Oxford Advanced English Dictionary (7th Edition) [7 ed.] 7100054982, 9787100054980

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Oxford Advanced English Dictionary (7th Edition) [7 ed.]
 7100054982, 9787100054980

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@The world's best-selling learners dictionary






Abbreviations used in the dictionary AuitralE

abppr, abbreviation adj,、adjective adv,adverb C



countable notun


cO11/, conjunction det, determiner 1 noun pl,Pplural PP


Prep., Prom.。 Pt 5 Sin1g, 5th 5SyY111b。 U

North American English


SEAsianE US WAfrE WelshE


Irish English English ffom Northern England

Pronoun pasttense somebody Singular something Symbol uncountable noun





British English Canadian English EastAfrican English




Australian English

NewzZzealand English

South African English “Scottish English South-EastAsian English English from the United States WestAfrican English WelshEnglish

他 Toseehowtheabbreviationsare used to show how different types of nouns are used, look atthe Study pages R42-3.

Symbols used in the dictionary idiom(s) section of an entry

replaces the headword of an entry Shows new part of speech in an entry


derivative(s) section of an entry 雇 headword (affecb, shows where a Word can be broken

Shows an Opposite

DR 9


phrasal verb(s) section of an entry Shows a Synonym

Shows a word from the Oxford 3000

(see page R99)

Labels used In the dictionary Thefollowinglabels areused with words that eXpressaparticular attitude or are apPropriate iapatrticular Situation, approving expressions showthatyoufeel approval oradmiration, for example jeisty, petite. disapproving expressions showthatyou feel disapproval or contempt, for example blinKered, mewjargled.

figurative languageisusedin anoli-literal or Imetaphorical way, as in He didmntwamntto cast

ashadowom (= spoil) their happiness。

formal expressions are usually onlyused iD Serious or official language and would notbe apPpriropriate in normal everyday convVersation. Examples are adqTmomish, pesTmirch.

humorous expressions are intendedtobe funny, forexample amKle-Diter, IUrgy. informal expressions are usedbetween friends orinarelaxed ortunofficial situation. They are not appropriate for formal situations. Examples are pomKkers, daodgy. ironic languagetuses words to mean the opposite ofthemeaningthatthey seem tohave, as in Zureagreatnelp,TTmustsay!(= nohelp at all), literary languageisusedmainlyin literature andimaginative writing, for example aflarmme, Palcyom.

offensive expressions are usedbysome people to address orreferto peoplein awaythatis very insulting, especially in connection with their race, religion, sex or disabilities, for example hal 广caste, SIut. You should notusethese words.

slang is veryinformal language, Sometimes restricted to aparticular group of People, forexample people ofthe same age orthose Whohavethe same interests or dothe same job: Examples are dimngbat, dosh.

taboo expressions arelikelytobe thought bymanypeople to be obscene or Shocking. Youshould notusethem. Examples are Dloody;, SPRit. technical languageisusedbypeople who Specializein particular subject areas, for exXample accretiomn, adipose.

The following labels show other restrictions onthe use of words.

dialect describes expressions that are mainly usedin particularregions ofthe British Isles, not including Ireland, Scotland or Wales, forexample Deck, nowt.

old-fashioned expressions arepassing outof cuUITenttuse, forexample balderdasR, beamfeast.

old use describes expressions that are no longer in currenttse, for example ere, perchamce. saying describes awell-known fixed ortraditional Phrase, such as aproverb,thatistsedtomakea comment, give advice, etc., for example actioms SDeak louder t 切an Wworas. TY” showsatrademark ofamantufacturing company, for example Bamd-Aid, Frisbee.


Key to verb patterns Intransitive verbs

Verbs used with clauses or phrases


[vthatl [v (that)]

Verb used alone Alargedogappeared.

Verb 十 that clause Hesaid 动aotpe wouldywalK.

[v+aodv/prep] Verb + adverb or Prepositional phrase AgTroup ofswans j1oated by.

[vVN that|j [VN (that)] Verb

Transitive verbs [VN]

Verb 二 noun phrase

Verb 二 noun phrase + adverb or prepositional phrase Fe [cked 芒e pa11 ipto 切 emet

[VN wh-]


[VN inf]



[VN-ADJ] verb + noun phrase + adjective She consijdered hersejF /ucky.


[v -ing]

Verb + -ingphrase SheTteyerstops talkimng.

[VN -ing|

Verb + noun phrase + -ingphrase 五Lsco7m7ments set /me thipjing.

Verbs + direct speech [vspeech]

Verb 二 nounphrase + noun phrase

They elected jirm presidert

verb + noun phrase+ infinitive Without 'to” Didyou hear tihpe phome ring?

Verb + noun phrase Elenia bpecamme dg doctor

Verb + noun phraseto infinitive TJorced jirm to gowith me.

verb + adjective TiSyoice SOU1mdfs jhoa1se.

verb + to infinitive TWantto /eavemoW


Linking verbs

Verb + noun phrase 二 wh- clause TGSsKed hirm where 切 ehallwas.


verb +nounphrase + noun phrase

Verb + wh- clause TWOomder wjpatthejopwibe like.

Transitive verbs with two objects TSgOVe SUe tihe pook[.

十 that clause

SOTe miIK2

[v wh-]

Jills pephayiour gmmnoyed /me.


十 noun phrase

Ca youre1mind /me thaotTmeedto buy

verb + direct speech TtSSnowineg She sqjd.

[VN speech]j

verb + noun phrase + directspeech “Toms commingtoo, sphe told jirm.

他 Fora more detailed explanation of these codesand the codes used with phrasal verbs, look at pagesR36 一 41.


and muscle;i (of ieat) containing no fat。 久 not productive; of poor quality,3aSs GC /ec HzVeSsf ;72ea71 ?edXS (ie. yeaTS during Which mot Imuch is ptodtced), 一 7 回 meat Without fat. ieaam-neSsSs [liznnis] ?2. 21e 有 下 [lizn] 妇 . 和 上 (Dret, 人 pp. leaned fli:nd] or leant [lent]) 个 (了 21,23) slope or incline; be out of the perpendictlat,






the the


The Leaning

the el- Tower of Fisa

10W0azds atalisj2P

0O1e&'S elpoz0s 0 妨e 12e。 一1 3 Slope,, as C toWey 201t caszi81t Jea71。 eam-img [ini] 2. @ a tendency or liking,as 如 jcye C 1eayzz1S 如20C71GQS DCcz15s11a。

[lent] pret. 亿 D.Dp. of 1ea7-

[lizntd:] ma

shelter (usu- small) that Slopes only ,iD which rests against other building (or a



that has a roof one way and the wall of anwall of rock);

(used attrib.) C ea7jN-i0O 7Yoof [sjpelte7].

aeap [li:pl w. 芭 二 (pret, 芭 D.:PD. leapt [leptl or leaped Ui:pt) 四 (卫 21,23,, 24) jump. 五e 1eczpl .01 js ee127 1011 CC RN1Fe 1 715 jaCNG. 也008 pejfozxe 70U ec 办 五e Jecbl dt 1e obpjpoxztzixtty (fg.,i.e- seized 让 eagerly), 人 (PP JH) jump or spring Over,as 如 /ecdbh C 2WZ11; catuse to jurap over, as 如 1ecb C Hnoxzse 01e7y 2 jedege. 一 1 a jump or spring; a sudden forward or UpwWard. Inove-

Apage fromATearner S


















bent backs.


(了 18) cause to rest against; Put into a leaning position,a3aS 如 /ec7X CQC_ VCdder CS8a&i7S8 C 2W0C117 10 1ec1N


by leaps and bounds,

leap year,


oz szizbpzbpzt 国 (P 24) tendto or be inclined to。Do Cl ozie1NtCI 力1z10s0-





learned fleznd] or learnt [lsxnt]) (屋 和 .2530 15 2 了 sai7as knowledge; becorme familiar with by studying,by being taught,Pby

bows). Zea7 070 MY Cz71I. 谷 (了 23, 24) bend the body,as 如 /ea1 oz10C7ZG [bcc8; 1 Jec1 DIE8 C expCe; to /ea ok Oj Z 1W0i71000 @ (24) {fg.) fely or depend,,as 如 /ecCH 07 C jziezd's CdViCe 如 1eaN 01 01PPe7s

z1ies /ea


learam [la:n] 尖 & 1 (pret. 各 p.p.

0 1Cp1e; 加

ZoWs (ie. bend Upper Part of


of 1ec加 .

to get Support, as 10

Upo712 071e'S5


attempt to do somethingy the result -of which must ,be very doubtful.

Jeapt [lept] pret. & D.D,,

rest on OF against Something in order

Zec1N 0


M. ayear in which FebTUary has '29 days.

aS 8171e 工eaHN1NB Tozmezr oF Piscy 好 ees ijat Jec7 00E7 1717 态 E Wi 四 (了 23,, 24)







刺om , 7018





Dee1N JeC7H1NE 瑟 12801S2 厅e 1S 1eC711728 10 S1011I2、 了 OU SPOUIG 1ea7z1N (有 OWO) 10 yiCe C Pozse., 五as je 1ea7H jiS 1esso1s2 了 20as 3S07117 1 1eCzN 太e SCC 1elWS D 丰 jzs deda 扩 [1o 1ecz7 芒Ct je dzed], 环e jaye MO ye 1eC7zNeG (ie. been informed) je态er je G7ZI1VEG SC e17: SO711E DO7S 1eC1NIN SO01017。

了 earmn-er


12. one

Who, 1s

learning; a beginnerjlearn-egl [lg:nid] zcxt ccd7. 证 vv or showing much knowledge ;schol-

arly,.aSs C 1ea77Ned MLN

[oo 有 ;加

100A 1eC7ed、 了 已区 下 理-他 人 -下 ,CGO. 、 Jeama-img [lni 训] 2.

回 Knowledge

gained by study,as C 72C7 0 矿 ES7eci ZeZ7NZNBE-

jeamrant [lsInt] pret. 广 D.D. of 7eC7z1。 lease [lizs] 2.@ a contract of agreement by which one person (the 1esso7z) agrees to allow another (the 1esseej to use land or a building for a certain petiod of ftitme,Usu。 ip return for a moriey payIment (called yezj)y the Tights given under such a contract, as z10 如 Be C 1ozxse [Jazz1z, et.] 0o1 CQ 1eCse 0O丰 SeVE7jCLI 7yEC7SY 1 ipe C edse OF a 1iece oOoF Ja ; 如 zkll OU1 1CNd 0 1eCSse.、 了 丽1ez does

妨 e /ease exXjhize (i.e: how long does it last)9 Je jold 妨 e 1cCNpha 27 [oz] 1eZse. a mew lease of jlife,a new chance of living or of being active,

due to Tecoyery of health, the Temoval of anxiety,etc. 一 注(了 了) give or take possession of (land,a

ctionary ofCurrent English, @ Oxford University resS T948

牛津 融 英语 阶 词典 Oxford Advanced


Dictionary 第 七 " 版 类语版 ASHornby

Chief Editor

ally Wehmeier


“Colin Mclntosh Joanna Turnbull

Phonetics Editor


Michael Ashby



Originally published by Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street Oxford

@ Oxford University Press 1948, 1963, 1974, 1989, 1995, 2000, 2005 This reprint of Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (Seventh Edition), originally published in English in 2007, is published by arrangement with Oxford University Press for distribution in the Chinese Mainland only and not for export elsewhere (including China's Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan ).

Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press

原版 由 牛津 大学出版社出 版 @ 牛津 大学 出 版 社 出版1948, 1963, 1974, 1989, 1995, 2000, 2005 本影印 版《牛津 高 英语 阶 词典》(第 七 版)的英文原版 出 版于2005 年,本 版 牛津 由 大学 出 版社 授权 出 版,仅 在 中 国 大 陆 发 行,不 得 出 到 口 其 他 地区 (包括中 国 香港 、澳 门和 台湾)。 Oxford 是 牛津大学 出 版 社 商标 的 The Commercial Press has made some changes to the original work iniorder to make this edition more appropriate for Chinese readers.

高 务 书馆 印 对 原 书 进行了个 别 修改 ,使 其 更 符合中国读者 的需要 。 ISBN 978-7-100-05498-0

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Je woV1G LiKe 如 如ai 加e Jo1iowipng Jor 加 eir perraissio1l 10 reproduce ppotograpps: Corbis R16 (apartment building, row house), R22 (basketball); Corel R2-3, R8-9, R16, R22-4; Getty Images, R7

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Tustratiozns: Julian Baker, Lorna Barnard, Jeremy Bays, Dave Burroughs, Marta Cone, Martin Cox, Mark Dunn, David Eaton, Gay Galsworthy, Elizabeth Gaus, Matthew Hansen, Hardlines, Karen Hiscock, Margaret Jones, Richard Lewington, Phil Longford, Martin Lonsdale, Mike Malkovas, Oxford Designers and Ilustrators, Martin Shovel, Graham White, Susan Van Winkle, Michael Woods

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出 版: 商务 书馆 印 北京 王府 井大街 36 号 (邮政 编 码100710) 牛津大学 出 版社 〈中 国) 有 限公 司 香港鲍鱼 涌 英 皇 道 979 号太古 坊和 域大厦东 避 18 楼 印刷 :中国 中国内 地 总 发 行:商务 书馆 印 中 国 香港 、澳 门、台 湾 地 区 以 世界 及 其各 他 地 总 发 行:牛津大学 出 版 社中 ) 国 有 限公司

序 我

与《牛津 高阶英语 词典

》(The Advanced Learner's Dictionary) 结缘 于 20 世纪 70 年代

初。 当 时 , 刚刚 进入 外国语 学 院 语系 英 读书 的 我 收到了 一 份 来自我 父亲的珍贵 礼物一 一《 牛 津 高 阶 英 语词典》。 我 的父亲 毕业 于40 年代 初西南 大 联 的 外 文系,作为 驻 外 使节 的 他 当然 清楚 国内 一 个 英语专业

的生 学 最需要 哪 本工具 书。 那 , 时 《牛津 高阶英语 词典 》 还 没有 牛津 大 学 出

版 社和 国内 出 版 社 作出 合 版 双语 的 版。虽 然, 词典中 的英文解释 对 一 个 大 学 一 年 级 的 生来 学 说 还有 不 少困 难,,但是,, 那 是 一 书籍 个 极其 荐 乏 的 年 , 代 更 用 不 说 进口 是 的原版 书了, 那本 牛津 词典 着 实 招来了 同学 中不少羡慕 的眼光。 80 年代 初 我 去美国读书 时, 为了 买 到一 套 《牛津 英语大 词典 》(The Oxford English Dictionary, 略称 为OED) 的 缩 本 印 (将正常 6 的 个 页 面 印 到一 张 纸上) , 我 加入了 美国 的“每 月 一 读书 书 俱乐部 ”(Book of the Month Club) 。 后 来,按 规定 其 在 那里购买 四 的 本 书 都 是可有 可 无 的, 只有 这 套 两 卷本 的 缩 本 印 是 我 的 至 。宝 我 常对 我 的 生 学 讲,OED 是 英语 专业一一特别 是英美文学专业 一 一 生 学 必 须 学 会 使用 的 一 本工具 书 ;如 果 说 个人 拥有 这 样 一 套 词 典 “和 太 奢 修” 的 话, 那 么, 每 大 个 学 英文 的 资料 系 室 却 必须 备有 这 套工具 , 书 以 便 教 师和 学 生 随 时 查阅。 然而 ,对于 广大 国内 的 英语 习 学者 来, 说 更 熟悉、 更实用 的 则 是 《牛津 高阶英语 词典 》 因 为这 本 英语 习 学 词典 是 以 非 母 语 习 学 者 为 对 象,在编写过 程中充分 考虑了 读者 将 英语作为 第二 语言 学 时 习 的困难 和 需要 , 以 更加详尽 的解释 、 真 实 的 例句和 典型 的用 法,使 习 学 者全 面认识 英语 的 规律和 变化 , 以 便 最 终 达 到 运用 自如 的 目的。 《牛津 高阶英语词 典》 的 第 一 版诞生 于 1948 , 年 当时 的英文 书名 是The AdvancedLearners“ Dictionary of Current English, 在

第 五 版于 1995 年

出 版, 时 书

名 中 的“of Current English” 这 三

个 词就被删了 去 。 截止 第 七 版于2005 年 英国 在 推出 ,《 时 和牛津 高阶英语词典》已 印刷了291 次 , 累积 发 行 量 已 超过了 3000 万 册 。

第 七 版《牛津 高阶英语 词典 》 共 收入了 18.3 万 个 词 、条 短 语和释义 ,远 远 于 高 一 般 的 学习 词 幅。 与 第六 版相 比, 第 七 版 新 了 增 2000 多 个 新 词 。其 中 不 少 新 词 都 计算 与 机、 网 络和信息

技术 有 关, 如: computerate (熟悉 电脑 操作 ) ,menu bar (菜单 栏) ,message board (留言板), Multimedia Messaging Service (多 媒体 信息 服务 computational linguistics (计算 机语言 )学 等。


(博客) ,active list (联系 人 名


有 的 新 词 与 最 新 的商业 运作有 联系 ,如 : offshoring (离 岸外包业 务) ,baitrand-switch ( 诱 售法)。 还有 一 反映 些 了 文艺 界、 出 版界的新说 法,如: backlot (外 景 场地) ,backlist (存


录 )。 该 词典对 absurdism 一 提 词 供 英文 的 解释

: 是 the belief that humans exist in a world with no

purpose or order. 这 一释义 与 荒诞 派 戏 剧 的 领军人 物 、 法 国 作家 剧 尤内 斯 库 定义 的 非常接近 , 讲 出 了 传统 的中文译文 “荒诞 ”所 无 涵盖 法 的 内容。 从 收入了 bird flu, life coach 这几 个 词 就可 以 看: 出 第 七 版 将六 第 版 中 的 “新 词 补 编”部 分 及 以 近年 出 现 的 新记 也全 部 收入了 词典 正文, 进一步 方便读者 查阅 。

新 增 词 条Bakke decision 则 带有-一定 的百科知识性 质,它所涉及 的 美国 是 最 高 法 院于1978

年 对白人 青年 艾 伦: 贝克 的 诉讼 所做 出 的 裁决 。 贝克 因 为 他 比 考分 低 的黑人 学生 被录取 , 起 诉 学 校 录取 不 自己 违法。 最 后,最 高 法 院 裁决 贝克应 被录取 , 但 是,在录取 考虑 时 考生 的 种 族因 素 并 不 违法 。 词 典 释义 的 没有 提 及 美国 的 一 相关 个 政策 , 即 atfirmative action (在词典中 解释 为positive discrimination) 。这 条肯尼迪 由 总 统 于 1961 年 签署 的 法 中 令 首次提 及 的 政策 ,试 图


给美国 的少数 种裔 学生 申请 在 美国 的知名 大 学 相对 时 多 的 照顾,这 也 是贝克 未 能 录取 被 的 主要 原因 。 所

以 ,1978 年美国 的 最 高 法 院 做出Bakke decision 时 , 并 没有 和 否定 affirmative action.

第 七 版 的 新 意 体现 还 在 增加 新 的 释义 和例证 之上。 仅 以 第 七 版《牛津 高阶英语词 典》 的 第 一 页 为 :例 在 词条 “AAA” 下 面 增 了 加 “(in the UK) Amateur Athletic Association (英国 业余 体育 协会 )” 的 释义。 在 词条 “abandon” 下 面 增加 了 “to leave athing or place, especially because it is impossible or dangerous to stay (含 弃、 丢 弃、 离弃)”的 释义 , 同时 增添 了几个 新 的 例句 : “Theyhad to abandon their ljands to the invading forces.”( 他 们 不 得不丢弃 国土,让 侵略 者 占领); “They abandoned the match because of rain.”( 他 们 因 十 中 止了 比赛 );“She abandoned hope of any reconciliation.”( 她 不 再 抱 有 和 解 的 希望 )。 在 词 条 “abacus”

balls which slide along wires. It is used as a tool or toy for counting”:

面 增了 加 “a frame with small (算盘) 的


作为 一本学习 词典 , 第 七 版《牛津 高阶英语词 典》 对 使 用 者非常友好。 词 中 典 提供 的8.5 万 个 例句 ,7000 个同义词 和反义词 对 国学 中 习 者 来 说 都 很有帮助 。同 时, 词 典 中 为2000 个 词 目 配备 的素描式 或黑白照片 插图和 32 页彩色 播 图 使词典 释义 的 变 得 更加 直观 。 人 96 页 附录 , 也 英语 为 学 习 提供 者 了 有 关 英 语 语法、 语 、 音 论 文 写作、 书 信、 文 学 评论 术语 电子 邮件 和 手机 短信 常用 缩 形式 略 的快速查阅方式 。 附录 中 的 “牛津 3000 常用 词表” se 国 英语 习 学 者 ,特 别 是初学 者 来 说 更 是 不 可 多得 的“路标”, 因为 清楚 它 地 告诉中 国学生 在 英 语词 汇 习 学 中应 该从哪里起 步。

《牛津 高阶英语词 典》 从 1948 年 第 一 问世 版 到第七 版 于2005 年 推出 ,57 年 间,,六 经修订 ,

惠 世 泽 界 各地3000 万 余 学 , 子 这 事实 一 足以 说明《 和 牛津 高 阶 英语 词典》在世界 范围内的 影响 。 现在 , 商务 印书馆 和和牛津 大 学 出 版 社 中 在 国联 手 推出其英文 版,相信 这本 新 的词典 很 快 会 成为 * 中 国广大 英语 习 学者 相 争 购买 的 本 一 新 的工具 书 。 (和

二 何其 位 北京 外国语大学教授 、 博导 2007 年5月 于 北京

Contents Inside frontcover

Abbreviations, symbolsand labels used in the dictionary keyto verb patterns

IX Foreword Xi



Keyto dictionary entries Numbers and symbols

The Dictionary Maps


Theearth and the solar system




The British lsles


Canada, the United states of America andithe Caribbean

Map 5

Australia and New Zealand

Colourtopic pages R1







Musical instruments



R9 R10

Buildings Cooking


Fruitand vegetables










The animal kingdom




Extreme sports

Reference section R26



study pages


Other reference


The Oxford 30007


Pronunciation and phoneticsymbols in the dictionary

Advisers Advisory Board DTKeith Brown ProfGuy CooK DrAlan Cruse Ruth Gairns Moira Runcie ProfGabriele Stein DrNorman Whitney ProfHenry Widdowson

Consultants Prof Choong Bae Kim ProfPaul Gunashekar ProfHirosada Iwasaki ProfMasanoriToyota

American English Karen Stern

Advisers on World English DrModupeMAlimi(WestAfricanm) TonyDeverson (New Zealamnd) HeatherFitzgerald (Canadiam) ProfPaul Gunashekar (Indiam) MeganHall(South Africam) Leah Kariuku (EastA4 太icam) DTrBruce Moore (Australiam) John Muitungu (EastAfricam) Joseph Noble (Sov 寺 Africam)

Advisers on scientific words DrJames Mendelssohn DITGeoffreyNeuss


Foreword Professor Henry Widdowson Ithappensthatthepublication ofthis,the seventh edition ofthe OxfordAdyamnced Learners Dictionary, comes 250 years afterthe appeatrance

ofthefirst comprehensive dictionary ofthe English language, compiled by SamuelJohnson. MUuchhas changed Sincethen. The English that Johnson describedin I755 Was relatively well

defined, still essentiallythenational Property oftheBritish. Since then, ithas dispersed and diversified, hasbeen adopted and adapted as aninternational means ofcomrmmunication by commtunities all overthe globe. English is now thenamegiventoanimmensely diverse Variety of differenttisages.ThisobvViouslyposes a Problem ofselection forthe dictionary maker: Which words aretobeincludedin adictionary, andthtis grantedrecognition as Imore centrallyor essentially English than the Wordsthatare leftout?

Johnson did nothave to deal with such diversity, buthe too was exercised with this question. Inhis Plan ofan English DictionaTy, published in I747, he considers which Words 让 ispropertoincludeinhis dictionary; whether :terms ofparticularprofessions', for example, were eligible, patticularly since many ofthem hadbaen derived from otherlanguages. "Ofsuch words "hesays,'allarenotequallyto be considered asparts ofourlanguage, forsome ofthem arenaturalizedand incorporated, put

others still continue aliens..…. Which words are deeamedtobesufficientlynaturalized Or

incorporated to countas parts of our language,, ealDorDroperEnglish, andthus worthy of inclusion in adictionary ofthelanguage, remiains, ofcourse, a controvVersial mmatteT: Interestinglyenotugh,even forJohnson the status ofawordin thelanguage wasnot the only, norindeedthemostimportant consideration. Forbeingalien didmotitselfdisqualify Words from inclusion: in aremarkWhich has considerable currentresonance he adds: some seem necessaryto beretained, becatuse the purchaser ofthe dictionary will expectto find them'. And, crucially, the expectations that peoplehave ofa dictionary are based on what

they wantto use itfor. WhatJohnson says of his

own dictionary would applyvery aptlyto O47D: hevalue ofawork mustbe estimated byits se; Itisnotenoughthat adictionary delights the critic, unless at the sametime 让 instructs the


Instructingthelearneris whatO4LDis all abonut,Itsvalue,asWwith anylearnersdictionmary, mustbeestimatedbyits use,thatitisto say'its Usefulness forlearning.This is something that recentdevelopments in language description Imight distractus into forgetting. ComPpuUters havenowtrevolutionized thecollection and analysis oflanguagedata, and the information aboutwordsthat Johnson spentyears of dedicated drudgeryto compile isnowmade availableinamatterofseconds:information 记 Pprecise detail about word frequencies, for example, commonpatterns of collocation, and soon.Nowthatallthesenew descriptive facts are atour disposal, it seems self-evidentthat theyshouldberecorded in the dictionary、. Theyare, after all maturalized,,Parts ofthe language properties ofactually occUurring,Teal English. Butifthevalue ofthe workis to be estimatedbyits use, we needto considerhow farthis information abouttusageis relevant to thelearnersPUIpPoses. Theimportance of words and meanings forthelearnerofEnglishcannot simplybe measuredbytheir frequencyin currentnativespeakertsage.Foronething;infrequent Words are alwayslikelyto make anuUnexpected appearance, and to poseproblems ofreceptive understanding:And therearewords which may ” notshowup asbeing ofvery comImon occurrence overall, butwhich are prominent in certain domains ofuse which learners will need toengage with, orhave become cutrent in commtunities ofusers of English as an internationallanguage. We also need to bear in mindthatacorpusofcontemporary wiitten texts will onlytell us about what has been

currentlywritten, notwhatis currently read. Learners ofEnglish will often need to read texts which arenotxrecent, where theyWill encounter words ofliterary or outdated usage. They will, reasonablyenough, expectto find infrequent

words ofthis kindin adictionarythat claims to be designedto meettheirneeds.Theywill find words ofthis kind in this edition of OALD. Descriptive facts have to berelatedto pedagogicfactors. This applies not onlyto whatinformation about words and meanings itis appropriate to include, but also howitisto bepresented. OALD,like other dictionaries,

Youcanfindidioms and phrasal verbs in separate sections, matrked with Special 汪汪

fetch omw tetyvem 站 (especially BrE)to goto where Bthi is and ia thermn/ 直

back: [VN] to ftcha hetp /adoctore The inhabitants have to Walkarmile to Jetcnwater 3 Shesgonetojtch the Kids 廊om School e[VNN] Couldyou jetchn mermypag? 也 [VN]tobe sold foraparticular pricdSa SELL FOR: The Painting 加 ec

一志 :

一一 一一一 phrasal verbs section with symbol (see pagesR40-人 1)

一一一一 一 | 一 ”idiomssection with

edto ftc 8g70 000 atatuctionIE fetch and carry (for Servant ”sbj todoalotoflittejobsforsbasifyou etch up

especia 几 Bl


symbolIEIJ (see page R49)


Finding the meamning Some wordshave verylongentries. Itis nottusually necesSaryto readthewhole entryfromthebeginning, 这 youalreadyknow something abottthe general meaningthatyou arelooking for.

es om

spmy/ verb mnoun

于 yelbkpinning,spun,spun /SpAn/) Short cutsshowthe context or general meaning.

Meanings that are closely related sharethesame short cut.

intothread , > OF SPIDER/SILKWORM 4 [vNlto poiuee thre bodytomakeaweb orcocooN: Qspiaerspinningayweb , ,

Understanding and using the word 一

Words printed in larger typeand with a OA Symbol are part of the Oxford 3000 list of important words

(see pagesR99--113).

spin o叶 , 恒 Verbtpinning,spun, spun 司3 dvark 江

Stress marks show stress on



了aby 人


/az dvazk; NAIDE azrdvarrk/ moun an fi

it 了

nn 二 一一 一 一 一



lrregularforms of verbs,

2 | prepositions, adverbs ,

Irregular plurals of nouns

sth) to

are also shown.


to sth: a dress thatclinss, da We

_ shows the Shape of your body) s The wet shirt clung to his chest 3 ~ (to sbl (usually disapproving) tosta' tay close to sb,J especially becaude you need them el iotion ]17: After Per labelgiving information 6 {see inside front Coven)

Superlatives of adjectives

American pronunciation whereitis different {See pages R118--9).

with their pronunciations.

了 Comparativesand

一一 一

pronunciation, with

and structures that can

beused with this word

examples of usein italictype


hearty /hati; NAmE'hazrti/adj, houn , 站 0 中 beartiern heartiest) [usually before noun] 0 friendlyfeelingsfof sb: ahekrbrWelcome 了 (Sometimesdis-

approvingl loud, cheerful se

adfull of energy: a hearby and

在Dow eahearty oOice 3 [ny before noun 上

on Use


Eyes {Ssee pageR47)

dock /dok; NMmEdaq:k/ noun, vemb


四IOU1 了 中 apart of a port Where ships are repaired, or ”where goods are put onto ortaken offthem: dock worKkers e The Ship Was 识 docKk. 一See also DRY DOCK 了 Q2 docks [pl a group of docks in a Port and the buildings around them that are Used for repairing ships, storing goods, etc.

information on differenttypes of noun (See pagesR42 一3) word used in definition that


机 fixed form of noun

3 [qd(MmE) =JETTY 4 [q (NMmB) a raised Platform for ading Vehicles or trains 5 [qd the part of a court where

theperson who has been accused of a crime stands or sits during atrial; Hesbeen inthe dock (= ontrialforacrime) 二一 一一 一 severaltirmesaliready 6 [uljawildplantofnorthernEurope common phrase in it ic 六 hatcanberubbed on skin thathas boldtypein example [ been stingbyNETTLEStomakeitlesspaliitul: dock leayes (See pageR48) 下 Ye 1 族 寺 ashipidocks or you dock a Ship, it sails into a HARBOUR and stays there: [V] The Jerry zexpected to dock at6. [also VN] 也 让two SPACECRAFT dock, or are docked, theyarejoined togetherin space: [VN] Nextyea7p atechmoiverb pattern codes

08y mmodule W 记 be docked on the space station, [also V]


Build your vocabulary The dictionary also contains alot ofinformation that will help youincreaseyourvocabularyandusethelanguageproductively.

Stalpje on /steIbl/od,noun,yeb adadj 1 firmlyfixed; not likely

to 0ye, ee

Special symbols show synonymsand opposites.



or fail |stableadj 全 unstablg)

STEADY: Stable Prices Q |stability7.亿 instability)

staple Telationshaip Tis Iadder

stabilize y

doesni seema yery Stable. 。 The PatientS condition 这 stable (三 让 is not getting Worsej, 了 (ofaperson) calm and reasonable; not easily UPSet , BALANCED: Mentalpy She 1 motyerystable. 3 (technico1 3 substance) staying in the same chemical OF 4

Wordfamilies show words related to the headword.

state:'chermnicaliy stable [gg UNSTABLEP sta..bly/ 二

Noteshelp youchoosetherightword, and alsohelp with difficult grammar Points. They arealllisted on pagesR93-6.

wordslisted in order of how frequentthey are


| footthe bill 。 pick up the billtab , TheseWordsallmeantogivesb moneyforworkthey have doneor 800ds they havesupplied. to give sb money for work, goods, services, etc.: /Mpay Pr thetickeissHerparenispaidjorhertogoto Canada. Shepays 和 200a weekjorthisapartmeht



ot the pill (cter injormajto paythe Cost of sth: 。, 2 兰 WJ1petheioxpayerwhpo hastojoot be pb让 up the billja (ratherinformal)to pay the cost of sth: 和 Jpe 2 咱人 二 Up thetlopjoryourhotelroom. , PATTERNS AND COLLOcATIONsS

中 to pay/foot the bilypick upthe billtab for sth @ to haveto 0 the Ru upthe bill/tab

Cross-references referyouto information in otherparts ofthe dictionary. bear om /bes(; NAmEber/ verb, noun 0OU1 了 a heavy Wild animal with thick fur and sharp CLAWS (= pointed parts on the ends of its feeb, There are 一See alsO GRIZZLY BEAR, Inanytypes ofpear: ablack pear ,POLAR BEAR, TEDDY BEAR 了 (jnancej a person Who Sells shares in acompany, etc.,hopingto buy them backlater at

一compare BULL 一 5ee alsoO BEARISH 0 a lower Price

Comparerefersyoutoa wa6rdwWith a contrasting meaning-

likea bear withasorehead (0jorma) 5 ee 了 apbad


See alsorefersyoutoa word with asimilaror



Numbers 1040 form /ten 'foxtifomm; NAmE'fortifozrmy/ houn (intheUS) an official documentin which you give detailsofthe amountofmoneythatyouhave earned so thatthe governmentcan calculatehowImtch taxyou haveto pay

24-hour ciock /twentiforr aue !Iklpk;NAmEaUer Iklatxky/ novn the system ofusing twentyfour numbers totalkaboutthehours ofthe day, instead ofdividing 让 into twotunits oftwelve hours

2417 /itwentifoziseven; NAmEfozry/ adv (nformaj

12 /twelv/ noun (in Britain) alabelthatis given toatfilm/movieto showthatitcanbe watchedlegally onlybypeople who are atleasttwelve years old; afilm/moviethathasthis label:Tcarz take the Kids too 一 让 Sa 12.

1471 /waAnforsevn wAn; NAmEfor/ (in Britain) thetelephone numberyou cantusetofind outthe telephone number ofthe person who called you Imostrecently andthetimethe call was made

15 /frfttimy/ noun (in Britain) alabelthatis giventoa film/movieto showthatit canbe watchedlegallyonly bypeople who are atleastfifteen years old; a film/moviethathasthis label

18 /ertimy/ noun (in Britain) alabelthatis given toafilm/movietoshowthatitcanbewratched legally onlybypeople who are atleasteighteen years old; afilm/moviethathas this label

183-wheeler /ertimn 'wilea(toD/ nouvn (NAm月 averylargetruck with nine wheels on each Side

20/20 vision /twentitwenti'vIsn/ noun the abilityto see perfectlywithoutusing glasses orCONTACT LENSES 2.1 /tu:'wany/ nounthetpperlevelofthe second highest standard ofdegree given byaBritish or an Australian university:Tgota 2.1

twenty-fourhours aday, seven daysa week (usedto

mean'allthetime): Shes with me allthe time 一24/7.

3-D (also three-D) /6riz'diy nown [U] the qualityof having, orappearing tohave,length, width and depth: These glasses allow you to see the 帮Im 碌 3-D.


/0s:tifarv ,malimizte(r); NAmE,0s:rti- /noun

the size offilm thatisusuallyused in cameras fortakingphotographs andmaking films/movies 录 又4 /iforbar'foz NAmEforbar'for/ novun avehicle With a system in which poweris applied to all four Wheels, makingiteasierto control

the $%64,000 question /sikstifo: ,gauznd idple !kwestfen; NAImE foxr, ,dazler/ moun

(nformaj) thethingthat people mostwantto know, orthatis mostimnportant: 达 Ssacleyerplam putthe Sixty-four 女ousand dollar guestionm 8: will 让 WorK?

g911 /inam WAnIWAn/ thetelephone numberused in theUStocallthepolice, fire or ambulance services in

anemergency: (NAmE) Call 911. 99 /namtiimamy/ moun (B/ 昌 an ice creaminacCONE with astick ofchocolate inthetop

999 /inammnam namy/thetelephonenumberused in Britainto callthepolice, fire or ambulance Services in

an emergency: (BrE) Dial 999.

2.2 /itur'tuxy noun thelowerlevelofthe second highest standard ofdegree givenbyaBritish or an Australian university

Symbols equalsi is the same as


doesnotequal; is different from

is appPIroximatelyequalto

956 (onanenvelopej care of. Youaddress alettertoa Person 'care of sb else when the Place you are sending itto isnottheirpermanenthome.

is more than AMis lessthan because therefore

RS 办 COTTect X



pound sterling dollar

euro COPyTight information

x*_ usedtomarkimportantpoints (calledanASsTERISK)



and (called anAMPERSAND)

# (Br HASH (NAmEPoUND sIGN)thesymbol used forexample on telephones, andin addresses in the US


DITTO; the same word as above


R&D @ 国 让 加 则 D used on

the packaging ofproductsto show that theyare made from recycled materials (= thathave been used oncethen treated so thatthey canbe used again) ,orto showthattheycanberecycled afteruse

人了aa 银 栈 医/,erend/ abbr ACCIDENT AND EMERGENCY AandP/eren'pi:/ obbr the GreatAtlanticand Pacific Tea Company(aUsS companythat has food shops/stores 也 all the states of the US) 义臣民 /erand'adGD)/ obbr artists and repertoire (the

良 /er noun; symbo1 abbr 下 1OUn (also 引)(5 AS As ars /elIz/) 1 [CU]the first letter ofthe English alphabet: 2pple" begins With (am AAA. 也 站 [Go (musiorthe 6th note in the scCALE of C MAJOR 3 [cg] the highest markVgrade that:a student can get fora piece of work or course of study: She go (am Ain/ Jor Biology c He had straightA's (= nothing but As) all 训 rough high schoolL 4:A[uU]usedto represent the firstof two or more possibilities: Shall we go JorplanAorplanB2? 5 人 [TU] used to represent a persom for example in an imagined situation of to hide their identity: Assurmie 人

department 这 a record company that is Iesponsible for finding newW singers and bands and getting them to Sign

acontract with the company)

aard-vark /ddvak; NmE 'drdvazrk/ nouvn an animal

二see alsoO A-FRAME,A LEVEL,A-ROAD Knows B 褒 gwilty from 六 to 吾 人 om one Place to another: For 7me Q car is just a Teans of getting 方om Ato B. from AtoZ including everything there is to know about sth: Fe newW Pis SUDbject 太om AtoZ. 四 5yImpol 1 used ip Britain before a number to Tefer to a Particular important Toad: the A34 to Newbury 2 Used

(but not ip the US) before numbers which show standard METRIC sizes ofpaper: asheetofh44Paper (= 297X210mmy)

form anmibefore vowel sounds. When saying abbreviations like 下 M or UN, use a or an according to how the first letter is said. For example, Fis a consonanb but begins with the sound/e/and so you say: am FM radio. U is a Vvowelbutbegins with/j/and soyousay:QUN declaratio7. 1T used before countable or singular nouns referring to

People or things that have not already been mentioned : Tcar on aarvhorse]unit C an auntegghourcray She'sa carry two at a time. C Theres ayVisitor jor yoUL

三iend of my jthers (= one of my fathers friends). 2 used before uncotuntable nouns when these have an adjective in front of them,, or phrase following them: Q good Knowiledge of French ca sadrtess that Wonit 80 QWay 3 any; every: A Liom ia damngerors animaL 4 Used to show that sb/sth 这 aamember of a groUP or Profession: Teir new carsaBMW ShesaBuddhis上 Hesateachner

usedipD 位ont

of two nouns that are seen as a single Unit: a Kknife and 有 PrK 6 used instead ofone before some numbers: A thovsand People Were bere, 7 used when talking about PER: They cost 50D Q Prices,quantities and Tates Kilo. CTcamn type 50 words a Tninute. 2 He WaS GTriyving Qt 507miles am hour 8 a person like sb: Shes a Little itler g ised before sb's name to show that the Speaker does not Know the person: Theres Q MTS Greenl to See YOU. 10 used before the names of days of the week to talk abotit one particular day: She died on Q Tuesday. a- /er/ prejx (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs) Bot; without: atheistc atypical C aseXUal1y

良了 adj (informah very good: The car was 识 AI comditio7. AZ(level) /ier'tu: levl/ noun [GuU] a British exam usually taken in Year 13 of school or college (= the final year) when students are aged 18. Students mtst firsthave Studjied a subject at AS levelbefore they can take an A2 exam. Together AS and A2 level exams form the A-level qualification, Which is needed for entrance to Universities: A2 Students wil normally taKe 切ree A2 SUbjects. examis HesdoingartA2 (leyeb 这 有 istory 2 More 妇 am 20 Subjects are on offer atA2 IevelLatour college.

六A /er 'er abbr 1 (ustally the AA) Automobile Associ-

ation (a British organization which PioVides services for

AAA /erei'er abbr 1 American Automobile Association (anAmericanmorganization Which provides services for car owners) 2 (intheUI Amatetur AthleticAssociation

| ttea

| Vyvan

上浆 wet | zzoo

| Jshoe

be shocked or surpiised by sb/sth: She Was COPDpIetely 一See alsO TAKE SB ABACK 品> taKen QDacK by his anger

note at SURPRISE

the sTERN (= backend) ofa ship aba-ione /zebalsauni; NAmE :lou-/ noUn [GU] a SHELL-

Jrndejimiiearticle Theform aistusedbefore consonantsounds andthe


o 矿thetable!

alback/sbzaek/ adv IE be taken aback (by sb/sth) to

albaft /aba:ft; NAmE abaeft/ adv (technical) ip or behind

司 DR /sa;strongjormer/ (alsoamy/anistrongjorm zen/)


aargh /d; NAmE cdT/ exclamation used to exXpreSS fear, 一Set thnat cat angetr OF SOme other strong emotion: 4Aa7gh

alba.Cus /'zpbekes/ 0U1m (P/ aba-cuses /esIz/) a frame With small balls which slide along wires. It is used as a tool or toy for counting-

cA3 (= 420x297mm)S45 (= 210x148mrm) 一 0ODDr. (in writing) AMP(S)


们om soathern Africa that has a long nose and tongue and thateats insects







瑟pam.-donm 0m /abandan/ ve疙000n 上 VEeb[VN] 下 一 sb (to sth) to leave sb, especially sb you are responsible fop with no intention of returning: The Dapy jhad been abartdoned by is mother 2 The study Showed a deep feararmiong the elderby of being abandoned to ie care of sfrangers. 了 一 sth (to sb/sth) to leave athing or Place, especially because it js impossible or dangerous to Stay LEAVE: S1ioW forced nany driyers to Qbaridomt their Vehicles, e They had to apandonm teir lands to the inyading Jorces.CHegayetheorderto abandom ship (=toleavethe ship because ti was sinking)., 3 to stop SUPPporting OF helping sb; to stop believing in sth: The cOUntry Qba7idoned its political 1eaders after the war 2 By 930 he had apandoned his Marxist principles.,4 to stop doing sth, especially before it is finished; to stop having sth: They aparidoned the match because of rain. C She abartdoned hope of any reconciliation. 5 ~ yourself to sth (Jierary) to feel an emotion so strongly that you can feel nothing else: He abamndomed himmaseiF to despair

上 nmOUm [U] (1J6rmah an Unicontrolled way of behaving that

shows that sb does not care what other people think: Fe 5igned cheques With careles5 QbaTidor, TI See GAY ad

0- /abzendand/ adlj. aban-doned Taleft and no longer wanted, used or needed: an abardomned carhouse es The child was found abandoried PuUEUTParmed,2 (of people or their behavViour) wild not following accepted standards




[U] (orma)

1 the act of leaving a person, thing of Place with no intention of Teturning 2 the act of giving UP an idea OF stopping an activity with no intention of returning to 让 : the govermments aparntdonTient of its neW ecoiomaic Policy 二baseyjaibers/ vemb[vN] 一yourself (Jormal)to actipaway that shows that you accept sb's Power Over yoOU 人 albbase-

ment/oOuwn [U]

abashead/abaft/ adi [notbeforenoun] embarrassed and ashamed because of sth that you have done IEB UNABASHED 二batey/sbeit/ veb(jormal)tobecome less strong; to make sth less Strong: [V] The stormm Showed mio sigrls ofabatirng. 和 [VN] Steps are to be taken to abate pollution

gw abbate-

mientmoun [U]

| 5 vision

上 三可 chain

| d5 jam

| erthin

| sithis

| 0:sing


攻 |

ab-at-toir /'zbetwa:(r)/ noun (Br 日= SLAUGHTERHOUSEalbaya /aberja; NMmE abarjea/ noun a full-length piece of clothing worn over other clothes by Arab men or women albbjba /Abae/ (alsoappa /'Apa/) noun (/ndE) (especially as a form of address) a father ab-bess /abes/ novn awoman whois the head of a CON-


albibey /'abi/ novn a large church together with a group of buildings in which MONKSs or NUNS live or lived in the Past: WestrmirusterAbbey auined abpbey

abbeot /abat/ "ovn a man who is the head of a MONASTERY Or an ABBEY ab.bre:vi-ate

/abri'viert/ verb [VN] [usually passive] ~

sth (to sth) to make a word, phrase or name shorter by leaving onult letters or using only the first letter of each word SHORTEN: 轨e Jet Propulsion Iaboratory (usSLalliy abbreviated to JPJ) > abpreviated apPpropriate, Qpbreviated forms are Used.

ad/.: Where

ab.bre-vi-ation /abrivieifn/ mov 1 [Gd ~ (offforsth) a Short form of a word, etc.: Whats the abbreviation for Saint?2 了 [U] the process of abbreviating sth

ABC /,erIbiz'si:/ novn, abbr 吾 1OUm [sing.] (BrE) (NAmEABCs [pl.]) T all the letters of the alphabet,especially as they are learnt by children: Doyou knowyourABC? 2 thebasic facts about a subject: theABC ofgardening See EASY @@ gbpbr. American Broadcasting Compafhy (a large national American television company)

ab-di-cate /abdrkert/ vermb 1to give up the position of being king or queen: [V] He apdicated 训 jvour of his som. C [VN] She was forced to apbdicate the 纺romne oF Spain.

2 [VN] ~ responsibility/your responsibilities to fail or refuse to Perform a duty > abdicafion /,22bdikerfmn/ noun [U,G]

alb-do-menm /zzbdemen/ noun 1Tthe part of the-body below the chest that contains :the stomach, BOWELS,etc. 2-the end partof an insectbs body that is attached to its THORAX 一Picture 只 PAGE R2I ab-dom-inal /ab'domml; NmE-dam-/ ad四 ,noun 四 Gd [only before noun] (anotomy) relatingto or connected With the abdomen: abdornimralpains 下 100Unabdominals (also injormalapbs):[pl] the mnuscles ofthe abdomen ab-duct /zab'dAkt/ vemb [VN] to take sb away inlegally, especially using force "daAkfmny/ noum [U,G]

KIDNAP > abduction


ab-ductee ducted

/,z2bdAk'ti:/ novn a person who has been ab-


/zsb'dAktea)/ noun 1 .ia person who abducts

sb 2 (alsoab'ductor miuscie) (anatomy) a muscle that Imoves a bodypart away from the middle of the body or from another Part 一compare ADDUCTOR aped /abed/ oadv (oldwsejipnbed

AperdeenAngus /abadinmi'za0gas; NAmE,asbar-/ noun abreed ofcow thatisblack, has no horns and is tlsed for its meat Aberdo-nmiamn /,zba'daunien; NAmE ,aebardoo/ noun a person from Aberdeen in Scotland > AperFdonianm 5d/


/sberent/ adj. (Jormal) notusual or not so-

cially acceptable: aperrantbpehaviour


/2z2barerfn/ noun [GUW] (formah afact an

action or a way of behaving that is not usual, and that Iay be Unacceptable

behaving or thinking,especially DETEST, LOATHE ab-hor-remce


二 bil:ity 0e


/ablleti/ novn (六 -ies)

the Same time. C_Pyeryoie has 切e right to good mnedical

Care regardless oF their ability to pay CA gentle jporm of EXerCcise W 记 识 cCrease yOUF ability to relax. [@33 INABILITY 2 [GU] alevelofskill or intelligence:Almosteveryome'jhas

SOTne TUsical ability C He was amarl ofextraordirnary ab 让 让 es students of mixed apilites CA Womaarn ofher ability W 启easily fjindajob. Tbyto dormmyjobtothe pestofrmmy ability (= as well as Ican).

-本 op齐主Y,-ilpility 呈 -ABLE alp inmi-tio /,22b Inifiso; NMAmE-oo/rodv,0di (from Latin, loworjorma) 、 四 Gdv. ffom the beginning: TFhie agreemiemntyWas declaredyoid ap 训 证 0. 下 0dj. starting from the beginning: 太e ab inito desigiofa TieW car abi-ot-ic /eibarptik; NAmE -ad:trk/ ad (technicah not inVolving biology or living things;: abiotic processes alb-ject: /abdsekt/ ad [usually .befere .noun]. (JormaJ Tterrible and without hope: abject Poverty/misery/ jailure ;2 without any Pride or respect for yourself: an apbject apology -apbjectly adv ab-jure /ab'dsueGD; NAmEab'd5or/ yerb:[vN] (Jormah to promise publicly thatyou will give up or rejecta beliefor

away ofbehaving


ab-ia:tionm /ablerfn/ novn [u] (geology)jthe loss of matear-

ial ffom alarge mass ofice, snow or rock as aresultofthe action ofthe sun, wind or rain

ab-la-tive /abletrv/ noun (grom/man) (in some languages) the form that anoun, a Pronoun or an adjective can take to Show for example,, who or what sth is done by or Where sth comes from 一compare ACCUSATIVE,DATIVE, GENITIVE, NOMINATIVE, VOCATIVE > apiafive ad/. ablaze /ablerz/ adj. [not before noun] 1 burning quickly and strongly: The wpole building was soon abIaze. @ Cars

atd buses Were set ablaxe during the7iot 2 ~ (with sth) full ofbright colours orlight:The treesWere ablazewithn te colours of autumri S There Were lights SlabIaze as they

drove 友 to thehouse

3 一 (with sth) fullofstrongeino-

tion or excitement: He turmneaito heP Jiis eyes ablazxe With


也 pile 0

/ermbl/ ad

albey-amce /aberens/ noun [U]


in abeyance (如

-ho:r-; -har-/

1 [sing.]~to do sth the factthat sb/sth is able to do sth: The systema has the ability to Tumore 雪 an one programz at

1~todosth (used as a modal verb) to have the Skill,intelligence, oppor-

Imdl) notbeing used, orbeing stopped for a period of time ABHE /erbiz'ert[f/ obbr (BrE, Jow)AcTUAL BODILY HARM apphoi-/abho:()/ vermb(r-) [VNJ (notused in the DrogresSive tenses) (ormal) to hate sth, for example a way' of


-[u,sing.] (Jormalj) a feeling of strong hatred, especially for Imoral reasons ab-hor-rent /abhnprent; NAmE-hor-;-har-/ adj (forma1h ~ (to sbj causing hatred,especially for moral reasons REPUGNANT: Racism .zaQphorrent to -Q-civilized SOCciety. abide /ahbard/ vemb Gebided, abided) In sense 2 abode is also lised for the pasttense and past participle. TVN] can't/couldn't ~ sb/sth to dislike sbysth so much that you hate having to be-with :or deal with them BEAR, STAND:TCaTtEabide People With mo sense of jn7mour C He couldm't abide the thoughtofbeing cooped up 识 aTl office. 了 [V 二 adwVprep] (oldiuse or 加 rmall to stayor live ip a place: May joy and: peace abide in us a 引 abidie by sth to accept and.act'according to a law, an agreement, etc:: ZU 了 hayve'ito apbiae by the Tules of - 纺 e Club.e We Wi apide by 妇 eir decisiom. alpidi-ing /abardrzm/ ad (ormnal) (of a feeling or belief) lasting for along time and not changing

albet /abet/ ve (此 ) [VN] to help or encourage sb to do sth Wrong: He Was abetted 总 切e deception py his w 访 .



for moral

Sth: You



to do

be able to

WORD FAMILY able ao六=(和关 unable) ability m. (尖 所 inability) disabled ad

speak French Jort 二 10D.SA |disability 广

Viralillniess leherbarelyableto walk crdidntfeelabletp

disagree With hirm 有 Will you be able toicome?


ABLECnote at CANL 了 6bier /erbla(D/1apblest /erblrst/)

B cat | qzfather | eten | 3: bird | eabout | asit liisee | imany| pgot (Br |-oxsaw | Acup | 5put | ustoo

intelligent; good at sth: the ableststudentin the class We aim to help the less able in society to Iead am independent Li 把.一see also ABLY

-abie -iibie Sujjx (in adjectives) T that can of Inust be: calcalable S taxable 2having the quality of: 大 Shionable ecchnamngeablee -ability -ilbility (in nouns):


ns ;iibly (in adverbs):motice训让br-ably capability c respo ablyS incredibly

xd physically healthy, 人 and strong 逊


contrastto Sb who is weak or disabled


/erblizem/ noun [U] unfair treatment of dis-

abled people by giving jobs or other advantages to ABLEBODIED people

noun asailor of lower rank in the British

able'seamam DavVy ab:lu-iions

/ablu:fnz/ -noun [pl] (Jormal or hurmorouvs)

the act ofwashing yOUISelf

abiy /erbli/ adv skilfullyandwell: We wereabty assisted py 一see also ABLE(2) ateam ofvoIunteers. ABM /er bi em/ moun (ConE) automated banking ma-

cbine: a machine inside of outside a bank, iD a shopping centre, etc. from Which you can get money at any time of daybyPputting 训 a special card

:/,abnrgerfn/ noun [WU (Jormal) the act of


notallowingyourselfto have sth that You Want; the actof

rejecting sthe aibmegate /2ebnIgert/ vemb [VN] /zabmnozml NAmE- -norml/ ad different ab-nmormal

fromn what is usual or expectedj especially in a way that is worrying, harmful or not wanted : abmnorrmal eyels of 独1gar 唐 切 eblood e They 雪 OUSRLE Pis pehayiour was apmo 产




aloo:ri-gimal /aeberId5enl/ adj/, Own

四 adj

/2zbmozmaelii NAmE

(D ab-mormaiity /,z2bno:zmaelati; NAmE orm-/ Own jes ) [CU] afeature or characteristicin a persons bodyor

behaviourthatis notusual and maybeharmful, WoOIIying or catiseijlliness: apnormalities of the heartc comSentital/

abortive /aboxtrv; NAmE abortrv/ ad (Jormalj) (of an UNSUCCESSFUL: am action) not sticcessful; failed

organization, etc.) (Jormal abode /abaad; NAmEabood/ n0U7 [usually sing.] f or jurmorous) the Place where sb lives: jiormeless People'o are 7io fixed abode (= with no permanent home) 2 Zu . alSO ABIDEY, mmost Welcome to my Purmple apode一see RIGHT OF ABODE

/atbnolrj; NMmEabadl-/ vemb [VN] to officially end

This tax Should be

/abalrfn/ noun [U] the ending of a law, a

system or an institution: he abolitiom ofslavery

诈om-ist 时ao

/2belrjenist/ nown a person who is ip

favour ofthe abolition of sth

IA-bomib movn = ATOM BOMB :able /aommisbl; NAmEabanm-/ adj. extrememabo训

ING,DISly unpleasant and causing disgustE839 APPALL apble GUSTING: The Judge descriped the attacKk as am abormin coffee. Crime, CQ We Were Served the 7most abormninable /abpmmablj NAmE abadm-/ adv: She > abom:inably treated hirm abpormminap1y.


70 二 YITI

[VN] (not 二poim-inm-ate /abpmrmert; NAImE abaam-/ verb hatred or used in the progressive tenses) (1jormalj) to feel disgust for sth/sb

了 有Ginm-imm-aOm

/abomrmnerjn; NAmE abadzm-/ nounm (如 广

, or is con7mmalj a thing that Causes disgust and hatred, ve offensi ely extrem sidered


| army | ao now

| ersay


abporiion-ist /abo:jJenrst; NAImE abozrf-/ nnOV1 a PerSson Who performs abortions, especially jlegally

OF onto a aboardgd /aboid;i NAmE abord/ adv,pPrep. on ship, plane, bus or traingaq ON BOARD: We wentapoard. @ He Was already aboard the plane. 2 The Plane crashned Kiimng all TI57 passengers Qpoard. 和 ALL aboardl! (= the bus, boat etc. is leaving soon) C_ Welcome aboard! 全 used to Welcome passengers OF a person joining a new


relating to the original

She decided to jiave an aportiom coImpare MISCARRIAGE

Joetal abmnorrmality Aibo /aebao; NAmE'aeboo/ noun (plAbos ) (AustralE, toboo, injformalj) an extremely offensive word for an Aborigine

a law, a System or an institution: apolished.

(usually Aboriginal)

People living in Australia: the issue of Aboriginal Iand rights 2 relating to the original People, animals, etc: of aplace and to aperiod of time before Europeans arrived: tphe aporiginalLpeoples of Camnada C aboriginal aTt/CUItuTe 是 1OUm (UstallyAborigimnal ) a membei of arace of People who were the original people' living 雇 a coOUntry, espeia See also KOORI cially Austral一 apo-ri`-ginme /aebe'rrdseni/ noun 1 amembef ofarace of People who were the original People living 训 a country 2Aborigine a member of the race of peopble who were 一see also 基OORI the original people of Australia aibort /abaxt; NAmE abort/ ye 几 1 [VN] to end a PREGNANCY early 记 order to Drevent a baby 位om developing and being born alive: to abort a child/ DregriaTicy/jJoetus 2 [V] (techmical)to give birth to a child or young animaltooearlyforitto survive: TheyVirus Cam CQUse PreSTaTLE 一See also MISCARRY 3纪 [often passive] to anirmals to abort end of cause sth to end before it has been completed, especiallybecauseitis likelyto fail: [VN] We had no optionm Et to aport the mission. o [V] (computing) 矿 切 e Wrong Dassword 二 given the Drogram Qborts. 二 有or-iionm /abo:Jn; NAmE abozim/ novunT [U]the deliberate ending of a PREGNANCY at an early Stage: to SUPDDort/oppose abortionmn 2 Q Wommans right to aportion abortion Iaw5 S TYye aways been antti-abortion 了 [q a medical operation to end a PREGNANCY at an early stage:

-norm-/ adv: abnormally high plood PressuUre




abortive military coUD @ abortiye attermpts 如 diyert the COUFse OF the FrPyer abouna /abamd/ vemb [V] to exist in great nUmbers OF





withyjin sth

jis trayeks

quantities: The 1akes abourd Withn DANCE, ABUNDANT

忆 paQui



to have sth in great numbers Or

万sj 一see also ABUN-

/abaut/ oadv,prep, ad

吧 _ddyv. 1 alittle more or less than; a little before or after

APPROXIMATELY: 下 costs about 8I0. c They Waited for) about ar hour ec He arriyed (ab about ten. 了 nearly;

This zabpout te pest Very close to: Tim justabout ready Wecanjhopejfor 3 (especial Br 日记 many directions; here and there: The children were rushing about 训 轨e garden, 4 (especially BrE) 记 no Particular order; iD variotus Places: Per books were ying about on the jioor 5 (especially Br doing nothing ip particular: People WerTe standing about in the road. 6 (especially BrE) able to be found iD a Place: There Was nobody about C Theres a Iot of Ju about 7 (technical or 如rmalj) facing the opposite direction: e brought the ship abpout c Dote at AROUND IE that?s about ;all |thats about ' 旋 Used to Say that you have finished telling sb abonlt sth and there is nothing to add: 一more at mything else?7” Wo,thats apout 让 for now. JUSTdadv,OUT qdv.

昌 _prep. 1 on the subject of sb/sth;

雇 connection with sb/

Whats sth: Q book about jlowers o Tell me all apout 让 She so a1lgry QDOUt2 C Theres SOmethirnig StraTlSe Qbout Rirm. erdontknow Whatyoure on about (= talking about). ^ Teres nothing yoU Cam do about 让 LOW. 2 used to deal scribe the Purpose or an aspect of sth: Moyies are about making money these day5. 2 What Was a1L that hapabout? (= what was the reason for What has just pened?) 3 busy with sthy doing sth: ByeryWhere People And while yoOUTe Were going Qbout their daily business,

BrB) about 让 … (= while you're doing that) 4 (especially 记 many directions in a Place; here and there: We wamabout dered about the towpn for an hour or s0. 2 He looKked Place; the room., 5 (especially BrE) iD Various Parts of a rooTm: here and there: The papers Were streWm Qbotut the 6 (especially' BrE) next to a Place OF Person, in the area

| ao go (Br 日 | ou go (Nm 日 | 5 boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ve pure


4 | albra'ca'djalbra /,asbreke'daebre/ exclamation a word

mentioned: Shes sormewhere apout the office. 7 (Literam) SUIrOUnding sb/sth: She wore ashawI abouther shoulders. [Er how/what about ..: ? Tused when asking for information about sb/sth: :Pow about Ruthn2 Hayve YOU jheard 方om her? CTPm having Hisi What abotit yoU2? Z Used to make a suggestion: Fow aboztt going for a Walk2e What about abreak2 昌 0dj. [Er be aboutto do sth to be closeto doing sth; to be going to do sth verysoon: ITwasjustapoutto asK youthe Samte thing. not be about to do sth to not be Willing to do sth; tonot intend to do sth: 7ye neyverdone aTIY COOKing amdT7m mnotaboutto startmoy.

that people say when they do a magic trick;'in order to Inake it Successful

ab:rade /abrerd/ verb [VN] (technical) to rub the surface ”of sth, such as rock or skin,, and damage 让 or make it Tough

alb'ra'siom /abrer5n/ noun (technicah 1 [ad a damaged

area of the skin where it has been rubbed against sth hbard and rough: Be Suffered cuts amnd abrasions to the jace. 2 [U] damage to a surface caused by TuUbbing sth Very hard against it: Diarmomds jaye extremme resistamice to Qbrasiom.

albra:sive /abrersrv/ adj,moun

aibout-turn (Br6) (also about-'face NAmE, BrE) noun

下 0dj. 1 anabrasive substance is rough and canbetusedto clean a surface or to make it .smooth: abrasive Kitchienr cleaners 了 (of a person or their manner) rude and tunkind; actinginawaythatmayhurtother people's feelings


是 OU a Substance Used for cleaning surfaces or for makc ing them smooth

[sing.] a complete change of opinion, Plan or behaviour: The goyermrment did ar aboutturmn ovyer nuclear eergy:

om /abaAv/ prep,adv ,ad

豆 P1ep. 1 atortoahigher place or position than sth/sb: The Water came apoye OUF Knees. C We were Jiyingabove the Clouds. 2 the people 识 the apartment aboyve nine OA CQPtainm zm 如e miayy ramks aboye Qcaptain 识 太e aTTTYX 2 They

Jinished theyearsixcplaces aboye theiriocal rivals. 2 more than sth; greater in number level or age than sbysth: JPnjiationis above 69%6. Temperatures hayve beemnn apove aver a8e. 2 We camrtot accept children aboye the age of 70. 3 of greater imnportance or ofhigher quality than sbysth:Trate jer aboye mostother players ofher age. 4 too good or too honest to do sth: Shes not aboyve ying&when isuits her ec

了 es apove suspicion (= he is completely trusted).. 5 (ofa

sound) louder or clearer than another sound: 7 couldm革 Pear her apbpoye the moise of the tra态c, IE above 'alf Imost important of all; especially: Aboyve al Keep im touch.

above yourself (disopproving) having too high an opin-

ion of yourse一 more lf at OvERprep 目 Gcdyv. 了 atortoahigher place: Putiton the Shelf above. C Seen 方om aboyve the cars IJooked tiny c They were actirtg om instructions 方om apoyve (= from sb in ahigher Position of authority). 2 greaterin number level or age: IncreasesoFf 59% and aboyve CAscore of 70 or aboyve w 记 Setyouai 4 和 children ased 12 and above 3 earlier in sth written or Printed: As Was stated aboyve … o See aboye, DagSge 27 昌 0d/. [only before noun] mentioned or printed previouslyin aletteb book, etc.: Please Write to us atthe aboye address, 上 the above 7oumn [sing.+ sing./pl.v]: Please motipy us 六 he aboye not correct C AIL the aboyve (= _people mentioned above) haye passed the exarm.

position higher than something; They bujita newvroom

gboveover the8garase. When you are talking about

youcanonly use over': Jpheyjumped oyerthe Stream: Over canalso mean'covering: Heputa pianketoyer , thesleepingchi 以 让 AS 到 Aboveand overcan also mean'morethan' Aboveis used in relation to a minimum level or afixed point: 20001feetaboveseo Levele Temperatureswiilnot jise Opoyve zero tonighL Over is used with numbers, ages, moneyandtime': Hesover50. ctcostks over5T00.CWe 症

起 全

albove 'board cd ,odv legal and honest; in alegal and

honest way: Domni worry; te deal was COmipietely aboyve poard. 开 card players keep their hands above the

table (the board),other players can see what they are doing.

aibove-'mentioned cd [onlybefore noun] mentioned ornamed earlier in the same letteb booK, etc.

| ffal

albridge /abrrds/ verb [vVNj to make a book play,etc. Shorter

by leaving


abridsed editior/yersiom


包 abridged


ment (also abridgment novn [u,G

abroad Tin




om /abrold/ adv (especialy Br6)

or to a foreign country:

to pe/Sgo/trayelAIive abroad 2 She worked abroadJora Jear Cimports ofcheap Jood 广om abroad ec He was famous both at home and

abroad (= in his own country and in other countries).

了 (1jommal) being talked about or felt by many people: There Was news abroad thata charige Was co7ming. 3 (old UsSse) outside; outdoors

abb-ro-gate /'zbregert/ verb [VN] (technmical) to officially end a law, an agreeIment,etc. tion /,abrae'gerfn/ noun [U]


je ab-ro:ga-

alb.rupt/sbraApt/adj 1 sudden and Unexpected, often 记 an Unpleasant way: ar abrupt chartge/halt/departure 之 Speaking or acting ip awaythat seems unfriendly and Iude; not taking time to say more than is Decessary BRUSQUE,CURT:

am abprupt miaTi7ier C She Was Very

QpFruPLWith Te 训 OUr meeting mess /ouUj [U]

abruptlyadv ab-rupt-

ABS /,erbi:'es/ obbr anti-lock braking system albs /abz/ noun [pl (Unformalj) = ABDOMINALS

| gget

| hat

| jyes

abb.scissa /aeb'sIse/ (p/ ab.scissae /SiE/ or ab-scissas) noU7 (mathematics) the COORDINATE

that gives the distance

along the horizontal AXI 一COmpare S ORDINATE

movement from one side of something to the other,

| ddid


cing the same way: cycling hwo abreastCA Police car drew

apreast of us and sigrilalled us to stoD [ETIJ keep abreast of sth to make sure that you know all the most recent facts about a subject: Itis almostimipossibleto Keep abreast of all 切e Iatest deyvelopmeits 训 COTDUmS.

yoUI skin or iD yourbody fall of a thicK yellowish liquid (called PUs)

下 Aboveand oyercan both be usedto describea


albreast /abrest/ adv ~ (of sb/sth) next to sbysth and

alb-scess /'aebses/ moun a swollen and infected area On

above .over

Waitedoyer2 hours

> abrasively ady abrasivenessmoun [U]


/ab'sknpnd,NAmE sb'skadmad/ vem



(from sth) to escape from aplace that youaremnot allowed to leave without permission 2 ~ (with sth) to leave secretly and take with you sth, especially money that does Dotbelong to you: He abscomrded with the ComPaPy 及 mas,

ab-se刘 /aebsea/ (BrE) (NAmE rap-peb ve [V] ~ (down,

off,etc, sth) to go down a Steep CLIFF Or rock while attached to a rope, pushing against the Slope or Iock with

yourfeet- picturecyPAGER24 > abse让 (BrE)(NAmErappel) 0nou



/aebsens/ moun

1 [ugq~(from.…)thefactofsbbeing awayfromaplace Where they are Usually expected to be; the _occasion or

Period of time when sb is away: absence 万om Work 7ePeated absentces 方om schooIC The decision Wasmmade 议Tmy

absence (= whileIwas nottherej.c We did not7receiyE ay FeWs during his Iomg absence. 一See also LEAVE 了 [LU] the

fact of sb/sth not existing or not being available; alack of Sth: The case Was dismissed 训 雪 e absence of any definite

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| anow

| ppen

| rred


proof etheabsence ofany women om theboard ofdirectors [ED PRESENCE [II absence makes the heart grow


(soying) used to say that when yonu are away

standard distance from the earth 一compare APPARENT MAGNITUDE
absurdjity non [U,C] (P/

天 es ): 下 Was OPnly Iater that she coUld see 雪e apsuraitby of the Situation absurdjly




Paintimgs Were Sold for absurdly PaigR Prices. alb-surd-isrmm /sb'sa:drzem; NAmE -sard-/ moun [U] the belief that humans exist in .a world with no ptUIPose OF order > absurd:ist 1oVU1albsurdist ad/. [usually before noun]: apsurdist Literature


/abte/ qbbr Association of British Travel Agents (an

organization in Britain that protects customers,for eXample by giving them back the money for their tickets 让

atravel agent g0es BANKRUPT) abumn.danmce /abandens/ moun [sing.,U] :一 (of sth) (加入 mmal) alarge quantity that is more than enough

abundance in large quantities: grew in apumndanmnce on the island.



盏Vit ard Vegetables

/abAndent/ 0四 (Jormal) existing ip large

quantities; more than enough PLENTIFUL: Fish are abumdantin the lake.c We haye abundarnteyiderace to Proyve Pis SuUIL


/abAndentli/ adv 1 ~ clear very clear:

She made her Wishes apundantiy clear 了 iD large quantities: Calciurm E 刀 und mmostabundantyy in TiIK.

己 jpuse

0人 moun;yeb

下 /OU1m /abju:s/ 了 [u,sing.]

一 (of sth)theuseofsthin away

that is wrong or harmful MISUSE: alcohoIAdruSX Solyent abuse 2 He Was aTTested on charges of corrupton ald abuse ofpower 2 The System ofpaying casj Domtuses

open to abuse (= might be used in the wrong way). What she did was aTt abuse of her positiomr as marager 2 [uU,pl.] unfair,cruel or Violent treatment of sb: child QbUse 2 SeXUaI abtse 2 Teported abtses by the secretpolice C She suffered years of physical abuse 3 [U] rude and offensive remarks, usually made when sb is very angry: to_ screamz hurlI/shout abuse 2 astream/torrent of abrseiSa INSULTS

verb /eabju:z/ [VN] Tto make bad use .of sth, or to use So Ituch of sth thatit harms your health: ipg abuse alcohoI/ drugsc He systemmatically apused his body with heroin and cocaine. 了 to use power or knowledge Unfairly or wrong]y: She apbused her position as Principal pygiying jobs to jer 万iellds.2 He jLEthey had apused his TrustDy taIKing apout Pirm to 妨 epress (= tricked him, although he had trusted them). 3 to treataperson or an animal in a cruel or Violent way especially sexually: ALL the childremn jhad beem Dhysically and emotiomnally -abused ceHe had apbused Fis

OWTL daughter (= had sex with hen. ce The boy jhad been SeXuUaIIy abused. 4 to make rude or offensive remarks to or about sb INSULT: The referee had beem 雪 reatemned and abused. > abuser moun: a drug abuser eachild ab-

UsSer abpu-sive


1T(ofspeech orofaperson) rude

and offensive; criticizing rudely and unfairly: abusive IamnSuage/rermmarks C Fe became apusive wjher he Was

drunKk. 2Q2 (of behaviour) involving violeiice: am abusive Telatiorshipe abursiveJy 0dy alsut /sbAt/ verbftt )~(on/onto) sth (Jormall(oflandora building)tobe nextto sth ortohave one sidetouchingthe Side of sth: [V] Bis Iand aputk omnto aroad. [also VN] apys-imal /ae'brzmal/ aodj extremelybad or of a very low

standardEE3J TERRIBLEP abysmailjy adv aajpyss /abrs/ noun [usually sing.] (formaloryiterary) avery deep wide space or hole that seems to have no bottom: Ahead oftherm wasagapingabyss. C (jgurative) an abyss of igmnoraiicedaespair/ Ioneliness co(Jjgurative) The country zstepping bacK 广om the edge of ar abyss.


/abrsl/ odj. (techmical) relating to the bottom of

the ocean, especiallyto depths ofbetween 3000 and 6000


acat | dd father | eten | srbird | eabout|rsit|isee|imany|ngot

(Br | 5 saw | Acup


put | utoo


AC /el'si:) abbr 1 (alsoacialc)(especially NAmE) AIRCONDITIONING

that changes direction at regular intervals many times a

around the bend. CThe car accelerated to oyertake -7Tmne,

second) 一compare DC a/c (in writing) abbr 1 account 了 AIR CONDITIONING Ca-Ccia /akerfa/ (alsoa'cacia tree)moun atree with yel-


ac-CelLer-ationm sth) an increase

low or white flowers. There are several types of acacia tree, some of which produce a sticky liquid used in making glue-.

deme /akedim/) noun [uU] the world of learning, teach-


ing, researchb, etc. atuniversities, and the people involved


/天Kodemik/ ad ,moun

至 .Gd 起1 [usually before noun] connected with education, especially studying 训 schools and Universities: The St dents return 识 October for te start of the new acadermic year ee7igh]omwacadaermic Stanrdards ceari academiic career 2 [usually before noun] 这 volving a lot of reading and studying rather than Dractical or technical skills: acadermnic subjects/qualifications 3 good at subjects involving a lot of reading and studying: She wasmt yery academic and hated schooL_ 4 not connected to a real OF Practical situation and therefore not important: 下 人 Q PuUrelyy academic quUestion. @ The Whole thingSs acadeimic Pow 二 We camntWwin anyway > acadermmicaliy /了li/ adv: 殉 wUjhayeto do wellacademicallyto getinto mmedical School 下 OU1m a person who teaches and/or does Tesearch at a University or college

ac'Celerator board


下 "VE 有bb/ak'sent/ [VN] to emphasize apart of st

Which students go to school or University

ac-Cemti-ed /5ksentrd/ adj. 1 spoken with a foreign accent: He SpOoKe jheayipy accented Piglish 之 (techmicalj) spoken with particular emphasis: accented VOWelsASyL-

/skaedemil noun (pl-ies) 站 a school of col-

纺eRoyal Acadermy of Music 2 a

Police/military acadermy 2 (usuallyAcademy) a type

of official organization which aims to encourage and deVelop artb literature,science, etc.: 切 e Royal Acaderny of Arts 3 a sECONDARY SCHOOL 记 Scotland or a Private school in the US

(also Oscar) "ovn one of the

/akerdien/ movn 1 a French-speaking Can-

Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island 2 (in the US) a person from Louisiana whose family originallyscame from the French coLONY ofAcadia ip what is now Nova Scotia

了 CamiEPhus /ak2nbss/1 7001 [CU] aplant Which grows 还 Warm regions and:which has shiny leaves with Sharp Points, and long thin parts with flowers on

了 Cap-Ppeiila /3 kepela; ,上/|0d/ (of music) for singing acap-pella Voices alone, Without mtusical 记strUments Gd ACAS /erkaes/ 0bpr (Britain) Advisory, Conciliation and

/aksidl ve 万 一(to sth) (formaj) 1 to agree to a

request PrOposal, etc.: [V] Fe acceded to dermanmads fjor Fis resigrnation. [also V speech] 2 [V] to achieve a high positionj especially to become king or queen: QUee7 Victoria 一see also ACCESSION accededto 芒 ei 太rone 训 3837


/akselaTzends0; NAmE -ouU/ 00Y,0df/

(music) gradually 加 cteasing 租 Speed


Hour (placcekerandos ) acCeler-ate /sk'selarert/ verb1 to happen or to make sth happen faster or earlier than expected: [V] Taflatiom Continues: to accelerate


EDOsSUre to the Su


acceleratetheageingprocess 了 [V] (ofavehicle or Person) to _start to go fastersThe:TUmmersS accelerated Smoothly


| sarmy

| ao now

|:erz say

昌 | seo go (BI

or printed With a Special mark on it to show it should be Pronounced in aparticular way: accemtted characters ac-Cem-tu-ate /ak'sentfuert/ verb:[VN] to emphasize sth ormakeitmorenoticeable > accemtiurationm /ak,sentju-

瑟 C-Ce 了 亡 0

adian from New Brunswick, and parts of Quebec near it,


Iapbles 3 (technicaj (of a letter of the alphabet) wiitten

'eIfny/ noun [U]

awards given every year by the US Academy of Motion Picture Arts amid Sciences for achievement in the making of 人 ms/movies

Arbitration Service. ACAS is am organization that helps employers and employees settle disagreements.


compaie DIALECT 2 [sing.] a Special importance that is given to sth EMPHASIS: Ji all our products the accerit is or quality 3 [G the emphasis that you should STRESS: 肌 give to patrt of a Word when saying 让 4oday 坊e accent 证 of the second syllable. 4 [Ga mark on aletter to showthatitshouldbe Pronounced in aparticular way: CamnapE has ar accent on t切e e-

/zkademisIZzeam/ (also acad:emn-ism



忌 C-Ce 上a世 0本 7001, VE旋

,academic 'Yyear noun the period of the year during



理 1OU1 /22Kksent; -sent/ 1 [CU] a way of pronouncing the Words of a language that Shows which country, area OF social class a person comes from: a PorthernADUPLmATm好 anZScottish accentcastrongZbroad accent(= onethat ivery noticeable) e She spoke Eriglish With am accertt一

/akaedeimizem/) moun [U] (technical) the Use of formal rules and traditions in art or literature

lege for special training:

(also ac'celierator card) 10Un

mounsi(physics) an instrument for measuring ACCELERATION

amember of an academy(2)


在 (BrE) (also “as

(computing) a CIRCUIT BOARD that can be put into a Small computer to increase the speed-at Which 让 Processes information

acad-eim-iciamnm /akadamrfn; NAmEiskedemirfn/ noun aca-deimni-cism

/ak'selarerte(rD)/ oun

pedal NAmE BrE) the PEDAL in a car Or other Vehicle that you press with yor foot to control the speed of the engine 二picture 上 PAGE RI 2 (physics) a machine for making ELEMENTARY PARTICLES move at high Speeds


/ak,selarerfn/ novn 1 [Using] ~ (in

雇 how fast sth happens: at acceleration

总 the7ate of economic growth 2 [U] the rate at which a Vehicle increases _speed: a car With Sood acceleration 3 [u] (physics) the rate at Which the VELOCITY (= Speed in aparticular direction) of an object changes

aca:deimia /zke'dimmie/ (also 如rmal or humorous aca-



也 ALTERNATING CURRENT (an electric current

/aksept/ ve山

> OFFER/INVITATION 1 totakewillinglysththatis offtered; to say Yes'fto an offer, invVitation, etc.: [V] He asKked me to marry ji and Taccepted. C [VN] Please accept OUr Sincere apologies. 2 Heicharged With accepting bribes 太oma 三7 of SUDPpliers. 2 下 Was pouring With rain SO 工 accepted his offer of a 1 访 2 Shes decided miot to accept the Job. 2 She Said she'id acceptg15 j7r 让 [GE33 REFUSE > RECEIVEAS SUITABLE 了 [VN] to receive sth as suitable or good enough: My article has been acceptedjor PuUPILication. S TBE mmachine only accepts coins. 2 人W记 yoU accept G Chedue2

> AGREE 3 [VN1toagreeto or approve ofsth: They accepted the coUurts decision, C He accepted all the chamnges We DToPosed. She wonitacceptadvice 廊ora ayone. [3 REJECT 上 RESPONSIBILITY 4.[VN] to admit that you are Tesponsible or to blame for sth: He accepts 包.11 respomsibilitby Jor YOU Raye to accept the coOTiSeqUeTtCesS of WPhat happered. yYOUT actioT1S, BELIEVE 5 ~sth(assth)tobelievethat sth is true: [VN]T donit accEpt is yersion of events. C Cart We accept his QcEoUntas 切 e true Version2 C [V that] Taccept that this Wi Pot be popular S [VN that] t 1 Semnterally accepted that Deopleare miotivated by Success5 [VNtO in下 The workjforce 认 generally accepted to haye the best conditions 识 EUTOPe.

This pattern is only used in the Dassive; > DIFFICUET SITUATION -6 ~ sth (as sth) to continue in a difficultsituationwithout complaining, because yourealizethatyou camnotchangeit:[VN] YouJjusthayve to accept the fact thatWe7re meyer going to be rich co Nothing W 记 chamge:as long as the Workers comntinue to accept these

| ou go (MAm 有 | or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| 5e pure


8 |

added to acollection ofobjects, paintings, etc. in a library or museum acC:-Ces-SOTF-ize(8rEalso -jse) /ak'seserarz/ ve 凡 [vVN] to GDPpalling corditions. 2 They accept the risks as part of the= add fashionable items or extra decorations to sth,espeJob. ce [vthat] Hejustrehused to accept that his 如ther Was cially to your clothes mo Ionger there. acC:Ces-SOFY /ak'sesari/ 1OU1, qd > WELCOME 7 [VN] ~ sb (into sth) | 一 sb (as sth) tomake sb 上 1OU1 (D/ -ies) 了 [usually pl.] an extra piece of equipment feel welcome and part of a group: 夏 mmay taKe years to be that is useful but notessential or that can be addedto'sth COmLDietely accepted by the 1ocal cormrmnunib 2 She had else as a decoration: bicycle accessories Ca ranmge of 所 六 Teyer beent accepted into What Was essentially a mais Pishimngs arld accessories jpor the home 2 [usually pl.] a World. C He mneyer really accepted her as his owm childa. thing that you can wear or carry that matches yoUr [eg REJECT > ALLOWSBTOJOIN 8 ~sb (into sth) |~sb (assth) toallow clothes, for exampleabeltorabag 3~(tosth)(low)a sb to join an organization, attend an institution, Use a serPerson who helps sb to commit a crime or who knows Vice etc.: [VN] The college he applied to has accepted hirm. about it and Protects the Person from the police: He was She was disappointed notto be accepted into the club.cThe charged with being an accessory to Imurder C ar accessory Iartdlord was willing to accept us as tenants. C [VN to in 人 Defore/after thejact(=before/after the crime was comShe Was accepted to study mmUsiC,[GED REJECT mitted) 日Qdj. (technmical) notthe mostimportant when compared to acC-Ceipt-alple om /ak'septebl/o 丰 others: the accessory mntUscies of respiratiom 了 agreed or approved ofbymostpeople in a society: ChiLdrem must Iearn socially acceptable bpehayiour 了 一 (tosb) acCccessroadl0oun aroadtused fordriving into oroutofa particular place 一compare SIIP ROAD that sb agrees is of a good enough standard or allowed: JWe wantapoliticalsolution 雪 atis acceptable to all parties. IaCCess ftimme 10 [U,C] (computing) the time taken to CForthis courseapass 训 English atgradeBis acceptable. 2 obtain data stored in a comptter Air polIution in the city had reached jur mes 如e acceptac:Ci.demce/'zksIiqans/ noun [U] (old反shpioned) thepart able Level. 3 not very good but good enough: The 名ood of grammar that deals with the INFLECTIONS of words (三 Was acceptable,Put 7io 7more., [GE UNACCEPTABLE j> acCchanges in their form. according to their function in the cept-abil-ity /sk,septe'baeti/ movun [U] ac"ceptably Sentence) /-bli/ adv ac-Cept'ance /sk'septens/ moum 怀 [u,C] the act of accepting a _gift an invitation, an offern etc.: Please com三 ma YOUr acceptance of this offer i wrihng. He made a Short acceptartce SpeechVspeech ofacceptance. 2 [U] the act of agreeing with sth and approving of it: The new Iaws Payve gained widespread acceptamnce. 3 [U] the process ofallowing sb tojoin sth orbe amember ofa group: Zour acCCceptarlce 训 to the insurarnce Plarm is guaramnteed. 人 Social acceptantce is importarntjpr mostyoung people. 4 [U] willingness to accept an Unpleasant or difficult situation:

acCceptance of deatp《Asupfering ac'Cep:ta'tionm /sksep'terjn/ movn (inguistics) the meaning that a word or expression is generally accepted ashaving 司C.CeSS 0 /zkses/ nounm veb IOU [U] 1 ~ (to sth) away of entering'or reaching a Place: The omly access to the farrmhouse is across the fields. C _Disabled yisitors are Welcome; 妇 ere 1 good WwWjeelchair access to miostjfacilities. The police gainted access througj

Q Broken window. 一compare EGRESS

也 ~ (to sth) the

Opportunity or Tight to use sth or to see Sby/sth: Students TUsSt jaye access to go0od resources. 9 ZU meed apassWword to Set access to the computer System. Ooaccess to confidem6al information 2 Journalisks were deniied access to the President 2 Mamy divorced jathers only haye access to their childremn at Weekends (= they are allowed by law to see them only at weekends). 一compare VISITATION 有 yeE 纺[VN] 下 (compPputing) to open a computer file in order to get or add information QZ2 (1jormalj) to reach,enter or use sth: The lo所 ca be accessed byaladder access COUurse 10U1 (BrE) acourse ofeducation thatprePares students without the ustal qualifications, in order that they can study at university or college acC-Cess'ilble /ak'sesabl/ adj ~ (to sb) 1 that can be Ieached, entered, Used, seen, etc.: THPe remote desert area 1 accessible oly py Peilicopter C These docurmments are mot accessible to the puUBlic., 2 easy to understand: Qa pro8STramrne Taking Sciemnce more accessiple to young people

3 (of a person)

easy to talk to and


“PP acCessibility

get to _know /ak,sesa'bllati/

moum [U] acC-Ces.Sion /zek'sefn/ noun ~ (to sth) 1 [u] the act of becoming aruler of a country: the accession of Queen Victoria to the 轨 rone 一see also ACCEDE 了 2 [U] the act of becoming partofan international organization: the accesSion of mew TieTmiber states to the EU 识 2004.9 t纺e new GCCcessio1tL Staftes of thre EU 3 [q (technicaol) athing thatis


| ddid

| ffal

| 9get:|l


| jyes

acC-Cidemnt 0

/'zksrdent/ noun

1 [q an unpleasant event especially in a vehicle, that happens Unexpectedly and causes injury or damage: a car/road/traffic accident 2 He was Killed in an accident. C One in SeyenL accidents is caUsed by Sleepy driyers. CThe accident happened at3D.Im. cto haye an accident Qserious/Tninor accidentc ajfatal accident(= in which Sb is killed) 2 accidents 识 the home c a clirmbimng]Tidirg accident C TaKke out accident isUraTtce before yoU 50 0 your trip' COTdidntrmear to break 让-让 Was ar accidertt 2 [CU] something that happens Unexpectedly and is not planned in advance: Their early arrival Was just ar accident 下 zmo accident 雪 atment 记 17mostofthetopjobs 训


an accident ofbirthXfateXhistory (= describ-

ing facts and events that:are due to chance or circum-

stances) 只 note at LUCK TIE _ accidents will 'hap People say accidents will happen to tell sb who has 5 an _accident for example breaking sth, that it does not matter and they should not worTy by accident in a way that is not Planned or organized [Ga ON PURPOSE, DELIBERATELY: We met py accident at the airport Helen got into acting purely py accident 一more at CHAPTER,


acC:Ci-deim-tal 0 /aksrdentl/ ad happening by chance; not Planned: ayverdict of accidental death ceTdidmt think our meeting Was accidental 一he mmust haye Known TIWould be there. acci-den-tal.ly /-teli/ ady:4sTturned around Taccidentaly Pit hirm in 雪 e jace.

CThe darmnage couldret hayve been caused accidentally.

accident and e'imergemcy (8/E) (abbr A 玉 日(NAmE e'imerSency room) 10U1 [U] the part of a hospital Where People who need urgent treatment are taken: the jhospital _accident and emergency department--see also

CASUALTY accident-prone ad morelikelyto have accidents than other People acC-Claiim /aklemmn/ verb, 0OU7 在 Verb [VN] [usually passive] 一 sb/sth (as sth) to priaise or welcome sb/sth Publicly: a Flightywidely acclaimed Performance c The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece. 晶 0OUm [U] praise and approval for sb/sth, especially an artistic _achievement: international/ZpopUIar/critical acciaim

ac-Cciam-ation /zklamerfn/ noun [U] TUormaj loud and enthusiastic approval Or welcome 2 (technical) the act of electing sb Using a spoken not written vote: The decision Was taken by acclamatior

| kcat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen



acEcliirmmate /过 klamert/ verb (NAmE) = ACCLIMATIZE


ac-Cli-mma:tize (BrE also -ise) /aklamaetarz/ (NAmE also accli-mate) yemb ~ (yourself) (to sthj to get used to a new place, situation or climate: [V] Arrive two days earby

ac-com:plished /akamplrft; NAmE akdm-/ ad very goodataparticular thing; havingalotofskills:amn accomPlished artistactorVcheFe She Was an eleganmt aid accoTm了 lished wormaanm.

P acclimation/Aaklamermn/ moun [U]

识 order to acclimatize. C@ [VN] She was Jine once She had

acclimatized jherselF to the cold, acclimatizatiom, :isation /akKlamatarzerfn; NAmE-te'z-/ moun [U] ac:Col.ade /zkelerd; ,skelerd/ noun (jrmal) Praise OT an awardfor an achievementthatPeople admire acCcom:mo.date /akomedert; NAmE akda:m-/ ve 上 TIvN]lto Drovide sb with a room or Place to sleep, live ofsit:The hotelcaraccomrmodateUpto 500guest: 2 [VN] to piovide enough space for sb/sth: Over 70 minutes of

music camn be accommodated on one CD

3 [VN] (Jormal))

accordWithn our policy of being asked,forced oOT 了 caTme back of his own accord. 2 The symptorns 作证 He 妙 这 clear up of 切 eir own accord. with one ac'cord (BrE, 加rmajh 让 people do sth with one accord, they doit atthe

一 to sth | ~ sth/yourself to sth (frmalj) to

change yourbehaviotr so that you can deal With a neW

same time, becatuse they agree With each other

situation better: JIV] Imeeded to accomirmnodate to tre mew Schedule [alsoVN]

是 vemb (Jorma1h 站 一sth to sb/sth | 一 sb/sth sth-to give sby/

ac-com:-mo-dat:ing /akomadertm; NAmE aka:zm-/ adl. OBLI-

sth authority status or a Particular type of treatment: [VN, VNN] Our society accords greatirmportarnce to the 所 7m认f ee Our society accords the Jrmipy Sreat iporta7tce.

2 [V] 一 (with sth) to agree with or match sth: These results

0m /akpma'derjn; NAmE

accord closely with Our Dredictions.

akdadzmmn-/ noOUn 1 LU] (Br6a place to live, work or stay in: retted/temHotel accomzrmzodaDoraryZfurnished accomrmodation tion is included 总 the price ofyour holiday 2 The building Plains 识cIude much meeded new office accom7mmaodatiomn 和 有 rsEclass accormrmodatiomt 这 available on al Jights. 2 accommodations [pl.] (NAmE) somewhere to live or stay often also PIoviding food or other ServVices: More and imore 厅avelers are 1ooKingjforbed and breakfast accoTmrTmnodafions 访 priyate homes. 3 [CU] (Jormah an agreement or arrangement between people OF grIOUPS With different OPDinions Which is acceptable to eVeryone, the Process of reaching this agreement: They Were Jorced to reach am accomrirmodation With theTebels. ac-com:pani-ment /akKAmpenimaent/ moun ~ (to sth) 1 [CuU]musicthatis playedtosupport singingoranother instrument: traditiomral songs With Piano accomPaTirtent 2 [cl something that youeat drink or use together with sth else: The wine 7makes a 8ood accompanirment to Jish dishes, 3 [C] (1jormaj something that happens at the sametime as another thing: High blood pressUre 1 Q comm7mom accomzpanmirment to this disease,IET to the accompaniment of sth 1 whilea musical instrument is being Played: They performed to tphe accompaTliment of SUitars. 2 while sth else is happening: She 7mmade jher Speech t the accompanmirment ofIOuUd IaUSRter ac.CcOoim:.pamn'ist /akampanrst/ noun aperson who Plays a St istrument especially a Piano,while sb else plays or sings the main Part of the music


in accord (with sth/sb) Uormajh in agreement

This action would motbe With: our own ac'cord without

OBLIGE: Thaye to help sb by doing what they want accommodated the press Q Sreat deal 8iving TIUTLeroUS


ac-COrd /ako:d; NAmEaKkord/ nounm, ve 屿


mieeds of mminority groups. 4 [VN] ~ sb (with sth) (rmaj)

willing to help and do things for other people GING

noun 1 [cq an impressive thing that is done Was one of the ACHIEVEMENT: after a lot of work esidents greatest acCOFmplishrments, 了 [CU] a SKill or Special ability: Drawing and sin8ging Were amioPg Per Q Doet of rare accomPpiisjhrment 7nary accOTiB5Shment: 3 [U] (1jormah the successful completing of sth: Money 风 记 pe crucial to the accomDlishrment ofour Opjectives.

目 IOUP aformal agreement between two organizations, cotntries,etc:: The two sides signied Q Peace accord Iast

to consider sth, such as sbls opinion ora facb andbeinfluenced byit when you are deciding what to do or explaining sth:_ Our proposal tries to accormmrmodate the Special

interviews. S

akam-/ accom:plish.ment /5kAmplifmant; NAmEor achieved

ac-Cord.amce /ako:dns; NAmE akozrdns/ non IE in accordance with sth (Jormalj) according to a rule or the Way that Sb says that sth should be done: Witp legal requiremiemts

识 accordartce

ac:-Cord.ing.ly /aka:dmli; NAmE akoxrd-/ adv

也 a

way that is appPropriate to What has been done or Said 训D aparticular Situation: We haye to discoyer jisIans and act accordingly Qused especially at the beginning of a senTHEREFORE: The COst Of Triate广 tence)jfor that reason ia rose sharply IaSt Year According We Were forced to increase OUF Prices.

ac-Cord.ins to 0

/akozdm te; NAmEakoxrdI/

Dre T asstated orreported by sb/sth: According to Mick 让sa Sreat7novie. ZUYEDeet absentSE tirmies according to OUT records. 2 following, agreeing With ordepending on sth: 雄 e WorKWas doiie according t0O her 识SfTUctiornls. 2 Ever3/太 ing Went according toiplanm co The salary Wilibe 万xed according 1 quaI 访cations amd eXDeFiePice. ac:Cor-dion /akoidian; NAmE akoxrd-/ OU a musical 记 strument that you hold in both hands to produce sounds. YotU Press the two ends together and pull them apart amid Press btttons and/or keys to producethe differ 一See also PIANO ACCORDION ent notes.

0m /skAmpanil "e 履(accom-pan-

和 洒

ac:-com.pan'ied, ac-com.pan'ied


1 (fjormah to travel oF go somewhere with sb: Fis W 庆 accompanied .Firm on the 杂 友 之 to happen OF appear 和 With sth else: strong winds accomzpaniied by heayvy Faim 一 Sb Each pack comtains CDbook and accompanying CD. 3

(at/on sth) to play a musical instrument, especially a

Piano, while sb else sings OF playsthe main tune: The sin8er Was accompanied or the Piano by hersSister PerSon accom:plice /eaKkAmplIs: NAIE akda:m-/7o07m a Whohelpsanother to commit a crime Or to do sth wrong


/akAmplrJ; NAmE akazrm-/ Ver [VN] to

ACHIEVE: The succeed In doing or completing sth 有 rsEDartof the DPIam jas beem 5afeiy accomplished CTdonmt Mission 帮eLTYVe acco7mplished yery muchtodayx CThats 让 do). accomiplished (= we have done what we aimed to


| ttea

| vvan

| 到 wet | zzoo

| Jshoe



ac-COSt /akpst; NAmEako:st aka:st/ ve由 [VN] (Jormal)to

goupto sb and.speak to them, especially in away that is rude or threatening: She Was accosted 识 the Street Dy a COmLDIete StraTger

acCCOUmt 0 /akaont/ moun;, ve贱 国 -0OU1 ATBANK 1 (obbr a/c) an arrangement that sb has with a bank etc.tokeep morieythere take SOme OUb etc.: TdoPmt Hayveapankaceount to hayeamnaccourttat/Wwitha bank JWhats your accOUTL PUTmCOtooperclose an accourt DerpleasePCTFaid the cheque into my Sayings QCCOUPL CQ joint accounit(= onein the name Of more than one Per-

| 5 vision

| tf chain

|: d5 jam

| gthin


| 5this

| msing


10 |

SOn) 一see also BUDGET ACCOUNT -CHECKING ACCOUNTy CURRENT ACCOUNT, DEPOSIT ACCOUNT > BUSINESS RECORDS 2Q2 [usually pl.] a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it: to do the accounts 2 te accounts depart-



.3.(BrE also'credit account) (NAmE

also'charge account) an arrangement with a shop/ store OF business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month: Put 丰 oO7LTY accoUTEPIease.C JWe haye accounts with most of our SUPPliers. 只 note at BILL = REGULAR CUSTOMER 4 (business) aregular customer: THhe aSetcy has 1ost Several of its 7mostimiportamnt accoumts. * COMPUTING 5 an arrangement that sb has with a comPany that allows them to use'the Internet send and receive Inessages by _email,etc.: am Imternet/ermail


*:DESCRIPTION @ a written or spoken description of sth that has happened: She gaye 轨 e police a 包 11 accoumnt of the incider丰 c note at REPORT 7 an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a Process: the Biblical GCCOUnt of the creatiomn of the world IE


all _accounts

according to- what


People say: Tye neyer been 切ere but its a Iovely place, by al accounts. by your own account according to what you Say Yourself: By his owm account APe had an unhappy

childhood.giveagood/poorac'countofyourself (Br6) to do sth or perform well orbadly especiallyin a contest: The team gaye Q good account of themmiselyes 太 坊 e mmatch.

of no/little ac'count

(formal) not important on ac-

health-on no account

|noton any account

count 站 youbuy sth or payon account, you paynothing oronlyasmall amount immediately andithe restlateron sb”s account because ofwhat youthink sb wants: Please domtchangseyourplans onTny accounton accountof sb/ sth because of Sb/sth: She retired early on account of 记

(used to

emphasize sth) not for any reason: Om no accouTit Should the house pe Le所 Unlocked.on your own



yourself: 到 1992 Smith set UP- 识 business ohisowm acCOUNLE 卫 because you wantto and yo have decided, not Sb else: No ome Sent mej Ta jhere on ITny oOWm account on this/that account (1/ormal) because of the particular thing that has been mentioned: Weather conditiomns were Poop put he did not delay his departure om that account

put/turn sth to good ac'count

(jormal to use sthin a

good orhelpful waytake accountof sth |take sth into

account to consider particular facts, circumstances,etc. When making a decision about sth; The comPpamny taKkes acCOUPt Of etyiroi7memtal 1SSUes Whereyer possible. C CoUurseWork is taKken into account as Well as exam results.c The defendant asKked Joramnurmzber ofother offences to be taken

into accounE 一more atBLOW1m.,CALL VY,SETTLE 以 目 VE/ 几 [usually passive] (fommalj) to have the opinion that sby sthisaparticular thing: [VN-ADj] Im Bmnglis 凡Iaw a personm 放 GCCOUTtted inmocent Until they are proved guUilty co[VN-N] The




Q SuccessS:

[Er there'xs


accounting for 'taste (5s0Oying)used to say how difficult itis tounderstand why sb likes sbysth thatyou do notjike at all: She 妨 inKs jhes Wonder 记 二of Wel,theres mo

QGCCOUTtg Jor taste.

explanation or cause of sth

ac'countfor sth

1 tobethe

EXPLAIN: The Poor Wea-

妇 er 7may haye accounted jpr the small crowd coOF We 了 that accounts fjor 让 (= 工Understand now why: 让 hap-

pened). 2 to give an explanation of sth


了ow do you accountjJorthe shows success? 3 tobea particular amount or part of sth: The Japariese TarKet acCOUPtS for 359%0 of the cormparmys Teyentue. ac'count for

sb/sth 1 to know where sb/sth is or what has happened to them, especially after an accident: AIL passengers have 7OW been accounted Jor 2 (Unfonmal)todefeat or destroy sb/sth: Our anti-aircra 毛Sunms .accounted Jor Jive enemy

bormbers: account for sth (to sb)-to give arecord of

how the money in your care has been spent: We jhave to QCCOUTtJor eyeIy Penny We spend om business trips:

ac:COumnt:-able /akauntebl/ odj/. [not usually before nounm]

~ (to sb) (for sth) responsible for your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when you are asked: Pol1iticiarls are ULEmately accoOUPtable to 坊e yoters. 2 So7TieoTie TUst be held accourttapble for the Kilings, accountabilLity /akaunte'bnati/ novn [U]: the accouritapitity ofa

coTmmpamny's directors to the Shareholders ac-COumntamncy /akauntensi/ 0oun [U] the work or profession of an accotntant acCOunt:ant:/akauntent/ noun aperson whosejob isto keep or check financial accounts accCcounteXxecutive:ovn abusiness person, especially one working in advertising, who is responsible fordealing With one ofthe companys regular customers ac:COunmt-ing /skauntIm/ 10oU1 [U] the.process or work of keeping financial accounts: Qa career 总-accoumting Qccoumtintg methods

aciCcOuUnts 'payable "oun [pl.] (busimess) moneythat is owedby a company

aciCOuUmnts re'Ceivalble that is owed to a company

"ovn _[pl.] (business) money

ac-COutre (USac'couter) /akuzteCD/ verb [VN] (1jormma1 一 sbiin/with sth) to dress sb in a particular type of clothing or give them a particular type of equipmenti especially anoticeable or impressive type

ac'COutre.-ments /akutrements/ (US alsoac-courterments /aku:termants/) nouUn [pl.] (formal or humorous) pieces ofequipmentthat youneed foraparticular activity acC-Crediit /akredit/ vemb [VN] T [usually passive] ~ sth to

sb | 一 sb with sth (jommal) tobelievethat sbis responsible for doing or saying sth; The discovery of distillatior is usLaly accredited to the Arabs of 切 e ITth century CThe Arabs

are USUally accredited With 雪 e discoyery of distillaiiom. 之 [usually passive] ~ sb to .… (technica1h to choose sb for an official position, especially as an AMBASSADOR: He was accredited to Madrid. 3 to officially approve sthysb as being of an accepted quality or standard: Institutions that do mot 7meet the Standards will mot be accredited for teacher training. ac:Credit-ation /akredrterfn/ novn [u] official approval given by an organization -stating that sbysth has achieved arequired standard:a Letter of accreditatiom acC:Crediit:ed /akredrtrd/ ad [usually before noun] 1 (of aperson) officially recognized as sth; with official permisSion to be sth: our accredited representatiyec Only accreditedJjournalists Were allowed entry 了 officially approvedias being of an accepted quality or standard: a 记 ljy accredited schooIZuniversity/course acC:Cre'tion /akrizfmn/ moon (technicahor 乞rrah) Ti [da layerofa substance thatis slowly addedtosth 2 [U] the Piocess of new layers being slowly added to sth acCrue /akru/vem (formna)1T IV~(tosb)(from sthjto increase over a period of time' econiommic DeneFits accruing to the counitry 方om tourism 2 InteresE Will accrue 矿yoOU Keep your noney 识 Q sayings account :2 [VN]itoallowa Sum of money or debts to gow over a period of time



PP accrual

The 记 r7mi jhad accrued aeb of oyer

/akruzal/ noun

训 terest

[Uu,G: the_accrual OF

acC-Culturate /akAltferert/ vemb [V VN] (Jrmajtoleain to live successfully in a different culture; to help sbto do

this w acculturation /akAltfererfn/ noun [U]

ac'Ccu-mu:late:-/akjuomnjelert/ verb TIVN] to gradually

get more



of sth over

a period

of time

AMASS: 了 Seema to haye accumulated a Iot of books.

By inyeshing Wisely :she accummulated a 7rtune. cy note at COLLECT 2 :[V]togradually increase in number or quantity over aperiod of time BUILD=UP: Debts began to QcCcUUIate,




> _accumulation

/akjunmjalerfn/ noun [u,G: the _accumulation of wealth Cam accumulation oftoxic chermmicals acCu'mu'la'tive /akjumijsletrv/ ad六 (1jormao1 growing by increasing gradually: the accurmzulative effects of polIu丰om

ae cat | ad: father | eten | s: bird | ae about | Tsit | isee | imany | p got (Br6) | 5: saw | Acup | aput | utoo

acCCu:-imu-la:tor /akjumjelerteCoD/ novn 1 (computing) asection ofacomputerthatis used for storing theiresults ofwhathasbDeencaleulated 2 (BrE) (NAmEstorage battery ) a large battery that you can 人旬] with electrical power(= thatyou can RECHARGE) 3 (BrE) abet on a series ofraces or other events, where the money Won OF Originallybetis Placed on the neXxt face etc-. acC:CUraCy /aekjsraesi/ noun [U] the state of being exXact or correct; the ability to do sth skilfully without making Imistakes: They questioned the accuracy of the inforrmatiom 识 the file. e She hits the ball Withn Sreat acCUTQCY [2D INACCURACY

忆 C-CUII 瑟记忆 0_

/zkjsraet/.0 直 .

1_ correct and true in every detail: an accurate descrip识formationadata tion/]accountycalculation Caccurate Accturate records mmusEDe Kept 史 note at TRUE 字 able to g&ive cOmpletely correct information OF to do sth in an exactWay: Q Pighty accUurate electromtic coTPass 2 QCCUTrate to _within 3mrm ceMy watch is not Very accurate, 玉 an accedurate throw, shot Weapon,etc. hits OF reaches the INACCURATE aC"CUCthing that it was aimed at ate-ly ady: The article accurately reflects DuUDblic opinion. Zuneed to Fitthe ball accurately.

acCe /ers/ 10U1 0 中. 四 1ounT a5LAYINGCARDWith alargeisinglesymbol on it, Which has eitherthe Hiighestor the lowestvalue in a Dartictlar card: game: the ace Of Spades/ heartsXdia二Dicture 允 PLAYING CARD 之 (UPformah a 7mondsXclubs person who is Very good at doing sth: a80cceT1fiying ace

amnacemarksmarn 3 (inTENNIS)aSERVE (= the first hit) that is so good that YouUr Opponent cannoft reach the ball:

He served 20 aces

skill that you are ready to use 放 You need tohold all the aces to have all the advantages in a situationplay your 'ace to seyour best argument etc. in order to get an advantage in a situationwithin an ace of sth/of doing sth (BrE) Very close to sth: We came Within am QCce of Victory. 昌 _0cj. (injormaljl very good: We had am ace time.

or divided into cells acCer /erseOD)/ OU [CU] a tree OF plamit that is often grown for its attractive leaVes and bright autumnV/fall colours

acerib.ic /a'sa:bik; NAmEa'sa:rb-/ adj (formal)(ofaperson

/akjuzerfmn/ noun [CU] ~ (of sth) (against

or whatthey say) criticalin a direct and rather crUel Way: The letter Was Written 识 her USUQI acerbic Sby1e. 区 acerbity /a'sa:bati; NAmEa'sarb-/ noun [U]

son is guilty of doing sth wIong, especially of committing acrime; thefactofaccusing Sb:.accusatiors ofcorTruUptiom cruelbyTacisnmLeTdomntwantto Tmnake ar accusatior umtil Thave some -Droof C No one belieyed Per Wild accusatiomns againstherhusband. Hedenied te accusatiomthatjhe had Pint of accusationm 训 论nored tpe Droplerms: 2 There Was Per Voice.

= PARACETAMOEL acCet-ate /aesitert/ noun 1 [U] a chemical made from

acetic acid, usedinmaking Plastics, etc. 2 [U] achemical Usedto make FEIBRES Which are used to make clothes, etc. 3 [q a transparent Plastic sheet that yoU can Wiite OT Print sth on and Show on a Screen Using an OVERHEAD


When it is the DIRECT OBJECT of a Verb,oOT connected mm today, With the DIRECT OBJECT: Im the senterice, TSQW

tive ad

/akju:zateri; ,32kju'zeiteri NAmE oz/ acC:CUsatOry sth adj. (jormalj) suggesting that yoU think sb has done WIOng

0训 /akju:z/ ve 几 [VN]


/asetelim/ (alsoethyne ) noun [Uj] (symb

you are SUIPIrised, SOIIy, etc-


/Atfa:/ exclomation (ndE inormal) Tused to

showthat the speaker agrees With, accepts, Understands, etc. sth: Achchal We了LEmeet at eight 卫 used to exXPresS Surprise, happiness, etc.

guilty of sth:. to accuse SD |accusation 几. of 7TnurderAthe太 人 She ac- | accusing 0d. cused Pim of Iying. C The .|accusatory adl.


goyermmett WaS aCCUSed of oF crimes 识commpetemnce. 人 (Jrmna1j) They Stand accUsSed

/erik/ verb, noun

日 ye 站 [v] to feel acontinuous dull PainSR3


HURT: 了 mm

万o7mn Lack of sleep. e (Jig-

aching all ovyer C Her eyes ached

Urative)' 政 makes TY heart ache (= 让 makes me Sad) to See

/akju:zd/ noun (pithe accused ) aPerson

QCCLUSed Was who is on trial for committing a crime: The Suilby/一 Jound innocent 2 AI the accUsed jhayve pleaded


jersuhfjfer 只 noteatHURT

之 一 forsb/sth (Jormmaj) tohave

a strong desire for sby/sth or to do sthEEI LONG: Was aching oriome.2 [vto inf] Be ached to see Per

[V] TI

pain 卓 _1OuUn (often 雇 Compounds) a continuos feeling of /akjuzm/ ad/. showing thatyou think sb has of the body: Murmrry Tye got ia Lunmryny acheapart in tone 2 Her


done sth wrong: am accusing 1ooKA Finger/ acCcUSing eyes Were fixed oO Firm作 accusing:ly


Muscular aches amd pains ca be Soothed by a relaxing


/akxstem/ vertEEE ac custom yourseif/

1mnassage, O (Jigurative) an ache 识 TnY Reart (= acontinuous

become sbto sth to make yourself/sb familiar with sth or took Firm a While to accUstom jirmself to the Used to it: idea. 一 to sth/to doing sth ac-Cus-tomed /akAstemd/:ad:1T or UsSsUal familiar with sth and accepting 让 as normal sth c My UsED TO: io becomeVget accustomed to was QPer广 eyes 51OWIy 8TrewW accustormed to the dark. 2 She Q _might som accustomed to jhaving eigRt jhours” Sleep HABITUAE: RI usualE ) (Jormal nounm] before 2 [usually UNACCUSPEe took His iaccustomed:Seat py the 万re.IE TOMED


/aisi:trk 'sesId/ noun [U] the acid DVINEGAR

CzHz ) a gas that burns with a Very hot bright flame, used for cutting orjoining mmetal fact that achh /az/ exclamation (SCoOtE) used to exXPreSS the 人

DRD FAMILY 一 sb (of sth) to say that Sb has done sth wrong or is | accuse V



that gives it its taste and smell aceti.Ome /aesrteon; NAmE-toun/ ou [u] aclearliquid paint With astrongsmellused forcleaning things, making thinner and prodtcing various chemicals

夸 eWord 和 im 辣 识 坊 e accusative. 一COmPpare ABLATIVE, DATIVE,GENITIVE,NOMINATIVE,VOCATIVE 多 aCCUsSa-

the ac:-cused

/aisi:temrmaefen/ nouwn [uG (NAm 有


acCusative /aiKju:zetiv/ OU0 (Sram1man) ( 迄Some languages) the form of a noun, a PIOnoun OFT am adjective

区 ac'CUSer againstjurmariity

/erseljelaCD)/ adj. (biology) not consisting of


sb) | ~ (that … ) a statement saying that you think a Per-


an ace UP YOUT

ciet advantage, for example a piece of information or a

having acURSE (= abad magic SPELL) On 让


识e match IE

(8月 (NAmEan ace in the hole ) (informaj) a se-


/aEa:sid; NAmE -kairs:/ adj (oldjoshioned)



| 行

Jersi'dirsiz/ad1 (slang) = BISEXUAL |ar my

| aa now

| er say

| se go (B/

一see also sad feeling) 只 vocabulary notes on Page R18


acChieve 0

/atjirv/ vemb

OF 1 [VN] to sticceed in reaching a Particular goal, Status long time standard, especially by making an effort foria ATTAIN: He had fimnally achieyed SUccess. 人 They could 2_[VN]to motachieyve their targetof less 妇an 390 识fhlation. 雇 doing sth or causing sth to happen succeed ACCOMPLISS: [Phayertt achieyed Very much today sucAILyouywe achieved 让 to UPSetTPXY Parents. 3 [V] tobe ofachievcessful: Their bacKkground Siyes thert little chamnce

识g dt School achiev'able achieyable.

0dj: Erofits of 8207m LIOoK

achievable goalssE

| oo go (Mm 日 | or boy

| me near


| ee hair

| ue pure


12 | ackrack /,ak'ak/ moun [U] (informajn the repeated firing of guns at aircraf人ft

achieve.-meint om /atfizvmeant/ noun

ackee (also akee) /aeki/ noun 1 [cl a type of tree that

1 [q athing that sb has done successfully,especially using their own effort and skill: the greatest Sciem 友记c acChieyvemment of the decade e 下 was a rermarkable achieyveTent Jor SUCh ayoung Player C They were proud oF their childreres achieyements, 2 [U] the act or Process of achieving sth: the meed to raise standards of achievermnent 妆 education Ce Byent a small Success Siyes yOU Ga Sense OF

achievement (= afeeling ofpride). achiever /atfiveGD/ noun T a person who achieves a high level of success,, especially in their career 2 (after an adjective) a person who achieves the particular level of success that is stated: aow achieyer

Achilles heel /akali:z'hil/ noun [sing] aweakpoint or fault ip sb's character Which can be attacked by other people [NI Named after the Greek hero Achilles. When he was a small child, his mother held him below

the surface of the river Styx to protect him against any

injury. She held him by his heel, which therefore Was not touched by the water. Achilles died after being wounded by an arrow in the heel.

Aichilles 'ten:don (also Achil.les) moujn the TENDON

that connects the mnuscles at the back of the lower Part ofthe legtothe heel

ach.kan /fken/ moun a piece of mems clothing that Teaches to the knees, with buttons down the front worn

in S Asia 》 achy /erki/ ad (npformal) suffering from a continuous slight pain:Tfeel all achy e an achy bacK


0m /aesrd/ noun, ad

香 0OUm 了 [U,C] (chemistry) achemical, usuallya liquid, that contains HYDROGEN and has apH ofjless thar seven. The HYDROGEN can be replaced by a metal to form a salt. Acids are usually sour and can oftenburn holes in or damagethings theytouch. 一compare ALKALI-_ see also ACETIC ACID, AMINO ACID, ASCORBIC ACID,,CITRIC ACID, HYDROCHLORIC ACID, LACTIC ACID, NITRIC ACID, NUCLEIC ACID, SULPHURIC ACID 2 [U](s/ang) =ISD 下 Gdj. 1 (iechnicoj) that contains acid or has the essential characteristics ofan acid; thathasapHoflessthan seven: Rye 1 tolerant of poop acid soik 一compare . ALKALINE 2 that has a bitter Sharp taste

SOUR: acid

廊UiE 吃

note at BITTER 3 (of a person's remarks) critical and un-



acid drop moun (Br6 atypeofhard SweetVcandy with a SoOUT taste 'acid house moun [u] a type of electronic music with a Strong Steady beat,often played at parties where some people take harmful drugs


or of containing acid

,acid 'jazz noun [U] atype of dance musicthat combines JAZZ, FUNK, SOUL;, and HIP HOP

acid.ly /aesrdli/ oadv in an unpleasant of critical Way: Thamnks for nothing' she said acidy

acid rain movn [u] rain that contains harmful chemicals

from factory gases and that damages trees,crops and buildings

,acid “salt nou1

(chemisty) a salt formed whan the

HYDROGEN of an acid is not completelyreplaced

acid 'test (also 'litmus test especially 也 NAImE) moun

[sing.] a_ way of deciding whether sth is successful or true: The acid test ofa good driver 过 WwWhether he or she re7Tmai71S CQ im aTL emerge7icy.

acidu'lous /a'srdjalas; NAmE-d5e-/ adi (Jormaj having a SOUIT taste


| ddid

Tto accept that sth is true: [VN] She 7efuses to ackriowWiedge the meed jpr reform ca Seneraly acKmrow-

ledsed Jact e [Vithat] Tdid mot ackmrowledsge 态at ie jad done amything Wrong. C [VN to inf] 夏 z generalyy acKnowedged to be true. [also v -ing] cnote at ADMIT >* ACCEPT STATUS 字 ~ sb/sth (as sth) to accept that sbysth has a particular authority or status RECOGNIZE: [VN] THje country acKmiowiedged his claim to 切 e throrie EVN, VN to inf] He 站 Widely acknowledsged as 芒 e pest Diayer 妆 the World. e BEHe 东 Widely acKknowledged to Be the best DIayer 总 雪 e Worid. “REPLY TO LETTER 3 [VN] totell sb thatyouhavereceived Sth that they sent to you: AI applicatfiois will pe ackmnowleaged. c Please acKrowiledge receiptoFthis etter


4 [VN]to showthatyouhavenoticed sbysth

by smiling, waving, etc.:TWwas stamnding rightmext to Per DutsShe didmiteyven acKnowiedge mme. * EXPRESS THANKS 5 [VN] to publicly express thanks for help you have been given:Tgratefu1yy QCKmowiedage Hiiia7LcialsUPPort 廊om Several 1ocal businesses.

ac know:ledge:ment



/skmnlid5ment; NAmE skmazl-/ moun 了 [sing.,U] an act of accepting that sth exists or is truel or that sth js there: This report am acKnowledgement or the size of the prob-

lem. SShe gayermmeasmile ofackiiowledgement (= showed

that shehad seen and recognized me). 2 [GuU]anactora statement expressing thanks to sb; something that is given to sb as thanks: 了 Was Sent a 方ee copy im acKknowledgement of mmy contribution. c The Jiowers were a small acCKknowledsermment of your Kindness. 3 [C] a letter Saying that sth has been received:Tdiamireceive am QCKkmowiedse-

7ment of TY application., 4 [Cusually pl] a statement, especially at the beginning of a boolk in which the writer expresses thanks to the people who have helped


/zekmi/ noun [usually sing.] (1jormal/) the highest

stage of development or the most excallent example of HEIGHT sth acCmne /zkni/ noun [U] a skin condition, commomn among young people,that produces many PIMPLES (= Spots), especially on the face and neck: to suffer Jormm/jhayve

acne aco.lyte /akelart/ nour1 ( 训rma1a Person who follows and helps a leader 2 (technical/) a person who helps a or blue flowers and a poisonous root that is sometimes used to make drugs

acid'ified) [V VN] (techmicaj) to become or make sth be-

acid.ity /a'srdeti/ nour [U] the state ofhaving asour taste

om /akinolid5; MmEasknitly

ve/b *ADMIT

acCom'ite /zkenart/ noun [CU] a wild plant with yellow

之 containing acid: acidic soil

come an acid

ac know.ledge

Priest in some church ceremomies

acidic /a'srdrk/ odj 1 very sour: Some 廊uit Juices arevery

acCid.许 y /a'srdifar/ verb (acid:ifies, acid.ify.ing, acid.ified,

produces bright red fruit, originally from W Africa 2 [U] the fruit from this tree; which is poisonous to eattnless 让 is completely RIPE

acCoOrmn /erkom; NAmE-kozrmn/ noun thesmall brown nut of the OAK tree, that grows in a base shaped like a cup [ET see OAK

acCOus'tic /aku:strk/ oadj (NAmEalso acoustical /akuzstrkl/) 1 related to sound or to the sense of hearing 之 [usually before noun] (of a imnusical instruimnent OF Derformance) designed to make mattral Sound, not sotind Produced by electrical equipment-picture 只 PAGE R7 > acousticafiy:/kli/ adv

acoOus'ti'cian /akuxstrfmn/ nour'a scientist who studies Sound




1 [pl] (also_ acoustic

[sing.]) the shape, design, etc: of a room Or theatre that make it goodiorbad for carrying sound: The acoustics of 太e mew coPcert hall are excellent -也 [U] the scientific Study ofsotund

acquaint /akwemt/ verb [VN] ~ sb/yourself with sth (ommal) to make sbyyourself familiar with 5r aware of sth: Please acquaint me With the Jacts of the case ooU Wi firstneed to acquaint YOUTself with the filing systeJmn

| ffall

| 9 get

| hhat

| yes

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow


| rred

acqluaint.ance /akwemtens/ noun 了 [cl aperson that you know but who is not a close friend: Claire has a wiae circle of 订 iends and acquaintarces. C He'Sjuusta business acquaintance. 也 [U,C] ~ (with sb) (formalj) slight friendShip: He hoped their acqguaintanmnce Would deyvelop 包rther 3 [u,G ~ with sth (Jormalj) knowledge of sth: Thad Little acquaimntarnce With nodern poetry IE make sb's acquaintance | make the acquaintance of sb (Jor /malj) to meet sb for the first time: Tarmm delighted to make youracquaintance, Mrs Baker TImade the acqguaintamnce oF SeVeral musiciaris arounad that tme. of your ac'quaintance (1jormal) that youknow: No one else ofrny acquaintance Was as rich or successfulL on first acquaintance (1jormal) when you firstmeet sb: Byver om 广rstacquaintarce 让 Was clear thathe wasmottherighttype .一 more atNODY

ac'qliuaintance rape noun [u,G] (especially NAmE) the crime of RAPING knows

sb,committed by a Person he or she

ac:quaint.ance:ship /skwemtensfip/ noun [U,C usuallysing.] (formalj) aslight friendship with sb orknowledge of sth: 直 Was Unfir toJudge her on SuUch a brief acquaint QTLCeS 有 7ZD.

acquaint'ed /aKwemtrd/ adj [not before noun] 站 一 with sth ( 帮rmal) familiar with sth, having read, seen Or exXpefrienced 让: THe students are already acquainted with

妇e work of ShaKkespeare. 2 FimDIOyees Should be 刀 1ny acduaintea With emergency Procedures, 了 一 (with sb) not close friends with sb, but having met a few times before: Tam Well acquainted with her formily c We got acquainted at the comnferemnce (三 met and started to get to know each other).

ac:quiesce /,skwies/ ve 几 [V] 一 (in sth) (formalj) to accept sth without arguing, even 迁you do not really agree With it: Senior goyermrment 广gures mLUstPhave acqUiesced 训 the coyerUup. 只 Dote atAGREE

ac:-qUies-Cemce /,z2kwi'tesns/ 10um [U] ( 妈rmal) the fact of being willing to do what sb wants and to accept their opinions,even 这 you are not Sure that they are Tight: There Was general acqUiescenice 识 妇 e UN sanctions. 产 acC-

quies-cent /esnt/ adf/.



/aeKwWare(n/ ve 凡 [VN] ( 放rma/)


acre /erkeC)/ houm atunit for measuring an area of land; 4840 square yards or about 4050 square metres: 3000

acres of parkland C Qa tree-acre Wood 2 (normal) Each jhouse has acres ofspace around 让 (= alot of space), acCre:age /'eikaerid3s/ nouvn [Uu,C] an area ofland measured in acres

acCrid /zekrrd/ adj. having a strong, bitter smell or taste thatis unpleasant PUNGENT: acrid SmmoKke ing tyres cnote at BITTER

acrimo:nious /zkKrrmaunias; NAmE -moo-/ adj (or mah (of an argument, etc.) angry and full of strong bitter feelings and Words BITTER: is parents Went 遍rough am acrimonious diyorce. > acrimoniously ady

acri-mony /zkrmani; NAmE-mouni/ noun [U] (Jorma) angIy bitter feelings or Words: The dispute Was settled WithoutacrirmoPy.

actro:bat /zekrebzet/ noun:an entertainer who performs difficult acts such as balancing on high ropes, especially


acro.bat:ic /, 妃 Kraebaetrk/) adj involving or performing difficult acts or movements with the body: acrobatic jeats aacrobatic damncer > acro:batically /kzli/ oadv

acro-bat:ics /,22krebaetiks/ oun [pl.] acrobatic acts and movements: acropatics or the 让 8 wire c (jgurative) Vocal acrobatics (= performing skilfully with the voice when

singing) acfrolect /'2pkraelekt/ noun (1nguwistics) a form of a language that is considered to have a higher status than other forms 一coOmPpare BASILECT acro.mym /akreniimn/ oun aword formed from the first letters ofthe words that make up the name of sth; for example AIDS' is an acionym for 'acquired immune defciency Syndiome'”

acrop.olis /aropalrs; NmE akrap-/ noun (in an amcient Greek city) a castle, or an area that is designed to Tesist attack, especially one on top of a hill

卓 Qdv.



For the special uses of across ip phrasal at the entries

for -the verbs. For example

come across is iD the phrasal verb section at come. 1 from one side to the other side: itsitoo Wiae. We camt SWima across. C The yard 7mmeasures about 50 feet acro55. 2in aparticular direction towards or at sb/sth: When ny mname Was called, he 1ooKed across at 7mne. 3 across from opposite: Theresaschooljustacross 广om OUr house.

4 (of an answer in a CROSSWORD) written


aciquired 'character (also acquired characte ristic) mowm (5iology) a change to a living thing that is not produced by GENEs, but which has happened because of how or where the thing lives

ac-qui-si:tion /,zkwrzifn/ novn 了 [U] the act of getting sth,especially knowledge,,a skill etc.: theories of child Ianguage acquisition 了 [G something that sb buys to add to what they already own, usually sth valuable: Bis Latest acquisitioi 节 Q racehorse. 3 [CU] (business) a comPany, Piece of land, etc. bought by sb, especially anotheT company; the act ofbuying it: They jhayve Tade acqUISiEiors 识 several EU coUntries. CO the acquisiom of Shares by emDIOYees





wanting Very much to buy or get new Possessions quisitive.ness /OU7 [U]


and state officially in courtthat sb js not guilty of a crime: The jury acquitted Jim of murder [aa CONVICT 之 一 yourself well, badly, etc. (formal) to perform or behave the Well badly,etc.: He acquitted jirmself prillianty eXGa1715.

ac.quit:tal /akwrt/ novn [CU] an official decision 识

courtthat a person is not guilty of a crime: The case TesuLted 识 an acquittal co The jary voted Jor acquittaL

| ttea

| vvar

| 冯 wet

| 工zoo | shoe

位om Side to

side:Tcamt do 3 acros5. 昌 prep. 了 from one sidetothe otherside ofsth: He walked across the field ce Tadrew a line acro55 雪e page. 2 A 了 闷 SDread across her face. CS Wheres the miearest bridSe QCcrO055 the river? 2 on the other side of sth: Theres a bamK right across the Street 3 on or over apartofthe body: Fe Ait Firm across the force Cjts too Hght acro055 the bacKk, 4 雇 every Part of a Place, group of people, etc. THROUGHOUT: Her fommily 六 scattered across 雪e coUntry C This View is coTmrmmom across all Sections of the COmMTUTIEtyY. acC-rOs-'tic /akrpstIk; NAmE-krozs-/ novnapoem or other piece of writing in which particular letters in each line, usually the first letters, can be read downwards to form aword or words

acryla'mide /akralemard/ nouwn [u,C] a substance Used

ac.quit /akwit/ yemb (-t-) [VN] 1 一 sb (of sth) to decide


方om purm-

忌CifOSS 0-半 /akros; NAImEakro:s/ adv, prep.

Tto gain sth by your own efforts, ability or behaviour: She has acquired a good knowledge of Eriglish. 2 He has acquired a reputation for dishonestby CT 工have recentby acguired a taste Jor olives, 2 to obtain sth by buying or being given it: The compamy has just acquired new Drermises. O TYye suddenly acquired a stepbrother IE an acquired 'taste athing that you do not like much at first bnut gradually learn to like: Abstract art 1 an acqUired

s see


in various industrial processes. Acrylamide is also found in food that has been cooked at high temperatures, and maybe acatuse of cancer.

aCryl.ic /skrilik/ ad ,moun 四 0dj. made ofasubstanceproduced bychemical Processes from a type of acid: acrylic paints/Fibres 2 an acryiic SWeater 下 mOU1 了 [U] a type of FIBRE prodtced by chemical Pro= cesses used to make clothes, etc. 2 [Cusually pl] atype of paint used by artists

| 5 vision

| tf chain

| d5jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing



上0dlj. [only before noun] doing the work ofanother person for a short time ETEMPORARY: the actinlg TarnaSer

lot officerrov7 an officeroflowrankinthe

ACT/er si: ti:/ obbr American College Test (an exam that ~, acting'pi British AIR FORCE some HIGH SCHOOL Students take before they go to colac-ftin-ium /aek'trmiem/ own [U] (Symb Ag a chemical lege) element. Actinium is a RADIOACTIVE metal. CE 0 /zkt/ 000, ve 几 aaCtiOm 0可/zkfJn/ nouny ye内 四 1OU1 下1OU1 > STH THAT SB DOES 1 [q a particular thing that sb 二星 WHATSEDOEST [u] the process ofdoing sth in orderto am act of Kindness-o acts of terrorism 2.The muUraer Was make sthhappen or to deal with asSituation: The tme /as the actofa psychopath. eacriminalactcnote atACTION *1LAW2

comie Jor actiomn 这

[C alawthathasbeenpassedbyaparliament: am

Act of Congress C the Higher Educatiomn Act2002 > PRETENDING 3 [sing.] away of behaving that is not Sincere but is intended to have a particular effect on others: Donittake her seriously 一is all an act C Zou could tell She WasJjustPputting on at act.

* 1N PLAY/ENTERTAINMENT 4 [C one ofthe main divisions

ofaplay an OPERA, etc.:QPplay 识 iveacts ce The hero dies 识 Act 5,,Scene 3. 5 [C] .one of several short pieces of

entertainment in a show: a' circus/cormedyATmmagic act 6G6[ca Performer OF group of musicians: They Were one ofrockss mmost imzpressiye Live acf5:


,actof'God(/ow) an event caused bynatural forces

beyond human

control,, such as astorm,

a flood or an

EARTHQOUAKE be/get in on the act(injormal) to be/become involved in an activity that sb else has started, espe-

cially to _get sth for yotrself do,perform,stage


disap'pearing/'vanishing act (mnformal) to go away or

be impossible to find when people need or want YOU get your act together (informalj) to organize yourself and

your activities in a more effective wayin order to achieve sth: He needs to get jiis acttogether 太 heS going to Das5., aa

hard/tough act to 'followa person who is 50 good cr

successful at sth that it will be difficult for anyone else coming after them tobe as good or successful in the act

(of doing sth)while you are doing sth: He Was caught 训 the act of stealing a ca

一more at CLEANV,READ V

四 VE/b * DO STH 1 [V] to do sth for a particular Purpose or iD order to deal with a Situation: t 人 Vital that we act to Stop the destruction of the rainforests. C The girls Li 把was Sayed becalse the doctors acted so promptpb c He claimis he acted 训 Se 矿defence. > BEHAVE 2 [vV] to behave in aparticular way:Johnm's beem actimng yery Straigely Iately Stop acting Like spoilt chilLdren! CDE In 吧 spoken English people often Use like instead of as if or as though in this meaning, especially in NATmE: She'Was acting Like she'd seen a 8Shost This is not considered correct in Wiitten BT > PRETEND 3 to Pretendbyyourbehaviourtobeaparticular type of person: [V-N] Fe's been acting the devoted husDanrd all day. e [V-ADI] Tadecided to act durmpD. >* PERFORM IN PLAY/MOVIE 4 to perform apartin aplay or film/movie: [V] Haye you eyeracted?2 C Mostof the castact

WelL.c [VN] Whos acting (= taking the part of) Hamlet? The piay was Well acted. * PERFORM FUNCTION 5 [V] ~ as/like sth to perform aparticular role or function: Cam you act as interpreter2 C ho 六 Tones in the brain that act Like matural paimnkillers * HAVE EFFECT @ [V] ~ (on sth) to have an effect on'sth: Alcohnol acts quUicKkly om the brainm.

[ER see AGE1.,FOOL

站 ,OWN

act for/on be-

half of sb to be employed to deal with sb's affairs for them,for example by representing them 记 COUIt 'act

on/upon sthtotake action as aresult of advice, information, etc.: Acting on informaton 方om amnempber ofthe public, the Police raided the club. ceWhy didrmtyou act oft her SUS88estion? act sthe>'out 1 to perform a ceremony or Show how sth happened, as 和 performing a Play: The ri MalL of the party conjference is acted out 识 the Same Way eyery year C The children started to act oOUEthe Whole 识 cidaent 2toactapartin arealsituation: She acted out the Tole of the Wronged Iover act 'up (njformal)) 1 to behave badly: The Kids started acting UDP. 2 to not work as 让 should: How Iong has your amKkle been acting UP? acCt-im /zktDm/ 名 own ad 下 ]OUm LU] the activityor Profession ofperforming in Plays, films/movies, etc.

2 cat |

坊ese Deautiulamiimials are to SUrViye. 了

Firefighters tooK actiomn immiediately to StoD 雪 e Daze Spreading CO What is the best coOUrse of action 识 t切e cir CUmtstances2 人 She Degari to explaii her Plan of actiort t

the groUD, 一See also DIRECT ACTIONWINDUSTRIAL ACTION 2 [qq athing that sb does: Her quick actionm Sayed the childs 1ife. e Each of Us must taKe respolsibilitby for or OWTL actioms. > LEGAL PROCESS 3 [CU] a legal Process to Stop a person

or company from doing sth,, or to make them pay for a Imistake,etc.: A Libel actionm is being Drought against the Tagazine thatDPUblished the article. C He is comlsidering ta inglegal actiomn against the hospital. >*1TN WAR4 [U] fightingin abattle or war: military actiom Soldiers Killed im actiom > 1N STORY/PLAY5 [U] the events in a story, Playjietc.: The action taKkes place 识 Franmnce: * EXCITING EVENTS G6 [U] exciting events: TIike

刻17mms With

plenty of action.CNew yorkiswhere the action is. ~ EFFECT 7 [U] ~ of sth (on sth) the effect that one Substance or chemical has on another: the actiom of SUPLSRE om the sKin


[U,G] (iechnico))thewayapartof

the body moves or functions: a study of the action of the Liver *OF MACHINE9 [sing.] the 六ECHANICAL parts ofa Piano, gun,clock,etc. or the way the parts move 一See also PUMP-ACTION

actions speakilouderthan'words(Soyin8g) what a Person actually does means more than whattheysaythey will do in 'actionifsbysth is in action, theyaredoingthe activity or workthat is typical for them: JustPpress 妇 e putomto seeyourjfovourite character in actiomn CTyeyettosee all the players in action

into actionifyou putan idea or

a plan into action, you start making 让 happen:or work: The new planyortraffic controlis beingPDutinto actiom om al eXperimiental basis: out of 'actionnot able to work or be used because of injury or damage: Jor WwW这 De outof action Jor Weeks with a broken leg. C The photocopier 芭

out of action today,a piece/slice of the 'action (放/6 广

mmdal) ashare or role in an interesting or exciting activity; especially in order to make money: Foreigrt 记 rrns WiLL aL Want apiece of the action 矿the new airport goes ahead.一 Imore at EVASIVE, SPRING V, SWINGMYV 四 Verb [VN] to make sure that sth is done or dealt 二


Tequest will be actiomed.

ac-tion-able/'zKjsnsbl/ xdj: giving sb avalid reasoi to bring a case to COUIt ac-tion.er/'akjJsnsGD)/ noun (NAmE infjormal) = ACTION

MOVIE action 人 gureoun a DOLL Iepresenting asSoldier or a character 位om af8ilm/movie, TV show etc: action filmnoun (BrE) = ACTION MOVIE 'action groupmoom (often as part of a name) a group that is formed to work for social or Political change: 轨 e Child Poyerty Actior Group Action Manrn "ovun 1Tatoy in the form of a soldier 2 an active and aggressive man: The iniess darmaged his Actior MarL image. action movienoun (NMAmEalsoinformal ac:tion-en (BrE also 'action filmn (njormah) afilm/moviethathas alotof eXxciting action and adventure

action-packedad/. full of exciting events and activity: an action-packed weeKkend

father | eiten | s: bird | e about | rsit | isee | imany|npgot(BrE

| ozsaw | Acup

| 5put | utoo



* *




sth: Theya

iniompolspeforeaecidhin 旧

cano (= likely to ERUPT) [aag INACTIVE 一COmpare DORMANT LIVELY 4 lively and full of ideas: That child has Q Very actiye imagination. CHEMICAL 5 having or catising achemical effect: What zs the active 识gredient 训 aspirimn? [aa INACTIVE GRAMMAR 6 connected with averb whose subject is the person or thing that performs the action: 到 He Was driy一COmPare PASSIVE 识g 雪 e ca7” 纺e yerb is actiye. P activejily adv:Zurproposalis being actively considered. CShe was actiyely IooKking forajop. 1OU1 (also 'active voice) [sing.] the form of a Verb Which the subject is the person or thing that Performs the action 一Compare PASSIVE

active 'citizem mov aperson whois activelyinvolved 训 tfying to improve things in their local comrmunity

active list noun 1 alist of people that an organization maycontact atanytime to PIOVide therm With a serVice or jnformation, or to askthem to do sth: Please ermailus to be remoyed 广omL our active List of blood donors, 了 alist of officers or former officers connected to one of the armed forces who canbe called for duty

jactive 'service (NmEalsoactive 'duty) no [U] the

Workofamemberofthe armed forces,especially during a War: troops oL actiye SeryVice acC-tiv-ist /zkKtrvIst/ mnOUn aperson Who Works to achieve Political or social change, espPecially as a Inember of an organization With particular aims: 8aXy QCHVISES 区 actfivism /aektrvIzemy/ noun [U]


action painting moun [u,G astyle ofpainting in which

Paint is thrown or poured onto paper in a Way that is not Planned or organized; a painting done 识 this way action poimt noun a suggestion for action that must be takemn; especially onethat is made in a meeting

action 'replay movn (BIT

/2Ktrveti/ mou71 (P1-ies)

1 [ul a situation in which sth is happening or a loft of things are being done: economic actiyiby 2 The Street Muscles contractand FeIax Were noisy and 包 ilofactivib ty INACTIVITY 之 [Gusucompare 一 auring Djysical actiyi allyplj]:a thing thatyou do for interest or Pleasure; or 记 order: to _achieve asparticular aim: Leisure/outdoor/ classroom activities C The club proyides a Wide varieby of activities including tenmis,sWirmmrmming and squash 2 下 IegaLAcrirminal activities


0 调 /zkteG)/ noun

a person Who performs on the stage, On television OFT im films/movies, especially as a Profession

(NAmEF ,instant replay)

Part of sth, for example a SPorts -game on television, that is'inimediately repeated, often more slowly, so that yoU ,actOor-'imamnager 10U1 an actor Who is in charge of a can see agoal or another exciting or important moment theatre company and acts in the Plays that they perform again 2 anevent or a Situation that repeats sth that has aaC-tFreSss 0 /zktres/ 10un of happenedbefore: 下 Was artaction replay of 雪 eproblerms a Woman Who performs on the stage, ,on television or 让 jis rst7marriaSge: Many 人所 ms/movies,especially as 3a Profession action research moun [U] studies done to improve the to be called actors, although when Prefer now Women OF job particular a do who Woiking methods of People the context is not clear, an actor is usually Understood activity, especially ip education to referto aman.

action stationms mouvn [pl.] the positions to which sol-

aaC-tual 0

diers gotobeready for fghting acC-ti-vate /zktrvert/ ve 几 [VN] to Imake sth suci as a deVice or chemical process start Working: The PUTSLaT7 alarrTmm 语 activated by 7TmoyeienL 2 The Sehne 让 actiyated by Q SPDe-

ciric protein. z activation /zktrVeI[ ny/ noum [U]

到 C.fiye


/zktrv/ adj noun

@ 0d/.

> BUSY 1 always busy doing things,especially physical activities: Although Phes mearty 80, jhe i5 Sbill Yery acCtiye, [GD INACTIVE > TAKING


2 involved in sth; making a determined

effort and not leaving sth to happen by itself: They Were both politically actiye. 2 actiye ivoIverment/participatiomn/SsuUPPport/resistartce 2 She tajkes an actiyve Part 访 识 Campaigrirng School Life. 2 The Parenk Were active against CUES to 如e education budget 2 They tooKk actiye steps to Dreyentthe Spread of the disease. > DOING AN ACTIVITY 3 doing sth regularly; functioning: seXUally active teenagers 2 atimals fphat are actiyve oly at am actiyve VOL might CThe yirus 让 Stillactiye 训 态 e blood.


| arzmy

| aorow

| ersay

/aktJusl/ odj. [only before noun]

Tausedtoemphasize sth thatis real or exists in fact: What Were his actualWwords2?eThe actual costWas higher 雪 ar We expected CjJames 1ooKksyounger than his w 碟 Du in actual fact(= really) he is fiveyears older 了 usedto eIphasize the most important part of sth: The Wedding Preparations taKe Weeks but 雪e actual ceremomy takes 1ess tharl atLRhouT 允 note on next page

actual ,bodily 'harm movn [U] (obbr ABH) (BrE, /ao) ,

ry GRIEV一coOmpare the crime of causing sb Physical inju OUS BODILY HARM

ac:tu-al:ity /,sktfu'aelati/ noun (pl-ies) (Jorma) 1 [LU] the state of sth existing in reality: The building IOooKed as ipressiye 识 actuality as 让 did 训 Photographs. 了 [CusuFACTS,, REALITIES: the Srim ally pl] thingsthat exist actualities ofprisom 1


(BrE:also -ise) /aektfuelarz/ ye由 [VN]rto

make sth real; to make sth happen: He 放nally actualized his drea7m.

| so go (Br 月 | ou go (MAm 有 日 | 5r boy

| are near

| ee hair



aliCcute 'angle "ovn an angle of less than 90" 一picture 号 ANGLE 一CoOmpare OBTUSE ANGLE,REFLEX ANGLE,RIGHT ANGLE acute-ly /akju:tlii/ odv 1 ~ aware/consciousnoticing or feeling sth verystrongly:Tamm acutely aware of the difficulties wefoce. 2 (describing unpleasant feelings) very; very

actual 。 current . present

Strongly: acutely embarrassed

下 Actual does not mean current or present. It means real or'exact, andis often used in contrast with somethingthat is not seen as real or exact: / need 妨e actua1jigures notan estirmate: 上 Present - “existing orhappening now”: How/ong have yoOU been in your presentjopz 目 CUrrentalso means'existing orhappening now', butcan suggest thatthe situation is temporary: The joctory

-aCy 只 -CY

aCyc.jic /ersaiklrzk/ adj 1 (techmical) not occurring 让 cycles 了 2 (chemistry) (of a coOMPOUNPD or MOLECULE) containing no Tings of atoms

acCycClo.vir /ersarklevIeGD); NAmE-vI/ noun [U] (medicaj adrugthatis used to treatVviruses

AD (Br (NMmEA.D. ) /er 'di:/ obbr used in the Christian

camnotcontnue icUrrentlevyejoFproduwctiior. 下 Actually does not mean 'atthe present time'. Use currently, at present oratthe moment instead. 各 已>note at PRESENTLY

了 CU本上.1y 0

CALENDAR to show aparticular number ofyears since the year when Christ was believed to have been born (fom

Latin Anno Domini): 训 (theyeamaD552

旺 促 0 训 /aedj noun (pformaj)

/aktfusli/ azdy

= ADVERTISEMENT: We put an ad in the Iocal paper am ad fora mnew chocolate bar 一see also BANNER AD adage /'aedrd5/ noun a well-known phrase expressing a general truth about people or the world SAYING

Tused in speaking to emphasize a fact or a comment Or that sth is really true: What did she actually say? Cs not actually raining now. C Thats the only reasom T7mm actually 8&oing.CThere are 1otks ofpeople 妇 ere who can actually hezp you CTdidmntwant to say anything Without actually reading the -letter jirst 2 Used to show a contrast between what is true and what sb believes, and to show surprise aboutthis contrast: 太 Was actually quite fn afterallL ecThe

ada.gio /a'da:d5ieo; NAmE-d5iou/ noun (pL-os) (musio a piece of musicto be played slowlye ada.gio adj., adv Adam /adeam/ noun [ET see KNOWY ad.am'ant /zzdemant/ adj determined not to change your mind or to be persuaded about sth: Paywas adarmamnt that she would mnot come. > adamantly adyv: His family Were adamiamntiy opposed to the marriage. ad.am'ant'ine /,zdamaentam/ adi (literarmy)verystrong and impossible to break

Jood was mot actually all that expenlsiye. C_ OUT 世 rTioyer actually icreased Jast year 3 Used to correct sb in a pojlite way: Wey7re not American,actually We7e Camtadiam Actually 让 would be mmuch more Sensible to do 让 later Theyremotrnarried actually 4 usedto get sb's attention, to introduce anewtopic orto say sth thatsb maynotlike, iapolite way: Actually Tbe apbit late homme. o Actually, Trmmz psy at the moment 一can TI call you back? 只 note at ACTUAL acCtu'ary /zktfuari; NAmE :eri/ noun (p/ -ies) a person Whose job involves calculating insurance Trisks and payments for insurance companies by studying how frequently accidents,fires,deaths,etc.


,Adamy's apple "ovn thelump atthe frontofthethroat that sticks out,,particulany in men,and moves UP and

down when youswallow 、》


> actu-

chine or device start to work ACTIVATE 了字 [usually passiye] to _make sb behave in a particular way

ADJUST: [V] We have had toiadapt quicKkly to the mnew System Oo A large orgamizatiort ca pe slow to adapt to change. CO The organisrms Were forced to adapt 识 order to SUJTViye. CItsiarmazing how soon you adapl C [VN] itook Pi a While to adapt himlself to Phis mew SuUrrourtdings. 3 [VN] ~ sth (for sth) (from sth) to change abook or play so that it can be made into a play, flm/movie, teleVision programme, etc.: Three of her noyvels have been adapted for televisiom.

MOTIVATE: He Was actuated entirely by malice: acCu-主y /akju:eti/ nown [U] (jorma/) the ability to think, See or hear clearly /zkjseman; skjuman/ nouwn [U] the ability to

understand and decide things quickly and well: busiTess/comTmercialL/ 记naricial acurmenm acCu:pres-Sure /zkjuprefeaCD)/ (alsoshiatsu) /oun [U] a form of medical treatment,originally from Japan,in Which pressure is applied to particular parts of the body Using the fingers acCu'Ppumncture /zkjupAnktfeGD)/ nowm [U] a Chinese method oftreatingpain and illnessusing special thin needles which are pushed into the skin in particular parts of

adapt'able /a'daeptebl/ odji (approving) ableto change or be changed in order to deal successfully with new situations: Older workers ca7l be as adaptable and quick to learmn as a1IyYOPe else,C_ Successful businesses_ are highly

adaptable to econommic change.



adap:ta:tion /,aadaep'terfn/ (also /essJreqventadap:tion

a Person

who is trained to perform acupuncture

acCute /akju:t/ adj. 1 very serious or severe: There is an aGCUte Shortage of water c acute pain 2 the worlds acute eVyiromental Droblermms 2 Cormmpetithon for jobs is acute. 之 an acute jllness is one that has quickly become severe and dangerous: acute appendicitis [aa CHRONIC 3 (of the senses) very sensitive and well developed KEENI: Dogs haye an acute 5enise of smmelL 4 intelligent and quick

to notice and understand things: He is an acute observer of 妇 e social scene. C Her judgemientis acute. 5 (geometmy) (of an angle) less than 90? > acute:ness moum [U] aiCute accemt noun the mark placed:over a vowel to Show how it should be pronounced,as over the e JiaoncE--compare CIRCUMFLEX, GRAVE2, TILDE, UMLAUT


| ddid

| ffal


| hhat

| jyes

adaptability /sdqzepta-

mbazleti/ novn [U]

the body


oO /adapt/vemb

1 [LVN]~sth (for sth) to change sth ip order to make 让 Suitable for a new use Or Situation MODIFY: Most of these tools hayve beent Specially adapted for Use py disabled people. C These Styles caTl be adapted to Suit individual tastes. 也 ~ (yourself) (to sth) to change your behaviour in order to deal more Successfully with a new situation

arial /,sektfu'earisl; NAmE-'erisl/ adf/. acC-tu'ate /aektjuert/ verb [VN] (Jormahl Tto make ama-



Fifth century AD 一compare AH, BC, BCE, CE

/se'dzaepjn/) novun 1 [G a film/movie, book or play that is based on a particular piece of work bnut that has been changed foranew situation: Qscreen adaptatiorofShakez 5peares Macbeth 了 [U] the process of changing sth, for exampleyourbehaviour to suit anewisituation: the adaptatior of desert Species to the hot conditions


/a'daeptrv/ odj (technica1 concermned With

changing; able to change when necessary in order to deal with different situations adap:tor (also adap:ter) /sdaeptaGD)/-noun Ta device for connecting pieces of electrical equipment that were

not designed to fit together 2 (BrB) a device for connecting more than one Piece of equipment to the same SOCKET (= a place 训pbthe wall where equipment is con-

Dected to the electricity supPly) ADC /erdi:'si:/ obbr AIpE-pDE-CAMP

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred



negative sentences) to Seem Teasonablei to Imake sense: His story justdoesntadd up. 了 (not used in the Progressive tenses) to increase bysmall amounts tintil there is a largetotal: Whenyou7efeedingaformiy ofsixthepils soon

advertisement 。 commercial 。 promotion . advert 。 trailer 。

addup. ,add 'up | ,add sth< upto calculate thetotal of

These are all words for a notice, picture orfilm telling people about a product, job or service. ad(informalh a notice, picture or 种m telling people about aproduct job or service: Weputanadmtihelocalpaper Coanadjoranewchocolate parce He was Scanming the cjassijjied ads (= the section in a newspaper with small advyertisements arranged in groups according to their subjectb). ,

two or more ntmbers or amounts: The waiter camnt add

Up. 8 Add up all the mmoney ToWe y0U. add 'up to sth

Ttomakeatotal amount of sth: The TuUmbers add UP to exactty 100. 2 to lead to a particular result; to show sth AMOUNE TO STH: These clues dont really add up to

yery much (=,give us verylittle information).

the Addams Family /'zsdemz faemali/mnownifsing:] a family of strange characters who' live in a large dark house, created in 1935 by the CARTOONIST Charles Addams forthe New Yorkermagazine

advertisementa notice, picture orfilm telling people about a product, job or service; an example of sth that

showsits good qualities; the act of advertising sth and makingitpublic Putanmadyertisementim 雪 eJocal paper iosellyourcor epDirtystreetsarenoadvertisementjorag prosperous society ET Whenyouaretalking abouta notice, picture orfilm telling people about a product, job or service, adyertisement can be shortened to the more informal ad or (Br 日advert. When you aretalking

ad:den:dum /adendem/ noun (P/ ad:denda /da/) (Jor

ra1 a section of extra information that is added to sth, especially to abook adder /adea)/ nounasmall poisonous snake, often with diamond-shaped marks on its back- Adders are the only poisonous snakes in Britain.

aboutan example of sth that shows its good qualities,

advertisement can be shortened to advyert. comimercialan advertisement on television oron the radio. Promotion a set of advertisements for a particular product or service; activities done in order to increase thesales of a product or service: gspecialpromotion of /localproducts She works imrsales and Promotiom. advert(BrE injformahanadvertisement: 1meyer watch the

ad.dict /aedrkt/ moun 1 a person who is unable to stop

ofshort scenesfrom afilm/ 日 trailer{especioljy Br aseries

ad:diic'tion /a'drkfn/ nov7n [u,C] ~ (to sth) the condition

taking harmful drugs: a jheroin/drug/micotine addict 2 a person who is very interested in sth and spends a lot oftheir ffeetime on it: QVideo garme addict ad.dict'ed /a'drktrd/ aodj [not before noun] ~ (to sth) 1 unableto stop taking harmful drugs;or using or doing sth as a habit: to become addicted to drugs/gampling 2 spending all your free time doing sth because you are sointerested in it: Hes addicted to compuUter gammes.

adverks om TV

of being addicted to sth: cocaine addiction 2 He 1 moW Jightirg jis addiction to alcohoL

movie ortelevision programme, shown in advance to

advertise it.

ad-dict'ive /adrktrv/ ad四 Tifa drig is addictive, 让


makes people Unable to stop taking it: Heroin 芭 Pisply addictive. 了 让 an activity or type ofbehaviour is addictive, people need to do it as often as possible becatuse they enjoyit:Tfindjogging yery addictiyve. 'add-in moun (computing) Ta compnuter Program that can be added to a larger Program to allow it do more things 2 = ExPANSION CARD > 'add-in adj. [only before noun]: add-in software

晶 a(n) ad/advertisement/commercial/ promotion/advert/ trailer for sth

得a TV/television/radio/cinema ad/advertisement/ commercial/promotion/adyert

生ajob ad/advertisement/advert 利 to run/show a(n) ad/advertisement/commercial/ adverttrailer AS


adid. 计tion 0 /adrfmn/ oon 1 [U] the process of adding two or more numbers together to find their total: children earning addition and

adqdid om /zed/ ve几

1 [VN] ~sth (to sth) toputsth together with sth else so as


to increase the size, number amount,etc.: A_ new Wing Was added to the building. e ShallTadad your narmne to the 1ist2 @ Next add the Jour e The juice comtains no added

Sugar O@ The plar has the added (= extra) adyvarttage of A |一 人 一 bringing employrment to rural areas. 字 AtoB and B (togethen to Put numbers or amounts together to get atotal: [VN] Add 9 to the total "> 不you add all 如ese aounts together YOU 8get Q huge gure. [also V] SUBTRACT 3 一 sth (to sth) to say sth more; to make afurther remark: [VN] Thave motphingto add to my eariier statement CO [V speech] md domt pe 1ate,” she added.

[v that] He added that they Would return Q Week later 4.[VN] ~ sth (to sth) to give a Particular quality to an

event a Situation etc:: The suite W 记 add a touch of class

to your pedroo7m.

add ,insult to 'injury to make a

bad relationsHip with sb worse by offtending them even

more 'added to this ..- | 'add to this .Used to intro-

duce another fact that helps to emphasize a point yoU have already made: Add to this the excellertt SeITVice ad you canm see Wjy 让5 切e 7most Popular hotel om the island. add sth adjournment 10OU1 [CU]: The judsge granted us ashort adjouFm-


adjourn to .-- (加rmal or humorous) to go

to another place, especially in order to relax

enough in quality for a particular Prpose or need: am adequate SUDPIy of hot water CO The roomm Was smallDutadequate. C The Space available is not adequate Jorour needs.

ad-judge /ad5aAd5/ verb [usually passive] (ormajto make

CThereisalack ofadequate provision fordisabled studertts:

[VN-N] The tour was adjudsed a sUccess.e [VN to infj :The

a decision about sb/sth based on the facts that are available:


The company-Wwas

adjiudged bamkrupE

acat | dfather | eten | as:bird | -eabout| rsit | isee | imany | op got (BrB) | ozsaw | Acup

| oput | too

rejforms were generally adjudged to haye Joiled.,、 Pattern is only used in the passive.



ad-ju-di-cate/a'dsu:drkert/ vem1 ~ (on/upon/in sth) :| 一 (between Aand B) to make an official decision about

who is fight in a disagreement between two grouUPS OF organizations:.[V] A special suUbcormrmittee adjudicates o7 Planmming applications. e [VN] Their DuUrposeisto adjudicate disputes between employers and employees. 了 [V] to be a judge in a competition: Who is adjudicating at this years conttest? > adijudication /ad5Udrkerfn/ moun [U,G]: The case Was Teferred to a higher court Jor adjiudication. adijirdicatornoun: Zou may refer your coTmpIaint to am independent adjiudicator

autority to administer Punishrment

4 [often passive] 一

sth (to sb) (jormaj) to give drugs, medicine, etc, to sb: The dose was administered to the child intrayenously 2 Police believe _his Ww旋 could mot hayve adrministered the Poison 5 ~akick,apunch, etc. (to sb/sth) (formaj) to kick or to hit sb/sth: He administered aseyere blow to his OpPOTentsS head. .

ad-inin-is-tra-tion /adimmarstrerfmn/ noun T (also BE

juncts. 2 (Jormal) a thing that is added or attached to sth larger of more imnportant: The memory expamnsiom cards are Usefuladjunct to the comPUte太 adi-jure/sa'd5uaCG); NAmE a'd5or/ verb [VN to inf] (orma) to ask or to order sb to do sth: He adjiured 雪 emm to tell the truth.

informalj admai 词[U] the activities that are done in order toplan, orgaliizeandrunabusiness; School or other institution: Adrministratiom costs are Passed om to the cuUstomeF @ the day:to-day administration of a cormparny CIWorK 总 切eSalesAdrministration departrment 了 [U] the process OF act oforganizing the waythat sth js done: 态e adrministration of justice 3 [aq the people who Plan, organize and run abusiness, an institution, etc.: Uniyversity adrministrations 4 (often Admimistratiom [C] the government ofa country especially the US: 切 eBUS ad7ministration 2 SUCcessiye administrations haye Joiled to Solve the couUmntyYS econommic problems, 5 [U] (jnmalj) the act of giving a drug to sb: 切 eadrministration of amitibiotics


ad-min-is-tra-tive/admrmistretrv; NAmE -strertrv/ ad/.

ad-jumect/aed5Ankt/ noui1 (8rommar) an adverb or a phrase that adds meaning to the Verb 记 a Sentence OFT part of a sentence: 帮 She Went home yesterday amnd He Fanm away 识 aQpanic》”9esterday and 各 Q panic are ad-

0 /a'd5Ast/ ve 此

1 [VN] ~ sth (to sth) to change sth slightly to make 让

more suitable for a new set of conditions or to make 让 Work better: Watch out :for sharp bends amnd adjust yOUT Speed accordingly This button 这 joradjiusting the VOLUme. CAdiustyourIanguage to the age ofyour audience. 2 ~(to

sth/to doing sth) | 一(yourselfto sth) to getused to anew

situation by changing the way you behave and/or think ERHWADAPT: [V] 夏took herawhile to adjustto Imving alonmne. [VN] ZVL CAferawhile his eyes adjusted to the dark. quickly adjustyoursejf to student Lii. 3 [YN] to move Sth slightly so that it looks neater or feels mmore comfortable: He smoothed Ris hair and adjusted his ie. 一 see also WELL ADJUSTED

adL-just-ablie/a'd5sAstebl/ adj. that can be moved to d 计

ferent positions or changed ip Shape or size: adjustaple seatbelts Ce The height of the bicycle seatis adjustable.

,adjustabie 'spamner(BrF) (also 'monkey wrench NAmE BrE) noun a tool that can be adjusted to hold and 一COm一Picture 所 TOOL turn things of different widths

Pare SPANNER, WRENCH ad-justment /a'd5Astmaent/ noun [CU] 1 a small change made to sth in order to correct or improve 让: TVye 7madeajfew adjustmentsto thedesig7n.2Someadjiustmtertt of 碎 elemns Tiay be necessa1y 了 achangeinthe Wayaperson behaves or thinks: She wentthrougj a period of emotional adjustmentafter her 7mmarriaSge proKke UPD.

ad-jutant/'adsutent/ novn an army officer Who does office work and helps other officers

Adjutant'Genmeralnovn (P/ ,Adjutants 'General 1 an

亿 ofveryhigh rankin the British army whbo is respono cer 丛cer of very high Iank 识 sible for organization 2 the of the US armywho is in charge of organization

ad-lip/ adlib/ ve 履(-bb) to saysth in a speech or a Per

formance that you have not Prepared or Practised EMIIMPROVISE: [V] She abamdoned her Script and begam ad-Libbing. @ [VN] IT 1ost 7my motes and Pad to ad-1 芭 妇ne ad 和ip nOUn: The Speech Was 记11 of ad Whole speecf 15s ad libodj: ar ad zib speech adlibodv: She daelivered Per1iies ad 1 边 .

admam/2dinzen) movn (P admen/men/) Unormalh a Person who works ip advertising

adimin/zedmmy/ noun [U] (BrE Jpjormal) = ADMINISTRATION: QHew adrmin ProDIems 2 She Works 态 ad7mzaim.

ad:min-is-ter/admrmaisteCD)/ ve 妨[VN] 1 [often passive] to manage and organize the affairs of a company,an

MANAGE: to adTministe7 organization, a COUDtrY etc. a charityJindAschool e The Dertsion 所 nds are admainis丰red By coTmrmercial bariks, 字 to make sure'that sth is done fairly and in the'correct Way: to adrmiriister juusticeXthe 1aw e The questioTimnaire Was adrninistered by trained 识teryiewers, 3 一 sth (to sb) (Jommal) to give orto Provide sth, especiallyin aformal Way: The teacherjhas the


|-ar my

| anow

| -ersay

connected with organizing the work of a business or an institution: an adrmministrative job/assistamnt/error

adminmsistrativelyodv ad-min-is-tra:tor /admmristrerteCD)/

mouwn a person

Whose job is to manage and orgamnize the Public or business affairs of a company or an institution: aQ hospital administrator

ad-mir-ablie /2z2dmarebl/ adj. (formal) having qualities 五er that youU admire and respect EECOMMENDABLE: dedication to herworKkWasadmirable.e Hermmade his points admirably /-sbli/ ady: Joe With admirable clarib coped admirably with a dipficult Situation adiimiral/zdmaerasl/ noun an o 乌cer of very high rank 训 thenavy: The admiralyVisited the ships Underjas cotia7Fd一see also REAR ADMIRAL,RED ADAdrmniral Iord Nelsomn


Admirail ofthe 'Fieet(Br5) (US "Fleet Admniral oun an admiral of the highest rank in the Davy

the Adimiraps 'Cupmovn [sing] a competition that

takes place every two years in Which three YACHTS 人from different countries race against each other

theAd-miralty/z2dmaerelti/ novn [sing.+ sing./pl.y] ( 雇 Britain in the past) the goveinment department coOntrolling the navy

adi-mnir-atiom 0 /admasrerfn/ noun [U] 一 (for sb/sth) a feeling ofrespect and liking for sb/ sth: 工 jhaye greatadmairation JorherasawWriter 训 adrmmniratiom

to Watch/gaze

全:iiire 0 /sdmaIeG)/ verb [VN] 也 T 一 sb/sth (forsth) | ~sb (fordoing sth) to respect sb for whattheyare orfor whattheyhave done:Trealty adrmire your enithusiasm: 2 The School 让 Widely admired Jor 让 excellent teaching 2 Zu jhave to adrmire the Way he ham-

dled thesituation. erTdontagree with jhez butTadmire her Jor sticking to her principles, 2 to look at sth and think that it is attractive and/or impressive: He stood back to ad-mir-ingad1.: She was Used admire his handiwork, to _receiying admiring glances 廊om 7Tnen,ad-mir'ing'ly adv ad-mmirer /admarere(GD)/ noun-1 ~ of sb/sth a Person who admires sb/sth,especially a well-known Person OF thing: He ia great admirer of Picassos early paintngs. 2 aman whois attracted to a woman and admires her': She never married butjhad mmany admiirers. ad-mis-silble/ad'mrsebl/ odj. that can be allowed or accepted, especially in cOUIt [GaB INADMISSIBLE 多 ad.misSilbility/admrIse'bletil/ moum [U] ad-imis-sion/admrfn/ novnT [uG ~ (to sth) the act of accepting sb into an institution, organization,etc.; the right to enteraplace orto join an institution ororganiZza:

| so go (Br 日 | ou go (NMAmB

| 5I boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


20 |

tion: Hospital admissiom not Tiecessa1y 识 most ca5e5. 书 Hospital adrmissiors 如r asthrma attacks have doubled. 2 coOunmtries applying fjr adrmmission to the EUropean Uniom ec 妇 e university adrmmissions policy/ofce ec Iast adrmmissioms to thepark areat4p.m. They tried to getinto the club but Were refused adrmissior. C She jailed to Sain adrmission io the university of her choice. 了 [C] ~ (of sth) | ~ (that.…)a Statement in which sb admits that sth is true, especially sth wrong or bad that they have done: am adrmissior of

SUELtLJailureAdefeat c The ministers resignatior Was am adrnission that she had lied coDe is athief by Phis owm adrmissionm (= he has admitted ib. 3 [U] the amount of money that you pay to go into abuilding orto an event: admiissior charses/prices C E5 admission C Whats the adrmissiom2

adjmm 证 0

/admart/ vemb (-tt-)

~ ACCEPT TRUTH ~ (to sth/to doing sth) | ~ (to sb) (that .… ) to agree,often unwillingly, that sth is true CONFESS: [V] She adrmmits to being strict Witp jher cildren.CDontbe afaid to admitto your mistakes. CIwWasa

stupid thing to do Tadrmit [VN] Ge adrmitted all his 7mnistakes. C She stubbornly refuses to admit 妇he fruth. C Why domntyoujustadrmmit defeat (= recognize that you cannot do sth) and Letsomeone elsetry?CAdrmititl YouWere terr Jiedle [v (that)] They 廊eely adrmitfthat) 坊eystillphaveazIot to learmn. CTcoulantadrmitto7yPparents thatTwas Hirzding the course dificui You must adrmm 广 that 让 all sounds yery straige. C [VN that] It Was generally adrmmitted that the goyermnTment had acted too quickly 2 [y speech] 27m yery nervous "she adrmitted reluctantty ec[VN to inf The appointmentis now Senerally admitted to hayve been a rnistake. This pattern is only used in the passive. > ACCEPT BLAME 2 ~ (to sth/to doing sth) to saythatyou have done sth wrong orillegal CONFESS TO: [V] She adamaitted to hayving stolen the car c He refused to admitto the other charges. C [VN] She admitted 切eft. c He refused to admit his SUiLE C [V -ing] She adrmitted having driver the car Without insuramce.


3 [VN] ~ sb/sth (to/into sth) to

allow sb/sth to enter a Place: Each ticketadrmits one adu 引 C The narrow Windows adrmmit Little ligjht into 坊 e room. < Zou w记 not be adrmitted to the theatre after'the perform-

admit ”acknowledge 。concede 。confess 。allow 。grant These words all mean to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true.

admmn计to agree, often unwillingly, thatsthistrue: 外 wasa, Stupid thing to do 1adm丰 acknowiedse (/g 坟erjormalnto accept that sth exists, is true or has happened': She 全 全 疝io Ce the meed Jorrejorm. coOncede (otherjormahtoadm证 on We that sthistrueorlogical: He wasjorcedtoconcede ( 坟qt tbere

1Dight be dj 态cujiies: ADMIT OR CONCEDE? When sb admits sth, they are usually agreeing that sth which is generally considered badorwrongistrue orhas happened, especially when it relatesto thelirown actions.

When sb concedes sth, they are usually accepting, unwillingly, thata particularfact or statementistrue Or logical. confess (otherjormahto admitsth that you feel ashamed orembarrassed about: She was reluctaontto COmfess herignoranmce. allow (1ormal to agreethat sth is true or ee He 1ejfusesto gllow ti加 atsuch asituvation couldiarise, Srantto admitthat a statementor claim istrue, usually whiie denyingthat a greater claim is also true: shes am jieWigent wormam1grantyou buUtshes 1OSen10s 和 Gramnied, heabegipnner puthe should ko风 ie posic 1uU1es.

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 里 tO admiVacknowledgefeoncedefeonfessalowigrant that..是 toadmit/confesstosth、 在 toadmit/concede/confess sth to sb 恒 YOU must admitacknowledge/concede/confess/allow/ grantsth to hateto admit/confess sth

有 to admityacknowledge the truth 时 to admit/confess your mistakes/ignorance

ance has started. 4 [VN] 一 sb (to/into sth) to allow sb to become a member of aclub, a school; or an organization: The society adrmmnits all US citizens ovyer 21. C_ Women were omly adrnitted into 切 e club 1astyear'


5 [VN] [often passive] ~ sb to/into a hos-

pital, an institution, etc. to take sb to ahospital, or other

institution where they can receive Special care: Two cras5p Victirms Were adrmitted to the 1ocal hospital. ad'mit of sth (如rmaj to show that sth is possible or probable as a solution, an explanation, etc.

ad-mit-tance /admrtns/ movn [U] (Jormaj) the rightto enter orthe actofentering abuilding, an institution, etc::

Hundreds of people were Unable to gain adrmittance to the PaLL

ad-imitted-ly /adomrtrqli/ odw used,especially at the beginning of a sentence, when you are accepting that sth is true: Adrmmittedly 让 is ratherexpensiye butyoudontmeed to USe TUCP

adiimixture /admikstfeC)/ novn (Jormah 1Tamixture:

(formal) a warning to sb about their behaviour monitory /admpnrtri NAmE-mam-/ ad

P ad-

admnau:seam /,2Pd'no:ziam/adv (from latin)ifaperson Says OF does sth ad nauseam, they say or do it again and again so that it becomes boring or annoying: Sports commTmentators repeat 轨 esamie Phrases ad Tialsea7L

ado /aduz/ novn [Er without further/more ado (o 路 jshioned) without delaying; immediately adobe /adusubi; NMmE a'doubi/ moun [U] mud that is dried in the sun, mixed with STRAwW and used as a building material

ado.les-cence /,adalesns/ nouUn [U] the time in a peE Son'S life when he or she develops from a child into an adult


ado'jes-cent /adalesnt/ noun a young person who is developing from achild into an adult: adolescents between he ages of 13 amd 18 and the problers theyjfoce ee adoles-

cent adj/.: adolescent boys/girLs/experiences ar admiixture of aggression and creativiby 2 Something, especially a Small amount of sth, that is mixed with sth Ado-nis /a'daunrs; NAmE a'dou-/ noun_ an exXtremely else: Q Frertch-speaking region With ar admixture of Ge 产 attractive young manIeRra From the name ofthebeatuTuaTL SDeaKkers tiful young man in ancient Greek myths, who was loved by both Aphrodite and Persephone. He was killed by a ad.mon'ish /admonrj; NMmE-mamn-/ ve几 (jormah 1T~ wild boarbut Zeus ordered that he should spend the winsb (for sth/for doing sth) to tell sb firmlythat you do not ter months in the Underworld with -Persephone and the approve of sth that they have done REPROVE: [VN] SuUumImer months with Aphrodite. She Was adrmonished for chewing gu 识 class [also V speech, VN Speech] 2 to strongly advise sb to do sth: adaopt om /adnpt; MAmEada:pt/vehb [VN to inf] A warning voice adrmonished Pim notto Iettnhis > CHILD Ttotake sb else'sichild intoyour family and behappen. [also v speech,VN speech] come its legal parent(s): [V] a carmzpaign to encourage ad-mon'ition /sdmaemrfn/ (also /ess jequentad-mom:Childless coUPples to adopte [VN] to adoptachild e She was ish-ment /admpnrmant; NmE -mamn-/) movn [CuU] 加 rced to have herbpabyadopted 一compare FOSTER


| adid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

| kcat

| lleg

| mman

| anow

| ppen

| rred

> METHOD 2 [VN]to starttouse aparticular method or to showaparticular attitude towards sb/sth: ALLthree teaTms adopted different approaches to the problern. ~ SUGGESTION 3 [VN] to formally accept a suggestion Or Policy by voting: to adopt a resolution c The council is expected to aadoptthe new policy at its nextTmneetirlg-. > NEW NAME/COUNTRY 弘 -[VN] to choose a new name,, a country, a custom, etc. and begin to Use it as yoOUI own: to adopt a namevtitle/Ianguage 2 Early Christians 训 了Europe adopted many of the practices of the oldem paga7 Teligionas.

> WAY OF BEHAVING 5 [VN] (frmah to use a particular manner Wayof speaking, exXpression, etc.: He adopted am air ofindifference. 上 CANDIDATE G6 _[VN] ~ sb (as sth) (BrE, potics)tochoose sb as a candidate in an election or as a representative: She Was adopted as parliamentary candidate fjor Wood Green.


/a'dpptrd; NAmE a'dap-/ ad 1 an adopted

child has legally become part ofa family which is notthe one 雇 which he or she was born: Dammy is their adopted so 2 anadopted country is one in which sb chooses to live although it is not the one they were born 记 adop:ter



as'dap-/ nouwn

下 a person

who:adopts a child 2.a person who starts Using a new technology: earklyxiate adopters of DVD Dlayers adop:tion /adopfn; NAmE a'dapfn/ noun 1T[GU] the act of adopting a child: She put the baby z5 如r adoptiom. 2 [U] the decision to start Using sth such as an idea,, 3a Plan or a name: the adoptiom of new technology 3 [GuU]

(BrE politcs) the act of choosing sb as a candidate for an election: jhis adoptom as 妇 e Iapour camndidate

adop:tive /adpptiv; NAmE ada:p-/ adj [usually before noun] an adoptive parent or family is one that has legally adopted a child

ador-able /a'do:rebI/ adj. very attractive and easyto feel love for: WPpat ar adorable childl e adorably /abli/ adv

ad.oratiom-/;adaererfn/ novn [U] a feeling of greatlove OF Worship: Be gazed at her With pure adoration C The Painting is called doratior of the 矶fant Christ adore /ado:(nD/ verb (notused in the Progressive tenses) T[VN] to love sb very much: Ts Obyious

殷at she adores

ji enote atLOVE 2 (infiormalj to like sth Very much: [VN] Tsimplyadore his musicl e [V-ing] She adores working With childrem. cnote at LIKE ador.ing /a'dorIm/ adj [usually before noun] showing much love and admiration e adoringly 0dv adorn

/adomj; NAmE a'do:rn/ verb [VN] [often passive] ~

sth/sb (with sth) (formal) to make

sth/sb look more

attractive by decorating 让 or them with sth: The Walks Were adorned With paintings. C The children adorned 妇emselyeswi 态jiowers. e Gold rings adorned his 太 mgers oromadornment OU 邮 5 本 : ij Grajffiii adorned 纺 e walls. APplain mecKklace was her only adormTmnent ad.renal gland /as'driznl glaand/ nowm' either of the two small organs above the KIDNEYS that produce ADRENALIN and other HORMONES ad:renalin /a'drenaelin/ novm [U] a substance Produced in the body when you are excited,afraid or angry. Imakes the heart beat faster and increases YOUI energy and ability to move quickly: The excitement atthe start of arace carnt really getthe adrenalin flowing-



controlled by anyone: (jgvratve) Withouvt LanguagSe Purmarm beings are cast adr态. adiroit /a'drort/ adj. (formalj) skilful and clever especially in dealing with people SKILFUL: am adrottmegotiator

Padroitiyady adroitness 0000 [U] ADSL /erdi:es'el/ obbr asymmetric digital subscriberline (asystem for connecting a computer to the Internet Using

atelephone line) ad.sOkb /ad'saib; "zo:b; NAmE -ZoTrb; -So:rb/ ve尼 [VN] (techmicaj ifsth adsorbs aliquid, gas or other substance, 让 holds it on its surface: The dye 1 adsorbed onto 坊eFibre. /ad'zo:bent; -sorb-;,NAmE -'Zorb-; -Sorb-/


adj (technicaj) (of a substance or material) able to adsorb gases orliquids ADT /erdi:'ti:/ obbr ATLANTIC DAYLIGHT TIME adukKi /adu:ki/ novn = ADZUKI adu.lation /adjulerfa; NAmE ,ad5el-/ own [U] (万玉 /madlj) admiration and praise, especially when this is greater than is necessary > adu.latory

/aedju'lerteri; NAmE

'aed5aelatoxri/ ad

司 四ui 0

/2dAlt; sdAlt/ noun 0a 丰

@ mou T afuly grown person who is legally responsible

for their_actions





accoTnpanied py anaduLE C Why camntyou two act Like ciy认zed adul62 2 afully grown animal: The 旋sh return to the river as adults 矶 order to breed. 上 0dj. 1 fully grown or developed: preparing younig Deople Jpor aaalE 1这 cothe adult population 2 adult momjkeys 2 behavingipn an intelligent and responsible way; typical

of what is expected of an adult


IJny Parents 5SpIiE UD, 牙 was all yery aduLt aiid opem. 3 [only before noun] intended for adults only, becatuse 让 is about sex Or COntains Violence: ar adult 7mnovie 一See also ADULTHOOD



(also continuing


moum _[U] education .for adults that is _available outside the formal education System,, for _example at evening classes

adul:ter.ate /adAlterert/ ver [VN] [often passive] ~ sth (with sth) to make food or drink less pure by adding another substance to 让 CONTAMINATE 一See also UNADULTERATED > adulteration


/adAltererfn/ novm [U]

/adAltere(CD)/ noun (Jormalj) a person who

commits adultery


/a'dAlteres/ noun (Jormah) a woman who

cormimits adultery adultery /Ja'dQAlteri/ moun [Uu] .sex between a married person and sb who is not their htusband or Wife: He Was accused ofcommmitting adultery eadulierous /a'dAlteres/ gdj: an adulterous relatiomnsPip adult.hood /adxlthod; adAlt-/ movn [U] the state of being an adult: a child reaching adulthood ad.um.brate /adsembrert; NMAmE also adem-/ veb [VN]

(Jormal) to give a general idea or description of sth without details OUTLINE advalorem /advelorem/ adj ,ady (jnance)(ofatax) according tothe estimated value ofthe goods being taxed

adlrift /sa'drrft/ oadj. [not before noum] 站 过 a boat or a Per了 -Vanmce 四 0 /advans; NAmE -Vaens/ OUn,Veb, sonin aboatis adrift theboat is nottied to anything or is 0d/. floating without being controlled by anyone: THPe SU 国 11OU1 Vivors Were adr 诈 a 识 Leboat Jor six days. 了 (BrE) (of a 闻 FORWARD MOVEMENT 1 [q the forward movement of a groUP of people, especially armed forces: We 友 ared that Person) feeling alone and without a direction or an aim ahm adyarice oF 态 e capitalWould soom olloW in life: young people adr 访 总妇 e pig ciby 3 no longer at2 [CU]~(insth) progress or a develop下 DEVELOPMENT tached or fixed in the right position: ITmearty SUNfocated mentinaparticular activity or area ofunderstanding: 7eWhen the pipe om Tny breathing apparatus camte adrift centadyances 识 7medicalscience e We live in an age ofrapid (jigurative) She had been cut adr沪 廊om eyerything She techmnological adyamce. jad known e (jguraotive)Our plans had gomne badly adr诉. 3 [Cusually sing.] money paid for work before 让 了 MONEY 4 ~(ofsb/sth)(BrE) (ip sport) behind the score or Position has been done or moneypaid earlierthan expected: They of your opponents: The team are noW justsixc points adr询 offered an advantce of E5000 afiter the sismting of the comof theleaders. [Er cast/set sb adrift (usuallypassive) to tract @ She asked for an advance ol her salary. leave sb to be catried away on a boat that is not being


| ttea

| VYvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| J shoe

| 5 vision



| au5jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0 sing



* SEXUAL 4 advances [pl.] attemPptsto start asexualieldztionship with sb: Fe had made advanmces to orie of his Studenats. * PRICEINCREASE S [C ~(on sth) (buvsiPness) an increase in the Price or value of sth: Share Drices ShowWed sig7zz 太camt adyartces.

[cr in advance (of sth)

1 before the time that is

eXpected; before sth happens: Q Weekmnonthxyear 妆 adyarice Cjts cheaper 太 you book the tickets 识 adyamce. CPeople wereeyacuated 太om 女e coastal7egions 识 adyaTtce of the hurricane, 了 more developed than Sb/sth else: Galileos ideas Were Well 识 adyarice of the age 识 Which he Lived.

目 VE/少 “MOVE FORWARD 1 [v] ~ (on/towards sb/sth) to move forward towards sb/sth,, often in order to attack or threaten them or it: The mob adyamced or US, Shouting amgrily coThe troops WereJfinally given the order to adyartce. They had adyamnced 20 mmiles py mightfall ee the adyarcing Allied troops 一Compare RETREAT * DEVELOP 2 ifknowledge, technology etc. advances, 让 develops and improves: [V] Our Knowledge oF the disease jhas adyamtced comtsiderably over recent years. C [VN] This Tesearch has done much to adyamnce OUr Understanmding of Iarlguage 1eaTmling. * HELP TO SUCCEED 3 [VN] to help sth to succeed FURTHER: Studying for new qual 访cations s one Way of adyancing your career 2 They wprked together to adayaTtce the calse of demmocracy:

ad vance imamnm 1001 (especialy NAJB a person who is sent to a place to make preparations for the Visit of an important person Or grOUP of people



NAmE -Vans-/ Houn

(Jormal) 1 _[U,C] the process of helping sth to make PrIogress or SUcceedi; the progress thatis made: the adyvarceTment of Knowiedge/educatiorm/sciemnce 也 [U] Progress ip ajob, social class, etc.: There are good opportunmittes for adyamcement 太 You hayve tje right skills,

ad-vamn'cing /advadnsm; NAmE-vaens-/ adj ~ years/age usedasapolite wayofreferringtothefactoftimepassing and of sb growing older: She is stillyery actiye, 识 Spite'of jher adyartcing yeaT7s.



/ad'vazmntrd5; NAmE-Vaen-/ nmOU1,

ve 几 日 OU [CU] 1 一 (oversb)athing that helps you to be better or more Successful than other people: a pig/Sreat/ definite adyamntage 2 Being tall gaye hirm ari adyantase oOyer the other piayers. 2 an Unjfair adyvantage (= sth that benefits you,bnut not your Opponents) C She had the adyanmntage of a good educatior: 2 Tthere any adyvanitasge in getting there early2 ceZou w 记Tbe at anadyantasge (= have an advantage) ifyoujhaye thougRhtaboutthe interyview questions 训 adyvanmnce. [aa DISADVANTAGE 2 aquality of sththatmakesitbetteror moreuseful:Asmallcar has the added adyamntage ofbeing cheaperto ru ctheadyantages of living 识 Q small towmn C Fach of 雪 ese Systems has 亡 adyanmntages amnd disadyarttages. [aa DISADVANTAGE 3 (in TENNIS) the first point scored .after a Score of 40--

40: Advantase Roddick. [En be/work to your ad van-

~“MONEY 4 ~sth (to sb) | ~ (sb) sth to give sb moneybefore the time it would usually be paid: [VN, VNN] We are

tage to give you amadvantage; to change a situation in a way that gives you an _advantage: 下 would be to your

Wiling to adyarntce the moiey,

adyantage to attend this meetinlg. C EBPyentualb,the new regulations Ww记 Work to our adyvanmntasge.take ad vantage

切e money to yoUL 2 We w 记 adyance yoU

*SUGGEST 5 [VN] (fjormalj) to suggest an idea, a theory, OF a plan for other people to discuss PUT FORWARD: The article adyances a new theory to explain charnges 总 the climate. r*-MAKEEARLIER 6 [VN] (formazjtochangethetime or date

of an event so that ittakes place earlier ER


WARD; The date of the trial has been adyanmnced by omne WeekK.

[9 POSTPONE “MOVE FORWARD 7 (1jormal) to move forward to a later part of sth; to move sth forward to a later part: [V] Users adyarce through theprograrm by answeringaseries ofques吉ons. C [VN] This button adyamces the tape to the begirning of the nexttrack.

of sth/sb

1 to make use of sth well; to make use of an

opportunity: She took advamntage of the children's absence to tidy their rooms. C We took 名ll adyantase of the hotel

Jacilities. 2 to make use of sby/sth in awaythat is unfair or dishonest EXPLOIT: Fe tooKk adyamtage of my ge7merosity (= for example,bytaking more than Ihad intend-

ed to givej,.to (good/best) ad vantage in a way that Shows the best of sth: The photograph showed Pim to

adyantase.turn sth toyourad vantage touse or change

abad situation so that it helpsyou Js. 四 yeb [VN] (formaol)to putsb in abetter Position than other people or than they were in before

轨 [V] (business) (of Prices,costs,etc.) to iD-

ad:vamn'taged /ad'va:ntrd5d; NAmE-van-/ adi beingina

crease in Price or amotunt: Oil shares advamced ammid ecomoOmaic recoyery hopes. 下 gdlj. [only before noun] 1 done or givenbefore sth is going to happen: Please give W _advance Warming of :any chamnges. C We need adyamce motice of the Pumzbers 训yolved. CNo advarice booKking is necessaJry on miost departLUres,、 卫 ~ party/team a group of people who go Somewhere first, before the main group

good social or financial situation: We aim to improve Opportunmities Jor the less adyanmntaged 训 society [aa DiIsADVANTAGED


advan'ta'Sgeous /advan'teid5es) adj ~ (to sb good or useful im a Particular situation BENEFICIAL: A 广ee trade agreemment WOUId pe adyantageous to both countries.

[oa DISADVANTAGEOUSP advanmtageousiy oadyv ad vent /advent) moun T [sing]the'~ of sth/sb the

coming of an important event,person,invention,etc.: advanced om /ad'vamnst; NAmE-vaenst/ adl/. the adyvent of new technology 2Advemt [U] the period 1 havingthe mostmodern and recently developed ideas, of four weeks before Christmas in the ChristianTreligion Imethods, etc.: adyvamced techmnology C adqvaiced industrial Societies 了 2 (of a course of study) at a high or difficult 'Advent calendar mona piece of stiffpaper with a Diclevel: There were omly three of us on the adyvamced course. ture and 24 small doors with numbers on. Children open C an adyartced Student of Friglish 3 at alate Stage of a door each day during Advent and find a picture or a development: the adyamced stages of the disease [EU of piece of chocolate behind each one. advanced 'years |sb's advanced age used 记 polite ad.ven:ti'tious /adven'trfas/ adj (iormalj) happening eXpressions to describe sb as Very old: He was a ma of by accident; notplanned adyanced years. Ce(humorous) Eyen at my adyanced age 工 ,Advent Sunday noun [U,c] the first Sunday in Advent, StillKnow how to enjoy myse帮 Which is on or close to 30 November ad vanced level noun = ALEVEL: For this course, YOU


meed tbhwo GCF Adyamced Leyel passes,



movn [ul (obbr AP) an ad-

vanced course forhigh school students in the US bywhich students can gain college CREDITS before they actually go to college

ad vance


(also ad'vanced

Suard ) moun

[C+sing./pl. v] a group of soldiers who go somewhere to make preparations before other soldiers arrive


/ad'ventfaG9/ noun

1 [qanunusual, exciting or dangerous experience, jotirneyoOr series ofevents: her adyentures trayelling 识 Africac When you7re achild 1扎 坟 one big adyenture.c adyenture stories 也 山 ] excitement and the willingness to take ITisksi try new ideas, etc.: a semnse/SDiritofadventure

ad venture game

movn atype of computer game in

which youplay apart in an adventure

吧 cat | cfather |eten |s:bird |eaabout|rsit|isee|limany|ngot(Br6|5saw|Acup

| 5 put | utoo


adiventure layground moum (BrE) an area Where chlldren can play,, with _large structures,ropes, etc. for climbing on ad.venm:turerF/adventJeraCD)/-0oun 1 (old-1oshioned) a Person who enjoys exciting new experiences,especially going to unusual Places 之 (often disapproving) a person Who is willing to take Tisks or act in a dishonest way in order to gain money or PowerT adven-ture-sOme /ad'ventfeseam; NAmE fers-/ adf/:

(NArmE) = ADVENTUROUS advem-tur-ess /ad'ventjares/ noun (old-shioned) 1 a Woman who enjoys exciting new experiences, especially

going to Unusual places QZ (often disapproving)a woman who is willing to take risks or act in a dishonest way in order to gain money Or Power ad.ven.tur:.ism /adventfarIzeam/ noun _[U] (disaopproving) a willingness to take risks in business or politics in order to gain sth for yourself ad:ven-turous /ad'ventferss/ :adj T (NmE also adven-ture-some (of a Person) willing'to take Trisks and try new ideas;j enjoying being in new, exciting situations: For 切e nore adyenturous tourists, 切ere are frips into 急e Tountains Withnalocalguide. CMamy teachers would Like to pe more adyerzturous and creative. 2 including new:and interesting things,7zmethods and ideas: The 7memu co7itained frradiiomnal 色vourites as Well as more adyertturous dishes. 3 full of new, exciting Or dangerous exXperiences:

am _adyertturous tripLAILifestyle PP adventurouslyadv


adiverpb /zadvs:b; NAmE -vaTb/ noun (gra1mman a word that adds more information about Place, time, manner catse Or degree to a verb, an adjective, a phrase or an-

other adverb: 到 SpeaK Kindly credibly deep? ust 识 tme” amnd 4oo qUickly2 和ind ncredibb asP and too” are all adyerbs. 一See also SENTENCE ADVERB > adverpbial/2ad'vasibisl; NAmE:vas:rb-/ adj :Very quicKkly indeed zk am adyerbial phrase. adverbial 'particie "oun (grammar) an adverb Used especially after a verb to show position,direction of Imovement, etc:: Im core pack 9reak downand 和 11o久 , backs own and o太 are all adyverbial particles. adive 上 Sa:iall/2z2dva'seeriel; NAmE:Vaer'serial/ adj (如 广

/mal or technical):(especially of political or legal systems) involving people who are in opposition and who make attacks on each other: the adyersarialL mnature of the bwoParty System can adyersarial System of justice adlver.sary /22dvaserii NAmE -Verseri/ OUn (pP/ -ieg9 (Jormal/) a person that sb is opposed to _and competing

with in an argumentor abattle


ad-versative/ad'vas:setrv; NAmE-VarTrs-/ adj (Sromman) (ofa word or Phrase) expressing sth that is opposed to or the opposite of what has been Said: the adyersative com刀 Pmctiom 和 LE ad.verse /2dva:s; sd'vaIs; NAmE -Vars/ adj [usually before noun] negative and Unpleasant; not likelyto produce agood result: adyerse cfnargeXcircuimstamnces/Weather coraditiofns CIackofrmoney Ww记 Paye an adyerse effect om OUF TeseaTch programi7mme. O They Paye attracted Strong adyerse criticism. CTPhisarug 1 Knownmn to hayve adyerse siae

effeckg, adverselyadv: Her health Was adyversely o矿 Jected by the clirmate. ad-ver.sity/advas:sati; NA/mE-VaiTrs-/ noun [U,C] (P1 -ieg

(Jormalj) adifficult or unpleasant situation: courage 训 the Jace ofadyversityc He overcarme mmamny personial adyersities.

局 @-VeiE 0

/2dva:t; NAmE-vaxrt/ noun (Br6)

三 ADVERTISEMENT: the adyerts on teleyision 2 When the adyverts ca1me OnTSgotUDp to PuUL the Kettle on. 只 note atAD



about it in a newspaper on anotice in a public placei on the Internet, etc.: [V] We are currentty adyvertising for a

Tiew sales manager 2 [VN] We adyertised the comncert quite Wiaely 3 [VN] to show or tell sth about yourself to other People EBPUBLICIZE:TWoUIdmt adyertise tje Jact that youdonthaveawork per7mi


SerVice in order to encouIage People to buy or to use 刘 : [M] 黎youwantto attract7more custo7mers yadyertising 访 the 1ocal paper C-[VN]ito adyvertise Q Droducta pusiness/ yourserVices CTHhe cruise Was adyertised as the JoUrmney ofa

the activity and industry of advertising things to People on television, in newspapers, on the Internetb etc.:A good adyertisinrg campaigTr will 识crease OUr Sales. C Cigarette adyvertising has been banned. 2 radioTV adyertising 和 Val works for an adyertising agentcy (= a company that designs advertisements). CQ career 识 aayertising adver.tor-ial


| augo(BrE)


should do in a Particular Situation: adyvice om road safety Theygive adyvice for people with EDIVand AIDS.c Follow your doctors adyice. C We Were adyised to seek legal adVice. CTetrmme giveyouaPpiece ofadvice CAWwordofadVice. Doni Wear thatdress.CTake myadvice. Dontdo 让 Tchose 让 on his advice.

ad'vice colummn ad'vice columnist"ovn (Nm 三 AGONY COLUMN, AGONY AUNTVXUNCLE

ad.vis-able /ad'varzebl/ aodj. [not usually before noun] ~

(to do sth) sensible and a good idea in order to achieve sth: Early pooking iadyisable. 2 下 adyisable to book earty, [gag INADVISABLE > advisapbilLity/adiVarzaebalaeti/ own [U]

忆 dj.vise 0 /ad'varz/ ve 册 1~(sb) (against sth/against doing sth) to tell sb what you think they should do in a particular situation: [V] TI Would strongly adyise against going OUE OP YOUF OWPL. 和 [VN] BEer mmother Was away amd couladmnt advise her C Ta

adayise extreme caution. CO [VN to in 和 Police are adyvising People to stay at home. C Ta adyvise you not to tell Pirm. [vthat] They adyise that apassport be carried with you at al tirmes. (BrEalsojThey adyvise 轨 atapassportshould be carTied With yoU at al times. CO[VN that] 丰 1 strongty adyised that you take out insurance. C [V -ing] Fa adyvise

DUXying YOUT 丰 cKets We 了 Li识adyantce 这 youU Want to trayvel 训 AUSUS上 C [V speech,VN Speech] Get there early ”she adyised (therm). 一see also ILL-ADVISED,WELL ADVISED 叫> note at RECOMMEND 了 一 (sb onsth | ~ (sblaboutsth/ about doing sth to give sb help and information on a Subjectthatyouknowalotabout: [V] We ermploy an expert 如 adyise ofi mew technology C [VN] She advises the oO



[V wh-]


Pharrmacist Ww记 adyise which medicines are safe to take. [EVN wh-] ur Iawyercarn adyise youU Whether to taKke any

actionr., 3

一 sb (of sth) ( 色mmal) to oficially tell sb sth


[VN] Please adyise Us of any changse of

address. C_[VN wh-] TIw 记 COUTFsSe 1s noW 有包 信

| ersay


~ (on sth) an opinion or a Suggestion about what sb

goingtohappen;orthatajobisavailableby giving details

| aonow


adi.vice 0 /advars/ noun [U]

When to _come. C_[VN that]

| army


advertisement that is designed to look like an article in the newspaper orImnagazine 记 Which it appears

1Fetime: 2 ~ (for sb/sth) to let people know that sth js uactual

/advasxtrsmaent; NAmE

adiver.tis.in 多 0 /2dvaetaIzI; NAmE-Vert-/ moOunm [U]


0 /zdvaetaliz; NAmE-Vert-/ve 几

T ~ sth (as sth) to tell the public about a Product or a


,aedvaer'taIz-/ OU 1 [qq (alsoymformnal ad (BrE also adve 叶 ~ (forsth) a notice, picture or 有 lm telling Peopleabout aproducb job OF Sefvice: PuUt an adyertisement 识 切 e 1ocal papertorse1 your ca 一see also CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Snote atAD 2 [C (BrEalso ad-ve 中 一forsth an example ofsth that shows its good qualities: Dirty streetks and hormelessTess are PiO adyertisemmentjfor a ProsperoUs society. 只 note atAD 3 [U] the act ofadvertising sth and making it Publicc只 note atAD ad.ver-tiser/advataIza0D); NAmE -vert-/ moun-a person or company that advertises

| oo go (NMm6)

| 5r boy

contact you Later to adyise yoU 工regret to_adyise you that the

| re near

| es hair

| ue pure


24 | aero:bat'ics /,eera'baetrks; NA1mE ,ere:/ nouU1 [pl.] excit-

ad-vised.lyy/ad'vaizedli/ adv (Jorma1h 让 you saythatyota are lising a word advisedly,you


that you have

thought carefully before choosing 让

ad:vise.ment /ad'varzmaent/ noun [U] (NAmE 1jormal) advice: the University Advisement Center [En take sth under ad visement to think carefully about sth before Iaking adecision aboutit: Thejudge has takem Under adyisermment

ing and skilful movements Performed in an aircraft, Such as flying upside down, especially in front ofan audi-


aero'batic adj.: an aerobatic display 一Picture 咏


aerObic /earebbrk; NAmE erou-/ adj T (biology) needing OXYGEN: aerobic pacteria 了 (of physical exercise) especially designed to improve the function of the heart and lungs [ogg ANAEROBIC

切 e7mnatter

aerObics /earaeubrks; NAmE erou-/ moUm [U] Physical

adviser(also advison /ad'varize(r)/ nounr ~ (to sb (on

eXxercises intended to make the heart and lungs strongem, often done in classes, with music: to do aerobics

sth) a person who gives advice, especially sb who knows a lot about a particular subject: a 记inamcial adviser C a SPecial adyiser to the President on educatiom ad:vis'ory/ad'varzeri/ aodj ,noun 上 0dlj having the role of giving ptofessional advice: am adyisory cornrmittee/body/service co He acted 识 an adyisory capacity omly.

上 1OU1 (D/ -ies (NAmE) an official warning that sth bad i going to happen: a tormnado adyisory ad-vo'caat/'aedveka:/ noun [u;,C] (especialy BrB astrong alcoholic drink made from eggs, Sugar and BRANDY

adi'vo'cacy /aedvekesi/ novun [U] T ~ (of sth) (Jorma1) the giving of public support to an idea, a course of action or abelief 2 (techmicaolj) the work of lawyers who speak abouit cases in COUIt ad.vo.cateverb, jnou1n

上 Ye上b /apdvekert/ (jorma))to support sth publicly: [VN] The group does not adyocate the use ofviolgnce. 2 [V-ing] Mamy exXperts adyocate rewardingyourchildjforgoodbpehaviour [v that] The report adyvocated that all buildings be 万tted

With Smoke detectors. C (BrE also) The report adyocated that all Duildings Should be 让 tted with smoke detectors. 号 note at RECOMMEND [alsoVvN -ing] 目 DOU1m /aedveket/ 1 ~ (of/for sth/sb) a Person who suPPorts or speaks in favour of sb or of a public Plan or acton: an adyocate forphospital workers Castaunch adyocate oF 廊ee Speech 一see also DEVIL'S ADVOCATE 了 2 a perSson Who defends sb in court cnote at LAWYER

adzel(B 章 (Us adz /adz/ mounaheavytool with acurved blade at RIGHT ANGLESs to the handle, used for cutting or shaping large Pieces of wood

ad.zuki /adzu:ki/ (also ad'zuki bean aduki) moun a

aero:drome /esredreujim; NAmE 'eredrooum/ (Br 日(US airdrome) noun (old-joshioned) a small airport





hou 站 [pl.] the dualities of an objectthat affect the way

it moves through the air: Research jhas jcused om imzproving 妨e cars aerodynamics. 也 [U] the science that deals With how objects move through air > aero.dynamiic /mik/ adj :tpe cars aerodynamic shape (= Imaking it able to move faster) aero.dy:namiicallyy/kli/odv

aero:foil /eerefod; NAmE'er-/ (Br 日(NAmE air.fo刘 moun thebasic curved structure of an aircrafts wing that helps to lift it into the air

aero' gramme

(BrE) (NmE aero-gramm /earagraem;

NAmE 'era-/ (also air letter NAm BrE) noum a sheet of light paper that can be folded and sentby air as a letteT aeroO:naut /earenait; NAmE 'ere-/ moun a traveller in a HOT-AIR BALLOON OT AIRSHIP

aero:naut'ics /,eare'mo:ttks; NAmE ,ers-/ noun [U] the Science or practice ofbuilding and flying aircraft


naut'ical /-no:trkl/ adj.: an aeromnautical engimeer aero:plane /esraplem; NAmE 'ere-/ (BrE) (NAmE air= plane) (also_ plane' BrE NAmE) noun a flying vehicle , With wings and one OF maqre engines aero:soOl /earasnbl; NAmmE'erasa:l/ noUmra metal container in which aliquid such as paint orHAIRSPRAY is keptunder Pressure and released as a SPIay: 0z07e广iendiyaerosols 和 ai aer0soOl caTti/Spray 一picture 上 PACKAGING aerO'SPpace /eareUspeIs; NAmE 'eroU-/ nouwr [U] the industry of building aircraft and Vehicles and equipment to be sent into Space: jobs 识 aerospace and defence 2 坊e

aerOsSDace 训 GUSty 喜 aeYo'stat /earastaet; NAmE'era-/ nOUP:(iechnica1 an air aegis /'i:dq5is/ hour IE underthe aegisofsb/sth (思 广 craft filled with hotair,such as an AIRSHIP OF HOT-AIR mall with the Protection or Support ofa particular organBALLOON ization Or person aes'thete (NmE also esthete) / 定S6itz ves-; NAmE'es-/ ae:olian(Br6(NAmEeo:lian) /ieolien; NAmEioo-/ ad moun (如 rmal, Sometimes disapproving) aperson who has a (techmical) connected with or caused by the action of the love and understanding of art and beatitiful things type of small round dark red BEAN that yoU can eat


aeonm(BrE)(alsoeonNAmE Br /iaen/nounT

(formaol) an

extremely long period of time; thousands of years 2 (8eolosgsy)j`a major division of time, divided into ERAS: aeons of geological Pistory

aeate /esrert; NAmE 'er-/ verb [VN] Tto make it posSible for air to become mixed with soil watem etc.: EarthWoOrmls do the imiportantjob ofaerating thesoiL 2 toadda gas, esSpecially CARBON DIOXIDE;, to a liquid under DresStre: aerated Water aeration /esrerfmn; MAmE-erer-/ 1OUm [U] ae 六ial /'esrial; NAmE'er-/ noun; ad

晶 IOU1 (BrE) (also antenna NAImE B16) apiece of equipment made of wire or long straight pieces of metal for Ieceiving or sending radio and television signals 一Picture

卓 0cdj: 1 from aplane: aerial attacks/bormzpardrmertt/ PDhotosraphy 2 an aerial view of Palm land

2 in the

air; existing above the ground: The bamyar tree has aeriaL roots.

ae 让al'ist /eerielrst; NAmE'er-/ noum a person who pe forms high above the ground on aTIGHTROPE OFTTRAPEZE

aerie (NAmB) = EYRIE aerO- /eareU; NAmmE 'erog/ combining 加mm (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs) connected with air or aircraft: aerodymnamazic C aerospace

| ddid

es-/ adj., noun 日0dj. 1 concermed with beauty and art and the Under standing of beautiful things: am aestheticiappreciatiom of the lamndscape C The bemnefits ofconservation are po 雪 记na7micial and aesthetic. 2 made in an artistic way and beanltiful to look at: Their 包 rniture Was 7more aesthetic tham

甩 mctionalL je aesthet'icaliy (NAmEalso es-) /klijadv: aesthetically pleasing colour comzbinatio7is 目 IOUm 站 [GC] the aesthetic qualities and ideas of sth: The Studertts debated the aesthetic of the poems. 2 aesthetics [u] thebranch ofphilosophythat studies the Principles of

beauty, especiallyin art .aestheticism (NAmEalso es-) /is'9etrsIzam; es-; NAmEes-/ noun [U]

the Aesthetic Movement noun [sing] a group of people ip England in the 1880s who bejlieved that art and



aes'ftlhet:ic (NAmE also es'thet:ia /Sbetik; es-,NAmE

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

literature had value in themselves rather than needing any moral PUTIpose

aetiology (8r6:(NmE'eti'ology)_/i:timlad5i; -NAPE -ozl-/ nouUn [LU] (medical) the scientific study of the causes of disease

afar /afazGD/ adv [ia from afar(liierary) fom along distance away: He loved her frorm afar (= did not tell her he loved her).

afara /aforra/ (alsolimba /Timba/)moum 1 [catalltree that grows in W Africa 2 [U] the wood from this tree,

| kecat

| leg

| mman

| now

| ppen

often used for making furniture 3 [C (WAFrE) a bridge; usuallymade ofwood

AFC /ef ef 'siE/ obbr

(BrE) Association Football Club:

Teeds UnitedAFC 2 (Nm 日 American Football Conference

(one of the two groups of teams in the NFL) 3 (BrE) Air FEorce Cross (an award given to members of the AIR FORCE, for being brave when flying rather than when fighting the enemy) 4 automatic frequency control (a

System Which allows radios and televisions to continue to receive the same Signal)

af-fable /zfebl/ odj. pleasant, friendly and easytotalkto GENIAL > affa.bility /,sefebaaeti/ novun [U] affably

affect ,effect 有 affectye7mb = :to haveaninfluence on sb/sth: Does television afjfect childrens pehayiour? Itis nota noun. 日 effect nounm ='result,influence': Does ieleyision have dgn

effecton chilarensbehaviour? 和 effectyemb isquiterareand formaland means to achieve or produce' They hope to ejectayreconcliation.


本 下.站air 0 /afeaGnD; NAmEafer/ noun * PUBLIC/POLITICALACTIVITIES 1Taffairs [pl.] events that

af:fec:tion.ate /afekjJenaet/ adj/. showing caring feelings

are of public interest or Political importance: World/ 训 ternationalLAbusiness affairs 2 an expertonm Joreign ao

Wards Phis-children. C ar affectionate Kiss 庆 affectionately adv: William Was afjfectionately Knowm as Bi

Joirs (= Political events in other countries) Ce_ afjfairs of state 一See also CURRENT AFFAIRS * EVENT 2 [cusuallysing.] an eventthatpeople aretalking about or describing in a Particular way: The mneWspapers exXaggerated 妇 e Whole affair wild ec The debate Was a Pretty disappointing afjfair 2 She wartted the celepration to beasimplejJarmily affair * RELATIONSHIP 3 [C] a sexual relationship between two people, ustuallywhen one orboth ofthem is married to sb else: She is having ar affair with herboss. 一see also LOVE AFFAIR > PRIVATE


4 affairs

[pl.] matters


With a person's Private business and financial situation: 了 LooKed after my 如芒ers inanicial affairs: 2 She Wanted to Dat her affairs 识 order before she died. 5 [sing.] athing that sb is responsible for (and that other people should not be concerned with) BUSINESS: HowTspend my Tomney iTny affair * OBJECT 6 [G (old-fosjhioned) (with an adjective) an Object that is unusual or difficult to describe: 了 er hat Was am amazirng affair with jathers and a huge Drama.


see STATE 站.

af.faire /afeaGoD); NAmEafer/ noun (他om French yitera) alove affair

af.fect 0

/afekt/ ve力

1 [VN] [often passive] to Prodtice achange in sb/sth: How W 记 tbese chamnges afjfectus? 2 如 太 opinion W 记 noEQHfect Tmy decisiom ee THhe South of the cOUnEY Was WOrst afjfected By the drougjiE 了 [VN] [often passive] (of a disease) to attack sb orapart ofthe body; to miake sb become jl/sick': The comditioft affects one 识 five Women. 2 RUD the crea1m into the afjfected areas.

3 [VN] [often passive] to make sb

have strong feelings ofsadness, Pity, etc.: They Were deepMy affected jy 切 enews ofjher death. 4 (1jormal)to pretend tobe feeling or thinking sth: [VN] She affected a calmmess she didmotjeel [alsovtoinf 5 [VN] (jrmah qisopproving) to tise or wear sth that is intended to impress other PUT ON:TWish he wouldntaffectthatridicuPeople 1ous acceTt

and love for sb

LOVING: He 1 yery affectiomnate to-

afffect.ive /afektrv/ adj (technical) connected with emotions and attitudes: affective disorders

了 人-fid av 让 /aefe'dervit/ moun (Jaw) a written Statement that you swear is true, and that can be used as evidence iD cOUTIt

本 王后 训让ate ve 上b own 目 _ye 及 /afiliert/ 下 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (with/to sb/sth) to link a_ group; a_ company or an organization Very closelywith anotherlarger one: The hospital is af atedWwitht 态 elocaluniyversibeThegroupimnotaffiliatedto

anmy politicalparty 了 ~ (yourself) (with sb/sth) to join, to be connected with, or to work for an organization: [VN]

Themmajority ofpeople questioned affiliated themselyes with areligious grouVD. [also V] 上 IOU1 /afiiet/ acompany an orgamnization,etc. that is connected with or controlled by another larger one

本 下-和iliatedgd /afaiertrd/ad [only before noun] closelycon-

nected to or controlled by a group or an organization: AL affiliated -mnembers carn yote. oo da goyermnrmentaffiliated instibute [aa UNAEFFILIATED

本 下 -个iiatiomn /afalierfn/ moon [u;G (onmah) 1 apersons

connection with a Political party, Teligion, etc.: He Was a7Tested because of his poli6cal a 太 liation、 了 one gIOUP OFT organization's official connection with another

aa 修人im 让y /afimnati/ noun (pl:ies)(1jorma)1

[sing] 一 (for/

with sby/sth) | ~ (between A and B) a strong feeling that youunderstand sb/sth and like them or 让 RAPPORT: Sam was borm 识 切 e Country and had a deep aitity wii

mature. 了 [U,C] ~ (with sbysth) | ~ (between Aand B) a close relationship between two people or things that have similar qualities,structures OF features: THhere is Q close afFirity betweertItalian and SDaTiish

af'finity card

movun a CREDIT CARD Printed With the

nameofan orgamization, forexample a charity, which receives asmall amountofmoneyeach timethe cardis used

本 和 fimity grOulp ouUn (especialy NAmBagroupofpeople Who sharethe Same interest Or PUIPOse

/afek'terfna/ movn [cuU] behaviour or an

下 firmn 15 全 im NAmEafs:rmy/ vemib(Jormaj)tostate firmly

/afektid/ odj (of a person or their behaviour)

昌 _gdi (Jormalj) an affirmative word or reply means yes OF expresses agreement [az NEGATIVE > affirmative'ly

af-fectinE /sfektm/ adj (formaj) Producing strong feel-

上 1OUn (j7maj) a word or statement that Imeans yes; an


action that is not natural or sincere and that is often 训 tended to jimnpress other people: His Little affectatioms Ir 并 tated her @ Kay jhas no affectation at al1. 2 He Taised js eyebrows With an affectation of surprise (= Pretending to be surprised).


not natural or sincere: am affected IaugRhAsmile [ED affected.ly 0dv UNAEFECTED

也gs ofsadness and sympathy



/afekjmn/ noun

1 [using] ~ (for sb/sth) the feeling of liking or loving sbysth very Imuch and caring about them: M7 Darcys affection Jorjhissisterc Children meed loks of love amd affecBEe didhiitshow his Ww记 aniy affectiomn. 2 She Was Eom jeld 训 deep affection by all her Students: CT haye Q 87eat apectionrjorNewZofK 2affections [pl] 有11maj) a pe sms feelings oflove: Amie had byo 7mem bying to Wmn Per affectiors.


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| 过 zoo

上 了 shoe

orpubliclythat sth istrue orthatyou SUPPort sth strongly CONEIRM: [VN] Both sides aj太 rrmed their co7m7mitrment io the ceasefire.G [KEhat]Icam affirrathat7o one Will 1ose their job. [also V speech] > affirm:ation /afemerfmn; NAmE aeferm-/ noun [U,G: She nodaded m aj 太 rmatiom,

af:firma:tive /afa:maetrv; NAmEasefarmz/ adj noOuwn ady: 909%0 voted af太rmiatiyely.

agrieement Or a CONFIRMATION: (Jormal) She arlsWered the affirrmative (= said yes). [GE NEGATIVE

affirmative 'actionm movn POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION affix verb, oun

[U] (especaly NAImE) =三

卓 VE 有 /5fiks/ [VN] [often passive] ~ sth (to sth) (Jrmaj to stick Or attach sth to sth else: The 1abel should be 记 rmmly afFixed to the Dackage. 四 1OUT /2efiks/ (gram/mar)aletterorgroup ofletters added tothebeginning or end ofa word to changetits meaning8.

| 5wvision

全 tf chain

| ds5 jam

| 6thin

| 5this

-| nsing


26 |

afloat /safeot;


aflout/ -adj

[not before


1 floating on water: Somehow We Kept the boat aioakt The- -prefixuwn-inwnhappyand the .suffix-/lessin careless are both affixes.

了 个.flict/a'flrzkt/ verb [VN] [often passive] ( 友rma/) to affect sb/sth in an Unpleasantorharmful way: Abpout4090 of the COUTDYS PopUIation z afflicted With the disease. 2 Aid Wi be sentto the afflicted areas,

af 人lic:tion/a'fakfmn/ noun [U,C] (Jormalj) pain and suffering or sth that causes 让

af.flu'ent /zfluant/ ad having a lot of money and a good standard of living PROSPEROUS,WEALTHY: afpluent Western countriesCayery affiuentmneigRpbourhood 只 note at RICH affluence /zflhuens/ noun [U]



om /sfod; NAmEafoxrd/ vemb

1 [no passive] (usually used with camn, could or pe able to, especially in negative sentences Or questions) to have enough money or time to be able to buy or to do sth: [VN] Canmn we afford anew car2?e None ofthem could afford E50joraticKket ceShe 帮Itshe couldntafford any more trme ofrwork. ec[vto inf] We cantaffordto go abroad 雪 二SUmmer CO She mnever took a ta eyen thouvgh she could afforda to.2 [VNto inf] He couladmnt afford the money to go on the 妇p. 2 [no passive] (usually used with car or could, especially in negative sentences and questions) 证you saythat you can't afford to do sth, you mean that you should not do it because 让 will cause PITOblems for you 话 you do:

[vto inf] We canmnot afford to igno 埠bis warning. C (扣 广 /malj) They could 这 afford to 1ose any more sta 太 [VN] We carimot afford any more delays. 3 (Jormal) to Provide sb With sth: [VN] TPe tree affords somme shelter 方om the Sun. 2 [VNN] The prograrmrme affords young people te chance to gain Work experience, > af-ford'abil'ity /afo:da'baeti; NAmE aford-/ nouns[U] af-ford'able /afo:xdebl; NAmE aford:/ adj.: affordable prices[housing 只 note at CHEAP

af.forestation /aforrsterfn; NAmEafor-; afazr-/ noun [U] (technicaj) the Process of planting areas of land with trees in order to form a forest 一compare DEFORESTATION > afforest /a'forrst; NAmE eforr-; afazr-/ verb [VN] [usually passive]

af-fray /afrer/ movn [Cusuallysing,,U] (Jow) afight or violentbehaviour in a Public Place

af.fri.cate /aefrriket/ mouwn (phonetics) a speech sound that is made up of a PLOSIVE followed immediately by a FRICATIVE, for example /tf/ and /ds5/ in chor and /ar

affront /afrAnt/ noun, verb 目 IOUm [usually sing.] ~ (to sb/sth) a remark or an action that insults or offends sbysth 目 Verb [VN] [usually passive] (jormal) to insult or offend sb: He hoped they would notjeel afonted 久 妇ey were not inyited. artaffonted expression

Afghan coat /,zftgzn keut; NAmE kout/ noun (BrE) a type of coat made from the skin of a_ sheep,, with long WwWool around the edges

Afghan hound /,zftgan 'haund/ movn a tall dog with long soft hair and apointed nose

afi'cion.ado /afifsma:dad; NAmE ou/ moun (1 -05) a person who likes a particular sport,activity or subject very much and knows alot about 让

afield /afilld/ odv [Er far/farther/further afield far away ffom home; to or 记 Placesthatare notnear: YOUcan Pireacar 太youUwantto explore 包 rtherafield. cjJournalists carne 万om as jar afield as China.

aflame /aflemmn/ ad [not before noun] (iteromy) Tburning; on fire ABLAZE: The Whole puilding was SooPm ahftarmne. 2 full ofbright colours and lights ABLAZE:

The woods were aflarme with auturnmn colours. 3 showing excitement or embarrassment: eyes/cheeks aflame

AFL-CIO /erefel si:ar'eog; NAmE'ou/ abbr American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, The AFL-GCIO is an organization of TRADE/LABOR


2 (ofabusiness, etc.) havingenough moneyto pay debts; able to suIrvive: They w记 haye to borrow ETIO TELior mext ” year justto stay afloat

afoot /afat/ adj [not before noun] being planned; hapPening: There are Plans afoot ioCFanmnges Were afoot

识crease taxation.


afore:-men-tioned /afpo:zmenfandj NAmE afoTrm-/ (also_ afore.said /afo:sed; NAmE afo:rsed/) (also _said 0dj. [only before noun] (jnrmal or /Jow) mentioned before, iDanearlier sentence: The aforerneTttiored Person Was See7L actirtg SUSDiciously.

afore-thought /a'fo:boxt; NAmE afoxr6-/ 0dj Ia see MALICE 了 for-ti-Ori /er fp:ti'orar; NAmE fort/ advy (Jormal or law) (from Latinm)for or with an even stronger Teason

afoul /a'faol/ adv (NAm 有 IE run_a'foul of sth to do sth that is not allowed byalaw or rule or sth that people in authority disapprove of: to run afoul of the Iaw

afraid om /afrerd/ adj. [not before noun] 1 ~ (ofsb/sth) | ~ (of doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) feeling fear; frightened because youthink that you Imight be hurt or Suffer: Pomnt be afraid. CIts all over Theres nothing to pe afaid ofnow. Areyou aaid ofspiders2? erTstarted to Jeel afaid of going out alone at night 2 She was afraid to

openthedoor 了

一 ofdoingsth |~todosth |~(that.…)

WwWoriried about what might happen: She was afaid of UPpsetting her parentts. CeDontDpe afaid to asK 太 you:dom革 umiderstand. 2 We Were afaid (thab we were going to caPpSize the boat 3 一 forsb/sth worried or frightened that sth Unpleasantb dangerous, etc. will happen to a particular person or thing: 7rmm notafraid for me butjforthe baby, They had aready 记 redthree people and he wasafraid7jor his job IE im afraidused asapolite wayoftelling sb sth that is unpleasant or:disappointing,, or that you are SOITY about: Tcant help you PTm ahaid. cm aaid we catt come. TIm ahaid thatits7otFinished yet CeSs mo pettep5 Tm afraid to say 2 there any Left227nz afraid mot co Wi 这让 Paurt2 rm afraid so


(also A-frame


"house) moun- (especially NAmE) a house with very Steep

Sides that meet


the top in the shape of the letter A





RIDGE TENT afresh /afref/ adv (加 /madl) again, especially from the beginning or with new ideas: 下 Was achartce to start afreshn.

Africam /afrzken/ adj ,noun 昌 0dj/. ofor connected with Africa 日 1IOUm a person from Africa, especially ablack person

,AfricanA'merican nown aperson from Americawhois amember of a race of people who have dark skin, orig于 -

ally from Africa > ,African A'merican 0d/ ,African Camadian adl

novn a Canadian citizen Whose

于 was originally from Africa * African Canadian

,African re'naissance moun [sing.] a period of time When Africa will experience great development in its economy and culture. Some people believe that this started atthe end of the 20th century.

,African 'violet "ovn asmall E African plant with heartShaped leaves and bluish-purple, pink Or white flowers

Af.ri.kaamns /,afrrkamns/ noun [U] a language that has developed from Dutch, spoken in South Africa


/afrrkazmnaGD) 太noun a person from South

Africa usually of Dutch origin,whose first language is Afrikaans

2 cat| cfather | eten |s:bird | eabout | sit| isee|imany|ngot(BrEl

| orsaw|Aacup|aput|ustoo



a ernoons 化

With the paper (三 CanIThave it mext?) Sin contrast to sth: Was pleasamtty cooL in the house after the sticjgy heat outside. @6 as arestlt of or because of sth that has happened: ZI mneverjforgiye hirm after what he said. 7 despite sth; although sth has happened: Tcam't believe sheid do 妇 ab notafteralLTye doneforher 8 tryingte find or catch sb/sth: The police are after him. ec Hes after ajob at ouUr Place 9 about sb/sth: She asKked after you (= how you were). 1O in the style of sb/sth; following the example of sbysth: apainring after Goya e We named the baby 1a”

frightened * scared 。 alarmed 。paranoid 。apprehensive All these words describe feeling or showing fear.

afraid [not before noun] feeling fear worried that sth = bad might happen: Theresmnothingtopbpeafroid ofF SArenEyoua1raid (tGb youi 大 氏

frightened feeling fear; worried that sth bad might happen:aJrightened child sshe wasjrightened 太ot the 8lass wouljd breakK. scared (ratherinformahj feeling fear; worried that sth

after hergrandmother 11 after- (in adjectives) happeningordonelaterthan thetime or event imentioned: afte 六

jhours drinking (= after closing time) cean after-school cluD

bad mighthappen: The thieyesgotscared and ramgwaX

Cafterdinner mints [En after all 1 despite What has


been said or expected: So you mmade 让 after al 之 Used When you are explaining sth, or giving areason: He Should

Scared is more informal, more common in speech, and

:often describes small fears. Afraid cannot come before a

have paid. He suggested 让 after alL be after doing sth

noun.Iltcanonlytakethe preposition o 太notabout fyou are afraid/frightened/scared of sb/sth/doing sth or

(Irishp6) Tto be going to do sth soon; to be intending to do sth soon 2 tohavejustdone sth 日 CO1/. at a time later than sth; when sth has finished: 7 call yoU after Tye SpOoKen to them: oo Seyeral years after 态eyiGSspIitEp 雪ey metagain by chance 训 ParTs. 上 ddv later in time;afterwards: That Was 训 -7996. Soo after Theard that heida died. Tcould come Tiext Weejc or he week after CAndtheyalllived happily ever after 旧 Gdj. [only before noun] (old use) followingi later: 总 after years

afraid/frightened/scared to do sth; youthink you arein dangerof being hurt or suffering in some way. If you are :frightened/scared about sth/doing sth, itis less afear foryour personal safety and more a worry that sth unpleasant might happen-. alarmed [not before noun] afraid that sth dangerous or unpleasant might happen: She was alarmed at 态e 2 Prospectoftrayelling alone. paranoid (ra 态erinformah afraid or suspicious of other peopleand believingthatthey aretrying to harm you, in awaythatis not reasonable: YoUe justpeing paranmo 上


woman or female animal's body after a baby has been born, and which was necessary to feed and Protect the baby EU PLACENTA afterburn'er /azftebsimne(nD; NAmE'aefterbs:rnaer/ OUn (technicol) a device for increasing the power of a JET ENGINE

apprehensive (ratherjormaj slightly afraid that sth bad might happen: 1 was ayUtte Gpprehensiye about the

efjecs ofwhjpatl1haodsaid. PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

豆 Doni be afraid/frightened/scared/alarmed. 昌 frightened/scared/paranoid/apprehensive about … 理 afraid/frightened/scared/apprehensive that … 下 afraid/frightened/scared of spiders, etc. 目 to feel/look/sound afraid/frightened/scared/alarmed/ “apprehensive 下 to get frightened/scared/paranoid 日 afraid/frightened/scared to open the doom, etc.


' 们er-effect

,Afro-Carilb beam noun a person who comes, or whose family comes, from the Caribbean and who is a mermber of a group of people with dark skin who originally came from Africa ,Afro-Carib' bean cd a 低 Jaft NAmEaft/ adv (techmicojh in, near or towards the backofa ship or an aircraft 睛 aft 0dj/. 一comipare FORE

/azfteaD; NAmE'aef/ prep com advia 丰

下.prep. 1 laterthan sth; following sth in time: We ieaye after LIunchs e They arriyed shortty after 5. 2 Not lomg after that jhe resigned. e TIets meetthe day after tomor-

Fow/the Week after next. 2 After Winning the prize she became fomous oyermnight 2 After an hourTWentjhome 伍 when an hourhad passed).C(NAmmE) Its tem after seyen

| army

| ao now

| ersay

| so go (Br



movn [usually pl.] the after-effects of a

sees after the thing that you wete looking at is no longer there 局 化erjife /azftelarf; NAmE'aefterl-/ moun [sing.] alife that some people believe exists after death 了 全er-mathh /dftemae0; :maz6; NAmmE 'aeftermae6/ moUn [usually sing.] the situation that exists as a result of an importamnt (and usually Unpleasant) eventb especially a war an accident eic: AIotofrebuilding took place 识 the aftermathi ofthe War ethe assassinatiortof the Prime Mimiter amd its imediate afterimath a 人termost /aftemeuUst; NAmE 'aeftermoust/ adj、[only before noun] (techmicaj) nearest to the STERN of a Ship or thetail of an aircraft

旦人 er.mOgOm

that sth happens many times or continuously: day after dayofhotyWweathereTyetoldyou tne after tmnemotto do 妇 at 一See also ONE AFTER ANOTHER at ONE 3 behind sb When theyhaveleft; following sb: Shutthe door afteryoL. CTmm aways haying to cleamn up after he children (= clean theplace aftertheyhaveleftit dirty and untidy). eeram after hier Witp 坊e booKk. c She Was LE从 Staring after jirm. 4 nextto andifollowing sb/sth in:order Or imnportance: 了如 好 name comes after mine 识 坊 e 1isE COFes the tallesb ajfter Richard. e After you (= Please go firstj c After yoOU



'after-image oun (technicah an image thatyour eye still

adjectives) African: Afro-Asiam

the-morning (= 710 a.m.) 2… after .… used to show


drug, an jllness or an Unpleasant event are the feelings that you experience later as aresult of 让 after.glow /aftegleg; NAmE 'aeftarglou/ noum: [usually sing] (liierary) Tthe light that is left ip the sky after the sunhas set 2 apleasantfeeling after a good experience

Sometimes worn by black People and popular 训pbthe 1i970s, in which the hair forms around mass oftight curls Afro- 1aefrag; NAmE'a 人 oo/ combpiningjrm (丰 Dnouns and



Teceare ortreatment given to a Derson Who has justleft hospital,prison,etc:: aftercare serVices 了 (BrE) Service and advice that is offered by some companies to customers who have bought a car WASHING MACHINE, etc.

Afiro 1/'z 他 se0; NA1mE ,apfrou/ JoU1 (D/ -0s) a HAIRSTYLE

本全 人

/azfteaba:6; NAmE ,aefterba:rb/ noun (usually

the afterbirth) [sing.] the material that comes out of a


/aftenumn; NAmE,aeftarm-/ nouU1

[u,q the pairt of the day from 12 midday until about 6 oclock: this/yesterday/tomorrow afternoon 2 n the afterTiooTt they Went Shopping: 3 She studies arttbwo afiernoors aweek.CAreyoureadyjJorthis afternooms meeting? 2 The baby always has an afternoon nap. 2 Come oVer on Sunday afternoom. C Where Were yoU oO the afternoon of May 21? 一see also GOOD AFTERNOON


/aftenumnz; NAmE ,aefterm-/ adw during

the afternoon every day: Afternoons he WOrks at home.

| ou go (NMAmB)

| or boy

:| re near

| ee hair

| ve pure

afters 所

28 |

af:ters /azftaz; NAmE'aefterz/ nouwm [U] (BrE; informon:a Sweet dish that you eat at the end of a meal: 万uit salad ~ Jorafters 一see also DESSERT, PUDDING, SWEET 几.

,after-,sales service mouwn [U] the fact of providing help to customers after they have bought a Product, UsUally involving doing repairs thatiare heeded or giving adVice onhowtoltsethe prodtct

aftershave /azfteferv; NAmE'aefterf-/ noun [U,G aa 开 quid with a pleasant smell that men Sometimes ptt on their faces after they shave

aftershock /dftafok; NAmE 'aeftarfadk/ moun a small EARTHQUAKE that happens after abigger one

aftersunm /aftesan; NAmE 'aeftar-/ moum [U,C] cream, etc. that you Put on youUI Skin after you have been out ip the sun Lotiomn



[only before


aftertaste /axfteterst; NAmE ,aeftert-/ noun


[sing] a

taste (usuallyan Unpleasant one) that staysin yoUur mouth after youhave eaten ordrunk sth after'thougiht /azftagoxt; NAmEaefterb-/ .noun [usually sing.] a thing that is thought of said or added later and is often not carefully planned: They'omly inyitedyJack and Sarah as an afterthousht

忆代 er.Wairdis


/aftewedz: NAmE'aeftarwardz/

(especially BrE) (NAmEusually after-ward) adyv atalatertime; after an eventthathas alreadybeen mentioned: Afterwards She was Sorryjor whatsheiasaid. Tets gooutmnowandeatafterwards. Shortty afterwarads he 7met Per againm. afterword /aftswasid; NAmE 'aefterw3Td/ nouwn a Section at the end of a book that says sth about the main texb and may be written by a different author 一compare

FOREWORD ag/aex; AX/ exclamation (SAfrE) used when you are reacting to sth that has been said, or when you are angry OF irri-

tated bysth: Ag domtworry about 让 Ac mnorman! ASgarM /"d:ga/ noun (BrE) a type of British -cookerVstove made of solid iron that is also used for heating. Aga Saga' js a humorous name for anovel about the lives of British middle-class women, because Agas are Very POPpIL lar with this grouPp.

本 aiim 0

/sgen; agemy/ ady

1 one more time; on another occasion: Could you say 让

again Please2 C When Wil Tsee you again2 C This mmUst meyer happen asain. C Once again (= as had happened

SeVeral times before),the train Was late. C_Tyve'told yov aSain and asSain (= many times) not to do 如at co本 haye to Write 让 all ovyer again (= again from the beginning). 2 showing that sb/sth is in the same place or state thatthey were in originally: He was glad to pe horme agai7. C She spends two hours a day getting to worK and back asSain Zoulsoonfeelwellasgain. 3 addedtoanamount thatis alreadythere: The costisaboutjhalfas much againm as 丰 Was two years ago. CTd Like the same again (= the same amount or the Same thing) 4-used to show that a comment or fact is connected with what you have just Said: Amid again we must thinKk of the cost 5 then/there ~ Used to introduce a fact or an opinion that contrasts With what you have just said: We 7might puy 让 put then again we Pight Pot @ Used when you ask sb to tell you sth or Tepeat sth that you think they have told yo already: What was the .name again2 [IE see NOWadv,

SAME Prom.,, TIME 1.

忆 吾aiimst 0 /agenst; ageimast/ prep DEForthe special uses ofagainstin phrasal verbs, 1ook atthe entries forthe verbs. For example count against sb is in the phrasal Verb section at count. 1 opposing or disagreeing with sb/sth: the 万ght against terrorism Were playing against the Ieague chammpiomns next WeEK. < JWe were rowing against the current C Thats against the IaW. ce She Was forced to narry against her W 这 2 Are yoU Jororagainst the death penalty? ec She is againtstseeing (三


| ddid

| ffall

| 9gget

| hhat

| jyes

does not want to see) him. CO Ta adyise youU against doing 太 at 2 nottothe'iadvantage or favour of sb/sth: The ey dence it against hi C Per age 1 against her 一Compare FORprep. (7) 3 close to, touching or hitting sbysth: Put the piano therel against 妇e Wall ceThe rain peat againmnst the windows. 4 in order to prevent sth 人 om happening Or to reduce the damage catused by sth: am _injection against rabies C They tooK precautiorts againstire. 2 Are We insured against theft?2. .5 with sth in the background,

as a coOntrast: Bis red clothes stood out clearly against the Sow. oO(Jigurative) The 1ove story unfolds against a pacKground of civil war @ used when you are comparing two thipngs: ZU Tust Weigph te penefits against the cost 4 ChecKk your receipts against the statement 2 Whats the rate of exchamnge against the dollar? IE see As com/,, STACKED agalpe'/a'gemy/ adj. [not before noun] (Jormaj) 放a person's Imotuth is agape, it is wide Open, especially because they are SUIPrised or Shocked

agape* /'z2gapi/ mnoun [U] (religiom) Christian love rather thanm sexual or romantic love

agar /'eIgadrmD/ (also ,agar-'agan 1ou1n a Substance like jelly used by scientists for growing CULTURES 局 galfr:ic /aegarIk; a'gazrIk/ noun a type of FUNGUS With a largetop, thatlooks like a MUSHROOM agate /'aegat/ noun [U,G] ahard stone with bands or areas of colour Used in jewellery agaVve /a'geIvi; -gd:v-; NAmE egavi/ noun a plant that grows iD hot dry areas of N and S America, with sharp points on the leaves and tall groups of flowers ag:bada /zagba:da/ noun a long ROBE (= long piece of

clothing)wornby men in some parts of WAfrica



/erd5/ 1oun, ye 内

BIOU1 了 [CU]thenumber ofyearsthat aperson has lived orathing has existed: Re Ieischool at the age ofI8. 2 She meeds more 廊iends of her own age. C children 方om 5-10 years of age 2 Jung people of all ages go 女ere to meeE WhenTWas your ageTWwas already married. C He started Playing he piario at ar early age. C Allages admitted. 和 Children oyer the age of 12 must pay 有 11L 所 Jore. e She was

beginming to feel her age (= feel that she was getting old). Hewastalljforhis age(=taller than you would expecb considering his age). C Theres a bD 认 QaSe 8ap petween themm (= abig difference in their ages). C Ways of calculating the age of the earth 2 [GU] a particular period of a persom's life: miaale age ce15 六 an awkward age. CeHe died of old ag8e. 一See alsoTHE THIRD AGE 3 [Cl aparticular period of history: the nuclear agec the age ofthe computer 一See also BRONZE AGE, IRON AGE, NEW AGE, STONE AGE 4 [U] the state of being old: Wine improves with age. C The jacKet Was ShowWing signs of age. 2 the Wisdom that comes With ase

5 ages [pl.] (also an age [sing.]) (informalj, especialy Br 日 a VerIy long time:Twaited for ages. c It probably take ages to Jinid aparking Space. Co Carlos Ieft ages ago. Cs Deen an agesince Weyve seemn therm. 6 [C (geology) alength of time which is a division of an EEOCH Im ibe/act your .age to behave in a way that is suitable for sb of yoUIT age and not as though you were much younger come of ,age 1 when a person comes of age, they reach the age when they have an adults legal rights and responsibilities 一see also COMING OF AGE 2 ifsth comes

of age, it reaches the stage of development at which People accept and value it look your 'age to seem as old as you really are and not younger or older ,under 'agemotlegally old emough to do aparticular thing:utis ilegal to sell cigarettes to children Who are Under age. 二 See

also UNDERAGE 一more at ADVANCED,,CERTAIN,, DAY, FEEL V,GRAND adj.; RIPE 昌 YVe 上b (aging aged aged IEGIn BrFthe present participle can also be spelled ageing:) 1 [v] tobecome older: As he aged his mermnorygotWorse. CThepopulation is aging (= more people are living longen. 2 [VN] to make sbysth look feel or seem older: The shock has aged her c EXDposure to the sum ages the Skin 3 to develop in flavour over a period of time; to allow sth to do this



The cheeseisleftto aseforatleastayear ce [VN] The wineis aged im oaK casKs.

| kocat

| Lileg

| mman

| nnow

| p pen

| rred


5Uj1x (in nouns) Tihe action or result of: breakage



之 astate or condition of: bondage 3 a set OF grouP of: baggage 4 an amount of: mnileage 5 the cost of: postage @6 aplace where: anchorase

忌 权egqj 0


agenda . diary .schedule .timetable

T /erd5sd/ [not before noun] of the age of: They have two childrer aged Six arid mine. C VOLIUmteers aged betweeri 25 ad 340 了 /erd5Iid/ (Jormal) very old: my aged aunt 人 note at OLD 3the aged /erd5srd/ nown [pl.] very old People: services for the SicKk and the aged


(also/essjrequentage bracket ) noun People

of a similar age or within a particular range of ages: 7mien 识 庚 eolderagegroup ceducationJor 雪 e76-18 age group C

WPich age pracKket are yoU2 (Piease tick te pox). age:ing (Br6) (alsaaging NAmE BrE) /erd5m/ nouvn, ad 日 _1OUm [U] the process of growing old: sigmns of ageing 卓 Gd1j. [usually before noun] becoming olderand tisuallyless useful, safe, healthy, etc:: ageing equiprment C an ageing Tock star age'isny (NAmEalsoagism ) /erdsIizam/ no51 [U] unfair treatment of People because they are considered too old age:ist 0dj/age'ist

plants,,used as a weapon by the US during the war in Vietnam


agentipro-voOca'teur /32350DreVDKe'ta:0D; NAmE,G:5G proUvdadkae'tsr/ (alsopro-voca:teur ) 1oUm (p/ agents

age:less_ /'eidslas/ zadj (iteramy) T never looking old or Dever Seeming to grOwW old ER TIMELESS: Fer beauty


appeared ageless. 了 existing for eVer; impossible to give an age to TIMELESS: 妇e ageless Tnystery of the Liyerse


"ovnthe oldest or youngest age at which yo

are allowed to do sth: the UPPper/Iower age 1i77mzit


05dj. [usually before noun] (formaj) having exist-

edforaverylong time: age-1omng raditio7as



/erd5ansi/ noun (pl-ies )

abusiness oran organizationthatpProvidesaparticular SeiVice especially on behalf of other businesses OF organiations: aadyertisimigAempIoyrment agemncy c 7YDU canm pook atyourIocal trayelagency cimnternationtal aid agemcies caring Jor refugees 二see also DATING AGENCY,NEWS AGENCY,PRESS AGENCY 也 (especially NAm昌 _a_governIment department that provides a Particular servVice: the Cenitral Jntelligertce Agency (CIA) IE through the

agency of (Jormal) as aresult of the action of sb/sth agemndia

/sa'dzende/ noun alistofitems tobe discussed ata

Ineeting: The Piext itemm_ om the ageiida is the PuUDbIicity Duaget For 妨e goyeTrmmenb education 和 TOW at the top

oO the ageida (= most jimportant). 2 矶 ouUr comzpary GUaLity zjmigj om the agenida. 2 Newspapers haye beeTl acCUsed of 阁ying to set the agenda fr the goyermmientt (三

decide what is imnportant). 一see also HIDDEN AGENDA

司 理@四 女 0

/erd5snt/ OU17

了 aperson whose job is to act for or manage the affairs of other People in business,Ppolitics,etc.: am Insurance agentC OU7 GaSe1iEi 说New ZDFK deals with all US sales. 一See

alsoO ESTATE AGENT, LAND AGENT, TRAVEL AGENT 之 aperSOn Whose job is to arrange Work for an acton musician, Sports Player etc. or to find sb who will Publish a writers Work: 和. 妇 eatricalLliterary asgent 一see .also _PRESS AGENT 3 三 "SECRET AGENT: QTL etieTny Qgent 一See also DOUBLE AGENT, SEECIAL AGENT 4 (rmal/) a Person or thing that has an important effect on a_ situation: TPe Charity has peea ar agent for social chnange. 5 (iechnica)) a chemical or a Substance that produces an effect or a change orisused foraparticular Purpose:cleartirtg/oxidizing agents @ (gramimar)the pefson orthing thatdoes an action (expressed as the subject of an active verb, or in ab允 phrase with apassive veIb) 一compare PATIENT 一See also FREE AGENT



(Pagents-'general ) the repre-

Sentative of an Australian' state or Canadian PROVINCE 记 aforeign country


:ou (Srommar)anoun that refers to aper-

Son or thing that does an action; forexample worker or “elevator

/Agent Sisee

'Orange | ttea


| vvan

[U] a chemical that destroys | wwet

| zzoo

| shoe

Abookwith aspaceforeach day whereyou write down things thatyou haveto doin thefutureiscalied a diary ora datebook (NAm 有日(not an agenda). You may also haveacalendar on your desk orhanging up in your room, where you write down your appointments 和 diary orajournalis also the record that some people keep of what has happened duringthe day: 妨eDiamy oF Amme Fra1K: In BrEyourscheduleisa planthatlistsallthe workthat youhaveto do and whenyou must do eachthing and a timetable is alist showingthefixedtimes at which events will happen: apuUwtraimn trmetobpje.In NAmE these are both called a schedule.

