142 72 67MB
English Pages 78 Year 1961
Sha rpen 'em up and opply-ligh tning-like-to the UER IDA Form 468-Unsotisfactory Equipment Reportl ond you can forget about knu ckle-bustin ', back-breaking, heart-sobbing work with your handy wrench, screwdriver, pliers, welder, nuts and bolts ... no patching up needed. The tech service designers and equipment thinkers and schemers will thank you ki ndly when you shoot 'em the word on what 's happening to their brain·children-
I ssul He . '82
' " I SHilS
,.111111111111, ttli DlJlrttant If ttli AnI, fir till "lfl'" til' .r Irpnilltllllal.alllllUllCl" """,.,.1111111. Distribution is made throueh normal publication etlann!!s. Within limits of availabllitY, older Issues maybl obtained dl· ret\lrom PS M'aazIAe, Rarit.n Afsenal, Metuchen, New Jl rsey.
you r Army equ ipm ent. The wo rd you send e m wi ll get modi fica tions ma de, equi pment redesigned, or-i f it's slo ppy ma nufa cture-get th e mak er b a ck o n t he straight-a nd -na rrow. You speak stra ig ht at the design boys. Your UER goes direct to the tech nical services- no cha nne ls for the UER you
send in per AR 700-38. See it for al l the right addresses. On Army a ircraft you
use DD Form 1275 like AR 700-41 says. Electronic equipmen t has speci a l word in AR 700-39, and you ge t the word on
guided missiles in AR 700-37.
Sharpen 'em up and apply-ligh tning-like-to the UER IDA Form 468-Unsatisfactory Equipment Report) ond you can forget about knuckle-bustin ', back-breaking, heort-sobbing work with your handy wrench, screwdriver, pliers, welder, nuts and bolts. . no pa tchi ng up needed. The tech service designers and equipmen t thinkers and schemers will thank you kindly when you shoot 'em the word on what's happening to thei r broin -children-
(Some major commands require tha t a copy of you r UER be forwa rded up the li ne fo r informa tio n, but tha t ha s no effect on the one you drop in the U. S. mailbox to the tech service. It goes direct.! So, pu ll out your trusty ballpoi nt a nd wri te-u nder butter or GAA if necessary. Get tha t UER in on your equipment that's nol 1~O-per. * ° If YOII". ~or 0 pllbl,co l ,on w,lh 0 b/oope"nll,.end,nDAForrn102S
Alrcnoft Communications Equipment AB 216/ U Towers AB 15/ GR MISt BlSe BA·13 18 / U Batteries Rl · 39Reel MIs5l1es MWO's & Schematics Honest John Corporal Erector
52· 53
4. 47
. 48·49
44 44 45 45
Ml Flrlnl Mechlnlsm .. M42 lnstrument Ll,h t Scorpion (M56) 90MM Gun Wheeled Vehleles M49 & M49C 12OO·,al GlSolm. Tlnkl r Elect ric Receptacles M21 4 Army Mull l OO'lmp Cha"inl S~tem Ml5A2 Trliler . M34 & M35 2lh·ton Trtlclu TriCked Vehle!" Scorpion (M56) M48A2 Tl nk CD 500 & CO 850 Transmissions M48C & M48A2C Tlnks Gel'lnol Diesel EnalnH v Bell$: SIIIlletons or Setsl New Pubhcallons Sperk Pluas: Cold .. s Hot Protecllve Mi lk CNB M,xture Use DA f orm 460 for OA Form 5·34 . Qu!ckwa)' Model M200 CrlneShovel . PnlUmatic Tool, NC-I 0Crlnl
20 38 .. 12-13 · 16·11 .. 2 1
38 39 41
6-" 20 40
28 37 42 43 56 56
D[PUTllOm Connie Rodd . 18 Joe', Dope ....... 29 Question and Answer 31 Connl. Rodd 's 8 nefs Inside BK k Cover ,S . llIts pMr IIIIU 11111 ,utrlilltill., 1114 11 &1M IllIIawlr
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'.~lidld br til, Dep. rllII..1 01 til, AnDr ,., til, hll,,... lioD ., .tpllizalionll ",M.t. . ., ... III, ,,,
Distribution is made thrDIJih oormal publication channels. Within limits of av.llability, old~f isSlles may bt obl.ined dl· recl 110m PS MaeaziRe, Raritan ArUBaI, Metuchen, New Jersey.
