p. 519 (Majuri). — ViVrem, N.S., 16 (1959) p. 177 (Sandroskaja). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 25. O ttob. gr. 470. G i i e , Council, p. 298. — VoGEi, - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schrei­ ber, p. 453. Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 179. O ttob. gr. 471.

B a Ti f f o e , P a

Vaticane, p . i v .

O ttob. gr. 472.

Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 179.

O ttob. gr. 473. BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3 (1956-57) p. 119 (Bonicatti). Miscell. Miller, p. 17 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI p a l a t in i g r e c i - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C a ta l o g o

H. S t e v e n s o n s r ., Codices m anuscripti Palatini Graeci Bibliothecae Vaticanae (Bibi. Apost. Vat. codicibus m anuscriptis recensita), Romae 1885. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


P alat, g r. 1. A land, Liste, nr. I 567. — Bauer , Asterios, p. 61. — Br ETz, Asterios, p. 8. — BrETz, Studien, p. 8. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 340. — F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 201, 202. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 435. — H alkin , Euphemie, p. 145-161. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 14 n. 2. — Mercati, Storia, p. 89 n. 2. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. X enia Romana , p. 126 (Guidi). P alat, g r. 2.

F laceli^ r E - Chambry - J uneaux , Plutarque, I, p. xxxv,

XLI, xlvi, XLVii, lv ; II, p. I. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. —

Lindskog - Ziegler , Plutarchus, I, p. x iv .— Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282.— Ziegler , Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 6, 29, 172, 175 sg., 190 sg., 196 sg. B P h W , 27 (1907) p. 355; 28 (1908) p. 355, 357. — JOBG , 16 (1967) p. 102 (Ka2dan). — Scriptorium , 18 (1964) p. 159. P alat, g r. 3. E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 495. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 202-203. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. P alat, gr. 4. Bratke , Religionsgespräch, p. 272. — Del Ehaye , Le­ gendes, p. 35 n. 1. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 744. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 203-205. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 127. — K raSeninnikov , Prodromus, p. 94, 95. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mioni, Codices, II, p. 91. — P aschkE, Klementinen-Epitomen, p. 217 n. 4. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, V 2, p. 302. — P i t r a , Monumenta, II, p. 246, 248. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 242. AB, 21 (1902) p. 13 (anonimo); 22 (1903) p. 377 (Galante); 71 (1953) p. 166 (Devos). — ViVrem , 14 (1907) p. 384. B ibi , hagiogr. gr . 1 , p. 84. — B ibi , hagiogr. gr . 3 , nr. 2139, 805b. P alat, gr. 5. Aland, Liste, nr. 146. — Gregory, Textkritik p. 158, 1097. — H einrici, Erklärung, p. xxiv, xxv. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R egnault - P risvillE (de ), Dorothee, p. 93 n. 3. — R euss , Matthäus-Katenen, p. 66-67, 72, 73, 75, 124, 134. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Sickenberger , Studien, p. 122. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — T homas, Collections, I, p. 143. Scriptorium , 20 (1966) p. 113. P alat, g r. 6. Allen , Prolegomena, p. 48. — L ehmann, Geschichte II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Monro - Allen , Homerus, I, p. xxx. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — W S , 10 (1888) p. 7 (Stembach). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici P alatin i greci

P alat, gr. 7 . A u e n , Homerus, III, p. x i . — B é r a r d , Introduction, I, p. 13. — B é r a r d , Odyssée, I, p. x x x i x ; II, p. x i ; III, p. x i . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg„ 455. — L u d w i c h , Dissertatio, p. 8. — L u d w i c h , Batrachom achia, p. 49. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 140 n. 3. — N o e h a c (d e ), Bibliothèque, p. 145 n. 4. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 7, 9, 137-138. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 87. A JP h , 88 (1967) p. 212. — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 n. 1 (Biedl); 38 (1938) p. 314 n. 3 (Lampsides); 58 (1965) p. 373. — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 698 (Raoss). — P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 12 (Allen). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 266 (de Meyier). P alat, gr. 8. D ö e g e r , Beiträge, p. 5, 156. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r Tr e u i e , Histoire, I, p. 174; II, p. 443, 444. — N o a ie e ES D a i n , Novelles, p. x e i i . — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x . — S v o r o n o s , Synopsis, p. 8, 17-39 passim, 40-42, 43-48 passim, 76, 77-78, 149 n. 5, 184 n. 1, 186. P alat, gr. 9. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 483. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a EiERi, Catalogus, p. 206. — G e e z e r , Leontios, p. x x m . — K r t jm b a c h ë r , Miscellen, p. 53. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte,' II, p. 79 sg., 455. ·— S a k k o s , A nastasioi, p. 243. B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 424. — B y J , 13 (1937) p. 91. — B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 635; 27 (1927) p. 1 (Baur). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 64. P alat, g r. 10. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 1997. — B u y t a e r T, Eusèbe d ’Emèse, 178. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 311, 1189. — K a r o - L i e t z m a n n , Catalogus, 608. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 126; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bibliotheca, 3, p. 282. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, 100, 107, 134, 170, 183, 188-190. — S t a a b , Pauluskom m entare, p. IX. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — S t e g m a n n , Arianer, p. 33. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 26. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 200 (Stembach).

p. p. X p.

P alat, gr. 11. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bi­ bliotheca, X 3, p. 282. P alat, gr. 12. A e e EN, Prolegomena, p. 48. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o n r o - A e e e n , Homerus, I, p. x x x . — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 71. J H S, 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). Miscell. Ehrle, IV, p. 32 (Allen). P alat, gr. 13. DEVREESSE, Introduction p. 57, 307. — DiEES, H an d ­ schriften, II, p. 94. — E e TER, E pictetus, p. 11. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i e r i L ie t z m a n n , Specimina, tav. 30. — G a r d t h a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 238,243. — H e im b a c h , Anecdota, I, p. 187. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V III, p. 13. — L e h ­ m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r t r e u ie , Histoire, I, p. 174; II, p. 443- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 7-20


4 4 7 .— N o a il l e s - D a i n , Novelles, p. x m , x u n . — P e r t u s i , Leonzio Pilato, p. 32 n. 1. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. x, 538, 540; II, p. 153, 154, 162. — S c h u b a r T, Palaeographie, p. 163 (nr. 30). — S v o r o n o s , Synopsis, p. 8, 17-48 passim, 55, 76, 77-78. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 77. — W u e n s c h , De mensibus, p. x x in . B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 118, 122. — S B A W , 2 (1892) p. 343 sg„ 354 (Krumbacher). P a la t, g r. 14. L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N a ber , Flavius Iosephus, I I I , p. 111. — N ie s e , Flavius Iosephus, III, p. m , Liv; IV, p. m . — P e l letier , Autobiographie, p. x x iv , x x x v h . — S chwartz - Momm­ se n , Kirchengeschichte, III, p. CGXXViii, cgxxx , cgxxxv , cciv . REG, 8 (1895) p. 154. — RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 167. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 298. P a la t, g r. 15. DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 301. — E h r h a r d , Ü ber­ lieferung, I, p. 691. — F a u g h a b e r , Propheten - Catenen, p. 69. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 206-207. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L a k e , M anuscripts, IX , p. 2. — M a l i n g r e y , Providence, p. 27, 35, 41, 42, 46, 49, 51. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. 540. — REUTERS, Briefe, p. 10. — VOGEG G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 206. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 139. — Traditio, 18 (1962) p. 26, 37 (Malingrey). P a la t, g r. 16. L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — REUTERS, Briefe, p. 10. — S ajd a k , H istoria, p. 155. OC, 7 (1907) p. 381 n. 1 (Faulhaber). P a la t, g r. 17. E hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 731. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 207. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 129. — L e h ­ mann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. AB, 21 (1902) p. 7 (anonimo). — Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 86, 93 (Fourmy). — B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 184 (von Dobschütz). — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 233. P a la t, g r . 18. B o i s s e v a i n , Cassius Dio, I, p. cx x iv . — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 764 n. 3. — M e r c a t i , Biblioteche, p. 14 n. 2. — S c h u l t z , Über­ lieferung, p. 10. — W e n d e l , Tzetzes, col. 1878. A A T , 99 (1964-65) p. 384 (Leone). — B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 517. — B yzZ 5 (1896) p. 197; 20 (1911) p. 210. — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — H SP h, 44 (1933) p. 24 (Smyth). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 102 (K aïdan). — R F IC , 23 (1895) p. 249. — RPh, N.S., 20 (1896) p. 113; S. III, 20 (1946) p. 161. P a la t, g r. 19. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r t r e u i l , Histoire, I, p. 126; II, p. 449, 466; I I I , p. 216. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. x. P a la t, g r . 20. A c h e l i s , H ippolytstudien, p. 205, 224. — A l a n d , Liste, nr. 381. — BECK, Kirche, p. 596. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1089, 1184, 1185, 1187, 1188. — D i e k a m p , H ippolytos, p. 125 n. 6. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici P a latin i greci

p. 184, 1104. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 477, 570, 577, 840. — K a r o L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 577, 581. — K e o s t e r m a n n - B e n z , M atthäus­ erklärung, p. 33, 35-39. — M a i , Bibliotheca, II, p. 516 n. 1; IV 1, p. 108, 157, 159; X 3 , p. 282. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 341 n. 1, n. 2. — P it r a , Monu­ m enta, II, p. 249. — R a u e r , Lukaskom m entar, p. 26, 31-33, 41. — R a u e r , Orí­ genes, p. x e v i h , e h i , e x t v . — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 306. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 96, 154. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Fragm ente, p. 66. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 64, 86 n. 1 .— S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 31 n. 1, 43, 62, 63, 65-67, 74, 141. — S o d e n (v o n ) Schriften, I, p. 60. — S t ä h e in , P rotrepticus1, p. e v ie — S t ä h e in , P rotrepticus2, p. e v ie — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 150. B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 625. — OC, N.S., 4 (1914) p. 60 n. 2, 61 n. 1 (Mercati). — RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 64, 68, 69, 74, 74 n. 1 (Sickenberger). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 639 n. 117 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270; 15 (1961) p. 205. P alat, gr. 21. Me r c a t i , Biblioteche, p. 14 n. 2. — M er c a ti , Storia, p. 89 n. 2 . — M o r t r e u ie , Histoire, III, p. 425. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x . P alat, gr. 22. G eö c k n e r , H andschriften, p. 12. — K o w a esk i , Com­ m entarium , p. v . — R a b e , Hermogenes, p. x i x . — R a b e , Sylloge, p. x e v . B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 n. 1 (Biedl). P alat, gr. 23. B e c k b y , Anthologia, I, p. 77 sg. — B r a n d i s , Handschriften, nr. 199. — D e e e h a y e , Stylites, p. c e x x i i . — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 97 n. 14. — F e e t e n , Rhetores, p. x x x iv . — G a e e a v o t t i , Theocritus, p. 295. — K o w a e s k i , Commentarium, p. v. — M a n g e e s d o r f , Anecdota, p. 8. — M a r t i n i , Parthenius, p. 10. — P i t r a , A nalecta Sacra, V 2, p. 315.-— P r e i SENDANZ, An­ thologie, p. 17 sg., 26, 30, 33. — R a b e , Hermogenes, p. x ix . — R a b e , Sylloge, p. x x x ix , cxv. — S a e v a t o r e , Tradizione, p. 49. — S m u t n y , Epigrams, p. 28. — S o y TER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 3, 6. — S t a d Tm ü e e ER, Anthologia, I, p. ra-vm; I I I , p. v-vii, x i i , x x x , x x x i i i , e x i h ; I I I 1, p. iv-vi.— S t e r n b a c h , Appendix, p. v n . — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 7 n. 7, 38 n. 82, 48, 50 n. 108, 64 n. 147, 72 n. 176, 74 n. 181, 83 n. 206, 85 n. 213, 102 n. 264, 125 n. 321, 155 n. 414, 161 n. 430, n. 433, 173 n. 464, 197 n. 550, 200 n. 563. — S t u d e m u n d , Anecdota, p. 90, 2 8 4 .— U h i i g , Ars gram m atica, p. Ein. — V i a n Si n o , Epigram m i, p. x x . — W a e t z , Anthologie, I, p. xxxvm -XE, e x x x i x ; IV, p. 3, 16, 19; VI, p. 3-5, 33; V II, p. ix . — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 142. — W a t t e n b a c h - V e e s e n (v a n ) Exem pla, p. 11. — W e n d e e , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 195. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 377-379. — B yzJ, 4 (1924) p. 267 (Maas). — ByzZ, 37 (1937) p. 24 (Biedl); 40 (1940) p. 182. — EO, 12 (1909) p. 88 (Fitrid^s). — Eos, 40 (1939) p. 49 (Kowalski). — J A W, 58 (1889) p. 298 (Egenolff). — REByz, 21 (1963) p. 261 (Janin). — R F IC , 24 (1896) p. 235 (Setti). — R hM , 63 (1908) p. 524 n. 3 (Rabe); 67 (1912) p. 324 (Rabe). — R IG I, 4 (1920) p. 1 (Colangelo). — RPh, N.S., 25 (1901) p. 270; S. III, 41 (1967) p. 78 n. 1 (Robert). — Scripto­ rium , 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 176, 181 n. 7, 189 n. 29, 197, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 21-32


206 n. 70 (Sternbach); 10 (1888) p. 3 n. 76, 6 n. 82, 16, 18 n. 108, 31 n. 144, 32 n. 147, 40 n. 176, 42 n. 181, 212 n. 206, 214 n. 213 (Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 193 n. 414, 199 n. 430, n. 433, 210 n. 463, 234 n. 545, 235 n. 550, 238 n. 563 (Stem bach). Studia Patristica, V II, p. 337 (W erhahn). P alat, g r. 24.

D evreesse , Introduction, p. 48 n. 3; 53 n. 5; 305. — d e ’ Cavalieri - I/IETzmann, Specimina, tav. 29. — F ake , Manuscripts, V III, p. 12. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 155 sg., 303. — SchubarT, Palaeographie, p. 163 (nr. 29). — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 87. F ranchi

Byzantion, 1 (1924) p. 270 (Granic). — B yzZ , 40 (1940) p. 122. — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 102 (Sinko). — REG, 24 (1911) p. 89. — RPh, N.S., 35 (1911) p. 96. P alat, g r. 25. F auehaber, Hohelied - Catenen, p. 147. EO, 36 (1937) p. 163 n. 2 (Laurent). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 68 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). P alat, g r. 27.

E hrhard , Überlieferung, I, p. 623; III, p. 268 n. 2. — Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 207-210. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Note, V II, p. 55. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Scritti, II, p. 15. — Mai, Biblio­ theca, IX , p. XLiv. — U sener , Legenden, p. 52. F ranchi


A B , 31 (1912) p. 222 (Delehaye); 78 (1960) p. 397 (Halkin). — Bessarione, 3 (1899) p. 450 n. 1 (anonimo). — Byzantion, 37 (1967) p. 454. — B yzZ, 26 (1926) p. 182; 54 (1961) p. 189. — EO, 35 (1936) p. 125. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 145; 15 (1961) p. 165; 21 (1967) p. 194. — Traditio, 5 (1947) p. 167 (V asiliev).— ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 160. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 3, 50, 105, 136. — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 2298. P alat, g r. 28.

Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282.

P alat, g r. 29. K eil , Aristides, p. xvii, x v m . — K lEinlogel , Geschichte, p. x iv. — L enz , Aristeidesstudien, p. 78. — L enz , Prolegomena, p. 42, 86, 126. — SchubarT, Palaeographie, p. 163 (nr. 29). REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 32 (Sternbach). P alat, g r. 30.

Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282.

P alat, g r. 31. L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 135. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 31 (Biedl). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 32 (Sternbach). Nationalbibliothek, p. 295 (Gerstinger). P alat, g r. 32. Aland , Liste, nr. 882. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 229. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3 , p. 282. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 144. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici P alatin i greci

234 P a la t, g r. 33.

Mortreuie , Histoire, I, p. 200 n. c. — Sakkos, Ana-

stasioi, p. 257. ROC, 22 (1920-21) p. 178 n. 1 (Mercati). P a la t, g r. 34. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 18.— Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — W arteeee, Inventaire, p. 142. W S, 10 (1888) p. 29 (Sternbach). P a la t, g r. 35. E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 763, 787. — F ranchi CavaeiERI, Catalogus, p. 210-212. — H aekin , Euphémie, p. 84, 103-106. — Lehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 102, 106.


Casinensia, p. 59 n. 1 (Heiming). P a la t, g r. 36. Lehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 133. — P i Tra, Monumenta, I, p. x. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 20 n. 1 (Biedl).


P a la t, g r. 37. E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 744, 744 n. 4. — F ranchi CavaeiERI, Catalogus, p. 212. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. W S, 11 (1889) p. 210 (Sternbach).

P a la t, g r . 38. Aeand, Liste, nr. 1847. — Diekamp , Hippolytos, p. xxill. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 288, 1184. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282. — R obinson, Euthaliana, p. 46. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 4 0 3 .— Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 166. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. W S, 11 (1889) p. 204 (Sternbach). P a la t, g r. 39. F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, Catalogus, p. 212. — Sajdak H istoria, p. 230. — W esterink , Psellus, p. 10. A IS C h , 34 (1965) p. 297 (LiUa). — Bessarione, 23 (1908) p. 103 (Turturro). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 129 (Przychocki). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 169. P a la t, g r . 40. Maass, Phaenom ena, p. x x i. — Monro - Aeeen , Homerus, I, p. x x ih . — MÜEEER, Geographi, II, p. x x x v nr. 37, x x x v i nr. 56. — T uryn , Pindarus, p. 5 n. 1, 41. Hermes, 19 (1884) p. 100 (Maass). — RhM , 34 (1879) p. 291 (Scheer). — RPh, S. III, 7 (1933) p. 198. Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 218 n. 0 (Cagni). — Miscell. Ramorino, p. 443 (Vari). — Miscellanea critica, I, p. 146 (Mertens). P a la t, g r. 41. B u Teer , Palladius, II, p. xiv, xxiv. — F estugière , Historia, p. x iii. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 644. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Martin , Illustration, p. 164 n. 1. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224. —A B , 48 (1930) p. 2 6 6 n. 1 (Halkin). — RPh, S. III, 35 (1961) p. 7 (Festugière). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 140; 425. — W S, 11 (1889) p. 235 (Sternbach). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 102. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 33-48


P a la t, g r . 42. L ehmann , Geschichte, II, ρ. 79 sg., 455. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 152. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 252 (Sternbach). P a la t, g r . 43. K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 759. — P apadimitriu , Pro­ drom, p. x x iv , 357, 362. — W eicher T, Demetrius, p. E. — W eez, Analecta, p. 8, 14, 61. B yzZ, 16 (1907) p. 83, 83 η. 1, 84, 87 (Kurtz). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 99 (Hörandner). — Μ Η , 24 (1967) p. 132 (Geizer). — R F IC , 41 (1913) p. 337. — RP h, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 33. P a la t, g r . 44. DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 30 n. 2, 32, 57, 288. — F ranDE' Cavaeieri - LiETZMANN, Specimina, tav . 7. — Graniö, Subscriptionen, p. 37. — Grumee, Chronologie, p. 126. — L ake , M anuscripts, V II, p. 9. — L eeort Cochez, Album, tav . 10. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mer ­ cati, Note, p. 147 sg., 167 n. a, 175. — Mercati, Opere minori, II, p. 403, 458. — Mercati, Osservazioni, p. 14 η. 1, 26 n. 2. — Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 252 n. 133, 431 n. 74. — Mercati, T raduttori, p. 151 η. 1, 182 sg., 202 sg. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 242. — SchubarT, Palaeographie, p. 157 (nr. 7). — Stornajoeo, Topografia cristiana, p. 15 n. 10. — T hompson, Introduction, p. 217. — Vaccari, Scritti, I, p. 161. — Vogee - Gardthausen,


Schreiber, p. 262, 262 η. 1, 264 n. 5. BuArchPal, S. III, 1 (1962) p. 17 (Follieri). — Byzantion, 1 (1924) p. 267 (Granid). — B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 477, 492, 506-508, 515, 516 (Reil); 40 (1940) p. 120; 48 (1955) p. 378. — OCP, 10 (1944) p. 9-11 (Mercati). — REG, 24 (1911) p. 89. — RPh, N.S., 35 (1911) p. 96. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 135; 15 (1961) p. 50, 54 (Leroy). — Traditio, 4 (1946) tav . V II (Jaeger). — W S, 5 (1883) p. 170 (Wessely). Miscell. Ehrte, IV, p. 25 (Allen). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 21. — New Palaeogr. Society, S. I, I, tav . 129. P a la t, g r. 45. Brandt, A rchestratus, p. x, 4. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 54. — Gardthausen, Palaeographie, II, p. 440. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L udwich , Batrachom achia, p. 51. — L udwich , D issertatio, p. 10. — L udwich , Odysseus-Legenden, p. 1, 3. BECh, 42 (1881) p. 558 (Omont). — B P hW , 12 (1892) p. 904. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 313 (Vaccari). — R P h, S. III, 32 (1958) p. 146. — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 198 (Stembach). P a la t, g r. 46. LATTE, Hesychius, I, p. 505. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. Convivium, N.S., 25 (1957) p. 692 (Raoss); 26 (1958) p. 463 η. 1 (Raoss). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 231 (Stembach). P a la t, g r. 47.

REG, 80 (1967) p. 421, 422, 424 (Irigoin).

P alat, gr. 48.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici P alatin i greci

P a la t, g r. 49. Cer ESA-GasTaedo, Capitoli, p. 31. — E hrhard, Über­ lieferung, III, p. 1022 n. 1. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L udwich , B atrachom achia, p. 49. — L udwich , Dissertatio, p. 9. — VogeeGardthausen, Schreiber, p. 143 n. 7. AC, 27 (1958) p. 582. — B yzZ, 48 (1955) p. 454; 50 (1957) p. 234. — OC, 5 (1905) p. 299 (Baum stark). — OCP, 23 (1957) p. 146 n. 1 (Ceresa-Gastaldo). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 124; 21 (1967) p. 367. Miscell. Calderini-Paribeni, I, p. 404, 410, 410 n. 8 (Ceresa-Gastaldo). — Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 72 n. 1 (Ceresa-Gastaldo). — Studia Patrística, I I I , p. 45, 45 n. 3 (Ceresa-Gastaldo). P a la t, g r . 50. Coeonna, Storici, p. 16. — Darkó, Dem onstrationes, I, p. x ix . — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Moore, Polybius, p. 192. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 394. — P édech , Polybe, p. x x x ix , XEVII, EVII.

B yzZ , 23 (1914-20) p. 268. — W S, 11 (1889) p. 51 (Sternbach). P a la t, g r. 51. CosTie , D udith, p. 287 n. 2, 290 n. 1. — Downey , Them istius, p. x ii , x x v . — GiangrandE, Eunapius, p. v iii . — L ehmann , Geschichte, I, p. 133; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i Tra, M onumenta, II, p. 443. — Schenke, Beiträge, p. 64. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 22, 47. — Vogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 86 n. 4. B yzZ , 37 (1937) p. 31, 31 n. 1 (Biedl). — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 24 (Smyth). — R hM , 31 (1876) p. 214 n. 1 (Mendelssohn). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson). — S IF C , 12 (1904) p. 200 (Terzaghi). P a la t, g r. 52. D örrie , Longus, p. 6, 29, 41. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Vieborg , Tatius, p. xvii, x x h i . — W agner, M ythographi, p. xi, xxh . — W estermann, M ythographoi, p. in , 394. R hM , 41 (1886) p. 134 (Wagner). — T A P h A , 66 (1935) p. 309 (Diller). — S IF C , 20 (1913) p. 255 n. 2 (Calderini). P alat, g r. 53. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 203. — GiangrandE, Eunapius, p. v iii . — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 582. ·— H eikee , Constantin, p. x , x x . — H obein , Philosophumena, p. E x x n . — Lehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N ock - F esTUGIÉre , Corpus H erm eticum , I, p. x ii . — R abe , Anonymus, p. x ii . — SchueTE, De codicibus, p. 4. — ScoTT, Herm ética, I, p. 21, 23. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. R hM , 68 (1913) p. 569 (M utschmann). P a la t, g r. 54. Diees , H andschriften, I, p. 80, 85, 93, 98. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — StudEmund, Fragm enta, p. 7. W S, 10 (1888) p. 39 (Sternbach). P a la t, g r. 55. Bene SeviC, Sbom ik, p. 203 n. 1, 332. — H eimbach , Anécdota, I, p. exv ; II, p. 261 n. 5, 262 n. 6. — H onigmann, Mémoires, p. 135 n. 12. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mortreuil , Histoire, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 49-62


II, p. 40, 446; III, p. 271, 296, 427. — N o a ie e e s - D a i n , Novelles, p. x e i x . — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — Z a c h a r iä v o n L in g e n t h a e , Anekdota, p. 176 n. 4. RecAcLeg, 19 (1944) p. 33 (de Malafosse). — R E J , S. IV, 4 (1965) p. 141 (Patlagean).

P alat, gr. 56.

Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. Hermes, 29 (1894) p. 144 (Spiro). — T A P h A , 88 (1957) p. 180 (Diller). P alat, gr. 57. Bene Seviö , Sbornik, p. 16 n. 1, 88 n. 1, 332. — L eh ­ mann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 443. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 145 n. 3. T A P h A , 69 (1938) p. 339 (Diller).

P a la t, gr. 58. Costil, D udith, p. 245-250, 253-255, 257, 258, 258 n. 1, 266-268, 270, 271. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. II, p. 62 (cod. P). — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P avano, Saggio p. xe . — R itsche , Prooemium, p. 18. — U sener - R adermacher, Dionysius, I, p. XVII, xevi. AC , 28 (1959) p. 377. — B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 76 n. 6 (Mayer). — IPS, 2 (1880) p. 26 (Schenkl).

P a la t, gr. 59.

D öeger,

B arlaam -Rom an, p. 10. — F r a n c h i


Ca v a -

EiERi, Catalogus, p. 212-213. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 99 n. 1. — L e h ­ m ann,

Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T e r z a g h i , Opuscula, p. x x x n ,

e v i,


xc-xcv i, ev in , cxrv, c x v n i, c x x i i i - c x x v , c x x v h . — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 50. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 176 n. 1, 180. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 179 n. 2 (Mercati). — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 24 (Smyth). — D IE H et, 16 (1962) p. 30 n. 5 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 365. — S IF C , 12 (1904) p. 200 (Terzaghi). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 439 n. 9 (Sevcenko). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 848t.

P a la t, gr. 60. D ü r i n g , Porphyrios, p. xiv. — D ü r i n g , Ptolemaios, p. XXXVII. — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. e x x v i . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 200; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M e y i ER (d e ) - H u e s h o f f P o e , Codices graeci, p. 5. R hM , 55 (1900) p. 633 (Schmidt). P alat, gr. 61. B oissevain , Cassius Dio, II, p. p. 139. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Schreiber, p. 253. R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 619. — R hM , 31 (1876) p. 64 (1909) p. 182 (van Herwerden). — W S, 11 (1889) p.

ii. —

Coeonna, Storici, VoGEE- GardThausen ,

214 n. 1 (Mendelssohn); 211 (Sternbach).

P a la t, gr. 62. DiEEER, Tradition, p. 17, 54, 57, 82. — Güngerich , Anaplus, p. x ix . — H eiberg , Stereom etrica, p. exvh , xcvii. — H eiberg , Theodosius, p. 3 .— J an (von), Musici, p. exxvi. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici P alatin i greci


p. 79 sg., 455. — MÜEEER, Geographi, II, p. iv. — S pezi , Erone, p. 9-11. A J P h , 58 (1937) p. 183 (Diller). — Eos , 43 (1948-49) fase. 1, p. 80, 82 (Bilihski). — Scriptorium , 10 (1956) p. 40 (Diller). — IFS, 10 (1888) p. 6

(Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 218 (Sternbach). B ibl . hagiogr. gr . 1 , p. 64. P alat, g r. 63. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 233. — B u y t a e r T, Eusèbe d ’Emèse, p. 129. — Cr etjzer , Commentarii, p. x x i. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — S c h o e e e , Proclus, p. 6 n. 1. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 83 n . 5. -— W a r t e e EE, Inventaire, p. 142. — W e s t e r i n k , Proclus, p. VII-IX. B yzZ , 37 (1937) p. 31 n. 1 (Biedl). — Hermes , t. 14 (1879) p. 263 n. 1 (Jor­ dan). — R h M , 39 (1884) p. 468 (Traube). — S IF C , 12 (1904) p. 160 (de Stéfani). — IVS , 10 (1888) p. 232 (Stembach).

P a la t, gr. 64. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VoGEE Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 68. W S , 10 (1888) p. 260 (Sternbach). P a la t, gr. 65. Dehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. S IF C , 10 (1902) p. 187, 210 (de Stéfani); 12 (1904) p. 161 (de Stéfani). P a la t, gr. 66. Dehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R adermaLibellus, p. vm . — R itsche, Prooemium, p. 18. — Schmid, Aristides, p. VI. W S , 9 (1887) p. 206 (Stembach); 10 (1888) p. 45 (Stembach). cher ,

P a la t, gr. 67. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P eaTnauer, Aristophanes, p. x x m n. 3. B P h W , 27 (1907) p. 837; 43 (1923) p. 578; 48 (1928) p. 3. — B yzZ , 37 (1937) p. 31 n. 1 (Biedl). — CPh , 1 (1906) p. 259, 269, 270 (White). — CQ, 39 (1955) p. 40 (Mervyn). — H S P h , 18 (1907) p. 159 (Cary). — J A W , 71 (1892) p. 4 n., 27, 52 (Zacher). — R F IC , 48 (1820) p. 149 (Bassi). — Scriptorium , 12 (1958) p. 133. — S IF C , 1 (1893) p. 443 n. 2 (Piccolomini). — T A P h A , 37 (1906) p. 200 n. 2 (Cary). P a la t, gr. 68. Beck , Kirche, p. 701. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 758. — F es Tugièr E, Révélation, I, p. 371. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 213-214. — Geezer , Leontios, p. xxiv. — H arnack, Überliefe­ rung, p. 127, 137. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 81. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 248. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 242. — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 197. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 64. A B , 19 (1900) p. 85 (anonimo); 21 (1902) p. 7, 8, 17 (anonimo). — B P h W , 15 (1895) p. 424. — B yzZ , 2 (1893) p. 635. — Scriptorium , 13 (1959) p. 270. B ibl . hagiogr. gr . 1 , p. 105. — B ibl . hagiogr. gr . 3 , nr. 797p, 1420k. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 63-74


P alat, gr. 69. F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 214-215. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — R egnauct - P r é v iü E (dë ), Dorothée, p. 98. AB, 21 (1902) p. 6 (anonimo); 81 (1963) p. 414 n. 5 (Halkin). — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 113 (Halkin). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 113. — IFS, 10 (1888) p. 230 (Stembach). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 721c. P a la t, g r. 70. B e k k e r , Anecdota, I I I , p. 1140. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 21. — E g e n o e f f , Orthoepische Stücke, p. 9, 11, 33. — H ie g a r d , Canones, p. e x x , E xxn. — H ie g a r d , Scholia, p. v, v m -x , xiv, x x iv , x x v i i . — H i n c k , Polemon, p. x i. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L u d w i c h , Odys­ seus-Legenden, p. 3. — M a n i t i u s , Geminus, p. x m . — M a n i t i u s , Proclus, p. ix , x u n . — P r e g e r , Beiträge, p. 14. — P r e g e r , Scriptores, p. x m , xxv. Byzantinoslavica, 25 (1964) p. 40 n. 19, 45, 46, 50 n. 78 (Verpeaux). — CN, 7 (1890) p. 363 (Omont). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 361 (Savio). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 246 (Canart). P alat, gr. 71.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat, gr. 72. Boegar, Heritage, p. 488. — Coeeman - N orton, Dia­ logus, p. exxx . — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Maeingrey , Providence, p. 27, 35, 40, 42. Traditio, 18 (1962) p. 26, 30 (Malingrey). P a la t, gr. 73. Aebers , Lucianus, p. 2, 11. — B oegar, Heritage, p. 480. — H omeyER, Lukian, p. 82. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 134 sg.; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Levi , Libellus, p. 6, 7, 9-15, 17. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 386 n. 4. — Mras, Überlieferung, p. 2, 11. — N ie Én , Lucianus, I, p. xm . — PER­ TUSI, Leonzio Pilato, p. 32 n. 1. — R abe , Scholia, p. iv, vn, vni. — Sommerbrodt, Lucianus, I 2, p. iv. — Vogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 200. — Zimmermann, Podagra, p. vi-vin. B P h W , 10 (1890) p. 1045; 11 (1891) p. 1167. — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 31, 31 n. 2 (Biedl). — IM U , 6 (1963) p. 261 (Diller). — J H S , 21 (1901) p. 244 (Foat). — M E F R , 6 (1886) p. 552 (Desrousseaux). — Philologus, 72 (1913) p. 136 (Wingels). — R F IC , 21 (1893) p. 166. — R hM , 25 (1870) p. 548 (Rohde). — RPh, N.S., 31 (1907) p. 214; S. III, 36 (1962) p. 320. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 123; 316 (Wittek). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 360, 361 (Levi); 5 (1897) p. 220 (Levi). — W S, 38 (1916) p. 309 n. 2 (Mras). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 14 (Carini). —Miscell. Mercati, III, p. 313, 338 tav. IV (Mercati). — Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 66-67. — Nationalbibliothek, p. 295 (Gerstinger). P alat, gr. 74. Boegar, Heritage, p. 467. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 19. — Lehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 135 sg.; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N oire T, Lettres, p. 27. — Ross, Analytics, p. 94. —: SiwEK, De anima, p. 13, 15, 74, 105, 108, 110-112, 115-118, 121, 122, 125, 126, 174, 184. — VoGEE- Gardt­ hausen , Schreiber, p. 34, 68, 309. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici P a la tin i greci

P alat. gr. 75. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 1010. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 112; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 35, 53, 54. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 59, 224. B y J , 25 (1925) p. 297 (Cantarella). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 64, 67 (Sinko). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 181 (Stembach). Misceli, de Morawski, p. 126 (Sinko). P alat. gr. 76. E u s t r a t ia d e s , Michael Glycas, p. pxi>', pXy'. — G ü n t h ö r , Dialoge, p. 11, 13. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VOGEE G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 70 n. 4, 82 n. 5. W S, 10 (1888) p. 29 (Sternbach). Misceli. Ehrle, I, p. 23 (Rackl). P alat. gr. 77. DiEES, H andschriften, II, p. 32, 34, 68. — K o u r ie a s , Meletai, p. 18. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 632. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T h o m s o n , Textes, p. 29. B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 309. — Eranos, 5 (1903) p. 129, 132 (Lundström). — N H , 16 (1922) p. 116 (Lampros). — RPh, N.S., 29 (1905) p. 240. — T A P h A , 53 (1922) p. 159 (Bonner). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 200 (Stembach). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 67. P alat. gr. 78. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 11. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — V o g e i , - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schrei­ ber, p. 162. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. P alat. gr. 79. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VOGEE Schreiber, p. 108 n. 5.

Ga r d th a u sen ,

P alat. g r. 80. E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 744. — C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 215. — K r a Se n in n ik o v , Sermones, p. x x x v n. 129. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p. 244.

F ranc

B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 1 (Baur). P alat. g r.


L ehm ann,

Geschichte, II, p.

79 sg., 455.

P alat. gr. 82. C o h n - W e n d e a n d , Philo, IV, p. xm . Libanius, IX, p. 114, 153, 217. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 133. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. P alat. g r. 83. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 169. — B o e g a r , Heritage, p. 467. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 100. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 198. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 229 (Sternbach). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

—- Fo

P alat, gr. 75-91


P alat, g r . 84. Kr.EiNi.OGEX., Geschichte, p. xrv. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — UsENER - R adermacher, Opuscula, I, p. xxv. B P E C , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 17 (Alberti). — M E F R , 21 (1901) p. 92 (Serruys). — REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). P alat, g r . 85. S o y TER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 4. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 108. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 116. 1FS, 10 (1888) p. 237 (Stem bach). P alat, g r . 8 6 . B a r n a r d , Clement, p. x m . — Co e o n n a , Storici, p. 81, 124. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 299. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 133; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 516. — STÄh e i n , Beiträge, p. 7-9, 20. — STÄ h e i n , Protrepticus1, p. x x iv , x x x n , l x v i i . — STÄ h e i n , Protrepticus2, p. x x iv , x x x n , e x v i i . B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 622; 37 (1937) p. 31 (Biedl). — DOP, 15 (1961) p. 111 (Moravcsik). — E H B S , 35 (1966-67) p. 277 (Panagiotakes). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 197. — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 43, 49, 50, 53, 54 (Sestakov); N.S., 15 (1959) p. 132 (KaSdan). P alat, g r . 87. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 243. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 376. P alat, g r . 88. D e F a e c o , Demade, p. 55. — E r d m a n n , Pseudo-Lysias, p. 3. — G e r n e t - Bizos, Lysias, I, p. 12, 15. — H u d e , Lysias, p. v, x n . AC, 24 (1955) p. 475. — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 314 (Diller). P alat, g r . 89. Aeand, Liste, nr. 147. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 158, 1097. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener, Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. 1FS, 11 (1889) p. 218 (Sternbach). P alat, g r . 90. F u c h s , Schulen, p. 72 n. 1. — K e i e , Aristides, p. x v n , x v iii. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L e n z , Aristeidesstudien, p. 64 n. 1, 87 sg., 9 5 . — L e n z , Prolegomena, p. 33, 110, 120, 126, 152, 156.— LENZ, Untersuchungen, p. 79, 110. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3 , p. 282. — S c h e i n d EER, Nonnus, p. ix, x x x , x x x i i - x x x i v , x e . — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 209 n. 200, 395. StBiz, 4 (1935) p. 136 n. 3 (Dujcev). — 1FS, 11 (1889) p. 216 (Sternbach). Studia Patristica, V II, p. 337 n. 2 (W erhahn). P alat, g r . 91. D a r r o u z è s , Chapitres, p. 20. — DES P e a c e s , Diadoque, p. 81, 83. — G r u m e e , Regestes, I, nr. 34. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 157 n. 4, 218 n. 4. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i t r a , Monumenta, I, p. x ; II, p. 169. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 399. — EO, 31 (1932) p. 19 (Disdier). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 173 (Darrouzès). — RQA, 7 (1893) p. 53 n. 2 (Ehrhard).

16 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici P alatin i greci


Misceli. Calderini - Paribeni, I, p. 406 (Ceresa-Gastaldo). — Congr. byz. I X , I I I , p. 275 (Trypanis).

P a la t, g r. 92.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg„ 455.

P alat, gr. 93. Biede , Exzerpt, p. 5, 41, 49-50, 53, 59-71, 76, 86-107, 111, 124. — Coeonna, Storici, p. 3, 64. — Giannini, Paradoxographi, p. 8, 353. — K eydeee , Agathias, p. xviii . — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L ong, Diogenes Laertius, I, p. xx; II, p. xiv. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 215. — Mühee (von der ), Epicurus, p. v. — P eppink , Epitome, I, p. xvi. — P eppink , Opera, p. 53. B P E C , N.S., 1 (1945) p. 60, 65, 82 (Colonna). — ByzZ, 37 (1937) p. 27 (Biedl); 50 (1957) p. 129. — CPh, 57 (1962) p. 173 (Finch). — Hermes, 6 (1872) p. 324 (Mommsen); 34 (1899) p. 299, 303 (de Boor). — JOBG , 8 (1959) p. 125 (Hunger). —· R F IC , 42 (1914) p. 400 (Bassi). — Scriptorium, 10 (1956) p. 150; 12 (1958) p. 120; 18 (1964) p. 299. — SIF C , 11 (1903) p. 94 (De Stefani); 12 (1904) p. 155, 156 n. 1, 176 (De Stefani). — T A P h A , 43 (1912) p. 143, 171 (Ba­ ker); 94 (1963) p. 51 (Diller). — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 43 n. 1 (Sestakov). > P a la t, g r. 94. Cohn - W endeand , Philo, I, p. v ii . — L ehmann, Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Sichere , Iamblichos, p. 16 n. 3, 148. SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 31 (Pistelli). P alat, gr. 95. Düring , Ptolemaios, p. xxxvm . — J an (von), Musici, p. Exxvi. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 179 (Heiberg). — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mount­ ford) . P alat, g r. 96. Dieeer , Tradition, p. 36. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. II, p. 50. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Müeeer , Geographi, II, p. xxxvi, nr. 53. — Vàri, Oppianus, I, p. 15. — Vo g ee - G ardThausen , Schreiber, p. 49 n. 1. Misceli. Ramorino, p. 443 (Vàri). P alat, g r. 97. Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 88. — Lehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 135, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Louis, Génération, p. xxm . — Siw ek , Parva Naturalia, p. xvn. —■W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 31 (Biedl). — RPh, S. III, 26 (1952) p. 37, 38 (Mugnier). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 198 (Stembach). Misceli. Desrousseaux, p. 330 (Mugnier). — Nationalbibliothek, p. 295 (Gerstinger). ' P alat, g r. 98. Di BENEDETTO, Tradizione, p. 12, 57, 71. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N auck, Euripides, I, p. x ei . — T uryn , Euripi­ des, p. 91. —- Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 116. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — Hermes, 93 (1965) p. 150 (Matthiessen); 94 (1966) p. 399 (Matthiessen). — R hM , 63 (1908) p. 419 n. 2, 421, 421 n. 1, 422 (Rabe). — R P h, N.S., 33 (1909) p. 114. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat. gr. 92-109


P alat. g r . 99. Aubreton, Dem etrius Triclinius, p. 104, 112, 234. — — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 190, 204. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 172. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 66. — Vogee GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 84, 87 n. 7. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 73 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 75 (Canart). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 210 (Sternbach). P alat. g r . 100. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg,, 455. E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 209 η. 1 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 201. — W S, 10 (1888) p. 29 (Stembach). P alat. g r . 101. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I , p. 315 η. 1. — K r u m Geschichte, p. 106 n. 3. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T o s c a n i , Typica, p. 48 n. 5. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 9, 166-167. — V o g e e G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 85, 209 n. 7. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 146 n. 5 (Korolevskij). bacher,

P alat. g r . 102. G a r z y a , Teognide, p. 23. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 131; I I , p. 79 sg., 455. — MÜEEER, Geographi, II, p. xxxvx, nr. 53. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 275. — Y o u n g , Theognis, p. xxvi. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 67 (Patrineles). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 102 (Sinko). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 23 (Young); 288 (W ittek); 17 (1963) p. 72 (Canart). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 67. P alat. g r . 103. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I I , p. 79 sg., 455. — P o s t , Plato, p. 75. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 26. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). Palat. g r . 104. F oerster, Libanius, V III, p. 590. — Lehmann, Ge­ schichte, I I , p. 79 sg., 455. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 311 n. 3. Palat. g r . 105.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

Palat. g r . 106. K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 78. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 131; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — S c h e r m a n n , Geschichte, p. 88. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 193. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 251. W S, 11 (1889) p. 231, 242 (Sternbach). P alat. g r . 107. Verzeichnis, p. 243.


Lehm ann,

Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R a h e f s ,

P alat. g r . 108. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W e i n b e r ­ Adnotationes, p. 4. W S, 11 (1889) p. 218 (Sternbach). Palat. g r . 109. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. W S, 10 (1888) p. 26 (Sternbach). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici P alatin i greci


P alat, g r. 110. R abe , Sylloge, p. E, c. Mnemosyne, 8 (1859) p. 310 (Cobet). P alat, g r. 111. Coeonna, Storici, p. 158. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 95; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N oehac (de ), Bibliothèque, p. 154 n. 1. — P reger , Beiträge, p. 8. — P reger , Scriptores, p. vi, xxv. Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 46 (Verpeaux). P alat, g r. 112. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. RQH, 45 (1889) p. 205 n. 6 (Batiffol). P alat, g r. 113. Drerup , Demosthenesausgaben, p. 582. — FoERSTER, Libanius, VIII, p. 586. — J acoby, Dionysius, IV, p. rx. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R abe, Hermogenes, p. xix. — R abe, Sylloge, p. e i , eiv . B y J , 3 (1922) p. 194. — Eos, 44 (1950), fase. 1, p. 26 (Bilinski). — SB A W, 1902, p. 299 (Drerup). P a la t, gr. 114. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). P alat, g r. 115. Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 105. — L ehmann, Ge­ schichte, I, p. 135, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N oiret , Lettres, p. 30. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 116. — W arteeee, Inventaire, p. 142. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 31 (Biedl). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 10 (Young); 17 (1963) p. 72 (Canart). P alat, g r. 116. Boegar, Heritage, p. 495. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 109; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 14. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 (Biedl); 51 (1958) p. 278 (Politis). — CPh, 1 (1906) p. 266 (White). — J A W, 71 (1892) p. 29 (Zacher). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 319 (Differ). — R F IC , 33 (1905) p. 378. — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 184. P alat, gr. 117. Arnim , Dio Chrysostomus, p. x x ii . — B udé (de ), Dio Chrysostomus, p. ix, x. — D owney, Themistius, p. xi, xxv. — H ude , Lysias, p. V, XII. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Schenke, Beiträge, p. 52. — Sonny, Analecta, p. v, 29-31. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, p. xxxiv. — W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 42. B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 1608. — B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 642, 645 (Foerster). — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — Hermes, 79 (1944) p. 41 (Wenkebach). — R BPh, 33 (1955) p. 1044. — REG, 7 (1894) p. 100. — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 188; 20 (1896) p. 38 (Bidez-Parmentier). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 25 (Stembach); 20 (1898) p. 209 (Schenkl) P alat, g r. 118. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — V ogee Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 180. P a la t, gr. 119.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 110-125

P a la t, g r. 120. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — theca, IV 1, p. 217, 268. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 10, 131-132. B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373.

245 Ma i,


P a la t, g r. 121. D iehe , Proclus, p. xvn. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mpones , Prolegomena, p. 15, 36, 47, 60, 63. P a la t, g r. 122. Chambry, Tabulae, p. 13. — FoERSTER, Libanius, VIII, p. 363. — H ausraTh , Corpus, I 1, p. x n , xiv; I 2, p. xiv. — J aekel , Menan­ der, p. vu, XXXIII. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Sternbach, Curae, p. 16, 19, 27, 30, 31, 50. — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 3, 39, 44 n. 95, 50, 50 n. 108, 51, 51 n. 112, 52 n. 0, 53, 56 n. 129, 57, 62 n. 140, 63 n. 145, 85 n. 213, 88, 100 n. 256. — Sternbach, Menandrea, p. 335 n. 1, 367. B P E C , N.S., 7 (1959) p. 32 (Gallavotti). — Byzantion, 18 (1946-48) p. 198, 203 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 339 (Treu); 2 (1893) p. 638; 37 (1937) p. 27 (Biedl). — Eos, 44 (1950), fase. 1, p. 39 n. 18 (Lanowski). — RhM , 41 (1886) p. 53 n. 0 (Hense). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 259 (de Meyier); 14 (1960) p. 183. — W S, 9 (1887) p. 177, 181, 182, 191, 192, 198, 199, 202, 205 (Sternbach); 10 ( 1888) p. 2, 7, 9, 12, 12 n. 95, 16, 18, 18 n. 108, 19, 19 n. 112, 20 n. 112, n. 115, 21, 25-27, 31 n. 145, 32-35, 38, 40, 42, 212-214, 214 n. 213, 217, 219, 229, 229 n. 256, 230, 236, 237, 241, 249 n. 310, 260 (Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 44, 47, 51, 55, 64, 192, 196, 197, 197 n. 426, 200 n. 436, 211, 218-220 (Sternbach). P alat, g r. 123. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i Tra, Analecta sacra, II, p. 314. — R oques - H eie - Gandieeac (de ), Denys, p. 26, 63. AC, 28 (1959) p. 409. — A S N P , 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilia). — Bessarione, 23 (1908) p. 103 (Turturro). — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 n. 1 (Biedl). — N S , 3 (1929) p. 390, 394, 396, 398, 403-410 (Théry). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 169. P a la t, gr. 124. Beck , Vorsehung, p. 137, 137 n. 80, 139 n. 93. — CoEOnna, Storici, p. 79. — D üring , Aristotle, p. 80. — J ordan, Fragmente, p. 52 η . 0. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 112, 114, 131; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 354. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. B yzZ, 16 (1907) p. 481 (Anastasijewic). — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — R E B yz, 21 (1963) p. 102 (Oikonomidès). — Scriptorium, 13 (1939) p. 301. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 293, 294 (Mercati); 5 (1939) p. 470 (Goossens). — WS, 11 (1889) p. 209 (Sternbach). Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 296, 299, 300 (Lampsides). P a la t, g r. 125. Colonna, Heliodorus, p. xxn, xxxviii -xe , xlii , XEin, EV. — D örrie , Longus, p. 10, 31, 37. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R attenbury - L umb - Maieeon, Heliodore, I, p. xxv, xxxii -x e ii , EVI-EX, 1; II, p. 1; III, p. 1. CQ, 19 (1925) p. 177 (Rattenbury); 20 (1926) p. 36, 37, 40 (Rattenbury). — RPh, S. III, 11 (1937) p. 164. — RSO, 10 (1923-25) p. 240 (Mercati). — SicGymn, N.S., 17 (1964) p. 3 (Anastasi). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici P alatin i g reci

P alat, g r . 126. Cotonna, Heliodorus, p. xxii. — Cotonna, Storici, p. 30. -— Diets , Handschriften, I, p. 56. — Diets , Theophrastus, p. xvin. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Livadaras, Historia, p. 243. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 367. — Moravcsik - J enkins , Porphyrogenitus, p. 20. — PERTUSI, Storiografia, p. 34 n. 70. — Schui/Tz, Überlieferung, p. 28. — Steinmetz, Theophrast, I, p. 43 n. 2. — Voget - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 35. Byslav, 11 (1950) p. 91. — B yzZ, 29 (1929) p. 287. — E H B S , 7 (1930) p. 142 (Moravcsik). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 185 (Darrouzès). — REG, 76 (1963) p. 390 (Koster). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 140; 14 (1960) p. 211; 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson). Congr. byz. I I I , p. 88 (Moravcsik). P alat, g r . 127. E genotff , Orthographische Stücke, p. 27. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 32 (Biedl). — T A P h A , 37 (1906) p. 205 n. 2 (Cary). P alat, g r . 128. D iets , Handschriften I, p. 13, 61, 105. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 131; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Sternbach, Appendix, p. xm , 83. — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 105, 126, 160. B P hW , 43 (1923) p. 579. — CPh, 1 (1906) p. 266, 270 (White). — CQ, 39 (1955) p. 39 (Jones). — H SP h, 18 (1907) p. 159 (Cary). — J A W, 71 (1892) p. 27 (Zacher). — Mnemosyne, 9 (1956) p. 227 (Koster). — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 184. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 133. — W S, 10 (1888) p. 234, 255 (Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 198 (Stembach). P alat, g r . 129. Attine , Platon, p. 313. — Aristarchis , Photius, p. 141. — Biedt , Exzerpt, p. 84-85. — Canivet, Thérapeutique, p. 69 n. 0. — Bauer , Epitome, p. 1. — Cohn, Libellus, p. x xm . i«- Cohn - W endtand , Philo, I, p. t ix ; III, p. xi. — Crusius - Cohn, Paroemiographen, p. 206. — de F atco, Demade, p. 55. — Diets , Handschriften, I, p. 56. — D üring , Aristotle, p. 93. — F oerster, Libanius, IX, p. 70. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 394, 586. J an (von), Musici, p. txxvi. — K aysëR, Philostratus, II, p. xix. — R aeder , Theodoretus, p. v n. 1. — Schenkt, Beiträge, p. 68. — Sichert , Iamblichos, p. 18 n. 1. — W uensch , De mensibus, p. t h . — Y oung, Theognis, p. xxvii. B yzZ , 18 (1909) p. 116, 116 n. 5, 126 n. 8 (Kugéas); 37 (1937) p. 297 n. 1 (Diller); 50 (1957) p. 130; 58 (1965) p. 176. — Eos, 41 (1940-46), fasc. 2, p. 225. — Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 46, 48, 57 (Haupt). —- J A W , 58 (1889) p. 301 n. 1 (Egenolfï). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 492. — R hM , 36 (1881) p. 145 (Mül­ ler). — RPh, N.S., 15 (1891) p. 190. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 388 (Wilson). — ViVrem, 5.(1898) p. 467 (Kraseninnikov). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 218 (Stem­ bach); 20 (1898) p. 207 (Schenkl). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 447, 448, 449 n. 49, 450 (Sevcenko). P alat, g r . 130. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — J aeket , Menander, p. x, xxxiv. — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 65, 170. — Voget - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 417. W S, 10 (1888) p. 33 (Stembach); 11 (1889) p. 208 (Stembach). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 126-137


P alat, gr. 131. A u b r e t o n , Dem etrius Triclinius, p. 83. — G a e l a Theocritus, p. 327. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 193. — V a r i , Oppianus, p. 15. — W e n d e l , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201. B y ] , 37 (1937) p. 36 n. 1 (Biedl). — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari). v o TXi ,

P alat, gr. 132. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 196. — Diees , H andschrif­ ten, I, p. 38. — D rerup , Aeschines, p. 11, 16, 17, 23, 25. — JÜTTNER, Pole­ mon, p. 19 n. 0. — K ayser, Philostratus, II, p. x. — P ack, Artemidorus, p. x m . — R i t s c h e , Prooemium, p. 18. — S c h u c h h a r d t , Andronicus, p. 12. — S i c k e n BERGER, Lukaskatene, p. 16. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. — W e s t e r m a n n , Mythographoi, p. x v i i i , 395. Klio, 43-45 (1965) p. 351 n. 3 (Hansen). — REG, 5 (1892) p. 474. — SB A W, 1902, p. 320 (Drerup). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 127. — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari); 15 (1907) p. 348, 350 (Castiglioni). — T A P h A , 94 (1963) p. 53 (Diller). P alat, gr. 133.

L ehm ann,

Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — K e e i n -

EOGEE, Geschichte, p. xiv.

B P E C , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 17 (Alberti). — REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). P a la t, gr. 134. B id e z - C u m o n t , Epistulae, p. xi. — B r a n d is , H and­ schriften, nr. 209. — D r e r u p , Isocrates, p. x ix . — G a r z y a - L o e n e r t z , Pro­ copius, p. x m . — G i a n n i n i , Paradoxographi, p. 8, 353. — L e h m a n n , Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M r a s , Überlieferung, p. 47. — REUTERS, De epistulis, p. 24, 51. — R it s c h e , Prooemium, p. 18. — P e E z ia , Fragm enta, p. 133. — P r a e c h TER, Tabula, p. x n . — T o r r a c a , Bruto, p. x x x v m . — U s e n e r - R a d e r m a c h e r , Opuscula, I, p. x x v i. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. A J P h , 81 (1960) p. 176 (Finch). — B P hW , 48 (1928) p. 1294 (Sykutris). — Philologus, 47 (1889) p. 622 (Treu). — S B A W, 1902, p. 315 (Drerup). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek); 14 (1960) p. 350; 15 (1961) p. 155; 20 (1966) p. 153;— SIF C , 11 (1903) p. 94 (D eStefani); 12 (1904) p. 155, 156 n. 1, 176 (De Stefani). — T A P h A , 94 (1963) p. 53 (Diller). P alat, gr. 135. B u e r m a n n , Isokrates, I, p. 11. — D r e r u p , Isokrates, p. x ix . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. B P hW , 5 (1885) p. 1641. — Philologus, 55 (1896) p. 662 (Drerup). P alat, gr. 136. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 148. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 158, 1097. — L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 336. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 131; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282. — REUSS, M atthäus - K atenen, p. 13. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 96, 111 (cit. e rr.: Pio II). — S c r i v e n e r , In tro ­ duction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. P alat, gr. 137. F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 91, 96, 101. — H eiberg , Astronomica, p. cxcv. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Maass, Phaenom ena, p. XX. — Maass, Reliquiae, p. 314,

— Mercati, Isidoro, p. 75 n. 1. Hermes, 19 (1884) p. 100 (Maass). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici P a latin i greci

P alat, g r. 138. AyouTanti - Stöhr - H öeg, Hymns, p. xlv n. 4 2 .— B01,1,1G - L agarde (de ), Iohannes Euchaitenus, p. vili. — K rumbachèr, Geschichte, p. 172, 741. — L a P iana , Rappresentazioni, p. 51 n. 2. — L aurent Guillou , Liber, p. 325. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, I, p. 439. — P i Tra, M onumenta, I, p. x. — T uryn , Codices, p. IX. B yzZ , 13 (1904) p. 621 (Kurtz); 43 (1950) p. 106; 44 (1951) p. 282 n. 3 (Hussey). — J T h S , 47 (1946) p. 201 n. 4, 202 (Hussey). — L N U , 8 (1900) 529 (Papadopoulos - Kerameus). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 36-37, 43 (Mercati). — RO, 2 (1911) p. 306 n. 1 (La Piana). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. — ViVrem, 10 (1903) p. 469 (Pétridès). Misceli. Petit, p. 347, 350 (Mercati). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri).

P alat, g r. 139. Aubreton, Démétrius Triclinius, p. 113, 235.— Garzya, Teognide, p. 23. — Lehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 2, 136; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L udwich , Proclus, p. 126. — MÜLLER, Geographi, II, p. xxxv nr. 35, xxxvi. — N oiret , Lettres, p. 30. — Quandt, Hymni, p. 9. — Schneider , Nicandrea, p. 213. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 59, 86. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 163. — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 118. — Vogt, Hymni, p. 9. — Y oung, Theognis, p. xxvi. A JP h , 81 (1960) p. 177 n. 7 (Finch). — B yzZ, 47 (1954) p. 457. — E M A, 8-9 (1958-59) p. 67, 74 (Patrineles). — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 24 (Smyth). — R A L , S. VIII, 13 (1958) p. 216 (Garzya). — R F IC , 81 (1953) p. 144 (Garzya). — RhM , 34 (1879) p. 458, 459 (Scheer). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 20 sg. (Young); 9 (1955) p. 175; 12 (1952) p. 128; 15 (1961) p. 155; 17 (1963) Ip. 72, 73, 75 (Canart). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 34 (Turyn). P a la t, g r. 140. H atzfeld, Xénophon.I, p. 19. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — MarchanT, Xénophon, p. ni, vi. B P hW , 50 (1930) p. 1137. — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 315 (Diller). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 237 (de Stefani). P alat, g r. 141. E rbse , Theosophie, p. 4. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri. Catalogus, p. 216. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 546 n. 3. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L indstam, Epistulae, p. v ii . — Melber , Dio Cassius, I, p. xiv. — P ertusi, Leonzio Pilato, p. 58 n. 1. — P radel, Gebete, p. 335 n. 0. — W uensch , De mensibus, p. LI, Lii. AB, 84 (1966) p. 162 (Westerink). — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 31 n. 1 (Biedl); p. 297 (Diller); 40 (1940) p. 427, 429, 431 (Wendel). — Hermes, 14 (1878) p. 444 (Haupt). — R F IC , 2 (1874) p. 102, 102 n. 2 (Piccolomini). — RhM , 36 (1881) p. 150 (Müller). ■ — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 199. Nationalbibliothek, p. 648 n. 2 (von Premerstein) — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). P alat, g r. 142. Diller , Tradition, p. 22-26, 47, 48, 51, 54, 55, 69, 79, 82, 98, 100, 147, 165, 436. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 132; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L ivadaras, Historia, p. 243. — MÜLLER, Geographi, I, p. ix nr. 4, xi. — W endel , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 138-149


B P hW , 58 (1938) p. 661. — CQ, 58 (1964) p. 179 (West). — Scriptorium, 9 (1955) p. 289 (Young). — T A P h A , 67 (1936) p. 235 (Diller); 88 (1957) p. 183 n. 70 (Diller). P alat, g r. 143. A e EXANDERSON, B e n n d o r f - S c h e n k e , Philostratus, p.

Prognostikon, p. 85, 117, 118. — x iv , x v ra . — D i e e s , H andschriften, I, p. 5, 13, 42, 44, 81, 110, 112, 113, 124, 133, 149. — FESTA, M ythographi, p. vm . — K a y s e r , Philostratus, II, p. x x . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i EREEo n i , Xenophon, p. xr. — T h a e h e i m , Xenophon, p. ix. CQ, 39 (1955) p. 196 (Browning). — R F IC , 22 (1894) p. 476, 477. Miscell. Graux, p. 112 (Schenkl). P alat, gr. 144. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 183. P alat, g r. 145. K e i e , Aristides, p. x v m . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 135; II, p. 79 sg., 455. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 31 (Biedl). P alat, g r. 146. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 79. — D onnet , Traité, p. 17, 24-25, 56-57, 69-71, 120. — E genoeff , Orthoepische Stücke, p. 21 n. 20. —- E eter , Gnomica, II, p. 93. — F errari, Docum enti, p. 2 n. 2, 5 n. 11, 42, 45. — F oerster , Libanius, IX , p. 92. — F oerster , Zambeccari, p. 133. — K ominis, Pardos, p.67, 82, 87. — K opf , Beiträge, p .9 2 .— L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 533, 534. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 245, 248. — RITTER, Studien, p. 10. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 230. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 114 n. 4, 157. — Schermann, Geschichte, p. 13. — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 23. B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 86 n. 3, 93, 96 n. 7 (Donnet). — B yzZ , 11 (1902) p. 233. — OC, 1 (1901) p. 46 (Besson). — R E B yz, 22 (1964) p. 277 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 10 (1956) p. 38 (Diller); 18 (1964) p. 250 (Harlfinger - W iesner).— W S, 9 (1887) p. 197 (Stembach). Miscell. Oldfather, p. 158 (Perry). — Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 67-69. P alat, g r. 147. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T e r z a g h i , Opuscula, p. x x x i i i , E x n i, e x x i , Ex x v , e x x v i i , e x x x , e x x x i i . Z R VI, 8, 2 (1964) p. 439 n. 9 (Sevcenko). P alat, g r. 148. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 191. — F o e r s t e r , Liba­ nius, II, p. 190, 192;IV, p. 304, 324; V III, p. 9, 20,59, 62, 104, 121, 122, 136, 209, 279, 363, 443. — K e i e , Aristides, p. x v n . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 143. P alat, g r. 149. Bethe, Pollux, p. xii. — DiEES, Theophrastus, p. xi, xii. — F oerster, Libanius, IX, p. 115, 211. — F oerster, Zambeccari, p. 133. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 2, 136; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N o i r e t , L ettres, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici P alatin i greci

p. 30. — R egenbogen , Theophrastos, col. 1501. — Vogel - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 119. A J P h , 81 (1960) p. 177 n. 7 (Finch). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 155; 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson); 17 (1963) p. 72, 73, 75 (Canart).

P alat, g r. 150. Allen , Prolegomena, p. 48. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I I , p. 79 sg., 455. — Monro - Allen , Homerus, I, p. x x x . — W endel , Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 19-21. — W endel , Scholia, p. vn. A B , 70 (1952) p. 204. — J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — NGG, 1929, 2, p. 187 (Fränkel). — R B P h, 1 (1922) p. 2 (Parm entier). — REG, 75 (1962) p. 299. P a la t, g r. 151. Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Livadaras, H istoria, p. 243. — L udwich , Dissertatio, p. 9. — L udwich , Batrachom achia, p. 49. — Schultz, Überlieferung, p. 28. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 40. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 216. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 91. CPh, 44 (1933) p. 24 (Smyth). — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — Tra­ ditio, 2 (1944) p. 34 (Turyn). P a la t, g r. 152. Cohn, Libellus, p. x ii , x x x , ex . — Cohn - W endeand , Philo, I, p. x x x , exxv, Exxvi; IV, p. x in . — Lehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mercati, Note, p. 238. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 314. B P E C , N.S., 1 (1945) p. 46, 81 (Colonna). P a la t, g r. 153. N achstädt - Sieveking - T i Tchener , Plutarchus, p. xxx. — W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 49, 52. B P h W , 14 (1894) p. 765, 768. — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 405, 409 (W egehaupt). — RPh, N.S., 30 (1906) p. 155; S. I l l , 30 (1956) p. 318.

P a la t, g r. 154. F oerster , Libanius, V, p. 160, 298, 363. — FoER STER R ichtsteig , Choricius, p. x x i. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — MÜLLER, Geographi, II, p. x x x v i. S IF C , 12 (1904) p. 200 (Terzaghi).

P a la t, g r. 155. Castigeioni, Collectanea, p. 36. — Diels , H andschriften, I, p. 41. — K ayser , Philostratus, II, p. xiv. — R ivier , Recherches, p. 4, 155. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 27 (Biedl). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 112. — T A P h A , 96 (1965) p. 60 (Dilts). P a la t, g r. 156. Chambry, Fabulae, p. 7. — CosTiE, D udith, p. 318 n. 1, 319. — GaeeavoTTI, Theocritus, p. 327. — H ausrath, Corpus, I 1, p. xv; I 2, p. xv. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P erry , Studies, p. 163. — Studemund , Anecdota, p. 117, 290. — U heig , Apollonius, II, p. x x x v m . — V ogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 116. — W einberger , Adnotationes, p. 20. B P h W , 47 (1927) p. 1541 (Chambry). — B y ], 12 (1936) p. 241 (Widmann). — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 422 (Müller); 19 (1910) p. 411 (Marc); 37 (1937) p. 41 (Biedl). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 72, 73 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 150-162


P alat, gr. 157. Aeexanderson , Galenos, p. 17. — Coeonna, Helio­ dorus, p. IX, X, XVIII, XIX, XXV, XXVI, XXIX, XXXIII, XXXV, XXXVI, XLII, x l iii , XEVI, E, eu , EU n. 1, ev. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 80, 89, 91, 107, 130; 1. N achtrag, p. 35. — DiEES, Prorrheticum , p. x ix , x xv. — L ehmann, Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R aTTEnbury - L umb - Maieeon, Heliodore, III, p. 1. P alat, g r. 158. Be The , Pollux, p. xvi. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Schenke - R eisch , Callistratus, p. x x m , x x iv , xxvii . — W endee , Tzetzes, coi. 1988. — W endee , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201. P alat, g r. 159. AEEEN, Prolegomena, p. 48. — B oegar, H eritage, p. 466. ■— Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 9. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 198. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. — W egehaup T, Plutarchstudien, p. 18. W S, 10 (1888) p. 40 n. 176 (Sternbach). P alat, g r. 160. B oegar, H eritage, p. 466. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 197. — D reizehnter , U ntersuchungen, p. 68. — F uhrmann, Anaximenes, p. x, xev . — F uhrmann, Untersuchungen, p. 606, 612. — H ammer, Rhetores, p. v. — I mmisch, Aristoteles, p. x x ix . — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Martin , Isocrate, passim. — Sternbach , Gnomologium V at., p. 108.

— Susemihe, Politica, p. xxvm . — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 199. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 12, 237 (Sternbach). P alat, g r. 161. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 96. — L ehmann, Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L ongo, Aristotele, p. x x x ix , xe , exxi . ·— Moraux, Aristote, p. cexxxii. — R oss, Physics, p. 118. — Siw ek , De anima, p. 13, 15, 93, 105, 106, 110, 111, 112-113, 114, 115, 125, 174, 184. — VoGEE - Gardt­ hausen , Schreiber, p. 199. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — Hermes, 82 (1954) p. 149 (Moraux). —Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 306. P alat, g r. 162. A p e e t , Aristoteles, p. x x v i. — B o e g a r , Heritage, p. 491. — B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 159. — E i c h h o e z , Theophrastus, p. 48. — Giannini , Paradoxographi, p. 221. — J aeger , Aristoteles, V III, p. 3. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. —- L orimer, Pseudo-Aristotle, p. 6. — R egenbogen , Theophrastos, col. 1364, 1401, 1404, 1423. — R oss - F obes, Theophrastus, p. x x v i. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 199. — W ar­ TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. — W estermann, Paradoxographoi, p. ii. — W im ­ mer, Theophrastus, I I I , p. x ix . B P E C , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 8 (Colonna). — B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — CPh, 58 (1963) p. 34 (Richards); 60 (1965) p. 263, 264 (Coutant). — M R S, 5 (1961) p. 134 (Labowsky). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson); 228; 20 (1966) p. 106. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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P alat. g r. 163. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 87. — D ü r i n g , De p artibus, p. 39. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L ouis, Génération, p. x x ii. — L ouis, Parties, p. x x x n . — M u g n i e r , Aristote, p. 13. — S i w e k , P arv a N aturalia, p. 18. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. — W a r ­ t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 143. B yzZ , 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — Eranos, 14 (1914) p. 24 n. 3 (Rudberg). — RPh, S. III, 26 (1952) p. 42, 44 (Mugnier). Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 330, 331 (Mugnier). — B randis , H andschriften, nr. 219. P alat. g r. 164. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a r e n g h i , Aristotele, p. 34. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 143. B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 56 (Marenghi). — B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — Eranos, 14 (1914) p. 35 (Rudberg). P alat. g r. 165. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 164. — L e h m a n n , Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — S u s e m i h e , E th ica Eudem ia, p. v, x x x i. — V o g e e G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 143. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — J H S , 36 (1916) p. 52 (Ashburner); 38 (1918) p. 75 n. 7, 85, 86 (Ashburner). P alat. gr. 166. F e a c e e i E r E - C h a m b r y - J u n e a u x , Plutarque, I, p. En. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. — ZiEGEER, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 11, 53, 179, 182 sg., 186. Bessarione, 38 (1822) p. 200 n. 2 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 230 (Stem bach). P alat. g r. 167. B oegar , H eritage, p. 486. — F eaceeière J uneaux , Plutarque, I, p. Eni. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. — L i n d s k o g , Plutarchus, p. vi. — N a c h s t ä d T - S i e v e r i n g Plutarchus, p. v i n. 1. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 9, 187, 196 sg. B P h W , 27 (1907) p. 355. — B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl).

Chambry 79 sg., 455. T it c h e n e r ,


P alat. g r. 168. B o e g a r , H eritage, p. 486. — L i n d s k o g - Z i e g e e r , P lutarchus2, II, p. v m , x n . — N o e h a c (d e ), Bibliothèque, p. 171 n. 4. P alat. g r. 169. B o e g a r , Heritage, p. 486. — L i n d s k o g - Z i e g e e r , Plutarchus2, II, p. v m . — N o e h a c (d e ), Bibliothèque, p. 171 n. 4. P alat. g r. 170. B e r n a r d a k i s , Plutarchus, I, p. x e v ; H eritage, p. 477, 486. — H u b e r t , Plutarchus, IV, p. V I 1, p. iv, vi, x , xi, xx . — H u b e r t - P o h e e n z - D r e x e e R, p. x x x i; V 3, p. x m . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., B o egar,

IV, p. v m . — xvi, x v n , xxv; Plutarchus, V 1, 455. — N a c h - - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 163-175


s t ä d t - S i e v e r i n g - T i TCHE n e r , Plutarchus, p. x x x . — P a t o n - P o h l e n z S i e v e k i n g , P lutarchus, p. x x i, x x x i. — P o h l e n z , Plutarchus, p. i n - vi, x. — S a n d b a c h , Plutarchus, p. x in . — W e g e h a u p t , Plutarchstudien, p. 16,

42, 46, 47, 50-52, 54, 58. Hermes, 73 (1938) p. 307 (H ubert). — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 394, 405, 407, 409 (W egehaupt). — R F IC , 84 (1956) p. 416. — RhM , 63 (1908) p. 241 (Ziegler).

P a la t. g r. 171. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 149. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 158, 159, 1098. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 96. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — VOGEL - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). P a la t. g r. 172. B o l g a r , H eritage, p. 469. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VOGEL - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. B yzZ , 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). P a la t. g r. 173. A l l i n e , Platon, p. 212, 236, 287, 297, 305, 306, 312, 322, 323. — B l u c k , Plato, p. 151. — B o l g a r , H eritage, p. 484. — B u r n e t , Plato, I I I , p. i, v m ; V, p. h . — Ca r l i n i , Platone, p. 10 sg. — d e s P l a c e s , Platon, I, p. ccvn, ccxix; II, p. 5. — D i e l s , Handschriften, I, p. 107. — DiÈS, Parm énide, p. 7. — D o d d s , Plato, p. 40. — I m m is c h , Studien, p. 40, 43, 65, 86-96, 106. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r e s c h in i , Plato, p. 17. — P o s t , Plato, p. 4, 46, 74. — R i v a u d , Platon, p. 125. AC , 22 (1953) p. 160; 34 (1965) p. 228; 36 (1967) p. 644. — A S N P , S. II, 36 (1967) p. 89 n. 19 (Carlini); 247 (Carlini). — B P E C , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 51 (Carlini). — B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 477 (Reil). — CQ, 14 (1920) p. 136 (Burnet); 43 (1949) p. 128 (Klos- Minio-Paluello) ; 60 (1966) p. 70 (Nicoli). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 679 (Wohlrab). — R F IC , S. I l i , 95 (1967) p. 495, — RPh, N.S., 34 (1910) p. 292, 293 (Alline); 38 (1914) p. 284 (Aliine). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). — SIF C , N.S., 34 (1962) p. 180 (Carlini). — S M , 5 (1964) p. 606 (Carlini). — W S, 14 (1892) p. 175, 186, 205 (Kràl). P alat. gr. 174. A l b e r s , Lucianus, p. 1. — B o l g a r , Heritage, p. 480. — — H omeyER, Lukian, p. 82. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L evi , Libellus, p. 8-11, 13, 14, 18, 19. — Mras, Überlieferung, p. 24 n. 5, 30. — N il £ n , Lucianus, I, p. x m , x x x v n. 2, x x x v m . R F IC , 21 (1893) p. 165, 166. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 360 (Levi). — SO, 3 (1925) p. 36 (Nilen). P alat. gr. 175. C a r l in i , Platone, p. 34 n. 76. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — POST, Plato, p. 75. — VOGEL - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber,

p. 199. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 680 (Wohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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P alat, g r . 176. B oggar , H eritage, p. 477. — H oeck - L o e n e r Tz , N ek tario s, p. 74 n. 33. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — WEGEh a u p T, P lu ta rch stu d ien , p. 17. B P E C , N .S ., 1 (1945) p. 51, 70, 82 (Colonna); 2 (1953) p. 13, 16 (Colonna). P alat, g r . 177. A ggine , P la to n , p. 207. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P ost , P la to , p. 3, 38, 75. — V ogeg - G ardthatjsen , Schreiber, p. 199. B P hW , 55 (1935) p. 1187, — B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (B ie d l ) . — N JP hP Suppbd , 15 (1887) p. 680 (W ohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (W ilson). P alat, g r . 178. B oggar , H eritage, p. 502. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P a Ton - P ohg Enz - S ie v e k in g , P lu tarch u s, p. x x x i . — W e g e h a u p t , P lu ta rch stu d ien , p. 18. B P E C , N . S., 15 (1967) p. 107 n. 1 (V algiglio). — B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 1608. — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 94 (E inarson-de L acy). — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 401 (W egehaupt). P alat, g r . 179. A g gen , H om erus, V , p. x i. — A g een - H agg iday S i k e s , H om eric H y m n s, p. x iv . — B ogGa r , H eritage, p. 488, 499 (cit. err. : P al. gr. 178). — B r e u n in g , H y m n i hom erici, p. 5. — H u m b e r t , H om ère, p. 14, 25. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II, p. 79 sg ., 455. — L u d w ic h , P roclus, p. 124. — P f e if f e r , C allim achus, p. g x v . — Q u a n d t , H y m n i, p. 9, 33. — V ogt , H y m n i, p. 9. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 138 (A llen). — R F IC , 41 (1913) p. 337. P alat, g r . 180. A ggen , P rolegom ena, p. 48. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II, p. 79 sg ., 455. — M onro - A ggen , H om erus, I, p. x x x . — P e r t u s i , L eonzio P ila to , p. 145 n. 7. — V ogeg - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (B iedl). — J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (A llen).

P alat, g r . 181.

L u d w ic h , D isserta tio , p. 9. — L u d w ic h , B atrach om a-

chia, p. 49.

P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 12 (A llen). Miscellanea critica, I, p. 143 (M ertens). P alat, g r . 182. B ie d e , E x zerp t, p. 17, 80 n. 1. — B oggar , H eritage, p. 472. — D ü r in g , A risto tle, p. 15. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L o ng , D io g en es L aertius, I, p. x x ; II, p. x iv , x x . — M a r t in i , A n alecta, p. 96. — V ogeg - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 27 (B iedl); 38 (1938) p. 98 (B iedl). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 138. P alat, g r . 183. B oggar , H eritage, p. 482. — Co h n , L ibellus, p. x v . — Co h n - W e n d g a n d , P h ilo, I, p. v u , v m , g x x v i . — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M e r c a t i , Opere m inori, III, p. 500 sg. — P it r a , A n a lecta sacra, II, p. 314. 315. Hermes, 31 (1896) p. 438 n. 2 (W endland). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 176-192


P a la t , g r . 184. B olgar , H erita g e, p. 493. — Ch a n t r a in e , É con om iq u e, p. 27, 28. — G a r d Th a u s e n , P alaeograp h ie, II, p. 117. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — S c h e n k e , S tu d ien , I I I , p. 112. — T h a l h e im , X en o p h o n ,

p. v. S A W W , 83 (1876) p. 112 (Schenkl). P a la t , g r . 185. K l Ein l o g e l , G esch ich te, p. x iv . — L e h m a n n , G esch ich ­ te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (D ain ). P a la t , g r . 186. B olgar , H eritage, p. 494. — F r a n k e l , A rgon au tica, p. x i i , x x iv . — F r a n k e l , E in leitu n g , p. 59. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — W e in b e r g e r , A d n o ta tio n es, p. 3. — W e n d e l , Ü berlieferung, p. 5. BP E C , N .S ., 11 (1963) p. 20 (A lberti). — B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 3 1 9 , — NGG, (1929), 2, p. 168 (Fränkel). — R P h, S. II I , 40 (1966) p. 133. — W S, 10 (1888) p. 213 (Sternbach). P a la t , g r . 187. B olg ar , H eritage, p. 478. — B u e r m a n n , Isok rates, I, p. 12. — D r e r u p , Isocrates, p. x i x . — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — V ogel - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. ByzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (B iedl). P a la t , g r . 188. L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, I, p. 104. Traditio, 18 (1962) p. 82 (M artin). P a la t , g r . 189. A l a n d , L iste, nr. 150. — Gr e g o r y , T ex tk ritik , p. 159, 1098. — L a u r e n t - G u il l o u , Liber, p. 336. — L a z ar ev , Isto rija , p. 3 1 6 . — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , B ib lioth eca, X 3, p. 282. — S cholz , R eise, p. 96. — S c r iv e n e r , In tro d u ctio n , I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. J W I , 29 (1966) p. 419 (M eredith). — Traditio, 18 (1962) p. 82 (M artin). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. P a la t , g r . 190. A h r e n s , B u colicoru m reliq u iae1, p. x x x v . — B olgar , H eritage, p. 498, 505. — G alla vo tti , T h eocritu s, p. 287, 287 n. 2, 327. — I r ig o in , H istoire, p. 286. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — L iv a d a r a s , H istoria, p. 243. — V ogel - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. — W e n ­ d e l , T h eok rit - Scholien, p. 201. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (B iedl). — R F IC , 68 (1940) p. 245 n. 1 (G allavotti). P a la t , g r . 191. L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 27 (B ied l). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 201 (Sternbach). P a la t , g r . 192. A l e x a n d e r s o n , P rogn ostik on , p. 86, 101. — B olgar , H eritage, p. 477, 486. — D e ic h g r a b e r , H ip p ok rates, p. x i i . — DiELS, H a n d ­ schriften, I, p. 4, 5, 8, 10-13, 18, 19, 21, 23, 27, 28, 3 0 -3 5 , 38, 46, 48. —- D il - - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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EER, Überlieferung, p. 2. — K u e h e Ew e in , H ippocrates, I, p. x v m . — L i e n a u , Schrift, p. 1*, 16*. — S c h u b r in g , Untersuchungen, p. 37. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 179. — W e g e h a u p t , Plutarchstudien, p. 17. B P hW , 16 (1896) p. 1541. — Hermes, 39 (1904) p. 133 (Heiberg). — M ne­ mosyne, N.S., 51 (1923) p. 1, 3, 4, 5 n. 1, 15 (U nger).—■Philologus, 78 (1922) p. 111 (Bensel). — R M , 42 (1887) p. 447 (Uberg). — RPh, N.S., 12 (1888) p. 169.

P alat, g r . 193. D r e r u p , Demosthenesausgaben, p. 580. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 103; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Me r c a t i , Biblioteche, p. 12. P alat, g r . 194. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — V o gee G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). Miscell. Ehrle, V, p. 112 n. 1 (Mercati). P alat, g r . 195. Ch a m b r y , Ésope, p. x e i , e h e — Ch a m b r y , Fabulae, p. 19. — Ga r d t h a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 470. — H a u sr a t h , Corpus, I 1, p. v n i, x i i , x x i; I 2, p. x i i i , x iv . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P e r r y , Studies, p. 163. — V ogee - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 324. — W e i n ­ b e r g e r , Adnotationes, p. 20. B P hW , 47 (1927) p. 1540 (Chambry); 51 (1931) p. 43. — ByzZ, 19 (1910) p. 411 (Marc); 21 (1912) p. 566. — REG, 28 (1915) p. 70 n. 1. — R IG I, 16 (1932) p. 46 n. 1 (Sbordone). P alat, g r . 196.

Lehm ann,

Geschichte, I, p. 122 sg., 141; II, p. 79 sg.,

455. W S, 10 (1888) p. 228 (Stembach). P alat, g r . 197.

Lehm ann,

Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat, g r . 198.

Lehm ann,

Geschichte, I, p. 123; II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat, g r . 199. A e E x a n d e r s o n , Prognostikon, p. 86. — B r e s c i a , Ar­ chigene, p. 8. — D i e e s , H andschriften, I, p. 5, 13, 61, 76, 95, 96, 149; II, p. 6, 9; 1. N achtrag, p. 25, 29, 30, 32, 36, 37, 41. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 20. — O e i v i ERI, Aetius, I, p. v u . — R a e d e r , Oribasius, p. v m . Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 53 (Mercati). — B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 68 (Larizza Calabrè). — R F IC , 66 (1938) p. 215. — RPh, S. III, 11 (1937) p. 161. — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 354. P alat, g r . 2 0 0 . L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — O pitz , U ntersuchungen, p. 102 n. 5. ROC, 22 (1920-21) p. 178 n. 1 (Mercati). P alat, g r . 2 0 1 . D ö e g e r , Barlaam -Rom an, p. 10. — F r a n c h i Catalogus, p. 216. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.


v a e ie r i, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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P alat. gr. 193-209


P a la t . gr. 2 0 2 . Co eo n n a , S torici, p. 140. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II , ρ. 79 sg ., 455. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 204, 209, 221, 231, 241 (B ü ttn er-W o b st) ; 4 (1895) p. 256 (B oissevain ); 13 (1904) p. 621 (K u rtz). — V i V r e m , 10 (1903) p. 4 6 6 (P étridès).

P alat. gr. 203. A c h e e i s , H ippolytstudien, p. 96, 105, 105 n. 5, 224. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 232. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1101, 1108. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied - Catenen, p. 5 η. 1, 19 η. 1, 29 n. 3, 36, 70 η. 1, 72 η. 1, 87 n. 1,91 n. 3. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 281, 385, 405, 628 sg., 836. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — K a r o - L i ETz m a n n , Catalogue, p. 13. — K e o s TERMANN, Analecta, p. 11. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I , p. 116, 131; I I , p. 79 sg., 455. — L i n d e , O ktateuchcatene, p. 8 n. 4. — PEEtETiER, Lettre, p. 8. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, I I , p. 224, 240, 311, 312, 360; IV , p. 555. — R a h e f s , V erzeichnis, p. 243. — V accari , S critti, I, p. 9. — W e n d e a n d , A risteas, p. x i, x x x n . Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 4 n. 4 (M ercati). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 378 n. 2, 385 η. 1 (F au lh ab er). P a la t . gr. 2 0 4 . A e a n d , L iste, nr. 1998. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Cav a e i Er i , C atalogue, p. 216-217. — Gr e g o r y , T ex tk ritik , p. 311, 1189. — K aro - L i ETz­ m a n n , C atalogus, p. 608. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , B ib lioth eca, X 3, p. 282. — S c r iv e n e r , In tro d u ctio n , I, p. 403. — S o d e n (vo n ), S ch riften , I, p. 60. — S t a a b , P a u lu sk a ten en , p. 136-140, 145, 187, 197-199, 271. — STa a b , Pauluskom m entare, p. IX, x e iii , x e v ii . B yzZ , 27 (1927) p. 37 (M oravcsik). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 17 n. 2 (Franchi d e ’ C avalieri). Nationalbibliothek, p. 297 (G erstinger). P a la t . gr. 2 0 5 . E h r h a r d , Ü berlieferung, I, p. 95, 711. — H a r n a c k , Ü b erlieferungsgeschich te, p. 30. — K oETSCHa u , G egen Celsus, I, p . EXVIII n. 4. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II , p. 79 sg., 455. Byzantion, 12 (1937) p. 357, 359. P a la t . gr. 2 0 6 .

L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II , p. 79 sg., 455.

P a la t . gr. 2 0 7 . B ec k h , G eoponica, p. v i, x x x v m . — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II , p. 79 sg., 455. R P h, N .S ., 11 (1886) p. 4. P a la t . gr. 2 0 8 . A e a n d , L iste, nr. 883. — G r e g o r y , T ex tk ritik , p. 229, 1112. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , B ib lioth eca, X 3, p. 282. — R e u s s , M a tth ä u s-K a te n e n , p. 222. — S c r iv e n e r , In tro d u ctio n , I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Sch riften , I, p. 60. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 37 (M oravcsik). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 17 n. 2 (Franchi d e’ C avalieri). Nationalbibliothek, p. 297 (G erstinger). P a la t . gr. 2 0 9 . B e t h e , P o llu x , p. v i. — F oë RSTER, L ibanius, I, p. 1, 370, 381; V , p. 190; V III, p. 14, 212, 280, 332, 441; I X , p. 140. — F oë RSTER, 17 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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Zambeccari, p. 133. —- H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 567. — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 5. — LEHMANN, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L ouis, Albinos, p. x n . — M o r a v CSIk , Byzantinoturcica, p. 466. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x ; II, p. 248, 249. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 29. — SAjDAK.Historia, p. 187. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 201, 253. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. — W u e n s c h , De mensibus, p. xxv, Eiv. B yzZ, 5 (1895) p. 415 (Wünsch); 20 (1911) p. 97 n. 1 (Mayer); 37 (1937) p. 297 n. 1 (Diller). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 116 (Przychocki). — Hermes, 22 (1887) p. 158 (Baeumker). — REG, 55 (1942) p. 75 (Louis); 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). — R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). — RhM , 36 (1881) p. 150 (Müller). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 92 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 196 (Stembach). P a la t. gr. 210. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. EO, 38 (1939) p. 259, 262, 263, 265 (GouiUard). P a la t. gr. 211. E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 614 n. 5; III, p. 905. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i e r i , Catalogus, p. 217. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. B yzZ , 12 (1903) p. 615-624. P a la t. gr. 212.

Lehm ann,

Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P a la t. gr. 213. F o e r s t e r , Libanius, V, p. 183, 364; VI, p. 342, 372, 548, 568; V II, p. 546; V III, p. 442. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M r a s , Überlieferung, p. 31. — N i e é n , Lucianus, I, p. x i l l . — R a b e , Hermogenes, p. x i x . — R a b e , Sylloge, p. xr,v. Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek). P a la t. gr. 214. C a n i v e t , Thérapeutique, p. 68, 71 n. 4. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 135 sg.; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R a e d e r , Quaestiones, p. 11, 15, 16, 25. — R a e d e r , Theodoretus, p. v n. 1. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 34, 309. B yzZ, 34 (1934) p. 102. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canart). P a la t. gr. 215. K o m in is , Pardos, p. 72. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 134 sg.; II, p. 7 9 sg., 455. — VoGEE- G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 197, 200 n. 7. B P E C , N.S., 1 (1945) p. 53, 82 (Colonna); 2 (1953) p. 64, 74 (Bolognesi). — ByzZ, 47 (1954) p. 186; 58 (1965) p. 296 (Mazal). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 123; 20 (1966) p. 327. Miscell. Mercati, III, p. 315, 339 (Mercati). ·'


P a la t. gr. 216. B e c k , Vorsehung, p. 24. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Mystagogia, p. v u e — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 154 n. 3. — K r ij m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 77, 78. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 2 n. 1. — L e h m a n n , Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 47. B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 203, 206. — OrChr, 7 (1941) p. 41 (Drammer). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 135. — ViVrem, 9 (1902) p. 515; 10 (1903) p. 510. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat. gr. 210-223


P alat. gr. 217. F a u e h a b e r , H o h elied - C atenen, p. 147. — L e h m a n n , G eschichte, II, p. 79 sg ., 455. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 23, 224. E o s , 16 (1910) p. 118 (P rzych ock i). P alat. gr. 218. F a u e h a b e r , H o h e lie d -C atenen, p. 147. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg ., 455. — M a s c ia e in o , L ycophron, p. v , v u , x i i . — SCHEER, A lexandra, I, p. x i. E o s , 16 (1910) p. 118 (P rzych ock i). — R E G , 78 (19.65) p. 432. — R P h , S. II I , 41 (1967) p. 319. P alat. gr. 219. B e n ë Se v iô , S b o m ik , p. 61 n. 4, 332. — G r u m e e , R e g e s­ tes, I, nr. 406, 990, 991. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r Tr e u i e , H istoire, II I , p. 172, 188, 246, 453, 454. — P i t r a , M onum enta, I, p. x ; I l 1, p. 169, 206, 317, 443. B y z Z , 27 (1927) p. 37 (M oravcsik). P alat. gr. 220. A e a n d , R iste, nr. 151. — D e v r e e s s e , C haînes, col. 1167, 1171, 1174, 1175. — G r e g o r y , T ex tk ritik , p. 159, 1098. — H a r n a c k , Ü b er­ lieferung, p. 578. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , B ib lioth eca, X 3, p. 282. — M a i , Class. a u ct., V I, p. v u , ix . — M a i , C ollectio, I, p. ix , x i. — R a u e r , L ukaskom m en tar, p. 17, 60. — R a u e r , O rigenes, p. EVI, e x iv . — REICHAr d T, B riefe, p. 5, 20. — R e u s s , M a tth ä u s-K a ten en , p. 4, 31-33, 34-36, 38-41, 61, 75, 141-142, 160-162. — S choez , R eise, p. 96, 104, 111 (cit. err.: P io II ). — S c r iv e n è r , In tro d u ctio n , I, p. 403. — S o d e n (vo n ), S chriften, I, p. 60. — T h om as , C ollections, I, p. 141, 155, 206, 406, 439, 440, 446, 448, 451 n. 4, 452-455, 465, 476, 479-482, 488, 490; II , p a s s i m . B ib l ic a , 5 (1924) p. 297 (Staab). — B y J , 17 (1944) p. 65, 66, 69 (R euss). — B y z a n t i o n , 16 (1942-43) p. 271, 273 (B lake). — B y z Z , 19 (1910) p. 597; 35 (1935) p. 4 3 8 , — D O P , 4 (1948) p. 109, 112 (U nderw ood). — E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 441 (P allas). — J H S , 53 (1933) p. 336. — OC, 33 (1936) p. 52 (B aum stark); 36 (1939) p. 260. — R I A , N .S ., 9 (1960) p. 211 (B o n ica tti). — S c r i p t o r i u m , 15 (1961) p. 340. — W S , 10 (1888) p. 38 (Sternbach). C ongr. byz. V, p. 21. — C atal. astrol., V 4, p. 69. P alat. gr. 221. A e a n d , L iste, nr. I 568. — E h r h a r d , Ü berlieferung, II I , p. 544, 587 n. 1. — G r e g o r y , T ex tk ritik , p. 435. — K r u m b a c h e r , G eschichte, p. 171 n. 1. — L e h m a n n , G esch ich te, II , p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , B ib lioth eca, X 3, p. 282. — M e r c a t i , O péré m inori, II , p. 452 sg. — M p o n e s , P rolegom ena, p. 15, 36, 44-45, 60, 63. M p o n e s , X ip h ilin o s, p. 149. — S c r i v e n e r , In tro d u c­ tion , I, p. 403. P alat. gr. 222. M o n r o - A e e e n , H om erus, I, p. H istoire, II , p. 450 n. c. B e s s a r io n e , 35 (1919) p. 164 (M ercati).

x x iii.

— M o r t r e u ie ,

P alat. gr. 223. DEVREESSE, In tro d u ctio n , p. 3 1 9 .— DEVREESSE, M a­ nuscrits, p. 52 n. 5. — F r a n c h i d e ' C a v a e i e r i - L i ETz m a n n , Specim ina, ta v . 47. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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— L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. (nr. 47). — T u r y n , Euripides,

79 sg., 455. — S c h u b a r t , Palaeographie, p. 168 p. 198. — W a g n e r , M ythographi, p. x u . CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — J A W , 71 (1892) p. 29 (Zacher). — R F IC , 23 (1895) p. 361 (Bassi); 33 (1905) p. 378. Miscell. A Ibareda, I, p. 373, 376, 378, 381-382 (Garitte).

P alat. gr. 224. F o e r s t e r , Libanius, V III, p. 582. — L e h m a n n , Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. P alat. gr. 225. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 243. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 313. REG, 55 (1942) p. 75 (Louis). P a la t. gr. 226. B o e e , Beobachtungen, p. 7. — B o e e - B o e r , Ptolemaeus, p. viii. — D i e e s , H andschriften, II, p. 43. —- H e im b a c h , Anecdota, I, p. e i v , Exv. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M é e y (d e ) - RuEEEE, Lapidaires, p. x n . — M e r c a Ti , Isidoro, p. 1 sg., 25. — M e r c a Ti , Opere minori, IV, p. 185, 188-192. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 349, 471. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 279, 292. — P i t r a , Monumenta, I, p. x. — S c h e r m a n n , Geschichte, p. 88. Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 355. — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 365, 367; 28 (1928) p. 414; 59 (1966) p. 176. — M H , 22 (1965) p. 3, 4, 7, 7 n. 26, 15, 17 (Wyss). — N H , 1 (1904) p. 250 (Lampros); 10 (1913) p. 492 (Lampros); 12 (1915) p. 257 (Lampros); 15 (1921) p. 113 (Lampros). — R IG I, 12 (1928) p. 127. — Scripto­ rium, 14 (1960) p. 368; 21 (1967) p. 201. Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 24, 34 (Rackl). — Miscell. Merlier, III, p. 58 (Zakythinos). — Catal. alchim., II, p. 326. —- Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 69-70. P alat. gr. 227. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 152. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 159, 1098. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 282. — S c h o e t z , Reise, p. 96. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. P alat. gr. 228. B eeeomo , Agapeto, p. 14. — D umortier , À Théodore, p. 28. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. B yzZ, 52 (1959) p. 266 (Dumortier). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 326. — Traditio, 21 (1965) p. 426, 432 (Malingrey); 23 (1967) p. 439 (Malingrey). P alat. gr. 229. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 153. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 159, 1098. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3 , p. 283. — S c h o e t z , Reise, p. 96, 104, 111. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. P alat. gr. 230. D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1145. — H a r n a c k , Über­ lieferung, p. 405, 477, 837. — K a r o - L i e t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 328. — K e o STERm a n n , Analecta, p. 11. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 224-237


M a r t i n , Illustration, p. 15 n. 3. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 361; III, p. 597, 609. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 243. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 135 (Bertini). — Byzantion, 25-27 (1955-57) p. 490 (Nordstrom). — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 393 (Faulhaber). — E H B S , 17 (1941) p. 126, 127 (Xyngopoulos).

P a la t, g r . 231. K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 290 n. 2. — L ehmann , Geschichte, I, p. 95; II, p. 79 sg., 455. B yzZ, 35 (1935) p. 158. — StBiz, 4 (1935) p. 297 (Mercati). P a la t, g r . 232. DEVREESSE, M anuscrits, p. 46. — H oeck - L o en er TZ, Nektarios, p. 38 n. 49, 39 n. 50, 40 n. 53, 41 n. 55, 48 n. 88, 89 n. 90, n. 91, n. 95, 97, 98, 98 n. 42, 102 n. 55. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 770 n. 3. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mercati , Atum ano, p. 13 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 70. — P e r t u s i , Leonzio Pilato, p. 493. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 η. 1 (Biedl). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 144 n. 19, 145 n. 21 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205. — W S, 9 (1887) p. 205 (Sternbach). Byzantino-Sicula, p. 78 (Pertusi). P a la t, g r . 233. B eck , Vorsehung, p. 35. — Grum ee , Regestes, I, nr. 919. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 441. — Mortreuie , Histoire, I, p. 405; II, p. 25. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x ; II, p. 354. — Sternbach , Gnomologium V at., p. 63. R H R , 53 (1906) p. 145 sg. (Montet). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 31 (Sternbach); 24 (1902) p. 463 n. 3, 465 (Cumont). P a la t, g r . 234. E genoeff , O rthographische Stücke, p. 29. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. P a la t, g r . 235. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 72. — L ehmann , Geschich­ te, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 81, 87 sg. — PETIT S idäridüs - J u g ie , Scholarios, VI, p. x n , 154, 327; V III, p. v, 163, 255, 282. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 142. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 118, 124 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 8 (1933) p. 330, 332. — B yzZ, 5 (1896) p. 553 (Treu); 34 (1934) p. 109; 38 (1938) p. 433. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 114 (Patrineles). — EO, 23 (1924) p. 130, 131 (Salaville). — ViVrem, 3 (1896) p. 143. Miscell. Lampros, p. 13 (Franco). P a la t, g r . 236. L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 199. — VoGEE - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 113. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). P a la t, g r . 237. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 116. — DiEES, Simplicius I, p. x v iii. — D i e e s , Simplicius II, p. xi. — G a r d Th a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 258. — H e i n z e , Themistius, p. v m . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p.79 sg., 455. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. W S, 11 (1889) p. 224 (Stembach). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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P a la t, g r. 238. A c h e l is , H ippolytstudien, 224. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W e i n b e r g e r , A dnotationes, p. 4. P a la t, g r. 239. A land , Liste, nr. I 569. — Colonna , Storici, p. 23. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 555 n. 2, 587, 618, 620, 621. — Gregory , T ext­ kritik, p. 435. — L ehmann , Geschichte, IT, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai , Biblio­ theca, X 3, p. 283. — Mercati, Opere minori, II, p. 453. — Mpones , Prolego­ mena, p. 36, 45, 60-63. — P reg er , Scriptores, I, p. x iii , x x ; II, p. xxv. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. WS, 11 (1889) p. 206 (Stembach). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 14 (Franco). P a la t, g r. 240.

Lehm ann,

Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P a la t, g r. 241. A e a n d , Liste, nr. I 615. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 217. —- G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 472, 1231. — K r u m b a c h e r , Miscellen, p. 53. —· L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Biblio­ theca, X 3, p. 283. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a t js e n , Schreiber, p. 199, 200. N H , 5 (1908) p. 278 (Lampros). — R E B yz, 8 (1950) p. 64 n. 1 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 135. P a la t, g r. 242. KoTTER, Überlieferung, p. 78. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, I, p. xv. — L a u r e n t - G u il l o u , Liber, p. 330. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — S c h e r m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 6 n. 6. A M S L , S. III, 13 (1887) p. 852 (Berthelot). — ByzZ, 46 (1953) p. 58 n. 4 (Beck). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 152 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri). P a la t, g r . 243. FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 133. — H e i s e n b e r g , Acropolita, II, p. x x . — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 94 n. 3, 138 n. 1. — L a u r E n T G u il l o u , Liber, p. 331. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R a a s t e d , In to n atio n formulas, p. 125. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 191. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 35, 38, 38 n. 83, 39 n. 0, 51, 51 ri. 112, 52 n. 0, 57, 100, 112, 147 n. 389, 154, 157, 170, 180, 180 n. 484. — T a r d o , Melurgia, p. 333 n. 1. — VELIm ir o v iö , Elem ents, p. 43, 45-47, 53. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 527; 37 (1937) p. 36 n. 1 (Biedl). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 420 (Gaisser); N.S., 6 (1916) p. 107 (Wellesz). — OCP, 32 (1966) p. 272, 272 n. 3, 273 (Di Salvo). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). — RhM , 43 (1888) p. 406 (Cohn). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171; 17 (1963) p. 222. — StBiz, 6 (1940) p. 518 (Petresco); 8 (1953) p. 435 (Tardo). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 3, 6, 6 n. 83, 19, 19 n. 112, 20 n. 112, 25, 229, 241 (Stembach); 11 (1889) p. 58 n. 389, 192, 195, 208, 213, 218, 218 n. 484 (Sternbach). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 27 (Angles). P a la t, g r. 244. DE STEFa n i , Etymologicum, passim (appar. crit.). — Geschichte, I, p. 135; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R e i t z e n s t e i n , Etymologika, p. 77. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. Lehm ann, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 238-252


BPEC , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 10, 12 (Colonna). — B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 796. — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 (Biedl). — R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 614. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canart). P a la t, g r. 245. E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 41; III, p. 272 n. 8 . — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 218. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 241. A B , 46 (1928) p. 11, 18 (Devreesse). — WS, 9 (1887) p. 202 (Sternbach). P a la t, g r . 246. B o l g a r , Heritage, p. 500. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 109; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 295. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 (Biedl). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 177 (Lampros). P a la t, g r . 247. DEVREESSE, Chaines, coi. 1119, 1125, 1127, 1134, 1138. — D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. I I , p. 282. — D e v r e e s s e , Commentaire, p. x x n. 2. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 295 (non cit. esplicit.), 405, 837, 926. — K a r o L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 34. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 215 n. 5. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I I , p. 79 sg., 455. — MERCATI, Fram m ento, p. 10, 15 sg., 29, 33-36. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. xiv, passim. — M e r ­ c a t i , T raduttori, p. 186, 192. — P i t r a , Analecta sacra, I I , p. 346, 347, 406, 407, 442; V, p. 3, 70, 75, 76. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 243. — S a j d a k , Historia, p. 305. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 2 1 .— S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 72. A B , 68 (1950) p. 221 (Mercati). — OCP, 17 (1951) p. 57 (Hoeck). P a la t, g r . 248. C o h n , Libellus, p. xx , x x i h . — C o h n - W e n d i . a n d , Philo, I, p. x x x iv , l x x v i . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 493. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 31, 314. Hermes, 31 (1896) p. 436 n. 2, 437, 440 n. 2, 442, 450 n. 4, 451 n. 1 (Wendland). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 315 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 323. P a la t, g r . 249. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r t r e u i l , Histoire, II, p. 443, 444. — N o a ie e ES - D a i n , Novelles, p. x l i i . — P i t r a , Monu­ m enta, I, p. x. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — S v o r o n o s , Synopsis, p. 8, 17-18, 19-45 passim, 46-48, 67, 69-73, 85. P a la t, g r . 250. F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 218. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VOGEL - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 364. B P hW , 61 (1961) p. 95 (Vernet). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko). P a la t, g r . 251. DiELS, H andschriften, I, p. 68. — H e l m r e ic h , De usu partium , I, p. xvi. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. P a la t, g r . 252. B a r To l e t t i , Tucidide, p. 1. — H u d e , Comm. Thucyd., p. 1. — H u d e , Scholia, p. m . — H u d e , Thucydides 1890, p. i. — H u d e , Thucydides 1898-1901, I, p. v; II, p. v m . — K l e i n l o g e l , Geschichte, p. xm. — R o m il l y (d e ), Thucydide IV-V, p. v ii . — W a t t e n b a c h - V e l s e n (v a n ), Exem pla, p. 11. — W e i l - R o m il l y (d e ), Thucydide I I I , p. v i i . - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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B PE C , N.S., 5 (1957) p. 19 (Alberti); 6 (1958) p. 41 η. 4 (Alberti). — Philologus, 108 (1964) p. 234 (Kleinlogel). — R IG I, 11 (1927) p. 43 (Cantarella). — RPh, S. III, 40 (1966) p. 313. — SIF C , N.S., 29 (1957) p. 227 η. 1 (Alberti). P a la t, g r . 253. L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg„ 455. — STERNGnomologium Vat., p. 100. T A P h A , 69 (1938) p. 339 (Diller). — IPS, 10 (1888) p. 229 (Stembach).

bach ,

P a la t, g r . 2 5 4 . Glöckner , H andschriften, p. 12. — L ehmann , Ges­ chichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R abe , Hermogenes, p. x ix. R hM , 67 (1912) p. 334, 336 n. 3 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson). P a la t, g r . 255. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 10. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 143. P a la t, g r . 256. B e n e Se v i î , O tvëty, p. 1 n. 2. — B o r n e r t , Commentai­ res, p. 218, 222 n. 12, 224 n. 1. — B o r n e r t - G o u ie e a r d - P é r ic h o n , Cabasilas, p. 360, 363. — B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 39. — L e h m a n n , Geschich­ te, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L o r im e r , Libellus, p. 3. — L o r im e r , Pseudo-Aristotle, p. 6. — M o r t r e u ie , Histoire, III, p. 364. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x. — R oos, Arrianus, I, p. xvi. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 352. — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 144. — Z a k y Th i n o s , D espotat, II, p. 318. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 61 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 308 (Lampros). — R E B yz, 21 (1963) p. 231 n. 2 (Verpeaux). — RecAcLeg, 19 (1949) p. 33 n. 2 (de Malafosse). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 373, 376, 379, 380, 382 (Garitte). P a la t, g r . 257. L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Ma i , Biblio­ theca, X 3, p. 283. — Mercati, Note, p. 174, 179. — P i Tra , Monumenta, II, p. 304. P a la t, g r . 258. B u TEER, Palladius, II, p. xv. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 1, p. 198. — P i Tra , Monumenta, II, p. 224. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 503. — Vogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 284. Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 146. P a la t, g r . ,259. D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 298. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri - L i ETzmann , Specimina, tav. 23. — Garitte , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. — L ake , M anuscripts, V II, p. 16. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mercati , Opere minori, IV, p. 100 η. 1. — P er tu si , Leonzio Pilato, p. 32 η. 1. — PITRA, M onumenta, I, p. X. — S chubar T, Palaeographie, p. 161 (nr. 23). — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 341. B yzZ , 40 (1940) p. 121. — Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). — R IA , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 218 (Bonicatti). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p, 340. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat. gr. 253-268


P alat. gr. 260. B o e g a r , H eritage, p. 461, 465. — B r a n d is , H an d ­ schriften, nr. 148. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 142; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L ouis, Génération, p. x x m . — L ouis, H istoire, p. x e v i i . — L ouis, Parties, p. x x x h , x x x ix , x e i . — W a r t e e e e , Inventaire, p. 144. B P h W , 23 (1903) p. 518. — SIF C , 10 (1902) p. 40 (de Stéfani); 196, 210 η. 1 (De Stéfani); 12 (1904) p. 161 (De Stéfani). P alat. g r. 261. B i e d e , Exzerpt, p. 17. — D ü r in g , Aristotle, p. 14. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L o n g , Diogenes Laertius, I, p. x x ; II, p. xiv. — M a r t in i , A nalecta, p. 93. B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 105 (Donzelli). — B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 246; 37 p. 27, 36, 37 (Biedl). — R A A N , N.S., 26 (1951) p. 9 n. 3 (de Marco). — 51 (1896) p. 145 (Wünsch). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek); 14 p. 367; 16 (1962) p. 138. — S IF C , N.S., 32 (1960) p. 180 n. 2, 181 n. 3 zelli); 37 (1965) p. 242 (Basta Donzelli). Nationalbibliothek, p. 328 (Gerstinger).

(1937) RhM , (1960) (Don­

P alat. g r. 262. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 243. — H e ib e r g , Logica, p. xiv. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, ρ. 79 sg., 455. — L o o f s , Leontius, p. 109. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 35 η. 1 (Mayer). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 250 (Harlfinger - W iesner). P alat.

g r. 263. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat. g r. 264. B o is s e v a in , Cassius Dio, I, p. cxxiv. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M e r c a t i , Biblioteche, p. 14. A A T , 99 (1964-65) p. 384 (Leone). Catal. astral., V 4, p. 70-71. P alat. g r. 265. Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VOGEE Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 48. B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 310 (Maas). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 317 (Vaccari). P alat. g r. 266. C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 16. — D a r k ô , Demonstrationes, I, p. x v i. — PERTUSi, Storiografia, p. 48 n. 108. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. B y J , 5 (1926) p. 430; 8 (1929-30) p. 357. — B yzZ, 23 (1914-20) p. 268; 25 (1925) p. 359. — FO, 27 (1928) p. 466, 467 (Laurent). — ViVrem, N.S., 12 (1957) p. 203, 204 (Veselago). P alat. g r. 267. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, III, p. 238. S IF C , 10 (1902) p. 186, 210 η. 1 (De Stéfani); 12 (1904) p. 1 62 (De Stéfani). P alat. g r. 268. H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 564, 583. — H e i k e e , Constantin, p. x. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W in k e e m a n n , Textbezeugung, p. 8. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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P alat. g r . 269. Beck , Vorsehung, p. 137, 137 n. 80, 139, 238. — Chambry , Fabulae, p. 10. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 218-219. — H ausrath, Corpus, 1 1, p. x; 1 2, p. x iii . — F ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P erry , Studies, p. 175. — P hountoueES, Ergon, p. 19. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 230, 233. - USENER - R adERmacher, Opuscula, I, p. xxvi. — W aeeies , Sophist, elenchi, p. v, vi. B P h W , 51 (1931) p. 41. — B y zZ , 19 (1910) p. 390, 395, 415 n. 2 (Marc); 59 (1966) p. 287 (Perry). — CPh , 29 (1934) p. 54, 55 (Perry). — Eos , 16 (1910) p. 129 (Przychocki). — OCP , 17 (1951) p. 29 n. 4 (Hoeck). — REG , 48 (1935) p. 445. — R IG I , 16 (1932) p. 40 (Sbordone). — R P h , N.S., 35 (1911) p. 28. — T A P h A , 64 (1933) p. 203 (Perry). — W S , 33 (1911) p. 263 (Przychocki). M iscell . Dölger, p. 425 (Perry). P a la t. g r . 270. Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 71. — Lehmann, Geschich­ te, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W aeeies, Sophist, elenchi, p. xi. — W arteeeE, Inven­ taire, p. 144. Catal. astrol. , V 4, p. 71. P alat. g r . 271. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 30, 142; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — B y zZ , 1 (1892) p. 204, 221, 231, 234 (Büttner-Wobst) ; 4 (1895) p. 255, 259, 269 (Boissevain). P alat. g r . 272. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — V o g e e G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 44. B y zZ ,


(1895) p. 269; 47 (1954) p. 188.

P a la t. g r . 273. F a u e h a b e r , Propheten - Catenen, p. 31. — K a r o L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 565. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3 , p. 283. — R a h e e s , Verzeichnis, p. 243. — R a u e r , Lukaskom m entar, p. 31. — R a u e r , Origenes, p. Ein, EXiv. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Fragm ente, p. 66. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 95 n. 2. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 31 n. 1, 72. — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 142. R Q A , 12 (1898) p. 68 (Sickenberger). P alat. g r . 274.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat. g r . 275. D in d o r f , Zonaras, I, p. iv. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, II, p. 192, 325; IV, p. 304; V, p. 160, 288, 363; VI, p. 496; V II, p. 112, 545, 643; IX , p. 82. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 133. — F o e r s t e r - R ic h t s t e ig , Choricius, p. x x i. — K e i e , Aristides, p. x v i ii . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 135; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o h e ER, D arstellung, p. 395. — M o h e ER, Gelehrtenkreis, p. 159.— M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 427. — N o ir ET, Lettres, p. 1. — N o e h a c (DE), Bibliothèque, p. 149 n. 1 .— VOGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. B P h W , 12 (1892) p. 978. — B y zZ , 27 (1927) p. 276 n. 2, 280 n. 3 (Darko);

37 (1937) p. 36, 37 (Biedl); 38 (1938) p. 71 (Powell); 46 (1953) p. 449; 55 (1962) p. 163. — K C h , 4 (1950) p. 253 (Laourdas). — R h M , 51 (1896) p. 144 n. 3 (Wünsch). — Scriptorium , 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canart); 201. Miscell . Leone X I I I , p. 21 (Carini). —· Tome commémoratif, p. 48 (Laourdas). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 269-282


P alat, g r. 276. L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 109; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 188. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 (Biedl). — R P h, N.S., 35 (1911) p. 70. P a la t, g r. 277. F oerster , Libanius, II, p. 192; IV, p. 304, 324; V III, p. 9, 20, 59, 62, 104, 121, 122, 136, 210, 279, 363, 443. — K e ie , Aristides, p. x v n . — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R adermacher, Libellus, p. vili. — R itsche, Prooemium, p. 18. — U sener - R adermacher, Opuscula, I, p. vili. — Schmid, Aristides, p. vi. R F IC , 55 (1927) p. 117. — R hM , 72 (1917-18) p. 114 (Schmid).

P a la t, g r. 278. DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 105. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — FoERSTER, Libanius, II, p. 195, 228; V, p. 224, 290, 366; VI, p. 497, 548; IX , p. 182. — F oerster , Zambeccari, p. 133. — F oerster R ichtsteig , Choricius, p. xx n i. — K eie , Aristides, p. xix. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 235 sg. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 83 n. 1. — Zakythinos, D espotat, II, p. 145, 318. B yzZ , 9 (1934) p. 270 (Schissel). P a la t, g r. 279. DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 13, 89, 133, 134; II, p. 7, 80, 125. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 14. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — SchwarTZ, A.C.O., I I I , p. v. — W esterink , Psellus, p. 10. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 25, 26, 36 η. 1 (Biedl). — REG, 10 (1897) p. 408 (Costom iris).

P a la t, g r. 280. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W endel , Überlieferung, p. 3. — W endel , Scholia, p. v ii . NGG, 1929, 2, p. 165, 169, 170 (Fränkel). P ala t, g r. 281. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 244. — B u s s e , De interpre­ tatione, p. e . — H e i b e r g , Logica, p. v. — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. e x x v i . — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 444 n. 7. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 109; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L o o e s , Leontius, p. 109. — M e y i e r (d e ) - H u e s h o f f P o e , Codices graeci, p. 5. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 148 n. 3. — W a t t e n b a c h - V e l s e n (v o n ), Exem pla, p. 4. AC, 1 (1932) p. 205, 208 (Leemans). — B yzZ , 9 (1900) p. 246; 14 (1905) p. 618 (Gardthausen). — REG, 9 (1896) p. 187 (Reinach); 10 (1897) p. 314 (Reinach). — R P h, S. I I I , 7 (1933) p. 215. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 250 (Wiesner).

P a la t, g r. 282. B oegar, H eritage, p. 479. — F oerster , Libanius, I, p. 20, 33, 68, 69, 79, 208, 238, 239, 263, 268, 279, 287, 301, 305, 322, 351, 354, 361, 372, 373, 377, 385, 391, 393, 399, 401, 412, 417, 432, 433, 437; II, p. 1, 9, 46, 63, 83, 87, 115, 120, 155, 158, 160, 184, 206, 225, 236, 374, 385, 415, 421, 445, 449, 467, 471, 494, 509, 514, 535, 538; III, p. 2, 20, 23, 44, 47, 60, 63, 82, 87, 120, 124, 148, 149, 163, 165, 188, 191, 207, 210, 225, 227, 237, 239, 250, 252, 264, 265 n. 2, 266, 277, 279, 293, 295, 306, 308, 334, 337, 349, 353, 356, 359, 377, 379, 401, 404, 426, 428, 452, 470, 471; IV, p. 3, 6, 23, 25, 51, 54, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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70, 72, 107, 110, 130, 132, 147, 150, 176, 178, 181, 202, 208, 301, 311, 323, 329, 343, 346, 407, 419, 420; V, p. 10. — L ehmann , Geschichte, I, p. 109, 142; II, p. 79 sg., 455. Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 691, 693, 694, 695 n. 4, 696 (Raoss). — RhM , 32 (1877) p. 89 (Foerster). — S IF C , 20 (1913) p. 341 n. 3 (Calderini). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 18 (Sternbach). P alat. g r. 283. W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 50. B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 357. — CQ, 39 (1955) p. 202 n. 5 (Carney). — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 403 (W egehaupt). P alat. g r. 284. Lehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N iese , Flavius Iosephus, VI, p. x, lxxi . B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 477 (Reil). — RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 169. P alat. g r. 285. Gill , Acta, p. ix. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — PiTRA, M onum ents, I, p. x. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 n. 1 (Biedl). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 134. P alat. g r. 286. F lacelièrE - Chambry - J uneaux , Plutarque, I, p. x x x v n , x x x v iii, lv . — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Linds kog, Plutarchus, p. v. — Lindskog - Ziegler , Plutarchus2, I 1, p. x. — Vogel Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 73. — Ziegler , Überlieferungsgeschichte, p, 14, 16 sg., 26, 62, 66, 82, 85, 112. B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 355. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). P a la t. g r. 287. A ubreton , D ém étrius Triclinius, p. 16, 226, 229, 235. — D evr EESSE, Introduction, p. 97 n. 9. — Di BENEDETTO, Tradizione, p. 12, 18, 21, 26-28, 64, 65, 107-122, 123-129. — Gardthausen , Palaeographie, II, p. 313. — Grégoire - Méridier , Euripide, p. 8 . — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 96, 149, 247. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mangelsdorf , Anecdota, p. 34. — Mercati, Codici, p. 72. — Méridier , Euripide, I, p. xxvi, 8, 44, 104, 178. — Murray, Euripides, I, p .iv , vi, v ra , ix, x iv, xvi; II, p .m , v in ; III, p. v i n .— N auck, Euripides, I, p. x l iii . — P armentier - Grégoire , Euripide, III, p. 2, 78; IV, p. 2, 84. — P feiffer , Callimachus, p. lxxv . — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 650. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 69. — T uryn , Codices, p. 127 sg. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 258. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 34, 42. — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 290. — Zuntz, Inquiry, p. 135 sg., 174 sg., 283 e passim. A J P h , 85 (1964) p. 24 n. 18 (O’Brien); 88 (1967) p. 212. — Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. x x v ii. — B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 105 n. 54 (Donzelli). — B P hW , 21 (1901) p. 33. — Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. 401 (P ertu si).— B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36, 37 (Biedl); 51 (1958) p. 387. — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger); 44 (1950) p. 61 (Mason). — Gnomon, 38 (1966) p. 334. — Hermes, 94 (1966) p. 398 n. 3 (Matthiessen). — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 24 (Smyth). — JOBG, 8 (1959) p. 124 (Hunger). — J H S , 82 (1962) p. 163. — Philologus, 72 (1913) p. 432, 432 n. 114 (Achelis). — R A A N , N.S., 26 (1951) p. 9, 10 (de Marco); 264 (de Marco). — REG, 67 (1954) p. 509 (Irigoin); 78 (1965) p. 686. — R hM , 51 (1896) p. 138 (Wünsch). — R P h, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 283-297


S. III, 21 1947) p. 172; 27 (1953) p. 214; 32 (1958) p. 321. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137; 15 (1961) p. 139; 17 (1963) p. 163; 18 (1964) p. 138; 323. — T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 154, 155 (Turyn). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 5, 34 (Turyn). Nationalbibliothek, p. 328 (Gerstinger). P a la t, g r. 288. GardThausen , Palaeographie, II, p. 313. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, I, p. 249. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 243. — SoyTER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 22. P alat, g r. 289.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat, g r. 290. Cardini, Platone, p. 46. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Livadaras, H istoria, p. 243. — PosT, Plato, p. 75. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). P alat, g r. 291.

Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat, g r. 292. K ominis, Pardos, p. 67. B P E C , N.S., 2 (1953) p. 41 n. 5, 72 (Bolognesi). — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 294, 296 (Mazal). — E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 209 η. 1 (Patrinelis). — R IG I, 3 (1919) p. 42 (Garin). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 201; 20 (1966) p. 327. P alat, g r. 293. Cammeeei, Cydonès, p. x x x v n i, xeix . — D ain , Tactique, p. 12, 118-119, 124, 127, 133, 138. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. P alat, g r. 294.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat, g r. 295. AeExanderson, Galenos, p. 17. — Brandis , H and­ schriften, nr. 122. — Diees , H andschriften, I, p. 89, 126. — KOTTER, Überlie­ ferung, p. 78. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Marenghi, Aristo­ tele, p. 34. — W arTEEEE, In v en tan e, p. 144. B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 52 (Marenghi). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 260 (Stembach). P a la t, g r. 296. Beck , Vorsehung, p. 139 n. 93. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mercati, Notizie, p. 13 n. 3, 16 n. 3, 24-30. REG, 4 (1891) p. 105 (Costomiris). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 214 (Stembach). P alat, g r. 297. DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 13, 48, 60, 111, 130, 149; II, p. 75. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i Tra, M onumenta, I, p. x. — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 24, 24 n. 50, 34, 40, 44, 50, 50 n. 108, 51, 53, 61, 62, 62 n. 140, 63, 69, 70, 71, 72 n 176, 75, 77, 83, 84, 85, 101, 101 n. 260, 103, 201. — T rapp , Manuel, p. 18 n. 35. W S, 9 (1887) p. 198, 198 n. 50 (Stem bach); 10 (1888) p. 2, 8, 12, 12 n. 95, 18, 18 n. 108, 19, 21, 21 n. 115, -29, 31, 38, 39, 40 n. 176, 43, 45, 212-214, 214 n. 213, 230, 232 (Stem bach); 11 (1889) p. 239 (Stembach). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 71-72. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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270 P alat, gr. 298.

L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79sg., 455.

P alat, g r. 299. Coeonna, Storici, p. 59. ROC, 22 (1920-21) p. 177 (Mercati). P alat, g r. 300. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. W S, 10 (1888) p. 25 n. 130 (Sternbach). P alat, g r. 301. Coeonna, Storici, p. 22. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P reger , Beiträge, p. 14. — P reger , Scriptores, II, p. x m , xxv. Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 45, 46, 50 n. 78 (Verpeaux). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 361 (Savio). P a la t, g r . 3 0 2 . B a r n a r d , Clement, p. x m . — D i e e s , H andschriften, II, p. 89. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 299. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. XEVn. — PiTRA, M onumenta, II, p. 206. —· P r e g e r , Beiträge, p. 24. — P r e g e r , Scriptores, II, p. xvi, xxv. — S t ä h e in , Beiträge, p. 16, 20. — S t ä h e in , Protrepticus1, p. e x v i i . — S t ä h e in , Protrepticus2, p. Exvrr. Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 361 (Savio). P alat, g r. 303. J an (von), Musici, p. exxvii . — Lehmann, Geschich­ te, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 52. — V ogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 178. B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 296 (Cantarella). P alat, g r. 304. D owney , Themistius, p. xn, xxv. — Drerup , Isocra­ tes, p. x ix . — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Schenke, Beiträge, p. 65. P alat, g r. 305. K eeineogee , Geschichte, p. xiv. — L ehmann, Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). P alat, g r. 306. H eisenberg , Curriculum, p. exxii . — Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W arteeee, Inventaire, p. 144. P alat, g r. 307. II, p. 79 sg., 455.

L ehmann,

Coeonna, Storici, p. 142. — L ehmann, Geschichte,

P alat, g r. 308. E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 553. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, Catalogus, p. 219-220. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg,, 455. — Mercati, Storia, p. 298. — P i Tra, M onumenta, II, p. 248. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 243. A B , 22 (1903) p. 377 (Galante). — ByzZ, 33 (1933) p. 452. — REG, 28 (1915) p. 70 n. 1. — Z R V I, 8, 1 (1963) p. 104 (Gouillard). Miscell. Diehl, I, p. 244, 246 n. 2, 251 n. 3 (Ostrogorsky). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 298-317


P alat, g r . 3 0 9 . B orret, Origène, I, p. 28. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 392, 429. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R obinson, Philocalia, p. xxix, x x x ix. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 177. P alat, g r. 3 1 0 . AeeEN, Prolegomena, p. 49. — L ehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — R hM , 71 (1916) p. 45 (Ludwich). Miscellanea critica, I, p. 146 (Mertens). P alat, g r . 3 1 1 . Cohn, Libellus, p. x v m . — Cohn - W endeand , Philo, I, p. x iv ; I I I , p. x v m . — Lehmann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 314. A B , 71 (1953) p. 165 (Devos). P alat, g r . 3 1 2 . Capocci, Codices Barber., p. x v m -x ix , 198 (non cit. esplicit.). — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 258 n. 3. — H oeck - LOENERTZ, Nektarios, p. 74, 74 n. 31. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 135; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, I, p. xevii . — USENER, Kleine Schriften, II, p. 349. — W achsmuTh , Lydus1, p. x iv , ex ii . — W achsmuTh , Lydus2, p . XVI, EXXIV.

