141 103 127MB
English Pages 73 Year 1961
(A Quiz) lumu. ( _ ) A Strong Link . • .
b. ( _
) A Wellk Link .. .
ill the Army " chain."
/lo w dill y ou an swer thut one ? m ent, are a link in
is ma i ntain e d will tell h ow strong you are as a lin k. BUI, y ou'll never know
~ luue Nt. 99
(A Quiz) lam-
) A Strong Link . • .
u. ( _
b. ( _
1981 Series
'Ibllslled ~J til. Oeplfblelit of till Ann, fer tit, informatin of HPnilltional mainteunCiaIMI SIiPp/J ,.nOMel. Distributionisrnadelhroughoormalpublicationchannels.Within limits of availability, older isslles may be obtained direct from PS Magazine, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
) A Weak Link . . .
in the Army " elwin."
p... Arm.ment Carbine ..... , .. 2 Riftln & C~rbinln 2 MIO Cleaning Rod 3 MSC Spotting Rifte ..•..•• 39 Communleatlons Equipment AN/ GRC·19 R~dio . • . . lg.~} AN / GRC 3-8 RadiM •.•. Me«:uryOryCelIBatteriH .. 23 MX_306 Wire Dispenser .... 24 24 LC·5 Climber Gaffs . MT·297/ GR Mounting •........... •. 25 TA·43/ PT & TA·312/ PT Telephones .. 25 SB·22/ PT Field Switchboard . 22 MiMi.. Nike RCVan . . . . 42 Nike·Herc PPI Scope 43 NikeAcqAntenna ._ . .. _ .• 43 Nike R~dar Tint Set . . . .. . . .... 44 Nike·Herc Early W~rnin, Plotting Board 44 CableConnectolli .' •. 44 HercTIR Check Sheet 45 Wheeled V.... lcles Brakes •..•...•.•....• , •.•.••.•• ,. 7 Towing Vehicles With Demaged Transfer 8 M38Al Jeep . . . . . . . . . . 9 Make A Tire Inflation Rack 64 Tr.eked y .... lelu M48A2 Tank 9 M56Scorpion . . .... 10-11 Tank Inner Road Wheels . 41
. ...
How did you
tlWI one?
m enl, ure 1I link in a power-
is maint.aincd will t e ll h ow strong you are as a link. But, you' ll llcver Jmow
absolutely how strong until the ultinwte test-when your unit faces the enemy. Short of that, lho, the surest way to know is to keep your equipment in liP-lOP shape all the time-with Preventive Maintenance .. . the right kind at the right time.
} ~Series T~nks
M.3A3 Smoke Generator . . . • . . 4·5 M7Al·6 flame Throwin, Tank . . . . . . 6 Le·Roi-Westlnghouse IBYCH·33 S·CFM Air Comprenor . . . . ,... . .. .. . . . . 12-13 International Harvester TO·IS Tractor ... _ 14 MiliUry Standard En,ine Model ~AOI6-1 . 16 26 New Publications ... APH·5 flyin, Helmet .... . .. . 27-28 No 2 Common Tool Kit . . . 46
Hel'p New Mechanics .
DEPAInIDITS Connie Rodd . 7 29 Joe's Dope . , ... .. Question and Answer 37 Contributions , . '. 62 Connie Rodd's Briefs ... , . .., .. Inside Back Cover
,..Pf=:..=.a:.c=:;.-er.-:::.::. Jutwritltl:
~ Issue No, 99
PlWisbld by thl Department of till Army ftr VII itlftrm.. tltn of orraniutional mahltelPl'lCl 8IId supply perunn.1. Distribution is made through normal publication channels, Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from PS Magaline, Raritan Arsenal, Metut:hen, New Jersey,
IN THIS ISSUE AlTiCUS Armament Carbine , . , , • Rifles'" Carbines . , * M 10 Cleaning Rod MSC Spotting Rifle Communications Equipment
2 2 3 39
.. ,... '.'~',~:"
, , 18·21,
Mercury Dry Cell Batteries 23 MX-306 WIre Dispenser . . ..... 24 LC-S Climber Gaffs . . , ",.. 24 .,.,. 25 MT·297 / GR MOtJnting '.' .' .• , ," , • TA·43/ PT '" TA·312lPT Telephones . .• 25 SB·221PT Field Switchboard 22 Missile Nike RCVan .,. " 42 Nike·Hef"c PPI Scope 43 Hike Acq Antenna • . . •.•.•. , ' " " • ..• . 43 NikeRadarTe,tSet ) , . " " " . • •'., . : .• 44 Nlke-Here Early Warrung Plotting Board 44
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absolutely how strong until the ultimate test-when your unit faces the enemy. Short 0/ that, tho, the surest way to know is to keep your equipment in tip-top shape all the time-with Preventive Maintenance • .. the right kind at the right time.
Towing Vehicles With Damaged Transfer M38Al Jeep •. , . . , Make A Tire Inflation Rack Tntlcked Vehicles M48A2 Tank , • ' M56Scorpion • . , " " ' . ' Tank Inner Road Wheels .. Ge:!:iSeries Tanks .
8 9 64
" , 10· 11
41 40
M3A3 Smoke Generator, .- ',' ,.•.',' M7Al:6 flame Throwing Tank ,'" ., " Le-~Ol .We'tinghOtJ,. IBYCH·33 S·CFM All CompreS$Or ,. ,. , , , '-, •• '...•• '., .• , , 12- ~!, h'lternetionel Harvestet' TO·18 Tractor, _, Military Standerd Engine Model.2AOl6-L Hew Publications . < • • • • , . , " . , • , • APH·5 Flying Helmet . . .,: ... 27.28 No. 2 Common Tool Kit , . 4. A1rcntlttHetp New Me O A·l4S5·MPA, TU G,OIr~ OA·I"S8!MPA, A'iq ""' Groul> OA.1601/T. +: TI '1·1 320-204- 12 / 1 Oct bcovoty 110hi, re., tltodiigbt. ,; "-. TI SML 56 Od Rod iooct;ve T.. I. Sam·
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