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English Pages 78 Year 1961
guns fire . Sub·zero temperatures and ice plus a blanket of snow spell plenty trouble. A winter wonderland is a dream world for a song writer. But to you
ooa Iss ue No, 109 1961 Series Publlsbed by the Department af til, Army far the inform. li,an af DrpniZitional malnt,unu IIId '.'pply persannel. DIstribution is made ttllough ,normal publlcaUon channels.Within limits,.of availability, older issues may be obtaineddi· rect from P8.Magazine, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES Features M14 Rifle TK·87/ U & TK·88IU Repair Kits Tents: Use Protective Compound _ Heavy Equipment: WinterOperalion Aircraft Choppers: Blade Abrasion Strips Flight-Une Equipment: Safety Paint Wrenches: II They won't fit. Send A UR 50 Hangar Housekeeping 51·53 Missile Hawk-Loader-Transporter . , ' 42 Fire Control Cable Preservative 42 little John Rocket •. 42.43 Wheeled Vehicles M38 & M38Al Jeep Steering Knuckle 14 MIS1: Where to Put Fire Extlnguishe~s 16 MI25 Trucks: Spare Tire Lug Nut 38 MI09 Shop Truck: Info on Getting Main Cable 40 Semitrailers: Interchanging Parts " .. 41 Subzero Engine Oil; Keep An Eye On It 57 63 G741 "A·ton Vehicles: Carb Idle Screws . Heavy Equlpment IHC TO-6 Tractor: Glow Plug Operation 58 Huber·Warco Model 40 Grader: Idling 59 Barber-Greene Intrenching Machine . 60 Mode! 4262 Unit Rig Trencher 60·61 Tracked Vehicles Ml Cupola: Cocking SO·cal Machine Gun • 17 63 Scorpion: Where to Hook Track Fixtures Gener,,1 13 New Publications . MWO Kits: Send For Help , •• 15 fire Control Equipment: Keep Nitrogen Charged 16 Wrecker Boom Hooks: Keep 'Em lubed 17 MI Rifle Gas Cylinder lock Screw • 18 Cummins 150KW AC Generator: Thermostat 59 Grease Guns: How to Make 'Em Fit . 62 Towing: Make TaJl & Stop Light Cable 64
,. "
i gun crew, line gang, radar team, or operating any outdoor equipment in this man ' s army, it's bad news. It means sludge in crank and gearcases, dead batteries , Irozen luel lines, ice all over-and all the other winter maintenance headachesare on your back_ There's only one way to ease the Ireeze and stay ahead 01 the winter game. Put the heat on your Preventive Maintenance-do it more careluliy , more thoroughly and more olten than usual.
DEPARTMENTS Connie Rood 14 Joe's Dope ,. • • _• 29 Question and Answer 37 Contributions .• _ ' •.. '. , , 62 Inside Sack Cover Connie ROOd's 8riefs
PSwantsyourldeua!ldcontrillutiooS,llIlIlsatal!tolll.war yOOt ,uHtio/lS. Names altd add~SSH art klpt In tlMlfid."te. Just writ. to;
S .. " 'M,oIIHt W"rh.od$dr OA Form 9_62 A"9 He" Chtd.. Sh ••! . AI'. nt MQto,Clu>J., OA Fo"" 9 _{,3 A~iO tw •• 1". O""c!""lronP,,,,,rouro>
N,k. Af"< [Qu",n9
OAfo,,"9_87 JuINll.. AI",Ch«kSh ... ; O~,al;,. . .3 h4 ~ 5120-278-2421 .'y.. & Y. .. 3 . J\, ~ 5120-277·2307 . ){. & y. . .3% . . .. . . l~(.e ~ 5120-2174593 %2&1!)2.· .... 3Yi . Yo ~ HANDLE. SOCKET WRENCH. SLIDING T·TYPE, % in sq dr; 4Y,·in tg FSN 5120-221·7966 OM HANDLE. SOCKET WRENCH, spin Iype. y'·in sq dr. 5 )(.·m Ig overall. • FSN 5120-242·3256 _ OM SOCKET, SOCKET WRENCH: sq drive, hex ')hape. wrench opng, regular Ig, ~ ·in drive size:
5120-236·2262 . 5120-236-2263 . 5120-236-2264 . 5120-232·3345 . . . .
. ~{. . . 1>, . y.