B yzZ , 5 (1896) p. 413 (Wünsch); 40 (1940) p. 506; 57 (1964) p. 395 (Kunitzsch). — REG, 7 (1894) p. 305 n. 2 (Ruelle). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 263 (de Meyier). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 62 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 131 (Delatte). — Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 72-99. P alat, g r. 3 1 4 . B oegar, H eritage, p. 489. — Cuntz, Ptolemaeus, p. 5, 42. — F ischer - F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Codex Urbinas, 1 1, p. 177. — L eh ­ mann, Geschichte, I, p. 135; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VoGEE - Gardthatjsen, Schreiber, p. 309. B yzZ , 37 (1937) p. 31 (Biedl). — Scriptorium, 9 (1955) p. 284 (Young); 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canart). P alat, g r. 3 1 5 . Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 313. Mnemosyne, S. III, 12 (1945) p. 268 (Koster). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 136. P alat, g r . 3 1 6 . L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Matranga, Anecdota, p. 10, 709. — W endee , Tzetzes, coi. 1968, 1969. B P E C , N.S., 5 (1957) p. 45 (Finocchiaro). — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 36 (Biedl); 48 (1955) p. 6, 38 (Hunger); 49 (1956) p. 250 n. 4, 253 (Hunger); 50 (1957) p. 442. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 68 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 151; 14 (1960) p. 183. P a la t, g r. 317. R hrhard, Überheferung, I p. 188; III, p. 799 n. 1. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 220-222. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Hagiographica, p. 19-20. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Note, III, p. 79, 81. — H aekin , Inédits, p. 137-142. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 135. — L ehmann, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Bibliotheca, IX 1, p. XE. — WENGER, Assomption, p. 11, 113, 128, 293. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici P a la tin i greci

A B , 22 (1903) p. 377 (Galante). — Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. 465. — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 645. — E H B S , 24 (1954) p. 8 n. 1, 16 n. 9 (Koukoules). — R E B yz, 10 (1952) p. 54, 56 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 147. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 107. — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1167x, 1413e, 1582b.

P alat, g r . 318. Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 244, 246. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 150, 246. Museon, 79 (1966) p. 75 (Richard). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 178. P alat, g r. 319. F each, Theogonie, p. 25, 28. — Gaeeavotti, Theocri­ tus, p. 327. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L enz, Prolegomena, p. 32, 156. — Müeeer , Geographi, II, p. x x x v i, nr. 58. — R abe , Sylloge, p. xev . —■Schui/Tz, Überlieferung, p. 28. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 65. — Turyn , Euripides, p. 355. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 162. — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 72. — WEINBERGER, Carmina, p. v m . — W endee , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201 . B y J , 7 (1928-29) p. 240. — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 422 (Müller); 26 (1926)p. 290, 291 (Drexl); 45 (1952) p. 270. — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 68, 69 (Patrineles). — Hermes, 94 (1966) p. 398 n. 4 (Matthiessen). — H SP h, 44 (1933) p. 25 (Smyth). — Philologus, 49 (1890) p. 272 (Haeberlin); 54 (1895) p. 284 (Schroeder). — RPh, N.S., 14 (1890) p. 194; 20 (1896) p. 114. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 34 (Turyn). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 4 (Schenkl). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 99-100.

P a la t, g r . 320. II, p. 79 sg., 455.

Beeeomo, Agapeto, p.33. — Lehmann, Geschichte,

P a la t,



Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P a la t,



Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P a la t, g r . 323. Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 188. — L ehmann, Ge­ schichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 199. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 144. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). P alat,



L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

R P h, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 184.

P a la t, g r . 325. E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 754. —- F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, Catalogus, p. 222, 223. — K raSeninnikov , Prodromus, p. 28, 85 n. 6, 88. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 1, p. XI, 162; X 3, p. 283. — MERCATI, Opere minori, II, p. 529. B yzZ, 16 (1907) p. 343. P a la t,



L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

R hM , 37 (1882) p. 211 (Ludwich). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 318-338


P a la t, gr. 327. D o b sc h ü t z (v o n ), Christusbilder, p. 308. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. x. NGG, 1910, 3, p. 195 n. 1 (Pasquali). — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 221, 224 (cit. e rr.: Regin. 327) (Wenger). P alat, g r. 328. C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 21. — D i e e s , H andschriften, II, p. 95. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P r e g e r , Beiträge, p. 24. — P r e g e r , Scriptores, I, p. x i; II, p. xvi, x x v . — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 492. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 38, 38 n. 83, 39 n. 0, 63 n. 145, 72, 147, 147 n. 389, 154, 159, 178, 179, 180, 180 n. 484. B yzZ , 13 (1904) p. 371 (Preger). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 361 (Savio). — S B A W , 1892, 2, p. 343 sg. (K rum bacher). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 6, 6 n. ,83, 40 (Stem bach) ; 11 (1889) p. 58, 58 n. 389, 192, 197, 197 n. 426, 216, 217, 218 n. 484 (Sternbach). Miscell. Ribbeck, p. 361 (Stem bach). — Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 100. P alat, g r. 329.

Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat, g r. 330. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, p. x x x v . — GaeeaVOTTI, Theocritus, p. 267, 327. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Wendee , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 201. R F IC , 67 (1939) p. 53 n. 1 (Gallavotti) ; 80 (1952) p. 147 (G allavotti). — S IF C , N.S., 11 (1934) p. 302, 306, 307 (Gallavotti). P alat, gr. 331. DiEEER, Tradition, p. 36, 38. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — MÜEEER, Geographi, II, p. xxxvi nr. 59. P alat, g r. 332. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. BP E C , N.S., 1 (1945) p. 58, 82 (Colonna). — Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 44, 46 (Verpeaux). P a la t, g r. 333. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455: Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 44, 46 (Verpeaux). P alat, gr. 334. II, p. 79 sg., 455.

K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 79. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte,

P alat, gr. 335. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 29. T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 168 (Turyn). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 35 (Turyn). Palat, gr. 336. Palat, gr. 337. Verzeichnis, p. 243. P alat, g r. 338.

CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger).

Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R ahees,

L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

18 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici P alatin i greci


P alat. gr. 339. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — VoGEE Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 26. P alat. gr. 340.

L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455.

P alat. gr. 341.

K ayser, Philostratus, II, p. xx. — Smutny, Epigrams,

p. 28. P alat. g r . 342. Acheeis , H ippolytstudien, p. 111, 224. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 97; II, p. 79 sg., 455.— VoGEE - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 233. R S R , 10 (1930) p. 552 (Devreesse). P alat. g r . 343. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 357. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). P alat. g r . 344. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 119. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 361 n. 2. P alat. g r . 345. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bi­ bliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. x. N H , 13 (1916) p. 383 (Lampros). — ROC, 22 (1920-21) p. 178 n. 1 (Mercati). P alat. g r . 346. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 2067. — C o e w e e e , Apocalypse, II, p. 65-72, 106-114. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 324, 1191. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 218. — S c h m id , Einlei­ tung, p. 19, 121. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schrif­ ten, I, p. 60. P alat. gr. 347. II, p. 79 sg., 455.

D odds, Proclus, p. xxxix.

L ehmann, Geschichte,

P alat. gr. 348. Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Biblio­ theca, V I 2, p. 189. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 31 n. 1 (Biedl). P alat, gr. 349. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 119. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 14. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, Catalogus, p. 223-224. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. P alat. gr. 350. FoERSTER, Libanius, II, p. 3, 157; VI, p. 548; V II, p. 238, 368. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 339-359



P alat, gr. 351. E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 579 n. 1. — F ranchi Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 224. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 295 (Astrue).

P a la t, gr. 352. L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Vogel Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 184. Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 7 (Carini). P alat, gr. 354. Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 200. — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 344. CQ, 33 (1939) p.103 (Spranger). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 265 (deMeyier). P alat, gr. 355. Giannelli , Codices Vat. II, p. 77. — K ominis, Pardos, p. 96. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Stevenson, Prodromus, p. XXVII. P a la t, gr. 356. B e l l o m o , Agapeto, p. 39. — B id e z - C u m o n t , Epistulae, p. x v . — Co l o n n a , Storici, p. 22. — D a r r o u z ÈS, Épistoliers, p. 33. — HUN­ GER, Prooimion, p. 217 sg. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 439, 443 n. 5, 709 n. 2, 762. — K u r t z - D r e x l , Scripta, II, p. x x . — P a p a d im it r iu , Pro­ drom, p. 72. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x . — P r e is e n d a n z , Anthologie, p. 26. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 40-42. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 235. — Spelthahn , Studien, p. 16, 1 8 .· — Sternbach, Gnomologium Vat., p. 3, 123, 178. B y J , 9 (1932) p. 96 n. 2 (Glettner). — Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. 27 (Browning). — B yzZ, 17 (1908) p. 550; 37 (1937) p. 38 (Biedl). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 115 n. 41 (Przychocki). — N H , 17 (1923) p. 303 (Lampros). — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 280. — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). — RPh, N.S., 14 (1890) p. 194. — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 144 n. 17 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 153; 205; 18 (1964) p. 288. — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 73 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri). — W S , 10 (1888) p. 252 (Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 1 (Schenkl); 216 (Sternbach). — Z B B , 14 (1897) p. 554 n. 1 (Voltz-Crönert). P alat, gr. 357. Gardthausen, Palaeographie, II, p. 420. — L aurent —Guillou , Liber, p. 324. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x . — R ichard, Florilèges, col. 504. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. P alat, gr. 358. D iels , Handschriften, II, p. 7. — F oerster, Libanius, IX, p. 7. — Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Lindstam, Epistulae, p. ix . — R abe , Sylloge, p. l u i . — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 44. — W eicher T, Demetrius, p. xliv . — W einberger , Adnotationes, p. 4. R hM , 67 (1912) p. 322 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canart). P alat, gr. 359. L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 139; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — PETIT - Sidéridès - J ugie , Scholarios, II, p. 1, 7. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 136 n. 6 (Mercati). — B IS IA M , 74 (1962) p. 61 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 608, 609. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici P alatin i greci

P alat, g r . 360. Boegar, Heritage, p. 462, 488. — Candae, Cabasilas, p. 47. — F esta, Mythographi, p. vi. — FoERSTER, Libanius, II, p. 201; VI, p. 569, 590, 613. — Giannini, Paradoxographi, p. 8, 353. — L ehmann, Ge­ schichte, I, p. 135; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 23. — W arTEEEE, Inventane, p. 144. B P hW , 30 (1910) p. 112. — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 693 (Raoss). — E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 209 n. 1 (Patrineles). — R F IC , 22 (1894) p. 476, 477. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canari). — SIF C , 11 (1903) p. 94 (De Stefani); 12 (1904) p. 155 (De Stefani). Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 218 n. 0, 219 n. 0 (Cagni). P alat, g r . 361. Canart, Archivio, p. 59. — Coeonna, Storici, p. 139. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 429. —■H ergenroether , Monumenta, p. 5, 53 n. 1. — H ergenroether , Photius, I, p. 255 n. 20. — H oeck - L oenerTz, Nektarios, p. 99, 102 n. 55. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Collec­ tio, I, p. xxviii. —- Sickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. 13. EO, 15 (1912) p. 219 n. 5 (Jugie). — OCP, 10 (1944) p. 154 (Giannelli). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 100 n. b (Darrouzès). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 144 n. 17 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 56 (Fran­ chi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. vi (Mercati); 36, 41, 45 (Gian­ nelli). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 156 n. 12 (Samodurova). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 117 n. 4 (Dobroklonskij). Misceli. Ehrle, I, p. 35 (Rackl). P alat, g r . 362. Lehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 37 (Moravcsik); 37 (1937) p. 39 (Biedl). — SIF C , 4

(1896) p. 17 n. 2 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Nationalbibliothek, p. 297 (Gerstinger). P alat, g r . 363. DiEES, Handschriften, I, p. 47. — DÖEGER, BarlaamRoman, p. 10. — F ranchi de ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 224. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L udwich , Batrachomachia, p. 49. — L ud wich , Dissertatio, p. 8-9. — Mercati, Opere minori, II, p. 419. — P i Tra , Monu­ menta, I, p. x. — R euss , Matthäus-Katenen, p. 222. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 230. — Sbordone, Physiologus, p. xxv, exxxix . Eos, 16 (1910) p. 129 (Przychocki). — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 184. — RhM , 20 (1865) p. 176 n. 3 (Wachsmuth). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 156 n. 12, 157 n. 13, u. 15 (Samodurova). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 100-101. P alat, g r . 364. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, I, p. 288; II, p. 130. — Aufhauser, Drachenwunder, p. 31, 42, 45. — Beck , Vorsehung, p. 137, 138 n. 84, 223. — BraTke , Religionsgespräch, p. 54, 55, 76, 272. — B hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 803. — E rbse , Theosophie, p. 151. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 13. — F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 181. — F ranchi de ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 224-226. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. II, p. 118. — H aekin , Vitae, p. 37*. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 160 n. 5, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat. gr. 360-367


719 n. 26. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 302. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 246. — R ahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 243. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 247, 255. — Schermann, Volksgebete, p. 6 n. 6. A JP h , 57 (1936) p. 126 (Diller). — BBGG, N.S., 13 (1959) p. 20, 21 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 621; 21 (1912) p. 618. — Muséon, 31 (1913) p. 325. — StBiz, 5 (1939) p. 462, 463 n. 0 (Giannelli); 10 (1963) p. 18, 18 n. 2, 19 n. 1 (Giannelli). — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 233; 8 (1901) p. 160. — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. vi e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 51m, 409u. — Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 101-103. P alat. g r . 365. Björck , Apsyrtus, p. 40, 43. — K rumbacher, Ge­ schichte, p. 753 n. 1. — L ehmann, Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P apadimi­ triu , Prodrom , p. 72. REG, 5 (1892) p. 62 (Costomiris); 48 (1935) p. 511 (Björck). P alat. g r . 366. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 111.·— D iei .s , Simplicius, I, p. x v iii. — GardThausen , Palaeographie, II, p. 333. — L ehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 139; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 144. Muséon, 71 (1958) p. 260 n. 23 (Garitte). — R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 188 n. 1 (Grumel). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 133. P alat. g r . 367. B a n e s c u , Deux poètes, p. 3, 11. ·— B o r n e r T, Commen­ taires, p. 211. — C iia m b r y , Fabulae, p. 18. — C r u s iu s , Babrius, p. xiv. — F e r r a r i , D ocum ents p. 89 n. 4, 109 n. 3. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 226-227. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 79. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 709 n. 2, 719 n. 2, 739, 774 n. 1, 786, 804. — K u r t z , Gedichte, p. x v i i i . — L a m e e r e , Tradition, p. 193-194. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 254, 319. — P a p a d im i Tr i u , Prodrom, p. x x iv , 72. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 244, 245, 297. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 247, 249. — S b o r d o n e , Physiologus, p. xx, tx x x n i. — S c h e r ­ m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 6 n. 6. — S c h r e in e r , Studien, p. 54-56, 92, 94 n. 2. — S t e v e n s o n , Prodrom us, p. x ix . — T r a p p , Manuel, p. 20* n. 45. — T u r y n , Codices, p. v in , xvi, 10, 117-124. — V o g e l - G a r d T h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 242. Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 199 (Mercati); 348 (Mercati); 38 (1922) p. 355; 39 (1923) p. 149, 151. — B I S I A M , 38 (1913) p. 41 (Ferrari). - - B yJ, 3 (1922) p. 158 (Banescu). — Byzantion, 23 (1953) p. X III, XVI. — ByzZ, 1 (1892) p. 317, 328, 329, 331 (Schm itt); 3 (1894) p. 212; 6 (1897) p. 187; 9 (1900) p. 183-185 (Zuretti); 16 (1907) p. 480 n. 1, 481, 484 (Anastasijewic); 18 (1909) p. 292; 616; 19 (1910) p. 251; 20 (1911) p. 616; 22 (1913) p. 633; 638 (Diete­ rich); 23 (1914-20) p. 272; 24 (1923-24) p. 140; 25 (1925) p. 250; 451; 29 (1929) p. 388; 31 (1931) p. 413; 32 (1932) p. 401; 35 (1935) p. 156, 157; 40 (1940) p. 462; 43 (1950) p. 67; 44 (1951) p. 102, 103 (Darrouzès); 58 (1965) p. 373. — E H B S , 9 (1932) p. 360, 364, 533 (Mercati); 30 (1960) p. 74 (Xyngopoulos). — EO, 20 (1921) p. 297 (Emereau). — Eos, 34 (1932-33) p. 343 (Kumaniecki). — L N U , 8 (1900) p. 355 (Papadim itriu). — N H , 1 (1904) p. 125 (Lampros); 6 (1909) p. 33 (Lampros); 9 (1912) p. 162 (Lampros); 13 (1916) p. 130 (Lam­ pros); 139, 381 (Lampros); 14 (1917) p. 3, 14, 357 (Lampros); 15 (1921) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici P alatin i greci

p. 141, 337 (Lampros); 16 (1922) p. 30, 77, 264 (Lampros). — PP, 22 (1967) p. 236 (Pugliese Carratelli). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 189, 190 (Darrouzes); 15 (1957) p. 160, 160 n. 1, 161 (Darrouzes). — R H , 175 (1935) p. 536 (Brehier). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Petrides); 22 (1920-21) p. 162, 170, 176, 178, 181, 190 n. 1, 192 n. II, 193 n. I I I (Mercati). — SD SD , 14 (1893) p. 144 (Tacchi-V enturi). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 151 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 275-277 (Mercati); 4 (1935) p. 257 (Ferrari Dalle Spade); 305, 308 (Mercati); 9 (1957) p. xvn; N.S., 1 (1964) p. 20 (Schirö). — Traditio, 14 (1958) p. 450 (von Simson). Miscell. Brugi, p. 432 (Ferrari). P a la t. g r. 368. D öeger, Barlaam -Rom an, p. 10. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 227. — Lehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 139; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x, II, p. 248. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 242. ViVrern, 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 156 n. 12 (Samodurova). P a la t. gr. 369. B e n e Se v i C, O tvety, p. 1 n. 2. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 160. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 397. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r Tr e u i e , Histoire, III, p. 364, 396. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 206. — Schreiner , Studien, p. 45-46, 49, 94, 144-170, 204-205. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 4. ·— V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 78 n. 7, 455. Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 471 (Moravcsik). — ByzZ, 1 (1892) p. 422 (Müller); 37 (1937) p. 39 (Biedl). — R E B yz, 17 (1959) p. 50 n. 120 (Manoussakas). — RecAcLeg, 19 (1949) p. 29 (de Malafosse). — R IG I, 19 (1935) p. 3 (Sbordone), — RPh, N.S., 14 (1890) p. 194. — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 17 n. 2 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri — Muccio). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 156 n. 12, 158 n. 17, 161 n. 0 (Samodurova). — 1FS, 9 (1887) p. 178 (Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 4 (Schenkl). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 103. — Nationalbibliothek, p. 297 (Gerstinger). P a la t. gr. 370. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 106. — L ehmann, Geschich­ te, I, p. 139; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — R oss, Aristotle, p. 118. — W arteeee, Inventaire, p. 144. W S, 11 (1889) p. 250, 251 n. 21 (Burkhard). P a la t. g r. 371. H e im b a c h , Anecdota, I I , p . 295. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I I , p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r Tr e u i e , Histoire, I, p . 405. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x, 41. Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 105 n. 4 (Dobroklonskij). P a la t. g r. 372. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 160. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 244. P a la t. g r. 373. L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I I , p. 79 sg., 455. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 144. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 368-381


P a la t, g r . 374 . F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 227-228. — K rtjmbachER, Geschichte, p. 99 n. 1, 139 n. 3. — L ehm ann , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L enz , Aristeidesstudien, p. 259. — L enz , Reden, p. IX. — Moravcsik , B yzantinoturcica p. 548. — S evöEnko , Polémique, p. 181, n. 1-2. — T e r z a g h i , Opuscula, p. x x x iv ,

l v i i , l x i i i - l x v i , l x x v , l x x x -L x x x i i , c x x i i ,


Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 325. — DOP, 11 (1957) p. 84 n. 12 (Sevcenko). — Scriptorium, 5 (1951) p. 279, 280 (Sevcenko); 13 (1959) p. 320; 18 (1964) p. 336. — SIF C , 12 (1904) p. 200 (Terzaghi). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 439 n. 9 (Sevcenko). P a la t, g r . 3 7 5 . B e t h e , Pollux, p. IX. — DlEl.S, Handschriften, p. 71. — Ma i , Class, auch, IV, p. Vi. — R a e d e r , Oribasius, III, p. v.


B P hW , 21 (1901) p. 451. — M E F R , 20 (1900) p. 308, 315, 316 (Serruys). — RPh, S. I I I , 7 (1933) p. 205. P a la t, g r . 3 7 6 . B e n e Se v i ì , Sbornik, p. 25, 123, 130, 151-154, 161-163, 165, 166, 173, 176 n. 1, 211 n. 2, 213 n. 3, 219 n. 1, 332. — B e n e Se v iò , Sinagoga, p. 17. — F u n k , Didascalia, I, p. XLix. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 417, 804. — J o a n n o u , Discipline, I 1, p. 4, 19; 1 2 , p. x v m ; II, p. x x x i i i . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M ic h e l , H um bert, II, p. 60. — PiTRA, Monu­ m enta, I, p. X, 422, 425, 538, 540, 545; II, p. 13, 127, 161, 183, 304, 373, 385. — S ch w artz , A .C.O ., I 1, 3, p. I, 2; I I 1, 2, p. 68; II 1, 3, p. 2. B yzZ , 37 (1937) p. 39, 41 (Biedl). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 425. — Z N T W , 30 (1931) p. 11 (Schwartz). P a la t, g r . 377 . F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 228. — G a r d t Palaeographie, II, p. 62. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 217 n. 1. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 139; II, p. 79 sg., 455. B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 411 (Ehrhard). — Eranos, 62 (1964) p. 105 (Rudberg). — S A W W , 144 (1901), 4, p. 14 (Haidacher). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 334. h ausen,

P a la t, g r . 378 . L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 139; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 208. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 30 n. 7, 122, 123, 153, 154, 188 n. 4, 189 n. 9, n. 11, 191 n. 2, 193 n. 1, 196 n. 6, 198, 199 n. 2, 202 n. 6, 204 n. 2, 207 n. 1, 208 n. 1, 210 n. 4, 253. P a la t, g r . 379. L ehm ann , Geschichte, I, p. 139; II, p. 79 sg., 455. Congr. byz. X I , p. 300 (Lampsides). P a la t, g r . 380.

F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 228.

P a la t, g r . 3 8 1 . BEISSEL, M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 2 . — E b e r so l t , Miniature, p. 29 n. 4, tav. xxv. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , C onstantiniana, p. 128. — G a r d t h a u s e n , Palaeographie, I, p. 22, 228; II, p. 134 n. 2. — KüNZLE - PERI - R u y s sc h a e r t , Indici, p. 6. — L a z ar ev , Istorija, p. 110, 314. — N e u s s , Bibelillustra­ tion, p. 31 n. 32. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 244. — T ik k a n e n , Studien, p. 89 n. 1, 128, 130, 131 n. 0, 132, 327. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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Bibliofilia, 61 (1959) p. 142 n. 1 (Bonicatti). — Byzantiòn, 34 (1964) p. 452 n. 5 (Follieri). — B yzZ, 51 (1958) p. 508. — DOP, 17 (1963) p. 386 n. 7 (Weitzm ann); 19 (1965) p. 174 (Der Nersessian). — RPh, N.S., 15 (1891) p. 46. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 176; 14 (1960) p. 411. Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 22. — Miniature, passim. P a la t . g r. 3 8 2 .

Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3 , p. 283. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. P a la t, g r . 383.

F auehaber , Hohelied - Catenen, p. 14 n. 3. — K rum Geschichte, p. 444 n. 7. — K ur Tz - D r ex e , Scripta, p. x ix . — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. A B , 77 (1959) p. 245, 246, 249, 253 n. 2, 254, 257, 263, 271 (Follieri); 80 (1962) p. 249 (Follieri). — BFC, 43 (1947) p. 163. — B P hW , 57 (1937) p. 1081. — Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 1 n. 2. (Follieri-Dujcev). — Byzantion, 32 (1962) p. 313 (Follieri). — ByzZ, 35 (1935) p. 3 (Maas); 158; 53 (1960) p. 168, 199. — R E B yz, 16 (1958) p. 63 (Darrouz^s). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 285; 17 (1963) p. 166; 18 (1964) p. 125. — StBiz, N.S., 2-3 (1965-66) p. 202 n. 3 (Follieri). Persia, p. 239 n. 108, 240 n. 110, n. 112, n. 114, 241 n. 126, 242 n. 127 (Follieri).

bacher ,

P a la t. g r . 384. Günthör , Dialoge, p. 13. — Mortreuie , Histoire, III, p. 437. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x, 538, 540; II, p. 224, 443. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 368. — W S, 25 (1903) p. 209 n. 1 (Homa). P a la t . g r . 3 8 5 . B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 32. — DiEES, H andschrif­ ten, I, p. 105. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — L iv a d a r a s , Historia, p. 243. — W ar TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 144. CQ, 58 (1964) p. 180 (West). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 250, 251 n. 21 (Burkhard). P a la t . g r . 3 8 6 . B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 52. — H o b e in , Philosophum ena, p. e x x i i . — K r u m ba c h er , Geschichte, p. 439. — P rzycho ck i , Ovidius, p. 6, 10. — S ch ue Te , De codicibus, p. 4. — V ogee - G a r d t h a u se n , Schreiber, p. 151. — W ar TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 144. B yzZ, 5 (1896) p. 553 (Treu). — Eos, 41 (1940-46), fase. 2, p. 34 (Hammer). — Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 263 (Jordan). — SIF C , 14 (1906) p. 127 (Pasquali). — W S, 25 (1903) p. 10 (Stembach). P a la t . g r . 3 8 7 . D a in , Héron, p. 143. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 128; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o r t r e u ie , Histoire, I, p. 37, 46, 78; II, p. 299. — N o ail EES - D a i n , Novelles, p. x x i, x x x v . — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x. — Zac ha RiÄ v o n L in g e n t h a e , Novellae, p. v, ix. B AG B, 4 (1962) p. 366. — B S N A F , 1941, p. 92 (Noaüles). — ByzZ, 37 (1937) p. 30, 41 (Biedl). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 140. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 382-397


P a la t, g r . 3 8 8 . Cu n TZ, Ptolemaeus, p. 30, 31. — DlUER, Tradition, p. 9, 10 n. 34. — F isc h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 177, 536. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 218 n. 3. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 199 n. 194. — VoGEi, - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 113. BZG, 61 (1961) p. 94, 107, 108 (Vemet). — Scriptorium, 9 (1955) p. 284 (Young); 17 (1963) p. 418. Miscell. Accurti, p. 24 (Mercati). P a la t, g r . 3 8 9 . D ü r in g , Porphyrios, p. xiv. — D ü r in g , Ptolemaios, p. x x x v m . — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. e x x v ii . — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 209. P a la t, g r . 3 9 0 . B oegar , Heritage, p. 503. — DÜRING, Ptolemaios, p. x x x v i ii . —■J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. EXXVII. P a la t, g r . 3 9 1 . II, p. XXIII, XXIX.

CosTlE, D udith, p. 302 sg. — T a n n e r y , Diophantus,

P a la t, g r . 3 9 2 . J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. e x x v ii . — V ogee - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 17. — W in n in g t o n - I ng ra m , Quintilianus, p. x . Cr u s iu s - Co h n , Paroemiographen, p. 227. — F o u ­ (d e ), Strategem ata, p. 72. — V â r i , Liber, p. x m , x x iv . — V â r i , Tactica,

P a la t, g r . 3 9 3 . ca u l t


B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 296; 37 (1937) p. 24 (Biedl). — RPh, N.S., 31 (1907) p. 233. B oor (d e ), Chronicon, I, p. e u . — Co eo n n a , Storici, G o o d sp e e d - S p r En g e in g , Catalogue, p. 51. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 386, 387 n. 1, 388. — V ogel - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 446.

P a la t, g r . 3 9 4 .

p. 67.

B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 243-273 (de Boor). — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 20 (Melioranskij). Eremitismo, p. 412 n. 129 (Pertusi). P a la t, g r . 3 9 5 . Co e o n n a , Storici, p. 55, 131. — p. 73 n. 1. — M o rav csik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 533.

Byzantion, 28 (1958) p. 297 (Besevliev). 31 (1931) p. 424; 51 (1958) p. 118.

D u j î e v , Medioevo,

— B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 644 (Gelzer);

P a la t, g r . 396. D a r k ô , Dem onstrationes, I, p. x v m . — M o ra v c sik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 394. — PERTUSI, Storiografia, p. 47 n. 108. B yzZ, 23 (1914-20) p. 268. — ViVrem, N.S., 12 (1957) p. 203, 204 (Veselago). P a la t, g r . 3 9 7 . L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 112, 114; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — M o ra v c sik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 354. — V ogel - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schrei­

ber, p. 162. B y J , 7 (1928-29) p. 123 n. 5 (Bees). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 301. Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 299 (Lampsides). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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P a la t , g r . 3 9 8 . B i e d l , E x zerp t, p. 90 n. 0. — Cazzaniga , S yn agoge, p. 7 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, In tro d u ctio n , p. 34 n. 4, 246 n . 3, 247 n. 6. — D ie e s , H an d sch riften , I, p. 38. — F r a n c h i d e ' Ca v a l ie r i , S critti, 1, p. 168. — Gia n ­ n i n i , P arad oxograp h i, p. 7, 31, 119, 169, ta v . I. — G ü n g e r ic h , A naplus, p. x . — K e i n e r , Scriptores, I, p. g x x x ii . — K ro ee , P roclus, I, p. v i; II, p. n i. — L a s s e r r e , S trab on , II, p. ix ; II I , p. x i. — M a r e n g h i , A m a n o , p. 45. — M a r t in i , P arth en iu s, p. 10, 40. — Me y ie r (d e ), C odices V ossiani, p. 189. — R o o s , A rrianus, I I , p. x i, x iv - x v , x x x i v , e v i . — S ak o eo w sk i - M a r t in i , M ythographi, p. v u , v n i, x x i x , x x x , x e , ι,χ χ ι ι ι , e x x iv , e x x v , e x x v iii , e x x x i , e x x x i i , x c i, 62. — S b o r d o n e , G eographica, I, p. x i j . — S e e e h e im , D e au ctorib u s, p. 1. — W e s t e r m a n n , T h em isto cles, p. 3. A J P h , 58 (1937) p. 174, 179 (D iller). — B y z Z , 37 (1937) p. 24 (B iedl); 48 (1955) p. 187. — B Z G , 61 (1961) p. 80, 95 (V ernet). — C C M , 5 (1962) p. 299 (Irigoin). — J O B G , 6 (1957) p. 7, 8 (Irigoin). — O C, 2 (1902) p. 349 (H eer). — R E G , 5 (1892) p. 474; 78 (1965) p. 439. — R F I C , 76-77 (1948-49) p. 26 n. 2 (B a r to le tti). — R P h , N .S ., 2 (1878) p. 27; 14 (1890) p. 135 n. 2 (R uelle); 17 (1893) p. 220; 24 (1900) p. 229; S. II I , 35 (1961) p. 110, 111; 37 (1963) p. 260 (P ap ath om opoulos). — S c r i p t o r i u m , 21 (1967) p. 186. — T r a d it io , 10 (1954) p. 31-34, 38, 40, 49 (D iller). P a la t , g r . 3 9 9 . Capocci , C odices B arber., p. x x iv . — K r u m b a c h e r , G e­ sch ich te, p. 363. — ZoEPFE, K om m en tar, p. 9 (cit.: V a t. gr. 399), 11, 16. B y z Z , 1 (1892) p. 51, 52 (Preger); 342, 343 (K rum bacher). — V i V r e m , 5 (1898) p. 43 (S estak ov). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 369 (O m ont). P a la t , g r . 4 0 0 . DiEES, H an d sch riften , I, p. 46, 48, 56, 80, 86, 130, 133, 134; II , p. 4 8 ,4 9 ,6 3 . — W a r TEEEE, In v en ta ire, p. 144. — W e s t e r in k , P sellu s, p. 10. P a la t , g r . 4 0 1 . LEFHERZ, S tu d ien , p. 156, 164, 167, 175. — PiTRA, M onum enta, I, p. x . — S a jd a k , C odices, p. 76. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 156. — SlCKENBERGER, L u k ask aten e, p. l i n. 1, 12 n. 4. — VoGEE - G a r d THAUSEN, Schreiber, p. 389. P a la t , g r . 4 0 2 . E h r h a r d , Ü berlieferung, II I , p. 1003 n. 5, 1012. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i Er i , C atalogus, p. 228. — K r u m b a c h e r , G eschichte, p. 443 n. 5, 731, 736 n. 2. — LEFHERZ, S tu d ien , p. 126 sg., 244. — L e v y , Iu d iciu m , p. 5. — Q u a n d t , H y m n i, p. 9. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 59, 91 sg., 249, 250. B y z Z , 3 (1894) p. 211, 212; 12 (1903) p. 664; 20 (1911) p. 30, 47 (M ayer); 24 (1923-24) p. 158; 25 (1925) p. 297 (C antarella); 30 (1930) p. 272 (Sajdak); 45 (1952) p. 309 n. 2 (Scheidw eiler). — B Z G , 61 (1961) p. 91, 107, 108 (V ernet). — E os, 12 (1906) p. 100 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 67 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (P rzychocki). — N H , 17 (1923) p. 388 n. 2 (L am p ros). — R P h , N .S ., 27 (1903) p. 132, 137 n. 1, n. 2, 138 (Misier). — S D S D , 14 (1893) p. 140, 146, 148 (TacchiV enturi). M is c e li. A c c u r ti , p. 24 (M ercati). — B ib l . hagiogr. g r.1, p. 51, 79. P a la t , g r . 4 0 3 . Co stie , D u d ith , p. 316. — M a i , C ollectio, I, p. x x v i i i . — P e t it , D o cu m en ts, p. 21 n. 0. — V ogee - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 160, 320. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P alat, gr. 398-411


B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 368. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 318. — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 198 n. 0 (Giannelli). P a la t, g r . 404. H e n r y , Manuscrits, p. 250. — S c h e n k e , Marcus Aure­ lius, p. i x n. 1. — V ogee - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 20. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 24 (Biedl). — Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 99 (Müller). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 118. — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 480 n. 2 (Kraseninnikov). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Miscell. Accurti, p. 23 (Mercati). — Miscell. Albareda, II, p. 283-284, 287 (Mogenet). PiTRA, M onum enta, I, p. x; II, p. 443. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 25 n. 1, 27 (Biedl). — EO, 26 (1927) p. 142 n. 2 (Lau­ rent). — Eranos, 62 (1964) p. 123 (Rudberg). — RPh, N.S., 3 (1879) p. 256. New Palaeogr. Society, S. I, I, tav . 108.

P a la t, g r . 405.

P a la t, g r . 406. Väri , Tactica, I, p. xiv. B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 589. — Scriptorium, 1 (1946-47) p. 38 (Dain). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). G ia n n e e e i , Codices Vat. II, p. 133. — V o g e e - G a r d T­ Schreiber, p. 26. — W ar teee E, Inventaire, p. 144.

P a la t, g r . 407. h ausen,

P a la t, g r . 408. M a i , Spicilegium, V II, p. XI. — M o r t r e u il , Histoire, III, p. 437. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x ; II, p. 443. — V ogee - G a r d Th a u ­ s e n , Schreiber, p. 17. Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). P a la t, g r . 409. Ca n d a e , Cabasilas, p. 48, 51, 52 n. 2, 57, 78 n. 1. -— Co st ie , D udith, p. 316 n. 6. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, II, p. 79 sg., 455. — S c h e r m a n n , Geschichte, p. 89. — V ogee - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 180,

453. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 25 n. 1 (Biedl). — EO, 26 (1927) p. 142 n. 3 (Laurent); 35 (1936) p. 387 (Laurent). — N H , 17 (1923) p. 388 n. 2 (Lampros), — OOP, 9 (1943) p. 256, 266 (Candal). P a la t, g r . 410. B oor (d e ), De legationibus, p. x i. — Co e o n n a , Storici, p. 34, 56, 109, 119. — M o ore , Polybius, p. 192 e passim. — VIERECK - Roos, Appianus, p. x x x . — V ogee - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 26, 466. RQH, 45 (1889) p. 205 n. 5 (Batiffol). — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 456 (K rase­ ninnikov); 8 (1901) p. 503 (Kraseninnikov); 11 (1904) p. 28, 499, 520 (Krase­ ninnikov); 13 (1906) p. 120, 131, 148 n. 6 (Kraseninnikov); 21 (1914) p. 64 (Kraseninnikov). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). P a la t, g r . 411. B oor (d e ), De legationibus, p. x i. — Co e o n n a , Storici, p. 34, 43, 78, 103. — M o rav csik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 260, 483. — M o o r e , Polybius, p. 192 e passim. — V ogee - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 26, 466. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 457 (Kraseninnikov); 8 (1901) p. 501 (Kraseninnikov); 11 (1904) p. 28, 499, 520 (Kraseninnikov); 13 (1906) p. 120, 148 n. 6. P a la t, g r . 4 1 2 . B oor (d e ), De legationibus, p. x ii . — Coeonna , Storici, p. 3, 34, 82, 99, 142. — Moore , Polybius, p. 192 e passim. *— V iereck - Ross, Appianus, p. x x x . — V ogee - Gard Th a u se n , Schreiber, p. 26. ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 505 (Kraseninnikov); 11 (1904) p. 28, 499, 520 (K ra­ seninnikov); 13 (1906) p. 120, 131, 148 n. 6 (Kraseninnikov); 21 (1914) p. 64 (Kraseninnikov). P a la t, g r . 4 1 3 . B oor (d e ). De legationibus, p. x ii . — Coeonna , Storici, p. 34, 64, 78, 82, 99, 103, 109, 119, 143. — K ra §En in n ik o v , Anecdota. p. e d i . — Moore , Polybius, p. 192 e p a ssim .— Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 478. — V iereck - Roos, Appianus, p. x x ix , x x x ii . — V ogee - Gardthau SEN, Schreiber, p. 26. R F IC , 32 (1904) p. 150. — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 443 (Kraseninnikov); 8(1901) p. 506 (Kraseninnikov); 11 (1904)p.34 n. 5,499, 516, 520 (Kraseninnikov); 13 (1906) p. 119, 120, 143; 21 (1914) p. 64 (Kraseninnikov). P a la t, g r . 4 1 4 . D a in , Onésandros, p. 112.— K orzenszky - VAr i , Strategicus, p. v ili. — V ogee - Gard Th a u se n , Schreiber, p. 21. Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 40, 41, 43, 46 n. 50, 50 n. 74 (Verpeaux). P a la t, g r . 4 1 5 . D a in , Naum achica, p. 35. — Me y ier (d e ) - H ueshoff P oe , Codices graeci, p. 5. — VAr i , Tactica, I, p. x x m . A M S L , S. III, 13 (1887) p. 846 (Berthelot). — REG, 71 (1958) p. 81 (Dain). Catal. alchim., II, p. 207. — Catal. astrol., VI, p. 7. P a la t, g r . 4 1 6 . F icker , Eutherius, p. 17. — Günthör , Dialoge, p. 11. — R a ed e r , Quaestiones, p. 3, 25. — F etz , Antilogie, p. xi. — V ogee - Gard T­ h a u se n , Schreiber, p. 20. P a la t, g r . 4 1 7 . Canivet , Thérapeutique, p. 68. — R a e d e r , Theodoretus, p. v n. 1. — V ogee - G ard Th a u se n , Schreiber, p. 26. Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). P a la t, g r . 4 1 8 .

D örrie , Longus, p. 15, 32, 38. — V ieborg , Tatius,

p . X V II, X X III.

B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 25 n. 1, 27 (Biedl). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 244 (Canart). P a la t, g r . 4 1 9 . R eu ter s , De epistulis, p. 25. — T orraca, Bruto, p. x x x v iii. — V ogee - G ard Th a u se n , Schreiber, p. 439. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 25 n. 1, 27 (Biedl). L aur en t - Guieeou , Liber, p. 3 3 5 .— V ogee - G Schreiber, p. 30, 394 n. 4.

P a la t, g r . 4 2 0 . h a u se n , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

ard T­

P alat, gr. 412-428


A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 28, 31, 32 (Tar­ do). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Miscell. Friend, p. 83 (Strunk). P a la t, g r . 4 2 1 . Co stie , D udith, p. 280 n. 1. — L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 126. — M a r t in i , Textgeschichte, p. 41. — M e y ie r (d e ), Petau, p. 184. — SE v e r y n s , Chrestom athie, II, p. 15. — VOGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 444. B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 25 n. 1, 27 (Biedl). — R IG I, 13 (1929) p. 132 (Cantarella). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 195. P a la t, g r . 4 2 2 . L e h m a n n , Geschichte, I, p. 126. — M a r t in i , T ext­ geschichte, p. 41. — S e v e r y n s , Chrestom athie, II, p. 15. — VOGEE - G a r d T­ h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 26. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 195. P a la t, g r . 4 2 3 . A e a n d , Liste, nr. 1968. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 228-229. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 309, 1189. — H a e k in , Inédits, p. 57 n. 7. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 244. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 105. A B , 84 (1966) p. 6 (Halkin). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 143. Bizantino-Sicula, p. 97 n. 62 (Schirö). —- Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 707 p, 999 a e b. P a la t, g r . 4 2 4 .

B yzZ , 40 (1940) p. 3 (Wendel) ; 246 (1953) p. 302 (Hunger).

P a la t, g r . 4 2 5 .

L iv a d a r a s , H istoria, p. 243.

— S ch ue Tz , Überliefe­

rung, p. 28. CQ, 58 (1964) p. 183 (West). P a la t, g r . 4 2 6 . F oeei ERI, Teseida, p. 3-5, 8. — K r ia r a s , Mythistorem ata, p. 209. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 784, 870 n. 4, n. 5. — STERNb a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 65, 131, 136, 170. — W e n d e e , Tzetzes, col. 1987. B yzZ , 22 (1913) p. 638 (Dieterich); 23 (1914-20) p. 425; 30 (1930) p. 121 (Schreiner); 51 (1958) p. 123, 124; 52 (1959) p. 418; 55 (1962) p. 215 n. 9, n. 13 (Schreiner). — CL, 49 (1915) p. 3, 6, 8 (Bänescu). — EO, 18 (1916) p. 109. — N H , 13 (1916) p. 133 (Lampros). — R E B yz, 20 (1962) p. 241 (Darrouzès). — Scrip­ torium, 5 (1951) p. 304 (Astrue); 12 (1958) p. 127. — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari). — StBiz, 7 (1953) p. 68-71 (Follieri). — IFS, 10 (1888) p. 33, 260 (Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 47, 208 (Sternbach). D ie e s , H andschriften, I, p. 57, 150; II, p. 10. — F r a n ­ Ca v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 229. — I r ig o in , Histoire, p. 382-383. — T u r y n , Pindarus, p. 50.

P a la t, g r . 4 2 8 .

ch i d e ’

N H , 5 (1908) p. 199, 203 (Lampros). — StBiz, 11 (1964) p. 97, 101 (Mpoum poulides). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 104. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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P a la i, g r. 431. D evreess E, Chaînes, col. 1107. — B atiffol , La V ati­ cane, p. IV. — BEISSEL, M iniaturen, p. 1, 7 sg., tav. IV. — E bersoe T, Miniature, p. 3, 32, 75, tav . I-III. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Note, IX , p. 343. — F ranchi d e ' Cavalieri , S critti, II, p. 161-162. — Ga r d th au sen , Palaeographie, I, p. 22. — G erstinger , Buchmalerei, p. 7, 11, 14, 22. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 424. — K ünzl E - P e r i - R uysschaert , Indici, p. 6. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 45, 55, 56, 81, 216, 287, 288, 316, tav. 18-20. — L ehm ann , Geschichte, I, p. 104; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — N e u ss , Bibelillustration, p. 32 n. 45, 45, 103, 124. — P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, III, p. 597. — R ahlfs , Verzeichnis, p. 244. — S torna jolo , Topografia cristiana, p. 30 η. 15, 38 η. 3. — Τ ικ κ α ν εν , Studien, ρ. 86, 101, 120 η. 1. — W eitzmann , Illustrations, ρ. 4, 10, 124 sg., 171 sg., 191, fig 111, 167, 171, 193. — W eitzmann , Mythology, p. 152, 202, 204 sg., 208. — W eitzmann , Roll, p. 3 e passim. B yzZ, 4 (1885) p. 225; 55 (1962) p. 86. — DOP, 21 (1967) p. 248, tav. 7 (Jenkins - Kitzinger). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 320; 14 (1960) p. 164; 17 (1963) p. 339; 18 (1964) p. 321. — ViVrem, N.S., 5 (1952) p. 189 (Lazarev). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 101 (non cit. esplicit.) (Batllori). — Menologio, p. v ii n. 3, XI n. 3. ^ Congr. byz. V. Catalogo, p. 22. — Congr. byz. X I I I , p. 208 (W eitzmann). P a la t. gr. 432.

M e r c a t i , N o tizie, p. 146. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI GRECI DI PIO II - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C atalo g o H. Stevenson sr .. Codices m anuscripti Graeci Reginae Svecorum et Pii PP . I I Bibliothecae Vaticanae (Bibi. Apost. Vat. codices m anuscripti re ­ censiti), Rom ae 1887. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Pio II g r. 1. Devreesse , Chaînes, col. 1142-1145. — H arnack, Über­ lieferung, p. 405 (cit.: Reg. Suec. II, 1), 837, 928. — K aro - L i ETZmann, Cata­ logus, p. 324. — Mercati, Traduttori, p. 127 n. 2 sg. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 361; III, p. 589; V 1, p. 21. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 244. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 135, 139, 141, 142 (Bertini). — B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 200. — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 188. — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cava­ lieri - Muccio). P io II g r. 2. F icker , Eutherius, p. 17. — Goetz (von der ), Logos, p. 23. — Opitz , Untersuchungen, p. 51. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 361. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — Stegmann, Arianer, p. 42. — T etz, Antilogie, p. xi. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 309. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canari). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 4 (Bignami-Odier). — Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 260, 266 (Canari). P io II g r. 3. F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 65. — VoGEE GARDTHAUSEN, Schreiber, p. 309. Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canari). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 260 (Canart). Pio II g r. 4. A ubinëau , Grégoire de Nysse, p. 220, 244. —- H eck (van). Orationes, p. x h . — J aeger , Gregorius, I I I 1, p. XE, XErv; V, p. 182; V ili 1, p. 218, 219; IX, p. 12, 76, 92, 131, 136, 187, 194, 210, 330, 421, 431, 460, 474. B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 618. — ROC, 21 (1918-19) p. 415 (Wilmart). — Scrip­ torium, 14 (1960) p. 397; 21 (1967) p. 140. — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Pio II g r. 5. Sajdak , Historia, p. 156, 165, 209 sg. — Vogee - GardT­ Schreiber, p. 309. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canart). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de' Cavalieri - Muccio). Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 261 (Canart).

hausen ,

P io II g r. 6. Sajdak , Historia, p. 112. SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). 19 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici greci di P io II


P io II gr. 7. ByzZ, 20 (1911) p. 568. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 114 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 121 (Gallay). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). P io II gr. 8. Mercati, Osservazioni, p. l n . 1; 34 sg. — Mercati, T ra­ d u ttori, p. 16, 19 n. 1, 95. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224, 361. — R ichard , Asterius, p. xvi, xxviii , x x ix , x x x iv . — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 309. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 155 n. 1 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canari). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). — SO, 25 (1947) p. 62 n. 4, 67 (Richard). Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 261 (Canari). P io II gr. 9. H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 579. — K otter, Überlieferung, p. 79. — W esterink , Psellus, p. 10. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73, tav . 16 b (Canari). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 261 (Canari). P io II gr. 10.

S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio).

P io II gr. 11. M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 37. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 246. — T h i e e (v a n ), Rezension, p. 69. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 222. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canari). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 251, 261 (Canari). P io II gr. 12. Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 253. — Vaccari, Scritti, I, p. 98. S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). P io II gr. 1 3 . P ichard, Roman, p. x x v n. 6. — P i Tra, Monumenta, I, p. x. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 309. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 73 (Canari). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 163 (Benesevic). Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 262 (Canari). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 249, 253 (Canari). P io II gr. 1 4 . K eibansky - Labowsky, Parmenides, p. xxxi. AC, 13 (1944) p. 53 (van Bilsen). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). P io II gr. 1 5 . Mercati, Ipotiposi, p. 4 n. 1. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 244. — R eitzenstein , Etym ologika, p. 89. Biblica, 24 (1943) p. 8 n. 1 (Mercati). — BPEC, N.S., 13 (1965) p. 11 (Co­ lonna). — B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 826. — B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 283. — R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 614. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). — StBiz, 8 (1953) p. 362 (Maschi). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P io II gr. 7-24


P io II gr. 16. H eiberg , Archimedes, III, p. xxvn. SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 η. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). P io II gr. 17. Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 33. SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 η. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). P io II gr. 18. F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 18, 20 sg., 41, 89, 93 sg., 129, 130,135, 136, 162. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 639, 640, 838. — K aro - L i ETz m a n n , Catalogue, p. 332, 344, 347. — K eostermann, Überlie­ ferung, p. 37 η. 1, 110, 114. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224, 245, 345. — V ogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 194. SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 η. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). P io II gr. 19. Lehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 103; II, p. 79 sg., 455. — Mai, Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 36. N H , 4 (1907) p. 485 (Lampros). P io

II gr. 20. R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 244.

P io II gr. 21. Bretz, Asterios, p. 11. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 294. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 32. — L ake , Manuscripts, V II, p. 12. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 72. — Monro - Aeeen , Homerus, I, p. xxx. — R ossi T aibbi, M artirio, p. 35, 42. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 23, 210. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 242. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 252. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 218 (Irigoin); 18 (1964) p. 329. — S IF C , 10 (1902) p. 233 (Tamilia). P io II gr. 22. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, I, p. 66; II, p. 31, 158. — F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 162. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 640. — K ominis, Pardos, p. 100. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 133 n. 4. — Mercati, Nuove note, p. 54 n. 2. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224; V 1, p. 32. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. — R o ssi T aibbi, Martirio, p. 35. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 245. ·— Schaekhausser, Makarios, p. 5 n. 0. — W eyh , Barbara-Legende, p. 11. AB, 21 (1902) p. 17 (anonimo). — Bessarione, 25 (1921) p. 100 n. 4 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 460 (Bonnet). P io II gr. 23. D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 57 n. 4. — E hrhard, Ü ber­ lieferung, II, p. 152. R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 221, 224 (Wenger). P io II gr. 24. D evreesse , Introduction, p. 300. — L ake, Manuscripts, V III, p. 8. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 10. B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 121; 48 (1955) p. 379. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici g reci di P io II


P io I I gr. 2 5 .

EO, 31 (1932) p. 387 (Stéphanou).

P io I I g r . 26. D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1137. — H arnack, Überlie­ ferung, p. 837. — K aro - Di ETzmann, Catalogus, p. 66. — Mariés , Études, p. 29. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 245. P io I I g r . 27. F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). P io II g r . 28. Grosdidier de Matons, Romanos, p. 32 (cit. err. : Regin. gr. 28). S B A W , 4 (1903) p. 557 (cit. err.: Regin. gr. I I 68) (Krumbacher). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 159. — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri Muccio). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 4 (Bignami-Odier). P io I I g r . 29. FoERSTER, Libanius, V III, p. 579. — MorTREUie , Histoire, III, p. 316. — P i Tra, Monumenta, I, p. x. P io I I g r . 30. Bessarione, S. II, 7 (1904) p. 216 n. 2 (de Meester). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 460 (Gaïsser). P io I I g r . 31.

B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 353 (Maas - Mercati - Gassisi).

P io I I g r . 32.

OCP, 21 (1955) p. 316 n. 1, 318 (Strittm atter).

P io II g r . 33. D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 55 n. 4. — Gregory, T ext­ kritik, p. 436. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). P io I I g r . 34. Gregory, T extkritik, hausen , Schreiber, p. 80, 116.

p. 461, 1253. — Vogee - Gardt-

Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov);65 (1895), prilozenija I, p. 7 (Almazov). P io I I g r . 37. F uchs, Schulen, p. 27 n. 4. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 496. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). P io I I g r . 38. AEEEN, Prolegomena, p. 51. — Vian , Quintus, II, p. 61. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). P io I I g r . 39. H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 620. — P i Tra, Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 361. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. — Stevenson, Prodromus, p. x x n. 2. Bessarione, S. II, 7 (1904) p. 218 n. 7 (de Meester). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 105-106. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

P io II gr. 25-50


Pio I I g r. 40. R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 2 4 5 .— S o u ieh é - J agu , Épictète, I, p. exxv , ex x ix , exxxv ; II, p. i; I I I , p. i. Pio I I g r. 41. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). Pio II g r. 42. T orraca, Bruto, p. xxxvm . Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 350. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier).

Pio II g r. 43.

VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 179 n. 5.

P io II g r. 44. Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 39. — De Marco, Scholia minora, p. xeiv . — D rachmann, Cyrillglossar, p. 14, 59. B P hW , 13 (1893) p. 104. — R F IC , S. I I I , 95 (1967) p. 356. — RhM , 43 (1888) p. 458 n. 2, 459 n. 0 (Reitzenstein). P io II g r. 45.

Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 354. Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 299, 300 (Dampsides).

P io II g r. 46. P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, I, p. 400. Pio II g r. 47. AnasTasijëwic , Alphabete, p. 88. — Devreesse , M anuscrits, p. 14 n. 3, 57 n. 1. — E genoeff , Orthographische Stücke, p. 11. — E eter - R adermacher, Analecta, p. 43 n. *. — H iegard, Canones, p. vm, x v -x v i. — H iegard, Scholia, p. x, x x x v m . — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 717 n. 1, 720 n. 28. —- Schermann, Apostellegenden, p. 231. — Schermann, Vitae, p. x x x v i. — Studemund , Anecdota, p. 154, 162, 164, 291. — T amieia, Dialogus, p. 3-5. A S C L , 2 (1941) p. 65, 71 (Mercati). — Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. x x n . — B P hW , 20 (1900) p. 327. — Byzantion, 23 (1953) p. x v n . — B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 277; 11 (1902) p. 621; 41 (1941) p. 232. — OC, 2 (1902) p. 407 (Schermann). — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. x y m . Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 106. Pio II g r. 49. B aehrens, Überlieferung, p. 232. — Devreesse , Chaî­ nes, col. 1102. — K aro - L ietzmann, Catalogus, p. 17. — Dinde , O ktateuchcatene, p. 9 n. 4. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 245. R H E , 45 (1950) p. 489 (Brok). Pio II g r. 50. D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1229, 1230. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 271, 1106. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 131 n. 3, 132. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — Schmid, Einleitung, p. 17, 79. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. B P hW , 50 (1930) p. 773. — B y J , 14 (1938) p. 325 (Schmid). — EO, 6 (1903) p. 308 (Pétridès). — N H , 14 (1917) p. 407 (Dampros). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 190, 194, 197 (Irigoin). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri Muccio). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 4 (Bignami-Odier). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici g reci di P io II

P io II g r. 52. B a t if f o l , L a Vaticane, p. 97 n. 1. — V o g e l - G a r d t Schreiber, p. 266. A B , 79 (1961) p. 19 (Canart). — BBGG, N.S., 8 (1954) p. 116 (Mercati). — M E F R , 8 (1888) p. 301 n. 1 (Batiffol). — RQH, 45 (1889) p. 209 n. 1 (Batiffol). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 115 n. 0 (Giannelli).

ha usen,

P io II g r. 53. S c h o lz , Reise, p. 96. — V o g e l - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schrei­ ber, p. 154. A J P h , 57 (1936) p. 124 (Differ). P io II g r. 54. Ca p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 140. — D o n n ET, Traité, p. 233 n. 1. — L a u r e n t - G u il l o u , Liber, p. 335. S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 18 n. 1 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 4 (Bignami-Odier). P io II g r. 55. B a t if f o l , L a Vaticane, p. iv. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 160, 1098. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. .60. BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 73 n. 33, 78 (Follieri). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI REGINENSI GRECI - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


t* v

fr -

Ca talo go

H. S t e v e n s o n s r ., Codices m anuscripti Graeci Reginae Svecorum et Pii PP . I I Bibliothecae Vaticanae (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices m anuscripti re­ censiti), Romae 1887. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. ‘«V


R egin. g r. 1. BEISSEG, M iniaturen, p. 16, 20, tav. X III. — B o n ic a TTi , Studi, p. 273, fig. 293. — B u b e r g - G e r s t in g e r , H andschriften, I, p. 88. — E b e r s o g t , M iniature, p. 30, 31, tav . X X V II. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Cavagg Er i , Constantiniana, p. 128. — G a r d Th a u s EN, Palaeographie, I, p. 22. — G r a b a r , L'em pereur, p. 1. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 431, 929. — K gos TERMANN, Analecta, p. 12. — K ü n z g E - P e r i - R u y s s c h a e r T, Indici, p. 6. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 45, 81, 300; tav. 60-62. — M e r c a Ti , Opere minori, II, p. 327, 329, 331, 346; III, p. 157 n. 1, 411 n. 2. — M e r c a Ti , Osservazioni, p. 22 n. 2, 84 n. 2. — NEUSS, Bibelillustration, p. 31 n. 32, 47, 99 n. 100, 104, 105, 107. — N y SSEN, Zeugnis, tav . 1, 7, 8. — PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, III, p. 589, 603. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p. 208. — R ah g FS, Verzeichnis, p. 245. — T ik k a n EN, Psalterillustration, p. 116. — T ik k a n EN, Studien, p. 81, 86, 88-98, 111, 115, 122, 126, 128, 131-132, 137-138, 142, 144-145, 147, 153, 159, 191, 231, 285, 293, 327. — V a c c a r i , Scritti, I, p. 148. — W e i Tz m a n n , Illustrations, p. 164, 195, fig. 158. — W e i Tz m a n n , Roll, p. 39 sg., 75, 86; fig. 49, 51. A S , 1927, p. 123, 139, 140 (Friend). — Bibliofilia, 61 (1959) p. 142, 142 n. 1, 148 (Bonicatti). — B P E C , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 93 (Degani). — BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3 (1956-57), 1, p. 126 n. 0 (Bonicatti). — Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 41 (Brehier); 34 (1964) p. 452, 452 n. 5 (Follieri). — ByzZ, 4 (1895) p. 224; 29 (1929) p. 284 (Lazarev); 52 (1959) p. 37 n. 31 (Messerer). — CArch, 15 (1965) p. 49 n. 16 (Sevcenko). — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 302 (Irigoin). — DOP, 4 (1948) p. 262 n. 406 (Anastos); 17 (1963) p. 386 (W eitzm ann - Sevcenko); 19 (1965) p. 168 n. 32 (Der Nersessian). — RSO, 10 (1923-25) p. 239 n. 2 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 9 (1955) p. 298; 12 (1958) p. 198, 202 (Schapiro); 14 (1960) p. 411; 17 (1963) p. 337; 20 (1966) p. 300; 316; 335. — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 61 (Ajnalov); 192; 12 (1905) p. 130 n. 2, n. 4 (Redin). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 23. — Menologio, p. 7 n. 2, 61 n. 4. — M i­ niature, passim. — Montfaucon, nr. 1. R e g in . g r . 2. D evrEESSE, Commentaire, p. x v n . — F ischer - F ran­ chi d e ’ Cavagieri, Codex Urbinas, I, p. 200. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — V ogeg - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 159. SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 16 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Montfaucon, nr. 908. R e g in . g r. 3. A c h EGIS, H ippolytstudien, p. 205, 224. — A g a n d , Liste, nr. 884. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 229, 1112. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 840. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — K a r o - L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 577. — K o e t s c h a u , Textüberlieferung, p. 83, 116, 157. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — R a u e r , Lukaskom m entar, p. 7, 26, 31. — R a u e r , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici R egin en si greci

Orígenes, p. XLV, l iv . — REtrss, Johannes-K om m entare, p. x m . — R e u s s , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 184. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S i c k e n b e r g ë r , Fragm ente, p. 66. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 95 n. 2. — S ic k e n BERGER, Studien, p. 31 n. 1, 70, 141. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 150. RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 68, 74 (Sickenberger). Montfaucon, nr. 635. R e g in . g r. 4. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 2006. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 313, 1190. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 474 n. 1. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. Montfaucon, nr. 620. R e g in . g r . 5. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 885. — D ev reesse , Chaînes, col. 1165. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 229. — H E i n r i c i , E rklärung, p. x ix , x xv. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — R a u e r , Lukaskom m entar, p. 21. — RETJSS, M at­ thäus-K atenen, p. 69-71, 77, 78, 126, 181. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403.

— Sickenberger , Studien, p. 122. Montfaucon, nr. 622. R e g in . g r . 6. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 886. — B e c k , Kirche, p. 711. — B o n M ethodius1, p. x x v n . — Co s t il , D udith, p. 276 sg. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1205. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 229, 230, 1112. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 477, 478, 836, 839, 840. — K a r o - L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 568, 595. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 260. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 83 n. 1. — M e y ie r (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 230. — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, I I I , p. 611. — R e u s s , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 224-225, 226. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 218-220. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 395. — V o g e l - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 103 n. 5. Bíblica, 5 (1924) p. 306 n. 1 (Staab). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 313 (Lampros). — R SP h, 19 (1930) p. 305 (Devreesse). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 172; 13 (1959) p. 270. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 164 n. 5 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 616. w etsch,

R e g in . g r. 7. A c h e l is , H ippolytstudien, p. 96, 98 n. 4, 100, 224. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 232. — B u y t a e r T, Eusèbe d ’Emèse, p. 179. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1108. — D e v r e e s s e , O ctateuque, p. x i n. 5. — F a u l h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 6, 7, 9 sg., 69 n. 1. — H a r n a c k , Überlie­ ferung, p. 282, 405, 422, 446, 627, 628 sg., 836. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, VI, p. Lxxxi. — K a r o - L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 7, 317. — L i n d l , Oktateuchcatene, p. 8, 8 n. 4. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 198, 224, 350; III, p. 555,

596. — R ahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 246. B yzZ , 18 (1909) p. 389 (Faulhaber). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 177. Miscell. Tisserant, V I, p. 204 (Canart). — Montfaucon, nr. 613. R e g in . g r. 8. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 261-262. (H em m erdinger-Iliadou). Montfaucon, nr. 640. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin. gr. 4-15


R egin. g r. 9. A l a n d , leiste, nr. 887. — B e c k , Kirche, p. 596. — B r o o k e , Heracleon, p. 19. — B r o o k e , Origen, I, p. x xv, x x v i. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1198, 1200, 1201. — DEVREESSE, Essai, p. 289 n. 6, 292-293. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 19 n. 5, 55 n. 4. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 229, 1112. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 840. — H e r g e n r o e Th e r , Photius, I, p. 73 n. 14. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 587. — K r u m b a c h e r , Ge­ schichte, p. 77. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV 2, p. 114 (nota ms. di A. Mai in Vat. lat. 9621), 147; V II 1, p. 1 (nota ms. di A. Mai in V at. lat. 9624), 396; X 3, p. 283. — P r EUSCHEN, Orígenes, p. tx iii. — REUSS, Johannes-K om m entare, p. XIII, XVIII, XX, XXIV, XXXIV. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 157. B y J , 17 (1944) p. 69 (Reuss). — R B i, 36 (1927) p. 203, 209(Devreesse). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 225 (Irigoin); 13 (1959) p. 270. Montfaucon, nr. 610.

R egin. g r. 10. BEISSEE, M iniaturen, p. 55. — K i.ostermann, Analecta, p. 12. — Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 160 nr. 7, 168 nr. 82, 169 nr. 90, 193, 195, 198. — P erry , Secundus, p. 10. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 246. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 93. — B P hW , 55 (1935) p.916. — REG,78 (1965) p. 711. Montfaucon, nr. 5. R egin. g r. 11. Ai,and, Eiste, nr. I 616. — Bensi.y , Ezra, p. x x , x x x . — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 472, 1231. — L a u r e n t - G u il l o u , Liber, p. 326. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 426. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 198, 224, 360. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 244. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Vioi.ET, Überlieferung, p. xxix. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 172. Montfaucon, nr. 627. R egin. g r. 12. Aland, Liste, nr. I 129. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 398. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 327. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 244. — S cholz, Reise, p. 96, 111. — S crivene Rj I ntroduction, I, p. 403. — T ik k a n en , Psalterillustration, p. 155 n. 1. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 172; 20 (1966) p. 327. Montfaucon, nr. 877, 879. R egin. g r. 13. Beissee , M iniaturen, p. 55. —- Mëarns, Canticles, p. 10, 12. — Meyier (de ), P etau, p. 200. — R ahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 246. A B , 72 (1954) p. 6 n. 8 (Delehaye). R egin. g r. 14. Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. B P hW , 47 (1927) p. 402. R egin. g r. 15. D i Ek a m p , H ippolytos, p. e v i n. 1. — E h r h a r d , Ü ber­ lieferung, I I I , p. 470. — F r a n c h i d e ' Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 230-231. — H e is e n b e r g , Curriculum, p. e v i i . — L a o u r d a s , Photius, p. 22*, 121*. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 52. — M e y i e r (d e ), Petau,p. 134. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 84. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici R egin en si greci

A B , 68 (1950) p. 103 (Loenertz). — R H E , 24 (1928) p. 368 n. 2 (Martin). — StBiz, 4 (1935) p. 298 (Mercati). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 164 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 614. R e g ln , g r . 16. Me y ie r (d e ), Petau, p. 134. RPh, N.S., 20 (1896) p. 246. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 164 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 633. R e g in . g r . 17. Me y ie r (d e ), Petau, p. 193, 197, 198. Montfaucon, nr. 623. R e g in . g r. 18. D evreesse , Introduction, p. 96 n. 7, 97 n. 2, 301. — FoERSTER, Fibanius, IX , p. 206; X, p. v n . — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 133. — F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri - F ietzmann, Specimina, tav . 24. — Garitte , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 131. — H arnack, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — J aeger , Gregorius, V III 2, p. exxi, 2. — F ake , M anuscripts, V III, p. 8. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — P usey , Cyrillus, I, p. xv. — R udberg , Études, p. 96, 180. — Schubart, Palaeographie, p. 162 (nr. 24). — V ogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 140. Byzantion, 1 (1924) p. 268 (Granic). — B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 121. — CM F, 6 (1900) p. 318 (Stembach). — Musëon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). — Scrip­ torium, 15 (1961) p. 340. ' Montfaucon, nr. 612. R e g in . g r. 19. S a jdak , H istoria, p. 23 sg. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). Montfaucon, nr. 625. R e g in . g r. 20. MERCATI, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 443 n. 115. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). Montfaucon, nr. 626. R e g in . g r. 21. D arrouzès , Chapitres, p. 11. — K rivochéine - P araSyméon, I, p. 107, 189, 201; II, p. 8; III, p. 8. OCP, 20 (1954) p. 311 n. 1, n. 2. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 396; 18 (1964) p. 335; 20 (1966) p. 169. Montfaucon, nr. 617. mEEEE,

R e g in . g r . 22. H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 300. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 122 η. 4. — P i Tra , M onumenta, II, p. 248. — S tähein , Stro­ m a ta 1, p. e u . — T uryn , Codices, p. 10, 138. — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 1. A B , 84 (1966) p. 509. — Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 100 n. 4 (Mercati). Montfaucon, nr. 634. R e g ln , g r. 23. Ma i , Bibliotheca, V III, p. x x n i, xxiv. — V ogee Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 227. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin . gr. 16-30


B y ] , 7 (1929-30) p. 446 (Schissei). — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 618. — BQ A , 7 (1893) p. 53, 57 (Ehrhard). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 129. Montfaucon, nr. 636. R egin . gr. 24. S a j d a k , Codices, p. 53 n. 2. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 59. B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 297 (Cantarella). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 67 (Sinko). Montfaucon, nr. 878, 895. R e g in . g r. 25. D arrouzès, Chapitres, p. 11. — J ugie , Theologia, II, p. 754. JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 332. — OCP, 20 (1954) p. 316, 316 n. 1, 317, 317 n. 1 (Krivocheine). — OrChr, 12 (1928) p. EXXin (Hausherr). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 396. Montfaucon, nr. 619. R e g in . g r . 26. R udberg , Études, p. 86. — R udberg , Homélie, p. 150. R M , 48 (1958) p. 88, 89 (Rouülard). Montfaucon, nr. 630. — Studia Patristica, III, p. 118 (de Aldama); V II, p. 91 (Musurillo). R e g in . g r . 27. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). Montfaucon, nr. 891. R e g in . g r. 28. Aeand, Liste, nr. 154. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 159, 1098. — Grosdidier de Matons, Romanos, II, p. 8; III, p. 8; IV, p. 8. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. — REUSS, M atthäus-K atenen, p. 221, 229. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96 (cit. anche corne Alex. V at.). — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. Montfaucon, nr. 872. R e g in . g r. 29. Aeand, Liste, nr. 450. — E genoefe, Orthoepische Stücke, p. 7. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 231. — Gregory , T ex t­ kritik, p. 271, 1106. — Lazarev, Istorija, p. 304. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, ρ. 283. — Mercati, Opere minori, I I I , p. 59. — R obinson, Euthaliana, p. 44, 46. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96 (cit.: Alex. Vat. 29). — Scrivener , Introduction, I, ρ. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 161 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). R e g in . g r . 30. H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 78. — R oques - H eie Gandieeac (de ), Denys, p. 46, 60, 63. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilla). — Bessarione, 23 (1908) p. 104 (Turturro). — B y ] , 3 (1922) p. 80 (Maas). — REG, 73 (1960) p. 310. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 141; 13 (1959) p. 169; 185 (Irigoin). Montfaucon, nr. 864. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici R egin en si greci

D evreesse , Introduction, p. 311. — F ranchi d e ’ Ca- L i ETzmann, Specimina, tav. 37. — Giannelli, Codices Vat. II, p. 77. — K ominis, Pardos, p. 97, 110. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 331. — Schubart, Palaeographie, p. 165 (nr. 37). — Stevenson, Prodromus, p. x x v ii. — T uryn , Codices, p. 10, 67-70. R e g in . g r. 31.


Byzantion, 1 (1924) p. 271 (Granic). — Scriptorium, 4 (1950) p. 203 (Irigoin); 12 (1958) p. 129. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 164 n. 5 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 874. R e g in . g r. 32. F aui,haber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 84. — R udberg , Études, p. 72. — RUDBERG, Homélie, p. 150. R M , 48 (1958) p. 88, 89 (Rouillard). Montfaucon, nr. 906. — Studia Patristica, III, p. 118 (de Aldama); V II, p. 91 (Musurillo). R e g in . g r. 33. K ominis, Pardos, p. 106, 107, 110, 111. — Meyier (de ). Codices Vossiani, p. 131. — MEYIER (de ), Petau, p. 162 nr. 26, 166 nr. 61, 193, 195, 199. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. Montfaucon, nr. 867. — Congr. byz. X I , A kten, p. 252 n. 24 (Komines). R e g in . g r . 34.

D ölger, Barlaam-Roman, p. 10. — F ranchi

de ’


lieri , Catalogus, p. 231.

Montfaucon, nr. 932. R e g in . g r . 35. Beck , Vorsehung, p. 41, 42. — HERGENROETHER, Photius, I, p. 161 n. 8, 162 n. 17. — Opitz , Untersuchungen, p. 102 n. 5. — PiTRA, Mo­ num enta, I, p. x ; II, p. 224. — Vogel - GardthausEn , Schreiber, p. 94. R E B yz, 12 (1954) p. 48 (Darrouzès). Montfaucon, nr. 887. R e g in . g r. 36. Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 283. Montfaucon, nr. 621. R e g in . g r. 37.

Montfaucon, nr. 866.

R e g in . g r. 38. Barnard, Clement, p. xxrv. — Stählin , Beiträge, p. 31. — Stählin , Protrepticus1, p. xliv . — Stählin , Protrepticus2, p. xliv . — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 405. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). Montfaucon, nr. 862. R e g in . g r. 39. MercaTi , Note, p. 146, 147 n. 2, 167, 175. OCP, 21 (1955) p. 259 n. 3 (Mercati). Montfaucon, nr. 880. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egln, gr. 31-44


R e g in . g r . 40. C o h n - W E n d e a n d , Philo, I, p. e i x . — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1089, 1092, 1118, 1119, 1122, 1125-1127. — H a r n a c k , Überlie­ ferung, p. 295, 405, 837, 926. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 35. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V II 2, p. 136. — M a r ié s , Études, p. 29. — M ër c a TI, Fram mento, p. 13, 31. — M e r c a t i , Note, p. 146, 147 n. 2, 167, 175. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, II, p. 383 n. 3, 392, 458. — M e r c a t i , Osservazioni, p. 6, 10, 18 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. x x ix n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. xrv e passim. — M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p. 63 n. 2, 68 n. 1, 89 n. 2, 130 n. 4, 183, 195 sg., 198-209. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 131, 310, 407; III, p. 238, 367, 370. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 246. — R i ­ c h a r d , Asterius, p. x ix , x x x . — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 99. — W e g e h a u p T, P lutarchstudien, p. 23. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 9 (Mercati). — OCP, 10 (1944) p. 9, 16 (Mercati); 26 (1960) p. 309 n. 2, 311 n. 3, 320 n. 1 (Rondeau). — RecSR, 44 (1956) p. 563, 564 (de R iedm atten). — ROC, 24 (1924) p. 60, 74, 75 (Mariés). — RPh, N.S., 38 (1914) p. 173 (Mariés). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 163. — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 220, 221 (Giannelli). Montfaucon, nr. 881. R e g in . g r. 41. D evreesse , Introduction, p. 52. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaEiERi, Catalogus, p. 232. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri - L ietzmann, Specimina, tav. 25. — L ake , M anuscripts, V III, p. 9. — SchubarT, Palaeographie, p. 162 (nr. 25). — Studemund, Anecdota, p. 162. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schrei­ ber, p. 335. B yzZ , 40 (1940) p. 121. — REG, 24 (1911) p. 89. — RPh, N.S., 35 (1911) p. 96. Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 24. R e g in . g r . 42. F h r iia r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 999. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 232. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 10, 138-139. — V o g e e G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 348. Montfaucon, nr. 871. R e g in . g r. 43. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 129. — E hrhard, Ü ber­ lieferung, III, p. 953 n. 2. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 232. — Gardthausen, Palaeographie, II, p. 244. — Mey Endorff , Introduction, p. 385. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 290. — P etit - Sidéridès - J ugie , Scholarios, III, p. 40. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 144. N H , 9 (1912) p. 345 (Lampros). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 89. — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 67 n. 1 (Giannelli). Miscell. Mercati, I I I , p. 181 n. 38 (Giannelli). — Montfaucon, nr. 892. R eg in . g r. 44. Aeand, Liste, nr. / 571. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1101. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 609 n. 2, 621, 675 n. 1, 703 n. 2. — F ran­ chi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 232-234. — Geezer - H iegenfeld - Cun Tz, P atres Nicaeni, p. xix. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 436. — K aro - L ietzmann, Catalogus, p. 17. — L inde , O ktateuchcatene, p. 9 n. 4. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici R egin en si greci

p. 283. — Mëyier (de ), Codices Perizoniani, p. 6. — P itra , M onumenta, 1, p. x. — R euss , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 21. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 279. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 248. — Schwartz, Bischofslisten, p. 69 n. 2. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. A B , 22 (1903) p. 377 (Galante). — Byzantion, 11 (1936) p. 429, 433 (Ho­ nigm ann); 12 (1937) p. 325 (Honigmann); 14 (1939) p. 50 n. 5, 51, 51 n. 1, 59, 60 (Honigmann). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 85 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 748g, 863n, 1081d, 1617e, 2353k. R e g in . g r. 45. B o r n e r t , Commentaires, p. 89 n. 4. — Ca n a r T, Archivio, p. 36, 41, 42. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 609 n. 2, 610, 621, 675 n. 1, 703 n. 2. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 234. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 176 n. 10. — P it r a , M onumenta, II, p. 244, 248. Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 16 n. 1 (Canart). — ViVrem, 11 (1904) p. 868 (Benesevic). Congresso Eucaristico, II, p. 704 (Hofmann). — Montfaucon, nr. 904. R e g in . g r. 46. B ornert, Commentaires, p. 131, 145. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 638. — K otter, Überlieferung, p. 79. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 297. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 24. — W arteee E, Inventaire, p. 145. B y J , 7 (1929-30) p. 330 (Redl). — Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 200 (Redl); 9 (1934) p. 274 (Schissei). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). Montfaucon, nr. 938. R e g in . g r . 47.

Montfaucon, nr. 926.

R e g in . g r . 48. B o r n e r t , Commentaires, p. 212 n. 4, 213 n. 1. — D a r Chapitres, p. 21. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 234. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 160. -— P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 245. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 503. — R u d b e r g , Études, p . 175. R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 177. — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145 (anonimo). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 164 n. 5 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 907. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr3, nr. 959b.

r o u z è S,

R e g in . g r. 49. A eand, Liste, nr. I 572. — D obschüTz (von), Christus­ bilder, p. 9, 29, 31, 33, 34. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 595, 609, 619, 620. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 235. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 436, 1230. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 510. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 274. — V ogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 15. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 540 (von Dobschütz). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 164 n. 5 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 905. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 748w, 1641b. r R e g in . g r . 50. Merca TI, Opéré minori, IV, p. 71. Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 164 (Mercati). Montfaucon, nr. 897. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin. gr. 45-57 R egln, gr. 51.


PiTRA, M onumenta, I, p. x, 3, 7; II, p. 304. — Vogel -

Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 26. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 57 (Petrucci). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 393. Montfaucon, nr. 638. R egin . gr. 52. P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. — Vogei, - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 26. Montfaucon, nr. 638.


R egin . gr. 53. E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 963 n. 2. — F ranchi Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 235. Montfaucon, nr. 624.

R egin. gr. 54. Aland, Liste, nr. I 924. — AyoutanTI - Stöhr - HÖEG, Hymns, p. xi,v n. 42. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 451, 1249. — Grosdidier de MaTons, Romanos, II, p. 135. — Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 165 nr. 51, 193, 195,197,198. — P itra , Analecta sacra, I, p. 222. — Strunk , Specimina, p. 176-178. — T ardo, Melurgia, p. 59, 62 n. 1, 344, 348. A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 225, 238 (Tardo). — BBGG, N.S., 4 (1950) p. 120 n. 15 (di Salvo); 5 (1951) p. 221 (di Salvo); 17 (1963) p. 50 (di Salvo). — S B A W, 4 (1903) p. 557 (Krumbacher). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 159. Montfaucon, nr. 618. — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2, 266 n. 121, 268 n. 128 (Follieri). — Persia, p. 228 n. 3 (Follieri). R egin. gr. 55. K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 6 7 4 .— Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 166 nr. 58, 194, 197, 198. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 507. Montfaucon, nr. 637. R egin. gr. 56. Bidez , Philostorgius, p. cl. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 378. — F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 235-237. — Oldfather, Studies, p. 399. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 164. Bessarione, 2 (1897) p. 247 n. 1. — Byzantion, 3 (1926) p. 327 (Abel). —: OC, 4 (1904) p. 279 (Batareikh). Montfaucon, nr. 615. R e g in . g r. 57. B e n e §Ev i Ö, O tvety, p. 2, 3. — B e n e Se v i C, Sbomik, p. 57 n. 1, 61 n. 4, 63 n. 5, 332. — D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. II, p. 240. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 315. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i - L ie t z m a n n , Spe­ cimina, tav . 43. — G a r d t h a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 441. — G r u m e l , Regestes, nr. 804, 805, 832, 844, 845, 847-849, 858, 896, 897, 1130. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 417, 804. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 79. — P it r a , Monu­ m enta, I, p. x, 7, 8, 8 n. 1, 47, 65-67, 425, 538, 545; II, p. 169, 206, 224, 317, 354. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 232, 304. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 248. — S c h u b a r t Palaeographie, p. 166 (nr. 43). — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 19. — T u r y n , Codices, p. xvi, 10, 154-156. B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 180. — EO, 35 (1939) p. 88-90 (Grumel). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 129 (Przychocki). — R E B yz, 3 (1945) p. 174 (Grumel). — Scriptorium.

20 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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12 (1958) p. 171; 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p.374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). — W S, 33 (1911) p. 263 (Przychocki). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. 6 e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Montfaucon, nr. 639. R egin. gr. 58. A y o u t a n TI - S t ö h r - HÖEG, Hymns, p. x e v n. 42. — F r a n c h i d e ' Ca v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 237. — L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 334. — M e y i ER (d e ), Petau, p. 165 nr. 53, 194, 195, 197, 198. — STRUNK,

Specimina, p. 180-182. OC, 3 (1903) p. 460, 483 (Gaisser). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 172. Montfaucon, nr. 629. — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). R egin . gr. 59. A e a n d , Liste, nr. I 573. — Ca r in i , Vaticana, p. 92. S im e o n i , Animadversiones, II, p. 108. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 436, 1230. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — M e y i ER (d e ), Petau, p. 165 nr. 52, 194, 195, 197, 198. — R a a s t e d , Intonation formulas, p. 115-116. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S t r u n k , Specimina, p. 183-184. —T a r d o , Melurgia, p. 59. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 225, 238 (Tardo). — BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 221 (di Salvo). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 460, 469 (Gaisser). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 14. Montfaucon, nr. 628. —


R egin. gr. 60. E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 585, 691; III, p. 964. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 237. Montfaucon, nr. 901. — Congr. byz. X I I , III, p. 279 (Mijovic). R egin. gr. 61. A B , 80 (1962) p. 262, 274 n. 3 (Follieri). — Scriptorium 17 (1963) p. 166. Montfaucon, nr. 863. — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). R egin. gr. 62. V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 47. OCP, 21 (1955) p. 263 (Mercati). Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). R egin. gr. 63.

D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 310. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca ­ - LiETZMANN, Specimina, tav . 36. — S c h u b a r t , Palaeographie, p. 165 (nr. 36). — T u r y n , Codices, p. 10, 44-46. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber,

v a e i Er i

p. 52. A B , 84 (1966) p. 509. — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — REG, 24 (1911) p. 89. — RPh, N.S., 35 (1911) p. 96. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 224-225, 227 (Halkin). Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). R egin. gr. 64. Ayou Tanti - S t ö h r - HÖEG, Hymns, p. L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 334. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 172. Montfaucon, nr. 909.


n. 42. —

R egin. gr. 65. V ogee - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 134. Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin. gr. 58-72


R e g in . g r . 66. F ick er , Erlasse, p. 43 (cit. err.: 896). — Grumee , Regestes, nr. 992, 1126. — H ergenroether , Photius, I, p. 246 n. 28. — L ampros , Choniates, I, p. 345. — Mandaeä , Protesi, p. 22. — Mey ie r (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 144. — MEYIER (d e ), Petau, p. 163 nr. 37 e 38, 165 nr. 50, 166 nr. 63, 168 nr. 80, 173 nr. 132, 190, 191, 195, 199. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 317. — S ajdak , Historia, p. 119. — V ogee - G ardthatjsen, Schreiber, p. 385. B L E , 15 (1913) p. 126 n. 1 (Cavallera). — R S H A R , 26 (1945) p. 259 n. 4 (Laurent). — EO, 7 (1904) p. 222 (Pargoire); 26 (1927) p. 399, 402 n. 1 (Laurent). — N H , 18 (1924) p. 259 (Lampros). — OrChr, 33 (1934) p. 219 (Stadtm iiller). — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 113 n. 1, 120 n. 10 (Oikonomid6s). — StBiz, N.S., 4 (1967) p. 4 n. 6 (Guilland). Miscell. Böiger, p. 167 n. 5 (van Dieten). — Montfaucon, nr. 896. R e g in . g r. 67. B e c k , Vorsehung, p. 26. — G r u m e e , Regestes, nr. 1075, 1113. — M a i , Collectio, IV, p. v. — M e y i e r (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 144. — M e y i e r (d e ), P etau, p. 163 nr. 39, 190, 191, 195, 199. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 178. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a t js e n , Schreiber, p. 385. B L E , 15 (1913) p. 126 n. 1 (Cavallera). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 144 n. 17, 145 n. 21 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205. Miscell. Dölger, p. 167 n. 5 (van Dieten). — Montfaucon, nr. 890. R e g in . g r . 68. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 2021. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 318, 1190. — S c h m id , Einleitung, p. 79. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403.—S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a t js e n , Schreiber, p. 77. B y J , 14 (1938) p. 325 (Schmid). Montfaucon, nr. 912. R e g in . g r. 69. H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 620. — Mey ier (d e ), Petau, p. 162 nr. 21, 194, 199. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. x x m , 224. Montfaucon, nr. 902. R e g in . g r. 70. A eand , Liste, nr. I 1289. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 476, 1273. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. Montfaucon, nr. 884. R e g in . g r . 71. FoERSTER, Libanius, IX , p. 183. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 133. — F ritz , Synesios, p. 369. — MEYIER (de ), Petau, p. 47, 50, 161 nr. 17, 164 nr. 43, 44 e 45, 170 nr. 102, 199. — Sajd a k , Historia, p. 85. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, p. x x x m , e v ii , ex , e x h i , exvii -ex ix , ex x i , e x x iii , exxv , EXXVI, EXXIX-EXXXII, EXXXIV-EXXXVI, EXXXIX, XCI, XCII, XCIV-XCVI, CV, CVII,

cv m , cxiv, e x v m , cxxh , c x x m . B P E C , N.S., 10 (1962) p. 2 (Terzaghi). — B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 298 (Cantarella). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 169; 262 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 921. R egin. gr. 72.

M ontfaucon, nr. 903. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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R eg in . g r. 73. L oeschcke - H einem ann . Gelasius, p. xvi. — Mey ie r ( d e ), Petau, p. 166 nr. 59, 199. — PiTRA, Monumenta, I, p. x. Montfaucon, nr. 886. R e g in . g r. 74. MEYIER (d e ), Petau, p. 161 nr. 11, 194, 195, 198. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 290. Montfaucon, nr. 899. R egin. gr. 75. Batiffoe , Rossano, p. 87, 90, 156. — Bubere - Ger STINGER, H andschriften, II, p. 107. — Cozza - Luzi, Cronaca, p. 109 n. 1, 123, 125. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 292. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 11, 30. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri - Lietzmann, Specimina, tav. 16. — HöEG Zuntz, Prophetologium, p. 31, 107, 277, 424. — L ake , Fam ily, p. 61. — L ake , M anuscripts, IX , p. 2. — P i Tra, Monumenta, I, p. x. — R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 246. — SchubarT, Palaeographie, p. 160 (nr. 16). — VoGEE- Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 409. BBGG, N.S., 11 (1957) p. 40 (Cappelli). — Bybul, 2 (1966) p. 134 n. 51 (Treu). — B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 124. — Museon, 78 (1965) p. 176 (Jacob). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 311 (Vaccari). — R F IC , 81 (1953) p. 265 n. 1. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 218 (Irigoin). Miscell. Lake, p. 195, 196, 198, 216, 219 (Höeg - Zuntz). — Miscell. Leo­ ne X I I I , p. 25 (Carini). — Alto medioevo, p. 345 (Bonicatti). — Centri, p. 105 (Pertusi). — Montfaucon, nr. 869. R e g in . g r . 76. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 1848. — M e y ie r (d e ), Petau, p. 43, 50, 162 nr. 22, 164 nr. 41, 200. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. — VoGEE G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 34, 77. Montfaucon, nr. 883. R eg in . g r. 77. A c h e e is , H ippolytstudien, p. 146, 147, 150, 154, 224. — C o iin - W e n d e a n d , Philo, II, p. x v il; III, p. xv. — F a u e h a b e r , HoheliedCatenen, p. 78, 83, 85 sg., 117, 118, 121 sg., 132 sg. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 634 sg., 838. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 304. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V II 2, p. in . —- M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 397 n. 3. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. x x i i i , 224; III, p. 521 sg., 524. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 438. B yzZ , 56 (1963) p. 262 (Easterling). Montfaucon, nr. 875. R e g in . g r. 78. M e y ie r (d e ), Petau, p. 163 nr. 28, 194, 195, 200. Montfaucon, nr. 889. R e g in . g r. 79. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 155. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 159, 1098. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — S c h o ez , Reise, p. 96 (cit. anche come Alex. Vat.), 100. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schrif­ ten, I, p. 60. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 162 n. 3, 165 n. 1 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 873. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin. gr. 73-88


R e g in . g r. 80. H u b e r t , Plutarchus, IV, p. x x i, x x i i , x x v ; VI 1, p. ix, x x . — H u b e r t - P o h l e n z - D r e x l e r , Plutarchus, V 3, p. x m . — K o u g e a s , Arethas, p. 120 n. 6. — L o w e , Vitae, p. 18. — M e y ie r (d e ), Petau, p. 26, 47, 50, 168 nr. 82, 172 nr. 119, 198. — N a c h st ä d t - S i E v e k in g - T i t c h e n e r , Plutarchus, p. xxvx, x x x . — P o h l e n z - Z i e g l e r , Plutarchus, p. iv. — T i t ­ c h e n e r , P lutarch, p. 14, 17. — W e g e h a u p t , Plutarchstudien, p. 42, 46. CPh, 46 (1951) p. 106 (Einarson - de Lacy). — Philologus, 47 (1889) p. 617 (Treu); 64 (1905) p. 392-394 (W egehaupt). Montfaucon, nr. 650.

R e g in . I, p. xn; II, Hermes, Misceli.

g r . 81. Lehmann, Geschichte, I, p. 210. — L udwich , Nonnus, p. 1. — Vogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 424. 12 (1877) p. 273 (Ludwich). Albareda, I, p. 164 n. 1 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 664.

R e g in . g r. 82. Cun TZ, Ptolemaeus, p. 35. Montfaucon, nr. 666. R e g in . g r. 83. Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 198. — Sbordone, Geographica, I, p. Ln, LVIII. AC , 28 (1959) p. 36 (Lasserre). — B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 32 (Sbordone). Montfaucon, nr. 665. R e g in . g r. 84. Colonna, Storici, p. 109. — H aury, Procopius, I, p. XLii, Li. — Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 43, 168 nr. 84, 197, 198. — Moravcsik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 491. Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. 398. — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 458 (Kraseninnikov). Montfaucon, nr. 656. R e g in . g r . 85. Mey ie r (d e ), Petau, p. 167 nr. 74, 194, 195, 197, 198. Montfaucon, nr. 655. R eg in . g r. 86. Colonna, Storici, p. 116. — Moravcsik, B yzantinotur­ cica, p. 337. — Soyter, Byzantinische D ichtung, p. 25. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 160 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 421 (de Boor). — JOBG, 7 (1958) p. 73 n. 48 (Pertusi). Montfaucon, nr. 658. R e g in . g r. 87. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 261 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 654. R eg in . g r . 88. B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 264. — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 698 (Raoss). — RPh, S. III, 26 (1952) p. 162-168 (Dain). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 123. Montfaucon, nr. 669. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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R egin. gr. 89. V i e ie e EFOn d , Cestes, p. x e v i . B yzZ, 35 (1935) p. 146; 46 (1953) p. 264 , — RPh, S. I li, 26 (1952) p. 162-168 (Dain). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 123. Montfaucon, nr. 668. R egin . gr. 90. H e i b e r g , Astronomica, p. x x iv , e . — MOGENET, Almageste, p. 14. — PETERS - K n o b e l , Catalogue, p. 18, 21. — R o m e , Commentaires, I, p . XIV. Traditio, 7 (1949-51) p. 228 n. 21 (Mercati). R egin. gr. 91. A e e e n , Homerus, V, p. ix. — A e e E n - H a e e id a y S i k e s , Hom erie Hym ns, p. xiv. — B r e u n in g , H ym ni homerici, p. 6. — H u m b e r t , Homère, p. 13. — MEYIER (d e ), Petau, p. 165 nr. 54, 175 nr. 164i 198. — PER­ TUSI, Leonzio Pilato, p. 158 n. 1. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 138 (Allen). Montfaucon, nr. 661.

R egln, g r. 92. Abee , Scholia recentia, p. vn. — Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, p. x x x v i. — Gaeeavotti, Theocritus, p. 287 n. 2, 327. — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 286, 381. — I rigoin , Scholies, p. 87-92. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 741. — I/iVADARAS, Historia, p. 243. — Monro - Aeeen , Homerus, I, p. x x x . — SchueTZ, Überlieferung, p. 28. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 39. — VoGEE GardThausEN, Schreiber, p. 39. — WENDEE, Theokrit-Scholien, p. 198, 202. B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 106. — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 25 (Smyth). — J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — J T h S , 47 (1946) p. 200 n. 2, n. 4, 202 (Hussey). — R F IC , 68 (1940) p. 245 n. 1 (G allavotti). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 159. — S IF C , N.S., 11 (1934) p. 296 (Gallavotti). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 5. — Montfaucon, nr. 662. R egln, gr. 93.

B u e r m a n n , Isokrates, I, p . 13. — D r e r u p , Isocrates,

p. XX.

Montfaucon, nr. 659.


R egin. gr. 94. Co h n - W e n d e a n d , Philo, I, p. xvi. — D a R io s , Ari­ stoxenus, p. XEVI-XEVII, LV, Exxxrx, xci, x c n , 3. — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. EXXVII. — MEYIER (DE), Petau, p. 162 nr. 20, 166 nr. 60, 168 nr. 81, 170 nr. 97, nr. 103, 171 nr. 105, 110, 113, 175 nr. 153, 176 nr. 169, 198. — MEYIER (D E)H u e s h o f e P o e , Codices graeci, p. 23. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 314. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 24. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 667. R egin. gr. 95. MEYIER (d e ), Petau, p. 168 nr. 78, 182, 195, 198. — VoGEE - GARDTHAUSEN, Schreiber, p. 64. IM U , 6 (1963) p. 260 nr. 1652 (Diller). Montfaucon, nr. 934. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin. gr. 89-104


R egln , gr. 96. Chantraine, Économiques, ρ. 27, 28. — Schenke , Studien, III, ρ. 109, 112. — T haeh EIM, Xenophon, ρ. ν. IM U , 6 (1963) ρ. 258 nr. 1577 (Diller). Montfaucon, nr. 933. R egin . g r . 97. H e n r y , É tats, ρ. 33. — H en r y , Manuscrits, ρ. 124. — H en r y - Schwyzer, Opera, I, p. xvi. — H enry - Schwyzer, Plotinus, p. v ii , x x v m . Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 99 (Müller). — REG, 49 (1936) p. 572 (Henry). — R F IC , 93 (1965) p. 370 (Cüento). Montfaucon, nr. 946. R egin. gr. 98. Coeonna , Storici, p. 22, 60, 159. — P reger , Beiträge, p. 14. — P reger , Scriptores, II, p. xiv, xxv. — SchueTz, Überlieferung, p. 28. — VERPEaux , Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 43, 61-62, 63, 70, 71. Montfaucon, nr. 945. R egin. gr. 99. Aee En , Homerus, III, p. xi. — B érard , Introduction, I, ρ. 13. — B érard , Odyssée, I, p. x x x ix ; II, p. x i; III, p. x i. — P er tu si ,

Leonzio Pilato, p. 133. — VoGEE - Gard Thaus EN, Schreiber, p. 212. P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 12 (Allen). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 165 n. 1 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 913. R egin. gr. 1 0 0 . D a in , Élien, p. 151. — D a in , Tacticiens, p. 10. — D a in , Tactique, p. 91. — VAr i , Tactica, I , ' p. x n . B yzZ, 26 (1926) p. 384. — Eranos, 54 (1956) p. 153 (Dain). — Scriptorium, 1 (1946-47) p. 35 (Dain). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 377 (Dain). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 165 n. 1 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 927. R egin. gr. 1 0 1 . D örriE, Longus, p. 15, 32, 38. — MEYIER (de ), Petau, p. 167 nr. 73, 194, 195, 199. — V ieborg , Tatius, p. xvn, xxm , xxiv. B P hW , 57 (1937) p. 925. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 262 (de Meyier). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 216, 230, 244 (Canart). ■— Montfaucon, nr. 936. R egin. gr. 102. FoERSTER, Libanius, V III, p. 589. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 165 n. 1 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 955. R egin. gr. 1 0 3 . Biede , Exzerpt, p. 8 n. 2, 17. — D arkô , D em onstra­ tiones, I, ρ. XX. — D ü ring , Aristotle, p. 14. — Dong , Diogenes Laertius, I, p. xx; II, p. xiv. — Ma rtini , Analecta, p. 101. — Mey ier (d e ), Petau, p. 25, 48, 50,

167 nr. 76, 199. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 394. ViVrem, N.S., 12 (1957) p. 203, 204 (Veselago). Montfaucon, nr. 931. R egin. gr. 1 0 4 . MEYIER (de ), Petau, p. 48, 50, 52, 172 nr. 128, 175 nr. 155, 177 nr. 179, 200. — Mëyier (de ) - H ueShoff P oe, Codices graeci, p. 143. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 73. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 350; 17 (1963) p. 74, 75 (Canart). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 165 n. 1 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 925. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici R egin en si greci


R egin. gr. 1 0 5 . Coeonna , Storici, p. 33. — Moravcsik , B yzantinotur cica, p. 380. Montfaucon, nr. 942. R egin. gr. 106. MEYIER (de ), Petau, p. 161 nr. 12, 199. Montfaucon, nr. 900. R egin. gr. 107. Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 236. — Ross, Analytics, p. 94. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 641. R egin. gr. 108. J an (von), Musici, p. p. 173 nr. 134, 194, 195, 197, 198.


— Meyi ER (de ), Petau,

REG, 9 (1896) p. 188 (Reinach). Montfaucon, nr. 642. R egin. gr. 1 0 9 . Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 223. — W arTEEEE, In ­ ventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 670. R egin. gr. 1 1 0 . Diehe , Proclus, I, p. x x n . — Meyier (de ), P etau, p. 172 nr. 123, 198. BBGG, N.S., 4 (1950) p. 120 n. 15 (Di Salvo). Montfaucon, nr. 646. R egin. gr. 1 1 1 . Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 7. — H ayduck, Asclepius, p. vi. — Meyier (de ), P etau, p. 170 nr. 98, 198. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 644. R egin. gr. 1 1 2 . Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 41. — Busse , Dexippus, p. IX. -— W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 645. R egin. gr. 1 1 3 . Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 242. — HEISENBERG, Curriculum, p. Lxxiii. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 647. , R egin. gr. 1 1 4 . H eisenberg , Curriculum, p. exxii . — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 657. R egin. gr. 1 1 5 . Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 224. — W arTEEEE, In ­ ventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 917. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin. gr. 105-124


R egin. gr. 1 1 6 . Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 5. — Busse , Isagoge, p. XXIII. — D üring , Aristotle, p. 121. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 14 n. 3. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. II, p. 130, 132. — MEYIER (de ), Petau, p. 48, 50, 169 nr. 93, 198. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — W aeeies , Analytica priora, p. v m . — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 951. R egin. gr. 1 1 7 .

Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 25, 48, 50, 170 nr. 99 e 100,

176 nr. 174. Montfaucon, nr. 653. R egin . gr. 1 1 8 . B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 119. — D rossaar T - L ueofs De somno, p. x x v . — H arnack , De aleatoribus, p. 3, 4, 5. — K rum bacher , Geschichte, p. 552. — Mey ie r (d e ), P etau, p. 172 nr. 127, 198. — Moraux , Aristote, p. CEXXXin n. 1. — S ev Cenko , Polémique, p. 41 n. 6. — W ar TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 146. AC , 28 (1959) p. 363. Montfaucon, nr. 671. R egin . gr. 1 1 9 .

Montfaucon, nr. 945.

R egin . gr. 120. F oerster , Libanius, V, p. 293. — KEIE, Aristides, p. x v n i. — L enz , Prolegomena, p. 32, 156. — W egehaup T, Plutarchstudien, p. 42, 44. B P h W , 32 (1912) p. 1608. — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 401 (W egehaupt). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 178 n. 3 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 910. R egin. gr. 1 2 1 . W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 146. Montfaucon, nr. 918. R egin. gr. 1 2 2 . B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 176.— H e y ebu t , Aspasius, p. vi, x i. — W ar TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 145. Montfaucon, nr. 920. R egin. gr. 1 2 3 . B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 97. — Cohn - W e n d e a n d , Philo, II, p. v u . — E ichhoez, Theophrastus, p. 48. — L orimer , PseudoAristotle, p. 6. — Moraux , A ristote, p. cexxx iv . — R oss, Physics, p. 118. — W ar TEELE, Inventaire, p. 146. CPh, 56 (1961) p. 109 (Wilson); 58 (1963) p. 34 (Richards). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson), 228. Montfaucon, nr. 914-916. R egin . gr. 1 2 4 . B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 216. — Marenghi , Ari­ stotele, p. 34. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 314. — R oos - F o bes , Theophra­ stus, p. XXVI. — W ar TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 146. B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 54 (Marenghi). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson). Montfaucon, nr. 914-916. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici R egin en si greci


R egin. gr. 1 2 5 . B ra n d is , H andschriften, nr. 165. — D reizehnter , U ntersuchungen, p. 68. — Groning en (van ), Aristote, p. 13. — S usem ihe , Oeconomica, p. x x v n . — W ar TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 146. J H S , 38 (1918) p. 75 n. 6 (Ashbumer). Montfaucon, nr. 914-916. R egin . gr. 126. B ra n d is , H andschriften, nr. 225. — W arTEEEE, In ­ ventaire, p. 146. Montfaucon, nr. 643. R egin . gr. 1 2 7 . B oee - BOER, Ptolemaeus, p. VI, xi. — Costie , D udith, p. 231 n. 1, 290, ?95, 299. — L ammert - B oer , Ptolemaeus, p. x x iv . — V ogee Gardth aü sen , Schreiber, p. 27. Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 104-105. — Montfaucon, nr. 929.

i R egin. gr. 1 2 8 . Costie, D udith, D iophantus, II, p. x x m , x x ix . Montfaucon, nr. 651. R egin . gr. 1 2 9 .

p. 298-302, passim. — T annERY,

Montfaucon, nr. 652.

R egin . gr. 1 3 0 . D onnet, Traité, p. 107. — Mercati, Opere minori, I I I , p. 139 n. 1. — Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 131, 176 nr. 173, 187, 196, 198. — VOGEE Gardthaüsen, Schreiber, p. 34. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 259 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 971. R egln , gr. 1 3 1 . B uytaert , Eusèbe d ’Émèse, p. 160. — H ergenroether , Photius, I, p. 246 n. 24. — Ma i , Collectio, I, p. x x ix . — Martini , Textgeschichte, p. 49. — MtiEEER, Uesbonax, p. 20. — W e ster in k , Damascius, p. x n . — W e ster in k , Olympiodorus, p. vu . B P h W , 33 (1913) p. 592. — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 692 (Raoss). — DOP, 16 (1962) p. 395 n. 50 (Diller). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 162 n. 6 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 928. R egin . gr. 1 3 2 . Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 176 nr. 177, 199. Montfaucon, nr. 960. R egin . gr. 133.

Montfaucon, nr. 940.

R egin . gr. 1 3 4 . Vogee - Gardthaüsen, Schreiber, p. 192. Montfaucon, nr. 966. R egin . gr. 1 3 5 .

S tev en so n , Prodromus, p. xx. — W ar TEEEE, Inven­

taire, p. 146. Montfaucon, nr. 944. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin . gr. 125-145


R egin . gr. 1 3 6 . Gianneeei, Codices Vat. II, p. 130. — W arteele , Inventaire, p. 146. Montfaucon, nr. 943. R egin . gr. 1 3 7 . D owney , Them istius, p. x n . — K esters , Plaidoyer, p. 282. — Schenke, Beiträge, p. 12. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 217. — T A P h A , 94 (1963) p. 50 n. 1 (Diller). — W S, 20 (1898) p. 209, 222 (Schenkl). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 165 n. 1 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 941. R egin. gr. 1 3 8 .

B r a n d is , Handschriften, nr.

177. — Meyier (d e ),

Petau, p. 199. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 350. Montfaucon, nr. 959. R egin. gr. 1 3 9 . F ritz , Synesios, p. 369. — Garzya - L oenertz , Pro­ copius, p. XHi. — Ma i , Class, auct., IV, p. x . — Massa P ositano , Enea, p. x x v ii , 2. — Me y ie r (d e ), P etau, p. 179 nr. 203. — R euter s , De epistulis, p. 25. — W eicher T, Demetrius, p. x x x v i. REG, 63 (1950) p. 315. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson); 18 (1964) p. 259 (de Meyier); 20 (1966) p. 153. — S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 222 (Galante). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 165 n. 1 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 957.


R egin . gr. 1 4 0 . Traditio, 7 (1949-51) p. 231 n. 26 (Mercati). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 163 n. 5 (Bignami-Odier). — Catal. astrol., V 4, 105. — Montfaucon, nr. 952. R egin . gr. 1 4 1 . VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 19. B yzZ, 4 6 (1953) p . 480. Montfaucon, nr. 923.

R egin. gr. 1 4 2 . Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 105. — L ivadaras , H isto­ ria, p. 244. — Mey ie r (d e ), P etau, p. 176 nr. 165, 179 nr. 206, 194, 195, 198. — S chuetz , Überheferung, p. 28. — S ternbach , Gnomologium Vat., p. 198. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 259 (de Meyier). — SIF C , 3 (1895) p. 9 n. 2 (Muccio). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 236 (Stem bach). Montfaucon, nr. 968. R egin . gr. 1 4 3 . M e y i e r (d e ), P etau, p. 161 nr. 18, 195, 198. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 24. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 140. R egin. gr. 1 4 4 . MEYIER (de ), Petau, p. 178 nr. 191, 199. Montfaucon, nr. 979. R egin. gr. 1 4 5 . MEYIER (d e ), Petau, p. 178 nr. 193, 199. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 164 n. 5 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 976. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici R egin en si greci


■-.· R egin. gr. 146. Mercati, Opere minori. III, p. 143 n. 4. — Me y i ER (d e ), Petau, p. 176 nr. 167, 184, 195, 199. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 371. — VoGEE - Gardth au sen , Schreiber, p. 158. RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 184. — ViVrem, N.S., 4 (1951) p. 145 n. 2 (Lipsic). — Z B B , 1 (1884) p. 367 (Müller). Montfaucon, nr. 147. R egin. gr. 147. Dieeer , Tradition, p. 38. — F oerster, Libanius, V III, p. 365. — K oster, Manuscrit, p. vm , 47, 87, 100. — KosTER, Scholia, IV 1, p. ix, xxi, Exxvi-Exxvin, Exxix sg. — L ameerE, Tradition, p. 56, 77-78, 82, 161, 172. — MÜEEER, Geographi, II, p. x x x v ii nr. 74. — N ie e n , Lucianus, I 1, p . XIII. B P E C , N.S., 7 (1959) p. 85 (Pucci). — Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 308. — ByzZ, 40 (1940) p. 462; 55 (1962) p. 312; 58 (1965) p. 99. — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 8 (1955) p. 196, 201, 206 (Koster - Holwerda). — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 184. — REG, 76 (1963) p. 383, 391 (Koster). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 134; 14 (1960) p. 209. — SIF C , 12 (1904) p. 160 (de Stefani). Miscell. Bourberes, p. 324 (Livadaras). — Montfaucon, nr. 964. R egin . gr. 148. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 259 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 974. R egin . gr. 149. Meyier (de ), Petau, p. 177 nr. 186, 199. Montfaucon, nr. 972. R egin . gr. 150. K ominis, Pardos, p. 68. Montfaucon, nr. 983.


R egin . gr. 151. A h r e n s , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, p. x x x v . — Gae EAVOTTi , Theocritus, p. 274, 327. — WENDEE, Theokrit-Scholien, p. 202. R egin. gr. 152.

A h r ens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, p. x x x v i. — Gae -

EAVOTTi, Theocritus, p. 275, 327. — L ivadaras , H istoria, p. 244. — W e n d e e ,

Theokrit-Scholien, p. 202. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 163 n. 5 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 1731. R egin. gr. 153. T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 195. Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 35 (Turyn). Montfaucon, nr. 962. R egin. gr. 154. DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 61, 72; 1. N achtrag, p. 31. Montfaucon, nr. 949. R egin . gr. 155. Mey ie r (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 98. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 30, 59. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 144. H SP h, 44 (1933) p. 25 (Smyth). — Scriptorium, 3 (1949) p. 257, 258 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 963. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egln, gr. 146-167


R egin . gr. 156. L in d st a m , Epistulae, p. x. — Me y ie r (d e ), Petau, p. 199. — T er za g h i , Opuscula, p. xxxra, e v ii , e x iii , cxxn, c x x iii . B P E C , N. S„ 10 (1962) p. 2 (Terzaghi). — B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 228 (Voltz). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 169; 261 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 924. R egln , g r. 157. L in d st a m , Epistulae, p. v i, ix . B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 223, 226 (Voltz). — R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 268, 272 (Bassi). R egln , gr. 158. MEYIER (d e ), Petau, p. 178 nr. 195, 195, 198. — V o G E E G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 209. Montfaucon, nr. 975. R egln, gr. 159. H a r n a c k , Apologeten, p. 71. — H a r n a c k , Überlie­ ferung, p. 783. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. 249. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 81. — S o y TER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 22. — VOGEE - G a r d Th a u s EN, Schreiber, p. 26. Montfaucon, nr. 984. R egin. gr. 160.

Montfaucon, nr. 984.

R egin. gr. 161. MEYIER (DE), Petau, p. 178 nr. 192, 195, 199. Montfaucon, nr. 981. R e g ln , g r . 162.

V ogee - G ardthatjsen , Schreiber, p. 26.

Montfaucon, nr. 1095. R egin. gr. 163.

Montfaucon, nr. 977.

R e g ln , g r . 164.

H e is e n b e r g , Curriculum , p. e x x x i ii .

B yzZ, 42 (1942) p. 73 n. 1 (Möhler). Montfaucon, nr. 985. R egln, gr. 165. M e y i e r (d e ), Petau, p. 131, 175 nr. 162, 195, 196, 200. N H , 17 (1923) p. 305 (Lampros). Montfaucon, nr. 954. R egin. gr. 166. C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 79. — K r t j m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 243, 368. — M e y i e r (d e ), p. 168 nr. 79, 200. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 354. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 273. — S o y TER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 25. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 159, 160 (Mercati); 39 (1923) p. 75 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 445. — N H , 1 (1904) p. 270, 280 (Lampros); 2 (1905) p. 376 (Lampros); 12 (1915) p. 370 (Lampros). Montfaucon, nr. 930. — Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 299, 300 (Lampsides). R eg in . g r. 167. M e y i e r (d e ), Petau, p. 170 nr. 104, 171 nr. 106, 200. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 259 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 970. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici R egin en si greci


R egin . gr. 168. FoERSTER, Libanius, IX , p. 173. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 133. — Me y i ER (d e ), Petau, p. 12, 25, 48, 50, 164 nr. 42, 179 nr. 203, 200. B P E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 31 (Garzya). — ByzZ, 18 (1909) p. 186. — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 46 (Garzya). — R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 211 n. 37 (Garzya). Montfaucon, nr. 956. R egin. gr. 169. J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. l x x v h . — Me y i ER (d e ), Petau, p. 170 nr. 103, 185, 200. — Me y i ER (d e ) - H u l s h o f f P o l , Codices graeci, p. 20. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 259 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 969. R egin. gr. 170.

Montfaucon, nr. 958.

R egin. gr. 171. B a Ti f f o l , L a Vaticane, p. v n. 2. — C a r i n i , Vaticana, p. 57 n. 1. — DEV r EESSE, Fonds grec, p. 314 n. 8. — VoGEL - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 178 n. 6, 318. Montfaucon, nr. 571. R egin. gr. 172. D ie l s , H andschriften, I, p. 98, 115. — PERNICE, Testi­ monia, p. 9. — STudemund , Fragm enta, p. 5, 9. R hM , 46 (1891) p. 627 (Pernice). Montfaucon, nr. 648. R egin . gr. 173. DiELS, H andschriften, I, p. 75, 77, 99, 101, 102. — Prorrheticum , p. x x v i. — K o c h , Galenus, p. v n , xi, x i i . — M e w a l d t , Galenus, p. xi. — P o E p p EL, Schrift, p. 101, 102. D ie l s ,

R egin . gr. 174.

DiELS, H andschriften, I, p. 92; 1. Nachtrag, p. 33. —

Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 251. Montfaucon, nr. 948. R egin. gr. 175. DiELS, H andschriften, I, p. 69, 70, 84, 103, 107; 1. N achtrag, p. 35. — DiELS, Prorrheticum , p. ix, xx. Montfaucon, nr. 947. R egin . gr. 176. DiELS, H andschriften, II, p. 75, 78. Montfaucon, nr. 672. R egin. gr. 177. Sajdak , Historia, p. 24. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 259, 262 (de Meyier). R egin . gr. 178. H e y l b u t , Aspasius, p. vi. — W a r t e l l e , Inventaire, p. 146. Montfaucon, nr. 920a. R egin. gr. 179. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 181. — COLWELL, Apocalypse, II, p. 66-67. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 164 n. 5, 168 n. 3, n. 4. — DEVREESSE, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R egin. gr. 168-190


Manuscrits, p. 31 n. 2. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 267, 1098. — M a i , Biblio­ theca, X 3, p. 284. — M e y i e r (d e ), p. 160 nr. 6, 163 nr. 31, 164 nr. 40 e 41, 199. — R o b i n s o n , E uthaliana, p. 44, 46. — S c h m id , Einleitung, p. 12, 274. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 403. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 60. REG, 76 (1963) p. 205 (Hem m erdinger). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 133. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 179 n. 9 (Bignami-Odier). — Montfaucon, nr. 911. DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 40, 86, 113. — G a r d TPalaeographie, II, p. 288. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 426. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 10, 161-162. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 566-571 (Polites). — J H S , 21 (1901) p. 244 (Foat). — N H , 17 (1923) p. 343 (Lampros). Montfaucon, nr. 1052. R e g in . g r . 181.

h a t js e n ,

R e g i n . g r . 1 8 2 . DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 13, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 40, 44, 46, 47; II, p. 53. — J o e y , Recherches, p. 16. — K r u m b a c h e r , Ge­ schichte, p. 293 n. 4. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 275. Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Montfaucon, nr. 939. R e g in . g r . 183.

BEEEOMO, Agapeto, p. 37. — MEYIER (d e ), Petau,

p. 48, 50, 174 nr. 148, 199. R e g i n . g r . 1 8 4 . M e y i e r (d e ), Petau, p. 49, 50, 165 nr. 56, 169 nr. 88, 171 nr. 117 e 118, 175 nr. 157, 179 nr. 208, 200. — P r e g e r , Scriptores, II, p. iv n. 1. — T r a p p , Manuel, p. 18*. Bessarione, 31 (1915) p. 90 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 445; 24 (192324) p. 273. — N H , 2 (1905) p. 161 (Lampros); 11 (1914) p. 312 (Lampros); 15 (1921) p. 96 (Lampros). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 259 (de Meyier). Montfaucon, nr. 953.

R egin. gr. 185.

Montfaucon, nr. 876.

R egin . gr. 186.

Montfaucon, nr. 632.

R egin . gr. 187.

R a h e f s , V erzeichnis, p.

R egin . gr. 188.

R a h e f s , V erzeichnis, p. 247.


R egin. gr. 189. Aeand, Liste, nr. 156. — Gregory, Textkritik, p. 159, 160, 1098. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — MEYIER (de ), Petau, p. 162 nr. 23, 163 nr. 30 e 35, 199. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. R egin. gr. 190. B a t iffo e , L a V aticane, p. rv. — B r a n d is , H andschrif­ ten, nr. 78. — R o s s , Analytics, p. 94. — W a r t e e e e , Inventaire, p. 146. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 255 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). Montfaucon, nr. 922. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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I - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply. ‘s

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21 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C. V a n d e V o r s t , Verzeichnis der griechischen H andschriften der Bi­ bliotheca Rossiana, Zentralblatt fü r Bibliothekswesen, 23 (1906) 492-508, 537-550. E . G o l l o b , Medizinische griechische H andschriften des Jesuitenkollegiums in W ien (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akad. der W issenschaften in Wien, Philos.H istor. Klasse, 158. Bd., 5. Abhand.), Wien 1908. E . G o l l o b , Die griechische L iteratur in den H andschriften der Rossiana in W ien (Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akad. der W issenschaften in Wien, Philos.H istor. Klasse, 164. Bd., 3. Abhand.), Wien 1910. T avole

d i c o n c o r d a n z a c o n l e a n t ic h e s e g n a t u r e

I m anoscritti di Gianfrancesco De Rossi, donati alla sua m orte (1855) alla Compagnia di Gesù, furono nel 1877 trasp o rtati a Vienna, e in seguito nella casa dei Gesuiti di Lainz, finché nel 1922 la Compagnia li affidò in deposito alla Biblioteca Vaticana. Prim a del deposito alla V aticana i m anoscritti, sistem ati senza distinzione di lingua, avevano una segnatura progressiva unica form ata da una cifra rom ana seguita da u n a araba. Nei cataloghi di Van de Vorst e Gollob fu d ata ai m ano­ scritti greci u n a numerazione continua, spesso utilizzata in seguito nelle cita­ zioni. Al m om ento della loro e n tra ta in Biblioteca i m anoscritti Rossiani, ancora sistem ati nell’in d istinta serie originaria, ricevettero una numerazione continua in cifre arabe, che è quella oggi ufficiale. Si offrono due tavole di concordanza con i num eri attuali: una a partire dalle segnature originarie, l'a ltra dalla numerazione di Gollob e Van de Vorst. antiche

Gollob Van de Vorst



Gollob Van de Vorst


V III.77a V III.77b VIII.77C V III.77d V ili. 108 V ili. 109 V ili. 150 V i l i . 190 I X .12 IX . 102 I X .157 IX .248 X.6 X.36 X.68 X.100 X.101 X.105 X.116 X.146 X I.39 X I.40 X I.44 X I.47

1 2 3 4 5 46 7 11 8 19 15 17 42 32 9 6 13 14 10 12 33 34 26 25

135 136 137 138 169 170 211 251 322 412 467 558 625 655 688 720 721 725 736 766 886 887 891 894

X I.48 X I.49 X I.50 X I.77 X I .lll X I .112 X I. 126 X I. 127 X I. 128 X I. 129 X I. 130 X I .131 X I. 132 X I. 133 X I. 136 X I. 147 X I. 160 X I. 167 X I .171 X I. 172 X I.174 X I. 183 X I.305

27 23 37 36 29 18 21 35 38 24 39 30 41 31 16 44 45 40 28 22 20 43 ( I ‘II· Fragm ent)

895 896 897 927 961 962 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 986 997 1010 1018 1022 1023 1025 1034 1169 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Gollob Van de Vorst


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

V III.77a V III.77b V III.77c V III.77d V ili. 108 X.100 V ili. 150 I X .12 X.68 X.116 V ili. 190 X.146 X.101 X.105 IX . 157 X I. 136 IX .248 X I. 112 IX . 102 X I. 179 X I. 126 X I .172 X I.49 X I. 129


135 136 137 138 169 720 211 322 688 736 251 766 721 725 467 986 558 962 412 1025 976 1023 896 979

Gollob Van de Vorst

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ( I .- I I .

Fragm ent)


X I.47 X I.44 X I.48 X I. 171 X I .lll X I .131 X I. 133 X.36 X I.39 X I.40 X I .127 X I.77 X I.50 X I. 128 X I .130 X I. 167 X I. 132 X.6 X I. 183 X I .147 X I. 160 V ili. 109 X I.305


894 891 895 1022 961 981 983 655 886 887 977 927 897 978 980 1018 982 625 1034 997 1010 170 1169 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


R ossian . 135-138 ( = gr. 1-4 = V ili. 77 a-d). Adand, Liste, nr. 2195. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 1372 (cit.: Wien, Jesuiten-Kollegium 1-4). — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 2145 (cit.: Wien, Jesuiten-Kollegium 1-4). R ossian . 1 6 9 ( = gr. 5 = V III. 108). D evreesse , Introduction, p. 47 n. 4, 290. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 33. Scriptorium, 8 (1958) p. 227 (Irigoin). R o ssia n . 2 1 1 ( = gr. 7 = V III. 150). Aeand, Liste, nr. 1366. — Gr e ­ T extkritik, p. 1372 (cit.: Wien, Jesuiten-Kollegium 7).


R o ssia n . 251 ( = gr. 11 = V III. 190). L azarev, Istorija, p. 316. — Martin , Illustration, p. 107-113, 123, 184-186, fig. 225-235. AC , 24 (1955) p. 506, 507. — Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 261 (Osieczkowska). — R E S E , 1 (1963) p. 325 (Barnea). Congr. byz. I V , II, p. 102 (Der Nersessian). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 24.

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 32 n. 3.

R o ssia n . 332 ( = gr. 8 = IX . 12). R o ssia n . 412 ( = gr. 19 = IX. 102). W arteia E, Inventaire, p. 147.

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 31. —

R ossia n . 558 ( = gr. 17 = IX . 248). Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 35 sg., 59. — P ost, Plato, p. 75. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391, 393 (Wilson). R ossia n . 625 ( = gr. 42 = X. 6). R ossian . 721 ( = gr. 13 = X. 101). — Mercati, Traduttori, p. 139 n. 2.

R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 324. Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 32 sg., 59.

Bybul, 2 (1966) p. 140 n. 91 (Treu). R ossian . 725 ( = gr. 14 = X. 105).

Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 59 (Canart).

R ossia n . 736 ( = gr. 10 = X. 166). Bornert, Commentaires, p. 132, 143. — Devreesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 27. — R egnaui/T - P r Év iie e (de ), Dorothée, p. 91 n. 5 (cit.: Vindob. Ross. 10). — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 497. REG, 70 (1957) p. 385 (des Places). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 113. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

R ossian . 135-981


Aeand, Liste, nr. 2432. — MoravSchmid, Einleitung, p. 69.

R o ssia n . 766 ( = gr. 12 = X. 146). csik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 218. —

R o ssia n . 887 (= gr. 34 = X I. 40).

Calai, astrol., V 4, p. 106-107.

R o ssia n . 894. ( = gr. 25 = X I. 47). R ahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 324.

MERCATI, Biblioteche, p. 41. —

R o ssia n . 895 ( = gr. 27 = X I. 48).

Misceli. Bourberes, p. 324 (Livadaras).

R o ssia n . 896 ( = gr. 23 = X I. 49). Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 126.

L ivadaras, H istoria, p. 244. —

R o ssia n . 897 (= gr. 37 = XI. 50). Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 126, 133, 144 n. 1. —- MoGENET,Autolycus, p. 87 n. 2. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. R o ssia n . 927 ( = gr. 36 = X I. 77).

Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 59 (Canari).

R o ssia n . 961 (= gr. 29 = XI. 111). Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 59 (Canari).

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 38.

R o ssia n . 962 (= gr. 18 = X I. 112). Gerstinger , Buchmalerei, p. 18 a sg., 21 b, 23 a, 25 a, 26 a, 31 a, 33 a. — KXibansky - L abowsky, Parmenides, p. x x x , x x x iv , x x x v i, x x x v iii, xivi, 5-80. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 36 sg. A S N P , S. II, 33 (1964) p. 252 (Moreschini). Misceli. Mansion, p. 430 (Saffrey). R o ssia n . 976 ( = gr. 21 = X I. 126). W arteeeE, In v en tan e, p. 147.

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 125. —

Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 59 (Canart). R o ssia n . 977 ( = gr. 35 == XI. 127). D a R ios , Aristoxenus, p. x x x ix , EV, xcv iii, cn, chi , 3. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 124. — W innington I ngram, Quintilianus, p. vili. R o ssia n . 978 ( = gr. 38 = X I. 128). H eiberg , Theodosius, p. v ii . — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 124 sg. — Mogenet, Autolycus, p. 53, 115-125, 153. R o ssia n . 979 (= gr. 24 =

XI. 129).

R o ssia n . 980 ( = gr. 39 = X I. 130). R o ssia n . 981 ( = gr. 30 = XI. 131). 39. — Schmid, Aristides, p. v ii .

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 38.

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 39. Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 31 n. 1,

R hM , 11 (1917-18) p. 119 (Schmid). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici R o ssian i greci

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 38.

R ossian . 982 ( = gr. 41 = X I. 132). R ossian . 983 ( = gr. 31 = X I. 133).

MERCATI, Biblioteche, p. 37.