/ae55 pre VDKkae'rtai(rD);


,ad356: ProU-

va:ke'tsr/) (fom French) a person who is employed by a governmentto encouIage people 三 Political groups to do sth illegal so that they can be arrested

age of con'sent

moun [sing.] the age at which sb is le-

gally old enough to agree to have a sexual relationship


cd [usually before noun] having existed for a

veIylong tme: am age-old custorm/problem 本 多e-Set /OU1 (EA1rE) a group ofboys or men of a similar age


verb; moun; adi (用rman

目 VEeb /a'glbmarerIt; NAmEa,glamm-/ to form into aznass OF group; to collect things and form themsinto a mass or group: [V] These' small particles agglomerate together to Jomm larger clusters.o [VN] They asgglomerated mmamny small Pieces of research into asingle Jarge study. 百 1OU1 /sa'glpmarat; NAImEa,gldm-/ amass or collection of things: a7PuUIGmediaagglomerate (三 grOuUP ofcompanies) 四 Gd /a'glomareti NAmE a,glamm-/ formed into a mass or group

ag.glom:eration /saglpmarerfn; NAmEaglam-/ moun [CU] (formal)agroup ofthingsputtogetherinno particularorder or arrangement ag.glu-tin'ative /se'gluztmaetrv/ cd/ (Ungwistics) 三 SYNTHETIC


(BE also-ise.memnt ) /sa'grznd-

IZment/ 00U1 [U] (7rma/ disapproving) an increase in the Power or importance of a person or coOUntry: Ber sole aim Is persomnal agSgraTtdizeTment


/zagrsveIt/ ve 如 [VN] Ttomakeanillness or

abad orUnpleasantsituation worseER3J woORSEN: Poliutom ca aS8Trayate asthrma. 有 MiEitary itemveniomn Wi

omly a8gSgrayate 坑 e COPhlict eye 甩 rther 2 (normnah to annoy Sb,especially deliberately IRRITATE > aggravating ad/ag:gravation /aegraverfn/ novm [U,GC]: THje drug Tay cause am aggrayation of the coptditiomr. CT domtmneed all this aggrayation atWO7K. ag:gra'Vvat'ed /zagravertid/ qd/ [only before noun] (law) an aggravated crime involves further Unnecessary Violence or unpPleasant behaviour ag.gre.gate /0015 0d1., ve/b 国

_1OU1 /aegrIgat/ 耻 [Catotal numberoramount made up

of smaller amounts that are collected together 2 [U,g (techmicaj) sand or broken stone that is used to make concreteor for building roads, etc.[EI in (the) ,aggregate

(1jormal) added together as a total or single amounton 'aggregate (BE so When the Scores of a number of games are added together: THPey Wom

行 2.ofm aggregate.

四 -Gdlj /aegrIgat/ [only before noun] (econormics or spo由 made up of several amounts that are added together to

居 操 vision

| tf chain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| Dising


shining 30 | a 人leam /aglizm/ adj. [not before noun] (literary)

Tightly: Bis SKin Was agIeamL With SWeat aglow /3'9glau; NA/mmEa'gloa/ adj. [not before noun] (Nterary)

form a total number: aggregate demarid/ 训 yestrment/ > 上 with warmth and colour orhappiness turnovyerc an aggregate Win Ooyer their rivals m/ abbr (BrE) the abbreviation for annual /erd5i'e AGMI 昌 Verb /aegrIgert/ [VN] [usually passive] ~ sth (with sth) (如 斑 general meeting' (an important meeting which the memmalortechnicaj) to puttogether different items, amounts, bers of an organization hold once ayear in order to elect etc.intoasingle group ortotal: The SCOres Were aggregated officers, discuss past and future activities and examine With the Jirst rourid totals to decide the Winner > aggrethe accounts) nounm [U,G]: the aggregation 中 aata 郝 gaiion / grrgerfn/ ag.mos:ia /zgmaUsie; -Ziei NAmE seg'moU35e/ noumn [LU] ag.gre.gator /aegrrgerta(r)/ noun (computing) an Inter7edical) the lack of the ability to recognize things and HeE company that collects information about other comPeople panies' products and services and puts 让 on a Single ag:.mos:tic /2gmpsttk; NAmE -az:s-/ noun a person who Website: a news a88regator elieves that itisnotpossible to know whether God exists ag.gres.sion /a'grefn/ noun [u] T feelings ofanger and or not 一compare ATHEIST > agnostic ad aginosticism /2gmpstrsIzerm; NAmE-mnass-/ OU1 [U] atred that may result in threatening or Violent behaviour: The research shows that comPpUter 8ames maXY CQLUSe 瑟 色OO 0 /as'gao;NAmEa'goU/ ady aggression. 了 a Violent attack oF threats by One Person Used in expressions of time with the Simple Past tense to against another person Orbyone coOUntIY againstanother show how far in the past sth happened: two WeeKsV country: Uproyoked military aQ8Sressiom She months[years ago C The Ietter came afew days a8o: Was jherejustaminute ago. CQ Shortlong tmne a802EOW a.Sres'sive 0 /a'gresIV/ aq夏 Iong ago didyou buy it2CTWasonTVnot(so) Iong ago.9 angry, and behaving in athreatening way; ready to atHe stopped Working some time ago (= quite a long time tack: He gets aggresSiye When jhes drunk. 2 Q dangerous ago)j C They7e getting 7mmarried2 Its mot that 1ong a&oO (三 aggressive dog 2 acting with force and determination 雇 ibs only a short time ago) that they mmetl order to Succeed: ai aggressiye advertising campaign 2 A 85ood salespersonl jhas to be a88Tessive 总 todays cormpetitiye /a'gpg; NAmE a'gad:g/ 0dj. [not before noun]_-excited ago market > ag.gres'sive-ly qdv: What do you want? pe and very interested to find out sth demanded aggressively C aggressively marketed products agogo /3'gedgao; NAmEa'gougou/ adj. [after noun] (njfor z ag.gressiveness OU1 [U] 人 in large qtiantities: Theres jazz ago8go OPLOUT Wepbsite. ag.gres-sSOr /a'gresaGnD)/ noun a person, coOuUntry etc. that GALORE attacks first agogo /s'gaugao; NAmE a'gougou/ noun (中 -os) a musical ag.grieved /agrirvdl ad T ~ (at/by sthj feeling that 也sument used in Latin and African music consisting of you have been treated unfairly 2 (law) suffering unfair two or more joined metal coONEs that are Played by 了 hit: tingthem with a piece of wood or illegal treatment'and making a complaint: the 'aSgrieyed party (= person) in the case ae:Omi.ize:-(BIE also -ise) /aeganarz/ vemb [V] ~ (over/ out sth) to:spend a long time thinking and worrying aggrO /22greogi NAmE '吕groog/ noun [U] (Br informal abouta difficult situation or Problem:Tspentdays agomizViolent aggressive behaviour: Dorit give me aTXY Q8ST70 or call the police 2 problems and diftficulties that are ing oyer Whjhether to taKke 切 ejob ormnot annoying:Thadalotofasgsro at the bank. ag.On:ized (B/Ealso -ised) /zaganaizd/ adj. suffering or expressing Severe pain or anXiety: a8omized cries aghast /a'ga:st; NAmE a'gaest/ adj. [not before noun] ~ (at 守 h) filled with horror and surprise When you See or hear agonmiiz.ing (BE also -is.in 吕) /agenarzIm/ adj. causing HORRIFIED: Erica looKked at hirm aghast 2 Fe sth great pain,anxiety or difficulty: his 加 thers agomizing 0 atthe sight ofso much biood. deathe 丰 WastheTmnostagonizing deision of Per 1访. agile /aedq5all; NAmE 'aed5l/ adj 1Table to move quickly agon' 记 .ing-ly (BrE also singity] /aeganarzImli/ adv NIMBLE 2 able to think quickly and pn tsed meaning 'extremely to emPphasize sth negatiVe: am and easily an intelligent way: an agile mind/brain > agility agomizingly Slow Droces5 /ad5lleti/ noun [U]: He had the agilibgy of a manm half js agony /aegani/ mounm (P1L -ies) [U,C] extreme Physical or aS8e. mental pain: JacKk collapsed 识 agony on thejioor 2 形Was agomnyPnotKknowWingWwhere the children Were.CShe Waited 训 aging, agism 一AGEING, AGEISM an agony of SUspense. 2 The Worst agoiies of the War Were agi.tate /aed5rtert/ ve 由 了 ~ (for/against sth) to argue mnowDesinning.CTellmerow! Dontprolong the agomy (三 Strongly for sth yot Want,especially for changes 雇 a make 让 lastlonger). [ET See PILEYV law, in social conditions,etc. CAMPAIGN: [V] polit ical groups agitating for social chamge 2 [V to inf] HerJomagony aumt (BE (NAmE ad'vice columinist) oun a Bersomn who writes in anewspaper or magazine giving adiy are agitating to have her tranlsferred to Q Prison 识 the Vice in replyto people's letters about their personal probU 术 2 [VN] to make sb feel angry anxious Or nerVOUS lems 一compare AGONY UNCLE 3 [VN] (technicah to make sth, especially a liquid, move around by stirring or Shaking 让 'agony coluinmn (BrE (NAmE adVice column) noun 了 art ofa newspaper or magazine in Which sb gives advice agi-tated /ad5rtertrd/ adj. showing 训 your behaviour to readers who have sent letters abonut their personal 9 you are anxiotis and nervous: Calm downl Domt Set Problems SO agitated.

agi.ta-tion /aedsrterfn/ novn 全 [U] worry and anxiety at yot Show bybehaving in anervous way: Dot arrived

in a state of great asgitation. 2 [U,C] ~ (for/against sth) Public protest in order to achieve Political change: WideSpread agitation for social reform 3 [U] (technicol) the act of stirring or shaking aliquid

agitato /aed5rtazteg; NAmE -tou/ adj., adv (musicl (used as an instruction) in a quick and excited or nervous way

agi'tator /aedsrtertea(r)/ moumn (disapproving) ,a person Who tries to persuade People to take part in political Protest agit.prop /dzrtprop; NAmE:pra:p/ noun [U] the use of art, ie movies, mtsic, etc. to Spread LEFT-WING polit-

ical ideas

'agony uncle noun (BrE) (NMmE ad'vice columnist) a 耳 an who writes in a newspaper or magazine giving adVice in reply to people's letters about their personal Prob-

lems 一compare AGONY AUNT agoOra /22gnre; NAImE 'aegara/ nmOUn (P/ agorae /LE/ or agoras) in ancient Greece, an Open Space Usedfor markets and public meetings


/,agarefeubie; NAmE "foo/ noun


echnical afear ofbeing in public places where there are

many other people 一compare CLAUSTROPHOBIA agora:pho:bic /2garefeubt NAmE -foo:/ noun aper Son who suffers from agoraphobia w agoraphobic 0d.

agraph.ia /a'graefia; er/ "on [LU] (medicaoj) a medical condition in which aperson loses the ability to Write

acat | dzfather | eten | s: bird | e about'| fsit | isee| imany | ogot(Br6

| assaw| Acup|5put|


agramianm /sa'gresrion; NAmE sgrer-/ adj [usually before noun] (techmicalj) connected with farming and the tise of land for farming

aigrarian revo lution


moun [sing] (oftenthe Agrar-

ian Revolution ) aperiod when farming in acountry changes_ completely as .a result of new change in who ownsthe land


approve 。consent *。acquiesce

~(with sb (about/on sth) | ~ (with

sth) to have the same opinion as sb; to say that youhavVe the same opinion: [V] When he said thab5 Thad to agree. Je agreed Witp 坊ermm about the meed jor charnge. CTagree With her analysis of the situation. Cdts terrible.2 和 couldmt agree more (三 LIcompletely agree)/c [v (that)] We agreed ({纪 ab the proposal Was a good one.. [V speech] 了hats

true? She agreed.[aag DISAGREE 2 be agreed (on/about sth) | be agreed (that ... ) 计 people are agreed of sth is


methods or a

0 训 /agri/vehb


agreed, eveIyone has the same opinion abonuit sth: [VN] ArewWeallasgsreedon this2c [VN(that)] TtWas asreed (thab JWeshould hold another meeting: SAY YE3 -3:~ (to sth) to sayes'; to saythat you will do what sb wamnts or that you will allow sth to happen: [V]I asKked Jor a pay rise and she agreed. coDo you thinKk he忆 1 agree to their proposal? 和 _[V (that)] She agreed (thab 工 could go earlty C [Vxo inf] She agreed to Iet7me So early. DECIDE 4 to decide with sb else to do sth or to have sth: [VN] They mmetatthe agreed time. CCamn We agreeaprice2 和 They leftattem as aSreedLc [V] Can we agree oadate2 和

These words all meanto saythatyou wiii do whatsb wants orthat you will allow sth to happen. agree to saythat you will do what sb wants orthat you will allow ss te happen: He agreed io /etme8oear 人y approve to officially agreeto a plan, suggestion Or request: The committee Unamimmously GOppProvyed tbe pl101. consent (otherjormalj to agreeto sth orglveyour permission for sth: She jnmnally consented to amswerOur 9Uestioms. ; acquiesce (Jormal to accept sth without arguing, even 于 you do not really agree with it: Seniorgoyerm/merE

Jigures muwst have acqUiesced im the coverup. PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

to agree/consent to sth to agree/consent to do sth to be prepared/willing/unwilling/forced to agree/ approve/consent/acquiesce

to refuse to agree/approve/consent/acquiesce to agree to/approve/consent to a request > to agreetoa demand to readily agree to/approve/consent to/acquiesce in sth 1 to reluctantly agree to/approve/consent to/acquiesce in sth

[v to inf] We agreed to mmeet on Thursdax c [y wh-] We

couldmntasree what to do. Y

ACCEPT 5 [VN] to ofcially accept a Plan,, requesb etc. APPROVE: Nextyear'Ss pudget has been agreed.

BE THE SAME 6@G[V]~.(with sth) to be the same as sth TALLY: The 万gures do mot agree. COYDUTr account of

the accident does not agree With jhers.[Ga


> CRAMMAR 7 [V] ~ (with sth) to match a word or phrase 识 NUMBER, GENDER OT PERSON: 了Tom Likesjazz, the sim-

SUlar yerb Tikes' agrees With the SUDject Tbmm

[II agreeto differ 这 two people agreeto differ they accept that they have different opinions about sth,bnuit

they decide not to _discuss it any longer


agree with sb (of food) to make you feel il]sick: TIove StraWpberries but 雪 ey domt agree with 7me.


/sa'gri:ebl/ odj (Jormaj 1 pleasant and easy

tolike: We spenta7mmostagreeable day together

He seemed

extrermnely agreeable. [EL DISAGREEABLE 了字 [not before noun] ~ (to sth) willing to do sth or allow sth: Doyou 妃 imK 太 ey Ww记 pe agreeable to ouUr Proposal? 3 ~ (to sb) ableto be accepted by sb: The deal 7nmuUstbpe agreeable to Doth sides.


/sa'gri:ebli/ adv (jormalj) ip a pleasant, nice

agri-Culture /aegrikAltfeaG)/ nown [U] the science or Practice of farming: The murnber of People ermployed 训 agriculture jhas /ollen in the Iast decade. 作 agrieultural

/aegrIkAltferel/ adj.: _agricultural PolicytanadproduciorwdeyelopTmeTit 旺 多 中-tOUT-ismm /aegrrtuerIzeam;, -tor-;, NAmE -tr-/ noU1 [U] holidays/vacations 训 which tourists Visiting a country stay with local People who live 让 the countryside agfO- /aegreU; NAImE'2egroU/ (alsoagri- /aegrI/) cormbining jorm-(in nouns,adjectives and adverbs) connected with farming: agro-industry 2 agriculture agrochemiical /aegrewkemikl; NAmE ,aegroo-/ noun any chemical used in farming,especially for killing iDSects or for making Plants grOw betteT


Way: an agreeably WarTmt day 2 They Were aSTeeably SUTPrised by the quality of 妇 efood.

本 Eee:memt


you Want to go ol 雪 e 杂记 4 [U] ~ (with sth) (gromimam) (of words in a Phrase) the state of having the same NUMBER,GENDER Or PERSONIEBO] CONCORD: 矶 the semntentce hey liye 识 the county; the pluralform ofthe yerb Tiye 放 六 agreemtentWith the PIUrQLSUDbject they,


agribusiness /aegribriznas/ own [uC] (techmical) an 训 dustry concerned with the Production andisale of farm products;especially involving large companies


/agrikAltferelist/ nouwn an expertin

agriculture who gives advice to farmers


| ar my

| ao now

| ersay

| so go (81




faxr-/ nown [U] farming that icludes growing trees to Produce wood

,agro-'industry noun [U] industry connected with farm-

/agrimmant/ moun

1 [=~(withsb) |~(betweenAand B) an arrangement, a Promise or a contract made With Sb: ar 训 termnatiomal Peace agreement C The agreermment (= the document Iecording the agreement) Was Sigmed during QT7mneeting at theUN. chmagreeTmernttyWas 太 ially reached between Tamagement ad employees. 2 They jhad 7mmade a yerbal agreenent to Sell 2 They jhad am agreemmient7ieyer to talK apout WorK at hormne. 二See also GENTLEMANS AGREEMENT,PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT 2 [U] the state ofsharing the sarme opinion or feeling: Are we 训 agreermmemntabouttheprice2 人 The two sides foiled to reachi agreeTrientt [aa DISAGREEMENT 3 [U] the fact of sb approving of sth and allowing it to happen: ZU jhaye to get your Parents”aSgreement 矿




gro-in dustrial



/agronemist; NAmEa'gradmn-/ noun ascien-

好st who studies the telationship between crops and the environmente agronOmy mouwn [U] agrOund /a'grabnd/ adv ifa ship runs/goes aground ,让 touches the ground in shallow water and cannot IOove


adj inotbefore noun]

ague /'eigju:/ movm [U] (old-jshioned) a disease Such as MALARIA that causes fever and SHIVERING (= Shaking of the body)


(Br (LV只-H-。 ) /er'ertf/ obbr used in the Muslim CAL-

ENDAR to show a particular number of years Since the year when Muhammad left Mecca in AD 622 (from Latin Anno Hegirae'):a Koran dated 556 AH -compare AD, BC,



/az/ exclamation used to express ,SUrprise,Pleastre; admiration or sympathy or when you disagree with sb: 47i thereyouare. CA this coffee 6good.CeAhnwell petter Iuck mexttime: CA putthatrmmay mnotbe true. abha /azha/ exclamatiom used when you are expressing Pleasure that you have Understood sth or found sth ouUt': Ahal So thats wpereTIe 抱这 ahchoo /atfu:s atfu:/exclamation = ATISHOoO

| oU go (MAmE)

| or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| use pure


32 |

athingjespecially a book or document, that helps yoUto remember sth


aiding /erdm/ noun [U] = AID CLIMBING =AROOM 了 (BrE) (NmEair (sth) 'out)to alow fresh air Liarmentary crisis. into aroomorabuilding; to be filled with fresh air: [VN] air.drome /esdreum; NAmE 'erdroum/ mon (US) = The roorms had all been cleaned aid aired. [alsoV] AERODROME = OPINIONS “3 [VN] to express your opinions publicly VOIGE: The WeeKly meeting enapbles employees to air air-drop /esdrop; NAmE'erdra:p/ nounithe act of droptheir grievartces. Ding :supplies,soldiers,etc: from an aircraft by PARA>* RADIO/TV PROGRAMME 4 (especially NAmmE) to broadcast CHUTE: The UN has pegum 7making airdrops of food to a Piogramme on the radio'or'on television; to be broadrefugees > airdrop ve 心(pp-) [VN] cast: [VN] The:shomwyWill be aired nextTuesdaymight e [V] vembtodry sth tsing the air; to become dry 记 the 二 ' ir-dry The programta aired Iast WeeK air: [VN] airdried harm [alsoV]

air'out |,air stheout (NAmB) =AIR(2)

air.bag /esbzg; NAmE 'er-/ noun a safety device in a car that 包ls with air if there is an accident, to Protect the People in the car

air:.base /esbers; NAmE 'erb-/ noun a Place whbere mili-

tary aircraft fy from and are kept and where Some Staf从 live

(Br6 (also'air mattress NMAImE BrE) 0nOUn alarge


Plastic or rubber bag that can be filled with air and Used asabed air.borne /esbozn; NAmE 'erborn/ adj. 1 [not before noun] (of a plane or passengers) in the air: Do not Leaye yourseatUntil 态 eplane zs airborne. 了 [only before noum] 一COmcarried through the air: airborne Seeds/Viruses Dare WATERBEORNE 3 [only before noun] {of soldiers) trained to jump out of aircraft onto enemy land in order to fight: am airborme diyvisiom


movunaBRAkEinavehicle that is worked by air

Pressure 'air bridge (B/5) (NAmEjet'.way) noun a bridge that can. be moved and put against the door of an aircraft,So people can get on and off 旺 i.Iprus有 hi /esbrAJ; NAmE'erb-/ 0oUm, ve 册 上 IOU1 an artises tool for spraying Daint onto a SUrface, that works by air pressUre 下 Verb [VN] 一 sth (out to paint sth with an airbrush; to change a detail in aphotograph with an airbrush: am ai 六 Drushed photograph of a model e Somebody Pad beem ai Drushed out of the picture.

AiF:lousrwm /esbAs; NAmmE'erbAs/ OUn a large Plane that carfies Dassengers OVer short and miedium distances

air chief'marshal "0 an oficer ofvery high rank in the British AIR FORCE: Air ChiefMarshal Sir Robin Ha


"oun an officer of high rank in the

British AIR FORCE: Air Cojmn7modore Peter ShaywW airconditioner novn amachinethat cools and dries air


| ttea

| Vyan

|-w wet | zzoo

| Jshoe

Aire:dale /eadenll; NAmE'erdell/ noun alargeTERRIER (三 type ofdog) with rough black and brown hair

airer /eara(nD; NAmE'erer/ noOUn (BrE) a frame for drying clothes on

air.fare /esfeasCr); NAmE'erfer/ noun the money that youU pay to travel by Plane: ToKke adyantage airfares.

Of IOW-seasom

air.field /eafild; NAmE'erf/ noun an area offiat ground where military or Private Planes can take off and land

air:flow /esflao; NAmE'erfloo/ noun [U] the flow of air around a moving aircraft or Vehicle

air.fo 训 /esfon; NAmE'erf-/ nouwn (NAmE) = AEROFOIL air foOorce moun [C+sing./pl. v] the part of a coUuntrys armed forces that 人ights Using aircraft: the US Air Force >

air-force oj太 cers Air Force One 021 thename given to aspecial aircraft ip the US AIRFORCE When the US President is using 让

air.freiht /eafrert; NMAmE'erf/ noun [U] goods that are transported by aircraft; the System of transporting g00ds

byaircrafte airfreight ve 履[VN] 喇

证freshener own [CU] asubstance or device for malkc ing aplace smell more Pleasant

梧 证有 Uitar OU1 [CU] used to describe a Person Playing

an imaginary electric GUITAR, especially while listening to ROCK music

airgun (also'airrifle )moun a gunthat uses air Pressure to fire small metalballs (called PELLETS) air.head /eshed; NAmE'erh-/ nouUn (infornah disapproving a stupid person: Shes atotal airhead! air hostess moun (BrE old-fosjhioned) a female FLIGHT ATTENDANT

air.ily_ /eareli; NAmE 'er-/ adv (ormal 让 a way that shows that yo are notWorried or that you are Dot treating sth as Serious

| sxvision

| tchain

| du5jam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0 sing


诗 | air-POrt 0训 :/espo:t; NAmEnerpoxrt/nou1

airing /earm; NAmE'erin/ noun [sing] T the expression or discussion of opinions in front of a group of people: am OpDDortumity to Siye youUr Views an airing CThesubjectgota thorough airing 训 the British press. 2 the act ofallowing warm air to make clothes, beds, etc. fresh and dry

aplacewhere planesland andtake offandthathas buildingsforpassengers to wait in: Gatwick AirportCWwaiting 记 、 妇e airport loun8ge


布ction moun_[u] novels that are popular and

easy to read, often bought by people at airports

noun (Br6 awarm cupboardin which

air power moun [u] military forces involving aircra人 ff airpump 7movna piece ofedquipment for sending air into

airlane moun aroute regularlyusedby aircraf人ft airless /ealas; NMmE 'erl-/ adj. not having any fresh or

show that you are Using a word or phrase in an Unltisual Way

Imoving air or wind, and therefore Unpleasant: a stujp airless room C The might was hot and airless.

airraid noun an attack byanumberof aircraft dropping Imany bombs on a place: The formigy was Kiled 识 anzair raid. an air-raid shelter/warTiing


or out of sth clean Sheets,,clothes, etc. are put to make sure they are completely dry airquality non [U] the degree to which the air is clean and free 们om pollution air kiss moun a way of saying hello or goodbye to sb by kissing them Dear the side of their face but not actually airquotes noun [pl.] imaginary quotation marks made touching theme air-kiss verb [v VN] in the air with your fingers when you are speaking, to

airletter noun


airift /ealift; NAmE'erl-/ noum, yerb 目 1OU1 an Operation totake people, soldiers, food, etc.to or from an area by Plane,especially in an emergency or When roads are closed or dangerots 避 Ver [VN] to take sbysth to or from an areabyplane, especially in an emergency Or when roads are closed or dangerous: Two casualties Were airlifted to safety. 一compare


air.line /ealam; NAmE'erl-/ mon [CHsing./pl.V] acompany that provides regular flights totake passengers and goods to different Places: international airlines an air Line pilot airliner /esalamaG); NMAmE'erl-/ noun alargeplane that cairies passengers 一picture 只 PAGE R8


/ealpk; NAmE'erlad:k/ noun

asmallroom with

atightlyclosed door ateach end, which you gothroughto reach another area ata different air pressure, for example On a SPACECRAFT OT SUBMARINE 了 a bubble of air that

blocks the flow of liquid in aPUMP or pipe air-mai 计 /eamerl; NAmE 'erm-/ noun [U] the system of Sending letters, etc. by air: Send 让 airmailDy airrmma 记





airrifle movpn = AIR GUN iair-sea resCue moun [CU] (especially BrE) the Process of Iescuing People from the sea using aircra人 air-ship /eejfrmp; NAmE,erfrmp/ nouna large aircraft without wings, filled with a gas which is lighter than air and driven byengines 一picture c PAGE R8



moun ashow atwhich Deople camn watch aircraft

air-sick /easIK; NAmE'ersik/ adj. [not usually before noun]

feeling il/sick when you are travelling on am aircraft

j airsickmness moun [U]


/jeaspers; NAmE'ers-/ moum [U] the Part of the

Sky where planes fly, usually the part above a particular

country that is legally controlled bythat country: Thejet ettered Chinese airspace Without perTmissio7L. airspeed /easpi:d; NAmiE 'er:/moun the speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving 一com-



/eastriam; NAmE ,erstriamn/ nouvn: al ioVe-

ment of air; especially a strong one

/ea- air strike moun an attack madeby aircraft

wumaen; NAmE'erw-/ noum (pmen /men/women /WE airstrip /eastrrp; NAmE'ers-/ (alsolandinE strip )7OU mIm/) Ta member of the British AIR FORCE,especially anarrowpiece ofclearedlandthataa aircraft canland on one below the rank of an ofcer 2 a member of one of airsupport novn [uU] help whieh airciaft giveto soldiers thelowest ranks ip the US AIR FORCE: Airmiam Brines and military vehicles on theland or sea air marshal "oun 1 an officer of Very high rank ip the airterminal mov 1 atbuilding atan airport that piof BTitish AIR FORCE: Air Marshal Gordon Biack 2 an armed Vides services for passengers travelling by plane 了 2 (Br6) guard who is employedby an AIRLINE to travel on aDlane an office in a city from which passengers can catch btises With the passengers in order to protect the plane' from to the airport TERRORISTS aiffight /estart; NAmE'ert-/ adj not allowing air to get air mattress moun (especialyNAmE) = AIR BED in or out: Store the cake in an airtight contairier 2 (jgura'Air Milesrw noun [pl.] points that yotu collect by buying tve) an airtight alibi (= one that cannot be proved to be Plane tickets and other products, which you cam then Use false) to payfor air travel atime /estamm; NAmE'ert-/ noun [u] Tthe amount of airmiss /eamrs; NAmE erm-/ noun (Br 日 anioccasion time that is given to a particular subject on radio or telewhen two'orImore' aircraft fly too:close to oneianother and a crash nearlyhappens

airofficer nounanyoneofthemostseniorofficersinthe British AIR FORCE

Vision 2 the amountoftimethatispaid for when you are using a mobile PhoneVcellphone

,于ir-tO- ai

dl [usually before noun] from onesaircraft to

another while they are both flying: am airto-air mmissile

air pistol noun a small gun that uses air pressture to fire ,air-to- ground odj [usually before noun] directed 6r Small metal balls (called PELLETS) operating from an aircraft to the suirface of the land: air to-8round Weapo7s airplane /eaplem; NAmE 'erp-/ nouUn (NAm 有日= PLANE: They arriyed 训 Belgium bpy airplane. co an _airplane iair-to- surface :adj [usually before noun] moving or crashL1lisht ca comrmmnercialLjetvmilitary airplane Passing from a fying aircraft to the surface of the sea or air plant novn an American Plant whose leaves take 训 land: air-to-surface missiles water and food from the water or air.around it rather air traffic con'trol noun [u] Tthe activity of giving than having roots in the soil instructions by radio to pilots ,of aircraft so that they airplay /espler; NMmE'erp-/ noun [U] time that is spent know when and where to take offorland 2 the group broadcasting a particular record,, performer, or type of of people or the organization that provides an ai traffic Imusic on the radio: The band ;5 starting to geta rot of COntrol serVice: The pilotWas givenm clearartce to 1amnd by ai airplay. tra扩 c controL

air pocket

moui 1 a closed area that becomes fled

with air 2 an area oflow air pressturethat makesaplane suddenly drop while flying

air traffic con troller

mo 太 a person whose job is to

give instructions byradio to pilots of aircraft so that they know when and wheretotake off orland

屯 cat | dfather | eten | s:bird |eaabout |zrsit|fsee|imany|ngof(Br6

下 saw | Acup | 5put |


air Vice-'marshal "oun:an officer of very high rank ip

domne22Ellie cried in alarrm. CTfLtagrowingsense ofalarTmm When he did not return that might c The doctor said there Was Tio catse Jor alarm 只 note at FEAR 了 [Cusually sing] aloud noise or a sigmnal that warns People of danger or of aproblem: She decided to sound the alarm (= Warn people that the situation was dangerous). 2 工harTmrmtered on all the doors to raise the alarrm. 一See aaiSO FALSE ALARM 3 [qd adevicethatwarns people ofaparticular danger: Q Durgiar/ 户reXsmioke alarm 2 The cat Set off the alarmm (= made it staxt ringing). CA car alarm went 0好 访 切e

air-way /eewen NAmE 'erweI/ nouUn 了 (medical the pasSage from the nose and throat to the lungs,,through Which yot breathe 2 (often used in names of AIRLINES) arotite regularlytused byPplanes: British Airways

air:wWorthy /eswa:0i5 NAmE 'erwa3r5i/ 0dj/ (of aircraft) safetofly > airworthiness 00Un [U]

miiddle of 殷

airy /eari; NAmE 'eri/ ad 1 with plenty of fresh air becatlse there is alotof space: The oj 太ice Was Light aud airy 2 (formal) acting ordoneinawaythatshowsthatyou are


一 more at

ROLL aitch /ertj/ noun the letter H written as a word: He Spoke

With acockrey accentand dropped his aitches (= did not Pronounce theletterHatthe start of Words). ajar /ad5a:GnD/ adi. [not before noum] (of a door) slightly Open: FU Ieayve the door ajaralka /er ker'er/ abbr also known as: Amtoniio Frateli aka Big TD akimbo /akrmbac; NAmE bou/ adv IE (with) arms


al.ba-tross /aelbatrps; NAmE-trois; -tra:s/ nouUn 了 a Very

baster (= white and smooth) sKin

carte /1 kdt NAmE aert/ dj ,ady (fom 岂 证food in arestaurantis 坟 la carte, oriiyou eat 译

la carte, yot choose from alist of dishes that have separate prices, rather'than having a complete meal at a fixed Price alackK /al2k/ exclamation (old use or humorous)j used to showyotu are sad orsorTY: Alas and alack, We jad missed OUT DUus, alac:fity /alaekreti/ moun [U] (Jormal) great willingness orenthdsiasm: They accepted the offer with alacriby/

tion ofbeing an albino

al.bino /slDimao; NAmE :baimou/ nouwn (站 -os) a person or an animal that is born with no colour (= PIGMENT) 训

thehair or skin, Which are white, or in the eyes, which are pink * albino dj [only before noun] Albion /albisn/ nour [U] (literary) an ancient name for Britain or England

/aladrm/ novn a character 人rom a traditional

album /zlbam/ noun 1 abookip which you keep Photo-

Aladdin?*s 'cave "01 a Place where there are many

wonderful objects

/clau: meVd; NAmE moud/ 0dj/.,, 0dv (from alaimode 龙shioned) fashionable; 记 启 涡 1 多 at before noun] (ojdf

thelatest 人fashion 2 [after noun] (NAmE) served with ice


-| -ar my

| au now

| .er say

| ao go (BrE)

large white bird with long wings that lives in the Pacific 吃 PAGE R20 了 [usually s 一picture and Southern Ocean sing.] (1jormalj) a thing that causes Problems OF PreVents you from doing sth 到 .beit /olbixrt/com (Jormalj) although: Hefinally agree albeit reIuctantly to help US,

alLbinm.ismm /aelbmrzem/ oun [U] (technical) the condi-

story who had a magic lamp. When he rubbed thelamp, aGENIEappeared and did whatever Aladdin wanted.

“What haye yoU

/alamrm; NAmEaslarm-/ ad

catsing WoITy and fear: an alarrming 训 crease 总 Crime The rainforests are disappearing at'an alarming rate. > alarm-ing-ly adv:Prices hayve Fisenalarmingly. alarmiist /alamrst NAmE alazrm-/ adj (disapproving) catusingUnnecessary fear and anxiety: A spoKesperson Jor the food industry said the TV Prograimrmie Was alarTmist

> alarmist /CU

计 Ia /la prep (from 户ench) in the same style as Sb/sth else: amnew band thatsingsaila Beatles ala.bas-ter /selebazsteC); NAmE -bases-/ nouUm [U] a type De stonethatis oftenmtused to make statues and decorative objects: am alabaster tomb ec (literary) her pale, ala-

gerous or Unpleasant might happen:

/aldcmd; NAmE alazrmd/ adj. [not be-

alas /alaes/ exclamation (old use or /iteramy) used to show yoUu are sad or SOITY: For mmarny People, alas, junger 1 PaTt of everyday [ 访 . allb /aelb/ "ovn a long White item of clothing worn by a Priest in some churches

2 (in nouns) a PrIocess oOT state of

上 IOU1 了 [U] :fear and anxiety that sb feels when sth dan-


alarrmninmE 0

一 to sth (Jormalj) similar to: What he 万 此

司|aarma om /aldm; NmEalarrm/ noun, Ve 几


1~'(at/by sth) anxious orafraid that sth dangerous or unpleasant might happen: She Was alarrmed at the PToSpect of trayelling alone. 只 note at AFRAID 之 PrIotected byan alarm: This door is alarrmmed.

WasTnore akin to Dity 雪 ar 1ove. akin.esia /etkimnisie; ar/ moOuUm [U] (medical) lack of the abjlityto make your body move P akin.etic /eIkrme如 kk; 玉 ar/ ad -al suUjx 1T(了 adjectives) connected with: 7magical 2 Ver

cream: aDDple pieQla7mode


The captain Krrew there Was ar enSine 交 让 人 didmtWwant

fore noun]

Pointing away from yourbody


日ye/凡 1 tomake sb anxious or afraid


akimbo with your hands on your hips and your elbows

ia Frenc

pells are

ringing,youmeanthatDeople arestarting to feel worried and Suspicious

alarm caill7ovnT atelephone call which is intended to Wakeyoutup: CouldThaye ar alarrm call at 5.30 tomorroW Please? 2 acryofwaining madebyabird or animal alarm clock (also alarm)moun aclockthatyou can set to ring abell etc. ataparticular time and wake youUP:I . 上 CLOCK Set 妇 ealarTm clocK Jor 7ofclocjK 一picture

chturch, theatre, train, etc., Or between rows of shelves in astupermarket: am aisleseat(= 记 aplane)c Coffee andtea are 识 the mext ais e. 一compare GANGWAY m go/walk

ba -see also -ALLY


mm aarm

warns people when sb is trying to enter illegally

aisle /all/ noun a Passage between TOWS of seats iD a

akin /akm/ odi


toalarmatheDasserigers: [alsoVN to inf和 只 mote atFRIGHTEN 2 [VN] to fit sth such as a door with a device that

airy-'fairy aj (BrE injormal, disapproving) not clear oOF

” Practical

(normalh to get married

e_night (= started Tinging),

The _alarm Went ofr at 7.oclock.

bells ring/start ringing 迁 yousay that alarm

notworried or thatyou are nottreating sth as serious: Fe dismiissed her with an airy Waye. 一see also AIRILY 3 (加 广 Immal disapproving) not setious or Practical: airy PromisesVspeculationm

down tihe ,aisie



the British AIR FORCE:Air Vice-Marshal Andrew BurTs airwaves /eswervz; NAmE'erw-/ noun [pl.] radio waves that are Used in broadcasting radio and television: More and mmore TVand radio stations are crowding the airwayes. CAWelLKknown yoice came Over the airwayes.

graphs,stamps,etc.: Q Photo album 之 a collection of Pieces of music that have been recorded on one Tecord, coOmPpare SINGLE CD or CASSETTE: 妇e band'ss 1atestal一buTm ai.bu.-men /albjumm; NAmE albjurmaen/ moun [U]

总 玉 基 the clear inside part of an egg that is white E When cooked 一COmPare WHIT YOLK

AlLcatraz /zlketraez/ noun a small US island near San

Francisco where there is a former Prison: The clinic 帮 丰 Like Alcatraz. There Was FnO escape.

| ou go (MAmB

| ozboy

| re near

| ee hair

| se pure


36 |

alchem:ist /'aelkemist/ novn a Derson Who studied alchemy

alchemy /alkemi/ movn [u] 1 a form of chemistry studied in the Middle Ages which involved trying to disCOVer how to change ordinary metals into gold 2Z (iter a1y) a mysterious power or magic that can change things

al'cher'inga/altfarImga/ (also Dream-:time)jmoun [U] according to some Australian Aboriginals, the time when

the first people were created


om /aelkehpl; NAmE-ho:l; -ha:/ noum [U]

1 drinks such as beep wine, etc. that can make people drunk: He never drinks alcoholL ce_ alcohol abuse 2 the clear liquid that is found in drinks such as beer wine; etc. and is used in medicines,cleaning prodiicts,etc.: Wine comntains about 109%6 alcoholL c evels of alcohol in the blood ceHe pleaded guilby to driying with excess alcohol_ c low-alcohol beer c alcojhol-free beer-see also ABSOLUTE ALCOHOL


om /aelkemhmnDlrk; NMAmE-ho:lL; -ha:l-/

adj/ mouw1n 日0dj/. 1 connected with or containing alcohol: alcoholic drinks

[aa NON-ALCOHOLIC-see also



之 caused by drinking alcohol: The guests le斥训 an alcojholic haze.

昌 IOU1 (also NAmE jnjormal lush) a person who regularly drinks too mitich alcohol and cannot easily stop drinking,

So thatit has become an illness

Alco,holics Anonymeous


[U] (obbr AA) an

international organization, begun in Chicago in 1935, for People who are trying to stop drinking alcohol. Theyhave meetings to help each other.


/zlkehplrtzam; NAmE ho:l-; ha:lL/ houn

[U] the medical condition catused by drinking too_ much alcohol regularly

al.co.pop /zlkeupop; NAmE 攻0Upa:p/ noun (BrE) a sweet

FIZZY drink (= with bubbles) that contains alcohol al cove /zlkaov; NAmE cornice OUV/





A level /er levl/ (also ad'vanced level) moun [Cu] a British exam taken in a particular subject, tisually in the final year ofschoolatthe age of18: Zoumeed 态reeAlevefs to 8et onto this Uniyersiby coUrse. C WhatA Jeyels are YOU doing2 7T7m doing maths A JeyelL_c two AIeyvel passes/two Passes at4 leyel 一compare A2, AS, GCE, GCSE, GNVQ



/,aelrg'zamda teknizk; NAmE

-Zaendar/ noum [sing.,U] a _method of improving sb's health by teaching them how to stand,sit, and move Correctly

alexan'drine /alrgzandrm; -aim; NAmE -zaen-/ 四 (techmical) (of lines of poetry) containing six IAMBIC FEET alexan.drine oun alexia /aleksie; er/moun [u] (medicajtheinabilitytorec0gnize written words or letters, usually because of brain WORD BLINDNESS


al.fal.fa /ael'feelfe/ ,noun [u] a plant with small divided leaves and purple flowers,grown as food for farm ani-

mals and as a salad vegetable


/aelfresk3ao; NAmE kou/ adj outdoors: an doE

万esco 1unch party

alfresco adv:eatingalFresco

algae /zld5i:; 'aelgiz/ noun [u, pl.] (simng. alga /aelge/)(tech- . mical) very simple plants with no real leaves,sSTEMS OFT Ioots that grow iD or near water including SEAWEED

> algal /aelgsl/ odj. [only,before noun]: algal plioomsy Srowth

al.gi'cide /ald5isard; 'aelgr/ moun [Cu] a substance Which kills algae 六 breast (Br 日 Algol (alsoALGOL) /aelgpl; NAmE os-ga:l/ noun [U] an early computerlanguage used for scientific calculations chimney

al.gO:rithm /algarrbem/ moun (especially computing) a

set of rules that mustbe followed when solving a particular Problem al.haja /alhaed5e/ noun (WAHrE) a woman who is a Muislim and has completed areligious journey to Mecca (often used as atitle 一compare ) ALHAJI


cooked food, especially PASTA) firm, but not hard, when bitten al dente adyv

More 妇 an 5000 troops haye been placed on (fulID) alert 2 [qawarning ofdanger or of aproblem: a bomzbvFire alert 一See alsO RED ALERT

Which letters and symbols are used to ITepresent quantities > alge.braic /,s1ld5rbrerIk/ ad

al dente /al 'denter; -ti/ adj,

Urgent situation: [VN] Neighbours quickly alerted the eme 产 8ency SerVices. CO Alerted By a moise downstairs he sat up and Murned on the ligjit [also VN (that), VN to inf 2 [VN] ~ ~Sbto sth to make sb aware ofsth: They had Deem aerted to he possipility of further Price Fises. 上 0OU1 了 [sing.,U] a situation in which people are watching for danger and ready to deal with it: Police are Warming 轨 epublic to pe or the alertjJor suspicious pacKkasges.

al.ge.bra /ald5rbre/ noun [u] a type of mathematics 这

an area iD a

IOoom that is formed by Part of a wall being built farther back than the rest of the wall: The bpooKkcase Jiks neatyy into 妇e alcoye.

卓 Yer 几 [often passive] Tto warn sb about adangerous of

skirting board (B)胆 baseboard (NA4m月

alder /oldqaG)/ noun a tree like a BIRcH that Srows in Dorthern countries, usuallyin wet grounad

al.haji /alhaed5i/ noun (WAHrE) aman who is a Muslim


used as atitle 一compare ) ALHAJA -alia /ellie/ sw1jx (in pltural nouns) itemas connected with

/5:ldeaman; NMmE :derm/ moun (pmen

/men/) 1 (in England and Wales in the Past) a senior

Imember of a towni BOROUGH or county councilL below the rank of a MAYOR,chosen by other members of the

council (emininealderwoman, 站 -women /wmmnmy/) (itheUS, Canada and Australia) an elected memper ofa

town or city council: Alderrmam Ti7m Evams ale /ed/ novn 1 [ua atypeof beem usuallysold in bottles or cans, There are seVeral kinds of ale: prowm/pale ale

之 [C] a glass, bottle or can of ale: Two 1igjht ales Please. 3 [U] (old-Josjroned) beer generally see also BROWN ALE, GINGER ALE, REAL ALE

alec,aleck 号 sMART ALEC ale.house

/enhaus/ noun (old-foshioned,BrE) a place

where people used to drink beer alert /aas:t; NmE as:rt/ qdj., yerb, nouU1n @ 0dj. 1 abletothink quickly; quick to notice things: Suddenzy he founid jimaself awake and 包1y aiert e Two alert SCientists Spotted the mistake. 2 一 to sth aware of sth, especially a problem or danger: We 7musE De alert to 大 e

Possipilib' ofdanger


| ddid

alertly adi alertnmess noun [U]

| ffal

| gget

| hat

| jyes

and has completed a religious journey to Mecca (often

the particular area of activity or interest mentioned: Kitchemalia

alias /erlies/ odv, nou1n 卓 Gdv. Used when a person, especially a _criminal or an actop is knownbytwonames: Mick Clark; alias Sid Brown 271mnspectorMorse alias Johmn Thaw (= John Thaw Playsthe PartofInspectorMorse)jcjJophn Thaw, alias Jspector Morse of the fmous TVseries 日IOU1 了 afalseor different name, especially one that is Used by a criminal: Fe checked into the hotel under an alias. 了 之(coOmputnsg) a name that can be used instaad of the usual name for a file, Internet address, etc.

Ali Baba /ali'ba:ba:/ mounacharacterin an aldArabian story Who discovers that saying the magic Words "Open Sesamel Will open the door of the CAvE wfiere thieves have hidden gold and jewellery

alilbi /alabar/ movn T evidence thatprovesthata Person

was in another place at the time of a crime and so could not have coOmmitted it: The SUspects al had alipis 万六 the

| k cat

| Lieg

| mman

| anow

| Dipen

| Fred

daayofthe robbery


了 2 afiexcuseforsththatyouhave done

己 员


Alice band /alisband/ noun (Br aband 日 which holds

alimony /zlimaeni; NAmE:mooni/ moun [U] (especialy

yourhairback awayfromyour face, butlets 让 hang freely atthe back

NAmB) the money that a court orders Sb to pay regularly

novm [ul used to describe a

to their former wife or husband when the marriage is ended 一compare MAINTENANCE, PALIMONY

Situation that 这 -Very strange, in which things happen thatido not make any sense and are the Opposite of what

'A-line adi: (ofaskirt ordress) wider atthe bottom than at

yo Would expect: The couPtry'S ecoTioTnic Systemm 六 PUTe

aliquot /alikwnot; NAmE wazt/ moun 了 (technical) a

Alice im" Wonderland


识 Wonderland.

the top

> Alice-in-Wonderiand odj. [only

before noun]: TFILETWwas

识 an Alice-imn-Wonderland world.

From the title of a children's story by Lewis

过 2 (mathemaBas) a quantity which can be exactly div-


alien /ellien/ odj., noun 昌 0 丰 .车 ~ 人(to sb/sth) strange and frightening; different 人fom what you are tsed to HOSTILE: am alien emnyironertES Iaworld that had suddemnly becormme alien antd danmgerous; he Was her ontly securiby/ 了 (often disapproving) from another country or society; foreign: arualien cUIbure

3 ~to sb/sth (disapproving) not usual or acceptable: The idaeais alien to ourreligion. ceCruelty was quUite alien to hirmm: 4 connected with creatures .from another world: alierpeings 广om outer space

旧 IOUm 个 (NAmE:also ,non-'citizen) (/ow or techmical) a person who is notra citizen of the country in which they live or worK: am iegal alien 一compare RESIDENT ALIEN

2 acireature from another world: aliens 方om OUter Space alien-able /ealienebl/ adj. (1jormal) able to be taken or given away [Ga INALIENABLE

alien:ate /ellienert/ vem[VN] T to make sb less friendly or sympathetic towards you: His com7mients haye alienated

alotofyourigvoters. 了

一 sb (from sth/sb) to make sb feel

that they do not belong in a particular group: Very taLerited chilaremr 7riay 大elalienated 方om the others 训 切e 六

Glass > alienation /elliomerfna/ moun [U]: The mew DoL-

iey 7esulted 议 坊 e alienatiomofmary yoters. granmts suffer 方om asense ofaliemnnatiom.

Mary irm7mi-

alight /alait/ odj ,verb

晶 .0cdj. [not before noun] Ton fire: A cigarette set he dry g&rass alight Her dress cauSRht alight 识 the 太 re. 之 (用 广 1malj (of faces oT eyes) showing a feeling of happiness oOT excitement [IIU see WORLD 卓 Ver [V] (1jormoloryiteray) 下 一(in/on/uponsth)(ofabird or an insectj to land in or on sth after flying to 让 LAND 了 ~ (from sth) to getout of abus, a train Or GET OFF: Do notalight 廊of QTnoVving other Vehicle alighton/upon sth tothink of find ornotice Das: sth, especially by chance: Byentual, We aligphted om the iaea of seeKi7ig sSDo1i50Fship. C Her eyes SUuddenly alighted omthe punaie of docurments.

悄 一 (sth) (with sth) to arrange sth in the alignm /alam/Ave 站

Correct position, Or to be 记 the correct Position, 识 Telation to sth else, especially in a straight line: [VN] Make [V] SUre thne ShejF ialignied With the top of t妇e cUpboard. The topiand bottom 1inie ofeach colurrrz om the page Should align: 了 [VN] ~ sth (with/to sth) to change sth slightly so c thatitis in the correct relationship to sth else: Domes磋 Prices jaye Deen aligTied With thnose 六 World 7narKkets. ER a'lign yourself with sb/sth to publicly SUPPOrIt an organization, a set of Opinions OF a PerSOD that yoU agree With align:ment /alammaent/ noum[u,G 1T arrangementina straight line: A pone ii ?ny Spine Was OUE OF aGILigrmrrzeTtt. 2 political support given to one COUntTY oOT 8TOUP by another: Japarmzs alignrmemtWwith the West

alilkKe /slark/ cd, ooxy 卓 :0友 [not before noun] Very similar: MY Sister andTdo7iot IooK alike. 一compare UNLIKE 四 ddy Tinaverysimilar way: They tried to treatal 态 e 太 children alike, 2 Used after you have referred to two People or groups; to mean both or “equally: Good mamagemmaent Denefits emipIOyers QTld emiDIOYeesS alLike. IE see GREATdadj/., SHARE V

ali-men:tary canal /alrmenterikemzel/ 00Un the Pas-

sage in the bodythat carries food from the mouth to the


| ttea

| vvan

| 观 wet | zzoo

| J shoe

small amotnt of sth that is taken 位om a larger amount especiallywWtienitistakeninorderto do chemicaltests on ided into another

'A-list odj [usually before noun] used to describe the group of people who are corisidered to be the mostfamous, SCcessful or important: He omly 识yited 4-1ist celebrifies io Pis parties. 一COmPare B-LIST 人


om /alarv/ adj. [not before nounm]

Tiliving; not dead: We dont Know Whether hes alive Or dead. csyour motherstillalive2 Doctors Keptthe baby alive for six weeks. CTWas glad to hear yoOUTe alive and WelL ec She had to steal food just to stay alive. C He Was buried alive 识 the earthquake 了 一 (with sth) full of emotion, excitemenb activity, etc:: Ed was alive With happiness. 3 continujing to exist: to -Keep a tradition alive 4 一 with sth full of living or moving things: The Pool Was alive with goldfish. 5 一 to sth aware of sth; knowing sth exists and is important: to be alive to the damngers/

如 cts]possibilities [Er alive and kicking Very active, healthy or popularbring sth alive to make sth interesting: The pictures bring the book alive.comiealive 1 (ofa subject or an event) to become interesting and exciting COME TO LIFE: The game camie aliye 训 雪 e Second ha 2 (of a place) to become busy and full of activity COME TO LIFE: The city starts to come aliye after dairK. 3 (of aperson) to show interest iD sth and become excited about if: She came alive as She talked about jer Job. 一more at EAT

al.Kali /'aelkelar/ noun [CU] (chemisty) a chemical substance that reacts With acids to form a salt and gives 3 SOLUTION with a PH of more than seven when 让 is disSolved in wateI 一compare ACID

al ka.line /alKelam/ aodj 1 (chemistry) having the nature of an alkali 2 (iechnica1) containing alkali: alKalimne soil 一compare ACID

al.Ka.lin:主Y /,selKke'lmaeti/ own [U] the state of being or containing an ALKALI

a 引.kal:oidg /alkelord/ noum (biology or /medical) a poisonous substance found in some plants. There are many di计 ferent alkaloids and some are used as the basis for drugs.

引 l:Kame /zlkem/ noun (chemistry) anyof aseries of coMPOUNDs that contain CARBON and HYDROGEN: Methane ad Dropame are QIKaTte5:


/zlka seltseG)/ nouwm [CU] a medicine

that yotu mix with water to make a drink that helps with INDIGESTION

al:jKemne:/zlIKimy/ moun (chemistry) any of a series of gases that contain HvpROGEN


and that have a

double BONPD (= force of attraction) betWween two of the CARBON atoms

局目 0

/23/ det, pron adv

ma _det 1 (used with plural nouns. The noun may have 妇 e, 态 芒,雪 ab 7Tn% heP his etc. in font of it Or a number.) the whole number of: AIL Rhorses are aimmals,pUE Pot al ar-

mmals are horses._O Cars Were comiing 廊omm all directions (三 every direction). e AIL the People yoU inyited are corning. AlIL7ny Plants haye died ce Al five me are hard Workers. 2 (used with Uncountable nouns,The noun may have jhenp jis, etc. 矶 font of it) the whole , 切ab5 7 二e, 雪 芒 amount of ALL Wood tends to shrink. 2 YoUye had all the 讽 丫and Je jhad all the hard Work AL ts 7Tmail ust pe a1isWwered e Ee haslostall his mnomney 3 used with singular nouns showing sth has been happening for a whole She Was LUPeriod of time: He5 Worked hard all year employed for all that time. 4 the greatest possible: Im al

| 5 vision

| :tf chain

| 5 jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| D sing


38 |

jhonesty (= being as honest as Ican) Tcamtt agree 5 conSisting or appearing to consist of one thing only: The Tagazine Was all adyvertisement. 2 She was all smiiles (= smiling alot)..G6 anywhatever: He denied all knowledge of

the crime. IE and all'that (jazz; rubbish, etc.)(

/mal) and other similar things: 77m pored by Phistory 一dates

amd battles and al thatstu太 notallithat good, well, etc-

not particularly good, well, etc.: He doesmnt sing all that

WelL not as badl(iy), etc. as all'thatnot as much as has been suggested: They7re not as rich as all that of all people, things,etc. (njfommal) used to express strprise because sb/sth seems the least likely person,example, etc.:Tdidnt thinK youw of all people, Would become a vegetarian. of 'all the ... (informalj) used to express angef: Tve 1ocKed mysei太out OF all te stupid things to do/ 一more at FORpre 六. 是 Pr01. 1 the whole number or amotunt: Al ofthe jpod has gone. C Theyye eaten all of 这 2 Theyye eaten itall erinVited Some of ny colleagues but not al 和 Not all of themm Were inyited. CAILof therm enjoyed the party ceThey all enJoyed 让 CHis IastTmoyvie was bestofall 2 (folowedbya ielative clause, often without that) the only thingyeverything:AILTwantis peace andquiet LitwasallthatThad. 吓 note at ALTOGETHER [ET all in 'all when everything is considered: Al1 in al 让 had beenta greatsuccess. allin 'one having two or more Uses, functions,, etc.: Its a corkscrew ad bottle-openerall in one. and 'all 1 also; included; 也 addition: She imped into the rivep clofhes and all(= with her clothes on). 了 (njformal) as well; too: Tim 方eezinmng.” Zah me and al (not) at all in any way; to any degree: Tdiantenioxy itat alL in all as atotal ALTOGETHER: There Were twelve of us 识 all for dinner 2 Thats 上 25.40 记 alL ,not at 'all used as a polite reply to an exXpression of thanks: ThamKks yery much foryour help.”Votat al 这 Was QPpleasure. your 'all everything youhave: They gaye their al (= fought and died) in the war一more at ABOVEprep,, AFTER Prep.,END V,, END /., FOR prep, SIDE 由. 目 0dv. 了 completely: She was dressed all 识White. C He lives al alone. C The coffee went all oyer Fny SKirt 2 (norma1) Very: She Was all excited C Now donit get alLUpset apout 让 3 一too .Usedto show that sth is more than youwould like: Tm all too aware of the problems. C The end of the 厅 ip camte all too S00n. 4 ( 雇 Sports and games) to each side: The score Was four al IE all along all the time; 位om the beginning: Trealized it was 总 ny PocKet all along. all around 只 ALL ROUND all the better, harder,etc. SO Iuch betten harder etc.: We到 hayve to Work all the harder With two people off sick. all but 1 almost: The party was al Put ovyer When We arrived. 下 Was allDutimipossible to read his Writing. 了 everything or everyone exXcept sthysb; AILDuUtone oftheplates Were darmnaged. all'in T physically

tired EXHAUSTED: At the end of the race he 帮 LEall 识 . 2 (BIE) including everything: The holiday cost E250 all 总.一See also ALL-IN all of sth (often iomic used to emphasize an amount, a Size, etc. usually when it is very small: 节 TUst pe all of 100 metres to te carl all over everywhere: We 1ooKked all over for the ring, 2 what

you would expect of the person mentioned: Thatsounds

Likermmysisteraloverall'round (BrE) (NAmEallaround ) 人 iD every wayi in all respects: a 8good performance all round 了 for each person: She bought drinks al round.

,all there

(informnal) having a healthy mind; thinking

clearly: He pehayes yery oddly at fimies一 [don和t thinKk hes duite all there. be all about sb/sth used to say what the most important aspect of sth is: Its all about Tomey these

days.be allfor sth/fordoing sth tobelieve stronglythat

Sth should be done: Theyre all Jor saving money where 态ey can.be all'over sb (informaj to show alot of affection for or enthusiasm about sb: Be was all over her at the Party. be all 'that (US informalj) to be very attractive or impressive: He thinks hes al 切at be all up (with sb) (old友 shioned, informal) tobethe end for sb: 夏1ooks as though 让S alL UDP With us now (= we are ruined, have no further chances, etc.),

2 cat |

引 趾- /53/ compining 1jorm (in adjectives .and adverbs) 1 completely: an alL-Britshn cast C an all-inclusiyve price 2 in the highest degree: al-imzportarnt cealLL-power 记1 ,aa中 -'action cd/. [only before noun] havingalotof exciting events: an al1-actiom moyie Allafhn /ale/ nown the name ofGod among Muslims

,all-A'merican xd 1 having good qualities that people think are typicallyAmerican: a cleam-cutalL-Americar boy 2 (ofa sports Player) chosen as one of the best Players iD the US

all-a'round cd (NmB) = ALL-ROUND allay /saler/ vemb [VN] (Jormalj) to make sth, especially a feellng, less strong: to allay fears/comcerTriWsuspiciom the 'All Blacks 2ovn [pl.] the RUGBY team of New Zealand

,aa中-Ca'nadian 2d/ 1 chosen as one of the best in, or Tepresenting the whole of Canada, for example in Sports 之 having qualities that people think are typically Canadian the all-'clear 7ovn [sing.] T asignal (often a sound) Which showsthata Placeor situation is no lornger dangerous 2 ifa doctor gives sb the all-clear, theytell the Per Son that he/she' does not have any health problems 3 permission to do sth; The ship was given the alL-clear ti如 SaiL 本 用-COmers "027 [pl.] anyone who wants to take part ip an activity or a competition ,all-con'sum-ing cd/. (of an interest) taking up all of yourtime or energy: am all-comnsurning IoVe of jazz 'all-day 2d/. [only before noun] continuing for the whole day: an all-day meeting alle.ga:tion /,ala'gerfn/ noun ~ (of sth) (against sb) |~ 人(that ) | ~ (about sb/sth) a public statement that is made without giving Proofg accusing sb of doing sth that is wrong orillegal ACCUSATION: Seyeral nneWwspapers made allesatiors of corruption in the cibys police depar Tent C allegatiors of dishomesty against hi e arl allegation 妇 at he had been dishonest c to inyestigate/deny/ Withdraw ar allesation 只 note at CLAIM al.lege /aled3/ ve [often passive] (jormmal) to state sth as afact but without giving Proof: [V (that] The prosecution alleges (that) she was driving carelesstxy o [VN that] rtizs allegsed that he mistreated the prisonerss ce [VN to inf] He

is alleged to hayve mistreated the Prisoners.

This pat-

tern is onlyused in the passive. [VN] This procedzre shouid

pejollowed 训 cases where dishonmnestby jas been alleged, [also VSspeech] w alleged adj. [only before noun] (formaj): the alleged attacKer/victirmmn/Killer (= that sb saysis one) 4 the alleged attacKk/offence/incident(= that sb sayshas happened) allegedly /aled5rdli/ adv: crimes allesedly coOTmnTmitted during the war alie.gianmce /alixdsens/ movn [U,C] ~ (to sb/sth) a perSonS continted support for a political party,religion, Tulemn etc.: to-pledsge/swear allesgiamnce to sbvsth coto SWitch/transfer/change allegiance Cam oath/a yow/ a statementt of allesgiamnce 2 People of various party alleSiaices joined the campaigr.

al.le.gory /alegaeri; NAmE :goTi/ noun [CU] (P/ -ies) a Story, play, picture, etc. in which each character Or event is a Symbol representing an idea or a quality such as truth, evil deathi etc.; theuse of such symbols: a Political allegory 2 the poet's use of allegory 一 see alsolFABLE 3-

legorical /ale'gbrIkl; NAmE-goxr-; :ga:r-/ adj: an alleSorical Figurevy movelaliegorically adv all.jegro /alegreo; NAmE -grou/ nouwn (PL os) (music'a piece of music to be played in a fast and lively manner

> allegro 0d/, adv al.lele /alia/ novn (biology) one of two'or more Dossible forms of a GENE that are found at the saimme place on a CHROMOSOME ai.le.juia /,aelrlu:js/ noun, exclamatior = HALLELUJAH

,all-em'bracing 2d/. (ormal) including everything all-en'compassing 04/. Uormal) including everything

father | eten | 3: bird | esabout | rsit | see | imany | p got (BrEl | ossaw | Acup

| aput | mtoo

Allen keym:/Elemki/ (BrE) (NAmE'Allen wrenchrw) |39


noun asmalltool tised forturning anAllen screw

Allen screwry moun a screw with a hole that has six Sides allergen /zledyen; NAmE'aelerd5en/ noun a substance that causes an allergy


本 由- mi 有 hter movn(NAmE io77ahatime wheni youstay awake all night studying

al:lo'-cate /aelekert/ ve必~sth (forsth) | 一 sth (to sb/sth) |~(sb/sth) sth to give sth officially to sby/sth fora particu-

/al1s:d5ik; NAmE alarrdsrk/ ad T ~ (to sth)

having an allergy to sth: TIike cats butanfortunately T7m allersgic to thermm. 了 catlsedby an allergy: an allergic reaciomn/rash 3 [not before noun] 一 to sth (njomma/, humor ous)having astrong dislike of sth/sb: You could see he was aliergic to RhouseworK. allergy /'aled5i; NAmE'aelerd5i/ noun (pl-ies )~ (to sth) amedical condition that catses yo to reactbadly or feel jsick when you eat or touch a Particular substance: 了 Paye am aliergy to animal hair. al.le-vi-ate /jelizviert/ verb [VN] to make sth less severe EASE: to alleviate Suffering e A PuUmber of measuTres

Were taken to alieviate 切 eproblem.


lar Prpose: [VN] They intend to aliocate more Tmature Studentzs 坊 节year- CAIarge Saii7ias beei Jor buying new books for the Library C [VN, VNN] SOUTCces aTe peing allocated to tje proiject 2 The peing aliocated more resoUTces. al.io.ca-:tion


1 [qq an



Inoney, Space, etc. that is given to sb for a Particular PuUrpose 2 [U] the actof giving sth to sb foraparticular PUTpose: 妇e allocation of food to 规ose Who meed 让 7nost allo-morph /zlemo:f NAmE -moxrf/ noun (1inguistics) one possible form of a Particular MORPHEME. The forms

js/ , /zj and /Iz/ in cats, dogs and horses are allomorphs of the Plural ending s.


Vierfmn/ nourm: 加 ]


/'alafeun; NmEfoumn/ noun

(phonetics) a

sound that is slightly different from another sound,-although both sounds belong to the same PHONEME and the difference does not affect meaning. For example, the

alley /ali/ moun 1 (alsoalleyway /zliwer/) anarrow Passage behind or between buildings: a marrow/darKk alley 一see also BLIND ALLEY,, BOWLING ALLEY 了 (NAIm)

= TRAMLINES Im (right up your 'alley


places to allocated More reproject 六

/atthe beginning of /tteis different from the /1/ at the

(NAm月 三

end. Q (ConE) a person who comes to live ip Canada, especially Quebec, ffom another country, whose first lan-


'alley cat noun:a cat thatlives on the streets al-ii-amce /elarens/ noun 1T 一(with sb/sth) |~ (between

guage is neither French nor English > allophone Withi

Aand B) an agreement between countries, Political par-





amd ApoFigimialL7minoOries also exist tiesxetc.to Worktogetherin ordertoachieve sth thatthey ,all-or-mothing cdj used to describe two extreme situall want:to formy/rmnake ar alliance c The Social Demoations Which are the only possible ones: aall-ormothing crats are now 总 alliarice With 如e Greenls. -了 a gIOUP of decision (= one which could either be Very good or Very People; Political parties, etc. who work together in order bad) to achieve sth thatthey all want allo.saurus /ala'sozrss/:noun atype of large DINOSAUR

allied os < 小

allot /alot; NMAmEaqa:t/ ve 履刀 - ) 一 sth (to sby/sth) |一 (sb/

人 /alard/ (often Allied ) [only before noun] connected

sth) sth to givetime, money, tasksi etc.to sb/sth as ashare

With countries that Unite to 有ght a war togethet especiallythe countries thatfoughttogether againstGermany intheFirstand SecondWorld Wars: Italyjoined: 坊ewar oz the Allied side 识 1915. C_allied forcesXtroops 2: /slard; 'aelard/ ~ (to/with sth) (Jormaj) (of two or more things) Simijlar or existing together; connected with sth: 7medicine, PUTrsing Djhysiotherapy and other allied Professions 2 丙 切 i job you Ww记 mieed social sKills allied With techmical KmnoWledge. 一See also ALLY 本 有- 中-多a:tOr /'zlrgerteCrD)/ noun alarge REPTILE similar to a CROCODILE,With a long tail, hard skin and very big

JAWSs, that lives 也 Tivers and lakes in N and S America and China

' 本用 多atOr clip moun (especiajy NA7m 有 日= CROCODILE CLIP 卫生 i多ator Pear moun (NAmE) = AVOCADO 了 -imrm' Port'ant odj. extremely important

,aa有-im wd/ [only before noun] (BrE) including the'cost of all parts of sthERE9

INCLUSIVE: amiQ11- 训 Price of E500 With

ad [only before noun] (BrE) able to do the

Work of two or more things that are tsually separate: am

alIEimn-ome Shampoo amd comnditioner 基,all-in-one


JWe sell printers amnd Scalers, ad alL-in-OPnes that COTLDIme the bwo. WRESTLINGIin Which there are Very few rules

/sjJitererfn/ oun:[U] (technicoj) the use

ofthe sarmeletter or sound atthebeginning ofwords that are closetogether as in Sing gSO18 OfsMXPEe1Ce茹 alilitera-

iive /alrtratrv; N4ImEaejiterertrV/ ad

al-iiunm /zeliem/ mount(technical)anyPlantthatbelongsto the saime group as onions and GARLIC 局 肌 -might cd [only before noun] 1 (of a place) open throughthe night: ar al-migitcafe 2:(ofan activity) continuing through the might: ar al-mighEPartb/


| army

| aorow

| ersay

| ao go (Br6

[Id (Br a

out War C an al-out attacK om the opposiion基 ,all out adv: We7regoing all out to W 妆.


/slau/ verb

al1ow': smoking in 轨 ehal

刁目-im “wirest 和im 名 .oun-[u] (especially Br6):a form of 上 4 -er-atiom 计

/alotmaent; NAmEalat/ noomT

small area of land in a town which a person can rent 记 order to _grow vegetables on 让 2 [CU] (iormal) an amotnt of sth that sb is given orallowed to have; the process of giving sth to sb: Water allotments to /rr7mmers Were CuUE DacK 训 纺e drought 和 切 e allotment of shares to _comPamy employees allo-trope /alatreop; NAmE-troup/ noun (chermistDy) one ofthe different forms in whbich a chemical element exists. For example,diamond and GRAPHITE are allotropes of CARBONL. ,a 有 -Out ad/ [only before noun] using or involving every Possible effort and done in a very determined way: al

r LETSB/STH DOSTH 1 toletsbysth do sth; tolet sth happen Ofbe done: TVNto in 人 His parents Womt allow Pirm to Stay out late. Ce 好 mot allowed to stay out Late co They Shouldn4be allowed to get away with 让 She womtallow jerself to be dictated to. C Heallowed his mind to wander [VN] SmoKkingizsmnotallowedin the hall. e [V-ing] We domot

cod/ including everything or everyone:

OUr 厅ips are alL 训 clusiye 一 妨ere are 7io hidden cos.

了 中-im-'Ome



TiO extras to Pay

了 中-im'clusive

of what is available: [VN] Tcommpleted the test Withir the me -allotted [VN, VNN] :Dow 7much money has been aliotted to Us2 CeHow much money haye We beemn allotted?

2 [VNN] to let sb have sth:

VDU7e allowed an hour to complete 妇e tesk co Tm not aL1owWed yisitors. 3 [VN, usually二 qdyvVprep.] [usually passive] to let sb/sth go into, through,ouUt of etc. a Place:

No dogs allowed (= you cannotbring them in). 2 The Prisomers are allowed out or their celk for two hours a day ^ The crowd parted to allow her throuvgsh. c Zou womnt be

allowed up (= oUt ofbed) /for seyeral days, * MAKE POSSIBLE :4 to make'sth possible: [VN] A rarmp aL1ows easy access for wheelchairs. [also V -ing] > TIME/MONEY/FOOD;


5 [VN]


sth (for sb/sth)


Imake sure that you have enough of sth for a _particular Purpose: YoU mneed to allow 雪 ree metres of jbric fjor the Ga1e55:

| ou go(NAmB

| 5rboy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure


40 |

* ACCEPT/ADMIT @ (ormal) to accept or admit sth; to agree that sth is true or correct: [VN] TPe jdge allowed TY clairm. Objection 关371 allow 让 2 [V that] Be refuses to allow that such a situation could arise. C [VNN] She was yery jhezp记 1 When my motpher Was 到 一 allow yox 轨 at [also Vspeech] 一compare DISALLOW 只 note at ADMIT [Er allow 'me used to offer help politely 一more at REIN1. allow for sb/sth to consider or include sby sth when calculating sth: 下 W 码take apout ar hour to get there, aliowing fortraffic delays. ceAll these fctors mustbe

allowed for allow of sth (1jormo/j) to make sth possible: The focts allow of only ome explIamatiom.

al.iow.able /alauebl/ cdj. T that is allowed, especially bylaw orby aset ofrules 2 (BrE) allowable amounts of money are amounts that yot do nothave to paytax on

Fighb dont worry ”4 used to get sbis attention Al11rightclass, trm to page 20.



(Br6 (NmE all-a'round ) ad [only before

which tickets

mention sth in an indirect way 一see also AIELUSIONCe

,aa有l-'party cd/ [usually before noun] involving all political


actors, players, etc.: aa al1-star cast ,all-star'game "oun (NmE) a gameplayed between the best players in their sport: 妇 e East-WestAlL-Star Garme

alJude /aluzd/ verb

alloy mouUn, verb

昌 -0OU1m /aloI/ [CU]:a metal thatiis formed by mixing two types of metal togethemr or by mixing metal with another Substance: Brass is an alloy of copper artd xintc. 目 Yeb /alor [VN] ~ sth (with sth) (iechmicaol) to mix one metal with anothen especially one of lower value


们om the West Indies, used in cooKing as a spice

,a 用-'weather

cdj [usually before noun] suitable for all

types of weather: am all:Weatherjootball pitchn ,all-wheel 'drive 2oun (especialy Nm 三 FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE

司咱y 0

moun, ve内

上四 1OU1 /aelar/ (pl -ies)T [q acountrythathas agreed to help and support _another country,especially in case

WORD FAMILY ally v,7m. allied adf/. alliance 7.

of a war 了 2 [C a person who helps and SuPDorts sb whois in adifficult Situation,

especially a politician: aclose aly and 广ienaioF the Drimie Tinister 3the Allies [pl.] the'group ofcountriesincluding Britain and the:US that fought together in the First and Second World Wars

yemb /alar/ ellies ,allying;allied vallied) 一 (yourself)

with sby/sth to _give your support to another grouUP OF coOUntry:


[VN] The prince allied himselF with the_Scots.

-al 有 ly sw 太 x(makes adverbs frfom adjectives thatend in-GD1): Tagically C sensatiomally

| k cat | lleg

| mman

| mnow

| p pen

| rred



(also alma




merteGD)/ :nouwn [sing.] (especially NAmB) the school,college or university that sb wentto


(also /ess jequwent alman'ack)


'ael-/ noun 下 abook-that is published every year giving information for that year about a particular subject or activity 2 a book that gives information about the sun, Imoorm times of the TIDES (= the rise and fall of the sea

levelj, etc. for each day of the year al:mighty /omarti/ ad/. 1 (in Prayers) having complete Power: AlmigRhty God,haye mercy on US. 也 [only before roun] (informal/) very great OF severe: an almighty


3 (ioboo,ofensiyve)


in the

eXpressions shown in the exXample, to eXpress SUIPTIise OF anger: ChristGodAImighty! What 坊 e jhell doyou ti识 KyoV aredaoings? 4 the Almighty 75ouUm [sing.] God almond /dmand/ novn the flat pale sweet nitit of the almond tree Used in_ cooking and to make almond oil: ground almonds 和 plIarched almords (三 with their skins Temoved) C almond paste C alimond eyes (= eyes shaped

Ilike almonds) 一Picture 只 NUT almon:-er /dmaenae(r); '2lim-/ noun (old-foshioned, BrE) a person employed by a hospital to help patients with their financial and social problems, nowustUally called a med-

ical social workeP 司|.rmOst 0 /omaost; NAmE-mouUst/ adv not quite; NEARLY:TLIiKe almost all of therm. 和 LS a 1mistake 态 ey alImostalways Take. 2 Thestory is almostce 六 tainlyjolse. Jesalmosttimetogo.cDinners almostready. CEeslipped amd almostjeIL c Their house is almost opPo5Site ours. C They亚eat almost anything. 2 AImost mo one (二 hardly anyone) believed Firm alms /amz/ noun [pl.] (old-jshioned) money clothes and food that are given to poor people alms.house /dmzhaus/ moun (in the past in Britain) a House owned by a charity where Poor people (usually the old) lived without paying Trent aloe /'alao; NAmE'aelou/ noun atropical plant with thick leaves With sharp points:that contain a lot of water. The juice of some types of aloe is used in medicine and COsMETICSaloe vera/,aeleaog'vIera; NAmE ,zloo 'vIra/ ou 站 [U] a substance which comes from a type of aloe, used in prodticts such as skin creams 2 [C] the aloe that this substance comes from

alo 低/sloft; NAmEalozft/ adv (formal) high in the air aloha /alaoha; NAmiE alouha/ exclamation a Hawaiian expression, used to sayhello or goodbye

aoha shirtnovn = HAWAIIAN SHIRT 本loOme 0 /alaun; NAmmEaloun/ ad [not before noun] adv 1 withoutanyother people:TdomtIike going OUEalone Qt might SEEe 1iyes alone. C Finalyy the to of us Were alone togethier co She Was 5itting alL alome 训 雪 e haLL 2 TDp7m mot alome 训 启nding Rick jard to Work With. 也 Without the help of other people or things: Js hard bringing UP children alore.S The assassimn said jhe had acted alone. 3 lonely and Unhappy or without any friends: Carol 人引 all alopne 六 切 e World CTye been so alone Since YOU Went away 4 used after a noun or Pronoun to show that the Person or thing mentioned is the only one: Zou Ca 七 DIaTme anmyome else: YOU alone mmade 纺e decisiom. 5 used after a notn or pronotun to emphasize one Particular thing: Te sphoes alorie COStE200,IEI go 让 alone to do sth without help from anyone: Amdrew decided to 80 让 alonre amd start his 0Owm pusiness. leave/let sb alone to stop annoying sb or trying to get their attention: She asKed to be Lefi alomne but the Press Photograpjers Joliow Fer eyerywWheres leave/let sth alone to stop totching, 一Ieaye 7mmy changing,,or moving sthz Tye toldyou before thimngs alonel letalone Used after a statemnent to emnphasizethatbecause the firstthingis nottrue orPpossible, the

almost .nearly .practically 丁hese three words have similar meaningsand are used frequently with the following words: almost ~ nearly ~ practically ~




all every

al always

every no



entirely impossible empty

| ttea

| Vivan

| 台 wet | 二zoo

| T shoe

Impossible anything

下 They are used in positive sentences: She alimosYnearly/ Practically /missed her troim They can be used before wordslike al every and everybody: Nearly qil the Students have bikes cjyegotpractiically eyemy GD theyyve ”made. Practicallyisused more in spoken than in written English. Nearly is the most common with numbers: Jpere were nearly 200 People af ibe /meeting. Theycan also be used in negative sentences but itis more common to make a positive sentence with only: just: Weonlyjustgottihere 站 me (or: We almosynearly

didntgettheremm tnme) 目 Almost and practically can be used before words like

any anypody anmythimg, etc.: 1 eatalmostanyth108. Youcanalso usethem before no, nobody mever etc. but itismuch more commonto use hardly or scarcely with amy anybody eveP etc.: Shes hardlyeyerim (or Shes almostneyver 门 .、 和 目 Almost can be used when you are sayingthat one thing issimilarto another: Jhe boot/ooked almoestjikeo tox 目 In BrEyou can useyveand so before nearly: He was Very nearly COUSht

note at HARDiy organizations or ideas: These islands'are too smallto stand alone as independentstates. 了 tobenotnearother objects or buildings: The arch once stood alone at the entrance t the castle. 一more at TIME1. alons 0 /31D00; NAmEal1520/ PreP,0dVY 目 记/ep fromoneend toortowardsthe other end of sth: They Walked slowly along the road: 2 工IooKked alorg the shelves for 所e book Tmneeded. 2 in alinethatfolows the side of sth long: Houses had peemn built along both sides of the river 3.ataparticular point on or beside sth long: Zou 记 nd jiis ofice jstalong 雪 ecorridor 四 0dfv. For the special uses ofalong in phrasal Verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example get along With sb is i Phrasal Verb section at get. 1 forward:T

alone .ionely . Ione onyour own, by yourself which are less , 上 Alone, and formal and arethe normal phrases used in spoken , English, describe a person orthing thatis separate from _ others. They do not mean that the person is unhappy: / Jikepeingoloneimn thehouse elm goingtoLondon py ImyseF next Week el wantiio 太nish tihis on myown(= without anyoneshelp) , Lone/solitary/single meanthatthereisonly one person orthing there; lone and solitary may sometimes suggestthatthe speakerthinks the person involvedis lonely:a/onejoggerimn 加epaclong Soliamy walks 下 Lonely(NMmEalsolonesomejmeansthatyou are alone andsad:al/onelychildesarm waqsyem Jonely whenheJirst

next thing cannot be true or possible either: There zsm elOug有 TOO Jor US Let Qlonte QT SUeS克- stand alone Ttobeindependentornotconnected with other people,


, finished died

| 5 vision

novedg to New yo 大 此 can also describe places or

activitiesthat makeyoufeellonely:' aonely hnouse., | tchain

| d5 jam

| ethin

| 5this

| D sing


42 |

Was just Walking along singing to 7nyselF c He pointed ou yarious 1amndmarks as we droye along. 了 with sb: Weye goingjoraswin. Why dontyou come along2c7I 人 bealong (= 了lljoin you) iajew minutes. 3 towards abetter state


position: The books comming along micely [rm along

with sb/sth in addition to sbysth; in the same way as

alpine /aelpamy/ adj, OUn 旦 0dj. existing in or connected with High Inountains; especially the Alps in Central Europe 下 11OU1 anyPlantthat grows beston mountains Alpine Skiing :moun [U] the sport of sKIING down mountains 一compare NORDIC SKIING alipi-nist /'alpImrst/ nouUnm aperson Who climbs high

mountains as a Sport, especially in the Alps /aelpmarzeamy/ noumn [U]

Sb/sth: She 1ost jher job When the jactory closed along

already om和 /olredilody

With humdreds of others.



Tbefore now or before a particular time in the Past: TUPch2 Wo thanks Tve alreadyeaten.2e We gotthereearty DUEMIKe had already left 了 Used to express surprise that sth has happened so'soon or so early: Ts it I0 ofclock aL ready? C Jpure mot:leaying already are you? 3 used to emphasize that a Situation Or PTOblem exists: 77m already late. e There arejortoo 7namny people already We cariittake aPY Tnore.[IPII see ENOUGHdet

/alon'sard; NMAmEaslo-/ prep

了 nextto oratthe side ofsth:4police carpulled up alongside US. 2 together with or at the same time as sth/sb: Traditiomal belieAs sl jiourish alongside a modern urbam Lifestyle. along'side adv: Nick causjt UP With me amd Tode alongside.

aloo (alsoalu )/aeluz/ noun [U] (ndE) potatoes aloof /aluf/ ad [not usually before noun] not friendly or interested in other people DISTANT, REMOTE > aloofness

mou1 [U]mra keep/hold (yourself) aloof

|remain/stand aloof

to notbecome involved in sth; to

already .just . yet

Show no interest in people: The Emperor KeptPirmasel aloof 方om the people.



Already and yet are usually used with the present perfecttense, but in N4mEthey can also be used with the simple pasttense: /already did 让 ecDilyoueat yetz Howeven this is much more common in spokenthan

/alaud/ ady

Tin a voice that other people can hear: The teacher 1tened to the children reading aloud. c He read the 1etter aloudto Us: 2 WjhatarmTgoing to do2shewondered aloud. 只 note atLOUD 2 in aloud voice': She cried aloud m Pro-

in written English and someAmericans do not consider

iacceptable, even in speech. The present perfect is

more common in NmEand almost always used in

test See THINKYV al-paca /aelpaekae/ novun 了 [Cl aSAmerican animalthat is Telated to the LLAMA and has long hair 2 [U] a type of

BrE: /yealready done 让 CHaoveyoveaten ye 刀

Just is mostly used with the perfect tenses in BrEand with the simple past in NAmE: /yeyJusthodsomepbod Jews. (Br 日c1justgotsome 5ad mews (NAm 月、

Soft wool or cloth made from the hair ofthe alpaca, Used especially for making expensive clothes: am alpaca coat


/aelponhom; MAmE -hozmn/ (alsoalp.horn )

mouU1n a Very long wooden mnusical instrument that you blow into, used for signalling in the Alps alpha /aelfe/ noun the first letter of the Greek alphabet

(A, ol)



/aelfebet/ noun

asetofletters or Symbols in afixed orderidsed for Writing alanguag From alpha and peio, the first twoletters of the Greek alphabet.

alright /o:lrart/ adv (CO




/alfe'betikl/ ad

1 according to the correct order of the letters of the alphabet: The nameso the list are in alphabetical order

2 = ALPHABETICe al-pha'bet'ic'al'Iy TarlSed/ilisted/stored alphabetically


/kli/ ad ar-

(BrEalsaise ) /aelfebataiz/ verb [VN] to

airange a list of words in alphabetical order

ialphabet 'soup moun [u] 1 (informaj language which

is extremely difficult to understand, especially because 让 contains Iany Symbols or abbreviations _2 SOUP _that contains PASTA in the shape of letters alpha'male moun [usually sing.] the man or male animal 职 aparticular group who has the most Power alphamnumeric ./aelfenjuzmerIk; NAmE -numer-/


/kxl/) ad containing both let-

ters and numbers: an alphamurmeric code

alpha particle

mown (techmical) the NUCLEUS of a HE-

LIUM atom; a PARTICLE With a Positive electrical charge

passing through it, that is produced in a nuclear reaction

alpha radiation

wown [U] (iechmical) a type of RADTI-

ATION Which comes from some substances when they deca 一compare y GAMMA RADIATION

moun(technicaj atestdone byacompanyona

new product that they are developing 一compare BETA

TEST alpha-test verb [VN] alp.horn /alphom; NmE-hoxrn/ noun = ALPENHORN


mal writing. Alsa'tian /aliserfn/ (Br6 (alsoGerman_'shepherd

AAmE BrE) noun alarge dog;, often trained to help the Police, to guard buildings or (especially in the US) to help blind people find their way

also. as well . too

a Written or Printed character) being one ofthe letters of

the alphabeb rather than a_number or other Symbol 一


People consider that this form should not be used in for

al.pha.bet:ic /aelfetbetrk/ (alsaahphabet'ical )adi (of



Alsoismoreformalthan aswelland too, anditusually comes before the main verb or after be: 1 went io Neyy Yomk /astyear and 1also spentsometme 太 Wasjimrgior

In BrEitisnot usually used atthe end ofa sentencei ToOo is much more common in spoken and informal English. Htis usually used atthe end of a sentence: 77 going

homenow: ycometoo in BrEas wellis usedlike too, butin NAmEitsounds formal or old-fashioned、 When you wantto add a second negative pointin a negative sentence, use not...either: sjhe hasmn六phoned

and she haqsntwriiten either Ifyouareaddinga、 negatiye point to a positive one, you can Use not...as Welltoo: Yowcan haveag purger but youicanihiave Jies G5 We儿

alsa@ 0

/olseau; NAImE'olsoU/ adv

(not used with negative verbs) i addition; too:.Shes 用uwentin French andGerrman She also speaks aittleJtalian TuUDpella also Knowma5S Germaia measlesCrdidnIike 让 庚at 7mUch. A15o, 让 Was TUch too expehisive. C Jakes 如 ther hnad also peen a doctor (= both jake and his father were doctors). C She was not only inteliigentbut atso Very 7mmusicaL also-ranm nouna Person who is not Successfulrespecially in acompetition or anelection altar /ozltaGD/ moun a Holy table in aehnuirch or TEMPTE太 e higFraltar (= the most important one in a particular

church)Imrm at/on the altar of sth


sth thatyou think is worth suffering for Re was Wiling to SaCTiice is happiness OP the aliar of /me.

acat | c father | eten | 3: bird | ea about | Tsit | 天 see | imany | p got (Br6 | orsaw | Acup | oput | urtoo

alternative 'medicine "oun [CU] any type of treat-

other piece of art located near the ALTAR in a church

ment that does not Use the usual scientific methods of Western medicine, for example one using plants instead of artificial drugs al.ter.ma-tor /ozltenerteCD; NAmE -termn-/ noOUn a device, Used especially in a cam that pIoduces an ALTERNATING CURRENT

aIter 0 /oilteC)/ ve 几 1 to become different; to make sb/sth different: [V] Prices did not alter Sig7iiicamtty during 2004. C He had aLtered so much Tscarcely recogriized jhim. 2 [VN] 牙 doesPmt alterthewayTIfeelL Nothing can alter thejJactthatweare to blame.CTPhe landscape has beenradically altered severeyy damaging wildl 交 . 了 [VN] to make changes to a Piece of clothing so thatitwill fit yoOu better alteration /ozltererfn/ movunT [Gq achangeto sth that makes it different: miajor/minor alterations 2 They are TmnaKing some alterations to the house. 2 an alteraftion 训 态e Dabys heartbeat 2 贡] the act of making achange to sth: The dress w 记 motmeed muUch alteratiom. alterca:tion /ozltekerfn; NAmE terk-/ 1oun [CU] (加 广 mmal anoisy argument or disagreement

alterego /zlter'ige0; o1-; NAmE

althmnouglh on (alsoUSinyormolaltho)/515su;

NAmEo:iang/ com/. 1 used for introducing a statement that makesthe main THOUGH: statement in a Sentence Seem SUIPrising Although the Sumn Was Shining 让 Wasnt Very Warm 2 AL though small,the Kitchen 让 Well designed, 字 Used to

mean btb or 中owever when you are coOmimenting on a statement: 工 帮1Ehe Was Wrong althoUgh Tdidmnt say SO Qt the tme:

衬gou/ noUT(PL alter

egos) 作 询 Latinm) Taperson whose personality is different frormmyotr own but who shows or acts as another Side of your personality: SUpermamns alter ego Was CIQTK Kent 2 aclosefriend who is Very like yourself altermate 0d1, Verb noOU1 昌 0dj, /altanet; NAmE 'ozternat/ [usually before noun] T (of two things) happening or following one after the other regularly: alternate Iayers OF 方Uit amd creamt 之 让 sth happens on alternate days, nights, etc. it happens on one day'etc. but not on themext: Johr has to Work om alternate Suhndays. 3 (especiall NAmE) = ALTERNATIVE P alternately adv: HejLt altermately hot and cold. 一 Awith NAmE-tern-/1_IVN]~AandB-| 上 VE 几 Ce Bto makethings or People follow one afterthe otherina Tepeated pattern: Alternate CUbes of mmeat a1ad slices of red Pepper 2 Alternate cUbes of mmeat With slices of red Pepper 2 [v]~ (with sth) (ofthings or People) to followone after the other 于 arepeated pattern: altermating dark and pale Stripes CDarK Stripes alternate With Pale onLes. 3 [V]~between A and B to keep changing 他om one thing to another and back again: Her mood alternated betWweePt

happiness _and



although .even though . though 曙 You can usethese words to show contrast between two clauses or two sentences. Though is used more in

spoken than in written English. You can use although, eyen though and though at the beginning of a sentence or clause that hasa verb. Notice where the , commas go: Althoughy/Even hougjThnousgh eyemyone played well we /ostthegome ceWeJostthegame 1 althougheyen 太oughthough evemyone Played we外

四 Youcannot useeven on its own atthe beginning ofa sentence or clause instead of although, even though



NAOE aseltmmaeter/ mouUm an

instrumentforshowing height above sealevel used especially in an aircraft

altitude /aeltittjud; NMAmE-tuzd/ novn 了 [C usually sing.]

the height above sealevel: We are fbing at am altitude of The plane made a diye to a Iower altitude. 6000 7meires 2 [cusually pl.,U] a place that is high above sea level: Snowleopards live atjiigfaltitudes. The athletes trained at altitude im Mexico Ciby altitude sickness "oun [U] ilness catlised by a lack of OXYGEN, becatuse of being Very high above sea level, for example on a mountain


angles) 00Um [pl] (Seomal ternate 'angles (alsoon'ZOpposite sides of a line that etmy] equal angles formed crosses two Darallel lines, in the Position of the inner CORRESPONDLE angles of a Z 一picture 吃 ANG一COmpare

Alt key (alsoAIT key) /oat ki:/ novmakeyon acomPpUter

keyboard Which you press while Dressintg other keys, 记 orderto change their function


[uC] (bb AC) an electtic alternating'currentits 00U direction at Tegular interVals

alto /aelteo; NAmE'aeltou/ nOum, 0d noOuUm (Dos)1 (alsocomtraito) [q asinging Voice with

current thaP changes nd DIRECT CURRENT 一compare manytimes a seco


je 访

orthough: ye

NAmE term-/ noun [u,G: the alternation of day and might 四 /OU1 /5:ltarnat; NAImE -tern-/ (NAm 有日a person who does ajob for sb who is away

到 |Lter-ma.tive



'altariboy "ovna boywho helps the priest in church serVices, especially in the Roman Catholic church altarpiece /azltepis; NAmE -terp-/ nouwn a painting or

alower range than that of a SOPRANO; a PerSoOn With an alto voice 2 [sing.] a musical part that is written for an

/2:1tametrv; NAIE :tarmz-/


1OUm; Gd

amOuUn athing thatyou can chooseto do orhave outof two

By 四 gdlj. [only before noum] (of a musical instrument) with the or more possibilities: You canm be Paid 识 cash weeKkly or second highest range of notes in its grOUP: Qm alto SaQXOcheque mopnthly; 坊ose are 切 etwo alternatives. 信 We had7io 产 e SOPRANO, TENOR 一compare Dhon altermative butto fire Gibson CThereta yegetariarmalte Pative on 妇e 7mnenueyery day. 只 Dote atOPTION alto:.cumu:Ius /alteokju:mjolas,NAmE -tooK-/ moOun

四 0dj. [only before noun] 1 (also alternate especially ip

[u,d(plaltocumui /aa :li/)(technicoalayerof round

NAm 有 that can be used instead of sth else:.am altermatiye 7method ofdoings 雪 2Doyoujhave an aitermnative SOIUGOTL2 sth 2 differentfrom thetsual ortraditional way in which alteris done: alternaftive comedyVLifestyles/Values Pative emerSy (三 electricity OF POWeT that is prodtced using the energy from the sun, WwWind, water etc:)

afternative 'fuel ov

clouds with flat bottoms lying at medium height, or One ofthe clouds which form this layer

[Cu] fuel which can be used

边stead of FossIL FUELS Such as coal and oil, and instead

of nuclear fuel


0- /5:ltamatIvli; NAmE

-tarmn-/ acdv

choice or Used to introduce a suggestion that is a Second Jor Possibility: The agercy W 记 make trayel arramgemtents OT yoUu. Alternatiyely YOU caQP organizeyOUFr OWP traTLSP

u actual

| army

| ao now

| er say

| sc go (BrE)-

altOeetlher 0 /ozlte'gege(r)/ adv, noun (usedtoemphasize sth) completely; in every Way: 上 0dv.T The rrain Wentslowerarntd sloweruntil 让 Stopped altogether CTdontaltogether agree With you Tamlmot altogether jhappy about the decision. 2 下 Was am altogether different 5ituation. 2 usedtogive atotal number or amount: YOU owe me &68 altogether 3 used to introduce a SUmmaIY When youhave mentioned a number of different things: Thefoodwasgood and We loved the music. Altogether 让 WasS Qagreateyventing. 只 Dote on next page

OUn II in the alto'gether (old-joshioned,informal)

Without any clothes on

| ou go (MAmBE)

| or boy

| re near

| ea hair

| ue pure


44 | Alz'heim:ers dis'ease


diziz; NAmE

-arZ/ (also Alz.heim'ers) 1OUn [U] a seriotus disease, especially affecting older People, that prevents the brain

_wHicH woRp?

人 from functioning normally and catuses loss of Inemory Joss ofabilityto speak clearly, etc. SENILE DEMENTIA

altogether , all together 至 Altogetherand all together do not mean the same thing. Altogether means 'in total or (in Br 日 -completely: We have jnvited jijiy people altogether 21 1 notaliogetherconmyinced py 加isargument

AM /er'em/ abbr amplitude modulation (one of the main Imethods of broadcasting soundbyradio) ami /am; strongjomm sm/cBE

相 -I。0

(NMmmEalsoA.M.) /et'em/ abbr

between midnight and midday (from Latin ante meridiem'): starts at 10 amm. 一compare P.M. amalh /amae/ moun (in SorE Asia) a woman employed by

吾 All together means 'all in one place' or all at onee' CO1 yoOUPUEYOUr bpooks all iogetherin tinhispoxpzelets

Sing .Happy Birtpday: AHiogethernow/


afamily to clean, care for children, etc. amal.gam /amaelgam/ noun 了 [Cusuallysing.] ~ (of sth) (Jormal) a mixture or combination of things: The 万1m

clouds lying at medium height or one ofthe cloudswhich form this layer

Iixture of MERCURY and ,another metal, used especially to fill holes in teeth





00U1 [U,G] alto.strati /tar; -tiz/) (techmical) a layer of flat

altru'ism /aeltrurzemy/ noun [uU] (Jormaj the factof car ing about the needs and happiness of other people more

than your own PP aftru'istic /,过 ltruTstik/ adj.: altruistic


alu = ALoo alum /zlem/ noun [U] a substance formed from ALUMINIUM/ALUMINUM and another metal used, for example, to Prepare leather and to change the colour of things


/aluzmma/ noun [U] (techmical) a white sub-

stance found in many types of rock, especially cLAY

alu':min:ium /aljsmmiam; ,sle-/ (Br (NAmEalu.mi-

num /sluzmmam/) noun [U] (symbAl) a chemical element: Aluminium is a light,silvergrey metal used for making pans, etc.: alurminiurm saucepahusAvindow 万ames alurminiurm foil(= forexample, for wrapping food in) alummna /alamna/ moun (plLalum'nae /ni/)(Jormah especialy MImp) a former woman student of a School, college

or University alumni /al4Ammnar/ noun [pl] (especialy NAAmaBthe former male and female students of a School, college or UniverSity: Baryvard AIummi Association


/alamnaes/ noun (p/-alumni /nar/) (Jorma/

especially Nm 有 a former male student of a School, college or university



BrE: also ,aelvieolaGr)/


(phometics) a speech sound made with the tongue totching the part of the mouth behind the UPpPer front teeth, forexample /t/ and /dj intieand diee alveolar adf

alveo.Jus /alvi:alas,, BrE also ,aelvieulas/ moU1 (DLL 引 veoli /alvi:alar; li; BrE also selvi'eolar, Jiz/) (anatomy)

one of the many small spaces in each lung where gases can pass into orout ofthe blood



/olweIz/ adv

1 at all times; on every occasion: Theres QlWays .SOTmeBody at hormne 总 切e eyenmings. 2Ahways Ilockyour car co She QlWways arTiyes at Z30.C The children aways seem to be RUPn87X CO We7e miot always this Dusy! 2 for a long time; Since you can remember: Pat has QIWays 1oved gardening. 2 This 六 切 eWay Weye always done 让 w Ti Paimting 认 Ye1X 800d -一Ellie alWways Was yery good af art (= soit is not VeIy SUIPIising), 2 Did youv always want to be an actor? 3 for all future time: ZE aways Iove yoU 肥 放 you saya Person is always doing sth, or sth is always happeni ng, you mean that they do it, or 让 happens, very often, and that this is annoying: She% QlWays criticizing me O That

Dhones always ringing。、 Scan/could always .., there's always ..。 tused to suggest a Possible course of action: 矿 让 doesntt Fib5 you canm always take 让 pack. e


camtPelp, theres alwaysyJohm. [mr as always asUsually happens or is expected AS USUAL: 4s always, Poly Was late forschool. 一more atoONCEadv alys.sum /aelisem; alrsem/ noun [CU] one of several types of Plant. Some types,with small White,blue,or Pink 提owers, are common in gardens. bbad

| ddid

| ffall

| g get

| hhat

| jyes

Script 1 ar amalgsam ofall 切ree books. 2 [U] (techmicah a


/amalgamert/ vemb ~ (sth) (wityinto

sth) 1 if two organizations amalgamate or are amalSamated, they join together to form one large organization MERGE: [V] The compamny has mow amalgarmiated With antother Iocal 记rm. CA Pzmaber of colleges haye amaL8ammated to form tbe new Uniyersib e [VN] The thwo comPanies Were amlalgamated into one.-4 They decided to

amtalsamate the two schools. 2 [VN] ~ sth (into/with sth)

to put two or more things together so that they form one MERGE: This 训formatiomn Ww记 pe amalgamated with zformatorm obtained earIier 区 amalgamation /samazelgemeIfn/ noun [U,G :the amalgamatiom oF small farrms into larger UPits amanu'en.sis /amaenju'ensis/ mour (Pamanu:enises /siz/) (formal/) 1 a person who writes down yoUr words when you cannot write, forexample 让 youare injured and have an exam

or types for sb


2 an assistant, especially one Who writes

/,amareti/ novn [pl.] small Italian biscuits

that taste of ALMONPDS

amayl.lis /amarars/ noun [Co] atal White; pink or red flower shaped like a TRUMPET

amasi /ama:si/ (alsomaas)7moun [WU] (SA1rE)sour milk amass /3maes/ ve/b [VN] to collect sth, sspecially 忆 large quantities ACCUMULATE: He amassed a fortumne silver mnining. 上 note atCOLLECT


ama'teur /amateG); -tJaG)/ 0oun, ad

中 00U1 卫 a person who takes partin a Sport or other activity for enjoyment, not as a job: The tournament 疼 Opem to po 妇 amateurs ad professionals. 了 (usually disapprov-

jn8) a Person who is not Skilled: THhis Work Was done pya

DuTch of amateurs! [gg PROFESSIONAL amateurism /aematerIzam; -tf a-/ mouUn [U]: New rules om Qiateuris7 mm alilow payrmentjor promotiomnal worK.

昌 Gdj. 1 [usually before noun] doing sth for enjoyment or interesb not as ajob: am amateur Dhotographer 了 [usually before noun] done for enjoyment not as a job: armnateur athletics 3 三 AMATEURISH [Gag PROFESSIONAL


movn [U] (BrEjthe activity ofpro-

ducing and acting in plays forthe theatre, bypeople who doitfor enjoyment not asajob


/aematerrJ; tfe-/ (also amiateur ) ad

(usually disapproving) notdone ormade wall OF With Skill: Detectiyes descriped the purglaryasCrude and armmateuris7



ama'tory /amaetari NAmE:tori/ ad [only before noun] (Jormalor humorous) relating to or connected with sexual desire or activity: jis amatory exXploits

本 IiaaZe 0

/amerz/ veb

to Surprise sb very much: [VN] Just the size of the place amazed her C [VN wh-] Piever ceases to Gaze Te What some people wiz do for money C What amazes me 熙 how Ionrg she 7nanased to hide 认 方om Us. SIVN (that)] 琵 amzazed her thathe could beso calm atsucha tme 只 note atSURPRISE [also VNto in 人

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nanow

| pen

| red

amazed om /emerzd/ ad/. ~ (at/by sb/sth) |~ (how/that …) |~ (to see,find, learn, etc.) Very SUIPIised: au amzazed silence COTWas amazed at her Kriowledse of French Literature.C We were amazed by his 8enierosity CTWas bamnging so 1oudlyTrm amazed (thab) they didmt hear me. COShe Was aimazed how Little he had cha7iged. We Were amazed to 广nd 坊 at Po Onie Was PUT

amaze:ment /smeIzmaent/ noun [U] a feeling of great SUIPTise: To my amazernentb he remembered me. C She IooKked at him in armazermentt.

本四 本 :1 过 拉克


/ameIzIm/ ad

VeIy SIPrising, especially in a way that makes you feel Pleasure or admiration ASTOUNDING,,INCREDIBLE: a1L_ amazing achieyernentdiscoyery/Success/perforrmanmce C Thats amazing,isnit 让 ?2C Ts amazing how quickly People adapt amazing-ly ady: Ammazingly mo one moticed. 2 The mealwWwas armazingiy chneap. Amazon /zemazen; NAmEalso Zamy/ noun 了 (iD ancient Greek stories)awoman from agroup offemale WwWARRIORS

(=:soldiers) 2 amazon(literaom)j atallsttrong woman ambas-sador /zemhbasads)/ movn an official who lives 记 a foreign country as the senior Tepresentative there of his of herown country: the Britishn Ambassador to [Italyin Rommexaformer ambassadortoteUNe(Hguratrve) The bestarmbassadors:for 妇e sport are the DIayers.

> am.bassadorial /sm,basesa'do:riel/ adf/.



(especialy NAm 日 am

ambassador with -special duties who is not attached to anyPparticular couUntry

aim'bas.sadiress /zem'bzsedres/ noun'a female ambasSador aimlber /aembaG)/ movm [U] 1 a hard clear yellowishbrown substancei used in making decorative objects oOFr jswellery: amzber beads 2 ayellowish-brown colour: Te faffic 1igjtsyWwere om ampber 基 amberadh:

amber fluid (also amber 'liquid) novn [u] (Avstra启 informal/)beer amirlber. gris /2mbagris; -gris; NAmE'aImbar-/ nowm [U] aisubstance that is Used in making Some PEREUMES. Itis Produced naturallyby a type ofWHALE.

amlbi- /ambi/ prefjx (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs) Ieferring to both of two: armbidextrous 2 ambiyalentt

ambidex:trous /,2mbi'dekstres/ adj. able to use the lefthand or the righthand equally well

aim.bience (also am.bi:ance) /2mbisns/ movn [sing.] the character and atmosphere of a Place: 妨 e relaxed ar7mDiemnce of the city

aim-bi-ent /'zembient/ adj. 1 [only before noun] (techmicalj relating tothe surrounding area; on all sides: amabient termmperature/ligFtAcomnditions 了 (especially of iusic) creating a relaxed atmosphere: Q co7mpilation of aTmBientelectronic musice so 万amibientLighting

amibi.gu. 计y /,z2mbrgju:eti/ nown (Pp/ =ies) 1 [U] the state'of having more than one possible meaning: Write clear definitions' in order to ayoid ampbiguib: 2 [C a Word or statemerit that can be Understood ip more than one Way: There Were Seyeral 训 comlsistetcies aid Qupigu让 es 识 herspeech 3 [CU] the state of being difficult to understand or explain because of involving many different aspects: Zou 7muSE Understand 雪e amDiguib of TY Dosio7.

aim.bigu-Ous /am'brgjues/:ad/ Tthat can be under stood in more than one way; having different meanings: antampbiguous Word/terrm/statement2 万erQCCOLREWQS deliberately ambiguous. 了 not clearly stated or defined: 了 isrole has always peen amDpiguoU5. [3 UNAMBIGUOUS > am.bigu.ous:Iy ady: ar amDpiguous1y WOraed agreeTnentt ambit /zsmbrt/ movn [sing.] (formah the Tange of the authority or influence of sth: This casejJol5 cleary Within the ampit of thne 2007 act


0m /ammbrmn/ novn ~ (to be/dosth) |

一 (of being/doing sth) 1 [aq something that you want to do or achieve Very much: She neyver achieved Fer ampbition of pecoming Q


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| 过 zoo | Tshoe



如 immous writer Cis purning amb 让 om Was to Study mmedicine.C 下 had been herLifelong ambition co poLiticalLZLiterary/sSporting ampbitionrs 2[U] the desire or determination to_ be successful,,rich,Powerful,etc.: Imotiyated by personal armpbiton ceShe was intelligertt DuL SUHfered From a lack of amb 让 om.

am-bi'tious /am'brfas/ odj 1 determined to be successful,rich,powerful,etc.: da Jiercely armzb 让 osS Young Tnanager C They Were yery armbitious for their children (=

they wanted them to be Successful),

之 needing a lot of

effort money or time to succeed: the goyvermnrments QTmDitious planas for social reforrn [aa UNAMBITIOUS ” am.bitious.ly adv

aim:bivalent /zambrvelant/ adj ~ (about/towards sb/ sth) having or showing both good and bad feelings about sb/sth; She seerms to feel armbiyalent about her new job. 和 Je has aa armbivalent attitude towards her PP am.bivalence movn [U,sing.] ~ (about/towards sby/sth): Mamy People feel some amDivalence toWards televisiort and its 扩 ctonr ourlives. am:bivalently adv amlblie /aembl/ ve 悄[V+advVprep]towalkataslowielaxed Speed STROLL: We ambiled dowm to the beacf.

am'bro.sia /aem'breuzie; NAmE -brou-/ noun [U] 1 (ip ancient Greek and Roman stories) the food of the gods 2 (iterom) something that is very Pleasantto eat

am.jou.jaimce 0 /ambjalans/ noun avehicle with special equipment, used for taking sick or injured people to a_ hospital: the ambularce service 和 amiDuIamce sta 矿 Call art abpuiamncel

aimbulance chaser 5oumn (pformaljl disapproving, especially NAmE) a lawyer who earns money by encouraging People who have been in an accident to make claims in


ambulanceworker "ovn(Br6 aperson who drives an ambulance and treats sick or injured People beiore they are taken to ahospital 一comPpare PARAMEDIC



(also am:bu'latory)


(medical) (of a patient) able to walk; not having to stay in bed


/2mbjalateri; NAmE :tori/ ad T (or

/malj) relatedto or adaptedfor walking: amarmpulatory cor广 ridor 2 (Jormaj that is not fxed 也 one Place and can Iove around easily MOBILE: GT ambulatory care se 六

Vice 3 (mmedical) = AMBULANT aim'oush /aeambof/ movn;, ve上b 上四 IOU1 [CU] the act ofhiding and waiting for sb and then Imaking asurprise attackonthem: Two soldiers were Killed 识 aterrorist ambush 2 They Were 1ying in amzbusf wa让 ingjorthe aid conyoy. 昌 yerbp [VN] to make a surprise attack on sb/sth from ahidden Position: The 8guerrillas ambushed 太 erm mear the Bridge. ce(Jigurative) She was ambushed by reporters.

ameba;armeb.ic (0WS) = AMOEBA, AMOEBIC ameliOorate /ami:lierert/ verb [VN] (formal) to make sth better: Steps haye been taken to armeliorate 纺e Situ-

atior. aimen Word nay

ee amelioration /amiliererfn/ mov7 [U] (alsoAmen) /dmen; ermen/ exclamatom, noOuwn a used at the end of Prayers and HYMNS,meaning 让 be so: We asK

坊6 througP our Lord Amen,

Armmnen to that(= 工certainly agree with that). amen:able /amimebl/ cd 1 ~(tosth) (ofpeople) easy to control; willing to be influenced by sbysth: They jhad 太 ree very amemable children. 2 Te seeTmed 7most amterniable to my iaea. 了2 一 tosth (formal) that you can treat in a Particular way: 他armlet is the Jeastarmenableiof all ShaKkeSpeaTes plays to being SUTmTmarized. aimend /amend/ ve 户 [VN] to change a law, document, statement, etc. slightly in order to correct a mistake or to

jimprove'it: Be asKed to see the amertded yersion.


/samendmant/ noun T [GuU] ~ (to sth) a

small change or improvement that is made to alaw ora document; the process of changing alaw or a document:

| 5yvision

| tchain

| d5jam

| 89thin

| 5this

| 0 sing


46 | Aimerican football(6r 昌 (NA 万Efoot'ball) moom [ua

to itroduce/propose/table ar armeridrment (= to Sug-gestit) 2 She made seyeral 7minor amerid7mients to her esSay. 2 Parliarment passed the Dill Without 包rther amermdment 2 Amendment [C astatement ofa change to the CONSTITUTION ofthe US: The 19th Amenarmentgaye women the right to vote.


/amendz/ noun [pl] [mr make amends (to

sb) (for sthjfor doing sthj io do sth for sb in order tp show that yot are SOIITy for sth wrong or Unfair that you

have done MAKE UP FOR STH amen'ity /amizmati; NAmE smenaeti/ moun_ [usually pl.] (p/ -ies) a feature that makes a Place pleasant,comfortable or easy to jlive in: The caTmpsite zclose to all Iocal ameiities. 2 Mamny of the houses IacKked eyen basic amemiies (= for example, baths, showers, hot water).





/amenaerie; NAmE ermen-/ moun [U] (medicol) a condition in which an adult woman does not MENSTRUATE (三 there is no flow ofblood from her woMB every month) Amerasian /amarerfn; -rer5n/ noun a person with one Asian parent and one Parent from the US > Amerasian ad

American /amerrken/ noun, ad AMERICAN,NATIVE

theball over the other teams line. 一picture 愉 FOOTBALL

American inclian moun = NATIVEAMERICAN Ameri'can'ismn /emmerIkenIzeam/ noun 了 [CI a word, phrase or Spelling that is typical of American English, used in another variety of English 了 [U] the essential quality ofbeing American

Ameri'can'ize (BrE also -ise) /amerikenarz/ ye由 [VN]

to make sby/sth American 记 character * American'1za-

tion, -isation /smerekemnarzerfn; NAmmE 了 9Z-/7TOUm EU]

the American League moun (in the Us) one of the two organizations for professional BASEBALIL 一See also


Aimerican plan noun [U] = FULL BOARD ameriCcium /,zamarIsieam; -rrJi-/ noun [U] (symbpAm) a chemical element. Americium is a RADIOACTIVE metal.


/aimerrkoxoD)/ noun a' US- organization

whose members help in their communitiesi-for example bybuilding and repairing homes, cleaningparks and preventing crime. Members -can receive money to pay. for their education.






旦 IOUm 1 a person from America, especially the US 一see


game played by two teams of 11 Players, Using an'OVAL ball which players Kick, throw, or carry. Teams try to Pt


了 (also

American English) the English language as spoken 训

ameth.yst /'aeamaltrst/ moun [CU] a purple sEMIPRECIOUS STONE, Used iD making jewellery: am amethyst7img

是 0dl. of or connected with N or S America, especially the

ami'able /emiebl/ odj pleasant; friendly and easy to like AGREEABLE: at amiable tone OfVoice C Her Dar

American as apple pie used to say that sth is typical

noun [U] amiably odv: 了hats fine>he Teplied amiably.

the US

US: 7

American. CO American culture/tourists IE as

of America

MoRE ABOUT America 瑟 The continent ofAmericais divided into North America and South America, The narrow region joining North and south America is Central America. 时 North America, which is a geographicalterm, consists ofthe United States of America; Canada and Mexico. Latin America, a cultural term, refers to the nonEnglish speaking countries of Central and South America where mainly Portuguese and spanish are spoken: Mexicois part ofLatin America: 如 The United states of America is usually shortened to the USA, the Us, the states orsimplyAmerica: he Us Presidentc Have youeverbeen to the Siates> cshe elmigraied io A/merica m 17995. Many people from other parts of the continent dislike this use ofAmerica to mean justthe Us, but itisvery common. 时 Americanis usually used to talk about somebody or Something from the United states of America: Do yov have an Americqm passport2CAmericanjootbalc im notfArmericam 1mconadian. Latin American and South American are Used to referto other parts of the

continent: Latm American dance musiccQuiteayotof Sou 太 Americans siudy here.

ents Seemted Very


amiability /emmie'brleti/

ammic'able /zamikebl/ ad done orachievedin a polite or friendly way and without arguing: ar armmicable relatiomlship 2 An amicable set8erment Was reached. amicably adv W

amid /amrd/ (also mid, amidst /amzrdst/) prep (Jorma1n Tin the middle of or during sth,,especially sth that causes excitement or fear: Fe 太inished his speech armmid treTendous applause. CThe firrm colapsed amid allegations of 万aud. SuUIIOUnded by sth: The hotel was 识 a beautfi Position amid Iemom Sroves.

amid'ships /amzrdfms/ adv (techmnisoj) in ,or near the middle part of a ship 5 amino acid /amimau'aesId; NAmE -n0U/ nouUm (chemistD/) any of the substances that combine to form the basic Structure of PROTEINS

amir = EMIR

the Amish /amarf; BrE also ,aemzf/ noun [pl] the members of a strict religious group in N America. The Amish live a simple farming life and reject some forms of mod-

ern technology. P Amish ad

aimiss /smis/ adj ,adv 昌 0dl. [not before noun] wrong; not as it should be: She Se1lsed Something Was armiss amd called 切e police.

日0dv、 [IO not come/go amiss (Br6) to be useful or pleasantin aparticular Situation: AIittle Iuck wouldntgo

amiiss rightmowltake sth amiss (BrE) to feel offendedby

Ameri'cana /emerrkazma/ noun [pl.] things connected with the US that are thought to be typical of 让

sth, perhaps becauseyouhaveunderstood it in the wrong way: Would she take 让 amiss 这Toffered to help? amity /aemaeti/ movn [u] (Jormah a friendly relationship between people or countries

Aimerican breakfast noun a large breakfast which


can include CEREAL and cooked food, such as eggs with

HAM 一see , also ENGLISH BREAKFAST;, CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Aimerican cheese noun [U] (Us) a kind of orange cheesethatis usually sold in thin slices wrapped in plastic

the American 'dream mouin [sing.] the values and so: cial standards that people traditionally try to achieve ip the US, such as DEMOCRACY, equal rights and wealth

the Aimerican 'eagle moun abird with aWhitae lead and white tail feathers that is the national Symbol of the US

/Ama:/ movn (IndE) (especially as aformn of ad-

dress) a mother am'meter /zimi:te0)/ noun an instrument for ineastring the strength of an electric current


/amao; NAmE 'saeamou/ noun [U] (old-Joshioned,

injformal) = AMMUNITION am'mo'nla /amaeunis; NAmE amou-/ noun-[u]


NHs) a gas with a strong smell; a clear liquid containing ammonia, used as acleaning substance


/aemanart/ noun [Cl afossIL of a simple

Sea creature which no longer exists, and Which was related to SNAILS

cat | dfather | eten | 3: bird | eabout | zsit | 袜 see|imany|nogot(Br6

| azsaw | Aceup | 5 put | w too


amoo-/ noum



[U] (chemistry) a salt


Imade from AMMONIA_ containing NITROGEN and HYDROGEN together With another element aim:-mu-ni:tion /zamjumnrIfn/noun [uU] 1 a supply of bullets, etc. to be fired from guns 字 information that can be Used against another person ip an argument: The Letter gaye her allthe armnTmunitiomn she needed. am-nesia /am'mni:zis; NAmE -mi:3e/ noun [U] a medical condition ip- which sb Partly Or comPpletely loses their Imemory > aminesiac /ammizZziaeK; NAmE -mn3-/ 0OU1: TPRis new discoyery helps ammesiacs Keep their memory.





,aemaerte'z-/ .ouUn

ImTiOUmntE 0 /aimnaont/ noun, Ve山 下]IOUm [CU] 1 asum of money: The insuramce comPpamny 你记 refund any amount aue to you. 2 ZU W 记 Teceive apil

Jor the 有所 1 amount 了 2 一 (of sthi (usedespecially with Uncountable nouns) a quantity of sth: am amiount of timeAmnoneyAinformatiormr 2 Weyve jhad an enormous airmountofpnelp 六 or People.CThe serverisdesignied 训 Store huge amoOunzs of data,、[EII any amount

an official statemient that allows people who have been put 捞 prison for crimes against the state to 50 free: The DresidemnEgramted agemneral am7esty 如 六QU political prisomers, 了 [Cusually sing.] a period of time during which People can admit to a crime or give UP weapons withonut being punished: 2000 Kmnives haye peen hanmded im auring 妇e month-long armmrmtesty


-isa:tion /amoxtarzerfmn;


aim-nesty /zamnasti/ OUn (P/ -ie9 了 [Cusually sing.,U]




human rights ofrganization that works to _help people Who have been Put in Prison for their beliefs or race and notbecausetheyhave committed a crime. It also works to Prevent TORTURE and punishment by death. aim.nio-cen:tesis /,zmnieUsen'ti:srs; NAmE -nioo-/ mouwn [U,sing.] a medical test that involves taking some

liquid from a Pregnant woman's woOMB in order to find outifthe babyhas particular illnesses or health problems aimniot-ic fluid /,zmmniptrk 和 urdq; NAmE -aztzk/ own [U] the liquid that surrounds a baby inside the mothers

of sth a large

quantity of sth: Theres beemn any amount of research into the suUbiject_ no amount of sth used for saying that sth Will have no effect: No _amount of encouragernent WoUId Take Rirm jurmp into 如e poolL 是 VeE/b a'mountto sth 1 to add upto sth; to make sth as atotal: His earmings are said to amountto 上 300000 Per au They gaye Te SOTme help 访 the begirimnirg DuL tdid notarmountto much (三 they did not give me much help) 2 to be equal to or the same as sth: 有 er aisWer amOUted to a compiete refusaL c Their actions amounit to QPpreach ofcontracECIELLcostalot 一we takeaIotoftrmne, DuE 让 amountts to the same thing. amiOur/amuaG); NAmEamor/ noun (old:shioned, fom French) a love affair, especially a secret one

amourpropre/aimnoeCD) "proprei NAmEamur prapral/

Houm [U] (from French) afeeling ofpride in your own character and abilities amp /zamp/ mo 1 (also am.pere /22mpes(G); NAmE 'ampIr; per/) (abbr Atheunitformeasturing electric cuUTITent: Q 13 amp 有se/pIug 了 (Informaj) = AMPLIFIER

am:perage /amparid5/ 10Un [U] the strength of an


electric current, measured in AMPS am.Der.sand /zimpassand; NAmE-pars-/ novm the Sym-

ammn /2mant/ 半 shortjorm (ScotE /nshE non-standard) am not

amok /amnpk; NmE ama:k/ adv Im run amok to suddenly become very angry OF excited and start behavipg Violenty, especially 记 a publicPlace

bol(&)usedto mean 'and': She Works jbrBomnd & GreeTi. am.phetamine /am'fetemim/ movh [CU] a drug that makes you feel excited and full ofenergy. Amphetamines are SOmetimes taken illegally. 3 Ra /am'frbien/ novn any animal that can live both on land and in water. AmPphibians have cold.blood and skin without SCALES. FROGS, TOADS and NEWTS are all amphibians. 一Picture c PAGE R2I 一COmPpare REPTILE am-Dphibi.ous /zm'frbies/ ad T able to live both on land and in water 2 (of military operations) involving Soldiers landing at a Place from the sea 3 suitable for use on land or water: amphibious vehicles

aiimOm吉 0

amphhi'theatre (BrE) (NAmE-tenr) /aemfrgreteCD7; NAmE

aimoeba(Us also amebal /ami:ba/ noun (p/ anmioe'bas

or amoe.bae /bi:/) a very Small living creature that conSists of onlyone cell aimoeb.ic(ws also ameb.io /amibik/ adi related to or similar to an amoeba

amoebic 'dysentery (US also amebic 'dysentery) nouwm [U] an infection of the INTESTINE amoeba


by an

/amAn/ (also amongst/amADst/) Prep

T surrounded by sb/sth; ip the middle of sb/sth: a houvse amomngthe freesc Theystrolled among 坊 ecrowds.2Tfound 态 e 1etter amioftgst his papers. C 下 5 O 玉 yoUTe among 方iemds now. 2 being included or happening in groups of things oF people: 4 British Womar Was amiong the SU 广 Viyors. CO He Was among 切 e Iast to 1eaye. C This attitude 改 comrmor armomg 轨eUumder255.2 WhatWwas wrong With the job2 We the pay Wasnit good among other things

Discuss 让 among yoOUrselyves 1irst (三 with each other). 3 used when you are dividing or choosing sth, and three OF more people or things are involved: They diyided the motey UD aiong the chiladre7L aimoral /ermprel; NMmE-mor-; -mar-/ ad/. not following any moral rules and not caring about right and

wrong 一compare IMMORAL, MORAL amorality /ermmnae'Traelati/ movn [U] aim:Or.OUs /22maras/ 0dj showing sexual desire and love towards sb: Mary rejected Tbmny's amorous adyarlces.

PP am.orously 0dv amorph:ous /smoxfes; NA4mE-mnozrf-/ ad/. [usually before noum] (Jormah having no definite shape, form or Structure SHAPELESS: QTLaTmOFDPoUS Jass ofcells Withn no idem右ty at al amort:ize (BrE also -ise) /amoztarz; NAmE 'aemaertarz/ yeb. [VN] (business) to Pay back a debt by making small regular payments Over a period of time > amortiza-


;| ar my

| ao now

| er say

| so go (Br

-0izeter/ noun T aroundbuilding withoutaroofand with rows of seats that rise jn steps around an Open Space, Amphitheatres were Used especially in_ ancient Greece and Rome for public entertainments. 一Picture 只 PAGE Re 2 aroom, hall or theatre with rows of seats that ise in steps 3 (techmical) an open spacethatis surrounded by high sloping land am:phora /aemfere; NAmE also sm'fozra/ noun (P/ amphorae /aemferi:: NAmE also sm'fori/ or am.phoras) a tall ancient Greek or Roman container with two handles andianarrow neck ampiciliin /aeimiprsilmy/ noum [U] a form ofPENICILLIN thatis Used to treat certain infections ample /aampl/ ad Tenough or more than enough PLENTY OF: QTmLDIe OPOrtUPibMevidemnce/SDace/prooF CThere was ample time to getto the airport 2 Ample 广ee Parkingisayailable. 了 (ofaperson's figure) large, often in an attractive way: an ample bosom pe amply /ampli/ ddy: Hisefforts were amply rewarded. amp:iifier /aemplifaieG)/ (also informalamp)moun an electrical device or piece ofequipmentthat makes sounds or radio signals louder: Qa 25 watt ampli 太er 一Picture 字 PAGE R7



ve必 amp:lifiesy


amp-lified, amp:lified) 1 [VN to increase- sth Im Strength, especially sound: to ampIihy aguitar/an elec-

| ou go (MAm 有

| orzboy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure


48 |

triccurrent/asignalL 2 (Jormal)toadd details to a story, : Statement, etc.: [V] She refused to ampliy 包rther 2 [VAN Zou may mneed to anplipr this point_ ampjification /aemplrfrkerfmny/ noun [U]: electromnic amPpLificationr 2 TPat Coment meedas SOTme amPI 太catiom.

amp'litude /aemplrtju:d; NAmExtu:d/ noun [u,C] (physjcs) the greatest distance that a wave, especially a sound orradio wave, VIBRATES (= moves up and down) 一Picture


amiply cdy 字 AMPLE ami'poule

(Us also am:pule)




-pju:/ nouwn asmall container ustially made of glass, coOntaining a drug that will be used for an INJECTION

ami'pu'tate /,z2mpjutert/ vebto cut off sbs arm, leg, fingerortoein amedical operation: [VN] He had to have botp legs amzputated. C [V] They may jhaye to amputate. aim-

pu'tation /,ampju'terjn/ noun [U,G]

am'pu'tee /ampjuti:/ .noun a person who has had an arm oraleg amputated amu'let /aemjolat/ mouwn a piece of jewellery that some people wear because theythinkit protects them from bad luck ilness, etc.




Tto make sb laugh or Smile: [VN] My 包 mmy arawings QUSed the Kids. C This will amuse you C [VN to inf] 二

amILUSed Phim to tinK 雪 at they Were probably talking apbout hirmm at that yery 7mmomentE 2 [|VN] to make time pass pleasantly for sb/yourself ENTERTAIN: She SUS8ested Seyeral ideas to jhelp Laura amuse the twins. CTm SUTe TILbe able to amuse myser 1or a few hours.


0om /amju:zd/ aodj 一 (at/by sth) |~ (to see;

find, learn, etc.) thinking that sb/sth is funny, so that you smile or laugh: TPhere Was am amzused IooK on the Presidents face. C We were QILamzused at his Stories. C Be Was amUsed to see how Ser iously sphe tooKk te game. c Janet was niot amused (= she

was annoyed or angIy)、Ih keep sb amused

to give

Sb interesting things to do, or to entertain them so that they do not become bored: Playing with water ca7t Keep children amzused Jor Fours. amuse'ment /amju:zmant/ noun 1 [U] the feeling that you have when sth is funny or amusing, OF it entertains you: She could not jide her amusemment at the Way he Was daartcing. 2 To my amzrusement he couldmt get the door

Imuscles. It js sometimes taken jllegally by People who Play sports. 一see also STEROID


/amnaekranizeam/ ouUm 了 a person,, a

custom or an idea that Seems old-fashioned and does not ielong to the present: The monarchy 认 Seem_ 5y 7mamy People as an aiachronisrm 总 he modern World. 字 Something that is placed, for example in a book or Play, in the wrong period of history # ana'chron'istic /emn2kremistrk/ adf/.

ana:Cconda /,ana'konda; NAmE -ka:mn-/ moun a large S American snake ofthe BOA family, that crushes other aniImals to death before eating them

an'aemia (BrE) (NmE an'e:mia) /amizmia/ movn_ [u] a medical condition in which sb has too few red cells in their blood, making them look pale and feel weak

an'aemic (BrE) (NmEan'emic) /amiamrk/ oadj Tsuffer ipg from anaemia: She looKks amnaermmic. 了 weak and not having much effect FEEBLE: QTL_ aaemzic perforTm-

ace an'aerobic /sneare0bik; NAJmE ,aeneToF/ adj Ti (bo 08y) notneeding OXYGEN: anaerobic bacteria 了 (of physical exercise) not especially designed to impiove the function of the heart and lungs [za AEROBIC

an:aes'the.sia /,s2nas'9i:Zzia/ (BrE) (NAmEanm'es-the'sia /6i35e/) noun [U] Ttheuse ofanaesthetic during medical operations 2 (iechnical) the state ofbeing unable to feel anything, especiallyPain

an-aes'thet'ic (BrE) (NAmEan:es'thet'ic) /22ns8'06tiK/ 1OU1; Gdl/ 下 IOU1 [CU] a drug that makes a person or an animal unable to feel anything>*especially pain, either in the whole bodyor 记 apartofthebody: HowlongwiITpe under the aitaestheftic? C They gaye hirm a Serieral ariaesthetic (=

one that makes yotu become Unconscious) C (aj 1ocai amtaesthetic (= one that affects onlyapartofthe body) 卓 0dlj. [only before noun] containing a substance that makes aperson or an animal unable to feel pain in all or Part of the body: ar amaesthetic drug/spray


(BrE) (NmE an'es'the:tist) /ami:sba-

trst/ noun a person who is trained to give anaesthetics to patients


(BrE also -ise) (especialy BrE)j (NAmE

usually am'es'the'tize) /ami:sgetarz/saverb [VN] to make a person Unable to feel pain,etc.,especially by giving them an anaestheticbefore a medical operation

Amna'glyptarw /,ana'glrpte/ mouvn [u] a type of thick

pl] a game, an activity, etc. that provides entertainment and pleastre: traditiomal seaside amusemments including Doats go-Kart amd a 记 myfair

WALLPAPER With a raised pattern thatyoupaint over ana'gram /'znegrzem/ noun a word or phrase that is made by arranging the letters of another word or phrase 雇 a different order: Am anagrama of 1vis 认 和 yes7

aimusement arcade (Br (also arcade NAmE BJ)

anal /eml/ odj. 1 connected with the ANUSs: the anal re-

moun a place Where you can play games on machines Which you use coins to operate amusementpark novn alarge parkwhich has alotof things that you can ride and play on and many different activities to enjoy

giont 2 (also ianal-re'tentive) (disopproving) caring too Iuch about small details and about how things are organized * anally /nali/ adv

0pen. C Her eyes bwi 训 Ked With amztusement

ainmaus1NES 0

了2 [Cusually

amyl mi'trite /amazl 'martrart; ,emarl/ (also informal amyl) noun [U] a yellowish liquid that changes quickly to a gas. Amyl nitrite is used as a medicine and also as a drug that is taken for pleasure, 忌四 jndejmite artcle 字 和 呈 -IAN, -IANA

ana'bol'ic steroid /anebolik 'sterord; 'stre-,NAmE ,aenaba:lIk 'ster-; 'stir-/ noun an artificial HORMONE (= a chemical substance) that increases the size of the


| ddid

| ffal

| gget

the loss ofthe abilityto feel pain while still conscious


/amju:zmy/ ad

funny and enjoyable: an armmusing storyZgameXincidenteT didmnt 三nd the joke at al amzusing, 只 note at FUNNY > amus'ing'ly adv amy:lase /aamailerz; NAmE 'aemalers/ moun [U] (chemistry) an ENZYME (= a Substance that helps a chemical change to take Place) that allows the body to change some subStances into Simple sugars


am-al:gesia /,anal'd5i:zie; NAmE.5e/ own [U] (meaica1

| hhat

| jyes

/,zenal'd5i:zik/ moun (medicaj/) a substance

that redtuces pain PAINKILLER: ASsDirimn E a 7mnilda aialgesic. analgesic qdj.: artalgesic drugsXeffects


/amaelages/ adj (Jormalj) ~ (to/with sth)

Similar in Some way to another thing or situation and therefore able to be compared with it: Sleep _Phas often beet thoughtof as being in Somie Way analogous to death.

ana'logue (8/E) (NAmEanalog) /zanslpg; NAmE 1o:g; -la:g/ adj, noun 有 0dj. (techmicol) 1 (of an electronic Process) tising a continuously changing range of physical quantities to measure Or Store data: al alalogue circuitZcomtpUterAsigriat

之 (BrE also ana'log) (of a clock or watch) showing the timeusinghandsonaDIALandnotwith adisplayofntumbers 一compare DIGITAL 目 IOUP (1jormal or iechmicoh a thing that is similar tovanz other thing: Sciemntists are attempting to cormmpare jatures of extinct amnimais with 1iving analogues.

| k cat

| lleg

| 茵 man

| anow

| pipen

| Fred

analogy /amaelad5i/ mouwm (pl -ie 1 [G ~ (between A and B) | ~ (with sth) a comparison'of one thing with another thing that has' similar features; a feature that is Similar: The teacher drew,anmn aralogy betweer the hurmzan jheartard apuUmP. There are no alalogies With arny PreviOUs legaLcases. 辽 [U] the process of comparing one thing with another thing that has similar features in order to explain it: Iearnmning by amnalosgy an-alpha-bet'ic /aenaelfe'betrk/ adj. 1 (techmical completely Unable to read or write 了 = NON-ALPHABETIC 3 (Jinguwistics) representing sounds with signsmade ofseveral parts rather than bysingle letters Or Symbols

anal-re'tentive adj 三 ANAL anm'aly'sand /amaltzaend/ moun (psychology) a _person Who is having PSYCHOANALYSIS


yse 0

(Br6(NAmEana'iyze) /aenelaiz/ vemb

Ttoexaminethe nature or structure of sth, especiallyby Separating it into its Parts, in order to Understand Or exXPlain it: [VN] The job inyoives gathering and amnalysing data. C He fried to analyse his feelings. C [V wh-] We mneed to aialyse WPRatWentWromng. 子 [VN] 三 PSYCHOANALYSE K


0人 /smaelesis/ n0U7 (PP an:alyses/si:z/)

1 [Lu,GC the detailed study or exzaminationofsth ip order

tounderstand mgre abonut it; the result of the study: Stat zfical amdazysis e The book 1 at atalysis of poyerty and its causes.

也 [U,C] a careful examirnation of a substance 也

orderto find outwhat it consists of: The bloodsarmples are Sehnt to:the Iaboratory Jor analysis. 2 Zou camn ask Jor a chermical amnalysis of your tap water 3 [U] = PSYCHOANALYSIS:.Jm amnalysis 切 e indiyidual resolves dificult emotiomnalcorylicts. II inthe final/,lastamalysis used to saywhatis most important after everything has been discussed, or considered: 到 the 让nal analysis its aatter of Derso7ial chnoice. ama:lyst /'zenalrst/ noun T_a Person whose job involves examining facts or materials in order to give an opinion on them: a Politicalfood analyst 2 City analysts fjorecast Juge profits 妨 year 一See also SYSTEMS ANALYST 之 三


ana-lyt'icy/ analitik/ adj 1 (also isolatin中 (1mgwistics) (of languages) using word order rather than Word end: ings to show the functions of words iD a sentence 一COm-

Pare SYNTHETIC 也 三ANALYTICAL ama:iyt:ic-al /,anelrtrkl/ (also amna'lyt'ic /zana'lrtrzk/) adij Tusing alogical method of thinking about sth 训 order to Understand it,especially by looking at all the parts sepatately: She has aclearartalytical7mind. 2 aanaMytic approach to 雪 eproplem 了 2 Using scientific analysis in orderto findiout about sth: analyticalLrmethods of reseaTch > analyt'ically /li/ ady

ana'lyze(NAmE) = ANALYSE anma'paest /'aanapi:st; -pest/ (B/B) (NAmE ana'pest /aenaepest/) noun (techmicol) aunitofsound in Poetry conSisting of two weak Or short syllables followed by one Strong




疡 ana-Paes- -ic


/aena'pistrk; "pestIk; NAImE ,sana'pestIk/ 0 丰 anaphor /zanafe(D; -foxGD)/ mouwn (Srammar) a word or phrase that refers back to an earlier word or Phrase, for example in the phrase 'My mother said she was leaving, Where 4he'is used as an anaphorfor'nymother

amnaph.ora /amaefere/ noun [U] the use of a word that refers to or replaces another word used earjlier ip a sentence, for example the se of does' ip the sentence Idis-

agree andsodoesJohnm

anaphoric/zeneforIk; NAmE

-facr-/ ad

ana.phyl-axis /zsnafrlaeKsTs/ nouPi TU,G (P/ ana'phylaxXes / senafrlaeksi:z/) (mmedicol) an extreme ALLERGIC anaphylactic reaction to sth that you eat or touch /aenafrlaektrk/ adj: amnaphyIactic shocK

an:arch-ism /anekrzem; NA1mE 'senerk-/ noUn [U] the Political beliefthat laws and: governments are not necesSSaTY

am:arclh:ist/znskist; NAmE'anerk-/ 0OU1 aperson who

believes that laws and governments are noOt DecesSSary

Pamarch'istic /25naKIstIk; NA 太 E,aenar'k-/ 0d/.


| ttea

| vvan

| Wwwet

| zzoo

| shoe



am'archy /aeneki; NAmE'anarKki/ mon [U] asituationin acotintry an Organization, etc. in Which there is no goVvernment, order Or control: The oyerthrow of the 7military regime Was followed by a period of anarchy C There Was CoOTmplete anarchy in the classroom whent their USUaL teacher

Was away anarchic /ama:kIk; NAmE ama:rkIk/ (also lessjrequentanarch'ical /XI/) ad amnath:ema /amnaebsma/ noun [U,C usually sing] (Jormaj) athing or an idea which you hate because it is the cpposite of what yOu believe: Racial prejudice is (am) anathermna to 7me. amato'miist /amaetemist/ moun a scientist Who studies anatomy anat'Dimay /amnaetemi/ mouvn (5 -ies) 了 [U] the scientific study ofthe structure ofhuman or animalbodies 2 [CU] the strticture of an animal or a plant: the amatorny of tpe jhorse C hurmnan anatomy 3 [C] (hvmorous) a Persoms body: Various Part of his aatory Were clearly yb1e. 4 [q (Jormaj an examination ofwhat sth is like ofr why 让 happens: am amatormy oF 态e cuTrrent recessiom anatom'ical /,sna'tomrikl; NAmE-tamm-/ adj:anatormmicaldia-

grarms anatom'ically /kli/ adv ANC/eren'si:/ abbr African National Congress (三 apolitical party in South Africa)


Su 太 x (in nouns) the action or state of:

Qassistarice C coTifidence am:'Ces'tor /'aensesteC)/ noun Taperson in your family wholivedalongtimeago: His amcestors had cormne to Ame 广 ica 方or Ireland. FOREBEAR 2 an animal that lived iDthe pastwhich a modern animal has developed ffom: a Feptile that Was 切e commomn amncestor of 1izards aid trtles 3 an early form of a machine which later became more developed FORERUNNER: The aicestor of the noderm Dicycle Was called a penTiy-farthing. 一coOmPpaire DESCENDANT anmCestral /zsn'sestrel/ 0dj: her aicestral hormie

(=thathad belongedto her ANCESTORS) am:Ces'try /aansestri/ moun [Gusually sing.,UW (P/ :ies) the family or the Trace of people that yoU come 们om: to jhaye Scottish ancestry 2 Fe Was able to trace his aicestry DacKk over 1000 years.

anchor /an0keGD)/ noun, ye贱


昌 IOU1 1 a heavy metal object that is attached to a rope or chain and dropped over the Side of a ship or boat to keep it in one Place: to drop anchor C The ship Iay at artchnor bwo Tmiles of the rocky coast CC We Weighed anchor (= pulled it out of the water),, 了 a person or thing that gives sb afeeling of safety: he anchor

of the Jormniy ANCHORWOMAN

3 (especiajy



外 ye 由 toletan anchordown from aboat or ship in order to Prevent 让 fom moving away: [V] We atchored of tje coastofSpain. [alsoVN] 2 [VN] to fix sth firmlyin position sothat it cannot move: MaKke SuUre the taple 1 SecUrely amchored,3 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (in/to sth) to firmly base sth on sth else: Her noyels are aichored 训 eyeryday experience., 4 (NAImB) to be the person who introduces reports or Teads the news :on television or radio: [VN] She anchored 妇e eyeninmg TiewWs Jor Sevell yeaTS. [alsoVj anchorage. /'z0kaerrds/ moun [CU Ta Place where ships or boats can anchor 2 aplace where sth can be fastened to sth else: amchorage points fjora pabys car seat

am'Cho-ess /ae0keres/ movnmafemale ANCHORITE anchor计e /ankerait/ moun (ithepast) areligious Per Son who lived alone and avoided other People



NAmE arm-/,amchor-

Woman /20kewuman; NAmE 上 erW-/ OU1 (PP -men jnmen/,-women /wmmm/) (also an'chor especially 还 NAmB aman or woman Who presents a radio or television programme and jintroduces reports by other people

| 5vision

| tfrchain


| ethin

| 5this

| 0sing


50 | an'emia anemic (NAmE) = ANAEMIA; ANAEMIC

ami:chovy/'antfevi; NAmE-tfouvi/ noun [CU] (pl -ie9 a Small 人sh with a strong salty flavour: a pizza topped with Cheese amd achoyies

am.Ciemt om /emjent/ 5 小 了 belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past [cag MODERN: atcient jhistory/civiltization c ancient Greece 2 verIy old; having existed for a verylong time: an arncientoak treecancientmomnurments 和 (hurmorous) He ancient he must pe at Ieastfiftyl 3 the anmcients 1oU1 [pl.] the People who lived in ancient times,especially the Egyptians,Greeks and Romans

an'cient'ly adv: The area Where the market Was amcientyy held (= in ancient times). am:Ccillary /aen'sllari; NAmE 'aensaleri/ adj. ~ (to sth) 1 providing necessary Supportto the main work or activities ofan organization AUXILIARY: atcillary staff/ SerVyices/eqguiprment 2 ancillary Workers in the health SeIVice SUCh as cooks and cleaners 2 ip addition to sth else but not as important: amncillary rights -amCcy -enmcy sLU太 x (in nouns) the state or quality of: exXpectaTicy 2 comDplacency amnd om /and; en; aqlso ni; especially aferti di strongjomm aendl/ co1/ (used to connect words or parts of sentences) 了 also; in addition to: pread amd butter C a table, two chairs amd a daeskKcSue andTlefteart ceDoitsiowlyand care 印 jy ccCam je read and write2CTcooked Iunch. hndTmade acake. (= you are emphasizing how much you have done) DaWhen and is used in common phrases connecting two things or people that are closely linked, the deterIminer is not usually repeated before the second: a Kmn 碟 amdjorkcrmyjtherandrmmothen buta nife andaspoonc TY jother and my Uncle. 2 addedto PLUS:5 and 5 Takes 10. C Whats 47and16? Da 四Whennumbers (but not dates) are Spoken, and is used between the hundreds and the figures that follow: 2264 一bwo thousand two junmdared amd sixty-four,but 1964一nineteemn sixty-four. 3 then; following this: She came in and took her coat o 矿 4 go, come, try, stay, etc. 一 Usedbefore averb instead of to, to show purpose: Go and getme apePt please.2II comme ad see YOU S00PL C We stopped and boughpht Some bread. EggIn this structure try can only be used in the infinitive or to tell somebody what to do. 5 used to introduce acomment or a question: “We talked for hours 7id wjhat didyoudecide2” @ asareslilt: Miss another class antdyou如 如 记 L 7 used between repeated words to show that sth is ITepeated or continting: Fe fried and tried butwithoutSsuccess. COThe pain got worse and Worse. 8 used between repeated words to show that there are important differences between things or People of the same kind: 了 Like city Li butthere arecities and cities. 一see also ANDVOR

an-dante /sn'daenter/ noun (muwsic) a piece ofmnusictobe Played fairly slowly an.danteadv, ad amnd/or com. (informal used when you say that two situations exist together, or as an alternative to each other: There z no help for 雪 ose with 1ots of Iuggage and/or small children.

an:dro.gemnm/'zndred5en/ noun (biology) amale sex HORMONE, for example TESTOSTERONE an.drogy-nous /sn'drpd5anes; NAImE >drazd5-/ 0 中

anemom:eter /anImnpmrtec); NAmE -mam-/ (also 'wind gauge moun an instrument for measuring the Speed ofthe windor of a currentof gas anem.One /amemani/ movn a small plant with white,, red, blue or Purple 人 owers that are shaped like cups and have dark centres 一see also SEA ANEMONE





theftize (NAm 日= ANAESTHESIA, ANAESTHETIC, ANAESTHETIST, ANAESTHETIZE an-es-the:sio.logist /,znas,bi:zipledsrst; NAmE -ala-/ mouwn (NAmE) a doctor who studies the use of anaesthetics am-eurYysim /'aenjerIzem/ nouUmn (Imedical) an area of extreme swelling on the wall of an ARTERY amnew /amju:; NAmE amu:/ adv :(如 rmaj) 话 sb does sth anew, they do it again from the beginning or do itipn a

different way: TPhey started Life anew 识 Camntada. angel /emd5sl/ nrovun 1 a spirit who is believed to be a Servant of God, and is sent by God to deliver a message

Or perform a task. Angels are often shown dressed ip White,, with wings. 一See also GUARDIAN ANGEL

2 a per-

Son who is very good and kind; a child who behaves well: Jojhn z no angSeL pelieye me (= he does notbehave well). 3 (nformal used when you are talking to sb and you are grateful to them: Thamnks Dad youre ar angeL 2 Be am amSelLartd make me acuUp of coffee.

angel dust novn [u] (0nformal) a powerful ilegalidrug that affects people's minds-and:-causes them to see and hear things that are notthere

Amngel-eno (also Angelino) /,and5eline5; NATiE 汉 noU/ now1 (P/ -09 fnformalj) a person who lives in TIos Angeles




(P/ angelfish or angeF

fishes a type of brightly coloured FRESHWATER OF SALTWATER fish with athin deep body and long FINS

'angel food cake noun

饥,c] (NAmaB alight cake made

with the white part of eggs without fat, often baked in a ring shape

-angel hair "own [U] PAsTA that looks like very':thin string when it is cooked

an:gelic/an'dselik/ aodj. good, kindior beautiful; like an angel: af angelic Smile 区 angelkicakly adv /li/ am:gEelica /an'dselike/ noun [U] Pieces of a plant with a Sweet Smell that have been boiled in sugar and are tsed to decorate cakes an.gelus /aand5aslas/ (also the Angelus) Own [sing.] (志 the Roman Catholic Church) prayers said in the morning, at midday and in the evening; abell rung when itis time for these Prayers

柱 加冤及 名 0 /2209gaGr)/ 0oun, ve 几 旧 mOUn [U] ~ (at sb/sth) the strong feeling that you have When sth has happened thatyouthink is bad and unfair: Be Was Fillea with amnger at 妇 e Way he had been treated Jan slamymed her fist on the desKk in arnger c the growing angSer and 帮Ustratior ofyoung Unermmnployed people 下 VErb [VN] [often passive] to make sb angry: The questiof clearly arntgered Pirmt.

an-gina /zen'd35ama/ (also technicol an.gina pectoris

having both male and female characteristics; 1ooking neither strongly male nor strongly female

/an,d5amae 'pekterrs/) noun [U] (medical) severe Pain in the chest caused by a low supply of blood to the heart during exercise becatse the ARTERIES are partlyblocked angio-pla /send5iasuplaesti; NAmE 'aend5iou-/ mnouwn

an:.droid /zandrord/ novn aRoBoT that looKs like a real person an:ec:dotal /,anik'deutli NAmE -doutl adj based on

Open a blocked BLOOD VESSEL,especially either of the two ARTERIES that Supplyblood to the heart

anecdotes and possibly not true Or accurate: ariecdotal eyidence > anecdotally /-teli/ odv: This reactiort has Dee reported atecdotally py amumzber of patients.


/'anIkdqeut; NAmE -dout/ noun

[GU] Ta

short, interesting or amusing story abonut a real person OIT event: QTmusing anecdotes about his brief career as am actor 之 a personal account of an event: This research is Dased on anecdote notjact.

[CU] (D/ -ies) (medico) a medical operation to repair or



/209gL/ moumn, ve几

香 IOU1 1 the Space between two lines'or strfacesthatjoin, Imeasured in degrees:Qa45”angle 一see also ACUTE ANGLE,




that sth isleaning or pointinginwhen itis notimavertical Or horizontal line: The tower of Pisa lears at an angle.c The Plane Was coming 训 at a steep angie-C His hair was

acat | d father | eten | s: bird | a about | rsit | isee | imany | op got (Br | osaw

| Acup |

put | utoo

fish With aline and a hooK


an'gling /an0glm/ mouwn [U] (BrE)the artor Sport ofcatching fish with a FISHING ROD, usually in rivers and lakes rather than in the sea Anglo /ae0glao; NAmE'asngloo/ noun (P1-0s) 下 (especially

US) a white person of European origin 了 (ConE ipformal 三 ANGLOPHONE Anglo- /ae0gle0; NAmE "ae0gloog/ combining 加rm ( nouns aiid adjectives) English or British: Amnglo-Armericam CAnglophilE

,Anglo-'Catholic novn a member of the part of the Church ofEnglandthatis mostsimilar to the Roman Cath-


getaparticular reaction or response from sb, without directly asking for what you want: She was aigling for syrmPatphy.

olic Church

问 its beliefs and practices


/za0glaogmermnie; NAmE ,ae09gloo-/ moun

[U] an extremely strong admiration for England or English customs

angie bracket noun [usually pl] one ofa pair of marks,

Anglo- Normam

< >,Uused around words or figures to separate them fom the suIrounding text

angle grinder



Stickingup atallangles. 3 aposition from which you look at sth: The Photo was taken 方om ar unusual angle. 4 a particular way of Presenting or thinking about a situation,PIOblem,etc:: We meed Q mew amngle Jor ouUr mext adyertising campaigrn C YoU cam look at the issue 万om Tmany differerit angles.C The article comncentrates. on the jhurman angle (=thepartthat concerns people's emnotions) of the story. ye 由 了 [VN] to move or Place sth sothat it is not straight ormnot directly facing sb/sth: He angied his chairso that he could sit and watch jher 也 [VN] to present information, a Teport etc. based on a particular way of thinking or for a Particular atdience: The prograrmTme 让 amngled towards younmnger VieweFs. 3 (usually go angling) [V] to catch

mnoun [U] a form of Norman Friench

Spoken in England in the MIDDLE AGES

noun a tool with a round turning part

Anglo'.phile /'zngleufarl; NAmE'ae0glou-/ moun aperson

that cuts or polishes hard materials such as metal

who is not British but who 1likes Britain or British things Very much

ang'ier /aen0glaGD)/ noun a person who catches fish (二 goes angling) as ahobby 一compare FISHERMAN


An-Sli-can /aengliken/ novn amember of the Church of

/ze0glsufeubis; NAmE ,ae0gloufoubie/

moun [U] hatred or fear of England or Britain 戎 Anglophobe /zan0glaufeoub; NAmE 'aengloufoub/ noun: Her Jother Was amAnglophobe.Anglophobic /ae0gleU'feubrIk; NAImE ,se0gloU'foubIk/ adf/.

England orofa Church connected with itin another countryP Anglican aod/: the Anglican Church Am:Sli:cismn /,asn0glrstzzem/ movn a word or phrase from the English language that is used ip another language: Many French people try to avoid Amngilicisms SUch as Weejcend? amd Shopping


/'z0glaufeun; NAmE -oufoun/ noun a per-

SOn Who speaks English,especially in countries where English is not the onlylanguage that is spoken 儿 anglophone adj:anglophone comrmmnunities

am-gli'cize (BrEalso-ise)/'aa0glrsarz/ ve 心 [VN] to make sbysth English in character: Gutrmamrt aaSgLicized his mnamme to Goodma7L

,Anglo- Saxom

moun 1 [C] a person whose ANCESTORS

were English 2 [C] an English person of the Period be-

fore the Norman' Conquest 3 [U] Old English > ,Anglo-


'Saxon adj.: Ariglo-Saxon Kings am'gOra

/ze0'goire/ nouUn 了 [Q a breed of cat, GOAT or

RABBIT that has long Smooth hair 2 [U] a type of soft WwWool or cloth mnade from the hair of the angora GOAT OF

RABBIT: QTL agoOra SWeater anm'gOstura /,s0gas'stjuere; NAmE-stura/ nouUn [U] abit-

An right angle

ter liquid, flavoured with the BARK of a tropical tree, that js used to give flavour to alcoholic drinks

anSgrezZ /ADrerIz/ noun (plangrez )(ndE njormal) an Eng-

acute angle

lish person

可 有加 卜YY 0 /ze0gri/ adj engrier ,an'gri'est) Youcan alsouse moreangryandmostangry. 1 一 (at/about/over sth) | ~ with/at sb (about/for sth) having Strong feelings about sth that you dislike very much or about an Unfair situation: Please domt be arlgry with 7me.

obtuse angle

reflex angle

下 Was ny fuLE CO The passengers 8reW aT1STy Qbout the delay 2 He jlt angry at the injiustice of the Situation Thousands of arnigry dermmorlstrators lled the Square. 2 The com7ments Proyoked a7l alg7y resporlse 廊oTm Unio eaders. CTWwas yery angry with mysef for making SUcR a Stupid 7mistake. C Her 天 页ayiour really made me ansry 了 (ofa

wound)redandinfected 3 (iteramy)(ofthe sea orthe sky) dark and sSTORMYE an'grily /-3li/ ady: Some semnators Fe-




moun a young man who is not

small unitoflength, equalto 1xl1020 metretlsed for measinterior angle


exterior angle


uring WAVELENGTHS and the distance between atoms


/ae0gwIf/ noun [U] (formal) severe pain, men-

tal suffering or unhappiness: He groamned 训 anS8uish.

Tears of anguisjh 了 iled jher eyes: 化 an'guished

adj: am-

SUished cries C al angUished Letter 廊oma her Drison cell

corresponding angles

| ar my

只 note on next page angry yoOung man

happy with society and does not acceptits rules amgst /senst/ noun [U] (from German) a feeling of anxiety and worry about a situation, or about your life: somgs 包1 of teennage amngst ang'strOom /aen0strem/ moUn (chermistp, Physics) a Very

alternate angles


acted angrily to 切 ePresidents remarks. CHe sWore aiSrily

| Ersay

| so go (Br

| ou go (Mm 昌 | or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| 5e pure


52 |

日0dj. /aenmaet/ (formaliving; having life: amimate bein8s [TI INANIMATE


SYNONYMS angry mad .indignant *. cross*,irate Allthese words describe people feeling and/or showing anger. angry feeling orshowing anger': Please donmtbpe angmy/ Wi太 mme. CThousands of ang1y demonstrators jjed 坊 e 5qUa1e. mad [not before noun] (Upnformaj, especaljy NAm 月angry: Hegotmadandwalked out.2shesrmadatmeforbeing late. Mad isthe usualwordfor'angry ininformal American English.When used in British English, especiallyinthe phrase gomad, itcanmean'very angry: DadJW1sgomad when hesees whaotyouyve done. Go mad' canialso mean 'go crazy' or 'get very excited indignant feelingorshowingangerand surprise because youthinkthat you orsb else has been treated Unfairly: She wasyem indignantat tihe wayshne had been treated. cross (ratiherinjformal,especialy Br6) ratherangry or annoyed: 1 was quUite cross wj 厂Jim orpeing 号. This word is often used by orto children :

Whose job is to organize Or encotrage artistic or Social Projects and activities

amnima'tion /,znrmerfn/ movnT

[U] enersgyand enthti-

Siasm in the way you look, behave or Speak: Tis face was drained ofall colour amnd anirmationL. 一See also SUSPENDED ANIMATION 了 [U] the process of making flms/movies, Videos and compnuter games in which drawings or models of People and animals seem to move: comPDutercartoom arlirmatiorn 3 [C] a film/movie in which drawings of People and animals seerm to move: The electromic dictiomaTy included somme amimtatiors.

am'imma'to /snrmai:teo; NAmE -too/ adj, adv (fom /to太 iam, /music) (used as an instruction) in alively way anima'tor /zenrmertaCD)/ nouwn aperson who makes aniImated 人 ms


/sanmma'tronIks; NAmE :tradn-/ 7oun

[u] the process of making and operating ROBOTS that look like real people or animals,Used in filims/movies and other types ofentertainment > ariima:tron'ic 0df/. anime /anrmer 'aenmma/ moun [U] Japanese flm/movie

Irate is not usually followed by a preposition : She was 朝

and television ANIMATION, often with a SCIENCE FICTION Subject 司

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 下 to look/sound/seem angry/mad/indignant/cross


下 They were angry/indignant/cross thatthey hadntbeen invited.



[u] Tthe

belief that

Plants,objects and natural things such as the weather have aliving soul 2 belief in a Power that organizes and , controls the Universe animist /senrmmIst/7OUw0 anmiImis'tic /,aenImristIk/ adj 》 ani'mos. 计y /zenrmnpseti; NAmE -ma:s-/ noun [u,G (D/

和 itreallymakes me angry/mad/cross. 天 to get angry/mad/cross 日 to be angry/mad/indignant/cross aboutyat sth 下 angry/cross with sb (for doing sth)

-ies) ~ (toward(s) sb/sth) | ~ (between Aand B) a strong feeling of opposition,anger or hatred HOSTILITY: He 了 jirio animosity towards his critics. C Personal anmimosities between memipbers of the bwo grOUPS

am'gu:lar /an0gjela()/odj T (ofaperson)jthin and Without Inuch flesh so that the bones are noticeable: apmn amguIarjfoce catall anguiar womart 了2 having angles of sharp corners: a desigmn of large amgular Shapes

ani-mus /aenmaes/ mon [U,sing.] ~ (against sb/sth) (包玉 /maj) a strong feeling of opposition, anger or hatred anion /zenaien/ moun (chemistrw physics) an ION with a Degative electrical CHARGE 一COIpare CATION

om /aenrml/ noun, adf/

目 IOU1 1 acreaturethat is notabird, a fish, a REPTILE, an insector abhuman: tpe anirmals amd birds of South America Casmall /rry animal CO Fish oils are less saturated tham animal fots. C dormmnestic animals such as dogs and cats 2 anyliving thingthat is notaplantorahuman: thpe anmri-

amise /aenrs/ noun [U] a plant with seeds that smell sweet amni'seed /'zanasi:d/ noun [u] the dried seeds ofthe anise Plant, usedto giveflavourto alcoholic drinks and sweets/

Tmal Kinigdom C This product Fas not beem tested om ani7mmals. 一Pictures and vocabulary notes on pages R20,,R21 3 anyliving creature, including humans: Hurmmamns are the omly aimais to haye deyveloped speech. 一compare VEGETABLE 4 a person who behaves in a cruel or Unpleasant Way Or who is very dirty: The person Who did this is an animal a prute., 5S a particular type 'of person,thing, organization, etc.: Shes nota political animal The goyvermmaent WRich Jollowed tje election was a yery dipferent aiimlal. 一See alsoO DUMB ANIMAL, HIGHER ANIMALS 日0dlj. [only before noun] relating to the physical needs and basic feelings of people: animal desires/Ppassiom 训-


1Tful of interest and en-

an'ima'fteur /anmma'ta:Gr)/ oun (from French) a Person

irate very angry: /rate cuUstomers canirate /etteraag


/'znrmmertid/ ad

ergy LIVELY: an airmated discussiormconyersa=*ftiomn CHer jce suddenly pecame anmimated 了 (of pictures, drawings, etc. in afilm) made tolook as ithey are moving: animated cartoorls/Sraphics/models > animated:ly adv: People were talking anmirmatedly.

animal masnetism (= a quality in sb that other

People find attractive, Usually in a sexual way)

animal husbandry novn [u] (iechnicon farming that


amkh /z0k/ novn an object or design like a cross but with aLOOP instead of the top arm, Sometimes worn as jewellery. The ankh was used in ancient Egypt as the Symbol of life.




/zenkl/ nouwn

the joint connecting the foot to the leg: to sprain/break your anmkle 和 My akles haye swollen. CeWe found OUTselyes aiKkile-deep 训 water camKkie

poots (= that cover the ankle) 一picture 上 BODY


moun (NAmE AustralE,

,animal 'rihts novn [pl.] the rights of animals to be

NZE, humorous) achild ankle sock (Br6 (Usankclet )noun a type of very short

treated well for example by not being hunted or Used for medical research: His research WorK Was attacKked by airmail rights activists.

amk'let /anklet/ noun 1 a piece of jewellery worn around the ankle 了字 (US) = ANKLE SOCK

involves keeping animals to Produce food

an'im'ate verb, ad 晶 Verb /snmmert/ [VN] 1 to make sth more lively or full of energy: A smile sudadenly anmnirmated jher 名 ce 2 [usually passive] to make models, toys,etc. seem to move i a 名m/movie by rapidly showing slightly different Pictures ofthem in a series, one after another


| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

SoOck: agSirlin aplue dress and akle socks

am'ky.lo.saur /'zen0krlaso:x(m/ novumiatypeofplant-eating DINOSAUR covered with hard plates made ofbone for protection

am'.kKy.losis /,azs0KrleausIs; NAmE-loo-/ noumn [U] (medica1 adiseasethat causes one or more ofthe joints ofthebody to join together and become stiff

| k cat

| LIeg

| mm man

| mnnow

| -ppen

| rred


/Ana/ noun (lndE)_anolderbrother 2 theleader

of a group of young people who go around together and Sometimes catlse trouble

am:maliist /asnalrst/ moumn aperson Who writes annals

anmals /anlz/ moun [pl] T anofficialTecord ofeven 人 区

activities yeaf by year; historical records: Bis deeds Wenit dov 史碎 the arimnals of BF 让sh histor 2 usedinthetite of academic JOURNALS: Ami7ials of Science VOL Viii

am'mneal /anil/ vemb [VN] (technical) to heat metal or glass and allow it to cool slowily, ip order to make 让 harder amnnmeXx /amneks/ ve 履[VN] to take control of a country, region, etc., especially by forceERII occUPY: Germary amTexed Austria 识 I938. annexation /aanek'serfm/ noun



(Br6)(alsoanmex NAmE BrE) /aeneks/ moun Ta

building thatis addedto, oris nean alargerone and that Provides exttaliving or workspace: Our roomms Were 识 the

artlexe. 也 (jpormaj) an extra section of a document


/anarelert/ vemb [VN] 1Tto destroy sbysth

coOmpletely: THie ParmaT race has enough Weapoms to Ga7i7i jailate ise太 2 to defeat sb/sth completely: She anmip Iated jher opportenb Who Joiled to win asingle gahmme. anmnihilation /anarelerfm/ nox7r [U]: theanmninitation of te wpole Purmar race 际

本 及. 用 全 V 全 居 S

六 YX 0 再- /aenrva:seri; NAmE-'vVaxrs-/

moun (plries ) adatethatis anexactnumberofyears after the dateofan important Or Special event: om the ammiversary of his wifes aeath S to celebrate yoUr Wedding aiiniyersary C the theatres .25 殷anmiyersary celebrationms am-no-tate /zanatert/ ve 履[VN] to addnotesto abook or textb giving explanations Or comments> annotation

/aena'teifna/ moun [c 央: 天 克 记 De published with armotations and indexanmnotated: adj: ar anmnotated editioF

刁 有站 :四 OU 和 Eee :0

/anaons/ ve 内

T~(sth) (to sb) to tell people sth officially,:especially about a decision; plans,etc:.: [VN] They javent 如rmally QT72OUPcedG:tPpeir engagemientyeE CThe goverTTment yeste广 Gay am7io7iced to tje 7mnediaiplans to-create:aQ7Tmailliorm me jobs.e(1gwrotiye)Aring atthe doorbelliarnmnourced JacKs ariyaL You:cannot announce somebody Something': isi6f [V that] We are Pleased to announce thatalL 放ve candidates WeresSuccessHL. CIVNthat] 到 Was anrmourtced thatmew speed restrictioras Would be introduced. [also V wh-] 衬 note at DECLARE 2 to give information about sth in a Public Place, especially through a LOUDSPEAKER: [VN] Bas ovr 刀ight peem GT71OUPCed yet2? C [V that] TPey announced that the rsRt Would pe delayed. [also V speech] 3 to say sth iD a loud and/or serious way: [Vspeech] TyegiverupsTmoking "SFe armiOUPCed. 2 [V that] She announced 态at shed give up SioKing [also VN] 字 note at DECLARE 4 [VN] ~ your-

Self/sb to tell sb your name Or sb else's name When you ortheyarrive ataplace: Wouldyouamnimounce the guests as they arrive?2 (= call out their names; for example atafor-

mal party)

5 [VN] to iptroduce,- or give information

about, apIogramme on radio ortelevision

an'nOounce:mment- /senaonsmaent/ 1o0n 了 [Gaspoken OFr Wiitten statement that informs people abonut sth: to Take ar ariOUTicermmertt 2 TDdays -ai7ioUncermemnt oF 己 Peace ,aSTeeTmnent ca1me QHier Weeks of discussion, 和 477mDOUmcerneats' of birtps 7Tmarriages ad deaths appear i SO1e PieWSsDapers. cnote at STATEMENT

2Q2.[U] the act of

publiclyinforming People aboutsth:Ammnouncementofthe yerdict Was accomzpDartied py Shouts amd cheers. an'nounmn:Ccer /anaonsac)/noun 了 aperson who introduces, or gives jinformation about programmes on radio or television 一see also HOST, PRESENTER QZ .apersonwhbo gives information about sth in a station, an airport, etc.,



mmake sbuncomfortable orunable to relaxERI _BOTHER: Je swatted a jy 雪atWwas anmoying jirrt


/amnorens/ 0oum 1 [U] the feeling ofbeing

Slightly angryER] IRRITATION: He could motcomceal his GTIOYaTCe at peing 总terrupted. Much to our ariroyatce, they decided notto comme afteraE oOSjhe stamped Per foot 识 arimnoyartce, 2 [C something that makes you slightly angry

悟站 站 OO.全 和卉 0

/amord/ adj [not usually before noun]

一 (with sb)(at/about sth) | ~ (that ..:) | ~tofind, see; etc. slightly angryEREI IRRITATED: He Was begirming to Set yeTX aloyed With me about my carelessness. CT Was QIITIOYed With myse上 ffor Siving 训 SO ,easily CTpbetshe Was aoyed at haying to Write 让 OUL again CTWas aLMOyed 纺 at 纺ey hadnmtt burned LUD. CO He was apinoyed io Jind hirmselfgoing red.

司用 看@Y:im吉 0OR /amorn/ 5 丰 making sb feel slightlyangryEa39 IRRITATING: This 识 te产 mpDtionm 1 Very Qnrioyirnig 2 Fer most Goying haDbityWas eatnmngWithn her mouth opemkannoying'jy adv



/aenjual/ adj, nou1n

盏 0dj/, [usually before noun] 1T happening or done once eveIy year: ai GTITLUQL 7mieetirtg/evertt/report 了 relatingtoaperiod ofone year: an arual income/sSuUbscripiorADpudsget 2 an average aiimual growth rate of 89%6 aual 7raimfal 一compare BIANNUAL 旧 _10OU0 Ta book, especially one for children, that is published once a yearp with the same title each time, but di 让 ferent contents 2 any Plant that grows amd dies within One year OF Season 一COmpare BIENNIAL 六 ,PERENNIAL 帮.


(BrE also-ised ) /aanjuelarzd/ adi (tech-

mical):calculated for aperiod of a year but based on the amoltnts for a Shorter period

司 .四 轴 晶.本和 jy=0


Once ayear: THhe exhipitiomn is held anmually. am:mu-主YX/anju:ati; NAmE-mu:-/ novn (pi:ies )T afixed amount ofImoneypaid to sb each yeam usually for the Test of their life 2 a type of insurance that pays a fixed amountof moneyto sb each year


/amnAl/ verb4l- ) [VN] to state officiallythatsth isno

longerlegallyvalid: Their marriasge Was amulled afterjuust Si Torttpns.e anmnulment nouwn [CU] an:mnu'lar /zanjalaGr)/ adi (technicafhishaped like aring


, /anAnsierfn/


[sing] the

Annunciation (in the Christian religion) the occasion When Mary was told that she was to be the mother of Christ, celebrated on 25 March


/amAnsierts(r)/, moUn (physics) 3 bell,

light or other device that shows which of several electrical CIRCUITS is in Use anode /zazneod; NmE'aenoud/ moun (iechmical) the ELECTRODE ip an electrical device where OXIDATION oOCccuUIs; the positive elecfrode in an ELECTROLYTIC cell and the negative electrode ip abattery 一Compare CATHODE


(BrE alsoise ) /anedaiz/ ve [VN] to cover a

Inetal, especially ALUMINIUMVALUMINUM, With alayer of OXIDE in Order to Piotect 让


./znedam/ adi/. (formal) unlikely to cause dis-

agreement or offend anyone; not expressing strong opinionsER _BLAND


/amnomt/ ve必 一 sb/sth (with sth) to put oil or

Water on sb's head as part of areligious ceremony: [VN] The priest anointed her with oil [also VN:N]

especially through aLOUDSPEAKER.

anom:alous: /amnomalas; NMAmE-nam-/ ad (7rmah different 位om what isnormal or expectede anom'alously gdv 1tomakesbslightlyangryER3J IRRITATE:[VN] His com= StaTltjoKimng Was bpegiriiing to aoy her 2treally ari7ioys anom':aly /anpmali; NmE amaom-/ noun (plFies ) ~ (in sth) a thing, situation,, etc. that is different 人fom what is Te WPheTt people frget to Say thank youL 2 [VNto inf] 琵 Dormal or expected: the maTty amormalies 识 轨e tax Systemm aoyS me to -5ee Pirm Setting ahead of me. 了 [VN] to

可用 用 OOY 0 本 /emnor/ ve 必



| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

| 5 vision

| tchain

| -dgjam

| gthin

| 5this

| Dasing


54 |

ztE apparent anomaly that tose Who Produced the Wealth the workers Were 雪 eDoorest anmomia /amnsumis; NmE smou:/ noun [U] (medical) a medical condition in which 'sb cannot remember the names of common objects

an.Omiie(also anomy /anami/ noun [U] (formaj alack of social or moral standards anon /anopn; NAmE amamy/ adv (oldJjoshioned or Jiieram) Soon; See YOU aon.

anonmis/amnon; NAmEamcn/ abbr ANONYMOUS

ano:miym'ity /,znaimimeti/


[U] Tthe

state of

remaining Unknown to most other people: Na7mes of People 识 切 e book Were chamiged to Dreseiye aioPyTmib

妇e ahonymity of the ciby (= where people do not know each other) e (especially NAmE) He agreed to Siye ar imnte 广 view on condition of anonyrmnity (= 这 his name was not mentioned). 2 the state of not ,having any:unusual or interesting features: the anomyrmitby of the hotel aecor

ano:mym-.ize(BrE also -ise /anopnrmarz; NAmEsemam-/

verb [VN] (iechmicatoremove anyinformation' 位om aitest result, especially a medical test result, that shows Who 让 belongs to

an'OonymiOus /anpnrmas; NAmE amamn-/ adj 了 (of a Person) with a name that is not known or that is not made Public: an arionymlous donor 2 The 不Oney Was domated by Q 1ocal businessTmar Who Wishes to _rema 训 anonymous, 2.(abbpr anon) writtez凶 givenm made,etc. by sb who does not want their name to be known or made public: amn amomymoOus Letter 3 Without any UnDUsual or interesting features: 1orig Srretches of dull anid

aomnyrmous coOUntryside anonym'ouslyadv anonymous FTIP7movn [U] (computng) a System that allows anybody to DOWNLOAD files from the Internet WwWithout having to give their mame amo:rak /'anarzek/ noun 了 (especially BrE) aishort coat with a HOOD

that is worn

as _Protection against_ rain,

wind and cold 一 picture 吃 PAGE RI4 了 2 (BE informal) a Person who spends alot of time learning facts or collectingthings that most other people think are boring





/aena reksia na:'vaUse; NAImE Dair'VoUsa/) OU [U] an emotional DISORDER, especially affecting young women, ip which there is an ABNORMAL fear ofbeing fat causing the person to stop eating, leading to dangerous weight loss 二compare BULIMIA am:Or.eXxic /,zna'reksIk/ nouUn a persof who is stiffering from' anorexia = amorexicadj/.: Shes aiorexic:



/amAieCnD/ det; pron、

1 one more; an extra thing or person: Would you Like amother drinK? C Yinished?7 WO, 人 Tye got another three qUesS-

tions to do ecWeywe still got another (= a further) fjorty miles to go.C4tsabi 讶 Ohno, notanother coTgotarnother of those calls yesterday 二compare OTHER .DID Another can be followed by a singular noun, by'of and aplural noun, orby a number and aplural noun. 2 different; a different person or thing: Fets do 丰 another tmes COWe meed another computer (= anew one). JWe car trythat一 Dutwhetper il worK is another matter The room's too S7malL Lets See 太 theyye got another one. CTdaomttLike th room. Prmgoing to ask foranother 3 aperson or thing of avery similar type: Shes going to be another Madomnma (= as famous as her). C There 了Elneyer be amiother Like Firm一 See also ONE ANOTHER [IEIO of one kind,, sorty etc. Or

a'nother usedwhenyotarereferring to various types'of athing;, without saying exactly what you mean: Weve all gotproblems ofone Kind orariother 一more at ONE AN. Othery/eren'AseGD)/nouwn [sing] apersonm whose name is notknown or not yetdecided, for example in a list ofplayers in a team

司 门.SWVEN 0 /dnsa(D); NAmE'aen-/ DOUn, ye证 @ moOuwn ~ (to sth) 1 something that you say wiite of doto Teact to a duestion or situation: Tcanteasily give am am-

SWertoyotr guestion SayeEyou had am ansWer to yOUT 1etter2 人 As 六 ianisWwer to our Drayers she'offered to Lend She Us E10000.OTrang the bell but 志ere WasmnoarSWer 了 something that youU jhadinoranswer to the accusations. 2. Write or say-in reply to a question in a test -an exarm ,an exercise, etc,;the correctTeplyto aquestion in a testb etc.: Write your answers om the sheet proyvided.. .Do you riow

the answer to question-122? (= the Tight one) 3 a solution to a problem: There no easy arlsWer 2 This coUIQd De the answerto all our problems. C The obyvioUus ahnsWer WOUIG pe to camicel the part/ 4 a person Or thing 们om one Place that maybe thoughtto be as good as afamous perSon OF thing from anotherPplace: THie mew 态emme Park Wil be BTr记 ain5 atsWwertoDisneyland、 [En have/know allthe 'an-

swWers(informah often disapproving) to be confident that

yot know sth, especially When you:actually do not: He : atNO EXCIa17T. 妇inKs 办 emnowWs all the amsWers 一more 和 Verb Tito say write'ordo sth as a reaction to aquestion OF:Situation REPLY: [V]Irepeated he questiom PuULE she didmnitanswer Ce[VN] Zou phayeni arswered TnY:GUes-

tion. to answeraletterXarmn adyertisementc to QTLSWeT thephone (= to pick up the phone when itrings) co to amswer the door(=toopenthedoor when sb knocks/rings) C My prayers hayve beem arlsWwered (三 LIhave got whatI wanted). e He refused to answer the charges a8qinstPirm 人 Come om alsWer mel Where Were YOU? C He alsWered 7Tmne withasmile:e [Vspeech] aprefertowalk she answered. C _[VN speech] Ta prefer to Walk ”she afisWered hirm: 了 [v that] She answered 纺at :SheiWwould prefer to Walk 和 [VNN] Amswer me 态 语:howW;:did 雪 ey Know We Were jhere? [also VNithat] 2 [VN] (Jormoaol) to be-stiitable for sthy'to match sth: Does -this arswer 一yOUr TeqgUirermnertts? IE answertothenarme of sth (especially ofapet aniInal) to be called sth 一more at DESCRIPTION amswer 'backto defend yourself against criticism: .He Was given the chamnce to answer.back

识 aradio nterview.


swer 'back | answer sb 'backto speak rudely to sb 识

authority, especially Whenithey are criticizing you or telling you:to do sth: Doni anmsWwer backl 2.Stop a1isWering yourrmotherbackl'answerfor sth:1i toacceptIesponsi-

bility or blame for sth: 如 凡 妈 记 have to ansWer for yoOur Dehayiour one'day coThis goyernrmentjhas QIotto answer for(=isresponsibleforalotofbadthings) 2 topromise thatsb has aparticular quality or can be ielied on to do

sth:Tcam answer7Frherhonesty answerforsb (usually

in negative Sentences) to say that sbselse will do sth or have a particular opiniion::T agreerbDutT camit GrisWer Jor

ny colleagues: answer to sb (for sth)to have to explain your actions or decisions to Sb: All sales clerks Ga7isWer to the store mmariageF

an:swer'able /anserebl; .NAmE'aen-/adj. 1 [not before noun]~to sb (for sth) havingtoexplain youractions to sb in atithority over yoU: She Was a 广ee agenb ansWerable to .no one for herbehayviour 了 [not before noun] ~ (for sth) responsible .for sth and ready to accept punishment-Or criticism for it: Ministers ImUstbe made arsWwerable fortherr

decisions. 3,(of aquestion) that can be,answered





/dmnsefeun; NATmE 'aemsarfoun/) noum a machine Which you connect to your telephone to _ answer you calls.and record anyImessageleftbythe person calling: 工calledseveral tirmes butOPy Sotthe amnlsWerinig mmachine. an:sSwerphone /dnsafeun; NAmE 'aenserfoun/ :moun

(BrE) = ANSWERING MACHINE: She le所 hermame and7uUmDer om Phis ansWerphone: amt /zent/ noun a small insect that lives in highly organjized groups. There are many types of ant:am ants "nest am ant colony 一Dicture cx PAGE-R2I 一see also ANTHIIE

[rm have'ants:in yourpantsi (informal) tobevery excited or impatient aboutsth andunable to stay still -ant -ent sujjrxT(inadjectives) thatis or does sth: 5 到miFicant c different 2 (in notns) aperson or thing that: inhabitantC deterrent

ant.acid /zant'zesrId/ noun' a medicine that Prevents or corrects ACIDITY, especially in the stomach an'tag.on:ismnm /zen'tasgenIzem/ own [upl.] ~ (to/to-

ward(s) sb/sth) | ~ (between A and B) feelings of hatred

有 cat | dz father | eten | 3: bird | e about | Tsit | 王 see| imany | pgots(BrE) | ioxsaw | Acup | 六 put | ustoo

55 answer .reply Verbs

ante'matal/iasntimertl/ (BrE) (also prematalNAmE BrB dd/. [onlybefore nounj relatingtothe medical care given to

Answer and reply arethe mostcommon verbsused for speaking or writing as a reaction to a question,letter, 一 ietes 旦Notethat youanswera person, question or letter not arlsWer to them, butyou replyto somebody or something: /7m WwWr让 ng io answer your guestions ojm

Writingt 1epiy io your guestions cp

下 Answer canbe used with or without an object: /hayen苹 QH1swered her emailyet Snrocked on 翅 edoor but nopody answered. Reply is often used with the actual Words spoken: 4womtietyou dowm ?heyreplied

”Were unwingio respond to 9Uestions.

Ww1bng 站 answerto youUr /etter 一 see alsoRESPONSE, REJOINDER,RETORT

HOSTILITY: The antagomism je 万引

atagomisfms i Society antagOm'ist /asn'taeganist/ moun (1jormalj) a persomn who OPPONENT

antagOnm'istic /aentagemistik/ adj ~ (to/towardG) sby/sth) (rmajh showing or feeling opposition antagoriisticaliy7/kkli/ ozv


amtagon'ize (BrE also -ise) /aentaeganaiz/ veb [VN] io do sth to make sb angry With yoU: NotWisPiaimg to antagomie her 包 rthep je said Po 7mmore:

the Antarctic /aen'ta:ktrk; NAmE :tark-/ mown [sing]

the regions of the world arouiid the South Pole


arctic 0dj [only before noun]: AFitarctic exXpIorers 一compare ARCTIC

theAn,tarctic'Circle own [sing.] theline ofLATITUDE

66” 33' South 一compare ARCTIC ante /2nti/ novr [sing] IE raise/up the 'ante to increase the level of sth,especially demands or sums of

Ioney amte- /aenti/ prejx (各 nouns, adjectives and verbs) before; 雇 人font of: ante-roomz C aittenatal e amntedate 一com-

pare POST-, PREamt'eat'er /zenti:te(r)/ novn an animal with a Jong nose andtongue that eats ANTS

ante.bellum /aentibelam/ ad/.-[only before noun] conDected with the years before a wam especially the American CivVil War: the Iaws of 纺e antebeliurmn Armmericai South

ante'ce'dent /aentr'sizdqnt/ own adl/ 下]IOU1 了 [C] (jorma/) a thing or an event that exists or another





2 antecedents [pl.] (jormalj) the people in sb's family who livedalong time ago ANCESTORS 3 [C] (grom/man aword or phrase to which the following word, especially a Pronoun, Tefers: 到 人Ge grabpbed 加e ball and 雁rew 证 n t 纺e air 2a1 5 the amtecedentof Mt 目 0dfj. (用 /rmaj) Previous: amntecedemnteyents ante'charmm'ber /antitfermbaG)/, novn ( 友omah =

ANTEROOM ante'date / zenti'dert/ verb [VN] = PRE-DATE

ITuns Very fast. There are many types of antelope.

| ersay

Pemnultirmate item on 坊 eagenda

amterior /antrerisGD7 NAmE stir-/ ad

[only before

| so go (Br6)

importance for a country an organization, or aparticular group of people and is sung on special occasions: The BuUropeaTt anthem Was 了 Iayed at the opefiing and closing CereTmomies. 一see also NATIONAL ANTHEM 2 a short religious Song for a CHOIR (= a group of singersj, often with an organ

amthern'ic /sen'biomIk/ ad (formal) (ofapiece ofmtusic) that makes yo feel happy and enthusiastic am'ther /'senbaGrD)/ moun (biology) the part of a flower at the top of a STAMEN that produces POLLEN 一picture 尼 PLANT ant:hnil /aenthl/ non a pile of earth formed by ANTS over their nests


(BE _also -ise) /angoladsarzz,NAmE

-6a:l-/ vemb [VN] to include a writer or piece of writing ip an anthology an'thology /aen'bpled5i; NAmE -9a:]-/ noun (p/ -ies) a collection iof poems, stories, etc. that have been written by different People and published together in abook

anthra'cite /zengrasait/ houm [册 avery hard type of coal that burns sIowly without Producing a lot of smoke or 人ames am'thrax /aengraeks/ moum [U] a seriotus disease that affects sheep and cows and sometimes people,and can cause death am'thro.po- /aenbreapaU; NAmmE-:poo/ combining jorm (in Douns, adjectives and adverbs) connected with humans: anthropology anthro':pocemn'tric /aenbrepe'sentrrk/ adj- believing that:humans are' more important than anything else

产 anthropocen:trism /anbrepa'sentrrzem/moum [U] an'thro-poid /aenbraepoId/ ga太,nouwn (techmica1 日0dlj. (of an APE) looking like ahuman 日IOU1 anytype OfAPEthatis similar to abhuman an:thro.polo.gist /aenbraepplead5rst; NAmmE-pa:l-/ nouri aperson who studies anthropology anthropology /aengrepnpled5i; MAmE-pa:l-/nou1n [U] the study of the human race,especially of its_ origins, developmentb customs and beliefs 上 anthro:pological /aenbrepaelpd5Ikl; NAmE-la:d5-/ adf/

anthro'po'morph'ic /anbrapemo:fik; NAmEsmoxrf/ /aengreapemoxfrzeam; NAmE-mozrf-/ oun [U]

ante'lope /antalaup; NAmEJoup/ moun(pjantelope or ante'lopes) an African or.Asian animal like,a DEER, that | aurnow


as 二 theyhad human qualities eanthropomorph'ism

OUs) Very old-fashioned

| :ar my

2 人(Pi antennas Or antennae)

三 AERIAL: radio amtenmas

ddlj. (of beliefs or ideas) treating gods, animals or objects

ante'dilu'Vvian /antidrlurvian/ adj (Jomma/or humor-



an'them /aemigem/ noun Ta Song Which has a special

towWards his old enerny Was still yery strong. C the racial



bem movn aroom where People can wait before entering alarger Toorm especiallyin an important publicbuilding

和 Note the phrases in answerto and in replyto: /入


of the two long thin parts on the heads of some insects and some animals that live in shells,used to feel and touch things with FEEELER: (JigUratve) Te Tinister Was praiseE 亢 六 7iis acute political antennae (= ability to understand complicated political situations). 二picture 咱

noun] (techmicoh) (ofapartofthebody) atornearthe 们ont POSTERIOR ante'room /antiruzim; rum/ (also jormal ante'cham-



amtemnay/aen'tene/ noun 了 (Plan'ten:nae /mi:/) either

fore noun] (formalj)two beforethelast; third last: 态 eamnte-

理 You can only answer a door or a phone.

StroliglyOpPPoses Sb/sth

Pregnant women: attemntatal care/classes/screeTiing 和 am atematalciinic 一compare POST-NATAL

ante:Ppemultimate /aentipen'Altmat/ adj [onlyibe-

于 Respond isless common and moreformal: The diectors

and opposition


anm'thro'poso'phy /aanbre'ppsefi; NAmE. -pa:s-/ moun [uU] a system for teaching and helping people to become as Imentally and physically healthy as possible > an-

thro'.posoph'iical /,sngrepa'sofrkl; NAmE-sa/ adl/ | ou go (Mm 有

|:or boy

|: re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


anti-CcOagu'|amnt/ ,aentikew'aegjalant; NAmE -kou-/ nmOUn


(medicaj) a substance that stops the blood from becoming thick and forming cCLOTS

anthar-iumn/asn'bjoeriom; NAmE-9jor-/ moun atropical Dlant that is grown for its attractive leaves and bright flowers

3mticom'yul.samnt/,aentiken'vAlsent/ noun a drug used

amti/'aenti/ prep (njormaj) 让 sbis anti sbysth, they do not

antics/'zentiks/ mouvn [pl] T behaviour which is silly and

to prevent EPILEPTIC FITS Or similar illnesses Vvulsantiod/.

like or agree With that person or thing 一compare PRO

司 四i世 0

funnyin awaythat people usuallylike: The bamk sta太got Upto allsorts ofantics to raiseTmoneyjforcharib' 之 behaviour which is ridiculous or dangerous

/anti/ prejix (in nouns and adjectives)

1 opposed to; against: anti-tank Weapors 2 antisocia[一 compare PRO- 2 the opposite of: anti-hero c amticlimzQx 3 preventing: antifreexze

amti'cycjone /,znti'saikleun; NAmE -kloun/ moumn an area ofhigh airpressure that produces calm weather conditions with clear skies 一compare DEPRESSION

,amti-'aircraftzd/ [onlybefore noun] designed to destroy

anti'depres.sant/,antidrpresnt/ noun a drug used to

enemy aircraft: anti-aircra人 ft让re/Sunmns/Tmnissiles

amti-oac'ter'ial /iaentibaek'treriel; NAmE :tmisl/ adl/.



[only before

noun]: antidepressant aru8s

that kills bacteria: amtibacterial treatmzemts

儿 anticon-

amti.bi.ot'ic/,sntibarmptik; NAmE -azttgk/ 广nown [usually

antidote/'antideut; NMAmE-dout/ novun ~ (to sthj Ta

pl] asubstance, forexample PENICILLIN, that can destroy or preventthe growth ofbacteria and cure infections: The doctor put her om amitibiotics (= told her to take therm): e anti.bioticod/:an antibiotic drug c effective antibiotic

Substance that controls the effects ofa poison or disease: There imo Known antidote to 纺 epoison. 也 anything that takes away the effects of sth unpleasant: A Mediterramneam crUise Was the perfect anttidote toalong cold Winter

amtifreeZe /'aentifri:z/ movn [U] a chemical that is added to the water in the RADIATOR of cars and other vehicles to stop it from freezing amti' 名em/'aentrd5en/ 1OuUn (medicol) a substance that en-


amtiloody/'aentibodi; NAmE-bad:di/ noun (P/ -iey a substance that the body produces in the blood to fight disease, Or as a reaction When certain Substances are PUt

into the body

ters the body and starts a Process that can cause disease. The bodythen usually produces ANTIBODIES to fight the antigens.

,amti-choice ad (NAmE disopproving) against giving Women

the Tight to have an ABORTIPN 一COmpare PRO-


amti'.grav. 计yY /sntigraevIti/

Amnti:christ/aentikrarst/ (usually the Antichris moun [sing.] (in Christianity) the DEVIL; Christs greatestenemy


mo _[U]



imaginary force thatWworks against GRAVITY

司 mmti-heronoun the main-character in astory, but one who does not have the qualities of a typical hero, and is either mmore like an ordinary person or is morallybad

0 /aenrtisIpett/ ve疙

Ttoexpect sth: [VN] We donmit anticipate any 7major Droblemis. OUr anticipated arrival tme 1 8.30. 2 The eagerly

antihis'ta:mine /antihrsteamim/ novn [CU] a drug

antticipated movie 记 Ww be released next Immonth. C [V -ing] They artticipate mmoying to bigger Premises bpy the end of the

usedtotreatALLERGIES, especially HAY FEVER: GTitihista-

year C [VN -ing] TIdont anticipate 让 being Q problem. [v that] We anticipate that sales W 记 rise mext yeaF 和 [VN that] 共 zanticipated that 总Jiation will stapilize at 396. 一compare UNANTICIPATED 2 tosee what might happenin the future and take action to Prepare forit: [VN] We meedsomeone Who cartanticipate amd respond to chamrges 训 庚 efoshionindustry S [Vwh-] Tryandanticipate Whatthe

mti-in 人am:matoryad/ (of a drug)inused to reduce INEFLAMMATION anti-inflam'matorynoun (p/ -ie9 'amti-lockod/ [only before noun] anti-lock BRAKES stop

7mirte creamiinjectiors7Zshots

the wheels of a vehicle locking 这 you have'to stopjsuddenly, and so make the vehicle easiersto control: at anti-

LIock braking System or ABS 六 amti-mat:ter /antimaete(r)/ moun [U] (physics) matter

interviewers will asKk: [also Vv that].3 :to think with pleas-

ure and excitement about sth that is going to happen: [VN] We eagerty anticipated the day we Would leayve School [alsov -ing,VN -ing] 4 (Jormalj) to do sth before it can be donebysb else

that is made UP of antiparticles

amn'tim'Ony/'antmani; NAmE -mouni/ 0oun _[U] (symb Sb a chemical element. Antimony is a silver-white metal thatbreaks easily, Used especially in making ALLOYS,

ERHFORESTALL: [VN] When Scottreached

成e Sou 妨Pole he jobund that Amundsen had anticipated jirm, [also VN -ing] ”> an'tici"pa'tory /senitISTperterj; NAmE sn'trsepato:ri/ adj (1jormal): a Jast anticipatory TnOyeTmnent by the 8oalKkeeper

amnti'.OXxi'dant /,zentipksrdent;,

NAmE _:>aks-/,


1 (biology) a substance Such as VITAMIN C or E that temoves

dangerous MOLECULES,etc.,SUch


am-tici'pa'tion /antrsrpeIfn/ noun [U] Tthe fact of

ICALS from the body 2 (chermistry) a substance thiat helps

seeing that sth might happen in the future and perhaps doing sth about itnow: He bought extra food 识 aftticipation of more People comming than he'd inyited. 2 afeeling of excitement abotutsth (usually sth good)j thatis going to happen: happy/eager/excited anticipation Thecour Tooma Was 万led with anticipatiom.

Prevent OXIDIZATION, especially one used to help Prevent stored food products from going bad

amnti.Par:ticle/antipaztrkl; NAmEPpart-/ moun (physics) aVery Small partof an atom thathas the Same Iass as a normal PARTICLE btt the Opposite electrical CHARGE

amnti'pasto/ sntipaesteg; NAmE -Oo/moun (PL_antipasti /ti/) (Italian cooking)asmall amountoffood which you

anti.cli.max /antiklamrmaeks/ noun [GuU]'a situation that is disappointing because it happens atthe end ofisth: that was much more exciting, or because it is not as exciting as yot expected: Trayelling in Europe Was something of am ariticlirax after the years heid spent 识 Africa. 2 a sehtse/feelintg of ariticlimax 一compare CLIMAX anti-

eat before

~ (between Aand B) | ~ (to/toward(s) sby/sth) (formalj) a Strong feeling of dislike ERJHOSTILITY: persomnaiIATmLtual antipathy c a growing antipathy towaras the idaea

anti.cline/'zentiklamy/ moun (geology) an area of ground

P anti:path.etic/ sentipa'betik/ adj ~ (to sb/sthj: anti-

where layers ofrockin the earth's suirface have been fold-

Pathetic to chamge

ed into a curve that'is higherin the middle than at the ends 一CoOmpare SYNCLINE


direction to the movement of the hands of a clock: Tu the Key amnticIockwisein an anticlockwise directiomnr [aa CLOCKWISE

| ffall

| gget|


| jyes

[only before noun] (of weapons)

designed to KilI or injure people, notto destroy buildings Or Vehicles, etc.

anticlock:wise /antiklpkwalz; NA7E -klak-/ (Br6) (NAmE coun'terclockiwise aodv,adj. 记 the opposite

| ddid


antip.athy/aen'tmpabi/ noun [u,C usually sing.] (P -ie9

climactic/,sentiklarmaektIk/ ad


the main part of a_ meal


antiperspir.ant/ sntipa:sparsnt; NAmE-Da:rs-/ mo0U7 [u,G a substance that people use, especially Under their arms, to PrIeventorreduce SWeat 一see also DEODORANT

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| ppen

| rred

the' Amn'tipo'des /antrpadi:z/ moun [pl] (BrB away of Ieferring to Australia and New Zealand, often used in a

humorous way 儿 Antipodean /iantmpa'di:en/ ad anti'pro'tom /aentipreoton; -NAmE proutam/ moun

(Physics)aPARTICEE thathasthe same mass asa PROTON,,

but anegative electrical CHARGE

anti-pyret'ic7 ,2entipaITetik/ adj. (ofa drug)tused to ieduce or Prevenit fever 上 antipyret'ic mou1 anti'quar'ian/ ,aentrkweaerien; NAmE-kwer-/ adj ,noun

旦 Qdlj. [usually before noun] connected with the study,, collection or sale ofvaluable old objects, especially books 旦 DOUm (also /ess 7requent-antii'quary /aentikwari; NAmE Weri/) a_person who studies,collects or sells old and valuable objects

amti'quark /aentikwa:k; NAmE 苹wWazTrK/ OUm (physics) the ANTIPARTICLE of a QUARK anti'quated /aentikwertrd/ adj (usually disapproving) (of things or ideas) old-fashioned and no longer suitable for modern conditions


amtique /aen'tixk/ Gdj ,noun

是 0dj. [usually before noun] (of furniture;jewellery, etc:)old and often Valuable: am amtique mahogany desK 旦 1OUm an Object sych as apiece offurniture thatis old and often valuable: Priceless antigues Were destroyed 识 the 万re. 2an antique Shop (= one that sells antiques) ce an amtique dealer (= aperson who sells antiqtes) antiquity /aen'tikwati/ noun (P/ -ies) 1 _[U] the ancient Pasb especially the times ofthe Greeks and Romans: The Statue Was D7roughtto Romme in attiguity 了 [U] the state of being very old or ancient: A murmmpber of the momnurments are of co7tsiderable aritiquib, 3 [Cusually pl] an object from ancient times: EgyptHamyRomar antqguities

anti-rollbarnovn ametalbarthatispartofacars sUsPENSION,Which stops the car from leaiiing too much When it goes around:corners amtirrhinum /aentiTrarmamy/ own (techniico) aplantof the typethat icludes the SNAPDRAGON

amti-Sermitism /anti'sematizem/ moun [U] hatred of anti-Semitic /,znti Jews; Unfair treatment of Jews samnitIik/,adj: arti-Ssemic propaganda anti-Semmite /aentivssiamart/ noOUm: Fe Was a motorious amnti-Semmite.

amti'sep'tic /,asnti'septrk/ noun, ad 旦 IOUm [G; U] a substance that helps to preventinfection in

Wounds by Killing bacteria DISINEECTANT 是 0Cd/ 1 able to prevent infection: anmtiseptic creamlo2 very :clean and_ free from bacteria tiom/Wipes STERILE: COYer 妇e Durm With an am 右septic dressing.

anti'social / anti'saofl; NAmE-.soufl adj 1 harmful or annOying to other People, or to society in general: a7z嫌Social behayiour 2 Dot Wanting to spend time with other People: THPeyE 态 训KKyoU7e being antisocial 矿you domt

80. 一Compare SOCIABLE

am'tith esis /aen'trbesrs/




/aen'trgasi:z/) ( 友rmalj) 1 the opposite of sth: Ioye is the G11Ethesis of selPish7iess. 2 Students 万7isjhing their educa右onn at 了JI6 1 态e yery amtithesis of whatsociety need. 了 a Contrast between two things: There 好 am amtithesis betweet the meeds of the state amd 女e needs of the people.

pe antithetical /aentr'getrkl/ ad

anti'tradewinds /aentitrerdwrmadz/ (also antitrades)

mouwn [pl.] winds thatblow in the opposite direction to the


anti-trust /zentitrAst/ adj [only before noun] (of laws) Preventing companies Or grOUPS of companies from con-

trolling Drices Unfairly

amti'Viral /zentivairal/ adj (of a drug) used to treat infectious diseases caused by a Virus

amti"Virus /aentivamras/ adj (computing) designed to find and destroycomputer viruses: atiVirus Software ant.jer /aentlaGD)/0owm: [usually pl one:of the two horns 一Picture 性PAGER20 that growon thehead ofmale DEER antlionmnovn asmall insectthateats other isects, eSpeciallyANTS,, which it catches in ahole made ip thesand



| vvyan

| wwet

| zzoozslsJshoe



antOnynny /antenim/ moun (techmical)awordthatmeans the opposite of another word OPPOSITE::O1d? Ras two possible alttonyras: Young' ad gew2 一compareSYNONYM aintsy /aentsi/ od 六(NAmE in1formalj) iaPatient; notable to keep stil1 amus /emaes/ moun (anatomy) the opening in a person's bottom through which solid waste leaves the body 一see also ANAL 一Dicture 已BODY amV 计 /aenva/ nounian iron block on which a BLACKSMITH Puts hot pieces of metal before shaping them with a HAMMER

司站 XieTY 0

/as0zaretil nou7 (Dies)

1 Lu] ~ (aboutover sth) the state of feeling nervous or Worried that sth bad is going to happen: acute/imtense/ deep axiety 2 Somme hospital patienits experience 刀igh levels of arxiety 字 [C] a worry or fear abonlt sth: 矿youye Worried about YOUr healtmi Share yOUF aixieties With yoU7 doctor 3 [LU] ~ to dosth | ~for sth a strong feeling of wanting to do sth or of wanting sth to happen: the camdidates aietby to Win the vote 避 切epeoples anxiety for 切e Warto end 可 有站X.1OUIS

0-可 /askyJaes/ ad

了 T~(about sth) | ~ (for sb) feeling woriried or nervous: Te see1ied aTIXioUS apout 态 e meetirlg. 2 Parents are natu 产 ally acious Jor their children, 忆 note at woORRIED 之 catsing anxiety; showing anxiety: There Were a 万w QTXiOUS 7momentzs 识 the paseball game.S an artxiots

1ook/Jace/expression 3 ~to dosth | 一forsth |~for sb to do sth | ~ that .… wanting sth very much: She Was

GTDXiOUS to 万mish School and geta job There are plenty of graduates aTLXious jbr Work: ce Fe was anmXxious not to be misunderstood. C THr arxious Jor herto do asilittle as pos5ible. O She Was ariXious 执 at Fe Should 7meet jher 气态 Er

上 anX'ious'ly adv: toaskZIooKkKZWait artxiously


aemnts are ariXiously aWwaitng adecisiom.

可 有扣 愉 0

/enij det, pron, adv

det 1 used with uncountable orpluralnouns in negative Sentences and questions,after 上太 or whpethen and after SOme Verbs SUuch as preve/b bam, jrbid etc. to referto an amount or anumber:of sth, however-large Or Small: 了 didriteatanyrmeat ArethereanysStamps2oTyegothard&r amy Toney COZou cant go ouUE Without amy shoes. ec Fe Jorbids any talking i class. 2 She asKed ifwe had amny ques如071S. In Positive sentences some is usually used instead of any:Tye gotSsome paper 太 you want 让 Itis also Used in questions that expect a Dositive answer: Wouid yyOU Like Sone 7Tnikk 识 your tea? 2 used with singular countable nouns to Iefer to one of a ntimber of things or People, when itdoes not matter Which one: TaKe any booK yoU Like. 2 APy colour Wi ao. Amy teacher W 记 tel yov 态at students Learn at @Jferenit rates. 一See also IN ANY CASE at CASEI ,IN ANY EVENT at EVENT, AT ANY RATE at RATE 由 3 notjust 一 Used to show that sb/sth'is special: 了 17t7JLUSEaTY day 一 is Tiy birthday/ 目 Drom. 1 used in negative sentences and in questions and

after ifor whethertoreferto an amountorantmber howeVer large Or Small; We meed Some 7more paint 态 ere 1Smt QUY Le扩 STmeed Some Starmps. Are there any 太 yourbpag?Pe Please Jet 7Tme Kmno 巷how:7mamny are coming if ay S She Spentharaly ay of the momney CHe returned hormme withnott ay of the others. In positive sentences Some is Lisually used instead of any. It is also used in questions that expectapositive reply:Tye gotplentbr ofpaper 一would yov LiKe 5ome2 字 one or more of a number of people or things, especially when itdoes not matter which: 7 taoke ayY YOU domntWanE Which colour ao you Wanmnt2 Am7 OF

态ema Wildo TI sb isn't having any (of 训 -(njforma))

Somebody is not interested or does not agree:TsUggested Sharing theicos5 Duthe Wasmtphayingany of 让 四 adw Tiusedtoemphasize'an adjective or adverb inmnegative sentences or questions, meaning 'atall: He Wasntariy good at French Orcantram any joster eyour fther Jeeling anyibetter2 oTadontWant any more. 和fyouaont

| 5vision

| tchain

| usjam

| bthin

| 6this

| 0sing



tell 成em miobody Will be any the Wiser 了 (NAmE in7F mal) used at'the end of a negative sentence to mean 'at alP: ThatWomtPhurtyou anX

人 /enibpdi; NMAmE:-bAdi; -bazdi/ pronm: any'body 0 = ANYONE: 1s there anybody who can Phelp me? CAmnypody ca Use the pool 一you domnit need to be a _member 2 She Wasnt anybody before she got thatjobany'how /'enihao/ odv 1 = ANYWAY 2iin a careless way; not arranged iD an order: She piled the papers in a Fieap om her desjc just anyjhow.

any more (Br (also anymore NmE Br advioften used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, tormean 'any longer: She doesmnt Iiyve here any imore S Why doesnttjhe speak to me any more? C Now she

Won 和 haye to go out to Work any mmore.

Do not Use

omore: with this meaning: ShedeesfFttHyeHReFrefOTiOFe-




Taused instead of someone in negative sentences and 训 questions after 这 whethep and after Verbs such as Prevehb

Jorbjd, avoid: 人 anyone there? s Does aniyone else Want to come? C Did anyome see YOU? 2 Hardly arlyome carme. CT Jorbid anyone to touch that clock, DIEED The difference between anyone and someone is the same as the difference between any and some. Look at the notes there. 2 anyperson at all; it does not matter who: Anypody cam

See thatits anyone carl ant person: any'place

/eniwesGD;NAmE-Wer/ (NAmE


58 | myY'WIhere

wrong.CThe exercises are SO Simple that alrmost do them. 3 (innegative sentences) an importShe wasmt anyone before she got 如 atjob. /'eniplers/ adw (NAmE) = .ANYWHERE

局站Y- 七 ii 有 0 /enig曾 /Prom Tused instead ofsomething in negative sentences and in questions; after whethes and after Verbs such as preyent ban,avoid: Would you Like .anything else2 C Theres meyer amything Worth Watching on TV 2 矿yoU rememzbper

aything at al Please Let US Know 2 We hope to Preyent anything LUnpleasant 方om Fappening. CEnD The differ ence between anything and something is the same as the difference between any and some. Look at the notes there. 2 anything at all, when it does not matter which: T7rmm so hunsgrw 7 eat anything、3 any thing of importance: there anythinig (三 any truth) 总 雪 ese ruUmOUTS2

[Er anythingbut definitelynot: The hotelwas anything DuUEEheap

下 wasrit cheap. Anything DuE anythinglike

sb/sth (informaj) (used iD questions and negative statements) similar to _sb/sth: He isnt anything Like TY 万rst

boss, as happy quick, etc. as anything (informal/l very happy quick, etc.:Tfitas pleased as ariything like any-

thing (BrE, informal) very mtch: They7re alWways slagSiT18

7me o太 Like anything not anything like used to empha-

Size that sth is not as g0od, not enotugh,etc.: The booK Wasnt anything Like as good as herfirstonte. not for' any-

thing (informah) definitely not: TI wouidnt give 让 Up Jor anything. or anything (informah or another thing of a Similar type: 矿yoUu want to call a meeting or_ artythins, JustIetmmne Know.

any time (Br6 (also any'time NAmE Br adv at a time that is not fixed: Call mme any time. [Eu ,anytime ,soon (NAmE) used in negative sentences and questions to refer to the near future: W 记 She be bacK amytirmre soon2

引用. Way

0人 /eniwei/ (also any'how)adv

1 used when adding sth to sSupport an jidea or argument

BESIDES: Jts too expensiye and amyWway the colour doesnt suit yOL 2 正S too late now anyWay :了 despite sth; even so: The water Was cold butTtook ashower anyWay CTm ahraid we camt come, buttnhariks for 纺e inyitaton amyway 3 used when changing the subject of a conversation, ending the convVersation, or retutning to a Subject: Anyway LIets forget about that for the morment ec

APnyWway Ta better go now 一TFI1Lsee yo tomorrow 4 used to _correct or Slightly change what you have said: She Works 训QbanKk. She did wjhenTilast saw jhemn anyWway:

1T used in negative sentences and in questions instead of = SOmewhere:Tcan生see 让 anyWwhere. CDidyougo anyWhere interesting?.C Many of 雪 ese amimals are not Jound aryWhere else. @ Hes mneyer beel_ anyWhere .OUtside Britaim.

The _difference _between


and_ some-

Where is the same as the difference_ between any and some. Look at the notes there. 2 iD, at or to any Place, when it does not matter where: Put the bpox dowm amyWhere. OATiaccideritcanm happen aryWwhere. 人 any'where prom.:Tdomnt jhnaye anywhere to stay 2 Do yoU Know anyWhereTcamn buy asecond-hand compuUter2

AOB /er so 'bi:; NAmE oa/ abpr any other business (the things that are discussed atthe end of an official meeting that are noton the AGENDA) A-OK /erao Fei; NAmE ,er 00 Ker/ ga 丰 ;adv (NAmE 加or 1ma/) 雇 good condition; in ami acceptable manner: EyerythingsA-OKTmOW CThe parb Wento 太 4A-OFKata /ero:te; NAPmEeroirte/ noun (anatomy)the main ARTERY that carries blood from the heart to the restof the bodyonce ithas 了 Passed through the LUNGS

Ao'tea'roa /aoteieire0a; NAmE :ToUe/ 1oUn (NZB) the Maori name for New Zealand, tisually translated as “the land ofthe long white cloud

AP /el'pi:/ obbr AssocIATED PRESS apace /apeIs/ ady (1jormal) at a fast speed; quicky: to corttinue/SgroWw/Pproceed/deyelop apace

Apa'che /apaeti/.novn(p/Apa'che orApa'ches) amember of a Native American people, many of whom live in the US states of New Mexico and Arizona apart 0 /spact; NAmEaepamrt/ ady 1 separated by aidistance,, of Space or time: The two, jhouses stood 500 metres apart 2 Their birthdays are only three days apart (Jiguratiive) The twosides 识 thetalks are still a Iong way apart (二 are far from reaching an agree-= ment). 也 not together; separate'or Separately: We re Jiing apart noW C Over the yearsi Rosie and Thad dried apart C She Keeps herself apart 广om other People. CTcant tellthe twins apart (= see the difference between them). 3 into pieces: The Whole thing just came apart iTmy jhands. C We had to take the engine apart ee WPheii nis W 旋 died his worldjfellapart 4 used tosay that sb/sth is not included in what yo are:talking about: Colin aparb5 mot onte oF them seerns SUitabie for the job.:IEDJ see JOKEY, POLE 由,RIPIV WORLD


0m (alsoa'sidefrom especialyp

NAmE) prep. Texcept for: Tve finished apart

廊ormm te last question.

2 in addition to; as well as:Apart

广om their house i ZLoPm-

dom, they also hayve ayillaimSpain.CIEWasadiFiculttmie. Apart 广om everything else, we had 记iniancial Problerns. Youyve got to _help. Apart 廊om anything else YOUT7e my Drother 只 note atBESIDES

apart'heid /apd:tart; ert; NAmEaspd:rtart; eit/ moun [U] the former political system in South Africa in which only White people had full political Trights and other people, especially black people,were forced to live away from White people, go to separate Schools, etc.

apart'hotel /apazthautel; NAmE apa:rthoutel/ noun a type of hotel that has apartments where youU can cOoK your own meals as well as ordinary hotel rooms



/apatment; NAmEapa:rt-/noun

1 (especially NAmBE) asetofroomas forliving in,usually on one floor of a building 一compare CONDOMINIUM,FLAT 2 asetofroomsused foraholiday/vacation: se 太 catering jholidayapartment 3 [usually pl.] (BrE) aroom in ahouse, especially alarge or famous house: YoUcam yisit the whole Palace exceptjfpr the priyvate apartmients.


block (Br6 (NAmE a'partment build-

ing) movn a large building with flats/apartments 600 each floor 一Dicture 只 PAGE RI6

apartmenthotel noun (NAm ahotel 日 thathas apart ments which youcan rentforlongorshortperiods oftime

acati| ad father | eten | sa: bird | aeabout | rsit | 裤 see | imany|npgot(Br6 | ozxsaw | Acup | 5put | urtoo

apartmentihousenoxn (ws asmall apartmentblock apa'thet:ic /ape'getik/ aai showing iorintetest or enthtisiasm: THPe iD7riess 7mnade Jer apathetic aid umawilling

to 7mneetpeople apatheticarly/asps'0etiklijody ap'athy/apabi/ movn [U] the feeling ofriot being interested 记 Or enthtsiastic about anything: There is WideSpread apathyamiomng the electorate.





oumayveryjlarge DINOSAUR with along necleand tail APB/isrzpiz Di 2bbr(NAm ALE-POINTS BULLETIN apey/eip/ noun, ve贱 上昌]OU1 a large animal like a MONKEY with no tail Thare are different types of ape: 切 egreat apes (= for example,

ORANG-UTANS OT CHIMPANZEES) [Er goape/apeshit (Sjangy especialy NA 帮 日to become extremely angry Or exX-


日Ye由 [VN] 1T(BrE disapproving)to do sth in the same Way

as Sb else,especially when it is not done VeIy_wWell ER IMITATE: For years the _ British 方IT idustry mereyy aped Holpywood, 字 (especially NA7PmB) to copy the way sb else behaves_ or talks,in order to make fun of them MIMIC: We Used io ape 坊e teacjher3s soU 雪 erP acceriEt ape'iman /empmaen/ noun ( -men /mea/) alarge animal, halfway between an APE and a human 了

ap'ergu/apea'sju; NAmE,aper'su/ moun (from French)a

comment that mmakes sth easier to tnderstand or that is amusing

Peri'tt /aperae'ti8/ 话 0oum (especialy BrE) adrink usually

one containing alcohol, thatpeopleisometimes have just before ameal 。

aperture/ apetjsG); NAmEalso tar/ movu7


a Small opening'in sth 2 (technicoh an opening that allowslighttoreach aLENS5, especiallyin camieras: For 甩 ash Dhotography setthe apertuFe at 广 5.6.

ape'sh 证/empJit/ on

[Dr go'apeshit 忆 GOAPE

Aipex(also APEX /empeks/ abbr (BrE) Advanced Purchase Excursion (a_system that offers cheaper travel -tickets

When they are bought in advance) apex/erpeks/ moui [usually sing.] (P/ apexeg the top: or highestpartofsth: the apex of the rooftriangleC(Hjiguwratye)At37 She 人 7reached theapexofjhercareer aphha:sia /as'feizie/ mov7m [U] (medicaj)the1oss ofthe abiLity to understand or produce speech, because of brain damage

aphidl /erifrd/ movn a very small insect thatis harmful to Plants. There are several types ofaphid, including, for e 均ample, GREENFLY-. aph:orisimmy/ zferrzzem/ movn(jorma1) ashortphrasethat Says sth true or Wise aph.oristic/,aefeTistrk/ ad aph:ro:dis-iac/,z2fra'drziaek/ movn afood ordrugthatis Said to give people astrong desire to have sex aphirodisiacadj.: theaphrodisiacigualities ofginseng

api'ary/erpieri; NAmE:ieri/ novm(P/ :ie9 aplace where BEES are kept

api'Culture /ermpzkAltfaGo)/ moun [U] (iechmicalj) = BEEKEEPING

apicultural/ieIprkAltferel/ adj- apicultur-

ist /ieIprKAltfarist/ 7o077 apiecey/api:s/ adv (used after anotin or number)having, costing or meastringaparticular amounteach: Owemand Goddard scored a goal apiece. 2 The largest stoiies Weig凡 OVerJive to7mes apiece. aplenty /aplenti/ adv;adi [after noun] (jormal) in large amounts, especially more than is needed aplomb /aplom; NAmE eplamm/ movn [U] 和 sb does sth

With :aplomb; they do it n arconfident and successful Way often ina difficult situation: -With comsiderable SreatremiarkabIe GDPlIormb:c He deliyered 轨e speechn Withn his sual aplIomab: ap'noea

(BrE) (MAmE apneal



训 ] (med-

/COl/) a condition 这 Which sb stops breathing temporarily While they are sleeping apocalypse /apDkelItps; NmEapak-/ noun 了 [Sing,, U the destruction ofthe world: Ciyilizatiom zoom thebrikoF

apocalypse. 了 the Apocalypse: [sing:] thecend of the uiactual

| ammy

| auinow

| ersay'

| au.gol(BrE)



World, as described inthe Bible 3 [sing.] asituation causingVery seriousidamageiand destrtiction: am emyirom7mmerztal apocalypse E apoca'lyp-tic /appkelrptrk; NAmE -epak-/ ad Tideseribing very serious damage-and:-destruction -in Past or future'events: am:apocalyptic yiew of Jistory 人 Gapocalptic Warmings of 雪 e enld of society 2 like the end of the world: am apocalyptic sceme apocOope /a'eskepi Nm5a'Da:k:/ nouwn [U] (Phonetics) the dropping ofthe last sound or sounds:of a Wordi for example when cuUP of tea becomes cuppa teo=compare

SYNCOPE apoc:rypha



apak-/ ,nowun


下 Apocrypha Christian religiotis texts that are related

to the Bible but not officially comsidered tobe Part of 让 之 wiitings Which aremot considered tobe genuine

apoc:ryph.al /sppkrrl; NAmE apaK-/ adj (of a story)

well known,, but DPIOobablynot true: Most of 雪 e stories apDout Pi are apocryphaL apo:gee /zepad5i/ moum [sing.] 了 (Jormaj the highest point of sth,where it is greatest or most stccessfil

了 (astronomy) 了ie point in the' ORBIT of the Imoon,, a planet or other object in space when'it is furthest from

the Planet,for example the earth,around which 芒 turns 一comPare PERIGEE apOl. 放-ical /empalrtrkl/ adj T (of a person) not inter: ested 站 Dolitics; not thinking Politics are important 之 not connected with a political party Apol:lo.nian /,zpaleunien; NMAmE -lou-/ .adj 1 conDected With the ancient Greek godApollo 了 2 (Jrmah con: nected with the controlled and reasonable human nature 一compare DIONYSIAC

aspects of

apolo.get'ic /apnpla'd5etrk; NmEapal/ adj ~ (about/ forsth) feeling orshowingthatyou are sorryfordoing sth Wiong orfor catising a Problem: Sorry ?she said with an apologetic Smile 2 They Were yery apologetic about 访e trOUDIe theya caused, apologet'ically /apnble'd5e: trkli; NAmEapal-/ ady: Tirm SorryT7n late je Turmured apologetically. apo:lo.gia /apalaod5ia; NAmE-lou-/ noun (Jrmaj) afor Ial Written defence of your own or sb else's actions GF opinions: Bis pooKk Was seeni as ai apologia for 坑 eWar

apolo.gist/applad5sIst; NMAmEspal-/ nouji~ (for sb/sth) apefson Who tries to explain and defend sth, especially a Political system or religiotis ideas

apolo.gize (BrEalso -ise) 0 可 /appladgarz; NAmE apa:l/ ve [V] 一 (to sb) (for sthj to say thatyou are sorry for doing sth wrongorcausing apIoblem: WPyshouldTapologize2cGo ad apologize to her JWe apologize fjor thelate departture cF 纺 有 训 igRE apology /applad5si NAmE apa:l/ nouwn (P/ -ies) 1 [CuUj] 一 (to sbj(for sth)awWord or statementsaying sorry for sth that has beemn done WIong or'that catses,a problemz: to offer-rmmake/dermandAaccept ar apology ecZouiowe ji am QPpoloSsy jporwhatyousaid. o We should like to offer OU Qpologies for the delay to your jight today We 7eceiyed Qa Letter of apology .2 [Gusually pl] information that you cannot go to a meeting or Inust leave early: The 7meeting Started Withn apologies (= the names of people Who said they coUuld not go to the meeting). 2 (Jrmaj She made her apologies and Ieft early, [ID make no

apology/a'pologies for sth 让 yot say that yot make no apology/apologies for sth, you mean that youido notfeelthat youhave said or done sth wrong apo:plec:tic /2paplektrk/ adj..1 very angry: He was QPoPlLectic With rage at the decisionm. 了 (old-joshionedq) conDected with apoplexy: ar apoplectic attacKAFit alpo'plexy:/ apepleksi/noum[u] (old-foshioned) the sudden loss of the ability to feel or move caused by an injury

in the brain

-| oo go (NMmE)

A STROKE | orboy

| re near

| ea hair

| se pure



aporiayapoxria/ noun (technmical asituation 训 Which twe or more parts of a theory or argument do not agree, meaning that the theory or argument cannotbe true apos:tate /apnstert; NAmE apa:s-/inoun (formalj) a person Who has rejected*their religious or political beliefs P apos'tasy /appstesi; NAmEa'pa:s-/ noun [U]

a pos:teri-ori /el ,posteri'oTar; NAmE ,pas-/ adj,0dv

(from Latin, jormaj analysing sth by starting 位om knowmn facts and:then thinking about the possible causes of the facts, for example saying Look, the Streets are Wet SO 直 g. PRIORI 一CompareA musthave been rainin alpos:tle /appsl; NMAmE apa:sl/ novun 1 Apostle any one of the twelve men that Christ chose to tell people abonut him and his teachings 了 .~ (of sth) (formal) a person who strongly believes in a policy or an idea and tries to make other people believe in it: amiapostle of 广ee enterprise

apos:tolic /,spa'stolik; NAmE :sta:lik/ adj (techmicon

T connected with the Apostlesior their teaching 之 connected with the Pope or Popes, who are considered to have had authority passed down to them from Christs Apostles


/apnpstrefi NAmE

apas-/ no


mark(")usedto show thatone or more letters or numbers have been left out, as in she's for sheis and .63 for 7963 2 the mark (") used before or after the letter 's to show thatsthbelongsto sb asin Sams watch and the horses'ta 凡

3 themark(')usedbefore thelettew's to show the Plural ofaletteror number asiD Howimany35Ssarethereim 92and TJhere are hyo ms 首 com1ma-


(BrE also -ise) /apostrefarz;


:epa:s-/ vemb [VN] 1 to address What yoU are Saying, OF 3 poem, aspeech in a Play, etc.to aparticular person 之 to add apostrophes to a piece of writing

apoth.ecary /appbskaeri; NAImE apazbekeri/ noum (以 -ies) a person who made and sold medicines in the Past apothe.osis /appgi'eusIs; NAmE aipadzgbiou-/ nouUm [usu-

ally sing.] (P/_ apothe.oses /-si:z/) (formal) 1 the highest or most perfect development of sth 之 the best time in sb's life or career 3 aformal statement that a person has become a god: 妇eapotheosis ofa Romar Emperor

app /aep/ abbr APPLICATION appall(Br6 (NmE ap:pall /spo:1/ ve履 (-IH-) to shock sb veIy much HORRIFY: [VN] The brutality of the crime jhas appalled the PUDLiC. C The idqea of sharing a Foomm appalled her ce[VNthat] 下 appalled me that they could sirmPiy ignore te problem. [also VN to inf]

ap.palled /apo5:ld/ oj. ~ (atsth) feeling or showing hor IOr or disgust at sth Unpleasant Of wiong HORRIFIED: anm_ appalled expressiom/silence C We Watched appalled as the child ram 识 万ontoF the car C They Were appalled atthe Waste of recyclable materiaLl.

ap.palling /spo:lm/ odj 1 shocking; extremely bad: The prisoners Were Living 识 appalling Conditions. ;2 Unfor Imalj) verybad: The bus service is appalling 7iow. > ap.pallingly adv: appallingly badXaifficult 2 The essay Was QPPaILimnSly Written app'ar'at /2paTrazt/ noun [usually sing.] the System of officials, offices, etc:that a government especially aCommtuinist government, uses to Tun a country

ap.paratchik /aperaztfrk/ noun (fom RUssiam, disapproving or humorous) an official iD a large Political orgamnijization: party apparatchniks

ap.paratus/,zpareites; NAmE:-Taetes/ nOUn (P/ ap'paratuses) T_[U] the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task: Q _piece of Iaboratory apparatus C Firefighters mneeded breathing apDDparatus to entter the burmning house. 只 note at EQUIPMENT 2 [Cusually sing.] the structure of a System or an organization,particularly that of a .Political party or a government: the power of the state apparatus 3 [Gusually sing.] (technical) a System of organs ip the body: the sensoO1y apparatus


| ddid

ffall | gget

phat | jyes|

app'parel/sparel/ noun [U] 了 (especiallyNAmBiclothing, When it is being sold in ,shops/stores: The Store sells Womens and childrengs appareL 了 (old-Joshioned or 如 rmaj clothes; particularly those worn on a formal occasion': *Iords and ladies

识 万ne apparel

瑟 -加 阿 王咏 emt 0

/ap2erent/ 0d/

1 [not usually before noun] ~ (from sth) (that …) ~ (to OBVIOUS: 下 sb) (that .., )'easyto see of Understand Was apparent 方ofm her 丰 ce that she Was Tealy UPSeE Their deyotion Was apparent 和 sool became apparent to eyeryone that he couldmnitsing. 2 Them formnoapparent FreasoTL_ the train Suddenly stopped. 只 Dote at CLEAR 2 [usually before noun] that seems to be real or true bnut SEEMING: My Darents Were coOPcerned Qt may not be 一see also my _apparent_1acKk of enthusiasm fr SchoolL



0- /3D2rentli/ ady

according to what yotu have heard or read; according to the way-sth appears: ADparentty they are getting divorced 50om. @ He paused, apparently 10st 识 切ouUSgRhL 2 工 切oOUSRL She had retired -putapparerttly (= 记 fact) she hasmnL

apparent 'magnitude "oun [U] (ostronomy) a meas-

ure of how bright a star planet, etc. is, as it js seen,from the earth 一compare ABSOLUTE MAGNITUDE

ap:par:ition /,2periJn/ novunaGHOST of an image ofa Person who is dead



/spil/ nou1, ve 几

上 moun 了 [CU] ~ (against sth) a fiormal request to aicoOUIt or to sb in authority for a judgement or a decision to be changed:(BrBjtolodge an appeale(NAmE)tojfile an appeal C(BrE) an appeal cOUrtOjudge Ce (NAmE) anQppeals COUTLA jdgeeanappealasainstthe3-match pan 一 seealso COURT OF APPEAL 2 [U] aqualitythatmakes sb/sth attractive OF interesting: mass/wide/popular appeal 2 The Beatles, jave neyer realy Iost the 订 appeaL 2 The prospect of living in acity holds Fittle appeal for me: 一see also SEX APPEAL

3 [CU]~ (to sb) (for sth) | ~ to sb to do sth an trgent and deeply felt request for money help or ipformation, especially one made by a charity or by the police: to Iaunch a TVappeal Jor donations to 急e charibgy ca look of silent appeal c The childs 7nother made ar emiotional appealonTVJorhis return. Thepolice made ar appealto the

PDUblic to remain calm. 4 [C] 一 to sth an indirect Suggestion that any good, fair or reasonable'person would actimn

aparticular way:Trelied on ar Gppeal to his finer jelings. 卓 Ve/凡 了 [V] ~ (to sb/sth) (against sth) to make a formal requestto a court or to sb in authority for ajudgementor a decision to be changed: He said he would appeal after beingfoundguilty onjfourcounts ofmmurder 2 The cormmpany 好 appealing against 太 e ruling. In North Americanm

English, the form appeal (sth) (to sb/sthb) is usually used, withotit a pteposition THie coOmazpamy has ten days to appeal the decision to 戈e tribunal 2 [V] ~ (to sb) to attract or interest sb: -The prospect ofa Iong Wait in 雪 e raim did riot appeaL 2 The design has to appeal to all ages aid social grouUps. 3 [V] ~ (to sb) (for sth) to make a serious and urgent request: Nationalist Ieaders appealed Jor calm. cT am appealing om behalf of the fmine victirmms (三 asking for money). 2 Police haye appealed Jor Witriesses to comie 加 广 Ward CO Organizers appealed 如 the crowd 7iot to _pafic'. 4 ~(to sth) totry to persuade sb to do sth by suggesting that it is a fair, reasonable, or honestthingto do: [V] They meeded to appeal to his sense of justice. [also V speech]

ap'peal court noun;1i =- COURT OF APPEAL


'peals Court [G (US) = CoOURT OF APPEALS ap:peal'ing /apilrm/ -ad Tattractive or interesting: Spending the.holidays 训 Britain Wasmt Q DTrospect that 工 Jound particularty appealing., [GD UNAPPEALING 之

showing that you want people to _help you or to show you pity or sSympathy: Would you7eally help2” he said With aft appealing look、 ap'pealingly adv: The dog 1ooKked up at her appealingly. ap:.Peai 0 /apIo0); NAmEasmDpIr/ ve > LOOK/SEEM Jinkng vermb (not used in the progressive tenses) to give the impression of being of doing sth

k cat

| Ileg

| mman

| mnow

| prpen

| rred

SEEM: [V-ADj] She didmniappeariatallsurprised atthe meWs: O.[V-N] Be appears aperfecty normal Persomnr。 C [Vto'infl She appeared to be in herlate thirties They apPeared not to know what Was j刀appeming. There appears tojhave peema mistake. ec [v (that)] 开 appears that there jas peen a mistake. 2 矿 -appears UPIiKety that 训 terest Tates W 记 了 1 Jrther ce开 Wwould appear that this wasa 1major Problerm. *BE SEEN 之 [V usually+ advVprep]to startto be seen:A Dus appeared around the corner c Smoke appeared om the jhorizon. c Three days 1ater a7ras QPDeared. “BEGIN TO EXIST 3-[V usualy+ adyvVprep] to begin to exist or be known or used for the first time: WPpen did TmQr7mals appear om the earth2 e This problem Jirst ap误es. Peared 总 切e inPer ci “OF BOOK/PROGRAMME 4 [V usually+ adyXprep] tobe published or broadcast: His new pook willLpe QPPpearing the Spring. 2 下 Was too late to preyent the Story 万om apPpearing 识 切e natiotal neyWspapers. > IN MOVIE/PLAY 5S [V usually+ adv/prep] totake part in aflm/movie, Play television progiamine, etG.: Be jhas GP-

Peared 总 oyer 60 noyies.o She regularly appears om TV Next To7ith he Wi pe appearing as BUSsj in a mne Play on B7roadway. ”ARRIVE-G@ [Vusually+ ozdyZprepzj]toarrive ata Place: By ten oOclocK Tee sl haari 生appeared. > BE WRITTENVMENTIONED 7 [V usually上 + advxprep]ito be wiitten or mentioned somewhere: Zour 7iamme wiL QpPear at 态e 廊ontof the 5ooK

* IN COURT 归 [V usually+ qdy/prep] to be present in coOUIt 职 order to give evidence or answer aicharge: A Tam Ww 记 appear icourttoday charged with the mmurder Sjhe appeared ofi six charges of the太 c Tey 隶 这 apPpear pe如 re magistrates tomiorrow. 2 Fe jhas been asKed to QPDDeaT asQaWitbiessjorthedefence. 9:[V]~forvon behalfofsbto act as Sb's lawyer in coturt: Cherie Bo0 态 1 the Iawyer QPPearing 克 产切e defendai 让 一See also APPARENT_-ComPare DISAPPEAR 可 有只: 队人 aa 六 本 Ce 站 0 /apIerens; NAmE apIr-/ noOw1 ”* WAYSTH LOOKS/SEEMS 1 [GUjthewaythat sb/sth looks on the outside;: what sb/sth seems to be: the Dhysical OUtward/extermnaL appeararice-of sth c She jhad meyer peenm S7eatty comcerned apout jer appearance.C The aog Was Similar: 训 SenteraLappearanmce to asSpantieL. COHe gaye eVeTy;Qppeararce of (三 .seemed very:much to be) enjioyinSRimzse 扩 2Judging byappeararntces can pe misleading Tp all appearartces (= as far as people could tell) he was Gead. Ce JWjhen she Iostall her7mnoney She Was determined to

jeeep UP appearartces (= hide the true situation and pretend that everything was going well), “SB/STHTARRIVING之 [CUusually sing.] the fact of sb/sth aiTiVing,, especially when it is not expected: THhe sudden QPPpearaizce of Q Security 8gLULard calsed them to drop 态e 7noney and 7 TadomtWantto go to 纺eparby butTSUPPose Td Retter PuUE 访 ar appeara7ice (= go there for a Short time), 3 [C usually sing.] the moment at which sth begins to exist or starts to be seen or tsed: the earyy apPpeararnce of daajfjfodifs 训 Spring 2 the appearamnce or or S&amic yegetables im the SuDer7markets * IN PUBLIC 4 [cl anmactofappearing in Public, especially asaperformer Pojlitician etc.; orin court: The Dutch player Wi Take his 万rst apPearamice for ZIiverpoolLthis Satu 六 aa ThesingersjirstPUblicappearaTice Was attneage of eighthe defendamts appearaace icCDUIE “BEING PUBLISHED/BROADCAST

5 [Cusually sing:] an act

of being published or broadcast: the appearamce.of clairms QDpouttPe7Tmimnisiers priyate 1碟 识 the press alp-Pease /api:z/ yemb [VN] (Jormah usually osapproving) Ttomake:sbscalmer or less angry by giving them what they want: The 7mnoye Was Widely Seen as aattermpt to ap了 ease critics of 妇 e regime, QZ to:give a country what 让 wants ip order to avoid war = ap.pease.ment ou [U]: QGPpolicy ofappeaseTment

a引ppellant /apelant/ ;5mowni(law) a person who appeals against a decision made:in court

a引pipel.iatecourty/apeletkozt; NAmEkoxrt/noum (techmical) acourtinwhich people can appeal against decisions Inade in othercourts of law


| titea



| wet

| 2zoo

| shoe


apple pie

ap:pella'tion /apalerfn/ moun (Jormal anameortitle ap:Pellative /spelatrv/ adj ,moun

日 0dj. (Jormal) relating to the giving ofamname 昌 IOUD (iechmical) a common notun thatis used to addressa Person or thing, for example AmotheF or xdoctom

ap:pend /apend/ vem [VN] ~ sth (to sth) (ormalj) to add

sth to the end of a piece of writing: Footnotes have been QpPpended te 僻 adocurment ap:pendlage /apendrds/ noun (Jormah asmajller Of less important Part of sth larger

ap'pend'ec'tomy /2pen'dektemni/ non [Co (/ -ies) (medicah) the removal of the APPENDIX by SURGERY

ap:Pen'di'citis /apenda'sartrs/ mioun [ul apainful swellLipg ofthe append这 that can be Very serious

ap:pPen:dix /apendiks/ moun (P/ ap:pen:dices /drsi:z/)

1asmall bag of TIssUE .that is attached to the large INTESTINE. In humans, the appendix has no clear function: He had to hayve jhis appendix out (三 Iemoved). 一picture 只 BODY 之 asection giving extra information atthe end ofabookor document: Fulldetais are Sityen 训 Appenm-

aix3. ap:Per:tainm /,2pa'tem; NAmE -per't-/ ve族 appertain to sb/sth (jommaj)tobelong orreferto sbysth: Tights QPPpertaiming to the property 2 These figures appertain to 1astyears sales.

alp:Petite /aprtart/ noun T [uC usually sing.] Physical

desire for food: Fe suffered 矿om jheadaches aiid 1oss OF GPPpetite. 2 The WalK gaye me agood appetite. c DonPit Spot YOUr appetite pyeating between7meals. 2 [C〇 一 (forsth)a Strong desire for sth: The PuPlic have am insatiable appetite 如 rscandal. 2 Sextal appetites C THhe preview Was it坷 aed to Whetyour appetite (= make youWwant Inore).

ap:pet'izer (BFE also -iser) /aeprtarze(GnD/ noun asmall amountoffood ora drinkthatyouhave before ameal

ap'Pe'tiz'ing(BrEalso-is'ing)/2pitarzm/adi (offood, etc.) that smells or looKs attractive; making you feelhiin-

gryor thirsty [89 UNAPPETIZING ap:plaud /apl5oid/ ve 1 to show yotr approval of sby/ sth by clapping your hands: [V] He started io applaud and 太e others joinred 总.2 [VN] They rose to apDlaud te Speaer 2SheWasapplauded as she came on Stage. 2 [VN] 一 sb/ sth (for sth) (Jorma/) to express praise for sbysth becatise you apPIove of them or it: We applaud her decision. e 瓦s efjforts to improye the Situation are to pe applauded, cr QPDPilaud herJorjhaying the courage io refuse. app:plause /aplo:z/ movn [U] the noise made bya group of people clappingtheirhands and sometimes shouting to showtheirapproval or enjoyment: Give hera big rourad of QPPIause! 2 The audience proKe 训 to rapturous applause: 二 Diple 0 可 /2epl/ 7OUV1 around fruit with shinyred or green skin and firm white 提 esh: am applepieeapplesauceSagardenWithn 坊ree QGPPDiIe trees 一Picture 只 RARBE RI2 一See also ADAMS APPLE,BiG

APPLE, COOKING APPLE, CRAB APPLE, EATING APPLE, TOFE FEE APPLE [cm the apple doesn't fally/never falls far from the "tree (SOYi78,especaly NA7mE) a child usually behaves in a similar wayto his orherDpareit(s)the ,apple of sb's'eye aperson orthingthatis loved morethan any other iapples and 'oranges (NAmE) used to describe a Situation in Which two people or things are.completely different 从om each other: They realy are apples amd o 产 a118es. 一moOre atAMERICANGd/, ROTTEN 司 隐PPle cart movm TIE seeUPSETV

apple:jack /zapld5saek/ moum [u] (NAmB) a strong alcoholic drink made from cIDER (= an alcoholic drink made from the juice of apples)

apple pieovn1T

[Cu]applesbakedin a dish with pAs-

TRY On thebottomi sides andtop:aslice ofapplepie 2 [U] (NAmE) used to represent an jidea of perfecthome life and comfort: Who could argue againstmmotherhood arid apple Pie? [IE see AMERICANdOd/

| 5 vision

|t chain

|:d5 jam

| ethin

| 5this

| nising


USE 也:[VN] ~sth (to sth) touse sth or make sth Workina particular situation: to appIy ecomnomic samictionsAPoLitical PressUre oOThe TieyW techmology Was applied to 克 rrmming二 PAINT/CREAM 3,[VN] 一 sth (to sth) tolput or'Spread sth such as paintb cream, etc, onto a SUrface: Apply the creaTm sparingly to yoOUr jce artd mecK


,apple-pie bed movn (Br6) a bed Which as a joke, has

been made with one of the sheets folded back so that Sb cannot stretch theirlegs out in 让


,apple-pie 'order noun [u] the stateofbeing very carefully and neatly arranged: Byerything Was order

识 apple-pie

only to some of you ec [VN] The word meXciting could meyer pe applied to her noyels5 [VN] 一 yourself (to sthyto doing sth) to WORKHARD woik at sth or Study sth very hard: ZU Would passyoUT exams 矿yoU applied yourself 2 We applied oUT Tinds to Jinding asolution to OUr Probler

ap:plet /'zplat/ moun (computing) aprogram which is run

from within another program for example from within an Internet BROWSER.

ap:.pliance /aplaiens/ noun a machine that is designed

to do aparticular thing,in the home; such as Preparing food, heating or cleaning: electrical/ household appLianmces C They Sell a wide ranmge of domestic aPpPIianmces一 Washing machirtes, dishwWwashers ad SO om


CPPply 纺 e brakes:(of 忆 Vehicle) 2 Pressure apPplied to the Wound will stop 妇ebleeding.

noun] ~ (to sb/sth) that can be Said to be true 记 the case REEEVANT: MUCH of the form was Po of sb/sth Give details ofchildren apPplicaple (= didnot apPly)to me

忆D:PoOiimt 0

/aplrkasmbilati; ,apDlIK-/ moUn [U]: The new approach had Wiae applicabitby to allsorts of difjferentPproplefms: ap:pli'cant /'zplikent/ noun ~ (for sth) a person Who

beeriiappointed to the comimiittee.C [VN-N] They QapPpointed 7im (as) captain of the Etglish team: oO [VN toin 有 从 Iawyer Was appointed to Tepresentt the child. 之 [VN]:Lusually passive] (Jormaj) torarrange or decide on atime or Place for

makes aformaliequestforsth{(= applies forit), especially

forajob,aplaceatacollege oruniversity, etc:: There were oyer 500 apDlicants jrthejob.

doing sth: A date for the meeting issSstllto De appointed. FEyeryone was assemibled at the apPpointed tirme. ap:point'ee- /apom'ti/ noun2 a person Who has been chosen for a job'or position of responsibility: te new ap-

/aplrkerfn/ noun

=* FOR JOB/COURSE Ti [cuU]l~ (to sb) (for sth/to do sth) a formal (often written) request for sth, such as ajob, Per-

Pointeeto thepost

inission to do sth or a place at a college or University: Q Planning/passport application 2 HI apPplication to the court Jor bail has been rehused. 2 a7L aDPlicatiom Jr mmembershipjaloanaiicercecanapplicationJform (全 aaDiece of paper on Which to apply for sth) c Further zformationm isavailableonmapplication to the DriricipaL




with their work: She made an appointment 名 六her SOm to see the doctor C JIyve 5got a dental appointment at 3

Dilock Sa

2:[u,G 二 (ofsth) (to sth) thePractical se

appointment Witih mny Iawyer C to Keep an

appointmente VieWing 1 by appointmeTit only (二 only

atatimethatHhas been arranged in advance) 2 [CU 一 (asjto sth) the act of choosing a Person for ia job Or DOsition ofrespomsibility; the factofbeing chosen for ajob, 仿 Jiis etc.: FolloWingJerrecentaDDOintraent to the Post appointment as Principal 3 [C (especially Baigob or 记rst QaDPoimbrient Dositioniof respomsibility:a Derrmariemt cnote'at JOB


/5po:Jny NAmE sporfn/ ve 山[VN]

一 sth

(among/between/to sb) (jormal) to divide sth among people; to give a share of sth to sb: They apportioned the land among Tembers of the family S The progsrarmrmme Siyes

the 丰 cts but does not apportiom blame' = ap:portionment Hown [U,sing.] (Jormal): The contract defines the

6:[U] (ormal) determination to work hard

at sth; great effort: Success as Q Writer demands Sreat apPLicatiom.