IN THIS ISSUE uncus Alrcr.ft . 52·53 Communication, Equipment AS 216/ U Towers . 47 AB·15/ GR Mu t Base . ...... 4,7 BA·1318 f U Batteries ... 4849 Rl· 39Reel MlnJln 44 MWO's & Schema tics . 44·45 Honest John 45 Corporal Erector Arm.ment MI Firing Mechanllm 20 M42 1nlitfllment LIght 38 Scorpion (M56) 90MM Gun Wheeled Vehiclel M49 & M49C 1200·gal Gllsoline Tanker . . 12·13 Electric Receptacles ... 16-17 M274 Army Mule . 21 lOO·amp Cha(ginS System 38 MI 5A2 Tr,iler . 39 M34 & M35 21,1a ·ton Truc ks 41 Tri cked Yehlel.. . .. 6- 11 Scorpion (M56) .. 20 .. M48A2 T,nk 24·27 CD·500 & CO·850 Transmissions . 40 M48C & M48A.2C Tallkl Ge ne,..1 ... 2·5 . Diesel Engines 22·23 V Belts; SI1I8Jetolli or Sets? 28 New Public.tlolll 37 Spark PluSI: Cold V$ Hot .. 42 Protective Mask . 4l e N9 MIKl ure Use 0" f orm 460 for DA f OflTl 5-34 . 56 Qulckw,), Model M200 C""eShovel . .... .... 58·6 1 PneumatIc Tool. 63 NCIOCrane
your Army equipme nt. The word you se nd em will get modifications mode, equipment redesig ned, or-if ir s sloppy manufacture-get the maker back on the straight-and-narrow. You spea k straig ht at the desig n boys. Your UE R goes direct to the techni ca l services- no channels for the UE R you send in per AR 700-38. See it for att the righ t addresses. On Army aircraft you use DD Form 1275 like AR 700·4 1 soys. Electronic equipmen t has special word in AR 700-39, and you get the word on guided missi les in AR 700-37. (Some major commands require that a copy of you r UER be forwarded up the line for information, but that has no effect on the one you drop in the U. S. mai lbox to the tech service. It goes direct.) So, pul l out you r trusty ba ll point and write-under bu lter or GAA if necessary. Get that UER in on you r equipment thars not 1OO.per. * ' If you". gOI 0 publicot,on .... ,th 0 bIoope, In 'I, $end .n DA fo,," 1028
DEI'UTMENrs Co,,"le Rodd Joe's Dope QuestIon 'lid Allswer Connie Rodd'i Briefs
18 . . . . . . . . .. 29 37 Inllde BK k Cover
'$ W."ts p. r 1~lJlall' CllltriktitlS, aM Is "" II IIIIWIf YOlr lI.uUon. Ham.. ", "'tlu.. aI" h,. III eonfMlnu. Jilt wtTI. 101
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Ie's the story of the eleph ant keeping dirt and water out of diesel fu el. Old Jum bo' ll go stark, raving mad if a mouse sneaks up his trunk. And the diesel' U go to pieces- but for rea l!-if the ciniest amounts of g rit and moisture sneak into its fuel system. Here's why: The diesel's fu el injection system is as sensiti ve as the innards of some supe r miss iles. Ies fu el pump and fuel inj ection va lve or nozzle have p a rts th a t'r e ma chin ed so fin e yo u wou ldn't be lieve it. \', c...1 KUfl ond Roo. Mod 1old, 1 LO ' ,4n0- 2 14_12 Ja .. ,....., Ceotl
, . , ... 5200201 ' ' ' ' Ja .. Heo, ••. $pt>< • • ...... Iet UH-stj·SC·I. l,IH·S8-SC· I.A.