R ossian . 986 ( = gr. 16 = X I. 136). AeeEN, Prolegomena, p. 52. — Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 17. — Devree SSE, Introduction, p. 188 h. 2. — Gianneeei, Codices V at. II, p. 16 («alios codices»). — H enry , Manuscrits, p. 324. — P aschke, K lem entinen - Epitom en, p. 190, 267. — PETIT - Sid Érid ÈS JUGIE, Scholarios, I, p. xxxviii , 197; IV, p. 234, 236, 306, 348, 385, 502. — P ost, Plato, p. 75. B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 1600. — R hM , 88 (1939) p. 367 (Schwyzer). — Scrip­ torium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 107-109. R o ssia n . 997 ( = gr. 44 = X I. 147). MERCATI, Codici, p. 273 n. 2. M R S , 5 (1961) p. 123 n. 2, 125 n. 2 (Dabowsky). R ossian . 1018 ( = gr. 40 = X I. 167). Hermes, 95 (1967) p. 373 (Gàrtner). R ossian . 1022 ( = gr. 28 =

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 31 n. 1, 40.

X I. 171).

Dieeer , Tradition, p. 38. —

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 34, 123. Misceli. Bourberes, p. 324 (Livadaras). R o ssia n . 1023 ( = gr. 22 = X I. 172).

Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 37.

R ossian . 1025 ( = gr. 20 = X I. 174). S i w e k , De anima, p. 14, 15, 98, 122, 155, 161-163, 165-166, 167, 175, 186. — WARTEEEE, Inventane, p. 147. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI URBINATI GRECI - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Catalo g o C. Stornajogo, Codices U rbinates Graeci Bibliothecae V aticanae (Bibi. Apost. Vat. codices m anuscripti recensiti), Romae 1895. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


U rb in . g r. 1. R ahlFS, Verzeichnis, p. 247. — T uryn , Codices, p. 45. Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 224-225 (Halkin). U rbin. gr. 2. Aland, Liste, nr. 157. — Beissel , M iniaturen, p. 17, 22, tav. X IV A. — B uberl - Gerstinger , H andschriften, II, p. 51, 52. — D e W ald, Illustrations, I I I 1, p. ix . — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 304. — D iekamp , H ippolytos p. xxrv, XLn. — E bersolt, A rts, p. 95, fig. 50. — E bersolt, Mi­ niature, p. 34 n. 1 e 5, 47 n. 7, 65 n. 4, 79, tav. X X X I. — Grabar, L ’empereur, p. 119. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 160, 1098. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 872. — K rtjmbacher, Geschichte, p. 804. — L afontaine - D osogne, Iconographie, I, p. 99 n. 1, 104, 108 n. 2. — L ake , M anuscripts, V III, p. 12. — L ampros, Leukoma, tav. 68. — L azarev, Istorija, p. 113, 114, 130, 316, 317, 320, 351. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — Martin , Illustration, p. 185. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, I, p. 680. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96, 100 (cit. err.: Pio Vat. 2), 141, 147, 170. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. — Stornajolo, Miniature, passim. — T ikkanen , Studien, p. 130, 136, 176. — W illoughby, Apocalypse, I, p. 174, 427, 432. A S , 1927, tav . X V III (Friend). — B P hW , 59 (1939) p. 70. — BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3 (1956-57) p. 119 n. 2 (Bonicatti). — Byslav, 28 (1967) p. 340, 340 n. 26 (Franc-Sgourdeou). — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 323 (Schmitt); 4 (1895) p. 224; 5 (1896) p. 595; 20 (1911) p. 607; 22 (1913) p. 348 n. 2 (Maas); 27 (1927) p. 147, 148; 38 (1938) p. 524; 53 (1960) p. 268; 55 (1962) p. 96. — DOP, 2 (1941) p. 8, tav. 23 (Peirce-Tyler); 8 (1954) p. 181 (Grabar); 20 (1966) p. 15, fig. 26 (Weitzmann). — E H B S , 2 (1925) p. 251 n. 2 (Soteriou); 17 (1941) p. 120 n. 0, 127 n. 1 (Xyngopoulos). — J W I , 29 (1966) p. 420 (M eredith). — R Ph, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 248. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 142 (cit. err.: 213); 15 (1961) p. 137; 19 (1965) p. 307; 20 (1966) p. 107; 313; 21 (1967) p. 110; 181. — Traditio, 14 (1958) p. 451 n. 51 (von Simpson - S trittm a tte r). Congr. Byz. X I I I , p. 208, tav. I I (W eitzmann). — Menologio, p. 9 n. 3. — New Palaeogr. Society, S. I, I, tav . 106.

U rb ln . g r. 3. A land, Liste, nr. 451. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cava­ lieri , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 196. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 271, 1106. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — R obinson, E uthaliana, p. 46. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. RPh, N.S., 2 (1878) p. 118 (Graux). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici U rb in ati greci


U rbin. gr. 4. Aeand , Liste, nr. 1269. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 249, 1137. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 403. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 60. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). U rbin. gr. 5.

Bessarione, 23 (1908) p. 104 (Turturro).

U rbin. gr. 6. Baudry , Atticos, p. evi . — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 566. — Mras, Eusebius, p. xeix . — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 192. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 118 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 11 (1957) p. 101 (de Meyier); 13 (1959) p. 88 (de Meyier). U rbin. gr. 7. Sternbach, Curae, p. 40. — T orraca, Bruto, p. xxxviii, 3. R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 350. U rbin. gr. 8.

F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 65.

U rb in . gr. 9. A ubineau , Grégoire de Nysse, p. 220. — J aeger, Gre­ gorius, I I I 1, p. xv ii, x x i, XEH, XLiv, XEix, Ei; V III 1, p. 37, 124, 152, 218, 220; IX , p. 152. ROC, 21 (1918-19) p. 416 (W ilmart). U rb in . gr. 10. H onigmann, Mémoires, p. 33. — J aeger , Gregorius, V III 1, p. 124; V III 2, p. x x ix , x x x , xevii ; IX , p. 17, 159, 176, 178, 181, 183, 415. ROC, 21 (1918-19), p. 416 (W ilmart). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 425; 426. U rbin. gr. 11. Daniéeou , Vie de Moïse, p. x x x m . — J aeger, Grego­ rius, II, p. EX, 2; V III 1, p. 124. B P E C , N.S., 14 (1966) p. 6 (Colonna). — ROC, 21 (1918-19) p. 416 (Wil­ m art). U rbin. gr. 12. F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 72. — J aeger , Gregorius, V, p. 4, 181, 273; V I, p. ex ; V II 1, p. xvi; V III 1, p. 124. ROC, 21 (1918-19) p. 416 (W ilmart). U rbin. gr. 13. F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 72. — J aeger , Gre­ gorius, I I I 1, p. x x ix , x x x ; VI, p. ex ; V III 1, p. 124; IX , p. 190. —- Mai, Bi­ bliotheca, IV 1, p. 42, 48. ROC, 21 (1918-19) p. 416 (W ilmart). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 397. U rb in . gr. 14. F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 65. — J aeger , Gregorius, V III 1, p. 110, 124; IX , p. 175. — K rivochéine - P arameeee, Syméon, I, p. 97, 99, 139, 189, 201; II, p. 8; III, p. 8. — L aemmer, Bibliotheca, p. 40, 41. — Mai , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 42, 52. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 335; 20 (1966) p. 169. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


U rbin. gr. 4-25

U rbin. gr. 1 5 . F is c h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 196. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 125 sg. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 53, 55. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 224. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 13 (1907) p. 30, 31, 32 n. 1 (Birnbaum); 15 (1909) p. 68 (Sinko). — RPh, N.S., 27 (1903) p. 132 (Misier). — T A P h A , 67 (1936) p. 237 (Biller). U rbin. gr. 16. F ischer - F ranchi p. 196. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 85 sg., 194.

de ’ Cavaueri ,

Codex Urbinas, I 1,

B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 298 (Cantarella). U rbin. gr. 17. B o n w e t s c h , Methodius3, p. x x x v . — H ohe , Epiphanius, I, p. ix ; II, p. n ; III, p. v m . — H o l e , Überlieferung, p. 13, 46-54. — W e it z m a n n , Buchmalerei, p. 22. EO, 15 (1912) p. 476. U rbin. gr. 1 8 . B o n w e t s c h , M ethodius2, p. x x x v . — H o l e , E pipha­ nius, I, p. ix ; II, p. n ; I I I , p. v m . — H o l e , Überlieferung, p. 13, 46-54. EO, 15 (1912) p. 476. — R IA , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 219 (Bonicatti). U rbin. gr. 1 9 .

Misccll. Albareda, II, p. 253 n. 2, 265 (Micheliui-Tocci).

U rb in . gr. 20. Buberl - Gers Tinger , H andschriften, II, p. 7. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 293. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Codex Urbinas, I I , p. 197. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri - L i ETzmann, Specimina, tav. 18. — GraniÖ, Subscriptionen, p. 38. — L ake , M anuscripts, V II, p. 11. — LEFORT - Cochez, Album, tav . 6 5 . — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — Schu­ bart , Palaeographie, p. 160 (nr. 18). — V ogel - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 94. — W e i Tzmann, Buchmalerei, p. 32. BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 13 (Russo). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 315 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 192-193 (Irigoin).

U rb in . g r. 21. F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 197. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. — W e i Tzmann, Buchmalerei, p. 22, 69. BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 13 (Russo). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 315 (Diller). — T A P h A , 67 (1936) p. 237 (Diller). U rbin. gr. 2 2 .

Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284.

U rbin. gr. 2 3 . M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 284. R P h, S. I I I , 4 (1930) p. 412. U rb in . gr. 2 4 . R H E , 45 (1950) p. 43 n. 8, 45-47, 52 (Charlier). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 129. U rbin. gr. 2 5 .

F ranchi

de ’

Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 242. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici U rb in ati greci


U rbin. gr. 26. F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 195, 199, 201. J W I , 24 (1961) p. 315, 316 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 146, — SIF C , 7 (1953) p. 234 (Valoriani). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 14 (Rackl). U rbin. gr. 27.

P ost, Plato, p. 75.

U rbin. gr. 28. Aeeine , Platon, p. 308. —- P ost, Plato, p. 75. — Stähein , Protrepticus1, p. xxv. N JP hP S u p p b d , 15 (1887) p. 680 (Wohlrab). U rbin. gr. 29. Aeeine , Platon, p. 308. — L enz, Arethas, p. 216 n. 1. — P ost , Plato, p. 60, 75. — Souiehe ;, Platon, X III, p. ci. N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 680 (W ohlrab). U rb in . gr. 30. A eein e , Platon, p. 308. — P ost, Plato, p. 4, 75. N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 680 (Wohlrab). U rbin. g r. 31. P ost, Plato, p. 75. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 140. N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 681 (Wohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). U rbin. gr. 32. A eeine , Platon, p. 296. — B oeGar, Heritage, p. 483. — F ischer - F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 206. — P ost, Plato, p. 59, 76. — V ogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 452. N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 681 (Wohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). U rbin. gr. 33. Boegar, Heritage, p. 484. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 206. — P ost, Plato, p. 76. — Vogee Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 452. — W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 9. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). U rb in . gr. 34. F uhrmann, Anaximenes, p. x, x xv. — F uhrmann, U ntersuchungen, p. 565, 614. — Mercati, Codici, p. 72 n. 3. — P ost, Plato, p. 50, 76. — Souiehe , Platon, X III, p. ci. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 291. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 147. B yzZ , 7 (1898) p. 174; 37 (1937) p. 37 n. 0, 41 (Biedl). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 98 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). U rb in . gr. 35. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 1. — Brunschwig, Aristote, p. CVI, CXEIX. — B usse , Categoriae, p. x. — BUSSE, David, p. VI, IX. — Busse , Elias, p. v m , x ix , x x . — Busse , Isagoge, p. x x x v n . — Busse , Porphyrius, p. x, XE. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 20 n. 5, 33, 47 n. 5, 48 n. 3, 289 n. 1. — Gardthausen, Palaeographie, I, p. 159. — K aebfeeisch , Simplicius, p. xiv. — K ougeas, Arethas, p. 6, 100. — L ake , M anuscripts, IX , p. 1. — LEFORT - - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

U rbin. gr. 26-39


Cochez, Album, tav. 13. — Minio - P aeuEEEO, Aristoteles, p. xiv, xv. — P ertusi, Leonzio Pilato, p. 514 n. 1. — Ross, Analytics, p. 87. — Ross, Topica p. v, x. — Ross - Minio P aeuEEEO, Aristoteles, p. v, xiv. — Siw ek , De anima, p. 4. — Strache-W aeeies, Aristoteles, p. v. — V ogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 94. — W aitz, Organon, p. 80. — W aeeies, Analytica priora, p. xvih . — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 147. B P E C , N.S., 5 (1957) p. 14, 15 (Colonna); 11 (1963) p. 91 (Torraca); 14 (1966) p. 6 (Colonna). — BuArchPal, S. III, 1 (1962) p. 17, 26 (Follieri). — Bybul, 2 (1966) p. 139 n. 84 (Treu). — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 301 (Irigoin). — CQ, 39 (1955) p. 111 (Mervyn); 54 (1960) p. 200 (Wilson). — Eranos, 14 (1914) p. 27 (Rudberg). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 497 (Allen). — J H S , 82 (1962) p. 147 (Wilson). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 144; 13 (1959) p. 183 (Irigoin); 17 (1963) p. 373; 18 (1964) p. 338. Miscell. Ehrle, IV, p. 22, 23 (Allen). — Congr. Byz. X I , Akten, p. 673 (Zardini). U rb in . g r. 36. Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 107. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 199. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 147. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). U rbin. gr. 37. A e e a n , Aristoteles, p. x n . — B i Eh e , P arv a N aturalia, p. vi. — B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 84. — B o e g a r , H eritage, p. 467. — D r o s s a a r T L u e o f s , De somno, p. x. — L o n g o , Aristotele, p. e x x i . — M o r a u x , Aristote, p. c e x x x i . — M u g n ie r , Aristote, p. 11, 19. — Ross, P arva N aturalia, p. 61, 69. — S i w e k , De anima, p. 42. — S i w e k , Manuscrits, p. 15, 18-21, 23, 25, 52 n. 0, 57, 63, 76 n. 22, 89-90, 96, 98, 99, 100-102, 103 n. 0, 105, 112, 114, 135, 140. — S i w e k , P arv a N aturalia, p. 17. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 147. Hermes, 82 (1954) p. 149 (Moraux). — N E M , 25, 2 (1875) p. 397 (Thurot). — RPh, S. III, 22 (1948) p. 189; 26 (1952) p. 36, 37 (Mugnier); 29 (1955) p. 90. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 306; 18 (1964) p. 255 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 331, 332 (Mugnier). U rb in . gr. 38. A p EET, Aristoteles, I, p. rv. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 95. — L ongo, Aristotele, p. x x x ix , exxi . — Moraux, Aristote, p. cexxxii. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — Siw ek , De anima, p. 14, 15, 105, 110, 112, 118, 121, 122, 124-126, 174, 184. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 309. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 147. R A L , 14 (1959) p. 67-93 (Longo). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). U rbin. gr. 39. A pee T, Aristoteles, p. iv. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 142. — Louis, Histoire, p. XEvra. — Mugnier , Aristote, p. 13. — Siw ek , Parva Naturalia, p. 17. — VOGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 309. — W ar­ TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 147. M R S , 5 (1961) p. 134 (Labowsky). — RPh, S. III, 26 (1952) p. 42, 44 (Mu­ gnier). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). Miscell. Albareda, II, p. 265 (De Maio). — Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 330, 331 (Mugnier). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici U rb in ati greci

U rbin. gr. 40. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 143. — W a r TEGGE, Inven­ taire, p. 147. Eranos, 14 (1914) p. 24 n. 3 (Rudberg). U rbin. gr. 41. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 144. — L ouis, Génération p. x x iii. — W a r TEGGE, Inventaire, p. 147. U rbin. gr. 42. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 182. — V og eg - G a r d t h a u SEn , Schreiber, p. 452. — W a r TEGGE, Inventaire, p. 147. U rbin. gr. 43. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 190. — W a r TEGGE, In ­ ventaire, p. 147. T A P h A , 67 (1936) p. 238, 239 (Diller). U rbin. gr. 44. B og g a r , H eritage, p. 477. — B r a n d is , Handschriften, nr. 161. — D e u b n e r , Iam blichus, p. vi. — VoGEG - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 192. — W a r TEGGE, Inventaire, p. 147. T A P h A , 67 (1936) p. 238 (Diller). U rbin. gr. 45. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 187. — W arTEGGE, Inven­ taire, p. 147. J H S , 38 (1918) p. 75 n. 6 (Ashburner). U rbin. gr. 46. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 198. — D r e iz e h n t e r , U ntersuchungen, p. 68. — G r o n in g e n (v a n ), A ristote, p. 13. — I m m is c h , Ari­ stoteles, p. XXIX. —- S u s e m ih g , Oeconomica, p. x x v ii. — S u s e m ih g , Politica, p. XXVIII. — W a r TEGGE, Inventaire, p. 148. U rb in . gr. 47. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 215. — B o g g a r , Heritage, p. 473. — F u h r m a n n , Anaximenes, p. x. — F u h r m a n n , Untersuchungen, p. 598. — H a m m e r , Rhetores, I, p. v. — L o b e g , M anuscripts, p. 2, 5, 57. — R i Tsc h g , Prooemium, p. 18. — U s e n e r - R a d e r m a c h e r , Opuscula, I, p. ix. — VoGEG - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. — W a r TEGGE, Inventaire, p. 148, B P E C , N.S., 1 (1945) p. 53 (Colonna). — ByzZ, 7 (1898) p. 174. — REG, 27 (1914) p. 83. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 64, 74 (Canari). U rbin. gr. 48. taire, p. 148.

B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 222. — W a r TEGGE, Inven­

U rbin. gr. 49. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 240. — D o b s c h ü Tz (v o n ), Christusbilder, p. 159. — W a r TEGGE, Inventaire, p. 148. U rbin. gr. 50. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 218. — M a r e n g h i , Ari­ stotele, p. 34. — M a s sa P o s it a n o , Simocata, p. 14. — M a s sa P o s it a n o , T ra­ dizione, p. 8. —- RuEGGE, Aristoteles, p. v i i . — W a r TEGGE, Inventaire, p. 148. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

U rbin. gr. 40-61


B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 53 (Marenghi). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 118 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 11 (1957) p. 101 (de Meyier); 13 (1959) p. 88 (de Meyier). Miscell. Albareda, II, p. 264 (De Maio). — Congr. byz. I X , p. 204 (Massa Positano ). U rb in . gr. 51. BaehrENS, Überlieferung, p. 174. — WAEEIES, Alexan­ der, p. ix. — W artëEEE, Inventaire, p. 148. U rbin. gr. 52. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 69. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u SEn , Schreiber, p. 368. — W a i a i ES, Topica, p. VI. — W a r t e i a e , Inventaire, p. 148. Miscell. de Morawski, p. 72 n. 2 (Sternbach). U rb in . gr. 53. taire, p. 148.

H a y d u c k , Meteorologica, p. v n i. — W a r t e e e e , Inven­

U rbin. gr. 54. B r u n s , Scripta, p. x x n , x x ix . — B y w a t e r , M etaphrasis, p. x x ix . —- W a r t e i a e , Inventaire, p. 148. ROC, 21 (1918-19) p. 417 (W ilmart). U rb in . gr. 55. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 25. — B u s s e , Isagoge, p. x x v iii. — B u s s e , Philoponus, p. xvi. — D ü r in g , Aristotle, p. 121. — W a r ­ t e i a e , Inventaire, p. 148. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 255 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). U rb in . gr. 56. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 15. — D ü r in g , Aristotle, p. 121. — ROSS, Analytics, p. 94. — W a r TEIAE, Inventaire, p. 148. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 255 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). U rbin. gr. 57. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 22. — B u s s e , Isagoge, p. x x x v m . — BUSSE, De Interpretatione, p. e iv . — B u s s e , Philoponus, p. xvi. — D ü r in g , Aristotle, p. 121. — W a r t e i a e , Inventaire, p. 148. U rbin. gr. 58. ventaire, p. 148.

B u s s e , De Interpretatione, p. e iv . — W a r t e i a e , In ­

U rbin. gr. 59. VOGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 148. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). U rb in . gr. 60.

W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 148.

U rbin. gr. 61. D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 34. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a EiERi - L ie t z m a n n , Specimina, tav . 51. —- P e p p i n k , Observationes, p. 105, 106. — W E it z m a n n , Buchmalerei, p. 39. — W im m e r , Theophrastus, I, p. rv, v. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici U rb in ati greci

B P E C , N.S., 14 (1966) p. 2, 3 (Colonne). — B yzZ, 60 (1967) p. 138. — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 301 (Irigoin). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 315 (Diller). — REG, 80 (1967) p. 590. — Scriptorium, 10 (1956) p. 36; 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson); 17 (1963) p. 373; 20 (1966) p. 316. Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 23 (Stomaiolo). U rbin. gr. 62. H e n r y , É tats, p. 33. — H e n r y , Manuscrits, p. 156. — H e n r y - S c h w y z e r , Opera, I, p. x v i i . — H e n r y - S c h w y z e r , Plotinus, p. vn, x x v iii. — S ic h e r e , Iamblichos, p. 11. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 99. — W e g e h a u p t , P lutarchstudien, p. 23. Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 99 (Müller). — REG, 49 (1936) p. 572 (Henry). — R F IC , 93 (1965) p. 370 (Cilento). U rb in . gr. 63. Ch a v a n o n , Mémorables, p. 17, 18. — S c h e n k e , Studien, II, p. 113, 113 n. 1. S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 21 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri). U rbin. gr. 64. AeEXAnderson, Prognostikon, p. 87. — Diees , H a n d ­ schriften, I, p. 5, 14, 18, 22, 38, 49, 56, 104; II, p. 76; 1. N achtrag, p. 35. — D ietz , Scholia, II, p. v. — HEIBERG, H ippocrates, p. VI. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 39. — PoEPPEE, Schrift, p. 1 n. 1, 91 n. 170, 150. Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 335 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 174. — Philo­ logus, 42 (1882) p. 132 (Kühlewein). — RPh, N.S., 49 (1925) p. 20. — RhM , 73 (1920-24) p. 435, 439, 440, 445 η. 1 (Schöne). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 140.

sen ,

U rb in . gr. 65. D i e e s , H andschriften, I, p. 105. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u ­ Schreiber, p. 427.

U rbin. gr. 66. B o e g a r , H eritage, p. 474. — D i e e s , H andschriften, II, p. 32, 39. — K o u r ie a s , Meletai, p. 28. B P E C , N.S., 5 (1957) p. 43 (Pedivellano). — StBiz, 6 (1940) p. 65 n. 0 (Capparoni). U rb in . gr. 67. D i e e s , H andschriften, I, p. 59, 96, 98, 101; II, p. 99. — P e r n i c e , Testimonia, p. 9. — S c h m id t , Liber, p. ix, x ix . — S t u d e m u n d , Fragm enta, p. 4. — MuEEEER, Libellus, p. 14. B P hW , 57 (1937) p. 598. U rbin. gr. 68. AEEXANDERSON, Prognostikon, p. 87, 107. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 4, 5, 8, 10-12, 14, 18-31, 33-35, 38, 48, 110, 124; II, p. 37, 93. — DiEEER, Fassung, p. 38, 39, 41-43. — F e e is c h e r , Untersuchungen, p. 17, 17 n. 13. — G r e n s e m a n n , Schrift, p. 44. — H e i b e r g , H ippocratis opera, p. vi. — I e b e r g , Soranus, p. xv. — J o e y , H ippocrate, p. x x iv . — L i E n a u , Schrift, p. 1*. — N a c h m a n s o n , Frotianstudien, p. 151 sg., 231. — P o e p p EE, Schrift, I, p. 70, 111, 134. — R i v i e r , Recherches, p. 58 n. 1, p. 103 n. 2, p. 104 sg., 105 n. 4, 106-107, 108, 120 n. 2, 124 n. 2, n. 6, 125 n. 1, 129 n. 2, 140 n. 1, 147, 148 sg., 151 n. 2, 156, 158, 159 n. 1, 166, 179 n. 1, 183 sg. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

U rbin. gr. 62-78


AC, 34 (1965) p. 198 n. 19 (Joly). — B P hW , 39 (1919) p. 43 (Helmreich). — Eranos, 6 (1905-06) p. 46 (Nelson); 29 (1931.) p. 91 (Frisk). — Hermes, 22 (1887) p. 186, 187 (Kühlewein); 53 (1918) p. 396 (Pohlenz); 85 (1957) p. 379 (Kahlenberg). — JOBG, 23 (1897) p. 205 (Dittrich). — RhM , 42 (1887) p. 453 (Ilberg); 45 (1890) p. 113 n. 0 (Ilberg). — RPh, N.S., 12 (1888) p. 169. U rbin. gr. 69.

I, p.

h i,

DiELS, H andschriften, I, p. 68. — H eemreich , Galenus,

vn, XIII, XVI.

U rbin. gr. 70.

DlEES, H andschriften, I, p. 73, 76, 94, 95/ 99, 114;

II, p. 7. — V ogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 309. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). U rbin. gr. 71. H eiberg , Om Scholierne, p. 244, 258, 286, 300, 303. RhM , 29 (1874) p. 317, 320 (Wachsmuth). U rbin. gr. 72. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 79 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 11 (1957) p. 198, 211 (Treweek). Miscell. de Morawski, p. 72 n. 2 (Sternbach). U rbin. gr. 73.

H eiberg , Apollonius Pergaeus, II, p. IV, vi, ix, x.

U rbin. gr. 7,4. T annery , D iophantus, II, p. x x m , xxvi. Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 286 n. 24 (Concasty). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 215, 228, 230, 244 (Canart). U rbin. gr. 75.

Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 160.

U rbin. gr. 76. E rbse , Theosophie, p. 63. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. II, p. 118. — T ivadaras, Historia, p. 244. — Schuetz, Überlieferung, p. 29. — W arteeee , Inventaire, p. 149. A J P h , 57 (1936) p. 126 (Diller). — BBGG, N.S., 13 (1959) p. 19-21 (Mer­ cati). — Byzantion, 23 (1953) p. xiv. — B yzZ, 32 (1932) p. 266 (Mercati). — StBiz, 5 (1939) p. 462, 463 n. 0 (Giannelli); 9 (1957) p. xv; 10 (1963) p. 18, 18 n. 2, 19 n. 1 (Giannelli). Catal. astral., V 4, p. 109-114. — Nationalbibliothek, p. 655 n. 1 (Premerstein). U rbin. g r. 77. A msee, D erythm is, p. 127, 128. — Da R ios , Aristoxenus, p. XEV-XLVi, ev, exxxvii, E xxxviii, 3. — D üring , Porphyrios, p. xrv. — Düring , Ptolemaios, p. x x x v n i. — J an (von), Musici, p. evi, exxv. — Mioni , Codices, II, p. 92. — W innington - I ngram, Quintilianus, p. ix. Philologus, 52 (1893) p. 28 n. 54 (von Jan). U rbin. gr. 78. K roee, De oraculis, p. 3 n. 1, 73. RFIC, 26 (1898) p. 118 (Bassi). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici U rbinati greci

U rb in . g r . 79. D a in , Héron, p. 69. — F o u c a u l t (d e ), Strategem ata, p. 71. — S c h n e id e r , Geschütze, p. 5, 6 n. 1, 11. — V a r i , Liber, p. x i i i , x x iv . — V a r i , Tactica, I, p. x v i. — ViEiLLEFOND, Cestes, p. XLV. — W e s c h e r , Poliorcétique, p. x x x iv , x x x v m , x l iv . ByzZ, 6 (1897) p. 589. — RPh, N.S., 3 (1879) p. 102 (Graux). — Scrip­ torium, 1 (1946-47) p. 43 (Dain). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 215, 227, 228, 230, 244 (Canari). U rb in . g r. 80. B e c k , Kirche, p. 617. — B r a n d is , Handschriften, nr. 74. — C a m m e l l i , Cydonès, p. x x x v ii , x l ix . — C a r l in i , Alcibiade, p. 46. — Colonna, Storici, p. 94. — D iller , Tradition, p. 177. — F oerster, Libanius, IX , p. 227. — F oerster, Zambeccari, p. 133. — H eiberg , Astronomica, p. e x e m . — H eiberg , Theodosius, p. iv. — L oenertz, Calecas, p. 333. — L oenerTz, Cydonès, II, p. x x v i. — LOENERTZ, Lettres, p. 13, 21-31, 46, 48-49, 52, 64-65, 68, 81. — MERCATI, Atumano, p. 51. — MERCATI, Cidone, p. 125 n. 2, 129 n. 4, 224, 286, 517 n. 1. — Me y ie r (d e ), Codices V ossiani, p. 279. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 245. — P ost, Plato, p. 76. — Schreiner , Studien, p. 152 n. 4, 153 n. 1. — Sevöenko, Études, p. 114, 281. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 392. — USENER, Commentatio, p. 3, 7. BPEC , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 60 (Carlini). — B y J, 11 (1934) p. 177. — Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 142 (Laurent). — ByzZ, 13 (1904) p. 302; 28 (1928) p. 359 n. 1 (Dölger). — CR, N.S., 15 (1965) p. 263 (Wiseman). — 'E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 120 (Patrineles). — Eranos, 5 (1903) p. 150, 152 (Lundström). — Hellenika, 4 (1931) p. 203 (Laurent). — N il, 2 (1905) p. 322, 323 (Lampros). — OCP, 29 (1963) p. 347 n. 0 (Loenertz). R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 184 (Darrouzès); 12 (1954) p. 109 n. 3 (Laurent). — R F IC , 59 (1931) p. 416. — Scriptorium, 9 (1955) p. 285 (Young); 13 (1959) p. 302; 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson); 415; 18 (1964) p. 250 (Harlfinger - Wiesner); 20 (1966) p. 307. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 264, 265 (Jorio); N.S., 1 (1920) p. 160 (Cammelli). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 53 n. 2 (Cammelli). Misceli. Bellini, p. 349 n. 8 (Mioni). U rb in . g r. 81. P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x . — S b o r d o n e , Geographica, I, p. XLVii, Lviii. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). U r b i n . g r . 8 2 . A l m a g ià , M onumenta, p . la, lb n. 1, 2a. — CüNTz, Ptolemaeus, p. 4, 42. — Deissmann, Forschungen, p . 90, 92. — D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 963, tav. x x x i. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p . 246 n. 2. — Diller , Tradition, p. 97. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Codex Urbi­ nas, I 1, passim·, I 2, passim·, I I 1, passim. — K ünzlE - PERI - R uysschaERT, Indici, p. 10. — Mercati, Suida, p . 5. — Meyier (de ), Codices Vossiani, p. 2.

— PERTUSI, Leonzio Pilato, p. 514 n. 1. — R ome, Commentaires, p. 614 n. 2. — Sternbach, Curae, p. 30. A JP h , 58 (1937) p. 174, 176, 179 (Diller). — BPEC , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 15 (Sbordone); 13 (1965) p. 8 n. 18 (Colonna). — B P hW , 39 (1919) p. 202; 244; 58 (1938) p. 661. — Byzantion, 25-27 (1955-57) p. 174 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 33 (1933) p. 168, 414; 40 (1940) p. 406 n. 2 (Wendel). — BZG, 61 (1961) p. 95 (Vernet). — DOP, 8 (1954) p. 41 (Dain). — Eos, 41 (1940-46), fase. 2, p. 169 n. 19, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

U rbin. gr. 79-91


180, 183 n. 42, 190 n. 52, 192 n. 57, n. 58 (Bilinski). — J H S , 37 (1917) p. 63, 64, 66, 68, 69 (Tudeer). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 315, 316 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 131. — T A P h A , 67 (1936) p. 236, 238, 239 (Diller); 71 (1940) p. 62 (Düler). Miscell. Grat, I, p. 357 (Mercati). U rb in . g r. 83. A emagiA, M onumenta, p. la, 2a. — CunTZ, Ptolemaeus, p. 34. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Codex Urbinas, I I , p. 2, 212, 289, 315; I 2, p. x. ByzZ, 33 (1933) p. 168. — Eos, 41 (1940-46), fasc. 2, p. 180, 183 n. 42, 192 n. 57 (Bilinski). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 186. Miscell. Bourberes, p. 324 (Livadaras). U rb in . g r. 84. Boegar, Heritage, p. 479. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 109 n. 7. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavaijeri , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 197. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaueri , Catalogus, p. 242. — N aber, Flavius Iosephus, V, p. in , iv, vu . — N iese , Flavius Iosephus, p. r,xxi. Biblica, 22 (1941) p. 350», 365 (Mercati). — RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 169. U rb in . g r . 85. N iese , Flavius Iosephus, VI, p. xvin, i ,xvi . ByzZ, 26 (1926) p. 434. U rb in . g r. 86. E hrhard, Überlieferung, p. 950. — F ranchi d e ' Cava­ ije r i , Catalogus, p. 242. — Sternbach , Curae, p. 3 n. 1. — Vogei, - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 192. U rb in . g r . 87. Colonna, Storici, p. 55, 131. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 533. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 26. U rb in . g r . 88. H ude , H erodotus, I, p. vin, xvi; II, p, 1. — L egrand, Hérodote, V, p. 7. — Legrand, Introduction, p. 182. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 192. BPEC , N.S., 1 (1945) p. 50, 82 (Colonna); 2 (1953) p. 23, 24 (Colonna); 7 (1959) p. 71 (Alberti). — RPh, N.S., 10 (1886) p. 59 (Desrousseaux). U rb in . g r. 89. K eeineogee, Geschichte, p. x iii . — R itsche, Prooe­ mium, p. 18. — U sener - R adermacher, Opuscula, I, p. xxv. REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). U rb in . g r . 90. Björck , Apsyrtus, p. 42. — K eeineogee, Geschichte, p. x iii . — - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 344. REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). U rb in . g r. 91. K eeineogee, Geschichte, p. x m . — L obel, M anuscripts, p. 13. —- U sener - R adermacher, Dionysius, I, p. xxv. — Vogee - Gardt­ hausen , Schreiber, p. 305. BPEC, N.S., 15 (1967) p. 16 n. 34 (Alberti). — CQ, 32 (1938) p. 103 (Po­ well). — REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici U rb in ati greci

U rbin. g r. 92. Boegar, Heritage, p. 492. — K leinlogee, Gescliichte, p. xiii. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 386 n. 4. B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 59 (Alberti); 12 (1964) p. 46 (Alberti); 13 (1965) p. 15 (Alberti). — I M U , 6 (1963) p. 259 nr. 1612 (Diller). — M E F R , 20 (1900) p. 307 n. 2, 308 n. 1, 315 (Serruys); 21 (1901) p. 404 (Serruys). — Philologus, 108 (1964) p. 234 (Kleinlogel). — REG, 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 298. — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 196 (Pierleoni). U rbin. gr. 93. Chantraine, Économiques, p. 27. — Chavanon, Mémo­ rables, p. 18 n. 2. — H üde , Commentarii, p. in , vi. — KEEEER, Historia, p. xxiv. — P i EREEOni , Opuscula, p. xi, eh . — Schenke, Studien, II, p. 112; III, p. 112. — T haeheim, Xenophon, p. v, ix. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 192. — W iddra , Xenophon, p. vu, xxvra. Hermes, 43 (1908) p. 427 (Thalheim). — RPh, S. I ll, 10 (1936) p. 355. — S IF C , 10 (1902) p. 98, 107 (Tommasini). Miscell. Graux, p. 112 (Schenkl). U rbin. g r. 95. Coeonna, Storici, p. 90, 140. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, III, p. 989. — Gaeeavotti, Theocritus, p. 327. — Garzya, Teognide, p. 23, 28. — J aekee , Menander, p. VI, xx x m . — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 40 n. 1, 61-64. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 447. — Sternbach, Curae, p. 46 n. 10. — Sternbach, Gnomologium, p. 40 n. 87, 201, 204. — W endee , TheokritScholien, p. 202. — Y oung, Theognis, p. vra, ix, xm . A B A W, 15, 2 (1881) p. 418 (Meyer). — Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 336 n. 1 (Mercati); 35 (1919) p. 155 (Mercati). — BPEC , N.S., 7 (1959) p. 32 (Gallavotti). — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 221, 231, 239 (Büttner - Wobst); 4 (1895) p. 257 (Boissevain); 57 (1964) p. 304 (van Dieten). ■ — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 85 (Patrineles). — EO, 13 (1910) p. 112 (Pétridès). — R E B yz, 16 (1958) p. 70 (Darrouzès). — RPh, S. III, 41 (1967) p. 156. — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 7 (Young); 12 (1958) p. 162; 17 (1963) p. 76; 20 (1966) p. 177. — W S, 10 (1888) p. 8 n. 87, 217 (Stembach); 11 (1889) p. 239, 242 (Stembach). U rbin. gr. 96. DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 317. — F e a c e e i ÈRE Ch a m b r y - J u n e a u x , Plutarque, I, p. x e i , x e v , x e v i , Ev. — L in d s k o g , Plutarchus, p. vi. — L in d s k o g - Z i e g e e r , Plutarchus1, IV 1, p. ix. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 78 n. 3. — M o o r e , Polybius, p. 192 (indice). — S t e f f e n s , Proben, tav . 22. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 68. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schrei­ ber, p. 203 n. 5, 404. — Z i e g e e r , Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 6, 169 sg., 172, 188 sg., 196. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 115 n. 2 (Mercati). — B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 355; 28 (1908) p. 355, 357. — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 314, 316 (Diller). U r b i n . g r . 97. Bernardakis , Plutarchus, I, p. x n , XEvm. — Boegar, Heritage, p. 469. — H ubert , Plutarchus, IV, p. xx, x x i, x x n , x xv. — H ubert P oheenz - Drexe ER, Plutarchus, V 1, p. v u , v in , x x x i; V 3, p. x m . — P aton P oheEnz - Sieveking , Plutarchus, I II, p. v n -ix , x v n -x x i. — P oheenz, Plu­ tarchus, V I 2, p. x. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 452. — WEGE- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

U rbin. gr. 92-102


HAUPT, Plutarchstudien, p. 9, 11, 41, 50. — ZlEGEER, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 9, 53 sg„ 67, 121, 123, 199 sg. B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 357. — CQ, 39 (1955) p. 202 n. 5 (Camey). — Philo­ logus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 403 (Wegehaupt). — R F IC , 84 (1956) p. 416. — RPh, S. III, 14 (1940) p. 58. U rbin. gr. 98. H ubert , Plutarchus, VI 1, p. xx. — H ubert - P oheenzD rexe ER, Plutarchus, V 1, p. xxi, xxvii, xxvm , xxxi. — N achstädt Sieveking - T itchener , Plutarchus, p. x m n. 1. — P aTon - P oheenz - SiEveking , Plutarchus, III, p. x, xi, xxxi. — W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 12, 41, 47-49, 51, 52, 55. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 107 n. 1 (Valgiglio). — B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 1607; 33 (1913) p. 1318. — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 94 (Einarson - de Eacy). — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 401, 409 (Wegehaupt). U rbin. gr. 99. H ubert , Plutarchus, IV, p. xxv; V I 1, p. xx. — H ubert P oheenz - D rexeer , Plutarchus, V 3, p. xm . — N achstädt - Sieveking T itchener , Plutarchus, p. xxi, xxii , xxvi, xxx. — Sternbach, Curae, p. 37. — VOGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 309. — W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 13, 15, 47, 50, 56. CPh, 46 (1951) p. 106 (Einarson - de Lacy). — CQ, 43 (1949) p. 97 n. 7 (Manton). — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 410 (Wegehaupt). — R F IC , 84 (1956) p. 416. — RhM , 93 (1950) p. 330 n. 1 (Hubert). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Can art). U rbin. gr. 100. Devreesse , Introduction, p. 317. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 51 n. 13. — H ubert , Plutarchus, IV, p. xxv; VI, p. ix, xx. — L owe, Vitae, p. 14, 20. — N achstädt - .Sieveking - T itchener , Plutarchus, p. xxvi. — P aton - P oheenz - Sieveking , Plutarchus, III, p. xxxi. — P ertusi, Leonzio Pilato, p. 65. — P oheenz, Plutarchus, p. x. — Steffens , Proben, tav. 21. — V ogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 27. — W egehaupt , Plutarch­ studien, p. 15, 16, 41, 44, 46-48, 50, 54, 55. BPEC , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 107 n. 1. 108, 109 (Valgiglio). — B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 1609. — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 93 (Einarson - de Lacy). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 316 (Vaccari). — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 412 (Wegehaupt). U rbin. gr. 101. Moore, Polybius, p. 192 (indice). — P eppink , Opera, p. 101. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 192. R F IC , 63 (1935) p. 231 (Peppink). — RPh, N.S., 7 (1883) p. 16. U rbin. gr. 102. F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri - Lietzmann, Specimina, tav. 55. — Mioni , Codices, II, p. 219. — Moore, Polybius, p. 192 (indice). — PÄdech , Polybe, p. xxxvi, xxxix, xevii, evii. AC, 35 (1966) p. 285. — Hermes, 95 (1967) p. 77, 88 (Abel). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 316, 319 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 189 (Irigoin); 18 (1964) p. 160. Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 20 (Carini); 23 (Stornaiolo). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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U rb in . g r . 103. R itsche, Prooemium, p. 16, 19. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 118 (Patrineles). — REG, 1 (1888) p. 73 (Tannery). — RhM , 31 (1876) p. 206 n. 2, 212 n. 1 (Mendelssohn). — Scriptorium, 11 (1957) p. 101 (de Meyier); 13 (1959) p. 88 (de Meyier). U rb in . g r. 104. E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 463. — F ranchi d e ' Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 242. — P aschke, Klem entinen - Epitom en, p. 186 sg. — R oos, Arrianus, I, p. xvi, Ein; II, p. vi,

e v i.

U rb in . g r . 105. F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 197, 207. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri - L ietzmann, Specimina, tav. 53. — J acoby, Dionysius, I, p. iv, vn; II, p. m ; III, p. i. Eos, 27 (1924) p. 12. — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 316 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 10 (1956) p. 37 (Diller). U rb in . g r . 106.

J acoby, Dionysius, I, p. vn.

U rb in . g r. 107. Dain , Tacticiens, p. 48. —- Dain , Tactique, p. 74. — Giannini , Paradoxographi, p. 315. — Meeber , Polyaenus, p. xiv. — ÖHEER, Opusculum, p. 30. — P ack, Artemidorus, p. x, xi. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 309. A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 172 n. 2 (Dain). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). — T A P h A , 94 (1963) p. 52 (Diller). Miscell. Graux, p. 724 (Mueller). U rb in . g r. 108. Apee T, Aristoteles, I, p. xxvi. — Biede , Exzerpt, p. 8 n. 2. — B oeGar, Heritage, p. 467, 472, 491. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 157. — Düring , Aristotle, p. 14. — E ichholz, Theophrastus, p. 48. — Giannini, Paradoxographi, p. 221. — L ong, Diogenes Laertius, I, p .x x ; II, p. xrv. — M a r t in i , Analecta, p. 91. — R e g e n b o g e n , Theophrastos, coi. 1379, 1401, 1404, 1423, 1427, 1435 (cit. err.: 1818). — R oss - F o b e s , Theophrastus, p. xxvr. — W achsmetth , Sillographi, I, p. 53. — W a r TEEEE, Inyentaire, p. 149. — Westermann, Paradoxographoi, p. n . — W immer, Theophrastus, III, p. xix. BP E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 99, 100 n. 26, 107 (Donzelli). — BP hW , 19 (1899) p. 1477. — CPh, 58 (1963) p. 34 (Richards). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 370. — Scripto­ rium, 14 (1960) p. 211; 367; 16 (1962) p. 100 (Wilson); 138; 228. — SIF C , 20 (1913) p. 269, 269 n. 2 (cit. err.: 166), 293, 400 (Calderini); N.S., 32 (1960) p. 181 n. 3 (Donzelli); 37 (1965) p. 242 (Basta-Donzelli). U rb in . g r. 109. Arrighetti, Epicuro, p. xi, 605. — Biede , Exzerpt, p. 8 n. 2, 17. — Boer , Epikur, p. v. — Düring , Aristotle, p. 14. — L ong, Diogenes Laertius, I, p. x x ; II, p. xiv. — Mühle (von der ), Epicurus, p. 2. — Vogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 77. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 367. U rb in . g r. 110. Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 219, 242. — K ayser , Philostratus, II, p. xrv. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 94. — Mercati, Storia, p. 144 n. 1. — Meyier (de ) - H ueshoff P oe, Codices, p. 119. — Schenke - R eisch , Callistratus, I, p. xx iv . — Schepers , Alciphron1, p. x x x i, x x x n , xxxrv, xxxv. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

U rbin. gr. 103-118


Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 142, 198 (Laurent). — ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 88 (Patrineles). — W S, 15 (1893) p. 308 (Weinberger). U rbin. gr. 111. B u e r m a n n , Isokrates, I, p. 3; II, p. 3. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 34, 86 n. 3. — D r e r u p , Codices Isocratei, p. 4. — D r e r u p , Isocrates, p. ix. — L a is t n e r , Isocrates, p. 28. — M a r t in , Isocrate, passim. — M a t h ie u - B r é m o n d , Isocrate, I, p. xx, x x n. 2, x xi, x x ii, x x iv ; II, p. i; III, p. 1; IV, p. i. — SECK, Untersuchungen, p. 1, 4 sg. ByzZ, 19 (1910) p. 477 (Reil). — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 300 (Irigoin). — DOP, 8 (1954) p. 43 (Dain). — Eranos, 65 (1967) p. 191. — Philologus, 55 (1896) p. 665 (Drerup). — R BPh, 8 (1929) p. 1223. — REG, 12 (1899) p. 141. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 373; 20 (1966) p. 316. — T A P h A , 72 (1941) p. 356 (Raubitschek). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 23, 23 n. 3 (Stornaiolo).

U rbin. g r. 112. Buermann, Isokrates, I, p. 12. — Drerup , Isocrates, p. xiii. — Vogel - Gardtiiausen , Schreiber, p. 199. ByzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). U rbin. g r. 113. B utcher, Demosthenes, I, p. xix; II, p. vm . — Croiset , Démosthène, I, p. XL. — Drerup , Demosthenesausgaben, p. 580. — F oerster , Libanius, V III, p.584, 598. — F uhr , Demosthenes, I, p. xxi. — Gernet , Démosthène, II, p. 10. B yJ, 5 (1926) p. 48 (Cammelli). — S B A W, 1902, p. 293 (Drerup). U rbin. g r. 114. D rerup , Demosthenesausgaben, p. 575. — F oerster , Libanius, V III, p. 578. — Vogel - Gardtiiausen , Schreiber, p. 199. ByzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). U rb in . g r. 115. D rerup , Demosthenesausgaben, p. 575. — Vogel G ardtiiausen , Schreiber, p. 199. ByzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). U rb in . gr. 116. Drerup , Aeschines, p. 7, 23, 24. — H eyse , Reden, p. 2. — Schultz, Aeschines, p. xxvi. REG, 27 (1914) p. 200. U rbin. g r. 117. Canivet , Thérapeutique, p. 68. — H atzfeld, Xénophon, I, p. 20. — H ude , Lysias, p. xii. — R aeder , Theodoretus, p. v n. 1. — T uryn, Aeschylus, p. 103 n. 89. — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 29, 106. B P h W , 50 (1930) p. 1137. — R hM , 57 (1902) p. 454 n. 1 (Raeder). — .57PC, 9 (1901) p. 237 (de Stéfani). U rbin. g r. 118. Albers , Lucianus, p. 2, 8. — H omeyER, Lukian, p. 82. — Mras, Überlieferung, p. 7. — N il Én , Lucianus, I, p. vu, xxxv n. 2, xxxvi n. 1, xxxvii n. I, xxxvm . — R abe , Scholia, p. v. B P hW , 10 (1890) p. 747 (Nilén); 11 (1891) p. 1166, 1167. — M E F R , 6 (1886) p. 483, 486, 490 (Desrousseaux). — Philologus, 48 (1889) p. 629, 630, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici U rbinati greci

633 (Bethe). — R hM , 25 (1870) p. 548 (Rohde). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek): — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 259 (Levi). — SO, 3 (1925) p. 36 (Nilen). — WS, 38 (1916) p. 309 n. 2 (Mras). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 14 (Carini). U rb in . g r. 119. G lö c k n e r , H andschriften, p. 12. — R a b e , Hermogenes, p. x i x . — R a b e , Sylloge, p. x e v . R hM , 67 (1912) p. 334, 335, 336 n. 3 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek); 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson). U rb in . g r. 120. Mr a s , Ü berlieferung, p. 39. — N ie 6 n , L ucianus, I, p. v n , x x x v n. 2, χ χ χ ν ι η. 1. ÖMF, 6 (1900) p. 299 (Sternbach). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (Wittek). — SO, 3 (1925) p. 36 (Nilen). U rb in . g r. 121. S om m erbrodt , Lucianus, I 2, p. iv . B P hW , 10 (1890) p. 993, 994. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 14 (Carini). U rb in . g r . 122. B oegar , Heritage, p. 464. — KEiE, Aristides, II, p. xi. — L e n z , Aristeidesstudien, p. 67, 89, 95, 103, 105. — L e n z , Untersuchungen, p. 82, 112. — V ogee - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 184 n. 5. B P hW , 19 (1899) p. 322. — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 161 (Darrouzes). — REG, 12 (1899) p. 245, — RCCM , 3 (1961) p. 153 (Lenz). — R F IC , 27 (1899) p. 300. U rb in . g r. 123. A r n im (vo n ), Dio Chrysostomus, p. x m . — Cam m eeei , Cydonis, p. x e h . — F isc h er - F r a n c h i d e ’ Cav aei Er i , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 197. — K e ie , Aristides, II, p. x m , x v ii -x i x . — L e n z , Aristeidesstudien, p. 72, 89, 102-106, 118. — L e n z , Untersuchungen, p. 89, 112. — M er c a ti , Isidoro, p. 64 η. 1. — MERCATI, Notizie, p. 167. B P hW , 10 (1890) p. 1333; 19 (1899) p. 322. — B yzZ, 16 (1907) p. 606 η. 1 (Kugeas). — Hermes, 65 (1930) p. 212 (Lenz); 66 (1931) p. 57, 58 (Lenz). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 316 (Diller). — N H , 5 (1908) p. 114 (Lampros). — Philo­ logus, 109 (1965) p. 147, 150 (Lenz); 110 (1966) p. 135 n. 3 (Luppe). — REG, 12 (1899) p. 245. — R F IC , 27 (1899) p. 300. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 261 (Jorio). U rb in . g r . 124. A r n im (v o n ), Dio Chrysostomus, p. v iii , ix.· — B u d 6 (d e ), Dio Chrysostomus, p. ix , x. — F isc h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ Cav aei Er i , Codex Urbinas, 1 1, p. 197. — K o u g e a s , Arethas, p. 32, 104. — P e r t u s i , Leonzio Pilato, p. 515 η. 1. — S e v e r y n s , Chrestomathie, I, p. 280, 353. — S o n n y , Analecta, p. V, 2-10, 85, tav. in fine. — S t ä h e in , P rotrepticus1, p. XE η. 1. — V ogee - G a r d t h a u se n , Schreiber, p. 42 n. 3. B P hW , 10 (1890) p. 1329, 1331, 1333. — ByzZ, 1 (1892) p. 590 (Strzygowski); 6 (1897) p. 182; 9 (1900) p. 138 (Asmus). — Hermes, 79 (1944) p. 41 (Wenkebach). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 316 (Diller). — REG, 7 (1894) p. 100. — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 188; 20 (1896) p. 38 (Bidez). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 206 (Irigoin). Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 675 (Zardini). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


U rbin. gr. 119-130

U r b in . g r . 125. A e e e n , H om erus, II I , p. XI. — B é r a r d , In tro d u ctio n , I, p. 13. — B érard , O dyssée, I, p. x x x i x ; II , p. x i; II I, p. x i. — B r a n d is , H an d sch riften , nr. 135. — Cohn - W e n d e a n d , P h ilo, I, p. Dix; IV , p. x h . — FOERSTER, L ibanius, I, p. 214, 236, 280, 301, 371, 391, 392, 417, 432; II, p. 47, 116, 157, 374, 416, 468, 469, 510, 535; II I , p. 60, 82, 208, 306, 350, 401, 426, 451; IV , p. 4, 176, 178, 203, 304, 323, 343, 409. — Gaeeavo TTI, T h eocritu s, p. x x x v i i i , 327. — L orimer , L ibellus, p. 2, 4. — L orimer , P seu d o -A risto tle, p. 4 . — Mercati , Cidone, p. 167 n. 3. — Mercati , Opere m inori, IV , p. 187. — Më y i ER (d e ), C odices P erizon ian i, p. 5. — P itra , A n a lecta sacra, II , p. 311, 314. — R a h l f s , H an d sch riften , p. 247. — W a r TEEEE, In v en ta ire, p. 149. B y z Z , 28 (1928) p. 414. — C o n v iv i u m , N .S ., 6 (1967) p. 691, 692, 695 n. 4 (R aoss). — H e r m e s, 31 (1896) p. 436, 441 n. 1 (W endland). — P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 12 (A llen). — S c r i p t o r i u m , 12 (1958) p. 171; 303. C ata l. a lc h im ., II, p. 208. U r b in . g r . 126. FOERSTER, L ib an iu s, I, p. 216, 220, 236, 238, 268, 280, 287, 302, 305, 322, 351, 354, 361, 372, 373, 377, 385, 413, II , p. 2, 47, 63, 84, 87, 115, 120, 155, 160, 184, 206, 225, 236, 374, 421, 508, 510, 514, 536, 538; I I I , p. 60, 63, 82, 87, 237, 239, 265, 265 350, 353, 357, 359; IV , p. 203, 208, 301, 311, 323, 329, 343, 346, 407, V, p. 7, 13. — T u r y n , C odices, p. 10, 112-113. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — C o n v iv i u m , N .S ., 6 (1957) p. 692, (R aoss).

239, 433, 385, n. 2, 419,

264, 437; 415, 266, 420;

694, 695

U r b in . g r . 127. F o e r st e r , L ib an iu s, I X , p. 82. — F o e r st e r , Z am beccari, p. 133. — K a y s e r , P h ilo stra tu s, II , p. x m . — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. S c r i p to r i u m , 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart), U r b in . g r . 128. F isc h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ Cav a e i Er i , C odex U rbinas, I 1, p. 197. — F rit z , Syn esios, p. 325. — T er za g h i , O puscula, p. x x x i i i . R A A N , N .S ., 33 (1958) p. 45 (G arzya). U r b in . g r . 129.

F rit z , S y n esio s, p. 327.

L e n z , U n tersu ch u n gen ,

p. 92. — T er za g h i , H y m n i, p. x rv , x v i, x x i x , 3. — T er za g h i , O puscula, p. XXXIV, EVI, EXUI, EXVI-EXVIH, EXXI-EXXIII, EXXV, EXXVI, LXXX-EXXXH, EXXXIV-EXXXVI, EXXXIX, XCI, x c ii , x c r v -x c v i, c v r a , CXII, CXIV, CXVI, CXVIII, c x x ii - c x x i v . — S o y t e r , B y z a n tin isch e D ich tu n g , p. 13. B P E C , N .S ., 6 (1958) p. 34 (G arzya). — B y z Z , 38 (1938) p. 289 n. 3 (Ter­ zaghi). — R A A N , 10 (1934) p. 23 n. 1 (Terzaghi); N .S ., 33 (1958) p. 44 (G arzya). — R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 214 (G arzya). — R P h , S. II I , 18 (1944) p. 220. — S T F C , 19 (1912) p. 6 (Terzaghi); 20 (1913) p. 450, 452 (Terzaghi). U r b in . g r . 130.

F isc h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , C odex U rbinas, I 1,

p. 197. — R a b e , A p h th on iu s, p. x x x n . — R a b e , C om m entarium , p. x x x v . — R a b e , H erm ogenes, p. x v iii . — R a b e , S y llo g e, p. x x x iii , c x v . - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici U rb in ati greci

B P hW , 33 (1913) p. 1319; 49 (1929) p. 930. — B y J , 3 (1922) p. 194. — B yzZ , 21 (1912) p. 556. — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 317 (Diller). — RhM , 63 (1908) p. 523 n. 2 (Rabe); 67 (1912) p. 322 (Rabe). Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 7 (Carini). U rbin. g r. 131. H u d e , Lysias, p. x n . — V ogel Schreiber, p. 451. REG, 46 (1933) p. 26 (Dain). U rbin. gr. 132.

Gardthatjsen ,

PosT, Plato, p. 49, 76. — S ouiehé , Platon, X III, p. ci.

— T orraca, B ruto, p. x x x v iii, 3.

RPh, S. I l i , 35 (1961) p. 110. — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 350; 16 (1962) p. 160, 391 (Wilson). U r b in . g r. 133. Cam m elli , Cydonès, p. x x x v -x x x v n , x l ii , x u x . — JuGiE, Theologia, I, p. 480. — L o en e r t z , Calecas, p. 53. — L o en e r t z , Cydonès, II, p. x x v i. — L o en e r t z , Lettres, p. 7, 11-19, 21-50, 52, 56, 65-68, 71-72, 75, 80-81, 93-94, 96-99, 101-105, 123-134. — M er ca TI, Atum ano, p. 51. — MERCATi, Cidone, p. 100, 125 sg., 157, 167, 169 n. 4, 338-343, 490, 493, 507. — M er ca Ti , Opéré minori, IV, p. 408-410, 418, 420 sg.

A F P , 17 (1947) p. 200 (Loenertz). — Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 87 (Cammelli). — EO, 30 (1931) p. 352 (Laurent); 36 (1937) p. 277 n. 4, 279, 474 n. 1, 484 (Loenertz); 37 (1938) p. 107 n. 3 (Loenertz). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 315 (Diller). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 127. — REG, 69 (1956) p. 505 (Guilland); 74 (1961) p. 347. — R F IC , 59 (1931) p. 416. — R H , 175 (1935) p. 510 (Bréhier). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 138; 14 (1960) p. 176; 16 (1962) p. 415. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 260, 263 (Jorio); N.S., 1 (1920) p. 160 (Cammelli). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 53 n. 1, n. 2 (Cammelli); 3 (1931) p. 220, 230 (Mercati). U rb in . g r. 134. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 210. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 242. — G u ie e a n d , Correspondance, p. x v m , x x m . — K a y s e r , Philostratus, II, p. xiv. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 378, 444 n. 7, 495, 496. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, III, p. 426. — P a p a d im it r iu , Prodrom, p. 312-314. — P ost , Plato, p. 76. — S t Xh e in , Protrepticus1, p. XL n. 1. — V ogel - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 237. — W a r t e e e e , Inventaire,

p. 149. Bessarione, 31 (1915) p. 90 (Mercati). — B y J , 7 (1929-30) p. 366 (Pezopoulos). — Byzantion, 31 (1961) p. 111 n. 4 (Halkin). — B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 581; 15 (1906) p. 349; 16 (1907) p. 297; 28 (1928) p. 414; 39 (1939) p. 247. — E H B S , 12 (1936) passim (Pezopoulos). — Eos, 7 (1901) p. 180 (Sternbach); 40-41 (193946) p. 33 (Hammer). — N H , 11 (1914) p. 353 (Lampros). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 151; 391 (Wilson); 18 (1964) p. 305. — StBiz, 5 (1939) p. 527 (Pezopulos). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 2384. — Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 463 n. 4 (Halkin). U rbin. gr. 135.

Levi Della Vida , Ricerche, p. 403 n. 2. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

U rbin. gr. 131-141


U r b in . g r . 136. A l l e n , H om eru s, I, p. x x x ; II , p. x i. — A l l e n , P rolegom ena, p. 49. — B é r a r d , In tro d u ctio n , p. 13. — B é r a r d , O d yssée, I, p. x x x i x ; II, p. x i; II I , p. x i. — PERTUSI, L eon zio P ila to , p. 131. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (A llen). — P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 13 (A llen). U r b in . g r . 137 . A l l e n , H om erus, I, p. x x x . — A l l e n , P rolegom ena, p. 49. — B olg ar , H eritage, p. 499. — G u il l a n d , C orrespondance, p. x i i i , x x i i i . — M e r c a t i , Codici, p. 266 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , P ero tti, p. 21 n. 3. — M o h l e r , D arstellung, p. 412. A B , 46 (1928) p. 447. — B A B , S. V, 4 0 (1954) p. 538 n. 4 (M asai). — B e ssarion e, 1 (1897) p. 613. — E D , 2 (1924) p. 239 (B ezd ek i). — J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (A llen). U r b in . g r . 138. A l l e n , H om erus, I, p. x x x . — A l l e n , P rolegom ena, p. 49. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (A llen). U r b in . g r . 139. p. 276 (M artini).

M E F R , 20 (1900) p. 308 (Serruys). — R h M , 62 (1907)

U r b in . g r . 140. A b e l , S ch o lia recen tia, p. v u . — A h r e n s , B u colico­ rum reliquiae1, p. x x x iv . — A u b r e t o n , D ém étriu s T riclinius, p. 16, 79, 81, 84. — G a l la vo tti , T heocritu s, p. 269, 273, 327. — I r ig o in , H isto ire, p. 285, 286, 374, 381. — I r ig o in , Sch olies, p. 88 n. 4. — K o m in is , Pardos, p. 72. — M o rav c s ik , B y za n tin o tu rcica , p. 467. — P e p p in k , Opera, p. 38, 39. — T u r y n ,E uripides, p. 153. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 29. — V ogel - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 57. — W e n d e l , T heokrit-S ch olien , p. 202. B P E C , N .S ., 2 (1953) p. 64, 74 (B ologn esi). — B y J , 7 (1929-30) p. 359 n. 6 (M oravcsik). — B y z Z , 47 (1954) p. 186; 50 (1957) p. 542; 58 (1965) p. 296 (Mazal). — C Q, 33 (1939) p. 104 (Spranger). — M n e m o s y n e , S. I l l , 1 (1934) p. 70 (P eppink). — R E B y z , 15 (1957) p. 162 (D arrouzès). — R F I C , 62 (1934) p. 351, 352 n. 3 (G allavotti). — S c r i p to r i u m , 16 (1962) p. 158; 20 (1966) p. 327. — S I FC, 4 (1896) p. 224 (B ancalari); N .S ., 11 (1934) p. 292 (G allavotti). — T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 168 (T uryn). — T r a d it io , 2 (1944) p. 6, 35 (T uryn). U r b in . g r . 141. A u b r e t o n , D ém étriu s T riclinius, p. 16, 104. — Ca C odices B arber., p. 184. — D a e l E (v a n ), A ristop h an e, I, p. 144; I I I , p. 7; IV , p. 75; V , p. 73. — K o st e r , M anuscrit, p. VIII, 48, 72, 120 n. 2, 172, 176, 196, 205. — K o st e r , Scholia, p. ix , L iii-L v m , p a s s i m . — K r u m b a c h e r , G e­ sch ich te, p. 439. — M o ra v c sik , B y za n tin o tu rcica , p. 354. — S t u d e m u n d , A necdota, p. 250. — T u r y n , S op h ocles, p. 169. — W e n d e l , T zetzes, col. 2003. A C , 36 (1967) p. 641. — B P E C , N .S ., 7 (1959) p. 85 (P ucci); 15 (1967) p. 102 (L eone). — B P h W , 10 (1890) p. 3 (Zacher). — B y z Z , 47 (1954) p. 195; 55 (1962) p. 312; 58 (1965) p. 99. — B y s l a v , 25 (1964) p. 307. — C P h , 1 (1906) p. 259, 260 n. 1, 266, 269, 270, 273 n. 2 (W hite). — H S P h , 18 (1907) p. 189 n. 2 (Cary). — E o s, 40-41 (1939-46) p. 34 (H am m er). — J A W , 71 (1892) p. 16, 24, 27 (Zacher). — M n e m o s y n e , S. IV , 7 (1954) p. 138, 201 n. 0, pocci , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici U rbinati greci

n. 1 (Koster); 8 (1955) p. 200 (Koster - Holwerda); 13 (1960) p. 324 (Holwerda); 14 (1961) p. 259; 17 (1964) p. 88. — Philologus, 72 (1913) p . 433 (Achelis). — R F IC , 17 (1889) p. 414, 415; 18 (1890) p. 406 n. 2, 487, 489, 493 (Zuretti); 22 (1894) p. 547, 548; 31 (1903) p. 337; 45 (1917) p. 436; 48 (1920) p. 149 (Bassi); 51 (1923) p. 362. — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 270; 26 (1902) p. 188; S. I l i , 26 (1962) p. 301. — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 443, 444 (Piccolomini). — T A P h A , 37 (1906) p. 200 n. 2 (Cary). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 6, 35 (Turyn). — ViVrem, 17 (1910) p. 289 (K urtz). — W S, 25 (1903) p. 10 (Stembach). Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 23 (Stornatolo). U rbin. gr. 1 4 2 . T uryn , Euripides, p. 194. — W en d el , Tzetzes, col. 1972. AC, 27 (1958) p. 159. — B yzZ, 51 (1958) p. 388. — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 104 (Spranger). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 120 (Patrineles). — N JP h P , 95 (1867) p. -610, 610 n. 3 (Studemund). — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 12 (1959) p. 354. — RPh, S. I l i , 32 (1958) p. 323. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 139. U rbin. gr. 1 4 3 . T u r y n , Euripides, p. 68. J A W , 71 (1892) p. 16 (Zacher). U rbin. gr. 1 4 4 . D r a c h m a n n , Pindarus, II, p. v n , xv. — I r ig o in , Histoire, p. 241, 373-377. — T u r y n , Pindarus, p. 22, 40. — V ogel - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. Scriptorium, 9 (1955) p. 333; 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). U rbin. gr. 1 4 5 . S c h n e id e r , Nicandrea, p. 215. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 159. CQ, 14 (1920) p. 4, 7 (Smiley). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 118 (Patrineles). — NGG, 1929, 2, p. 172 (Fränkel). — R F IC , 20 (1892) p. 206, 232 (Nigra); 21 (1893) p. 51 (Nigra). — Scriptorium, 11 (1957) p. 100, 101 (deM eyier); 13 (1959) p. 87-88 (de Meyier). U rbin. gr. 1 4 6 . T u r y n , Euripides, p. 159. — W e n d e l , Überlieferung, p. 3, 17. — W e n d e l , Scholia, p. v r a . E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 118 (Patrineles). — NGG, 1929, 2, p. 169, 172 (Fränkel). — R F IC , 93 (1965) p. 55 (Ardizzoni). — Scriptorium, 11 (1957) p. 100, 101 (de Meyier); 13 (1959) p. 87-88 (de Meyier). U rbin. gr. 1 4 7 . V i a n , Quintus, I, p. XLvn, Liv; II, p. ix . — V ia n , Tradition, p. 11, 67. — V ogel - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 199. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl). — R F IC , 88 (1960) p. 84. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 162. U rbin. gr. 1 4 8 . V à r i , Oppianus, I, p. 15. Misceli. Ramorino, p. 440 (Vàri). U rbin. gr. 1 4 9 . V ogel - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 3. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

U rbin. gr. 142-159


U rb in . g r. 150. E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 463. — Uh u g , Apol­ lonius, I, p. vu; II, p. xxxix. J W I , 24 (1961) p. 316 (DUler). U rb in . g r . 151. D onnet , Traité, p. 107, 108 n. 3, 114, 278. — E genoeff , Orthoepische Stücke p. 20. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Codex U rbi­ nas, I 1, p. 198. — Guieeand , Correspondance, p. x x m . — I rigoin , Scholies, p. 88 n. 4. — KOSTER, T ractatus, p. 1. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 451. — Vogel - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 211. A B , 79 (1961) p. 294 n. 2 (Sevcenko). — B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 61, 62, 69, 70, 73, 74 (Bolognesi). — B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 473-476 (Preger); 14 (1905) p. 377; 58 (1965) p. 296 (Mazal). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 316 (Diller). — N H , 1 (1904) p. 243 (Lampros). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368, 370. — Scriptorium, 16

(1962) p. 158; 20 (1966) p. 327. U rb in . g r. 152. Benndorf - Schenke, Philostratus, p. xvi, xv iii . — Donnet, Traité, p. 23 n. 1, 107, 108 n. 3, 113. — F oerster , Libanius, V III, p. 367. — K ayser, Philostratus, II, p. xx. — K ominis, Pardos, p. 68, 87. — Lindstam, Epistulae, p. vra. B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 95 n. 4 (Donnet). — B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 11 (Gallavotti). — B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 169. — CQ, 39 (1955) p. 195 (Browning). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. Miscell. Ehrte, I, p. 16 (Rackl). U rb in . g r. 153.

K ominis, Pardos, p. 68.

Miscell. De M arinis, III, p. 190 (Michelini-Tocci).

U rb in . g r. 155. Mercati, Cidone, p. 137 n. 1. EO, 27 (1928) p. 400 n. 7 (Jugie). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. U rb in . g r. 157. Adler , Suidas, col. 698. — Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 39-41. — De Marco, Scholia minora, p. vi, vh , xeiv n. 1. — Drachmann, Cyrillglossar, p. 10, 59. — E genoeff , Orthoepische Stücke, p. 41. — F i ­ scher - F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Codex Urbinas, I I , p. 198. — K opp , Bei­ träge, p. 136. — E udwich , Commentarii, p. 12 n. 49. — P ertusi, Leonzio Pilato, p. 455. — R eitzenstein , Etymologika, p. 85. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 61 n. 1. B P hW , 13 (1893) p. 104. — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 692 (Raoss). — R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 614. — R hM , 43 (1888) p. 458 n. 2, 459 n. 1 (Reitzenstein). U rbin. g r. 158.

DiEES, Handschriften, II, p. 80.

R hM , T i (1920-24) p. 440 (cit. err.: 850) (Schöne). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 36

(Franchi de’ Cavalieri). U rbin. g r. 159. Bethe , Pollux, p. x ii . — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 243. — P aschkE, Klementinen - Epitomen, p. 187. — VOGEL Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 309. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici U rb in ati greci

M E F R , 20 (1900) p. 310, 311, 313, 315 n. 1 (Serruys). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). U rb in . g r . 160. Garzya, Teognide, p. 23. — Giannelei, Codices Vat. II, p. 69. — R eitzens TEin , Etym ologika, p. 76. — Y oung, Theognis, p. xxvn. R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 614. — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 18 (Young); 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). U rb in . g r. 161. p. 102. U rb in . g r. 165.

Bidez , Philostorgius, p. i.xxxv, — T uryn , Euripides,

BaTIFFOE, Ea Vaticane, p. iv. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

CODICI VATICANI GRECI - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Cataeogiii STAMPATI Vat. g r. 1-329. I. Mercati - P. F ranchi d e ’ r i , Codices V ati­ cani Graeci, I: Codices 1-329 (Bybl. Apost. Vat. codices m anu scripti recensiti), Romae 1923. Vat. g r. 330-603. R. Devreesse , Codices V aticani Graeci, II: Codices 330-603 (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices m anu scripti recensiti), in Bibliotheca Va­ ticana 1937. Vat. gr. 604-866. R. DEVREESSE, Codices Vaticani Graeci, III: Codices 604-866 (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices m anu scripti recensiti), in Bibliotheca V ati­ cana 1950. Vat. g r. 1485-1683. C. Gianneeei, Codices Vaticani Graeci: Codices 14851683 (Bybl. Apost. V at. codices m anu scripti recensiti), in Bybliotheca V a­ ticana 1950. Vat. gr. 1684-1744. C. GlANNEEEI - P. Canart, Codices Vaticani Graeci: Codices 1684-1744 (Bybl. Apost. Vat. codices m anu scripti recensiti), in By­ bliotheca V aticana 1961. Vat. g r. 1745-1962. P. Canart, Codices Vaticani Graeci: Codices 17451962 (Bibl. Apost. Vat. codices m anu scripti recensiti), I-II, in Bibliotheca V aticana [in corso di stam pa].

I nventari


Vat. gr. 1-992. Inventarium Graecormn codicum m anu scriptorum a L. P ortio Scriptore Graeco descriptum, I-II. (Sala Cons. Mss. 321-322). Vat. gr. 1-1484. A uctorum e t m ateriarum index librorum Graecorum m anu scriptorum Bibliothecae veteris Vaticanae . . . confectus ab 111. D. L. Ai,accio, scriptus a B. P ortio eiusdem Bibliothecae Scriptore Graeco, I-III. (Sala Cons. Mss. 41-43). Vat. g r. 1-1484. In itia operum, sermonum tractatu u m etc., quae in voluminibus m anuscriptis Graecis Bibliothecae Vaticanae continentur, excerpta e t ex arata a L. P ortio anno MDCLXXI. (Vat. gr. 2520, ora in Sala Cons. Mss. 43 A). Vat. gr. 993-2160. Inventarium codicum Vaticanorum Graecorum 9932160. (Sala Cons. Mss. 323). Vat. gr. 1963-2123. Codices olim Basiliani seu Collegii S. Basilii de Urbe, nunc Vat. Gr. 1963-2123. Inventarium et index rerum, annis 16971699 confecta. (Sala Cons. Mss. 44). Vat. gr. 1963-2053. Codices Vaticani Graeci 1963-2053, seu pars co­ dicum olim Collegii S. Basilii de Urbe. Inventarium post annum 1786 confectum. (Sala Cons. Mss. 326). Vat. g r. 2161-2253. Codices m anu scripti Graeci Columnenses, nunc Vat. Gr. 2161-2253. Index R. Vernazza m anu scriptus. (Sala Cons. Mss. 327). Vat. gr. 1501-2402. Inventarium codicum Graecorum Bibliothecae Va­ ticanae a 1501 ad 2402 . . . confectum a I. Cozza-L uzi. (Sala Cons. Mss. 324). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Vat. g r. 1.

Aia in e , Platon, p. 184, 207, 208, 209, 212, 286, 287, 322, 323. —

CXajrk, M anuscripts, p. 396. — Canivet , Thérapeutique, I, p. 88. —


P eaces, Platon, I, p. eev n , c c x ix ; II, p. 5. — DevrEESSE, Fonds grec, p. 483 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 33, 34, 85 n. 9, n. 12, 94 n. 2. — DiÈS, Lois, p. 7. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaueri - L ietzmann, Specimina, tav. 9. — Gardthausen , Palaeographie, II, p. 399. — Greene , Scholia, p. x v m . — H arnack, Apologeten, p. 156. — H emmerdinger, Thucydide, p. 37. — J aeger, Scripta, I, p. 283, 287 sg.; II, p. 134. — K ougeas, Arethas, p. 102 n. 6, 125 n. 6. — L enz, Aristeidesstudien, p. 47 n. 2. — Lenz, Untersuchungen, p. 58. — MERCATI, Biblioteche, p. 58-66. — Mercati, Codici, p. 170 n. 5. — MERCATi, Opéré tninori, III, p. 486. — P ost, Plato, p. 1, 8, 76. — Roos, Arrianus, II, p. m n. 1, xv. — SchubarT, Palaeographie, p. 159 (nr. 9). — Severyns, Chrestoma­ thie, I, p. 272-274, 280 n. 1, 294, 295, 356. — Souilhé , Platon, p. x x v in , x x ix , ci. — Stich , Antoninus, III, p. x ii. AC , 22 (1953) p. 153, 160; 27 (1958) p. 70. — B P hW , 28 (1908) p. 665; 48 (1928) p. 1108; 55 (1935) p. 1186. — B y J , 11 (1934) p. 164. — Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 392, 392 n. 2, 393, 407 (Bidez). — ByzZ, 30 (1930) p. 21 (Schissel); ¿1 (1931) p. 134; 36 (1936) p. 188; 37 (1937) p. 37 (Biedl); p. 295 (Diller); 40 (1940) p. 417 n. 2 (Wendel); 46 (1953) p. 207; 50 (1957) p. 216; 54 (1961) p. 175. — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 299, 300, 301 (Irigoin). — CQ, 22 (1928) p. 11 (Post); 75 (Allen); 54 (1960) p. 200 (Wilson). — Hellenika, 8 (1935) p. 161-163. — NGG, 1933, p. 194, 2 18a.(Lenz). — R B P h, 13 (1934) p. 1092. — REG, 24 (1911) p. 89; 65 (1952) p. 250. — R hM , 63 (1908) p. 235 (Rabe); 67 (1912) p. 330 n. 1 (Rabe); 92 (1943-44) p. 137, 141 (Bickel). — RPh, N.S., 33 (1909) p. 112; 35 (1911) p. 95; S. I l l , 1 (1927) p. 267; 10 (1936) p. 236 (des Places); 11 (1937) p. 73, 74; 20 (1946) p. 24, 26 (des Places); 27 (1953) p. 220; 28 (1954) p. 213 (Irigoin). — Scriptorium, 10 (1956) p. 164; 12 (1958) p. 137; 13 (1959) p. 208 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 403; 16 (1962) p. 158; 391 (Wilson); 17 (1963) p. 373; 20 (1966) p. 170; 21 (1967) p. 124; 186. — StBiz, 4 (1935) p. 133 n. 3 (Dujcev). — T A P h A , 61 (1930) p. 29 (Post); 68 (1937) p. 185, 185 n. 12, 190, 190 n. 27 (Greene); 224 n. 22 (Nickles). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 336 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 673 n. 20 (Zardini). V at. g r. 2. AyoutanTi - Stöhr - HöEG, Hymns, p. xev n. 42. — D ebiasi GonzaTO, Analecta, p. xvm, 360, 367. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 483 n. 1. — Devreesse , Manuscrits, p. 19 n. 10, 33. — Mercati, Codici, p. 170 n. 5. — Mercati, Opéré minori, I I I , p. 175. 23 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici V aticani greci


BBGG, N.S., 3 (1949) p. 79 (Russo). — ByzZ, 20 (1911) p. 559, 607. — OC, 4 (1904) p. 364, 364 n. 5 (Gassisi). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 131. — StBiz, N.S., 2-3 (1965-66) p. 216 n. 2, 220 n. 1 (Gonzato). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 334 n. 7 (Devreesse). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2, 269 n. 134 (Follieri). — Persia, p. 228 n. 3, 231 n. 25, 233 n. 39, 234 n. 50 (Follieri). Vat. g r. 3. Bidez , Philostorgius, p. exxxv . -— D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 48, 99, 135, 154, 205, 238, 286, 315, 412. — H oir,, Parallela, p. 52. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 111. — Viouet, Überlieferung, p. xxxi. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373; 33 (1933) p. 221. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 4. Bidez , Philostorgius, p. uxxxv. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 48, 99, 135, 154, 205, 238, 286, 315, 412. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 111. ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — RPh, 2 (1847) p. 454 (Diibner). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 5. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 424, 468. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 339, 343. Vat. g r. 6.

Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 424, 468. -— Stich , Antoninus,

p. vi. B P hW , 24 (1904) p. 963. — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 254. — W S, 7 (1885) p. 25 (Hauler). V at. g r . 7. Babinger, Zacchia, p. 34 n. 1. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 42 n. 27, 358, 443. — T uryn , Codices, p. 7, 108-109. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 5 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 8. Bethe , Pollux, p. xiv. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 98, 135, 157, 205, 239, 286, 318, 415. Vat. g r. 9. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 483. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 256 n. 1. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 346. — Staab, Pauluskatenen, p. 99, 172. — Studemund, Anecdota, p. 290. Aegyptus, 32 (1952) p. 470 (Mercati). — B P hW , 31 (1911) p. 1597. — B yB ul, 2 (1966) p. 130 n. 19, 142 n. 103 (Treu). — Mnemosyne, S. III, 3 (1935-36) p. 68 n. 0 (Drerup). — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari). V at. g r. 1 0 . Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 357, 440. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 346. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 67, 68, 68 n. 11. — T uryn , Codices, p. 10, 41-42. Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. x x n . Vat. g r. 1 1 . Adder, Suidas, col. 714. — Aupers, Theognostos, p. 12. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 450. — H arnack, E rtrag 2, p. 15 n. 0. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 346. — P i Tra , Analecta sacra, II, 341. — Wuensch , De mensibus, p. xxv. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 3-16


Eos, 37 (1937) p. 117. — ByzZ, 30 (1930) p. 249 η. 1 (Moravcsik). — RPh, S. I l l , 40 (1966) p. 143. V at. g r . 12. A d e e r , Suidas, col. 716. — B e t h e , Pollux, p. xiv. — CoLONNA, Himerius, p. x x x ix . — D a r e m b e r g - R u e e e E, Rufus, p . x xv. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 46, 155, 238, 315, 413. — D ie b s , Handschriften, II, p. 89, 91, 95. — G i a n n i n i , Paradoxographi, p. 8, 331, tav. II. — KEEEER, Scriptores, I, p. in , l x x x i i . — K o m in is , Pardos, p. 72. — K o t t e r , Überlie­ ferung, p. 64. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 577 n. 2, 620 n. 7. — S t u d e m u n d , Anecdota, p. 105, 290. — W u e n s c h , De mensibus, p. xxvi. BPEC , N.S., 2 (1953) p. 54, 71, 74 (Bolognesi); 8 (1960) p. 64, 70 (Bolognesi); 14 (1966) p. 85, 86 (Benedetti). — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 631; 3 (1894) p. 194; 47 (1954) p. 186; 58 (1965) p. 295, 302, 304 (Mazal). — J A W , 58 (1889) p. 279 η. 1 (Egenolff). — Philologus, 84 (1928) p. 181 (Wendel). — S B A W , 1892, fase. 2, p. 344 sg. (Krum bacher). — S IF C , 1 (1893) p. 76 (Bancalari); 4 (1896) p. 224 (Bancalari). V at. g r . 13. BoER, Paulus Alex., p. vu . — D e M a r in is , Begatura, nr. 2781. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 98, 135, 157, 205, 239, 286, 315, 413. — D a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 41. — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 338, 343. V at. g r . 14. B e k k e r , Anecdota Graeca, I I I , p. 1136. — C o n s b r u c h , H ephaestion, p. x v i i , x v m , x ix , x x x i. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 35, 137, 359,442. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 15 n. 8. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 56 n. 2. — DONNET, Traité, p. 129 n. 1, 146 n. 4. — F o ë r s t e r , Bibanius, IV, p. 384. — HlEGARb, Canones, p. EXX, EXXII. — H i e GARD, Scholia, p. VI, IX, X, xiv, x ix , XXIV, xx v i, XXXIII. — P e r t u s i , Beonzio Pilato, p. 485. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. l x x x v i ; II, p. 335. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, III, p. 527. — R e u t e r s , Briefe, p. 10. — S t u d e m u n d , Anecdota, p. 93-96, 97 sg., 101, 205, 284. — U h e ig , Ars gram m atica, p. x x x v . — V o e TZ, Helias, p. 45. B yzZ, 2 (1892) p. 104 (Treu). — J A W , 58 (1889) p. 279 n. 1 (Egenolff). — OOP, 26 (1960) p. 309 n. 2 (Rondeau). — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 76. (Bancalari). Byzantino-Sicula, p. 77 (Pertusi). V at. g r . 15. BEELOMO, Agapeto, p. 35. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 155, 181, 206, 238, 287, 317, 414. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 22 n. 8. — D o n n e t , Traité, p. 278. — E g e n o e f f , Orthoepische Stücke, p. 12, 19. — H e i b e r g , Bogica, p. x ix . — K e i e , Aristides, p. x v n . — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 13. — MEYIER (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 171. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 338. — Z u r J a c o b s m u e h e E n , Pseudo-Hephaestion, p. 12. AC, 32 (1963) p. 129 n. 6 (Zeegers-Vander Vorst). — B yzZ, 31 (1931) p. 83. — N JP h P , 95 (1867) p. 614 n. 0 (Studemund). Catal. alchim., I I , p. 10. V at. g r . 16. C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 108. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 47, 99,135,155,205,238,287,318,412. — D in d o r f , Diodorus, V, p. x m . — FoERSTER, Bibanius, V II, p. 10, 21, 22, 29, 60, 211, 213, 444. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 46. — G ae ea v o TTI, Theocritus, p. 326. — H a u r y , Procopius, III, p. x i i , xv, x v m , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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— I r ig o in , Histoire, p. 286. — J a c o b s , Mythographica, p. 9. — K r a Se n in n ik o v , Prodrom us, p. ix , x. — M i o n i , Codices, p. v u , 11. — Mor a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 490. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 339. — S t e ­ v e n s o n , Prodromus, p. xx. — T tjry n , Sophocles, p. 77. —- V ä r i , Oppianus, p. 16. — V o g e e , Diodorus, I, p. E, exxi . — W e n d e e , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 24, 196.

X X X IV .

B P hW , 29 (1909) p. 970. — B yzZ, 4 (1895) p. 110 (Kirpicnikov); 9 (1900) p. 672-673; 17 (1908) p. 150; 27 (1927) p. 373. — N JP h P , 95 (1867) p. 612 n. 8 (Studem und). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 35 (Turyn). — ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 416 (Kraseninnikov); 7 (1900) p. 696. V at. g r . 17. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 98, 135, 157, 205, 239, 288, 316, 414. — E g e n o e f f , Orthoepische Stücke, p. 12, 30. — P e t i t - S i d é r id è s - J u g i e , Scholarios, p. 425. Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. x x i i . — ViVrem, 4 (1897) p. 348 n. 1 (Loparev). V at. g r. 18. B e n n d o r f - S c h e n k e , Philostratus, p. xvi, x v m . — C a p o c Codices Barber., p. 140. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 34, 46, 102, 137, 154, 182, 206, 238, 287, 316, 414. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 219 n. 2. — D o n n e t , T raité, p. 233 n. 1. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices Vat. I, p. 85. — K a y s e r , Philostratus, II, p. x x . — L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 335. — L in d s t a m , Epistulae, p. x. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 161 n. 433, 162. — U s e n e r , Kleine Schriften, I, p. 325. — WEINBERGER, Adnotationes, p. 4. B P EC, N.S., 8 (1960) p. 11 (G allavotti). — ByzZ, 2 (1892) p. 230 (Voltz); 54 (1961) p. 169. — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. — W S, 10 (1888) p. 199 n. 433, 200, 246 (Sternbach). ci ,

• V at. g r . 1 9 . DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 35, 98, 135, 154, 239, 286, 318, 413. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 16 n. 2. — E h r h a r d , Überlie­ ferung, II, p. 462. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 111. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 20. B a r To e e t t i , Tucidide, p. 19 n. 2. — B e n n d o r f - S c h e n k e , Philostratus, p. x v i, x v m . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 47, 99, 135, 157, 205, 238, 286, 315, 413. — K a y s e r , Philostratus, II, p. x x . — ME y i ER (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 171. — S c h e n k e , Marcus Aurelius, p. x x x iv . — S t ic h , Antoninus, p. v m . B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 11, 13 (Gallavotti). — ByzZ, 54 (1961) p. 169. — CQ, 39 (1955) p. 195 (Browning). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. — SIF C , 12 (1904) p. 152, 153 (De Stéfani). V at. g r . 21. D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 15 n. 8. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 35, 48, 99, 135, 157, 315. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 108 n. 3, 111. A B , 21 (1902) p. 7 (anonimo). — Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. XXII. — ByzZ,

27 (1927) p. 373. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 22. C o e o n n a , Him erius, p. x x x v m , x x x ix , x e i . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 47, 98, 135, 157, 240, 316, 413. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 17-29


p. 96 n. 11. — H ie g a r d , Scholia, p. xxv. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 138. — SxuAnecdota, p. 105. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 10, 142-143. Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. XXII. — BPF.C, N.S., 14 (1966) p. 85, 86, 87 (Be­ nedetti). — ByzZ, 43 (1950) p. 60. — REG, 80 (1967) p. 591. — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 178. dem und,

V at. g r . 23. A l p e r s , Theognostos, p. 30. — D e v r e k s s e , Fonds grec, p. 33, 46, 99, 135, 155, 181, 205, 287, 316, 414. — D u f o u r , Aristote, I, p. 21, 25; II, p. 5. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 576 n. 4. — L a t t e , Hesychius, I, p. xvi, e u . — R oss, Ars rhetorica, p. x m . — S p e n g e e , Rhetores, I, p. x v n . B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 154; 27 (1927) p. 373; 58 (1965) p. 369. — Hellenika, 20 (1967) p. 307 (Lypourles). — RPh, S. III, 35 (1961) p. 145. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 2 4 . A e e e n , Homerus, I I I , p. x. — B é r a r d , Introduction, I, p. 12. — B é r a r d , Odyssée, I, p. x x x v m ; II, p. x; I I I , p. x. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 135, 153, 205, 238, 286, 316, 409. — L u d w ic h , Periochae, p. 9. — L u d w ic ii , Scholia, p. 4. — M e r c a Ti , Opéré minori, I I I , p. 124. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 14. B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 580. — P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 10 (Allen). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 13 (van Regemorter). — Z B B , 1 (1884) p. 360, 360 n. 1 (Müller). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 325 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 2 5 . A e e ë n , Homerus, I I I , p. x. — B é r a r d , Introduction, I, p. 12. — B é r a r d , Odyssée, I, p. x x x v in ; II, p. x; I I I , p. x. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 300, 348, 442. — D ö r r i e , Longus, p. 44, 48, 51 sg., 55. — L u d vvich , Periochae, p. 9. — M e r c a t i , A tum ano, p. 12 n. 2. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 101 (Patrineles). — P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 11 (Allen). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 20, 21 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). V at. g r . 2 6 . A e e E n , Prolegomena, p. 43. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 33, 47, 100, 136, 349. — L u d w ic h , Periochae, p. 4. — M o n r o - Ai,EEN, Ho­ merus, I, p. XXIX. J U S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). Calai, alchim., VI, p. 6. V at. g r . 27. A e e e n , Prolegomena, p. 43. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 46, 100, 136, 207, 293, 412. — M o n r o - A e e e n , Homerus, I, p. x x ix . — VoGEE G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 185. J H S, 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — SIF C , 38 (1966) p. 239 n. 2 (Di Benedetto). V at. g r . 28. Ae een , Prolegomena, p. 43. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 424. — Monro - Aeeen , Homerus, I, p. x x x . — S choez, Reise, p. 96. J H S, 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Stampa, p. 5, 9 (Campana). V at. g r . 2 9 . A e e e n , Prolegomena, p. 44. — A u b r e t o n , Démétrius Triclinius, p. 18. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 34, 100, 136, 153, 207, 237, 289, 314, 412. — G a e e a v o t t i , Theocritus, p. 273 n. 1. — I r ig o in , Histoire, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici V aticani greci


p. 270. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 243 n. 5. — Lenz , Untersuchungen, p. 97. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 108, 112. — Monro - Aeeen , Homerus, I, p. xxx. — S choez, Reise, p. 96. — Sternbach, Appendix, p. xv m n. *, 43. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 104 n. 89. — T uryn , Codices, p. 10, 82. — Vogee - GardthauSEN, Schreiber, p. 374. B yzZ , 27 (1927) p. 373. — ÖMF, 6 (1900) p. 294 (Sternbach). — J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 217 (Garzya). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 7. Vat. g r . 30. Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 70, 165. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 47, 98, 134, 153, 204, 286, 412. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 64 n. 0. — Mon­ ro - AEEEN, Homerus, I, p. xxx. — Severyns , Chrestomathie, II, p. 66; III, p. 25, 359. — Severyns, Texte, p. 362 (Vaticanus C). AC, 23 (1954) p. 487. — ByzZ, 48 (1955) p. 129. — J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 410. Vat. g r . 31. Aeeen , Prolegomena, p. 44. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 46, 100, 136, 442. — Monro - Aeeen , H om erus, PI, p. xxx. — MÜEEER, Geographi, p. x x x v n nr. 60. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 21 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri-Muccio). Vat. g r . 32. D e Marco, Scholia minora, p. x ei . — De Marco, Tradizione, p. 376. — DE MaRinis , L egatura, nr. 2779. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 35, 48, 98, 135, 154, 205,285, 314, 412. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 57. — L ud wich , Untersuchungen, p. 5. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 363. BECh, 42 (1881) p. 558 (Omont). — B P hW , 12 (1892) p. 1222. — BZG, 61 (1961) p. 80 (Vemet). — Philologus, 49 (1890) p. 428 (Schimberg). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Catal. alchim., VI, p. 6. Vat. g r . 33. De Marco, Scholia minora, p. x ei . — D e Marco, Tradizione/p. 376. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 35, 47, 98, 135, 154, 285, 314, 412. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 96 n. 12. -— L udwich , Untersuchungen, p. 5. — V ogee, Diodorus, I, p. x e v iii . ByzZ, 17 (1908) p. 642. — Hermes, 25 (1890) p. 452 n. 1 (Piccolomini). — Philologus, 49 (1890) p. 428 (Schimberg). Vat. g r . 34.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 98, 134, 156, 204, 239, 286,

318, 415. Vat. g r . 35. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 464. ·— Mercati, Isidoro, p. 112 n. 1. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — Philologus, 58 (1899) p. 262 (H ausrath). Vat. g r . 36. Cahen , Callimaque, p. 23, 25. — DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2666. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 423, 451. — L udwich , Proclus, p. 123. — P feiffer , Callimachus, II, p. exx . — Quandt, Hym ni, p. 9. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 159. — Vogt, H ym ni, p. 8, 26. — W endee , Scholia, p. v m . — W endee , Überlieferung, p. 3, 19. — W itkowski, Epistulae, p. x ii , xiv. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 30-40


CQ, 14 (1920) p. 4, 6 (Smiley). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 118 (Patrineles). — NGG, 1929, 2, p. 169, 171 (Frankel). — R F IC , 20 (1892) p. 200, 201, 212, 232 (Nigra); 21 (1893) p. 51, 73 (Nigra). — Scriptorium, 11 (1957) p. 101 (de Meyier); 13 (1959) p. 87-88 (de Meyier).

Vat. g r. 37. D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2720. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 423, 465. — Meyier (de ) - H ueshoff P oe, Codices graeci, p. 143. NGG, 1929, 2, p. 185 (Frankel). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 261 (deMeyier). Vat. gr. 38. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. x x x n . — Bertôea, Registri, p. 75 n. 6. — Coeonna, Opera, p. 12. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 33, 47, 98, 101, 134, 154, 204, 237, 288, 416. — D iehe , Anthologia3, II, p. IV. — F arina , Versi, p. 53. — Gaeeavotti, Theocritus, p. ix, xx xii , xxxv, 247, 252, 326. — Goetteing - F each, Hesiodus, p. Exvii. — Gow, Theocritus, I, p. xxxvi, XEii. — H aeberein , Carmina, p. 7. — H orst (Van der ), Vers d’Or, p. xii. — L egrand, Bucoliques, p. x x x m . — L ivadaras, Historia, p. 241. — P ertusi, Scholia, p. ix. — R zach, Carmina, p. vn. — R zach, Hesiodus1, p. 96. — R zach, Hesiodus2, p. 52. — Sandbacii, Plutarchus, p. x. — SchueTz, Überlieferung, p. 24. — T uryn , Codices, p. 38, 130. — Vari, Oppianus, p. 16. — W endee , Theocritus, p. x, xxxix. — W endee , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 194, 196. — Y oung, Theognis, p. xv. AC, 36 (1967) p. 19 n. 59 (Hofinger). — Aevum, 24 (1950) p. 10-26 (Per­ tusi). — A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 212. — B yzZ, 16 (1907) p. 464 (Wendel); 45 (1952) p. 116; 46 (1953) p. 415. — R F IC , 44 (1916) p. 486, 502 n. 1, 508 η. 1 (Garin); 47 (1919) p. 80 (Garin); 62 (1934) p. 362 η. 1 (Gallavotti); 67 (1939) p. 45 (Gallavotti). — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 37. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 141. — StB iz, 7 (1953) p. 178, 179 (Pertusi). — W S, 20 (1898) p. 92 (Rzach). Miscell. Galbiati, II, p. 170 (Sbordone). Vat. g r. 39. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. x x x iii . — Boegar H eritage, p. 498. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 35, 45, 98, 134, 155’ 239, 288, 318, 413. — Gaeeavotti, Theocritus, p. 274, 326. -— L ivadaras, Historia, p. 241. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 110, 112. — Schuetz, Überlieferung, p. 24. — Vàri, Oppianus, p. 16. — W endee , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 196. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 η. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 40. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, 1, p. x x x iii . — Aubreton , Démétrius Triclinius, p. 16, 79, 82, 84. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 45, 208, 300, 350, 442. — Gaeeavotti, Theocritus, p. 273, 326. — Gow, Theocritus, I, p. xxxvi, XE, xeiv . — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 285, 286. — I rigoin , Scholies, p. 92. — L egrand , Bucoliques, p. x x x iii . — P earson, Sophocles, p. vi, xiv. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 29. — W endee , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 19, 196. B P hW , 45 (1925) p. 1411. — R F IC , 62 (1934) p. 351 (Gallavotti). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158. — SIF C , N.S., 11 (1934) p. 293 (Gallavotti). — T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 168, 169, 169 n. 115 (Turyn). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 4, 6, 35 (Turyn). — W S, 4 (1882) p. 233 (Abel). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 41. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 483. — D rachmann, Pindarus, 1, p. ix, x, xi, x v ii, x x v ; II, p. v, v u , v n i, ix, xv. — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 155, 165, 170, 176-180, 184, 185, 186, 203, 291, 324, 334, 370, 401, 403, 412. — I rigoin , Scholies, p. 66, 126. — L udwich , Batrachomachia, p. 41. — L udwich , D issertatio, p. 4. — Snedd, Pindarus, p. v. — T uryn , Carmina, p. x. — T uryn , Pindarus, p. 36. ByzZ, 37 (1937) p. 37 (Biedl). — R E B yz, 12 (1954) p. 262. — RPh, S. III, 29 (1955) p. 77. — RhM , 20 (1865) p. 176 n. 3 (W achsmuth). — Scriptorium, 9 (1955) p. 333; 16 (1962) p. 158; 21 (1967) p. 140. — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 516. — W S, 4 (1882) p. 233 (Abel). Miscell. Bourberes, p. 324 (Livadaras). Vat. g r. 42. A h r e n s , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. x x x i i . — C a p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 65. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 427, 460. — D r a c h m a n n , Pindarus, I, p. ix , x, x i n.*, x i i , x v ii, xxv; II, p. xv. — G a d d a v o tti , Theo­ critus, p. v in , x x x i i , x x x v , 246, 260, 326. — Gow, Bucolici, p. x in . — Gow, Theocritus, p. x x x v i, x x x v m . — H a e b e r d in , Carmina, p. 6. — I r ig o in , Histoire, p. 313, 314, 318-321, 342. — L a m e e r E, Tradition, p. 57 n. 1. — LEGRAND, Buco­ liques, I, p. x x x iii. — M ü d d e r , Geographi, II, p. x x x v n , nr. 71. — T u r y n , Pindarus, p. 24. — W e n d e d , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 197. — W e n d e d , Theo­ critus, p. IX, x x x ix . B P hW , 24 (1904) p. 964. — BZG, 61 (1961) p. 80 (Vemet). — ByzZ, 16 (1907) p. 465 (Wendel); 19 (1910) p. 331, 332 (Wendel). — Eos, 2 (1895) p. 55 (Miodonski). — Philologus, 49 (1890) p. 656 (Haeberlin). — R F IC , 44 (1916) p. 502 n. 1, 508 n. 2 (Garin); 45 (1917) p. 377 n. 1 (Garin); 67 (1939) p. 45 (Gallavotti). — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 37. Miscell. Galbiati, II, p. 170 (Sbordone). V at. g r. 43. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. x x x iv . — Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 3, 28. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 34, 46, 98, 134, 156, 204, 239, 288, 318, 415. — Gaddavotti, Theocritus, p. 275, 326. — I ri­ goin , Histoire, p. 286. — L udwich , Batrachom achia, p. 49. — L udwich , Dissertatio, p. 9. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 110, 112. — VAr i , Oppianus, p. 16. — VoGED —Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 201. — W ended , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 197. ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373; 38 (1938) p. 223. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Ramorino, p. 443 (Vâri). V at. g r. 44. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I,] P· x x x iv .·— Aubreton, Démétrius Triclinius, p. 16, 82, 121, 122. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 101, 136, 349. — Gaddavotti, Theocritus, p. ix , x x x ii, 326. — Gow, Theocritus, p. x x x v i. — Livadaras, H istoria, p. 241. — Schudtz, Überlieferung, p. 24. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 29. — W ended , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 197. A B , 69 (1951) p. 403 (Halkin). — Byzantion, 20 (1950) p. 63, 64 (Honigmann). — PrOrChr, 16 (1966) p. 8 n. 20 (Mateos). — R F IC , 67 (1939) p. 45 (G allavotti). — T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 169 (Turyn). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 35 (Turyn).— S IF C , 11 (1934) p. 292 (Gallavotti). Miscell. Bourberes, p. 324 (Livadaras). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 41-51


V at. g r. 45. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 45,412. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 20. T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 169 (Turyn). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 36 (Turyn). V at. g r. 46. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 47, 101, 136, 208, 301, 315, 441. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 78. Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 277 (W ittek); 14 (1960) p. 397. — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 36 (Turyn). V at. g r. 47. A u b r ETON, Dém étrius Triclinius, p. 16, 63-72, 75, 86, 89, 91, 95, 115-116, 158, 232, 234, 236. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 47, 101, 136, 156, 443. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 106 n. 92. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 78. A SC L , 11 (1941) p. 65-72 (Mercati). — BBGG, N.S., 19 (1965) passim (Petta). — JOBG, 8 (1959) p. 144 (Hunger). — REG, 64 (1951) p. 385. — Scrip­ torium, 6 (1952) p. 139; 20 (1966) p. 150. — SIF C , N.S., 11 (1934) p. 310 n. 2 (G allavotti). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 2, 3, 36 (Turyn). V at. g r. 48. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 47,101, 136, 286, 414. — I r ig o in Histoire, p. 286. — S c h w a r t z , A.C.O., I I I , p. 2. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 29. T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 170 (Turyn). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 36 (Turyn). — W S, 4 (1882) p. 236, 246 (Abel). V at. g r. 49. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 154, 442. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 194. Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 36 (Turyn). V at. g r. 50. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. χ χ χ ιι. — Allen , Prolegomena, p. 45. — Aubreton , Dém étrius Triclinius, p. 80, 81, 84. — D e ­ vreesse , Fonds grec, p. 45, 101, 137, 208, 462. — GallavoTTI, Theocritus, p. 275, 326. — I rigoin , H istoire, p. 278, 286. — I rigoin , Scholies, p. 88 n. 4. — J aekel , Menander, p. vi, x x x iii . — L ivadaras, H istoria, p. 241. — Monro Allen , Homerus, I, p. x x x . — P eppink , Opera, p. 62, 63. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — Schultz, Überlieferung, p. 24, 33. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 153. — T u­ ryn , Sophocles, p. 29. — W endel , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 197. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — J H S, 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — Mnemosyne, S. I l l , 1 (1933-34) p. 159 (Peppink). — R F IC , 44 (1916) p. 505 (Garin); 62 (1934) p. 352 n. 3, 353 (Gallavotti). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 277 (W ittek); 16 (1962) p. 158. —· T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 127, 128, 153, 170, 170 n. 116 (Turyn). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 36 (Turyn). — W S, 4 (1882) p. 236, 246 (Abel). V at. g r. 51. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 102, 137, 182, 209, 286, 318, 416. — L iv a d a r a s , Historia, p. 241. — S c h u l t z , Überlieferung, p. 25. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 100. — W a l l ie s , Alexander, p. x i i . BPEC, N.S., 6 (1958) p. 23 n. 18 (Colonna). — ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373; 51 (1958) p. 384. — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — WS, 20 (1898) p. 209 (Schenkl). Miscet/. Albareda, I, p. 324 n. 1 (Devreesse). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici V aticani greci


V at. g r. 52. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 47, 102, 137, 208, 289, 413. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 154. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). V at. g r. 53. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. χ χ χ ιν . — Aubre Ton, Dém étrius Triclinius, p. 85. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 101, 136, 208, 358, 441. — GaeeavoTTi , Theocritus, p. 326. — Livadaras, Historia, p. 241. — T uryn, Euripides, p. 154. —- W endee , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 197. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 107 (Barbiellini-Amidei). — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — R F IC , 62 (1934) p. 353 n. 2 (G allavotti). V at. g r. 54. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 156, 206, 318, 415. — ner , Introduction, I, p. 401. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 155. — Vogee hausen , Schreiber, p. 103 n. 3.

Scrive­ Gardt-

CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). V at. g r . 55.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 484. — Mortreuie , Histoire,

I, p. 157, 235 n. b, 352, 365, 370, 380, 405. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 200. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 265 (deMeyier). V at. g r . 56. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 239, 4 4 3 .— T uryn , Euripides, p. 155. — USENER, Kleine Schriften, I, p. 324. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). V at. g r. 57. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 47, 101, 136, 208, 288, 318, 416. — H omeyER, Lukian, p. 82. — L ivadaras, H istoria, p. 241. — Schuetz, Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 25. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 76. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 42. B P E C , N.S., 2 (1953) p. 29, 33 n. 3 (Colonna). — B P hW , 61 (1941) p. 531. — ByzZ, 47 (1954) p. 185. — J A W, 71 (1892) p. 27, 29 (Zacher). — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 25 (Smyth). — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 17 (1964) p. 337-366, passim (Koster). — REG, 76 (1963) p. 390 (Koster). — RhM , 57 (1902) p. 443 (Kunze). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ïttek). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 9 n. 33, 36 (Turyn). V at. g r. 58.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 98, 134, 156, 204, 288, 318, 415.

— T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 41, 86. H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 25 (Smyth). V at. g r . 59. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p 35, 46, 101, 136, 208, 239, 301, 343, 442. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 76. CQ, N.S., 60 (1966) p. 248 n. 2 (Moore). — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 25 (Smyth). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 262 (de Meyier). V a t. g r . 60.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 98, 134, 156, 204, 288, 318, 413.

V at. g r. 61.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 45, 207, 290, 358, 443. — I r i -

GOIN, Histoire, p. 286. — Merca Ti , Note, p. 183 n. 1. — PiTRA, Monumenta, II, p. 206 n. 1. — P o s t , Plato, p. 77. — R e g e n b o g e n , Theophrastos, col. 1435. — R i t s c h e , Prooemium, p. 18. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 52-64


J A W , 71 (1892) p. 27 (Zacher). — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 8 (1955) p. 299, 300 (Holwerda); 17 (1964) p. 366 (Koster). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 683 (W ohlrab). — OC, 34 (1937) p. 154. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 132; 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). — W S, 4 (1882) p. 237, 246 (Abel). V at. g r . 62. C a p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 281. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 102, 137, 208, 290, 450. — E r b s e , Theosophie, p. 63. — G a e ea v o TTi , Theocritus, p. 326. — G ia n n EEEI, Codices Vat. I, p. 44. — L a e m m e r , M antis­ sa, p. 114. — MERCATI, Opere minori, IV, p. 33 n. 4, 52 n. 1. — S c h u e Tz , Überheferung, p. 25. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 105, 160. — W e n DEE, Theokrit-Scholien, p. 197. B y J , 9 (1933) p. 348 (von Prem erstein). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 93 (Patrineles). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 321 (Diller). — R F IC , 64 (1936) p. 30 n. 3 (G allavotti). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 156. — W S, 10 (1888) p. 234, 255 (Stembach); 11 (1889) p. 198. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 6 (Devreesse). — Nationalbibliothek, p. 255 n. 1 (von Prem erstein). V at. g r . 63. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 421, 454. — G a r z y a , Teognide, p. 23. — J a e k e e , Menander, p. x, x x x iv . — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 40 n. 87, 61. — S t e r n b a c h , Menandrea, p. 321. — Y o u n g , Theognis, p. x x v i. B P E C , N.S., 7 (1959) p. 26, 31 (Gallavotti). — Eos, 41 (1940-46), fasc. 2, p. 24 (Hammer); 44 (1950) p. 39 n. 13 (Eanowski). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 94 (Young); 17 (1963) p. 78 (Canart). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 8 n. 87 (Sternbach); 14 (1892) p. 222 n. 1 (Weinberger). Catal. astrol., IV 5, p. 3. V at. g r . 64. Bene Seviö , Sbornik, p. 112, 332. — Buermann, Isokrates, I, p. 9, 13. — Costie, D udith, p. 262, 268. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 42, 95, 159, 202, 240, 319, 408. — Drerup , Aeschines, p. 6, 15, 20, 52. — Drerup , Isocrates, p. xm. — F each, Synesius, p. ix. — F oerster , Dibanius, II, p. 446, 449, 468, 471; IX , p. 167. — F oerster , Zambeccari, p. 46. — F ritz, Synesios, p. 324. — H eyse , Abhängigkeit, p. 10. — H eyse , Reden, p. 2. — K ayser, Philostratus, I I , p. ix . — K rabinger , Orationes, p. x x i. — Martin - B ud £ (de ), Eschine, I, p. xxviii . — Mathieu - BrEmond, Isocrate, I, p. x x iii ; II , p. i; I I I , p. 1; IV, p. 1. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 522. — N achmanson, Collectio, p. xv. — R itsche , Prooemium, p. 18. —- Schenke, E pictetus, p. xxv. — Schenke R eisch , Callistratus, p. x x iv . — SchueTz, Aeschylus, p. x x iii . — Souieh E - J agu, ßpict^te, I, p. exxv, exxix , exxxv ; I I , p. 1; I I I , p. 1. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, passim. — T erzaghi, H ym ni, p. x iv , 3. — T reu , Pediasimus, p. 51. — T uryn , Codices, p. 10, 46-48. — U sener -R adermacher, Opuscula, I, p. xi. — VoGEE Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 115. BP E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 30 (Garzya). — B P hW , 12 (1892) p. 733; 25 (1905) p. 661; 48 (1928) p. 1285, 1286 (Sykutris); 1577; 54 (1934) p. 401. — B yzZ, 22 (1913) p. 232; 28 (1928) p. 430; 38 (1938) p. 289 n. 3 (Terzaghi); 58 (1965) p. 374. — DOP, 16 (1962) p. 393 (Diller). — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 44 (Garzya). — R A L , S. VI, 10 (1934) p. 23 n. 1 (Terzaghi). — REG, 27 (1914) p. 200. — R F IC , 2 (1874) p. 410 (Piccolomini). — RPh, N.S., 17 (1893) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

p. 43; 29 (1905) p. 61. — S B A W , 1902, p. 315, 320 (Drerup). — SIF C , (1912) p. 6 (Terzaghi); 20 (1913) p. 450, 451, 465 (Terzaghi).


V at. g r . 65. B uermann, Isokrates, I, p. 3, 4. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 40, 53, 95, 132, 182, 201, 242, 285, 320, 410. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 89 n. 6, 299. — D rerup , Codices Isocratei, p. 40. — D rerup , Isocrates, p. xiv. — Gardthausen, Palaeographie, I, p. 161; II, p. 477. — Laistner , Isocrates, p. 28. — L ake , M anuscripts, V III, p. 7. — Mathieu - Brémond , Isocrate, I, p. x x iii; II, p. i; III, p. 1; IV, p. 1. — Seck , Untersuchungen, p. 111. — Vogeu - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 140. BECh, 42 (1881) p. 558 (Omont). — B P hW , 5 (1885) p. 1640. — ByzZ, 22 (1913) p. 187; 40 (1940) p. 121. —Philologus, 55 (1896) p. 660, 666 (Drerup). — R B P h, 8 (1929) p. 1223. — T A P h A , 11 (1941) p. 356 n. 4 (Raubitschek). — ViVrern, N .S., 19 (1961) p. 145 (Lichaceva). Vat. g r . 66. DE F auco, Demade, p. 55. — D e Marin is , Legatura, nr. 1074. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 133, 160, 203, 243, 285, 410. — H u d e , Lysias, p. x ii . — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 124. ByzZ, 19 (1910) p. 580. — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 314 (Diller). — OC, N.S., 2 (1912) p. 81 n. 1 (H engstenberg). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 13 (van Regem orter); 17 (1963) p. 68 (Canart). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 325 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 67. D e Marin is , Legatura, nr. 2767. — Dev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 41, 42, 53, 95, 132, 157, 184, 201, 243, 284, 416. — D r er u p , Aeschines, p. 6, 26, 29. — D r er u p , Demosthenesausgaben, p. 575. — K eiu , Aristides, p. x ix . — T orraca , B ruto, p. x x x v n , 3. REG, 27 (1914) p. 200. — PhilologusSuppbd, 7 (1899) p. 575 (Drerup). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 22 (van Regemorter); 14 (1960) p. 350. Vat. g r . 68. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 95, 132, 157, 201, 282, 323, 437. — W estermann , Biographoi, p. x v iii. Philologus, 82 (1927) p. 426 (Rupprecht). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 46, 47 (Irigoin). Vat. g r . 69. Be n e Seviö , Sinagoga, p. 179 n. 1. — D e Marin is , Lega­ tu ra, nr. 2793. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 32, 52, 95, 132, 160, 201, 240, 284, 322, 406. — E rdmann , Pseudo-Lysias, p. 3. — F oerster , Libanius, V III, p. 577. — H u d e , Lysias, p. vi, x ii . Philologus, 82 (1927) p. 426 (R upprecht). — SB A W, 1902, p. 302 (Drerup). Vat. g r . 70. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 38, 157, 322, 403. — F oerster , Libanius, V III, p. 577. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 66 n. 6. Vat. g r . 71. 284, 319, 408.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 32, 51, 95, 132, 157, 201, 240, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 65-76


V at. g r. 72. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 137. — Devreesse , Codices Vat. II , p. 120. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 420, 452. — K öheer , Textge­ schichte, p. 68. — L ori MER, Libellus, p. 3. — T homas, Collections, I, p. 475. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 124. V at. g r . 73. Boissevain , Cassius Dio, I, p. cx x iv . — Coeonna, Storici, p. 3, 35, 43, 82, 99, 109, 119. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 53, 410. — DE­ VREESSE, Introduction, p. 15 n. 12. — Dindorf , Diodorus, I, p. i h . — D indorf , Historici, I, p. Evi, e ix , exxxix . — F ischer , Diodorus, IV, p. m n. 1. — H abrich , Iam blichus, p. x ii . — H aury , Procopius, I, p. x e iii , Eli; II, p. 684, 689, 691. — K e ie , Aristides, p. x v ra . — Mai, Collectio, II, p. x x x i. — Meeber , Dio Cassius, I, p. ix . — Moore, Polybius, p. 5 sg., 42 n. 1, 128, 132 sg., 166 sg., 171-4. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 260. — P ädech, Polybe, p .x x xvii , xeiv , xev , XEViii, Ev ii . — P eppink , Opera, p. 8, 86-89. — P ost, P lato, p. 77. — R oos, A m anus, I, p. x x x ix . Ein. — Viereck - R oos, Appianus, I, p. xvii , x x x . — Vier eck - R o o s - G abba, Appianus, p. x x x m . — Vogee, Diodorus, II, p. v. Aevum, 38 (1964) p. 13 (Di Gregorio). — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 16-21 (de Boor). — Helikon, 4 (1964) p. 166 (W irth). — Hermes, 95 (1967) p. 81 (Abel). — REG, 18 (1905) p. 404; 73 (1960) p. x x ix (Irigoin). — R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 617; 36 (1908) p. 158. — R hM , 31 (1876) p. 207 n. 1 (Mendelssohn); 46 (1891) p. 324 (Kuebler). — R P h, S. III, 35 (1961) p. 315. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 178179 (Irigoin); 16 (1962) p. 158; 18 (1964) p. 160. — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 290 (Sestakov); 446 (Kraseninnikov); 11 (1904) p. 22, 26, 27 n. 2, 29, 521, 523 (Kraseninnikov); 13 (1906) p. 154 (Kraseninnikov); 20 (1913) p. 158 (Kra­ seninnikov); 21 (1913) p. 105 (Bees). V at. g r. 74. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 33, 52, 157, 240, 282, 319, 408. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, I I , p. 462. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. II, p. 46. — K e ie , Aristides, p. xvii , x v m . — L enz , Aristeidesstudien, p. 14, 32, 41, 89, 102, 103, 106, 107, 117. — L enz , Prolegomena, p. 46, 47, 110, 120, 126, 152, 167. — L enz , Untersuchungen, p. 82, 112. — Mio n i , Codices, II, p. v n i, 7. A B , 21 (1902) p. 6 (anonimo). — B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 223. — Hermes, 65 (1930) p. 211, 216, 217 n. 1 (Lenz); 66 (1931) p. 57 (Lenz). — Philologus, 107 (1963) p. 279 (Lenz); 109 (1965) p. 150 (Lenz). V at. g r. 75. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 33, 52, 157, 201, 240, 282, 319, 403. — K e ie , Aristides, p. ix , xvii , x v m . — L enz , Aristeidesstudien, p. 52, 100. — L enz , Prolegomena, p. 167. Hermes, 25 (1890) p. 315 (Keil). — NGG, 1933, p. 218a (Lenz). — R F IC , 27 (1899) p. 300. V at. g r. 76. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 220, 296, 346. — K e ie , Aristides, p. x v m . — L enz , Aristeidesstudien, p. 7, 8, 12, 36 sg., 78. — L enz , Prolegomena, p. 6, 26, 120, 126, 152, 156. — L enz, U ntersuchungen, p. 44. — Mras, Über­ lieferung, p. 3, 19. — N ie Än , Lucianus, I, p. vn . A J P h , 67 (1946) p. 114 n. 24, 118 (Lenz). — BP hW , 10 (1890) p. 79, 82, 991, 994; 13 (1893) p. 840. — B yJ, 12 (1936) p. 129. — ByzZ, 34 (1934) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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p. 162. — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 17 (1964) p. 283 (Lenz). — Philologus, 48 (1889) p. 634 (Bethe); 72 (1913) p. 128 (Wingels); 107 (1963) p. 279 (Lenz). — RPh, S. I l l , 40 (1966) p. 328. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek). — SIF C , 5 (1897) p. 220 (Levi). — W S, 38 (1916) p. 309 n. 2 (Mras). Vat. g r . 77. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 158, 220, 240, 292, 322, 408. — GianneW , Codices Vat. II, p. 23 n. 1. — K eig , Aristides, p. xvir, x v m . — L aMEERE, T radition, p. 47 n. 1, 56, 57-61, 63, 74-75, 157, 161, 171. — L enz , Prolegomena, p. 42, 86. — L enz, Untersuchungen, p. 93, 96. ByzZ, 40 (1940) p. 462. Vat. g r . 78. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 220, 292, 405. — Lenz , Aristeidesstudien, p. 41. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, p. xx. B P E C , N.S., 10 (1962) p. 2 (Terzaghi). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek); 18 (1964) p. 169. Vat. g r . 79.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 33, 96, 132, 202, 284, 353, 407.