0有 /apomtment/ nouwn

1 [qd 一(with sb)aformal arrangementto meetorVisit sb at a particular time,especially for a reason connected

of sth,especially a theory;discovery, etc.: the apPpLicatiom of new:technology to teaching CThe inyention Would haye Wide applicatiorva wide range of applications 识 训 dustDX 了 OF PAINT/CREAM 3 [CU] an act of Putting or Spreading sth, such as Paint or medical creams, Onto Sth else: IDtioF Jr external applicatioft only (= to be Puton the Skin, DoOt swallowed)jcttook 切ree applications ofpaintto coyer the Srajfriti. “OFRULE/LAW 4 [U]the actofmaking arule, etc. Operate orbecome effective: strict appLicatiort of the IaW Y CoMPUTING 5 [G (obbrapp )aprogram designedto do a particular job; a piece of software: a database apPplication 一Picturec> PAGE R5 了

-/apomt/ ve履

1 一 sb (to sth) | ;~ .sb (as) sth to choose sb for ajob:or position of responsibility: [VN] They haye appointed a mew jhead teacher at Tny so School C She has recentby

册here iaDDlicable (三 计 you have any). 儿 applicability


G [VN] topress on sth hard with yoUT hand,

foot etc: to make sth work or have an effect on sth: to

ap.plic.able /aplikebl; '2plikebl/ adj. [not usually before


4 (notused in the progressivetenses) 一 (to

sb/sth) to concern Or relate to sby/sth: [V] Special comnditions appyy 这 you are UnderI8: 2 WhatTam Saying applies

apportioiimentt ofrisKs betWeen emPployer and contractor ay appOrtiofiment of Iand C The apportiormentt of seats 总 太e House of Representtatiyes 让 based on 妇e PopUIatom of each state,

/zaplikerteG)/ .noun a.small:tool that is

used to put a substance onto_a Surface, OF to Pu sth into

an object: Use 态e applicator to apply creamtto 切e afjfected aTea.

ap.po-site /zepazit/ adj .一 (tosth)(formal)veryappropri-

ap:plied /aplard/ ad [usually before noun] (especially:of

ap.pos'ition /iape'zrfn/ noum[u] (grormmanitheuseofa

ate for a Darticular situation or in zelation to sth

a Subject of study) used in ai practical way; DOt THEORETICAL: applied mathematics (=- as Used by engineers, etc.) 一compare PURE(7)


mouwn [U] the scientific study'of

language as it relates to Practical problems;, in areas Stch as teaching and dealing with speech Problems

ap:pli'que /spliker; NAmE ,aplaker/ noun [U] atype of NEEDLEWORK in Which small Pieces of cloth are SewWH Or stuck in a pattern onto alarger piecee ap.pliqued 0:

apiply 0m

/aplar/ verphp:plies ap.ply'ing aprplied ,

ap'plied )

* FOR JOB/COURSE 1 ~(tosb/sth)(forsth) tomake afor inal fedquest usually in writing, for sth suchi as a job, a place at college; University etc: [V] to apply fjor ayjob/ DassportgFahitcto apply to QiCcommparyMUniyersitby 2 ZU should apDlyiire DersonXby Ietter c [vtoinf] He has'apPilied to join the arTmny.

ae cat | azfather | eten | 3: bird |aabout

:|Isit |

noun: phrase' immediately after: another :noun Phrase which refers to the same_ personm or thing: Jrmu the phrase “Paris,the capital of Frances the capital of Frartce 训 appositiom to Paris ap:prais':al /apreizl/ noun [CU] Tajudgement of the value,performance or nature of sb/sth: Fe had read Triany detailed critical appraisals of her WOTK SShe Was5 jhomnest 识 heF appFaisal of her teaimis: chances :了 (BE) a meeting in which an employee discusses With their managerhow Welltheyhave been doing theirjob; the System of holding stuch meetings: Thave TY appraisal today < staff/performance appraisal


/aprerz/ verb [VN] T (rmal) to consideroi

examine sb/sth and form an opinion aboutthem or 让:ar appraising glLariceXlook C She stepped:back to appraise jher workrmanship: CiHis :eyes:coolly appraised ;the YXOUT18 Woman before him. 2 to makeaformaljudgement about

see | imany | b got': (Br |;o: saw | Acup


put | ustoa

the valtue of a persons work usually after a discussi on With thermn about 让:Mamagers ntust apPPpraise all sta矿

apJPrais'er /aprerzeCr)/ moOU1m (NAmE) a _person Whose JobD ls to examine a buiilding and sayhow much it is worth ap-pre'ciable /sprijJebl/ oadj large enough to be no-

ticed or thought important



meW 7egulatiomns W 记 mot make an appreciabie difference to 7most people. C ar appreciable effect/increasevarmount P ap:pre'ciably /sbli/ adv: The risk of infection 认 QPPDFECiaply higher amomg cphildrem.

alD.Preci.ate 0m: /apriJiert/ veb

1 [LVN] (not used in the progressive tenses) to recognize

the good qualities of sbysth: ZW caji 和t really appreciate Joreign Literature 访 厅 artslatiom CEBis talents are motJuly QPPreciated 训 切atcompary CEerjormily doesrt和 QPPTrecrate her 了 (notusually Used in the progressive tenses) to be grateful for sth that sb has dome; to welcome sth: [VN] TQG appreciate 507me jie肋. ZW SuDpDort 这 Sreatiy appreciated. c Thanmks for coming: Tappreciate 让 :CTWould QaPPreciate 让 矿you paid inicashe [v-ing] Idom和 t QaPpPpreciate peimng treated Like a second-class citizen ce [VN -ing] We Would appreciate yoU Letting W Know of any Droblerns.


apPrO /apreo; NAmE'aeprou/ houn [U] (Br informaj) 证 youbuygoods, orifgoods are sold on appro, yoU can Use them for a time without paying Until yousdecide 话 you wanttobuythem ornot ONZAPPROVAL ap.proach 0 /apreutj; NMAmEsSproutf/ verb, 1OU1 ye贱 了 MOVENEAR 了 tocomenearto sb/sth in distance ortime: [V] We jhe研 要 太e Sound of an QapPproaching carAa car apProaching: Ce Winter isiapDroaching CIVN] As yo QDPTroach thetowmu you2lseethe college om the 1e太 史

3 (notused in the progressive tenses)jto understand that

sth is true REALIZE: [VN] WhatTjoiled:to appreciate Was the distamnce petween t e 太 two cities.e [v wh-] ITdom革 态inK YOU appreciate how expemsive 让 w 记 be. c [v that] We didntfuliy appreciate that he Was seriotsly 这 4 [V] to increase ip value over a period of time: Their 训 yes上上

Tments haye apPreciated oyer the yeaTs. [aaa DEPRECIATE

ap-pre:ci:ation /epriyJierfn/ noun T [U] pleasure that you have When yot Tecognize and enjoy the good qual: ities of sb/sth: She 5Phows Little appreciatiopn ofsood music. Thecrowd7nurrmured iappreciatiorm 2 [U, sing:] 一 of

sth 'a fill or sympathetic indeistanding ofsth, such as a

Situation Or a Droblem, and of whatit inVvolves: Tjiad mo apPreciatiom of the Proplerns 太 ey foced. 3 [U] 一 (of/for sth) the feeling ofbeing gratefulfor sth: Please QCcceptthis gfiimappreciation of al youye done Jor us 4 [uisingj]

~ (in sth) increase in value .over a period of-time [3 DEPREGIATION 5 [C] ~ (of sth) (如mma/) a piece of Wiiting or a speech in which the strengths and weakDesses of sb/sth, especially an artist or a work of art, are disctssed and judged


/apriyetrv/ odj. 1 ~ (of sth) feeling or

Showing that yotu are grateful for sth: The comparny Was Very appreciatiye of my efjjfor克 .2 showing Dleastre or enjoyment: ar apPpreciative audiemnceXsmiile Cappreciative Iaugfiter/comirmeits ap:preciatively 0dv

ap.Dre-hend /aprrhend/ ve风 [VN] (Jormai) T (of the police) to catch sb and arrest them 了 2 (oldf-josjhionedl) to Understand or recognize sth ap:pre.hen:sion /2prrhenfn/ nov7r T [U,G worry or 必有 that sth Unpleasant may happen ANXIETY: There 1 8STrOWing apPrehennsiomn 雪 at 廊gh6imng Wi begin a8ain. Ceatchead the election results With somme apprejemasiomcynoteatFEAR 2 [U] (formal)the actiof capturipgor arresting sb usuallybythe police

了 PPFe:enm-sive

/aprrhensrv/ ad 一 (about/of sth)|

一 that..) worried or frightened that sth unpleasantmay happen:TWasazittie apprehemnsiye apouttheeffects ofwhat Thjhad said. ecZoujhaye mno Teasol to pe apprehnensiyve of the 有所 纪 re.e2 SheWas deeplyapprehnemnsiye 如 atsomething7might go Wro7lg. 2 am GDPprehenasive face/glamnceXIook 只 note

atAFRAIDz ap:prehensively dy 目 0OU1 a yoOUng person Who works for an employer for a

雇 order to learn the Particular skills

Deeded in theirjob: am appreTtice electriciamncheF

目 VE 此 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb (to sb) (as sth) {o/d如 shioned)j to make sb an apprentice

ap:prem:tice:ship /aprentrjmp/ 0ovn [CU] aperiod of tmeWworking as an apprentice; ajob as an apprentice: She

Was im 轨e second year ofher'apDremticeship qsG carpente7 CHFe jiad served his apprenticeshnip as apIUTmber

alp-prise /aprarz/ veb[VN] ~ sb of sth (ormaj) to tell or intorm sb of sth Uactual

| armrmy

| aoinow

| ersay

OFFER/ASK 了字 [VN] ~ sb (about/for sth) | -~ sb (about doing sth) to speak to sb about sth, especially to ask

them for sth or to offer'to do sth: She approached te pank Jor a Ioan: e Weihaye been approacjied by a mumpber of compamies 雪 at are iiterested in our product oOTdIiKet 如 asK his opiniombutTHina air difpficultto approach (= not easytotalk to in a friendly way). AMOUNT/QUALITY 3 [VN] tos come close to sth 这 amount level or quality: profits approaching 30 7mnilion dollarse EWWriters approach Jis richness of Iamnguage. PROBLEM/TASK

4 [VN] to start dealing with a PIoblem,

task,etc, iD a particular way: Whats 态 e best Way of apPPproaching this Problemm2 1OU1 字


了T [~ (tosth) awayofdealing with

Sbysthy a way of doing or thinking about sthi such as a Pioblem or atask: The school has decided io adopta 可Je ent approach to disciplire. 2 She tooK 轨 e Wrong apDroach 训 Pherdaealings Withn thermm. 有 MOVEMENT NEARER QZ [sing.] movementnearer to sbysth in distance OF time: She hadmnt heard his approach anda Jumped as 妇e door opened. c the approachi ofspring 了 OFFER/REQUEST 3 [G the actofspeakingto sb aboutsth, especiallywhen making an offer or a request: The cIUD jas Tmade ar approach to a 1ocalcompary 旭r spomsorsjiipac SheTesenited his persistent approaches: 可 PATH/ROAD. 4 [G] apath; road, etc. thatleadsto a place: ALLtheapproaches to 轨epalace Were guarded by troops. ca 7eWQapproach road to the port 了 OFAIRCRAFT 5 [C] the partof an aircrafbes flight imnmediately before landing: to pegin the final approach to the TUTIWGY 了 STH SIMILAR G [sing] athing that is like sth else that js Imentioned: Thats 太e mnearest approach to an apology yo get 广om Firm [IE see CARROT






了 friendlyand easytotalkto; easyto understand: Pespite Deingapbig stanp SheSsyery approacha5le. Cam approachable Piece of TiUsic Fa UNAPPROACHABLE 也 [not before noun] that can beITeached by aparticular route or from a particular direction: The sum7mnit Was QDProachable only 万om the south. ap.pro-ba:tion /2praberfmn/ movn [U] (Jormaj) approval or agreement ap.pro:pri-acy /5pregpriesi; NAmE aprov-/ ou [U] theextentto which sth issuitable or acceptable 了 ( 吃 SUistiCcs) the extent to which a word or phrase sounds cof rectand natuiral in relation to the Situation it is used 记

二 P.prO:IPri.ate 0mw codi ,ve

目 0dj. /apreupriet; NAmE aprou-/ ~ (forto sth) suitable,

ap:prem:tice' /aprentrs/-moun, ye 几 fixed period of time


acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances: GE GDPropriate resDo7lse/TTneasure7nethod ecNow 轨 at 太 e DTopblerm jhas peemn iaentihied appropriate actiom ca De taKen 2 yeans are not appropriate for a jormal parbe The Dook Was Written 加 Q Style appropriate to the age of the children、 2 now an appropriate tmne io make a Speech2? C Please debit ny MastercardAVisa/Ammericamn ECPress card (aelete as appropriate) [oa INAPPROPRIATE 请 ap.propriate.ly 0dy: The goyVernmentjas peer accused of not responding appropriately to the meeds of the horme1ess. The chairiiof volcanoes is Knowm appropriately eiiOUSf as5 纺 e 信访8 of Fire.apJPropriatemness :own [U]

| sogo (BrE) | ou go (MmE)

| orboy

| zenear

| eahair

| so pure

64 |


四 Verb /apreUpriert; NAmE aprou-/ [VN] (Jormal) 1 totake sth, sb's ideas;etc. for your own use, especiallyilegally or Without permission: He Was accused ofappropriatirlg clLUb 记nds. e Some of the opposition party's policies haye been

appropriated by the goyernmenE

卫 一 sth (for sth) to take


2 .[VN] to calculate or estimate'sth fairly accur-

ately:ajformulajforapproximating he Weightofa horse

王 D.PrOXiimate.1y 0m /aproksmatii NAmE =*a'prak-/ adv Usedto showthatsthis almost, bttnot completely, accurate OF coOrrect: Tie jourriey tooK approxirmately Seyem Pours.

or give sth, especially money for a Particular PUIPose: Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease. 一 compare MISAPPROPRIATE ap:pro':pri'ation /apreoprierjn;

NAmmE aprOoU-/ nmOU1

1 [using:] (formal or/aow)j'the act oftaking sth which belongs to sb else; especially without permission: dishonest appropriation of properby/ 一compare MISAPPROPRIATION 2 [U,sing] (Jormal) the act of keeping or saving money foraparticular Purpose: Qimeeting to discuss the appropration of funds 3 [cl (Jormalj) a sum of money to be used for a particular purpose,especially by a government OF company: an appropriation ofE20000forpaymentofdebts

己 P.DprOv-al

0人 /epruvl/ noun

goods are sold on approval, you can use them for atime without paying, Until you decide 这 you want to by them



/5TDruv/ ye力

1 [V]~(ofsb/sth)tothinkthat sb/sth is good, acceptable OF suitable: Ttold 7mny 疙other 了 Warited to Leaye school DuL She diadnt approve: -Do you approve of my idaea? 2 She doesnit approye of me Leaying School thizs year (ormoj She doesnit approye of ny Leaying school 扫 yean ED DISAPPROVE

Z [VN] to officially agree to aplan, re-

qtesb etc.: The comimittee UnanimOusty approved the DPIaTL co note atAGREE 3 [VN] [often passive] to say that sth is good enough to be Used, or is Correct: The coOUFse 让 QpProyed by 雪e Departmentjfor Educatiom.

ap'proved school "oun (BrE) a school where young people who had committed crimes were sent in the Past

孔p.PirOwv:imE 0m /apruvm/ 0 人小 showing that you believe that sby/sth is good or accepfable: He gaye me ai approying nod FE DISAPPROVING > ap'prov'ing'lyadv: She looked athirm approvingly and Smiled.

apPPrOxobbr APPROXIMATE,APPROXIMATELY ap.proxi:mant /aproksmaent; NAmE 3prazks-/ nouUn 1 (phonetics) a speech sound made bybringing the Parts of the mouth. which produce speech close together bnut not actually touching, for example /rz/ and /w/ iD me 上 and wet in many accents of'English 了 (mathermatics) a solution which is close to but not exactly the solution of aproblem

旺 P.prOxi.mate cm adve几 日Gdlj. /aproksImaet; NAmE eprad:k-/ (abbr approM almost coOrrect or accurate, but not completely so: an approximate murmber/totaLcoste The costgiven is only approxi7mmate. C Use these 放gures as a1i apProximate SUide ii YOUT calculatiomns,[GED EXACT

日Verb /a'proksIrmert; NAmE apra:k-/ (formal) 1 ~ (to):sth to be similar or close to sth in nature, quality amount, etc.,but not exactly :the same: [VN] The anirmals Were

reared im conditions Which approximated the wild as closely as possible. coThe total costWw 记 approximate E15 Dillion. [V] Bis story approximates to the 如ct that we aiready


| ddid

| ffall:

| gsget

四 How much wiiLcost more orless? 让 We are expecting thirty orso people to come. @'ShemUstbpe 25orthereabouts: 看 Projils haovej/en by roughiy 15%. 曙 YOU conm expectioearmround about540,000 ayear:

1 [u]thefeelingthat sb/sthis good or acceptable; apPositive opinion of sb/sth: She desperately wanted to Win her Jothers approyal. c Do the plansiTmmeet with yoOUFr GaGPProval12 C Several people nodded 识 approyalL -Ia DISAPPROVAL 2 [U,C] ~ (for sth) (from sb) agreement to,oOF permission for sth, especially a plan or request: The Planm W 记 be subrmmitted to the commrmittee for official approyaL Parliamentary/Acortgsressiofial/Sovernrmnent apProval C Senior mamnagementt have SiyerL their seal of approyal (= formal approval) to the plans. CTcaTttasreeto anything Withoutrmypartners approvaL plamming approvals C The Droposal is SUbject to approyvaiL by the shareholders (= they need to agree to it) 3 [U] 站 you buy goods, or 让


ways of saying approximately 画 The jnght lakes approximately three hours. 可 Thetickets costabout 天20 each: 量 Therepairs wiicost 2200, give ortake a few dollars.

| hhat

| jyes

四 Theprice isomewhere around $800. 本 She eqgrnssomewhere in the region of 225,000. Allthese words and phrases are Used in both speaking and writing; aboutisthe most common and approximatelythe most formal.

ap.prOoximation /apropksrmerfn; NAmE aprazk-/ noun 让 an estimiate.of anumber or an amount that is alImost correcb but not exact: Thats just an QpProximatiom,

you Understand:. 了 一 (of/to sth) athing thatis similar to sth else, bnlt is not exactly the same: Our results Should be , agood approximatior to 如 e true state of affairs.

ap:purten'ance/apa:tmans; NAmEapsrt-/nounm [us 呈 ally pl.] (formal or hamorous) a thing that forms:apart of sth larger Or more iimnportant 及 P 民 /erpir'a:D)/ novur [sing.] the abbreviation for annual percentage rate' (the amount of interest a bank charges on moneythatitlends, calculated for a period of a year): arate of 26.49%6 APR apPres-slki /,zepreI 'skiz/ novn [U]Xfrom French) Social

activities and entertainments Which take Place in hotels and restaurants after a days SKIING


apPri'cot /emprIkpt; NAmE 'seprIikazt/ noun 了 [Garound

fruit with yellow or orange Skin and a large seed inside: dried apricok 2 [U] a yellowish:orange colotr PP apricotaqdj.: The7oom was painted apricot and wFite. , Aipr 讲 0 司 /'eIprel/ own [U;C] (abbr Apr.) the fourth month of the year between March and May: She was pornm im ApriL ec (BrE) The meetingis on the Fp 万 oF ApriApril 雪 记 e fth. ce(NAmE) The meeting orADrEL 记fth. CWewentto JapanlastAprilL cTarriyedatthe end ofADriL CIastA4prils election ceAprilshowers eanAprilwedding


atrickthatis traditionally played on

sbonlApril(called April Foobp'sDayorAliFools Day) 2-a person who has atrickplayed on them onAprilEooFsDay

DriOri/ertprar5rar/ adj ady (fromLatin, 如 rmah using facts or Principles that are known to be true 也 order to decide whatthe PIobable effects or restults of sth will be, for example saying They haven't eaten anything all day So they mustbe hungry. 一compare A POSTERIORI ap:ron/eIpren/ noun T apiece ofciothing worn overthe front of the body, from the chest or the waist down, and tied around the waist. Aprons are worn over other clothes to keep them clean,for example when cooking. 一compare PINAFORE 2 (technicaj an area with a hard surface at an aifport, where aircraft are turned around, loaded, etc. 3 (also "apron stage) (lechmnical (in a theatre) the part ofthe stagethat is in front ofthe curtain [IE (tied to) sbys apron strings (too0 Imuch under) the'influence and control of sb: The British prime minister too aptto cling to Washingtom's apron strin8s.

| kcat

| lleg

| mman


| ppen


apro'POos /aepra'pag; NAmE -pou/ (alsoapro.pos of ) |65 Arbor Day Prep concerning or related to sbysth: Apropos (of) wFat YOU WereJjustsaying.. 引 PSe /aps/ moun 3 二 area often in the shape of a Aralb /aereb/noun; ad 如 1OU1 了 aperson from the Middle EastorN Africa whose SEMICIRCLE, UsSually atthe eastend'ofaichurch apt /zapt/ adj Tsuitable or appropriate in the ciretimStances:QPparticularlyy aptdescription/mameXcormrment

之 ~to be.… |一 to dosth likelyorhaving anatural ten-

dencyto do sth: aptto bejorgethulcarelessc Babies arEapt

to PUE Objects 识to 切eir mouths. 3 一 pupil a person who has a natural ability to learn and understand e aptiy adv: the aptpy named Grand Hotelaptiness moun [U]

ap'titude /aptrtjud; NAmE:tu:d/ noun [LU


| = (for doing sth) niatural ability or skill at doing sth TALENTSjhe Showed a matural aptitude for the worK. SHIsaptituadejfordealing Witnchnildrengothirthejob can

aptitude test(= one designed to show whethersbhas the natural ability for a particular job or course of education) aqua /zkwa/ noun [U] T water (used especially on the labels on packages of food,drinks,medicines,etc,

order to show how much water they contain) 2 a blu-

ish-green colotuT

/zkwakaltfeCD)/ noun [U] the growing of


plants in waterxtkor food aqgua-TunS /22KEwalAn/ moun a Piece of breathing equipmentthataDIVER wears on his/herbackwhen swimming Underwater





a pale

greenish-blue SEMI-PRECIOUS STONE 2 [U] apale greenish-blue coloure aquamarine 0dj: an aquaTmarirre SeQ

aglua:plane /akwaplein/ ve 几 ,nou1 昌 Ye 凡 [v] TIBrE) (NAmEhydro.piane ) (of a motor vehicle)to slide out of control on a wet road 2- to stand on aboardthatis pulled alongonwaterbehind a sPEEDBOAT in the sport of aquaplaning 昌 -1OU1 a board that sb stands on in the Sport of aquaplan-



/zkweplemrm/ noum[uU] 1 the sport of

being pulled along on aboard-behind a SPEEDBOAT:-on

water 2 (BrE) (NAmEhydro:plam:ing ) the factiof avehicle sliding on a wet surface, so thatitis out of control aqluariuimm /akweariam; NAmEakwer-/ noun(plaquariums omaqua:ria /Trie/)1 alarge glass container in which. 他sh and other water creatures and plants are kept 2 a building where People can go to see fish and other water creatures Aquarius /3aKwearias; NAmEaKwer-/ (alsotne "Water Bearer jhne"WaterCarrier )no T LU] the llth sign of the ZoODIAC 2 [sing.a Person born Under the influence of this sign, that is between 21 January and 19 February Aquarian /35Kweaerien: NAmEaKkwer-/ 000U1, 0df.



NAmE -rou-/ nour


Physical exercises that you do in water often done 问 class 一compare es AEROBICS

aqlua-tic /akKwaetik/ adj. [usually before noum] T_ growing or living'in; on or near Water: aqLUafic DPIaTits/AILife/ecoSystemns 了 connected with water: aqguatic Sports

aqlua'tint /akwetmt/ noun [U,C] (technico1ha method of Producing a Picture Using acid on a metal plate; a Picture produced using this method

/zkKwidAkt/ moun a structure for carrying


Water iially one Duilt like a bridge across a valley or low ground 忆 gUe:OUS /elkwies/ adj (techmical) containing water; jlike water


(Br (NAmEaqueous

humor )

aqiui'fer /zekwife(r)/ nouwn (geology) alayer ofrock or soil that can absorbiand hold water

/aekwaam/ ad (ormal) a person with an

adqtiline nose-or aquiline features has a nose that is thin and curved, similar to that ofan EAGLE Sisee

lived in the Arabian Peninsula

| ttea

| vvan

| w wet | zzoo

| 了 shoe

2 atype of

horse originally from Arabia 下 Gdj. of or connected with Arabia or Arabs: Arab couratries 本 信 本 besqlue /aerabesk/ moun 1 Ti BALLET) a_ Dos志on in which the dancer balances on one leg with the

other leg lifted and stretched out behind parallel'to the ground 了2 [CU] (in art) atype of design Where lines wind around each other Ara'lpiam /arerbisn/_odj .of or connected With Arabia DIE Arabian is used to describe Places: the Arabiar peminsula. The people are Arabs and the adjective to describe them is Arab: Arab children. Thelanguageis Arabic: Arabic script

及 rala:ic /aerebIzk/ noun, ad 四 .OUm [U] the language ofthe Arabs 四 0dlj. of or connected with the literature and language of Arab people: Arabic poetry

afalb:ica /saraebIike/ nouvn [U] coffee or coffee BEANS from the most common type of coffee plant

,Aralpic murmeral

novn any of the symbols 0;1, 2, 3, 4,

etc- used for writing numbers in many countries 一comPare ROMAN NUMERAL


/arsbl/ ad connected with growing crops such

as WHEAT: arable formingsZfrnmis/crops CS arable Land/fields (= used or suitable for growing crops)


/araeknrd/ noun (iechmico1h anysmallcreature

of the class that includes spiders, sSCORPIONS,;, MITES-and

TICKS 一COmPare INSECT 一Picture 史 PAGE R2I afrach:no.pho:bia /arakpafeobie; NAmE -foo-/ moun [U] an extreme fear of spiders

ara3a必 = ARRACK Arama /aeren/ adj. [only before noun] (Br6) (ofknitted cloth了bg8) -with a_ traditional pattern of lines- and .diamond Shapes made byiraised sTITCHES: ar ArarsWeater 玉-bi-ter /azbrteaCnD); NAmE'azrb-/ noun ~ (of sth) a person With the power orinfluence to makejudgements and idecide what will be done or accepted: The Iaw 丰 轨e 万nal QTbiter of What iz co7lsidered obscente. ar arbiter_ oF taste/style/jfashiom 可 -扩 有 if 权吾e /albrtral5; :trid5; NAmE'azrbatra:5/ nowm [TU] (pusimess) the Practice of buying sth (for example, shares or foreign money) p one Place and selling it in another Place where the Price is higher arbitra.geur /abr traz353:(D); NAmE ,adTbatral'33T/ (alsoaribitrager /ab trId5ea(n); NAmE'azrbatra:3er/) noun 忆 上 Ditrary /azbrtreri; "abrtri;; NAmE arbatreri/ ad (ofan action, a decision, a rule, etc.) notseeming tobe based on a reason, System or Plan and sometimes seeming unfair: The choice of players fjor the tearm seemed comPDletely arbitrary C FEe makes Unpredictable,arbitrary

decisions., 2 (1jormal) using power without restriction and without considering other people: the arbitrary Powers of officialsP ar.bitrarily- /abrtrerelij 'aczbrtralj; NAmE ,arbe't-/ ady: The leaders of the groups were chosen arbitrariyarbitrariness mouwn [U]

司 星:轨 让 trate

/azbrtrert; NAmE'arb-/ ve 几 ~(in/on) (sth) to

officially settle an argument or a disagreement between

two people or groups: [V] to arbitrate iadisputecAcomTmittee Was created to arbitrate bethweent martagement and the Unmiomns. [also VN]



moun [U] (anatomy) the clear liquid inside the front Part of the eye 一compare VITREOUS HUMOUR



/abrtrerfn; NAmE ,axrb-/ noun [U] the

official process of settling an argumentora disagreement by sb who is not involved: BotpR sides 总 如e dispute haye agreed to go to arbitratior.


/abrtreitaCD); NAmE 'a:rb-/ noun-a person

Who is chosen to settle a disagreement Arbor Day /dba der NAmE 'oczrber/ noun a day when People in the US, Australia New Zealand and some other countries plant trees

| 5 vision

tr chain

| dzjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing


66 | archae'olo:gist (NAmE -also arche'olo'Sisb /dkKi-

刁 扩 ipOr:eal /aboxriel; NAmE arb- 大adj (techmical) relat-= jing to trees; living in trees

ar.boretumn /dbaritem; NAE ,arb-/ noun(P/ arboretums or ar.boreta /te/) a garden where many different types of tree are grown, for People to look at or for scientific study

alr.Dori.culil-ture /abarIkAltfe(rD); NAmE 'crb-/ moun [U] the'study or practice of growing trees and SHRUBS arDboriculLtural /abaerrkAltfereli


,drb-/ adlh:

ar arboricultural specialist arboricuiiurist0oOu1 ADor:io /aboxriao; NAmE drboxrioo/ moun [U] atype of Italian fice with ashort grain arpour(BrE(NmEarbon /dba0); NAmE'azrb-/ ovn a shelter in a garden/yard for people to sit under made by growing climbing Plants over a frame aprpu:tus /abju:tes; NAmE ar'b-/ noun a type of EVERGREEN tree With broad leaves, pink or white flowers and BERRIES ]ike STRAWBERRIES afC /ak; NAmE a:rk/ noun, ye 内 日 mOUm 了 (geometry) part of a circle or a curved line 一picture 只 CIRCLE 2 acurved shape: the arc of a rainbpow Te beach sweptaround 识 amnarc 3 (techmical) an electric current passing across a Space between twoTERMINALS 一 See also ARC LAMP 卓 :Ve 上bb (arcing /dkIm; NAmE 'ark-/ arced,arced /czkt; NAmE arkt/) [V] (techmical) Tto move in the shape of an arc 2 to form an electric arc 4 af-Cadgle /a:kerId; NAmEaTrKk-/ mov 了 acovered passage with ARCHES along the side ofarow ofbuildings (usually a IOW of shops/stores) 2 a covered passage between Streets, With shops/stores on either side 3 (also 'shop-

ping arcade) (both Br6) alarge building with a number of ShopsVstores

ip 计 一compare



4 三

AMUSEMENT ARCADE: arcade gaTmnes Arca:dia /dkerdia; NAmE aerk-/ noun [sing] a part of Sotithern Greece Used 记 Poetry and Stories to TePresent anidea ofperfect cotintry life

Arca:dian /azkerdien; NAmE ark-/ adj:of or comnnected With Arcadia or an ideaofperfect countrylife ar-Cama /dkema; NAmE ark-/ noun 人 [pl.] thingsthat are Secret OF mysterious 2 [sing.] either of the two groups of cards in aTAROT PACK/DECK, the major arcana and the minor arcana.

ar.Camne- /dkem; NAmE GTK-/ ad (formal) secret and Imysterious and therefore difficult tounderstand arch /dt NAmE artf/


mOUn; Verb, Gd 吾 IOU1 了 a curved strtcture that supports the weight of -sth above 让 Such as a bridge or the Upper part of a building 2 a structure with a curved -topithat is :SuP:= ported by straight Sides, Sometimes forming an enarch column trance or built as a MONU-= MENT: Go 妇 rough 妨e arch and 名 llow te Path cMarble Arch isajJarmous ZIomntdon Iandmark. 3 the raised part of the foot formed by a curved section of bones 一Dicture 叫 BODY 4 anything that forms a curved shape at the top: the delicate arch of her eyebrows 目 Ye/ 了1 庄you arch part of your body, or if it arches, 让 Imoves and forms a curved shape: [VN] The cat arched is Back and hissed. [also V] 2 [v] to beipn acurved line or

Shape across OFT Over sth: Tall trees arched over the Path 目 0i/, [usually before noun] (often disapproving) seeming amtused because you know more abonit a situation than other people: ai arch tomne of voice arch.iy ady :Guess What27 she said archzy.

afci- /atj; NmE artf/ combpining 如 rm (in nouns) main; Inost important

or most



acat | dfather | eten | 3s:bird

archpishop C arch-

"leadsrst; :NAmE ,arTrki'a:l-/ moun a person who studies archaeology

archae:ology:(NmE also arche.ology) /dkimpled5i; NAmE ,Crkial-/:noum [U] the study ofscultures of the past and of periods of history byexamining the Temains of buildings_ and.objects found in the _ground 一see _also

INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY ,archaeological (NMAmE also arch-eological) /,a:kiejlpdq3Ikl; NAmE,a:rkie'lad:d3-/ adj.: archaeologsical excayatioris/evidence

archae.Op-teryx/,dkippterTks; NAmE,drki'tazpterIks/ 1mounthe oldestknown bird, which existed about 150 Imillion years ago

ar.Chaic /ad:kerk; NAmE cdrk-/adi Toldand nolonger used: Thou art'i an archaicform ofyouare: 了 Veryoldfashioned OUTDATED: The system is archaic and UnmJoirand needs changings. 3 fomamuch earlier orancient

Period of history: archaic art

archa:ismn /akerzem; MAmE 'amrk-/ .0ouUn (technical):a Very old word or phrase that is no longerused

arch.anm.Eel/'dkemd3sl; NAmE'azrk-/ moun an ANGEL of the highest Tank: 如e 4rchamngel Gabriel arch.bishop /actfbrfep; NAmEiazrtf-/noun aBISHOP of the highest Tank,responsible for all the churches in a large areal: the Archpbishop of Camterbury (= the head of the Church of England)




,azrtf-/ -0ouwn

1 the position-of an archbishop 2 the district for which an archbishop is responsible arch-deaconm

/actf'diken; NAmE ,artj-/ noun a Priest

just below the rank of BISHOP, especially in the Anglican Church arch:dio-cese/,adty'daaresrs; NAmE ,art-/ own adistrict under the care of an ARCHBISHOP

arch.duch.ess /,dtf'dAtfes: NAmE artf/ noun (inithe Past) the wife of an archduke or a daughter of the'EMPEROR of Austria


/atfdjurk; NAmE ,artf'aukk/ movn (in the

past) a son of the EMPEROR of Austria: Archduke Framz Ferdainamnd 一compare GRAND DUKE

arched /actit; NAmEartft/adj 也 the shapeofan ARCH: achair with an arched back 忌 arch-enermy7movn apersons main enemy

arche:olo.Sist, archeology (MA7E) = ARCHAEOLOGIST, ARCHAEOLOGY arch:er/atfao); NAmE'artf-/novunaperson who shoots

With a Bow and arrOwWsS

arch:.ery /atfaeri; NAmE'azrtj-/ noun [U] the art or sport

of shooting arrows with aBOW

arche:typal /,akitarmpl; NAmE,arki-/ oadj having all the important qualities that make sb/sth atypical example of aparticular kind of person or thing: The Beatles Were the

archetypal Dop grouP. airche-tyipe /dkitamp/ noun the most typical or perfect example of a particujar kind of Person or thing: She is 切e achetype ofafl Americari Toyie star airCchi-pel-ago /,akrpelagao; NAmE,admrkrpelagou/ noun (/ -os or-oes) a group ofislands and the sea stirrounding them




'adrk-/ noun



Whose job is designing buildings, etc. 2 a Person who is responsible for planning Or creating an idea, an eventora

Situation: Be was one of the Principal architects of the reyoIutiomn. C Jones Was 女 e architect of t妇 eteams HirstgoaL. architec-ton'ic /,akrtek'tonIk; NAmE ,arkitek'tanik/ adj. (technical) of or connected with architecture or architects

arcCchi'tec-tural /,dkrtektfaral; NMAmE ,QTK-/ ad connected with architecture: architectural 大 atures > archi-





zs of




afrCchi-tec'ture /dkrtektfednD; NAmE 'ark-/novur iu] the art and studyofdesigning buildings: to study architec-

eabout | rsit |isee| imany |ngot (Br6 | ossaw | Acup |

put | utoo

ture 2 [U] thesdesign or'style ofabuilding orbuildings: 态e architecture oF the eighteent century S mmodern architecture 也 [GU] (computng) the design amd structure ofa

comPputer system

frame aroundadoororwindow

archhiive /dkaiv; NAmE'GEFK:/moun;y veb 上 IO0n(alsoarch:ives [pl])iareollection ofhistoricaldocuIments or Tecords of a government a family aplace or an organization; the place where these records are stored: 如eNatiomnal Soumnd Archive Cearchive 万Im The BBC5S archies are DUISing with 7TmnateriaL 目 Veb[VN] 1 toputorstore adocument or other material

识 an archive 字 (computing) to move iformation that is not often needed to a tape or disk to store 让

archh.iv:ist /dkrvrst; NAmE"aTK/ nown a person whose jobis todevelop and manage an archive

,arch='rival moun a person's main opPonent arcih-wWay /aztfwer NAmE 'GErtf-/ noun apassage or an entrance-With an ARCH Over it: We Went 轧roughjh astomne arcjnyway ito the courtyard.

arclarmp-(also'arc light) noun alamp that gives very bright lightthakis producedbyan electricARC

ArcCic /azktrk; NAmE'adrk-/ adj ,moun 下 Qcdj. T:[only before noun] related to or happening in the iegions around the North Pole: Arctic explorers 一compare ANTARCTIC QZarctic extremely cold: TVPictaures Shiomwed the arctic conditioms. 下 0OU1 [singdthe Arctic the regions ofthe world around the North Pole

the Arctic'Circie 7movm[sing]ithelineofLATITUDE;66? 33' North 一comPpare ANTARCTIC CIRCLIE :Arctic ternm 001 a bird with a redbeak that breeds in the Arctic and spends the winter in the Antarctic ardent /azdnt; NAmE'azrdnt/ ad [usually.before noun] Very emithtisiastic and showing strong feelings about sthy/ SB PASSIONATE: a17_ardemnt SUPPporter OoF Europeam

Unitye ardently adv [WU (妈rma/) ;very strong feelings of enthusiasm orlove PASSION ardu'ous /adjuass;-d5u-; NAmE'ardsuas/ adj. involving alotofeffort and energy, especiallyoveraperiod oftime: aTL araUOUS jourrey across the APides CIThe WOrk Was ardu0U5. arduously 0dvy are7 /sa(09; Stong 龙71 CO)/ 了E afrez /ea(D; an; NA 帮 Eer; GET/ ovn atnitfor meastring an areaofland; 100 squarte metres

/earis; NAmE'erie/ mou1n

* PARTOF PLACE [qqPpartofaPplace, town; etc5 orazregionof a cotntry or the world:7moumntaimnrousAdesertiareas CTUFaIAUrbamnVimnmnercity areas 2 There heayvy traffic 碌 态e dowmtowrzarea tonighE She knows the:locaEarea Jery WelLac yopnn 让 弛 eIondom:area mamnaser 2 JWreckage 万ormmtheDplane Was scatteredoyera wideiarea-2 The jaorm amd: SU7rrOUTtding area Was 思ooded. 一See :also, CATCH-

MENT AREA; CONSERVATION AREA) DEVELOPMENT AREA, NO-GOAREA 2 [GO apartofaroormibuilding orparticular spacethatistsed fora special purpose: 妨e hotelLTrecepioP areae aplayparkingxdining area 一see also REST AREA,

SERVICE 从 REA PARTICULAR PLACE-:3:[G aparticular Place on an object: Moye the cursor to a blamnk area of te cormmpUter Screen The tujnour nadmotspread tootper areas of the pody 到 SUBJECT/ACTIVITY 4 [G@ 一 (ofsth) aparticular subjector activity or an aspect of it: the areas of traimning aid deyveLDOpmenhtOFiriance 藻 Mars area TheDigSrowtFh areaofr Fecemntyears hiasDbeen 太 Pealt CIUDS. 一See alsoO GREY AREA 5 [CU] theamountofspacecoveredDya 了 MEASUREMENT 旭 atsurface or piece ofland, described as aimeastureInent: 态 e area of aitriangle The room 1 TI2 sqUaTe 7mnetres in QTrea: = FOOTBALL Gthe area (B1E)( 迈football (SoCCER)) = THE PENALTY AREA: He Shot 万ofmm jstOUtside the area. 用


| ar my | aunow

moun (especially NAmB the numbers forapar

ticular area or city:that you use when you are making a telephone call from :outside the local- area--compare

DIALLING CODE arena /arima/ now T aplacewith aflatopen ateainthe middle and seats arolind 让 :Where people' can Watch Sports-and entertainment:.Qa: comncert :at JWernbIey Arena 2 (jormal) an area of'activity:that concerns the public, especially Sae where there is a lot of opposition between different groups or countries: 加 e PoliticalA 识termnationmQaLareria

aren 六 /ant/ shot jorm Tare not 2 (in questions) am Dot: AremtTcleyer? afreola:/arizela/ noun (plareo:lae /liy/)theround area of

Skin around the NIPPLE (= on abreast) arete /aret; arert/ moun (from French)alongsharp RIDGE alongthetop of a moluntain agemt /azd5ent; NAmE'drd5-/ adji (iterary)jsilver argon /dgon;NAmE'argamn/Anouwn [U] (symbAr )achemz ical element. Argon is a gas that does not react with anything and is Used:in electric lights. the ArSgo-nauts /dganoxts; NAmE'arg-/ noum: [pl国 (in ancient Greek stories) the_sailors who travelled with Jason, the son of the king of Iolcos .ip Greece,on his adventures argot /ageso;i NAmE 'drget;i ;gog/ oun [ing.,U] (Gom French) Words and phrases that are used by a_particular gIOUD of people and _not easily Understood -by others JARGON


/dgjuasbl; NAmmE 'arg-/ ad (Jormal) 1 that

you can give good reasons for: It argUable thatgiving too much detailL mayx actualty pe conhusing.- 2 Totcertain; that you do _not accept without quastiom DEBATABLE: 丰 QTrSUable Wether 矶e case should haye eyergone to trial (二 perhaps it should not have).


(BrE)(NAm 避rdor )/asdeaCnD);NAmE'arzrder/ noun

局站全 司 0 可



architrave /dkrtrerv; NAmE'azrk-/ noun (technical)the




| aolgo (Br

:/ad:gjuebli; NAmE'arzg-/odw used, often'be-

fore acomparative orsuperlative adjective, when yot are stating an'opinion which:you believe you:could giveTreaSoOns'to SUPPort: PEe is arguably the Destiactor of :his SenteratioP.

本 六册 克 色 0

/dgju; NAmE'arg-/ ye 岂

1 LV] ~:(with sb) (about/over sth) to speak amngrily to sb becatse you disagree with them: My brothers are aways arSUing. 人 Were aways arguing With each other apout Tnopney CTdont want to argue With yotL 一 ust do it 也 一

(for/against sth) | ~ (for/against doing sth) to give TeaSons whyyouthinkthat sth is right/wrong, true/nottrue, etcs especially to persuade People that you are right: [V] They argued for 妇e rightto sirike. 2 [VN] She argued the Case for pringing pacK the death penalty De was tootired

to argue 妇 epoint(= disctiss the matter). CQaWelLargued aiticleS [Vthat] 万e argued 女 at 轨 ey mneeded more me to Jinishn theproiect SIVNthat] tcould be argued thatlaws are made bpyand for mmerm [alsovwh-] 3 [VN] (ormalto Show clearly thakt sth existsor is'true: These Iatest deyelopTnents arSuUe Q cha7lge 训 SOYeTmment Policy IE -iargue

the 'toss

(B/司 /njommal) tocontinue to disagree:about a

decision, especially when 丰 is.too late to changeitorit is notvery importantET argue sb 'into/'outof doing sth to Persuade sb to do/not do sth by giving them reaSOnS: They argued Pima into Withdrawing Pis comPplaint

'argue With sth (usually Used 雇 negative Sentences) (njormal) to disagree with astatement: es a really SUCCessful Ta 一yoOUCcamLEarSguUe With that

本 及 EUImiemt 0 /dgjumnent; NAmE'arg-/ noun 1 [CUW~(with sb)j(about/over sth) a conversation or discussion iD which two or more People disagree, often angrily: We had arrargummenEWitpn the Waiter abouttphe bi

Shegotinto ar argsumerttWith the teacher cto Win/lose am arSuUmzentcAftersome heated argurmeritadecisiom Was

Finaly taken. 2 [C 一 (foagainst sth) | 王 (that :: )a reason OT Set of reasons that Sb Uses to.show:that sth is true or :Correct: There are strong argummentts for and

| oog go:(Mm 有 :| or boy

| me near

| ee hair

:| ze pure


68 |

same armotunt each time; for example 2, 4 6, 8- 一compare

GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION againmnasteuthantasia. Bis argu7mentiWas thatPUDIiC SDending 7must be reduced. oO Fer main argument WaS QTnOral one. 3 [U] 一 (about sth) the act of disagreeing in aconVersation or discussion Using a reason Or Set of reasons: Tets assume for the sake of argument (= in order to discussthe Problem) 妨at we camntstart till March, argu:men:ta'tion/adogjumen'terfn; NAmE ,CT9-/ moun [uU] logical arguments Used to sSupportatheory, an action or amiidea afFEu'imen'ta'tive/agjumentetrv; NAmE ,drg-/ dj a person who is argumentative 1likes arguing or often

the ark/ck; NmE ark/ (also ,Noahy's 'arg 0oun [sing.] 人 tm the Bible) a large boat which Noah built to _save his family and two of every type of amnimal from the flood [IE out ofthe 'ark| sth wentoutwith the'ark1B7E, informalj 过 sb saysthat an objectoracustom'is out ofthe ark or went otit with the.ark, theythinkthatitisold or old-fashioned

starts arguing

argy-ibargy/dd5i 'ba:d5i; NAmE ,drd5i 'bazrd5i/ moun [u,C] (pP/ ,argy-'bargiey (BrE,/imformajhl noisy disagree= Iment ar.gylejau:'ganl; NAmE'argail/ noun [U] aknitted pattern of diamond shapes on aplain background, especially on a Sweater Of On SOCKS afia /aris/ noumn a song for one voice, especially in an

OPERA Or ORATORIO ) -ariansu态x (in nouns and adjectives) believing in; Practising: hurmmartitarian


arm in arm

arid/'aerrd/ od.1 (oflandoraclimate)havinglittle orno rain; VerIy dry: arid amnd sermi-arid desert 2 (Jormal) with nothing new or interesting in it: an arid discussiom Parid.ity/arrdati/ nouwmn [U] 亲 Aries/'eari:z; NAmE'eri:z/ noui T [U] the first sign ofthe ZODIAC, theRAM 2 [sing.] apersonborn underthe influence of this sign, that is between 21 March and 20April

aright/arart/ adv (old-foshioned) correctly 司 上 Se 0 盏/araiz/ veb (iarosel/e'Traeuz; NAmE aToUZ/, arisen/aTrIzn/) [V] 1 (rather jrnmal/) (especially of a problem or a difficult Situation) to happen; to start to exist_ EmoOccUR:A mnew crisis has arisem JJWe Keep themm informed of ay chartges as they arise.C Chilaren Should besdisciplined wher the meed arises (= When it js necessary). Astorm arose dur-

img the might 也

一(out of/from sth) (rather jormal) to

happen as a result of a particular situation: injuries araing out of a road accident c Emotional or nenttal problermms ca1L arise 万om Qa Djhysical cause. c Are there any miatters arising 万om the minutes of the 1ast mmeeting2 3 (rma) tobegin to exist or develoDp: SeyeralTiew inadustries arose 训 thetown. 4 (old useoryiteromy)jtogetout ofbedi to stand Up; He arose at dawn. 5 (olduse)jto come togetherto piotestabotit sth orto 人 ghtfor sth: The Peasants arose agairst

their masters.G iterary) (of a mountain; a tall building, etc.) to become visible gradually as you move toOwards 这






[C+sing./pl. v] (P/, -iey (in some cotintries) people born in the_ highest Social .class,Who have ,special ENOBILITY: nemmpers of the aristocracy


aris.tO'Crat/'aeristakraet; NAmEarrst/noun amermnber of the aristocracy 一coOmpare COMMONER: :is.-tO.Crat'ic /aerrstekraetIk; NAmE ariste-/ 20d/ belonging toortypical of the ARISTOCRACY ERIINOBLIE: ar aristocraftic namevJarmmilyIifestyie Aris'to:tel:iamy/,aristati:lion/ adj connected with Aiistotle or his philosophy

ar 让 h.met-ic/arIbmaetrk/0ovn-[U] 1T the type of mathematics that deals with the adding, multiplying, etc: of numbers: Fes notyerygood at arithrmmetic- 了2 sums involvingthe adding, multiplying, etc. ofnumbers: aquicKk bpitof

TieTttal arithrmmetic CTthinKk theressomething Wrong With your arithrmmetic.

av 让 nnmaet'ic.al/,aerIigmetikl/ (also arith.met.id Gd Ielating to arithmetic: am * arith.met'icalLly/ 了li/ adv

arithmetical _calculation

ar 让himetic' meamnoun = MEAN arithn metic pro'gression(also- arith ,metic 'seriey 1houn'a series of ntiinbers that decrease OF imcrease bythe


| ddid

站 ffaf

| 9get

| ahat


司 上 IO-

arms folded

/am NAmE arm/ moun7yerb

昌0OUH 一See also ARMS s PART OF BODY 1 either of the two long Parts thatistick out ffom the top ofthe body and connect the shoulders to thehands: He escaped with only abroken ar She threw her arrms aroumnd his neck.CThe of 态cergrabped hirm by the arTmta (= grabbed his arm). .She touched him genty on the arm. OHe held thedirtyrag at arTm?slength (三 asfaraway from his body as possible 和 ec They walked along arma 训

arm (= with the arm of one person linked with the arm of the other). 2 She cradled the cjhild 碎 Rer ar7mns. They 帮1asleep 识 each other's armtzs (一 holding each other). 2 He Was carrying a murmber of files Unader jiis arTmm (= between his arm and his body).S He waiked im With a ta bionde om his arm (= next to him and holding his arm). 一Picture 只 BODY *OFCLOTHING2 thepartofapiece ofalothing that covers the arm ERIIsSLEEVE 3 * OF CHAIR 3 the part of a chair etc. on which you rest yourIr arms 一picture 所> CHAIR

* OF MACHINERY 4 a long narrow Part of an object or:a piece of machinery' especially one that moves,for example a record player 一Picture 只 GLASS rOF WATER/LAND SS along narrow Piece of water or land that is joined to alarger area: AsmalLbridgesparis thie ar of teTiyeFr “OFORGANIZATIONG@ [usually sing.] ~ (of sth)j'a section of alarge organization that deals with one particular activity EUWING: the research arT7m of the comzparmy

IE cost/pay an ,armanda'leg(Ppnforma/)tocostVpay alotofmoney-keep sb atarm?slength to avoid having aclose relationship with sb; Fe KeeDsialLJis clierits'at ar7m2s Lerig 纺.一more atAKIMBOI BABE, BEAR VCHANCE V, FEOLD VEONG 0dj ,OPEN ad RIGHT 0dji ,SHOT 1 TWISTYV 四ye上 了 一Yourself/sb (with sth) to Drovide "weapons'for yotrselWsb ip order to fgtit abattle ra War: [VN]The

me arTmled thermselyes With Sticks and stones (Jiguratiye) She jad ar7Tried jierse 太放 产 e 芒 7neeting With alL the Iatest Statistics,C TV] TPRe cotmty Was armiing a5ainst the eeTmny: 一See also ARMED 2 [VN] to ake readyto explode 一compare DISARM

a bomb,etc.

armada/ama:da; NAmE arm-/ oun-alarge group of armed.,ships Sailing together:.The Spanish Armada was Senttto attack Englanad im 1588.o (Jiguratye)ayastarmada ofjfootballjfons

arma:dilloyiaainas'dzlaw NAmE ,aama'dzloo/ nown:(P/ -0y an American animal with a hard shell made of pieces of bone,that:eats attacKkSs 这

| kcat

| lleg

insects and rolls into a ball if sth

| 二 man

| anow

| pen

| rred

Arma' seddon Adama'gedn; NAmE ,drm-/ mou1r [sing.,U]:T nthe Bible) abattle between good and evil atthe end ofthe world 2 aterrible war that could destroythe world




carrier (NAmE

ArmaE:nmac'arnaenjzk; NAmE'ar/ Toun [U] atypeof French BRANDY

person'nel carriey 7Ovm transport Soldiers

Armaliterv /amaelarty NAmE "arm-/ moun a type of

ar.ImmoOW 六er(Br6 (NA7E

lightatutomatic RIFLE ama':ment/azmnament; NAmE 'arm-/ moun 了 [Cusually ;pl.] weapons,especially large guns,,bombs,tanks, etc.: the arTmaments iidustry 了 [U] the Process of ipcreasing the amotunt'of weapons an army or a COUntry has,especially to prepare for war 一compare DISARMA-


a military Vehicle Used to

arimorey /amareGD); NAImE

arm-/ noun a Person who makes or repairs weapons and armoOuT

armoOur-'plated(Br6 (NAmE armor) ad (of vehicles) covered witktt sheets ofmetal to Provide protection against bullets, etc.


ar-mOury(BrB (NMmE armory /amaerii NAmE'arm-/ 1oun (P/ -iey1 aplace where weapons and armour are

arm-bandgd /amband NAmE 'adrmn-/ -oun -Ta cloth band worn around the arm as a sign of sth, for example thatsbhas an official position: The stewards all wore ar7mmDands. .MaPy People at te 刀7ieral seryice Were Wearing plack arTmibands. 2.either of two Plastic rings that can be filled with _air and worn around the arms by sb who is learning to swim

kept ERARSENAE 2 (ip the US or Canada) abuilding Which is the HEADQUARTERSs for training people who are notprofessional soldiers, forexample the National Guard 3-(1ormoaol) the things thatsb-has available to help them achieve. sth: Doctors haye;ar arrmoury of drugs available. 4:allthe weapons and military equipmentthat a country has: Britains mnUclear arTmiOUTY

arnm candyroun [U] (njormal) abeautifilwomanthata

armiP 证/amprt; NAmE'adrm=/ (also NAmEInformal Pp 讲

iman takes with him when he goes to a public event in ordertoimpress other people

armrchaioun ad 是11OUN /obintfes0D


NAmE armtfer


fer/a comfortable chair with sides on Which you can iestyour arms: to 5 让 训 am arTmchair 一picture 只 CHAIR 0g 夫 ,/adzimtfeaCr); NAmE :drmtfer/ [only before noun] knowing abotit asstbject through books and television, rather thanbydoingit for yourself: am arTmchaircritic/ trayeller

全g 0/dmd; NmEdrmd/ a 丰

Tinvolving the use of weapons: am arrmed ropbery 2 am

训 ternational armed comyflict (= a war) TUNARMED 2 ~ (with a gun,etc.) carrying a Weaponi especially a Sun: The7man is armed and darmgerou5s. 4 arTmmned guUaTGS Police were heavipy armed ec He was armed with a Tihe.


3 ~ (with sth) knowing sth or carrying

sthithatyou need in order to help you to perform atask: Fe was armed :with all the focts.



to the

teethhaving many weapons

the armied 'forces(BrE also the' armed 'servicey noun [pl] a countrys army, navVy and AIRFORCE

armiful/amfol NAmE'azrm-/ moun a quantity that you

cancarryin one Or both arms arim-hojle/'admheol; NAmE'armhoul/ .noun the Place 训D acoat, shirt, dress, etc. thatyour armigoes through 司 及 Imis-tice/azamrstrs; NAmE'aamm-/ own [sing:] aftormal agreementduring axWwarto stop 有 ghting and discuss Imakcingpeace ERHICEASEFIRE afrmmzlet/azmlat; NAmE 'azrm-/ non a band; Usually madeof 赤etal wormn around:thetopofthe'arm


(也 =WREST-

NAmE TGFTimnlacK/ OU

LING) a way of holding an OpPponents arim So that they cannot Inove: He had jairm im anarrmlocK. NAmE GTm War Houn (fom FIOirE /GO 户emch) a cUpboard with drawers-or shelves Underneath, especially onethathas alotofdecoration 旺 六 FIOF-iaWazimaxrial; NA1EaTTE/ 0dj. connected With

HERALDRY /dmeG); NA7E 'aaTrimn-/ 翅 rmiOUTF(BrB)-(NATE 一 rmmor houn [u] T special metal clothing that soldiers wore 雇 the past to Drotect their bodies while 厂ghting: Q S2iL of aourc(Jjguratve) Monkeys do notjhayve ary Kindofprotectiye Fiour arid USe their brains to SOye DrODIerms. 2 imetal covers that protect ships and military Vehicles

Such as tanks 3 (iecpnical) military Vehicles tised ip War':


by_ infanty and armour




rmOUred:(BI 月 {NAmE



rmard/ adj T (especially of a military Vehicle) Protected by metal coVers: THe crUEer WaS JieaVily aFraioured.

an armrioured Ear 2 using armoured Vehicles: am ar 7 轧OUred diyvisiom


| ttea

| 7van

| wwet

| 么 zoo

| Jshoe

pounthepartofthebodyunderthe arm where itjoinsthe shoulder 一 picture , 宁 BODY 一see also UNDERARM IE the 'armpit of sthi(njformnah especially NAmB) the mostunpleasantortglyplace in a country or region: The citb77as beem called the armpitofFArmerica: arimrest/'azimnrest; NAmE'arm-/ noUn the part of some types of seat, especially in planes or cars, Which suUPPorts

your arm 本 HIS _0/amz; NAmEarmz/ 0oun [pl:] 1 (formal)weapons,especially as usedbythe army navy, etc.: arms aad aibiomn

C Police officers 训 如e UK dao

Pot USUally carry arTm1s. 一See also FIREARM,, SMALL ARMS 2 = COAT OF ARMS: 妇 eKingsArrmns (= Used as the name ofapub) IE-be under 'armsto have weapons andbe

Ieady to,;fght in a war

iay down your arms to Stop

fighting take up arms (against sb)to pIepare to fight (be) up in 'arms(about/over sth)Unjormoj) (of a group

ofpeople) to be very angry about sth and ready to Protest Strongly abonut 让 一more at BEARV, PRESENT V Iarmsconiroyoun [U] internationalagreements to destroy weapons or limit the number of weapons that coUDtries havVe 'arimms racemoun [sing:] asituation in which countries compete to get the most and best Weapons

罗)oUn [U] (pformah)theuseofalotofpres'airmm-tywistimn sure Or even physical force to persuade sb to do sth 'arm-wrestlinSmovn [ua competition to find out Which of two people is the Strongest in which they try to force each others arm down onto atable 翅扩 TY 0 本 /cmi; NAmE "armii/ nouwP (Pie9 1 [Cc+sing./pl.v] alarge organized groUp of soldiers who aretrainedto fighton land: The hywo Opposing arTmiesj 加 ced each otheracrosstihebattlefield -2 thearmy[sing.+sing./ pl.v] the part of a countrys armed forces that 但ghts on land: Her husbaia is in tne army ceAfter leaying School 太cer 3 [CH+sing./pl. Mike Weiitirito the army 2 aiarrmy oj v] alarge number of People or things, especially when they are organized in Some Way or involved in a Particular activity: am army of adyisersAyolunteers 2 Am QTTY Oo 太 amts Tarched:across the pa态.

army'surplusoun [U] clothing and equipment which the armyno longerneeds and is sold to the Public ar.mica/dnikae; NAmE 'crn-/ ouUm [U] a natural medicine mada from a plant, Used to treat BRUISES (= markKs that appear on the skin after sb has fallen, been hit, etc.) 'A-roadnoun (in Britain)aroad thatisless important than aMOTORWAY, but wider and straighter than aB-ROAD arommalarseuma; NA1mEaeroUma/moun apleasant, Doticeable smejll: the aroma of 六 esh coffee





Houn [U] the use of natural oils that Smell Sweet for con-

| 5 vision

| tr chain

| dz jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0 sing


70 |

trolling painorforrubbing intothebody during MASssAGE > aromatherapiist ou1


/aremaetik/ qd/ having a pleasant notice-

aiPpeg:gio /azped5ieu; NAmE azr'ped5iog/inovm (PL-os ) (mwsic)the notes of acHORD played'quickly one after the other afr。 0bbpr 了 (iDE writing) arrives; arrival: arr ZIoiiaom 06.00 一compare DEP:-; 了 (Usicl (in writing) arranged by: Handel arr Mozart

able smell EFRAGRANT: aromaftic oils/hnerbs arOse ptofARISE

arrack (alsoarakj)i /aereak; araek/.noun [u,Gl a strong alcoholic drink made 人fom rice or from the-liquid kap )


inside coCONUT PALM trees araign /arem/ verb [VN] [usually:passive] ~ sb (for sth) (law)jtobring sb to courtin order to formally accuse them


/araund/ adv ,prep.

上 Gdlv. For the special Uses of around in phrasal Verbs,1look at the entries for the verbs. For example come arotnd to sth is in the Phrasal verb section at come. 1 apPIoximately: Fe arrived around 记ye ofcloc玉 CTHhe costWOUld besomewhere arounia E1500. 2 on eveiy Side; Surrounding sb/sth: Tcould hear IaugHhterallarounda.

ayardWithafnce all arotnads3 (especally NA7mB (BrE usuallyround )moving ina circle: How doyo 7mrake 态e Wheel 8o arounid2 4 (especially NAm月 (BrE asualiy round ) measured in a circle: an old 厅 ee 雪 atWas atleast ten feet around 5 in orto manyDlaces: We Were alL7umPing QrOUPd tying to Set ready 六 -me SoThis 让 OUFTiew o扩 ce 一 Kay Wi 说Showyouaround. eThereWwerepapers lying around alloyerthejioor Gusedtodescribe activities that havemo real Purpose: There Were seyeralyoug People 5 让 ting around looking bored. 7 present in aplace; available: There Was 7mmore noney around in:those days CT KmOcKed but there' Was mnO onie'arountd .CDigital teleyision jas beem around for some tme now 8 active and well known in a sporb profession, etc.: a mew.tennmis champiom Who could pe around Joralong time ecShes been around as Ga director Since the 1980s. 9 (especially NAm 日(BrE usuallyround) 这 a circle or curve to face another way or the opDosite way: Sjie tr7ied the cararound anddroye o 太 TheyIooked around whenjhe called 一 see alsoABOUT, ROUND [Im have been around tohave gained know-

ledge and experience ofthe world Prep. (especially NAmB) (BrEusuallyroundy 了1 surrounding sb/sth; on each side of sth: The house 蕊 Daiilttaround a central coOUFbyard. e He PuUL Pis arms around her 了 2 on to or from the other side of sb/sth: Our house jstaround the corner C The bus came arounid the benid. c There must pe a Way around 妇e proplem. 3 记 a circle: They walKked

around the 1ake. 4 to fit in with particular people, ideas, etc.: 工camt arTrarnSge eyeJything aroupnd yoUF metablel 5 ip or to many places in an area: They walKked arounpd the townm Iookingjoraplace to eakt

around .round . about SS 昌 Around and round can often be used with the same meaning in Br though around is more formal: Te:

ea/th goesround/around thesun.eThey liveround 人

Ground ie corner eWetravelled roundaround ndia… cshe iurned roundaround When 1camein in NAImE onlyaround can be used in these meanings= 昌 Around, round and aboutcan also sometimes be used withnthesamermeaning in BrE: Jpe kids were running

QQroundroundyaboutoutside elve peen waitings

= Ground/ouncdaboutioseeheralldax In NArmi around can be used in these meanings,

nly 、

下 Aboutoraround can beused in both BrEandN4mEto mean'approximately: We/eftarourd/abpout8 ozlock

around-the-'ciock ozdj. = ROUND-THE-CLOCK afrOuse /arauz/ ve 几 [VN] 1 to make sb have a particular feeling or attitude: to arouse sb” nterest]curiosityy GT1Ser 2 Her Strange Dehayiour aroused Our SUspicionas. 2 to make sb feel sexually excited EXCITE 3'-to make you feel more active and want to start doing sth: The Whole comrmmaunmibr Was aroused by 太 e crime 二 4 一 sb (from sth) (formal) towake sb ffom sleep- sae also ROUSE > arousal /araUzl/ noum -[U]: -emotional]Asexual GaFrOoUSaf

of a crime: Fe was arraigrnied for7muUrder OoHe Was ar raigsmned om a charse of mmurder arraigniment moun

[CuU] 本 的下本站 宅亿 -0

/5rema5/ ye 旋

Ttoplanororganize sth in advance: [VN] The Darty Was QTTarlged quUicKly 2 She arranged a 1oa7i with the Dark Ca TarTransge al appointment /or Mopnrday2? CTWe mietat Spo as arTraTtged 2 [V wh-] Weye stillgotto arrangejhow to getto the airpof 有 [V] We arrangedJoracarto collectus 万oma the airport C TYe arranSged with the meiEhDpou7rsapout Jeedirig the cat While We are away S [V toinf Haveyov arTamged to 770eet im oO [Vithat 7ye arranged that We ca porrow their car 了 [VN]ito put sth inia particular order; to make sth neat or attractive: The pooks_are ar ranged alphapeticalty byauthor eTrustarramgeTny 广na7cialaffairs and makeaw 记 esShearramnged thejlomwersinia

Yase, 纪 [VN] 一 sth (for sth),to write or change a piece.of Iusic so thatit is suitable for a particular instrument or Voice: He arrangedtradionaljfolk somgs fjorthepiano:

amranged:-marriage:novn a marriagein which the Parents choose the husband or wife for their child

本 及本 乒 四 克e.Imenmt


/areindsmant/ movn

1 [Cusuallypl] 一 (forsth)aplan orpreparationmthatyou

Imake So that sth can happen: frayveliarramngements 人 II TILQKe arTrart8emtentts jbr yOU to De met at 妇e airpoft 之 [Gusually pl.] the waythings are done or organized: Shes happy Withn her UnUSUaI Living arrangemerits. CTiew SeCUTiby arra7igemmerits CThereareSpecial arrafigementsfor

People Working overseas. 3 [CU]

一 (with sb) (to do sth) an

agreement thatyou make with sb that you can both acCept: QTL arTra78e7ment pethweetthe School and theparents We can come to am arrangerment over the price.O They jhad ar arrarmsemient that the chilaren Would spend two Weeks With each parent C ZDLcan cash cheques here py Prior arrarmSement With 切 e banK 4 [CU a grotip of things that are organized or placed in a particular order or position; the act ofplacing thingsipaparticular ordef: Plans of the possible seatirig arramaemients S t太 ea of Jowemiarrangement 5 [CU]ia piecezofmusic that has been;chariged; for example forianother instrument to


acram' Se

/aremdse/ noun Tiaperson' whoiarranges

music that has beem written by'sb different 2:a Derson Who arranges things; arramgers OF care Services Jr the eldaerty

amrant /arsent/: ad [only beforesnoun] (old:joshioned) used to emphasize howbad sth/sb is: arrantmomsense array /arerI/ nou7mi verb 下 IOU1 了 [usuallysing.] aigroup or collection of things or People often one that is large or impressive: Qyast QTTaY of pottles of difjfereritshapes and Sizes Ca dazzling array oF talent 也 (compPuUting) a way of orgamnizing and Storing related data in a computer memory 3 (technicaj) a set 5f

Dumbers, Signs Or Values arranged in Tows and columns 可 VEr必 [VN] [usually passive] (formal) Tito arrange a gIOUP of things in.a pleasing Way OF so that they are 记 order: Jars of all shapes aid Sizes Were arrayed oF the Shelves. 2 to arrange soldiers in a position from Which they are Teadyto attack

array'ed /arerd/ odj. [not before noun] ~ (in sth) (Nieramy) dressed iD a particular way,especially_ in _beautiful clothes: She was arrayed 训 QpiacKyevet Sow7. arrears /arIez; NAmE-eTrmz/ noun:[pl] Ioney that.sb Oowes that they have not paid atithe right time: rent/

mortgage/tax arrears [DO be in arrears | get/fall 3;cat | ad father | eten'| sa: bird | a about:| Isit | 斌 see | imany | nsot (BrE) | ax saw | Acup | oput | ustoo

into arrears to be late in paying money that yotu owe: We7e two montns 识 ar7ears With 轨 e renE in arrears 让 imoneyoraperson is paid in arrears for work, the money is paid after the work has been done

忆 .久 旷他SS证 0- /arest/ yerb; noun 昌 Ver 1 [IVN]:[often passive] ~ sb (for sth) ifthe Police arTest sb the person is taken to aPOLICE STATION and kept there because the'police believe they may be guiltyof a crime:A7mmam has peemarTested im comTtectior With therobpery C She Was arrested fordrug-related offerices. Co 7DU

could get arrested for doing that 2 [VN] (Jormaj) to stop aprocess or aidevelopment: They:jailed to arrest the comDamy's:decline. 3 [VN] (ornmal/)to makesb notice sth and Pay attention to it: Am UnusUal moise arrested his-attenmtion: 4 [V]ifsb arrestsi their heart stops beating: He:a 六 rested on the Way to the hospitaL 旧 ]OUm [CU] 1 the actofarresting sb: The police made seyv-

eral arTests, C She Was Under arrest on SUSPiciot of 7mU 广 der C Oppos 让on leaders were PUEUTider jhouse arrest (三 notallowedtoleavetheirhouses). 一See also CITIZEN7S ARREST 2 an act of sth Stopping or being interrupted: He died after SUffering:acardiac arrest (= When his heart

suddenly stopped). arrestable offence "21 (Jow) an:offence for which Sb can be arrested without a WARRANT from ajudge

二 FFeSst-img /arestm/:0 中 (ormalh) attracting alot of attention; Very attractive

悚及-iV 玉| 0


了 i浪

司 外HOWV 0 /2rao; NAmE'aeroo/nouwn 1 athin stick with a sharp Point at one end, Which is shot fromaBow: abow anmd arrowecto fire/shoot ar ar7row CThe road comntinues as straigRht as an arrow. 字 amark or Sign like an arrow (一 ),Usedto show direction or position: Follow 纺e arrowW5. 2 Use the arrow Keys to moye the CUTSOF ar-rOwW-.head /zareuhed; NAmE 'aeroU-/ noOuUnm the sharp pointed end of an arrow arrOwW:rOot

/2ereUrurt; NAmE 'aerou-/ nouUm [U] a Diant

Whose roots can be cooked and eaten or made into a type of flour Used especially to make sauces thick; the 人 our

itself arOYO /aToleg; NAImE-OU/ OUn (P/ -os) (from Spamish) a narrow channel With steep sides cut by a riVer ip a desert region afrse /ds; NAmE ars/ mouU1m, ye贱 四 1OUNm (BrE, 妇 b5oo, slang) 站 (NAmEass)thepartofthebody thatyou sit om; your bottom: Get o太 yoOuUr arse (三 stop Sitting -around doing nothing)!/ 2 (usually following an adjective) a stupid person 一see -also SMART-ARSE [IE My arsel (loboo,slang) used by some people to show they do not believe what sb has said work your 'arse

off (ioboo,, slang) to _work Very hard 一more at KISSV, KNOW 了 ,LICK V,PAIN 几 .

日VErD [Er can'tbe'arsed (to do sth) (BE, 如 50o0, 3/078)

to notwantto do sth because it is too Imnuch trotble:TWwas SUDPDosed to do 5SOme WorK t Weekend putTcouldmnt be

/arzrvl/ moun

1 [ug an act of coming or being brought to _a Place: Guest receiye dirimnier OILAUPomn arrival at the hotelL.C We apologizejfor 雪 elate arrival ofthetrain. cthe arriyalofthe 7maiL 识 the momiing edaity arrivals ofrefugees There are JI20 arrivals amd departures eyery day [Ga DEPARTURE 2.[G a person or thing that comes to a Place: THe 万rst GrFivals at the comcert got the best seats. C eaqaTiy/iate/

mew arrivals C We7e expectinig a new arTiyal (= ababy) 识 切 eformily soon. 3 [U] the time when a new technologyorideais introduced: the arrival ofpay TV

局 及 上 Ve 0 /ararv/ verb [V] TI(obbr arr.)~(at/in/on ...)to gettoaplace,especially at the:end of a journey: II Wait umzil 切ey arriye. CO 工Was Pleased to hear you arrived horme safely coto arrive eariy/Iate Jor a meeting 2 Shel arriye 训 New ZrK at 10oPn.O Thetrain arriyed at the statiomn 207minutes Iate. 和 By 纺 e time Tarriyed o7t the scente, 让 Was all 0oyer 2 We didrmi arriye bacK at the hotel untilyery late. The police

arriyved to arrestPirm. 2 (ofthings) to be brought to sb:A Letter arriyed foryou 妇二 morning. 2SendyOuUrapplication to arrive by 31 October 2 We Waited an hourjorour IUnch to arrFiye. C The new product W 记 arriye OF SUDETTTIGTKet

arse about/around (BrE, toboo, s/ang) to


waste time bybehaving 记 asilly way

arse:-hole /dsheol; NAmE 'arshoul/ (BrE) (NATmE ass-

hole) movn (loboo,slan8g) Tthe ANUS 字 a stupid or Unpleasant person: What am arsehole/ arse-lickKer(Br6 (NAmE'ass-licker) mown (ioboo, slang)a Peisof who is too friendlyto sb 让 authority and is always ready to do whatthey want P :arse-jicking (BrE) (NAmE

'ass-licking)movwn [U] arF-SGnmal /dsenl; NAmE 'drs-/ noUn Ta collection of Weapons SUch as guns and EXPLOSIVES: BritairS TiUCIear arsenal 2 abuilding where militaryweapons and EXPLOSIVES are made or stored arSemic /dsnIik; NAmE'a:rs-/ nouwm [U] (symbAs) achemical element' Arsenic is an extremely poisonous white Powder.

afrsey /dsiy NAmEarsi/ 1OU1 (AUStGEinformah very lucky arsom /asn; NAmE'arsn/ noun [U] the crime of deliberately setting fire to sth, especially abuilding: to car7y out aTL asSOTL QttacK

3 (of an event or

ar.SOm:ist /dsenIst; NAmE 'acrs-/ moun a person who commits the crime of arson

a momeiitb to happen Or to come, especially When yoU Have been Waiting for it: The Wedding day 广mally arrived.

下 moOUn 了 [U] theuse ofthe imagination to express ideas Or

shelves (= be available) early nextyea7

&S Tebaby arrived (三 was born) earl ITEO sb has arTived 人(informal) somebody has Decome Successful: Te Kmnew he had arriyedWhemhewasshortiistedJortheBooker

arrive atsthto decide on or find sth, espePriZe; REACH2:to arriye cially after discussion and thought at an agreementt/a decisiom/a comiclusiom 2 to arTiye o 太e frUtpn afF-FivV:iste /aeriVist/ moun (from Frencj disapprovng) a Person who is determined to be accepted as a Iember of asocial grotip, etc. to Which they do notreally belong afO-Samece /'aeregens/ mou1 [U] the behaviour ofa Per son When they feel that they are more important than other people,sothattheyarerudetothem or do not considerthem ar-fO-Eant /'aeregant/ adj. behaving 记 aproud, unpleasant way; showing little thoughtfor other People P arroSantiy dy

本rrogate to yYOUrse叶 atG /22regeit/ Ve几 客 了 FFO: si (Jormal)toclaimmortake sth thatyouhave no Tightto: Tdomotarrogate to 7myseF te rightto decide.


| 二 my

| aomow

| ersay

局IE 0

/act NAmEart/ non verb

feelings,particularly in painting, drawing or SCULPTURE: mmoderrn/contermporaryAmerican artC an art critic/ istoriam /loyver ceCan We call televisiomn art? C stolen WoOrks of art e Her Der所 Piance displayed great at 一See alS0 CLIP ART,FINE ART 了 [U] examples of objects stich as paintings,, drawings OT SCULPTURES: QTL GTt Sallery/exPibition c a collection of art and antiques 3 [U] the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings, especiallywhenyou studyit: Shes good at artand desigm 2 am Grtteacherxstudent/college/class 4 iearts [pl] art, mtsic theatre, literature, etc. When you think of them as agroup: lottery 负 ndingjorthe arts 一See also PERFORMING ARTS 5 [Cl atype ofVISUAL or Performing art: Damnce ia yery theatrical art @ [Cusually pl.] the subjects you can study at school or tiniversity which are not scientific, Such as languages, history or literature: am arts degree 一Compare SGIENCE 7 [CU] an ability or a skill that you can develop with training and Practice: a 纺erapist trained 训 访E art of healirg TIetterwriting zG1ostartmnowadays Appearingcorfideritatinteryiewsz guite ar art (= rather difficult) IEGTW See FINEOIC/.

有 | ou go (MAmB | ao8go (Br

| ofboy

| manear

| eehair

| uepure

at deco

5 | IE.icCle 0

日 Yerbithou art (old vsejused to mean youare', whentallkc ing to one person

PERMISSION Didyou ask to Use the car? CTasKked to See the mmamnager 和 [VN wh-] She [v wh-].TPE ask iies allrightto Park here. asKed her boss Wjhether she could haye the day o 矿 IJNVITE 5 [usually +ady/prep] to invVite sb: [VN] Theyyve

asked meto dinner CTdidnitask hemii 识(= tocome into the housej. C WE TiustasK the neighbpours round (= to our [VNto inf] Shes asKed Pim to come t the party, house). G6[VN] ~ sth (for sth) to request a Particular ,MONEY amotuntofmoneyfor sth thatyou are selling: He asking 有2000 for the car 7.~ sth (of sb) to expect oOF demand > EXPECT/DEMAND.

sth: [VN] [Know Im asking Q great dealL 和 YouUre asKing too much of hirm. e [VN to inf] 工Know is asKking a Lot to expectthem to winagain cnote atDEMAND IE :ask for 让 (njformal) to deserve sth bad that happenstoyouorthat sb doestoyoUpe 'askingfor trouble |pe 'asking'for 放 (normah to behave in a way that is Verylikelytoresult in troubledon?t ask (informal) 证you

ou go (NAm 昌

| ar boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ze pure


76 |

She arriyed atWork: eeThepoliceJound hirm asieep 识 a8gar Q8e.,[ID AWAKE

Say don't ask to sb, you mean that you do not want t6 TIeply to:their question, because 让 would be awkward,

embarrassing, etc.、 ,don'tt ask ,me (informal) 过 you say don'taskme,youmeanthatyou donotKknowthe answer to a question and are annoyed you have been asked for the 'askingifyou can have sth for the asking, it is very easyfor youto getit 寺 youaskforit: Thejobisyours Jorthe asking. 1 askyou(informal) ifyou sayIaskyou, yotu are expressing disapproval,shock or anger about sthysb 证 you ask ,me (informah 让 my personal opinion: THeir Tarriage Was a mistake, 矿yOU asK 页e. 'ask after sb(BrE) to say that you would like to know how sb is, What they are doing, etc.: He always asKs after yo 识 his Letters,,ask aroundto speak to a number of different People 记 order to ty and get some information: 7 do Know of anry yacancies 识 the comipanmny Dut IT asSK aroUnd. ,ask sb back(especialy Brb to invite sb to comebackto YouI house when yotu are both ouit together: 7 jhoped je

Woulant asK 7me bacK

asleep fall asleep。go to sleep.get to sleep . drift off 。 nod of人 f . drop of人

fall asieepto start to sleep, sometimes when you do

notintento d orin asituation that is notappropriate:, When she Jinailyjellasleep shebegan io dream. 231 _Pinchped jyse上 Fio stop /myseF Jrom 有 11ing as/eep. So to sleepto startto sleep, especially when youintend to: /shutmyeyesandtriedtogotosleep ecHe Wokejora /momentand 态en Wentio sleep a8a几. 、 getto sieepto start sleeping, especially aftera Jong time orwhenthisis difficult: He tooka/ong ime geting to sleep thar mgHE 1 drift offto fall asleep, especially gradually: /mmust hayve Cjied o扩 pecouse Whenm1woke we were neary home. :

ask for sb/sth to say that you

want to Speak to sb or be directed to a place: When yYOU arriye asKJoryJane. ,ask sb 'outto invite sb to go out with you, especially as a way of starting a Tomantic Telationship: He too shy to asK her oL snOUn Ia big 'ask(mormah a difficult thing to achieve or deal with: Beating the world charmmpions z ce 六 tainly apbig asKEjor the team.

mod o 妊(ojomna to fallasleep fora shorttime,

especially when you are sitting down and when youare not supposed to be sleeping: /was Practically nodding O1Fimthatmeeting, dropo 作(BrEjmnformajto start sleeping lightly:1 人, dropped ofFand missed iheendoftihejiimm:

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 下 to fall asleep/go te.sleep/drift offynod off/drop off during/in the middle of sth


可 sb must have fallen asleep/gone to sleepydrifted off/ nodded offfdroppedoff 晶 to drift off/nod off/ drop off to sleep 人

enquire 。demand .query

Allthese words mean to sayorwrite sth in theform ofa question, in order to get information

四 to finally fall asleep/ga 记 sleep/get to sleepy/drift off/

to get information: Where are you going2:she asked 2 She asked the stuqdenks theirnames CCon 1aska dUestiomz? engquire/inquire(rotherjormajto asksbfor information: /coHed ihe station to enguwire abouttrain 让、 tmes, demandto ask a question Very firmly: And where have you beenz he demanaded angry query(jormal to ask a question; "Why ever motz:she QUe1ied

AS (level) /ef es levl/ noun [CU] Advanced Subsidiary Wevel); a British exam usually taken in Year 12 of school oO college (= the year before the final year) when stu-

dents are aged 17. Together with A2 exaIms,AS levels

form the A-level qualification,whichsis needed for en-

trance to Universities: AS exaTmns C.Studepts wiL PoOTTQI1y

take four or five AS subjects. C Shes doing ar AS (flevel) 训 French. coMore tamn 20 subjects are 07 offer atAS Ieyel at OUr college.

asp/asp/noun asmall poisonous snake found especially ipEN Africa as'Ppara'gus/a'spaeregas/ noun [u] aplantwhose young grIeen Or White STEMS are cooked and eaten as 3 Vege一Picture tabl e 号 PAGE RI3 as' Partame/a'spaztetmm;y NAImE "aspazrterzm/ mown [U] a

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS to ask/enquire about/after sby/sth 利 to ask/enquire/demand sth of sb RS 昌to ask/enquire/demand/query what/who/how' etc. 昌 to ask/enquire/query politely 下 to ask/enquire/demand angrily

SWeet Substance used instead of sugarin drinKs and food

askamcela'skans/ adv [ID iook askance (atsb/sth)|

look (at sb/sth) askance to look at or react to Sb/sth

with'suspicion or doubt orin a critical Way


things,etc:.; a SECURITY

askew /a'skju:/ ddy,adj [not before noun] not 也 a Straight or level position ER cROoKED: His S&lasses had been Kiocked asKkew By the blow co er jat was Slightly QGSKew.

asking:price movn the price that sb wants to sell sth for 一compare SELLING PRICE aslant/a'slamt; NA7mE a'slaent/ ady not exactlyVerticalor horizontal; at an angle' The Picture humng asIanit


0 /aslip/ adj:- [not before noun]

Sleeping: The 5aby Wassorrzd asleep (= sleepingdeeply) MPstairs. CTWaited until they Were alljarst asleep (三 Sleeping deeply). Ce was so'exjiausted thathe JellLasIeep athis daesK ec She Was Shill halfasieep (= not fully awake)whenm

| ddid

上 ffall

|:9 getie

h hat

| jyes

Products, especiallyones forpeople who are tryingtolose Weight

本 S.IDeCt 0 /aespekt/ moun

ask'ari/a'sKa:ri/ nown (EAHrB) a person who is employed to guard a building,valuable

玫 全 |:


askto sayorwrite sthintheform ofa question;inorder


These words all mean to start to sleep.

1 [qqaparticular partorfeature ofa Situation, an idea, a Pioblem, etc.; a way iD Which it may be considered: Te DooK aims to coyerallaspects of City lifeethe mmostimportat aspect of the debate > She 用 L She had 1ookea at ie Problermm 方om eyery aspect C This Was ome aspect of her character he jadhntseen before

了之 [Using.] (1jommaj the

appearance of a Place,a situation or a Derson: Eyents

Degari to 右Ke om G7mnore siniister aspect 3 [Gusually sing Uormal) the direction in which a building, window piece of land,etc. faces; the side of a building which facesa

Particular direction ORIENTATION 寻 ;[U,G] (grammmar) the form of a verb that shows, for example; whether the action happens once.or Iepeatedly' is completed OF still continuing 一 see_also PERFECTOd/.(7),PROGRESSIVE 0d/. aspeny/'aspen/ noun artype of PoPLAR treei'wWith leaves that move even when there js Very'jlittle wind

| cat

| Leg

| mman

| nmnow

|”p pen



as.per.Sill:osis /,assDpedsrleusIs; NAmE,aesperd5rlousis/


moum [U] a serious condition:in which parts of the body, usually the lungs, become infected byFUNGI

as'Sas.sim:/a'saesmj; NAmE -Sn/ noun :a person who' murders sb important or famous, for money or for Political IOUgh OF severe,especially in the Way you speak to OF Teasons treatsb HARSHNESS asisas.siniate /as'sssmert; NAImE -Sen-/ verb TVN] [often as'persions /Ja'spa:Jnz; NAmEa'spars5nz/ noOUm [pl.] (大 广 passive] to murder an important or famous person, espemaj critical Or Unpleasant remarks or judgements: 工 cially for political reasons: The Prime mainister WaS Qs3Q5= Wouldntywantto cast aspersions OP YOUF honesty. Sinated by extremiists. Ca 了 plot to as5assinate the Dresidemt as'phalt /2sfaelt; NAmE fo:lt/ novun [U] a thick black PP as'sassin:ation /asaesImerfn; NAmE-sem-/ oOUn [U,G: sticky substance Used especially for making the strface The presiaentsurVived aumber of assassiniatiom attermpts. of roads @tpheassassinagion ofjJohmR Kenmedy

as-Perity /ae'sperati/ moun [U] (formalj) the fact ofbeing

as-pihyxia /asfiksie; asf/ moun [U] the state of being Unable to breathe, causing death Or 1oss of CONSCIOUS-


as.phyxi.ate become




ve 由





or die by Preventing them from


> asphyxiation

/as frksi-

'erfn/ noun [U] aspic /'saspIK/ moun [U] clear jelly which food can be PuULE into whenitisbeing served cold: chicken preast in aspic



a plant with broad

green pointed leaves, often grown indoors

as:pirant /as'sparerent; "sesparent/ noOuUm ~ (to/for sth) (Jormaj) a Person with astrong desire to achieve a pos让 on of importance or to win a competition: aspirants to 态e title of world champion > as:pirant 0dj/. [only before noun] = ASPIRING

as.pir.ate ovm, ye 履 四 1OU1 /aesSparat/ (phometics) thesound /hj/, asin house: The Word 多 our is pronoumced Without ar iiial aspirate. 目 VE 旋/ 寺sparert/ [VN] 了 (medical to remove liquid from a Personmsbodywith a machine 乙 (Phometics) to pronounce sth with an ?sound or with abreath

as.pir.ation /zsparerfn/ nouvnT [Gusuallypl,U~(for

sth) | 一 (to do sth) a strong desire to have or do sth: 工

didmnt7realize youPhad Dolifical aspiratiornis. 2 He has mieyer jad any aspiratiomto earn aIotofrmoney 字 [U] (Phonet ics) the action ofDronouncing aWword with an /h/ sound, as n hoUse as Pir-ation:al /aspaTreifenl/ adj. wanting very much to achieve Success 记 yor career or to improve yoOUI Social status and standard of living

as-pir:ator /zspIrertaGr)/ OU (medical) a device or machine used for sucking liquid from a person's body as-Pire /a'spaiIe(Cr)/ ve 比 一 (to sth) to have a strong desire to achieve or to become sth: [V] She aspired to a sciemntfic career C [Vtoinf] He aspired to be theirmiextleader

as'Pirin /zsprIm; 22spermy/ ou

[U;C] (Pas:pirin oras-

TION: DO youjhave any aspirin2

Take hwo aspirinfs)Jora

pir'ins) a drugused to reduce pain, fever and INFLAMMA-

headache. as.pir.ing /asparerID/ (also /ess 1requent as.pirant) 0 [only beforenoun] T wanting to startthe career Or activVity that is menitioned: Aspiring mmusiciaris need hours Of practice eyery day 2 wanting to be successful in life: Fe carne 万orm am aspiring Working-class background. 语 boo, sla18) 二 ARSE 字 (B1己 jnj 广 ass /2s/ no0U1 下 (NAm 如 FOOL: Dom5t .bpe SUch ar ass1 CT 1mal) a stupid person lg UP and 一Stanmding Taade am ass OoF mmyself at the meetir then 加 rgetting 殷 e guestion 3 (BrE, old USe) a DONKEY IE.gSetyour'ass in gear |,move your 'ass (slang, espe-

cially,NAmB) arude Way-of telling sb to hurry get your ,ass Over/in ,here,etc。 (5/ang, especiajlly NAmp) a rude

一more c. at COVERY, come here,et Way of telling sb to _ KICKYV,KISS V,, PAIN SSa. 名ai = ASSEGATI

as-Sail /a'sellj verb [VN] (formah Tto attack sb Violently,

either physicallyor with words: He Was assailed With fierce blIowsto the head. CThe proposal Was assailed by the OPpO5S让 om parb (jguwrative) ATyile smel assailed Tny mostrik. 了 [usually passive] to disturb or UPpset sb SeVverely: to be assailed by worTies/douvbts/fears ant /a'sellant/noun (Jormal)aperson who attacks Sa as.让 ATTACKER sb, especially Physically


站 ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| z zoo

| 了 shoe

asS:S 本 U 必 1/a'so:lt/ 0001, ve 内 下 00U1 了 [U,C] ~ (on/upon sb) the crime of attacking Sb physically: Bothp memn Were charged with assau 比 ASigmn访camnt nnUmzber of imadecemnt assaults on Women 80 UPTeport-

ed csexualassaulfs 2 [G 一 (on/upon/against sb/sth) (by an army, etc.) the actof attacking abuilding;, an areairetc: in order to take control of 放 ATTACK: AP GaSSQULE OPL the capital was Iaunched im the early hours of 纺e Torming3 [Q 一 (on/upon sth) the act oftrying to achieve sth that js difficult or dangerous: THie goOyerTzrmerit has moOUmnted G

mew assault on Unermployrment (三 识 Order to reduce 训. Three people died during ar assauIE on the mountain (=

while trying to climb iD. 4 [C ~ (on/upom/against sb/ sth) an act of :criticizing sb/sth severely ATTACK: The papers assaUIt on the presidentWas totally umjustFied CThe suggested closures camme Unmder assaUIt 廊om alLPar 雪es. yerb [VN] 1 to attack sb violently, especially when this is a crime: He has been charged With assaulhing apolice o 护 -

cer 9 Four Wormnen haye peen SexualIy assaulted 记 the area recentty 也 (Jormalj) to affect youT senses in a Way thatis veryunpleasantoruncomfortable: IoUd rock music asSssaUIlted OUFr ear5.

assault and-'battery

novn [U] (Uow) the:crime of

threatening to harm sb and then attacking them physic-

ally as'sault cOurse (BrE) (NAmE'obstacle course) 5040n

an area of land:.with many objects that are difficult to climb, jump over or go through, which is used, especially

by soldiers, for improving physical skills and strength

assay /a'ser/ 1ou1m [CU] (techmical) the testing of metals

and chemicals for qtiality, often to see how pure they are > assay VE 山 [VN]

as'Se: 名ai (also as.sa:gai) /aesegaI/ OU

了 a Weapon

consisting ofa long stick with asharp metal point on the end, used mainly ip southemmn Africa Za South African tree which produces hard wood as.sSem.blage /jaisemblidzs/ noun (jnmah iechnicaol a collection of things; a group of people: Tropical rainforests jhave the Postyaried assemblage ofplants 识 the World. as'seim.ble /asembl/ ve 1to come together as a group; to bring People orthings together as a group: [V] ALthe staademnE Were asKked to assemible 训 the main halL She then addressed ;tie asseTmbled company (= all the Peoplethere).o [VN] to assemzble evidence/data STRhe rartager jhas assembledia World-class tearm. 2 :[VN] to fit together all the separate parts of sth, for example a piece

of furniture: ITRe shelyves are:easy to assemble. [aa



as.Sem:bler /a'sembla()/ novn 1 a person who assem-

bles amachine or its parts 2 (computing) a Program for changing instructions into MACHINE CODE 3 (computing)

三 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE Assemblies of 'God:noun [pl.] thelargestPentecostal Church in the US (=:onethat emphasizes the gifts of the Holy Spirit such as the power to heal people who are 训/ Sick)

as.sem.bly /a'sembli/ noun (pl-ies)1 (alsoAs'semi'bly ) [Gl a group of People who have been elected to meet together regularly and make decisions or laws for a particular region or cotuntry: State/legisiative/fderal/

1ocal assemblies e Power has been harmded oyer to Proyvincial amd regional assemmiblies. C The matiomal assemmlDply has Voted to adopt the budget e the California Assermbly 2 the

| 5 vision

| tchain

上 as jam

| 6thin

| 5this

| 0 sing


78 |

UN General Assembly 2 [u,G the meeting together of a group of people for a particular purpose; a group of People who meet together for a particular purpose: They Were fighting for 广eedom of speech and 廊eedom of assemmDC He wasto address apUDblic assembly on the issue. am

assemibly point (=:aplace where peoplehavebeen asked to meet) 3 [CU] ameeting of the teachers and students 雇 a School usually at the'start of the day' to give information, discuss school events or say: piIayers together

4 [U] the process of putting together the parts of sth Such as a Vehicle or piece of furniture: Putting the boojccasetogethershould be asimple assemblyyjobp. eacarassermmDiyPlant

asseimbly language oun



[C) (compuwtimg) the language in which a program is writtenbefore it is changed into MACHINE CODE asseimbly line7novn = PRODUCTION LINE: WorKkers oO7 the 有 Lime



man /sa'sembliwomaen/-0oun (p/- -men/man/,-women /wmmrmm/) a Person who is an elected representative in a state-asseImbly in the US

as seimiblyroomnouwn [usually pl.] (especialy BrE)apub:

licroom or building in which meetings andisocial events areheld

asS.Semt/a'sent/ noum;, ve 上 上00O0U1 [U] ~ (to sth) (Jorma1 official agreement to of apProval of sth: The director has give her assentt to the pro: Dosals. 2 He nodded (his) assent c There Were murrmurs OF Doth assent amd dissentt 广om the crowd: ceThe bill passed 训 Parliament has noW received the RoyaLAssent (= been approved by the king/queen). 目 YE 岂 一 (to sth) (jormalj) to agreeto arequest an ideaora Su8gestion: [V] Nobody Would assent to 态 e terTms they 记 roposed. [also v speech] as'Seit/a'ss:b NAmE asart/ verb Tto state clearly and frmly that sth is true: [V that] She comrtinued to assert that She Was imnmiocent C [VN] She continuea to assert Fer

innocence. 2 [V speech] 了Hat 放 wrong ”he asserted < [VNthat] tis comrnonly asserted thatolder people prejfer to Teceiye care 方om Jr7mily 7mrempers 2 [VN] 一yourselfto behave in a confident and determined way so that other People pay attention to youI opinions 3 [VN] to_ make other people recognize your Tight'or authority to do'isth, by behaving firmly and confidently: to assert your inidePendence/Trights CTwas determined to assert7my authoritby/ 广om the beginnin8g. 4 [VN] ~ itself to start to have an effect: Good sense asserted itse太 as.Sertion /a'ss:Jn; NAmE a'ssrfmn/ noun 1 [q astateIent Saying that you strongly believe sth to be true

CLAIM: He Was coOrTect in jis assertion that t纺e mminister had been ying. 2 Do you haye amy evidemce to Support your assertions?2 只 Dote at CLAIM

了 :[U;G] the act of stat-

ipg8i using or claiming sth strongly:ithe assertiom of jis authoribyeThe demonstration Was amtassertion ofthe TiTShE to PeacefuLPprotest as'SeNt.ive/a'ss:trv; NAImEa'ssTtIV/ ad expressing obin: ions or desires strongly and with cofidence,5o that People take notice: ZoV should try and:pe more dssertive: 2 .asseTtiye Dehayiour [aaagSUBMISSIVE 区 asSertively adv assertivenessmouw1s [U]: an assertiveness traimning COUTSe

as`Sessljs'ses/ ve 了 路 ~ sb/sth (as sth) to make axjudgeIment abotut the nature'orquality of sbysth: [VN] Its aijfi

CUIE to asses5 the efjfects of these changes C to assess 0 Patients meeds @ The young men Were assessed as either Safe or Usaf driyers. .oO Ta assess your chnances as Jow_ e [V wh-] The commrmnittee assesses Whetherapuilding is worth PreseryVinlg. 2 We are:trying to assess how Well the system Works. 了 [VN] ~ sth (at sth) to calculate the amount or

value .of sth


They have assessed the

amLOUnt of comzpensation to be paid: coDarnase to the buildimg Was asSessed at 志40000:

as-Sess'memtye'sesmaent/2n0U71 THT[G an opinion or a judgement about sbysth that has been thought about Very carefully EREVALUATION: aidetailed assessmentof the risks inyolved 2 Pis assessment of the situatior 2 [U]

:the act of judging ,or forming an-opinion about sbysth: Written examns ad other jprrmmns of assessTmnent C Objective

QsSSeSSJent of the seyverity of the problem Was difficu1t一 see also CONTINUOUS_


3 [qq an amount

that has been calculated and that must be paid: a tax QSSeSSTIETL as.Ses.SOr/a'sesa(r)/ noun 1 an expert in a_particular

Subject who is asked by a conurt or other official group to give advice 2 apersonwWho calculates the value or cost of sth orthe amountofmoneytobepaid: ari imnsurarice/taX assesSO7r 3 aperson who judges how well sb has done 中 an exam,a


College Lecturers acted as

eXteTTLQL asSSe5S01S Of 妇e eXxa77 resUlts. asset/'zeset/ 0 了 ~ (to sb/sth) aperson orthingthatis Valuable or useful to sbysth: Shel pe am assetto the tea7m. 4 丙jhisjob patience an inyaluable asseE 了 [usuallypl] a thing of valtle, especially Property, that a person Or COm: panyowns, Which can betused or soldto paydebts: the met Gsset VaIUe of 纺 e compamny C Her assek include shares 计 the coTmpany amd a house 访 Franice- coasset salesZTmarE agementSjfirnarcialAcapitalassets 一compareLIABILITY 'asset-stripping7noun [U] (businessj (ustially disapprovjingjthe Practice ofbuying a companywhich is in financial difficulties at alow Price and then selling everything that 让 owns in order to make a Profit ass:hole/'zasheul; NMmE-hooul/ noun (NAmE ioboo, slanig) = ARSEHOLE

asisidu.oOus/a'sIdjues; NAmE-d5uas/ adj (Jormalj) work ing. Very hard and taking great care that everything is done as well as it can be ERIDILIGENT assidu'ity /aesrdjureti/ nouwn [U] assiduouslyadv

as'Sigm/a'sam/ ve 履 耻 一sth (to sb) |~ (sb) sth to give sb sth thatthey can use, or some work orTesponsibility: [VN] The two large' classrooms Raye beem assigmned to US.C The teacher assignted a different task to each of the children ec [VNN] We hayve beemn assigned the bwo 1arge classroorms.

The teacher assigned each of the children a different task 之 一Sb (to sth/as sth) to provide a person for a particular taskor position: [VNJ They”ve assigmned their best7mmarntto tne Job. 2 [VN to inf] British forces hayve bpeen assigned to jheIp With peacekeeping. 3 [VN] [usually passiwe] ~ sb to sb/sth to send a person to work tnder theatithority ofsb orin a Particular groUup: TIwas assigned to B platoom 4 一 sthto sth to say that sth has a particular value OF function: or happens at aparticular time or places [VN] Assign a differ ent Colour to each different type of informatiomt ec TIVNN] The painting camnmiot be assigmniedian exactdate. 5 [VN] 二 sth to sb (/ow) to saythat yotr property or fights nowbe:long to sb else: The agreementt assigns Copyright to the DLPblisher as'sig:na'tion /asIgmerfn/Anoum(jormalorhumorousja Imeetng, especially a secret one; often With alover as'sign:ment/asammant/ noUn T [CUjataskor piece of work that sb is given to do, usually as part ofthe 正job

of studies: Zo 芭 W 记 Feed to comiplete 切Fee WFitten assigmz

ments Per seester 3 She 1 议Greece On artassigii7mientJOr one of the Suniday new5Dapers. CQ oie of Our FEDpOFters 0 而 assigmrmentin ChinacThad set7mysejfatough QSSig7L7ment 只 Dote atTASK 2 [U] the actofgiving sth to sb;theiactof givingsbaparticulartask: his assigmnmentto ptherdauties 访 the sarme comPpamny as'simi'late/asmaleit/ ve 几1 [VN] to fullyunderstand an idea or some information so that you are abletotise 让 YouUrself: The comrmnittee Wi记 need timie to assimilate 纹东

report 也 一 (sb (into/to sth) to become; or allow sb to

become, a part of a country or commiuiity rather than Iemaining in a separate groUP: [V] Newarriyals 启mna 这 jhard to assimilate. C [VN] Tmrmmigrarits hayve beemi success记 1y assinmiilated into the community 3 [VN] [often pasSive] ~ sth into/to sth to make 5 idea,a Persom's attitude, etcy fit into sthior be' acceptable: These Charnges Were 8radually assirmilated into eyeryday1i.

seicat | d father | e te | s: birdi|:a about |asit | isee | imany | p got:(BrB) | ozsaw | Acup | 5 put | mtoo




noun_ 1 [U] ithe act of

assimilating sb or sth,or being assimilated: the rapid assimilatiomn of new iaeas C his assirmilatiom into the cormmTunibyr 了 [U,C] (Phonetics) the act of making two sounds iD Speech that are next to each other more similar to each other in._certain ways, for example the Pronunciation of


TnysSejf with the Prirme Ministers remarks? (三 工agree With

them) [5


晶 ,Qdj/. /ea'sadjiet; -Siet; NAmE

a'sov-/ [only before noun]

1 (often in titles) of a lower rank having fewer rights iD

the /t/ iD jootba/llas a /p/; an example ofthis

to do sth: [VN] We 到 ao all we canmn to assistyou. 和 We W assistyou 识 太nding somewhere to live. CThe play was dir ected By Mike Johmsom assisted by Sharomn Gale. C Two menm

aparticular profession or organization: associate mmermbe广 Ship of the BuropeaTt Union C al asscciate memberAdirector/editor 2 joined to or connected with a profession or an organization: am associate coTmpary Im Japanm 下 IOU1m /a'sadjiet; NAmE a'sou-/ 1 a person that you Work With, do busifiess with or Spend a lot of time with; Dusi-

are assisting the Police with their enguiries (= arebeing qtUestioned by the police). c [VN to inf a course to asstst

mess associates 2 (also Associate) an ASSOCIATE0d/ (1) Imember 3 Associate (US) a person who has an Associ-

司S.SIST 0训 /5Ssist/ ve 及 00 上 Ve有bb有 人 一 (sb)(in/with sth) | 一 (sb)(in doing sth)tohelp sb

adults to return to the Iabour market

ate's degree (= -one that is given after completing two

[V] Amyomne WiUing

years ofstudy atajunior college)

to assist ca contact 妇 国nmnUmber 和 We are IOoKing jor People wPho would be Wiling to assist 识 the 5rouDps worK.


2 [VN] to help sth to happen more easjily: actiyites 如 at

Wilassistthe decisiom-7TaKimg Process 吾 ,1OU1m afi action in HOCKEY, BASEBALLj etc. iD Which :a playerhelps another player on the same'team to Score a goal or point

五SSHS 世-本 四Ce 0 /asIstens/ nouvn [U] ~ (with sth) | 一 [in doing sth/to do sth) (jnmmalj) help or Support: .techmical/ecorormic/rmnilitary .assistartce Jinanmcial assistarice 如 rpeople on Iow incormnes 2 CaTLTDe of arty assistartce? C Despite jis cries, no one carme to Pis Gassistartce. C She offered mme practical assistance with my Fesearch. C The comzpamny proyides adyice amd assistamce 训 访ndipngs Work ceHe can WalkK only With the assistamce of CTFUtLCFies.

忆 S.Sis 嫌 .到 站 亡0

司S.SO:C1aatlON 0 alSOO-/ OUm

2 (BE) = SHOP

rank below a senior person and helping them in their WorIK: 妇e assistant Tarmiager C Assistant Chief Corlstaple Owen eAssistantAttorney General Wiliam Weld

(with sby/sth) a connection or relationship between People

asisistamnt ipro'fessor mouj (in the US and Canada) a teacher at a college or university who has a rank just belowtherank ofan AssOCIATE PROFESSOR.

ass'is'tant'ship /asrstentfrp/ movn T (BrE) the Dosition ofbeing an AssISTANT(3) 了2 (NmE) a paid position for a GRADUATE student that involves Some teaching Or reSearch as,sistedj 'area 1oun (in Biitain) a region where there are manytnemployed people and the government gives Help to businesses sothat more People can have jobs himself/herselfwith the help of sb such as a doctor especially because he/she is suffering from a disease that has

no cure aS.Sizes /a'sarzIz/ 00Un acotrtin thepastWhich travelled to each county of England and Wales 芭 as'size adj. [only before noum]: the assize coVTt

'ass-licker 'ass-licking nouns (Nm 有 = ARSE-LICKER。 ARSE-LICKING

verb adj ,noun

asoo-/ 了 [VN] -一 sb/sth

(with sbysth) to make a connection between People or

世训 gs 记 yoOUT mind: Talways associate 态e smell of baking With mychitdhood ce Fe 匡closely 0ssociated 识 坊e PUDIiC 击 识 dWi疡 horror movies 2 [V] 一 with sb to spend time With sb, especiallya person or people that sb else does not MIX: TI domt Like you associating: With appIove of

those _people 3 [VN] 一 yourself with sth (Jormal) to show thatyou'support or agree With sth: MayI associate | au now

| -ersay

| ago


moum [U] (BrE, Jormaj) 三 FEFOOT-

BALL(1) as.SO:Ci.ation'ism /aseusierfmnrIzem; NAmE -asSov-/ MnoOum [U] (philososjy psychology) the theory that we think and learn by connecting many different very simple ideas ip our miinds asS`SO:Cia'tive /aseujiatrv; NAmE a'sou-/ adj. 1 relating to the association of ideas or things 了 2 (mmathematics) giving the same result no matter what order the parts of a calculation are done, forexample(a 广b) xc=ax(bxc)


Assoc. abbr (in writing) Association

|-ar my

OF organjizations: jhis alleged association With terrortst gr0UD5 CThey haye mairitained a close association Withn a college im the US..SThe pooKk Was PUDIisjhed 识 association With (三 togethefwith) Britishn Feritage 2 She becafmejor7m0US througf her association With the 817OUD of Doets. 3 [Gusually pl.] anidea or a memory that is suggested by sbysth; a mentalconnection between ideas: The SeaSide had all sorts of pleasamnt associations With childhood Polidays fjor mme. 2 The cat sS0oPL mnade the association petwee jurnam beings and food. 4 [Cl] a connection between things Where one is caused by the other: a Proyen assoOciatiom betweerpassive smoking and caTicer As soOciation "Football

asisisted 'suicide novn [U] the act of a person killing



1 [ctsing./pl.v] (obbrAssoc. ) an official groupP of pecple who have joined together for a particular Purpose ORGANIZATION: Do you belong to any profes5ional or trade associations? o the Footpball AS5ociationn Ca7esidentts” as5ociation 一see also HOUSING ASSOCIATION 2 [CU] ~

目 gdj. [only before noun] (obbrAsst) (often in titles) having a

下 Ve 廊 1/a'segfieity :sieit; NAmE

Its offices throughoutthe world send news to its members which _include newspapers and television and_ radio Stations. teacher at a college or University who has a Iank just below the rankof a professor 2 、

ASSISTANT: 0 Salesiassistafhit 训 adepartbmentstore 3 (Br a student at University or college who spends time in a foreign country teaching his or her own language in a School

瑟 S.SO-Ci. 本世e 0

As,sociated ,Press moun (abbr AP )a US news service.

asisOciate pro fessor /ioun (ithe US and Canada) a

/assistent/ noun, ad

目 1OU1 1 a Person Who helps of SUPports :Sb,usually iT their job: My assistant will mirow demonmstrate thje 7mmacjiine 识 actiomn: Casenior research assistantt 一See also PDA, PERSONAL ASSISTANT, TEACHING ASSISTANT

0 /sa'sauJiertidq; -Sieit-; NAmE a'SoU-/ ad/. Tifonethingis associated with another the twothings are connectedbecause theyhappen together or onething catses the other CONNECTED: the risKks associated Witp taking drugsCSalaries amd associated costs hayve risen SUDstantially 2- 让a person is associated with an organjzation, etc.theysupportit: Fe no Ionger wished to be associated with the parbzs policy oleducation. 3 Associated Used 记 the name of a business company that is made UP ofanumber ofsmaller companies: Associated NeWwspapers

/zsenens/ moU1 [U] (technicajh the_ effect

created when two syllables in words that are close together have the same Vowel sound, but different consonants, Or the same consonants bnuit different VOowels,for example; soOnnetand poOrridge or cold and jled as'sort'ed /esoxtid; NAmEa'soxrted/ adj. ofvarious different sorts: The meat 认 Seryed With:isalad or assorted vegetables. COThe jumper cormes 训 assorted colouTs.


/aso:tmaenti NAmE ea'soxrt-/ moun [usually

sing:] acollection of diffterent things or of different types

of the same thing

| ou go:(NMAmB)

| 5 boy

MIXTURE: Q Wiae assortrmtent of

| re near

| ee hair

| use pure


80 | sth,especially against sb's death: WPat is 态e SU as5SUred2 IT SeeRESTV

Sifts to choose 太om:o He was dressed imnanodd assortrment of clothes.

Asst (also Asst. especially in NAmE) abbr (iD writing) Assistant: Asst Manager

as'Suage _/a'sweiId5/ ve 岂 [VN] unpleasant feeling less severe


to _make


as'sumed /asjumad; NMmE asumad/ adj,[only before noun] that you SUPpose to be true orxo exist: the assUrmed aifferemnces between the thwo states

assumed namemovn a name that sb uses that is not PSEUDONYM: He Was Liying under

as'sumiing /a'sjumI; NmE

asumrm/ com ~ (that)

used to sSupposethat sth is true sothatyou can talk abonit What the results might be: Assurming (that) hes stillaliye, howoldwouldhebemnow?cThopetogsotocollegemextyed7 QGIWays assumirtg&TDaSsS ny eXxQ7Tms:

assump'tion/asAmpjn/ nounT

[cq abelief or feeling

that sth is true or that sth will happen, although there is Do Proof: an UnderkyingSAimpIicit assumption ceWe meed to challenge some of the basic assUmiptiorns of Westerm PRil050phy 2 We are working ort the'assumption that everyone inyited Will turn UP: C 开 was impossible io _make GSSUTDEioTS Qbout peoples reactiorts, ec His actions were Dased on ajalse assumption. 了 [CU]~of sth (Jorma)the actoftaking orbeginning to have power oriesponsibility: their assuImmption ofpower/control as'Surance/a'jJuarens; -Jor-; NAmEa'Jor/ nownT [da Statement that sth Will certainly be true or will certainly happen, particularly when there has been doubt abonut it GUARANTEE,PROMISE: TPey called jpr assuramnces 态 at the governrmaent i comarmitted to its educatiom policy < Vermiployrmerit Seerms to De rising despite repeated assu六-

aices to the contrary 2 (also ,self-as'surance) [U] be-

lief in your own abilities or strengths CONFIDENCE: There Was al air oF easy GaSsSUrarice and calm about hi 3 [U] (Br6) a type of insurance in which money ipaid Out when sb dies or after an agreed period oftime: a Li庆


definitely going to happen,especially when they have

doubts about it: [VN (thatj] Zou 切inKTdid it deliberately DULT assUTe YOU (thab T did not @ We were assured tat

eyelything possible Was peing done. C [VN] Shes Perfectry Saje 工caTL QssSUTe YOU 2 We assUred hirmm ofour SUDDPOrL O [VN speech] ezl come bacj, Susan assured her 2 一

yourself (of sth) to make yotirself certain about sth: [VN] He assUred jhimselr of her sajfety ce [vN that] She assured jerse that 矿 the Ietter Was still 识 the drawer 3 to make sth certain to happen ER GUARANTEE: [VN] Victory Would assure a place 识 the finals: o [VNN] Victory would assure them a place in the finals. 4 [VN] (Br to INSURE

| ddid


| 9get





SUccesS Seemed

2 certain to happen assuUred

攻 note


一 of sth (of a person) certain to get sth: ZU

are assUred of a War7m Welcome at this hoteL

| hhat

| jyes:

certainly; definitely AST/ieIes 'ti:/ obbpr ATLANTIC STANDARD TIME

a5:ta'time /aestetin/ novn [U] (symbp Ab achemical element,. Astatine is a RADIOACTIVE element which is found in Small amotnts in nature, and is produced artificially for use in medicine.

aster/' aesteGr)/ noun agarden plantthat has pink, purple, blue or white flowers with manylong narrow PETALS as'terisk /aesterrsk/ mounthe symbol (*) Placed nextto aparticular word or phrase to make people notice iorto showthat more information is given in another place:Tye Placed an asterisK mext to 雪e iasks TWantt you to do 7irst 产 asterisk ve 册: [VN] Tve asterisKed the tasKs TWwamntyou to do First

astern /a'stam; NAmE a'starn/ adw (techmical) Tin, ator towards theback part ofa ship orboat 2 ifaship orboat is moving astern, it is movingbackwards as'teoid /asteroId/ moun any one of the many small Planets which go around the sun asthhmna/asmae; NAmE'aezma/ noun [U] amedical condition of the chest that makes breathing difficult: a seyere Qs 轨 ma attacK

asth.mat.ic /asmi2etik; NAmE aezmaetrtk/ noun a person

who suffers from asthma e asth.matic 0d1.: asthrmatic , Patientks 2 ar ast 帮matic attacK

astig.ma'tism 0 moun [U] a fault in the Shape of a person's eye that Prevents them from seeing clearly Asti Spumante /astispux'imaenter spjuzmaenti/ noum [U] alight spPARKLING wine (= one with bubbles in) 们om the Astiregion of Italy

as'tom'ish /a'stonrj; NAmE astdm-/ verp to surprise sb Very much AMAZE 呆 note atSsURPRISE: [VN] The meWs astonished eyeryone: 3 She .astoriished us by Saying

She Was Jeayving.o [VN (that)] It astomishes me (thab he COUId be so 雪oughtiess.

aston'ished /astonrft; NmE astam-/ adj ~ (to find/

hear/learn/see sth)| ~ (at/by sth/sb) |一 (that :-: ) Very SUIPrIised AMAZED: Fe Was astonished to _Iearm_ Fe 如 Won the competitiomr.C My Parents IooKked astonished at TY meWs. C She SeeTied astontished (that) IThad meyer been to

Paris. C The helicopter Ianded before our astonished eyes.

as'ton'ish:ing /astonrjm; NmE aista:mn-/ adj very st

Prising; difficult to believe AMAZING: She ran 100mm in an astomishing 10.9 seconds. CTFimnd 让 absoLutely astomShing thatyou didrnitLike 让 区 aston:ish.ing.ly adv: JacKk tooK 弛 e newWs astonishinglyy WelL C Astoniishingly acrowa of seyeral thousamnds turned ouUt to hear Fairmi.

as'ton'ish.ment /astonrfmient;, NAmE asta:n-/ OUn [U] afeeling ofVery great surpiise


TY LUtter astonmishrmertb She remembered my name

是SSUYe 0 /ajJoa0); -Jo:GD; NAmEafor/ yeb 1 ~ sb (of sth) to tell sb that sth is definitely-true or is


Spoke 训 a calm,assured

as'Sured'ly/aJoeredli; aoxr-; NAmEas'Jor-/ ady (forma1

SSUIITIG 0 /asjum; NAmEa'sumy/ ve力 Ttothink or accept that sth is true but without having proofofit: [V (that] Itis reasortable to assume [that) tne ecooOTY Wi comtimnue to improye. C TIet US assume Jora TOTment 太 at 雪 e Da7L SUCceeds. C She woOUIG jhe assumed, pe hormne at the UsSual time.C [VN that] tis generally asSUTILed that stress is caQLUsSed by too miuch work: co [VN] Dom世 always asstme the worst (= that sth bad has happened). 2 丙 this exampIe we haye assumed a Unit price of 8I0. [VNto inf Thad assurmed him to pe a Belsgian. 2 [VN] (帮 广 1mal) to take or begin to have power or respoiisibility TAKE: THhe cOUrt asSsSUTmed respofasib 记ty for the girls Welfare. e Rebel forces hayve assumed control of the capitaL 3 [VN] (ormalj) to begin to have a particular quality 6r appearance TAKE ON; THis 7mmatter has asSUTried comsiderable imiportance. C In the story he god assumes the Jorm ofarneagle. 4 [VN] (formaj)to pretend to have aparticular feeling or quality PUT ON: He assuTmed an air of comiceri.

their real name GTL QSSLTTLed iaTTie.

as'Suredj /a'jued; a'jJo:d; NAmE eurd/ adj 1T(also self astrin'Sency/-ensi/ nouwp [U]

BIOU1 a liquid or cream tsed ip COSMETICS or medicine to make the skin less oOiLY or to stop the loss ofblood from a CuUt

astiro-/'aestrag; NAImE'aestrou/ combining 如 rm ( 识 nouns, adjectives and adverbs)j connected with the stars OT OUteT Space: astronautC astrophysics astiro'jabe/''sstreleib/ noun:(astromomy) adevice used 训D the past formeasuring the distances of stars, Planets etc. and for calculating the position of a ship

as-trol.OSger/a'strplad5a(GD); NAmE a'stra]-/ moun aper son Who'tises astrology to tell people about their'character about whatIimnighthappentotheminithe future, etc.

astrolOSy /s'strolad5i NAmE a'stra:l-/ movn [U] the study of the positions of the stars and the movements of theplanetsinthebeliefthattheyinfluence human affairs

PP astrologicalj,zstra'l1Dd5Iikl; MAmE-ladd35-/ di: astrological imiflueaces asStro:imietry /a'stromatrii NAmE a'stram-/ 70001 [U] (astronomy) the meastrement of the Position, movement and size of stars

astrOo-maut /'aestreno:t/ ouUm_a_person whose job 训pnVolves travelling and Working in a SPACECRAFT as-tromn:Omer/a'stroneme(r); NAmFE a'strazn-/ ouUn a Scientist who studies astronomy

astro.noOmiical /aestremnpmrikl; Tconnected_


-NAmE -nazm-/


,astromoTmnical opseryVa-

tions 2 (also astromnom -这 (njormah) (of an amount,:a Piice, etc.) very large: the astronoTmical cosks of Iand jor THhe 三gures are astromniOTmiCaL 区 astromomi'icDuilding alj4y/ 了liy adv: 太 terestrates QTe astromomaically Pig恩.

astronomical unitrovn (abbr AU (astronomy) a unit of measurement equal to 149.6 million kilometres, which is the distance from the centre ofthe earth to the sun

as'tron:Omy/a'stronemi;:NAmE ea'stradm-/ own [U] the scientific study ofthe suny moon; stars, Planets, etc.

astro.phys-ics/ ,sestraw'frzriks; NAmE ,aestrou-/ own [U] the scientificstudyofthePphysical and chemical structure

of the stars, planets) etc。

astro'physicist /frzrsist/


宙 NA7E aestroutarft/ OU7 Astro-Turfrw /zstraUts


an -artificial surface that looks like grass for Playing SpOrts on

AStudemntnowr(especialy NAm 月astudentwho gets of is likelyto getthe highest marks/grades 训 his/her work or


as'tuteljastjat; NAmmEae'stuzt/ adj very clever and quick at seeing what to do in a Particular Situation,especially


| ttea

| vvan

| 丈 wet | z zoo

| 了 shoe



howto get an advantage EUsHREWD: an astute psimessmartiPoliticiarnobseryer2 下 Was ar astute mioveto Sell the shares therr, astuteJyady astutenessmoun

[U] asum:detr/a'saAnda(r)/ oadv (old-Joshioned or /iterary) into Pieces; apart: /fmmilies rent/torm asiifider by the reyolu友 oPm




1 (also 加rmal


asylum [U Piotection that a_ government .gives to people who have left their own country, Usually.because they wete in danger for Political reasons: to seek/apply Jor/be gramted asyIunt c There was aniatomnwide debate OP Wjhether 雪 easyIUmi 1aws Should be changed. 了 [C (old Use) a hospital where People who were mentally il could be cared for often for along time asylum seekemoun aperson who has been forcedto leave their own country because they are in danger and who arrives in another country asking to be allowed to stay there

asyimimiet'ric/,ersrimetrIk/ (also asymimetrical/er simetrIkl/) adj. 1 having two sides or parts that are not the same in size or shape: MostPpeopleSjoces are asyrmi7me记 Fic: [GasYMMETRICAL 2 (techmicalfl not equal, for example in the way each side or partbehaves: LimnSuists are Studying the asyrmrmetric Use of Creole by Parents ad children (= Parents use one language and children reply in another), asym'metricaliiy /zkli/ adw asym:metry /ersmmaetri/ noun [CU]

asymimetric bars(BrE) (NMAmE unieven bar9 noun [pl.] two bars on posts of different heights that are Used bywomen for doing GYMNASTIC exercises on

asyimip-tomiat'ic/ersIrmptemaetik/ adj. (medicaol) (of a Person or jllness) having no SYMPTOMS

asym'Chron:Ous/ersIkrenes/ adj. (1jormalj) (of two or more objects or events) not existing or happening at the sametime ep asynchronouslyzdv

卫 臣0 训 /at;strongjorm aet/ prep, ”1 used to:say where:sth/sb is or Where:sth happens: at the corner of the streetC We changed at CreWwe. 2 They ar riyed Iate atthe airport CAtthe roundapouttake the third exit C IT be at home all morning. 2 Shes at Tbms (= at Torm's house). CTmmet her at the hospitaL 2 How rnany People were there at the concert? 了 Used to Say where sb WorKs or studies: He been at the barmk Ionger 坊a7a aTyOme else. @ Shes at Yole (= Yale University),3 used to say When sth happens: We Ieft at2 ofCclock. c at the end of the WeeK CTWE woke taawr erTdiant Know at the tme of Writing (三 WhenIWwWIiote). 人 AtmightyoU can see the sta7sS. SI(BP 间 Whatareyoudoingatthe weeKkernid2 4 Usedtostate the age at Which sb does sth: She got 7mmarTied at 25. C Fe 1efischoolattheage of716. 5 记 the direction ofortowards sby/sth: What are youIooKing at2 c Fe pointed GSUm ather 4 Sommebody threw paint at 妇e prime minister Gused after a Verb to show that sb tries to do sth, or partly does sth, but does not succeed or complete it: He cIutched Wilajy at the rope as 趋 席 册COShe mibpbled at a saiidwich (= ate only small bits of ib. 7 used to state the distance away from sth: T Pheld 让 at ar7ms length. Co Ca yoOU read a car murmber Plate at 记fty 7metres? 加 used to show the:situation sb/sth is in, what sb is doing or what is hapPpening: The country z mnow atWar Tetatadisadyvantage. cT 态inKk Mr Earris is atlunch. 9 used to show arate;Speed, etc,: He Was driving at 70 mph ceThe moise came at bwO7Tmnimnute interyals (= once every two minutes). 10 一 sb's/ sth's best/worst,etc. used to say that sb/sth is as g0o0d, bad, etc. as they can be: This was Henrmarathis best The gardensatis7mnostbeauthfuliiJune. 1TT used with adjectives to show how wejll sb does sth: 7T7m good at Fremch. She5 hopeless at Tanaging DeopIe. 12 used with adjectives to show the cause of sth: They Were irmpatient at thne delay ecShe was delighted atthe resutk 13 (7ormmal) ip response'to sth: They attended the dimnmer at the chairmanms 识Vitation: 14 (Nm6) used when giving a telephone ntmber: You camn reach me at 637-2335,extel5iomt 35千

| 5 vision

| trchain

| ds jam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0 sing


82 |

-atiom 只 -ION

atisli'oo /atrfuz/ (BrE) (alsoahchoo NAmE B 虽 exclamm: 15 (computng) the symbol (@)-used in email addresses

[IE atthat used when you are giving an extra piece of = information: Fe manased to buyacar after all 一amd a mice

one atthat be at 计 again to be doing sth, especially sth bad: IooKk at all that grafhit 一those Kids Paye beemn at 让

again where it's at (Informah a place or an activity

that is Very popular or fashionable: Judsging by 纺e crowWads Waiting to getim, this seems to be Where its QE

at'aV'is'tic /ate'vrstik/ adj (Jrmalj) related to the attitudes and behaviour of the first humans: an atavistic LUrge/instinctfar

ataXia /a'taeksia/ (also ataxy /a'taeksi/) noun [U] (med/ca the loss of full control of the bodys movements

taxic adf/.

上 a-

School, club, etc. 了 a groUPp of the best workers,soldiers,


atel'ier /ateliei; NAmE ,aetljer/ moymaroom or building in which an artist woOrks STUHIO atemipo /ad 'tempeo; NAmE-pou/ adv, adj (from /tajam, 1muwsic) at the Previous speed

atem'poral /ertemperel/ odj (formaj existing or conSidered without relation to time

athe'ism /eroiizzam 广mour [U] the belief that God does THEISVM

atheistic /,eibiistrk/ 0cdf

athe-ist /ergirst/ moumn a person who believes that God does not exist 一compare AGNOSTIC

/abli:t/ moun


person who competes


Sports: Olympic athletes 2 (BrE) a Derson who competes in Sports such as running and jumping 3 aperson who is good at sports and physical exercise: She is a Tatural athliete.

,athiete's foot rom [U] an infectiots skin disease that affects the feet especially between the toes

ath'let'ic /abletik/ odj 1 physically Strong, fit and active: an athletic figure/build ce a ta 友 :slirm atpietic Sirl 之 [only before noun] (BrE) connected with sports such as

running,jumping and throwing (= athletics): an athietic club/coach


Arkli/ adw


/aetrsrzemy/ noun [U]: She moyed with great athleticism Qbout the court

ath'let'ics /aebletrks/ noun

[U] 下 (Br6) (NAmE track

and field) sports that people compete in, such as Fun-

一picture ning and jumpi ng 只 PAGE R23 2 (NAmB) any Sports that people compete in: Stbudents inyolyed in al Jornmias of college athletics

athh letic shoe novn (NAmE) = TENNIS sSHDE athletic sup' porter noun (especioly NAm昌 = JocKSTRAP

at- home noun,ad 昌 IOU1 a party in sb's home: Weyre having am athome- canmn YOU come? aadi. atchome [onlybeforenoun] T doneor taking place

at home: ar at-hiomejob 2 (ofaparent) staying athome rather than going outto work: at-hormme dads -athon /aban; NAmE aba:n/ Suix (in nouns) an event 了mn Which a particular activity is done for a very long time, especially one organized to iaise morney for charity: a SWirmiathom

athwart /a'gwoxt; NAmEa'bwozrt/ prep (Jormal)T across;

from one side to the other: They Put a table athywart the doorway 2 notagreeing with; opposite to: His statement ra athwart WhatWwas preyiously said.

acat | dfather

iiUStrative C talKativye

-atively SU1Jjx (in adverbs): cre:


Atkins Dietrv /ztkmz daiat/ moun adiet in Which you eatfoods that contain ahigh level ofPROTEIN (meat eggs, cheese, etc.) and avoid foods thatcontain a high level of CARBOHYDRATES (bread, rice, fruit, etc.)

Atlantic Daylight Time movn [u] (xbpr ADT) the time used in summer ip an area that includes the east of Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, that is _five hours earlier than GMT Port for a close relationship between western Europe and

-atesufjx1 (inadjectives) full of orhaving the quality of: Passiomnate c Italianate 了 (in verbs) to give the thing or quality mentioned to: jhyphenate c activate 3 (ip nouns) the status or function of: a doctorate 4 (in nouns) a group With the status or function of: he electorate 5 (chermistpy) (in nouns)asalt formed bythe action ofa particular acid: SULDRate A-team moun [usually sing] 1 the best Sports team in a


-ative swfjx (in adjectives) doing or tending to do sth:

At'lan'ti'cismn /atlaetrsrzem/ noun [U] belief in or Sup-

ate ptofEAT

not exist [ea

ation the word for the sound people make when they SNEEZE

| eten


产Atlanticist /aetlaentrsIst/ adj。 noun

Atlantic Standard Time noun:[u],(obbr:AsT) (also Atlantic time) the time tised in winter in an area that includes the east of Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, thatis fourhours earlierthan GMT At'lan-tis /aetlaentrs/ nowm[U] (in stories)'anisland full of beauty and wealth; that was:said to have been covered by the sea and 10st. There are many stories abott people's attempts to find it, atlas /'aetles/ nouUn abook of maps:aWorla atias ea ioad atlas of FuUrope ATM /ieiti:'em/ noun automated teller machine c CASH


ATIM card noun (Us) = cAsH CARD atmos.phere


/atmiasfia(D; NA7E rr/ moun

1 theatmosphere [sing] the mixture ofgases thatstr: rounds the earth: 如EUDper atmosphere Ce polutio of the atrmosphere 了 [C] amixture of gases that surrounds ai other planet or a star: SaturnsS:atmosphere 3 [Cl the ai iparoom or ip aconfiined'space; the air around aplace:a SmLOKyYAsStuffy atmosphere:c These plants love warrm Pumaid atrmospheres, 4 [CU] the feeling or mood that

you have in a particular place or situation; a feeling between two people or in a group of people: a Party abmosPherecThe hotelofjfers aiendly abmosphere and personal

SerVice. O@ Use music and lighting 过 create a romanmtic QtmOsDhere. C There Was ah atmtospjhere of mutual rast betweent them. CThe children greWw Up in ar atmiosphere oF Violence and inisecurib' The old house 这 所 1 ofatrriospjiere

丰 (= its very interesting), In see HEAVYa

atimos'pher'ic /atmasferik/ adj 下 [only before noun]

related to the earth's atmosphere: atmospheric polLution/conditions/Ppressure 2 creating an exciting 0F emotional mood: atmzospHheric TUSiC

atimos'pher'ics /,zatmassferiks; NAmE als6 far/ mour [pl]T dualitiesin sththatcreateaparticular atmosphere 之 noises that sometimes interrtpta radio broadcast

atoll /aetol; NAmE 'aeto:l, Hazl/ novm_an island made of CORAL and shaped like a ring with a lake of sea water (called aLAGOON) in the middle

atoOmna 0

/aeteml/ moun

the smallestpart of a chemical elementthatcan take Part in a chemical reaction: tle splitting of the atorm ceTwo atoms of hydrogen comzpbine With one atomz of oxygen to Jormarmnolecule ofwater

atom bomb (also'A-bomb)wmoun abomb that explodes

using the energythatisproducedwhen aniatom oratoms are Split atom'ic /atomrk; NAmE eta:mrk/ adl. [usually before noun] 1 connected with atomsoran atom: atomiic structure QZ relatedtotheenergythatis produced when atoms are Split; related to weapons thatuse this energy: atormmnic enerSy/powerc the atomic bomb aitomic 'clock oun an extremely accurate clock which

Uses the movement of atoms or MOLECULES to measture time

| s: bird | se about | rsit | isee | imany

| p got (Br6) | 5 saw | Acup

| 5 put | utoo

atomiic'ity/,atem'isrti/ 7607 (chemistry) the number of atoms in One MOLECULE of a Substance

aitomiic'massnoun = RELATIVE ATOMIC MASS

四 VE atrophies=atrojhying': atro.phied atrophied [V] iapartof the body atrophies, 让 ER Wealkbecause it is mot used or becatuse it does not have enough

atomic'numlber"ovn (chemistD/)the number of PROTONSin theNUCLEUS (= centre) ofan atom, which is char acteristic of achemicalelement. Elements :are Placed in

blood: (Jigurotive) Memory camiatrophy through IacK ofuse.

thePERIODIC TABLE according totheir atomicmnumbers.

aitoimic'spectrurmmoun (chemistD) (patomic'specira a series of lines with characteristic FREQUENCIES

'theory 50Un (chemistD ;physics) the theory

[U] (technicaol) the idea of

atom-.iZe(BrE also -is 日/ztemarIz/ verb [VN] to reduce sth to atorms Or VerIy Smiall pieces

ataom.izer(BrE also -isem /aetemarIze(r)/ 000n acontainer that forces aliquid such, as water or paint out as a Veryfine SPray R atonal/erteonl; NAmEertoomnl/ adj:(of apiece of music) not Written 记 anyParticularKEY TONAL 上 aton:ality/ierteomaelati;:NAImE iertogm-/ ouwm [U] atone/ateun; NAmEatoon/ verbp[V] 一 (for sth) (如ormaj) to act in away that shows yot are SOFTry for doing sth Wrong iD the Past MAKE AMENDS: to atoie for 0

[U]: to 7TmaKke atomnemient 加 7

ATP/erti 'pi/ nowr [U] (BrB) the abbreviation for automatic train Protection” a system for automatically stopping atrain ifthe driver does not stop or go slower when asignaltells him/herto aitTis 攻0 [OhIy before'noun] (of a person OF group) 下 danger ofbeing attacked or hurt, especially in their own home: Social seryices Keep Lists of at-risK childrem.

at.rium /ertriem/ movn 1 a large high space,Usually With: a glass roof iD the'centreiof a modern building 2 .an open spaceinthecentre ofan ancientRoman VILLA (= :alargeihotse) 3 (anatomy) either of the two UPPer spaces in the heartthatare Usedin thefirststage of Send于gthieDlood around thie body AURICLE

atro:ciousy/atreoJes; NAmE atrou-/ adj. 1 very bad or TERRIBLE: She speaks FTrencr Withn am Unpleasant 之 VeIy atrocious acceniE C Rn the Weather atrocious?

atrocrtiel and shocking: atrocious acts of Drutalib, ciouslyadv atro:city /atrpseti; NAImE atrazs-/ moun [Cusually pl JU]

(pl iegacrueland violent actb especially in a War at.Fo:hy/ zetrafi/ moun; YeE册

下 DOU1 [U] (/medicaoj) the condition of losing fleshi muscle, strengthy etc. in apart of the body because 让 does Dot

have enough blood: (jwrative, 如rmal) The CUItUral 1P of

u actual

| army

访to atropjDy Unless 四Ore Writers ad

| a5 now

| ersay

| sago (Br6)


especia 几

other: Attacjh the couPon to the 太ont of your Ietter C 工at tach a copy of 7my notes for yot 总fo7rmation. Tattach a copy of 坊eSpreadsheet( 三Send it with an email)j. 2 (jgVu7ative) They hayve attached a Purmmber of coriditiors to the agreemmentt (= .Said that the conditions must be part of the agreement). 一compare DETACH 2 [VN] ~ importance, significance, value, weight,etc. (to sth) to believe that sth is important Or Worth thinking about: TI attach great imiportamnce io this research 3 [VN] ~ yourself to sbto join sb for atime, Sometimes when yot are Dot Welcome orhave iot been inVited: Fe attached jirmself to 7me

at the party anidIT couladritt getrid of hi

1iais sins CZomERipDUP theJewishi aay ofatonerment atonic /erton 让 ;NAmE :tadm-/ adj (Phorietics) (of a syllable) not stressed atop/atop; NAmE a'ta:p/ prep. (especially NAmE) (old-fasPioned oriiterary 记 BrE) ontop of; atthetop of:ajiasg Figh atop apole cascoop ofice cream atop asSlice of apple Pie atopic/ertppIk; NAImE -tazp-/ adj. (medical) relating to a form ofALLERGY wherethereis areaction im apartofthe body that does not have direct contact with the thing calusing the ALLERGY _atorsu态x (in nouns)j'a Person orthing that does sth: creator C Percolator AtoZ/ierte'zed; NAmEierte 'Z/ noun [sing.] 1 (BrE) a bookcontaining streetmaps of all the areas ofalarge city 2 abookcontaining alltheipformation youneed abouta Subject of Dlace: ariA to2Z ofmeedleworK

the country willsink artists eTTrerge.


怀:七 二CC用 0 /etaetj/ veb

analysing-sth by separating it into its different Parts一 compare HOLISM atomiistic/iaete'mnistIk/ ac



1 [VN] ~ sth (to sth) to fasten or join one thing to an-

aitomic'weighhtnoum = RELATIVEATOMIC MASS


atrophied 7mnUscles 3 atirophied Feligious

NAmF) used when you want to encourage Sb or Show your admiration of them,-especially a boy or man 一See also ATTAGIRL

that all elements are made Up of small PARTICLES called atoms which. are made UP of a .central NUCLEUS SULIounded bymoving ELECTRONS

atom:isim /atemrizem/ mo

auto.crat'ic /,D:te'kraetIk/ adj.: a7m autocratic ma7niaser autocratically /li/ adv auto:Ccross /'5:tegkrbsx NAmE "ortoUkro:s/ nouUm [U] a form of motor racing in Which cars are driven over rough

ground 一compare RALLYCROSS Auto-cuerw /'o:teokju:; NAmE 'oxtou-/- (BrE)_(also teleprompt-er NAm 后 BrE) nouUn-aidevice Used _by, People who _are speaking in public,especially on television, Which displays the words that theyhave to say

auto-da-fe /orteo da:fer NAmE o:toa/ nouwmn 届 ,C] (from Portuvguese) {(P/ autos-da-f 上 ) the >practice of burning People who did not accept the religious beliefs of the Spanish Inquisition

auto-didact /'a:teudrdaekt; NAmE'o:tou-/ noun (Jorma1h a person who has taught himself or herself sth rather than having lessons PP autodidactic /2:teagdrdaektrk; -NA7mmE DitoU-/ aq 中 auto-e'ratic aodj/. relating to the Practice of sb getting SeXxual excitement from their own body

auto-ex PoOsure,mnoun:1

[C part of a camera which

automatically adjusts the amount of light that reaches thefilm 2 [U] the ability of a camerato.dothis auto-focus /o:teo'feukes; NAmE io:toU'foukes/ moun 1 [Gd partofa camera which automatically adjusts itself, sothatthe picture will beclear 2 [U] the ability of a camera to do this

auto-genic /,o:teo'd5enIk; ,ocxte-; NAmE ,oztoo-/ .adj (万 广 /malj) created by or from the thing itself

autogenic 'training "oun [U],a way of relaxing and dealing with stress using Positive thoughts and imental eXercises auto-graph /ao:tegra:f; NAmE-graef/ novn, ye 册 盟 1OUm a famous Person's signature,especially when sb asks them to write it: CouldTjhayve your autograpR2 是 Verb [VN] (of a famous Person)j to Sign your name on sth for sb to keep: The whole tearmm hasautographed afootpal Which w 记 be usedas a Prize. auto-harp/o:teohadp; NmmE'o:touharp/ noun amusical instrument like asmallHARP Which has buttons that yoU Press in order to Play CHORDS auto-immune/orteormjumn; NAmE aoxtog-/ ad [onlybe: fore noun] (medicaj an atutoimmune disease or medical

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nanow

| ppen

| red

condition is one which is caused by substances that ustuallyPpreventillness


/o:teumeike(D); NAmE'oxtou-/ Foun (NAm 日

acompany thatmakes cats

auto:-mat /o:temaet/ 0001(US) ip thepast, arestaurant 记 Which food and drink were bought from machines auto-mate /cxtemert/ vemb [VN] [usually passive] to use

machines and computers instead of people to do a job or task: The entire manufocturing process jhas_ been autoTated The jctory zsnow fully automated

automated CASH

'teller machine

ovun (obbr ATM) :=




/o:temaetik/ o 四 ;moun

四 gd/ 1 (of a machine, device, etc.) having controls that Work withotit needing a Person to operate them: autoTatic doors aully autormatic driverless tirain C auto-

7mQtic traTtsmmission (三 识 a cam etc.) C al automatic rifie



auto'pilot /o:teupalet; NAmE 'o:too-/ moun MATIC PILOT


aut'Opsy /ortopsii NAmE'oxtapsi/ novn (pl-ies ) an off6icial examination of a dead body by adoctor in order to discover the cause of deathEERI


Opsy reporte to perform an autopsy

auto racing 7ou7i [U] (NAmB) = MOTOR RAGING autO-ricks 和iaw

/ao:teo rIkfoz; NMAmE 'oxtoo-/ moun


covered motioi vehicle with three wheels, a driver's seat

ip front and aseat for passengers at the back, used especially in some Asian countries auto'saye /o:teUseIv; NAmE'oztou-/ nouUn [sing.] (comput ing) the fact that changes to a document are saved autoImatically as yoU Work auto.save_ye 履[VN]

(= one that continues to fire as long as the TRIGGER is ,auto-SuS Eestion moun [U] (psychology) a process that makesyoubelieve sth oractin aparticular way according Pressed),Q 了 2 done or happening _without thinking to ideas that come 位om within yourself without you realINSTINCTIVE: Breathing is an automatic 7miction of izing 让 the pody. My reaction Was autormatic. 3 always happeningas aresult ofaparticular action or situation:A 广ne Jor auto:tel:ic /ioxteu'tellk; NAmE ,oxtoo-/ adj (techmica1) (of this offence is autormatic. automatically /kzli/ adv: an activity'or work of art) having a Purpose or meaning The heatinig Switches o 闻 automatically CTturned IefiautoSimplybythe factofactually existing,being done, orhavTaticalBy Without thinking. C 7ZDU WwW这 autormmatically get ing been created 万ee derital reatment 太 you areUrider 了JIS. auto-trophh /oztetraof; NAmE-troof/ noun (biology) aliv@ 1oun Tagunthatcan firebullets continuously aslong as ing thing that is able to make its own food tising simple the TRIGGER is pressed :2 (BrE) a car With a system of chemical substances such as CARBON DIOXIDE 一compare gears that operates: Without: direct action from the HETEROTROPH autotroph:ic /io:te'trofrk; NAmE -tra:driver 一compare STICK SHIFT frk/ad/. automatic 'pilot (alsoauto.pilot )0ovn a device in an auto'windi /orteowamd; NAmE'ortoo-/ (alsoauto-windaircraft or a ship that keeps 让 on a fixed course without er _/ortegwamdqa(n); NmE'oxtou-/) novun 了 [sing.] partofa the need foraperson to control it

ic 'pilot

beon automat-

to do sth without thinking because you have

done the same thing many times before: TI got UDP and 二 essediOomn GUtomatic PITOE

automatic transimission

mov7m [u,C] asystem in a

Vehicle that changes the gears for the driver automatically

,automatic'writing 7oun [U] writing which is believed to have been done in_ an Unconsciots state of under a SUPERNATURAL influence auto-ima-tion /ortemeIfm/ novn [U] the use of machines to do work that was Previously done by People: Auto7mationmn mmeant the 1oss of mamy 如 ctory j055.


/oztomatrIzeam; NMAmE ozxta:im-/ moun [U]

(5 a methodiof painting that avoids conscious thought and allows a freef low 人 ofideas au'-toma:ton /oztomaten; NAmE ozta:m-/ mouwn (P/ au-



/te/) 1 a personwho behaves

like amachine,without thinking or feeling anything ROBOT 2 amachine that moves without human control; a Small ROBOT auto-rmo.bile /'2:temaebi]1/ rovn (NAmB6) acar: the autoTobile idusty CS an autormmobile accident auto-moO-tive /ao:temaeutrv; NAmE -mo0-/ 0d1 (or70) connected with vehicles which are drivenbyengines: the automotiye 识Gustry auto-nom-ic neryvOus Systemm /o:tenpmIk "maxVaes SIstem; NAJ1mE ,oztenazmark marVas/ noum the Part of yoUr NERVOUS SYSTEM that controls Processes Which are

Uniconscious, forexamplethe Process of your heart beat-

识8 au:tono-imous /5:tonemas; NAmE axtdn-/ ad TI(ofa country aregion or an organization) ableto govern itself OF control its own affairs INDEPENDENT: ar atito7iOTioUus repuDilic/state/proyince 了 2 (of a Person) able to do thingsand make decisions without help 他om anyone

else waurtonomously 0dv au-tOonm-Omy:

/oztonaemi7 NmE

oztam-/ ou

[U] Tthe

freedomforacotntry aregion oran Organization to govVeID_ itself 记 dependenty INDEPENDENCE: Q CQT7Daismn 识 Wales for greater autoniormmy 也 the ability to act and make decisions without being controlled by anyone else: giving 识diyiduals greater auUtonomy 识 如 eir oOwPm Liyes

sseeil ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

camera which automatically winds the film forwards so that you can take the next Picture 2 [U] the abijlity of a camerato .do this> auto-wind vekb [V]



/oztem/ (especiolyBrB(NAmEUusually

fall ) 7Ouwn [U;,G] the season ofthe yearbetween summerand winter when leaves change colour and the weatherbecomes coldeT: 庚 the auturTmn7l of2004 识earlyV/tlate autumiric the au

termaz (= for example at a School or college in Britain) QUturTmTl COIOUTrs/Ieayves 2 1ts beenn ayery 7mmilda autu7mm 碎 i year


/oztAmnal/ adj. [usually before noun] like or

connected with autumn: auturmmamalcolours

auX' 训.iary /5:g'zalieri/ adj, moun 日 0dj. 1 (of workers) giving help or support to the main grotp of workers ANCILLARY: QLXiliaTry TUrses/ WOrkers/services 2 (iechmical) (ofa piece of equipment) used 让 there is a problem with the main Piece of equipment moun (p/-ies) 了1 (alsoaui xiliary 'verb )(Srommar) a verb Such as be, do and hove used: with main verbs to show tense, etc. and to form questions and negatives 2 aworker who gives help or Support to the main group of worle ers: TIUTsirg QLXiliaries

了 U Xiliary 1am 名uage

moun a language used by speakc

ers of different janguages to communicate: FEspera7ito Was ivemted as ar GUXILiary Jamguage.

auXin /2:KsIm/ novm [U] a HORMONE found in Plants AWV /ieI'vi/ abbr AUDIO-VISUAL

avV 瑟 训 /a'"ve/ mowmi verb 四 OUT :IE to little/no a'vail (如mma1 with little or no Success: The doctors tried eyerything to Keep him alive Du to mo ayaiLof littleyno a'vail (如mma/) of little or no use: Your apiliby to arguUe 1 of Little ayail 矿te focts are Wrong. 国 YE/b [VN] (如mmalj or old-jshioned) to be helpful or useful to sb availyourself of sth (jommal)tomaketuse of sth, especially an Opportunmity or offer: GUests are emncoUr aged to aya 让 坊ermselyves of the 多 11ramge of hotel jcilities.

aV 了ai 训.alble om /avenlebl/ od/. Ti(ofthings) that you can get buy or find: avaitable reSOUTCes/yacilities C readily/Jreely/PpuUblicly/ generally GaVvailapble 2 Tickets are ayailable 广ee of charge 廊omm tje

| 5yvision

| tchain

| djam

| gthin

| 5ths

| 0Dsing


90 |

SchoolL ceWhen w 记 the inforrmatiombe made available2 和 Further information is available on request 2 This Was the omly room available. C. Weilsend yoU Q coOpY as SO0om as 让 Decormes available. C Bery ayailable doctor was called to the scene. 了 2 (ofaperson) freeto see ortalkto people: 化记 She be ayailable this afternoorn2 C The director Was Tiot

ayailable for cormrment avail-albil-ity /avella'bIlati/ mouUnm [U]: the ayvailabizity of cheap 用 sghts e (BrE) TRPis offer is SUbject to ayailapility. ava-anche /'z2valdmnf NmE 'avalaentf/ (NAmE also snmow-slide oun a mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down the side of a mountain: alpine Villages desfroyed 六 aTLaValamnche ce (jigurative) We receiyed ari ayalamche of IE ters 识 reply to OU7 adyertiseien 左

AVa-jon/'zavelpn; NAmE-amn/ noun [U] (in ancient stories) the place where King Arthuris said to have gone after his death the avamnt-Earde/zvi'gadd; NmE ,avi 'gard/ noun (from Fench) 1 [sing.] new _and very modern ideas ip art,music or literature that are SOmetimes SUIPprising or Shocking 2 [sing.+ sing./pl.v] a group of artists, etc. who introduce -new and very modern ideas > avant-gardeadf/ avVar-ice /aeveris/ moum [U] (formaj) extreme desire for Wealth EGREED avaricious/,azeve'TrIjes/ ad avyatar/'zaveta()/ moun 1 (in Hinduism and Buddhism) agod appearing in a physical form 忌 a Picture of a perSon or an animal which represents a person,on a com-

Puter screem especially in a computer game OF CHAT ROOM AaAwe.(NAmEalso av] abbr (used in written addresses) Avenue: Fiftp Ave.

ayVemge/avend3s/ ve凡 [VN] ~ sth |~ yourself on sb (加 六 mmal) to punish or hurt sb in return for sth bad or wrong that they have done to you, your family or friends: Fe Promised to ayenge_his fthers murder 2 She Was deter Inined to ayenge jherself on the marl Who had betrayed her

ayen 克ermOuU1



Avengeisaverb; revenge'is (usually) a noun: 时 People avenge something oravenge themselves on somebody: She yowed toavenge herbrothers death. chHelatieravenged hiimsejF on hiswWijs Killers Youtake revenge on a person. 下 In moreformal orliterary English, revenge can also be averb. People revenge themselves on somebody or are revenged on them (with'the same meaning): He Was jaier revyenged on his wii巨 Sers. You cannot revenge something:


matiomnal ayerase.


下 Verb 和 [VN] [no passive] to be equal to a particular amount as an average: Econormnic 8&row 雪 让 expected to ayerage 29%6 Piext year 2 Driyers

识 Iondom ca expect to

ayerage about 12 7miles per hour (= to have that as their average speed). 2 to calculate the average of sth: [VN] Farnings are ayeraged oyer the Whole period. [also V] ayerage :Out [at sth) to result in an avVerage amotnt over aperiod of time or when Several things -are considered: The cost Should average OUL at about 上 6 Per Person. C Sometimes TDPay sometirmes he DaysSs 一 让 SeeTns to

average OUL (= Tesult 训 Us paying the same amount). average sth< 一'out (ait sth)to calculate the avVerage of sth aVerse/a'vas:s; NAmEa'vasirs/ ad [notbefore noun] 1:not ~to sth/to doing sth liking sth,or wanting to do sth; not opposed to doing sth:Trmentioned 让 to Kate andshe Wasm

ayerse to the idea. 了 一 to sth/to doing :sth (如rma/) not liking sth or wanting to do sth; opposed to doing sth: Fe

Was ayerse to ay chamnge.

四 VerT-siom /avas:fm;i NAmE a'v3ir3sn/ ouUn [CU] ~ (to sb/ sth) a strong feeling ofnot jiking sb/sth: astronmg aversiomn He had an ayersion to getting UD early. a'Versionm moun [U] awayofhelpingsbtolose

a bad habit by making the habit seem to be associated

With an effect which is notpleasant ayVEIE/a'vas:t; NAmEa'vart/verb [VN]1 to preventsth bad or dangerous from happening: A disaster was marrowly ayerted. C_ Fe did his best to ayert SUspicion. 卫 一 YoOur eyes,,gaze, face (from sth) to turn yoUI eyes,etc: away from sth that you do not want to see: She ayerted her eyes 万omm 妇e terrible scene 识 广 orttof Per aViam /erVien/ adj/- [usually SI moun] (techmicaj of or connected with birds

Viam 和 由 ouUmn [U] (frma/) = BIRD FLU Vi-ary /erviari; NAmE 'ervieri/ .noun: (p/. -je9 alarge CAGE or building for keeping birds in, for example in a

ZOO ayvi-aiiom /ieIvierfn/ noun [U] the_designing, building and flying of aircraft: civiLArnilitary aviation 2 the ayviaftiom businiess/indtstry 了Vi-atOor /'ervierte(r)/ noun (old-/sjhioned) a person Who flies an aircraft

aaVi-Cultunre /ervikAltfaa)/ nouwn 世 ] the practice "of breeding and caring forbirds

av-emue/'avenju:z NmE-nu:/ noun 1 (abbr_Ave,Av)] a street in a town or city: a hotel on 有 fth Avenue 了 (BrE) a wide straight road with trees on both sides, especially one leading to abig house 3 a choice or way of making Progress towards sth: Seyeral ayemnues are Open to US We w 让 eXpDlore eyeTy ayvenue UnELWe find am arnswer ayVer /ava:(D)/ vemb (-rD (ormaj to state firmly and Strongly that sth is true ASSERT,, DECLARE: [Vithat] She ayerred that she jhad mneyer seen the 7na7t before. [also VN,Vspeechj]

司Ve 下-司 写人 0

dinmner z abpout average., 3 ordinary; not Special: TWas just an average sort of student ayeraBelyadv: He Was attractiye anmd ayeragely intelligen 理]OU1 [CU] 1 the result of adding several amounts to“gether finding atotal and dividing the total bythe number of amounts: The ayerage of 如 5 anid 9 1 6. 2 Parents Spentd at ayerasge of 8220 Gyear ofitoys. 2 入TSgetanAom this essay that w 记 pring mmy ayerage (= average Iark/ grade) Up to a B 二 :二 see also GRADE POINT AVERAGE 字 a levelwhich is usual' Temperatures Gre aboye/below ayver age fpr the time ofyear 9 400 people ayear die of this disease 01L ayVera8e. CClass 5ize5 训 the school are below the

/averId5/ adj ,novm, ve 内

下0dlj. 1 [only before noun] calculated by adding several amounts togethern fiinding a total and dividing the total by the number of amounts: an ayeragSe rate/cost/Pprice Average earnings are arouid E20000 per anmnum. Catan ayerage Speed of 100 mmiles per hour 2 typical or normal: 40 hours zajairlyaverage working WeeKjor mostpeople. childrernt of above/below average inteligence co E20 for

四 Vigdl /zevId/ ad 凡人

[usually before noun] very enthtusiastic

abonut sth (often a hobby) KEEN: am ayid readery collector'c. She has taken ar avid interest 训 the project

(= She is extremely interested in ib. 2 一 for sth wanting to get sth very muUch: Fe was avid for more -informaton. 多 avidjity /a'vIdati/ OUn [LuU] avidiy odv: She reads

ayidly. avVi-Om-ics /ervipnIks; NAmE -amn-/ noun .1 [U] the science ofELECTRONICSWhenused in designing andmaking aircraft 了 [pl:] the electronic devices in an aircraft or a SPACECRAFT # avionjicad/.

avoO-cado/,zavaekddeog; NAmE:-kazdog/ noun (六 -09(B7E also avocado 'peamn a tropical fruit: with hard,, dark green Skin, soft, light green flesh and a largeseed inside. Avocados are not Sweet and are SoOmetimes eaten at the beginning of ameal. 一Picture 只 PAGE RI2 3VO-CaOm /2Veokerfn; NAmE ,avoU-/ 100n (Zrmah a hobby or other activity that you do for interest and enjoyment

acat | dfather | eten | s:bird | eabout|rsit |isee|imany

|ngot(BerEl) | orsaw|Acup

| oput |iurtoo

3VO-ECef /aeveset/mnoun abirdthatjlives on or near Water

With long legs and black and white feathers

aaVOidl 0


/avord/ vemb

Titomprevent:sth bad from happening: ;[VN] Te -accident could hayepeeriayoided. ecThey marrowly avoided defeat CTHhe 7iame Was chamged to ayoid comnfiusion with another 记 m-O [VN -ing] They builtt a wall to avoid soil being Washed away :之 to keep away from sbysth; to trynotto do sth: [VN]:Hes beert ayoiding 7Tie all week. e She Kept aVoiding 7 eyes (三 avoided looking at mej:eTIeft early

to ayoid 纺 e7UsR Pour Oo [V=ing]Tyve been ayoiding getting down to Work alday c Zou should avoid mentioning jis diyorce. 3 [VN] to preventyourselffrom hitting sth:Thad to SWeryve to-ayoid a ca avoid sb/sth like the plague (informal) to try very .hard notito meet sb, do sth, etc 一more atTRAP 帮.

avoid-able /avoidsbl/ 5 丰 jithatcamnibe Drevented: Many deaths = 廊om







avoid-amce/a'vordens/ moun [U] ~ (of sth) not doing sth; Preventing sth from existing or happening: A personms jealth ipDroyes Witj 态 eavoidamce ofstress. 三See also TAX

AVOIDANCE avaoOirdiurpois




iBBVerda'porIz/ moum [U]:the system of weights based on thepound aVOW /avao/ vemb(1Jormal)to sayfirmlyand often publicly whatyour opinion is whatyouthinkistrue, etc.: [vthatj] Atdaide ayowed tpratthe Presidenthad KnowPmnothing ofthe daeals. [also VN; Vspeech] avyoOw:al /a'vaUel/ OU1n (/广 /malj): an ayowal of Iove avVOwWedi /avaod/ adj [only:before noun] (1jorma/,that hasi -been :admitted or stated 逊 -public:am ayowed atheist co an ayowed aim/intemntion/objective/purpose

.avOw-edLIY/a'vaurdli/ ady

avUrcurlae /a'vAnkjale()/ adj (1jormal) behaving-in a kind and friendly way towards young people, similar to the way an Uncle treats his nieces or nephews

ay /5:/ exclamation (especially NAm 日used:to express disz apPpIoval, protestb Or SYmpathy: AW, come om Amdy! Wai 证/a'wert/ verb [VN] (formal) 1 to wait fof sbysth: Fe 站 识 custody awaiting triaL 和 Her Iatest noyel 1 eagerly awaited. 之 to be going to happen to sb: 4Awarrn Welcormne aWaits all ouUr guUests.

aaWyaKe 0 /aweik/ adj ,vemb 画 0dlj/. [not before noun] not asleep (especially immediately before or after sleepingj: to pe halfLHflky awaKke c to be Wiade awake (= fully awake) CTWwas still awake when he ca1me to ped. ceThe moise Was Keep识g eyeryomne GaWaKke. OT Was findingiphardtostay aWwake.c Felies aWwaKke at7might WorTying about jis job. 2 She was awake (= not UnconScious) during the operatior om jher Leg. 加 Vejb(awoke /ea'weok; NAmEa'wouk/; awoken /aweJkaeni; NAmEa'wouken/) (forma1)i 1 ~ 人(sb (frommy/to sth) to wake Up; toznake Sb wake Up: [V]TawoFe 万orm.a deep sleep. [vtonf] He awoke toind hergone.e [LIVN] Heryoice awoke

the sleepingchild. 了 寺 an emotion awakes or sth awakes an emotion, yo startto feelthatemotion: [VN] His speech 1 .bound to .awake old jars _amd _hostilities,[also Vj] arWake ftostfh to become'aware of sth and its posSible effects or Tesults: 丰 tooKk her Some tirme to aWwake io be damzgers ofjher situyationm. 一Compare WAKE

3W3Kem /1aWeiken/vem凡 (fjormah T [often passive] 一 (sb) (fromyto sth) to wake Up; to make sb wake Up: [V] She Gawakeried to the soUnd of birds singing. [vto inf] We awakened to 万nG the others gofie.2 [VN] He was awakened atEdawPn by tphe souUid ofcrying 只 note atAWAKE 了 话an emotion awakens or sth awakens an emotion, yOU start to feel that etmotion: [VN] The .dream awaKemned terrible RTV

aware:orito make:sb aware of sth and its possible effects or results:Tgradually awakened to the realization 轨at OUT TaT7Tiage Was 0ye7 一COmPare WAKEN IEW本 区 加全 误芝 /a'weIkenm/0ou1 1 [Gusually sing] an occasion when you realize sth or become aware of sth: 矿



|| aramy

| aunow

| ersay:

| augo(Br6

awake . awaken。, wake up 。 waken 豆 Wake (up) is the most common of these verbs. Itcan mean somebody has finished sleeping: Whatztrme do YOU UsUally wake upzorthat somebody or something has disturbed yoursleep: The children woke mewp: el

0S WOKer 人 六 多 thetelephone, 2 理Theyverb awakeis usuallyonly used in writing and in thepast tense awoke: SheawoketoagdayofprW1hant “suUnshine. Waken and awaken are much more formal. Awaken isused especiallyiniliterature: Thpe Prince GWQKened SIeeping:Beauty with a kiss: 下 Awake isalso an adjectiye: 1wasawake haj tbe might Womying: co tbe pobyawakeyetzWakingis notiused in this way人 地 2

加 LOok also at AslEEP and the verb stEEP,, 态ey had expecteda warm Welcome, they Were 访 加raraude awaKkeniing (= they would soon realize that itwouldmnot be warm). 2 [CuU] the act ofbeginningto tnderstand or feel sth; the actof sth starting Or Waking: SeXxualawaken识 gðe awakening ofiterest 访 the emniyirorrmertt aardi



/ae'wo:d; NA1mEBa'WoTrd/ nouwn, ye 内

了 [C ~ (for sth) (often in names of-particular

awards) a Prize such as money, etc:. for sth that sb has done: to Win/receiyve/get an award for 5 雪 C_ He was LOTmzimiated forthe bestactor award. an aWwarda preseiitta在omceremony 心态 e Housipng Desigr Award 一see also AcADEMY AWARD 也 [C] an increase in the amount of Inoney sb earns: ai .GuUalL pay_award 3 [CU] the amountofmoneythat a courtdecides should pe given to sb whohas won a case; the decision to give this money: aTL awWard of &5600000 Lipel damages 4 [U] the official decision to give sth (Such as a DIPLOMA) to sb: Safis 丰ctory COTPDLetiot of the couUrse Wil Jead to the award oF tpe 也 PIorma of Social Work. 5 [〇 (BrE) money that students get to help payforliving costs while they study or do research

理 ye 几 一 (sb)j sth |一 sth (to sbjto make anofficial decision to give sth to sb as a payment Prize,etc.: [VN] 瑟e was QGWarded darmages of E50000. C [VN,VNN] The 九dges GaWarded equalPointtozbo 妨 记rial5z6. The7Juases awarded Doth inalists equal points:

aWard-ee /awozdi:; NAmE swoir'di:/ nou1i a person who js,awarded sth, such as a Prize

3Ward-wimmimg adj-having won a prize:-the awardWinning TV drarma

本 WWVaEE CR /awes(; NAmEa'wWer/1 ad T [not before noun] ~ (of sth) | ~ (that .… ) knowing or realizing sth: T domt think people are realjy aware of just Pow nuch 让 cos 好. C Fe was Well aware of the problem. Were you aware 雪 at Something Was Wrofnlg2 CEyerybody Should be made aqware of the TsKks inyolyed.e As you7Te QGWare, 妇 1B51 motamew problem. ee 4s Jar as Tma aware, mobody has daomne amything about 让 acutely/painFully (= _Very)iaware 了 [not before noum] ~ (of sb/sth) | 一 (that ...)noticing that sth is Present, or that sth is happening: Sheslippedaway without Pirm beingaware of 让CThey Suddenmly pecarme aware of people IooKking at them. CTWas aWare that she Was trembling. 3. (used with an adverb) interested in and knowing about sth, and thinking it is important: Zung people are yery emnyiromrmmentally aware. 呵33 UNAWARE,

anWare-mess /a'weenes; NAmEa'wer:-/ 1oun:[u,sing] 一(of sth) |~ (that …) knowing sth; knowing that sth exists and is important; being interested in sth:,am awareness of the iportance of eatimlg a jhealthy diet e There Was an almzost complete 1acKk of awWwareness of the issues inyolyed. C 下 攻 irmportant that student develop ar aWwareTiess OF ho 态e nternet cam peiUused. COtoiraisexjheighten/increase PUblic awareness of sth O Q Sreater/a SrowingAam

| :oo go (MAmE)

赴 :onboy

| srIe near

| ea hair | 5e pure


92 | aWwlhiley/a'wanl/ advw(jormaloryierary)jforashorttime

aWkK-wWard 0 /okwad; NMAmE-Werd/ ad 1 making you feel embarrassed: There Was ar aWwKward < Silence. 2 difficult to deal:wWith DIFFICULT: Domt asK aaWKward:guestioPns. 2 7oUYVe PUE Te in ar GaWKward Position. O an aWKward cuUstomer (= aperson whois difficult to deal With)'S Please dont pe awkward apout Lettirlg Pinmtcorme: 3 not convenient INCONVENIENT: HayeT cormne at an aWkwara trme2 4 difficult or dangerous becatise of its shape or design: This box yery awkward for

increasing GaWareness of sth C enyiromrmental aWwareness (= knowing thatlooking after the environmentis important) C_ Energy Awareness WeeK awash/a'wpf; NAmEa'wa:f; a'wazf/ ad [not before noun] 1 ~(with waten covered with water 也 ~ with sth having sth in large quantities: THhe city is awash with arusgs.

下 WayY

-0m /awerIl ady

One person to carry 5 not moving ip an easy Way; Dot comfortable: He tfried to darice, DuUE he was too clumasy ad aWKkward. CT7mUStEhaye slept in araWKWwarad Dosion 一Fa

DEFor the special tises of away in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example get away with

sth is in the phrasal Verb section at get. 1 二 (from sb/ sth) to or at a distance 他om:sbysth ip space or time: Te

aching all Over aWkwWard-lyadv: Trn sorry he said aQWjewardly czShe 儿 1 awkwardly and broKke jher amKle- 和

peach zamnile away c The Statiomn is a fw mninutes waIK away 2 Christmas zsS6ll months away 2 toadifferent place or in a different direction:Go away!ePutyour toys

an awkwardly shaped room awkKcward-ness 1OU1 She Iaughed to coyerup jherjeeling ofawjwardmnes5:


away The bright Lightrmade herlook away 3 一 人(from sb/sth) not Present ERABSENT: She Was aWay 廊om

awWl/5:1/ novn asmall pointed toolused for making holes,

WorK foraweeKk. ce There were ten children away:yesterday. 4 .Sorry hes away 4 used after Verbs to say that sth is done continuously Or with a lot of energy: She was sl Writing away 包uriously when the bel went C They Were SO0OP chatting away Like old friends. S until disappearing completely: ;The water bpoiled away 2 The music fjoded

awming /omrm/ noun

especially in leather



sheetiof strong cloth that Stretches out from above a dooror window:to keep of任 the sun or rain

awokeptofAwAKE awokenpp ofAwAKE

away CTheydanced thenightaway(= allnight). G@ (spo 内 atthe opponentbs ground orSsTADIUM: Chelsea are playing away this _Saturday 2 an away match/garme 一compare HOME TI away with ...(/terory) used to Say that yoU wouldliketoberid ofsbysth: Away with all these rules and regulations! 一more at COBWEBS,BANCE V,FAR 人 adv5 RIGHT qdv, STRAIGHT ad


/erwnbl; NAmE


wo53/ qbbr absent Without

leave (used especially 让 the armed forces when sb

has left their grouUP withotit permission): Fes gone AWOL 廊oma Pis base. 和 (huU1mo 产 005) The SUitaristWentAWOLimn theimiddle of the recording'

恒We/5:/ 00oUn, ve 内 昌IOUm [U] feelings of respect and slight fear; feelings of being very impressed by SthVsb: awe and respect C awe amd Womnder C Fe speaks of her with awe. 2 ts Tagmt访cen7 She Whispered in aWwe:. II be/sitand in awe of sby/sth to admire sb/sth and be slightly frightened of thenVit: Wile Diana was 识 awe of her grandfather She adored her grandmother

aWIy/aTrar/ adv,adj. 了 让 sth goes awry, itdoes nothappeninthe waythatwas planned:AlL7nyDIars jortheparty had gomne awry 2 notin the rightposition UNTIDY: She rushed ou5 Pher hair awry:

axe (Br 日 ax'(U9)

上 VE/ 洲 [VN] [usually passive] (formaj) to fill sb with awe: She Seemed QWed by the presence of So many jommous people. aWedadj.: We Watched 识 awed silence.

'aWe-inspir-ingzdj impressive; making you feel respect andadmiration: The building was awe-inspiring 训 Size and desigm'.

aWe'SOimel/'o:seam/ adj. 1 very impressive or very diffi: cult and perhaps rather frightening; am awesorne sight QaWesoTmne beaubMpower 2 They had am awesorme tasK ahead. 2 (NAmE njormal) very good, enjoyable,etc.: 工 Jst bougpht this awesorme new CDI C Wowl! Thats totaly aWesommel cnote at GREAT jp awWesSomelycadv: aweSOTmely bpeau 友记忆


Woodi cutting down trees, etc. 一See alsoO BATTLEAXE,ICE

om /oj1adi ,adv

adj 1 (nornal) verybad or unpleasant: Thnats ar aw矿民 colour e They didnmteyen offer 加 Pay @R t纺 ats aw 所 1 下 SaW 记 2 ISTLEit2 CTHhe weather IastSUTmTLer Was aW 帮 1 CT Jeel aw记 1 about Forgetting her birthday coto Iookxfeet GaWwHul (= to loolvfeel 刘)e Theres an aw记 1 smez in here. The aw包 1 切 识g 节,让 Was my ju 引 窗 note at TERRIBLE 2 (njformal) used to emphasize sth, especially that there is alarge amount or too Imuch of sth: Js going to cost at awfFuliIot ofmmomrey 2 Theres not an aw 克 Liotofroorn: CT feel an awHlIotbetter thamnTdidyesterday (Br6TRhad an aW 记 1job persuading him to come (= 让 was Very difficult). 3 very shocking ER3HJTERRIBLE: tphe aw记 LIjhorrors ofwar Paw:fulnessnoumn [U]: 纺e Sheer aWwfuiness of the Situatiom 目Qdy. (injop1mah especially NAmE) very; extremely: Clintt 1 aWw所 1smart

aw.ful.iy om/ofijodv VeIy; extremely ERQTERRIBLY: 7 awhully sory about 态atDroblern the otherdaay.


| ddid

| ffall

| gget


aXe/zKks/ nouUn, verp 下 IOUP (especially BrE) (US usually a 允1 atool with awood en handle and a heavy metal blade,used for chopping

aWe-Struck /'o:strAk/ _adj (Uniteran) -feeling very im:Pressed by sth: People were awestruck by the pictures the Satellite sentbacK to earth.


ice axe

| -achat

| yes

AXE, PICKAXE 了 the axef[sing.] (pformah 让 sb gets the axe, theylose their job; 这 an institution or a pioject gets

the axXe, it is closed or stopped, usually because of a lack of money: Up to 300 workers arejfacing the axe atastirugg&ling Merseyside Firrn. o Patients are delighted their Iocal

hospital has been sayed 太 omi the axe:

have an axe

to grindto have Private reasons forbeing involved in sth or for arguing for al particular cause: She had no _axe:to grind and Was only acting ouUtof comncern fortheir safety: 晶 Ve 态(BrE) (NAmE -aa 允 ,[VN] [often passive] 1 to getrid ofa SeIvice, System etc,. or to reduce the money spentonitby

alargeamoltnt: Other lessprofitable seryvices are to be axed Later this year, 了 to remove Sb from their job: Jones_ has been axed 太 ormn the team. 3 to kill sb with an axe aXel/'aeksl/ noun a jump in sKATING 这 which youjump from the front outside edge of one:foot, tuin in the air, and ljand on the outside edge ofyour other foot aXe'imam /zksmaen/ (PP -men /men/) (especially Br6) (NMAmErusually axma 轨 mon (informnalj a man who at: tacks other people with an axe

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| ppen

| rred



/aksisl/ oadj oforrelatedto an AXIS: ai axial road

/zksisimn/ moun Uormnaj a rule or princip

le that Imost People believe to be true aXio-mat.ic /aksiamaetik/ dj. [not usually before noun] (ormajh true in such an obvious waythat you do notneed

to prove 让

SELF-EVIDENT: t 1 axiomatic

太 at 1P 闻 TOEQIWaYyS eqasy 荐 axiomatically adv aXiom /aksien/ moun (pjysics) according to some theor ies, a PARTICLE smaller than an atom which is very light andhasioelectrical CHARGE


本 ZUYe

aXOm /akson; NAmE'aeKsazn/ noun (biology) the long th Part of a nerve cell along which Signals are sent to other 一compare cel ls DENDRITE ayalh /are/ novn (IndE) T awoman whose job is caring for children, doing domestic Work etc. 2 a person whose job is caring for sb whois 记/sick

aya'tollalh /are'tola; NmE-toula/ mouna religious lead-=

er of Shiite Niiisiims in Iran ayYe /ar/ exclamation (old use or dialecl 让 yes: Did you see

axis of symmetry

What happened27 人7 CQye TWas there” 了 always; still


ayYes ./arz/ oumn [pl.] the total number of people voting yes' inaformal debate, for example in a parliament: The ayes haye 让 (= more people have voted for sth than

Vertical axis

againstit). [Ga


horizontal .axis

aXis /aeksrs/mour (Paxes /aeksi:z/) 了 :an imagina ry line through the centre of an objecb around which the object turns: Mars takes 1otser to reyojye on 记 axis than the eaTth. :之 (iechmical) a fixed line against Which the pos把ons of points are Ineasured,,especially .points on .a GRAPH: the yertical/horizorttal axis 3 (geometry)ialine thatidivides a shape intotwo equal parts: amiaxis of syrmTnetry CIPe axis ofa circleis its diarmeter- 妈 [usually sing:] (mmal) an agreement orALLIANGCE Petween two or Inore countries: 轧 eFramico-GerTmam axis aXle /zksl/ novn a long straight piece of metalthaticonDects apair of wheels on a Vehicle': 太efromtZrear axle

axXimam (NA 月 三 AXEMAN Axcimim-ster /aksmrmstaGoD)/ noun [CU] atype ofthick carpet With apattern, Which is madeonamachine




| vvan

W WwWet


| Jshoe






xjor-/ moum [Uj atype oftraditional Hindu medicine that treats illnesses using a combination of foods, HERBS and breathing exercisas azZalea /a'zellis/ 100m:a plant or bush with large flowers that maybe pink=purple, White or yellow, grown 记 apot orin aigarden

azi-imutlhn /'志zimisb/ mou7n (astronomy) an anglerelated to a distance around the earth?s HORIZON, Used to find out the position of a star planet etc:

azZOic /etzaduik; NAmE2ZoU/ adfj ( 友nmaoh without anyjlife

OF Signs of jlife in the past: Marine 1 呢Was discovered at Gepths previousjy 芯ousghtto be azoic.

AZTTY /elzed'ti3; NAmE 宇 /moun [UJa drugthatistsedto

treatAIDS ZUYe /333(0); BE also 'aezjue(Cr)/ aodj bfight blue in coloOUr like the sky*-azure mou1m [U]

| 5yvision |5tf chain2|:d5jam

| ethin

| Sthis | ising

pb 到 /bi:/ noupn, symbol 下 1OUm (also pb) (P/ Bs, B5 ,hb's /bi:z/) 1 [GuU] the second letter of the English alphabet: Butter” pegins Witn (a) BA 也 杷[CU (music the 7th note 识 the SCALE of C 写 a MAJOR 3 可 [CU] thesecond highest markVgradethat student can get for apiece'of work: She 8ot {a) BinZfor 了 istory 4B [U] usedto represent the Second of two or 吾 more possibilities: Shall we goyJorplan A or Plan B2 5 [U] used to represent a Personm, for example in:an imagined Situation or to hide their jdentity: Lets pretend A See 人A 一See alsoB-ROAD meets 了 in the parK. 昌 SyImbpofused in Britain before a number to refer to a par-

ussian) ba-bushka /babujka; bzeboj kae/ nounz: (from:R nal 1_a Russian old woman or grandmother 之 a traditio Russian womam's HEADSCARF, tied Under the chin


ticular secondary road: the B1224 to 瑟 伙

ip。obbr (in writing)born:-Ermiy Cliftom, D. 1800 B2B /bi:te'bi:/ abbr BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS BBA (Br 日(NAmE B.A.) /bi 'er/ noun the abbfieviation for 色 achelor of Arts"(a firstuniversity degree in an ARTS Sub-

jectj: to peXhave/do aBAc (BrE) Darren Green BA

和 baa /bdz/ novnthe sound made byxsheep OrLAMBS 多 paa

verb [V] (baaing;baaed orbaa'd)

,aa-iatmlb "oun achild'sword foraLAMB baba /Dabau/ noun 1 assmall cake,,often with RUM poured overit 2 (ndE BrE) afather (often:also used'as atitle or form of address for any older man, showingiTespect) 3 (Ind6 aholy man 4 (lndE) (used especially as a form of address) a small child Bab-bitt /bzebit/ movn (NAmB) a person WwWho is satisfied with a narrow set ofvalues and thinks mainly about PosFromthename ofthe Sessions and making mone main character in the novel Babbittby Sinclair Lewis. ibalb.ible /bzebl/ noumn, ve 履 a_nOuU1n [sing.] 1 the sound of many People speaking at the

sametime:ababble ofyvoices 2 talking thatis confused or

sillyand is difficult to understand: 工 canit listen to his comstant babble,3 the sounds a baby makes before begins see alSO PSYCHOBABBLE ning to say actual Word一

ayverb 了

一 (away/on)totalk quicky ip away that is diffi-


/berbi/ nOum, adj, ye几

相 1ioOuni (pl1 -ies)1T averyyoung child or animal: The pabys

cmyinglLS amnewborn bpapy 2 My Sisters expectingababy Shehadababyilastyear capbabypoy/SirL2 babyjfood/ clothes Ca baby Tomnkey/DIackbird 卫 (informal) the of youngest member of a family OF grOUP: Hes 殷e baby the team, 3 (disa5pproving) a Person Who behaves like a pe youiig child and is easily'upset''StoP crying aid domt Suchababy 4 (slang, especlally NAmE) a word used to adway dress sb, especially your wife, husband or lover in a

that exXpiesses affection btut that Can be offensive if used beyour/ byamantoawomarmhedoes not know sb Baby:(nformal to be a Plan or project that sb is responsible for and :cares abOUt becatse they have'cre-

ated itleayVespaiaingthe aby (no77o1to suddenly

元ake sb Tesponsible'for sth'important that is Teally yOUIT resDOnsibility: He chamged tO ariOther jobiafridaWwe were Le抽

holaing the Daby throw the baby put with the "bath-

Water (inirmalto lose sth ttiat yoU Want at the same time as you are trying:to getTid ofisth that yoU do not want -more'at CANDY5 SIEEPYV 下 Gd-[only before noun] baby Vegetables'are aiVery Small version of particular Vegetables, or are Picked When they 1 are Very Small: baby carrots

ai Verb (bapbies,babyingybabied ,babied) [VN] to treat sp

With too muchicare, as 让 they were ababy Jbaiby blue odj very pale blue in colour > ,baby 灿iue noun [U] 四abyijiues oun [pl.] (informajh a depressed feeling that POSTsome women get after the birth of a baby

区 NATAL DEPRESSION aby boom "oun a period whenmany more babies are born than usual ,baby boomer (NAmE also ipooim-er) n0U1m a Person born during a baby boom,especially after the Second World War baibyiboumcer 7007 (BrE) atype of seatthathangs from pieces of ELASTIC, in Which a baby cam Sit and BOUNCE UP and down 1houn 1 归 aby Buggyrm (BIE) 三 BUGGY baby bu 2 (old-sjpioned, NA = PRAM

cultto understand: [V] They were all babbling away 总 Q Joreign language. O 工realized T WaS Dabpling Like an idiot [also vV_ speech, VN] 2 [V] to make the Sound of water flowing over rocks, like a stream: G pabpling brook babby /bzebi/ "ovn (pl -ies)(BrE, dialect) ababy babe /berm/mounT (old vse)ababy 2 (slang) aword used baby carriage 10/n (NAmE) 三 PRAM to_address a young woman,or youI wife, husband or baby-'doil adiused to describe a style of Women's dress lover _usually expressing affection but Sometimes conor NIGHTDRESS that js short with a high waist and is simidoes he woman a to man a by used sidered offensive if lartothe type of dress traditionally worn by DOLLS ) (njorma) 3 babe? tomighb not know: Whatre you doing ced adj. with a face that looksyoung and innobaby-fa (oldfarms a babe in an attractive young Woman cent joshioned) a very small baby that cannot yet walk 一 more jbaiby fat "0 [U] (NMAm 昌 = PUPPY FAT at MOUTH 1. babei /berbl/ noun [sing] (formah) the sound of many baby “Srand hmoun asmall GRAND PIANO voices talking at one time, especially when more than Balby-Brorw /berbigreo; NAImE -groU/ nOUn (太 -os)(BrE) a From the Bible one language is being spoken piece of clothing for babies, usually covering the whole storyin which God punished the people who were trying body except the head and hands, made of atype of cloth that stretches easily to build atower to reach heaven (the tower of Babel) by making them Unable to Understand each others” 1lanba-by-hoodg /beibihud/ noun [u] the period of your life guages. when youare ababy babes in the 'wood "oun [pl.] innocent people who baiby-ish /berbir/ /adi(usually disapproving) typical of or From a children's are easily tricked or harmed Suitable for ababy story about aboy and a girl who are left alone in a wood baiby-sit /Derbisrt/ verb (baby-sitting,baby-sat,baby:sat) leaves, with them covers Where they die and a bird (alsosit)totake care ofbabies or children for a short time While their parents are out: [V] She regularty babysits Jor ba.-boon /babum; NAmEbae'b-/ noun a large African or Us. oO [VN] Hes babysitting the meighbours children. Asian MONKEY with along face like a dogs

babu /badbu:/ noun (IndE)aperson who works in an of6ce

P jbabysitting OUn [U]

uput | ustoa acatr| cfather | etten| 全 bird |5eabout | sit | iseei| imany | n got (Br6 | os saw | Ascup |


/berbisrts(D)/ (also sit-terF especially in

NAmmE) noun a person Who takes care ofbabies or children while their parents are away from home and is tsually paid to do this:Tcartt 方nd a babysitter for tonight 一see also CHILDMINDER

"balby talk noun [U] the words or sounds a baby says when it is learning to talk; the special language adults sometimes tse when talking to babies

abytootih noun = MILK TOOTH baby wallker (BrE (NAmEwalE-er) noun a frame with wheels and a HARNEss forababywho canwalkaround a IOoom, SUpported by the frame


/bakelo:riet/ noun:1T the last sEc-

ONDARY SCHOOL exam in France and other countries, and in some international schools: to sitXtaKke/pass/ Jail your baccalaureate 一see also INTERNATIONAL BAC-

CALAUREATE 了 (in the US) a religious service or talk for students who have completed HIGH scHOoOL or college bacrcagat /bzkera:/ noun: [U] a card game in which Players hold two or three cards each and bet on whose

cards will have the highest number left over when their value is divided byten

Racciarmral-ianm /bzkemellion/ odj (formajh (ofaparty, etc.】 wild





of alcohol

From the name of the Greek god Bacchtus (also

called Dionysus), the god of wine and wild enjoyment.

lpaccy /baeki/ noun [u] (BrE informalj) rogpacco lpacfn /baetf/ moun (NZE) asmallholidayhouse bach-efor /bztfalaa)/ novn 1 a man who has never been married: am eligible bachelor (= .one that many people want to marry especially because he is rich) ca comfirmed bachelor (= a person who does Tiot intend to marry; often used in newspapers to refer to a HOMOSEX-

UAL man) 一compare SPINSTER 2 (usually Bacfhefior ) a Person who has a Bachelors degree (= a first university degree): Q Bachelor of Arts/FErigineeririg/Scieice 一See also BA, BED, BSc 3 (Co1mE) = BACHELOR APARTMENT

"achelor apartment

70v7 a small flat/apartment

Suitable for a person living alone



-noun (NAm 日 .ayoung

Woman who is notmarried

bachefoe siri ovn an independent young woman who is notmarried


/bzatfalshod; NAmE :arh-/ novn [uU]

thetime ip aman'sjlife before heis married

lbachhefor party 7oU7 (NA 月 = STAG NIGHT ba-cil-futs /ba'slles/ nouw7 (P/ ba-cilfi /bs'saai/) a type of bacteria. There are Several types of bacillus,some Which cause disease.

jbacE 理 OU1



/bzk/ movn;adi, adv, ye 内

* PART OFE EODY Tthe part of the human body that is On the opposite side to the chest between the neck and the tops ofthelegs; thepartofan animalsbodythatCORRESPONDS to this: Do you sleep on your bacKk or your 廊ont2 Fe stood With Fis back to 轨e door 汪 They jhad 雪 eir hamnds tied behirida 雪 eir bacKks. pack paimn coaback massage CA Smiall poy7rode on the elephants bacK. 一See also BAREBACK, HORSEBACK 一picture 只 BODY 2 theTow ofbones ip the imiddleofthe backERETW BACKBONE,SPINE: She broke her pack 识 ariding accident 和 He put his bacKk out (= DISLOCATED sth in his back) Dieing 轨 e crates. 军 PART FURTHEST FROM FRONT 3 [usuallysingJ 一 (of sth) the part or area.of sth that is furthest from the front: We

could only getseats at the back (= ofthe room). TIfound s07me oldphotos at the pack of the drawer CHe was Shot 六 the pack of 切e knee. CTPe house has 殷ree bedrooTmns at the 万ont amd two at the pacKk. c (BrE) Theres rooma for three People 训 the bacK. (NAm 昌 Theres room or three People

识 Dac玉 S(B/ 日 矿youa Tike to come round the back (= to the areabehind the house), Z开 Show yo 纺 egarden. 一See also HARDBACK, PAPERBACK, SHORT BACK AND SIDES * OFPIECEOFEAPER 4 [usuallysing] 二 (ofsth)the partofa piece of paper etc. that is on the opposite side to the one


| anmy

| aanow

| ersay



that has information or the mostimportant information on it: Writeyour narme om the bacKkoFthe cheque. *OFEOOK 5 [usuallysing] 一(ofsth)thelastfewPpagesofa book etc.: The television guiae is at 坊e bacK of the paper > OF CHAIR @the Dart of a chair etc. against Which you lean your back 一picture c CHAIR * -BACKED :7 (让 adjectives) used to describe furniture Which has the type ofback mentioned: a Pigj-backed sofa


8 (ia sports) aplayer whose main role is to de-

fend their team's goal 一compare FORWARD1


二See also

atlin thebackofyourmind:ifathought, etc:is at the back of your mind, you are aware of it but it is miot what you are mainly thinking aboutthe ,back of be yond (informa/) a Place that is a long way from other houses, towns, etc.,pack tio'back 1 iftwo people stand backto back, theystand with theirbacks facing ortouchingeach other 一see also BACK-TO-BACK 2 iftwo or more things happen back to back they happermi one after the other,backto 'front (BrE) (NmEbackcwards )ifyou pnut on a piece of clothing back to front, youmake a mistake and putthe back wherethe front should be:T 态 识 Kyouyve gotthatsWweater on back to 广ont 一compare INSIDEIOUT at INSIDE1/. 一Picture 只 INSIDE be gjad,etc. to seethe back of sb/sihm (njormah especialy BrE) to be happy that youWwill nothave to deal with or see sb/sth again becatse you do not like them or it: WasTPleased to see the back of herlpehind sb”s back without sb's knowledge or per Imission: Haye yoOU beertalking about 7me behind 7my back? 2 They went ahead and sold 让 behind 7my back. 一compare TO .SBS FACEIat FACE 站 bperon sb?*s backc (imformajzto keep asking or telling sb to do sth that they do not wait to do in awaythat they find annoyingbreak tihe 'pack of sth to finish the largest or most important Dart of a taskget/put sp's back up (njormal) to anrioy sb: That Sort of attibuide realjy getsm back VDIget off sp's backc (informalj) to stop annoying sb, for example by criticizing them, or asking them to do sth:yJustget ofr my back will youlhnave Your ,pack to the "wali (mormaljh to be 记 a difficult situation in which you are forced to do sth but are Unable to make the choices that yotu would likeo伍 the ,back of aforry (8/ 局jpnjorma, hmorous) goods that fell off the back of a lorry were Diobably stolen. People:say or accept thatithey came “off the back of a lorry' to avoid saying orasking where they really carme from.on the back of sth as aresultof an achievemient OF a SUcceSS: THhe Drofik growW 纺carme ont t 切 ebpack ofa 26 Dercentrise 训 Sales.(flatl on yourbacKk (normohinbed becatuse you are ijll/sick: Shes peen jiaton herbackJoroyer Q WeeKk mnow CS(Jiguratve) The UKR 7arket Was jat of 让 back (= business was very bad). put your 'back into st to Use a lot of effort and energy on a particular task furm YOUur pac 星 to turn:so that you are facing in the Opposite direction turm your back on sb/sth -to 了 ove so that you are standing:Dr sitting with yotr back facing sbysth: Wjhiem om stage tymotto turniyourback on the audiemnce. 2 toreject Sbysth that yot have Previously been connected with: She turmned herzback or ther 办hemn 态 ey mneeded her 一Diore at COVERV,EYE 1.,KNOW V,PAT

1.,PAT Vv,, PUSHY; ROD,SCRATCH y,,SHIRT, STAB 1.,STAB V,STRAW, WATER 1 功 0dj. [only before noun]

~ AWAY FROM FRONT .1 located behind or at the back of sth; We Were sitting 训 t 切ebackrowecDback teethSaback Foom 人(= one atthebackofabuilding) sthebackpageofa PeWspaper 一compare FRONTOd/. ~ FROM PAST 了 2 oforfromapasttime:a packmurmberoFthe 疯QgQa2ZI7e > OWED 3 owed fora time in the Tast: bacK 厂ay/taxes7


4 (phometics) (of avowel) prodtuced with the

back ofthe tongue in ahigher position than the front, for exaimple /a:/ in English 一compare CENTRAL, FRONT

on ihe pack'burner

(njormal) (of an idea, a plan,

etc.) left for the presenttime, to be done OF considered later 一See al50 BACK-BURNER 一COImDpare ON THE FRONT BURNER at FRONTdadf/.

| auigo (Br6 | ou go(Mmp

| 5iboy


| eeahair

| ue pure


backache addy

GEnEForthe special uses ofback in Phrasal Verbs,

look atthe entries for the verbs.Forexample paysb back js in the phrasal verb section at Pay.

AWAY FROM FRONT1T :away from the front or centre; beSit pack and hind you: Tstepped back to Let thermm Pass relax @ Youye comped your -hair back:. ce He turned and 1ooKked back. ec She felliback towards the end of the race.

[aaFORWARD * ATA_DISTANCE2 at a distance away 位om sth: The bar riers Kept the crowd back. coStand back and giye 7me SOmIe room * UNDER CONTROL3 under control; prevented from being expressed or coming out: He could no Ionger hold back his tears. > AS BEFORE4 to orinto the place, condition; situation OF activity where Sb/sth was before: Put the bookback on the shelf c Please give meTnybalbackcHeTpe back on Momday etakes me arlhourtowalk there and pacKk.c Couia She woke UP you 8go back to the beginning of the story2 briefly and then went pack to Sleep. C We Were Tight bacK Where we started only this meWithout any Imortey. > IN PASTS in orinto the past;-ago: The villase jhas aihistory going pack to the Middle Ages. 2 She left back 训 Noyvember e ThatWwas afew years bacK. > ATAPREVIOUS PLACEG ataplace Previouslyleft or mentioned: We should have turned Ieftfive Kilometres pack Back at home, her parents Were WorTied. 2T ca

getback home.

Wait to


“JTJN_RETURN 7 in return or Teply: 矿 he kicks me, TIL Kick huim back. ceCould youcallback Iater5 Please? Icq-iback and 'forth from:one Place to another and back again repeatedly: frries -sailing pack and forth be-

tween the islands ;backin the'dayin the past: My dads always talking abouthow greateyerything Was bacK 训 the day ,back in the'daysat a particular time in the past: 了

Was a Jam back 识 切 e days Whenr the band Wasntyetjfarm0U5s. back of sth(NAm有, injformoaljbehind sth: the houses h at EARTH back of the churc 一more


[+aodv/prep] to move or make sth

move backwards: [v]. He backed againstthe wall terTriied.


矿you cant driye

识 fjorwards byibacking 让 总 一

compare REVERSE SUPPORT 2 [VN] to give help or suUpPport to sb/sth: .Her

Doctors hayve Parents backed her 识 her choice of career backed plans -to raise the tax on cigarettes 2 The Programme ofieconomnic reform ztpacked (='\given financial

Support by Joreisn aid. oa United Nations-pacKked Peace

DPIan 上 .BET MONEY3 [VN] tobet money on a horse iD arace,a team in acompetition, etc:: Tbacked the Winner and Wo 万fty pounds. 局 “MUsiC 4 [VN]-to play or sing.music that Supports the main singeror instrument 一see also BACKING > COVER_BACKS_[VN] ~ .sth (with sth) [usually passive] to cover theback of sth in order to support or Protect 让

。BEBEHINDG [VN] [usually'passive];(BrE) to belocated behind sth: The house is backed .by 广elds. [ED back the wrong:ihorse (BrE) to Support sb/sth that is not Successful jback a'way (from sby/sth)

back 'up|

out of the deal at the last minute:


一'upto move backwards, especially in a Vehicle: Yox sth ca pack up another'two 帮etorso.CT packed the carzp 如 tosupport Sb/sthj; to Say vthe door _,back sb/sth 一 up that what sb says, etc. is true: 人 lback youzP 卫 they domt Believe you e The writer doesnt back UP his opinions Wich exaripIes. 了 to Provide Support for Sb/sth: two doctors bacKked up by ateami ofmurses C The repeks packed UP 纺eir demands


ks. threa一related




sth back.stairs /baksteaz; NAmE:sterz/ noun, 0 直 BAG > backpackcer nouU171 吾 /00U7 [pl.] stairs at the back or side of a building, somebackK'passage 7iou1(BrE)apolitewayofreferringto sb's times used by servants RECTUM (= the part of the body where solid waste leaves 苗 0dj secret OF dishonest: packstairs deals petweemn PoLitthebody) iciars


ye 心人



(on sth to

change an earlier statement of Opinion; to_ not do sth thatyou Promised to do: The protestks Jiave fjorced the 8ov-

erTlmient to pacK-pedal on 纺e new tax: 字 -to PEDAL Dackwards on abicycle;to walk orrun backwards



BOARD that other devices can be connected to

packcresEt /bzekrest/ noum part'of a seat' that:stUpports Sb'sback

,有 ack'roomm 70v1aroom atthebackofabuilding, away fromtheentrance, often Where secret activities take Place


Packkstory /bakst5ori/ moun (pl-ies )thethingsthat are Imovie, nOVel, etc.

backK-street /baekstri:t/ nouni gd直

image onto thebackof ascreen 2 [q:animagethat has been shone onto theback ofascreen


/bakstrtj/ movun [u,G a method of sewing

逊 Which each sSTITCH begins atthe middle ofthe previous one 和 SUpPposed to have happened before the events in afilmy

,noun. (computing) ,a_ CIRCUIT

由ack=-projection novun1 [uU]theprocessofshining an



[pl]: (Br 日people who :do

jimportant work for a person or an organization but who are not well known themselves

fpack-scratchh-inm罗 /bzkskraetfm/ noun IU] (pformal, often disapproving) the fact of giving sb help in returmn for help that they have given you, often 记 connection With sth that might be iegal

于 00U0asmall quiet street,usuallyin apoorpart of a towmn or city away from main roads , 下 0dj. [only before noun] acting orhappening secretly often dishonestly or illegally: bacKkstreetaealers

back-stroke /bakstreok; NAmE-strouk/1BrEalsobacke CrFawf) OUm [U,sing.] a style of swimming in which you lie onyotrback: Caziyou do (the) pacKstroke2CHewomtne JI00 metres backstroke (= the race). 一picture 守 SWIMMING






Inovement ofyour arm or arms before yothit the ball

acik talk ovn [u] (NAmB = BACKCHAT ,backk-to-'jbackc noun (BrE) a house in a Tow of houses which share walls with the houses on each side and behind: bacK-to-bacKks builtjor the poor in the 19th_ century


backKctracK :/baktrskjiverb [vtogoback along the

a pack seat to allow sb else to Play a_ more active and important role in aparticular situation than you do

Sametoutethatyouhavejust come along 2 to change an earlief statement, opinion or Promise becatise of presstre from sb/sth jbackk-up /baksAp/ noun [u,Cj 1 extra help or Support that yo can get 让 necessary: The-police had backup 廊om the army e We ca Use him as a backup 洲one of the other Players drops ouULE C a backup power suPply 了2 (computing) acopyofafie,etc.that canbeusediftheoriginal is lost ordamaged:AlwaysTmtakeabackup ofyourrwork .SabackUP copy 一See alsoO BACK UP

,Dacik'seat noun aseatatthebackofavehicle

Dackk-seatft'driver ov

1Tapassengerin avehicle who

keeps giving advice to the driver about how he orishe should drive 2:aTperson who wants to be in: control of sth thatis not reallytheir responsibility

back-sheeshh = BAKSHEESH Packcshift /bakjfrtt/ nouvn [u] (ingwistics) the changing ofatense whenIreporting what sb said, for examPple when Teporting the words “What ore yoU doing? as'He asked me whatIwas doing'

acat | dfather | eten|a:bird

backup Eight ovn (NAmE) = REVERSING LIGHT

|aabout|rsit|liseeinmany|npgot(BrE) |orsaw| Acup |wpot| ustoo

baclkyard om /bakwed; NmE-waerd/ ad 1 [only before nounjl :directedior: moving towards the back:-She strode past hi without a backward glance.


Zimoving in a direction that means that no Progress is being made RETROGRADE: She jelt that going back to live 识 her hormne towm Would be a backward step. 3 havipg made less progress than normal; developing slowly:a Dackwarad part of tpe country With no payed roads and mo electricity 2 aG backwara chnild ec(BrE, njrmalj) ShesS Tiot


backward in corming forward (= she's not shy): 一comPare FORWARD CASTE (=,division of society) or community who.are rec.Ommended by. each;state ,authority for special help ip education and employment

下poor/weak eyesight ,

3 wicked/an evilyan immoral person ,

back-wardg especially in NAmE) adv

识 the mirror It 轨 e moyie they take ajourney pacKkwaras through tmne. 3 towards a worse state:Tfelitthatgoing to LIiye with mmyPparentks woUIG De astep backwards. 加29 FOR-


”4 (NAB)






jackward(s)-and forward(s) 人 om one place or

Position to amother and back again many times: She FocKed backwaras and 妈rwards om Per chair bend/lean 是 to make-a great effort, DVver "backwards (to do especially 雇 Ordertobehelpfulorfair: TvebpentoverpackWards to help Pi. 一more atKNOWYV

backwardscorm'patible (also backward com'pat-

ipble) adj (computing) able to be used with systems, machines or PIograms Which are Older -

baclcwash- /bakwnpJ; NmE -wa -wozT/ noun [sing] Tiithe unpleasant resultofan event': 了 ;WwWaVes catsed by aboat moving through: water; the:movement of water backintothe seaiafter awave hashitthe beach backwater /bzkwoxteO)/ no0nT apbartofariveraway from the main parb where the water Only moves Slowly

了 (often disapprovingjaplacethatisawayfromthe places Where most thingshappen, and is therefore not affected by evenits; progress, Dew ideasj etc; CsSieepyVguUiet FUFraL pacFwater 5 backcwoods /bzkwodz/ noun [pl.] aplace that is away from anybigtownsand from the influence ofmodern life




(Pi -mien

jamaema/)(NAm 昌 person wholives in a region far 条om towmis Where not many Deople live,especially one Who does nothave mucheducatiomor goodimanners backyard /bzk'jad; NAmE zjard/ nouwn 让:(BrE) anarea with ahard istirface behindiahousei often sufrounded by awall 2 (NAmE)the whole areabehind andbelonging to ahouse, including:aniarea of.grass ,and the garden:-Q backyard barbecue 一see also YARD in your (owm) backyard ip or near the Place where you live of work: The7residents Giantwanta7riemwjoctory 太 thneir packyard 了 eparty leader 让 focingoppos 让omn 识 jhisownpackyard (王 from his own members). 一 see alsoNIMBY bac-ava =BAKLAVA 5 bacon /Deesn/7movr [umeatftomthebackorsides ofa pig that has been CURED (= PreserVed Using Salt or smoke)j, usually served in thin slices: Q 7asher of bacom 人 一compare 5acom anhd eggs 2 517i0KkedAUTi5moKed bacon GAMMON, HAM(T)) PORK IEGIM SeeHOMEOdy,SAVEYV



/bzk'treris; NAmE -tmr-/ ouUn [pl




the simnplest and smallest forms of life. Bacteria exist in largenumbers inaip waterand Soil and alsoinlivingand, dead creatures and plants, and are,often a cause of ,dis-


| rar my

| aurnow

| ersay

汪汪 浊

日an awkward/an embarrassing/a difficult situation 昌We were working'in difficult/appalling conditions, 是 Torefertoyour health, you cansay:t feel unwellysicky terrible; 1don't feel (very) well. 3

baclkvyardis om /bakwedz; NAmE-Werdz/ (al56 paiance amnd 万 !Lbackwards. > Fe tooKk as:step backwaras.


,backward-iookinsg odii(disopproving) opposed to progress Or change back-wardness /bzakwadnas; NAmE-waerd-/-noun [U] the:state ofhaving made less Progress than normal

aa FORWARD 2-inthe 0pposite direction to the Usual One: 27mmpbpularce' is Written bacKwards So YOU:caTread 让


昌 an unpleasant/afoul/a disgustingsmell appalling/dreadful/severe weather 下 an unpleasant/a frightening/a traumatic experience

,bacikward 'classesmoun [pl.] (in Indial the peoplein a

Ttowards a place or Dosition that is behind: T Iost 7ny



目In conversation, words like terrible, horrible, awful anddreadful can be used in most situations to mean Very bad 2 全 人

aase 芭 'bDacterial /Tiel/ dj : bacterial 81r0wt bac:teri-cide /bzeKtrerisaid; NAmE -tm


own [U,G] (techmical) asubstance which is used to kill bacteria bacteri.ojogwy /bzk,treripled5i; NAmE ;tmri'a:l-/ nown [U] the scientfic.study.of bacteria bacteriological /baek,trerielpd5rkl; NAmE -tmriela:d5-/ adj bacfteriologist 10U1


om /bzd/ adi,nouvniady

上 .Gdj/, (worse /was:s; NAmE Wairs/ .worst /waist; NAmE wa3xrst/) * UNPLEASANT 1 unpleasant; full of Problems: pad mnews/ Weatherdrearmshapbits CTm having areally badiday c 开 Was therWorst experience'of her 1i 扎.SSmoking Siyes yOU Dad breath. c Thingss are Dad enousf without OUr Own SuUns Shelling 15. * POOR QUALITY 2 of poor quality; below,an acceptable standard: bad conditionsvadriving C Q pad copydiet 2 工 hought 让 Was a Very bad article. 2 This ismut as pad as 工 态oughE 和 Thatsmotabad idea.



to do


一 atsth/at doing sth (of-a person)

st中 well

or in an



POOR:Qbaa teacher c ZuUreapad liarle Hes abad loser (= he complains when he loses a game)j:e She 1 so pad at Keeping SecFets. 上 SERIOUS 4 Serious;- Severe: YoUre heading Jor a bad at tack of sumnburn. C The en8gagement Was Q pad mistake. My headache is gettimng worse. > NOT APPROPRIATE 瑟 [only before noun] not appropriate in a particular situation: 工Know that this iabad tme 如 asK for help. e He now.realized that 让 had been abad deciSiomn OFL his paT > WICKED 6 morally unacceptable: The hero Seks to shoot all the bad guys. 和 Fe said Tustjaye done sormething bad to deserve 丰


7 _[usually before noun] (especially of children)

not behaving well poy?


NAUGHTY: Haye yoUDbeen a bad

8 [not before noum] ~forsb/sth harmful; caus-

ing orjlikelytorcause damage: Those Shoes are bad for her feet Ce Weather Likethis 1 bad Jor pusiness.

> PAINFUL 9 [usually before noun] (ofparts ofthe body) not healthy; painful: Tve got a bad back.


TO not safe to eat becaltse 让 has decayed: Pufthe

7meat 访 雪 e 太idge so 让 doesntgo pad.


11 ~ temper/mood the state of feeling

annoyed or angry: EDPUETe'in abad mood for te day.


12 feel 一 tofeelguiltyorsorryabout sth:

She flt pad:apout Ieaying Pim ee WPRy should Take yoUjfeel bad2?

| augo (Br 日 -| oo go (MAmB)

切e restof

| or boy 下 ze near:|

ea hair


| une pure


100 |

> ILL/SICK 13 feel/look 一 to feelorlookill/sick:T7mz afraia Jrm Jeeling pretty bad. > EXCELLENT 14 (bad.de5 bad,desl (slang, -especially NAmE) good; excellent [Er Most idioms containing bad are at the entries for the nouns and verbs

识 the idioms;, for example be bad

Dews (for sb/sth) is atnews. can'tbebad (mnjormoj) tsed to tryto persuade sb to agree that sth is go00d: ZU Saye fifty dollars wpich cant be bad, can it? have got 计 'bad (infomma/ humorous) to be very much in love: Zoure miotseeing Rirmr again tonighb areyoU2 Thats 太ve tirmnes this Week=- youye got 让 bad! not 'bad (informaj quite good; better than you expected: 和 0ow are yov2: Wot too bad.

That wasnit bad for a first_ attempt too bad (informna1) (ronic used to say ?ad luck or Sits a shame when you do not really mean it;: 矿sSometimes 切ey7e 妇e wrong decisions, too had 2 a shame; a Pity: Tbo bad eyery day ca入Deas good as this 3 (old-oshioned) annoying: Really 让 Was too bad ofyouv to be so late. 旧 POUm the bad [U] bad people, things,,or events: You w这 aways haye the bad as well as the good 识 the Worla. [ri ,go to the 'bad (old-joshioned) to begin behaving 让 an immoral way: Thate to see you going to t e 切 bad ,my bad (NAmE, informaj used when you are admitting that sth is. your fault or that you have made a mistake:-Tm SOTy 一my bad. take the ,bad with the 'good to accept the bad aspects of sth as well as the good ones to the \bad(BrE)usedto saythatsbnowhasaparticular amotnt less money than they did before: After the Sale tphey were 2E300 to the bad. 国 Gdy. (NAm 语Jnjormaj) badly: She wanted 让 real bad. c Are you hurt bad?

badg.ass /badaes/ adj (NmE tough and aggressive

informal (of a Person)

> bad.assmou1n

,bad 'breath novn: [U] breath that smells Unpleasant: FayeTgotbad breat?


bad debtnoun [GuU] a debtthatis unlikely to be paid baddyy/baedi/:nouwn (P/L -ie (BrE ipformol)abad or evil character in ;aifilm/movie,,book, play, etc.: 4s UsuaL the coOps get the baddies im the end、[GEG GOODY

badeptof sp

Imetal that yot cairy or wear toprove who you are, Used, for example, by police officers: Fe puliea outabadase arid sa 这 hewasacop. 4 (formalj something thatshowsthata Particular quality ispiesent: His gu Was QG pad8geof power “Jor Pirm.

和 adger/basd5e(Gr)/ 700n, ve贱 B1OUn an animal with grey fur and wide black and white lines on its head. Badgers are NOCTURNAL (= active mostlyat might) and livein holes in the ground. Bye 凡 一sb (into doing sth)| ~ sb (about sth) to put PresSUre on Sb byrepeatedly asking ER questions Or asKking them to do sth PESTER: [VN] 工 说naIly badgered jim 训 to comiing with us C Reporters-comnstamnty padser her apboutherprivate life.e [VNtoinf is aaaughterWas aways padgering jhirmm to let her join 切 ecluD.

bad'hairdaynov7r(nfornah adayonwhich everything seems to go WIong

bad:in:age/Dadmna:s;NAmEbaden'c5/noun [U] (from French;yiterory)friendlyjokingbetweena people TER.

bad:lands /bzdlzndz/ noum' [pl]iL:large areas of land that have;been farmed too .much with the ITesult that

Plants will not grow there 2 the Badlands alarge area

of land in .the western US where Plants will not grow

bad'language noun FU words that many people:find offensive


padly om /Dadli/ adw (worse, worst 1 notskilfully ornot carefully: to PlayAsSing badly Cbadly desigmnea/organized [GE wELL ,了 not Stccessfully: Thinsgs hayve been going badly crTdid badly (=-was not Successful) in 7mmy eXarms,[aag -WwWELL 3 notin,an acceptable way: to behaye/sleep badlyc badiy paiatreated ceThe

Kids took the dogs death yery badly (= theywere veryunhappy), [aa wELL 4 in away:that makes people get a , bad opinion abonut sth: Te ecomornic crisis reflects badly oO the gover7i7mients Dolicies. 2 Shes only trying to hezp, 50 daontthinkbadly ofFher [oa WwWELL 5 Usedtoemphasize how much you want,need;, etc. Sb/sth: The buildirzg 放 Dadly 识 need ofrepaii CoTheywarited to winsoibadly SI Tniss her.badly Gused to emphasizehow serious a Situation or an event'is:rbadly:damagedXinjiuredhurt The country has:beemubadpraffected:by:recessioTEiO Byerythings gone badly wrongl!

badly'offodi (worse'off worst 'o 作 3 nothaving much


Inoney POOR: Wearenittoo badly o 矿butWwecant 呈 Jord aphouse'Like that [aa wELL OFF .2notin agood Situation:Tyvegot quite abig room:soTrm mottoobpadly o 矿 [EB wELL OFF IEI be badly 'off for:sth (BrE) tonot have enough of sth bad.mashi/bAdma:zf/ nown(IndE) adishonestman bad.min.ton/badmrmten/ noun [U]agame likeTENNIS Played bytwoor four People, usually indoors. Players hit asmall light kind ofball, originally with .feathers around 这 (= aSHUTTLEGCOCK)acrossiahighnetusing aRACKET: bad-mouth verb[vVN] (pformal)tosayunpleasantthings about:sb: :No: one Wanitts to employ; somebody Who pad7mmoutps:theirjrmerermployer bad.nmess /bzdnes/ movm [bthesfact of being imorally bad::TherewasmnotaFintofbadnessirnirm

ES Dr RN: Norto7 name badge

police badge


badge (B/章 patch (NA 日

Visitors badge

badge(B 章 -button (NA 月

badsge /bsdzs/ nounT (BrE) asmall piece ofmetal or Plastic, with a design or Words on it that a person wears to Show:that they.belong to an:organization,sSUpport sth, have'achieved.sth, have ,aparticular rankiietc:: She-Wwore

Q badge saying Vote for Coates. 2 All employees ,hayveito

Wear name badgesi 二-cornpare BUTTON 了 (BrE) (NAmE patch) a piece of material thatiyou sew onto clothes as Part of a_ Uniform: the school badsge 3 a Small piece:of


| adid


上 ffall

| gget2l



om of/

often angry; in an angry mood: She gets Ver badatermpered When shess tired Ba.fana Ba-fana /bafamaba'fama/ moun (SF 日apopular name for the South African national men?s football (SOCCER) team jbaffle /bae丘/ verb, noun 四 Verb to confuse .sb ;completely; tozbe :too difficult or strange for sb to understand or explain: [VN] His behayviour bajffles mme. C [VN;VN wh-] Tmz paffledias to why she hasntcalled cbaffledwhyshepasmtcalled bafflement 10Um [U]: Bis reactiom Was OFe of bafflement af-


下 JIOUT (techmical) arscreen Used' to control or prevent the flowofsound, lightorliquid

k cat

| hteg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen



BAIETA:/baefte/obbr,noun 上 Gbbr. British AcademyofFilm and Television Arts @.0OUMm:an award.presented by.the British Academy of Film. and Teleyvision Arts: He womn a BAFTA forthe roLe. bag 0 可 /bzeg/ noun, veb 是 0OU1 * CONTAINER 了 [C (often in compounds) a container Iinadeofpaperor Plastic, that opens atthe top, used especially 记 shops/stores: aplastic/poiythene/paper bag 了 aiaundry/mail bag 2 aplack plastic rubbishZgarbasge


CNeyer /eave baggaSge Unatiended:

She opened Jier bag (= her HANDBAG) arid took OUt her 只

GOLF 一see




了 LUuggage isthe usual word in BrE but baggage is also Used, especiallyin the context ofthe bagsand casesthat passengerstake on a flight. In NAmE Daggageis usually Used 1 人 上 Both these wordsare uncountable nouns': Do youw havea lotofluggege7CTwo pieces of1u8ggage haVve Sonme mis5ing.

bag 2 [Ca strong container made from cloth,, plastic, leather etc., tisually with one or two handles,Used to carry things in when shopping or travelling: a shopping bag CQ7inake-up bag 2 Hes Upstairs UPacking his bags. comb. 一Picture



sth as yours before sb else can claim it: Ba85 工 让 碎 the 万ont seatl


BUMBAG,GOODY BAG, PUNCHBAG, SANDBAG, TEA BAG “AMOUNT 3 [q ~(of sth) the amount contained in abag:

一picture 只 PACKAGING 一See also Sheate apbag of cfiips.

MIXED BAG, RAGBAG 4-bags (of sth) [U,pl.]:(BrE, 7njor

mal a large-amount or alarge'number of sth: Get m! Theres bagsiofroo7m. >* UNDER EYES 5 bags [pl.] ,dark'circles or loose;folds of skin Under the eyes, as a Tesult of getting old or lack of Sleep

,UNPLEASANT WOMAN 6 [aq (informal especialy BrE) an insulting woid for an Unpleasant or bad:tempered older woman 一see also RATBAG; SCUMBAG, WINDBAG

二 BIRDSAANIVALS 7 [cusuallysingj]iallthe birds, animals, etc. Shot or caught on One Occasion CEmThere are miany other compounds ending in bag. You will find them at-their Place ip the alphabet:

,bag and 'baggage with all your Possessions, esPe-

bagatelle /bagatel/ novun 站 [U] a game played on a board with small balls that you try to hit into holes 2 [cusuallysingJ(literory)asmall andunimportant thing

or amount: 厂costa7miere bagatelle. bagei/bergl/ movnahard bread roll shaped like aring

lbaa 到.有 瑟名@_ 0 /bzgIds/ 70 [JU]

1 (aspeciaoly NAm月 =LUGGAGE: excess baggage (= Weighing more than the limit allowed on a Plane) 2 baggage jaridlers(= people employedtoload and unload baggage at airports) C (NAmE) We Ioaded ouF bag8gage 识 to the car: 2 thebeliefs and attitudes that sb has as a result of their Past egperiences: Sie was carTying Q Lot of emotioral baggage. IE see BAG 放 'bagSgage car7ov (NAmE) =LUGGAGE VAN

cially secretly or suddenly: Feithrew. her OUE onto the

'baggage reclaim (BrE) (NAmE'baggage claim) noun

一more'at CAT, NERVE good at: Poetyry isnE really TY bag.

'bag lady.moun a woman who has no home and who

Street bag and baggage: a ,bag of 'bones (informal) a very thin person or animal be in the 'bag (nforma/) 让 sthisi记 thebag,itis almost certaintobewon orachieved leave sb holding the 'bag (NAm户 informalj) tosuddenly make sb responsible for sth important, such as finishing a diftficult job, that is really your fesponsibility (not) so"s 由ag (Unformal) (not sth that you are interested iD OF 1 PACK Vy TRICK 1 日ye 有b (-gg-) [VN] > PUTINTO BAGS 1 一 sth (up) to Put sth into bags: The 记 二 i Washed, sorted and bagged at the 加rm

CATCHUANIMAL 2 (informaj to catch or kill an animal IN SPORT 3 (informalj) to score a goal point, etc.: DUPLm Dagged hywo 5061s 识 1G5t migRhts Wi

>*CLAIM STH 和 (BrE jnformahtoclaim sth as yoUrs before sb else claims it; to take sth before sb else can get it: Saljy jad:mariased to bag the two best seats.C QuUick bag 态 at table over there! 5. (AUStraIE;NZE, informaj)to criticize sb/ Sth

bags ( ... (BrE) (NAmE "dibs.on .。.) Used to claim

[u] the place at an.airport Where you get YOUI SUitcases, etc. again afteryouhave flown Bag:gieTM /bsegi/ noun (NAmE) asmallbag made ofclear Plasticthatisrused for storing SANDWIGHES, etc. baggy /aegifrod. (cf clothes) fitting loosely: a pagSsy 开 Shirt E29 TIGHT Walks around carrying her Possessions With her

'bag lunch noun (Nm

a meal'of SANDWICHES, fruit,

一compare etc. that you take to school worlko etc. in a bag

BOXLUNCH;, PACKED LUNCH bag.pipes /bzgpaips/ (also pipes) moun [pl.] (NAmE also bag'pipe [sing.]) a musical instrument Played espe-

cially i Scotland. The player blows air into a bag held Under the arm and then slowly forces the air out through . 只 PAGER7 bagPipe pipes to produce anoise 一Picture adj: bagpipe music

ba.-guette/bae'get/ nov1T (also French loaf, ,French

'sticlg aLOAF of white bread in the Shape ofalong thick




backpack (BrE also rucksack)


holdall (5 duffel bag (NAI7 日


handbag (NAmE also purse)



S See



VE Wet

carrier bag (Br

grocery bag

2 zooi | Jshoe

| 5wvision

attachEcase _bumbag (5唱 fanny pack (Nm 日 (also briefcase)

| tchain

| :dz jam

| 9thin


| athis

| Dising



are used to attract customersiiwho are thempersuaded to buy sthjmore expensive

stick that is crisp on the outside and softinside 2 ;asimall baguette or part of one that is filled with food and eaten as aSANDWICH: Q Cheese baguette


/ba:/'exclomation used to show a sound that people

that is usually green,, Used especially for covering card ”tables and BILLIARD, SNOOKER Or POOL tables



/berk/ verb

T ~sth (forsb)-| ~(sb) sth to cook food in an oven with-

Inake to .express disappProVal

尼a 有 a?i (also Bahai) /badz"hazi; behar/ movn [U] areligion that teaches that people and religions are the same, and

thatthereshould be peace Ba:hasain:do-mesia /baha:sermmdami3e/ now [U] the official language ofIndoriesia Ba-hasa Ma-lay-sia-/baha:sa maler3a/ moun [U] the official language of Malaysia 怠 训 /beH/ own, vemb 下 IOU1 了 [U] money that sb agrees to pay if a person accused of a crimedoes not appear at their trial. When bail has been arranged, the accused person is allowed to go free until the trial: Camn amryone PuUEUP Dail foryou2e She Was released on 42000 baiLc Bail was setatgI 7million He comrmitted another offnce While he Was OUEOm Dai (= after bail had been agreed). c The jdse grarttedArefiised PailL c ShejurmpedAsKkipped bail(= did notappearather

trial), 了字 [Cusually_pl.] (让 ERICKET) either of the two small pieces of wood on top of each set of three wooden

posts (called sSTUMPS) 昌 ye/ 几 (B/Ealsolbale)1

baize /beiz/ mour [Uj] atype ofthickcloth madeofwWwool

out,extia fat OF liquid; to be cooked 雇 this way: [VN] Daked apples 2 [VN, VNN] 7T7m Dakinrg 和 Dirtpnday cake for Alex 2Tm Daking AIexa cake. 2 [V] 坊 e delicious Smiell of baking bread 避 Vocabulary notes on page R10 2 to become or to make sth become hard by heating: [V] Te Dricks are Le扩 ithe Gin to pake. [VN-ADHTPhe suri had

paked the grourd hard. [also VN] 3 [V] (normahto beor become veryhot: Wesatpaking 太 坊 esumn. 一see also HALFBAKED


/beIkt;elaeske/.moum. [GU] a DESSERT

made of cake and ice_ cream covered in MERINGUE and cooked quickly in a veryhot oven


(NmEralsor Bostonmcabakedi'beans)

1oOuwm [pl.] small white BEANS cookediincatomato' satice

andusuallysoldin cans-

,baked po'tato'(also jacket po'tato) moun a Dotato cooked in its skin in an oven: a bpaked potato and beanis bake-house /berkhaus/ 5oun (old-foshioned) abuilding

oran areaWhere bread is made

ec Baike-jiterw /berkelartjy NAmE:also '\berkl-/, noun:[u]; a Was pailed to appear 识 court on I5 March. [also VN] type of hard plastic usediin;the:past for electrical equipment, etc. 了 [V] (NMmE njormal to leave aplace, especially quick]y: Sorr%y Trealy haye to baiL 3 [VN] ~ sb (up) (Auvstro/ baiker /beikeG)/ ovn 下 apersonswhose job isibaking NZE jnformajh to approach sb and talk to them,' often and selling bread aiid cakes :ZakKePs (1 bakers)(B7昌) when they do not wantithis ,ail 'out {of sth) a shop that sells Dread and' cakes: Trust going to 态e Ttojump outof aDlane:that is 5oingto crash 2;toesDaKer3: torelease sb onbail: [VNtoinf

cape from a situation that youno longerswant toTbein,paker's dozem /221 [sing](o1d-foshioned) a group of Volved:in: Ta uriderstand 太 you wanted to:bail outof th语 thirteen (= one more thian a_dozen,Which is twelve) Telationship. jbailout | bailfsth)jc'outto empty water [ET Ihis phrase _comes .人 om bakers' old custom of 他om sth byliftingitoutwithyourhand or acontainer: He adding one extra loaf to an order of a dozen, jad to stop rowing to bail water out of the boat TITPe boat bakery'/berksri/novn(p/-ies)(NMmEalsobaike-shop)a Wi sink unless we pail ou bail sb GROUP OF MUSICIANS

T [Cfsing./p. v] a small group of

musicians who playpopular music together often With a singeror singers:QFOcK/Jazz banac Shes asinger witha DandL see als0BOYBAND, GIRL BAND 2-[C+sing/pl. va group of musicians Who Play BRASS and PERCUSSION 一See also BRASS BAND, instruments: a: rnilitary2band

MARCHING BAND; ONE-MAN BAND > GROUP OF PEOPLE 3 [C+sing./pl.V] a group of people who do sth tageiBier or who have the same ideas: Q band of outlawsic He persuaded a srmall bamnd of volunmteers to jhelp.


[Gathin flat strip or cir

cle of any material that jsput around things, for example to hold them together or to make them stronger: She alWays ties herjhairbackinapand. CALLbabies 训 te hospital jave name bands on their wrists.C She wore asSinmzple band 一See also ARMBAND, 一picture 上> HAT ofgold on heringer HAIRBAND, HATBAND, RUBBER BAND, SWEATBAND, WAISTBAND

5 [〇 astrip of colour or material on sth that is

different from whatis around it: Q white Plate With a blue band around the edge


6 (also waveband)

[C] a range of

radio waves: ShortWwaye radio Uses the 20-50 metre band. ,RANGE 7 [Cl arange ofnumbers, agesS, Prices, etc. within Which people or things are counted or meastired: the 2535 age bard oitax banads

| 5 vision

| tchain

| ds jam

19 thin

| 5this

0 sing


106 |

至 _Verb [VN] [usually passive] 吕 > WEEH COLOUR/WATERIAL to putaband:of a different colour or material around sth: [VN-ADj]-.Mamy insects are banded biack andyellow. [also VN] * PUTE INTO RANGE 2 (BrE) to be organized into bands of Price, income, etc.: Tax is banded according to 训 co7me.


to gether

to form a group

雇 order to

achieve sth: ZIocal people banded together to 万gjhittbe drug daealers.

banm-dage 0 /baendid5/ moum, verb 人 1OU1 a Strip of cloth used for tying arotnd a part ofthe bodythathas been hurtin orderto Drotector Supportit二 Picture 史 PAGE RI8 可 Ver [VN] ~ sth (upj to wrap abandage'around apart of the bodyin orderto protect 让 because'itis injured



(especialy NmB

下 =


2 (disapproving) a temporary solution to a problem that does nottreally solveit at al


/bzn'daene/ noun a_piece of brightly col-

oured cloth worn around the neck orhead

尼 amd 区 (alsogB 到 尼,bandb,pED)/Dian'bi/ abpr (pfornmah especially BJE) BED AND BREAKFAST

Danmd coumecij

noun (Con6) a local form of Aboriginal

govermmment in Canada,, consisting of am elected chief and COUNCILLORS


/bandeo; NmE-auoo/ novurT anarrowpband

_worn around the head to hold theha 首 识place 2 apiece of women's clothing thatis tied aroundthebodytocover the breasts: a bamdeau bikinitop

pamdim /5aAnd/ noun (JPndE) ageneral strike bandi-coot /bzndrkuxt/ nodn Ta small Australasian animal with a long nose and long tail, which eats mainly

insects 了 (alsobpamdlicoaotft'rat) anAsian RAT bamdiinmS /bzndm/ (alsostreamm-img especiallyin B76) noum [U] :the policy' of dividing school :students ;into groups ofthe same level ofability pam-dit /bandrt/ novn a member of an armed group of thieves who attack travellers

bam-dito /bzn'di:teu; NAmE-too/ (alsopam:dida) /dsu NAAmE-dou/ noun (NMAmE from Spamish) (p120s) a Mexican BANDIT pamrdit-ry /bandrtri/ noun; [u] (Jorma/) actsof stealing andviolence bybandits


/bandli:qea(r)/ novn a player who is in

charge ofaband, especiallyaJAzz band Pamd:mas-ter /bzndmastacD); NAmE -maes-/ moun


Person Who CONDUCcTS amilitary orBRAsS band amdio-bast /baAndqebaAst/ noun [uiG usually sing] (lnd6) preparation or an arrangement foridealing with sth: The Police bamndobast was yeryeffiectiye.

有am-dio星er (also bamn-do-ieer)



-lm/ novun abelt made for carrying bullets and worn over the shoulder

bamdisaw /bandso:/ moun atoolfor cutting woodjietc.

consisting of a steel belt that has sharp points (called teeth) along the edge and that goes around Very fast

bamnds-mam /baendzmen/ noui (p/-men /man/ja misician Who playsin a military orEBRASSband

bamd-stamdi /Dandstaend/ nou7n acoverted Platform out

doors,where musicians,especially a BRASS or Imilitary band, can stand and play


/baendwaegean/ movun

[usually sing] an

activity that more and more people' are becoming involved in: The World Cup bandwagom 过 starting to Fo

Ciimb/jiump on the (norma1h disapproving) to join others in doing sth thatis becoming fashionable because you-” hope to _become popular ,cr SUuccessful yotrself: politiciams eager to 记 7mp om the enyir O77memntal bandwagomIEISIRTE Inthe USipoliticalPARADES often includedaband onawagon.Politicalleaders would join them in the hope of winning popular support,


/bzndwrdb/ mouwn [Gg] (computns) -Ta

band of FREQUENCIES Used for sending electronic signals 2-a measurement of the amount of information thata Particular compititer networkior Internet connection can "send ip aparticular time:,TItiis often meastured in BITS .Per Second.

Pamey /bazndi/odi ,ve几 可 0df/. (ofthe legs) curving, with the knees Wide apart: to pe Dardy-legged 到 VE/ 峭。 bamdies, bandy:ing, bandied ,: banrdied) ET banmdy words (withm sb) (old-foshioned) to _argue WwWith








sthhc apowt/around [usually passive] 让 a name, a word, a Story etc., is bandied about/around, it is mentioned frequently by many people: His mname Was peing bandied Qpout as Q 记 ture PTirmmie 7mimiste7 bame /bem/ "oun [sing.] .the 一 of sb/sth Something that causes trouble and makes people unhappy: The meigPDouTs Kids are the pane of myEif.

Ianme:-fiE /bemf/ ad (Nierary) evilorcausing evil Pamg /ba0/ verb 10U1) adv, exclarmmatior 到 VE 上 了 峭 一 (on) sth tohitstht in awaythatmakes alotd noise:[VN]:TPe baby Was banging the table Witfi his spO07L 2 [V] She banged on the door angrity 只 note atiairT 2:to close sth or':to be closed with a loud noise


[VN] Pomtbang the door whenmyougooutle [v]Awindow Was panging SOTmewhere (= opening and closing noisily).e [VADj] The door banged shut behind her 3 [VN + -advy Prep]itorput sth somewhere suddenly and Violently SLAM: Be banged the mmomney dowm on the coumnter C She pamtged Saucepalis aroumd irritably, 妈 _[VN] to hit sth,

especially a Part of the body against sth by accident BUMP: She 厅 友ped amnd barniged her Knee om 态e desK. 5 [VN] (toboo, slang) (ofaman)tohave sexwWith avwoman , See DRUM 1.; HEAD 维 5 angapoutaround to move around hoisily: We could hear the Kias bangimg around Upstairs. ,Bamg 'imio sth to crash into or hit sth by mistake: Tbpanged into a chair and jurt my 1eg: ,bang om apout stm (BrE, jnformal) to talk a lot about sth ip a boring way GO ON: He Keeps baiiging om about his meWJ0D pangs sb"up (B/E, 六 把mmaj toputsb in prison amgs sth= up (Nm 有 Frmah)todamage6rinjure s 也 吾 IOU1 了 asuddenloud noise:T7He aoorsiurg SFPUETWiE7 bang 2 Suddenly :there Was ailoud bang andia pu 太 of SmoOke. 一See also BIG'BANG 2asudden painfulblowon a Part of the body: a bang om the head: 3pamgs [pl,] (MAm 有 二 FRINGE(1) -= BHANG 5 (ijormal, coOmmputng)

the symbol (1) EERD ,pamg foeyour'bescic (NAm5 pfor

mal) 证you get more, better etc.bang for yotr buck, you getbetterValue forthe moneyyotuspend ortheeffort yoUu put in to sthwith za Rang (/01ormal) Tvery SUCccessfully: The parb' Went With a bang. 2 in a way that eVeIyone notices; With a powerful effect: The tearm Won 态eir IasE Jour garmes,eiding the seaso 区 With a Da7lg. 一more at EARTH1.,SLAP adv 苗 0dyV (njorma especialy BrE) exactly: compIletely: O7 cOmPuters are partg UP to date. e My estimate Was 5ang On targeE

仿 ZDUTre bang om tmie as UsUual 一see also SEAP

BANG PangsSoes st (BT01jormah) used whenyou Say that'sth you-hoped to have orsachieve is no longer possible: Bang Went my hopes of _promotionm. So bang (infonmal toburst orexplode with a loud noise; to make al:sudden loud noise:-:A-balloomn suddenly went Danmg. See RIGHT. 画 EXclamatiom Usedito show the sound of sth loud, like a gun: Bang, bang you7e deadj1"shouted telittie Doy.

amged up

co 小(NmE informah injured or damaged:

Two days after the accident she SHll Jooked Pretty parnged 21PD.