5120-2355878 5120·242·3351 . 5120-242·3352 . 5120-2355869
PLIERS, SUP JOINT: angle nose, mltple tongue and groove, 5-io nom
m ){. 'J>,
11. ..f Y.
FSN 5120-278-0350 ~ OM CASE. SOCKET WRENCH SET;sheet S, metal divider lengthwise to form two compartments, 1 for socket wrenches, 1 for drive parts and tools, cover hinged on narrow end, w friction snap closing, semi-gloss paint finish, 6~·in Ig overall. 2 It{6·in w overall, 1 ~·in h overall.
FSN 51 20·356·3874 23
_•.:> [~~DMORE>
WRENCH SET socket hd parkenzed S for no 4, 6, 8 10 and Y.; screws wrenches vary In Ig from 1 U6 Ig Ya w hd at fight angles to arm on no 4 size to 3 2~2 In Ig with 2~2 In Ig hd at right angle to arm on
Y.; In SIZe fSN 51204082262 KEY, SOCKET HEAD SCREW, spli n,d, Uyp,hdl, 6 nutes,
fSN SIZE NOM ARM l G 512lJ.293·019L ' , , ,,060 . .. , J{, ' 5120-540-1020 ...... .072 .... I'll, 512lJ.223-6965 . . ..094 .. .. 17.1 512lJ.224-2482 ..110 .... 2 5120·277·1724 .. ,.144 .. . .. 2Y. BAG, TOOl STORAGLSignal Corps No 602107-3
'I Vr'r.· "
"PliERS, RETAINING RING, ext. fl jaws, fixed jaw stop, .015-in ring size, .02Jin
6 screwdrivers w/removable blades, 0.025 to O.lOO·in w lip.
nom dia of lip, size IS. OM
PUNCH, WilER, SOlID' / J),-in lila at top of lapered p~ X.·in .... "'••f stod,
5120-1 80·0705 5120·180-0706 . 5120-180'{)727 51 20-180-0128 5120-180'{)729 5120-180-0130 ,
3~ , ,,,nomtg-'lI.
oM] REAMER, ". marrs taperHAND, typo, WIreP6lrV Hype heII. _ S, slglltstyle
flute, y,.", targe end III•• Y,-insnrailenddia,SY"n
nmn Ie overall. OM
FSN 5110-1864214 SCREWDRIVER, CROSS TIP. OFFSET: lip size =-1 and 2, 4% -in Ig overall. I
FSN 5120-293·3344
etg type
SCREW08IVER,FlAl T1f(l1-459 Uk flared tip, plasl'lC hell, W wrench gp, bolslar, lorge246·24Pi17 JUl411 Aim
(M348Al, M373Al, M373A2C, M393, M394, M433, M433C and M433D) are so much alike they've been using the same TM ... TM 9·2330·228·15 (24 Dec 58) and Change 1 (16 Nov 59). But the M34-BA 1 has its own pubs ... TM 9·2330·246·24P (27 Jul 61) and TM 9·2330·246·14. (28 Jun 61).
The slide rules're Out and Ordnance is workingon something to beef up the battery cover plate on the XMSOIEI and XMSOIE2 Hawk loader-transporter. Meanwhile ... you can help keep the
cover plate from getting cracked by keeping your boots-with you in 'emoff [he thing. . . . . . . . . In other words ... walk around it-e not on it.
--..... .,
SOMETHING NEW There've been some changes madethe kind you missilemen want to know about. The rubber preservative coating that's been recommended for protecting your fire control cables has been exhausted to some new material. The nomenclature is the same: Preservative Coating, Rubber. And the stock numbers shape up so:
BE A WEIGHT WATCHER Here's something that every on-theball Litdejohn crew never forgets. It doesn't let anyone remove the thrust neutralizer from the rocket unless he knows the score. And that means he knows the neutralizer weighs in at 26 pounds. If you don't have a eight hold on it. the rocket in bad shape. Your feet wouldn't exactly feel so and it gets away. the neutralizer can shear the battery and switch assemblies good either if that 26 pounds of dead from the nozzle. And that'd sure leave weight landed on tHem. 42
rules're our and Ordnance is working on something to beef up the battery- cover plate on the XM501El and XMSOIE2 Hawk loader-transporter. Meanwhile ... you can help keep the
cover plate from getting cracked by keeping your boots-with you in 'em-