— KEIG, Aristides, p. x v n , xvm , xxvi. — L enz , Aristeidesstudien, p. 15, 68 n. 1, 78. — Lenz , Untersuchungen, p. 93, 96. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96, 100. — Schwartz, A.C.O., I I I , p. 2. Vat. g r . 80. D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2708. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 421, 453. — D owney , Them istius, p. x xv. — Schenke, Beiträge, p. 63. — USENER, Kleine Schriften, I I I , p. 248. W S, 20 (1898) p. 209 (Schenkl). Vat. g r . 81. Bene Sevi 6, Sinagoga, p. 187 n. 1. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 33, 161, 242, 284, 322, 410. — FoERSTER, Libanius, I, passim-, II, pas­ sim·, III, passim ; IV, passim·, V, p. 7, 13. — FoERSTER, ZambecCari, p. 47. — I ri Goin , Scholies, p. 83 n. 5. — MERCATi, Cidone, p. 165. — Mercati, Isi­ dore, p. 64 n. 1. — P i Tra, M onumenta, I, p. x. — T uryn, Codices, p. 145. AC, 25 (1956) p. 205. — B IS IA M , 74 (1962) p. 57, 153 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — ByzZ, 6 (1897) p. 454. — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 692, 694, 695, 696 (Raoss). — EO, 26 (1927) p. 357 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158; 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 161 n. 3 (Benesevic). V at. g r. 82. Ca m m eg g i , Cydonès, p. x x x v i i i , x g ix . — D e v r e e s s e , Codices V at. I I , p. 133. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 216, 290, 407. — D o w n e y , Themistius, p. ix , x x iv . — F oERSTER, Libanius, I, passim-, II, passim-, IV, p. 203, 304, 323, 409; V, p. 171, 194, 291, 362, 370, 413, 418, 531, 534; VI, pas­ sim·, V II, passim-, V III, p. 156, 212, 366; IX , p. 7, 172, 173. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 48, 133. — FoERSTER - R ic h t s t e ig , Choricius, p. x x v u . — K e i e , Aristides, p. x v i i . — L o e n e r TZ, Calécas, p. 334 n. 8. — L o E n e r TZ, Cydonès, I, p. 7. — L o e n e r t z , L ettres, p. 84. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 46 n 1, 127. — S c h e n k e , Beiträge, p. 55, 59. — T i d n e r , Didascaliae, p. 118. — W e ic h è r t , Demetrius, p. x g iv . - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 695 n. 4, 696 (Raoss). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 184 (Darrouzès). — R hM , 64 (1909) p. 303 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 116; 20 (1966) p. 110. — W S, 20 (1898) p. 207 (Schenkl). V at. g r. 83. B essi ÈrES, Correspondance, p. 165. — D evr EESSE, Fonds grec, p. 33, 53, 96, 132, 160, 202, 240, 284, 321, 408. — DEVREESSE, Introduc­ tion, p. 208 n. 4. — FoERSTER, Ribanius, IX , p. m , v, 52-70, 77, 139, 164, 165, 216, 231, 236; X , p. VI. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 45, 45 n. 3, 46, 47, 48, 103, 115 n. 1, 133, 211 n. 1, 221 n. 1, 262 n. 1. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 156sg., 435. — S e ECK, Ribanius, p. 37 n. 1. ByzZ, 16 (1907) p. 667. — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 120. V at. g r . 84. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 31, 95, 132, 158, 202, 240, 282, 319, 408. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 317. — FoERSTER, Libanius, I, p. 33, 415, 432; II, p. 1, 47, 83, 115, 155, 158, 184, 225, 374, 415; I I I , p. 120, 122, 306; IV, p. 3, 4, 202, 204, 304, 324, 343, 407; V, p. 171, 298, 363; VI, p. 498, 547, 614; V II, p. 75, 643; IX , p. 148. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 46, 133. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri - Rietzmann , Specimina, tav. 45. — K e ie , Aristides, p. x ix . — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 110, 113. — S chubar T, Palaeographie, p. 167 (nr. 45). B yzZ, T l (1927) p. 373. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 9, 14 (van Regemorter) ; 17 (1963) p. 69 (Canart). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 85. BESSIÈRES, Correspondance, p. 165. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 32, 51, 96, 132, 158, 241, 284, 322, 408. — FoERSTER, Ribanius, IX , p. 70-73, 75; X, p. vi. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 47, 109 n. 2, 115 n. 1, 133, 211 n. 1. B P hW , 34 (1914) p. 1511. — B yzZ, 16 (1906) p. 667-668. V at. g r . 86. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 32, 158, 221, 241, 301. Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (W ittek). — S IF C , S (1897) p. 220 (Bevi). Vat. g r . 87. Aebers , Rucianus, p. 1, 2. — Benndorf - Schenke, Philostratus, p. v u n. 1, x v iii. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 38, 53, 97, 133, 159, 203, 243, 310. — D obschüTz (von), Christusbilder, p. 35. — H omeyer, Rukian, p. 82. — K ayser, Philostratus, II, p. xi, x m , x x , x x i. — Rev i , Ribellus, p. 9, 11, 13, 14. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 62, 64 n. 1, 86. — Mras, Überlieferung, p. 2, 34. — N il Én , Rucianus, I, p. v n , x x x v n. 2, x x x v i n. 1. — Schenke R eisch , Callistratus, p. ix, x x m , x x iv , xx v i. — SommerbrodT, Rucianus, I 1, p. VI, v u ; I I 2, p. IV. — T ode , Timarion, p. 5. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 103 n. 89. — V ogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 106. — Zimmermann, Poda­ gra, p. vi, vu. B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 11, 12 (G allavotti). — BP hW , 5 (1885) p. 1291; 10 (1890) p. 695; 993, 1044-1046; 1291 (Schwartz); 11 (1891) p. 1166; 13(1893) p. 840. — ByzZ, 54 (1961) p. 169. — Philologus, 48 (1889) p. 629 (Bethe); 51 (1892) p. 74-80 (Sommerbrodt) ; 52 (1893) p. 136 (Som m erbrodt). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. — R F IC , 15 (1887) p. 52 (Bertolotto); 20 (1892) p. 548 (Setti); 21 (1893) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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ρ. 165, 166; 28 (1900) ρ. 335. — R hM , 37 (1882) p. 301-307 (Sommerbrodt) ; 39 (1884) ρ. 631 (Som m erbrodt). — RPh, N.S., 9 (1885) p. 26 (Desrousseaux) ; 25 (1901) p. 267; S. I I I , 38 (1964) p. 246 (Follet). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) ρ. 316 (W ittek). — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 360 (Levi); 5 (1897) p. 220 (Levi). — SO, 3 (1925) p. 36 (Nilén). — IFS, 21 (1899) p. 152 (Schenkl); 38 (1916) p. 309 η. 2 (Mras). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 14 (Carini). Vat. g r. 88. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 33, 41, 52, 106, 140, 182, 407. — H o m e y e r , Lukian, p. 82. — M o s c a r in i , Philopatris, p. 5. — M r a s , Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 37. — N i l é n , Lucianus, I, p. x m . — R e u t e r s , De epistulis, p. 23. — S c h e r m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 51. — Z im m e r m a n n , Podagra, p. vi. B P hW , 11 (1891) p. 1166, 1167. — B yzZ, 5 (1896) p. 3 n. 0 (Rohde). — Eranos, 26 (1928) p. 224 (Nilén). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (Wittek); 20 (1966) p. 86. — SicGymn, N.S., 17 (1964) p. 286 (Anastasi); 20 (1967) p. 112, 113 (Anastasi). — SO, 3 (1925) p. 36 (Nilén). Vat. g r. 89. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 205, 286, 316, 414. — H omeyer , Lukian, p. 82. — L e v i , Libellus, p. 8, 9, 11, 18, 19. — Me y i ER (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 132. — Mras , Überlieferung, p. 3, 8. — N il é n , Lucianus, I, p. v u , XXXVIII. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 246. — R abe , Scholia, p. iv, v u , v m . — Zimmermann , Podagra, p. vi. Philologus, 48 (1889) p. 629, 630, 634 (Bethe); 110 (1966) p. 136 (Luppe). — R F IC , 21 (1893) p. 165, 167. — R h M , 25 (1870) p. 548 (Rohde). — RPh, N.S., 27 (1903) p. 91; 31 (1907) p. 214. - Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 316 (Wittek). — S IF C , 5 (1897) p. 220 (Levi). — W S, 38 (1916) p. 309 n. 2 (Mras). Vat. g r. 90. A l b e r s , Lucianus, p. 1, 11. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1224. —· DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 42, 52, 96, 132, 202, 238, 285, 412. —, d e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 34, 86 n. 1. — F c e r s t e r , Libanius, IV, p. 415, 419,420. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i - L i ETz m a n n , Specimina, tav. 10. — G r e e n e , Scholia, ρ. XXXII. — HOMEYER, Lukian, p. 82. — L e v i , Libellus, p. 6, 7, 9-14. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 55, 62. — Mercati , Opere minori, III, p. 486. — Mras , Überlieferung, p. 2. — N il é n , Lucianus, I, p. n i, v, v u , x x x v n. 2, XXXVI n. 1, XXXVII n. 1, x x x v m . — R abe , Scholia, p. n i, v u , vm. — S chu bart , Palaeographie, p. 159 (nr. 10). — S ommerbrodt , Lucianus, I 1, p. vi; I 2, ρ. IV. — Zimmermann , Podagra, p. v, vi, vn. AC, 29 (1960) p. 465. — A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 378 n. 3 (Festa). — BP hW , 10 (1890) p. 78, 79, 80, 694, 695, 747 (Nilén); 991, 1291 (Schwartz); 13 (1893) p. 840. — B y J , 3 (1922) p. 333, 334 (Maas). — B yzZ, 21 (1912) p. 587; 27 (1927) p. 372; 50 (1957) p. 216. — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 301 (Irigoin). — Eranos, 26 (1928) p. 220 (Nilén). — J H S , 81 (1961) p. 173. — Mnemosyne, S. I I I , 3 (1935-36) p. 69 (Drerup). — Philologus, 48 (1889) p. 629, 633, 634, 636 (Bethe); 50 (1891) p. 314 (Schmid); 51 (1892) p. 74, 75, 81 (Sommerbrodt); 52 (1893) p. 136 (Sommerbrodt) ; 72 (1913) p. 133 (Wingels). — REG, 24 (1911) p. 89. — R F IC , 21 (1893) p. 165, 166; 28 (1900) p. 335; 38 (1910) p. 198 (Setti). — R hM , 25 (1870) p. 548 (Rohde); 32 (1877) p. 89, 94 (Foerster). — RPh, N.S., 8 (1884) p. 147-150 (de Nolhac); 9 (1885) p. 29 (Desrousseaux); - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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25 (1901) p. 267; 31 (1907) p. 214; 35 (1911) p. 95 (Jacob); S. I I I , 36 (1962) p. 320. — RSO, 10 (1923-25) p. 219 (Mercati). —1 Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 116, 309, 316; 10 (1956) p. 164; 12 (1958) p. 140; 17 (1963) p. 373. — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 240 (Vitelli); 4 (1896) p. 360 (Levi). — SO, 3 (1925) p. 36 (Nüén). — W S, 38 (1916) p. 309 n. 2 (Mras). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 14 (Carini). — Riproduzioni fototipiche, p. 22. V at. g r. 91. Arnim , Dio Chrysostomus, p. x x n . — B udé (d e ), Dio Chrysostomus, p. ix , x. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. ■54, 110, 144, 220, 294, 346. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 22 n. 3. — F ritz , Synesios, p. 328. — K ra binger , Orationes, p. x x i. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 63 n. 1, 82 n. 4 .— S onny , Analecta, p. v. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, passim. Hermes, 79 (1944) p. 41 (Wenkebach). — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 44 (Garzya). — R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 214 (Garzya). — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 188; S. III, 12 (1938) p. 83. V at. g r. 92. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 132. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 92, 130, 164, 198, 246, 321, 402. — K rabingër , Orationes, p. x v m , x x i, x x iii , x x iv . — I.iNDSTAM, Epistulae, p. x. — L orimer , Libellus, p. 3. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, passim. — W artelle , Inventaire, p. 124. BPEC, N.S., 10 (1962) p. 2 (Terzaghi). — ByzZ, 2 (1893) p. 228 n. 1 (Voltz); 25 (1925) p. 47 (Lindstam). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 169. V at. g r. 93. BraTKE, Religionsgespräch, p. 90. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 34, 47, 9i), 135, 155, 238, 282, 319, 408. — D onnet, Traité, p. 107, 278291. — D üring , Aristotle, p. 15. — F oerster, Libanius, IX , p. 165. — F ritz , Synesios, p. 369. — Massa P ositano - Arco MagrI, Lessico, p. 13. — Matranga, Anecdota, p. 25. — Mühle (von der ), Epicurus, p. v. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, p. x ix , cx x x i. ByzZ, 14 (1905) p. 75, 78, 81 (Fritz). — Eranos, 19 (1919) p. 62, 63 (Lindstam ). — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 51 (Garzya). — RPh, S. III, 40 (1966) p. 339. — SIF C , 20 (1913) p. 202 (De Stéfani). — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 301 (Mercati). V at. gr. 94. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 42, 54, 107, 142, 221, 292, 353, 456. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 79 n. 1. — F lach , Synesius, p. v iii . — F ritz , Synesios, p. 333. — K rabingër , Orationes, p. x x i. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 21, 56, 63. — S oy TER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 13. — T erzaghi, Hymni, p. xiv, xvi, x x ix , 3. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, passim. B yzZ , 4 (1895) p. 118 (K irpicnikov); 38 (1938) p. 289 n. 3 (Terzaghi); 44 (1951) p. 571, 575 (Ziegler). — Hermes, 27 (1892) p. 119 (von Amim). — — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 44 (Garzya). — R A L , S. VI, 10 (1934) p. 23 n. 1 (Terzaghi). — SIF C , 19 (1912) p. 6 (Terzaghi); 20 (1913) p. 450, 452 (Terzaghi). V at. g r. 95. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. x x xii . — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 420, 454. — T orraca, Bruto, p. xxxvm , 3. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 105 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 350; 17 (1963) p. 80, 81 (Canart). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 177 n. 16 (Canart). 24 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici V aticani


g reci

V at. g r. 96. A r r i g h e t t i , Epicuro, p. x i. — B i d e z , Philostorgius, p. cn . — B if .d e , E xzerpt, passim. — C o l o n n a , Storici, p. 3. — DE v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 221, 311, 455. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 22 n. 3. — D ü r in g , Aristotle, p. 15. — G i a n n i n i , Paradoxographi, p. 8, 353, tav. III. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 542. — H in c k , Polemon, p. rv. — K a y s e r , Philostratus, II, p. ix , x iv . — K e y d e e e , Agathias, p. x v i i i . — D o n g , Diogenes Laertius, I, p. x x ; I I , p. xiv. — M a s q u e r a y , Xénophon, p. 43. — M e y i e r (d e ) - H u e s h o f f P o e , Codices graeci, p. 153, 154. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 215. — M ü h e e (v o n d e r ), Epicurus, p. v, 2. — P e p p i n k , Epitom e, I, p. xvi. — S chenke , Studien, I, p. 596 n. 0, 627. — W estermann , Biographoi, p. x ix . BPEC , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 106 n. 58 (Donzelli). — B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 692; 9 (1900) p. 357, 366 (Patzig); 12 (1903) p. 356-357; 13 (1904) p. 21 (Patzig); 35 (1935) p. 339 (Biedl); 50 (1957) p. 128, 129. — Hermes, 6 (1872) p. 324 (Mommsen) ; 34 (1899) p. 299, 301, 302, 304 (de Boor). — JOBG, 8 (1959) p. 125 (Hunger). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 120; 14 (1960) p. 340, 343 (Saffrey) ; 16 (1962) p. 138, 199; 20 (1966) p. 112. — SIF C , 11 (1903) p. 94 (De Stefani); 12 (1904) p. 155, 156 n. 1, 176 (De Stefani); N .S., 32 (I960) p. 181 n. 3 (Donzelli). — T A P h A , 94 (1963) p. 51 (Diller). — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 43 n. 1 (Sestakov). V at. g r. 97. Aeeen , Prolegomena, p. 45. — Benndorf - Schenke , Philostratus, p. xvi, x v iii . — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 52, 102, 137, 283, 320, 409. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 257 n. 7. — K ominis , Pardos, p. 68. — Mangeesdorf, Anecdota, p. 13. — MaTranga, Anecdota, p. 30. — Meyier (de ), Codices Vossiani, p. 171. — Monro - Aeeen , Homerus, I, p. xxx. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, I, p. exxxvi. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 21. — Studemund , Anecdota, p. 162. — W end EE, Tzetzes, col. 1988. CQ, 39 (1955) p. 195 (Browning). — J H S, 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 203 n. 10 (Garzya).

Vat. gr. 98. B enndo rf - S chenke , Philostratus, p. x vi, x v iii . — Ca­ Codices Barber., p. 276. — D evr eesse , Fonds grec, p. 206, 289, 360, 439.


— S chenke , Marcus Aurelius, p. x x x iv . — S tich , Antoninus, p. v m .

B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 11, 12, 13 (G allavotti). — B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 169. - CQ, 39 (1955) p. 195, 196 (Browning). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. — SIF C , 12 (1904) p. 152 (De Stefani).

Vat. g r. 99. Arnim (v o n ), Dio Chrysostomus, p. V. — Budé (de ), Dio Chrysostomus, p. IX, x. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 52, 96, 132, 158, 202, 243, 284, 411. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p . 34. — JÜTTNER, Polemon, p. 19 n. 0. — K ayser , Philostratus, II, p. ix. — MErcati, Isidoro, p. 82 n. 4. — Sonny, Analecta, p. v, 25-26. Hermes, 79 (1944) p. 41 (Wenkebach). — REG, 7 (1894) p . 100. — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 188; 20 (1896) p. 38 (Bidez). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 220 (Irigoin). — STFC, 1 (1893) p. 240 (Vitelli). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 96-104


V at. g r. 100. B e n n d o r f - S c h e n k e , Philostratus, p. xvi, x v n i. — B e r R egistri, p. 8 n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 52, 107, 142, 206, 289, 450. — D o n n e t , T raité, p. 112. — K a y s e r , Philostratus, II, p. xx. — L i n d ST a m , Epistulae, p. x. — M e y i E R ( d e ) , Codices Vossiani, p. 122. — S c h e n k e , Marcus Aurelius, p. x x x iv . — S t i c h , A ntoninus, p. v m . B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 11 (G allavotti). — B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 228 (Voltz); 54 (1961) p. 169. — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. — SIF C , 12 (1904) p. 152 (De Stéfani). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 442 n. 22a (Sevcenko). Tö l a ,

Vat. g r . 101. C a m m e e e i , Cydonès, p. x x x v , x e i i , x e ix . — Ca n d a e , Cabasilas, p. 9. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 32, 52, 53, 107, 142, 221, 293, 352. — F is c h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 197. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i - L ie t z m a n n , Specimina, tav. 57. — G ia n n e e e i , Codices Vat. I, p. 447. — J u g ie , Theologia, I, p. 478, 480. — LAMBERE, T ra­ dition, p. 11. — LoENERTZ, Calécas, p. 22, 58 n. 1, 333 n. 7. — LoENERTZ, Cydonès, II, p. x x v i. — E o e n e r t z , Lettres, passim. — M e r c a t i , Atumano, p. 51: — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 70, 125 sg., 157, 169 n. 4, 338-343, 490, 493, 496 sg., 500, 507, 516. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 291 η. 2, 394 η. 2, 408-410, 417-421. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 245. — T o s c a n i , Typica, p. 7 η. 3. — T uryn , Codices, p. 150. — V ogee - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 103, 103 n. 3. A F P , 17 (1947) p. 200 (Loenertz). — Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 85, 87 (Cammelli). — B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 152 (Pétrucci). — B y J , 5 (1926) p. 48 (Cammelli). — BvzZ, 35 (1935) p. 101; 46 (1953) p. 22 (Enepekides). — EO, 30 (1931) p. 352 (Laurent); 36 (1937) p. 277 n. 4, 287 n. 6, 474 n. 1, 484 (Loenertz); 37 (1938) p.107 n. 3 (Loenertz)) — OCP, 20 (1954) p. 252 η. 1 (Candal). — REB yz, 6 (1948) p. 106 (Darrouzès); 127; 9 (1951) p. 184(Darrouzès). — REG, 69 (1956) p. 505 (Guilland) ; 74 (1961) p. 347. — R F IC , 59 (1931) p. 416. — RH , 175 (1935) p. 510 (Bréhier). — Scriptorium, 4 (1950) p. 262 (Oleroff); 6(1952) p. 138; 14 (1960) p. 176; 16 (1962) p. 415; 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 260 (Jorio); N.S., 1 (1920) p. 160 (Cammelli). — St Biz, 2 (1927) p. 53 n. 1, n. 2 (Cammelli); 3 (1931) p. 220 (Mercati). V at. g r. 102. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 32, 53, 106, 141, 220, 292, 458. — R abe , Hermogenes, p. χ ιχ . — R itsche , Prooemium, p. 18. RhM , 67 (1912) p. 335 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson). V at. g r. 103. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 33, 52, 220, 293, 319, 404. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 16 n. 2, 53 n. 5. — K owaeski, Commentarium, p. V. — L aemmer , M antissa, p. 101. — R a be , Sylloge, p. ev . — R abe , H er­ mogenes, p. x v m . — T uryn , Codices, p. 10, 25-26. B P hW , 30 (1910) p. 115. — EO, 27 (1928) p. 403, 403 n. 2, 416 (Salaville). — L N U , 8 (1900) p. 491 (Almazov). — R hM , 58 (1903) p. 216, 216 n. 1 (Rabe). — ViVrern, 7 (1900) p. 752. V at. g r. 104. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 32, 52, 95, 132, 160, 201, 220, 283, 292, 323, 407. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 34. — K owaeski, Com­ m entarium , p. 5. — R abe , Aphthonius, p. x x x ii . — R abe , Hermogenes, p. x v m . R hM , 58 (1903) p. 216, 216 n. 1 (Rabe); 68 (1908) p. 523 n. 2 (Rabe). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

Vat. g r . 105. C a m p h a u s e n , Libellus, p. m . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 32, 51, 106, 141, 220, 240, 292, 416. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 85 n. 8. — K o m in is , Pardos, p. 75. — K o w a e s k i , Commentarium, p. v. — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, V, p. 310. — R a b e , Hermogenes p. x ix. — R a b e , Sylloge, p. c, c x m , exiv, cxv. — T u r y n , Codices, p. v m , 10, 39-40. B P hW , 30 (1910) p. 112. — B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 419. — P P , 22 (1967) p. 236 (Pugliese Carratelli). — RhM , 63 (1908) p. 512 (Rabe). Vat. g r. 106. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 157, 320,410. — G l ö c k n e r , Staseis, II, p. 5, 6. — K o w a e s k i , Commentarium, p. 5. — R a b e , Hermogenes, p. x ix . — R abe , Sylloge, p. uv, u x x x v i, x civ , civ, cxiv. — T ury n , Codices, p. 10,40-41. B P hW , 29 (1909) p. 1021. — B yzZ, 59 (1966) p. 305 (Wilson). — RhM , 58 (1903) p. 216, 216 n. 1 (Rabe); 64 (1909) p. 574 n. 1, n. 2 (Rabe). Vat. g r . 107. B e r g h o f f , Palladius, p. 13*. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, ρ. 106, 141, 410. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 542. — K o w a e s k i , Com­

m entarium , p. v. — R a b e , A phthonius, p. x m . — R a b e , Hermogenes, p. x v m . — R abe , Sylloge, p. x x m , x x x iv , ι,χ χ χ ν π . — R abe , Syrianus, I, p. x. B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 228. — Eos, 40 (1939) p. 91 (Prochnicka); 41 (194046) p. 73 (Kowalski); 42 (1947) p. 127 (Kowalski); 44 (1950) p. 25 (BilMski). — Klio, 43-45 (1965) p. 368 n. 3 (Hansen). — N H , 16 (1922) p. 231 (Lampros). — R hM , 58 (1903) p. 209 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 8, 9, 14 (van Regem orter); 21 (1967) p. 143. Vat. g r . 108. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 95, 132, 157, 201, 243, 283, 410. — F öERSTER, Libanius, V I, p. 568; V II, p. 434, 437. — R a b e , Hermogenes, p. x ix . OOP, 22 (1956) p. 97 n. 1 (Candal). Vat. g r . 109. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 410. — G ia n n e ia i , Codices Vat. I, p. 29. — R abe , Aphthonius, p. x x x ii . — R a be , Hermogenes, p. x ix . R hM , 58 (1903) p. 216, 216 n. 1 (Rabe); 63 (1908) p. 525 n. 1 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 123. V at. g r . 110. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 16 — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, ρ. 345, 443. — D i e l s , Theophrastus, passim. — I m m i s c h , Theophrastus, p. v. — M i n i o - P a l u e l l o , Aristoteles, p. x x , x x i. — N a v a r r e , Théophraste, p. 9. — R a b e , Hermogenes, p. x ix . — R a b e , Sylloge, p. x x x i i i . — R e g e n b o g e n , Theophrastos, coi. 1501. — R oss, Analytics, ρ. 94. — S t e i n m e t z , Theophrast, I, ρ. 1, 52. — W a r t e l l E , Inventaire, p. 124. BPEC , N.S., 11 (1963) p. 92, 94 (Torraca). — B P hW , 57 (1937) p. 925. — Philologus, 57 (1898) p. 103 (Wendland). — R BPh, 8 (1929) p. 1100 (van de W oestyne). — R hM , 64 (1909) p. 544 (Rabe); 67 (1912) p. 331, 334 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 98 (Wilson); 18 (1964) p. 338. Vat. g r . 111. B e r t ö g a , R egistri, p. 106 n. 4. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 58, 91, 129, 159, 203, 242, 277, 330, 400. — G i a n n e i a i , Codices Vat. II, p. 133. — H e ib e r g , Logica, p. x ix . — J a n (v o n ). Musici, ρ . ι,χ ιχ , e x x i i i . — W a r TEIAE, Inventaire, p. 124. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 105-114


B yzZ, 17 (1908) p. 254; 31 (1931) p. 83; 47 (1954) p. 450, 483. — REG, 10 (1897) p. 313 n. 3 (Reinach). — RPh, S. I I I , 7 (1933) p. 215. — T A P h A , 71 (1940) p. 62 (Diller). V at. g r. 112. B orner T, Commentaires, p. 211.— Chambry , Fabulae, p. 8. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 219, 295, 346. — F oers TER, Libanius, IV, p. 416. — F oersTë r , Zambeccari, p. 47. — H atjsraTh , Corpus, I 1, p. v in ; I 2, p. x m . — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 498 n. 4. — K rumbacher , Studien, p. 360. — L oener TZ, Calécas, p. 43 η. 1. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 419. — Merca Ti , Cidone, p. 221 n. 2. — Merca Ti , Opéré minori, IV, p. 184 η. 1. — N ie Én , Lucianus, I, p. v u . — P i Tra , M onumenta, II, p. 297. — P raechter , Tabula, p. xn. — R it t e r , Studien, p. 12. — Se v îe n k o , Polémique, p. 22, 63-64, 67, 172 η. 1, 287-296, 296 η. 1. — V erpea u x , Choumnos, p. 22, 125. Bessarione, 13 (1903) p. x eiv . — B y J , 8 (1929-30) p. 394. — Byslav, 9 (1947-48) p. 184 (Mercati); 26 (1965) p. 150. — B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 457 n. 4, 656 (Preger); 30 (1930) p. 35 (K um aniecki); 41 (1941) p. 10 n. 3 (Previale); 54 (1961) p. 169; 57 (1964) p. 419. — E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 645. — EO, 29 (1930) p. 37 n. 3, n. 6, 58 n. 2 (Laurent). — JOBG, 11-12 (1962-63) p. 229. — ROC, 8 (1903) p. 146 (Petit); 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 139; 317 (W ittek); 13 (1959) p. 328; 14 (1960) p. 183; 17 (1963) p. 211. — S IF C , 8 (1900) p. 90 (Tamilia). — SO, 3 (1925) p. 36 (Nilén). Miscell. Amantos, p. 26, 28 (Laurent). — Miscell. Oldfather, p. 161, 162, 163 (Perry). V at. g r. 113. Chambry , Fabulae, p. 14. — Crusius - Coiin , Paroemiographen, p. 236. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 51, 96, 132, 160, 202, 242, 284, 319, 411. — F oë RSTER, Libanius, I, p. 1, 338, 342, 351, 368, 380, 382, 385; V, p. 190, 194, 199; V III, p. 12, 211, 213, 279, 281, 330, 331, 333, 440; IX , p. 133, 137, 226. — FOERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 47, 133. — F ritz , Synesios, p. 338. — H ausrath , Corpus, I 1, p. x m ; I 2, p. xiv. — L indstam , lîpistulae, p. v u . — Me y i ER (d e ) - H ueshoff P oe , Codices graeci, p. 68. — Vogee - G ardthausen , Schreiber, p. 466. B P E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 31 (Garzya). — B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 224-225 (Voltz); 19 (1910) p. 399, 418 (Marc). — E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 214, 216, 217 (Garzya). — Eranos, 19 (1919) p . 62 (Lindstam). — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 46 (Gar­ zya). — R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 202 (Garzya). — R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). — Scriptorium·, 15 (1961) p. 139. — W S, 9 (1887) p. 200 (Sternbach). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 7. V at. g r. 114. B e r t ô e a , Registri, p. 45 n. 6, 94 n. 10, 109 n. 3. — B j ö r c k , Apsyrtus, p. 29 n. 2, 40, 44. — C a p o c c i , Codices B arber., p. 81. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 49, 97, 134, 156, 204, 238, 287, 417. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 45 n. 3, 272 n. 8. — D i e h e , Anthologia3, II, p. iv. — D ö r r i e , Longue, p. 5, 14, 29, 32, 36 sg., 41, 46, 66-71, 76, 81-86. — F a r in a , Versi, p. 53. — H ie b e r g , Macrembolites, p. v m , x x x v i i . — H o r st (v a n d e r ), Vers d ’Or, p. x m . — K re tm bacher , Geschichte, p. 721 n. 2. — V ie b o r g , T atius, p. x v i i , x x i v , 163. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 125. — Y oung , Theognis, p. xv. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

B P hW , 57 (1937) p. 925, 963. — EO, 12 (1909) p. 90 (Pétridès). — H elle nika, 18 (1964) p. 28 n. 4 (Speck). — N H , 17 (1923) p. 305 (Lampros). — RhM , 58 (1903) p. 427 (Heisenberg). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 244 (Canart). V at. g r. 115. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 252. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 420, 453. — H en se , Teletis reliquiae, p. x x v n . — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 40. — Mercati , Opere minori, IV, p. 84. — P etit - Sid ér id ès - J u g ie , Scholarios, V II, p. VI, 349; V III, p. 505. — W ar TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 125. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 121 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 11 (1936) p. 365 (Jugie). — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 415; 38 (1938) p. 434. — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 694 n. 1 (Raoss). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 113 (Patrineles). — Philo­ logus, 82 (1927) p. 426 (Rupprecht). Nationalbibliothek, p. 295 (Gerstinger). V at. g r. 116. Coeonna , Storici, p. 59. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 53, 62, 95, 132, 160, 201, 242, 283, 319, 410. — D uring , Ptolemaios, p. u xxix. — Guie Eand , Correspondance, p. x ii , xrv, x y n , x x iii . — Guieeand , Grégoras, p. x v i, x ix , x x , x x v i. — I rigoin , Scholies, p. 87-92, 97, 107, 117. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 451. — T annery , Diophantus, II, p. xrv, x x v i. — T a nnery , Quadrivium, p. E-Ei, e v iii -e ix , Exxx, c . A B , 46 (1928) p. 447. — Bessarione, 34 (1918) p. 90 n. 3, 92 n. 1, 93 n. 1 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 223 (Voltz); 26 (1926) p. 155; 58 (1965) p. 176. — E D , 2 (1924) p. 239 (Bezdeki). — EO, 27 (1928) p. 459 (Laurent). — Hellenika, 18 (1964) p. 62 (Polemes). — R E G, 8 (1895) p. 473; 78 (1965) p. 491. — Scripto­ rium, 14 (1960) p. 397; 16 (1962) p. 158. — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 435, 436, 437, 439 n. 9, 442, 446 (Sevèenko). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 244 (Canart). V at. g r. 117. BERTôea , Registri, p. 80 n. 6. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 142, 290, 418 n. 27. — MÜEEER, Geographi, p. x x x v ii nr. 61. — MERCATI, Opere minori, IV, p. 449 n. 46. B yzZ, 49 (1956) p. 368 n. 1 (Laurent). — RhM , 34 (1879) p. 291 (Scheer). V at. g r. 118. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 468. — MÜEEER, Geographi, p. x x x v ii nr. 118. — T useemann , Überlieferung, p. 3, 20. Miscell. Ramorino, p. 439 (Vâri). V at. g r. 119. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 98, 135, 154, 204, 237, 315, 413. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 61 n. 6. — MÜEEER, Geographi, p. xxxvii nr. 63. — V â r i , Oppianus, p. 16. V at. g r . 120. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 207, 286, 462. — MÜELER, Geographi, p. x x x v ii nr. 69. V at. g r. 121. A nrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II , p. 63. — BERTôea , Registri, p. 111 n. 3. — B owra , Pindarus, p. x ii . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 36, 100, 136, 206, 238, 287, 414. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 61 n. 6. — D rachmann , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 111-126


Pindarus, II, p. v, v u , v in ; I I I , p. v, vr, v u , x. — I r ig o in , Histoire, p. 139, 149, 212-216, 259, 260, 327, 336, 337, 371, 372. — L iv a d a r a s , Historia, p. 241. —M a a s s , Phaenom ena, p. x ix . — M a r t in , Aratos, p. 262, 271, 286, 287. — MÜL­ LER, Geographi, p. x x x v n nr. 65. — P e p p i n k , Observationes, p. 97. — S c h u l t z , Überlieferung, p. 25. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 27. — T u r y n , Carmina, p. x. — T u r y n , Pindarus, p. 57. B P E C , N .S., 2 (1953) p. 28, 32, 33 (Colonna); 3 (1954) p. 50 (Colonna); 6 (1958) p. 24, 26 (Colonna). — B yzZ, 47 (1954) p. 185. — Hermes, 19 (1884) p. 97 (Maass). — R P h, S. I l l , 28 (1954) p. 216 (Irigoin); 29 (1955) p. 77. — Thesaurismata, 3 (1964) p. 104 (Livadaras). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 516. — W S, 4 (1882) p. 233 (Abel). V at. g r. 122. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 50, 103, 138, 159, 208, 241, 289, 320, 409. — D ietsch - K allenberg , H erodotus, I, p. x i, x n . — N oiret , L ettres, p. 4. Benedictina, 1 (1947) p. 192 (Mercati). — BPEC , N.S., 1 (1945) p. 50, 82 (Colonna); 2 (1953) p. 24 (Colonna); 7 (1959) p. 71 (Alberti). — IM U , 3 (1960) p. 287 sg. (Alberti). — Philologus, 53 (1894) p. 236 (Crusius). V at. g r. 123. Arnim (von ), Dio Chrysostomus, p. x n . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 37, 49, 58, 92, 96, 129, 133, 197, 202, 284, 444. — H older , H erodotus, I, p. v. — H u d e , H erodotus, I, p. v n , v iii , xvi; IT, p. 1. — L egrand , Hérodote, I, p. 1; II, p. 9; I I I , p. 7; IV, p. 5; V II, p. 11; V III, p. 11. — L egrand , Introduction, p. 182. — L orim er , Libellus, p. 3. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 85. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 466. Bessarione, 23 (1908) p. 103 (Turturro). — BPEC, N.S., 1 (1945) p. 41, 47, 81 (Colonna); 8 (1960) p. 11, 12, 16 (Gallavotti). — ByzZ, 54 (1961) p. 169. — Philologus, 51 (1892) p. 80, 81 (Som m erbrodt). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. V at. g r. 124. Büttner - W obst , Polybius, I, p. rv, vi; II, p. v. — D e ­ Fonds grec, p. 39, 49, 97, 134, 153, 204, 237, 282, 319, 408. — D e ­ Introduction, p. 34, 91 tav. x v ii . —- Mercati , Isidoro, p. 87. — Moore , Polybius, passim. — VOGEL - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 125. AC, 35 (1966) p. 285. — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 319 (Diller). — REG, 64 (1951) p. 464 (de Foucault); 69 (1956) p. 433 (Hemmerdinger); 79 (1966) p. 795. — R hM , 23 (1868) p. 427 (Schulze). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 131; 12 (1958) p. 223 (Irigoin); 13 (1959) p. 181-195, tav. 18b (Irigoin). — T A P h A , 78 (1947) p. 186 (Diller). Palaeogr. Society, I, tav. 134. v r eesse , v r eesse ,

V at. g r. 125. D e M a r in i s , Legatura, nr. 2782. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 422, 453. — M o o r e , Polybius, p. 59, 61, 65-71, 73, 159, 192 (index). — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 91. V at. g r. 126. B artolETTi , Tucidide, p. 1. — B odin - R omilly (d e ), Thucydide V I-V II, p. ix . — D e Marin is , Legatura, nr. 2789. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 38, 49, 97, 133, 203, 241, 299, 441. — F ranchi d e ' Cavalieri Lietzmann , Specimina, tav . 26. — H emmerdinger , Thucydide, p. 7. — H u d e , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Comm. Thucyd., p. 1. — H u d e , Scholia, p. n i. — H u d e , Thycydides 1890, p. i. — H u d e , Thucydides 1898-1901, I, p. v; II, p. v m . — J o n e s , Thucydides, II, p. i. — K e e in e o g e e , Geschichte, p. x m . — D u s c h n a t , Thucydides, p. 5*, 6*, 9*, 10*, 10* n. 1, 11*, 12*. 14*, 15*, 16*. 17*, 19*, 20*, 23*. — MERCATI, Isidoro, p. 86. — R o m ie e y (d e ), Thucydide I, passim. — R o m ie e y (d e ), Thucy­ dide II, p. vu . — R o m ie e y (d e ), Thucydide IV-V, p. v i i . — S c h u b a r T, Palaeographie, p. 162 (nr. 26). — S i e b e n k e e s , Anecdota, p. x x v i i . — W e i e - R o ­ m ie e y (d e ), Thucydide I I I , p. v n . — ZosEE, Excerpta, p. 24. AC, 25 (1956) p. 455. — BPEC , N.S., 5 (1957) p. 19, 24 n. 2 (Alberti); 6 (1958) p. 41 n. 4, 54 n. 39 (Alberti); 10 (1962) p. 29 (Alberti). V - B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 201. — M E F R , 21 (1901) p. 92 (Serruys). — P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 81 (Allen). — Philologus, 108 (1964) p. 234 (Kleinlogel). — REG, 12 (1899) p. 147; 46 (1933) p. 24 (Dain). — R hM , 106 (1963) p. 288 (Renehan). — R IG I, 11 (1927) p. 43 (Cantarella). — RPh, S. I l l , 29 (1955) p. 80; 40 (1966) p. 313. — Scripto­ rium, 13 (1959) p. 146; 188-189, 194 (Irigoin); 18 (1964) p. 101. — SIF C , N.S., 29 (1957) p. 226, 227 n. 1 (Alberti). V at. g r. 127. Anastasijew i C, Alphabete, p. 88. — D evre ESSE, Ponds grec, p. 31, 49, 97, 134, 153, 203, 237, 285, 314, 405. — D ev reesse , Introduc­ tion, p. 85 n. 10. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 542. — K eeineogee , Geschichte, p. x m . — L efh erz , Studien, ρ. 221. —- S ternbach , Curae, p. 7. — S tern ­ bach , M enandrea, p. 333. — T uryn , Codices, p. 10, 165-166. B P E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 41, 42, 46 (Alberti). — Eos, 41 (1940-46), fasc. 2, p. 25, 37 (Hammer); 44 (1950) p. 39 n. 18 (Tanowski). — J H S , 86 (1966) p. 307. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 8, 9 (van Regemorter); 14 (1960) p. 156. V at. g r. 128. Chantraine , Economique, p. 27, 28. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 49, 133, 159, 203, 242, 310. — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 286, 390-393. — P ier eeo n i , Opuscula, p. xi, ε π . — S chenke , Studien, III, p. 112. — T hae h eim , Xenophon, p. v, v m . Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 111 (Mercati). Miscell. Graux, p. 112 (Schenkl). V at. g r. 129. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 49, 96, 133, 161, 202, 243, 281. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 18 n. 2. R F IC , 44 (1916) p. 508 n. 1 (Garin). V at. g r . 130. Bidez - CumonT, Mages, II, p. 30 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 424, 467. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 88 n. 1. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiE R I'- Dietzmann , Specimina, tav . 27. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 116. — S chubar T, Palaeographie, p. 162 (nr. 27). — VoGEE, Diodorus, p. xiv. DOP. 16 (1962) p. 393, 396, tav. 2 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 10. (1956) p. 36 (Diller); 18 (1964) p. 298. — Traditio, 10 (1954) p. 37 (Diller). V at. g r. 131. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 39, 49, 97, 133, 159, 203, 242, 326, 405. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 524 sg. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 87, 116. R F IC , 44 (1916) p. 508 n. 1 (Garin). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 127-138


Vat. gr. 132. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 50, 97, 133, 159, 203, 242, 283, 320, 416. — F isch er , Diodorus, V, p. n . — Mercati , Cidone, p. 524 sg. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 116. R F IC , 36 (1908) p. 154. Vat. gr. 133. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 40, 50, 96, 133, 161, 202, 241, 282, 319, 441.— D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 50 n. 2. — J acoby , Dio­ nysius, I, p. rv, v u ; IV, p. v n , v iii . — R itsche , Prooemium, p. 27. R F IC , 63 (1935) p. 228-232 (Peppink). Vat. g r. 134. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 4.2, 48, 97, 134, 153, 154, 204, 237, 285, 319, 469. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 86 n. 4, n. 9. — L i n d s k o g - Z i e g e e r , P lutarchus2, I, p. v n . — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 63. — P e p p i n k , Opera, p. 98. — V i e r e c k , Appianus, I, p. v n i, x n , x x , x x m , x x ix ; II, p. rv, rv n. 2, x, x n . — V i e r e c k - R oos, Appianus, I, p. x, xrv, XXII, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXXII.

EO, 13 (1910) p. 112 (Pétridès). — REG, 1 (1888) p. 73 (Tannery). — R F IC , 63 (1935) p. 227 (Peppink). — R hM , 31 (1876) p. 206, 206 n. 1, 210 n. 1, 211, 215, 217 (Mendelssohn). — SIF C , 20 (1913) p. 260 (Calderini). — Scrip­ torium, 8 (1954) p. 8, 9, 10 (van R egem orter); 10 (1956) p. 35 (Diller). Vat. gr. 135. Co h n -W e n d e a n d , Philo, I, p. x x x iv . — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 140. —- D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 48, 103, 138, 159, 210, 344, 442. — P ie t z m a n n , Apollinaris, p. 102. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 221, 231, 235 (Büttner-W obst); 4 (1895) p. 255, 259, 269, 270 (Boissevain); 14 (1905) p. 631. Vat. gr. 136. C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 140. — D e v r e e s s e , F'onds grec, p. 31, 38, 49, 97, 98, 133, 134, 153, 203, 283, 328, 410. — D in d o r f , Zonaras, VI, p. rv. — L orim er , Libellus, p. 3. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 221, 231, 232, 233 (Büttner-W obst); 4 (1895) p. 255, 259, 269, 270 (Boissevain); 14 (1905) p. 631. Vat. gr. 137. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p . 37, 48, 96, 133, 159, 202, 241, 283, 353, 400. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p . 88 n. 3. — F e a c e e i ÄRE - C h a m b r y - J u n e a u x , P lutarque, I, p . e h . — L in d s k o g , Plutarchus, p . vi. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 83. — ZiEGEER, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p . 11, 191 sg., 202 sg. B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 355. Vat. gr. 138. C a e a b i L im e n t a n i , Vita, p. e x x v . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 31, 42, 96, 133, 159, 202, 241, 283, 353, 400. — F e r r a r i , Documenti, p. 107. — F e a c e e i È r e - C h a m b r y - J u n e a u x , P lutarque, I, p. x x x m , x e i i , xr.ii n. 2, x e i i i , x e v i , x e v i i , x e i x , e v ; II, p. i; I I I , p. 1. — L in d s k o g - Z i e g e e r , Plutarchus2, I 1, p. x i i , xv, x x i; I 2, p. vi, ix. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 63 sg., 99. — Zieg eer , Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 7, 17, 39 sg., 67, 78, 81, 85, 149 sg., 170 sg., 174, 193. B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 1212; 28 (1908) p. 355, 356. — ByzZ, 14 (1905) p. 631 ; 37 (1937) p. 296 (Diller). — Hermes, 30 (1894) p. 475 (Drachmann). — J H S , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

82 (1962) p. 167. — R B P h, 37 (1959) p. 118. — R F IC , 90 (1962) p. 321. — R hM , 63 (1908) p. 252 n. 1 (Ziegler); 68 (1913) p. 105 (Ziegler). — RPh, N.S., 20 (1896) p. 41. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 159. V at. g r. 139. AMSEL, De rythm is, p. 153. — B e r t ö l a , Registri, p. 10 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec. p. 29, 54, 92, 129, 168, 197, 249, 277, 329, 448. — H u b e r t , Plutarchus, IV, p. xv, x x i i , x x v ; VI 1, p. ix , x v m , x x . — H u b e r t P o h l e n z - D r e x l e r , Plutarchus, V I 3, p. x i i i . — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. l x x . — L in d sk o g - Ziegler , Plutarchus1, IV 1, pp. v m , ix , x u . — L ow e , Vitae, p. 18, 46. — N achstäd T - S i Eveking - T itchener , Plutarchus, p. x x x . — P a to n - P ohlenz - S iev ek in g , Plutarchus, p. x x x i. — P ohlenz , Plutarchus, p. x . — P ohlenz - Ziegler , Plutarchus, VI 3, p. iv , iv n. 1. — W egehaupt , P lutarchstudien, p. 19, 41, 46, 47. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 107 u. 3 (Valgiglio). — B P hW , 21 (1901) p. 707. — B yzZ, 30 (1930) p. 277, 278 (Draguet). — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 94 (Einarson - de Dacy). — CQ, 21 (1927) p. 169, 170 n. 6 (Fletcher). — Philo­ logus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 393, 394, 412 (W egehaupt). — RhM , 72 (1917-18) p. 540 (Dudwich). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 301. — SIF C , 11 (1903) p. 23 (G alante). Vat. g r. 140. A r r ig h e t t i , Epicuro, p. x i, 605. — B o e r , E pikur, p. v. — B i e d l , E xzerpt, p. 8 u. 2. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 50, 97, 134, 156, 204, 238, 287, 318, 455. — D ü r in g , Aristotele, p. 15. — G ia n g r a n d e , Eunapius, p. XII. — JÜTTNER, Polemon, p. 19 n. 0. — K a y s e r , Philostratus, II, p. ix, x in . — L ie t z m a n n , Apollinaris, p. 102. — L o n g , Diogenes Laertius, I, p. x x ; II, p. x iv . — M a r t i n i , A nalecta, p. 89. — M e y i e r (d e ) - H u l s h o f f P o l . Codices graeci, p. 119. — M ü h l e (v o n d e r ), Epicurus, p. iv, 2. — P u s e y , De fide, p. xi. — S c h e p e r s , Alciphron1, p. x x x v i. — W a c iis m u t h , Sillo­ graphi, p. 53, 90. ROC, 3 (1898) p. 447 (Kugeuer). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 138. — SIF C , N.S., 32 (1960) p. 166 (Donzelli). V at. g r. 141. B o is s e v a in , Cassius Dio, I, p. c x m . — Co s t il , D udith, p. 287 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 103, 138, 206, 283, 320, 412. — G ia n n e l l i , Codices V at. I, p. 275. — K o m in is , Pardos, p. 75. — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 129. — V i e r e c k , Appianus, II, p. m n. 1, v m , ix, x i i n. 1, xvi. — VIERECK-R oos, Appianus, I, p. v m , ix , x, x i, x n , x ix , x x ii-x x v n , x x ix . — V ie r e c k - R o o s - G abba , Appianus, p. ix , x, x n , x m , xiv, x x m -x x v n , XXXII.

B yzZ, 17 (1908) p. 537; 18 (1909) p. 136 n. 2, 137 n. 0, 145, 146 n. 6 (Kugéas). — Hermes, 59 (1924) p. 428 (Barwick). — OC, 3 (1898) p. 446, 447, 449 (Kugener). — REG, 1 (1888) p. 73 (Tannery). — R hM , 131 (1876) p. 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 213, 214, 217, 218 (Mendelssohn); 54 (1899) p. 462 (Reuss); 63 (1908) p. 131, 513 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 185-186 (Irigoin). — ViVrem, 21 (1913) p. 112 n. 2 (Béès). V at. g r . 142.

D e v r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 49, 97, 134, 153, 204, 237,

286, 314, 412. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 139-149


DOP, 16 (1962) p. 393 n. 34 (Diller). — OC, 3 (1898) p. 446, 447 (Kugener). — R hM , 31 (1876) p. 206 n. 2, 212 n. 1 (Menselssohn). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 258 (de Meyier). Vat. g r. 143. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 49, 96, 133, 161, 241, 283, 320, 409. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 247 n. 6. — Diei ,ER, Tradition, p. 7, 54, 56, 57, 65, 66, 82, 95, 97, 102, 114, 117, 234. — Marchant, Xénophon, p. xii. — Marengiii, Arriano, p. 51. — Masquera y, Xenophon, I, p. 43. — MüEEER, Geographi, I, p. ix, xvn. — R oos, Arrianus, I, p. xv, u n ; II, p. vi, xvn, Evi. — R oos, Prolegomena, p. vu. OC, 3 (1898) p. 447 (Kugener). — Scriptorium, .9 (1955) p. 289 (Young). Vat. g r. 144. BERTÖEA, Registri, p. 20 n. 1, 75 n. 2, 86 n. 2, 108 n. 3. — Boissevain , Cassius Dio, I, p. ex , Exi, Exv, cxxiv. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 49, 97, 134, 153, 204, 283, 412. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 50 n. 2, 9 1 .— J aeger , Gregorius, V II 1, p. x n , xm , xrv. — Meeber , Dio Cassius, I, pp. xxv, xxxv, xxxviii. — Musurieeo , Vita, p. vin, x ii , xiv, xv. B P hW , 49 (1929) p. 66. — R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 618. — SIF C , 20 (1913) p. 287 (Calderini). Vat. g r. 145. Boissevain , Cassius Dio, II, p. i i . — Coeonna, Storici, p. 139. — De Marinis , L egatura, nr. 2790, tav. CCCCLXXXIV. — D evreessë , Fonds grec, p. 448 n. 32. — N oehac (de ), Bibliothèque, p. 170 n. 0. — R itsche , Prooemium, p. 18. REG, 12 (1899) p. 248. — R IF C , 26 (1898) p. 618, 619. Vat. g r. 146. B oissevain , Cassius Dio, II, p. n . — De Marinis , Lega­ tu ra, nr. 2803. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — MorTreuie , Histoire, I I I , p. 454. R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 618, 619. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 221 (Trigoin); 18 (1964) p. 261 (de Meyier). Vat. g r. 147. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 50, 181, 203, 243, 283, 320, 410. — N aber , Flavius Iosephus, I I I , p. m , iv. — N iese , Flavius Iosephus, I, p. XVI, Exn, EXIV, EXV, EXXI, EXXVHI; I I I , p. IX, XXV, EIV, EVII. B yzZ, 57 (1964) p. 10 (K raw czynski- R iedinger). — REG, 5 (1892) p. 466; 8 (1895) p. 154 (cit. err.: V at. gr. 107). — RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 167. Vat. g r. 148. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 50, 96, 133, 203, 283, 355, 400. — N aber , Flavius Iosephus, V, p. in , iv, v ii . — N iese , Flavius Iosephus, VI,

p. IX, EXXI. RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 169. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 184-186 (Irigoin). Vat. g r . 149. D ev r eessë , Fonds grec, p. 426, 447. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 34. — H e ik e e , Beiträge, p. 58. — H ëik EE, Constantin, p. IX, x, xm , cv iii. — Opit z , A thanasius, I I I 1 (Verzeichnis der Siglen). — W in keemann , Textbezeugung, p. 8, 9, 10. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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B P hW , 22 (1902) p. 225. — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 67 (Honigmann). — B yzZ , 5 (1896) p. 360; 11 (1902) p. 612; 16 (1907) p. 346; 58 (1965) p. 78. — EO, 15 (1912) p. 477. Vat. g r . 150. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 49, 103, 138, 159, 217, 241, 293, 320. — S ch w ar tz - M o m m sen , Kirchengeschichte, I I I , p. x x v i, x x v m ,

XXIX. B yzZ , 16 (1907) p. 351. — IFS, 3 (1881) p. 66 (Rzach). Vat. g r. 151. B e r t ò e a , Registri, p. 23 n. 2. — Co e o n n a , Storici, p. 3. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 42, 48, 96, 133, 161, 202, 243, 285, 323, 403. — K e y d e e e , Agathias, p. x i . — K r a Se n in n ik o v , Prodromus, p. 78. — Me r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 65 sg., 72. — M o ra v c sik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 215. — P e p p i n k , Opera, p. 55. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 25, 25 n. 53, 59, 59 n. 135, 61, 73, 73 n. 179, 74, 74 n. 182, 76, 77, 157, 162 n. 435, n. 436, 163, 177 n. 477, 178, 178 n. 480, 179, 179 n. 481, n. 482, 183, 189 n. 515, 190. — W aez , Violetum , p. v. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372. — Mnemosyne, S. I l i , 1 (1933-34) p. 144 (Peppink). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 199, 199 n. 53 (Stem bach); 10 (1888) p. 27, 27 n. 135, 29, 41, 41 n. 179, 42, 42 n. 182, 43, 44, 45 (Stem bach); 11 (1889) p. 195, 200, 200 n. 435, n. 436, 201, 215 n. 477, 216 n. 480, 217 n. 481, n. 482, 221, 227 n. 515, 228 (Stem bach). Vat. g r. 152. B e r t ò e a , Registri, p. 23 n. 2, 24 n. 9, 107 n. 3. — B oor (d e ), H istoriae, p. vi. — Co e o n n a , Storici, p. 3, 109. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 96, 132, 183, 202, 241, 282, 319, 409. — H a u r y , Procopius, I, p. x x v i i i , XXXII, XEii, x e v ; II, p. i. — K e y d e e e , Agathias, p. xiv. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, V i l i 1, p. 149. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 65 n. 1. — M o rav csik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 215, 491. Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. 398. — B P hW , 46 (1926) p. 1331. — Byzantion, 16 (1942-43) p. 185 (Vasiliev). — B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 637; 29 (1929) p. 287. — Helikon, 4 (1964) p. 158 (W irth). — REG, 18 (1905) p. 404. — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 458, 459, 460 (Kraseninnikov); 11 (1904) p. 511 (Kraseninnikov); 21 (1913) p. 107 n. 1 (Béès). Vat. g r . 153. B oor (d e ), Chronicon, I, p. v i, x x x v , x x x v i ii , x x x i x , E x x x i, E x x x ii. — Co e o n n a , Storici, p. 49. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 31, 49, 103, 138, 206, 304, 345, 437. — G o o d sp EED - S pr En g e in g , Catalogue, p. 51. — I s t r in , Chronika, II, p. i. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 356. — M o rav ­ c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 271. B y J , 8 (1929-30) p. 397; 10 (1933) p. 152 (Moravcsik - Istrin). — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 578 (Zuntz). — B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 2 (de Boor); 297 (de Boor); 4 (1895) p. 495 (Räuchert); 6 (1897) p. 233, 234 (de Boor); 7 (1898) p. 44-48 (de Boor); 292 n. 3, 298 (Bidez); 622, 623; 9 (1900) p. 566; 15 (1906) p. 309; 16 (1907) p. 47, 48 (Serruys); 18 (1909) p. 81 n. 5 (Dobschiitz); 31 (1931) p. 258 (W erner); 42 (1954) p. 226, 227. — DOP, 15 (1961) p. 114 (Moravcsik). — E H B S , 35 (1966-67) p. 265, 269 (Panagiotakes). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 150-159


p. 197. — T A P h A , 81 (1950) p. 243, 245 n. 14, 251 (Diller). — ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 100 (Vasilevskij); 5 (1898) p. 38, 41, 42, 49, 50-54, 57, 58 sg. (Sestakov); 13 (1906) p. 431 (Sestakov) ; N.S., 15 (1959) p. 132 (Ka2dan). Vat. gr. 154. B oor (d e ), Chronicon, I, p. vi, x l i i , l x x x i v . — Co l o n n a , Storici, p. 55, 131. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 159, 209, 239, 290, 399. — D ie l s , H andschriften, I, p. 72. — G r u m e l , Regestes, nr. 1021. — K r a Se n in n ik o v , Sermones, p. x l v iii n. 175. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 346. — M a r q u a r d t - M u e l l e r - H e l m r e ic h , Scripta Minora, II, p. xxxiv. — M o r a v c sik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 533. B P hW , 5 (1885) p. 914, 916. — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 578 (Zuntz). — B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 128, 293 (Bidez); 15 (1906) p. 309; 31 (1931) p. 424. — Con­ vivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 686 (Raoss). — E H B S , 35 (1966-67) p. 265 (Panagiotakes). — S C IV , 7 (1956) p. 182 (Nästurel). — ViVrem, 13 (1906) p. 431. V at. gr. 155. Colonna, Storici, p. 55, 131. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 204, 287, 412. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 34. — K raSeninnikov , Sermones, p. xlviii n. 175. —- Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 533. Byzantion, 28 (1958) p. 297 (Besevliev). -— B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 612 (Bury); 51 (1958) p. 118. — Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 686 (Raoss). V at. gr. 156. Colonna, Storici, p. 143. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 50, 96, 133, 202, 243, 284, 322, 410. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 49 n. 9, 86 n. 9. — Mendelsson , H istoria, p. x v i, x v n , x v m , x x i, x x n , x x iii . — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 577. BodlR, 7 (1962-67) p. 41 n. 1 (Diller). — R hM , 18 (1863) p. 135 (Kiessling); 27 (1872) p. 159 (Riihl). — ViOb, 1 (1915) p. 1 (Kraseninnikov). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 253, 253 n. 183 (Canari). V at. gr. 157. Bertòla, Registri, p. 103 n. 10, 109 n. 4. — Colonna, Heliodorus, p. x x x m , lv . — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 31, 41, 50, 97, 133, 159, 203, 241, 323, 409. — DÖRRIE, Longus, p. 17, 34 sg., 37 sg., 91-99, 100 sg., 102-104, 106-109. — Mercati, Opere minori, I I I , p. 243 n. 6. — R attenbury - L umb - Maillon, Héliodore, I, passim-, I I , p. 1. CQ, 19 (1925) p. 177, 181 (R attenbury) ; 20 (1926) p. 36, 37, 38 n. 1, 40 n. 2 (R attenbury). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 129 n. 60 (Przychocki). — RPh, S. I I I , 11 (1937) p. 164. V at. gr. 158. Colonna, Storici, p. 16. — D arkó , Demonstrationes, I, p. x vi. — D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2811. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 426, 448, 452. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 394. B yzZ, 23 (1914-20) p. 268. — ViVrem, N.S., 12 (1957) p. 203, 204 (Veselago). V at. gr. 159. Colonna, Storici, p. 16. — D arkó, Demonstrationes, I, p. XX. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 421, 448, 452. B yzZ, 23 (1914-20) p. 268. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 100 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 285 (de Meyier). — ViVrem, N.S., 12 (1957) p. 203 (Veselago). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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Byslav, 24 (1963) p. 7 (K aid an ). — B yzZ , 55 (1962) p. 230 (van Dieten); 57 (1964) p. 302, 304, 314 (van Dieten). — OstkiSt, 12 (1963) p. 62 (W irth). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 177. ;



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V at. g r. 170. Coeonna , Storici, p. 79. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 49, 97, 133, 203, 283. — Moravcsik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 354, 467. G IF, 5 (1952) p. 2 (Sodano). Congr. byz. XT, Akten, p. 298, 300. V at. g r . 171. Bergson, Alexanderroman, p. v n . — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 423, 461. — Giann EEEL Codices V at. I, p. 92. — T heEE (van), Rezen­ sion, p. 3, 4, 10. Hermes, 30 (1895) p. 463 (Kroll). — RBPh, 14 (1935) p. 1226 (Charles). — REG, 74 (1961) p. 517. V at. g r. 172. Berghoff , Palladius, p. 14*. — Candae , Cabasilas, p. 9. — Coeonna, Storici, p. 7, 63. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 424, 460. — D e ­ vreesse , Introduction, p. 50 n. 5. — Grumee , Regestes, nr. 425. — Ma i , Spicilegium, X, p. x x v i. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 55 n. 6, 56, 60 sg. — Mercatt, Opéré minori, IV, p. 88, 381 n. 1. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 312. — PETIT - Sidéridè S - J ugie , Scholarios, IV, p. 394. — P hountouees, Ergon, p. 19, 21, 27. — PiTRA, M onumenta, I, p. x. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 125 (Mercati). — Byzuntion, 14 (1939) p. 578 (Zuntz); 32 (1962) p. 130 n. 2 (K arlin-H ayter). — ByzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 448; 31 (1931) p. 32 n. 5 (Dölger); 40 (1940) p. 430 n. 3 (Wendel); 43 (1950) p. 107; 419; 52 (1959) p. 365, 366; 56 (1963) p. 284 (L aurent). — E H B S , 28 (1958) p. 479. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 113 (Patrineles). — EO, 27 (1928) p. 446 (Laurent); 33 (1934) p. 202, 202 n. 1, 204, 207 n. 2 (Cappuyns). — R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 124 n. 5 (Guilland). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 242 n. 2 (Mercati); 9 (1957) p. 384 n. 3 (Schirô). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 34, 43 (Gouillard). — ViVrem, N.S., 16 (1959) p. 345, 346 (Mosin). V at. g r. 173. B ertöea , Registri, p. 122. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 427, 451. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 97 n. 12. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cav a eieri , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p· 204. — F r ic k , Chronica, p. ex x v i . — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 67. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 478. — S bordone , Geogra­ phica, I, p. XEix, El, Evin. — V ogee - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 102. AC, 28 (1959) p. 36 (Lasserre). — B A B , 40 (1954) p. 537 n. 3 (Masai). —B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 20 (Sbordone). — B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 218. — CQ, 9 (1915) p. 92 (Allen). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 333 (Lampros). — Traditio, 23 (1967) p. 15 n. 1 (K a rlin -H a y te r). V at. g r . 174. B ertöea , Registri, p. 25 n. 4. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 42, 48, 96, 133, 158, 202, 241, 279, 324, 403. — F rick , Chronica, p. ex x , e x x i . — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 67. — S bordone , Geographica, I, p. x e ix , e h , Ein, Evm . AC, 28 (1959) p. 36 (Lasserre). — ByzZ, 3 (1894) p. 218; 41 (1941) p. 8, 9 (Previale). — BPEC, N.S., 9 (1961) p. 18 (Sbordone). — BP hW , 58 (1938) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 170-179


p. 661. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 89 (Patrineles). — Eos, 43 (1948-49) p. 82 (Bilinski). — J W I , 24 (1961) p. 321 (Düler). — T A P h A , 67 (1936) p. 234, 235 (Diller). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 6 (Devreesse). V at. gr. 175. Bow,, Epigram m , p. 144. — Capocci , Codices Barber., p. 73. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 42, 60, 219, 293, 358, 440. — E et e r - R a d e r m a c h e r , Analecta, p. 43. — F isc h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 540. — K roll - V ie r e c k , Herm ippus, p. v , x iv . — K u b i n y i , Libri, p. 28. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 50, 67 sg. — M er c a ti , Opere Minori, IV, p. 194-196, 198. — S b o r d o n e , Geographica, I , p. e v i , e v i ii . — T u r y n , Codices, p. 10, 124-130. — Voc.EE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 174, 231. AC, 28 (1959) p. 51 (Lasserre). — A JP h , 88 (1967) p. 211, 212. — BP hW , 16.(1896) p. 41. — B yzZ, 22 (1913) p. 542; 24 (1923-24) p. 301, 302, 302 n. 4, 305 (Mercati); 27 (1927) p. 372; 58 (1965) p. 374; 59 (1966) p. 275 (Jürss). — CQ, 9 (1915) p. 92 (Allen). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 87 (Patrineles). — Eos, 41 (1940-46) p. 123 (Bilihski). — R hM , 6 (1839) p. 193 (Ukert). — RPh, N.S., 37 (1913) p. 64. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 127. Catal. astrol., V 3, p. 3. Vat. gr. 176. CunTZ, Ptolemaeus, p. 30. — D aremberg - RüEEEE, Rufus, p. XEvn. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 165, 245, 326, 449. — D evrees ­ se , Introduction, p. 242 n. 1, 245 n. 5, 247 n. 15. — Düring , Porphyrios, p. x iii. — Düring , Ptolemaios, p. x x x iii . — F rick , Chronica, p. exx , Exxvi. — Guieeand , Grégoras, p. x x . — J an (von), Musici, p. exx . — Mercati, Cidone, p. 229 n. 6.' Eranos, 29 (1931) p. 94 (Düring). — REG, 47 (1934) p. 133. — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mountford). — Z R V I, 8,2 (1964) p. 446 n. 37 (Sevcenko). Vat. gr. 177. Cuntz, Ptolem aeus, p. 29. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 93, 130, 165, 199, 244, 281. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 109, 177, 538. — P'rick , Chronica, p. exx , EXx i , LXx ii , e x x iii . — H emmerdinger , Thucydide, p. 45. — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 237. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 233 n. 2. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 74 n. 5. ByzZ, 37 (1937) p. 295, 296 (Diller); 40 (1940) p. 406, 417 (Wendel). Vat. gr. 178. Cuntz, Ptolemaeus, p. 3, 42. — Deissmann, Forschungen, p. 92. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 164, 246, 325, 447. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 89 n. 8, 242 n. 13. — D iees , H andschriften, II, p. 17. — F ischer F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 177. — F rick , Chronica, p. EXXIII, EXXIV, EXXV. A M S L , S. I I I , 13 (1887) p. 834 (Berthelot). — Hermes, 15 (1880) p. 301 (Müller). Catal. alchim., II, p. 10. Vat. gr. 179. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 36, 59, 93, 131, 162, 199, 244, 291, 325, 464. — F rick , Chronica, p. ex xiii , Exxrv, exxv. — H eiberg , Astro­ nomica, p. ex v ii . 25 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 180. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 36, 60, 93, 130, 162, 183, 199, 244, 279, 325, 407. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 50 n. 5. ■*— F ischer - F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 12. — F rick , Chronica, p. exx , EXXI, Exxii, Exxvi. — H eiberg , Astronomica, p. cxcu. — H eiberg , Syntaxis, I, p. v. — Manitius , H andbuch, p. xxx. DOP, 18 (1964) p. 135 n. 3 (Pingree). V at. g r. 181. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 36, 60, 105, 140, 165, 182, 201, 280, 326, 405. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 241 n. 6. — F rick , Chronica, p. exx , EXXI, E xxii, Exxiii. — SevÔEnko , Polémique, p. 280. V at. g r. 182. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 60, 105, 140, 165, 201, 280. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 241 n. 8. — Sev Cenko , Polémique, p. 69-73, 79, 79 n. 1, 80, 85, 92 n. 4, 96 n. 2, 97 n. 2, 98 n. 1, 280, 284 n. 1. V at. g r. 183. Bertôea, Registri, p. 96 n. 3. — De Marinis , Uegatura, nr. 2780. — DEVREESSE, Codices V at. II, p. 316. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 59, 105, 139, 217, 305, 357, 438. — HEIBERG, Astronomica, p. ce. — R ome, Commentaires, I, p. xxi, exxii . REG, 45 (1932) p. 423. V at. g r. 184. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 183, 201, 279, 405. — H eiberg , Astronomica, p. x. — H eiberg , Syntaxis, I, p. n i. — Mogenet, Almageste, p. 14, 15. — N etjgebauer, Studies, p. 9. — R ome, Commentaires, I, p. xiv; II, p. 355 n. 1. — T annery , D iophantus, II, p. iv. — W arteeee, Inventaire, p. 125. BodlR, 6 (1961) p. 611 (Barbour). — DOP, 18 (1964) p. 135 n. 3 (Pingree). — M R S , 5 (1961) p. 118 (Labowsky). — R h M , 6 (1839) p. 128 (Hase). V at. g r. 185. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 93, 130, 199, 244, 281, 324, 406. — D üring , Ptolemaios, p. xxxh i . — J an (von), Musici, p. exx . DOP, 18 (1964) p. 143 (Pingree). — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mountford). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 380. — Z R V I , 8,2 (1964) p. 446 n. 37 (Sevcenko). V at. g r . 186. Amsee, De rythm is, p. 155. — Bertôea, Registri, p. 57 n. 4. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 105, 140, 216, 295, 344, 440. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 245 n. 5. — D üring , Porphyrios, p. X in. ·— D üring , P to ­ lemaios, p. xxxiv. — J an (von), Musici, p. exx . — P oheEnz - Z iegeer , Plutarchus, p. VT. B P hW , 50 (1930) p. 1442. — Eranos, 29 (1931) p. 94 (Düring). — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mountford). V at. g r. 187. Bertôea, Registri, p. 44 n. 7. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 94, 131, 165, 200, 247, 280, 466. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 241 n. 11. — D üring , Porphyrios, p. xm . — D üring , Ptolemaios, p. xxxiv. — F rick , Chronica, p. exxi . — J an (von), Musici, p. exx . — P itra , Analecta sacra, I I , p. 189. Eranos, 29 (1931) p. 94 (Düring). — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mountford). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 180-191


V at. g r . 188. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 94, 131, 163, 2 00.— D evreesse , Introduction, p. 245 n. 12. — Düring , Ptolemaios, p. xx x v . — J an (von), Musici, p. exx . — P i Tra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 189. V at. g r . 189. De Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2833. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 420, 453. — D üring , Ptolemaios, p. x x x v . — J an (von), Musici, p. ex x . — MoheER, Gelehrtenkreis, p. 455. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96. V at. g r . 190. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 60, 94, 131, 200, 247. — DE­ VREESSE, Introduction, p. 34, 35, 240 n. 10. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. II, p. 71 (cod. P). — H eath , Aristarchus, p. 326. — H eiberg , Elem enta, I, p. v m ; IV, p. v; V, p. v, ix -x . — K ubinyi , Libri, p. 28. — Menge , D ata, p. vi, ix, x iii. — Mommsen, Chronica, I I I , p. 360 n. 2. — Vogee- G ardthausen, Schreiber, p. 223. B P hW , 17 (1897) p. 674. — COM, 5 (1962) p. 298 (Irigoin). — Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 46 (Heiberg). — Osiris, 14 (1962) p. 207 n. 20 (Mogenet). — REG, 7 (1894) p. 374 (Omont). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 373. V at. g r . 191. Amsee, De rythm is, p. 127, 128. — Bertöea, Registri, p. 50 n. 8, 55 n. 2, 109 n. 1. — Boer , Heliodorus, p. x, x iii . — Cafocci, Codices Barber., p. 14, x v m -x ix . — Cun Tz, Ptolem aeus, p. 1, 2, 42. — D a R ios , Ari­ stoxenus, p. XIV, XIX, XXX-XXXI, EV, EXXXI, EXXXIV-EXXXIX, XCVIII, Cll, CHI, cvi, 3. — D e F aeco - K rause, Hypsikles, p. 24. — Deissmann, Forschun­ gen, p. 92. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 42, 60, 93, 130, 162, 199, 279, 323, 411. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 239 n. 2, 245 n. 2, n. 3. — D üring , P to ­ lemaios, p. xxxv» — F echt , Theodosius, p. 14. — F ischer - F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Codex Urbinas, I 1, passim. — F rick , Chronica, p. exx . — H e i ­ berg , Apollonius Pergaeus, II, p. iv, v, vi. — H eiberg , Optica, p. v n , vm , ix. — H ueTsch, Autolycus, p. ix , x x n . — J an (von), Musici, p. xxiv, xxvXXVII, XXXIX, exx , EXXVI, EXXVIII, EXXX, EXXXV. — K roeE, V ettius Valens, p. ix . — Maass, Reliquiae, p. xv, x ix , x x , x x m , 2, 26, 88, 1 0 0 .— ManiTIus , Hipparchus, p. iv, vi, xi, xiv, xv, x v m , x x n , x x m , xxiv, x xv, χ χ χ . — Mani Tius , Proclus, p. v m , x e m . — Martin , Aratos, p. 56-57, 118, 130, 131, 152, 182-189, 190. — MENGE, D ata, p. x i i i . — MENGE, Phaenomena, p. vi, vn. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 64 n. 1, 68, 86, 99. — MERCATI, Opere Minori, IV, p. 440 η. 10, 458 η. 21. — Μ ι ο ν ι , Codices, II, ρ. 92. — M o g e n e t , Autolycus, p. 22, 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 125-145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 161, 165, 180, 187, 190, 191. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, V, p. 300, 301. — S c h r e in e r , Studien, p. 184 n. 4. — S p e z i , Memorie, p. 8. — T a n n e r y , D iophantus, I, p. m ; II, p. v m , v m n. 1, xv, x x m , xxiv. — T u r y n , Codices, p. ix, xv, 10, 89-97. Bessarione, 6 (1899) p. 224. — B P hW , 13 (1893) p. 1157, 1159; 15 (1895) p. 1539; 19 (1899) p. 1349; 26 (1906) p. 77; 44 (1924) p. 183 (Mehlis); 50 (1930) p. 1442. — Byslav, 5 (1933-34) p. 153 η. 1 (Andreeva). — ByzZ, 9 (1900) p. 613; 11 (1902) p. 136; 27 (1927) p. 372; 58 (1965) p. 373; 59 (1966) p. 305 (Wilson). — DOP, 18 (1964) p. 143 (Pingree). — Hermes, 15 (1880) p. 298 n. i (Mommsen); 300 (Müller); 16 (1881) p. 385, 389 (Maass); 389, 390 (Stutzer). — J H S , 37 (1917) p. 63 n. 2 (Tudeer). — Philologus, 45 (1886) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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p. 300 (Schmidt); 57 (1898) p. 133 (Kroll). — R F IC , 24 (1896) p. 142; 35 (1907) p. 612; 88 (1960) p. 436; 89 (1961) p. 93. — RPh, N.S., 9 (1885) p. 230; 12 (1888) p. 168; 32 (1908) p. 226 (Cumont); 37 (1913) p. 64; S. III, 4 (1927) p. 91. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 173. — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mountford); 68 (1937) p. 224 n. 22 (Nickles). Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 264 (Canart). — Desrousseaux, p. 396 (Raingeard). — Catal. astrol., V 2, p. 3, 28. V at. g r . 1 9 2 . Amsei,, De rythm is, p. 121, 154. — Ber Töea, Registri, p. 44 n. 1. — D e F aeco- K rause , Hypsikles, p. 24. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 61, 163, 183, 245, 277, 329, 402. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 86 n. 7, 245 n. 12. — D üring , Ptolemaios, p. x x x v . — F rick , Chronica, p. exx , EXXI, E xxii. — H eiberg , Definitiones, p. ix . — H eiberg , H ippocrates, p. x i. — H eiberg , Om Scholieme, p. 232, 234 n. 1, 242, 289, 290, 296, 303. — H eiberg , Optica, p. v iii, x v i. — J an (von), Musici, p. x x x m , x x x v i, x eviii , e n. 1, Em n. 1, Evn, exx , exxxv, E x x x v i. — Menge , D ata, p. XIII. — Menge , P hae­ nomena, p. v i. — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 133 n. 2. — P oheEn Z-Z iege ER, Plutarchus, p. vi. — Schöne, Damianos, p. v m , x i. — Studemund , Anecdota, p. 228. — W innington - I ngram, Quintilianus, p. v in . 1, v ii , ix , x ii , x m - x x ii, X xvi, x x ix . B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 1542; 50 (1930) p. 1442. — ByzZ, 7 (1898) p. 258, 470. — Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 183, 186 (Heiberg). — REG, 9 (1896) p. 191 (Reinach); 10 (1897) p. 313, 314, 317 n. 1 (Reinach). — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mountford). V at. g r . 1 9 3 . Cuntz, Ptolemaeus, p. 30. — D E Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2783, tav . CCCCLXXXIII. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 60, 94, 131, 165, 184, 200, 246, 354, 437. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 237 n. 11. — F ischer F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 203. — F rick , Chronica, p. Exxvi. — H eiberg , Definitiones, p. ix. — H eiberg , Om Scholieme, p. 285. — H eiberg , Theodosius, p. 3. —· STÄhein , Beiträge, p. 7. Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 72, 184 (Heiberg). — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 43 (Sestakov). Vat. g r. 194. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 422, 452. — F rick , Chronica, p. e x x ii . — J an (von), Musici, p. ex x ii . — L ebègue , D u Sublime, p. x ix , 1. — P rickard, Longinus, p. vi, xiv. A L F B , 1 (1954) p. 9 (Marin). Vat. g r. 195. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 104, 139, 214, 296, 347, 438. — F rick , Chronica, p. exxvii . — J an (von), Musici, p. ex xii . — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 142. B P hW , 25 (1905) p. 759. Vat. g r. 196. BERTòea, Registri, p. 44 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 59, 93, 131, 164, 199, 244, 281, 327, 404. — Düring , Ptolemaios, p. x x x v i. — F rick , Chronica, p. exx . — H eiberg , Om Scholieme, p. 302. — J an (von), Musici, p. exxii - — Mercati, Biblioteche, p. 133 n. 2. Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 185 (Heibèrg). — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mountford). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 192-202


Vat. g r. 197. Devreesse , Codices Vat. I, p. 197. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 50 n. 2. — F rick , Chronica, p. exxvi. — K otter , Überlieferung, p. 64. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 997. — N ickau, Ammonioslexikon, p. 37. — N ickatj, Ammonius, p. xxix. — Sak­ kos, Anastasioi, p. 240. — Schermann, Geschichte, p. 12. Hermes, 22 (1887) p. 388 (Heylbut). — RPh, N.S., 16 (1892) p. 54. Vat. g r. 198. BoEE, Epigramm, p. 144. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 42, 60, 214, 311, 344, 437. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 91 n. 1, 241 n. 12. — D üring , Porphyrios, p. x m . — D üring , Ptolemaios, p. x x x v i. — H eiberg , Astronomica, p. XE. — J an (von). Musici, p. x e iii , evi , e x x ii . — K ubinyi , Libri, p. 28. — Mai , Spicilegium, II, p. x x , 392. — ManiTius , Proclus, p. v in , E in . — Martini , Textgeschichte, p. 46. — Mercati, p. 177 n. 1. — MERCATI, Isidoro, p. 68. — Mercati, Opere minori, I I I , p. 479 n. 2. — Mogenet, Almageste, p. 14, 16. — R ome, Commentaires, I, p. Xiv, x x i-x x n ; IIT, p. 806. BFC , 44 (1938) p. 183. — ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372; 47 (1954) p. 280. — DOP, 16 (1962) p. 392, 393, 396 (tav. 1) (Diller). — Eranos, 29 (1931) p. 94 (Düring). — REG, 45 (1932) p. 423. — T A P h A , 57 (1926) p. 76 (Mountford). — Scriptorium, 10 (1956) p. 165; 11 (1957) p. 176; 18 (1964) p. 298. — Z R VI, 8,2 (1964) p. 446 n. 37 (èevcenko). Vat. g r. 1 9 9 . B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 53. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 279, 324, 403. — D r e r u p , Aeschines, p. 6-7, 17. — FoERSTER, Libanius, II, p. 200; IV, p. 325; V, p. 191; IX , p. 141. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 47, 133. — K e i e , Aristides, p. x v n . — M a a ss , Phaenomena, p. x ix . — M a r t in , Aratos, p. 48, 63, 241, 245, 286, 287. — O e i v i e r i , Aetius, II, p. iv. — R e h m , E ratosthenes, p. i, iv. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 125. — WEGEHAUPT, P lutarchstudien, p. 19, 41, 43. B yzZ , 37 (1937) p. 39 n. 1 (Biedl). — Hermes, 19 (1884) p. 97 (Maass); 38 (1903) p. 182 (Heiberg). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (Wittek).

Vat. g r. 200. CosTiE, p. 93, 130, 165, 199, 246, 281, — F rick , Chronica, p. exxiv . RPh, N.S., 9 (1885) p.

Dudith, p. 301 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, 326, 410. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 235 n. 8. — T annery , Diophantus, II, p. x x in , xxx, xxxi. 230.

Vat. g r. 201. Ahrens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. XEVIII. — De Ma­ rinis , Legatura, nr. 2777. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 422. — N ock - F e sTugière , Corpus Hermeticum, III, p. iv, ccxxix. — Mein ek e , Stobaeus, I, p. VI E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 82 (Patrineles). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisseront, VI,

p. 184, 216, 228, 229, 232, 245 (Canart). Vat. g r. 202. D e F aeco - K rause , Hypsikles, p. 24. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 60, 94, 131, 163, 200, 246, 280, 325, 445. — HEIBERG, Om Scholieme, p. 260. — H eiberg , Optica, p. vni, xvm . — H eiberg , Theodosius, p. 3. — H uetsch, Scholien, p. 399. — Menge , Data, p. x m . — Menge , Phaenomena, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

p. vi. — MOGENET, Autolycus, p. 44, 46, 47, 49, 51, 53, 90-115, 128, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 157, 158, 159, 161, 165, 180, 187, 189, 190, 191. B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 1539. — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 295 (Diller); 40 (1940) p. 417 (Wendel). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 173. V a t. g r . 203. De F aeco - K rause , Hypsikles, p. 24. — DevrEESSE, Fonds grec, p. 163, 245, 327, 328, 409. — H eiberg , Apollonius Pergaeus, I, p. v; II, p. iv, v, vi, x i. — H eiberg , Serenus, p. m . — H eiberg , Sphaerica, p. 3. — H u e t s c h , Scholien, p. 399. — M o g e n e t , Autolycus, p. 44, 46, 47, 53, 88, 91 n. 1, 106, 108, 115-125, 127, 131, 132, 138, 145-150, 157, 158, 159, 161, 165, 180, 187, 189, 190. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 350. B P h W , 11 (1891) p. 775, 778.

Vat. g r. 204. Baehrens , Überlieferung, p. 26, 239. — D e F aecoK rause , Hypsikles, p. 24. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 60, 94, 131, 162, 199, 244, 285, 325, 404. — D evrEESSE, Introduction, p. 34 n. 3, 43 n. 3, 239 n. 2. — F echT, Theodosius, p. 14. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri- LiETzMANN, Specimina, tav . 11. — Gianneeee Codices V at. I, p. 178. — H eath , Aristarchus, p. 325, 326, 327. — HEIBERG, Apollonius Pergaeus, II, p. iv, v, vi, v u , v in , ix . — H eiberg , Elem enta, V, p. x ii . — H eiberg , Optica, p. v n , v in , ix , x ix . — H eiberg , Theodosius, p. 3. — H uetSCh , Scholien, p. 383, 385, 398. — Menge , D ata, p. vi, ix , x iii . — Menge , Phaenomena, p. v, vi, x. — Mogenet, Autolycus, p. 44, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 70-86, 130 n. 2, 131 n. 1, 144, 145, 148-152, 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 165, 166, 180, 187, 189, 190, 191. — SchuBART, Palaeographie, p. 159 (nr. 11). B P hW , 7 (1887) p. 310; 13 (1893) p. 1446; 15 (1895) p. 1539, 1542; 17 (1897) p, 674; 1167. — Byzantion, 20 (1950) p. 192, 192 n. 1 (Richard). — B yzZ, 49 (1956) p. 334 n. 16 (Diller). — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 298 (Irigoin). — JOBG, 6 (1957) p. 9 (Irigoin). — Mnemosyne, S. I I I , 13 (1947) p. 293, 293 n. 7, 294 (D rossaart Lulofs). — RPh, N .S., 21 (1897) p. 202. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 132; 12 (1958) p. 221 (Irigoin); 13 (1959) p. 153; 17 (1963) p. 373. V a t. g r . 205. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 65. — B e r t ö e a , Registri, p. 39 n. 3. — DE M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 651. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 357, 448. — H eiberg , Apollonius Pergaeus, II, p. xi. — H eiberg , Serenus, p. iv. — Mogenet, Autolycus, p. 73 n. 5. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 182. V a t. g r . 206. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 116, 118, 169. — B e r t ö e a , Registri, p. 39 n. 3. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 60, 105, 140,· 213, 310, 344, 449. — Giannee EI, Codices Vat. I, p. 178. — HEIBERG, Apollonius Pergaeus, I, p. iv, v m , ix, x, xi, x n ; II, p. xi, ev i . — H eiberg , Serenus, p. h i . — Mo­ genet , Atolycus, p. 73 n. 5. B P hW , 11 (1891) p. 775, 778; 13 (1893) p. 1444; 16 (1896) p. 1638. — RPh, N.S. 21 (1897) p. 202. V a t. g r . 207. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 66. — B r u n s c h w ig , Ari­ stote, p. e r a , cxEix. — B u s s e , Isagoge, p. x x x v . — C a p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. x x v u -x x v m . — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 213, 297, 356, 437. — D e - - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 203-211


v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 95 n. 3, 96 n. 3. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 557 n. 1. — E r b s e , Theosophie, p. 153. — G e ö c k n e r , Sopatros, p. 5. — H o r n a , Analekten, p. 31. — K o m in is , Pardos, p. 98. — K r u m b a c h e r , Ge­ schichte, p. 745 (cit. err.: 107). — M a Tr a n g a , Anecdota, p. 27. — M i o n i , Co­ dices, II, p. 162. — R o q u e s - H exe - G a n d ie e a c (d e ), Denys, p. 31, 63. — R oss, Topica, p. v, x. — S t r a c h e - W a e e ie s , Aristoteles, p. vi. — W a i Tz , Organon, p. 80. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 125. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilla). — B P hW , 33 (1913) p. 521. — ByzZ, 5 (1896) p. 553 (Treu); 16 (1907) p. 692; 18 (1909) p. 120 (Kugéas); 22 (1913) p. 557; 29 (1929) p. 388. — Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 180, 192 (Heiberg). — Hellenika 2 (1929) p. 271 n. 1 (Sykoutres). — R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 123 (Guilland). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 182. — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 60 (Moravcsik). — ViVrem, 13 (1906) p. 489 (Papadopoulos - Kerameus). Nationalbibliothek, p. 655 n. 1 (Premerstein).

Vat. g r . 208. B i d e z - Cu m o n T, Mages, II, p. 231. — B o e e - B o e r , Ptole­ maeus, p. v, xii. — D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. II, p. 316. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 59, 93, 130, 164, 199, 246. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 242 n. 1. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 111. — F is c h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e ie r i , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 31, 94. — H e i b e r g , Astronomica, p. vi, c e x v i , c x c ii . — K u b i n y i , Libri, p. 28. — L a m m e r t - B o e r , Ptolemaeus, p. x x iv , x x x i, x x x iv . — M a t r a n g a , Anecdota, p. 34. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 233. — M e v i ER (d e ) - H u e s h o f f P o e , Codices graeci, p. 142. — O e e m a n n , Heraclitus, p. x v n . — R o b b in s , Ptolemaeus, p. x v m . — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 392. — W e in b e r g e r , Carmina, p. vin. AG M , 42 (1958) p. 237, 241 n. 1, n. 3 (Neugebauer). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 120 (Patrineles). V at. g r. 209. B e r t ö e a , Registri, p. 50 n. 4. — B r a n d is , Handschriften, nr. 54. — D e M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 2784. —- DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 56, 94, 131, 163, 216, 296, 354, 437. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 241 n. 15, 246 n. 2. — G ia n n e e e i , Codices Vat. II, p. 16 («alios codices»). — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 235. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 198 n. 2. — R oss - M i n i o P a e u e e e o , Aristoteles, p. v n , xiv. — W a it z , Organon, p. 80. — W a e e ië S, Ammonius, p. x n . — W a e e ie s , A nalytica Posteriora, p. xvi, x v n . — W a e e ie s , A nalytica Priora, p. vi, ix . — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 125. B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 304 n. 3 (Mercati); 57 (1964) p. 408 (Kunitzsch). — Eranos, 5 (1903) p. 152 (Lundström). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 403. Vat. g r . 210. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 128. — DEVREESSE, Codices Vat. II, p. 317. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 37, 59, 93, 105, 131, 140, 199, 246, 281, 454. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 241 n. 15, 242 n. 12, 246 n. 2, 248 n. 7. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 235. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 50 n. 1, 85. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 315 n. 4 (Lampsides). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 87 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 403. Vat. g r . 211. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 126, 166. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 60, 93, 130, 164, 199, 246, 281, 455. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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p. 22 n. 4, 241 n. 14. — G a r d t h a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 332. — N e u g e Studies, p. 12, 15, 17, 31. B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 586; 57 (1964) p. 388 (Kunitzsch). — DOP, 18 (1964) p. 141, 151 (Pingree). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 163; 15 (1961) p. 380. Catal. Astrol., V 4, p. 3-5.


V at. g r. 212. B abinger , Zacchia, p. 34 n. 1. — Baehrens , Überlie­ ferung, p. 116, 117, 118, 166, 169. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 42 n. 27, 93, 130, 165, 199, 214, 294, 349, 437. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 242 n. 13. — HEEG, Erga, p. 62. — KERN, Fragm enta, p. 293. — N etjGEBAü ër , Studies, p. 15. — T uryn , Codices, p. 109. A M S L , S. III, 13 (1887) p. 834 (Berthelot). — ByzZ, 57 (1964) p. 384 n 0 (Kunitzsch). — DOP, 18 (1964) p. 145 n. 65 (Pingree). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 380. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 5 (Devreesse). — Catal. alchim., II, p. 146. V at. g r. 213. Baehrens , Überlieferung, p. 128. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 42, 214, 300. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 241 n. 7. — Mani Tiu s , Proclus, p. v m , x l iii . — Mercati, Cidone, p. 58 n. 1, 522. — S ev Cenko , Polémique, p. 281. V at. g r. 214. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 36, 43, 59, 93, 130, 199, 279, 347, 440. — H e i b e r g , Astronomica, p. ccn. — K u b in y i , Libri, p. 28. — M e r ­ c a t i , Isidoro, p. 50, 69. — M o m m se n , Chronica, III, p. 438 sg. — R e s c h , E van­ gelienfragmente, p. 84. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372; 57 (1964) p. 408 (Kunitzsch). Vat. g r. 2 1 5 . B e r Tö e a , Registri, p. 103 n. 7. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 219, 298, 350, 443. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices Vat. II, p. 106. — H e i b e r g , Definitiones, p. v m , x n i. — P e p p i n k , Observationes, p. 99. — S p e z i , Scritti, p. 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 300. B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 211. — R E B yz, 18 (1960) p. 281. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 168. V at. g r. 216. B o e e , Geoponica, p. 3, 5. — D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. II, p. 121. — D e v r e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 60, 110, 144, 217, 311, 440. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 248 n. 7. — D i e e s , Handschriften, I, p. 34. — G i a n n e l e i , Codices Vat. II, p. 118. — H e i b e r g , Astronomica, p. v, c e . — L iv a d a r a s , Historia, p. 241. — M a i , Collectio, I, p. x x m . — S c h u e t z , Überlieferung, p. 25. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 142. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 619; 58 (1965) p. 374. — StBiz, 5 (1939) p. 461 (Giannelli); 10 (1963) p. 17 sg. (Giannelli). Catal. astrol., V 3, p. 4. V at. g r. 217. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 88 n. 6. RhM , 64 (1909) p. 246 (Mutschmann). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 302, 331 (Devreesse). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 212-223


V at. g r . 218. C o s t ie , D udith, p. 308. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 309, 354, 403. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 235 n. 9, 237 n. 10. — G a r d t h a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 332. — HEIBERG, M athem atici, p. 77. — H u e t s c h , Col­ lectiones, p. xn. — H u x e ë y , A nthem ius, p. 4. A B , 46 (1928) p. 11 (Devreesse). — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 301 (Irigoin). — RPh, N.S., 2 (1878) p. 182. — Scriptorium, 11 (1957) p. 196, 197, 198, 206-209, 210 (Treweek); 17 (1962) p. 373; 20 (1966) p. 316. V at. g r . 219. Dain , Tacticiens, p. 29. — DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2740, tav. CCCCLXXX. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 423, 457. — Devreesse , In ­ troduction, p. 274 n. 4-8. — F oucault (de ), Strategem ata, p. 71. — Schneider , Geschütze, p. 5, 11. — VAr i , Liber, p. xv, x x iv . — VAr i , Tactica, I, p. xv. — W escher , Poliorcétique, p. x x x m , x x x iv , xxxvti, xeiv . B P hW , 52 (1932) p. 4. — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 39 n. 1, 41 (Biedl). — N E M 26, 2 (1883) p. 298 sg. (Prou). — N H J , N.S., 1938, p. 127 n. 41 (Preisendanz). — REG, 45 (1932) p. 251, 252, 253, 256, 259, 260, 261, 262, 266, 268 (Dain); 71 (1958) p. 67, 68, 81 n. 2 (Dain). — RPh, N.S., 3 (1879) p. 102 (Graux). — Scrip­ torium, 1 (1946-47) p. 43, 44 (Dain). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 17 n. 2 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). V at. g r . 220. D a i n , Onésandros, p. 53. — D a i n , Tacticiens, p. 35. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 417, 418 n. 30. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 274 n. 4-8, 275 n. 6, n. 8. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 540 n. 35. — S c h n e id e r , Geschütze, p. 5, 11. — VAr i , Liber, p. xv, x x iv . — VAr i , Tactica, I, p. x v n . — V i e ie e e f o n d , Cestes, p. x e v i . — W e s c h e r , Poliorcétique, p. x x x iv , xi.iv. B yzZ , 16 (1907) p. 752. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 82 (Patrineles). — N E M , 26, 2 (1883) p. 298 sg. (Prou). — OC, 36 (1939) p. 259. — REG, 45 (1932) p. 260, 261 (Dain); 48 (1945) p. 17 n. 2 (Dain). — Rinascimento, 10 (1959) p. 132 (Fanelli). — RPh, N.S., 3 (1879) p. 103, 136 (Graux). — Scriptorium, 1 (1946-47) p. 45 (Dain); 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 4 (McGurk). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 184, 229, 245 (Canart). V at. g r . 221. Da R ios , Aristoxenus, p. xxxvhi-xxxix , EV, xcvni, ch , Cm, 3. — D e Marinis , L egatura, nr. 681. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 447. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 245 n. 5, n. 12. — D üring , Porphyrios, p. xm . — D ürîng , Ptolemaios, p. xxxvi. — J an (von), Musici, p. exxh . V at. g r . 222. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p . 43, 59, 419, 453. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p . 241 n. 4. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p . 68, 69, 73. ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372 (Gerstinger). V at. g r . 223. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 136 — D evreesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 120. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 36, 60, 94, 131, 165, 199, 246, 281, 327, 407. — L orimer, Libellus, p. 3. — MorTreuie , Histoire, II, p. 40. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 125. RhM , 6 (1839) p. 128, 158 (Hase). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 5. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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V at. g r. 224. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 36, 59, 105, 140, 214, 295, 343, 443. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 225. — F oers TER, Libanius, II, p. 194; IV, p. 414; V, p. 184, 291; VI, p. 341; V II, p. 76, 398, 546. — FOERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 47. — KEiE, Aristides, p. x v n , x ix . — Mras , Überlieferung, p. 44. — N ie Én , Lucian us, I, p. v ii . — Verpea u x , Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 330, 331, 332. Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek); 12 (1958) p. 45, 46 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 169. — SO, 3 (1925) p. 36 (Nilén). V at. g r. 225. A ee in e , Platon, p. 219, 308,314,323. — BiCKEE, Stobaeus, . p. 9. — Cardini, Platone, p. 26. — Ceark , M anuscripts, p. 404. -— DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 40, 54, 92, 130, 161, 198, 243, 279, 323. — DiÈS, Sophiste, p. 299. — D odds , Plato, p. 37, 55. — I mmisch , Studien, p. 85, 86. — L ouis, Albinos, p. x h . — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 85, 113. — Moreschini , Plato, p. 18. — P ost, Plato, p. 56, 77. — Schanz, Studien, p. 2. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 171, 173 (Moreschini); 36 (1967) p. 89 n. 19 (Carlini). — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — CQ, 8 (1914) p. 233 (Bum et); 43 (1949) p. 127, 128 (Klos - Minio-Paluello) ; 60 (1966) p. 70 (Nicoll). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 681 (Wohlrab). — R hM , 92 (1943-44) p. 126, 127 (Bickel). — RPh, N.S., 20 (1896) p. 167. — SCO, 15 (1966) p. 200, 201 n. 12, 205, 209 (Car­ lini). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson); 21 (1967) p. 169. — SM , S. III, 5 (1964) p. 604 (Carlini). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 226. A ddine , Platon, p. 189, 219, 308, 323. — B e t h e , Pollux, p. x iii. — Ceark , M anuscripts, p. 404. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 39, 55, 92, 130, 161, 198, 243, 279, 324, 403. — I mmisch , Studien, p. 85, 86. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 64 n. 1, 85, 87, 99, 113, 142. — MorTr e u ie , Histoire, I, p. 169. — P ost, P lato, p. 56, 77. — Schanz, Studien, p. 2. B P hW , 55 (1935) p. 1188. — B yzZ , 27 (1927) p. 373. — CQ, N.S., 60 (1966) p. 70 (Nicoll). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 681 (W ohlrab). — R F IC , 8 (1880) p. 162, 175 (Ramorino). — SCO, 15 (1966) p. 200 n. 10 (Carlini). — Scripto­ rium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 227. Aee in ë , Platon, p. 315. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 56, 107, 142, 406, 439. — Moreschini , Plato, p. 18. — P ost, Plato, p. 77. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 184, 185 (Moreschini). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 683 (Wohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). V at. g r . 228. A ee in e , Platon, p. 212, 243, 289, 314. — B uermann , Isokrates, I, p. 13. — Cardini , Platone, p. 29. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 55, 107, 142, 346. — D r er u p , Isocrates, p. xvi. — G uieeand , Correspondance, p. x h , x v ii, x x iii. — I mmisch , Studien, p. 84. — Moreschini , Plato, p. 18. — P ost , Plato, p. 77. — R ivaud , Platon, p. 253. A B , 46 (1928) p. 447. — A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 177, 178, 184 n. 95 (Moreschini). — ED , 2 (1924) p. 239 (Bezdeki). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 683 (Wohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 224-238


V at. g r. 229. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 30, 57, 92, 130, 198. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 96 n. 7. — POST, Plato, p. 78. A S N P , S. II, 33 (1964) p. 252 n. 9. (Moreschini); 34 (1965) p. 175 (Moreschini). — N JP hSuppbd, 15 (1887) p. 684 (Wohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). V at. g r. 230. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 38, 56, 107, 142, 201, 247, 280, 326, 405. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 83. — P o s t , Plato, p. 3, 5, 35, 78. B P hW , 55 (1935) p. 1187. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). V at. g r. 231. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 57. — D evreesse Fonds grec, p. 357, 470 n. 4. — K eiba nsk y - L abow sky , Parmenides, p. x x x , x x x ii , XXXV. — K lostermann , A nalecta, p. 78. — W ae EIES, Alexander, p. v. Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 262 (Jordan). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). V at. g r. 232. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 447. — K e ib a n s k y - D a b o w s k y , Parmenides, p. x x x , x x x iv . — W e i n b e r g e r , Carmina, p. vm. Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 262 (Jordan). V at. g r. 233. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 477. — S c h o e e e , Proclus, p. 6 n. 1. Eos, 1 (1894) p. 28 n. 1 (Stem bach). — R hM , 39 (1884) p. 468 (Traube). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 221 (Irigoin). V at. g r. 234. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 422, 452. — W e s t e r i n k , Proclus, p. v m . Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 263 n. 1 (Jordan). V at. g r. 235. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 357,447. — S i w e k , De anima, p. 9. Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 262 (Jordan). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). V at. g r . 236.

losophumena, p.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 421, 453. — H obein , Phi— Schuete, De codicibus, p. 3.

xei , E x x n .

R hM , 68 (1913) p. 569 (M utschm ann). V at. g r. 237. B e r Tó e a , Registri, p. 63 n. 2, 83 n. 3. — D e v r e e s s e , Ponds grec, p. 93, 130, 164, 198, 246, 281, 326, 409. — D o d d s , Proclus, p. x x x m . — H e n r y , llta ts , p. 41, 199. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 450 n. 48. — M o m m e r t , Porphyrius, p. v, ix , x x x m . — N o c k - F e s t u g ié r e , Corpus Hermeticum , I, p. x n . — R e i t z e n s t e i n , Poim andres, p. 324. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — ScoTT, H erm ética, I, p. 21. B yzZ , 37 (1937) p. 122. — Philologus, 53 (1894) p. 416 n. 2 (Kroll). — REG, 48 (1935) p. 461. Miscell. M ansion, p. 392, 395 (Saffrey). V at. g r. 238. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 26. — BUSSE, Isagoge, p. x v h . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 55, 214, 296. — M i n i o - P a e u e e e o , Aristoteles, p. xx, x x i i . — W a r t e e e e , Inventaire, p. 125. B P E C , N.S., 11 (1963) p. 92, 94 (Torraca). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 338. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 239. Br é h ie r , Plotin, I, p. x e ih , x ev ii . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4, 473. — H en ry , É ta ts, p. 34. — H en r y , Manuscrits, p. 296. — H enry - S chwyzer , Opera, I, p. xxiv, xxv. Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 107, 108, 117 (Millier). — RhM , 90 (1941) p. 230 n. 21 (Schwyzer). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 240. BECKBY, Anthologia, I, p. 73, 100. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — H iegard , Canones, p. Lxx, e x x ii . — H iegard , Scholia, p. ix , xiv, x x iv , x x v n . — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 728 n. 1. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 240. — STadTm u eia er , Anthologia, I, p. x m ; III, p. iv. — S ternbach , Appendix, p. v sg. — W ai/ tz, Anthologie, I, p. e x x x ix . B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 16, 17 (Gallavotti). — B P hW , 10 (1890) p. 1389; 38 (1918) p. 3. — B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 169. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 103 (Patrineles). — Eos, 41 (1940-46) p. 2, 19 (Hammer). — REG, N.S., 78 (1965) p. 368. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). — IFS, 11 (1889) p. 189 (Wessely). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 363 (Omont). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 187, 196 n. 80, 197, 197 n. 82, 214, 230, 232, 245, 245 n. 175, 246, 288 tav. 6 (Canari). V at. g r. 241. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 3. — Ca r ïe r o n , Aristote, I, p. 21. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 56, 215, 294. — H ayduck , De anima, p. v. — H ayduck , Stephanus, p. v. — Ross, Analytics, p. 94. — Ross, Physica, p. i, n , n i. — R oss, Physics, p. 102. — Vancourt , Commentateurs, p. 39 n. 3. — W aitz , Organon, p. 80. — W arteia E, Inventaire, p. 125. B y J , 9 (1932) p. 106 (Schissei). — JOBG, 6 (1957) p. 5 (Irigoin). — REG, 50 (1937) p. 166. V at. g r. 242. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 4. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 29, 55, 92, 130, 215, 248, 294, 439. — ROSS, Analytics, p. 94. — W arteia E, Inventaire, p. 125. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 221, 222 (Irigoin). V at. g r. 243. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 12. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 29, 198, 281, 349. — Gia n n e ia i , Codices Vat. II, p. 132. — Ross, Analytics, p. 94. — W arTEIAE, Inventaire, p. 125. V at. g r. 244. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 2. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 29, 168, 249, 403. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 87 n. 1, 232 n. 3. — Ross, Analytics, p. 94. — W arTEIAE, Inventaire, p. 126. R A S , 21 (1961) p. 217 (Mioni). V at. g r. 245. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 50. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 29, 55,214, 288, 437. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — W arTEIAE, Inventaire, p. 126. B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 417 n. 2 (Wendel). V at. g r. 246. B er Tôea , Registri, p. 76 n. 9. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 27. — B usse , Philoponus, p. xv. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 30, 56, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 239-253


109, 143, 215, 279, 324, 404. — D ü r i n g , Aristotle, p. 120. — K o t t e r , Über­ lieferung, p. 65. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 99. — M ERC A TI, Opere Minori, III, p. 429-431, 481-483; IV p. 198 n. 2. — P a p a d i m i T r i u , Prodrom, p. 244. — S t e v e n s o n , Prodrom us, p. x x . — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p. 126. Bessarione, 31 (1915) p. 227, 228 n. 1 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 304 n. 3 (Mercati). — Eranos, 5 (1903) p. 151, 152 (Lundström). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 247. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 13. — B u s s e , Categoriae, p. x x ii. — B u s s e , De interpretatione, p.x ii. — B u s s e , Isagoge, p. x v n . — D e ­ v r e e s s e , Ponds grec, p. 247, 325, 405. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 427. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — W a i t z , Organon, p. 80. — W a e e i ë S, A nalytics Po­ steriora, p. vrr, ix , xvi. — W a e e i e s , A nalytics Priora, p. xrv. — W a r t e e e e , Inventaire, p. 126. Bessarione, 31 (1915) p. 90 (Mercati). Vat. gr. 248. B o e g a r , Heritage, p. 479. — B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 62. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 30, 309, 357, 437. — W a r TEE LE , Inventaire, p. 126. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin); 18 (1964) p. 342. — StcGymn, N.S., 20 (1967) p. 286. Vat. gr. 249. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 94. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 55, 91, 129, 161, 196, 279, 326, 406. — L o n g o , Aristotele, p. XE, Exxn. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 208. — M o r a u x , Aristote, p. c e x x x ie — S i w e k , De anima, p. 13, 15, 92, 99, 110, 122, 163, 169-171, 175. — W a r TELEE, Inven­ taire, p. 126. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 325 n. 2 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 250. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 100. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 28, 54, 91, 129, 167, 197, 248, 280, 355, 437. — H a y d u c k , De Anima, p. xvi. — ROSS, Physics, p. 118. — W arTEEEË, Inventaire, p. 126. Vat. gr. 251. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 99. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 56, 91, 129, 170, 197, 278, 331, 402. — R oss, Physics, p. 118. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 126. Vat. gr. 252. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 93. — D e M a r in is , Lega­ tura, nr. 374. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 418 n. 30, 468. — L a e m m e r , Biblio­ theca, p. 53. — M o r a u x , Aristote, p. c e x ix n. 1. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire,

p. 126. B yzZ, 33 (1933) p. 168. — M E F R , 48 (1931) p. 323 (Lattès). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 2 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 253. A eean , Aristoteles, p. x n . — B ie h e , De Anima, p. vi. — B ie h e , P arva N aturalia, p. vi. — B randis , H andschriften, nr. 92. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 28, 108, 143, 355, 411. — D rossaart L ueofs , De somno, p. x. — - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

H ecks , Aristotle, p. e x x x iv . — JAEGER, Aristoteles, p. m n. 1, 50. —■J a n n o n ë B a r b o t in , Aristote, p. x x x i. — L o n g o , Aristotele, p. e x x e — M o r a u x , Aris­ tote, p. c e x x v ii , cxci. — M u g n ie r , Aristote, p. 12, 19. — Ross, Aristoteles, p. ix . -— R oss, P arv a N aturalia, p. 61, 69. — S i w e k , De anima, p. 5, 7, 12, 15, 47, 51, 52, 57, 58-59, 60, 67, 173, 176, 179, 182. — S i w e k , Manuscrits, p. 15, 16,

18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 29-30, 39, 40, 42-45, 50, 64, 76 n. 22, 123, 130, 135, 136, 138. — S i w e k , P arv a N aturalia, p. 17. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 126. AC, 28 (1959) p. 363. — B P hW , 19 (1899) p. 1086. — Eranos, 14 (1914) p. 26, 38 (Rudberg). — Hermes, 82 (1954) p. 149 (Moraux). — N E M , 25, 2 (1875) p. 397 (Thurot). — RPh, N.S. 22 (1898) p. 310; S. III, 7 (1933) p. 261 (D eCorte); 22 (1948) p. 189; 26 (1952) p. 36, 42, 46 (Mugnier); 41 (1967) p. 316. — Scrip­ torium, 13 (1959) p. 306. Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 329, 331 (Mugnier). — Miscell. Mansion, p. 220 (Minio-Paluello). V at. gr. 254. B e r Tô e a , Registri, p. 74 n. 6. — B r a n d is , Handschriften, nr. 123. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 110, 144, 215, 300, 446. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — M o r a u x , Aristote, p. c e x x x iv . — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 324 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. gr. 255. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 220. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 57, 108, 142, 161, 219, 245, 311. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. Vat. gr. 256. B i e h e , De Anima, p. v i, — B r a n d i s , Handschriften, nr. 80. — B u b e r e - G e r s t i n g e r , H andschriften, p. 60. — C h r i s t , Metaphysica, p. xi. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 168, 248, 279, 331, 401. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 236 n. 5, 314. — DiEES, Simplicius, I, p. xvi. — FoERSTER, Libanius, V III, p. 442. — F r a n c h i d e ' C a v a e i E r i - L i e t z m a n n , Specimina, tav. 40. — G a r d t h a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 244. — HiCKS, Aristotle, p. Exxxiv. — J a e g e r , Metaphysica, p. x x i i . — J a n n o n e - B a r b o t i n , Aristote, p. x x iv . — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 468 n. 2. — Ross, Metaphysics, p. CEXViii. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — S c h u b a r T, Palaeographie, p. 166 (nr. 40). — S i w e k , De anima, p. 5, 13, 15, 95-96, 97, 98, 103-104, 167, 174, 176, 178, 179, 183. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 110-111. — ViTEEEE De Generatione, p. IX. — ViTEEEE Physica, I, p. v n . — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — R E B yz, 21 (1963) p. 231 n. 2 (Verpeaux). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 359; 16 (1962) p. 121. V at. gr. 257. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 221. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 92, 130, 198, 245, 281, 326, 406. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 208 (Devreesse). — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 325 n. 2 (Devreesse). r


V at. gr. 258. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 83. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 57, 93, 130, 164, 198, 246, 328, 407. — D r o ssa a r T L u e o f s , De genera­ tione, p. v in . — D r o ssa a r T L u e o f s , De somno, p. x . — D ü r in g , De p ar­ tibus, p. 39. — L ouis, Génération, p. x x i i . — L ouis, Parties, p. x x x n . — Mu g n ier , Aristote, p. 13. — R oss, P arva N aturalia, p. 61, 69. — S iw e k , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 254-261


Manuscrits, p. 16, 23, 25, 41, 50, 52 n. 0, 64 n. 28, 67-68, 80, 82. — S iw e k , Parva N aturalia, p. 17. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 128. — W ar­ TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. A L F B , 1 (1954) p. 6 (Martin). — Eranos, 14 (1914) p. 32 (Rudberg). — R F IC , 42 (1914) p. 402 (Bassi); 94 (1966) p. 209. — RPh, S. I l i , 26 (1952) p. 42, 43, 44 (Mugnier). Misceli. Desrousseaux, p. 329, 331 (Mugnier). Vat. gr. 259. Ber Tòea, Registri, p. 97 n. 6 . — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 147. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 130, 170, 198, 249, 277, 330, 401. — L ouis, Génération, p. x x in. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 124. — W arte EUE, Inventaire, p. 127. B yzZ , 19 (1910) p. 580. — Eranos, 14 (1914) p. 24 n. 3 (Rudberg). — Hermes, 87 (1959) p. 436 (Zuntz). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 325 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 260. Bi Ehe , De Anima, p. VI. — Bi Ehe , P arva N aturalia, p. v u . — Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 91. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 40, 57, 170, 250, 440. — D rossaart L ueofs, De somno, p. x. — Düring , De partibus, p. 38. — H icks, Aristotle, p. exxxiv . — H ie Gard, Canones, p. exx . — H iegard , Scholia, p. x x iv . — JAEGER, Aristoteles, p. x, 20. — J annone Barbotin , A ristote, p. x x x n n. 1. — L angkavee, Aristoteles, p. xv. — Louis, Parties, p. x x x i, x x x v , xei . — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 113. — Mugnier , Aristote, p. 12, 19. — R oss, De anima, p. ix . — R oss, P arva N aturalia, p. 61, 69. — SlWEK, De anima, p. 5, 9, 12, 15, 45, 53, 58, 67, 81, 83, 84, 86, 92-93, 99, 110, 122, 158, 173, 176, 178, 179, 180, 183. — Siw ek , Manuscrits, p. 15, 18-20, 23, 25, 47-48, 49, 50-52, 76 n. 22, 123, 130, 135, 138, 139, 142. — Siw ek , Parva N aturalia, p. 17. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — Eranos, 13 (1913) p. 52 n. 1 (Rudberg); 14 (1914) p. 38 (Rudberg). — N E M , 25, 2 (1875) p. 397 (Thurot). — RPh, S. III, 7 (1933) p. 262 (De Corte); 20 (1946) p. 163; 22 (1948) p. 189; 26 (1952) p. 36, 42 (Mugnier). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 157. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Desrousseaux, p. 329, 331 (Mugnier). — Misceli. Mansion, p. 220 (Minio-Paluello). — Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 328 (Grecu). Vat. gr. 261. Biehe , P arv a N aturalia, p. v u . — Brandis , Handschrif­ ten, nr. 86 . — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 110, 144, 167, 213, 249, 285, 323, 410. — Drossaart Lueofs, De generatione, p. vu. — Drossaart L ueofs, De somno, p. x. — Düring , De partibus, p. 39. — J aeger , Aristoteles, p. vi, ix, 20. — L angkavee, Aristoteles, p. xv. — L ouis, Génération, p. xxn, xxv, xxvu. — L ouis, Parties, p. x xxn, xxxvn, xxxix, xei . — Mercati, Atum ano, p. 11. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 467-475; IV, p. 88. — Mugnier , Aristote, p. 11, 19. — R oss, Parva N aturalia, p. 61, 69. — Siw ek , De anima, p. 42. — Siw ek , M anuscrits, p. 15, 18-21, 23, 25, 36, 76 n. 22, 109-110, 112, 115, 116, 118, 119-121, 135, 136, 140, 142. — Siwek , P arv a N atur aha, p. 17. — T orraca, Aristotele, p. 5, 6, 11. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici V aticani greci

AC, 26 (1957) p. 463. — Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 125 (Mercati). — B P hW , 36 (1916) p. 1164. — Eranos, 13 (1913) p. 52 n. 1 (Rudberg). — N E M , 25, 2 (1875) p. 397 (Thurot). — REG, 73 (1960) p. 302; 76 (1963) p. 482. — R F IC , 94 (1966) p. 209. — RPh, S. III, 20 (1946) p. 163; 22 (1948) p. 189; 26 (1952) p. 36-39 (Mugnier); 29 (1955) p. 90; 40 (1966) p. 321. — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 157; 17 (1963) p. 139; 21 (1967) p. 110. Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 330, 331, 332 (Mugnier). Vat. gr. 262. Bertöea, Registri, p. 43 n. 5, 44 n. 6. — Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 145. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 91, 129, 197, 295. — L ouis, H istoire, p. XEVii, e , e i , u v , evii . — R zach, Hesiodus1, p. 210 (app. erit.). — W arteeEE, Inventaire, p. 127. Eranos, 9 (1909) p. 107 (Rudberg); 14 (1914) p. 26 (Rudberg). — Philo­ logus, 77 (1920) p. 353, 354 (Zepernick). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 424. — RPh, S. III, 28 (1954) p. 39 n. 4 (Louis). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 119. V at. gr. 263. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 168. — Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 108. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 92, 130, 164, 198, 245, 281, 326, 403. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 221 (Irigoin). V at. g r. 264. Bertöea, Registri, p. 72 n. 7. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 189. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 29, 54, 92, 129, 170, 182, 197, 251, 278, 330, 402. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 45 n. 3. — H ubert , Plutarchus, VI, p. x, xi, XX. — H ubert - P oheEnz - Drexe ER, Plutarchus, I, p. ix, xx, xxi, XXXI. — Mercati, Opere minori, I I I , p. 460 n. 4. — Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 236. — N achstädT - Sievering - TiTCHENER, Plutarchus, p. xxx. — P aton - P oheenz - Sieveking , Plutarchus, p. xxiv, xxxi. — W arteeEE, Inventaire, p. 127. — WEGEhaupT, Plutarchstudien, p. 20,

41, 43, 47, 48, 54, 55. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 107 n. 1 (Valgiglio). — B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 1607. — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 94 (Finarson - de Lacy). Vat. gr. 265. Bertöea , Registri, p. 108 n. 5. — Brandis , Handschrif­ ten, nr. 208. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 33, 55, 95, 132, 160, 201, 242, 283, 321, 445. — W artee EE, Inventaire, p. 127. Vat. gr. 266. Biehe , De Anima, p. vi. — B randis , Handschriften, nr. 85. — Brunschwig, A ristote, p. cviii n. 2. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 167, 248, 329, 401. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 86 n. 6. — Drossaart Lueofs, De generatione, p. v m . — Drossaart L ueofs, De somno, p. x. — H icks , Aristotle, p. exxxiv . — J annone - Barbotin, Aristote, p. x x x n n. 1. — L ouis, Génération, p. x x n . — L ouis, Parties, p. xxxii . — Mercati, Cidone, p. 185 n. 3. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 470 n. 9, 473 n. 2. — Mugnier , Aristote, p. 13. — R ichard, Florilèges, col. 503. — R oss, De anima, p. ix. — R oss, P arv a N aturalia, p. 61, 69. — Siw ek , De anima, p. 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 19, 20-21, 25, 26, 42-45, 67, 111, 122, 139, 172, 173, 176, 178, 180, 181. — SlWEK, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 262-272


Manuscrits, p. 16, 23, 25, 26, 52 n. 0, 64, 70-71, 74, 81, 110, 116-118, 130, 142. — Siw ek , P arv a N aturalia, p. 17. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. A lP h O , 2 (1934) p. 321 n. 3 (Dölger). — R F IC , 94 (1966) p. 209. — ROC, 3 (1898) p. 447 (Kugener). — RPh, S. I I I , 7 (1933) p. 355 (De Corte); 29 (1952) p. 42, 43 (Mugnier). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 46, 48 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 168. — ViVrem, N.S., 12 (1957) p. 206 (Vesalago). Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 330, 332 (Mugnier). — Miscell. Mansion, p. 220 (Minio-Paluello). Vat. gr. 267. Bratke, Religionsgespräch, p. 55. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 38, 54, 92, 129, 169, 184, 197, 278, 331, 401. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 232 n. 2. — Laemmer, Bibliotheca, p. 90 n. 2. — Laemmer, Mantissa, p. 103. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 127. V at. gr. 268. AdeER, Suidas, col. 711. — BERTÔEA, Registri, p. 50 n. 5. — Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 138. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 168, 250, 330, 403. — H ayduck, De anima, p. vi. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 240. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. AC, 1 (1932) p. 205, 211 (Leemans). — B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 766. — ByzZ, 33 (1933) p. 158, 159. Vat. gr. 269. Ber Tôea, Registri, p. 69 n. 3, 76 n. 7, 84 n. 2, 95 n. 10. — Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 138. — Bruns, Scripta, p. xxvi. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 28, 58, 109, 144, 151 n. 16, 213, 326, 405. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 17 n. 4, 95 n. 3, 96 n. 3. — DlEES, H andschriften, I, p. 115. — GaeEAVOTTI, Theocritus, p. 326. — H ayduck, E thica, p. v u . — H eyebut , Aspasius, p. vi, xi. — H eyebut , E ustratius, p. v m , xi. — K otter, Überlieferung, p. 65. — LameerE, Tradition, p. 54. — MercaTI, Opéré minori, III, p. 458-467. — W aeeies , Sophist, elenchi, p. IX. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 589. — RhM , 39 (1884) p. 312 (Heylbut). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 n. 4 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 270. Bertôea, Registri, p. 47 n. 2, 81 n. 12. — Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 67. — Brunschwig, Aristote, p. cxv n. 1. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 26, 57, 110, 144, 213, 296, 439. — Vogel - GardThausen , Sch­ reiber, p. 377. — W aelies , Topica, p. vi, xx. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. V at. gr. 271. Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 139. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 129, 167, 198, 282, 355, 439. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. — W end EAND, Alexander, p. x. — W endeand , Michael Ephesius, p. x. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). Vat. gr. 272. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 178. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4, 473. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 103 (Patrineles). — Hermes, 2 (1867) p. 212 n. 1 (Rose). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331, 333 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 206, 256 (Canart). 26 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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Vat. gr. 273. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 179. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4, 473, 475. — H eyebu T, Aspasius, p. vi. — W arTEEEE, In ­ ventaire, p. 128. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 302, 331, 333 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 256 (Canart). Vat. gr. 274. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — Mey i ER (de ), Codices Vossiani, p. 134. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). Vat. gr. 275. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 447. — N oehac (de ), Biblio­ thèque, p. 162 n. 4. — N orvin, In Phaedonem, p. v m . — VoGEE - GardThausEn , Schreiber, p. 182. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. — W esterink , Damascius, p. XIII. ByzZ, 42 (1942) p. 68 n. 2 (Möhler). V at. g r. 276. Aeexanderson, Prognosticon, p. 87. — BERTöea, Registri, p. 102 n. 7. — Deichgräber, H ippokrates, p. vn, ix. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 4 n. 19, 41, 58, 94, 131, 163, 200, 312, 437. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 86 n. 6 , 91. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 4, 5, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 57. — DiEEER, Überlieferung, p. 2, 3. — F eEischER, Untersuchungen, p. 109. — HEIBERG, H ippocrates, p. vi. — K ueh EEwein , H ippocrates, I, p. xv, xx ii , xxm , xxvi, xxvn, xevi. — Rienau , Schrift, p. 1*. 2 n. 1. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 70. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 67. — N achmanson, Collectio, p. xvi. — N achmanson, Erotianstudien, p. 211 sg., 231, 518 sg., 539 sg. — N eeson, Schrift, p. 69. — P oeppee , Schrift, p. 1, 69. — R ivier , Recherches, passim. — Schubring, Untersuchungen, p. 23. — ViEEARET, Liber, p. 3. — Vogee - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 179. — W arteeeE, Inventaire, p. 128. Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 161 (Mercati). — BP hW , 16 (1896) p. 1541; 32 (1912) p. 1499; 33 (1913) p. 161; 38 (1918) p. 440; 44 (1924) p. 1011; 53 (1933) p. 293. — ByzZ, 58 (1965) p. 367. — Eos, 25 (1921-22) p. 143. — Hermes> 18 (1883) p. 17 (Kühlewein); 23 (1888) p. 267 (Kühlewein); 27 (1892) p. 301’ 306, 307 (Kühlewein); 39 (1904) p. 133 (Heiberg); 44 (1909) p. 131 (Mewaldt); 53 (1918) p. 86 n. 4 (Diels); 85 (1957) p. 379, 380 (Kahlenberg). — Mnemosyne, N.S. 51 (1923) p. 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 16, 37, 37 n. 3, 44, 45 (Unger). — Philologus, 52 (1893) p. 424, 430 (Ilberg); 78 (1922) p. 106, 111, 119 (Bensel). — R F IC , 40 (1912) p. 616. — REG, 48 (1935) p. 18 (Dain). — RhM , 42 (1887) p. 444, 446, 461 (Ilberg); 45 (1890) p. 127 (Ilberg); 58 (1903) p. 64 (Schöne); 73 (1920-24) p. 435 (Schöne). — RPh, N.S., 12 (1888) p. 169; 50 (1926) p. 248. — W S, 50 (1932) p. 67 (Pfafï). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 317 n. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 277. Aeexanderson , Prognostikon, p. 88, 107. — Ber Tôea, Registri, p. 96 n. 9. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 58, 164, 201, 245, 440. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 262 n. 8, 265, 271 n. 9. — Diees , H andschriften, I, p. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 110; II, p. 37, 65, 93. — FEEISCHER, Untersuchungen, p. 29. — - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 273-280


Apologie, p. 73. — G r e n s e m a n n , Schrift, p. 44. — H e i b e r g , Hippo­ crates, p. vi. — I e b e r g , Soranus, p. xiv. — J o e y , Hippocrate, p. x x iv . — LiEn a u , Schrift, p. 1*, 20*. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, p. 67 sg. — N a c h m a n s o n , Collectio, p. v in , xv. — N a c h m a n s o n , E rotianstudien, p. 2 sg., 44, 67 sg., 91 sg., 134, 144 sg., 151 sg., 172, 183, 186, 231. — N e e s o n , Schrift, p. 68 n. 5. — PoEPPEE, Schrift, p. 70, 133. — RiviER, Recherches, p. 58 n. 1, n. 2, 61, 63, 100-104, 105, 107 n. 3, 108 n. 1, 109 n. 2, 112 n. 1, 115, 118 n. 1, 120 n. 2, 121, 122, 124 n. 2, n. 6, 125 n. 1, 129 n. 2, 130 n. 2, n. 3, 132 n. 2, 139, 140 n. 1, 144, 146, 147, 148, 151 n. 2, 154, 158, 159 n. 1, 166, 168, 179 n. 1, 183, 186, 189. — W ar TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. AC, 34 (1965) p. 198 n. 19 (Joly). — Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 161 (Mercati). — BodlR, 6 (1961) p. 609 (Barbour). — B P hW , 38 (1918) p. 438; 39 (1919) p. 43 (Helmreich). — Eranos, 6 (1905-06) p. 46 (Nelson); 19 (1919) p. 2 n. 1 (Danielsson); 29 (1931) p. 91 (Frisk). — Hermes, 22 (1887) p. 186, 187 (Kühle­ wein); 85 (1957) p. 379 (Kahlenberg). — Mnemosyne, N.S., 51 (1923) p. 37, 44 (Unger). — N JP hSuppbd, 23 (1897) p. 205 (Dittrich). — QGN, 3, 4 (1933) p. 41 (Diller). — R hM , 42 (1887) p. 452, 453, 455, 458 (Ilberg); 45 (1890) p. 113 n. 0, 127 n. 2 (Ilberg). — RPh, N.S., 12 (1888) p. 169. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 327 (Devreesse). G om perz,

V at. g r . 2 7 8 . A e EXA n d e r s o n , Prognostikon, p. 88, 112. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 176. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 352, 406. — DiEES, H and­ schriften, I, p. 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 48; II, p. 93. — G r e n s e m a n n , Schrift, p. 45. — J o e y , H ippocrate, p. xx iy . — U i e n a u , Schrift, p. 1*, 16*, 17*. — M e r c a t i , Notizie, p. 68, 70 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, p. 67 sg. — P o e p p E E, Schrift, p. 70, 158. — R i v i e r , Recherches, p. 144-146, 148, 149 n. 3, 154, 158, 159 n. 1, n. 3, n. 5, n. 6, 160 n. 1, 163 n. 5, 167 sg., 188 n. 4, 189. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 417. Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 161 (Mercati). — Hermes, 22 (1887) p. 187 (Kühlewéin). — Mnemosyne, N.S., 51 (1923) p. 44 (Unger). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 328 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 2 7 9 . A l e x a n d e r s o n , Galenos, p. 17, 23, 46. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 218, 438.— D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 66 n. 4, 260 n. 7, 261 n. 4, n. 6, 262 n. 2, 271 n. 2. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 14, 105, 114, 117, 134; II, p. 7, 38, 80, 125. — U e f h e r z , Studien, p. 80. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 146. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, p. 379. — M e y i ë R (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 70. — W e s t e r i n k , Psellus, p. 10. BBGG, N.S., 13 (1959) p. 23 (Mercati). — REG, 10 (1897) p. 410 (Costomiris). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 241 (Mercati). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 5. V at. g r . 2 8 0 . A e E x a n d e r s o n , Galenos, p. 18. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 31, 41, 58, 94, 131, 165, 184, 200, 247, 281, 327, 404. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 267 n. 8, 270 n. 1. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 14, 105, 113; - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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II, p. 50, 63, 88, 102. — MERCATI, Isidoro, p. 92 n. 2. — MERCATI, Opere minori, III, p. 523. BBGG, N.S. 13 (1959) p. 24 (Mercati). — Bessarione, 32 (1916) p. 210 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 43 (1950) p. 252. — P A A , 19 (1944) p. 162, 163, 163 n. 1 (Kouzfes). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 137. V at. g r . 281. DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2802. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 421, 452. — Diees , H andschriften, I, p. 87-89. Eos, 2 (1895) p. 55 (Miodoriski). V at. g r . 282. BERTöea, Registri, p. 55 n. 6, 77 n. 4. — DEVREESSE, Codices Vat. II, p. 121. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 58, 94, 131, 152 n. 2, 348, 437. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 86 n. 9, 91, 261 n. 4, 264 n. 5, 268 n. 1, 271 n. 3. — D iees , H andschriften, I, p. 30, 33, 64, 65, 89, 91; II, p. 6, 55. — HEEMREich , De tem peram entis, p. v n i. — Marquardt - Mueeeer - H eemreich . Scripta Minora, III, p. vi. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 17-21, 379. Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 51, 54 (Mercati); 37 (1921) p. 148 (M ercati).— Hermes, 43 (1908) p. 388 (Wellmann). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 241 (Mercati). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 n. 5 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 283. AeExanderson, Prognostikon, p. 88, 120. — Baffioni , T rattato , p. 3 n. 2, 6 n. 14. — D eichgräber - K udeien , Sim ulantenschrift, p. 108, 111. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 31, 38, 104, 139, 218, 290, 455. — Diees , H andschriften, I, p. 5, 20, 33, 78, 83, 95, 105, 109, 112. — P ertusi, Leonzio Pilato, p. 454. — P oeppee , Schrift, p. 82 n. 163. V at. g r . 284. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 474 n. 28, 478 n. 45. — Diees , H andschriften, I, p . 34; II, p. 33, 34, 85. — L azarev, Istorija, p. 304. — ViEiEEEFOND, Cestes, p. xx iv . — W eitzmann, Buchmalerei, p. 34, 82. — WEEEmann, Philumenus, p. v. B yzZ, 6 (1963) p. 211. — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 301 n. 102 (Irigoin) — JOBG, 10 (1961) p. 21, 24, fig. 1-4 (Theodorid^s). — REG, 46 (1933) p. 197 (Vieillefond). — RPh, S. III, 9 (1935) p. 329. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 189 (Irigoin); 17 (1963) p. 373. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 334 n. 3 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. V ., Catalogo, p. 7. V at. g r . 285. Boer (de ), Galenus, p. x. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 421, 453. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 85 n. 5, 89 n. 8, 92, 264 n. 1, 271 n. 4. — DIEES, H andschriften, I, p. 61, 68, 73, 78, 80, 81, 82; II, p. 49, 98. — K e ie , Consilium, p. ix . — LebiSgue , Du Sublime, p. x ix, 1. — Moheer, Bessarion, I, p. 58. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 124; IV, p. 16. — P rickard, Longinus, p. v, xiv. — RuEEEE, Aristoteles, p. v n . — Sp Engee-H ammer, Rhetores, I, p. ix. — VaheEn , Longinus, p. ix. A F L N , 1 (1954) p. 5, 7, fig. 4, 5 (Marin). — Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 50 (Mercati). — B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 49 (Garzya); 9 (1961) p. 49 (Marenghi). — B yzZ, 19 (1910) p . 580. — J H S , 17 (1897) p. 190 (Roberts). — Scrip­ torium, 18 (1964) p. 249 (Harlfinger-W iesner). — W S, 51 (1933) p. 58, 59 (de Boer). Catal. astrol. V 4, p. 5-6. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 281-295