/bzneGD)/ noun (BrE jnforma1丰于 a SAUSAGE:

Dangers and mash 了 (NAImEpeatrer) an old cai thatis ip bad condition 3 a FIREWORK that makes a loud noise When it explodes



之 Bangladesh


[ul 1 the Bengali language

acat | dz father | etem | as: birdi|-a about | sit | isee | imany | got-(Br6) | mxsaw | Acup | 5 put | too

Wiist 一Picture 上 JEWELLERY amg-up 2d/. (Nm informal) very good bania 人'bAnje/ nounis(lndE) 让 a person who sells things 2 (disapproyvying) a person who is interested in making money bamn-ish /baenIf/ verb-IVN] 了 [usually passive] -一 sb (from … ) (to … ) to order sb to leave a Place, especially a

banlkcabjie /bzn0kebl/ ad (informal) likely to make Imoney for sb: The moyie's SUCCess has mnade her one of the Worlds mostbamkable stars: 四anmkaccouni 00Un an arrangement thatyouhave with abankthat allows yotto keepyour money therey to pay in ortake outmoney etc.: to openAcleseapbank account

EXILE: He Was banished to

country as apUnishment

Australia where he diedjfiveyears later The children Were banished 廊om the dining room. 2 一 sb/sth (from sth) to make sb/sth go awayi to getiid ofsb/sth: The Sightoffood banished alL other thoughts 广om my mind. ibamn-ish-mmenmt /bznrfmaent/ noun [U].the Dunishment ofbeing sent away from a Place, especially 位om a country ban-isHter (alsoban-mis-ter)/ aenrsteG)/ nown (BrEalso iban-is-ters [pl.]) the posts and Iail which you can hold for support when going UP or down stairs: to hold on to 一Picture 己>STAIRCASE the banisterDaniisters bamjo /bznd5av; NAmE'baend5oo/ nouUnm (PN-Ds) a music-

hasin animalamce movn the amount of moneythat sb their bank accont at aparticularrtime


al instrument'like a GUITAR, With a long necki a Tound

gs c PAGE R7 一picture body and four or more strin ami 和

/bz0k/ 0ovm, yeb


在 IOU1 1Tan orgafiization that Provides various FOR WONEY financialserviceslforexamplekeeping Orlending money:

the Mysalaryzpaid directty into TY bamnjk .erTneedtogoto 钵 ofa banlg:SabankIoaneabank banK (= thelocal of ce

manager--see alSOINVESTMENT BANK5 MERCHANT BANK .that are >JN _GAMBLING -了 .asSUPPIY of money or things Used as money'in SOme games, especially those 记 which gambling is involved > STH COLLECTEDJsSTORED



ban-gle /bangl/ noun apiece ofjewellery in the form of alarge ring of gold, silver etc. worn loosely around the

3 an amount of sth that is col-

moUmiT(alsoibankePs card)j (both BrE) a

Plastic card Drovided by yoUT bankthat maybeused as a CHEQUE CARD Or DEBIT CARD Or to get InOney 企om yoUuI account out of a machine 2 (NAmBia credit card ProVided by your banlo that can alsobe Used-as a DEBIT CARD and to get money from yoOUI account OU of a machine

bank dra生 (also'bankers dra竹)00Un a cheque paid OF

by a bank to another bank or'to 3 Particular person organization a bank bamnkcer /banke(CD)/ noun 1 apPerson Who owns a or has an immportantjob atabank:a TerchantDpamnker 辽 person who is ip charge ofthe moneyin particular games bank bankers Order noun (Br an instruction to YOUT t一 to pay money to sb directy frora your bank accoun


ple bank'hoiiday (Br6) noun apublic holiday, forexam Chtistmas Day NewYears Dayy etc.:BamK Holiday Momday by a oa bank holiday weekenadi(= 3 Weekend followed Y 一coOmPare 一see also HOLIDA Monday which is aholiday)


/baenkm/ noun [U] the business activity of banici banks: SFes thinking abpoutacareer im bankingly BTE) bamg-note /20kneot; NAmE -nout/ 7OUn (especial

of = NOTE:Jorged(='inlegally copied) bankrnotes lected; aplace where sth is stored readyfortse:aparK K alsoO DATABANK Knowledge Ca blood/sSperrmt bpam一See ate 7OUn therate of interestchargedbyabankfor bamicr etc.and the in_a DFRIVERJCANRAL 4 -the sideofariver CANAL; lending money which is fixed by a _central bank DaTiK. e 0Dposit the landnearit' He 元mpedin and swarm to COuUntry the of house & Tts om 二emiorth banEof the Thames 2 a Panlcroil /bz0kreol; NAmE 工0UL/ verb, noOUn 有 n) by banks of 切 eRiver Seyernm (二 on landnear therive Ver [VN] (informal especial NAIm 日to Support sbysth 本 at the Sides, claimed his caTmpaiSm = SLOPE 5 aaised area of ground that slopes :They FINANCE money giving Were low often at the edge of sth or dividing sth: There jhad beern banmkrolled with drug money. ran dowP ecandibanks of earth between the rice Jields. ceThe girls 曙 nOUn (especially NAmE) a sSUPP1y of money: He is 纺 side e iltatth siopebu l artificia am 6 thesteep grassyDarnK. the biggest caTmpaigr Daikrol. with date ofaroad, so that cars can drive fast around bends b 了 bank-rupt jbaenkrApt/ adj ,noum, ve cloud,snow,etC., > OF CIOUDJsSNOW,EFTC- 7amass of gh money to Pay What you Oowe t-enou withou 1T 0dj. 四 eared disapp Su THe especially one formed by the Wind:r INSOLVENT: TheyWentbamkruptin1I993.2 The combehind abamk ofclouds. Was declared bamkrupt 训 the Higsh Court 了2 一 (of pany objects, similar > OF ARACRINES ETC 8 arIow oT series of qisopproving) completely lacking in anything (Jormajj sth) rmhes/co ideas Ca especially machines: C bank of Lights/switc that has Value: Q goyernmentt barKruUPt of meW Puters Pt barnKkru norally thatis7m society 迁you be not 和 reak:the 'bank (informal humorous) 上 MOUm (laW) a Person Who has been judgedbyacourtto that 让 Wont say'sth wom't break the bank, you mean her debts or payhis to unable 一more Was amost cost alot of money, or more than yoU can afford 上 yeEb [VN] to make sb bankrupt: The comPpary atLAUGHV DamKkrupted by legalcosts. 是 .VE 几 noun [U,G] (L jes) the account: SRe 1 bank-rupt-cy /baenkrAptsi/ > .MONEY 1_[VN] to Putmoney into abank INSOLVENCY: The comPaTnyY Dankrupt beimg of state bwo 训 Tnilliom EI10 t) Delieved to have banked (= been Paid) filed for bankruptcy (= asked to be officially bankrup t with a years. 2.[V] 一 (with/at … ) to have an accoun bamkruptcy > There could be cal Ppoliti moralIZ 2003. in for Witn Coutts particular bank: The Jomily had bariKed Jrther Darikruptcies among Smaall jarrmters,


higher than the > OFEPLANE 3 [V] to travel with one Side to the Left. otherFwhen turning: The plane pafiked steeply

into Piles:They > FORM PILES 4 [VN] 一 sth (up) to form sth Dankedthe earth (up) into armmound. on a fire so that , 太 FIRE 5 TVN] 一 sth (up)jto pile coal, etc. fire was pariked the freburns slowly for a long time: Te UPD as high as 矿 让Were nidwinte 太 om anik on sbjsth to rely on sb/sth; TbariKing to help me. YOU On g bamkin 外:PP 也 to [+ your help.C to eat on the [+ -ing] TWwas banking om getting Sommething (=itis not it rn bamjco Dont help he 丰ain SO Tm SUrE es, especially likelytohappen), bank'up to form intopil Dp againrstthe because of the'Wind; The SniOW Pad5anked Wall


| army

| aonow


ent) 0 a printed re,ank statermment (alsostatesm into and out of a customers

cord of all the money paid bank accotint within a particular period with a mesibanm-mer /bznaeGD)/ ouUn a long piece of cloth hung in a or poles two n betwee carried thatis 直 sageon rs carried Qa Proteste sth: for t SUPPOTI show to place public banner reading Save our Wildli拒、

of boftJammeradl "0U1 an advertisement acroSS the top t tom of down the side ofa page on the Interne in large Printed words lineof a jpammer eadjime ov letters across the front page of a newSpPaperT sth is espe,bammer year houn (NAmE) a yearin which cially Successful

| aogo (BrE | ob go (NAm 日 | or boy: | me near

| ee hair|

ze -pure


108 |

内 作

bamn:.nmis.-ter: = BANISTER lpamns /bzenz/ mu7r [pl] a public -statement ip chtireh that two people intend to marryeach other

abarofchocolate -fyou wantto describe a whole unitofa particular substance, ora group of things that are normially

togethern forexamplewhenyou buy them, you need tc: Usethe correct word., = 着 全/计生 人

ban'offi pie (also bamoffee 'pie) /bamnofipar; NAmE

banoxfi; :inaf/ noun asweetfood made with TOFFEE, BANANAS, andicream

ban:quet / bankwzrt/noun' Ta formal meal fora large

number ofpeoplei usually foraspecialoccasionj at which Speeches are often made: a state bamnquet 训 honour oFthe Visiting President 2 alarge impressive meal

ban-quet:ing /bz0kwrtm/ cd connected with ban-

duets; a parmqueting ha ban-quette /bz ket/noumn along softseat along awall iD arestaturant, etc:


ban-shee /ban'i:; bzenji:/ novn (in Irish stories) a 全 Imale Spirit who gives a long sad cry as a warmmning to People that sb in their family is going to diesoon

四abarofsoap/chocolate; acandybar

日ablock ofice/stone/wood Ea boltrolylength offabric

蛋 引cube of ice/sugar; an ice/su8ga rcube 人



ban-yan /bzenjen/ (also'banyan tree) noun aS Asian

tree with structures that grow down from the branches tothe ground and then grow intonewToots and TRUNKS bao-bab /bereubzeb; NAmE 'berou-/ noun_ a short thick tree found especially 识 Africa and Australia, that lives for many years bap /bzp/moun (Br6jaroundflatbread roll-_see also BUN bap-tisrm /bzptzzem/ moun a Christiam ceremony'in ich a few drops of water are poured:on sb or they are



abundleof papers/sticks ss 至.a Set/bunch of keys -


于 arolloffilm/carpet 二 aslabofmarble/concret 是 astickofgum :2



ban.tam /bzntem/ noun atype of small chicken ban:tam:weight /bzenteamwert/ nou7m a BoxER weigh-

ipDg between 51 and 53.5 kilograms, or aWRESTLER Who Weighs between 52 and 57 Kilograms heavier than aFIYWwWEIGHT: a pamtarmweightcharmpiom ban-ter /bz2nteGr)/ oO0n, ye 旧 0OU1 [U] friendly remarks anid jokes: eemnjoyed exchamSimgDbanter Withn the custormmers: 上 Yerb [V] 一 (with sb) to joke with Sb: He pantered With Teporters amd posed Jorphotograpjers. ban-ter.ing /bznteri/ ad (of away'of talking) amusingand friendly: There Was aienaly Dariteringtone iis

日aset of chairs/glasses/clothes/guitarstrings covered with water to welcome them into the Christian Church and often to name them一compare CHRISTENING [ca baptism of 'fire: adifficultintroduction to anew job or activity


/bap'tizmael/ adj [only before noun]icon-

nected with baptism:a baptismalservicex CeTeTiOTIY Bap-tist /bzptist/7ovn amember ofaChristiaii Protest: ant Church that believes that baptism should take Place When a person is old enough to"understand Whatait Imeans, and not as a baby 度 Baptist 0d/ [usually before nounm]: a Baptist cpurch

bap-tize (BrEalso-ise)/bap'tarz/ vemb [usually passive] to give sb BAPTISM: [VN-N] ,She was baptized Mary CTWas baptized a Catholic. [also VN] 一seealso CHRISTEN

Bapu /bapu:/ noun (IndEj) Ti(used especiallyas aformof addiess) afather 2 aname by which MahatmaGaidhiis Teferred to showing affection 羡

lbair 0m. /baoD/inovniverb,prep

下 0OU1

* 下OR DRINKS/FOOD 1 [Gaplace where youcan buy and drink'alcoholic:and other ,drinks: We mmetat apar called the 必Lamingo. o theislands only licensed bar (= one that

isiallowed to sell alcoholic drinks)j gacocktailbare (BrE)I Jound DavidinthebaroftheRedzIion (=aroomina pub where drinks are served). 一 see also BARROOM, LOUNGE BAR,MINIBAR,,PUBLIC BAR SAIOONIBAR 了 [Ci along Wide wooden surface where drinks, etc. areiserved: She

Was sitting at the par 人 iEwWas so crowadea Teoulan &etto thebar- 3 [C (especially in compounds) a Placeim which aparticular kind offood or drink is the main thing thatis

sandwich bar

served: a sandwich bar e Q co 克 e 大 关 see also OXYGEN


2 天 中机 由 bar of chocolate

bar of soap

bar code


4 [C] a piece of sth with straight

sides: abar ofchocolate/soap ^ Catdy bars =~OF METAL/W0O0D 5 [q along straight piece of metal or Wood,Bars are oftem used to stop sb from getting through asSpace: He smmashed the Window with an iron 5ar CAILthe 8round jioor windows were fitted with pars ea Jive-par gate (= one made with five horizontal bars of wood) 一 pic-



five-bar gate

b badg

| adid

| ffalls

bars on a window

129 getie



JG@[G a piece :of- metal with_ wire

wrapped around itthat becomes red and hot when elactricity is passed through 让 IN SPORTS 7 thelbarfsing:] the cROssBAR ofa goal: His ShotRhitthebar * OF COLOUR/LIGHT 8 [G] aband of colotirorlight: Bars of SUTlightslanted down 广om the tall narrow windows.

上 cat


由 mman

| Annow

| p pen

| -rred

> THAT PREVENTS STH 9 [Cusually sing汪 ~ (to sth) a thing that stops sb from doing sth: At that tme beingawoman Was abarto Promotion 训 mostprofessions,: 一See also coOLOUR BAR. > TIN MUSIC 10 (BrE)(NAmE imeas-ure) [C one ofthe short Sections of equal length:that a piece of mnusic is divided into, and the notes that are in it:Jour beats to the bar c the opening bars ofa piece of music 一picture 只 MUSIC

*1LAW 11

the Bar[sing:] (Brb the Profession of BARRIS-

TER (= alawyerin ahigher court): to be called to the Bar (= allowed to work'as a qualified BARRISTER) 12 the Bar[sing.] (NAmE) the profession of anykind oflawyer > MEASUREMENT 13 atunitfor measuring the pressure of the atmosphere, equalto a hundred:thousand NEWTONS

Per square metre 一see also MILLIBAR nmotihavea 'barof sth(AUstro/E; NZB)tohave nothingtodo with sth: 矿 he friestosellyouhnis can domtEhavea DaroFit behind 'bars(njormcal)in prison: The7mmurderer zmow Safely benind pars. 国 Verb (rr [VN] * CLOSE WITH BARS 1 [usually passivej to closez:sth with a bar orbars: AILthe doors and windows were barred. * 昌 LOCK 2:;to block aroadi path, etc..so that nobody can pass: Two police oficers were barring herexit ceWe found OUF Way barred by rocKs.

= PREVENT 3 ~ sb (from sth/from doing sth) to ban or Prevent sb from doing sth: The players are barred arinKing alcohol the mightpeforeaTmatc 严



,barbed “wire nouvn [] Strong) wire with short

barbed: wire

一= 一 一 加

sharp points on it,used especially., for fences: a parbed wire emce




ma:rbel/nounalongmetal bar with weights at each_ end used in .the sport of WEIGHTLIETING and for exercise 一Picture 只 DUMB-BELL

bar'ber/babaC); NMmE'barb-/ noun 1 aperson'whose job is to cut men's hair and sometimes to shave them

2 (also barber's) (both Br6) (Pbar-bers) a shop where men can have their hair cut 一compare HAIRDRESSER.

bar-ber-shop /badbafop; NAmE "barberjJadp/ moun 1 (especially NAmB) (BrE usually barber's) [C] a Place where a barber works 2 [U] a type of light music for four parts suiig by men, without instruments: QG barbe 六 Shop qUartet a

,barber*s ,pole novn a pole painted with asPIRAL of red and white that is traditionally hung outside a barbers Shop

bar:bie /ba:bi; NAmE 'bazrbi/ noun (BrE, AustralE njor /majl 三 BARBECUE like an attractive young Woman 了 2 (njormal) a woman Who is sexually attractive, especially one who is thought to be stupid or boring

,bar 'billiards "oun [U] (BrE) a game played on a small

bar.aza /bara:za/ noun (EAFfrB a public .meeting that is held in order to discuss important matters affecting the commtunity

barb/ba:b; NAmEbazrb/noun 1 the point of an arrow or abookthatis curvedbackwardstomakeit difficultto pull out 2 aremairk that is meant to hurt sb's feelings 一see also BARBED

bar.bar-ian/ba:'bearian; NAmEbazrber-/0oun

站 aper

son long ago in the:past who ,belonged to a European people which was considered wild and UNCIVILIZED: bar Barian inyasiomns of the 记 ftpn century 了 a person Who behaves very badly and has no respect for art, education,


table, 记 which you try to hit balls into holes without lnocking down the small wooden objects that stand in front ofthe holes







powerful drug that makes yo feel calm and relaxed or puts youto sleep. There are several types ofbarbiturate:-

Bar.bourr' /babac); NMAmE 'barbar/ noun a type of coat, usually_ dark green, made of Special cotton with WAxonitthat protects againstrain and wind

'barchart(lalso 'bar graph)movn adiagram which uses narrow bands of different heights to show different amotunts,5So that they can be:compared 一picture 定


barbaric /bazbaertk; NAmE barb-/ adj. 1 cruel and Violent and not as expected from People who are educated and respect each other: Ga parbaric act/cUstom/ ritual C The Way these _animals are Killed Darbaric,

2 connected /li/ adv




bar.lbar'ism /babarrzem; NMAmE.ba:rb-/ moun LU Ta state_ of not having_ any education,respect for art' etc. 2 cruel or Violent behaviour: the barbarismm of war

bar-bar:ity /bazbaereti; .NAmE-bazr'b-/ noun (P/ -ie [u,G behaviourthat deliberately causes extreme Pain cr Suffering to others

bar-bar-Ous/'ba:bares; NAmE'barb-/ adi (ormna) 1Textremely cruel and:shocking: the barbarous treatrrertt oF 织ese prisoners of war 2 Showing alackofeducation and

good manners # barbarouslyadv bar.lbe-cue/ba:brkju:; NAmE'bazrb-/ noum, ye/b 四DOU1:(Gbpbr 如 BQ (also impformal barbie BrE AUstra/ 有) 1 a metal frame for cooking food on over an open fire outdoors:Tputanothersteak on the barbecuve. Qbarbecue

一PicturecPAGERII 之 an sausage (= COoked in this way)

outdoor meal or party when food is cooked in this way: 一coOmpare COOKOUT Tebs hayvea parbecuve/ ue 只 PAGE 一Picture [V VN] to cook food on abarbec 和 ye

RII 一compare BROIL barbecue 'saucenoun [CU] a spicy sauce served with food that has been cooked on abarbecue

barbed/babd; NMmEbazrbda/ ad凡 1 (ofanARROW or a

hook) having a point that is curved backwards (called a

BARB) 了 (of a remark or comment) meant to hurt Sb's feelings s see


'Barbie dollrv (also Barbie) novn 1 a poLL thatlooks

四 Prep. except for sb/ysth: The students allattended bar two Who Were 记 jlts the bestresuLtWweye eyer had bar mone

(= none was better).


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| z zoo | Tishoe

'bar code movn a Pattern of thick and thin lines that printed on things youbuy. It containis information that 3 ComPpnuter can read. 一Picture 忆 BAR

barg /badd; NMAmE bard/ noun (literay).a person who Writes Poems

bare/beaGD); NAmEber/ adj, vemb

BEGcdj (barer barest 1 not covered by any clothes: She Likes to walk arourtd 识 bare feet 一see also BAREFOOT 2 (oftrees or countryside) not covered with leaves; withoUt plants or trees: the bare branches of winter trees CQ bare :Tountainside 3 (of surfaces) not covered with or protected by anything: bare Wooden jioorboards 2 Bare Wires Were sticking out of the cable. The walls Were bare exceptjJor aclocK 4 (of a room, cupboard, etc.) empty: The Fridse Was completely bare. C pare shelyves 5 [only before moun] justenough; the mostbasic or simple: The farm= il Was short ofevem the bare miecessities of Li ec We'orly Phad the bare esseTttials in the way ofequiprment Ce did the bare minimurn ofywork butstillpassed theexam. She gaye me only 雪 e bare jcts of the case. e Was the barest Pintofasmile. cnote atNAKED, PLAIN baremess10un [U] the bare 'bones (of sth) the basic facts: the

bare bones of the Story With your bare hands without Weapons ortools: He was capable of Killing amar with Phis

bare haads lay sth bare (jormaj to show sth that was

covered or to make sth known that was Secret: Eyery as5-

Ppect of their private Lives has been Iaid bare. 一more at CUPBOARD 是 VE/ 峭 [VN] to _remove the covering from sth, especially from part of the body: She was paid seyeral thousand doLllars to bare all(= take all herclothes off) for the mmasaxinel IE bareyour 'soul (to sb)totell sb your deepest

| 5 vision

| tfchain

| as jam

| 9 thin

| 5this

| 0 sing



and most privateifeelings:bare youe teethto showyourteeth in an aggressive and threateningway: The dog bared

itsteethand groWiled

bare-backc /besbaek; NAmE 'berb:f adi, ady of ahorse without a SADDLE: a pareback rider criding'bparebacK bare-faced /Deasferst,NAmE "berf/ 5oj [only before noun] (disopproving) showing that you do not caresabott offending sb or abotit behaving badly BALD-FACED, BLATANT: Qbarefaced lie Ce barefaced cheeK

bare:foof/ beafot:NAmE'DerE/ (also /esseqUenEEarefoeotfedj aodj,ady notiwearing anything on yotir feet Poor chilaren going barefoot im the sfeet

pare-Phead-edi/beahedrd; NAmE berh-/ di ,adv_ not Wearing anything to coveryourhead

,pare-'Knuckie(also ,pare-'knuckied) ad [onlybefore noun] (of a BOXER or BOXING match) without gloves

有 are-iy /beaeli; NAmE 'berli/ ady Tin awaythat is just possible but only with difficulty: The music was parely audaiple. ' She Was barely able to stand. 2 We barely jhad time to catch the train QZ inaWwWaythat alimnost does Dot happen or exist: She barely acKknowledged his presemnce. 和 There Was barely any SmielL 3 justy certainly not more than (a particular amount, age, time, etcj):Barely 5096 OF the populatiomn yoted 2 He wasrbarely 20 years old amd already runming his own comzpamy 2 They arriyved parely:a 7minutelater . onlyavery shorttime before:Thad barely started speaking When he interrupted 72e. 只 note atHARD工科

arf/baf; NAmEbazrf/ vemb[V] (NmE informal tovoMIE :barfDovn [U]


全y /bafar NAmE 'bar-/ noun (P/ =iesji(informaha


bargaimitm 和 chip(B7rEalso“"bargainmincoudnten moun afactorathingthataperson ora group ofpeople can Use to'getan advantage for themselves When they are trying to react an agreemerit with another group

parsainmings Powernoun

[U] the amotunt of control a

Person or group has When trying to Teach an agreement with another groupin abusiness Or Political situation

有arge/ba:ds; NAmEba:rds/ movn, ye 册 苗]OU1 a large boat;With a flat bottom, used for carrying goods and people'on CANALS and rivers 豆 yejb[ 二adyVprep]ito move in aniawkward way Pushing people out of the way or crashing into them PUSH2: [V] Be barged past7mme togettothe bar ce[VN] Theybarged their Way 'through 雪 e crowds. ,parge in:(om sb/ sthhnjtoenteraplace orjoin a group ofpeople rudely inter rupting what sb else is doing or saying:Tjhopeyou.dom共 Tmnind me barging im Like this. C Fe barged 识 OUSTWjile We Were hayirrg'Qa7Tmeetirg.

Parge-bpoard /bdd5sbo:d; NAmE bara5sboxrd/ noOUn a board that is fixedtothe endofarooftohidethe ends of the wooden roof BEAMS bargsee/ba:'d5i:; NMAmEbasr'd5i:/ mon aperson who controls of Works on a BARGE mouwn barge-pPole /badspsedgl; NAmE- bardspoogl/ See TOUCHY

arSsraplhn7mou太 = BARCHART 有arhopyve 妨[V] (pp-) (NA7 忆 rmaljto drink 记 aser ies ofbars in a single dayor evening

划 枯 广 计-ta /bari:ste; -Tis-; 0 有-/1OU1 a Deisom WhoOSWorKS 也 a COFFEE BAR

Pari-tone /baerrteun; NmE-toon/ movun T aman's SingPerson who spendsalot of time drinking in bars ing Voice with aramge between TENOR and BASS; a Inamn with a baritone Voice 2 amusical instrument that is SejparEaimm GE /bdgan; NAmE'ba:rgaen/ moun, verb condlowestin PITCH in its family w paritone adj/ 一com豆 0OU1 T athing -bought for less than the tisual price: 工 Pare ALTO, BASS, TENOR Picked upafw good bargains 访 the sale:o The car Wasa Dargaim at 加 at Price bargain Prices 了 一 (with sb) an Iariumn /Desrism; NAmE"ber/ moon [U] (sy7m5 Ba) aa agreement between twoormorepeople or groupsirto do chemical elementthat is a soft silverwhite metal sth foreach other: He and his partnerhadmmadeabargain ,Dariurmi'meali7novn asubstance containingbarium that to tell each other eyerything. C Tvesdone WhatTPpromised a doctor gives sb to swallow before an X-RAY becaltise 让 and.Texpectyou to Keep your side of the barsgain (= do Imakes 0rgans in the body easier to See whatyou agreed in return). Finally the two sides strucka Park /ba:k; NAmEbad:rk/ noun, yerb pargain (= reached an agreement). into the :ba 各 10OU1 _[U,C] .1 the outer covering of a tree 一picture 字 Saim (BrE) (NAmE also 证 tihe pargainm) (used to emphaTREE 字 了 the short loud sound made by dogs and some Size an extrapiece ofinformation) also; as well: VoIUrtteers other animals 3 a short loud Sound made bya guin ora learma lot and enjoy themselyves 识 to thue bargain 一 more at Voice::a_park of Jaughter sp's bark is worse fthan HARD0Gd1; STRIKE V their pite (njormal) used to say that sb is not really as 吾 Veb [V] ~ (with sb) (about/over/for sth) to disctiss Pices; angry or as aggressive as they Sound conditions,etc. with sb in order to reach an agreement 吾 Ve 1 吵 [V]~(atsb/sth) when adog barks, it makes 3 that is acceptable NEGOTIATE: He said he wasmnit DreShort loud sound: The dog suddenly started barKing at Us: Ppared'to bargain.CJmn the mmnarketidealers Were Dargaining With growers oyer t妇 e price of coffee: Jargain 2 ~(out sth to give orders, ask qtuestions, etc. iD aloud; sthea'way to give:sth away:andinot get sth iof:equal Unfriendlyway: [VN] She barked ouEamorder 有 HeDbarked value ip return: They 帮 iEthattheir eaders had bargained duestions ather [alsoyV speech] 3 (especioyBrito rub away their freedom, pargainforonsth (usuallyinnegathe Skin off your knee,etc. by falling2orby knocking tive sentences)j to expect sth to happen andibe-prepared against sth GRAZE be barking upthewrong for it: We:hadnit bargained: for this suddem change 识 :the Eree (njormal) tohave the wrong ideaiabouthow to get Weather When he-agreed toamnswWwer afew questions -he Or achieve sth:7YDUre barking UP thewrong tree 太 yotTe Sot more thamt he bargsained for (= he :got,more quesexXpecting US to lend yo amny 7Tmnorey. See DOG1: tions, or more difficult:ones, than he-had expected). 和 ppark-er /badka); NAmE "bark-/nounial person' who [十 -ing] TIdidntbargain on finding 轨 emhere as WellLicT stands'outside'a Place where there is entertainment and hadrtbargained omthem being here: Shouts to people to go in

pargain 'pasermmeenmt novn aDartofalarge shop/store,

usually ip the floor below street level, where goods are sold at reduced PIices: pargain-basermmentDrices

argain hunmter "ovn aperson whoislookingforgoods that are good value for moneyiusuallybecause they are being sold at Prices that are lower than Usual 天 "pargain hunting mown [U]

Parsainm-in呈 /bdgenm; NAmE'barg-/ noun [U] discus= Sion ofprices, conditions, etc. with the aim ofreachingan agreement that is _acceptable NEGOTIATION: After TUch hard bargairzimg We reached an agreement COWasge bargainingEXporters are 训 astrongbargainirng positionm

arkc-ing'miad(alsoparEing)2 丰 (BrE informahconiz Pletely crazy

pbar-Iey /baali; NAmE'barli/ movn [U] a plant grown for its grain that is used for making food, beer and WwWHISKY; the grains of this Plant 一Picture 咏 CEREAL

由 arfey sugar "ovn [U] ahard clear sweet/candy made 们om boiled sugar

areley water "ou [U] (Br6 a drink made by boiling BARLEY in watei. It is Usually 人 avoured with ,orange or lemon: Iemomn barley water

Jpariey 'wine "ovn [u] a strong English beer

2 cat | d father | eten | sbird |.a about:| xsit | isee | imany:| pgot:(BrE) | orsaw | Arcup:| 5 put |



barjlinmenoxn (mwsiclaverticalline used in written music


to mark adivision between BARSVMEASURES

及 林 六rm 襄 /bameid;, NAmE "barm-/ moun (Br 日(NAmE bartend-en a woman who works in a bar,serving

bar-omet /bzrenat/ noun (abbr :Barb Bb:(in Britain) a man who has the lowest rank of honour which can be passed from a father tohis son when he dies:-Baronets usethe title Sr 一compare KNIGHT(2)

drinks barman /badman NAmE barmnan 太novun (PI 3men /maenj)z(especially -BrE) (NMmE usually barftend-en a

bar-Om-ei-Cy/bzeraenatsi/ mouvn (p/ -ies) the rank'or pos-

man who works in abam SerVing drinks

iion ofa baronet

和ar mitz-yai /ba: 'mrtsvae; NAmE bar/ noun 1 a cere-

bar-om-al /baraunial; NAmE -roo-/ adj. [usually_ before

Iony and celebration for a Jewish boy who has reached the age of 13, at which he accepts the religious responsibilities ofan adnult 2 theboywhois celebrating this occa-

noun] connected with or typical of a BARON: Q baromial Pall bar-omy/bzereni/ movn{(p/ -ie91T therankor position of aBARON 2 an areaofland that is owned and controlled

Sion 一compare BAT MITZVAH barmy/bami;NAmE'barmi/ adi (BrE informalj)'slightly

by a BARON


有arm/bcm; NAPmEbadrn/ noun T alargefarmbuilding for

bar-oqae (also 吾aroque) /barok; NAmE barouk/ ad

storing grain orkeeping animals in: a hay parn ceThey live 碎 acoriverted barn (三abarmnthathas been turned into a house). 一picture 只 PAGE Ro 一See also DUTCH BARN 了 a large Plain ugly building: TPey Live 识 a great parn of a house. 3 (NA a building in which buses,trucks,etc. are keptwhennotbeing used dose;, etc- the barn door after the 和 orse has e'scaped (NAmB) 吕 STABLE

ibarque/ba:k; NAmEbark/ nouwn asailing ship with three

[usually before noun] used to describe European ARCHITECTURE, art and music of the 17th and early 18th centuries thathas a grand and highly decorated style: barogue churches/mausic o the baroque period ## barogque (also 开aroqmue mouwm [sing.]; Paintings representtatiye of te Daroque


or more MASTS' (三 posts that SuUpportthe sails)

和arnacjie /bamnakl; NAmE 'barn-/ 0oun a small SHELL-

bar-rack/baerek/ ve 履[VVN] TI(Brb to shout criticism

FisH that attaches itself to_objects Underwater for-example to rocks and the bottoms of ships

at players in a game, speakers at a meeting, Performers;


etc. 卫 ~ (fon sb (AustralE, NMZ6) to shout encouragement to aperson or team that you SUPPort

mouniaGoosE with a white face and a

-区 barracking

mouwm [U]

black neck thatbreeds in Greenland

barracks /bzereks/:noun [C+sing,/plv]i(p/ barrackg

Bar-mpardo?s /bamaidauz; NAmE barmardooz/ mnOUwn a British charity that helps children with social,pPhysical and mental problems ETaIFromDrThomas Barnardo, who opened ahome for Poor children without parents ip London 记 1870.

1 alarge bilding or group of buildings for soldiers to live in: an armmy barracks 2 The 太roops Were ordered pack to _barFacks, 2 any large tugly building or buildings 全 和arrackad/ [only before noun]: aparracKZVmtt

由 arn danmce moun an informal social event at which

barra-couta/ baserekuxte/ OUn (P/ barra-cottal along th记 fish found in the sotthern oceans bar-ra-cudla /bzera'kju:de; NAmE -kuzda/ nouvn arlarge aggressive fish with sharp teeth,thatlives in warm Seas barrage/baerad:3; NAmEbaTa:35/ OU 了 [CUusually sing] the continuous firing of a largemumberof guns in a par ticular direction, especiallyto Protect soldiers while they are attacking or moving towards thie enemy 2 [sing.] ~ (of sth) a large number of sth, such as questions OF coOm= ments, that are directed'at sb very quickly one after the other often in an aggressive way:a barrage of questiomnswcriticisms/cormplaints 3 / NAmE barrds/ [q a wall orbarrier built across a river' to store water,PIeVent aflood, etc.

People dance traditional COUNTRY DANCES ipar-met/bDamnrt; NAmE'ba:rn-/.0oun (BrE;, Informal) aper-

Sonms hair

iparmey /bamni; MAmE 'bazrmni/ noun (BrE monmaI an argument

arnmiOwilnoun a BIRD OF PREY(= abird that kills other

creatures for food) ofthe owL family, that oftemn makes its s 上 PAGE R20 一Picture nestin BARNS and other building 和arm-storm /bamstozm; NAmE 'ba:rnsto:rm/ verb (esPeciolly NmaBjtotravel quicklythrough an area making polical speeches,or getting a lot of attention for your organization, ideas, etc.: [V] He parnstormmed across tpe 5DUthermn States 训 ai attemzptto Woo the yoters. [also VN]


barrage balloomnoun alarge BALLOON :that floats in

adj [only before noun] a barnstorming performance or show of skill in asports game, etc.is one that People find VeIy exciting to watch

ipar-ra-mumdjiy/baremAndi/nov7 (pbarramundh 'a

ma-im吕 /bamstozmmm; 和 barn-stor


the air and is held in place by cables, used in the past to make the progress ofenemy aircraft more difficult large fish found in rivers in Australia and SE Asia

barnyard/banja:d; NAmE'bazrnjdrd/ nouvnian area on

afarmthatis surrounded byfarm buildings jbaeregrad:f NAmE :graef/ mnOU1 a BARONMETER that records information by drawing ailine on a CHART barom-eter /bearomrtaD); NAmE :ram-/ noun 站 an instrument for measuring air pressure to show when the weather willchange: The parometer is jallning (= showing

that it will probably rain).- 了 something that shows the changes that are happening in an economic, Social or political situation: Infant mnortality is a reliable .barometer co barometric/,bzereImetrIk/ socio-economic conditions, 0dj.: barometric DresSUTe barom/baeren/ noun 1 aNOBLEMAN of the lowest Iank. In Britain,, barons use the title Lord; in other countries theyusethetitle Baron. 2 aperson Who Owns oOT controls alarge part ofa particular 记 dustry: Q Press paromn cedrug parons Ta iar-om-ess /bzarenas;j ”NA4ImE ,baeremes/ Hou woman whohas the samerank as abaron. In Britain, baronesss Use the title L6dy or Baromess: Baroness Thatcher

2 the wife ofabaron


| ar my

| “aonow

| ersay

| ao go (BrEj

iparreji/bzeral/ 0oumn; ve 届 下]IOU1T alargeroundcontainen usuallymadeofwood or metal, with flat ends and, usually, curved sides: Q beer/ Wine barrel 2 this contents of or the amount contained in _a barrel; a_ unit:of measurement in the oil industry equal to between 120 and 159 litres: They got through two barrels of peer-c Oil prices fjell to 89 abarrel -3 the part of a gun like a tube through which the bullets are

fired abarrel of laughs(often ironic) Very amusing; alot of fun: Life hnasmt exactby peen aparrel of LauSghs lately,(getj/haye sb) over a barrel Unformal) (to PuU

have sb) in a situation in which they must accept or do What you want: TheyYye got US_oyer a barTel FEither We agreeto their terms or We lose the money. 一more atLOCK1., SCRAPE V,,SHOOTXV 司 Ve 咏( [V + ady7Zprep] (MAmE informal to move veiy fast in a particular direction, especially in away that yoU cannot control: He came barreling dowmn the hill and Smashed into aphone booth,

,barrei-'chestedcdi (ofaman) having alarge rounded chest

| ou go (NMAm 有 | of boy

| ze near

| ea hair

| 5e pure

barrel organ

112 |

barrelorgan novr a musical instrument that is Played by turning a handle,, usually Played in the streets for

Imoney= see also ORGAN-GRINDER

bar:ren /bzren/ oadj. 1T(ofland or soil) not good enough for plants to grow on it: a barren deseri ea barremn lartdscape (= one that is empty, with few Plants) 2 (of Plants or trees) not producing fruit or seeds

bas:alt /baesozlt; NAmEbae'so:lt/ moun [u] a type of dark ITock that comes from VOLCANOES



3 (old-jshioned or jormaj) (of women or female animals) able to Produce chijldren or young animals INFERTILE 4 [usually before noun] _not Producing anything useful or Successful: The tearm Wil corne throuSR this barren patch and start to win again barrenness /baerennas/ noun [U]

barrette /bae'ret/ mouwn (NAm 日= HAIRSLIDE

barri"cade /baerrkerd/ noun; veb 下 IOUm a line of objects Placed across a road, etc. to stop People from getting Past: The police Stormed the barrcades the demonmstrators had PuUEUP. 是 Ver [VN] to defend or block sth by building abarricade: They barricaded all the doors and windows. barri-

icade yourself 'in/'inside (sth) to build a barricade ip 位ont of you in order to Prevent anyone fom coming in: He had barTricaded himseiF im his roo7m.


/baerieGnD)/ moun

1 an object like a fence that Prevents People from moving forward from one place to another: The crowd had to Sta7ld behind barTriers. C Show your 上 CCKet at the barrier一 See also CRASH BARRIER 也 ~ (to sth)ja problem, rule or Situation that Prevents sb from doing sth, or that makes sth impossible: the remoyal of trade barriers C Iack of comJiademnce is apsychological barrier to Success. 3 ~ (between

Aand B) | ~ (against sth) something that exists between one thing or person and another and keeps them separate: The Yangtze river is anatural parrier to the mnorth-east

C There was Tio real barrier between reality and 名ntasy 态 Pis 7mind COzone 二 the earths barrier against ULtra-yiolet radiatior. thelanguage barrier(=三WhenPpeople cannot comrmunicate because they do not speak the same language) 4 aparticular amount, level or number which it is _difficult to get past: the st player -Whose earmirgs Passed the 8IO7nillion barrier

barrier method "ovn'amethod ofavoiding becoming pregnant'by stopping the SPERM from Teaching the egg, for example byusing a CONDOM

barrier 'reef movn aline of rock and coRAL in the sea, often not far from land

bar-ring /ba:rm/ prep except for; unless there is/are: Bai7Ting accidents; We should arrive om tie.

barrio /baeriso; NAmE'ba:riou/ mnoun (from SPanish)(P/ -os) 1 adistrict of a city in Spain or in another SpanishSpeaking country 2 (US) adistrictsof acity in the US where alotofSpanish-speaking peoplelive barris-ter /bzrista(r)/ noun alawyerin Britain whohas therTightto argue cases in thehigher courts oflawc note atLAWYER


/baurum; rom/ movn aroomrin which alco-

holic drinks are served at abar: a topic7much discussed 训 Darrooms across the country Ca barrooF brawL

lbarrow /Dareu; NAmE-rou/ novun T (BrE) a simnall open Vehicle with two wheels 从om which fruit, vegetables, etc. are Sold in the street 2 alarge pile of earth built over a Place where People were buried in ancient times: 3 王


barrow boy mour (Br6) aman or boy who sells things fom a barrow in the street


/beis/ noun, verb, ad

目 OU17 > LOWEST PART 1T [Cusually sing.] the lowest part .of sth, especially the part or surface on which it rests Or stands: the base ofa coIurmmvglasseapain atthe base ofthespine The Iamzp has a Pheayy base. 一Picture 只 ARCH, BED cnDote at BOTTOM * ORIGINAL IDEA/SITUATION 2.[G: anidea, afactb a situ:ation,etc. 人 om which sth is developed BASIS: She Used herjfornilys jhistory asapbase forphermoyeLCcEis arguTnents Phaye a sound ecomormnic base. 只 note atBASIS r OF SUPPORT/INCOME/POWER - ,3. [Cusually _sing.] ,the People, activity, etc. frfom -which sbysth gets most of their SUPPport, income, power etc.: These policies haye a broad base ofsupport 2aTLecoiomy with asolid mamujfacturing Dase 一See also CUSTOMER BASE, POWER BASE > FIRST/MAIN SUBSTANCE 4 [Cusually sing.] the first or main part ofa substanceto which other things are added:



local people bpartered Wheatjortool. CO [V] The prisoners tried to barter With the guards foriterms Like Writing Paper and books. e barter ouUn [U]: The islanders Use asystemm of barter instead of momey. jbasal /bersl/ odi (technicol forming orbelongingtoabottom layer or base: basal cells of the sKim

adrimKkK with arurm bpasecPutsome moisturizer on as Qbase Defore applying yoOUr maKke-UD. > MAIN PLACE 5 [Cl the main place Whereyoulive or stay or where abusiness operates ffom:TspendalIotoftime 训 Britain putParis tstll rmnybase:c Thetown iarmidealbase fortouring the area. CThe-company has is pase in New

Zr amd pramnch offices aliover 态e world. > OF ARMY,NAVY, ETC., 6@_ [GU] aplace where an army, a navy, etc. Operates from: a military/ nayalLbase cear air. pase After the attacj, they retburmned to base.

* CHEMISTRY 7 [C] a chemical substance, for example an ALKALL that can combine with an acid to form a salt * MATHEMATICS 8 [Cusually sing.] a number on which a System of counting and expressing numbers is built up, for example 10 in the DECIMAL System and 2 in the BIN-

ARY System ~ 1N BASEBALL/ROUNDERS 9-.[Q.one of the four Positions that a Player mustreach in order to score points 一see .also_DATABASE IE off base (NAmE njorma) completely wrong about sth: 矿 妇 abs what you thninK yoU7e


o 矿 base. 一more



TOUCHY 卓 Verb [VN] [usually passive] ~~ sb/sth/yourself in ... totisea particular city, town, etc. as the main Place forabusiness, holiday/vacation, etc.: They decided to base 态e new comDany 识 如 Ke Weye going to base ourselyes i ToKyo and Take 厅记5 方om 雪 eFe. base sth on/upon sth to use an idea a factb a Situation, etc. as the point fom which sth can be developed: Whatareyoubasing thistheoO1yY on2 一see also BASED 日0dlj. (baser,basest) (Jormal/) nothaving moral principles or rules: He acted 广orm base motives. base:ly adv


/bersboil/ mov1 人 [U] a gaimme-Pplayed espe-

cially in the US by two teams of nine Players, using a BAT and ball. Each player tries to hit the ball and then run around four BASES before the other team can return the ball: a paseball patteaTmAstadium 二compareROUNDERS 一 Picture 只 PAGE R22 2 [Cl theballused ithis game

baseball cap "ovn a cap with along pEAK (= acturved part sticking outsin front), originally Worn by BASEBALL players 一Dicture 字 HAT

base.board /bersbo:d; NmE SKIRTING BOARD

-boxrd/ noun (NAm日

"bar stool "ovn atall seat for customers at abar to sit on Bart /bat; NAmEbazrt/ abbr BARONET

base camip movn a camp where People starttheir jour ney when climnbing high mountains

bartend:er /batendaGD); NmE'DGrtE/ noumi(especially NAmE) = BARMAID, BARMAN bar:ter /batec); NAmE bart/ ve 凡 一sth (for sth) | 一 (with sb) (for sth) to exchange goods, property; services, etc. for other goods, etc. without using money: [VN]:The

basedj om /berst/ adij [not before noun] 1~(onsth)ifonethingisbased on another 让 Uses itor


| ddid

| ffal

| gget



js developed fromiiti; The mnoyie is based orma real-Life incdent CC The report it based on igures 方om six djferent Europeart cities, 了 (also 记 compounds) if-a person 6r

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| p pen

| :rred

business is based in aparticular Place,thatis wherethey live or work or where the work of the business is done: Weyre based 识 Chicago,C Qa Chicago-based compamny

3 -based (in compounds) containing sth as an important Part or feature: lead-based paints Ca class-based socieby一 See also BROAD-BASED

base form moun (gromrmarn the basic form of a word to Which endings can usually be added, for exaimnple wajl is the base form of walh and walled. The base form is the form in which words in the dictionary are usually shown.

base jumping

(also "BASE jumping) mou1 [u] the

Sport of jumping with a PARACHUTE from a high place such as abuilding or abridge 睛"basejumper nou1n

base.less /berslss/ aodj (Jormaj) not Supported by good



Cthe costofbasicfoods 4 before anything extra is added: The basic pay ofthe average Worker has risernt py 3 per cent

ba.sic. 本 用y 0 1 in the most

/bersrkli/ odv

important ways,without


things that are less important ER 2sSENTIALLY: Yes, thats basicaly correct 2 The two approaches are basically yery similar CThere have peentsormne problers butpasically its agood system. 2 Used when you are giving your opinion or statifig what is important about a situation: Basically 妇 eres notalot we cart do about 让CHebasicaliy Just

sits there and does nothing all day 2Andthats 让 basically.

The runmzours Were

,Basic English novn [U] a set of 850'carefully chosen

base:iine /berslam/ noun [usually sing.] 1 (spom a line

basics /bersIiks/ noun [pl] 1 一 (of sth) the mostimport-

Teasons Or facts


COTmPpletely baseless.

Imarking each end ofthe coURT in TENNIS or the edge of the areawhereaplayer can run in BASEBALL 了 2 (technmical a line or meastrement that is used as a starting point when comparing facts: The 万gures fjor 2001 were Used as Qa Daseline for the study.

base-man /bersmzsen/ novn (P/ -men /men/) (in BASEBALL) a player Who defends first, second or third base base.ment /bersmaent/ moun aroom orroomsin abuilding, partly or completely below the level of the ground: Kitchen goods are sold 识 the pasement apbasermmenttjflat/ apartrment

jbase 'metal noun a metal that is not a PRECIOUS METAL Such as gold 'Daserate noun (finance) arate ofipterest setbya central bank, that banks in Britain use when calculating the amount of interest that they charge_on money they lend 一compare PRIME RATE

bases 1 5p1 ofBAsIS 了 D1 ofBASE bash /bzejJ/ verb; noun

上 Verb (informall 让

一 (into sb/sth) to hit sb/sth very hard:

[VN] He basjhed her over thehead with a jhamrmer co [V]I Draked too late and bashed 训 to the car 识 广ont 只 note at

HIT 2._[VN] to criticize sbysth strongly: Bashing PoLiticians is normal Practice 训 纺 epress.OQLiberal-pashing adminis,bash a'way (On/at 一See also BASHING tration sth) | ,bash 'on (with sth) (BrE) to continue working hard at sth: He sat pashing aWway at his essay all day. We到 neyer get finished at 二 广rate. We'd petter Das om. ,bash sth 一'down/'in to destroy sth by hitting it very hard and often: The police bashed the door dowm 2 7 一'outto bashn your head 识 太you do thatagain. ,bash sth Produce sth quickly and in large quantities,but noft of very good quality KNOCK OUT: She bashed out about Jour books ayear ,bash sb 'up (Br6) to attack sb Violently 下]OUm (njorna1j Tahard hit: Fe gave Mike Qa pash om the mose. 2 alarge'party Or celebration: Q birthday bash have a bash (at sth)(BrE, jnjormal) to try to do sth, especially when you are not sure 寺 you will SUcceed: T7mm mnotsure JI 刀 be any good DutIU haye a bpash.



codf, shy and

easily embarrassed

Elbpashfully /feli/ odv: She smiled baspfully. bash.fulmess 10OU1 [U]

bash.ing /bafm/


[u,G (often in compounds)

T (used especially im newspapers) very Strong criticism

of a person of grOUP: U7liomn-bashing 之 a Physical attack,, brasaiies of attacKks, on a person or groUP of People: gayDashing(= attacking HOMOSEXUALS)2togive Shapbashing

BASIC /bersik/ novn [U] a simple language, using familiar English words, for writing computer PrOgIams

lpasic 0m /beisik/) 2 小

二 二 (tosth)formingthepartofsth that is most necesSary and from which other things develop: basic 训 formtatiom/ Jects]ideas c triebasic principles oflaw ecPDrurms arebasicto Africamn Tausic 2 of the simPlest kind or at the' simplest level The camipsite proyvided omly basic Jacilities. CO My Dretty basic; 3 [only before noun] jnOWled5e of French necessary and importantto'allpeople: basic hurmart rights


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet


|J shoe

words of English,used for international comrmunication ant and necessary facts,skills,ideas,etc. from Which other things develop: the basics of computer ProgramrTming 2 the simplest and most important things that people need in a particular situation: Sormme Schools IacK 浆oney

Jr basics like booKs and pencils、IO go1get back to "basics to think aboutthe simple or most important ideas within a subject or an activity instead of new ideas or complicated details

basil /baezl; NMAmEalso 'berIzl/ novn [U] aplant with shiny green leaves that smell sweet and are used in cooking as a HERB

basi-lect /bzesllekt; 'berIsr/ noun (Jinguwistics) a form of a language that is considered to have a lower status than other forms 一compare ACROLECT

ba.sil.ica /ba'zllrka/ mouvr a large church or hall with a curved end and two rows of columns inside

basilisk /baezrlsk/ noun (in ancient stories) a _creature like a snake, that can kill people by looking at them or breathing on them basim /bersn/ moun 1 (especiajjy BrE) = WASHBASIN 了 a largetoundbowlforholdingliquids or(in British English) for prieparing foods in;y the amount of liquid,etcs in a basin: apudding basim 3 an areaofland around a large river With streams running dowmn into it: the Amazom Basin 4 (technical) a Place where the earth's surface is lower than in other areas of the world: the Pacific Basin 5 asheltered area ofwater PIoviding aisafe HARBOUR for boats: ayacht basim



/beisis/ movn (p/ bases /bersi:z)

1 [sing.] the reason why peopletake aparticular action: She Was chosen Jor the job on the basis of her qualifications. C Some videos hayve beerl parried on the basis that 态ey are too yiolent 2 [sing.] the way things:are organjized or arranged: or a regular/PpermtaTnent/ Part-tirme/ temnporary basis e on a daily/day-to-day/Weekly basis 3 [Gusually sing.,U] the important facts, ideas or events that support sth and thatit can develop from: The basis of agood marriasge is trusE e This article w 这 Jorm the basis Jor our discussiol C The theory Seems to hayve no pasis 总 如 ct cnote on next page bask /bazsk; NAPmaE bzesk/ verb [V] ~ (in sth) to enjoy sitting orlying in the heat orlight of sth, especially the sun'

We sat basKing 识 妇 e warrm Sunshine:

'bask in sth

to _enjoy the good feelings that you have when .other People praise or admire you, or when they give youa ]lot of attention: He had always basKked 识 Pis parents attemton. CTneverminded baskingin7myw 记 Sreflected 8glory (= enjoying the praise, attention, etc. She got).

bas.kKet /ba:skart; NAmE 'baes-/ noum Ta container for holding or carrying things.Baskets are made ofthin strips of material thatbends and twists easily, for example Plastic, wire or WICKER: Qshopping pasketc a Picnic basKet caciothes/iaundry basket(= in which dirty clothes are

Put before being washed) ca Wicker/wire pasket 2 a catdog basKket(= in which a cat or dog sleeps OT is car一See also WASTE一Picture 只 BAG,, PAGE R8 Tried arotnd)

PAPER BASKET 2-the amotint contained in a basket: a basketsof 太uit: 3sthe net and the metal ring it hangs 他 om high up at each end of a BASKETBALL COURT; a

| 5 vision

| tchain

| d5 jam

| ethin

| 5this

| D sing


114 |



basis foundation .base Theseareallwords forthe ideas or facts thatsth'is based on. iasis[usually sing.] a principle, an idea ora factthat supports sth and thatit can develop from: Jpis article 邮 员Jorm thebasisjorour discussion. foundation[usually sing.] a principle, an idea ora fact that supports sth andthat itdevelopsfrom; Respectanmd Jiendship provideasolidjunadationjormarriasge 2 1e umouristotally wiihoutjundation (=is not based on any facts). BASIS OR FOUNDATION?

-Foundation is often used totalk about largeror more importantthingsthan basis: He /aid 田 e邦vpndation of Japansmoderneconomy 3 TJhesejJiguresjormedtbebasis

of tiheirpay claimm. Dase[usually sing:] an idea, afact or asituation from Which sth is developed: His arguUmenzs havye a sound econommic base. PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

Ea/the basis/foundation/base for/of sth ga Secure/solid/sound/strong/weaktbasis/foundation/ base ato form the basis/foundation/base of sth

型to give sb/provide (sb with) a/the basis/foundation/ base ato threaten/undermine the basis/foundations of sth

看to be without basis/foundation pointthat is scored bythrowing the ball throughthis net:

to make/shoot a basKket 一picture 只 PAGE R22 4,(eco1momics) amnumber of different goods or CURRENCIES: the yalue of the rupee against a basKket of currencies TELSee

EGG1. bas-ket-bpall /baskrtbo:l NAmE Daes-/ movun 1 [Ua game played by two teams of five Players, using a large ball which players try to throw into a high net hanging from a ring: Qa basketball game/coachyteam 一picture 只 PAGE R22 2 [G theball usedin this game

basket casenoun (pnformal) Tacountryor an organization Whose economic situation is very bad 2 a person who is slightly crazy and who has Problems dealing with Situations

basket:work /busskitwa:k; NAmE "bzeskitw3sTrK/ HoOuwn [U] 1 material twisted together in the style of a basket 2 the craft of making baskets, etc.

baskins sharknoun a large sSHARK that swims close to the Surface of the ocean

bas-mai/bzesmaeti; baez-/ (also_basmati'rice ouU1 [U] a type of rice with long grains and a delicate flavourT

basimitzvaihh/bzs'mrtsve/ noun = BAT MITZVAH 可asqUe/badsk; bzesk; NAmEbaesk/ OU Id/ 可DOU1 了 [C] aperson who was born in theBasque country 2 [U] the language of the People living in the Basque countryof France and Spain 至0dlj. connected with these People or their language

ipasqlue /ba:sk; bzesk; NAmE baesK/- noUh a Piece of womens underwear that covers the body from justunder the armas to thetops of the legs jbas-rejief/bas rrlif/ novn [U,C] a form of scULPTURE 雇 which the shapes are cut so thatthey are slightlyraised fom the background; a scCULPTURE made in this way iass3/bers/ nown; ad 一See also BASS2 下 IOU1 了 [U] the lowest tone or part in music, for instruments Or Voices: He alWways Plays his istereo With the bass turned rigRht UDC He sings bass. Capounding bass [Line一

see'also DRUMANDIBASS 一compare TREBLE 了 [Gamans

singing voice with alowtrange;amamwith abass voice一 compare ALTO,BARITONE,TENOR 3 [sing.]:a' musical

partthat is written forabassvoice 4. (also ,bassgui'tag “[c] an electric GUITAR that plays very low notes:Q bass Player e bass and drurns c Jackie Carrera om (= Playing) Dass. 5 [C] .=DOUBLE BASS 至0dlj. [only before noun]j low in tone:Qpass yoice 2 the pass clef(=the symbolinmusicshowingthatthemnotes following it are low) 一Picture 只 MUSIC 一compare TREBLE

jbassz?/bzs/ moun [GU] (P/ bas9 a seaOorFRESHWATER fish that is used for food 一see also BASS1

,bass 'druimmnoun a large drum that makes a Very low sound;used in ORCHESTRAS 一Picture cpPAGE R6

bas-set/baesrt/ (also "basset hound movn a dog with Short legs, alongbody and long ears assetihornm7novwn atype of large CLARINET With a bent MOUTHPIECE and anend piecethatturns UPwards

bas-simet/ baesrmet/ moun (especiajlly NA 日a small bed forababy, thatlooks like aBASKET bass-ist/'bersrst/ noumn a Person who plays the BAss GUITAR or the DOUBLE BASS bas-soom /ba'sumn/ noun a mnusical instrument of the WoOoDWIND group. It is shaped like a large wooden tube

with a double REED that yot blow into,,and piodtces notes with a low sound. 一picture c> PAGE R6

bas-sOom-ist/ba'su:nIst/ nouUn a person who plays the bassoon as-tard/ba:sted; baes-; NAmE'baesterd/ noun (ioboo, slang) used to insult sb, especially a man, who has been rude, Unpleasant OF cruel: Hes a real bastard. 2 YU Dastard! Youye7nade hercry 2 (BrE,slang)awordthatsome People use abonit or to sb, especially aman, who they feel , Very jealous of or sorTy fger: WPat a 1ucjgy pastardl 2 ZU Door bastard! 3 (BrE, slang)nused about sth that catises difficulties Or Problems: ts Qa bastard of a problemz 4 (old-joshioned; disapproving) a Dersom whoseiparents werenotmatrried to each other when he or she was born

bas:tard.ize (BrE also -is /bdstedaiz; "bzs-,NAmE mbaesterd-/ vemb [VN] (大rmal) to copysth, but changeparts of it So that it isnot as g0od as the original baste/berst/ ve 履[VN] Tto pourliquid fat or juices over meat etc. while it is cooking 2 to sewpieces of cloth together temporarily with long loose STITCHES

ias-ftionm/basestien/ 0ovn T (formaja group ofpeople or a System that protects away of life or a belief when 让 Seems thatit may disappear: Q bastion of mnale privilege Q pastion of 太reedom 2 aplace that military forces _are defending

jbat/bzet/ mouwn, ve屿 昌 10OUL0 1 a piece of wood with a handle, made in various shapes and sizes, and used for hitting the'ball in games Such as'BASEBALL; CRICKET and TABLE TENNIS: Q basepalI/cricket bat 一compare RACKET 2 an animal like a mouse with wings, that flies and feeds at night (= it is NOCTURNAL)., There are_ many types of bat. 一see_ also FRUIT BAT, OLD BAT, VAMPIRE BAT 一picture cy PAGE R2o0 [Eng like a batout of 'heil(njormal) very fast o 秆your own 'bat(BrE, jnjormal) 直 you do sth offyour own bat 让 is your own idea andyou doit withouthelp or encouragement ffom anyone else 一more at BLIND 0dj., RIGHT adyv

理 Ve上b (-tb to hit a ball with a bat, especially in a game of CRICKET OF BASEBALL: [V] He bats very welL ce Wjios ba ting 有 rstjJfor the Orioles? [also VN] 一Picture 只 PAGE R22 ,bat your 'eyes/eyeiashesto open and close yotr eyes quickly in awaythatissupposed tobe attractive bat athousand(NAmE informal) to be very.successful gofio

batfor sb(NAmE, informal) to give-sb help and support not bat an 'eyelid(B/E) (NAmE not bat anj'eye (njor /mal)toshow no surprise orembarrassment when sth unusual happens: She didmntbatan eyelid whenTtold herrmny

LeWs. ,bat sthca'round (njormal) to discuss whether an idea ora Planiis good or nob before deciding Whatto do: Itsjustan ideaWwe'yebeen batting around.

2 cat | qdfather | eten | 3: bird |ia about 直zsit | isee| imany|lnpgot(BrE |iovsaw | Acup | oput| utoo



batchh /bzetf/ noun, ve 六 Ea Joun1 anumberofpeopleorthingsthat are dealt with as:a groUP: Each Suiema mew batchofstudents triesito iidwork Wedeliverthegoods 训 batches. 2 anamount of food;y medicine, etc. produced at one time: abatch of

eramy)to fill or cover sth With light: The'moom bathed'the Countryside in asiherLight. 下 mOUm [sing.];(BrE, jpmeh) aniactofswimiming in the'sea;a river etc.: to go forabathe

cookies 3 (computing)iaiset of jobs thatiare Processed'together-on aicompnuter': :to process abatch job ea batchn

bathedi /berd/ adj 一 -in sth Ttiteror) covered with


light: The castle Was pathed imoomaigi 了 Wetbecause coOVvered With sweat or tears: 工 Was SO Peryous that TI Was pathed im perspiratiom-

下 Verbtoputthings into groupsinorder to deal with them: EVN] The service wi 记 be improyved by batching and sorting enduiries: [alsoV]

batiher /beraa 人 rn)/novn 1 [q (BrE) aperson whois swim-

batch:imate /baetfmert/ nov7m (ndE) aperson who is or

ming in the sea, a river etc, 了 bathers [pl.] (AUstral 有 三 SWIMMING COSTUME, SWIMMING:TRUNKS

was in the same year grOUP as yOU at School or college

batcih processins noun [U] (Computing) away of run-


Ding agroup of Programs atthe same time, usually automatically

/ba:bhaus; NAmE 'bae6-/ noun:1 a Public

building ip which


bathsi Steam



2 (Nm 日a building in which you change your clothes

feeling, very; anxious or excited: We-waited with bated breath forthe Winner to .be al71OUPCed-

path-in /ber6rm/noun [uU]:(BrE) the activityofgoing into

bated /bertrd/. adj. :IE


with bated breath

for swimming thesea, afiver etcsto swim:jocilitiesjforbathing and boatingeasafe bathing beach

om /bai67 NA 万 ED 元 8/7ioum, verb

上 moum (pbaths /bd:5z; NAmE bae5z/) 下 [C] (BrE) (also

'Ibatihingcap mouin (especialy NA历上 日 三SWIMMING CAP

bzath-tub, 太 帮rmajtub NAmE,BE) a large,long containef that you put water ip and then get into to wash

your whole body, see also BIRD BATH

bathins costumie moun (BrE old-joshioned)


之 [Q (BrE) the

'bathings machine

waterinabath/ BATHTUB, ready to use: along SoaKk iC jobath Please rm abath jpor me (= 旬] the bath with

三 -SWIV-

novmn. a shelter with wheels that

People in the past went into to Put swimming clothes on, which was then pulledtotheedgeofthe sea so tbheycould SWim from 让

water) 3 [Can act of washing yotr whole body by sittingorlyingin water:TIthinkIhaveabath andSgotoped. Cl(especally NMAmBto take abath 一seealsoBUBBLE BATH 4 baths [pl.] (old-joshioned, BrE)apublicbuilding where

athinEsuiE novn (NAmEor old-jsjhioned) =-SWIMMING

you can goto swim 一see also SWIMMING BATH, SWIMMING PoOoL 5 [Cusually plj] apublic Place where People went

COSTUME bath mmat novn 1iapiece ofmaterial that youputbeside

芭 yerb (BrE) (NAmElbathe) 1 [VN] to give abath to sb: 珍S yourturnto bath 切 ebaby; 2 [V] (old-Joshioned)tohavea bath

bath-rolpe /bbraob; NAmmE'DzbFoUbj (also rope)7oun

the bath/ BATHTUB to _stand.on When you get' out 2 a piece of rubber that you put on the bottom of the bathy/ BATHTUB.So that you do not slip sthais washed or placed for a Deriod of time. Baths are 二 batihos /berbps;:NAmE:9d:s/noun fu] (forma) (in writing . 一See or Speech) a sudden change, that is notalways jintended, 短dustrialy chemical and medical ProcesSes Used 雇 位om :aserious subject or'feeling to sth that'is;silly or noft takez 枉 bath (NAmBE) to-lose als0 BLOODBATH moneyonabusiness agreement important

in the -past to wash or have a bath: Romman Villas and baihs 一see also TURKISH BATH 6 [C (techpnical) a container with aliquid such as water or a DYE in it, in which

Taloosepieceofclothing Wormn before amid after taking a bath 2 (NAmB) 三 DRESSING GOWN

bath:roormna .0 HoOun

bath .bathe. swim .sunbathe

1 aroomin which there is abath/ BATHTUB,a WASHBASIN-and often a toilet: Go amd.Wwash your hands in ithe bathroom. 2 (NA 月 aroom ip which there is atoileb a SINK and sometimes abath/ BATHTUB' Or Shower:Thayeto

己 = 下 Whenyou wash yourself youcan saythatyou bath (B7 :orbathe(NAIm 有 日,butitis much morecommonto Say haveabath (Br6 or take a bath (NA月.

go to the bathroom (= usethetoiletj.o Wheres the bathroom?(= forexample in a restaturant) cc note atTOILET

于You canalsotbath (BrE orbathe{(NAmB another persom for example ababy., 大 下 YOUlbathe a part ofyour body, especiallyto* OF POLICE OFFICER 4 [C] the area which a police officer walks around regularly and which he or she is responSible for: More police officers out om the beat may heli ti CU Crite. [IE see HEART, WALK 从

四 0dlj. [not before noun]:(pnjommalj) = DEAD BEAT jpeat.bpox /biztboks; MAmE -Da:ks/ mouwn (normal) 1 an electronic machine that produces drum sounds 2 a radio,5AsSETTE Player etc. that can be carried around and is used for Playing loud music

beat.er /bitea)/ 0ovn 1 (often in compounds) a tool tsed for beating things: Q carpet peater 2 an eg8 peater 2 a person employed to drive birds and animals out of bushes, etc., into the open, so they can be shot for Sport 一See alS0 WORLD-BEATER 3 (ME Ionnal) = BANGER

the 'beat Eemeration-7oun [sing.] a group of young

People ithe 1950s and early 1960s who rejected the Waymostpeople lived in society, wanted to expresSs themselves freely, and liked modern JAZZ

jpea'if.ic /bi:e'trfrk/ adj (formal) showing great joy and Peace: apeatific smile/expressio7

jbe-atify /bi'setifar/ verb (be'atifies be'atify'ing be'atified,be.atified) [VN] (of the Pope) to give a dead person

aspecial honour by stating officially that he/she is Very 多 be'atifFcation CANONIZE 一compare”BLESS, holy

/biiaetrfrk'erfmn/ novn [GU] lo5eat:in 名/bitim/ movn 1 [G an actofhitting sbhard and

iepeatedly asapunishment of in a 人 ght: to give Sapeat ing 2 [q (informaolh a very heavy defeat: Te tearm jas

| vvan

| 浆 wet

taken afw beatings this season. 3 [U] a series ofregular blowsto sth such as a drum, or movements of sth, such as your heart; the sound that this makes: Fe could Pear te

peating of his own Peart 2 切e beating of drums/wings [Er take some 'beating (BrE) to be difficultto do or be better than: As aplace to Live, Oxford takes some beatin8.

be.ati:tudie /biaetrtud; NAmE -turd/ mouvn the Beatitudes [pij.] fin the Bible) the eight statements made by Christ about FEEOPple who are BLESSED.

peat'.milk /bi:tnik/ novn ayoung person in the 1950s and early 1960s who rejected the way of life of ordinary society and showed this bybehaving and dressing in a different Way from most People

,beat-'up (also ,beaten-'up) odj [usually before noun] (njormal old and damaged: a beatup old trucK ieau /bao; NAmE boo/ rour (PL beaux OF beaus /ba0z; NAmE bouz/) (old-joshroned) a_ womans male lover or friend


/baoku:; NAmE

| 和 zoo

| Jshoe

'boo-/ det (US,informal

many or alot: Zou car spend beaucoup bucks (= alot of

Ioney) on software. the Beau.foift scale /baufet skel; NAmE 'boufert/ moun [sing.] a range ofnumbers Used for measuring how stronglythe wind is blowing. The lowestnumber 0 means that there is no wind and the highest number 12 means that there is a HURRICANE (= a Violent storm with very

Strong winds): The storm neasured I0 om the Beatufort Scale. From Sir Francis Beauforb the English adImiral who invented 让.

Beau:jo.iais /bao5saler NAmE ,bou3seler/ mour (PFBeaujo':laisl [CU] alightwine,usually red, from the Beaujolais district of France

画 1OU1m (NAImE AUstralE, NZE injormal) an excellentor beatutiful person or thing 四 0Cd1j.,exclamation (AUstralE, injormal) excellent; Very good

beaut'eous /bju:tias/ adj Uiteraory) beautiful beaut.ician /bju:'trmn/noun a person, usuallya woman, whose job is to give beauty treatments to the face and body

了 人 a昌 .二 让 个 On /bjuxttnay/ ad 1 havingbeauty; Pleasing to the senses orto the mind: a Deau 友 1 所 WomaamnAfce/baby/yoice/DpoemwvsSmeleyerting 2 DeauzAL countryside[WweathernUsic 只 note On DexXt page 2 very good or skilful: What peau6 包 1trmin8l

有 ea. 革作 由yY om /bjuztrti/ ady Tinabeautiful way: She sings beautifuly. c abpeautulyy decorated house 2 very well; in a pleasing way: 花S al WorKing OULt Deautully.

beaut'许y_ /bju:trar/

verb (beau:tifies,beau'tify.ing,

beau:tified,beau'tified) ormore beautiful

,有peatem曙有 ad/. = BEAT-UP

| ttea

区 eauty anmqj the Beast

beautybju:xt/ new; adj ;exclamaton

四 OU



了 外 于 同 攻y 0

[VN] to_ make sb/sth beattiful

jbjurti/ nouvpn (pl ies)

1 [u]the quality ofbeing pleasing to the senses Ortothe mind: the beauty of thesunsetofpoetb3Mof his singing ca Womamn_ of great peaubyr @ The Woods Were designated am area of outstamding natural beauty 2 peauty Products/treatrment (= intended to make a person more beantiful) 2 [q a person or thing that is beautiful: She had beefiabeauty 训 herday 3 [q anexcellent example of its type: That Iastgoal Was a beauty/ 4 [C a pleasing feature


One of the beatuties of Living

Pere it 切 atits so peacefiL ec The project wireguire yery Little _Work to _start UPD; thats the beauty of 让 .IEIJ beauty is in the eye of the ,beholder (Soyim8g) people allhave different ideas about what is beautiful beauty is Only skin-'deep (Sin8g) how a person lo00ks is less important than their character

,Beauty and the 'Beast OU1 T a traditional story about a young girl who savVes a large Ugly creature from a magic SPELL by her love. He becomes 3a HANDSOME

| 5 vision

| 如 chain

| da5jam

| ethin

| 5this

| Dsing

beauty coOntest

122 | bea.ver /bi'veGD)/ movn; ve 必

_SYNONYMs beautiful pretty * handsome 。 attractive 。 lovely。good-looking “gorgeous These words all describe people who are pleasanttolook at.

beautiful (especiallyofa womanorgirl)very pleasantto look at': She /ooked stuynningly bpeautFil thatnighE pretty (especially ofa girl orwoman) pleasantto look at: Shesgofayery pretb' jce. GT Pretty isUsed most often to talk about girls. When itis used to talkabout a woman, itusually suggests that sheis like a girl, with small, delicate features. handsome (ofa man) pleasantto lookat; (ofa woman) pleasantto look at, with largestrong features rather than small delicate ones: He was described as ta几 do 央 and hancdsome'. attractive (of a person) pleasant to look at, especially in asexualway: Shes ayery attractve woma1m. lovely (ofa person) beautiful; very attractive: She /ookedf Pameulary /ovely 太 aotmg 丰Er When you describe sb aslovely you are usually showing thatyou:also have astrongfeelingof affection forthem.

good-iooking (of a person) pleasant to look at, often in asSexual way: She arriyed with ayve永good-jookjing ma1: gorgeous (informal (of a person) extremely attractive, especially in a sexual way: YOU /ook gorgeous/ ATTRACTIVE OR GO00D-LOOKING?

ifyoudescribe sbias attractive you often also mean that theyhaveapleasant personality as well as being pleasant to look at; good-looking just describes sb's physical appearance: PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

四 tolookbeautifuVypretty/handsome/attractive/lovely/

gorgeous 有 to feel beautiful/pretty/attractive @aln)beautifulpretty/handsomey/attractive/lovely/good-

looking/gorgeous girl/woman 在 an) beautiful/handsomey/attractive/lovely/goodlooking/gorgeous boy/man 晶 a(n) beautiful/pretty/handsomeyattractive/lovely/goodlooking face 下 Very/extremely/exceptionally beautiful/pretty/ handsomey/attractive/lovely/good-looking prince and they get matrried. 2 (njformal humorous) two people of whom one is much more attractive than the other 'Ibeauty contest moun (BrE) 1 a competition to choose the most beautiful ffom a group of women 一compare PA-

GEANT 2 (US beauty pa'rade) an occasion on which

Several competing companies or People try to persuade Sb touse their serVices

'Ibeauty mark novn (Nm 日= BEAUTY SPOT 'Ibeauty queen 71ovn a woman who is judged to be the Iost beautiful in aBEAUTY CONTEST

'Ibeauty salon (also'beauty parlour) (Us also'beauty shop) IOuUn a Place where you can Pay for treatment to your face, hair nails, etc., which is intended to make you

more beantltiful beauty sieep mov71 [U] (huwmorous) enough sleep at night to make sure that you look and feel healthy and beautiful 'Ibeauty spot "ovn 1 (8 日a Place in the countryside which is famous because it is _beautiful 2 (NmE also 'Ibeauty mark) a small dark spot on a woman's face, which used to be thought to make her more beanutiful

beaux p/ ofBEAU ae cat | dfather | eten | sbird

| eabout | zsit |see

@_1Ooun 1 [C an animal with a wide fat tail and strong teeth. Beavers live ip water and on land and can build DAMS (= batriers across fivers), made of pieces of wood ”and mud. It is an official symbol of Canada. 一see also EAGER BEAVER--picture c PAGE R20 2 [U] the fur of the beaver used in making hats and clothes 3 [G] (loboo slang, especially NMAmE) the area around a woman's sex Organs 目 Verb ,beaver away (at sth) (mnformal) to work veryhard at sth: He been beayering away atthe accounts alLLTmorming:



bebop /binbop; NAmE-badp/(alsobop )noun [U] atype of JAZZ With complicated rhythms BEC /bek/ abbr Business English Certificate (British tests, setbythe University ofCambridge, in English as aforeign language for students who are Preparing for a career 记 business) 3

be:calmed /brkadmad/ adj (of a ship with a sail) unable to movebecause there is no wind

be.came ptofBECOME pe.Cause 0 训 /Dikpz; -kez; NAmE-kozz; :AZz/ co路 for the reason that: Tdid 让 because he told me io. CS JUSEt DecauseTdont compiaim people 切imnK Tm satisfied. because of prep: Thiey are here because of Us. C He walked Slowly because of his bad leg. 2 Becatse of his w 这 (Cs) being there, Tsaid mnotping about 让

bech:ameil /berfeamel/ (also bechamel'sauce) moun [u] a thick sauce


with milk,flour

WHITE SAUCE beche-de-mer /befdamee(D;



ES NAjnE -imer/ noun


large SEA CUCUMBER that is eaten 训 China and Japan beck /bek/ nounp (BrE, dialech iasmall river STREAM II at sb's beck and 'call always Teady to obey sb's orders: Domntexpectto haye ne atyour becK aad call.


/beken/ ve

~tosb (to dosth)togivesba

Signal using yotir fingerorhand, especially totell themto Imove nearer Or to fojlow you SIGNAL: [V] -He DecKkoned to the waiter to pring the pi ce[VN] He beckomned Per oyer With awaye. C The boss becKkoned hirm into her oF Jice.c[VNto inf] She beckoned him to come and join thermm. 2 to appear very attractive to Sb: [V] Te clear blue sea DecKkoned. 2 [VN] The prospect of a month Without WorK Was peckoning heF 3 [V]tobesththat is likely to happen or will possibly happen to sb in the future: For 7ma7iy Kidas leaying college the Drospect of uneTmployrmment becKkonis.

lbe.cOme come)


/brkam/ ve 履 be-came /brkerm/,be-

THnkng vemb to start to be sth: [V-ADI] 和 was pecomipng 7more amd more difficult to Liye on his salary 2 下 SOoPnLpbeca1mie apDPpareit that Po One Was going to come. O She Was Decoming comnfused. 2 [V-N] She becarme queen 识 1952. 和 The D 记 w 记 become Iaw mext year 了 [VN] [no passive]

(notused in the Progressive tenses) (加rmaj) to be suitable for sb: Such pehayviour did notbecome her

了 3 [VN] [no pas:

Sive] (not used in the progressive tenses)(jormaj) to look attractive on Sb SUIT: Shortphair really becormes yoL IE what became, has become, will become of sb/

sth? used to ask what has happened or what will happen to Sbysth: WPat became of that student Who used to Liye

With youU2 CTdread to thinK what w 记 become of them 矿 they lose their hormme.

| imany|npgot(BrE

| osaw|Acup|5put|wtoo


become . get . go . turn

SinSgle/double bed c She Iay on the bed (= on top ofthe covers). Fe Iay 识 bed(= underthe covers) ce Pm tred 一 Trm going to bed. 2 LS time for bed (= time to go to Sleep). C_ TU JustPput the Kids to bed co He likes to hayvea nug of cocoa pefore bed (= .before going to bed). c toget into/out ofbed c to make the bed(= arrange the covers in atidy way) 2 Could you giye me a bed Jor the might (三 SOImewhere to sleep)? 2 Theres ashortage of hospital beds (= notefiough room for patients tobe admitted). c He has Deen comnfined to bed With ju for thepastcouple ofdays.一 See also AIR BED, CAMP BED, SOFA BED, TWIN BED, WATERBED * OF RIVER/LAKE/SEA- 2 [qq the bottom of a river the sea, etc.: the ocean bed C oyster peds (= an area in the sea wherethere are many OYSTERS)

hese Verbsare used frequently with the following

adjectives: -become


get 一 :


2 go0 一

Used to

clear 、


accustomed “worse pregnant

extinct famous:

:turn 一






bad 、











到 Become ismoreformalthan get Both describe changes ainpeoplesemotional or physical state, ornatural or ssociahichanges:三 于Gois usually used for negative changes: 退GOandturnare both used forchanges ofcolour 至Turn is also used forchanges in the weather.


be-com-ing /brkimni/ adj (ipmoj) Tof clothes etc.) Imaking the Person wearing them look more attractive ER FLATTERING 2 suitable or apPIopriate for sb or

their situation

FITTING: 下 Was mnot yery pecommning

pehayiour forateacrer



becque-reil/bekerel/ novn (abbr Bqj(physics) aunit for measuring RADIOACTIVITY

BEd (also B.Ed. especially 记 NAmB) /bi 'ed/ noun the abbreviation for 了 achelor of Education' (a first university

degree imeducation): (BrB) Sarah Welks BFd

3 [Cj anzarea of groundrin a

garden/yard or park for growing :flowers,vegetables, etc.: 用ower peds 一see also SEEDBED -BOTIOM LAYER 4 [G ~ of sth a layer of sth that other things lie or rest on: grilled chickemn,seryved om a bed of TiceC The plocKks Should pe Iaid on a bed of concrete. * GEOLOGY 5 [C] alayer ofcLAY, rock etc.in the ground一 See also BEDROCK

[Er (not) a bed of 'roses (not) am easy or a pleasant

Situation: Their 1

together hasmntt exactty been a bed of

7oses. get out of bed on the wrong side (Br (NAmE get up on the wrong side of the bed) to be bad-tempered for the whole day for no particular reason go to

bed with sb (injrmaj) to have sex with sb in bed used to refer to seXual activity: Wjats he Like in ped2?CFcauSRnt

term 识 ped together (= having sex) youve made your bed and you must lie in/on it(Soying) you must accept the results ofyour actions take to your bedto gotobed and stay there because you are jll/sick 一more at DIEV,

lbed om /bed/ nouj, ye旋

WETY 是 yeb(-dd- [VN] 站 一sth (in sth)to fixsth firmlyin sth: The

四 /OU17 * FURNITURE 1 [CU] apiece offurniture for sleeping on: a

Dricks:Wwere bedded in sand to improve drainage. C MaKe





| 局

quilt(Br6) comforter (NA 日

bunk beds

four-poster bed



二: sofa bed

divan (Br

u actual

| ar my

| ao now

| er say

| sc go (Br6)

| ou go (MAm


rzboy | rie near

| ee hair

| se pure

124 |

bed and board

让 is based: The poor suburbs traditionalyjformed 切 epedrock of the parbys SuUDPport CHonesty is the pedrock of any jhealthny relationship.

sUre that you ped the roof Jirmly 碎 the soiL 2 (olshiomed) to have sex with sb jbed down to Sleep in a place where you do not usually sleep: Zou haye Imy room and JI了 bed dowm i 切e Living7oo7mm.

bed and 'board movmn [U] (BrE) a room to sleep in and food

bed and 'breakfast "novn (obbrBandB,BB)1T


(Br6) a service that provides aroom to sleep in and ameal

the next morning in private houses and small hotels: Do you do bed aid breakfast? @ Bed and breakfast costs 上 30a mighit 一compare FULLBOARD, HALF BOARD 子 [C] a Place that provides this service: THiere were seyeral good ped and Dreakjfasts im the area.

be.dazzle /brdaezl/ verb [VN] [usually passive] to impress

sb very much with intelligence,beatty,etc:: 再e Was 50 pedazzled by her 1ooks that he couldnt Speak, = beqdazzlement /brdzezhmaent/ mov7 [b]

bed:bug /bedbago/ movn asmall insect that lives in dirty houses; especiallyin beds, whereitbites peopleand stcks theirblood


/edtJyermbaGD)/ mov7 (old use) a_ bed-

Toom: the royal pedcharmmper

bed.ciothes /bedklao5z; NAmE kklooaz/ (BrE also bedcovers) mou1n [pl.] the sheets and other covers that yoU putonabed


/bedKkAveGrD/ moun (Br6) 全 三


2 bedcovers = BEDCLOTHES bed:ding /bedmy/ novn [U] T the sheets and covers that yot put on a bed, often also the MATTRESS and the PILLOWS 2 STRAW etc. for animals to sleep on

'bedding plant novn aplantthatis planted outin a garden bed, usually just before it gets flowers. It usually grows and dies within one year.

beddy-byes /bedibarz/ (8 月(NAmE'beddy-bye)moun [u] a child's word for bed, used when talking about the time sb goes to bed: Tirme fjor peddy-byes.


/brdek/ vem [VN] [usually passive] ~ sth/sb

(withyin sth) (iteramy) to decorate sthV/sb with flowers, flags, PRECIOUS STONES, etc.


/brdevl/ verb GE NAmE -|-) [VN] (formal to

cause a lot of problems for sby/sth over a long period of time BESET: The expeditiomn Was bedeyvilled by bad Weather

bed.fel.Ilow /bedfelao; NAmE felou/ noun a person or thing that is connected with or related to anothem often in a way that you would not expect: strarlSe/unlikely pedfelitows bed.head /bedhed/ rown the part ofthe bed which is at the end, behind the head of the person sleeping on 让

bed.jacket /bedd5aekrt/ noun a short jacket worn when sitting Up in bed bed.lam /bedlam/ novn [u] a scene full ofnoise and con: fusion CHAOS: 了ftWas pediarm at our house on the Tormning of the wedding.

bed.linen /bedlmrmy/ novn [u] sheets and PILLOWCASESs forabed

Bed.ouin /bedum/ noun (p/ Bed.ouin) a member of an Arab people thattraditionally lives in tents in the desert bed.pan /bedpzen/ novn acontainer used as atoiletbya person who is too ijll/sick to getoutofbed

bed.post /bedpsust; NMAmE-poust/ noun one of the four Vertical Supports at the corners ofabed (especially an old type of bed with a wooden or metal frame) 一Picture 吃


be-drag.gled /brdraegld/ adj. made wet, dirty or untidy by rain, mud, etc.: bedraggled hairXclothes

bed.rid.den /bedrrdn/ adj- having to stay in bed all the time because you are Sick, ijured or old

bed.rock /bedrok; NAmETa:k/ novun 了 [Sing.] a strong base for sth, especiallythe facts orthe principles on which


| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

2 [U] the solid rock in the ground

belowtheloose soil and sand

bed.raoll /bedfaol; NAmETool/ noum (especialy NAmB) a

thickpiece ofmaterial or a SLEEPING BAG thatyou can IToll up for carrying and use for sleeping on or in, for example when you are camping



/bedrum; -rom/ moun, ad

旧 IOU1 了 a room for sleeping in: the spare bedroom 2 0

jhotel with 20 bedrooms e This 1 切e Tmnaster bedroom (= the main bedroom of the house) 2-bedroomed having the number of bedrooms mentioned: Qa tree-pedTooTmed house 卓 gd [only before noun]aaised as away ofreferring to sexual actiVity: the bedroom scemnes in the TOVie




suburb )

1mOuU1m (both NA7mE) = DORMITORY TOWN

bed:side /bedsaia/ mouvm [usually sing] the areabeside a bed: His mothner has been at his bedside throughouE7as imness. C a pedside IarmP

bedside 'mamnmner noun [sing.] the wayin which a doctor or other person talks to sb who is 记 /sick

bedside 'table (especioly-Br6 (NmETusually nightstandi'nighttabie) ovn asmall tablebeside abed jped.sit /bedsrt/ (alsobed-:sit-ter) (also 加1001Niped'sitting room) noun (all BrE) a room thata person rents and uses forboth living and sleeping in

bed-:sore /bedso:(D/ noun a painful and sometimes infected place on aperson's skin, caused bylying in bed for alongtime


/bedspred/ (BrE-alsobed-cover) (NAmE

also spread ) OUm an attractive cover put on topiof all the sheets and covers onm'a bed 一Picture 字 BED

bed-.stead /bedsted/ noun the wooden ormetal frame of an old-fashioned type of bed

bed-time /bedtam/ noun [U] the time when sb usually goes to bed:jts way pastyour bedtime. 2 W 记 you read me Qbedthirme story?


movn [U] the Droblem of URINATING in

bed, usuallyby children while theyare asleep bee /bi:/ novn 1Tablack and yellowflying insectthat can sting. Bees live in large groups and make HONEY (= 3 Sweet sticky substance that is good to 'eatj: Qa SWar7mz of Dees Ca bee sting C Bees Were bUZZing 识 切e cloyef 一See alSO “BEEHIVE, BEESWAX, BUMBLEBEE, QUEEN BEE 2 (NAmB a meeting 记 a group where people combine Work comipetition and pleasure: Q seWing 5ee 一see also SPELLING BEE IEIJ the ,bee's 'knees (njormial) an excelleritperson or thing: She 雪 识 Ks she's the bees Knees (三 She has avery high opinion of herself).have a'bee in your bonnet (about sth) (njormal) to think or talk about sth allthetime andtothinkthatit is very important 一more at BIRD, BUSY qd. the Beeb /bimb/ ouvn [sing.] an informal name for the BBC

beech /bity/ novn 1 [CU] (also'beech tree)atall for est tree with smooth grey BARK, Shiny leaves and Small nuts: fjorest planted with beech ce peech hedgese The 8STreat Deeches towered UP towards the Sky 一see also COPPER


2 (also 'beech.wood

/mbitywod/) [U] the wood

of the beech tree



四 moOuUnT

/bi noun, vemb

[U] meatthat comes from acow: roast/minced

peefe beef and dairycattle 一See also CORNED BEEF 了 2 [G (Informajh acomplaint: Whats his Iatestbeef2 上四 Verb [V] ~ (about sb/sth) (njorma) to complain a lot abolit sby/sth ,beef sth 一'up (njornal) to make sth biggem better more interesting, etc.

beef-bur.ger /bi:fbs:gaGD); NAmE -baxrg-/ noun (BrE) 三


| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

beefcake /Difkerk) moun

[U] (wang) men with big

Imuscles,, especially those that appear in sex shows and Iagazines

beefeater/bifi:teCD)/ noun a guard who dresses in a traditional uniform at the TowerofLondon

beefsteak/mbifsterk/ novn [CU] = sTEAK beef teanovn [U] (BrE) ahotdrinkmade byboiling beef im water. Itused to be given to people who were sick.

,beef to' mato (also ,beefsteak to'matoespecially iD NAmE) noun a type of largetomato beefy/biSi/ cd (beef'ier beefi.esy (npformal) (of a Per SOn or their body) big or fat: peefy meri/arrmas/thighs

bee.hive/binarv/ novn 1 = HIVE 2 a HAIRSTYLE for women, with the hair piled high on top of the head

bee-keepernovn a person who owns and takes care of BEES

> bee-keepingnoun [u]


Im make a'beeline for sth/

sb (njormalj) to go straight towards sthysbras quickly as you can

Be-el:ze.bulb/brelzrbAb/ movn aname for the DEVIL been/bim; bm; NAmEbm/ 吃 BE-seealso Go beem-tomovn (WAFE) a person Who returns to his or her home in Africa after studying, working, etc. in a foreign country. People are often identified as been-tos becatse theyhave a different accent:

beepy/bip/ novn, ve 册 下 /OU1 a Short high sound such as that made by a carhorn orbyelectronic equipment ByVer T 少 [V] (of an electronic machine) to make a short high sound: The 7microwaye beeps to Ietyo Know When 让 Pas fimnishned. 之 when a car horn, etc. beeps or when you beep it, 让 makes a short noise: [V] The car behind started Deeping at LS. C [VN] He peeped his horn at the cyclist 3 [VN] (NAmE) = BLEEP(2)

jbeep:er/bipeG)/ noun (especially NAmB) = BLEEPER

libeer 0 /breo); NAmEbrr) noun [LuG

an alcoholic drink made

from MALT

and fla-

Vvoured with HOPS. There are many types of beer: a bar7FrelIApottie/8glass of beer 2 peers Drewed 训 GErmiany CQ DeerglassCAreyouabeeradrinker? 之 [Caglass,bottle Or can ofbeer: Shall we haye QDeer? 一See also GINGER BEER,



'beergub7ouvp (njorah aman's very

fat stomach, caused by drinking alot ofbeer overa long


beer cellarrovn 1Taroom for storing beerbelow apub or bar 2 a pub or bar which is "underground or partly Underground

beer gardennoun an outdooriarea at apub orbar with tables and.chairs

beermatnoun (Br6) asmall piece of cardboard thatyot Putunder aiglass,usually in a ba etc. in order to Protect

the surfacebelow beery /breri; NATE Dri/ adj smelling of beer influenced bythe drinking ofbeer bees-wax/ bi:zwaeks/ noum [U] ayellow sticky substance thatis Produced byBEES and istised especiallyformaking CANDLES and polish for wood

beet/bi:t/ "ovm [CU] T aplant with arootthatis used as a Vegetable,especially for feeding animals;or making Sugai 一See also SUGAR BEET 了 (NAImE) = BEETROOT bee.tle/bi:a/ novn, ye上b 昌000U7 了 aninsect often largeandblack with ahard case on its back, covering its wings. There are several types of beetle: 一See also DEATH-WATCH BEETLE 一Picture SS PAGE

R2I 了 Beetierw(NMAmE also bug the English names for the original Volkswagen small car with a round shape at the front and the bacK 是 VEj肪 [V 十 0dvVprep] (BrE ormajto move somewhere quickly Todad.


SCURRY:TIasft saw Firm peeting o 矿aowm the


| 和wwet


| 了Jshoe



beet'root /bi:trut/ (Br6) (NmE

beeb moun

[u,G a

Plant with around dark red rootthat is cooked and eaten

as aVegetable 一picturec PAGE RI3

Je:fail/brfoa/ ve必 (be:fell /brfel/,be:fallen /brfozlen/) [VN] (used only 识 the third person) (hiterary) (of sth Unpleasant) to happen to sb: They Were unaware or the Jote thatWas to befal 坊emm.

lbefit/brfrt/ yemzb(-tt) [VN] (used only in the third person and in particpies) (jormaol) to be suitable and good enough for sb/sth: 下 Was a Iavish receptior as pefitted a Visitor of her status. C He pyed te style befitting a Sentlerma7L. befog/brfog; NAmE:p:g; fa:g/ vemb [VN] to make sb confused: Her brain Was befogged by IacKk of sieep.



/brfo:G0D/ Prep, com,adv

昌 P1ep. 1 earlier than sb/sth: before Iunci e the day pefore yesterday 2 The year pefore Iast he wopn a gold mmedaL and the year pefore thathewonasiher 和 ShesIied there since Defore the war CHFe arrived before mme. 3 She becamie alawyer as herjother had before her CIeave your Keys at recepomn bpefore departure. Something oughtto haye peertdome

before now. C We know before Iong (= soon).C Turn Le 让 Jst pefore (= before you reach) 纺 e:bariK 了 2 (rather 加 广 /mal) used to saythat sby/sth is in a positionm 证 ffontof sb7 sth: They Kmnelt pefore the throne. Beforeyouvisaiistofthe points we hayeto discuss. 一compare BEHIND 了 3 used to say that sb/sth is ahead ofsb/sth in an order or arrangement: YDur name z pefore mine on theIisE C He puts 1is worK Before eyerything (= regards it as Iore important than

anything else). 4 used to say that sth is facing sb in the future: The tasK before us ia daunting one. oOThe whole SUTmTer Iay pefore me. 5 in the presence of sb who is listening, watching, etc.: He Was prouvSgRht before the jdge. She said 让 before Witrntesses. 2 They Fad 轨e adyanmtage of DiIaying before 女eir home crowd @6 (让rmal) used to say how sb reacts when theyhaveto face sb/sth: They retreat ed pefore 坊e enermy. 四CO Tearlier than the time when: Do 让 before you 如 六 SeL C Did she Ieaye a miessage before She Went? 2 Until: 下 1mnay be 7many years pefore the situatiom immproves. C 下 Was SOTe trmmne before TI realized the trutp、 3 Used to warn OF threaten sb that sth bad could happen: PutEthat away peJore 让 get broken. 4 (jnrmajj rather than: Fa die peforeT apologized/ 昌Gdy. at an earlier time; in the past; already: Zou shoula Payetold mme sobefore.2 正had been fine 雪eWweekbefore (= the previous week). e That had happened Iong before (= a long time earlier) CTthninKk weyve metpefore.

be:fore.hand /brfo:haend; NmE -orh-/ adv eailier; before sth else happens or is done: bwo WeeKsAthree days7 QG 用w jhours peforehand 2 ITWish Wea Known about 丰

beforehamnd. be.friendy/brfrend/ verb [VN] [usually passive] to become

a friend of sb, especially sb who needs your help: Shortyy afier my arriyalL attpe scpnooL TWas pefriemded by an older SI

be.-fud.djied/brftsdld/ ad/. confusedand unabletothink normally: He was pefuddaied py drinK.

lbeg/beg/ ve 心(-g8)T 一 (sb)(forsth) |一 (sth) (offfrom sb) to asK sb for sth especially in an anxious waybecause yoU want or need itiVvery much: [VN] They pegged Firmzjor help. 2T7nanaged to beg a 1访 方om a passing motorisE C She Degged Derinission to Leaye. ?3[V] Fe wants to see tem beg Jor mercxio (Jrnmaj) Dont Ieaye me here TDpeg of youl [VNto inf] She pegged Firmottogo.c [vtoinfl Fe pegged to petoldt 庚 etrut.o [Vspeech] Givemme one morechance,, jhe begged ec [vthat] (frma/) She pegged thatshe pe aL loweda to g0. c (BrE also)' SFe pegged 妇 at she Should pe aL Iowed to go. [also VN speech] 2 ~ (forsth) (from sb) | ~ sth (from sb) to ask sb for money, food, etc., especially 记 the street: [V] Iondom 攻 有所 有 Lof homeless peopie pegginrg 这 the streets.C The children Were pegsgingjforjfpood. capbeggirg letter (二 onethatasks sb formoney)je[IVNJ We rnanasedto peg amnealL 广om the caf owner 了 3 [V] iadogbegs,it sits

| 5vision

| tchan

| djam

| ethin

| 6this

| 0sing



on its backlegs With its front legs'in the aip waiting to be given sth [ET beg 'leaveto dosth (Jormal)to ask sb for 忆 injformaj) 让 permission to do sth be going ,begging (B/ sth is going begging, it is available because nobody else wants itbeg sb's 'pardon (Jormalj, especially BrE) to ask sb to forgive you for sth you have said or done beg the question 1T to make sb want to asK a question that has not yet been answered: AL of wjich pegs the qUestion qas t Who W 记 记 md the project 了 totalk abonut sth as 让 让Were definitely true,even though 让 might not be: These asSUTmDptioras beg the gUestiomn that childrem earm IanSUuaSes

Dath begins at Liyingstom Villase., 5 [V Speech] to start Speaking: Zadies aid genmtlemmem5 he bega7u elcome t the Town HalL” 6 to start or make sth start for the first time: [V] The school begam in IJ920, With only ten PUPiES. [VN] He begam a neWw magazine on DostWar architecture-

7 [vto inf] not 一 to make no attemptto do sth or have no chance ofdoing sth: Tcarmtt begin to thanKyOUenough CHedidnteyen besgin to Understand my Problerm. IE to be'gin with 1 atfirst:Ifound 丰 timng t Degin Withn_ put s0on got used to 让 We 了 lgo slowly to begimn with. 了 Used tointroducethe firstpointyouwantto make: WhatWwas 牙 youdidnitLike2? el to begin Witm our roomm Was Jar too small 一 more at CHARITY

7more easily 轨 amnnadqults.1begto differ used to saypolite-

lythat you do not agree with sth that has just been Said1 begyour pardon 1(jormal)nusedtotell sb that you are SOIIVY for sth you have said or done:Tbeg your pardom 工 thoughtthatWwas ny coat 了 usedto ask sbto repeat what theyhave just said because you did not hear: 从s on DUKke

Street2TDbegyour Dardon.2DUKe Street ”3 (especially BIE) tsed to tell sb that you are offended by what they have just said or by the way that they have Said if: Jst 80 aWay 7Tbeg your pardom了 beg 'off to say that youare tnable to do sth that you have agreed to do: Hes always beggimng offatthe Iastmminute. begad /brgaed/ exclamation (oldUse)jused to express SUTPrise or for emphasis began / OfBEGIN


/brget/ Verb (be:getting,pegot,begot

NAmE gat/



Im sense 1 begat/brgaetVis used for

the Past tense,and be:got'ten/brgptn/V-gad:toVis used for the past participle.) [VN] 1 (old use; for example in the Bible) to become the father of a child: Isaac pegat Jacop. 2 (jbrmal or old-joshioned) to make sth happen: Violence begets Violerice.

色 be.getter OU

beg.gar /begaGrD)/noun, ye 册 目 0OUm 下 aperson whojivesbyaskingpeople formoneyor food 2 (BE informal used with an adjective to descripe sbinaparticular way: AreniyOU dressedyeb yoU Iazy Deg-

Sar? [Er beggars canit be 'choosers (50Yn8g) people

say beggars can't be choosers when there is no choice and sb mustbe satisfied with what is available-more at

WISH1. 目 .yerb [VN] to make sb/sth very Poor: Why should TI beggar

mysejf for you? [IE

beggar be'liefyde'scription to be

too extreme, Shocking, etc. to believe/describe: tbeggars belieFhow things could haye got this pad. beg.garly /begali; NAmE-garlij adj. (iterary) very small in amount

beggar-my- neighbour


[U] a card game for

two Players in which the players try'to win:each others cards

jbegim 0 /brgm/ veb(be.gin:ning,began /brgaen/ begun /brgAn/) Tto start doing sth; to do the first part of sth: [VN] We began work or 雪e project 识 May 2C工 begaii (= Started Teading) ti 坟 movel Iast mont急 and TS hayemt 六 nished 让 CHe always begins his 1essons With a Warm-UD exercise. CHe begamhnispoliticalcareerasastudent(= WhenheWwas astudent). o [V] ShallTIbegin2 CIetspegimratpage 9.9She began by 执anking Us alljforcoming. 2 [vto inf] Tbegarto Jeeldizzy CALlasttheguests begarlto arTive:. 2 She pegailto cry CEWas beginnming to SnOW CTWas beginning :to think youdGmneyvercome.c [V-ing] Eyeryone begart talKing atomce. 2 Whenw 记 you pegin recruiting? 只 note at START 了 [V] to start to .happen or exist, especially from a Particular time: When does the comncert begini2 2 Work om the new Bridge is due to pegin 识 September C The eyening began

WelL 3 ~ as sth [V] to be sth first before becoming sth else: He beganmn as ai actop pefore starting to direct 帮 ms 和 Whatpegan as aninor scuUfrle turned into QI1-scale Triot 4 [v] to have sth as the first part'or the point where sth. starts: Use am pefore Words .peginming With a yoOWel. 2 了 工妆

访iKing of a COUntY 训 Asia What does 让 Degin With (三 What is the first letterj2” C Each chnapter pesgins With Q duotation C Where does Europe end afntd Asia pegimn2C The

ae cat | ad father | eten

begin . start 昌 Thereisnotmuch difference in meaning between begin and start, though startis more common in

spoken English: Whattme does ibheconcertstartbeginz @Shestarted/began working jhere 访ree /months ago Begin is often used when you are describing a series of events: The story pegins om tiheislandofco 思 .start but not begin, can also mean 'to starta journey” to start something happening' or to starta machine 、 working': We needtostartatZ00.eWhodoyouthink

staried the 丰 ez2c Thecarwomntsia 上t S 下 Youcan useeitheran infinitiveoraform with -ingafter begin and start, with no differencein meaning: 1didnt

startwormyingyio worrmy un 要 Shewas2hoursiate 下 Aftertheforms beginningand starting,the-ingform of theverbis not normally used: jts sta才 ng/beginningt ,


季 且

入玉 和-

be.gin:ner /brgmaGn)/ noun a person Who is starting to

learn sth and cannot doit very well yet: Shes 识 the begim-

Pers" class. be,ginner's Tuck novn [U] good luck or unexpected Success When you start to do sth new

jbe.gim.mim吉 0m /brgmmy/) noun 1 [CusuallysingJ~ (of sth) the time when sth starts; the firstpart of an event a story, etc.: WeTe going to Japar at

the besginming ofJUIyX 2 ShesSbeerni working there Since the beginning oflastsummer c WeTnissetlthe beginiing ofthe novie. C Lets startagairi 刘 oma the pegirnmiing 2 The Dirt of their irstcpnild marked the besirirting of amnew era 训 their married Lif. e TVye read the wjhole book 刘om beginm-

ming to entd amd still carmt Understarnd 让 At the beginning (of) is used for the time and place when something begins. In the beginning = at first and suggests a contrast with a later situation. Z beginnings [pl.] the first or early ideas, signs Or Stages of sth: Did dermmocracy Phayve 证 beginmings 训 anicient Greece? C He Du 证 DRas TUIEirmmillion-DouUmnd music business 方om small begirm-

mings: IE the beginning ofthe'end the'first sign'of

sth ending lbe:gone /brgon; NAmE-gomj -gamy/ exclamation (olduse) away oftelling sbto go away immediately

be.go.nia /brgeunie,NAmE -goo-/ noun aplant with large shiny flowers that may be pink red,yellow': or white, grown indoors orin a garden be.gorra /brgpre; NAmE brg5ras; "ga excla1maton

(nishpE old-shioned) used to express SUIDrise begot'


be.got'tenm PP ofBEGET be.grudge /brgrAd5/ verb (often used iD negativVe senterces) 1 to feel unhappy that sb has sth because you do not think that they deserve it: [VNN] Yov surely aomt pegrudge him Pis happiness. 3 [VN -ing] Taontbegrudge her peing so Success 负 L 2 to feelunhappy abouthavingto do, payor give sth: [VN] TDpegruage eyery Second TSDenttrying to _help im ec [V :ing] They begrudge Paying SO TUcF TOoney Jorasecond-rate SeTVice, be.grudg.ing.ly /brgraAdsmli/ adv = GRUDGINGLY

| sa: bird | a about |irsit | 立 see | imany, | m got (BrE | osaw| scup|oput|wtoo

be.guile /brgaal/ vemb [VN] (forman 1 一 sb (into doing



sth) to trick sb into doing sth, especially bybeing nice to them: She beguiled them into believing her version of eyents. 辽 to attract or interest sb: He was beguiled by her beauty

be.guiling/brgalm/ odi. (formah attractive and interesting but sometimes mysterious or trying to trick you: Deguiling adqyertisermnents C _Her beauty Was beguiling. > beSsuiling.lyadv jbe-guine /ba'gimm/ novn a Caribbean dance similar to a FEOXTROT; a piece of music for this dance besgum /bergamy/ moun a title of respect tused for a Mus-

limn woman

of high rank and for a_ married Muslim

Woman: BeguTmn Zia

besumpp ofBEGIN be.half

om /brhaf; NAmEbrhaef/ noun

[Er in behalf of sb | in sb'xs behalf (US) 训 order to help sb: We coliected morey in behalf of the homeless.、 on behalfofsb| on sb?s behalf1 astherepresentative of sb orinstead ofthem: On bpehalfof the departmentTwoula Liketo thanKkKyoualL MrKTiightcamnotbehere sohisw 庆 W记 acceptthe prize on his behalf 了 because of sb; for sb: Dont worry on my behalfF 3 in order to help sb: They camlpaigmed om bejpalf of asyIurmn SeeKkers.


0m /bfherv/ ve履

Tv +adv/prep] to do things in a Particular way EEIHI ACT: The doctor behayved very Unprofessionally < They behayedyerybadly towards their guest. OoFe behaved Like a true gentleman C She behayed With great digmnity 和 He behayved as if[though mnothing had happened c They pehave differentty When youre mot around., GEgI SDOken English people often Use like instead of as 证 or as though,, especially in NA47mE: He behayed Like miothing Pad happened This is not considered correct 雇 written

She glanced behind her ceDonit forgetto locKk the door be-

hind you (= when you leave). c The sunmn disappeared behind the clouvds. 一compare IN FRONT OF 只 note at BACK 2 making less progress than sb/sth: He's behind the rest of the class in reading. C Were behind schedule (= late). 3 giving support to or approval ofsb/sth: She knew thab Whateyer She decided jher jommily Was rigRht behind her 4 responsible for starting or developing sth: Whats behind that happy Smile (= what is causing 让)2.C He Was the Tar behind ieEDlan to build a new hospital 5 Used to say that sth is in sb's past: The accident 1 behind you mnow so trytojforget 丰 CShe Phas tenyears' usefulexperience behimnd Per 上 Gdly. 了 atortowardsthebackofsb/sth; furtherback: She Tode o信 down the road with the dog Funning behind. c The others arealong way behind. C He was Shot 万om behind as Phe ran away CThad jallen so fjor behind that 让 seermned pointless tying to catch UP. 了 in the Place where sb/sth js or was:Twas told to stay behind after school (= remain iD school). 2 This bag was Left behind after the class. 3 ~

(withyin sth) late in paying money or completing work: She's fallen behind with the payrments. o He Was terribly peRind in his WorK. 至 0OUm (informa1j) a Person's bottom. People often say behind'to avoid saying bottom. Pimz oO Phis behind.

BACKSIDE;: The dogzP 让

be.hind.hand /brhamdhznd/ ad [not before noun] ~ (withyin sth) late in doing sth or in paying money that is Owed: They were behindhand in settling their debts.

be.hold /brhaold; NAmE brhoold/ vemb (be.held /br held/,be.held [VN] (old wse or Jierary) to look at or see Sb/sth: Her jce was a joy to behold. 2 They peheld a Dright star Shining 识 the Sky,、[IEI see LO

BrE. 了 ~ (yourself) to do things in a way that People

be.holden /brheoldsn; NAmE -hould-/ adj. ~ to sb (for

think is correct or Polite: [V] Wi you Kids just behayve1 She doesmnt Know how to pehayve 识 PUBLiC._ CC [VN] TWwant youto behaye yourselyes while T7mm away [aaag MISBEHAVE

be.hold:er/brhsulda0); NAmE -hould-/ nouUm IE see

sth) (formal) owing sth to sb because of sth that theyhave done for you: Sjie didmtlike to pe beholdet to artyorie.

3 -behaved (in adjectives) behaving in the way mentioned: WelLZbadly-behayved children 4 [V 十 adv/ Prep.] (techmical)to naturally reacb move, etc. 记 aparticular Way: Q sbudy of how netals behaye Under PressUTe IE see OWNY


:omw (Br 日(NMmE be-hav-ioy /br

hervjeaG)/ oun 1T [u] the way that sb behaves, especially towards other people: gsood/bad bejhaviour cosocialAsexuaLAcriminal pehayiour 2 瓦is behayviour towards her Was becoming Tore amd more aggressiye. 也 [U,C] the way a person, an animal, aplant, a chemical, etc. behaves or functions in a particular situation: the behayiour of aolphins/chrormmo5s01nes COStudying hurman and animal behaviour C (techmicajj to study Iearned behayiours P be.hav'iour-al(B/E) (NAImE be.-hav-ior-al /jerel/) adj.: childrer with pehavioural difficulties 2 behayioural science (= the study of human behaviour)” TIE be on your best be'haviour to behave in the most polite way you can


(Br6 (NmE



BEAUTY be.hove/brhaov; NmEbrhouv/ (BrE) (NMmE be-hoove /brhusv/) ye避 [VNto inf] 诗 behoves sb to do sth (思 广 /malj)itis rightornecesSary for sb to do sth: 夏 pehoves Us to Study tese Findings carefully. beige/beI3s/ adj/. lightyellowish-brown in colour houn [U]

> beige

being/bi:m/ novn 1 [U] existence: The Irish Free State came imnto being 训 79222.

Amew era Was brouSsht into

Deing by the war. 一see also WELL-BEING 2.[C aliving creature: hurma7l beings C Qastrange being 方om aother

planet 3 [U] (formal) your mind and all of your feelings: Tphated him With my Whole being. 一See also BEYV

be.jew-elled(Br6(Us be:jew:eledl /brdsureld/ adj. (信 erary) decorated with PRECIOUS STONES; wearing jewellery

lbel/bel/ movPn (iechnical) ameasurement ofsound equalto 10 DECIBELS

be.la.bour(8r6(M4AmE be.la.bon /brlerbeaC)/ vemb [VN]

(1jormal) averybig andpowerful company or organization be-hestybrhest/ moun [sing] rng at sb's be'hest (old Use or1jormalj) because sb has ordered or requested 让

[Er belabour the 'point (jorma/) to repeat an idea, argument,etc. many times to emphasize 让 ,especially when it has already been mentioned or Understood be.lated /brlertrd/ adj. coming or happening late: a pelated Dirthday present > belated.lyadv E belay/biner brler/ ye 必 [V VN] (technicol) (in climbing)to attach a rope to a roclo etc.; to make a person safe while climnbing by attaching a rope to the Person and to a Tockl etc. bel canmto /bel Kazsenteo; NAmE -too/ nouUm [U] (music) a style of OPERA Or operd singing in the 19th century in Which producing a beautiful tone was considered very important

on /brhamad/ prep,oadv, noun

belch /beltf/ vem 1T FIv] to let air come UP noisily from

hervjerrzem/ nouwn [U] (Psychology) the theory that all human behaviour is_ learnt by adapting to _outside conditions _and that learning is not influenced by


and feelings

> behaviourist (BrE) (NAmE

be.hav.iorist /-jsrIst/ -mo07 be.head/brhed/ ve 履[VN] [usually passive] to cut off sbs head, especially as a punishment DECAPITATE

be.heldpt pp ofBEHOLD be.he:moth /brhimopb; "bihrmmpb; NMAmE -mo:6/ OUn


上 prep. Tatortowards the back of sb/sth, and often hidden by it or them: Whos the girl starntding pehind Jan7 人 Stay close behind me. ea small street behind the Station 人

u actual

| army

| ao now

| ersay

| ao go (BrE)

your stomach and out through your mouth: Be WwWiped hzs Phamnd across his 7mmouth,then belched 1oudly, ER BURP

2 [vvN]~(outforth) (sth) to send out large amounts of

| ou go (MmB

| 5 boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| use pure


128 |

Smoke, flames, etc.; to come out of sth in large amounts SPEW OUT PP belch noun: He sat pacKk_ and gaye Q Ioud belch.


be:lea.guered /brli:gad; NmE :gard/ ad TUormna1)

think itis trie now would you be'lieve (这2 (pformc)

experiencing a lot of criticism and difficulties: ThPe beleaguered party leader Was forced tolresigm: 也 SUIIOunded by anienemy: SUPPlies for 雪 ebeleaguered city

used to show' thatyou are surpriised amnd annoyed about sth; Amnd Would you belieye, he didmteven apologize1you/

youid better be'lieve itt (njormal used:to tell sb that

bel.fry /belfri/ noun (P/-ies)atowerin which bells hang,

sth is defiinitely true 一more at GIVE 人 be'iieve'in sby/sth to feel certain that sb/sth exists; Do yoU bpelieye 妆 God? be'lieve in sb to feel that you can' trust sb and/or that they will be successful: They meed a leader 妇 ey cam Delieye 识.中 note at TRUST be'lieve in sth to think that sth is good, right or acceptable: [+ -ing] Tdomt pelieye 访

especially as part of achurch

belie /brlar/ yemb (be.lies be.ly-ing, belied, be:lied) [VN]

(Jormanl Tto giveafalse impression of sb/sth: Herenergy a7id yoUth 友 1good IooKs belie her 65 years. 了 2 to show that sth cannot be true or correct: Govermrment clairms 矿 Qt there is mo poyerty are belied By the Purmber of hoTmeless People om the streets.

Pitting children be'lieve sth of sb to thinkthat sb is cap:

able of sth: Areyousure he Was Jying2Tcarttpelieye thatof

pe.lief om /brigft/ mon

Pit be.liever /brlirveG)/ nouvn aperson who believes ip the existence Or truth of sth, especially sb who believes in a god or religious faith ,CD UNBELIEVER [DJ be a

1 [LIU]~(in sth/sb) astrong feeling that sth/sb exists or is true; confidence that sth/sb is good or right: Tadrmmire 7izs

Passionate belief im wpat he is doing. 2 pelief im God/democracy 2 [sing.,U] ~ (that .…) an opinion about sth; sth that yotthink is true: She acted in the pelief thatshe Was doing good. 2 Conttrary to popular belief (= 训D spite of Whatpeople maythink), he was notresponsibleJorthe rragedy There 1 a Seneral pelieF that things Ww记 Soom 8et better 3 [Cusually pl.] something that you believe, especially as part of your Teligion: religious/Ppolitical peliefs 一compare DISBELIEF,UNBFLIEF [Pbeyond be'lief (in a way that is) too greatb difficult etc. to be believed: Dissatisfaction Witp the goyerTmrmnent has SroWP Deyond belief C icy air tat was cold beyomd belie 大 more

(great/firm) believerin sth to believe strongly thatisth is good, important or valtuable

Be.1isha bea-com /bsli:fa ien/ moum (也 Britain) a post with an orange flashing light on top marking a Place where cars must stop to allow people to cross the road pe.1it.tle /brlrtl/ verb [VN] to make sb or the things that Sb does seem Unimportant: She 有 万 比herhusbamnd comstaritly Delittied Per achieyerments.

也四 om /bel/ noun 1 ahollow metal object, often shaped like a cup, that makes aringing sound when hitbya small piece of metal inside it; the sound that ii makes: A peal of church belzs Trailg Out 识 the dista7tce. \2a Dicycle pell 2 _ Fis yoice carmme aown the Line as clear as Q belL 2 the bell of a trumpet (三 the bell-shaped Part at the end of it) 2_a pelL-shaped Jiower 一picture 只 GOAT, PAGE R6 2 an electrical device Which makes a ringing sound When a_bttton on it is Pushedi; the sound that it makes, Used as a Signal or a Warning: Ring the pellto see 太 ipey7rei 六 Thepellsrinsing! C The bell wentjJfor the end of the lesson. C An alarrTm pell went o 矿2 Warriing pells started riiging ier nead




adj that -can be _believed

PLAUSIBLE: Her explamnation certainly SOUnded beliey-

apble. C_a play with pelieyable characters [3 UNBELIEVABLE be.lieve. om /brliv/ ve 几 (notused in the progresSive tenses) *_ FEELCERTAIN Ttofeel certain thatsth is true orthat sb is telling you the truth: [VN]Tdont pelieyve you! Tbelieved jis lies for years. C The man ciaimed to pe a social Worker

and the old womanm belieyed hirm

TIfind thathard to be-

as She sensed that Something Was Won8. [IE

lieve.c Believeme, shesmiotrightforyou Dontbelieyea Word of 让 (= donmtbelieve anypart ofwhat sb is saying). CO[v (that] People used to belieye (thabj theearthu wasjiat Je refused to belieye ( 纺ab Phis son Was inVolved i识 drugs. CT do belieyve youre right (= Ithink sth is true, even though itis sSurprising). THINK POSsIBLE 2.to think that sth is true-or Dossible,


ell curve ovn (mathematics) aline on a GRAPH that rises toa high -round curve in the middle, showing NOR= MAL DISTRIBUTION belle /bel/ ownp:(old-jshoned) a beautiful woman; the mostbeautiful woman in a particular Place

beiie epoaque /bel erpok; NAmE eipoxk/ moun [sing']

4 don't/can't ~ sth Used to

(from French) the period of comfortable and peaceful life before World WarI

belles-lettres /bel ,letre/ noun [U+sing./pl. v] (from French, old- 反shioned) studies or writings on the subject of

[v wh-] Tcamt belieye Phow much betterTfeelL

RELIGION 5 [Vjtohave areligious faith: The god appears omly to 轨ose Who believe.

literature or art coOntrasted with those On technical or scientific subjects

[Er believeitor'not (infornal)asedto introduice information thatis true butthat may SUIprise People: Believe 让 or nob5 he asKked me to marry himl believe (you) 'me

'bell glass "ovn a bell-shaped glass cover especially for

(npformalj) used to emphasize that you strongly believe what you are saying: YoUjhayvemnt heard the Iast of this, be-

Lieveyourmel don'tyou be'ieveitt (informal) usedtotell sbthat sth js definitelynottrueldon't be'lieve itt (ipjo广

lieve that, you?ll believe 'anything (oformal) used to


| ddid

| ffal

| 9get

| hhat

| jyes


moun aperson whose job is to carry people's cases totheir Iooms in ahotel

say that you are suUrprised or annoyed at sth: [v (that)] She couldmt belieye (thab 让 Was all happening again 和

mal used to saythat you are surprised or annoyed abonut sth:Tdomtbelieve 让 What areyoudoing here2 放 you be-


beil.boy /belbaz/ (especialy NAm昌 (NAmEalsopeli:hop)

iportant issue /cing the goyernmeTt

2 apoisonotus

bell-bottoms ”ov7 [pl.] trousers/pants with legs that become very wide below the knee

Lieved that te couple hayve Lefi the country [VNto inf The yases are belieyed to be Worth over 8%20000each. [LV] Where does She come 方om 2” Spairm Tbpelieve2 Does he Still WoOrk there2? 了Tbelieyve so/mnotc [VN-ADH :Threesailors are 7mmissing, pelieyed drowmned 只 note at THINK HAVEOPINION 3 [v (that] to have the opinion that sth is


/bela'dpna; NAmE aama/ noun [U] T 三


Tight or true: The Party believes (thab education is the 7mosSE 和

give sb a

'bell (BrE mnformal) to call sb by telephone 一moresat ALARM1.,PULL Vv, RING V,,SOUND adl/.

although yo are not completely certain: [V (that)] Police pelieye (thab) the man 7mmay be armed c [VN (that] Itis be-

say that you think sb is .stupid 这 they believe that ,sth is truemake bejlieve (tat.…) toPpretendthatsth is true一 related_noun MAKE-BELIEVE not peilieve-your 'ears/ 'eyes (Informal) to be very surprised at sth you hear/see: T couldnm4 belieyve my eyes When she Waiked In. seeing is be'lieving (Sing) used to saythatsb will haveto believe that sth is true when they see it although they do noft

Plants jbellhop /belhop; NAmE-hazp/nouwn(NAmE) = BELLBOY bel.1i.cOse /belkeus; -kegz; NAmE:KkouUs; -KogZ/ ad/ ( 太 Imal) having or showing a desire to _argue_ or 拥ght AGGRESSIVE,,WARLIKE

bellicos'ity /belrkpsati;

NAmE-ka:s-/ noum [U]

-bellied | k cat


| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| pipen

| rred

jpel:liserent /bajlrd5arant/ adj noun

了 > belfigerenmce /ens/noun-[U].belligerently

adv 昌 ouUn(jorimaljh) acountryorgroup thatis fghting awar

in a loud deep voice,especially because you are angry YELL: [V] ,They bellowed'at her to stop. ce [VN] The peliowed

;instructions .太om




Vspeech] 2 [V] when' alargeianimal such as aBULL bellows, itmakes aloud deep sound

is peiJow noun: to Iet

outa beliow ofrage/pain

bei:iows /beleoz; NAmE


ouz/ noum(P 人 bellows) [C+sing./pl.Vv] a piece of equipment for blowing air into or through sth. Bellows are Used for making a fire burn better or for aeEE producing sound in some types of mtusical instruments: Q pairof bellows (= asmall bellows with two handlestobe pushedtogetheT)

'bell pepiper novn (NAmE) = PEPPER(2) 'beil pull oovn a rope or handle that youPpull to make a bell ring, for example to make sb ip another room hear

You 'bell push ”ovn (BrE) abutton that you Press to make an electric bell ring

'beli-ringer (also_ringer) mon _a person who rings church bells as a hobby > 'bell-ringing "OU [U] 一see also CAMPANOLOGIST, CAMPANOLOGY ,beils and whhistles 20ov7 [pl.] (especially computm8) attractive exXtra features

bel.wether /belweaeG)/ novn [usually sing.] something that is used as a Sign of what will happen in the future: University camzDuses are often the bellwether of cha7lge.

beliy /beli/ ovn, ye 必

四 IOUm (P/ -ies) 1 the part of the body below the chest STOMACH,GUT: They crawled along om 女eir peLLies. 一see also BEER BELLY,POT BELLY 了 2 (iterarmy) the iotlind or curved Part of an object: the beliy of asPip 一Pic-



3 -bellied (in adjectives) having the

type of belly mentioned: swollen-bellied 2 round-bellied

IE go jbelly'up (njormalj) to fail completely: Iastyear the businessWentbellyup afterone ofthepartners resigned-

上四 VE贱 (bellies,bellying,bellied, bellied)-[V] ~ (out)

(especiallyof sails) to fill with air and become rounder beiliy-ache /beliezk/ novn; ve 履 男 IOU1 [GU] (njformaj) a pain in the stomach: Tye got (g) bellyache. 下 ye 凡 [v] (informajh to complain alot abonut sth in an annoying or Unreasonable way

'belly button noun (pormalj) = NAVEL 'belly danmce 5movn a dance, ofiginally 人fom the Middle East in which awoman moves her belly and hips around

beliy dancer 01

belly:flop /belifiop; NAmE amp/ noun (njormal) a bad

DIVE into waten in which.the front of the body hbits the waterflat

belly:ful-/belifol/ novnrerg have had'a'bellyful of

sby/sth (informal) to have had more than enough of sb/ sth, so that you cannot deal with:any more: Tye had a belly台 1ofyour mmoaim8.

belly iaugh 5ovn (nm7rc1h a deep loud laugh be.long 0 _/brlop0; NAmE:J5a/ ve 由 (notusedin the Progressive tenses) 1T [v+adv/prep]to be in the right or suitable Place: Where do these plates belong (= where are they kept)2 ^ Are yoU SUre these docurmnents pelong together? 2 [vto feel comfortable and happy in a particular Situation OF


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

with aparticular group ofpeople:Tdom:tfeelas ifTbelong Pere. # be-Ilong:in 吕 OU1 [U];to jel asense of pelonging be'long to sb 1 to be owned by sb: Who does this

belljarovnr atall round glass cover usedby scientists pel:iow /Deleo; NAmE:oou/ ve 卫 履 一 (sth) (atsb)to shot Coach



sqdj. Tunfriendly and aggressive HOSTILE: a DeLTigerentattitude 字 [only before noun] (Jormaol/) (of acountry)'fighting a war: the belligerent countries/states/

Watch _belong to? c The islands belong to _Spain 2Q2 an event,a coOmpetition,etc. that belongs to Sb is one which they are the most Successftl oz PoOpDular: Britsh actors did well at the award ceremony DuULEthe eyening beIonged to 纺 eAmericans. be'iong io stih 1 to be a member ofaciub, an organization; etc.: Haye yo ever pelomnged to a politicai Party? 2 to be part of a particular groUP type, OFr System: Tionsand gers belomng to t芒e catjfarnily. be:iong.ings /brlonImz; NAmE :1o20-/ movun [pl] the things that you own which can be moved, for example not land or buildings POSSESSIONS: Insurance of Property and Dersonal belongings 2 She packed her fw pelongings imnabag anad Le太史 note atTHINGS

be.ioved cd/., novn

上四 加 dj (pornoll 站 /brlAvd/ 一 by/of sb loved very much by sb; VeryDpopular withysb: the deep Du7rDIe Jowers So peloyed Byartis 2 /brlAvid/ [only before noun] loved very much: 碎 Tnemory ofour dearty beloved som JoPm 四 OU1 /brlAvId/ (old vse or Jiterary) a person who is loved very much by sb: 下 was ag 这 方om her beloved. pelio@wy 0m /brleo; NmEbrlou/ prep, ady 上 prep. 1 atortoalower level or position than-sb/sth: Fe Gived pelow theisurfoce of the water cePlease do notWrite Delow this Line. c SKirt W记 be wo below (三 longenough to cover) 妇 e Knee. 2 ofalower amount or standard than sb/sth: The termperatures rermmained pelow 方eezingallday 2 Her worK Was Well below ayeragejfortheclass. 3 ofa lower Iank or oflessimportance than sb/sth: Apolice sergeantz Peilow am inspector 下 Gdv. 1 atortoalowerlevel position or place: They Live om thejfloorbelow.cTcould shillsee the airportbuildingsjor

pelow. 2 See beiow (= atthe bottom ofthe page) for7efer ences. CO The passengers Who jelt seasick Stayed below (= on alower DECK). 2 (ofatemperature) lower than zero: The therrmometerhad aropped to arecord40 below (= 一 40 degrees). 3 at alower rank: Thnis rUIimig apPplies to tje raTiKs of Inspector and bpeloW:.

jpe 肛 om /belt/ noun, ve 避 上 OUm 让 a long narrow piece of leather cloth etc. that you Wear around the waist: to do UP/Jasteri/tighten a Delt c abelt buckle 一picture 只 PAGE RI5 一see alsO BLACK BELT,LIFEBELT,SEAT BELT,SUSPENDER BELT 了 a contintous band of material that moves round and is used to carry things along or to drive machinery 一see_ also CONVEYOR BELT,FAN BELT 3 an area with particular characteristics or where a _particular grOUP of people live;: 态e countrys corTriindustrial belt C We live 识 the cOTTLUter pelt 2 apelt of rain moyving across the coOUmtry 一See also GREEN BELT 4 (informaj) an act of hitting sth/sb hard: She gayve the balla terriic belt_ IE beiow the'belt (ofaremark) unfair or cruel: That was qistirtctpy pelow the beltl beit and 'braces (Unformal) taking more actions than are really necessary to make Sure that sth Stcceeds or Works as it should: a belt-and-braces Policy

have sth under your 'belt (0nformoal) to have already achieved or obtained sth: She _already has Qa couUple of good Wins Under her bei 一more at TIGHTEN 四 VE 由了 [VN] (njirmal)tohit sbysth hard: He belted the ba Fight out of the parK:. 2 7 beltyou 矿you do that again 2 [V+oadvVprep] (informal especialy BrE) to move very


TEAR:A trtucKk camte belting UDPibehind Us. 3 [VN]

to fasten_a belt around sth: The dress was belted at the WaiSt jbelit:sthc'out (Unformal) to sing a song or

play musicloudly belt'up (Br6) 1 (NAmE buckle 'up)

(informal) to fasten:your SEAT BELT (三 a belt worn by a passengerin avehicle) 2 (informal)used totell sb rudely to be quiet SHUT UP: Justbeltup, Wi yoUL belt drive movn a system that uses a moving continuous beltto send power to part ofa machine

belt.ed /beltrd/ adj with abelt around it: a belted jacket

| 5vision

| 名 chain

| d5jam

| gthin

| 5this | msing


130 |

belt.way/'beltwer/ novm(US) a RING ROAD, especiallythe one around Washington DC

be.Juga/balu:ge/ (P/ be'lugaor be-lugay OU typeofsmall wHALE


2 [C] atypeoflarge fish thatjives ipn

Tivers and lakes in eastern Etrope 3 (also bellusa'cavia [U] a type of CAVIAR (= 人ish eggs), 位om a beluga bel.ve.dere/belvadre(); NMmE-drmr/novun asmallhouse or structure, Sometimes with one side open, designed to give abeanutiful view be.moan/brmaun; NMmEbrmoon/ verb [VN] ( 如rmal)to complain or saythatyouarenothappyabout sth: THPeysat Demoanmning the fact that no one would give therm a chanmce.

be-musegd /brmju:zd/ adj showing that you are confused and unable to think'-clearly ERBEWILDERED: Q Permzused expressiomn/smilebemuseyvemb[VN] bemused:ily/brmju:zrdqli/ odv bemnmchy/bentJ/ novun 1T [G a long seat for two or more people, usually made of wood: a parKk bench 一Picture 只 CHAIR 2 the benchf[fsing] (/ow) ajudge in courtorthe seat where he/she sits; the position of being a judge or MAGISTRATE: 有is Iawyer turned to address the pench She has recentiy peen appointed to te bench.、 3 [Cusually pl.] (in the British Parliament) a seat where a particular group ofpoliticians sit: There Was chneerinlg 广omi the OPPO5S这 of beriches, 一See also BACK BENCHy THE FRONT BENCH 4 the bench [sing.] (S%pomb the seats where players Sit When they are not Playing ip the gpme: 太e SUbstittltes” pench 5 [G = WwWORKBENCH:Q carperiterS bench

bench:.marky/bentfmakx NAmE -marK/ noun some: thing which can be meastred and tised as a standard that other things can be compared with: Test at the age ofseyen proyvide abenchrmark againstwFiich the childs proSress at School ca7tz pe 7TmneasUred. 'Ibenmch press]mov7 an exercise in which you lie on a Taised Surface with your feet on the floor and raise 3a Weight with both arms

bench testovn -atest performed on:a Imachine or part

before it is sold .bench-testverb [VN]

(NMAmE informal) a sports player who is not chosen to play in a particular game,, but'is available if their team Deedsthem ERETISUBSTITUTE benmndi om /bend/ verb,noun 目VEjb( beni bentybent/) 1 [often 二advVprep.] (especially of sb's body or head) to lean, or make sth lean, in a Particular direction: [V] He bent anmd Kissed her jields ofpopPies bending 识 the wind ecHis dark head bent oyer Per 和 She bent forward to picK UD thje newspaper 2 .Slowiy bend 万oma the Waist antd brimng your head dowP to your /knees. [VN] He penit his head and Kissed Pher 2 She Was pent Over Per desKk writingatletter 2 youbend your arm, leg, etc. of 寺 让 bends, you move it so thatit is no longer straight: [VN] Bendyour Knees, Keepingyour bacK straighi c [V] Lie Jat and Letyour Knees bend. 3 [VN] to force sth that was Straight into an angle or acurve: MarK 态 ePipe wpere yoU Wantto pend 让 CThe niyes Were pent outof shape. 2 Te DenEthe wire into the shiape ofa square- 4 to chafige direction to form a curve or an angle;:to make sth change direction im this way: [V] The road pent sharply to te Tright C [VN] Glass afid Water poth penda Light IE bend sb?s'ear (about sth)(Unformal) to talk to sb a lot abotit sth especially about aproblem thatyouhave bend your Imind/'effortsto sthjorma))tothinkveryhard abonut or Put a lot of effort :into one particular thing bend the fruthto say sth that is not completely true on bended

"kneelsjftyou askfor sth onbended knee(s), youask for iin a Very anxious and/or HUMBLE Way 一more at BACKWARDS,RULE 1. 'bend sb to sth(jormao/) to force or persuade sb to do what you want or to accept yOUI opinions: 瑟e mamipulates people aid tries to bend them

to his w 记 (= make them do what he wants). 下IOU1 了 [C] a curve or turn, especiallyin aroad orTriver': Q ShaTp bend 训 妇e road 一see also HAIRPIN BEND 2 the pain



bend-ew'bendeG)/ noun (slang) aperiod ofdrinking alot of alcohol or taking alotof drugs: to go on apender bendy/'bendi/ adj. (BrE ipformah) 1 that can be bent easjly ER3HJUFLEXIBLE 2 with manybends: a beridy road

be-nmneatlh om /brni6/ prep (jorma) Tin orto alower position than sb/sth; under sb/sth: They found 妨 e body buried beiieath a pile of Ieayes: C The boat Samk berieath the Wayves. 了 2 not good enough for sb: He considers suUch jobs beneatRh him CThey 雪 oUSRhtShe jad Tnarried beneath her(=married aman oflower social sta-

tus). pw be-neathodyv: Hercarefulrmmake-Up Pid thesigrs of age bemeath.

Bene.-dic:tine/benrdrktm/ movn a imember of a Christian gIOUP of MONKS Or NUNS following the rules of St

Benedict > Benedictineodj:aBenedictine momnastery bene.dic:-tion/benrdrkfmn/ novn [CU] (fjormah a Christian Prayer of BLESSING

bene-faction /benrfaskjfn/ novn

[G (formal) a gifb

usually of money, that is given to aperson or an Organization in order to do good

bene.fac:tive/benrfaektrv/ adj. (grammar) relating to the person or thing that benefits from the action of the verb, for example 人for you in Tboughtthis for yo

bene.fac-tom'benrfaektea)/ novn (Jormah) aperson who gives money or other help to a person or an organization Such as a school or charity

bene季ce/benifrs/ novn the paid Position ofaChristian Priest in charge ofaPARISH be.-nmefi-cemtbrnefrsntAadj/. (formalj) giving help; showing kindness ERIGENEROUS ”> beneficence /brmnefrsns/ nouwn [U] bene-fi:cial /benrfrJl/ ad ~ (to sth/sb) improving a Situation; having a helpful or Useful effect _ERADVANTAGEOUS, FAVOURABLE: a good diet z beneficial to health

bench.warm-.er/bentJwomaea); NAmE:wozrmz-/ noun

bends [pl.] severe

experienced by a DIVER Who comes back to the Surface of the water too quickly -IE round the bendy/twist (informal especiajly BrE) crazy: Shes gomne comipletely round the benid. 2 The children Payve been driying me roOUTtd the “bend today (= annoying me very much),

识 breathing

acat | d father | eten | s:bird |9about | Ist|isee


bene有 -ciary/benrfrferii NAmE:firfieri/ movn (PP -ie9 ~ (of sth) 1 aperson who gains as忌Tesult of sth: Who WwW 说 pe 急 e maim beneFiciary of the cu 训 income tax? 2 a Person Who receives money or PrOPerty when sb dies

lpeme作ii 世 0/benifrt/ noun; ye 认 aoOum 了 [U,C] anadvantage that sth gives you; athelpful and useful efftect that sth has: Tye had the benefitiofa 8ood educatiom c The newregulations w 记 be ofbenefitto eyeryone conceried. C 下 will be to yOUFr benefit to _arrFive

early C He couldm:t see the benefit of arguing army 1omnger the benefhitks of modern mmedicine C 下 Was good to see her Jinally reaping the benefits (= enjoying the results)iof al Per hardiwWork, 一see:alsoiCOST-BENEFIT, FRINGE BENEFIT

2 [u,G (BrE) money Provided by'-the government


People who need financial help because they are _Unemployed, jl/sick,etc. 一see also CHILD BENEFIT,HOUSING BENEFIT,SICKNESS BENEFIT 3 [Cusually pl.] an advantage that yotu get from a company in addition to the money that youearn; money from an insurance COmpany: The insuramnce Plan Wi Proviae SUbstaPntial cas玫

Deniehitgs to your Jommily

识 case of yo

deathi. 一see also

FRINGE BENEFIT 4 [C] an event Such as a performance, adinner, etc., orgamnized in ordertoraise moneyforapar ticular Person OF charity: Qa :benefit matchncomcert IE for sbs benefitespecially in order to help or be useful to sb: TI haye typed out Some Lecture miotes fbr the Denefit of those People wjo Were absent 1ast WeeKk. C Dom go to any trouble for mmy penefitl Sive sb the ,benefit of the 'doubtto acceptthat sb hastold the truth or has not done sth wrong because you cannot pIOve thattheyhave

not Verb ( -Or :tt [VN] to be useful to sborimprovetheir life ip some way: We Should spend the 7roney Onm SOmething

态atw 记 beriefit eyeryone. 2 [V] 一 (from/bysthjtobeina

| imany|ngot(BrE

| orsaw|Acup|

oput | mtoo


better Position because of sth: Who _exactly stands to Pernefit 廊oma these charages? Bemne:iux /benilAks/ novn [u] a name for Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, when they are thought of

beret /berer NAmE barer/ novun around flat caplmade out of soft cloth and with atightband around the head一

asa group

Picture 只 HAT

be-nevo-lent /bemnevaelent/ odj. 1 (Jormalj) (especially of

jberg /bs:9; NMmE bs:rg/ noun (SAHfrE) 1Ta mountain or group of mnountains 2 (alsothe Berg ) [sing.] the Drakensberg, a group oftall mountains ip Seuth Africa berga:-imot /bas:gsmnpt; NAmE 'bsrgemazt/ noUn 1 (also 'bergameot o 讶) [U] oil from the skin of a small orange 2 [U] atype of HERB berg-schrumd /bs:gjJrund; NAmE "barkjront/ moun (geology) a deep crack formed where a GLACIER (= alarge moving mass of ice) meets the side of a mountain

People in authority) kind, helpful and generous: apeneyvoLent Smilexattitlde 2 belief im the existemnce of a bemnevolent god [ga



in the names

of soIne

organizations that give help and money to People in need: the .RAR Beneyolent _Fund > benevolence /beamevelens/ noun [Ujbenmevolentiy adv

区em.Sa 和 /ben'goli; NMAmE :gali/ novn :1 [G a person from Bangladesh or West Bengal in eastern India QZ [U] the language of People from Bangladesh or West Bengal

per-i-per-i /beriberi/ noun [U] a diseasethat affects the

in eastern India EBem-Eali 0cdf/.


Dervesand heart, caused byalack ofVITAMIN B

/brnaitrd/ adj (old:jshioned) 1 (of people)

fperk /bs:k; NAmEPbas:rk/ noun (BrE slang, old-joshioned) a

Withoutunderstanding 2 (ofplaces) withoutthe benefits

Stupid personEE

ofmodern life



/brnam/ adj. 1 (formal) (of people) kind and

death [Ga




adv: He smmiled be-



/bent/ adj, noun 一See also BEND, BENT, BENT

上 0d/. 1 not straight: a Piece of bent Wire C Do this exercise With your Knees bent (= not with your legs straight). 一picture 只 CURVED 2 (of a person) not able to stand UP Straight, usually as aresult ofbeing old orill/sick: as7maz Dent old wommart C He Was bent double with Iaughter determined to do sth

理 _]OUm [usuallysing] ~ (for sth) anatural skill or iterest 雇 sth: She has abentjfor mathermaics.

/bentwod/ noun [u] wood that is artificially

shaped for making furniture: bentwood chairs

/benzin/ movn [U] a clear liquid obtained


from PETROLEUM and COAL TAR, Used in making Plastics andmany chemical produets


/brkwi2a/ ve 履~ sth (to sb) | ~ (sb) sth (or

/brri:v/_ ve [VN]be bereaved

PAGE RI2 per-serE /ba'za:k; -sa:k; NAmEbaer'z3ark; -S3:rk/ adj [not usually before noun] 1 very angry often in a:Violent or Uncontrolled way: Fe Went berserk When he Jound out Where Ta been. 2 very excited: People Were going berserK With excitermment


/brkwest/ moum (ormal) money OF PrOoperty

thatyou askto be given to aparticular person when You die: He lefiabequestto each ofhis grarmdchildrert be:rate /brrert/ vemb [VN] (Jormoj) to criticize of speak angrily to sb because you do not appProve of sth they have done


/beri/ noun (pl-ies ) (often in compounds) a small

fruit that grows on a bush. There are Several types of berry, some of which can be eaten: Birds feed om muts and Derries ithe Winter blackberries/Taspberries 一picture 号>

mmall Tto say in a WILL that you want sb to have yoOUI PIoperty,money etc,after you die LEAVE: [VN; VNN] He bequeathed his entire estate to 1is daughter 2 Fe Dequeathed his daugjter his entire estate: 了 [VN, VNN] to leave the restlts of your worlk knowledge, etc. for other People to use, especially after you have died


"ovn [sing.] an area in the

Atlantic Ocean _between Bermuda,Florida and Puerto Rico where a large ntumber of ships and aircraft are believed to have disappeared in a mysterious way: Tnis area oftown is Knowii as the Bermuaa Triangle because drinjers ca disappear into the PuUbs and clubs ad be lost to the World.

妈r广me. 一See also HELL-BENT


Sea Bermuda shorts /bamju:de 'foxts; NAmE berm-; orts/ (also Bermu-das /bamju:dez; NAmE berm-/)

the Bermuda 'Triangie

(usually sth bad): SPe seerns bent om TnaKking 1 dficutt


AMERICIUM and HELIUM. berm /bs:m; NMAmEbaxrm/ nouwn (technico) 1 an area of ground at the side of a road; a raised area of ground at the side of a river or CANAL 2 anarrow raised area of sand formed on abeach bythe waves coming in ffom the

mounm [pl.] sHORTS (= Short trousers/pants) that come downtojust above the knee: apairof Bermudas

3 (BrE imformal) (of a person 记 authority) dishonest bent on sth/on doing sth


/bs:ki]lism; "bs:kliam; NAmE "barkliam/

nouwn [U] (syrmbBk ) a chemical element' Berkelium is a RADIOACTIVE metal that is produced artificially from

gentle; not hurting anybody 了 (medical) (of TUMOURS growing in the body) not dangerous or likely to cause



if sb is be-

reaved, a relative or close friend has just died: The cereTomny Was _am ordeal jor 雪 ose Who jhad been Tecentby Dereayed. be-reaved /brrisvd/ oadj. (iormal)) 1 havinglostarelative or close friend who has recently-died: recentty pereaved Joriilies -2thelbereavedF-moun (plthe bereaved ) a per son who is bereaved: an orgamizatiomn ofjfering coUTsellimng Jor the bereayed be:reave-rment /brrivimant/ novn 1 [U] the state of having l0st arelative Or close friend because they have died: 切 epain of art emotiomnal crisx SUch as divorce or

/bs:6; NAmEbasr6/ noum, ve山

下 IOUm 了 a place to sleep on a ship or train,or in a CARAVANVXCAMPERER3J BUNK 2 aplace where a ship or boat can stop and stay Usually in a HARBOURIEIJ See WIDE 0df/. 下 ye 上 bto putaship in aberth or keep itthere; to sail into a berth: [VN] The ship 站 berthed at Southampton. [also V] beryf /berel/ movn [U] a transparent pale green, blue oOT yellow sEMI-PRECIOUS STONE, Used in making jewellery


/beraiem/ noun [U] (symbBe ) a chemical

element. Beryllium is a hard grey metal found mainly in the mineral BERYL.


/brsi:tj/ vembbe-sought be-sought /brso:t/ or

be.seeched ,be-seeched ) (Jormalj) to ask sb for sth in an

anxious way because you want or need it very much IMPLORE,, BEG: [VN] Let hirm go, T beseech yoUIL [also

VNto inf, V] be-seech:ing /brsitfm/ ad [only before noun] (jorma/) (of a look, tone of voice, etc.,) showing that you want sth DereavemeniE 2 [C the death of arelative or close friend: veryimnuche beseech'ingIy 0qV A Jomiilgy Dereavemment7mneaTit haE7e coOUId not attend the jbeset /brset/ verblbe-setting beset jbeset ) [VN] [usually COPjferenmce. passive] (Jormaj) to affect sb/sth in an Unpleasant OF 和 全-/brreft/ adj [not before noun] (forma/) 1 ~ of sth be-re harmful way: The team Was beset by Injury al season. 人 completely lacking sth; having lost sth: beret of ideas/ Tts one ofthe most difficuttproblems pesetting Our moder7 jhope 了 (of a person) sad and lonely because you have Way of 1并. lost sth: Be was utterly berefi When hais Ww旋 died.

u actual

| army

| aoinow

| ersay

| su go (Br6)

| ou go (MP 日 | 5rboy

| Ie near

| ee hair

| se pure


132 |

pe.sidle:-0-m /brsard/ prep 1next to or at the side of sb/sth: He sat beside jher am Pight camnaill beside a stream 了 compared with sbysth: My painting looks childish beside yours, [IEIO be beside

the 'point to not be important or closely related to the

main thing you are talking about:

妃s% 工Know 丰 Was am

accidenb put thats beside the Point

be'side yourself

(with sth) unable to control yourself becatse of the

Strength ofemotion you are feeling: He was bpesiae Pirmse矿 With rage whenTtold hirmm whatTRhad aome.

Show 0F Suggest sth: Bis style of dressing bespoKe 87eat Se 矿co7ifidertce.

be.spectacled SPECTACLES





pe.spoke /brspeok; NAmE brspook/ adj [usually before

noun] (especially BrE Jormal) 站 (NmEUsually customImade (of aproduct) made specially according to the needs ofan individual customer: pespoke software CapeSDoKke SUIE EUTAILOR-MADE 之 Inaking Products SPecially, according to the needs of an individual customer: Qpbespoke tailor

了 est 0 /best/ adj ;ady, noun; ye证 下Gdlj. (Superlative of good) Tofthe mostexcellent type OF

beside :besides 归The preposition beside usually means 'nextto something/somebody-or'atthe side of something/ somebody: Sthnerepeside me:. Besides means in addition to something: Whatothersports do yovplay besideshockey2 Do not use beside with this meaning. 有 The adverb besides is not usually used on its own with thesame meaning asthe preposition ltis mainly used to giveanother reason orargument forsomething:/ don 和 tbinKAcome on Soturday 1haoveaylotofworkto do. Besides 1dontreallylpkeparties 二 全 你 寺认 9 ec 2

be-sides/brsardz/ prep ,adv 目 Prep. in addition to sbysth; apart 全 Sbysth: We Rhaye 1o如 of 雪 imgs 识 coTmmOm Desides music. CO Besides Working as adoctop he also Writes noyvels 识 his Spare tme. CTyegot Poformmily besides my Parents. 只 Dote at BESIDE eadv-1 used for making: an extra comment that adds to Whatyouhave just said:Tadomt7eally wartt to 80. Besiaes, its too Iate no 凡 只 note iat BESIDE 也 雇 addition; also: GiscouPnts om teleyvisiomns, stereos and 7TnuUcph mmore pesides

besides . apart from


四The preposition besides means “in addition to Wnat otherspors doyouwjikebesides Jootba 尼 You use except whenyou mention the onlythingthat is not included inastatement: /Ke aifsporks except Jotpo 人1 Youcan useapartfrom with both these meanings: Wjpatother:, spom必 doyoulikeapatfrom ee 2/ ANKe aq大 spor ss0p0HErom jootbal be.siege/brsiid5/ yem [VN] Tito surround a building, city, etc. With soldiers until the people inside are forced

quality: Thats the pestTmoyie Fye eyerseenlc Shewasone of the best temimis Players of her generation. 2 开 雪 atyOUr Dest Suit2 C TheyYye peeri best friemtds (= closest friends) since 万ey Were childrem 2 thne comPpariyS pest-eyer results C We Want 女e Kids to jhaye the bestpossiple educationm. 之 most enjoyable; happiest: Those Were te best years of TY 1. 3 most suijtable or appPropriate: WPats the pest Way 如 COOK Steak?2C The pest thingto do Would pe to apologiZe. Hestpe bestmamiJorthej0obp. CTts besti 太yougo now cTm Potiatbebestposiion toadyise you IEIIdioms containing best adj. are atthe entries for the nouns and verbs 让 the idioms, for example on your best behaviour is at behaviour. 昌Gdv., (Superlative .of well _often used ip adjectives) 了 most to the greatest extent: WPich ome do you Like pest2? C Weli-drained soil suits the pliant best C her bestKnowm poem 2 inthe mostexcellent wayi to the highest Standard: He Works pest 廊 切 e mmornings. C BritainSs bestdressed womamn 2 The beaches are peautihl bub best oF Ga1L there are Very jew tourat. 3 in the most suitable or appIOPTIiate way: Paintimg is best domne 总 daylight Do as you 态inK pest (三 what you think is the most suitable thing to do),TEIO as best you 'cannot Perfectlybut as

Well as you are able: We 民 和 as pest We ca71. @DOUn [sing.] (usually the. beshi 1 the most excellent thing or person: We al wanmnt the bestjrour childremn 人 They onmly buy 坊e beste They7re allgood Players putshes the best of al Were the best of riemntds (= Very close friends). 了 2 .the highest standard that sb/sth can reach: She always brings out the best i people. Ce The town 1ooKs

its best (= is most attractive)

总 切esprimng. CeDomtt worry

apout 态e exam 一/ust do your best 交 The roses are Dast

巧eir best riow CT dorn 和 really feel Gr my best today

3 Something that is as close as Possible to what yo need or want: 丽帮y pounds 六 妇e bestTican ofer you The bestWwe camhope jpor 识 tegamezadraw 4 tehighest standard that a particular person has reached, especiallyin a sport: She wom the race Withn apersortal bestoF 2

minttes 22.

IT all the'best(0ojormah used when you

the box ofrice to 0y and get 去cKets 1jor 切 e comnceIE 了字 [usually passive] (especially of sth unpleasant or annoying)to SUirround sb/sth in large numbers: The actress Was peSieged by reporters dt.the airpoft 3 一 sb (with sth) to

are Saying goodbyeto sb orending aletter'to givesbyour good wishes at 由 estused for saying what is the best opinion you can have of sb/sth,, or the best thing:that can happen, when the situation is bad: Their respomse to the Droposal was; at pes5 c00L C We cant arrive before 瑟 工 day at best be (alh for the 'besttused to say that although sth appears bad or Unpleasant now it Will be good ip the end:TIaomi wantyou to leave DuUEPerhaps is

send So many letters, asKk So mmany questions, etc: that 让

Jorthebest thebestofabad'bunch(BrEalso the best

is difficult for sb to deal with them all: The radio statiom

of abad 'lot Unjornalh aperson or thing that is alittle better than'theTest of a group, although none'are-Very'

to letyou 让 LAY SIEGE TO: Par Was pesiegedjorjpur Tonths and forced to Surrender C (jguraotive) Fans besieged

化as pesieged with calks 方ofm atg7y Listeners. be-smirch /brsmaxtf; NAmE brsmaxrtf/ yemb [IVN] (三

good the best of 'three, 'five, etc.(especially in games

/mal)to damage'the opinion that people have of sbysth SULLY besomy/ bizem/ movn abrush for sweeping floors, made frorma sticks tied onto along handle be-sot.ted/brsptrzd; NmE-saxt-/ adj. 一 (by/with sb/sth) loving sb/sth so much that you do notbehave in a sensible way: He is comDletely besotted with Pis new girlfienda.

and Sports) up to ithree, five; etc. games Played toidecide who wins the winnerbeing theperson whowins mostof

be-sougihtpti pp ofBESEECH

more advantage

be-spat-ter/brspaeteG)/ ve 避 [VN] (Uiteramy) to accidentally cover sth with small drops ofwater be:spealk/brspik/ ve 履( be-spoke/-Speuk;s NAmmE-SpooK/ be-spoken /speukaen; NAmE -spou-/) [VN] (iteram) to


| adid

| ffalsl


| hhat


them the best that money can 'buythe very'best: We TaKke SUre OUT Clients 8etthe best thatrmmomney can by


mean, etc.,sth forthe 'bestto do or say sth ip:order to

achieve a good result or to help sb:Tjustdomn 和 KnowyWwRat to do jor the best CTm sorry 矿 my adyice offended yo 一

mmeant 让 Jor the best .have/get the-best of sthto_ gain

在om sth than'. Sb else: 工thougRhtyou jhad

the pest of that discussion_ make the best of sthyit| make the best of things| make the bestiof a bad jobto accept abad or difficult situation and do as Well

as You can to the best of your 'knowledge/be'liefas

far as you know: He mneyer mnadea w 厂 to the DesEof my


|- leg

| mman

| 和 now

| ppen

| mred

Knowiledse with the best (of them)as well as anyone:



Fe 人 be out there daanmncing With the best of 态emi. 一miore at

BUNCHH., HOPE V, LUCK 1., SUNDAY 豆 VE/b [VN] [usually passive] (Jormaj) to defeat or be more Successful than Sb

,besti-before datenmoun (Br a date printed on a container or package, advising you to use food or drink before this date as 让 will not be of such good quality after that

best boynoun the assistanttotheperson 雇 charge ofthe electrical equipment used when making afilmymovie

了 es:tial /bestiel; NA7mmE "bestfal/ adj (7rmah cruel and disgustin8g; of or like a BEAST: ioises

bes-ti.al. 让Y /besti'aelati;

Destial acts/cruelty/





(echnical) sexualactivity between ahuman and an animal 2 (fjormol) cruel or disgusting behaviour

bes:tiary/bestieri; NAmE-eri/ noun (p/ -ie9 acollection of descriptions of or stories about, various types of aniIal, especially one written in the Middle Ages

jpe.stif /bistsiGr)/ ve避 (-rD [VN] 一 yourself (如7maj or humorous) to start doing things after a period during Which you have been doing nothing ROUSE

best rmaimnmovnr[sing.] a male friend or relative of the BRIDEGROOM

at a wedding,who helps him during_ the

Wedding ceremony 一compare BRIDESMAID

traffic、 IE the/your best bet(mnjormah used to tell sb what is the best action for them to take to get the result they want: 矿you Want to get around Iondonm fosb te Underground i yoUr best bet a ,good/ safe ,bet something thatis likelyto happen, to Succeed orto be suitable: Clothes are asafe betas @ presenitjfor a teenager 一Imore at

HEDGEV jpeta /bi:tae: NAmE 'erte/ noun the second letter of the Greek alphabet (B, 9)

beta bijiockernovn adrugused to controlheartrhythmy, treat Severe chestPpain and reduce high blood pressure ,beta-'carotememoun' Tu] a substancefound imrcarrots and otherplants, which is needed byhumans

beta gecaynouvn [sinrig] (phpysics) the breaking up of an atom in which an ELECTRON is given of 全

jbe'take/brterzk/ vemb (betook /toK/-betaken /teIkaen/) [VN + advVprep] teraomy) ~ yourself to go somewhere: Je petook hirmsef to his roo7m. beta testmoun atest on a new product, done by sb who does not work for the company that is developing the Product一compare ALPHA TEST PP beta-testye 瞩[VN]

'Ibeta versiomnown [usually sing.] the version of a new

夏 Was a itle pestowWed UPom Pirn by the

Product,especially computer software,that is almost ready for the' public to buy'or usei but is given to a few customers to test first betel/birty mownr [UJtheleaves ofaclimbing Plant, also

best practicenovn [U,Q awayofdoing sth thatis seen

betel mutmouvn the slightly bitter nut of a tropical Asian

be.stow/brsteo; NmEbrstoo/ ve由 [VN] 一 sth (on/upon sb)(jormalj) to give sth to sbjespeciallyto show how much they are respected: Fig.

as avery go0od example ofhow it should be done and can be copied by other companies or organizations

be:stride/brstrard/ verb [VN]TNterary)to sit with oneleg on either Side of sth: He besfrode 1is horse.

best-'seller (also


/bestisela(GD)/ moun


producb usually a book, which is bought by large numbers of people: the pest-seller list ,best-'seliingodj.:a Dest-selling mioyeIAarthor

be:.suit-edl/brsuztrd; BrE also -sjut/ adj (Jormal) wear

called betel chewed by people in Asia PALM,, that is cut into Small pieces,wWIapped leaves, and chewed

ipn betel

bete moire /bet mwa:G)/ noun (Pbates noires /bet mwa:(D); NAmE also mwarz/) (from French) a person OF thing that particularly annoys you and that you do not like

be:tide/brtard/ ver [Er see woF be.tokem/brteoken; NAmE-tou-/ veb[VN] (literary)jtobe asSign ofsth:aclear btue sky betokenirga 广neidaay

ing asuit: besuited pusiness7mePm

be.tray/brtrer/ ve 几 [VN] T

旬 ett 0/bet/verb noun

mation abolt sbysth to an enemy: For years they had peen Detraying state Secrets to RUsSsia. C FeWas offered money 如 Detray jiis colleagues: QZ to hturt sb Who trusts yoU; especially-by notbeing loyal or faithful to them: She 万LE Detrayed When she found outithe truth about Fi ec She Petrayed Pis trtust over aid oyer again Thayve neyer Krowm her io petray a comfidence (= tell other people sth that should be keptsecreb. 多 note at CHEAT 3 to ijgnore youIT Principles or beliefs in order torachieve sth or gain an advantage for yourself: He jhas beemn accused of Detraying Pis jormer socialist ideals. 丸 一 sth/yourself to tell sb or make them aware of:a piece of information,,a feeling,etc.,usually without meaning to GIVE AWAY: His Voice petrayed the WoF7Ty he Was trying to hide: CShe Was terrined of saying something 雪 at WOULG 7make

@Verb (bettiing betf bel 1 一 (sth) (on/against sth)j to TisK Imoney on a race Or an eVvent by trying to predict the reSult: [V] Ze jhayeto be over 6to betc [VN] He betg2 000 omtheFnalscoreorthegame.C[VNN] She petmeE20thatT Woulant ao 丰 [alsoyvthat, VN that] 一See also BETTING, GAMBILE 了 (njormal)usedto saythat you are almost cer-

tain that sth is true or that sth will happen: [v (that)] Tbet (访ab were too 1ate. 2 ZDU cam bpet (thab the momentTs 让 dowm, 坊 ephone w 记 Fing 2 [VN (thab] 7 petyou (tpab pe Knows Ga5out 让 IEA bett(nformo 了 广 used to showthaty6u cantinderstand whatsb is feeling, describ亚 g etc:: T7iearty died When je iold me Tbpet 字 Usedto tell sb that you do not believe what they have just said: 2m going toctell her what 工切inK of her” Yeah Tbet 1

wouldn't 'bet on

许| don?t bet on ii(iPformol)used to

saythatyou donotthinkthat sth is Very likely: Shezsoom getUused to theiaea2TWouldnittpetoni 让 you 'beti(njo 广 /mall used instead of Yes' to emphasize that sb has guessed sth correctly or made a good suggestion: 47e you nervous2" Youbet" youcan betyour life/your bot-

tom 'dollar(on sth/(that) .… )UDforma/) used to saythat yot are certain that sth will happen: YOU |the betting is that >* (Informalj) 让 seems likely that …: Whats 妇 e petting 如 at jhe gets his OWP Way? 2 The betting 站 切at he 人 Sethzs own Way. "pettings shop movn (BrE) a shop where you can bet on horse races and other competitions


0m /brtwimn/ prep, ady

卓 prep. 1in or into the space Separating two or more Points,,objects, People, etc.: Q commes between P anda R 训 tPne E1gliSh alphabet CTsat down petween Jo and Diana. Switzerland 1ies between France,German AUStria and

Italy ec The paper had jallen dowm petween the desKk ad the waIL Se(Jgurative) Myjop issomewhere beteeTt a Secretary ad apersomnal assistant 了 in the Period oftime that separates two days,years,events,etc.: ts chneaper bethween 6p.7mm. and 8a.m. CoDomnteat petween Tmeals. CCPidremn Tust attend School between 雪e ages of 5 and JI6. Mamny chartges took Place petweem the bwo World Wars: 3 at some point along a scale from one amotnt, weight, distance, etc. to another: 花 Weighed petweeTtmire anmd tem Kilos. C The temperature remained betWweenn 252Canid 302C al week. 4 (ofaline) separating one Place from another: the border between Sweden and Norway 5 from one Place to another:

We 帮y_ between Rome and Paris twice daaily.

Gused to show a connection or relationship: a diffe产 eiceaistimnictiomrcoPntrast Detween two things CO QIink petween Unemployment and crime 2 Theres a LIof of bad Heling petbweent them SIThad to choose between the bo jobs. 7 shared bytwo or more people or things: We ate a PizZzQa betbween us. CO This 1 Just between yoOU anad meDetweent Ourselves (= iis a secret). 8 by putting together the efforts or actions oftwo or more People or groupS: We OUSht to be able to martage 让 Detween US 呈 ~ doing sth Used to show that Severakactivities are involved: Betweem Working 所 1L-6rme and taKkirig care of the Kids, he didmtPhave TnUCh me for hoppies. 吾 0dv. (usuallyin betweenm) in the space or period of time Separating two or more points, objects, etc. or two dates, events,etc.: The house Was Tiear aG Park but 雪 ere Was Q road 训 between CTsee her most WeeKkends but miot yey often

总 between. IE


be-.twixt /brtwikst/ adv,prep (iterayorolduwsejbetween beitwixt and be'tween (old-josjioned) ipamiddle Position; neitherone thing nor the.other

jbpevel /bevl/ on Ta sloping edge or surface,,for example atthe side ofa Picture frame or Sheetof glass 2 a tool for making sloping edges on wood or stone

bev-elfed (Br6 (NmEbev-elied) /bevld/ adj [usually be: fore noun] having asloping edge or surface

bev-eragSse /bevarId5/ noun (Jormal) any type of drinK exXcept Water: Iaws goyeTmingthesale ofalcohnolic peyverages

pevvy /bevi/ noun (pli=ies) (BrE njormal) anialcoholic drink, especially beer: We went ouUEjJor a jew beyvyvies 1ast Pight

lbevy /bevi/ moun [sing.] (imprmal) alargegroup ofpeople or things ofthe same kind: abevy ofbeauties (= beautiful young women)


/brwea/ ve 凡 [VN] (formajror hmorousj to ez

Press great sadness about st

be-ware /brweaG); NAmE -wer/ veb ~ (of sb/sthy/of doing sth) (used only 记 infinitives and in orders) 证 you tell sb to beware, you are warTiing thein that sbysth is dangerous and that they should be careful: [V] Motoristgs hayve peenl Warned to beware oficyroads. Beware ofsayimng anything that7mightTreyeaLWhereyouIine.CTIVNJIEsagreat Place for sSWirmrming but beware dartgerous cUrrents. [also

V-ing] be-wigged /brwigd/ adj. (1jormal) (ofaperson) wearing a WiIG be-wil-dee /brwadaGD)/ verb [VN] [usually passive] to con-

fuse sb; She was totally bewildered py his suddez chamnge of 7m00d., > bewiidered 0dj: He turned around with a Dewildered IooKk om Ris foce.


| ozsaw- | Aicup | mput | utoo


be-wilderins /brwlildaerm/ ad making you feel confused because there are too many things to choose from or becatuse sth is difficult to understand CONFUSING:Qpbewildering array/rangec Thereisabewildering yariety ofsoftware available. mw bewilderinglyady: AL the houses IJooKked bewilderingly similar be:wilder-ment /brwaldemaent; NAmE :derm-/ noun [u] afeeling ofbeing completely confused CONEUSION': to IooKkXstare 训 bewilderrment be-witcih /brwrtf/ ve [VN] T [often passive] to attract or impress sb So much that they cannot think in a sensible Way: He was completely bewitched by her peauty 2 to put amagic SPELL on Sb ENCHANT be-witch.in/brwrtJm/ odj. so beautiful or interesting that you cannot think about anything else: aQbewitching SirlsSmile Ce abewitching perforrmanmce



Dias 识 newWws programrmes (= that reports are unfair and show favour to one Political party) S Brmployers 7mmust co7Sider all candidates imzpartially arad Without bias. 2 Some institutions still hayve Qa strong pias against- Women. 2 [Cusually sing.] an interest in_ one thing more than others; a Special ability: The coUrse Fias Ga stromng Practicai Dias. 3 [U,sing.] the bias ofa piece ofcloth is an edge cut DIAGONALLY across the threads: The sKirt 1 cuUL om the Dias.

目 Vejb (-s- OF -ss-) [VN] ~ sb/sth (towards/against/in favour of sb/sth) to unfairly influence sb?'s opinions or decisions PREJUDICE: agQairstPe太






'bias-curtodi (ofcloth orofan item ofclothing) cut across the natural direction of the lines in the cloth

/brjopnd; NAmEbrjamnd/ prep ,adv

昌 Prep. 1 on or tothe further side of sth: The road comtnues beyomad the village UP into the hills. 2 1later than a particulartime: 下 wom't go on peyond midnight 7TKnow What TI be doing jr the mext three WeeKks DuUE ThRayentt thought beyond that 3 Imore than sth: Our SUccess Was 有or beyond What:We 雪ought possible. coShes got nothing Deyomnd her state pensiomn. 4 Usedto saythat sth is not posSible: The bicycle was beyond repair (= is too badly damaged to iepair). C The situation 1 Deyomd ouUr controL 5 too faror too advanced for sb/sth: The hamdle Was Just beyond my reach. c The exercise Was peyoad the abilities of

7mnost of the class,、


IEGI be beyond sb (njormnal/) to be

impossible forsbtoimagine, Understand or do: Its beyomd Tme Why she Wants to marry Je矿 @adv' on the other side; further on: Snowdom anrd the 7 OUntains 帮 beyomtd Were coyered 识 SnOW 3 The imimediate 记 Hure 让 cleam Dut 让 S hard to tell what lies-Dbeyond. 和 the year 2005 and peyomnd TI See BACK1., DOUBT 1.

bez-el/bezl/ noun (techmical) a ring with a long narrow cut around the inside, used to hold sth in Place, Such as

the cover ofa watch or mobijle phone/cellphone

be-Zzique/ba'zik/ movn [U] a card game for two Players, Played with a double packbut including the seven to ACE only in each SUIT

区 hag-Wam/bAg'wamnl/ noun (ndE) 1 God: May BRagwant blessyo”hesaid. 2 atitleforaGURUoragodintheform of a man: Bhagwa7r Rajmnees灰 lbhai /bar/ ovn (lnd月 -1 a brother 2 used as a polite form of address to a man; 雇 western India, often added to the first or lastname: Suresh Bhaic Ga7idhiz Bhai

bhaji/ba:d5i/ (also bha-jia/ bd:dsia/) 0ovm:(P/ bhajisor bhajia T [C] a spicy S Asian food consisting of vegetables friedin BATTER(= amixture offlourand liquid) 2 [U] asS


(also biassed) /barest/ dj

了 一 (toward(s)/

against/in favour of sb/sth) having a tendency to show favour towards or against one grouUP of people or one opinion for personal reasons; making Unfair judgements: Diased informatiorsSources/[press reports CQ biased JUTXYA Witness [eg UNBIASED 2 ~ toward(s) sth/sb having a particular interestin onething more than others: asSchool Diased towards music and art

bi-ath:lon /baraeblsn/ mouvn a sporting event that combines CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING and RIFLE Shooting 一comPare ”DECATHLON, ”HEPTATHLON, ”PENTATHLOND TETRATHLON; TRIATHLON bilb /brb/ "ovn 1 apiece of cloth or Plastic that you Put underbabies' chins to protecttheir clothes while they are eating 2 (especially BrE) a piece of cloth or Plastic with a number or special colours on it that People wear on their chests and backs when they are taking Part in a Sport, SO that people know who they are 一Picture 只 HOCKEY II your best bib-and 'tucker (humorovs) your best clothes that yotLoOnly wear on Special occasions bilble /barbl/ noun T the Bibie [sing:] the holy book of the Christian religion,, consisting of the Old. Testament and the New Testament 2 the Bible [sing.] the holy book of the Jewish religion,consisting of the Torah (or Law), the PROPHETSs,and the Writings 3 [C] azscopy of the holy book of the Christian or Jewish religion 4 [Q a book containing important information on a Subject, that you refer to very often: the starmmp-collectorS bible

'Bilble-bashing(also 'Bibie-thumpin 包 ovn [U] (njor mmolh disapproving) the act ofteaching or talking about the Bible in Public in a very enthusiastic or aggressive way > Bible-basherg Bible-thumpermou

the'Bibile Beltnrovn [sing.] an areaofthe southern and middle western US where People have Strong and strict Christian beliefs

Asian dish of spicy fried Vegetables bhanmng(also ban 马 /bzn/ "ovn [U] the leaves and flower tops 曲直 于 CANNABIS plant Used as a drug bhangra/bamngrae/ novn [U] atypeof Popular musicthat combines traditional Punjabi music from India and PakiStan With Western Pop music

bib.lical(also Bib.lical /brblrkl/ odj. 1 connected with the Bible; in the Bible: biblical scholarship/tirmes/ Scenes C Diblical stories/passages 了 2 Very great; on a large scale: Qa_ thunderstorm of piblical proportiors

IE know

sb in the 'biblical sense

(humorous) to

Bha-rata-na-tyam /bAretema:tjam/ OU1m [U] a CLAS-

have had sex with Sb: He had Knowmn her 一but not in the DiDplical semse.

bha-vanm/bAven/ noun (IndB) abuilding made or used for

bilblio- /brbliao; NAmE lioo/ compjinjing 如 rm (in nouns,

a Special purpose, for example for meetings Or COnCerts

adjectives and adverbs) connected with books: pipliophile

bhindi/bindi/ novn(P/ bhindior bhindi9 [CU] (/nd6) = OKRA bi- /bai/ compjiping 大rm (iD nouns and adjectives) two;

bilbli-og.raphy/brmlipgrefi; NAmE-a:g-/ noun (P/ -ieg

SICAL dance form from southern India

DIEGBi- with 3 twice; double: pilimngual 2 picentenary Period of time can meanieither happening twice in that Period of time, or happening once in every two Periods.

bialy/brali/ movn (以 bialy9 (WwWS) a flat bread roll with

bib.lio.phile /brlisfan/ noun (Jorma/)) a person who

chopped onions on the top bi-an.nualy/baraenjuel/ adj. [only before noun] happen一See alsO BIENNIAL ANNUAL r 一compare 雇 gtwWice ayea

loves or collects books

bias/bares/ noun, ve 几 下1OU1 了 [U,C Usually sing.] a strong feeling in favour of or against one grOUD of people, or one side in an argument, often notbased on fair judgement: accusatiors of Political

u actual

| army

| aonow

| er say

| sa go (B/E)

1 [q alist ofbooks or articles about a particular subject orbyaparticular author; the list of books, etc.that have been used by sb writing an article, etc. 2 [U] the study of the history of books and their production bibli-ographer/Dpgrafe(Gr); NAmE-a:g-/ OUn biblio.graph-ical /brblie'graefrkl/ aq/.

'bib overallsnoun [pl.] (NAm 有 日= DUNGAREES (]) bilbu.lous/brbjoles/ adj. (old-joshionmed or humorous) like ingto drink too much alcohol

bi-camm:.eral /barkzemarel/ adj. (technicalj) (of a parlia-

ment) having two main parts, such as the Senate and the

| oo go (MB

| arboy

| re near

| ee hair

| se pure


了 id 0=m /brd/ verb nouwn 一See also BID2 日 Verb (bid.ding, bidi bid):1 to offer:to pay a:particular


House of Representatives in the US, and the House of Commons andthe House ofLords in Britain jpi.Carb /barkamb; NAmEarb/ nouwn [0U] (mmrah) = so-

DIUM BICARBONATE bi-car-bon-ate

/parka:banat; NAImE -ka:rb-/ noun _[U]

(chemistry) a salt made from CARBONIC ACID containing CARBON,,HYDROGEN and OXYGEN together with another element

biicarbonateof'sodamovn [岂] = 一SODIUM BICARBONATE bi.cen:tenm:ary

/barsen'timari NAmE "ten-/ 7mou7 (以

exactly200 years earlier e bi-certen'ary 0di [only before

一 (for sth) |

ada mounted a hostile taKkeoyer pid for Forte. ecAt 纺e auction (三apublic sale wherethings are sold to the Per

noun]: bicentemary celebrations picen:-temn.mial /baisemni'tenial/ mouwn (NAmB) 三 BICEN: TENARY bicenten:nial adj/ [only before noun] (espe-

Son Who offers mosb,tpe Pigphestpiad fir the Picture Was 上 200. ce4ny morebids? 了2 一 (forsth) | (NMmEalso) 一(on sth) an offer to do workor provide'aiservice for aparticular price,in competition With other :companies, etc. TENDER: The comDamy SUbmiitted a bia for the com-

Clay NAmB): bicentenmial celebprations bi-Ceps /barseps/ oun (PL_bi.ceps) the main muscle at the front ofthe top part of the arm 一compare TRICEPS ve

(NAm 日~ (on sth) tooffer to do work or provide a serVice for a particular_price,, ip-competition With other companies,etc, TENDER: [V] A-French 万rm will be bid ding Jor 女 e contract_ [also V to inf].3.Ev to inf (used especially in newspapers) to try to do, get or achieve sth ATTEMPT: The team is pidding to retain its Place 帮 the Ieague. 4 (in some card games) to Sayhow many points or sheis selling sth: WhatamTDia or this yase? 上 10OU1 了 一 (forsth)anofferbyapersonorabusiness company to pay a particular amotnt of money for sth: Gram=

When you celebrate an important event that happened


>*other couple Wereipbidding against Us:

you expect to win: [VN] She bid jur hnear. [also_V] IE what am 1 'bid? Used by an AUCTIONEER When he

-ies) (Br (NmE bi-cen-ten:nial) the yeap or the day,


Price for sth, especially at an AUCTION: [VN] Tbia 上2000 Jorthe painting.C [V] We wanted to puy 雪e chairs putam-

tractito cleam the hospital 3 一 (for'sth) | ~ (to do'sth) (used especially in newspapers) an effort to dorsth or to

[V] ~ (about/over sth) to argue

abonut things that are Dot important SQUABBLE: The childrerare aways pickering aboutsomething or other

obtain sth: a bidjJorpoweradaesperate bid to escape 方om his attackers 4 (iD some card games) a statement of the number ofpointsa player thinks he or she will win

bickering ouU0:[U] jbiciky (also bikky) /brki/ novn (5 -ies) (Unformmah abiscuit IE big 'bickies (AuwstrolE NZE njiormal) alargeSum of


bidz /bid/ ve 一see also BIDl (bid-ding;bade /berd; bzed/

bidden /brzdn/ orbid.ding;bid,bid)1~ (sblgood morning, farewell, etc, (jbmmal/) to .say 'good morning',etc: to

pi-coast.al /barkeostl;j ”NAmmE -koustl/ adj (NAm6) involving people and places on both the east and west coasts of the US

sb: [VN;VNN]Tbade jarewellto allthe friendsThad made 总 Paris. CTbade all7my 广iends forewelL 2 (oldwseorieram) to tell sb to do;sth: [VN_ inf Be bade mme comme closer [also

VvNto inf, VN] YN bid.dable /brduebl/ odj. (frmalj, especially BrE) (ofpeople)

bi.cycle 0- 冲/barsIkl/ noum; ve屿 目 IOU1 (alsonjormaibpike) aroad vehicle with two wheels thatyouridebypushing the PEDALS with your feet: He got OPL his bicycle aid rode o太 We wentforapicycle ride om

willing to obeyand to do what they are told to bid:der /brduac)/novun T aperson or group that offers to pay an amount ofmoney to buy sth: 了 Went to the Pighest bidder (= the person who offered the most money). 2.a person or group that offers to do sth or to Provide sth fora particular amount of money, in competition with others: There were Six bidders for tphe catering somtract bid'ding /brdm/ "ovn [U] 1 the act of offering prices, especially at an AUCTION: THhere Was Jast piqadimig betweenmn Priyvate. collectors ,and dealers.,C Seyeral comzpamnies ,7e7mained in the biddirtg. 2 the act of offering to do sth or to provide sth for a particular PIice: competthye bidding


目 VEe 纱 [V Usually+ advVprep] (old-oshioned) to go some:where on abicycle 一compare BIKE; CYCLE

'Ibicycle clip "ovn one ofthe twobands that People wear arollind their ankles when they are riding abicycle to stop their trousers/pants getting caught in the chain 'bicycle lanei(also. mnformnaol 'bike ,lane) nouvn (both NAmB) = CYCLE LANE pi.cyc.list /barsiklrst/ noun (old-fashioned in British English,jforrmal in North American English) a person who Tides abicycle 一compare CYCLIST

Jor the contract 3 (in some card games) the process of stating the number of Points that players think they will

bicycle handlebar saddle brake lever brake cable front brake



tyre (Br 日 tire (NA 月


让 valve




| ddid

| ffall


| gget

| hhat

| jyes




| k cat | lleg

| mman

nnow | ppen

| rred

Win 4 (old-foshionedorjormal)what sb asks or ordersyou to do: to do sb's bidding (= to obey sb)

lsidldy /brdi/ noun (p/ -ies) (informal, disapproving) an old woman, especially an annoying one

jbide /bard/ vemb [V] (old use) = ABIDE IE bide your imme to wait for therighttime to do sth

ipidet /bi:xdezs NAmEbrder/ novn alow bowlin the bathToom, Usually with tapsVfaucets, that yo fill with water amd sit on to wash your bottom


/barderekfenl -dr; -dar/ adj (iecr-

micoj functioning in two directions

bi-em-mial /bareniel/ adj ,noun 可 0dlj [usually before noun] happening once every two years: Q bienmial comryventomn bienniakly adv 一see also ANNUAL; BIANNUAL 四 ;00OU1 _any Plant that lives for two years,Producing flowers in the second yeait 一compare ANNUAL, PERENNIAL

jpier /bre(D); NAmE brr/ noun a frame on which the dead


big ipusiness

Dig jhard to _our Special guests tonight ,have a big Imoutih 1 to be bad at keeping .secrets ijQ2.to talk too Inuch,especially about your own _abilities and _achieve-

Iments me and my big "mouth

(njormaj) used when

you realize that yot have Said sth that you should noft have said no big deal (Pormal) used to Say'that sth is not important or not a Problem: 矿Faornt win its no pig deal. 一more at EYE1., FISH 1. ,THING,,WAY 1

目 0dy. in an impressive way: We need to think big._ IE go Over 'big (完 呈 5 sb) (ijommal/) to make a good impression On Sb; to be successful: THPis story Wemnt ovyer pig with my Kids. make 主 'big to be very Successful: Hes Poping to Take iibig onTV 一more at HITYV

目 VE/访(-&g-)

;big sb/sth< up:(BrE, slamg)to Praise OF

Tecommend sb/sth strongly: He beefi bigging UD the CD om Ris radio Show

body or the COFFIN is placed or carried at a funeral

bi条 /bzt/ ve [VN] (old-foshioned, informaj to hit sb hard With youUTEFIST: He biffed me on the nose. 。 biff mou1n

bi-focals /barfeoklz; NAmE -fou-/ nou1i [pl] a pair of glasses with each LENS made in two parts. The UpPer part is for looking at things at a distance; and the lower Part is for looking at things that are close to you. 一com-

Pare VARIFOCAILS * bifocal cdl.

bi:fur:cate /baifekert; NAmE ferk-/ ve六 [V] (forma/) (of Toads, Tivers, etc:) to divide into two separate parts furcation /Darfekerfm; NAmE:ferks:/ movn [CU]

> bi-

bi 有 0- /blIg/ adj, adv,yvemb 四 0Cd1/. (big.ger big.gest) * LARGE 1 large in size, degree, amotunt, etc.: Q Dig miaT Porseincrease C This shirt isrt big enough C ts the Worlds piggestcomputer comparny e (njormal) He had this Sreat pig Sriton his 名 ce.CThey Were earning big 7mmoTtey. CThe news camte as abig blow. > OLDER QZ2 (niormal) older: ZUre abigSirLnow cyDpig Drother >TMPORTANT 3 [only before noun] important; serious: Qa Dig decision 3 TDmight 认 切 e Diggest7matcr of his careeF 和 Yopu are making a Dig mistake. CShe tooKk the stage Jor her Pig moment 2 (njirmalj) Do you really think we cart take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful People)? > AMBITIOUS 4 (informal/)(ofaplan) needingalotofeffort, moneyortime to succeed: They7e 包 11Lofpbig ideas.


5 一 (in.…)(nfiornal) popularwith the public;

SUccessful: Orarge z the big colour this year c The pamnds yery Dig ivJaparL


6 (Iformal) enthusiastic about sb/sth:

Timapigjom ofphners. * DOINGSTHALOT 7 doing sth often orto alarge degree: a DigeateradrinKerZSpertder > GENEROUS 8 ~ 一of sb (usually /romic) kind or generous: 瑞e gayveTme antextrajfiyepounds fortwo hours work.TthouSsRt 了 Hiats Dig ofyoz je big:ness OU [U] IE be/get too big for yoOur 'boots to be/become too proud of yourself; to behave as if you are more important than you really are a ,big 'cheese (njorma/ humorous) an imnportant and Powerful Person, especially in an organization ,big 'deall (rom/c, injormal usedto saythat you are not impressed by sth: So Fe earns more thanm me. Big deall the big enchi'lada (NAmE informal humorous) the most important Person orthing abigfish'(in asmall pond) an important Person (in a small community) a ,big girls.blouse (Br injormal) a weak mani who is not brave or confident a big noise/shot/name an important Personthe big .picfure (njormal especially NAmE) the situation as a whole: Right now Jorget the details ad take a 1ook at the big Picture.the big'stick (infommoh) the use or threat offorce or Power: The auUthorities USed quUietPersuasiom instead of the Dig:sticK. the big three; four etc, the three, four etc. most important countries,people, companies, etc.: She

Works Jor one of the Big Six give sb/get a big 'hand to show your approval of sb by clapping youT hands;'to be APPLAUDED in this way: Zadies and gentlermemu lets Siye a


| ttea

| vvan

| wet

| zzoo

| Jishoe

big .large .great These adjectives arefrequently used with the following nouns: big ~ man house Car boy dog smile problem surprise

question difference

large 一 numbers part area room company eyes family Volume

8great ~ SUCCess majority interest importance difficulty problem pleasure beauty





下 Largeismoreformalthan bigand should be used in writing unless itisin an informal style. Itis notiusually used to describe people, except to avoid saying fat. 下 Greatoften suggestsquality and not just size. Note also_ the phrases: gag /arge amouhmiofea /arge numberofea largeguantity ofcaogreatdealofeimn greatdetaica Persom ofgreatage.

bi 有 am.ist /brgemrst/ movn a person who commits the crime ofbigamy

big:amy /brgeami/ novn [U] the crime of marrying sb when you are still legally miarried to Sb else 一compare MONOGAMY, POLYGAMY bigam'ous /bigamass/ adj.: a Digamous relatiomship

the ,Bi 训'Apple "ovn [sing.] (informal)) New York City the ,Bi侣Bad ' Wolf 5oun [sing.] (Unformal) a dangerous and frightening enemy [ram From the wolf in several children's stories and the song WhosAfraid ofthe Big Bad Wo/户

'bi 有 pamd ov7n alarge group of musicians playing JAZZ or dance music: the big-band Sound

,bi 有 'bang oump [sing.] (usuallythe big bang) the single large explosion that sorme Scientists suggest created the universe ,Bi 有 'Brother7ovn [sing.] aleader aperson in atithority, or a government that tries to control people's behaviotr and thoughts,but Pretends to act for their benefit [OHISTI From George OrwelFs novel Nineteem Bi8ghty-Fou in which the leader of the govermnment, Big Brother had total control over the people. The slogan ?Big Brother is Watching you' reminded people that he knew everything they did.

,big 'bucks nouvn [pl.] (MAmE pformal) alarge amount of Ioney

,big 'business novn [u] 1 large companies which havea lot of power considered as a group: Limks between Politics

| 5vision

| tfchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing

big cat

138 |

and big business 2 Something that has become important because people are willing to spend a lot of money on it: Health and 记 tness haye pecomme big Dusimnes5.

,bi 有 'cat moun any large wild animal of the_cat family. LIONS, TIGERS and LEOPARDS are all big cats.

,有Bi 有 'Chiefnoun (pfjormaol) the person in charge ofabusiness Or other organization

big 'dippermoun 1 (old-foshioned, BrE) a small train at an AMUSEMENT PARK,Which goes very quickly up and down a steep track and around bends 一see also ROLLER COASTER 2 the ,Big 'Dipper(NAmB = THE PLOUGH

,big 'end oun'(in acar engine) the end of a connecting ROD that fits around the CRANKSHAFT

Big.foot /brigfut/ novn (P/ Big:feet (also Sasquatchja large creature covered with hair like an APE, which some People believe lives in western N America

,big 'gamemouvn [U] large wild animals that people hunt for Sport for example ELEPHANTS andIIONS

big-gie/brzgi/ noun (njormalj) an imnportant thing, person Or event ,bi 有 'governmenmtnouvn [U] (disopproving) atype of government that has a lot of control over people's lives and the economy

,bi 有 "gummoun (infommalj) a person who has a lot of power or influence

,big 'hairnovn [U] hairin astylethat makes alarge shape around the head

big-'headed cd (0nforma1 disopproving) having a very high opinion of how important and clever you areji too

Proud > 'big-headmou1n

,big-'heartedodj very kind; generous bight/bart/ novn along curvein acoast: the GreatAustraLan BigRt

bigleaguenovn(NMm 昌1 [G agroup ofteams inaprofessional sport,especially BASEBALL,that

Play at the

highest level 2 the big league [sing.] (pfommal) a very Successful and important grOUP: Oyver 妇e past yea7m the coOmDamny Pas joined the pig Ieague.

big-leaguecdi (NMmB 1 connected with sports teams that are in abig league 2 very important and Successful

Bi 证Manon'Campusnovn (obbr BMOO (NMAmE njor /mal) a Successful popular male student at a college or

,big 'toe noun the largest toe on a personms foot 一picture -CBODY big top (usually the big top) moun the large tent 识 Which a CIRCUS gives performances

,big 'wheelnovwn 1 (usually the Big Wheel (B/E) (also Fer-ris wheelNAmE BrE)alarge wheel which standsin a Vertical position atan AMUSEMENT PARK, With seats hanging at its edge forpeopletoridein 2 (NMmE Informah an important person in a company or an organization

lbig:wi吉 /bzgwIg/ novn (Informal) an important person: She had to emntertain some boring 1ocal DigWigs.

bijou/bi:su:/ odj. [only before noun] (BrE, sometimes jro广 ic) (of a building or a garden) small but attractive and fashionable: TPhe house Was terribly small and cramped, Dutthe agentdescribed 让 as abiou residence.

jpilke 0 /baik/ novm, ve 几 目 0OU1 (njora1) 1 abicycle: She got or her bike ad rode of CTUsually go to work by bike. 一Picture 只 BICYCLE一 See also MOUNTAIN




字 了 a

IE on your bikel (BrE, infomnal) a rude

Wayof telling sb to go away

目 Ve 上 六 1 [V tsually+ adwVprep] (informal) to go someWhere on a bicycle or motorcycle: My dad bikes to WorK eyey day. QZ.[VN]_(njormal) to send sth to sb by motorcycle: Z

Dike the contract oyerito you this afternoom:

> biking oun

[U]: The activities om offer include sailing

and moumtair bikings. 一compare BICYCLE, CYCLE

bike lanmeovn (NAmE injormalj) = CYCLE LANE bilker /barkeC)/-nouvn Ta person Who rides a motorcycle, usually as a member of alarge groupP 了 2 aperson Whortides abicycle, especially a MOUNTAIN BIKE

bilkie /barki/ noun (AustroiE, NZE, jnjprmah aimember ofa group of People who ride motorcycles

bi.Kini /brkimi/ novn a piece of clothing in two pieces that women wear for swimming and lying in the sun

bi'kinilinenovn the area ofskin around thebottomhalf of a BIKINI and the hair that grows there,which Some

Women remove


bikky = BICKkY bi.ia.bial /barlerbiel/ .noun (phonetics) a-sPeech Sound madebyusingboth lips, such as /b/ /p/ and /my/ in /buy/ /pie/ and /my/ bijabialcd/.

bi.lat.eral /barlzaeteral/ aodj. 1 involving two groups of


bi 人 mourthouvn (mormal))apersonwhotalks alot, especially about him- or herself and who cannot Keep secrets

Pbig-mouthed ad/.

,Bi 人 "Muddy povn (US normal) 1 the Mississippi River 2 aname forVietnam Used especiallyby US soldiers who fought there

bigot /brgst/ noun a person who has very strong, UnreaSonable beliefs or opinions about race, religion or politics and who will not listen to or accept the opinions of anyone who disagrees: Creligious/racial Digot

big-ot.ed /brgatrd/ .adj showing strong,Unreasonable beliefs or opinions and a refusal to change them

big.ot.ry/brgetri/ novn [U] the state offeeling, orthe act of expressing, Strong, Unreasonable beliefs or opinions

the ,bi 有 'screem "ovn [sing.] the cinema (when contrasted With television): The moyie hits -the big screem 记 Ju epher 太 rstDpig-screeTl SUCCess

the big'smokenovnr(B/ 局inorma)London, oranother large city

"bi 有 -tickKet cod/ [only before noun] (NAm 日costing alot of

People or two countries: bilateral relatiomrsVagreeTmemts/trade/talks 2 (medical) involving both of two Parts or Sides of the body or brain # bilaterally xdv 一 compare MULTILATERAL, TRILATERAL, UNILATERAL

bilateral symmetry "20

[U]; the fact.of ,the two

halves ofsth on either side ofa particularlinebeing exactlythe same

bil-berry /babari7 NAmE -Deri/ movm (P/ -ies) a small dark blue BERRY that grOows on btishes on hills and n Woods 记 northern Europe and can be eaten. The bush is also calledabilberry. 一compare BLUEBERRY

jbillby /bbi/ ov

(PN -ies) asmall Australasian animal

with along nose, alongtail and big ears bile /baa/noun [U] 1 the greenish:brown:liquid with a bitter Unpleasanttaste that is prodiiced by the LIVER to help the body to deal with the fats we eat and that can come into youUr mouth when you VOMIT with an empty stomach 2 (jormalj) anger orhatred: The critics review of the play wasjustaparagraph of bile.

bile duct povn the tube that carries bile:from the LIVER and the GALL BLADDERIto the DUODENUM

money': big-ticKket itermms

bi有 timemown, advy (informaj 旧 ]OU1 the big time great success in a Profession,esSpecially the entertainment business: Q Bitpart actor who 让mally madeXFit the big time 一compare SMALL-TIME

acat | dfather | eten

可 0dv. on alarge scale; to a great exXtent: This time theyYye 7messed UP Dig 如rmel

bilge /bad5s/ novun 1 [IC (also bilges [pl.])thealmostflat part of the bottom of a boat of a ship, inside or outside

2 (also 'bilge waten [U] dirty water that collects 记 a Ship's bilge

|as:bird |;eabout|irsit|isee|imany



bilhar:zia /brlhaaztsie; NAmE-hazrt-/ noun [] a serious disease, common in parts ofAfrica and S America, caused by small wORMS that get into the blood

bil:iary /baieri; NAmE:eri/ adj/. (medicaj relating to:BILE or to the BILE DUCT bi:lin.gual /barlmgwal/ ad 1 able to speak two lan-


guages equally well because you have used them since youU were Very young: She is Dilingual in EnglIishn and PumJjabi. 2 using two languages; written in two languageS: Pilingual educatiorcormmrmmunities C abiningual dictiomay bilingual noUn: WelsnEnglish DinSguas 一com-

statement 。 account * invoice* tab。check

Theseareallwordsforarecord ofhow much youowefor goods or services you have bought or used. billtalist of goodsthatyou have bought or services that youhaveased, showing how much you owe;the price

pare MONOLINGUAL, MULTILINGUAL bili.oOus /brisas/ ad 1 feeling as 这 you might VOMIT Soon 2 (of colours, usually greeli or yellow) creating an unpleasant'effect: a bilious green dress 3 (Jormal) badtempered; full of anger bili:ru:-bin



or cost ofsth: thegas pb员 statementaprinted record of money spent, received, etc:: ihecomponys amnual 万09ncialstatemente apaonK

5totementi(E arecord of money paid into and out ofa bankaccount eacreditcardstatemenEt account an arrangement with a shop/store or business to pay bills for goods or services at a latertime,for

[U] (medical) an orange

Substance Prodtuced in the IIVER Bilk /bak/ ve 尼 [VN] (Prmah especiolly NAm 日 一sb (out

examplein regularamounts every month: Put 上tom7my

of sth) | ~ sth (from sb) to cheat sb, especially by taking Imoney from them: a com 7mam Who bilked inyestors OUE of 7millions of dollars oil

旧 OU1


/ba/ novn, ve


1 apiece of paper that shows how much

you owe sb for goods or services: the telephorte/electr city/gas biil cs We rarL UP a massive hotel bill 2 She aLWays pays Per bills on tme. c The bilks are Diling UP (= there are more and more that have still not been paid). 2 (especially BrE (NAmE ustially checikk) a Piece of Paper that shows how mtch you have to pay for the food and drinks that youhavehad in a restaurant: Lets asK for the DiLL > MONEY 3 (NAmB) = NOTE(6): aten-dollar bi 和 IN PARLIAMENT

Youwould geta billin a restaurant, baror hotel; froma

companythat supplies you with gas, electricity, etc.; or from sb whose property you have damaged. An invoice isforgoodssupplied orwork done as agreed between a customer and supplier and is usually sent afterthe goods have been delivered orthe workfinished. tap (raiherinforran abillforgoods you receive but pay

forlater especially forfood or drinks in a restaurant Or

4 a Written Suggestion for a new law

5 a prIogramme of entertainment at 3

theatre, etc.: a horror double bill (三 two horror films/ imovies shown_ one after the other) c Topping the bill (= the most important performer) 如 Robpbie Williarns, *ADVERTISEMENT G anotice in apublic Place to advertise

an eVent


> OF BIRDS 7 the hard pointed or curved outer part of a bird'xs mouth BEAK 一picture 吃 PAGE R20 8 -billed (in adjectives) having the type of bill mentioned: lonmgDilled waders

@@toaskforgetthe 上 bill/check (=especially in a restaurant

* ON HAT 9 (NAmE) = PEAK(4) 一see alsoTHE OLD BILL JETO fill/fit the bifl to be what

orban 有 She askedthe waiter if she could have the billycheck-

is needed in aparticular situation or for a particular PUT一more pose: OP paper seyeral of the apPIicants 记 [切 eDiL at CLEANGGd1. ,FEOOTYV 四 VE/ ASK FOR PAYMENT 1T [VN] ~ sb (for sth) to send sb a bil for sth: Please Di 7me Jor 坊e bookks. 一 sb/sth as sth to ADVERTISE 2 [VN] [usually passive] advertise or describe sb/sth in a particular way: He Was Diled as the new Tom Cruise. 3 [VNto inf] [usually passive] to advertise that sbysth will do sth: She was billed to speaK OP CFana 一Yesterday and Tpday'

bill-fold /afeold; NAmE-ould/ nouvn (NAmB) = WALLET

[Er bill and 'coo (old-jshoned, inforaj) 过 two People

who are in love bill and coo, they kiss and speak in a loving wayto each other 有 /5aebpo0; NAmE bo, 了 ba:ny/ noun (in Austrabilla.bon lia) alakethat is formed when a river floods

bill.bpoard /babo:d; NAmE-bozrd/ noum (especially NAmE) 三 HOARDING bil.iet /balrt/ novn, ve族 7mOU1 aplace, often ip aprivate house, where Soldiers live temporarily 蚂 Ve 贱[V + advVprep] [usually passive] to send soldiers to live somewhere temporarily especially in PrivVate houses during awar billet-doux /baer duz/ ov (Ps piliets-doux /ibnler U actual

| ar my

| ao now

| er say

| su go (Br

=。bar':theprice orcostofsth: abartobeConflpUtEiton my tabpz check (NAm 月apiece of paperthatshows howmuchyou haveto payforthefood and drinksthatyou have had in arestaurant: Com1hnaye the check please?zfaS In British English the usual word forthis is bil, 和 the bilyinvoice/tab/checkfor sth 下 to pay/settle a(n) bil/account/invoice/tab/check 罩 to pick up (= pay)the bilVtab/check 晶 to put sth on the/sb's bilyaccount/invoice/tab/check etosend/submit aln) bilVinvoiceto a customer


:duzz/) (位om _French huwmorous OF jierary) alove letter

acCcCOUntPlease. In British English this can also be called a credit account: In North American English it canbe called a charge account. inmvoice (otherjormah a billfor goodsthat sb has bought or workthat has been done forsb: The puilders SeEntEGn inyoice jor 天250.


that is presented to a countrys parliament So _that its members can discuss it; to introduce/approye/reject Qa Pill ec tje Education Reforrm Bi >* ATTHEATRE, ETC.


bill.hook /bzihok/ novn atool with along handle and a curved blade, used for cutting the small branches of trees pbil.liards /balisdz; NAmE'bajerdz/ nouwn [U] a game for two people played with CUEs (= long sticks) and three balls on a long table covered with green cloth. Players tryto hit theballs against each other and into Pockets at 一compare POOL, the edge ofthe table: a game of billiards biLliard ad/ [only before noun]: a Piliiarda cue SNOOKER bill:ing /barm/ movun 1 [U] the Position,especially an jimportant one, that sb is advertised or described as having in a show, etc.: to hayve top/star pilling 之 [uU] the act of preparing and sending bills to customers 3 [Gusually pl] thetotal amount ofbusiness that acompany does in a Particular period of time: billings around 87 mmaillion

训. 脐Q@m 0OR /bzljena/ nuwmber(PIuraLyezD) 了

1 (abbr bn) 1000000000; one thousand million: WorldWide sales reached 2.5Dillion. opalfapillionaollars c They jhaye spent Dillions on 妇 e problem (= billions of dollars, etc.), BE You Say a,one,two,several,etc. billion

without a final 's' on ?illion'. Billions (of ,… ) can be used

让 there is no number or quantity before it. Always Use a

| ou go (MAmB)

| orboy

| zenear

| ee hair

| 5e pure


140 |

plural verb with billion or billions,except when anamountofmoneyis mentioned Two DiIion (people) worldWide are expected to watch the game. Two pillion (dollars) Was Withdrawn 方om the account There are more examples of how to Use numbers at the entry for hundred. 之 了 billionor billions (2 如mma/) a very large amount: OUF immune Systems are KiL1i7g Dillions ofgerTas FigRt7mOW 3 (old-joshioned,, Br6 1000000000000; one million million TRILLION

bil.iion:aire/bajamnea); NAmE-ner/ noun an extremely rich person,who has at least a _thousand pounds, dollars, etc. ip money Or PrOpPerty


,bil of 'costsmovn (BrE, /aow) alist ofthe charges and eXpenses that sb must payto alawyer or to sb who has won alegal case

,piil of ex' MAKESB DO STR 4 [usually passiye] ~ sb (to sth) to force sb to do sth bymaking them promiseto doitorbymaking 让 their duty to do it: [VN] He Rhad peer bound to secrecy (= made to Promise not to tell people about sth), < [VNto inf] The agreemientbinds her to Frepay the deptwitph 训 Si Imonths. 一See also BINDING, BOUND

> STICKTOGETHER S 一 (sth) (togethenxto stick together or to make things stick together in a solidsinass: [v] Add am eg8yYoKto7nake tfhermixturebind ec[vNAddarieggyokto Dimnd the 7miXture together

* BOOK @ [VN] [usually passive] to fasten the pages of a book together and put them inside a cover: hyo yolarmmes pounmnd 总 ITeather *SEW EDGE 7 [VN] [often passive] ~ sth (with sth) to sew the edge of sth to decorate 让 Or to make it Stronger: The DIarKets Were bourd Witp satinm. IEI see HANDD7. bind sb 'over [usually passive]

1 (MAmE /aw) to give sb BAIL while they are waiting to gototrial: He was poundoverjortrial 了 (B1F Jow)jto give sb aformal warning thatiftheybreakthelaw again they Wil pe punished: She was bouTmd over to Keep te peace Jorayear 下]OUH [sing.] (BrE, ormajh an annoying situation that is

人 waste-paper basket (B/ 有 Wastebasket (NAIm 日

often difficult to avoid--see also DOUBLE BIND litter bins (B7 trash cans (NA 月

[ICIO in a

bind(NAm 月记 adifficult Situation thatyou do notknow Howto get olit of

bind:er/bamaqaGD)/ noun 了 [G ahard cover forholding Sheets of papeD magazines,etc. together: Qa ring Dinder

[C a person or imachine that puts covers on Dooks 3 [CU] a substance that makes things stick or Immix to-

gether 雇 a solid form 杂 [Cl aimachine WHEAT into bunches after it has been cut

that ifastens

bindi/bmai/ novn adecorative markwormin the midadle ofthe FOREHEAD, UsuallybyHinduwomen

bindg.ing/bamdmy/adi, noun sgdj.~(on/upon sb)that mustbe obeyedbecause itis acdustbin (Br6) 8garbage cany/trash can (NAim 日


| adid

| fa

wheelie bin (8月


人 Phat

| yes

cepted 记 law:Qabinding Promiiseagreement/contract 上IOU1 了 [CU] the cover that holds the pages of a booK together 2 [CU] cloth thatis fastenedtotheedge ofsth to protect or decorateit 3 [Cadeviceonaskrthatholds



| aaman

| now

| ppen

| Fred

the heel and toe of your boot in place and releases the boot automatically 过 you fall 一picture cy SKIING

bindinmg theory



bind-weed /bamadwi:d/ movn [U] a wild Plantthat twists itself around other plants pin-endgd novn (pbin-ends)(Br6 abottle of wine which has its price reduced because all the other bottles of the same wine have been sold

binmge:-/bmads/ noun; veb 旧 0OU1 (njonmal) a short period of time when sb does too much ofaparticular activity especiallyeating or drinking alcohol: to go omna Dinge c One of the symptorns is pinge eatinaS.

昌 -VE 上 bbinge-ing orbin.ging,binged ,binged)[V]


toeat or drink too much, especially withoutbeing ableto control yoUrself: WPhem-shes depressed she binges om chocolIate.

bingo /bnmgao; NAmE-gou/ nouni exclamation 画 _OUn [U] a game in which each Player has a card with numbers on. Numbers are called out in no Particular order and the first Player whose numbers are all called out or who hasaline ofnumbers called out, wins a Prize: to Play pingo c apirr8o RalL 目 EXCclamatiomtused to express pleasure and/or SUrPrise because you have found sth that you were looking forzor done sth that you were trying to do: The computer proSramlz searches and pingol Weye gotarmnatch.


iinmer own (Br6) a Plasticbag thatis Placed inside a



changed to aharmless natural state by the action of bac: teria,and will therefore not damage the _environment [GE NON-BIODEGRADABLE

pbio-de.grade /bareudrgrerd; NAmE ,baiou-/ vemb [V] (of a Substance Or chemical) to_ change back to a harmless natural state by the action ofbacteria

bio.di-versity /bareudarvas:seti; NAmE,baroudar'vs:rs-/ (also /ess jrequent biological di'rversity) novn [U] the existence 968 去 large number of different kinds of animals and Plants which make abalanced environment


/,bareulendsrmIarIm0; NAmE ,baioU-

,end5ImIrID/ nouwn [U] the use ofengineering methods to solve medical Problems, for example the use of artificial arms and legs

bio.etih.ics /bareog'ebiks; NAmE baroo-/ noun [U] (techmical) the moral Principles that influence research ,in medicine and biology

bio.feed.back /bareofi:qbaek; NAmE baroo-/ .novn [U] (techmical) the use.of electronic equipment to record and display activity in the body that is not usually under yoOUI conscious control, for examPple yoUIT heatrt rate,SO that you can learn to control that activity-

bio.gas /bareugaes; NAmE 'barou-/ noum [U] gas,especially METHANE,that is produced by dead plants and that can be burned to Produce heat biog.raph.er

/barmpgrefeGD); NAmE-a:g-/ noun a Person

who writes the story of another person's life

container forholding waste

bin:-man /bmmaen/ nown(p1-men /mnen/)(BrE pforma)

biog:raphy /barogrefi; NAmE-ad:g-/ noun [CU] (P/sies)

三 DUSTMAN bin-ocu.lar /brmnokjalaOD); NAmEbrna:kjalar/ adj. (techmical) using two eyes to see: Dimnocular Visiom

the story of a person's life written by Sb else; this type of Wiiting: Boswells biography of Jopnnson 一compare AUTO-



that are far away seem nearer When you 1look through it: a pair of DinOculars C We 1ooKked at tpe Dirds througP pinoculars, 2no0-/

T (mathematics)



ters, joined by the sign


十 or 一

NAmE -adqs-/ ad

-1 ceon-

bio logical'clock oun (techmca1a natural system in

an ,ex-

Pression that has two groups of numbersior let-


nected with the science of biology: the piological sciemnces 了 connected with the Processes thattake Place within living things: 妃e biological effects of radiation C the bioIogical comitrol of pes6 (= using living ORGANISMS to destroythem, notchemicals)cacnhilds biolosicalLparents (= natural parents, notthe People who adoptedhimyher) 3 (of washing Powder etc.) using ENZYMES (= chemical substances that are found in plants and animals) to get clothes, etc. clean: biologicaland moPn-biological powders


gether thatmakes objects

bino-rmial /barneumis];

biograph.ical /bare'graefrkl/ xd/

/bareuhaezed; NAmE 'baIoohaezard/ noun a

Tisk to human health or to the,environment fom a BIO-

/bimpkjalaz; NAmE brmazkjalarz/, (also field Silasses) mo [pl.] -an istrumentb like two small TELESCOPES “fixed to-





了 (/nguwistics) apair of

notns joined bya word like 'and', where the order of the nouns is always the same, for example 1knife and fork'

P bino.mial cdf/bint /bmt/ mov7P (BrE, slang) an offensive way of referring toawoman: QPposh Dint bio- /bareo; NAmE "baroo/ compining 如mm (于 nouns, adjectives and adverbs) connected with living things or human life: biodegradable cbiography bio.break /bareobrerk; NAmE "baroo-/ nown a short pefiod of time when you leave yoUr coOmputer or a Ineetingin orderto gotothetoileMbathroom: TImeed to take a DiobreaK. bio:chem-.ist /baieogkeimrst; NAmE ,barou-/ OU1 a scientistwho studies biochemistry

living things that controls regular physical activities Such as Sleeping: (jguratyve) At 35,,Kate sibiologicaliclocKk was ticking (= She was beginning to think that she would soon be too old to have children).

,bio logical di'versity nouvn = BIODIVERSITY ,bio logical'warfare (also ,germ 'warfare) own [U] theuse ofharmful bacteria as weapons of war

,bio logical weapon "on a weapon of War that uses harmful bacteria 一compare CHEMICAL WEAPON biolo.gist /barmpiead5ist; NMAmE -al-/ noun a scientist who studies biology biol'ogy 0- /barmpled5i; NAmE:a:-/ own [U] Tthe scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals: Q degree in biology 一compare BOTANY, ZOoLoGY 2 the wayin which the body and cells of aliving thing behave: HEow 如r is hurmman miature determainea DYy Diology? C the biology of rnarine aTLimlals

bio-chem:is-try /bareokemarstri; NAmE ,baIoo-/ HOU

bio.lu-min.es-Cence /bareuluzmrmnrmnesns; NAJmE ,baiou-/moun [U] (biology) the natural Production of light

bio.data /bareoderte; NmE 'barou-; -daete/ 00Um [Lu,plj] information about a person and about what they have

by living creatures SUch as GLOW-WORMS bio.mass /baiIeumaes; NAmE'barIovU-/ OUn [U,sing.] (techmical) the total quantity or weightofplants and animals in aparticular area or Volume biome /bareom; NAmE'baroum/ noum (biology) the characteristic plants and animals that existin aparticular type ofenvironment for example in aforest or desert

T [u] the scientific study ofthe chemistryofliving things 2 [u,G the chemical structure and behbaviour of a living bio.-chem.ical /baieokemrkl; NmE,bariou-/ ad thing

done in their life

bio.degrad.able /ibareudrgrerdebl NAmE barIoo-/ 9df/, a substance of chemical that is biodegradable


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| 2zoo

can be

| Tshoe

| 5vision

| tf chain

| dsjam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0sing


142 |

bio-mech.an:ics -/barouma'Kzseniks;



nouwm [U] the scientific study of the physical mmovement and structure of living creatures

bio-med.ical /bareomedikl; NMAmE barou-/ adj [usually before noun] relating tohowPbiology affects medicine

bio.metric /bareomimetrik; NAmE,baroo-/ qd/ [usually before noun] using measurements of human features, Such as fingers or eyes, in orderto identify people

biomic /baronrk; NAmE -amik/ adj having parts of the body that are electronic, and therefore able to do things that are not possible fornormal humans

bio.phys-ics /baieofrzIlks; NAmE ,baIoo-/ houn [U] the science Which Uses the laws and methods of physics to study biology

bio-pic /baieopIik; NAmE "barov-/ noun a film/movie aboutthe life ofaparticular person

BIRD,SONGBIRD,WATERBIRD 字 (BrE,5s/018g,sSoOmetimes ofnsiye) a Way of referring to ayoting woman 一see also DOLLY BIRD 3 (mnformal a person of a Particular type, _especially Sb who is strange or Untusual in some way: Q wise old bird e She is that rare bird: a politician Witn asocial comsciemnce- IE be [strictiy)forthe birds (1joxo1/) to notbe important or Practical the bird has flown the wanted person has escapedabird in the 'handis worth two in the 'bush (Soying) it is better to keep sth that you already have than to risk losing it by trying to get much morethe birds and the 'bees (hurmorous)thebasic facts abonlt seX, especially as told to children a ,bird?*s-,eye 'View (of sth) a view: of sth frorm ahigh position looking down birds of a feather (flock to'gether) (SOyYi78) people of the same sort (are found together) give sby/get the'bird (pforma) 1 (BrE)to shoutatsb asasign ofdisapPproval; tobe shouted at 2 (Nm 明tomake arude Sign at sb with your middle finger; to have this Sign made' at you 一more atEARLYOd/.,KILLV, LITTLE 0df/.

'bird bath movmabowl filled with water forbirds toWash

Jpi-opsy /barmpsi; NAmE-azmpsi/ novn (p1 -ies) the removal and examination ofTISSUE from thebody ofsb who is il/ sick, in order to find out more about their disease

bio.rhythim /bareorroem; NAmE "baiou-/ noUm _[usually pl.] the changing pattern of how physical Processes happen in the body, that Some people believe affects human behaviotr

bio-sci-emce /baieog'saiens; NAImE baiou-/ oum


any of the LIFE SCIENCES (= Sciences concerned with studying humans, animals or Plants) bio-sphere /barieosfreC); NAmE barIousfm/ noun [sing.] (technical) the part of the earth's surface and atmosphere in which Plants and animals can live

bio-tech-nol.ogy /baieutekmplad5i; NAmE ,baioutekma:l-/ (also /njormal bio-tech /baiIeatek; NAmE "baroU-/)

in and drinpK 人fom, usuallyin a garden/yard


/bas:dbreim;, NAmE "bsTrd-/ noun (especially

NAmB) astupid person

bird-.cage /bs:dkerds; MAmE baird:/ ouUn acCAGE 记 Which birds are kept usually one in a house

bird dog "ou (NMmE informahl Tiadogusedin hunting tobringbackbirds thathave beenshot 2 aperson whose job involves searching for good Players for a Sports teaim

bird 和 wu(also 'avianm 和 ma 'chicken 和lu) no

[U]ia seE

ious illness that affects birds, especially chickens, that can be spread from birdstohumans and that can catuse death: Tem mnew cases of bira ji Were reported yesterday.

bir-die /bs:dqi; NAmE "bs:rdi/ movn

1T(Unrmah achild's

wordforalittlebird 2 (让 GOLF) ascore ofone strokeless than PAR (= the Sandaye Score for a hole) 一compare

moun [U] (technrcoh the use of living cells and bacteria 记 ipdustrial and scientific processes e biotechnological adlj.: piotechmological research

BOGEY, EAGLE 3 (NAImE) 去 SHUTTLECOCK bird:ing /bs:drm; NAmE bs:rd/ moun [U] (NAmB the

bi-ot:ic /barmptrik; NAmE baraztrk/ adj (biology) of or Te-

activity of watching birds in their natural environment and identifying different breeds,as a hobby 一see also

lated to living things

bio.-type /bareutarp;


"barou-/ noun

(biology) a

group of living things with exactly the same combination of GENES






involving two political parties: a bipartisam Policy

BIRDWATCHING, bird:lime /bs:dlam; NAPmE'bs:rd-/ noun [U] asticky substance Spread onto bramches to trap small birds

,bird of 'paradise "oun (

birds ef paradise) a bird

with verybright feathers, found mainlyin New Guinea

-pazrt-/ :dj (technical)

,bird of 'passage "oun (P/ birds of passage) Tiabird

involving or madenp of two separate Parts biped /barped/ noun (technicol) any creature with two

that travels regularly from one part of the world to,another at different seasons of the year 2 a person who Passes through a Place without staying there long

bi-par-tite /barpaztart;


feet 一compare QUADRUPED

bi-pedal /barpi:dl; NAmE also -pedl/ adj. (techmica1i) (of animals)using only two legs for walking

bi-plane /bamplem/ novn anearlytype ofplane with two sets of wings, one above the othert 一picture cy PAGER8 一 compare MONOPLANE bi.polar /barpeole0); NMAmE -poular/ (also ,manicde'pressive) 0d/. (psychology) suffering from or con-

bird of 'prey "ovn (P/ birds of prey) a Dird that hunts and kills other creatures for food. EAGLES,HAWKS

OWLS are all birds of prey. 一Picture


马 PAGE R20

bird.seed /bs:dsi:dq; NM 六 Eba:rd-/ noun [U] special seeds for feeding birds that are in CAGES

bird'*s nest 'soup oun

[U] a type of Chinese soup,

Imade from a substance that is found in birds' nests

nected with bipolar disorder > bipolar (also ,manic-

bird.song /bs:dso0; NAmE 'bs:rdqso:D/ noum [U] the mu-


"bird strike "ovn an occasion when abird hits an aircraft bird talble novn (BrE) a woodern Platform in ai garden on

de'pressive) 70 bipolar disorder

Sical sounds made bybirds



dis'order moun [u,C] (also ,manic-de'pression [U]) (psychology) a mental illness causing sb to change suddenly from being extremely depressed tobeing extremely birch /bs:tj; NAmEbasxrtf/ novn 1 [CuU](also'birch tree [g) a tree with smooth BARK and thin branches,that grows in northern countries 一see also SILVER BIRCH

2 (also birch-wood /ba:tJwud; NAmE 'basxrt[-/)[u] the hardpale wood of thebirch tree 3 the birch [sing.] the Practice of hitting sb with a bunch of birch sticks,,as a Punishment


which people put food for birds




/5s:d; NAmEbs:rd/ noun

1 a creature that is covered with feathers and has two Wings and two legs. Mostbirds can fly: Q Diras mnest Witi two eg88gs 识 Caspecies 让 of pird ceThe area has a wealth of Dird Li 大. 一picture 上 PAGE R20 一see also GAME BIRD, SEA-

2 cat | dfather | eten




-Waitj-/ nouwn a person who watches birds in their natural

environment and identifies different breeds, as a hobby ORNITHOLOGIST also BIRDING

birdwatch:ing 10U7

jbi-rettay/brrete/ 00Un asquare



wornbyRoman Cath-

olic Priests

biriani (also biri-yani biry.ani) DR

moun [U;,

aS Asian dish made from rice with meat, fish, oOFr Vege:

tables: chickem Piriamai Birorw /barmreo; NAmE'barrou/ noun (P/ -os)(BrE) aplastic pen with a metal ball at the top that rolls ink onto the

paper 一Picture 史 STATIONERY 一COmpare BALLPOINT

|a:bird |eabout|rst|isee|limany|nsgot(BrEl|oxsaw|Acup

|5put | uitoo

lbirtih om /ba:6; NAmEba:re/ noun

'Ibirth certificate "ovn an official document that shows when and where a person was born

birth coOntrol "oun [U] the Practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods Of CONTRACEPTION: Q reliable method of birth coOntrol

bishop /brfep/ novn 1 a senior priest in charge of the Work of the Church in a city or district: the Bishop of OxJord e Bishop Harries 一see also ARCHBISHOP 了QZ apiece used in the game of CHESs that is shaped like a bishop's hat and can move any number of squares in a DIAGONAL line 一Picture c CHESS

bish-op-ric /brfaprtk/ noun Tthe position of abishop 2 the district for which abishop is responsible CESE

birth-ins /bs:bm; NAmE bsirb-/ noun [U] the action or PIocess of giving birth: a birthing pool

birth:mmnark /bs:bmaxk; NAmE'basrbma:rk/ noun ared or brown mark on a person's Skin that has been there Since they were born

bis:mutih /brzzma6/ noun [U] (symbBi) a chemical element. Bismuth is a reddish-white metal that breaks easily and is used in medicine.

bison /barsn/ movn (pl bison) alarge wild animal of the cow family that is covered with hair. There are two types 、 of bison, the N American (also called BUFFALO) and the European: Qa herd of bisom one made from SHELLFISH: 1obster bisque bis.tro /bi:streo; NAmE-strou/ noun (六-os) asmall inforImal restaurant

jb 证 0 人

Dit? C Greg thoughtjJorabitpefore answering: 3 [CQ 一 of sth (especally BrE) a small amount orpiece of sth: sormme Usefulpits of informationc WithapbitofIuck wellbethere by 了 2.cTyegotabitofshoppingto do.Capbitofcakecpits ofgrass/paper

own the woman who gave birth to a

"birth partner novun aperson whom awoman chooses to be with her when she is giving birth to a baby

birth.place /bs:9plers; NAmE 'ba:rb-/ noun 1 the house or area where aperson was born, especially a famots per-

Son 2 the place where sth firsthappened: Hawaiiwas the birthplace ofsurfing. 'birth rate mown the number of births every year for every 1000 people in the population of a place: a Iow/ Pigh birth rate

birth.right /bs:brart/ novn athing that sb has arightto because of the family'or country they were born in,or because it is a basic right of all humans: The Droperty 东 态 ebirthright oftheeldestchild. coFaducatior is eyery childs DirthrigRht

biirth.stone /bs:bstaon; NAmE'bargstoun/ OU1 a SEMIPRECIOUS STONE that is associated with the month of sb's birth or their sign of the ZODIAC

birth-weight /bs:09wert; NAmE'bs:r-/ nouUn [U,G] the recorded weight ofababy when it is born

biry-ami = BIRIANI bis /brs/ odv (muwsic) (used as an instruction) again lbis.CW 让 0-权 /brskrt/ noun T [qd (BrE) asmall flat dry: cake for one Person, usually sweet andbaked until crisp:apacKket of cjiocolate piscuits Caselectiomr ofcheese biscuits 一compare COOKIE 一see also DIGESTIVE BISCUIT) DOG BISCUIT 2 [q (Nm 日a soft bread roll, often eaten with GRAVY 3 [u] a pale yellow-

jsh-brown colour ,IE take the 'biscuit (Br6) (alsotake the'cake NAmE BrB(Unormal)tobethe most surprising, annoying) etc. thing that has happened or that Sb has done: Zouye done some stupiad things before, butthis realy taKkes the biscuitl

'iscuit barrel nov7 (BrE) a container forbiscuits bi.sect /barsekt/ ve 彤[VN] (technicoh to divide sth into two equal parts

利 Gdj 1 sexually attracted to both men and women 2 (biology) having both male and female sexual organs P bisexu-ality /barsekju'aelati/ 0oum [U] ual HETEROSEXUAL, 一compare 是 IOU1 aperson Who isbisex



| army

| aonow

| ersay

| su go (BrE)

/brt/ noun

* SMALLAMOUNT 1apit [sing.] (used as an adverb) (especially BrE) rather A LITTLE: These trousers are Q Bit 6ght C Are you tired2 Yes Tam api ccost apbitrmnore thariTwanted to spend. CTcar iendyou 记 fty pounds, 太 yoU Want Thatshould heljp ab 让 了 apbi[sing.](especialy BrE) a Shorttime or distance: Wait abitl 2 CamryouPovye up a

child who has been adopted

bi-sex-ual /barsekJusl/ adj-, noun


bisque /brsk; bisk/ novn [u,G a thick soup, especially

birth.day 0 /ba:b9qer; NAmE'bas:rb-/ noun the dayin each year which is the same date as the one on which you were born: Happy Birthday! 2 Olivers 13 扫 pirthday 2 a_ pirthday card/party/present IE in your 'birthday suit (huwmorous) not wearing any clothes

'birth mother



1 Lu,c the time when a baby is born; the process of being born: The baby Weighed three Kilos at birth. yophm Was present at the Dirth of both his children ce下 was ad cult pirth oa hospital/horme birth c Mark has been Dlind 太rorn pirth. C Please state your date and place of pirth. 之 [sing.] the beginning of a new situation, idea, Dlace,etc.: the birth of a new society 识 South Africa 3 [U] apersonm's origin or the social position of their famjly: Amme Was French bpy birth but 1ived most of her 1i谍 识 Italy 2 a woman of noble Dirth [ET give 'birth (to sb/ sth) to produce a baby or young animal: She died shortly aftergiying Dirth. Mary gaye Dirth to ahealthy baby girl cljgurative) 正wasthestudy ofhistory thatgayebirth to the SOcial sciemnces.

rr PARTOFSTH .4 [G (especialy BrE)apartofsth larger: The Dest bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Camnyon. C The School play Was a huge Success 一the audierice roared with Iaughteratall the 所 mmny bits. 下 LARGEAMOUNT 5 [sing.]a 一 (of sth) (关 Frmmaj especialy Br6) alarge amount: 向ow Tuch does jhe earr2 Quite Q Pit c The new system will take abit ofgettng Used to (= 过 will take along time to get used to). 了 COMPUTING 6 [Ga the smallest unit of information Used by a computer Y 了 T 了

FOR HORSE 7 [qq a metal bar that is put in a horse's Imouth so that the rider can control 让 TOOL 8 [q atool or part of atool for DRILLING (= makiDg) holes 一Picture 只 TOOL 一See also DRILL MONEY 9 (NmEynformal) an amount ofmoneyequal to 121p2 cents SEXUAL ORGANS 10 bits [pl] (Br局 informa/) a Person's SeXual organs 一See also BITE,BIT,BITTEN VE the (whole) .bit (informah disopproving) behaviour or ideas that are typical of a particular group,type of person or activity: She coUldmit accept the Whole drug-culture biE bit by 'bit a Piece at atime; gradually: He assermmbled 加 emodel aircra所 Dit by Bit C Bit py bit7mmemories of the night came back to mme.abit'much (iormnal/) not fair or not reasonable: 丰 S abitmuch calling me atthree in t织 emmnorning.abitofa.… (Informajh especially BrEjusedwhentalking aboutunpleasant or negative things or ideas, to mean Tather a .……: We Tnay hayve abitofaproblem on our hands. C The rail strike zsapbitofFapain.abitof all'right (BrE, slang) a person thatyou think is sexually attractivea bit of 'rough (B/E, slang) aperson ofalow social class who has a sexual relationship with sb of a higher classa bit on the 'side (B/ slang)the boyfriend or girlfriend.of sb whois already married or in a steady sexual relationship with sb else ,bits and 'pieces/'bobs (Br njormal/) small objects or items of various kinds: She sbuffed all her pits amd pieces into Qa bag and ef do your 'bit (informaj) to do your share of a task: We ca finish thi job om tme 矿eyeryomne does their bit every bit as good,bad,etc- (as sb/sth) just as good, bad, etc.; equally good, bad, etc.: Romme is eyeTy Di

as beautiful as Paris. get the bit between your teeth (njformal) to become very enthusiastic about sth that yoU

| ou go (MmE)

| orboy

| re near

| ee hair

| se pure




have started to do so that yot are Unlikely to stop Unti

youhave finished mot 二 几 |让 mot ome (little) 'b计 mot at all;notin anyway: 和 reyou colda2 人Votabit 7 ctsnotapbit

of use (= there's no point ip) complIaining CTadontIike thatiadeaone bi让 mot ab 让of 这 (momo/ BrE) used for saying that sth that you had expected to happen did mot happen: Youid think shedpetiredafterthejourney putmnot QpitoFitl to bits 1 into small pieces: The pooKk 帮 1Lto pits 识 Pmmyjharnds.CShe tooktheengine to Dits, thenm carefulyPUL 让 together again. 2 (Unfommal) very Imuch:TIoyve Imy Kidsto Dits.O She was thrilled to bits WhenIsaid Ta comme, 一more at BLINDaGd/ ,CHAMPV

out/off used when sb says sth stupid or embarrassing and:immediately wishes they had not said 让 一more at HEAD7m ONCE 0dy bite'back(atsb/sth)toreact _angrily especially when sb has criticized or harmed you bite sth 一 packto stop yoUrself from saying sth or 位om showing yotr feelings: She bit back Per anger ,bite 'into sih to cut into the surface of sth: The horses?” hooyes D 让 deep into the so 态earth.

可 1OU17 USING TEETH T [G an act of biting: THPhe dog gayve me Qa Playful bite. C He has to wear a brace to correct jis bite (= the waytheupper and lower teeth fit together). > F00D 2 [G asmallpieceoffood that you canhbite from a larger piece: She tooKkK a coUPple of bites of the sanidwich. He didnteat a bite of his din7ier (= he ate nothing) 3 a

~(toeat) [Sing.] (normnahasmallamountoffood; asmall

abit.alittle 可In.BrEitis commonto use a bitto mean'slightly or'tto asmall extent: Thpeseshoes areapitanght Cipea bt laterhometomorow ceComyou ti让 态 eyolumeupa bit2 下 Itismore common in NAmEtosayalittle, or (injorrmal) alittle bit.You can also usethese phrases in BrE: These ShioesarealjittlepttootgEph epeawniteyaoterhome iimorrow CCamyouwturn theyvolumewpanittept

好主cjn /brtf/ noun; verb @@]mOU1 [Carfemale dog:a sreyhouid Ditchn 了 ITC (slang, disapproving)j an offensive way of referring to a woman, especially an Unpleasantone': You stuPpid little bitchieo She car be a real bitch 3 [Sing.] (song) athing that causes Problems or difficulties: Iifesabitchn 4 [sing] 一 (about sby/sth) (pfjorma/) a complaint about sb/sth or a convVersation in which you complain aboutthem: Weye beemn haying Qbitchnapoutour boss. 一see also SON OFA BITCH 上 Ver [V] 一 (about sb/sth) (pformal to make unkind-and critical remarks about sb/sth, iespecially when they are not there

好 证Cim” (also bitch.in名 /brtfm/ odji (9%ang,especially NAImB very good

jitciny /brtfi/ ad/ (pformah saying unpleasant and Unkind things about other People: bitchy rermmarKks


nessmoun [U]

隐话人色 0

[V] Most European Spiders aomtt bite.

*DFFISH 3 [V] 这 aftish bites, it takes food from the hooK ofaFiISHING LINE and may get caught “HAVE


4 [Vj to have an unpleasant effect: THe

recession 六 begimming to Dite. TUE be bitten by sth to develop a strong interest in or

enthusiasm for sth: Fes beemn bitten bpy the trayel bug.

jiie Yhe- oullet (oraj) to start to deal with an unpleasant or difficult Situation which canmnot be avoided ET

From the custom of giving soldiers abullettobite

on during amedical operation without anaesthetic. bite the 'dust (nrna1) Tto fail or tobe defeated or destroyed: Thousands of Small businesses bite the dust every year 2 (humorous) to die bite the hand that feeds You to harm sb who has helped you or SupPorted you bite yOUF 省P to stop yourself from saying sth or from showing an emotion bite off more than you can 'chew to try to do too much, or sth that is too difficult bite yoOur tongue to stop yourself 位om saying sth that Imighttupset sb of catuse an argument, althotugh you Want to speak: T didrmt belieye Per explanatorm DuUET DiE TY tongue. 1 etc. could have bitten my/his/her tongue


| ddid

一See also FROSTBITE,LOVE BITE) SOUND BITE IJ 也 bite at/of the "cherry (BrE) an OpPortunity to dossth: They Were eager fora secomnd bite of te cher7y. 一more at BARKI.

'i 斌e-sizedl (also ,bite-size) dj

[usually _before noun]

1 small enough to Pt into the mouth and eat: Cut 妇 e neat into bite-sized pieces. 了 2 (njormaj very small or Short: The exaTmns are taKer 训 Dite-size chumKs OVer bwo

years, bit:.inm 多/bartm/ cad 1 (ofa wind) veryicold and Unpleasant 2 (of remarks) cruel and critical: pitimng Sarcasmz/ WE bifingiyadv bb 斌-rmap /brtmaep/ moun (computng) a way 也 Which an image is stored with a fxed number of BITs (= 一units of information) for each Unit of the image

(pp] [VN]

请 加 斌mmap ve 瞩

有 itOmal/banteonl NA 六 Eastou-/ ad 和 (mw5ico having Parts in two different KEYS sotnding togetiher e bitonality /baiteogmaelati; NAmE-too-/ noun [U]

/bart/ ve 万71ou1

加 VE 上 (hb 证/brt/,bitten /Drtn/) > USETEETH 1 一 (into/through/off sth) to use your teeth to cut into or through sth: [VN] She was bitten by 态efrmmiy dog. c Stop biting your nails! ce[V] She bit into a ripe Juicy pear 2 Does your dog bite2 CoComie here1TWont Dite! (=you dontneedtobeafraid)e He bito 太 alarge chuik of Dreada/HEe Pit aldarge chnunk ofFpread o 矿 * DFINSECT/SNAKE 之 to wound sb bymaking asmall hole ormarkin their skin: [VN] We were badly Ditten py mmosqUEtoes.

meal: How about a pite of IUPnch?e We justjhave tme Jora Pite to eat before 妨e moyie. * OFINSECT/ANIMAL4 [dawound madeby an animal or insect: Dog bites cam getinfected. ea7mosqUitoXSmaKe bite * STRONG TASTE 5 [U] a pleasant strong taste: Cheese W 记 add extra bite to ary asta dish. COLD 6 [sing] asharp cold feeling: Theres a bite in the air tomiighE > POWERFUL EFFECT 7 [U] a quality that makes sth effectjive or Powerful: The performartce had no bite to 让 * OFFISH.S8 [Cl the actofafish biting food on ahook

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

"区 证呈 噬71ov asmall part in afilm/Xmovie ' 妈主playernovn 1 an actor with a small part in a filimy Imovie 之 aperson or an organization that is involved in a Situation but does not have an important Ifole and has litte influence

pp 斌-Stream /brtstrimm/ moun (compPuting)aflowofdatain BINARY form

bb计`tempp ofBITE 取证 .世人 上 0 /brteGD)/ adj ,noun 下 0dj GEmmore bitter and most bitter are the Usual comparative and Superlative forms,but bitterest can also be used. 1 (ofarguments, disagreements, etc.) Very Serious and unpleasant with a lot of angerand:hatred involved: a Iong amd bitter dispute 2:(of people) feeling angry and Unhappybecause you feel thatyouhave been treated Unfairly: She 东 Very bitter apoutilosing her 7J0b. 3 [usually before noum] making you feel very Unhappy: catsed by great UnhapPpiness: to Weep/shed bitter tears @ Josing the miatcF Was dapitter disappointmentjor te teaTm. CO Tve learmnt 广om pitter experietce 7iot to 三 USE Whathesays. 4 (offood, etc.)havingastrong,unpleasant taste; Dot Sweet: BlacKk coffee Ieayes a bitter taste in the 7mOouth. 一compare SWEET 5 (of weather conditions) extremely cold and unpleasant: bitter cold ea Ditter wind

Js really bitter out today

芭 pittermess OU7 [U] :The

Day cut caUsSed Ditterness among the sta太 CThe jiowers of the hop plantadd bitterness to the peer TI a bitter'pill

(for sb) (to swallow) a fact or an eventthatis unpleasant and difficult to accept to/until the bitter 'end continting until you have done everything youcan, or tntil sth is

| kecat

| DTleg

| aman

| nnow

| ppen

| red

completelyifinished, despite difficulties -and problems: TheyWwere prepared to Jightto the bitter endjortheir Tighas. 旧 POUN1(BIE) 了 LU,C] atypeofbeerwith adarkcolouranda Strong bitter taste, that is verypopular in Britain: A pint OF Bitte75 Please. 一compare MILD 也 ja 府ters[U+sing./plv] a Strong bitteralcoholicliquid that is made from plants and added to other alcoholic drinks to give flavour: gin with a dasP of bitters


节 jackK

bitu:mem /brtfeaman; NAmEbatumaen; "tju:-/ moun [U] 1 ablack sticky substance obtained from oil used for coOvering roads or roofs Q2 (AustralE, nrmal) the strface ofaroadthatis covered with TAR:GKilometre andahaFoF DiturTme

bitu:rmmim'.Ous /brtjummas; NMmE-ba'tu:-/ adj containing bitumen

娩 证.Zef /brtse(Cr)/ moun (AUstro 人E,NZE, informal Tathing that is made 全 om parts that originally did not belong together 字 a dog that is a mixture of different breeds

bitter “pungent。sour。acrid 。sharp 。 acid These words all describe astrong, unpleasanttaste or smell.


bitter(of atasteorsmell) strong and usually unpleasant; (offood ordrink) having a bitter taste. Punsent(ofasmellortaste)strongandusually unpleasant;{offood orsmoke) havingapungentsmell ortaste: the pungentsimellofburningrubpber sour(of a taste) bitterlikethetaste ofalemon oroffruit thatis not ripe;(offoodordring having asourtaste: =Too/muwch:pu/p Produces QSOUFWIne.

acricl(of asmellortastej strongand unpleasant; 人f smoke) havinganacrid smell::acrdsmoke PuUrmnipng tyres


food ordrink) havingasharp taste: Thecheese hasa distiinctiyely sharpitaste. 旺 Eiag(ofa taste Or smell) bittep likethetaste ofalemon :oroffruitthatisnotripe; (offood or drinN having an acid taste.


stead of one between an AMPLIFIER and a SPEAKER to imProve the sound quality

VeIy good

:Sourisusuallya negativelterm; acid can be negative or simply descriptivye.Asharp or pungentflavouris more';

strongthan unpleasant, especially when describing cheese.Apungent smell is usually unpleasant, but some people enjoythe pungentsmell of rich, spicy food. An acrid smellis always unpleasant; acrid is not used “forthesmellioffood.







WEIRD: Q Dizarre situatiorwincidentstory 2 Dizarre Dehayiour P bizarrelyadv: Dizarrety dressed

jpial /blaeb/ ve 方(-bb-) ~ (to sb) about sth) (pnfommal) to tell sb information that Should be kept secret: [V] Sorneomte 7nUst Paye Dabbedto the police. [also VN]

blab.ber/blzbaa)/ vemb[V] 一 (on) (aboutsth) 0Pnjormao1h) totalkin awaythatother Peoplethinkis silly and annoying: WPRatwas she plabpering om aboutthis bme2






(njformal, disapproving) aperson whotells secrets becatse they tallktoo much

ilaclg os /blaek/ odj ,noun vemb 画0Cj2 (blacker blackesb * COLOUR 1 having the very darkest coloun like night or coal: asRiny black carc black storTmclouds * WITHR ND LIGHT 之 without light; completely dark: ablacK PigRt

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 一totaste bitterpungent/sour/sharpy/acid 晶to smell bitterpungent/acrid/sharp 下aln) bitter/pungent/souracrid/sharp/acid taste/

>* PEOPLE 3 (also Blaclg belongingtoarace ofpeoplewho have dark skin; connected with black_ people: a black

.flavour : 亚a(n) bittewpungent/acrid/sharp/acid smell/odour 年a(n) bitter/sour/sharp/acid fruit 旺 pungent/sharp cheese 昌DUngent/acrid smoke

Womar Writer Ce Diack cuIture DBlack is the word Imost widely used and generally accepted in Britain, In the US the currently accepted term is African American. > TEA/COFFEE 4 Without milk: Two blacKk coffees, Please.一 compare WHITE

,iitter Meromnoun [U] (BrE) aFIzZY drink (= With bubbles)thattastes of lemon and is slightly bitter

阳 久:攻@ 六.和yy 0 训 /brteli; NAmE-terli/ adv Tin awaythat shows-feelings of sadness or anger': She WeptpitterlDy They complained bitterty. The developTmnent 了 Was bitterly opposed py the 1ocal communib', 了 (describingtnpleasant or sad feelings) extremely: pitterty disap-

Dointed/ashamied 3 ~ cold very cold

* DIRTY 5 Very dirty; coOvered with dirt: cPirmmeys blacK Withn smoke Go and wasjyour hamds theyre absotutely

DPIack/ > ANGRY G.full of anger or hatred: She's been'in a7Teally Diack mood all daay ecRory shot hera placKk IooK. * DEPRESSING 7 Without hope; very depressing: TPe 所ture 1ooKks pretty black. ceIts peen another black day Jor the miortph-eastWitp the arioUTicemzent of 所 rtherJop 1osses,

>* EVIL 加 (Jiterary) evil or immoral: placKk deedsv1ies

bb 证-term/brten; NAmE-tern/ novun aEuropean bird of the HERON family that lives on wet ground and has a loud call bitter-'sweetadj/. (Br bringing pleasure mixed with 上 sadness: Ditter-sWeetTmemories 也 (of tastes or Smells) bitterand sweet atthe same time lpitty/'brti/ adj (BrE fommal)madeupofmany Small separate parts, Which do not seem to fit together well

| zzoo

hivvyy/brvil/ 加 OU1 (P/ bivvies) atentortemporary shelter 加 VE几 ( 态ird Persom sing.prest bivwies :prespart bivvy:ing ppp bivvied) [vjto sleep in atent or temporary shelter


Bitter sour sharp and acid are all used more fortastes.

| wwet

避 Ve 几 (-ck-) [V] to spend the night in a bivouac

business, especially one connected with entertainment: People it 轨e TUsic Di这 JE be the biz (Unjommol) to be

Pungent and acrid are Used more for smells. A bitter tasteisusually unpleasant, butsome people enjoythe bitterflavour ofcoffee or chocolate:-You cannot use any otherword to describethis flavour Sour and acid both describethetasteofalemonorfruitthat is not ripe:

| vvan

下 DOUn a temporary camp or shelter without using a tent, that is made and used especially by people climbing mountains or by soldiers

the ipiz /brzz/ moun [sing.] (normaj) a particular type of


| ttea

Shell ip two parts, for example a MUSSEL 一compare MOL-

LUsSC biv.Ouac/ brvusek/ noun, verb

史记 wifim 有 0oUn [U] (techmpica/the use of two wires

sliarp(ofataste orsmell) strongand slightly bitter: (of


MONGREL pi-valve /barvaelv/ noun (technical) anysHELLFISH with a

| J shoe

> HUMOUR 9 dealing with unpleasant or terrible things, SUch as murder in a humorous way: “Good place to bury the bodies, she joked with black humour c The Play ia

DiIacKk comeday: blacknessmOwn [Using.]: SheDeered outinto the blac-

mess Of hE mighE IE (beatsb) blackand 'blue:(to hit Sb until they are)jcovered with BRUISES (= blue; brown or

Purple marks om the body) not as black as he/she/it is 'paintedmnot as bad as people say he/sheVit is: Hes mot

| 5 vision

| trchain

| djam

| ethin2|l


| 0sing


146 | black 'bun nouwn [GU] a Scottish cake wrapped in PASTRY, eaten at New Year

yery 太iendly buthesmnotasblack as hespainted 一more 莫 POT1. 1OU1 COLOUR 1 [u]thevery darkest colour like night or coal:



the black of the might sgy co Eyeryone at te 所 meral Was dressed imnblack. PEOPLE 2 (alsoBlack) [Cusually pl.] a member ofa race of'people who have dark skin In this meaning black is more common in the plural. It can Sound offensive in the singular. Instead, you can use the adjective ('a black man/woman) or in the US, African American. IE

be in the 'black

to have money,

for example in

yourbankaccount-compareBEINTHERED atRED,black and 'white having no colotrs except black white and shades of grey (in photographs,on television,etc.): a Ji made 识 black and white ec blackand-white photosin black and white in writing or in Print: TI meyer thougRAt teya puE 让 识blacK and White on the 方ontpage.(in)black and white in a way that makes people or things seem completely bad or good, or completely right or wIong: Jts a commplex issue,but he omly sees 让 训 placK amd WPite. CTnis is nota biackand-white qecision (= where the difference between two choices is completely clear).

yerp [VN] 1 (BrE) to refuse to deal with goods or to do business With sb as a Political .Protest BOYCOTT: The uniorns jhaye blacked al imports 万om the country. 2 to make sth black BLACKENI Jblack'out':to become Unconscious for a short titmne EAINT: The driyer had probaply blacked out at the WheelL 一Ielated noun BLACKOUT ,black sth blandly advibland:ness mou7n bU] Porns bland.ish:ments: blindrfmants 广noun [pl] (frma) blarney /bldmni; NAmE'Tladrni/nown [U] (UPformah)talk pleasantthings thatyou sayto sb or do for them to try to that is friendly and amusing but probably not true, and persuade them to do sth

Which maybe used to persuade ortricK You


/blznk/odi ,nouny ye 几

四.0dj.1 empty with nothing written printed or recorded onit: Signyourmametin theplankspacebelow aplank CD C Write on one side of the paper and Ieaye the other Siae Diank SShe turnedtoablank page ijhermiotebook 2 (of awall of screen) empty; with no Pictures, marks or decoration: blamnkyWwPitewashed Walls ceSuddenly the screerr Went DianKk- 3 showingmno feeling, tnderstanding or interest: Shestared atmmewithablankexpression om herjace. CSteyve Iooked blamk and said he had 7ioiaeaWwFhatTWastalking abouvLt c Suddenly my mmind went planK (= Icould not

remember anything)..4 [only-before noun] (of ,negative things) complete and total: a blIank refusal/demial 一see also POINT-BLANK blankly adv: She staredblankly into space, niotKrnowing whatto 5ay next blankness 50oUn [U] 四 oun 了 [C an empty space on a Printed form or documentforyouto write answers, informatiomy etc: in: Please 访 11in the biarKs 2矿youUcamntarlsWer thedquestiom 1eayea biank. 2 [sing.] a state of not being able to remember anything: My mind was Q planmk andIcouldrmtremiemmbper

jhermname. 3 [Cl'(also blank'cartridge)acARTRIDGEin a gun that contains- an EXPLOSIVE but no bullet: The troops 太redblanmks in the air IE SeeDRAWYV 四 VE 纱 阅[VN] (BrE;informal)toignore sb completely:TIsaw jher on the bus this morning,but She totally DiamKed 7me. 2 [V](MmEitobesuddenlyunabletoremember orthink of sth: IT Kmnew' the armswe5 putTtotally planKkedduring the


| ddid;

| ffal:|



| jyesal|


Blarney, acastlein Irelandwherethereis astone Which is said to have magic Powers: anyone who kisses the 了 lar-

ney'stone' is given the gift of speaking persuasively' (the giftofthe gab). blase /bla:zer NAmEDblazxzer/ ad ~ (about sth) not imPressed, excited or Worried about sth, because you have Seen Or experienced it mnany times before blas.pheme /blasfizm/ ve 心[V VN] tospeak abonut God or the holy things of a particular religion in an offensive way; to swear Using the names of God of holy things > blasphemer "0 bflas:phemy /blasfemi/ noun (PL-ies) [U,G behaviotr orlanguagethat insults or shows alack of respectfor God oOL Ieligion > blasphem.ous /blasfemaes/ adj.: Many Peoplefotundthe 太 Im blasphermous.biasphemousiy 0dv jplast /blazst; NAmEblaest/ noV1m, verb, exclamaton 目 ]OU7 > EXPLOSION 1 [Ganexplosion or a powerful movement of air causedbyan explosion:abormb bplast2 27schoolchildren Were injiured 训 the plast * OFAIR 2 [Casudden strong movementof air:Ablastof Pot air Pittus as We stepped o太 the plane' o the Winds icy blasts riLOUD NOISE -3- [Gasudden loud noise,especially one made by a mnusical instrument that you:blow,,or by a whistle or acarhorn: threelshortblasts on theshipssiren

k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| :ppen

| rired


4 [Cl (used especially in mewspapers) strong

criticism: Blastjfor Prisomn goyernors 识 记 dge Tepor >FUN 5 [sing.] (especally NAmB) avVvery enjoyable experiencethatis alotoffun: The partrwasapiast CeWehada Diast at 轨e party.