, ........ 10.10).201' o.c Wol •• ~u" · t;~ .... U.II' 1.. < Mod 3000-2100 , . 2-SlIO-200-1S OK W.... ch. I...· pod , ..... Tho, No . 110 Mod 7VO. , . $-60115-21.1.10 Doc Go .... otor,
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W a rc f'" , water, w ater. J usc a b out everywhere. Especially everywhere around-and in-the hollow piping used in the tower sections (AH.207/V a nd AB·20S/V) of [hose AB·2t6/U lOwers .
,: fI
!U % 'A"\Io' \ I f" " ': ';,( '! ; _ I '.
N acurally, those rowers are exposed 101 per ceor to all kinds of weather everywhere . NO[ only that, but moiscure formation, rusting, condensa tion, freezing and a few other watcry tricks ace going on right now in sid e the horizonta l and vertical piping of the tower sections. \X1hich is especially dangero us in co ld wea ther. Because once that wa ter freezes in chere, it ' ll bulge, dis[Or[ a nd soon bus t the piping . W hi ch will bring the whole works dow n to grou nd level. But a sim ple pa ir ~f PM checks ca n send the w hole problem dow:l the d rain. First-to keep the weather from getti ng inside the piping in the first placeput a cap on each of che four legs of [he top tower section. And JUSt about anything will se rve as a cap. Maybe JU St a small piece of p lastic stretched across the top and ht ld in pl ace by ligh t wi re or eve n string.
As for any wa ter th at may already be inside the seceions -there are drain ho les in rhe ho ri zo nta l a nd venica l [Owe r members desig ned to let the wa ter run ou t.
But no hole can ca rry out its mission if it's plugged up. \Xl hich mea ns a sharp towe r man wi ll g rab the No.6 coppe r wire cha t comes with the tower (or any thing narrOw and sha rp) and clea n those dra in ho les Out. T hese rwo PM checks will go a long, long way towa rd keeping wa cer in its place ... which is o Ulsid e the tOwer sections. 46
Paine it ro prese rve it. Sound policy, of course, for metal and th at paine forms will dry out rubber and destroys fl exibility. wood su rfaces. So if a vehicle with a radio mounted But th e worst in the world when it comes to rublx:r. Especially the rubber in it gcts the call for a paine job-a lways take a few minu tes ro do one or twO section of your AB.l5 /GR maS t base as· things. Either COver the rubber pact of sembly-and other mast bases, too. For one th ing, the oil in paint juSt (he base (plus the ceramic insul ator) doesn't mix with rubber. Eats it away. with tape, or JUSt disconnect the base Not on ly that, but the air. tig ht coating and unbolt th e whole mounting bracket.
"Sam, you made th e jacket tOO big!" Or somet hing like that. Anyway, rhe cardboard jackets that some BA.I.3 IS /U batteries are dressed in are a bit tOO big. Strictly speak ing, the cardboard is a shade thicker than it should be-which makes for tOO tight a fit comes time to slip th e bancry infO thc battery compartment of its 1M-lOS/PO Or 1M· I08A/ PO Radiacmete r. If yo u come ac rOSS a BA· 13 IS that is tOO tight a fit, don't force the issue. JUSt turn 'er in for one that does fit right. 47
When the spoo l Starts going 'round and 'round-loo k out! and hurt 'Cause there're twO sharp edges on the fl ange that are natura ls to hurt, bad, if they catch a wireman on the hand or arm or anywhere. Spool What spool? \Vhat fl ange and what sharp edges, where? It's the DR·8A when she's harnessed to a ree l bracket to become an RL-39 Ree l. access And the sharp edges are found where the fl ange is cut through to allow '0 'he U·17/GT Jack (a ll part of 'he Connec,ing and Swi