Vat. g r . 286. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 421, 454. — D iees , H and­ schriften, II, p. 17, 18, 19. — HuDE, Aretaeus, p. vu. B P hW , 44 (1924) p. 15. — B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 263; 55 (1962) p. 322. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 93 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 78 (Canart); 20 (1966) p. 150. Vat. g r . 2 8 7 . DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 420, 452. — D ie e s , H and­ schriften, II , p. 71. AC, 27 (1958) p. 159. — Eos, 14 (1908) p. 1 (Sinko). — Philologus, 72 (1913) p. 432 (Achelis). Vat. g r . 288. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 409. — Mai, Class. auct., IV, p. vi, v in . — Mercati, Notizie, p. 68. — Mercati, Opéré minori, IV, p. 67 sg. — R aeder , Oribasius, I, p. vi. Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 161 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 222 (Irigoin). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 328 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 289. Ber Tôla, Registri, p. 73 n. 3, 76 n. 11, 98 n. 7, 110 n. 5. — D ain , Élien, p. 288. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 40, 43, 58, 181, 201, 247, 280, 325. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 70. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 87 (Patrineles). Vat. g r . 290. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 421, 453. — Diees , H andschrif­ ten, II, p. 32. R F IC , 45 (1917) p. 146. Vat. g r . 291. D aremberg - R ueeee , Rufus, p. xxiv. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 422, 453. — D iees , H andschriften, II, p. 88, 89. Vat. g r . 292. Alexanderson , Prognostikon, p. 88 sg., 118, 1Î9. — Daremberg, Notices, p. 153. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 94, 131, 165, 200, 217, 247, 444. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 262 n. 9. — Diees , Handschriften, II, p. 65. — R ivier , Recherches, p. 26 n. 2. Vat. g r . 293. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 31, 104, 139, 474 n. 28. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 256 n. 8, 261 n. 4, 264 n. 4, 267 n. 11, 268 n. 2, 271 n. 6. — Diees , H andschriften, II, p. 55, 96. — LoENERTz, Cydonès, I, p. 11. — LoENERTz, Lettres, p. 85. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 127. Vat. g r . 294. Aeexanderson , Prognostikon, p. 89, 122. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 58, 216. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 261 n. 4, n. 7, 264 n. 7. — D iees , H andschriften, I, p. 5, 8, 14, 117; II, p. 38, 99. Vat. g r . 295. Bertôea, Registri, p. 98 n. 5. — Daremberg - R uelle , Rufus, p. XLvu. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 163, 181, 282, 322, 408. — Diees , Handschriften, II, p. 15, 78. — T uryn , Codices, p. 175. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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V at. g r . 296. Daremberg - RuEEEE, R ufus p. xevii . — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 245, 467. — Diees , H andschriften, I, p. 114; II, p. 78. V at. g r . 297. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 58, 94, 131, 163, 200, 245, 325, 405. — Diees , H andschriften, II, p. 6. — Mercati, Notizie, p. 42 sg. — Oeivieri, Aetius, I, p. x. B P E C , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 68 (Larizza Calabro). — Hermes, 43 (1908) p. 388 (W eltmann). — R IG I, 12 (1928) p. 127. — R P A A , N.S., 36 (1961) p. 134 (Sbor­ done). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 45, 48, 49 (Irigoin). Catal. alchim., II, p. 325. V at. g r . 298. Ber Tòea, Registri, p. 98 n. 5. — D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2829. ■ — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 94, 131, 163, 181, 200, 280, 360, 437. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 50 n. 4, 262 n. 4. — D iees , Handschriften, II, p. 6, 8. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 169 n. 4. — Mercati, Notizie, p. 45 n. 1. — Oei ­ vieri , Aetius, I, p. v u ; II, p. rv. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 175-176. — ViEiEEEFond, Cestes, p. xxiv . B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — Hermes, 43 (1908) p. 388 (Wellmann). — R A A N , N.S., 36 (1961) p. 134 (Sbordone). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 332 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 299. D aremberg, Notices, p. 143. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 58, 104, 139, 358. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 261 n. 4, n. 9, 262 n. 8, n. 9, 263 n. 5, 264 n. 5, 265, 270, 271 n. 5, n. 11. — DiEES, Handschriften, II, p. 4, 7, 13, 26, 27, 33, 38, 42, 65, 68, 78, 98, 109. — H eeg , Erga, p. 6. — Mai, Class, auct., IV, p. x iii. — Meyier (de ), Codices Vossiani, p. 28. — R ivier , Recherches, p. 26 n. 2. — W eeemann, Philumenus, p. vu. B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 291. — R E B yz, 1 (1948) p. 38 (Mercati). — RhM , 28 (1873) p. 264, 266 (Rohde); 46 (1891) p. 627 (Pernice). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 261 (Canari). — Catal. astro!, V 4, p. 6. V at. g r . 300. Canart, Archivio, p. 81. — D aremberg, Notices, p. 17, 73. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 425 n. 43. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 86 n. 8, 261 n. 4, 263 n. 1, 266, 267 n. 10, n. 11, 268 n. 7, n. 8, 270, 271 n. 8. — Diees , H andschriften, I, p. 91; II, p. 40, 61. — Mercati, Notizie, p. 9-41. — R ivier , Recherches, p. 20 n. 2, 24 n. 4, 25 n. 1. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 241. REG, 4 (1891) p. 105, 106, 107 (Costomiris). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 327, 335 n. 5 (Devreesse). V at. g r . ,301. Brandis, H andschriften, nr. 118. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 3. — DrossaarT L ueofs, De somno, p. xxvi. — Sevöenko, Polé­ mique, p. 41 n. 6. — W arteeee, Inventaire, p. 128. Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 45, 46, 50 n. 78 (Verpeaux). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 268 n. 4 (De Maio); 330 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 302. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 3. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 319. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri - Lietzmann, Specimina, tav. 49. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 296-305


— Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 56. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. I, p. 6. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 17. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 97. — CPh, 44 (1933) p. 25 (Smyth). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 303. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 117. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 91, 129, 163, 182, 197, 245, 310, 459. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 232 n. 4. — Drossaart L ueofs, De somno, p. x xv, x x v i. — Sev Cenko , Po­ lémique, p. 41 n. 6, 282 n. 3, tav . V b-c. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 128. Scriptorium, 17 (1962) p. 211. — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 446 (Sevcenko). V at. g r . 304. Bertôea, Registri, p. 79 n. 1. — Brandis, Handschriften, nr. 60. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 36, 61, 93, 131, 162, 199, 244, 325, 408. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 241 n. 2. — H eiberg , Astronomica, p. c ciu . — K ubinyi, Dibri, p. 28. — Mommsen, Chronica, I I I , p. 362. — P apadimitriu , Prodrom, p. 244. — R ome, Commentaires, p. x x i. — T annery , Diophantus, p. xvi, x x iii, x x iv , x x v i. — Usener , Commentatio, p. 4, 7. — W arTEEEE, I n ­ ventaire, p. 128. CR, N.S., 15 (1965) p. 263 (Wiseman). — RPh, N.S., 9 (1885) p. 230. — W S. 20 (1898) p. 209 (Schenkl). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 244 (Canart). Vat. g r. 305. B e r t ô e a , Registri, p. 31 n. 1, 112 n. 1. — B u f f i è r e , Héraclite, p. x i .v i , i/v, e v i , e x . — C o l o n n a , Storici, p. 112. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 34, 45, 102, 137, 221, 292, 353, 441. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 220 n. 9. — F e s t a , M ythographi, p. EVE — FoERSTER, Libanius, IV, p. 385; V III, p. 20, 30, 105, 137. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 759 n. 2. — M a i , Bibliotheca, VI 2, p. 398, 408. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 143 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 423-425. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 524. — N o c k , Sallustius, p. e x v n , e x v m . — J a c o b s , M ythographica, p. 9. — OEEm a n n , H eraclitus, p v m , x v i i , x v m , x ix , x x v i i i , x x x , x x x n , x e i , x e v i i i . — P apadimitriu , Ioann II, p. 18, 27. — P apadimitriu , Prodrom, p. x x ii , 72, 88, 149, 153, 156, 158, 180, 260, 261, 263, 267, 279, 282, 283, 301, 302, 303, 304, 329, 330, 331, 335, 337, 340, 341, 356, 363, 366, 377, 381, 386, 387, 426. — P eppink , Observationes, p. 9. — Schneider , Nicandrea, p. 213. — Schräder, Reliquiae, p. v u . — Sternbach, Curae, p. 14, 22 n. 3, 26, 30, 46. — Sternbach, M enandrea, p. 333 n. 2. — Sternbach, Spicilegium, p. 4, 6, 8. — Stevenson , Prodrom us, p. xvi, x ix , xx , x x i, x x v n n. 3. — V ogel - GardtThausen , Schreiber, p. 148. A A P , N.S., 16 (1967) p. 1, 34 (Sodano). — A B , 75 (1957) p. 322 n. 2, 323 n. 2, 332 n. 4 (Giannelli). — AC, 33 (1964) p. 152. — A IS C H , 15-16 (1965-66) p. 97, 102, tav . I, II (Sodano). — Bessarione, 4 (1903) p. x x x v n ; 31 (1915) p. 87 (Mercati). — B P E C , N.S., 7 (1959) p. 32 (Gallavotti). — ByzZ, 1 (1892) p. 621 (Mület); 4 (1895) p. 1 (Treu); 11 (1902) p. 459 n. 1 (Papadim itriu); 12 (1903) p. 261-265 (Papageorgiu), 641; 14 (1905) p. 305; 16 (1907) p. 75 sg. (K urtz); 296; 18 (1909) p. 618; 23 (1914-20) p. 400,401 n. 1 (Maiuri); 54 (1961) p. 206. — Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. T l (Browning). — CQ, N.S., 17 (1967) p. 245 (Wilson). — EH B S, 25 (1955) p. 158, 158 n. 3, 161 n. 2 (Gian- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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nelli). — EO, 20 (1921) p. 299 (Emereau); 27 (1928) p. 407 n. 3 (Salaville). — Eos, 6 (1900) p. 70 n. 1 (Stem bach); 44 (1950) p. 39 n. 18 (Lanowski). — Her­ mes, 2 (1867) p. 147 (Hercher); 20 (1885) p. 381 (Schrader). — LN U , 10 (1907) p. 5 (Papadim itriu). — Mnemosyne, 1 (1852) p. 127 (Mehler). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 167 (Lampros); 16 (1922) p. 474 (Lampros). — N E M , 6 (1800-01) p. 496 sg. (La Porte - du Theil); 7 (1803-04), 2, p. 235 sg. (La Porte - du Theil); 8 (1810), 2, p. 78 sg. (La Porte - du Theil). — R A L , S. V, 17 (1908) p. 518, 519 (Majuri); 28 (1919) p. 427, 430 n. 1, 435, 436 (Mercati). — RE B yz, 16 (1958) p. 79 (Darrouzès); 18 (1960) p. 205 (Laurent). — RhM , 71 (1916) p. 45 (Ludwich). — R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 461 n. 1 (Cazzaniga). — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 32; 33 (1909) p. 284. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 343; 18 (1964) p. 288; 20 (1966) p. 312. — SIF C , 3 (1895) p. 3 (Muccio); 4 (1896) p. 244 (Festa). — StBiz, 1 (1924) p. 149 (Mercati); 2 (1927) p. 289 (Mercati); 3 (1931) p. 220 (G allavotti); 10 (1963) p. 203, 203 n. 3, 206 n. 1 (Giannelli); 260 n. 6, 272 n. 4, 273 n. 1, 275 n. 2, 276 n. 2, 279 n. 2, 286 n. 2 (Giannelli); 358 n. 5, 359 n. 3 (Giannelli). — ViVrem, N.S., 16 (1959) p. 177 (Sandroskaja); 24 (1964) p. 62 n. 32 (Ka2dan). Miscell. Calderini - Paribeni, II, p. 394 (Mercati). Miscell. Thompson, p. 67 (Browning). Vat. g r. 306. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 43. — Busse , Elias, p. x x x . — Crusius-Cohn, Paroemiographen, p. 235, 236, 237 sg. — D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1138. — Devreesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 230. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 55, 348. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 225, 228 n. 3. — F oerster, Libanius, IX , p. 17, 18, 25, 193; x, p. v n . — F oerster, Zambeccari, p. 48. — Garzya - L oenerTz, Procopius, p. x n , 2. — J oannou, Italos, p. v n . —· K aresson, Idéologie, p. 7, 8, 9. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 759 n. 2. — K urtz, Gedichte, p. xiv. — Lameere, T radition, p. 69, 70 n. 1. — Mai, Bi­ bliotheca, V I 2, p. 439. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 446-451, 456. —Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 524. — P apadimitriu , Ioann II, p. 6. — P apadimitriu , Prodrom, p. x x iv , 72, 247, 248, 260, 408. — Stevenson, Pro­ dromus, p. x x , x x i, x x ii. — W arteeee, Inventaire, p. 128. — W eicher T, Demetrius, p. evi. Bessarione, 4 (1903) p. x x x v n . — B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 261-265 (Papageorgiu), 641, 716; 16 (1907) p. 112 sg. (K urtz); 296; 60 (1967) p. 2 (W esterink). — Her­ mes, 5 (1891) p. 291. — I R A I , 8 (1902) p. 5 (Petit). — L N U , 10 (1907) p. 5 (Papadim itriu). — N H , 19 (1925) p. 28, 140 (Lampros). — R A L,·',S. V, 17 (1908) p. 519 (Majuri). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 281; 18 (1960) p. 119, 124, 125 (Darrouzès). — RhM , 64 (1909) p. 296, 298, 298 n. 2, 300, 301 n. 2, 302, 303 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 153; 20 (1966) p. 153. — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 221, 224 (Galante). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 289 (Mercati); 3 (1931) p. 243. V a t. g r . 307. Co e o n n a , Storici, p. 112. — B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 101. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 29, 56, 108, 142, 311, 439. — D i e e s , Simplicius I, p. XVII. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 759 n. 2. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 231, 524. — P a p a d im it r iu , Ioann II , p. 34. — P a p a ­ d im it r iu , Prodrom, p. xx iv , 72, 313, 314, 364, 380. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — S t e r n b a c h , Spicilegium, p. 5, 8. — S t e v e n s o n , Prodromus, p. x ix , xx. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 306-315


XXI. — VITELLI, Physica I, p. v u . — W arte LEE, Inventaire, p. 128. — W elz, Analecta, p. 8, 10, 45. B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 305. — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 91 n. 3, 99 (Hörandner). — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 57, 57 n. 48 (Canart). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 91 n. 3. V at. g r. 308. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 24, 77, 119, 150, 233, 277, 329, 400. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 86 n. 5. — Giannelli, Codices Vat. II, p. 77. — K ominis, Pardos, p. 19, 92, 93, 97, 105. — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 331. — Stevenson , Prodrom us, p. xxvii , xxvin. B yzZ, 31 (1931) p. 459. — Eos, 8 (1902) p. 78 (Stembach). — Salesianum, 16 (1954) p. 659 n. 49, n. 55 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205. Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 251, n. 21. V at. g r. 309. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 33. — B usse, Isagoge, p. xxv. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 28, 55, 92, 129, 197, 277, 348. — K oetschau, Textüberlieferung, p. 5, 6, 14 n. 1, 17 n. 1, 18, 32 n. 2, 157. — MERCATI, Opere minori, I I I , p. 402. — W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 128. B P hW , 34 (1914) p. 730. — OC, N.S., 4 (1915) p. 380. — RhM , 69 (1914) p. 415 (Mercati). — RPh, N.S., 39 (1915) p. 46. V at. g r. 310. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 38. — Busse , Categoriae, p. x x . — Busse , Isagoge, p. xxv, x x v i. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 420, 453. — Daemmer, Bibliotheca, p. x x x . — P ost, Plato, p. 78. — W arTELLE, Inven­ taire, p. 128. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). V at. g r. 311. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 34. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 109, 144, 219, 295, 450. — jAGié, Psalm en-K om m entar, p. 67. — W artelle, Inventaire, p. 128. V at. g r. 312. Ber Tôla, Registri, p. 76 n. 4. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 109. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 54, 109, 143, 214, 311, 440. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 92. — DiELS, Simplicius II, p. x n . — ViTELLi, De generatione, p. v u . — W artelle, Inventaire, p. 129. V at. g r. 313. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 128. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 29, 58, 91, 129, 170, 197, 250, 279, 331, 402. — L aemmer, Bibliotheca, p. 99. — W artelle, Inventaire, p. 129. V at. g r. 314. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 119, 150, 234, 309, 358, 433. — W artelle , Inventaire, p. 129. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 50; 15 (1961) p. 168; 20 (1966) p. 326. — Traditio, 21 (1965) p. 426, 427, 432 (Malingrey). Nationalbibliothek, p. 295 (Gerstinger). V at. g r. 315. Ber Tôla, Registri, p. 61 n. 1. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 55, 109, 143, 215, 298, 343, 440. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 87 n. 1. — W artelle , Inventaire, p. 129. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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V at. g r. 316. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 63. — C o h n - W e n d e a n d , Philo, V, p. v. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 54, 91, 129, 168, 197, 250, 280, 325, 405. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 15 n. 12, 16 n. 2. — L o r i m e r , Libellus, p. 3. — MERCATI, Opéré minori, III, p. 485-500. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 247. — S t e p h a n o ^ Italos, p. 7 n. 1, 15 n. 1, 58 n. 1, 81. — VoGEE G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 192. — W a e e i e s , Topica, p. ix . — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 129. B y J , 7 (1928-29) p. 236. — B yzZ, 51 (1958) p. 167. — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 301 (Irigoin). — Hermes, 43 (1908) p. 181 (Cohn). — P B A , 37 (1951) p. 29 n. 3 (Weiss). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 373; 20 (1966) p. 316. — S P A W , 1905, p. 37 sg. (Cohn). — StBiz, 5 (1939) p. 435 (Dujcev); 10 (1963) p. 65 n. 0 (Giannelli). Miscell. Mercati, I I I , p. 179 n. 36 (Giannelli). V at. g r . 317. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 21. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 28, 54, 109, 143, 215, 290, 446. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 232 n. 3. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 129. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 50 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 168. — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 303 n. 7 (Giannelli). V at. g r . 318. B oee , Beiträge, p. 92 sg. — Capocct, Codices Barber., p. 189, 198. D ev reesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 316. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 94, 131, 165, 199, 246, 281, 325, 407. — HEIBERG, Astronomica, p. n i, vi. — ManiTiu s , Geminus, p. v n , x x v m . — VoGEE - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 454, 472. B yzZ, 51 (1958) p. 11 n. 10 (Joannou). V at. g r . 319. B er Tôea , Registri, p. 50 n. 6. — B randis ,¡Handschriften, nr. 127. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 214, 302, 440. — MÉEY (d e ) - RuEEEE, Lapidaires, p. 137. — Mercati, Opéré minori, III, p. 325-327, 329 sg. — W ar­ TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 129. Bessarione, 30 (1914) p. 353 (Mercati). — Hellenika, 18 (1964) p. 28 n. 4 (Speck). — OC, N.S., 13-14 (1925) p. 264. V at. g r . 320. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 173. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 30, 54, 92, 129, 168, 198, 249, 281, 324, 404. — HEYEBUT, E ustratius, p. v in , xi. — Mercati , Opéré minori, III, p. 463 n. 2, 4-10. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 129. B yzZ. 40 (1940) p. 119. V at. g r . 321. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 73. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 57, 109, 144, 214, 350, 440. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 236 n. 9. — K otter , Überheferung, p. 65. — L aemmer , Bibliotheca, p. 90 n. 2. — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 103. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 151 n. 1, 198 n. 2, 221 n. 2. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 56 sg., 161-163. — Mey Endorff , Introduction, p. 408. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 129. ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 106. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 316-330


V at. gr. 322. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 447. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 97 n. 13. — VOGEE - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 177. SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 30 (Pistelli). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 8 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 323. B e n e Se v i ö , Sinagoga, p. 288 n. 1. — DE M a r i n i s , Legatura, nr. 2808. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 447. — N o e h a c (d e ), Bibliothè­ que, p. 162 n. 4. — S i c h e r e , Iambiichos, p. 12, 67-70. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 183. — W e s t e r i n k , Olympiodorus, p. vm . ByzZ, 49 (1956) p. 38, 39 (Sichert); 53 (1960) p. 9 (Sichert). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 73 (Patrineles). — Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 263 n. 1. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 221 (Irigoin), 285 (de Meyier); 13 (1959) p. 170; 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). Miscell. Mansion, p. 392 (Saffrey). V at. gr. 324. D e M a r i n i s , Regatura, nr. 2799. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 357, 468. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 319. '-E- F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i ERI L i ET z m a n n , Specimina, tav . 48. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — S i c h e r e , Iambiichos, p. 68 n. 0, 72 n. 3. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 182. B yzZ , 49 (1956) p. 39. — S IF C , 1 (1893) p. 30 (Pistelli); N.S., 32 (1960) p. 178 (Donzelli).

V at. g r. 325. B ë RT ô l a , Registri, p. 35 n. 6, 57 n. 1. — B i d e z - C u m o n T, Mages, II, p. 275. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 56, 93, 130, 182, 199, 244, 280, 319, 408. — D u j ÔEV, Medioevo, p. 213, 218. — MERCATI, Opéré minori, IV, p. 455 n. 10. — M o r a v c s i k , Byzantinoturcica, p. 467. — N a u c k , Porphyrius, p. ix. — R oos, Arrianus, I, p. x v m ; II, p. v n. 1. — S c h e n k e , Epictetus, p. x x v i. — S c h w y z e r , Chairemon, p. 17. — S o u i e h é , E pictète, I, p. e x x v , EXXVH, EXXIX, EXXXV; II, p. 1; I I I , p. 1. B yzZ, 35 (1935) p. 163. — StByz, 4 (1935) p. 133, 137, 138 (Dujcev). V at. g r. 326. BERTÖEA, Registri, p. 36 n. 9, 57 n. 3, 114 n. 7. — DEVREES­ SE, Fonds grec, p. 109, 143, 407. V at. g r. 327. B ë RTôea , Registri, p. 36 n. 9, 57 n. 6, 113 n. 3, 114 n. 7. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 130, 168, 198, 249, 277, 327, 403. — V o g e e G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 192. V at. gr. 328. D evr eesse , Fonds grec, p. 62, 89, 127, 172, 194, 253, 276, 333, 377, 396. — V ogee - Ga r d th au sen , Schreiber, p. 314. V at. gr. 329.

Dev reesse,

Fonds grec, p. 425, 462. — M o r a v c s ik ,

B yzantinoturcica, p. 467. V at. gr. 330. A cheeis , H ippolytstudien, p. 122, 224. — B a TIFFOE, Ea Vaticane, p. 81. — B er Tôea , Registri, p. 68 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 74, 82, 122, 178, 186, 308, 354, 385. — D e v r eesse , Introduction, p. 136 n. 3, 142. — Merca Ti , Opéré minori, II, p. 481. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, III, p. 555. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 248. — T is s e r a n t , Codex, p. x e v i i i . - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 331. D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1100. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 268, 340, 363, 383. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 101 n. 3. — DEVREES­ SE, O ctateuque, p. 51, 52, 185. — F i s c h e r - F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a i j e r i , Codex Urbinas, I 1, p. 200. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 283. — K a r o - L i e t z m a n n , Catalogue, p. 16, 19. — K e o s t e r m a n n , Analecta, p. 78. — L i n d e , O ktateuchcatene, p. 9 n. 4. — M e r c a Ti , Note, p. 82 sg., 237-238. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 248. — T i s s ë r a n t , Codex, p. x x x ix n. 2, n. 3, 5. B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 245. — M S R , 10 (1952) p. 181 (Brock). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 177. V at. g r. 332. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 22, 72, 230, 308, 349, 403. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 249. V at. g r. 333. D e v r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 22, 73, 82, 122, 178, 186, 266, 339, 362, 382. — L afontaine - D osogne , Iconographie, I, p. 84, 99, 103, 150. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 320. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 249. — W e i Tzmann , Illustrations, p. 107, 132 sg., 156 n. 5, 175 sg., 178 sg., 194 sg., fig. 174, 183-184, 186. — W e i Tzmann , Mythology, p. 29, fig. 30. — WEITZMANN, Roll, p. 74, 76. Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 43 η. 1 (Bréhier); 16 (1942-43) p. 90 (Weitzmann). — B yzZ, 29 (1929) p. 145. — OOP, 14 (1960) p. 132, 134 n. 32 (Grabar); 19 (1965) p. 168 (Der Nersessian). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 226; 17 (1963) p. 412; 20 (1966) p. 186. Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 8. V at. g r. 334. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 74, 235, 305, 358, 386. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 92. — D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 32. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 249. B P hW , 55 (1935) p. 916. — OrChr, 3 (1925), fasc. 3, p. 299 (Vaccari). V at. gr. 335. D ev reesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 105. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 74, 231, 291, 415. — Giann EEEI, Codices Vat. I, p. 307. — K rumba cher , Geschichte, p. 893. — P er r y , Studies, p. 186. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 249. — S a jdak , H istoria, p. 32. EO, 31 (1932) p. 29 (Disdier). V at. g r. 336. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 73, 117, 149, 351, 431 n. 5, 436, 455, 474 n. 28. — Gebhardt (von ), Psalmen, p. 90. — K eostermann , Analecta, p. 17 sg., 44. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 249. — V accari, Scritti, II, p. 89 n. 1, 90, 92, 124. EO, 31 (1932) p. 29 (Disdier). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 299. V at. g r. 337. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 22, 73, 118, 149, 232, 303, 447. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 249. EO, 31 (1932) p. 29 (Disdier). V at. g r. 338. A emagià , Planisferi, p. 105 n. 4. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1142. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 7, 23, 73, 82, 122, 178, 186, 268, 362, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 331-342


382. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 22 n. 9, 137 n. 4. — H a r n a c k , Überlie­ ferung, p. 405, 477, 837. — K a r o - L e e t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 323. — K e o s t e r m a n n , A nalecta, p. 69 sg. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 128 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Note, p. 237. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 340; IV, p. 181 n. 1. — M e r ­ c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. x x x i, x x x i n. 14 n. 15, x x x n . — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 407 n. 118, 418 n. 33. — M e r c a t i , T ra d u t­ tori, p. 127 n. 4. — PiTRA, Analecta sacra, II, p. 360, 361, 366, 367; III, p. 556, 603, 604. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 249. OC, N.S., 4 (1914) p. 60 (Mercati). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 320 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 339. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 22, 419. — DEVREESSE, In ­ troduction, p. 196 n. 2. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 297. ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 163. V at. gr. 340. p. 249.

D ev reesse,

Fonds grec, p. 378. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis,

V at. g r. 341. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 173-175, 178. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 21, 180, 362, 384. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 53 n. 1, 196 n. 2, 295. — G a r d T h a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 452. — D a r e , Manuscripts, V II, p. 14. — M e a r n s , Canticles, p. 10. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori II, p. 301, 303 sg. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. 249. — P i t r a , Monumenta, I, p. X. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 249. — S o y t e r , Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 22. B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 311 (Maas). — M E F R , 6 (1886) p. 552 (Desrousseaux). — RhM , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 217 (Bonicatti). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 340. — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 237. — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 155 n. 9, 161 n. 42 (Samodurova). — JVS, 5 (1883) p. 170 (Wessely). Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 14 (Carini). V at. gr. 342. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 176. — B e c k , Kirche, p. 590. — B u b e r e - G e r s t i n g e r , H andschriften, p. 16, 22, 36. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 21, 178, 227, 343, 447. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 52 n. 9, 258 n. 1, 301. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices Vat. II, p. 19. — G r o n i n g e n , Aristote, p. 13. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 837. — J a g i ó , Psalm enkom m entar, p. 25 sg. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V III, p. 8. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 316. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 79. — M a r t i n , Illustration, p. 179 sg. — MERCATI, Note, p. 170 n. 1, 176. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 455, 458. — M e r c a t i , Osservazioni, p. 48 n. 2, 84 n. 1, 110, 124 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p. 179, 180 n. 2. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 208, 403, 407, 427, 441. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 250. —- S u s e m i h e , Oeconomica, p. x x v n i. — T i k k a n e n , Psalterillustra­ tion, p. 141, 148 n. 1. — WiNSTEDT, Topography, p. 22. BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3 (1956-57) p. 122, 126 n. 1, 127 (Bonicatti). — Byzantion, 23 (1953) p. x iv . — B yzZ, 37 (1932) p. 263-264 (Mercati); 40 (1940) p. 119, 121; 48 (1955) p. 455; 52 (1959) p. 11 (Mercati). — DOP, 4 (1948) p. 220 n. 178a (Anastos); 9-10 (1955-56) p. 185 (Strunk); 19 (1965) p. 164, 169 (Der Nersessian). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 12 n. 2, 14 n. 1 (Jugie). — J W I , 29 (1966) - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici V aticani greci


p. 420 (Meredith). — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 265-273 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 138 passim, 142; 13 (1959) p. 270; 19 (1965) p. 307. — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. xv, 101 n. 2, 103 η. 1 (Follieri). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 6. V at. g r. 343. C o e w e l e , Apocalypse, II, p. 29, 126. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 73, 118, 149, 223, 308, 359, 397. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 318. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a u e r i - L i ETz m a n n , Specimina, tav. 46. — K e o s t e r m a n n , Analecta, p. 30. — P i t r a , M onum ents, II, p. 385 η. 1. — S c h u b a r t , Palaeographie, p. 168 (nr. 46). E H B S , 34 (1965) p. 313, 329 n. 4 (Pallas). V at. g r. 344. Baehrens , Überlieferung, p. 152, 178.---- DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 424, 460. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 228 n. 3: — D rach mann , Cyrill-glossar, p. 20. — LEFHERZ, Studien, p. 156, 163 sg., 167, 170, 177. — Mio n i , Codices, II, p. 100. — S ajd a k , Codices, p. 76, 80. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 240. A F L N , 7 (1957) p. 145 (Luppino). — Bessarione 38 (1923) p. 75 η. 1 (Mercati). — R A A N , N.S., 34 (1959) p. 41 (Luppino). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 111. V at. g r. 345.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 26, 224, 307, 378, 397. —

D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 193 n. 6. — L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 335. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. 67. — R a a s t e d , Intonation formulas, p. 108-111. — T h o d b e r g , Alleluiarionzyklus, passim. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , .Schreiber,

p. 89. BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 227 (Tardo); 14 (1960) p. 58 n. 8 (di Salvo). — DOP, 9-10 (1955-56) p. 189 n. 36 (Strunk). — J A M S , 16 (1963) p. 149 n. 42, 150 n. 44, n. 45 (Levy). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 27-28 (Angles). V a t. g r . 346. B ERTÖTa , Registri, p. 68 η. 1. — DEVREESSE, Chaines, col. 1092. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 34 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 26, 73, 83, 123, 180, 304, 357, 454. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 22 η. 1, 142. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 837. — KLOSTERMANN, Analecta, p. 15 sg., 39, 44 sg., 69, 109. — L i n d e , O ktateuchcatene, p. 143 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 481. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 248 n. 124, 290 n. 64. — P i t r a , Monumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 360. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 250. B P hW , 55 (1935) p. 916.

V at. g r. 347. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 73, 359, 463. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 191 n. 3. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 33, 70 sg., 89, 129, 130, 136. — K a r o - L i ETZm a n n , Catalogue, p. 346, 347. — K eo s TERMANN, Überheferung, p. 110, 114. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 217. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, I I I , p. 491. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 250. — T is s e r a n T, Codex, p. e x x iv η. 1. B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 334, 335; 18 (1909) p. 389 (Faulhaber). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 343-354


V at. g r. 348. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 73, 83, 123, 180, 187, 262, 268, 339, 365, 384. — Moravcsik , B yzantinotum ica, p. 321. — R ahlfs , Verzeichnis p. 250. Vat. g r. 349. A c h e e is , H ippolytstudien, p. 206, 224. — A e a n d , Liste, nr. 127. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1167, 1171, 1179, 1180. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 20, 73, 116, 148, 178, 223, 304, 368, 388. — D e v r e e s s e , In tro ­ duction, p. 169 n. 2, n. 3. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 156, 1097. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 839, 840. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 571. — L a u ­ r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 336. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — R a u ER, Lukaskom m entar, p. 21. — REUSS, M atthäus-K atenen, p. 114-115, 117, 142, 209, 218. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 96. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 401. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 145, 152, 157. BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 72 n. 6, 78 (Follieri). — RQA, 12 (1898) p. 65 n. 5 (Sickenberger). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. V at. g r. 350. Aeand , Liste, nr. I 539. — B a eh een s , Überlieferung, p. 176. — B e i SSEE, M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 363, 384. — D ev r eesse , Introduction, p. 191 n. 9. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 433. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 327. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — S cri ­ v en er , Introduction, I, p. 401. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. V at. g r. 351. Aeand , Liste, nr. I 35. — B aTiffo e , Rossano, p. 72. — D ev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 262, 267, 364, 384. — D ev r eesse , Introduction, p. 191 n. 10. — Gardthausen , Palaeographie, I I , p. 402. — Gregory , T ex t­ kritik, p. 390. — L e v i D eeea V id a , Ricerche, p. 128. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — S choez, Reise, p. 96. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 401. — T a r d o , Melurgia, p. 53, tav . vu . A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 225 (Tardo). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 116. Riproduzioni fototipiche, p. 22. V at. g r. 352. Aeand , Liste, nr. I 540. — B aehrens , Überlieferung, p. 173. — D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 626. — Dev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 187, 267, 375, 392. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 191 n. 9. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 434. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 401. Bessarione, 4 (1899) p. 619. — B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 373. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 10 (van Regemorter); 9 (1955) p. 185 (Lowe). — ViVrem, 11 (1904) p. 71 (Véis). V at. g r. 353. Aland , Liste, nr. I 541. — B atiffol , Rossano, p. 72. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 19, 72, 463. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 434. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 327. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — S cri ­ v en er , Introduction, I, p. 401. ByzZ, 59 (1966) p. 182. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. V at. g r . 354. A land , Liste, nr. 028. — B atiffol , Rossano, p. 72. — D ev reesse , Chaînes, col. 1092. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 223. — D ev reesse , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Introduction, p. 28 n. 7, 155, 169 n. 7, 191 n. 5, 198 n. 1, 290. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI - L ie Tzmann , Specimina, tav. 13. — Gard Thausen , Palaeographie, II, p. 149, 152, 402, 429. — Gerstinger , Buchmalerei, p. 46 b. — Grani C, Subscriptionen, p. 37. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 65, 66, 1025. — H atch , M anuscripts, pi. L X IX . — L azarev , Istorija, p. 304. — Deport - Cochez , Album, tav . 78. — Mercati , Ipotiposi, p. 3, 13. — REUSS, M atthäus-K atenen, p. 74. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 252. — S choez, Reise, p. 96. — S chubart , Palaeographie, p. 156-159 (nr. 13). — SCRIVENER, Introduction, I, p. 401. — S oden (von ) Schriften, I, p. 59. — Stähein , Strom ata1, p. xxxvn. — S t e ffe n s , Proben, tav . 9. — Stornaioeo , Topografia, p. 15 n. 10, — T ik kanen , Studien, p. 93 n. 1, 94, 279. — V ogee - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 322. — WEISS, A nastasiana, p. 89. — W e i Tzmann , Buchmalerei, p. 75. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 225 (Tardo). — Bibliofilia, 61 (1959) p. 144 fig. 11, 146 fig. 12, 154, 155 (Bonicatti). — B yzJ, 1 (1920) p. 37 (G ardthausen). — Byzantion, 16 (1942-43) p. 272 n. 112 (Blake); 34 (1964) p. 251. — B yzZ , 13 (1904) p. 607; 31 (1931) p. 470. — E H B S , 30 (1960-61) p. 421 (Pallas). — N H , 6 (1909) p. 210 (Lampros). — OC, N .S., 6 (1916) p. 105 (Wellesz). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305, 320 (Vaccari). — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 248. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 133. — SemKo, 4 (1931) p. 217-225 (Grabar). Alto medioevo, p. 343 (Bonicatti). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 8. — Palaeogr. Society, Ser. I, I, tav. 105. Vat. g r. 355. Aeand , Liste, nr. I 542. — B atiffoi ,, Rossano, p. 72. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 179. — ÜEVREESSE, Introduction, tav . IV. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 434. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 327. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Vat. g r. 356. Auand , Liste, nr. 128. — B aehrens , Überlieferung, p. 170, 177. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 266, 343. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 169 n. 7. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 156, 1097. — L aurent Guieeou , Liber, p. 336. — S choez, Reise, p. 96. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — Soden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 73 n. 22, 78 (Follieri). — B y J , 9 (932) p. 196 n. 2 (Glettner). — B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 298 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 17 n. 2 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 357. Al,and , Liste, nr. I 543. — B atiffoi,, Rossano, p. 72. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 188, 261, 267, 363, 382. — Garitte , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 434. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402 (Garitte). Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). Vat. g r. 358. Au and , Liste, nr. 129. — Baehrens , Überlieferung, p. 174, 178. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1166, 1172, 1183, 1195, 1197. — DE­ VREESSE, Essai, p. 296. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 8, 179, 262, 266, 368. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 50, 8 9 .n. 3, 191 n. 5. — D iek a m p , Hippolytos, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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p. x, xv, xx iv . — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 156, 1097. — H einrici , Erklärung, p. x, xxv. — H einrici , H interlassenschaft, p .'102. — K aro - Lietzmann, Catalogus, p. 565. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, I I I 1, p. x n ; X 3, p. 275. — R auer , Lukaskonnnentar, p. 19, 51. — R auer , Origenes, p. xli , xli n. 3, l x iii . — R euss , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 23, 55, 59-61, 72, 73, 120, 177, 250. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — Sickenberger , .Stu­ dien, p. 62, 63, 119, 122, 126, 127, 141. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T homas , Collections, I, p. 148, 152, 157. — Vogel - G ardtiiausen , Schrei­ ber, p. 123. Byzantion, 32 (1962) p. 194 (Browning). — R B i, 36 (1927) p. 198 (Devreesse). — R IA , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 213, 216 fig. 2, 217 fig. 4, 218, 219, 222, 223 fig. 11, 228, 230, 256 (Bonicatti). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 340; 17 (1963) p. 3,43. — S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). . Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 321 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 359. Aland , Liste, nr. 130. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 115, 148, 223, 305, 354, 376, 395. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 156, 1097. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). V at. g r. 360. Aland , Liste, nr. 131. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 475. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 157, 191 n. 7. — D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 55. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 156, 1097. — L aurent - Guil Lou , Liber, p. 336. — S cholz, Reise, p. 96. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 212, 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — Staab , Pauluskatenen, p. 99, 174. — V ogel - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 309. R IG I, 1 (1917) p. 116. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 361. Aland , Liste, nr. 132. — B uberl - Gerstinger , H and­ schriften, p. 15, 33 sg., 36, 64. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 74, 223) 293, 385. — D ev r eesse , Introduction, p. 191 n. 5, n. 9. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 156, 1097. — L azarev, Istorija, p. 370. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. V at. g r. 362. Aland , Liste, nr. I 544. — B aehrens , Überlieferung, p. 177. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 74. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 22 n. 2, 52 n. 9. —· D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 36 n. 3. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 434. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 351; 20 (1966) p. 129. Centri, p. 109 (Pertusi). V at. g r. 363. Aland , Liste, nr. 133. — B aehrens , Überlieferung, p. 178. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 231, 302, 460. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 191 n. 7. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 156, 157, 1097. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 275. — R obinson , E uthaliana, p. 12, 46. — S cholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scri 27 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

Introduction, I, ρ. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — W i n STEDT, Topography, p. 20. BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 139 (Follieri). — B yzZ, 21 (1912) p. 607. — R F IC , 18 (1890) p. 514 n. 2 (Zuretti). — RPh, N.S., 2 (1878) p. 118 (Graux).


Vat. g r. 364. A e an d , Liste, nr. 134. — A u f h a u s e r , Drachenwunder, p. 26. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 174. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 223, 299. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 191 n. 9. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 157, 1097. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 84, 302, 316. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 96. — S c r i ­ v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — W e i t z Ma n n , Buchmalerei, p. 25, 26, 27. A S , 1927, p. 136, 137, 139, 140, 143, tav. X, X V I (Friend). — DOP, 15 (1961) p. 130 (Buchthal). — OC, 36 (1939) p. 259. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 190 (Irigoin); 17 (1963) p. 147; 19 (1965) p. 307. Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 9. V at. g r. 365. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 135. — B a e h r e n s , Überheferung, p. 178. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 19, 74, 223. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 22 n. 2, 169 n. 4. — Gregory , p. 157, 1097. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 96. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 72 n. 2, 77 (Follieri). — R S C I, 5 (1951) p. 48, 51, 52, tav . 2 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 366. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 432. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 176. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 22, 72, 82, 122, 186, 224, 308, 355, 435. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 270, 1106. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — S choez, Reise, p. 96. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 34 η. 1 (Diekamp). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 70 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 130. V at. g r. 367. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 436. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 174. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 149, 179, 224, 297, 358, 435. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 191 n. 6. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 270, 1106. — M a i , Bi­ bliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — M e e s t e r (d e ), Liturgies, col. 1613. — R o b in s o n , E uthaliana, p. 46. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 96. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. Bessarione, 39 (1923) p. 151. — ByzZ, 46 (1953) p. 231; 52 (1959) p. 202. — RPh, N.S., 2 (1878) p. 118 (Graux). V at. g r. 368. A l a n d , Liste, nr. / 611. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 23, 72, 117, 149, 228, 262, 309. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 191 n. 4, n. 11. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 471, 1231. — L a u r e n t - G u il l o u , Liber, p. 334. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 230. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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V at. g r. 369. Aeand , Liste, nr. I 612. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 22, 73, 83, 123, 187, 268, 365, 382. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 471, 1231. — L au ­ rent - Guileou , Liber, p. 334. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 230. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. V at. g r. 370. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 2059. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 178. — BERTÖEA, Registri, p. 105 n. 4. — C o e w e e e , Apocalypse, II , p. 62, 66-68, 71, 112, 113. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 3 n. 13, 24, 65, 85, 124, 178, 190, 257, 371, 391. — D i e t s , H andschriften, II, p. 110. —- G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 323, 1191. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 218. — R o q u e s - H e i i , G a n d ie e a c (d e ), Denys, p. 63. — S c h m id , Einleitung, p. 11, 272 sg. · — S c r i ­ v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — W e EOUGh b y , Apocalypse, I, p. 26. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilla). — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 161 (Wil­ loughby). — EO, 34 (1935) p. 379. — N S , 3 (1929) p. 374, 376, 379, 387, 388, 390, 394, 396, 398, 401, 403, 404-409, 436 (Théry). — REG, 10 (1897) p. 435 (Costomiris) ; 15 (1902) p. 161. — RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 212. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 169. Vat. g r. 371. D E M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 2770. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 24, 71, 86, 125, 183, 191, 273, 378. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 22 n. 2. — G ia n n e e e i , Codices Vat. I, p. 80. — K e o s t e r m a n n , Jeremiahomilien, p. x x x ix . — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — R o q u e s - H e i i , - G a n d ie e a c (d e ), Denys, p. 46. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 332. A S N P , S. I I , '34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilla). — N S , 3 (1929) p. 360, 376, 387-390, 394, 398, 404-409 ('théry). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 22 (van Regemorter); 13 (1959) p. 169. V at. g r. 372. B abinger , Zacchia, p. 34 n. 1. — Beck , Kirche, p. 746. — Dev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 42 n. 27, 227, 356, 416. — Giannë LEI, Codices Vat. I, p. 80. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 320. — T uryn , Codices, p. 109. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilla). — CArch, 17 (1967) p. 195 n. 5 (Sacopoulo). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 155 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 5, 335 n. 5 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 373. DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2805. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 71, 85, 124, 190, 259, 389. — F eetoe , Dionysius, p. 2. — R oques - H e ie G andieeac (d e ), Denys, p. 46, 60, 63. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilla). — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 163 n. 1 (Willoughby). — N S , 3 (1929) p. 376, 387, 388, 390, 396-398, 401, 403-409, 436 (Théry). — REG, 73 (1960) p. 310. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 23 (van Rege­ m orter); 13 (1959) p. 169; 190-191 (Irigoin); 21 (1967) p. 182. V at. g r. 374. B arnard , Clement, p. xxrv. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 86, 125, 174, 191, 256, 375, 394. — Stähein , Beiträge, p. 31. — Stä h ein , Protrepticus1, p. xeiv . — S tähein , Protrepticus2, p. xeiv . A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilla). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 335 n. 5 (Devreesse). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici V aticani greci

Vat. g r . 375. B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 89 n. 4. — B u TEER, Palla­ dius, II, p. xv. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 140. — D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. II, p. 184. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 24, 65, 113, 146, 234, 303, 435. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e ië r i , Catalogus, p. 1. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, V I, p. x x x i. — P a s c h k e , K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 189 sg., 267. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 297. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilia). — Byzantion, 1 (1924) p. 321 n. 2 (Jeanselme-Oeconomos). — B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 228, 233. — OC, 1 (1901) p. 46 (Besson). — R E B yz, 22 (1964) p. 277 (Darrouzès). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — ViVrem, 4 (1897) p. 57 n. 1 (Smirnov). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 376. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 69, 113, 146, 273. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices Vat. I, p. 81. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 210. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilia). — B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 252. — E H B S , 35 (1966-67) p. 281 (Livadaras). — KCh, 2 (1948) p. 540 n. 1 (Laourdas). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 136. Vat. g r . 377. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 24, 78, 110, 144, 217, 298, 343, 459. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 90 n. 2. — L a e m m e r , Mantissa, p. 103. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 297 (Lilia). Vat. g r . 378. C o h n - W e n d e a n d , Philo, I, p. v h . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 31, 237, 285, 314, 415. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 97 n. 10. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 198. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl); 51 (1958) p. 429. — RQA, 12 (1898) p. 62 (Sickenberger). Vat. g r . 379. B e r t ö e a , Registri, p. 64 n. 7. — C o h n - W e n d e a n d , Philo, I, p. x v i, xxv, x x v ii, E xxiii, e x x x ; II, p. v, vi, x x v i, x x ix ; V, p. xxX X III, x x v m . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 425, 459. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 67 n. 1. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 314, 315. — V o g e l - G a r d t ­ h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 357. Hermes, 31 (1896) p. 437, 440 n. 2, 450 n. 4, 451 n. 1 (Wendland) ; 43 (1908) p. 177, 178. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 81 (Canart). Vat. g r . 380. Co h n , Libellus, p. xv. — C o h n - W e n d e a n d , p. VII, v m ; III, p. x v i i i . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 30, 58, 97, 204, 237, 285, 314, 412. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 85 n. 5, 91, — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 314, 315, 333. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 98 (Biedl); 51 (1958) p. 429. — E M A , 8-9 p. 108 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 80 (Canart).

Philo, I, 134, 153, 97 n. 10. (1958-59)

Vat. g r . 381. B e r t ö e a , Registri, p. 10 n. 4, 19 n. 6. — C o h n , Libellus, p. x x ix . — Co h n - W e n d e a n d , Philo, I, p. x ix, e x x v , e x x v i , e x x x . — CoSTIE, D udith, p. 306. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 58, 110, 151, 214, 296, 345, 433. — M a n it iu s , Geminus, p. v m , x x v m . — M a n it iu s , H ipparchus, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 375-386


p. v u , xv, x x v i. — M a r t in , Aratos, p. 52-57, 131, 152, 182, 186, 187, 190. -— P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 314, 315, 407. B P hW , 13 (1893) p. 1159. — Hermes, 16 (1881) p. 388 (Maass). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 354. — Philologus, 45 (1886) p. 285, 300 (Schmidt); 57 (1898) p. 248 (Wendland). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 335 n. 5 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. X I , Berichte, IV 2, p. 17 (Demus). Vat. gr. 382. Ber Tôla, Registri, p. 15 n. 8. — Cohn, Libellus, p. xvm . — Cohn - W endland , Philo, I, p. xiv. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 54, 92, 129, 169, 197, 249, 285, 314, 441. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 314, 407. Vat. g r. 383. Achelis , H ippolytstudien, p. 97, 224. — D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1101. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 69, 88, 126, 170, 183, 193, 251, 274, 385. — F aulhaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 5 n. 1, 29 n. 3, 36, 72 n. 1, 87 n. 1. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 628 sg. — K aro - L ietzmann, Catalogus, p. 14. — Dinde , O ktateuchkatene, p. 7, 9 n. 4. — P elletier , Lettre, p. 8, 42. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, I I I , p. 555. — R ahlfs, Verzeichnis, p. 250. — W endland , Aristeas, p. x ii , xxxii . Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 4 n. 4, 5 n. 2 (Mercati). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 378 n. 2, 385 n. 1 (Faulhaber). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 335 n. 5 (Follieri). Vat. g r. 384. D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1176. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 427, 449. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — R auer , Origenes, p. x x x v m . — REUSS, M atthâus-K atenen, p. 127, 128. — Sickenberger , Studien, p. 17, 18.

— Vogel - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 182. S I FC, 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. X I , Berichte, IV 2, p. 17 n. 74 (Demus). Vat. g r. 385. Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 273. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 109, 143, 217, 296, 346, 374. — H arnack, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — K oetschau, Textüberlieferung, p. 83, 96, 157. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 488, 491, 492. — R obinson, Philocalia, p. x x . — Sternbach, Gnomologium V at., passim. — Sternbach , Menandrea, p. 337. — W achsmuTh , S tu ­ dien, p. 105. ByzZ, 10 (1901) p. 408 (Ehrhard). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — Hermes, 34 (1899) p. 304 (de Boor). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 119 (Gallay). — R IG I, 19 (1935) p. 1 (Sbordone). — Traditio, 8 (1952) p. 418 (Cavamos). — IFS, 9 (1887) p. 175-206, passim (Stem bach); 10 (1888) p. 1-49, 211-260, passim (Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 43-64, 192-242, passim (Sternbach). V at. g r. 386. B e r Tô l a , Registri, p. 8 n. 4. — B o r r e t , Origène, I, p. 23, 24, 30. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 216, 297, 343, 433. — G ia n n e l l i , Codices Vat. II, p. 146. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 392, 429. — K o e t s c h a u , Bei­ träge, p. 2. — K o e t s c h a u , Bemerkungen, p. 2. — K o e t s c h a u , Gegen Celsus, p. l v iii , l x , LXi, xci. — K o e t s c h a u , Textüberlieferung, p. 2, 3, 4 n. 0, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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5, 6, 7 η. 3, 12, 12 η. 2, 13 η. 1, 15, 28-31, 31 η. 1, 32, 33, 33 n. 3, 37, 38, 40 η. 1, 42, 42 η. 1, 49, 57, 58, 60 η. 1, 63, 65, 69, 76, 79, 157. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, ρ. 86, 88-96, 174 sg. — P r z y c h o c k i , Ovidius, p. 6 n. 2. — R o b in s o n , Philocalia, p. x x v i i i , x x ix , un. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 123, 125, 127, 127 n. 2, n. 4, 128-130, 133 n. 4 (Mercati); 38 (1922) p. 140. — B P hW , 19 (1899) p. 1186; 26 (1906) p. 232. —- B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 563; 9 (1900) p. 261. — Muséon, 71 (1958) p. 202, 203. — R hM , 68 (1913) p. 569 (M utschmann). — RPh, N.S., 14 (1890) p. 312; S. ΙΠ , 28 (1954) p. 289. — R F IC , 53 (1925) p. 589; 70 (1942) p. 68. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 382. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 327 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 387. Bë RTôua, Registri, p. 8 n. 4. — Borret, Origène, I, p. 30. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 62 , 86, 125, 173, 191, 254, 272, 335, 372, 390. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, p. 91-93, 174. — R o b in s o n , Philocalia, p. XXIX.

Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 128, 129, 129 n. 3 (Mercati); 38 (1922) p. 140. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 388. Bauer , Asterios, p. 42, 44, 46, 52. — Bretz , Asterios, p. 6. — Bretz, Studien, p. 6. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 423, 426, 451. — H arnack, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — K oetschau, Textüberlieferung, p. 83, 98, 100, 157. — R eitzenstein , Etymologika, p. 388. — R obinson, Philocalia, p. xxrv. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 82 (Patrineles). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 119 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 129. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 185, 216, 229, 232, 246, 288, tav. 3 (Canart). Vat. g r . 389. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 26, 41, 64, 86, 125, 176, 191, 256, 273, 336, 370, 434. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 389. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — K o e t s c h a u , Textüberlieferung, p. 83, 124, 157. — M a n d a i , ! , Protesi, p. 85. — R o b in s o n , Philocalia, p. xv. Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). Vat. g r . 390. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 18, 67, 87, 125, 175, 183, 192, 273, 371, 391. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a u ie r i , Catalogue, p. 1. Vat. g r . 391. Ch a b o t , Isaac N inivita, p. 61. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 18, 63, 85, 124, 178, 190, 259, 269, 337, 366. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V III 1, p. x x i i - x x i v ;' V III 3, p. 156, 157. — M e y i e r (d e ). - H u u s h o f f P o e , Codices graeci, p. 87. RQA, 7 (1893) p. 57 (Fhrhard). — R S R , 41 (1967) p. 259 .(Chirat). Vat. g r . 392. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p . 71, 114, 146, 230, 299. — DES P u a c e s , Diadoque, p . 71. Bessarione, 16 (1904) p. 218 n. 7 (de Meester). — REG, 70 (1957) p. 384 (des Places). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 387-399


Vat. g r . 393. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 18, 63, 113, 146, 176, 231, 257, 273, 305, 336, 371, 393. — R ichard, Florilèges, col. 503. V at. g r. 394. BEISSEE, M iniaturen, p. 17, 24, 52, tav. X IV B. — B u b e r e G e r s t in g e r , H andschriften, II, p. 22, 36, 51. — C a p iz z i , Pantocrator, p. 251. — CERESA - G a s t a e d o , Capitoli, p. 38. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 18, 67, 114, 146, 172, 194, 275, 333, 378, 397. — E b e r s o e t , Miniature, p. 39 n. 2. — G e r s t in g e r , Buchmalerei, p. 28 a, 46 b. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 112, 314, 315, tav. 142, 150, x x m . — M a r t in , Illustration, p. 12, 15 sg., 20, 22 sg., 42, 44, 47-86, 90 sg ., 95, 96, 99, 101 sg., 118sg., 122sg., 129sg., 132sg., 147, 149, 167, 175-181, 183, 188, fig. 67-132. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 65, 71. — T i k k a n e n , Studien, p. 156 n. 1. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, 254. AC, 24 (1955) p. 506. — A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — Byslav, 28 (1967) p. 415. — Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 289 (Delvoye). — B yzZ, 1 (1892)

p. 621; 4 (1895) p. 224, 225; 6 (1897) p. 244 (de Boor); 27 (1927) p. 372; 41 (1941) p. 525; 48 (1955) p. 423. — CArch, 17 (1967) p. 264, 265 (Grabar). —■ DOP, 20 (1966) p. 119, fig. 36 (Buchthal). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 346. — OCP, 7 (1941) p. 462, 464 (Hofmann). — P E S E , 1 (1963) p. 325 (Barnea). — Scrip­ torium, 6 (1952) p. 135; 7 (1953) p. 319; 18 (1964) p. 112; 19 (1965) p. 156; 21 (1967) p. 367. — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 90 (Ajnalov); 15 (1908) p. 544. Congr. Byz. V I, II, p. 130 n. 7 (Grabar). — Congr. Byz. X I I I , p. 212, tav. 16 (Weitzmann). — Palaeogr. Society, S. I, I, tav. 155. — Studia Patristica, III, p. 45 (Ceresa - Gastaldo). Vat. g r . 395. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 113, 146, 473. Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 373, 374 n. 4 (Savio). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 396. DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2800. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 357. — H eikee , Constantin, p. ix. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 182. — W inkeemann, Textbezeugung, p. 8. Vat. g r . 397. Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 161. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 3. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. I, p. 400. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 103, 111 (Patrineles). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisseront, VI, p. 186, 196 n. 80, 197, 211, 227, 230, 232, 246 (Canart). Vat. g r . 398. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 475. — Gianneeei , Codices Vat. I, p. 400. — K eostermann, Jeremiahomilien, p. xeviii . — Mercati, Opere minori, III, p. 254 n. 1. V at. g r. 399. D e M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 2750. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 50, 96, 133, 203, 283, 385. — D in d o r f , Eusebius, p. iv. — D o b sc h ü t z (v o n ), Christusbilder, p. 428. — F e e To e , Dionysius, p. 2. — H a r n a c k , Über­ lieferung, p. 562. — L a e m m e r , Mantissa, p. 5. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 474 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I , p. 6. — S c h w a r t z , T atianus, p . v , x . —- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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S c h w a r t z -M o m m s e n , Kirchengeschichte, I, p. 1; III, p. x x i i i , xxv. — W i n ­

Textbezeugung, p. 59. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 335 n. 5 (Devreesse).

kelm ann,

V at. g r. 400. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 68, 85, 124, 175, 182, 190, 254, 273, 336, 377, 396. — D i e l s , H andschriften, II, p. 80. — L a e m m e r , Man­ tissa, p. 44. — L e o n e , Athanasius, p. x v n . — L ie t z m a n n , Apollinaris, p. 101. — O p i t z , Athanasius, I I 1 (Verzeichnis der Siglen). — O p it z , Untersuchungen, p. 87. — S t e g m a n n , Arianer, p . 35. — S zy m t jsia k , Athanase, p . 71, 74. — T e t z , Antilogie, p . x x n . REG, 7 (1958) p. 487. V at. g r. 401. A u b in e a u , Grégoire de Nysse, p. 217, 220. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 19, 67, 113, 146, 227, 304, 356, 433. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, V, p. 7; V III 1, p. 162, 218, 219, 244, 347, 362. — O p i t z , Untersuchungen, p. 47. A B , 68 (1950) p. 220 (Mercati). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 335 n. 5 (Garitte). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 238 (Canart). V at. g r. 402. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 66, 86, 125, 176, 182, 191, 256, 272, 372, 393. — G ü n t h ö r , Dialoge, p. 9, 13. — H o e c k - L o e n e r t z , Nektarios, p. 107 n. 73. — O p it z , Untersuchungen, p. 92. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 239. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 173-174, — W e i s s , Anastasiana, p. vi. — W e s t e r i n k , Psellus, p. 10. Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — J H S , 86 (1966) p. 307. — OCP, 17 (1951) p. 58 (Hoeck). V at. g r. 403. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 65, 87, 126, 176, 195, 256, 276, 336, 392. — G ü n t h ö r , Dialoge, p. II , 13. — L e o n e , Athanasius, p. x v i i , x v m . — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 146. — N o r d b e r g , Athanasiana, p. 36*. — O p i t z , Untersuchungen, p. 90. — T e t z , Antilogie, p. xi. BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 45 n. 11 (Parlangèli). Miscell. Miller, p. 28 (Mercati). V at. g r. 404. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 19, 63, 113, 146, 231, 305, 347, 373, 436. Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). V at. g r. 405. Be isse l , M iniaturen, p. 54. — DEVREESSE, F'onds grec, p. 15, 67, 84, 124, 174, 254 , 271, 335, 372, 392. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 836. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, I I I 1, p. l i i . — L ie t z m a n n , Apollinaris, p. 84. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 74 n. 6. — Mercati , Opéré minori, IV, p. 372. NGG, 3 (1910) p. 195 (Pasquali). V at. g r. 406. D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. II, p. 162. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 63, 113, 146, 225, 308, 358, 373, 392. — L iv a d a r a s , Historia, p. 241. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 111 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 303 (Griboiuont); 17 (1963) p. 82 (Canart). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 400-413


Vat. g r. 407. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 15, 62, 113, 146, 225, 308, 358, 373, 392. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 1. — Lefherz , Studien, p. 171. — W achsmuth - H ense , Anthologium, V, p. vi. Vat. gr. 408. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 65, 86, 125, 176, 191, 225, 292, 433. — L aemmer, Bibliotheca, p. 28. — LAEMMER, Mantissa, p. 44. Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Studia Evangelica, III, p. 43 (Amand de Mendieta). Vat. gr. 409. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 14, 66, 113, 146, 225, 305, 385. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 138 n. 1. — L efherz , Studien, p. 170, 195, 267. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 5 n. 2. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 163 sg. B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 297 (Cantarella). — NGG, 3 (1910) p. 195 n. 1 (Pasquali). — SFG, 1 (1882) p. 154 (Puntoni). Vat. g r. 410. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 67, 82, 122, 180, 187, 258, 268, 341, 416. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 181 n. 5. — F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 65. — K otter , Überlieferung, p. 65. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 144 n. 4. Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Vat. g r. 411. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 15, 176, 254, 363, 383. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 54 n. 6. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 84. — Gardthatjsen, Palaeographie, II, p. 433 n. 1. — R udberg , Études, p. 92. — R udberg , Homélie, p. 150. R M , 48 (1958) p. 85, 88, 89 (Rouillard). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 64 (Rudberg). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 359 (Garitte). — Studia Patristica, III, p. 119 (Rouillard); VII, p. 91, 94 (Rouillard). Vat. g r. 412. Beck , Kirche, p. 469. — D evreesse , Chaînes, col. 1115. — D evreesse , Commentaire, p. x x i n. 4. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 66, 100, 195, 252, 368, 388, 481 n. 53. — K ourieas, Meletai, p. 83. — Mercati, Osservazioni, p. 8. — Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. xvi, xix, passim. — Mercati, Traduttori, p. 166 n. 1, 239. — R aheps, Verzeichnis, p. 251. ' OCP, 10 (1944) p. 17 (Mercati). — ROC, 24 (1924) p. 140-147, 185, 186 (Mariés). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Vat. g r. 413. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 100, 259, 367, 387. — D e ­ Introduction, p. 80 n. 5, 85 n. 1. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 84. — GiET, Basile, p. 75. — Gribomont, Ascétiques, p. 14, 151, 233, 332 sg. — Mercati, Opéré minori, IV, p. 372-376. — P i Tra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — R udberg , Études, p. 80, 141. —- R udberg , Homélie, p. 150. — Vogee - G ardthausen , Schreiber, p. 466. B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 453. — Muséon, 67 (1954) p. 66 (Gribomont). — NGG, 3 (1910) p. 195 n. 1 (Pasquali). — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 377, 378, 380 n. 2,n. 6, 381 n. 7, 382 n. 3, 393 n. 2, 395, 397 n. 4 (Gribomont). — RE B yz, 12 (1954) p. 264. vreesse , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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— R M , 48 (1958) p. 84, 88, 89 (Rouillard). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 301, 302 (Gribomont); 21 (1967) p. 106. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 187, 188, 188 n. 2, 189 n. 3, n. 4, 190 n. 1, 191 (Benesevié). — ViVrem, 21 (1914) p. 53 (Kraseninnikov). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Mélanges bénédictins, p. 61 (Guétet). — Studia Patristica, III, p. 43, 118 (Amand de Mendieta); V II, p. 92, 93 (Rouillard). Vat. gr. 414. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 15, 100, 195, 252, 368, 388, 481 n. 53. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 295. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 84. — G r u m e e , Chronologie, p. 125. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V II, p. 13. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 57. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 128. Byslav, 25 (1964) p. 40, 41, 43, 49 n. 65, 50 n. 74 (Verpeaux). — EO, 31 (1932) p. 41 (Disdier). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n 6. (Omont). Vat. gr. 415. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 15, 86, 125, 181, 270, 371, 390. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 33, 192 n. 1. — E e e o p o u e o s , Stoudios, p. 9, 42, 46. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 79. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. — G a r it t e ,

Documents, p. 369. Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 47, 48 n. 11 (Garitte). — R M , 48 (1958) p. 84, 88, 89 (Rouillard). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 129 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 48 (Deroy); 20 (1966) p. 161. — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 227 n. 0 (Giannelli). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Studia Patristica, I I I , p. 119 (Rouillard); V II, p. 91, 94 (Rouillard). Vat. gr. 416. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 176, 336, 371, 390. — DE­ VREESSE, Introduction, p. 87 n. 3. — DEVREESSE, Octateuque, p. v m n. 1. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 86. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 211. R M , 48 (1958) p. 88, 89 (Rouillard). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 177; 15 (1961) p. 63 (Rudberg). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Studia Patristica, I I I , p. 118 (Rouillard); V II, p. 91, 94 (Rouillard). Vat. gr. 417. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 14, 65, 86, 125, 174, 191, 271, 373, 412. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 1003. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 2. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices Vat. I, p. 343. — R u d b e r g , É tudes, p. 58. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. RF1C, 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351 n. 6 (Omont). Vat. gr. 418. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 67, 86, 125, 174, 191, 262, 267, 336. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 257. — R u d b e r g , É tudes, p. 58 sg. — R ud­ berg, Homélie, p. 150. — RuEEEE, D ubitationes, p. x m . B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 213. — Eranos, 52 (1954) p. 193 (Rudberg). — R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). — R M , 48 (1958) p. 88, 93 (Rouillard). Studia Patristica, I I I , p. 118 (Rouillard); V II, p. 90, 92 (Rouillard). Vat. gr. 419. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 64, 175, 190, 260, 270, 339, 369, 389. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 50 n. 4. — G r u m e e , Regestes, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 414-425


nr. 425. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 210 n. 4. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x, 538, 540; I I , p. 206, 244. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 70. — R u d b e r g , H o­ mélie, p. 150. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 241, 247. — V e r p e a u x , Choumnos, p. 22. EO, 37 (1938) p. 279 n. 1 (Binon); 38 (1939) p. 1 n. 5 (Laurent). — R M , 48 (1958) p. 88 (Rouillard). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 328; 20 (1966) p. 161. Studia Patristica, I I I , p. 118 (Rouillard); 127 (Rudberg); V II, p. 90, 93 (Rouillard). Vat. gr. 420. D e v r e ESSE, Fonds grec, p. 64, 86, 125, 176, 181, 191, 256, 272, 339, 372, 393. — L a EMMER, Bibliotheca, p. 60, 61 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 372. — R u d b e r g , É tudes, p. 86. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. StB iz, 2 (1927) p. 127, 187 (Beneseviè). V at. gr. 421. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 15, 63, 84, 181, 189, 258, 385. — R u d b e r g , É tudes, p . 86. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p . 150. R M , 48 (1958) p. 88, 89 (Rouillard). Studia Patristica, I I I , p. 118 (Rouillard); V II, p. 91 (Rouillard). Vat. gr. 422.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 86, 125, 175, 190. —

R u d b e r g , É tudes, p. 102, 172.'— R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150.

R F IC , 91 (1963) p. 184 (Morelli). — R M , 48 (1958) p. 88, 89, 93 (Rouillard). Studia Patristica, V II, p. 91, 93 (Rouillard). Vat. gr. 423. DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1106, 1107. — DEVREESSE, Codices Vat. I, p. 28. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 88, 126, 194, 274, 329, 400. — F u n k , Didascalia, II, p. ix . — G ia n n e e e i , Codices Vat. I, p. 190. — G r i b o m o n t , Ascétiques, p. 56 sg. — H a r n a c k , Apologeten, p. 69. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 282. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 65. — L ë FHERZ, Studien, p. 79. — M e r c a t i , Nuove note, p. 59 n. 3. — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 198, 206. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x, 96, 111, 300; II, p. 244, 248. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 500, 502. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 240, 245. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 78. — W e i s s , A nastasiana, p. 105, 119. — Muséon, 79 (1966) p. 75 (Richard). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 146; 21 (1967) p. 178, 186. Miscell. Ehrle, p. 35 (Rackl). — Miscell. Lake, p. 194 n. 13 (Hôeg - Zuntz). — Miscell. Mercati, I I I , p. 4 n. 14 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 424. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 84, 124, 177, 189, 258, 269, 339, 366, 386. — H o e c k - L o e n e r Tz , Nektarios, p. 92. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, I, p. 2 ;II, p. x x iv ; V, p. 5; V III 2, p. x e v i i . — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, V 1, p. 108. ByzZ, 19 (1910) p. 601; 24 (1923-24) p. 444. — Eos, 15 (1909) p. 126, 127 (Sajdak); 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — REG, 40 (1927) p. 453; 57 (1944) p. 119 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 140. Vat. gr. 425. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 14, 65, 100, 177, 401. — Gribomont, H istoire, p. 38. — Meyi ER (de ) - H ueShoff P oe, Codices graeci, p. 2. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. Mélanges bénédictins, p. 63, 64 (Guétet). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

Vat. gr. 426. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 113, 146, 259, 376, 395. — Gribomont, Ascétiques, p. 36, 283 sg. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 474 n. 1. — P itra , Analecta sacra, V 1, p. 108. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 157; 57 (1964) p. 202. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 302 (Gribomont). Vat. gr. 427. DEVrEESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 63, 84, 124, 189, 270, 374, 394. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 87 n. 5. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 210 n. 1. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 84. — Gribomont, Ascétiques, p. 30 sg. — Mai , Bibliotheca, V 2, p. 91 (in nota ms. di A. Mai nel Vat. lat. 6922). — R udberg , Études, p. 97, 142, 170, 172. — R udberg , Homélie, p. 150. OOP, 21 (1955) p. 377, 380 n. 2, n. 6, 383 n. 3, 393 n. 2, 395 (Gribomont). Mélanges bénédictins, p. 64, 66 (Guétet). Vat. gr. 428. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 62, 86, 125, 174, 182, 191, 254, 273, 400. — Gribomont, Ascétiques, p. 14, 332 sg. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 372 sg., 376. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x . — R udberg , Études, p. 147, 204. B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 453. — Muséon, 67 (1954) p. 65 (Gribomont). — Scrip­ torium, 8 (1954) p. 301 (Gribomont); 17 (1963) p. 200. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 187,

188, 191 (Beneàevic). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 335 n. 5 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 429. Ber Tôea, Registri, p. 65 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 15, 67, 70, 226, 300, 352, 378, 397. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 49 n. 10, 271 n. 10. — DiEES, Handschriften, II, p. 100, 109. — Gribomont, Ascétiques, p. 39 sg. — H arnack, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 30. — K oeTschau, Textüberheferung, p. 83, 96, 157. — R obinson , Philocalia, p. x x . — Vogee Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 201. ByzZ, 37 (1937) p. 25 n. 1 (Biedl). — EO, 12 (1909) p. 90 (Pétridès). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — R EG, 57 (1944) p. 119 (Gallay). Vat. g r. 430. A n d r i e u , Im m ixtio, p. 203 n. 1. — B e n e Se v i î , Sinagoga, p. 178, 179. — B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 136, 144, 182, 183, 185, 186 n. 4, 187 n. 1, 190 n. 3, 191 n. 1, 200 n. 5, 213 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 430, 462. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 47 n. 1, 193 n. 2, 214 n. 7, n. 10. — G r ib o m o n t , Ascétiques, p. 321. — G r u m e e , Regestes, nr. 588, 805 (fasc. 3, p. 200), 1021. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Monumenta, p. 4, 11 n. 2. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 245 n. 15. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 157 n. 4. — L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 336. — M a i , Biblio­ theca, V 2, p. 78; V I 2, p. 545, 551 n. 1. — MEESTER (DE), Studi, p. 185 n. 2. — M e y i ER (d e ) - H u e s h o f f P o e , Codices graeci, p. 32. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, V 1, p. 108, 110. — PITRA, M onumenta, I, p. x , 538, 540, 545, 546, 547; II , p. 223, 297, 317. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 248. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 559 (von Dobschütz). — J H S, 40 (1920) p. 5 (Allen). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 176 (Darrouzès). — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145 (anonimo). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270; 16 (1962) p. 171. — StB iz, 2 (1927) p. 156, 156 n. 1, 157, 159, 160, 163, 164 (Beneàeviè); N . S., 2-3 (1965-66) p. 223 n. 3, 226 n. 1, n. 2, 242, 243, 250 (Longo). — Z N U , 63 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 426-434


(1894) p. vi, passim ; 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 19, 23 (Dobroklonskij). V at. g r. 431. Bubere - GersTinger , H andschriften, II, p. 9. — DEvreESSE, Fonds grec, p. 15, 64, 113, 146, 184, 195, 275, 330, 401. — D evreë SSE, Introduction, p. 22 n. 3. — Gribomont, Ascétiques, p. 29, 42, 332 sg. — Mai Bibliotheca, V 2, p. 91. — MERCATi , Opéré minori, IV, p. 374 n. 3, 375 n. 3. — PiTRA, M onum ents, I, p. X, 538. — R udberg , É tudes, p. 147, 204. BBGG, N.S., 3 (1949) p. 238 (Korolevskij). — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 376, 377, 380 n. 2, n. 6, 381 n. 7, 383 n. 3, 393 n. 2, 395 (Gribomont). — Scriptorium, 4 (1950), p. 268 (Boutem y - Délaissé); 9 (1955) p. 45 (Ross); 19 (1965) p. 307. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 189 n. 1, 190 n. 1 (Benesevic). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 18 (Do­ broklonskij) . Mélanges bénédictins, p. 64, 66 (Guétet). V at. gr. 432. ACHEEIS, H ippolytstudien, p. 158, 224. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 113, 146, 174, 260, 445. — Diekamp , Analecta, p. 183, 185. — F auehaber, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 83. — Gribomont, Ascétiques, p. 20, 298, 304 sg. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 634 sg. — K otter, Überlieferung, p. 65. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 538. — PiTRA, Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 243. — PiTRA, M onumenta, II, p. 244. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 251. — R ichard, Florilèges, col. 502. — R udberg , Études, p. 142 sg., 171. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 257. — Sickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. 6, 6 n. 5, 7 n. 1. — T homas, Collections, I, p. 153. — W esterink , Psellus, p. 10.

— ZiEGEER, Sapientia, p. 9. Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 431 n. 1, 433, 434, 434 n. 1, 435 n. 1 (Leroy-Molinghen). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 304 (Gribomont); 12 (1958) p. 141. — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 0, n. 13 (Sam odurova). — Z R V I , 8, 2 (1964) p. 180 (Katièié). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 6-7.

g r. 433. Ber Tôea, Registri, p. 71 n. 5. — Colonna, Storici, DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 62, 89, 113, 127, 146, 173, 194, 253, 276, — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 386. — Laemmer, Bibliotheca, — L aemmer, Mantissa, p. 123. — Mercati, Atum ano, p. 45 n. 2. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 37 n. 1. — Mercati, Opéré minori, IV, p. 81 sg., 8 5 sg. — P etit - Sid é r id è s - J ugie , Scholarios, I I I , p. 165; VI, p. 1; V III, p. 504. — R udberg , Études, p. 35. V at. p. 160. — 334, 398. p. x x x iii.

Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 118, 122 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 8 (1933) p. 327. — B yzZ , 4 (1895) p. 24 (Patzig); 24 (1923-24) p. 449; 34 (1934) p. 109; 38 (1938) p . 434. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 111, 113 (Patrineles). — R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 35 (Wenger). — RHE, 19 (1923) p. 610. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 300 (Gribomont); 17 (1963) p. 82 (Canart). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 0, n. 13, n. 15, 160 n. 39 (Samodurova). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 11 (Franco). V at. g r. 434. BESSIÈRES, Correspondance, p. 24. — Cavalein, Basilius, passim (cod. V). — Courtonne, Basile, I, p. xv. — D evreesse , Fonds grec. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

p. 15, 66, 107, 142, 225, 304, 349, 435, 472 n. 14. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 85 n. 10, 91. — F oerster , Libanius, IX, p. 208. — F oerster , Zambeccari, p. 133. — GaeeavoTTi , Theocritus, p. ix, xxxv, xxxvi, 293, 326. — Garzya, Dionysius, p. xi, x xvm . — Gianneeei , Codices Vat. II, p. 3 sg. — Gow, Bucolici, p. xiv. — H aeberein , Carmina, p. 7. — H erteein , Iulianus, I, p. v ii . — L a EMMER, Bibliotheca, p. 28. — Legrand , Bucoliques, II, p. x m , 2. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 47. — R udberg , Études, p. 23 sg. — W endee , Theocritus, p. xxvii , xxxix. — W endee , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 179 n. 1, 180, 197. ByzZ, 16 (1907) p. 464, 465 (Wendel); 19 (1910) p. 333 (Wendel). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 120 (Przychocki). — Muséon, 67 (1954) p. 52, 59 (Gribomont). — Philologus, 49 (1890) p. 272, 279 (Haeberlin). — R A A N , N.S., 36 (1961) p. 88 (Garzya). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 119 (Gallay). — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p. 37; 35 (1911) p. 27. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 300, 303 (Gribomont); 18 (1964) p. 250 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 332 n. 7 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Galbiati, II, p. 170 (Sbordone). Vat. g r. 435. BESSIÈRES, Correspondance, p. 21, 46, 87. — C o u r t o n n e , Basile, I, p. xv. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 15, 113, 146, 225, 299, 355, 448, 472 n. 14. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 88 n. 2, 230 n. 4. — D o w n e y , Themistius, I, p. x, x x iv . — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 20 n. 1. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i ERI, Catalogus, p. 2. — F r i Tz ,- Synesios, p. 370. — G a e e a y , Lettres, p. 27. — G ia n n e e e i , Codices V at. I, p. 3 sg. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, V III 2, p. xx, 1. — K r a b in g e r , Orationes, p. x x i. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 97, 212, 220.

— Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 16 n. 2. — Mercati, Varia sacra, p. 54, 66 n. 2. — Mieeetti, Lessico, p. v ii . — P rzychocki, Gregorius, p. 141. — R udberg , Études, p. 153. — Schenke, Beiträge, p. 60. — T erzaghi, Opuscula, p. xxn, EXVI, EXVII, EXXn, EXXHI, exxv, exxxv, EXXXVI, xc, xci, xciv-xcvi, cvin, CXII, CXIV, CXVI, cxxh-cxxv, cxxxi. A B , 79 (1961) p. 346 n. 5 (Devos). — Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 50 n. 2 (Mer­ cati). — BPEC , N.S., 10 (1962) p. 2 (Terzaghi). — B P hW , 12 (1892) p. 733; 35 (1915) p. 1403. — B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 240; 20 (1911) p. 568. — Eos, 15 (1909) p. 127 (Sajdak); 16 (1910) p. 102 (Przychocki). — Hermes, 27 (1892) p. 118 (von Arnim). — Muséon, 67 (1954) p. 54 (Gribomont). — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 51 (Garzya). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 119 (Gallay). — RFI C, 41 (1913) p. 335. — RPh, N.S., 17 (1893) p. 44. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (Wittek); 8 (1954) p. 303 (Gribomont); 16 (1962) p. 135; 18 (1964) p. 169. — W S, 20 (1898) p. 208 (Schenkl). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 332 n. 7 (Devreesse). — Bibi,, nr. 730 f. Vat. gr. 436. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 225, 306, 389, 432. — De ­ Introduction, p. 87 n. 4, 96 n. 6. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. I, p. 343, 378, 380. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 2 n. 4, 50 sg., 51 n. 1. B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 296 (Cantarella); 44 (1951) p. 103 (Darrouzès). — RE B yz, 15 (1957) p. 155 (Darrouzès). — SFG, 1 (1882) p. 153, 154 (Puntoni). vreesse ,

Vat. gr. 437. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 389, 432. — F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 75. — Gianneeei , Codices Vat. I, p. 343, 378, 380, 402. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 2 n. 4, p. 21, 51. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 435-444


B yzZ , 25 (1925) p. 296 (Cantarella). — Kos, 12 (1906) p. 102 (Sinko). — SFG, 1 (1882) p. 153, 154 (Puntoni).

Vat. g r. 438. C a p o c c i , Codices B arber., p. 161. — C o l o n n a , Storici, p. 22. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 422, 470 n. 3. — D e v r e ESSE, Introduction, p. 50 n. 2. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. 60 n. 2. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 2. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p. 248. — PREGER, Beitràge, p. 9. — PREGER, Scriptores, p. v u , xxv. — W ARTELEE, Inventaire, p. 129. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 111 (Patrineles). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 334 n. 25 (Savio). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 439. B e c k , Kirche, p. 587. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 18, 78, 83, 123, 184, 187, 267, 396. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 22 n. 2. — E m e REAU, Ephrem , p. 29. — M a i , Spicilegium, IV , p. x l i . Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 139; 13 (1959) p. 261 (H em m erdinger-Iliadou); 270; 20 (1966) p. 129. Studia Patristica, V, p. 349, 350, 350 n. 3 (K irchm eyer). Vat. g r. 440. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 18, 78, 114, 147, 179, 228, 261, 307, 340, 363, 382. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 23. Vat. g r. 441. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 18, 79, 114, 147, 227, 306, 351, 398. — E mereau, Ephrem, p. 29. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Miller, p. 29, 35, 37 (Mercati).

Vat. g r. 442. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 18, 77, 83, 123, 179, 187, 310, 449. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 89 n. 5. — D iekamp , Hippolytos, p. x i n. 2. — D obschüTz (von), Christusbilder, p. 302. — F ranchi d e ’ Cava­ lieri , Catalogus, p. 2. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 248. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 242. ByzZ, 4 (1895) p. 348 (Dràseke). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 75. Vat. g r. 443. DELEHAYE, Styhtes, p. c x x v m . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 80, 85, 125, 176, 191, 256, 272, 336, 372, 393. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduc­ tion, p. 55 n. 5. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 128. Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 230, 237 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 4 (1895) p. 347 (Drâseke); 6 (1897) p. 215 (Kurtz). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 375 (Savio). Vat. g r. 444. D a n i é LOU, Vie de Moïse, p. x x x i i . — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 17, 66, 114, 147, 226, 304, 433, 444 n. 22. — JAEGER, Gregorius, V II 1, p. v oi, xi, x m , xiv; V i l i 1, p. 106, 147, 148, 153; IX , p. 7. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 72 n. 11 (Schirò). — REG, 69 (1956) p. 499. Studia Patristica, III, p. 90 (Musurillo). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 445. A u b in e a u , Grégoire de Nysse, p. 220. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 433. — H e c k (v a n ), Orationes, p. x m . — J a e g e r , Gregorius, I I I 1, p. x p n ; V, p. 182; V III 1, p. 122, 158, 218, 219; IX , p. 12, 77, 131, 134, 137, 188, 422, 431. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 397. V at. g r. 446. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 42 n. 26, 64, 226, 307, 351, 434. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 91, 95 n. 11. — JAEGER, Gregorius, I I I 1, p. x x i, x e iv , x e i x ; V III 1, p. 99, 100, 360; IX , p. 142, 163, 187, 220, 272, 330, 350, 424, 440. — MERCATI, V aria sacra, p. 59. — S t e i n , Encomium, p. x x ix . ByzZ, 28 (1928) p. 437; 58 (1965) p. 320 (Lendle). — Scriptorium., 16 (1962) p. 171. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 4 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 447. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 43, 70, 87, 126, 170, 251, 273, 332, 375, 394. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 90 n. 1. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, I, p. 2; II, p. x iii, 1. — LEFHERZ, Studien, p. 164, 174. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 70. — M e r c a t i , V aria sacra, p. 84, 85, 87 n. 4. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 244. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 240. — S c h e r m a n n , Geschichte, p. 12. B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 241; 24 (1923-24) p. 444. V at. g r. 448. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 16, 114, 147, 176, 256, 336, 373, 389. — D ev r eesse , Introduction, p. 86 n. 7, 91. — F auehaber , HoheliedCatenen, p. 146. — J a eg er , Gregorius, I I I 1, p. x x v n , x x x i; V, p. 198; V III 1, p. 352; IX , p. 385, 440, 491. — KuGENER - T riffa u x , Homiliae, p. 781, 782. — L aemmER, Bibliotheca, p. 39, 40, 42, 44, 82. — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 44. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 52. — Mercati , Storia, p. 234 n. 19. — MERCATi, V aria sacra, p. 57 n. 2. Lateranum, N.S., 2 (1936) p. 160 (Jugie). V at. g r. 449. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 15, 65, 84, 124, 177, 183, 189, 258, 270, 338, 367, 387. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 66 n. 6. — JAEGER, Gregorius, V I, p. x x x . — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 40, 41. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 42, 52. Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 22 (van Regemorter). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 450. D ev reesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 162. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 211, 298, 433. — F auehaber , Propheten-Catenen, p. 69. — Ga r itte , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. — H eck (van ), Orationes, p. x x . — JAEGER, Grego­ rius, V III 1, p. 123; IX , p. 12, 85, 110, 492. — R i Tsche , Prooemium, p. 16, 18, 27. — Sakkos , Anastasioi, p. 244. Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 124; 15 (1961) p. 48, 53 (Leroy); 20 (1966) p. 326. — Traditio, 21 (1965) p. 426, 430 (Malingrey). V at. g r. 451. B e n s e y , Ezra, p. x x v m . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 64, 86, 125, 174, 182, 190, 191, 260, 445. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 91. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 171. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p .240. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 445-456


V at. g r. 452. Capocci, Codices B arber., p. 161. — Ce r ia n i , Cod. Marchalianus, p. 111. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 η. 4. — J aeger , Gregorius, V, ρ. 9. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 112 (Patrineles). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 262 (Canart). — Misceli. Ubach, p. 2 (Mercati). V at. g r. 453. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 20, 77, 116, 148, 222, 297, 369, 389. — D iekam p , H ippolytos, p. lx i n. 1. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 552, 686. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogue, p. 3-4. — J aeger , Gre­ gorius, V I, p. XXXI. — L e v i D ella V id a , Ricerche, p. 128. — Sa jd a k , Historik, p. 277. — T ury n , Codices, p. 11, 171. A B , 22 (1903) p. 377 (Galante); 46 (1928) p. 11, 13, 25, 26, 33-35, 38 (Devreesse). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 321 η. 7 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 454. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 225, 307, 473. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 1006. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 4. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 455. B orner T, Commentaires, p. 151 n. 5, n. 10. — DES P la ­ Diadoque, p. 78. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 13, 65, 258, 271, 338, 367, 387. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 88, 89 n. 1. — D ev reesse , Ma­ nuscrits, p. 30 n. 1. — D iekam p , H ippolytos, p. l v iii . — E hrhard , Überlie­ ferung, II, p. 113> 275 n. 2. — E merëatj, Ephrem , p. 135, 139. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogue, p. 4-5. — Gia n n elli , Codices Vat. I, p. 325, 429. — J aeger , Gregorius, IX , p. 164, 272. — LEROY, Proclus, p. 100, 107, 116 sg., 227, 236. — Ma i , Collectio, V i l i 1, p. v u . — Ma i , Spicilegium, IV, p. x l h i . — Mercati , Cidone, p. 261 n. 2, n. 3. — Mercati, Ephraem , p. 9, 14, 20, 42, 105. — Mio n i , Codices, II, p. 56, 87. — Quasten , Patrology, III, p. 395, 512. — Strycker (d e ), Protévangile, p. 31. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 109-110. — V ogel - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 90. — V oule T, Homélies, p. 42, 45. — W en g er , Assomption, p. 150, 153. A B , 21 (1902) p. 8, 18 (anonimo). — Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 237 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 23 (1914-20) p. 128, 129 (Van de Vorst); 24 (1923-24) p. 185; 47 (1954) p. 366 (Joannou). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 423 (Jugie). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 62 (Gstrein). — Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). — REG, 75 (1962) p. 309. — RO, 9 (1915) p. 159 (Mercati). — RPh, S. I l l , 37 (1963) p. 149, 150. — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 338 n. 30 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 49 (Leroy); 16 (1962) p. 416; 18 (1964) p. 139; 19 (1965) p. 333; 20 (1966) p. 142, 159. Bibl. hagiogr. gr4, p. 58, 59, 75, 78. - Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 852 m, 1119 b, 1650 b, 1984 e. — Studia Evangelica, III, p. 340 η. 3 (de Strycker). ces ,

V at. g r . 456. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 367, 432. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 94 n. 9. — F aulhaber , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 147. — Mercati , Storia, p. 266. Bybul, 2 (1966) p. 135 n. 55 (Treu). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki).

•¿8 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici V aticani greci


Vat. g r . 457. B a b in g e r , Zacchia, p. 34 n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Ponds grec, p. 42 n. 27, 69, 112, 145, 226, 306, 337, 374, 391. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, I, p. 249. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 153. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 13. — S o y t e r , Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 22. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 109. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 72 n. 11 (Schirò). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 156 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 50 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 168; 21 (1967) p. 181. — ViVrem, N.S., 25 (1964) p. 209, 210. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 5 (Devreesse). Vat.

g r.



ev reesse,

Fonds grec, p. 226, 258, 299, 379, 387, 397.

— DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 22 n. 1. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 1005. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 21.

Vat. g r . 459. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 86, 125, 174, 191, 271, 335. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 45 n. 3. — Giannel LI, Codices Vat. II , p. 15. — H e is e n b e r g , Curriculum, p. cix. —· K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 721 n. 2. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 153. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. l l n . 2, 14, 26. Vat. g r . 460. DEVREESSE, F o n d s g rec, p. 16, 67, 84, 124, 189, 254, 269, 335, 370, 390. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , C a ta lo g u s, p. 298. — M a i , B ib lio th e c a , X 3, p. 275. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko). Vat. g r . 461. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 177. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 192 n. 6. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 1005. — S a j d a k , Historia, p. 21. Vat.

Codices Vat. II, p . 1 6 2 . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds — S a j d a k , Historia, p . 2 7 7 . A B , 80 (1962) p. 26 (Canari). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). grec,

g r.


Dev reesse,

p . 258, 338, 367, 386.

Vat. g r . 463. B e i s s e l , M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 2. — B u b e r e - G e r s t in g e r , H andschriften, II, p. 23. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 84, 124, 177, 189, 258, 269, 338, 367, 387. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 56, 192 n. 6, 299. — G a ­ r i t t e , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V i l i , p. 7. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 109, 314. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 163, 170, 172. — P i Tr a , Monu­ m enta, I, p. x; II, p. 153. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 80. B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 121; 50 (1957) p. 311 (Politis). — Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). — R I A , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 217-220, 220 fig. 5-6, 222, 222 fig. 9, 225 fig. 13, 228, 230, 256, 259 (Bonicatti). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 340. — ViVrem, N.S., 3 (1950) p. 216 (Lazarev). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 9. Vat. g r . 464. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 16, 68, 87, 126, 192, 273, 432. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p . 44. — G i a n n e l l i , Codices Vat. I, p . 208. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p . 21. — T u r y n , Codices, p . 11, 156. — V o g e l - G a r d THAUSEN, Schreiber, p . 14. ByzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 457-473


Vat. g r . 465. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 69, 112, 145, 226, 308, 435, 474 n. 28. — M a i , Collectio, V III 1, p. v u . — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 304. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 12 n. 4. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 48. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 81. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 103 (Sinko). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158. Vat. g r . 466. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 66, 112, 146, 226, 291, 378, 434. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, I I I , p. 433 sg., 438-440. — S a j d a k , Historia, p. 153. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 12, 14. Bessarione, 31 (1915) p. 232 (Mercati). —- Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158. Vat. g r . 467.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 16, 113, 146, 475.

Vat. g r . 468. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 16, 66, 112, 145, 225, 299, 379, 397. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 192 n. 2, n. 6. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 248. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 242. Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 161. Studia Patristica, I I I , p. 126 (Rudberg). Vat. g r . 469. B e i s s e e , M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 2. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 50 n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 226, 299, 433. — F a u e h a b e r , HoheliedCatenen, p. 147. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 138 n. 1. — LEFHERZ, Studien, p. 99, 136 sg., 144 sg. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 58 sg. B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 297 (Cantarella). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 68 (Siiiko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). Vat. g r . 470. B e c k , Kirche, p. 783. — C a n a r t , Archivio, p. 42. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 17, 396. — P it r a , M onumenta, II, p. 244, 248. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 159, 250. EO, 39 (1940) p. 126, 127 n. 1 (Gouillard). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. Vat. g r . 471. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 16, 71, 173, 252, 386. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 1012. — P it r a , I, p. x ; II, p. 153. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). Vat. g r . 472. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 445. — DEVREESSE, Introduc­ tion, p. 86 n. 1. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 1012 n. 5. — Mey ie r (d e ), Codices, p. 72. — P itr a , M onumenta, I, p. x , 538, 540; II, p. 153, 154. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Pryzchocki). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 723b. Vat. g r . 473. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p . S a j d a k , H istoria, p . 21.

16, 226, 257, 299, 347. —

Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). Miscell. de Morawski, p. 143 (Sinko). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici V aticani greci

V at. gr. 474. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 16, 85, 118, 124, 150, 178, 190, 255, 259, 368, 373, 388. — F auehaber , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 147. — M e r c a t i , Contributi, p. 19 n. 1. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 255. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). Vat. gr. 475. F auehaber , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 147. — LEFh ERZ, Studien, p. 99. — S a jd a k , H istoria, p. 22. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 68 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158. Misceli. Mercati, I I I , p. 16-40 (Garitte). Vat. gr. 476. Bene Seviò , Sinagoga, p. 288 n. 1. — DE Marinis , Lega­ tu ra, nr. 393. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 16, 176, 337, 385. — Mer ­ cati, Isidoro, p. 113. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 100, 102, 103 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 477. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 465. B yzZ, 48 (1950) p. 102. Vat. gr. 478. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 170.— VoGEl· - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 89, 90 n. 5. B yzZ, 47 (1954) p. 187. — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 102 (Sinko). Vat. gr. 479. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 16, 43, 211, 226, 304, 305, 355, 378, 394. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 35 n. 2, 192 n. 6. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 147. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 430. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 70. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 53, 55, 87. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 223. — S c h w a r t z , Sammlungen, p. 124. Eos, 12 (1906) p. 99, 100, 102, 105 (Sinko); 15 (1909)p. 71 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). Vat. gr. 480. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 310, 470 n. 4. — P i Tr a , Mo­ num enta, I, p. x. — W e r h a h n , Synkrisis, p. 4. Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 122. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Studia patristica, V II, p. 54, 337 n. 2, 345 (Cummings). Vat. gr. 481. Ca m m e e e i , Cydonès, p. xx x v m , x e i x . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 51, 106, 141, 296, 353, 405. — FoERSTER, Libanius, I, p. 369, 381; V, p. 162; V II, p. 547; V III, p. 13, 212, 280, 332, 440; IX , p. 131, 171. — FoER­ STER, Zambeccari, p. 133. — LAEMMER, Bibliotheca, p. xx. — LOENERTZ, Cydonès, I, p. 11. — L o e n e r t z , Lettres, p. 85. S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 263 (Jorio); N.S., 1 (1920) p. 160 (Cammelli). — TFS, 11 (1889) p. 95 (Keil). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 474-486


V at. g r. 482. A l y - S b o r d o n e , Strabonis codex, p. 275. — B i e d e , E xzerpt, p. 90. — B r a c h m a n n , Quaestiones, p. 370. — C o h n , Paroemiographen, p. 1. — Cr u s iu s - C o h n , Paroem iographen, p. 236. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 63, 112, 145, 227, 291, 431 n. 5. — L a s s e r r e , Strabon, II, p. ix ; III, p. x i. — P e p p i n k , Epitom e, I, p. x v n . — S b o r d o n e , Geographica, I, p. x u i, LVHi. — S c h e r m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 28. AC , 28 (1959) p. 37, 49 (Lasserre). — B PEC , N.S., 9 (1961) p. 12 (Sbor­ done). — CQ, 9 (1915) p. 92 (Allen). — Hellenika, 13 (1954) p. 20 (Tsopanakes). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 308 (Schermann). — RPh, 1 (1845) p. 104. — T A P h A , 46 (1935) p. 304 n. 18 (Diller). Studia Patristica, V II, p. 337 n. 2 (Cummings).

V at. g r. 483. Coeonna, Storici, p. 63. — Crusius - Cohn, Paroem iogra­ phen, p. 227, 228. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 112, 145, 212, 298, 351, 451. — Gaeeay, L ettres, p. 79. — Gianneeei , Codices Vat. I, p. 208. — Ma i , Spi­ cilegium, IV, p. v m . — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 57 sg. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 224, 349. — PiTRA, M onumenta, II, p. x x n. 1. — PEEzia , Fragm enta, p. 134. — P rzychocki, Gregorius, p. 141. — R euters , De epistulis, p. 23. — VOGEE - Gardthausen , «Schreiber, p. 447. — W endeand , Themistius, p. xi. Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 38 (Mercati). — B P E C , N.S., 10 (1962) p. 39 n. 9; 41 (Ballaira); 11 (1963) p. 34, 35, 36 n. 17, 79, 87, 91 tav. I (Ballaira); 12 (1964) p. 61 n. 26 (Ballaira). — B yzZ, 4 (1895) p. 615-616; 12 (190.3) p. 642; 20 (1911) p. 568; 57 (1964) p. 195; 60 (1967) p. 179. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 104 n. 10, 105 (Przychocki). — Hermes, 2 (1867) p. 213 (Rose). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 128 (Mazal). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 119 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158; 18 (1964) p. 104; 257 (Harlfinger - W iesner); 280; 19 (1965) p. 116. Miscell. Dölger, p. 287, 289 (Jenkins). V at. g r. 484. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 248. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 254 n. 1. — P r z y c h o c k i , Gregorius, p. 141. — W a r t e e e e , Inventaire, p. 129. B yzZ , 20 (1911) p. 568. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 113, 114 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 119 (Gallay). Miscell. Albareda, I p. 302 (De Maio); 331 (Devreesse).

V at. g r. 485. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 249. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 64, 87, 125, 175, 192, 257, 273, 337, 374, 394. — DEVREESSE, Introduc­ tion, p. 88 n. 6. — L a m e ë r E, T radition, p. 86 n. 0. — P r z y c h o c k i , Gregorius, p. 141. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 129. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 568. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 109 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 120 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 199. — PFS, 33 (1911) p. 252 n. 1 (Przychocki). Studia Patristica, V II, p. 345 (W erhahn). V at. g r. 486. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 114. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 26, 75, 117, 149, 172, 253, 282, 474 n. 28. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 429.— L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. x x . — L o e n e r t z , Calecas, p. 9-12, 14-15,73, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

84, 84 η. 1, 166, 325 η. 6. — DoENERTz, Lettres, ρ . 26 η. 2. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, ρ . 87 sg., 105 η. 3, 133 tav. IV. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 73. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 412. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 130. A F P , 17 (1947) p. 197, 198 (Loenertz). — Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 110 (Mercati). — B P hW , 25 (1905) p. 759. — EO, 37 (1937) p. 43 n. 2, 49 η. 1 (Guilland). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 184 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 138. V at. g r . 4 8 7 . COEONNA, Storici, p. 138. — DEVREESSE, Ponds grec, p. 117, 149, 175, 255. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 89 n. 8. — S a jd a k , H istoria, p. 153 sg. Vat. gr. 488. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, ρ . 79, 228, 308, 351. — G ia n Codices Vat. I, p. 108. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 163, 166, 169, 179, 263. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 51 n. 1. — P it r a , Monumenta, II , p. 244. — S a k ­ k o s , Anastasioi, p. 245. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , I/ukaskatene, p. 11 n. 1. — DE­ VREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 418, 451. ViVretn, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 0, n. 13 (Samodurova). n e e e i,

Vat. gr. 489. D ev reesse , Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 70 — W S, 11 (1889) p. 250, 251 n. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330

Introduction, p. 91. tav. 16a (Canart); 19 (1965) p. 292 (Astrue). 21 (Burkhard). n. 4 (Devreesse).

Vat. gr. 490. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 28, 54, 109, 143, 170, 183, 215, 250, 298, 323, 410. — Gian n eeei , Codices V at. I, p. 426. — KOTTER, Überlie­ ferung, p. 65. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). Vat. gr. 491. D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. II, p. 230. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 349, 401, 449. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 91, 187 n. 9. — D ie k a m p , Hippolytos, p. x x v m n. 1, e v i n. 1. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 65. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 485. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, ρ. 253. —■W e n GER, Assomption, p. 152. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - Wiesner); 20 (1966) p. 129. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). — Studia Patristica, V, p. 353 n. 0 (Kirchmeyer). Vat. gr. 492. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, ρ. 9 η. 5, 28, 55, 91, 129, 197, 278, 346. — D i e t e r , Tradition, ρ . 177. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 66. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 170. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 241. R S C I, 5 (1961) p. 48 tav . 1, 50 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137; 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - W iesner). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 η. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 493. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 42. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, ρ. 426, 449. — G ia n n EEEI, Codices Vat. I, p. 427. — MERCATI, Codici, p. 191 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 443 n. 115. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 182. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. ér . 487-500


B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 623. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 258 (Canart). V at. g r. 494. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 4 90.— K otter, Überlieferung, p. 66. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). V at. g r. 495. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 30, 109, 201, 277. — DEVREESSE. Introduction, p. 18 n. 3. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 66. — L efherz , Studien, p. 82. — R eitzenstein , Arrianus, p. 3, 4. — R oos, Arrianus, II, p. xx xiii , x e iii , EVI. — Stähein , S tro m a ta 1, p. e v iii . — W arteeeE, Inventaire, p. 130. — W esterink , Psellus, p. 10. A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 613 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 3 n. 5 (Blake). — R E B yz, 20 (1962) p. 231 (Darrouzès). V at. g r. 496. Devreesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 103. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 29, 218, 295, 436, 439. — D evreesse , Manuscrits, p. 58 n. 6. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 67. — L efherz , Studien, p. 170. -— M a i , Bibliotheca, VI 2, p. 6. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 80. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 249. — Sickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. 11 n. 1. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). V at. gr. 497. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 30, 69, 346, 455. — K ominis , Pardos, p. 104. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 67. — LEFHERZ, Studien, p. 156 sg. — Michee , H um bert, II, p. 282 n. 2. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 159. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 161 n. 42 (Sam odurova). Studia Patristica, V II, p. 337 n. 2 (Werhahn). V at. g r. 498. Beck , Kirche, p. 722. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 55, 109, 143, 212, 298, 447. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 5. — K otter , Überlieferung, p. 67. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - W iesner). V at. gr. 499. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 120. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 29, 57, 108, 142, 214, 347. — H eiberg , Simplicius, ρ. ν π ι. — L ongo, Ari­ stotele, p. Exxi. — Meyier (de ), Codices Vossiani, p. 236. — Moraux, Aristote, p. CEXXXI. — USENER, Kleine Schriften, I I I , p. 253. — ViTEEEl, De genera­ tione, p. v ili. — W arteeee , Inventaire, p. 130. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 306. V at. g r. 500. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 55, 91, 129, 170, 197, 279, 330. — KoTTER, Überlieferung, p. 67. — W esterink , Psellus, p. 10. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - W iesner). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. gr. 501. Capocci, Codices Barber, p. x x v n -x x v n i. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 29, 167. — K otter , Überlieferung, p. 67. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 245, 247. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harbinger - Wiesner); 20 (1966) p. 129. Studia Patristica, V, p. 353 n. 0 (Kirchmeyer). V at. gr. 502. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 129, 198, 311. — K otter , Überlieferung, p. 67. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 166; 18 (1964) p. 241 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 325 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. gr. 503. B onwetsch , Methodius2, p. x x x v . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 75, 119, 150, 184, 195, 252, 275, 333, 377, 396. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 86 n. 1. — Garitte , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. — H oee , Bpiphanius, I, p. ix ; I I , p. π; I I I , p. v h i . — H o ia , Überlieferung, p. 10, 13-25. — L aem mer , Mantissa, p. 6. — Mercati , Opere minori, IV, p. 123 η. 4, 131-134, 142. — Qu isp EE, Ptolémée, p. 44. AC, 36 (1967) p. 685. — Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 101 n. 3,109 n. 1, 119 (Mer­ cati). — B P hW , 36 (1916) p. 822, 823. — EO, 15 (1912) p. 476. — REG, 63 (1950) p. 304. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 223 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 48, 50 (Leroy). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 332 η. 1 (Devreesse). V at. gr. 504. B arnard , Clement, p. x x iv . — B ornert , Commentaires, p. 86 n. 3, 89 n. 4, 212. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 174, 259, 331, 399, 472 n. 14. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 15 n. 9, 17, 18 n. 5, 43, 192 n. 7, 303. — D iekam p , Analeeta, p. 184, 185. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 5-6. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri - L i ETzmann , Specimina, tav. 28. — G ia n n eeei , Codices V at. I, p. 81. — Günthör , Dialoge, p. 11, 12, 13. — H arnack , Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 276, 299, 316. — JUGIE, Assomption, p. 10 n. 2, 317, 319, 700. — K eostermann , Jeremiahomilien, p. x x x ix . — L ake , M anuscripts, V III, p. 10. — L ietzmann , Apollinaris, p. 91. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, II, p. v u . — Mees Ter (d e ), Studi, p. 185 n. 2. — P er tu si , De them atibus, p. 5. — P itr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 197, 198, 202. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x ; II , p. 223, 244, 297. — R udberg , Études, p. 119. — S a jd a k , H istoria, p. 22. — S chwartz, A.C.O., I 1, 1, p. v u , x x v m ; I 1, 4, p. 2; I 1, 6, p. 2; I 1, 7, p. v ra . — S chubart , Palaeographie, p. 163 (nr. 28). — S herwood , Ambigua, p. 2. — Stähein , Beiträge, p. 31. — S tähein , Protrepticus1, p. xeiv . — Stähein , Protrepticus2, p. xeiv . — Stähein , Strom ata1, p. ev . — W arteee E, Inventaire, p. 130. — WENGER, Assomption, p. 186-188, 363. A B , 74 (1956) p. 246 n. 6 (Halkin). — B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 18 (Garitte). — B P h W , 13 (1893) p. 1513. — Byzantion, 1 (1924) p. 268 (Granié). — B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 58 n. 3 (Beck); 51 (1958) p. 143. — EO, 22 (1923) p! 8, 9 (Jugie). — OCP, 17 (1951) p. 21 n. 0 (Hoeck). — RE B yz, 17 (1959) p. 207 (Stiemon). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — R SR , 17 (1937) p. 32 (Devreesse). — Scriptorium, 4 (1950) p. 198, 202 (Irigoin); 6 (1952) p. 125; 12 (1958) p. 221 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 396. — SD SD , 14 (1893) p. 145 (Tacchi - Venturi). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 127 (Benesevic); 4 (1935) p. 298 (Mercati); 5 (1939) p. 463 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 501-509


n. 1 (GiannelU); 10 (1963) p. 20 n. 0 (Giannelli). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 332 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 505. B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 89 n. 4. — Ce r e s a - G a s t a e d o , Capitoli, p. 38 n. 37. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 277, 319, 372, 409. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 20 n. 1. — G ia n n e e EI, Codices Vat. I, p. 34, 36. — G ü n t h ö r , Dialoge, p. 11-13. — S h e r w o o d , Ambigua, p. 2. — V o g e e G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 337. Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 270 (Schissel). Vat. gr. 506. B e r Tö e a , Registri, p. 45 n. 4. — B r a n d is , Handschriften, nr. 151. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 55, 92, 130, 164, 198, 246, 279, 282, 327, 404, 472 n. 14. — D i TTMë y e r , Aristoteles, p. xrv. — L ouis, Histoire, p. XEVii, EU, EVii. -— W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 130. Philologus, 77 (1920) p. 354. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 332 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 507. B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 89 n. 4. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 25, 69, 227, 274, 336, 402, 472 n. 14. — G ü n t h ö r , Dialoge, p. 13. — I r i g o i n , Scholies, p. 83 n. 5. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, p. 26. — S h e r ­ w o o d , Ambigua, p. 2. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 143-146. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u ­ s e n , Schreiber, p. 102, 171 n. 1. AC , 25 (1956) p. 205. — Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 188 (Mercati). — B yJ, 8 (1929-30) p. 375, 376. — B yzZ , 58 (1965) p. 374. — EO, 34 (1931) p. 347 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 16(1962) p. 158; 18 (1964) p. 250 (Harlfinger - W iesner). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 332 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 508. B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 89 n. 4. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 25, 64, 86, 125, 174, 191, 256, 272, 329, 392. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 96 n. 6. — D i e k a m p , Analecta, p. 184, 185. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 78 n. 3. — M a i , Bibliotheca, II, p. v u . A B , 46 (1928) p. 10, 26 (Devreesse). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 14 (van Regem orter); 15 (1961) p. 224-225 (Halkin); 18 (1964) p. 250 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). — ViVrem, 10 (1903) p. 510. — W S, 10 (1888) p. 6 (Stembach). g r. 5 0 9 . DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 1 6 6 , 3 2 9 , 4 0 0 . — D ie k a m p , p. 1 8 5 . — G r ib o m o n T, Ascétiques, p.2 0 , 2 9 8 , 3 0 4 sg. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 2 2 7 n. 1 1, 2 4 3 n. 3 . -— KoTTER, Überlieferung, p. 6 8 . — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 5 3 8 . — P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 2 4 4 . — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 2 5 1 . — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 5 0 2 . — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 1 4 2 sg., 1 7 1 . — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 2 4 1 , 2 4 5 , 2 5 7 . — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 6 n. 5 , 7 n. 1. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 1 1 , 1 1 2 . — WESTERINK, Psellus, p. 10. — ZlEGEËR, Sirach, p. 9. Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 433, 434 n. 1, 435 n. 1 (Leroy - Molinghen). — Scrip­ torium, 8 (1954) p. 304 (Gribomont). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 157 n. 0, n. 13 (Sam odurova). — Z R V I , 8, 2 (1964) p. 180 (Katicié). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 7. V at. Analecta, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

G odici V aticani greci


Vat. gr. 510. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 229, 277, 360, 396. — S p a n É pictète, col. 844.


Vat. gr. 511. B e c k , Kirche, p. 496. — B e c k , Vorsehung, p. 23. — DE M a r i n i s , L egatura, nr. 660, tav. CXVTI. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 228, 303, 364, 457, 472 n. 14. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 185 n. 9, 195 n. 4. — G a r i t t e , Docum ents, p. 403 n. 1. — G i a n n e e u , Codices Vat. I, p. 5. — G r u m e e , Regestes, nr. 825 bis (fasc. 3, p. 200). — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 640. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 455; VI 2, p. 168. — MERCATI, Note, p. 183 n. 1, 209 n. 2. — PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224, 248. — PlTRA, Monum enta, I, p. x. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 257. — S h e r w o o d , Ambigua, p. 3. A B , 21 (1902) p. 7 (anonimo); 46 (1928) p. 11, 13, 17, 24 n. 3, 25, 26, 33 n. 2, 34, 35 (Devreesse); 84 (1966) p. 323 n. 2 (Canart). — B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 19 (Scheidweiler). — R E B yz, 19 (1961) p. 68 (Gouillard); 25 (1967) p. 342. — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 117. — T M , 2 (1967) p. 3, 6, 17, 43 (Gouillard). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 332 n. 7 (Devreesse). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 796 g. Vat. gr. 512. D ev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 14, 99, 374, 398. — Gian n eeei , Codices V at. I, p. 348. Vat. gr. 513. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 209, 263, 298, 336, 411. — Giann EEEI, Codices Vat. I , p. 348. — G ia n n eeei , Codices V at. I I , p. 15. Vat. gr. 514. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 63, 84, 124, 192, 256, 272, 371, 391. — G i a n n EEEI, Codices Vat. I, p. 348. Vat. gr. 515. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 11, 69, 111, 193, 257, 272, 335, 371, 390. — F h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. 304. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices Vat. I, p. 348. Vat. gr. 516. F ranchi


DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 181, 340, 365, 383. —

Ca v a u e r i,

Catalogus, p. 6. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices V at. I, p. 348.

Vat. gr. 517. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 38, 70, 111, 145, 260, 336, 366, 389. — DiEES, H andschriften, II, p. 108. Vat. gr. 518. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 11, 65, 111, 144, 192, 257, 272, 338, 366, 391. — G aritte , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). Vat. gr. 519. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 111, 145, 210, 294, 343 , 374, 394. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. 304. Vat. gr. 520. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 66, 84, 124, 177, 189, 258, 337, 369, 386. N H , 1 (1904) p. 78 (Lampros). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 510-529


Vat. g r . 521. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 13, 63, 111, 177, 258, 269, 339, 368, 388. — Giann EEEI, Codices Vat. T, p. 382. Vat. gr. 522. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 13, 67, 111, 192, 257, 272, 336, 368, 432. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 87 n. 5. V at. gr. 523. D e Marin is , Legatura, nr. 936. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 428, 463. — Mercati , T raduttori, p. 15 n. 1, 20, 53 n. 3, 89 n. 1, 95. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 119 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 71 (Canart). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 524. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 118, 150, 224, 303, 375, 394. — Mercati , Osservazioni, p. 1 n. 1. — Mercati , T raduttori, p. 21, 32 sg. — R ichard , Asterius, p. Xi, x i i , x x v m , x x x iv . Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 176 n. 3 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 96; 45 (1952) p. 114. — RPh, S. I I I , 31 (1957) p. 312. — SO, 25 (1947) p. 58, 67 n. 4, 69 n. 2, 71 n. 2, 73 n. 2 (Richard); 29 (1952) p. 24, 25, 30 (Richard). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 142; 18 (1964) p. 137. Vat. g r . 525. DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1135. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 75, 83, 123, 187, 357, 466. — D ev r eesse , Introduction, p. 130 n. 4. — Gian n e e e i , Codices Vat. I I , p. 91. — Mercati , Osservazioni, p. 1 n. 1, 33 n. 1. — Mercati , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, passim. — Mercati , T raduttori, p. 15 n. 1, 25, 27 n. 1, 28 n. 1, 34-36, 180 n. 2. — Quasten , Patrology, I I I , p. 493. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 172, 172 n. 3, 173, 173 n. 1, n. 2, 176 n. 3, 177 (Mer­ cati). — B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 221. — R E A ug, 2 (1956) p. 457 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137. Vat. gr. 526. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 13, 100, 174, 210, 236, 254, 298, 335, 370, 391. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 97 n. 16, 192 n. 3. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V II, p. 17. — L aurent - G uieeou , Liber, p. 330. — Ma i , Biblio­ theca, X 3, p. 276. Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 50 (Leroy); 16 (1962) p. 171. Vat. gr. 527. D ev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 12, 66, 84, 123, 189 263, 269, 337, 374, 391, 393. — L auren T-G ueeeou, Liber, p. 330. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. Vat. gr. 528. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 11, 68, 87, 126, 182, 192, 258, 271, 370, 390. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. Vat. gr. 529. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 100, 177, 263, 391, 393. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 97 n. 16, 192 n. 3. — L ake , M anuscripts, IX , p. 2. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 330. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

V at. g r . 530. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 12, 69, 100, 175, 189, 255, 258, 270, 335, 386. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. Vat. g r . 531. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 13, 84, 123, 176, 189, 269, 335, 370, 390. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. Vat. g r . 532. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 12, 68, 111, 145, 210, 258, 296, 374, 391. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — V ogee - G ardthausen , Schreiber, p. 227. V at. g r. 533. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 13, 70, 86, 125, 191, 257, 271, 391. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 192 n. 3. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. Vat. g r. 534. B ubere - Gerstinger , Handschriften, II, p. 90. — D e ­ Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 70, 177, 255, 258, 386. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 129-131. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373, 374. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse).

v reesse ,

V at. g r. 535. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 69, 100, 341, 364, 383. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 192 n. 3. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. Vat. g r . 536. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 63, 112, 145, 345, 393. —Maeingrey , Providence, p. 28, 31. — R udberg , É tudes, p. 33. Traditio, 18 (1962) p. 27, 49 (Malingrey). Vat. g r . 537. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, I, p. 152. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 12, 65, 87, 126, 175, 192, 272, 338, 374, 387. — M a i , Bibliothe­ ca, X 3, p. 276. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 130 n. 1. — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 46. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 374. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 538. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 12, 69, 263, 268, 342, 365, 384. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. V at. g r . 539. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 12, 68, 85, 124, 190, 268, 342, 365, 384. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 292. — L a k e , Manuscripts, V II, p. 10. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. BuArchPal, S. I l l , 1 (1962) p. 21 (Follieri). Vat. g r . 540. Aeand , Liste, nr. I 545. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 11, 111, 144, 173, 210, 259, 297. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 434. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 156 n. 1. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276.— S criv en er , In tro ­ duction, I, p. 402. OrChr, 2 (1923-24) p. 210 (Leib). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 530-549


Vat. gr. 541. D E M a r i n i s , L egatura, nr. 625. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 12, 42, 67, 111, 145, 181, 210, 296, 371, 387. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 192 n. 4. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I , p. 305 n. 2. — G i a n n e l LI, Codi­ ces Vat. I, p. 382. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 164, 165. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 160. A B , 84 (1966) p. 509. — B yzZ, 48 (1965) p. 373. Vat. gr. 542. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 2060. — B e r Tö l a , Registri, p. 105 n. 4. — Colwell , Apocalypse, I I , p. 67. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 210, 258, 292,336,374,394. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 192 n. 4. — L aurent - Guillou , Liber, p. 330. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 276. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 218. — S chmid , Einleitung, p. 38. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 134, 135. A B , 84 (1966) p. 509. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Vat. gr. 543. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 38, 67, 176, 183, 271, 334, 370, 389. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 82 n. 4, 85. Vat. gr. 544. An rich , Hagios Nikolaos, I I , p. 567. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 12, 111, 145, 255, 354, 370, 390. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 15 n. 12, 16 n. 2, 305. — E hrhard , Überheferung, I, p. 249. — Garitte , Documents, p. 272. ■— Gebhardt (von), A kten, p. x x i. — H alkin , Euphémie, p. 54-55. — L ake , M anuscripts, V III, p. 12. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — T uryn , Codices, p. 152. — V ogel - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 34. B yzZ , 40 (1940) p. 119. — R H E , 37 (1941) p. 194, 205 (Garitte). — RPh, S. III, 37 (1963) p. 150. — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 333. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.*, nr. 1347. Vat. gr. 545. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 63, 111, 144, 175, 255, 335, 368, 390. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. Vat. gr. 546. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 66, 111, 145, 192, 254, 269, 371, 391. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. Vat. gr. 547. Achelis , H ippolytstudien, p. 206, 224. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 469. — Gia n n elli , Codices Vat. II, p. 13, 93. — H arnack , Über­ lieferung, p. 840. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — REUSS, Johannes-K om ­ m entare, p. x ii, xv, x x x i, x x x iv . — R auer , Lukaskom m entar, p. x x x v iii . — REU SS, M atthäus-K atenen, p . 158, 159. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p . 18. B y J , 17 (1944) p. 69 (Reuss). — RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 65 n. 5 (Sickenberger). Vat. gr. 548. X 3, p. 277.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 426, 466. — Ma i , Bibhotheca,

Vat. gr. 549. Ala n d , Liste, nr. 1988. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 385. — Ma i , Bibhotheca, X 3, p. 277. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 316. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — Staab , Pauluskatenen, p. 214. Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 181. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici V aticani greci


V at. g r. 550. D e v r e ë SSE, Fonds grec, p. 12, 69, 84, 123, 177, 183, 189, 258, 269, 337, 366, 386. — D e v r e e s s E, Introduction, p. 55 n. 3, 86 n. 1, 89 n. 19. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. V at. g r. 551. A i, a n d , L i s t e , n r . 1 8 1 7 . — D E V R E E S S E , F o n d s g r e c , p . 13, 70, 110, 188, 261, 267, 362 n. 42, 391. — B aehrens , Überlieferung, p. 175. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 311, 1183. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — Malin ­ gre y, L ettre, p. 35, 42, 54. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. B yzZ, 46 (1953) p. 207. — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 124; 326. — Traditio, 20 (1964) p. 419 (Malingrey); 21 (1965) p. 426, 430 (Malingrey). V at. g r. 5 5 2 . A l a n d , Liste, nr. 1818. — D E V R E E S S E , Fonds grec, p . 70, 111, 144, 210, 297, 355, 371, 391. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 311, 1183. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59, 279. V at. g r. 553. 4 7 4 n. 2 8 . —

DEV REESSE, F o n d s g re c , p . 175, 2 1 0 , 2 9 4 , 3 3 8 , 3 6 6 , 3 9 2 ,

H arnack, Ü b e rlie fe ru n g , p. 446.

V at. g r. 554.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 11, 67, 255, 355, 371, 390.

V at. g r. 5 5 5 . A n r i c h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 1 1 8 . — B r a t k e , Reli­ gionsgespräch, p. 9 0 , 9 4 , 2 7 2 . — D E V R E E S S E , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4 , 1 2, 6 7 , 71, 84, 124, 177, 189, 258, 270, 337, 366, 386. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 89 n. 10. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 192, 198 n. 1. — E r b s e , Theoso­ phie, p. 151. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 6, 7. — G i a n n e i l i , Codices Vat. I, p. 321. — M a l i n g r e y , Lettre, p. 35, 47, 50. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, II, p. 419 n. 2. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 302. — P i t r a , M o num enta, II, p. 246. — VoGEE - G a r d ï h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 211. BPEC, N.S., 6 (1958) p. 29 n. 6 (Garzya). — B y J , 1 (1920) p. 190. — Tra­ ditio, 20 (1964) p. 419. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 97. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1109 g. V at. g r. 556. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p . 82, 122, 178, 187, 261, 267, 340, 362 n. 42, 382. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p . 141 n. 4. — Kl o s t e r m a n n , Analecta, p . 10, 11. — R a h l e s , Verzeichnis, p . 251. BBGG, N .S., 1 (1947) p. 72 n. 11 (Schirô). — ByzZ, 43 (1950) p. 419. Miscell. Mohlberg, I, p. 419 (Mercati). V at. g r. 557.


ev reesse,

F o n d s g rec, p .


144, 45 1 .

V at. g r. 558. DE M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 2768. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 13, 64, 87, 126, 182, 192, 255, 272, 335, 367, 387, 474 n. 28. — D e ­ v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 92. V at. g r. 559. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 63, 110, 144 , 254 , 267, 334, 369, 389. — F a u l h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 69. Bessarione, 27 (1910-11) p. 355 n. 1 (Marini). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 550-566


V at. g r . 560. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 63, 175, 258, 350, 399. — Devreesse . O ctateuque, p. v m n. 1. Scriptcrium, 14 (1960) p. 177; 20 (1966) p. 326. — Traditio, 21 (1965) p. 426, 428 (Malingrey). V at. g r. 561. Bonwetsch - Acheeis , H ippolytus, I, p. xx viii . — Ca­ pocci, Codices Barber., p. 161. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1156. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 421. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 50 n. 2. — D iekamf , Hippolytos, p. EXI n. 1. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 60 n. 2. — F auehabER, Propheten-Catenen, p. 162, 163 sg. — F ranchi de ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 7. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 640. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 251. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 84. — Sickenberger , Studien, p. 131. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 112 (Patrineles). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 258 (Canart). V at. g r. 562. Coeonna, Storici, p. 22. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 230, 308, 398. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 60, 60-61 n. 2. — F ranchi de ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 7-8. — Mioni , Codices, II , p. 49. — P itra , Monu­ m enta, I I , p. 248. — PREGER, Beiträge, p. 9. — PREGER, Scriptores, II, p. vi, x x , x x i n. 1, x x v . — Sajdak , Codices, p. 84. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 242. — Vàri , Oppianus, p. 16. OCP, 32 (1966) p. 53 (Bickersteth). — R E B yz, 13 (1955) p. 159 (Wenger). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 334 n. 25 (Savio). V at. g r. 563. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 63, 112, 145, 212, 294. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 50 n. 5, 90 n. 6. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, I, p. 602 n. 1; II, p. 294. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. I, p. 323. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 108. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 47. — Mioni , Codices, II, p. 39. Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 334 n. 25 (Savio). V at. g r. 564. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 13, 67, 86, 125, 174, 182, 191, 258, 269, 338, 367, 388. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 267. — Ma i , Spicilegium, X, p. n i. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 130 n. 1. — P itra , Monu­ m enta, I, p. x. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 374. — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 326 n. 12, 327 n. 13 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205; 20 (1966) p. 173. — Traditio, 9 (1953) p. 116 (Baur). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 565. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 87, 126, 176, 337, 366, 386. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 192 n. 6. — D umorTie r , A Théodore, p. 27. — F audhaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 69. B yzZ, 52 (1959) p. 265 (Dumortier). V at. g r. 566. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 263, 341, 364. — D umortier , A Théodore, p. 27. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, I I , p. 303; I I I , p. 755. — F ran­ chi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 8. — Gianneeei , Codices Vat. I, p. 346. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 18, 26 (Garitte). — ByzZ, 51 (1958) p. 70 (D um ortier); 52 (1959) p. 265, 274 (Dumortier). — OCP, 6 (1940) p. 138 (Gill). V at. g r. 567. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 11, 176, 257, 274, 336, 373, 392. — D u m o r t i e r , A Théodore, p. 28. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 837, 989. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 8 , 9. — K u r t z - D r e XL, Scripta, p. x ix . — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 280. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 247. A B , 16 (1897) p. 317 (anonimo). — BFC, 43 (1947) p. 163, 164. — B P hW , 57 (1937) p. 1081. — B yzZ, 52 (1959) p. 266 (Dumortier). — E H B S , 23 (1953) p. 115 (Tomadakes). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 139. Miscell. Galbiati, I I I , p.288 (Pertusi). — Miscell. Mohlberg, I, p. 421, 452 n. 23 (Mercati). — X enia Romana, p. 126 (Guidi). V at. g r. 568. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 13, 65, 86, 125, 176, 182, 191, 255, 271, 337, 366, 386. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 52 n. 9, 95 n. 8. — D u m o r t i e r , A Théodore, p. 27. — M a l i n g r e y , L ettre, p. 35, 45, 47, 54. — M e r c a t i , Opéré m inori, IV , p. 380. B yzZ , 31 (1931) p. 36 n. 1 (Dölger); 52 (1959) p. 265 (Dumortier). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 175 n. 2 (Dennis). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 42 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 124; 326. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 241 (Mercati). — Tra­ ditio, 20 (1964) p. 419 (Malingrey). V at. g r. 569. Babinger , Zacchia, p. 34 n. 1. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 42 n. 27, 112, 145, 182, 188, 263, 268, 341, 365, 384. — D umortier, A Théodore, p. 28. — Malingrey , Providence, p. 28, 31. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 147-149. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 213. — B yzZ, 52 (1959) p. 266, 274 n. 8 (Dumortier); 58 (1965) p. 373. — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 156 (Darrouzès). — Traditio, 18 (1962) p. 27, 48 (Malingrey). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 5 (Devreesse).