[Er a,blastfrom the'past (ipjormmaol) aperson or thing 位om your pastthat you seei hear meet' etc. again in the

Present (at) full'blast with the greatestpossible volume or Power: She had the car stereo on at 记11blast

四 Verb

”EXPLODE 1 toViolently destroy or break sth into pieces, Using EXPLOSIVES: [VN] They biasted a jhuge crater 训 the TUPWa CO They had to blast a tmnmnel through the moumtaimn. AL the windows Were blasted inwards with the force of the explosion C Thejurmpbojetwasplasted outoftheskgy 2 [V] Danger! Blasting 识 Progress! [alsoVN-ADI]

* MAKELOUD NOISE 了 ~(sth) (out)to makealoudunpleas-

antnoise, especially music: [V] Musicsuddenly blasted out 三 om the speakers. Ce [VN] The radio blasted out rocKk music at 记L1L VOLUuTne.


3 [VN] ~ sb/sth (for sth/for doing sth) (mnjor

majl) to criticize sb/sth severely: The moyie Was blasted hy

al1 the cri5ics. > HITKICK 4 [VN] (Upjormaj)tohit or kick sb/ysth with alot of force: He plasted the ball pastthegoalie. 人 He blasted the Policemar right DpEbhweeTl the eyes. > AIR/WATER 瑟 [VN] to direct air water etc. at sbysth with alot of force: Police bliasted 妇 e demorstrators With Water


>* DESTROY WITH :DISEASE,ETC. 6G [VN] [usually passive] to destroy sth such as'a plant with disease, cold, heat, etc.:

Their whole crop hnad peembiasted py alate 广0OS 上 iblasta'wayifa gunorsbtusingagunblasts away, the gun fires continuously -and loudly ,blast 'off (of SPACECRAFT) to leave the ground LIFT OFF,TAKE OFF 一related Tioun BLAST-OFF 昌 EXClG1TGtion (njrmah especialy BrE) people sometimes Say Blast! when they are annoyed about sth: OR blast THhe car Womistar 七

bliast'ed /blazsttd; NmE'blaes:/ adj [only before noun] (informal used when yotu are very annoyed abont sth: Make your ownm plasted coffee!



suddenly start burning very strongly 2 to suddenly be-

come very angry 是 0OU1 了 [C] (used especially in newspapers) a very large fire,, especially a dangerois ome: Five people died 识 te Diaze. QZ [sing.] strong bright flames in a fire: Dry Wood

Tnakes Qa 8ood blaxe: 3 [sing.] a

一 of sth a very bright

Show of lights or colour; an impressive or noticeable Show of sth: The gardens are ablaze of colour CabIaze of Lights 识 thecitycentreethebrightplaze ofthesuncablaxe ofgloryc Theygotrnarried inabiaxe ofpublicity. 4 [sing.]

人a)~ of sth a sudden show ofvery strong feeling: aplaze of amger/passiomnAphate





5 [Cusually sing.] a white mark

IE what/where/who


'blazes .… ? (old-josjhioned,, informal used to emphasize that you are annoyed and surprised, to avoid Using the

Word hell: WPat the blazxes haye you domne? like blazes (old-osjioned, normajl veryhard; veryfast blazer /blerzeGD/ noun ajacket, not worn with matching trousers/pants, often showing the colours or BADGE of a club, school, team, etc.

blaz-ing /blerzm/ ad [only before noun] 1 (also ,blazing hot) extremely hot: blazing Pheat co a Dazingjhotday 之 extremely angry or full of strong emotion: She had a Piazing row Withn Edadie amd stormed ouUL OF the house.

blazon /blerzn/ verb [VN] 1T[usually passive] ~ sth (ony/ across/over sth) = EMBLAZON: He had the word “ooP DIazo7ted across his chest 了 = BLAZE(4)

bleach /bli:tf/ vem 心 ,noun 目 VE侯 to make sth white or palebyachemicalprocess orby theeffect oflight from the sun; tobecome white or pale 记 this way: [VN] Bis Fiair Was plIeached py the su 和 Bieached cottofvPpaper 和 [VN-ADI] She bleached Per Pair plonde. 2 [V] bomnes of animals bleacRirg in the sz 昌 OU1

[U,G] a chermical that is used to Iake sth become

white or pale and as a DISINFECTANT (= to Prevent infection from spreading)

bleach-ers /blitfaz; NAmE -tferz/_moun IOWS of seats at a Sports ground

[pl] (Nm 日

blast furnace noun a large structure like an oven in

bleak /blik/ odj (bleaken bleakest) T (of a situation)

which iron ORE (= Tock containing iron) is melted in order totake otit the metal

not encouraging or giving any reason to have hope: a DPIeak outiook/prospect 2 The uture IooKks blIeak Jor the fishing industry 2 The medical progriosis Was bleak. 了 2 (of the weather) cold and unpleasant: a bleaKk winter 和 day 3 (of a place) exposed, empty or with no Pleasant features: ableak IandscapeAPiliside/moor cebleak comcrete housing bleakly odv: here seerms no hope "she said bleakly bleakly 1itcorridors bleakness moun [U]

"blast-off ovn

[U] the moment when a SPACECRAFT

leaves the ground

bla-tant /blerint/ aodj (disopprownsg) (of actions that are considered bad) done in an obvious and open way Without caring 让 People are shocked FLAGRANT: Qablatant attempt to Duy yotes 2 天 was Ga Diatant Le. > blatantly oadv:aplatanty fair decision ce He jnstblatamtly Lied abort 让

blather /blae5sG)/ (also bleth:er /ble5sGy/) verb [v] ~ (on) (about sth) (informal, especially BrE) to talk contintuously about things that are sily or Unimportant > blather (also biethenm movn [U]

blax-ploit.ation /blaksplorterfn/ noun [U] the use of black people ip 包 ms/movies, especially in a way which Shows them 识 fxed ways that are different 人 om real life

blaze /blerzz/ vemb, noun 上 Ve/几 1_[V] to burn brightly and strongly: 4 huge 记re Was Diazing 访 坊 e fireplace: C Within r 训 Utes 切e wphole puilLG-

ing Was plazing- C Fe rushed back into te plazing house. 2 [v] to shine brightly: The su7z pl1azed dowm

方om a clear

DIue sk 2 The garden piazed with colour 3 [v] ~ (with sth) (jorma)) 直 sb's eyesblaze, theylook extremely angry: Her eye5s Were blazing With 包ry 4 (also blazonm) [VN] [usually passive]-~ sth (across/all over sth) to make news orinformation widely known bytelling people about 让 ipD awaythey are Sure to notice: The story Was plaxed all oyer the daily papers. 瑟 一(away) if a gun or sb using a gun blazes, the gun fires _continuously: n 妨e distartce 7ma-

chine SUTS Were Diazinig II blaze a 'trailtobethe first

bilear-ily /blrerali; NAmE'blrr-/ adv with bleary eyes;: 过 atired way: TWas asleep, "She explained blearily.

bleary /blreri; NMmE 'blrri/ adj (of eyes) not able to ses clearly especially because you are tired: She had bleary Fed eyes 方om IacKk of sleep.

,bleary-'eyed cqdj with bleary eyes and seeming tired: Be appeared at breakjfastbleary-eyed and with a hamngoyer

bleat /blit/ ve 1 履 TV] tomakethe sound that sheep and GOATS make 了 2 ~ (on) (about sth) to speak in a weak or complaining voice: [V speech] 3BUETyve only jstgot here)

Phe bleated jeebly [also vthat, V] = bleat nouvn: The Iamzb gaye a Jaint bleat bleating nouvn [U,G: the distant bleat ing of sheep

bleed /blid/ ve (bled, bled /bled/) TIV] to loseblood, especially ffomawound or an injury: My 廊ngers bleeding. CSheslowly bled to death. co He was bleeding 广om a gas玉 on Pis head. 2 [VN] (让 the past)totakeblood fromsb as a Way oftreating disease 3 [VN] ~sb (for sth) (Unfjormalj) to force sb to payalotofmoney overaperiod oftime: My exWwW 旋 8 pieeding me Jor eyery penny Thayve. 4 [VN] to reImove air Or liquid from sth so that 让 works correctly 5 [V] to spread from one area of sth to another area: Keep 妇e paintjairty dryso that the colours domittbleed into

todo orto discover sth thatothers follow: THhe departrment

each other

1 bazing a trail 训 坊 e Jield of 1aser 5U7gerX 一compare

away all sb's Ioney: The Dig co7Tporations are pleedimg SOme of these small countries dry 一more atHEART


| ttea

| vvan

at GUN1.

| wwet

,blaze "up T to

| zzoo

| shoe

| 5vision

IO bleed sb 'dry (disopproving) to take

| tchain

| dsjam

| gthin

| 5this

| 0 sing



bleed.er /bli:deCD)/ noun (oldoshioned BrE njorma))a rulde way of referring to a person

bleed-.ing /blizdmy/ cd noun 上四 .Gd [5 证noun] (BrE, slang) = BLOODY 上 0OUNm [U] the process of losing blood from the body: Press 记r7mly om the Wound to stop 妇e bleedirig.

bleedins'heartnoun (disopprovng)aperson who istoo ”kind and sympathetic towards people that other People think do not deserve kindness: a bleeding-heart Libperal

bleep /blip/ ov


@ IOU1 a short high sound made by a piece of electronic equipment

上 日verb 了 [V] to make a short high electronic sound: The 7microWaye Wi 51eep when your meal ready 也 (BI6) (NAmE beep) [VN] to call sb on their bleePer: Please pleep te doctor on duty imnediately. 一See also PAGE bleep.er /blipaOD)/ (NAmE peep-er) ov a small electronlc device thatyou carryaround with youand that lets you know when sb is trying to contact you, by making a Sound

bilem-.ish /blemzrJ/ ovm, ve 忆 上 1oun amark onthe skin or on anobjectthat spoils it and makes it look less beautiful or Perfect: make-up to coOyer Diermishes C (jgurative) His repUutatio is Withouta blemaisj. 上 Ver [VN] [usually passive] (Jommaj) to spoil sth that is beautiful or perfect in all other ways

blenmch /blentjJ/ veib [V] (Br jnmof) to react to sth 记 a waythat shows you are frightened

blend /blend/ verb, novn myve 1 族 [IVN]~AwithB|

一 AandB(togethentomix two

or more Substances together: Blend the 刀our with themaik to make a smiooth paste. C Blend together the eg88S SUSQaTr

andjlour 只 note atMIX 2 [V] 一 (with sth) | ~ (togethen to form a mixture with sth: OiLadoes notplend with water Oil and water do notblend 3 ~ (with sth) | ~ (together) to combine with sth in an attractive or effective way; to combine sth in this way: [V] The old and mew builaings BDIend together perfectty 2 [VN] Their music blends trad让 onal and modermn styles. 4 [VN] [usually passive] to Pro: duce sth by mixing different types together: blended WPhisKky/tea See WOODWORK blend 'in (with sth/sb)让 sth blends in, itis similar to its SUIIOUndings or matches its Surroundings: Choose-curtains that Diend 识 With your decor e The thieyes 500mn Dlendaed 训

With the crowd and got away

blend sthe>'in (in cooking)

especiallybecause of sth they have done: Sarajp pless Per had made a cup of tea. 一more at GOD

卓 EXclarmmation (BrE sometimes humorous) used to show affection towards sb because of sth they have done: 和 e ~Douvght us all a present ”OP bless久 blessed /blesrd/ adj. 1 Blessed holy: the Blessed VirSim Mary 2 (in religiouslanguage)lucky: Blessedarethepoor 3 [only before:noun] enjoyable in away that gives you a sense of peace or a feeling of freedom from anxiety or pain: a moment of blessed calm 4 [only before noun] (old大shioned;, informal)usedto express mild anger: Tcantsee QDblessed thing Without7my 8lasses. w bilessedly ady: The

Kitchem Was War7ma and blessedly fmmiliar blessed:ness /blesrdnas/ noun [LU] bless-ing /mblesm/ novn 全 [usually sing.] God's help and Protection, or a Drayer asking for this: to pray jfjor Gods blessingCThe bishnop said the blessing 也 [usually sing.] apProval of or permission for sth: The goyerTiment gaVe its Diessing to the Few Diarnis. Fe Went With jis Parents” plessing., 3 something that is good or helpful: ZacK of 厅 ajfficis orite ofthe ble5sings ofcouUTiDy Life. cltsaplessins 矶at nobody Was 诉 坊 e house at the time. 一See alsoO MIXED BLESSING

[ETIO a blessing in dis'guise

Something that

seemas to be a problem at first but that has good restilts in the end 一more atCOUNTY blether /bleae(Gr)/ verb, noun 三 BLATHER blew ptofBLow blighty/blart/ ye, novm 上 Verb [VN] to spoil or damage sthj especially by causinga lot of problems: His career has beemn plighted py injuries-. 2 an area plighted py UnzeTmnPLOYTLen 上 IOU1 了 [U,G -anyxsdisease that kills plantsi:especially crops: potato:plight 之 [sing.,U] ~:(on sb/sth) something that has abad effect on a situation, a personm's life'or the enVvironment: His death castaQDplight on 雪 ewhole oftpat year Curbar DiligRht (三 afeas in a city that aretuglyornot

cared for well) blight-er /blarteaGnD)/ nouni(old-oshioned, BrE informal) a way of referring to a person (usually a man) that yoU either find unpleasant or that you feel some Sympathy for Blighty /blarti/ novn [U] (BrE) aname for Britain Or England, used especially by soldiers in the First andiSecond World Wars, and now sometimes usedin abhumorous way bli-mey /blami/ (also cor blimey /koz blarmi; NAmE koxr/) exclamation (BrE pformal, sahjg) used toiexpress SUIPIise or anger: BLimey is hottoday. jblimp /blmmp/ noun 站 (especioly NAmB a small AIRSHIP

to add another substance and mix 让 im With the others: Beat the putter and SUSar; then blend 识 the eg8, blend

(= an aircraft without wings) 2 (also ,Colonel 'Blimp) (old-foshioned,BrE; disapproving) an older Person,especially an old army officer with very old-fashioned polit-

'into sth to look so similar to the background that it is

ical opinions e blimp.ish 0dl/.

difficult for you to see 让 separately: He blended into the CrOowd. 昌 ]OU1 1 amixture of different types of the same thing: Q Biend oftea 2 [usually sing.] apPleasant or useful combination of different things: a blend of youtp ad experiemce


'family "0

(especially NAmE) a family that

consists of two people and their children from their own relationship and from PieVious Ones

blend.er /blendaCD)/ (BrE-also li'quid:izen .70vn an electric machine for mixing soft food or liquid 一Picture

roller blind (B/ 避 shade (NA 日


bless/bles/ verb, exclamation 目 ye 上b (blessed blessed /blest/) [VN] Tto ask God to Protect Sbysth: They brought the childrem to Jesus and he Blessed 好 em. C God bless youl 2 to make sth holyby saying aprayer Over it: The priest blessed thne bread amd Wine.

3 (Jormal) to call God holyi; to Praise God: We bless your jholy name, O TIord. 4 (old-jshioned, informaj used to exPress SUIPTIise: Bless 7ny SOUI Here comes Billl ecWheres Joe2?” Tim blessed 矿工 Know (三 工dont know)/ Im be blessed with sth/ 旨b to have sth good such as ability, great happiness, etc.: She's blessed With excelilent health. Were blessed with five lovely grandchildren,'biess you Said to sb after theyhave SNEEZED '\blessyou;, her him,, etc.(nformal) used to show that you are pleased with sb,

3 cat | cfather | eten | sbird

| eabout



blinmnd om /blamd/ oadi ,verb, noun;,adv 昌 Gdj. (blind.e5 blind.esb 1 not able to see: Doctors thirik he will go plind.:e plind and partially sighted people c One of her parents 1 _blind 2 the biind ovn [pl.] People who are blind: recorded pookks for the blind ec guide dogs

Jor the blind 3 ~ (to sth) not noticing or realizing sth:

| Isit |see|imany|npsgot(Ber6|lossaw|Acupl5put


Sheis blirtd to herhusbands Joults. CTmaustEhayve5eemnblind

Pot to realize 轨e datger We Weie 识 , 租 [usually before

noun] (of strong feelings) seeming to be Unreasonable, and accepted without question; seeming to be onit of control: plind Jaith/obedience e 下 was a moment of plind Panic. 5 [usually before noun] (of a situation or an eyent) that cannot be controlled by reason: blind chance o the BlIind force of nature 6 that a driver in a car cannot See, OF cannot See around: a pLind driyeway C a blind benmdy corner blind:ness noun [U]: total/temporary/partial blimndre二ss see also BLINDLY IE (as) blind as a bat (humorovs) not able to see wellthe blind leading the 'blind a situation in which people with almost no experience Or knowledge give advice to others who also have no experience or knowledgenot a blind bit/the biindest bit of --. (BrE jinformal) not any: He didmnt take QGDplind pit of notice of me (= he ignored me). ce 夏 Wontt make the blindest pit of difference (= 让 will make no difference at all).turn a blind 'eye (to sth) to pretend not to notice sth bad that is happening, so you do not have to do anything about it-more at LOVE 站.

时 Ye 比 [VN] 1 to permanently destroy sb's abilityto see: She Was blinded in the explosion. 2 to make it difficult for sb to see for a short time: When she went outside she Was temmporariy plinded by the sun 3 ~ sb (to sth) to make sb no longer.able to think clearly or behave in a Sensible way: His semnse of Ioyalty plinded jim to the buth. [Er blind sb with science to confuse sb byusing techDical or complicated language that they do not under-

stand 一more at EFF 至 _0OU1 了 (NAmEalsoshade ,window shade) [C] a coveripg for a window, especially one made of a roll of cloth thatis fixed atthe top ofthe window and canbepulledup and down 一See alsoVENETIAN BLIND 2 [sing.] something People say or do to hide the truth abonut sth in order to trick other People me adv. (in connection with flying)withoutbeing ableto see; using instruments only [IJ blind 'drunk extremely drunk 一more atROB, SWEAR

SOPnIS DPIindimgty opvious: C The Iatest comDuters ca WorK atapiindinglycastspeed. blind-iy /mlamdli/ oadv 1 withoutbeing able to see what youare doing: She groped blindly Jor the7lightswitchn in te dark 7oor, 2 Without thinking about what you are doing: He Wanted to decide for hirmself instead of blindly 加 1owing Ps parents"adyvice. 只 note at BLIND

blind marm's buff (BrE) (NMmEblind man's 'bluff ) Houn [U] a children's game in Which a player whose eyes are coOvered with a Piece of cloth tries to catch and identify the other players

blind side 7movn a direction in which sb cannot see very Iuch, especially apProaching danger

blind-side /blamadsard/ verb [vN] (Nm 日1 to attack sb from the direction Where they cannot see you coming 之 [usually passive] to give sb an tinpleasant SUIDPIise: Just When 让 SeeTmed Li 碟was 80ing WelL she Was blindsided bya daeyvastatimng imes5.

blind spot "ovn 1 an area that sb cannot see, especially an area of the road when they are driving a car 2 if sb has a blind spot about sth,, they ignore it or they are Unwilling or unable to understand 让 3 the Part of the RETINA in the eye that is not sensitive to light 4 an area Where aradio signal cannotbe received

blind test novnawayofdeciding which productout ofa number of competing products is the best or most lamn or how a new product compares with others. are asked to try the different products and to say ones they prefer but they are not told the names Products.

popuPeople which of the

blind trust nouwn atype ofTRUST that takes care of sb's investments,wWithout the Person knowing how their Imoney is being invested. It is tised by politicians, for example, so that their private business does not influence their political decisions.

blings-bling /blrm'blm/(alsobling)odi (pforma1 wear ing expensive

昌 芽here aretwo adverbsthat come from the adjective = blind. Blindly means not being ableto see whatyou aaredoing:orsnotthinkingaboutsomething'. The 2 adverb blindis mainlyusedinthe contextofflyingand |

shiny jewellery and bright fashionable

clothes in order to attract attention to yourself e bling--

biing (alsobling) novn [U]

blini /blmi; blimni/ (also blinis) movn [pl] (sng blin)

means “without being ableto see', using instruments e 站 本

blind'ing:ly /blaimndimlij advy very' extieinely The reC-

blind:worm /blamdws:m; NAmE-Wa:rmy/ noun = SLOWWORM


二 only-



small Russia PANCAKES (= thin flat round cakes), served With SOUR CREAM

blink /blimk/ ve noun

biind 'alley novn awayofdoing sth that seems useful at first, but does not Produce Useful results, like following a path that suddenly stops

blind 'date novn a meeting between two people who have not met each other before. The meeting is sometimes organized by their friends because they want them to develop a romantic relationship.

blind-er /mblamadaG)/ noun 了 [Cusually sing.] (BrE jpjor /malj) something which is excellent, especially in sport: a

was so familiar) CTcould do 雪at blindfold (= very easily, with no Problems).

blind:ing /blamdrm/ ad [usually before noun] 1 very bright; so strong that you cannot see: GDLizding 有ash of

| army

| aumnow

| ersay

| sggo(BIE)


也 [V] to shine with an unsteady light; to flash on

and off: Suddenly a warning Light DLinKed. blink sth< >a Way/ back to try to control tears or clear your

eyes byblinking: She prayely blimnked backKk Per tears. 晶 OUN1 [usually sing.] the act of 9 and opening yoOUTI in the blink

of an 'eye Very

quickly; ip a short timeon the blink (informaj)) (of ama-

dy 恒 01OU1 SOIething that is Ptover sb's eyes so they cannot See 四 VEj 彤[VN] to coVer sb's eyes with a piece of cloth or other covering sothatthey cannot see: The hostages Were tied UP anmd blindfolded. 日0dj., adv. (BrE) (also blind'folded BrE NAmE) with the eyes covered: The reporter Was taKer plindfold to a secret Iocationm. CT Knew the way home blindfold (= because 让


(= very quickly). 2 When Ttold hirmm 雪emews he didmnitevenm DPIink (= Showed no surprise at all). [also VN] 一compare

eyes VeIy quickly IJ

Blinder ofa game 2 blinders [pl.] (NAmB) = BLINKERS blind:-fold /blarmdfeoldq; NAmE fould/_noun,verb,adj,

Eight C (Hgwraotve) a blinding (= Very bad) headache 2 (Br6 niormal) very good or enjoyable

ByVe 必 1 when youblink orblink your eyes or your eyes blink, you shut and open your eyes quickly: [V] He blinked 总 如e prigRht sumLight 和 TU be back before you ca blink

chine) no longer working correctlyc note at BROKEN bliink-er /blimkea)/ ovun 1 [q (njformal/) = INDICATOR

2 blinkers (NmEalsoblind'ers) [pl.] pieces of leather that are placed at the side of ahorse's eyes to stop it from looking sideways: (jgurative) We need to have a Fesh IooK atthe plamni without plinkers (= we need to consider every

aspect of 证). blink'ered /blimked; NMAmEerdy ad (disapproving) not aware of every aspect of a Situation; not willing to accept different ideas abonult sth NARROW-MINDED: a pIinKered policyattitude/approachn blink'ing /blmKm/ oadi,ody (BrE old-/oshioned,jnjor /majl) a mijld swear word that some people tse when they are annoyed, to avoid saying bloody: Shut the pLimKing aoor/

| ou go (MmE

| ozboy

| ienear

| eehair

| ve pure


blip /blmp/ novun 1 abrightlight flashing on the screen of apiece ofequipment, sometimes with a short high sound 2 achange in a process or situation, usually when it gets worse for a short time before it gets better; a temPpoOrary Problem: a temporary PLip

bliss /blis/ novn [U] extreme happiness:Tmarried/ywedded/domestic bliss e My idea of bliss is-a nonth 总 纺e Bahamas., ec _Swimrming on ahot day 1 sheer pliss.


2 fall of food and feeling uncomfortable: 工 lt bioated after the huge meal they'dseryed.



loliss.ful /blrstl/ od/ .extremely happy; showing hapPpiness: We spent three .blissful Weeks away 广om WorKk. a Dblissful smile C We preferred to remain in blissful igmor

bloat.er /blauteGD); NAmE'bloo:/ moum (BrE) a HERRING (3

、type of fish) that has been left im salt water and then Smoked


/Dieotwes(D); NAmE "TDlootwer/ noum


(pformalh computing) programs Which usetoo much memOIY

blob /blob; NAmEblab/ noun a small amotunt or drop of sth, especiallyaliquid; a small area ofcolour: Qplop of imK Capinkblob bloc /blpk; NAmEblak/ nown a group of countries that Work closelytogether because they haveisimilar political interests 一See also EN BLOC

amce of (= not to know) wpat was going om. 只 Dote at HAPPY 基 blissfully /feli/ adv: Dlissfuliy happy 2 pliss-

jplockK 四 1OU1

Jully isgnorant/urnaware

rsSOLID MATERIAL T [Cl alarge piece of a solid material thatis square in shape and usuallyhas flat sides: Q Diock OF ice/comncreteXstone C a chopping-biock (= for cutting

' -jist 芭 adj [usually before noun] used to describe the grouPp of people who are considered to be fairly famous, Success-

food on) 一see also BREEZE BLOCK, BUILDING BLOCK,, CINDER BLOCK BUILDING 2:[q(Brbatalbiilding that contains flats Or

ful or important, but not as much as the A-LIST People: a

TVchat show 族人 LofB-Iist celebrities


blis-ter /blrsteGr)/ noun, verb

offices; buildings that form part of a school hospital, etc. which areused foraparticular Purpose: Qtower 5lockca biock of jias :ec an ofjFice block c the uniyersityS Science biock 一picture c>PAGE RI6 只 note atBUILDING STREETS 3 [Cl a group of buildings with streets on all sides: She tookK the dog forawalk around 轨eblock 4 [OO (NAmB) the length of one side of a piece of land or group

上 moum 了 aswelling on the surface of the skin that is flled with liquid and is caused,for example,by ITuUbbing or burning 一see also FEVER BLISTER 也 a similar swelling, flled with air or liquid,on metal, painted wood or another surface 旧 yerb 1 toformblisters; to make sth form blisters: [V] Bis SKin was pegimnmnirg to blister C [VN] 责er 名 ce had peen plistered by 切 esSu7L_ 2- [V VN] when a surface blisters or sth blisters it it swells and cracks 3 [VN] (NAmE) to criticize sb strongly e blistered adj.: cracked amd blistered SKim Dlistered paimntworK

blis:ter.in 名 /blrsterm/,





ofbuildings, ffom the Place where One Street crosses it to

tering attacKk

block of:text 识 a documentEC (Br The theatre Siyesidis-

carefree Sirl e blithely adv: He was blithely Unaware of the trouble heid caused. C 和 到 pe easy sjhe said plithely.

blith:erimng /bl5erim/ dj [only before noun] (old-76shioned, B/ 局informalh complete: He was aplitherirg iaiot

bfitz /blits/ nown; ve 册 上 Joun T [Cusually sing.] something which is done with a lot of energy: an adyertising/a media blitz (= a lot of information abonlt sth on television, in newspapers, etc-.) 2 [Cusually sing] 一 (on sth) a sudden attack: Fiye Shops Were damaged 识 芯 亢rebomzb plitz. (jguratve) a plitz om Passengers Who avoid paying fores c (jiguratye) Tyve had a DLitz om the house (= cleaned it Very thorotghly)- 3 the Blitz [sing.] the German air attacks On Biitain in 1940

卓 ye 上 [VN] to attack or damage a city by dropping a large number ofbombs on it in a short time

iiitz.Krie 有 /blrtskri:g/ noun (from German) a sudden military attack intended to win a quick victory

bliz.zard /blrzad; NAmE -zerd/ noun 1 a SNOWSTORM With very strong winds: blizzard coraditions Ca raginS/ howiing blizzard 2 alarge quantity of things that may Seem to be attacking you: Q bplizzard of docurmnents

bloat /blaoct; NAmEblout/ vemb to swell or make sth swell, especially in an Unpleasant way: [VN] Her 帮 atures had been bloated by years of drinking. [alsoV]

bloat.ed /blautid; NAmE blou-/ ad

1Tfall of liquid'or

gas and therefore bigger than normal iD a way that is unpleasant: Q bloated body jioating 妆 the canal ce(1gurative) a bloated organization (= with too many people in 训

b bad

| adid

| ffall

| 9get

| hnhat

| jyes

THAT STOPS PROGRESS 8 [Cusually sing.] something that makes movement or progress difficult or impossible OBSTACLE: Iack oftraining acts as Q DiocKk to progress

small goods, such as tablets, are sold, with each individual item in its own separate Plastic of FOIL Section on 3 Piece of card

showing you do not care or are not anXiots about what you are doing: He droyve with blithe disregard for the TUIes of the road. 2 (Uiterary) happy; not anxious: GDIithe and

AMOUNT 7 [qq a quantity of sth or an amotunt;of time, that is considered as a single unit: a blIock of shares Ca countts Jor block bookings (= alarge ntumber of tickets bought at the same time). C The 妇 ree-hour class is dividaed into four biocks of45 7minutes each.

blisteringly 0dv

blithe /blala/ cadj [usually before noun] T (disapproving)

the next: His apartment 认 切ree blocks aWay 方om thePpoLice statiom. 共 忆 AREA OFLAND 5S [cl(especal必 NAmEialargeareaofland

6 [G (AustraolE) an area ofland forbuilding ahouse on 了

T (describing actions 训 Sport) done very fast or with great energy: The runners seto 太 atablisteringPace. 之 exXtremelyhotin awaythatis Uncomfortable BAKING: ablisteringJulyaaycblistering heat 3 very critical: Q plis-

'blister pack (also'bubble pack) novn apackip which

om /bipK; NA 六Ebla:Kk/ movm, ve访

识 Q career 一see also ROADBLOCKS STUMBLING 了


WRITERS BLOCK 忌 IN SPORT 9 [ 〇 a movement that stops another Player from going forward 10 the biocks [pl:] 三 STARTING


11 the block [sing.] (in the past) the piece of wood on which a persoms head was cut off as a Punishment IE go on the 'block to be sold, especially at an AUCTION (= asalein which items are sold to the person who offers the mostmoney) have been around the 'block(a few times) (informalj) to have alot of experierice put/lay your head/neck on the jblock to risk losing your job, damaging your Teputationi etc. by doing or saying:sth一

Imore at CHIP1m.,KNOCK Vi NEW 日ye 上由 [VN] 1 to stop sth from moving orflowing through a pipe, apassage, aroad, etc.byputting sth in itor across it:

After todays heayy Snow Pany roads are still plocKked. Ca plocked sink 2 ~the/sb's way, exit, view, etc. to stop sb from going SOmewhere Or Seeing sth by standing in 位Ont of them or in their way: One of the guards moyved to plocK Pher path. Amusgly new puilding blocked the view 方om the window. 3 to Prevent sth from happening, developing or making Progress: The Droposed merger has been blocKkedbpy the govermrment

:4 to stop aball, blow, etc. frfom reaching

Somewhere by moving in front of it: His shot Was Diocked by the goalie. biock sb/sth blood-ily ady


see SCREAMY Bloody Mary /blAdi mesri; NAmE 'meri/ 0oum (P Bloody Marys) an alcoholic drink made by mixing VODKA With tomato juice

,bloody-'minded codi (BAE informal) behaving in away

thatmakesthings difficult for other people; refusing tobe

helpful w .bloody-'minded.ness "ovn [] blioom /blum/ noun; ve 疙 昌 11OU1 (Jormalortechnicol)1 [Gaflower(usuallyoneona

plantthatpeople admire forits flowers): the exotic ploo7mms of the orchid 2 [sing.,U] ahealthy fresh appearance: the bloom in her cheeks [IE in (fulD bloom (oftrees, Plants, gardensi etc:,) with the flowers fully open FLOWER: Most roses 下 Verb [V] 1 to Produce flowers Wil begin to bloom 方om Late May 2 to become healthy,

cially an uglybuilding, that spoils the beatty ofa Place

come out 识 (= become covered in) GarKk red plotches. covered in blotches: her blotchy and swollen 名 ce

blot:-ter /blotaaD); NAmE'blad:t-/ noun 人 alarge piece of blotting paper in a cover with a stiffback which is kepton adesk 2 (NAm 有 the record of arrests in apolice district

'blotting paper noun [U] soft thick paper used for dry-

ing ink after yothave written sth on a piece of paper blotto /blpteo; NAmE'"bladtoo/ adj. [not before noun] (old万shioned, informall very drunk

blouse /blauz; NAmEblaus/ noun a piece of clothing like 一picture 只 PAGE RI5 [ET See a shirt worn by women BIG ad blouson /blu:zon; NAmE 'blausarm/ noun a Short loose jacketthat is gathered together at the waist

blow om /bleo; NAmEbloo/ verb, noun, excla1mation 旧 ye上b (blew /blu:/ blown /blaun; NAmE bloun/ 严 sense 13 blowed is used for the past participle.) > FROM MOUTH 1 [+adv/prep] to send out air from the mouth: [V] Zouw7re not biowing hard enoughl The policemanmn asked mme to blow into 切 ebreathalyser

ec[VN] He drew

om his cigarette amd blew out a streamt of smoke. > OFWIND 2 whenthe wind or a current of air blows, it is moving; when 让 blows,the wind is blowing: [v, 下 often二 qdyvVprep] Acold wind blew 广om 妇e east Was blowing hard. e [VN] 丰 wWas blowing asale (= there was a strong wind).


3 [二adv/prep.] to be moved

bythe wind, sb's breath, etc.; to move sth in this way: [V] My hatblew o太 c [V-ADI] The door plew open. e [VN] ITWas almost plown oyer by the wind. c She blew the dust o 矿 the boojk. CThe ship was blowm omnto the rocks. [also VN-ADj]

ae cat | dz father | eten | si bird | ea about | rsit | fsee | imany | p got (BrE) | ozsaw | Acup

| 5 put |


* WHISTLE/INSTRUMENT 4 这 you blow,awhistle, mtusical instrumenti etc. or 过a whistle, etc. blows;youproduce a Sound by blowing into the whistle; etc.: [VN] The referee blew Pis WwWhistle.c [V] the sound of trurmpets Diowing “YOUR NOSE 5 [VN] ~ your nose to clear your nose by blowing stronglythrough it into a HANDKERCHIEF *A KISS 6 [VN, VNN] ~ (sb) a kiss to Kiss your hand and then pretend to blow the Kiss towards sb >* SHAPE STH 7 [VN] to make or shape sth by blowing: 如 blow smoke rings 9 to blow bubpbles (= for example,by blowing onto a thin layer of water mixed with Soap) cto plowgiass (=tosend acurrentofair intomelted glassto Shape it) ~ ELECTRICITY 8 [V VN] ia FUSE blows or you blowa EUSE, the electricity stops flowing suddenly because the

FUSE (= athin wire) has melted because the current was too strong

~ WITH EXPLOSIVES 9 [VN] to break sth open with EXxPLOSIVES: The Safe had beemn blowm by the thieyes.

* SECRET 10 [VN] (mnformal) to make known sth that was Secret: One Tmistake could blow your coyer (= make yotr Ieal name, job intentions, etc. known). *MONEY 11 [VN] ~ sth (on sth) (pformalj) to spend or WwWaste a lot of money on sth: He 识herited oyer a 7nilliom dollars anid plew 让 all on darink amd gamtbling. * OPPORTUNITY 1Z [VN] (njormajtowaste an Obpoftun: ity: She blew jher charzces by arrivinglate br 雪einteryiey Couphadyourchance andyoupblew 让 > EXCLAMATION 13 [VN] (BrE informal) used to show that you are annoyed, SUrprised or do not care about sth: Blow 让 WeYye missed 态 e DuUS. 2 Wel Biow 7me dowPy T7ieyver 态oUSRtTQ see youU again C Tim blowed 矿TPmmi going to (三 Icertainly will not IetFima teatyouLike 雪 at Letbstakea

taxi amd D1OW (= never mind) 加e expemse. > 上EAVE SUDDENEY 14 (NAm 后slang) to leave a Place suddenly: [VN] Fets blow this joint [alsoV] blow your/sb's 'brains out to kill yourself/sb by

shooting yourselfWthem in the head blow :chunks (NAIm 启 slang) to vOMIT bilow a 'fuse (Informalj) to get Very angry blow the 'gaff (on sb/sth) (8rE, inirmaj to tell sth secret, especiallyby mistake blow hot and coid (about sth) (normah to change yotir opinion about st often blowsb/sth outofthe 'water(in1ormal) Titodestroy sb/sth completely 2 to show that sb/sth'is not good bybeingvery Imuch better than itVythem: ADVD mmusic systermm plays discs 雪 at1ooK Like CDs, butblows therm out of the


blow your 'mind (njormal) to produce a very

Strong pleasant OF Shocking feeling: Wait 如 1_you jhear 如 5. 丐1 b1ow your mind. 一see also MIND-BLOWING bfow

your own trumpet(especiajly BrE) (NmEtisually blow/

tootyour own horn) (informalj)to praise your own abilities and achievements BOAST [NTThis phrase Iefers to the custom of announcing important guests by

blowing a horn. blow your 'top (BrE) (NAmEblow your



EXPLODE QZ to start suddenly and with force: A storm Was plowing UP,. CAcrisis has blownm up over the Presidents latest Speech ,blow sthe "up 1 to destroy sth_ by an explosion: The Police station Was blown UP Dy terrorists. csS>Dote at EXPLODE 之 to fill sth with air or gas so that t becomes firm: The tyres on Tny bike need biowing up. 3 to Iake a photograph bigger ENLARGE 一related notn BLOW-UP 及 to make sth seem more important, better, Worse, etc. 人 aa 让 really is: The whole affair was blovm

UP out of all proportiom ,blow 'up (at sb) (io7maj)to get angry with sb LOSE YOUR TEMPER: T7msSOFTY 工 Dlew UP atyou. 一related noun BLOW-UP 旦 moOU T ahard hit with the hand, a weapon, etc:: She received aseyere blow om the head. He was Knocked outpya Sinigle Dlow to the head co The bwo nen Were exchartginmg

piows.Helandedablowomn illsnose. 2 ~(tosb/sth) a Sudden event which has damaging-effects on sbysth, causing Sadness or disappointment: Losing his job camme as a terTriple blow to jirm. 22下 Was ashattering blow to her Pride. 一see alsoBODYBLOW 3 the action ofblowing: GCiye your nose Q 8ood blow (= clear it completely),Ira a blow-by-,blow account,de'scription,etc- (of sth) (Unformaj) a description of an event which gives you all the details 记 the order in which they happen come to blows (over sth) to start fighting because of sth softem/ cushion the 'blow to make sth that is Unpleasant seermn less Unpleasant and easier to _accept 一more at DEALV, STRIKE 目 EXCla/mationm (old-joshioned,,BrE) used to show that you are annoyed about sth: Blow!Tcompletelyjorgot 让

biow-dry ve 六 [VN] to dry hair with a HAIRDRYER and shape it into a particular style 上 blow-dry moup: Q cztt ana DIow-dry

blow:.er /blauaeG); NAmE'blou-/ noun [qd adevicethat Produces a cuIrrentof air: ahotairblower 2 the blower [Sing.] (old-jsjproned,BrE, also WHISTLE-BLOWER


the telephone 一 see

blow-伸y /blauflar NAmE 'bloo-/ noun (PL_blow:flies) a largeflythatlays its eggs on meat and other food


/bleuha:d; NAmE 'blouhazrd/ noun (NAmE

informah disapproving) a person who talks too proudly abonut sth theyown or sth theyhave done

blow:.hole /blsuhaeul; NMAmE'blouhoul/ noun T aholein the top Picture through blowie

of a wHALE'S 他 PAGE R20 which sEALs, /bleaoi; NAmE

1nal) aBLOWFLY

head through which it breathes 二 2 a hole in alarge area of ice, etc. breathe "bloui/ moun (Austro 计 NZE,hm 加 广

“stack) (njormaj) to getvery angry blow up in sb's face

blow-in noun (AustrolE njormalj a person who has re-

迁 a plan, etc. blows up in your face, it goes wrong 记 a way that causes you damage, embarrassment, etc. blow

cently arrived somewhere blow ,job own (loboo, slang) the actof touching amanm's PENIS With the tongue and lips to give sexual Pleastire FELLATIO

the whistle on sb/sth (ijormoj)) to tell sb in authority about sth wrong orillegalthat sb is doing 一see also WwWHISTLE-BLOWER IPI see COBWEB,ILL dd/.,LARK 1.,LID,

PUFE V, SOCK 厂 ,WAY 几 . biow sb 一 away (in1orma/ especialy NA

blow.lamp /blsulamp; NmE 'blou-/ (BrE) (Us torch,

them Very happy 3 to defeat sb easily ,blow 'in | ,blow

blown op ofaLow

intio sth (njormal) to arrive or enter a Place suddenly: Took Whosjust plowmn 访 !12 Have you jheard wjhos blowm into towm? ,bilow;isb*>off (NmE) to deliberately not

blow:.out /bleoaut; NAmE blou-/ noun 1 an occasion

Tto kill sb byshootingthem 2 to impress sb alot or to make

meetsbwhemyou saidyouwould; to end aromantic rela-

tionship with sb ,blow 'out 1 if a flame, etc. blows out, it js put out by the wind, etc.: Somebody opemned the door anad tpe canale plew ouUL 了 ifan oil or gas wELL blows Out it sends onut gas Suddenly and with force 一related notun BLOWOUT ,blow itself 'out when a storm blows

itself out, itfinally loses its force ,blow sb 一 out(NAmm 访 injormal) to defeat sb easily ,blow sth 修 outto put out a 所ame, etc,. by blowing ,blow 'over to go away without having'a seriousieffect: The Storma blew over in the migRt CThescandalwilsoonblowoyer ,blow 'up 1 toexplode; to be destroyed by an explosion: The bpomzb blewup. 2A Police ojficer was Killed when his car blew UDP. 只 note at


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| so8o (BrE)

biow'torch) novn a tool for directing a very hot flame onto part of a surface, for example to remove paint

When a tyre suddenly bursts on a vehicle while it is moving PUNCTURE: to hayve a DBlowout 了 [usually sing,] (njormal) a large meal at which people eat too much: a 加 urcourse plowout 3 (NMAmE Informal) a large party or Social occasion: We7regoing to haye auge blowoutJorVaLlentinles Day 4 (NAm5 Informal) an easy Victory: The game WasQa plowout5 8-1. 5 asudden escape of oil or gas from an OIL WELL

blow-pipe /blauparmp; NAmE "bloo-/ noun 1T a weapon consisting ofalongtubethrough which an arrowisblown 2 alongtubeforblowing glass into aparticular shape blowsy (also blowzy) /blaozij af (BrE, jnjDnmah qisapproving) avwoman who is blowsy is big and fat and looks Untidy

| ougo(Mm 上月 | orboy

| ro near

| eahair

| ue pure



blow-.torch /blasto:tf; NAmE'bloutoxrtJ/ noun (Nm 有)= BLOWLAMP low-up noun 1 an ENLARGEMENT ofa photograph, pic-

ture or design: Cam you do me Q Diow-uP of Pis jce? 2 (NAm 日an occasion when sb suddenly becomes angry BLT /bi el 'ti:/ abbpr bacon, lettuce and tomato, (used to referto a SANDWICH flled with this): ZE have Q BIT With extra Tiayoriaise.

blub /blAb/ vemb [V] (bb-) (BrE, /njormal) to cry blub.ber /blAbaGa9?/ noum, ye 几

和 IOUn [U] the fatof wHALES and other sea animals

卓 VE 册 (injormal disapproving) to cy noisily: [V] There he 5aE bIuDbering Like a paby [also V speech]

bludge /blAds/ vemb, noUn (Austral NZE injormaol

上 ye 由 1 [v] to not do any work and live from what other

people give you 2 [VN] to ask sb for sth especially becalse yot cannot or do not want to Pay for 认 yourself

CADGE: The girlsbIudged SmiOKes. 昌 moOU1m an easyjob

bludg:eon /blAdsen/ ve 几 [VN] Tto hit sb several times with a heavy object 2 ~ sb (into sth/into doing sth) to

the 'blue' channel "ovn [sing.] at an airport Or port, the Dassage forpassengers Who have onlytravelled within the European Union




[U,q cheese with lines "of blue


,blue-'chip cd [only before noun] (jinance) a blue-chip

investment is thought to be safe and likely to make a Profit: blue-chip cormmpanies

odj, [only before noun] connected with


people Who do physical work 问 industry: blIue-collar

Votes comipare WorkersZyoters]二


COLLAR ,blue 'crane 7ov1 a type of CRANE (= alarge bird with longlegsand along neck) thathas blue-grey feathers. Itis the nationalbird of South Africa.

blue-eyed 'boy moun [usually sing.] (BrE informal often

disapproving) a person treated With Special favotr by sb: Jes the mmanagersDIUeeyed Doy.

blue 'flag movn T (Br ablue flag used 识 motor Tacing to showthat adriverwho is much further ahead is trying to pass 2 an award giveli to beaches 识 Europe that are clean and safe

biue 'funk "ovun =FUNK /bluzgra:s; NAmE -graes/:noun [U] a type' of

force sb to do sth, especially by arguing with them: They tried to pludgeomn me into joining 坊eir Protest


lazy person 2 aperson who asks other People for sth because they cannot or do not Want to Pay:for' 让

blue 'helmet roun amember ofa United Nations force

bludger /biAd5aGD/ noun (Austra喇 NZ 局 injormal) Ta SCROUNGER

plue om /blu:/ odj ,noun 四 adj. (bluen blu.est) 1 having the colour of a clear sky or

the sea/ocean on a clear day: piercing blue eyes C Q Dlue shirt 2 (of a person or Part of the body) looking Sslightly blue in colour because the Person is cold or cannot breathe easily: Herjhandswereblue with cold 3 (Unforma)

DEEPRESSED: He been jeeling DIUue aLL WeeK. sad 4 films/movies, jokes or stories that are blue are about

traditional American cotntry music played on GUITARS and BANJOS thatis trying to preventwar of Violence iD a Place

blue:jay /blu:dser/ noun a large N American bird with

blue feathers on its back and arow of feathers (called a CREST) standing Up on its head

'blue jeamnms noun [pl] (especially NAmB) frousers/pants imade ofblue DENIM

:blue law moun [usually pl] (in the US) a law that bans business and certain other activities,, such as SPOrts,on Sundays

seX: QDIue fnoyie 一see also TRUE-BLUE > blue.ness 710U1

blue note moun (music) a note which is slightly lower

[u,sing.]: the blueness of the water [DJ do sth till you are blue in the 'face (imformaj to tryto do sth as hard and as long as you possibly can but Without SUccesS:

blue-on-'blue cdj [only beforenoun] (BrE)iEawar used

VDu can argue til youyre blue 识 the jce DuUE YOU Wont 一more at BLACKad1/,DEVIL,ONCE adv, change my mind SCREAM 从 see also BLUES 了 [CU] the colourofaclearskyor 一 上 .mounm the sea/ocean on a clear day: brishtdarkvtight/pale blIue e The room was decorated 识 Vibrant blues amnd yeLlows. e She was dressed 识 blue. 了 [C] (BrE) a person who has played a particular sport for Oxford or Cambridge University; a title given to them

injormah a mistake

3 [q (AustralE,NZE,

4 [Q (AustrolE NZE

informah 3

name for a person with red hair S [C] (AustrajE NZE, informah a fight Tim out of the 'blue Unexpectedly; without warning: The decision came Out of the DIue.一

Imore atBOLT1m.,BOY 站 .

blue 'balby novn a baby whose skin is slighty blue at Dirth because there is sth wiong with its heart

plue.bell /blu:bel/ rovn 1 agarden or wild flower with

ashort STEM and small blue or white flowers shaped like

bells 2 (Scot6) = HAREBEIL blue.berry /blubaeri; NMAmE -beri/ noun (P/ -ies) a dark blue BERRYthat grows onbushes 训 NAmerica and can be

一compare BILBERRY eaten blue-bird /blu:bs:d; NAmE-bard/ noun asmallN American bird with blue feathers on its back orhead


ad, from a royal or NOBLE


> ,blue 'blood "ovn [U]

than the third, Gifth or seventh note of the SCALE, often Used inJAZZ

to desctibe an accident or attack inswhich People are hit 二combyabomb orweaponthatis fired by thieirown side


,blue 'pages "oun [pl.] (in the US) the blue Pages ip a TELEPHONE DIRECTORY that give _a list of government departments and their telephone numbers

.Blue 'Peter noun ablue flag with a white square in the

centre, Which is raised by a ship that is about to leave' a


blue:print /bluprmt/ noun T aPHOTOGRAPHIC Print of aplan for abuilding or amachine, with white lines on a

blue background 2 ~ (forsth) a Plan which shows what can be achieved and how it can be achieved: a DLIUeprint Jor tphe privatizatior of health care 3 (icchnical) the Pattern in everyliving cell, which decides howthe plant animal or person will develop and whatit will look like: DNA carries the gentetic blIueprintWwhich tels any orgaTtisma Row to Duild ise太


/bluzrrmend/ (BrE) (also bluen'ribbon

NAmE, BrE) noun an honotur (sometimes in theiform of a blue RIBBON) given to the winner of the first Prize in 3 competition: @CDIue-riband eveTtE(= averyimportant one)

blues /blu:z/ movn 1 (oftentheiblues) [U] atypeofslow

sad music with strong thythms,developed by African American musicians in the southern US: Q DPIues ba7id/

singer 2 [C] (p/ blues) a blues-song_3 the blues [pl:]

'blue book "oun 1T(Us) abookwith ablue cover tsed by

一See also feelings of sadness: the Monday 7morriing Dlues

tions 2 (NAm 昌 a book that lists the.pPrices that people

,blue-'sky odj. [only before noun] involving new and inter-

students for writing the answers to examination:quesshould expectto pay for used cars


/blubpotl; NAmE baztl/ noun a large fy

with ablue body


| ddid

| ffal

| 9get

| hnhat

| 二 esi

BABY BLUES esting ideas which are not yet Dossible or Practical: The goyernmtent has been doing Some blue-sky thinking on Phow to improve schoolstamndards.

k cat

| 1Lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

blue:-stockcing /bluzstokm;

NAmE -stack-/ moun


如 shioned; BrE Sometimes alisapproving) a well-educated woman who is more interested in ideas and Studying than in traditionally FEMININE things bluesy/blu:zi/ cd having the slow Strong rhythms and sad mood ofblues mnlsic: abluesy sound/yoice

blue titnovn a small European bird of the _Tr family; with ablue head, wings and tail and yellow parts under


Blue:toothzrw /bluxtu:0/ noun [fu] a radio technology that makes it possible for mobile Phones/cellphones, compnuters and other electronic devices to be linked over short distances,wWithout needing to be connected by Wires: BIUetooth-enabled devices

blue "whale "ovn a type of wHALE that is the largest known living animal

bluff/blAf/ verb, movn, ad @Vebtotrytomake sbbelievethatyou will do sththat you do notreally intend to do, or that you know sth thatyou do not really knowz

[V] raont t inKk 态 Phe妈 shootT tinK

jes Just pIufFing. [also VN]

luff sb into doing

sthto make sb do sth by tricking them, especiallyby pretending youhave more experience, knowledge, etc. than you reallyhave ,bluff 让 'outto get out of a difficult situation by continuing to tell lies, especially when they suspect you are not being honest ,bluff your Way 'in/'out/

through | ,bluff your way 'into/out of/'through sth

to succeed in dealing with a difficult situation by making other People believe sth which ismottrue: She successfully BDIUHFed Her Way 雪rougph 坊 e 训 terview 下 DOUD 了 [U,C] an attempt to trick sb bymaking them bejlieve that you will do sth when you really have no intention ofdoing it or that youknow sth when you do nob ip facb know it: 下 Wasjustagarmne ofbIu 扩 Hesaidpeyould Tesig7 太 he didmtSget7more money DUE 让 Was only abIu 矿 一 See alsOoDOUBLEBLUFEF 也 [C] a steep CLIFEF Or slope, espe-

ciallybythe sea or ariver [EU see CALLY @Qdj/. (ofpeople or their manner) very direct and cheerful, with good intentions, although not always very polite: Bemneatpn his biu 矿exterior he Was asentsitiye TaTi. blu:ish /bluxzrJ/ oadj fairly blue in colour: a bluish-green CaTPpet bilunm:der/blandqecD7/ novn, ve上 mb 旧 OU1 a stupid or careless mistake: to make aterrible blIunmdaerCaseries ofpoliticaLpIunders 四 YE/几 [V] to make astupid or careless mistake: The goyver7TLTentt Pad DPIUmrdered 加 ii handling of the affair

jblunder a'bout, a'round, etc.to move around in an awkward way, knocking intothings, as 证you cannot See Where you are going ,blunder 'into sth 1 to knock into sth because you are awkward or are not able to see 2 to find yourselfin aidifficult or unpleasant situation by accident ,blunder 'onto continue doing sth in a careless or stupid way

blun.der-buss/ blAndebas; NmE -derb-/ moum an old typeofgun with awide end

blunt/5blxnt/ acd, ve履 四Gcdj (bluntef bluntesi T withotut a sharp edge -or point: a IntE KPI 瑟 This Pencils DIV 2 The Dolice said PP Zi (of aperson Or ITemarkj very direct; saying exactly whatyouthinkwithouttryingtobepolite: She has arepLtatiomjforpIuntspeaking. Topbeblunb5 yoUr WorKk 1 appaLLing. 只 note atHONEST > bluntness]1own [U] 到 YE/ 少 [VN] 了 to make sth weaker or less _effective: Age Phadmt DPIuntea Pis passion Jor adyenture. 了 2 to make a Point or an edge less Sharp blunt.Iy/blAnti/ adv ia very direct way without tryjngtobepolite orKind: To PuEitDIUntt TWarta divorce. She daead2 he asKea bIUPntyY. blur/bla:G)/ 7ov7 ve 几

四 OU [usually sing 本1 ashapethatyot carnotsee clearly often because it is Immoving too fast: Bis arrm Was a Tapid DIur oF7moyerrientas heStruck COEyerythingisaDIuryWwjhenT takeTmy glasses o 矿 2 something thatyoucanmnotremeInber clearly: The eyents of that day Were justapbIur

s see

| tteaij


| wwet

| zzoo

| shoe


boa constrictor

上昌YVeb (-rr] Ti寺 the shape or outline of sth blurs; or if sth blurs it, it becomes less clear and sharp: [v] The writing DLIurred anmd damnced before his eyes. oO[VN] The mmistbIurred the edges of the buildings. 也 让 sth blurs your eyes or vTSION, OF YOUIT eyes Or vision blur, you cannot see things clearly: [VN] Tears burred her eyes. [also V] 3 to become or Iake sth become difficult to distinguish clearly: [V] The differemnces petween art and Lie seem to have blIurred [VN] She tenas io plur the distinctior between her 太ierids amd her cOlIeagues.

fjblurb /bls:b; NmEDbls:rb/ moun a short description of a boole anew product, etc., wiittenbythe people who have Produced it, that is iptended to attract your attention and Imake you wantto buy 让 blurred /bla:d; NmEblarrd/ adj 1 notelear; without a clear outline or Shape: She suffered 六 om dizziness_ and DIuUrTed vision. Ca pIurred image/picture 2 difficultto Iemember clearly: blIurred mermmories 3 difficult to distinguish, so that differences are not clear: bpIzurred distinctions/pormdaries blurry/mblari/ oadj (normaol) without a clearoutline; not clear: blurry distorted photographs e (uratve) a BDIurry policy

blurt /blst; NAmEblart/ vemb~ sth (out) to say sth suddenly and without thinking carefully enough: [VN] She DPIurted 让 OUt pefore Tcould stop her C [V speech] bohemianadi: abohermnian existemnce/Iifestyle boh:riumy/bozriem/ novn [U] (symb Bh a RADIOACTIVE chemical






bai训 o-s /boa/ verb, noun 四 Ye 上 1 when aliquid boils or when youboilit' itis heated tothe point where it forms bubbles and turns to steam OrVAPOUR: [V] Thewater was bupbbling and boiling away. 人 [VN] Boil plenty of salted water then add te Spaghett. 吕> Vocabulary notes on Page R10 2 when a KETTLE,pan, etc: boils or when you boil a KETTLE,etc., it is heated until the water inside it boils : [VN] 丽 ]boil the Kettle amd make some tea.C [V] (BrE) The Kettle's poiling. ec [V:AD] She

LIe扰 切e gas on by mistake and the pam boiled dry (= the water boiled until there was none left),3 to cook or wash sth in boiling water; to be cooked or washed in boil[V] She put some potatoes on to boiL_c [VN]

boiled carrots/capbage e [VN, VNN] to boil an egg for SP to poilsb anegg 4 [V]ifyouboilwith anger etc.orangeb

etc. boils inside you, you are very angIy: He Was boilimg With rage,、 [DISee BLOOD1,WATCH boil

down | boil sthdownto be Teduced or to reduce

sth by boiling ,boil sth 'down (to sth)jto make sth, espe-

cially information, shorter by leaving out the Parts that are not important: The original Speech IT Rad Writtemt got

poiled down to about ten minutes boil'down to sth(not used in the progressive tenses) (of a situationi Problemy etc.) to have sth as a main or basic Part: 友 如heend What 让 alLboils down to is money or the Iack of 让 boil 'over

1 (of liquid) to boil and flow over the side of a pan, etc:

2 (njormal) to become very angry 3 (of a situation,, an emotion, etc.) to change into sth more dangerous or Violent EXPLODE: Racial tensionm. 帮 nalty poiled oyer 如 the inner clty riok, ,boil'upif a situation or an emotion boils up, it becomes dangerous, worrying,etc.: TI could Jeel anger poiling UP inside mme, boil sthe>'upto heat a

liquid or some food until it boils 0OUn 1 [sing.] a period ofboiling; the Point at which liquid boils: (BrE) Brimg tpe soup to the poil then allow 让 to Simmerjor 太veminutes. (NmB) Bring thesoup toapbo 丰 2 [C apainful infected swelling under the sKkin which is

full ofathickyellowliquid (called PUsS)

offthe 'boil

(BrE) less good than before: The secomd serles OF the Show

really went o太 the boiL on the 'boilvery active: We haye SeyeraLDrojects all om the boil at omtce.

boiled 'sweet(B/5 (ME

,hard 'candy[U]) 0ovn a

hard Sweetcandy made from boiled sugar,often with fruit flavours

boil.er /boaa(D)/ (also_ furnace especially iD NAm 日 1oun a container

'boilingpointnovn 1 thetemperature at which aliquid startsto boil 2 thepoint atwhich a person becomes Very angry, or a Situation is'likely to become Violent: Racial tensiom has reached boiling point.

bois:terous /borsteres/ adj (of people,animals


behaviour) noisy and full of life and energy: 形Was a chaLlenge, Keeping ten boisterous Seyeni-yeaT-01G5S amIUsed.

P boisterousiyod

crash into each othen)

ing water:

BAKING: YOU Tust pe boiling 到 切atsWweaterl ca poiL Ing hot day [aag FREEZING

让 Which water is heated to Provide hot

water and heating in abuilding or to produce steam in an


boiler.malker/ bonaemeIka(C); NAmE Jerm-/ novun Ta

Person or companythat makes boilers 字 (NAmB) aperson who makes and Tepairs _metal objects for industry 3 (NAmB a drink of wHISKY followed immediately by a glass ofbeer

boil.er.plate/ boaaplert; NAmE-ler-/ noun [CU] (NAm 日 astandard form of words that can be used as amnodel for

bok choy/bok tfo5 NAmE ,bazk/ noun [U] (NAmE) = PAK CHOI bold/baold; NMAmEbould/ ad noun 下Gdj. (bold-e5_bold.esi 1 (of people or behaviour) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take Tisks: 下 Was Q bold moye on 妇 eir part to opemna pusiness 训 France.CThe wine made him bold enough to approach her 2 (of shape,, colour, lines, etc.) that can be easily seen; having a strong clear appearance: the bold outrine of a Tountain against thesjky e She paints With pold strokes of

ue brushi. 3 (iechnicaj) (of printed words or letters) in a

thick,, dark TYPE: 了TighligRt the important Words 训 bold bpe. 2 pold Lettering boldlyady bold:nessmoun [U]

IE be/make so bold (asto do sth)(Uormaj/) used espe-

ciallywhen politely asking a question or making a suggestion which you hope will not offend anyone (although 让 maycriticize them slightly): 矿 Tmmay pesobold as to suggest that he made aTnistake im Phis calculations brass (BrE,/informal) without showing shame or fear

(as) bold as any Tespect

上IOU1 (also _bold:face /baoldfers; NAmE "bould-/)[U] (techmicaj) thick, dark TYPE Used for printing words.orletters: Headwords are printed 识 bold. 入 bole /baol; NmE boul/ noun the main STEM. of a tree ERITRUNK bol.ero /balesreo; NAmE baeleroo/ :nouni(P/ -0o9 ia traditional Spanish dance; a piece of music for this dance 2 /BrE also 'bplaresg/,a women's short jacket that is not fastened at the front bol.etus /baliztes/ (also_ bol:.ete /balit/) novn [CU] a MUSHROOM with small round holes under the top Part. Some types ofboletus can be eaten. jboll/baol; NAmE bool/ moun the part of the cotton Plant that contains the seeds bol:.iard /boldda; NAmE "balard/ noun T (BFE) a short thick post that is used to stop vehicles ffom going on to a road orpartofaroad 2 ashortthickPoston aship,oron land closeto water to which a ship'srope maybetied

bol:Iockcing/bolekIm; NAmE badl-/ noun (BrE, 如boo) an Occasion When sb tells you that they are VerIy angry with you, often by shouting at you: to give sb a bollocking c to Seta pollocking EggThere are more Dolite ways to exXpress this, for example to give sbyto get a rOcket, or to tear a strip off sb.

bol.IockKks/bolsks; NmE Tba'l-/ novn (BrE, iab5oo, slang) 1 Lu] nonsense: mure talking aload ofbollocks1 2 [pl]


.3 .Bollockstexclamaotion used as a

Swear Word when sb is-disagreeing with sth,or when they are angry about sth: BollocKs! He neyersaid thatl/ 'boll weevilovwn an insect that damages cotton Plants

Bol.Iy-wood/boliwudq; NmE bacl/nouwm[U] (Unormaj) used to refer to the Hindi filmy/movie industry,wWhich mainly takes placein the Indian city ofMumbai(formerly called Bombay)

2 cat | adfather | eten | 3s:bird | aabout |:Isit | isee|imany|

psgot (BrE) | ozsaw |)Acup | 5 put | w too


bologmna /baleunjs; balonjs; NAmE lou-/ (also ba:lomey) nouU1 [U] (NAm 有日a type of SAUSAGE that is put 记 SANDWICHES, made of a mixture ofmeats

bolom:eter /balomrteG); NAmE-ladm-/ nown (physics) a device for measuring RADIANT energy lbolo tie /bsulsotar NAmE boolou/ noun (NAmB) a string wor around the neck and fastened with a decorative CLASP or bar Bolshevik /bplJivik; NAmE 'bool-/ noun a member of the group in Russia that took control after the 1917 Revo-


> 昌olshevik





[sing.] (NMAmE npirmal) a complete failure: The musical Was a complete bomD on Broadway -5 (NAmE) ( 识 AMERICAN FOOTBALL) a_ long forward throw of the ball 6 (NmB a container in which a liquid such as Paint or insect poison is kept Under Pressure and ieleased as a Spray or as FOAM: abug bomb (= asediorkiling insects)

[II be the bomb (NA 日to be very good; to be the best: Check out the mew Website. Its the bombl go downa

'bomb | go (like) a bomb (Br6) to be very successful:

NAmE'bool-/ noun [U]

Our perforrmamnce wentdowmabormb.cTheparty wasreally

bol-shie (also bol-shy) /bolfi; NAmE 'boul-/ adj (BrE

going Uike)abormb. go like a bomb (Br6) (of avehicle) to

in1formal, disapproving) (of a person) creating difficulties orarguments deliberately and refusing to be helpful

go very fast 旦 VE/几 了 [VN] to attack sb/sth byleaving abomb in a Place orbydropping bombs ffom aplane: Terrorists bormpbed seyeral army parracks. coThe city was heayily bomped 记 te War 了 2 [vV+adv/prep](BrE nrmal) to move very fast, especially in avehicle, in aparticulat direction: They were Dommbing dow7 the road at about 80 miles ar hour 3 (NAmE, njormal) to fail a test or an exam Very badly: [VN] The exam Was impossible! T definitely pommpbed 下 [alsov]4 [V] (Unformaj (ofa play show, etc.) to fail very badly: His 1atest7musical bombed amd Lostthousartds of dol1ars. be ,bombed 'out (of sth) 1 if you are bombed out, your home is destroyed by bombs 2 ifa building is bombed out, it has been destroyed bybombs

bol:ster/bsuolsteCnD); NAmE'boolL/ verb, noun 日 Verb [VN] 一 sth (up)to improve sth or make it sttonger: to Dolster sb's comnfidemnce/courage/Tmorale c Falling inte广 estrates may help to bolster UP 妇e ecomnormmy. 0OUmalongthickPILLOwWthatis Placed acrossthetop ofa bed underthe other pillows bolt /bsult; NAmEb6ult/ moup, yerb, ad 可 mmOUm 1 along,narrow piece of metal that yo slide across the inside of a door or window in order to lock 让 2 apiece of metal like a screw without a point which is used with acircle of metal (= a NUT) to fasten things together: nuts and bolts 一Picture 只 TOooL 3 ~oflightning asudden flash ofILIGHTNING in the sky appearing as 3 line 4 a short heavy arrow Shot from a CROSSBOW 5S a longPpiece ofcloth wound in aroll around a piece of cardboard aboltfrom the 'blue an eventoraPpiece of news which is sudden and Unexpected; a coOmPplete suUrPrise: Herdismissal came as a pott 廊om the blue. make a

bolt for sth | nake a boitfor

谋to run away very fasb

in order to escape 一more atNUTIm. ,SHOTYV 下 Verb1 tofasten sthsuch asadoororwindowbyslidinga bolt across; to be able to be fastened in this way: [VN] Donjorget to poltthe door e [V] The gate poltks om the 训 side. 2 [VN] ~ AtoB|~AandBtogethertotfasten things together with abolt: The Vice is bolted to 切 e worKDench. ec The yarious parts:of the car are 妇hen bolted together 3 [v] ian animal especially a horse,bolts, 让 suddenly runs away because it is frightened 4 [v, usually 二 advVprep.] (of a person) to run away, especially iD order toescape: When he Saw the police arTiye, he polted daown analley 5 [VN] ~ sth (down) to eat sth very quickly: Domt bolt your fjood/ 6 (NmE) to stop Supporting a particular group or political party: [VN] Manmny Dermmocrats bolted the party to vote Republican. [also V] 7 [V] (of a Plant, especially a vegetable) to grow too quickly and start producing seeds and so become less good to eat [IJ see

STABLE DOOR 1. 下 ,Gdlv. sit/stand bolt 'upright to sit or stand with yourback straight

'bolt-hole 7ovn (8前 a place that you can escape to, for example when you are in a difficult situation

beolus /baulas; NMmE "boulas/ movun 1 (medical) a sipngle amount of a drug that js given at one time DOSE 2Z:(lechnical a small round mass of substance, especially chewed food that is swallowed

ye 几

日 OUn 了 [C aweapon designed to explode ataparticular time or when it is dropped or thrown: a poTmnb attacKk/ Diast/explosionr abpomp goes off[explodes 2 extenlsiye Do7mib damasge C Hundreds of Dombs Were dropped on the 一see also DIRTY BOMB 2 the bomb [sing.] nuclear city bomb [sing] (Br pformal) alot of jave 切 ebonib 3 imoney: That dress TUst haye coOSt Q DOTID! 4 bomb

| ersay

| sgo (Br

'Ibomb disposal novn [U] thejob ofremoving or explodipRgbombs in orderto make an areasafe: abormitb disposal expert/squad/tearm

bomibe /bomb; NAmEbamby/ novn [CU] (from French) a /bomnd; NAmE bdmd/ adj, [not before nounm]

(informal) extremely drunk bomb-er


NMAmE 'badm-/ noun Ta plane that

2 a person who puts a bomb

'Ibomiber jacket noun a short jacket that fits tightly

country) am area strrounded by a fence, often made of sticks, used to Protect animials or People

| aomnow

dried 有 sh eaten with CURRIES Bomibay mix /bomber'mrks; NAmEbam-/ novn [U] an Indian food consisting of LENTILS,PEANUTS and spices, eaten as a SNACK

carries and drops bombs somewhere jillegally

boma /bauma; NMAmE 'bo-/ 1OU1 (EA1E SAJb (in wild

| army

Bombay duck /bomber 'dAk; NAmE badm-/ noun [U]


machine, etc.to make it able to do sth new


British army that uses large guns) bom:bast /bombaest; NAmE 'bam-/ moun [U] (Jorma1)) words which sound important but have'little meaning, Used to impress people bom.bastic /bom'bzestrk; NAmEbamm-/ adj.:a bormbastic speaker

frozen DEsSERT (三 Sweet dish) in around shape

bolt-on codj. [only before noun] abletobeeasilyaddedtoa

weapons (ATOMIC OF HYDROGEN bombs): COUntries Which

ber of a low rank in the Royal Artillery (= a Part of the

held and from which they can be dropped

openedbyturningaBoLT and sliding it back

om /bom; NAmEbazm/ ou

一 sb/

sth (with sth) T to attack aplace by firing large guns at 让 or droppingbombs on it continuously to attack sb with a lot of questions,criticisms,etc. or by giving them too much information: We hayve been pomzbarded with Letters of complaint > bom.bard:.ment novn [uU,C]: The city came Under heayy bompardrmentt bom-bard-ier /bomba'drec); NAmE ,bazmbar'drmy/ noun 1 thepersononamilitaryplaneintheUSAIRFORCE Who is responsible for aiming and dropping bombs 之 a mem-

'Ibomb baynovn apart of an aircraft in which bombs are

bolt=-action xdj (of a gun) having a back part that is


"bomib alert noun (Br = 日 BoOMB sSCARE bom:bard /bom'mbazd; NMAmEbam'badrd/ vemb [VN]

around the waist and fastens with a ZIP/ZIPPER

bomb-:ing /bomrm; NAmE'bam-/ noun [CU] an occasion when a bomb is dropped or left somewherei the act of doing this: recent bombings im major cities 2 eneTy DormD-

ing bom.bora /bom'boxre; NAmEbam-/ noun (Austrol6) 1 a wave which forms over an underwater rock, sometimes

producing adangerous area ofbroken water 2 anareaof rock underwater


/bompru 台 NA7E




enough to give protection against an attack bya bomb

| ou go (NmB)

| orboy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure

bomb scare

164 | bondage/bpndrds; NMmE'bam-/ novn

bomlb scare (also 'bomb threatespecially in NA 有 (BrE also 'bomb alerbi 2oun an occasion when sb says that theyhave put a bomb somewhere and everyone has to leave the area

bomb:shell/bomnyfel; NAmE'bazm-/noun [usually sing:] (Informalj) 1 an event or a piece of news Which is Unexpected and tsually unpleasant: The 7meWs of his dea 雪 came as a bombshelL 2 She dropped abpombshell at te Teeting and .amnmounced that She Was leaying, Za blondfe) bombshell a very attractive woman With blonde hair bomib.sight/bomsart; NAmEbam-/ noun adeviceused

in an aircraft for aiming bombs ombb site 5ovn an area where all the buildings have been destroyed by bombs Bon /bon; NAmE 'ban/ (also _O-Bon /au 'bon; NAmE oU

mbamn/) noun [U] aJapanese Buddhist festival that takes Place in August, when people show respect to the dead FESTIVAL OFTHE DEAD, LANTERN FESTIVAL bona fide /baonae fardi; NAmE boona/ adj. [usually before noun] (from Lotn) genuine; realiorlegal; not false: a Dona fide reasone iaponafide, reputapble orgaTiization2 bona fides /bsuma 'fardi:z; NAmE ,bouna/ moumn [pl] ( 俯om Latn) evidence that Sb is who they say that they are; evVidence that Sb/sth is honest bon.anmza/bamaenza/ noun [sing.] 了 asituation in which

People can make a lot of money or be very successful: a Cash pola7za Jor inyestors Ca ponanza year Jor the comPuter _industry 2 a situation where there is a large amoltnt of sth Pleasant: the USual bomnamza of sport in t妇 e SUTTTmer bon.bon /bonbopn; NAmE bamnbam/ nown a SweetV candy, especially one with a soft centre bonce/bons; NAmEba:ns/ noun (BrE infornmal) aperson's head ipbpondy/bond; NmEbamnad/ noum, ye 几

旧 1OU1

* STRONG CONNECTION 1 [Gd ~ (between Aiand B) something that forms a connection between People or grouPs, Such as a feeling of friendship or shared ideas and,experiences: A bond of 太 iendship had been forged betweent tem. CQThe agreement Strengthened te bonds between the bwo COUTitries. 2 妇e Special boid between motpher and cphild * MONEY 2 [C] an agreement by a goveInment or acompany to pay you interest on the money you have lent; a document containing this agreement 一see alsoO JUNK

BOND 3 [U] (low) (especially NAmB) a sum of money that js paid as BAIL: He Was released on 8%5000 bond. 4 [q (also 'maortgage bond (5%AHrE) a legal agreement by which abanklends you moneyto buy ahouse etc. which you pay back over many years; the sum of money that is lent: to pay o apond 矿 ceWe jhad to taKke out a seconad bopd Oo 妨 eproperty. c bond rates (= of interest)


5 bonds [pl.] (jormah the ropes oO

chains keeping Sb prisoner; anything.that stops you from being free to do what yo Want: to 7elease 5D 廊oPma their Donds co the bonds ofoppressior/injustice

*EEGAL AGREEMENT'G@ [G] (jormalj) a legal written agree-

Imentor Promise: We entered into asolermTz bomd. * JOIN 7 [C the way in which two things are joined together: a 万rm pomnd between the bwo SUrfaces * CHEMISTRY 8 [G the way in which atoms are held together in a chemical coOMPOUNPD

[ID see WORD1:

一 人(AandB) (GaEthen )| 一 人(AtoBtojon

two things firmlytogether; to join firmly 风 else: [VN] TPhis mnew glue bonds a yariety of Surfaces 训 Secofids. 下 Caiot be used to bond wood tib metaLiS pond togetherto jprrmma molecule.

[vV] .The atoms

* DEVELOP RELATIONSHIP 了 ~ (with sb) todevelop or cre-

ate arelationship;of trust with sb: -Mothers Who:are deDressedsometimes failto bondwith theirchildren. [alsoVvN]


| adid


-| ffall

-| gget

| hhat


being a SLAVE OF Prisoner womers Liperatiomn 方om the the Practice ofbeing tied with to gain sexual Pleastre

'warehouse "ov

a-Ssovernment building

Where imported goods are stored until tax has been paid on them bond:ing/bondrm; NmE bamn-/ noun [U] 让 theprocess of forming a special relationship with sb or with a groUP of people: mmotherchild bonding 2 male bonding 了 (chermjstry) the Process of atoms joining together: jydrogem bonding

lpaome om /baoa; NAmEbooun/ nown; verb 1OUm 了 [C] anyofthehard partsthatform the SKELETON

ofthe bodyofahuman oran animal:Fe suUryiyed the accidentWwith mo broken bomnes.C This fisP jhas alotofbones 碌 让 了 山 ] the hard substance that .bones are made'iof

Kmnives with bone handlies 3 -boned(in adjectives)having bones ofthe type mentioned: 态ne-pored [IE aboneof con'tention a subject which catlses -disagreement and

arguments between people .closetothe'bone(BrE nj 1maj (of a remark joke,story, etc.) -SO honest .OFr clearly expressed thatitis likelyto cause offence to some People

cut, pare, etc: sth to the ,boneto reduceisthi such as costs, as much as youU possibly can have a 'bone to pick with sb(ipnformaj) to be angry with sb about sth and want

to discuss 让 with them make no bones about (doing) sthtobehonest and open about sth; to nothesitate to do sth: She made no bonmnes apouttelling Fair exactty Whatshne

态ouSght of hi

not have a .bone'in your bodyto

have none of the quality mentioned: She was homest arid Phard-working, and didnttjhavean Unkind bone in her body throw sb a 'boneto give sb a small part of what they want as a Way of showing that you want to help them, without offering them thevmain thing they want to the Ioneaffecting yo very strongly: His 妇 reats :chilled her to the bone. 一more at BAG1m. ;BARE qdj ,FEELV,FINGER 0.,

FLESH 1.,SKIN 1: 上@Verb


to take




of fsh



bone 'up on sth (npformal) to try to learn about sth orto remind yourselfofwtiatyou alreadylknow about 让: She had pomned UP om the cibys history before eVi 丰

,bone 'chinanmov7n [U] thin delicate SHINA Imade ofCLAY mixed with crushed bone; cups, Platesx>etc. made of this bone'dryad/:

[notusually before noun] completely dry

bone:head /oonhed: NAmE boon- 大noU7 Ormaja Stupid person

jbone 'iglecadj (oldjshioned, BrE nrmmalj)verylazy bone-less/baonles; NmE "boun-/ adj. (of meat or fish) Without anybones: pomteless chicKkemn Breasts

'bone marrow (also _marrow moum [U] a soft sub-

stance thatfills thehollow parts ofbones: a bomne7Tmarrow trarspIamEt bone:meal/beonmil; NmE 'boom-/ nouvn [ul al substance made from crushed animal bones whbich is used to Iake Soil richer

boner /baunaGD); NAmE 'boun-/ :noUn (NAm pfornmal) 1 (ioboo) an ERECTION of the PENIS 了 an embarrassing mistake bone-shaker/baonjJerkeGD); NAmE boon-/ 0oum (Br informaj) 1 an old vehicle thatis in bad condition 2-an old type ofbicycle without rubber tyres bomn:fire/bonfarea); NAmE'ba:n-/ .nown alarge outdoor fire forburning waste or as Partof acelebration

'Bonfire Night(also ,Guy

四 Ve有bb


or jormalj) the state, of ER sSLAVERY: (jguratve) porndasge of dommestic 1这 2 fOpes, chains, etc. D order

the nightof5 November,

'Fawkes might ov


En thereis atradition in Brit-

ain that people light bonfires and have _FIREWORKS


celebrate the failure of the Dlan iD 1605 to destroy the parliamentbuildings with ExPLOSIVES bong /bp0; NAmEban/ noun1 the sound -made by a large bell: 妇ebporgs of Big Ben 了 alongPpipe for smoking CANNABIS and other drugs,which passes-the smoke through a container of water

| jjyes | cat


| mman

| anow

| prpen

| aired

bongo/ bo0gao; NAmE 'bdmngou/ (P -0o9 (also 'bongo

drunm ouUn a .small drum, usually one of a pair, that youPplay with your finmgers 一picture'c PAGE R6 bon:homie/bonemi; NAmE banaemmni:/ noun [U] (ffom French, jnmajafeeling ofcheerful friendship bonk/bonk; NAmEbamnk/ noun, ve 几 下 DOUn (BrE, jnjormal) 1 [sing.] an act ofhaving sex with sb 2 [Cl the act of hitting sb on the head or of hitting yoOUT head on sth

目 Vejb (BrE njormal) Titohave sex with sb: [VN] He's beem Domking omne ofphisstudents. [alsoV] 了 [VN] tohitsb lightuy on the head or to hit yourself by mistake: TI pomked mmy Phead on the doorway.

bonk'buster/bonkbAsteG); NAmE "bamk-/ noun (BE informal) atype of popular novel in which there is alot of Sex Or Tomantic love bonk'ers /ionkez; NAmmE 'badmkerz/ adj,[not before noun] (injormal) completely crazy and silly: TILgo pomKkers 太TPhaye to wait any Iorger [ET see RAVING qdyv bon mot/bon 'mao; NAmE ,badm "mou/ noun (Pbons motis/bpn mao; NAmE ,badmn moo/) (fom French, jprmaj) afunny and clever Temaik bonne femme/bon'faem; NAmEbamn/ adi [afternoun] (from Fench) used 让 the_ names of dishes which are cookedin a simpie way: salmor pormme fmmrme

bon:net/bonrt; NAmE 'bamaet/ noun Ta hat tied with strings Under the chin, worn by babies and, especially ip

the pasb bywomen 2 (BrE) (NAmE hood the metal Part over the front of a vehicle, usually covering the engine一

Dicture cy PAGE RI TI See BEE

bonny(also bonnie /bpni; NMAmE bami/ adj.(bonnies

bon-ni-esh (dialect especially scotE) very Pretty; attractive: a bomnzrty baby/iass bon.sai /bonsalI; NAmE bonsai ban-/ noun (Pbonsah 1 [cq a small tree that is grown 记 a pot and Prevented from reaching its normal size 2 [U] the Japanese art of growing bonsai



NO-CLAIMS BONUS bon viviant/b5vivp; NAmE ban vvamnt/ (also bon Viveur/va:G)/) OUn from French) a person who enjoys going out with friends and eating go0od food, drinking good wine, etc. bon voy'age /bpn vara:5; NA/mE ,bazn/ exclamaton (from Frenchj said to sb who is leaving on a journey, to wish them a good journey bomy/ baoni; NA/mE 'bouni/ adj. T (of a person or Part'of the body) veiy thin so that the bones can be seen Under

the skin 2 (of 6ish) full of small bones 3 consisting of or

like bone

bonze/bpnz; NmE ba:nz/ noun a Japanese Of Chinese BuddhistMONK

bon-zer/bonzeaG); NMAmE bam-/ adi (AUstrolE NMZP 加 加 广 /mdj) excellent boo/bu:/ exclamaton, noum, ve 内 exclarmation; noun 了 a sound that People make to Show that they do Fiot like an actor SPpeakem etc.: 吧 oo 忆 雪 ey Shotted Getoffl: eThespeech was greeted With loud boos 方om the audience. 了 People shonut Boolwhenithey want to surPprise or frighten sb IERWSee SAYY

| wyvan

| 冯 wet

可 Verb to show thatyou do notjlike aperson, performance, idea, etc.byshouting ?boo': [V] The audience booed as she started her speech. Ce[VN] He was booed of the stage: boob/bu:b/ povn;, ve山 可0OUn 全 (slang) a woman's breast 2:(Br 司)nformaj) a stuPid mistake:T7mmade abitofaboob throwzing 雪 at记le away 3 (Nm有 6)a stupid person 和 ye 上b [V] (injormaj) to make astupid mistake

boo-boomovnr T (Unformnalh astupid mistake: TthinK Tve 7made a boo-poo. 2 (NAmB) achild's word for a small cut or injury 由oob tubenoun 1 (BE nrmal) (NMmE tube top) a

piece of women's clothing that is made of cloth that Stretches and covers the chest 了 2 (NAmE informa1/ disapP-

Proving) the television booby/bupbil noun (p/ -ie91 Unformal)astupid person': Donitpesuchabooby! 2 [usually pl.] Unformal) aword for a Woman's breast, used especially by children 3-a large tropical bird with brightly coloured feet that lives near the sea

'Iboolby prizemovun a prize that is given as a joke to the person who is last in a competition 'Iboobytrapnov7rT ahidden bomb that explodes when the object that it is connected to is touched 2 ahidden device that is meant as ajoke to surprise sb, for example anobjectplaced aboveadoorsothatitwillfall on the first Person who opens the door

'booby-trapyve必 (-pp] [VN] to place a booby trap in or on sth boof-head /buzfthed/ noun (AustraolE njormal) a stupid Person boo.ger/bu:gaC)/ 7ovn (NAm有 BE)= BOGEY(2) boo-gey:man/bugimaen/ novn (NAmE) = BOGEYMAN boo-.gie/bu:gi NAmE'bugi/ noum, ve 几 [U]

a type of blues mnusic played on the piano,with a fast strong Thythm @Ve 上b [V] (informaj) to dance to fast Pop music

more of better than- you were expecting: Being able 如 Walk to Workis an added boritus of the mnewjob. 一see also

| ttea


旦IOUM (alsoO boogie-'woogie /wuzgi; NMAmE-wogi/)

NAmE ban-/ noUn (SAHrE, injformal) something that yoOU Ieceive .as a Present Or , reward,,, especially money bonus /beanas; MPmE 'bou-/ noun (pl ,-e9 让 an extra amotnt of money that is added to a payment, especially to sb's wages as a reward: aEI00 Christmzas bornus prodUctiyibr :Donuses- 2-anything pleasant that is extra and



| 2:zoo

| Jshoe

'Iboogie board "ovn a small board Used for riding on waves in alying position boo.hoo /bunhu; burhu:/ exclomation used in written English to showthe sound of sb crying

baQOQ@K 0 /bok/ novm, ve 必 四0OU1 > PRINTED WORK 了 [C] a set of printed pages that are fastened inside a cover so that you can turn them and read them: a pile of books c jhardbacKk/paperback books 2 [q a written work published in Printed or electronic form:a5ook By Stepher Kinrg apook aboutZomr wildlfe referemce/Achildren:s/Library books > FOR WRITING

IN 3 [C] a set of sheets of paper that are

fastenedtogether inside a cover and Used for wiiting in: ar exXercise booKCa7iotebpooK 一see also ADDRESS BOOK

> OF STAMPS/TICKETS/MATCHES, ETC. 4 [C] a set of things

thatare fastened togetbherlike abook:abook ofstarnps/ icKketsZmiatches Ca chequebpook , ACCOUNTS 5 books [pl.] the written records of the

financial affairs'ofabusiness _ERACCOUNTS: to do the books (= .to check the ,accounts) * SECTION OF BIBLE, ETC. @ [G] a section of alarge Written Work: the pooks of the Bible ”FOR_BETTING 7 [Q (BrE) a record of bets made .on WwWhether sth will happen, sb will win a race, etc.

[ID be in sb'xs good/bad 'books (njormal) used to say

that sb is pleased/annoyed with you: T7ma in jher 8ood Dooks at the moment because T cleared VD the Kitchen.

pringsbto'booK(for sth) (ormal, especialy BrEj topun-

ish sb for doing sth wrong and make them explain their behaviour bythe 'book followingrules and instructions 记 a Very strict Way: She always does everything by the

book._ in my 'book (njformall used when you are giving your ,opinion: Thats cheatirg 训 TY pook,(be) on sb?s

| 5 vision

| 可 :chain

| as jam

| 8 thin

| 5this

| nsing


166 | bookmark/bokma:k; NAmE-mark/ own T astrip'of

' books (to be) on an organization's list, for exaimnple of People who are available for a particular type of work: JWye haye yery few murses on OUF booKs at the 7mormeniL 和 Most of the houses on ouUr bpooks are 训 the mort 雪 of the

citx_ throw the 'book atsb(nformal) to punish sb who

has committed an offence as seVerely as Possible 一more

at CLOSEIV, CLOSED, COOKY,HISTORY, JUDGE V)LEAF 帮 , OPEN qdj., READ V, SUIT V,TRICK 1 目 Ve/ 凡 了 (especially BrE) to arrange with ahotel, restaurant, theatre, etc. to have aroom, table, seat, etc. on a particular date: [V] BooKk early to avoid disappointment e [VN] Ta Like to book ataple for bwo for 8oclock tonight ce The per Jprmance z booked up (= there are no more tickets avVailable). CT sorry 一wer7e flly booked. 一compare RESERVE 2 [VN]toarrangeforsbtohaveaseatonaplane etc.:TYVe pookedyouomthe 10ofclockHright 3 [VN]toarrangefora singeb etc.toperform onaparticular date: We”ye bookeda band for 态 e Wedding reception. 4 [VN] (Unformaj to write down sb's name and address because they have committed a crime or an offence: He Was booKked for possessiom of cocaine. 5 [VN] (BrE,informal) (of a REFEREE) to Wiite down in an official book the name of a player who has

broken the rules of the game

ibook in/'into sth

(BrE) to arrive at a hotel, etc, and arrange to stay there: 工

gotin atten andbooked straightinto apjhotelL ,book sb in/

into sthto arrange for sb to have a room at ahotel, etc. bookable /bukebl/ ad 1 tickets, etc. that are bookable can be ordered in advance 2 BE) 话 an offence ip football (soccER) is bookable,, the name of the Player ITesponsible is written down in a book by the REFEREE asS apunishment 3 (NAmB ifa crime is abookable offence, the person responsible can be arrested

bookcbind-er/bokbamdaG)/ novn a person whose job is fastening the pages of books together and Putting

covers on them > bookbind:ingmoun [U] bookcase /bukkers/ moun a piece of furniture with Shelves for keeping books on

book club ”own 1 an organization that sells books cheaply to its members 了 = BOOK GROUP book-end /bokend/ noun [usually pl.j: one of a pair of objects used to keep a row of books standing UP

book group(also 'book club 'readinggroup)noun a group of People who meet together regularlyto discuss a book theyhave all read

bookie /buki/ nouwn (informalj) 三BOOKMAKEK bookcing /bokm/ nown 1 [Gu (especaly

8P间 an

arrangement that you make in advance to buy a ticket to travel somewhere,go to the theatre,etc.: Q pooFkinsg Jorrm/pallAclerk ecCanTmmake a booking for Friday? Early pooking is recomyrmended. 2 No adyaitce booFKing Piecessary 2 We cant take any 7mmore pooKings. 一compare RESERVATION 2Q [C] an arrangement for sb to Perform at

atheatre, in a concertb etc. 3 [C] (Br6) (in football (SocCER)) an act of the REFEREE Wiiting a Players name in a book as apunishment because an offence has been comInitted

booking office noun (Br6 a place where you can buy tickets, atatrain'orbus station or atatheatre

boolkcish /bokif/ aodjirtoftena disapproving) interested 雇 reading and studying, ratherthan in more active or Practical things book-keep-er /ukkipaC)/ noun aperson whosejob is to keep an accurate record of the accounts of a business > bookkeep-ing noun [U]


learning "om

[U] knowledge from Dooks or

study rather than fom experience

boolclet /boklat/ novun a small thin book with a paper cover that contains information aboutaparticular subject

bookcmaker /bukmerke/ (also infjormal bookie) (also BrE rmal tuif accounmtant) /Own apersonmwhose job isto takebets on the result ofhorseTracesi etc. andpay

out moneyto people who win # bookcmakcing mov7m [U] acat |

father | eten

pape etc.thatyouPputbetween the pages ofabookwhen you finish reading so that yo cam easily find the Place

again 2 (computng) arecord of the address of a 包 e ai IN BUSINESS/ECONOMY 1 ~ (in sth) a sudden increase ip trade and economic activity; a Period of wealth and suc-

cesSs: Q pooTmm in car sales CTiying standards improyed rapidly during the postwWar boom. 2 a poom year (for trade, exports,etc.) Ca property/housing boom c a chaotic period of boorm sand bust 一compare SLUMP 一see also BABY BOOM > POPULAR PERIOD 2 [usually sing sa petiod When sth Such as a Sport or atype of music suddenly becomes very Popular and successful: The only way to satisfy the golF Doomta Was to Duila more coOUTses.

* ON BOAT 3 a long pole that the bottom of a sail js at:= tached to and that yo move to change the position of the Sail 一picture 上 PAGE R3

*SOUND 4 [usually sing.] a loud deepzsound: the distamt Doon of the 8uns 一See also SONIC BOOM > TIN RIVER/HARBOUR 5 a foating barrier that is placed across a Tiver or the entrance to a HARBOUR to Prevent Ships or other objects from coming in or going out >* FOR MICROPHONE [email protected] long pole that carries a_MICROPHONE Or other equipment 理 VE * MAKE LOUD SOUND 1 [V] to make a loud deep sound:

Outside,, thunder poomed and crashed. 了 ~ (out) to say sth in a loud deep voice: [V speech] Get outof 7ny SigRt Je boommed. ce [V] A yoice boommed out 广om te darkness. 和 Fe had abpooming voice. > OF BUSINESS/ECONOMY 3 [V] to have a Deriod of rapid growth; to become biggen more Successful, etc.: By the

了J980s,, tphe computer industry Was boomming, CO BUSiriess 计 Doornimgl

poom box nown (especialy NAm 日= GHETTO BASTER boom-er /bumac)/





了 (NAmE)



boom-erang /bumaerasn0/ mou1; ye屿 吾 IOU1 a ctrvedflat piece of wood that you throw and

|as:bird | eabout |rsit|isee|imany|ngot

(Br | osaw|wAeup

| 5 put

ui too


that canfly in a circle and come back to you. Boomerangs werefirstusedbyAustralian Aborigines as weapons when they were hunting. 四 Vvejb [V] 计 a plan boomerangs-on sb, it hurts them in-

stead of the person it was intended to hurt FIRE

Q Jussy one to boot 一more at BIGddj,FILL TOUGH ad


maljl an adult child who returns home to live with his or her parents after being away for some time

cessful becatuse trade and industry has developed there boon /bumn/ noun ~ (to/for sb) something that is very helpful and makes jlife easier for you: The new software Wil prove a boom to JmnternetUsers.

THROW OUT boot.boy /buztbor

boon com'panion7noun Uiterom) avery good friend boon:docks /bumndnks; NAmE -ddks/ (also_ boon-ies) mouUm [pl.] (NAmE_ informal,disaopproving) an area far away from cities or towns NAmE




that wagstes time and/or money

boor /bus(D); bo:(0D; NAmE bur/ noum (old-foshioned) a rude Unpleasant person boorish /boarJj; "bor-; NAmE 'bor-/ adj (of people and their behaviour) veryunpleasant and rude boost/bu:st/ verb, noun 下 Verb [VN] 1 to make sth increase,, Or become better oO Imore Successful: to _boost exports[profits 2_The 7Tnoyie jhelped boost her Screen career C to boost Sb confi-

boost:er /bustaG)/ novun 1 (also "booster rockel a

0o训 /bu:t/ novi verb

上1OU1 了T a strong shoe that covers the foot and ankle and

often the lower part of the leg: (BrE) Walking bootsnc (NAm 日nikingboots capairofblackleatherpookse coWboy

一See alsO DESERT BOOT,FOOT二Picture 只 SHOE Dootks BALL BOOT,WELLINGTON 2 (BJE) (NmE trunlg the space at the back of a car that yoU PUt bagS,, Cases, etc一See also CAR BOOT 她e Iuggage 碎 切 e boot ip: 7 Dut SALE- picture 只 PAGE _RI 3 [usually sing:] (Informal) a quick hard kick: He gayve the pall a tremendous boot.

[Er be given the boot | get

the 'boot(informal) to be told that you must leave youUT job or that a relationship you are having with sb is Over

the bootis on the other 'foot(B/E) (NAmE the shoe is

changed so that sb now has Power Or authority OVer the person who Used to have POWe OF authority Over them puit/stick the 'boot im(BrE:jinformal) Tto kick sb very hatrd, especiallywhertheyareonthe ground 2 to attack sbbycriticizingthem whentheyareina difficult situation to boot(old-Joshioned or hurmmorous) used to add a comment to sth that you have said: He Was:Q Yegetariam, Ga71

u actual

| army

| ao now

| er say

| ac go (Br6)

1Ta small confined Place

Where you can do sth privately, for example make a telePhone call,or vote: Q phone booth 2 a polling/voting booth 一see also PHOTO BOOTH,TOLLBOOTH 了字 a Small tent or temporary structure at a market, an exhibition or a FAIRGROUND,, Where yotu can by things,get information or watch sth 3 a place to sit in a restaurant which consists of two long seats with a table between them

,Boot 'Hilmov7 [U] (Us, jpjormah, humorous) (in the Wild West) aplace where people are buried poot-lace/buxtlers/moun [usuallypl.] along thin piece of leather or string used to fasten boots or shoes bootlace fienovnatiethatis asthin as apiece ofstring

ROCKET that gives a SPACECRAEFT extra POWer When 让 leaves the earth, or that makes a MISSILE go further 之 3 device that gives_ extra Dower to a_piece of electrical equipment 3 an extra small amount of a drug that is given to increase the effect of one given earliep for example to PIotect you from a disease for longer: da tetanus booster 4 athing that helps, encourages OF improves Sb/ sth: a miorale/comfidemnce pooster 5 (especially NA 日a person who gives their suUpport to sb/sth, especially 逊 Politics: a mmeetirlg of ReDpUDLica7l poosteTsS booster seatnoun a seat that yoOUPut on a car Seat,, OF on achair at atable, so that asmall child can sit higher

on the other 'fool used to say that a Situation has

(Br 1 (Unformaj) a violent

booth /bu:5; NAmEbu:b/ moun

dence/morale ce Getting that job did a lot to boost Ris ego (= make him feel more confident), 了 (NAm 语 nj mmal, becoming old-joshioned) to steal sth 昌mOUN [usually sing.] 1 something that helps or encourages sbysth: a great/tremendous/Welcome boost2 The tax cuts w 记 give a TUch meeded boost to 妇 e econiomy: 之 Winning tue competition Was Q Wonderful boost Jor her morale 2 aniincrease in sth: a Doost in car Sales 3 an increase in power in an_ engine or a piece of electrical equipment 4 :(especially NAm 有 an act of pushing sb UP from behind: He gayve her apoost ovyer the frtce.

4 (NMm 有 = CLAMP(2)


young inan, especially one with very short hair and big heavyboots 2 in the pasb aboyemployed to clean boots and shoes 'Iboot campnounT atraining camp for new members of the armed forces, where theyhaveto workhard 2 atype of Prison for young criminals where there is strict discipline 'boot-cut codj, [usually before noun] boot-cut trousers/ pants are slightly wider at the bottom of the legs where the material goes Over the feet or shoes bootee (also bootie /buzti:/ novn 1 a babys sock, WwWorn instead of shoes: a pair of bootees 2 a womans Short boot

(NAm 扬 交 卫 本 0 a piece of work that is unnecessary and



be/get booted (Nm 已 injformalj) 证 you or your car is booted, a piece of equipment is fixed to the cars wheel sothatyoucannot driveit away, Usuallybecausethe car is jllegally Passd 一See also CLAMP ,boot sb 1LOWESTPART T [Cusually sing.] ~ (of sth) the lowest Part of sth: Footnotes are given at the bottom of each page. 3 Waited for 切em atthe bottom of the Fi CTPe pookKTWart [Cusu蕉 right at te bottom (= of the pile), Ta TOP ally sing] ~ (of sth) the Part of sth that faces downwards om the andisnotiasually seen: The 7mnanufacturersmame

important thing that yoOU have to consider Or accept; the essential point in adiscussion;, etc.: The bottomm Line Et 雪 at Wejhavetomakeadecision today 2 (business)the amount of money that is a profit or a 1oss after everything has been calculated': The bottom Line Jor 2004 was Q Pre-taxX Profit of E85 milliomr 3 the lowest Price that sb will acand thats my bottom Lel 一 Gept:5Two 太oUsand

bottom-'up 5dj (of a plan, project, etc') starting With

Dottom of the Plate.

details and ther later moving on to more general pPIinciples: Q pottom-up approach 如 tacKling the _problem一

3 [CUsually sing.] ~ (of sth) the lowest

stifaceontheinside of a container:TJfound Some coins dt the bottorn of my 5ag. > OFRIVER/POOL 4 [singj]the groundbelowthewaterina lake, rivep swimming pool etc.: e dived 识 and Rit Pis head om 女e pottormm:

> END OF STH 5 the ~ (of sth) [sing] (especally BrE) the

compare TOP-DOWN botu-iin /botjulm; NAmE "baztjs-/ noun [U] the poisonous substance in the bacteria that cause BOTULISM

botu:jism /botjulzzem; NAmE batJa-/ noun [U] a Ser

工 part of sth that is furthest from you; youUr house; etc.: Wentto the school at the pottom of our Street 2 There Was astiream atthe bottom of thegarderL

>, LOWEST POSITION 6 ~ (of sth) [sing.] the lowest position

jn a class, on alist, etc.; aperson, tearm, etc, thatis in this position: Q bpattle petWee the teams at the bottomm of the 1eague Youjhayeto be prepared to Startat the bottormn and Work youUr Way UDP. CTWas QlWayS Dottormm of the class 训 math、I23 TOP y Br 日the Part of the body * PARTOF BODY 7 [G (especia必 BACKSIDE, BEHIND thatyou sit on

| army

| anow

| ersay

| sugo (Br6

1T(NMmE informal apersofn who

earns moneybytaking advantage ofbad things that happen to other people or by using things that other people throw away 2 a fish that feeds at the bottom of a river, lake or the sea



'drawer noun (Br items for the house col-


Footisused totalk abouta limited numberofthings: 让 is used most often with tree hilwmountiai Stepystairs and 50ge. Bottom can be Used to talkabouta much widerrange ofthings including those mentioned above forfoot.Foot is generally Used in moreliterary Contexts:


used to say what Sb/sth is really like:

lected by a woman, especially in the pasb 问 Preparation r) 一compare forher marriage (and often kept in a drawe

oot[Ssing]thelowest partofsth: Atthejotofthe stairs


at bottom

广centred, be/iie at Their ofjfer to help was at bottom sel the bottoim of sth to be the original cause of sth, especially sth tinpleasant the bottom' drops/falls out (of sth) People stop buying or Using the products of a particular industry: The bottom has 台 llen out of the trayel market bottoms 'upl (informal) used to express good wishes when drinking alcohol, or to tell sb to finish their drink getto the bottom of sth tofind outthereal catuse 一more at HEAP 几 ,HEART, of sth, especially sth unpleasant ,SCRAPE V, TOP Im., TOUCH V PILE 下 Gdj. [only before noun] ip thelowesb lastor furthest Place or position: the bottomm line (onmnapage) cyoUr botto7n LiP 了 the bottom step (of aightofstairs) ceon the bottom sher Put your clothes 识 the bottom drawer 2 Their holse 太 at the bottom end of Bury Road (= the end furthest 他om where youenter the road). 2 识 妇e bottommn Fighnthamnd co 广 Perofthepagethebottom end oftheprice ranlgsecto8oUuP aia in bottom gear C We came bottom (= got the WorISt result) With 12 points,TEIU see BETV 一See alSO ROCKBOTTOM bottom 'out(of prices, abad situation, etc.) 目 VeE疙 to Stop getting worse: The recession is .finally beginnmning to Show sigrls of bottomming OUL

jious illness caused bybacteria in badly Pieserved food

bou-cle /bu:kler/ noun [U] wool which has Small twists in itWwhich looklike knots; cloth made from this Wool

bou-doir /udwa:O)/ noun (old-joshioned) a woman's small private roOom Orbedroorm bouf-fant /bu: 售;NAmEbu:faznt/ ad (ofa person's hair) in astylethatraises itup and back from theheadin ahigh tround shape

bou-gain-vil-lea (also bou-gainvillaea) /bu:gen VI

lia/ novn atropical climbing Plant WwWith red, Purple, white or pink 提owersS

| oo go (Nm 有 | orboy

| Inear

| ee hair

| 5e pure


172 |

bousghy/bao/ novn (Jormaljor /ierary) alarge branch of atree

bought2 ppofaBov bouil:la-baisse /bu:jsbers/ novn [U] (fronmi Fench) a Spicy fish soup from the south of France

bouillon /bujon; - 诞;NmE -jazn/ movn [u,G aliquid made by boiling meat Or vegetables in water used for Imaking clear soups or Sauces

boul.der/bsuldaa);NAmE'bool-/ noun averylarge rocK Which has been shaped by water or the weather

boul:dering /baolduarm; NmE

'boul-/ noun

[u] the

Sport Or activity of climbing on large IOcKs

boule (also boulee /bul/ noun [U] a French game 记 Which Players taketurns to roll metal balls as near as DOsSSible to asmall ball

boule.vard/buleva:d; NAmE'buolavard/ movn 了T (BrE)a Wide city street, often with trees on either side 了 (bb

BlvdJ(NAmBawidemain road (often ased inthename of Streets): SUnset BoUIevard Raounmnce/bauns/ vemb, nou1 四 Yelb * MOVEOFFSURFACE 了 过 sth botnces or you bounce it, it Imoves quickly away from a surface it has just hit or you make it do this: [V] TRPe ball boumced bwice before he could Teac 几 让 2 Shortsound Wayes poumnce o 矿eve small objects. CThelightbpounced o太 the riyerand dazzled her o [VN] She

Dourtced the pall against the WwalL 和 *MOVEUPAND DOWNZ [V] (of a person) to jump up and down on sth: She boumnced UP amd dowi excitedly om the ped.

3 [VN] to move a child up and down while he or

She is sitting on your knee in order to entertain him or her 4 to move Up and downi; to move sth up and down'

[V] Herphair bpounced as she walked. [alsoVvN] 5 [v +advy prep.] to move up and down in aparticular direction: The DUs poumced down the RiL > MOVE WITH ENERGY 6 [V + advVprep] (of a person) to Inove Somewhere Da lively and cheerful way: Fe Dou7aced across the rooma to greettheim. > CHEQUE 7 [V VN] (Unformal) 庄 a cheque bounces, or a bank bounces it, the bank refuses to accept it becatse there is notenotugh morney in the account

*IDEAS 8 [VN] ~ ideas (off sbj/laround) to tell sb yotr

ideas 记 order to find out what they think about them: Be pounced iaeas o太 colleagues eyeryWjere he WentE “COMPUTING9 [VVN]~ (sth) (back) ifanemail bounces or the System bounces it, it returns to the person who Sent 让 because the System cannot deliver 让 * MAKE SB LEAVE 1O [VN] (njformah especialyNAm 日 sb (from sth) to force sb to leave a job, team, place, etc.: He Was S007L DouTiced 廊ommz the Post [IE be'bouncing off the walls(mnjozmal/)to be so full of energy or SO _excited that you cannot keep stil ,bounce 'backto-become healthy, :successful or confident again after being ill/sick or having difficulties ERIRECOVER: Fes had a Lot of problerms,bUL he aways See1ls to poUnce pacK pretty dgUiCKIX “bounce sb 'into sth (BrE) to make sb do sth without giving them enough time to think about 让 在/11OU17 * MOVEMENT 了 [G] the action of bouncing: orie OUrice Of

the pall 2 (NAmE a pounce (= iDcrease) 识 :DoDularity

2 [Lu]the abijlitytobounce orto make:sth bounce: Theres Pot TUCR DoUPce:le 识 these balls. 2 Players coO7mplaimned QPout the UPeyet poumce of the temnnmis cOUVT > ENERGY 3 [U,C] the energy that a person has:AIL Peroid PoUTce Was bacK. C THere Was Q pouiice to Pis step. * OF HAIR4 癌] the quality in aperson's hair that shows that it is in good condition andmeans thatit does notlie

faat: 轨 训 万ne haip 1acking 识 boumce

[II on the 'bounce(B15 jjormal) one afterthe other, without anything else coming between: WeYye wom six Tatches on 态 e poumce.

boun:cer /baunsa(r)/ novn Ta person employed to stand at the entrance to a club, pub, etc. to stop People


| ddid


| 9get

| hhat

| jyes

who are not wanted from' going in, and to throw out people who are causing trouble inside 2 (in cRICKET) a ball thrown very fast that rises high after ii hits the ground

全oun:cing/baomnsIm/ adj. 一 (with sth) healthyand full of energy: Q Doucing paby poy

bouncy/baonsi/ adj. 站 thatbounces well orthathasthe abilityto make sth bounce: Qyery poumcypall cehis poumcy D1ond curls 2 (BrE) a poumcy castle (三 a Plastic castle or other shape which is filled with air and which children can jump and play on) 2 lively and full ofenergy

bound om /baond/ adj., ye 心,moun 一see also BINDY 目 Qdlj. [not before noun] 1 一 to do/be sth certain orlikelyto happen, or to do or be sth: There are Dound to Be chartges WPhet the new System is introduced. cs bound to besurmy a8ainm tomorroWw 2 ZUye done so 7much Work 一you7e DoUPad to Dass 妇 e exam. e 下 Wa5 bouid to ha5ppemr soomer or later(= we should have'expected ie Youyre bound to De meryous 太 e Jirst timne (= its easy to understand). 吃 Dote at CERTAIN 也 一(by sth) | ~ (by sth) (to do sth) forced to do sth bylaw, duty or a particular situation: We are mot Dounmd py the decision. 2 ZU are bou7id by 纺e comtractto pay peforetheend ofthe month cl(BrE 石rmahlTam pound to sayTdisasgree with youom t芒z DointE 3 (in compounds) prevented from going somewhere or from work ing normally py the conditions mentioned: Strike-bound trayellers Joce Iong delays 2 Jogbpounrd airport 4 一 (for…) (also in compounds) travelling, or readyto travel, in a particular direction or to a particular place: ho7meWard bound (= going homejioa plane bound JorDublin ce Paris-pouvnd 2 morthbound/southbourd/eastboumd/ Westboumnd IE be .bound 'up in sth very busy with sth; Very interested or inpvolved in sth: Hes too bound up n his worK to hayermnuchtimneforphischitdren. bound and

de'termined (NmB very determined to do sth be bound to'getherby/in sthto be closely connected: com-

TuUnities pouUPna together by stoms and traditions bound

"Up with sth closely conneeted with sth: From tat 7mo-

Tnent TY Le pecarne 训 extricably pound up Witph jers II be bound(old-joshioned, Br 司jnformah Ifeel sure-more


晶Ye/几 了 [V + adyVprep]torun with long steps, especially in an enthusiastic way: The dogs pounded ahead. 2 [vN] [usually passive] (1jorma/) to form the edge or limit of an area: The 放eld was bounded on the lefRyawood. 到IOU1 (加 rmal) a high or long jump 二see also BOoUNDSs

[Er seeLEAP1.

bound.ary /baundri/ noun (p/ -ie9 Ta real or imagined line that marks the limits or edges of sth and separates 让 from other things or places; a dividing line:

mationalboundaries c(BrE) countby poundaries ebpoumdary

chanSes/Adisputes C The fence marks the Doumndary betbWeen TY Droperby.and hers. 2 Scienttists continue to PLUS pack the boundaries ofhuPnam Knowiedsge. ctphe pornmdary PetWween acceptable amd Unacceptable pehayiour 必 note at


之 (iD CRICKET) a hit of the ball that crosses the

boundaiy of the Playing area and Scores extia points

bound:en/baunden/ ad

;Im a/yourbounden duty

(old-foshroned, jormalj) something that you feel you muUst

dojiaresponsibility which cannotbeignored

bound:em'baonde(nD/ moun (oldjoshioned; Br informal aman who behaves badly and cannotbe trusted

bound form(also ,bound'morphemae moun(jngois

tcs)a unit of language that can'onlybe used as part of a word, not as a Word on its own, for example 4 史记 “SlowlyY

boundiless/baondlas/ ad withoutlimits; seeming to haveno end


bounds /baondz/ movun [pl] the accepted ofr furthest

limits of sth: beyomndZoutsidewithnin theDounds of de: ceicy 2 PUBIic spemnding must pe Kept Within reasonabIe bpounds: 2 下 Was noE beyonidthe bounds or Possibility that they Would meet again one day c Bis entiausias7n KmneWw TO Dotnds (= Was Very greab. ID out of bounds 1T (in some sports) outside the _area of Play Which is allowed: His ShotwWent out of 5ounds 也 (NAmB) not ITeasonable Or acceptable: His deimanas Were oi 丰 of

bounds,out of 'boumds (to/for sb) (especioly Br 日让 a

| keat

本 Fleg

| mman

| :anow

| ppen



Place is out of bounds,, people are not allowed to go

there 一see also OFF-LIMITS 一more atLEAPD. boumn:teous /baonties/ adj (Jormalj or Jiteramy) giving Very generoUsly

boun-tiful J/bauntrfl/ adj (Jormalj or /iteromy) 1 还 large duantities; large: Q pountifulsuppty of food 2 giving generously GENEROUS: pelief ina bpountiflgod boumnty /baunti/ novn (pi-ies)T [U,C (Witerory) generous


bend: [V] The pines bowed 识 the Wind. ec [VN] Their backs Were bowed Under the Weight of their packs [IE ,bow

and'scrape (disapproving) to be too polite to an important person in order to gain their approval

actions; sth Provided in large quantities 2 [C moiey given as a Teward: a pounty humnter (= sb who catches

criminals or Kills people for areward) bou:quet /buker novn TIG a bunch of flowers arIranged in an attractive way So that it can be carried in a ceremonyorpresented asa gift: The LittIegirLpresented the Princess with a large bouguet of flowers. .2. [CU] the Pleasant smell of a type of food or drink, especially of


bou-quet garni /buker gazmi:; NAmE gazrmi NAmE also bogkeI/ noun (Pbou:quets garnis /bu:kergazmiz; NAmE gadzrmni NAmE also booker/) (from French) a bunch of differentHERBs in asmall bag, used in cooking to give extra 人lavotr to food


down to sby/sth (disapproving) to allow sb to tell you what to do ,bow 'out (of:sth) to step taking part in an activity, especiallyone in Which you have been Successful in the past: She has 7inally decided is time to pow OUE of international tennis. bow to sth to agree unwillingly to do sth becatise other people want you to: They naly bowedto pressure 广of 纺 epUblic 2 She powedto theineyvitable (= accepted a situation in which she had no choice) aJtd resigried. 昌 1OUm 了 the actofbending yourhead orthe upperpart of yourbody forward ip order to say hello or goodbye to sb or to showrespect 2 (alsobows [pl.]) the front Part of a boat or ship 一picture 号 PAGE 'R2 一COmPpare STERN 几 . take a/your 'bow (of a perforimner) to bow to the audience as they are APPLAUDING youU 一more at SHOT1.

bowz /bso; NAmEbow/ nouUn, yeb 一See also BOW1 上四 IOU1 1 aweapontsed forshooting arrows, consisting of along curved piece ofwood with atight string joining its of American wHISKY made with CORN (MAIZE) and RYE ends: He was armed with a bow anmnd arrow: 了 aknoft 2 [Caglass ofbourbon with twoLoOops and twolooseends which is used for decbour.geois /bue5wa:; ,boe'3wa:; NAmE ,bur'3-; "bor3-/ oration on clothes, in hair etc. or for tying shoes: to te adj. 1belonging to the middle class: a traditional pou 六 your shoelaces 识 QGpowe Herhair was tied back in aneat geois Jamipy 一see also PETIT BOURGEOIS 了 (disapproving) bow 一 picture 只 KNOT 3 along thin piece of wood with interested mainly in possessions and social status and thin string stretched along it used for playing mnusical Supporting _traditional values: pourgeois attitudes instruments such as the VIOLIN 一Picture 只 PAGE R6 tastes C Theyye becoTmne yery pourgeois Since they got 7mma广 [EU see STRING1. Fried 3 (Politics) supporting the interests of CAPITALISML: 上四 Ve 上bb [V VN] to use abow to play a musical instrurment pourgeois ideology bourgeois 10uUn (中bourgeois ) that has strings


/bs:ban; NAmE "bsrbsn/ novun T [uiG atype

bourgeoisie pourgeoisie



,bors/ noun the

[sing+ sing/pl.yv] Tthe middle classes 记

Society: the rise of 妇 e bourgeoisie 识 妇e minteteenth century 2 (politics) the CAPITALIST class: the Proletariat and the DoUrgeoisie


/bas:k; NAmEbs:rk/ novn IE back of Bourke

(AustralB) (in) the country along way frormn the coast and

From the name of the towns; ip the OUTBACK town 让 New South Wales. bourse /boes; NAmE bors/ noun (from French) a STOCK EXCHANGE, especially the one in Paris

bout /baut/ novun 了

一 (of sth/of doing sth) ashort Period

of greatactivity; ashortperiod during which there is alot of a particular thing, usually sth unpleasant: Q drinking

bout e the 1atest bout of inflation 字 一 (of sth) an attack

bowd:.ler'ize (BrEalso-ise)/baudqlararz/ ve凡 [VN] (ustally disapproving) to remove the Parts of a boole Play etc. that you think are likely':to shock or offtend People EXPURGATE[aMISTI Named after Dr Thomas Bowdler, who in 1818 produced a version of Shakespeare 位om which he had taken onlt all the material which he considered not suitable for family use.

/bauel/ noun 1 [Gusually pl] the' tube along


Which food passes after it has been through the stomach, especially the end where waste is collected before 让 这

passed out of the body: (medical) to emptyArmove/openm your bowek (= to Pass solid waste out of the body) > Dowel caicer/cancer or the bowel 2the bowels of sth [pl] (Niterary) the partthat is deepest inside Sth: A mumble 方om the bowels of the earth (= deep under caime ground).

or period ofillmiess: Q seyere pout of 有 ULcouSghing 2 He SU广 大red occasional pouts of depressiom 2 (NAmE) a DoUL Withn 'Ibowel movement (also movement) noun (medicah the Ji 3 aBOXING OFT WRESTLING Imatch an act ofemptying waste iaterial from the bowels; the sells that shop/store Small a movn /buztik/ boutique waste material that is emptied fashionable clothes or expensive gifts bower /baoasG)/ movm (iterary) a Dleasant Place in the bou-ton.niere /bu:ton'jeaCD; NAmE butn'Iri -tenjer/ shade Under trees or climbing plants in a wood or garhoun (NA 日= BUTTONHOLE(2) den/yard

bou-zou-.Ki /bo'zu:ki/ nown a Greek musical instrument With strings that are played with the fingers

bo:vinme /bs5vain; NAmE'bou-/ adj. [usually before noun]

1_(iechnicol connected with cows: bovine diseases 2 (disapproving) (of aperson) stupid and slow Bov:rilrwm /bovra; NAmE'bav-/ houn 1 LU] a dark Substance formerly made from beef now made from YEAST, Used in cooking and for making drinks 2 [U,G a hot

drinkmade by mixing Bovril with water bovver boots /bove buzts; :NAmE mazver/ moun


(informal) strong thick boots that cover the ankles and

lower part ofthe legs and are tied With SHOELACES 一see also BOW2 bowz /bau/ verb, nou1

上 YyVe凡 1 [V] 一(down) (to/before sb/sth) to moveyourhead

orthetophalfofyourbodyforwards and downwards as a to Sign ofrespect or to Say bello OF goodbye: He powedlow 态 eas5emibled croWQ CO The peopIe all powed down Defore

纺 e FiDeror

QZ [VN] to move

yoUT head forwards


Stood dowmnWards: She Dowed Fer head 识 Shame. coThey sth isSilenceWithi their heads bowed. 3 to bend or make

s see

| ttea

| vvan

| w wet | :zzoo

| shoe


/bauebas:d; NAmE'bauerbs:rd/ noun a bird

found in Australia, the male of which decorates a Place WwWith shells, feathersi etc, to attract females

bow:fin /aufin; NAmE 'boo-/ noun (Pbpow-fin orbow-

fins) an American fish with a large head that can SUTVive

for alongtime out of Water bow-.ie Knife /bsuinarf; NAmETboui/ noun alargeheavy nife with along blade, used in hunting lbpaQ@wvi


/bsol; NMAmEboul/ noum, ve 几

国 IOU1T 1 [Cl (especially in compounds) a deep * CONTAINER round dish with awide open top,used especiallyforholding food or liguid: a salad/ 刘 uit/SuUSam etc. powiLeSa Washing-UD bow1 >AMOUNT tained in * SHAPE 3 bowl: the

2 [G (also bowlful /fol/) the amount conabowl: abowlofsoup [qthepartofsome objects thatis shaped like a 一picbowLofaspoonie atoiletViayatory bowi

ture 多 CUTLERY

| 5 vision

| tchain

| ds5 jam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0D sing

bow legs * THEATRE

174 |

4 [C (especialy NAmB) (in names)alarge round-

theatre without a roof used for concerts,, etc:. outdoors: the Hollywood Bow1 > BALL 5 [Caheavywoodenballthatisused in the games ofBOwWLS and BOWLING


6 bowls [U] (NMmEalso'lawn bowling) a game

played on an area of very smooth grass; in which players take turns to roll bowls as near as possible to a small ball > FOOTBALL GAME 7 [C (Nm 有 (in names) a game of AMERICAN FOOTBALL Played after the main Season between the bestteams: thne Super Bow1 至 .Ver > ROLL BALL 1 [v VN] to roll aball in the games of bowls and BOWLING, >* IN CRICKET 了 [VVN] tothrow aball to the BATSMAN (= the person who hits the ball) 人 note atTHROW 3 [VN] 一

sb (out) to make the BATSMAN have to leave the field by throwingaball that hits the WwWICKET =*MOVE QUICKLY 4 [V + aqdvVprep] (BrE) to move quickly in a Particular direction, especially in a vehicle: Soom we Were bowiling along 纺 e couUTLby roads. ,bowl sb 'over 1 to ruin into sb and knock them down 2 to surprise or imnpress Sb a lot

bow legs /bso legz; NAmE ,bou/ moun [pl.] legs that cUIVe ouUt at the knees bow-legged /ba legIdq; NAmE ,bow/ adf/.

bowi.er /beule(oD; NAmE 'boo-/ noun

(in cRICKET) a

Player who throws the ball towards the BATSMAN 一pic-

ture 只 PAGE R22 2 (also ,bowler 'hat) (both especaly BrE) (MAmEusuallyderby)ahardblackhat with a curved BRIM and round top, worn, for example; in the Past by men in business in Britain 一Picture 忆 HAT

bow-line /baulam/ nouvn aropethat attaches one side'of asailtotheBow ofaboat

bowfi-ing /baola; NA7E'bou-/ noun [U] a gameiwhich Dlayers Toll heavy balls (called BowLs) along a special track towards a gIOUP of PINS (= bottle-shaped objects) and try to knock over as manyof them as possible 一coim-

pare BOWLS

'bowiins alley 5ovn a building or Dartof a building Where people can go bowling

bowfiing green ovn an area of grass that has been cut Short on which the game ofBOWLSs is played

bow-man /baoman; NAmE 'boo-/ noun (以 -men /man/) (old:joshioned) = ARCHER. bow-strings /baustrm; NAmE'boo-/noun the string on a BOwW2 which is pulled back to shoot arrows

* IN SPORT 8 [G an areaonasportsfieldthatismarkedby lines and used for a particular PuUrpose: (BrE) Fe Was Jouledin the box (= the Penalty box):

> FOR MAIL 9 [C] = BOX NUMBER 一See also PO BOKX rcPROTECTION 10 [G (Br6) a piece of plastic that aman Wears Overhis sex organs to Protectthem while he is Playing a SpDort, especially CRICKET > TREE/WOOD 11 [CuU] a small EVERGREEN tiree Or bush With thick dark leaves, used especiallyfor garden HEDGES

12 (alsoboxwood) [U] the hard wood ofthis bush IE Sive sb a box on the 'ears (old-joshioned) to hit sb with your hand on the Side of their head as a Punish-

Iment 一more at THINKY,,TICKV,,TRICK 1. 下 VE/b > FIGHT T [Vv VvN] to fight sbin the SPorEtOofBOXING * PUTIN CONTAINER 2 [VN]~sth (up)to putsth in abox

[IE box 'clever (8/E /normajto actin acleverwayto get what you want Sometimes tricking sb box sb?s'ears (old-joshpioned) tohit sb with yourhand onthe side oftheir head as a punishment ,box sb/sth 'in 1 to PreVvent sb/sth from being able to move by surrounding them with people, vehicles, etc.: Sommeomne had parKked DePind Us amd poxed us 训 . 了 [usually passive] (of a situation) to Prevent sb from doing what they Want by creating Unnecessary DPIOblems: She 友 上 poxediin py al their petty TULes.







NAmE) aclosed coachVcar on atrain, with a sliding door, Used for carrying goods boxed /bbkst; NMAmEba:kst/ adj putand/or soldin abox: QG Doxed set oforigimnal recordimgs boxer







boxes,,especially as a job: a_ professionalLAamateur/ Jeayvyweight boxer 2 alarge dog with smooth hair a short fat nose and a tail that has usually been cut very Short 电






(BrE) a form of exercise that uses movements and equipIent used in BOXING,

"boxer shorts (also boxers) (NmEialso shorts) noun [pl.] menms UNDERPANTS similar to the SHORTS worn by Doxers: aQ pair of boxer Shorts

baox:ful /boksfol; NAmE'bazksfol/ noun afullbox (ofsth) box-ing /boksm; NAmEbaks-/ noun [ 国 asportin which two People fight each other with theirhands, while wear 雇g Very large thick gloves (called boxing gloves) a boximg charmpior match ce heayyweightDoxirtg

BOox-ings Day novn [,G (BrB the first day after Chris-

bow tie /ba 'tar; NAmE ,bov/ novun aman'stie thatistied

mas Day that is not a Sunday. Boxing Day is an official holiday in Britain and some other countries.

in the shape ofabow and that does not hang down 一pic-

box jumction (also box) movn (BrE) a place where two

ture c> PAGE RI4

roads cross or join, marked with a pattern of yellow lines

bow-wow /bau wau/ nounm achild's word foradog

lboOx 0 下 OU1

to show that vehicles must not Stop box Kite noun a KITE in the shape ofa long box which is

/boks; NMAmE ba:ks/ mouwm, ve 内

open at both ends

>* CONTAINER 1 [C] (especially in compoundsj a container made ofwood, cardboard, metal, etc. with aflat stiffbase and sides and often alid, used especially forholding solid things: She Kept all thpe Letters 识 a box caoney box carqboard poxes ca toolbox c a matchbox- picture 吃 PACKAGING 之 [C] a box and its contents: a box of chocolates/Imatches 一picture 只 PACKAGING > IN THEATRE/COURT 3 [Cl a small area in a theatre Or COUIt separated off ffom where other people sit: a box at

the Opera c 雪e WitriessVJUry box * SHELTER 4 [ 〇 a small shelter used for a particular purDose: QsSentry/sSisTrialLpoxe(BrE)atelephoneDoxcrIcalled 请7 广o7ma 坊ePhone pox on 妨 e corner * SHAPE 5 [G a small square or RECTANGLE .drawn on a

box iunch "ovn (NAmB a meal of sSANDWICHES,fruit, etc. that you take to school, worlo etc. in abox-compare BAG




box numiber (alsobox) noun a numbertsed as an address, especially one given in newspaper advertisements to which replies can be sent

box office noun the place at a theatre; cinmemaXmovie theater,etc. where the tickets are sold: The royie has

been Q _huge boxcoffice success

(= iany

people have

been to see it), box room novn (Br asmall room in ahouse forstoring things in

识 雪e box score moun the results of a BASEBAIT game Or other

Page for people to write information in: Put a cross apDPpropriate pox. C to ftickXchecKk a box * TELEVISION 6Gthe box [sing.] (informal especialy B 有 the television: Wjats om the pox tomiigRt2?


7 [C] (BrE) = BOX JUNCTION: Only 女affic turm-

ing rigRht ray entter the Dox.

2 cat |

father | eten

Sporting event shown in the form of rows and columns which include details ofeach playePs performance

box Seat ou1n in the 'box seat (4UstraIE,NZE, injormal) in a position in which you have an advantage box-wood /bpkswod; MAmE'ba:ks-/ noun [U] = Box(12)

| 3:bird |-a about | rsit | isee | Lmany | bp got (Br6) | ozsaw | Acup

| aput | wtoo


lboxy /boksi; NAmE'baksil odj having a square shape: Q


Doxy car



/bor/ 10Un), exclamation

cooked outdoors over an open fire: Were having abraai at

四 mounT [Camalechild orayoung maleperson: QIittle/ smallI/young boyCTusedto play hereasaboy cTheolder

our place next Saturday Cabring-and-braai (= eVeIyOne brings their own meat) 2 ,the surface or Piece of equipment where the fire is made Verb [VN, V] (braais, braai-ing or braaing, braaied ) to cook food over an open fire, especially as Part of a social

Doys at school Used to tease him. Ce NowW Shes a teela8e7 She's starting to be interested 识 boys. 一See also OLD BOY,

TOYBOY 2 [Cl ayoung son: They haye bwo boys and aSirL. CHereldestpoy is atcollege. 3 [C] (in compounds; offemnsive when tused of an older man) aboy or young man who doesaparticular job: adeliyery boy 一see also BACK-ROOM

event 一compare BARBECUE

braai-vieis /brarflers/ novn (SAfrE) 1 = BRAAI(I) 了 [U] meatthat is cooked over an open fire

BOYS,BARROW BOY,,BEST BOY 4 [C] a way of talking about sb who comes from a Particular Place etc.: Hes a

brace /brers/ noun, veb

上 IOUn 1 [cl a device that holds things firmly together or holds and supports them in position: anecKk brace (= woID to support the neck after an injury) 之 [〇 (NAmE braces mightout with the boys Gourboys [pl.] awayoftalking [pl]) a metal device that children wear inside the mouth with_ affection about your country's soldiers 7 (NAmE, to help their teeth grow straight 3 braces (B/E) (NAmE ioboo) used as an offensive way of addressing a black sus-pend-ers) [pl.] 1ong narrow pieces of cloth, leather, man, especially in the Past [ET the boys in blue (njo玉 etc. for holding trousers/pants UP. They are fastened to mal the police ,boys ,will be 'boys (Soying) you should the top of the trousers/pants at the front and back and not be SUIPrised when boys or men behave 训Da noisy Or Passed over the shoulders: Q pair of braces 一picture 只 iough wayas this isPart oftypical male behaviour 一more PAGE RI4 4 [Cusually pl.] (NAm 日=. CALLIPER 5 [C] eiat JOB 六 ,MAN 1 ,WORK 1. ther of the two marks, { }, used to show that the words, 吾 EXclammation (injormal especially NAmB used to express etc,between them are connected 一compare BRACKET feelings of surprise,Pleasure,pain,etc.: Boy 让 SUTe 芭 6 [C] (pbrace) a pair ofbirds or animals that have been hotlc Oh bpoy! Thats Sreatl killed in hunting IE see BELT1. boy band movn a -group of young men who sing Pop 四 ye 由 1 一 sb/yourself (for sth) to Prepare sb/youtself for music and dance sth difficult or unpleasant that is going to happen: [VN]

Iocal boy cacity/country boy 5the boys [pl.] (Unjo 玉 mal) a grouUpiof male friends who often go out together: Q

boy-cott /bozknpt; NAmEazt/ verb, noOUn

UN froops are braced for 7more Violence. C They are bracing themselves foralong Iegal battle. [also VNto inf] 2 [VN] ~

旧 Ve 册 [VN] to refusetobuy use ortake part in sth as a way of Protesting: We are asKing People to boyco夺 8&oods 帮om companies that Use child Iabour

sth/yourself (against sth) to Press your body or Part of

your body firmly against sth ip order to Stop yoUIself from falling: They braced themselyes against the Wind. 3 [vN] to contract the muscles in your body or Part of your body before doing sth that is physically difficult: Fe 访 the stood with his 1egs and shoulders braced ready to 1[ Weights: 4 [VN] (technical) to make sth stronger Or more solid by supporting it with sth: The roof was Draced by LIengths of tirmper

上四 IOU1 二 (of/on sth) an act of boycotting sb/sth: Q trade

boycott of Brihish goods 2 da boycott on the USe of tropical Wood 开

boyf /borf/ novn (BrE, informalj) aboyfriend boy.friend 0 /borfrend/ nou1n aman orboythat sbhas aromantic or sexual relationship


boy-hood /bomhod/ noun [U] (becoming old-foshionedl)

,braceand 'bi novnr atoolformaking holes, with ahan-

s/ 广iends Tiemorie boy-ish /bormf/ odj. (opproving) looking or behaving likea boy in awaythat is attractive: boyish charrm/ emthusiasmm e herslimiboyish 六gure > boy'ishly 0dv boyo@ /boreou; MAmE 'borou/ noun (injormah used for

bracer /breiseGr)/ noun a drink, usually alcoholic which is intended to give Strength to the person who drinks 让

dlethatyou turn round and round brace-let /brerslat/ noun a piece of jewellery worn

thetimein aman's life when heis aboy: boyhood days/

around the wiist or arm 一Picture

bra.chio-pod /braekiepod; NAmE-pd:d/ nounm (biology) a shellfish that has two joined shells and uses Small TEN-

addressingaboyoramanin Wales ,boy 'racer noun (BrE njormoh disapproving)aiman, especially a young man, who drives his car too fast and with-

TACLES (= long thin parts) to find food


,Boy 'Scout noun (US or old:joshioned) a boy who is a

brac-ing /brersm/ adj (especially of weather) making

Inember of the SCOUTS

boy.sen.berry /borznbari; MAmE:-beri/ noun (pl -ies) a

large red fruit like a BLACKBERRY. The bush it grows on is also called a boysenbeiTry. ,boy 'wonder "oun (Unformo/ hummorous) a boy or young man who is extremely good at sth bozo /bauzao; NAmE 'bouzou/ moun (P/ -os) (nornmah especially NAmE) a stupid person bpi /biz pi: 'ar/ obbr (computing) bits Per inch (a measure

ofthe amount of data that can fit onto atape or disk) bps /bi: pi:'es/ abbr (computing) bits Per Second (a mmeasure ofthe speed at which data is sent OF Teceived) 蕊Gaobbr = BECQUEREL

Br obbor (in writing) British jbra /bra:/ 1 (also jormal brassiere) oun a Piece of womens underwear worn to coOver and SUPPort the breasts

2 (also'car bra) (also auto bra) a tightly fitting coOVer

that is put over the front end of a car to Protect it, Somepotimes made ofa material that absorbs the wavVes fom lice RADAR equipment, so that iis more difficulttotellifa driver is going too fast

bracket /braekrt/ noum, ve 必

@ 1OU1 T (also roumd bracket) (both BrE) (also parem-

thesis NAmE or jormaj) [usually pl.] either of a pair of marks, () placed around extra information in a Piece of Writing or part of a Problem in mathematics: PUDblicatiom dates are giyen 识 brackets after each title. Add the numET 一COImPare 一See also ANGLE BRACK bers in bracKkets 记 7 沪 2 [usually pl.] (NAmE) = SQUARE BRACKET BRACE 3 price, age, income, etc. ~ PIices, etc. within a Particular range: people 识 the Iower 识come bracket 2 Most of the jhouses are OUL of our price bracKket 2 the 30-34 age Dracket (= People aged between 30 and 34) 4 a piece of wood, metal or Plastic fixed to the wall to SUPPOITta Shelft lamp, [VN] 1 to put words,information,etc,between

brackets 2 ~ 一Aand B(togethen | 一 A (together) with B [often passive] to consider people or things to be similar or


| army

| au go (BIB)

/braken/ movun [u] a wild plant with large

leaves that grows thickly on hills and in woods and turns brown in the autummny/fall


(also braai-vleis) a social event at Which food is

| er say

you feel full ofenergy because it is cold: pracing Sea Qir


目 yerb

上 71OU1T

| aonow

/braekia'sores/ Houn_ a Very large

DiINOSAUR whose front legs were much longer than its back legs

out care

braai /brar/ nouvn; yemb (SAHr6)


connected 记 Some way: 夏 六 Unfair to bracket together 夸ose Who camnnot worK with 雪 ose Who Wi mo

| ou go (MAmB)

| of boy

| re near

| ee hair

| se pure


176 | lbraimn-chmildl /bremtfara/ movm fsing.] an ideaiorinven: tion of one person or a small group of People

brackc'ish /brakrf/odi (ofwater) saltyin antunpleasant Way: brackish IaKkesXIagooms/marshes

prad /brad/ novrmasmallthin nail with asmall head and aflattip

brad.awl /brado:l/ noun a small Pointed tool used for Imaking holes

jbrae /brer/ moun (ScotE) (often ip Place names) a steep Slope orhil Brae:burn /brermbsm; NAmE -bs:rn/ moumn a type of red and green apple

jbrag /braeg/ vemb, noun 卓 Verb (gg-) 一 to sb (about/of sth) (disopproving) to talk too Proudly about sth you own or sth you have done BOAST: [V] He pragged to his 广iends about the crirme. [also vthat, Vspeech] 豆 OUm [U] a card game which is a simple form of POKER

brag.ga:docio /braega'deutfisu; NAmE-doutfioo/ noun

brain damage brain caused

”maged a 丰


[U] permanent damage to the

-by illness or an accident



1Tsuffering ffom serious damagetothe

brain and needing machines to stay alive 了 (humorous) Very stupid and boring; not intelligent

orain deatlhn ov7 [U] very serious damage to the brain that cannot be _cured. A Person who is stuffering from brain death needs machines to keep them alive,even though their heart is still beating.

brain drain moun [sing:] (pformalj the movement of highly skilled and qualified People to ai country where they can work 让 better conditions and earn more money

brainm-less /breimles/ adj stupid; notabletothinkortalk in an intelligent way


/brempaueC)/- moun

[U] the ability to

think; intelligence

[uU] (terary) behaviour that seems too Proud or confident jbrag:gart /braegat; NAmE :gert/ noun (old-/oshioned) a ” person who brags

brain:stemm /bremstem/ noun (anatomy)the central part


brain.stormn /bremstozm; NAmE -stoxrim/ nouv7 [sing]

/brdcmasn/ (also Brah-min

/mm/) mouma

Hindu who belongs to the CAsTE (= division of society) that is considered the highest originallythat of Driests

Brah.min /bramm/ mov 了 = BRAHMAN 了 (NAmB) a Person who is rich and has a lot of influence ip society, especially sb from New England whgse family belongs to the highest social class: a Bostom BraPrmim

Brahms andj Liszt /bramz en(a) rst/ adj (BrE, injor /al/) drunk (used especially in London by cocKNEYS) ETISDI From rhyming slang, in which Brahms and Liszt stands for Pissed7.

of the brain,which SPINAL CORD

continues _downwards

to form the

1 (BrE) a sudden inability to think clearly which causes unusual behaviour: She had a prainstorma 识 tphe exarmm and didmntarswerasingle question. 了 (NAImE) = BRAINWAVE

brain-storm-ing /bremstozmm; NAmE -stozrm-/ noun [u] a way of making a _group of people all think abonut sth at the same time, often in.order to solve a problem or to create good ideas: a praimstorTming Session brainstorm ve吃: [VN] Brainstorrm as mamy ideas as possib1e. [alsoV]

brain surgery noun [U] FE it's not 'brain surgery (nformal) used to emphasize that sth is easy to do or

loraid /breid/ noun, yerb


ROCKET\SCIENCE: Looj,, this ismt praim

有 0OU1 了 [U]ithincoloured rope that is used to decorate furniture and military uniforms: The generals uniform Was trimmed With gold braid. 一picture 只 TAssEL 2 [G (especially NAmE) = PLAIT: She Wears her hair 训 praids,

rain-teaser noun a problem thatis difficultbut fun to

昌 VE 上 b [VN] (especially NAmE) = PLAIT: Sheid braided jher

brain-wash /bremwpf; NAmE -wdJ; -wo:f/_ verb ~ sb


Braille (also braille) /breH/ noun [U] a system of printing for blind people in which the letters of the alphabet and the numbers are printed as raised dots that cari be read bytouching them


om /bremy/ nouwn, ve上b

国 OU1 >* IN HEAD 1 [G the organ inside the head that controls Imovement thought memory and feeliig: damage to 态e Drain e prairl cells 2 She died ofa brain tmour Ca device to measure prair actiyity during Sleep 一picture 多 BODY “FOOD 2 brains [pl] the brain of an animal, eaten as food: sheep3S brairs =1INTELLIGENCE .3 [U,C ,usually,pl] the abijlity to learn quickly and think aboutthings in alogical and intelligent Way: 下 doesmnttiake much brain to Work out 雪 at poth stor ies CQnLEDe trUue. CTeachers Spotted thatjhe had agoodprain

atamearyase.eJIZoUneedbrains asWellas brawn (= intelligence as well as strength) to do this jo5. 一see also NOBRAINER. * INTELLIGENT PERSON 4 [Cusually pl.] (morma/) an intelligent person: one ofthe bestscienEpicbrains 识 te COUPDY 5 the brains [sing.] the most intelligent personin a Particular group; the person who is responsible for thinking of and organizing sth: Hes aways been the brains of the Jormail 2 The bands drumrmer i the prains behind tei Latest yemture. [rm have sth on the brain (ijormaj to think about sth all the time, especially in a way that is annoying: Be has SEX On the prain. 一more at BEATV,BLOW V,CUDGEL

SUTSery WeTe doing here.


(into doing sth) to force sb to acceptyour ideas or beliefs, forexample byrepeating thesamething manytimesorby

Preventing the Person from thi clearly: [VN] The 8rOUP 1 accused of prainywasPhing its young members Women haye peen prainwashed into thinking that tey TUSt SO ouUt to WorK 训 order to 多 态]themselves. [also VN, VN to inf] brain.wash:ing mou7m [U]: the victrms of DrainyWwashing amd torture

brainm:wave /bremwerv/ moun

1T(NAmE also brain-

storm) a sudden good idea: 7yve had a brainwave electrical signal in the brain

2 an

braimy /bremi/ adj (informalj) veryintelligent lbraise /brerz/ vemb [VN] to cook meat or vegetables very slowly with a little liquid 记 a closed container: Draising

steak (= that is suitable for braising)

bralke /brerk/ noxn, ve方 旧 1OU1 了 a device for slowing or stopping a_ vehicle: to PuUtASIam on the braKkes c the DraKke pedal 一pictuire 己 BE

CYCLE, PAGE RI 一See also AIR BRAKE; DISC BRAKE, FOOTBRAKE, HANDBRAKE 之 ~(on sth) athingthat stops sth 5F makes it difficult: High interest rates are Q brake oPn te ecOmnOTY IETJ see JAMY: 目 yeb to go Slower or make a Vehicle go slower using the brake: [V] The carpraked and swerved CThe truckbraked

toahalt Youdontrneedtioprake ateyverypend Shehad to prake hard to avoid runming into the car 方ont C [VN] He braked the car andPpuled in to theside ofthe roadL

brake fluid ouvn [U] liquid used in BRAKEs to make the different Parts move smoothly

PICK V,RACKV 是 Ye 上 凡 [VN] (pformalj) to Kill a person or an animal by hitting them very hard on the head

brake light(NAmEalso 'stop lighb noun a ied light on

brain.box/bremboks; NAmE-bazks/moun (BrE informal

brake pad moun athin blockthatpresses ontothe discin

aperson who is very intelligent


-| qdid

| ffall

| gget

the back of a vehicle that comes on when the brakes_are Used aDISC BRAKE in aVehicle, in order to stop the vehicle

| h hat

站 jyes-|

k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| p pen

| rired

bram:ble /brambl/ nown T (especialy Br6 a wild bush With THORNS on Which BLACKBERRIES gIOW 2 (Br6) = BLACKBERRY | Bram.ley /bramli/ noun a type of large apple, used in cooking lbramn /brzn/ noun [U] the outer covering of grain which is leftwhen the grain is made into flour lbramcih 0

/bramtf; NAmEbraentf/ noum, veb

下 0OU1 * OFTREE 1 apartofatreethat grows out from the main STEM and on Which leaves, flowers and fruit grow 一Pic-

ture 必 TREE * OF COMPANY 了字 alocal office or shop/store belonging to alarge company or organization: The Dark has bra7tches allLoyer the country 2 OUr New ZrK pranch is dealing with the matter * OF GOVERNMENT 3 apartofa government or otherlarge organization that deals with one particular aspect of its WorKk DEPARTMENT: the anti-terroristbpramch * OF KNOWLEDGE 4 adivision of an area ofknowledge ora group of languages: the bramch ofcommputer Sciemnce Know as artificial Intelligence >* OF RIVER/ROAD 5 a Smaller or less important part of a Tiver, road, railwayVrailroad,etc. that leads away from the main part: abrarch of the Rhine c abpranch line (三 3 small line off a main railway line, often in country areas) * OF FAMILY 6 a group of members of a family who all havethe same ANCESTORS: My UncIes branch ofthejformniy emigrated to Ca7tada. [CTU see ROOT @@ Verb [v] to divide into two or more parts,especially smaller or less immportant Parts: The accident happernted

WPhere the 7oad Dramches.

,branmch 'off 1 (of a

ioad or river) to be joined to another road or Tiver but lead in a different direction: ,7ust after the Iake the pat Drarniches offto therighit 2 (ofaperson)toleavearoad or path andtravelin a different direction ,branch 'out (into sth) to start to do an activity that you have not done before, especially in yourwork or business DIVERSIFY: The cormpany bramched out into selling insurance. C 工de-

cided to brarch out om Imy OWPL

有 ramdgdi 0

sth) to mark an animal with a BRANDm.(3) to show who

OWmns 让

brandc-ed /brandrd/ odj [only before noun] (of a Prod-

uct) made by a well-Known company and having that companys name on it: pramded dru8s/Soods/ Products

brand-ing /brandmy/ noun [U] the activity of giving a particular name and image to goods and SeiVices So that People will be attracted to them and want to buythem

'branding iron:novn a metal tool that is heated and used to BRAND farm animals

bran-dish /brandrf/ vemb[VN]tohold or wave sthyespecially a Weapon; in an aggresSive OF excited way

Irand name (also 'trade name) oun the narme given toaproductbythe company that Produces 丰

bramnd 'new odjcompletely new: Qprand new comPUter CShe bought jher car prand meW.

brandy /braendi/ noun (pP/ -ies) T [u,G a strong alcoholic drink made from wine: 2 [G a glass ofbrandy

| vvan

| 冯 wet

brandy'butternoun [U] averythick sweet sauce made WwWith buttem sugar and brandy, often eaten with CHRIST-


'Ibrandy snap moun (especially Brb) a thin crisp biscuit/ cookie in the shape of a tube, flavotured with GINGER and often filled with cream brantulb novn (Br6) acontainer that holds Prizes hidden ip BRAN,Ppaper, etc.,Which children have to findzas a

game brash /braJ/ adi. (disapproving)jT confidentin an aggresSive Way: Beneath his prasj exterior hess still a Little boy

inside. 2 (Br (of things and Places) too bright or too

noisy ip a way that is not attractive brash.ness Own

上 brash.ly dv


bprass /brds; NAmEbraes/ noun =“METAL T [U] abrightyellow metal made by mixing COPPER and ZINC; Objects made ofbrass: solid brass 万ttimngs/ door hamdles Capbrass plate (= asign outside abuilding giving the name and profession of the person who works there) c to cleari/Ppolish the brass “MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 了 [U+sing:/pl. v] the mtusical ipstruments made ofmetal, such asTRUMPETS OFTFRENCH HORNs, thatform aband or section ofan ORCHESTRA; the

People who

Play them:

brass 一compare

music jor Piano,strirgs





WIND INSTRUMENT 一picture 只 PAGE R6 * FORA HORSE 3 [C] (BrE) a decorated piece of brass used as a decorative object,especially a round flat Diece attached to a horse's HARNESS =1N CHURCH 4 [G (especially BrE) aflat piece of brass with Words or a picture on it fixed to the floor or wall of a church in memory ofsb whohas died

IMPORTANT PEOPLE 瑟 [U+sing./pl.v] (especially NAm 月 三 TOP BRASS * MONEY 6 [U](oeld-foshnioned, BrE njormal) money 一see also BRASSY IE ,brass monkeys | ,brass'monKey weather (BrE, slang) 让 you saythat it is brass monkeys orbrass monkey weather you mean that it is Very

cold weather brass 'neck/'nerve (BrE informajl a com-

Branded as liars amd cheats. CO _[VN-N] The mnewspapeTs branded jher a hypocrite. [also VN-ADI] 了 [VN] ~ sth (with

| ttea


bination of confidence and lack of respect: Tdidmntt tinK

/brand/ movn, veb

上 moOUn T atypeofproductmadebyaparticular company: Which 5ranid of toothpaste aoyouUUse2 2 (BJE) ZU Pay less 克 r切 esupermarkets oOWm praned (NAmE) ZUPaYy Lessjo7 态e store bramnd co brand Ioyalty (= the tendency of customers to continue buyingthe same brand) c ChaTmnpagSrie Fiouses oWe 二 Eir Success to Drarid imiage cothe leading Dranmnd of detergent -see also OWN-BRAND 也 a particular type or kind of sth: am umorthodox prand of hurmour 3 a mark made with a piece ,ofhot metal, especially on farm animals to show who owns them 卓 ve 上bb[often passive] 个 一sb (as) sth to describe sb as being sth bad or unpleasant, especially unfairly: [VN] They Were



| z zoo

| 1 shoe

She would have the prass neck to do that the ,brass ring (NMmE informal) the opportunity tobe successful; Success thatyou have worked hard to get: The girls outdoor track team jhas Srabbed .the -brass ring , SeyenL 右me5. From the custom of giving a free Tide to any child Who grabbed one ofthe ringshanging around the side of amerry-go-Iround at a fairground: (get down to) brass Yacks (informalj) (to start to consider) the basic facts or Practical details of sth 一more atBOLD, MUCK 1

,brass ,bamnd novn [Ctsing:/pl.Yv] a group of musicians Who play brass instruments

,brassed 'off odi/. (B7E slansg) annoyed FED UP pras:.serie /'"braeseri; NAmE,braeseTiz/ nouUn atype ofrestauirant, often one 记 a French style that is not Very expensive bras:sica /DrssiKa/ moun a Plant of a type that includes CABBAGE, RAPE and MUSTARD

brass.iere /Draezia(rD); NAmE bre'zm/ Houn (jnmnal) 三

BRA. ,brass 'kmuckjles noun [pl.] (NAmE) = KNUCKLEDUSTER 'brassrubbing 7ovn [u,G the art ofrubbing a soft pencil or CHALK on a piece ofpaper Placed over aBRASS in a

church; the pattern you getby doing this brassy /brazsi; NAmE "braesi/ adj. 1 (Sometimes disapPproving) (of music) loud and unpleasant 了 (pformah qisapproving) (ofawoman)j dressing 记 aWaythat makes her sexual attraction obvious, but without style: the prassy Dionde behind the bar 3 like BRAss(1) in colour; too yellow and bright 4 (MAm 有 Jnformal) saying what you think, without caring about other People brat /braet/ mouwn (informah disapprovn8g) a Person, especially a child, who behaves badly: a spoiled/spoilt brat

| 5 vision

| 训 chain

| usjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing

brat pack

178 | lbra-:zij /bra'za/ (also bra'zil nut) novmthe'curved nutof

the 'brat pack "own [usually sing.] a group of famous young people, especially film/movie actors, who sometimes behave badly bra-vado /bre'vazqao; NmE:-doo/ noun [U] a confident Wayofbehavingthatis intended to impress people, sometimes as a way of hiding a lack of confidence: ai -act of Sheer brayado


om /jbrerv/ adj ,verb, nouw1

昌 ddj. (braver brav-est) 1 (ofa person) willing to dothings which

are difficult,dangerous or painful; not afraid COURAGEOUS: praye me anid women 2 Be prayeleT Wasnit praye eniousgh to 如 1her whatTthouvghtofher 了 2 (of an action) requiring or Showing courage: a praye decisiom Shediedafterabrayve isghtagainstcancern ce 帮 LthormeSick,but 7made Qa braye attermmpt to appear cheer记 1 .3 一 new (Sometimes ironicl new in an impressive way: QVisiom

ofaprayvemnew Britain

bravely adv bravery /brervaeri/

moun [U] COURAGE: a1TL_ award 如r outstarding Drayery C acts of SKill and brayery (a) ,brave new

"world a situation or society that changes in a way that is meant to improve People's lives but is often a source of extra Problems: the brave new World of techmnologyPput on

albrave 'face | puta braye 'face on sth to pretend that

you feel confident and happy when you do not 旦 Verb [VN] to have to deal with sth difficult or unpleasant

in order to achieve sth: He did not feel up to brayving tbe Jjournalists atthe airport C Over athousand people brayed theelements (= went outside in spit& of the bad weather) to attend the marcph. 是 IOU1 了 the brave [pl.] people who are brave: Armerica, the land of the free and the horne of the brave 了 2 [G (old加 shioned) a Native American WARRIOR

bravo /bra:xvao; NAmE-Voo/ exclamation (becoming old如 shioned) people say Bravol at the end of sth they have enjoyed, such as a play atthe theatre

bra-vura /bra'vjuera; NAmE -vjure/_ noun [U] (Jorma)) great Skill and enthusiasm in doing sth artistic: a brayura performance braw /bro:/ odj. (ScotE) fine: brawlads and bonmylassese 开 Was a praw day.

lbrawl /bro:l/ noun, yerb 旦 OU a noisy and Violent fight involving a group of People, usuallyin a public place: a drunken brawl cnote

a large S American tree. It has a hard shell with three Sides. 一picture 只 NUT

Bra-ziliamn /bra'zaien/ adj ,noun 晶 0dlj. from Or connected with Braz这 日1OU1 a person 位om Braz计

Bra,zilian "wax noun a style of removing a woman's PUBIC hair using WAX, in which almost all the-hair is re-

Imoved with only avery small central strip remaining breach /brixtf/ novn, yeb 至]1OU 了 [CU]~ofsth atfailure to do sth that must be donebylaw:abreach ofcontract/copyrigPht Warramnty

CTheyarein breach ofArticle179.c(BrE)(a) breacfiofthe Peace (= the crime ofbehaving ip anoisy or Violent way in public) 2 [CU]~ of sth an action thatbreaks an agreement to behave in a particular way: a breach of co万derice/trust Ca breach of security (= when sth that is normally protected is no longer secure) 3 [C a break in a relationship between People or countries: a breacph 六 Fra7tco-Ger7mamrelations 4 [G anopeningthatis created during a military attack or by strong winds or seas: THPey escaped through abreacp 访 切e wirejmce. See STEPYV 日Ver [VN] 1 to not keep to an agreement Or not keep a Prormise BREAK: THPe goVvermnmient 苹 accuUsed of Dreaching the terrms of 妇e treaty 2 toimakeahole 雇 a Wall,fence,etc. So that sb/sth can go through it: The damm jhad been breached.


om /bredj novmi[u]

1 atype of food made from four water and usually YEAST mijixed together and baked: a IoajfAsiice/Ppiece of


CC White/brown/wholermmeal

bread 一see



了 (old-josh-

ioned slang) money IEIm take the bread out of sb's mouth to take away sb's job so that they are no longer able to earn enough money to live 一more at DAILYdd/.,

HALF det, KNOW Y,SLICED breadand buttermovn[u]1:slicesofbreadthathave been spread with butter: a piece of Bread amnd Dutter 2 (niormal) a person or company's main source of income

bread-and- butter odj [only before noun] basic; very important: Employment and taxaton are the bread-andDutter issUes of politics.

bread-and-butter pudding /ievn [U,C].a pEssERT (= Sweet dish) consisting of layers ofsbread with butter on, COoked with dried fruit in a mixture ofeggs and milk

atFIGHT 昌 yejb [V] to take partin anoisy and violent fightb usually ia public place: They Were arrested for brawling in the

bread:bas-Ket /bredba:skrt; NAmE -baes-/ moun [singj]

brawnmn /bro:n/ moun [U] 1 physical strength: In this job you need brains as Well as brawn. 2 (Br (NAmE head-

'bread bin (8 日 (NAmE bread-box /Dredbbks; NAmE

Street > brawler noun

cheese) meat made from the head of a pig or CALF that

(especially Nm 有 thepart of a country orregion that prIoduces large amotunts of food, especially grain, for the rest of the country or region

-ba:ks/) noun a wooden, metal or plastic container for keeping bread in so that it stays fresh

has been boiled and pressed into a container, served cold in thin slices brawmny /bro:ni/ ad (Unformal) having strong muscles BURLY: He was aQ great Drawny brute of a mam. bray /brer/ ve 履了 1 FEV] when a poONKEY brays, it makes a loud unpleasant sound 2 (ofaperson)jtotalk orlaugh in aloud unpleasant voice: [V] He brayed with 1aughter Ca Draying yoice [also V speech] > bray moun

bread-board /bredbo:d; NAmE:-bord/ movmraflatboard

bra'zen /brerzn/ odji ,vemb

called a readfruit tree'. bread-line /bredlamy/ moun [sing.] (BrE) the level of iDcome of veIy poor people: Mamny people Without jobs are living om the breadiline (= are VeryPoorT),

时 0dj. 1 (disaopproving) open and without shame,ustally about sth that people find shocking SHAMELESS: She had become brazemnn aboutthe whole affair cmisbrazen admission tat Phe Was cheating 2 made of orthe colotr


brazenly ady: She had' braxenly admitted

allowing Pairm back into the house. brazenness moun [U]

是 VE/少 ashamed

,brazen 让 'out to behave as if you are not or embarrassed about sth even though you

Should be: Now 纺 at eyeryone new thing to do was to brazen 让 OU

the_ truth the only

bra-zier /brerzieCD)/ noun a large metal container that holds a fire and is used to keep people warm when they are outside

used for cutting bread on bread-crumibs /bredkramz/


[pl] very small

Pieces ofbread that can be used in cooking

bread:ed /bredrd/ odj covered in breadcrumbs

bread-:fruit /bredfru:t/ movun [CU] (P/ bread:fruit) large tropical fruit with a thick skin, that tastes and feels like bread whemn it is cooked. It grows on a tree Which is

bread pudding noun [u,Gl aheavycake orpEssERT (三 SWeet dish) made by pouring eggs and milk over bread and then cooking it with dried fruit and sugar

bread 'rollnown = RoI bread 'sauce noun [U] a thick sauce made with bread and spices, often served with chicken or TURKEY

bread-stick /bredstrk/ moun Ta long thin Diece of bread, which is drylike abiscuit 2 apiece of freshbread, baked in the shape ofasmall stick

acat | dfather | eten | s: bird | a about | rsit | isee | imany | p got (BrE) | os saw | A cup |

put | utoo

breadth /bredb/ own [u;G 1 the distance or measurement from one side tothe other; howbroad or wide sth is WiIDTH: Sheestimtated the preadthofthelaketo be500

7mmetres. 一COmpare


了 a Wide range (of know-

ledge, interests, etc:): He was Surprised at her breadth of Teadimg. C The cuUTTriculuma mneeds breadth amd balance. Ca mew Political Ileader Whose preadth of visionmn (= willingness to_ accept new ideas) camn persuade others to chamge [ET see LENGTH

'bread tree (also 'bread paim) "oun alargeplantfound in tropical and southern Africa whose thick main STEM canbemade into atype offlour

bread-win-ner /bredwmaCr)/ noun a person who supPorts their H 计 With the money they earn

aa Ji preakiis as ae oftime between lessons at sw The NS Ameusan English wordiis 有 seeoinaaer doing one afts We 和 0 Re 人 Lis

My watch has brokemn. o [VN] Tthink Tye broken the Was7-

img machine. >* SKIN 3 [VN] to cut the surface of the skin and make 让

> LAW/PROMISE 4 [VN] to do sth thatis against the law; to notkeep apromise, etc.: to breaKk the IaWATUIes/comditions Cto break an agreemeit/a corltracta Dromise/your Word COtobreak an appointrtent (= not to come to it 2 He was breaking the Speed 1imit(= travelling faster than the law allows). > STOP FORSHORTTIME 5 一 (forsth)tostop doing sthfora while, especiallywhen itis timeto eatorhave a drink: [V] Lets breaKk for Juncj e [VN] a brokenr mights sleep (= a night during which you often wake UP)2 (especially B/日 We broKe our jourmney 识 Oxford (= stopped in Oxford on the wayto the place we were going to), > ENDSTH 6 [VN] to interrupt sth sothat itends suddenly: She broke the silence by coughing CAtree broke his Jall (= stopped him as he was falling). e The Phone rang and broke 7ny train of thought 7 [VN] to make sth end by

| ersay

| ao go (BIE)

> ESCAPE @ [V 二 advVprep] ~free(from sb/sth) (ofa perSOn Or an object) to get away from or out of a Position in Which they are stuck or trapped: He 记inally mamnaged to DreaK 方ee 万oml his attacker >* DESTROY, BE DESTROYED 10 to destroy sth or make sby/ sth weaker; 馈 become weak or be destroyed: [VN] to DreaK Sb 7mnorale[TesistaTlce/Tesolye/SDirit 2 The goyer7TLment Was determined to break the power of the trade umiorls. COThe scandal broke him (= ruined his reputation and destroyed his confidencej:e [V] She broke undergquestoning(= was no longer able to bear it),and:comfessed to eyerything. ~ MAKESB FEELBAD 11 [VN] to make sbfeel sosad, lonely, etc. that they cannot live a normal ljfe: The death of Pis Wife proke hirm commPplIetely. > OF WEATHER 12 [v]to change stddenly usually after a Petiod when itihas been fine > SHOW OPENING 13 [vV] toshow an opening: The clouvds Droke and thne SumLCQTLe OU > OFDAY/LDAWN/STORM 14 :[V] whenthe dayorDAWN ora Storm breaks, itbegins: -Dawn Was Dreaking When 雪 ey 契 Pally Le太一 See also DAYBREAK *OF NEWS 15 [V] 计 a piece of news breaks, it becomes known: There was Q DuUPIlic outcry When thescandal proke. C breaking news (=- news that'is arriving about events


comes permaneritly deeperat about the age of13 or14 > ARECORD 19 [VN] to do sth better fastem etc.than afiyonehas ever done itbefore: She hnad broker the world 100 Tetresy7ecord. C The moyvie broKke alLbpox-ojfice records: >* OF WAVES 20 [v] when waves break, they fall and are dissolved intoFOAM,Usuallynearland: thesound ofwayes Breaking Oo the beach ee The sea Was breaking oyer the WTrecked ship.

arated intotwo orImmoreparts, as aresultofforce;to damage sth in this way: [V] AIL the windows proke With the Jprce of the blast c.She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces,e [VN] to preak acupAwindow 2 She jll ofra Iadderandbroke herarm:oHe broke the chocolate in bwo. * STOP-WORKING 2 to stop working as a result of being damaged; to damage sth and stop 让 from working: [V]

| ao now

8 [VN]toend a connection with sth or arelation-

Ship with sb: Be broKke allLLimKks with te Dermmocratic partby/.

to yo

brealKk 0 /brezk/ ve novn 相 VeE/b (broke /brevk; NAmE brouk/ broken /breoken; NA4mE'brouken/) >*JN PIECES 了 ~ (sth) (in/into sth) to be damaged and sep-

| army


~ OFYVOICE 17 [V] 让 sb's voice breaks, it changes its tone because of emotion: Her yoice broKke as She told US te dreadhful news. 18 [V]:when'a boys voice breaks, it be-

BREATHER OR- BREATHING SPACEz You decide whento take abreather:a , space: hasto be given or won-A breatheri isforrelaxing:a breathing Space isfor sorting things out: ashort breakfrom sth difficult or unpleasant Jpedrug broughta briefFrespite 帮om thep011. 人 meeut(injormal especially NMAmBtimeforresting or relaxing awayfromyourusual work or studies: Joke tmeoutiorelaxby thepool


Using force or Strong action: am attemptto break the year longsiegeC Mamnagementhas notsucceededin breaking the

that have just happened) 16 [VN] ~ it/the news to sb to be the first to tell sb some bad news: Whos going to break iito her?2e7mnsorry to be theone to breaKk the neWws

aa ia bause the ude of a ea of mental or physical effort: 7Tjis delay gives the Pt STH SECRET 21:. [VN] to find the meaning of sth secret: to break a code > MONEY 22. [VN](especially NAmE) to change aBANKNOTE for coins: CamyYou break a twenty-dollar bill2 IEIT Idioms containing break are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idiems, for example break sb's heart is at heart. jbreak a'way'(from sby sth) 1 to escape suddenly from sb who is holding you or keeping you Prisorier: The prisoner broke away 万oma hzs guards. 2 to leave apolitical party, statei etc., especially to form a new one: -The people of the-proyince Wished to Break away and form a mnew state. 一related notn BREAKAWAY 3 to move away from a crowd or group, especially in a race: She broke away 广om the pacKk and opened UDP Qa bwo-secotd Lead. break 'down 1 (of amachine or vehicle) to stop work ing because of a fault: The telephone System jhas-prokem down. @ We (= the car) broke down on the JreeWay. 一related noun BREAKDOWN QZ to fail: Negotiatons petween the two sides haye broken down. 一related noun BREAKDOWN 3 to become Very bad: Her healtp broke down Unmder 妨e DressUre of WoK. 一See also NERVOUS BREAKDoOWwWN 4 tolose control ofyour feelings and start crying: Pe broke downm amd wept when he hearad the Tiews.、 5 to divide intoparts tobe analysed: Expenditu7e om thePproject Breaks downm as jfollows: wages 8IOm,Plant 847m,raw materials 8%571m. 一related-” noun BREAKDOWN ,break sth up


stop saying sth that is not true give sb a 'breakes to give sb a chance; to not judge' sb too severely: Give the lada

break 一 让s only his second day OPm the job. make a break

words that mean breale burst

The baol1oon Mito tree and burst

crack crumble

The ice siarted to crack 。 ”Crumble ihe cheese into Q bowl

cut fracture shatter

Nowscut 雪e wire M wo he 帮 //aond Foctuyred Js Hi JJhe vase hitihe Joor and Shattered


Vandals had smashed two windows

snap split

1 snapped:the Pencl 记 ha 太 Jpe bag had sp 久 Opem 0 功e Way home


| ddid

| ffalh

| gget

| hhat

| jyes


She iore the IEtier inio pieces.

下 办 Ilthese verbs,, except cut,can beused WE Or without


Imake sth separate into smaller pieces; to divide sth into smaller parts: The ship-Was brokem up fjor scrap metaL


(iterory) the momentin the


| Deg=


| mman



| Erpen

| Tired

forsth/for 让 to run towards sth in orderto try and escape: Hesuddaenlyieaptup andrmmnadeabreakjorthedoor They decided to mnake abreak /forit(=,totry and escape) tihat night 一more atCLEANOdf/ : break'able fbrerkebl/adi likelytobreak; easilybroken

breakage /brerkrds/ moon 本 [Cusually'pl] an object that has been broken: The Iast time We moved house there Were very 友 w preakages. 了 2 [U,C] the actofbreaking sth: Wrap 让 UP carefully to protect against breakase. break'away /brerkewer/ adj ,noun 吾 Gdj. [onlybefore noun] (of a Political group, an organization,orapartofa country) having separated from alarger group or country: a breqkaway faction/8grouP/sectiom Cabreakayway repupblic 旦力OU1 [sing.] 1 an occasion when merabers of a political Party or an organization leave 让 iD order to form a new Party, etc. 了 a chamnge from an accepted style: a breakaway 三omt his earLier singing style

break'beat /brerkbit/ noun

1T[Ga series of drum

beats that are repeated to form the rhythm of a piece of dance imtsic 了 [U] dance mnuisic, for example HIE HOP, that Uses breakbeats breakbone fever /brerIkbaon fi:veCr); NAmE -boun/ moun [U] = DENGUE

breakrdancin 名 roun [u] a style of dancing with AcCRoOBATIC “IOVvements, often ”performed in the breakzsdancever5[v] 'break-dancermnovn


breakdown /brerkdaon/ novun 了 [C] an occasion when ayVehicle or machine stops working: a breakdowm on te Totorway C.G preakdownm recoyery service 2 [CU] afailure of arelationship, discussion or system: the 5reakdowm

of amarriase

comarriage breakdown Ca breakdown 碌

COTmIUTications C The breakdown of the negotiatioris Was

Pot Unexpected. ec 态e preakdown .of Law and order 3 [Cusually sing.] detailed information:that you get by Studying a Set of 有gures: Firsb Lets IJook ata breakadownm of the cos6. 4 [U] (techmicaoj) the breaking of a substance into the parts of which it is made: the breakdowm of p7oteins in 妇e digestive System 5 [ 〇 = NERVOUS DOWN: She sill recovering 方om her breakdow7m.



{especiallyin TENNIS)apointthattheperson who is sERVINGInust win in order nottolose a game 3



breakcthrougsh /bretkbra:/ moun an important develLopment that may lead to an agreement Or achievement: to maKke/achieye Q breakthrous 丰 六 喜Sighniicant breaF态rougR 识 negotiations Ca majior breakthroug天 识 cancer research

breaktimme noun [U] (Br6 = BREAK break-up "ovn 1 the ending of a relationsh 让 or an asSociation: the breakup of their marriase ceJormilyy breakUPps 2 thedivision of alarge'organization or country into smaller parts break'water /breikwoxteCD)/ noun a wall buiilt out into the sea to Piotect the SHORE Or HARBOUR 全om the force of the waves breamm /brim/ moun (P/ bream) a FRESHWATER Or sea fish that is tised forfood breast 下 -OU17

om jbrest/ movn, ve 办

FPARTOFBODY 1 [cl eitherofthetwoiound softparts at the frontof a woman's bodythat produce milk when she has had a baby: She 了 PuUE the baby to her breast CObreast carlcer C breastmik 2 [cq the similan smallerparton a mans body which does notproduce milk 3 [G:(MNteromy) the top Part of the front of your body below your neck

CHEST;: She'cradled the child agairistPer breast ”~ CLOTHING 4 [C the pairt of a piece of clothing that COVvers your chest:Arow'of7medals was Din7ied to the breast of his coat

“OF BIRD 5 [cl the frontpart of abird'xs body: breastjeahers C The robin has ared breas “MEAT 6 [GU] meat from the frontpartofthebodyofa bird or an animal: chicKker/ turkey breasts c Dreast of Iarmmb

“-BREASTED 7 (in adjectives) having the type of chest or breasts .mentioned: Q,sSmall-breasted/HulL-breasted Womtar :pare-breasted cothe yellow-breasted male of the


lanenouwr (US) = HARD SHOULDER


truck (Br 日(NAmE 'tow truck moun a

truck that is Used for taking cars away to be repaired When theyhave had abreakdown 一Picture 只 TRUCK breaker jbreIkeG)/ noun a large wave covered with White bubbles that is moving towards land 一see also ciR-




om /jbrekfest/ noun, ye山

Species 一See also DOUBLE-BREASTED, SINGLE-BREASTED *HEART 8 [Cc] (jiterory)thepartofthebodywherethe feelings and emoftions are thought to be: a frouUbled breast


目 yerb [VN] (Jorma1j) Ttoreachthetop ofahill, etc.:Asthey Dreasted the ridge, they Saw the yalley and Iake before thermm. 2 to push through sth, touching it with your chest: He Strode into the oceam preasting 雪 e Wayes.

breast'bone /brestbaun; NAmE -boun/ moun the long fiat bone in the chest that the seven top pairs of RIBs are

可 POUD [CU] the first meal of the day: a Dig/heartyALigRht PreaKkfast 2 (especially BrE) a cooKkead breakfast ecDo yo Want pacon and eggs5 for breaKkfast? 2 They were haying Dreakfast When T arriyed. 2 She doesnit eat TUch prea-

connected to


STERNUM 一picture 只 BODY





/fed/) [v VN] when a woman breastfeeds, she feeds her baby with milk from herbreasts. 一compare BOTTLE-FEED,


NURSEV (6) breast'plate /brestplert/ noun apiece ofARMOUR worn

breakc-in novn an entryinto a building using force, ust-

breast .pocket noun a pocketon a shirt ,oron the out-

allyto steal sth breaking and'enteringmovn fu] (NAmEOF oldf-joshioned) the crime ofentering abuilding illegally and using force

'breaking point noun [u] the time when problems become so great that a person; an Organijzation Or a System

can no longer deal with them: to be at/to reach preakingpointcto pe stretched to breaking point break':neck /brertknek/ odj. [only before noun] very fast and dangerous: to driyve, etc. at breakneck Speed break-out /brerkaut/,novnm an escape fom Prison usually by a group-of prisoners: a mmass breakout 广om da top SecuTitby Prison

'break pointnoun 1 the point where sth, espesialy a computer



| ttea

| ivyvan


| wwet

也 break

| zzoo


| Jshoe

by soldiers in the past to protect the Upper front Part of the body

side orinside ofthe partofajacketthat covers the chest一 Picture cy PAGE RI5

breast pumpmnovnr adevice for getting milk from a woman's breasts, so that her baby can be fed later from a bottle






[u,sing.] a style of swimming that you do on your front, Imoving your arms and legs away from your body and then back towards it in a circle 一picture SWIMMING


om /bre6/ noun

[ulthe airthat yo take into your lungs and send out

again': Bis breath Smells bad)j ec We the top. C She was breathing). 2 [G

| 5vision

| tchain

smelt of garlic. oO bad breath (= that had to stop Jor breath before we got to yery short of breath (= had difficulty an amount of air that enters the lungs

| dsjam

| 9thin-

| 5this

| 0sing

to send air outiofyour luingsthrough your nose or motth ExHALE ;breathe'sthe*iouttosend'air Smokepetc: outofyour lungs through yourmose OF mouth: 瑟Urmma7lS take 识 oxygen and breathe ouUtcarborn dioxide, atone time: to :take adeep breath :erecited the Whole Poem 识 one breath -3 一 of sth [singj] (Jorma assmall bfeatheF/bri:5sGD)/ OU (njiorral) a short pause for amount of sth; slight evidence of sth: a breath of SUSPE restor to ielax: to takeVjhayve abpreather c TELL7me When 一see also ciori/scandal 4 a 一 ofain wind [sing.] (literary) aslight need a breather Ca 记/e-Tminute preather you Imovement of air IE abreath of (fresh) ainr clean air HEAVY BREATHER S> Dote at BREAK : atmosphere dirty a in or indoors breathed in afterbeing preatihn.im包 "0 /Dri6n/7m2vui TU , breath of We1l get a breath of 廊esh air at 1UnChtHrme. the action of taking air into the lungs and sending if OUt fresh 'air aperson, thing or place that is new and different and therefore interesting and excitingthe breath of again: er breathing becammie Steady amd Shie 万 1Lasleep. ife to/for sb (iteramy) an essential part of a Personm's Deep Dreatning exercises Wil jhelp yoOU relax 2 瑟eaVy 伍 EXistence:getiyour "breathz(again/baclo) (Br (also loud) breathing was QILTcould hea7catch your 'breath :NAmE BrE) to breathe normally 'breathingspace novn [CU] ashort restin the middle hold exercise tiring :some again afterrunning or doing of aperiod of mental or Physical effort s Dote at BREAK your 'breath 1 to stop breathing for a shorttime: old



your breath amd count to ten: 也 to be anxious while you are waiting forsth thatyou are Wortried about: He heldhis

breatlh:less /bretlas/odj 1 having difficulty in breath-

say don't hold your breath! to emphasize that sth will take a long time or may not happen: She said shed do 臣 this Week,but dont jhold your breath in the same 'breath_ immediately after saying sth that suggests the opposite intention or meaning: He praised mmy Work,and 识 妇e same breath told meTWwould haye to Leave.ihis/her iast/dying 'breath thelastmoment ofa Person'slife out of 'breath having difficulty breatbing after exercise: We Were ouUEofbreath after only 太veTminutes:;say sthy spealk; etc:underyour'breath to say sth quietlysothat People cannot hear: 久 ULbbishi he murTmured Unmder his breath: take sb's'breath away to beiyery sarprising:orbeautiful: My Jirstview of tphe island 万om the air took ny breath

breathless (= Very fast) pacejJor half an hour 之 一 (with sth) :(jormaj) ,experiencing,, or making sb experience;-a

ing; making it _difficult for: sb to breathe: He arrived breathless_at the top :of the stairs. CThey maintained Q

breath while the results were read ouUL 3 (informal) people

strong emotional reaction: breathless_ With terror


Dreathless excitementofseeing each otheragain: 3 (Jor001 With no air or wind: the preathless heat of a SUImTer afte广 breath.lessiy adv_ breath.lessnessmoun [U] mnoom



-adj. :Very exciting


impressive (usuallyin a pleasant Way); Very-Surprising:Q breathtaking View of the mmouttains C The scenle WaS.OTe'O太 Dreathtaking beauty 人 He spoke With Dreathtaking arTO5ance. PP breathtaking:ly adv: Q breathtakingly expemSive diamond

'Ibreatih test noun astestused by the police to show the


amoltint of alcoholLin a driversbreath

breatihy:/bregti/ adj:sspeaking or singing with a notice-

breath.able /bri:5ebl/ adj. (techmicol) (of material used in making clothes) allowing air to pass through: Breathable, Waterproof clothing 1 essential Jor most Outdoor

able sound ofbreathing


YY bred 5 PP of BREED breech /bri:tf/ novn the part ofa gun at the back where


breath.alyse (Br6) (NAmE breath.alyze) /bregelarz/

thebullets are loaded

verb [VN]- [usually passive] to check how much alcohol a diiver has drunk by making him or her breathe into a

'breech birth (also ,breech de'liveryjinovm abirth 记

the amount of alcohol in a drivers breath

which the baby's bottom or feet come out of thejmother first breeches /brrtfrz/ noumn [pl;] short trousers/pants fastened just below the knee: Q pair Qf preeches 2 riding As breeches

ipreatihe 0 /bri5/ ve7b

卓 Verb (bred bred:/bred/) TIV] (of animals) to have seX

breathalyser: Bot太 drivers were Dreathalysed at the SCeTie of the accident






belaize(Gr)/ noun a device Used by the police to meastre


> AIR/BREATH 1 totake air into your lings and send it ouUt again through yotFnose or mouth: [V] Ee breathed deeply beforespeaking again. CThe air was so cold wecould hardly

and produce young: Ma amirmalsibreed oily at:Ccertain times oF the year 一See also INTERBREED 也 ;[VN] ~ sth

(for/as sth) to keep animals or plants in order to produce young ones in a controlled way: The rabbits are pred for

Dreathe. C She was beginning to breathe moreeasip .2 [VN] Most people doni realize that tey are preathing poliuted air 2 [VN] to send air smoke or a _particular smell out

of yotur monith: He came UP close, breatihing alcohol 刀 mes aILoyer mme. * SAYQUIETLY 3 (literary)to saysth quietly: [Vspeech] 了 7 oyer here,” She breathed. [also VN]

their 1omng coat. 一see also CROSS-BREED,PURE-BRED, THOROUGHBRED 3 [VN] to be the cause of sth::Nothing

Dreeds Success Tike SUCCes5. 和 [VN] [usually passivel ~ sth into sb to educate sb 记 aparticular way as they afe gIOW-= ing up: Far of jaiture was 5red into him at ar earty age.一 See also WELL BRED

“OFWINE 4 [V] ifyou allow wine to breathe, you open thebottle and let air get in before you drink 让 * OF CLOTH/SKIN 5 [v] if cloth,leather,skin,etc- can breathe, aircan move around orthrough it: Cottom cloth-


上 noum 1 aparticular type of animal that has been developed by people in a controlled way, especially a type of dog, eat or farm animal: Iabradors and other Large breeds of dog c_a breed of cattle/sheep, etc. 了 [Tusually sing.] atype of person: He represents amew breediof politiciam. CO Players as SKilhulias this are Qrare breed

imgallowsyourskin to breathe.

* FEELING/QUALITY 6 [VN] (Jormal) tobe fulliof aparticular feeling or quality: Her performamce preathed Witand char7m. IE breathe (easily/freely) again to feel calm :again after sth unpleasant or frightening has ended -breathe down sb's 'neck (informal) to watch,closely what sb is doing in away that makes them feel anxious and/or an-

noyed ,breathe (new) 'life into sth to improve sth by introducing new ideas and making people more interested in it breathe your 'last (iteromy) to die 一more at EASYadj,LIVE1 ,breathe 'into take air'into yoUIT lungs, through your nose Or mouth INHALE 'into take aip smokeietc: into yourlungs 一 ,breathe sth through yotir nose or mouth: His iness 让 Qa result of breathing 识 paint 所 mes Ooyer mmany yea7s. ,breathe 'out

acat | dfather | eten | si bird |.a about 中zsit |

om /bri:dj verb noun

breed.er/bridaC)/ noun a person who breeds animals: adog/phorseXcattle, etc. breeder

breed.ingy/brixdm/7ovn [U] Tthe keeping of animals in order to breed from them: te breeding of horses the producing ofyoung animals, plantsi etc.: the breedihg seaso 3 the farniily or social background'that is thought to result in good manfiers: Q Sigr of go0d breedirtg

'Ibreeding groundmour T [usually pi a Place where wild animals go to produce their young

2 ~ (for sth)

[usually sing.] a Place where sth,especially sth bad,,, is ableto develop: This area of the city has becofme apreeding ground Jor Violent crirme.

see | imany | pgot (BrE) | ossaw

| Acup

| aput| utoo




BIOoun T [G alight wind: aseaibreexeC The jiowers were

gently SWaying im the breeze. CAIightbreeze WasDiowing. 了 [sing.] (Unformal) athing that is easy:to do: It was a Dreeze. [En see SHOOTY 日Verb [V 十 adv/prep]to move in a cheerful and confident wayinaparticular direction: Shejastbreezedin and asKked

7mme to_jhelp. breeze through sth to do sth'successfully and easily: He bpreezed through the tests:

breeze block(BrB (NAmE 'cinder bloclg movr alight building block.made ofsand;, coal AsSHESs and CEMENT

breeze'*way/ brizzwer noun (NAmB amioutside passage with aroof and open sides between two separateparts of abuilding

breezy /brizi/ ad T with the wind blowing quite Strongl 克 丰 WasaDrighib breezy day S the breezy ea5tCcOoast 2 having or showing'a cheerful and relaxed manner: YoDUwre yery brightand breezy today! > breez'iily /bri:zai/ adyv: 完 jl1Ks,y, he said breexzily,breeziness /bri:ziniss/ noun [U]

breth:ren/bre5ren/ noun [pl.] (old-Joshioned) 1 usedto talk to people in church ortotalk about the members ofa Imale religious group: Ietus pray brethren. 了2 People who are part of the same Society as yourself: We should do al We ca to heIp our Iess fjortunate brethrem. Bre-ton /breten/ noun, adl/. 到 MOUn 了 [U] the Celtic language of Brittany in NW France 2 {q-a person who was born in Brittany or wholives in BTrittany

上 Gdj. connected with Brittany or its language or ctlture breve /bri:v/ noun (music) a note that lasts as long as eight CROTCHETS/QUARTER NOTES; Which is rarely used ip modern music

bre.vi-ary /brirviari; NAmE -eri/ nouvmn (愉 -ries a book containing the words of the service for each day in the Roman Catholic church

brev'ity /breveti/ movun [U] (Jormaj/) T the quality of Using few_ Words when speaking or writing CONCISENESS: Te report 1 Qa masterpiece of Dreyib, 2 the fact of lasting a short time: the breyity of hurma7t li 记一see also BRIEF

brew /bru:/ verb, noun 上 Ver 下 to make beer: [VN] The beer 1 Drewed in te Czech Republic. [also V] 2 [VN] to make a hot drink of tea or


eshly 方 brewed coffee 3 [V] (especially BrE) (of tea

of coffee) to be mixed with hot water and become ready to drink: Aways Iet tea prew Jor a few minutes. 4 [V] ~

(up) (usuallyused in the progressive tenses) ifsth Unpleasant isbrewing or brewing Up, it seems likely to happen SOOD jbrew 'up | ,brew sth 一'up(BrE informahto Imake ahot drink oftea or coffee: Whose turn z 让 to brew UPD? 一related noun BREW-UP 昌 0OU1m 1 [CU] a type of beer especially one made.in a particular place: Ithought Tad try the local brew. c home prew(=beermade athome) [Cusuallysing.] (BrE, pfor /md1 an amount of tea made at one time: TU Take a 方esp

brilbeybrarb/ noun;, ve 此 上 IOUm asSum of money or sth valuable that you give or offer to sb to persuade themi to help you, especially by doing sth dishonest: 开 Was alleged that he had taken

pribes WPpile 训 ofice. 2 She had been offered aa 850000 Dribe to drop the charges. 目 Ve 几 .一 sb (with sth) | ~ sb (into doing sth) to give sb money or sth valuable in order to persuade them tohelp you, especially by doing sth dishonest: [VN] They 5ribed the 8Uuards Wiih icigarettes. C She Was bribped into handirig OVer Secret information. C Fe mamnaged to Dripe jhis way onto the ship. [also VN to inf]

brilb.ery /brarbaeri/_novn [U] the _giving or taking of bribes:-She was arrested om Dribpery charges. C allegations of pripery and corruption

lbric-a-brac /brrk a braek/ noun [U] oORNAMENTS and other small decorative objects of little value: mmarKketstalls Sellintg cheap bric-a-brac

loriclK om /brrk/ noun, yerb @I1OuU 了 [CU]baked cLAYused forbuilding walls, houses and other buildings; an_individual block of this: The Schoolis buitt ofpbrick. Capile ofbricks cabrick wall 一see also RED-BRICK 一Picture cy PAGE RI7 2 [C] a Plastic or wooden block, used as a toy for young children to build things with 3 [Cusually sing.] (old-fioshioned,BrE, njor

/maj)) a friend that you can rely on when you need help IE be up against a brick wallto be unable to make any PIogress because there is a difficulty that stops you

bricks and :mortarabuilding, when you are thinking of it in connection with how much it cost to build or how Iuch it is worth: They Pu their mmomney 识to bricks arid

Tortar make bricks without 'straw(BrE)totrytowork Without

the necessary


etc. 二more at CAT1.,, DROP V, HEAD 1., TON 目 VE/b brick sth 一in/up to fl an opening 记 a wall with bricks: The windows had peen bricKked UP.

bbrick-bat /brrkbaet/ noun [usually pl.] an insulting remarkmade in public

brick:lay:er /brrklereG)/ (also BrE_ informal_ brickie Joum a person whose job is to build walls, etc. with bricks > bricklayingmoun [U]

brick-work /brrkwas:k; NMmE -wa:rk/ movun 1 [U] the bricks in a wall, building,-etc.: Plaster had jallen away 识 Places,exposing the_ brickwork. 2 brick'works [C] (P/ brick"works (BrE) a place where bricks are made

lbri'dal /brardl/ ad 六 [only before noun] connected with a bride or a wedding: a bridal gown c the bridal party (= the bride and the bridegroom and :the People helping them at their wedding;i sometimes Used to refer only to

the bride and those helping her) eabridal suite (= a set of rooms in a hotel for a_ couple who have just got married) ce(Nm 日a bridal shower (= a party for a woman who will get married soon)

3 [Cusually sing.] a mixture of

bride /brard/mrovn a woman on her wt iding day orjust

different ideas, events, etc.: The moyie 1 apotent brew of adyveniture, Sex and comedy. CHis miusicisaheady brew (= a powerful mixture) of jheayy netal;and Punk ,[II a WwWitch?s/an evil .brew (BrE).an Unpleasant drinkthat is a Imixture of different things brew.er/bru:eGr)/ novunapersonorcompanythat makes beer

before orjust after it: a toast to the bride and groorm c Fe introduced his new bride.

Drew. CTets hayve a 5rew.

brew:ery /bru:eri/ mour (P1/ -ies) aifactory where beeris made; acompany that makes beer

always have aprew-up at II oclocK

briar (also brienm /brareG)/ movn 1 a wild bush with THORNS, especially a wild ROSE bush 2. a bush with a hard:root that js used for making TOBACCO pipes; a to-


| "army

| aonow

| ersay

| aog8o (Br6)

on his wedding day, orjustbefore orjust after 让

brides.maid /brardzmerd/ novnriayoung woman or girl Who helps a BRIDE before and during the marriage cere-

Iony 一compare BEST MAN, PAGEBOY

loridqj 豆 e 0m /brrd5s/ noum; vemb

brew-house /bru:haus/ noun a factory where beer is made BREWERY 'Ibrew-up noun (BrE informalj) an act of making tea: We

bacco pipe made from this root

bride.groom /brardgrum/ (also groom) novn aman


1 [q a structure that is built over a

Ioad, railwayVrailroad,,riven-etc. So that people or vehicles can cross from one side to the other: We crossed the bridge oyer the river Windrusjh 一See also SUSPENSION BRIDGE;SWING BRIDGE *CONNECTION 2 [Gq athing thatprovides a connection or contact between two different things:.CULtural excRamngSes

areQaway ofbuilding bridges petweeri cOUTttries.

| ou go-(MmE)

| or boy

| re near

| ea hair

| ue pure


184 |

"OFSHIP 3 [Cusually sing.] (usuallythe bridge)the parts of aship where the captain and other officers stand when they are controlling and steering the ship


4 [u] a card game for two pairs of players

who have to predict how many cards they will win. They score points if they succeed in winning that number of 一see ,also CONTRACT cards and lose points 让 they fail. BRIDGE ,OFNOSE 5 the~ofsb's nose [sing.] thehard part atthe top ofithe nose, between the eyes 一picture c> BODY ,OFGLASSES G6 [Gthepartofapair ofglasses thatrests on your nose 一Picture 只 GEASS >、OF GUITAR/VIOLIN_ 7 [q a small piece of wood on a GUITAR, VIOLIN, etc. Over which the strings are Stretched 一 Picture 史 PAGE R7 FALSETEETH 8 [G afalsetooth or false teeth, held pe

manently in Place by being fastened to natural teeth on either side



目 Ver >* BUILD/FORM BRIDGE [VN] to buiild or form a.bridge Over sth: The valley was originally bridged py the Romars. > A

Plank of wood bridsged the stream. [im bridgethe 'gap/gulf/divide (between Aand B)

to reduce or getTid of the differences that exist between two things Or groUPSs of people bridge-building noun [U] activities intended to make relations between two grOUPps, countries, etc. friendlieT bridge.head /brrdzhed/ noun Ta strong position that an armyhas captured in enemyland, ffom which it can go forward or attack the enemy 了 [usually sin8g.] a good posion from which to make DPIogress bridsge.work /brid5wa:k; NAmE-was:rk/ noun [U] 了 artificial teeth and the parts that keep them in place in the mouth 2 the work ofmakingtheseteeth or Putting them in Place

'bridging loan

(BrE) (NAmE 'bridge loan) woun -an

amount of money that abank lends you for a short time, especially so that you can buy a new house while you are waiting to sell your old one bri.die /"brardi/ noun (ScotE) a small PIE containing meat bridle /brardl/ novm, ve 必 上 IOU1 a set of leather bands, attached to REINS, Which is put around ahorse's head and used for controlling 让

上 Verp 了 [VN] to put abridle on ahorse 2 [V]~(atsth) (iteram)toshowthatyou are annoyed and/or offended at sth, especiallyby moving your head up and backwards in a Proud way: She pridled at the SUSSestiot that She Was

ying. 'bridle path (BrE alsoibridle-way /brardlweI/) noUn a rough path that is suitable for people riding horses or walking, butnot for cars Brie /bri:/ novn [u,C] atype of soft French cheese

lbrief om /brif/ odj ,noun; yeb

上 .Gdj. (brief.er,brief.est) 1 lasting onlya short time; short:

QDrieFyisit/TmneetimngXcomntyersation CQbriefpause/sSilenice 和 Mozarts 1 旋 was brief 2 usingfewWwords: abriefadescrzptiomr/sumrmary/account c Please be brief(= Say what you

wantto say quickly). 3 (of clothes) short and not covering much of the body: a brief SKirt see alsO BREVITY, BRIEFLY II in brief in a few words, without details: Tmn brieF the 7meeting Was a disaster C Now the rest of the

mews in brie丰 上 OU1 一See also BRIEFS 了 (BrE)the instructions that a Person js given explaining what their job is and what their duties are: 下 Wasntpartofhnis briefto speak to the press. CT Was given the brief of reorgaTlizing the department o to sftick to yor7 brief (= to only do what you are asked to

do)j e to prepare/produce a brief for sb 2 (BrE /aow) a legal case that is given to a lawyer to argue in court; a

piece of work for a BARRISTER 3.(NAmE /Jow) a Wiitten Sumrmnary of the facts that Support one side of a legal case, that will be presented to a court 4 (BrE, informal) a SOLICITOR or a defence lawyer: 工 Want to see Tny brief


| ddid

| ffal

| gget:|


| jyes

rr hold no brief for sb/sth (BrE jrmaj) to not SuP-

Port or be in favour of sb/sth: I hold mo Drief Jor either side 识 this War am yerb 了 一 sb(on/about sth) to give sb information abotit sth so thatthey are prepared to deal with it: [VN] The o 护 cer briefed her om What to expect CTexpectto be Kept 记 1 briefed at all times, [also VNito inf] 一compare DEBRIEF 2 _[vN;VvNto inf] (BrE, /aowjito give a lawyer especially'a BARRISTER, the main facts ofalegal case so that it can be argued in couUtt brief:case /brifkers/ mouiaflat caseiised for carrying 一COmpare ATts SBAG 一picture Papers and documen

TACH 下 CASE brief:ing /brifmy/ novun 了 [q a meeting ip which People are given instructions -or information: Q Press priefing 一compare DEBRIEFING. QZ [CU] the detailed iDstructions or information that are given at such a meeting: Captaimn

Trent gave his men a 所 1 briefing: oa briefing Sessiom/ Paper

jprief.1y om /brifi/ ad 1 for a short time: He had spoKken to Emma only briefly. 2 infew words: Briefly 坊 e argumentis as 如l1ows … SIet ne tellyou briefty wphat happemned. briefs /bri:fs/ nown [pl.] mems UNDERPANTS OF women's KNICKERS: QPpair of briep

jbrier 三 BRIAR jbri名 /brIg/ moun Ta ship with two MASTS (= Posts that Support the sails) and sqtuare sails especially one on a WARSHIP

区 rig.. bp

之 (NAmE) a Piison,

(in writing) BRIGADIER.

bri'gade /brrgerd/ noun 了 alarge group of soldiers that forms atunit of an army 了 [usually sing.] (often disopproving) used, always with a word or phrase ip 们ont'of it to , describe a group of people who share the same opinions or are similar in some other way: the amnti-sTmnoKking pr

gade 一see also FIRE BRIGADE [ET see HEAVYOCd/-

briga.dier /brrga'dreCoD; NmE-drmr/ novn (opbr Brig.) an officer of high rankin the British army: Brigadier Michael

Sw 诉

brigadier'general "oun an officer of high rank in the US army, AIR FORCE OT MARINES


/brigend/ noun (old:oshioned) a memberof a

group of criminals that steals from peoble, especially one

that attacks travellers


lpri 有 Inht 0-可 /brart/ adj,ady, noun

a 0dj (brighter, bright'est) 1 full of light; shining Strong-

ly: prigRt Light/stmshine caprightroom 2 Her eyes Were

brightwith tears. CQ brightmorming (= With the sun Shining) 2 (of a colour) strong and easy to see: 工 Like brigRt colours. CQbrighityellow dress C Jacks jce 世 rned Drigpt red_ 3 cheerful and lively: His eyes Were bright amd BC cited. Shegavemeapbrightsmile. Why areyou SO bright and cheerful today? Bis 如 ce Was Dright with excite7mment ec note at CHEERFUL 4-intelligent; quick to learn: the brightest PUPiL 识 庚e class Do yoU hayeiary DrigPt iaeas (= clever ideas)? 字 note at INTELLIGENT 5 8giving reason to believe that good things will happen; likely to be successful: This youmng musician has a bright Arttire. 人 Prospects for the commingyear IOoKbright Caprighntstartto the week brightly cdv: aprightby Lit 7oom Ti she

called brightty brightness On

[U] [IEIO bright and

'early very early in the morning: yoUre UP brght and

early today! (as) bright as a 'button (BrE) intelligentand

quick to understandthe bright'lights the excitement of city life: Although he grew UP ithe couUntry hes always jhad atasteJforthebrightLights.a bright'spark (BrE, injo广 7mmalj, often /romic) alively and intelligent Person, especially sb young: Some bright Spark (= Stupid person) Left the tap TUnnming all might a/the 'brightspot a 800d or pleasant part of sth that is unpleasant orbad in all other ways: The Win last Week Was the only bright spot 识 their Iast ten games.lookonthe'bright side to be cheerful orpositive aboutabad situation, for examplebythinking onlyofthe advantages and not the disadvantages

| kcat

| lleg

| mmani | nnow

| ppen

| rred



brilliant 。 fluorescent .Iluminous 。vivid . vibrant Allthese words describe things that are shining orfullof light or colours that are strong and easy to see. ijbright fullof light; shining strongly; (of colours) strong and easy to see:Q prghtyellow dress jbriliiant very bright: The sky wasa briant plue. 和 uorescent producing brightlight by usingsome forms of radiation; appearing very brightwhen light shines on it; that canbe seen in the dark: juorescent1ightinge Gyclists wearing juorescentyellowarnmbaonds Juminous shining in the dark; very bright or too bright: uminous hanmds on'a clock Vivid (approvinsg) (of colours) bright and strong: Mis eyes Were ayvivid green. Vibrant:(Cpproving) (of colours) brightand strong: he 10Oom:Wwas decoratedin yibrantblues amd greens:

VIVID OR VIBRANTZ These two words are very similar but vivid emphasizes how bright a colbur is while vibrant suggests a more lively and exciting colour or combination of colours.

Durnand shine) brightly: The stars were shining pright

@_0OUnbrights: [pl.] (Nm 有 the HEADLIGHTS on'avehicle Set to a Position 训 which they are shining as brightly as

possible and not directed downwards brighteni:brartn/ ye 1 履 tobecome or make sthjlighter orbrighter ip colour: [V] Im the distamnce, 妇e SKY Was pegimPing to brighten.e [VN] ashampoo to prighten .and conditiomn your hair 也 一 (sth) (up) to _become, feel or look happier; to make sb lookhapPpier: [V] Her eyes brightened. CHebrightened UDP att 妇eir words ofencouragement [VN] Asmile brighterted her face. 3 ~ (sth) (up) to becomie or make sth become more pleasant Or enjoyable; to bring hope: [VN] A persomal Ietter Wi usually prigjhtern UP Q Per六 somns day [alsov]4 [VN] ~sth (up)to make sth look more brightly coloured and attractive: Fresh flowers W 记 prigRt-

enup anyroom 训 hehouse. 5 [V] 一 (up)(oftheweathen) to improve andbecome brighter: According to 轨 ejforecasb 证Should brighten UP Iater

(also bright-eyed and ,bushy-'tailed )

adlj (of aperson) full of interest and enthusiasm

,brightyoung 'thins movn an enthusiastic and intelligemnt yotiig person Who wants to be successful in their careeleHISTI From the name Used in the 1920s for rich young people whosebehaviour was considered shocking.

brill /bra/ adj. (BrE, jpformalj) very good

INTELLIGENT 4 (of light or colours) very bright: prilziant Suishine C_Driiant Dp1ue eyes 只 note at BRIGHT 5 (B/E, informaj) very good; excellent: 人Gow Was 让 2 BTilliantl ThamKs. youye beemn priliant (= Very helpful). 只 note at

/braiens/ ,oun [Ujbril'liant'ly

adyv: The plan worked prilliantby. 2 下 Was prilliantby SU

/braientimm/ movpn [U] oil used in the past

to make men's hair shiny

s see

| ttea

| vvan

| -wet

| zzoo

/brmdld/) .9qd/. (of

/brm/ yembbrought ,brought /brozt/) 了

一 sb/sth

(with you) |~ sth (forsb)

| shoe

也 ~sb/sth sth | ~ sth to sb/sth to provide sby/

sth with sth: [VNN] Bis wrihing brings hirm 8I0O000ayear [VN].TPe teams new martager brinigs te yearS exXperienice to the job. 上 CAUSE 3 [VN] to cause sth: The reyolution brougRht Tany

chamges. C_ The news prougRt teaTs to his eyes (= made him cry). e Retirement USUaIy brirgs With 让 a 7massiye drop 总 income. 4 [VN + adv/prep] to cause sb/sth to be in aparticular condition or Place: to pring a Teeting to an end c Bring the water to the boiL cc The article Drought her into comflict with the authorities. Ce Helo Simomnl Whatprings yoU here2? 上 MAKE SB/STH .MOVE

5 to make sb/sth move in a particu-

lar direction or way: [VN + advvprep] Thejudge brougpht Pis Rarmrmer downm on the table. C_[VN -ing] Her cries DrougRhtthe meighbpours running (= madethem run to her). > ACCUSATION .@ [YN] ~ sth (against sb) to officially accuse sb of a. crime: to _primng a charge/a legal action/anm acctlsSaftiort agairistsb ”FORCE YOURSELF_ 7 [VN to inf] ~ yourself to do sth to force yourself to do sth: She could not bring herseir to te Pima the newWs.


containing bring are at the entries for the

nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example bring sb/sth to heel is at _heel. bring sthc>a'bout

to make sth happengaz

CAUSE: What broushtaboutthe

charge in his attitude?

bring sb airound (NAmE) 三 BRING SB ROUNDbring sth



bring sb/sth'back to return sb/sth: Please bring pacK alL 1iprary pooks py the end of the Week. Ce He brought me


/braisnt/ ad

extremely clever or impressive: Whatabrilliantideal a Briliant perforrmzarnice/imnyentiomn 字 Very Successful: ,a Drilliant career C The play was a prilliant SUCCcess. 也 VeIy intelligent or skilful: a briziant yourg scientist C She has OPme oF te mosE Drilliant mimds 加 the couUnDY 只 note at


/brmadl/ (also brin:dled

dogs, cats and_ cows) brown with bands or marks of another colourT brine /brarmmn/ nown:[u] very salty watemr used especially for preserving food 一see also BRINY


B Gdv. brighter brightest )(literory) (usuallywith the verbs



| ~ (sb) sth to come to a Place with sby/sth: [VN] Don Jorgetto bringyour pooKks with you. 2 She prougRht her boy太iend to the party ec[VN, VNN] Brimng apresentjor Helen. Bring Helerz a Present

下 bright/brilliant sunlight/sunshine 四 _bright/brilliant/luminous eyes 日 bright/brilliant/vivid/vibrant colours


ibrim 'over (ith sth) (of a cup, containerietc:) to

be- so _full:of a liquid that it :flows over the edge OVERFLOW; (Jigurative) Her heart was brimarmning oyer With happiness: prinmm: foal /brmmfol/ ad ~ of sth completely full of sth: Shes certainly brimtflofenergy Cajug brimful ofcream brim.stone /brmmsteon; NAmE-stoun/ noun (old Use) the chemical element SULPHUR

prim 雹 0

sbright/brilliant/fluorescent light

joril. 肝二mt om

(in adjectives) having the type ofbrim mentioned: a wideDrirmzrmed hat ma _ye 尼 (tmm-)[V]~ (with sthjtobefullofsth;to flsth: Her eyes brirmmed With tears: CTears brimrmed in hereyes. CThe team Were Brirmrmming With comidence before 女 e_ game.




brirn /brm/ noupn, ve 几 四 OU the top edge of a cup, bowl, glassi etc.:tbhwo Wine glasses, filled to the brim 2 theflatedgearoundthe bottom ofahatthat sticks out 一picturecHAT 3-brimmed

(= gave


a ride home)

训 his car bring

sth'back to make sb remember sth or think abonut 让 again: The photographs brouSht back mamny Pieasant TneTmories. 2 to make sth that existed before be intro-

duced againERTJ

REINTRODUCE: Most People are aqSainst

bringing back the death penalby,bring sb sthe>back


bring sthe'backi(for sb) to return With sth for sb: Whatdidyou bring the Kids pack 廊om Italy2 CTIproughta TshirtbpackjforMarK.

,bring sb/sth before sb (jonmal) to Present sb/sth for discussion orjudgement: The matterWw 记 be prougshtbefore the committee.CHe wasDbroughtbefore the courtandjound


,bring sb 一down Tto Imake sblose power orbe defeated: The scandal may bring down the goyernmient 了 (in

Sports) to make sb fall over: He was brought downm

| 5 vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5athis

总 the

| nsing

186 |

bring-and-buy sale

penalty area. bring sthe'down T toreduce sth: We ai to bring dowit Drices on all OUF coOmiputers. 2 to land an airctaft: The pilot managed to bring tue DPIaiie dowmn ia jield 3 to make anzaircraft fall out of the sky: Tweve enemy 广ghiters haa been Droughtdown 4 tomake an animal or abird fall down or fall out of the sky by Killing or wotinding it: He brought down the pear With a single Shot

bring sb/sth brisk.ly adv brisknessmounm [WU bris.Ket /brrskrt/ movn [U] meat that comes from the chest of an animal, especially a cows、

bris'tle /brisl/ noun, ve 几

confident: Shes a shy girl who mneeds 广iends to pring her out of herself bring sth 一 out 1 to make sth appear: A crisis prings Out the best 识 her 2 to make sth easy to see Or Understand: That dress really brings OU the coloUr of your eyes. 3 to produce sth; to Pblish sth: The panmnd have just Drought out their second alburm. bring sth 'out in sth to make sb's skin be covered in spots, etc.: The heat Drought Pirm out in a rash.

上 MOuU7mT ashortstiffhair: the bristles on his chimn 字 one of the short stiff hairs or wires in abrush 目 yerb [V] 1 一 (with sth) (at sth) to suddenly become Very annoyed or offended atwhat sb says or does: His lies7mmnade jherBpristle with rage. 2 (ofan animals fur)tostandnip on the back and neck because the animal is frightemned or angry "bristle with sth to contain a large number of sth: The whole Subject pristles Witpn problerms.

bring sb 'to) to make sb who is unconscious become conscious again ,bring sb 'round (to .… ) (BrE (NAmE bring sb around) to bring sb to sb's house: Bring the ormily round one evening; weia 1ove to mmeet them. ,bring sb 'round (to sth) (BrE) (NAmE ,bring sb a'round) to Persuade sb to agree to sth: Fe didmtlike the Plan at 放 rsb DUtWe mmamntaged to bring hinm round. ,bring sth 'round to sth (BrE) (NAmE ,bring sth around to sth) to direct a

brist.ly /brrsli/ odj. likeorfullofbristles; rough:abristty

,bring sb round (Br 日(NAmE bring sb around) (also


'Bristol fashion cdj [not before:noun] (old-foshioned BrE, informal) in good order or neat and clean: all sRipShape and Bristol fashiomn

bris.tols /brrstlz/ noun

[pl] (BrE,slang) aswoman's


conversation to a particular subject

Brit /brrt/ noun (informaj) a person from Britain 忆 note at

bring sb to = BRING SB ROUND ,bringAand Bto'gethertohelptwopeople orgroupsto

Brit.ain /"brrtn/ novn [sing.] the island containing Eng-

end a disagreement: The 1oss of their so7L prouSRht the two of thermm together ,bring sb note atscoTTISH

Brit'ish /brrtrf/ ad 1 (obbr Br) connected with the United Kingdom of'Great Britain and Northern Ireland or the .people .who live :there: the British Goyvernrment C He Was born in France but his parents are British ceBritishpased/British-bormABritish-made 2 the_ British oun [pl.] the.people of the United Kingdom > British.ness moum [U]

the ,British Coumcil movn [sing.] an organization that Iepresents British culture in other countries and develops closer cultural relations with them

British 'English 5ovn [U] the English language as SPOokenin Britain and certain other countries

Brit'ish:er /brrtrfeGD)/ nownp (old-Joshioned, NAm 后njor /malj) a person ffom Britain

r* ACCENT @6:if sb has abroad accent, you can hear Very easijlywhich area they come 他om STRONG * HINT 7 isb gives abroad hint they make it very clear whatthey are thinking or what they want *HUMOUR 8 (NmB dealing with sexin an amusing way: The moyvie mixes proad hurmnoFr With romance.

一See also BREADTH,BROADLY c note at WIDE TET a broad “church (BrE) an organization that accepts a widerange ofopinions (in) broad 'daylight (in) the clear light ofday, when it is easyto see:The robbery occurred in Droad daylighc5 in:acrowded sireet it's as ,broad as it?s Jong (B7E, /njformalj) 让 makes no real difference which of two possible choices you make 一more atPAINTY 目 0OU1 (old-jshioned,NAmE slang) an offensive way of referring to awoman

broad.band /bro:dband/ noun [u Ti(techpnicah signals

Brit-ish.ismn /brrtrjfrzem/ own = BRITICISM the British Lionsmnovn [pl] aRUGBYteam ofthe best Players from England, Ireland; Scotland and: Wales that Plays abroad

British ,overseas 'territory moun (BFE) an island or group of islands -in which the British; government is ITesponsiblefor defence and relations with other countties

British SurmmerTime movn [U] (or BST)the time UsedintheUKin summerthatis one hour ahead ofGMT

that use a Wide range of FREQUENCIES 一CoOmpare NAR-= ROWBAND 2 awayofconnecting acomputertothe Internet which allows you to:receive information, including Picturesi etc.j Very_ quickly: We-haye broadband at homme LOW.

broad- basedilalso- broadly:lbasedj adj basedion a wide varietyof People, thingsiorideas; notlimited

,broad 'bean (Br6) (NAmE 'fava bean) noun a type of

Briton /brrtn/ own (Jormaj) a person from Britain: the

round,pale green BEAN. Several broad beans grow together inside a fat POD:

aiicient Britorms 2 the ist Briton to clirmnb Perest Without

,broad-Ibrush cd [only before noun] dealing with asub-

Oxygen 只 note at BRITIS Brit.pop /brrtpop; NmE-:pap/ noun [U] atype of popular music Played by British groups in the 1990s,influenced byavariety of British musical traditions

brit:tie /brrtl/ ad 1 hard bnut easily broken: prittle Donesmails 2 a brittle mood or state of mind is one thatappears to behappyor strong butis actually nervous andeasilydamaged: abrittie temperament 3 (ofa sound) hard and sharp 记 an Unpleasant way: Q Drittle 1auSgP brittie.ness mon [U]

brittle 'bone disease ov

[U] (medico1j 1 arare dis-

ease 记 which sb's bones break extremely easily


OSTEOPOROSIS Britton-:ic/brrtonizK> NAmE-tamn-/ adj. = BRYTHONIC bro /brao; NAmE broo/ noun (P/ bros) (informal)) 1 a brother 2 (especially NAmE) a friendly way'of addressing amale person: Thamnks, bro/

broach /breatf; NAmE brootf/ verb JIVN] ~ (sth) (to/with sb) to begin talking about a subject that is difficult to discuss, especially because isis"embarrassing OF because People disagree abonut it: She was dreading hayving to broach the suUbject of money toherjother

'B-road 7ounm (iD BFitain) aroad that isless imnportant than an AROAD and tisuallyjoins small towns and villages


om /brod/ odj ,noun

上 0cdlj(broad:eribroad:est) > WIDE 人 wide: aproad streetayenueTiyer ec broad shouL-

ject or Problem in a general way rather than considering details: abroad-brush approacjh broad.cast


jbrozdkazst; NAmE 基 aest/ verb,

MOU1 日 VEejb (broad.cast broad:cast) 1 to send out Programmes on television or radio: [VN] The concert w记 be broadcast

live(= atthe same time as it takes place) tomorrow eye ing. [V] TPRey begam broadcasting 记 1922. 2 [VNjtotella lot of people abonut sth: T dom't Like to broadcast the fact that7y 友 妇er oWPs the cormmPpamy: 草 有 OU1 aradio or television Programme: (BrE) aparty pol 让 ical broadcast (= for example, before an election) ecWe Watched a live broadcast of the speech (= one showmat the same time as the speech was made).

broad:cast'er /brzsrdka:ste(r); NAmE 天 aest/ oun 1 a Person whose job is presenting of talking on television or radio programmes 2 a company that sends out televiSion or radio programrmes

broad:cast:ing /bro:dka:stm; NAmE kaest:/ moun [U] the business of making and sending out radio and televiSion Piogrammes: to WorK 识 broadcasting 2 the British Broadcasting Corporationr (= theBBC) broad.en /bro:dn/ ve 由 TIvV] torbecome wider: Fer smile broadened,Q2 to affect or make sth affect more People orthings: [VN] aprormmise to broader access to higher education CO The party needs to broaden is appeal io yoters. [alsoV] 3 [VN] to increaseyourexperience, know-

ROW(I) 2.used after ameasurement of distance to show

ledge, etc.: Few would disagree that trayel broadens the mirnd (= helps youtounderstand other people's customs, etc.). CSpendingayearWorking im the city helpedto broadet his horizons. ,broaden 'out (of a road, river

how wide sth is: thwo 7metres broad amd omne 7metre

etc.) to become wider

ders CO_He is ta1 broad amd mmuscular 2 a proad Smile S7rim (= one in which yourmouth is stretched very wide because you are very Pleased. or ,amused) [9 NAR-

u actual

| amy

| aonow

| ersay-


| ao.go (BrE)

| ou go:(MmB

|-or boy


-re near

| ee hair-

| ve pure


188 | Broad-way /bro:dwer/ noun [U] a street 琴 New Yo 冰

the broad jump noym [sing] (NAm昌 =




broad'leaved /broiali:yaj (also /ess 太cquent broadleaf/'bro:dli:f/) adj (technica1n (of Plants) having broad fatleaves


City whbere there are many theatres, sometimes Used to refer to the US theatre industry ip general:.Q Broadway 一See 总 2004. mtsical o The plIay opened om Broadway 让so OFF-BROADWAY bro'cade /bre'kerd/ noun 负,C] a type of thick heavy cloth with a raised pattern made especially from gold or silver silk thread

bro'cadedy/brakerdrd/ adj [usuallybefore noun] made of

co /brozqli/ adv

1 generally withotutconsidering details: BroadIy spPeak

or decorated with brocade

img Tasgree With yo o broadly sirnilar/comtaparable/ eguiyalemntVcortsisterit 2 ifiyou smile broadiy you smile with your mouth stretched very wide beeause yoU areVery Pleased or amtsed

Broca's area/j'braokazearia; NAmE'broukaz eria/ noun

broad- mindedadi willing to listen to other people's

with a thick green STEM and several dark greem or Purple flowerheads 一picture 只 PAGE RI3

opinions and acceptbehavViotr that is different from yoUT





"mindednes%ourmTU] Broad:maoor/bro:dmao:(r)/ noun a special hospital in

(anaiomy) aniareaipn the frontpart of the brain connected With speech

broc'coli/brokeli; NAmE 'bra:k-/ moun [U] a Vegetable bro'chette /bro'Jet; NAmE bro5-/ noun (from French) T [Cu adish consisting of pieces of food cooked on a thin:stickoverafire 2 [Cloneofthe stickstsed for cook= ingfood in this way

southern England for criminals who are mentally il and considered very dangerouas

bro:chure /brspfaCD); NAmE DroU'Jar/ moun a small

broad:mess /bro:dnas/ noun [u] the quality of being

magazine Or book containing Pictures and ipformation about sth or advertising sth: Q trayeLbrochure



broad'scale /Dro:dsketl/ adj om a large scale: The broadscale cutting dowrasof rees is darmasging the enyirom-


bro'derie ang'laise/Draudari"'Dn0glelz; NAmE ,broo-; 3:/ noun 局] {from French) decoration with sewing on fine white cloth; the cloth decorated in this way

broad:sheetyjbro:dfit/ mour T a newspaper printed

broer /bru:aCD)/

on a large Size of paper generally considered more Serious than smaller newspapers 一Cornfpatre TABLOID 了字 a large piece of paper Printed om one:side only with information Or an advertisement

brogue /breog; NmE


1 a brother

brogg/ moun

[usually pl]

Strong shoe which'usually has a Pattern in the'leather: a

broad:side/brozdsard/moumi; adv, ye 让 BOU1 am aggressiye attack ip Words, whether Wiitten OF

spDoken: The Prime minister 让redabroadside athis critics.

sady. with one side facing sth


2 (used of aboy or man) a friend 3 a friendly form of address that is usedbyoneboyorman to another: 了 ows 让 going my broer?

EGRIsIpEwAYs: The car

skidded amd crashed broadside into another car C (Br6) The boatsWung broadside on to 轨e cuUrrent of the river 四yerb [VN] (NA7mB) to crash into the side of sth: The driyer ram astop Light and broadsided the trUcK

broad- spectrumodi [only beforenoun] (technical(ofa drug or chemical) effective against alarge Variety of bacteria, insects, etc,

broad'sword /bro:dsozd; NAmE -soxrd/ moun alarge swWORD With abroad flat blade

pair of progues 了 [usually' sing:] the accentrthat sb has When they are speaking, especially the accent'of Irishior ,

Scottish speakers of English

broil/broa/ verb 1 IVN] (NmB) to cookrmeat or fish underdirect heatoroverheaton metalbars: DroiledchicK-

en 一picture c PAGE RII 一Compare BARBECUE, GRILL 之 to become or make sb become veryhot:-[V] They Iay broiling: 识 the sunm. [also VN]

broil:er /broneGD/ noun 1:(also

broiler chicken

(especially NAmB) a young chicken.suitable for broiling or ROASTING 2 (NAmE) thepartinside the oven of a cooker/ stove that directs heat downwards to cook food that is Placed underneath it 一compare GRILL

jproke/brauk; NAmE brouk/ adj. [not before noun] (afor broken out of order 。 broken-down 。 on the blink Allthese words describe sththatis damaged or nolonger working correctly:

brokemihat has been damaged orinjured; no longer whole orworking correctly: Oproken windowplaieS9 prokenjegyarm 、 outof orderfnot before noun] (ratiherjormaj (ofa machine, etc.) not working correctly: Jphe ioilets are al outoforder broken-downfusually before noun] in a very bad condition; not working correctly; verytired and sick: 0 broken-down old camjhorse onthe blinKinforma) (of a machine) not working correctly: Jhe juel gouge had gome on the b11nk OUT OF ORDER ORION THE BLINK?

madl) having no money: Frm aways proKke py he end of the mmonthp.CDuring the recessiom 雪ouUsamds ofsmaall ptisinnesses Went proke (三 had to stop doing business). jat/story broKke (三 GOmPletely broke) 一See also BREAK go for broke (Unformaj to risk everything 记 one determined effort to do sth 一more at AINT





om /breogksn; NAmE'broo-/ .adl.

* DAMAGED 1 _that has been damaged orinjured; no longer Whole or working correctly: a bproken Window/plate ca Broken Ieg/arm c pieces of broken glass Ce How did this dish Setbroken? The TV broken. 一See also BROKEN HEART

Outof orderisa slightly formal phrase, used especially aboutmachinesand equipmentthat are availableforthe publicto use; you would belesslikelyto use it aboutyour

> RELATIONSHIP 2 [usually before-:noun] ended ,or des=

owniphone, television, etc:


Erhe TV/video/washing machine is broken/on 和 blink. 雪 可he phone is out of order/on the blink-


| dudid

| ffal

Qa ,broken

marriageXerngagemient 一see also



| gsget

站 hhat

*:PROMISE/AGREEMENT 3 [usually before noun] not kept * NOT CONTINUOUS 4 [usually before noun] not continuous; disturbed or interrupted: a mightof broken sleep CQ Single brokemn White Line across the road

| jyeskcat


| mman

| mnow

| 5pen

| mred

> PERSON 5 _[only before noun] made weak and tired by 计 ness Or difficulties: He was G broken 7narns after the Joilure of his Dusiness. > LANGUAGE @6 [only before noun] (ofalanguagethatis not youUI own) spoken slowly and with alot of mistakes; not ELUENT: to speakK in broken FEmglish > GROUND 7 having a rough surface: an area of brokeru TOcKy Sround 一See also BREAK, BROKE, BROKEN V ,broken-'down ad usually before noun] in a very bad condition; not working correctly; very tired and sick: a Droken-down oldicarAhorse c note at BROKEN ,broken 'heart movr a feeling of great sadness,especially when sb you love has died or left you: No one ever

diedofapbroken hearte brokenzhearted DroKemnhearted


BROKEN brokenm'home

hi Wi

0di.: He was

died 一 compare


ncun a family in which the parents are

divorced or Separated: She comes

方om a broken homie.

broken.ly_/breukenli; NAmE brou/ adv (Jormalj) (of sb's manner of Speaking) in phrases that are Very short Or not complete, with alotof pauses; noOtFLUENTLY broker /breukeGD); NAmE'broo-/ noum, ve 必 @_1OU Ta Dersol who buys and sells things for other People: am insurartce proker 之 三 _STOCKBROKER 一See

also HONEST BROKER, PAWNBROKER, POWER BROKER am yertDTVN] to arrange the detaijls of an agreement,especiallybetween different coUuntries: a Peace plan prokered py the UN

| 189


bronzed /bronzd; NAmE bradmnzd/,adj. having skin, that has been turned brown in an attractive way by the';SuR TANNED

bronze "medal

(alsobronze ) noUn [GU] a_ MEDAL

given as third:pPrize in a competition or Tace: ar OLyrmDic Dronze medal winmner 2 She woP (qi bronze at the Okym-

Pics. 一compare GOLD MEDAL, SILVER MEDAL > bronze

'medallist (BrE) (NAmE Dronze ,miedalist ) OU1: Shes a1L Olympic brenze medallist

brooch /breatJ; NAmEbroutJ/ (especialy BrE)(NAmEusuin ) noun a piece of jewellery with a pin on the back of it,that can be fastened to your clothes 一picture 号

JEWELLERY brood /bru:d/ verb, noun


Ye 由 [y] ~ (over/on/about sth) tothink alot about sth that makesyou annoyed, anxious or Upset: Youre.Potstill brooding over what he said are youU? 了 2 [VVN] if-abird broods, or broods its eggs, itisits on the eggs in order to HATCH them{(= make the young come out of them) 卓 _IOUm [C+sing./pl. y] Tall the young birds or creatures that a mother produces at one time CLUTCH

了 (humorous) alarge family of children brood:ing /bruzdmy/ adi. (iterary)sad and mysterious or threatening: dark broodingeyesCabrooding Silence


Iand's brooding Iandscape 'Ibrood mare "ou afemalehorse keptforbreeding broody /bruxdi/ad 1 (ofawoman) wanting VeryImuch brokerage /DreukarId5; NAmE brou-/ noun [U] Tthe tohave ababy:Treached theage of27amndsuddemly started business of being a broker: a broKkeragse 让rm horuse to feel broody. 2 (of a female bird) wanting to lay eggs Zan amotunt ofimoney charged by a Droker for work and siton them: abroody hen 3 quietand thinking abonut that he/she does , sth because you are Unhappy or disappointed broodiness OUm [U] rokerdealer Aun (jnaonce) a person Who works on the StockExchangebtying shares 各om and selling shares brookK /brok/ noumn, ve 必 四 moOUm a Small TiVeT to BROKERS andthe public 一compare JOBBER

brolly JiDrpli25NAmE'Drali/ nouwm (Dies ) (BrE morma1n 三UMBRELLA brom:ide /breumard; NMmE 'brou-/ ouUn [CU] a chemical which contains BROMINE, Used, especially in the past, to make people feel calm


/breumim; NAmE 'brou-/ noun [U] (sym 名 r ) a

四 yerbnot brook sth/brook no ..,(jormaj to not alow

sth:-[VN] Theitone 训 jis yoice brooked no argurment [falso VN -ing]

broom /brum/ novun 下 [Cl abrush on theend ofalong handle, used for sweeping floors 一Picture 忆 BRUSH 一See also NEW BROOM

2 [U册] a wild bush with small yellow

flowersrmrm see NEW chemical element. BTomine is a dark red poisonous liquid 'broom cupboard 7"ovn (BrE) Talarge built-in cuPandhas avery strongUunpleasant smell. Itis mainly found board: used for keeping cleaning equipment,etc, 还 itheform ofsalts in sea Water 2 (often humorous) a very small room: 工coularmt afford bron:chial /bronkial; NAmE 'bra:0-/ adj. [usually before 1more thama broom cuUpboard to set UPD ojice 态 : noun] (medical) of or affecting the two main branches of broom:stick”/brumstik/ nour a broom with a long

the wINDPIPE (calledbronchial tubes ) leading to the lungs: Dro7ichial PPmneUmo7tia 一Picture 只 BODY

bron:chitis:/bron' kartrs; NAmE bra20:/ OUn [U]:an'ilness that affects the bronchial tubes leading tothe lungs:

FeiWas suffering 万om chromic pronchitis


/bron'krtrk; NAmEbra2m-/ ad1.:abronchitic couSP


/Drookes; NAmEDran-/ OU


/)/Dro5kar NAmE'Dia5n-/) (anatomy) anyone ofthe System of ttibes which make upthe main branches of the WINDPIPE through which air passes in and out of the lungs


/ED0Keu; NAmE 'braDKkoo/ noUP (plos ) a wild

horse ofthe western US: QDUCKimg Dromco in the rodeo


/brpnta'soxras; NMAImE ,bradm-/0ou1 三

APATOSAURUS Bronxcheer:/brpoks'tjreG); NAmE,bra2nks'tfm/ 0ovm (NAmE informaj) = RASPBERRY(2) bronze /br5iaz; NmEDraznz/ 00U1, 0cdl. 四 .mnOU1 人了 [Uj adaik reddish-brown Inetal made by mixing COPPER and tin: a bro7ize Statue CQ 万gUTe.cast promze 2 [0Ul adark reddish-brown coloun like bronze 3 [C] a worKofartinade ofbrfonze, forexample astatue 4 [CU]


四 _0dj. darkredqish-brown 识 Colour': Drorze SKir the-Bronze Age



| Vvan

| wwet

| 2zoo

| Jshoe

Powers)Tide through the air on broomsticks,



especially in)NAmB6)obbr (used in the

name'of a company) Brothers: Warmer:Bros

brotih /brob; NAmEbro:6/ movm [uC thick soup made by boiling imeat'of fish and Vegetables iD Water: chicKen proth 一see also SCOTCH BROTHITIM See COOK1 brothef /brob5 NAmE "bra "bro:01/ (alsobor.dello especially in NAmB) noun a house Where people pay to have Sex with PROSTITUTES


.moun [pl] (BrE pformal) suUEDE

shoes with. 全 芝 和 SOLES, popular in the 1950s

praotiher 四 OU



/brageGD)/ movn, exclaomaton

Taboyormanwholiasthe same motherand

father as another Person; Were Drothers, S HeSs 7ny prother Can older/yourgerbprother oa twin brother ^ Does she haye any prothers amd sisters2c Edward was 雪e yourigestofthe Kenmledy brothers. 2 He Was Likeabrotherto Te (= Very close). 一see also HALF-BROTHER), STEPBROTHER


[sing.] the period in history-be-

tween the Stone Age.and the Iron Age whempeople used tools andweapons made ofbronze


handle and small thin sticks'at the end, or the handle of aubroom. Invstories wITCHESs (= women With evil magic

2 (PLDrothers

or oldjoshionedbrethren )

usedifortalking to or talking about other male members ofan organizationmorothermenwhohavethe sameiideas, Purpose, etc. as youiself: We mustWwork togethen Drothers!

| 35vision | :tchain

| :ds5 jam :| 9thin

| ,6this-| Dsing

brown'field /braunfild/ ad fonly before noun] (Br6) used to describe'an area of land iD a city that Was Used



Hewasgreatiy respected by hi Drothero 太 cers.CWe must SUPDPportiOUFHWWeaker brethrent

IN RELIGIOUS GROUP 3 (also Brother) (Pbrethren or brothers) a male member of areligious SrouUP, especially a MONK: Brother LUKe C_ The BrethrertTmeet regularby Jor Prayer FORM_OF ADDRESS 4:(NAmE;: informal): used by black people as aform of address for ablack man

byindustryor for offices ip the past andthatmaynowbe xscleared fornewbltilding development:Q Drowmield site


5 (ip the US)rasmember of a AT COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY FRATERNITY (= .aclub for a group of male Students at a college or university) 昌 EXclaimationm (old-joshioned, especially-NAmB) Used to exPress the fact that you are annoyed or SUIPrised; .OP prother/

"bra5ehud; NAmE-6erh-/


noun 了 [U]

friendship andsunderstanding between People: to liye 总 Peace and brotheriood 了 [C+sing:/p|: V]an organization formed for'a particular:pUrpOSej especially a religious society'OF political orgamization 3 [U] the relationship ofbifothiets: the ties'ofbrotherhood rothersinzlaw (pbrothers-in-law) noun the brother of your husband of wife; yotr sisterS husband; the huser SISTER一coOmpare band ofyotr husband or wife's Sist IN-LAW

/braA6sli; NAmE -erli/ adj, [usually before


noun] showimg feelings of affection and kindness that youwould expect abrotherto show: brotheriy Iove/adVice C Fegavehieraprotherty Kiss om the cheekc: brousgham Jbruzam/ nouma type of CARRIAGE Used in the past which had a closed roof and four wheels and waspulledby one horse

brought pt ppofBRINGIIO

see LOwad/

brou:haha /bruha:ha:/ noun [Using:] (old-Joshionedh, informal) noisyexcitement or complaints about sth

brow /brao/ noun:T iterary) the part of the face above

FOREHEAD: The PUTrse the eyes and below the hair Her prow Jrrowed 妆 concenmopped his fyvered brow tration. 也 [usually pl] = EYEBROW: Ome dark prowTose 态 3 [usually sing.] the top Part of a hill: The path surprise. 了 L 一See also HIGHBROW, 丰 disappeared oyer the brow of the ji


brow:.beat _/braubixt/. yemrb brow:beat,brow.beat'en

/braubiztn/) [VN] 一 sb.(into doing. sth),toifrighten :or INTIMIthreaten sb in;order to make them.do sth DATE: They Were browbeaten into accepting the offer



/braon/ 0gf, OU1; VE 岂

四 0dj. brownier,browrest)

平having the colour of earth

or coffee: browii @e5 C browm DreadFo dark brown Shoe Polish ozsa package Wrapped 识 -brown PaPer 2 having skin that is naturally brown:or has been made brown by

the sun: (Br6JTdont go browmn yery easib After thesummer 识 Spaimn the children Were brownm as berries. [ET in a brown 'study (old-foshioned, BrE) thinking deeply so

thatyou do not notice what is happening around you 上 mnOU1 [U;C] the colotr ofearth or coffee: Ieayes of Various

shades of prown C Brown doesni (= brown clothes do Dot)

SUIEYOL. 上 Verb to Decome browni; to make sth browWn: [V] Heat tne Dutter untl 让 browns CThe grassWasBDrowmning in patches.

@ _[VN]



onions _before




IE browned 'off (with sb/sth) (BrE, injormajl bored,

FED UP; By mnow the pasunhappy and/or annoyed setgers Were getting prowned o 矿with the delay.

brown ale no

(Br T Tu,G atypeofmild sweet dark

beer sold in bottles 2 [C] abottle or glass ofbrown ale


ve尼 (gg-) [VN] (NAmE, Informaj) to bring

yourlunch with youto work or School usually in abrown

paperbag: My Kids haye beem browm-basgging 让 this Week brown diwarf noun (astronomy) an object in space that isbetween alargeplanetand asmall star in size; and Producesheat

non [pl.] Small electrical items Such as

televisions, radios, musicand Video equipment compare

WHITE GOODS browmie /braomni/ noun 1 [cl athick softflat cake made

With chocolate and sometimes nuts and served 训 Small squares:Q 所 dge brownie 了 the Browmnies [pl:] abranch ofthe ScoOUT AssocIATION'for girls between the ages of Seven

and ten or eleven:


to -Jo训 te Brownies-

3 [G]

;(BrE also'Brownie Guide) a member of the

一compare CUB, GUIDE, SCOUT Brownies

'Ibrownie point nouvn [usually pl.] (informah) 庄sb doessth

toeammnbrowniepoints,they doitto make sb in authority

have a good opinion of them


The Brownies is a

club for young girls who are ,not yet old enough to be Guides. They are awarded points for good behaviour and achjievements. brawmn-ish /"braonIf/ (also /ess freqguentbrowny /brarothis lighb ni/) adj. fairly brown im colour: ZL caritt see butmy new coatisasortofbrownis 严coloUT

brownmicnose ve由 [V] (Unformal, disapproving) to treat sb in authority with special respect in order to make them

apPprove ofyou or treat YoU better

brownm-out noun (especially NAmm月a Period oftime when the amount of electrical power thatis supPlied to an area is reduced

browm 'rat-(also,common ratNorway 'rat) 00OUm a common type of RAT:

,browm'rice nouni[U] rice thatis lightbrown because 让 has nothad all of its outside Part removed

browm'sauce moun [U] T (BrE) asatuce made with VIN-, EGAR and spices, sold insbottles 了 (NAmE) a Sauce Imade with fat and flour cooked until it becomes brown

browmn:stone /braonsteon; NAmE-stoun/ noU1 (NAmE)

ahousebuiltof of with afrontmade ob atypeofreddishbrown stone, which is also called brownstone: New York Drowristomnes

prowmn 'sugar noun [U] sugar thathas a brown colour andhas onlybeen Partly REFINED

Brown vBoard:of Edu'catiofwmoun a law case 记

1954 Which led to_a_decision of the US Supreme CoUIt that made separate education_ for black and white;children illegal browse /brauz/j vembTtolookatalotofthingsinashop/ storferatherthan loo0king foroneparticular thing: [V] ZUv 蕊 arid 5roWse. C [VN] She browsed the are welcome to co 韦 计

sheives for Something interesting to read 2 ~ (through sth) to looK throtigh the pages ofaboolk newspaperietc。 WithotitTeadingieverything: [V] Ifoandthe Grticle wjileT Wasibrowsing throughsome old magazinesi[alsoVN] 3 [V, VN] (computing) to look for information'on ascomputer, especially on the Internet 4 [V] .~ (on sth) (of cows,

GOATS,etc.) to_eat leaves, etc' that are-growing highup Well worth-a PP browse _Hnoun [sing:]: The SI态 -shop Drowse. browser /brauzaGr)/ moun T (computing) aprogram that lets yotilook at or read documents on the Internet:Q Web er 一Picture brows



之 a person



throtugh books, magazines, etc. Or at thingsifor' sale, DUt maynot seriously intend to buy anything

brrr /brrrj/ exclamaotfonasound thatpeopleimnaketo Show thatthey are very cold: BFrP 认 s 方eezimnig here.

bru.cel.losis /Dru:salausIs; NAmE:Jous-/ mouwn [U] adis:

ease catused by bacteria that affects cows and that can cause fever in humans bruise /bru:z/ verb, nou 目 yeb 沁 to develop abruise, or make a bruise or bruises appear on the skin of sb/sth; [V] StraWperTries DruUise eas-

训 eVN] She had slipped anad badly bruised herjoce. 客 note atINJURE 2 [VN] [usually passive]jto affect sbybadly; andmakethemfeelunhappyandless confident: Theyjhad been badly bruised by the defeat bruised 0di:HesL 太

aieat'| dfathar | eten | 3: bird |:eaabout | Tsit | iisee| i many | pb got (Br 日 or saw | Acup | 5 put | utoo

ered badly bruised ribs

识 the crash ec pruised

广uit ca

sthe'downmn to clean sth by brushing it: to brush a coatX jhorseidownibrush:off to be removed bybrushing: Mud Drushes offeasily when 让 is dry ,brush sb 一 'off:torudely ijgnore sb or refuse to listen to them: She brushed hirm o 矿 imzpatientty. 一related noun BRUSH-OFF ,brush sb/your-

BRUISING adl/. 旧 10Un 了 ablue,brown or purple markthat appears on the skin after Sb has fallen, been hit,etc.: to be coyered 训 Druises C cuUE anmnd bruises cy note at INJURE 了字 a mark on afruit or vegetable where iis damaged

self off to make sb/yourself tidy,especially after you have fallen,by brushing your clothes,etc. with youI hands brush sth'up_ | ,brush 'up on sth to quickly improve a skill, especially when yotu have not used it for atime:TmUSEBDrusiUD on my Spamnish beforeT8o to Seville.

bruiser /bru:zeGD)/ noun (informalj) alarge strong aggresSive man

bruis.ing /bru:zm/ odi difficult and unpleasant, making yonu feel tired or weak: a bruising meetirgS/experience

bruit /bru:t/:verb [VN] ~ sth (about) (forma/) to spread a

brush.back /brAfbaek/ noun (in BASEBALL) a fast PITCH

piece ofnews widely: This rurmour has peemn bruited about Jor years,

Brum.mie brunch

(=thiow)jthatis aimed closetotheBATTER'Sbody sothey have to step back to avoid 让

:/braAmi/ noun (BrE, ipformal) a person from

the city of Bifzmingham in Englande Brum.mie BrUTiTie QGccent



bruised egobruisiing noOUn [U]: She suUfjfered seyere bruis识8 butmno bones Were broken. Cinternalbruisin8g 一See also


adj: a


[sing] (npformalh rude or unfriendly

behaviour that shows that a _ person is not interested in Sb: Paul asKked Tara out to dimmer butshe Saye jinmt the brush-o 丰

/brAnty/ movn cu] a meal that you eat in the

late morning as a combination ofbreakfast and lunch


bru.nette /bruznet/ novn a white-skinned woman with

/braAJwoad/ noun [U] small broken or dead

branches oftrees, often tsed to make fires

darkbrown hair


brunt /brAnt/7movm IE beam take, etc.the brunt:of sth to Teceive the main force'of sth Unpleasant: Schools Wil bear the Bruntofcuts 识 goyernrmment spentdirl8.

