135 16 141MB
English Pages 78 Year 1961
?@~§'~ @§'tfJ W@fd? @§'&:fj5Jo Q While everybody concerned with Army Equipment takes a precious moment to resolve that this year all needed Organizational Maintenance is done right and on time.
In some outfits you sometimes hear: New equipment on the drawing "Ah-h-h-h-h! When they press the boards-or even on the assembly linesbutton to go, we'll get all new stuff at won't heIp you one bit when the light the port! !" flashes red and the show goes on. AndThat's why Old Half-Mast, Connie "We'll never take this old stuff with Rood and a lot of people around the us ... we'll get all new equipment. So, Army are so hot on keeping what you1ve why keep it maintained?" got in the beSt condition. It takes your steady hand and cagle How wrong can they be? Wars have a curious way of making eye and the gray matter up there on soldiers fight with what they've got. It'll your second deck to do the job right: be the same today, next year or 100 You learn how to operate your equip years from now: You go with what ment right, first of all. Goofed-up operation can do more damage in seconds you've got.
Iss ue No, 97
1961 Series
, Published ~Y ~e Depa~menl of lite Army for the informalion o.for~anlzallanal malfttenance and supply personnel. Dis· trlbutlon IS made .through normal publicalion channels. Wilhin limits of availability, older issues may be oblained direcl from PS MagaZine, Rarilan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey,
In some outfits you sometimes hear: New equipment on the drawing "Ah-h-h-h-h! When they press the boards-or even on the assembly linesbutton to go, we' ll get all new stuff at won't help you one bit when the light the port! !n flashes red and the show goes on. AndThat's why Old Half-Mast, Connie "We'll never take this old stuff with Rodd and a lot of people around the us, .. we'll get all new equipment. So, Army are so hot on keeping what you1ve why keep it maintained?" got in the best condition. How wrong can they be? It takes your steady hand and eagle \Vars have a curious way of making eye and the gray matter up there on soldiers fight with what they've got, It' ll your second deck to do the job right : be the same today, next year or 100 You learn how to operate your equipyears from now: You go with what ment right, first of all. Goofed-up operation can do more damage in seconds you've got.
on some equipment than a platoon of repairmen can fix in days. You learn how to keep your piece of equipment adjusted,lubed and clean. The technical manual for your equipment is your guide. Get real friendly with it. And, if you don't have a TM, get your sergeant to get you one, Learn now. , . keep your Preventive Maintenance know-how up to snuff. And your Preventive Maintenance onthe-ball. It's your beSt insurance for when you go with what you've gOt.
Special Featur" Ml ·M14 Rifle Rack ..... . ............. 2·5 250,OOO·BTU Heaters: Be Your Own Inspector 11,19 Better Forms ' Better Maintenance . 53·59 Communications Equipment Soldering Scoop . 20 BM · I & BM·6Screens 21 MS-306A Wi re Dispenser 21 Dust After Shutting Down 24 PU·294/ G & PU.378/ G 25 AN / GRC-46 26 H·90/ U Handset 25 Aircraft Choctaw (H ·34) . . ...... . ... 45 New Pubs Numberin g System . . .. 46·47 DA Forms 17 & 12·5 . 48·52 Missile BB-406/ U & BB·407 / U Batteries . 24 Nike-He rc Launchers 40 Wheeled Vehicles Nike Road Trailer .. 6 Pneumatic Tires. .• 7,64 Hot&Cold Hubs . .. 8 M125 10·ton Truck 8 G742 2 lj2·ton Trucks ....... . . ... . . 9 Moving Oversize & Overwei ght Vehicles .. 38 M62 Wrecker .. . . 39 G741 3/. ·ton Trucks 61 General Radio Stops Before Vehicle Starts . .. 9 New Publications 10 Water Distributors . .•. 28 Cable Clamps __. _...... . . .. . ... . .. 39 M59APC & M84 SP Mortar 40 Welder's Helmet lens . 41 M4 Service Unit . . _. _. . . . . .. . . .. 43 M7Al·6 Flame Thrower ... .. 42,43 M2Al·7 Portable Flame Thrower . 44 Ml4 Protective Mask ..... 44 Training Mechanics . .. . .. 62·63 Make An Adjustable Nozzle 61 ~~
Connie Rood Joe' s Dope _ . . . . . Question and Answer Contributions. . . .... Connie Rodd ' s Briefs .. . _. _...