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 210, 297, 374, 394. — F aulPropheten-Catenen, p. 69.

V at. g r . 570. haber ,

V at. g r . 571. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 210, 296, 373, 392. — D u­ mortier , A Théodore, p. 28. — D umortier , Cohabitations, p. 32. — L ampros Amantos, Chronica, p. 61, 62. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 157 sg. — Schreiner , Studien, p. 87. B yzZ, 52 (1959) p. 266 (Dumortier). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 89 (Patrineles). — M S R , 9 (1952) p. 63 n. 2, 66, 70 (Dumortier). — N H , 6 (1909) p. 106 (Lampros). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 71 (Canart). Studia Patristica, I, p. 292 (Dumortier). V at. g r. 572. B e n e Sevt Ö, Sbom ik, p. 323, 332. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 232, 309, 394. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 88 n. 6. — J a h n , Eclogae, p. x n. 1. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 68. — L ë f h e r z , Studien, p. 82. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x, 425; II, p. 317. — »Sa k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 244. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 567-577


Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 45, 48 (Irigoin); 15 (1961) p. 168. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 127 (Benesevië). V at. g r. 573. B e c k , Kirche, p. 724. — B e r t ö e a , Registri, p. 88 n. 11. — C a p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 70, x v i i i , x x v i i . — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 22, 88, 138, 161. — DEVREESSE, Codices Vat. II, p. 317. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 211, 295, 352, 434. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 35 n. 3, 189 n. 1, 257 n. 6, 258 n. 1. — D i e k a m p , Hippolytos, p. v ra , x x ix . — E n g b e r d i n g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i e r i , Catalogüs, p. 9. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices V at. I, p. 50. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices Vat. II, p. 15. — H a r n a c k , Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 300. — J a h n , Eclogae, p. vi, ix . — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 68. — K r a s n o s e e ’CEV, Svëdënija, p. 64. — K r o e e , De oraculis, p. 3 n. 1. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 397, 498 n. 4, 754 n. 4. — F e f h e r z , Studien, p. 170, 172, 267. — M a i , Collectio, V III, p. v u . — M a n d a e A, Protesi, p. 22, 72, 85, 129, 130. — MEESTER (d e ), R ituale, p. xiv. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 51 n. 3. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, p. 116, 118-120, 122 n. 4, 126 n. 1. — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 103. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 467. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p! x. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 184. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 80. — S t ä h e in , S trom ata1, p. e u . Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 94, 96, 98, 98 n. 2, 100 n. 4, 103 n. 3, 106 (Mercati); 38 (1922) p. 75 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 238, 241 n. 4, 242 (Kominis). — B yzZ, 13 (1904) p. 51 (Papageorgiou). — N H , 16 (1922) p. 393 (I.ampros). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 177 (Darrouzès); 16 (1958) p. 82 (Darrouzès). — RSO, 10 (1923-25) p. 239 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 5 (1951) p. 106 (Astruc); 8 (1954) p. 303 (Gribomont); 13 (1959) p. 270; 15 (1961) p. 368. — SIF C , 12 (1904) p. 159, 179 (De Stéfani). — Traditio, 10 (1954) p. 72, 74 (S trittm atter). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 154 n. 0, 161 n. 42 (Samodurova). — IPS, 11 (1889) p. 95 (Keil). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1049e. — Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 7. — Chrysostomica, p. 273 (de Meester). V at. g r. 574. Devreesse , Ponds grec, p. 424, 466. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 35 n. 2. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 305 n. 2. M S R , 21 (1964) p. 115 (Liébaert). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 363. V at. g r. 575. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 13, 69, 257, 341, 382. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 305 n. 2. — Maeingrey , Providence, p. 27, 35. —

, Prodrom , p. 61. Bessarione, 38 (1923) p. 75 n. 1 (Mercati). — Traditio, 18 (1962) p. 36 (Malingrey). P

a p a d im it r iu

V at. g r. 576. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 11, 68, 71, 87, 126, 176, 184, 192, 269, 338, 365. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 66 n. 4, 87 n. 5. — F auehaber , Propheten-Catenen, p. 69. — P aemmer, Bibliotheca, p. 67. V at. g r. 577. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 70, 84, 123, 189, 270, 388, 452. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 91. — F atjehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 69. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 63-67, 95, 454, 471-473. 29 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici V aticani greci


V at. g r . 578. B ertöea , Registri, p. 107 n. 2. — Capocci, Codices Bar­ ber., p. x x v ii. — Coeonna , Storici, p. 90. — D arrotjzèS, Documents, p. 97. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 52, 95, 132, 160, 201, 242, 284, 410. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 187 η. 9, 188 η. 2, 228 η. 8. — DlEES, Handschriften, I I , p. 75. —- K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 68. — K r t jm b a c h er , Geschichte, p. 786. — L a u r e n T-G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 332. — MÉEY (d e ) - RuEEEE, Lapidaires, p. xrv, 160 n. 6, 170. — M e y ie r (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 271. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 248. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 490, 492. — S a k k o s , Ahàstasioi, p. 201, 253. A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 200 (Mercati); 348 (Mercati); 34 (1918) p. 230 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 271, 272, 275 (Schissei); 34 (1964) p. 326. — B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 131 (Papadopoulos - Kerameus); 57 (1964) p. 305 n. 0 (van Dieten). — EO, 20 (1921) p. 297, 298 (Emereau). — K S p , 27 (1963) p. 78 (Tsiknopoulos). — R E B yz, 19 (1961) p. 77 (Darrouzès). — REG, 13 (1900) p. 214. — R F IC , 29 (1901) p. 81, 82 (Bassi). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270; 16 (1962) p. 171; 391 (Wüson); 20 (1966) p. 177, 326. — Tra­ ditio, 21 (1965) p. 426, 427, 433 (Malingrey). — W S, 20 (1898) p. 309 (Mesk). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 7-8. V at. g r . 579. Aeand , Liste, nr. 2020. — BECK, Kirche, p. 723. — Coeonna , Storici, p. 8, 138. — Coeweee , Apocalypse, II, p. 66-67. — DEVREESSE, Codices Vat. II, p. 120. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 6, 233, 308, 358, 434. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 22 n. 9, 45 n. 3, 170 n. 12, 196 n. 10, n. 11. — F oë RSTER, Libanius, II, p. 200; IV, p. 325; V III, p. 443. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, Catalogue, p. 10. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 318, 1190. — H erg en ro eth er , E ntalm a, p. 8. — H ergenroether , P h o tiu s .I, p. 161 n. 15,245 n. 14. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 68. — L a e m m e r , Bibliothecä, p. 25. — L a e m m e r , Mantissa, p. 44. — M a i , Bibliothecä, IV 1, p. 55; X 3, p. 277. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 68 η. 1, n. 2, 80 n. 5, 88 sg., 90 n. 3, 93, 105. — MERCATI, Opere minori, I I I , p. 49. — M o r a v c s i k , Byzantinoturcica, I, p. 282, 320, 519. —- P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 232. — S c h m i d , Einleitung, p. 67, 210, 307-10. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 97. — S c r i v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ) , Schriften, I, p. 59. BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 153 n. 16 (Schirö). — Bessarione, 17 (1905) p. II. — B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 546; 14 (1905) p. 160, 161, 192 (Heisenberg); 16 (1907) p. 359; 27 (1927) p. 36 (Moravcsik); 31 (1931) p. 379; 52 (1959) p. 415 , — E H B S , 21 (1951) p. 212 n. 3 (Orlandos). — EO, 35 (1936) p. 387 (Laurent); 37 (1938) p. 41 n. 5, 42 n. 2, 51 n. 2 (GuiUand). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 103 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 129 (Przychocki). — OC, 5 (1905) p. 389 (Baum stark). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 173 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. — Traditio, 20 (1964) p. 418 n. 9 (Malingrey). — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 161; 11 (1904) p. 118; 13 (1906) p. 1, 2 (Festa). — W S, 33 (1911) p. 263 (Przychocki). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 319 (Devreëssé). — Miscell. Galbiati, I I I , p. 288 η. 1, 292 n. 6, 293 (Pertusi). — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1665c. V at.

g r.


D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 64, 85, 124, 190, 271, 359, 393.

V at. g r . 581. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 111, 145, 210, 297, 354, 432. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 87 n. 5. — K rtjmbacher, Geschichte, p. 170 η. 1. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 578-591


— P i t r a , M onumenta, II, p . 248. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 242. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 382. — S A W W , 144, 4 (1902) p. 6, 7, 13 (Haidacher). V at. gr. 582. DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1146. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 112, 145, 210, 295, 347, 373, 393. — D ie k a m p , Analecta, p. 121. — F attghaber , Propheten-Catenen, p . 31. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 130 n. 1. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 251.

Vat. gr. 583. Devreesse, Fonds grec, p. 425, 453. — Krumbacher, Geschichte, p. 170 n. 1. V at. gr. 584. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 12, 42, 64, 71, 85, 125, 173, 191, 256, 271, 336, 372, 392. Vat. gr. 585.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 12, 77, 460.

Vat. gr. 586. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 14, 76, 85, 124, 173, 181, 191, 254, 273, 391. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 304. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 981 n. 1. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V III, p. 11. — V o g e e - G a r t d h a t js e n , .Schreiber, p. 338. B yzZ , 40 (1940) p. 121.

Vat. gr. 587.., Devreesse, Fonds grec, p. 63, 113, 146, 227, 300, 343, 432. — Devreesse,, Introduction, p. 91. — Pitra, Monumenta, I, p. x. — Pusey, Prophetae, I, p. v in . — Rahefs, Verzeichnis, p. 251. Vat. gr. 588. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 422, 470 n. 4. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 91. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 182. R H E , 45 (1950) p. 43 n. 8, 45, 46, 47, 51, 52 (Charlier). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 589. D ev reesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 26. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 436. — Mercati, Opéré minori, I I I , p. 254 n. 1. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 251. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 322. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 103 (Patrineles). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 262, 268 (Canart). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 186, 196 n. 80, 197, 211, 216, 230, 247 (C anart). Vat. gr. 590. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 422 n. 36, 427, 466. — F a u e Propheten-Catenen, p. 74. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 251.


Vat. gr. 591. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 466. — DEVREESSE, Introduc­ tion, p. 91. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 74. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 251. AC, 5 (1936) p. 15, 17 (Philippart). Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 262 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

Vat. gr. 592. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 1819. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 71, 85, 124, 177, 190, 259, 269, 337, 366, 386. — DEVREESSE, Introduction p. 91. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 1183. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 247. — PuSEY, Cyrillus, I, p. v i i , vili. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 65 n. 1, 69 n. 2, 79, 239. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — WEISS, A nastasiana, p. 58 sg. EO, 35 (1936) p. 269 n. 3, 270 n. 1, 271 n. 1, 272 n. 2 (Jugie). — Lateranum, 2 (1936) fase. 3-4, p. 175-178 (Jugie). — R B i, 36 (1927) p. 202 (Devreesse). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 325 n. 11 (Savio). Vat. gr. 593. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 1820. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 68, 89, 127, 170, 183, 194, 253, 275, 334, 376, 395. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 91. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 1183. — P u s e y , Cyrillus, I, p. v u , vili. — S o d e n (VON), Schriften, I, p. 59. R B i, 36 (1927) p. 202 (Devreesse). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 324 n. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 594. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 71, 88, 126, 170, 193, 253, 274, 332, 375, 389. — L eo n e , Athanasius, p. v, v n. 8, x x ix , x l i . R H E , 45 (1950) p. 45, 52 (Charlier). Vat. g r. 595. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 124, 177, 190, 259, 269, 339, 367, 387. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 124. B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 580 (Mercati). — R H E , 45 (1950) p. 52 (Charlier). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 325 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. gr. 596. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 19, 64, 85, 124, 177, 190, 259, 270, 337, 366, 386. — D u r a n d (d e ), Deux Dialogues, p. 153, 173. — P u ­ SEY, De fide, p. x , x v m . Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 107. Vat. gr. 597. B e r Tò l a , Registri, p. 23 n. 1. — B r o o k e , Origen, I, p. x ix n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 64, 89, 127, 171, 194, 253, 275, 334, 378, 395. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 91. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 391.

c a t i,

Vat. gr. 598. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 211, 297, 348, 445. — M e r ­ Opere minori, I I I , p. 227 n. 1, 250.

Vat. gr. 599. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 40, 63, 88, 126, 171, 183, 193, 253, 275, 333, 378, 396. Vat. gr. 600. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 103 (Patrineles). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 216, 228 n. 137, 230, 232, 247 (Canari). Vat. g r . 601. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 103 (Patrineles). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 592-607


Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 202, 203, 247 (Canart). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 129. Vat. g r. 602. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — D ev r eesse , Introduction, p. 91. — P iéd a g n el , Catéchèses, p. 21, 51 n. 2. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 103 (Patrineles). — Muséon, 55 (1942) p. 40, 41 (Swaans). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 187, 228 n. 137, 230, 232, 237, 244, 247, 288 tav. 7 (Canart). Vat. g r. 603. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — Introduction, p. 91. — P i é d a g n e e , Catéchèses, p. 51 n. 3.

D ev reesse

Vat. gr. 604. B u e r m a n n , Isokrates, I, p. 13. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1085. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 172, 253, 333, 393, 450. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 189 n. 1. — D r ERUP, Isocrates, p. x vi. — G e ö c k n e r , H and­ schriften, p. 13. — JUGIE, Theologia, II, p. 108, 691. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 68. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. xx. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 149. — M a n i Tius, Proclus, p. v in , xun. — M e r c a t i , A tum ano, p. 31 n. 0. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 7 n. 2, 31, 89, 158 sg„ 161, 165, 210, 240, 251 n. 1, 257 n. 2, 259265, 513. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p . x. — R a b e , Sylloge, p. x tv . -— S a k ­ k o s , Anastasioi, p. 22 n. 8, 254. — W a r t e ia E, Inventaire, p. 130. BodlR, 6 (1957-61) p. 605 (Barbour). — EO, 27 (1928) p. 392 (Jugie). — OCP, 16 (1950) p. 183 (Hofmann). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 169 (Darrouzès); 17 (1959) p. 205 (Stiernon). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek); 13 (1959) p. 270. Vat. g r. 605. C h a b o t , Isaac N inivita, p. 61. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 7 n. 38, 24, 75, 90, 128, 167, 184, 196, 248, 277, 331, 378, 400. — M a i , Biblio­ theca, V III, p. x x ii-x x iv . — T t jr y n , Codices, p. 11, 113. RQ A, 7 (1893) p. 57 (Hhrhard). — R S R , 41 (1967) p. 259 (Chirat). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 606. B e n e Se v i Ô, Sinagoga, p. 187 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 62, 89, 127, 172, 194, 253, 275, 334, 379, 403. — DEVREESSE, Introduc­ tion, p. 188 n. 3, n. 4. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 68. — L a e m m e r , Biblio­ theca, p. 28, 30, 32, 90 n. 4, x ix , 443. — L a e m m e r , Mantissa, p. 46, 48, 111. — L o e n e r t z , Calecas, p. 43 n. 1. — M a i , Bibliotheca, I, p. 428. — M e r ­ c a t i , Cidone, p. 30 n. 3, 165. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x . — S a k k o s , Ana­ stasioi, p. 78, 257. A M S L , S. I I I , 13 (1887) p. 851 (Berthelot). — B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 57, 153 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — EO, 27 (1928) p. 396 n. 1, n. 5 (Jugie); 37 (1938) p. 38, 39, 40 (Guilland). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevié). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 2, 12, 22, 23, 27 (Rackl). — Miscell. Galbiati, III, p. 287 n. 3 (Pertusi). Vat. g r. 607. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 329. — D ev r eesse , In tro ­ duction, p. 196 n. 11. — L aemmer , Bibliotheca, p. x ix. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

EO, 27 (1928) p. 396 n. 4 (Jugie). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Alma­ zov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Misceli. Ehrle, I, p. 23 (Rackl). Vat. gr. 608. D e M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 2809. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 396 n. 19. — F ra n c h e d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 10. — M a i , Biblio­ theca, V I 2, p. 292, 293, 347 n. 1. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 104 (Patrineles). — Z N U , 113 (1914) p. 166 n. 2 (Dobroklonskij). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 23 (Dobroklonskij). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 210, 216, 228 n. 137, 230, 232, 247 (Canari) Vat. gr. 609. C a n d a e , Cabasilas, p. 9, 198 n. 28, 218 n. 13, 238 n. 30. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 62, 89, 127, 194, 211, 303, 345, 376, 395. — D e ­ v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 47 n. 3, 189 n. 1. — F r a n c h i D e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 11. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 68. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 6 n. 2, 15 sg., 19, 22-25, 29-31, 35, 36, 38 sg., 160, 503 tav. I-II. BBGG, N.S., 12 (1958) p. 148 (Pertusi). — ByzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 52, 53, 55 (Rackl). Misceli. Ehrle, I, p. 16, 25, 29 (Rackl). — Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 11, 13 (Franco). Vat. gr. 610. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 39, 62, 105, 140, 171, 253, 274, 332. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 15, 17 sg., 89 sg., 524. Misceli. Galbiati, I I I , p. 285, 286 (Pertusi). — Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 12 (Franco). Vat. gr. 611. C am m e i n , Cydonès, p. x x x v iii, x e ix . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 39, 62, 89, 127, 171, 194, 252, 274, 332, 376, 395. — L o e n e r Tz , Cydonès, I, p. 8. — L o e n e r Tz , L ettres, p. 83. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 127; 130 sg., 355-358. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 87. B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 57 (Rackl). Vat. gr. 612. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 39, 62, 88, 127, 171, 194, 251, 274, 332, 376, 391. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 87. B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 57 (Rackl). Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 11 (Franco). Vat. gr. 613. Ca n d a e , Cabasilas, passim (appar. erit.). — C o e w e e e , Apocalypse, II, p. 140. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 62, 89, 127, 194, 276, 396. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 92. :— K e o s t e r m a n n , Überliefe­ rung, p. 15 .1— M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 15 n. 6. ! Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 12 (Franco). Vat. gr. 614. B e n e Se v iö , Sinagoga, p. 187 n. 1. — B r a n d is , Handschrif­ ten, nr. 112. — C a n d a e , Cabasilas, p. 9, 67 n. 2, 91 n. 1, 94 n. 3, 109 n. 3, 113 n. 1, 152 n. 1, 154 n. 2, 181 n. 1, 277 n. 1, 347 n. 1, 355 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 62, 89, 127, 171, 194, 253, 276, 334, 379; 397. — DiEES, Simpli­ cius, I, p. X V I. — J u g i e , Theologia, I, p. 478; II, p. 691. — L a e m m e r , Biblio- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 608-620


theca, p . x ix . — L a e m m e r , M antissa, p . 129. — L o e n e r t z , Calecas, p . 43 n. 3. — M e r c a Ti , Cidone, p . 80 n. 4, 86, 87 n. 1, 90 sg., 105, 162, 391, 392. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p . x . — W a r t e e e E, Inventaire, p . 130. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 50 (Pétrucci). — Byzantion, 8 (1933) p. 337. — ByzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 49 (Rackl); 35 (1935) p. 460. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 121 (Patrineles). — EO, 27 (1938) p. 398 n. 2, 399 n. 2 (Jugie). — REB yz, 1 (1943) p. 55 (Salaville). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek); 17 (1963) p. 393. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 161 n. 3, 162 n. 0 (Benesevic); 9 (1957) p. 376 n. 1 (Schirô). — ViVrem, 3 (1896) p. 58 n. 1 (Pavlov). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 19 n. 3 (Rackl). — Miscell. Galbiati, I I I , p. 288, 290, 298 (Pertusi). — Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 12 (Franco). Vat. gr. 615. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 171, 252, 334, 376, 396. Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 12 (Franco). Vat. gr. 616. Ca n d a e , Cabasilas, p. 9, 244 n. 20, 266 n. 3, n. 6, 270 n. 12, 286 n. 5, 290 n. 6, 294 n. 19, 310 n. 15, 326 n. 2, 332 n. 2, 334 n. 11, n. 27, 362 n. 26. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 62, 89, 127, 172, 194, 252, 276, 332, 376, 395. — J u g i e , Theologia, I, p. 479. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 6 n. 2, 11 n. 3, 15, 43 n. 1, 90 n. 1, 122. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 150-154. ByzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 49, 51, 52 (Rackl); 58 (1965) p. 374. — EO, 26 (1927) p. 357 (Laurent). — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. 388 n. 2 (Schirô). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 19 (Rackl). — Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 12 (Franco). Vat. gr. 617. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 224. — M ër ca Ti , Opéré minori, T, p. 330 n. 1. — M a i , Bibliotheca, I I I 1, p. 143 (nota ms. di A. Mai nel V at. lat. 6920). — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 405. — R a h e f s , Verzeich­ nis, p. 252. EO, 25 (1926) p. 12 n. 2, 13 n. 1, 14 n. 1 (Jugie). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 380 (Faulhaber). Vat. gr. 618. D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 33 n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 475. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 135 n. 6. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, III, p. 405. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 252. W S, 25 (1903) p. 170 (Homa). Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 262 (Canart). Vat. gr. 619. C a n a r t , Archivio, p. 48. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 21, 180, 359, 386. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 294. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 32. — L a k e , M anuscripts, V II, p. 12. — M e r c a t i , Note, p. 150. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. xrv. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, I, p. e x x i i i . — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 252. Vat. gr. 620. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 418, 448. — D ie k a m p , Analecta p. 175. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 6sg., 9-11. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 318. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V 4, p. 77. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 244, 420. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 252. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 245. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Vat. gr. 621. D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1159. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4, 474 n. 28. — F a u l h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 7, 9-11, 13, 123 n. 2. — F a u l h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 170. — K a r o - D ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p . 318. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 254 n. 1. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 252. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 104, 112 (Patrineles). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisser ani, VI, p. 230, 247 (Canari). Vat. gr. 622. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 24, 67, 114, 348, 460. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 302. — T o r r a c a , Bruto, Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 503 (Goossens). — RE B yz, 18 (1960) zès). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 438, 439. — RPh, S. I l i , 35 (1961) Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 160.

146, 234, 302, p. x x x v ii i , 3. p. 118 (Darroup. 112, 113. —

Vat. gr. 623. B a r n a r d , Clement, p. v . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 418, 419, 465. — F a u l h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 111. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 299, 390. — K l o s t e r m a n n , Jeremiahomilien, p. xrv, l u . — K lostermann , Überlieferung, p. 109, 110, 114. — Mercati , Opere minori, II, p. 137. — P i Tra , Analecta sacra. I II, p. 537. — R ahlfs , Verzeichnis, p. 252. — Stählin , Beiträge, p. 21, 24. — Stählin , Protrepticus1, p. x l ii . — Stählin , Protrepticus*, p. x l ii . A B , 20 (1901) p. 91. — B P hW , 16 (1896) p. 391; 22 (1902) p. 675; 27 (1907) p. 1124. — B yzZ, 13 (1905) p. 680; 55 (1962) p. 322. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 82 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 165. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserand, VI, p. 184, 215 n. 121, 216, 228, 228 n. 137, 229, 247 (Canart). V at. gr. 624. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 68, 86, 125, 175, 184, 191, 256, 273, 336, 371, 459. Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 170. Vat. gr. 625. Canivet , Thérapeutique, p. 68. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 419, 466. — Gardthausen , Palaeographie, I, p. 225. — R a ed er , Quaestiones, p. 2, 16, 18. — R aeder , Theodoretus, p. v n. 1. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 82 (Patrineles). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330n. 4 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 184, 196, 216, 229, 232, 248, 288 tav. 2 (Canart). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 92. Vat. gr. 626. C a n iv e t , Thérapeutique, p. 69, 88. — C a p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 70. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 60, 68, 105, 114, 140, 146, 186 n. 9, 306, 345, 436. — D o d d s , Proclus, p. xxxrv. — H e n r y , É tats, p. 75. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 266. — M e y i e r (d e ) - H u l s h o f f P o l , Codices graeci, p. 31. — R a e d e r , Quaestiones, p. 6, 18, 21, 22. — R a e d e r , Theodoretus, p. iv, x . — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 107, 108. B P hW , 21 (1901) p. 133. — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 122; 58 (1965) p. 373. — REG, 48 (1935) p. 461. — RhM , 57 (1902) p. 450 (Raeder).. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 184 n. 41 (Canart). — Philologica Hamburgensia, p. 6 (anonimo). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 621-632


V at. g r. 627. DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1129, 1130. — DEVREESSE, Commentaire, p. x x i. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 445, 470 n. 4. — Ma r iés , Études, p. 14, 15, 16, 17. — Mercati , Fram m ento, p. 32. — Mercati , Opere minori, I I I , p. 254 n. 1. — Mercati , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. xvi, xvii. — Mercati , T raduttori, p. 163 n. 2, 164-167, 170-173, 184 n. 3, 195 n. 1, 196 n. 2. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 252. — V accari, Scritti, I, p. 162. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 154 n. 4 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 34 (1934) p. 96. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 302 (De Maio); 331 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 628. B er Tòea , Registri, p. 22 n. 9. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 62, 103, 139, 209, 288, 358, 435. — Mercati , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 154 n. 86. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 529. — Opit z , Athanasius, I I I 1 (Verzeichnis der Siglen). — P armentier - S c h eid w eieer , Theodoret, p. x, x x x ii. — W inkeem ann , Textbezeugung, p. 80. BodlR, 7 (1962-67) p. 40 (Diller). — B yzZ , 20 (1911) p. 571. — Convi­ vium, N .S., 6 (1957) p. 686 (Raoss). V at. g r. 629. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 419, 459. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 244. Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 28, 34, 35, 39, 41, 45, 375 (Leroy-Molinghen) ; 35 (1965) p. 213 (Leroy-Molinghen). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 324. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 157 (Benesevic). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 202 n. 89 (Canari). — Studia Patristica, V II, p. 145 n. 0 (Canivet). V at. g r. 630. Azéma , Théodoret, II, p. 9, 10, 17, 19; I I I , p. 9. — DE­ VREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 411. — .Schwartz , A.C.O., I I 1, 2, p. xi. B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 447. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 261 (de Meyier) ; 20 (1966) p. 171. V at. g r. 631. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 421, 454. — L efh erz , Studien, p. 233. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 252. — Sa jd a k , H istoria, p. 51 sg. — VoGEE - G ardthausën , Schreiber, p. 94. ByzZ, 25 (1925) p. 296 (Cantarella). V at. g r. 632. B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 182 n. 2, 183, 185, 186 n. 5, 187 n. 2, ‘190 n. 4, 191 n. 2, 192 n. 1. — C a m m e e e i , Cydonès, p. x x x v m , x e ix . — C a n d a e , Cabasilas, p. 9. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 411. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a EIERI, Catalogus, p. 11. — G ia n n e e EE Codices Vat. II, p. 107-108. — JuGiE, Homélies, II, p. 457, 457 n. 4, 458 n. 1, 465 n. 2, 484 n. 1. — K r u m b a c h ER, Geschichte, p. 110, 492. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. xx. — LoENERTZ, L et­ tres, p. 85, 92. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 545. — MERCATI, Opere minori, III, p. 518 n. 3; IV, p. 178-180. — P e t i t - S i d é r id è s - J u g i e , Scholarios, IV, p. 382. B A B , 40 (1954) p. 537 n. 3 (Masai). — Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 313 (Mercati). — BodlR, 6 (1961) p. 598 (Barbour). — ByzZ, 20 (1911) p. 128 n. 1 (Treu). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 114 (Patrineles). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 263 (Jorio); N.S., 1 (1920) p. 160 (Cammelli). Misceli. Miller, p. T l n. 1 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Vat. g r. 633. D a r ro tjzès , Documents, ρ. 89, 98, 99, 354, 363, 364, 384, 386, 390, 392, 409. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 26, 53, 107, 141, 213, 301, 356, 447. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 221 n. 5. — G a r z y a - L o e n e r t z , Procopius, p. XII, 2. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 69. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V 2, p. 99, 101, 102. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 117 sg. — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 64. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 232. — REUTERS, Briefe, p. 27. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 492. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 247, 250. —■S t e Rn b a c h , Gnomologium V at., passim. A B , 21 (1902) p. 6 (anonimo); 68 (1950) p. 47, 48, 54 (Devreesse). — Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 95 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 45 (1952) p. 159. — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 54 (Garzya). — R W F, 15 (1891) p. 344 (Stembach). — Scripto­ rium, 20 (1966) p. 153. — ViVrem, 7 (1900) p. 479. — W S, 9 (1887) p. 175206, passim (Stem bach); 10 (1888) p. 1-49, 211-260, passim (Stem bach); 11 (1889) p. 43-64, 192-242, passim (Stembach). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 23 (Dobroklonskij). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 91, 92, 93, 94, 96 (Dujcev). n Vat. g r. 634. BERTôEA, Registri, p. 10 n. 6 . — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 107, 142, 228, 308, 354, 433. — D iekamp , Hippolytos, p. x i n. 2. — D obschüTz (von), Christusbilder, p. 302. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 11. — Mai , Bibliotheca, IX , p. xiv. B yzZ, 4 (1895) p. 348 (Dräseke). — Muséon, 71 (1958) p. 332 n. 0, 349, 358 (Leroy). — REG, 17 (1904) p. 30 (Omont). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 75. Vat. g r. 635. Auvray, Catechesis, p. e x ii . — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 469, 475. — Mai , Bibliotheca, IX , p. x i, xiv. — Mercati, Storia, p. 201 n. 3. Muséon, 71 (1958) p. 349, 358 (Leroy). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 261 (de Meyier). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 17 (Dobroklonskij). Vat. g r. 636. Aeand , Liste, nr. 2008. — BERTÔEA, Registri, p. 65 n. 3, 69 n. 6. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 23, 73, 116, 148, 228, 304, 344, 375 n. 50, n. 53, 436. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 314, 1190. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. — Staab, Pauluskatenen, p. 275. Vat. g r. 637. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 165. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 233. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, Catalogus, p. 12-14. Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 258 (Canari). Vat. g r. 638. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 228, 434. — K ominis, Pardos, p. 34, 97. — P i Tra, M onumenta, I, p. x, 46. — Stevenson, Prodromus, p. XXVII. Salesianum, 16 (1954) p. 649 n. 49, n. 55 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205. Vat. g r. 639. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 79, 117, 149, 186 n. 9, 290, 354, 436. — K ominis, Pardos, p. 97. Salesianum, 16 (1954) p. 649 n. 49, n. 55 (Savio). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 633-644


V at. g r . 640. A n d r i EU, Im m ixtio, p. 203 n. 1. — B e n e Se v i Ö, Sinagoga, p. 7 n. 2, 17, 19, 176-192, 214-219, 220, 222, 223, 269, 292-312. — B o r n e r t , Commentaires, p. 131 n. 2, 136, 143, 182, 184, 186 n. 4, 190 n. 3, 191 n. 1, 200 n. 5, 213 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 79, 118, 150, 172, 247, 280, 327, 405. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 209 n. 2, 211 n. 7, 216 n. 10. — G r ib o m o n T, Ascétiques, p. 321 sg. — H e im b a c h , Anecdota, II, p. Bin, e v i i , 295. — H o n ig m a n n , Mémoires, p. 89 n. 6. ■ — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 157 n. 4. — L a u ­ r e n t - G u ie l o u , Liber, p. 336. — M a i , Bibliotheca, VI 2, p. 158. — M e r c a Ti , Cidone, p. 163 n. 4. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 464. — M o r t r e u ie , Histoire, I, p. 405; II, p. 378; I I I , p. 178, 218, 392, 404. — PiTRA, Analecta sacra, II, p. 130. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 168, 206, 223, 297, 317, 344 n. 0, 345 n. 0, 373, 416-419. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 58 (Pétrucci). — ByzZ, 12 (1903) p. 559 n. 1 (von Dobschütz). — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145 (anonimo). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171, 425, 426; 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 129, 162 n. 0 (Benesevié). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e pas­ sim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) prilozenija, II, p. 2, 48 (Almazov). Miscell. Mercati, I I I , p. 4 n. 14, 15 n. 52 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 641. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 854. — BERTÖEA, Registri, p. 78 n. 2. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 20, 79, 117, 149, 186 n. 9, 261, 300, 349. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 227,1111. — L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 337. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, I I I , p. 227 n. 1, 250. — R e u s s , Matthäus-K atenen, p. 221, 229, 235. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 70, 71. — VOGEE - G a r d Th a u s ë n , Schreiber, p. 67, 450. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 5 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 642. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 473. — D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 55. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — REUSS, M atthâus-K atenen, p. 221. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 643. Aeand , Liste, nr. 855. — B er Tôla , Registri, p. 78 n. 2. — BUBERE - G erstinger , H andschriften, I I , p. 64. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p·. 19, 80, 178, 312. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 227, 1111. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 370. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — R eu ss , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 221. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — WiEEOUGHBY, Apocalypse, I, p. 174. Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 329. Vat. g r. 644. Aeand , Liste, nr. 856. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 83, 123, 179, 187, 341, 411. — D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 48 n. 6. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 227, 1111. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 185; X 3, p. 277. — R euss , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 221, 229, 235. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 57-61. — V ogee G ardthausen , .Schreiber, p. 136. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

Aegyptus, 30 (1950) p. 84 (Mercati). — Bybul, 2 (1966) p. 138 n. 78 (Treu). — B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 533; 50 (1957) p. 291. — CArch, 8 (1956) p. 231, 240 (Frolow). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 138; 16 (1962) p. 171. — StBiz, 11 (1964) p. 26 (Schirò). V at. g r. 645. A e a n d , Fiste, nr. 857. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, n. 4, 20, 77, 83, 123, 179, 187, 262, 268, 368, 388. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 1111. — L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 337. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. — REUSS, M atthâus-K atenen, p. 221. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — S t r z y g o w s k i , Bilderkreis, p. 108. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse).

p. 9 227, 277. 402.

V at. g r. 646. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 1991. — BERT ò e a , Registri, p. 69 n. 6. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 22, 115, 148, 227, 307, 426 n. 49, 456. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 311, 1189. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — S c r iv e n e r , In ­ troduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, 216, 275. V at. g r. 647. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 858. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 22, 76, 115, 148, 224, 300, 419, 465. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 227, 311, 1112. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 130 n. 1. — R e u s s , M atthâus-K atenen, p. 221, 235. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 215. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 374. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 104 (Patrineles). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 648. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 1992. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 117, 149, 228, 311, 352, 466. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 44, 85 n. 5, 95 n. 11, 96 n. 11. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 311, 1189. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 214. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 26-27. Bybul, 2 (1966) p. 140 n. 88 (Treu). — RQA, 7 (1893) p. 78 (Ehrhard). V at. g r. 649. B o u v y , Isidorus Pelusiota, p. 164. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 426, 449. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, II , p. 130. — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u SEN, Schreiber, p. 182. Byzantion, 5 (1929-30) p. 111 (Grégoire). — Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 70 (Lund­ ström ). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 650. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 174, 175. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 422, 426 n. 49, 449. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichtë, p. 109. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 182. Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 72 (Lundström). — J T h S , 6 (1904-05) p. 75 (Turner). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 645-655


V at. g r . 651. D e n n i s , Reign, p. 89 n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 24, 79, 88, 127, 171, 194, 253, 274, 332, 376, 395. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 711, 713 n. 1, n. 4. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 14. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 176 n. 8. — L a o u r d a s , Isidorus, p. 9, 75. DOP, 16 (19§2) p. 405 n. 22 (Sevcenko). — N H , 9 (1912) p. 345, 352, 414 (Lam pros); 13 (1916) p. 32 (Lampros). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 100 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 77-79, 82. — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, 858d, 2351d, 1892t, 1934e. V at. g r. 652. Aeand , Liste, nr. 1842. — D ev reesse , Chaînes, col. 1225. — D ev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 418, 457. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 171 n. 7. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 287, 1184. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. Biblica, 5 (1924) p. 296, 304, 317, 318, 320 n. 1, 331, 335-342, 344, 349, 353 (vStaab). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 46, 48 (Irigoin). V at. g r. 653. A n a s t a s ije w iö , Alphabete, p. 88. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 23, 80, 83, 123, 179, 187, 261, 267, 340, 363, 383. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a ­ e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 14. B yJ , 7 (1929-30) p. 446 (Schissei; cit. err.: Reg. gr. 653). — B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 99. — M usion, 44 (1931) p. 38, 39 (Muyldermans) ; 54 (1941) p. 1, 12, 13, 15 (Muyldermans). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 176 (Darrouzès). — RPh, N.S., 17 (1893) p. 136 (cit. err.: Reg. gr. 653). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 140. — S IF C , 4 (1896) p. 101 (Franchi de’ Cavalieri - Muccio). — W S, 14 (1892) p. 69 (Stem bach; cit. err.: Reg. gr. 653). V at. g r. 654. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 25, 85, 124, 177, 189, 260, 270, 339, 363, 383. — D iekam p , Hippolytos, p. ex i n. 1. — E hrhard , Über­ lieferung, I, p. 502 n. 3; II, p. 91, 160 n. 2. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Cata­ logus, p. 14-15. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 19, 125, 126. — J ttgik, Assomp­ tion, p. 87-89, 724. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, VI 2, p. 168. — Mio n i , Codices, II, p. 49. — S trycker (d e ), Protévangile, p. 31. — W en g er , Assomption, p. 152. A M SL , S. I l l , 13 (1887) p. 853 (Berthelot). — ByzZ, 9 (1900) p. 191; 10 (1901) p. 174 n. 2 (von Dobschütz). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 295 n. 4, 296 n. 0, n. 1, n. 2, 297 (Jugie). — OCP, 32 (1966) p. 53 (Bickersteth). — R E B yz, 13 (1955) p. 159 (Wenger). — R P h, S. I l l , 37 (1963) p. 150. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 416; 18 (1964) p. 328. — ViVrern, 8 (1901) p. 160. Miscell. Ehrle, II, p. 227 n. 2 (Levison). — Bïbl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 75. V at. g r. 655. A n r ic h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 80. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 3. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 200 n. 2. — E h r h a r d , Ü ber­ lieferung, I, p. 642; I I I , p. 897 n. 4. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i Er i , Catalogus, p. 15-17. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i E r i , Martirii, p. 17, 22, 56. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e i E r i , Note, I, p. 25, 26-30; IV, p. 154; V I, p. 126; V III, p. 274, 276; IX , p. 203. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices V at. I, p. 412. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 817. — K r a Se n in n ik o v , N arratio, p. vi. — K r a Se n in n ik o v , Prodromus, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

p. 24. — L e r o y , Proclus, p . 129 sg. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p . 168. — MoRAVCSiK, B yzantinoturcica, p . 565. A B , 22 (1903) p. 90, 91. — B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 460 (Bonnet); 12 (1903) p. 396, 677; 20 (1911) p. 582; 44 (1951) p. 165 n. 1 (Grégoire-Orgels). — Scrip­ torium, 12 (1958) p. 127; 21 (1967) p. 200. Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 258, 259, 263 (Canari). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 4, 18, 64, 68, 86, 124, 131. — Studia Patristica, V II, p. 109, 109 n. 2 (W inkelm ann). V at. g r. 656. Ad a n d , Liste, nr. 2036. — D e v r ë ESSE, Fonds grec, p. 118, 150, 232, 311, 460. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 320, 1190. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzan­ tinoturcica, p. 218. — S c h m id , Einleitung, p. 48, 156, 191 sg., 193. .So d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. V at. g r. 657. D e v r e ESSE, Fonds grec, p. 475, 478 n. 46. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 645, 648 n. 1. — R ossi T a i b b i , Filagato, p. 16, 37, 38. Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 258, 259, 263, 270 (Canari). V at. g r . 658. B e r Tò e a , Registri, p. 95 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 75, 115, 148, 234, 302, 359, 435. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 202 n. 3, 203 n. 2. — J u g i e , Theologia, II, p. 48. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 118. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 96 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 31 (1931) p. 463; 51 (1958) p. 448. — EO, 30 (1931) p. 182, 183, 183 n. 1, 184, 185 (Jugie). — REG, 70 (1957) p. 384 (des Places). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 329; 15 (1961) p. 396; 20 (1966) p. 129. V at. g r . 659. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n . 4. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 136. — P it r a , M onumenta, II, p. 247, 248. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 239. — W e i s s , A nastasiana, p. 58. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 112 (Patrineles). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 325 n. 11 (Savio). —- Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 174. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Klostermann, p. 296 n. 1 (Treu). V at. g r . 660. D e v r e e s s e , P'onds grec, p. 468. — E h r h a r d , Überlie­ ferung, III, p. 1007. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 18. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 18. — L a e m m e r , M antissa, p. 44. — M o r t r e u ii ,, Histoire, III, p. 188. — P it r a , M onumenta, I , p. x . V at. g r. 661. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 426, 448. REG, 70 (1957) p. 384 (des Places). V at. g r . 662. B o r n e r t , Commentaires, p. 133, 143. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 20, 78, 180, 411. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 201 n. 1. — D ie k a m p , D octrina P atrum , p. t x x x v r n , 262, 264. — E h r h a r d , Überlie­ ferung, I I I , p. 537, 545, 545 n. 3. — HEEG, Erga, p. 57. — KOTTER, Überlie­ ferung, p. 69. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 551 n. 1. — M a i , Spicilegium, p. v. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 428-431, 451-453. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

V a t. g r . 6 5 6 -6 6 8


p. 247, 248, 297. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 154. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 247, 249. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 14. ByzZ, 12 (1903) p. 559 (von Dobschütz) ; 18 (1909) p. 30 (Stiglmayr); 19 (1910) p. 181. — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145 (anonimo). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse).— Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, m . 1401s. — Catal. astrol., V 3, p. 5. Vat. g r. 663. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 79, 90, 128, 170, 196, 250, 278, 330, 402. — G ia n n e I/U , Codices V at. I, p. 76 sg., 185. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. 220 n. a. — R e g n a u e t - P r é v h e E (d e ), Dorothée, p. 107 n. 0. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 32. — VOGEL - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 302. Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 113. — StBiz, N.S., 2-3 (1965-66) p. 223, 223 n. 3, 238, 241, 250 (Dongo). Vat. g r. 664. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 420, 453. — R ichard , Flori­ lèges, col. 488, 492, 498. — Sternbach , Studia, p. 181-183. Vat. g r. 665. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 136. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 375 n. 52, 446. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 157, 1097. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — R e u s s , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 238, 239. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 96. — S c r i VENER, Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 200. Vat. g r. 666. B e i s s e e , M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 2. — B u b e r e - G e r s t in GER, H andschriften, II, p. 51. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 171, 251, 332, 375, 395. — E b e r s o l t , Arts, p. 92, 95, fig. 45. — E b e r s o e T, Miniature, p. 37 n. 3, 65 n. 4. — G r a b a r , L ’empereur, p. 100. — L a m p r o s , Leukôma, p. 23, tav. 65. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 114, 317. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 265. — O p i t z , U ntersuchungen, p. 102. — T e t z , Antilogie, p. x x x v i. — T ik k a n e n , Studien, p. 163. — W ie e o t jg h b y , Apocalypse, I, p. 432. — n. — p.

B yzZ , 22 (1913) p. 364 n. 3 (Maas). — CArch, 17 (1967) p. 264 (Grabar). DOP, 2 (1941) p. 8, tav . 22 (Peirce - Tyler). — Hellenika, 15 (1957) p. 282 1 (Christophilopoulos). — R I A , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 240, 243 fig. 34 (Bonicatti). Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 146; 21 (1967) p. 181. — StBiz, N.S., 2-3 (1965-66) 280 (Pertusi). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 9.

Vat. g r. 667. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 421, 465. — HERGE n r o ë THER, Mystagogia, p. x x i i . — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 161 n. 14. Vat. g r. 668. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 115, 148, 300, 375 n. 51. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Mystagogia, p. x x i i . — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 162 n. 19. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 107. E H B S , 25 (1955) p. 346 n. 4 (Richard). — ROC, 22 (1920-21) p. 177 (Mer­ cati). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 144 n. 17 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Vat. grec. 669. B ubere - Gerstinger , Handschriften, II, p. 8, 36, 39. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 23, 262, 269, 339, 375 n. 54, 418. — Mercati , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 144 n. 57, 263 n. 152. — R aht.FS, Verzeich­ nis, p. 253. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 175 n. 2, 176 (Mercati). Vat. g r. 670. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 523 n. 3. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 119. — LAEMMER, Bibliotheca, p. 92. -— Mercati , Opere minori, IV, p. 104 n. 3. Athéna, 68 (1965) p. 50 n. 4 (Manoussakas). —· Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 141 n. 2 (Mercati). — R E B yz, 17 (1959) p. 32 n. 0 (Manoussakas). Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 258 (Canart). V at. g r. 671. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 193. — C o h n - W e n d e an d , Philo, II, p. v il. — D a i n , Héron, p. 61. — D e F a e c o , Dibellus, p. 3. — D e ­ v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 75, 116, 148, 232, 300, 348, 408. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 236 n. 6, 268 n. 1. — DiEES, H andschriften, II , p. 54. — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. XE, E x x iii, E x x ix . — K o m in is , Pardos, p. 104. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 556. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 251. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 187, 251. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 130. B yzZ, 30 (1930) p. 272 (Sajdak). — R BPh, 2 (1923) p. 13 (Cumont). — S B A W , 2 (1892) p. 351 (Krumbacher). V at. g r. 672. C a f o c c i , Codices Barber., p. x x v n -x x v m . — C o e o n n a , Heliodorus, p. 363. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 51, 107, 142, 151 n. 16, 221, 294, 345, 446. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e i E r i , Catalogus, p. 18-19. — G a r z y a , Psello, p. 13, 24. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 762. — K u r Tz - D r e x e , Scripta, II, p. x ix , x x . — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 459 n. 2. — M o r a v csnc, B yzantinoturcica, p. 538. — V ie b o r g , Tatius, p. 165. A M S L , S. I I I , 13 (1887) p. 834, 838, 839 (Berthelot). — BFC, 43 (1947) p. 163. — B P hW , 48 (1928) p. 1336, 1337; 57 (1937) p. 1081. — Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 728; 33 (1963) p. 27 n. 2 (Browning); 36 (1966) p. 321; 37 (1967) p. 5 (Bühler). — B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 39 n. 1, 70 n. 0 (Mayer); 24 (1923-24) p. 298 (Mercati); 28 (1928) p. 414; 35 (1935) p. 157; 37 (1937) p. 131; 59 (1966) p. 400. — CM F, 6 (1900) p. 318 n. 83 (Sternbach). — Ffellenika, 20 (1967) p. 262. — OCP, 32 (1966) p. 588. — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 59 (Canart). — REG, 2 (1889) p. 261 (Ruelle). — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 122. — S B A W , 2 (1893) p. 46, 265 (Krum bacher). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 154; 332. — StBiz, 1 (1924) p. 176 (Mercati). — ViVrem, 3 (1896) p. 126, 129. — Z M N P , 262 (1889) p. 74 sg. (Bezobrazov). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Bibi, hagiogr. gr*, nr. 2313. — Catal. alchim., I I , p. 146; V I, p. 5. Vat. g r. 673. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 27, 75, 80, 90, 128, 166, 183, 196, 248, 278, 373, 402. — Mercati , Atum ano, p. 31 n. 0. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 4 n. 3, 5 n. 1, 6 sg., 9, 13, 243 n. 2, 257 n. 2, n. 5. Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 620, 621 (Voordeckers). — OCP, 20 (1954) p. 253 n. 1 (Candal). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 342; 21 (1967) p. 150. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 669-677


V at. g r. 674. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 27, 75, 80, 90, 128, 166, 183, 196, 248, 278, 328, 372, 393. — E b e r s o e t , Miniature, p. 55 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Atum ano, p. 31 n. 0, 34 n. 0. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 4 n. 3, 5 n. 1, 6 sg., 9, 13, 24 n. 3, 238 n. 2, 274 n. 4, n. 5, 485. — M e y i e r (d e ) - H u e s h o f f P o e , Codices graeci, p. 60. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 162-163. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 282. — Z a k y Th in o s , D espotat, II, p. 317. Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 620, 621 (Voordeckers). — OCP, 20 (1954) p. 253 n. 1, 254 (Candal). — R E B yz, 13 (1955) p. 171 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 342; 21 (1967) p. 150. V at. g r. 675. B onw etsch - Acheees, H ippolytus, p. x x v m . — D evrees ­ Chaînes, col. 1151, 1152. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 62, 114, 146, 180, 262, 340, 366; 398. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 17. — F auehaber , Propheten-Catenen, p. 87 sg., 91, 110, 111, 162 sg., 170. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 640. — K aro - Bietzmann , Catalogus, p. 345. — Mercati , T raduttori, p. 144 n. 2. — Mponë S, Xiphilinos, p. 1. — P itr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224. — R aheFS, Verzeichnis, p. 253. — S ickenberger , Studien, p. 132. R H E , 13 (1912) p. 642 (Dieu). Miscell. Tisser ant, VI, p. 247 (Canart). se ,

Vat. g r. 676. B o e e ig - D a g a r d e , Iohannes Euchaitenus, p. m sg. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 67, 87, 126, 172, 184, 193, 251, 274, 331, 374, 394. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 95 n. 8. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 19-20. — J u g i e , Theologia, II, p. 558, 561, 564. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 172, 741. — K u h n , Symbolae, p. 62, 77, 79, 80 n. 3, 126, 134 n. 2. — K u r TZ, Gedichte, p. x v n . — M a i , Bibliotheca, V 2, p. 1 (dalla nota ms. di A. Mai nel Vat. lat. 9622). — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 66. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 335. — M p o n e s , Xiphilinos, p. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 275, 277. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 252. — S o y TER, Byzantini­ sche D ichtung, p. 26. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 129. A B , 75 (1957) p. 301 n. 3 (Giannelli). — BBGG, N.S., 3. (1949) p, 13 n. 11 (Sohirö). — Bessarione, 4 (1898) p. 166 n. 1 (anonimo). — B y J , 4 (1923) p. 114 n. 4 (Bees). — ByzZ, 2 (1893) p. 462, 490 (Dräseke); 44 (1951) p. 279, 279 n. 7 (Hussey); 47 (1954) p. 516; 48 (1955) p. 377. — N H , 2 (1905) p. 176 (Dampros). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 123 (cit. err.: Palat. gr. 676). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 257 n. 0 (Giannelli). Miscell. Galbiati, II, p. 258 (Mercati). — Miscell. Mohlberg, p. 422 (Mercati). — Miscell. Petit, p. 348 (Mercati). — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 82. V at. g r. 677. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 83, 123, 180, 188, 263, 268, 341, 365, 384. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 188 n. 4. — B aemmer , Biblio­ theca, p. 20, 22, 25, 37 n. 2, 90 n. 4, 92, x i, x x . — B aemmer , Mantissa, p. 40, 44, 46, 54, 97 sg., 108 sg. — Boener TZ, Calecas, p. 33, 42 n. 3. — Mercati , Atumano, p. 31 n. 0. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 63 sg., 94, 110. — V ogee - Gard ­ Thausen , Schreiber, p. 85. DOP, 14 (1960) p. 160 n. 50 (Meyendorff). — EO, 35 (1936) p. 387 (Baurent); 37 (1938) p. 40 n. 8 (Guilland). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 28 (Rackl). 30 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

Vat. g r. 678. C a m m e e l i , Cydonès, p. x x x v iii. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 32, 52, 107, 141, 221, 293, 434. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 189 n. 1. — F oerster , Libanius, IX , p. 175, 176, 176 n. 1. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 133. — J ugiE, Theologia, I, p. 478, 480. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 69. — LAEMMER, Bibliotheca, p. X X . — L o e n e r Tz , Calecas, p. 334 n. 8. — L o e n ë r Tz , Cydonès, I, p. 8. — L o e n e r Tz , Lettres, p. 84, 86. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 10 n. 1, 22, 25 n. 2, 26, 28, 30, 41,43 n. 1, n. 2, 45, 48, 5 0 sg .,6 8 n . 2,75, 128sg„ 248-251, 260 n. 1, 285-288, 293-338, tav. X II a. — MERCATI, Opere minori, IV , p. 421. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 395. N H , 13 (1916) p. 32 n. 2 (Lampros). — OCP, 20 (1954) p. 252 n. 1 (Candal); 25 (1959) p. 154 n. 1 (Candal). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 184 (Darrouzès). — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 262 (Jorio); N.vS., 1 (1920) p. 160 (Cammelli). — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 230 (Mercati). Vat. g r. 679. A nrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 39, 63 n. 1, 158. — Au f HAUSER, Drachenwunder, p. 17. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 222, 310, 445. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 799. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri , Catalogus, p. 20-23. — H atkin , Inédits, p. 57. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 79, 82. — Ma i , Bi­ bliotheca, V I 2, p. 6. — Matranga , Anecdota, p. 34. — MERCATI, Opere minori, IV, p. 47. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 253. — R udberg , Études, p. 116. A B , 24 (1905) p. 474 (Delehaye); 31 (1912) p. 222 (Delehaye); 32 (1913) p. 79. — A P , 28 (1966) p. 4, 5, 33, 36, 62, 66, 67 (Lampsides). — B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 384; 60 (1967) p. 401. — EO, 17 (1914) p. 380; 25 (1926) p. 288 n. 6, n. 7 (Jugie). — R hM , 70 (1915) p. 160 (Brinkmann). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 143. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 386c, 386g, 1582 ab. V at. g r. 680. B i d e z , Philostorgius, p. x c v i i i . — B id e z - H a n s e n , Sozomenus, p. xxrv. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 95 n. 2. —- D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 78, 117, 149, 151 n. 16, 217, 299, 355, 432. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 188 n. 5. — D ië k a m p , D octrina P atrum , p. e x x v ii i . — G retmee , Regestes, nr. 1075, 1113. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 163 n. 32, 244 n. 9. — H o n ig Ma n n , Studies, p. 190. — J u g i e , Theologia, I, p. 301. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV 2, p. 110. — M a i , Collectio, IV, p. v. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 459 n. 2. — M i c h e e , H um bert, II, p. 278, 312, 319, 364 n. 6, 365 sg. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x . — S c h w a r t z , A.C.O., I I I , p. 2. B L E , 15 (1913) p. 126 n. 2 (Cavallera). — B yzZ, 34 (1934) p. 335 (Schwein­ burg); 350 (Andreeva); 35 (1935) p. 309 n. 0 (Michel). — DOP, 17 (1963) p. 323 (Mango). — E H B S , 23 (1953) p. 224 n. 4 (Giannelli). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 173 (Darrouzès). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 114 n. 17 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Dölger, p. 166 n. 1, 167 n. 4, 175, 180 (van Dieten). Vat. g r. 681. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 25, 79, 90, 128, 169, 182, 196, 250, 278, 330, 400. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 96 n. 6. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 321. — T r a p p , Manuel, p. 19, 32 n. 90. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 678-690


V at: g r. 682. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 23, 77, 90, 128, 166, 196, 248, 276, 328, 399. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 87 n. 3, 89 n. 9. — Mai , Biblio­ theca, V 1, p. v (nota ms. di A. Mai in Vat. lat. 9622). V at. g r. 683. Coeonna , Storici, p. 59. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 469. — Daemmer , Bibliotheca, p. 100 n. 1. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 253. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 158 n. 3, 159, 178 (Mercati). V at. g r. 684. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 76, 88, 126, 171, 194, 251, 274, 332, 376, 395. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 136. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, VI 2, p. 451. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 182-184, tav. V II c. A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 323 n. 2, 330 n. 1 (Dölger). — ByzZ, 11 (1902) p. 370 (Haidacher). V at. g r. 685. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 76, 90, 128, 169, 183, 196, 248, 276, 328, 399. — Me y ie r (d e ) - H ueshoff P oe , Codices graeci, p. 6 1 . — P ra d ee , Gebete, p. 325. Biblica, 3 (1922) p. 219 n. 1 (Mercati). V at. g r. 686. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 76, 90, 128, 166, 196, 248, 280, 327, 368, 388. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 321. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 167. — VoGEE - Gardthaitsen , Schreiber, p. 185. B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 374. V at. g r. 687. B raTKE, Religionsgespräch, p. 54, 55, 81, 272. — DE­ VREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 188 n. 2. — Gia n n eeei , Codices Vat. II, p. 95. — P i Tra , Analecta sacra, V 2, p. 302. — P itr a , M onumenta, II, p. 246. B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 621. — REG, 80 (1967) p. 429 (Aubineau). V at. g r. 688. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 420, 453. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 321. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1. p. 73. V at. g r. 689. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 466. — Gia n n eeei , Codices V at. II, p. 89. — Me y i ER (d e ), Codices Vossiani, p. 150. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 9 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 184 n. 39 (Canart). V at. g r. 690. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 232, 306, 344, 432. — D ie e s , Handschriften, I, p. 41. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 523 n. 1. — Me y ie r (d e ), Co­ dices Vossiani, p. 150. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 57. — VoGEE - G ard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 91. Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 383 n. 1 (Canart). — ByzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — DOP, 14 (1960) p. 233 n. 8 (Mango - Parker). Miscell. Tisserant, V I, p. 184 n. 39 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Vat. g r . 691. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 172, 252, 377, 396. — D e Introduction, p. 201 n. 1. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 530 n. 2, 545, 555 n. 2. — Mercati , Opéré minori, II, p. 452.

vreesse ,

Vat. g r . 692. Aland , Liste, nr. 1993. — D ev reesse , Chaînes, col. 1088, 1212, 1213, 1215, 1219, 1220, 1224. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 22, 224, 308, 449. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 311, 1189. — K aro - L i ETzmann , Catalogus, p. 601. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 277. — S crtvëner , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von) Schriften, I, p. 59. — Staab , Pauluskatenen, p. 7, 11-18, 23, 65, 271. — Stählin , Protrepticus1, p. l v iii . — S tählin , Protrepticus2, p. l v iii . — Stählin - F ruech TL, S trom ata3, p. v iii . Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 145. Vat. g r . 693. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 3. — Mercati , Opéré minori, I I I , p. 254 n. 1. — Mercati, Storia, p. 140 n. 6, 141 n. 4. PrOrChr, 5 (1955) p. 24 (Duprey). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 302 (De Maio); 331 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 694. B er Thold , Arbeit, p. 311 sg. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 25, 351, 458. — D örries - K lostermann - K roeger , Makarios, p. l x v iii . — J aeger , Works, p. 164. — K lostermann , Symeon, p. 5. — K lostermann Berthold , Makarius, p. v in , x x , x x v iii . — Quasten , Patrology, III, p. 164, 167. B yzZ, 48 (1955) p. 212. — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 454 n. 1 (Kemmer). — R E B yz, 13 (1955) p. 146, 149 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 131; 12 (1958) p. 141; 19 (1965) p. 146; 20 (1966) p. 92; 113; 319. Vat. g r . 695. BEISSEL, M iniaturen, p. 54. — Chambry , Fabulae, p. 8. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 425, 460. — D i e l s , Handschriften, I, p. 135; II, p. 35. — F a u l h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 13. — F e s t u g iè r E, R évé­ lation, I, p. 373. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 23. — H a u s r a t h , Corpus, I 1, p. v u ; I 2, p. xm. — K r u m b a c h ë r , Geschichte, p. 909. — L u n d s t r ö m , Anecdota, p. vi. — M e r c a t i , Atum ano, p. 13 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, p. 30. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 470. — P e r r y , Studies, p. 173, 175. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 253. — R e it z e n s t e i n , Poimandres, p. 300 n. 1, 302. — S b o r d o n e , Physiologus, p. xix, l x x x . — S c h e r m a n n , Volksgebete, p. 24 n. 3. — S t r z y g o w s k i , Bilderkreis, p. 108. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 140-142. A B , 84 (1966) p. 509. — Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 191 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 7 (1898) p. 626; 12 (1903) p. 360; 13 (1904) p. 610; 19 (1910) p. 388 (Marc); 54 (1961) p. 9 (Perry); 59 (1966) p. 287 (Perry). — CPh, 29 (1934) p. 55 (Perry). — JOBG, 8 (1959) p. 124 (Hunger). — L N U , 8 (1900) p. 374 n. 18, 408, 466, 497 (Almazov). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 308, 309 (Schermann). — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 122; 35 (1911) p. 28. — S B A W , 2 (1893) p. 41, 43 (Krumbachër). — Scrip­ torium, 12 (1958) p. 141. — T A P h A , 64 (1933) p. 205 (Perry). Miscell. Dölger, p. 425 (Perry). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 2404. — Congr. byz. X , p. 120 (Bonicatti). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 691-699


V at. g r. 696. Beck , Kirche, p. 620. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 27, 79, 119, 150, 184, 190, 260, 270, 339, 369, 389. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 17. — Mercati , Storia, p. 72 n. 5. R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 292 (Darrouz£s). — R M , 63 (1908) p. 127 n. 2 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. V at. g r . 697. Coeonna , Storici, p. 14. — D ev reesse , Chaines, col. 1142. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 228, 299, 343, 432. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , M artirii, p. 97. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 405, 477, 836. — K aro - L ietz mann , Catalogus, p. 322. — Mercati , Opere minori, I I I , p. 341. — P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 361, 366; I I I , p. 603, 604, 605, 607, 608, 609. — PREGER, Scriptores, I, p. xi, xx. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 253. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 135 (Bertini). — B yzZ , 9 (1900) p. 210-211; 10 (1901) p. 455-457 (Preger). — OC, N.S., 4 (1914) p. 60 (Mercati). — RPh, N.S., 26 (1902) p. 32. V at. g r. 698. Capocci, Codices B arber., p. x x v ii -x x v iii . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 233, 305, 351, 436, 455. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 23. — H eib er g , Logica, p. xm. — J an (von ), Musici, p. ex x , Ex x h i . — JuGiE, Theologia, I, p. 479. — KoTTER, Überlieferung, p. 69. — L eroy , Proclus, p, 54, 59, 83. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 130. B S H A R , 26 (1945) p. 226 n. 3, 289, 293, 303, 312 (Laurent). — ByzZ, 43 (1950) p. 176. — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 102 (Darrouzes). Vat. g r . 699. B e i s s e e , M iniaturen, p. 16. — B o n ic a TTi , Studi, fig. 294 (p. 273). — B u b e r e - G e r s t in g e r , H andschriften, I, p. 87. — C a p iz z i , Pantocrator, p. 226. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 80, 256, 276, 328, 399. — D e ­ v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 28. — E b e r s o e t , Arts, p. 32 n. 3. — E b e r s o e t , M iniature, p. 10, 11, 14, 73, 75, 76, tav . IX , X , X I. — G e r s t in g e r , Buchm a­ lerei, p. 22a, 29a, 30a, 45a. — G r a b a r , L ’empereur, p. 251-252. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 45, 79, 299, 305, tav. 52, V III. — M a r t in , Illustration, p. 39 n. 31. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 478 n. 2. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 390. — N e u s s , Bibelillustration, p. 40. — N y s s e n , Zeugnis, tav. 6. — S t o r n a io e o , Topografia cristiana, passim. — T i k k a n e n , Studien, p. 81, 83, 86, 88, 95, 97-99, 101, 109, 114-115, 125, 127, 138-139, 142, 144, 146, 159-161, 166, 332 η. I. — W e i TZMa n n , Buchmalerei, p. 4, 6, 7, 9, 18, 20, 31, 38, 41, 45, 51, 53, 58, 59, 80. — W e it z m a n n , Illustrations, p. 112 sg., 141 sg., 162, 184 sg., 187, 194, 198. — W e it z m a n n , Mythology, p. 108, fig. 115. — W eitzmann , Roll, p. 40, 44. — W ieeoughby , Apocalypse, I, p. 100, 253, 304, 496, 528, 540. — W in sted t , Topography, p. 15. A B , 29 (1910) p. 188. — ArStoria, 32 (1909) p. 513. — A S , 1927, tav. VI, p. 131, 132 (Friend). — Bibliofilia, 61 (1959) p. 144, 144 n. 2, 152 (Bonicatti). — BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3 (1956-57) I, p. 126 n. 0 (Bonicatti). — Byzantion, 35 (1965) p. 192, 193 η. 1, 207 (Lafontaine-Dosogne). — ByzZ, 10 (1901) p. 4 n. 2 (Graeven); 16 (1907) p. 644 η. 1; 18 (1909) p. 672; 21 (1912) p. 246; 29 (1929) p. 284 (Lazarev); 36 (1936) p. 378 π. 1 (Weigand); 37 (1937) p. 167; 46 (1953) p . 107 n. 4 (Simson); 60 (1967) p. 458. — CCM, 5 (1962) p. 302 (Iri- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

goin). — DOP, 17 (1963) p. 386 (W eitzmann-Sevcenko). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 344. — J T h S , 7 (1905) p. 101, 626 (W instedt). — REG, 26 (1943) p. 82. — RPh, N.S., 15 (1891) p. 108; 29 (1905) p. 213. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 116; 142; 7 (1953) p. 329; 13 (1959) p. 279; 16 (1962) p. 213; 17 (1963) p. 373; 19 (1965) p. 195; 307; 321; 20 (1966) p. 316; 21 (1967) p. 152; 181; 376. — ViVrem, 7 (1900) p. 708. Miscell. Diehl, I, p. 186 (Lefebvre des N oëttes). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 9. — New Palaeogr. Society, Ser. I, I, tav. 24. Vat. g r . 700. B o r n e r t - G o u ie e a r d - P é r ic h o n , Cabasilas, p. 48. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e ie r i , Catalogus, ρ . 23-24. — G æ e a y , Lettres, p. 26. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 714. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IX 1, p. xrv. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x. — P r z y c h o c k i , Gregorius, p. 141. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 219. — S o y TER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 24. A B , 19 (1900) p. 102. — BBGG, N.S., 11 (1957) p. 144 (Garzya). — ByzZ, 20 (1911) p. 568. — E H B S , 28 (1958) p. 12, 18 (Garzya). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 104, 112 (Patrineles). — Eos, 15 (1909) p. 127 (Sajdak); 16 (1910) p. 107 (Przychocki). — Helikon, 3 (1963) p. 44 (Speck). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 120 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 422. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Dölger, p. 191 n. 44 (Follieri). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 215, 216, 228, 228 n. 137, 230, 248 (Canart). V at. g r . 701. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 211, 298, 355. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 248 n. 7. — R eitzen stein , Etym ologika, p. 335. B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 55 (Rackl). Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 11 (Franco). V at. g r . 702. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — LEEHerz , Studien, p. 166, 169. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 114. — R eichard T, Briefe, p. 69, 80. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 76. — S ickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. 11 n. 1. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 104, 112 (Patrineles). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 57 (Canart). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 302 (De Maio); 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 186, 216, 237, 248, 249 (Canart). * V at. g r . 703. B er Thoed , M akarius, p. x x ii , x x v n i. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 27, 78, 88, 126, 171, 194, 253, 275, 333, 375, 395. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 86 n. 6, 202 n. 6, 203 n. 2, 221 n. 3. ------ Giann EEEI, Codices V at. I I , p. 91. — Gressmann , Euagrios, p. 152. — K rivochéine P arameeee , Syméon, I, p. 110, 189. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 154. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I I , p. 246, 248. — Sakkos , Anastasioi, p. 201, 253, 257. — V ogee - Gard Thatjsen, Schreiber, p. 335. A B , 11 (1892) p. 6 n. 1 (anonimo); 21 (1902) p. 6 (anonimo); 33 (1914) p. 219. — Byzantion, 34 (1964) p. 28 (Leroy - Molinghen) ; 35 (1965) p. 602, 603 (Leroy - Molinghen). — B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 99; 51 (1958) p. 448. — EO, 31 (1932) p. 18 n. 5, 19, 23, 26, 26 n. 1, 27, 28 (Disdier). — Muséon, 54 (1941) p. 1, 3, 5, 15. — OrChr, 12 (1928) p. vi n. 2 (Hausherr - Horn). — R E B yz, 16 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 700-709


(1958) p. 33 n. 3 (Richard). — REG, 70 (1957) p. 384 (des Places). — RQA, 7 (1893) p. 52 n. 5 (Ehrhard). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 140; 14 (1960) p. 417; 20 (1966) p. 92; 130; 169; 174. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (D ev reesse).— Misceli. Klostermann, p. 296 η. 1 (Treu). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1501 m. — Studia Patristica, V II, p. 145 n. 0 (Canivet). V at. g r . 704. D e n t a k e s , Hym noi, p. 15*. — D e n t a k e s , Kyparissiotes, p. 35, 56, 98, 99. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 231, 293, 434, 440. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 189 η. 1. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogue, p. 24. — M e r ­ c a t i , Cidone, p. 255 η. 1, 513 tav . X II b. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 39. — M e y e n d o r f f , Introduction, p. 411. — S j ö b e r g , Stephanites, p. 40, 48, 53, 54. A B , 11 (1892) p. 6; 33 (1914) p. 76. — Bessarione, 33 (1917) 142, 335 (Mercati). — C R A I, S. IV, 16 (1888) p. 256 (Batifiol). — SFG, 1 (1882) p. 30, 34, 37-39 (Puntoni). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 318 n. 3 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 102 (Dentakes). V at. g r . 705. D evreesse , F'onds grec, p. 27, 117, 149, 230, 304, 435. — D ev r eesse , Introduction, p. 189 n. 1. — Meyendorff , Défense, p. x x x iv . — M e y e n d o r f f , Introduction, p. 399, 406, 414. B yzZ, 47 (1954) p. 108 (Honigmann). — OCP, 25 (1959) p. 160 (Candal). — R E B y z, 9 (1951) p. 57 (Brayer - Temerle - Laurent). V at. g r . 706. Ber Tòda, Registri, p. 71 η. 5. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 43, 46, 99, 135, 155, 205, 238, 286, 318, 413. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 79 η. 1. — F oë RSTER, Libanius, IX , p. 183, 194; X, p. VH. — Gil l , Council, p. 227, 245. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 161, 210. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 6, 7, 16, 24 n. 0, 25-30, 53, 70, 154-156. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x. — Z akythinos , D espotat, II, p. 286. B S H A R , 26 (1945) p. 182 η. 1 (Laurent); 28 (1947) p. 228 n. 2 (Laurent). — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 368, 369; 39 (1939) p. 244. — OCP, 4 (1938) p. 330 n. 8, 331, 331 n. 3 (Candal). — R E B yz, 13 (1955) p. 14, 19 (Laurent). Misceli. Merlier, I I I , p. 59 (Zakythinos). V at. g r . 707. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 3. — E h r h a r d , Ü ber­ lieferung, I I I , p. 956. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 24. — V o g e l G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 182. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 299 n. 2 (De Maio); 330 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, V I, p. 259 (Canari). V at. g r . 708. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 92. — L a e m m e r , Mantissa, p. 46, 54,100 sg. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 139 η. 1. V at. g r . 709. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 76, 119, R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 253.

150, 234, 433. —

Byzantion, 36 (1966) p. 431 η. 1 (Leroy - Molinghen). — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 289 (Darrouzès). — RSO, 10 (1923-25) p. 239 η. 1 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 710. B e r t h o e d , Arbeit, p. 311 sg. — B e r t h o e d , Makarius, p. v in , x x , x x v iii. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 78, 83, 123, 179, 188, 262, 268, 341, 365, 384. — D ö r r ie s , Überlieferung, p. 401, 401 n. 1. — D ö r r ie s - K e o s t e r MANN - K r o e g e r , Makarios, p. E xvm . — J a e g e r , Works, p. 164. — K e o s t e r MANN, Symeon, p. 5. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, I I I , p. 164. ByzZ, 46 (1953) p. 58 n. 4 (Beck); 55 (1962) p. 364. — EO, 30 (1931) p. 180 n. 4, 182, 184 (Jugie). — OrChr, 9 (1927) p. 130, 133-135 (Hausherr); 20 (1930) p. 179 (Hausherr). — R E B yz, 13 (1955) p. 146, 149 (Wenger). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 131; 20 (1966) p. 92; 113. Vat. gr. 711. Anastasijewic , Alphabete, p. 88. — BEEEOMO, Agapeto, p. 25. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 29, 216, 300, 343, 436. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 256 n. 1. — E mminger, Studien, II, p. 23. — F oersTER, Li­ foanius, IX , p. 150, 228. — F oersTER, Zambeccari, p. 133. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogue, p. 24-25. — H iegard, Scholia, p. x. — H orna, Analekten, p. 12. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 22. — STUDEMünd , Anecdota, p. 290. — W a l z , Violetum, p. v. — Wenger , Assomption, p. 152. — W ins TEdt , Topography, p. 23. BBGG, N.S., 3 (1949) p. 12 n. 8 (Schirô). —- Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 169 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 349; 27 (1927) p. 170; 47 (1954) p. 366 (Joannou). — Hermes, 93 (1965) p. 148 η. 1 (Mathiessen). — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 26 (Smyth). — J T h S , 6 (1904-05) p. 78 (Turner). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 170. — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari); 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 13 n. 1, 15 (Mercati). — WS, 10 (1888) p. 211 n. 204, 212 (Stembach). V at. g r. 712. Be n e Seviô , Sbomik, p. 112 n. 5, 332. — D arrouzès , Documents, p. 37-38, 176, 208, 238, 268. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 446. — — FAUEHABER, Hohelied-Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. — F ic k e r , Erlasse, p. 22 n. 1, 43. — F r it z , Synesios, p. 370. — G a r z y a - L o e n e r t z , Procopius, p. x i i . — J a e g e r , Gregorius, I I I 1, p. x e v i . — K u r t z - D r e x e , Scripta, I, p. χ ιχ ; II, p. xx. — M i c h e e , H um bert, p. 85, 232, 282 n. 1, 283 n. 0, 289, 309 n. 3, 313. — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 80. — P i Tr a , Analecta Sacra, V II, p. 746, 751, 762. — P it r a Monumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 178. — P r z y c h o c k i , Gregorius, p. 141. — R u d b e r g , E tudes, p. 29. — S c h w a r t z , A.C.O., I 1, 1, p. x x v i i i ; I 1, 4, p. 2; I I 1, 1, p. x v ii,2; I I 1, 2, p. v m . B P hW , 57 (1937) p. 1081. — ByzZ, 20 (1911) p. 568; 34 (1934) p. 332 (Schweinburg); 35 (1935) p. 209 n. 0 (Michel); 40 (1940) p. 504; 41 (1941) p. 450 n. 2 (Michel). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 103, 114 (Przychocki). — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 53 (Garzya). — R E B yz, 12 (1954) p. 178 (Darrouzès); 19 (1961) p. 109 n. 7 (Darrouzès); 25 (1967) p. 58, 59 n. 54 (Canari); 271. — REG, 57 (1944) p. 120 (Gallay). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 164 (Bencseviè). Miscell. Amantos, p. 27 n. 4 (Laurent). V at. g r. 713. Bë SSIèr es , Correspondance, p. 40, 87. — Courtonne , Basile, I, p. xv. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 229, 305, 347, 446. — F auehabER, Hohelied - Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. — F oerster , Libanius, IX , p. 219. — F oerster , Zambeccari, p. 133. — Gæ e a y , Lettres, p. 27-28, 55. — G arzya - L oenertz , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 710-719


Procopius, p. x ii. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, V III 2, p. x i . i v — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 256. — P r z y c h o c k i , Gregorius, p. x m . — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 35 sg. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 220. Eos, 16 (1910) p. 103 (Przychocki). — Muséon, 67 (1954) p. 54 (Gribomont). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 120 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 300 (Gribomont); 18 (1964) p. 340; 20 (1966) p. 153. — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). V at. g r. 714.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 106, 141, 227, 303, 356, 458.

C a v a l i e r i , Catalogus, p. 25. LENZ, Reden, p. ix . — P i Tr a ,

— L e n z , Aristeidesstudien, p. 256 sg. , 262 sg. — M onumenta, I, p. x ; II , p. 223. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 53 n. 88, 170. A JP h , 63 (1942) p. 154 (Lenz). — DOP, 11 (1957) p. 84 n. 12 (Sevcenko). — B P hW , 54 (1934) p. 1406. — B y J , 12 (1936) p. 166. — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 19 (1966) p. 302. — P P , 17 (1962) p. 64 (Lenz). — R A L , S. VI, 10 (1934) p. 2, 4, 16 (Lenz). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 320; 18 (1964) p. 336. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 165 (Beneseviô). — F ranchi


V at. g r . 715.

Fonds grec, p. 15, 79, 229, 307, 434. — F r a n ­ Catalogus, p. 25. — P a s c h k e , Klem entinen-Epitom en, p. 36, 57, 147, 151, 185, 198, 239, 241, 2 68sg., 283. Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 245 (Canari). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 27. chi


D ev reesse,

' C a v a l ie r i,

V at. g r. 716. Ber Tôla , Registri, p. 88 n. 10. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 11, 65, 211, 297, 348, 434. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 305, 305 n. 2. — M ë RCATi , Opéré minori, IV, p. 113 n. 3, 116, 120 n. 3. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 11, 174-175. A B , 84 (1966) p. 509. — Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 94, 98 n. 2 (Mercati). — Scriptorium·, 8 (1954) p. 10 (van Regemorter). V at. g r. 717. D e v r e e s s e , F'onds grec, p . 43, 75, 90, 128, 169, 196, 250, 354, 433. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 161 n. 9, 162 n. 18, 163 n. 26. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p . 191. — L a e m m e r , M antissa, p . 108. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p . 65, 70 sg., 138, 142. — P i t r a , Monumenta, I, p . x ; II, p . 206, 354. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372. — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 144 n. 17 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205; 18 (1964) p. 152. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 164 (Benesevic). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 328 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, V II, p. 281 n. 9 (R uysschaert). V at. g r. 718. D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1129, 1130. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — M a r i é s , É tudes, p. 14-17. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 254. ByzZ, 34 (1934) p. 96. — EO, 33 (1934) p. 192, 192 n. 1 (Jugie). V at. g r. 719. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 68, 86, 125, 174, 191, 257, 273, 337, 373, 398. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p. 245. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 195, 252. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 720. B e n e Se v i î , Sbom ik, p. 285, 286 n. 1, 307, 332. — D e Fonds grec, ρ. 28, 64, 247. — J aeger , Gregorius, I I I 1, p. x x x v ii , XEix. — J oannou , Discipline, II, p. x v m , x x x m . — K otter , Überlieferung, p. 69. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 323. — Mercati , Opere minori, II, p. 436-438, 440 η. 1, 441 η. 2; IV, ρ. 123 η. 4. — P i Tra , Monumenta, I, ρ. χ , 538, 634, 644; I I , ρ. 244, 245, 246, 276. — S akkos , Anastasioi, ρ. 240, 251. — S chermann , Geschichte, ρ. 12. — S chwartz , A.C.O., I 1,1, ρ. χ χ ν π ι; I 1, 4, ρ. 2; I 1,6, ρ. 2; I I 1,2, ρ. χ ; III, ρ. χ ι, 2. — T rapp , Manuel, ρ. 16*. Bessarione, 37 (1921) ρ. 101 η. 3, 102 η. 0 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 36 (1966) ρ. 11 η. 3 (Canart). —- B yzZ, 15 (1906) ρ. 266 η. 1 (von Dobschütz); 37 (1938) ρ. 447. — OCP, 21 (1955) ρ. 113 η. 6 (Halkin). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) ρ. 166; 171. — StBiz, 2 (1927) ρ. 165, 177 (Beneseviè). Congr. byz. X , ρ. 119 (Bonicatti).

vreesse .

V at. g r. 721. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 172, 252, 275, 333, 436, 450. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 85 n. 10, 214 n. 9. — P hrhard , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 976, 991. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERi , Catalogus, p. 25. — Gian n eeei , Codices V at. I, p. 113 (v. Add.). — Meyen d o rff , Introduction, p. 406. B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 419. — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 57 (B rayer-L em erle-L aurent). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 139. V at. g r . 722. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 430, 463. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 188 n. 3, 195 n. 4. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri , Catalogus, p. 25-26. — Grumee , Regestes, nr. 425 (fasc. 3, p. 199). — Mercati , Cidone, p. 55 n. 6. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 569. — EO, 38 (1939) ρ. 1 n. 5 (Laurent). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 133 (Przychocki). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 169 (Benesevic). — T M , 2(1967) p. 33, 43 (GouiUard). — ViVrem, N.S., 16 (1959) p. 343, 345, 357 (Mosin). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 125 n. 6 (Dobroklonskij).

Vat. g r . 723. B e r Tô e a , Registri, p. 95 n. 4. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 22, 158, 161. — D a r r o u z è S, Documents, p. 87-88, 348, 404. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 229, 308, 345, 434. — G r ib o m o n T, Ascétiques, p. 321 sg. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 622, 623. — J u g i e , Theologia, II, p. 212. — M e r ­ c a t i , Opere minori, IV, ρ. 117, 128. — P i t r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 269; V 1, p. 108, 110. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 89 sg. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 95, 105 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 7 (1898) p. 129 (Preger). — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 271. — SD SD , 14 (1893) p. 146 (Tacchi-Venturi). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 168, 173 (Benesevic). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 160 n. 326 (GouiUard). V at. g r. 724. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, ρ. 470 η. 4. — H e in r ic i , E r­ klärung, p. x iv η. 1, XXV. — R e u s s , M atthäus-K atenen, ρ. 71. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 122. B yzZ, 55 (1962) p. 323. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 104, 112 (Patrineles). — iL4S, 21 (1961) p. 220 (Mioni). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 214, 230, 249, 253 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 720-730


V at. g r . 725. Bratke , Religionsgespräch, p. 85, 107. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 150, 227, 432, 470 n. 3. — F auehaber , H ohelied-Catenen, p. 13. — L am eere , Tradition, p. 115-118, 119 n. 0, 130, 132-134, 138, 151, 170, 172. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 302. — PiTRA, M onumenta, I, p. x; II , p. 245, 246, 248. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 254. — Sakkos , Anastasioi, p. 252, 256. B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 462. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 75 (Patrineles). — Scrip­ torium, 18 (1964) p. 118. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 726. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 468. — P itr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 160. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 253. — V accari, Scritti, I, p. 98. V at. g r. 727. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 422, 465. — E hrhard , Ü ber­ lieferung, I, p. 614 n. 4. — Me y i ER (d e ) - H ueshoff P oe , Codices graeci, p. 86. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. I l l , 111 n. 1, 112, 120, 121 n. 2, 126 n. 2, 128 n. 3, 240. REG, 64 (1951) p. 444 n. 1 (Irigoin). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 177 (Wessely). V at. g r . 728. D ev reesse , Chaînes, col. 1159, 1161. — D ev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 91, 187 n. 9. — D ie kamp , H ippolytos, p. x v i, x x v m . — F auehab ER, H ohelied-C atenen, p. 19, 28 n. 1, 95sg. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 623. — Ma i , Class, auct., VI, p. v n ; IX , p. v. — Merca Ti , Opere minori, I I I , p. 254 n. 1. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 269. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 254. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 485. Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 578 (Zuntz). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 104 (P atri­ neles). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 150. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 5 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 196 n. 80, 228 n. 137, 211, 212, 215, 216, 230, 232, 249 (Canart). V at. g r. 729.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 23, 75, 89, 126, 228, 304, 341, 365.

— D evreesse , Introduction, p. 202 n. 3, n. 5. — L aurent - Gueeeou, Liber, p. 333. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171; 20 (1966) p. 174. Miscell. Klostermann, p. 296 n. 1 (Treu). — Bibi, hagiogr. g r 3, nr. 1442y. — M ont Athos, I, p. 326 (K irchm eyer). V at. g r . 730. Berghoff , Palladius, p. 15*. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 25, 75, 115, 148, 171, 262, 268, 347, 365, 384. — DEVREESSE, Introduc­ tion, p. 202 n. 10. — K otter, Überlieferung, p. 70. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. Ein. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 78 n. 3. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 509. — R egnaueT - P r ÊvieeE (de ), Dorothée, p. 31 n. 3, 99 n. 2, 100, 105. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 32. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 115 n. 2 (Mercati). — EO, 30 (1931) p. 182, 184 n. 1 (Jugie). — Klio, 43-45 (1965) p. 367 n. 2 (Hansen). — OrChr, 9 (1927) p. 130, 141, 142, 148 (Hausherr); 12 (1928) p. VI n. 2 (Hausherr - H orn). — REG, 70 (1957) p. 384 (des Places); 78 (1965) p. 340 (Canivet). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 9 (van R egem orter); 20 (1966) p. 113; 174; 21 (1967) p. 143. Miscell. Klostermann, p. 296 n. 1, 298 n. 1, 309 n. 1 (Treu). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 801f, 1318f. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 731. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 23, 76, 116, 148, 234, 309, 359, 458. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p . 49 n. 4, 202 n. 4. — D e J onge , Testam enta, p. v ii . — M earns , Canticles, p. 8. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. 220 n. a. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 34. — V ogel - Gard Thausbn , Schreiber, p. 129. B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 604. — StBiz, N.S., 2-3 (1965-66) p. 223, 223 n. 3, 224, 235 n. 6, 241, 250 (Pongo). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1444g. V at. g r. 732. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 23, 79, 83, 123, 188, 267, 359, 379, 385. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 202 n. 5. — L aurent - Guillou , p. 333. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 7 (Carini).

Vat. g r. 733. d e s P l a c e s , Diadoque, p. 81, 83. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 25, 77, 116, 148, 234, 291, 365, 458. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 202 n. 5. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 91. — K r i v o c h é i n E - P a r a m e l l e , Syméon, I, p. 100, 140, 189, 200; II, p. 7; III, p. 7. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 100. — L a u r e n t - G u i l l o u , Liber, p. 333. — R i c h a r d , Florilèges, col. 503, 509. — R u d b e r g , É tudes, p. 138 n. 1. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 244. A B , 11 (1892) p. 6 n. 1. — Muséon, 55 (1942) p. 105 (Garitte). — OrChr, 9 (1927) p. 130 (Hausherr). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 178 (Darrouzès); 15 (1957) p. 173 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171; 18 (1964) p. 335; 20 (1966) p. 169. V at. g r . 734. B atiffol , Rossano, p. 92. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 24, 88, 127, 231, 305, 378, 458. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 75-76. — Vogel Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 53. V at. g r . 735. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 18, 70, 231, 302, 359, 457. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 509. — T uryn , Codices, p. 11, 136. B yzZ , 46 (1953) p. 58 n. 4 (Beck). — EO, 30 (1931) p. 182, 184 (Jugie). — OCP, 20 (1954) p. 320 n. 0 (Krivochéine). — OrChr, 9 (1927) p. 130, 133, 148 (Hausherr); 20 (1930) p. 181 (Hausherr). — REG, 70 (1957) p. 384 (des Places). V at. g r . 736. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 24, 77, 87, 125, 175, 192, 257, 273, 336, 373, 393. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 158. — Mercati , Opere minori, I I I , p. 415-422. Bessarione, 31 (1915) p. 79, 80 n. 2, 84, 86 (Mercati). — R E B yz, 18 (1960) p. 202 (Grumel). V at. g r . 737. Chabot , Isaac N inivita, p. 61. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 117, 149, 233, 307, 347, 378, 397. — K rivochéin E - P aramelle , Syméon, I, p. 109, 189. — R udberg , Homélie, p. 150. ^ RQA, 7 (1893) p. 57 (F h rh ard ). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 169. Misceli. Leone X I I I , p. 7 (Carini). — M ont Athos, I, p. 326 (Kirchm eyer). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 731-742


Vat. g r . 738. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 250, 475. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, IV 2, p. 114 (da u n a nota ms. di A. Mai in V at. lat. 9621). CCM, 5 (1962) p. 301 (Irigoin). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 373; 20 (1966) p. 316. Vat. g r. 739. B o i s s e v a i n , Cassius Dio, I, p. x e i i , x e i v , c x x i v . — - W e n d e a n d , Philo, II, p. x m . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 312, 329, 399. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 187 n. 9. — F o e r s t e r - R i c h t s t e i g , Choricius, p. x x x n. 1. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 276. — N a c h s t ä d t S i e v e r i n g - T i t c h e n e r , Plutarchus, p. x x x . — P i t r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 197. — R i c h a r d , Florilèges, col. 489, 492. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 7, 26, 28, 28 n. 58, 48, 50 n. 108, 59, 59 n. 134, 70, 84, 89, 107, 108, 111, 136 n. 355, 152, 196. — W a c h s m u t h , Studien, p. 91. QUCC, 4 (1967) p. 147 n. 27 (Di Lello - Finuoli). — R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 618. — IFS, 9 (1887) p. 181, 200, 202, 202 n. 58 (Stem bach); 10 (1888) p. 16, 18 n. 108, 25 n. 29, 27, 27 n. 134, 38, 213, 218, 236, 237, 240 (Stembach); 11 (1889) p. 47 n. 355, 63, 234 (Stembach). Miscell. Ribbeck, p. 361 (Stembach). Co h n

Vat. g r . 740. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 25, 70, 91, 128, 196, 226, 277, 359, 436, 447. — L a u r e n t - G u ie e o u , Liber, p. 332. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II , p. 197. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. X, 35. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 490, 492. — W a c h s m u t h , Studien, p. 105. Philologus, 108 (1964) p. 129, 130, 135 (Spanneut). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Vat. g r. 741. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 78, 110, 144, 167, 212, 248, 298, 354, 444. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p . 187 n. 9. — H a r n a c k , Überlie­ ferung, p. 276. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 197. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 488, 492. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., passim. — S t e r n b a c h , Menandrea, p. 335, 337, 341. — W a c h s m u t h , Studien, p. 105. R IG I, 19 (1935) p. 1 (Sbordone). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 175-206, passim (Stem bach); 10 (1888) p. 1-49, 211-260, passim (Stem bach); 11 (1889) p. 4364, 192-242, passim (Stembach). Vat. g r . 742. A n a s t a s ije w i Ô, Alphabete, p. 88. — A r is t a r c h is , Photius, I, p. poy. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 227, 308, 345, 435. — E e TER, Gnomica, II, p. 97. — E e t e r , Sextus, p. m . — E m m in g e r , Studien, II, p. 23. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 768, 769. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , M onumenta, p. 5. — HERGEN r o ETh e r , Photius, I, p. 240 n. 1. — J a e k EE, Menander, p. ix . — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 719 n. 25. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 78. — P e r r y , Secundus, p. 15. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 254. — S e c k , U ntersuchungen, p. 112 n. 1. — S t e r n b a c h , Curae, p. 61. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., passim. — S t e r n b a c h , M enandrea, p. 338. — S t e r n b a c h , Opusculum, p. 1. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 395, 397. — ZiEGEER, Sirach, p. 9. ByzZ, 1 (1892) p. 159, 620; 2 (1893) p. 166. — Eos, 40-41 (1939-46) p. 22, 25 (Hammer). — J T h S , 6 (1904-05) p. 78 (Turner). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 180 (Darrouzès). — R IG I, 19 (1935) p. 7 (Sbordone). — Scriptorium, 13 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

(1959) p. 320. — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 175-206, passim (Stem bach); 10 (1888) p. 1-49, 211-260, passim (Stem bach); 11 (1889) p. 43-64, 192-242, passim (Stembach). V at. g r. 743. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 212, 301, 351. — E i/TER, Gnomica, I, p. 5; II, p. 104, 105, 115, 132. — Geffc k en , Oracula, p. x x i, EVi. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 862. — N a c h st ä d t - S ie v e k in g - T i Tc h e n e r , Plutarchus, p. x x x i . — R z a c h , Oracula, p. v n . — S t e r n b a c h , Appendix, p. x v m n. *. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., passim. — W a c h sm ü Th H e n s e , Anthologium, V, p. vi, x i. B P hW , 11 (1891) p. 806. — B yzZ, 37 (1937) p. 187. — E H B S , 26 (1956) p. 382 (Smith). — Eos, 40-41 (1939-46) p. 21 (Hammer). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 434. — R IG I, 19 (1935) p. 4 (Sbordone). — R W F , 15 (1891) p. 338, 341, 343, 370 (Stem bach). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 175-206, passim (Stem bach); 10 (1888) p. 1-49, 211-260, passim (Stem bach); 11 (1889) p. 43-64, 192-242, pas­ sim (Stembach). Miscell. Ribbeck, p. 358, 359, 360 (Stembach). Vat. g r . 744. A c h e e i s , H ippolytstudien, p. 126 n. 3, 224. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1119, 1124. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 23, 77, 82, 122, 180, 187, 262, 268, 383. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 109. — G i a n n e e E E Codices Vat. I, p. 283. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 634, 640, 837. — K a r o D i e t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 49. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 130. — M e r c a t i , Fram m ento, p. 14 sg., 18, 30 sg. —■MERCATI, Nuove note, p. 91. — MERCATI, Osservazioni, p. 6, 54 n. 1, 57 n. 3, 111. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. x x iv n. 6, x x v i, x x v h i . — M e r c a t i , Psaltem reliquiae, Osservazioni, passim . — M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p . 48 sg., 51-134 passim, 160, 162, 184 n. 2, 192, 216-235 passim, 237 n . 1. —- N a ü Ti n , Dossier, p . 162-163. — PiTRA, Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 404, 406, 407; III, p. 237. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 254. — R ic h a r d , Asterius, p . x x x r v . — ST a a b , Pauluskatenen, p . 139. Biblica, 22 (1941) p. 350, 350 n. 1, tav. 1, 354, 355 n. 2, 356, 361 (Mer­ cati); 26 (1945) p. 167 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 102; 46 (1953) p. 221. — EO, 25 (1926) p. 12 n. 2, 13 n. 2, 14 η. 1 (Jugie). — Lateranum, N.S., 15 (1949) p. 209, 210 sg. (Mercati). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 380 (Faulhaber). — RB i, 50 (1941) p. 11 (Mercati). — ROC, 24 (1924) p. 81, 97, 98, 102, 179 (Mariés). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 139; 12 (1938) p. 137. Vat. g r. 745. DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1141, 1144. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 118, 224, 306, 347, 435. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 86 n. 1. — F auehaber , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 163 η. I. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 837. — K e o s t e r m a n n , Überlieferung, p. 112,114. — MB r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 418 n. 33. — M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p. 127, 128 n. 3. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 361, 366. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 254. B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 389 (Faulhaber). V at. g r . 746. A c h e e is , H ippolytstudien, p. 97, 224. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 232, 235. — BEISSEE, Miniaturen, p. 17 n. 2, 21 n. 1. — B u BERE - G e r s Tin g e r , H andschriften, I, p. 82, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93, 103-105, 113, 115, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 743-747


123, 125, 128. — B uy TAERT, Eusèbe d ’Émèse, p. 172-174, 179, 183, 184. — D ev r eesse , Chaînes, col. 1101, 1107, 1110. — DEVREESSE, Essai, p. 26 n. 1, n. 2. — D ev r eesse , Ponds grec, p. 74, 82, 122, 178, 186, 260, 266, 267, 339, 363, 382. — D ev r eesse , Introduction, p. 141. — D ev reesse , O ctateuque, p. xv. — E bersolt , M iniature, p. 31 n. 1. — F auehaber , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 5 n. 1, 19 n. 1, 29 n. 3, 36, 72 n. 1, 87 n. 1, 131 n. 2. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiERI, Scritti, II, p. 156, 169. — G e r s t i n g e r , Buchmalerei, p. 44 n. 84. — H a r n a c k , Ü ber­ lieferung, ρ. 283, 405, 628 sg., 837. — K a r o - L i e t z m a n n , Catalogue, p. 14. — E azarev , Istorija, p. 317, tav . 160. — Din d e , O ktateuchcatene, p. 9 n. 4. — Martin , Illustration, p. 39, 69. — NEUSS, Bibelillustration, p. 31 n. 35, 44, 45. — PEEEETIER, L ettre, p. 9, 19. — P itr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 287, 350, 360; I I I , p. 555. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 254. — S t o r n a i o e o , Topografia cristiana, p. 17 n. 8, 33 n. 6. — S t r z y g o w s k i , Bilderkreis, p. 117 sg. — T i k k a n e n , Studien, p. 144. — W e i t z m a n n , Illustrations, p. 128 n. 18, 156, 190 sg., fig. 146-147, 194. — W e i t z m a n n , Mythology, p. 29, fig. 31. — W e i t z m a n n , Roll, p. 6 sg., 12 sg., 16, 18 sg., 30 sg., 35 sg., 38, 71, 89, 93sg., fig. 11, 36, 39, 99. — W e n d e a n d , Aristeas, p. x n , x r a n. 1, x v m n. 1. — W i e e o u g h b y , Apo­ calypse, I, p. 332, 496, 518. Arte, 9 (1906) p. 41 η. 1 (Toesca). — Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 4 n. 4 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 1 (1924) p. 475, 476, 478 (Munoz); 25-27 (1955-57) p. 491 (Nordstrom). — B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 249; 9 (1900) p. 607, 685; 18 (1909) p. 388 (Faulhaber); 20 (1911) p. 607. — DOP, 17 (1963) p. 386 (Weitzmann-SevÈenko). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 378, 378 n. 2, n. 4, 379 n. 1, 385 η. 1 (Faulhaber). — REG, 39 (1926) p. 302 n. 3, 303 n. 1, n. 4, 304 n. 2-6, 305 n. 1-3 (Alpatoff). — Scrip­ torium, 6 (1952) p. 126; 135; 13 (1959) p. 163; 18 (1964) p. 297; 19 (1965) p. 146; 195; 20 (1966) p. 186. — ViVrem, 9 (1902) p. 360 (Ajnalov). Miscell. Diehl, I, p. 186 (Lefebvre des Noëttes). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 10. — Menologio, p. 4 n. 5. — M iniature, p. 6 n. 7. Vat. gr. 747. A c h e e is , H ippolytstudien, p. 97, 98, 224. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 232-234. — B e i SSEE, M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 2. — B u b e r e G e r s t in g e r , H andschriften, I, p. 82, 91, 94, 97, 98, 109, 113-115, 117, 118, 125, 128. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1101. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 26 n. 1, n. 2. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 74, 82, 122, 178, 186, 260, 266, 267, 339, 362, 382. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 110, 136, 141. — D e v r e e s s e , Octateuque, p. 83, 86, 139. — D e W a e d , Illustrations, I I I 1, p. 44. — E b e r SOET, Miniature, p. 31 n. 1. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 5 n. 1, 19 n. 1, 29, 33, 36, 72 n. 1, 86 n. 1, 87 n. 1, 91 n. 3. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 56. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e ie r i , Scritti, II, p. 156, 169. — G e r s t in g e r , Buchmalerei, p. 44 n. 84. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 281, 282, 283, 405, 628 sg., 836. — H e i n r i c i , Erklärung, p. χ ιχ . — K a r o - L i ETz m a n n , Catalogue, p. 13. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 316. — M a r t in , Illustration, p. 14, 27, 69, 109, fig. 294. — NEUSS, Bibelillu­ stratio n , p. 31 n. 35, 44, 45. — PEEEETIER, L ettre, p. 8. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 198, 287, 350, 360; I I I , p. 555. — S t o r n a io e o , Topografia cristiana, p. 17 n. 26, 30 n. 15. — S t r z y g o w s k i , Bilderkreis, p. 117sg. — T i k k a n e n , Studien, p. 109, 110, 114, 119, 120, 141. — V a c c a r i , Scritti, I, p. 5 n. 1. — W e it z m a n n , Illustrations, p. 99, 101, 128 n. 18, 131, 170 sg., 186, 190, fig. 112, 165-166, 169-170. — W e it z m a n n , Roll, p. 6, 8 sg., 30 sg., 36 sg., 46, 48 sg., 51, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

53 sg., 59, 61 sg., 69, 74, 83 sg., 89 sg., 101, 106 sg., fig. 2, 6, 8, 10, 14, 20, 24, 27-28, 32-33, 35, 38, 40-41, 43-44, 47, 88, 94, 101, 105. — W e n d e a n d , Aristeas, p. XII, XXXII. — W ie e o u g h b y , Apocalypse, I, p. 332, 496. Arte, 9 (1906) p. 41 n. 1 (Toesca). — Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 4 n. 4 (Mercati). — B P E C , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 93 (Degani). — B P hW , 29 (1909) p. 213. — Byzantion, 1 (1924) p. 475, 476, 479 (Munoz). — ByzZ, 9 (1900) p. 607, 685; 18 (1909) p. 388, 394 (Faulhaber); 20 (1911) p. 607. — OOP, 14 (1960) fig. 25 (p. 68) (W eitzmann). — EO, 26 (1927) p. 158 (Alpatov). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 378 n. 2, n. 4, 381, 385 n. 1 (Faulhaber). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 296 (Vaccari). — PEG , 39 (1926) p. 302 n. 3, 303 n. 1 n. 4 (Alpatofi). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 177; 16 (1962) p. 227; 18 (1964) p. 130; 297; 19 (1965) p. 195; 20 (1966) p. 186. Miscell. Klauser, p. 403, 406 (W eitzmann). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 11. — Congr. byz. X , p. 184, 185 (Weitzmann). — M iniature, p. 6 n. 7. V at. g r. 748. A c h e e is , H ippolytstudien, p. 98, 224. — B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 232, 235. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1101. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 339, 475. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 5 n. 1, 19 n. 1, 29 n. 3, 36, 87 n. 1. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 281-283, 405, 628, 836. — K a r o - L i ETZMAn n , Catalogus, p. 13. — L i n d e , Oktateuchcatene, p. 9 η. 4. — P e t r a , A nalecta sacra, I I , p. 198, 287, 313, 350, 360; I I I , p. 555. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 255. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 4 n. 3, 5 n. 2 (Mercati). — M E F R , 75 (1963) p. 579 η. 1 (Petitm engin). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 378 n. 4, 379 η. 1 (Faulhaber). V at. g r. 749. B atiffoe , Rossano, p. 72. — Beissee , Miniaturen, p. 17 n. 2. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1089, 1142-1144. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 302 n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 178, 192, 261, 273, 370, 390. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 26, 28, 29 n. 9, 110, 111 n. 3, 132 n. 1, 133, 134, 136, 137 n. 4, 141, tav . V I e X V III. — F a t jl h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 40, 87 n. 1. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 56. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i - LiETzMa n n , Specimina, tav. 8. — G a r d Th a u s e n , Palaeographie, II , p. 149. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 477, 837. — K a r o - L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 322. — KEOSTERMANN, Analecta, p. 68 sg. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 70, 295. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 418 n. 33. — M e r c a t i , T rad u t­ tori, p. 127, 128 n. 3. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 360, 361, 363, 393, 394; I I I , p. 597, 603-609. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 255. — S c h u b a r t , Palaeogra­ phie, p. 158 (nr. 8). — T i k k a n e n , Studien, p. 1, 82-83, 96-97, 105, 107 n. 1, 158, 162, 230, 246, 311, 378. — W e it z m a n n , Buchmalerei, p. 49, 51, 77, 80, 81. — W e it z m a n n , Illustrations, p. 102 n. 50. — W ie e o t jg h b y , Apocalypse, I, p. 362. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 131, 133, 135, 136, 138-140 (Bertini). — ByzZ, 9 (1902) p. 566; 18 (1909) p. 386, 388, 393, 394 (Faulhaber); 29 (1929) p. 283 (Lazarev); 36 (1936) p. 255; 387 (Weigand). — CArch, 17 (1967) p. 210 n. 5 (Velmans). — CQ, N.S., 17 (1967) p. 253 (Wilson). — Muséon, 30 (1912) p. 247-252 (Dieu). — OC, 7 (1907) p. 379 (Faulhaber). — R H E , 13 (1912) p. 644, 644 n. 3, 645-646, 658 n. 0 (Dieu). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 145; 7 (1953) p. 329; 12 (1958) p. 129; 15 (1961) p. 42-43 (Leroy); 21 (1967) p. 376. Miscell. Dölger, p. 258 n. 0 (Irigoin). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 11. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 748-752


V at. g r. 750. D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1142, 1144. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 302 n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 23, 73, 117, 149, 224, 260, 341. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 147. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 477, 837. — K a r o - L i e TZMANn , Catalogus, p. 322. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 407 n. 118, 418 n. 33. — M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p. 127, 128 n. 3. — PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 361, 363; I I I , p. 597, 603-609. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 255. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 135, 136, 138, 139 (Bertini). V at. g r. 751. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 74, 82, 122, 187, 256, 266, 354, 383. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 22 n. 9, 55 n. 7. — E e e o p o u e o s , Studios, p. 50 n. 1. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 420, 477, 837. — K a r o L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 329. — D a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 342. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 361, 363; I I I , p. 597, 603 sg., 609. — R a h r f s , Verzeichnis, p. 255. — T i k k a n e n , Studien, p. 162, 190, 193-194. — W ie e o u g h b y , Apocalypse, I, p. 363. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 135 (Bertini). — ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 335 n. 8 (Rëdin). V at. g r. 752. B u b e r i , - G e r s Tin g e r , H andschriften, II, p. 36. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1116, 1124, 1135, 1137, 1138. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 82, 122, 186, 260. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 52 n. 9, 133, 299 n. 1. — D e W a r d , Illustrations, I I I 1, p. 3; I I I 2, passim. — D u f k e n n e , Psau­ tiers, p. 7. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 837. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 59» — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 130. — L a f o n t a in e -D o SOGNE, Iconographie, I, p. 99 n. 3. — B a k e , M anuscripts, V III, p. 7. — L a ­ z a r e v , Istorija, p. 316. — M a r t in , Illustration, p. 152. — M e r c a t i , Fram mento, p. 36. — M e r c a t i , Note, p. 174 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, II, p. 458; III, p. 298. — M e r c a t i , Osservazioni, p. 14 n. 2, 162. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. ix, x, x x i, xx iv . — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, passim. — M e r c a t i , T raduttöri, p. 49, 51-54, 64 sg, 79 n. 2, 87-89, 93-101, 106-119, 130 n. 3, 133 n. 3, 152, 228, 230 sg. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 407, 408; III, p. 237. — R a h r f s , Verzeichnis, p. 255. — ST a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 139. — T i k k a n e n , Psalterillustration, p. 135 fig. 130, 139 fig. 133, 134. — W e it z m a n n , Illustrations, p. 121 sg., 152, fig. 108. — W i e EOUGHBY, Apocalypse, I, p. 198, 514. Byzantion, 20 (1950) p. 25 (Concasty); 25-27 (1955-57) p. 499, 499 n. 1, 500 (Nordstrom ); 36 (1966) p. 650. — ByzZ, 8 (1899) p. 492 n. 1 (W ilpert); 15 (1906) p. 417; 40 (1940) p. 119; 43 (1950) p. 224, 484; 51 (1958) p. 499. — DOP, 19 (1965) p. 168 (Der Nersessian); 21 (1967) p. 5; 247 n. 15 (Jen k in sKitzinger). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 12 n. 2, 14 n. 1 (Jugie). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 346. — OC, 7 (1907) p. 380 (Faulhaber); N.S., 2 (1912) p. 107, 108, 111, 117 (Baum stark). — OCP, 10 (1944) p. 8, 11, 14, 15 (Mercati). — R B i, 38 (1929) p. 36 (Devreesse). — R E B yz, 8 (1950) p. 264 (Lemerle). — R IA , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 218 (Bonicatti). — ROC, 24 (1924) p. 89, 90 (Mariés). — Scripto­ rium, 6 (1952) p. 131; 13 (1959) p. 163; 15 (1961) p. 340; 19 (1965) p. 146. — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 77 (Ajnalov); 7 (1900) p. 464; N.S., 3 (1950) p. 303; 19 (1961) p. 152 (Lichaceva). si - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

Misceli. Grat, I, p. 123, 124, 124 n. 1 (Mercati). — Congr. byz. X I , Akten, tav. I l i 2, V II 2 (Zoras). — Congr. byz. X I I I , tav. 28a-c, p. 217 n. 6 (Weitzm a n n ).— M iniature, p. 17 n. 3. V at. g r. 753. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 424, 451. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 15 n. 9, 51 n. 1. — F oerster , Libanius, IX , p. 8, 25. — H ar ­ nack , Überlieferung, p. 405, 837. — K aro - B ietzmann , Catalogus, p. 60. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 169. — MERCATI, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 454 n. 151. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 402, 406, 407; I I I , p. 237. — R ahlfs , Verzeichnis, p. 255. — W eic h er t , Demetrius, p. xev . A B , 11 (1892) p. 6 n. 1 (anonimo). — OCP, 26 (1960) p. 310 n. 0 (Ron­ deau). — RhM , 64 (1909) p. 298 n. 1 (Rabe). V at. g r. 754. D ev reesse , Chaînes, col. 1125, 1137. — D ev reesse , Commentaire, p. x i, x v m . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 302, 379, 394. — — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 84 n. 7, 132 n. 1, 133, 136, 138. — D e v r e e s s e , O ctateuque, p. 198. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 295, 405, 640, 837, 926. — K a r o - B i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 41. — K e o s t e r m a n n , Jeremiahomilien, p. x e v i i i . — M a i , Bibliotheca, V II 1, p. 390 n. 1, 395. — M a r ié s , Études, p. 29. — M e r c a t i , Fram m ento, p. 32, 36. — M e r c a t i , Note, p. 1 sg., 42 n. 1, 44 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Nuove note, p. 10 n. 4. — MERCATI, Opere minori, III, p. 383 n. 3, 390, 392, 409. — M e r c a t i , Osservazioni, p. 19, 44, 51 n. 5, 52 n 4, 55 n. 4, 57, 92, 111 sg., 155. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. xvi, XIX, XX, XX n. 6, XXII, x x iv , x x v i, x x v i n. 3, n. 5, x x v i i , x x v i i i , x x v i i i n. 4, n. 8, XXIX n. 1, x x x v n. 3. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. XIV, XIX, passim. — M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p. 53 n. 1, 56 n. 4, 70 n. 1, 75, 76 n. 1, 83 n. 1, 89 n. 2, 94, 104 sg., 107 n. 1, 108 n. 3, 113, 124 " 1, 125, 129, 154-156, 180 n. 2, 182, 185 n. 1, 195, 206, 217 n. 1. — N aUTi n , Dossier, p. 162-163. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 130, 131, 224 303 (cit. err.: Palat. 754?), 353-355, 399, 403, 406, 407, 654; III, p. 237, 367, 553, 555, 557-560. — P it r a , M onumenta, II, p. 248, 249. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 256. — R auer , Orígenes, p. e i , ex iv . — R ichard , Asterius, p. x x m n. 40. — S ak ­ kos , Anastasioi, p. 150 n. 4. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 10 n.* (Mercati). — ByzZ, 10 (1901) p. 675; 46 (1953) p. 221. — EO, 25 (1926) p. 13 n. 3, 14 n. 0, n. 1 (Jugie).— OC, 7 (1907) p. 380, 386 (Faulhaber). — OCP, 26 (1960) p. 308, 309, 310 n. 0, 311, 311 n. 3, 312, 312 n. 1, 313, 313 n. 2, n. 3, 314, 315, 315 n. 1, 316 n. 1, 318-321, 321 n. 1, 323 n. 0, 324 n. 0, 326 (Rondeau). — R B i, 38 (1929) p. 45, 49, 50 (Devreesse). — RecSR, 44 (1956) p. 564 (de R iedm atten). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137; 14 (1960) p. 177. — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 220, 221 (Giannelli). V at. g r. 755. B e i s s e e , M iniaturen, p. 16. — B u y Ta e r t , Eusèbe d ’Émèse, p. 173. — C e r ia n i , Cod. Marchalianus, p. 111. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1148-1151. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 22, 73, 83, 122, 178, 187, 261, 267, 340, 363, 382. — F b e r s o l t , M iniature, p. 32 n. 2. — F a u e h a b e r , ProphetenCatenen, p. 41-43, 203-208. — K a r o - B ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 337. — K e o STERMAn n , Analecta, p. 11. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V II 2, p. 128. — NEUSS, Bibelil­ lustration, p. 98. — P i t r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224; I I I , p. 538. — R a h e f s , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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Verzeichnis, p. 256. — T i k k a n e n , Studien, p. 132. — WEITZMANN, Buchmalerei, p. 12. — WEITZMANN, Mythology, p. 108, fig. 116. :— W ie EOUGHb y , Apocalypse, I, p. 332. A S , 1927, tav . VI, p. 128-129 (Friend). — ByzZ, 18 (1909) p. 383 (Faulhaber). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 44 fig. 2 (Alpatoff). — N H , 18 (1924) p. 33,34 (Lampros). — R B i, 42 (1933) p. 544 sg. (Devreesse). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 307. — ViVrem, 11 (1904) p. 568 n. 2 (Rëdin). — Z N U , 113 (1914) p. 214 (Dobroklonskij). Miscell. Ubach, p. 2 (Mercati). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 11. V at. g r . 756. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 137. — BEISSEE, Miniaturen, p. 17 n. 1, 20 n. 2. — B e b e r é - G e r s t in g e r , H andschriften, II, p. 22. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1192, 1204. — DEVREESSE, Essai, p. 295, 305. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 471 η. 10, 472 η. 12, 475. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 18 η. 3. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 157, 1097. — M a i , Bibliotheca, I I I 1, p. vi; X 3, p. 278. — M a r t in , Illustration, p. 88. — R atjer , Lukaskom m entar, p. 19. — R a u e r , Orígenes, p. Xe i , EXHI. — REUSS, M atthäus-K atenen, p. 62, 72, 121, 177, 179. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 96. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 213. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 122. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 143, 148, 151, 158. — T i k k a n e n , Studien, p. 104 n. 1, 146. — W e i TZMAn n , Mythology, p. 96 n. 2. — W ie l o u g h b y , Apocalypse, I, p. 55. — WiNSTEDT, Topography, p. 21. A S , 1927, tav. V II, p. 133 (Friend). — ByzZ, 21 (1912) p. 607. — M E F R , 75 (1963) p. 579 n. 1 (Petitm engin). — ViVrem, 6 (1899) p. 60 (Ajnalov). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 12. V at. g r. 757. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 138. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1165, 1168, 1170-1173, 1181, 1197. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 37-38, 295. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 9 η. 4, 82, 122, 187, 341, 385. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 168 n. 6. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 157, 1097. — H e i n r ic i , E rklärung, p. x iv -x v n , XIX, x x v -x x v ii. — H e i n r i c i , H interlassenschaft, p. 101. — K aro — L i ETz m a n n , Catalogus, p. 563. — K e o s t e r m a n n - B e n z , M atthäuserklärung, p. 16. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — R aiter , Lukaskom m entar, p. 25, 49 sg., 53. — R a u e r , Orígenes, p. x e iv , e x i i i . — R e u s s , Johannes-Kom m entare, p. XIII. — R e u s s , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 68, 80-86, 122, 129, 184, 186, 250. — R e u s s , M atthäus-K om m entare, p. x m , xv, x x m , x x v i i , x x x -x x x i i , x x x iv , XXXV, xi/vi. — S c h o ez , Reise, p. 96. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 213. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 69, 71, 141. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 144, 148, 151, 159, 212. BBGG, N.S., 10 (1956) p. 73 n. 19, 78 (Follieri). — R B i, 36 (1927) p. 198 (Devreesse). — RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 74 (Sickenberger). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 758. A c h e e is , H ippolytstudien, p. 206, 224. — A e a n d , Liste, nr. 139. — B e c k , Kirche, p. 596. — B r o o k e , Origen, I, p. x x iv -x x v i. — D e ­ v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1183, 1186, 1188, 1189, 1194, 1198, 1200. — D e v r e e s s e , Essai, p. 292-293. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 419, 453. — DEVREESSE, In ­ troduction, p. 307 n. 2. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 157, 1097. — H e i n r i c i , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

H interlassenschaft, p. 101. — H e r g ë n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 73 n. 14, 78 n. 39, 79 n. 44. — K a r o - P ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 575, 587. — P a k e , M anuscripts, V III, p. 14. — P a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 320, 347. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV 2, p. 147; X 3, p. 278. — M e r c a Ti , Opéré minori, I I I , p. 341 n. 2. — P r e u s c h EN, Origenes, p. u n i , l x v i ii -e x ix , Exxiv. — R a u e r , Pukaskom m entar, p. 24, 37, 51. — R a u e r , Origenes, p. x e i i , LXiii. — R e u s s , Johannes-K om m entare, p . x n i, xv, x v n i, XX, x x iv , x x x iv . — R e u s s , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 189, 190-191. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S ickenberger , Fragm ente, p. 66. — Sickenberger , Pukaskatene, p. 95 n. 2. —■S ickenberger , Studien, p. 31 n. 1, 122, 127. — S oden (von) Schriften, I, p. 59. — T homas, Collections, I, p. 153, 157. B y J , 17 (1944) p. 69 (Reuss). — ByzZ, 13 (1904) p. 244; 40 (1940) p. 122. — OC, N .S .,4 (1914) p. 61 n. 1 (Mercati). — R B i, 36 (1927) p. 192, 194 (Devreesse). — R Q A , 12 (1898) p. 65 n. 5, 68 (Sickenberger). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. V at. g r. 759. A cheeis , H ippolytstudien, p. 206, 224. — Agand , Riste, nr. 859. — Aristarchis , Photius, p. p7rf. — D ev reesse , Chaînes, col. 1184, 1187, 1189. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 20, 77, 118, 149, 230, 303, 351, 401. — D ie k a m p , Analecta, p . 125. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p . 227, 1112. — H e r g e n r o ë Th e r , Photius, I, p . 73 n. 14, 235 n. 21. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p . 70. — D a o u r d a s , Photius, p . 120*. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p . 278. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p . 249. — R a u e r , Origenes, p . x l v i i i , e x iv . — S a j d a k , H istoria, p . 306. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p . 257. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p . 22, 63, 86. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p . 43, 141. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p . 59. B yzZ, 11 (1902) p. 625. — OCP, 17 (1951) p. 58 (Hoeck). — RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 64, 65 n. 5, 68, 77, 78 (Sickenberger). — Scriptorium, 15 (1960) p. 204. V at. g r. 760. A eand , Riste, nr. 437. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 47. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 22, 74, 83, 123, 180, 187, 262, 268, 341, 363, 382. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 270, 1106. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, I I , p. 198. — S c h o e z , Reise, p. 97. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — W a r Te e e e , Inventaire, p. 130. V at. g r . 761. A eand , Riste, nr. 1914. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1212, 1213. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 179, 328, 402. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 298, 1187. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — R obinson , Euthaliana, p. 44, 45. — S choez, Reise, p. 97. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. — Staab , Pauluskatenen, p. 106, 128, 186. DOP, 18 (1964) p. 142, 151 (Pingree). V at. g r. 762. A e a n d , Riste, nr. 1915. — B e c k , Kirche, p. 471, 471 n. 5. — B u y Ta e r T, Eusèbe d ’Émèse, p. 178, 181. — D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1099, 1210-1213, 1216, 1218-1224. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 74, 116, 179, 261, 367, 387. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 298,1187. — H e r g ë n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 78 n. 39, 79 n. 48. — K a r o - R ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 599. — R a n g , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

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Catene. passim. — L a n g , K atene, p. 1. — M a i , Bibliotheca, I I I 1, p. 1 (in nota ms. di A. Mai in Vat. lat. 6920); X 3, p. 278. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, III, p. 92, 399, 408, 525. — R o b in s o n , Philocalia, p. x x x i. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 97. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — STAAB, Pauluskatenen, p. 3, 7-11, 13, 18, 21-36, 40-43, 47-50, 65, 88, 91, 129, 170, 190, 192-203, 211, 259, 270-273. — S t a a b , Pauluskom m entare, p. ix, xrv, xvi, x ix , x x i-x x iii, x x v -x x v ii, x x v ii n. 22, x x v n i, x x x , x x x i n. 27, x x x n -x x x v i, x x x ix , xi,I, x l i i , xLrv. — S t ä h l in , Protrepticus1, p. l v i i . — S t ä h l in , Protrepticus2, p. l v i i . — S w e t e , Commentarii, I, p. x n. 3, x x i. Biblica, 5 (1924) p. 297, 309, 345 n. 1 (Staab). — B y ], 10 (1933) p. 143, 148-150. — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 636; 19 (1910) p. 595; 20 (1911) p. 261-263; 21 (1912) p. 601; 22 (1913) p. 242, 567; 27 (1927) p. 378, 380; 28 (1928) p. 189. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. Miscell. Tisser ant, VI, p. 241 (Canart). V at. gr. 763. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 276, 344, 370, 390. — K a r o L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 608. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 78 n. 39, 79 n. 44. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 152-158. Vat. gr. 764. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 276, 344, 370, 390. — K aro L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 608. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 152-158. N H , 12 (1915) p. 198 (Lampros). Vat. gr. 765.

Aland , Liste, nr. 1916. — Devreesse , Chaînes, col. 1221.