/DrATws; NAmE-Was:rK/ mounm [U] the Par-

ticular way 雇 which an artist uses abrush to Paint


/bru:sk; brusk; NAmE brAsk/ adj. using Very

few words and sounding rude



识 QGbrusque tone.


brusquely ady: Whats

your name?"jhe asked brusqguely brusque:ness OUn [U]





(also Brussel

sprout, sprout) noun a small round green Vegetable like a very Small CABBAGE 一picturec PAGE RI3 dustpan and brush

brut /bru:t/ adj (of sPARKLING wine) having a Very' dry taste bru'tal /bruztl/ adj. 1 violent and cruel: a brutal attacK/ murderrape/Killing 2 direct and clear about sth Unpleasant; not thinking of people's feelings: With brutal

nail brush

jhonesty she told him she did mot Iove hirm. bru'tality /jbruztaelati/ nouUn [U,G] (PJ-ies ):police brutality 2 the bru-



talities of warbru'tally /tali/ adv: He Was brutally asSaUlted CTIet7me be brutally 广ank apout this.

bru.tal:ism /bru:telizem/ noun_[U] (archpitecture) (Some-

全 MRHUEeuaUasUuNLERoaaNRNiiahauhiaaa8UNU




times disapproving) a style of architecture Used especially in the 1950s and 60s which uses large concrete blocks, Steel etc., and is sometimes considered uglyand Unpleas-

lbrushm 0 /brAT/ nouvn, ve 册 四 moum 了 [Cl an object made of short stiff hairs (called

ante bru:talist /bru:telrst/ adj., moun

BRISTLES) or Wires set ip a block of wood or Plastic, UsUally attached to ahandle. Brushes are used for many d 放 ferent jobs, such as cleaning, painting and tidying your hair: apaintprush 2 a hairbrush c a toothbrush > brush srrokes (= the marks left by a brush when painting) ca dustpan and Brush 2 Apply the paint With a 万ne DTus7 2 [sing]an actofbrushing: togiyeyourteethagoodBprusj 3 [sing] alight touch made in passing sthysb: the Drusj of his'Tips on her cheek 4 [q ~ with sb/sth a short Unfriendly meeting with sb; an occasion when yoU nearly experience sth Unpleasant: She jhad a mastby DTUSh With Fer boss 六 冰 页orning InFraisjob hesjhad 太equentDprushes

bru.tal.ize (BrE also-ise) /bru:telarz/ vemb [VN] 1 [usually passive] to make sb unable to feel normal human emotions such as pity: Soldiers brutalized by war Q2 totreat sb in a cruel or Violent way

brute /brut/ nouvm ad.

上 mmOU1 1 (Sometimes humorous) a man who treats people in an Unkind, ertielway: Bi 色 妇 er was adrurkern brute. 和 Youye forgotten my birthday agaim youUDbrute 上 了 2 alarge strong animal:3-athing which is awkward and Unpleas-

with death. ea brush with t切 elaw 5 [U] land covered by small trees or bushes:a brush fire,6G: [C the tail of a FOX [IEIJ see DAFTadj-. ,PAINT V, TARXYV yerb_1 to clean, polish, or.make smooth with a brush: [vN] to brusi your hair/teethA[shoes c [YN-ADI] Atledjioor is easy to brush cleam. 字 [VN] 一 AwithB |~BoverAto pit sth, forexample oil milk oregg,on sth using a brush;

BrUSR 坊 epastry Withn beatent e88. 2 BTUSh beaterl e88 OVer

访epastry 3 [VN + dy/Prep]to remove sth 他om a SUT得ce With abrush or with your hand: Be prushed the di

ofrhisjacket e Shebrushedthefyaway 4 一 (against/by/ past) sbysth totouch sbysth lightly while moving close to themyit: [V] She brushed past hi eLS harid accidentaly Drushed againstjhers.S [VN] Theleayes Dbrushed her cheeK

Be brushed herlipswWwith his:

一a'side brush sb/sth

ER toigmnore sbysth; totreat Sb/sth asUnimportant


MISS: .He _Brushed aside 7ny fars. ,brush sb/yourself (Br日 = ,BRUSH SB/YOURSELF ,OFF ,brush down


| army

| ao now

| ersay

| su-8go (BrE)

ant 上四 0dj. [onlybefore noun] T involving physical strength only andinot thought 5r intelligence: brute Jorce/strength 2 basic and unpleasant: the prute jcts of inequality bru:tish /brutrzf/od unkind and violent and not showing thoughtor'intelligence bru'tishiness novm [U] Bry.thonic /brrbonik; NAmE "9admn-/ (also Brit:ton.ic ) adi relating to the southerm :groupP of Celtic languages, 一compare GOIDELIC includingWelsh, Cornish and Breton BS-(B7 日(NAmEB.SJ) :jibiy'es/abbr T (US) = BSc 2 (BrE) the abbreviation forachelorof Surgery'(auniversity degreein medicine) 3 British Standard (usedion labelsyetc: showing anumber given bythe British Standards Institution which controls-the quality of products): produced :to BS4353 4 (US, toboo, slang) BULESHIT: That SU SU of 了BS5.

BSc./bi:es'si:/(BrE) (NAmEB.S. )nounthe abbreviation for achelor of Science' (a first liniversity degree in science):; to De/hayexadoaBsc 训 Zoologye(BrE)JilAyres BSc -| :ou go (Nm 有

| or boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ve pure

区 SE



BSE/ibi: es 宇/ (also informal madycow disease@ OU

[u] the abbreviation for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (abrain disease of cows that causes death) BBSUibi: es 'ar/ abbr the British Standards Institution (the organization that decides the standard sizes for goods Produced in Britain,and tests the Safety of electrical goods, children's toys, etc.) the side of a pop record that is considered 尼 ' -sidenoun 一compare ul A-SIDE less likelytobe successf BBST/ibizes'ti:/ obbr BRITISH SUMMER TIME

“ buc:can'eer/ baAkamre(D; NAmE -DT/ Oo

BTEG'Di:tek/ noun tsed to referto anyofalarge group of British qualifications that can be taken in many different subjects at several levels (the abbreviation for Business andfTechnology Education Council): a BTEC Higher National DipIoma 识 PuDlic Service Studies

BTW5bbr used in writing to mean bythe way


plague /bju:bonazk'plerg; NAmE -bamrk/

(also the plague moun [U] a disease Spread by RATS that catses fever swellingsonthebodyandusually death

om/baAbl/ noun; vem

mnoun 1 aballofairorgasinaliquid,oraballofairinside a solid substance such as glass: charmpasrte bubpbles C Qa Dabbie of oxygen C blowing bubbles ito Water throusgh a straw_see also SPEECH BUBBLE 2 arotund ball of liquid, containing air produced by soap and water: The cpildren

small amount of a Like to have bubpbles 识 坊eir path 3 feeling that sb wants to express: Q bubble of IauSghate7/ jhope/enthusiasm 4 agood orluckysituation thatis un-

likelytolastlong: Atthe time thetelecognsbubpbie was atits Pheight II thebubble'burstshere isasudden endto a good or lucky situation: When:-the bupble Jinally bursb hundreds of people Iost their jobs. 一more atBURSTY

Byerb [V] 1 to form bubbles: The water 识 the par Was

begirining to bubble. CAdd the White wine and Let 让 bubbie LpD. 2 [usually +adv/prep] to make a bubbling Sound, especially when moving in the direction mentioned: 工 could hear the SOUD DuDbling away Astream caFme puUPDL识g between the stones. 3 一 (oven with sth to be full of a particular feeling: She was DUDDbling ovyer With excitermnent 4 [+adyvVprep] (of afeeling) to be felt stongly by a Per soni; to be present in a Situation: IauShter pubbled _P 5ide Jim e 抽e anger that bubpled beneath the SUrface bupbble 'under (especially Br 日 (NAmE usually bubble underthe ' radar ( 思jnmal) to be likely to be Very Stccessful or Popular soon: Here are two records that are UDPLing Under

bubble and 'squeaknoun [U] atype of British food made from cold cooked potatoes and CABBAGE that are mixed together and fried

ubblie batimoun 1 [ul aliquid soap thatsmells pleas-

全 (in the past) a sailor who attacked ships at Sea and stole from them ”ERIPIRATE 2 (especially in business) a personD who achieves success in a skilful blit not alWways honest


buccan'eer'ingbakemrerm; NAmE-nIrI/ adj enjoy-

ing taking risks, especially in business: Virgin's buccanee 广 识g 包under Richarad Brarso

bucky/bak/ noumn, ve贱

mnOUm 全 [G (njormah a US,, Australian or New Zealand dollar; a South African RAND; an Indian RUPEE: They cost ten bucks. C Weye talking big bucks (= alot of money)

here, 2 [cl a male'DpEER, HARE Or RABBIT (also called a

buck rabbiF-compare DOE; HART, STAG 3 [G] (SAFrE) a DEER, Whether male or female: a herd of buck 公 [q (ojd和 shioned, informah:a young man 5 the buck [sing:] used in some expressions to Tefer to the responsibility or blame for sth: Wwas my decision. The buck stops jhere (三 nobody else can be blamed)j. CT was tempted to Pass the buck (= make sb else responsible), [aaHISTIFrom buck, an object which in a poker game is placed in front of the player whose turn it is to deal, [Pr make afast/quick bucknformal, often disopproving) to earn money quickly

一more at BANG 1.,, MILLION and easily @ye 贱站 [v] (of a horse) to jump with the two back feet or all four feet off the ground 2 [V] to move Up and down suddenly or in a Way that is not controlled: The boat

DucKed and heaved benea 纺 hem

3 [VN] (njormal) tore-

Sist Or oppose sth: Onz or thwo companties haye managed to Duck the trend of the Tecessiof. 3 He admired her willingmess to buck the system (= oppose authority Or rules).

[Er buckyour ideas up(BrE, injormal) to start behaving in amore acceptable Way so that Work gets done bet,buck'up(njormaj) T (often in orders) to tep etc. become more cheerful _ERICcHEER UP: Buck UP,Kid! Its mottheend ofthegame. 2 buck uprold-joshioned) used totell sbtohurry ERIJHURRYUP ,bucksb upRBrE, injo 广 malj to make:sb more cheerful ERIJCHEER UP: The good TieWs bucked us al UP.

jbucketi/'bAkrt/ nouwm, ve必

snIOumn 了 (NAmE also paij [C] an open, container with a handle, used for carrying or holding liqiids, sand, etc.: Q

Plastic buckete (BIE) They were Playing of the peach with their Duckets and spades. 了2.[C] alarge container that js part of a CRANE or DIGGER and is used for lifting things一 Picture 吃 CONSTRUCTION 3 (also ”bucket:fuf /fol/) (NAmE also pai pail'fu]j fcl the amount contained in a bucket:, two_bucKketsMbucKkethuls of water ce They LU5ed to

ant and makes alotof bubbles when it is added to bath water 2 [Gq abath with bubble bath in the water

drinkteaby thepucketZbuckethil(= inlarge quantities). 4 buckets[pl.] (informaj) alarge amotnt: Tp Succeed 妇 Show business, YOU Pieed Duckets of comfidence. 2 We Wept

bulblble',gunna'bAblgAm/ noun, ad


smOUn [U] a type'ofcHEWING GUM that can be blown into bubbles

sacdlj. [onily before noun] simple in Style not serious and liked mainly by young people: This CD is pure DuUDPPbleguTm DOP.

bubble.jet printemw'bAbldqzetprmteC)/ noun atypeof

CeHe was swWeatirtg buckets py 轨heend of the race.

CThe rain was coming dowr im buckets (= 让 was raining Veryheavily), [Psee DROPm., KICK V. @yerb_ [EDbucket down(BrE,nformal torain heavily ERIJPOUR: 夏S bucketing down. bucket seatnouwnr arseatwith acurved back forone pe Son, especially in a .car

printerthatusesbubblesofairtoblowsmalldotsof inkin order to form letters, numbers, etc, On paper

ioucket shnopnovn (inf7rmaj especiallyBrE) aplace that

'Ibubble packmoun = BLISTERPACK Julbble wrapsrB6(NAmE "BubblewWrap mmovn[Iula

buckKceyey/bakar/ novn 1aN American tree that has

sheet of plastic which hasilotsiof small raised parts filled with air used for Protecting'things that are being carried or sentbypostmail

jbuljbl'iy/'"bAblij odj, roun aadi 1 full ofbubbles 2 (of a person) always-cheerful, friendly and enthitisiastic gmOuUnm [U] (injormalj) CHAMPAGNE

buibo/bjubao; NAmE-bou/n6un(P/

bupboey (medicah a

painful swelling ofthe LYMPH NODE Under the arm or in the GROIN


| ddid

| ffall

| 9gget

| Phat

| jyes

sells cheap Plane tickets bright red or white flowers and produces ntts 之 an OF ange and brown BUTTERFLY With large Spots'on its wings that look like eyes 3 Buckeye(US, informal) a Person from the US state of Ohio

, uCKk 乳 Housenown (BrE oftenWonig aniinformal name for Buckingham Palace: We stayed at TDrms place:HIE isnt exacty BucKk House butits cormjfortable enouSP.

Buckcing'ham Palace/baAkmem'pales/ moun'T the official home of the British royal family in London 2 the British royal family or the People who advise them: Bucj.ingharm Palace refused to comment

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nanow

| ppen

| red

buckle /baAkl verb; noun



ByVe 几 下 一 (sth on/up)to fasten sth or be fastened with a buckle: [VN] She buckled:her belt coHe buckied om his Sword. C [V] These shoes buckie at the side. 2 to become

crushedorbentunderaweight or force; to crush orbend sth in thjis way: [V] The steel 太ames begartto DuUckle Under the strain: o (Jigurative)Aweaker mam would have buckled Underthe pressure. C [VN] The crash buckled the 方ontofrny car .3 [v] when yourknees or legs buckle or when you buckle at the knees; youUr knees become weak and you startto fall jbuckie 'down:(to sth)j:(nformahjh to start to do sth seriously: Ta better buckle down to 妇 ose reports. ,buckle'up(NAmB) = BELT UP at BELTV 可 DOUm apiece ofmetalor plastic used forjoining the ends ofabeltorfor fastening apartofabag, shoe, etc. 一Picture

School uses a buddy system to Dair newcormers With older Students. ]






jibuddy up:fto/with sb) (NAmB6) T = PAL UP (wITH SB): You and your meighpour mmight Want to buddy Up to makke the trip Tore erijioyable. 2 to become friendly with:sb in order to get an advantage for yoOurself

puddy movie novn (norma1h a 所 m/movie in which thereis aclose friendship between two people

budge /bxA65/ ve 履(usually used in negative sentences)

(chance) (Austral 司NZE informan used to'suggestthat sb

Ttomove slightly; to make sthysb move slightly: [y] She Dushed at the door put 让 WoUldntbudge.C The dog rehused tobudge. o [VN] Theaved with al my maightbutstil couIadnt budse 让 2 to change your opinion about sth; to make sb changetheir opinion: [V] He wonttbudge ar 识cfhon the

haslittle orno hope of achieving aparticular aim



Buck-ley?s /DAkliz/ nown

TI not have Buckiey's


often keptin a CAGE as a pet

puick 'maked,codi (NAmE informnal) (of a Person) not wearing any clothes at all

buck'ram /bAkrem/ novn [U] atype of stiff cloth made

especially ffom cotton OoTLINEN, Used in the Past for coverin&books and for making clothes stiffer

,Buck?s Fizz (NAmE mimosa) novn [U,C] an.alcoholic drink made by mixing sPARKLING white wine (= with bubbles) with orange juice

buckcshot /bakfot NAmE-fazt/ noun [U] balls of LEAD that are fired from a SHOTGUN

buck:skKin /baAkskm/ noun tu],soft leather'made from the sKin ofDEER or GOATS,Used for making gloves, bags,


buck teeth .noum [pl] :top teeth that stick forward e'ibuck-'toothed adf/. buckcwheat /DAkwixt/ novn [U] small dark grain that is grown as food for animalsand for making flour

bucky'.balls /bAkibo:lz/ moun [pl.] (chemijstry) = BUCKMINSTERFULLERENE

bu-col.ic /bju:Kolik; NAmE -ka:lik/ adi (iteramy) connected With the coufitryside or country life

bud /bxAd/mrovni ve 必

@]OU7 Ta small lump that grOws on 3 Plant and from Which a floWer leaf or 5TEM devVelops: the 万[st puds appearing 记 Spring e The tree 党 识bud already.二 picture 一picture cTREE 2 aflowerorleafthatis not fully open

3 (NAmE



Listem DudQ BUD,

ROSEBUD, TASTE BUD_ IPTJU See NIPY 有 yerb [vj to produce buds

Bud:dha:/bude/ noun 1 (alsothe Buddha) the person

on whoseteachingstheBuddhistreligionisbased Z2 [Ga statue or Dicture of the Buddha 3 [G a Person Who has achieved ENLIGHTENMENT (=. Spiritual knowledge) ip Buddhism

Bud:dihism /budrzam/ noun [u] an Asian religion based on the teaching of Siddhartha


(or Buddha)

所 Bud.dhist /budrst/ moun:a deyvoutBudadhist Bud'dhist

jbaarst/ adj, [usually before noun]: a Buddhist morK/ temipIe

bud:ding /badri/ adj [only before noun] beginning to develop orbecome successful: Q budding artist/Writer COUrbudaaing rormma7mce

bud.dieia /badqiia/ novn [CU] a bush with Purple or white flowers that grow in grOUPS

buddy /badqi/ noun, vemb 目 mOUn{(pP/ -ies) 了 (NAmE also bud) (pformal a friend: an old college buddy ofrmine 了 (also bud):(both NAmBjrused

tospeakto aman you do notknow: 4Wwhereto, buddy2 the driyer askedi53 (especially NMAmB) apartner who does an activity with you So that:yOU can help each other: The


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| 了 shoe

MOVE UP: Budgeup apbit!

budsg:eri'gar /mbAdserigd(D/, moun ,(also njormaol budgie) (both Br a small bird of the PARROT family,

with MOLECULES .of 60 atoms arrangedinaroundhollow shape

一See also_ COTTON elloUSP_oF the Wisecracks,OK?

not to be budged on the 1ssUe.

room for other people

NAmE :ster-/ (also fullerene) moun [u] (also buckyballs[pl]) (chemistr) an ALLOTROPE (= form)'of CARBON


[VN] He was

pudge'up(BrE, informah to move; so that there is




/bad5t/ nounyyerb, ad

[CU] the money that is available to a Person OFT 目 1OUm an organization and aplan ofhow 让 Will be Spent Over a period of time: a momnthly/an arrtualI/a jarmily budset C_ the edrucation/defence budset (= the .amount of Imoney that can be Spent on this) C an adyertising pudget ofg2milioncabig-budgetmoviec We decorated the house on a fight budget (= without muach money to spend). 2 The worK Was finished on time amd Within budsget (= did notcostmore moneythan was planned). e They Wentover

Dudget (= spent too mtch money). C pudget cu 也 (BIE also Budget) an official statement by the government of a countrys 记come from taxes,etc. and how 让 will be SDent:s tax EU 这 切 语years budget oO aG budget deficit (= When the governiment Spends more mioney than 让 earns)

旧 Ver 二 (sth)j(forsth) | 一 sth (atsth)jtobe careful aboutthe amotnt of moneyyou speiid; to planto spend an amotnt of mioney for a particular Purpose: [V] 矿we 5udget care记 1IyWe 了 pe ableto afjordthe trip: eyepudsgetedjrtwo [VN] Tem 7milion 万arics has bpeen meWimemzbers of Staff The projecthas been Dudgeted at budgeted fpr 态eprojecE temu7miliomr 玉arics:eyiiote atSAVE es budgetingmoun [U] 上 ddj [only before noun] (used ip advertisin8, etc:) low in Price: QDudsgetJlighthotelc> note at CHEAP

budget account noun (Br6j .an arrangement with a shopystore or company to pay'your bills in fixed Legular amounts and not as one large 了Payment

budget:ary /badsrteri; NAmE -teri/ adjconnected with

abudget: budgetarycomtrol[policies/reformz 吃 note at ECONOMIC

budgie /Adsi/ noun (BrE informal) =BUDGERIGAR bu 和 /baAf/ novn, adj ,vemb

上 1OuUm 了 [C] (used'in compounds) a person whosis Very interested in a particular subject or activity and knows a lot aboutit: amoperabufr 2 [U] apale yellow-brown colBEIGE 3 _[U] soft strong yellowish-brown leaOUI ther_see _also BLIND MAN'S _BUFF_ [mr in the buff (informajl wearing no clothes NAKED 上 0dj 1 pale yellow-brown in colour: Qa Du 矿 enyelope BEIGE 2 (slang) physically fit and attractive with big muscles

下 Verb [VN] ~ sth (up) to polish sth with a soft cloth

buf.falo /bafelau; NAmE oa/ moun (Lpuffalo or buffaloes)1 alarge animal of the cow family. There are two

types of buffalo,the African and the Asian,which has 之 .三 一see also WATER BUFFALO Wide,curved horns.

BISON buf-fer /bafeGD)/ noun, ve 几 可 moun 了 一 (against sth) | ~ (between sth and sth) athing

or person that reduces'a shock OF Protects sb/sth against difficulties: Support rom jmaily and 方iends acts as Q bt 太 Jeragainst stres5s. CShe often had to actas Q DuFfer betbween

| 5 vision

|=tf chain

| :ds jam

| 9 thin

| 5this

| nm sing


194 |

有 ther and sono apuffer state:(= asmall country between two powerful states that hel]ps keep peace between them) c a buffer zone (= an area of land between two

opposing armies or countries) 2 (BrE) one of two Iound metal devices on the front or endof atrain, or atthe end of arailwayyrailroad tracky that reduce the shock 让 the

train hits sth 3 (computing) an areain acomputers memorywWhere data can be stored for a short time .4 (also old buffer) (old-1foshioned, BrE) asillyold man IE see HITY 上 Verb [VN] 1 toreducetheharmful effects ofsth: to bufjfer

太e effects of siress ori health 2 一 sb (against sth) to PIOtect sb from sth: They Tried to buffer themselyes ,against Problemas anid uncertainties. 3 (computing) (ofa comptiter)

tohold data fora short time before Using 让 buf.fet? /bufer 'bafer; NAmEba'fer/ noun 一see also BUFFET2 Ta meal at which people serve themselves from a table andthen stand or sit somewhere elsetoeat:apujfjfet IumnchVsuppercDinnerWwilbeacoldbuffeb motasitadowm 7meal 2 a place, for example in a train or bus station, Where you can buy food and drinks to eat or drink there, or to take away 3(Br 日 = BUFFET CAR 双 (especial

NAm有) = SIDEBOARD (]) buf.fetz /baAfit/ 一see also BUFFETL Ver [VN] [often passive] to knock or push sb/sth roughly from side to side: to be buffeted by the wind c(Hjguratve jnmalj) The mnation jad beenibuhpfeted byawaye ofstrikes. buffeting7oun [u,G usuallysing.]

buffet car /bufer kaz(nD); "baAfer; NAm 尺bafer/ (also buffet) noun (BrE) the partofatrainwhere you can buy sth to eat and drink


/bafu:n/ moun (old-oshnioned) .a person who

does silly but amusing things [U] busg /bAg/ noumn;, yerb

buffoon:ery /eri/ moun

昌 .IOUm

any small insect

了 [G ,(especialy: NAmB

slang) used to express SUrprIise: BUSSer Tel Did yOU See that? jbugger atbout/a'roundi(Br, ioboo, slang) to waste time bybehaving in a sily wayor with no clear - Purpose: Stop buggering about and get back to Work. A more polite, informal way:of saying this is mess about (BFE) or mess arotund (NATE,B7E) .bugger sb about/a'round

(BrE, toboo, slang) to treat sb in away

that is deliberately not helpful to them or wastes their time: Joym sickiof being bugSsered iabout By 妇 e comipamy. A more'polite,:informal way of saying this is mmess sb aboutyaround. bugger'off (BrE; tabpoo, slangji(often used in orders) to go away:; BU8g8er off amd leaye 7ne alone. C_ Where isieyeryonte? .Theyye all buggered o 太 ,bugger sth*>up: (BrE, taboo; slang)to do sth badly or:spoil sth: 了 busggered up the examzo SorTyjJorbuggerinlg UPyYoUTr Plans. Amore polite,informalwayofsayingthisisfoul sth up, Imess sth up orbungle sth. ,bugse 关 :al中 mouns[u] (BrE5 ioboo, slang) nothing at all; WelL:sShe none at all: Theres bugger allion TV tonight Was bugger all help (= no help at al]),

bug:gered /bbAged; NAmE-gserdj/ adj [not before nounm] (BrE; toboo, slang) 1 very tired 2 broken or ruined: Oh

mo the TVS buggered [II PINbe buggered (BrE; toboo,

informaj) used to express great SUIPIise: We II be buggered! Look whos jhere.Pm 'buggered if (BrE, toboo0, slang) used to saythat you do notknow sth orto refuseto do sth: Whats this meeting all about2” 了T7m buggered 久 工 Know Well Prm buggered 矿Pi going to jhep her aer Whatshe said to 7me.

bug.gery /baAgari/ noun [U] (BrE toboo, slang or /am) ANAL SeX Bug.gins*turn /bAgmz; 'bAgmZzIZ/ OU

busggy /bAgi/ noun (/ es -了 -[O

(Unformah an infectious illness that isusually fairly mild: ajflubug cTheresastomach bug going rounmd (= People are catching:itffom:each othen.eTPpicked up abugthe

office. cy note at DISEASE. 3. (usuallythe ..。 bug).[sing.] (informal) an enthusiastic interestin sth such as a Sport OF ahobby: 急 etrayelbugCShe Was neyerinterested 训 记 tness

LU] (BrE Djo 广

mall used to refertothe wayin which 让 sometimes seems that people getjobs or areDromotedmnot because they are good atwhatthey do,bttbecausetheyhave been doing 让 forlongerthan anybodyelse

(BF (NAmEEcart) a small

cat often without a roof or doors, used for a particular Purpose: a gardert/golf buggy 一see also BEACH BUGGY

2 (also 'Baby BuggyrM) (both B/ 日(NAmE strofler) a type of lightfolding chair on wheels 雇 which a baby or small child is pushed along 一compare:PUSHCHAIR .3 a light CARRIAGE for one or two people, pulled byone horse

bugle /bju:gl/ noun a mnusical instrument like a small before putmnow shess beerubitten by the bug. ,4 [Cl (njo 广 TRUMPET, used in the army for giving Signals Imal).asmall hidden device for listening:to other people's bu'.gler /bju:glaaD/noun aperson'who playsithe bugle

conversations 5 [Cl afault in.a machine, especially in a compnuter system or Prograrn @:(NAImE) 三 BEETLE

verb (gg-) [VN] 1 to put a Special device (= abug) someWhere ip order to listen secretlyto other People's conversations: They bugged er hotel7oom. 3 They Were DugSginS jis telephone comnyersatiofis Sa Dugging daevice 2 (nj六 mal) toiannoy OF irritate sb: Stop bugging nel cts some:= thing thats been bu8gging me:a lotTecently [Er bu 'offi (NAmE, informal arude wayof telling sb to go away

bug.a:boo /bageb/novn(NAmENnformnal athing that people are afraid of

bug-bear /baAgbeeGnD);-NAmE:ber/ nown (especially BrE)ia thing'that annoys-people and: that they worry abonut': JPmjlatior 共 轨egoyermnrments maimn bugbear

bug-eyed cdi (pformah having eyes that stick out lbug.ger /DAgaGrD)/ moun, ve 册 目 IOUm (BrE, ioboo, s/a1ig) 1 an offensive word used to iDStilt sb, especially a man, and to show anger Or dislike: Corne here, yoUlittle bugger1o ZDUStupid puggerL ZUCcOUId jayerum me oyer! 2 lsedtoreferto aperson, especiallya man, that you like or feel sympathy for: Poor bugsger/_His

W 记 IE全 7im lastweek ee Hesatougholdbugger 3 athing thatis difficult or causes Problems: This doors abuggerto 0pen. Question 6 这areal DuUgSger [ET see SILLYOG/ Ver T(BrEtoboo,slangjused as asweatr wordwhen sb is annoyed abonut sth or to show thatthey do not care abonut sth at all: [V] BuggerlTyve Ieft7ny Keys at horme: [VN] Buggeritl ITyeburntthe toastcO bugger 坊 ecosti IEts Set 让 anyWway: 了 [VN] (BrE toboo, slang) to break or ruin sth:T think TyeDbpuggered theicormmputer 3 [VN] (ioboo of/awto

have _ANAL sex -With sb [II ,bugger me a cat'| ec father | eten | s: bird | eaabout

:(BrE toboo,

bui.bui /buibui/ novn (EAJrE) an item ofclothing worn by someMuslim women,:consistingofalongblack dress and piece ofblack cloth that covers the head showing onlythe face or eyes

了 天 证-0 训 /bia/ ver 包 mowr 四 Verb (built,built /bnt/) 下 ~ sth (ofWin/from sth) | 一 sth (for sb) | ~ sb sth to make sth, especially abuilding,by putting parts together: [VN] Theyjhaye Perrmmissiom to Duild 200 mnew houses. C Robins build mests almiost ariyWwhere. 2a Phouse Duilt of stone C They jhad a house UL Jor them. [VNN] Dayvid buitE vs ashed 识 the backyard.C [V] Theyre

goingto build on the site oftiheolda powerstatioft. 了 2 [VN] to create Or develop sth: Shes puiLEG meW careerjorierself We want to build a better life. ceThis 识formatiomWwiu hezp Us build ia picture of his attacker -3 [V] (of a feeling) to become gradually stronger: The tensiomn and excitermment DuiE Sradually allaay II See CASTLE) ROME jbuild sth a'round:sth [usually ;passive] to create sth, using sth else as a basis: The story is _built arounda a

group ofhigh schooldropouts. build sthc'in |,build sth "into sth [often passive] Tto make sth a permanent part of alarger structure: Were haying new Wardrobes DUiLt 妆 . CThe pipes were Duilt into the concrete. Qto make sth a Permanent Part of a systerm plan, etc:: A certair amoOunt oF jlexipbility 1 built into 雪 e System 一See also BUILT-IN 'build on sth to tse sth as a basis for further PIOgTeSS: This study builds on earlier work.'build sth on sth [usuallyipassive] to base sth on sth:anmn argurmentbuiltorsound

1ogizibuild sthe'on hbuildisth'onto sth':toaddsth (for exampleian extraroom)to an existing structurebybuildipg:Theyyebuiltar extensioron CThe new WingWwas buitt

zsit | 衬 see|imany|ogot(BrE)

| ovsaw | Acup

| oput'| utoo

onto'the hospital Iastyear ,build up (to sth) to become greater more powerful orlarger in number: ALL the PresSUFe DuiLt UP and he Was o 矿work for Weeks with Stress. The .music builds up to a rousing climax 一related noun


|195 _SYNONYMs

BUILD-UP(l)sbuild 'upito sth | build yourself up to


related notn BUILD-UP(2) ,build sb/sth .up [usually pas-

property。premises。complex 。 structure * block edifice

sth to prepare for a particular moment Orevent: BUiLdG yourselF up to peak performartce on the day of the exarmmt.一

sive] to give averypositive and enthusiasticdescription of sbysth, often exaggerating yourclaims: The Play Was Duitt Up to be amiasterpiece butTIjfound 让 yery disappointir8.一

related noun BUILD-UP(3) ,build sb/yourself 一 up to

make sb/yourself healthier or;stronger::You mneed more Protein to Duild you Up. ,build sth 一 up 1 to create or develop sth: Shes built UP Q Very SUCcessful business, These finds heljp us build up GPpicttreofI 记 识 t 切 eMiddle Ages. CT am ahnxious not to bpuild UP false hopes (= to encourage people to hope for too much), 2 to make Sth higher or stronger than it was before 上 mOUn [U,C usuallysing.] the shape andisize ofthe human body: armmnar ofayverage build

SYNONYMs build Construct * assemble 。erect *。set up *。put up* put


These words allmean tomake sth, especially by'putting different partstogether = 吉庆

Duikdl to make sth, especially abuilding, by putting partstogether: ahouse bujofstone 人 Theyre golngt 如 Buildion thesiteoftheold powmwerstation: conmstruct [often passive] (ratherjormahto build sth suchiasaroad;buildingor machine:

assemibie (rotherJor7iahtofittogether allthe separate parts of sth suchasa pieceof furniture or amachine:

The cupboard iseasy 如 05s5se1mblje:

erect (Jormalto buildsth; to put sth in position and

makeitstand upright: Police hodtoerectbariers 如 Jeep crowds back set sth up to build sth orplacesth somewhere: We decideqdiosetup camp forthenight: 2 put sth up to build sth or place sth somewhere: Theyye 人弛ngE 0P new Joiels in ordertobpoosttoursm 疾 雪 e Pu O1ea.

.SET STHIUPOR PUT STH UP? Set sth up is not used for permanent buildings: eye

cj5 Youset Up campP but PuUtUP aq ten Forothertemporary structuresyoucan use either word: 局 用轩 tosetuVPPULUPO 用 ncelbarriersjelte 六 put sth togetherto makeorprepare sth by fittingor collecting partstogether: to PUt togethergmodelplane

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 填 to build/construct/erecMput upa house/bridge/wail 利 to build/construct/erect/put up some shelves 二 to buildyconstructerect/put upa barrier/fence/

shelter 可 to build/construct/assemble/puttogethera(n) engine/ machine mtobuild/construct a road/railway/railroad/tunnel 有 to erect/put Up atent/statue/monument , 昌 ito assemble/puttogetherthe parts/sections of sth

build:er /badacD)/ n5ur 人 a person or company whose

job is tobuild or repair houses OF otherbuildings 2 (ustuallyin compounds) a Person of thing that builds, creates r 一See or develops,sth: ashipbuilderca comfiderice bwilde also BODYBUILDER

由uilders” merchant-nour aperson or shop that SUPTDliesmaterials to the building trade

人 [cjiastructure such as ahouseOr schoolthat hasaroof 一pictures and buildings and walls: taloldhistoric

| ar my

| aonow

| ersay

factoryifathasaroofandfourwalls 水 一二 property abuilding or buildings and the Surrounding land,land and buildings: We haye obuyerwho Would Jiketioviewtheproperb eeThepriceofproperb' hasrisen

EmormOUs 作

This word is often used when

talkingabout buying/selling houses or other buildings and land. premises [pl.] the building or buildingsand surrounding land that a businessOwns or uses: The companyislookingjoriarger PreImi1ses: complexagroup of buildingsof asimilartype together in one place: aeisure compjex structure athingthatis madeof several parts; especiallya building: Thpe pierisa woodenstructure.:

biock (Br 日atallbuildingthat contains flats or offices; a

buildingthatforms partof a school, hospitali etc. and is usedforaiparticularpurpose: oblockofjoscthe Schools science block ediifice (Jorma1h alargeimpressive building.

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS , 瑟 (a/an) commercial/industrialyresidential buildingy/

property/premises/complex/block 四 anapartmentbuilding/complex/block 和 althe school building/premises 站 :aholiday property/complex 上@to build a(n) property/complex/structure/block/edifice 昌 toerectaln) building/property/complex/structure/ blockyedifice @to putup abuilding/property/structure/block @to demolish/pulldowna(n)building/property/ complex/structurelblock/edifice Vocabulary notes on page R9 也 [U] the PIocess and work ofbuilding: the building ofthe schoolc Theres Duilding Work going on mext dooF 2 态 e building trade C build训g maaterials/costsYreSulations

'building block "ovun,1 [Ga piece of wood ,or Plastic

usaed as atoy for children to build things with 之 building blocks [pl.] partsthat arejoined together 训 order to make alarge thing exist: SingleiWords are the Duilding DiIocKs of Iarnguage.

'building site (especially BrB) (NAmE usually con struction site) noun an area of land where sth is being built

uilding society moun (Br (Us ,savings and loan association)

an organization like a bank that lends

money to People who want to buy a house. People also save money with abuilding society.

'build-up noun 1 [sing.,U] an increase in the amount of sth over aperiod of time: asteady build-up of trafhicin the eyenings 2 [Gusually sing.] ~ (to sth):the time before an jimportant evenb When people are preparing for it: the 玉 [Gusually sing.] a Very build-up to the Presidents VisiE 3 positive and enthusiastic description,of sth that is going to happen, that is intended to make People excited about it: Themedia jhas given the showia huSe Duild-UP.

built>ybat/ combiping jorms{(after adyerbs and in com-

pound adjectives) made in the Particular waythat is mmen一See tioned: a mnewly built statiomn 2 Americari-DUiL carS


,Duilt-'inm: (also /ess eq0Ent ,inibuilt) ad [only before

多 ;0w5/baldmAnoun pdaildj.im


These areallwordsforastructure such as a house, office blockor factory that has aroofand foucwalls louildlinsg astructure'such'asa'houseyroffice block or

| ao go (BrE)|

noun] included:as part of sth and,not separate 一coOmPpare INBUILT Duilt:im EuUDDpoards

o0 gos(NAmB

io boy

| re near

| ee hair

位om jt:

| ve pure

196 | 'Bulldog


cliprw "ovn (BrE)a metal device forholding papers together 一Picture cy STATIONERY

bull.doze /boldeoz; NAmE -douz/ ve 几 下 [VN] to destroy

built-'up di [usually before noun] (especially Br (of an ”area of 本 covered in buildings, roads, etc.: to reduce the speed 1imit in built-uPp areas

=- buildings, trees, etc. with abulldozer: The trees are being8 Dalldozxed to make Way for a mew SUPerstore, 卫 [十adv/ prep.] toforce your way Somewhere; to force sth somebuwllb /balb/ novun T (also light bulb) the glass Part that whbere: [V] Aridy Roland 5alldozxed through to Score. < fits into an electric lamp,etc. to give 1ight when 让 is [VN] Ze balldozxed jis Way to Victor SCThey bulldaozxed the tax througP ParliaTment 3 [VN] 志 sb (into doing sth) Switched on: a 60-watt bulb ca rooTm 1it by bare bulbs (= to force sb to do sth: They pulidozed hirm into seliainmg. With no decorative cover) 一Picture c LIGHT 2 theround tnderground part of some Plants, shaped like an onion, bulldozer /boldaozaC); NAmE :dooz-/ moun a powerful that grows into a new plantevery year 一picture 所 PLANT Vehicle with a broad steel blade ip front, used for moving 3 an Object shaped like abulb; forexample the end of a earth orknocking downbnuildings 一picture c CONSTRUC-



bulb.ous /bAlbes/ odj-shapedlikelabulb; round and fat

bulldyke (also bulldike) /buldaik/ noun (onsive) a

记 anuglyway: a puLDous red nose

LESBIAN Who is thought to look Very male or to act ip a typically male way

bul.gar (also bul:.gur) /bAlgeGr)/ 人 sibuiRar wheat)

Joun [U] atypeofftood consisting of grains of wHEAT that are boiled then dried

lbul.let 0 /bulrt/ noun a Small metal object that is fired fom a gun: DUIIet Wounds There were pulletholes 识 二edoor 和 RewasKiled by a bulet in the jhead. 一See also MAGIC BULLET,, PLASTIC

buwlsge /baAld5/ verb, noum 于 号 [V]T~(with sth) (usually used in the Progressive tenses) to be comPpletely full (of sth): Her PocKkets were buLSing With present. CO Q bulging briefcase 2 to stick out


bul.letin /boletm/ movn 1 a short news report on the

from sth in around shape: Bis eyes pulged. See SEAM 上 PoOU 了 alump that sticks out ffom sthip around shape: the bulge ofaguriin hispocket 了 (informahl fatonthebody that sticks out in a round shape: ThatisKirts too 二gRhE 下 Shows.all yOUr bulges. -3 a Sudden temporary increase in the amount of sth: After the War there Was abulge 识 the Dirth rate. 四

Tadio or television 2 an official statement aboutusth important: a bulletiron the Presidents health 3 aprinted Teport that gives news about an organization Or a grouP




1 (NMmB)



之 全 aplace in a computer systerm'where any User can Wiite or read messages

ulliet Poipt noun an item imr alistin adocument that is

bul.ging /baAld5m/odi thatstickoutfrom sthiparound

Printed with a square, diamond or circle iD front of'it in orderto show thatit is imnportant: The squareyetc. js also called abullet point.

Shape: PUIgimg eyes

bu-.limia /bulmie; bju-;-liamie/ (alsobulimia nervosa

/bujlimie naxVaeUsa; NAmE nar'VoUse/) noOUnm [IU] an emotional DISORDER ,in which a _person repeatedly eats too Imuch and then forces him- orherself to voOMIT 一Compare

bul.let.proof /bulrtpruft/ ozdj that can stop bullets ffom Passing

through it: a DUuletproof Yest

ANOREXIA > bulimic /bulmmzk; bju-;-liamIk/ad/. ,noun

bullettrain 5ovn Uniormal)aJapanesetirain that carries

bulk /balk/ mrourn; ve避 四 0OU 了 [sing.] the~(of sth)the main Part of sth; mostof

bw 中.币多ht /bolfart/ moun a traditional public entertain-

Passengers at high speeds Iment,PoptUlar especially in Spain, iD which BULLS are

sth: The puK of the population lives in cities. 了2 [U] the

number ofsimilar items)Cbpulk buying(=buying 雇 large

fought and usually killed > bullfighter5ovn bullfighting /OU [U] 一 See also:MATADOR bull.finch /bolifmtf/ novn a small European bird of the

amounts, often at areduced price) cts cheaper to buy 训 pulk. 3 [sing.] the weight or shape of sb/sth large: She

bull:frog /bofrogy NAmE

(large) size or quantity of sth: Despite is buIK and weighb the car 1 extremely jost Cabulk order (= oneforalarge

FINCH family with a strong curvedbeaksandapinkbreast

上 Ye 尼 [V] rr bulk arge (BE 如 ro/) to be the ,most important Part of sth Iake sth bigger thicker or

;bulk sthe>out/up heavVler



ward way in apPlace or Situation where skill andicare are needed take the bull by the 'hornsto face adifficult or dangerous Situation directly and with courage 一more at REDadj,SHOOTY bull bars 202n [pl.] (Br6) aset ofstrong metal bars fixed

tothe front ofa large Vehicle to protect if from damage

bulldog /buldpg; NAmE -do:g/ noum aishort Strong dog With 下


head, ashortflatnose and:a shortthickmeck

-| ddid

要 ffal|

9 get

| hhat

站 jyess

(Nm 有 unwiling



STUBBORN pw ,bulkheadedness/0L1 刘

and difficult to move OF carry: BUIKy itemms Will pe collected separately. 了 (of a person)tall and heavy: The buIKy 广gure Of Jspector Jomes Qppeared at the doo太 jbuil ba/ novun T_[C the male of any animal in the cow family: Q puL mneck (= a Short thick neck like a bull's)一 compare BULLOCK,COW,OX,STEER 了 [C] the male of the ELEPHANT,WHALE and Some other large animals一 compare COw 3 [G (jimance) a person who buys shares

olic Church): apapal pu1 :5S [U] (siomg = BULISHIT: Thats aload:of pull 6 [C =BUELISEYE 一See alsoCOCK AND BULL STORY abullin si'china shop aperson whosis careless, or who moves or acts in arough orawlc


think is _annoying and_unreasonable

aship or an aircraft into separate parts

记 acompany hoping to sell them soon afterwards at a higher Price 一compare BEAR 4 [cl an of6Gcial order cr Statement ffomthe PopPE (=thehead ofthe Roman Cath-


changeyouropinion abonut sth, ip awaythatother people

bulk-head /baAlkhed/ moun (techmicol) awall that divides

bulky/ balki/ ad (bulkier bulkiiest) 1.(ofa thing)large

三 5:g; 人 ad:9) moun alarge

American FROG With a loud CROAK

Peayed her puIK out of 切e cha 太

bull.horn /bolhom; NAmE-horn/ noun(NAmB) 三 :IOUDHAILER bul:lion /bolien/-- novm [u]j gold or silver 迈 large amotnts or in the form ofbars: golda pu1Liom

bull.ish_ /bolrf/ ad 1 feeling confident and positive abonut the future:

识 Q buIish mood 2 (nance) causing,

OF connected with, an increase in the Piice of shares: a DLLIiSR arket 一compare BEARISH

bullimarket5ouvn (jnance)aperiod during which share Prices are Tising and people are buying shares 一compare

BEARMARKET bull'mastiff 2ovnalarge'strongidog with shortsmooth


bul.iock /bolek/ movn ayoungBULL (= amale cow) that as been. CASTRATED

(= .had Part of its sex organs Te-

Imoved) 一compare Ox, STEER-

bullpen /bolpen/ ovn (NAmE)1 thepartofaBAsEBALL field where Players' practise PITCHING-(= throwing) before the game 字 extra PITCHERS (= Players who throw theball) in.aBASEBALL team Who are sed,ifTiecessaryito Ieplace the Usual pitchers: The teamzs Dulipem is solid this yeai 3 atype of large ofce which is OPEN-PLAN (三 让 does not have walls dividing'the office area) 4 aroom where Prisoners wait before they go into the coirt for their trial ;

| k catii


| mman


| 35p pen

| aired

bullirin名 /bulrm/ nounthelargeround area, like an outdoor theatre, whereBULLFIGHTS take place

with bumble:bee /baAmblbi:/ noun a lafge BEE Covered 吓> s 一picture small hairsthat makesialoudnoise as it flie PAGE R2I

bullrush = BULRUSH

'Ibull session novn (NAmE, injormaj an occasion When People meet andtalk in an informal way bullseye /mazar/ (also bull) movun [usually sing.] the centre ofthetargetthatyot shootor throw at in shooting, ARCHERY

ngim burmn:bling /baAmbla/2d [only before noun] belavi misan awkward confused way: often making careless takes bum.boat /bsAmbaot;, NAmE -bout/ noun a small boat that carries goods for sale to ships that are tied up or ANCHORED writbumf (alsopumph) /baAmf/ noun [U] (BrE, informaj) ten inforrmation, especially advertisements, official docu五e meants, forms, etc., that Seem boring Of UnneceSSary: thFew away TY lette5 thinKing 让 WaS Just more election Durm帮 bum.fluff /baAmflAf/ noun [U] (npformal) the soft hair that growsontheUpperlip and chin of aboy, as his beard begins to grOW

OFT DARTS; a Shot or throw that hits this: He

Scored apullseye.

buliying 004n [U]: Bulyingiaproplemm inrmmary School SCHe rehused to giye 识 to bulbying aid threats. Dullying behaviour/tactics bully for youy etc: (njformall used to 昌 EXClamation

showthat youdo not thinkthat what Sb has said or done

a Iough you:stand UB. 了 [+advVprep]ito move across ce[VN] surface: [y] The jeep.burmped along the dirt track.

is very impressive: He's gotajob 丰 NeW York? We buly JorPirm! man: buliy boy "ovn (BrE; informal)anaggressive Violent The grouP haye 刘equenty Used bully-boy tactics. ty ENYy pulpit movn [sing] (NAm 有日a position of atlthori about an public ip speak to nity Opportu Sb:the ves 可 that issue Darbulrush (also ) /bolrA『 /moun atall plant with long that grIOWS rowleaves and along brown head of flowers, in or near Water


sth: (Jormaj) a person or thing that protects or defends 之 a wall built as a defence bulwark against extremisrm above the 3 [usually pl] the part of a ship's side that is level of the DECK

Dumi /baAm/ movm; verb, 0 中 yoU S 让 上 IOU1 (injformnah 了 (BrE)the part of the body that 日 BACKSIDE; BEHIND, BOTTOM 全 (especially Nm On asks other a person Who has no home OFT job andrwho who spends People for money OF food: a beach pum (= sb 3 alazy alltheirtime onthebeach, withouthavinga job) for Society: Person who does nothing for other People or on seats 了 es miothing Dut a no-g00d burmntl [Er bums who (BrE, jpformajh used to referto the number of people izingthe attend ashow:talk, etc.,especially When emphas : Theyre Pot need or desire to attract a large mumber 一雪ey JSt mnce Dothered about:attracting 雪 e right audie

the ,bumi's rush (Dj WantDiunmis On Seat5: give sb/get sb/beforcedtoleave aplace 1mal especially NAmEjto force the cIUZ. duickly: Hewassoon givemn 切 e buimS TUs玉 太omz

一 sth (off sb) (informoajito get sth from

sb by asking

CADpGE: .Can TDburm acigarette a 太YOU?



or dis了 一sb(out (NMmE informalto make sbjfeelupset

(nforma) to

no Particular travel_ around. OF Spend your time With 六 Plans: He burmrned around the world 1 Qyear: quality; wrong CT 上 Gd [only before noun] (injormaj) ofbad dealL (= a useless: He didmnit Play one puUTLTOote 2Q burm deserve'or have situation where youU do notget what you


Pack) 20 iii:oag:/bambaeg/ (BrE (NAmE fanny worn around (informoj asmall bag attachedtoabeltand e c> BAG, the waist to keep moneyy etC, in 一Pictur

movein armmn:ble/bambl yerb'[V 十 adVXprepjto actorburnbling Fairz amawWkward or confusedsWay:TIcOUId hear aroumnd in the Kitcjrer



| Vivan mw wet

| 2 z00

| Tshoe



-its way





OF PosS4 [VN + adv/prep] to move Sb 位om one gIOUP airline iion to another; to remove Sb from a grOUP: The 矿youU are apologized and bumped W UP t irst class.

sth) bul-wark /bolwak; NAmE -Wark/ noUn 全 一 (against a

aa ye 由 (mm-)[VN]T



emburmped off ar airline becaUse of oyerbooKirig, yOU are had been titled to compensation c The coach told mirz he 'into sb (informaj bump bumpea 廊om the crew_ CE jte murder (informa sb The house next do0or was burgled. 日 bur.gOo /bs:guz; NAmE bair'guz/ noun (以 -oos) (NA 1 [U] atype ofthick soup, especially one eaten outdoors 2 [q an event at which burgoo is eaten outdoors dy bur:gunmdy /bs:gendj; NAmE'barg-/ nounT Burgun

tu 中 (plsies)aredorwhite wine from the Burgundy area of eastern France: 2 [U] a darkred colour :burgundy

adj :aburgundy Ieather briefcase burybur.ial /berisl/ moun [u,C] the act or ceremony of ing a dead body: a purial PlaceZmotmdXsite c Her body be Was senthomejJporburiaL c His Jormaily insisted he Should Sivenaproper burial

or write on 2 (NAmE) = CHEST OF DRAWERS 3 an office particular organization that Provides information on a a governsubject: aa empIOyYTment PUTeQU 4 (in the US) ground 7iounaplace where dead bodies are burment: burial ment department or Part of a goverInrment depart ied, especially an ancient Place noun 切 eFederal Bureau of Jnyestigation burka (alsoburkha ) /bueka; bs:ke, NAmE'ba:rke/ -/ nouwn (P/ ose piece of clothing that cOVers the whole body, bureau'Cracy /bjuerpkresi; NAImE bjara:k alonglo rules Muslim -ies)1 [U] (often disapproving) the system of official including the head and face; wor in public:by an OrganWomen in Some countries and ways of doing things that a goOVernment of too compliiation has, especially when these Seem to be noun [U] (especially NAm 日 2 [U;G a bur-iap /bslaep;NAmE "ba:rl/ cated: UiiiecesSary/excessive DuUreaucracy 三 HESSIAN number alarge are there system of government 识 WwWhich perwith such burlesqUue /ba:lesk, NAmE bs:rl/ moun 下 [Ca of state officials who aremnot elected; a country tries to Inake sth which writing of Q 识 piece OF Living e C formmanc racy bureauc a systemi: 切ePower of the state us Way loolec ridiculous by representing it in a humoro modern bUreauUcracy Le 了 [U] (NAm 日a literary ;of e DuUrlesdu Q PARODY: noun (often disthe US, bur.eau':crat /bjuerekrzet; NAmE'bjar:/ type of entertainment, Dopular in the past in 'or a 8OVdancing, etc. and often Opproving)jan official working in an organization singing, acts, us humoro g involvin follows the before ernment department) ,especially- one who incliiding STRIPTEASE > burlesque 0路 [usually rules of the department too strictly nounm] odj (often oraman's body) bureau:crat.ic /bjueraKkrzettk; NAmEPbjor-/ burly /bs:ii NAmE "barlij adi (ofaman Or bureatudisapproving) connected with a bureatcracy vy BRAWNY hea amd sttrong big, may which crats andinvolving complicated official rules noun controLAProjbuwwrm:om /bami; NAmEbsrn/ Verb; seem Unnecessary: bureaucratic PowerV da greatdeal 四 yerb :burnt, blfnt /bamti NAmE bszmt/) oF burned, reyeale report The 2 ns mizatio s/organ cedrure cally /kkli/ burned /bamd; NAmE baszmd/)) of bureaucratic inefficiency we bureau'crati ng 万re FIRE T [vtoproduceflames andheat:A welcomii ad Fires Were burning QlL ovyer :C replace 记 the in burning' Was jorow/ NAmEib tenses) bureaudechange' /bjoereu de amng3; the city 2:[V] (usediespecially 训 the progressive oy NAmE jbjurou/) houn (pHbuif:eauxide change“ /bjuare citby Was Durning. Two e theWwhol mightfall where By etc, ire: tobeonf airport; an in (from French)an office ata hotel smell of y for that 位om childrer Were Tescued 太om the burning car 9 The you can exchange money from one cotuntr uabberfilled the air 3 to destroy damage, injure burningr another fire: [VN] to or kill sbysth by fire; to be destroyed, etc, by tube with his belongimngs Were AIL purette (USalsoburet) /bjuret/ novna glass leayes ead paperd ste burn:Wa endiused, for measurementsonitandatap/faucetatone pure (NAmB) :| or boy |: re near | es hair | 5e


|:ar my | aoinow

| ersay

| so 8o (BrE)

| ou go


200 |

seen Q doctor?

3 (of a fire) to burn more strongly and

with larger;flames' burn sb up (NAmE 7nfornah:to make sb very

Duarnt 训 hefire.cThecigaretteburnedahole 训 thecarpet C The house was burntto the ground (= completely destroyed). Ce [VN-ADI] Bisgreatestfear is ofbeing burmt alive. CO [V] The house purned to the Sround c Ten people burned to death in the hotel fire. * FUEL 4 if you burn a fuel, or a fuel burns, it produces heat, light Or energy: [VN] a 包 rmnace 纺 at DuUrTas SasAOilA cokeo (jgurative) Some people burn calories (= usefoodto Produce energy)jGaster 妇 amn others.S [V] WRich fuel burns most efficientty? * F00D 5 让 foodburns, or 过you burn iti it is spoiled because it gets too hot: [V] Tcanm smei somietphing purming 训 the Kitchen. C [VN] Sorry一 Tburnt the toast * SUN/VHEAT/ACID G tobe damaged or injured by the sun,

退 g: The fire burmed UDP IT500 acres of frmlard: 了 to Use CALORIES OF eliergy by doing exercise: WicF Durms upP more caiories 一SWirmmirming Orcycling2

旦 1OU1 “INJURY 1 [q an injury or a markcaused by fire, heat or acid: Tinor/seyvere/third-degree burrs C cigarette Durns Oo7t the 刀 rmitzlre C Durnm marks 2 a Specialist purns Un 让 总 GPRhospital

*1IN MUSCLES 2 the burn fsing.] the feeling that you get in your muscles when youhave done alotofexercise “RIVER 3 [G (Scot6) asmall Tiver STREAM [IC see sSLOW0d/.

heat, acid, etc.; to damageorinjure sb/sth in thisway: [V]

My skin purrns easily (= in the sun).o [VN] Tgot badly Durned py the SUTL yesterday The souUDS hot Dont burm your mouth CTburned myself on the stoye. > OF PART OFBODY 7 [V] part ofyour body burns or is burning, 让 feels very hot and Painful: Your Joreheads Durning. Hayve you Sot a fever? 8 Her cheeKs burned Witp embarrassment 已 note at HURT OFALIGHT 8 [v] to produce light: Zights were DUrning UPpstairs, put mo OPne QiSsWered the door * 上FEEL EMOTION/DESIRE 9 一 (with sth) (Witerory) to feela Very Strong emotion Or desire: [V]:to be burning With TagSe/armzb 让Orwtovec [Vto in人 Hewasburning to goclimzbpis agaim.

* GO FAST 10 [v + advVprep] Unformah)to move very fast in a particular direction: The car Was burning dowm the

SYNONYws burn char* blacken *。 scald * scorch ,singe These words all mean to damage, injure, destroy or kill sby/sth with'heat or fire.

burnto damage, injure, destroy or kill sby/sth with fire, heat or acid; to be damaged, etc. by fire, heat oracid: She purned all his jetters. coiphe house burneddownin 1995.

char[usually passive]to make sth blackby burningit; to become blackby burning: Thpe bodies had been charred

beyond recosnitonm. blacken[often passiye] to make sth black: There wasa


1rowofpbrick houses blackenedibysrmoke,

* MAKE ANGRY 11 [VN] (NAmE Diormnal) to make sb very angry: SOYou did ijustto burn mme?

>* CD, ETC. 12 [VN] to put information onto a CD, etc. [cr burn your bridges (BrEalso burn your boats to do sth that makes it impossible to return to the Previous Situation later: ThinKk care 记 1lypeforeyouresigr 一you aon 北 Want to Dumri yoUr Bridges.


the candle at both

Thingsthat are charred have been burnt. Things can be blackened by fire orjust bysmoke, or bysth else entirely. 汪

scaldto burn part ofyour body with very hotliquid or

scorchto burn and slightly damagea surface by

things and going to bed late and getting up early burn

get your 'fingers burnt to stiffer asia

making ittoo hot: /scorched /my dress when1was ironing 走 将 singeto burn the surface of sth slighitly, Usually by mistake; to be burnt in this way: He sfPged his hair as hetnedioJEhthpscgarette.

restult of doing sth without realizing the possible bad freSults, especially in business: Re got pis 万nigers padIy Pur7tt

dabpling 识 the stock rnarket



'ends to become very tired by trying to do too many your:fingers:|

angry: The Way he treats 7mmne really purTls 7me

up. ,burn sthe 二 up Tito getridofordestroysthbyburn-

burn ahole in your

pocket if money burns a hole in yotr pocket; you want to 下 it as soon as you have it burn the midnight oilto study or work until late at night burn 'rub-


ber (njformalj to drive very fast burn sth to acinder/

Things are scorched by heatorfire.Things canonly be

"crisp to cook sth for too Iong or with too much heat so that 让 _becomes badly burnt-more at EAR,MONEY burn'away| ,burn sth note at PAINFUL 4 very hot; looking and feeling Veryhot: the burningsune herburningjfoce 5 一 eyes (久 erary) eyes that seem to beistaring atyou very hard

ofacar burn up Titobe destroyed byheat: The space-

adadyv burning, hotvery hot

cra认 Drmed UDP as 让 entered the earths atmriosphere. 2 (usually used in the progressive tenses) (infommal) to have a high temperature: Zoure Durning UP 一haye yoU



| adid

上 ffall


| :gget

| hhat


/bamazrf; NAmE "bazmrf/ vemb [VN] (Jormahito

polish metal until it is smooth and shiny-e burnished adj. [usually before noun]:burnished gold/copper

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred



burnous(NAmE usually burnoosg /ba:nu:s; NAmE

a baxrm-/ noun a long loose item of outer clothing with

HOoD (= covering for the head)) worn by Arabs



'BurnsNightoun [u,cltheeveningof25 January when

Scottish Scottish ,people celebrate the birthday of the POET,Robert Burns,With traditional Scottish mnusic, WwWHISKY and dishes such as HAGGIS 中 burmnt 0 /bsmt; NAmEbasrrnt/ ao hand daimaged or injured by burning: burnittoastC Your Iooks padly burnt

an animal) Jburnt 'offeringnoun 1 something (usually offered to a gift a as ny ceremo us religio a in burnt thatis

Im be pee)l (= I need to use the toilet right now), u thatiyo much so sth do to want sthto do to ng bursti him the

burntby god 2 (BrE; humorous) foodthathasDeenbadly accident

stop yoUrself: She was bursting to tel

can hardly to sbs good news,,burst sb's 'bubbleto bring an end (sth) open ,burst | 'open burst etc, ness, happi ,

1Tdestroyed orbadly damaged byfire:Q

sth for too burntout car 耶 feeling as ifyou have done burntOUt Qt eling 帮 mn 了 rest: a have to need and long Work--Tneeda holiday. noun [U] Ta burnt siemna/bamtsi'ene; NAmE Pbarnt/ PIGMENT, deep red-brown colour Za deep red-brown


Open in this to open suddenly or Violently; to make sth the door way: The door burst Open 2 Firefighters burst


Whichis 3 (also buf the seed container of Some plants or fur d in very small hooks that stick to clothes covere

-0o9 from Spamburritojbori:teo; NAmE -tou/ moun (PL LA filled with TORTIL a of ing consjst dish Mexican

jsh) a meat Or BEANS -09 (NAmE 他om burro/borac; NAmE 'ba:rou/ noun (PL 区 并 Y DONKE small a ) Spamish noun burrow/bareo; NAmE "baxrou/ verb, the ground by'digavyerb 1 to make ahole or a tunnel in Earthpworrms Dur ging .EDpIc: [V usuailly+ advVprepi] ep] : The rodentt advVpr 十 [YN Soil the into deep row prep.] topress Durrowedits way into thesantd. 之 [+advV wed dow

[V]:e DuUTrro yourself close to sb or under sth: rowed her foce into his 5beneath thebiankets.o [VN] Shebur sthunder oramong chest 3 [V+advVprep]to search for ir ofsocks.? 瓦e things:She burrowed in the drawerjorapa

his pas上 was afraidthatthey Would burrow 训 to made by animals amoum a hole or tunnel in the ground such as RABBITS for themto live in (D bursae /SEE太or jbursa /ba:se; NAmE 3sTsa/ nmOUm body like a bag or the inside' Part a my) bursay (anato lly around 3a especia liquid with sleeve,Which is fled: joint so that 让 can woIK smoothly (especiajly BrE) aperbur:sam'ba:saGr); NAmE iba:rs-/ nOUn al affairs of 3 financi the e manag _ to is job son Whose school or college (有 -ie (especially bursary/ba:seri; NAmE 'baxrs-/ nowUm to sb so that they given is that money of amotnt an BrB) ity EGGcRANT, univers OF ge aicolle 'at usually can study, P ARSHI SCHOL

[u] (medical) a bur:sitis /bsxsartrs; NAmE ,bamT-/ moUn n and sore 雇 which abursa becomes swolle

| vvan

| wwet

|Ez zoo | 1 shoe


nlybe begantoblirn). e She burst into tears (= sudde here Sudto cryj :burst on/onto sthto appear somew talent

[v]toletout ai

> burpnoun

| ttea

at BUBBLE1,,

great sthto startproducing sth suddenly and With s (= suddenly The aircraft crashed and purst into Jflame gan

Pronunciation burrbas:(CD/ movn 1 [usually sing.] a strong ; an acCEnglish 记 accents some of typical sound, ofthe aks witha5o 放 centwith thistypeofprontunciation: Shespe soft regularnoise WestCountry burF 了 [usually sing] the EREIWHIRR madebyPparts of amachine moving quicky


一more themm

in on sb/sthto interrupt sb/sth byentering a place into denly and noisily: Fe burstin on the meeting._ burstforce:

making a noise from the stomach through the mouth, air from the ENIETcH 2 [VN] to make ababybring UP G its back gtomach,especially by rubbing OF PATTIN



. burst in| purst into a_ room, building,etc urst 和 noisily and ly sudden g buildin or to enter a room sud-

Used in art noun [U] burnt Unmiber/Dsmnt'AmbaGD; NAmE bsarnt) NT, UsediD 1 adarkbrown colour 2 adarkbrownPIGME

buwrp/bszp; NAmEbs:rp/ ve几 (ipfiprmanT

The SUm burst

in am an8Ty througf the clouds, The words burst 廊om her of sth; to rush 3 [v] be bursting (with sth) to be Very full roads are be very full and almost breaking open: The nthusibursting with cars. c to be bursting with ideas/e o The asfm/pride ce The jhall was filled to pursting point (informal) PPm bursting (fora hall was full to burstin8.

2 ayellow-brown PIGMENT, tsed in art


NAmEba:rst/ verb, noun

burstEinto te room Without Knockin8g.

burnt 'ochrenovn [U] 1 a deep yellow-brown colour


0 人

bursy 1 to break open OF apart,especially Byerb (burst in because of pressure from inside; to make sth break 让 UDP ary this way: [V] That balloor W 记 purst you blow Shelks more.C The dam burst Under the Weight of water ive) He were bursting (= exploding)all around us. (Jigurat COQGburstpipe 和 flt he would burst With anger and sharne. bamks [VN] Dont burst that balloon1 ^ The river burst its -了王XPLODE and jlooded nearby towns, 只 note at suddenly 2 [v+ady/prep]to go or move soOmewhere : 五e With great iorce; to come from somewhere'suddenly

burn'out/'bsmaut; NAmE "bsmrn-/ noun [CU] 1 the state menof being extremely tired or 训 , either physically or at tally, because youU have worked too hard 2 the point more Which a ROCKET has tsed all of its fuel and has no

major new denlyin awaythat is Very noticeable:A to speak jas purst omnto the literary scene. ,burst OutT [+ speech] Zor suddenly, loudly and with strong feeling: OUTBURST 字 heayens7 sake1 he burst ou 一 related noun ly: [二 -ing] note at CALL 2 to begin doing st sudden Kareri burst OUEIaUShingy OF Strong @moun 了 a short period of a particular activit burst of acemotion that often starts suddenly: Q sudden ath Was com'Ltivity/energyVariSer/ enthusiasm 2 Herbre 工 tend to_wWork im bursts. 2 ing 训 short bursts, on when sth Spontaneous pursts co applause 也 an occasi rsti 记 QWater bursts; the hole left where sthhasburst:apu 广equentbursts pipe 3 a short series of shots from a gun: of machine-Sun 帮ire

bursti'esy bursty /ba:sti; NAmE "bsrsti/ ad (burstier in small, sent is that data e describ to used a1h 1 (iechnic C bursty ior sudden groups of signals: Q Dursty comnect at intervals,for Jnternet traffic 2 (Unformnal occurring short periods of time

gone for a bur:ton /bs:tn; NAmE "bsrtn/ mnOuUn IE yed 'burton (old-Joshioned, BrE injormaj lost cr destro burburied lpuFy 0m /beril verb( bur'ies:bury'ing ied

训 bagrave: He , DEAD PERSOR 了 [VN] to place a dead body (jgurative) Their amipiWas buried in Highgate Cemetery (old-Joshioned) tionswerejfinally dead and buried 2 [VN] buried three juUsto lose sb by death: Shes 85 and jias bands. : buried

the ground HIDEIN GROUND 3 [VN] tohide sth in 识 the garden: freasure Ce The dog had buried 记 bone with soil rocks, r-COVER 4 [often passive] to cOVeT sbysth under ten feet of leaves, etc.: [VN] The house Was buried _ alive when the Snow:G [VNADI] The miners Were buried so that it cannot be tunnelcollapsed. 5 [VN] to coOVer sth of papers. 2 瓦e seen: Zour Letter got buried Under Qa pile buried his foce im his Ranads and Wept hide a feeling, a mis> HIDE FEELING @6 [VN] to ignore OF lings. herJee DuUFry to Learnt had She etc.: take, (in sth) to Put sth sth * PUT DEEPLY INTO STH 7 [VN] ~

his hands buried 训 deeply into sth else: He Walked slowly in a book. buried head her has ways Sheal o s. his pocket

| 5 vision

| tr chain

| ds jam

| 9 thin

| ethis

| nssing



IE bury the'hatchet'

|;ibury your2diffarences

sth) (NmE HIDE 人 bush


formal) a large amount of sth [IE

5ov7 afire in alarge area: of rough 0pen

-to ” ground, especially one that Spreads quickly 1 to give all bushifowf /baffaol/ movun [CU (pushfowl

stop being unfriendly and become friends again 一more

at HEAD1.

bury yourself im sth

White feathers thatwalks aloton the ground arid is often used for food bu.shido /boyideo bo'fideo;i NMmE -doo/ moun [U] (from Japanese) the system of honour:and morals of the

/baAs/ noun,vemb

目 IOUN (D/L busesy US also busses) Ta large road vehicle that carries passengers, especially one that travels along afixed route and stops regularlyto let people geton and


'bush-league cadj (NMmE njormajj ofVverylowquality Bush.man /bofman/ noun (六 men man/) 1 amember ofone ofthe races ofpeople from southern Africa who live and hunt in the African BUSsH 2 bushman:aperson

off: Shall we walk or go py bus? c A regular bus service commects the train statiom With the townm ceritre. Ca pus

compamyAdriver 2 ia School bus 一compare COACH 一see also BUS LANE,, BUS SHELTER,BUS; STATION,BUS STOP, MINIBUS,TROLLEYBUS 2 (computing) a set of Wires that catrries information ffom one part ofa computersystem to another 卓 Verb (s- or-ss-) [VN] T 一 sb (fromy/to .…) to transport sb by bus: We Were bussed 方om the airport to Our FoteL 2 (NAmB) to transport young people by bus to another area so that students of different races can be educated together 3 (Nmp) to take the dirty plates, etc. off the tables in a restaurant as ajob

Who lives, works or travels in the Australian BUSH bush.mas-ter /bofmazsteCD); NAmE-maes-/nouwn a poiSOnous Snake from Central and S America bush.meat

/bofmixt/ nouvn [U] the meat ofwild animals

used as food, for example African animals bush.ran.ger /bofremad5saGD)/ noumn (AustralE NZE) (ip the past) an OUTLAW (= aperson who has done sth illegal and is hiding to avoid being catught) who lives in the bush (= areas of wild land far away from large towns)

'Ibush rat 52ovn [CU] (pbush rat orbush rats) (in WAf

Tica) atype of large RODENT similar to aRATthatis found 各 Wild areas and used for food


bush 'telegraph

"ovn [using.] (Unforma/ umorovs)

the process by which information and news are passed quickly from person to 了Person


站 Single-decker bus


fowls) (WA41rE)`a bird with a large'body and brown and

your attention to sth: Since she 1e hesS Duried Pimiself 访 jis Work. 了 2 to go to or be in aPplace where you will not meet many people: She bpuiied jherself 0 坊 e county 如 WFite a book

fpus 0



/bofwaek) vem 1 [vto live or travel in

Wild country 了 [V + adv/prep] to cutyour waythrough bushes, plants, etc. in wild country: We had to Dusjwjhack throuvgh undergrowth. 3 [VN] to attack sb very suddenly from a hidden position AMBUSH 4 [V] to fight as a

double-decker bus

GUERRILLA > bush.whacking.noun [U] bush.whack.er /bofwaekeG)/ movn Ta person who

lives.or travels ,in an area of wild country 2 a person Who fights in a GUERRILLA War bushy /bai/ adj-T (of hair or fum growing thickly: a pushy beard/taiLe bushy eyebrows .2 (of plants) growipgthickly, with a lot of leaves 忌

bushy-'tailed':odj 们 BaRIGHT-EYED ET busily 之BUsY

lbusi:mess 0m /brzznas/ moun

* TRADE 1 [U] the activity of making, buying, Selling or SUPPlying goods or services for money COMMERCE, TRADE: Dusiness Contacts/affairsinterests OO a Dusimess camper (Br日 recreational vehicle (RV) (NA 日

妆 yestmentC 夏 Speen apleasure to do business With yo 下 Shehas settp 训 Dusiness as ahjhairdresser CWherihe Le太 5Chool he Weritinto busiriess Witi jiis brother 人 Sheworks 碎 tbe comDuter business. 一See also AGRIBUSINESS,BIG

caravan (Br / camper (NA 日



bus:boy /DAsbar noun:(NmB) aperson who works in a restaurant and whose job is to clear the dirty dishes, etc. buslby /bAzbi/ novr (pl/:ies) atallfurhatworn bysome British soldiers for Special ceremomnies

lbush om /bof/ noun

company; etc.; the rateiorquality of this work: Business Was bad. c Business Was boomiing: OHerjob Was to drum ID (=:increase) business CHows business2

1 [qaplantthat grows thickly with severalhard sTEMS

comingup fromthe root:a7rose push SPholy pushes 一 comPare TREE 之 [C] athing thatlooks like abush, especially an area of thick hair or fur 3; (oftenthe bush) [U] an area of wild land thathas notbeen cleared, especially 记 Africa and Australia;in New Zealand an area where the forest has notbeen cleared [Im see BEATY; BIRD

bush.baby /bafberbi/ mov7m (P/ bush.babies) a small African animal with large eyes, which lives iD trees

bushed /bojt/ adi. [not before noun] (informaj) very tired EXHAUSTED bushel ybofy/ rovn Id atunitfor meastiring grain and fruit (equal in volumeto 8 gallons) 2 bushels [pl] 一 (of

WORK 了 [U] work thatis partof yotir job: 玉 the trip to Rome brsiness Or pleasure? Ca Dusiness LIunchn ec Hes away on business: 3i[U] the amount of workdone bya

COMPANY 4 [C] a_ commercial-organization such as a company, Shop/store ,or factory: to haye/start]rum va Dusiness iDusiness premises C_ She _Works 训 te Jornily

DLUsSiness CO Theyve Sota srmall catering businessRESPONSIBILITY 5 [U] something that-concerns a_ par ticular Person or organization: Jtis the business OF te DoLice to protect the commmanib > T Sha make 证 Tny Pusiness to find ouUt Wjio is responsipie.c My priyate Li 其

mLOTie Of your business (= does not coneermn youj

IEs no

Dusiness ofyours WFhoTinyite io ihe party IMPORTANT MATTERS @ [凯] imnportantimatters thatneed to be dealt with or discussed: 态 e 7main Dusiness of the Tneetinlg C He has Some UTfinisjhned brsiness to dealWith. EVENT 7 [sing.] (usually with an adjective) a matter an event Or a Situation; That plarne crash Was a terrib1e bus

cat| cd father | eten | s: bird |iaabout 直xsit | issee | imany | bgot (Br6 | osxsaw | Acup | 5 put | utoo

business of the missing tickets hasmit Deen SOrted OUL CUSBEINGJAL CUSTOMER 8, [U] :(especially: NAImE) -= TOM(3): Weyre gratehtljoryoUr Dusiness. ed

IE any other ,business the things thatiare discuss On the attheendofanofficial meetingthat donotappear is there any AGENDA: Ethink weyeJirtished itemjour Now (informal) other business?--see alsoAOBbe in 'business to be able to to have everything that yoU need in order anmd we 并 Be 训 start sthiimmediately: AILWwe need Sa car Very good business. be the 'business (informal) to be Willconthings that saying awayof ,usual as ss busine ness is onibusi situati t difficul a despite al tinue asmorm cial commer and l financia that ying ayofsa 'business-aw r and yoU matters are the important things to conside - get down should not be influenced by friendship,etc that needs tp 'business to startdealing with the matter



CThe mess,oTfound the Whole business VeTy depressing.

al'bus lane movuniapart of aroad that only'buses are lowed to use iay NAmB) a bus'load' /baAsleud; NAmE-ood/ noun (E5pec large'group ofpeople on a bnuas

jbus.man?s ' holiday

"oun [sing] a holiday that is

work spentdoing the Same thing thatyou do at

on any 'bus pass noun 1 aticketthat allows youto travel 之a a particular areafora fixedperiod oftime bus within groUPS (forexticket that allows people from Particular free:or at a Ieample, Students or old People) to travel Jor rny pus duced cost: (BrE, humorous) Frmamot old enough Pass yet

People busishelter moon astructure with a roof where

needs to be done tobe dealt with, or doing the Workthat

that youU noOrgo aoputyour business to do thethings about their daily mally do: streets iled with BEeople going orbusi-

cangstand while they are waiting for a bus

the 有 (also NAmEbus'in名)/bAsm/ moun [U] (in busssin by bus to ana system of 位 ansporting young People

Disiness have no business doing sth |haveinh

US) can be edubtharareasothat students of different Taces cated together

You haye mo ness to do sth to have mo right toxdo sth: town or city Wherebuses (BrB njor bus station nountheplaceina iness :stbus mobody ke here:li being s busines towns)leave and arrive other fom or to ally (especi Workbeer e mah wery mmuch; Very fasb Very Well etc::Py thatis marked d in time.mot be 'bus stop novun aplaceatthe sideofaroad 训gLike Tiopogdys Dusiness to Set 让 Jinishe to do sth a sign, Where buses Stop ing With intefid “noft sth doing'; of siness 记 the'bu do)j: ETm motin bust-/bAst/verb noum, ad (which 让 would be surprising for you to Tny Work for rmmne. 昌 -Vermb oust;bustJor (usted,busted) [VN] (informajh mito thebusiness Of gettirig Other 5eoplelto do are busted. 2 Come as a business break sth:TDUstmy camera The Lights outof'business having stopped Operating sb/sth (for sthj(ofthe ~ 2 The e: dowM door availabl e Work bustth OF 了 JI or moOoney Outb Deacatisethere is no more itorarrest Sb: asinesses-OUE O丰 Dolicejtosuddenlyentera Placeiand search meW Fe5ulations :Will DuUE 7maT/ Smiall NAmEjto Iake sb ecially 3:-(esp of ss: Out go Jordru y usted Dropapl beerLb Wi Hes Dausiness. CS Some trayeLcOmpanies DEMOTE lower,in military Tank as'a punishment 二more at MEANY,MIND VELYYV: business this sumrmer (Unformalhto sth)j do sth/to (doing 'gut a bust IE study ofihiow (informaj used businessadministration moun [uthe Immakela-great effort to do sth -or 'bust iDbusines5admiimSomewhere OF ;get :to hard Very try tomanageabusiness:Q 7mastESidegree Will you at to ,say-th ,bust DusSt or pics istratiom (= an MBA) eOIyrm 雪 s himait For acbieve'sth: etc.) to have inted rs, ard2pr partne , smallc friends , un-a couple rd3]2no (ofa (alsoca maj up (infor business card BREAK UP: They pUSt UP jobrand company一 an argument and Separate with sb's name and details of their d noun BUST-UP ,bust relate 一 ge. ria mar of ars after fiveye compareVISITING CARD disturbing or ruinendby sth e tomak Part mal the [U] (mnfor 00vn stheup business ciass'(BrEalso'clubiclass ) level of comfort ng thatbustUP arinki his Was : STHUP BREAK ing 让 of a plane where pasSengeTS have ahigh s; ge. busines Pis marria ing on and serVice, designed for People travell persom'shead, shoul久 businessiclass (BTE 上 .moOUn Tastoneor metal model ofa and less expensive than first clasS when talking about ally especi (used 2 ders and chest s class. themeasalso'club class) adv:Ialwaysjy/ Dusines of measturements) a woman's breasts or s clothe lj)the (informa sth) (of youUr bust s Whati back: s:and breast the d the'businessend:mnour:[sing] 一 urement arolin Visit s itsmain function endofatoolorweapon which perform nb Madarm2? 3 (informal) an UneXpected ureme mmeas People for doing Sth in aday that a madebythe police in order to arTest ,Dusinmess hoursrmour [pl] the hours isnot good: Asa illegal: adrugbust 4 (NAmE) athing that Shopystore or cOmpPany is open g in workin DUS Show 让 WasQa person) (ofa adj. laik/ /brznes busi-ness.fike (BrE) broken:Wy 人 [not usually before noun] (informa1) 1 not Wasting time Or 昌 j0d e'of an efficient amid organized way and DUusL22(ofaperson OF biisiness) failed becaus t abrisK isbus Watch adopted She things: l thinking about Persona BANKRUET: WeTe bustl WelostoUT alack ofmoney messlike tone. ust money Whemuthe trayeLcoTmPaTY Wentb nssmeen; :men/ 和busialargeEuropean noUnm d/ Astar NAmE ed; /bbAst busi:ness-mamn :cm /mbrz rdgd pus'ta /DiznasWUmen/ OU (pl=men fast run an thatic ness'woman 0 Pbird [not before moum] (NAmE infjorma) /ien/, -women /wammm/) high Pusted /baAstid/ adj. a at ially espec ness, blisi 博识 sth wrong and likely to be Pundoing actof the tin 1 aperson who 和WO catgh business and financial / busted eso Yuar level Za Person who is salfil 雇 jshed: jor 矶 ecaPr bUt Tm injormol used to Speak 元atters:Tshoula haye gota better Price bus.ter /bAsteC)/ moun 了 (NAmE, busterl 了 (usually in 1osb motTmEECA ofa pusinessTmnan Get like: not do to a ma you s Specially dethati land ) a Person OF thing of apers area an newsp in novn tised parK often s ,Dusines compounds; s ies buster factor Crimesth: small of and rid s signed for office that stops OF gets

a college of university ,business school:-novn'apart of UATES (=people who GRAD to often nessi sbusi eache thatt alreadyhave a first degree)

top Which does bus'tier /bastier/ noun aWwoman'stight not cover the arms or Shoulders

jbus'tle /bbAsl/ verby nown

arotund in aibusy:Wway Or to 丰 the studyofsub由 usiness studies noun [U+sing./p|. ingiabusiness: ,0 目 _Vyeb [十adyyprep.jito rmove direction: [V];She bustled around anag jects connected with money andm es studi ess bUSin 训 e degre

hurry sb in aparticula

ly before noun] (gbbr ,business-to-'business adj _[usual

and another rather tham B2B )done between one business mners ary cUSto between abtsiness and its ordin

bus.in罗 (NAm 有 三BUSSING in aspublic place buske /5bAskj ve [V] toperform iusic -buskcer ng by ask for money 位om People passi and hounbuskiing nouniduj]


| :ar my

| ao now

|er say

d us outof the rooTm. 训 the Kitchen.-e [VN]iThe murse Dustte e and bustie [U] busyand noisy activity: the hustl @_noun Worn Under a Skirt by ofcityilife 2 [Ca frame that was the skirt out at the women:in the past in order'to hold back

bust.ling /"bAslm/ o 太

一(with sthjfullofDeople moving

oThemarkebWa5 Dustabottin abusyway:Qbustling ciby Ling withnlife.

| au go (Br卓 | o5 go(NAmB

| 5 boy

| re near

| ese hair

| ze pure


204 |

saying: What couid he'do putforgive her?2(= that was the

only thingpossible) bust-up oun (njormahjiiespecioly BrE)

abad argument

or Very angry disagreement ROW: Sue amd Tbny had QGDbust-UP and aremntspeaking to each other 了2 theendofa Telationship BREAK-UP: the inal bustupD of their Tarriage busty' /basti/ oadi (njormaolj (of a woman) having large breasts



四 Gd/



/brzi/ ad 太 ,verb 了 一 (with sth/sb) having alotto do; perhaps

Dotfreeto do sth elsebecauseyouare working on sth: 4Are yoOU Dusy tonight? Ce Kates busy With her homeworK CTm afjaid the doctor 放 pusy at 态e moment Cam jie call yo Dack2 TU be too busy to come to the meetinig: C THie principal 5 Q yery DuSyY Woman. C She Was always too busy to

listen. Cayerybusy 1并 2~(doing sth) spending alot of time on sth: Jarmmes is pusy practising Jor the school comncert CTIetS getbusy With the clearing UP. ~ PLACE 3 full of people,activity vehicles,etc.: a busy Tain road C Victoria one ofLOondom2s busiest statioms. * PERIOD OFTIME 4 fullofwork and activity: Hayeyou had GDUSy day2 This 好 OPne of the basiesttirmmesoFthe yearjor the departmtert * TELEPHONE 5 (especialy NAmE) being used ENGAGED: The ine i busy 一TI try again later COthe busy sig7mQL1 * PATTERN/DESIGN G@ toofulliofsmall details > busily 0dv: He Was pusigy enSaged repairing his Dike. II as busy as a ,bee very busykeep yourself busy to find enough things to do: Since sjhe retired shes Kept jhersejf yery bUsy

到 Ve几 (busies, busying, busied; busied)~ yourself (with sth) |~ yourself (in/with) doing sth to hill1yourtime doing

an activity oratask: [VN=-ing] While we tajkea Bi busied Jimsel fpcimnglaunmncfi 2 [IVN] She brsied jierselfwith thepreparations 如7 切 eparty

busy.body /brzibpdi; NAmE-baz:di/ noun (P/-ies)(disapProving) a person who is too interested 记 what other People are doing: Hes an interfering old pusypody! busy Lizzie /brzi'lrzi/ novn a small plant with a lot of

目 5Brep. except; apart from: WeYye jhad Pothing but trouble -With this car CTheproblemz 1 artything put easy oO Who BLUE Rosa :could 妇ipK of something Like 太 at? Everyomne Was there put jirm oOTcame 1ast but one 访 erace:(= 工 Wasntlastbut nexttolast).C Toke 友eFrstturningzbutone (= notthe first one butthe one afterib. 四 Qdy.only:Tdom 生 thinKWwe 妈 mmamnage 让 :S6 有 Wecam Duttry There were alot of formous.people there: Tbm Hanksand lia Roberts, to narme DuEtbwo. 上 09b1 /bAt/ [usually pl] ai reason that sb gives for not doing sth or not agreeing: 和et 45 haye mn Duts: he said Jr You are comings 2ceWitih somany 态 and puts 让 认 easier toWaitand see. bu.tane /bju:term/ movn [U] a gas produced from PETROLEUM;, Used in liquid form as a fuel for cooking etc.

butch /butJ/ adi. (Pormah.1 (ofawoman) behaving or dressing like aman 了 (ofaIman)big,and often behaving ip an aggressive way

butcher /batjaGD/0our; ye履 四 IOUm 了 aperson whosejobis cutting up and selling meat 让 ashop/store orkilling animals forthis purpose Zibutcher's (P/ butchiers) a shopystore that sells meat: Te OWTS he butchers 总 切 emiain street 3 aperson who kills Peoplein a cruel and violentwayIrm:have/take a'butcher's (BrE:slang) torhave-a lookiat sth ra From Ihyming slang;in which butcher's hook stands for4ook. @ Yer[VN] Tto kill people in avery cruel and violent way

2 .tokillanimals and cutthemtupforuseasmeat 3 (espe-

cially NAm有)to spoil sth by,doing it very badly:-The script Was 800d putthose SuUyYSDutchered 让 butcherblock "ounp 局](NmE) amaterialused forsurfaces in kitchens, especiallythose that youwork on

"butcher*sjlock "ovra thick block ofwood omwhich a butcher cuts meat, also tlsed ip kitchens as a surface for cutting foodon butch'ery /butferi/ novun [uU] Tcruel:violent and Unnecessary killing 2:the work of preparing meat'to be Sold but.jer /batisCD)/ novnithe main male servantin a large house buwtt /baAt/ver友 noun Rs

red; pink or white flowers;, often grown indoors or in gardens 昌 Verb [VN] Tito Rit or pushjsbysth hard with your head busy:work /Drziwas:k; NAmE -WasTK/ om TU] (NAm 日 2 ifananimal buttsisb/ysth,it hits them orithard with workthat is given to sb to keep them busy withotit really its horns andhead butt 'in (on sb/sth) Ttointer TUpt a coOnVersation rudely: How can Texplain 太 you Keep being useful Dutting in2 C [二 Speech] 条 殷at ormai2?Josie putted 训. lbut o-m /bat; Strongj 加 rm bat/ comj ,prep sadv; noun 2 (Unjormal) to become involved in a situation that does 引 CO1 usedtointroduceawordorphrasethat confrasts not COncern yoU INTERFERE (IN): Tadiarnt asK you io With whatwas said befoie:Tgot 让 Wromngs IEWasmntthered bu 契 识 or TPRY Private business. butt 'out (njformah espeOne put the Diue one' 2 Fis mother Wofitt be 碎ere, put his cially NAmEl used to tell sb rudely to go away or to stop 如 therrmight SiSntthatheliedexactty buthedidtendto INTERFERING in sth:that doesmnot comcern them: BuU 世 OL记 exa88gerate: 卫 however despite this: Ta asKked everypody Neill This 1 mnome ofyour business. PUL OPky two people came. 2 By the end of the day We were 四 IOU 1 the thick end of a weapon or tool:a Time bu 夺 tired puthappy 3 used when you are saying SOITY about 之 the part of a cigarette or CIGAR: that is left after it has sth: Im SOFTXY DuUETICcanttstay ay Ionger 4 Used to introbeen smoked 3 (BrE) alarge round container for Storing duce astatementthat shows thatyou are SUFPIised or anOF collecting liquids: a water butt 4 (njornmnal especially noyed, or that you disagree:_BUL 态ats mot possiblel < NAmE) the part of the body that you sit on BUTeres the money 工 DOwe yoU7 3 坊 ats mo Fight 一iL Was TOCKS: Get o 矿YOUF Du ald do Some WoKL e Get yoUr only 六 10, 5 except: Thad mo choice Drtto SiS the comPutt oVer herel (= COme herel) 5 the act of hitting sb tract @ used before repeating aword in orderto emphaWith your head: a but 万om Nis head 一 see also 百EADBUTT Size it: Nothing DUEPothing Would make jin cparige jis In be the butt of sth to be the person Dr thing thft mind_ 7 LUiteroy) used to emphasize that sth isalways other people often joke aponit OF criticize TARGET: true: She never passed her old jiome buEsjie 切oU5hEoF te She Was the Butt of Some vemr EnKirid JoOKkes. 一more at happy years She had spent there(= she always thought of PAIN them) IE butforF Taifitweremotfor: Hewouldjnave butte /bjuzt/ moum(especaly NAmBia hil thatisfat on Played putjor anee injiary Ziexceptfor: The SqUaTe Was top and is separate from other high ground empty putJora couple of cabs:buit then (agaim Thoweveri On the othefhand: He 7mightagree: But then againmnphe but.ter 0 /bAtsG)/ 07. 死 态 7mighitPhaye acomipletely dijferentopinion. 2 usedbeforea 四 OU [U] a soft yellow food made from cream or milk, statementthat explains or givesareason forwhathasjust Used in cooking and for Spreading on bread: FT7y te ombeen said: She speaks Very good italian. But 切en sheiaid ions im butter 一see also BREADAND BUTTER, PEANUT BUTliye 总 Romejorayeari(=:Soibsmnotsurprising): you carmc TER Te ibutter wouldnt melt (in sb'xs 'mouth not/could not but :., (jalnased to show thatievery(njformaol used to saythatisb seems tobe inocent kin 3 thing else is impossible except the thing that:yourare etc. when they are not really 一more atKNIFEI


| idadid

中 ffall

|:9 getisl

3 hat

| jyes

| K catiaaleg

| mman

全 mnow

| p pen

| red

slices ofbread. IE see KNOWY

ibutter sb


(infornmaljjto saynicethingsto sb sothatthey will help you or giveyou sth

button- down adj- a button-down coLLAR, shirt, etc: hasthbe ends of the collar fastened to the shirt with buttons 一picture 只 PAGE RI5 puttoned- upodi (pformalji especioly Br 日not expressing your emotions openly

butter bean moun a large pale yellow BEAN. Butter beans are often Sold dried.

but'terFcream/bAtekrim; NAmE-tark-/ noun [U] a soft mixture of butter and sugar used inside and on top of cakes

but-ton:hhole /Atnhaol; NAmE3hool mouvn; ve 册 昌妖 OU

but:tercup /batekaAp; NAmE -terk-/ moun_ a-wild plant with small shiny yellow flowers that are shaped like cups fatcontained in milk and milk products

especially when they do not want te

but'terfin.Eers/'bAteftgaz; NAmE"bAterfi0garz/ moun

'button lift(Br6 (also Poma') moun a machine with

[sing] (Informah aperson who often drops things

poles which pulls people up the mountain on their SKIS

but:terfly/bAteflar; NAmE :terf/ noun (pf -ie91 [da

button mushroom movn a small young MUSHROOM

flying insect with along thin body and four large, Usually brightly coloured, wings: butterflies antd moths c ShesSLike Gbatterfiyx She 亢 6 识 andoutoFpeoples lives. 一picture 吃 PAGER2I 了 2:[U] aswimming strokein which youSswim on your front and lift both arms forward at the same time while yoir legs move up and down' together: She Was

used in cooking

but'tress/"bAtras/ noumn; ve 几 下 mnOU1 a Stone Or brick structure that SUPports a Wall 四 ye六 [VN] (rmaj) to suUpport or give Strength to sby/sth: The sharp icrease 识 Crime Seermms to DUttress the arSUTTenLL Jor more police o 护cers ort the sireet

态ird in 协 e2007mm butterfly (= aswimming Tace). 一Picture 区 SWIVMNMING IE have'butterflies(inyour stomach) (pformah tolhave asnervous feeling in your stomach beforedoing sth

butty/bati/ noun (六 -ie youwork with

buxomy/baAkseam/adi (ofawoman)large 记 amnattractive

地 one Dart of a System can have large effects in other Parts

Way and with large breasts

'Ibutter Knifemovpn a Kknife that has aflatblade with a Ioundend, used-for spreading bitter on bread

butter:milk/batemak; NAmE -term-/ nouvn.[U] the 了i位om

but'termut/'bAtenAt; NAmE'bater-/ nounaN American tree grown as a decoration and for its wood butterscotch /Ateskotf; NAmE baAterskaztj/ moun Fu Ta type of hard pale brown sweetycandy made by boiling butter and brown Sugar together 之 (especially NAmB)-a satuce :提avoured with butterscotch, Used-for pouring on ice cream etc-.

put-tery /Atari ad like containing or cOvered with Putter

but.tockK /Atek/ mown [usually pt] either of the two




av message





一picture 过


on the button

(informah esFeeialy NMAm 有 AT at exactly the Tight time OF atthe exacttime mentioned: We arrived at4 o'clock on the buttom 了 exactly right: ZU7e of the buttom therel ,push allthe (right) 'puttons(also ,press all the (right) buttonsespecially in BrE) (informal) to do exactly the Tight things to Please sb: Q mewW satirical cormedy-show 纺 Qt

Pushes all -the right puttons ,Push sb's buttons (also ,press sb)s ,buttonsespecially in.BrE) (pformajh to make

人 sb react in either a Positive or a negative Way: TVe Know 灵

Fair foryears, butTstildontjcnow What PDUsjes his puttons. more at BRIGHTOdf/. VE1太 了 [VN] ~ sth (Up) to 包 sten sth with buttons: She jhurriedly buttoned (up) her blouse. 字 [V] 一 (up) to be fas-

tened With btittons: [V] The dressDuttons (up) atthe pack IE 'button itXBrE, informalusedtotellsb rudelytobe quiet

s see

| ttea

| vvan

香 yerb (bought. pought/bozt/) f ”WITH MONEY,T ~ sb sth |~ sth (for sb) to obtain sth by

paying moneyfor it: [VNN,VN] He bouSshtrme amewCcoar 9 He boughtanew coatforrme:.c[VN] Wheredidyoubuy 切at dress2 CTDbpoughit 让 廊om ariend Jor.E10.2 [V] 矿youre 切inking of getting amew'ca5 now isQa8ood tirme to Due SELL- 卫 [VN]

[vN-ADI] TbousgRht my car secortd-harid.

(of money)j to be enough to pay for sth: He gave his chi drertthe besteducatior that mortey car DO OFive pounds doesntbuy muach nowadays- 3:[VN] to persuade sb to do BRIBE: Heicamtbe sth dishonest in return for money

bousght (= he's toohonest to accept money'in this Way) 组 [VN]. [usually passive] to obtain sth by losing * OBTAIN

sth else of great value: Herjorme Was pougRht at the eXpense ofher marriage.

* BELIEVE 马 [VN] (ipformah)tobelievethat sth is true, espebutTdont 坊inK they旨 buyit(= acceptthe explanation).:

0 /batn/ noun, ve 岂

@1our 了 asmnallrotnd Diece of metal plastic, etc.that i sewn onto a Diece fclothing and used forfastening two parts together: (BrEj ti do upAundo you7 Puttors 和 (NAmE):to puttor/ turnbuttont yOUr: puttorns ?to SeW oaQ rs 忆 FASTENER 也 a Small picture 一 buttom: Cishirt .buttom part of a machine that you Press to Iake'it work: the Blay/stopVrewind button 2 Adam Pressed da button a7id coChoose Drinter 方om the mmenu atd Waited Jor the 1 Click With the right mioUse DuUtton 2 The Ww 识doW5S Slide 一See Picture 吕 HANDLE torL dowmiatthetouciofabut一 also PUSH-BUTTON 3 (especiajly NAITE) aa BADGE,especially one

lbuy om /bar/l verb, noun

cially sth that is not Very likely: Zou could say you Were 芭



(BrE, informalj) asANDWICH:

Qjarm butby 了 (WelshE njinmalh a friend; a Person that

'IDutterfly effectrovn theideathataverysmall change

一picture iound softparts at the top of a person's legs

aholeonapieceofclothingforabuttontobe put

through 一 picture 吃 FASTENER 2 (8 虽 (NAmE boutonmmiereiablowerthatis wornithebuttonholeofacoator jacket 日yerb (informalh [VN] to make sb stop and jlisten to you,

but:ter'fat/baAtafaet; NAmE'bAter-/ noun '[U] thenatural

quid that remains after butter has been Separated Imilk, used in cooking or as a drink



目Verb [VN] to Spread butter on sth: She buttered fpur thick

| w wet | zzoo

15 shoe

[rm (have) "bought 谋(ijormaj) to be killed, especially in an accidentorawar buythe farm(NAmE nrmnaljto die buy 'timmeto do sthipn orderto delay an event, a deci二more sion,etc.




sth ARMY44 [CU] aplace where soldiers live while they are training or 有ghting: QT ar7mY camZP F GROUP OFPEOPLE5 [C] a group ofPeople who have the same ideas abonlt sth and opPpose People with other ideas: the socialist camDp C We Were 矶 opposing camps. @6 [C] one of the sides in a competition and the people connected With it: There was afiair ofcomnfidence 识 tbe Biglamd carmp. IE see FOOT1. 下 VErb > LIVEIN TENT TI[V] to putup atent and live init for a

shorttime:Tcarmped oyermightinaield 2 [V] Socampingto stayin atent especialywhile youare on holiday/ Vacation: They go Camping Frarice eyeryyear > STAY FOR SHORT TIME 3 [V] ~ (out to live 也 Sb's house for a short time, especially when you do not havye a bed

there: Jrm camping Out atQa 广iends apartment at the TOTen 革 icamp'outto live outside fora shorttime: Pozens ofreporters camped outon jher doorstep:: ,camp 让 'up(BrE,

infornmaj to behave iD,a very exaggerated manner especially to attract attention to yourself ior to make people laugh @Odj. 1(ofamanorhis manner) deliberately behaving 让 awaythat some people think is typical of aHOMOSEXUAL EFFEMINATE 了字 exaggerated 记 siyle, especially in a deliberately amusing way: The moyie zacaTmp celebrafio of the fashion idustry. campaign DR /2em'Dermy/ moun, ve 疙 上IOU 了 一 (against/for sth) a series of Planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, comrmer-

cial or political aim: to conducta carmpaigrcacampaignm against ageisma in the Workplace c the carmpaigmsjfor parliamenmtary reform 2 an anti-smoFking campaign CTIbday poLice Iaurched (= began) Q_ campaign to reduce .road accidents. C al adyertising carmmpais7r Ce ar election campaign C the Presidents campaigrn teamXrmamnager 2 a Series of attacks andbattles that are intended to achieve


aparticular military aim during a war

Awarisaboutstoppingthings,jike drugsand crime, that everyone agrees are bad.Afightcan beaboutachieving justice foryourself-

是 VE 上 b 一 (for/against sb/sth) totake part in or lead a cam-

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 看acampaign/battle/struggle/drive/war/fight for/against sth an) Strong/intensive/determined/concerted campaign/drive aaone-man/one-woman/personal campaign/battle/ struggle/war/fight : ga bitter/fierce campaignybattle/struggle/drive/war/ fight 1 Eto launch/mount/start/lead/be engaged in/carry on/ keep up a campaign/battle/struggle/drive/war/fight ato conduct/organize/run/managea campaign/drive/ war/fight 时to Win/lose a battle/struggle/war/fight

Paign, for examiple to achieve politicalchange orin order to win an election: [V] We haye carmpaigned againstWwhaLing for 急 e last 15 years. Ce The party campaigned vigorOUsSIy 识 切e north of the country oa[V to inf和 :They are campaisriing to saye the area 三om building aeyelopment

> cantpaigrming7nown [U] cami:paign:er/ksem'peme(G)/ nown a Derson Who leads ortakespart in acampaign, especiallyone for Political or Social change: a leading Phumarm rightk campaigrer Ca camzpaigrier OPm enyiromnrmental issues CS campaigner Jor Women priesk C ai old/VeteraTi/seasoried camipaigrner (= aperson'with alotof experience ofapartieular activ-

ity) c (especially NAm 有 日Busfcampaigners (= People worke ing for Bush in a campaign) cam:panile/ksmpemili/ noun atowerthatcontains a bell, especially one that is notpart of anotherbuilding

2 cat | d father | eten | s:bird | eabout|isit|isee|imany|ngot(Br6

| orsaw| Acup | osput| ustoo


campan:ologsy /kaempaemnpled5ij NAmE :na own [u] Uormal) the study ofbells and the art ofringing bells 世 campanoloSgist/-edsrst/ mouUn 一see also BELL-RINGER:

Canada Day

Camp bed(ser 日(NAmE cognouna lightnarrowbed that you can fold up and carry easily 一picture 只 COT

camp'er /kzmpeC)/ moun 1a-person:who spends-a holiday/vacation living in a tent or at .a holiday camp 2 (also:= camper vam :(both ,BrB: (NAmE RV- recreiational ,vehicie (also -motochome NAmE Br 日:a large Vehicle designed for People to live and sleep ip When they are travelling 一picture 只 BUS 3 (NAm昌 =

CARAVAN [TID see HAPPYadf/ camp'fire /下sempfareGD)/nouwn an outdoor fire miade by people whoare'sleepingioutsideorliving iniatent


followernoun Ta Person Who supports a Par

ticular group or Political party,but is not a Imeimber of 让

2 (in the Past) a Person who was-not a soldier btit followed:an army from place to Place to sell goods or serVices

camp:Sround /下 ampgraond/ own (NAmmE) 三 CAMPSITE cam'phor/ 主 2eimfe()/mouwn [U]awhite substance with a strong Smell, used in medicine, for making plastics and to keep insects away from clothes

Caimp'inmnS 0 /kaempImy/ noun [U] living in atent etc.onholiday/vacation: Doyou So cammping2 cacamping 厅记

camp:site /ksampsart/ novn -1 (also camping site) (botph Br (NAmE "camp':Sground) a Place where people on holiday/vacation can Put UP their tentsi Park:their CARAVAN,CAMPER,etc.,often with toilets,water,etc. 2 (NmB aplace inia campgrotnd where you can put Up One tentor park one CAMPER, etc.

cam'PUuUs /天22mpas/ om the buildingsofatuniversity OF college and:the land arounid themi: She lives Onm caTmDUS (三 within the maintuniversity area). 2 camDUus 1并

camishaft / 蔗 zamfaft; NAmE-Taeft/ noun along straight Diece ofmetal withacAMonitjoining parts ofmachinery, especially in avVehicle Caim'


/Kasn; Kzen/ /modalyerb 一see alsO CAN2 (1E80-

tive -Cannot /aenpt; NAmE-nazt/; sho 天 万rm camt/kazmnt; NA 历 司Kaent/) pt COuld /ked; strong 大 rm kod/,7hegatye could not shotjorm couldnt/kodnt/) Ttusedtosaythat itis possible for sb/sth:todo sth, or for sth to happen:Tcamn run ost 2 Camn you call pack tormmor FoWw2 CHe couldm4amswer 如 e guestion Thestadiurn cam be emptied ijour 7minutes. CTcaniPprormmise amythimg Du 了 ao wpatTcanm. 2 Please Ietus Know 矿you caTimiot attenud e meeting. 2 Usedto saythat Sb knows how to do sth: Sjhe ca speaKk Spa1iisji. 2 Ca he cooK2 CTcouid driVeacar

pefore TIeft schooL 3 used with the verbs feel,hear, 4ee', SmelD, taste”: She could feel a IUD 训 her preast CT cari hear mitsic. 4 used to show that sb is allowed to do sth: ZWcam take 矶e ca7; 太 yOUWant We camtWearjeaT1s at Work. Snformnal) used to ask permission to do sth: Ca IT Fead your meWspaper? C Cam take YOU home? 6@6(informal) used to ask sb to help you: Camyou help me With thisbox?eCarlyoujfeed the ca5 please?.7 usedipthe negative:for saying thatyou are sure sth is not true: That

can .may

Wantio You contpaYyOU COF 妨ere, 得May (negative may notjis used asa polite and fairly :=

formal wayto askfor or give permission: MayX1borrow your newspaper? YOUmay cDme 丰 XOU Wish. Itis oftenUsed inofficial signs and rules: Visitors 态0Y Use e 5wi1mnming poolbpehween7a.1m. Ond Z 太Im coStiudenis

may of Use the college corpak Theform mayn'tis

almaost never used in modern English, | arzmy

理Can is Used to saythat somebody knows how to do something:COmyovwplay the Piano7z 此 ialso used with verbsof seeing noticing, etc:1com heaorsomeomecallhng and with passive infinitives: TheDVDcon perented rom

yourjocaj store. RE 豆 Can Or beabieto areused tosay that somethingis -possibleorthatsomebody hastheopportunity to do: something: CnyoOwaFeyoUabletocomeom Sciurday2 吾YOU Use beableto toform thefutureand perfecttenses andtheinfinitives Yowpeabetogetatoxoutsidethe statiom 1hayvenbeemabpletogetmuchworkdones iodayx csSshedloveio peapletioplay thepjano. 下COuld is Used totalkaboutwhat someonewas generally abletodointhepast: Ourdoughiercould walk whpenshe :Was mine /monptihphs oldf. 下YOU Use was/were ableto ormanage (but not could) whenyouaresayingthat something was possible on a particularoccasion inthepast:Pwasablete/manasged io J帮ndsomewsefuApookshm 动 eJibrary slIninegative sentences could not can also be used: We weremtable io/didn 和 manmage io[couldn4gettherein imesCould is also used with this meaning with verbs of seeing, noticing, understanding, etc.:1coUld see there was sommething wrong. 吾Could haveis used when you are saying thatiit was possible for somebody to do something in the pastbut they did nottry: fcouljd have won the8gameputdecided 右 /ether whim. 写 note at MAY ca1IEL De _May 一Shes 妆 New Jork e He cant haye slept trouvgj all that noise, 8 Used to express doubt or SUTPriise: What can they be doing? C Ca he be serious? 和 Where ca She hayve PuUtit? 9 tised to say what' Sb/sth is often like: He canm be Very tactless Sometirmnes. 下 ca De quUite cold here:in Winter TO used to make suggestions: We cameatinarestaurar记 这 yOULke: CTcan take thecar 矿 Piecessam TEL(nfiormnal)used:to saythat sb mustdo sth, usuallywhenyouare angIy: YoUcamShuUtUD or getoutl cy

note atMOoDAL IE:can'tbe doing with sth (njormma)

Usedito say'that you do notjlike sth and aresunwilling to acceptit: Tcarntttbpe doingWith people Who cormpiain all 雪 e tne. no can do (informnal) used:to saythat you are not ableor willing to do sth: Sorry% Po carldo.Tjustdomtpave thetirme. Ci”


/kaen/.noum; verb 一see also CANI

上 IOUm 了 (BrEalso tin) [C] ametal container in which food and drink is sold: a cam of bearls CQ peeM[paint can 一pic-


DOIn NATmE canis the usual word

used forboth foodand drink. In BrzE can is always used for drink, but tn or _can can be Used for food,paint,etc. 2 [q the amount contained in a can: We drarK a cart of Coke each 3 [G ametal or Plastic container for holding

OF carrying liquids: am oil can Ca watering can 4 [G a metal container in which liquids are kept under Pressure andleatoutin afine spray when youPpress abutton on the lid: acan ofhairspray 一Picture cy PACKAGING 5 the can

[sing] (NAmBE-slang) Prison 6 the canm [sing.] (NAmE

下 Can and cannot (or can't) arethe most common words used for asking for giving or refusing permission: CI7 1/ Porrowyour calculatorceyYou can come Wi 雪人 Fyou


can。 could .beable to .manage

| aogmow

| ersay

| sgo (Br6

sangjithe toilet IE a can of worms (jjormal)


open Up a can of worms, you start doing sth that will

cause alot of Dioblems and be very difficult be in the

cam (informal) (especiallyof flmed or recorded material) tobe completed and ready for use 一more at CARRY 目 Vej几 (-nn-) [VN] T (especially NAm 有) to Preserve food by

Putting'itin acan 2 (NMmE Infonmal) to dismiss sb from their job FIRE,SACK

'CamadaDayhroun lin canada)anationalholidayheld on 1yJalytorcelebrate theoriginal joining together of PROVINCESs to form Canada'in1867

| ou go (MmE)

| or boy

|Sre near

| ee hair

| 5e pure

Camnada goose

216 | July, approximately -请 Cancerian /kaeii'sIerian; NAmE :SIr-/ 0OU1 Gd

已术 办-CeN 0 可 /aenseGr)/ noUn

Canada .SoOose moun a common N American GoosE with ablack head and neck

T [U,G aserious disease i训Wwhich GROWTHS of cells, also

called cancers form in the body and Kill normal body cells: The disease often catses death: 1IUmS7ZDreast ca7icer CcaTcer of 雪 ebowel[stomach MostsKirt camcers are coTmDletely cuUrable. CThe camncer has Spread to his stomach camncer patiemnts 2 camncer research 了 [G (terary) an evil or dangerousthing that spreads qickly: Violence 18a carcer 识 Our society. 产 cam CerOUs / 攻 sensaras/ adj.: to become

Cam'adian /kemerdien/ adji, noun 昌 Gd ffom or connected with Canada 上 mmOUn a person from Canada

Camadian footballmoun [u] aform offootballplayed 也 Canada,similar




twelve Players on each team

camcerous C caTiCeroLs celLsZS8rowths/tumiours

Camalykemael/ noun'T along straight passage duginthe ground and filled with water for boats and ships to travel

cam:delay/kasnm'dela; di:la; ksasndrla/7ioun (physics) (0bbr

along;asmaller passagelused forcarrying water to fields, cIOPs, etc.: the Pamnama/Suez Cartal C an irrigation camnal 2 atubeinsidethebodythrough which liquid, food or air

cd) aunitformeasuring the amotntoflightthat shines 让

aparticular direction

camn'de-la:bra/ kasndelazbre/ (alsolessjreguentcan'de-


camal boat noun a long narrow boat used on canals 一 Picture c PAGE R2

Cam:al'ize (BrE also -ise) /kaenaelarz/ verb [VN] 了 (techmical) to make

a Tiver



cam'did /kaendia/ adj 1Tsaying what you think openly


and honestly; not hiding your thoughts: Qa camdid statemment/interyiew 一See also CANDOUR 2 a-candid photograph is one that is taken Without the ,person ip 让

to make a river into a canal 2 (1jormajh to control an emotion, activity,etc. so that it is aimed at a _particular

purpose CHANNEL “Canalization, -isation /zsenalarzerIfmn; NAmE-nala'z-/ oun [U] can'ape /下zsnapeI; NAImE ,kaene'per/ noum [usually pl.] a small biscuit or Piece ofbread with cheese, meat, fish, etc. on it, usually served with drinks at a party Cam:ard /kasmad:d; kandad; NAmE kema:rd; ksenazrd/ noun (Jormaj) afalse report or piece ofmews cam'ary /kemeari; NAmE-neri/ noun (PL -ies a small yellow bird with a beantiful song, often kept in a CAGE as a Pet IETJ see cAT Cam'asta /kemaeste/ noun [U] a card game played with two packs of cards by two pairs of Players who try to collect sets of cards

knowing that they are being photographed

入 candid'ly


Cam'dida /kaendida/ houn [U] (medical) the FuNGUs that can catuse an infection ofTHRUSH

can'.di'dacy /kaendrdasi/ noun [CU] (p/ -ie9 (also camdi'da'tureespeciallyin BrE) the factofbeing a candidate ip an election: to amTioLTice/decIare/ withadraw yoUr Cartdidacy forthe post 二

can'di'date om /攻aendidat; :dert/ nounm 1~(for sth) a person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a job: one of 妇e Ieading cartdidates 如r the Presidency C Q presidential candidate C (BrE)iEe stood as a candidate in the local electiomsThere were a Iarge PUTper of candidates for te job. 2 (BrE) a person taking an exam: acartdidate for the degree of MPHhil 3 一 (for sth) a person Or group that is considered suitable for sth or that is likelyto get sth or to be sth: Our team aprime ca7ididate for relegation this year Your 名 theriis ant obyious

Cam'Canm /上 senkaen/ moun (often the cancam [sing.] a fast dance in which a line of women kick their legs high ip the air


la:brum /kandalazbremy/| houn (PN can: e'la:bra, Camde:la'bras US also :can'de'labrumg9 an object with several branches forholding CANDLES or lights

0 /灾 aansl/ vemb (4 Us 省

1 [VN]to decide that sth thathas been arranged will not now take Place::4A1 邦ghts haye beerz camcelled because of Dadweather Don 和 Jorgetto camncel the newspaper (= arrangeforitnottobe delivered) before goingaway 一compare POSTPONE 2,to'say that you' no longer want to continue With an agreement,especially one that has beenlegally arranged: [VN] toicamcel apolicyASubscriptom

cantdidate fora heartattacK.

cam'di'dature /kaendrdatfeGn)/ HOU (especially Br 日:= CANDIDACY 站 cam'died /kasndida/ adj [only before noun] (of fruit or other food) Preserved by boiling ;in sugar; cooked 还 Sugar: carntdied 方U 让

Kittoolateto cancel my order2 C The US has agreed to cancel debks (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling 8gI0 7million. 2 [V] No charge will be made 洲yoU

cam'dle /aendl/ noun around stick ofWAx with aDiece

camtcel within 10 days. 3 [VN] to mark aticket or stamp so

old a candleto sb/sthis not as good as sb of sth else:

thatit cannotbe used again

of string (called a wIcK) through the middle which is litto

ive jlight as it burns 一 picture c LIGHT

,Cancel out| ,cancel

[hy cannoft

is singing cant hold a camndle to Payarottis. 一more at BURNV,, WORTH adlj.

sthe>'outif two or more things cancel out or one cancels outthe other theyare equally importantbuthave an Opposite effect on a situation so that the Situation does not change: Recentt 10sses haye caricelled out amy profits Tade at the start of the year 2 The advanitages and disadya1itages WoUld appear to cartcel each other ou

camndleight/xandllart/ noun [U] the light that a can-

Cam'Ccelbot/kaenslbot; NMAmE ba:t/ noun (computing) a

camndie:stick /kzndlstik/ nom an object forholding a

Program that can find and remove Imessages that groUPS of People on the Internet do not want to receive

candle-wick/kandlwtik/ noun [u] a type of soft cotton

Cam'cel'lation /kaenselerjn/

(NmE', also

dle produces: to read by camdielight

camdile'ii/kaendllrt/ oadj [only before noun] lit by candles: arormanmtic cartdlelit dinmer candle 一picture 吃 LIGHT


atiom 1own 了 [u,C] a decision to stop sth that'has alIeady been arranged from happening; :astatement that sth will not happen: We meed at least 24 hours miotice of ca7tcellatiomn. 2 Qa camcellatiomn jee C Heayy seas caTL cQLUSe caPcellation of frry services,C Cancellations 7TnuUst be 7mmade i训 Writing, 2 [G something that has been cancelled: Are there any camcellatiors for 纺 eyenings per 邦rmarice? (= tickets that have been returned) 3 [Ujthe fact of making sth no longer Valid: the camcellation of the COTtract Cam'Ccer /上sensa(nD/ moun 1 [U] the fourth Sign of the ZODIAC,the CRAB 了 [sing.] a person born under the influence of this sign, that is between 22 June and 22


| ddid

| ffalh

| 9:get

| hhat

| yes

cloth with a raised pattern of threads, Used especially for Iaking BEDSPREADS

,Cam- do aodj [only before noun] (pformaljll willing to try new things and expecting that they will be successful: a caTi-do attitude/sSPirit

Camd-our(BrE) (NAmE camdon /kaenda(D/ noun [U] the quality of saying what you think openly and honestly


dott trust hirm5>Pe said, in arare mo-

Tment of camndour 一See also CANDID



Camndy om /andi/ noun [U,G (P/ -ie9 (NAm有晶 Sweet food made of sugar and/or chocolate, eaten be-

tween meals; a piece of this

| kecat


| mman

| mnow

SWEET: Q box of candy | ppen

| mored

Cacandy store cacandy barc Who Wants the lastpiece of

Candy? 一see also ARM CANDY,, EYE CANDY [Im be like taking ,candy from a ,baby (informah used toemphaSizehow easyit is to do sth

Camdy-ass noun (NA7mE slang) a person who gets frightened easily and therefore does not deservVe Tespect

Canmdy.'floss /kzendifos; NAmE 5:s; 了 ais/ (BrE) (NAmE

Cotton candy) 0uUP [U] a type of swWeet/ycandy 也 the form ofamass ofstickythreads made from melted sugar and served on a stick, especially at FAIRGROUNDS

/kandimaen/ noun (Us, slang) apersomn who

Sells jllegal drugs

candy-striped odj (ofcloth orclothes) with apattern of White and pink stripes Came /kem/ noun, ye 内 理 .IOU1 了 [C] the hard hollow sTEM of some Plants, for example BAMBOO_Or Sugar 了 [U] these STEMS Used as 3 material for making furniture, etc.: a camne chair 3 [C a Piece of cane or athin stick, used to help sb to walk- see also WALKING STICK 4 [C] apiece of cane orathin stick, Used in the Past 记 some schools forbeating children as a Punishment: to get the carte (= be punished with a cane)

和 Ve 上 [VN] to hit a child with a cane as a punishment

戎 Caning mou1 [U,C]: the abolition ofcaning in schools -CameratnmounatypeoflargeRoDENTfoundin wild areas of Africa, which can be used for food 一see also CUTTING

GRASS Came SUSam7moun [U] sugar obtained from the juice of SUGAR CANE Ca'mine /kemarmy/ adi ,moun 旦 0dj. connected with dogs

昌 IOUm 1 (also canine tooth):one of the four pointed teeth in the front of a human's or animals mouth 一comPare INCISOR MOLAR 2 (1jormal) adog

Cam-is-ter /Kaenrstea)/ noun 了 acontainer with alid for holding teaicoffee, etc: 2-a Strong metal container containing gas OFT a chemical stibstance, especially one that

burstswhen itis fired fom agun or thrown: tear-5as ca7好 te 六 3 a 有 at round Imetal container USed for storing filmi:a 记 icamister cam:ker /下 zeDKkeGD)/ mov 了 [U] a disease that destroys the wood of plants and trees 2 [U] adisease that catuses

Sore areas in the ears of animals, especially dogs and cats

3{c (teroy)aneviordangerousinfluencethatspreads and affects people's behaviouT canker soOre on


camn.na:bis /senabis/ noum

[U] a drug made from the

dried leaves and 人 owers or RESIN of the HEMP Plant, Which is smoked or eaten and which gives the User a feelipg of being relaxed. Use of the drug is iegal in many coUuntries.

Cammed /kzend/ aodj 1 (BrE alsotinned) (of food) preserved in acan: cam7ied foodsoup 2 一 laughter/music the sound of People laughing or music that has been PreViously recorded and Used in'television and radio Pro-

grammes Cammneliini bpean /Kaneliziibiia/ non (fom /iojan) atype of curved whitish BEAN

Cam:mel:lonmiy7 ksenalsoni; NAmE-louni/ novn [U] (from /io/an) jargetubes of PASTA filled with meat Or cheese Cam'mery /zaenari/ 0007 (P/-ies) a factory where food is Put into cans

Camm mijoal 有 /ksenibl/ moun

站 a person who eats human

flesh: atripbe of cammibals 2 an animal thateats the flesh

of other animals of ,the same' kind > cannijbalism 必 aenrbalzzem/ own

[U]::to Practise cammibalismm cammi-

alistic /kzenIbe'lrstrk/ ad

Cam-mi'jbal'ize (BrE also -ise) /kaenibalarz/ ve 廊 [VN] Ttotake:the parts-ofa machine, Vehicle etc. and Use

them to repair or build another 2. 了 (business) (of a comPany) to reduce the sales of one of its Products by introcamnilbalization, ducing asimilar new product

-isafion /ksenibelarzerfn; NAmE:ae'z-/ noun [JW ssee

| ttea

| vyvan

| 到 wet | 去zoo | Tshoe




ermny/ oovn [U]

Canmny /下 sni/ odj intelligent; careful and showing good judgement, especially in business or Politics: a cam7zy PoL-

让 cian CQcannyTnove

cammnily adyv:

camnoe /keomu:/ noun, verb 是 OUm a light narrow boat Which you move along in the water With a PADDLE王 See alsoO KAYAK 日 VEmb ka-noe'ing,canoed ; canoed) [V] (often go

canoes paddle 人

canoeing) to travel.in a canoe



1OuU1m [U] the:sport of travellinginorracing aCANOE: to go caTioeing

Ca-nOe'ist /Kemasrst/ Houn' aperson travelling 记 acanoe


canmnomnm /znen/ 7oum 1 a'Christian priest with Special duties ip a CATHEDRAL 2 (jormal) a generally accepted rulei standard or Principle by which sth is judged 3 a list ofthe books or other works that are generally accepted as the genuine work ofa particular writer or as being important: the ShaKkespeare carlon 2 Wuthering eights is Q cenitral book 识 the canon of English literature. 4 a piece ofmusicin which singers or instruments take it in turns to

repeat the MELODY (= tune) CamOnm'ic /kemnonik; NMAmE -namn-/ adj 了 (nusio in the form of a canon 了 三 CANONICAL camnom-'ic'al, /kemopnikl; NAmE -na:n-/ (also canom-ic /kempnIk; NAiRE -madm-/) ad Tincluded in alistofholy books that_ are accepted as genuine; connected with Works of literature that arehighly respected 2 according

to the law of the Christian Church

3 (techmicol) in the

simplest accepted form in mathematics

camonical form moun (/ingwistics) the most basic form of a GRAMMATICAL Structure Or eXpression, for example the infinitive in the case of averb Can:Onm'ize (BE also-ise ) /kaenenalz/ verb [VN] [usually passive] (of the PoPE) to;state officially that sb:is now a SAINT 一COmPare


多 can.on.ization 四 -isation

/Kaenenarzerfn; NAmE-na'Z-/ OU


Canon law moun [U] thelaw ofthe Christian church canoo':dje

/kemusdl/ yerb [V] (Br old-Joshioned, imjor

/madlj) (of two people) to kiss and touch each other in a seXual way

Cam-OPemer moun (especially NAImE) = TIN-OPENER

| 5 vision

| tchain

| d5jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing

never sticceed: His efforg to Stem the tide ofviolentEcrime Have been as effectiye as Cariute5: [EUISFProm the storyof aDanish king of England who was said to have stood 训b Cam-OPy/kaenepil novn (pl -ieTiacoverthatisfixedor - front ofthe sea and shown people thathe was not ableto hangs above abed, seat, etc. as a Shelter or decoration一 order the water thatiwas moving 训 towards the land to Picture cy BED, PUSHCHAIR 2 alayer of sth that'spreads turn back. The storyis:often changed to suggestthatCanover an area like aroof especially branches of trees in a ute really thought that he could turn back the sea. forest 3 acover forthe COCKPIT of an aircraft Cam:Vas /上 senves/ moum 了 [U] a strong heavy Iough Camst /Kaenst/ verb thou canst (old wse) used to meam material Used for making tents, sails, etc, and by artists You can, when talking to one person for paintingon 2 [Ga Piece of canvas Used for painting8 on; apainting done on a piece of Ca using oil Paints: Camt/Ksent/ noun, ve 册


8 (Br = DIAPHRAGM(2)


So cap in' hand

(to sb) (BrB) (US go hat in ,hand):to ask sb for sth, especially money, in a Very Polite way that makes. you seem

less important 诈 the cap fits (, wear 证)(BrE) (NAmE 放 the shoe fits (, wear 证) (informaj) 这 you feel that a remark applies to you, yot should acceptit and take it as a warning oO criticism: T didmt actualy say tat yoOU Were Iazy but 太 the cap 帮 ks

一 more at FEATHERM.

(SEA5sianE) a type ofpopular music that combines Cantonese Words and Western pop music Cam'tOr /下 aento:(/ noun the person who leads the singingin a SYNAGOGUE orin a church CHOIR.

上 Verb (pp-) [VN]

Camuck /KenmAk/ noun (NAmE informah a person from

amount ofmoneythatcanbechargedfor sth or spent on sth: acapped7nortgage ”BEAT ,3 (especially BrE) to say or do sth that is funnier, Imore impressive, etc: than sth that hasbeen said or done before: What an amtazing story Ca anyone cap that2

Canada, especially sb whose first language is Fremnch. In the US this term is often offensive. Ca'nute /kemju:t; NMAmE -nuxt/ noun used to describe a person who tries to stop sth from happening but Wi记

>* COVER TOP T [usually passive] ~ sth (with sth) to cover the top or end of sth with sth: mountains capped With SOW 2 SnOW-Ccapped mountairis LIMIT MONEY 了 [often passive] (especially BrE) tolimit the

2 cat| dfather | eten |s:bird | aabout|rsit | isee |imany|npgot'(BrE | 5xsaw | Acup | 5put| too

=TOOTH 4 .[usuallyipassive] to Putianiartificialcovering on atoothtomakeitlook more attractive: Hes jhad his 广ont

tee 妇 capped:


FTN SPORT5 [usually-passive] (BrE) to choose sb to play 识 their countrys nationalteam foraparticular sport: He jhas Deen capped more 轨 an 30 times for Wales. IE to cap/top 主 'all (njormal) used to introduce the final piece of information that is worse than the other bad things thatyouhavejastmentioned PAGE RI7

Case-' Sensitive ad ,(computings) a progiam which is case-Sensitive Tecognizes'the difference'between capital letters and small letters


直 d did

上 sffalls|



全 jyes2

cash flow movn [CU]j the movement of money'into and

out of a business as goods are bought and sold: a Pealthy cash jiow (= having enough money to make Payments When necessary) e cash-flow problemis

| k cat

| lleg

| mman


| :pipen|| mired

| 229

Cashier/kae'frieGaD); NAmE-Jir/nouns verp 日/1OU1 aperson Whosejob is toireceive and pay out money in abank, shop/store, hoteli etc. 目 VeE/ 孙 [VN] [usually passivej to make sb leave the army, navy', etc. becatuse they have done sth wTong Cash'less /alhes/ adji done or working without using cash: We are moving towards the cashless Society.

'cash _machine (BrE _also 'cash dispensen


-Pointry (also ATMNAmE, BrE) nounamachine in or ouiSide a bank, etc.,, fom which you:can get money from yourbank account using a Special plastic card cash-mere /下seJmre(nD; kaefns; NAmEkaesmm;


Imoun [U] fiinesoft wool made from the long hair of a type of GOAT, Used especially for making expensive clothes

'cash register(BIEalso tilly (NAmE also regis'ten 1ouU1 aimnachine Used in shopsVstores, Testaurants, etc. that has adrawer for keeping money in, and that shows and records the amount of money received for each thing that is sold Cash-starved odj [only before noun] without enough Ioney, Usually becatse another organization,Such as the government, has failed to provide it: cash-staryed PubDLic seTVices


[only before noun] without enough

imoney: cash-strapPped goverrmmmenmtsVshoppers Cas'im 名/ 攻 ersm/ noU1 [CU a coveting that Drotects sth Ca'sinmO /ke'simneo; NAmE -noo/ moun (P人 -0 a public building or room where People play gambling games for


Cask /ka:sk; NAmE kaesk/ noun a small wooden BARREL used for storing liquids, especially alcoholic drinks; the amount contained in acask: QJWine casKMa casK of Wine

Cas-kKet /上 azskit; NAmE aes-/ mouvn 1Tasmall decorated box for holding jewellery or other valuable things, espe-

ciallyin the past 了 (NAm 日= COFFIN Cas-sam:dra /ka'saendra/ noun aperson Who Predicts that sth bad will happeny'especially a person who is not believed IFrom the name of aprincess in ancient Greek stories to whom Apollo gave the ability to predict the future. Aftershe tricked him, he stopped people from believing her'.

Cas.SaVa /Kaisd:Val/ (also mamioo 7oUn [U] 1 atropical Plant with manybranches and long Toots thatyoUu can eat 2 the roots of this plant,which can be boiled,fried, ROASTED or Imade into flour

CasSei-Ole /攻 2esaraol; NAmE rool/ noun 了 [CU] ahot dish imade with meat, Vegetables, etc. that are COoked slowly in liquid 雇 an oven: Q chicKemn casserole 2 厂 切 ere

any casserole Ieft? 2 [C] (also “casserole dish) a container with a lid used for cooKing meatb etc. iD liquid 雇 anoven-pictureec PAN casseroleveb[VN] 一picture 只 PAGE RII CasS'Sette /ka'set/ 1ovn 了 a small flat Plastic case coOntaining tape for playing or recording music or Sound: a cassette_recorder/player c ayailable om cassette 2 0 yideo cassette (= for recording sound and Pictures) 字 a Plastic case containing fm that can be Putinto a camera

Cas:sis /Kae'si:s/ (als0 icreme de cas'sis /krem de kae'siis/) joum TU,C] (from 太ench) astrong sweet alcoholic drink made with BLACKCURRANTS Cas:SOCIK /aesek/ 1oU1 along piece of clothing, usually black or red, worn by some Christian Priests and ,other People with special duties in a church

CasS'SOU' et /kassolei/ nouvn 贡 ] (from French) adish consisting ofmeat and BEANS cooked slowly'in liquid CaS:SOWay /ka58eWari 而eari NAmE-WeFi OUT (P/ -iesj 了 VETy large bitd related to the EMU, that does not fi IEisfound mainly in New Guinea

所 二SS让 0有 /ka:st; NAmEKaest/ Verbii0OUn 目 VE/防(cast cast) * ALOOK/GLANCE/SMILE-

了1 tolookj smilej etc. in'aparticu-

lar direction: [VN] She cast ayWelcoming srmmile 记 Pis directionm. [alsoVNN]

S see

| titea

| vvan

| wwet

上 zzoo

| shoe


*LIGHT/A SHADOW-2 [VN] to make light a shadow; etc. appearinaparticular Place: The settingsunm castaT ora7l8e 8low oyer the notmtains.O (jguratyve) The sad news casta shadow oyer 雏e proceedings (= Iade people feel un-


>* DOUBT 3 [VN] ~ doubt/aspersions (on/wpon sth) to say do or suggest sth that makes People doubt sth or think that sb is less honest,, good, etc.: This Iatest eyidertce casts SeTious aouBt om Pis versiom of events. > FISHING LINE 过 [V VN] to throw one end of a FISHING LINE into aTivem etc.

=THROW 5 [VN] (iterary) to throw sb/sth somewhere, especially using force: The priceless teasuUres jhad been castinto the Nile. 8 They cast aichnor at mightfall, * SKIN @66 [VN] when a snake casts its Skin, the skin comes

off as partofanatural PITOcess *SHOE


7 [VN] if a horse:casts a shoe, the shoe comes of企

by accident * ACTORS 加 ~ sb (as sb) to choose actors toplay thediffer entparts in afilm/movie; play, etc.; to choose an actor to Play a particular role: [VN] The Play z peing cast 识 bo 雪 the US amd Britaimn. COHe has castheras aaTmbitious Iawyer m Phis latest7mmoyvie. [alsoV]


一 sb (as sth) | 一 sb (in sth) to describe

or present Sb in a particular way: Fe cast hirriself as 女e ipocentyictireoFa hate campaisr CTPhe press Were gqUiCK to casther 识 therole of 雏 e other Woman *VOTE 10 [VN] ~ a/your vote/ballot (for sb/sth) to vote for sb/sth > SHAPE METAL 11_ [VN].~ sth (in _sth) to shape hot liquid metal, etc. by pouring it into ahollow container (called a MOULD): astatue cast in Dromnze ce (jguraotive) ar artistcast

识 the mould of(= Very Similar to) Miro [IE cast your- miind back (to sth) to make yourself think abonut sth that happened in the past:Twamntyou to castyour 7minds back to te 厅 SttrmeyOUTEeLE Cast YOUT net'Wide tocomsider alot of different people, actiVities, possibilities,etc: when' you are looKingyfor sth cast 3 'spell (on sb/sth) to Userwords that areithought torbe magic and have the power to change'or influence sb/ sth 一more at'ADRIFT,CAUTION Im.,DIE 1m.,EYE 1.,LIGHT mLOT 月 . Cast a'bout/around for sth to try hard to think of or find sth, especially when this is difticult: She cast arounid desperateljy fjor asafe topic of comnye产

sation。 ,cast sb/sth of和 1 to undotheropes that are hold各gaboat in a fixed position, in order to sail away 之 (训 lnitting) to remove STITCHES from the needles in a Way that forms an_edge that will not come Undone ,Cast

sth* 1ILLNESS 1O [VN]:to get an jlness: to catch mmeasles C 工 thinkTrmust haye cauShtthis cold 廊om yo > BECOMESTUCK 11 ~ (sth) (in/on sth) to become stuck in or on sth; to make sth become stuck: [V] Her dress caugRt oamnailL c [VN] He caugRt his tUrmmpb in the dooFr * HIT 12 [+adv/prep]tohitsbysth: [VN] The stomne caUSRL Pirm om the side of the head.c [VNN] She caught Fi apbiow oO the chin. * NOTICE


[VN] to notice sth only for a moment:


CQUSPE UDP With Pirm years Later When he had :noved to Spai7L

四-0OU 人7 *_FASTENING 3 [Ca device used for fastening sth: a catcjhn om the doore safety catches fjor the windows * DIFFICULTY 4 [Cusually sing.] a hidden difficulty or disadvantage: 41 切at noney Jor two jpours'worK 一wpats the catch2 * CHILD;'S GAME 有 [U] a child's game in which two People throwaballtoeach other * PERSON 6 [Sing.] (oldjoshioned) a person that other

CaUSRht Sight of a car 训 the distance' CC He caught ia People see as a good person to marry' employ, etc. glLimpse of hirmrselF in the nirror COTcaughta 1ooKk of sur IEim (a) catch-22 | a catch-22*situation (Upjormah a Prise om herjoce Ce caushtawhiffofherperfurne. difficujlt situation from which there is no escape becatse * HEAR/UNDERSTAND 14 [VN] to hear or understand sth: youneed to do one thing before doing a second, and yoU Sorry Tdidrmtaquite catch whatyou said. cannot do the second thing before doing the first: 工cam忒 > INTEREST 15 [VN] ~ sb's interest, imagination; attenSet a job because Thayenit got anyWwRhere to Live Dut 工 cam 北 tion,etc. if sth catches your interest, etc., You notice 让 afjford a place io live unhLTSgetajobp 一its a catch-22 sitrand feel interested in 让 ation. * SHOW ACCURATELY 16 [VN] to show or describe sth accurately CAPTURE: The artist has caUSRht her S7mmile 'Catchm-all novn T (especay Nm a thing for holding Iany small objects 2 a group or description that iDperfecty. cludes different-things and:that does not state ,clearly * LIGHT 17 [VN] 这 sth catches the light or the' light what is included-or not 'catch-all:ad/ [only :before catches it, the light shines on it and makes it shine too: noun]: acatch-all phrase/term The Kn 克 gleamed as 让 carugRht the Ligjt “THESUN 18 [VN] (Unforma1)) 让 you catch the stun,, you 'Catclhn crop "oun (BrE) a crop that is grown in the space become red orbrown because ofspending time in the sun between two main cropsi or atatimewhen'nomiain crop is being grown * BURN T9 to begin to burn: [VN] The woodemn' rafters CaUSRhtFire. C [V] These 1ogs are Wet' they woni catch. Catch:er /kaetfe(ri 0oun 了 (也 aaAsEBALL) the Player * IN CRICKET 20 [VN] to make a player unable to continue who stands behind the BATTER and catches theball ifhe BATTING by catching the ball they have hit before 让 Or She does nothit 让-picture 只 PAGE R22 2 (usually in touches the ground compounds) a person or thing that catches sth:2a rat , [Er catch your 'breath Tto stop breathing for a mocatcher 世 Iment becatuse of feap Shock, etc, 2 tobreathe normally catch.ing /kaetjam/ad [notbefore noun] 1 (ofa disease) again after running or doing some tiring exercise catch easily caught by one person from another INFECyour 'death (of 'cold) (old-joshioned,:nformal) to catch a TIOUS 了 2 (of an emotion or a mood) passing quickly from Very bad cold catch sbys eye to attract Sb's _attention: one person to another INEFECTIOUS: Try to ,pe as Ca youUcatch the waiters eye2'catch 证 (BrE)(NAmEcatch enthtusiastic as possipble (ertthusiasmm is catching)儿 'hell'get il) (Unformaj) to be punished or spoken to angrily about sth: 矿your dad Jinds out you到 really catcF 让 ! catch.line /kaetflam/ ovun 1 (technicaojh) a short line of text which can be easily noticed, forexample at the top of catch sb 'napping (BrE) to get an advantage overisb by apage 2 aphrasetsed in an advertisement doing sth when they are not expecting it and motready 已 for it catch sb on the 'hop (informal to surprise sbby catch.ment area /ztjmant eeria; NAmmE eria/ 7moun doing sth when they are not expecting it and notready 1 (BrE)the area from Which aschool takes its students, a for it catch sb red-'handed:to catch sb in the actiof hospital its Patients, etc. 2 (also catch.ment)(iechnica1 doing sth wrong or committing a crime catch sb with the area from which rain flows into a particular river Or ]ake their 'pants down':(BrEalso catch sbwith their 'trousers down) (Unformalj) to arrive or do sth when sb is not catch.penmny /kzetfpeni/ adj. (old-foshioned) (of a Prodexpecting itand notready, especiallywhen they are in an Uct Or Servicej Prodticed or provided just to makeimoney embarrassing Situation 一more at BALANCE1.,CLEFT.Gdl , withoutbeing of good quality FANCY 1.,RAW 1m. ROCK 1 SHORT ad 'Catch at catch-phrase /kzetffrerz/ noun apopular phrasethatis sth 三 CLUTCH AT STH ,catch 'on' to become popular or connected with the politician or entertainer Whoised 让 fashionable: He inyented a new Samte,, Dut 让 neyer really and made it famonus caUSjht omn: ,catch 'on (to sth) (oformal) to understand Sth: He is very qUicK to catch om to things- icatch sb'out Catch-up "om [U] the act of trying to reach the same Titosurprisesbandputthemin adifficultposition: Many level orstandard as sb whois ahead ofyou: 牙 was armonthn inyestors Were caUSRL ouUE by the Joll in share prices. 了 2 to of catch-Upjor therm [ml play 'catch-up,totytoequal Show that sb does not know much or is doing sth wrong: sbthatyouare competing againstin asportor game:After They tried to catch her out with a difficult guestion catch Our bad start to the seasort We Were aways Playirig catcF up on sth Tto spend extra time doing sth because you UPD. havenotdoneiteailier:Thayealotofwork to catcmap om. Catchy /Kaetfi/ ad Unirmah (catch'ier catchiiest) (of 2 to find out about things that have happened: We spent Imusic or the words of an advertisement) pleasing arid the eyening catching UP om each others Phews. be/get easily remembered: a catchy tmeXsIoganm ,Caught 'up in sth to become involved in sth, especially When you do not want to be: IJnnocent passers-by 5ot

caUSht UP

识 the riot: catch 'up (with sb)_ (BrE also

,Catch sb 'up)T toreach sb whois ahead by going fast-

er: Go on ahead. TU catch up With you co ZE catcf youup. 2 to reach the same level or standard as sb Whowas Detter or more advanced: After mmissing a terrm thFrOUSgR imess je jhad to worK hard to catch up With the others catch up

with sb Tto finally start to catise Pioblemis for sb after they have terr 访ed With her they find


managed to avoid this for some time: 碎afone aay her Dast problemas Would 了 2 直 the police or authorities catch up and punish them after Some time:

| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hnhhat

She was catch up with sb, The law

| j yes


/kaetekrzem/ mn221 [usually sing] a set of

questions and answers that are Used for teaching people about the beliefs of the Christian religion Cat.egoOr'ic:al /kzste'gbrikli NAmE -goxr-/ adj [usually before noun] Uormaj) expressed clearly and in a way that shows that you are Very' Sure about what you are Saying: to make Qa categorical statement C to give a categorical


categoricalJy /kli/ ady: He catesgoricaly

rejected our offer

cateSsOr'ize (BrEalso-ise)/kaetegerarz/j ve 几 [VN] 二 sb/ sth (as sthj to Put people or things into groups according to what type they are

| k cat

| lleg

| :mman

CLASSIFY: Participants Were

| nnow

| ppen

| rred


categorized according to .age. OHis Iatest Work cartmnot be categorized as either aTrovelor am auUtobiography.

Ca 臣吾OIY 0 /kzetegari; NAmE-9oTi/ noun ( -ies) a group of people or things with-particular features iD

many or most things: to _have catholic tastes (= to like many differentthings) Catft-iOom /kaetaion/ mouwr(Chemistry physics) an ION With a Positive electrical CHARGE 一compare ANION

comImon CLASS: Shudents oyer25JalLinto a different category CO The results camn_ be:divided into three mmain categories.

cat.kKin /下 zetkm/ movn a long thin hanging bunch,or

short'standing group, of soft flowers on the branches of trees SUch as the WILLOW

Cater /上 ertas(r)/:vermb ~ (for sb/sth) toprovide food and drinks for a social event: [V] (BrE) Most of our work now 识yolves catering for weddings. C [VN] (NAmE) Who w 记 De catering e weddirg? 'Ccater for sb/sth to Provide thethings that a particular persom OF Situation needs Or

Cat-imimnt /攻 有tmmt/ (BrE) (also cat:nip /上 aetnmp/, NAmE,

BrB) noun [Uj aplant that has white flowers with purple spots; leavesicovered with small hairs and a smell that is attractive to cats cat:map /kasetnzep/ mon a Short Sleep > catinap Ve 几

wants: The class caters Jor all apbility rarlges. cater to sb/ sth to Drovide the things thataparticular type Or Person Wanitsi especially things that you do hot approve of They OFigyr PUDbLIiSh moveES WFicfeater to the mass-7TmnaTKeE

Cater-er /ertara(r)/ jobis to provide food for a special occasion Catering /kerterm/

(pp-) [V]

0001 a person OF COmpany Whose and drinks at abusiness meeting oOT such as a Wedding noun [U] theworkofproviding food

and drinks for meetings or social events: Who did the catering JoryoursgnSWedding?

cat-er.pil.lar /此 ztepllaGnD); NAmE -tarp-/moun asSmall creature like a woORM with legs, that develops into a BUTTEREFLY Or MOTH (= flying insects with large; SOmetimes

brightly.coloured, wings). Caterpillars eat the leaves of Plants. 一Picture 只 PAGE R2I

'EaterpillartrackKr nouvn ametalbelt fastened around

the wheels of a heavy vehicle, used:for travelling over TIough or soft ground 一Picture cy CONSTRUCTION

呈Wai /下 2etew5:1; NAmE aeter-/ ve几 [V] to make CC 让-已 theloud unpleasantnoise that is typical of a cat


a fight between

/kaettart/ moOUn (njormal


Women Cat.fish / 攻zetfrf/ novn (pcatfish) alarge fish with long stiffhairs, like a cats WwWHISKERS,,arotund its mouth, There are seVeral types of catfish,most of which are FRESHWATER fish.

'Cat 们 ap (BrE) (NAmE'cat door) novn a hole cut ip the

bottom of the door to ahouse, covered byapiece of plasticthat swings, so a pet cat can go in and oOUL Cat'gUt /上 zetgAt/ (also gut) OU [u] thin strong string made from animals:INTESTINES and Used ip making muSical ipstruments

cat-oy mime-tails /kseta'mamttelz/ noun [sing.] a WwWHIP made of nine strings with knots in them; that wasused to Punish Prisoners in the Past CATscam / 攻 aet skaen/ (also GT scam) /si: 'ti: sksen/ ouUn amedical examination that uses a computer to prodtce an image ofthe inside ofsb's body from X-RAY OFr ULTRASOUND Pictures

Cat?s 'Cradle noun 1 DU]

cat's cradle

a game in Which you wrap string.;around the fingers of both hands to make different patterns 了2 [C a Pattern made with string inagame ofcats cradle

Cats:eyerM /上 aetsarI/ noUn (BrE) one of a line of small objects that are fixed into a roadandthatreflectacars lights in orderto guidetraffic at night Cat-su放 /setsuzt; BrEalso-sjut/ nounapiece of womens clothing that fits closely and covers the body and legs Cat.tery /kaetari/ OUn (以 -ies) (Br6) a Place where People can pay to leave their cats to be cared for while they are away

cattle /下 aetl/ noun [pl.] cows and BULLS that are kept as

farm animals for their milk or meat: Q herd of cattle tweribyr head ofcattile (= twenty cows) Cdairy/ beef cattie Cattle cakKe noun [U] (BrE) food forcows pressed intoflat cakes

cat-tle duff:ing /kaetldafm/imnouvm (AUstralE) the steal-

catlh-ar-sis /ka'ba:sIs; NAmE-6a:rs-/ 0oun [u,G] (P/ catharses /sizz/) (technical) the Process of Teleasing Strong

'Cattle 芭ridi (BrE) (NAmE'cattle guard) OU1 metal bars

cath-edral /ka'9i:dral/ novn the main church of a dis-

'caittle plague own [U] (B7B) = RINDERPEST catty /kaeti/ ,adj (Unforma1h (catiier, cat'ti.est) (of .a

feelings, forexample through plays or other artistic activVities, as a way of providing relief from anger Suffering, etc. es cath.artic /Ka'9d:tzk; NAmE-9art-/ adj.: 下 Wasa cathartic eXperience. trict,under the care of a-BISHOP

(= a_Ppriest of high

rank): St Pauls Cathedral c (BrE) acathedralcitby

Cath.er.ine wheel /kbrm wil/ (especialy BrE) (NAmE

usually pin.wheel) noun a round ,flat FIREWORK that

ing ofcows

that are placed over a hole that has:been made 职 the road. Cars can pass over the metal bars btit animals Such as Sheep and cows cannot'.







Q Catty coOTTenE



戎 -catftiness

,catty”cormeefe 吉 (also ;kitty-'corner(led)) ad1,adv

cath.eter /上sebrteGr)/ noun a thin tube that is Put into

(NAmE informajl) opposite and at a DIAGONAL angle from sth/sb: a restaurantt catty-COorner 太 om the theater 2 Motor六 cyclists cut catty-Cormnered across his yard.

(techmnica/) the

Cat.wWallK / 基 atwazK/ noun 1 (NAJE also rumway) the

spins around when 1 thebody in order to remove liquid such as URINE


/kaebaod; NAmE -oud/ noun

ELECTRODE in an electrical device Where REDUCTION OCcurs; the negative electrode in an ELECTROLYTIC cell and COmpare ANODE the positive electrode in a batt一ery

cathode 'raytulbe "ovn avAcUUM tube inside a tele-

Vision or computer screen, etc: from which a Stream of ELECTRONS producesimages on the Screen

Cath.olic /kseglik/ noun = ROMAN CATHOLIC: They7e -Cathiolicism /ka'9blasIzem; NAImE -9a:le-/ Catholics, Joum:[U] 三 ROMAN CATHOLICISM

catih:olic /kzeblk/ adj 1 Catholic


OFIC:;Are they Catholic or Protestant? 和 Q Catholic church

2 (ofteniCatholic)'(technicol) connected with all Christians or the whole Christian Church 3 (Jorma/ including


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| 有 zoo

| 了 shoe

long stage that models walk on during a fashion show 2 anarrow Platform for people to walk on for example alongthe outside ofabuilding or abridge Cau-ca-siam /ko:keIzien; kozkeI3n/ OUm a member of any of the Traces ofpeople who have Pale Skin ee Cau'ca-

sian 0d/ CauCUS

/ko:kas/ noU1i (especially NAmB 1 a meeting of

the members orleaders of a political party to choose camdidates or to decide policy; the mmembers or leaders of a Political party as a group 忆 a gIOUP of people with similar interests, often within a larger organization OF politjcal party: the Congressiomal BlacKk CaucUs

Caught pt pp of cATCH

| 5 vision

| tchain

| -d5 jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| nsing

cauljldron cauldron

234 | caui: 放 On /koxfmn/novny yerb (NmEalsocal:dron )/kozdldren/ noun alarge

deep pot for boiling liquids or cooking food:over a fire: a Witchs cauldron e (Jigwrative) The stadiurm was a seething cauldromn of emotiom.


/kknpliflaue(CD); NAmE kozli-; kazli-/ noun

[u,C] a vegetable with green leaves around a large hard White head offlowers: DoyouLike caulifiower?2 ctwo cauJowers 一Picture 字 PAGE RI3

Cauliflower'cheese (Br6) (NmEcauliflower with

:Cheese)nouUn [U] ahot dish of caujiflower'cooked and Selved in a cheese sauce

cauliflower'ear7own an earthat ispermanently swol”len because it has been hit many times Caullk /kok/ vemb [VN] to fl the holes or cracks in sth, especially a ship, with a substance thatkeeps out water


/ko:zl/ adj 1 (formal) connected with the rela-

tionship between two things, whereone causes the other tohappen: the calusal relatiorship between poverbyand'dis-

ease 之 一Conjunctiony/connective(srommariawordsuch as because that introduces a statement aboutthe catse of Sth cas-al. 放yY /ko:zaelati/ (alsocatis.ation ) 00Un [U] (jor mal) the relationship between sth that happens and the Teason for it happening; the Principle that nothing can happen without acause

Caus-ationm /ko:"zerfn/ noun [U] (万惫oj 1 the process of one


caltsing Or producing



2 =


Causa:ftive /ko:zatrv/ adj. 1T(ormal acting as the catise of sth: SmoKking z Q causative jctor

识 seyeral 7mnajor dis-

eases. 了 (81a1m1mar) acausative verb expresses a cause, for example bj/acken which means to cause to:become black 一compare ERGATIVE, INCHOATIVE

CaUSe 0

/ko:z/ 70UD, ve 内

中 IOUm 了 [C] the person or thing that makes sth happemn: Unermmnployrmentzs amaijior cause ofpoyverty CThere was disCUsSio7l about the ire aid is Likely cause. C Drinking amd Griying 1 onie of the 浆 ost cOTm7mOP caUses of traj太 caccdaenk. 只 note at REASON 字 [U] ~ (for sth) areason for having particular feelings or behaving in a particular Way: There 四 mo cause for coricerm 2 The food was exceL lent一[ had mo cause for complaint c with]without 8ood calse (= with/without a good reason) 3 [qq an organization or idea that people support or fightfor: Ani-

下 .OU 了 [U] carethatyoutakein ordertoavoiddangeror Imistakes; not taking any Tisks: extreme/Sreat cautior 全 Statistics Should be treated With cautioft. 必 note at CARE

2 [Cl (BrE)awarning thatis given bythe police to sb who has committed a crime that is not too serious: As a first

offender She got off with a caution 3 [U,G ( 厄rma1h) a warning or a piece:of advice about a possible danger Or Tisk: a Word/miote of cautiort c Somme cautiofi TUSE be Tentioried 一/for example good tools are esseitial to do the

Job We

throw/cast caution:to the'wind(s)sto

Stop caring apout how dangerous sth might be; to start

taking risks ver 1 ~ (sb) against sth | ~ sb about sth to warn sb aboutthe possible dangers or problems of sth: [V] Twourld

caUHOm a8aimst getting too inyolved. e [VN] Sarmm cautioned jirm againmst7making ahasty decisiomn ci[vthat] The goyermTent caUOmned thatpay 识 creases could lead to job 1osses. [also VNto inf, VNthat, Vspeech, VN speech] 2 [vN] (BrE, low) to warn sb officially that anything they say may be used as evidence against them in court: SUspects Tust pe cautioned pefore ay qUestiofns are asKked. 3 [VN] [usually passive] (BrE, /aow) 一 sb (for sth) to warn sb officially that they will be Punished 话 -they do sth wiong or illegal again: She Wasmnt Sent to 太e 轴 Venile cour记 istead she Was cautioned Cau:tion:ary /ko:jeneri; NAmEneri/ ad giving advice or a Waining:a cautioriary tale about the Drobleims of Duying a comPputere Jer concliusiom the author 30U7ids acautiorary mote. Ca-tious /ko:jes/ ad四 一(aboutsb/sth)| 志(aboutdoing sth) being careful about what you say or do especiallyto avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any Tisks: He was Yery caQutious about cormrmitting jirmmselr to amything. CThe 8oOyernTment has Dee caUtious 训 is resporilse to the report , 2 _Theyye taken a yery cQutious approach c They ex Presseda cautious optimismm about a SOIUHOP io the crisisCautiousjy adyv: She Iooked cautiousty around and them Walked away 方om the house: S777m cautiOUSI optim语 -

tic.catifiousmness OUm [U]


目 Acautious person is nervousthat sofmething may be dangerous orunwise, So they only do it very slowlyor afteralot ofthought (opposite = rash) 本 S

四 Acareful person is not nervous but doesitake extra care

to cOUIT mm be for/in a good 'cause worth doing, be-

to makesurethat everything is correctornothing goes wrong. (opposite = careless) 昌 Notice also: s Be carefu1/Take care when you driveon 问 /oads. Caution Warning - thiniice.

ant: [VN] Do they Know What catsed the fire? Are YOU carusing troupble again? ceThe bad Weather is causing probLemms for mmarmy Jarrmers. e deaths caused by damgerotus driying Co [VN to inf]j The poor jharyest caused prices to 7ise sharpj co[VNN] The project is stilli causing him alot of Drobiermns.

Cava /ava/ nou1 [U,C] atype Of SPARKIING iWfiite Wine (= with bubbles) fom Spain Cav-alcade /kaevlkeId/ novun aline of people on horses or in Vehicles forming part of a ceremony Cava-lier /kavalreaD); NAmE-lrmr/ noun a supporter of the King in the English Civil War (1642-4 一coimpare 9)

7mnal Welfare carmpaisners raised E70000 jprtheir cause 1ast year ca Sood cause (= an:organization that does good Work, Such as a charity) c 万ghting Jor the Republican

CQUse 一See also LOST CAUSE 4 [Cl (law) acase that goes cause ils helping other people 一more at COMMONddf/ Yerb to make sth happen, especially sth bad or unpleas-

Cause ceiebre /ko:z selebre/ moun (from French) (以 causes ceE.lsbres /Ko:Z selebre/) an issue that attracts 3 lot of attention and is supported byalotof people


/ko2ZWeI/ noUn a Taised road or path across

water or wet ground

Caus'tic /ko:sttk/ adj.1 (ofa chemical substance) ableto destroy or dissolve other substances 2 critical in a bitter or SARCASTIC way


CQGLStic commmentsAW 让 基 caustically;/kli/ adv Callstiic'soda 000 [U] achemical usedin making paper and soap

Caut.erize (BrEalsoise )/ko:teraiz/ ve由 [VN] (medica1)

to burn a wound, tsing a chemical or heat 让 order to

Stop the loss ofblood or to preventinfection



/kaevelieaD); NAmE :madi

Tusually before

noun] not caring enough abonuit sth important or abotit the feelings ofother people: THe goveFrimerittakes a caVaLier attitude to 雪eproblemis 了 ofpFiso OyYeTcrowading.


/Kaevlri/ nouwn (usually thie cavalry ) [sing十

sing./pl, y] (in the past) the partiof the army that fought on horses; the part of the modern:army that uses_ ARMOURED vehicles ,Cavalry will own [U] a strong cloth made of wool, used for making trousersypants andiclothes for Sports

CaVe /kerv/ noum, ve 册 下 /IOUnalargeholeinthesideofahillorunderthe ground: 态 e7mou妨(= the entrancej ofthecayve oacaye-dweller (= aperson who lives in a cave)

cat | father | eten | 3: bird | a aboutil zsit | isee imany | agot:(Br | ossaw | sicup | uput| utoo

icave 'in (on sb/sth) (of aroof wall etc.) to


fall down and towards the centre: The ceiling Suddenzy 一related noun CAVE-IN,CaVe "in cayed 识 on top of them.

(to sth)j to finally do what sb wants after you have been stronglyopposingthem: The PresidentisUmlikely to caye 训 to demands forapublic inquiry. 一see also CAVING


/aeviaet/ noun_(1jorma/, fom Latin) a warning

that particular things need to be considered before sth can be done


/kzviset'emptoi(r)/ noun (人 om Latim)

the Principlethataperson who buys sth is iesDonsible for finading any fatilts 训 thething theybuy

'cave-in moun the fact of sth suddenly collapsing Cave:iman /kervmaen/ noun(pl-men /men/) 了 aperson wholivedinacaAvEthousands ofyears ago 字 (informal) a man who behaves in an aggressive Way

'cave painmtinS

7hovn a PREHISTORIC painting on the

walls of a_cAvE,often

showing animals and hunting



/kerve(D/ (alsopot'holer ) (both BrE) (NAmESpe-

iunk'er /sprlAnkeGD)/) noun a person who goes into 一compare CAVES Under the ground as a Sport or hobby SPELEOLOGIST 上 CaV:ermmT /攻 2pVan; NAmE-Varn/ moOUm a CAVE, especially a large one



that deals with personal icome tax and With taxes On

goodsthat are bought and sold) CCTV /sissiztiz'vi/abbir CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEVISION

世上 0

/si di:/ (alsodisc ) movn

a small disc on which sound or inferimation is recorded. CDs are Played on a special machine called aCD_piayer. CDiis an abbreviation for'compact disc.

/si di:'az/ nown 1 TU] a MULTIMEDIA System which


usas CDsthat can ieact to instructions given by the USeT

(the abbreviation for'compact disc interactive') 2 [q the

typeof CD that this type of System UsSes


/sidi:'dGD/ movn [CU] acCD onwhich information,

sound -and pictures:can be recorded once only (an abbre-

Viation for'compact disc recordable7)

Cdr (alsoCdr- especially in US) obbr (in writing) COMMANDER:Car (John Stone CD-ROM (1B/ 日(USCD/ROM) /si di: rom; NAmE ramy/ houn [CU] a CD on which large amounts of information, Sound and Pictures can be stored, for use on a COmPUter

(an abbreviation for 'compact disc read-only ImemorW):

The software package contains 5 CD-ROMS. 2 The ecyclopediaisavailableon CD-ROM SaCD-ROM drive (= 记 acom-

一Picture 只 PAGE R5 一compare ROM puter) CD-RW /si:di: ad 'dabljus; NMAmEdary/ noun [CU] a CD on which information, sound and Pictures can be recorded and removed more than once (an abbreViation for'com,of cawvV:iar (alsocavi-are ) /上zeviad:GD/ noun [U] the eggs Pact disc rewriitable') sonie types of fish, especiallythe STURGEON, that are Pie/abbrT (BrE) Craft Designand Technology served using salt and eaten as a VeIy Special and exXpen- CDT /si:diztiz (tauight;as,a subject in schools) 字 CENTRAL DAYLIGHT sivetype of food TIME b 吉-, NAmEE ) [V] ~ (at sth) (妈 rmaj to cav 衣 /攻 aevl/ ve上 宇 abbr1 (in Britain) Church of England 2 (also CE /s 衬 / make Unnecessary complaints about sthER3]J QUIBBLE C:E. especiallyinNAmBCommon Era(= the period:since caV:in吕 /ervm/ (alsopot'holing ) (both BrE) (NAmE the birth of Christ when the Christian:CALENDAR Starts


/下 ayenas; NAmE -Verm-/ ad (1ormal) (of a

Toom Or Space) Very large and often empty and/or darki; like a CAVE

spe-IunkcinE ) ov [U] the SPoOrt or activity "of going into CAVES tinder tne ground: He had aways Wanted to go cayvirg-.


/kssvVeti/ noUn (pl-ies ) Tahole or empty Space

inside sth solid: te abdominal cayity

Cavity wall

之abhole 记 a tooth

_novn a wall consisting of two walls with a

space _between them, designed to_ Prevent heat from escaping: cayity WaILinsulatiom CaVOIt /ka'vort; NAImE kevoTt/ ye由 [V 十 ddwvVprep] to jump or move around in a Doisy excited and often sexual Way: THie photos ShowWed jer cayorting oP the beach with Per newW IOoyer cawW /koz/ novn theUnpleasant sound thatis made bybirds such as CROWS and ROOKS


YVe山 [V]

Cay'emne. /keren/.(alsocayenmne 'pepper ).00owUn;[U] a type ofred pepperused in cookingto giveahotflavourto food

CayImam -三 CAIMAN CB /si 'bi/ noun [U] the abbreviation for'Citizens' Band' (arange of waves on a Tadio on Which people can talk to each other over short distances, especially When driving): Atruck driver used his CB radio to calljfor hezp,

counting years). CE:can be Used to give dates in the same

, BC, BCE , 一compareAD way asAD

抱忆 SE


/si:s/ vemb(jormaj)

to stop happening or existing; to stop sth from happening 拓re Payrments cease Q3 3500 QS Ga indiOF existing: [V] Wel Vidualstargajob.

[vto inf Zoumeverceaseto amaze 7mnel

Fe Q@ [VN] They yoted to cease strike action imrmediately ordered his men to cease fire (= stop shooting). c [V -in鲁 一See alsO CESSATION The comipamy ceased trading in yune. IE see wWONDER. fire /siisfareC)/ moun atime When enemies agree 人 Cease. to stop fighting, usually while a way is found to end the fighting PermanentlyfESRJ TRUCE: Q call for antiriymediate ceasefire c Observers hayve reported serious Violatiomns of the ceasefire. Cease.less /si:slas/ adj (formal) not stopping; Seeming INTERMINABLE CONSTANT,, no end to _have > Ceaselessly ddVv

CeCuinm (NAm 昌 = CAECUM Cedar /siideC)y/ noun T [cl atall EVERGREEN tree With Wide spreading branches 也 (alsocedarwood;) [u] the hardied wood ofthe cedar tree, that has a Sweet Smell

CBE /si: bi: 衬/noun the abbreviation for 《Commander (of Cede /sisdl vemb [VN] ~ sth (to sb)j (Jormalj to give sb cony the Order) of the British Empire' (an award given in Brittrol of sth or give them Power aright,etc., especiall 一 ain to some people for a Special achievement): He Was unwillingly: Cuba was ceded by Spain to the US 训 1898. CBE 7madeaCBF 识 1995.2JonAdarms See alSO CESSION CBI /si:bi:'ar/ obbr Confederation of British Industry (an ce.d 训la /srdrla/ noun the mark placed under the letter< important organization to Which btisinesses and indus-

tries belong) CBS /si bi 'es/ abbr Columbia Broadcasting System (an PIoAmerican recording and broadcasting company that duces records, television Programmes, etc,)

letCC /sis'siz/ abbr 1 carbon coOPY (toj(used on business to anters and emalils to show that a copy is being sent 只 other person)j: to LUKke Peters cc yanet Gold--picture PAGER5 2 cubic centimetrets): an 850cc eJLgiTe


/si sixazr'er abbrCanada Customs and Revenue

ent Agency (the department of the Canadian governm


|ar my

| aonow

| ersay

ed ip French, Portuguesei etc, to show that it is pIonounc like ansratherthan ak; asimilarmarkundersin Turkish

and some other languages


/Keili/novn-associal occasion with music and

dancing, especiallyin Scottland and Ireland

刘.im 旬 Om /silm/noun Ce

1 thertop inside-surface of aroom: She lay'onm heriback ceiling staring Up atthe ceiling. CQIarge roomt With a high 一COm2 thelhighestlimiit or amotunt of sth: Drice ceilings pare FLOOR 3 (technical) the greatest height at Which a

| ao go (Br 日 E| of go (NmB

| of boy

| re near

| ea hair

| aue pure

Ceiling rose

236 |

依汪sa aircraft is ableto fly 一see also GLAsS-CEILING See HITV ceiling rose (also rose) noun (technmicaojh a round object that is fixed to the ceiling of a room for the wires of an electric light to go through celan'dine /seleandarn/ moun [U,C] a small wild plant with yellow flowers that grows in the spring

celeb /seleb/ noun (informaj) = cELEBRITY cele'brant /selrbrent/ moun Ta priest who leads a church service, especially the COMMUNION service; a PerSOn Who attends aserIvice 2. (Nm 日aperson whois celebrating sth, for example at a party



Sa13X 总 丽orence. CHow do people celebrate New Jar 访 yOUTr country2? 辽 [VN] to perform:a religious ceremony, especially the Christian COMMUNION service 3 [VN] (j 广 mmal) to praise sbysth: amoyie celebratimg the 1i氟and wo of Martimi ZuUther King

Cele'brated /'selibrertrd/ ad famous for'having good qualities: a celebrated paimnter

:om yiseinbieifay io 六

TIq a special event that people organize 也 order to celebrate sth: birthday/wedding celeb7ratiopns [u,C] the act of celebrating sth: Her triurmph was acaise Jor celeDratior. aparty icelebrationm of their ftieth wedding ammiyersary C The service Was Q celebration of his-TP 外 Praised what he had done 让 his life). cele'bra'tory /sela'breitariy NAmE 'selabretozrj 0d/ celebrating sth or marking a special occasion;aicelebraz tory drinkxdin7er

ce'ieb-rity /jselebreti/ noun (p -ies) 人 (also Ponnal

celeb) [aq a famous person: TVeelebrities 了 [U]the state ofbeing famous

FAME: Does he find jis new celebrity

intruding om his priyate Le? Cel-eri'ac /seeriaek/ noun [u] a large white root Vegetable which is atype ofcELERY and which is eaten raw or cooked cejery /selari/ noum [U] avegetable with long crisp light green:STEMS that are often eaten Taw:'a:Stick oF celery一 Picture 只 PAGE RI3


cellar /selaGD)/ moun

了 an underground

room often

Used for storing things: a coal cellar 2 = WINE CELLAR- 一 See also SALT CELLAR

Cellist /tfelrst/ novn aperson who plays the cELLO cell-mate /selmert/ noun apPrisoner with whom another Prisoner shares a cell

Cello /tfelau; NMAmElou/talso Jormalvio'Ton'cello )nouwn (以 -0s) a musical instrument with strings, shaped like a large VIOLIN. The player sits down and holds the cello between his or her knees. 一picture 吃 PAGE R6


/selafem/ moun [u] a thin transparent

/saleste/ (also ce-leste /salest/) moun a small

ceillphone cm /selfeun; NAmEfoun/ (alsocelJular .phone)mouvn (especialy NAm 日 三 MOBILE PHONE: Cel1pjhomne Users CTtalked to her'onm 7ny cellphone. C The Use of cellular Phones is not perrmitted om TOst Qircra 帮. cellu:lar /seljseleCD)/odj Ticonnected with or consisting of the cells of plants or animals: celIulIar structurey ProCesses 了字 connected with a telephone system that works by radio instead of wires: a celiular network e_celiular radio 3 (BrE) (of cloth) loosely wovEN for extra warmth: cel1ular bp1amKet

Cellu'lite /seljiulart/ noun [uj a type of fat that some

People get below their skin,,which stops the surface of

theskin looking smooth


/seljulord/ novn

[U] 1 athin transparent

Plastic material made in sheets, used ipithe Past for cinema film 也 (old-/oshioned)j used as away of Ieferring to

S 人旬 ms/movies cellu'lose /seljulaos; NMmE:lous/ noun [u] T anatural Substance that forms the cell walls of all plamnts and trees and is Used 雇 making plastics, Paper etc, 了 any COMPOUND of cellulose used in making paint, LACQUER, etc.

Cel'sius /'selsias/ (also centi'grade) odi (abpr C) of or using a scale of temperature ip which water freezes at 0 and boils at 100?: 下 WilE pe a mizd might around Pine de-

3Tee5 CelSius.

the Celsius Scale # Celsius noun [U] :term

Peratures in CelSius amd FapremnPei SS Celt /kelt/ novun 1 a member of a race of People from WesteIn Europe who settled iD ancient Britain before the Romans came 也 a person Whose ANCESTORS Werte Celts, especially one from Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall or BrIittany

musical instrument with a keyboard;, that produces ,a Sound like bells Ce'les:tial /salestisl; NAmE-tI/ ad [usually before noun]

CELTA /selta/ noujiiiU a British qualification from the

Ce'liac dis'ease (NAmB) = coELIAC DisEASE

Cel'tic /kelttk/adi connected with theicalts or theirlan-

(JommaloryWiteramy)ofthe skyor ofheaven: celestialpodies (= the sun, moon; stars, etc:) C celestial LigphtTmnusic 一comPare TERRESTRIAL

University of Cambridge for teachers with little or no experience of teachingiEnglish as a foreign langtiage(the abbreviation for “certificate 记 English Language Teach-

ing to Adults)

guage: Geltic history

Celi'bate /'selibat/adi, nour

aadj-1notmarried andmothaying sex, especially for reli-

Celtic 'cross moun across With tha vertical Part longer

celipate Jor the Past Six 7Tmoniths' :ceiiibacy /selibasi/

the ,Celtic fringe 7joun [sing.] (BrE) the people in Ire-

gious reasons: celibpate priests 2 not having.sex: Tye bpeen

1OuUn [U]: ayow ofcelipacy 昌 0OU1 (jor701) a person who has chosen not to Inarry; a Person Who neverhas seX

Ce 有il0

/sel/ noun

站 ddid

上 ffall

than the horizontal Dart and acirclerotund the centre

land and western parts of Britain whose ANCESTORS Were CELTS, ofteli used to ieferto Ireland, Scotlaiid andWales

Celtic harp (alsoclarsach) monasmailase ed in Scottish and Irish mnusic

了 aroonmfor one or more Prisonersin a Prison or police statiori 一 see alSoO PADDEDCELL :2 asmallroom without much furniture in which a MONK or NUNrlives 3-the smallest unit of living matter that can exist on its own . Allplants and,animals are made up,of cells: blood' cellks e the nuclerus of a, cell 一 see also .STEM_CELL 4 each of the Small sections that together form a larger structure, for example a HONEYCOMB 5 a device for Producing an electric current; for example by the action of chemicals OF light: ia photoelectric' cell 6 asmall group-of -people who work as part of alargerpolitical organizationFespEcially secretly: aiterroristcell 7 one oftheismall Squares


|:9 get


Plastic material used for wrapping things

/selrbrert/ ve

Ttoshowthatadayoran eventis imnportantbydoing sth Special on it: [V] Jajkes passed his exams-Weye going outto celebrate. C [VN] We celebrated our 25 太 Wedding anmiyer


积 a SPREADSHEET computer program in whicHh yot enter

a Single piece of data 8-(njormofjz especialy NA CELLPHONE


Ce'imment /srment/ moun, ve履

一 IOU1 [U] 1 a grey powder made by burning cLAY and LIME that sets hard when it is mixed with water CemeRnt is used in building'to sticKk DEFicks together and to make Veryhard surfaces: 2 thehard substance that is formied when cementbecomes dryandhard:a Jioorofcermentenga cement jioor 一Seesalso CONGRETE; MORTAR 3 asoftSUubD2 stance that becomeslhardwhen dryand ised foFstiae

ingthingstogetherorfillinginholes:sdemritalcemeiit (三 for fling holes-imteeth) 有 (Jo7701) Something that Unites

people in a common interest: yalues WPichare thecemn 可 让 ofsociety

| k cat


| mman

| mnow

| p pen

| :rredz


@Ve 由 [VN] 全 [often passive] ~ Aand B (togethen:to join two things together using cement, glue) etc. 2 to make a Telationship,,-





central nervous systemm

STRENGTHEN: The President's Visit Was intended to cerment 态 e alliartce betweeTt the two coOUmtries. ceimen.-ta-tion /simem'terfmn/ novn [U] : 飞 (chemistry) the Process of changing a metal by heating it together With a powder 2 (gcology) the process of grains of sand, etc. sticKking together to form SEDIMENTARY TOCKS

Cemti`gram (also centi'gramme) /sentrgraem/ OUn:a

ce'ment mixer (also 'concrete mixer) novn a ma-

Ce 用 二ietre

chine with a drum that holds sand,water and cement

and turns to mix them together 一picture 上 CONSTRUCTION Ceimet.ery /semetri; NAmE -teri/ noun (六 -ies) an area of landused forburying dead People, especially one that is not beside a church 一compare CHURCHYARD,GRAVEYARD Ceno-taph /seneta台 NAmE -taef/- 1oOUm a MONUMENT built in memory of soldiers killed in war who are buried Somewhere else CeimisePpi/sensaC)/ OUn a container for holding and burningINGENSE (= asubstancethatpioduces a pleasant smell)yused especially during religious ceremonies Cem.sOr /Sensa(/ noum, ve 内 下 IOUm ia person whose job is to examine books,,films/ movies; etc. and remove parts which are considered to be offensive, immoral or a Political threat 晶 yE/b [VN] to remove the parts of a book film/movie, etc. that are considered to be offensive, immoral or a Political threat: The news reports had beent heavily censoredL Cem:SOri-Ous /sen'soiries/ adj._ (如rmaj tending to criticize people or things a lot CRITICAL cen-sor.ship /sensajJrp; NAmE-serf-/ noun TU] the actor Policy of CENSORING books,etc.: press cerlsorship 2 The decree imposed SIrict ceisorship of 切 emmedia.

unit for meastiring weight. There'are 100 centigrams in a


Cemti-litre (BrE) (NAmE centi'liter) /sentairteGD)/ own

(abbr ch) aunit for measuring liquids. There are 100 centi-

litres in alitre.

thne press.

Cem:Ssus /senses/ OUn (PN Cenisuses) the ProcessS of o 丛ciallycounting sth, especially a countrys Population, and recording various facts

所包 四 七0-有 /sent/ noun (gbbr cG cb a co and unit of money worth 1% of the main Unit'of

Imoneyi训 manycountries,forexample ofthe US dollar or 一see also_ PER CENT,RED CENT [my put in of the etro

your two 'cents” worth (NAmB) = PUT IN YOUR TWO


Cemt. bbr century:

识 切 e20 雪 cent

Cem'taur:/sentox(D)/ .0oun (in ancient Greek stories) a

creature with a man's head, arms and Upper body on a horse'xs body and legs Cenm-ten.-arianm /,sentrmeerion; NAmE -Der-/ OUnm a perSon who is 100 years old or more Cem.ten-ary /sen'timari NAmE -tenari/ (P/ -ies) (BrE) O cen-ten:nial NMAmE BrE) noun the 100th anniverSary of an eVent: The club W 三celebrate is centennaTy mext 一See alsO BICENTENARY,TERyear C the centenaTy year

CENTENARY Cem-ten:nial/sen'teniel/ noun (especially NAm 有 = CENTENARY 一See also BICENTENNIAL Cem-ter(NAm





piece (NAm 有 日= CENTREBOARD, CENTRED; CENTREFOLD, CENTREPIECE Cemti- /sentrc/; combining 加 rm (in nouns) 1 hundred: centipede 卫 (often used in units of Ineasturement) one hundredth: cemtirmetre

centigrade jsentigrerd/ adj: = CELSIUS: Q termmperature Centi.grade OU1 of 40 degrees'icenitigrade Peratures in cenitigrade amd Fahrerjnet


| ttea

| vvan

| mwwet

| 2zoo

[U]: tem-

| shoe

(BE (NmE centimetem)

EC 已四.二 六本| 0 /sentrel/ ad 1 most important: The certtral issue is 妇 at of widespread racismm oOShe has been a centtral 太gure 态 the caimpaigmn Preyention also plays a centralrole 识 traditiortal mmedicine. CReducing infiation is central to (= is an important Part

of) the goyvermments economic policy 只 note at MAIN 2 having power Or control over other parts: the central

coTmmmittee (= of aDolitical party) 22The orgamization has acentral office 识 ZorK. 3 iDthe centre ofan area Or oObjects central Iondon C Ceiitral AmericaXEUrope/Asia e the cehitral area of the brainn 4 easily reached from many areas: The Jiat i very cenfral 一just 万ve 7mninautes 刘 om

Princes Stireet Sa

central IOcatiom

号 (phomnetics) (5f a

Vowel)produced with the centre ofthe tongue in ahigher Position than'the front or the'back for example /3:/ 训 bircecompare'BACK FRONT > Cen:tral-ity /sen'traelati/

Cem.sure /senja(GD)/ noun ve 几

中]DOU1 [U] (大rmaj) strong criticism: ayote of cersure om the goyerTriments foreigrn Policy Vermbp [VN] ~ sb (for sth) (fjormal) to criticize sb Severely, and often Dublicly becatse of sth they have done REBUKE: He Was ceisuTed Jor Ieaking 训formatiom to


/sentrmirtetr)/ noun (abbr cm) atnitfor measturing length,. There are 100 centimetres iD ametre. Centi-pede /sentrpisd/ nouwmn a small creature like an 训secb with along thin bodyand manylegs


moun [U] (Jormaj: the centrality of the formigy as a social institutior central-ly /sentrali/ adv: The :hotel 1 centrallylocatedjJorallrmajor attractions.QacentralyPplanned economy C TS te house centrally heated (= does 让 have central heating)? Central A'merica "0 [U] the part ofN America that consists of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvadom Nic-

aragua, Costa Rica and Panama

,Central A'merican

间 adj, moun Cemntral 'bank "oun anational bank that does business ”With the government and other banks,, and issues the countrys coins and paper money

Central 'DayiightTime "oun [U] (obbr CDT)the time Used in summer in the central US and Canada which is seven hours earlier than GMT

enmitral Euro'pean Time mon [U] (abbr CET) the

time used in central and part of western Europe, which is one hour later than GMT

Cemtral 'gOovernment moumn [U,C] the govermment ofa

Whole country, rather than LOCAL GOVERNMENT Which is concerned with smaller areas

Cemtral'heating7ovn [uU] a system for heating abuild-

” 积g from one SOUICe Which then sends the hot water oOT hot air around the building through pipes

the Central in'teliligence Agency "ov [sing] 二


Cem:tral:ismn /sentraltzermm/ noumn [U] away of organjizing sth, such as government or education that involves one central group of people controlling the whole system > centralist 0dj.: Centralist controLofschoots central.ize (BrEalso-ise):/ 'sentrelalz/ veb [VN] to give the control of a country or an organization to a grouP of People in one particular Place:.a higRty Centralized System

of govermment

centralization, -isation /sentrelar-

zeifn; NAmE -la'z-/ noun [U]: the centralization of political

Power Cemtral "locking "0

[U] asystem for locking a car in

whbichall the doors can be locked or opened at the Same time

,Central'nervous system 1041 (anatomy) the Part of the'system ofnervesin thebodythat consists of thebrain 一See alsSO NERVOUS SYSTEM and the sPINALICORD

| 5 vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0 sing

Cemtral processing unm计 Cemntral


238 |

unit 0oun


(obb户 Centre forward (alsocentre) (both BrE) (NA万 ECcen BUILDING

4 [Cl abuilding'or Place used for aparticular

PUIPose or activity: Q ShoppingXsportsVleisure/comTity ceTitre 2 te CentrejorPolicy Studies * OF EXCELLENCE 5 [G ~ of excellence a place Where a particular kind of work is done extremely well * OF _ATTENTION

@G [Cusually





Which people direct their attention: CHilaren Like to ze the cenitre of attentiomn. coThe prirme 7minister at the centre ofa political row ovyer Ieaked Cabinet docurients. ”~ -CENTRED 7 (in adjectives) having the thing mentioned as the most important feature Or centre of attention:a child-centred approach to :teaching 一see also SELF-


= IN POLITICS 8. (usually the centre) [sing.] aMODERATE

(= middle) political position or Party,:between the exXtremes of LEFT-WING and RIGHT-WING parties: aparty of 态 e centre


[ER See FRONT1., LEEFT 0dv 上 Verbp [VN] to move:sth sothatit is in the centre of sth else: Carefuliy centre the photographh on the page and sick 让 训


'centre aroundy/on/roundyjupon sbysth |

centre_ sth-around/on/round/upon

sb/sth to be or

make sb/sth become the person or thing around which

Inost activity,etc. takes place: State occasiors always CeTttred around the Kimng CO Discussioris Were centtred on developments in Fasterra EUFODe' ICeritresth



passive] to make somewhere the place where an activity oreventtakes place: MostofthefightingWwas centredin the Porth of the capitaL

Cemtre 'ack(BFE) (NAmE center ,back noUn (in football (soccER) and some other sports) a player Or Dosition ipthe middleofthebackline ofplayers

Centre'board (Br (NAmE cen:terboard) /seitab5id;

NAmmE "senterbo:rd/ novn a board that can be Passed through a hole in the bottom of a sailing boatto keep 芒 steady when sailing

Cem'tred (B/E) (NAmE cen:tered) /sented; NAmmE -ard/ adj (especially NA有 jcalm sensible and emotionally 训

control: My 如 mily jhelps to Keen 7me centred 一see also


CemitFe-fold (Br6) (NmEFcensterfold)


NAmE:terfould/ nourT alargePpicture, often of ayoung woman with few orno clothes oni folded to form the mid-

srcat | 上 father | eten

dle pages ofa magazine 2 a person whose Dicture isthe centrefold of a magazine

Some other sports) a Player or position in the middle of the frontline ofplayers

Cemtre half(Br6 (NAmE ,cenmter nalOwn (in football (SoccER) and some other sports) a Dlayer or position in the middle of the HALFBACK linme of Players

Cemntre ,Of 'Eravity 1207 (pcentres .of gravity the Point in an object at which its weight is considered to act

Cemntre-piece (Br6) (NmE cem'ter'piece) /sentapi:s; NA4mE -terp-/ .noun 1 [sing:] the most important item: TPis treatyisthecentrepiece of the goyermnrmentsjforeigrLDpoL ic 2 a decoration,for the centre ofa table ICemtre spread oun the two facing middle pages ofa newspaper or magazine

Cemtre ' stage(BrE) (NAImE centerF'stageinoum' [Ujan . important Position where sb/sth can easily get People?s attention: Edaucatiomiis takking cemntre stage in the goyvermTnents Plans. CO This Tegion comntinues to oOccuPY cemntre

Stage 训 World afjfairs. 基 ,Centre'stage0dy: The mi7iister Said,“We are Putting 所1LermPplIoymiemntceitre Stage -Cemtric /sentrrzk/ sujx 1 having 'a particular-centre: 8eocenttric 了 (often:;disopproving) based on aiparticular way of thinking: Burocentric C ethnocentric

Cem:trifu.Eal /,sentrrfgju:gl; sen'trifjsgl/ ad (tech7mica1 Imoving ortending to move away from a centre


force (also cen'trifugal forcej movn

(physics) a force that appears to catuse an object travVelling around a _centre to fy away from the centre and off its CIRCULAR path

Cenm:trifuse /sentrriuds/ ovn a machine with a Part that Spins around to Separate Substances, for example 1iquids from solids, by forcing the heavier substamice to the outer edge


/sen'trrprtl; ,sentripizt/ adi (technicah

Ioving ortending to move towards a centre

Cem'trist' /sentrrst/ .nouniaiperson with political views that are not extreme MODERATE > Centristad/. Centuriony/sen'tjoerien; NAmE:tTasrc-/noun (in ancient Rome) an army officer who commande 示100 soldiers

扎忆 有四 `UNY 0 /sentferi/ nou1i(P/ -ie 1a period of 100 years 了 (abbr ec cent) any of the periods:of 100 years before or after the birth,of Christ: the 20th century (= AD1901-2000 or 1900-=1999) c eight eenth-century Writers 3 (in:CRICKET) ai score of100 RUNS by one Player IE seeTURN1.

CEO /,si:i'au; NAmE'oo/ abbr chief executive officer (the Person with the highest rank in abusiness company) Celpi/sep/ noUn a type'of MUsHROOM Which many People consider to be one of the bestto eat ceph.al:ic/srfaelik; BrE also kefeelik/ adj (anatomy)inor telated to the head

Ceph.alo.pod /'sefelapod; MAmE -pda/ moun (biology) a type ofMOLLUSC With a combined head andibodyi large eyes and eight or ten TENTACLES (= long thin legs). The TENTACLES have many SUCKERS On them (= Totnd parts that suck). OCToPUS and soUID are cephalopods. 一 picture 只 PAGE R2I

Ceraim:ic/sSeTaemaik/ noui 1 [Cusuallypl]japotorothar object made of CLAY that has been made permanently hard by heat: an exhibition oF cerammics Dy Pic6hs50 2 Ce amics [U] the art of making and decorating ceramics zz ceramicadj/.: ceramic tiles Cemeal /'sIeriel; NAmE 'srr-/ noun T [Cone of various types of grass that produce grains that can be eaten or are Used to make flour or bread: WHEAT,BARLEY and RYE are all cereals: cereal crops 2 [U] thie grain produced by cereal'crops. 3 [GuU] food made from the grain of cereals, often eatenfor breakfast with milk: breakfastcereals CQbowilofcereal

| 3: bird | eaabout | asit | isee | imany | got':(Br6) | jossaw | Acup

| oput'| ustoo



cereals an ear of wheat

She WasnEE certain (that) he had seen her CAre yoU abso1utely certair about this2 TauTiotcertairr Who Was there- 人 To imy certaimn Knowledsge he Was somewhere else at the time (=Iam sure aboutit. 3 used to mention a particular thing, person of group without giving any more details abolit it or them: For certaimn perse7ial7Teasomns TShall mot be able to attend. c Certaint people mightdisagree With this. CeThey refused to release 雪 eir hostages Uniless certainm



conditions Were met 4 ( 训ormah used with a personms Dameto showthatthe speakerdoes notknow the Person: 下 Was a certain Dr Dayis Who performed the Operatior, 5 slight; noticeable, but difficult to describe: ThnatS true, to a certain extertt 2 工 放丰 切ere Was Q certain coldmess 总

Her marnmner IJ for certain without doubt: 工canitsay Jor certain when we arrive make certain (that … jto find out whether sth is definitelytrue: TthinKk 轨eres a bus

Qt8 putyYoUG bettercall to make certain. make certiain of

sth/of doing sth to do sth in ordertobe surethat sth else

Will happen: Zou 人 haye to leave soom to make certain of getting there OTL 7me. of a certain age if yotu talk about a person being of a certain age, yoU mean that they are no longer young biit not yet old: The Show appeals to am auUdiertce of a certaimn age. 目 prom. Certaim of .=(jormmalused fortalking about some Imembers of a grotip of people or things withotut giving their names: Certainiof 坊05e DreseritWere LiWiling to disCUSs 态 e matter 多7tprer

Ce're'belium / serabelam/ moun (P cerebeliums or cete:bella /bela/) (anatomy) the part of the brain at the backofthehead thatcontrols the activity of the muscles

Cere'bral /serabrel; NAmEsaribrel/ adj 1Trelating to the brain: a cerebral Paeriorrhase 之 加 rmaljl relating to the mind rather than'the feelings INTELLECTUAL: is poetry yery cerepraL Cerebral 'palsy houn [U] a medical condition usually catused by brain damage before or at birth that catuses the loss of control oft movement in the arms and legs



/sari:bram;: serebrem/:mown (以 Ge're'bra

bound .sure 。 definite 。assured

/bra/) (anatomy) the front part of the brain, Iesponsible for thoughts, emotions and Personality

Cere-mo-nial / serrmaunisl; NAmE-moo-/ ad rmoun

晶 0dj. relating to or used in a ceremmony: ceremomial 0OCCasions COG ceremomialLsWwora 儿 ceremomnially:/mieli/adv 上 moOuUn [U,G the system of rules and traditions'that states how things should be done at a ceremony or formal occaSion: The VE 站 Was conducted With all due cerermmoiaL

Cere-mo:niOous /seremaunias; NAmE-mou-/ adj. (or majh

behaving or performed in an extremely formal way






These are all words describing sthithatwilldefinitely happen oris definitely true: ceritaiathatyoucamrelyonto happenorbetrues1ts Eerioim thaotthey wiiagrees CTheyare certain toagSree: boumnal not before noun] certainto happen,ortodoor be sth-. Bound isonlyused in the phrase pound todo/ 史 etc: Thereareboundtiobechanges When the mewsystemisintirodueced eyouye donesomuch work 一 YOUTe bound topass the exa1m

Sure certain to happen or betrue; that can be trusted on relied on: Shessuetobepickedjortiheteam. cits

Ceremomiously ady

/serainani NMAmE-mouni/ noun

SU1e io /ai.

definite (otherinformaj certain to happen; that is not

1 [Gapublicorreligious occasion that includes a Series of formal or traditional actions: am awards/Opemning ceremony Ca wedding/marTriage ceremony 了 [U] formal behaviour; traditional actions and words used on particular

going to change: Sitdejinite thaothes 人eavingz assured (Jormalj certain to happen: Victory Seemed 二 0SSU1ed: oOThey Were assuUred ofyictoy

formal occasions [IO stand on ceremony (BrE) tobe-


have formally: -Please domt sta7ld om cerernoTty/ (= Please

be natural and relaxed) with me. without ceremony in

和 Certain/sure/assured of sth 晶 Certain/bound/sure to do sth 是 Certain/definite that..:

a very Iough or informal way: He fjound Hirmser PUShed Without ceremomy out of 雪 e house and the door SIamimied 训 isfoce. 一see also MASTER OF CEREMONIES

下 |couldn't say for certain/sure/definite: 各 to be/seemy/laaok certain/boundto.../sureydefinite/

Cerise /seriz; seri:s/ qd人 pinkish-red ip colour 产 Ce isSe nouwn [U] Cemiumn /'sieriam; NAmE'SIr-/ HOUn [U] (symbCe) achem-



目 fairly/quite/absoutely certain/sure/definite

ical element. Cerium is a Silverwhite metal used p the Diroduction of glass and CERAMICS,

Ceit /sa:t; NAmE saxrt/ mouwn (BrE, /njormalj) a thing that is sure to happen OF be Successful



jhorseiz adead certjor (= is sure to win) the mnext7ace. Ceit。 abpr 人 CERTIFICATE 也 CERTIFIED Cemtalm

sad 1


/saxtn; NAmE'sa:rtn/ adj., pro

一 (that:)|~(todosth) | 一 (ofsth/ofdoing sth)

thatyou can rely On to happen or to be true: 下 如 certain She looKs that 态By 仇 这 agreeZTHey are certairl to 08Tee. certaipn to win an Oscar C The climbersjJace certain death 矿 thie7reEscuetodayisunsuccessfulL ee 矿 X7OUWaTitto be Certaim

ofgetting aticketibpookmnow. 只 noteatSURE 2 一(that.…) |~ (of/about sth) firmly believing sth; having no doubts:


| army

| aomnow

| ersay

| saogo (BIB


目 by no means certain/bound to.…/sure/definite/

Ce-tain:ly 0 /sa:tnli; NAmE'sazrtnli/ adv DEFINITELY: Without treatrmen训 1 without doubt She Ww记 almost certainly die. 2 Certainly the early years are crucial io a chilas development CTma certainly meyver 5&oing there again. 只 note at SURELY 之 (used 雇 answWer to questions) of course: MayTseeyOUr pasSDOT Mr Scott2?” ertainly 7o Doyouthink allthis money Wil change yOUT Eee27Certainly not

Certaimnty /sa:tnti; NAmE'saxrtnti/ noun (P -ies)1 [da

thing that is certain: political7mnoral certainties 2 Her Te-

turmto the team mnow:seemms a certainb/: 了 [U] the state of being certain: There isTio certaintby that the Presidemnts Te-

| ou go (MmE)

| or boy

|saze near

| ee hair

| use pure


240 |

TOoVal Would end the civil war tainty Where ZL be mnext Week.

Tcantsay Withn any ce

Certi' 人ialbjle /ss:trfarebl; NAmE'saTt/ adi Tia person who is certifiable can or should be officially stated to be

INSANE: (informalj) Hes certifiable (= he's crazy), 2 (espe-

Place where dishonestorimmoral people gather: Q cessPit of corTruPtiom


reDlace one thing, Person;, service, etc,. with sth new':Or different:Twant to chamnge my doctor C We charnge OUr car


Patients condition ovyernight e She is Someone Who jhates change: O socialpolihicaleconommicchangse

to pass'to a different owner: The

OUse has changed jhands Several times.charige horses

in mid'stream to changeto a different or new activity change.less /tfermd5las/ adj. Uormaljl never changing whbile you are in the middle of sth else; to change from Supporting one person orthing to anotherchange Our/ change.ling /tyemad5lim/ 0oun (iterary) a child who is sb's 'mind to change a decision or an Opinion: 着计 believed to 本 beem secretly left in exchange for an-

W这 make me chanseTny mindchange


(njo 广

1maj to express a differentopinion orbehavein adifferent WwWaywhen your situation changes: Waituntil 让 六appens to

jim 一he1L SOOm change jis tne.change your 'ways


other especially (in stories) by FAIRIES

the change of 'ife novn [sing] (pformal) = MENO-


/tfemdsauveGD; NAmE -ooV:/ noun 3a start to live or behave in a different way from beiore一 change.over change from one System,or method of working to anmmore :at CHOPYV,LEOPARDj PLACE 1. change other SWITCH: the changeovyer 廊om aa manual toia stha'round/'round to move things or peop eiinto qi 人 comDLterLZzed system acharigeover period ferent positions: Youye changed all hje 所 rniture around.

,change 'back (into sb/sth) to return to aprevious situ- 'change purse movn (NAmB a small bag made of leaation, form, etc-ichange 'back (into sth) totake offt your clothes and put .on what you were wearing earlier: She chanmnged bacKk into her worK clothes. change;sth 'back

(into sth)j to exchange an amountofmoneyinto the CURRENCY that it was ip before: You cam chamge back UPmtused

daollars into pounds at the bank. change 'down

(BrE) to

start using alower:gear when you are driving a car, etc.:

Change dowF into second change 'over (from sth) (to

sth)j to change 们om one System or position to another: The /rm has changed oyer to organic methods. 一related

noun CHANGEOVER change 'up (BrEj to start Using'a

higher gear when driving a car etc.: Chamge UPDinto 用fn


了 [CU] ~ (in/tosth) theact orresultof sth

becoming different: achamnge 识 切e Weather coimportant chanrges to tpe tax System C There Was mo cjhange in the


| ddid




| jyes:

ther, Plastic etc: for carrying coins 一picture c PURSE 一

coOmpare PURSE

changin ging


.OU1_ (especiajly BrE) a room for chan-

clothes in,especiallybefore Playing sports 一compare


han:.mel 0 四 1OU1

/tasnl noun, yemb


全 [Gatelevision station: Whats

om Carmel 4 tomnight2 C Qa ImoVieZsports charmrtel c to chanmge/switch charimels 2 [G abandiof radio waves Used for broadcasting television or radio programrnes: terrestria1/satellite chararrels


3 [qi (also chan.nels [pid) a

method or System that people Use to get nicrnnation; to communicate,or to send sth somewhere: Complaints

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nanow

| ppen


TnUst pe made through the proper chamrmels. C THhe newW5Letter 这 Q USef1 chamnmel of cornmunicatiomn between teacher and students. O The company has Worldwide distrDu6onm charmeks. riFORITDEAS/FEELINGS 4 [C awayofexpressing ideas and feelings: The carmpaigr Provided a charmel jbr Protest against 妇he war 2 Music a great charmmel for releasing your emotiorts.

WATER -号 [C] apassage that water can flow along, especially in the ground, on the bottom of a river etc.: drainage charimiels 总 the 7ice fields 6 [C] a deep passage of water 误ariverornearthecoastthat can betused as route for ships 7 [C a Passage of water that coOnnects two areas of Water especially two seas: the Bristol Charmel BiiheChannmel [sing.] the area of sea between England and France, also known astheiEnglishChannel : the ChammelTurmrielc cross-CharmeLferries C mnews 方omm across the Chartrtel (= 位om France) yermb 人ll- ,NAmEusuallyil- ) [VN] 转 了 IDEAS/EEELINGS 了 ~sth (into sth) to directImmnoney feelipDgs, ideas, etc. towards aparticular thing or PUIpose: Fe chammels his aggression imto Sport 束 MONEY/RELP 2 ~sth (through sth) to send money help, etc. sing aparticular Totte: Money Jor the project w 丰 be charirielled 急rough Iocal goyverTm7mePt WATERJ/UIGHT 3 to carry Or send water,1light,etc. throughaPpassage:A sensor chnamnrmels the Lightsigmnal along a7z ODEical 记bre. 了


(also'channel-swr ) ve 履 (pp- ) [V] to

the Channel


Tepeatedly switch from one television channel to another

movn [pl.] a group of islands

near the north-westerm coast of France that belong to Britain but have their own parliaments and laws

IEhamit /tfant; NAmEtTaent/ noun, ve几 旧 1OU7T [C] words or phrases that a group ofpeople shonut or sing again and again: The crowd broke into chants of Outl Out cotpall chank 2 [CU] areligious song OF Prayer or a way of singing, Using only a few notes that arerepeated manytimes: aBuddhist chamt 一See also GREGORIAN CHANT 上 Ve 凡 1 tosing orshoutthe same words or phrases Imany times: [VN] The crowd chamnted their heros narme. > [V] 4A

名ouUp ofprotesters, chanting amd carrying placards, Waited ouftside. C [V speech] esig7il Resign) they chanted. 了 [V, VN] to sing of say areligiots song or Prayer using only a few motes that are repeated many times chamting Poum [U]: TPe chamting rose 识 VOLUTme.


/tranteD); NmE 'YtJaenter/ ouUn (music) the

Part of a set of BAGPIPES that is like a pipe with finger

holes, on Which the music is Played

chanHfterelle /dnterel; ,Jamte'rel/ movn a yellowish MUSHROOM that grows in woods and has a hollow Part 迹 the centre

Chamteuwse /Tan'ta:z/ noun (from French) a female sing-

er of popular songs, especially in a NIGHTCLUB ChanFyY /tfantri NAmE tfaepntri/ noun (P13ies ) (also Enanmtry 'Ghapel) a small church or part of a church paid for by sb, so that priests could Say Prayers for them there after their death

Ghamty 雹hamtey (NAmE) =.SHANTY(2) haimakikah 乱haimulkah = HANUKKAH flhaos /kerms; NAmE'kera:s/ nouUn [U] astate of complete confusion and lack of order: ecoriommic/politicaVaomestic chaos e Heavysnow hascaused total chaos on 轨 eroadsThe house Was 训 chaos after the party/. haaos iiheory "ov [U] (mathbhematics) the Study of a group of connected things that are Very sensitive so that small changes in conditions affect them VeryIimuch

让haOtiic /kerptrk; NAmE -azttk/ ad iD a state of comPlete confusion and lack of order: The tra护c 识 the citby 放 haotically /kerptrklj; chaotic 识 te Fush hour NAmE:aztrk-/ adv fiEhap /tfzep/ ou0 (BrE njfonnah becoming old-1Joshioned) used totalk aboutaman in a friendly way: He ismtsucha

bad chap really

忆 aip。0bbr (in writing) chapter s see

| ttea

| vvan

| w wet | zzoo

| shoe




/zaparael/ 00Unm [U] (NAmE) an area of dry

land that is covered with Small bushes

cha:paitti (alsocha:pati )/tfa'paeti; "pazti/ novun atype of flat round S Asian bread

chapel: /tfapl/ novun1T [qiasmallbuilding orroom used for Christian worship in a school,, Prison,large PrIivate house, etc.: a college chapel 2 .fcl a separate part of a church


its own



SOme service5 and private Prayer 3 [CU] (BrE) the word for a church used in some Christian DENOMINATIONS,, for example byNonconformists in Britain: a Methodist chapel CaMormonm chapel c She always went to chapel on Su7days. 4 [q asmallbuilding orroom tised for funeral serVices, especially at 3a CEMETERY OT CREMATORIUM

@66 [CH+Hsing./pl. v] (BrE) abranch of a TRADE/LABOR UNION 迅a newspaper office or Printing house; the members of the branch.

Chapelof 'rest noun (BrE) arIoom at an UNDERTAKER'S Where dead bodies are keptbefore the FUNERAL

Chap:erone (BrE alsochap'eron ) /Japareun; NAmE -on/ noum ve 内 旧 IOuUnT (inthepast) anolderwoman who, on Social occaSions, took care of a young woman who Was not married 2 a person who takes care of children in Public,especially when they are working,for example as actors

3 (NmB) a person, such as a parent or a teacher who goes With a group ofyoung People on a trip or to a dance to encourage go0od behaviouTr 目 _yerb [VN] to actas achaperone for sb, especially a woman


/tapbken/ novun a long coat worn by men,

especially in northetn India and Pakistan

chapilain /tJaplm/ novnapriestor other Christian minister who is responsible for the religious needs of People s 一compare in aprison, hospital, etc. orin the armed force

PADRE, PRIEST chapjilainmscy /taplmsi/ nouvn (pl:ies )rthe Position or work of a chaplain; the place where a chaplain works


/tyaplat/ noun a circle of leaves,, flowers or

JEWELS Worn on the head


/tfapt/ ad (of the skin orlips) rough, dry and

Sore, esSpecially because of wind or cold weather

Clhaps /tjaps/ oun [pl.] leather coverings worn as PIOtection over trousers/pants by COWBOYS, etc. When Iidingahorse: apair ofchaps

cnap:-ter 0-析 /tepteG)/ own 1 (obbrchap. ) [G a separate section of a book, usually With antimber ortitle:Tye jstfimiished Chapter 3. 2 训 the Previous/next/Last chapter c Haveyou read the chapter on the legal systemy? 也 [C] a period of time in a person's life or 记 history: adifficultchapter 识Our countrys Pistory 3 [C+sing./pl.v] all the Priests of a CATHEDRAL or members of a religious comrmunity: a meeting of the dear and chapter 4 [cl (especially NMAmE) alocal branch ofa society, club, etc.: the iocal chapter of the Rotary CIUbIIETIW ichapter 河hd ,Verse the exact details of sth,especially the exact place Where particular information may be found; Tcanitgiyve chapterand Verse, butthats the rough outiine of

our legal positior 汪 ichapterof 'accidenits (BrE) a series

ofunfortunate events Chapterihouse "oun abuilding where all the priests of acCATHEDRAL or members of a religious comImunity meet char /tradG)/verb noun 下 yerbkrr- ) 1 [VVN] tobecome blackbyburning; to make sthblackbyburning it 一see also CHARRED cnote atBURN 2 [v] (old-foshioned, BrE) to work as a cleaner in ahouse 之 [U] 旧 ,IOUm (old-Josjhioned,,Br 日1 [G = CHARWOMAN (informalj) tea:acup of char 苞amC /aereba0/ moun (old-joshioned,BIE) an fara early type ofbus, used in the past especially for pleasure trips

| 5 vision

| tchain

| as jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0 sing



charaicter Bi/ kaerekteGD/ noun


= QUALITIESFEATURES 1 [Cusually sing.] all the qualities and features that make a person, groups of people, and Places different from others: to haye a strontg/Weak character C character traits/defects c The book giyes Q Joscinating insight ito Mrs Blairs character ee Gemnerosity 1 Dart of the Americamn character The character of the Tteighpourhood hasnt changed atalL 了. [Cusually sing.,U] thewaythat sth is,oraparticularquality or featurethata

thing,,an event or a place has ERGUNATURE: the delicate character of the light in the evening C bpuildings that are Very Sirmple 训 character 3 [贡] (approving) strong perSonal qualities such as the ability to deal with difficult or dangerous Situations: Eyeryone admires _jher Strength of character amd determmination. e He showed great character Feturmiing to 妇esport after is accident CAdyveriture caTmps are coTlsidered to be character-building (= meant to imProve sb's sttrong qualities). 4 [U] (usually approving) the interesting or Unusual quality that a Place or a person has: The modern hotels here haye mo real character ea Joce with alot ofcharacter > STRANGENINTERESTIHNIG


5 [G



with an adjective) a person,, particularly an Unpleasant Or strange one: There Were some really stramge characters jhamging around the par 6 [C] (pnformalj) an interesting or

Unusual person: Shes a character/

FREPUTATION 7 [CU] (1jorma/) the opinion that people have of you, particularly of whether you can be trusted orrelied on: She wasayvichm ofchardcter assassination

(= an tnfair attack on the good opinion Deople had iof her). o Qa SIur/attack om Fis character My teacher agreed to beacharacter Witnessjorrme 识 court CQacharacter reference (三 aletter that,a person who knows you well writes to an employer to'tell them about your good dualities) TNF BOOKVPLAY/WOVIE




or an animal

in a

book play or flm/movie: a major/Tmninor character 万 the book ccartoort characters FSYWEBOLLETTER9 [C aletten sign, mark or symboltused in writing, Printing or on computers: Chinese characters@ aline 30 characters:long 一picture 只 IDEOGRAM

inmicharacier| ,Outof charactertypical/nottypical of a persomn's character: Her pehayiour Iast might Was

completely out of character

,曾 chmavracter (Wi stm) in

the same style as sth: The new wing of the7museurmiyWas mo really 识 Character with the restoF the DuUizding.

EParacier actor7mour an actor who aways takes the parts of interesting or unusual people



(computhng) a _combination of

Dumbers thatis usedtorepresentaparticularletter number or Symbol

Cs-3aGfem 亿 /kaerektefl; NMmE terfl/ adj very interesting and Unusual

志 腹 坷 二 CC-全 信人

On /ErSRESiistik1 0 坟

]OU1 adj. ~ (of sth/sb) very typical of sth or of sb's character: She SpoKe With _characteristic enthusiasTmn.,



车 cmaractieristicallyody: Characteristic-

aG1Y Feler paid fjor everyone. 可1OU1 ~ (of sth/sb) atypical feature or quality that sthXsb has: THhe meed to commimunicate 1 Q Key characteristic of juU7ma7l SOcieb/. O The to groUPps of children have quite di 太 Jrentcharacteristics. 2 Persomal characteristics, SUCP as age ad sex are taKen into account C genetic characteristics

C有 大 aic-ter 记于放Om (BE also terar'zerIfn/ noun

-花王放O有 /KESK-

[U,C] Tthe way that a writer makes

characters in a book or play seem real 2 (Jormal the

way ip which sb/sth is described or defined


TRAYAL: the characterizatiomn of physics ,as the stuay of Simmiplicity

CssicteriEe(BrE also - 语可 /kasraktearatz/ verb [VN] (formal) 1 to be typical of a person, place 6r thing: 纺e Tolling hills thatcharacterize this partof England 2 [often passive] to give sth its typical or most noticeable qualities or features: The city is characterized by tall modermn build-

ings 训 steel and glass, 3 ~ sb/sth (as sth) to describe or showthe qualities of sbysth in aparticular way: actiyities that are characterized as 9nale:or 作 male"worK

E卫 aaic:tem 了 ss'kaerektales; NAmE terlas1 adi having no interesting qualities

Caracterreecosm 训iomhoun [u] the ability ofacomputer to read numbers orletters that are Printed or WTitten byhand EFairadle/Jara:d; NAmEyarerd/ noum 1 [IC assituation ip which people pretend that sth is true when it clearly is not RETENCE: Their Whole marriage had beemnachaFade 一 妇ey had mneyer Ioyeda each other 2 G U] a game in which one Player acts out the syllables of a word or title and the other Players try to guess what it is: Zets Play charadaes.

GE出3w 隐Wai训/tfazbronl; NAmE tfazr/ verb [vN] to cook Ineat Or other food over CHARCOAL < 刚ay-COaf /tfa:keoli NAmE tfarkool noun [UTa black substance made by burning wood slowly in an oven with jlittle air. Charcoal is used as a fuel or for draw了 Charcoal griled steaks 2 a charcoal drawing 了 2 (also

caweoal sreyavery dark greycolour ESawYeljtfa:d; NAmEtJazrd/ (also ,SiSS mWardinovn [U] aVvegetable with thick white STEMS and large leaves

CRarejlowm maY/adener

NAmE Tadrd-/ noun [ud a

type of white wine, or the type of GRAPE from which it is made


charim':less/'tfamles; NAmE'tJazrm-/adi (Jormalj)not at all Pleasant or interesting: a charrmless idustrial towm charm offensivenovn a situation in which a Person, for example a politician, is especially friendly and pleasant in order to get other people to like them and to SuPPort their opinions charm schoolnoun a school where young people are taught to behave in a polite way


house /tjanl haus; NAmE tya:zrnl/ noun a

Place used in the past for keeping dead human bodies or bones Charredclj'tfa:d; NAmE tfasrd/ adj [usually bafore noun] burnt and black: the charred rermmairs ofa purmntOut car

Clhat om/tyat; NMmEtfart/


mation in the form of diagrams, lists


mayalchart 3 _the cnarts[plj] (espe-

cialy Br6) alist, produced each week of the pop music records that have sold the most copies: The _album Went Straight into the charts at nuDer 1. c to top the charts (= tobe the record that has sold more copies than all the others) 晶 yeE 上bb [VN] 1 to record or follow the Progress Or development of sbysth: The exFhipihon charts the Phistory oF the palace. 2 to plan a course of action: She jhad carefully charted jher route to the top of her professiom. 3to make a map of an area

bar chart

flow chart

识 1768.

pie chart

noun] 1 (BrE) qualified according to the rules of a profesSional organization that has aroyal charter: a chartered

| gget

green OF yellow LIQUEUR (= as. strong Sweet alcoholic drink) 2 apale yellow or pale green colour

chart-toppingcxd/ [onlybefore nourj] (of arecord; singer etc.) having reached the highestposition in the PopUular music CHARTS: his latest chart-topping Pit > chart-toppernoumn

charwoman /tdwoman; NAmE tfar-/ noun (凡 -Women/wrmr/) (also chat charlady (both BrE, old大Shioned) a woman whose jobiis to clean a house, an of fice bujlding, etc.

chary/tfeari; NAmE'tferi/ adj 一 of sth/of doing sth not willing to risk doing sth; fearing possible Problems fyou do sth EDIwARY


0m /Jtfeis/ verb; noun


[VN] ~ (aften:sb/sth to run, drive,

[VN] to tryto obtain or achieve

sth, forexample money, Work or Success: Tpo 7mmamy peopIe are Chasing too jwjobs noWadays.2 The teamm is chasing is 放 rstw 记 总ive garmes. N >* MAN/WOMAN3 ~ (aften sb (mrmaltotryto persuade Sb to have a sexual relationship with you: [V] Kevinzs peem

chasing afterJan for months. C [VN] Girls are always chasing hirmz “REMIND. sB 4 [VN] (npformaj to persuade sb to do sth that they should have done already: TImeed to chase Pirm Qbout orgatizing the 7meeting. *RUSHS [V 十 advVprep] (Unforma 六 io Iush or hurry Somewhere: Tve been chasing arouTid town all Tormnirg looKking for apresentjor Sharon. *METAL 6 [VN] (techmicaj to cut Patterns or designs on Imetal: chased Silver

iDP fact





,chase sb upto contact sb in order to remind them to

chamteredy'tfarted; NAmE tarterd/ adj,[only before

| ffall

,Charter memibernoun (NAm昌 = FOUNDER MEMBER chartreuse /faztra:z; NAmE Jartru:z/ noun [U] Ta

sthea Way of out etc:to force sbysth to rin away

1mOuUni yeE山 BIOUm 了 [C] a written statement describing the rightsthat a particular grOUP of people should have: the Europeam Tiomns Social Charter of workers” righk 了2 [C a written statement of the Principles and aims of an organization EcoNsTITUTION: the United Nations Charter 3 [C an official document stating that a ruler or government allows a new organization, town or University to be established and gives 这 particular rights: The Royal College Teceiyed its charter as Q University 识 1967 4 [sing] 一 (for sth) (BrE) a law or Policy that seems likely to help people do sth bad: The new Iaw Wil be a charterjor unscrupuIous inancial adyvisers. Ca plackmailers charter 5 [U] the hir ing ofa plane, boat, etc.: Qyacht available forcharter @Ve/峭 [VN] 1 to hire/rent a Plane, boat, etc. for your own use: Q chartered plane 子 to state ,officially that a_new organization,town or University has been established andhas Special rights

| ddid


[IOi chase your (ownm) tail(informaoh to be very PR

chamten /ta:tecD); NAmE tazrt-/



the seats arepaid forbyatravel companyandthen sold to their customers, tsually at a lower cost than that of a SCHEDULED FLIGHT


EREJMAP: Cook charted the coast of New Zealand

a fuly trained


of figures,etc.: Q Weather chart Ca sales chart (= Showing the level of a company's sales) 一see also BAR



ACCOUNTANT charter 他ightrovn a flight in an aircraft in which all

chasing rabbits. C The Kids chased each other around the Kitchen table. [V] HEchased after the purglar butcoulan站 Catch Pirm.

moOUuUn, ve贱



etc. after Sb/sth in order to catch them: [VN] My dog Likes

B@]1OU 了 [C] a page of sheet of infor-

2 [Gq a detailed mal P of the seal: Qa

accormtarnt/suryeyor/engsineen etc. .了 (of an aircraft,a ship or aboat) hired for a particular Purpose:achartered Plane Charteredj ac Countant(BrE) (US ,icertified pulblic

| hhat

| jyes

do sth that they should have done already: We Chase 1LP all 7mempbers Who jhave mot yet paid.

sthe up(BrE) (NAmE

,chase. sth

[sing.] a process of trying

hard to get sth: Three tearms are inyolyed the charmpiomsPhip.


识 the chase or

the chasefsing ] hunting animals as asport


[IE cutto the chase(informoj) to stop wasting time

and start talking abonit the most imnportant thing: Rigjhb LetSs cut to the chase. How 7much 蕉 这 going tofcost? give chase:to begin to -run after sbysth in order to _catch them: We gaye chase along thefootpath. chasem't jersa(r)/ novn T adrinkthatyouhave after another ofa differentkind; for example astronger alcoholic drink after a weak one: Qa peer with a whisjky chaser 2 a

| kocat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| .ppen

| red


horse forisTEEPLECHASE Tacing (= ip which horses,must jump over a series of fences)

Chas'idi'ismm /xsesIidrzzem/ moun [U] 三 HASIDISM


/让 azem/ noun 1 [G (iterom) a deep crack or

openinginmthe ground 2 [sing] 一(betweenAand B)( 思 广 /mal) avery big difference between two People or gIOUPSs,

chat'ter /tfaeteGnD)/ verb, noun 日 vemb[vV]1 ~(away/on) (to sb) (about sth) to talk quickly and continuously,especially abonut things that are Dot important: They chattered away happity fora wiile. The children chattered to each other excitedly about the mext days events. 2 (of teeth) to knock together continuously because you are cold or frightemed 3 (of birds or MON-


example because they have different attitudes GULF chasse /aeser/ noun a dance step made by sliding one footto the' place where your other foot is echasse ve 吃

(Ghassesichasseing, chassed,chassed) [V] Chnas'seur /Ja'sa:(D)/ noun [U] (from French) chassetir Sauce is made with wine and MUSHROOMS With meat

and served

Clnas:sis /aesi/ noun (P/ chas:sis /siz/) the frame that a Vehicle is built on

clhaste /tferst/ adj. 1T(old-oshioned) iot having sex with anyone; onlyhaving sex with the person thatyou are marTiedto: to remain chaste 了 2 (如mmal)notexpressing sexual feelings: a chaste Kiss on the cheeKk 3 (1jormalj) simple and Plain in style; not decorated: the cooL chaste interior of the Pall e chaste'ly adv: He Kissed her chastely om the cheek. chas:tem /tfersn/ verb [VN] [often passive] (jormal) to

make sb feel sdrry for sth theyhave done: He jlt suitably chastened arid apologized. C She gayve themm a chastening lecture. 2 正was a chastening experiemtce.

Chas'tise /tfae'starz/ vem [VN]T 一 sb (for sth/for doing sth) (Jormalj) to criticize sb for doing sth wrong: He chastised the team Jor their lack of comrmmitment 也 (old-JoshBEAT 六 chasioned) to_ punish sb physically tisement /tfae'starzmaent; 'tfaestrzzmaent/ nouwn [U] Chas.tity /tfaesteti/ nowm [u] the state of not having Sex With anyone Or only having sex With the person you are marriedto; being CHASTE: VOWs of chastity (= those taken

KEYS) to make a series of short high sounds [rm the 'chattering classes (Br the people in society who like to give theif opinions on political or social issues 四 moOUm_[U] 1 continuous rapid talk about things that are not important: Jamne's comstamnt chatter Was pegimraing to anmoy hirm. O idle chatter 2 a series of quick short high sounds that some animals make: the chatter of 7momKkeys 3 a_ series of short sounds made by things knocking together: the chatter of tee 纪


Pastto Preventthem 人fom being able to have SexX

chas:ulble /tfaezjobl/ noun a Piece of clothing with no sleeves, woIn by a priest over his/her other clothes

C 和 aa世 0训 /tfaet/ verb, noun 到 Verb (tt-) [vV] 1 一 (away) (to/with sb) |~ (about sth/sb)to

talkin a friendly informal wayto sb: My Kids spend hours chatting om the Phone to 雪 eir 万iends. 2 Withimn minutes of being 训 troduced theyWere chatting aWay Like old 广iends. What were yoU chatting apout? 也 to exchange Imessages With other people on the Internet, especially in a CHAT ROOM: 瑟E5 Deent ont 雪e coTmputer all mormnirng,chatting

With Pis 万iends,EEIEEI ,chat sb 二 up (B7E informnal to talkin a friendly way to sb you are Sexually attracted to: She Wentstraightoyer and tried to chat 7i7m UP.

昌 1OU1 了 [C] (especioly BrE) a friendly informal conversa-

tion:Tjustcalled 识 fjorachat CThadalong chatWithn her 吃 note at DISsCUSSION 2 [U] talking, especially informai conversation: Thats enougj chat 广omi Te 一OP With the


Tich or important

利 Ver [VN] to drive sb in a cam usually as yoOUI job: He was chaujffeured to all his 7meetin8s. CQ chauffeured 1imousine

chhau:vim'ism /Jeauvmarzem; NAmE'Jou-/ noun [U] (disapproving) T an aggressive and Unreasonable belief that your own country is better than all others 也 = MALE


Chnau:vim: 斌 二/Teovmrst; NAmE ou-/ noun 了 = MALE CHAUVINIST 2 a person who has an aggressiVe and tinreasonable belief thattheir own country is better thian all others 上 chauvimn'istic / feouvrmistzk; NAmE ,Joo-/ (also less Jrequent chau:vimn'ist) adf/ chauvinistically /了 li/ odv chayv /tfaev/ noun (BrE, slang) ayoung person, often without a high level of education,who follows a Particular fashion

ChB /si: ertf bi:/ opbr (BrE) Bachelor of Surgery

Clhealp om /tfip/od ,adv

到 0dlj. (cheap:er cheap'est)

“LOWPRICE 1 costing little mioney orless moneythan yoU expected INEXPENSIVE: cheap /ores C PersoTtal commPuters are cheap ad Setting cheaper 2 Cycling 四 Qa cheap Way togetaround ThePprinteriSntexactiy cheaD at 上 200. CimmigrantWorkers Used as Q SOUTce of chneap Iabour (三 Workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) 一see

also DIRT CHEAP [GD EXPENSIVE 字 charging low PITices: a cheap restauranthotel e (BrE) We fjound a cheap and cheerfulcafe(= onethatis simple and charges low Prices but is pleasanitj [Ga; EXPENSIVE POOR QUALITY 3 (disapproving) low in Price and quality:

一picture Frernch) a castle orlarge country house i France

'chatshow'(BrE)(also'talk show NAmE BrE) noun atele-

Vision or radio programme in whbich famous people are asked questions and talk in an informal way about their Work and opinions on various topics: Q chat-show jost

如shioned) someCat'tell /tfaetl/ noun [CU] (low or old:j 一see also GOODS AND CHATTELS thing thatbelongs to you

Si see

| ttea

| vivan

| w wet 上 zzoo-

| J shoe

moun [CU] an occasion when aperson is talking

to sb in a way that shows they are interested in them Sexually: TS thatyour best chat-UP 1ime? chauffeur /eofea); NAmEJoofsr/ noun; yeb 四 IOUm a person whosejobisto drive a carm especially for sb

cheap perfurme/iewelleryMShoes 2 (BrE) a cheap and masty


can communicate with each other tistially about one particular topic


cially Br Ttalking alot 训 a friendly way: 如w7e Very chatty today Alice. 2 having a friendly informal style: Qa Chatty Ietter

chateaul (also charteau) /Taetso; NAImE Jae'tou/ OU (P/ cha'teaux or chaiteaus /tegz; NAmE -touz/) (fom

Which people can call to talk to sb abott sex ip order to feel sexually excited 'chhat roomn movn an area on the Internet where people

NMAmE 'tfaeterbaks/

Chhnatty /tfaeti/ adj (Chat:tier, chat'ti'est) (informah espe-

TmUsicl ec note at DISCUSSION

Clhatlime' /tTaetlaim/ movun 1 a telephone service which allows a number of People who call in separately to have a conversation, especially for fun Z a telephone servVice


(informaj) aperson who talks a lob especially a child

by some Driests)

'chastity belt movn adevice wornbysome women in the


下 了

Dottle of wine UNKIND 4 tinpleasant or Unkind and rather obvious: T Was tired of his cheap jojkes at 7my exXpense.


5 (disoapproving) having a low status and

therefore not deserving Tespect: He5S Justa cheap crook. Bis treatmientoFher7Tmrade herjJeelcheap (= ashamed, because shehad lostherrespect forherself). 区


6 (NAmE) (BrE Imeam) (informo/ disap-

proving) notliking to spend money: Dor'tpe so cheapl # cheapiness:nour [U] IE cheap,atthe price. (also cheapiat'twice the price) (BrE also cheapiat half the puice) so good or useful that the cost does not Seem too muchomthe'cheapl spending less moneythan youUsSUally need to spend to do sth: a guidae to decorating yoOUT 一more at LIFE jhouse om the cheap

| 5xvision

| tf chain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| D sing

Cheapenm RE


四 moOwm (especialy Br 下 日 (alsoaheatier especiallyin NA1mB) [G a person who cheats, especially ip a game: YOU LItIe cheatl 2 [sing,] something that seems Unfair or dishon-


”* estb for example away ofdoing sth with less effort than 让


Usaally needs: js really a cheab but YOU ca Use readyITmade pastry 矿you want 3 [G (computng) a Program


you can Use to move immediately to the next stage of a

competitive * budget 。affordable ,reasonable 。

20 职PUT S9006 Without needing to Play the game:


Theres a cheatyou carl Use to get to 妇e Tiext IJeyeL

These words all describe a product or service that costs

Geat Sneet "ov (njformnal) a set of notes to help you

little money orless money than you expected. 站 costing little money orless money than you expected; charging low prices;aaa (Cheap can also beused in adisapproving waytosuggestthat sthispoor qualityas wellaslowin price:abpotte ofcheap per 妈 me iye (of prices, goods or services) as cheap as or

Iemember important information,especially ,one taken Secretly into an exam room 了 CecClK 0 /tjek/ verb, moun, exclG1mation 目 verb EXAMINE 1 [VN] 一 sth (forsth) to examine sth to see 应 让 is correct,safe or acceptable: Check the comtaimner Jor


本 让 than those offered by other companies; ableto offer goods or services at Competitive prices-.

jwdSet, [oniy before noun] (used especially in advertising) cheap 人 it offers only a basiclevelof Wi

Cracks or leaks. 2 She 8ave 7me the Tinutes of the Tmeeting to redad arid checK. 2 ChecKk tphe oil anid Water before sething o 信 % CheckKyour work pefore hamding 让 : .


之 一 (with sb) to find out 让 sth is correct or

true orifsth is howyouthinkitis: [V (that)] Go amda checK

affordalble cheap enough formost peopleto afford.

Teasonaje (of prices) not too expensive. ie (gtiherjormaj cheapiCaua is often


SSto meanthat sth isgood value for its price.

itis sometimes Used instead of cheap, because cheap cansuggestthat sth is poor quality. PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

而 cheap/competitive/budgetaffordable/feasonable prices/fares/rates

下 cheap/competitive/budget/affordable/inexpensive

goods/products/services 旧 to be/become/seem/sound cheap/competitive/ affordable/reasonable/inexpensive

下 quite/relatively/extremely/very cheap/competitivey/ affordable/reasonable/inexpensive 目 -Gdv. (Commpargtiyecheapier ,Do superlative) (informal)fora low Price:Tgot this dress cheap 识 a Sale. Ilbe ;going ,Iaheap to be offered for sale at a lower price than Usual stb doesot come ,cheap something is expensive: Vio-

Lins Like this domt cormne chneap. cheap:en

/tfizpen/ ye 几 [VN] Tto make sb lose respect

cheat >




0ol' decelve betray "take in * trick con These words all meanto make sb believe:sth thatis not true; especially in orderto get whatyouwant:.

Ciheat to make sb believe sth thatis not true, in orderto get money or sth else from them: Sheisaccused of

aitemping io cheat 友etoxmanm 2 He cheated is way

hjmto theyJobj 迹 Cheat also meansto actin a dishonest wayin order to gain an advantage; especially in agame;, competition orexam: You7re notallowedto

/ook atthe answers-thats cheating. ieael to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially in orderto laugh atthem orto get whatyouwant: /wst dontpejooled inio myvesting amy mmoney Wi 幼therm.: eceiye 划 to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially sb who trusts you, in orderto get what you Want: She deceived hm into hanaing ovyergll issavings. to hurt sb who trusts youw, especially by deceiving them ornot beingloyaltothem: She jibetrayed When Shejoundouttihe t 坊 gbout ji

forhimselforherselfiSRE9 DEGRADE: She nevercheapened 。 take sbjim [often passivej to deceive sb, usuallyin order

Persej by 1oWering her stamndards. 2 to make sth 1ower 让 Price: to cheapen the cost of raw materials 3 to make sth

appear to have less value: The moyie Was accused of cheap人 ing jumanm 1



/tipli/ adv

Without spending or costing mtch money: Tm sureTcould

to get what you want: /was iokenm 让 by hersto以 EriGkKk to deceive sb, especially in a clever way, in orderto

get what you want.

iEOmn (gtherimformal to deceive sb, especially in orderto

get money from them orgetthem to dossth foryou:

They had been conned ouUtof5100000.

DUy 妇 妨more cheaply somewWwhere else. Ca cheaply mmade



Many ofthese wordsinvolve making sb believe sth thatis nottrue, butsome ofthem are more disapproving than

人 tfipeao; NAmE-pou/ di.[onlybefore noun] Unjor

Imaj/.disapproving) cheap and often ofpoor quality cheap:skaite /tfipskert/ moun (informah disopproving) a

person who does not like to spend money

Cj各人 本 证9

/tfiit/ verb, noun

日 VE 六 T [VN] totrick sb or make them believe sth which is Dottrue: She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxmaan. 2 Manry people feel cheated by the goyvermnrments refusal to hold a referendum. c He cheated his Way into the job.

2 [V]~(atsth)to actin a dishonestwayin orderto gain

others. Deceive is probably the worst because people typically deceive friends, relationsiand others who know

andtrustthem:People may 帮elcheated/betrayed bysbin

authority who they trusted to look after their interests. If

sbtakesyou inthey may doit byactingapartandusing

wordsand charm effectively. If sb cheats/fools/tricks/

cons you, they may get sth from you and make you feel stupid. Howeven sb might fool you justas a joke; andto trick sb is sometimes seen as a cleverthingto do, ifthe

person beingtricked is seen as a bad person who

an advantage,especially in a game,,a competition,an

deserves 诸

eXam, etc.: He cheats at cards. C YDuUre notallowed to IooK at:the ansWers 一thats cheatinSs. 3 [V] ~(on sb) (of sb


who is married or who has a regular sexual partner) to have a secret sexual relationship with sb elselsrm aheait

deathn (often used in newspapers) to survive in a situation where you could have diedjGaam,Gheai sb foo) of sip to PrevVent Sb from having sth, especiallyin away thatis nothonest or fair: They cheated him outofhis share

to cheat/fooMtri b out Ce 是 to cheat/fool/deceive/betray/trick/con sb into doing sth

atofeel Cheated/fooled/deceived/betrayed/tricked/

conned 是:tofooldeceiveyourself 。 主 itocheat/trickeon your way intosth

of the profits.

有 cat |

father | eten | 3:bird | eabout|zrsit|isee|imany

| bpgot (Br | orsaw | Acup |

put | utoo


(fthab Tye locked 加e windows. ce[V] 等Mary 识 te office2 Just a moment TILLgo and check ee [V wh-] mud better check with Jane what tirme Shes expecting Us tomight 一See


9 [QQ (NmB6) aticket that you get when you leave yoUT


coat, bag, etc. in, for example, arestatrant ortheatre

=EONTROL3 [VN]-to control sth; to stop sth from increas识g or_ gettng Worse: The goyernrmentt idetermined to

INGAWETO [U] (ip cHEss) a position in which a players king (= the most important piece) can be directly at-

check the growth ofpupblic speTtding. 弘 [VN] to Stop yoUTselffrom saying or doing sth or ffom showing aparticular emotion: to check your amgerIausghtertears C She Wanted to teLL Rirm the wjhole futh putShe checKked herse 太 一让Wasm

tacked by the other Players Pieces: checK. 一See also CHECKMATE



=WARKETT (also ERee了Ta 人除[G (NAmE) 三 工ICK IE aldKeeDsihin deckto keep sthtnder control

the rigRht momen

= CONTS/BAGS/CASES 5 [VN] (NAmE) to leave coats,bags, etc. in an official place (called a CHECKROOM) while yoU are Visiting a club, restaurant, etc.: Do you Wanmt to checK your coats? G@6 [VN] (NAmE) to leave bags or cases with an official so that they can be Put on aplane or train WAKENMARKE7 [VN] (NAmE) = TICK: ChecKk 切e boxmextto the right answer

So that it geses not Spread Or get Worse 一more at RAIN

CHECK 本exclarmation Used to show that you agree with sb or that sthon alisthasbeen dealtwWith: Doyoujhayeyour ticket2 hecKk. 7 Passport?” “Check

EECREc 度ii (at ..- )to go to a desk 也 ahotel an

airport, etc. and tell an official there that you have arTived: Please checK in at Ieast al hour pefore departure. JWeye checKked 识 at the jhotel. 一related noun CHECK-IN EPEc庆SF iiito leave bags or cases with an official to be put on aplane or train: We checKked 识 OUr Iuggage amd Went 女rough 如 the departure 1ounge. 一related noun CHECK-IN 'CecKE ii toO arrive at a hotel or Private

check examine

acceptable. Eeeckto look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is correct, in good condition, safe or

hospital to-begin your stay there: He checked into a top TIomdom clinic yesterday 加六 am operation om Pis Knee.


inspect "go over sth

These words all mean to look at sth/sbclosely to make sure that everything is correct in good condition, or

G 全 (NAm 日= TICK SB/STH OFF: ChecK

态e mnames-o 太 as .the guests arrive. cscls Orm sg/stmto make stire that there is nothing wrong With sbysth: 工人 jstgo and chieck om the children, ,cecE'Swftobe found to be true or acceptable after being examined: The 1ocal policefourid herstorydidntcheck ou ,Esc Out (@和 JJ) topayyourbill and leave ahotel, etc.: Guests Should checK

out of their rooms by noon. 一related noun CHECKOUT(2) cec 虑sg/Si= Out1 tofind outif sth is correct, orifsb is acceptable: The police are checking out his alibi ee We jhave to check jiirm out pefore we employ jirm. 了 (njormna) to look at or examine a person or thing that seems interesting orattractivVe: ChecKk outthePprices QtOUT TieW :store12 Hey 了 check out that car! ,cscK st Outto borrow sth from an official place, for example a book from alibrary: Thebookhas jeerichecked ort 训 yourmame.、 ERscK OVER/ WirGOue 放 一stHto examine sth carefullyto make surethat it is cofrrect or acceptable: ChecKk over your WorKk for nzstakes, CREEKE ID om s本 to make sure that sb is doing what they should be doing: My paremts are always checjc-

satisfactory: Check your worKk before hamding 让 1 EX3SiTiiieto look atsb/sth closely to see ifthereis anything wrong orto find thecause of a problem: The 8oods were exa1mined Jordamage on.arrival. imsmecitolook at sb/sth closelyto makesurethat everything is satisfactory; to officially visita school, factory, etc. in orderto checkthat rules are being

obeyed and that standards are acceptable: Make suwre youwinspectthegoods beforesigningjor 轨em ec inhe TDuwFsSEBoard inspects OoMrecommended jhotels atleaost



CHECK,,EXAMINE OR INSPECT? Allthese words canibe used whemyouarelookingfor possible problems; butionly check is used for mistakes: GAN 1F8 计 1 Only examine js used whenlooking forthe cause of a


-EXamine isusedmore often abouta professional person: The sUrveyorexarmined he wallsjor 5igns ofdamp. Inspect is used more often aboutan official: PUbMchpealiho1jjaalswerecalled imtioinspectthe 1estaU1aH EDGwarstlhto check sth carefullyfor mistakes, damage oranything dangerous: Go Over your work Jorspejlling 1mistagkes bejome you hamd 此刻 .

ingup on me. icRec 天 Womstfto fnd outifsth is true or correct: T7ieed to checK UP oa few 雪ings beforeTcarl decide.

证1OU1 EXANNWNATIONT [GO 一 (foron sth) an act ofmaking sure that sth is safe, correct or 识 good condition by examining it: Could yo give the tyres a check? oa jhealth check c The drugs Werefjound 识 their car during aroutine Check Dy POEce. ea check Jor spelling 7mistakes CT 也stjhaye aqUicK checKk to see 矿 e 切 letters arriyedyet 2 下 起Vitalto Keep a check or your speed (= look at it Tegularly in order to control 计). 一See also REALITY CHECK P INVESTIGATION 2 [C ~ (on sb/sth) an investigation to find out more information about sth: The police ran Q checK ofi 太e 7egistratiom PUTmmpber of 雪 e car- 2 Was any checK7made on Mr Morris When he applied for the post?