6 29 37 61 Inside Back Cover
PSwanl$ your ideas and cantMutians, 11111 is 11111 tDanswer YOUf questiDni. Names and addresses are kept incanlillence. Just write 10:
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M~' N... 1'-'"
PISTRIBUTlON: 1.,cclrdaftuwitlirtquirllllllllssublllittlduOAhrtl12..4.
Issue No. 97 1961 Serie"s Published by tile Department of tile Army fDrtlle informatiDn ofor.ganizational maintenance and supply personnel..Dis. trlbution !s made through normal publica!ion channels. Within limits of availability, older issues may be obtained direct from PS Magazine, Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN TH S ISSUE Page Special Features M1 ·M 14 Rifle Rack .. . ... . ........ . ..... 2·5 250,OOO·BTU Healers: Be Your Own Inspector 11-19 53·59 Better Forms' Better Maintenance Communications Equipment Soldering Scoop 20 BM·1 & BM·G Screens 21 MS·30GA Wire Dispenser 21 Oust After Shutting DQwn 24 25 PU·294/ G & PU-378/ G AN/GRC·46 26 H·90/ U Handset 25 Aircraft 45 Choctaw (H·34) . . . ... . ..... New Pubs Numberi ng System .... 46,47 DA Forms 17 & 12·5 . .48·52 Missile 88·406/ U & BB·407/U Batteries 24 Nike - Here Launchers ... 40 Wheeled Vehicles Nike Road Trailer . .. 6 7,64 Pneumatic Tires Hol&Co)d Hubs. . 8 M 1251O·ton Truck . 8 G742 2Yz·ton Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Moving Oversize & Overwei ght Vehicles . . . . .. 38 M62 Wrecker . . ... . . . 39 G741 Jk ton Trucks 61 General Radio Stops 8efore VehiCle Starts New Publications . 10 Water Distributors 28 Cable Clamps . . . . 3. M59APC & M84 SP Mortar ...... 40 Welder"s Helmet Lens 41 M4 Service Unit ..... . . . ..... .. 43 M7Al·6 Flame Thrower ... . . . . 42,43 M2Al·7 Portable Flame Thrower 44 M14 Protective Mask . .. 44 Train i ng Mechanics .. . .. . . . . 62·63 Make An Adjustable Nozzle . .. . 61
on some equipment than a platoon of repairmen can fix in days. You learn how to keep your piece of equipment adjusted, lubed and clean. The technical manual for your equipment is your guide. Get real friendly with it. And, if you don't have a TM, get your sergeant to get you one. Learn now ... keep your Preventive Maintenance know-how up to snuff. And your Preventive Maintenance onthe-ball. It's your best insurance for when you go with what you've got.
Connie Rood 6 29 Joe's Dope . .. _. . . Question and Answer 37 C6ntributions . ........ 61 Connie Rood's Briefs . .. . . ...... Inside Back Cover
PSwanu your ideas and cantrHIlltians, am' is Ilad to answer your questions. Nlmesand addresus are kept incanfidenu. Just wrile to:
In accordance with
sublllitt,d en DA Fir. 12-4.
Here you be. A real deal for you guys who have to keep both Ml and M14 rifles mixed together in an Ml or M3 arms rack. Or keep just the M14 in the racks. Sure ... the racks'll hold either rifle without changing a thing. Trouble is ... a guy with a hankering for his own personal arsenal, plus a little know-how, can make off w ith any M14's that're in the racks. And things get a mite hairy around the company area when a weapon disappears. The deal is to have the racks fixed so's they can hold either the Ml or M14 , or a mixed batch. And it can be done-with the help of your support unit. All you have to do is pass along the scoop that you're going to read next.