— p. p. —

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 115, 261, 364, 383. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, 17 n. 4. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 298, 1187. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V II 1, 408; X 3, p. 278. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 257. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 97. S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 132-136, 157, 187, 189. — SwETE, Commentarii, I,

p. x x i, x x ii n. 0. V at. gr. 766. A l a n d , Liste, nr. 1917. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 22, 74, 192, 255, 272, 371, 390. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 298, 1188. — K a r o L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 606. — M a r t in , Illustration, p. 23, fig. 299. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — S c h o l z , Reise, p. 97. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — S t a a b , Pauluskatenen, p. 102, 190. DOP, 14 (1960) p. 111 n. 99 (Demus); 19 (1965) p. 178 (Der Nersessian). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 12. V at. gr. 767. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p . 118, 149, 473. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p . 151 n. 78. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p . 256. Miscell. Albareda, I, p . 333 (Devreesse). V at. gr. 768. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 362, 382. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 191 n. 4. — HÖEG - ZunTZ, Prophetologium, p. 31, 107. OC, 3 (1903) p. 460, 469 (Gaisser). Miscell. Lake, p. 216-218 (Höeg - Z untz). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Vat. gr. 769. D e Sim eoni , Animadversiones, II, p. 108. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 119, 151, 166, 400. — K rasnosee ’cev , Svedenija, p. 53. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 334. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 72 n. 11 (Schirb). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 460, 463, 465 n. 3, 466, 474, 483 (Gaisser). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 9, 10 (van Regemorter); 12 (1958) p. 171; 16 (1962) p. 171. Vat. gr. 770. B atiffoe , Rossano, p. 93, 159. — Canar T, Archivio, p. 68. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 16 n. 1. — D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 19 n. 11, 42. — H o e g - Zuntz , Prophetologium, p. 107, 424. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 256. — T amieia , Dialogus, p. 4, 7. — T uryn , Codices, p. iv, 12, 61-63. — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 475. BBGG, N.S. 8 (1954) p. 118 (Mercati); 19 (1965) p. 152, 153 (Malatesta Zilembo). — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 314 (Vaccari). — RSCal, 10 (1902) p. 295 (Cozza-Luzi). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 329. Miscell. Lake, p. 195, 196, 216-218 (Hoeg - Zuntz). Vat. gr. 771. D e S im eoni , Animadversiones, II, p. 108. — D ev re ­ Fonds grec, p. 40, 72, 90, 128, 196, 252, 324, 456. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 33. — Giovaneeei, Inni, p. 12. — K rasnosee ’cev , Svedenija, p. 51 (cit. err.: V at. gr. 770). — Ma i , Bibliotheca, IX 1, p. XI. — P i Tra , Ana­ lecta sacra, I, p. v n i, x , x ii , x x v ii , 476, 481, 673. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 304. — T oscani, Typica, p. 38 n. 1. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 72 n. 11 (Schirb); 6 (1952) p. 52 (Giovanelli); 19 (1965) p. 144 (Malatesta Zilembo). — B P hW , 51 (1931) p. 42. — Byzantion, 31 (1961) p. 381 n. 2 (Gouillard). — B yzZ, 17 (1908) p. 8 (Weyh). — CM, 23 (1962) p. 303, 305, 306 (Raasted). — J A M S , 16 (1963) p. 132 n. 22, 173 (Levy). — OC, 3 (1903) p. 460, 464, 465 n. 3, 483, 487 n. 2 (Gaisser); 4 (1904) p. 363 (Gassisi); 7 (1907) p. 379 (Faulhaber); 33 (1936) p. 122. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 396. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 174 (Benesevic). esse ,

Vat. gr. 772. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 393. — D ev reesse , In tro ­ duction, p. 17, 195 n. 1. — D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 41. — K rasnosee ’cev , Svedenija, p. 54. — L aefrenT - Gtjieeotj, Liber, p. 334. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — T uryn , Codices, p. 12, 25. — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 29. Biblica, 5 (1924) p. 349 n. 2 (Staab). — Bybul, 2 (1966) p·. 134 n. 54 (Treu). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. Vat. gr. 773. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 397. — D evreesse , Introduc­ tion, p. 194 tt. 3. — K rasnosee ’cev , SvedSnija, p. 54. — Mercati, Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 311 n. 34. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 256. OCP, 31 (1965) p. 361, 362 (Schreiner). — Scriptorium, 20. (1966) p. 165. — Z R V I, 6 (1960) p. 192 n. 28 (Sevcenko). Vat. gr. 774. A eand , Liste, nr. 860. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 385. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 227, 1112. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 769-781


Vat. gr. 775. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 27, 72, 90, 128, 184, 195, 250, 278, 402. — K r a s n o s e e ’c e v , Svëdënija, p. 25. B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 311 (Maas - M ercati - Gassisi). Vat. gr. 776. C a p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 207. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 385. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 194 n. 3,196 n. 10. — K r a s n o s e e ’c e v , Svëdë­ nija, p. 54. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 212. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 25, 30-33, 96 n. 2. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 369; 55 (1962) p. 322. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 87 (Patrineles). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 314 η. 1 (Giannelli). Vat. gr. 777. Chambry, Ésope, p. x ei , Ein. — Chambry, Fabulae, p. 20. — Crusius, Babrius, p. v ii . — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 213, 302, 348. — H ausrath, Corpus, I 1, p. vii -ix , x v m , χ χ ι; I 2, p. x m . — P erry , Babrius, p.

e x VII.

OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 314 (Vaccari). — Philologus, 58 (1899) p. 259 (H ausrath). — R IG I, 16 (1932) p. 46 (Sbordone). — T A P h A , 66 (1935) p. 105 (Husselman). Congr. byz. I X , I I I , p. 101 (Dain). — Menologio, p. VI n. 8. Vat. g r . 778. B e n e Se v i Ô, Sinagoga, p. 187 n. 1. — C a n a r T, Archivio, p. 54-57. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 22. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 26, 72, 169, 224, 250, 278, 403. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 193 n. 5, 194 n. 3, 196 n. 10, n. 11. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices V at. I, p. 111. — K r a s n o s e e ’c e v , Svë­ dënija, p. 28, 54. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 131 n. 3, 162, 202 n. 1, 228 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 66 n. 4. — P r e g e r , Beiträge, p. 10. — P r e g e r , Scriptores, I, p. XIII, x x ; II, p. v u , xxv. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — R a h e f s , Verzeich­ nis, p. 256. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 244. — V e r p E a u x , Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 26, 41 n. 2, 43, 87, 91, 92, 108, 113, 127, 129. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 56 (Pétrucci). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 161 n. 3, 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). — ViVrem, 3 (1896) p. 58 η. 1 (Pavlov). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. vi e passim; 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Menologio, p. v u n. 8. Vat. gr. 779. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 26, 169, 402. — K r a s n o s e e ’c e v , Svëdënija, p. 39. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 65. BBGG, N.S., 3 (1949) p. 147, 150 (Schirô). — BPEC , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 12 (Colonna). Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). — Persia, p. 228 n. 3 (Follieri). Vat. gr. 780. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 72, 213, 294, 352. — D e ­ Introduction, p. 194 n. 3. — K r a s n o s e e ’c e v , Svëdënija, p. 54.

v reesse,

Vat. gr. 781. A e a n d , Liste, nr. I 546. — B a t if f o e , Rossano, p. 103 n. 1. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 495. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 65 n. 4, 191 n. 9. — D e v r e e s s e , M anuscrits, p. 55. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 434. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 116 n. 2. — SCRIVENER, Introduction, I, p. 402. BBGG, N.S., 8 (1954) p. 118 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 782. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 27, 72, 90, 128, 170, 196, 250, 302, 349, 398. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 17,192 n. 14. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I , p. 315 n. 1. — K rasnosee ’cev , Svëdënija, p. 17. — L aurent Ggteeou, Liber, p. 335. — T oscani, Typica, p. 7 n. 4, 48 n. 5. BBGG, N.S., 3 (1949) p. 238 (Korolevskij). — ByzZ, 54 (1961) p. 459. — OCP, 22 (1956) p. 368 n. 5, 370 n. 5 (Mateos). — REB yz, 18 (1960) p. 189 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. V at. g r. 783. DE Marin is , Legatura, nr. 2776. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 26, 76, 119, 150, 223, 277, 399. V at. g r. 784. B eck , Kirche, p. 661. — Be n e Seviö , Sbom ik, p. 322, 332. — Coeonna , Storici, p. 161. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 27, 72, 119, 150, 227, 301, 372, 393. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 192 n. 14. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I , p. 315 n. 1. — Grum ee , Regestes, nr. 995. — K rasnosee ’cev , Svëdënija, p. 18. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 335. — Merca Ti , Isidoro, p. 66. — T oscani, Typica, p. 7 n. 2, 49 n. 5. — T uryn , Codices, p. 12, 113-114. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 146 n. 5, (Korolevskij); 3 (1949) p. 238 (Ko­ rolevskij). — ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372. — OCP, 22 (1956) p. 368 n. 5 (Mateos). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. V at. g r. 785. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 72, 90, 128, 170, 196, 250, 278, 330, 402. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 192 n. 14. — D m itr iev sk ij , Typika, II, p. 205. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 315 n. 1. — K rasnosee ’cev , Svëdënija, p. 23. — L aurent - Guieeou , Liber, p. 335. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x. — T oscani, Typica, p. 7 n. 5; 48 n. a', 55 n. nj'. — V o g e e - G ardThausen , Schreiber, p. 277. BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 146 n. 5, (Korolevskij); 3 (1949) p. 238 (Korolevskij). V at. g r. 786. Ayoutanti - Stöhr - H öeg , H ym ns, p. xev n. 42. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 71, 172, 329. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 195 n. 3. — K rasnosee ’cev , Svëdënija, p. 53. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 686. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 12, 170. A I V , 118 (1959-60) p. 278 n. 1 (Gonzato). — BBGG, N.S., 1 (1947) p. 71 (Schirô); 2 (1948) p. 91 (Mioni). V at. g r. 787. Ayoutanti - S töhr - H öeg , Hymns, p. xev , n. 42. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 166, 247, 402. — Gian n eeei , Codices Vat. T, p. 124. — P itra , Analecta sacra, I, p. ex x , 417, 437, 487; II, p. 198. OCP, 22 (1956) p. 368 n. 5, 370 n. 5 (Mateos). Oriente Cristiano, p. 255 n. 25 (Follieri). — Persia, p. 228 n. 3, 230 n. 13 (Follieri). V at. g r. 788. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 27, 170, 229, 247, 250, 291, 357, 402. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 307. — Garitte , Documents, p. 370 n. 1. — L a k e , Manuscripts, V III, p. 14. — L aurent - G uieeou , Liber, p. 334. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 782-792


B yzZ, 48 (1958) p. 127. — Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 48 n. 12 (Garitte). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171; 17 (1963) p. 396. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 789. Bene Se v iî , Sinagoga, p. 187 η. 1. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 76, 117, 149, 233, 302, 355, 413. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 188 n. 3, 195 n. 4. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 978. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaueri , Catalogus, p. 26. — Grumee, Regestes, nr. 425. — MercaTi , Cidone, p. 55 n. 6, 90 n. 4, 162. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. A B , 51 (1933) p. 270 (Delehaye). — B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 57 (Pétrucci). — EO, 38 (1939) p. 1 n. 5 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 161 n. 3, 162 n. 0 (Benesevië). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 33, 43 (Gouillard). — ViVrem, 3 (1896) p. 58 η. 1 (Pavlov); N.S., 16 (1959) p. 345, 357 (Mosin). V at. g r. 790. BornerT, Commentaires, p. 128, 130. — Coeonna, Storici, p. 138. — ChrESTou, Palam as, I, p. 20. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 235, 303, 423, 459, 477 η. 39. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 187 n. 9, 193 n. 2, 202 n. 4, 221 n. 10. — D iekamp , Analecta, p. 163. — D rerup , Isocrates, p. xvi. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 276. — K rasnosei/ cev, Svëdënija, p. 68, 312, 316, 323. — L efherz , Studien, p. 174, 260. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, II, p. v u , 101; V I 2, p. 551 η. 1; IX 1, p. xrv. — Mai , Collectio, V III, p. v u . — Mey Endorpf , Introduction, p. 341. — Mioni , Codices, II, p. 72. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 287. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x ; II, p. 223, 244, 297. — R ichard , Florilèges, col. 498, 505, 509. — Sternbach , Gnomologium V at., p. 27, 28, 28 n. 59, 103, 103 n. 266, 131, 131 n. 336, 152, 178. — Sternbach , Studia, p. 181-183. A B , 28 (1909) p. 227; 47 (1929) p. 137. — Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 152 (de Jerphanion). — B yzZ , 18 (1909) p. 202. — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145, 146, 150 (anonimo). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès); 15 (1910) p. 443 (Nau). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 315. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 174 (Benesevic). — W S, 9 (1887) p. 201, 202, 202 n. 59 (Sternbach); 10 (1888) p. 232, 232 n. 266, 260, 260 n. 336 (Sternbach); 11 (1889) p. 63, 216 (Sternbach). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Monachesimo, p. 210 n. 230 (Leroy). V at. g r . 791.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 26, 90, 128, 169, 343, 372, 450.

— D evreesse , Introduction, p. 198 n. 4. — T ardo, Melurgia, p. 71, 148, 150, 155 n. 1. 174, 175, 177, 222 n. 3, 224 n. 8, 257, 266, 285. — WOEF, Handbuch, p. 73. A SC L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 98 n. 10, 221, 230 (di Salvo). — J A M S , 16 (1963) p. 136 n. 24 (Levy). — R E B yz, 5 (1947) p. 266. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 41 (Anglès). V at. g r. 792. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 94, 131, 162, 199, 244, 280, 325, 405. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 241 n. 15, 242 η. 1, n. 2, 248 n. 7. — MERCATI, Cidone, p. 172 η. 1, 183, 189-191. — MERCATI, Isidoro, p. 50 η. 1, 51 n. 3. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 793. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 119. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 21, 233, 291, 451. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 37; III, p. 109, 388, 399, 401. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 26-28. — Mioni , Codices, I I , p. 46. A B , 21 (1902) p. 16 (anonimo); 64 (1946) p. 246 (Halkin). — RPh, S. III, 37 (1963) p. 150. — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 333. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 97. — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 373h, 1046a, 1104b. V at. g r. 794. Bauer , Asterios, p. 60. — Bretz, Asterios, p. 8. — Bretz, Studien, p. 8. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 351, 465. — E hrhard, Überlie­ ferung, II, p. 338, 357 n. 1. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 28-29. — E aGARDE (DE), Agathangelus, p. 89. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 564. R P h, S. I I I , 37 (1963) p. 150. — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 333. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 52. — X enia Romana, p. 126 (Guidi). V at. g r . 795. Bauer , Asterios, p. 61. — Bretz , Asterios, p. 10. — Bretz , Studien, p. 10. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 66, 88, 126, 171, 193, 259, 274, 338, 387. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 338, 357 n. 1, 431 n. 6, 682. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 29-31. — L agarde (de ), Aga­ thangelus, p. 89. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 564. — P aschke, Klem entinen-Epitom en, p. 221. A B , 30 (1911) p. 260 (Van de Vorst). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 52. — X enia Romana, p. 126 (Guidi). V at. g r. 796. Bauer , Asterios, p. 61. — Bretz , Asterios, p. 8. — Bretz , Studien, p. 8. — Burnet , P lato, V, p. in, v m . — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 17, 68, 178, 190, 251, 270, 332, 369, 389. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 339, 357 n. 1, 432 n. 3. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 31-32. — I mmisch, Studien, p. 48 sg., 79. — L agarde (de ), Agathangelus, p. 89. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 564. — P ost, Plato, p. 4. — Schanz, Studien, p. 4. NGG, 1933, p. 194 (Lenz). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 682 (Wohlrab). — R hM , 63 (1908) p. 235, 238 (Rabe). — R P h, S. I I I , 9 (1937) p. 75. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 52. V at. g r . 797. B ariSi C, Cuda, p. 31. — D ee Eha y e , Passions, p. 414 n. 3. — DEEEHAYE, Stylites, p. m . — DEVREESSE, Codices V at. I, p. 412, — DE­ VREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 179, 261, 340, 383. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I, p. 109 n. 1, 164 n. 1, 383, 660 n. 6. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 33-35. — F ranchi de ’ Cavaeieri, Note, V I, p. 28. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Scritti, II, p. 87. — H aekin , Euphém ie, p. 56-79. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 137, 138. — Eietzmann, Symeon, p. 201. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 558. A B , 21 (1902) p. 142 (Delehaye); 58 (1940) p. 150 (Delehaye); 71 (1953) p. 167 (Devos); 72 (1954) p. 222 n. 2, 223, 224, 230 (Devos). — B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 271, 272, 273 (von Dobschütz); 21 (1912) p. 309; 35 (1935) p. 157. — 41 (1941) p. 243; 57 (1964) p. 499. — RPh, S. I I I , 37 (1963) p. 150. — Scriptorium, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 793-802


7 (1953) p. 55 (Halkin); 13 (1959) p. 261 (Hemmerdinger - Iliadou); 270; 18 (1964) p. 132; 19 (1965) p. 333. Misceli. Klauser, p. 150 n. 6, 151, 154 n. 25 (Halkin). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 1, 2. 35, 42, 105, 111. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 509b, 516i, 990. Vat. g r . 798. Bidez , Philostorgius, p. CL. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 259, 341, 368, 388. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 18 n. 4. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 376, 688. — F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 35-37. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Scritti, I, p. 172. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 164. Bessarione, 2 (1897) p. 247 n. 1 (anonimo). — Byzantion, 3 (1926) p. 327 OC, 4 (1904) p. 279 (Batareikh). Vat. g r . 799. Bidez , Philostorgius, p. CE. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 17, 63, 114, 147, 178, 222, 304, 338, 364, 383. — E hrhard , Überlie­ ferung, II, p. 376. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 37-38. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Scritti, I, p. 172. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 164. Bessarione, 2 (1897) p. 247 n. 1 (anonimo). — Byzantion, 3 (1926) p. 327 (Abel). — OC, 4 (1904) p. 279 (Batareikh). Vat. g r. 800. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, I I , p. 119. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 25, 80, 116, 148, 181, 339, 369, 389. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 827. — F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 39-40. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 620. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 248. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 242. A B , 16 (1897) p. 316 (anonimo); 51 (1933) p. 270 (Delehaye). — Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 237 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 809 (Grégoire). — OCP, 32 (1966) p. 54 (Bickersteth). — R E B yz, 13 (1955) p. 159 (Wenger). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 374 n. 4 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 9 (van Regem orter). — ViVrem, 9 (1901) p. 161. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 97, 130. Vat. g r. 801. Bidez , Philostorgius, p. cl . — D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2807. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 179, 261, 343, 371, 394. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 89 n. 6. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 40-41. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Scritti, I, p. 172. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 376, 376 n. 6, 693 n. 1. — OldfaTher , Studies, p. 399. — P itra , Analecta sa'cra, II, p. 164. Bessarione, 2 (1897) p. 247 n. 1 (anonimo). — Byzantion, 3 (1926) p. 327 (Abel). — OC, 4 (1904) p. 279 (Batareikh). Vat. g r. 802. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 118. — Bidez , Philostor­ gius, p. LXii, cl. — Bronzini, Leggenda, p. 271 n. 62. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 355, 369, 389. — F ranchi de ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 41-43. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, S critti, I, p. 172. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 376. — OldfaTher , Studies, p. 399. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 164. Bessarione, 2 (1897) p. 247 n. 1 (anonimo). — Byzantion, 3 (1926) p. 327 (Abel). — OC, 4 (1904) p. 279 (Batareikh). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 329. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 97. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 803. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 44, 45, 63 n. I, 78. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 18, 68, 451. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 192 n. 9. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, I, p. 410, 460 n. 6, 474 n. 6. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaEiERi, Catalogus, p. 44-46. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Scritti, II , p. 10, 12. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 138. — HERGEnroether , Photius, I, p. 260 n. 13. — K eostermann, Analecta, p. 11. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 168 n . 1. — K rumbacher, Miscellen, p. 52, 56, 58, 62. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 128, 130. — Mai, Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 172. — Mercati, Opéré minori, I, p. 529; IV p. 47. — P aschkE, K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 128, 235, 261. ■ — R ahefs, Ver­ zeichnis, p. 256. — Ven (van den ), Spyridon, p. 56. — W eyh , B arbara Legende, p. 11, 23, 24, 30, 34. A B , 71 (1953) p. 165 (Devos). — B y J , 9 (1932) p. 126 (Heseler). — ByzZ, 15 (1906) p. 271, 273 (von Dobschütz). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 142. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 2. -— Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 280a, 387d, 1870y. V at. g r. 804. De Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2788. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 71, 222, 259, 304, 338, 367, 387. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Cata­ logus, p. 46-47. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II , p. 408, 453 n. 2, 454 n. 2. — Gebhardt (von), Akten, p. x x n . — K rumbacher, Miscellen, p. 50. — Mo­ ravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 564. Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 2.



V at. g r . 805. Cafocci, Codices Barber., p. x x v ii-x x v m . — DE Marinis , L egatura, nr. 2772. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 21, 114, 147, 181,261,448. — F ranchi dE’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 47-49. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 431, 682. — P aschke, K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 169 sg., 204 n. 1, 207, 221, 239 sg. ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 160. Menologio, p. 56 n. 10, 57 n. 3. V at. g r . 806. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 17, 65, 114, 147, 222, 310, 445. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 432, 454 n. 2. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 49-50. — Gebhardt (von), Akten, p. x x ii. — Moravcsik, Byzan­ tinoturcica, p. 564. — P aschke, K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 170, 207 sg., 223, 233 n. 2, 238, 240, 242, 255. A B , 59 (1941) p. 304 n. 3 (Halkin). Menologio, p. 56 n. 10. V at. g r . 807. Bronzini, Leggenda, p. 262 n. 12. — Dee Ehaye , Saints m ilitaires, p. 92. — DEEEHAYE, Stylites, p. exxvi . — D eeehaye , Versions, p. 416, 420. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 20, 40, 175, 255, 335, 370, 445. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I, p. 477. — F auehaber, Propheten-Catenen, p. 69. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , Catalogus, p. 50-53. — F ranchi d e ’ CavaeiEr i , N ote, IV, p. 6. — Gebhardt (von), Akten, p. vi, exix . — H arnack, Überlie­ ferung, p. 138. — K raSeninnikov , Sermones, p. x x x v n. 129. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 88 sg., 127, 157. — Moravcsik, Byzantinoturcica, p. 564, 567. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 84. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 803-811


A B , 5 (1886) p. 288 (Bonnet); 21 (1902) p. 142 (Delehaye); 22 (1903) p. 139 (Delehaye); 50 (1932) p. 242 (Delehaye); 68 (1950) p. 103 (Loenertz); 69 (1951) p. 394 n. 2 (Halkin); 71 (1953) p. 164, 165 (Devos); 72 (1954) p. 223 (De­ vos). — B P hW , 31 (1911) p. 1597. — Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 796 (Grégoire). — ByzZ, 3 (1894) p. 150 (Van den Gheyn); 467 n. 3 (Bonnet); 9 (1900) p. 190; 12 (1903) p. 677; 25 (1925) p. 380 (cit. err.: 897); 31 (1939) p. 173. — OCP, 4 (1240) p. 138 (Gill). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 51-58 (Halkin); 10 (1956) p. 165; 12 (1958) p. 128. — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 295 (Mercati). Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 2, 30, 93. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 387d, 1867c. — Menologio, p. 56 n. 10. Vat. g r. 808.

Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 541, 542 n. 2. — DELESaints militaires, p. 92. — D elehaye , Stylites, ρ. ι,χχνι. — DevrEESSE, Fonds grec, p. 21, 76, 83, 85, 123, 125, 173, 183, 188, 191, 254, 267, 268, 271, 390.

haye ,

— DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 88. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 474 n. 6, 478 n. 2, 480, 524, 579; I I I , p. 1027. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 53-56. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Note, IV, p. 6. — G e b h a r d t (v o n ), Akten, ρ. XX. — G ia n n e l l i , Codices Vat. I, p. 417. -— H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 138, 139. — K r u m b a c h e r , Miscellen, p. 52, 53, 56, 63. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 6. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 564. — P a s c h k e , K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. 132, 136, 137 sg., 202 n. 2, 230, 234 sg., 237, 245 n. 2, 254, 260. — Q u a s t e n , Patrology, I, p. 138. A B , 18 (1889) p. 64; 21 (1902) p. 142 (Delehaye); 71 (1953) p. 164, 165 (Devos); 72 (1954) p. 223 (Devos). — B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 467 n. 3 (Bonnet); 9 (1900) p. 190; 20 (1911) p. 319; 25 (1925) p. 380; 39 (1939) p. 173. — RO, 9 (1915) p. 159 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 51, 53, 56-58 (Halkin); 21

(1967) p. 171. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 2. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 2295. — Menologio, p. 56

n. 10. Vat. g r. 809. BariSi C, Cuda, p. 25 n. 45. — D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2806. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 76, 88, 127, 171, 194, 253, 332, 379. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, ρ. 95 η. 8 . — E hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 961. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, ρ. 57. Eos, 16 (1910) ρ. 131 η. 64 (Przychocki). — R E Byz, 6 (1948) ρ. 41 (Mercati). Vat. gr. 810. De Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2674. — D evrEESSE, Fonds grec, ρ. 17, 65, 87, 125, 192, 260, 271, 338, 387. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, ρ. 408, 453 η. 2, 454 η. 2. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 58-59. — Gebhardt (von), Akten, ρ. χ χ ιι. — K rumbacher, Miscellen, p. 50. -— Mo­ ravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 564. A B , 30 (1911) p. 102. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 2. Vat. g r. 811. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 17, 69, 85, 124, 178, 190, 270. — E hrhard , Überheferung, II, p. 408, 453 n. 2, 454 n. 2. — F ranchi d e ’ Cava­ l ie r i , Catalogus, ρ. 59-60. — Gebhardt (von), Akten, p. x x ii . — K rumbacher, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

Vat. g r. 822. BERENDTS, Überlieferung, p. 14. — D e l e h a y e , Saints m ilitaires, p. 87. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 179, 261, 340, 364, 401. — D o b s c h ü t z (v o n ), Christusbilder, p. 35. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II , p. 627. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 75-76. — K r a Se n in n ik o v , Prodromus, p. 22, 76, 77. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 441. — W in k e l m a n n , T ex t­ bezeugung, p. 106. A B , 33 (1914) p. 349. — B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 190 (von Dobschütz). — E H B S 29 (1959) p. 511. — OCP, 6 (1940) p. 129 n. 0 (Gill). Vat. g r. 823. BERENDTS, Überlieferung, p. 14. — DE M a r in is , Lega­ tu ra, nr. 2673. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 21, 66, 116, 188, 261, 267, 341, 383. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, II, p. 628. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Cata­ logus, p. 77-78. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 256. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 190 (von Dobschütz). V at. g r. 824. A n r ic h , Hagios Nikolaos, I, p. 66, 112, 152, 184; II, p. 39, 41, 63, 67, 85 n. 1, 90. — DELEHAYE, Mélanges, p. 242. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 21, 77, 116, 183, 188, 261, 267, 351, 364, 383. — E h r h a r d , Ü ber­ lieferung, I I I , p. 743. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 78-80. — H a r ­ n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 128, 138. — P a s c h k e , K lem entinen-Epitom en, p. x x i x , 36, 42, 52, 56, 60, 62, 63, 65, 123, 138, 230, 233, 235, 237, 260 sg„ 263, 280-283. — R E h m , Pseudoklem entinen, p. x iv , x x m . A B , 9 (1890) p. 204; 47 (1929) p. 137. — B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 18 (Garitte). — B yzZ , 4 (1895) p. 348 (Dräseke); 13 (1904) p. 174. — REG, 18 (1905) p. 211 n. 4 (d’Alès). Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, p. 7, 27, 96, 97. — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 1005d. Vat. g r . 825. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 21, 231, 308. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, I I I , p. 746. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 80-81. — J a e g e r , Gregorius, V III 1, p. 353. — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 43. — O l d f a t h e r , Studies, p. 522. A I V , 118 (1959-60) p. 278 n. 1 (Gonzato). — BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 88 n. 4 (Mioni). — Byzantion, 31 (1961) p. 374 (Gouillard). — EO, 35 (1936) p. 49 (Salaville). — Muséon, 19 (1900) p. 427, 428, 429, 429 n. 1 (Van den Ven). — RhM , 63 (1908) p. 128 (Rabe). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 170. V at. g r. 826. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 24, 79, 114, 147, 231, 308, 349, 436, 457. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 81. — R e g n a u l T P r é v i l l e (d e ). Dorothée, p. 99, 100, 105. B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 18 (Garitte). — Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 131 n. 1 (da Costa-Douillet). — B yzZ, 57 (1964) p. 436. — OrChr, 26 (1932) p. 90 n. 3, 99, 99 n. 1 (Brun). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 340 (Canivet). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 350; 20 (1966) p. 113. Vat. g r. 827. B e n e Se v iö , Priloäenija, p . 93. — B e n e Se v i C, Sbomik, p. 16 n. 1, 25, 244, 251-253, 284, 315, 316, 321, 332. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 172, 216, 252, 275, 332, 376, 395. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p . 22 n. 9, 66 n. 5, 88 n . 3, 214 n. 6. — F u n k , Didascalia, I, p . x l i x . — H a r - - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 822-830


Na c k , Überlieferung, p. 804. — J oa nn otj , Discipline, 1 1, p. 4, 19; 12, p. xvxn; II, p. x x x iii. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x, 24, 25, 26, 46, 425, 426 n. 1, 454 n. 2, 540, 575, 644; II, p. 6, 13, 127, 173, 183, 304, 373, 442, 515 n. 1. — S c h w a r t z , A.C.O., I 1,3, p. I, 2; I I 1,2, p. 68; I I 1,3, p. 2. A B , 68 (1950) p. 49, 49 n. 5 (Devreesse). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 221 (Irigoin). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 166, 176 (Benesevic). — Z N T W , 30 (1931) p. 12' (Schwartz). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse).

V at. g r. 828. B e c k , Kirche, p. 152. — B e n e SÉv i £, Sbomik, p. 16 n. 1, 107 n. 2, 146 n. 4, 180 n. 3, 182, 332. — B e n e Së v i Ô, Svëdënija, p. 7. — D E ­ VREESSE, Ponds grec, p. 23, 459. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 209 n. 1, 214 n. 10. — F u n k , Didascalia, II, p. x v m , x x x ix . — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 542, 643. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , M onumenta, p. 4, 11 n. 2. — H e r g e n r ö THER, Photius, I, p. 166 n. 2, 167 n. 14, 168 n. 19, 169 n. 25. — K OTTER, Überlieferung, p. 70. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, I, p. 46, 48 n. 2, 102; II, p. 168, 169, 206, 223, 317, 443. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 247. — T i d n e r , Didascalia, p. 118. — Z a c h a r ia v o n L in g e n t h a e , Nomokanones, p. 15. Byzantion, 17 (1944-45) p. 167 n. 18 (Honigmann); 31 (1961) p. 47 n. 3 (Laurent). — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 246, 247 (Gelzer); 2 (1893) p. 60 (Gelzer); 9 (1900) p. 695. — OCP, 6 (1940) p. 22, 22 n. 1 (Gordillo). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 172; 20 (1966) p. 110. — S IF C , 2 (1894) p. 481 (Vitelli). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 250 (Canart). Vat. g r. 8(29. B e n e Se v iö , Sbom ik, p. 95 n. 3, 102 n. 1, 332. — CoEONNA, Storici, p, 88. — D a r r o u z è S, Documents, p. 255. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 216, 289. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 214 n. 10. — F i c k e r , Erlasse, p. 46. — G r u m e e , Regestes, I, nr. 844. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 417, 543, 643. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , Photius, I, p. 171 n. 6. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 456. — P i t r a , M onumenta, I, p. 46, 73, 422, 538, 540, 545, 546, 644; II, p. 6, 204 n. 1, 206, 317, 442. B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 522. — OCP, 6 (1940) p. 9, 18, 21 n. 3, 21, 22 (Gordillo). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 110 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 425; 426. — SIF C , 2 (1894) p. 481 (Vitelli). Vat. g r. 830. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 43, 68, 85, 124, 177, 190, 259, 310, 366, 432, 448. — D ie k a m p , Analecta, p. 184. — F ic k e r , Erlasse, p. 46. — G ia n n e e EI, Codices Vat. I, p. 404. — L a E m m ER, Bibliotheca, p. 20, 142 n. 1. — L a e m m e r , M antissa, p. 44. — L e r o y , Proclus, p. 49. — L o e s c h k e H e in e m a n n , Gelasius, p. xrv, x x i, x x n , x e . — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 72 sg. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 56. — O p it z , Athanasius, I I I 1 (Verzeichnis der Siglen). — P it r a , M onumenta, II, p. 247. — P u s e y , De fide, p. v m , x n , x ix, xx , 1, 2. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 239, 240. — S c h w a r t z , A.C.O., I 1,1, p. i, x v m , x ix , x x v i h ; I 1,2, p. x ; I 1,3, p. 2; I 1,4, p. 2; I 1,6, p. 2. — S c h w a r t z , A ktenstücke, p. 7, 76, 90, 98, 99. — S c h w a r t z , Konzilstudien, p. 12 n. 1. — W e i s s , Anastasiana, p. vi, 58. B P hW , 48 (1928) p. 238 n. 4. — B yzZ, 4 (1923) p. 218. — E M A , 8-9 (19581959) p. 87 (Patrineles). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 325 n. 11 (Savio). 32 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

Miscell. Ehrte, II, p. 57, 58, 59 η. 1 (Schwartz). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 251 (Canart). Vat. g r. 831. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 43, 64, 88, 126, 171, 193, 253, 310, 458. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 56 n. 9. — F e e o p o u e o s , Studios, p. 46. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 72 sg. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. 438. — S c h w a r t z , A.C.O., I I 1,1, ρ. V; I I 1,2, p. v, 68; Hi 1,3, p. v, vi, v m , ix, 2. — S c h w a r t z , Chalkedon, p. 8-10. B P hW , 56 (1936) p. 34. — B y ] , 10 (1933) p. 522. — B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 25 (Gelzer); 38 (1938) p. 445; 448. — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 10 (van Regemorter). Miscell. Tisserant, V II, p. 188 n. 3 (Peri). ...»


Vat. g r. 832. DE M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 935. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 468. — F ic k e r , Erlasse, p. 44. — G u e n t h e r , Epistulae, p. cxv. — S c h w a r t z , A.C.O., III, p. v. Vat. g r. 833. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 469. — DEVREESSE, In tro ­ duction, p. 92. — K ominis , Pardos, p. 72. — V ogee - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 420. Vat. g r . 834. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 418, 449. — O p it z , Athanasius, I I I 1 (Verzeichnis der Siglen). — P i Tr a , Monumenta, II, p. 98 n. 1, 101. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 420. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 183, 184 (Canart). Vat. g r. 835. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 432, 447. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 101, 353, 355. Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 3 n. 5 (Blake); 25-27 (1955-57) p. 360 (Van den Ven). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 262 (Harlfinger-Wiesner). Congr. hyz. X , p. 119 (Bonicatti). Vat. g r. 836. B e r t ö e a , Registri, p. 38 n. 5. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 69, 88, 126, 172, 253, 275, 332, 375, 397. — O p it z , Athanasius, I I I 1 (Ver­ zeichnis der Siglen). — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 101, 304, 353, 355. Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 3 n. 5 (Blake); 25-27 (1955-57) p. 360 (Van den Ven). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 133. Vat. g r. 837. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 67, 88, 126, 172, 193, 253, 275, 333, 378, 397. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 66 n. 4, 188 n. 3. — G ie e , Acta, p. x. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 215 n. 2. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. 514. — STE p h a n o u , Italos, p. 47 n. 0. B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 188. — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 178 n. 2 (Laurent). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 181 (Beneseviö). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 57 n. 262 (Gouillard). y

Vat. g r. 838. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 426, 466. — F unk , Didascalia, I, p. x x x v n , XEi, χεπ , x e v u . — L aemmer , Bibliotheca, p. 38. — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 44. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 831-841


B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 677. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 103 (Patrineles). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 159 (Beneseviè). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 216, 229, 250 (Canart). Vat. g r. 839. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 475. — F u n k , Didascalia, I, p. x x iii, x x iv , xx v i, x x x v iii, x e v h i . — H a n s s e n s , Liturgie, p. 48. — M e r ­ c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 338; IV, p. 144, 146 sg. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 321. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. 3, 7, 46, 48 n. 2, 111. — R e h m , Pseudoklem entinen, p. xiv. A B , 25 (1906) p. 346. — Bessarione, 19 (1906) p. 338. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 362. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 333 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 606, 606 n. 121 (Leonardi). Vat. g r. 840. BEN e Se v i C, Sinagoga, p. 7 n. 2, 17, 19, 166-175, 222, 224-250, 292-311. — Ca p o c c i , Codices B arber, p. x x v n -x x v m . — C o l o n n a , Storici, p. 161. — D a r r o u z ÈS, Documents, p. 163. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 475. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 206 n. 8, 214 n. 7, n. 10. — F r a n c h i d e ' C a v a l ie r i - L i ETz m a n n , Specimina, tav . 42. — G r u m e e , Regestes, nr. 804. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 300. — H e im b a c h , Anecdota, II, p. e h i , EV, EVII. — HERGENROETHER, Photius, I, p. 161 n. 9, n. 15, 162 n. 23. — JAEGER, Gregorius, V i l i 2, p. XEHI, XEV. — KOTTER, Überlieferung, p. 70. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 191 n. 1. — K r u m b a c h e r , Sprichwörter, p. 265. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V 2, p. 130, 138, 146. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 66. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 436-438, 440 n. 1 ; IV, p. 320. — M ic h e e , H um bert, II, p. 283 n. 0. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 335. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. 46, 118, 229, 425, 540, 644; II, p. 206, 244-246, 317, 373, 417, 418, 419. — POEITES, Hodegos, fig. 15, p. 124. — REGEE, A nalecta, p. x x x h , x x x v h i . — R u d b ERG, É tudes, p. 184. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 240, 247, 251. — S c h a e k HAUSSER, Makarios, p. 1 n. 4, 7, 7 n. 2. — S c h u b a r T, Palaeographie, p. 166 (nr. 42). — S t ä h e in , S trom ata1, p. e h . — VoGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 163. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 98 (Mercati). — Byslav, 28 (1967) p. 39 n. 2 (Loos). — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 3 n. 5 (Blake). — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372. — EO, 12 (1909) p. 257, 258 (Jugie); 15 (1912) p. 215 (Jugie); 35 (1936) p. 89 (Grumel). — OrChr, 33 (1934) p. 225 n. 1 (Stadtm üller). — REB yz, 14 (1956) p. 183 (Grumel). — RPh, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 122. — S B A W, 2 (1892) p. 349 (Krum ­ bacher). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 198. — S IF C , 2 (1894) p. 561 (Vitelli); 9 (1901) p. 450, 465 (Capo). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 159 n. 2 (Benesevic). — Z N U F , 8 (1914) p. 23 (Dobroklonskij). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 333 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 606, 606 n. 121 (Leonardi). — MonacheSimo, p. 210 n. 230 (Leroy). Vat. g r. 841. Ca n a r t , Archivio, p. 33. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 30, 166, 252, 448. — H a r n a c k , Apologeten, p. 70. — M a i , Bibliotheca, II, p. vi. — M a i , Collectio, V ili, p. v i i . — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 77 n. 6. — P it r a , M onumenta, II, p. 206, 223. — S c h w a r Tz , Nestorius, p. 30, 38. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 114 n. 6 (Mercati). — EO, 39 (1940) p. 123 (Jugie). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 104 (Darrouzès). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 69 (Giannelli). Miscell. Mercati, I I I , p. 183 (Giannelli). V at. g r . 842. B en e Seviô , Sbomik, p. 16 n. 1, 53 n. 8, 57 n. 1, 332. — DEVREESSE, Ponds grec, p. 475. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 214 n. 10. — F ick er , Erlasse, p. 24 n. 2, 46, 47. — Grum ee , Regestes, nr. 832, 844, 883, — L efh erz , Studien, p. 154. — P i Tra , Monumenta, I, p. 538, 655; II, p. 442. B yzZ, 16 (1907) p. 398. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 104 (Patrineles). — ViVrem, 12 (1905) p. 515, 517 (Benesevic). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 216, 229, 232, 250, 252 (Canart); 606, 606 n. 121 (Leonardi). V at. g r . 843. B en e Se v i C, Sbomik, p. 186 n. 2, 204 n. 1, 205 n. 2, 332. — BENEâEViC, Sinagoga, p. 3, 10, 17, 141-144, 220, 224-250, 251-267, 268. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 217, 294, 454. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 207. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 805. — H eimbach , Anecdota, II, p. x e h , XEiv, xi,v, xi,vu, xrix , e . — J oannou , Discipline, II, p. x v m , x x x iii . — MorTr e u ie , Histoire, I, p. 203-205, 207, 209. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. 3, 23, 24, 25, 441, 540, 644; II, p. 373, 385 n. 1, n. 3. Bessarione, 7 (1900) p. 382 n. 1 (Tondini de’ Quarenghi). V at. g r. 844. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 30, 37, 172, 252, 335, 370, 389. — L efh erz , Studien, p. 194. — MorTr e u ie , Histoire, II, p. 25. — P itra , Monumenta, II, p. 6, 442. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 57, 85 n. 3, 137, 138 (Pétrucci). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. Vat. g r . 845. B e n e Se v i C, Sbom ik, p. 8 n. 4, 332. — Ca p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 262. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 30, 61, 105, 140, 173, 183. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 211 n. 4, 212 n. 6, 220 n. 9. — D e v r e e s s e , Ma­ nuscrits, p. 60 n. 1. — J a ë k e e , Menander, p. ix, xxxrv. -— L a u r e n t - G ux eeo u , Libero, p. 331. — M o r Tr e u i e , Histoire, III, p. 216. — P E R T usi, Leonzio Pilato, p. 489. — STERNBACH, Curae, p. 16, 18 n. 3, 24. — STERNBACH, Menandrea, p. 347. B P E C , N.S., 7 (1959) p. 32 (Gallavotti). — ByzZ, 6 (1897) p. 212-213. — Eos, 44 (1950) fasc. 1, p. 39 n. 18 (Lanowski). — Homme, 6 (1966) p. 72 n. 4 (Patlagean). — RecAcLeg, 19 (1949) p. 15 (de Malafosse). — R E J , S. IV, 4 (1965) p. 141, 142, 148, 148 n. 3 (Patlagean). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. —- SD SD, 7 (1886) p. 245 (de Gasparis). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 12. — Oriente Cristiano, p. 346 n. 28, 348 n. 50 (d’Emilia). V at. g r . 846. DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2766. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 30, 307, 354, 441. — D evreesse Introduction, p. 207 n. 5. — H eimbach , Anecdota, II, p. x x v iii , x x x , x e h . — MorTr e u ie , Histoire, I, p. 203 n. c, 211 n. f, 235 n. b. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 373. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 842-853


V at. g r. 847. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 30, 61, 89, 128, 169, 195, 250, 325, 404. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 44, 221 n. 5, 228 n. 8. — F o e r s TER, Libanius, V III, p. 366; IX , p. 217. — H o u ,, Parallela, p. 379, 380. — L o o p s , Parallela, p. 3. — LOOPS, Studien, p. 3. — M o r t r e u ie , Histoire, I, p. 405; II, p. 446; I I I , p. 216. — PiTRA, M onumenta, II, p. 304. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 490, 492. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 39. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Vat., p. 59. — W a c h s m u t h , Studien, p. 90. B S H A R , 26 (1945) p. 284 n. 3 (Laurent). — ByzZ, 10 (1901) p. 408, 413 (Ehrhard); 51 (1958) p. 428. — QUCC, 4 (1967) p. 149 n. 37 (Di Lello - Finuoli). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 46, 48, 49 (Irigoin). — W S, 10 (1888) p. 27 (Stern-bach).

Vat. g r . 848. Bene Se v iî , Sinagoga, p. 187 η. 1. — DE Marinis , Legatu ra, nr. 2801. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 173, 254, 276, 332, 376, 389. — Grumee, Regestes, nr. 598. — Mortreuie , I, p. 218 n. f; III, p. 364. — P i Tra, M onumenta, II, p. 206. — VERPEAUX, Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 291 n. 2, 295. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 61 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — REB yz, 21 (1963) p. 230-231 (Verpeaux). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). V at. g r . 849. Bene §Evi£, Sinagoga, p. 187 η. 1. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 43, 173, 333, 409. — MERCaTi , Isidoro, p. 75. — Mortreuie, H is­ toire, I I I , p. 364. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 206. R E B yz, 21 (1963) p. 231 n. 2 (Verpeaux). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). V at. g r. 850. C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 161. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 31, 172, 376, 387. — G ia n n e e e i , Codices V at. II, p. 91. — L e f h e r z , Studien, p. 82. — M o r t r e u ie , H istoire, III, p. 364. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 206. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 232. — V e r p e a u x , Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 295. B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 61 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 101, 102 (Sinko). — R E B yz, 21 (1963) p. 231 n. 2 (Verpeaux). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloienija, II, p. 48 (Almazov).

Vat. g r. 851. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 166, 254, 333. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 213 n. 3. — Mortreuie , Histoire, III, p. 364. V at. g r. 852. C a p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 262. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 166, 252, 254, 323, 404. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 213 n. 2, 214 n. 10. — H ë im b a c h , Anecdota, I, p. 201, 213, 216, 238, 240; II, p. x x v i i i , χ ε π , 265. — M o r t r e u ie , H istoire, II, p. 450 n. c, 452, 464, 465; III, p. 299. — N o a ie e ES - D a in , Novelles, ρ . χ ε π , x e v h . — S v o r o n o s , Synopsis, p. 54, 89, 91-103 passim, 105-110, 115, 116-118, 121-125, 130, 131, 163, 181-188. JOBG, 11-12 (1962-63) p. 49 (Mazal). — R E B yz, 11 (1953) p. 47, 48 (Dain); 19 (1961) p. 254 (Dain). — R ID A , 4 (1950) p. 306, 310, 312, 314, 315 (Dain). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 123; 13 (1959) p. 319. V at. g r. 853. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 89, 127, 195, 220, 247, 296, 351, 459. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 17, 210 n. 7, 211 η. 1. — D o e g e r , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Tipucitus, p. in , xx. — F errini - Mercati, Tipucitus, p. x, xi, x m n. 1, xiv n. 1. — H eimbach, Anecdota, I, p. 220. — MorTreuil , Histoire, II, p. 109, 252; III, p. 253. Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 542 (Collinet). — ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 165; 46 (1956) p. 150. — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 329. — StBiz, 8 (1953) p. 363 (Maschi). — Traditio, 3 (1945) p. 396 (Berger). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 13. Vat. gr. 854. D evrEESSE, Fonds grec, p. 37, 61, 89, 127, 195, 279, 324, 406. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 85 n. 2, 212. — DiEES, H andschriften, II, p. 95. — F eter , Epictetus, p. 11. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 82. — Mortreuie , H istoire, II, p. 443, 450 n. c. — N oaieees - D ain , Novelles, p. x e ii . — SvoRONOS, Synopsis, p. 17-45 passim·, 46-48, 76, 77-78. — W uensch, De mensibus, p. x x m . — Zakythinos, D espotat, II, p. 318. S B A W , 1892, p. 343 sg„ 354 (K rum bacher). Vat. gr. 855. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 61, 89, 127, 172, 195, 357, 396, 452. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 212 n. 4. — DiEES, Handschriften, II, p. 95. — E eter , E pictetus, p. 11. —1 Mortreuie , Histoire, II, p. 443. — N oaieees - D ain , Novelles, p. x eii . — Svoronos, Synopsis, p. 11, 17-48 passim, 76, 77-78. — W uensch , De mensibus, p. x x n i. S B A W , 1892, p. 344 sg. (Krumbacher). Vat. gr. 856. Andrieu , Im m ixtio, p. 203 n. 1. — Bornert, Commen­ taires, p. 182 n. 2, 183, 184, 186 n. 4, 187 n. 1, 190 n. 3, 191 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 423, 457. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 211 n. 8, 212 n. 5, 213 n. 15. — Grumee, Regestes, nr. 1021. — Mai , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 545. — Mortreuie , H istoire, II, p. 83; I I I, p. 218, 278. — Verp Eaux, Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 341, 343. B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 347 n. 2 (Ginis); 56 (1963) p. 74 (Theocharides). — D IEH et, 16 (1962) p. 37 n. 1 (Patrineles). — R E B yz, 18 (1960) p. 81 n. 22 (Guilland). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450, 465 (Capo). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 156 (Benesevic). Menologio, p. 57 n. 3. Vat. gr. 857. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 253, 444. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 214 n. 10, n. 11. — Mortreuie, Histoire, II, p. 26. — PiTRA, M onumenta, I, p. x. B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 347 n. 2 (Ginis). — EO, 24 (1927) p. 409 n. 9 (Jugie). Vat. gr. 858. DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2778. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 80, 88, 126, 171, 193, 251, 340. Vat. gr. 859. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 88, 126, 193, .275, 452. — D evreesse , Introduction, p. 89 n. 9, 91. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 462, 691; I I I , p. 987. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 82. — F unk , Patres Apostolici, p. x c v m . — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 58, 70, 78. — Mey i ER (de ), Codices Vossiani, p. 219. — P i Tra, Monumenta, î , p. x. — R oques H eie - Gandieeac (de ), Denys, p. 46. — T hiee (van), Rezension, p. 69. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 854-866


A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 296 (Lilia). — N S , 3 (1929) p. 379, 387, 388, 390, 401, 404, 409 (Théry). — RPh, S. I l l , 37 (1963) p. 150. — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 334 n. 25 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 333. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 262 (Canart). — Congr. byz. X I I , III, p. 279 (Mijovié). V at. g r . 860. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 24, 78, 115, 148, 228, 306, 458. — D ölger, B arlaam -Rom an, p. 10. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 861. — Sakkos, Anastasioi, p. 246. V at. g r . 861. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 21, 78, 115, 148, 234, 302, 352, 369, 389. — DÖLGER, B arlaam -Rom an, p. 10. V at. g r . 862. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 63, 119, 150, 211, 297, 374, 394, 417. — F ranchi de ' Cavalieri, Catalogus, p. 82-83. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 301; III, p. 955. — K raSeninnikov , Prodromus, p. 28, 86, 87. — Mercati, Opéré minori, IV, p. 116. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 94 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 641. — Sa­ lesianum, 17 (1955) p. 326, 327 n. 13 (Savio). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 863. Berghoff, Palladius, p. 13*. — B utler , Palladius, II, p. xv. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 21, 77, 116, 148, 227, 307, 357, 369, 389. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 965. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Ca­ talogus, p. 83. — H onigmann, Studies, p. 106, 107. — T uryn , Codices, p. 12,

101- 102. A B , 48 (1930) p. 267 n. 5 (Halkin); 84 (1966) p. 509-510. — Klio, 43-45 (1965) p. 368 n. 3 (Hansen). — Muséon, 70 (1957) p. 269 (Draguet). — Scrip­ torium, 8 (1954) p. 8 (van Regemorter). V at. g r . 864. B utler , Palladius, II, p. xvi. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 21, 116, 148, 232, 291, 368, 389. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I, p. 277. — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 248. — Sakkos , Anastasioi, p. 242. A B , 48 (1930) p. 268 n. 3 (Halkin). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 373, 374 n. 4 (Savio). — ViVrem, 4 (1897) p. 57 n. 1 (Smirnov). V at. g r. 865. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 23, 77, 116, 148, 179, 228, 261, 306, 364, 384. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 202 n. 5. — F estugiè RE, Révélation, I, p. 371. — L aurent - Guillou , Liber, p. 333. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 171. V at. g r. 866. Achelis , Acta, p. 24, 28-30, 67 166. — A nrich , Hagios, Nikolaos, II, p. 37, 80. — B id ez , Versions, p. ix. — B ra Tk e , Religionsgespräch, p. 54, 55, 66, 272. — B ronzini , Leggenda, p. 262 n. 12, 267 tav. II. — DELEha y e , Mélanges, p. 395. — D ë LEHAYE, Saints militaires, p. 56. — DELEhaye , Versions, p. 415, 420. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 471 n. 11, 477. — D ev reesse , M anuscrits, p. 18, 33. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, I, p. 75 n. 1, 156 n. 2, 338, 445, 459 n. 5, 474 n. 1, 476 n. 4, n. 5, 584 n. 3, 641 n. 1, 661 n. 5, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

668 n. 2, h. 8, 715, 948 n. 1. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 83-93. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Hagiographica, p. 83-84. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Note, II, p. 64; V, p. 44, 55; VI, p. 170, 171; V II, p. 55, 64; V III, p. 243, 336338, 340. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri, Scritti, I, p. 326, 328, 333, 398. — Ge b ­ hardt (von ), Akten, p. v, vi, x ix , e x ix . — Giann EEEI, Codices Vat. I, p. 310, 321. — H aekin , Euphémie, p. 9-33. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 127, 817. — K ra Seninnikov , Prodromus, p. 26, 84 sg. — K rumbacher , Miscellen, p. 56. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 132. — Mai , Bibliotheca, VI 2, p. 265, 290, 291. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 564. — Oedfa Th e r , Studies, p. 147 sg., 151 sg., 155 sg., 181, 184, 235, 240. — PiTRA, A nalecta sacra, II, p. 217; V 2, p. 302. — PiTRA, M onumenta, II, p. 246. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 256. — R o ssi T aibbi , Filagato, p. 12 n. 5. — R o ssi T a ibbi , Martirio, p. 36, 42. — S chwartz, Kyrillos, p. 2, 328, 329. — Straübinger , Kreuzauffindungs­ legende, p. 1, 6. — Vogee - G ardthatjsen, Schreiber, p. 365. — W e in ­ berger , A dnotationes, p. 6. — W e y h , Barbara-Legende, p. 12, 13, 19, 24, 30-34. A B , 9 (1890) p. 477 (anonimo); 16 (1897) p. 117 (anonimo); 19 (1900) p. 242 n. 1, 243 (Esteves Pereira); 21 (1902)'p. 8, 13 (anonimo); 142 (Delehaye); 22 (1903) p. 377 (Galante); 23 (1904) p. 94; 59 (1941) p. 305 n. 6 (Halkin); 70 (1952) p. 352 n. 1 (Halkin); 71 (1953) p. 166, 167 (Devos); 72 (1954) p. 77 (Garitte); 74 (1956) p. 30 n. 5 (de Gaiffier); 76 (1958) p. 295 (Halkin); 77 (1959) p. 220; 80 (1962) p. 35 n. 2 (Devos); 326 (Canart). — Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 68 n. 2 (Mercati). — B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 18, 27 (Garitte). — B P hW , 11 (1891) p. 1368; 14 (1894) p. 1382; 22 (1902) p. 136. — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 172; 3 (1894) p. 207; 460 (Bonnet); 621; 4 (1895) p. 196; 320, 333 (Nestle); 5 (1896) p. 366; 7 (1898) p. 482; 9 (1900) p. 266; 10 (1901) p. 687; 13 (1904) p. 174; 18 (1909) p. 645; 23 (1914-20) p. 164, 165 (Weyh); 39 (1939) p. 173; 52 (1959) p. 440. — M E E R , 75 (1963) p. 579 n. 2 (Petitmengin). — R F IC , 23 (1895) p. 266. — Scriptorium, 14 (I960) p. 157; 16 (1962) p. 152; 17 (1963) p. 156; 18 (1964) p. 329. — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 160. — W S, 13 (1891) p. 300 (W otke). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Ehrte, II, p. 226 n. 2 (Levison). — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.1, passim. — Bibi, hagiogr. grA, nr. 110a, 310d, 386e, 952z, 1177c, 1240z, 1876a, 2067, 2165, 2191. — Byzantino-Sicula, p. 95 n. 44, n. 45, 97 n. 64 (Schirò). — Menologio, p. 14 n. 2, 56 n. 10. — Oriente Cristiano, p. 267 n. 124 (Follieri). V at. g r. 867. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 48, 98, 135, 155, 205, 239, 287, 316, 415. — D rachmann , Cyrillglossar, p. 19, 21. — P i Tra ; Monumenta, I, p. x. — Sjöberg , Stephanites, p. 40, 53. — Studemtjnd , Anecdota, p. 290. — T uryn , Codices, p. 12, 42-44. A JP h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — A M S L , S. III, 13 (1887) p. 835 (Berthelot). — B I S I A M , 32 (1913) p. 41 (Ferrari). — B P hW , 13 (1893) p. 104. — B yzZ, 22 (1913) p. 629; 33 (1933) p. 417. — C R A I, S. IV, 16 (1888) p. 256 (Batiffol). — R E B yz, 22 (1964) p. 158 (Oikonomidès). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 212. — SFG, 1 (1882) p. 30, 37, 39 (Puntoni). — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari). — StBiz, 4 (1935) p. 257 (Ferrari dalle Spade). Catal. alchim., II, p. 147. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 867-875


V at. g r. 868. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 317, 450. — ÉGEnoeff , O rtho­ graphische Stücke, p. 28. — L egrand, Bibliothèque vulgaire, II, p. xxvii . — Sajdak , Historia, p. 304. — Sickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. 17. V at. g r. 869. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 209, 290, 416. — Drachmann, Cyrillglossar p. 21. — FoERSTER, Libanius, IX , p. 209. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 133. — Gaeeay, Lettres, p. 124, 127. — P rzychocki, Gregorius, p. 141. — R udberg , É tudes, p. 184. Eos, 16 (1910) p. 106 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 120 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 8 (1954) p. 300 (Gribomont). V at. g r. 870. DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2682, tav. CCCCXLIX — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 424 n. 41, 425, 460. Byzantion, 18 (1946-48) p. 200 (Mercati). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 140 (Hemm erdinger). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 119. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Stampa, p. 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 25 (Campana). V at. g r. 871. B uffière , H éraclite, p. xlvi, ev, evi, ex . — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 35, 45, 99, 135, 157, 205, 240, 287, 316, 414. — MaTranga, Anecdota, p. 795. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 113. — N ock, Sallustius, p. cx v n , e x v m n. 3, c x x i (cit. err. V at. gr. 876). — Oeemann, Heraclitus, p. vm, xi, x ra , x v n , x v m , x x i, x x ix , x x x , xe , xevui. — Sbordone, Hieroglyphica, p. EIV.

AC, 33 (1964) p. 152. — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — Mnemosyne, 1 (1852) p. 127, 128, 130, 132, 153 (Mehler). — R hM , 67 (1912) p. 6 (Brinkmann). — RPh, S. I l l , 39 (1965) p. 135. — S IF C , 3 (1895) p. 4 n. 1 (Muccio). — T A P h A , 98 (1967) p. 205 n. 2 (Keaney). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 872. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 209, 240, 413, 457. — R aaSTED, Intonation formulas, p. 42-43. — T ardo, Melurgia, p. 150, 164 sg., 207 n. 0, 226 n. 4, 266, 285. A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 238 (Tardo). — BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 93 n. 3, 221, 222, 230 n. 16 (di Salvo). — R E B yz, 5 (1947) p. 266. ■Congr. byz. X , p. 288 (Schlötterer). V at. g r. 873. D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2668. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 155. — ÉGEnoeff , O rthographische Stücke, p. 28. —- L egrand, Bi­ bliothèque vulgaire, II, p. xxvii . — Mercati, Cidone, p. 161 n. 2. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 176, 304. — Sickenberger , Lukaskatene, p. 17. — STaab, Pauluskatenen, p. 99, 172. RQA, 12 (1898) p. 59 n. 1 (Sickenberger). V at. g r. 874.

D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 496.

V at. g r. 875. BraTke , Religionsgespräch, p. 85. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 155, 315, 415. — ÉGENOEFF, Orthographische Stücke, p. 28. — LEFHERZ, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici V aticani greci


Studien, p. 79. — L egrand, Bibliothèque vulgaire, II, p. x x v n . — P itra , M onumenta, II, p. 246. — Sajdak , Codices, p. 67, 68 , 68 n. 10. — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 176, 237, 304. — SiCKENBERGER, Lukaskatene, p. 17. — STaab, Pauluskatenen, p. 99, 172. — Studemund, Anecdota, p. 290. EO, 30 (1931) p. 491 (Disdier). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 102, 103 (Sinko); 15 (1909) p. 70 (Sinko). — RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 59 n. 1 (Sickenberger). — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari). Vat. g r . 876. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 35, 209, 289. — D ie e s , H and­ schriften, I, p. 41; II, p. 74. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 68 n. 1, n. 2. Vat. g r . 877. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 425. SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 21 (Franchi de' Cavalieri - Muccio). Vat. g r . 878. Cohn, Paroem iographen, p. 2, 49 n. 2. — Crusius - Cohn, Paroem iographen, p. 225, 226. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 6 , 218, 295, 347 , 444 . — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 909 n. 17. — L indstam, Epistulae, p. v m . — Mercati, Cidone, p. 68 n. 2. R hM , 42 (1887) p. 390 (Crusius). — RPh, N.S., 12 (1888) p. 169; 18 (1894) p. 122; 25 (1901) p. 108. — S B A W, 1893, 2, p. 34, 40, 255 (Krumbacher). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 319 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 879. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 420, 451. — R eitzenstein , Etym ologika, p. 77. — VoGEE - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 308. B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 796. — R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 614. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canari). Vat. g r . 880. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 452. — R e i Tzenstëin , E ty ­ mologika, p. 77. B P E C , N.S., 13 (1965) p. 12, 13 (Colonna). — R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 614. — RPh, S. I I I , 12 (1938) p. 38. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canari). V at. g r . 881. A de ER, Lexicon, p. x. — A de ER, Suidas, col. 676. — B id ez , Philostorgius, p. exxxv . — B id ez - Cumon T, Epistulae, p. x v i. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 286, 315, 412. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 513. — T tjryn, Euripides, p. 102. — Zin Tzen , Damascius, p. 14. RPh, S. I I I , 7 (1933) p. 321. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 141. Vat. g r . 882.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 35, 45, 102, 137, 290,

413. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 883. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 34, 46, 99, 135, 154, 205, 240, 287, 316, 409. — D onnet, Traité, p. 14 n. 5, 15, 17, 49-50, 56-57, 69-71, 79 n. 1, 98, 102, 106-111, 113, 119-120, 136 n. 10, 163-217 passim, 234, 271, 275, 315-323, 329. — E genoeff , Orthoepische Stücke, p. 21 n. 20, 33. — Gianneeei , Codices Vat. II, p. 80. — Guieeand , Grégoras, p. x x , x x iv . — K ominis, Pardos, p. 20, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 876-894


31, 32, 81, 87, 127. — K opp , Beiträge, p. 92. — Binds Tam, Epistulae, p. x. — P i Tra, A nalecta sacra, I, p. exxxvi. — R eitzenstein , Etym ologika, p. 332, 384 n. 1. — Studemund , Anecdota, p. 290. B IB R , 37 (1966) p . 83, 85, 86, 90-93, 96 n. 7 (Donnet). — B P E C , N.S., 2 (1953) p. 61, 74 (Bolognesi). — B yzZ , 2 (1893) p. 230 (Voltz); 16 (1907) p. 432, 450 n. 1 (Festa); 47 (1954) p. 186; 58 (1965) p. 295 (Mazal). — RPh, N.S., 32 (1908) p 3 7 . — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 327. — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari). Vat. g r . 884.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 207, 289, 413.

Vat. g r . 885. DE M a r in i s , Begatura, nr. 2949. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 424 n. 41, 525. Byzantion, 18 (1946-48) p. 200 (Mercati). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Stampa, p. 69 (Campana). Vat. g r . 886. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 208, 288, 415. — H a r ­ Überlieferung, p. 137. — VOGEL - G a r d Th a ü SEn , Schreiber, p. 164.


V at. g r . 887. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 46. — F o e r s TER, Libanius, V III, p. 11, 22, 366. — H ie g a r d , Scholia, p. v. Vat. g r . 888.

D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 47, 209, 290.

Vat. g r . 889. B oeeig - Dagarde, Johannes Euchaitenus, p. ix. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 464. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. I, p. x x iv , 197. — K uhn , Symbolae, p. 63, 81 n. 1, 123 n. 1, 133 n. 1. — L udwich , OdysseusDegenden, p. 3. — Matranga, Anecdota, p. 35. — Mercati, Opere minori, IV, p. 198 n. 1. — Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 324. — Sajdak , Historia, p. 304. — Sickenberger , Bukaskatene, p. 17. Byzantion, 18 (1946-48) p. 200-202 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 24 (1923-24) p. 304 n. 2 (Mercati); 435. — Eranos, 5 (1903) p. 153 (Dundström). — M E F R , 39 (1921) p. 153, 163 (Mercati). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 108 (Darrouzès). — RhM , 42 (1887) p. 391 n. 1 (Crusius). — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. 32 n. 1, 33 n. 2 (Campana). Vat. gr. 890.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 98, 135, 205, 288, 415.

Vat. gr. 891.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 48, 99, 135, 205, 288.

Vat. gr. 892. H istoria, p. 22. Vat. gr. 893.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 155, 239, 318, 413. — S a j d a k ,

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 208, 288, 475.

Vat. gr. 894. Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 70. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 464. — H u d e , Dysias, p. x n . — V ogt, H ym ni, p. 8. RBPh, 33 (1955) p. 1044. — RPh, S. III, 37 (1959) p. 320. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 895. B e k k er , Anecdota, III, p. 1077. -— Capocci, Codices Barber., p. x x x i. — Crusius - Cohn , Paroemiographen, p. 237. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 350. — D onnet , Traité, p. 114. — G uieeand , Gregoras, p. xx. — H iegard , Canones, p. e x x x ii . — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 297 n. 1. — L indstam , Epistulae, p. x. — P ost, Plato, p. 78. B P E C , N.S., 2 (1953) p. 61, 74 (Bolognesi). — B yzZ, 2 (1893) p. 230 (Voltz); 29 (1929) p. 306; 47 (1954) p. 186; 58 (1965) p. 295 (Mazal). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 685 (Wohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson); 20 (1966) p. 327. V at. g r . 896. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 157, 414. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 68 n. 2. — P ost , Plato, p. 78. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 155. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 685 (Wohlrab). V at. g r . 897. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 45, 99, 208, 290, 317, 444. — Mercati , Suida, p. 29. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 201. N J P h P , 95 (1867) p. 610, 610 n. 4 (Studemund). V at. g r . 898. D a in , Elien, p. 344. —- D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 287, 407. — R abe , A phthonius, p. x x x n . — R abe , Hermogenes, p. x ix. R hM , 58 (1903) p. 216, 216 n. 1 (Rabe). — SIF C , 3 (1895) p. 512 (Cerocchi). V at. g r. 899. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 62, 155, 316, 414. — R abe , Sylloge, p. cxvi, 310 (app. erit.). — Sajd a k , H istoria, p. 279. — T uryn , Codices, p. 12, 171-172, 177. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 569; 58 (1965) p. 373. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 135 (Przychocki). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 132. V at. g r . 900. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 424 n. 41, 425. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 227. — KE ie , Aristides, II, p. x v n . — MlEEETTl, Lessico, p. vn. — R abe , Aphthonius, p. x x x n . — R abe , Hermogenes, p. x ix . — R abe , Syl­ loge, p. xuvi, uxv, u x x v n , x civ, x c v m . — VoGEE, Diodorus, II, p. 111. A B , 58 (1950) p. 129, 130 n. 2 (Mercati). — RhM , 64 (1909) p. 583 n. 3 (Rabe). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Stampa, p. 8 (Campana). V at. g r. 901. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 32, 48, 99, 135, 205. — Glöck ­ Sopatros, p. 3. — R abe , Hermogenes, p. x ix . — R abe , Sylloge, p. x e v iii , x civ, c, c x n . B P h W , 30 (1910) p. 112; 33 (1913) p. 521; 49 (1929) p. 933. — B yzZ, 22 (1913) p. 557. — R hM , 63 (1908) p. 129 n. 1 (Rabe); 64 (1909) p. 574 n. 2 (Rabe). n er ,

V at. g r . 902. A e e EN, Prolegomena, p. 45. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 205, 286, 318, 455. — D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p . 61. — DiEEER, Tradition, p. 38. — D r a c h m a n n , Pindarus, I, p. x, x xv. — I r ig o in , Histoire, p . 143-145, 287, 288-293, 310, 318, 323, 370, 371. — I r ig o in , Scholies, p. 78, 86 n. 1, 95. — M o n r o - A e e e n , Homerus, I, p. x x x . — S n e e e , Pindarus, p. v. — T u r y n , Carm in a, p. ix. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 125. — T u r y n , Pindarus, p. 26, 37. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 895-909


J H S, 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — R P h, S. I I I , 29 (1955) p. 77. — Scripto­ rium, 16 (1962) p. 158; 21 (1967) p. 140. — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 516. V at. g r. 903. A e EEN, Prolegomena, p. 45. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 34, 46, 100, 136, 207, 240, 289. — Monro - A eEEN, Homerus, I, p. x x x . — S cheetema - W ae (van der ), Basilica, I, p. v, ν π ; II, p. v. J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — RhM , 74 (1925) p. 21 (Wecklein). V at. g r. 904. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 102, 137, 207, 299. — L iv a H istoria, p. 241. — M a Tr a n g a , Anecdota, p. 709. — PERTUSI, Scholia, p. X. — S a n d b a c h , Plutarchus, p. x. — S c h u e Tz , Überlieferung, p. 25, 74. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 159. — W e n d e e , Tzetzes, col. 1967. Aevum, 24 (1950) p. 12, 12 n. 1, 13, 14, 24 (Pertusi). — B P E C , N.S., 5 (1957) p. 45, 46 (Finocchiaro). — B yzZ, 49 (1956) p. 249 n. 1, 253 (Hunger). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 138; 140; 13 (1959) p. 151. — StBiz, 7 (1953) p. 179 (Pertusi). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 37 (Turyn). Miscell. Galbiati, II, p. 253, 254, 259, 261, 262, 266 (Mercati). da ra s,

V at. g r . 905. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 141. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 102, 135, 154, 205, 238, 287, 317, 414. — G a r d Th a u s e n , Palaeographie, II, p. 432 n. 3. — L o r im e r , Libellus, p. 4. — L ouis, Histoire, p. x e v ih , l i i . — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 130. B P E C , N.S., 3 (1954) p. 46 (Colonna); 12 (1964) p. 67 (Larizza Calabrô). — B yzZ, 36 (1936) p. 387 (Weigand). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 254 (HarlfingerWiesner); 19 (1965) p. 121. V at. g r . 906. Aee En , Homerus, I I I , p. x. — BÉrard , Introduction, I, p. 13. — B érard , Odyssée, I, p. x x x ix ; II, p. x i; III, p. xi. — DE Marinis , Legatura, nr. 1523. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 427. — L udw ich , Periochae, p. 9. — L udw ich , Scholia, p. 4. — V ogee - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 86. N H , 19 (1925) p. 22 (Lampros). — P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 11 (Allen). V at. g r . 907. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 101, 136, 208, 289, 443. — M e r c a t i , Codici, p. 166 n. 1. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 155. V at. g r . 908. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 496. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 186. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 7. V at. g r . 909. Ch a p o u t h ie r - M é r i d i e r , Euripide, p. 3. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 427. — D i B e n e d e t t o , Tradizione, p. 12, 15-18, 22, 23-51, 54-57, 61-63, 65, 70, 71-73, 74-75, 79. — G r é g o ir e - M é r i d i e r , Euripide, p. 125. — M é r i d i e r , Euripide, I, p. x x iv , 44, 104. — M u r r a y , Euripides, I, p. m -v, vn, ix, x in , x v i; II, p. m , v in ; III, p. v m — N a u c k , Euripides, I, p. x e i . — P a r ­ m e n t ie r - G r é g o ir e , Euripide, IV, p. 2. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 74, 90. — W e n d e e , Tzetzes, col. 1972. AC, 27 (1958) p. 159. — B P hW , 21 (1901) p. 33. — B yzZ, 51 (1958) p. 387. — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger); 44 (1950) p. 61 (Mason). — Gnomon, 38 (1966) p. 342. — Hermes, 17 (1882) p. 202 (Foerster). — JOBG, 8 (1959) p. 124 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici V aticani greci

(Hunger). — M aia, 18 (1966) p. 379, 381 (Di Benedetto). — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 12 (1959) p. 354. — Philologus, 72 (1913) p. 430, 432, 432 n. 116 (Achelis); 73 (1914) p. 123 n. 265 (Achelis). — REG, 73 (1960) p. 287; 78 (1965) p. 403; p. 685. — 'RhM , 63 (1908) p. 419, 419 n. 1 (Rabe). — RPh, N.S., 19 107 (Nicole); 33 (1909) p. 114; S. III, 27 (1953) p. 214; 32 (1958) p. 321. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137; 14 (1960) p. 182. Miscell. Graux, p. 651, 652 (Schwartz).

Vat. g r . 910. A ubreton , Dém étrius Triclinius, p. 104. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 45, 102, 136, 208, 301, 458. — D i B E N E D E T T O , Tradizione, p. 12, 15, 16, 76. — Muedder , Geographi, II, p. x x x v n nr. 66. — T uryn , E u ri­ pides, p. 358. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 170. CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — Hermes, 94 (1966) p. 399 (Matthiessen). — REG, 67 (1954) p. 509 (Irigoin). — RPh, S. III, 32 (1958) p. 323. — Scrip­ torium, 12 (1958) p. 45, 48 (Irigoin). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 37 (Turyn). Vat. g r . 911. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 35, 45, 208, 301. — L ivadaras, H istoria, p. 241. — S chui/ tz, Überlieferung, p. 25. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 29. T A P h A , 80 (1949) p. 170, 170 n. 117 (Turyn). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 37 (Turyn). Vat. g r. 912. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 208, 301. — P e p p in k , Epitome, I, p. 179. — T uryn , Aeschylus, p. 86. H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 26 (Smyth). Vat. g r. 913. Ah rens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, 1, p. x x x ii . — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 496. — GaddavoTTi , Theocritus, p. ix, x x x iv , x x x v , x x x v i, x x x ix , 265, 326. — Gow, Bucolici, p. x m . — Gow, Theocritus, p. x x x v i. — L egrand , Bucoliques, I, p. x x x m . — W ended , Theocritus, p. x x , x x x ix . — W ended , Theokrit-Scholien, p. 23, 197. R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 209 (Garzya). — R F IC , 44 (1916) p. 494, 502 n. 1 (Garin); 47 (1919) p. 246 (Garin). — SIF C , N.S., 11 (1934) p. 296 (G allavotti). V at. g r. 914. B id e z , Discours, p. 81 sg., 150. — Ch a m b r y , Fabulae, p. 11. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 43, 53, 107, 141, 218, 311, 438. — DEVREESSE Introduction, p. 79 n. 1. — F a u d h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 89 n. 3. — FoE R STER, Libanius, I, p. 422; IV, p. 204, 301. — G a r d Th a u s e n , Palaeographie, I, p. 202 n. 2. — H a u s r a t h , Corpus, I 1, p. x i ; 12, p. x m . — K a y s e r , Philostratus, II, p. x . — K e id , Aristides, II, p. x x v i. — E a c o m b r a d e , Julien, p. v n , 155. — M a t r a n g a , Anecdota, p. 35. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 523. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 17, 19-25, 75, 94, 100, 163-165. — MERCATI, Opere minori, III, p. 513-515; IV, p. 198 n. 1. — MiDDER, Carmina, II, p. 3 n. 3. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 324, 349. — N o c k - F e s t u g i ÈRE, Corpus Herm eticum , p. x n . — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. x d v ii . — REGED, Analecta, p. X Bin. — R e i t z e n s t e i n , Poim andres, p. 325. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 492. — S c h e n k e - R e is c h , Callistratus, p. x x i v , x x v . — S c o t t , H erm etica, I, p. 22. — S tudemund , Anecdota, p. 290. — Vidbor G, Tatius, p. x v n , x x iv . — WAch SMUTH, Studien, p. 105. — Z aky Thinos , D espotat, II, p. 314 n. 1, 330 n. 4. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 910-915


A M S L , S. I l l , 13 (1887) p. 835 (Berthelot). — Bessarione, 32 (1916) p. 201, 202 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 379; 15 (1906) p. 445; 24 (19231924) p. 304 n. 2 (Mercati); 27 (1927) p. 368, 374; 44 (1951) p. 570, 573 (Ziegler); 48 (1955) p. 456. — N H , 1 (1904) p. 269, 370 (Lampros); 2 (1905) p. 181 (Lampros); 4 (1907) p. 485 (Lampros). — Philologus, 53 (1894) p. 423 n. 8 (Kroll). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 108 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 132; 317 (W ittek); 12 (1958) p. 148. — SIF C , 1 (1893) p. 77 (Bancalari); 4 (1896) p. 224 (Bancalari). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 126 n. 28 (Keil). Miscell. Merlier, I I I , p. 51, 58, 65 n. 1 (Zakythinos). — Catal. alchim., II, p. 147. V at. g r. 915. A h rens , Bucolicorum reliquiae1, I, p. x x x iii . — Aeeen , Homerus, III, p. XI. — A eeen , Prolegomena, p. 45. — B érard , Introduction, I, p. 13. — BêRARD, Odyssée, I, p. x x x ix ; II, p. x i; I I I , p. XI. — BÜHEER, Moschos, p. 5. — Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 99. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 207. — D ie h e , Anthologia1, I, p. v n . — D i Eh e , Anthologia3, II, p. III. — F a r in a , Silloge, p. 17. — R ea ch , Hesiodus, p. Exvn. — F e a c h , Théogonie, p. 28. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, IX , p. 3, 4, 26. — G a e e a v o t t i , Theocritus, p. ix , x x x iv -x x x v i, x x x v iii, x x x ix , 271, 326. — G a r z y a , Teognide, p. 23, 27, 31. — Gow, Bucolici, p. x i i i . — Gow, Theocritus, I, p. x x x v i. — H a e b e r e in , Carmina, p. 6. — H ie e ER, Beiträge, p. 3. — I ir i g o in , Histoire, p. 139, 140, 247, 260, 261, 263, 266, 297. — J a e k e e , Menander, p. VI, x x x h i . — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 380 n. 8. — L e g r a n d , Bucoliques, I, p. x x iv , x x x m . — L i v a d a r a s , H istoria, p. 241. — L u d w i c h , B atrachom achia, p. 41. — L u d w i c h , Dissertatio, p. 4. — M a T r a n g a , Anecdota, p. 25. — M o n r o - A e e E n , Homerus, I, p. x x x . — R z a c h , Hesiodus1, p. 2, 131 (app. crit.). — R z a c h , Hesiodus2, p. 2. — S c h u e t z , Überlieferung, p. v, 25, 34, 40. — S n E E L , Pin­ darus, p. v. — S t e r n b a c h , Curae, p. 14, 22, 30, 43. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., p. 31, 40 n. 87, 87 n. 219. — S t u d e m t j n d , Anecdota, p. 222 sg. — T u r y n , Carmina, p. x. — T u r y n , Pindarus, p. 8, 57, 66 n. 1. — VOGEE G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 90. — W e i c h e r T, Demetrius, p. XEin. — WENDEE, Theocritus, p. x x i, x x x ix . — WENDEL, Theokrit-Scholien, p. 198. — WEST, Hesiod, p. 57. — Y o u n g , Theognis, p. v m , ix , x i i i . B P E C , N.S., 7 (1959) p. 32, 34 (G allavotti). — B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 356; 16 (1907) p. 464 (Wendel). — CQ, 58 (1964) p. 177, 185 (West). — Eos, 41 (1940-46) fase. 2, p. 33 (Hammer); 44 (1950) fase. 1, p. 39 n. 18 (Lanowski). — J H S , 15 (1895) p. 252 (Allen). — M H , 24 (1967) p. 132 (Geizer). — P B S R , 5 (1910) p. 11 (Allen). — Philologus, 49 (1890) p. 271, 272 (Haeberlin); 54 (1895) p. 285 (Schroeder). — R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 216 (Garzya). — REG, 7 (1963) p. 422 (Irigoin). — R F IC , 4 (1876) p. 47 (Ramorino); 41 (1913) p. 337; 44 (1916) p. 502 n. 1 (Garin); 81 (1953) p. 153. — R hM , 47 (1892) p. 457 (Kroll). — RPh, N.S., 20 (1896) p. 114; 32 (1908) p. 37; S. III, 24 (1950) p. 208; 41 (1967) p. 156. — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 4 (Young); 12 (1958) p. 162 (Young); 18 (1964) p. 308. — SicGymn, N.S., 20 (1967) p. 329. — Thesaurismata, 3 (1964) p. 104 (Livadaras). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 516. — W S, 8 (1886) p. 163 (Rzach); 9 (1887) p. 205 (Sternbach); 10 (1888) p. 8 n. 87, 216 n. 219 (Stem bach); 19 (1897) p. 27 (Rzach); 147 (Rzach); 24 (1902) p. 475 (Stembach). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 449 n. 52 (Sevcenko). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


G odici V aticani greci

Miscell. Galbiati, II, p. 170 (Sbordone). — Calai, astrol., V 4, p. 8. — Miscellanea critica, I, p. 147 (Martens). Vat. g r . 916. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 η. 5, 475. — D ev reesse , M anuscrits, p. 18. B P h W , 16 (1896) p. 965. — R hM , 34 (1879) p. 457 (Scheer). — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 161. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 917. p. x x x v n nr. 72.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 415. — MÜEEER, Geographi, II,

Vat. g r . 918. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 496. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 12, 156, 157. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 373. — J A W, 71 (1892) p. 27 (Zacher). — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 8 (1955) p. 197, 197 n. 2, n. 7 (Koster H olw erda). — REG, 76 (1963) p. 383, 384 (Koster). — R F IC , 20 (1892) p. 493. — R P h, N.S., 18 (1894) p. 184. Vat. g r. 919.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 45.

Vat. g r . 920. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 45, 101, 136, 208, 289, 450. — I r ig o in , H istoire, p. 363. — T u r y n , Aeschylus, p. 75. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 12, 139-140. — T u r y n , Sophocles, p. 42. — V o g e e —G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 284. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 374. — H SPh, 44 (1933) p. 26 (Smyth). — J A W , 71 (1892) p. 27 (Zacher). — Scriptorium, 7 (1953) p. 281, 287 (W ittek). — Traditio, 2 (1944) p. 37 (Turyn). Vat. g r . 921.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 35, 45, 101, 136, 209, 289.

V at. g r . 922.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 46, 101, 136, 209, 290, 467.

— M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 184 n. 1, tav. V I I a. — MÜEEER, Geographi, I I , p. x x x v ii nr. 67. — Roos, Arrianus, I I , p. i / v i . — V â r i , Oppianus, p. 16. — V o g e e G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 139, 418.

V at. g r. 923. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 207, 291, 358. — V â r i , Op­ pianus, p. 16. Bessarione, 4 (1898) p. 37 (anonimo). Vat. g r. 924. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 47, 101, 136. — H iebë RG, Macrembolites, p. v in . — T r e u , A enigmata, p. 19, 20. — Vâ r i , Oppianus, p. 17. IFS, 25 (1903) p. 208 (Horna). Vat. g r. 925. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 47, 98, 134, 154, 204, 237, 288, 318, 415. — I r ig o in , H istoire, p. 190, 204, 381, 404. — I r ig o in , Scholies, p. 87-92. — V â r i , Oppianus, p. 17. RPh, N.S., 20 (1896) p. 114. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 158. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 915-934


V at. g r. 926. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 219, 300, 349, 406. — FoERSTER, Libanius, IV, p. 302; IX , p. 218. — FoERSTER, Zatnbeccari, p. 47, 133. — F o e r s t e r - R ic h t s t e ig , Choricius, p. x ix . — F r it z , Synesios, p. 370. — S c h e n k e , Marcus Aurelius, p. x x x iv . — S t ic h , Antoninus, p. ix. — W u e n s c h , De mensibus, p. xxv. B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 11 (G allavotti). — B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 169. — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 47 (Garzya). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 368. — Salesianum, 16 (1954) p. 659, 659 n. 48, n. 49 (Savio); 17 (1955) p. 612 n. 3 (Savio). — Scripto­ rium, 15 (1961) p. 205. — S IF C , 12 (1904) p. 152 (de Stéfani). V at. g r. 927. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 221,293,456. — T e r z a g h i , Opu­ scula, p. XXXIII, EXIII, EXXV, EXXVI, EXXIX, EXXX, EXXXIII, CXXII-CXXV, CXXXI. B P E C , N.S., 10 (1962) p. 2 (Terzaghi). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 169. V at. g r. 928. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 53, 220, 292, 353, 411. — K e i e , Aristides, p. x v i i -x i x . — L e n z , Aristeidesstudien, p. 90 n. 1. A J P h , 63 (1942) p. 159 (Lenz). — R A L , S. VI, 10 (1934) p. 4 n.T (Lenz). V at. g r. 929. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 496. — K eie , Aristides, p. xviii. — L enz , Aristeidesstudien, p. 78. — L enz , Untersuchungen, p. 96. V at. g r. 930. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 33, 53, 220, 292.— F oerster, Li­ banius, V, p. 298. — F oerster, Zambeccari, p. 48. — K eie , Aristides, p. xviii , x ix . V at. g r . 9^1. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 33, 51, 95, 132, 157, 201, 243, 282, 319, 408. — K e i e , ' Aristides, p. x v i i -x i x . — L e n z , Aristeidesstudien, p. 102, 103. Hermes, 65 (1930) p. 212, 213 (Lenz). V at. g r. 932. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 32, 52, 107, 141, 220, 292, 353, 407. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, IV, p. 417; V, p. 293. — K e i e , Aristides, p. x vn, x v i i i . — LENZ, Aristeidesstudien, p. 103. — M r a s , Überlieferung, p. 47 n. 7. — T u r y n , Codices, p. 12, 115-116. — VOGEE - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 185. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 14 n. 3 (Alberti). — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 374. — Hermes, 65 (1930) p. 213 (Lenz). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek). — W S, 11 (1889) p. 95 (Keil). V at. g r. 933. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 43, 53, 160, 241, 408. — FOERSTER, Libanius, V, p. 292; VI, p. 50, 52. — K e i e , Aristides, p. x v n , x v n i. — L e n z , Aristeidesstudien, p. 32, 41, 103, 105, 117 n. 1. — L e n z , Prolegomena, p. 38, 167. — L o e n e r Tz , Cydonès, I, p. 8. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 224. — M e r ­ c a t i , Isidoro, p. 75. — P o s t , Plato, p. 78. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 546. — Hermes, 65 (1930) p. 212 (Lenz); 66 (1931) p. 62 n. 1, 64, 66, 68, 69 n. 1 (Lenz). — Philologus, 109 (1965) p, 150 (Lenz). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). V at. g r. 934. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 33, 53, 220, 292, 404, 446. — KEIE, Aristides, p. xviii . — LENZ, Aristeidesstudien, p. 89, 95. — L enz , U n­ tersuchungen, p. 111. 33 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici V aticani greci

Vat. gr. 935. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 108. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, ρ. 220, 293, 352. — FoERSTER, Libanius, V III, p. 443. — K e ie , Aristides, p. XVIII. — L e n z , Prolegomena, p. 71. — R o s s , Physics, p. 118. — W a r TEREE, Inventaire, p. 130. Vat. gr. 936. B k r T ö e a , Registri, p. 3 n. 3, 74 n. 4. — B u e r m a n n , I s o krates, I, p. 3. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 40, 55, 106, 140, 217, 300, 357, 442. — D o w n e y , Them istius, p. ix , x v ii , x x iv . — D r e r u p , Codices Iso­ cratei, p. 5. — D r e r u p , Isocrates, p. x v ii . — FoERSTER, Libanius, I, p. 431. — K e s t e r s , Plaidoyer, p. 281. — L a i s t n e r , Isocrates, p. 28. — M a t h i e u - B r é m o n d , Isocrate, I, p. x x n ; II, p. i; I I I , p. 1; IV, p. I. — MERCATI, Isidoro, p. 113. — S c h e n k e , Beiträge, p. 62. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — RPh, S. III, 14 (1940) p. 57. — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 217. — 1FS, 20 (1898) p. 206, 212 (Schenkl). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 937. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 221, 292, 352, 407. — D r e r u p , Isocrates, p. x v n . — FoERSTER, Libanius, I, p. 329, 368, 380; II, p. 50, 116; IV, p. 324; V, p. 185, 296, 414; VI, p. 4, 241, 438, 465, 498, 613; V II, p. 4, 75, 204, 236, 262, 293, 547; V III, p. 14, 212, 332, 441; IX , p. 107. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 48, 133, 137. — FoERSTER - R ic h t s t e ig , Choricius, p. x x i i i . — F r it z , Synesios, p. 335. R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 47 (Garzya). Vat. gr. 938. B u e r m a n n , Isokrates, I, p. 13. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 49, 103, 138, 295, 355. — D r e r u p , Isocrates, p. x v n . — F o e r s t e r , Achilleus, p. 13 n. 7. — F o e r s t e r - R ic h t s t e ig , Choricius, p. xv. — K i r s t e n , Quaestiones, p. 37. — K e Ein e o g e e , Geschichte, p. x i i i . — R it s c h e , Prooe­ mium, p. 18. — U s e n e r - R a d e r m a c h e r , Opuscula, I, p. xxv. B P E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 43 (Alberti). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 156. Vat. gr. 939. Ca m m e e e e Cydonès, p. x x x v m , x e ix . — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 43, 221, 293, 406. — FoERSTER, Libanius, I, p. 33, 44, 68, 69, 71, 72, 208, 236, 263, 266 n. 1, 279, 301, 322, 361, 377, 415, 432, 436; II, p. 1, 47, 83, 115, 184, 225, 445, 467, 510, 535; III, p. 2, 82, 208, 425, 427; IV, p. 3, 4, 175, 178, 202, 323, 343, 407; V, p. 10, 161, 289; V II, p. 644; IX , p. 183. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 48,133. — L o e n e r t z , Calécas, p. 334 n. 8. — L o e n e r t z , Lettres, p. 84. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 127 sg„ 522. — T u r y n , Euripides, p. 392. Convivium, N.S., 6 (1957) p. 692, 694, 695 (Raoss). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 120 (Patrineles). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 184 (Darrouzès). Vat. gr. 940. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 33, 52, 106, 141, 221, 292, — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, V, p. 152, 194, 199, 228, 288, 303, 362, 364, 370, 534; VI, p. 2, 7, 291, 295, 315, 318, 340, 346, 371, 374, 496, 511, 546, 550, 573, 589, 593, 611, 617; V II, p. 4, 38, 42, 73, 79, 111, 117, 181, 185, 396, 544, 550, 642, 647. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 48. — F o e r s t e r - R ic h t s t e ig , Choricius, p. xx . B P hW , 17 (1897) p. 157.

407. 530, 566, 400, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 935-949


V at. g r. 941. B id e z , Julien, I 2, p . x x m . — B id e z - C u m o n T, Epistulae, p. XIV. — DEVREESSE, F o n d s grec, p . 221, 407. -r- FOERSTER, Libanius, I , p.33, 228, 236, 264, 280, 417, 432; I I , p. 2, 50, 84, 116,. 156, 158, 185, 226; IV, p. 176, 178; V, p. 7; IX , p. 181. V at. g r. 942. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 95, 132, 160, 201, 242, 322, 411. — F e s t a , M ythographi, p. v u , tv i. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, IX , p. 19, 158. — F oerster , Zambeccari, p. 47, 133..— F ritz , Synesios, p. 371. — Bang , Cornutus, p. xi, x x . — Mras , Überlieferung, p. 233. — R a be , Scholia, p. v. — Sa jd a k , H istoria, p. 22. — W eich ërt , Demetrius, p. Ein. B P E C , N.S., 8 (1960) p. 52 (Garzya). — B P hW , 14 (1894) p. 1575. — R F IC , 22 (1894) p. 476. — RhM , 63 (1908) p. 447 (Radermacher). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek). V at. g r. 943. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 106, 141, 301, 442. — F oer ­ Libanius, IX , p. 98, 101, 199, 227. — F oerster , Zambeccari, p. 133.

ster ,

V at. g r. 944. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 106, 141, 406. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, IX , p. 103, 226. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 48, 133. — G a r z y a LoENERTz, Procopius, p. x i i , 2. Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 153. — S IF C , 9 (1901) p. 224 (Galante). V at. g r . 945. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 33, 53, 106, 141, 216, 303. — F oerster , Libanius, IX , p. 102. — F oerster , Zambeccari, p. 48, 133. V at. g r. 946» D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 43, 213, 310, 347, 461. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, IX , p. 141. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 47, 133. — L iv a d a r a s , H istoria, p. 242. — M e r c a Ti , Cidone, p. 185 n. 3. — M e r c a Ti , Isidoro, p. 76. A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 320 (Dölger). V at. g r. 947. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p . 43, 106, 140, 303. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 76. Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek). — S IF C , 5 (1897) p. 220 (Levi). V at. g r. 948. D e M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 2697. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 106, 141, 151 n. 16, 219, 311, 314, 407. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 459 η. 2. Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 n. 4 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 949. Ch a m b r y , Fabulae, p. 13, 18. — D e M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 373. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 424 n. 41, 425, 461. — G l a n n e e e i , Co­ dices Vat. I, p. XXIV. — G ia n n e e e i , Codices Vat. II, p. x v n . — H a u s r a t h , Corpus, I 1, p. x m ; I 2, p. x iv . — LEE h e r z , Studien, p. 266. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 6. — P e r r y , Studies, p. 204. — SjÖBERG, Stephanites, p. 40, 53, 54. B P hW , 47 (1927) p. 1541 (Chambry). — Byzantion, 18 (1946-48) p. 2Ö0202 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 8 (1899) p. 693; 18 (1909) p. 700; 19 (1910) p. 399 (Mare); - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici V aticani greci

33 (1933) p. 404; 43 (1950) p. 60 (cit. err.: Palat.). — N H , 5 (1908) p. 490 (Lampros); 9 (1914) p. 182 (Lampros). — R IG I, 16 (1932) p. 46, 46 n. 1 (Sbordone). — RO, 15 (1918) p. 176. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 139; 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek). — SFG, 1 (1882) p. 29, 31 n. 0 (Puntoni). — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. 33 n. 2 (Campana). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). Vat. g r. 950. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 219, 307, M ythographi, p. x x v i-x x x m . — W e n d EE, Tzetzes, coi. A A T , 99 (1964-65) p. 381 (Leone). — B P E C , N.S., (Leone). — B yzZ, 4 (1895) p. 178; 54 (1961) p. 266, 268, — T A P h A , 66 (1935) p. 304, 311 (Diller).

357, 441. — W a g n e r , 1987, 1998. 15 (1967) p. 102, 104 285; 59 (1966) p. 173.

V at. g r . 951. B o i s s e v a i n , Cassius Dio, I, p . cxiv. — B u f f i è r E , Héraclite, p. x e v i . — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p . 102, 137, 156, 239, 317, 414. — K r o e e , De oraculis, p . 3 n. 1. — MEEBER, Dio Cassius, p . xiv. — N o c k FESTUGIÈRE, Corpus Herm eticum , I, p . x i l . — OEEMAn n , Heraclitus, p. v in , x ii, x x i, x x x v ii, x e v i , xi/viii. — P e r t u s i , Leonzio Pilato, p . 58 n. 1. — R e i T z e n s t e i n , Poimandres, p . 324. — ScoTT, H erm etica, I, p . 21. — W u e n s c h , De mensibus, p . i.l, u n . AC, 33 (1964) p. 152. — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 136 n. 2 (Kugéas); 37 (1937) p. 297 (Diller). — Hermes, 14 (1878) p. 444 (Haupt). — R F IC , 2 (1874) p. 102 (Piccolomini). — R hM , 36 (1881) p. 150 (Müller). Vat. g r. 952. B e e e o m o , Agapeto, p. 9 n. 3, 22. — D e e a t t e , Anecdota, I, p. 598. — D e e a t t e , H erbarius, p. 41, 46, 112 n. 1, 114, 121 n. 4, 141, 184. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 460. — DiEES, Handschriften, II, p. 43. — E e TER, Gnomica, II, p. 89. — F e s t u g iè r e , Révélation, I, p. 155. — F o e r s t e r , Li­ banais, IX , 177. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 133. —■HEEG, Erga, p .71. — K o m in is , Pardos, p. 118. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV 1, p. 442. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 255, 417, 466. — REGEE, Analecta, p. x x x v m . — U s e n e r , Kleine Schriften, I, p. 325. — VERPEAUX, Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 303, 306. B y ] , 7 (1928-29) p. 236. — B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 179 n. 1; 20 (1911) p. 619; 27 (1927) p. 423; 52 (1959) p. 254, 256 (Trumpf). — REG, 26 (1913) p. 81. — — RPh, N.S., 15 (1891) p. 191; 22 (1898) p. 116. — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 415. — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 450 (Capo). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 21, 24 (Mercati); 35 (Mercati); 4 (1935) p. 250, 251, 254 (Ferrari Dalle Spade). — W S, 12 (1890) p. 3 (Usener). Catal. alchim., II, p. 149. — Catal. astrol. V 4, p. 8-12; V III, tav. II. Vat. g r. 953. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 353, 456, 475. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, V III, p. 331, 366; IX , p. 157, 158. — F o e r s t e r , Zambeccari, p. 133. —- IÇa y s ë r , P hüostratus, II, p. xi. — S c h e n k e , Marcus Aurelius, p. x x x iv . — S t ic h , A n to n in u s , p. v m .

Eranos, 19 (1919) p. 62 (Lindstam). — SIF C , 12 (1904) p. 152 (de Stefani). Miscell. Accurti, p. 23 n. 46 (Mercati). Vat. g r . 954. D e e a TTë , Traités, p. 11. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 425 n. 43, 451. — S c h e n k e , Marcus Aurelius, p. x x x m . - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Vat. gr. 950-968

Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 327 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Wilmanns, p. 256 n. 3, 258 (von Gebhardt). V at. gr. 955. p. 425, 466, 475. —



M e r c a T I,

Traités, p. 10. — Isidoro, p. 139 sg. —


Fonds grec, Marcus Aurelius,

ev reesse,


p . X X X III.

B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 328 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VII, p. 281 n. 9 (R uysschaert). — Miscell. W ilmanns, p. 256 n. 3, 258 n. 3, 259 (von G ebhardt). Vat. gr. 956. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 475. — F o e r s t e r , Libanius, I, p. 33; V, p. 414; VI, p. 548, 568; VII, p. 39, 477. — FoERSTER, Zambeccari, p. 48. Vat. gr. 957.

D ev reesse,

Vat. gr. 958.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 475 n. 32.

Vat. gr. 959.


ev reesse,

Fonds grec, p. 475.

Fonds grec, p. 475.

Vat. gr. 960. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476. B P hW , 26 (1906) p. 1468, 1469. — Mnemosyne, S. IV, 8 (1955) p. 298 n. 2 (Holwerda). — R F IC , 33 (1905) p. 378. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (W ittek). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 203 (Canart). Vat. gr. 961.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 476. — L ang , Cornutus,

p. x v ii .

Vat. gr. 962. p. 13, 56. Vat. gr. 963.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 475 n. 32. — Via n , Tradition,

D evrë SSE, Fonds grec, p. 476.

Vat. gr. 964. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, nr. 150. — phrastos, col. 1437. Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 102 (Wilson). Vat. gr. 965. grec, p. 476. — W

H andschriften, nr. 150. — Inventaire, p. 130.

B r a n d is , arteeee,




ev reesse,




Vat. gr. 966. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 150. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 476. — W arteeee , Inventaire, p. 130. Vat. gr. 967. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, n r . 185. — grec, p. 476. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 130. V at. gr. 968.

D ev reesse,


D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 476. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Godici V aticani greci


V at. g r. 969. III, p. 134 n. 2.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 497. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori,

RhM , 7 (1839) p. 390 (Prien). V at. g r. 970.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 353, 468. — R abe, Sylloge,

p. cv. V at. g r. 971.

II, p.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476. — W achsmuth, Lydus,

xei .

Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 317 (Wittek). V at. g r. 972. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 418 n. 30, 465, 476. — MER­ CATI, Opere minori, IV, p. 533 n. 14. — V o g e e - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 309. B yzZ , 10 (1901) p. 393 (Patzig). — RhM , 34 (1879) p. 457 (Scheer). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canart). — SIF C , 2 (1894) p. 519 (Vitelli). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 2 (Devreesse).

Vat. g r. 973. Bene Seviö, Sinagoga, p. 187 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 429-430, 462. — H arnack, Überlieferung, p. 562, 622, 623. — K ominis , Pardos, p. 12. — L aëmmer, Bibliotheca, p. 90 n. 2. — L aemmer, Mantissa, p. 5, 103. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 91 n. 3, 148, 162. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224, 269. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. — P reger , Scriptores, I, p. x iii , x x . Byzantion, 29-30 (1959-60) p. 238, 241 n. 4, 242 (Kominis). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 361 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 368; 17 (1963) p. 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 161 n. 3, 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). — ViVrem, 3 (1896) p. 58 η. 1 (Pavlov). V at. g r. 974. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 466. — F h r h a r d , Überlie­ ferung, I I I , p. 955. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 94. — K r a Se n in n ik o v . Prodrom us, p. 1, 8-13, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69, 73. — V o g e e - G a r Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 89. B y J , 5 (1926) p. 61 (Heseler). — B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 215; 17 (1908) p. 562. — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 162 (Nau). V at. g r. 975. C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 22. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 428, 462. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 955 n. 3. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a ­ e i e r i , Catalogus, p. 94. — K r a Se n in n ik o v , Prodromus, p. 8, 11, 12, 62, 66. — P r e g e r , Beiträge, p. 14. — P r e g e r , Scriptores, II, p. x m , xrv, x x v . — VERPEATJX, Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 43, 100 n. 2, 103 n. 1, 105, 106, 113, 128, 129. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 242 (B üttner - W obst); 17 (1908) p. 562; 22 (1913) p. 635. — N H , 5 (1908) p. 266 (Lampros); 8 (1911) p. 498 (Lampros); 13 (1916) p. 131 (Lampros). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 361 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 71 (Canart). V at. g r. 976. B e r t ö e a , Registri, p. 122. — B i d e z , Philostorgius, p. x xi. — Bidez - H ansen , Sozomenus, p. x v n . — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 51, 96, 133, 161, 181, 202, 284, 322, 411. — Opitz , Athanasius, II I 1 (Verzeichnis der Siglen). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 969-984


BodlR, 7 (1962-67) p. 40 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 131. — S P A W , 1935, p. 400 (Bidez). Vat. g r. 977. B o o r (d e ), Historiae, p. vi, xvi. — B o o r (d e ). Opuscula, p. iv, 2. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 119. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 422, 465. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 353 n. 3. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 457, 545. Byslav, 12 (1951) p. 255. — Byzantion, 11 (1936) p. 499 (Janssens). — ByzZ, 29 (1929) p. 287. — Hermes, 18 (1883) p. 627 (de Boor). — S C IV , 7 (1956) p. 182 (Nästurel). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 141; 12 (1958) p. 132. Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 6 (Carini). Vat. g r. 978. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 497. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantino­ turcica, p. 533. Byzantion, 28 (1958) p. 297 (Besevliev). — S C IV , 7 (1956) p. 183 (Nästurel). Vat. g r. 979. C o e o n n a , Storici, p . 979. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 153. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p . 533. B yzZ, 22 (1913) p. 187. — ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 122 (Vasil’evskij). Vat. g r. 980. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 31, 49, 103, 138, 207, 299. , Codices, p. 12, 131. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 221, 231, 237 (B üttnerW obst) ; 4 (1895) p. 256 (Boissevain) ; 58 (1965) p. 374. —



Vat. g r. 981. C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 2, 23, 90. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 420, 452. — H e is e n b e r g , Georgius Acropolita, I, p. in , x ix -x x , x x v i, 192. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 278 n. 4. — L e i b , Alexiade, I, p. cextv , c e x x i c l x x i i i , c e x x x i i ; II, p. 6; I I I , p. 6. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 220, 266, 447. — P e p p i n k , Opera, p. 51-53. B P h W , 56 (1936) p. 349. — B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 221, 231, 236 (B üttner W obst); 4 (1895) p. 256 (Boissevain); 10 (1901) p. 272; 31 (1931) p. 410, 411; 49 (1956) p. 311 (van Dieten); 55 (1962) p. 231 (van Dieten); 57 (1964) p. 304, 315 (van Dieten). — Eranos, 2 (1897) p. 4 (Blindstrom). — Mnemosyne, S. I l l , 1 (1933-34) p. 141 (Peppink). — R B P h, 24 (1945) p. 292. — REG, 51 (1938) p. 572. — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 177. — ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 658. Miscell. Diehl, I, p. 193, 194, 197, 198 (Leib). Vat. g r. 982. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 48, 103, 138, 237, 317, 415. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 236 (B üttner - W obst); 4 (1895) p. 256, 269 n. 2 (Bois­ sevain); 8 (1899) p. 160. Vat. g r. 983. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 420, 440. — NiESE, Flavius Josephus, VI, p. x v n , El. Vat. g r. 984. B e c k , Kirche, p. 558. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 299. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 141, 142, 650. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Note, VI, p. 11, 105, 107-108. — G a r i TTE, Documents, p. 368 n. 3. — K r a - - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Seninnikov , Prodromus, p. 82 n. 2, 103, 105 n. 9, 113. — Eudwich , Proclus, p. 125. — N aber, Flavius Josephus, I I I, p. ni, iv. — N iese , Flavius Josephus, I, p. x x i; I I I , p. x, x n , xevi, u v ; IV, p. m ; VI, p. x v n . — PEEEETiER, A uto­ biographie, p. x x iv , x x x v n . — Schwartz - Mommsen, Kirchengeschichte, I I I , p. CEXXvm, CEXXX, cexxxi. — T uryn, Codices, p. 12, 149, 150. — VEN (van den ), Spyridon, p. 33*. A B , 84 (1966) p. 5 (Halkin). — A JP h, 88 (1967) p. 211. — A M S L , S. I l l , 13 (1887) p. 838 (Berthelot). — BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 96 n. 29 (Mioni). — B yzZ, 58 (1965) p. 374. — Muséon, 56 (1943) p. 46 n. 7 (Garitte). — RBPh, 20 (1941)p. 411 n. 1 (Martin). — REG, 5 (1892) p. 466; 8 (1895) p. 154. — R F IC , 25 (1897) p. 454; 42 (1914) p. 425 (Ussani). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 133; 13 (1959) p. 270; 298; 21 (1967) p. 143; 200. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, nr. 2177. — Catal. alchim., II, p. 329. — Studia Patristica, V II, p. 108, 110, 111, 112 n. 4 (Winkelmann). V at. gr. 985. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 348, 452. — I rigoin , Histoire, p. 394, 395, 397. — T uryn , Pindarus, p. 20. V at. gr. 986. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 414. V at. gr. 987. B eissee , M iniaturen, p. 55. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 420, 454. — H u d e , Anabasis, p. iv, v m . — Marchant , Xenophon, III, p. m , v-xi, xrv. — Masqueray , Xénophon, I, p. 32, 43. — S chenke , Studien, I, p. 564. — ZoSEE, E xcerpta, p. 56. REG, 45 (1932) p. 342. V at. gr. 988. D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 417. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 427,460.—T erzaghi, Opuscula, p. x x .—V ogee —Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 102. N H , 4 (1907) p. 332 (Lampros). — SIF C , 9 (1901) p. 237 (de Stefani). V at. gr. 989. CEROcem, Hipparchicus, p. 5. — Dain , lllien, p. 250, 279, 293, 324-328, 330, 332, 339, 342-346, 350. — D ain , E x tra it tactique, p. 10, 22, 24, 26, 28-31, 33, 38, 79, 83. — D ain , Tacticiens, p. 10. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 160, 217, 297, 416. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — P iere Eoni, Opuscula, p. iv, x. — P iere Eoni, Xenophon, p. x, xiv -xvi, xix -xxi , xx n i, XXVI-XXIX, XXXIV, XXXVI, XXXIX-XEIII, XEVn, XEVIII, EVHI, EXVr, EXXVn-EXXX, xc, xci. — R u ehe , Xenophon, II, p. xxrv. — S cheinde ER, Nonnus, p. vi, x v iii sg., XE. — W iddra , Xenophon, p. v, v m -x m , x v -x v n i, x xi, x x n , x x v iii . B P hW , 11 (1891) p. 826; 16 (1896) p. 395; 22 (1902) p. 353; 46 (1926) p. 2. — RPh, S. III, 9 (1935) p. 321; 40 (1966) p. 316, 317. — Scriptorium, 1 (194647) p. 48 (Dain); 4 (1950) p. 337; 6 (1952) p. 129. — SIF C , 3 (1895) p. 510, 512, 514, 517 (Cerocchi); 5 (1897) p. 26 (Pierleoni); 6 (1898) p. 65, 68 (Pierleoni); 407 (Pierleoni); 474 (Cerocchi); 10 (1902) p. 97 (Tommasini). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 377, 389 (Dain). Miscell. Grat, II, p. 334, 335 n. 1 (Dain). V at. gr. 990. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 96, 133, 158, 202, 283, 320, 409. — Marchant, Xenophon, III, p. x n . — Masqueray, Xénophon, I, p. 43. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 985-998


Eranos, 13 (1913) p. 170, 185, 186 (Lundström). — RPh, N.S., 27 (1903) p. 91. Vat. gr. 991. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 49, 103, 138, 207, 442. — K eEineogee , Geschichte, p. x m . BP E C , N. S„ 6 (1958) p. 44, 45 (Alberti). — M E F R , 21 (1901) p. 393-395 (Serruys). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 156. V at. g r. 992. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 49, 103, 138, 159, 206, 295, 442, 460. — KEEINEOGEE, Geschichte, p. x m . BP E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 45, 46 (Alberti); 12 (1964) p. 46 (Alberti); 13 (1965) p. 16 (Alberti). — Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 156. Vat. g r. 993. B oissevain , Cassius Dio, I, p. ex , e x x x ii . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 50, 320. — Me e b e r , Dio Cassius, I, p. x x x iv , x x x v m . E H B S , 25 (1955) p. 159 n. 3 (Giannelli). — R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 618. Vat. gr. 994. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 50, 103, 138, 206, 289, 359. — VOGEE, Diodorus, II, p. x v m . Vat. gr. 995. B ertòea , Registri, p. 32 n. 3. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 97, 134, 153, 203, 285, 314, 415. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 114, 144. — VoGEE, Diodorus, II, p. m . B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). Vat. gr. 996. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 103, 206, 289, 437. — P e p Opera, p. 71. — VoGEE, Diodorus, II, p. n i, x x x v . B O P, 16 (1962) p. 393 n. 36 (Diller). — R F IC , 62 (1934) p. 156-166 (Peppink).

p in k ,

Vat. gr. 997. B ertòea , Registri, p. 64 n. 9. — Castigeioni, Collectanea, p. 36. — Coeonna , Himerius, p. x x v m . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 56, 91, 129, 168, 197, 248, 300, 342, 449. — K ayser , Philostratus, II, p. xiv. — Me r ­ cati , Biblioteche, p. 58 n. 2. — T orraca , B ruto, p. x x x v m . B P hW , 23 (1903) p. 518. — J A W, 58 (1889) p. 279 n. 1 (Egenoliï). — REB yz, 20 (1962) p. 236 (Darrouzès). — RPh, S. III, 35 (1961) p. 109. — Scrip­ torium, 16 (1962) p. 160; 20 (1966) p. 112. — SD SD , 14 (1893) p. 142 n. 2, 143 n. 2, 144 (Tacchi-Venturi). — S IF C , 1 (1893) p. 81 (Bancalari); 10 (1902) p. 182 (de Stefani). — T A P h A , 71 (1940) p. 27, 28 n. 8 (Bloch); 78 (1947) p. 362 (Georgacas); 96 (1965) p. 59 (Dilts). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 352 (Follieri). Vat. gr. 998. D e Marines, Legatura, nr. 2738. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 50, 96, 133, 420, 453. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 131. Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 112. — T A P h A , 71 (1940) p. 28 (Bloch); 96 (1965) p. 63 (Dilts). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

V at. g r . 999. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 103, 138, 206, 289. — D U ­ RER, Tradition, p. 38. — Giannerri, Codices V at. II, p. 50. — Mürrer, Geographi, II, p. x x x v n nr. 68. V at. g r . 1000. C o s t ir , Duditli, p. 246 n. 3. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 97, 134, 204, 467. — P a v a n o , Saggio, p. x r i . — R i TSCHr , Prooemium, p. 18. — U sen er - R adermacher , Opuscula, I, p. x x x i. IFS, 2 (1880) p. 26, 27 (Schenkl). V at. g r . 1001. Coronna, Storici, p. 108. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 50, 161, 243, 322, 411. — H aury , Procopius, I, p. x x v m , xxxx, rxxxviti; III, p. v n , x ii, xv, x ix , x x iv . — K ra §eninnikov , Anecdota, p. ix. — Mio n i , Codices, II, p. 26. — Moravcsik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 490-491. B P hW , 29 (1909) p. 963, 968, 970. — ByzZ, 9 (1900) p. 672-673; 14 (1905) p. 637; 17 (1908) p. 150. — Helikon, 4 (1964) p. 158 (W irth). — ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 416 (K raseninnikov); 7 (1900) p. 696; 11 (1904) p. 511 (Kraseninnikov); 21 (1914) p. 107 n. 1 (K raseninnikov). V at. g r . 1002. Beck , Kirche, p. 755. — Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 166. — Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 63. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 43, 92, 129, 169, 197, 251, 278, 331, 401. — D reizehnter , Untersuchungen, p. 68. — F uhr ­ mann, Anaximenes, p. x n. 1. — Moiirer, Darstellung, p. 336, 337. — Mohrer, Gelehrtenkreis, p. 455, 458, 463, 465. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 76. — MERCATi, Opere minori, IV, p. 171 sg. — VERPEaux, Pseudo-Kodinos, p. 43, 50 n. 2, 51, 53-54, 72, 109, 112, 127, 129. B A B , S. V, 40 (1954) p. 550 (Masai). — Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 138 (Mer­ cati). — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 136; 13 (1959) p. 270; 18 (1964) p. 250 (H arbin­ ger - Wiesner). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 260 (Canart). V at. g r . 1003. Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 252-253. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 50, 97, 134, 156, 203, 238, 287, 414. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 392 n. 1. — Ma i , Collectio, I I I , p. vrn. — Moravcsik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 256' ByzZ, 60 (1967) p. 143. Miscell. Dölger, p. 351 sg. (Lampsidis). V at. g r . 1004. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 103, 138, 209, 291, 358. A lP h O , 2 (1934) p. 613 (Mercati). — B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 355. — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 114 n. 17 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205. V at. g r. 1005. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 103, 138, 206, 289, 345, 441. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 110, 114. — Moore , Polybius, p. 192. — P e p p in k , Epitom e, I I 1, p. 181 (cit. err.: 1003). — P e p p in k , Opera, p. 99 (cit. err.: 1003). B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — R F IC, 63 (1935) p. 227 (cit. err.: 1003). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 999-1012 V at. g r. 1006.


DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 103, 138, 221, 293, 406. —

Lindskog - Ziege ER, Plutarchus2, I I , p. xi. — Ziege ER, Überlieferungsge­ schichte, p. 162, 167. R hM , 63 (1908) p. 251 (Ziegler). V at. g r. 1007. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 38, 50, 97, 133, 159, 203, 241, 283, 416. — F eaceeiÈRE - Chambry - J uneaux , Plutarque, I, p. x x x ix , XEii, XEUi, XEin n. 1, xeiv , e u , Ev ; II, p. i. — Lindskog , Plutarchus, p. iv. — Lindskog - Ziege ER, Plutarchus2, I 1, p. x ii , xvi, x x i. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 83, 112. — Vogee - Gardthausen, Schreiber, p. 87. — Ziege ER, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 11, 15 sg., 66, 82, 85, 112, 173 sg., 187 sg. B P h W , 27 (1907) p. 358, 359; 28 (1908) p. 355, 357. — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 159. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 n. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 1008. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 49, 97, 133, 159, 203, 242, 283, 320. — Ziege ER, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 8, 149 sg., 193 sg. V at. g r. 1009. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 221, 293. — H ubert P oheEnz - D rexe ER, Plutarchus, V 1, p. ix -x v n i, x x n. 0, x x i, x x iv , x x x i. — N achstädt - Sieveking - Titchener , Plutarchus, p. x x x . — P aton - P ohEEnz - Sieveking , Plutarchus, p. v m , ix , xix -xxi , x x x i. — P oheEnz, P lu tar­ chus, p. x. — Titchener , Plutarch, p. 21. — W egehaup T, Plutarchstudien, p. 21, 48, 50. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 112 (Valgiglio). — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 94 (Einarson de Lacy). V at. g r. 1010. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 221, 292. — H ubert , P lu­ tarchus, V I 1, p. iv-vi, x x . — P aton - P oheEnz - Sieveking , Plutarchus, p. x x x i. — T itchener , Plutarch, p. 21. — W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 21, 41, 44, 53. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 107 n. 1 (Valgiglio). — B P hW , 32 (1912) p. 1605, 1607. — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 94 (Einarson - de Lacy). V at. g r. 1011. B id ez - Cumont , Mages, II, p. 251, 252. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 467. — K roee , De oraculis, p. 3 n. 1. — S bordone , Hieroglyphica, p. Eiv. B A B , S. V, 40 (1954) p. 537 n. 3 (Masai). — R F IC , 26 (1898) p. 121 n. 0 (Bassi). V at. g r. 1012. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 56, 110, 142, 220, 292, 348, 445. — H ubert , Plutarchus, V I 1, p. x x . — L indskog - Ziege ER, Plutarchus1, IV 1, p. v m , ix , x ii. — N achstädt - Sieveking - Titchener , Plutarchus, p. x x x . — P aton - P oheenz - Sieveking , Plutarchus, p. x x iv , x x x i. — T itchener , Plutarch, p. 21. — W egehaup T, P lutarchstudien, p. 22, 41, 43, 47, 50, 55. — Ziege ER, Überlieferungsgeschichte, p. 9, 54, 198. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 108 (Valgiglio). — B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 357, 359; 32 (1912) p. 1607. — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 94 (Einarson - de Lacy).

» - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

Vat. g r. 1013. Amsee, De rythm isj p. 153. — BERT0EA, Registri, p. 10 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 5, 30, 55, 92, 119, 129, 169, 197, 249, 277, 329, 440. — H ubert , Plutarchus, IV, p. x x , x x v ; V I 1, p. x x . — H ubert P ohi.enz - Drexe ER, P lutarchus, V 1, p. ν π , χ χ χ ι; V 3, p. x in . — J an (von), Musici, p. u x x iii. — Dindskog - Ziegeer , Plutarchus1, IV 1, p. v n i, ix . — L owe, Vitae, p. 19, 46. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 108, 114. — N achstadt Sieveking - T i Tciiener , Plutarchus, p. x x x . — P aton - P oheEnz - Si Eveking , Plutarchus, p. x x x i. — P oheEnz, Plutarchus, p. x. — P oheenz - Ziegeer , Plutarchus, p. iv . — TiTCHENER, P lutarch, p. 14, 16, 42, 43. — WEGEhaup T, P lutarchstudien, p. 19, 23, 41, 46, 48, 50-55. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 107 n. 3 (Valgiglio). — B P hW , 21 (1901) p. 707; 32 (1912) p. 1609. — B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 373. — CPh, 46 (1951) p. 94 (Einars o n - d e L acy). — Philologus, 64 (1905) p. 392, 395, 403, 407, 409, 410, 412 (W egehaupt). — R hM , 72 (1917-18) p. 540 (Ludwich). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 322 η. 1 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 1014. BEEEOMO, Agapeto, p. 23. — DEVREESSE, Ponds grec, p. 421, 454. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 721 n. 2. — MERCATI, Opere minori, IV, p. 171 η. 1. — N a c h s t a d t - S ie v e k in g - T i t c h e n e r , Plutarchus, p. v i, x η. 1. — PETIT - S id is r id e s - Ju G iE , Scholarios, IV, p. 460, 462, 492. — W e g e h a u p t , P lutarchstudien, p. 24, 41, 54, 55. B A B , S. V, 40 (1954) p. 537 n. 3 (Masai). — Bessarione, 38 (1922) p. 137 η. 1 (Mercati). — B yzZ , 24 (1923-24) p. 40 η. 1 (Mercati); 28 (1928) p. 127. — CM F, 6 (1900) p. 299 (Stem bach). — EO, 12 (1909) p. 90 (Petrides). — N H , 12 (1915) p. 412 (Lampros). V at. g r. 1015. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 498. — Merca Ti , Cidone, p. 64 n. 4. — W egehaupt , Plutarchstudien, p. 24. B P E C , N.S., 15 (1967) p. 113 (Valgiglio). V at. g r . 1016. BERT0EA, Registri, p. 106 n. 3. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 43, 50, 97, 133, 161, 203, 243, 285, 323, 409. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 76. V a t. g r . 1017. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 498. — W agn ER, M ythographi, p. XI, x ix -x x v . R hM , 41 (1886) p. 138 (Wagner). — SIF C , 20 (1913) p. 255 n. 2 (Calderini). — T A P h A , 66 (1935) p. 309 (Diller). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 230, 232, 250 (Canart). V at. g r. 1018. B ert 6 ea , Registri, p. 46 n. 4, 76 n. 5, 104 n. 2. — Bran ­ H andschriften, nr. 6. — B usse , David, p. x v m . — BussE, De in terpreta­ tione, p. x e ix . — B usse , Elias, p. x x iv , x x x , x x x i. — B usse , Isagoge, p. x x x iv . — BUSSE, Porphyrius, p. E. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 43, 57, 168, 197, 249, 310, 438. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 27 η. 1; 77, 88, 130 η. 1, 156-158. — Mercati , Opere minori, IV, p. 198 n. 2. — R oss, Analytics, p. 94. — VoGEL Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 332. — W aeeiES, A nalytica posteriora, p. v ii , v n i, x v ii. — W aeeies , A nalytica priora, p. vi, xv. WAEEIES, Sophist, elenchi, p. v, ix . — W arteeee , Inventaire, p: 131. d is , - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1013-1025


B P h W , 30 (1910) p. 114. — B yzZ, 16 (1907) p. 52 (de Stéfani); 24 (192324) p. 304 n. 3 (Mercati); 54 (1961) p. 175. — Eranos, 5 (1903) p. 150, 152 (Lundström ). Miscell. Bellini, p. 349 (Mioni). Vat. g r . 1019. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 30. — B rtjnschwig , Aristote, p. cv n. 3. — B usse , Isagoge, p. x v ii . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 427.— W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 131. Vat. g r. 1020. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 37. — Brunschw ig , Aris­ tote, p. cv n. 3. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 424 n. 41, 425, 459. — W ar ­ TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 131. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Congr. Byz. I X , III, p. 203 (Massa Positano). — Stampa, p. 8 (Campana). Vat. g r. 1021. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 17. — B usse , De in terpreta­ tione, p. eiv . — B usse , Isagoge, p. x x v . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 108, 143, 170, 215, 251, 294, 331. — W aeeis , A nalytica priora, p. xv. — W arTEEUE, Inventaire, p. 131. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 254 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). Vat. g r. 1022. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 20. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 164, 327, 406. — Geöckner , Staseis, II, p. 26. — R abe , Aphthonius, p. x x x ii. -— R abe , Hermogenes, p. x ix . — R abe , Sylloge, p. exv , exxxvi , exx x ix , e x u i. — W arteeee , Inventaire, p. 131. B P hW , 29 (1909) p. 1019. — R hM , 64 (1909) p. 547, 565 n. 1, 573 n. 1 (Rabe); 67 (1912) p. 331 (Rabe). Vat. g r. 1023. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 28. — B usse , David, p. vm , x v iii, x ix . — B usse , Elias, p. vi, x x x i. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 421, 453. — RuEEEE, D ubitationes, p. iv. — W arteeee , Inventaire, p. 131. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 254 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). Vat. g r. 1024. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 59. — B runschwig , Aristote, p. cvii, cxEix. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 43, 57, 91, 129, 197, 219, 356, 440. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 27 n. 1, 78. — R oss, Topica, p. v, x. — R oss Min io P aeueeeo , Aristoteles, p. v, xiv. — Strache - W aeeies , Aristoteles, p. vi. — W aitz , Organon, p. 80. — W arteeee , Inventaire, p. 131. Vat. g r. 1025. Brandis , H andschriften, nr. 102. — Cammeeei, Cydonès, p. x x x ix , XEix. — D ev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 92, 130, 168, 198, 248, 281, 330, 403. — DiEES, Simplicius I, p. x v ii . — LoENERTz, Cydonès, p. 11. — I/OENERTz, Lettres, p. 85. — L orimer , Libellus, p. 3, 5. — Mercati , Atumano, p. 58 n. 1. — Merca Ti , Cidone, p. 128, 161 n. 2. — R oss, Physics, p. 118. — S chenke , Them istius, p. v m . — ViTEEEi, Physica I, p. v u . — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 131. J W I , 24 (1961) p. 314 (Diller). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 254 (Harlfin­ ger - W iesner). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r . 1026. B i e h e , De anima, p. vi. — B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 81. — Ca p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 68, 70. — DEVREESSE, Ponds grec, p. 108, 142, 214, 297, 349, 457. — HEIBERG, Dogica, p. xv, x ix . — H ic k s , Aristotle, p. e x x x t v . — J a h n , Eclogae, p. vi, x. — J a n n o n e - B a r b o t in , Aristote, p. x x x n n. 1. — K r o e e , D e oraculis, p. 2, 3 n. 1. — M e r c a Ti , Opéré minori, I I I , p. 476 n. 4. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 192, 198. — R oss, De anima, p. ix . — R oss, P arv a N aturalia, p. 61, 69. — Ross, Physics, p. 118. — S c h o e e l , Proclus, p. 9. — S ic h e r e , Iamblichos, p. 20, 93, 134-137. — S i w e k , De anima, p. 5, 9, 15, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 39, 41, 45-46, 63, 67, 70, 73, 79-80, 89, 92, 109, 139, 147, 158, 172, 173, 176, 178-182. — S i w e k , M anuscrits, p. 16, 22, 23, 25, 57, 58, 62-63, 65. — S i w e k , P arva N aturalia, p. 17. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 131. AC, 32 (1963) p. 129 n. 6 (Zeegers - Vander Vorst). — ByzZ, 31 (1931) p. 83. — JOBG, 8 (1959) p. 125 (Hunger). — RPh, S. III, 7 (1933) p. 215, 359 (De Corte); 41 (1967) p. 326. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 284, 287 (de Meyier); 21 (1967) p. 124. Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 330, 333 (Mugnier). — Miscell. Mansion, p. 220 (Minio Paluello). V at. g r. 1027. Aeean, Aristoteles, p. x n . — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 90. — Carteron, Aristote, I, p. 21. — DEVREESSE, Ponds grec, p. 427, 452. — Devreesse , Introduction, p. 17. — Congo, Aristotele, p. exxi . — Moraux, Aristote, p. cexxx, cxci. — R oss, Physica, p. i, n , m . — R oss, Physics, p. 102. — W arTEEEE, Inventaire, p. 131. AC, 36 (1967) p. 646. — Eranos, 14 (1914) p. 32 (Rudberg). — Hermes, 82 (1954) p. 148, 148 n. 4 (Moraux). — JOBG, 6 (1957) p. 5 (Irigoin). — REG, 50 (1937) p. 166; 80 (1967) p. 641. — R F IC , 42 (1914) p. 402 (Bassi). — RPh, S. III, 41 (1967) p. 316. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 306. V at. g r . 1028. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 103. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 56, 108, 142, 213, 310, 462. — DiEES, Handschriften, I, p. 92. — D i e e s , Simplicius, I, p. x v i i . — R e g e n b o g e n , Theophrastos, col. 1401, 1403, 1427. — R oss, Physics, p. 118. — PiSTEEEi, Protrepticus, p. vu. — P o s t , Plato, p. 78. — ViTEEEi, Physica, I, p. xv. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 131. — WE ndeand , Alexander, p. vi. Eos, 16 (1910) p. 108 (Przychocki). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 102 (Wilson); 391 (Wüson). V at. g r. 1029. Aeein e , Platon, p. 209, 237, 290, 312, 315. — BERTôea , Registri, p. 91 n. 7. — Canivet , Thérapeutique, p. 89. — Careini , Platone, p. 28 sg. — DES P ea CES, P laton, I, p. CCXix; II, p. 5. — DEVREESSE, Ponds grec, p. 38, 54, 92, 130, 161, 198, 243, 279, 323, 405. — D iès, Dois, p. 7. —■ DiÈS - DES P eaces , Dois, p. 5. — I mmisch , Studien, p. 41, 66, 70, 86-96, 106. — M e r c a Ti , Isidoro, p. 86. — M e r c a Ti , Opéré minori, III, p. 124. — P o s t , Plato, p. 2, 30, 78. — S c h a n z , Studien, p. 8. — S o t jie h é , Platon, p. x x v m , x x ix , ci. — S t u r m , Biographisches, p. 27-32. A S N P , S. II, 31 (1962) p. 249 (Moreschini) ; 34 (1965) p. 176 (Moreschini). — B P E C , 13 (1965) p. 54 (Carlini). — B P hW , 27 (1907) p. 935; 55 (1935) p. 1187. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1026-1036


— B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 580, 581. — CQ, 43 (1949) p. 128 (Klos - Minio Paluello). — Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 262 (Jordan); 51 (1916) p. 514 n. 4 (Praechter). — NGG, 1933, p. 216 n. 1 (Lenz). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 684 (Wohlrab). — R hM , 92 (1943-44) p. 127, 128 n. 4 (Bickel). — RPh, N.S., 34 (1910) p. 258, 262 (Alline); S. I l l , 1 (1927) p. 267. — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 307 (Vemet); 343; 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). — S IF C , N.S., 32 (1960) p. 161 n. 2 (Donzelli). — S M , S. I l l , 5 (1964) p. 606 (Carlini). — T A P h A , 61 (1930) p. 31 (Post). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 325 n. 7 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 1030. A l p i n e , Platon, p. 314. — C a r l in i , Platone, p. 43 n. 103. — D e v r e e s s e , Ponds grec, p. 30, 57, 92, 130, 151 n. 16, 161, 198, 438. — M e r ­ c a t i , Opere minori. I I I , p. 459 n. 2. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — POST, Plato, p. 78. — S c h a n z , Studien, p. 9. A S N P , S. II, 34 (1965) p. 184 (Moreschini). — N JP hP Suppbd, 15 (1887) p. 685 (W ohlrab). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 n. 4 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 1031. d e s P l a c e s , P la to n , I, p. c c v ii . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 57, 108, 142, 217, 299, 350, 457. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 78 n. 3. — POST, Plato, p. 2, 15, 62, 79. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 115 n. 2 (Mercati). — B P hW , 55 (1935) p. 1187. — R hM , 63 (1908) p. 238 (Rabe). — R P h, S. I I I , 10 (1936) p. 243, 244 (des Places). — Scriptorium, 16 (1962) p. 391 (Wilson). — T A P h A , 64 (1933) p. Liv (Post). — W S, 56 (1938) p. 36 (Pavlu). Vat. g r. 1032. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 149. — Cr EUZER, Commen­ tarii, p. x x , x x n. 4. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 424 n. 41, 425, 462. — D e ­ v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 90 n. 4. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 468-473. — W a r TELLE, Inventaire, p. 131. — WESTERiNK, Proclus, p. v n , x. Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 262, 263 n. 1 (Jordan). — R F IC , 84 (1956) p. 81-83. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 147; 18 (1964) p. 254 (Harbinger - W iesner). — S IF C , N.S., 34 (1962) p. 180 (Carlini). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Stampa, p. 8 (Campana). Vat. g r . 1033. Musici, p. LXXin.