六 CONTROV 3 [C] 二 (on/to sth) (如mmaojh something that de-

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS to check/examine/inspect/go over (sth) for sth 中to check/examine/inspect/go over sth to see if/ whether.… 看to check/examine/inspect/go over sth carefully/ thoroughly

C 衣EC 用 OOK=CHEQOUEBOOK 而 CsiE 配有屿GO 二/tfekbbks; NAmE-badks/ (BrE also Tic 卫Wao

laysthe progress of sth else or Stops 让 人fom getting WorsSe: AcoldspringW记 Proyide amatural check or the7urmber of

1moun a small square on a compnuter Screen that you click on with the mouse to choose whether a Particular function is Switched on Or o 任

control the amount of Power especially Political Power, 一See also CHECKS AND BALthat one person OFT gIOUP has

Ceckedl/tfekt/ oadj. having apattern ofsquares, usually

insects. 4 ERWEekKs[pl.] (formal)rulesthat are designed to


[CU]apattern ofsquares,usually oftwo colours: DO7OUPreferchecks or stripes2CQacheck shirwSuiEC 一See also 一Picture 只 PAGE RI5 ayellow arid ed check sKirt


[qd (US) = cHEOUE

restaturant etc. Where youU can leaVe yoOUI coat OF bag


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| ao go (BrB

CjiecEGr /tfeke(GD)/ noUn 一see also CHECKERS

了 (e55e-

cially Us) aperson who works at the CHECKOUT in a SUPer-

market 2 (in compounds) a computer program that yoU useto check sth, for examplethe spelling and'grammar of

7 [O (NAm 日=BILL: Ca7T

jhaye 坊e check, please? cnote at BILL 户 FO 可 COnTs/BiGS 8 [C (NmB coat 一aplace iaclub,

of two colours: checked mmaterial 一Picture 忆 PAGE RI5一 See also CHECK

sth you have written: a spellings/SrarmamlaT/Virtus checker 3 a person who checks things: a qualiby control Checker

| ou go (MmB

| orboy

| Ia near

| ee hair

| ue pure


252 |

-Cheer /tfre(); NAmEtfrr/ moun; ve 册

Checker:board /tfekebo:d; NAmE 'tJekarborrd/ noun (NmE) = DRAUGHTBOARD

Checkcered codi (especiaolly Nm Checksers

/tfekaez; NAmE

下 IOU1 了 [C] ashoutofjoy SUPport or praise:A greatcheer Went UP 万om the crowd. C cheers OF encouraSgemtent 和 Three cheers for the winners! (= used when you are asking a_group of people to cheer three times, in order to


-rz/ 1oum _[U] (NAmB)


DRAUGHTS Checkc=in "ovn 站 [Cu]theplace where you gofirstwhen

you arTive at an airport, to Show yo ticket, etc. 2 [LU] the act of showing your tickeb etc. when you arrive at an airport: Do yoU Kiow your checK-i tme2zc(BrE) the checK识 deskc (NAmE) the checK-in counter

Checking 二CCOUmt (US) (ConE Chequing account) noOuU1n



Imust remember to do, to take with you or to find out

Check:imate /tekmert; 'tfekmert/ (also imate) noun [u] 1 (in cHEss) a position in which one Player cannot Preventhis orher king (= the mostimportant piece)being captured and therefore loses the game 一See also CHECK一 compare STALEMATE 22 a Situation in which sb has been completely defeated PiGheckmate (also mate) veb: [VN] is King had been checkmated. ce She hoped the plan WoOuid checkrmmate her oppomnents.

Chneckowut /tfekaut/ novun 1 [C the Place where you pay for the things that you are buying in a Supermarket: Q _checkorut assistant/operator 2 [U] the time when you leave a hotel at the end of your stay: At checKkoutb your pilEw 记 pe printed foryou.

check:point /tfekpomt/ moun a place, especially on a border between two countries,where "People have to Stop So their vehicles and documents can be checked

Checkroom /tfTekrum; Toum/ novn (NAmB) = CLOAKROOM Checks and balances "oun [pl] 1 influences in an

check:sumn /tfeksAm/ moun (compuwting) the total ofthe numbers in apiece ofDIGITAL data, Used to checkthatthe data is correct

Ched'dqgar /tyeda(r)/ (also jiCheddar 'Gcheese) 0oun [U] atype ofhard yellow cheese

Ciheelk oa /tik/ novun, vem 悍 mOU1 了 [C either side of the face below the eyes: Chupby/rosyAPink cheeks c He Kissed her om both cheeks. 2 Couples were dancing cheek to cheeKk. 一picture c BODY

2 区heeked (in adjectives) having the type of cheeks Imentioned : chubby-cheeKked/rosy-cheeked/hollowcheekead 3 [C (0nformal) either of the BUTTOCKS 4 [u,sing.] (BrE) talk or behaviour that people think is annoying, rude or lacking in respect NERVE: What QGcheeklcHe had the cheekto ask his ex-Sirlfriend to babyStjforthem. coTthinKtheyyegotacheekmakingyoupayto

盏 Ver [VN] (BrE, informalj) to speakto sb in arude waythat Shows a lack of respect

Cheek:bonme /tfikbaon; NAmE -boumn/ noun the bone below the eye 一picture 只 BODY

cheeky /tiki/ adi (cheekiiep cheekiest) (BrE /norma) rude in an amusing or an annoying way: ZL cheeky momKey!oacheegy grimnoIouregethngjortoocheekylcynote



Cheekily cdv cheekinmess noun [U]

| adid | ffall |


| hhat

| jyes

ful; to make sb/sth more cheerful: OP cormne om 一cheerup! CGiye Marya call she needs cheering ULD.C Bright curtains

ca7L cheer up a daull roo7m.

蕊meer-fuill omw /thref; NAmE':tfra/ ad 了 happy and showing it by the way that you behave: Zoure mot youUr USual cheerful self today Ca cheeroDljard-Wworking ermmployee C a cheerful Smiile/voice 2 giving you a feeling of happiness: a brighb cheerful restaurantC Walls painted 识 cheerful (= light and bright) colours ca chatt% cheerful Letter 砂 记heeridfal:ly /fsli/ oaodv: to IaugShmodAwhistile cheerfully ecould cheerhully have Filled hirm when he said that (= Iwould have liked toj.e

bright * cheery 。 jolly 。 merry *in a good mood Allthese words describe people who feel happy and show this in their behaviour. cheerful happyand showingitin your behaviouror 人 DO G Cheerj/ jardworking emPloyee(of a person or their expressiom) Geheerful and lively: He 无 访brightand cheerfu1and jiofenersgy When describing people, bright is diin the phrase brightand cheerfulorafterthe verbs pe 人ee1: /was mot Jeeling vep prighttipnatmorming You can saya cheerl bpoWgirf but abrightpoyg1r1is intelligent, not cheerful. cheery (informah (ofa person ortheir mannen cheerful: The telephonistattihe otherend wascheery and casuo jolly (otherinjormah (of a person ortheir mannen cheerful: Thpe manager was Jotandjoily imerry (iieraD) (of a person ortheir mannen cheerful:A 1merrmy Crowd ofviliagers watched 态e proceedings、

ical one to make sure that yot are healthy: io 8o forxto jaye Qa check-up 2 a medical/dentalI/routineAthorOUSh check-up


iTEheering OU1 [U]: He came on stasge


check=uwp 2ovn an examination of sth, especially a med-

ate decision to remain calm and not to act in an aggresSive way when sb has hurtyotu or made yotu angry 一more

方om jhormme.

amiid clapping and cheering.Eheering adj/.: The results of the test Were yery cheering. fheer sb 一'on to give Shouts ofencouragementto sb in arace, competition, etc. Fnheer up | cheersby/sth*Select 。 pick . opt ,go for* singleout These words all meanto decide which thingor person you want out of the onesthat are available. chooseto decide which thing or person youwant out of the ones that are available: You choose-/ con decde

,choke 'up(NAmB to find 让

difficult to speak because ofthe strong emotion that you are feeling: She choked up Wjert she beganm to talk aboutjher 7mother snOU 了 a device that controls the amount of air flowing intotheengine ofavehicle 2 an actorthe sound ofchok

Select[often passive] to choose sb/sth, Usually carefuily, fromagroup ofpeopleorthings: He wasselectedjorthe


tea1. 01gj1dormly selected sample of23schools Rick(ratherinformaj to choose sb/sth from a group of

chokedlytfaukt; NAmEtfoukt/ adj [not before noun] 一 up

(about sth) | (BrE also) ~ (about sth) (njormahupset or angry about sth, so that you find it difficult to speak

chokem'tJaukeGD); NMmE'tfou-/ noun apiece ofjewellery ornarrow band of cloth worn closely around the neck

chola /tfeola;, NAmE

:tyoula/ moun

(from Spamish) a

woman from Latin America who has both Spamish and 一compare Native American ANCESTO RS CHOLO

cholera/ kolera; NAmE'kKalL/mouni[U] adisease catught from infected water that causes severe DIARRHOEA and VOMITING and often catses death

choler'ic /kolerrk; NAmE

Ka:L/ adj (formal easily


Iade angIy

choles'terolykelesterol; NmE rodl/ houn [u] a sub-

Stance found in blood, fat and most TISSUES of the body. Too much cholesterol can cause heart disease. cholo /tfeuleo; NAmE 'tfoulou/ nourm (以 -09 a person from Latin America who has both Spanish and Native

American ANCEST一ORS compare CHOLA chomp /tromp,NAmE tfamp, tfozmp/ vem ~ (on/ through sth) to eat or bite food noisily EMuNcH: [VN] Be chomped his way throusgjh two hot dogs. c [v] She Was chomaping away or a basel.

choorchoo /tru:tfu:/ noun (以 choorchooy9 a child's word for atrain

chhook/tyok/ noun (Austro/E, NZE, informaljl 1 a chicken 2 an offensive word for an older woman


0m /tu:z/ vemb (choseytfeauz; NAmEtJouz/,

chosen/'tJeuzn; NAmE'tfouzn/) 1~(betweenAand/orB)-|

~(A)(from B) | 一 sb/sth as

sth to decide which thing or person you want out of the

ones that are available: [V] zw choose Tcant decide There are pienty of restaurants to_ choose 万om. c She had

to choose petween 8giyving UD her job or Jiring Q ma7TXYX [VN] Saraph chose her words carefully 2 We hayve to .choose Q Pew Tanager 万om a Shortlist of five carididates. Ti Site jhas bee7l chosen or the new school ce了 chose Damking as Q career C We chose Paul StUbDbs asMor chairpersom [V wh-] Zu32l have to choose whether to Duy 让 or not [V to inf] We chose to go by train. ec[VN to in 和 We chose Paul Stubbs to be chairpersom: 2 toprefer or decidetodo sth: [V] Brmnployees canretire at60 久 theychoose.e [vto inf丘 Mary People choose mot to 7marr一y see also_ CHOICE 帮 IE there is nothins/not much/little to _ choose be-

tweemA and Bithere is very little difference between

two or more things or Peopl 一more e at PICKYV

choosem/'tfu:zeCr)/ noun IEIDsee BEGGAR 族

choosy /tfu:zi/ oa 四 (choosier

choosiiesg (pf6rmmaj

careful in choosing; difficultto please Ta yery chnoosy apout7Tmy clothe5.


what you are doing _EEEE'chopi(away) at sthito aim bbad

| adid


| 9 get

| Phhat

| jyes

Optto choosetotake ornottotake aparticular courseof action: AftergraduatingsheoptedjJoracareernmusic

Aheray/otofthoughtb 1opted againstbuying a motorbike. So:for sth(rotherinformahj to choose sth: 1/ 雪 im JortheFruitsalad.

8go ,

Single sb/sth outto choose sb/sth from a group for special attention: She was singled out Joreriticisrm.


Mto choose/selectypick/singleoutAfrom B to choose/selectpick between Aand7orB

和to Opt/go for sby/sth 晶tO choose/opt to do sth | atO Choose/select/pick yourwords carefully Bto choose/selectypick sby/sth carefully/at random 是randomly choseny/selected/picked Ri 可Well chosen/selected blows at sth with a heavy sharp tool such as an AXE chop sthe'downtomake Sth, Such as a tree, fall by cut-

ting it at the base with a sharp tool ,copsth*iOFTWOIEVENTS 4 [V] ~ (with sth) (of events) to happen at the same time so that you cannot go to Or see them both: Unfortunatelyyour party clashes with aweddaing T7m going to. 4 There are two good mmoyies on TV toniighb DuL they claspP.

OFCOLOURS 5 [V] ~ (with sth) (of colours, patterns OF Styles) to look ugly when put together: The walipaper clasjies Witp 太e carpet 2 The Wallpaper amd the carpet clas7. > MAKEIIOUD INOISE G@G ~ (sth) (togethen to hit together andmakealoudringing noise; to make two metal objects do this: [V] The 1omng Diaaes clashed together c [VN] She

clashed the cyrmpbals. 二 /Kkla:sp; NAmEKlaesp/ verb, noOUn 自 VE 内 [VN] Tto hold sth tightly in your hand: Fe learned orward his hanmnds clasped 6ighty together Theyclasped

jands (= held each others hands). CTstood there, clqsping the door hamndle. 只 note at HOLD 了字 to hold sb/sth tightly With your arms around them: She clasped the childremn 训 her ar7mms. CO Fe clasped herto nim. 3 to fasten sth with a clasp: She clasped the bracelet around her WwWrist

butter pure by heating it: clar 太ed putter 茎 arificaffion /Klaereffkerfm/ novn [u,Q: Tarm seeking clar 访ca-

om of the reSulaio7ns. 忆 1ari:met /klzeremet/ noun a mnusical instrument of the 人 IOU 了 [C] a device thatfastens sth, such as abag or the ends of a belt or a piece of jewellery: the clasp of a necFWoOoDWIND group. It is shaped like a Pipe ana has a lace[jandbag 一Picture 号 JEWELLERY 了 [sing.] a tight REED and a MOUTHPIECE at the top that you blow into.一 hold with yourhand or in your arms: He tooKk her hard 总 Picture 只 PAGE R6 Pis 万rr Warm clasPp.

Cjla:Tfrismet:tist (alsocla:rismetiist) /klzeremetrst/ oOU1.a

Person who Plays the clarinet Clarjigonm 雹 可中 /必12rion Ko:]/ own [sing.] (Jorma/) a clear message Or requestfor people to do sth

Gar访Y /lzerati/ own

[U] 1Tthe quality of being ex-

Piessed clearly: CIacK of clarity 总 如e Iaw 2 the ability to think about or understand sth clearly: clIarity of 态ougRtAPuUrPose/visiom 3 让 a picture,substance Or Sound has clarity, yo can see Or hear it Very clearly,oOr see through it easily: the clarity ofsound om a CD far 专3aGlh /la:sek; -Sex; NAmE lazrs-/ noun 三 CELTIC

区|aSS DR 下 1OU7

>TNIEDUCATION 了 [C+sing./pl.v] a group of students who are taught together: We Were 识 the same class at SchoolL She is the youngest in herclass. 2 He came top of the class. CThewhole class WasAwere told to stay behind after schooL 2 [CU] anoccasionwhen a group ofstudents meets to be

taughtiSsaq LESSON:TWas late Jor a class. C See 7me afier

class. C She Works hard 训 class (= during the class) CT Pave ahistoryclass at9ofclock. 3 [C (alsoclasses [pl.])a Series of classes on a Particular subjectiESsa COURsE: Tve


Deen taKirmg classes

flaslh /klaef/ noum, ve山 蛋 1OU1 TFIGRT 1

一 (with sb) | ~ (betweenAand B) a short 香ght

between two grouUps of people: Clashes broKe ouUt between Poiice and demo7lstrators. cnote at FIGHT > 和 RGUMWENT 2 一 (withsb) (over sth) | ~ (between Aand

B) (over sth) an argument between two people or groups of people who have different beliefs and ideasiEsa CONFLICT: QG jhead-om clasjn between the two leaders oyer educa丰oP poOLicy > 站IFFERENCE 3 the difference that exists between two things that are Opposed to each otheriEaa CONFLICT: clash of interests/opiniors/cultures 2 Ga Persortality clasjtWith the boss >iOF 和 TWOITEVENTS 4 asituation in which two events happerratthe sametime sothatyou cannot go to or see them both: a clasjh 总 切e 6imetable/scheduie DFIGOUOURS

Sthe Situation when two colours, designs,

etc. lookugly when they are put together


/kia:s; NAmEklaes/ nouh, verp, ad

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

识 pottery. 2 Are you SGll doing your

French eyening ciass? 有 [C+sing./pl.v] (especaly NAmE) a group of students who finish their studies at school, college or university in a particular year: theclass of 2002 IN SOCTETY 5 [C+sing./pl.v] one of the groups of People in asocietythatarethoughtof as being atthe same social or economic level: the worKking/rmniddle/upper class The party tries to appeal to all classes of society. c the proJessional classes @G [U] the way that people are divided into different social and economic groups: differences of class, race or gender Oothe class System oOasociety 识 Which class is Tore imDortant thamability


7 [G a group of people, ani-

mals or things that have similar characteristics or qualities: t was good accomirmodation for a jhotel of this class. cdifferent'classes of drugs o Dickens was 识 Qa different class 广om (= was Intch better than) most of his contermPoraries. C Asiajazz singer she's in a class of her own (= better than most others). 一see also FIRST-CLASS,HIGH-


| 5vision

| tfchan

| djam

| 6thin

| 5this

| 0 sing

Class actiom

270 |

=SHKIUUSTYUE S [] an elegant quality oria high level 中

Skill that is impressive: She jas'class all right 一she 1ooKs Likearmodel ecTheres:arealtouch ofclassabout tis tea7m,

= INUTRAIRWPYANE9 [C] (especially in compounds) each of several different levels of comfort:that are available to travellers in a plane, etc.: He always trayels business clas5. CThe first-class compartmentis situated at the 方ontofthe

train. 一See _also ECONOMY CLASS SYNDROME;) -SECONDCLASS; THIRD-CLASS, TOURIST CLASS “OF UNNVERSITY DEGREE 10 [C (especially :ip compounds) one ofthe levels of achievement in a BITitish UniVersity degree exam: afirst-[secomd-/third-class degree = BIOUOGY11 [Gagroup intowhich animals, plants, etc. that have similar characteristics are_ divided; below a

PHYLUM 一compare FAMILY GENUS, SPECIES TEIWisee CHATTERY 齐yerb [VN] [often passive] 一 sb/sth (as sth) > PUT INWTO GROUPto think or decide that sbysth is a Par-

ticular type ofperson or thing EECcLAssIFY: Tmmmaigrant WoOrKkers Were classed as aliemn5.

本 qd. [only before noun] (pformal) F WITHISKIUUVSTYUEVery good: aclass plIayer/performer^ Shesareal class act

,ELISSS 5icEiganoun (NAmB) a type of LAwSsUIT that started by a group of People who have the same Problem

ElSss-cOmsciogousod/ very aware of belonging to a particular social class and of the differences between social


请 classcoisciGuwsmessnoun [U]

[u] the-study

of ancient Greek and Roman culture;especially their lan-guages and literature:a degree 训 Classics CE 了 SSiG3l/klaesIkl/ ad [usually bafore roun] T widely accepted and Used for a long time; traditional in style or idea: the classical economnics of Smith, and Ricardo c the classical theory of uneTmnDloyment classical and mmoder7 ballet 2 connected with or influenced by the culture of ancient Greece and Rome: classical studies 2 Q classical scholar (= an expert in Latin and Greek) 3 (of mtsic) Written in a Westein musical tradition, usually Using an established form (for example a SYMPHONY) and Tot Played on electronic instruments. Classical music is generally considered

to be serious .and to have a lasting

Value: He plays classical music, as Well as POP amd jazz. 2Q classical cormposer/Vviolinist 4 = CLASSIC: These are classical examples of fjood allergy 5 (of a language) ancient in its form and no longerused in a spoken formi: classical Arabic 6 simple and attractive: 轨 e classical eleSance of the design 庆 classically/klaesIkli/ ady: Her Joce is classically beautifulL e aclassically trained simnger cfas'scismey/ 'klaesIsIzem/ nouwn [U] astyleofart and literature that is simple and elegant and is based on the styles of ancient Greece and Rome: Classicism Was PopUlar in Europe in the 18th century. 了 Za style or form that has simple, natural qualities and pleasing combinations

of parts CSsGiS8/klaesIsrst/ noun 1 a person who studies ancient Greek or Latin 了 2 aperson Who follows classicism 记 art or literature CLASSIFY: The informatiom Was mot easily class 访able. top-secret or class 访able 识fprrmatom

classic 。classical Theseadjectives are frequently used with ,the following nouns: classic 一 classical 一 example music Case ballet architecture scholar period

看Classic describes somethingthatis accepted as beingof very high.quality and one of the best of its kind: 6 classic /moyvie/work, lt is also used to describe atypical example of something: aq classic exampje/mistoke ,or something elegant but simple and traditional: class/c design.

店Classical describesa form oftraditional Western music and otherthings that aretraditional in style: g classical CoOmposerc aclassical 翅eomy. ltis also used to talk aboutthings that are Connected with the culture of Ancient Greece and Rome: a classical scholare classical 1mythology. 4

GE本SSiC Ce /klzestk/ad ,moon 本gd [usually before:noun] 1 accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind:

aclassic noyelstudygoal 2 (also Glassic':al with all the

features you would expect to find; very':typical: aiclassic exQamipIe of poorcomrmunicatiome She displayed theclassic Symzptorns of depression. CTmmade the classic 7mnistake of clapping:in Qa pause 训 the mmusic! 3 elegant bnit simple andtraditional in style or design;notaffected bychanges in fashion: a classic grey SUit C classic desigm Ooclassic cars (= cars which are no longer made; but which are still


kind: That matchn was aclassic. 3 所

E阿 本 作 宇 aa网| 人/kl 区srfaiebl/ adj that yot can or should


novel work car

classic. 2 [Cl a thing that is an excellent example of its

4 (informalj) people say That's classic! when

they find sth very amlusing, when' they think sb has been very stupid or when sth annoying,but not SuUrprising, happens: Shes notgoing to help?2.O7P thats classic! 讲0OUm 1 [Ca book flm/movie

or song which is-well

known and considered to be of very high,quality, setting Standards for other books etc.: English classics such as lice 识 Wonderland c The mnoyelTnay become a moderm

C 阿 汪

信人 WiOmW/ klzsifrkerfn/ movun 1 [U] the act or”

Process of putting peopleior things into a grouD or class (= of CLASSIFYING them)j:a Style of music tat defies clas-

sification (= is like no other) 2 [C a group,class, division, etc. into which sb or sth is put 3 [U] (bio/ogy) the act of Putting animals, plants, etc. into groups, classes OF divisions according to their characteristics 4 [C] (tech: mical) a System of arranging books, tapes, magazines, etc. ialibrary into groups according totheir subject

Glass sfisdl/klaesifard/ qdj [usualy before houn] T (of information) officially secret and available only to Dar ticular people: classi 六ed iformationdadocurmnerntsA7ma-


2 with information arranged

in grouUps _according to subjects: ax:class 态ed catalogue

3 _classifiesdsnoun [pl.] = CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS

Classifiedl ad veriisemyemts(also ,cfassifiedi ads 'classified 林 (BrE also smiafl ad (NAmEialso aads noun


区 the section in a newspaper with Small

advertisements arranged in groups according to their Subject that are Placed by people. or small companies WwWho want to buy or sell sth; find or:offer ajob, etc:.

cas shey /laesrfareCD)/noumn word which shows that-a word words with similar meanings. For is aclassifier that shows the word

(grammar) an AFFIX OT belongs to a_- group of example the Prefix“un' is negative.

CjSSSify/klastfarl verb (classifiss dss 傣 放 革 dlES计 fiedql classiified [vN] 1 to arrange sth in groups accordingto featuresthattheyhave in common: Thepooks 训 te Library are classified according to suUbject ce _ Patients are classified into three categories. 了 ~ sb/sth as sth to decide which type or group sb/sth belongs to: Only eleyvemn of these accidents Were classified as major cfass-fess/ lazsles; NAmEklaes-/1 dj 1 (opprovng) with no divisions into social classes: WiE Britair eyer becorme a Classless society? 2 not clearly HelenSmg to a Particular social class: a classless accent

上 alasslsssirfesssnoun [U]

CISSSWWate/klasmert; NAmEklass-/ mounia Dersor who is or was in the same class as yoU at School or college

CssfrOOrrP Ci/klasrum; rom; NMAmEklaes-/


a room where a class of children or students is taught: classroomta activities the Use ofcomputers 识 the classroom

acat | 上 father | eten | 3: bird |-e about | rsit | isee | iimany:|p goti(B/ | oosaw | Acup| 5put| mtoo


(alsolclass' war ) mouU1 [U,sing.] (Po/tics)

Opposition betweenm the different social classes in society, especially that described in Marxisttheory

Glassy /kld:si; NAmE 'klassi/ adj lassiier ,ialassi'est ) Glayjimnone /kiemo)/ noun a large sSWORD with a broad blade with two sharp edges that Was Used in Scot(Unformaljl of high quality; expensive andyor fashionable: land in the Past

Qclassyplayer Caclassy hotelTestaurantt

xlaiier /klaeteG)/ve 1 履 [V] ifhard objects clatter they iclay jpigeonmnishooting (Br6 (NMmEskeet shooting) knock together and make a loud noise: He dropped te Kent and 让 clattered or the stone floor e Her cup clattered 训 :the saucer 了 [V+advVprep] tomove making aloud noise like hard objects knocking together: The cart clattered over the cobpbles. She heard Pim clattering arounmd

downstairs,畴 JGlatiier (alsoGlattering ) 10 [sing.]: the clatter of horses hoo太 Jalause /klo:z/ movn 1 (gramman a group of words that includes a subject and a verb, and forms a sentence OF

Part of a Sentence: 六 切e Sentence 了hey ofter go to Italy Decalse they Iove 妇e fjood They often go to Italy ii the 7maia clause aid Decause theyIoyethejfood'isasubordinate clause. an item in a legal document that:says that a particular thing must or must notbe done


/klo:strafeobise; NAmE -fou-/ moun

[U] an extreme fear ofbeing in a small confined place; the Unpleasant feeling that a Person gets in a situation Which restricts them: to suffer 广orm claustrophobia .She Jelt she had to escape 三om tphe claustrophobia of Jarmmily Li 拒. 一compare AGORAPHOBIA



giving you claustrophobia;

NAmE -foo/ adf/

suffering from claustropho-

bia: 妇e claustrophopic atmosphere of the room 2 to feel claUstrophobic JGlaye /klerv; 'klarver/ movun 1 one of a pair of wooden Sticks that are bit together to make a sound 2 arhythm that forms the basis ofLatin mtsic JGlayiyGnonrg /kklzevIiko:d; NAmE ord/ nouwn _an early type of mltsical instrument like a Piano with a Very soft tone


/laevIikl/ noun (anatomy) the COLLARBONE 一

Picture 从 BODY la /Klo:/ nouwn, ve六 下 IOU1 了 one of the sharp curved nails on the end of an animals or a bird's foot 一Picture 只 PAGE R20 2 along, sharp curved part of the body of some types of SHELLFISH, Used for catching and holding things: 妨e claws of a crapb 一Picture 呈 SHELLFISH, PAGE R2I 3 Part of a tool or machine, like a claw, used for holding, pulling or lifting things: a clavw harmrner (=usedforpulling out nails) 一pic-

ture cyTOOLIIEIO jSetjyouridlawsijinto:sb

1 (disopprov-

ing) 迁awoman gets her claws into a man, she tries hard to make him marryher or to have a relationship with her 2 to criticize sb severely: Wait until the media gets 亡 claws into her 一more atREDadf. 丰 ye 矶 一 (at) sb/sth to scratch or tear sbysth with claws or With your nails: [V] The cat Was clawing at the leg of the chair O [VN] She jhad clawed Stephen across the foce. c (Ji5-

Uratiyve) Bis harmds clawed the air ja ,dlaw yowryway

汉aGk jinto sth Outipf :sth, ro sth, ,etc,to gradually

achieve sth or move SoOmewhere by using a lot of deterImination and effort: She clawed her Way to the top of her Drojfessiom 2 SIowly jhe clawed his way out 廊om Uridaer the

collapsed Duilding.jEED icGlaw sth< jpoack

1 to get sth

back that you have lost, usually by using a lot of effort 2 (of a government) to get back money that has been paid to People,usually by taxing them 一related noun

CLAWBACK alawjpadGk /klobzak/ mown (BrE, business) the act of getting money back from People it has been paid to; the moneythatis paid back Jalaaw 辆apiaer 0own a hammer with one split curved Side that is used for Pulling out nails lay /kler/ noun [U] a type of heavy, sticky earth that becomeshard when it is baked and is used to make things Stch as pots and bricks cnote at SOILIIEIJ see FOOT1/. 1


710U1 aTENNIS COURT thathasasurface made

of clay alayey /kleri/ odj. containing clay; like clay: clayey so


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| sogo(B/

moun a Sport ip which a disc of baked clay (called aclay

pigeon )is thrown into the airfor pecpiefio shoot at


,DJklin/ odj verb adw 517

站 Gdj/.Glean'erialeanest) riNIOTiDIRTY Tagotdirty: Are your hands clean? C to Wipe sth clear The hotel was Spotlessly (= extremely) cleart C(Br6) 正好 your resporisipility to Keep the room cleam anmd fidy 2 (NAm 日Keep your room meat amd clearmt. CTcar世 Jind a clean shirt (三 one I havent worn since it was Washed) 一2 having a clean appearance and cleam surToundings: Cats are Very clear anirmals. >iNOTIJNARWFUL 3 free from harmful or Unpleasant SubStances: clear drinking Water cclean airS cleanercars (三 not producing so manyharmful substances) *IPARPER 4 [usually before noun] with nothing written on 让: Q clear Sheet ofpaper *NOTiOFFENSIVE 5 not offensive Or Teferring to sex; not doing anything that is considered immoral or bad: The emitertainirment Was SO0od cleanmn m or 她e whole formmil Keep the j0Kes clea7i Pleasel C The Sport has Q yery cleam Imriage. *iNOT WUEGAL @ not showing or having any record of doing sth that is against the law: a' clean driving 人

CeTiceAdriverss IicenseCaclean policerecord 7 (norraj not owning or carrying anything illegal Such as drugs oOFr Weapons: The police searched her butShe Was cleam. *JFAIR 8 playedor donein afair wayand within the rules: 下 Was atough put clearn gamme. * MOOTHN/SiMPUE 9 having a smooth edge,Ssurface or Shape; Simple and regular: Asharp Fnife makes a cleam cuUE CaG7modern design With cleamn lines amd a brightappearQTiCe >AGGURATE 1O done in a skilful and accurate way: The Plane made a clean take-o矿 =“JTASTEMSWELL 11 tasting,smelling Or looking Pleasant and fresh: The wine jhas a clean taste and a Iovely golden coloUT 一 compare UNCLEANJEEII asialean 沁 5 冯Wisile (加 广

/mal) very cleanaigleamjpilof jhealtm a report that says sb is healthy or that sth is in good condition:aiGleamn


1 a complete

separation_ from a person,amn

organization; a Way of life, etc.: She wanted to make a Clean preak with thepast 了 abreakinabonein onePplace


arecord ofyour work or behaviour

that does not show any mistakes or bad things that you have done: No goyernmTmnent Operates With a cormmpletery

cleam Sheet 人 They Kept a clean sheet 训 the mmatch (= no

goals were scored against them)jmalkeaidlean jbreast aifsth

totell thetruth aboutsth sothatyounolongerfeel


1 toremove all the

People or things from an organization that are thoughtto be Unnecessary or need changing 2 to win all the Prizes orparts ofagameorcompetition; to Win an election comPletely: China rnaeae 豆 cleai swWeep ofthe mmedals in thegyTmTastics eyennt6. C The opiniomn DOIL SUS8ests Qa clean swWeep Jor the Dermmocrats. 一more atNOSE1,,WIPE V 四 verp 1 to make sth free from dirt or dust by washing or Iubbing it: [VN] to cleanmn the windowsDpathMjoor eto clean

Q Wound C Haye you clearted your teethp2 e The villa is cleanted twice a Week. C [V] Tspent all day cooKking and CleaTting. 一See also DRY-CLEAN,SPRING-CLEAN

了 [V] to

become clean: This oyen cleamns easily (= is easy to clean). 3 [VN] = DRY-CLEAN: This coat 六 ilthy, TU have 让 cleamned.

4 [VN] to remove



the inside parts of a fish,


it IE



(NAmF) 了 to remove people or things that are not necesSaryor wanted: The mnew mamnager Said he Wanmnted to cleam jhouse. 2 to make your house cleandlean 山 p;yOwr ac (informal)tostartbehaving in amoral or responsible way: He cleamned up jhis act and came ofr drugs. JI icleam sth 一 lowWnm to clean sth thoroughly: AI the eqUiprment Should be cleamned dowrm 7egularly alean sthn offrom

| ou go (Mm 有

| orboy

| 了 near

| ee hair

| ue pure

clean andl jerk

272 | (pl cleaners) (also ,dry-'cleaners) a shop/store where

sth | ,clean stheoffito remove' sth from sth by brush-

ing, rubbing, etc.: Tcleaned the mud off my shoes. iclean sthe'outto clean the inside of sth thoroughly: 了 7must

clean the fish tank ouE ,clean sb out(informalj) to use all of sb's money: Paying Jor all those drinKks has cleaned me

ouL ,clean sby/sth out(informaj) to steal everything from a person OF Place: The Durglars totally cleaned jher OUL

clean (yourself) up.(nformaj) to make yourself clean,

usually by washing: IT need to change amd clean UP. 2 Go amd clear yourselF Up. C YDUd better get cleaTed UP. 一Te-

lated noun cLEAN-UP clean:upj| clean sthe up Tto

remove dirt,etc: from somewhere: He always expected other people to clear UP after him (= when he had made

clothes, curtains, etc, are cleaned; especially with-chemicals: Cam you -pick -UP TY SUEE 方om the cleariers?

[Er take sb to the cleaners (njormah 1 tosteal all of

sb's moneyi etc., or to get 让 using a trick 2 to defeat sb completely: Our team gottaKken to the cleaners.

clean:ing/klinm/ noun [u] the work of making the inside of a house, etc, clean: They pay sormneone to do the cleaming.

cleaninglady(also'cleaningwoman) novnawoman whosejobisto cleantherooms and furniture in an office, ahouse, etc.

Clean-'limbed codij (of a person) thin and with a good shape: a cleanmn-Iimbed model

clean-:liness /kxlenlinss/ movun [U] the state of being

the place dirty or untidy). C Whos going to cleaTl UP 坊 语 clean Or the habit of keeping things clean: Sorme People Tess2 C toicleamn up beaches after am oilspillasge 一related ae 0bsesSiye about cleaTlimess. noun CLEAN-UP 了 (informal to win or make a lot of money: This 广im should clean up atthe box offices. ,clean Cleanrliving'adi (of aperson) living ahealthy life, by not drinking alcohol; nothaving sex with alotof different sth PAGE R9 2 [Sing.] lifein acoNVENTOrMONASTERY

beginning and end of summer_ put/turn the'clock back Tto return to a situation that existed in the':past; to Temember a past age:TWish We could turn 纺e clocKk bacK twWoyears afld Siye the mmarTiage another chamnce. 辽 (disapproving) to return to old-fashioned methods or ideas: 7TPe TieW cePisorShip Iaw Wi tr the clocK bacK 50 years,run

floistered /kkloistetE NAmE sterd/ aadj (rma1sprotected from the problems and dangers of normal life: a cloistered Life ce the cloistered World of the Uniiversity

down/out the 'ciock(Us) if a sports team tries to run

clome/Klson; NAmEKIOon/ noOU1, VE矶

dowm/outthe clock atthe end of a gaime, it Stops trying to Score and just tries to keep hold of the ball to stop the other team from scoring 一compare TIME-WASTING fthe

如DOU7 了 (biology) a plant or an animal that is proditiced naturally or artificially from the cells of another Plant or animal and is therefore exactly the same as 让 2 (Sometimes disapproving) aperson or thing that seems to be an exact copY of ;another .3 (computng) acomputer deSigned to work in exactly the same way as:another' usually one .made by-a_ different _company and -more

clocks go forward/backthe time changes officially for

example at the beginning and end of summer 一more at

BEATV,,RACE 1 ,STOPV) WATCHY 旦 Ver六 TIVN] to reach a Particular tiimne or Speed: Fe ClocKked 10.09 secomds 识 态 e IT00 metres finaL 了 ~ 一sb/sth (at sth) to mmeasure the speed at which sbysth is travelling: [VN -ing] The Police clocked her doipng ovyer 100 mmiles am

exXpensive 悍Verb [VN] 1 to produce an exact copy ofan animal'or a Plant from its cells: A team 广om the UK were thejfirst to SUCCcessfuljy clone an anirmmal coDolly -the cloned sheep 2 toillegally make an electronic copy of stored information 在om aperson's credit,card. or mobile phone/cellphone so that you can make payments or phone callsbut the owner of the card or phone receives thebil

Pour ce[VN] Wind gusts at 807m.p:j were clocked at Rapid City 3 (BrE nornmal) to notice' or Tecognize sb: [VN] T clocked jher in the driving mmirror [also V wh-,, Vv that]

4 [VN] (Br infonmal) to illegally reduce the number of miles shown on a Vehicle's MILOMETER (= instrument that measures the number of miles it has travelled) in order to make the vehicle appear to have travelled fewer

miles than it reallyhas

Cock in/on(Br(NAmE

Punch in to record the time atuwhich you _arrive at

Cjonk/klp0k; NAmEkla2k/ noun (BrELinformah a short -

loud sound of heavy things hitting each; other

上 clonk

vemb [VVN]

Work, especially by putting a card into a machine ,clock

Cjiose?1 0m /laouz: NAmE Klooz/ verb, nOUn 一see also

out/'off(BrE) (NAmE ,punch 'oug to record the time at which you leave work, especially by putting a card into a

目ye 乃

machine ,clock 'up sth to reach a particular amount or

Dumber: On the 好p We clocKked up over 1800 miles. C He jas clocKked UP nore than 25 years om 坊e co7mmmittee.

cjockcer/klpkeCD);NAmE 下lazk=-/ noun (informal) 1 (Br6) aperson who illegally changes a cars MILOMETER So that the car seems to have travelled fewer miles than it really has 之 (NAmE) a person who sells illegal drugs, especially COCAINE OT CRACK

,Clock 'radio noun a clock combined with a radio that can be set to come on at a particular time in order'to wake sbup

clockspeednoun:[o] compnuter' operates:

(computing) the speed atwhich:a

This machine

has a clocK-speed of


clocktowernovratall tower Usually part of another building, with a clock at the top

'clock-watchernoun (disopproving) a worker who is alWays checking the time to make sure that they do not Wotrk longer than theyneed to ciockwise /kklpkwarz; NAmE ladk-/ adv ad moving around in the same direction as the hands of a clock: Tur7Ta the Key clocjkwise. 2 a clocKkwise direction [53 ANTICLOCKWISE, COUNTERCLOCKWISE clock-work /lpkwas:k; NAmE lakwas:rk/ nouwn [W] Imachinery with wheels and sPRINGS like that inside a

clock: clockwork toys (= toys that you wind up with a key) ceHe is homme by six eyery day reguiar as clocKkworK.

[ID So/run like “clockwork to happen according to Plan; to happen without difficulties or problems clod /klod; NAmE kla:d/ moun 了 [usually'pl] a lump of earth orCLAY QZ2 (njormalj) a stupid person

ciod-hop:Per /kipdhopeD);




Unfornahj T [usually pl.] alarge heavy shoe 2 (disapproving) an awkward or CLUMSY person clog /lpg; NAmEKkla:g/ verbs moU 广

有 Verb (-8g) ~ (up) (with sth) |~ sth (up) (with sth) to block sth or to become blocked: [VN] [often passive]: The narrow Streets WeTe clogged with trajfhic. c Tears clogged her throat 2[V] Withinajfewyears the pipes peganto clog UPD: 悍 IOU1 a Shoe that is completelymade ofwood or onethat has a thick wooden soLE and a leather top 一 picture 咱



* WINDOW/DOOR, ETC- T to Put sth into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this position SHUT: [VN] Would amyopne mind 芒closed 态e window? 2 She closed the gate pehind hek CTtS dark now 一Iets close the Curtains. CT closed TY eyes against 太 e bright Light C [V] The doors open aid close autormmatically. OPEN “BOOK/UMBRELLA,ETC. 字 [VN] ~ sth (up) to move the parts of sth together so that 让 is no longer open SHUT: to close a booKkam umbrella [3 OoPEN

“SHOP/1STORE/BUSINESS 3 ~ (sth) (to sb/sth) to make the Woik of a shop/store, etc: stop for aperiod of time; tonmaet be open forpeopletotse: [VN] [ofteRpassive] TFE7museurm jhas peeri closed for renoyation C Thesroad was closed 如 traffic for two days. ce[V] WRhat tnedoes the pan close? 2 We closejor Lunch Detween twelyve and:bhwo. [aa oPEN

'dowmifacompany, 4:(also ,close 'dowm ,close sth 一 Shop/store; etc.closes; or 让 you close it it stops operating as abusiness: [VN] The cIuD Was'closed py he police: ec [V] The hospital closed at the end of Iast year e The play

closed afterjustthreemights., Ia OPEN ~ END S to end or make sth end: [VN] to close a meeting/ depate c to close Q caseam 识yestigation c to close an accOunt (= to stop keeping moneyin abank accounb c Te

SUbject zsmnowW:closed (= we will not discuss it again) e [V] The mmeeting will close at 了 0:00 p.m. CThe offercloses atthe end of the WeeKk、[E23 OPEN > FINANCE 6 [V] to be worth a particular amount at the end of the day's business: Shares 训 the compamy closed at 265p. cclosing prices [also V-AD中

* DISTANCE/DIFFERENCE 7 to make the distance or difference between two people or things smaller; to become smaller Of narrower:

[VN] These 7mreasures are aimed at

closing the gap betweePn richiarid Door CS [V] The gap bebween 切e two top teams is closing all the tirme. “HHOLD FIRMLY- 8 ~ (sth) about/around/over -sb/sth_ to hold sth/sb firmly:

[VN] :She .closed jher jhand over his.

[alsoVv] [JI close the book on sth to stop doing sth because you no longer believe you will be successful or will find a Solution: The Police hayve closed the DooK on the case (= they have stopped trying to solve ib. close its doors (of abusiness, etc:.)to stoptrading: Thejctoryclosedik doors Jor the Iasttime 识 2002. close your 'imind to sth to Tefusetothink abonut sth as apossibility close 'ranks 1 ifa SrOUP of people close ranks, they work closely together to defend themselves,,especially when'theysare being

aeicat | ad father | etenll 3a: bird | e about | Tsit | 定see | imany | b got (BrE) | oz saw | Arcup | 天 put | ustoo

criticized: IJts motUriusualforthepolice to close rarikswhen ole of their oficers ,being ivestigated. 2 if soldiers closeranks,theymove closertogetherin orderto defend themselves 一more at DOOR,,EAR,EYE Close

dowm (BrE) when a radio or television station closes dowm, it stops broadcasting at the end of the day 一re-

lated :noun sthe down

“CIOSE-DOWN iclose 'down | ,close 三 CLOSE(4): AlL the steelworks around here

Were closed dowm 总 轨e 1980s. 一related houn CLOSEDOWKN OPEN UP close in 1 when the days close in, they become gradually shorter during the autumny fall 2 ifthe weather closes in, it gets worse 3 when the nighticloses in, it gets darker: They huddIed;aroumd

te 记 re as 加e might closed 训 . ,close 'in (on sb/sth) to IOove nearer to Sb/sth,especially ip order to _attack them: The lions closed 识 on their prey. ,close sth note atHOLD suddenly

了 2 ~(at)sb/sth totakehold of sth

becatuse you are afraid or in pain: [VN] He

gasped amnd clutched Pis stomach. C (jgurative) [V] ar clUtched at her heart [IE see STRAW 只 note at HOLD cluftchy/'catch at sth/sbtotry to quickly get hold of sthVsb GRAB AT 昌 POUm 了 [Cl the PEDAL in a car or other Vehicle that you

Press With your foot so that you can change gear: PutyYoUT Joot on the clutch. 一picture 字 PAGE RI QZ [G adeviceipDa machine that connects and DISCONNECTS Working parts, especially the engine and the gears: The car meeds Q meW clutch 3 a 一 of sth [sing.] (Br6 a group of people, animals or things: Hes wom Q Whole clutch_ of awards. 4 clutches[pl.] (informai)power or control: He mamnaged to escape 万om 妇 eir clutches. c Now that she had Pirm 识 Per clutcfies, she wasnitt going to Ietgo. S [Cusually sing.]



CO-. /keg; NAImE ou/rabbr 下 (business) company: Pitb Briggs & Co. 2 (in writing)jicounty 3 andico.(BrE, jjo 广 /mdl) and other:members of aigroup of people: Were Jane anid co. atthePparty? CO=- /Ke0; NAImE kog/ prejx (used 记 adjectivesy adverbs, nouns and verbs) together with: co-P7oauced 2 cooperatiyely ecosauthor 2 coexist

C/O /siz"eo; NAmE'o0/ abbr (used on letters to a person staying at sb slaa's house) care of: Mr P BrowWrm5 c[o Ms M Jones


0 /keutj; NMAmEkoutf/ moun, ve 内

豆 OUm 了 [C aperson whotrains aperson orteam in Sport: QbasKketbalL/footbalL/tennis, etc. coach citalysmationmalcoacfi 了 [C (Br6) aperson who gives Private lessons to sb,often to prepare them for an exam: Q maths coOachP 3.[q: = LIFE COACH :4 [C (Br 日a comfortable bus for carrying passengers OVer long distances: They Went to ltalyi om acoach tour 2 Trayel is by coach overmnight to

BerIinz Ca coach station (= where coaches start and end theirjourney)cacoachn partb' (= agroup ofpeople travelling together on a coach) 一Picture c BUS _5. [C] (BrE) 三 CARRIAGE:

Qa railway coach

6 [Qi:alarge closed vehicle

With four wheels, pulled by horses, tised in the past for carrying,Passengers 一 see, also,


7 [U]

(MAmE) the cheapest seats in aplane: to 儿v coach cecoach Jares/PasseTtgSers/sSeats [EU See DRIVEY.

上 ye 凡 一sb (in/forsth) 1 totrain sbtoplayasporb todoa job bettemn or to improve a skill: [VN] Her 名ther coached jher Jor the Olympics. e She has coached hunmdreds ofyoung Singers. CO He coaches basKketballand soccer: [also VNto inf] 2 [VN] (especially BrE)to giveastudentextrateaching in a

Particular subject especially so that they will pass an


了 3 一 sb lin/on sth) to give sb special instructions

for what they should do or say in a particular situation: [VN] They belieyed the Witrnesses had beet coached of WPat to say. [alsoVvNto inf]

coach house novn abuilding where CARRIAGES pulled by horses are OT Were kept

Coach.ing /keutfm; NAmEkoutf:/ noun [U] Tthepro-

GRIP: (Jigurative) She 帮 L the

cess of training sb to Play a Sport to do ajob better or to

suddem clutch offear 6 [C agroup ofeggsthatabird lays at one time; the young birds that come out of a group of eggs atthe sametime 7 [Q (MAmB月 =CLUTCH BAG

Process of giving a student extra teaching in a particular Subject

:Clutch bag (NmE:also clutch) movn a small, flat bag

coaching inm moun in the past, an INN along a route

that women carry ip their hands, especially on formal Occasions

Coach.load /keutJleoud; NAmE outJloud/noun (BrE) a

atight hold on sb/sth

Clut:ter /1lAteCrnD/ verb, nouUn 目 yerb [VN] ~ sth (up) (with sth/sb) to fill a place with too manythings;sothatitisuntidy: Domclutter 雪 epaSge With too 7mnamy diagrarns. 2Tdoni Want all these iles CIUttering Up 7mny desk. o (jgurative) Try notto clutteryour head with trivia. 利 1OU1 [U,sing.] (disapproving) a lot of things ip an Untidy state, especially things that are Dot necesSary Or are Doft being used; a state of confusion MESS: Theres aLWays so much clutter on YOUr desK! 9 There Was Q clutter of Dotties amd tbe5 on 雪 e She太

ClUftered /lated; MPmE-terd/ adj

一 (up) (with sb/sth)

covered With, or full of alot ofthings or people, ip a way thatiuntidy: aclutteredroom/desk2 (Jjguratye) aclut tered mind [323 UNCLUTTERED

人 Mi obpbpr cCOMMAND MODULE Cimiabbpr (p/. cm or Cms) CENTIMETRE CND/sizen'di:/ obbCampaign forNuclear Disarmarmnent (aBritish organization Whose aimis to Persuade cotntries to get rid oftheir nuclear weapons)

CNN /si:en 'en/ obbr Cable News Network (an American

broadcasting company that sends television news PIO-

grammes:all overthe world) CO /si:'so; NmE'oujiabbr Commanding Officer (an o 疆 cer who commands a group ofsoldiers, sailors, etc.)


| rar my

| ,ao now

| ersay

improve a skill: a coaching sessiom 了 (especially BrE) the

Used byhorses, at which horses could be changed group .of people travelling together 记 a coach: TDuriszs Were arriving by the coachioad.

coach:man /kaeutfman; NAmE koutj-/ moum (P1 -men /msn/) (志 thepasb a man who drove a coACH puled by Porses

coachWork:/ ksotfJwak; NAmE 必 outfwaszrk/ moun [LU] (Br the ietal oUuter' part'of a road or railwayV/railroad Vehicle CO.agu'late /Keozgjulert; NAmE koU-/ vemb 这 a liquid coagulates or sth coagulates it it becomes thick and

partly solid CONGEAL: [V] Blood begari to coagulate arouna the edgesiofthe Wound. [alsoVN] coagu'lation /keuiaegjulerfn; NAmEKkou-/ noun [U]

Cj 1.[ul

0 语 /keol; NAmEkoul/ noun a hard _black mineral

that is found



ground and burnt to produce heat:TPUt more coal om ithe Jire.caIump ofcoal co acoaljfire e acoalrmine cthe coal 训 dustry 一picture 忆 FIREPLACE 了 [C] a Diece of coal, especially one that isburning: A hot coal 帮 1 out of the Jire and iDurnt he carDpet


Carry take,etc.


tD 'Newcastle (BrE)totake'goodsto aplace where there are alreadyTDlenty ofthemy; to supply sth where it is not needed Ia Newcastle-uUponTyne, 记 the north of England,was once an important coal-mining centre.一 Imore atHAULYV,RAKEX

| so 8go (B/月 | ou go (MmE)

| or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| use pure



,COal- blackodi verydarkin colour: coaLblackeyes 二 Co'alesce/ kaeusles; NAmEIkoue-/vemb [V] 之 (into/with 、 sth) (fjormalj) to come together to form one larger groUup,


beach 。seaside 。*coastline * shoreline 。 sand seashore

Substance,etc. AMALGAMATE: The:Dpauddles had coalesced into asrmmall stream: coales.cence /keuae'lesns; NAmmE kouae-/ noum:[U]

These are all words fortheland beside ornearto the sea, ariveroralake. coasttheland beside orneartothe sea orocean:2d town 00 轨eSOUh coaqst of England ecJJhe coastrodd is closed dueto pad weather. ltis nearly always the coast, except when itis uncountable: Jhatsa Pretby stretch oF

coal'face /keulfers; NAmE 'koul:/:(also facej noum the Place deep inside a mine where the coal is cut out of the

Iock II atthe 'coalface (Br 日where the real work is done, notjust where people talk abonut it: Many of the best iaeas corme 万om doctors at the coalfoce.

coal'field /keulfi:ld; NAmE ouL/ moun a large area Where there is alot of coal Under the ground

,COal- fired ad using coal as fuel: a coal-fjired power Station coal gasnmoun [U] a mixture of gasesproduced from coal,

that can be used for electricity and heating

Coal:house/ keoliaus; NAmE'kool-/mnounasmallbuilding for storing coal especially in sb's garden in the Dast

Co'ali'tiom/Kkeuelrfn; NAmE ,Kous-/ moun Ti [Crsingypl. v] a government formed bytwo or more political parties Working together: to fjorm a coalition c a two-party coa1iton 2 a coalitiori goyernrmenit 了 [CH+sing/pl v] a group formed by people fromi several different groups,especially Political ones, agreeing to woik together for a particular Purpose: 中 coalition of emnviromrmerital arid coPsSUTmer 8rOUDS 3 [U] the act of'two or more groups joining together: They didmtrule outcoalitiomn withthe Social DeTmocrats,




oul人 moun


/man/) a man Whose job is'to deliver coal to people's houses

coal mine (also p 齐 novun a Dlace underground Where coal is dug

coal minernoun aperson whose job is digging coalin a coal mmine

Coal scuttle(also scuttile movn a container with a handle, used for carrying coal and Ustally kept beside the FIREPLACE 一 Picture 上 FIREPLACE

COda5 beachan area ofsand,orsmallstones, beside the sea or alake:shetooktihepkidstothebeachjorthedaoxy csqndy peaches 站 seaside (especially Br an areathat isby thesea, especially one where people goforadayora holiday:0 trPt 加 恕 eseaside ltisalwaysthe seaside, except whem'itisused before a nouni aseaside reso 丰 下he seaside is British English; in American English seasideis only used before a noun: coastlinetheland along a coast especially when you arethinking of its shape orappearance: CI1H1formnios 1ugged coastiimne shorelinethe edge ofthe sea,theocean oralake: We Walked along the rocley shoreline. COASTLINE OR SHORELINE?

A coastline isalways the edge ofthe sea or ocean, nota lake; coastline is usually used to talk aboutan area that islongerthan a shoreline: ihe Turkish coastine e the 、 Dupjim shnorejine.

sandalargearea ofsarid on a beach: We wentjora wa 估 along thesand, earesotwi 反 mmilesofgoldensands the seashoretheland along theedge of the sea or oceani Usually wherethereissandand rocks: He /edio lookjforshells on be seashore BEACH OR SEASHORE?

Beach is usually used to talk about asandy area next to the sea where peoplelie in the sun or play, forexample

whenthey are on holiday Seashore is used more to talk aboutthe area bythe sea in terms ef things such as

Coaltar7moyni [U] athickblack sticky siibstance prodiiced

Waves, sea shells, rocks, etc., especially where people

when gasis made from coal

walk for pleasure.

coaim'ing /kaumm; NAmE Kou-/ moun a raised border around a ship's HATCH that keeps the water out COarse /ko:s; NAImE koxrs/ adj (coars.e5 coars.esb T (of skin or cloth) rough: coarse harmdsTinen [aa sSMOOTH, SOFT 了 consisting of relatively large pieces: coarse Sand/saltiarr [aaFINE 3 rude and offensive,especially about seX VULGAR: coaTSe TaTTiers/Iaughter P COarselyadv: coarsely chopped onions (= cut into large pieces) CHe laughed coarsely at _her coarse.ness moum [U]

COarse fish noun (P/ coarse fish) (BrE) any fish, except SALMON and TROUT; that lives-in rivers and lakes rather than in the sea


along the coast/beachy/coastline/shoreline/seashore 有On the coast/beach/coastline/shoreline/sandsy/seashore 理 at the coast/beach/seaside/seashore 下 by the coast/seaside/seashore

aln) rocky/rugged/unspoiled coast/beachycoastline/ shoreline the north/northern/south/southern, etc. coast/ , coastline/shoreline , 必 SA 晶tO go to the coast/beach/seaside/seashore 四 3COast/beach/seaside resort

亚 aStretch of coast/beach/coastline/shoreline

,COarse fishing movn [U] (BrE) the sport of catching

coarse fish: to go coarse fishing COars'em /ko:sn; NAmE korsn/ yerb T to become or Imake sth become thicker and/or rougher: [V] 了 er hair Sradually coarseied as she Srew older co[VN] 机 isjatures jhad been coarsened by the Weather 2 to become or make Sb become less polite and often offensive in the way they behave: [VN] The Six Ionrg years Pirm. [alsoV]

COaSt 0

上 VE/b [V] 1 _[usually +adv/prep] (ofacarora bicycle) to InOVe, especially down a hill without using any power: The car coasted along UnEil 让 Stopped. e She took her Jeet off the pedals amd ,coasted downpizL 也 [usually +adyvy prep.] (of avehicie) to move quickly and Smoothly, without Using much power: THhe plane coasted dowm the runm-

识 Drison Faa coarsened


/keust; NAmEkoust/ noun, vermb

旺0OU1 [CU] the land beside or near to the sea or ocean:a town on the SOUth coast of Ergland e islands off the west

coast C the coastroad

ceapretty stretch of

[Er the icoastis'clear(informo)

there is no danger ofbeing seen orcaught: 4s soom'as the COast Was clear he climpbed in through the window,


| adid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes


sth) to be successful

at sth


coast of Jreland catrip to thecoasto We walked along the

coastJorjfive miles.e the Welsh coast


without having to try hard: Be coasted through 71is mal exarmms 4 ~ (along) (disapproving) to put very little effoit into sth: ZouU7re just coasting 一is tme to Work hard now, 5 (ofa ship)to stayclosetoland while sailing around the

Coast:al/ keustli NAmE'koustl/ adj [usually befofe noun] of or near a coast: coastal Waters/resorEs/ SCeltery CQ

coastal path (= one that follows the line of the coast) 一 compare INELAND


| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen


coast'eer'ing /keustrerm; NAmE 此 oOUstrIm/ moun [U] the sport of following a route around a coastby climbing, jumping off cLIFFs and swimming Cobblestone ad/.

一 sth (withyin sth) to cover sth

COBOL /keobnl; NAmE koubo:l/ noun [U] an early computer language used in business programs

With a layer of a substance: cookkies thickly coated with chocolate 2 A film of dust coated 女 e table. 一see also SUGAR-COATED

COlbra /keubrae; MAmEkou-/ noun apoisonous snake that can Spread the skin at the back of its neck to make itself look bigger. Cobras live iD Asia and: Africa. 一picture 串

Ve几 [VN] [often passive]


'coat check mouwn (NA 日 三CIOAKROOM Coat dress 1ov1 awWomans dress that fastens down the front and looks like a coat

coathanger 7ou1n


COati /Kagdzti; NA 万E Koo-/ (also co-atimumndi /Keoaz姓mAndi; NAmE kovo-/) oun a small animal with a long nose and along tail with lines across 让 which lives main] 记Central and S America coating /keotm; NmEkout/ novnathin layerofasubStance COVering a Suriface: Qa 碎 总coating of chocolate Ta87iet5ic coating on Qioppy disK

COatof arms movn (pcoatsofarms)(alsoarms


design orasHIELDthatis aspecial symbol ofa family city Or other organization: the royal coat of ar7ms Coat:room /kaeotrum; TUm; NAmmE oot-/ OU (NA月

三 CLOAKROOM(1) Coat stamdl moun a stand with hooks for hanging coats and hats on

'COat-tails movm [pl] [Gon

sb's coat-tails Using the

Success and influence of another Person to help yourself become successful: She got Wjere she 疾 today om Per Drothers coat-tails-

CO-'author "ovn apersonwho writesabookoran article With Sb else > ,co-'author


[VN] ,co-authorship

sb (into/out of sth) to persuade sb to do sth bytalking to them in a kind and gentle way CAJOLE: [VN] She COaXxed the Porse into commingaiittie closer e 五eWas coaXed OUt of retirement to help tejoiling comPpamy 3 She had to

coax the carialong. C [Vspeech] eartyy 态ere ”She coaxed. [alsoVN speech]ER coaxsth outof/from sb to gently persuade sb to do sth or give you sth: The director coOaxed a Drilliant performiamce out of thne casE

| ttea


| vvan

| wwet


| Jshoe

/kobwebd; NAmE Ka:b-/ adj: cobwebbed

cormersimrm blow/clearthe'cobwebs away tohelp sb Start sth 雇 a fresh,lively state of mind: A brisk walK Shou1a blow he cobWebs away COCa 引 /上 seoka; NAmE'kou-/ noun [U] atropical bush whose leaves are used to make the drug COCAINE

COca-ColarM /keoka keula; NAmE.kouke koula/ (also injorraolCokerw ) noun 了 [U,C] a popular type of coOLA drink

之 [GO aglass,bottle or can of Coca-Cola

CO:Caine /keokermn; NAImE kou-/ (also jnjormal coke) /OU1_[U] a powerful grug that some Peopletake illegally for pleasure and can become ADDICTED to. Doctors sometimes Use it as an ANAESTHETIC.


/KbpksIks; NAmE ka:k-/ OUm

(P/ coccyYXxes_ OF

CO0c'Cy'ges /pksId5iz; NAImE kad:k-/) (analomy) the small bone at the bottom of the SPINE

只 BODY COch'in'eal



NMAmE atfenil/


[U] a

brightired substance used to give colour to food


JouPm [U]

COaX /keoks; NAImEKkoUks/ ve 几 一sb (into doing sth) | ~


colb-webb /kobweb; NAmE kab-/ moun a fine net of threads made byaspider to catch insects; a single thread of this net (usually used when it is old and covered with dirtbj:TPick cobyWwebs hung 训 thedustyrcorners.OHebrushed Q cobwepb out of his hair 一see also WEB;SEIDERIS WEB

/koklie; NAmE kouk-; ka:

/mouwn (p/ coch-

leae /玉liiz/) (anatomy) asmall curved tube inside the ear, Which contains a small Part that sends nerve signals:to the brain when sounds cause ittoVIBRATE

COCK /kbKk; NAPmEKa:K/ moun; ve叱 四 IOU 了 (BrE) (alsoroost.er NMAmE Br6 [q anadult male chicken: The cocKk crowed. 一compare HEN 了 [ 〇 (especiallyin compounds)amaleofanyotherbird: acock pheaSanmnt 一see also PEACOCK 3 [G(toboo,slang)apPENIS 4 [q] STOPCOCK= 一see also BALLCOCK 5 [sing (oldf:

|35 vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0 sing

286 |


joshioned, Br5 slang) used as a friendly form of address

between men 一see also HALF-COCK 四 Verb[VN] Ttoraiseapartofyourbody sothat it is Verticaloratan angle:Thedogcocked it Iegbyeyery tree oOUT route (= 识 order to URINATE).C Fe cocKked art ingqUiSsitiye eyebrow atjher She cocked herjheadto oneside and Iooked at me. O@ The dog stood listening, is ears cocked. 之 一 a

gun/pistol/rifle to raise the HAMMER on a.gun So that 让 isreadytofire [Er cockanear/eye atsth/sb tolook at or listen to sb/sth carefully and with a lot of attention cockasnook atsby/sth (BrE) to say or do sth that clearly shows you do not respect sb/sth: to cock a 5s1iooK at


CocK sth 二 "up (BrE, s/am8) to ruin sth by

doing itbadly or by making a careless or stupid mistake BUNGLE:Treally cocked that exam UPDIC She cocked Up al the arrangements fortheparty 一related noun COCK-

UP COCK':ade /kopkeId; NmE ka:-/ noun'a decorated BADGE or an arrangement of RIBBONS, feathers, etc. that is Worm in ahatto show military rank, membership of a Political

Party, etc.


/kok ae ,du:dl 'du:; NAmE kazk/

mounthewordforthe soundthat acOcK/ROOSTER makes COCK=a- hoop cd [not usually before noum] ~ (about/at/ Over sth) (informalj) very Pleased and excited,, especially about achieving sth

COck-a-leekie /kok ea 'liki; NMmEka:k/ (alsoicockraJeekie 'soup) 0oun [U] a type of Scottish soup, made With chicken and LEEKS (= long vegetables that taste like onions)

cockama:mie .(also cock'ama.my)


NAmmE 下 Gk-/ adgj. (NMAmE normal) (of an idea,,a story, etc.) silly; not to be believed

COcKk and 'bull story novn astorythatis unlikelytobe true but is used as an explanation OT exXcuse COCKka.ftiel /kokae'til; NAmE kak-/ nouvn an Australian PARROT With a greybody and a yellow and orange face COclka:too /koka'tu:; NAmE dkaetu:/ noUn (P1-oos) an Australian bird of the PARROT family, with a large row of feathers (called a CREsST) standing up on its head


/kkpktfereCD; NAmE kak-/ (also May

bug) noun a large brown insect that flies and makes;a loud noise in early evening in SumImer

COCK:Ccrow /kopkkreo; NAmE ka:kkroo/ nouniLu] (Nter amy) the time of the day when it is becoming light DAWN COCKed 'Ihat 1ovmn [ET seeKNOCKY

COCK.er /koka(nD); NAmE kack-/ (also ,cocker 'spaniel) moum a Small SPANIEL COCICerel /kokerel; chicken COCKeyed /kopkard; level or straight

(=-type of dog) with soft hair NAmE ak-/ mouvn_ a young male NAmE ka:k-/ adj. Upformal) 1 not

CROOKED: Doesmnt that picture IOoK

cocKkeyed to you2 之 not practical; not likely to Succeed: Q COCKeyed scherne to maKe people USe Less Water COcCK.fight /kokfart; NAmE ak-/ noun a fight between

twoadultmale chickens, watched as asport and ilegal in Imany coOuUntries cockfight'ing own [U] coOckle /kopkl; NAmE Ka:kl/ noun a smajl SHELLFISH that can be eaten [ET see WARMYV,

coOckle.shell /oklfel; NAmEka:kl-/ novun 1 theshell of acockle 2 asmall light boat COckK'ney /kpkni; NAmE kakni/ nouvn 了 [G a person ffom the East Endof London 2 [U] the way of speaking that is typical of cockneys: a cocKkmney accent COCK':P 主/kpkprt; NAmE azk-/ noun the areain aplane, boatorracing car wherethepilotor driver sits 一picture 吃 PAGE Ra, PAGE R8


/kpkreutj; NAmE ka:kroutf/ (also NAmE

informalroach ) noun a large brown insect with wings; that lives in houses; especially where there is dirt

COclkKcsucker /koksAksGD); NAmE ka:k-/ nouwn (iabooy slang) an offensive word used to insult sb, usually aman _COCcK-sure /kok'jueD); -fooD); NAmE KaKk'TOor/ ad (oldf大shioned, informal) corifident 记 awaythatis annoying to other People and that they might find offensivVe

COCcKc-tai放 /koktedl; NAmE ak-/ novnT

[q adrink usu-

ally made from a mixture of one or more SPIRITS (三 strong alcoholic drinks) and fruiit juice. It can also be made without alcohol: a cocKtail bar/cabinet/Ioungse 2 [CU] a dish of small Pieces of food,, usually served cold: aprawrysjhrirmp cocKktaile 方uitcocktail 3 [C] amixture of differernt substances, USually ones that do not mi这 一see also MOLOtogether well: a lethal cocKktail of drugs TOV COCKTAIL 'COcktail dress novn a dress that is suitable for formal SOcial occasions

'COcktailparty "ovn a formal social occasion; usually 训 the earlyevening, when people drink cocKTAILS or other alcoholic drinks 'Ccocktail stick novn (BrE) a small, sharp piece ofwood on which small pieces of food are placed, for guests to eat at parties

Cockc=teaser:(also'cockctease,'prick-teaser, prickctease) /oun (tboo, slang) an offensive word sed to describe awoman who makesamanthink she will have seX With him when she will not 'COCK-up movn (BrE,7nformal) a mistake that spoils people's arrangements; sth that has been spoilt because it wasbadly organized: Theres beenr apitofacockup oyer the 厅 ayel arraTl8gemmemnts,

COCcKyY /kopki; NAmE ka:ki/ adi kockcier,cockiest) (Unjor mmal) too confident about yourself ip away that annoys

other People cockiness mounm [] COCOa /keokeso; NAmE kookoo/ no

全 [U] dark brown

powder made from the crushed seeds (called cocoa peans)j of a tropical tree 2 [U] ahot drink made by mixing cocoa powder with milk and/or water aiid Usually Sugar: Q Tug of cocoa 3 [C] a cup of cocoa 一compare

CHOCOLATE,, DRINKING CHOCOLATE ICOcoa burtter noum [U] fatthat is obtained from cocoa BEANS and Used in makingichocolate and cosMETICS CO:CO.mut /上 seokenAt; NAmE oo-/ oun 1 [qthelarge nut of a tropical tree called acoconut palm.-I Srows iD-

side ahard shell and contains a soft white substance that

can be eaten and juice that can be drunk. 一Picture 咱 PAGE RI2 2 [U] the soft whbite substance inside a_coco-

nut,used in cooking: desiccated coconut 2 coOcoTLUt pisCUits/cooKies C cocoPLUEo 让

Coconut butter ovn [uU] a solid substance inside COCONUTS that is used to make soap, CANDLES,,etc. COCconut 'matting "on [U] (Br6) a material Used to cover floors that is made from the hair inside the outer Shell of coconnlts

coconut shy "oun (p/ coconut shies) (BrE) an outdoor entertainment in which people try to knock coconnuts of任 stands bythrowing balls at them CO'COOm /ke'kuzmny/ noun, veb 四 OU 了 acoveringofsilkthreadsthat some insects make to protectthemselvesbefore theybecome adults 忆 asoft covering that wraps all ,around a person or thing_ and forms a Protection: (jgurative) the cocoom of a caringjfom-


目 Verb [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (in sth) to Protect sby sth by surrounding them or it completely with sth: We Were Warma and safe, cocoomned in our sleeping bags. COcoO:yam /keukeUjaemj; NAmE- koukov-/ moun [CU] (WAHrE) a plant whose roots can be cooked and eaten or Imade into flour: roasted cocoyam 一See also FUFU Cod /kpd; NAmEka:d/ noun; adf/. 百 IOUm [CU] (plcod ) alarge sea fish with white flesh that js used for food: fishingjforcod ccod fillets 目 Gd [only beforenoun] (BrE, informaj not gentline or real: acod Americarn accente cod psychology

2excat | d father | eten | as:bird | a about |irsit | isee | imany:| pgot(Br6 | assaw | Acup |5put lutitoo

COD /isi seo'di:3; NAmE oo/ obbr cash on delivery or (in American English) collect on delivery (paymentfor goods Will be made when the goods are delivered) coda /上 euda; NMAmE koude/ moun the final Passage of a Piece of music: (1guratiive) The final two months were a miserable coda to the Presidents Hirstperiod im ojfice.

cod:dle /kodl; NAmE'ka:dl/ verb [VN] 1 (often disapprovjg8) to treat sb with too much care and attention 一comPare MOLLYCODDLE belowboiling point

COdje 0

之 to cook eggs ip water


/ksod; NAmE koud/ noumy ve 六

目 IOUm1 了 [CU] (often 记 compounds) a system of words, letters, numbers or Symbols that represent a message OFr Iecord informationm secretly or in a shorter form: to preak/crack a code (= to undeistand and read the mesSage)j C 夏s Written 训 code. C Tap your code murmper into 态e machine. 2 奈 雪 e eyenit of the 7machine mot Operating corTrectl aF erTrOor code Wi记 appear' 一see also AREA CODE; BAR CODE,MORSE CODE, POSTCODE,, ZIP CODE, SORT CODE

了 [Q-= DIALLING CODE: There are two codes

JorLondonm:. 3 [U] (computng) a system of compnuiter Programming instructions 一see also MACHINE CODE, SOURCE

coDE 4 [Cl asetofimnoralprinciples or rules ofbehaviour that are generallyaccepted by society or a social grouP:a strict code of comnduct 5 [G a system of laws or wWrIitten rules that state how people in an institution or a country should behave: the penal code 一see also DRESS CODE, HIGHWAY CODE yemb [VN] 1 towrite or printwords, letters, numbers, etc. on sth so that yoU know what it is, what grOUP 让 belongs to etc.: Each orderi coded separately 2 toputamessage into code So that it can only be understood by a few

People 3 (computing) to write a _computer program by Putting one System of numbers, words and Symbols into another SystemEJ ENCODE


/keodid; NMAmE "koo-/ adj. 1 [only before noun] a

coded message or coded information is written or sent Using a special system of words,letters,ntumbers,etc. that can onlybe understood by a few other People or by a compniter: a coded Warming of a Dompb at the'airport 了 expressed in an indirect Way: TFere Was coded cr 让 cism of the goyveT7ri7ment 闻 omm some Party 7Tmnemmbers.


/audim; NAmEKoo-/ moun [U] a drug used to

reduce pain code mame 701 a name Used for a person or thing 识 Drder to keep the realmame SecretP code-named 0d/. [notbefore noun]: a drug inyestigatiom code-Tiarmed SPOoopy

code of practice

.oun (p/codes of practice ) a set of

standards that mmembers of a particular profession agree to follow ip their work


/keudipendansi; NAmE Koo-/ noun

[U] (Psychology) a situation in Which two People have a close Telationship 记 which they rely too much on each other emotionally, especially when one Person is caring for the other oneP codepend:ent 0d1j., 7001

CODESA /kau'dese; NAmE Ko-/ gbbr Convention for a Democratic South Africa (= in the past, the group of politicians who discussed how South Africa would become a


code-sharin 吕 0ovn

[U] (tecpnical) an agreement be-

tween two or more AIRLINES to carry each other's passengers and Use their own set of letters and ntumbers for flights Provided by another airline

Code switchim名 ou

[U] (nguwistics) the practice of

changing between languages when you are Speaking CodeXx /上 eudeks; NMmE ou-/ ouUn (plco.di:ces /keudTSi:z; 攻pd-; NA/mE koo-; kazd-/ orcodexes ) 1 an ancient text in the form of abook 2 an of 对 cial list of medicines of chemicals


/kkpd5aG); NAIE kazd5-/- own


codger -aninformal way of referring to an old man that shows that you do not fespect him

CO-:dji-cil /keodrsd; NmE kadzdasl/ moum (low)jan instruction thatis added latertoawWILL, Usuallyto changeapart of 证


| -army

| anow

| ersay



Co'dify /keudrfar; NAmE dd-/ verb fo.difies co-difying co.dified ,co:dified ) [VN] (techmicaj) to arrange laws, ITules, etc, into aisystem 产 co.difi'cafion NAmE kac:d-/ noun [U]


cod liver 'o训 movm [ul athick yellow oil fom the LIVER of cop (= atype of fish), containing a lot of vITAMINS A andD and often given as a medicine

codlj.piece /kopdpis; NAmE'kazd-/ noun a piece of cloth, especially a dscorative one;, attached to a man's lower clothing and covering his GENITALSs,wWorn iD Europe pn the 15th and 16th centuries


/kopduzwolep; NAmE'kazxdzwa:lep/ noun [U]

(old友shioned,BJE nornmaj) nonsense: TYye meyer heard SUCh aload ofoldcodswallop in 7my 1六 COegd /keg'ed; NAmE Kou-/ noun (old反shioned,, NAmB a female student at a co-educational school or college


(also imformalcoed ) adj (of a school

OI an EDUCATIONAL System) where girls and boys are tatght together ,co-edu'cation mouvn [U]


/keorfrfnt NAmE koo-/ moun 下 (math-

ematics) a number which is Placed before another quantity and which maultiplies it, for example 3 in the quantity 3X 2 (physicsj)anumberthat measuresaPDparticular PrOPerty (= characteristic) of a substance: the coefficient of 记 ictiom


/silekaen6/ movr alarge fish found mainly

inthe seas near Madagascar. ItwWas thotightto be EXTINCT Until one was discovered in 1938.

COel'iac disease

(Br6(NAmEceliac disease ) /siaizek

drzi:z/ nouwm[uU] adisease in which sb cannot DIGEsTfood

(= break it downin theirbody)because theirbody is very Sensitive to GLUTEN (三 aPROTEIN that is found in wHEAT) COeljl:uro:saur /srljoeresox(r)/ moun asmall thin DINOSAUR With long; front legs, that is thought'to be the ANCESTOR Ofbirds

CO:eTrCe /KeU'sis; NA1hEKkoU'aTs/ve 岂 一sb (into sthyinto doing sth) (jprmal) toforce sb to do sth byusing threats: [VN] They were coerced into mnegotiating asettlermmenE [also VNto inf]

CO-erCciofm /keog's:Jn; NAImEKkoU'srsn/ 7iouwm [U] (7rman the action ofmaking sbdo sththattheydonotwantto do, using force or threatening to use force: He clairmed he had OPmly acted under coercio7. CO:eFFCiyve ,/keU's:sIV; NAmE koU'3xrSIV/ adj (formalj Using force:or the threat of force: coercive measures7 Powers


/keoixvl; NMmEkou-/ adj (Jormal)~ (with sth) (of

two ormorethings)havingthe same age ordate oforigin: The industry 让 coeyal With the comnstructiom of 雪e 让rst FaQilways.

CGO:GX:ist /keUrig'zIst; NAmE kov-/ vemb [V] ~ (with sb/sth) (jormal/)to existtogether in the samePplace or atthe same time,, especially 记 a peaceful way: The imess 广eqUeratly COeXists With other chronic diseases. 2 E18Lish speakers 7OW cOexXist peaeejiily With 雪 eir SpaTish-speaking meighnDours. CDifferenttraditiorls cOexistSUCcessfuly Side by side. CO-eXistemce /keuIg'zIstens; NA/mE kou-/ nouUn [U] the state ofbeing together in the same place atthe same time: to liye in Uneasy/PDeaceful coexistemce Withinmone mnation C. Of E。/ sizev 安/ abbr Church ofEngland 一see also CE



/kofi; NAmEkor-; ka:-/ noun

1 [u,C] the ROASTED seeds (called coffee beans) of a tropical bush; a powder made from them: decajffeinated/instaritt coffee 2 Sround/real coffee c ajar of co HecablendoFBrazilian and Colombian coffees eccoffee ice cream

也 [U] a hot drink made from coffee Powder and

boiling water. It may be drunk with milk and/or sugar added: plack/white coffee (= without/with milk) ceTea orcofjfee? CTUjastmake the coffee. ceLets talk over coffee (= While drinking coffee) 3 [qq a cup of coffee: Two strong black coffees, Please- 双 -[U] the colour of coffee Imixed with milk; lightbrowmnIEr See WAKEY

| aoigo (B/月 上 oa go(Mm 有 | or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ve pure

coffee bar

288 |

'coffeebarrovn 下 (BrE)(also 'coffee shopNAmE BrE)a Place, sometimes in a store, train station, etc., where yoU cam buy coffee, tea,other drinks without alcohol and Sometimes simple meals 2 (NAmB) a Small Testatirant

that sells special sorts of coffee and cakes

Coffee breaknoun a short period ofrest when you stop WwWorking and drink coffee: to hayeacoffee breaK 'Ccoffee cake 7ovr (Nm a small cake with melted Sugar on top that People eat With coffee Coffee essemcenoun [U] (BrE) athick liquid made 位om coffee, which often contains CHICORY (Coffee housemovn 1 a restatirant Serving cofiffee, etc., especially one ofa type Popular in Britain in the 18th century or one in a city in Central Europe: 纺 e coffee houses of Vienna 2 (NAmm 有 arestaurant Serving coffee, etc. where People go to listen to mltsic, Poetry, etc.

coffee imachine movn 1 = COFFEE MAKER 了字 a machine that you Ptitt coins in to geta cup of coffee

coffee maker(also 'coffee machine "ov a small

Iachine for making cups of coffee 一Picture c> CAFETIERE Coffee morning"oun (BrE) a social event held in the Imorning, often at a person's house, Where Inoney is sually given to helpa charity-

Coffee shopoun a small restaurant, often in a store, hotel, etc:,, Where coffee, tea, other drinks without alco-

hol and simple food are served coffee tableovn a small low table for putting magaZines; cups, etc. on, USsually in frontof a SOFA. coffee-table

booknouwnr a large'expensive book con-

COf .finm /ofimm; NAmE koxfm/ (especialy BrE) (NAmE usually cas.kKeth 1oumn a box in which a dead body is buried

IE see NAIL1:

[Dr acog inthe ma'chine/'wheel (infor

Imal)apersonwhoiis asmallpartof alarge organization coigent /eud5eant;i NAmmE ou-/ adj (Jormal) strongly and clearly-expressed in aijway that influences what people believe EN CONVINCING: She puUtJorwarad sormme

coOSent Teasois Jor abandoning the Plan,


/kseud5ensi; NAmE kou-/ nouUn [U] co.gentiyady

COgitate/ kopdsrtert; NAmE 'ka:d5-/ verb [V] 二 (about/on sth) (formal) to think carefully about sth :cogitation /kopd5rterfmn; NAmE ka:d5-/nouwm [EU;G coO.Enac/konjsk; NAmE koun-/ MoU1T [UG atypeof fine BRANDY made in western France 了 [C aglass ofco-

gnac a NAmEKa:g-/ adj ,noun having the same origin as another Word orlanguage: 人 aus" 识 German is cogniate Withn 人 ouSe” 太 English CeGermtan and Dutch are cognate IamnguaSes. 2 (1jormal) related in some way and therefore similar: a coO8gTtate deyeloprmentt 证0OU1 (1m8gUwistics) a Word that has the same Origin as another: 人 aus7 and 包oUuse ”are cogmnates. COE:ni'tion/kpgmrfn; NAmEka:g-/ mou1m:[U] (psychology) the process bywWhich knowledge and Understanding is deVveloped 记 the mind

赴 @ 1 1 人/nguistics)

COE:.nmi'tiyve/kpgnaetrv;i NAmE ka:g-/ adj [usually before noun] connected with mental Processes of understanding:achildscognitiye deyvelopmente cogmnitiyve psychology Cog:ni.zamce (BrE also -isamec@-/kpgnrIzans; NAmE acg-/ nouPm [Lu] (万rmaj) knowledge' or understanding of



下 ffalls

| gget

Co.gmos'centi/konjajenti; NMAmE an/ nown [pl] the cognoscenti (人 om /io1lam 如rmal) People with a lotof knowledge about aparticular Subject

cogWheel NAmE





mounm a wheel with a series of teeth on the edge that fit between the teeth on the _next wheel and catuse 直Lito move

corhabit NAmmE


/kaeu'haebrt; verb


(with sb) (名rmaji(usually ofaman anda woman) to live together and have a Sexual relationship “without being married co-


terfn; NAmE




[J co.-here/kaeohieG); NAImmE kouUhir/ vem [V] ~ (with

| mhato

sprocket wheel

sth) (fjormal) 1 (of differ ent ideas, arguments, sentences, etc.) to have a clear 1o年cal connection so that together theymake awhole: This View does not cohere With 纺 eir other beliefs. 了2 (of People) towork closelytogether:

巧canmn pe difficultto getagroup of

co.herence/keohrerens; NAmEKkoumhrr-/ noun [U] the Situation in which all the parts of sth fittogether well: THe points yoU Take are Fnei put the whole essay lacks coher

ence, [ora INCOHERENCEI co-her-enmt/kseo'hraerent; NAmEKkou'hrr-/adj. 1 (ofideas, thoughts,arguments,etc:) logical and well organized; easy to Understand and clear:a coherent narraiiyve/ac-

coumt/explartatior ca coherent policy for the transport System 了 2 (of aperson)j'able'to talkand express yorself clearly: She omly pecarme coherenit again bwo hours after the


COE/kDg; NAmE kd:g/ HOUT Tone of a series of teeth on theedge ofawheelthatfit between theteeth on the next wheel and cause it to move 一Picture 只 COGWHEEL 也


sth (low) to understand Or consider sth; to take notice of > :Sth

People to cohere.

taining imany Pictures- or photographs, that is designed for People to look through rather than toread carefully Cof.fer /kbfe(GD; NAmE kof;i kaf/novn 1T[Calarge Strong box, used in the pastfor storing moneyorvaluable objects 2 (also cof.fer9 [pl.] a way:of referring to the moneythata government an Organization, etc.has available to spend: .The nationss coffers are empty:


sth COg:nizant -FEsamtacdj [notbeforenoun]:cosmizant of the imiportance of the case [IE take cosnizance of


卢 cohefentlyady

co.he.sion /keohi:zn; NAmE Koo-/ noun [U] 了 (orma1h the act or state of keeping together UNITY: the copheSiorl of the nuclear formnily c socialIApoliticalAecomomaic cohesiom 了 (physics,chemistry) the force causing MOLECULES of the Same Substance to stick togetherT Co-he.sive /keohi:sIv; NAmEKkou-/.adj. (Jormal 1Tforming aunited whole: a cohesive group 2 causing people or things to become United: tre cohesive power ofshared suv太 Jering 2 Well-structured senterces i1Ustrating the Use of COhesiye marKkers SUChR as 9ieyertheless and howWeye记 co-

he:siveness1ou1m [U] co:hoit /keohoxt; NAmE 'kouhoxrt/ noum [C+sing./pl. v] 1 (technmicaojh a group ofpeople who share acommon feature or aspect of behaviotr: the 1229 Birth cohort (= all thoseborn in 1999) 2 (disapproving) a member of a group of people who support another person: Ropinsom and Pis cohora Were soon ejected 廊om the haLL COif.fure /waz: 有 5aCD); NAmE -or/ noun (from Fench, Jormal or humorous) the way in which a person's hair is



CO训 /kom/ ve 心 ,noun

目 Ye 几 一(sth) round,around, etc, sth | ~ (sth) up to wind into a Series of circles; to make sth do this: [V 二 qdvy P1eD] The Snake coiled TD, ready to Strike. C Mist coiled arourtd the tops of the hills. CT[VN] to coila rope into a Loop 一picture 吃 KNOT: Her hair was coiled om iop of her jhead. eacoiled Spring 让 1]OU1 1 aseries of circles formed by winding Up alength of rope, wire, etc.:Qcoilofwire 了 one circle ofTopey Wire, etc. in asSeries: Shake 轨 erope and let the coilsiunwind oa Siakes coiks 3 alength ofwire, wound into circles, that can carry electricity 4 = IUD

| k cat

| mleg

| mman

| manow





/kormy/ noun, verb

四 moOum 了 [G assmall flat piece of metal euro coin 一picture c MONEY 了 [U] Imetal: notes and coin Im see SIDEm., 是 Verp [VN] 1 to invent a new word or

used as money: a money made of TWO phrase that other

People then_ begin to use: The term caradboard cib” was coined to describe comrmuTlities of homeless People Living 训 cardboard boxes. 了 to make coins out of metal [mr be coining it (in) | be ,coining 'money (BrE mormah te earn alot of money quickly or easily RAKE IN to coin a'phrase used to showthat you are aware that you are using an expression that is not new: Oh wellL mo Tewsisgoodmews, tocoimnaphrase. 2 usedtointroduce a well-known expression that you have changed slightly in order tobe funny coin:-age /kormrids/ no007 T [U] the coins used in a particular place or ata particular time; coins of a Particular type: Romnart -coinage 2 SoldsSilver/Dbrorze coinage 了 [U] the system of money used in a particular coUntry: decirmal coinage 3 [CU] a word or phrase that has been invented recently; the process of inventing a word-or Phrase: mnew coimnages

coin box nouvn(BrE, old训shiopned) apublictelephone that yotu Put coins in te operate

CO:in'cide /keom'said; NAmE Koo-/ vemb [V] ~ (with sth/ sb) Ti(oftwo or more events) to take Place at the Same tiinme: 开SaDiby our 好ipsto New Jork dontt coincide. The S 厅ie Was 丰 7mied to icoincide With 坊 e Darty comference. 2 (ofideas, opinions; etc.) to bethe same Or very Similar: The interests of empioyers and employees do PofE aways coincide. C Her story coincided exactly Witph jher brotherS: 3 (jormal) (of ,objects or Places) to meeti:to share the Same Space: Atthis Doint the two patphs coincide priefty THe Dresenit pos 让OP of 切 e Pouse coimncides With thatof am earlier dwelling.

co-in'cidence /keo'imsrIdens;NAmEkoo/ ou 了 [CU] the fact of two things happening at:the same tme' by chance, in _a surprising Way: Ga strangSe/art extraordimary/Aa remarkapbie coincidence c Whata coincidemncelT Wasnit expectintg to See yoU here. C Es not a coincidence

that momne of 切e directors are Women.( 三 让 did not happen bychance). C By (sheer) coincidence, TTmetthe person Wed Deen discussing 急 emnextday 只 note atLUCK 了 2 [sing.] (Jor jpal)the factofthings being present at the same time: 妨e coipncidemnce of 识 fJation and Unmemployment 3 [sing.] (Wo /majl) the fact oftwo or more opinions, etc. being the same: Gcoimnciderice of 训 terests between the twOPartners

Co-in:cident /keoimsrdent; NM7mEKou-/ ad 太一 (with sth) (jormal)happening in the same Place or atthe saime time


/kelmsrdqent NAmE koo-/ adj,[not

usually before noun] happening by chance; not planned:T 50UDDose YOUF Dreseice jhere today 东 not enttirely coimncidentaL 2 Js purely coincidental that we po 雪 chose to

call our daughters Emma. ez coincidentally /teli/ adv: Coincidentallyw they jad botp studied 总 Par5. COir

/orIeG)/ moun

[U] rough material made from the

shells of CocoONUTS, used for making ropes, for covering 捍oors, etc. CO-iLUS /ortas; keoItes;NAImEkou-/ Own LU] (medicoior jormal) =SEXUALINTERCOURSE

coitusinterruptus /kortasImte'TAptes; KaeUrtes; NAmE



Cola /keola; NAmE koula/ noum Tu,G a sweet brown, FIZZY drink (=`*with bubbles) that does not contain alcohol. Its fiavour comes from the'seeds of a W African tree and other substances. 2-[C a glass,can cola 一see also COCA-GCOLA, COKE


or bottle of

/上AlsandaGD); NAmE KGL/ moun a metal or

Plasticbowlwith alotofsmall holes in ib usedfor DRAINING water from Vegetables,etc. after washing or cook-

iDg 一Picture 全 XITCHEN cola mut (also'kola nut) moun the seed of the cola tree, thatcan be chewed or made into a drink Colcan:nonm /kolkzsenen; NAmE kacl-/ moun [U] an Irish OF Scottish dish made from potatoes and CABBAGE

Caldj 0

/ksuld; NAmEkould/adj ;noun, azdv

四 Gd Cold.ericold:est) *1LOW TEMPERATURE 站 having a lower than Usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body: Frmm cold. Turn the heating up: etojeel/Iookcold < cold hards and Fetea coldiroormhouse ce hot atd cold Water 训 eyery room CTSnEE it cold today2 dts 广eezing cold. c to Set/turr colder cbitterty cold weathere the coldest May on record C (BrE) The Water has gome cold. 可 FOOD/DRINK 了 Q2 notheated; cooled after being cooked: a cold drinkKeEotanadcoldjfoodis ayailable 识 thecafeteria. ^ cold chicken for Lunch 有


3 (of a person) without emotion; unfriend-

ly: to give sb a cold looKAstare/Wweicome C Ber 7mmammer Was cold amd distant C He was staring at her With cold

eyes. LIGHT/COLOURS :4 seeming to lack warmth, 训n an Unpleasant way: clear cold Lighte coldgrey skies * ROUTE Snoteasyto find: The police followed the ropbers to the airportputthen the trailLWentcold. 好

cold cool 。 freezing *。 chilly .lukewarm * tepid Allthese words describe sb/sth that hasalow temperature.

cojld havingatemperature thatislowerthan usual or lower than the human body; (of food or drink) not heated; cooled after being cooked: 1m cold. TUrnsthe heainguUp SOuUtsideiLwas bitterycol cacold 太 wind es hotand cold watereyts cold chicken 如 runch. Cooil (ofter approving) fairly cold, especially in a pleasant way:glongcooldrnke Wejoundacoolpliaceto 5 freezing extremely cold; having atemperature below 0? Celsius: ts gbsoluitely 1reezing OUtside. 21m 1reezingl cpilly (rotheripjforma too coldto be comfortable: 8mng gcogt EDighEtUrn cply /aier


(often disopprovings) slightly warm,

sometimesin an Unpleasant way: Her coffee was now

JUKewarrm. feipid (often disapproving) slightly warm, sometimes in an unpleasant way: 0JUg ofiepijid water LUKEWARM


om/ nouwn [0U] an act of SEXUAL INTERCOURSE in which themanrermoveshis EENIS 人 omtheWwomarmsbodybefore

Thereis really no difference in meaning or use between these words.

he EJACUIEATES, 也 order to Prevent the woman becoming Pregnant



Colkerw /keuk; NAmEKoUk/ Jou1 [GU] Uniormnal) = CocACOLA: CaPTPaye GDiet Coke?


/keok; NAmE kouk/ novn [U] T(nformah) = co-

CAINE 2 a black substance that is Prodticed from coal and btirnitto Provide heat

Col. abbe (ip writing).COLONEL: CoL SteWwart CO

/kopl; NAmEka:l/ noun (techmical) alow point between

twohigher points in a mountain range


coOl。 abbr (imwriting)coLUMN Siseer

| ttea

| van

|>w wet | zoo

站 Jshoe

| 5 vision

to be/feel ukeweeiss is to become/get/grow cold/cool/freezing/chilly to keep sth cold/cool , cold/cool/freezing/chilly air/weather acold/cool/freezing/chilly wind cold/coolfreezing/lukewarmr/tepid water acold/coollukewarmy/tepid shower/bath cold/lukewarmy/tepid tea/coffee/food acold/cool drink lbs cold/chilly/freezing outside.

tf chain

| dsjam

| ethin

| 6this

| Dising


290 | Cold-mess /keoldneas; NAmEkoold:/ ou [UTT thelacK

“TINGAMES' 6 Used in children's gamesto saythatthePer SOn playing is not close to finding'a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer


7 out


[not before noun]

Unconscious: He was Kmniocked outcold


总 切 esecomnd roumd.

* FACTS 8 the ~ facts/truth facts with nothing added to

of warm feelings; unfriendly behaviour: She was jurtzby the coldness 识 his voice. 2 theistate ofbeing cold: the icy 、

coldness of the Water Ta WARMTH

,cold- shoulderve必 [VN] to treat sb iD an unfriendly Way 一See also GIVE SB THE COLD


at COLDad/.

cold snap nounp (informajh a sudden short period of very cold Weather

make them .more interesting or pleasant 一see also COLD-

cold sore (NmEalso feveriblisten:noun a small pain-

LY, COLDNESS IE a coid 'fish a person who seems unfriendly and Without sttong emotions get/havye cold feet (pformoa/)

ful spotonthe lips orinside the mouth thatis causedbya Virus 二

to suddenly become _nervous about doing sth that you had planned to do: He was going to asKk her put he gotcold

feet and said nothing. give sb the cold shoulder (im如 广 /madjl) to treat sb ip an Unfriendly way 一see also GOLDSHOULDER in cold biood: acting in awaythatis deliber: ately cruel; with no pity: to Ki1sb icoldbloodinthecold Jight of day- when-you have had time to think calmly about sth; in themorning when things arerclearer: These things aways IooKdaifferentinthe coldlight of day leave

sb 'cold to fail to affect or interest sb: Most moderTi'art leayes mne cold pour/tbrow cold water on sth to give reasons for not being in favour of sth; to criticize sth一 more atBLOOD;BLOWY, HOT'adf/.

下 11OU1 * LOWTJEMPERATURE 1 [U] alackofheatorwarmth; alow temperature,especially in the_ atmosphere: 5e Shivered With cold. ecDoFit stanad outside' 识 te cold. c She doesrt革 seemitojfeelthe cold. e mcatchyour death ofcold (= used to warn sb they could become yeiy 鹿 iftheydomot

keep warm in cold weather).


27I[G (also /ess 1reqguehitthe ,common 'cold

[sing.]) a common

iness that affects the nose andy/or

throat making yoUcough, SNEEZE, etc.: Tye got da cold. Qpbad/AjheavyAsiight coldc to catch acold IE come in from the 'cold to become accepted orincluded 诬 a group, etc. after a period of being oiitside 让

leave sb ,outin the'cold tonotinclude sb in a group or an activity 一more at CATCHY 昌 0dv.1 (NmBsuddenly and completely: His Fnal request Stopped jher cold. 2 without preparing: Tcarttt justWwaiK 训 there cold amnd give a speech.

cold spell moun a period when the weather:is: colder than Usual

cold storage moun [U] a Place where food' etc' can De kept fresh or frozen Until it is needed; the storing of sth ip SUch aplace: (jgurative) Tyejhad to putrmmypians into cold storage (= Tve decided not to cairy them out immediatelybnut to keep them forlater).

cold store moun aroom where food, etc. canbe keptata low temperature in orderto keepitin goodicondition

Cold “sweat noun [usually sing.] a state when yoUhave SwWeat on your face or body bnut still feel cold, usually be-= cause you are very frightenedoranxious:to preakoutirmzto QcoldsweatcTWwokeupinacoldsweatabouttheinteryiew.

,cold "turkey 2oun [U] the unpleasant state that drug ADDICTS experience When they:-Ssuddenly stop takingia drug; a way of treating drug ADDICTS that makes them eXperience this state ,cold 'turkey ady:Tquitsmoking cold turKey.

cold wa


区ing5uU] (often:Cold Wan avery un-

friendly relationship between twocountries who are Iiot actually 人 ghtingieach other usuallyused about the'situation between the US and the Soviet Uiiion after the'Sac-. ond World War SS





moun a person Who studies BEETLES CoOle: 引 law /keulslo:; NAPE KoUl/ noun [U] pieces ofraw CABBAGE,carrot,onion,etc.,Inixed with MAYONNAISE and eaten with meat or salads

Coley /keuli; NAmE'kouli/ noun [CU] (p/ coley orcolays) aN'Atiantic fish that is used for food

cd 1 (of people and their actions)

Colic /kplik; NAmE Ka:lrk/ moun [lsevere pain in the

showing no feelings or pity for other people: a cold-bloodLed Killer 2 (biology) (of animals,for example fish or Snakes) having a body tempeiature that depends on the temperature of the surrounding air or watertcompare WARM-BLOODED # ,cold-'blooded4y xzdv

COl .证is /kalartrs/ noumn [u] (medical) adisease that catises collab:orate /kelabarert/ vemb [V] 1 ~ (with sb (on

,Cold- calling movn [U] the Dractice of telephoning sb

sth) | ~ (with sb) (in sthy/in doing sth) to work together

cold- blooded

that you do not know, in order to sell them sth 上 ,cold call 7iour

Cold cash noun [U] (NAm 日= HARD CASH ,Cold 'coimfort noun [U] the factthat sth thatwould nor Ially be good does not make you happy because the Whole situation is bad: A smmall drop 识 the 识jiation rate Was cold commfortjforte millions withoutajob.

cold cream

moun [u] a thick white cream that people

usefor cleaning their face or making their skin sofft 'cold cuts movn [plj] (especially NAmB) slices of cooked meat that are Served cold

coljicky ad

especially by babies

pain and swelling in the coLON (= part ofthe BOWELS)

With sb in order to prodtice or achieve sth: [V] We jhayve

collaborated oft mmamny Projects over the years. 3 She agreed to collaporate with jim 识 Writing jher biography 和 Researchers arouiid the Worlda are collabporating to deyvelop Q new yaccinle. 卫 ~ (with sb) (disapproving) to help the enemy who has taken control of your country during a War

coilab-oration /kelabsrerfna/ novun TU,d 一 (with sb) (on sth) |~ (between Aand B) the actofworking With another person or grOUP of people to create or produce sth: She wrote the book 该 collaboratiomr with one of her students. COThe goyermniment Worked iclose collaboratiom With teachers om:the new curriculum e collaboration betbWween 态e teachers and the goyermrment co下 Wasa collapor aom 坊atproduced extremely Useful results: 了 [C apiece of work produced by two or more people.or groups of

People working together 3 [U] (disapproving) the act of helping the enemy during a War When they have taken control ofyour country


/kelaebaretrV; NAmE -rertiv/ adi [onily

before rounm] (formaj involving, or done by several People or groups of People working together: collaporative proJects/studies/research 2 acollaporative effort/ventre collaborafivelyiodv


/kalasbarerte(D/ moun 1ia person who

Works with another person to create or produce sth such

工 sit | isee'| imany | pbgots (Br6 |;ox saw| | Acup | uput | utoo


asabook 2:(disopproving) aperson who helps the'enemy


ip a war When they have taken control of the persom's

country CoOl.iage /kold:5; NmE kaela:s/ noun 1 [ud the art of

Collard greenms /koldd grimnz; NAmE kazlard/ nown

Imaking 'a Picture by sticking Pieces of coloured paper, cloth; or photographs onto a Surface; a picture that yoU Imake by:doing this 2 [G acollection of things,which Imaybe similar ordifferent: an 识 terestimnrg collage of 19605

Colate /kelett/ verb [VN] 1 to collect information to-

SOT18sS Colagem

[pl] (NAm 有 = KALE CoOl-Iar-less /koplales; NAmE kazlerleas/ adj. with no collar: acollarless SPhirt gether from different Sources in order to examine and compare it: to collate dataXinformatiomrxfigures 2 to collect pieces of paper or the pages of a book, etc. and

/Kolod5en; NAmE kazl-/ moun [U] a PROTEIN

found in skin and bone,sometimes


into the

arrangetheraisthe correct order > colLlation /alerfmn/

body, especially the face, to improve its appearance: coLIagen injections COl-[Pp-sar /ke]laepsa:(r)/ moun (astronomy) an old star thathas collapsed Under its own GRAVITY



moun [U]: the coliation of 如forrmma 右om

CoOl-fat-eral /ka]laeterel/ OUm, dl 四 IOUm [U] (jnamnce) Property or sth Valuable that you Promise to give to sb 让 you cannot Pay back money that youborrow 理 gdlj. (jmmalj) connected with sth else, but in addition to 放 and less important: colIateral bemnefits 2 THe goverTmentt

/kalaeps/ ve贱,1OUn

下 VE * OF BUILDING 人 [V] tofall down orfallin suddenly,often after breaking apart GIVE WAY: The roof collapsed Unmder the Weight of snow. >* OF SICKPERSON .2 [V] to fall down (and usually become Unconscious), especially because you are Very ill/sick: He

denied that there had peemn apny collateral damage (= 记Djuryto ordinary people or buildings) during the pommping raid.


collapsed in the street amd died two hours Iater RELAX 3 [V] (njformalj)to sit orlie down and relax, especially after working hard: WhenmTgethomeTIiketo collapse on the so名 aid Listemtto 7mUSIC. 是 FAIL 4 [v] to fail suddenly or completely BREAK DOWN: TaIKks Detfweet 7mma7uaSgement and Uniomns jaye coOLIapsed. AII opposihom to 切 ePlanm has collapsed. 理 OF PRICES/CURRENCIES 5 [V] to decrease suddenly iD amotntor value: Share Prices coOIIapsed aer news of poor tradimng 万gures. 理 FOLD 6 tofold sth jinto ashapethatusesless Spacei to be able to be folded in this way FEOLD UP: [V] Thne table collapses foreasy storasge. [alsoVN] 币 MEDICAL 7 [v VN] 计alung or BLOOD VESSEL collapses or is collapsed, it falls in and becomesflat andempty


OFBUILDING 2 [U] the action ofabuilding suddenly falling: The WalNB Were Stremngthened to Protect 轨 ermm 方om COLIapse. IELLNESS 3 [U,C usually sing] a medical condition when a person suddenly becomes very 也 /sick, or when sb falls because they are jll/sick or weak: a state of merttalI/merVous collapsec She wastaken to hospital after her collapse at WO 大. OFPRiICES/CURRENCIES 4 [Cusuallysing.] asudden fall in Value: the collapse of share Prices/the dollarAthe market

COl -iaps- 训 le /kalzepsebl/ adji. that can be folded flat or madeintoasmaller shapethatuses less Space: Q collapsbIe chnair/boat/Abicycle

COLTar /olaCD); NAmE Ka:l-/ noum, ve 内 下 IOU1 了 the partaround the neck ofa shirt, jacket Or coat thatusually folds down: acoat with a 包 rcolarcTturned UP my collar against 切e Wind (= to keep Warm). 2 Fe alWays Wears a collar amd fie jor WorK. 一Picture 吕 PAGE

RiI5 一see alsO





COLLAR, WING COLLAR 了 aband of leather or Plastic Put around the neck of an animal, especially a dog: a coliar

artd Iead/leashn 3 (technico1l) a band made of a Strong material that is put round sth, such as a pipe or a piece

of machinery, to make it sttronger or to join two Parts together II see HOTOad/.

得 ye凡 [VN] (informaj) Tto capture sb and hold them tight-

from you: Police collared the ly so that they cannot escape 人 culpritas he was leaying the prermmises. 了 to stop sb 训 order to talk to them: TWwas collared 六 轨e street DY Q WOTmaTL doimng QSUTYEY:

coOlLiarbone /kolabaon; NAmE'kazlerboun/ nouUn either

ofthe two bonesthat go from the base of the neck to the


u actual

| army

CLAVICLE 一picture 此 BODY

| ao now

| er say

| so go (Br


/kelekt/verb, adj; adv

type and keep them as ahobby: to coltect starmps/Ppos上 tcards, etc. 一See:-also STAMP COLLECTING * OFPEOPLE 3 [V] to come together in one placeto form a larger group GATHER: A crowd begant to collect 矶 万ontof the embassy. * INCREASEIN AMOUNT 4 to gradually increase ip amotnt in aplace; to gradually obtain more and more of sth in a Place ACCUMULATE: [V] Dirt had collected 训 切e co 六 mers of the roo1m. Ce [VN] We seemm to haye collected ar emno产

such as an institution,,a business Or a _course of action: the collapse of Iaw amd order 碎 妇e area C The peace talks Were on the verge of collapse.

/pli:g; NAmE az:-/ oun

看 VE 有 * BRING TOGETHER 站 [VN] ~ sth (from sb/sth) to-bring things , together from different people or Places GATHER: to collect data/evidemnce/information Weyre collecting signatures fjor Q petition. C Samples Were collected 矿om ovyer 200 patient. cnote OnDextpage As HOBBY 2 [VN] to buy or find things of aparticular

colLiapsed oadj: collapsed buildings Cacollapsed inyes TentpankCacollapsed LIU7g 画 .0OU1 玉 FAILURE 了 [cusually sing.,U] a-sudden failure of sth,


aperson that yoU Work with, especially in a profession or abusiness: a colleague of 7mine 方0Om the ofice 2 We Were 广iends ald colleagues for mnore 雪 a7i 20 years. 2 the PTme Mimnister amd his CQbinet colleagUes

7nous mumzber of boxes (= Without intending to). ceTPat guitars peen sitting collecting dust (= not being used) Jor years now. * TAKE AWAY 5 [VN] ~ sb/sth (fromi... ) to go somewhere 识 order to take sby/sth away: What aay do they collect the TUbbishLgarbage?eThepackageiWaitingto becollected. 和 (BrE) Shes gonmte to collect her so 万oma School



(sth) (for sth) to ask people to give you

money for a particular Purpose: [V] Were collecting Jor local charities. Ce[VN] We collected oyerE300jforthe appeaL 7 [YN] to _obtain the money,etc.

that Sb Owes,, for ex-

ample by going to their house to get it: to colIect renat/ depts/tax 上 RECEIVE/WIN 8 to receive sth; to win sth: [VN] She coLLected E25000 im co0计penisatiom to collectaprizea medal [alsoV] IEIJ collect yourselfryour thoughts 1 to try to control your emotions and become calm: 7rmm 太ne 一 [Justmeed aminute to collect7myseF 2 to prepare yourself mentally for sth: She paused to collect her thoughts before entering 一"up to bring toCollect sth< 态e interview roo7m. getherthings that are no longer being used: Would sormebody collectup all the dirty glasses?

下 0dj. (NAmB (of a telephone call) paid for by the person

Who receives the call: to maKke a collect call 一see also RE-


ColIect qdv: to callsb collect

collect-able (alsocol.Iect'ible)/kelektebl/ adj: worth collecting because it is beautiful or may become valuable

pe collectable-(alsocollectible )noun [usually plj] Collected /kelektrd/ o 四了 [not before noun] very calm

andin controlofyourself: She always stays cooL camuartd collected 训 a crisis. 了 一works, papers, poems, etc, all

| ou go (MAm日 | orboy

| re near

| ee hair | 5e pure


292 |

the booksi etc. written by one author published in ome book or ip a set

SYNONYMS collect Sather 。 accumulate * run sth up 。amass

These words all meanto get more of sth over a period of time, orto increasein quantity over a period of time collectto bringthingsor information togetherfrom different people or places; to gradually increase in amountin a place: Weve peen collectiing daiao om

often'for a particular season: 477Tmiamis stummn 训 gmeWw au记 7mmz collectiom

coOl.lect'ive/Kelektrv/ adj ,noun -Gil [usually before noun] 1 done or shared by all memz bers ofa group ofpeople; involving awhole group or society: collective, Leadersjhip/decisiomn-making/resDomSipility 2 collectiye memiory (= things:that a group of people or a commtunity know or remember that are often passed from parents to children) 2 used to referto all members of a group: The coliectivye_ name jpor mast Doom and saiks on a boat is 妇 e 9ig” collectivelyodv: the collectively agreed rate C_We jhaye jhad a successfiui Jeap Dot collectiyely and individually ee raim snow a7id

jai collectively Known as Precipitatiom (= as a group) BmOun a grOUP ofpeople who own abtsinessorafarmand ITunittogether; thebusiness thattheyrun: am ideperndent collective majking 万Imms for televisiom

Ya1ous soUrces ceDithadcollected mthecornersofthe room. People sometimes collect thingsofa particulartypeasa hobby: io colect stam5ps. Satherto bring things togetherthat have been spread around; to collect information from different sources: / Waited while he gathered up his papers. Detectives haoyve spent months gathering eyidence. COLLECT OR GATHER?


farms, owned by the government andTun bya group of People

moun movn (gramman a singular notun,

SUuch as com/mittee or ieam,that refers to a group of people, animals or things and, in British English, can be used with either a singular or a pltiral verb. In American English it mustbe used with a singular verb.


un'conscious moun

[sing.] (psychology)

the part of the unconscious mind that is thought to be shared with other humans because it is passed from gen-

eration to generatioin 、 col:lect'iv'ism /kelektrvrzzem/: movn [U] the political System in which all farms, businesses and industries are ownedbythe government orby allthe people iv.istzdf/. 号

runm sth upotherimnjormnalhtoallowabill debtorlossto

上 collect-

collectiv'ize(B/E also -ise /kelektrvazzj verb [VN]

reachalargetotal: Shehad7unupaHhuigephonepi 丰 Runup is nearly always used with 5 deptor

[often passive] to join several Private farms, industries, etc. together so that they are controlled by'the communityor bythe government > collectivizationp -isation /kaejlektrvar'zeIfm; NAmmE:va'Zz-/ 7OUm TU


aimass(gherjormajto collect sth in large quantities, especially money, debts or information: He amasseda Jortunerom silver7mmining.

collect'or /kelekteCD)/,


T (especially 远


pounds) a person Who collects things, either as a hobby or as ajob: astamzp collector




之 the chiefofficer of a district in some S Asian cotintries

苇0 collectygatheraccumulate/amass data/evidence/ information

collect'or'ate/kelekteret/ noun 1 (in some S Asian

屋 0 acCumulate/run Up/amass debts 车O accCumulate/run up losses

countries) the area Under the authority of a coLLECTOR 2 the office in which a coLLECTOR is based

三 0acCumulate/amass afortune

collectors itemwoun athingthatis valuedbecausei

Dirtydust/debris collects/gathers/accumulates:

is Very old or rare, orbecause it has some Special interest

不0 gradually/slowily collect/gatheraccumulate/amass sth

Colleen/kolimn; NmE kazl/ noun T (nsh6l a girl or young woman

CoOllec:tion 0 吉/keiekhna/7oun * GROUP_ OF OBJECTS/PEOPLE 了 [ a group of objects, often of the same sort, that have been collected: a StaTmmp/coin, etc. collection 2 The painting co7ies 广om Pis priyate collectiom. 也 [C] a group of objects or People: THhere Was Qa collection of books amnd shoes ori 纺e Jioor There 1 always a stramnge collection of runners 识 the Lo dom Mara 妨om


[u] discussions be-

collective 'farm noun a large farm, oraa group of collective

Both collect and gather can be used in the same wayto talk about bringingtogether data, information or evidence. When talking aboutthings, gatheris used with Words like 友bjngs, belomgings or papes when thethings arespread around within ashort distance. Collect isused forgetting examples of sth from different people or places that are physically separated. accumulate(1atbherjormajhto gradually get more and more of sth over a period oftime; to gradually increase in numberorquantityovera period oftime : fseem to haveaccurmulateda lotofbooks e Debis began to GCCU1mUlate.

'bargaining "ou

tween a TRADE/LABOR UNION and :an employer abonut the payand working'conditions ofthe union members

[CU] an actoftak-

2 agirl or young woman from Ireland

col.lesge 0 /上 plld5; NAmE azlL/ moun 1 [Gu (often ip names) (in Britain) a place where students go to study or to receive training after they have left school: a college of 包 rther educationm (= Providing

education and training for people over 16) Ce asecretarial college c the Royal College of Art ca coliege couTseX 丰 Drary/student c Shes at college 一see . also COMMUNITY

COLLEGE(1),SIXTH-FORM COLLEGE 2 [CuU] (often 雇 names) (in the US) a univetsity where students can Study for a degree after theyhave left school: Carletom CollegeC

ipg sth away from a Place; an act of bringing things together into one Place: refuse/garbasge collectiort ecThe last collectiom 方omm tis postpox 1 at 5.75.e Zur suit w 这 pe ready Jor collection on Tuesday C The 万TSt Stage 训 .7eSearch is data collectiom. 一compare PICKUP * POEMS/STORIES/MUSIC4 [G a group ofpoems, stories or pieces ofmusic pubjlished together as one book or disc: a coliectiom of stories by Women Writers

JeaT. 一See also COMMUNITY COLLEGE(2) 3 [Cu (Con 日a

*MONEYS [G an act of collecting moneytohelpa charity or during a church service; the moneycollected: a horise-

College, Cambridge

to-jhouse collection Jo7F Camncer Research c The total collection lastWeeKk amtotTited to 250. * NEWCLOTHESG [C] a range of new:clothes or items for the home that are designed; made and:offered for Sale,

b bad

| ddid


| gget

| ahat


Qa college carmpsZstudent 2 a private college C Fe 8gOL interested 训 politics when he was 训 College. 2 Shes away atcollege in California c Hesjhopingto So to college Piext

Place where you can study for higher or more specialist qualifications after you finish high school 4 [CU] one of the-separate institutions that some British universities,

Such as Oxford and Cambridge, are divided into: KimngsS

dents live

识 college

ceatour of Oxford Colleges 有 Most Stu-

5 (in the US) one of the main diz

jsions of some large Universities: The Pistory departmentt z Dart of the CollegeofArts anid Sciences 6 [c+sing./pl.v] the teachers andyVor students of a college 7 [q (especially in namesi-in-Britain and some other countries) a


| lieg

| mman

| mnow

| p pen

| rred

SECONDARY SCHOOL, especially'one where you mustpay:

FEtom College 8 [C] (usually ininames) an orgamiized group of professional people with special interests, iduties or Powers: the Royal College of Physicians c the Armnericarn CoLlege of Cardiology 一see also ELECTORAL COLLEGE

CoOl.jo-catiom /kolakerfmn; NAPmE ,Kal/ own (1ingwistics) 1 [q acorniEiaationofwordsinalanguage,thathappens Very often and more frequently than*would happen by

chance: 人esoundimng SuUccess?and Crying shame?areEmngiish collocations.

号 WiIiting

col.le.gi.ate /keli:dsiet/ adj/. -1 relating to a college or its students: collegiate 1克 2 (Br6 divided into a number of colleges: a collegiate UPmiyersity

collesgiate 'institutemoun (in somepartsofCanada) a public high school

T if two

People, vehicles, etc. collide, they crash into each other; iaperson, vehicle, etc. collides with another or with sth that is not moving, they crash into it: THhe car ad the yam collided head-om 碎 tick fjog. c The car collided Phead-om Witph te yam COAs he 帮 有L Pis head colliided with the taple.

了 ~ (with sbj (over sth) (Jormah) (of

People,their opinions,etc.) to disagree strongly: They TeSgularly collide oyer Policy decisio7ls. 一See also COLLISION Col.lider /kelaidqeG)/ nown (phpysics) a machine for makcipg two streams of PARTICLES Imove at 0 Speed and crash into each other col.lie /koli; NAmE'Kazli/ movn a dog of which there are several types. Those with long Pointed mnoses and long thick hair are Popular as pets. Smaller collies with shorter hair are often trained to help control sheep on a farm.

CO 和.Iier / 区plia(r);, NAmE Kal-/ own

卫 (old-jsjionedh,

especially BrE) = COAL MINER 了 aship that carries coal

Colliery /Koliari; NAmE az-/ OUP (PN -ies) (BrE) a coal mine with its buildings and equipment CoOl.iigate/ 0 NAmE'a:l-/ verb [v VN] ~(with sth) | ~sth (with sth)1 (rmaj) 填 two ideas, facts, etc. colligate, or arecolligated,theyarelinkedtogetherbyasingle explanation Of theory 了 (/)mgUwistics) 证 two words colligate, or are colligated, they occur together and are linked by grammar col.li:sion /Ke'lrsn/ movn [CU] ~ (with sb/sth) | ~ (be-

tween/ofAand B) 1 an accidentin which two Vehicles or People crash into each other: acollisiom petweert two trains CStewartWwas 夸 记redimnacollision Witn another playern 2a head-onm collisiort (三 between two vehicles that are ImovipPg towards each other) cea mmid-air collision (= between two aircraft while they are flying) CeBis car was 训 colLsiomr with anotorbike. 2 (jrmaj) astrong disagreement between two people orbetween opposing ideas, Opinions, etc.; the meeting of two things that are Very different: Q collisiom between to opposing points ofyiew cjais wor We see 如e collisiomn of to different traditors IE be on

aicol'lision course (with sby/sth) 1 to be in asituation Which is almost certain to catuse a disagreement Or argument:TWwas on acollisiom course Withn my boss Ooyer the Sales figures. 2 tobe moving in adirection in Which it is likely

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| J shoe


pe colloquially



daughiterisatuniversiby In NAmEyou cannot use university or college in this way. You use it with a or thetomean aparticular university or College: 1 did Wanttogotio alaorgewnivyersity

[V] ~ (with sth/sbj

了 [U] the fact of two or more words often

being used togethen in a way that happens more frequentlythan would happen by chance: Adyarced sbudents Tieed to pe aware of the importance of collocatio7 col.lo-aquial/kalaukwisl; NMAmE-lou-/ adj. (ofwords and language)j Used in conversation but not ip formal spPeech

站 In BrEyou cansay: MydausghierisatcollegecMy


that you Will crash into sbysth: A giant iceberg Was On ia collisiom course With the ship.

Bitter ”and tears'collocate, collo.cate /上plekaet; NAImE 下 az-/ ownm: 嘿itter? aad tears? are collocates.

有 In both BrEand NAmEacollegeisa place where you can gotostudy afteryou leavesecondary school. In Britainyou can gotoa collegeto study or to receive trainingin aparticular skill. In the USAyou can study foryourfirst degree at a college.A university offers more advanced degreesin addition to first degrees. BIn NAmEcollegeisoften usedto mean a university, especiallywhentitalkingabout people who are studying fortheirfirst degree. The is not used when you are talking aboutsomeone studying there: My son jpas gonmeqwWay io college. ec:Whjheredidyougotocolese2: Ohio siate Oniversiby

只 note at CRASH


col:lo:cate /kolekert; NAmE'ka:l-/ ve 几 [V] (nguwistics) 一 (with sth) (of words) to be often used together in a language: Bitter collocates With 4ears: but Sour” does noLE

college . university

coOl:lide /kelard/ vem


collo:qui:al:ism /kelsoukwielrzzem; NAmE-1ou-/ OUn a word or phrasethat is Used in conversation but not 记 forImal Speech or writing colIo:quiumi /kaeleokwism; NAmE -lo0-/ OU (5 collo:quia /Keleokwis; NAmE-1ou-/) aformal academic SEMINAR Or Conference

coOllo.quy /kkplakwi; NMAmE kal-/ noun (P1 -ies (Jormal aiconversation

collude/ksluzd/ vemb[V] 一 (with sb) (in sth/in doing sth) | 一 (with sbj;(to do sth) (formal, disapprovingj to worktogether secretly or jllegally 记 order to trick other people: Seyeral People hnaad colluded in the murader CThey colluded With terrorisz5 to oyerthrow 轨e goyveT7Timen

col.lu.sion /kelu:sn/ noun [U] (如mmac/ disapproving) secret agreementespecially in order to do sth dishonest OF to trick People: The Police Were corruUpta7id were Operating im collusiom With 妨 e drug dealers. C There Was collusionm Detweemthe bwo Witnresses (= they gavethe same false eVi-

dence). e collusive/kelu:sIv/ ad/. Colly-wolb,bles /kpliwpblz; NAmE kaliwa:-/ 0oumns[pl]

(old-1joshioned, BrE informal) 1 a nervous feeling ofifear and worry 2 apain in the stomach

Colo.bus /kknplabes; NAmE 'kal-/ (also 'colobus monkey) 0oun a small African MONKEY With a long tail; that eats leaves Co'logne /kelaun; NAmE keloun/- (also eau de cologne)moun [U] atype of lightPERFUME Colon /kaeolen; NAmEkoo-/ no Tthe mark (:) used to introduce alist asummary, an explanation, etc. orbefore reporting What Sb has -said 一compare SEMICOLON 2 (amatomy) the main part of the large INTESTINE (三 part of the BOWELS) 一Picture c> BODY

Colonmel /sml; NAmEksa:rmnl/ moun (gbbr col) an oficer of high rank in the army, the MARINES,oOF the US AIR FORCE: ColonelLJim Edge

Colonel Blimip "ovn =BLIMP Colonel general 0v1 an officer 训 charge of all the REGIMENTS of an army





HONORARY head of a REGIMENT in the British armyY co.lo.mial /keleonial; NMAmE-loo-/ adj., moun 上 Gdj. 1 connected with or belonging to a country that controls another coOUntry: Q colomial powWer C Tumisia acjiieyved 识depeidemnce 廊om Rench colomiial ruUle im 7956.

TWresternm colomial attitudes 一see alsoO COLONY Colonial

typical of or connected

time when 让 was still a British COLONY: 1这 丰77ies 目 OU1

2 (often

with the US at the

a person Who lives in a COLONY

总 colonial

and who comes

from the country that controls it: British colomials im mdia co:lo.ni.al:ism /keleonielizem; NAmE -loo-/ noun [U] the practice by which a powerful country controls an-

| 5 vision

| tfchain


| bthin

| 56this

|0 sing


294 |

other country or :other countries::Europeam colonialism 司 coJo.nmialist ad/., nown: colomialistilaws colo-mic /kelpnIk; NMmE -lam-/ adj (anatomy) connected with the COLON (= part of the BOWELSs): colomic irrigation (= the process ofwashing out the coOLON with Water) COl-Oom-ist /kkplenrst; NAImE'kazl-/ noum aperson who settles in an areathathasbecome acCoLONY


(=thelowerpartoftheBowELs)is removed andaniopening is made in the ABDOMEN through Which the Derson can get Tid ofwaste matter from thebody EcoOlos-trum /kelostram; NMMmEzla:s:/ moun [U] the subStance prodtced in the breasts of a new mother which has a lot of ANTIBODIES Which help herbabyto resistdisease COOUIN 四 /OU1

the Wikings, 了 (biology) (of animals or plants) to live or growin large numbers in aparticular area: The slopes are colonized By 帮owering plants. C Bats jhad coloriized the

only black and white: a colour TV c colour photographyAPprinting Ca 所 11-colour brochure c Do you dream im colour? OFFAcE 3 [U] ared or pink colourin sb's face,especially When it shows that they look healthy or that they are embarrassed: The 广esh air brousht colour to their cheeKs. 2 Colour jiooded her jce when she thought of what jhad jhappened. 2 页is 如 ce Was drained of colour (= he looked pale and il). OF SKIN 4 [U,G the colour of a person's skin,, when 让 Shows the Trace they belong to: discriminatiom om the

SrOoUnds of race colDur or religion ec (especialy NAmE) a Persor/Tmnar/Womaar of colour (= whois not white) SUBSTANCE ,5 [CU].a substance that is-used to give colOUI to sth: a sermi-permaTient hair colour that 1ask Six to eight Washes 一See also WATERCOLOUR A

/kolafen; MAmE kaz:l:/ noun (iechnicaj) the

name or Symbol of a PUBLISHER Which is printed on a book

COflor (NAmE) = COLOUR:

You will find most words

formed with color at the spelling colour. Colorado 'beetle "ouwn ayellow and black insect that damages potato Plants

Col-orant (NmB) = COLOURANT

Coloration (BrEalsocolour'ation )/kAlarerfn/ nou

[U] (techpmicaj) the natural colotrs and patterns'on a Plant or an animal

COlora-tura /kolera'toere; NAImE 上 儿Alere'turae/ moum [U] (music) complicated passages for a singer for example in

OPERA: Q coloratura soprano (= one who often sings col-

oratura passages)

COlLored (Nm 日= coOLOURED COlorfast (Nm 日= COLOUR FAST COl-orful (Nm 有 = cOLOURFUL colorguard own (USs) asmall group ofpeople who CarTy official flags in a ceremony

Coloring (NmE) = COLOURING Colorist,coloristic (NmE) = coOLOURIST,COLOURISTIC

(BrE also colourize ) /kkAlararz/ vemb [VN]

(technicoh to add colour to ablack and white flm/movie, using a comptter PTocess

Col-or.iess (NAmB) = COLOURLESS Color 1ine movn (NAmE) = COLOUR BAR

Colos.sal /kelpsl; NAmE kelazsl/ adj. extremelyjlarge: a

colossal statue C The singer earTls a colossal amount of


colos.Sus /kelopsas; NmE-la:s-/ noun 了 [sing.] (forma)) aperson or thing that is extremely important or large 这 Size 乙 [G] (pjco.lossi /kelpsar; NAmE-lad:s-/) anextremelyjlarge statue


that things

太rough afoctory process Jose mmuch of their colour 刀avour and texfure.CThegardenWwasaTmass ofcolour 了 [U] (usually before another noun) the use of all the colours, not

Tuins. > COLon:izaftion,-isation /kbplenarzerfn; NAmE


了 [CU] the appearance

have that resiilts ffom the wayin which theyreflectlight. Red, orange and green are colours: Whats your joyvourite colour2CpbrigRht[darkLlightcolourscavailabiein 12 diF Jerentcolours 人 态 ecolour oftheskycFHerphairis areddisjbrown colour eto add/give/lend colour to s 态 (= make 让 brighter,more interesting,etc.) C_Foods_ which go

[VN] Ttotake control of an area or a countrythat is not You Own, especially Using force, and send people from youUr Own country to live there: The area Was colomized bpy


(5月 (NAmEcaolor )/AleGr)/ mown, veb


(BrE also -ise) /kolenarz; NAmE ka:-/ ve屿

azlena'z-/ OUn [U]: the colonization of the Wew World' ce Plant colonizationrcoLon:izer,-iser 00U1 coOlon-nade /kolameId; NAmE ka:l-/ noun a row':of Stone columns with equal spaces between them, usually SuUpporting a Ioof colon:naded /kolamerdrd; NAmE 攻 cC]-/ adf/ Colony /plani; NAmE'kaz]l-/ noun (pl-ies)1 [q acountry or an area that is governed by People from another, Imore Powerful, country: Jorrmer Brihsji colonies 了 [sing.+ sing./pl. v] a group of people who go to live permanently iD a colony 3 [C+sing./pl.v] a group of people ffom the Same place or with the same workor interests Wholivein a particular city or country or Jwho live together: the 4rmerican colony 识 Paris cean artists' colony :人4 [q (ndB) asmall town'setupbyanemployeror an organization for its workers 5 [C+sing./pl.v] (prology) a groupofplants or animals that live together or grow in the same place: a colony ofants Cabird colony


/kelpstemi; NAmE kaela:s-/ noun (Pies)

(medical) an operation in which part of a persomn's cOLON

colour shade 。 tone . hue .tint 。 tinge Allthese words describe the appearance ofthings, resulting from the way in which they Peilect light. colourcoilor theappearance thatthings have, resulting from the way in which they reflectlight Red,

green and blue are colours: Winats your jyvourite

Colour2e2 prghtadark1ght colours

shade aparticular form,of acolour especially when ; describing how lightor dark it is. Sky blueisashade of



tone aparticular shade of a colour: acarpetin warm tomes of browm and orange


Toneis often used in the plural to referto small differencesinthequality ofa colour You can say: shades

of brown but not: brewmsfHedes, and: brown tones but 周记 站 OHG5 大放7失 泌生 人人 全 局 语 局 而 隐 汪 0 动作

Pue (iteramy ortechmicoh acolourora particularshade of

acolour Msjocetookonanunhealtpy whitish hue.,



Colouris more general andfarmore frequentin

everyday language-.

fint ashade orsmallamount ofa particular colour a faint colour coveringa surface: /eaves with redand gold GUNmn zt , 于 5 tinge asmallamount ofa colour:

to hesky


功ere was a PimK nge


Thesetwowords areverysimilarwhen describingasmall amountofacolour You cansay:oreddish tintbtingeor:a tin8ge ofred but not: G#PteFred.Tintis often Usediin the plural, buttingeis almost always singular

sscat | cdfather | eten | 3: bird | a about | rsit | isee | imany | ngot (Br

| osaw | Acup

| uput | utoo

1NTERESTING DETAILS .6 LU] interesting:and excitingdetails or qualities: The old towmis 有所 11ofcolour and attracfiors CO Heraacting added warrmnth and colour to the production. 一see also LOCALCOLOUR. 多 OFTEAM/COUNTRY; ETCs :27 colounrs [pl.] the particular colours that are used on clothes, flags,etc.to Tepresenta teami School political party orcountry: Red amnd white are the teamiicolours 2 Spains national colours C (Jigurative) There are people of different Political colours om_the comiTmittee. BCcolouwrs [pl.] (especialy BrE) aflag,BADGE, etc:thatIrepresents ateami country Ship, etc.: Mostpuildings had aiaspole with the natiomnal colours jying- ec saiLing Under theFrench colours IE seethe:colourof sb's money (jnmnal)to make Sure that:sb-hasienough money topay for sth 一more at FLYINGdadj LEND-J1., NAIL V, TRUE qdj. 一seelalso OFF COLOUR: 百 _Ve 有b = PUTCOLOUR:ON STH Ttoputcolour on sth using paint, coloured pencils, etc.: [V] The childrem ovye to draw and

colour Ca colouring book (= with pictures that you can add colour to) [VN] How Iong haveyoubeem colouring (三 DYEING) YOUr hair2 C [VN-ADI] He drew ammonster amd colOUTred 让 8ree7L.


2 [V] > (at sth) (of a person or their face) tobe-

come red with embarrassment BLUSH: She coloured at Pis reTmarKs. r* AFFECT 3 [VN] to affect sth; especiallyin anegative Way: Tis icidentcoloured her Whole Life. DontIetyour dgeTmentbe coloured by Persorial feeli7igs: colour sth 人 一 in to put colotur inside a Particular area, shapei etc. Using coloured pencils,CRAYONS, etc:: Tadraw atree andyoucarm coIour 让 态. COlOUFanmt /上Alsrent/ (BrE) (NAmEcolorant) mouw7a substance that is Used to put colour ip sthj especially a

Person's hair

COl-OuwI-atiom (BrE) = COLORATION 'colour bar (BrE) (NAmE'"color bar,color line) movn [usually sing.] a social system Which does not allow black peoplethe same rights as white people


(8 日(NAmE'colcr-blind ) ad 1 unable



COol:OUist (BrE) (NAmEcol-orist) /Alerrst/ noumaper Son Who ises colourm especially an artist or ahairdresser

Colouwristic (also coFor'istic) /AlaTistzk/ ad 人techmical) showing'or relating to aispecial se of colour: coLOUTistic effects

COlOUrize (BE) 三COLORIZE COlOUurless (Br 日(NAmEEcalorless) /kkAlalas; NATE Jerl-/ adj. 站 without colour or very pale: a colourless 1 quid

Like watier C colourless 1ips DULL: Q colourless DerSo7iality

Colour scheme



(Br 日(NAmE'colorscheme) movn the

Way ip which colours are arranged, especially 雇 the furniture and decoration ofaroom

colour separation (Br 日(NAmE'color separation) moun (technicoh 了 [C] one of four images of sth made using only the colours CYAN, MAGENTA, yellow, or black. The four images containing these colours are then Used together to Print an image in full colour. 2 [U] the Process that is used to do this


(BE) (NAmE'color sergeant):0ouwn

an of 姓cer of middle rank in the Royal Marines


ov1 (BrE) amagazine Printed in

colour and forming an extrapart ofamnewspapep particularlyon Saturdays of Sundays

'colour waslhm (87 有 日(NAmE'color wash) 70U1 ia mixture of paint and watem Used to produce apale; almost transParentscolour: FirstT applied Qa blIue colouFr Wash to the

CaT1iVG5. COlOUFWay /上 AlewelI NAmE-larw-/ nouvn (BrE) a colotur or combination ofcolours which apiece ofclothing, etc'. is avVailable in: The daesigrs-are ayailable 识 twO coIOUFrWaysS: FeaAgrey Or blIUe/grey. CaOit /keolt; NAmEKkoult/ moun 工ayoungmalehorse upto the age of four or five 一compare FILLY, STALLION 之 (BrE) ameimber of a sports team consisting of young Players 3Coltrw atype ofsmall gun

CoOlt-ish /keultrf; NAmE'koult/ adij (ofaperson) moving

to see the difference between some colours; especially With alot ofenergy but in an awkwardway ied and green 2 treating people with different coloured skin ip exactly the same Way 'colour-blindness (B7日 col.um:bine /kolsembam; NAmE Ka:l/ 7moimn T [CU a garden Plant with delicate leaves and pointed blue (NAmE'color-blindnmess )7ovn [U] fiowers thathang down 2 Col-um-:bine [Sing.] afemale 'colour coge (Br 日(NEcolorcode )1oun a system of character in traditional Italian theatre marking things with different colours so that you can eas-

jly identify them P colourcoded (Br (NAmE'colorcoded ) adj.: The files haye Iabels that are colourcoded acCcordirlg to SUDJect


0m (Br 日(NAmEcolored )/上Alad;

NAPmE-erdj adj, moun 目 0d 了 洲 (often 这 compounds)having aparticular colour or different colours: bright coloured balloomns 2 coloured Th 人 She Was Wearing @ creafmi-coloUTred SU 让 了 (old矶shionedior o 拢nsjve) (of a person) ffom a race that does nothaveWhite skin 3 Coloured (ip Sotuth Africa) having parents who are of different Taces 可 OU7m 了 (old-7shjioned oro 扰 5jve) apersonmWwho does mot

have White skin ZiColoured

(in South Africa) a person

Whose Parents are ofidifferentTaces

'Colour fast (8月 (NMmE'colorfast ) adj. cloth that is colour fast will notlose colour when it is washed

COIOUIF和 中 (B7E) (NAmEcolor和ol) /Alefl; NAmE -erfl/ adj 1 fulof bright colours or having a lot of different colours: colourful shop Winadows 2 The 7nale Dirds -are 7TmnorecolourPl tham the 帮 males 了 interesting Orexciting; full of variety, sometimes 识 a way that is slightly shockc ing: a colourfuljaistory/past/career 2 one of the pooks Tost co1OUruL characters


(Br (NAmE col:orimg )7 /kkAlarm/ 000n

1 [u,cliasubstancethatistsedto giveaparticular colour tofood:redfood colouring 2:-[U]thecolourofapersons skin, eyes'andchair: 治 1ue suited jier 名 ir colouring: 3 [U] the colotirs that exist in sthy especially a Plant or am aniImal: insects With yividyellow and biack colourimng



| au now

| ersay

Coluim:bus Day /ka'lximbaes der/ moun [U;,C] amnational

holiday in theUS onthe second Monday in October when People celebrate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbnus



/kolom; NAmETKaalam/ nou1

1Tatall solid, vertical post usually round and made of Stone, which supports or decorates a building or stands alone as a MONUMENT: The temple x SUPPorted by 7mmarble COIUTm7S. C_ Nelson ColIurnm 识 Iondonm 一Picture 只 ARCH 2 athing shaped like a column: a colurm of Smoke (= Smoke rising Straight lp) 一see also SPINAL COLUMN,


3 (0pjir cof. ) one of the vertical sec-

tions into which the printed page of a book, newspapeb etc. is divided: a colurmm of text Ce a dictionary with two coluTm7ls per page C PUEQ TarK 就雪eappropriate cOLUTm7. CTheir divorce filled alotofcolurmr inches 妆 轨 e national

papers (= gotalot of attention). 4 apartofa newspaper or magazine Which appears regularly and deals with a particular subject or is written by a particular Writer: the 8&os5sipAJinancial columm CTalways read her courmm 识 the 1ocal paper 一see also AGONY COLUMN,PERSONAL COLUMN 5 aseries ofnumbers of words arranged one Under the otherdown a page: to add up acolurm ofhigures @ a long; moving line of People or vehicles: a Iong colurnm of

troops ad tamKks 一See also FIFTH COLUMN Columnmist /kolemnrst; MAmE kazl-/ noun ajournalist Who writes regular articles for a newspaper or mnagazine COim 本 /keuma; NAmE kouma/ noUma deep Unconscious state, Usually lastingia long time and caused by serious iness or ijury: to go into/be inacoma

:| ou go (MAm 有 | or boy | so go (Br 日

| re near

| ee hair

-| ze pure


296 |

Water CEydrogem coimbines Witjioxygen to jporrm water 2 Seyeral jctorschad cormpbined to 7ui our Dians c [VN] Cormmbinre'all the imgredients 识 QbowL coCormbine theeggs With a little jiour coThe Germamn team scored acomzbined

Comamche' /kemzentfi/noun (pkComian:che orCom- an'ches) a memberofaNativeAmerican people, manyof

iotalof652 point. 2 [VN] 记 Aand/with Btohavetwoor

whomlive in theUSsstate ofOklahoma

Imore different features Or characteristics; to Put twol or more different things, features or qualities together: The jhotel cormmbines cormmfort With conyenience: ec This 7model combines a telephomne aridfoxmnachine.QaKitchen anad dimning-rooTm Comipbined C We are still Iooking forsomeone wpho cOTFbines all thei7iecessary QUaILiEES 人福They jnaye SUccesS-

CO:Ima'tose /keoumategs; NAmE ooumaetoos/ ad 1 (medicall deeplyunconscious; in a coma 2 (hurmorous) extremely tired and lacking in energy; sleeping deeply

COmlo /keoum; NAmEKkoum/ mouni verb @ IOUn 了 [Cl afatpiece ofplastic or metal with a row of

记 11y combined the olaswith the newimthisroom

thin teeth along one:sidei used for making yourhair neat; hold it in Place or as a decoration 2 [Cusually sing.] the act of using a comb on your hair: Your hair needs a good compb. 3 [CU] = HONEYCOMB 4 [C] the soft, red piece of flesh on the head ofamale chicken [EnJ see FINE-TOOTH COMB ddf/.

2 [VN] 纺e comBpbined effeck of the bwo drugs Ce ZU Should y to coTmmpbine eXercise With a jhealthyraiet 仿 下 took the

@ ye/ 1 少 [VN] to pull a comb thfough yourhair in order to Inake itneat: Dontjorgetto comzbyourpjairl eerPair was meatly cormbed back- 了 ~ (人 (through) sth (for sb/sth) to Search sth carefully in order to find sbysth SCOUR: [VN] The police compbed the area for clues. CTcombed the Shops 1ooKing 名or something to wear C [V] They cormmbed trough the 记 1esfo 产Evidence of 廊auGd 3 [VN] (iechmica1)

coTibired efforts of both the press aid the PUBILiC lo bring abouta cprange in the law. [IJ see FORCE放.

moOUn /ombam;i

.so _that

it can

,Comb sth

com' bustion chamber

combimnation lock noun atypeoflockwhich can only


FLAMMABLE: COTbrstibIe materialASgases

com'.bus:tion /kem'bastfan/ noun [U] 1 the process of burning 2 (technico) a chemical process in which substances coOmbine with the OxYGEN in the air to produce

Pinatior_ 3 [C] a _series of numbers or letters lised to open a combination lock': T camt reinermmber the combimation 4 compbinations (BrE) [pl.] apiece of underwear covering the body anG legs, worn in the past

gether)to come together toform asinglething or group; to join two or more things or groups together to form a Single one: [V] Bydrogem and oxygen :compbine to form

/kombeo; NAmmE kazmboou/ moun (pos) 1 a

together especially different types of food: 芭 haveithe SteaKk amd chicken combo piatter

of flavours! 2 Technology and good mamnageierit Thats a Winnming combination (=.one that will certainly be successful). 了 2 [U] the act of joining or mixing together two or more things to form a single unit: THie 放rm is working om anew product in coTmbinatiort Withn seyeral oyerseas Partbters.C These Paints can pe usedindividually or im com-

beiopened by using aparticular series ofnumbers ]letters

noun (gromman aform of a word

Small band that Plays JAZZ or dance music 了 (ij71m01/, especially NAmE) a number of different things combined



1 (BrE also combine

that can combine with another word or anothercombining form to make anew word, for exampleitechno- and :phobein technophobe

COm:bat:/kombaet; NAmE 'kaszm-/ nop; yeb .7OUm [U;CG] fighting or a 人 ght, especially during a time of War: He Was Killed in compat c armedXurtarmed compat (= with/without weapons) c cormbat troops C combat Doots 一See also SINGLE COMBAT 上 Veb fi- or-tt-) [VN] Tito stop sth unpleasant or harmful from happening or 他om getting worse: 7mmeasures to coTmpat crirme-inflatiomnunempIoymentAdisease 了 (1jo广 /mmalj) to fight against an enemy comi'bat'ant /kpmbatent; NAmE kazm-/ noun a person or gIoup involved in 6ghting iniawar orbattle 一compare NON-COMBATANT

NAmE am-/

"harvester) alarge farm machine which ctits a crop amad Separates the grains from the restofthe plant 2 a group of people or organizations acting together 记 btsiness

to make wool cotton, etc. clean and straight using a SPe-

cial: comb

3 [VN]

~Aand/with B to do two ormore thingsiatthe':same time: Te 万 亡 Wi这 commbine pusiness With pleasure. 2 She jhas Successfully cornbined a career and bringinsup aormzi 4 to come together 雇 orderto work or act together; to put two things or groups together so that they work or act together: [V] They cormmpined against a comz7mom emneiry.

asmaller version of this worn by women in their hair to

about TY bpook. CTyve come to getrmny book. c [vzing] He came 1ooKing fj六 me. 妈 一 (to sth) (with sb) to move or travel, especially with sb else, to aparticular place or iD order to be present at an event: [V] TVeonly comie foran jhour 2 Are you coming to the club with us tonight? c Thanjks forcoming (= to my house, party'etc,).o [v -ing] Woy dontyou corme SKkatimng tonight2 RUNNING/HURRYING ETC. 5 [V-ingyusually +aodvyprep.] to move ip ia particular way or while doing sthelse: The childrem came rurm7ting into the roo1m::

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

cn now


| rred


>* TRAVELG6- [VN] totravelaparticular distance: We?ve come 50rniles this morning:e(Ljigurativye) The company hnas come

along way(= madelotofprogress) 训 the last 5 years. * HAPPEN 7 [v] to happen: The agreermment came after Several hours of megotiatiors. CThe 7ains camte too late to do any good. Herdeath cameasia terrible Shock to Us. 机s Fesigmnatiom carne asTo SuUrprise. 8 [vtoinfjused in questionstotalk abouthow orwhy sth happened: How did he comae to breajchis leg? ec How do you come to be so late?一 seealso HOW COME? “TONAIPOSITIONJSTATE.9 [V 了+advVprep] (notused in the Progressive tenses) to _have a particular Position: Thnat comlesia long Way dowm-Tmy Listofpriorities. CTHis Jornily

commes 太 rst(=isthemostimportantthing in hislife). She came seconad (= .received the second highest score) in 妇 e exanml. 1O [V] ~to/into sth used in many expressions to showthatsth hasTreached aparticular state:AtlastWwinter carme toaTt end. CHe came to power 识 J959. CTWhen w 记 theyicome to a decisiomn2 C The treesiare comming into led太

11 ~ (in sth) (not'used in -the -progressive tenses) (of goods, Products, etc.) to be available or toexist in a Particular way: [V] This dress comes iDblack and red.e [VADj]

(informal) New cars dontt come cheap (= they are expenSive)、


to become:

[V-ADj] The buttors had come LUm-

done. Ce The jamdle caTme loose: C@ _Eyerytping Wi这 come rightin theend [vtoinfl This aesigm came to pe Known as the'Oriental style: 13 [vtoinfl toreach apoint where yoturealize, Understand orbelieve sth: Im rme she came to IOove hirm.e She had comme toseetheproplem ianewiight JYye come to expect 切认 Kind ofbehayviour 万oma ji

sTIME 1T4 -comefVN] (old-foshioned informal whenthe time Imentioned comes: They Would Rhaye beem Tarried Jorbyyears comme this , 几 me.

:SEX TS5 [V] (slang) to have an ORGASM IE Most idioms containing come are at the entries for thenouns or adjectivesintheidioms, forexample comea cropPeris at cropper. beas clevem ,stupid;, etc. as they come (imjormal to be Very clevern stupid, :etc. come algainz (informal) used to ask Sb to Tepeat sth: comically /li/ odv

Comic strip (also cartoon) (BrE also Strip caPtoon)

(NAmEalso strip) nouwPp aiseries of drawings inside boxes thattell astory and are often Drinted 记 newspapers

COomiing /kkAmimy/ nou7 ad

昌 MOU1 [sing.] the ~ of sth the time When sth new begins: Wit 切e coming ofmodern tech7iology Imamny jobs were Ios

Im ,comings and 'goings (jjormaj) the movement of People arriving at and leaving a particular Place:yts hard to keep tracKk of the childrens commings amd 8&ozmgs. 上日 Gdlj. [only before noun] happening soon; next: 识 坊e co部ing7mortths o This comming SuUnday 证 7er Dirtpaay

ICOming of ,age 10U1 [sing.] the timne when a Person

reaches the age at which theyhave an adulbs legal rights and responsibilities comma /koma; NmE amma/ moun the mark (;) used to Separate the items in a jlist or to show where there is a slight pause in asentence 一 see also INVERTED COMMAS

com:mand Verb 是 11OU1 >*ORDER

b bad


/kemcazmnd; NAmEKkemaend/ 1OU1,

1 [q an order given to aperson or:an animal:


全 | 全 fall

| gget

| hhat

| j yes

切e cap-

* FOR COMPUTER 之 fc] an instruction given to acomputer * CONTROL 3 [U] control and authority over a situation or agrOUpP ofpeople: He has TI2007menunderhis com7mmand 4 了Te has commaare of 1200 mmemn ec The police arrived and took commmartd oF 切e Situation CI For the First time 训 years she 大 引 识commaard ofjher 1 访.ce looked relaxed and totally 识 -comamarid of hirmselF 和 Who is 训 comt maartd here? 一See also SECOND IN COMMAND ”INARMY 4 Command [cl apartofan army AIRFORCE, etc. that is organized and controlled separately; a group of officers who give orders: Bomber Comrmand > KNOWLEDGE S [U,sing.] 一 (ofsth) yourknowledge ofsth; your ability to do or use sth, especially a language' ApPpLE cants W 记 pe expDected to have (@) good commmiand'oFErnglisj [Im atyourcom'mand ifyouhave askill or an amount of sth atyour command, you are abletouse it well and completely be atsb's com' mand (formaltopbereadyto obey sb: T7m atyourcommrmaamnd -whatwouldyoxlikermeto do2? 一more at WIS 百 . 几 下 Verb > ORDER 1 (ofsb in a position of authority) to tell sbto do sth ORDER: [VNto inf] Fe cormimanded his 总en to retreat ce[VN] She cormimarided the Feleaseofthe PTrisoners. [V that] (1jormal/) The commiissiom itervened ana comi: 7mantded 态at Work OF the Duilaing cease. (BrE also) The COTUTESSiO7 COTmI77iaTtded that Work om 切e Duilding Shoula cease. [also V speech; VN speech, V] ”1TN ARMY 之 to be 记 charge of a group of people 让 the army, DaVy, etc.: [VN] THhe troops Were comrmanded py Gem必 eral Haig. [alsoV]

”DESERVE AND GET 3-[VN] [nozpassive] (not used ip the

ProgresSive tenses) to deserve and get sth because of the Special qualities yotihave: to comrmiand SyTIDathyYASUPPort 2 She Was able to comimnand the Fespect or the class The jeadlines comrnarded hera ention. As a top Iawyer he caQ7L expect to comimand asSixjsgure saIary >*VIEW 4 [VN] [no passive] (not used in the PrIogressive tenses) (jormaj) to be 识 a position froimn where you can See oOT control sth: The jhotel comimands a fimnre View of the Valley. *“ CONTROL 5 [VN] [no passive] (nottsedin the Progressive "tenses) (fommalj) to have control of sth; to have sth availLable for use: The party was mo 1omrger ale to commrmand a majoriby 识 Parliament C the power an 万namnces coimTanded by te police com:mand:ant /komaendaent, NAmmE azm-/ moum the officer in charge ofaparticular Imilitary group or institution

com' mand-driven cd (ofacomputer Program) oper

ated by instructions,either 他om another Pirogram or from the user through the keyboard

com,mand economy noun = PLANNED ECONOMY

com'man'deer /komaen'dreG); NAmE kadmaen'drmr/ ye 内

[EVN] to take control of a building, a vehicle, etc. for military PUIPoses during a wamn or by force for your own use REQUISITION


/kemamada(r); NAmE -maen-/ noun 全 a

Person who is iD charge of sth, especially an officer in charge ofa particular group ofsoldiers or a military operation: Tailitary]alliedAJieladfisgRht comrmnanders w the coO7Tm-

7mamnder of the expedition 也 (0bbr Cdr) an officer of fairly high rankin the British or American navy 3 (appr Cdr) (in Britain) aLondon police officer of high ranK

comimander-in-'chief (opor C:-in-C.) 0ou1 (pcom-

manders-in-chief) the officer who_ commands all the armed forces of acountry or all its forcesin a Particula r


com'mand:ing /kemazmndm; NA7mE:-mnaenc/adi 1 Fonly

before noun] 于 a position of authority that allows yoito give formal orders: Who 安 yYOUF commaamnding ofFicer? 之 [usually before noum] ifyou arein a commanding position orhave a commanmding lead, you arelikelyto win a Iace OF competition 3 [usually before noun] powerful and making people admire and obeyyou:a coOmamaa7lding 广gLTre/Presentce/yoice 4 [only before noun]ifa building is

| k cat

| lleg

| msman

| now

| ppen

| rred

in a commanding position orhas a commanding view, you can see the areaiaround very well from it: The castie OCCUPIes aicomimianding posihopn on a 7

com'mandlanguagenoun [U] (computpgjtheletters, Symbols, etc. that yo Use to give instructions to a com-

Puter Program

com:mand:ment /kemandment; NAmE -maen-/ moun alaw'given by God, especially any ofthe Ten Comimandments given to theJews in the Bible



moun (obbr CM) the part of a

SPACECRAFT ;that'Tremains'after the rest has separated from it, where the controls and the people that operate them arelocated COmiimandao /kemaumdao; NA1mE kemaendog/ noum (中 -os) a soldier or a group of soldiers who are trained to Imake quick attacks in enemy areas [Dr go com'mando (Informa/ humorous) to not wear underwear Under your clothes


performance novn [usually sing.] aspe-

cial performance, for example at a theatre, that is given for ahead of state




kaeiimerdre del 'azrter/ moun

del 'azter NAmE

[U] (from /toon) traditional

Italian theatre, 各 which the same characters appeared in different plays com-mem:-or'ate /kememarert/ ve凡 [VN] to remind People of an important person Or event from the Past With a special action or object; to exist to remind People of a person Or an event 位 oOm the Past: 4 series of moyvies W 记 pe showm to comrmmemorate the 30 坊 anmmiversary of Pis deathp. CA plaque cormmrmmermorates the battle.

coOm'mem-oration/kamemarerfn/ movn [U,C] an action, or a ceremony, etc. that Imakes People remember and Show respect for an important person Or event in the past: a commTmrermoratiot service Ca statue 训 cOTmTmermOratiomn ofa Pational hnero

coOm:imem:ora'tive /Kaimemaratrv; NAmE -arert-/ 0dl/ intended to help people remember and respect an important Person Or event iD the past: co7m7meTmoratiye Sta7mPps


/kaemens/ ye岂 ~ (with sth) (formaj)) to

begin to happen; tobegin sth: [V] TPe meeting Scheduled to _commentce at noon C The day cornmerntced Witpn a weLlCoile 万om the DTincipaL 2 工W 记 be on leaye during 妇 e WeeK co7n7memcing TI5 February 2 [VN] She cormmriemced jher 7medical career i 1956. C_ [V -ing] We cormm7mence building mextJWeeK. cnote at START [alsoVvto inf]



sing] 1 (jormal) beginning:


[U,C usually

万e cormm7mencermnent of the

万namcial year 2 (Nm a ceremony at which Students Tecejive their academic degrees , Or ,DIPLOMAS



/kemend/ verb [VN] 1~

sb (for sth/for

doing sth) | ~ sb (on sth/on doing sth) to praise sb/sth,



coOm'menm'surate /kamenferat/ ao 太一 (with sth) (万 斑 /mal) matching sth in size, importancey quality, etc.: Salary Wi pe comymensurate With experience: [aaa INCOMMENSURATE commen'surate:lyodv

COiTi ie


/koment; NmEazm-/ noun verb

上 0OU1 了 [CU] ~ (about/on sth) something thatyou say or Wiite which gives an opinion on or explains sb/sth: Kayve yoOUaPY coOTimenttoTnake aboutthe cause ofthe disaster2C She made 旋 友 1 包 comymemts on 7Tny woFK. The director Was Tiot ayailable /for comyment 人 He hamded mne the doc_TnentWithoutcomiment (especially Br Wjhatshesaid was Jair commment (= a reasonable criticism), 只 note at STATEMENT QZ [sing.,U] criticism that shows the faults of Sth: The results are a clear commTment on goyveT7i7menteduca6iom policy eThere was alotof comrment about his pehayiour IE no :comment (said in.reply to a question, usually from a journalist) I have_ nothing to say abonut

that: Wi人 1Lyou resigrm Sir27 No cormm7ment 到 ye 必 一 (on/upon sth)to express an opinion about sth: [V] TdomtjfeelTIcamn comzrnenton their decision. C He refused to comment UPEL after the trial .CO [Vithat] A spokespersom commented that levels of carbon dioxide were Very Pigh ce [V speech] Not Pis pest performantce, ”she commmented to the Woman sitting mext to Per

comment note。*remark * observe These wordsall meanto sayorwriteafactoropinion. commienttoexpressan opinion orgivefactsabout sth: Herefused iocommentuUntilafiertibhetnaok mote (otherjrmmalh to mention sth because itis important or interesting: He noted impqssing tihattihe comPpamys record on safiy issues was 1ot goodf Termark to sayorwrite what you have noticed abouta Situation: Gilics remarked thaottihepjay wasmot Orgina/ observe (formaj to sayor write whatyou havemoticed abouta situation: She observed bgtiEwas ge 让ng 10纶

COMMENT, REMARK OR OBSERVE? 上fyoucomment on sth you say sth about it ifyou remark on sth orobserve sth, you say sth about itthat youihave noticed: there is often not much difference between the three. Howevern while you can rejuse to comment (without om), you cannot refuse to remark' or

refuse to observe': (without on): HeAefosedteAeHGrf/p :

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 卓 to Comment/note/remark/observe that.…. 和 to comment on/note/remarky/observe how...

especiallypublicly: She was cormr7merded om jherhanmndiimng of the situatiomn. Bis desigrls were higply cormrmertded by the Judsges (= they did not geta prize but they were especially

惠 “lt's long hecommented/noted/remarked/observed.

prtaised). 2

秆 to comment/remark on sth

一 sb/sth (to sb)(jrma/) to recommend sb/sth

to sb: She is an excellent Worker amd TI comz7mend Per to YOU Without reseryvation. C The 7moyvie jas Little to comrmnenmd 让

(三 过has few good qualities). 3 (1jormalj) ifsth commends itselfto sb, theyapPproveofit: Bisovtkpokembpehayiour aid

TOtCOTmiemnd itself to his colleagues; 妈 一 sb/sth to sb (加六

昌 to commerityremark/observeto sb

COimi:imen:-tary /komaentri; NAmE'kkammaenteri/ nouwn ( 咏 -ies) ~ (on sth)-T [cuU] a spoken description of an event

comm:imenm:sal/kemensl/ odj (biologyjliving on another

that is given while it is happening, especially on the radio ortelevision: asports com7mentaryC OUrreporters Willgive GPUTITLirgS COmImieTttary (三 acontinuous one) or the elec右om results as 轨 ey are anriouriced, c He KeptUD QTrunrting COTLTLeTitaTy om eyeryone Who came ii or WentouL 了 [O a Wiitten explanation Or discussion of sth such as a book or a play: a critical comrnentary om the 说nal Speech of the play 3 [CuU] a criticism or discussion of sth: The petty guUarTrels were a sad comrmentary ol the State of the goyerm7mment C Docal corm7mentary coOm.men:tate /komaentert; NAmE kadm-/ verb [V] ~

animal or plant and getting food from the situation, but doing no harm: commr7mersal orgamnisms = commen:salism /ke'menslrzamy/ own [U]

Pens, especially on television or radio: Who w 记 be comm7memtatimg or the SaTme2

/maj) to give sbyVsth to sb 迄 order to be taken care of: We coTmmzend her SOUI to God.

com:mend:able /kemendebl/ ad (如 rmaj deserving praise






mend:ably /-ebli/ axdv com:men'da:tion /komen'derfmn; NAmE kazm-/.0oun 1.[u] (formah praise; .approval 2 [G ~ (for sthm), an award or offcial statement giving Pubjlic praise for sby/ sth: a commrmmemdation forprayvery


| ttea

| vivan

| w wet

| zzoo

| shoe

(on sth) to give a sSpPoken description of an event as 过 hap-

| 5 vision

|2t chain-

| azjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| Dising

COiTMnT etatOr

302 |

COTTmT 全 站-3 二 OF/kDmenterteC); NAmE 玫 amm=/noun 一 (on sth)-T apersomwho is an expert on a particular sSubjectand talks or writes aboutit on:television'or radio, or in anewspaper: a politcatl comzrnentator 了 aperson who describes an event while it is happening,especially on television or radio: a televisiom/sports comtmientator COmiTIeYCE /上kpma:s; NAmE am3srs/ nouwn [U] trade, especially between _countries; the buying and selling of goods and serVvices: leaders of i 识dusby and cormmTmnerce一 See alSo CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


/kama:h; NAmEkamnsr站/

adj, nou1 号0dj. 了 [usually before noun] connected with the Duying and selling of goods and services: the com7mnercial heart of the city c a comymnercial vehicle (三 one that is used for carrying goods of passengers who Day) 2 cornrmmercial paby foods c the firstcomrmnercial 用ighz across the Atlantic 只 note at ECONOMIC

了 [only before noun] making or in-

tended to make aprofit: The mmoyie WasTiot acomzrnercial Success (= did not make money). 他 note at SUCCESSFUL 3 (disapproving) more concerned with Profit and being Popular than with quality: TPheir more recent music 这 jar too cormmrmnercial 4 (oftelevision or radio) paid for by the Ioney charged for broadcasting advertisements: Qaco7mmTnercial radio statiornATV channel commercially /eli/ adv: comrmercially produced/growiwdeyeloped The product is not yet comarmnercially aypilaple. His inyeniom Was not comm7mmercially SUCccess 记L 旦 1OU1 an advertisement on the radio or on television 吃

note at AD

goods that are sold: YoUu get a 109%0 coTmnmmissior o7L eyeTy-

太 ing YOU sell 2 He earned 4E2000 奈 comynissiom 1ast 7momnth. COIn this job youWork omcommmiission (= are Daid according to the amount you sell) 3 [U] an amount of moneythatis chargedby abank etc. for providing apar ticular service: 了 9%6 commr7missiomis chargedjforcashing trayellers cheques5. * FOR ART/MUSIC, ETC. 4 [G] a formal reqtesttosb todeSign ormake apiece ofwork such asabuildingorapaint-

ln8 * IN ARMED FORCES 呈 [G an officersDosition inthe armed forces


@6 [U] (jorma/) the act of doing sth wrong or

jlegal: the comrnission of a crirme IE

inyout of com'mission available/not available to

be used: Seyeral of the airlinies Planes are temporarily ouE of cormnrmission amd Undergoing safety checKs.

下 Ver “了IECE OF ART/MUSIC, ETC. 1 toofficially ask sbitowrite, make or create sth orto do atask foryou: [VNto inf] She jhas been coTmnrmissiomned to write a new Tiatiomnal anthem :和 [VN] Publishers jhayve comrmissioned arench translation of the book.


FORCES 了2 [usually passive] ~ sb (as) sth to

choose sb as an ofcer in one.of the armed forces: [VN] She was coTmrmmissioned 总 992. C.[VNN] He has just been coTmmmissioned (as ajPilot o太 cer

Comiimis-sion-aire /kemirfameaG); NAmE -ner/ noun





moun [U] (disapprovingj-the fact ofbeing more interested in making moneythanin the value or quality of things

commercial:ize (BrE also -ise) /kema:felarz; NAmE -maxrfl-/ verb [VN] [often passive] to use sth to try to Imake a profit, especially in a way that other People do not appPIove of: Their Tusic has become yery commmmerciaL-


controlisthiiortofind:outabout'sthjusually'for the govVernment: the Europeart Comrmission CO(BIE) The goyermnent has set UPD:-Q. comrmission :Of inguiry into the disturbamces attheprisorl Cacomammissiomnt om humaTrights 宝MONEY 2 [U,CG] an amountofmoneythatis paidto sb for selling goods and which increases with the amotunt of

识 recent years



/kemas:falarzeIfmn; NAmE-mas:rfle'z-/ noun [U]

CoOmiiImercial traveller ovn (old-joshioned,Br6) = SALES REPRESENTATIVE COm'imie /komi; NAmEkami/ noun (especially NAmE) an insujlting way of referring to sb that you think has ideas Similar to those of COMMUNISTS Or SOCIALISTS, Or who is amember ofaCOMMUNIST Or SOCIALIST party

CoOm:mis /komi; NAmE aimi/ (pcom-mis /komi;

(BrE, becoming old-joshioned) a person ip Uniform whose job is to stand atthe entrance to ahotel, etc.andopen the door for visitors, find them taxis, etc. 一See also DOORMAN

com,missioned 'officernovn anofficerin the armed forces who has a higher rank such as a captain or a GEN-


comi'mis'sion'er/kemrfene(r)/ noun 1 (usually Commissionen a member of,a COMMISSION (= _an_official group of people who_are responsible for controlling sth or finding out_ about sth): 切 e Church_ CommiissioPners (三 the group of People responsible for cqQntrolling the financial affairs of the .Church ofEngland) guropeaTi Comm7mizs-


了 (also_po'lice commissioner especially ip

NAmE)the headofaparticular police force in some countries 3 the head of a government departmemnt in some countries: the aS7icultureAhealth etc. commissiorter 和 CornTmnissiofier Rhodes was Unayailable fjor comrmment 一See

NAmE kadmi/) (also ,comrmmnis chef mouvrn a junior cook

also HIGH

who works in a kitchen 一compare CHEF, SOUS-CHEF

chosen by a Sports asSoOciation to control it: the basebal1 COTarmissiomier




一 (with sb) (on/

about/for/over sth) to show sb sympathy when they are Upset or disappointed about sth: [V] She cormnmiserated With the 1osers on their defeat [also Vspeech] com-:mis.erationm /keimrIzarerIfm/ noun [U,G (rma1)

an expression of Sympathy for Sb who has had sth Unpleasant happen to them,especially not winning a competition: Toffered hirm ny com7mniseraton. C Comm7miise六 ations to the 1osing team/

COIm-Imiis- sa/ komrscc(D);NAmE Kamz/ nov7r an offieer of the Comimunist Party-especially in the Pastiin the'SoVietUnion COmm:imis:saiat/kbmriseariat;: NAmE kazmrser-/ mo Tadepartment ofthe army that is responsible for food Supplies 2 a governimnent departmentin the Soviet Union before 1946 COimiimis-sary /kopmisari; NAmE ka:miseri/ /ioun (由 -ies) (NAmB) 了 a shop/store that sells food, etc. in a mili: tary base, a Prison, etc. 2 a restaurant for people working in a large organization, especially a film studio



/komrfn/ noun;yyemb

Ti(often Commission) [Gan:official

group of people who have been given Tesponsibility to

acat | d father | eten | 3: bird | ea about


4 (in the US) an official

comimissioner for 'oaths novn (Br6) alawyarAWho has official authority:to be Piesent when sb makesia forImal promiise that a wiitten statementthatthey Will use as evVidence'in courtis true

the Comimission om Civil ' Rights7moim [sing]itin the US) a government organization that WOrks for equal Tights for all Americans

CO 让-0

/kemart/) verb(:tb

“CRIME 1 [VN] ~ acrimey etcitodosth wrongorillegal: to cormzmit murderadultery etc. Most crimes are co7mmTitted byyoungrTmen Cappalling crimes coOmlmitted against inmnocent childrem

* SUICIDE 2 [VN]-~ suicide to kill yourself deliberately = PROMISE/SAY DEFINITELY 3 ~ sb/yourself (to sth/to doing sth) [often passive] to promise sincerely that you will definitely do sth, keep to an agreement or arrangement etc.: [VN] The President is comm7mitted to 7Feforining jhealth care. C Borrowers ShouUld thinKcarefully before com7Tnitting 雪 emselves to taking out a Ioam. 2 [VNito inf] Bot Sides committed thermmseIves to settle the dispute peacehiTy 4 [VN] ~:yourself:(to sth) to give an opinion or make ai decisionzopenly sothat itis then difficult to changeit: Zouv domthayeto cormrmityourselfnow justthink about 让 一see-.


Isit | issee | imany | bpgot:(Br6) | ossaw | Acup

| oput | utoo

~ BELOYAE S [V] ~ (to sb/sthjtobe completelyloyaltoone personi organization, etc. or give all your time and effort to youUr work, an activity,etc.: Why are s0O mamny 7men scared to comrmit? (= Saythey will be loyal to_ one per-

SODn) 一See also COMMITTED > MONEY/TIME @ [VN] to spend money or time on sthysb: The counmcil hasicomrmmitted 1arge amiounts ofrmomney to hous-

ingPprojects. =“ TO HOSPITAL/PRISON 7 [VN] [often passivel~sbto sth to ordersb tobe sentto ahospital, Prison, etc.: She was coTmTmnitted to QPpsychiatric hospital,

> SB FORTRIAL 8 [VN] to send sb fortrial in court *STH TO MEMORY 9 [VN] ~ sth to memory to learn sth Well enough to _remember it.exactly: She cornTnitted the instructions to 7memory. > STH TO PAPER/WRITING TO _[VN] ~ sth to paper/writing to write sth down



/kemrtmont/ noun

TIGU]~ (to sb/sth) | ~to do sth aTDromise to do sth or to behave ip a particular Way; a PrIomise to supPort sb/ sth; the fact ofcommitting yourself: She doesmnt Want to TIQKe Q Dig emotional commiitrment to Steyve atEthe 7moTent -CO The compamys comrmitment to Droviding quality ata reasoTiQble price Pas beetyital to its SUccess.Othe goverTmmaents COTmTiGment to PUblic services 了 2 [U] ~ (to sb/ sth)'the willingness to work hard and :give your energy and time to ajobor an activity: A career as am actor requUires ole hu7zdred per cent commrmitment 3 [C athing that youhave promised or agreed to do, orthat you have to do: Hes busy jor te next month with 万Iming commrmmitTmeats: CO Wormmem yery often haye ti ggle 闷 WorK Witpn 雪 e 太 r Jornily comrnitbment. 4 [uU,G ~ (of sth) (to sth) agreeing to use mmoney time or people in order to achieve sth: the COTmTmitrmzent of resoUrces to education C Achieying SUCCess atthis leyel requires a commrmmitbmentoF me ad energy COmi:im 计-al /kemrtl/ noun [U] (technica1 the official Piocess of sending'sb to prison or to a mental hospital: He Was Teleased ort pailpendimng cormmTmittaLDroceedimgs.

COimi-im 放 ted /Kemaritrzd/ adj (opproving) willingito work hard and give youT time and energy to sth; believing Strongly in sth: a cormm7mitted 7member of the team 2 They are com7mmitted socialists.

CO Ti. 世e 色 0


/kemarti/ noun [CHsing/pl.y]

a grOUP of people who are chosen,,Usually by a larger group, to make decisions or to deal with a particular subject: Shes om 态e 7mnatageTmmemnt comrmnaittee: C The committee PasAFaye decided to close the restaurant 2 Q comnamittee Temzpera7mnemzberoftpne comzmittee 和 acom7mittee Teetirlg COim-modie /kemaod; NAmEkemoud/ novn 了 apiece of furniture that looks like a chairbut has atoilet Under the Seat Q2 a piece of furniture, especially an old or ANTIQUE one, with drawers for storing things 记

coOim:imodious /kaemaudqias; NAmE-moo-/ adj. (forma1 having alot ofspace

com:mod-ity /kempdati; NAmE -mazd-/ noun' (PL -ies) 1 (economics) a product or a raw material that can be bought and sold: rice, fiour and other pasic comm7modities

Gdrop 识 commiodity prices e Crude off 1 雪e worlds 7most iportantcormrmmodity. 只 note atPRODUCT 也 athing that is useful or has a Useful quality: Water 汞 Q Precious comm7modity tatiofter taken Jorgranted 训 the Wes coOmm:imo:dore /komaedo:0D); NAmE 攻amm-/ now (abbr Cdre) an officer of high rank in the.navy: Com7miodore Jopm Bar7y

COiTT:ITiO门 0 /Doman; NA7mEkamen/ ad/., own 下 0d/ (com.monep com:mon-est) Inore common

MON 2 [usually before noun] ~ (to sb/sth) shared by oF belonging to two or more People or by the people in a group: They -Share G comriom imrterest 训 Dihotograpf 9 Dasic jeatures Which are commmom to all Purmam Lamnguages 和

| army

| aonow

| ersay

| sogo (Br


We are Working togetherjoracomrmom puUrDose. C comammo7t OWmership of the Iand C This decisiom Was takem rithe coTmmiorSood (= the advantage ofeveryone).CJtis by CoOmITLOTL coOTLSeTtb Scotiand's prettiest coast (= everyone agrees that it is). 3 [only before noun] ordinary; not unUsual or Special: 妨e com7momn garden 刘6g CO ShaKkespeares WorK Was popUIar among the commrmom People in Phis day 丙 7nostpeoples eyes 5he Was niothing more 切an acomrmaom Criminal YoUG 纺imK jhe世 jaye the comirmomn courtesy io apologize (= ihis would be the polite behaviour that people would expectb. c its only comimiom decericy to Let jer Know Whats happening (三 People would expect 放). 4双 (BrE, disapproving) typical of sb from a low social class and not having good manners: She 雪ou&ht he Was Very co7m7mnom amd Uneducated IE common Or ' garden

(Br (NAmE 'garden-variety) (informalh ordinary with Do Special featuresthe ,commonm''touchi:the abijlity of a Powerful or famous Person to'talk to and understand ordinarypeople make common' cause with sb (jna) to be united with sb abonut sth that you both agree on, believe in or wish to achieve 一more at KNOWLEDGE 上 mmOU 了 [q an areaofopenlandin atown orvillage that anyone may lise: We Went for aWalK om 女e comy7iom 和 Wirmbledon Cormmrmmonm 了 commons [sing.] (US) a lafge IOoom Where students can eat in asSchool,collegei etc.: The coTm7mions is mext to the g&yrmm: IE have sth in com-


(with sb) (of people) to have the same interests,

ideas, etc. as Sb else: Timm andTPhaye nothing in comz7mom./ Thayemothing incomion with Tirm have sth in common (with sth) (of things, Places,etc.) to have the same features,characteristics,etc.: The two cuUItUres haye a 1ot 训 coTm7mon. in common (techmicol) byeveryone in a group: TPRey hold te property as tenantz 识 commmon. in common Wih sby/sth ( 帮mmah) iDthe same Wayas sb/sth: Britai7 记 comamtom Withn Tnary other 训 dustrialized coupntries,jhas exXperiemcea major cha7mges oyer the Iast 100 years,

the common' cold "ovn-[sing.]: =-coLD COomimon denominator novn Ti(mothematics) number that can below the line in ATOR QZ an idea, all the members DENOMINATOR COimi-noOn'er


be divided exactly by all the numbers asetofFRACTIONS 一compare DENOMINattitude or experience that is shared by of a groUP 一see also LOWEST COMMON


NAmE kamz/ mouwn aperson

Who does not come from aroyal or NOBLE family 一compare ARISTOCRAT COmmom Era ovn [sing:] (abbr CE) the -period since the birth of Christ when the Christian CALENDAR Starts counting years COmimon 'ground mown [U] opinions,interests and aims that you share with sbralthough you may not agree With them about otherthings: Despite Our disagreementts, We haye peerl able to fid Some cornrmom ground.



NMAmE kamenhould/

noOuwn [U] (BrE /Jow) asystem in which each person owns their 人iatyapartment in a building but the building and Shared areas arte DWned byeveryone together


land ovn [uU] (Br6) Iand that belongs to or

Imaybe usedbythe local community

COrmnimom 1aw novm [U] (in England) a system of laws that have been developed from customs and from deciSions made by judges, not created by Parliament 一comPare CASE LAW, STATUTE LAW


and most common are more freqtuent 了 happening often; existing in large Dumbers or in many Places:JacF507 东 Q CO7mT7mOP Erglis 六naGTie. CO Breast CaTlcer 1 the 7mOSt coTmTmomn forma of cartcer amolg WoTmnen 训 tnis coOUnDY Some Dirds Which Were once Q common Sight are Piow Deco7ming rare.QcomTmmomn spelling mistake UNCOM-





1oun aperson that a woman or man has lived with for a long time and who is recognized as a husband or wife, Withouta formal marriage ceremiony



/上 omaenli; NAmEKazm-/ adv

usually; very often; by most people: Christopher is comTomly KoWP as 天 认 C commonly held opinions C This z one of the Imnost comzrmorlly Used methods.



1T[Cusually sing] a group of

countries that have agreed on low taxes on goods traded

| ou go (NM

日 | or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| 5e pure

THEATRE/DANCE 2 (often in names) [CH+sing/pl Y] a group :of people who work or perform together: a theatredarice, etc. compary 2 the Royal Shakespeare Commaz ,BE WITH SB 3 [U] thefact ofbeing with sbelse and notalone: TemioyJos company (=Ienjoybeing with her). Q She enjoys her own company (= being by herself) when She is trayelling. C The childremn are yery good comipamny (三 pleasantto be with) atthis age Capleasantevening in the company of 广iends Fes coming with me for compary.

* GUESTS 4 [U] (Jormal) guests in yourhouse:TdidntreaL izeyou had comPparty: * GROUP OF PEOPLE 5 [uU] (jnmalh)a group'of people together: She told 妇e' assembled comparmy What had hapPened cis pad marnnmers to whisper in compamny(=ina group of people). ”SOLDIERS @ [C+sing./pl,v] a group ofsoldiers thatis Part of a BATTALION

IEIJ the company sb keeps the people that sb spends

time with: Judsging py the compamny he Kepb MarKk Tust

jhave been awealthy man. get into/keep bad company

to _be' friends with people that others disapprove of in

company with sb/sth (jormalj) together with or at the

Same time as Sb/sth: She arrived 碌 commpary With the Ships captain. CO The US dollar Went through a dicult

tme, in cormpany With the oil market in good company

于 you saythat sbis in good company,youmean thatthey should not worIry abonlt a mistake, etc. becatse sb else, especially sb more important, has done the Same thing keep sb company to stay with sb so that they are not alone: 7 Keep you company while you7re waitimng twos

company (, three's a crowd) (5ying) sed to suggest

that it is better to be in a group of only two People than have a third person with you as well 一more at PARTYV, PRESENT adf/.

CoOmpany carnounacar which is provided by the comPanythat you work for Company sergeant major novn an ofcer of middle rank in the army

com'parable /komparebl; NMmE kam-/ adj ~ (to/ with sb/sth) similar to sb/sth else and _able to be compared: A comparable house 总 the South of the ciby would cost twice as nuch. c The Situation 识 切 e US is mnotdirecty comlparable to that 识 the UK Inhiaton zs mnow ata rate

coTmparable with thatin otherEuropeart coumntries. 区 COmparability /kbpmparabrlatii NAmE Kam-/ noun [U]: Each group WW 记 haye the same Set of questions in order to esUFre COTmDaFrability.

CoOm'para'tive /kem'paeraetrv/ adj ,moun 有 Gdj. 1 connected with studying things to find out how Similar or different they are: a: comzparative shudy of the educatiomal Systems of bwo coUTttries C comParatiye LimigUiS-

cs 字 meastred orjudgedbyhowsimilar or differernitit is to sth else RELATIVE: Then heyWwas Iiving in comparatiye comyfort(= compared with others or with his own life at a preVious time). C The compamny isa comparatiye mnewcomner to te software mmarket (= other companies have been in business much longen). 3 (gromman relating to adjectives or adverbs that express more in .amount, degree or quality, for example better worse slower and /more di 太cv/ 二 compare SUPERLATIVE 理 0OUm (grOmmar the form of an adjective or adverb that eXpresses more in amount, degree or quality: Better”is the comDparatiye of good' and 7nore 磺cutPthe comparatiye of 仁太 cu 太一 compare SUPERLATIVE

coOmiparative iin'Suistics moun [U] the studyofhow related languages are similar and different, especially in order to discover things aboutalanguagethatboth these languages came from, and that no longer exists

comparative-Iy /kem'Dpaeratrvli/'advw as compared to Sth/sb else

RELATIVELY: THhe uit zs comparatively

COomparatiyely jwWAIowATare/Tecent

CONm- 门 We 0

/KemDpeaG); NAmE-per/ veb, noun

上 ye 凡了 (obbr cf-, cp.) [VN]~AandB| 一 Awith/to Bto examine people or things to see howthey are similar and how they are different: 下 六 interesting to compare 轨 ei 太r Situation amd OUTS. 2 We coTmpared 妇e bwo 7eports care放 11 2 We careflly compared tbe 让rst report With te Second. C My oWP Problems seem insign 态cant cormmpared With other People3S5. 2 Stantdards 记 Phealth care Raye 7TmProved emnormlously compared .to 340 years ago. 2 [yV] ~ withy/to sby/sth to be similar to sb/sth else, either better OF Worse: This School cormmpares With the best 训 切 e couUPtry (=itis as good asthem). This house doesmntcompare with Our previous one (= itisnotas go0d).cJye had some 二 态CUIties Dut they Were nothing compared toyouis (= they were notnearly as bad as yours). C Their prices compare Javourably with 坊ose of their competitors. 3 [VN] ~Ato Bto showorstatethat sb/sth is similar to sb/sth else: Thne critics compared his Work to that of Martin Armmis.

[II compare notes (with sb) if twOior more Deople cormpare notes, theyeach sayWwhatthey think abottthe Same event Situation, etc.

理 0IOU1 [IE beyond/without corm'pare (iterary) better than anything else ofthe same kind



由 am'paerisn/ moun

1 [U~ (with sb/sth) the Process of comparing two or more people or things: Cormmparisom With other oiLproducing Coumtries is extreTmely iterestimng. CTenclose te VD Plans Jor comparisor C The edaucatiort System bears/ startds miO comparison Wii 矶at 识 放 any Eastern EU7Fo-

pean countries (= itis not as go0od). 2 [QI ~ (ofAand/ to/with B) | ~ (between Aand B) an occasion when two or more people or things je compared: a cormmparisort of the rail systems in Britairl and France ccormparisons bebweemn Britaimn ad the' rest Of EUurope C a comparisom of Tmnens SQlaries With those of wormene 下 三太 cultto make QGcomparison with her previous booKk 一theyare completely different Zucar draw comparisomns with thesituation

in Jreland (= sayhow the two situations are similar). oa comDarison of the brain to a computek (三 Showing whatis

similar) [IEIU by comparison

Usedxespecially .at the

beginning of a sentence when the nextthingthat is mentioned is compared with sth in the previous sentence: By COTDQFISOP exXpenditure oO equcatiom increased Iastyear by/in comparison (with sby/sth) whan conipared With Sbysth: The second halfof thegarme was dul bpy comparisom With the first 2 The talestpuildings 训 IondoP aresmall 训

COPDparisom Withn New YDFKS sKyscrapers. there's no com-

parisonm used to emphasize the difference between two people :or things that are being compared:-Im terrms of Price theres mo comparison (= one thing isimuch more expensive than the other), 一more atPALEV



NAmE -pa:rt-/ noun

Tone of the separate Sections which acoach/car on a train is divided into 之 .one of the separate sections that sth such as a piece of furniture orequipmenthas for keeping things in: The desKk has asecretcompartment Thereis Qa hardy storage comzparbment peneath the oyen. 一See also


com-part-men-tal'ize (BrE also -ise) /Kompaztmentelarz; NAmE kemipa:rt-/ ve 几 [VN] ~ sth (into sth) to divjide sth into separate sections, especially so that one thing does not affectthe other: 工大 today is rigidly commpartrzenmtalized into Work anmd leisure. comiputer 'scientist noun :

com'put'ing /kaem'pjuxtm/ mouwm [U] the fact of using compnuters: to Work 识 compUtHnmng 2 to Study comPpuHnig 和 educatiortal/nmnetwork/scientific cormnPputinSs c comipUutimng , Power/services/sKkills/systemms 一pictures and Vocabulary notes on pages R4, R5

difjferent approaches to these cases. 只 note atADMIT

2 一

sth (to sb) | 一 sb sth to give sth away, especially unwillingly; to allow sb to have sth: [VN] The Presidemt Was 0b~ 1iged to comtcede power to the arrmy coEngland comceded a goal imrmediately after ha 太ime.S IIVNN] Women Were only

comceded 刀 1yoting rights 识 雪 e 79505. 3 一 (defeat) to admit that yotu have lost a game; an election,etc:: [V] After Iosing this decisive battle the general Was forced to comcede.C [VN] IJmjiury Jorced Ficks to comncede defeat 一see also CONCESSION

COm'Ceit /ksn'si:t/ noun T[u] (disopprovingj too mch Pride in yourselfand whatyoudo 2 [C (大rmalfian artistic effect or device;,especially one that is Very clever or tries to be very cleverbutdoes not succeed: The il-adyvised coPceit ofthe gua1diam amngel doorns the 太 1 广omz the star 3 (technicol) a clever expression in writing or speech that jinvolves acomparison between two'things METAPHOR: The idea of 切e wind singing is aromamntic comce 丰

Com'ceit'ed /ken'si:tia/ adi (disapprovingl having too

Comirade /komrerd; NAmE 玫 comraed/ noun 了 a Person

Iuch pride in yourself and what you do: ayery'comceited Person ce1Esyery comceited of这 to assu7ae thatyour WO天

who is a member of the same COMMUNIST OF SOCIALIST Political Party as the person Speaking QZ (BrEalso ,com-

com'ceivable /kasn'sisvVebl/ adj. that youcamn imagine or

ialways the best 上 coOncCeit'edlyadv

rade-in-arms) (old-joshioned) a friend or other person

believe POSSIBLE: 三 comiceiyable that TI see her tomorrow Ca 2 ciby withn puildings ofeverycomceiv-

that you work with, especially as soldiers during a war: They were old army comrades, 瑚 comradely /pmrerdli; NAmE kadmradli/ adj comxradeship /pmrerdjJrp; NAImE amrsed-/ noum [U]: There Was a sense of cormmradeShip petween thermm.

able age and sbyle



/-ebli/ adv: The disease could comnceivably be tramtsferred to ju7mans. WORD FAMILY COmCeiVe /ken'siv/ verb 1T~ (of sth (as sth) ( 思 广 COonceive V

Comabbr (甫 British Politics) CONSERVATIVE coOm/kon; NmEKkamy/ noun; ye上b

mal) to form

an idea,a

COoncept 1/.

conception 1. conceivable aodj. (关 inconceivable) conceptual adf/.

Plan, etc: in your mind; to imagine sth: [VN] He conm-

昌 0OU7m (informal) 1_[sing.] (also_BrE jormal confidence

tricN (also MAmEJorma/ confidence game) atrick; an

CON MAN, MOD CONS 2 [C] = coONVICT [Dr see PRoD. 理 yeib(-nn] [VN] 一 sb (into doing sth/out of sth) (njorma))

ceiyed the idea of tramnsforrming the old power station into am arts centre. C God 诈 oftei comnceiyed of as male. 心 [V (that)] T canmot conceiye (= Ido not believe) (that) he

to trick sb, especially in order to get money from them or persuade them to do sth for yoU: TWas corimied into puying QUseless ca7r- O They had beemn conmned ouUtofE100000. Te coTiTied his Way into the job using /jlse references. cnote


act of cheating sb: The so-called pargain was jstabig comy! C (BrE) a con trick ce (NAmB a con game C Hes a real com artist (= aperson who regularly cheats others). 一See also

Wouild wish to harrmm us. C [V wh-] Tcamnmnot comnceive wphat 让 Inust be Like.. 了 2 when awoman conceives or conceives a child, she becomes pregnant: [V] Sheis unable to comceive.

at CHEAT con amore /on aemore5 NA1mE dmn/ adv (mm05癌 (from 人 as an instruction)in adelicate andloving way


Iental process that makesyouwantto do sthor decideto

tion) in a lively way With energy conm'cat'en-ation /kenkasetemerfn/ noun (formanh a series of things or events that are linked together: a stramnge Cocatemniatiort ofeyvents

COm'Caye/knpnKkerv; NMAmEKkamnk-; kam/ adj (ofan outline ora surface) curving in: acomcaye lemns/Tmiirror 一pic-

for example by boiling 让

ture 只 CONVEX [aa CONVEX

con-cav'ity /pn'kaevetiy NAmmE Kam-/ ioun (只 -ieg (techmcaj EU] the quality ofbeing concave (三 curving 也) 2 [G a shape or place that curves 记 com-ceal /ken'sil/ verb [VN] 一 sb/sth (from sb/sth) (jor /nal) tohide sb/sth: Thepaintinrgswere concealed beneatha

Com'cealment/Ken'silinant/ moun [U] (1jormaj) the act ofhiding sth; the state ofbeing hidden: thre conceaImentof Crime C Marty animals refy on concealmientJor protectioL

COm'cede /kansi:d/ ve 了 态 ~ sth (to sb) | ~ sb sth to admit that sth is true, logical, etc.: [V Speech] Wot pad, She colceded grudgingly 2 [v (that)] He was fjorced to comcede (thab) there mnight be diffriculties. oO[VN] Thad io co 六 cede the logic of this. C [VN, VNN] He reluctantpy comrceded the point to ne. O Fe reluctanmntly conceded me te point [VN that] It 7must be comnceded that differentjages have


| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

0 /onsiitrast; NAmETazmn-/

COPcettrates the mirld better 坊am the Kiowiedsge 太 at You could die tormorrow (= 让 makes yot think Very claar: ]y) edaecided to'icomcentrate all my effortsiori finiding SOTeWhere to liye. 2 [VN + qdvVyprep] tobring sth together in one Place: Power is largely comncentrated 训 the jhands of a small elite.O We Feed to concentrate resources On the 7mmost TUT-dowm areas. CO 丽ghting was comncentrated arOUnd the toWms to the north., 3 [VN] (technica1 to creasethe strength ofasubstance byreducingits volume,

户 Conative /konetiIV; NAmEkamnz/ ad

Com brio adv (musiao (from liajlian) (used as an instrtuc-

thick 1ayer of plaster C For a Iong time his death was com= cealed Jrom jher 2 Tirmm could barely comtceal his disappointment 2 She sat aowTi to comceal the fact that She was tremmpling. 一See alsoILL-CONCEALED enote at HIDE

COmCemtrate Verb, noun

旦 ye/ 孙 了 一 (sth)(on sth/on doing sth) to give allyour attention to sth and not think about anything else: [V] Tcarit世 COPcenttrate With all that mioise going on CO [VN] Notping

com'ation /kemnerfn/ noun [U] (ppiiosophy psychology) do sth

Their Hirstichild was comnceived om their wedding

Pigjt 一See also CONCEPTION



trate on sth to spend more time doing one particular

thing than others: Im this lectureTshall concentrate on the earlyyears of Charlesss reign.。 四 /OU1

[CU] a substance that js _ made Stronger because

Water or other substances have been removed: mineral COTcenitrates found at the bottom of riyers c jams made Withn 广UitJUuice comcemtrate






1 showing determination to do sth: He made a conEem-

trated efjfortto Jinisjhthe workon time: 2 (ofastubstance) made Stronger becatise Water OF other substarnices have been removed: comncerttrated oramngeyjuice e dcomncerntrated

50Lution of satt 识 Water 3 if sth exists orhappens in a concentrated way there is alot of it in one Place OF at one timve: concentrated gumnfire

CO Ci -ra-tiOI 下 am-/ moun


/konsn'trerfn; NAmE

1 [U] the abilityto direct all youreffort and attentiom on one thing, without thinking of other things: This book7e-

| k cat

下 1leg

| mm man

| mnow

| 5 pen

| mred


comncerned to write about Situations 二 at eyerybody coUId identipy with. IE see FAROcdy 四 _OU7


(geometrmy) (of circles) .having the

feeling of worry especially one that is shared by many

concentric circles

Same centre: COPcentric rir8s

COm'Ceipt am-/ mou1


/onsept; NAImE

一 (of sth) | ~ (that .…)anidea or a Principle that is connected with sth ABSTRACT: the comncept of social class @_concepts SUch as Civilization and overnimienb C He cartit SrQsP the basic coTtcepts of mathematics. Sthe confeptthateyeryone Should have equality oF



concept album' movra collection of pieces of popular imusic all having the same theme and Tecorded on one

CD, etc.”

/ken'sepfn/ noun 1 [U] the Process of


forming an ideaoraplan: The Plan Was priliantin ie comcepfiomn DUEJailed pecaUse of Jack of mnoney' 之 [CU]~ (of

sth) |~ (that.….) an understanding orabelief of what sth

和 or what sth should be: Marxzs conceptiom ofsocialjustice He jhasmo conception ofhow difficult If 这 youre umemployed. 3 [U,C] the Piocess of an egg bein8 .FERTILIZzED inside a Womans body so _that ,she becomes

一See n also CONCEIVE Pregnant: the7TmnormmePnt of conceptio COm:Ceptual /kaen'septfual/ ad (Jormaojl related to or based on ideas: @coriceptual 太 amework Within Which chidrens meeds are assessed CCcoriceptualTmodel 基 Com'Cceptu:ally adv: conceptualy SirmilarAdistirict comiceptual at hovn [U] artin which the idea which the wo 永of art Tepresents is considered to be the most important thing about 让

com-Cep-tualism /kaen'septfuelrzem/ noun [U] (philosoPhy) the theory that general ideas Such as eauty and

ed exist only as ideas in the imind


/Ken'septJualrst/ OUm

COm-cep-tu-alize (BrFalso-ise) /ken'septJualaiz/ ve几 FVN] ~ sth (as sth) (7ormaj) to form an idea of sth in your


COm'Cernm 日VE/才



/ken'sazm; NAmE-sazrn/ yerb, 1OUn

by ib. e Where our childrenrs education 东 COTLCerned Po

compromise 节 acceptable,2 The 识 dividuals comncerned jhaye some explainingto do. 2 To Whorm 让 7Tmnay COTCerP … (= used for example, at the beginning of a Public notice OF of a job reference abott Sb's character and ability) ^ Reryone Wio Was directly coTicerned 订 (= had Some responsibility for) 态e 识ciademnt Pas TOW Fesigred. >*BEABOUT 2 [VN] (also be concerned with sth ) to be about sth: The Story comcerTus the princes eJjort to Tescue Pomina COTHRe JooK 让 primaribyr concerred With Soyiet-

AmEricarn Felatons duringtheColdWar 2This chapter comCeFmns itselfwith the jistorical bacKgrourid. ce One major da六

如 JErenice petweet 雪 eSe COTmDPUters COTICeTTS the Way WRich theystore 识forrmatiom. OUT rWORRY SB 3 to WorrY-Sb: [VN] WPat comncerrns 7Tme 节 [VN that] 契 comcerrs Iack of preparatiomr Jor the change. 一See also CONCERNED 7mne 急atyoU Po 1ortger SeeTm to CQTe. TAKE AN INTEREST 4 [VN] ~ yourself with/about sth to the take an ipterest 也 sth: Fe Gdmit comcerT Pimiself With daetails.

| vvan

| 到 wet | zzoo

| shoe

People: The斌 襄groWing concerm about Violence on televi5iomn. O She hasn been seen forfour days and there 1 comcern Jor her safety e The report expresSed coOTiCerTt OVer There is Wiaespread co7comtinuing high unerployrment cermthatmnewhousesWw 记 beDuittortprotectead land. co Stress atWorkisa matter ofcortcerTrt to staff and maragerment The Presidents health was givinig serious cause Jor coTL切 7rieEting yoters raised co7icerns Qbout health cermu 于 e care. 一compare UNCONCERN


2 [U] a desire to protect and help

sby/sth: parents comncern for their childrem rsSTH IMPORTANT 3 [Csomething that is important to a Persom an orgamnization, etc:: What are YOU Tain comcerns Ga5 Q Writer? C The gOVermnTmentts Prirary COPCceTTL 这 toTeduce crirmme.


4 [Gusually sing] (formal)) something

that is yoUT responsibility or that:you have 3 Tight to know about: This miatter 这 雪 e太 conicermi 2 How TuUch ToPneyTImnake 1 moOne OfyOUF COmCcer7L,


.5 [Ca company or business


TmajorPUDIiShimg coOmCcer7


see GOINGOd/

COn-Cerned 0 /kam'sand; NAmE:-sa:rmd/.ad 1 一(about/forsth) |~ (that…)worried and feeling concern about sth: Comcerned parents held a meetings. C The President 认 deeply concerned about this issue. 2 Te didnt see 识 the least comcermned for her Safety. 2 She Was coPcerned 太 atsJjie7mightrmmiss the 志 Fning and get10S cnote at WORRIED 2 ~ (about/with sth) interested in sth: They Were more comncerned With how the other women jhad dressed t 切ai 识 Whatthespeaker Was Saying. [ED UNCON-


有 向:站 冤 0 已四 四 .CT

/ken'sa:nm; NAmE-samm-/ Prep.

(Jorma) abonlt sth; involving sb/sth: He asKed Seyveral dUestio71S comcerning the 刀 ture of the company 2 AlL cases COPncerm训g&childrem are dealt With 识 QSPecial childremns coUT

COm-Cet 0 /konset; NAmE'kazmsart/ noOuUn apublic performance of music: a concert of Tnusic by Bach Caclassical/rock/pop concert c They7e 识 coTtcert ct Wembley Arena. c a comcert hall/Pianist [IE in con-

Cert with sby/sth (Jormaj) working together with sb/sth

1 [VN] [often passive] to affect sb; to iD-

Te Volve sb: Dom 基interfere 识 What doesntconcerrlYyOU 1oss Was a tragedy for all comcerrted (= all those affected

s see | ttea

1 [u,G ~ (about/for/over sth/sb) |~ (that …)a


consisting of a number ofbuildings inside a fence, where Political Prisoneis are keptin extremelybad conditions: Q Nazi comcenttratior carmP


5 _[VN to'inf] be concerned to

do sth (Jormal)tothink it is imnportant to do sth: She was

Concen trationm camp noun a type of prison,often




guiresagreat dealofconcentration.CTiredness affectsyour powers of concentration. 了 [U] ~ (on sth) the process of People directing _effort and attention on a _particular thing: ameed for greater comcenitratior oO eVirorrmental issues 3 [C ~ (of sth) alot of sth in one Place: Qa cortcemfration of industry 训 the north ofthe county 4 [CU] the amountofa substancein aliquidorin anothersubstance: g&LUCOSe COPCentrations ithe blooda

COm:Cer'tante /kontfeataenteI; -ti; NAmE_kamn-/ ad [only before noun] (music) (from lialian) related to a Piece

of mnusic which contains an important part for a SOLO singer or player and which is similar to a CONCERTO in character

'comcett bamd

moun alarge group of people who play

wind instruments togethemr and who perform in a concert 一compare MILITARY BAND hall coOn:certed /Ken'saxtrd; NAmE -ssrt/ adj [only before noun] done in a planned and determined way especially

by more than one persom government,cOUntTY etc.: Q comicerted approach/attacKk/carmpaisrm ce She has beSun to make a comcerted effortto Jind ajob.

COmCcert-gOer 1oun aperson who regularly goes to concerts, especially of CLASSICAL Inusic

COmcert 'gramdg 700n a piano of the largest size, Used especially for COncerts COm-Cer:tinal /kbnsetimna; NAmEkazmnsert-/ nmOUn; ve 几

@ mou1n amisicalinstrumentlike a small AcCORDION, that youhold ip both hands. You Press the ends together and s. c ACCOR一Picture pullthem apart to prodtice Sound


| 5 vision

| tchain

| du5 jam'

| 6 thin

| 5this

| 0 sing


314 |

@Verb (comcertina'ingiconicertinaed coricertinaed)[V] (BrE)tofold uplike aconcertina: The trucKk crashed into tpe tree and comcertintaed:

COm-Cert-mias-ter /上pnsatma:ste(r); NAmE 下 ansertmaes-/ 1OUn (especially NAmE) = LEADER{(3) COm-Certo /kan'tfa:teo; NAmE -tairtow/ nouUn (P/ -os) a piece of music for one or more SOLO instruments playing With an ORCHESTRA:QPpiano comcerto CQaco7icerto Jorjiute aid harP

comcet party /001 a .group of performers who do a concert Or Show together COm:Ces.siomn /ken'sejn/ noun 1 _[GU]-something that you allow or do, or allow';sb to have, in order'to end an

argument or to make asituation less difficult: TPe 万rm Wi be forced to _make cotcessionts 矿让 Wants to ayvoid a Stirike. C to Wi Q concession: 太om Sb CamnaijiorAam iportant cortcessiomn:c She made io conicessiom to Ris age; She expected hirm to Work as hard as she did. 一see also CONCEDE 了 2 [U] the actof giving sth or allowing sth; the act of CONCEDING: the conicession of university status to SO1me Colleges C (especially NAImE) Doles concessiom Speech

(= when he admitted that he had lost the election) 3 [Gusually pl,] (BrE) areduction in an amount of money thathas to be paid; aticketthatis sold at areduced price to a particular grouUP of people: tax comcessioPns CQ TicKkets areE3; there

af] concessionjforsbhudents:CAdults E2.50,

Comcessions 上 2, formmily E5 4 [Ga right or an advantage that is given to a group of people; an organization etc,, especially by a government or an emmployer: The Boliviam 8oyvermrment has 8ranted 108ging concessioPnls COyering 22 Tnillior Phectares. 5 [C] theTightto sell sth in a Particular place; the Place where yoursell it, Sometimes an area which is partofa largerbuilding'or store: 切 eburgercomcessionis at the stadiurm COmn-Ces-sion-aiire /kan,sefamea(G); NAImE -mer/ mouUn

(especialjy Br a person of a business that has been given a COncession to sell sth COm-ces:sionm:ary /ken'sejeneri; NAmE-neri/ adj. [usu-

ally before noun] (Br6) costing lessmoneyfor people in particular ,situations; given asa CONCESSION(2): COTcessioTiary rates/JaresAftrayvel COm-Ces-sive /ken'sesrIv/ adj. (gram/mar) (of a preposition OF conjunction) used at the beginning of a clause to say that the action of the main clause is in fact true Or pos-

Sible,despite the situation. Despite' and although'” are CODcessive words. COmich /kontf; NmEkamntf/ mounthe shell of a sea creature whichiis also called aconch

COmn-chie (also con:chy) /kontji NAmE Kazn-/ moUn (及 -ies) (BrE njormiaj) a CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR COmc-ierge /Konsies5; NAmE -on'sjerz/ mou1m (from French) 了 a person, especially iD France, who takes care of a building containing flats/apartments and-checks People entering and leaving the building 2 (especial NAImB) a person ip a hotel whose job is to help guests by giving them information, arranging theatre ficketsy etc:

COm-cili-ate /kem'slliert 六verb [VN] (1jormah to make sb less angry or Imore friendly, especiallyby being kind and pleasant or by giving them sth PACIFY > COrmcil ation /kenislliierfn/ nouwn [U]: Acomciliation service helps to Settle disputes petbWeertermpIoyers a1id WorKers.

COm-Cili-ator /kan'slierteG)/ movn apersonor an Organjzation that tries to make angryPpeople calm so thatthey can discuss or solve their Problems successfully COm-Cili-atory /ken'sdisteri; NAmE:tori/ adj havingthe intention or effect of making angry peoplecalnmi:a co ciliatory approachvattitude/gesture/rmoyve COm-cise /ken'sars/ adj 1 giving only the'information that is necessary and importanti using few words:_a coOTLCise SUmTIGTXY C clear concise ;instructions 了 [only before noun] (of a book) shorter than the:original book, on Which 让 was based: a comtcise dictiomary 戎 comrcisely




/ess -Jequenths


/ken'sI3n/) moun [U] CoOmn-cjiaVe /koD0klerv; NAmE'ka5-/ noU7 (mmalf) ameet”ingto discuss sth 雇 Private; the People atthis Imeeting

COm-Cjudie 0 /kenklu:d/ ve 必 (notused in the Progressive tenses):~ sth (from sth) | ~ (from sth) that ... to decide orbelieve sth as aresultof What youhave heard or seen: [VN] WPat do you comclude

万om tpat2

[V (that)] The report comcluded (纪 ab the

cheapest option Was to ciose the Iaboratory 2 [v that] Fe coPcluded 廊ommn their rermnarks that tpey were not 帮 大 you of the plan.C [VN that] It was concIuded that the Ieyel of

cham8ge necessaJy Wold be Iow, [also v speech] 2 ~ (sth) (with sth) (Jormaj) to come to an endi; to bring sth to an end: [V] Tetrne makejustajfew concluding remarks.c The ProsgraTmTmne coPncluded With Strayinsjkys Rite of Spring ec Je comncluded By Wishing eyeTyone a Safe trip homme.c [VN] The cofmmmzissionm concluded is inyestigation Iast morth. 人 [V _speech] Amyway she 35Phould be Dack 500m ”he co cluded 3 [VN] ~ sth (with sb) to airange and settle an agreement with sb formally and finally: They concluded a treaty With TUrKkey CA trade agreemertt Was comnciuded between the two coOUtries.

COim-Cjlu-siOotm 0

/kenklu:5n/ noun

1 [cl something thatyou decidewhenyouhavethought about all the information connected with the'situation: Tve come to the coniclusionmn 雪 at hes mot the rightperso Jorthejob. 下 took thejury some tme to reacfi the comclusiom that She Was SUilty Ce New eyiaence might Iead to the comclusion that We are wrong. SS We cari safely draw SOTme COTiclUsions 万om OUr discussiomn. 也- [Cusually sing:] the end of sth such as a Speech or a Piece'of Writing: THe coTtclusion of the book was disappointng. CTmcomciusiomu

(= finally)Twouia TiKe to 态apnK Tentt to its Iogical coriclusion :3

Ce入 We tooK tis argu[U] the formal and

final arrangement of sth official


SUCCessj1 co7iclusiom of a trade featby


to :con'ciusions. | jump/ieap:to:ther conciusion that .-- to make a decision about sb/sth too quickly before youknoworhave thought about all the facts:.ThereT 8o again 一imping'to conclusionus: 一more at FOREGONE COm-clu-sive /ken'kluxsrv/ adi proving sth and allowing Do doubt or confusion: comclusive evidence/proofAreSUIts [Ga I CONCLUSIVE

P Comciu:siyely adv:to proyve

Sth comclusiyely COm-EcOCE /kenknpkti NAmE -kad:kt/ verb [VN]-1 to make sth, especially food or drink by:mixing different things: The soUP Was concocted 廊om Up to adozerdifferent Kinds offish. 2 toinvent a story, an excuse, etc. COOK UP,

MAKE UP: She concocted sorme elaborate stofy to explain her absence. COm-COc-tion /ken'knpkjn; NAmE-kakfn/nounastrange or Unusual mixtuire ofthings; especially drinks or medi:= cines: a comcoction of creamm artd rurm COm-COimi-tant /ken'kpmrtent; NAmE-kazm-/ adj., moun 到 0dj. (formah)happening atthe sametime as sth else, especially because one thing is related to or catses the other 至 IOU7 (jormmalj) a thing that happens at the same tme as sth else

COm-Cord /konko:d; NAmE dmDkord/ (with sb) (Jorma/) peace and agreemient


[U] 工 ~ HARMONY: Living 识 cOTicord With meighbouring state5 [Ga DISCORD 2 [U] ~ (with sth) (grammonm (of words in a phrase) the fact of having.the, same_NUMBER,GENDER



COm-Cord:amce /kenko:dens; NmE-ko:rd-/ novn T [9 an alphabeticallistofthewords used in abook etc. showing where and how often they are used: a .Bible concordance 卫 [C] alist produced by a computer that shows all the examples of an individual word in a booK, etc. 3 [U]

(techmical) the state ofbeing similar to sth or CONSISTENT With it: There is reasomnable concordamce pethween the two Sets of results.

COmiCordiat /kemko:dzet;i NAmE -korda BrE also konz/ 1noun an agreement, especially between the Roman Catholic Church and the state

吾 Cat | d father | eten | si bird | aeabout | Tsit | isee | imany | io got (Br | ozsaw | Acup | oputi|


COm-COUNsSe /kon0ko:s; NAmE2kasmkors/:nouwn

i 计iom COmnmlj



open part of a ptiblic building;j'especially an'airport' or a train station:zthe statiom comncourse

con-demnastion/ikondem'mern; NAmE kamn-/ mouUn

[u,q 一 (of'sb/sth) an expression of Very strong disap:= Pioval: There :WasiWidespread icondermmrmationm of the imyaSio7L。

忆 站 回 -所 六 已让人 DR /下 Dri:t; NAmE Ka2D-/ adj OUm, Ve 几 | 四 ddj. 1 made:of concrete:,Q comcrete jioor 了 based on facts, not on ideas or guesses: Coicrete evidemnce/PproPosals/proof wets only Qa suspiciom ”she Said,7iothing concrete 人 下 语easier to 殷 识K 识 comncrete termas rather 坊 a 六 切eabstract 一compare ABSTRACT(1) 3 a concreteobjectisDhethatyotcan seeandfeel > concrete1yodv 下 DOUm EU] building material that is made by mixing to-

condernned'"'ceilnoun(Br6 aprison cell where aper somwWho is'goingtobe punishedby death 这 kept

T [0U] drops of water that form on a cold surface When Warm Water vAPDUR Decomes cool 2 [U] the Drocess of

aigas changing to aliquid 3 [Cusually sing.,U] (Jormaj

the process of making a book, etc. Shorter by taking out

gether CEMENT, sandi Small stones and water: a slab of

anything that is not neceSSsary

coOcrete 下 ye:[VN]: 一 sth (oven to cover sth with concrete: The gar

履 一 (sth) (into sth) to change com-demse/kan'dens/ ve 站

from a gas into a liquid; to make a gas change into a liquid; SteaTm cortderises 识to Water WPert 让 cools.C [VN] The steaim Was condehised rapidly by 识jecting cold Water into 切 ecylinder 2 这 aliquid condenses oryoU condense it,, 让 becomes thicker and stronger becatse it has lost Some REDUCE: [VN] Condense the soUP by DoiLof its Water

dem had beem concretedoyeF

.Concrete junglenovn [usually sing.] a way of describ-

ing a cityor an area that'is"unpleasant becatse 让 Has imanylarge modern buildings and no trees or parks

ICOmCreite nixernoun 王 CEMENT MIXER JCDmcrete 'POetrynoun [U] Poetry in Which the mean-

识g让 Jorseyeralminutes. [alsoVv] 3 [VN 一 sth (into sth) to

Diutsth such as a piece of writing into fewer Words; to put alotofinformation into asmall space: The article Was co7Ldensed into justtwo pages. 2 The author Pas CodeTlsed a g&reatdealofmaterialintoJust 100 pages.

记 g or effect is communicated paitly by Using Patterns of

Wordsorletters that are Visible on the page

con-Cu-bine /konkjubam; NAmE kac-/ moun (especially in some societies in the pasb a woman Who lives

coOn deised milkmoun [U] atype of thick Sweet milk

WwWith a man, often 也 addition to bis wife or Wives, but Whoisless important than they are

thatis sold in cans COn-denms:er/ken'dense(Gr)人 noun 1 a device that cools gasin order to changeitintoaliquid 2 a device that receives or stores'electricity' especiallyin a car engine

.[U]_ (orah,

Com-cu-pis-cemce /ken'kjuzpIsns/ novn

LUST often disapproving) Strong sexual desire COmr-cUr /kanka:GD/verb (0 一 (with sb) (in sth) | 一 (with sth) (fommalj) to agree: [V] 机storians jhayve comcurred The coromner coOTCUTTed With With each other 识 切这 View 切 丫assessment [alsoV that, Vspeech] ECEe/i NAImE-k3T-/ OU (Jormal kenkArens; COm-CUT-TE人





Ye 册

1 [vto inf] (often disopproving) to dosth thatyou think 让 is below. your social "or piofessional position to do EDEIGN: We jhad to Waitalmost am hour before he com= descended to see us. 2 [V]

1 [using.] agreement: The doctor may SeeK 妇e coTcU广 rence of a-relative before carTying OUt the ProceduTre. 2 [sing.] an example of two or more things happening at the same time: ari Unfortunmate coPncurrence ofeyen 好

comCUrremt/kenkArent; NAmE-kasT-/ ad

Kadmn-/ 7oun


CDOnm-dien-saHtion /konden'serIfn;

一 to sbitobehave towWards sb as

though you are more importantand more intelligentthan theyare:When gsivingatalk, be carefulmnotto condescenG to your audiemice, 戎 condescension/ kondrsenfn; NAmE Kazn-/ moun [U]: 了Her smile Was C mixture of Pity and ComdesceTlsiom.

一 (with sthm)

existing or happening at the Same time:| He Was immPrisoned for two comncurTent terTms of 30 months aitd;18 months,s Concurrentlyady: The Prison 5enitences W 让 FUPL COPCUFremtty.

Con-des'cenad-ing /kbndrsendm;

COm-CUSS/KkenkAs/ ve [VN] to hit sb on the head, malc 舱g them become Unconscious oT confused for a short time 世 Cconcussedadj :She Was conCUSsSed after the 思 忆

com-dign /ken'dam/ adj (Jormal (of a punishment) appropriate to the crime

con-di-meni /kondimaent; NAmE kadn-/ moun [usually

COomCcus-siom/kenkAjJn/ noun [U] (This wordis only [C]

pl] T (BrE) a substance such as salt OF Pepper that is tsed to give flavour to food 了 (especial心NAmp) aisauce,

记 NA7mE.) a temmporary 10Ss of CONSCIOUSNESS caused by a blow to the head; the effects of a severe blow to the head stuch asiconfusion and temporary 1oss of Physical and mental abilities: (BrB.He Was takerm-to hospital With comeussiomn C (NAImE) He Was taken to the jospital Witha COmcUsSsiom.

etc. that is used to give flavotr to food, or that is eaten

With food


STATEOFSTH 1 EU,sing] the state that sth is in: to be 训 bad/goodVexcellent comdition 2 Q USed car 识 Derfect coPmditiom

> EXPRESS DISAPPROVAL 1 [VN] 二 sb/sth (foras sth) to exXPriessVEIy Strong disapproval ofsb/sthy usually for Imoral feasons: The goVeFrirment issUed Q Statemient comdermmirig Theeditor of the meWSDaDer WaS comnaefmmned 太 e Killings. as IacKing integrity: 、 SBTOPUNISHNMENTIZ [usually passive] ~ sb (to sth) to say

> MEDICAL 2 [USimg.] the state of sb's health or how fit

they are: He it OoVerweight and ouUL of comndition (= not

在om 识 hospital 1ast night 3 [G anillness or a Imedical

[VN to inf] She Was cornidernmed to hang Jor killing jer husbarzd. ~ sb > SBTODIFFICUITSITUATION 3 [VN] [usually passive] to sth to force sb to accept adifficult or'unpleasant Situation EGGUDOOM: They Were comndemmmedto alife ofjhardShip. Fe:Was condeTmned to spend the rest of the football

seasoP o7t the bemtch to 、sTHDANGEROUS 4 [VN] [usually passive] 一 sth (as sth) comsayofficiallythat sth is not safe enotghtobetused: a eat demiriedpiildingCTheTmeatWas comndern7ied as UPfitto


| army

[VN] to show or Sug8gest that sb is guilty of

| ar now | ersay

| ao 8o (BrE)

识 no condition (= too 计,etc,)

physically fib. e Zou are

to go anyWhere: e The motorcyclistWas iniacritical cortdi-

Fe what'sb's punishment will be ER SENTENCE: [VN] Was:Eoridemmed to death jor murder and Iater jiamged:.

sth:, She 丰 condemied out of her OWP 7TmOUth (三 herown words showthat she is guilty).

0m /ken'drn/ movn, ve 几


COm-dieinminmn/koen'dem/ ve 访


NAmE kadmn-/ 0df/

behaving as though you are more important and more intelligentthan other People: He has a comdescending attitude towards women scondescendjinglyadv

problem that you have for a long time because it is not possible to cure it: a medical condition CO He SUHJfersoma serious heart comtditiom. 只 note at DISEASE > CiRCUMSTANCES 4

conditions [pl.] the circumstances

or situation in which people live, work or do things: fivchamgimng ecomnoTmniC 说g&XJiousingAWorking comnditions comnditiomns C Tieglected childremr 1iying Untder the Tost appalling comaditiorls 人 区 sfike to imiprove Pay ad cortditions 尼 note at SITUATION 5 conditionms[pl.] the physical situation that affects how sth happens: The Plants grOoW


识 c00





iurmaidietc:. comditiomts e Conditions areideal (=the weather is Very good)Jor sailing today o treacherous driving coTtditiorts

| ou go (NA 日 | 5 boy

|rze near

| ee hair

| 5e pure


316 |

*'RULEE @- [C] arule or decision:that,youimust'agree'te, Sometimes forming part of acontract of an official agree: ment: the terTnsarad conditiors ofemzpIoymentST7Pe offer 六 SUpject to certain comdliitiorns. C They agreed to lend Us the car on conditior that(= Onlyif) we returneditpefore the Weekend. ceThey w 记 give Us the money OPm OPne comdi在om 一that We pay 让 pacKk within six monthns. 人(especially NAmB) They agreed ULrider the comdition that the 7matter pe aealt with prormptb ce Congress caiL ipose strict conmGiftiors om the pank. 2 They jhave agreed to the ceaseFire Drovided their cortditioris are Imet >* NECESSARY SITUATION 7 [C asituation that mustexistin order for sth else to happen: a mnecessaTy co7dition forecoPiOTtic Srow 坊2 4 80od training programimie is one of the comdaitions forSuUcce5s 负 1 industry > STATE OF GROUP 8 [sing.] Uormalj) the state of a particular grouUp of psople because oftheir sittiation in life, their PIoblems, etc.: He spoKke arigrily about te co7idition of the LTrDanm poor 和 Work 1 pasic to te hurmmart corditiori (三 the fact ofbeing alive). [rm onno condition (US also under 'no conditiom) (1jormaj notin anysituation; never: ZUwTmustoPn no cond ionm te1 term wpat happened. 一more at MINT1. 晶 Yer 夕1 [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (to sth/to do sth) to train Sb/sth to behave in aparticular way or to become Used to aparticular situation: [VN] the differerice between 训 born and comditioned reflexes (= reactions that are learned/ not natural) o Patien太 caft becoTrie conditioned to partic 记 lar jprmsof tireatmenkE O[VNtoinf] Therats had beemn co ditioned to ring a bell wher 太 ey Wanted 10od 2 [VN]itO have an important effect on sb/sth; to influence the way thatsth happens:Genderroles are oftemn conditioned pycuE turaljfoctors. 3 [VN] to keep sth such as yourhair or skin healthy: asharmpoo 太atcleamns and conditions hairoaDoF ij orconditioning 加 Ieather

Con:di'tion:er /ken'drfeaneGD)/ noun- [CU] 1 aliquid that makes hair soft and shiny after washing: sharmpoo ad conditioner 也 aliquid, used after washing clothes, that makes them softer: /jpric condiiomer

con-di'tion-in 有 /ken'drjanm/nown [uithe training or experience'that an animal or aperson has :that makes them behave in aparticular wayin aparticular situation: personaliby the resultof comnditioning 方om parertts and society or are We porn With it? 一see also AIR CONDITION-

ING. COmndo /npndau;i NAmE- kamnadoo/ moun (p1- -09 (NA 后 Informajl = CONDOMINIUM con:dol.ence/ken'deaulens; NAmE:-dou-/noumn [Gusually pl, U] sympathythatyou feel forsb when aperson in their family or that they know well has died; an expression of this sympathy: to give/offer/expressyoOur cortdolerices 忆 Our cortdolences go to his Ww 死and farmiiy ca letter of COTidolemnce

con-dom /Kondom; NAmE kamndem/ noun T (BrE also

sheath) (also MAmE 帮 rmal or technicaol_prophy:lac:tig

a thin rubber covering that a man Wears Over his PENIS during sex to stop a woman from becoming pregnant of

to protect against disease 2 female condom a thin rubberdevice thatawoman wears insideherVAGINA dur识g Sexto preventherself fom becomiing pregnant

con'do:-min:ium /kondeminisam; NAmE Kam-/ (als6 , informal condol noun (especial NAmmE) an apartment building in which each flatVyapartment is owned byitthe Person living 记 it biit thebuilding and shared areas are Owned by everyone together; a flatapartmentin stch a building

con:done/ken'daumn; NAmE-doun/ verbto acceptDehav-

condition .state Thefollowing adjectives are frequently used with these nouns: ~ condition

aG2 corditional Sentertce/clatseconditionally /Jenali/ adv:The ofjferwasrmade conditionally. 目 0OUP (Srammar) 了 [C] :aisentence or:clatise'that begins with ifor Unless and expresses a condition 2 the condi”fional [sing.] the form of a verb that expresses a cOnditional action, for example should ip 矿1shouwld die …: te DreseTit/PastZperfect comtditioral cthe 放rst/second/ third conditionaT

~ state

iour that imorally wrong or tortreatiitas 让 记 Were not Serious: [VN] Terrorism cam mever De -coridoned [also

V-ing,VN-ing] 忆 Com-dor/konda:(D; NAmEKam=/ noumalargebird ofthe


VULTURE family that lives mainly in S America



CoOn-du:cive /ken'dju:srv; NAmE -du:s-) adj.

physical poor

mental solid

human perfect no

no emotional physical natural




Stateisa more generalword than condition and is .used forthe condition thatsomethingisin ata

particulartime. Itcan be used without an adjective:

thepresenisiate of medicalknowledgeeWeyre worried , Gbouthis menialstate.cWhatastatethisroom 拉 放 (三 very bad). NSRA Condition is used with an adjective and refers especially to the appearance, quality or working order of somebody orsomething: TIpe corisimexcellent sa comndlitionm: Rs

con-djition-al/ken'drfenl/ ad/.,noun Badj..1 ~ (on/upon sthj.depending on. sth: conditionai GDProVvaLAacceptaftce C Payment is conditional .upon deliyery of the goods (= 应the goods are not delivered the Ioney will notbe paidje Hewas found guilty and given a conditiomal discharge (= allowed to go freeonparticular conditions). ea conditiomal offer(= that depends on particular





忆 [only before noun] (gro/m/mar) expressing sth that must happen orbetrueifanotherthingis tohappenorbe true:

b bad

| ddid



一 to sth

making it easy; possible orlikely for sth to happen: Chairs 态 rows are mot as conduciye to discussiort as cjairs ar FanSed in a circle:

| hhat

| iiyes


目 Ye 几 /kemn'dAkt/ 全 [VN]ito ofganize andXor do aparticular activity: to comndruct ar iexperimentZan inguiry/a SUTVEYC Themegotiations haye beemn conducted inapositive marniner 之 to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music: [VN] a comcert by 纺 ePhiihnarmomic OrchestrQ coniducted:by Sir Colin Dayis [also v] 3 [VN 十 advy Prep.j to lead or guide sb through or around a Place: ia comducted tour of Athens (= one with a guide,giving information about it) The guide conducted us around the TUins Of the ancientcity 和 [VN 十 adv7Vprep] 一 yourself (Jormalj) to behave in aparticular way: Re conducted jirmse for petter thari expected. 号:[VN] (technicon (of a substance) to allow heat or electricity to pass along or through 让:Copper conducts electricibrWe 丰 昌 DOUm /KpndAkt NAmE kam-/ [U] (Jormal) T a person's behaviourin aparticular place orin aparticular situation: The sport hasiastrict code ofconduct 也 一 of sth the way ip which a business or an activity is organized and man:aged: There Was groWing criticism of thie govermments coOP一see alsoSAFE CONDUCT dauct of the war.

con'duct'ance/ken'dAktens/ noum [U] (physics) the degreeto which an object allows electricity or heat'to pass through 让

Com'duction/ken'dAkjJn/ moun[U] (physics) the process by which heat or electricity passes through a material



| msman

| nanow

| prpen

| rred

con'duct'ive /ksn'anAktiv/ adji (physics) ableto coNDUcT electricity heati etc:. > conductiv'ity /kondAk'trvati; NAmEikamn-/mnoun [U] conductive



[U] a treatment


Deople with CEREBRAL PALSY that was developed in Hungaity_ and that involves special physical exercises and Iearning methods con:ductor /Ken'dAktaGr)/ noun Tapersonwho stands in front of an ORCHESTRA, a groOuUp of singers etc., and directs their performance, especially sb who does this as a Erofession 2 (BrE alsoguard) a person who is iD charge

of atrain and travels with it, but does not drive 让 3 (Brb) a person whose job is to collect money from Passengers onabusorchecktheirtickets: apusconductor 4 (physics) asSubstance that allows electricity orheat to pass along 让 or through it: Wood iapoor conductor 二see also LIGHT-

NING CONDUCTOR Comduc'tress /Ken'dAktres1 no0n (BE old-foshioned) a


sameaim 2theConfederacy [sing.] =THE CONFEDERATE STATES

Con'fed'erate /kenfedarst/ 7oun, 0 不 蛋 ]1OU1 aperson who helps sbyespecialiyto do sth ijllegal or Secret ACCOMPLICE 上 0dj. belonging to a confederacy

the Con,fedesate States moun [pl] (alsothe-Confederacy

[sing.]) the eleven southern states of the US

Which left the United States in 1860-1l, starting the Ameri-

can Civil War

con'fed:eration /kenfedererfn/ noun Tan organization consisting of countries,businesses,etc.

that have

joined together in order to help each other: the Conjfede 六

atiomn of British Industy 2 Confederation

(in Canada)

the joining together of PROVINCES anid TERRITORIES forming Canada, which began 1 July, 1867

Woman who collects money ffom passengers om abus or checks their ticKkets

Com'fer /kenfa:(D/ vemb (rr-) (ormah TIV] ~ (with sb)

Comduit /攻ondjuit: NAmEKamdurt/ nounT (iechnica1ha

opinions or get advice: He wanted to conjfer with his coLIeagues before reachinga decision: 2 [VN] ~ sth (on/upon sbjto give sb an award, auniversity degree oraparticular honour or right: Am honoraryaegree Was comferred on Fim by Oxford University 识 2001.

Pipe, channel or tube which liquid, gas or electrical wire can Pass through 2 ( 帮rmal/) a person, an organization Or a_ country that is used to pass things or information to other People or Places: The orgamization jhad acted as Q corau让Jor money 方omm tue arms industry. COmne /keon; NAmEKoun/ noumn, ve山 四 IOU1 1 a solid or hollow,object with arTound 自at base and:sides that slope Up to apoint 一picture 只 SOLID 一See also CONICji CONICAL 也 asolid or hollow:;object that is shaped like a cone:a papercone 克有 Lofpopcorn ethecone ofayolcanro=-seealsoNOSE CONE 3 (alsotrafficcone)a Plastic object shaped:like acone and often red and white, oryellovw;incolour usedonioadstoshowWwhere vehicles arenotallowedto go, forexample whileTrepairs are being

done 4 (also old-6shioned cornet) a Piece of'thin crisp



biscuit shiaped like acone; which you can putice cream iD toeatit Sthehard dryfrait ofaPINE Or FIRtree: QPpine cote 二 See alsSOFIR CONE

日 Ve 贱

icone sth 一'off to close aroad or Part of a

(on/about sth) to discuss sth with sb, in order to ezchange

CO TeieimCe

0 襄 /konferens; NAmE kan-/ noun

1 alarge official meeting, usually lasting for a few days, at Which People with;the same work or interests come togetherto discuss theirViews: The hotelis Usedjrexhib这 oFns ,coOPferences anid Social eyent Ca comyererice FrOOTm centre/phall c Sheis attending a three-aay cort 广 ece Onm AIDS educatiom CThe coniference Willbe Feld 妆 Glasgow: Cdelegates to 执e Iabour Partbyrs anrnual confe 广 ence 2 a meeting at which People have formal discusSions: Miriisters 六om al1jJourCcountries 识yVoyed w 记 mmeet at 妇e comjference table this Weejk. 2 .He was 训 comference With his Iawyers all day. 一See also PRESS CONFERENCE 3 (especially ,NAmE) a-group of Sports teams that Play againsteach other in aleague:Southeast Comference 加 of Dall chamapions

Conference call moun atelephone calliin which three

road by putting aline of cones across 让

ormorepeopletake Part


con:ferenm'cing /KbnferensIm; NA 万 E"kan-/ noun' the activity of organizing OF taking part iD meetings,eSpecially when people are in different Places and use telePhones,comptiters,or Video to commtunicate: Video COTferemcing comn'feriment /kenfamant;, NAmE -BTm-/ nouwn [U,O]

(iormalj)the action of giving sb an awatd, auniversity degree oraparticular honour or right

Cone (BrE afso fir cone)


ice cream cone

traffic cone

/kopnfaeb; NAmE Kam-/ moun _(informanh -1 an

informal Private discussion or conveisation

乙 (NAm 有 ).a

meeting or conference of the mermbers of a profession or group: 妇 eaiUaLTiOVie confap 讽 Carmte5

conm'falbu:la:tion /Kenfabjslerfm/ noun [Co (1jorma) 1 asstory iht sb has invented in their mind; the act of iDVenting astory 雇 your mind QZ a conversation; the activity ofhaving a conVertsation

con'fec'tion |

/kenfekjn/- movun


ascake or

other-SsWeet .food thatilooks very attractive 之 .athing Such as'abuilding orpiece of 雪 8 that js mnade in a SkilfulorcomPplicated way con'fec'tion'er



or a

Disimesstthatmakes Orsellsicakes amid Sweets/candy

con fectioner's'custard

moun [U] a soft thick sub-

stance that is Used in cakes and DESSERTS

(= SWeet


conm'fectioner'ssuSar 10U1 [U] (LU9). = ICINGSUGAR Con-fec:tion-ery /kenfekfJanari; -NAm6 :eneri/ movn | [Usweets/candy chocolateivetc;


/ksenfedarasi/:nouvn 了 [Gasunion of

statesj "groups ofipeople'or .Sirsee

.中 titea

| vvan

Doliticab partiesTwith

| wzwet


|5J shoe


COm'fess /ken'fes/ ve 履1T~ (to sth/to doing sth)to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done sth wrong or ijllegal: [V] She comjfessed to the murder After_ jhours of questioning, the SUSPpect cofessed、 了 [vV (that)] Fe comjfessed tjat he had stolen te noPney [VN] We persuadea Rer to comjfess her crime: 也 一 (to sth/

to doing sth) to admit sth that you feel ashamed or embarTassed about: [VN] She was reluctant to comnfess her igrior广 rice. CO [V] TI mmust icomfess to Knowinrg mothinrg QPpout comPpiters: e [VN-ADI] (大rpa1) Tcoryjess mysei bewWildered 5y 纺Eir explariation. [alsoYy (that, Vspeech] 一 See also SELF-CONFESSED 吕 note at ADMIT 3 [V VN] 一(sth)' fto sb) (especially in the Roman Catholic Church) to tell God orapriestaboutthebad thingsyouhave done sothatyou can Say that you are SOrIY and be forgiven 4 [VN] (of a Priest) to hear sb confess their SINS (= thebad things they have done)

con'fes.siom /kentfefmnoun 了 [cuU] astatementthata person makes, admitting that they are guilty-of a crime; the act of making such a statement: 友fter jiours of questioniing by police' she 7made a: 包 1 comnfessionr 了 [GuU] a statement admitting sth that youiare ashamed or'embarTassed= about,'the .act of makingysuch-a statement ADMISSION: TYVe da comjfessiomn to Take--F Lied abottt

im age: 3:uG (especially ip the Roman Catholic Chuirch) a private' statement to 'a Priiest:about the bad

于 5 wision

| trchain

十 dz jam

| 8 thin

| athis

| Dising



COm-fidem-tial /konfrduenfl;NAmEamn-/ ad 1Tmeant =

thingsthatyouhave done:to gotocomjfession 有 tojhearsbs comyjfession 4 [G (Jormalj) astatementofyouriteligiousbeliefs, Principles, ete.: Qcomjfessiomof fi 纺

CoOmfes:sion:al /kenfefenl/:nouvn-a Private Place in:a church where a Priest listens to People making confesSions COm-fessOF

/kon'feseG)/ 7051a Roman Catholic priest

Who listens to CONEESSIONS COTi-fetti /Ken'feti/ movn [U] small*pieces of coloured paper that people often throw at weddings over People Whomhavejustbeen married, or (initheUS) atother Special events


( 龙mnine also confidante)


Konfrdamt; NMAmE anfrdaent/ own a Person that yoU trust and who you talk to about Private or secret things: Qclose/trustedconfidant of the President

Com 人ide /ken'fard/ ve 履~ (sth) (to sb) to tell .sb secrets and:-personal information that you do not want other People to know: [VN] She confided all her secrets to _Fier Dest 太 iend..e [vthat] Be comfided to me thathe had applied Jor another:Job.:[also v speech] FEELING CERTAIN 3 [U] the feeling that you are certain about sth: They could mnot say With comfidence that phe Would be apble to Walk again after te accidenE ee ex Dressed his comfidence that 雪hey WouId Wi识. 二 * TRUST 4 [U] afeeling oftrustthat sb will keep information Private: Eva told me about their relatiorship 训 com记dence.CThis zi 太 thestrictestcomnfidence.cittookalong tmne to gain her confhidence (= make her feel she cotild trust me).


号 [〇 (jormalj) a secretthat youtell sb: The girls

eXcha7ged corfidences. 人 工could mneyer forgive Mike 1for petraying aconfidence. [ET be in sb's confidence to be trusted With sb;'s secrets: He is said to be yely Imuch 训 the Presidents com矿dehce.take sb into your confidence to:tell sb secrets and personal iformation -about yourself: She took_rme ito Per comifiderice and told7mne about the problems she Wasjocing.

Confidemnce tricKnoum (Jormajh 三 CON

(Br6 (NAmE'confidemee


COonfidemceTtrickKster mouni(BrE 1jormalaperson who tricks others into giving him or her money' etc.



/konfrdant; NAmEEGGE/ad

feeling sure aboutyour own abijlityto do things andbe Successful: She Was in airelaxed,comnfident mood. C The teacher Wantsithe children to 帮 elconfident aboutiasKking guUestions When they dont understand 一see also- SELF-

CONEFIDENT 也 一of'sth | 一 that ..…. feeling certain that

to be kept secret and notitold to or:shared with ,other people: confidential iforrmaftiort documients coUr medical.recoras are strictlty comnfidential (三 completely

secret): 2 (of a way'of speaking) showing that'what yoU are saying is_private_ OF secret: Fe SpOoke 训 QG confidemtial tone, his voice 1ow. 3 [only before noun] trusted with PIivate Or_ Secret information: Q comfidential Secretary com 作deritiaFly /Jeli/ -adv: She told me confidentally thatshetzs going to retireearly.

COom人ii-denm-tial- 放yY /konfridenfi'alatij,



Houn [U] a situation in which you expect sb to keep information secret: They Sigmed a.comnfidentiality agreemient 人 AIlIetters Wi 这be treated with cormmplete comfidentiality.

Com作di-inmg /ken'fardm/adj [usuallyibefore noun]-show让 gtrust; showing thatyou wantitotell sb asecret: QicomJiding 7relationship ComfidLingly adv


/kenfrgererfm; NAmE ifrgjaTr-/ noun

Ti 人(ormal ortechnical) an arrangementofthe parts of sth or a group ofthings; the form or shapethat this,airange-

Iment produces 了 2 (computng) the _equipment and-Pprogramas that form a compPputer System and the way that these are Settuptoron Com -从EUEFe /kan'frgeG); NAImE- 人 gjer/ yeb [VN] [usually

passive] (iechmical/)toarrange sthin aparticular Way, especially computer equipment; to make equipment OF Software Work in the waythatthe User Prefers

COm作me Ge /Konfam/verIVN] 1 一Sb/sth to sth foften passive] to keep sbysth inside the limits ofaparticular activity SUbjectb areap etc. RESTRICT: The WorkKW 记 motbe confhined tot 织 eGlasgowarea TWillcofifine myset 如 1ooKking atEthe period 刘om 19200to

了 976. 也 一 sb/sth (in sth) [usually passive] to keep aperson orananimalin'asmall or closed Space:Keepithe dog co Jfinied 六:aSUitable 厅 ayelliag cage 2 Dere the riyemisi conmJined im aimnarrow chnammel C The soldiers comncerned Were comyfimned to barracks (=had to stayin theBARRACKS; as apunishment) 3 be confined to bed,a wheelchair etc. to have to stay in bed, ERa WHEELCHAIR,etc.: -SPe_Was coPmfined to bed with the ju ee was:comfineditoaWwpeeLchair after the accide

CO 人imedi


/konfamad/odisfusually beforemoun]

(of aspace or an area)j small and stUrrounded by walls or Sides: 丰认 cruel to Keep amimals im comnfimed SpacCe5:

COmfine-rmmemt /ken'famimaent/ noun T [U] thesgstate of being forced to stayin aclosed space, Prisonj etc., the act ofputting sb there: hercominmnermenttoawheelchairCyears of comfirierment as Q Political prisoner 一see alsoO SOLITARY


了 Q [U,G] (Jormal or old-foshiomed)j the time

When a woman gives birth to a baby: the expected date of comfimnementC ahospitaI/home confinerment

COm人 mes


NAmE an-/ noun

[pl] (Jorma)

limits or borders: 契攻 beyomd the comfinies of Pumar Ko

Ledge. ecthe confines of armipy 1庆 CO 人iFi 0 /kenfam; NAmE- 人 rm/ veb ito state or Show that sth is definitely true or correct especially by: providing evidence:_[VN] _Rurmours of job 1osses_ Were later confirrmed C His SuUilty_ expressiom com万FrmmedTmnY SUSDicions. 2 Please write to comnfir7fm yOUr rese 六

yation (= Saythat it is definite). e [V (that)] Ras everyome comfirrmmed (thab theyyre comming?2 2 [V WwWh-] Can you co 六rm What Fappernied? c [VN that] t has Deemcorfirrned thatthje 7meeting Will take place TextWeeK. 了 :TIVN] 一 sth |

一 sb (in sth) to make sb feel or believe sth even more Strongly:. The Walk in the mountains conFirrmmed Rnis 帮arioF heisghts.

3 [VN] to make aposition, an agreement


Imore definite or official; to establish-sbysth firmly: AfterQ_sSPpcmonth Dropatiomiary Period,her Dosiion Was com语Tned. CHe Was confirmed as captain Jor the rest or the Seasom 4 [VN] [usually passive] to make sb a full member of the Christian Church: She was paptized WwWFensheWwasa 7mmonth oldiand com 记rmiedWwjher she Was thirtee下

sth will happen in the way that you want Or expect2T 宗 ECOm人rmm'ationm- /konfemerJmn; NAmE:Kamnfermz/ mouh comfidentthatyouW 记 get 雪e job o The teami els-com万 [GT asstatementi lettenretc: that shOowssithatsstHais2 dentofwinnming:c>note atSURETCon人 denmt-Iyiady true, COrrect oridefinite:Tmeshzwaitirig forconfirmatiom

aeicat| d father | eten | 3: birdi |a about 直Tsit | isee | imany | po got:(BrE) | iovsaw | Acup |jiputi| utoo

of the testTesults. :了 aceremony at which aperson be: comes afull member ofthe Christian Church 3-ayJewish cereImnony similar to a BAR MITZVAH OrBAT MITZVAH but usually for young people over the age of 16 COmn -和 rmed /konfamd; NAmE -fsrmad/ adj [only before noun] having aparticularhabitorwayoflife and notlike]yto change: acomfirmed bachelIor (= amanwho is not

likelyto getmarried, often used in newsDpapers to refer to aHOMOSEXUAL man) Com和s-Cate /konfrskert; NAmE:kazm-/ verb [VN] to officially take sth away from'sb,especially as a punishment': Their Iand Was comfiscated after the war c The teacher 态 7eatenied to comfiscate their _ Phones 这 切ey Kept Wi识 g 态em 况 Cclass, 区 conmfiscaionm /Konfr'skerfmi, NAmE 上 can-/ ouUn [U,G]

COm: 和和aa-faiionm



Kamn-/ nou7n

(Uormal) a very lairge fire that destroys a lot of land or buildings

COm和atey/kenflert/ yemb[VN] (rmahtoputtwo ormoie things_ together to make ome new thing zcon 乔afion /kenflerfny/ noumn [U,g]

工加 加-和 jc 0 moun; ve力 引 ]OU1 /konflikt; NAmE' kamn-/ [GU]

一 (between Aand B)

| ~ (over sth) 1 a situation in which people, groups or cotuntries are involved in aserious disagreement or arguIment:Q comHiictpetweet byVDCcUIturesCTheyiolericeWas the Tesultofpolitical arid ethPiccomflick. SShefourmadherseF 训 Comyflict with Per Parentzs oyer Per: 刀 ture career C John ofter commes into corylict Witp Phis poss. C The govermrmient jhas done 7iotping to resolve te corylict oyer TiU75e32 Day. 之 a Violent situation or period of fighting between two countries: ar7medArmailitary comnflict 3 asituation iD Which .there are OpPposing ideas,opinions, feelings of Wishes; asituation in which'it is difficult to choose: The Stofytels of aclassic coPflict petweem loyve amdidub OHer Gary Was ia record of Per 识ner Conflict 2 Many of 二 ese iaeas appear to pe 总 comjFlict Withn eachn other COm和ict 汪 于 mteresils) a Situation in Which there are two jobs, aims, Toles,etc. and it is not possible for both of them to be treated equally and fairly at the same time: TherewasacomflictofinterestDpetweent his business dealings amd his Political activities. 豆 YE/b /ken'flrkt/ [V] ~(with sth) iftwo ideasibeliefs, stor ies,etc. conflict, it is not possible for them to exist together .or _for them both_ to be true CLASH: coTtflictings emotioms/ iterests/loyalties C These Fesults COPJlict With earlier indings. 2 Report comjlicted or how TUch of the aid Was reaching 女 e/ormmine yictir71s.