Once you're reody to re-do the locking bars, lake them off the orms rock ond then remove the four rivets and leather pad from each bar. That's to stop scorching from torching as you'll see laler on.
Here you be. A real deal for you guys who have to keep both MI and Ml 4 rifles mixed together in an Ml or M3 arms rack. Or keep juSt the M14 in the racks . Sure ... the racks'll hold either rifle without changing a thing. Trouble is ... a guy with a hankering for his own personal arsenal, plus a little know-how, can make off with any M14's that're in the racks. And things get a mite hairy around the company area when a weapon disappears . The deal is to have the racks fixed so's they can hold either the Ml or M14, or a mixed batch. And it can be done-with the help of your support unit. All you have to do is~s along~ scoop th~!ou're ~~g to read next.
Now you toke the four short pieces of bar stock and get ready for some experimenting. While you (on probably get away with having each piece 21/2 inches long, it wouldn't hurt to make 'em 2s/s inches long. The arms rocks don't get made to dose tolerances, so by making the four pieces 2% inches long, you have something to ploy with. You (on always saw off any extra.
OK ..• file all around each piece to gel rid of any rough edges. And since you're ready to use the 29-in piece, now'd be a good time to touch that up with a file. Then comes the time to start assemblying the modified locking bar 50'S you can set up things for welding. Get yourself some (-clamps and clomp the short pieces to the locking bar. Here are the approximate dimensions you want before you tighten down the clamps.
Once you're ready to re-do the locking bars, toke them off the arms rock and then remove the four rivets and leather pad from each bar. That's to stop scorching from torching as you'll see later on.
Now you toke the four short pieces of bar stock and get ready for some experimenting. While you can probably get away with having each piece 2112 inches long, it wouldn't hurt to make 'em 2% inches long. The arms racks don't gel made to dose tolerances,so by making the four pieces 2% inches long, you have something to play with. You can always sow off any extra.
OK ... file all around each piece 10 gel rid of any rough edges. And since you're ready to use the 29·in piece, now'd be a good time to touch that up with a file. Then comes the time to start assemblying the modified locking bar so'S you can sel up things for welding. Get yourself some (-damps and damp the short pieces to the locking bar. Here are the approximate dimensions you want before you tighten down the damps.
Now slip some 1ft_in thick pieces of metal or wood in the bottom of the arms rack-where the rifle butts sit. One day, the M14 is gonna have a hinged butt plate that'll add VB inch to in length. And the shim'lI help take care of the future.
Next ... with a rack of M14's or Mrs mixed, put the locking bar in the rack. Put the bar in the right-hand slot first, then move it over so part of it slips into the left-hand slot. By pUHing the bar in the left-hand slot first, you'll find that one or more of the short pieces-they can be called support brackets-will hit the M14 sight.
OK ... so you stick the bar in the right-hand slot and you find one of the support brackets hits an M14 sight. No sweat. Loosen the damps that hold the brackets and move them a little bit-to the right or lelt-whatever you need. Then put the long piece of bar stock on the top of the support bracken to see how it fin befween
. '..
the bottom of the M1 sights and the top of the M14 sights. This is where you find out if you have
~~-~ Moving the brackets up is no sweat. To come down means you probably have to saw off a piece of the brocket. You may even have to move the long piece of bar stock away from, or toward, the rock. But the brockets ought to come pretty dose to hitting the center of the long piece of bor stock os the sideview shows.
When you hove everything lined up, you're readY weld. It'll take a couple minutes extra for e~ locking har, but it's worth running a scribe mo
wherever the support brackets meet the bar sl !IJ\d thelodotho< •. lonn.
I. M chonK" In ,h. dot . . . fI.li.h ...". 1M .. hlch,M
Breaking it down further, the partkular form Army aviation people are concerned about is the DA Form 12-5 pare of the series. This -5 is used to estimate the total number of publications
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