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 231, 467. — J an (von ),

Vat. g r. 1034. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 55. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 214, 294, 347, 445. — W a r TELLE, Inventaire, p. 131. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 254 (H arbinger - Wiesner). Vat. g r . 1035. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 48. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476. — W arTELLE, Inventaire, p. 131. Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 254 (H arbinger - Wiesner). Vat. g r. 1036. B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 238. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476. — D o d d s , Proclus, p. x x x v i. — W a r TELLE, Inventaire, p. 131. RhM , 55 (1900) p. 441 (Foerster). — X enia Romana, p. 24, 25 (Pasquali). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 1037. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 447. — D evreesse , In tro ­ duction, p. 97 n. 13. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 8 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 1038. B o e e , Beobachtungen, p. 7. — B o e e - B o e r , Ptolemaeus, p. vir, ix , XVI. — C o s t ie , D udith, p. 292. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 476. — G ia n n e e e i , Codices V at. II, p. 71. — H a n o w , Libellus, p. v. — H e i b e r g , Astronomica, p. v in , xi, x x iv , x e v i , c e x x v i . — H e i b e r g , Elem enta, V, p. v, XII. — H e i b e r g , Optica, p. v. — H e i b e r g , Stereom etrica, p. v. — L a m m e r T B o e r , Ptolem aeus, p. v, vi, x i-x m , x v , xvi. — M e n g e , D ata, p. vi, x m . — M e n g e , Phaenom ena, p. v, vi, x. — P e t e r s - K n o b e e , Catalogue, p. 18, 21. — R obbins, Ptolem aeus, p. xvi. AC , 22 (1953) p. 175. — B P h W , 17 (1897) p. 675, 676; 44 (1924) p. 156. — Byzantion, 20 (1950) p. 192 (Richard). — B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 560. — DOP, 18 (1964) p. 135 n. 3 (Pingree). — Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 73, 185, 187 (Heiberg); 72 (1937) p. 450 (Lam m ert). — JOBG, 8 (1959) p. 125 (Hunger). — Philologus, 43 (1884) p. 329 (Heiberg). — REG, 12 (1899) p. 397; 67 (1954) p. 316. — R F IC , 28 (1900) p. 127. — R hM , 68 (1913) p. 157 (Brinkmann). — S B A W , 1899, p. 81 sg. (Boll). V at. g r. 1039. D evreesse , Fonds grée, p. 476. — H eiberg , Om Scholierne, p. 258 n. 1, 300. — H eiberg , Optica, p. vi. — Menge , Phoenomena, p. v, vi. B P hW , 15 (1895) p. 1539. V at. g r. 1040. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 36, 37, 219, 295, 439. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 85. Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 180 (Heiberg). V at. g r . 1041. D ev reesse , Fonds grec. p. 40, 59, 105, 139. Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 182 (Heiberg). V at. g r. 1042. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 468. — MERCATI, Opere minori, III, p. 211 n. 1, 327 sg. — S pe z i , Scritti, p. 9, 11, 14. — VoGEE - GardThausen , Schreiber, p. 6. Bessarione, 30 (1914) p. 355 (Mercati). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 74 (Canari). Misceli. Tisser ant, VI, p. 204 (Canart). V at. g r. 1043. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 423, 468. — Mercati, Opere minori, I I I , p. 327 sg. — Spezi , Erone, p. 9, 12. — VoGEE - Gardthatjsen, Schreiber, p. 183. Bessarione, 30 (1914) p. 355, 356 (Mercati). — Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 182 (Heiberg). — OC, N.S., 13-14 (1925) p. 240. — Rinascimento, 10 (1959) p. 132, 133 (Fanelli). — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 242. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 330 n. 4 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 1044. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 430, 462. — D üring , Porphyrios, p. x iv n. 1. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 205 (Canart). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1037-1056


Vat. gr. 1045. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 420, 468, 476. — DÜRING, Porphyrios, p. xiv. B yzZ, 47 (1954) p . 198. Vat. gr. 1046. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p . 61, 104, 139, 162, 280, 328, 445. — PETERS - K n o b e l , Catalogue, p . 18, 21. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 379. Vat. gr. 1047. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p . 455'. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 176 n. 1, n. 3, 235 n. 4. — MERCATI, Isidoro, p . 50 n. 1. Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 12-13. Vat. gr. 1048. BERTÒLA, Registri, p . 14 n. 4. — BoER, Paulus Alex., p. vrn. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p . 43, 59, 104, 139, 162, 280, 328, 445. — D ü r in g , Porphyrios, p . xiv. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 78. B yzZ, 27 (1927) p. 372. Catal. astrol., V 3, p. 6-7. Vat. gr. 1049.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 60, 94, 131, 200, 247, 468.

— V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 183.

Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 13. Vat. gr. 1050. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 60. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 325. Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 13. Vat. gr. 1051. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 105, 140, 347, 446. — H eib er g , Om Scholieme, p. 281, 282, 303. Hermes, 38 (1903) p. 183, 189 (Heiberg). Vat. gr. 1052. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 36, 59, 104, 139, 219, 296, 327. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 83 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 50 n. 1. Vat. gr. 1053.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p.

60, 93, 130, 199, 281, 468.

Vat. gr. 1054. Rinascimento, 10 (1959) p.133 (Fanelli). Misceli. Tisser ant, VI, p. 204 (Canart). Vat. gr. 1055. m enta, I, p. x.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 465, 476. — P i Tr a , Monu­

Vat. gr. 1056. B e r t ò l a , Registri, p. 6 n. 3, 108 n. 10. — B ia n c h i , K alender, p. 21. — B i d EZ - C u m o n T, Mages, II, p. 225. — BoER, Paulus Alex., p. v m . — B o l l , K alendarium , p. 3, 5, 19. — Ca p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 205. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 36, 59, 105, 140, 217, 294, 439. — F u n k , Dida­ scalia, I, p. XL, XLi. — H a n s s e n s , Liturgie, p. 78. — H a u r y , Procopius, I I I 2, p. iv. — HEEG, Frga, p. 6, 32, 33 n. 2, 52, 58, 61. — H e i b e r g , Stereometrica, p. cxv iii, c x x ii. — K e r n , F ragm enta, p. 292. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. 48. 34 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici V aticani greci


— Sghermann, Apostellegenden, p. 159. — Stegemann, Dorotheos, p. 8, 9, 12, 19, 37, 54, 55, 65. B P hW , 29 (1909) p. 903. — B yzZ, 19 (1910) p. 181; 57 (1964) p. 384 n. 0, 386 n. 21 (Kunitzsch). — CQ, 5 (1911) p. 249 (Housman). — DOP, 18 (1964) p. 138 (Pingree). — Hermes, 78 (1943) p. 118 (Stegemann). — REG, 26 (1913) p. 81. — R hM , 91 (1942) p. 341, 349 (Stegemann). — RPh, N.S., 42 (1918) p. 66 n. 6, 67 n. 0 (Cumont). Catal. astrol., IV, p. 102; V 1, p. 183 n. 1; V 3, p. 7, 76. V at. g r. 1057. D e Marinis , Legatura, nr. 2739. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 440, 452. B P hW , 26 (1906) p. 75. — B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 646. Catal. astrol., V 1, p. 4, 73. V at. g r. 1058. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 59, 93, 131, 162, 199, 244, 311, 324, 404. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 176 n. 1, 184 n. 1, 235. — MercaTi , Isidoro, p. 47 n. 2, n. 3, 49, 50 n. 1. — MoGENET, Almageste, p. 14. — NEUGEBAUER, Studies, p. 4. — R ome, Commentaires, I, p. xiv. B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 311; 50 (1957) p. 586; 57 (1964) p. 384 n. 0, 385 n. 17, 388, 394, 404 (Kunitzsch). — DOP, 18 (1964) p. 142, 151 (Pingree). — REG, 7 (1894) p. 204 (Tannery); 73 (1960) p. 573. — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 163; 14 (1960) p. 403; 15 (1961) p. 380. V at. g r . 1059. Beck , Kirche, p. 617. — Capocci, Codices Barber., p. 70. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 60, 94, 131, 162, 200, 244, 321, 405. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 242 n. 1. — F ustraTiades , Michael Glycas, p. pXa'. — H eiberg , Astronomica, p. cxcni. — K rumbacher, Geschichte, p. 627 n. 5. — Manitius , Proclus, p. ix, x eiii . — Mentz, Beiträge, p. 26, 74. — MERCATI, Cidone, p. 172 n. 1, 174, 176 sg., 179-181. — Mercati, Isidoro, p. 45 n. 2, 51 n. 3. — Mommsen, Chronica, p. 369 n. 1, 439. — Sevöenko, Polémique, p. 43 n. 1, 113 n. 2, 114, 281. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 392. — Usener , Kleine Schriften, III, p. 309 n. 1. — Vogeg - GardThatjsen, Schreiber, p. 203. — W ir Th , U ntersuchungen, p. 30 sg. A lP hO , 2 (1934) p. 324 (Dölger). — B P hW , 30 (1910) p. 113. — Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 272 (Schissei). — ByzZ, 16 (1907) p. 414; 17 (1908) p. 167; 551; 20 (1911) p. 114 n. 1 (Treu); 57 (1964) p. 387 n. 24 (Kunitzsch). —DOP, 18 (1964)p.145 n. 66 (Pingree). — REG, 26 (1913) p. 81; 80 (1967) p. 685. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 172; 13 (1959) p. 270; 14 (1960) p. 403. Catal. astrol., V 1, p. 108; V 3, p. 64, 133. V at. g r . 1060.

D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 466.

V at. g r. 1061.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476.

V at. g r. 1062. Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 104, 139, 311, 468. — Diegs , H andschriften, II, p. 104. V at. g r. 1063. D eichgräber - K udgien , Sim ulantenschrift, p. 108, 111. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 58, 104, 139, 218, 301, 360, 457. — DiEGS, H and- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1057-1070


Schriften, I, p. 78, 107, 109, 112; 1. N achtrag, p. 35. — DlEES, Prorrheticum , p. x ix . V at. g r . 1064. B ertôea , Registri, p. 83 n. 7. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 104, 139, 217, 306, 457. — DlEES, H andschriften, I, p. 87-89. V at. g r. 1065. Coeonna , Storici, p. 33, 66. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 48, 103, 138, 206, 289, 358, 444. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 17. — DlEES, H andschriften, I, p. 41. — DiEEER, Tradition, p. 43. — H aury , Procopius, I I I , p. x ix ; IV, p. v, vi. — K ominis , Pardos, p. 72. — K ra Se ninnikov , Anecdota, p. x v n . — Massa P osiTano , Simocata, p. 14. — Massa P ositano , Tradizione, p. 8. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 317, 385, 491. — P er tu si , De Them atibus, p. 3-4, 4-9, 12-14, 18-19, 20-21, 25-26, 28, 30, 50-52, 58. — W achsmuth , Lydus, II, p. xx. AC , 35 (1966) p. 351. — B P E C , N.S., 2 (1953) p. 71-74 (Bolognesi). — Byzantion, 23 (1953) p. 32 (Ostrogorsky). — B yzZ, 5 (1896) p. 415 (Wünsch); 45 (1952) p. 390; 47 (1954) p. 181; 186. — E H B S , 24 (1954) p. 389. — Hellenika, 16 (1958-59) p. 376. — REG, 66 (1953) p. 532; 68 (1955) p. 412. — RPh, S. III, 29 (1955) p. 100. Catal. astrol. V 1, p. 118 n. 2; V 4, p. 14. — Congr. byz. I X , III, p. 202 (Massa Positano). V at. g r . 1066. B jörck , Apsyrtus, p. 44. — BoER, Paulus Alex., p. v in . — B oee - B oer, Ptolemaeus, p. v n i, x. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 165, 247, 326, 407, 474 n. 28. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 40, 96, 113; 1. N achtrag, p. 36. — H e eg , Erga, p. 17. — Stegemann , Dorotheos, p. 55, 65. A B , 55 (1937) p. 185. — B P hW , 26 (1906) p. 76. — RhM , 91 (1942) p. 333 (Stegem ann). Catal. astrol. V 1, p. 74; V 2, p. 22 n. 2. V at. g r. 1067. Aeand , Liste, nr. I 36. — B atiffoe , Rossano, p. 72. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 223, 309. — Gardthausen , Palaeographie, II, p. 402. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 390. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — P itra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 345. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. A S C L , 1 (1931) p. 225, 238 (Tardo). V at. g r. 1068. Aeand, Liste, nr. 1 122. — Devreesse , Fonds grec, p. 73, 223. -— D evreesse , Introduction, p. 307. — Gregory, T extkritik, p. 398. — L ake , M anuscripts, V III, p. 14, tav. 591. — Mai, Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 68. B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 123. V at. g r. 1069.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 225, 458. — R ahefs, Ver­

zeichnis, p. 257. V at. g r . 1070. B ornër T, Commentaires, p. 207. — D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 464. — D ev reesse , M anuscrits, p. 16, 42. — Gianneeei, Codices Vat. I, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Codici V aticani greci

p. 112 sg. — K rasnosel 'CEV, Svëdënija, p. 27. — Merca Ti , Atum ano, p. 13 n. 2. — MERCATI, Opéré minori, I I I , p. 70 n. 1, 323 sg. — MERCATI, Storia, p. 333, 335. — PERTUSI, Leonzio Pilato, p. 493. — P i Tra , Analecta sacra, I, p. E xxni. — P i Tra , M onumenta, II, p. 297. — R a iiefs , Verzeichnis, p. 257. — T uryn , Codices, p. 12, 76-78. — T uryn , Sophocles, p. 114 n. 131. — VOGEE G ardthausen , Schreiber, p. 394. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — A SC L , 7 (1937) p. 273, 277 (Cappelli). — Bessarione, 30 (1914) p. 351 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 38 (1938) p. 542; 58 (1965) p. 373. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 318 (Vaccari). — R E B yz, 25 (1967) p. 286. — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — R SS, 24 (1963) p. 12 (Carucci). Byzantino-Sicula, p. 78 (Pertusi). V at. g r. 1071. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 22, 118, 149, 187, 268, 397. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 257. — W agner , M ythographi, p. x i n. 2. — W e STERMANN, M ythographoi, p. IV, 394. V at. g r . 1072. lieferung, I I I , p. 725 n er , Didascaliae, p. B yzZ, 13 (1904)

D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 72, 223. — E hrhard , Über­ n. 3. — Mercati , Opéré minori, IV, p. 8, 10-12. — T id 138. — VoGEE - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 134. p. 687. — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 111.

V at. g r. 1073. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476. — DEVREESSE, Octateuque, p. 28 n. 9. — K eostermann , Jeremiahomilien, p. xev i . — P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 349. — VoGEE - G ardthausen , Schreiber, p. 196. Scriptorium, 14 (1960) p. 177. V at. g r . 1074. Beck , Kirche, p. 553. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 498. — K otter , Überheferung, p. 70. Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. V at. g r . 1075. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 498. — KoTTER, Überlie­ ferung, p. 71. — Stähein , S trom ata1, p. e v iii . V at. g r . 1076. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 498. — E hrhard , Überlie­ ferung, I I I , p. 1024. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 94. — H ergen roe Th e r , Photius, I I I , p. 161 n. 11, n. 15. — K otter , Überheferung, p. 71. V at. g r. 1077. Coeonna , Storici, p. 112.----DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 458. — KoTTER, Überlieferung, p. 71. — M oravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 524. — S tähein , Strom ata1, p. EVirr. Cat al. astrol., V 4, p. 14. V at. g r. 1078. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476. — KoTTER, Überlie­ ferung, p. 71. B yzZ, 54 (1961) p. 389. V at. g r . 1079. Anrich , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 158. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 486. — F ranchi d e ’ - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1071-1086


C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 94-95. — J u g i e , Assomption, p. 327, 720. — K r a Së Prodrom us, p. 9-14, 66, 69. — P it r a , Monumenta, II, p. 355.

n in n ik o v ,

A B , 68 (1950) p. 104 (Loenertz). — Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 231 n. 1, 237 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 17 (1908) p. 562. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 48. V a t. g r . 1080. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 476. — N o r d b e r g , A thanasiana, p. 37*. — O p it z , Untersuchungen, p. 93. — S c h w a r t z , A.C.O., I I 1, 3, p. 2. V a t. g r . 1081. D ev reësse , Fonds grec, p. 79. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 95. — T uryn , Codices, p. 12, 73. — VOGEL - G ard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 135. A B , 84 (1966) p. 509. — A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. V a t. g r . 1082.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 476. — J a e g e r , Gregorius,

V, p. 10. V a t. g r . 1083. D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. I, p. 226. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 464. — F.h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 791. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 95-96. Bibl. hagiogr. gr3, nr. 875e. V a t. g r . 1084.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 498.

V a t. g r. 1085. Crt jsiu s - C o h n , Paroemiographen, p. 237. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 158, 241, 322, 409. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 79 n. 2. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 721 n. 1. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 96-97. — G u il l a n d , Correspondance, p. x n , xiv, x v n , x x i i i . — G u il l a n d , Grégoras, p. xvi, x x i-x x in , x x v i. — L a m e e r e , Tradition, p. 6, 7, 33-38, 41, 42 n. 1, 43, 45, 45 n. 1, 47 n. 1, 50, 60, 61, 74-75, 132-134, 138, 153, 155-161, 163, 168, 170-172. — M e y i ER (d e ) - H u l s iio f f P o l , Codices graeci, p. 69. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 451. Bessarione, 34 (1918) p. 92 n. 1, 93 n. 1 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 2 (1893) p. 223 (Voltz); 18 (1909) p. 86 n. 1 (von Dobschütz); 26 (1926) p. 155; 29 (1929) p. 311; 40 (1940) p. 462. — ED , 2 (1924) p. 239 (Bezdeki). — EO, 27 (1928) p. 459 (Laurent). — Eos, 39 (1938) p. 305 (Jarecki). — Hellenika, 18 (1964) p. 62 (Polemes). — REG, 51 (1938) p. 576. — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 161. — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 441, 446 n. 37, n. 40 (èevcenko). V a t. g r. 1086. C a m m e l l i , Cydonès, p. x x x ix , x l ix . — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 206, 290, 415. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 721 n. 3. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 97. — G u il l a n d , Correspondance, p. x n , xiv, x iv n. 2, xvi, x v n , x x i i i . — G u il l a n d , Grégoras, p. xvi, x x i, x x i i , xxv. — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. l x x i i i . — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 205 n. 3. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. x x . — L a s k a r is , Princeze, p. 133. — L o e n e r t z , Cydonès, I, p. 11. — L o e n e r t z , L ettres, p. 82. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 12 n. 2, 228 n. 2. — M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 10 n. 1. — M E y e n d o r f f , Introduction, p. 407. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

— Moravcsik, B yzantinoturcica, p. 451. — P rosciutti, Epistolario, p. 11 n. 1, 12. — Treu , M atthaios, p. 12. A B , 46 (1928) p. 447. — Bessarione, 34 (1918) p. 90, 92, 92 n. 1 (Mercati). — B P hW , 9 (1889) p. 519. — Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 829. — ByzZ, 2 (1893) p. 223 (Voltz); 8 (1899) p. 58, 62 (Treu); 24 (1923-24) p. 142; 26 (1926) p. 155; 28 (1928) p. 194; 29 (1929) p. 311, 313; 41 (1941) p. 4 n. 2 (Previale); 58 (1965) p. 176. — ED, 2 (1924) p.'239 (Bezdeki). — E H B S , 4 (1927) p. 265 (Stephanides). — EO, 20 (1921) p. 297 (Emereau); 26 (1927) p. 352 (Laurent); 27 (1928) p. 459 (Laurent); 28 (1929) p. 384. — Hellenika, 18 (1964) p. 62 (Polemes). — OCP, 23 (1957) p. 114, 116 n. 4 (Loenertz); 25 (1959) p. 245 (Candal). — REG, 78 (1965) p. 492. — SIF C , 4 (1896) p. 263 (Jorio); N.S., 1 (1920) p. 160 (Cammelli). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 441, 446 (Seveenko). Mélanges Marinescu, p. 76 (Bezdechi). — Menologio, p. 56 n. 10. V at. g r . 1087. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 36, 61, 94, 131, 163, 200, 244, 326, 404. — Guieeand , Grégoras, p. x x iv . — Martin, Aratos, p. 46, 50, 57, 61, 63, 65-67, 69, 84, 103, 223, 245, 288, 289. — R ehm , Eratosthenes, p. I. — R ome, Commentaires, I, p. x x i. — Sevöenko, Polémique, p. 92 n. 4, 113 n. 5, 280, 284 n. 1, 286 n. 1. — USENER, Kleine Schriften, III, p. 355 n. 63. — WEITZmann. Illustrations, p. 96, 144, fig. 80, 132. B P hW , 19 (1899) p. 1383. — R hM , 105 (1962) p. 123, 123 n. 6, 124, 124 n. 7, 125, 129, 131, 132 n. 15 (Sale). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 140; 13 (1959) p. 282. — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 441 n. 18, 446 (Seveenko). V at. g r. 1088. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 76,357,435,441. — G r ib o m o n t , Ascétiques, p. 22 sg. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 145, 184. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 32. B yzZ, 43 (1950) p. 99. — Muséon, 54 (1941) p. 1, 11 (Muyldermans). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 140; 8 (1954) p. 301 (Gribomont). V at. g r. 1089. D e M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 2814. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 423, 448. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 479. — S a n d e (v a n d e ), Adam antius, p. x x v n , x x v n i , e iv , b v u i . N H , 4 (1907) p. 484 (Lampros). V at. g r. 1090. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 861. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1165. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 477. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 228, 1112. — H e i n r ic i , Erklärung, p. xrv. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — R a u e r , Lukaskom m entar, p. 7, 20, 51. — REUSS, M atthäus-K atenen, p. 70, 77, 127, 181, 182. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, 1, p. 402. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 122, 127. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T h o m a s , Collections, I, p. 144, 152, lé6. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 209, 209 n. 5. Miscell. Tisser ant, VI, p. 206 (Canari). V at. g r. 1091. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 37, 78, 231, 305, 345, 433. — L o e n e r t z , Calecas, p. 40. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 68 n. 2, 81, 87 n. 1, 91 sg., 148. -— M e r c a t i , Isidoro, p. 83. — P i Tr a , Monumenta, I, p. x. A F P , 17 (1947) p. 205 (Loenertz). — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 173 (Vasil'ev). .Miscell. Galbiati, III, p. 288 n. 1 (Pertusi). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1087-1096


V at. g r. 1092. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 28, 79, 233, 305, 365, 455. — L aemmer , Bibliotheca, p. xx . — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 54, 108 sg. — L oenertz , Calecas, p. 321 n. 3, 323 n. 4. — Mercati, Cidone, p. 67-71, 75, 88 n. 5, 92 sg., 94, 106-109, 245 n. 6. A F P , 17 (1947) p. 197, 202 n. 31 (Loenertz). — B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 160 n. 1 (Pétrucci). — EO, 37 (1938) p. 36 n. 5 (cit. err.: 1902), 47 n. 5, 50 n. 1 (Guilland). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 184 (Darrouzès). V at. gr. 1093. Candal , Cabasilas, p. 9, 47, 206 n. 25. — D ev reesse , Codices V at. I, p. 131. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 78, 234, 302, 327, 455-456. — L aemmer , Bibliotheca, p. 90 n. 4, 92, x x . — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 46, 54, 108 sg. — L oenertz , Calecas, p. 9, 12-14, 166. — Mercati, Atum ano, p. 31 n. 0. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 63 n. 3, 66, 68 n. 2, 69, 78 sg., 110 sg., tav. III. — Me r ­ cati , Opere minori, III, p. 288 n. 2, 290-293. — Moravcsik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 412. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x. B yzZ, 15 (1906) p. 390; 43 (1950) p. 391. — EO, 27 (1928) p. 393 n. 2 (Jugie); 35 (1936) p. 386 (Laurent); 37 (1938) p. 41 n. 5, 45 n. 3, 51 n. 3 (Guilland). — OC, 4 (1904) p. 1, 7, 8 (Baum stark). — R E B yz, 18 (1960) p. 188 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 139. Miscell. Ehrte, I, p. 16, 29 (Rackl). — Miscell. Galbiati, III, p. 291, 292 n. 1 (Pertusi).· — Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 13 (Franco). V at. gr. 1094. D en Takes , H ym noi, p. 14*, 15*. — DENTAKES, Kyparissiotes, p. 18, 19, 31, 35, 54, 77, 89, 92, 51*. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 75, 173, 228, 302, 334, 376, 398. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 254. — Me y En d orff , Introduction, p. 412. R hM , 42 (1887) p. 110 (Heylbut). V at. gr. 1095. Coronna , Storici, p. 55. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 79, 103, 138, 156, 232, 239, 327, 406. — DiEES, H andschriften, I, p. 41. — G oodspeed - S pr e n g u n g , Catalogue, p. 57-59. — K ominis , Pardos, p. 25. — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 108. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 63, 66, 68 n. 2, 72, 75, 83. — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 86. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 451. A B , 58 (1940) p. 12 n. 1 (Halkin). — N E M , 17, 2 (1851) p. 4, 6, 8 (Parisot). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 446 (Sevèenko). V at. gr. 1096. B eck , Kirche, p. 722. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1085. — D ev reesse , Codices V at. I, p. 1, 6. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 78, 230, 253, 307, 355, 401. — J u g ie , Controverse, col. 1802, 1806. — JUGIE, Theologia, I, p. 479; II, p. 71, 75, 104, 148, 153, 158, 159, 665. — L eroy , Proclus, p. 149. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, I, p. 429. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 19, 28 sg., 31 n. 1, 73, 162, 194, 218-223, 230, 236, 260 n. 1, 261-265, 271-273, 275-282, tav. X I. — Mercati , Opere minori, IV, p. 390 n. 4. — Mey Endorff , Introduction, p. 408. — S akkos , Anastasioi, p. 22 n. 6. — S ickenberger , Studien, p. 126. — Zaky Thinos , D espotat, II, p. 294. A B , 58 (1940) p. 12 n. 1 (Halkin). — A M S L , S. III, 13 (1887) p. 851 (Berthelot). — Bessarione, 5 (1899) p. x r v (Stiglmayr); 36 (1920) p. 87 (Cammelli). — B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 263, 264, 296-301 (Stiglmayr); 41 (1941) p. 19 n. 1 (Previale). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

— EO, 27 (1928) p. 396 n. 1, n. 5 (Jugie). — OCP, 22 (1956) p. 92, 93, 93 n. 1, 99 (Candal); 23 (1957) p. 130 (Loenertz); 25 (1959) p. 260 n. 2 (Candal); 28 (1962) p. 114 (Candal). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 170 n. 2 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270; 17 (1963) p. 178. — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 206 n. 1 (Mercati). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 21-23, 26, 29 (Rackl). — Miscell. Galbiati, III, p. 287 n. 3 (Pertusi).

V at. g r . 1097. Chr ESTou , Palamas, p. 20. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 451, 461. — H arnack , Apologeten, p. 70. — Mey Endorff , Introduction, p. 341, 343. Vat. g r. 1098 (I e II). B o r n e r T, Commentaires, p. 212. — B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 194. — Ca p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 106. — DB v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 424, 461-462. — G i a n n e e e i , Codices Vat. II, p. 97, 116 (II). — H in c k , Polemon, p. xi. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 72. — L a e m m e r , Man­ tissa, p. 108. — L u d w ic h , Odysseus-Legenden, p. 3, 4. — M a t r a n g a , Anecdota, p. 24. — M e r c a Ti , Isidoro, p. 44 n. 0 (II). — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, III, p. 124, 212 n. 2. — M o h e e r , Darstellung) p. 391 n. 2, 392 n. 3. — M o h e e r , Gelehrtenkreis, p. 88. — M o r a v c sik , Byzantinoturcica, 478. — P i Tr a , Monum enta, I, p. x (I). — R a b e , Sylloge, p. xx x v . — S a j d a k , Historia, p. 279 (I). — VoGEE —G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 473. B A B , 40 (1954) p. 537 n. 3 (Masai). — B P hW , 22 (1902) p. 1608. — ByzZ, 19 (1910) p. 580; 20 (1911) p. 569; 42 (1942) p. 67 n. 1 (Mohler). — E H B S, 30 (1960-61) p. 204 n. 5, 205 n. 3 (Patrineles). — EO, 24 (1927) p. 142 n. 3, 143 (Laurent). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 132 (Przychocki). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 201 (I). — SIF C , 3 (1895) p. 10 n. 4, 11 n. 2 (Muccio). V at. g r. 1099. Devreesse, Fonds grec, p. 424, 451. — H ë RGENro ETHER, Photius, I I I , p. 161 n. 14. — P i Tra , Monumenta, I, p. x. ROC, 22 (1920-21) p. 177 (Mercati). V at. g r . 1100. D evresse , Fonds grec, p. 211, 297, 346. ROC, 22 (1920-21) p. 177 (Mercati). V at. g r. 1101. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 184, 195, 275, 333, 377, 396. — H ë RGENRoe THER, Monumenta, p. 6. — H ergenroe Th e r , Photius, III, p. 161 n. 9, n. 15, 173 n. 5. Muséon, 71 (1958) p. 241-243 (Garitte). — OCP, 7 (1941) p. 80, 80 n. 2 (Drammer). — R E B yz, 14 (1956) p. 176, 178, 181 (Grumel). ;— Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 128; 15 (1961) p. 158. — SD SD , 14 (1893) p. 146 (Tacchi - Venturi). — Traditio, 10 (1954) p. I l l (Toumanofï). V at. g r. 1102. Cammeeei, Cydonès, p. x e h . — Candae , Cabasilas, p. 9, 81 n. 1, 180 n. 1. — D ëntakes , Hymnoi, p. 16*. — DEn Takes , Kyparissiotes, p. 35, 58, 99, 102, 103, 106, 119, 80*. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 230, 304, 356, 433. — D iekam p , D octrina P atrum , p. x v n i sg. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri, Catalogus, p. 97-98. — J ugie , Theologia, I, p. 477, 478; II, p. 159, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1097-1106


592; IV, p. 332. — JUGIE, Controverse, col. 1806. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 72. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. x v iii, 40, 41. — M a i , Bibliotheca, IV, p. 42, 52. — M a i , CoUectio, V II, p. v. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 7, 11 n. 3, 19, 21, 33-36, 38 sg., 43 n. 4, 128 n. 2, 135, 141, 162 sg„ 229 n. 2, 230, 240, 241, 256, 271-273, 359-403, 425-437, tav . II, VI, IX . — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 74. — M ë y e n d o r f f , Introduction, p. 406. — S a k k o s , Anastasioi, p. 256. — S c h e r m a n n , Geschichte, p. 3, 5, 24 n. 1, 36 n. 1, 43 n. 1, 49 n. 1, 59 n. 1, 66 n. 1, 89 n. 1. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 111 n. 1 (Mercati). — B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 56, 57, 101 n. 2, 151, 152 (Pétrucci). — B yzZ , 12 (1903) p. 386; 24 (1923-24) p. 57, 58 (R ackl); 30 (1930) p. 497 n. 4 (Mercati); 55 (1962) p. 370. — OOP, 16 (1962) p. 394 (Diller). — EO, 27 (1928) p. 386, 386 n. 1, 401 n. 7 (Jugie). — M E F R , 22 (1902) p. 161-166, 172 n. 1, 173, 183 ü. 1 (Serruys). — OCP, 22 (1956) p. 92, 93, 93 n. 1, 102 (Candal); 25 (1959) p. 127, 153 (Candal); 28 (1962) p. 75, 75 n. 3, 76 (Candal). — R E B yz, 9 (1951) p. 57 (Brayer - Lemerle - L aurent). — REG, 48 (1935) p. 445. — ROC, 13 (1908) p. 435 n. 1 (Nau). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 148; 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 29 (Rackl). — Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 13 (Franco). V at. g r . 1103. Candae , Cabasilas, p. 277 n. 1, 341 n. 1, 347 n. 1. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 83, 180, 188, 263, 268, 341, 365, 385, 474 n. 28. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. x i, 94. — L a e m m e r , M antissa, p. 40, 46, 115, 129. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 71 sg., 505. B yzZ , 24 (1923-24) p. 49 (Rackl). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 19 n. 3 (Rackl). V at. gr. 1104. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 401. — L a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. x x x m , 95, 150 n. 1. — L a e m m e r , M antissa, p. 46, 47 sg., 123. — M e r c a t i , Atum ano, p. 45. StBiz, 1 (1924) p. 169 n. 1 (Mercati). V at. g r. 1105. B randis , H andschriften, nr. 228. — D arrouzè S, Nicétas Stéthatos, p. 42, 494. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 429, 463. — L ammerT B oer , Ptolem aeus, p. x x v . — Ma i , Collectio, VI, p. x xv. —- Mich ee , H um bert, II, p. 86, 283 n. 6, 314 sg., 319. B yzZ, 34 (1934) p. 326 n. 3, 327 n. 1, n. 3 (Schweinberg); 35 (1935) p. 309 (Michel). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 144 n. 17 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 205; 18 (1964) p. 152; 250 (Harlfinger - W iesner). — StBiz, 5 (1939) p. 150 n. 0 (Devreesse). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 14. V at. gr. 1106. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 4 η. 21, 75, 115, 148, 231, 306, 343. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 77 n. 6. — N o r v in , In Phaedonem, p. vili. — P r o s c iu TTi , Epistolario, p. 33 η. 1. — W e s t e r i n k , Damascius, p. xi. — W e s t e r i n k , Olympiodorus, p. v i i . AC, 26 (1957) p. 194. — Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 114 n. 6 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 39 (1939) p. 243; 57 (1964) p. 497. — EO, 39 (1940) p. 120, 120 n. 4, 122 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

(Jugie). — Hellenika, 18 (1964) p. 93 (Tsolakes). — R F IC , 85 (1957) p. 212. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 133. — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 66 n. 1, 67 n. 1, 68 n. 1, 69 n. 2 (Giannelli); 194 n. 4, 195 n. 3, n. 4, 196 n. 2, n. 3, 197 (Giannelli). — Z B B , 7 (1890) p. 351-377 (Omont)’ Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 317 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Mercati, III» 180 n. 38, 182 n. 39, 183 n. 40, 184 n. 43 (Giannelli). V at. g r . 1107. Bec k , Kirche, p. 748. — B eck , Vorsehung, p. 145 147, 219, 225, 228, 230, 234, 246. —- D e n n is , Reign, p. 98 n. 53. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 75, 90, 128, 167, 196, 250, 278, 330, 402. — E hrhard , Überlie­ ferung, I I I , p. 714 n. 1. — F ranchi d e ' Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 98. — H aekin , Euphém ie, p. 169-183. — L oenertz , Calécas, p. 91 n. 2. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 95. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 558. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x. A B , 32 (1913) p. 320. — A F P , 17 (1947) p. 207 n. 72 (Loenertz). — B yzZ, 22 (1913) p. 259; 43 (1950) p. 62; 46 (1953) p. 480; 50 (1957) p. 518; 51 (1958) p. 204; 54 (1961) p. 142; 57 (1964) p. 352 n. 33 (Turner). — EO, 37 (1938) p. 45 n. 5 (Guilland). — Hellenika, 14 (1955-56) p. 40 n. 4, 49 n. 2, 52 n. 1, 58 n. 2 (Laurent). — JOBG, 7 (1958) p. 134, 134 n. 14, 135 (Hunger); 16 (1967) p. 199 (Trapp). — OCP, 15 (1949) p. 185-188, 190 n. 2, 191 (Loenertz). — R E B yz 11 (1953) p. 214 (Loenertz); 13 (1955) p. 162 (Wenger); 20 (1962) p. 227 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 138; 13 (1959) p. 270; 16 (1962) p. 415 (cit. err.: 1007); 17 (1963) p. 413; 20 (1966) p. 175; 21 (1967) p. 158. — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 160. V at. g r . 1108. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 471 n. 10, 477. EO, 26 (1927) p. 142 n. 3 (Laurent). V at. g r . 1109. B eck , Kirche, p. 751. — Candal , Cabasilas, p. ix . — D ev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 471 n. 10, 477. — Mercati , Storia, p. 226 n. 2. EO, 27 (1928) p. 399 n. 3 (Jugie). — Eranos, 6 (1905-06) p. 52, 53 (Lund­ ström ). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 270. V at. g r . 1110. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 4 n. 21, 80, 115, 148, 233, 305, 455, 477. — M e r c a t i , Opere m inori, IV, p. 77 n. 6. — M e y E n d o r f f , In troduc­ tion, p. 410. — P e r Tu s i , Leonzio Pilato, tav. X IX . — P r o s c iu t t i , E pisto­ lario, p. 33 n. 1. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 114 n. 6 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 39 (1939) p. 243; 43 (1950) p. 176; 53 (1960) p. 198; 57 (1964) p. 497. — EO, 39 (1940) p. 120, 122 (Jugie). — Hellenika, 18 (1964) p. 93 (Tsolakes). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 104 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 133. — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. 362 (Schirò); 10 (1963) p. 66, 66 n. 1, 67, 67 n. 1, 68 n. 1, 69, 69 n. 2 (Giannelli); 194 n. 4, 195 n. 3, n. 4, 196 n. 2, n. 3, 197 (Giannelli). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 317 n. 4 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Mercati, III, p. 180, 180 n. 38, 182, 183 n. 40, 184 n. 43 (Giannelli). Vat. g r . 1111. Chres Tou , Palam as, p. 20. — D ev reesse , Codices Vat. II, p. 112, 314. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 477. — J u g ie , Controverse, col. 1804. — J u g ie , Theologia, II, p. 156. — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 108. —- Mercati, Cidone, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1107-1115


p. 226, tav . X . — MERCATI, Opere minori, I I I , p. 124. — Meyëndorff , In tro ­ duction, p. 341, 409. B yzZ , 19 (1910) p. 580 (Mercati); 20 (1911) p. 128 η. 1 (Treu). — Eranos, 6 (1905-06) p. 53 (Lundstrom ). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 315 n. 2 (Lampros). — OCP, 23 (1957) p. 81 n. 2 (Candal). — R E B yz, 18 (1960) p. 46 n. 4 (Laurent). V at. g r. 1 1 1 2 . Candai,, Cabasilas, p. 75 n. 2. — D evrë ESSE, Essai, p. 257 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 234, 307. — LoENERTZ, Calécas, p. 325 n. 5. — Mercati , Cidone, p. 85. — P etit - Sid é r id è s - J ugiE, Scholarios, V III, p. 502. E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 114 (Patrineles). — EO, 37 (1938) p. 36 n. 5, 48 η. 1, 51 n. 2 (Guilland). Miscell. Galbiati, I I I , p. 287 n. 3, 293 (Pertusi). V at. g r. 1 1 1 3 . B eck , Vorsehung, p. 165 n. 29. — D ev reessë , Fonds grec, p. 26, 78, 119, 150, 229, 306, 450. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 95. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 191, 258, 259. B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 509 (Drâseke). V at. g r. 1 1 1 4 . BERTÔEA, Registri, p. 95 n. 5. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 24, 71, 119, 150, 232, 297, 450. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 17. — Gia n n e ia i . Codices V at. II, p. 130. — Ma i , Collectio, VI, p. x xv. — Mercati , Opere minori, I I I , p. 304; IV, p. 114 η. 1, 118, 125 sg., 128. — Mey i ER (d e ). Codices Vossiani, p. 128. — P er tu si , De them atibus, p. 5. — P itra , M onumenta, I, p. x, 46; II, p. 223, 224, 317. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 92 η. 1, 96, 103, 103 n. 2, 105, 106 (Mercati). — B yzZ , 11 (1902) p. 213; 20 (1911) p. 341. — R hM , 66 (1911) p. 160 (Mercati). — RPh, N.S., 17 (1893) p. 112. — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 241; 5 (1939) p. 463 (Giannelli); 10 (1963) p. 19 (Giannelh). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) prilozenija I, p. 10 (Almazov). Catal. alchim., V I I , p . XEIV. Vat. g r . 1 1 1 5 . B e n e Se v i Ô, Sinagoga, p. 187 η. 1. — B e r Tô e a , Registri, p. 116 n. 5, n. 6. — C a n d a i ,, Cabasilas, p. x , 140 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 28, 78, 117, 149, 233, 443. — H e i s e n b e r g , Curriculum, p. x w x . — J u g i e , Theologia, I, p. 478; II, p. 312 n. 3, 321 η. 1. — L a E m m e r , Bibliotheca, I, p. 90 n. 4, 92, 95 n. 2, 107, x n , x i x , x x x . — L a e m m e r , Mantissa, p. 46, 47, 54 ,97 sg., 103. — L o ENERTZ, Calécas, p. 41 n. 3, 42 n. 3. — M a i , Bibliotheca, I 1, p. 415; VI 2, p. 445; X 3, p. 281. — M a i , Collectio, I, p. x x v u . — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 65 η. 1, 67 η. 1, 68 n. 2; 75, 161 n. 2, 164 η. 1, 165 sg. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x . Bessarione, S. I I I , 9 (1912) p. 83, 93 (Palmieri). — B I S I A M , 74 (1962) p. 57, 153 n. 2 (Pétrucci). — EO, 26 (1927) p. 142 n. 3 (Laurent); 27 (1928) p. 396 n. 3, 396 n. 6, n. 7, 409 (Jugie); 35 (1936) p. 386, 388, 402 (Laurent). — Lateranum, N.S., 2 (1936) p. 327, 328 (Jugie). — OCP, 7 (1941) p. 83 (Drammer); 31 (1965) p. 8 η. 1 (Candai). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 178; 393; 21 (1967) p. 374. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 162 n. 0 (Benesevic). Miscell. Ehrle, I, p. 28 (Rackl). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 1116. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 24, 71, 80, 91, 117, 128, 148, 168, 183, 196, 248, 277, 329, 373, 392. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 962. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 98. — P aschke , Klem entinen-Epitom en, p. 36, 57, 147, 151, 185, 198, 239, 242, 269, 283. Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 27. V at. g r . 1117. Candal , Cabasilas, p. x, 48, 49-50, 51-52, 54, 57, 57 n. 3, 92 n. 1. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 77, 91, 128, 167, 196, 248, 277, 477. — J u g i e , Theologia, II, p. 386-389. — Me r c a t i , Cidone, p. 487. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, IV, p. 125 n. 3. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 103 n. 1 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 4'(1927-28) p. 626 n. 3 (Jugie). — B yzZ , 43 (1950) p. 110. — EO, 26 (1927) p. 41*2, 413 n. 1 (Ju­ gie). — Lateranum, N.S., 2 (1936) p. 56 (Jugie). — OCP, 9 (1943) p. 257, 260, 263, 266 n. 1, 267 n. 2, 286 n. 2 (Candal). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 105 (Darrouzès). V at. g r . 1118. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 425. — L a e m m e r , Mantissa, p. 114. — Sajd a k , H istoria, p. 32. — T tjryn, Codices, p. 12, 146. V at. g r. 1119. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 79, 117, 149, 229, 306, 398. — G r u m e l , Regestes, I, nr. 588. — H e r g e n r o e Th e r , M onuments, p. 4, l i n . 1. — Ma i , Collectio, I, p. x x v m . — Sajdak , H istoria, p. 246. Aegyptus, 21 (1941) p. 75, 85-90 (Mercati). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 102, 103 (Sinko). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 159 (BeneseviÈ). V at. g r. 1120. Alexander , Oracle, p. 5, 6, 9. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 16, 42 n. 27, 76, 117, 149, 232, 307, 350. — Geffc k en , Oracula, p. x xi, LVi. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 862. — Massa P osiTano , Simocata, p. 14. — M a s s a P o s i Ta n o , Tradizione, p. 8. — R z a c h , Oracula, p. v n . — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 22. B P hW , 11 (1891) p. 806. — EO, 26 (1927) p. 142 n. 3 (Laurent). — R P h, S. I I I , 29 (1955) p. 100. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 323 n. 5 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 1121. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 477. — D o n n e t , Traité, p. 17, 27-28, 56-57, 98-99, 114, 120. — K o m i n i s , Pardos, p. 87. — V o g e l G a r d T h a t is e n , Schreiber, p. 246. B IB R , 37 (1966) p. 93 (Donnet). V at. g r . 1122. BECK, Kirche, p. 753. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 27, 229, 306, 346, 443. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 98-99. — L aem m er , Bibliotheca, p. x x x , 90 n. 4. — L oenertz , Calécas, p. 41 n. 3, 42 n. 3. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 2 sg., 9, 10, 13-15, 18, 31 n. 1, 33 n. 3, 35 n. 1, 36, 54 sg., 65 n. 1, 80 n. 2, 84, 485, 513 n. 1. — M e y e n d o r f f , Introduction, p. 407. — P r o s c i u t t i , Epistolario, p. 5, 6, 15, 36. A B , 64 (1946) p. 246 (Halkin). — B yzZ , 29 (1929) p. 443; 47 (1954) p. 52 n. 2 (Sevcenko). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 111 (Patrineles). — EO, 27 (1928) p. 393 n. 2, 396 n. 6 (Jugie); 28 (1929) p. 153 (Laurent); 167, 168 (Salaville). — K Ch, 2 (1948) p. 542 n. 5 (Laourdas). — OCP, 20 (1954) p. 248, 254 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1116-1130 (Candal). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 111 (Darrouzès); 7 (1949) p. 13 (1955) p. 171 (Wenger); 18 (1960) p. 146 n. 5 (Laurent). (1952) p. 123; 13 (1959) p. 270. — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. VI e 64 (1894) passim (Almazov); 65 (1895) priloienija I, p. 83 Miscell. Mercati, III, p. 326, 338 tav. I I (Mercati).


g r.

1123. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 477.


g r.


541 15 n. 1 (Loenertz); — Scriptorium, 6 passim (Almazov); (Almazov).

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 226, 301, 330, 459. — M e r c a t i ,

Opéré minori, I I I , p. 227 n. 1, 250.

Vat. g r . 1125. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 107, 142, 220, 303, 359. — F ritz , Synesios, p. 340. — L ameer E, Tradition, p. 87. B P E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 31 (Garzya). — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 46 (Garzya). — R A L , S. V III, 13 (1958) p. 213 (Garzya). Vat. g r . 1126. C o i . o n n a , Storici, p. 53. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 424, 461. — G i a n n ë i a i , Codices V at. II, p. 49. — HERCHER, Fragm enta, p. e x i v - e x v i . — M i i j -ER, Carmina, II, p. x x — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 289, 416. — PERTUSI, Giorgio di Pisidia, p. 51, 71. — S o y TER, Byzantinische Dichtung, p. 9. — S t e r n b a c h , Spicilegium, p. 14. — S t e r n b a c h , Studia, passim. — T r e u , A enigm ata, p. 35. — Z u r J a c o b s m u e h e e n , Pseudo-Hephaestion, p. 15. Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. 20 (Browning). — B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 305; 54 (1961) p. 185; 57 (1964) p. 413. — E H B S , 25 (1955) p. 160 n. 6 (GianneUi). — EO, 26 (1927) p. 157 (Alpatov). — Eos, 4 (1897) p. 158 n. 1 (Stem bach); 41 (1940-46), fasc. 2, p. 36 (Hammer). — JOBG, 6 (1957) p. 13 (Pertusi). — N JP h P , 95 (1867) p. 614 n. 0 (Studemund). — R E B yz, 20 (1962) p. 233 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 110. — SicGymn, N.S., 18 (1965) p. 167 n. 3 (Anastasi). — StBiz, 9 (1957) p. 338 n. 2 (Pertusi); 10 (1963) p. 205 n. 4, 351, 368 (GianneUi). — Z R V I, 8, 2 (1964) p. 93, 94 (Dujcev). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Stampa, p. 5, 8, 9 (Campana). g r . 1127. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 9 n. 4, 27, 80, 116, 148. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 321 n. 7 (Devreesse).


Vat. g r . 1128. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 477. B yzZ , 10 (1901) p. 279. g r . 1129. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 477. B yzZ , 44 (1951) p. 211 (Grumel).


Vat. g r . 1130. A ufhauser , Drachenwunder, p. 21. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 477. — F ranchi d e ’ Ca v a u e r i , Catalogus, p. 99. — Mercati , Storia, p. 166 n. 1. — S bordone , Physiologus, p. x v n . A B , 33 (1914) p. 228. — Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 157 (Mercati). — B y z Z , 22 (1913) p. 638. — E O , 17 (1914) p. 380. — R E B y z , 25 (1967) p. 305. Byzantino-Sicula, p. 19 (Follieri). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici V aticani greci


V at. g r. 1131. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 477. — LEHnerd T, Canabutzes, p. XXV, x x n . — Moravcsik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 320. N H , 6 (1909) p. 207 (Lampros). — W S, 13 (1891) p. 330 (Reiter). V at. g r . 1132.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 477.

V at. g r . 1133. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 470 n. 4, 477 n. 42. — D ie e s , H andschriften, I, p. 49; II, p. 37. — N achmanson , Collectio, p. x. — N ach manson , E rotianstudien, p. 3 sg., 44, 67, 91 sg., llO sg ., 134 sg., 144 sg. B P hW , 38 (1918) p. 439. V at. g r. 1134. B oegar, Heritage, p. 493. — Brandis , Handschriften, nr. 58. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 438, 477. — T uryn , Codices, p. 12, 169. AC, 8 (1939) p. 91 (Festugière). — A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — A M S L , S. I I I , 13 (1887) p. 836, 837 (Berthelot). — B P hW , 51 (1931) p. 474. — ByzZ, 27 (1927) p. 219; 474; 30 (1930) p. 678 (Zuretti); 31 (1931) p. 229; 39 (1939) p. 419, 434 (Rehm). — Historia [Mi), 2 (1928) p. 427, 428 (Zuretti). — R BPh, 7 (1928) p. 280. — REG, 46 (1933) p. 370. — R F IC , 59 (1931) p. 414; 61 (1933) p. 414. — R IG I, 12 (1928) p. 115; 127, 128. — RPh, S. III, 8 (1934) p. 94. — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 250 (Harlfinger - Wiesner). Misceli. Lippm ann, p. 55 (Zuretti). — Catal. alchim., II, p. 153; V II, p. ix. V at. g r. 1135. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 477. — D evreesse , M anus­ crits, p. 56 n. 9. — D i BENEDETTO, Tradizione, p. 54, 81-92. — I r i Goin , Histoire, p. 437. — P ertu si , Leonzio Pilato, p. 490, 491 n. 9. — T uryn , Euripides, p. 94. — Zun TZ, Inquiry, p. 161. Byzantion, 33 (1963) p. 396 (Pertusi). — ByzZ, 54 (1961) p. 422. — CQ, 33 (1939) p. 103 (Spranger). — IM U , 3 (1960) p. 103 (Pertusi). — J H S, 82 (1962) p. 163. — R B P h, 38 (1960) p. 79. — REG, 78 (1965) p. 686. — Scrip­ torium, 16 (1962) p. 171; 18 (1964) p. 323. Misceli. Graux, p. 651 (Schwartz). — Byzantino-Sicula, p. 78 (Pertusi). V at. g r. 1136. Aeand , Liste, nr. 1918. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 458, 477. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 298, 1188. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — S choez, Reise, p. 97, 111. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. V at. g r. 1137. Dev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 478. — F ranchi d e ’ CaCatalogus, p. 99. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V 2, p. iv. — P i Tra , Monumenta, I, p. X, 46; II, p. 353. B ibi. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 130. — Congr. byz. IV , I, p. 142 (Benesevic).

vaeieri ,

V at. g r. 1138. V at. g r. 1139. Geschichte, p. 797.

DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 478. D evreesse , Fonds




K rum bacher, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1131-1144


B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 380; 22 (1913) p. 638 (Dieterich); 35 (1935) p. 446. — Hellenika, 20 (1967) p. 430, 432 sg. (Eideneier). — N H , 1 (1904) p. 372 (Dampros); 11 (1914) p. 188 (Dampros). Miscell. Desrousseaux, p. 332 (Mugnier). V at. g r . 1140. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 478. B yzZ , 43 (1950) p. 109. — R E B yz, 2 (1944) p. 125 (Salaville); 5 (1947) p. 116 (Salaville). V at. g r . 1141. D evre ESSE, Fonds grec, p. 478. — F auehaber , HoheliedCatenen, p. 72. — J aeger , Gregorius, VI, p. x ev ii .

Vat. g r . 1142. B e n e Se v i C, Sbom ik, p. 307-313, 332. — B r a n d is , H andschriften, nr. 133. — D ie k a m p , Analecta, p. 14. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 478, 480. — H e im b a c h , Anecdota, II, p. x e h , E ix . — B a e m m e r , Bibliotheca, p. 20. — B a e m m e r , Mantissa, p. 44. — B o e s c h c k e - H e in e m a n n , Gelasius, p. XIII, x e . — B o r im e r , Bibellus, p. 3, 5. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 409; IV, p. 131 η. 1. — PiTRA, M onumenta, I, p. X, 538; II, p. 101, 101 n. 2, 373, 443. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 133. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 108 n. 3 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 25 (1925) p. 432. — Muséon, 67 (1954) p. 62, 63 (Gribomont). — RecSR, 13 (1923) p. 164 (Bardy). — ROC, 23 (1922-23) p. 427-428 (Bardy). — Scriptorium, 18 (1964) p. 250 (H arlfinger - W iesner). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 334 n. 3 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 1143. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 478. — E h r h a r d , Überlie­ ferung, I I I , p. 648 n. 1. — R o ssi T a i b b i , Filagato, p. 16, 18, 45. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 1144. B r a n d i s , H andschriften, nr. 49. — C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 22. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 478. — F e t e r , E pictetus, p. 3, 11. — E e TER, Gnomica, I, p. 4, 5; II, p. 88, 89. —■E e TER, Sextus, p. x x x v h . — H e i b e r g , Bogica, p. x v n . — J a n (v o n ), Musici, p. e x x i i i . — M a Tr a n g a , Anecdota, p. 15. — NACHSTÄDT - SlEVEKING - TlTCHENER, PlutarchuS, p. XXI. — P r e g e r , Beiträge, p. 25. — P r e g e r , Scriptores, II, p. x v m , x xv. — S a n d b a c h , Plutarchus, p. vi. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium Paris., p. 37. — S t e r n b a c h , Gnomologium V at., passim. — S t e r n b a c h , M enandrea, p. 338, 344. — W a c h s m u T h H e n s e , Anthologium, V, p. vi. — W a r TEEEE, Inventaire, p. 132. AC , 1 (1932) p. 208 (Beemans); 32 (1963) p. 129 n. 3 (Zeegers - Van der Vorst). — B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 192; 4 (1895) p. 162; 5 (1896) p. 552 (Treu); 31 (1931) p. 83. — CM F, 6 (1900) p. 401 (Sternbach). — CQ, 3 (1909) p. 264 (Kronenberg). — Eos, 41 (1940-46) fasc. 2, p. 23 (Hammer). — Hermes, 2 (1867) p. 466 (Rose); 14 (1879) p. 268 n. 1 (Jordan). — M E F R , 26 (1906) p. 351, 352 (Boudreaux). — Muséon, 78 (1965) p. 338 n. 3 (Garitte). — R E B yz, 22 (1964) p. 278 (Darrouzès). — R hM , 47 (1892) p. 629, 630 (Elter). — R IG I, 19 (1935) p. 4, 5, 11, 16 (Sbordone). — R P h, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 125; 42 (1918) p. 86 n. 3 (Cumont) ; S. I I I , 7 (1933) p. 215. — W S, 9 (1887) p. 175-206, passim - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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(Sternbach) ; 10 (1888) p. 1-49, 211-260, passim (Stem bach); 11 (1889) p. 43-64, 192-242, passim (Stem bach); 16 (1894) p. 8 (Stembach). Miscell. Ribbeck, p. 358, 360 (Stem bach). — Catal. astral., V 4, p. 14-15. V at. g r. 1145. D e v r e e s s e , Chaînes, col. 1195. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 478. — M e r c a t i , Opere tninori, IV, p. 100 sg. — PETIT - S i d é r id è s JUGEE, Scholarios, II, p. v, 1, 2, 262. Bessarione, 36 (1920) p. 137 (Mercati). — Byzantion, 4 (1927-28) p. 606, 610. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 111 (Patrineles). V at. g r . 1146. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 478. — F auehaber , Propheten-Catenen, p. 69. B P hW , 40 (1920) p. 261. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 1147. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 428, 462. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 99-100. — G r u m e e , Regestes, I, nr. 873. — M a i , Collectio, I, p. x x v ii. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. x. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 257. — VoGEE - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 321, 356. A B , 21 (1902) p. 7 (anonimo); 51 (1933) p. 270 (Delehaye). — B yzZ, 6 (1897) p. 640; 12 (1903) p. 176, 177 (von Dobschiitz); 53 (1960) p. 231. — EO, 29 (1930) p. 414 n. 1 (Laurent). — OCP, 7 (1941) p. 83 (Drammer). — R E B yz, 17 (1959) p. 198 (Laurent). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 68, 71, 81 (Canart). — ViVrem, 4 (1897) p. 5, 57 n. 1 (Smimov). V at. g r. 1148. D e M a r in is , Legatura, nr. 2787. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 230, 307, 434. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. A B , 84 (1966) p. 258 (Grumel). — T M , 2 (1967) p. 7, 19, 43 (Gouillard). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 1149. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 76, 90, 128, 167, 196, 248, 277, 329, 399. — MERCATI, Cidone, p. 203 n. 3, 243-245. — M e y ENDORFF, In ­ troduction, p. 406. V at. g r . 1150. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 429, 463. — G r u m e e , Reges­ tes, I, nr. 588. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 417, 543, 643, 804. — H e r g e n r o e t h e r , M onumenta, p. 4, 6 n. 1, 154 n. 2. — H e r GENr o e Th e r , Photius, I, p. 166 n. 2, 168 n. 15, n. 19, 171 n. 6, 248 n. 13; III, p. 226 n. 11. — J u g i e , Theologia, I, p. 266. — M e r c a t i , Cidone, p. 524. — P it r a , M onumenta, I, p. 46, 425, 538, 540, 545, 546, 547; II, p. 204 n. 1, 206, 245, 271 n. 1, 317. OCP, 6 (1940) p. 9, 18, 21, 21 n. 3, 23 (Gordülo); 7 (1941) p. 83 (Drammer). — R E B yz, 6 (1948) p. 110 (Darrouzès). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 159 (Benesevic). V at. g r. 1151. B e r Tö e a , Registri, p. 95 n. 3. — B o r n e r t , Commen­ taires, p. 131 n. 2, 134, 140 n. 1, 145, 165, 182, 184, 186 n. 4, 190 n. 3, 191 n. 1, 198 n. 5, n. 6. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 212, 342-343, 435, 455. — F r it z , Synesios, p. 371. — HERGENROETHER, Photius, I, p. 170 n. 2, 253 n. 9, 260 n. 14. — K o t t e r , Überlieferung, p. 72. — L a u r e n t - G u ieeo tj , Liber, p. 336. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1145-1154


— Mercati , Opéré minori, IV, p. 117, 128. — Mich ee , H um bert, II, p. 85, 232, 283 n. 0, 289, 319. — P itra M onumentaj II, p. 245, 271 n. 1, 297. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 257. Bessarione, 35 (1919) p. 152 (de Jerphanion); 37 (1921) p. 95, 106 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 559 n. 1 (von Dobschütz); 34 (1934) p. 326 (Schweinburg); 35 (1935) p. 309 n. 0, 325 n. 2 (Michel). — EO, 39 (1941-42) p. 343 (Grumel). — OCP, 7 (1941) p. 81-83 (Drammer). — R A A N , N.S., 33 (1958) p. 52 (Garzya). — RO, 2 (1911) p. 145 (anonimo). — ROC, 10 (1905) p. 292 (Pétridès). — Salesianum, 17 (1965) p. 144 n. 17 (Savio). — Scriptorittm, 16 (1962) p. 171. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 156 (Benesevic). Vat. g r. 1152. B id ez , Discours, p. 65. — B raTKE, Religionsgespräch, p. 81, 272. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 467. — FoERSTER, Dibanius, I,' p. 422; II, 185, 227. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri , Catalogus, p. 100. — K otter , Über­ lieferung, p. 72. ·— Ma i , Collectio, I, p. x x v i i . — Mercati , Isidoro, p. 39, 55 n. 4. — P e t it , Macaire, col. 1441. — P itra , A nalecta, V 2, p. 302. — P itra , Monunienta, I, p. X; II, p. 246. — T id n e r , Didascaliae, p. 138. B yzZ, 12 (1903) p. 176 n. 1, 176-177 (von Dobschütz). — OCP, 7 (1941) p. 83 (Drammer). — R E B yz, 7 (1949) p. 26 (Loenertz). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 68, 71 (Canart). Vat. g r. 1153. B a e h r e n s , Überlieferung, p. 236. — B u y TAERT, Eusèbe d'Em èse, p. 173. — C e r ia n i , Cod. M archalianus, p. 111. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1092, 1155, 1156. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 40, 74, 84, 123, 176, 189, 257, 295, 312, 331, 449. — E b e r s o e T, Miniature, p. 32 n. 2. — F a u e h a b e r , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 76 n. 2, 89 n. 3. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 7-13, 21, 41, 89, 92 sg„ 129-131, 135, 136, 139, 162, 166, 203-216. — H a r ­ n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 405, 639, 640, 838. — H e i k e e , D em onstratio, p. x x i x . — K a r o - Die t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 332, 337, 350. — K e o s t e r m a n n , Analecta, p. 11. — K e o s t e r m a n n , Jerem iahom ilien, p. x x x v i. — K e o s t e r m a n n , Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 38, 38 n. 5, 84 n. 1, 110, 111, 114. — D a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 167, 340, tav. 261. — M e r c a t i , Opéré minori, III, p. 122. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. x x x i. — NEUSS, Bibelillustration, p. 98 n. 94. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224, 225, 245, 253; I I I , p. 538 sg., 541. —· R a h e e s , Verzeichnis, p. 257. — R e ic h a r d t , Briefe, p. 68, 69, 72, 75, 75 n. 2, 77. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 131. . A S , 1927, tav. VI, p. 128, 130 (Friend). — BBGG, N.S., 2 (1948) p. 203 (Russo). — B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 227; 19 (1910) p. 597; 23 (1914-20) p. 288. — EO, 26 (1927) p. 164 (Alpatov). — JOBG, 6 (1957) p. 141 (W eitzmann). — R B i, 42 (1933) p. 544 sg. (Devreesse). — ViVrem, 11 (1904) p. 568 n. 2 (Rëdin), Miscell. Ubach, p. 28 (Mercati). — Congr. byz. X I , Berichte, IV 2, p. 16 (Demus). Vat. g r. 1154. A chelis , H ippolytstudien, p. 80, 81, 224. — Ce r ia n i , Cod. M archalianus, p. 111. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1140, 1156. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 40, 74, 84, 123, 176, 189, 257, 295, 312, 331, 449. — F auehaber , Hohelied-Catenen, p. 76 n. 2, 89 n. 3. — F auehaber , Propheten-Catenen, p. 7-13, 21, 41, 89, 92 sg., 129-131, 135, 136, 139, 162, 166, 203-216. — H ar 35 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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NACK, Überlieferung, p. 405, 431, 620, 639, 640, 838, 929. — H e i k e l , Demon­ stratio, p. XXIX. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 322, 344, 347, 350. — K l o STERMANN, A nalecta, p. 11. — K l o s t e r m a n n , Jeremiahomilien, p. x x x v i. — K l o s t e r m a n n , Überlieferung, p. 38, 38 n. 5, 84 n. 1, 110, 111, 114.— M e r ­ c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Codex, p. x x x i. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 219 n. 43. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, III, p. 122. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 222, 224, 245; III, p. 539, 544, 591. — R e ic h a r d T, Briefe, p. 68, 69, 75, 75 n. 2, 77. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 131. —- T i d n e r , Didascaliae, p. 138. B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 227; 23 (1914-20) p. 288. Miscell. Ubach, p. 28 (Mercati).

V at. g r. 1 1 5 5 . Aland , Liste, nr. / 119. — Beisse l , M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 1. — B tjberl - Gerstinger , H andschriften, II, p. 16. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 463. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 397. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 342. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — S cholz, Reise, p. 96. — S crivener , In tro ­ duction, I, p. 402. Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 13. V at. g r. 1 1 5 6 . A l a n d , Liste, nr. / 120. — BEISSEL, M iniaturen, p. 24 n. 5. — B onicatti, Studi, fig. 127 (p. 112). — B uberl - Gerstinger , Handschriften, II, p. 23, 36, 52. — D eissmann , Forschungen, p. 71. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 223. — D e W a l d , Illustrations, I I I 2, p. 47. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 397. — L afontaine - D osogne , Iconographie, I, p. 39, 56, 92, 95, 144. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 108, 312, 313, 353. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — P a r v is - W ik g r e n , Studies, p. 156, tav. X III, X V III. — S c h o lz , Reise, p. 96. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — T ik k a n e n , Studien, p. 153> 155, 176 n. 1. A clt, 25 (1957) p. 10 (Bonicatti). — Arte, 9 (1906) p. 41, 43 (Toesca). — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 98, 99 (H adzidakis); 36 (19661 p. 391, 392 (Der Nersessian). — B yzZ, 23 (1914-20) p. 220 n. 1 (Smith). — CArch, 17 (1967) p. 264 (Grabar). — DOP, 15 (1961) p. 132-134, 138, 139 (Buchthal); 21 (1967) p. 247 n. 16 (Jenkins - Kitzinger). — KCh, 5 (1951) p. 48 n. 51 (Laourdas). — R IA , N.S., 9 (1960) p. 213, 217-220, 220 fig. 7, 222, 226 fig. 14, 228, 228 fig. 16, 229 fig. 17, fig. 18, 230, 230 fig. 19, 233 fig. 22, 235, 236 fig. 25, 237, 238, 240, 242 fig. 33, 245, 249, 257, 259, 260, 261 (Bonicatti). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 340; 17 (1963) p. 147; 422; 21 (1967) p. 181. — ViVrem, 11 (1904) p. 555 (Redin); N.S., 3 (1950) p. 214 n. 23, n. 24 (Lazarev). — Z R V I, 7 (1961) p. 169 (Babiö). Miscell. Panofsky, p. 486 (W eitzmann). — Altomedioevo, p. 355, 356 (Bo­ nicatti). — Congr. byz. X I I , III, p. 275, 279 (Mijovid). — Congr. byz. X I I I , tav . 32, 33a-b, p. 214 n. 4 (W eitzmann). — Menologio, p. 3 n. 5, 8 n. 1, 9 n. 3, 36 n. 2, 45 n. 2, 58 n. 1, 74 n. 1, n. 2, 75 n. 2, 107 n. 1. V at. g r . 1157. A l a n d , Liste, nr. I 121. — B u b e r l - G e r s t in g e r , H andschriften, II, p. 8, 87. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 223. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 34. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 398. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 157 n. 4. — L a z a r e v , Istorija, p. 304. — M a i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1155-1162


Scholz, Reise, p. 96, — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — W eitzmann , Buchmalerei, p. 21. Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 223 (Irigoin); 20 (1966) p. 319. — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 156 (Benesevii). Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 13. V at. g r. 1158. A land , Liste, nr. 140. — BEISSEE, Miniaturen, p. 16, 18, tav. X . — B uberi , - GERSTINGER, H andschriften, II, p. 16, 64. — DEv reesse , Fonds grec, p. 151 n. 15. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 157, 1097. —r L azarev , Istorija, p. 112, 315. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — Merca Ti , Opere minori, II, p. 480 sg. — Scholz, Reise, p. 96. — S crivener , Introduc­ tion, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ) Schriften, I, p. 59. — T ik k a n en , Studien, p. I l l , 177-180, 189 n. 3, 202, 204. A S , 1927, tav . X IV (Friend). — B yzZ, 4 (1895) p. 224. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 156 (Darrouzes). — StBiz, 2 (1927) p. 107 n. 1 (Alpatov). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 13. V at. g r. 1159. A land , Liste, nr. 371. — B eissee , M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 1. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 433. — Gregory , Textkritik, p. 183, 1104. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 168, 341. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — Schoez, Reise, p. 96, 104, 137. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T ikk a n en , Studien, p. 187. V at. g r. 1160. Aland , Liste, nr. 141. — Beisse e , M iniaturen, p. 17 n. 1. — B ubere - Gerstinger , H andschriften, II, p. 64. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 223. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 157, 1097. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — S cholz, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. Irinikon, 27 (1954) p. 41 n. 1 (Leroy). — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 160. Congr. Byz. V, Catalogo, p. 13. V at. g r. 1161. A land , Liste, nr. 372. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 478. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 183, 1104. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 278. — S cholz, Reise, p. 96, 111. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 305 (Vaccari). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 334 n. 3 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 1162. BEISSEE, M iniaturen, p. 17, 23 n. 5, 25 sg., tav. XV. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 80, 88, 127, 171, 194, 251, 274, 334, 378, 395. — E bersoe T, Miniature, p. 39, 40, 48 n. 3. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, III, p. 523 n. 3. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri , Catalogus, p. 100-102. — Gerstinger , Buch­ malerei, p. 27, 31. — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 172. — L afontaine D osoGn e , Iconographie, I, passim. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 114, 130, 317, 320, 322, 339; tav . 150, 154, x x v il. — Stornajoeo , Miniature, p. 5, 19, 20, 22. — T ik k a n en , Psalterillustration, p. 182. — T ik k a n en , Studien, p. 117-119, - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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130, 138-139, 145, 175, 177. — W e i Tz m a n n , Illustrations, p. 148. — W i u o u g h b y , Apocalypse, I, p. 100, 253, 497, 514, 540. Bessarione, 8 (1903-04) p. 172 n. 3 (Rossi). — BuArchPal, N.S., 2-3 (195657) p. 118, 119 n. 2 (Bonicatti). — Byslav, 28 (1967) p. 340 n. 26 (Frane Sgourdéou). — B yzZ, 4 (1895) p. 109, 121 (Kirpicnikov); 224; 18 (1909) p. 559; 20 (1911) p. 607; 24 (1923-24) p. 490; 48 (1955) p. 513. — DOP, 1 (1941) p. 82 fig. 21 (Koehler). — E H B S , 13 (1937) p. 543 (Xyngopoulos). — L N U , 2 (1892) p. 255, 259 (Kirpicnikov). — OC, 4 (1904) p. 188 (Baum stark). — R E B yz, 8 (1950) p. 209 (Janin). — REG, 66 (1953) p. 100 (Frolow). — Scriptorium, 1 (1953) p. 304 ; 8 (1954) p. 207 (Baldass); 16 (1962) p. 146; 19 (1965) p. 307; 21 (1967) p. 110; 349. — StBiz, 4 (1935) p. 58 (Cecchelli). — Traditio, 14 (1958) p. 451 (von Simpson). — ViVrem, N.S., 27 (1967) p. 229 sg. (Liehaceva). — Z R V I, 8, 1 (1963) p. 303, 303 n. 5, n. 6, 304 (Xyngopoulos). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 82 n. 1 (Batllori). — Misceli. Tisserant, II, p. 190 n. 10, 191 n. 18 (Goubert); 267, 268 (K rautheim er). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 76, 78-80. — Congr. byz. I V , I, p. 167 (Mercati). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 13. — Congr. byz. V I, II, p. 130 n. 130 (Grabar). V at. g r . 1163. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 499. — L a m p r o s , Leukôma, p. 23. — L o e s c h c k e - H e in e m a n n , Gelasius, p. xvi. — P it r a , Monu­ m enta, I, p. x. V at. g r. 1164. B e r g (v a n d e n ), Anonymus, p. 3, 4, 7 n. 1. — D a i n , Cor­ pus, p. 47 n. 1. — D a i n , Elien, p. 112, 158, 208-211, 215, 222, 223, 224-227, 231, 232, 235-239, 248, 265, 274, 277, 371, 370-372. — D a i n , E x tra it tactique, p. 15, 100. — D a i n , Héron, p. 19, 20, 26, 28. — D a in , Onésandros, p. 24. — D a i n , Problem ata, p. 9. — D a i n , Tacticiens, p. 10, 16, 18, 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 56, 62, 65-67. — D a in , Tactique, p. 75. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 7 n. 36, 417 n. 26, 418 n. 30, 465. — D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 274. — F oucaxji/T (d e ), S trategem ata, p. 72. — H e i b e r g , Stereometrica, p. cx v m . — K o r z e n s k y V à r i , Strategicus, p. v. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 638. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 540 n. 35. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 224, 404, 419. ■ — R oos, Arrianus, I, p. x x x v n , l u i . — S c h n e id e r , Geschütze, p. 5, 7, 12, 22. — S c h n e id e r , Poliorketiker, I, p. 6; III, p. 7. — S c h o e n e , Aeneas, p. x. — S c h o e n e , Philo, p. v, x ii. — V à r i , Liber, p. xi, x x iv . — V à r i , Tactica, I, p. xiv. — V i e il l e f o n d , Cestes, p. xxxii . — W e s c ii e r , Poliorcétique, p. x x iv , x x x v n . AC, 2 (1893) p. 13, 41 (Dain). —- B P hW , 46 (1924) p. 627; 52 (1932) p. 1, 4; 58 (1938) p. 881. — B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 694; 15 (1906) p. 47 n. 1, 49 (Vàri); 26 (1926) p. 385; 31 (1931) p. 230; 33 (1933) p. 168; 35 (1935) p. 146; 44 (1951) p. 362 (Lammert). — Eranos, 54 (1956) p. 153 (Dain). — M E F R , 48 (1931) p. 323 (Lattès). — N E M , 26, 2 (1883) p. 298 sg. (Prou). — N H J , N.S., 1938, p. 127 n. 41 (Preisendanz). — REG, 45 (1932) p. 254, 260, 266 (Dain); 447; 48 (1935) p. 17-19 (Dain); 49 (1936) p. 495. — RhM , 53 (1898) p. 446 (Schöne). — Rinascimento, 10 (1959) p. 131-133, 135 (Fanelli). — RPh, N.S., 3 (1879) p. 100 (Graux); 4 (1880) p. 90, 90 n. 2 (Graux); 26 (1902) p. 418; 31 (1907) p. 116; 233; S. III, 9 (1935) p. 329. — Scriptorium, 1 (1946-47) p. 42, 45, 48 (Dain); 6 (1952) p. 129; 145; 13 (1959) p. 189 (Irigoin). — TM , 2 (1967) p. 367, 377, 385-387, 390 (Dain). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1163-1173


Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 320 n. 5, 330 n. 2 (Devreesse). — Miscell. T is­ ser ant, VI, p. 245 (Canart). V at. g r . 1165. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 478 n. 45. — é h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I I I , p. 898, 948. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 102. — Merca TI, Storia, p. 98 n. 5. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 334 n. 3 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 207, 214 n. 120, 215, 230, 232, 250 (Canart). — Bibi, hagiogr. gr.3, 1492h. Vat. g r . 1166. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 69, 213, 298, 344, 458. — G r a n ic , Subscriptionen, p. 37. — L a z a r ë v , Istorija, p. 293. — R a h l f s , Ver­ zeichnis, p. 257. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 247 (Canart). Vat. g r . 1167. B e n e Se v i C, Sbornik, p. 201 n. 1, 332. — B e n e Se v iô , Sinagoga, p. 17, 288. — DES P l a c e s , Diadoque, p. 78, 82. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 478. — K r a s n o s ë l ’CEV, Svëdënija, p. 61. — PiTRA, M onumenta, I, p. x, 46; II, p. 6, 204 n. 1, 206, 317, 373. — R u d b e r g , Études, p. 175. EO, 34 (1935) p. 441, 455, 458, 467 (Laurent). — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 117 (Przychocki). — R E B yz, 19 (1961) p. 198, 200, 202, 203, 207 (Grumel). — ViVrem, 12 (1905) p. 522 n. 3 (Benesevic). Vat. g r . 1168. Dev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 478. — F unk , Didascalia, I, p. x l ix . — H eimbach , Anecdota, II, p. 269. — MERCATI, Storia, p. 231 n. 4. — MorTr ë UIL, II, p. 26, 333, 392, 412. — P i Tra , Monumenta, I, p. x, 3. — S cholz, Reise, p. 96, 97. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. ByzZ, 6 (1897) p. 155 (Ferrini). — RecAcLeg, 19 (1949) p. 3, 21 (de Malafosse). Vat. g r . 1169. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 478. — S t e r n b a c h , Appen­ dix, p. vi, x v iii n.*, 20, 23, 99. — S t e r n b a c h , Laurentiana, p. 399 n. 1. Vat. g r . 1170. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 471 n. 10, 478. — DEVREESSE, M anuscrits, p. 18. — K r a s n o s e l ’c ë v , Svëdënija, p. 145, 203. — MEESTER (d e ). Liturgies, col. 1616, 1627, 1631, 1644. — M e r c a TI, Opéré minori, III, p. 357 n. 5. — M e r c a TI, Storia, p. 226 n. 2. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Friend, p. 199 (Strittm atter). — Chrysostomica, p. 275, 279 n. 1 (de Meester). V at. g r. 1171. p. 28. V at. g r. 1172.

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 479. — MERCATI, Suida,

D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 479.

Vat. g r . 1173. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 473, 479. — R a e d ë r , Quaestiones, p. 18, 20, 21 n. 1, 22. B P hW , 21 (1901) p. 133. — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 61 (Canart). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


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V at. g r . 1174. Bertöea , Registri, 60 η. 7, 76 η. 8. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 55, 110, 144, 218, 295, 347, 440, 479. ■— DiEES, H andschriften, II, p. 24, 41, 95, 96, 100, 112. AC, 8 (1939) p. 92, 92 n. 2 (Festugière). — A M S L , S. III, 13 (1887) p. 819-822, 833, 834, 837, 839, 848 (Berthelot). — B P hW , 53 (1933) p. 148. — B yzZ, 39 (1939) p. 432, 433 (Rehm). — R B P h, 7 (1928) p. 279, 280. — REG, 46 (1933) p. 370. — R F IC , 61 (1933) p. 414. — R IG I, 12 (1928) p. 127, 128. — RPh, S. I I I , 8 (1934) p. 94; 24 (1950) p. 214. Catal. alchim., II, p. 61; V II, p. xeiv . V at. g r . 1175. Coeonna , Storici, p. 22, 37, 70. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 479. — L aemmer , Bibliotheca, p. 91 n. 2. — L aemmer , M antissa, p. 123. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 516. — P i Tra , M onumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 206. — PREGER, Beiträge, p. 25. — P r EGER, Scriptores, I, p. χ π ι, x x ; II, p. x v n , xxv. — S choez, Reise, p. 96. — W aeTZ, Anthologie, VI, p. 7. B P hW , 30 (1910) p. 111. — B yzZ, 7 (1898) p. 131 (Preger). — EO, 29 (1930) p. 185 η. 1 (Laurent); 37 (1938) p. 279 η. 1 (Binon). — Salesianum, 17 (1955) p. 361 (Savio). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 60 (Canart). V at. g r . 1176. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 211, 295, 473. — Grabar , L 'E m pereur, p. 22. — Grum ee , Regestes, I, nr. 1075. — L ampros , Leuköma, tav . 69. — Ma i , Collectio, IV, p. v e tav. — W ileoughby , Apocalypse, I, p. 427, 432, 491. B yzZ, 39 (1939) p. 562; 48 (1955) p. 342 n. 2 (Classen). — DOP, 17 (1963) p. 321, 323 (Mango). — Scriptorium, 13 (1959) p. 85-86 (Astruc); 21 (1967) p. 181. — W S, 25 (1903) p. 207, 207 n. 2 (Horna). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). V at. g r . 1177. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 479. — H arnack , Überlie­ ferung, p. 644. — LEROY, Proclus, p. 49. — P i Tra , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 224. — P i Tra , M onumenta, II, p. 178. — S chermann , Apostellegenden, p. 158, 159. — S chermann , Vitae, p. ev i . — S chwartz , A.C.O., I 1,1, p. x v n i, x ix . — S chwartz, Aktenstücke, p. 98, 99. — S chwartz, Chalkedon, p. 10. B y J , 4 (1923) p. 218. — R SP h, 18 (1929) p. 224 (Devreesse). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 η. 1 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 216, 229, 233, 251, 257, 288, tav . 5 (Canart); 603 n. 101, n. 102, 606 n. 121, 607 (Leonardi). V at. g r . 1178. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 479. — S chwartz, A.C.O., I I 1, 1, p. v; I I 1, 3, p. vi, v m , ix , x n . — Schwartz, Chalkedon, p. 10. B yzZ, 3 (1894) p. 25 (Geizer); 38 (1938) p. 448. Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 263, 270 (Canart). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 211, 229, 233, 251 n. 181 (Canart); 607 (Leonardi); V II, p. 165, 188 n. 2 (Peri). V at. g r . 1179. Fonds grec, p. 479. — G u en th er , Epistulae, p. exv . — S chwartz, A.C.O., I 1, 2, p. 68; III, p. V. B yzZ , 38 (1938) p. 445. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 604 n. 103, 607 (Leonardi). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1174-1185


Vat. g r. 1 1 8 0 . D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 479. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 333 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 604 n. 104, n. 109, 606 n. 121, 607 (Leonardi). Vat. g r . 1 1 8 1 . DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 479. — L a EMm e r , Mantissa, p. 44. — O p it z , Athanasius, I I I 1 (Verzeichnis der Siglen). — P i Tr a , Monu­ m enta, II, p. 304, 355. A J P h , 88 (1967) p. 211. — Byzantion, 14 (1939) p. 3 n. 5 (Blake); 2527 (1955-57) p. 360 (van den Ven). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 3 3 3 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 210, 229, 251 n. 181, 288 tav . 15 (C anari); 604 n. 106, 605 n. 113, 607 (Leonardi). — Congr. byz. X , p. 120 (Bonicatti). Vat. g r . 1 1 8 2 . B e n e Se v i î , O tvëty, p. 2. — B e n e Se v i C, Sbornik, p. 167 n. 2, n. 5, 332. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 479. — D ie k a m p , D octrina P atrum , p. e x x i , e x x i i i . — G u e n t h e r , Epistulae, p. e x v . — K o t t e r , Ü ber­ lieferung, p. 72. — PiTRA, Monumenta, I, p. 46, 64; I I , p. 6, 178, 354, 443. — — S c h w a r t z , A .C .O ., I I I , p. v. CD, 178 (1965) p. 125 (de Andrés). — REG, 16 (1903) p. 376 (Bréhier). — Z N U , 63 (1894) p. v i e passim (Almazov); 64 (1894) passim (Almazov). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 333 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 185 n. 45, 214, 216, 229, 251, 251 n. 182 (Canart); 604 n. 103, 606 n. 121, 607 (Leonardi). Vat. g r . 1 1 8 3 . G a s p a r - L a e h r , Epistolae, p. 371. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 479. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogue, p. 102. — M a i , Collectio, I, p. χ χ χ χ ιχ . OCP, 7 (1941) p. 83 (Drammer). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 604 n. 108, 607, 607 n. 132 (Leonardi). Vat. g r . 1 1 8 4 . B e n e Se v i Î , Sbornik, p. 80 n. 4, 109 n. 1, 332. — B e n e Së v ié , Sinagoga, p. 428 n. 2. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 479. — G e e z e r , Georgius Cyprius, p. EXiv. — M o r TREUIL, H istoire, I I I , p. 458. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p. 224. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 304. — S i c k e n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 19. Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 67, tav. 14b, 15a (Canart). Misceli. Albareda, I , p. 333 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 174, 176, 180, 182, 205, 212, 215, 220, 229, 233, 252, 288 tav. 1 (Canart), 606 n. 121, 607 (Leonardi). — Congr. byz. I V , I, p. 141 (Benesevic). Vat. g r . 1 1 8 5 . B e n e Se v i C, Sbornik, p. 16 n. 1, 307, 332. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 479. — H e im b a c h , Anecdota, II, p. x x v m , x x x , x e h . — M a i , Spicilegium, V II, p. xi. — M o r Tr e u i e , H istoire, I, p. 203 n. c, 211 n. f; II, p. 26; I I I , p. 437. — P a r t h e y , Synecdemus, p. 131. — PiTRA, M onum enta, II, p. 206, 373, 443. — P r z y c h o c k i , Ovidius, p. 6. Byzantion, 7 (1932) p. 517 (Laurent). Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 206, 210, 213, 229, 252 (Canart); 607 (Leonardi). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci

V at. g r . 1186. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 479. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 n. 1 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI p. 216, 228 n. 137, 229, 252 (Canart); 606 n. 121, 607 (Leonardi). V at. g r . 1187. D evreesse , Fonds grec, p. 479. — F icker , Erlasse, p. 3 n. 3, 4 n. 3, 6 n. 1, 8 n. 1, 28 n. 2, 43, 46, 47 n. 2, 48. — Gratjx, Essai, p. x x v iii. — G rumel , Regestes, I, nr. 798, 806, 827, 832, 839, 840, 844, 882-884. — Daemmer , Bibliotheca, p. x x x v i. — L aemmer , Mantissa, p. 102. — Ma i , Spicilegium, V II, p. xx. — Mercati , Opere minori, II, p. 437, 440 n. 3; IV, p. 41-43. — Mich ee , H um bert, II, p. 86, 282 n. 2. — P itra , Monumenta, I, p. x; II, p. 178, 246, 304. — SvoronoS, Synopsis, p. 14, 17-18 passim, 86, 93, 133. — V ogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 19, 26. Bessarione, 33 (1917) p. 338 (Mercati). — B yJ, 3 (1922) p. 92, 92 n. 1, 93 (Ficker). — Byzantion, 17 (1944-45) p. 146 n. 80 (Honigmann). — ByzZ, 46 (1953) p. 211; 49 (1956) p. 42 n. 59 (Sicherl). — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 76 (Patrineles). — E T h L , 35 (1959) p. 407 n. 151 (Ries). — Scriptorium, 15 (1961) p. 387; 17 (1963) p. 75 (Canart). — ViVrem, 5 (1898) p. 478 n. 2 (Kraseninnikov); 8 (1901) p. 480 n. 2 (K raseninnikov); 10 (1903) p. 455 n. 4 (Kraseninnikov); 13 (1906) p. 137, 140. — Z R V I, 8,2 (1964) p. 431, 441 n. 18, n. 20 (Svoronos). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 303 n. 5 (De Maio). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 606 n. 121, 607 (Leonardi). V at. g r . 1188. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 479. — Moravcsik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 243, 470. Miscell. Tisserant, III, p. 82 (Mercati); VI, p. 233 (Canart). V at. g r . 1189. D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 479. — Ma rtini , Textge­ schichte, p. 39, 114. — S everyns , Chrestomathie, II, p. 22. DOP, 16 (1962) p. 389 n. 3, 396 n. 54 (Diller). — R IG I, 13 (1929) p. 132 (Cantareha). Miscell. Rzach, p. 136 (Martini). V at. g r . 1 1 9 0 . A e a n d , Liste, nr. 2061. — A n r ic h , Hagios Nikolaos, II, p. 119. — A u f h a u s e r , Drachenwunder, p. 15, 20, 22, 23, 25, 31, 36. — B a t if f o e , La Vaticane, p. 83 n. 1. — B e r e n d TS, Überlieferung, p. 14. — D e v r e e s s e , Codices Vat. I, p. 410. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 473, 480. — E h r h a r d , Überlieferung, I, p. 454 n. 3, 507 n. 4; III, p. 369, 399, 400, 608, 619, 620, 870. — F a u e h a b e r , Propheten - Catenen, p. 69. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a c ie r i , Catalogus, p. 102-115. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e ie r i , Note, V III, p. 243, 336-338, 340. — F r a n c h i d e ’ Ca v a e ie r i , Scritti, I, p. 340. — G ia n NEEEi, Codices V at. I, p. 397. — G r e g o r y , Textkritik, p. 323, 1191. — H a r n a c k , Überheferung, p. 127, 137-139, 274. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 582. — K r a Se n in n ik o v , Prodrom us, p. 90 n. 6, 91. — K r u m b a c h e r , Ge­ schichte, p. 495. — K r u m b a c h e r , Miscehen, p. 50. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, II, p. 453. — M i o n i , Codices, II, p. 99. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 558. — P a s c h k e , Klem entinen-Epitom en, p. 199, 239, 249, 250, 255, 256, 268. — - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1186-1192


P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 196, 197. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 257. -— R a u e r , Origenes, p. El. — REUSS, M atthâus-K atenen, p. 112, 113. — S c h m id , Einleitung, p. 89 n. 2. — S c r iv ENER, Introduction, I, p. 402. — S i c k ë n b e r g e r , Fragm ente, p. 66. — S ic k ë n b e r g e r , Lukaskatene, p. 95 n. 2. — S ic k e n b e r g e r , Studien, p. 31 n. 1. — S o d e n (v o n ) Schriften, I, p. 59. — USENER, Regenden, p. 30. — V o g e l - G a r d t h a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 174, 200. — W ë y h , B arbara - Legende, p. 11, 17. A B , 16 (1897) p. 316 (anonimo); 19 (1900) p. 100 (anonimo); 21 (1902) p. 14 (anonimo); 142 (Delehaye); 22 (1903) p. 377 (Galante); 24 (1905) p. 473 (Delehaye); 33 (1914) p. 228, 349; 72 (1954) p. 225, 226, 227, 229 (Devos). — B IB R , 22 (1942-43) p. 12 (Garitte). — B y J , 3 (1922) p. 311 (Allegeier). — Byzantion, 9 (1934) p. 87 (Fourm y - Leroy). — B yzZ, 5 (1896) p. 72-73 (Lampros); 15 (1906) p. 271 (von Dobschütz); 383; 18 (1909) p. 324 n. 1, 326 (Maas Mercati - Gassisi); 23 (1914-20) p. 129 (Van de Vorst). — DChAHet, S. IV, 4 (1964) p. 319 n. 4 (M anoussakas). — Hellenika, 20 (1967) p. 461. — EO, 17 (1914) p. 380 (Noël). — KCh, 6 (1952) p. 51 (Laourdas). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 163 (Lampros). — OC, N.S., 2 (1912) p. 101 (H engstenberg). — R E B yz, 11 (1953) p. 227, 229, 230 (Mercati). — R F IC , 42 (1914) p. 490, 492. — RO, 9 (1915) p. 147, 152, 153 (Mercati). — RQ A, 12 (1898) p. 68, 73 n. 2 (Sickenberger). — RPh, N.S., 19 (1895) p. 212. — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 142; 20 (1966) p. 154. — StB iz, 3 (1931) p. 73 (Ferri). — Traditio, 9 (1953) p. 112 (Baur). — ViVrem, 8 (1901) p. 159. — W S, 11 (1889) p. 189 (Wessely). — Z N U , 113 (1914) p. 230 n. 1 (Dobroklonskij). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). — Miscell. De M arinis, I, p. 258 (Canart). — Miscell. Ehrte, II, p. 233 (Levison). — Bïbl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 34, 39, 66, 69, 96, 97, 105, 106, 108. — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, passim. — X enia Romana, p. 126 (Guidi).

Vat. g r . 1191. A land , Liste, nr. 862. — Batiffol , La Vaticane, p. 83 n. 2. — D e v r ë ë s s e , Fonds grec, p. 473, 480. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 228, 1112. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 279. — REUSS, M atthâus-K atenen, p. 221. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — Soden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — V ogel - G ardthausen , Schreiber, p. 46. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). Vat. g r . 1192. A n r ic h , Hagios Nikolaos, I, p. 46; II, p. — B e r e n d t s , Überlieferung, p. 5, 6, 7 n. 1, n. 2, 8, 54, 56, 57. — Fonds grec, p. 473, 480. — F h r h a r d , Überlieferung, III, p. 769. d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 116-117. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 116 n.

46, 63 n. 1. D ev reesse, — F ranchi 5. — P e r r y ,

Studies, p. 175. A B , 18 (1889) p. 64. — AC, 22 (1953) p. 153. — Biblica, 1 (1920) p. 77 n. 1 (Mercati). — B P h W , 19 (1899) p. 1159. — B yzZ, 9 (1900) p. 190; 12 (1903) p. 539 (von Dobschütz); 59 (1966) p. 287 (Perry). — CPh, 29 (1934) p. 55 (Perry). — EO, 25 (1926) p. 134 (Jugie). — OC, N.S., 2 (1912) p. 101 (Heng­ stenberg) . Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Dülger, p. 424, 425 (Perry). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.3, 25d, 1350c, 1766c. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici V aticani greci


Vat. g r . 1 1 9 3 . D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 473, 480. — G i a n n e i a i , Codices Vat. I, p. 124. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 116 n. 5. — V o g e e - G a r d Th a u SEN, Schreiber, p. 388. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). Vat. g r . 1 1 9 4 . D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 480. Traditio, 20 (1964) p. 418 n. 9 (Leroy). Vat. g r . 1 1 9 5 . D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 480. — P er tu si , De them a­ tibus, p. 14. EO, 34 (1935) p. 441, 457, 458 (Laurent). Vat. g r . 1 1 9 6 . D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — H oee, Epiphanius, p. ix . -— H oee , Überlieferung, p. 86. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, IV, p. 131 n. 1. — PiTRA, M onumenta, I, p. x, 538. Bessarione, 37 (1921) p. 108 n. 3 (Mercati). Vat. g r . 1 1 9 7 . D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — P e r t u s i , De th em ati­ bus, p. 14. — P i Tr a , M onumenta, II, p. 317. — S c h is s e e , Marinos, p. 2. EO, 37 (1938) p. 43 n. 4 (Guilland). — SIF C , 14 (1906) p. 127, 129 (Pasquali). Miscell. Albareda, II, p. 283 (Mogenet). Vat. g r . 1 1 9 8 . D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — E r b s e , Theosophie, p. 65. — P i Tr a , A nalecta sacra, V 2, p. 291, 307. B y J , 9 (1933) p. 349 (von Prem erstein). — B yzZ, 57 (1964) p. 532. — M B , 27 (1923) p. 101, 107 (Delatte). — Scriptorium, 19 (1965) p. 160. Miscell. Lampros, p. 178 (von Premerstein). — Miscell. Tisserant, III, p. 80-82 (Mercati). — Nationalbibliothek, p. 657, 658 n. 1 (von Premerstein). Vat. g r . 1 1 9 9 . D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 480. B yzZ, 1 (1892) p. 240, 240 n. 1 (B üttner - W obst); 4 (1895) p. 256, 269 n. 2 (Boissevain). Vat. g r . 1 2 0 0 . D ev reesse , Fonds grec p. 480. — P u sey , Cyrillus, I, p. vili. — R ahufs , Verzeichnis, p. 258. Vat. g r . 1 2 0 1 . D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — M a ssa P o s i Ta n o , Simocata, p. 14. — M a ssa P o s it a n o , Tradizione, p. 7. — P it r a , Analecta sacra, I I , p. 285. Congr. byz. I X , I I I , p. 204 (Massa Positano). t

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Vat. g r . 1 2 0 2 . C o e o n n a , Storici, p. 33. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — H a u r y , Procopius, IV, p. v, v u . — M a s sa P o s it a n o , Simocata, p. 14. — M a ssa P o s it a n o , Tradizione, p. 8. — M o r a v c s ik , B yzantinoturcica, p. 385. — P e r t u s i , De them atibus, p. 3, 5, 5 n. 0, 13-14. ■ — W ac h sm u th , Lydus, I, p. XVI. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1193-1207


B yzZ, 5 (1896) p. 415 (Wünsch); 47 (1954) p. 181. — E M A , 8-9 (1958-59) p. 120 (Patrineles). Catal. astrol., V 4, p. 15. — Congr. byz. I X , III, p. 203 (Massa Positano). Vat. g r . 1203. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — M e r c a t i , Codici, p. 117. — P e r t u s i , De them atibus, p. 14. — R u e l e e , D ubitationes, p. x m . Hermes, 14 (1879) p. 264 (Jordan). — RPh, N.S., 14 (1890) p. 142 (Ruelle). Vat. g r . 1204. DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1151, 1152. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 480. — F a u l h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 87 sg., 91, 110. — K a r o - L ie t z m a n n , Catalogus, p. 345. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 254 n. 1. — M e r c a t i , T raduttori, p. 144 n. 2. — M o r a v c s ik , Byzantinoturcica, p. 337, 340. — P e r t u s i , Storiografia, p. 68 n. 176. — R a h l f s , Verzeichnis, p. 258. B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 420 (de Boor). — Hellenika, 18 (1964) p. 81 n. 2 (Tsolakes). — R H E , 13 (1912) p. 642 (Dieu). — RPh, N.S., 30 (1906) p. 135. Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 186 n. 49, 212, 230, 249, 253 (Canart). V at. g r. 1 2 0 5 . A l a n d , Liste, nr. 2361. — C a p o c c i , Codices Barber., p. 161. — D e n Ta k e s , Hym noi, p. 13*, 32*, 35*. — DENTAKES, Kyparissiotes, p. 35, 52, 63, 3*. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1228. — DEVREESSE, Codices Vat. I, p. 178. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — D in d o r f , Diodorus, III, p. xv. — F a u l h a b e r , Propheten-Catenen, p. 65. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a l ie r i , Catalogus, p. 117. — H i l Ga r d , Scholia, p. V, ix , x. — M a i , Bibliotheca, V I 2, p. 11, 513, 514, 537. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 119sg., 127-133,333. — M e y e n d o r f f , Introduction, p. 413. — P e r t u s i , De them atibus, p. 14. — P i Tr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 256. — S a j d a k , Codices, p. 77. — S a j d a k , H istoria, p. 150 n. 0. — S c h m id , Einleitung, p. 16. — V o g e l - G a r d Th a u s e n , Schreiber, p. 424. BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 11 n. 17 (Russo). — B yzZ, 14 (1905) p. 376; 30 (1930) p. 497 n. 4 (Mercati). — N H , 1 (1904) p. 212 (Lampros). — Scriptorium 17 (1963) tav. 14a (Canart). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 331 (Devreesse). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 245, 245 n. 175, 246 (Canart). — Bibl. hagiogr. gr.1, p. 18. — Congr. byz. I X , I I I , p. 174 (Lam m ert). — Congr. byz. X I , Akten, p. 101 (Dentakes). Vat. g r . 1206. D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a ­ Catalogus, p. 117. — M e n d e l s s o h n , H istoria, p. x x i i . — P e r t u s i , De them atibus, p. 14. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, II , p. 257, 258. Philologus, 53 (1894) p. 416 n. 2 (Kroll). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 186. Miscell. M ansion, p. 393 (Safïrey). — Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 214, 228 n. 137, 253, 253 n. 183 (Canart). l ie r i,

Vat. g r . 1207. B a t if f o l , La V aticane, p. 51 n. 2. — D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 480. — M e r c a t i , Opere minori, I I I , p. 188-190. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 200 n. 3. — P i t r a , A nalecta sacra, II, p. 259-262, 263-266. B y J , 6 (1927) p. 98, 102 (Heseler). — OCP, 21 (1955) p. 179 n. 1 (Laurent). — RhM , 65 (1910) p. 333 (Mercati). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


C odici V aticani greci

V at. g r. 1208. A land , Liste, nr. 1843. — Batiffol , La Vaticane, p. 83. — BEISSEL, M iniaturen, p. 16, 19 sg., tav. X II. — B uberl - Ger stin GER, H andschriften, II, p. 16, 64. — Ca r in i , Vaticana, p. 50. — Cronin , Codex, p. x x ii. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 151 n. 15, 299, 344, 446, 471 n. 11, 481. — E bersol T, M iniature, p. 35 n. 2. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 287, 288, 1184. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 112, 315, tav. 151. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 279. — Merca Ti , Opéré minori, II, p. 480sg. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 266. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T ik k a n en , Studien, p. 162, 177-178, 198, 202. A S , 1927, p. 129 tav. V II, (Friend). — ByzZ, 4 (1895) p. 224. — DOP, 19(1965) p. 177 (Der Nersessian). — JOBG, 16 (1967) p. 354. — OC, 6 (1906) p. 428 (Baum stark). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 156 (Darrouzès). — RPh, N.S., 3 (1879) p. 257. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 135. — ViVrem, N.S., 2 (1949) p. 367, 368, 373. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 326 (Devreesse). — Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 14. — Congr. byz. X I , Berichte, IV 2, p. 17, 19, 20 (Demus). — Palaeogr. Society, S. I, I, tav. 131. V at. g r. 1209. Aland , Liste, nr. 03, 1957. — Batiffol , La Vaticane, p. 81, 82, 152. — B atiffol , Rossano, p. 50, 72. — B eisse l , M iniaturen, p. 55. — Bertôla , Registri, p. 59 n. 2. — B uttmann , N ovum Testam entum , p. v, v in . — Canivet , Thérapeutique, p. 89. — Ca r in i , V aticana, p. 127. — Ce r ia n i , Cod. M archalianus, p. 21, 29. — Cozza-L u zi , Animadversiones, p. 4, 5 n. 1. — Cozza-L u zi , T estam entum , passim. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 73, 82, 122, 186, 260, 266, 340, 403. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 24, 114 n. 4, 127, 140, 142, 143, 152, 153, 169 n. 1, 170-171, 173. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavalieri L ietzmann , Specimina, tav. 1. — G ard Thausen , Palaeographie, I, p. 22, 160; II, p. 121. — Gerstinger , Buchmalerei, p. 23, 24, 45 n. 114. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 32-40, 306, 321, 1019, 1020, 1189. — H anssens , Liturgie, p. 15. — H atch , M anuscripts, p. 5 n. 8, 12, 15, 17, 18 n. 2, 22 n. 5, 24 n. 1, 25 n. 9, tav . X IV . — K rumbacher , Geschichte, p. 214 — K ubo , Codex, passim. — L ietzmann , Kleine Schriften, I, p. 144. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 279; appendix, p. 260. — Ma i , Testam entum , p. 1 n.*. — Martin i , Problema, p. v u . — Mercati , Opéré Minori, I, p. 402 sg., 438; II, p. 126, 128, 287, 424 sg., 480, 492 n. 1, 533; I I I , p. 51, 119, 122, 172 n. 1, 191 n. 2, 196, 224 n. 3, 332334; IV, p. 3 n. 2, 290. — R ahlfs , Verzeichnis, p. 258. — Scholz , Reise, p. 96, I I I , — S chubart , Palaeographie, p. 155 (nr. 1). — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — S taab , Pauluskatenen, p. 13. — T uryn , Codices, p. 55. — T ury n , Euripides, p. 391, 392 sg. — Vaccari, Codex, p. 8 n. 2. — V accari, S critti, II, p. 99, 336. — V ogel - Gard Thausen , Schreiber, p. 142, 232. B yzZ, 8 (1899) p. 695; 17 (1908) p. 479 (Nestle); 19 (1910) p. 477, 480, 496, 499 (Reil); 20 (1911) p. 291; 22 (1913) p. 552; 54 (1961) p. 389. — E L, N.S., 7 (1933) p. 331 n. 1 (S trittm atter). — Eranos, 65 (1967) p. 191. — N GG 1899, p. 72 (Rahlfs). — OC, 5 (1905) p. 377 (Baum stark). — P P , 22 (1967) p. 239 (Pugliese Carrateüi). — REG, 1 (1888) p. 76 n. 1 (Tannery); 28 (1915) p. 68. — RPh, N.S., 3 (1879) p. 255; 33 (1909) p. 44. — Scriptorium, 6 (1952) p. 116; 125; 130; 144; 11 (1957) p. 281, 283 (de Savignac); 12 (1958) p. 131; - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1208-1215


138; 213, 221 (Irigoin); 302; 13 (1959) p. 9 (Stephen); 15 (1961) p. 174; 16 (1962) p. 222; 17 (1963) p. 52, 55, 56 (Canari); 204; 20 (1966) p. 88; 298; 21 (1967) p. 109. — Traditio, 4 (1946) p. 91 n. 27 (Jaeger). — VD, 44 (1966) p. 192-196 (Martini). Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 101 (Batllori). —-M isceli. Leone X I I I , p. 20 (Carini). — Misceli. Mercati, I, p. 1-18 (Sperber); 479 (Tisserant). -— Misceli. Tisseront, I, p. 217-227 (Garofalo). — M iniature, p. v. — Palaeogr. Society, S. I, I, tav. 104. — Riproduzioni fototipiche, p. 22. — Studia Evangelica, I I I , p. 266-272 (McA rthu r). V at. g r. 1 2 1 0 . A t a n d , Liste, nr. 142. — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 481. —- Gregory , T extkritik, p. 157, 158, 1097. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 279. — R a h e f s , Verzeichnis, p. 260. — S c h o i .z , Reise, p. 96, 105. — S c r iv e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. V at. g r. 1 2 1 1 . D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 481. — R u d b e r g , Etudes, p. 70. — R u d b e r g , Homélie, p. 150. R M , 48 (1958) p. 88 (Rouillard). Studia Patristica, I I I , p. 118 (Rouillard); V II, p. 90 (Rouillard). V at. g r. 1 2 1 2 . D e v r e e s s e , Fonds grec, p. 473, 481. — G r o s d id ie r d e M a t o n s , Romanos, I, p. 31, 58; II, p. 8; I I I , p. 8; IV, p. 8. — K r a s n o s e t ' c e v , Svëdënija, p. 48. — K r u m b a c h e r , Akrostichis, p. 557. — M a a s -T r y p a n is , Cantica, p. x x v n . — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. 116 n. 5. — P it r a , A nalecta sacra, I, p. x, 16, 222, 405, 418, 677, 679. — R a a s t e d , In to n a tio n formulas, p. 115-116. BBGG, N.S., 7 (1953) p. 8 (Giovanelli). — Scriptorium, 17 (1963) p. 401; 20 (1966) p. 159. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). — Oriente Cristiano, p. 252 n. 2 (Follieri). V at. g r. 1 2 1 3 . Brightman , Liturgies, p. u x x x ix . — D ev reesse , Fonds grec, p. 473, 481. — E ngbë Rd in g , Basileiosliturgie, p. x x x . — Giannette Codices V at. I, p. 102. — K rasnoset ’CEV, Svëdënija, p. 70. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V 2, p. 26, 98. — Mandata , Protesi, p. 144, 151. — Meester (d e ), Studi, p. 197 n. 2. — Mercati , Storia, p. 116 n. 5. — V oget -G ard THAus EN, Schreiber, p. 30. Muséon, 73 (1960) p. 307 (Garitte). — ViVrem, 7 (1900) p. 465. Misceli. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse). — Chrysostomica, p. 274 (cit. err.: 1273) (de Meester). V at. g r. 1 2 1 4 . D ev r eesse , Fonds grec, p. 481. — D ev reesse , Manu­ scrits, p. 32. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, V i l i , p. xiv. — Mercati , Storia, p. 89 n. 6. BBGG, N.S., 8 (1954) p. 118 (Mercati). — Muséon, 71 (1958) p. 332 n. 0, 348, 358 (Leroy). V at. g r. 1 2 1 5 . DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 481 — D ev reesse , In troduc­ tion, p. 296. — D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 32. — L a r e , M anuscripts, V II, p. 15. — Mercati , Storia, p. 116 n. 5. — P i Tra , Monumenta, II, p. 244. — VOGET - G ard THAu sen , .Schreiber, p. 264, 475. - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.


Godici V aticani greci BBGG, N.S., 19 (1965) p. 56 (M alatesta Zilembo). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333 (Devreesse).

V at. g r. 1216. DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 481. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 33. — E hrhard , Überlieferung, II, p. 149. — F ranchi d e ’ Cavaeieri , Cata­ logus, p. 118. — Mercati , Storia, p. 116 n. 5. — P itra , Monumenta, II , p. 248. R E B yz, 17 (1959) p. 232 (Stiernon). V at. g r. 1217. A e a n d , Liste, nr. I 547. — C a p p e e e i , Monachesimo, p. 297, 303. — DEVREESSE, Fonds grec, p. 481. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 158 n. 2. —· D e v r e e s s e , Manuscrits, p. 55 n. 4. — G e e r e in g s , Lectionary, p. 1. — G r e g o r y , T extkritik, p. 434. — L a k e , Fam ily, p. 3 n. 8. — M e r c a t i , Storia, p. I l l n. 2, 115 sg. — P it r a , Monumenta, I, p. x;: II , p. 206. — S c r i ­ v e n e r , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S t e v e n s o n , Prodromus, p. x x v i i . BBGG, N.S., 5 (1951) p. 11 n. 13 (Russo); 11 (1957) p. 38 (CappeUi). — B yzZ, 50 (1957) p. 500. — R E B yz, 19 (1961) p. 131 (Follieri). — StBiz, 10 (1963) p. 121 n. 7 (Giannelli). Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 333-334 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 1218. B atiffoe , L a Vaticane, p. 70 n. 2. — Gia n n eeei , Codices V at. I, p. 401. —- Mercati , Codici, p. 110. — Mercati , Opere minori, I I I , p. 191 n. 1. — Sajd a k , Historia, p. 107, 112. — Vogee - G ardthausen , Schreiber, p. 178. Miscell. Albareda, I, p. 334 (Devreesse). V at. g r. 1219. B aTiffo e , L a Vaticane, p. 70 n. 3. — Sa jd a k , Historia, p. 3 n. 4, 98, 106. A B , 68 (1950) p. 220 (Mercati). — B yzZ, 30 (1930) p. 270 (.Sajdak). — Eos, 12 (1906) p. 103 (Sinko); 16 (1910) p. 118 (Przychocki). V at. g r. 1220. B aTiffo e , L a Vaticane, p. 70 n. 2. — Gaeeay , Lettres, p. 26. — P rzychocki, Gregorius, p. 141. — S a jd a k , H istoria, p. 219. B yzZ, 20 (1911) p. 568. — Eos, 16 (1910) p. 107 (Przychocki). — REG 57 (1944) p. 120 (Gallay). Miscell. Tisserant, VI, p. 248 (Canart). V at. g r. 1221. Aeand , Liste, nr. 863. — B atiffoe , Rossano, p. 94, 160. — DEVREESSE, Introduction, p. 306. — DEVREESSE, Manuscrits, p. 18, 40, 44 n. 2. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 228, 1112. — L a k e , Manuscripts, V III, p. 13. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 279. — R eu ss , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 221. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von) Schriften, I, p. 59. — Vogee - Gardthausen , Schreiber, p. 410. B yzZ, 40 (1940) p. 122. — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 309 (Vaccari). V at. g r. 1222. A eand , Liste, nr. 1994. — B atiffoe , La Vaticane, p. 70 n. 2. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 311, 1189. — Ma i , Bibliotheca, X 3, p. 279. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — S oden (von ), Schriften, I, p. 59. — Staab , Pauluskatenen, p. 217. Miscell. Leone X I I I , p. 12, 13 (Franco). - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1216-1231


V at. g r. 1223. D e v r e e s s e , Introduction, p. 130 n. 4. — M e r c a t i , Osservazioni, p. l n . 1. — M e r c a t i , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. x v m . — M e r c a t i , T rad u tto ri, p. 15 n. 1, 28, 32-36. — R a h i .f s , Verzeichnis, p. 260. Biblica, 26 (1945) p. 172, 172 n. 3, 173, 177 (Mercati). — ByzZ, 46 (1953) p. 221. — Scriptorium, 12 (1958) p. 137. V at; g r. 1224.

B atiffoe , L a Vaticane, p. 71 n. 1.

V at. g r. 1225.

P auehaber , Propheten-Catenen, p. 69.

V at. g r. 1226. B a t if f o i ,, La Vaticane, p. 70 n. 3. — E m m in g e r , Studien, II, p. 23, 36. — H a r n a c k , Überlieferung, p. 644. — P i t r a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 224. — S c h e r m a n n , Apostellegenden, p. 158. Eos, 16 (1910) p. 124 (Przychocki). — REG, 57 (1944) p. 120 (Gallay). — Scriptorium, 21 (1967) p. 199. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 205 (Canart). — Studia Patristica, V II, p. 346 n. 1 (W erhahn). V at. g r. 1227. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 1844. — B aTi f f o e , L a Vaticane, p. 70 n. 2. — F r a n c h i d e ’ C a v a e ie r i , Catalogus, p. 118. — G r e g o r y , T ex t­ kritik, p. 288, 1184. — S o d e n (v o n ), Schriften, I, p. 59. Misceli. De M arinis, I, p. 263 (Canart). V at. g r. 1228. A eand , Liste, nr. I 548. — B aTIFFOE, L a Vaticane, p. 71 n. 2. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 24, 60 n. 7. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 434, 1230. — K rasnosee ’CEV, Svëdënija, p. 139. — Mandaeà , Protesi, p. 23. — S crivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. Muséon, 77 (1964) p. 83 (Jacob). Chrysostomica, p. 274 (de Meester). V at. g r. 1229. A e a n d , Liste, nr. 143. — B a Ti f f o e , L a Vaticane, p. 70. — B eisse e , M iniaturen, p. 19, tav. X I. — Gregory , T extkritik, p. 158, 1097. — H einrici , Erklärung, p. x x ii , xxiv, xxvi. — H einrici , H interlassenschaft, p. 102. -— L azarev, Istorija, p. 320. — Mai , Bibliotheca, X 3 , p. 279. — R auer , Lukaskom m entar, p. 23, 47, 51. — R auer , Origenes, p. EH. — R egnauet P r Évieee (de ), Dorothée, p. 93 n. 3. — R euss , M atthäus-K atenen, p. 75, 76, 78-79, 124, 134, 219. — REUSS, M atthäus-K om m entare, p. x iii . — Schoez, Reise, p. 96. — Scrivener , Introduction, I, p. 402. — Soden (von), Schriften, I, p. 59. — T homas, Collections, I, p. 144, 148, 153. B yzZ , 4 (1895) p. 224. — OC, 6 (1906) p. 424 (Baum stark). — Scriptorium, 20 (1966) p. 113. Congr. byz. V, Catalogo, p. 14. V at. g r. 1231. B aTiffo e , L a Vaticane, p. 71, 71 n. 1. — Beissee , Minia­ turen, p. 17 n. 2. — D ev reesse , Chaînes, col. 1140. — H arnack , Überlieferung, p. 405, 837. — K aro - L ietzmann , Catalogus, p. 329. — L azarev , Istorija, p. 342. — P itra , Analecta sacra, II, p. 252, 361; I I I, 597. — R ahefs , Verzeich- - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

C odici V aticani greci


nis, p. 260. — S t r z y g o w s k i, Bilderkreis, p. 109. — T ik k a n en , Studien, p. 73, 74. — V ogee - G ardthausen , Schreiber, p. 201. Biblica, 4 (1923) p. 135 (Bertini). — B yzZ, 18 (1909) p. 700; 44 (1951) p. 226 (Guilland). — CArch, 17 (1967) p. 214 n. 12 (Velmans). — N H , 4 (1907) p. 459 (Lampros); 5 (1908) p. 485 (Lampros). — R E B yz, 15 (1957) p. 156 (Darrouzès). — Scriptorium, 21 (1947) p. 188. — ViVrem, 2 (1895) p. 335 n. 8 (Rëdin); 21 (1914) p. 97, 233 (Bees). M iniature, p. 13 n. 7. — Studia Patristica, V II, p. 546 (Sorlin). Vat. g r. 1 2 3 2 . B atiffoe , L a Vaticane, p. 70. — DEVREESSE, Chaînes, col. 1139. — Gia n n eeei , Codices Vat. I, p. 405. — Mercati , Osservazioni, p. 11 n. 1. — Mercati , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. xv, 354 n. 91, 392. — Mercati , T rad u tto ri, p. 76 n. 1, 156, 195. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 261. EO, 25 (1926) p. 12 n. 2, 13 n. 2, 14 n. 1 (Jugie). — OOP, 26 (1960) p. 311, 311 n. 3, 314 (Rondeau). Vat. g r. 1 2 3 3 . nis, p. 261.

B atiffoe , La Vaticane, p. 70 n. 2. — R ahefs , Verzeich­

Vat. g r. 1 2 3 4 . I, p. x, 46, 644.

B atiffoe , L a Vaticane, p. 70 n. 2. — P itr a , Monumenta,

Vat. g r. 1 2 3 5 . B atiffoe , La Vaticane, p. 70 n. 2. Misceli. Tisserant, VI, p. 206 (Canari). Vat. g r . 1 2 3 6 . B a r n a r d , Clement, p. x x ix . — B a t if f o e , La Vaticane, p. 70 n. 2. — C o h n - W e n d e a n d , Philo, I, p. e x iv , e x v i . — G r ib o m o n t , Ascé­ tiques, p. 271. — H a r n a c k , Überheferung, p. 110 sg., 501 (cit.: SS. Parali. Cod. Vat.), 842. — H o e e , Fragm ente, p. v n i, x x x m . — H o e e , Parallela, p. 5, 8, 11, 14, 211, 211 n. 1, 212-213, 246, 261 n. 1. — K r u m b a c h e r , Geschichte, p. 217 n. 2. —· L o o f s , Parallela, p. 3. ·— L o o f s , Studien, p. 3, 7. — M e r c a t i , Codici, p. 120. — R ic h a r d , Florilèges, col. 481. Biblica, 2 (1921) p. 237 (Mercati). — BP hW , 11 (1891) p. 1486; 17 (1897) p. 457, 458. — ByzZ, 1 (1892) p. 605, 606; 10 (1901) p. 395 (E hrhard). — Scrip­ torium, 17 (1963) p. 65 (Canari); 19 (1965) p. 175. Congr. byz. X I I , II, p. 485 n. 2 (Richard). Vat. g r. 1 2 3 8 . B atiffoe , Rossano, p. 167. — D ev reesse , Introduction, p. 142, 308. — D ev reesse , Manuscrits, p. 18, 19, 40. — E hrhard , Überlie­ ferung, I, p. 334. — J onge (DE), Testam enta, p. v ii . — L a k e , M anuscripts, V ili, p. 15. — Mercati , Opere minori, IH , p. 306. — Mercati , Psalterii reliquiae, Osservazioni, p. 280 n. 30. — P itr a , Analecta sacra, II, p. 391. — R ahefs , Verzeichnis, p. 261, 262. A B , 28 (1909) p. 205; 64 (1946) p. 249 (Halkin). — AlCal, 1953, p. 60 (Russo). — A SC E , 30 (1961) p. 207 (Parisi). — BBGG, N.S., 3 (1949) p. 79 (Russo). — B P E C , N.S., 6 (1958) p. 21 (Colonna). — B yzZ, 10 (1901) p. 339; 21 (1912) p. 612; 40 (1940) p. 123; 43 (1950) p. 111. — CN, 14 (1960) p. 130. — N T , 2 (1964-65) p. 323 (Denis - de Jonge). — OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 291, 292 n. 0, 299 - For non-commercial use by authorised users only. License restrictions apply.

Vat. gr. 1232-1248


(Vaccari). — Scriptorium, 4 (1950) p. 200 (Irigoin); 6 (1952) p. 133; 20 (1966) p. 297. — StBiz, 3 (1931) p. 242. Misceli. Mercati, I I I , p. 16, 19 n. 11 (Garitte). Vat. g r. 1239. B a t if f o i ,, L a Vaticane, p. 92 n. 1. — KX o s t e r m a n n , Analecta, p. 30, 31. OrChr, 3 (1925) p. 292 n. 0 (Vaccari). Misceli. Mercati, I I I , p. 19 n. 11 (Garitte). Vat. g r . 1240. B a t if f o i ,, L a Vaticane, p. 92 n. 1. — KX o s t e r m a n n , Analecta, p. 30,31. Eos, 15 (1909) p. 127 (Sajdak). Vat. g r. 1241. Analecta, p. 30, 31.

B a t if f o i ,, La Vaticane, p. 91, 92 n. 1. — KX o s t e r m a n n ,

Vat. g r . 1242. lecta, p. 30, 31.

B a t if f o i ,, L a V aticane, p. 91. — KX o s t e r m a n n , Ana­

V a t. g r. 1 2 4 3 .

K i .ostermann, Analecta, p. 30, 31.

V a t. g r. 1 2 4 4 .

Batiffoi,, L a Vaticane, p. 91. — K eostermann, Analecta

p. 30, 31. V a t. g r. 1 2 4 5 . Batiffoi,, L a Vaticane, p. 71, 71 n. 1. — Dee Ehaye , Saints m ilitaires, p. 26, 32, 125. — E hrhard, Überlieferung, II, p. 600, 612 n. 4, 613 n. 1, 614 n. 1. *