Com利icted /ken'flktzd/ ad (especialy NAm 昌 confused about whatto do or choose because you have strong bnut opPDosing feelings CO 和 weiCE: /konfluo5ns; NA7mE am 人now [usually Sing.] 了 (iechnicaj) the place where two Tivers fow together and become one 2 (jormal) the 人act of two Or Imore things becoming one: acomhuemce ofsocial foctors COP 了or /kon'fom; NmE-form/ ve由 [V]T 二 (ftosth) tobehave and thinkin the same way as mostother people in ai:group Or society: T7here comsiderable Pressure om teefaagers to co7form.C He refhused io comiform to the Iocal clustorms, 卫 一 to/with sth .to_obey a rule,law,etc. COMPLY: The Duilding does not comforrm With safety Tegulatiors. 了 3 ~ to sth to-agree With or match sth: did Potcomformito 雪e USUGLstereotype of at 识GUSstrial ciby/





1oun [U,G] (frmal) the way im which sth is formed; the Structure of sth, especially an animal

COi 于Orammiist /kan' 钨:inist; NAmE :forim-/ on


dhisapproving) a person Who behaves and thinks 识 the same Way as most other people and who does not want to be different 全 conformjsit 0d/. 一See also NONCON-


COmTorrmm-主yY/kaen'fomati; NAmE :fozm-/ novm [U] 之



Comfoundl /kenfaomd/ vemb [VN] (1jommah Tito confuse and SUrprise Sb

BAFFLE: The Suddenmn rise

识 Share

Prices has comfoumnaed ecorniofmist: 2 to prove sby/sth Wiong: to confound expectations Sjieconrfpunrded her cr让

ics amnd Droved:sjhe could do the job 3 (old-6shiomeo to defeat an enemy TI confound ityyeul (old-/sj1oned) used to sliiow that you are angry about sthywith sb

confoumd:egi /Kenfaomnadrd/ 0dji [only before noun] (o/引 友 shioned) used when describing sth to showthat you are annoyed

COm和 二e六看 诈Y /kopnfretamrti; NAmE kazn-/ moun (D -ies) (jxma/) a group of people who join together especially for a religious Purpose or to help other People

CGO 门-和ON 让 -0 /kenfrAnt/verb[VN] T(ofproblems oradifficult situation)to appear andneed tobe' dealt with by sb: the ecomnommic problemis confrorting the county CThe goyvernment 如 und i65elf conforited by Tmassiyve Opposition. 了 to deal with aproblem or difficult Situation FACE UP TO: She Kmnew that she hadito com万ontherjears 3 to face sb sothattheycannot avoid see也8 and hearing you,especially in an unfriendly or dangerous situation: This was the 帮rst tme he jad co7m万omted al arTmed robber ,4 一 sb with sb/sth to make sb face or deal with an unpleasant or difficult person or situation: He confjonted her Wit achoice betweeft Jer career

OF their relatiomnship,5 be confronted with sth to have sth in front ofyouthatyouhaveto deal with or react to: Most People wRen confronted with a horsewipat 下

COmroniation /konfrAn'termn; NAmE -Kamnfren-/ Houm [U,C] ~ (with sb) | ~ (between Aand B) a situation iD which there is an angry disagreement between People OF groups Who have different opinions: She wanted to ayoid aio 纺er com 广omnitatiomn with jher 友 妇er 2 con 广Orita右oOFiL Detweeft emmDlIOyers and uioms

COm和TOmation-al /konfrAn'terfml; NmE kazmfren-/ adlji tending to deal with people in an aggressive waythat jsjlikelyto cause arguments, ratherthan discussing things With them (Confucian /ken'fju:Jen/ oad/ [usually before noun] based on Or believing the teachings of the Chinese PHILOSOPHER_Confucius Confu-cian moun Konfurcian:jsm mouwn [U]

COm 革us-alple /koen'fgu:zebl/ adi iftwothings are confus-。 able, it is easy to confuse them: istoric' aad istoricaz QTe easily confusaple. C The various bypes of owl are easily cOPHusaple With one another 戎 comnilusablemoun: conHius-

QDBles SUCchias 2Primnciple"amd 人rimncipaz

COi TUse



Ttomake sb unable to think clearly or understand sth: They copnhused me With conlicting account of what hap-

Dened 了2 一 Aand/with Btothink wronglythat sb/sth is Sbysth else MIX UP: People often comnfuse me amd my twimsSistenr Be carefilmnotto comuse quaTtEiby with qualiby 3 to make a_stipjset more difficult to _understand: Ris COTTL7TLeTtS OP1y SeTyVed to coPHiuise the issue 包 rther

民 人 站-US 人 可 6 /kenfizdj o 丰 Tunable to 由ink clearly or to tnderstand what is hapPening or what sb is Saying: People are COPfused abpout al the difjferent Iabels on fpod these days. 8 He Was daqepressed ad iiQcoPm7sedstate of7minad FT conAsed 一sayaLLthnat again 了 not clear or easy to Understand: The childre7 gaye Q co7fused account of What jad Phappened., confused-iy /-adli/odv

已加 交 -站US-i 阅 龙Da /Kenfiu:zm/ ad difficult to understand; notclear: The instructons on the

DoxX are yery conhusing. 多 CDifus-ing-jy acd公

2 Q Ye1y coOTUusing_ experience

in conformiity with sth

CODia-fuisiom7 0 /ken' 人iu:3n/ nown 1 [ud ~(about/over sth)-| 一 (astosth) a state ofmnot

follovwing:the Tules of sthy conforming to sth: regulatio7s 态atare im confor7mmibgy Witn European Iaw

being' certainm about what is happening, what yot shotuld do, What sth means, etc.: There i SO7me comnhausiom about

(to/with sth) ( 儿mmahl behaviour or actions'thatfollowthe accepted rules of society JE


| army

| aomnow

| ersay

| sugo(BrE)

| oo go(MmB

| orboy

|=ze near

| ee hair

| ve pure


320 |

WPat the corTrectprocedure Should be. oa comjusiom as 如 What to do next 2 [U,G ~ (betweenAand B)the fact of making a mistake aboutwho sbis or what sth is: Tb avoida COPfiusiom Please Write the childremss mnames clearly om al their. school clothes,@- comhusiom betweeml letters of the alphabet like oor a 3 [uU] afeeling of embarrassment When you do notunderstand sth and are not sure whatto do in asituation: He IooKed at mme 训 comfiusiort amd did mot QTLSWer the questom 4 [U] a confised sittation in which People do not know what action to take: Fighnbhng Pad Drokert Out ad all Was chaos amd conhusiom. C Fer UPmeXcDected arriyal 雪 rew WS 识 to total coFiusiom.

CoOnifute/kenhut/ vemzb [VN] (formalj) to prove a person or an argument to be wrong COmsea /天 D09ga; NAmmE kanga/ nouwm 1Ta fast dance 让 Which the dancers follow aleader in along winding line, With each person-holding on to the Person in front; a Piece of mnusic for this dance 忆 (also 'congalidrunr a tall narrow drum that you Play with your hands 一picture 只 PAGER6 COmn-.Eeal/kasn'd5iI/ vemb [V] (of blood, fat etc') to become thick or solid: comngealed piood > The cola remmainsoF SUDPer had comngealed om 轨 epiate. C (jguUraoiye) Te pitte产 ess and tears had congealed into hafred. Con.Egenm:ial/ken'd5immiel adj. (名mmahl 1 (of a perso) Ppleasant to spend time with becatse their interests and character are Similar to yoUI Own: Q comngehial colleasgue

了字 一 (to sb)(of a place, job, etc.) Pleasant becatuse it suits your character: a congenial working enyiromnment 3 ~ (to sth) (formaj) suitable for sth: asituatiom thatwas comngemial to “me expression ofmnationalist opimnioms

COm.Egemi'tal/ken'd5enrtl/ 0dj. 了 (of a disease or medical condition) existing since Or before birth: coFsemital abmorTmalities 辽 [only before noun] existing as part of a Person's character and not likely to change: Q co7tgemiital

inabinity to tezlthe truth 3 [onlybefore noun] (of a person) born with aparticular ilness: (jguratve)j acomgehiitalIiar (= one who will not change) 卢 comgenitally/teli/zdy no alargeEEL (=along thin fish)thatjlives in the sea COm:.Eesti.ed /Ken'd5sestrId/ adj 1 ~ (with sth) crowded; full of traffic: comngested ciby streets C Marty oF EuropeS air Ports are heayily comigested. 了 (medicall (of a part of the body) blocked with blood of MUcUs

con'glom:eration /kenigljpmarerfn; NAmE -glazm-/ no 了 [Gusually sing:] a ~ (of sth) (forma/) a mixture of

| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| yes

om your



3 [U] the

act of

congratulating sb: aletterofcomgratuvlatiom con'gratu-la-tory /engraetfulerteri; NAmmE Kan'graetjeleto:ri/ odj. expressing congratulations: Q comgratula-

tory mmessage COm-Sre.gate /上 op0grIgert; NAmE ka-/ ye几 [V] to come together in a groUP: JUng People often comgresgate 碎 雪 e mmain Square


Com':gre-ga'tion /kpngrrgermn;

NAmE kan-/ 0ou0n

[C+sing./pLv] 1 a group ofpeople who are gathered together in a church to worship God,, not including the priest and CHOIR: The congresaftiom stood to sing the 7 2 the group of people who belong to aparticular church and go there regularly to worship -基 con.gre'ga-

tional/-Janl/ ad

Com:gre.ga-tiom:alism /ko0grrgerfmnalItzam; NAmE Eda2D-/ adj. a type of Christianity in which the congregEE tion of each chtrch is ifesponsible for its own'affairs > Congregationmalod Comgregatiorialist00w1

COm'Eress DO /下 pngres; NAmE ka:0gres/ mounm [C+sing./pl.v] 1 alargeformal meeting or seriesofmeetings whereIepTesentatives from different groups discuss ideas,,make decisions, etc.: am 庚 友rnatioTial corlsress;of trades unions 了 2 :Congress (in the US and.some other countries) the name' of the group of people who are elected to make laws, in the US consisting of the Senate and the HoUsE OF REPRESENTATIVES: Comngress Wi 说vote on 态 eproposaks tomorrow- 3 used in the names of political parties iD Some countries: the African.NationalLComgress




1mOUn (PL -men /imen/,-women /wiimm/) (also Co

Sress.person /-p3:Sn; NAImE -pa:rsn/) a member of Con-

gress in the US, especially the House ofRepresentatives


having the same size and shape: congruenbtriangles 了 一 (with sth) (rmaj) suitable for sth; appropriate in a par

that People have to pay for driving their cars into the centre of some cities as a way of stopping the'city centre from becoming too full of traffic conm'gestion chargingnoum [U] coOn'glom'er:ate /ksn'glomaret; NAmE -glaamn/ 7movn 1 [q (business) a large company formed by joining together different firms: a media comngiormerate 2 [singj] Uormal) anumber ofthings or parts that are put together to form a whole 3 [U] (geo/ogy) a type of rock made of Small stones held together bydried CLAY



COn:gru':emnt/ko0gruent; NAmEka2m-/adjT

CoOm gestion chargeovn (BrE) an amount of money

了 ~ yourself (on sth) to

(= saying that you are happy about their good luck or SUccess): to offer/serntd your corgratuiations to 5 字 Congratulationsl Used when you want to congratulate sb: Were getting Imarried ”Congratuiationsc Com-


Pollution 了 (medical) the state of part of the body being blocked with blood or MUCUS: comgestiori of the Jungs 人 Tmedicine to relieve nasal comgestiom

clear and authoritatiye Work

0 /kengraetfuleifn/ mo

1 congratulations [pl.] a message congratulating sb

Con'gress'imanm/kno0gresman; NmE Kangres-/,CofE

COm.ges'tion /ken'dzestfen/ movn [U] Tthe state of being crowded and full of tra 符c: traffic comrgestion amd

con:gratu.jate /ken'graetfuleit/ yerb [vVN] 在 ~ sb (on sth) to tell sb that you are Pleased about their success or achievements: T comngratulated themu all on their results, 和 The auUthors are to be congratulated on producing such a

已加 用 .名 扩 本 二 册 .. iO 攻

Con.Eres:sion.al /ken'grefanl/ adj [only before noun] Ielated to or belonging to a congiress or the Comgress 开 the US: a corigressiorial cormiriitieeZDbill S the7midteF77 CO78ressiofial elections

COm-Ser /kbp0ga(r); NAmE ka:0-/ (also conger 'eel

different things that are found all together: a comnglormer atiom of buildings of different sixes and sbyles 2 [U] the Process of forming a conglomerate or the state ofbeing a conglomerate COmn'grats/ken'graets/ noun [pl] exclamation (njommajh 三 CONGRATULATIONS

feel pleased and proud becatuse-you have achieved sth or been _successful at sth: ZU cam comgratulate yOUrsel om Paying domne at excellentjob.






az20:/ noun [局]

COmic/konik; NAmE kazmnrk/ ad noun (geometr) 目GOd of orrelated to a CONE

四 OU 王 CONIC SECTION Con:ic:al/konikl; NmE Kam-/ ad shaped likeacoNE

,COmic 'section (also coniog noun (8eomety) a shape formed when a flat surface meets a CONE With a rounad base

COm: 放er /opnifeGr); Keun-; NAmE kan-; kouna-/ moom any tree 了由at prodtuces hard dry fruit called CONES. Most

conifers are EVERGREEN (三 have leaves that stay on the treeall year). P coniiferoUs/kemaieras/1 adji :coniferous trees/jforests

Con.jec:ture/Kken'd3ektfaGD)/ moum, ve 姜 目 IOUP (加rmahl 1 [C an opiniomorideathat inotbased on definite knowledge and is formed by guessing GUESS: The Truth of hzs comjecture Was coOFRirmed By the neWspaper reporft 子 [U] the forming of an opinionm Or GUESS: jideathatis notbased on definite knowledge What Was going 雪 rough the'killers mind is a7mnatter for coOTjecture. comjectural/kan'd5ektferel/ ad @Verb (如 rmal) to form an Opinion about sth even thotgh youdo

:| k cat

:have much information on 让

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| pipen


| rred

| )

conic sections


com:juror(also con:juren /kaAnd5seraG)/ nown a person Who performs conjuring tricks





Con man 50oun (mn7rmal) a man who tricks others into giving him money, etc-.


JWe cam omly comjecture apoutWwphatwas 训 the Killers mind. 4 [vthat] 了 e comjectured 她atthe population mmightdoubrIe 三 ten years.CTVN] She.comjectured the existemce ofa corm了 letely new species. [also V wh-,VN to in有

所 @ 站 :有 阐人CEt

con.joint /ken'd5omt/ adj [usually before noun] (Crrmao)) combining all or both the people or things involved > con-jointly ady COn-ju.gal /kopnd5segl; NAmE kamn-/ adj, [only before noun] (1jomma/) -connected with marriage and the sexual ielationship between abhusband and wife: comjusgal ove

COmjwEal riEhts "ovn [pl.] the rights that a husband

ingdoor(= onethat connects two rooms) ec [V] The roomms om this jioorcommecEt 克

have Sex With their partner COm'ju.gate /kbpnd5sgert; NA7PmE Kam-/ vermb (8ramman) 1 LIVN] togivethe different forms of a verb, as theyVary according to NUMBER,PERSON, tense, etc. 2:[V] (of a

the crimne, CTWas SUrprised to jhear 妇em mmentiorted togetpher:Thad meyer corilected therm pefore.

tense, etc.: How does this verb coryugate? 一compare DE好

女 e imyestiga-

在omn。 CO THhe system idesigned to pe USed


/kaAndzeG)/ yemb to do clever tricks such as

Outof sth tocreate sth or make sth appearin asSurprising or Unexpected Way: He comjured a delicious mmeal out of a Jew Leftoyvers, con.jur'ing /kaAndq5erm/ moun [U] entertainment in the form ofmagictricks; especially ones which seermto Inake things appear OF disappear:a comjuring trick


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

7 [VN] tojoin telephone lines' so that


FORM RELATIONSHIP_ 加 [V] ~ (with sbj (especialy NA 日

to form a good relationship with sb so that you like and tnderstand each other: They metQa couplIe oftirmes puttney didmttrealy corimect HIT g9 [v] (especally NAm 有 ~ (with sb/sth) Unformah to hit sb/sth: The blow commected and she 有上 ta SuUrge ofpainmcon,nectsth 二 up (to sth) |con,nect'up (tosth) to join sth to a supPly of electricity, gas, etc. Or to anotheT Piece of equipment to be joined in this way: She comTiected UD the bo comPUters- [aa DISCONNECT

COm:mec:tiOm 0 (BEalsolessjreqventcon'nexcion ) /kemekfn/ ou LINK 1T[G~(betweenAand B) |~(with sth) something that connects two facts, ideas,etc.

LINK: Sciemntists

have establisjhed a corimtectioTl betweert cholesterol levels and Heart disease. Ca direct/close/strontg corirtectior Witr

[V] Her grandfather taught her to comjure. C [VN 十 adv/ prep] He could cormjure coiras 三om _behind People's ea15. EM ,conjure sth 一 up to rmmake sth appear as a picEVOKE: ThatsTmell always cOPjUres tureipyourmind 之 to make sb/sth apUP memories of holidays 识 术rance. Pear by using Special Iagic Words conjure sth fromy/


People can speak to each other OLDLease, T7m yimng to coOPTectyOL

Withn aywordad Drocessing prograIm.

makingthings seem to appearordisappear as 寺 bpymagic:

@6 [V] 一 (with sth) to arrive justbe-

from one to the other: Bis 帮ight to Amsterdarm corimnects Witip anmafternoon Hightto NewZK. CTheresaconnecting lightatmoon.

放is /ken,d5ADKtrvartrs/ 0ovn [U] an infeccon.junc:tiv-.

tious eye disease that causes pain and swelling in Part of the eye


fore another one leaves so that passengers can change

etc., that caltises a particular result: The co7yunction of low inflationr and Iow unermployrment came as Q Very DPIeasantsurprise. 3 [CU (ostromomy)thefactofstars, Planets,

Working 读 comjunction with tax oj 态cers om

other piece of equipmenit: First commtect the Driniter to the computer S Werewaitngjorthetelephone to pe connected. [ca DISCONNECT INTERNET 3 ~ 人(Sb) (to sth)tojoin a computerto theInter net or a comPputer network: [V] CIicK Gotiriue”to co7imiect to the IntermnekE [alsoVN] DISCONNECT LINK 及 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (with .sby/sth) to have a link with sbysth: They are commected by marriage. CThe HbVo subjects are closely comimected. 2 jops corimected With the environment 一See also UNCONNECTED,WELL CONNECTED 5 [VN] ~ sb/sth (with sb/sth) to notice or make a link between People,things,events, etc.

ASSOCIATE: There Was Pothing to coOPaect Jim Withn

Verb) to have different forms, showing NUMBER, PERSON

etc. passing close together as seemfrom the earth [ErIm im conmjunction with (大rmalj) together with: The Police are

ELECTRICITY/GAS/WATER .也 [VN] ~ sth (to sth) to join sth to the main SUPP1y of electricity, gas, wateb etc. OF to an-

and wife each has in a marriage; especially the Tight to

CLINE Com-jo.ga'tiom /kond5ugerfn; NAmE kamase-/ OUn (grammam 了 [CU] the wayip which a verb conjugates: Q yerb with an irregular comjugatiom 卫 [C] a grouUp of Verbs that conjugate in the same way: IaQtirl Verps of the Secorad COTIJUS8atom com-junc'tion: /ken'da5AnDky mn/ noun 了 [Cl (grammmar) a word that joins words, phrases or sentences, for example “and ?but or 2 [Cl (Jormalj) a combination:of events,

/komekt/ ve 几

COTI1iected by train and bus Seryices. @ The ca7tal Was DuiLt to co7mLect Shej太 eld with the Humzber estuary Ca co7imect-

tojoin two or morethings together

Con joined 'twin "oun (techmica/) = SIAMESETWIN


> JOIN 全 一Ato/withB |~Aand Btojointogethertwoor Imore thin8gs; to be joined together: [VN] The towns are

iconjoin /kaen'd5omy/vemb[vVvN] (frmamtojointogether;


NAmE KG2K; Ko:20K/ veb, mo01

国 ye 几 IVN] (pformal especially NAmBitio it sb hard on their head EGG conk 'out (informnal) 1 (of a machine, etc.) to stop working: The car conked out halhway up the hi 了 (ofaperson)to gotosleep 到 OU (BrE, jj7mmalj) a personm's nose Conk:er /onkeGD); NAmE an0-/ mouP (inirma1 especaly Br6)T [clthe smooth shinybrownmnutofthe HORSE CHESTNUT tree 一COmpare CHESTNUT; HORSE CHESTNUT 之 conmKkers [U] (Br6) achildren's game played with conkers on strings, iD Which two Players take turns to tryto hit and break each others conker

5 矶C Howidid you make the commnection (= realize that there was aconnection between two facts that did not Seerm to be related)? BEJNG CONNECTED 2 [u,G] ~ (to sth) the act of connecting or the state ofbeing connected: Comnmection to the gas SUDDiy Was delayed for 轨 ree days: om With rmmy 了nternetcommecziOm.


jhaving Droblermns :

3 [Ga point,especially in an

electrical systermn where two Parts connect: A 加 ultby commectiort caUsed te machine to stop,

| Jshoe | 5vision | tf chain | dsjam

| bthin

| 5this | 0sing

322 |


-TRAIN/BUSJPLANE 4 [Ga atrain bus orplane ata station or an airport that apassenger can takeisoon aftergetting off another in orderto continue their journey: WeiarTiyved 识 good timejorthecornection to Paris 邱 [Cusually pl:] a means'of travelling to -another place: There are:8oDd bus ad train commections between 轨 e resort amd major cities:


2-G [Cusually pl] aperson or an

organization that you knowi,and that can help Or advise youin your social or professionallife CONTACT: Ome OF my business COTIectioTS SaVe therm TY maTme:



[pl.], People who

are yoUr relatives; but not members ofyour close family: Sheis British put also has GerTmzanm commectio71s,

IE in connection with sb/sth :forreasons COnnected With sb/sth: A rnam has been arrested in commnectiomn With 庚 emurder of the teenager CTam Writing toyou 识 comection with your recent job application. in this/that conm-

nection (1jorma) for: reasons recently mentioned




CDn-miective /Kemnektrv/ ad ,noun

四 0dj. (sspecially medical that connects things: COnmectiye tissUe 下 OU1 (grammarm awWword that connects'two Parts of a Sentence: Dom 和 royeruse a calsal commectiye Ke 由ecause

COm-mec-tiv证y /上KDnek'trvitii NAmE dm / nouwr U] (technicaoj the state of being conmected or the degree to Which two things are connected: JSDN commectivity allows computers to comamumicate Oyer Q metworK.

COm-mec-tor /keomekteG)/ noun athing thatlinks two Or more things together: acable comnmtector Con-ningtower /上 onm tauaGD); NAmE 'kamim/ noOUna raised strtcture on a SUBMARINE coOfitaining the PERISCOPE con-niv-anmce /kamarvens/moun [U] (disapproving) help

COm-GuUeror /上 pD0kere(r); NAImE 下 a20-/ moOV1:a Person who conquers: Williarm the Conqueror (= King William I ~ of England) ] Comn-qUest /kon0kwest NAImE ka2-/ nown 了 [sing.,避 the act of taking control of a country, city etc: by force:

the Norman Copnquest (= of England in 1066) 字 [G] an

area ofland takenbyforce: the Spamish conguests 识 SoU纺 America 3 [G (usually hurmorous) a Person that Sb has persuaded to love them or to have Sex With them: Tm just one of his many conquests. 4 [U] the'act of gaining control over sth thatis difficult or dangerous: the conquest of inflatiom Com-aldjis:fta-dor /kopnkwIistedo:GD); -krIst-; NAmE Kazn-/ 1n0O0m

(PN con.qliista:dores



NAmE kadmn:/) or comn-quisia-dors) (from Spamish) one of the Spanish people who'took control of Mexico and Peru by force in the 16th century

com-san-Suin-ity /konsze0'gwmati; NAImE kam-/ noun [u] (Jormajrelationship bybirth in the samefamily

COom-sciemce /kopnfens; NAmE kadn-/ nou1 1 [CU] the

partofyour mind that tells youwhether your actions are right of Wiong: to :jiaye a clear/guilty comscierice (= to feelthatyouhave doneiightVwrongjeThisisarmatter of individual consciemce (三 everyone must make their Own judgement about it oOHe Womt':Iet 让 trouble jias conScience. 一see also SOCIAL CONSCIENCE 了 2 [U,G a guilty feeling about sth-you have done or failed to do: She was seized py a Sudden pang of comscience. CT hayve a teTTrible co7science about 让

3 [U] the fact of behaving 记 aaWay

that you feel is right even though this may cause Problems: 太 eedom of cojscience (= the freedom to do What yoti believe to be right) emailia 5 the yoice of comnscience 训 the Play. 一see also PRISONER OF CONSCIENCE in [allyJgood) conscience (Uorrmal) believing your actions to

HONESTLY: JWKe cammot im allcorsciemce refuse be fair to help: on your'consciehce making you feel guilty for doing or failing to do sth: 妃 !write and apologize. Tve had 一more atPRICKY 让 om TmY CoTlscientce for Weejks.

in doing sth wrong; the failure to stop sth wrong from happening: TPe crime Was COTmTmitted With 妇 e CoPmiiyance

Iconscience-stricken cdi feeling gsuilty about sth you

ofapoiice o太 cer coOm-nive /kemarv/ ve避 [V], (disopproving):直 ~ at/in sth

cOnm:scien:tious /konfienfss; NAmE kam-/ adj. taking care to do things carefully and correctly: Q comscientioUs

to seem to allow sth wrong tohappen: She new 纺atifshe Said_ mothing She would be commiying 识 an injiustice., 之

一 (with sb) (to do sth) to worktogether with sb to do sth CONSPIRE: The goyveTTI7TLePttWas QCWwWiong orillegal 让 cUsed of haying com7lived With the security forces to Per7Tm TuUraer COnm-niv:ing /kemarvIm/ ad (dsopproving) behaving ip a waythat secretly hurts others or deliberately fails to Prevenitt Others ffom being hurt comn-mois:SeUT /kDna'saitr); NAmE ,kama's3T; -SUr/ Jour an expert on matters involving the judgement of beanuty quality or skill in art, food or music: Q cori7zOisSeU7 of Italian painting 2 Q Wine comloissSeUT con.mno-ia-itjion /koneterfmn; NAmE kam-/ nouwn an idea suggested bya word in addition to its main meaning: The Word 297rofessional has conmotatioms ofsKillarnd excelierice. Cnmnegatiye conlotations 一CoOmpare DENOTATION Con-note /kemaeut; NAmEkemout/ yemrb[VN] (ormal)(ofa word)jto suggesta feeling, an idea,etc. as well as the main meaning 一COmipare DENOTE


/kamju:biel; NAmE 2nu:-/ aqdj. (iterary) re-

lated to marriage, or the relationship between husband and wife Conm:quUer /ko0keGD); NAmE ka2n-/ vemb [VN] Titotake control of a country or city andiits people by force: The Normartas co7lquered England 识 1066. 有 conguered Peoples/races/territories 2 to defeat sb, especially in a competition,-Trace; etc.: The World charmmpion comnqguered yetaitother challenger lastmnight 2 The tearm members Were SreetedIike coriguering jheroes. 3 to succeed in dealing with or controlling sth: The only Way to conquerafearisto Joce 让 CIWMornt Eyerest Was conqguered (= Successfully climbed) 这 71953. 4 tobecome verypopular or SUccessful inaplace: Theband is nowsettingoutto conrguUerthe Worlda.

have done or failedto do


大 conmsciensjiousiy adv: She

performed alL her quties conscientiously com-scien 关 ousmessJoun [岂]

COTisCiemiigous ob'jector 70Un a person who Tefuses to serve in the armed

forces for moral reasons 一coOmpare

DRAFT DODGER, PACIFIST Con-sciem:tize (BrE also -jse) /konfentalIz; NA7mEkdm/verb [VN] (SAFrE)to make sb/yotirselfaware of iinportant Social;or Dolitical isstueS: People need to be comiscientizeda about their rigFRts.

COim-SCiOUS_ 0- /konfas; NAmE am-/ ad 人 [notbefore noun]~of{(doing) sth |~thataware of sth; noticing sth: She's yery conscious of the problerms inyolyed. CJHe became acutely conscious of hayving jailed his Parents. CT Was-yVaguely conscious 殷at TI Was being Watched. IE UNCONSCIOUS 一See also SELF-CONSCIOUS Zableto Useyoursenses and mental powets to Understand what is happening: A_ Patientt Who 站 mot 有所 1y conscious Shoula meyer be 1eft alone,、 [aa UNCONSCIOUS 3 (of actions, feelings,etc.) deliberate or controlled: to make a coTiScious decisiont CTmmade dacotscious effort to get there OP tme. Ca comscious act of cruelty ma UNCONSCIOUS一 comipare SUBCONSGCIOUS 4 being Particularly iterested in sth: emyirorimtentally-conscious CThey have becomie imcreasimgly health-coriscioUus. > com-scious-jy 0adv:Co7m-

Sciously or UncoTtsciosly yoUTmade a choice. con:scious-nmness /上 onjyasnes; NAmE-kan-/ noun [U] Tthestate ofbeing able totise yoUur senses and mental Powers to Understand what is happening: Tcart reimeimDer any Tore一T inUst haye Iost comsciorsness. O She did Tiot regair coTtlsciousTtess anid died the next' day 了2 the

State of being aware of sth

AWARENESS: his co7m-

SCioUsTiess of the challenge focing hirm c class-coTlsciousmess- (= consciousness of different classes:in :society)

acati| cd father | eten | s: bird | a about:| rsit | isee | imany | pgot(BrE)

| ozsaw | Acup

| oput | too

3 the ideas and opinions ofapPerson or group: her newlydeyelopedi polihical iconsciousness 一see .also -STREAM .OF




COm-se-qUuent /konsrkwent/ adj. ~ (on/upon sth) (加玉

COomsciousmess-raising 1101 [U] the:process of miakciD8gpPeople aware ofimportant social and political issues

Com:sCiilpt ve 疙,1700 下 Ve/ 几 /ken'skrrpt/ [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb (into sth) (especially BF6) (NAmEUusuallydraft) to make sb join the armed forces arTny 训 71939.

CALE UP: He Was co1tscripted into the

/Ken'skrmpJn/ moun 负 ] (especially BID [sing.]) the practice of ordering

People bylaw to serve in the armed forces CALL-UP COm-Se-CEate /上 npnsIikrert; NAmE kam-/ ve 几 了 [VN] to state officially in a religious ceremony that sth is holy and can be Used for religious Purposes: The church Was


访 了 853. C comsecrated ground

了 2 [VN] (in

Christian belief) to make bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ 3 ~ sb (as) (sth) to state officially 雇 a Feligiots ceremony that Sb is now a Priestyzetc.: [VN-N] He 了 Was corisecrated (as) bishop last year [alsovVN] 4 [VN]

COm:Sse 上-va-tiom

following one after another in a series, without interruPption: She Was apsent fjor -Pine comnsecUtiye days: C_Fe 1 Deginmning Pis 如 ur 殷 consecutiye term of office. com-

Secutiveiy 0dv





2. (of an activity) which the People taking Part have agreed to: co1lseTlSUQL SeX COm-sem-sus /ken'sensas/ moun [sing5U 一 (amongsb):| 一 (aboutsth)| (that...)anopinion that all members of a group agree With: There 藻 Q geTleral comseTSUS QTmLOng teachers QbouE 态e meed for greater Security 训 Schools. There seeTms to pe Qcomsenlsus that 坊 eplarn should be rejectedCOThereisagsgrowingcomseTtsus Ofopiniom om thnis issUe: C at attempt to reach Qa comsensus 2 She 让 SKilled at acjieyimng comseTlsUs oO SeTLSitiye 15SUesS.

COm-Semnt /ken'sent/ noun, ve吃 至 JIOU7 1 [U] 一 (to sth) permission to do sth,especially given by sb-ipn authority: Childrem wmnder 16 cannot Siyve Cosent to 7Tmnedical treatrment The Written coPsent of a Parent is redauired cto reftuuse/Wwithnhold your :cosemnt He is charged With taking Qa car Without 加e oOWmer SCcoTLSeftt 一see also AGE OF CONSENT 了 [U] agreement about sth: She Was chosemn as Leader by comarmzor corlsent (= everyone agreed to the choice). 2 By mmutual corsent 态ey didni go out (= they both agreedmotto). 3 [q an official document'giving Permission for sth 下 Ve 册 一 (to sth) (ratherjormal)to agree to sth'or give yOUT Permission for sth: [V]- Wherrsjhe told: 切em WPat She im= temnded ithey readily comnsented, 2 He Teluctanmtty comnsemnted

[Vtoinf] She 万nally comnsented

old enough, bylaw, to decide whether'they should agree to have seX; a person Who has agreed'tohave SexX

环azmnsakwens/ ouU1 1 [qq~(forsby/sth) aresult ofsth thathas happened: This decisiomn could jayve serious cortseqgUeTtces for 轨 eindustry. G Two hundred People 105t their j055 as Q direct conseGuemnce of 坊2 merger Fe droye to0JDstWithn tragic cOT15eGaences5 SiSUfjfer7fce/taKke the corlsegUetces ofyour Getionsies iote at EFFECT 2 [U] (forma1j) importance: Dortt Worry IE5S of mno consedUence, IE in consebormideformed in conseqguence Ofaruinjury to is mother


| army

| aunow

| ersay

| susgo (Br6)

tral enVironment or the buildings;are protected by-law from beingdamaged or changed

/konse'verfenist; NAME Kamiser:

W-/ 1oum aperson Who takes an active part iD the Protectiom of the environment: ameeting IOoF 10cal COTLSeTVatiomists COm-SeF-V. 语 isimi /ken's3:VetIzem;

NAImE -S3TV- 人 OUn

[u] Tthetendency to resist great or sudden change: tpe inmate comservatism of older people 了 2 (also Conservatismm) the Political belief that society should change as little as possible: am exarminatior of the political theories of conmseryatism: and Liberalism 3 (usually Comserva= fism ) the principles of the:GConservative Party in British politics

COILSGIFV 直 二iVG OSI/K3ns5WVetty; NAJmEossTvo/ gdj.,, Hou1n ddlj Topposed to great of sudden social chamige; Showingthat you Prefer traditional styles and Values: the comSeTVatiye Views of 1is Parent C Her style of dress Was Tieyer cofuseryatiye. 了 2 (usuallyComseryvative ) connected with the British_ Conservative Party: Comservatiye 7Tnermbers/ SuUDporters 3 (ofan estimate) lowerthan whatis probably the real amount or number: At a coTlseryvative estirmate,

jhe妈 be earning 上 20000. Con.servatively 0dv 四 IOU1 了 (usuallyConservative)(obbrCon )a member or SUPPporter of the British Conservative Party tive person


/kopnslkwens; NmE

quence'(of sth) (Jormal)as a result of sth: Theschild Was

conservation area: moun(Br6 anarea where the nat-

之 a conserVa-

ofthe main British political parties, on the political right, Which especially believes in FREE ENTERPRISE and that industry shouldibe privately owned

COm semntinSs 'adult-7ovn a Person Who is considered


tom 2 the official protection ofbuildings that have historical or artistic .importance 3 the actof preventing sth from being lost, wasted,damaged or destroyed: to ecouTage the conservafiomn of waterAJuel c enerSgy comseafion 一See also CONSERVE

theCcon'servative Party noumn [sing.+ Sing./pl.y] one

toiafmsWer OUr quesio1ls. 只 Tote at AGREE


/kopnsa'verfmn; NAmE kadmnserv-/ noun

[U] , Tthe protection- of. the- natural…:enVironment CONSERVANCY: to be interested 识 Wildlif comserya-


People 雇 general .agree With: Q comsensual approach

to jis darghters7narriage.

EcoOnse'quentiaFly /:feli/ odv CO.se-quent:Iy /kopnsIikwaentli; NmE Kamnsekwentli/ adv as aresult; therefore: This poses athreatto agFiCuUItuTe Ga7id 坊efod chaimu and consequemtty to FL7mamn Phealtih. COm-Sec-yamcy /ken'sa:vansij NAmmE -ss3TV-/- :0OUn 1TConservancy [sing.+ sing:/pl.v] a_group of officials Who control the use of a port a_ river an area of land, etc.: the THParmnes.Corlseryamcy 2 节Xas Nature ComnsermVamcy

了 [U] (克 rma/) the protection of the natural environment CONSERVATION': Pature COT1LSerYVaTLcy

一 sth/sb/yourselfto sth ( 妈rma/) to give sth/sb or yourself to asSpecial pPUrpose, especially a Teligious one > coOmsecraftionm /konsrkrerfm; NAmE kam-/ 0oun [CU]: the comSecratom ofa churchvDishop COm:-SeCU-tive /ken'sekjatrv/ adj, [usually before:noun]


Com.se-qUem-tial /konsrkwenfl NA7mE Kadmnseks/ ad

Sults: The report discusses Q TUmber of consedUential Tmatters thatareyettope deciaed. 加 下 INCONSEQUENTIAL

armed forces: yoUng arTrny corlscripts C comscript SoLdiersyYarrmies 一compare VOLUNTEER

(US usuallythe dra 全

/mal)-happening as airesult ofsth RESULTANT: the Iowering of taxes and the corlseqUuent increase 就.Spending the responsibilities consequenEUPOP 切e ar7iyaLof amew child

(万rmal凡 happening as aresult Or an:effect of sth RESULTANT: retirermentaid the co7lseqUETIGaLTedUCon 识 碎come 了 important; that will have important re-

吾 OU1 /kkDpnskrrpt; NA六 EKacmz/ (especiajy BrE)(USnisually diraftee)a petsonm who has been conscripted to join the



/ken'sa:Vetwal(D); NAmE -Sa3TrV-/ (BrB)

(NAmmE conm:serva'iory ) HOU1 a school or college at Which people are trained in music and theatre COm-S 忆及VEOF /Kon's3vate(r); NAmE-'S3TV-/ OU aperSOn Who isresponsible forrepairing and preserving Works of art, buildings and other things of cultural interest COm'Sei-Va-tOry /ken'savetri; NAImE -'Sarvetoxri/ moun

(pl-ies) 了 (BrE) aroom with glass walls and a glass roof that is built on the side of a house, Conservatories are used for sitting in to enjoy the sum and to protect Plants from coldweather. 2 (NAmE) = CONSERVATOIRE

| ou go (MmB

| or boy

请 ze near

| ee hair

| oue pure


324 | Com'sidering /kemsidarm/ Drep Conused:to:show

COm'Seiveverb nou1 日Verb /Kami'sa:V; NA7E-sarV/ [VN] Titouse aslittle ofsth a5 pOssible so that it lasts'a long time: Belp to Comnserye eeFgy py insulatingyour home DTto Drotect sth anid preVent 让 from being changed or destroyed: new laws to co Sefye Wildli 识 thearea 一see also CONSERVATION 日1OU1 /kbpnss:V; NAmE kamsarv/ [CU] jam containing largeor whole pieces of fruit


.Sidlerr 0 /kenstdeG/ ve几

Ttothinkabout sth carefully, especiallyin ordertomake a decision: [VN] She comsidered jher optiops. oa carefuclly comsidered respomse 2 The comparmny is peing actively comSidered as Gpotential partner(= itisthoughtDossiblethat 让 could become one). [V-ing] Weyre comsiaeringbuyinga PRew caF- C [V wh-] We meed to coftsider how 需 e 1aw 7migjt De refor7mied. 2 He was considerimg Whatto do mex CIV] IO

LiKe some time to consider 也 一 sb/sth (as) sth to think of sb/sthipaparticular way: [VN-N] Thisawardis comnsidered (to be) agreat hoiiour C He co7isiaers Pirmseiran experto he SUDbject C THhese WorKers are co7isidered (as) a jigh-risk 8TOUPD. 2 [VN-ADI] Who do you cortsider (to pe) responsible 如 六the accidett? CiComsider yoU7TSelF Tcky yo Wereni和 E 语 ed. 2 [V(that)] SNhe cofisiders 雪 直 让 让 too ear 太 名 Jor普 adaefiniite comnclusiom. e [VNto inf] Hes gerieralycomnsidered

to haye the 放iniest tenor Voice 太太ecOUnty 全 note at REGARD [alsoVNthat] 3 [vVN] tothinkaboit sth, especially

the feelings ofotherpeople, andbeinfltueicedbyitwhean Imaking a decision, etc.: ZU should comusiaeFiother PEeOPIE Deforeyouact 4 [VN] (Jormicjhtolook careftilly atsbystfi'

He stood there cofusiaering the painting TO allthings con sidered thinking carefilly about all the factsjespeciallythe problems or difficulties, of asituatiom: Shes had QIlotofproblemms since jerhusbarmid diedbutshe seermms guite cheer记 az 轨 ings: comnsidered your conisideredo'pinion your opinion that isthe resultiof careful thought


om /Keni'sIdarebl/ adj (用r701)

great 下 amount,size,importance,etc. SIGNIFICANT: The project Wasted a. cosiaerable amount of time ad moPney 2 Damage to tpe Duilaimng Was co7isiderable:

conm:sid.eralbily Inuch;alot COPsiderably

SIGNIFICANTLY: THe mneedforsieepyaries 方omz Dersom to 5ersom

coOon.sid.er.ation-0mw /Kermsidarerfn/ Fo (orrah thie act of thinking carefully aboitit sth:

be thought_


of youVr serVices take sth into consideration to thinK

about and include a particular thing or fact when yo are forming an Opinion oF 了making ardecisiofi: Te camdidates”ExXPperience-arad qualificatiopns 访 这 -be taKen 训 to co7tsideration 刀hem the decisio7rr 蔡 帮ade53 Kiig eyerything intO coOmusiaeratio7 坊 E eyeniE Wa5 加 节Eat


| ddid


Tent of7medicines 字 [U] the act of sending or delivering sb/sth

Con signiment'storemouwn.(NAm月 a shopystore where Peopletaketheir old clothes, etc.tobe soldto sbelse. The consignment store keeps partiof the money after an item is sold and givesthe other parttotheperson who brought

丰 in.


CO 站:Sist :0 让58Sist 记 力(nottised iDthePprogresSive tenses) con sist in sth (jnma/) to have sth as the main or only Part or feature: THPe peauty of 切e city comsi 帮 识 记 ma8gm 态cent PuUildimngs CO [十 -ing] True eduvcatomn dogs Po

coO7sSist isSimmpIy being taught 有 ck Con sist of sthto be formed from the things or People mentioned: T7jie co7mTmittee co115认帮 of fen Permpers SIT7eir dietcorisisteaI5FEely , of vesetables. ^ [十 -ing] Mest of the fieldwork co7isisted of 7TmQKimg tape recorairmngs: Y





-ie9 -1 TO

(approving) the qualityof always behaving 过 the same way or of having the same opinions, standard, etc.>the quality ofbeing consistent: Sjhe has Played Witm great co SistenGy all seasom: C We meed to erisuFe 妇e comsistericy of SeJYiCe 10 OUF cUstomers, [aag INCONSISTENCY 2 [CU] the'conisistency ofamixture or ai liquid Substance is how



在 (pp1OV7


behaving in the same wa or having the'same Opinions, standards,etc.: ShesS mot Yery co7Sistentt in the Way:she treatsiher chilaren ec Re jas beem Milams most co7iusistepmt Player this:seasol.O We TnustDpe comsisterifimn applying the FUles. CQcomsisteritGpproachto theproblemri 也 happening inithe same way andicontinuing' for a Deriod'of time: 纺e Party SicomsistentJoinuretocomeup Withnany7Tiewpoliciese Q pattern Of comsistenitgrow态 总 夸 e economy 3 之 with

lartothosesuch a fall wotildhave caused) 4 (ofamn argumentorasetofideas)having diftferentparts thatalliagree

when you are planning or deciding sth: ecomormic7 ComzercialLemnyvyiFomnmiemntaLAPPactical comsiderations 2 Tirmne-1 another imrportiant ;corisideratiom 3 [U] 一 (for sb/sth)-theqtality ofbeingiseiisitive towards others and thinking abont their wishes' and2feelings: They ShowWed mo comlsideratiom 7Wjatsoeyer for:TDy feelings., JOUrmalsE Stayed ,away 万orm 雪e.包 meral .out of consideraftion for- 坊 epereayed family 4-[G (formah areward or payment for a servVice [Er in consideration of sth (formal) as paymerit for sth: asmal su 识 CofisideFa6on

SUcCess. 一more at MATUREOCd

sth to sb Com'sign:ment/ken'sammant/ 1oum 了 [G aquantity of goods that are sent or delivered somewhere: a comsigm-

TesUlts are emntirely consistentWithn ou earlier research O iiuries cO7SistentWith a 名1L太 om am ppersiorey( 三 Simni

(= being discussed).2Aftera 大wmomengconsiaeratiom he Dega7i to Speak 2 Q co7isiaeration of te Iegalissues 访that must

Situation: The aecisionm to close:the foctory jhas coftsigmed 6000 people to the scrap jheap. CAcar accidentconsigmed jairm toQGWheelchairJortherestofjiiisIife. 3 togiveorsend

sth in agreeiment With sth; not CONTRADiCTING sth: Thne

CarefulLcorsideratiort should pe 5iyenito sUes Ofhealthm and 5ajetgy CS The Droposals are CUFFrentty rader cortsideratiomn

了 [C] something

to put sb/sth somewhere in.order to getTid of themyVit: 了 Cosigmned her Jetter t 雪 e Waste pasKet C What 工 did7iit WanE Was i See 1TXY Tother coFlSsignied to aii old PeoplesS jhorme. 了 一 sb/sth to sth to Put sb/sth in an unpleasant


other people's wishes and feelings; careful not to hurt or UPpset others THOUGHTEFUL: She is always polite amd coO1siderate toWards her employees. CIWas yery comside 六 ate of hirmm to Wait [Ga INCONSIDERATE considerate.lyadv


COm'sigmn /ken'samy/ vemb [VN] (Jorma1) T 一 sby/sth to sth

thicks Smoothyzetciitiis: Beat the 训greEieritsitogethertoa cream Comsistemncy GThe cementshould have 雪 eicomsiE BCLOfWwetsamda.

0全 ;/ken'srderebliiadw (Jormaj

CoOm'sid.erate /ken'sIqaret/ adj, always thinlaing'of


that you are thinking about a paiticular fact, and are sal-/ ye T

a position Of Power or SUccess StrOngSer SO thatit is more likely to continue: [VN] With 太 z new7mOVIE Pe has cofLsolidated his pos 让om as 切e country'sS Ieading director Second goaL-_ [also V] Ttaly comsolidated theirIeadwith 2 (techmicalltojoin things togetherinto onejrto bejoined ipto one: [VN] AL 纺 eidebts haye been co1lsolidated: ccomsolidated accounts CS[V] The to companies co1lsolidated 加or greater efficiemrey 狂 con:solidation,/kenisplrderIfDy the NAmE-SG3-/ noun [LU]: 切e comsolidation:of PoWer consolidatior ofJaparmsipamking indusby a COm'SOmime /ken'somer NAmE amnsameI/ hou clear soup imade with thejuices from meat COIESOm anmcCe )Knnsenans NAmE Kai OU0 全 [U]

二 (With'sthj (jpmn5lj5agreemenit: Q Policy thatEis POPDUIar becaiise DPI ECOrisomnarice With fraditio7ial DaFb doctrihie


| titea

| wyvan

| wwet

| zzoo


三了 shoe




Wornen Were cOTiSDicUoUs1y apsent 广oma the PIGaTiriing coTmmittee. con:spicuousness/oun [uU] [Econispicuouws by your'absence ;not'present in ai'situation.Or place, whbenuit is obvious_ that yot should be there: When 下 came to_cleaning UD afteryWwards Anne Was coTLSPicUOUS By Per abse7ce.

comspicuous con'sumptiomnounr [u] thebuying of expensive goods in order to impress people and show them how rich you are

Con'.spir'acy /ken'spiresi/ noUm [CU] (pl =ies 一 (toldo sth) | 一 (against sb/sthja'secretplanbyagroup ofpeople


ZU GT (US aceombination:of musical sotnd pleasing together IE DISSONANGE

The adyertisement Were all posted 训 Q coPSPICUOUS

Place CTheeyentWas acomnsDicUuOuUSSUCCesS (= atVery Sreat


composed by/from::


了 [U] ~ (with sb) |~ (between

A and B) the act of communicating with sb, especially regularly:Tdomtihnayve much contactwitr yuncle.CThere iS Little contact petWween the two orgamizationls. O Haye yo Kept 训 comttactWith any ofyour 广iends 太om college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)2 c She's Iost comtact With (= noO ljonger Sees OF Writes to) her som oOT Jinally made contact with (= succeeded in speakingto or Imeeting) her 记 Pari. The orgamnizatior PuE me in comtact With other people 识 a similar pos 让on (= gave me their addresses or telephone numbers). C two people ayoiding eye contact (= avoiding looking directly'at each other) e Heres mny contact mumtber (=-temporary telePhone number) while Drm away: * TOUCHING'SB/STH QZ [U] the state of touching sth: -His Jingers Were priefly im contact with the ball :ce This subStanmce Should not come into:comntact With food. cafear


| dadid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes


上 Ver [VN] to communicate with sb, for example by telePhone or letter: Tve been trying to contactyouall day

adj [usually before noun] (jormalj) extremiely skilled; Per fect': She was acomnsumzmate perormer cHeplayed tiheshot With consurmrmnate sKill ce(disapprovi08g) acomnsumrmaate Liar con:suim.mate2

* FOR EYES 7 contacts [pl.] (infommalj) = CONTACT LENSES * MEDICAL 8 [C a person who may be infectious becallse

Person 一compare INFECTION Comn'ta.-gious /ken'terd5es/ adj 1 aicontagious disease Spreads by people touching each other: Scarlet fever 认 jighly contagious. CS (jguratye) His enthusiasm Was comtagious (= Spread quickly to other people). e a contasgious laugh 也 [not usually before noun] 放 a person is contagious, they have a disease that be Spread to other people by touch 一compare INFECTIOWS


ly dv




/Ken'tem/ vemb[VN] (notusedinthe

Progressive tenses)

1 ifsth contains sth else, ithas that thing inside it or as Part of it: This drinK doesmni contairt ary aicohnoL c Her Statemtent comntairled OPne OF two inaccuracies. SG brown enyelope contaimning dollar bils c The bottle contains (= can hold) bwo'litres. 了 2 to keep your feelings under con-

trol RESTRAIN: She Was LUTiable to comntain her exciteTent CTWas So 负uriousTjust couldnt contain myself (=I had to express my feelings)、3 to prevent sth harmful from Spreading Or getting worse: to coitain ar epidemic 2 Govermnmentjforces hayejoiled to contain 雪e rebelliom.

COm .taiim.er 0m /kentema(CD/ moun 1 abox, bottle, etc. in which sth can be stored or transPorted: Food w 丰 Iastlonger 入 Keptin antairtightcontainer 之 a large metal or wooden box of a _standard size 也 Which goods are Packed so that they can easily be lifted onto a ship, train, etc. to be transported: Q comtaimner Sjh训

(= one designed to transport such containers) 一picture 必 PAGE R2 COn.tain'er.ized /ken'teimnerarIzd/ adj, Packed and transported in CONTAINERS: containerized cargo PP contain.erization /ken,temaerafzerfn/ moun [U]

con'tain:.ment /ken'temmaent/ 0O2n:[b] (Jormah) 1 the actofkeepingsth under control sothatit cannotspread in aharmful way': the containrmmientoFthe epidermic 2 the act of keeping another countrys power within.limits so that it does not become too powerful: apolicy of contaimnmazent

contami'in:ant /ken'tamrmaent/ ooun (technical) a subStance that makes sth IMPURE: Rilters do,mnot remoye al cottarmirntants 太om Water

| k cat

| lleg

| mman


| ppen

| rired

crime of refusing tolobey an order made by a coOUIG Dot showing ITespect for a courtorjudge: Ary Person Who disregards this order W 记 pe 识 contermpt of cou仿 comn:temp:tuous /ken'temptfuas/ ad ~ (of sb/sth) feeling or showing that you haVve no ITespect for'sbysth

taimiriated with Lead. e contarminated blood/fooad/so 刀

2 (1jormah to influence People's ideas or attitudes 记 a

bad way: They were accused of contarminating the iminds of 一see also UNCONTAMINATED * conour yotnmng people.

iGmination /keritasmrnerfn/ own [U]: radioactive com-

SCORNEFUL: She gaye hirm a contemptuous look 2 He

taminatiomn 一See alSO CROSS-CONTAMINATION Con:tan.EgO /ken'tae0gaU; NAmE 3o0/ noun [U] (BrE, 矿 nance) the normal situation on the Stock Exchange 雇 which the cash Diice ofsth is lower than its future Price coDntdi obpr =CONT. con-temiplate /ontamplert; NAmE cn/ ve几 Tto think about whetheft you should do sth,or how you

Was coiitemptauous of everything TI did_

Toulda contend that the rainisters thinking is jawed om

this point- [also VN that] 2 [V]: ~ (for sth) to ,compete

against Sb in order to gain sth: Three amted groUDS Were con'tend with sth to have copniending for power to deal with a problem or difficult situation: NUrses often Phave to contend with violentor drurken Patients. comitend.er /ken'tende(GD)/ OU1 a person Who takes ParEin a competition OF tries to Win sth; a comitenderjJora gold medal 识 the Olympics Ca Leading/serious/strong comtterider for theparty Ieadership

VN -ing] 2 to think carefully about and accept the possibility of sth happening: [VN] The houSht of war isitoo [V wh-] Icant comtemzplate What aWwfulto contemplate. 让 Would be Like to be alone. [also vi that] 3 (Jormal) to think deeply aboutsth for a long time: [VN] to contemmpiate your 所 bure eV] She Lay 识 bed contermplatinS. 4 [VN] (Jormalj) to look at sb/sth in a careful Way for a

一see /kontent; NAImE 玫 azmn-/ noOU1 -teimt1 0 CO also CONTENT2 T contents [pl.] the things that are contained in sth: Fe

STARE AT: She comtemplated Firm 识 Sitemce, longtime con-tem:plation /kpntem'plerfn; NAmE ika:nD-/ 0OUn

tipped the contents of the pag onto the table. 和 瓦Fe has caused Severe darmage to the contents of the building. 2 She jhadmi read the letter and:so Was Unawareiof is contents

[U] (formalj) Tthe act of thinking deeply about sth: He

sat 雪 ere deep 识 contemplatiom 2 Gjw momenzs of qUiet ce_aLie ofprayer and comtemplaton 之 the contemplatior actoflooking at sth ip a calm and careful way: She turmned p TEL in con万om her contemplatior of the Photogra几

2 contenmts [pl] -the different sections that are coODtainedin abook: atable ofcomntents (=thelistatthe 位ont ofabookjocacontentspage 3 [sing.] the subjectmatter of

(Jormaj) being considered: By 1613 eyen

a book, speech;,-programme, etc.: YOUr tone of yoice 1 05 important as 雪e coOmntent Of What yOU Raye to say. 3 The

7more desperate TieasUres Were 训 coTittermpIa6oOP,

ad con:tem:pla-tive /ken'templatrv/ Tthinking,quietly and seriously about sth: She 四 (Jormal)

Was 识 -comntemplative mood. 了.Spending time thinking 女e contemzplative Le deeply about religious matterS:


/kenitemperemiss/ -adj


(with sb/sth) (formol) happening or existing at the same

CONTEMPORARY;: How do We Know that the Sigtime mature is contemporanteous With the document? 2 coOnterm-

eyentts/accornmts > conitem:poraneously

有 ady


-Dereri/ ad1/., OU1 ~ (with sb/sth) pelonging to the same time: We adj.

Fayve no contemporary accoUnt of 妇e Dattle (= Wiitten near the time that 让 happened). 2 Fe Was conttemporary/ 切 dramatisECongreye: 了 belonging to the Present 如i珊 e MODERN: 71: 训 contemmporary Britain 2 coOmtime temporary 太ctiomATnUSic/dance

e 下 IOU1 (D/ -ies) aperson who lives oOF lived atthe sametim

age: She as sb else, especially sb who is about the same ntermPo 广 andTWere comntermporaries atcollege: CHe WasQCcO ary of Freud and may haye Know Fair

con:tempt /ken'tempt/ moUP [Using] 了 一 (for sb/sth)

s no the feeling that sbysth is without value and deserve 2Tshall res6ect at all: She 1ooKed at im Withn contermmpt C 古is 好eaE 态at SUggeSHiOF With-the coOTiteTmpt 让 deserye5. (三 SO 六reatmient oF his cildrenr z beneath conteinpt t tnacceptaple that 让 这 not even Worth feeling contemPp ptDy for)j S Politiciaras Seemm to pe &enierally held 识 contefm the vaLordinary People. C They had ShowPa comtemptjor

or ies she thoightirmiportant 也 一 for sth alack of worTy a rs shoWed fear about rules, dangem etc.: The 万refigjhte qa StaScomtemptjfor their OoWFE Safeby. Jis remarKks petray

false). gering conttempt for the tru 纹 (= are completely Jortwoyears jailedj pe coOUId He COURT: OF PT CONTEM 三 3 refusing to 思Dr cottermmPE 2 She Was Feld 识 comntempt for

not deservVcontempt'ible /ken'temptebl/ adj. (ormal) Dtible any-respect at al .ET DESPICABLE: COmterp ing pehayiour

s see

| ttea

| vivan

| w wet | zzoo

| shoe

contentoFf the course depends on What the Students WOUIG Like to study OHeripoetryjhas agood deal of political comtenE 4 [sing] (following a noun) the amount of a Supbstance that is contained in sth else: food with a Pig Jat

contente the alcohol content ofa drink 5 [U] (computing)

theinformation or other material contained on a Website or CD-ROM: online contentproyiders 一See also CONTENT: Comn:tentz /ken'tent/ ad/,, verb, noun 下 ddj. [not before noun] 1 ~ (with sth) happy and satisfied with what you have: Not comtent With stealimng TY boy-

太 iend (= not thinking that this was enough),she has

0- /ken'temprari; NAImE



ously adv:to laugh coTtteImptLOUSIY con:tend /ken'tend/ verb TUormal to say that sth is MAINTAIN: [y that] true, especially in an argument

CONSIDER, THINK ABOUT/OF: [VN] should do sth ZU7retoo yourig to be contemDlating retirermenL 人 [v -ing] T haye meyver contemplated Living abroad. [also V wh-,

(=1life in areligious comrmunity)

[U] the

conitempt of'court (also comtempt) om

ADULTERATE: The_ drinking Water has becorme coP-




con-tam:in:ate /ken'tammert/ ve 由 [VN] 1 一 sth (with sth) to make a substance'or Placevdirty or no longer Pure byadding a substancethatis dangerous or carries disease

志 rned all my 广iends against me. 2 He Seemed TOre cOTtenb less bitter C He had to pe coitert With tird place. 只 note atHAPPY 2 一 to do sth willing to do sth: 工was com一Compare CONTENTED tentto Wwa丰 上 Vermp[VN]T 一yourself with sth to acceptand be satisfied with sth andnottryto have or do sth better: Martirta coO7sb tehited hersejF with abpowl of soUD. 之 (Jormalj) to make feel happy or satisfied: My apology Seeined to COILLETLL Pi

目 IOU1


conmitent:ed /JEen'tentrd/ adj [usually before noun] showing or feeling happiness Or satisfaction,especially beQ catlse yotur:life is good: a contented Smile 和 He Was

CONTENT2 0d1/,[aaa DISCON: 一compare contented man contentediy adyv: She TENTED cnote at HAPPY Smiled coOmttemtedly. coOn-ten:tion /kemitenfn/ noun (formal)T [U] angry dis-

DISPUTE: Omne area of agreement between People of comntentiom 太 the availability of nuUrsery cQare. 2 Q point contenton 2 [G 一 (that … ) a belief or an opinion that yoU exXPpresS, especially in an argument: 下 攻 OUr clients contentomn that 地 efire was an accident 2 工 Would reject

妇 at contention. 只 note at CLAIM JE in con'tention (for sth) with a chance of winning sth: Omly 切ree teams

on for aremow 识 contentioriJforthetitle. outofcon'tenti 一more at BONE 站. sth) without a chance ofwinning sth


/kentenf ss/ adj (Jormal)

Tilikely to

ious cause disagreement _between People: .Q corttentt us, issue/topic/sSubject ceBoth Views are migPly corttentio UNCONTENTIOUS 2-_liking to argue; involving aloft of arguing: qicomtentious meetinlg

| 5 vision

| tchain

| us5 jam

| 9thin

| athis

| 0 sing

COmntenmntreIn 寺

330 | COmiinental brealkfast 1007 alight breakfasb usually consisting of coffee and bread rolls with butter and

~ jam 一compare ENGLISH BREAKFAST COmtiinmerital ciinmate 71ov) afairlydryPpattern of wea-

COn'tent-nmient /ken'tentmaent/ (also /ess requent comtent) OUm [U] a feeling'of happiness'or satisfaction: He ther with veryhotsummers and very cold winters, that is Pas 加 und comtentment at IasE CO5Q Sigir of comtemntmient一 typical ofthe central regions of the US, Canada and Ruscompare DISCONTENT cnote at SATISFACTION Sia, for example C comntentworg pour (1ngwistics) a noun, verb;i adjective or adverb whose main function is'to express meaning 一 COmiimental drift ovn [U] (geology) the slow moveIment ofthe continentstowards and away 位om each.other compareFUNCTION WORD during the history of the earth 一see also PLATE TECTONCOm-eSE 0 7100n, Ve 几 ICS 书 1OU1 /上 Dntest; NAmE kacm-/ 1 a competition in which COmimemtal Guilt 0oun (Br6) =DUVET People try to win sth: a singing comntestS atalent contest4 COmtinemtal 'sheif ovn [usually sing:] (geology) the toentter[Win/lose da comntest 一see also BEAUTY CONTEST area of ljand on .the edge of a continent that slopes into 之 ~(forsth) astruggleto gain control or Power: a comtest the ocean Jor the Ieadership of the party TI be ,no'"contest used to saythat one Side 让 a competition is-SoO much stronger COmiimental slope novn [sing,]:(geology)the steep surorbetterthan the otherthatitis sureto win easily face that goes down from the outer edge of the continenmVYerbp /ken'test/ [VN] Ttotakepartin acompetition; electal shelfto the ocean floor tion, etc. anditry to win it: Three camndidates comttested the COm划 mm-EemCyY /Ken'tmd5ensi/ mown (PP/ es) ar event leadership, ca jhotlyXfiercely/keenly contested game thatimayor may nothappen POSSIBILITY: We FUSt (=.one in which the players tryyery hard to win and the comsider Q1L Dossible comtingenicies.C to Take comntimngency ScOres are close) 2 to formallyoppose adecision or statePiIans (= Plans for what to do if a partictilar event'hapImentbecause youthinkitis wrong:to comtestaWwill(= try pens Or does nothappen) acortirigency fnd(= topay to show that 让 was not correctly made in law) ce The diforsth that mighthappenin the future) yoOTrce Was not comitested. COm-tesi-amnt /ken'testent/ noun aperson whotakes Part in a contest: Please Welcome OUr miext comitestaitt

CO 让EXtt 0

taken ouUt of coritext (=:Tepeated Without giving the circumstances in Which it Was said).

/ken'tekstfual/_ adj, (formaj connected

with a particular context: co7ttextual inforrmatiomn C co textual clues to the meaning # contextually cdv

COm-text-ualize (BrE also-ise) /ken'tekstfuslarz/ ve履 [VN] (formah to consider sth in relation to the sittiation in Which it happens Or exXists 多 Contextualizafiion, -5二tion /kenitekstfuaelaiz'eIfn/ noun [U]

coOm-itigu-OuUs /Kemn'tigjuas/ ad 太一 (with/to sth) (jzmo1or technical) touching or next to sth: TPe coUntries are comtiguoUS. C The DTruUising Was not coOPntiguous to the wound conitiguity /kopntrgjuzati; NAmE kam-/ nowm [U]

coOm'tin-emce /kontmans; NAmE'kadn-/ nouni [LU T (1jor mmdjh the control of your feelings, especially youi desire to have sex .之 the _ability to control the BLADDER and BOWELS Iaa INCONTINENCE Coniinent /ontImant; NAImE 下 amn-/ 0dj FEB INCONTINENT

CO 人 - 诈 :他 站 站让 .0

/kontmant;NAmE'ka:n-/ noun

1 [Gone'of thelarge land-masses of the earth such as Europe; Asia or Africa: theicontinentofAFricactheA4Africanm

continent QtiheCcontinent [Sing:](BrbthemainPpartof the continent ofEurope, not including Britain or Ireland: Weregoing to spend a WeeKkend om the Contimen

COm-im:emtal /kontrmnentl; NAmE Kam-/ adi ,noun aadj1

(alsoContinental) [only before noun](BrE)of or 让

the continent of Europe, not including Britain and Ireland: a popular comtinental holiday resort C Britains con-

tirierttal meighbours

字 (BrE) following the customs


countries 记 western and southern Europe: Q comtiremtal1 Lifestyle C The shutters ad the palconies mmake the street IOoK almost comntinentaL .了 [only before noun] connected with the main part of the N American continent: Prices are often Paigher 识 Hawaii 雪 amn 总 tue continental United States. 4 forming part ob or typical of any of the seven main land masses of the earth: cOPntimental AFLCFcticaX Asia/EUrope cto Study contiriental ge0grapFy 昌 IOU1 (BrE, olgf: 龙shioned,often disopprovinigjaparsonmnwho lives im the continent of EUurope: The comtirieritals jaye 7ieyer Understood ouUr Preferemnce /FrWarPma beer

that is paid to a lawyer only if the person he or she is advising Wins 认 coOiTt

COm-iim记emt /kentmdsant/ noun; 0 中

/kontekst; NAmESkam-/ noun [CU]

Tthe situation in which sth happemns and thathelps you to understand it: TPRis Speech mneeds to be set im the conmtext Of Britain 训 the 719605: 有 is decision cam oily be Unde stood 训 context 2 the words that comejustbefore and aftera word, phrase or statement and help yotto tnder stand its meaning: ZUShould be able to 5ues5 the7 训 eamiiig of 坊e word 方omm 雪 e conitextE S This quotatiom has been


comtinsencyfee novr (itheUS)anamountofmoney

悍 IOUN [C+sing./pl.y 直了 a group of people at a meeting or an eVent who have sth in comimnon,, especially the Dlace they come from, that is not shared by other people atthe evVent; The IargestcomtimgentWas 万oFaz the United States. 人 , AsSstrolg coritingertt of Iocal residents Were thereto Block the ProposalL 了字 a group of soldiers that are Part of a larger force: the Fremnch comtimger 直训 the UN peaceKkeeping jorce 下 0dlj. 一 (on/uponsth) (fjormal)depending on sth thatmiay or maynot happen: AI PayrmmenA are comtingentUDOP SQLtzfoctory cOmipletioraates. 基 Con 者mmEenmily 0dv

COm丰 mm-uUal /ken'trmjuel/ ad [only before-noun]- Tiepeated many times in a way that isiannoying:comtiruat comiplaints/ 识terruptiors 2 contintiing without inter Tuption CONTINUOUS: He Was iisQ continual Drocess of rewriting jiis materialL CTWe Lived 识 comntirtual far of being discovered. 2 HeridaughterWas a coFtinual soUrce'of daelight to jher 只 note at CONTINUOUS # coniinually [juali/ adyw: They argue continually about money ec the need to adapt to mew amnd comtinually chamgimng circu7mStarices C New products are comtimnualty being deyeloped. COm-EinuU-amce /ken'tmjusens/ noun 丰 [LU] (formaoj) the state of continuing to exist or function: We cam mo Ionmger SUDDOTE the PresidentS' comntimnuance in office. 字 [C (Nm law) adecision that acourt case should be heardlater: The Judge refused his motion foracomtnuance. coOm-tinu-amt' /ken'tmjuent/ noun (phonelics) aconsonant that is pIonounced with the breath passing through thethroat,sothatthe sound canbe continued:/f/;, /and /m/ are examples of contintants. -continuant' ad [only before noun]: comntimnuamt comnsomamts


,人 /kentmjuermn/


一 (ofin sth)

TIuising.] an actorthe state of continuing: They are amxi0Us to ensure the coitinuation ofthe ecomnomic reforrm proSramrmne. CThis year SaQW Qa .comtinuaton in the Upward trend in sale5 了 [C] something that continues or follows Sth else: Ber new book is a continuation .of her autopiog-

rapjhx 3 [G something that is joined on to sth else and formsapartofit: There areplans to puild a comtinuation of the by-pass nextyear



/kontmjuy ve万

1 to keep existing or happening without stopping: [V] The exhibitiom continues Until 25, 凤 g CThe trial iexpec记 ed to comtiniue Jor thfFee 7mmopnths. C [Vitoinf] The raim co tued to j1 all afternoof. > [V -ing] The rain continued

刀 l1ing al aftermioon 了 一 (with sth) to keep doing sth Without stopping: [V-ing] She wamted to coFitimnue Wo7rKing Until she Was 60. C [V to inf] He continued to igrniore eyery-

scat | G father | eten | s: bird | aeabout rsit | isee | imany| olgot (BrE) | orsaw | Acup | sput | mitoo


COmtrac 331 纺ingTWas sayirig2Ol[VN] The'board of inquUiry 认 comntinuing is 识vestigations. SC[V] Are you going to Continue With theproject? 3 [V usually+ qdv/prep.] to go ormove furcom tinuous as'sessmnemti noun [U] (Br/B)a system of theripnthe same direction: The path comtinued ovyer rouSj giving a studentia final:markVgrade based on work done rocky ground. O He contintued on his way 4 [V] 一 (as sth) during acourse ofstudy rather than on one exarn to remain in aparticular job or condition: 工Wantyouto COn tinuous'statioery "own [U] (BrE) paper that is COPtirile as projectmahnager coShe Ww记 coTitinue in herpresPrinted in a single long strip, then toided and tofn into EnhtjobuntilareplacementcatDpefound. S tostart Or Statt The [V] RESUME: individiial sheets atime for stopping after again sth Story comntinues 训 OUr mext issue. 2 [VN] The Story Ww记 be CoOritimuuine /kentimjuem/ no0n (P/con:tinua jjue/) a continued im DUrmext issUe. G to start speaking again seiies of simiiaz items in which each is almostthe Same as 一 didmntrmear to inte 产 afterstopping: [V] Please comntinue he ones next to itbnit the last is Very different from the FUDE Ooi[V -speech] macb :hercontinrued aliKe tocomfirstISEEI CLINE: 下 iirmDp0ss 这 leto SaY Qt Whatpointalortg gratulateyou” ; 冲 Ecorfinutrm aadialectbecomes Qseparate 1GPnSUa8e. con:tinued /ken'tinjud/ (also conm-iinuing /kentm- COm:tOrE /ken'toxt; NAmE:tort/Vebto become twisted or 迅the Same state make sth twisted otit of its natural or normal shape: [V] jum/)iadi [only'before noun] existing [VN] Ber 郊outh Was com玩 sface comntorted With anger Withotit change or interruption: We are gratefuljor your torted 训 a snarL P comtorted adj.: coritorted Limpbs/ continuedZcomntinuing SUDPort. 22: coOTitiriued interesE (jigurative) 丰 WasQacontorted yersion of the Truth bodies Comntimuing inyVOLVeTment nouvn 1 [U] the con tinuing ediu'cation "own [U] = ADULT EDUCA- Con-tiortion /ken'to:jn; NAmE:torJna/ out of its natural state of the face or body being twisted TION shape: Their bodies had SUjfered contortion as Q FesuIE of Kazmtemu:-/ mouwn (P 放Y /kontrDju:eti NAmE COm-tinai: -ies) 1 [U] the faet of not stopping OF not changing: to ensure/DrovideXmaintain corntintitty of 记 el supplies 之 [u,G a logical connection beEBD-DISCONTINUITY tween the parts of sth, or between two things: TTiemzoyeLl There are 0ODyiOUs Jaiks to achieyve narratiye coPntinuib comtinmnuities between dietamnd health [Ga DISCONTINUITY

3 [u] (technicaj)the organization of a 名mV/ movie or tele-

Vision programme, especially making sure that' people's clothes; objects, etc. are the same from one Scene to the DeXt


/ken'tmjueo;:NAmE juou/ oun

[U] (mwsia)

(from /talian) amusical Part Playedto accompany another instrument, in which a line of low notes js"shown with figures to represent the higher notes to be played above them: afrio for two Violins and comntiruo

These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns:

continual ~ change

problems _updating

employment 、 flow

questions pain

ine -speech



EContinuous describes somethingthat continues

Rs , without stopping. d 上 Continual usually describes an action thatis repeate again and again.

是 The difference betweenthesetwo wordsis now

disappearing. In particulam continual can also mean thesameascontinuousand is used especially about “undesirable things: LI 大 wasa comtinmual strugsgle Jor

tin them However continuous is much more frequen 2 this sense. :

mu-OUS 0 人mCO

/ken'tmjuas/ 2d

time; without 1 happening or existing for a period' of mzenE umEiLthe interruption: She Was 六 comttinuous epIOyr Since this age of sixtby-five. 2 The rain jas beemi comtiriuous area withont morning. 2 spreading in a line or over an al) reafiy Spaces: Q COTLEITIUOUS 1ime of traffic -3 (njform CONTINUAL: Forjour'days the peated many times Continual is towp suUhfered comntinuous attackKs. (gramimar) 二 much 训 ore frequent iD:this meaning: 丸 nu-Ous-iy EROGRESSIVE: the cOPmtimUOUS terlSeS 区 com-ti COPtimLdadv: Be has leadand worked in Erance alimost OLS1y since 1990,


| animy

| amnow

2 [C a movement Which twists the body

audience of schoolchildremi

(1iguratve) We had to 80

妇 rougj all 太e WUal cofttortons to geta icket (= a diffi-

cult series of actions). COm-tior-tiom-ist /ken'toxfenrst NAmE-torf -/ 00Un-a Derformer who does contortions of their body to entertain others OUter COm-tOur /上 pntoeC); NAmE 攻 admntor/ own 了 the edges of sth; the outline of its shape OF form: The road 让 lows the natural corttours of the codastiine. C She traced the contours of his jace With jier 放 7i8er 之 (alsO'ComtOowur line) aline on'a map showing points that are the same height above sea level: Q coTtour TaP (=amapthat in-

cludes these lines) -3 Conm-touredi /kontoed; NAmE kadmturd/ ad 四 1 With specially designed outline that makes sth attractive or comfortable: 址 ismoo 雪 1ycontoured to 1ooK like a Facing car 2 having or showing contours (2): contoured Fills/

continuous .continual Continuous ~ process


out of its iatural shape: 本s 名 cial contortiomns amused the

1GPDS 1 (训 COmtra- /此ontra; NAmE kazmtre/ combining 万rm nouns;verbsand adjectives) againsts opposite: comtraflow contradict 2 (in nouns) (mus/c-having aPITCH an OCTAVE below: Ga comntrapassoo [JU Con-tra:bamd /kbpntrebzend; NAmE Kamn-/ noOU1 goods that are illegally taken into or out of a country: comtraband goods Sto smusggle comtrabanmd

a musicCOm-tra-bass /kontrabeIs; NAImE am-/ adj. (of al instrument) with a range of notes One OCTAVE below that ofa BASss instrtuiment: Q coOPtrabass clarinet


/kontrebasumn; NAmE kam-/ (also

and idoubie bas'soom ) 10OUn a BASSOON that'is larger longerthanthenormaltypeand produces lower notes


/kontre'sepfn; NAmE kaxzn-/ noun [U]


/kontre'septIv,NAmE Ka:mnz/ OUm a

the practice of preventing a Worman from becoming PregBIRTH CONTROL: to nant;the metlods ofdoing this giveadyice about conitraceptiom

drug, device of Practice used to Preventa Woman becoming pregnant: Oral comtraceptiyes 外 contraceptive 0di. [only before noun]: a comtraceptive PilL econtraceptive adVice/precatutiomns/Tmtethods

-世情 CE 0 C站O

0041 Ve履

理 MOUm /kontraekt; NAmE kazn-/ 1 一 (with sb) | ~ (betweenAand B) | ~ (for sth/to do sth) an official written

agreement: to eriter intto/make/ Sign acontractwith the SUDPplier oa conttractjor the SUPPpIy ofyehicles e to win/be awarded a comitract io build aiew school e These Clatses Jofrzpart ofthe contract Dethweemn DuUyer and seller. Sa comtract of ErmPloymlent C Q Tesearch contract 2 Q comtract

WorKker (= one employed on a Contract for a fixed period of time) CTWas om @ 态 ree-year COTitract that expired Iast

week e Unader the termas of the comntract the job Shouiad have been finisfied yesterday o She is Under contract to

| erisay | su:go (Br6) | ou go (NmB)

| or boy

;| ze near

| ee hair

| 5e pure


332 | 生

(=has acontract to work for) a7mnajior Americamn comPputer 广rrm CThe offer' has been acceDted SUDject to comntract (= the agreement is not official tntil the contract is signed). C They Were Sued Jor breach of contract(= not keeping to a contract). 了2 ~ (on sb) (informalj) an agreement to kill sb for money: to taKke out a contractom sb 日VE 力 /ken'traekt/ 1 to become less or smaller; to make sth become jess or smaller: [V] Glass comtracts as 让 cools. 2QcontractingmmarketcTHhe heart7mnuscles contractto expel be blood.c [VN] ITWiP and Tshal are usually contracted to 7 人LE(= made shofter). 2 The exercise Consists OF strretcjing amd cottracting the leg mLUScles., [Ga EXPAND Q字 [VN] (medicaj to get an jillness: to coritractAIDSAa Virusa dis-

ease 3 ~ sb (to sth) tomakealegal agreement With sb for them to work for you or provide you with -a service: [VNto in 人 TFPe player 六 contracted to Play antil AvguUSE [VN] Several computer entgineers hayve peen contracted to 态 einarice department 4 [VtoinfjtoiakealegalagreeIment to work for sb or provide them with a service:- She jas contracted io WorK 20 hoursa week

5 [VN]


riage/an alliance (with sb) (jzmaj) to formally agree to Iarry Sb/form an ALLIANCE With sb con tract in (tosth) (BrE) to formally agree that yot will take part in sth contract' out(of sth) (BrE) to formallyagreethatyou Will not take Part in sth: Mary emzployees contracted outoF

We arejocedWwith two apparentty contradictory statermeTats. CTheadyiceTTeceiyved Was oftemn conttradictory:

Con:tra'dis-tinc'tion /Kontrodr'stiKhn; NA7E Kan-/ MOU1 [II in contradistinction to sth/sb contrast with sth/sb





(gra/mmar) (of verbs) talking about sth that is not true. 了retend' and “wish are. contrafactive verbs. 一compare EACTIVE, NON-FACTIVE

COm'tra'flow /kontreflao; NAmEkazntrefloo/ moumn{Br6) a:System that is Used when one-half of a large Toad is closed for repairs, and thetraffic goinginboth directions has to Use the other half: 4Acomtraflow systemais 识 operatHoTLOP this sectiomn of the motorway.

COom'tra'indi'cate /kontremdrkert;;NAmE kam-/ vemb [VN] (medico/) 让 adrug or treatment is contraindicated, there'is a medical reason why it should not be used in a particular Situation: This drug is contrainaicated 训 Patients with Qsthma-

Con'traindi'-cation /kontremdrkerfm; NAmE kam-/ /ouUm (/medical) a possible teason for not giving sb a_ par ticular drug or medical treatment

COm'tralto /ken'traelteo; NmE-toa/ noun(p1-os)=ALTO comtrap'tion /kan'traepfna/ mo amachine or piece'of equipment that looks;strange: She showed Us astrange contraption 纺at looked 1Like asatellitedish.


the pension Plan conitract'sth 二'out (tosb)to arrange


(jorma 矿im

5 NAmE


forworktobe donebyanothereompbany ratherthana yoUrI

(musie) having two or more :tunes played ;together to

ICOntract jbridge novn [U] the'standard form of the

Com:trari"Wise /KantresariWaizy NAmE :trer/ 02 (OF


一seesalsoicoUNTERPOINT form a whole

mmal) Tiused at the beginning of a sentence or clause to introduce a contrast 2 in the'opposite way::E Worked: 一iirstyOU Galled thelmurmzbe5 them you Pi COPtrariWise Y the momneyiin.

card gaime BRIDGE,in Which Points are given only for Sets of cardsthat are BID and won

Comn-tract' 训e /ken'traektaa/ adj (biology) (of living TIsSUEi Organs, etc.) able to contract or of :an opening-or tube, become narrowWer

CoOm'trary1 /kontrariy NAmE azmtreri/-adj :DOUn 二see

also CONTRARY2 @Qdj. 1 一 tosth different from sth; against sth: Comtrary to poODUIar belief mmany cats dislike mi SS The 5overmTnent has decided that the PUDIication of the report would be contrary to the puUDLiciinterest 了 [only before noun]

con'trac'tion /ksn'trakfn/,noun:T:[u] the-processiof becoming smaller: the expahnsiom and contractiori of:the 7mnetal Ce THe Suddem comntr"ctiom of 雪 e markeks 1ef them Witha Iot of urnWwanted stocKk. ED EXPANSION 2 [CU]a sudden and painful contracting of muscles, especially 6f the muscles around a woman's WOMB thathappen-when She isgiving birth to aichild: The contractions startedcomingievery 太 ve Imiriutes: 3 [Cl(Ngwisticsja short form-ofa Word: 人 es may pe a contractiomof et2or Je has2 COm'tract'Or /KemtrasktaGr)/ 太nown ia Personmor comPany that has a contract to do work or provide goods or serVices for anotheri'company: abuildingZjhaulage etc, comtractor c to employam'outside comntractor

completely different in nature or direction

COm'tract:ual:/ken'traektfusl/ ,adj connected: with the conditions of alegal Written agreement; GOntract

that the opposite of what has been said is true: T aomt Jind hirma ny at alL Quite the contrary to the 'contrary showingOrPproving the opposite: Show rme some eyidence to the contrary (= Proving that sth is not truej.eTw 让

agreedi in a

Comn'tra'dict:/ Kontredikt NAmE Kam-/ ve Titonsay that sth thatsbelselias said iswirong, amid thattheOpposite is true: [VN] AlLevening herjusbandicorttradictedeverything she said. CIYDuyejusticontradictedyourselF(= said the opPposite of what you said. before): [also V speech, VN speech] 2 [VN] (of statements or pieces of evidence) to be so different from each other thatone ofthem must be wrong: THie twostories comntradicteacP other

Con'tra'diction 1 [Gu




expect to See YOU on Sunday Uniess Thear amything to 态e

contrary (= that you are not coming). COm'trary” /ken'treari; NAmE :treri/ adj (jnrmal, disapprovng) (usually of children) behaving badjy; choosing to do or saythe opposite of what is expected: She wassuch a COPtraT7yY chila 一 让 Was impossible to Please her 一see also CONTRARYL Contrarily adv contrari-ness OUn [U]



(between'Aand:B)-a lack of agreeimient be-

tween facts,, Opinions,actions, etei There'is CEcopntadicio between the two sets of figures. oO FTis puDIic Speeches

atten 一 妇atsacontradictiomn ofyourIaststatermnert丰

Icontradiction in terms


a statement containing two

Words that contradict each other's meaning: A 9omad Settlemment 1S acontradictiom im terms:

Com'trardict'ory/jikontra'drktariyNAmEanasjodi corm taining or showing-a contradiction


引 addid

| =ffall

g getsa






是 IOUM /EDntrGsst; NAmEkacntraest/ 人 [co]

一 (betweenA

and B) | ~ (to/with sby/sth) adifference between two or

are ia direct .cottradictioft to_his Dersorial ETFsDBie ec

已oW ca We:Tresolye this apparent contradiction2 也 [U,O] the act of saying that sth that sb else has said is wrong or Dot true; .an example of this: 工切iPpK 工carmsa Withnout Jear ofcontradictiom thaf :2 Nowyousay you po 二 le让


ITE: COPtrary adyvice/opiniofisZareumients C The comtrary View 太 切at Prison Proyides an excellent education 一 im crirme. 日71OU1 the contrary [sing:] the opposite fact event or Situation: 雄 the end the comntrary Was proyed true: he was inmocent amd she Was SUilbz IE onthe 'contrary used to introduce a statementthat says the opposite ofthielast one: 从 TUStJayve peertterrible On the contrary 工 emjoyed eyery Tinute ,quite the-contrary tused to emphasize

Imore People orthings that you can seeclearly when they arecompared Or Pttclosetogether;the factof comparing two orimnore:thingsiin orderto'showvthe differences between them:iTRereis an Dbyiousrco7iiFastDbetweernt the cuL tures of Fastatd West ec The compary losti87Z3miEiornthis QUarterim comtrasttoaProhtEofg6.27illiomnayeareartier 2 Wheniyoulook at 态eir new system,oUrS SEEITS yery oldJshioned pycomttrast CThesibhlahonWwher wearrivedwas 识 TIQrkecl contrast to the TieWs Teportsa Cito Show Ca

Sharp/starKkXstrikingcomtrastWith stnhoTRe Dovertxof jherchildhood:starads in total contrast ioierl 庆 砚 HolyWood.CAWooljacKetcorplements thesiiKtrousersana Dro-

sk cat

| llegs

| mman

| now

| ppen


Vides amuinteresting comntrastin texbhure.e Careful contrastof the two Plans showsisome inmzportant differences. 2 [G~

(to sb/sth) a person or thing that is clearly different from Sb/sth else: The worKkyoudidtodayis quite acontrastto (三 Very much better/Wworse than) What you did Iast week. 3 [U] differences in colotir or in light and dark, used 这 Photographs and paintings to create a Special effect: The artiststUse ofcontrastz masteryy 4 [U] theamountofd

ference betweenlight and darkin apicture on atelevision Screen: Use this buttomn to aajustthe comtrast 昌 Ve几 /Kentrad:st; NAmE-trasst/了 TIVN] 一(Aand/with Bjto compare two things in order toshow the differences between them: 下 攻 识terestig to contrast the Britisi ega1 System With the Ammericar one. 2 The Poem contrask YOU 二 arid age. 了 [V] ~ (with sth) to show a clear difference When close together or when compared: Fer acHomns com trasted sharply with her Dromies: 2 HeFac6omns amd 瑟er 了 Prommises comntrasted sharDIy



/上kan'trazstrzm; NAmE-traes-/ ad

[usually before nounj Very different in style, colour or attitude:.brighb5 contrasting colou7s 2 The book explores comtrastimng yiews _oF the Doets early WoOTK.

COm:trast'ive /kefi'trazstrv; NAmE -traest-/ adj (ingwistics) showing the differences between languages: a comtrastive aiialysis of British and AUstraliam EmglIisF COmn-tra.Vvenme /kopntra'Vvim; NAmE ,kam-/ ve [VN] (帮 玉

Imal) to do sth thatisnotallowedbyalaw orrule INFRINGE: THPe coTmpary Was 如 und guUilty oF contrayening sajety


> Conitiravention


NAmE ,kam-/ noum [U;,G] INEFRINGEMENT: These ac友oms are 训 comnitrayventior of EuropeaTriaw. COn-tre-temilps /ontrat; NAmE Kazntreta:/ novm (内 coni'tre-tempsj (from French ,帮nmaf or Jumorou5s) an Unfortunate event or embarrassing disagreement with another Person

COm-triiDp-ute .0- /kan'trrbjuxt; BrEalso kontrrbjuxt/vemb 1 ~(sth) (to/towards sth)to give sth, especially money or goods, to help sb/sth: [VN] We comtriputed &E5000 to the earthguaKke 有所 nd [V] Wouldyou Like to comntribute to our

collection?c DoyouwWistio contribute2 2 [vV]~(to sth)to be one of the causes of sth: Medical mnegligemce Was said to Paye comntrzputed to her death. 2 本 L7mar error may have

Peer a comitributinsg factor 3 ~ (sth) to sth to increase, improve or add to sth: [V] Jimnrmmigramts Payve contribputed to B7riSP cuItre

碎 放aPny Ways. CO[VN] THRES pooK comn 厅 功Utes

Little tooUr Enderstanding ofthe Sbjiect 4 ~ (sth) (to sth) to write things for a newspaper magazine, Or a radio OF television programme; tolspeak during a meeting Or conVersation, especially to give your opinion': [VN] She com契 边uted a Pumber of artcles to 妇e 训 agazine. C [V] Fe

CO 好 达 Utes reguiarly to 雪 e nagazine Wew Scienttist C We Pope eyeTyoPe W 码 comntribute to te discussiom.

COm-trilpuw.-tiOom Oom /kontrrbju:jn; NmE 下 am-/ 0o0U7m ~ (to sth) | ~ (toward(s) sth/doing sth) 1 [q a sum of Ioney that is given to a person or an organization 训

order tohelp payforsth

DONATION: to ImnaKke a com-

好 bUtiom to charitr casuVbstamntial comntribor ceAL com丰 芭u6075 W 友 pe grate 友 11y 2”received. 2 valuable com 厅 娶U6iomns towWards the UpKkeep of 切e cathedral 22[C a Sum ofmoneythatyotupayregularlytoyour employer or the governmentin ordertopayforbenefits such as health 识suUrance;j a pension,etc.: 7mmonthly comntributiorns to the Peisiom scherme 了 [Cusually sing:] an action or a service that helps to cause or ipcrease sth; Fe Trade ayery posi在ye cotribu 有om to the SuUccess of the project C These Teasures WOUIG Tmnake Q YaIUaple comtribpution towards feducing industrial accidents. Ce 雪e cars contributiomn to

the greeflhouse effect 4 [Caniitem that forms part ofa books magazine; broadcast, discussioni etc.: am impDortamnt co7atr 芭U5iomsto 妇 e debate 41 contributions for the May issue TnUst pe Teceiyed by Friday 5 [LU] the'act of giving sth,especially money to help a person or an organization: We relyemtirelyon yOLIUmtarycoratributior

s see

小 ttea

| vyan

| 双 wet

| 72:zoo

|:了 shoe



COm'triloutor /ken'trrbjeteCD)/ noun ~ (to sth):1 aper Son who writes articles fora magazine or a book or who talks on aradio or television programme or ata meeting 之 aiperson orthing that provides money to help pay for sth, or SUPPport sth: Older people are immpeztant comtrtpbutors to theecomnomy 3 something that helps to catuse sth: Sulphar' dioxide is apollutantiand a majiorcortributor to acid rainm.

COm:tribu:tOry /ken'trrbjateri; NAmE-tori/ ad [usually before noun] 下 helpingtocatse sth: Alcoholizsacomtribttofryjactor 议 10%6 ofall7road accider6. 2 ivolving Da Iments 人 om the peoplerwho will benefit:a comtribputory Penisiom scfemeApIGT (= paid forbyboth employers and emPployees) [aa NON-CONTRIBUTORY

COmirite /kontrart; kan'trait; NAmE amtrart/ adj (加 广 /mgl) very sorry for sth bad that you have done


trite:ly qdy contrition /ken'trrfn/ moun [U]: a Iook of

cot 太 诺OP





1T [Gu]

(usually disapproving) something that sb has done or written that does not seem natural; the fact of seeming artificial: The 记Im is spoilt py UPrealistic coPntriyamces of plot < The story is told with a complete absertce oF comtriyamce. 了 [qq aclever or complicated device or tool made for a

particular Purpose 3 [cuU] a clever Plan or trick; the act ofusing a clever plan or trick: am ingemious contrivaTlce to Sethertosigrt the docurmentWwithoutreading 让 COn:trive /ken'trarv/yem(1jormah) Ti[vtoinfjtomanage to do sth despite difficujlties: ,She comntriyed to sperid a COUDIe of hours Witp jirm eyery Sunday eyening. 也:[VN] to succeedin making sth happen despite difficulties: Trdeciaed to comntriye Q 7meeting Detween 妇 e two of -therm 3 [VN] to think of or make sth, for example azglan ora machine, in a clever way: Theycontrived aplan to defraud 太e comzpany: COn:trived /ken'trarvd/adj. (disapproving) planned in advance and not natural of genuine; Wfitten or arranged in awaythatis not natural or realijstic: a comntrived situatior CThe books happyending seemed contrived.

CO .trO| 0 /ken'treol; NAmE-troul/ noun, yerb 四 IOU1 >*POWER 了 LU] ~ (of/over sb/sth) the Powerto make decisions about how a country an area, an organization, etc. is run: The party zexpecting to gain comtrol of thecourcil 态 妨 emiextelectionr.CThe Democrats willprobablytose comtrol or Congress. 2 A nilitary 刀 nta took comntrol of the COUTLEY The city 5 im theconitrolofenemyjorces.c The

city 节 Umder erierny controlL 2 [U]~ (ofover sb/sth) the ability to make sb/sth do whatyouwWwant: The teacher had maO coTttrol over the children. 2 She struggled to Keep comtioOLOof heryoice. She lost control ofher car on the ice. 58otso ary he 1ostcontrol (三 Shouted and said or did things he would not normally do). 2 _Owing to circuTmStaTices beyomd our control 轨e ight to Romne has been Ca1iCelled. The coach made the team work hard om ball coltrol (二 让 abaligaimne). 一See also SELF-CONTROL

>* LIMITING/MANAGING 3 [uC ~ (of/on sth) (often in com-

pounds) the act ofrestricting, limiting or managing sth; a method of doing this: trajfic control ec talKs om armas comt0OL CO 8goyeTT7ment controls or trade and indaustry Amew aayarice has peen made in the comntrol of malaria. C_ Price coTltrols om food were entded. 2 Qa pest control o 态 ce 一see

also BIRTH CONTROL, QUALITY CONTROL cnote at LIMIT *1N MACHINE 4 [Cusually pi.] the switches and buttons, etc. that yoU Use to operate a machine or a Vehicle: 太 e comtrols of an aircrafte the coitrolpanelo the yoIurmmne comtrol ofa CD playerS The cospiotwas atthe controlS when the plane Iarided. 一see also REMOTE CONTROL >*TN EXPERIMENT 瑟 [Cj (technicolf) aperson, thing or group

used as astandard of comparison for checking the results of a scientific experiment; an experiment whose result is

known, used for checking working methods: Onmne grouP Was treated With 雪 e mtew' drug amd the comtrolgroup was Siyvenn asuS&ar Pi

| 5 vision

| tchain

|:a5 jam

| ethin

| 5this

| Dasing

Comntrol frealk

33 和 | Conitrol towermoxy7 asbuilding5atian2airport


Which the moveiments of aircraftare'coitrolled PLACEG@6

[sing] aplace wheresorders are givemor Where 下

checks are madei thie Peoplerwho work in this Place: ai 厅 afjficcontole We WentEthrough passport control anid into the departure Jourige CTPis 在 Mission Controlcalling the SDQCE SPUttle Discoyery >ION COMPUTER 7 [U] (also Ecom'trol Key [sing) (on a computerkeyboaird) a keythat yo press when yotVrant to Perform a particular operation IE be'in control (of sth) 1.todirect'or manage .an organization, an area or asituation: He:ss reached retiring aSei DuUE hes stil 万rmly 识 ControliS There has .been Some yiolence after themmatch butthe police aremnow 训 controlLof the situation. 2 tobe ableto.organize-yotur life well and keep calm: Im spite ofallLherjoimily problerms shesreallym control,jbeJgei/run/etic. out of con'trol to be or become impossible to _ manage OF to_ control: The cFildren Gire commpIetely outofcoptrolsince 雪 e这 如 扫er 1e 拓 CAtrucK

ram out oF comtrol or the Fill be under comtrol to be being dealt with sticcessfully: Domt worry 一eyerythings under control) brine1gei/keep sthn under comtrohto SUcceed in dealing with sth so that it does not catse any damage orhurt anyone': ttooKk bwo hours to Bring the 放re Under comtrol. Please Keep yoOUr dog urider comntrol)

是 ye 有 ( 疏 *HAVEPFOWER 1 [VN] to have Power over a Person,, comPany country etc. So that yo are able to decide what

theymustdoorhowit is run: By 幼e age of21 he controlled the commpany e The Whole territory mnow coPntrolled bythe ar 人 Canityo controlyour children2 FLIVMITVMANAGE 2itolimit sth ormake itihappen in apar ticular way:[VN] goyermrmmentattermptsto comntrolirmrmigratiom CO25 Mary ,biological Processes, are' controlled by hormopes S [V whz=] Parents;should control wpat their Kids Watch or television. 3 [VN]:to stop;sth from spPieading or getting Worse: Firefighters are s6llLtrying to control the plaze. C She was given drugs to control the pain: > MACHINE 4 [VN] to make sthi such as'a machine'or system, work in the way:-that yoUWant 让 to: THhis Kmnob comtrols tpe yolume. CThe fra太 c Jigphtks are controlled by a Central coTmPpUter * STAY CALM 5 [VN] to manage to make yourself remain calm, eventhoughyouaretpsetor angry:TWwass0 刻.Fious Tcouldnt comttrol7mnyself andTPitPhirm. CHe was 广ndinig 这 difficultto controlhnis jelimngs.

COTi trol freak 7ou7 (1Pma

disaopprovingj aperson

who always Wants to be 记 control of their own and others” lives, and to organize howthings are done

Comitroliable /ken'traolabl; NAmE:trou-/ adi that can be controlled

COmErO 人Ed 0

/Ken'treold; NA 历Evtroblal/ 5 丰

Tadone'or arranged in a very careful way: a controlled exXplosiomn 2 a controlled enyironment 2 limited or managed by- law OF by rules: comntrolled airspace 3 -Comtrolied (in compounds) managed by a Darticular goup, orip aparticularway: aBritishzcontrollea company 和 comPute conitrolled 产 systemis 4 remaining calm and not ge ting angry Or Upset: She 了 emmained quiet anaicontrolled. 二


con:tirollede'conomyob1 放 尖

到 atype ofeco-

Domic System in which a government controls its cotntrys industries and decides what goods should be produced and 让 what amotunts

Con trolledqgd :substanmce moun (technica1h an inegal drug: to be arrestedjor possessiomn of a comtrolled supstarce

COm-trojller /ken'treoglaG); NAmE -trou-/ noun 下 a person who manages ordirects sth, especially alarge organizationior Part of an organization 一see also AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER 了 (technical) adevicethat controls orREGULATES amachine orpart ofamachine: atermperature comtroller. 3 (also comp-irolien aperson'who is in charge of the financial accounts ofabusiness company

conmtroillin interest nouvir[usually sing] the fact'of owning enough shares ip a company to be able to make decisions about what the company should do

se cat | ad father | eten

| 3: bird | sa about |5rsit | isee

COnmtrOVer-sial /Kontrava:JT

NA71E KamntraVaTr 人/

adj causing alotofangryPpublic discussion and disagreement: a Pighly comtroyversial topic S a comtroyersial plIam to puildaa mnewroad ce Winstomn Churchill ana Richarad Nixop Were _Dot controyversial 太gures TIGINON-CONTROVERSIAL, UNCONTROVERSIAL 此 comtiroversialdy/- ali/ qdy COm-tFrO-VeTrsy/koDntrev3:si; BrE also ken'trpVesi; NA

kazntrevsirsi/ moum [U,G] (P1_ -ie3 ~,(over/about/surrounding sb/sth) Public discussion and argument about sththatmanypeople strongly disagree about, disapprove of or are Shocked by: to arOoUse/cause .cottroversy CQ bitter controyersy OVer/aboutthesite of themnew airporte the comtroyersySUFrrOUmding his Iatest7mmoyieCThe President Tesigmned aimid comsiderapble comtroyersy.

COmitro-VeIi/kontra'va:t; NMAmE'koazmntrevs:rt/ veb [VN] (formal)tosayorprovethatsth is nottrue EGREFUTE 一 See alSOTNCONTROVERTIBLIE COnm:tu-mnia:Cious /kontjurmerfes; NAmE azmta-/ 0d/. (old useor/owjlacking respect forauthoiity COm-tu-siom/kaen'tju:5n; NAmE2ta:-/ nown [GU] (medicah an injuryto part of the bodythat does not break the skin BRUISE

comingrunmn /kaenAndream/ oun Ta confusing Problem or question that is very difficult to solve 之 a question, tisually involving a trick with words, that yo ask for fun RIDDLE

COmUi-ba-tionm /konszberIfm; NAmE kamnasITb-/ nou7 a large area Where towns haVe grownand joined together often around a city COmiVa-jesce/konvales;NAmE kam-/ vemb [V] to spend gettingyourhealth and strength back after an illness RECUPERATE: 2 愉 comiyalescing at home after JeF






[sing.,U] a peiiod of time when you get well again aftery an ilness or a medical operation; the Process of getting Well: Youmneedjfourto sixyWeeks: comnyalesceTice:

COm:Va-jes-Ccemt /kbnvalesnt; NAmE kami/ 0di co 下 Dected With convalescence; 记 the Process of convales:

cenice: Q COmyalesceit home (= astype of hospital where people goto get well after an illnesScGconyalescentchild # Convaescentmoun: Tieated Pirm as Q conyalescentb motasasicK7mart.

COTiVec:tionm /ken'veKkfm/noun (technicajl) the Procsss 记 which heat moves through a'gas or aliquid,asthe hotter partrises and the cooler heavier Part sinks

COm: Vector':/ken'vekte0)/

(also:conwector heaten

1ouU1a device forheating the air in airoom Using convecz tion

COnVeme /kanvVin/ verb(jornoh 1 [LIVN] to airrange for People to come together for a formal meeting: to-comye7ie QmeetingeABoard ofImngquiry Was comnyened irmrmediately after thne accident 了 [V] to come together for a formal Imeeting: The cormmiittee Will conyene at 1I.30 mext Thursdaay.

COnmVenmer' (also convenon /ken'vima(Gr)/ noun -1:a person who arranges meetings of groups or committees 守 (BrE)asenior official ofaTRADE/LABOR UNION at a factory'or other Place,of work

Comyemiemce /ken'vimisns/inouwn TIU]the qualityof being Useful easy'or suitable for sb: We have provided seats Jor the coriyenience of oU7 custoimners For fthe SQKke of) comyemtiemnce; theitwo groups hayve beeni treatedias OPe 太 庚 report 总 太 殷 resortyOUcaTEeTyoyall the comiJort



:of modermr

tourisrm. 一compare

INCONVENIENCE 一See alsOJFLAG-OF'CONVENIENCE,MAR: RIAGE 'OF CONVENIENCE 了QZ [C] something that is Useful and canmakethings easieror quickerto do,ormoreconmi

fortable: 丰 was a 87reat comnyeiience to haye the school3S0 Pear .The househnadiallthemodermn coriyemniemnces (=TCen tral heatingyetc.) thatiereunusual atthattirmie. 二Seealso PUBIIC CONVENIENGE atisb'siconm'venmience' (万 产 mal) at atimie'oraplace Which is suitable for sb: Caryoi

| imany:| p got (BrE) | 5msaw

| Acup

| 5 put | mtoo

telephone Te QEyOUF conyenience to arrarige ameeting2Imore atEARLYa 呈

comvenienmcefood "oun [GuU] foodthatyou buy fr0Zenorin aboxorcan;thatyoucanDrepareand cook Very quickly and easily


store 1001 (especio必 y NAmB a shopy

Store that sells food,newspapers,etc. open 24 hours a day


and often stays

Oe /konvVimiont/ ad

PrIoblems: Ttzyerycomyenienttopay pycreditcard ZU Jid theseTmeals quUicK and comnyenient to prepare- OFFuitts G COTiyenient SOUTCe OF vitamins and energy CA Dicycle 这 often morecomnyenientthamn acar 训 toWns oOTcantsee Firm mLOW 一 让 让7EECOmyemnient SITUECall pack ataG7more comrveri ent time ec (disapproving) He used hizs 九 谍S Dirthaday 0 0 COTiVeiient EXCcUse fjor not goirig to the meetirig 2 ~ 人 (for sth) near to a particular place; easyto getto: The hotuse 这 Yery coftyemient Jor Several schools:, TD INCONVENIENT 上 COmVemi-ent-iy adv: The report cam be comyveriienty diviaed into three mmain sections: C The hotelis conyemnienty Situlated close to -the beach. c She comnyenientyy forgot to Tetaom that her husband WouId pe at the-.part% too (=

because it suited hefinottosay). COm-VeimGF =CONVENER cominunity) live together 2:(also 'conmvenmt schoocf a SchoolTun byNUNS

one /kenvenfn/ noun

1 [cu]lthewayin which sth is done that most People in asSociety expect and consider to be polite or the right way to do it: social conyemntiorts 2 By comyentiom the deputy Ieader was awaysa womam. 2 She ayouig woman Who eljoys 用outing conyemtions. 了 [C] alarge meeting of the Imembers of a Profession, a political Party, etc. CONFERENCE; to hold acomnyention c te .Democratic Party Comyention (= to'elect a candidate for presidenb 3 [C] an official agreement between countries or leaders: tne Gemeya coiyentiom 和 坊e United Nations comnyentionr om 雪 e TigRts of the child 4 [CU] a traditional method or style 让 jliterature, art of the theatre: the comyentioms of Greek trageqdy

om /kenvenfanl/ od/

(often disapproving) tending to follow what is done or considered accePtable by society in general; DOormal and ordinary and perhaps notvery interesting: comnyerttioral Dejiayiour7mmorality 2 Shes Very cOiVentiomal 总 Per VieWs,[IG33 UNCONVENTIONAL 了 [usually before noun] following what is traditional or the way sth has been done for a long time: -conventional 7nethodsaproaches CO ts not a hotel 识 妇e corityentiomnalse1nse, DULE Father a Whole Viliasge turned into a hotel Ia UNCONVENTIONAL ,3 [usually ,before noun] (especially of Weapons):not nuclear; comyemtiomnal forces/Wweapons: Q co7yentional poWwer station (= using oil or coal as fuel, Iather ,than nuclear power) -con-veritionral-ity /kanivenfemaelati/mown -[U] comvenrtion-al:ly /Jeneli/ adv: coPnyeniomnal1y dressed S cofiyentionaly Srown food (= grown according to conventional methods) IE see

WISDOM COPm-Vemi-fion-eer /KonivenJamiIe0); NMA7mmE 打下 (MBapersomwhoiis attending aconvention

COITVeIS 二了 让 /Ken'Va:Snt-NAmE -Vars-/ ad (omma)) 一 With sth knowing about sth; familiar with sth: Zou need to pecome 负 11y comnyersamt With 坊e comzparyS Drocedures:

| army

| aoinow

| ersay


/konvaserfn; NAmE kazmn-

Ver's-/ nouwmi[c,名] 一 (with sb) (aboutsth) -an informaltalk involving asmall group ofpeople or onlytwo; the activity'of talking in this Way: Q telephomne conyersation CTjiad alenS conyersation With her 纺e other day 2 The 7main topic of coriversaftiom COPyersaftiot With 态e girl on his COTiVersatior yy下 sbC(NAmBto Witih sbe The conyersaton turned TiQKe comyersaftiort (= to Speak litej: cnote at DISCUSSION

righE (Br to getinto getinto acomnyersationm to gardening. CTtried io in order to appear po-

COm-Ve 斑 S坊-tiOm-al /konva'serjenl; NAmE kammver's-/ qdj not formal; as used ip conversation COLLOQUIAL: da casual and comnyersational tone CTIearnt comnye广 Satio7ial Spa7iish at eyening classe5, 卫 [only before nounm] connected With conversation: Mem have a7more directcofVersational style, > COniVersafionaliy aodyw: aye yo Deei phere Iong2 he asKked comnyersatiomaly.

COm:VercsatiOom-alist /konve'serfeanelrst; NAmE KazmVar's-/ noum a person who is good at talking to_ others, especially ip;an informal way cnote at SPEAKER

about alotbecauseitis unusual 2 (oa内 atype ofpainting in which a group of people are shown in the countryside orin abhome = COmversation stopper moui(informan:an unexpected or shocking remark,which:people do not know howto replyto COm:Verse' /ken'v3a:s; NAmE -Vars/ vem [V] 二 (with sb) (immajh to have a conversation With sb COmLVerse= /Dnv3:S; NAmE KamvaTrs/ noon he conVerse [sing.] (Jormalj)the opposite ior reverse of a fact or Statement: BUGizg mew roads 识creases _traffic and the COPVerse 让 eqUaIy frUesTeducing the PUTiber amd size o Foads 7mneais Less trafhic COmVerse 0dj/: the conyerse effect

COm-Verse-|y /konvasisli; NAmE KamvsTs-/ adv (7rmaj) 职awaythat is the opposite or feverse ofsth: You ca add tpe juia to e Dowdem 0o7 cofiyersely 太e Powder to 妇e 刀 uid. COm-versiom /ken'vas:fn; .NmmE -Varsn; -人m/ mour 1 [ugq ~(from sth) (into/to sth) the act or Process of changing sth from one form, use Or System to another: the comnyersionm of frm puildings 太 to fmmity hormmes 2 No CO7VersioP 广om aialogue to digital data 1 needed. anet Fic comnyersion table (= showing hocw to change METRIC amotunts into or out of another System) Ca 记 亦wFicFr Specializes 就 house conyersions (= turning large houses into several smaller flatsXyapartments) 2 [ud ~ (from sth) (to sth) the "process or experience of changing your religion or beliefs: the comyersionm oF the Amnglo-Saxorls by Chritam missionaries C_Phis comyersiom 万om Juaaismasto Christianiby 3 [Cl (iD RUGBY and AMERICAN FOOTBALL) a Way of scoring extra points after scoring a TRY Or a TOUCHDOWN 4 「c] 刀 rn/loft ~ abuilding or Toom that has been changed so that 让 can be used for a different PUIPose, especiallyforliving 雇

COm'vVersion vamn (also "vam conyersiom) mounm (Us) a /0OU1

COm-VYerge /ken'vVa:d3; NAmE -Vards/ ve 由 [V] 1 ~ (on .… ) (of People or vehicles) to imove towards a Place 人ofmidifferent directions and meet: Thousamnds ofsupPor ers co1tyergedl om IO7idor for the7raly 2 (oftwo or more lines, paths, etc.)to move towards each otherarid meetat a point: THhere-Was a signpost Where 妇e two pathns comyerged, 3 放 ideas;, Dolicies, aimsi etc: convergei they become ”Very similar or the Same ,[Ga DIVERGE 记 COmverEgent /05ent/ 0dj.: COTiVerSertt 1iniesZOPpinionms Corevergerice OU LU]


COmVeI-Sa -tiOm

COmnver' sation piece movn 1 an object:that is talked

COm-VenEt /上onventi NAmE Kamvent; Vent/ nouPm 了 a building in wiiich NUNS (= members ofafemale religious



Was 妨 e.Likely outcome of the election. 和 Don Was deep 训

T~ (for sb/sth) useful, easy or quick to dc; not causing



| so8go(Br 昌

Vehicle ip which the back Part behind been arranged as a living space

EC@ 晤-VEE 0

the driver has

ve 01001

下 Ver 上态 /ken'vait; NA1E-vsrt/ ~ (sth) (from sth) (into/to sth) to change or make sth change from one form,PUTFDosei Systemi etc. to another: [VN] The jhotelis goingto be COPiyerted 训 to Q TUTsing jhome. CO Whatrate WiTgettirT Comyert ny dollars into euros2 C [V] Weye conyerted 方om oilto gas centralheating. 了 [V] ~into/to sth tobeableto be changed from one form,, PuUIrpPose,oOr System to another: asofo that comnyerts intoa bed 3 ~ (sb)(from sth) (to sth) to change'or make sb change their religion or beliefs: [V] Be comyerted 廊om Christamiby to lam, co [VN]

She Was: Soom comyerted to the socialist cause. 4 ~ (Sb) (from :sb) (to sth) to change an opinion; a habit, etc:: [V] :| :oo go (MB

| or boy

|: re near

| ea hair

| ue pure


mioraLcomyictions C She Was miotivated by deep religious conyictiom Ca comnyiction that allwould be We 广 雪eend 3 [uU] the feeling or appearance ofbelieving sth strongly and ofbeing sure abonut it: Wot truel sjhe said With comVICtion. o He said he agreed but his yoice Jacked coiyiction The leaders Speech 识 ,defenmce of the Policy didnt car7y convertibility

/kaniVasitebileti; NAmE- Vart/ ou [U] 目 IOU1 acar with atroofthat can be folded down or taken off 一picture c PAGE RI COm':VeX /onveks; NAImE Kam-/ ad (of an outline or a surface) -curving onlt: Q- COTIVex ,IensXTnirror [CD CONCAVE COnVex-



1 一 sb/yourself (of sth) to make sb/yourselfbelieve that sth is true: [VN] Zou 妈 meed to comyince therm ofyour emntphu5iasm Jor thejop. co[VN (that)] Ta comryipncea 7myseiF (thab7 Was right 了 2 [VNtoinf] to persuade sb to do sth:Tye peen tryipng to conyince hirmm to see Q doctor 只 Dote atPERSUADE

方om other Joiths Sa


comyvin'cingly adw: Her case Was

coPyincirmgly argued. CTPhey WoOP coOTIVimncingby

COm-Viv:ial /ken'vrviel/ .adj,cheerful:and: friendly :in atmosphere:or character: Q ComyViyial eyentir8[atriosphere C _conyivial compamny SOCIABLE .基 COmVvivial'ity /en,VvIVi'aeleti/ noun [U] COm'VO'Catiom /KonveKerfmn;, NAmE Kadm-/ moun (大 /na 了 [aq alarge formal meeting, especially of Church


kam'v-/nouwn 名]

of6icials or members of a University 2 [U] the act of call-

COmVey /ken'vei/ verb 1T~ sth (to sb) to make

ingtogethera convocation 3 [C] (NAmB aceremonyheld in a university or college When students receive their degrees COm-VOKe /ken'veoK; NAmE.VouK/ verb.[VN] (jnmajito, gather together a_groupxofpeople for a formal meeting CONVENE

ideasi feelings, etc. knowmn COnVveX COonCave to Sb COMMUNICATE: [VN] Colours Like rea comnyey Q Sense of energy ,ad Strength CO (Jormal) Please comyey TY apologies to .YOUT Ww 试.e [v wh-] He tried desperately to conyey how USgent the situation was.C [vthat] She did motWishito comnmyey that

访ey were all at fault 了 [VN] 一 sb/sth (from … ) (to … )







cess oftaking sb/sth from one Place to another: te comVeyanmice of goods by rail 了 2 [Cl (Jorma/) a vehicle: horsedrawT comnyeyantces 3 [C (low) a legal document that Inoves PiIoperty ffom one Owner to another

tremely complicated andidiftficult to follow: acomnyoluted arSument/explanationr 和 abook with aconyoluted Plot 2 (Jormal) having many twists or Curves: Q co7Voluted Coastline con-volurtion /konvelu:fn; NAmE Kam-/ moun [usually pl.] (rma) 1 athing that is very cgmplicated and di 仁 cult to follow: the bizarre conyolutophs of the Story 了 a twist OF curve, especially one of many: the :comyolutoms of the braii

COnmVey'anm'Cer /ken'veIense(r)/ .noun a lawyer who is

COm-voOlVurlus /ken'vblvjalas; NAmEJVa:lv-/ noum EC 品

(Jrmalj to take, cartry or transport sb/sth from one Place to another: 疡pes cO7iyey hot Water 广omm 轨 e boiler to the Tadiators.

COnmVey:ance /Ken'veIens/ ou

也](帮rmah the Pro-

an expert in conVeyancing




awWild plant with TRIANGULAR leaves and flowers that are shaped like TRUMPETS. It climbstup walls, fencesi etc. and twists itself around other Plants.

[U] (aow) the

branch oflaw concerned with moving Property from one ownerto another COmVey'OY /kaenveIa(nD)/ 0U0- 了 三 CONVEYOR BELT

COnm'VOY /konvor; NAmE'kam:/ noun a groupiofVvehicles or iships travelling togethern especially when soldiers or other Vehicles travel with them for protection: acomyoy of trucKksIorriesZhfreisghtersCAUnited Nations aidicomVoOy loaded with 如 od amd rmnedicine 万nally gotthroush to

2 (also comvey'en (1jormal) a person or thing that carTies sth or makes sth known COnm yeyor belt (also Com'Vvey'or) noun a contintlotus Imoving barnd used for transporting goods fom one Patt

the besieged towr

COm'vulse /ksn'vAls/ ve 人 万 一 (sb) (with sthj tocause a

COm-Victverb, nou1

sudden shaking movement in sb'sbodyy to make this Inovement: [VN] A yiolentshniver comnyulsed him [V] is

晶 ye 上bb/ksn'vVIkt/ [VN] [often passive] ~ sb (of sth) to decide and state offcially in court that sb is guilty of a crime: Q


coTiyicted murderer COHe Was comyicted of 太raud: [GD AcQUIT 量 .0OU1m /konVIkt; NAmEam-/ (alsonformalcon)aperson

[G 四

| dudid

| ffals|


| jyes

be convulsed


etc:thatyou cannot control your movements

一(forsthjthe act

| hhat

-2 [VN]

COn-vulsion /ken'VAlTn/noom [usually pl] Tasudden shakingmovement ofthebodythatcannotbe controlled:

of fnding sb guiltyof a crime im court; the fact ofhaving been found guilty: She has Six Preyious' comnyictions Jor the扩 Fe plans to appeal against his coriyictiof am OF fmnce Which carries, om COPyViction,a Se7itemnce of not 郊0re thar Five years2 immprisonment [9:ACQOUITTAT 2 [CU] 一 (that .… ) astrong opinion or belief: srrong politicaL/


body comnyulsed.

laughter angem etc.tobelaughing soImnuch, so angry,

who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to PIison: am escaped co7tyict

COmViction /ken'vikfn/ mount

IE in "convoy (of travelling ve-

hicles) as a group; together: Weidroyve 识 Co7iyOy Decatse 了 didnt row the route.

ofabuilding to anothen for exzample prodtcts in a factory or'Stitcases in an airport

The child Went ito corVULsioms: FIT 2 a sudden important changethat happensito a coUntry Or an Organ-

jzation UPHEAVAL COm.Vvulsive /ken'vAlsrv/ adj (ofmoveinents or actions) sudden and impossible' to control: Q coOmVULsive moyeTentt]attacKkAit c Her Dreath caime in COTiVULSiye 8asDs. > COonvulsivejy odv: Weeping conyulsively

| kcat

| lleg

| mman

| anow

| ppen

| rred

COO /kuz/ verb, exclamation

日 ye 几 (Coo'ing cooed, cooed) Ti[v] when apovE or ap GEONcoos, 让 makesasoftlowsound'

2 [vvspeechjto

say sth 记 a soft quiet Voice, especially to sb you love IE seeFLY 世 COomol 帮 昌 EXCIG1matiom (BrE, injrmaljasedtoshowthatyouare sur Piised: Coo, 1ooK at Pi

,CO-OC CUTY verb [v] to occurtogether or at the same time: The Words heavy' amd 7aim co-occur 太equently PP co-occurrenmce moun



/kui:/ exclamationm (old-jshioned

BrE jnformah

used as a Way of attracting sb's attention [Dr within

cooee (of) (AustrolE NZB) notfar (from): Thneres 1oads of cheap acco7mrmodation Within cooee ofthe airport


om /KK/ verb, moun

日Ye几 1 to prepare foodbyheating it for example byboiling, baking or fying it: [V] WPere didyou Iearn to cook2c [VN] Whats the pest way to cook trout2 Whos going to COOK SUDper? 2 [VNN, VN] He cooked me inc 玫

He cooKked

Lunchfor me. 只 Vocabulary notes on page R10 2 [v] (of food) to be prepared byboiling,baking, frying, etc.: While

the pasta is cooking, prepare the sauce. 3 [y] be cooking (njformal) to be planned secretly: Beryone is peing very

Secretiye 一妇eres Something cooking.,

[IO be cooking

with gas (NAmE informal)to be doing sth very well and

Successfully ,COok the ,books (informaolj) to change facts orfigures dishonestlyorillegally: Bis accountantjhad beem

cooKking the booksjforyears. cooksb's'goose (informallto Iuin sb's chances of success ICOok sth< up (imjor /md

to invent sth,especially in _order to _trick sb CONCOCcT:to cookK upD astory 旦 mOUP a Person Who cooks food orwhose job is cooking: Jophnm zayerygood cook (= he cooks wel). e Who was the

cooK (= who cooked the food)? c She was employed as

cook 训 a jhoteL 一compare CHEF IE too many cooks

spoilthe broth (soying) iftoo many people are involved

也 doing sth, 让 will not be done well

tare and then heated again

COOIKer 0 /kokeG)/ (Br (NAmErangej(also StOYe NM4ImE, BrE) ou1n aarge .piece of equipment for cooking food, containing anoven and gas or electric rings on top: agas cooker Cam electric co0Kej 一Picture 忆 PAGE RIO 一see also PRESSURE

COOKER. COoK'ery /kukeri/ mour [U] the art or activity of preparipg and cooking food;: a cooKkery course C Italiam cooKery

COoKery book nown (87 章 = coorBooK cookhouse /okhaos/ nouvm an outdoor kitchen, for examplein amilitary camp 0

imation in it that is sent tothe central,SERVER each time al particular ,person uses-a NETWORK Or the' :Internet TD see WAY 放

cookie cutter molj, ad 下 IOU7 (NAIm 有 an Object used for cutting biscuits in a pa

ticular shape

上 日0d1/ coOokie-cutter [only before noun] (NAmE disapproving) having no special characteristics; not original 雇 any Way: Hanmarmade goods appeal to 雪ose Who are tired of COOKie-cutter products.

'cOOkiejarnown (NAmB acontainer forbiscuits [Er get caught/found with your hand in the 'cookie jar | vvan

| wwet

| zzoo|:Jshoe

Cookie sheetmoun (NAmBE) = BAKING SHEET coOok'ing


/kokm/ moun, ad

下 OU [U] 了 the process of preparing food: My husband does all the cooking. Ca book om Indiamn cooking 一pictures and Vocabulary notes on pages R10;R1]1 2 food that has been prepared in a particular way: Tie restauramt offers traditiomnal horme cooking (= food similartothat cooKed at home)j. CThey serve good Frenicrcooking: 中 Gdj. suitabie for cooking ratherthaneating raw:oridrinkiDg: cooking Sherry

cookingapple "ou (BrE) anytype of apple that is suitable for cooking, rather than eating raw 一compare EAT-


cooking gas noun [u] (Us) = CALOR GAS COok'out /Kokaot/ moum (NAmE hf6rmah a meal or party when food is cooked over an open-fire outdoors, for example at a beach 一compare BARBECUE

Cook'shop /Kokfop; NAmE -Jazp/ noun (Ba


Store Where equipmentfor cooking with is sold COokware /okweaGD; NAmE -wer/ hounm [U] pots and containers Used in coOoking


os /ku:l/ adi ,yerb, noun

蚂 0dj. (cooler cool:est) *“ FAIRLY COLD 1 fairly cold; not hot or warm: a cool DreezeAarinKAClirmate 2 Cooler Weather 让 forecast for the Weekend. C Tets st 识 切 e Shade anmnd Keep co0L C Store Lemmomns 训 QcooLdiyplace. 区 note at COLD *COLOURS 了 2 making you feel pleasantly cool:a room Painted in cool greens anid blues ”CALM

3 calm; notexcited, angryoremotional: Keep cool/

CShetriedtorermain cooL:calm and collected (= calm). NOT:FRIENDLY/ENTHUSIASTIC

4 not friendly interested

or enthusiastic:-She Was decidedly cool about the proposaL CThey Saye the Prime Minister a cool receptiom “APPROVING 5 (pformal)usedto showthatyouadmire or approve of something becatlse it is fashionable, attractive and often different: ZU 1ooK prettby cool Wi庚 切at new jaircut CSa cool7novie. 只 note at GREAT 6 (nrmo People sayCooll or That?'s coolto showthattheyapprove of sth or agree to a Suggestion: “We7e 夸eetirig Jake jo7 Tumchiamnd We cam go 07 坊 eyacht in 雪e aftermnoomn:2 Cool12 CCanyou comeiat 10.30tomorrow22 Thats cooD eeTwas SUTPTised thatshe got the job put TTrmm coolwith 让 (= ibs

not a Problem for me). “CONFIDENT .7 (ppjorma/) calm and confident ip a way that lacks respect for other people, but makes people adImire you as well as disapprove: She justtooK jis Keys GTid Walked ouUt with 雪 em, cool as yoU Please. > MONEY 8 [only before noun] (informah usedabout asum of money to emphasize how large it is: The car cost dacool thirty 雪 ousanmd. cumiber

jar 一compare ”8BISCUIT, CRACKER 一 See,also FORTUNE COOKIE 了 smart/tough 一 (Nm 后 2Jnjformal a smart/ tough person 3 (computing) acomputer file with infor

| ttea

(njormalj) to be discovered When doing sth that is inlegal or dishonest

一See also COOLLY,,COOLNESS IE (as) ,cool as a'cu-

/KGki/ nown (凡 -ies)

了 (especialy NA 月asmallflatsweetcake forone person, usuallybaked until crisp: chocolate chip cookies Ca cookie



He hasa cooLjhead (= heistays calm in an emergency).

cook.book /kokbuk/ (BrE also 'cookery book) noun a book that gives instructions on'cooking and how to cook 也 dividual dishes Cookc=chill adj. [only before noun] (BrB) food prepared:by the cook=chill method is cooked; kept at a low tempera-



very calm and controlled, especially in adiffi-

cult situation play 让 'cool (informaoh to deal with a Situation in a calm wayandnotshow what you are really feeling


1 to become or to make sb/sth become

cool or cooler: [V] Glass contracts as 让 cools. C [VN] The

Cylinder cooled by ajetofwater * BECOME CALMER Z [V] to become calmer less excited oO less enthusiastic:Tthink we should waittntl tempers haye cooled: 2 Relations petbweemn therm hayve definitely cooled (= they:are not as friendly with each otheras they were).

[Er cool itl (njformalused totell sbto be calmer and

less excited or angryicool your ,heeis (njormal) tohave to wait for sbysth

Cool down/'off Tto become

cool or cooler: We cooled of with aswim inithe lake: 2 to become calm, lessiexcited orless enthtisiastic: 了TthinK yov Should wait Until shes cooled dowm a little. cool

sb 一down/off

| 5vision

| tchai

Tito make.sb feel cooler: Drink plenty

| du5 jam:|


| 5this

| 0 sing


338 | CO-OPpera'tive (BrE also_ co-operative) /keoibparetrV;

of cold water to coolLyourself down 二 2 to make sb calm, less excited or less enthusiastic: A 儿 w hours 识 Q police

cell should.cool hirm o太 ,cool sihe dowmn/'o 人 fto make Sth cool or cooler 下 IOUm the coof [sing.] cool airior'a cool Place: the cool of the eyemning IE Keep yoOUrcool (omaj to remain calmin a difficult situation tose your cool (njmmalj) to becomie angry Or excited

COola:bah "oun =:.COOLIBAH note at RIGHT 3 taking care to speak or behave ip a Way that follows the accepted standards or rules: a cor Tectyoung lady S He is aways very correct 识 nis speecF Ia INCORRECT 一See also POLITICALLY CORRECT COrrectlyady: 了 aveyouspelled 让 correctty2 They reasonted, COTTectly 庚atshe Was awayjor theweeKkend ec He was Ioojc ing correctly graye. COrrectnmess1oun [U]: The correctnes5 of this decision may be doubted. 一see also POLITICAL CORRECTNESS II see PRESENTadf/. 旦 YE/1 [VN] to make sth rightoraccurate, forexampleby changing 站 or Temoving mistakes: Read through your WorKk amd correct any mistakes that you ind. o TheireyeSigRht ca1L pe corrected 训 justa few 7mninutes by the use ofa Iaser THhey issued.a statement correctintg the one 妇 ey had Tade earlier 了 [VN] (of ateacher) to mark the mistakes in. apiece of work (and sometimes give a markVgrade to the worlg): Tspentall evemning correcting essays. 3 totellsb that they have made a mistake: [VN] Correct me 矿TPm WronS,DUE isSmt this last years brochure2 C ZEs,you7e

Tight--I stamd corrected (= I accept thatImade a mistake). C [VN speech] 生 S$Yates, miot Wates, she corrected hirm. [also v speech]

COIF-Fec-tiiomy/kaerekfmn/ nouwn, exclamation 旦 mnOUm1 下 [C] a change that makes sth more accurate than 直 Was before: Tve mmade a 龙w small corrections to your report 2 The papemrpnad to PuUDILish a correction to 妇 e story. 了 [U] the act or process of correcting sth: There are somme PrograTmTmirng errors 轨 at mieed correction. 3 [U] (old-1josh-

/oned) punishment: the correction ofyourtg offenders 目 EXClG1mation (im 友mmal) used when youwantto correct sth that you have just said: TI aomnt Know Correcton一I do jiow DuUETTm miotgoing to tel1yoU.

COF-Frec-tionm-a/karekjanl/ ad/ [only before noun] (especally NAm 日concerned with improving the behaviour of criminals, Usuallybypunishing them: a correctiomnal cen-

ter/institution/facility (= aprison) correctiion 和 uid ov [U] a white liquid thatyou use to cover:imistakes that you make when you are wrIiting or typing, and that you can wiite on top of 一 Picture 吕> STATIONERY 一See alsoTIPPEX, WITEOUT

有 0d/. (Jormal) designed to make sth right that was wrong before: We need to take corrective actiom to haltthis coumtryS decline. CO corrective mmeasures 和 _corrective -SUrSeTy/S8Iasses 吾]OU1 一 (to sth) (jorma/) something that helps to give a Inore accurate or fairer View of sb/sth: Tshould Like to add a corTectiye to WhatTPayve Written preyiously. COY-Frel-ate /knpralert; NAmE or-; ar-/ ve 族人 [v] 让 two or more facts, 全gures, etc. coOrrelate or if a factb 有 gUre,etc. coOrrelates with another the facts are closely connected and affect or depend on each other: The 廊gures ao 71iotsee1m to correlate. CA Pigh-fotdiet correlates With a greaterTrisk ofheartdisease. 2 [VN]to showthatthereis a close connection between two or more facts, figures, etc.:

Researchers are tying to correlate 雪e bwo set of figures, > COrrelate/ kopralat; NAImE or-; kacr-/ OU1 COFrel-ation /korelerfm; NAmE kor-; ,Kar-/ 71Oun

[CU] ~ (betweenAand B) | ~ (ofA with B) a connection between two things im which one thing changes as the other does: There is a direct correlatiom petween expOSUre to SUP amd sKimn cancer 和 t 切e correlation of social Power Witph weal 绿

COFmejla-tive /kaereletrv/ moun (1jormalj) afactor an idea that is closely related to:or depends on another fact or idea -correlativeadf/. COrres-Ponmd /kora'spond; NAmE koxrae'spadmnd; kaz-/ Ve 凡 [vV] 1 ~ (to/with sth) to be the same as or match sth AGREE, TALLY: YDUT7 accOUmtofevemts does Piot corTres-

Dond with hers. CIZDur accoumntEand Pers do not corTresSpoad. CTHhewritten record of 坊e conyersation doesn 和 corresponmd to (= is different 余om) what Was actualy said. 了 ~ (to sth) to be similar to or the same as sth else EQUIVALENT: The Britishj0b ofTecturer correspomds rouShly to the US 4ssociate:Professor 3 一 (with sb) (jormal) to write letters to sb and receive letters from them

| army

| aonow

| ersay






spam-; Ka-/ ou 了 [U] ~ (with sb) the letters a person Sends and receives: persomalAPprivate corresportderice The editor :Welcomes correspomndence 廊oma readers om any

SUbject, C _the correspomdence coLumizpase (= :iD a newspaper) 2 .[u,G ~ (with sb) the activity of writing letters:Trefused to enter into ay correspondence (= to exchange jletters) with _him about 让 人 .Je have been 训 COTTespDoTadertce Jor months. C We Kept UP a correspond-

encejJor manyyears.

3 [CU] ~ (between Aand B) a con-

Dection betWeen two things; the fact of two things being Similar: There 8 Q close correspomdemnce bebhweet t切e to


Correspondence coursenouwn acourse ofstudythat you do at home, Using books and exercises sent to you by postVymail or byemail COrres-pond-ent /knpre'spbndant; NAmE koxre'spazm-;

az-/ noun 了 a person who reports news from a particular countryor on aparticular subject fora newspaperora television or radio station: the BBC3S Political correspomdent COayjoreignwWwar/sports,etc. corresportdent C_ OUT

Delni correspondent 2 (used with an adjective) a person Who writes letters to another person: She:ss a poor correspondent (= She doesnot write regularly). COrres-PpOomnd:in名 /kora'sppndm; NAmE koxra'spam-; az-/ adj. ~ (to sth) matching or connected with sth that you have jast mentioned EQUIVALENT: A charge 训 态e moPneySuDPIy Dringsacorrespomndirtg chnamnge in expenmdiire: C Profits haye7isefby 15 per cent compared with the corresponding period Iastyear 2 Give each Picture a PummDerCcorrespomndingtoits positiom oi the page.CThe Redsjins 1ost to the Cowboys 识 the correspoPidintg gamie 1ast year > correspond:ing:lycodv: a period of hish aermmamnd amd COTTeSspomdirtgty high Prices

corresponding angles(also 'F angle9 novn (geometry) equal angles formed on the same side cf a line that crosses two patallel lines 一picture 只 ANGLE 一compare


COrrect-ive/karektrv/ ad1 noun



| so go (BI有

COF-Ti-dior/korido:D); NAmEkoT-; kar-/ noun 全 (NAmE also hall-way a long narrow passage in abuilding, with doors that open into rooms on either side: His roomm 六 along the corridor Q apassage on atrain 3 along narIOW strip of land belonging to one country that passes through the land of another country; a part of the SKY Over a country that Planes,,for example from another coUnitry, can fly through 一see also AIR CORRIDOR 4 a long narrow strip of land that follows the course of an important road or Tiver: the electronics industry 识 殷 e M4 corTridor IE the corridors of 'power (sometimes hurmorous) the higher levels of government where important decisions are made

COMY-frie /kori; NA1E ori; kazri/ (also cirque cwm 1ouU1n (geology) a round hollow area in the side of a Imountain COfi克emduim /korrd5endam; NAmE .Koxr-; 攻GT-/ 1ouUn (P/ corrigenda /korrd5ende; NAmE ,korT-; Ka:r-/) Something to be corrected, especially a mistake in a Printed book

COrrob-orate /kaernpbarert; NAmE ramb-/ Ver [VN] [often passive] (formcaj) to provide evidence or information that SUDPports a statement,theory,etc, SR CONFIRM: TPe eyiderce Was corroborated by two independent Witbnesse5s。,C COorroborating evidence corroboration

/kaerpbareIfn; NAmE-raba-/ noun [U] COr-rob-ora-tive /karpobaretrv; NAmE keTa:barertrv/ adlj (Jormalj) [usually before noun] giving supportto a stateIment or theory: KR there any corroborative evidence /or this 加eory? COFrode /kereud; NAmmE keT7oud/ vermb to destroy sth Slowly, especially by chemical action; to be destroyed 雇

this way: [VN] Acid corrodes metalL. 2 (Jiguratve) Corruptiom corrodes pUblic comnfidemnce 识 QPolitcal system. e [V] The copper pipework jhas corroded in Places. corrosion

| ou go (NMm 日 | orboy

:re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


344 |

/keTraegsn; NAmE-ToU-/ nouwn [U]: Zook for sigmns of corro-

/ksTreosIv; NAmEF -ToD/ adj Ttending t6


destroy sth slowlyby chemical action: the corrosive efjjfects ofsalt watere corr ieacid 2 (jormal) tending to damage sth gradtially: Unemployrment z jaying a corrosiye 扩

Ject on Our ecomnom六 COrru'gatedl /korager tid; NAmE or-; KaTr-/ ddj. shaped into a series of regular folds thatlook like Waves: da coOrrugated iron Toof C corrugated cardDoard COrrupt /kerApt/ adi, ve屿 四 0dlj/. 了 (of people) willing to use their power to do dishonest or jllegal things


Cos lettuce /kps letrs; pz; NAmE kzs;i ko5:S/ (Br 日 (NAmE ro'matmne) noOU1 [CU] a type of 工ETTUCE With long crisp leaves

COs-imet'ic /kozmetik; NAmE Ka:z-/ 0ouwm; adl. 旦 OU1 [usually pl.] a substance thatyou Putonyourface or bodyto makeitmore attractive: the cosmetics imndausryCa COsTiec coOTPDaTyY COSTmetic products 日 0d/. 1 improving onlytheoutside appearance ofsth and Dot its basic character: These reforrmms are Tiot 7merely co5sTmnetic.C She dismmissed the Plan as Q cos7metic exercise to win, yotes., Q2 connected with medical treatment that is 让tended to improve a person's appearance: cosmetic SU

/keTraAptebl/ adij. that can-be corrupted


Corruptionm /kerapfn/ noun T [u] dishonest or jlegal behaviour especially of people in authority:.allegations oF Dribery amd corruption C The new district attorney has

COI sage /koxsa:5; NAmEkozrsaz3s/ noumasmall bunch of flowers thatis worn onawoman's dress, for example ata wedding


(also corse'let) /ko:selet,NAmE koxrs-;

kozselet; koxrs-/ nouUn a_ piece of women's that combines a CORSET and a BRA


COrset /ko:srt; NAmE koxrsrt/ moun a piece of women's underwear fitting the body tightly,worn especially ip the Pastto makethe waistlook smaller

Cortege (also cortege especially in US) /Koxte5; :teis; NAmEkoxr'tes/ ou

aline of cars or people moviaig along

slowlyata funeral FUNERAL PROCESSION COYteX /koxteks; NMAmE koxrt-/ moun (PCOrthces /koxtr siZ; NAmE kozrtr/) (anatomy) the outer layer of an organ ip the body, especially the brain: 如e cerebraI/remal cor-

tex (= around the brain/ KIDNEY) NAImE koxrt-/ adf/.


/下 oztIkl;

COrtiSOme /ko:trzzeun; -seun; NAmE koxrtesoun, -Zoon/ Mnoum [U] (medical) a HORMONE Used in the treatment of diseases such as ARTHRITIS, to reduce swelling


/kerandem/ noun [u] an extremely hard

form ofALUMINA foundiin RUBIES and SAPPHIRES. Corundum is used as an ABRASIVE.

COmus'Cate /kpreskert; NAmE koxr-; azr-/ yerb [V] (信 eroy) 了 (oflight)toflash 2 (ofaperson)tobefullof life,


| ddid

| ffall

| ggsget

| hhat

| jyes

/keUsain; NAmE 0oU-/ noumn (abpr cos) (ma 轨 -

emdatics) the RATIO of the length of the side next to an ACUTE ANGLE 也 a RIGHT-ANGLED triangle to the length of the longest Side (= the HYPOTENUSE) 一coOmpare SINE, TANGENT

8TraTm jhas SOTmehow corrupted the systermm 广les. Co corTrUpted data 和 [V].The GaisK will corTrUPt 庆 让六 oyerIoaded.

了 [U] the act or effect

(also "cos) /kbz; NAmE kaz/ com/ (BE informa1j) be-

COSATU /keU'sa:tu; NAmE 玫oU-/ abbr the Congress of South African Trade Unions'(= a Political organization in South Africa thatITepresents manytunions) cosh /kbf; NmEKa:T/ houn, ye 册 四 IOU1 (especidaly BrE) ashortthickheavy stick, for example al 人 of metal or solid rubbep that is used as a Weapon underthe cosh (BE jpjormal)) expeiiemcingalotof Dresstie: OUF side Was Under 女e cosj 1or mmost of 切e secomnd ha太 目 Ver [VN] (es5ecially Br6) to hit sb hard with a cosh or sth Similar CO- Sigmatory moun one oftwo or more Deople who sign aformal document: co-sigTiatories of[to the treaty

corrugated iron roof

of making sb change from moral to imnmoral standards of behaviour: He clairmed 妇atsex andyiolemntce onTVIedto the Corruption ofyou7ig people. 3 [Cusuallysing.] the form of a Word or phrase that has become changed from its original form in some way: The worda Joliday ia corruptiom of Joly day


COs-” abbr (in writing) cosINE


Dromised to Hightpolice corruption.

卢 coOrus'cating

catuse:TCcami see her at all cos 让 s too darK.

in return for money or to get an advantage: a corTruUPtTe&iime 2 coOrruUPt oficials accepting bribes 了 (ofbehaviour) dishonest or immoral: corruUpt Practices 2 The Whole sy5Stemm zine 态cient and corrupE 3 (computng) containing changes or faults, and no longer in the original state: co 六 TUPDtSoftware The textiomn the disKk seerms to be corruPE COrPruptly ady ye 了 [VN] to have abad effect on sb and make them behavein an immoral or dishonestway: Fe was'corrupted By PowWer and ampitiomn: Oothe corTUPtng ejjfects of great Weal 妨 了 [VN] [often passive] to change the original form of sth, so that it is damaged or spoiled in some way: a corTUpted form of Buddhism 3 (computing) to cause mistakesto appear in acompnuter file, etc. with the result that the information in it is no longer correct: [VN] The pro-


or humour

NAImE Koxr-; 下 aer-/ ad四: coruscating W 让COrus'catingly gdv: cOTLUScatimngty brilliamt COIVette /Koxvet; NAmE ko:r'vet/ OUn a small fast ship used in war to Protect other ships from attack

Siomn. 人 Cleam of矿anmy corrosion before applying the pairmt



Serycosmetic dental Work cosimetically /li/ odv COS'ImIIC /pzmik; NAmEKazz-/ adj [usuallybefore noun] 1 connected with the whole universe: Do you Believe 识 工 cosmic plam? 2;:Very greatand important: ThisWwas disaster on Q cosTmic Scale.

COsmic 'djust mn607 [U] (astronmomy) very small pieces of matter 好oating in Space

COSsimic rays noun [pl,] RAYs that rsach the earth from

oOUter Space * SAY NUMBERS 1 [V]~(from sth) (to/up to sth) to say Dumbers in the coOrrect order: Bily camnt countyet 2 She cam coOUnt Up to 10 in Italian. co to count 广om Ito 10 平

/kulom; NmE Jam; :ozm/ moun (abbr C)

(physics) aunit for meastiring electric charge

/kaunslwuman/ mounp (p/ -Women

/winmy/) (US) = COUNCILLOR

衬 克


2 ~ (sth) (up) to calculate the total number

of people, things, etc. in a particular group: [VN] Te diet is based o7 coOUmnting calories. C [V wh-] She began to count UP how mamny SuUests 雪 ey had to inyite. C [V] There are 12 Weeks to go, counmting 方om today. INCLUDE 3 [VN] to ipclude sb/sth when you calculate a total: We haye inyited 50people notcounting the children.


4 [V] ~ (for sth) (not-used in the Progressive

tenses) to be important MATTER: Every Point 说 轨 信 8aime counts. Thejoctthatshe had apologized counted Jor

| ou go (NM

日 | or boy

,| ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure


348 |

of time: Keep acountiofyour calorie intake foFr one WeeK lose count

Pothing with nineorIts the thougpht that counts (= Used about a Small but kind action or gift). > ACCEPT OFFICIALLY Sto be o 侍cially accepted; to accept sth officially: [V] Domt go oyer 妃 at 1ine or yo 好 女row WoPtE coUPE C [VN] AppIicatons receiyed after IJuly W 记 Tiot pe coUrtted.

CONSIDER @G 一 sb/sth (as) sb/sth |~ as sby/sth to consider sb/sth in aparticular way; to be considered in a particular way: [V VN] For tax PUTD05Ses 轨Qt 7mo7iey COUmtsMTS coOUnted as income, C [IVN] Tcount Pirm armomg TY closest 太ientds. Ce [VN-ADI] 工Coumt TYself Iucky to haye Knowm Pairm. O [VN-N] She counmts herself one of 切e IUcjgy omnes.

IE be able to count sb/sth on (the fingers of)one 由 and tsed to say thatthe total number of sp/sth is very small ... and 'counting used to Say that a total is continting to increase: THhe 7moyies ticketsales add up to 839 Tilliorm and coOUnting CoOUntyour ,blessingstobe grateful for the good things ip your life dont count your

'chickens (before they are 'hatched) (50Wn8) you

Should not be too confident that sth will be successful,

because sth may still go wrong counit the cost (of sth) to feel the bad effects of a mistake, an accident, etc.: The

towT 1 mow counting the cost of is Jaiture to proyide adaeqguate jiood protection,count 'sheep to imagine that sheep are jumping over a fence and to count them, as a

wayofgettingtosleep stand up and be'countedto say

publicly that you support sb or you agree with sth who?s

Countingz (Unjormalj) used to say that you do not care how many times sth happens icOunt a'gainst sb | Count sth a'gainst sbto be considered ior to consider sth as a disadvantage in sb: For thatjob hertiack ofexper ence may cOUntagainsther count'down(to sth)jto think abonut a future event with Pleasure or excitement and count the minutes,,days,etc. Until 让 happens: Shes aLTeady couriting dowm to thebig day. 一related noun COUNTDOWN count sb 'into include sb 记 an activity: 工 Rhear you7e orgamnizing a 女 廊to 切e game Tiext Week2 Count me i/ 'count on sby/sthtotrustsbtodo sthortobesurethat sth will happen BANK ON STH: 77m SUre he了17Fe1p.… Dont count on 让 [+ to iD 钊Drm counting om you 如 jhezp mme. C [十 -ing] Few People ca couPt on javing a job 记 六这 .e We cant count on this wa weather Iastimng 咏 note at TRUST count sb/sthe>'outto count things one after the other as yotu ptut them SOmewhere: SJhe courited

out 有 70 识 8%I0ODbils,count sb 'ouitto notinclude sb in am activity: 矿you7e going oUEtomightyou耿 jayve to coupnt me

OU ,count to'wards/to'ward sthto be included as Part ofsth thatyouhopeto achieve in the future: Students gaim college credits WPich count towards 切eir deg7ee.


[usuallysing:] an actof cotinting tofindthetotal

Dumber of sth; the total number that you find: The Dus

Gripyerdid adqguick count of the empty seats. 不te electiom Fesuitis close, thereWw 记 beasecond counE CTheDpody count

(= the total number of people who have died) stamds at 24. 一see also HEADCOUNT * SAYING NUMBERS 之 [usually sing.] an act of saying numbers in orderbeginning with 1: Raise yourleg amnd jhold for Qcountoftems ee Was Knocked to the ground and stayed downjoracountofeisht(= inpboxing). *。 MEASUREMENT 3 [usually sing.] (iechmica) a measturement of the amount of sth contained in a particular subStance OF area: daraised White blood cell coUrit-see also

BLOOD COUNT, POLLEN COUNT > CRIME 双 (/Ow) a crime that sb is accused of committing: They Were fourid guilty on al count 2 Sjie appeared 太 coOUTLE OP 妨 ree COUPE of 刘 aud.

* IN DISCUSSION/ARGUMENT 5 [usually pl] a point made during a discussion or an argument: T disagree with yo OP Dotp courats.

>* RANK/TITLE 6@(in some European countries) a NOBLEMAN ofhigh rank, similar to an EARL in Britain: Count ToL Stoy 一See also COUNTESS at the last'countaccording to the latest informaton about the numbers of sth: She'd applied for 30jobs at the last COUnE keep (a) count (of sthjto remember or keep arecord ofnumbers or amotunts of sth over a period


| ddid

| ffall

hp gget

| hhat

| jyes

(of sth)to forget the total of sth before you

have finished-counting it: TI 1ost counmt and jhad to:start aSgain. C ,She had 1ost count of the Pumper of fmes Shei told Pima to be careful (= She could notremember because

there were So many).

,out for the 'count(BrE) (NAmE

= down for the 'countl 1 (of a BOXER) Unable to get UP again Within tenl seconds afterpeing knocked down Z adeep Sleep COUmt.able /aontebl/ adj. (grammar) a noun that 这 countable can be Used in the plural or with o or am, for

example toble, cotand /dea [GUNCOUNTABLE Count.downm /kaontdaomn/ own ~ (to sth) T [sing.,U]

the action of counting seconds backwards to zero, for exXample before a SPACECRAFT i l]aunched 2 fsing.] the

Period of time just before sth important happens: pe COUTttdownm to 妇e wedding COUm.-temn-amnce/aunteneans/ OU1, ve 内 上四]OU1 ( 帮mmal or Nierary) a persom's face or their expresSion 目yerb (jormal/) to Support sth of agree to sth happening

ECONSENT TO: [VN] TPe cora7riittee Te 所5ed to cOUTiteiiace .his Proposals. [also V-ing,VN -ing] 所 加 肖阐.世代及 0- 栖/aonte(r)/ oum Verb, gdv 天IOU1 了 along 有 at surface Over which goods are sold or business is done in a shopVstore, bank, etc.: T asKked the Woma pehind the couriter 矿 they jhad amny Postcards.

之 (especially NAmB = WORKTOP 3 asmall disc used for Playing or scoring ip Someboard games 一Picturec> BACKGAMMON 一 see also BARGAINING COUNTER (especially icompounds) an electronic device for counting sth: Te Pieedle ol the rey cOUmter S0ared. 一see als0 GEIGER COUN-

TER 一Compare BEAN COUNTER 5 [usually sing:] ~ (to sb/ sth) (formmal) aresponseto sb/sth that opposes their ideas, Position,etc.: The ,emmipIoyers”associatiom Was seenn as Q coumter to Uniorn DOWer IE over the'countergoods, especially medicines, -for sale over the counter can be bought without a PRESCRIPTION (= Written permission from a doctorto buy a medicine) or special licence: These tapbleks are available over the coUnter 一See a 引SO OVER-THECOUNTER under the'countergoods that are bought or sold under the counter are sold secretly and sometimes jlegally

昌 Ve此 1

一 (sb/sth) (with sth) to reply to sb by trying to

Provethatwhattheysaid isnottrue: [VN] Suchn argurmehtts are mot easily countered. C [V that] 工 tried to argue Dut he

Countered that the plans Were mno& yet Jinished., [also V speech, V] 2 [VN] to do sth to reduace or prevent the bad effects of sth EAICOUNTERACT: BUsimniesses Would LiKe to see TieW Iaws to coOUnter Late PaynemnE ofdeb. @Qcdly. 一 to sth in the'opposite direction to sth; in opposiion to sth: The governrmments DPIanms ru cOUTzter to agreed Europeart policy or this issue.

COUmnter- /kaonteG)/ combining /rm (in nouns,Verbs, adjectives and adverbs) T against; Opposite: counterte六 Torism 2 cOUTiterargument 也 CORRESPONDING: cOUmte 广

Part COuUm.ter.act/kaontaer'sekt/ verb [VN]-to do sth to reduce

or prevent the bad

or harmful



COUNTER: THhese eXercises aim to cOUmnteracttheejffects of Stress aTld te7asio7.

COumter-attack7oumn, ve北

晶IOUm an attack made in response to the attack of an enemy or opPonent in wam Sport Or an argtment 上 Ye 上b [V VN] to make an attack in responseto the attack of an enemy Or Opponent iD war, sport or an argument ERETALIATE

COum.ter:balanceve'b, 00V1

目Ye几 /amnte'baelans; NAmE kaunterb-/ [VN] (jormal) to

have an equal but opposite effectto sth else EROFFSET: Parents Patural desire to protect their children should be COUTtterbalamnced py te childss need for ideperidence. 旧0OUP /Kauntebzelans; NAmE 'kaunterb-/ (also_ coumn-terweight [usually sing.] ~ (to sth) athing that has an equal butopposite effect to sth elseland canm beused tolimitthe bad effects of sth: The accusedzs rightto silence Was ayital COUTiterbalamnce to thepowers of 妇 epolice.

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| p pen

| Fred




1noun ~ (to sth) a very strong spoken or written TIeply to



sth that has been said or written


/kauntekletmm,NAmE -terk-/ moun a COuUnter-revo Ju:tion'ary noun aperson involved in acounterTevolution 关 ,coOunterirevo lutionary ad

claim imade in replyto another claim and different from 让

Counterclock:wise -terklak-/ ”ady, af [ED CLOCKWISE

/KaunteklopkwarIz; NAImE (NmB) = ANTICLOCKWISE

CounterCculture /KaomtekAltfedoD): NAmE -terk-/ noun

[CU] away of life and set of ideas that are opposed to those accepted bymost of society; a group of people who Share Such a way of life and such ideas

ICOumnter- espion'age moun [U] secret action taken by a country to Prevent an enemy country from finding out its secrets

COumn-ter'feit /aonteftt; NAmE-terf/ adj,ve 内

日 0dj. (of money and goods for sale) made to look exactly like sth in order to trick people into thinking thatthey are getting the real thing FAKE: COLUTLterfeit Watches 和

Are yoU aWware

切ese niotes are cOUnterfeit2 [aa

一compare FORGERY COunterfeit movn


四 Yer 户[VN] to make an exact copy of sth in order to trick People into thinking that it is the real thing 一compare FORGE


moun [U]

COUmn:terfeit.er /auntefrteGD); NAmE-terf/ noun aper Son Who cotinterfeits money Or goods 一compare FORGER COumn:tetr-fo训 /auntefol; NAmE -terforll-/ noun (BrE) the Part of a cheque, ticket, etc. that you keep when yot give the other partto sb else STUB

COUnmter-in Surgemcy noun [U] action taken against a

coOum'tersign /auntasarn; NAmmE:ters-/ ve凡 [VN] (techmicaj) to sign a document thathas alreadybeen Signed by another person, especially in order to showthatitisvalid countersub:ject /kauntesAbd5ikt; :Q5ekt; NAmmE :ter-/ moun (mmUSic) a second THEME (= tine)jtihatis played with the main theme, especiallyin aFUGUE

COum'tersumk /kauntesAnk; NA7mE :tar-/ (BFE) (NAmE flat'head ) ez 引 (technicah (of a screw) that fitsin abhole with its top sturface level with the sturface ofthe material

COunter-tenor noumaman whoistrainedtosing with avVeIyhigh voice; a maleALTO 一compare ALTO

COUmnter- terrorismn moun:[U] action taken to prevent the activities ofpolitical groups whouse violencetotryto achieve their aimis icounter'terrorist: ao 丰 COun'tertop /aontatop;, (NAmE) = WORKTOP




COunm'terVvailing /kaunteverlm; NAmE -terv-/ ad [only before noun] (forma/) having an equal but opposite effect

CoOum'terWweight /kaontaeweit; NAmE-terw-/ noun [usually sing.] = COUNTERBALANCE COUmt'ess /上 auntes; es/ novun Ta woman who has the Iank ofa COUNT or an EARL 之 .the wife ofa COUNT or an EARL: the Earl ana Coumtess of Rosebery

group ofpeople who are trying to take control of a countrybyforce

ICOumter-in telli-gence nown [u] secret action taken by a country to Prevent an enemy country from finding Out its secrets, for exampleby giving them false information; the department of a government, etc. that is TesponSible for this

ICOUmter-in tuitiye


the opposite of what you

Would expect or what seemas to be obvious: THhese results

See1m coUte 产六tiiye. coOunmterimand

,countierintuitivey oadv

Country landscape 。 countryside 。 terrain 。land 。scenery

These are all words for areas away from towns and cities, with fields woods and farms. : ACTION 5 (alsolcourse of:'actionmn) [C a way of acting equipment 让 or dealing with aparticular Situation: There are Various COu-pom /kuppn NAmE padn; kju:-/ noun 1 a small COUTses Open to US. 2 What coUTse of actiomn WoUId you recpiece of printed paper'that you':can exchange for sth or OTm7menld2 The Wisest cOUrse Would be to say nothing thatgives youthe righttobuy sth at acheaper Price than >* DEVELOPMENT 6 [sing.] ~ 一of sth the waysth develops Or Dormal: momney-6 矿coupons C clothing coupons C am inte广 shotld develop: am event that chamged the course of nismatiomnal repjy couponm 2:a printed form, often cut out tory C The UnexpDected course of evenmnts aroUsed co7tsider六 from a newspaper that is used to enter a competition, GDbIe alar77. order goods, etc:: Fill 这 amd retur7rt the attached coupom. * PARTOFMEAL 7 [Cl] anyofthe separateparts ofameal:a


西宫 人 0

/kkArrd5; NAmE'kar-/ moun [U]

the ability to do sth dangerous, or to face pain Or OpPosition,without showing fear BRAVERY: He showed Sreat couTage ad determination. .CTjhayentyet PIucked Lp the courage to ask her c moral/physical courage COUTrage 唐 e jce of damger 一See also DUTCH COURAGE IE have/iack the courage of your con'victions to be/not be brave enough to do what you feel to be right take courage (from sth) :to begin to feel happier and more confident because of sthtake your ,courage in both 'hands to make yourself do sth that you are afraid of: Taking Pher courage im poth hands, She opemned the'door ad Walked 访:一 more at SCREWY. CGO 如 广本 名e-OUS /kaeTrerId5as/ ,adj showing courage BRAVE: Q Very cOUTraSgeoUs decisiomn C Thope people W记 pe courasgeots eniouvgh to SPpeak ouUEagainst this injustice. 加3



COUI吕etite /koa'3et; koz3et; NAImE kor'3et/-(BrE) (NAmE Zuc:Cchini ) OU1 a long vegetable with .dark green skin and white flesh 一Picture 只 PAGE RI3 COUF-ier /koriaCD)/ novn Ta person or company whose job is to take packages or important papers Somewhere:

JWe sentthe docurment-py courier 了 (Br6 aperson whois employedbyatravel companytogive advice andhelptoa group oftotirists on holiday# coOurier verb: [VN] Courier thatletter 一 让mneeds to gettheretoday(= Send 让 bycourier).

course - -program 看 ImBrE course is used for a series of ( Or ledtures ona particu lar subject: OpPjysics Course ca COUrse of ten eatures. In NAmEyou would say: g .Physics couU1se/ prosgram Ca program of ienm [ectures 惠 :In N4/mEa course isusually anindividual unitthat forms part ofa longer period of study: /have 如 ie 0 phjoysics Course/class. This is called a module in Britaim, : especiallyin a college or university. 硬 In BrEcourse can also mean a period ofstudy at a eollege Oruniversity:g two-year collesge course: In | 到 Would: say:0 twoyear College 0

CGOUS 人 0-林 /Ko:S; NAImEKkors/ OUn, VE 内 四 52000117 * EDUCATION


人:[C] 一 (in/on'sth)'a series oflessons or lec-

|ar my | ainow

| ersay

| ao go (Br

帮 urcourse dinnere The main course Was roast ducK. * FOR GOLF SS [C] = GOLF COURSE: He SetQa 7iew coOUTse 7e-


g9 [G an area of land or water where races

are held: She Was oyertaKkemn on 妇e 1ast Stretch of 轨e COUTse. 一See also ASSAULT COURSE, RACECOURSE * OF RIVER 10O [Cusually sing.] the direction ariver moves in: The pa 妨Jo11ows 妇e course of the riyer >* MEDICALTREATMENT 11 [C 一 (cfsth)aseriesofmedical treatments, Pills, etc.: to Prescribe a cou7rse'of antibiotics * IN WALL 12 [C] a continuous layer of bricksrstone, etc. ip a wall: Amew darmp-proof course could cost .EI1000 or TmO7e.

of course 下 Of course is often used to showthat what youare sayingijsnot surprising oris generally known OF : accepted. Forthis reason, and because itcan be difficultto gettheright intonation, you may not ua polite ifyou use of course or of course not when you answerarequest forinformation or permission. It can

be saferto usea different word or -phrase. 时 41iithe 1rightroom Jorthe Emglish class2- Tes 让 必 . :cf EtF5e- Or 提 Fotf5Se 社 合 王 《01 1bporrowyour 和 。 Conojnj Vonal CSuUre :fnfonmah 看 呈 OYOUHnd iporrowyowr dictionamy2 Not at ol : CfGo ahead (informa1. 晶 Ifyou say of CGRrse/of course notit maysound as 、 thoughyouthinktheanswertothequestion isobvious andthatthe person should notask.Inthesameway of Course should not be used asa replyto astatementof fact or when someone expresses an opinion Js Q -7 /ovejy day 入 Certain1y/ 感 [ES 让 1 tinK YOUJemioy 坊otplay msSUre Wi人 YYes 让 SOU1ds realjy g00d [ET in course of sth- (如mma/) going through a particular process: The meWw textbook isi 训 coOUFrse of Preparatiom. in/over the course' of ..。 (used with ,expressions for periods of time) during: Hess seen mmamny chartges in the COUTSe of his IongIife:e7The companyjoces mnajorchallenges OVer the course' of 轨e mnext few years.in the course of fime when enough time has passed EVENTUALLY:

| oo go (MmB

| oliboy

| Ionear

| ee hair

| ze pure

COUrsebook 下

352 |

让possib1e 妇at 训 thecourse oftime acurejforcarncerWw

be found in the ordinary normal,etc: course of evenits, things, etc。 as things Usually happen-

ENORMALLY: JP 坊 e normal coUrse oF 雪 in8s We WOUIG mot treat jher disappearartice as SUSpicious of course

1 (also course (informal) used to emphasize that ,what youyare Saying is _true Or correct: 2 了 om 和 you Like 7mmy Tother2 Of courseT do 六ec Wi you be there22 Course 工 W 记 ”2 (also course'(nformal) used as a polite way of giving sb permission to do sth: Car Tcome; too22 《Course you can CCariTjhaye omne of those pens2 "Of course 一hezp yourself " 3 (njormal) used as apolite way of agreeing With what sb has just said: Tidid all7 could to jhelp OF coOUTse, je TUFTmLUred gentty :4 Used to show' that what you are saying is not SuUrprising or is generally known or

CONTEMPT OF COURT,COUNTY COURT,CROWNICOURT, HIGH COURT, JUVENILE COURT, SUPREME COURT * FOR SPORT 3 [C] a place where games Such as TENNIS are played: a tennmis/squashpbadrninton court 2 He Won after only 52 7minutes om co

一 Picture 只 PAGE

R22 一see also CLAY COURT, GRASS COURT > KINGS/QUEENS 4 [CU] the ofcial Place where kings and queens live: 坊 ecourtofQueerr Victoria 5 the couft [sing.] theking or queen, theirfamily andthe peoplewho Workfor them and/or give advice tothem 二 BUILDING5G [C] = coOURTYARD 7 (abbr ct [G used the names ofblocks offlats or apartmentbluildings, orof

some short streets; (in Britain) used in the name of some large houses 8 [C] a large open section of a building, often With a glass roof: 妨 efood courtat 纺 eshopping 7mmal

hold 'court (with sb)to entertain people bytelling

em interesting or funny things rule/throw sth out of

太ere are other Ways of doing this.、of Ecourse not (also 'course notused toemphasize the factthat you are saying mo': re you going2 Of course not2C Do you mind2”

courtto Say that sth is completely wrong or not worth considering, especialy 记 atrial: THPe charges Were 妨ro OUE of coui7E C Well 坊ats my 女eory ruled out of cout 一 more atBALL1M. ,LAUGHYV; PAYV 上 VEJb

Wo, ofcourse not on'course for sthyto do sthlikelyto

“TRY TO PLEASE 了 [VN] to try to please sb ip order to get

accepted: Bem of course, Was the Iastto arrive:. C Ofcourse,

achieve or do sth because you have'already started to do it: The Armericart ecomnomy 1 om coOUrse for higher 识jlatiom

太 armz_Britain py 纺 e end of the year run/take its 'course to develop in the tsual way and come to the Usual end: WPhen Pher tears had Tunm their course, she 帮丰 calmer anmd Tore im controL C With minor ailments the best t 纺ing 放 often to Let miature take is course. 一more at COLLISION,

DUE'0dj.; HORSE ,MATTER .MIDDLE Idj.,PAR, PERVERT V,STAY V 目 Yerb [V 十 ,GdyVprep] (iterom) (ofliquid) to move or fow

courts a woman, he spends time with her and tries to make her love him, SSso'that they can get married S [V]

be courting(oldjosjhioned) (of as man and awWoman) to

for studying from, Used regularly in class

of action 70

have a IOomantic relationship before getting married: AL 帮 at tme hey Rad beemn couUrtmng jor Seyeral yearSs: 一See also COURTSHIP

(Picourses of 'action 三

COUrse:ware /koxswee(); NAImE orswer/ noun [贡 ] (computing) computer programs that are designed to be Usedito teach a subject

COUTSe-WOFK /o:sSWas:k; NAmE orswsTrk/ moon

INVITE STH BAD 3 [VN] ( 友 rmal) to do:sth that might reSult ip sth unpleasant happening: to court :damger7 deathjdisasteroAsapolitciarn he has often courted co7i-




TRYTOGET 2:[VN] (Jormaliitotry to obtain sth: Hejas TieVer COUTFted POPUIaritby/:

* HAVE_RELATIONSHIP 4 [VN] (old-joshioned) 放 a man

COurse.boolg'ko:sbuk; NAmEKo:rs-/ 0oUn (Br abook


sth you want,especially the Support of a _person, an organization; etc,SRCULTIVATE: Both ca7ididates jayve SDeftt the Iast7Tmonth coOUTtirg 如 e 7mnedia:


WwWork that students do during a course of study, not 让 exarms, that is included in their final mark/grade: CourseWoOTK accounts for 409%0 of thne Final marKs. COurs.ing /ozsIm; NMAmE 'koxr-/ moun [U] the sport of hunting animals with dogs, using sightratherthan smell: Rare coUrsing

'COurt card (BrE) (also ace card NAmE,B/ 月nou1n a PLAYING CARD With apicture of a king, queen or JACK.on it 一Picture PLAYING CARD E

ICOUIEECOsts1oum:[pl.] (WAP 月 = coOsTSs:at coOsT 太 COuUr.te-OUuUSs/ka:ties; NMAmE'Kairt-/ adj politeespecially 雇awaythatshows respect: Q courteous youmng marm CTPe Potelsta太 are 六ienaly amzd courteots:




COUr.tesam /kotrZasn; NAmE Korttzn/ now

(也 the

Past) a PROSTITUTE, especially one with rich customers

COUIrtesy/ Kas:tesi; NAmmE K3sTt-/ TOU1, 0 直 上IOU1 (P/ -ieq 1 [U] polite behaviour that shows respect for other people POLITENESS:TWas treated With the UtmOSE COUTtesy 六 史 Sta 太 es only commazort coUrtesy to tell 妇 e meighpours 妇at We1 pe-hayving a party (= the Sort ofbehaviour that people would expectb). 也 [Cusually pl.] (ornalj) a polite thing that you say or do when you Imeet people in formal situations: am exchamge of cou 广

tesies before 她 e mmeetirg 1 (also by courtesy of sby/sth



Sion of sb/sth and as a favour: The pictures hayve beem reproduced by courtesy of 切e Brisjh Museurm, 2 given as a Prize OF Piovided free by a person or an organization: WinaWweekend 训 Rormme, couUrtesyofFiat 3 astherestilt5f aparticular thing or Situation: Viewers cam See the stadiurmm 广 om 地 e ai COUrtesy ofa caTmerajasteied to the piane. do


*LAW 了 [CU] the Place where legal trials take place and Where crimes, etc. are judged: 切 e civilcrirmiral courts Heriawyerrmade astatermmentOoutsiae the coufE She w 记 QpPpear 训 COUrt toTmorrow. 2 They took their 1andlord to COLTtjor Dreakirg the contract CThecasetookfiveyearsto

sb the courtesy of doing

thing that is mentioned:

trial). 一see' also COURTHOUSE,COURTROOM 必 Diotesat SCHOOLT 了 2 thecourt[sing]thepeople in acourtiespecially those who make the decisions, such as-the judge and JURY: Please tell the court what happened 二see also


| adid


| 9get

| mhat


sthto be polite by doing the

Please do 7me he courtesy of 1is-

tening to WhatTm Saying. havethe courtesyto do sthto

comte to court(= tobeheardbythe cotrt. CThere was7i革 enOUSh evidence to pring the case to court(= start atrial). HeywWon the court case aid was aWwaraed idarmages CSHhie CamEPDay hertaxandisjocing court actiom. 2 Thecase Was Settled outofcourt (=adecision was Teached withouta

courtesy of sby/sth with the o亿 cial permis-

know whenmyou should do sth 记 order to be polite: Yov think hea at east haye the courtesy to callto say hea be Late. 昌 Qd. [only before noun] (ofabus, car etc:) Provided free, at no cost to the person using it: A courtesy Pus operates betweent the hotel amd the towm centreThe dealer will proVide yOU With a courtesy car While yoOUr yehicle is peing TeDpaired.

courtesy call7oun 1 (also ,courtesy visit a formal or official visit, usually by one important person to another, | kecats|l


| mman


| :ppen

| :rred

just to be polite, not to discuss important business 2 3a telephone call ffom a company to one of its customers, forexample to see ifthey are satisfied with the company's Service.

'courtesy lightmovn a Small light inside a car which is automatically switched on when sb opens the door 'COuirtesy title 00vn atitle that sb is allowed to use but which has no legal status v COUrt.house /o:thaus; NAmE'Koxrt-/ nouUn Ti (especially NAmB a building containing courts of law cnote at COURT 2 (ithe US) abuilding containing the offices of acounty government

COUrt.ier /ko:tieCD); NAmE Koxrt-/ noun (especially in the pastbjaperson who is partofthe coOURT of a king or queen court.ly /oxtli; NAmE Koxrt/ adj (Jormal or /iieramy) extremely polite and full of respect especially in an oldfashioned way

COurtly:love 7oun [U] a tradition in literature, especially 记 Medieval tmes, involving the faithful love of a KNIGHT for his married LADV With whom he can neVer have arelationship

COurt 'miartialmoun [CU] (P/ courts martial) a military court that deals with members of the armed forces who break militarylaw; atrial at such a cOUITt: Fe Was conyicted atacourtmartiaGL CAlLthe mmen now 如ce court7mnartal

COurt-martial verb (-Il-,Us --) [VN] [often passive] to hold a trial of sb in a military court: He Was coOUTTartialled 用 rdesertiofL

court of ap'pealmovn 1 (P/ courts of appeal) a coOUIt thatPeople can goto in ordertotry and change decisions that have been made by a lower coUIt--see also APPEL-

LATE COURT 2 Court of Ap'peal [sing.] (BrE) the highest cotrt in Britain (apart 他om the House of Lords); that can change decisions madebyalowercourt 3 Court of

Apipeals [C] (Us) one of the courts in the US that can

change decisions made by alower coUIt

COurt of 'claims "0

(Us) a court in the'US that hears

claims made against the government



COUSiim 0 训 /kAzn/0oun

Talso firstAcousin) achild ofyour auntoruncle: Shes

TY cOUSin. COWere cousins. 一see also COUNTRY COUSIN,, SECOND COUSIN 2 aperson who is in your wider family but who is notcloselyrelated to you; Hess adistant couUsim of mnine. 3 [usually pl.] a way of describing people from another coUntry who are Similar in some wayto peoplein

your own country: OUr ATmericam cOUSins ICOusin brother novmn (IndE iniormah amale cousin of your own generation

ICOusin sister 00Um (IndE njiormal) a female cousin of your own geiieration

COu-ture /KuUtjueCD); NAmE-tor/ noun [U] (from French) the design and production of expensive and fashionabjle clothes; these clothes: Qa couture evening dress 一see also


COu:tur.ier /kutjoerier NAmE -tor:/ noun (from French) a person who designs, makes and'sells'expensive, fashionable clothes; especially for women FASHION DESIGNER.

CO-Valent /keovellent; NAmE,Kou-/ adj- (chemistpy) (ofa chemical BOND) sharing a pair of ELECTRONS 一compare

IONIC CO.Vari.amt /keU'vearisnt; NAImEKoUVerient; "Var-/ adl/ (statistcs) showing a tendency to _change with another VARIABLE COve /kseuvV; NAImEKkouv/ noun Tasmallbay(= an area of Sea that is partly suirounded by land): a.secladed coye

也 (old-joshioned, BrE, njormal) aman COvem /kaAvn/ noun a group or meeting of wITCHES COv.enmiamnt /上Avansnt/ nouU1 apromise to sb, or a legal agreement,especially one to pay a regular amount of imoneyto sby/sth:Gods covenamntWith Abraharma 2 acovem-

anttoacharity > covenantyerb:[VN] AILProfig are coVveamnted to mmedical charities. Cov.en-try /下Avantri; BrE also kbv-; NAmE also KaV-/ MOUn IE send sb to 'Coventry (B/E) to refuse to speak

)noun (/

to sb, as away of punishing them for sth that they have

COurt of 'law moun(PL courts oflaw)j(alsolaw courtjia

所 @WVGNP 0机 /上AVe(D/ verb, 10Un 目 -VE/旋 关 HIDEJ/PROTECT 个 [VN] ~ sth (with sth) to Place sth over

Court of in'quiry (also court of en'qui

colrts of inquiry/enqluiry) (BrE) a special

official group

of peoplethat investigates aparticular problem

Ioom or building where legal cases are judged cnote'at

COURT Court of 'Sessiomn 10vm

雇 Scotland, the highest coUrt

”that deals with CIVIL cases (= not criminal cases)

court'orderovn adecision thatis made in court about

"what musthappen in a particular situation

court.room /ortrurmni TOm; NAmE kort-/ OUn aroom 识 which trials or other legal cases are held

号 note at


Court.ship /koxtfmp; MAmE Kort/ mon

了 [CU] (ol人 df

矶sjoned) the time When two people have a IOmantic Telationship before they get mairried; the process of developipng this relationship: They married after a Short COUFtSJiDp. CO Mr Eltons courtship of Harriet Z [U] the special way animalsbehave ip orderto attract aimnate for Produicing young animals: courtship displays 也 ~ (of sb/sth) (frmal)the processor actofattracting abusiness partnem, etc.: 切 ecomPDaTYS COUTFGPiD by t切e 8&OYer7TI7mePLE

Court shoe (Br6 (NmE pump)moun awomans formal shoe that is Plain and does not cover the top part of the " foot 一picture 只 SHOPE

Court 'tennis "ov [U] (NAmB =.REAL TENNIS court'yard /koxtjazd; NAmE koxrtjard/ (also court) 1OU1 an open space that is partly Or coOmpletely surrounded by buildings and is usually part of acastle, a large house; etc.: the cemntral]irnmnercourtyard

COUS:COoUS /kuskus; ku:skuzs/ noUn [U] atype'of N African food made from icrushed wHEAT; a dish ofimmeat and/ Or Vegetables with couscous


| tteai

| vvan



| zzoo

上 Tshoe


or in frontof sth in order to hide or protect it::Cover the CHiickem 1oosely with 如 记 C She coyered herjJace with her

jhands. e (Jsgurative) He laughed to coyer (= hide) Fis me 六 YoUsness. 中 note at HIDE ASPREAD



[VN] to lie or Spread Over the

Surface of sth: Snow coyered the 8round. C MUuch of the coumtry 1 coyered by forest 3 [VN] ~ sb/sth in/with sth to put or spread alayer of liquid, dusb etc. on Sbysth: The DPIayers Were 5007L coyered 识 mnud CThe wind plew i 刘om the desertaiuld covered eyerything With samd.

> INCLUDE 4 [VN] toinclude sthj to deal with sth: The su 六 yeycoyers alliaspects ofthe business: C The lectures coyered alotofgrourid (= alot of material subjects; etc.). c the sales teama coyering he morthern part of the country (三 selling to people in that area) C:Do the rules coyer (= do they applyto)j a case like this?


5 [VN] to be or provide enough money for sth:

区100 should coyer your expenses. C ZUr parents Ww记 hayve to coyer yoUr tuitiomn jees. oO The show parely coyered its Costs.

记 DISTANCEJ/AREA G@ [VN] totravel the distance mentioned : By SuUnset We had covered thirty mmiles. COThey Walked Jora 1ong tirmne and covered a good deal of ground.

7 [VN] to

Spread Over the'area Imentioned: The reserye coyvers am area of some 1140 Square Kilormetres.

REPORTNEWS 8 [VN] to report on an event for television,

a neWspaperr etc.; to-show anievent on television: Shes Coyering the partbys annual comjference.CTheBBCWwil coyver all the mmajor gamies of the tournaTmenE

“FORSB 9 [V]~forsbto dosb'sworkorduties whilethey are;away:

| 5:vision

TY COyering Jor Jane While sjies om Leaye.


| dsjam

| ethin

| 5this

| Dising


354 |

10 [V]~forsb to invent alie or an'excusethat will stop Sb from getting intotrouble: Thayeto go outfora7minute一 岂记 you coyerjfor rmme 太 anyomne asjks whereTarm2 国 于


11 ~sb/sth (against/for sth) toprotect

sb againstloss, injury, etc. byinsurance: [VN] Areyov 包 1y Coyeedjor 太re amd he 反 2 [VNto inf] Does thispolicycover TY husbanmd to driye? 豆 AGAINST BLAME 12 [VN] 一 yourself (against sth)'totake action in order to protect yourself against being blamed for sth: Ome reason doctors taKke temperatures 丰 to coyer 矿ermselyes againmst TiegligeTtce clairms. 玉 WITH GUN 13 [VN] to protect sb bythreateiiing to shoot atanyone who tries to attackthem: Coyer 7mie WhileT7moyve 如rward 14 [VN] to aim a gun at a place orsperson s0 that nobody can escape or shoot: THhe police coyered the exits to the puilding. Dont7moye 一Weyegotyoucoyered/ 时 SONG 15 [VN] torecordanewyversion ofasongthat was Originally recorded' by another-band or singer: .Theyye coyered am old Rolling Stomnes7iU7mber [IE cover allthe 'bases toconsider and deal with 'all the things that could happen or could be needed when you are .arranging sth cover -your 'back _ (njorma1 (MAmE alsocover your 'ass , loboo, slanmg) to realize that youmaybe blamed or criticized for sth later and take action to avoid this: Get eyerything 识 writing 识 order to

cOVer YOUT back. cover your 'tracks

to try and hide

What you have done,becatuse you do not want other people to find out abonlt it: He had attempted to cover his tracks py mmaking her dea 雪 appear Like suicide. 二more at MULTITUDE ICOVer sthe>'in to put a covering or

Ioof over an Open Space,cover sth UNDER PRESSURE 6 [v] to no longer be able to function Dormally becatuse of presstre: Thimngs are terrib1e at Wo and People are crackingunder the strair TPey questioned ji Jor days before he cracked ec The old institutions are Crackimg. * FINDSOLUTION -7 [VNj to find the solution to a problem, etcs;to find thewayto do sth difficult: to crack the ee1myS

code ce (normall After ayear 识 this jobp 工 切 K 训 Tve Sot 让


“3sTOPSsB/STH- 8 [VN] to find awayof Stopping or defeating a criminal or an enemy: Police haye cracked a Tajor arusgs Ting. “OPENBOTTLE 9 [VN]~(open)abottle (Unfornmal/)to open abottle, especially of wine, and drink it


10 [VN]~ajoke (niormontotell ajoke

IE get cracking (njormalj) to begin immediately and

Work quickly GET GOING: Theres alotto be domne so LetS Set cracking. not all, everything, etc, sbs cracked up to be (Unformalj) not as good as People say: Hes mot mearty SUCh a good Writer a5 hes cracKed Upto be. crack

the whip to use your authority or power to make sb Work Very hard,usually by treating them

in a strict

way 一more at SLEDGEHAMMER Crack down (on sby/sth) to try harder to prevent an illegal activity and

deal more severely with those who are caught doing it: Police are cracKking dowm om drusg deale一related rs. noun


,crack 'an (with sth) (Br informal) to

8 (alsocraic) [u,sing.] (nshE in1formmal) a

good time; friendly, enjoyable talk: Wheres te crack ioPight2C Besaperson Who enjoys adrirk amd a Dit of crack.

Ways direction, like acRAB

Im at the crack of dawn

(imformal) very early in the

< Inormning 一more atFAIRdadl/ 四 gdj. [only:before noun] expert and highly trained; excellentatsth: crack troopsCHesacrackshot (= accurate and Skilled at shooting),

Crackbrained /rzkbreiiay cd (piormal) crazy and Unlikely to succeed: acrackbrained iaea

crackdown /kraekdaun/ noun ~ (on sb/sth) severe action taken to restrict the_activities of criminals or of People opposed to the government or b 雇 atuthofity: Q 奴 三 tary crackdowm on Studentprotesters Cacrackdown 57 Crirme

Craclked om /iaaekt/ ad 了 damaged with lines in its surface but not completely broken: a cracKead 7mirrorZmug C Fe SUjHjfered cracKked rips QId DTuisimng. 2 She passed her tomtgue oOVeF her cracked 71ips and tried to speaK 一picture . 只 BROKEN 也 (of sb's voice) Sounding rough with sudden changes ip how loud or high 让 is, because the person is tipset: ZIm7 Just fine shne said 碌 Q cracked yoice. 3 [rot before noun] (ipjrma1) Crazy:Tthink he TuUstDe cracKked doniyou2

ICrackedl wheat noun [U] grains of wHgaT that have been broken into small pieces

Crack'er /kraekeaGrD)/ moun

Tathin dry biscuit that is

often eaten also

Christmas cracker

salty and tsually With cheese 一see ”CREAM CRACKER





tube of coloured paper that makes a loud ExpPLOSsIVE sound when ii pulled open by two people._ Gracekers Usually contain a paper hat, asmall present and a joke, and aresed in Britain at Christmas parties and meals: Who wapts io PuL this cracF er _With me? 一see also_FIRECRACKER 3 (BE Jpformaj Something that you think is very good, funny, etc.: 形 was QcrackerofagoalL CTyegotajokefor you. sarealcracker 4 (ME slang) an offensive word for a poor white Person with little education from the southern US 号 (informajh aperson who jlegally finds awayoflookin g at Or Stealing information on sb else Sefomputer System

6 (old-Joshmroned, BJE informaj an attractive Woman cracker:jack /raeked5aek; NAmE erd5aek/ .noun (MAmE pformal) an excellent person orthing 戎 Crack:er-

Work hard at sth so that yot finish 放 quickly; to pass OF continue quickly: 矿 we crack om Wii 切e Paintimg We Should Finish 让 today CTimne ywas CTracKimg on aid We Were POWPere miear Piished ,crack 'up (njormal) Titobecome il either physically or mentally becatuse of PressUre: ZU1 crack up 太 youicarryo WoOTKingLike tis 了 to stafrt laughing a lot: Be walked in amd eyeTyYoeJust cracked up,

Crack house rown (in the US) aplace where people sell

记 mrap Shejustcracks me UP

Crack'ing /kreekm/ moun, ad

Crack sp up (informah to make sb laughia lot: Gils so

四 11OU1 ” BREAK

了 [C] ~ (in sth) aline on the surface ofsth where 过 has broken butnotsplit into Separate parts: This cup has QGcracK 训 让 CCracks begant to QPpear in 切e Walls. (JigWU/athyve) The cracks (= faults) m the goyermnmemntbs economic Policy are aiready beginrmiimg to Sho 一picture w cy BROKEN ”NARROW OPENING 了 [cl anairow Space Or opening: Sjie Peeped 切rouS 瑚太e cracK 太 雪ecurtains CThe door Opeied acrack (= asmall amount).


3 [q a sudden loud noise: a cracKk of 妇 under ec

the sharp crack ofarifie shot


4[g~(onsth)asharpblowthat canbeheard: She

Jelloyerandgotamasty cracK on the head

“ATITEMFT 5 [C~(atsth| ~ 人at doing sth) (njormal) an occasion when yotltryto do sth ATTEMPT: She hopes

to haye another cracK at 态 eworidarecord 态 这 year ”DRUG 6:(also ,crack co caine).[U]:a powerful, inlegal drugthat is a form of cocAINE: acrack addict


| ddid


| 9 get

站 hhat

| yes

jack xd/

Ciraclcers /kraekez; NAmE erz/ adj, [not before nounm] (BrE, informajl crazy: Thatmoise 计 ariying7me cracKkers. Crackhead /kraekhed/ noun (slang) a person who uses the illegal drug CRACK

CRACK (= atype ofilegal drug)

有 0OU1 [U] lines on a surface where it is damaged or beginning to break: ALL planes are Deimg isSpected Jor posSiple cracking amd cor7osion. 了 the sotund of sth cracking:

the cracking of 纺U7aGderAtwigs 日9gf. [usually before noun] (B7E jormal/) excellent: Tat

Was da cracking g80aL c Sjhe5 CracKirig 如 rm at 坊e 7n0Tnent C We set off at a cracking pace (= very quickly) .

请 cracking qdv: acrackinggood (= extremely goodj diner crackie /kraeKkl/ verb, noun 四 Verbp [v] to make short Sharp sounds like sth that is burn-

ing in a fire: Alog jire cracKled 识 芒e hearth The radio crackled into 1. (1guratre) The QtmlOsDhere crackled

Witn temsio7t. 旦 OU [U,C] a series Of Short Sharp Solinds: 轨e distant crackle of machine-gum Fire ECrackly /kraekl i/ ad1s She Picked up the phone and heardia crackly Voice saying: Sue Pere.”

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| p pen

| rred

crack'iling /kraeklm/ noun 站 [u,sing.] a series of sharp sounds: He could jear the crackling ofburning trees. 了 [U]



(BrE) (US crackclings [plj]) the hard skin ofPoRK (= meat from a pig) that has been cooked in the oven

cracknel /kraeknael/ novum T [cl atype of crisp biscetiit that is not sweet

字 [U,G a sweet made from a flat, crisp

piece of sugam often with nuts 让

Crack-pot /kraekppt; NAmE pazt/ noun (informa1 a per Son with strange or crazyijideas crackpot odj. [only before noun]: crackpotideastheories

CEYfacCy combiningjorm (in nouns) the government'or rule of: democracy Ce bureaucracy

Cira:dgle /kreidl/ nouns ve 避 旦 moOU0 了 asmallbed forababy which can be pushed genty from side to side: She rocked the baby to sleep 识 这 cradle. 一picture 只 coT 2. [usually sing.] ~ of sth the Place Where sth important began: Greece the cradle of Westerm civilization 3 (BrE) asmall platformthat canbemovedup and down the outside of a high building, used by people cleaning Windows,etc.

4 the 二

Which the RECEIVER Tests [ED

of a telephone


from the ,cradlie to the

Srave a way of referring to the whole of a person's life, 位om birth until death 一more at ROB 目 ye 有b [VN] tohold sbysth gentlyin your arms orhands: The old mmanmn cradled the tiny paby in Pis arrms.

'cradle cap moupn [U] a skin condition that causes dry Iough yellow aregas on top ofababys head

cradile-snatcher (Br6 (NAmE 'cradie-robber) moun (disapproving) a Person who has a sexual relationship

with a much younger person


crai pobped around the liner as it steamed into the har

bour CalandingApleasure craft 5 [C] (P/ cra们) an air-

craft of SPACECRAFT 四 Verb [VN] [usually passive] to make sth using special skills, especially With yoUr hands FASHION: AI the 刀7m ture 放 crafted 方om miatural materials. oa carefully crafted

Speech 一See also HANDCRAFTED cra 共 Kmife noun (Br6) avery sharp jnife used for cutting paper or thin pieces of wood

/kra:ftsmaen; NAmE kraef/ (also crafts-

Persomnm) nown (P -men /men/) a skilled person,especially one who makes beautiful things by hand: rugs Pandrmade py local craftsmen ctis clearyy the work .ofa Taster craftsmmanm. 一See also CRAFTSWOMAN Cra 代 s-imam:ship /kraxftsmanfip; NAmE Erae 人 /7OU1 [U] T the level of skill shown by sb in making sth beauti-

ful with theirhamds: The whole horseisariOonurmentto Per crafts7mmaniship -2 the quality of design and work Shown by sth thathasbeen madebyhand: 切 eSuperb craftsmiamShip of the caTVin8s Cra fts.DPersO1 人 /kra:ftsp3:sn; NAmE kraeftspa:rsn/ OUn

(以 -peopie /pipl/) = CRAFTSMAN CT 了 代S-WOMmaI /krazftswuman; NMAImE 'krae他/ 0OUm (D -women /wmnmnImn/) a skilled worman,, especially one who imakes beautiful thingsbyhand

CTa 人 -WOYK /kra:ftwa; NAmE kraeftwsrk/ novn [U] Worfk done by a CRAFTSMAN

Cr 本 全Y /1ra:fti,NAmE raefti/ adj,(craftier,craftiest) (usually disopprovingj clever at getting ”hat you Want, especially by indirect or dishonest methods CUNNING,WILY: Hes a crafty old deviL S one of the partys

craftiest Political strategists

Craftily 0dy craftiness

moum [U]


| ttea

| vvan

| 台 wet 上 2zoo

| Jshoe

~(sth)into/ontosth |~(sth)

in to Push or force sbysth into a smaii space; to move into a Small Space with the result that'it is full: [VN] Fe CraTmimmied eight people into Pis car CTcould never crarm 训 all thatshe qoes 识 adax TITmanaged to craim dowrra 帮 W Touthfuls of food ceSupporters cramrmmed the Street. c [V] We all managed to cram into his car [also VN-ADI] 2 [V]

一 (for sth) (rather old-joshmoned) to learn alot of things 识 ashort time, in preparation for an exarmn peen crarmrmmning for his exaTms all weeK.


craimimed /kramad/ odj ~ (with sb/sth) 1 full ofthings OF people: AL the shelyves Were cramzrmmed with books.C The TooTm Was cramarmed 所 1Lofpeople. PACKED: The ar7亡 icle was crammaed Jill of ideas.

Q2 [not before noun] 让

People _are crammed into a Place there is _not much IOom for them in 让 PACKED: We Were cramimed 1jour to ano 太 ce. Craminer /kramaeG)/ 广oun (BrE) aschool orbook that Prepares People quickly for exams Cifaimip /kramp/ ovn, ve 册 pain that you get when the muscles in aparticular Partof your body contract, tsually caused by cold or too much

/krazft; NAmEKraeft/ moun; ve山

ga DOoun T [CuU] an activity involving a Special skill at malcing things with your hands: traditiomial crafts Tike pasKetWeayingCacraftfairWworkshop c Cra 太 Desigrl and Techmology (= asubject in some British schools) 一See also ARTS AND CRAFTS 2 [sing.] allthe skills needed foraparticular activity: cheAs wjho learned teir cra扩 识 top hotels c tpe Writers cra让 3 [U] (rmal/ disaopproving) skill 雇 making People believe what you want them to believe: He knew how to win pycraft and diplormacy what he coulda not 8aim byjorce. 4 [G (p/ craft) aboat or ship: Hurrareds ofsrmazll

ECfa 全simam

Craic noun = CRACK(8) Craim /kram/ve 岂 mm-)1

(Br日 旧 moOUm 了 [U,G (NAmEalso charley horse [C) asudden

(NAmE'cradle-rob) veb [V]

CY 了 化 0

Crags /krzeg/ noun ahigh steepTough mass ofrock: a castle Set ol dacrag aboye theyillage CrfagSgy /kraegi/ aodj. Thaving manycrags: a craggy cOas 记 line 了 (usually opproving) (of a man's face) having strong features and deep lines

eXercise: (BrE) io get cramp

yoOUr Leg 2 (NAmE) to gta

cramp in YOU leg 一See also WRITER'S CRAMP 了 Cramps [pl.jisevere Pain in the stomach 目 VEjb [VN] to prevent the development or PIOgress of sb/


RESTRICT: Tighter trade restrictiorls 7mmight craTmD

economic groW如 .II cramp sb's style (Informal) to Stop sb from behaving in the waythey wantto

craimiped /krampt/ adj Tacramped room, etc' does not have enotgh space for the people in 站: WorK 放 8 如 cramped coraditions 了 (of people) not having room to Imove freely 3 (ofsb's writing) with small letters close together and therefore difficult to read CFanmi 了OP /kramppn; NAmE-pamn/ own [usually pl.] a metal plate with pointed Pieces of metal Underneath, worn_ on Sb's shoes when they are walking or climbing on ice and Snow Cram:berry /kranbari; NAmE Deri/ novm (P/ -ies) a Small sotT red BERRY that grows on a Small bush and is Used in cooking: cramberry SQLUCe

CTY aa有e /KrerIm/ ouUm; veE岂 下 IOU0 了 atall machine with a long arm, used to lift and Imovebuilding materials and otherheavy objects 一picture c CONSTRUCTION 2 alarge bird with long legs and a long neck 一See also BLUE CRANE 四 VE 上 贱 [V usually二 advyV/prep]tiolean or Stretch Over sth 记D ordefr to see sth better; to stretch youir neck: [V] People Were craning out of the Windows and wayving. 2 [VN] She craTted her Tieck to getapetter yiew of the stase.

“CY 瑟太公 组 (alsa 襄 rmal 必 daddy-iong-legss) 0oun a flyjing insect with Verylong legs

CYa-miuaini /krermiem/ movni (pcraniums or cra'nia /kremie/) (anatomy) the bone structure that forms the head and surrounds and protects the brain SKULL

一 picture 只 BOoDY

cramial /krermiel/ adj [only before

noun]: cramial merves]Aimjuries

CE 本 四改/kras0k/ moOUn, Ve 加 jhOUP 了 (disapproving) a person With ideas that other people find strange ECCENTRIC: Vegetariars are mo 1omger dis7missed as CranKks. 了 (NAmB aperson Who easily gets angryor annoyed:3 abarandhandle in the shapeof anLthatyoupullorturn to produce movement in a machine, etc. 一picture 忆> BICYCLE 四 yerb [VN] ~ sth (up) to make sth turn or movebyusing a crank: to cramk ar engine C (Jiguratiye) He Phas a Limited

| 5 vision

| tf chain

| ds jam

| -9thin

| 5this

| 0sing

cramksha 代 tme

to crank

358 | the reforms




sth< out (njomnal) to produce alotiofsthiquickly especially things

of .low .quality




sth SLEEP 8 [V] ~ (out) (normalh to fall asleep; to sleep SOmewhere you do not Usually sleep: T was so tired T crashed ouUt of the So名 .TYye comme to crashn om your Joor Joracouple ofmights: * MEDICAL 9 [V] 站 sb crashes, theirheart stopsbeating

IO a crashing 'bore (old-joshioned, BrE) avery boring Person ,crash out (of sth) (somb (BrE) to lose a

game with the result that you have to stop playing in a competition: They crashed out of the World Cup after a 2-1 defeatto Braz记 理 gdfj. [only before noun] involving hard work or a lot of effort over a short period oftime in order to achieve quick ITesults: a crash course 训 coFmiputer Prograrmming acrasP diet

Crashh barrier (BrE) (NAmE'Buard ra 训)noun a strong low

fence or wall at the side of a road or between the twohalves ofamajorroad such as a MOTORWAY OFINTERSTATE Crash-dive ve史 [V] (of an aircraft) to go steeply downwards and then crash crash heilmetovurahatmade ofvery Strong material and worn when riding amotorcycleto Protectthe head-Picture 字 HAT

acat | qd father | eten | sxzbird | ae about | rsit | fsee | imany |

got (Br | 5: saw | Acup | uiput | urtoo:


crash-iand.ve 心[VVN] 让 aplanecrash-lands orapilot crash-landsit, the pilotlands itroughlyin an emergency, usually because it is damaged and cannot land normally

CrayoOm /kreren/ noun ia coloured pencil oristick of soft coloured CHALK Or WAX,used for drawing crayon

上 ,Crashn landing Own: to make acrash landing 'Crash-test ve 履[VN] to deliberately crash a new vehicle Under controlled conditions in order to test how it reacts OFr to improve its safety* 'crash test ou

Crash-test dummy

vemb [VVN]

CTFaZe /kreIz/ ou 一 (for sth) an enthusiastic interest iD sth that is shared by many People but that usually does

novn amodel of aperson used in

not last Very long; a thing that people have a craze for FAD;: the Iatest 记 tness craze tojSWeeD the coUPty

crash tests to see what would happen to a driver or pasSenger in areal crash

CFaSS /kraes/ 0dj. veiy stupid and showing no Sympathyor understanding INSENSITIVE: 妇 e crass dgUestions al1 disabled people getasKked c an act of crass (= great) stuDpidii crassjy 0dyvcrassmness


1OU1 [U]

-Crat combpiningjorm (inouns) amember or SUPpPOrter of a particular type of goveInment Or System: democrat DUTreaucrat -Crattic (in adjectives): aristocratic CEFatie /krert/ .noun; verb 下 OU 1了 a large wooden container for _transporting goods: a crate of bamiantas 字;a container made of plastic or metal divided into smallsections, for transporting or Storing bottles: a peer crate 3 the amount of sth contained in a crate: They dramjk two crates of beer

CraZedj /krelzd/ adj ~ (with sth) (大 7和 0/) full of strong feelings and lacking control: crazed With jar/Srief/ Jealousy co a crazed Killer roaming the Street

ET『 梧 王Y 0Q膏

/krelzil adj ,moun

下 Gd Era:zier ,crazi-est ) (0nformaj) 1 (especially NMAmE) not Sensible; stupid: Are youicrazy? We could get killed doing: that 2 She mustbe crazy to lend hirm money CHe drove like am idiob5 passing in thecraziestplaces: Whatacrazy ideal CTKnow itsounds crazy but 让 just 7might worKk. 2Q2 Very angry: That noise is driving me cra2y CC Marie SayS he

Went crazy amd s7mashed the room up 3 一 (about sth) (often in compounds) very enthtusiastic or excited about sth: RicKk is cra2zy aboutjfootball ceHesjootball-crazy cm Potcrazyabout Chinesefood(=Idon'tlikeitvery much).

昌 _Ve 凡 [VN] ~ sth (up) to Pack sth in a crate

The crowd wett crazy When te banid came on stage. 和 Zoure so _beautiful you7e driving me crazy 4 ~ 一about sb liking sb very much; in love with sb: Tyve been crazy GDoOUE Firmi sirice the Jirst tme Tsaw hi 5 (especialy NAmE) mentally 记 ; INSANE: Shes crazy 一She OU8ht to be Iocked Up. 只 note :at MAD crazily adv craziness

Crrater /krerteG)/ movun 1 alargeholeipnthetopofavoLCANO 2 alarge hole in the groupd caused by the explosion ofabomb orby sth large hitting it: a 7mneteorite crater CEa-Vat /krevaet/ (NAmE alsoascot) 1oUm a short wide strip of silk,etc. worn by men around the neck folded inside the COLLAR of a shirt 一Picture 上 PAISLEY CTFaVe /kreIvV/ ve 山1 to have a very Strong desire for sth LONG FOR: [VN] She has always craved exciterment [also v vtoinfj 2 [VN] (BrE, old wse) to ask for sth seriously: Trust craye YOUr pardom.

'Crazy gOIf noun [U] (BrE) = MINIGOLF


,Crazy ' pavinSg oun [U] (BrE) pieces of stone of different

/krervn/ aodj. (Jormah disopproving) lacking cour-




/krervIm/ ou



一 (for sth) | ~ (to do sth) a

Strong desire for sth: a craying fjor chocolate 2 a desperate craying to be 1oved CFawW /kro:/ houn the part of abird's throat where food is kePtEETII


四 VEe册 [v ustially+ advvprep] Ttomoveforward on youT hands and knees, with yourbodyclosetothe ground: Our DaBy 世 St startirg to CraWwL CA Ta Was crawling aWay 万om 切 eburming Wreckage. 一Picture c>KXNEEL 之 When an



FaWiinS with sth (immalj) to be full of or completely covered With people, insects or animals, 记 away that is Unpleasant: The Place Was craWlingWith journalistz. 2 Her jiair Was craWwling Witpn lice. 至 _1OU1 [sing.] a very slow speed: The trajffic slowed to a

了 (oftenthe crawl ) [Sing.,

Uj afast swimming strokethatyou do lying on yourI font moving one arm over your head, and then the other, While kicking with your feet: Qa sSWirmrmer ,doing 雪e crawI 一Dicture 只 SWIMMING

(BrE disapproving)

a person who tries to get sb's favour by:praising them, doing what will Please themi etc. Za thing or person

that crawls,, such as:a Vehicle; an insect;Or a baby 一See


作sh NAmE, 人ishmn /krerfif/ (especialy BrE) (alsocraw: Ciay-

BrB) noum [CU] (pcray-fish ,crawfish ) an animal like a small LOBsTER; that lives in:Tivers and lakes and:can be eaten, orione like alargelobsten thatlivesin thesea and can be eaten


|'ar my

| ao now

| ersay

| suigo (Br

Tights of people of all races) Cirealk /krik/ verb, 0ou1n

,creak under the 'strain if asystem

百 _IOU1,[C] (alsocreak:ing [U,C) asound, for example that

orderto getan advantage from them: Shes aways crawL-

CrawilLer /krozleGD)/ noun (informah)

shapes and sizes; fitted together on the ground to make a path or PATIO CRE /si: ar 宇 / apbr Commission for Racial Equality (a government organization iD Britain that Piotects the

Or Service creaks tnder the strain, it cannot deal effectively with all the things it js expected to do or provide

sb) (imjormia/ disapproving) to betoo friendly orhelpfulto

craWL 一see also PUB CRAWL

四 _IOU1 (1-ies )(07orma/, especialy NAmE) aicrazy person

creaked open. IE

crawiling Up yourleg. 3 to move forward very slowly: The trafficyras crawling along. CThe Weeks crawledby 4 ~(to


(njonmal) very fast,

creaked ad groamed under the Weight 2 [V-ADI] The door

insect crawWls,it moves forward on its legs: ThereSsaspiader

训 g to -the boss. [ET

_[U] TETO iike 'crazy/mad

四 ye 上b to make the sound that a _door sometimes Iakes When you open 站 or.that a wooden floor sometimes Iakes when you step on it: [V] She heard a jioorboard CreaKk Upstairs. O_a creaking bed/gate/stair C The table

CErawW- sa 作 /kroxfrf/ noun (especially NAmB) = CRAYEFISH CTYaW /krozl/ verb, 0ou1n

sb in authority in away that js not sincere, especially


hard, much,etc.: We Worked Like crazy to get 让 done om te.

sometimes made by a door when it opens or Shitits, or by a wooden floor when you step on it: the creajkAcreaking oF the door coDistantcreaks and groans echoed eerily alomng the dark corTidors. Crealky /kriki/ ad 1 making creaks: a creaky old char 2 oldandnotin good condition: the country's creaky legal Tnachinery

本 他 FT 0训 /kriam/ noun; adj ye 内

下 IOU1 了 [U] the thick Pale yellowish-white FATTY liquid thatrisestothetop ofmilk used in cooking or as atype of Sauce to puton fruit, etc.: straWwberries ad cream ceWoula you like milk or cream 妆 your coffee? 2 帮 eshAwhipped

cream CO (BrE) cream cakes (= containing cream) 2 (BrE) double/single cream (= thiclyVthin cream) 一see also CLOTTED CREAM, ICE CREAM, SALAD CREAM, SOUR CREAM, WHIPPING CREAM 了 [C] (in compounds) a sweetcandy that has a soft substance like cream inside: a chocolate/ Pepperrmint cream 3 [U,G :asoft substance or thick ]iquid used on your skin to protect 让 or make it feel soft; a similar substamce used for cleaningthings: jnamaA7moistu广 这 ing creami COaTitiseptic cream ee Q creamt cleaner 一See also COLD CREAM, FACE CREAM;, SHAVING CREAM

4. [U] apale

yellowish-white colour'S the ~ of sth the bestpeople or things in aparticular group: the cream of New YDrKk society

| oU go (NMAmB

外 or boy

上 ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure

Creaim Cheese

360 | God as described'inithe Bible 4 (often Creatfionm) [U] the world and all thieliving things iD 让

9 the creanmt of the crop of this seasonss movies [ET See CAT 目 Gdlj. pale yellowish-white in colour: a creamm 1irrem sz让 上 Verb [VN] Tto mix things together into a soft smooth Inixture: Crea1mz 妨e butter amd suUSgar toge 纺er 也 (NA 后 infonmmal) to completely defeat sb: We got creamed 识 切e Jirstround. ,Cream sb/sthe>'off'to take sth away, usually the best people or things or an amount of money, 职 orderto getan advantage for yourself: The peststudents Were creamed:o 矿py 雪 egramamaar Schools.

Creami'cheeseovn [u,C] soft white cheese containing alotof cream Cream 'Ccracker 5000:(B/E) a dry biscuit often eaten -With cheese

Creaimier /krima()/ noun 让 [U] aliquid or powder that you can put in coffee, etc. instead of cream or milk: mon-dairy creamer 字 [C (Nm 月 a small container for holding and pouring cream

Cream:ery /kriimari/ novn (P-ies) a place Where milk and creami are made into btitter and cheese


'puff OU

disapproving) ER


_a person


is not


了 (5a18, or brave


Cream 'soda/mouvn [u,G] (especiajy NAmB a FIZZY drink (= one with bubbles) that tastes of VANILLA

Cream teamoun (BrE) a Special meal eaten in the afternoon, consisting oftea with scONEs;jam andthick cream

creamy/krimil odj (cream:iep crezdmiesb Tthick and smooth like cream; containing a lot of cream: a creajmy SQLCe/SOUP 字 pale yellowish-white iD colour: creamy SK 训

Crease /kri:s/ 0oun, ve 几 四 0OU1 1了 an Untidy line that is made ip cloth or paper When it is pressed or crushed: She smootped 妒 e_creases Out of herskirt CashirtTmmade ofcrease-resistant material 之aneatlinethat youmake in sth, for example whien yo fold it: trousers with a sharp crease 识 切e 1egs 一 Dicture 忆 PAGE RI4 3 a line iD the Skin,especially on the face: Creases aTounid the eyes 4 (in CRICKET)a White line on the ground near each WiCKET that imarks the Position of the BOWLER and the BATSMAN 上 Verb 1 to make lines on cloth or paper by folding or crushing it; to develop lines ip this way: [VN] Pack your SUiE carefully so 态atyouaontcrease 让 [alsov] 2 tomake lines inthe skin; to develop lines in the skin: [VN] 双方 own creased jher 加 rehead c [vV] Her 大 ce creased iio a smile.

> Creased 00d/:: T cant Wear 雪 这 bl1OUse, [ItS creased.

库 到 crease "up | ,crease sb ,up (BrE, njormaltostart

aughing or make sb start laughing CRACK (SB) UP: Eda creased UP Iaughing. C Herjokes 二 creased 7mne Lp.

CIre.ate 0 /kriert/ ve几

TVN] to make sth happen or exist: Scientists disagree Qbout how 妇e Umiiyerse Was created. Co The main Purpose of industry is to create Wealth. C The government plamns to create norejobsjJoryoungpeople. e Create ariew directory

and PuUEalLyYour iles into 让 TT7y tismnew Gdis玉 createal Dy Our head chef ic>note at MAKE 了 [VN] to prioduce a particular feeling orimpression: THhe comparmnytz tryingtocreate G JOUnS enerSefic image CO The anmmouncement only SLCCeeded 识 creating conhlsion:C Theyyepainted 让 redto create aeeling of Warrmth. -3 to give sb aparticular rank ortitle: [VN] The goyermrmentPhas created eightmew peers: O [VN-N] He Was created a baromet 访 卫 3 715.

Cre:ation /krierfm/ moun 人 '[U] te act or process of making sth thatis new; or of catising sth toexistthat did Dot eXist before: the process ofidatabase creation CWealtn creation C He had beert Withn 雪 e commnPpamny since its creation 一see alsoJOB CREATION QZ [Cl (often humorous)a 太 了989. thing that sb has madei especially sth that'ishows ability or imagination: aliterary creation:e The cake was a de 站 ciorus creation of sponge creaim and 万UiE 3 (usually fthe

Creation) [sing] the making of theworld; especially by


| ddid

业 ffall

| 9ggeto


上 jyes:

Cre.ation.ism /krierfnrzem/ 7our7 [U] the belief that the Universe was made by God exactly as described 训

the Bible e creation'istad/, moun Cre'ation scienmce 70U1 [U] science that tries to find Proofthat God created the world

Cre.ative /kriertrv/ oj, moun

上 Gd 1 [onlybeforenoun] involvingthetuse ofskill andthe imagination to produce sth new oraworkofart: acourse on creative Writing (= writing stories,plays and poems)e 态e creatiye and performing arts c creative thinking (= thinking about problems ip a new way or thinking of Dew ideasj 2 the cormpaTys creatiye team 2 雪e creatiye Process 字 having the skill and ability to produce sth Dew, especially a Work of art; showing this ability: Shes Ye1y creatiye 一She Writes Poetry and paint. CoDO you hayve ay ideas2 YOUTe 纺e creatiye one., creativelyady creativ,ity /krizertrveti/ noun [U]: Creativity amd origimnality are miore iportant 轨 an techmical sKiL. 目1OU1 了 [G] a Person Who is creative: THe exjm 廊 让 om 万atures the paintings of 1ocal creatives: 2 [U] creative ideas ormaterial: We mneedto produce bettercreatiye ifWeamntto attract pig clien右.

Cre,ative ac'coumting


[U] (disopproving) a way

of doing or Presenting the accotints of a business that might not show what the true situation really is

Chre.ator /krierteC)/ novun 了 [G aperson who has made or iDVented a particular thing: Walt Dismney the creator of

Mickey Mouse 2 the Creator [sing.] God

CIreature 0m /kritjaC)/ moun Taliving.thing,real

or imaginary,that



around, such as an animal: THhe dorimouse is Q 317 Poctu 产 Pal creature. 》 respect Jor all Tiying creattures c strarige creatures 方om outer Space 2 (especially following an adjective) a person, considered in aparticular Way: 2 Pathetic creature! 3 She Was ai eXotic creatire Witfi long Ted hair afzd DriIiant gree 让 eyes. CO Fe always goes io ped atten 一heSsacreature ofjhapiti(= helikestodothesame

things atthe same time every day). IE athe creature

of sb | sbys creature (Jorma1/ disapprovingj a person oOF

thing that depends completely on sb else and is controlled bythem Creature

COimforts 0

[pl.] all thethings thatmake

life,oraparticular place, comfortable, Stch as good food,

comfortable furniture or modern eqtUipment Creche (also creche) /Kref/ movn TI(BrE aplace where

babies and small children are taken care of while their

Parents are Working, studying, shopping, etc. 了 (NA月 三 CRIB(3) 一compare DAY NURSERY

Cred /kred/ noun [U] 三 STREET CRED Cre'denice /krians/ moun [U] (ormah) 1 aquality that

an idea ora story has that makes yot believe it is true: Ristorical evidence Iemds credemce to jhis theory .2 belief in sth as true; They could give no credence to 切e ndings of ihe suTVe SAltermnative medicine has been Saining cre-

dence (= becoming more widely accepted) recently Cre.den.tial /kra'denfl/ vemIVN] (NmB) to provideisb With credentials

Cre-den-tials/kre'denJiz/ movn [pl]T ~(as/forsth)the

dualities, training or experience thatmake yo suitable to do sth: He has all tpe crederifials JoF 态 2j05 有 SheWi 万7St Paye to estapblish Per leadersFip credeitials 2 doctimnants Such as letters that prove that you are who you claim to be, and can therefore be trusted

Credj-i 训-证 by /krede'bilati/ novm [U] the qualitythatsby

sth has that makes people believe or trustthemsitr Sairn IacKk/Iose credipility S The prosecutiion did 放 best to Lmdermaine the credibility of thne' Witriess. 4 JNewspapers Were talking of a credipbility gap bpetweem Whathe said 一see also STREET CRED andWwhathe did.

Cred.ible /kredabl/ odj Tthat can be believed or trust-

ed CONVINCING:Qcredible explamnatiorAwitness 下 EJUSETmotcredible thatshe Would cheat 2 that can be accepted, because 让 seems possible that it could beisuc-


| leg

| mm man

| mnnow

| p pen

| rred

cessful VIABLE: COmmzUmity Service 1 Seen as the omnly credible altermnative to imprisonment cred:ibly /9bli/ adv: We can credibly describe the banmds Iatest a册 um as their pestyet


Cred.it.albble /kzredrtebl/ ad (ormal) Tofadquite good standard and deserving piaise or apPIoval PRAISEWORTHY: 下 was Qa yery creditable result for the team.

Ci 名 二让 0-本 /上redrt/ OUm, ve山 上四 OU

之 morally good

* BUY NOW-PAY LATER 了 [U] an arrangement that yoU

make, with a Shop/store for example, to pay later for sth youbuy: to get/Tefiise creditc We pought the dishwasher

omcredit cto offerinterest-free credit(= allowsbtopay later without any extra charge) Ca credit agreement 之 credit facilities/terms C Your credit Lirmit is iow E2000. CHesabad creditrisk(=heisunlikelyto paythe money later). 一compare HIRE PURCHASE > MONEYBORROWED 2 [u,G moneythatyouborrow from abank; aloan: The bamk7refused 记 rther credit to the commpany 3 [U] the status 'of being trusted to pay back Ioneyto sb who lends itto you: Her credit ismt8ood amyJWPere 10OW.

MONEYIN BANK 4 [U] you or yourbank account are credit, there is money in the account


5 [CU] a sum of

U] (technical) a paymentthat sb has a

Tightto foraparticular reason: Qtax' credit

PRAISE 7 [U] .~ (for sth) praise or approval becatse YOU are Tespolisible for sth good that has happened: Hes a Player Who rarely SeeTms to get the credit he desefyes CT ca 和 take:all 弛e credit Jor te Show suUccess 一 让 Was Q teameffortoeWedidaliework and shegets allthe creditl CO_GCredit w记 be give 识 切 erexam for 80o0d spelling amd Sramrmar 2 At least Siye him credit for trying (三 -Praise him because he tried, even if he did not succeed). 一comPare BLAME; DISCREDIT 号 [sing.] ~ to sb/sth a person or thing whose qualities:or achievements are Praised and Who therefore earns:Trespect forsb/sth else: She is acredit to the schooL

ON_ MOVIE/TY PROGRAMME 9 [Cusually pl.] the act of

mentioning sb who worked on a Project such as a 人包my/ Imovie or a television programme: She was 8iyen Q ProS&ramrmme creditJfor her Work on the costurmes fr the play

The credits (= thelistofall thepeopleinvolved)seemedto 1astalmost as Iong as the 方7 > UNITOFSTUDY 1O [Cl aunit ofstudy ata college or UniVerisity (in the US, also at a school); the fact ofhaving successfullycompleted atinit ofstudy: My ma 妇 class Worth 如 ree Credits,

do sb credit | do credit to sb/sth 站 sth does

credit to a person or an Organization, they deserve to be

praised for it: Zour honesty doesyou greatcredit have sth to yourcredit to have achieved sth: Hes oly 30, and je already jhas four 7ioyels to has credit on the 'credit side Used to introduce the good points abonut sb/sth,espe-

cially after the bad points have been. mentioned to sb?s credit making sb deserve praise or respect: Tp Pis credib Jack meyertold anyome exactty whathad happened.



,WITH ACHIEVEMENT 之 [和 .sualy passive] ~AwithB | 一 Bto Atobeiieve'orsaythat sb isTesponsible for doing sth,especially sth good: The comzpary zcredited With 训 Venting 坊 eindustrialropot C The inyention ofthe industrialrobotis credited to-the comparmny. CAI the comtributors are credited om the itle Page. >* WITH QUALITY 3 [VN] ~A with B to believe that sb/sth has a_ particular good quality or feature: I credited YOU Witm aittle7Tnore sense.

人 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth

as sth to believethat sb/sth is ofaParticular type or quality: The cheetahi is Serieraly credited as the Worlds fostest airmaL

BELEVES (BrE) (used mainly in questions and negative

sentences)j:to believe sth especially sth SUrprising or d YOU Credit 一WOUIG Unexpected:-[VN] es been Promote 让 [alsoV wh vthat]

| ttea

| van

| 双 wet 上 寺 zoo 上 shoe

There Was mothing

'credit accOumtmoun (BrE) = AccOUNT(3)

Ceregj 主Cardj om "0 a small plastic card that you can tse to buy goods and Services andpay for them later: ALL mmajor credit cards are accepted GE OUr jhotels. 一Picture 只 MONEY 一See also


Sb Oowes money to 一compare DEBTOR

Credit rating 00] a judgement made by a bank, etc. about how likely sb is to pay back money that they borrow, andhow safe it is to lend moneyto them

'Credit tramsfer "on (BrE) the Process of sending money 他om one person's bank account to anothers Creditunion "ovn an organization that lends money to its members at low rates of interest credit.-worthy /kredrtws0i NAmE -War6i/ qdj. able to be trusted to pay back money that is owed; safe to lend

Ioneyto > creditworthiness]oun [U] Credo /kri:dao; krerdeui NAmE -daou/ nounm (PL credos) (Jormaj) a set ofbeliefs CREED

Cre-du.lity /krrdjuleti; NAmE -du:-/ moun [U] (Jormal the ability or willingness to _believe that sth is real OF true: The plIot of 切 enoyel stretches credulitby to 轧e Limit(三 itis almost impossible to believe).

Credu.Ilous /kredjslas; NAmE -da-/ ad (Uormal) too ready

to _believe





to _trick

GULLIBILITY 一COmpare INCREDULOUS Cree/KrE/ novn (P1 Cree OF Crees) a member of a Native American people, many ofwhom live 雇 central Canada

Creed /kriid/ novn 1 aset of Principles or religious beliefs: people of all races, colours amd creeds 2 What Pis Political creed? 2 the Creed [sing.] astatement of Christian beliefthat is spoken as Part of some church services Creek /Erik/ noun (P1 Creek OF Creekg a member of a Native American people, many of whom now:live in the US state of Oklahoma

CreekK/EriK/ novun T (Br6 anairow area of water where the sea flows into the land INLET tralE NZ6E) a small Tiver OFT Stream

也 (NAmE,AUsup the "creek (without a 'paddle) (nforma) in a difficult or bad situation:TWas realy UP 纺 ecreek WithoutTny car

Creel/kril/ novn aBASKET for holding fish that have just

IVNI~A(with B) | 一 BoA)to

add an amount of money'to sb;'s bank account: YOUuUr acCcount has beefu credited:Witm 850000. 5 89850000 has been

credited to youUr QGcCOUPE


Very creditable 训 Wpathe did. ee creditably /kredrtebli/ dy

ICredit mote "OUn (BrE) a letter that a shop/store gives you when yotu have returned sth and that allows you to have goods of the same value in exchange 训D Cred.it.Or /kredrtaCr)/ 0oun a person, company, etc. that

moneypaid into abank account; a record ofthe payment: G credit of E502 ZUL be paid by direct credit into yOUr DamKk account DEBIT



been caught creep /krip/ ve 心,noun

四 Ye 上 (crept cre t /krept/) [V usually+ adyVprep]


People or 站 to move Slowly quietly and carefully, becatlseyoudiomnotwanttobe seenorheard:Tcreptup the Stairs,trying not to Wake my parents. 之 (NAmB) to move With yotr body close to the ground; to move Slowly on yourhands and knees CRAWL 3 to move or develop Veryslowly: Ferarms creptaround his neck AsSLightjeering ofsuspiciopn creptover 7me. 4 (ofplants)to grow along the ground or UP walls using long STEMS OT Toots 一See


己 一 (to sb) (BrE, /njormal, disapproving) to

betoo friendlyorhelpfulto sb in authority 记 awaythatis not sincere, especially in order to get an advantage from them ET See FLESH. creep 'in/'into sth to begin to happen or:affect sth: As she pecame more ted errofs begart to creep into her WOorK, ,creep "upto gradually 记 crease 雇 amount price, etc.: HoUse Prices QTe creeping UPD again Creep 'up on sb Ttomove slowly nearer to sb, usually ffrom behind, without being seen OF

| 5 vision

| t太 chain

| ds5jam

| 9 thin

| 5this

| Dising


362 |

heard: Domit creep up om7ne like 太 atl tobegin to affect Sb especially before they realize 让 :Tiredmniess cam easily 二 Creep UP 0nyYoU Wileyoure driying: 昌 0OU1 (injommal) T a person that you dislike Very much and find very Unpleasant: Hes a 7Tiasty Little CTeeD1/ (BrE) a person who is not sincere but tries to win yoUur approval by being nice to you Im give sb the 'creeps (njonmnal) tomake sb feel nervous and slightly frightened, especially because sbysth is unpleasant or strange Creep-er /kripaGD)/ movn a plant that gtows along the ground, UP walls, etc., often winding itself arfound other 一see also VIRGINIA CREEPER. Plants

cireep:ing /Krizpm/ adj [only before noun] (of sth bad) happening or moving gradually and not easjily noticed: creeping 训 jiat6iom




Creep.ier,creepi:est) (njormaj

Tcausing an Unpleasant feeling of fear or slight hofror SCARY: Q Creepy 8jhost Story C ts Kind ofcreepy dowm 碎 轨 ecellar/ 2 strangei记awaythatimakesyotufeelmneE Vous: What a creepy coincidence. SPOOKY


/krimpi krosli/ noun (D/-ies) (informa1

an insecb a WORM, etc. when yotthinK ofit as Unpleasant

Cre-miainms /krrmemz/ mou7p [pl] (MAmB) the powder that is left after a dead person's bodyhas been CREMATED (= burned) ASHES Cre-imate /kremert/ verb [VN] [often passivel to Duirna dead body, especially as part of a funeral ceremony Cre-ma:tion /kremerfmy/ moun [ud the act of cremating sb 2 [Cl a funeral at which the dead person is cre-

Imated Crematorium /krema'toirism/ moun (pcremiatoria /torie/ or crematoriums) (NAmE also crema'tory /krimmatori; krem-/ P1-ies )a building in which the bodies of dead people are burned

creme bralee

/krem bru:lei/ mouwn [cuj] (Picrames

brblees /krem bru:ler/) (from French) a cold pESsERT (三 a Sweet dish) made from cream, with burnt sugar on top




cremes caramels



[CuU] (以

/krem Kaeremel/) (57E from French)

(NAmEflan ) a cold DEssERT (= a sweet dish) made from

milk, eggs and sugar


de cassis

/krem de kae'siis/ moun

cremes de cassis /krem de kae'si:s/) = CAssIS

creme die ja creme

[,G (以

/krem de la krem/ noun [sing,]

(from Fench, jnmmal or humorous) the best People or things of their kind: This school takes omly the creme de 1a CreTme.


de menthe

/krem de mpnb; NMAmE mengb/

1ouw1 [U;G (P/ cremes de -menthe /krem de mopnb; AAmE' mene/) (from French)astrong sweet alcoholic drink Imade with MINT

Creme fraiche

/krem 'fref/ noun

thick cream with a slightly sour taste


[U] (from French)

(US alsocremel-ated)/krenalertrd/ oo

(technical) (of atower castle, etc.) having BATTLEMENTS Cre-ole /kri:eol; NAmE2ool/ (alsocreole) ovun TI a Person of mixed European and African iace, especially

CreoO-SoOte /kri:esaut; NAmE:soUt/ OU


下 IOU1 [U] a thick brown liqtid that is:made from coAL TAR, Used to preserve wood

下 Ver [VN] to paint or preserve sth with creosote

Crepe (alsocrepe)/kremp/ moun 1 [u] atypeoflightthin cloth, made especially 们om cotton or silk, With asurface that is covered in lines and folds: a biack crepe dress ea creEpe bamndase 了 [U] atype ofstrong ribber with a IOouUgh Surface, Used for making the soOLES of shoes: crEpe-soled shoes 3 [Cathin PANCAKE

'Crepe paper "oun [U] atype of thin brightiy coloured

paper that stretches and has a surface covered in lines and foldsi used especially for making decorations

Crepe Su:Zzette /kreImp suzzet; ,krep/ moun (pcrapes

Su-zette /kreip suzzet; ,krep/)) (from French) a PANCAKE (= thin flatround cake) which has alcoholpoured over 让 and is served covered 雇 lames Crepi:ta:tionm /krepbrterfn/ 7O0n aseriesiof short sharp Sounds, for example like those made by sth burning in a fire


25 PP of CREEP


/krrpaskjeleCD)/ adi: (ierary) related to

the period of the evening when the sun has just gone downbutthere is still some lightin the sky


/krajendau; NAmE-dou/:noun (pL-os) [CU]

1 (music'a gradual increase in how loudly a piece of Imusic is played'or stung [aaa .DIMINUENDO 2.a-gradual increaseinnoise; the loudest pointofa period of continuOUS hoise


VDices rose 训 ,Q crescendo aid

drowned ji OUE CU1guratve) The adyertising ca1mpaigm Teached acrescendo jstbefore Christmas. CresCemt

/kresnt; BrEalsokreznt/ noui


shapethatis wide inthe middle and pointed ateach end:

Q crescent moof 了 [C〇 (often used in street Daimnes) a curved stfeet with a TOw of houses On it:T Live'at Z Park Crescent 3the Crescemt [sing]ithecurved shapethatis used as a Symbol ofIslam 一 see alsoTHE RED CRESCENT

Cress /kres/ houn [U] a small Plant with thin STEMs and Very small leaves,often eaten WICHES 一see also WATERCRESS

in salads



CIfesE /krest/ mouUPm, ye贱 旦 00OU0 了 [usually sing.] ~ (of sth) the top part of a hill or Wave: SUTTers riding the crest ofthiewave 2 design used as the Symbol of a particular family Orgamnization,etc., especially one that has along historX: the Unmiyersiby crest 3 a gIoup of feathers that stand Up en top of a bird's head 一picture .只 PAGE _R20 IE the crest of althe "Wave a situation 雇 which sb is very SUccessful hapPpV

etc. 一more at RIDEY

下 Ye 族人 [VN] (Jommahtoreach the top ofa hill, mountain or Wave; He slowed 切 epace as they crested theriage: 2 [V]

(NA1mE) (of a flood; wave, etc.) to reach its highest level before 让 falls again: (jguratve) The Ievel ofdept crested at QG7Tmassiye 8%290 Dilliomn 训 7992.


/krestid/ adj. 1 marked with a crest, Geted

7otepaper 之 Used especially in names ofbirds or animals Which,have a crest: crested mewts

Cirest-fallem-/krestfodlen/ adj sad and disappointed be-

causeyouhave failed and youididnot expectto CIre-tim /kretm; NAmE riztn/pnoum (ipj 如ra o 抱msive)a Very stupid person: Why did you do:thab YOU cretim2 基 CretinOus /kretmas; NAmE krirtnas/ ad

one who lives in the West Indies 2 [cl a Person whose Creutzfeldt-jakob disease /KEroitsfelt jmK6b drzi:z; ANCESTORS Were among the first Europeans who settled AAmE jzkomb/ noun [U] (abtr GD) abrain disease that 迄 the West Indies or S America, or one of the French or Causes gradual loss of control of thie imind and body and,, Spanish people who settled in the southern states of the finally death. Itis believed tobacaused byPRIONS and is US: Creole cookery 3 [U] alanguage formed when am这linked to BSE 这 cows. ture of a European language with a local language (espeCeVvasse /krevaes/ 10Un a deep open crack, especially cially an African language spoken by SLAVES in the West in ice, for example in a GLACIER Indies) is spoken as a first langu一age compare PIDGIN Crev'ice /krevrs/ noun anarrow crackin'ia rock or wall

CFre-Ol:ize (BrEalso-ise) /kri:elarz;-BrEalso Krre-/-ve叱 Cifew /kruz/ noum, ye 册 [VN] (Unguwistics) to change a language by combining 让 With alanguage from another place: Greolized 如rmis: of ZatimzWereSpokem im yaTrious parts of Europe. icre'Okizatiom isation /krielatzerfmn; BrEalso Krre-/ noumn [U,G

目 20OUm 了 [C+sing:/pl.V] all the people Working on a ship, Planeietc:: Nomie ofthe 了 PassenSers and crew Were ijured.



之 [C+sing./pl.yv] allthe People working on'aiship,

下 cat | d: father | eten | sz bird | e about:| Isit | isee | imany | o got (Br | ossaw | Arcup | put | stoo-


Plane etc. except the officers who are in charge: the oj护cers anid crew 3 [CHsing./pl.v] a group of people with Special skills working together: Qa 让 Imcarmera crew am_amDpulance

crew 一see also_ GROUND


GRIME 3 acrime [sing] anactthatyouthinkis immoral oris abig mistake:Jtsida crime to Waste SOTnUCh 7mOmey. ICrime Wave noun [sing.] asituation in which there is a sudden increasein the number of crimes that are committed

4 [sing.]

(usually disapproving) a _group of people: The people she ivited Were Qa prettby motiley crew (= a strange mix of types of people). 5 [C+sing./pl. v] a team of people who ROW boats in races: Q memzber of 坊e Cambridge crew 6@6 [U] (NAm 有日the sport ofRoOwING with other People in a boat: Drm thinking of going out Jor crew this semester (三 joining the ROWING team). 下 Verb to be Dart of a crew, especially on a ship: [VN] Normaly the boat 认 crewWed by ve people. 3 [V] Tcrewed Jor Firm om Pis yacPht IastSUTTTme7

CNimnma-iim王| 0 /kranml/ ad noun

中 0dj. 1 [usually before noun] connected with or involving crime: crimzinaloffemncesXbehayiour ccrirminaldarmasge (= the crime of damaging sb's Property deliberately) crinmiirialriegligence:(= theilegal act of sb failingtodo sth that tey should do,with the result that sb else is harmed) 2 [only beforewnoun] connected to the laws that deal with crime: criminal Iaw 9 the crimtinaljustice System Sacriminaliawyeretobring criminal charges againstSb一 compate CIVIL 3 morally wrong: This 汞 acrimirial Waste Of re5OUTCe5S. 目 1OU1 a Person Who cominits a crime: Socieby .does PoOt Know how to deal with hardened criminals (= People Who regularly commit crimes and are not SOITY for what theydo)j.e (especialy NAmB acareer criminal

'Crew Cut OUn a HAIRSTYLE formen in Which the hair is cutVerySshort-picture 只 HAIR

Crew-cutadj/.: crew-cUE

teenagers CrFewzimanm/krumaen/noun (PEmen /man/) amember of a CREwW, usually a man

一DicCrew 'mieck noun a round neck on a sSWeater etc. ture 只 PAGE RI5

Crilo /krrb/ novn, ye履 四 IOUm 1 (NAmE) 三 COT QZ.a long Open box that horses and cows can eat from MANGER 3 (BrE) (NAImE creEche).a model of the scene of Jesus Christs birth, Placed in chtrches and homes at Christmas 4 (pforma))

Ciminmia ity /krmmrnaeleti/ noun [U] the fact ofpeople being involved in crime; criminal acts

crim-in-alize (BrE also -ise) /krmmrmaelarz/ ve履 [VN]

written information such as answers to questions, often used dishonestly by students in tests: a crib sheet 5 三

Tto make sth illegal by passing a new law: The Use of Opiurm Was notcrimirialized UnELJOiriy recentb/ 之 to treat

CRIBBAGE @6 (NAmE informal)the house,flat/apartment,

sb as a criminal e _criminalizaftion, -isation /krmImna-

etc. where Sb lives

larzeIfn; NAmE-Je'z-/nouwm:[LU]

旧 verb (bb-) [V VN] ~ (sth) (from sb) (old-foshioned) to dis-

Crimmi-in-al.ly /krmmrmali/ odv according to thelaws that

honestly copy Work from another student or from a book

deal with crime: crirminally imsane

和-jpage /krTbid5/ (also crib) noOUn [U] a card game iD Ci

Which players score pointsby collecting different combinations ofcards.The scoreis keptbyPputting small PEGs iD holesin aboard.

Criminalrecord noun = RECORD(5) Ciimn-in-Ology /krrmrnopledq5i; NAmE -ma:l-/ moun the scientific study of crime and criminals


> crim-ino-

logical /krrmrmalpd5Ikl; NAmE :adds-/ adi.crim-.inoloSist /43ISt/ OU1 Crimip /krrmp/ verb, OU

ICrilbp deatlh moun (NAm 日= COT DEATH Crick /厅


玉/(NAmE also Kink) noun [usually sing.] a sud-

den painful stiff feeling in the muscles of yoUT Deck or back w crick verb: [VN] Tsuffered a cricked meck during a g&ame of te7ur11S. CrickKet /krikrt/ noun TIU] a game played on grass by twoteams of11 players. Players score points (called RUNS) by hitting the ball with a wooden BAT and running between two sets of vertical wooden sticks, called sSTUMPS:

四 yeb[VN] Ttomake curlsin sb'shairbypressing 让 Wwith a heated tool 2 to press cloth or paper:into small folds 3 (NAmE informal to restrictthe growth or development of sth 旧 IOU1 IE put a'crimp in/on sth (NAm 有 in1formalj) to haveabad ornegative effect on sth

如shionedi: B/局 informa1 crickets TIGI not 'cricket (old-

Whenitis folded or crushed Crimm-SOm /krmzn/ adj dark red iD colour: She Went

一Picture 只 PAGE R22 a cricket match/team/cIupbXball 2 [qd a small brown jumping insect that makes a loud high sound by rubbing its wings together: the chirping of Unfair; notHONOURABLE

crinmsom (三 her face became Very red because she Was

Ciriclkcet-er /krikrteG)/ noUn a cricket Player Cricket.ing /krrkrtm/ ad [only before noun] playing

embarrassed). > crimson OU1 [U] Cringe /krmds/ ve几 [V] 1 io move back and/or away

cricket; connected with cricket: cricketing mations 2

COWER: Qa child crimsb because you are afraid 人 from gingin terror 2 to feel veryembarrassed and Uncomfortable abonuit sth: Tcringe WhenTthink of the poemsTWrote them.

CricKeting jersey

Cri de COeUT /Kri da ks:(nD/ noun(P1 cris de coeur /kr

da ka:(D)/) (from French) an act of asking for sth,Or PEDtesting, in away that shows you care deeply about sth

cringe-wWorthy /krmdq5was:6i, NAmE -WaT5i/ (also 'Cringe-making both B/E) 0df/ (informal) making you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable: Iwas Qa cringeWworthy

Crjiedl 0 PP of CRY EC上 er /krara(mD/ OUn 三 TOWN CRIER


/krarIki/ exclamation (BrE; old-foshioned informal) 果 C -key

克 扩 IE 0-林 /krarm/ ov 识 Violent crime @ the Hight against crimme 2 Stores Spend 7more and more OP Crime Preyettiomn eveTyyear 2 petty/ Serious crirmme C the conmntectio7l petWween drugs amd OrSaTLized crime C He turned to crime When he dropped ouUE of School e The crime rate is rising. 9 crime 帮 ction/movets (= stories about crime) e crime Jigures/statistics 2 ShesS a crimme Writer (= she Writes stories about crime). 了 [C] 一 (against sb) an ilegal act OF activity that can be Punished bylaw: to comrnit a crime (= do sth 鹿egal) ecThe 一see also WAR 7massacre Was Q crime against jhurmamity.


| ar my

| ao now

| er say

| ao go (BI

方om starttoJinish,

Crim.Kie /krmkl/ verb, noOuwn

Used to show that sb is surprised or annoyed: Crikey 态at the 6me? 忆呈 Fi 有oO 三 CHRIMBO

1 [U] activities that involve breaking thelaw: am increase

/rrmmplin/ nouwn [U] an artifticial materCrim:plene ialused for making clothes, that does not get lines on 让

四 ye 号to become covered with orto form alotof thin folds or lines, especially in skin, cloth or paper: [V] He smiled Juis eyes crinKkling. o Herjoce crinkled up ia Smile. C The Pages crinkIed and curled amd turned to ashes 训 the 记 7e. [also VN] 1oun avery thin fold orline made on paper cloth or skin Cnm-jkiy /krmkli/ ad Thaving a lot of thin folds or lines: crinkly silver 多 让 2 (of hair) having a lot of small curls or Waves crin-oline /krmaelm/ nounaframethatwas WoID Under a skirt by some women in the past in order to give the skirt avery round full shape 丰shioned,imnjprmaj) < 虞Des /krarips/ exclamation (BrE, oldused to showthat sb is surprised or annoyed

| o6 go (MAmB)

| 2 boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ze pure


364 |

crip'ple /rrpl verb; nouwn 四 Verb:[VN] [usually passive] Tto damage sb's body so that they are no longer able to walk or move Dormally=

DISABLE: Fe Was cripplead by polio as a child cto ze

and talks about their bad qualities, especially Publicly: She is o1ie of the TUIinS DartyS Tost OULSDOKem CrFitics oa critic ofpriyate healthn care

CIFit.iC 本下 0 7/攻EGR5丰 二

IMPORTANT 2 extremely important becatise aa future Situation Will be affected by 让 CRUCIAL: Q -critical

Walk or move normally because of a disease or injury: (jgurative) Hes an emotional cripple (= he cannot express 售

如 ctor 训 态e electiorr ca7mpaigma e Readucing Ieyels of carbo dioxide 总 the atriospjhere is ofcritical1 iporta7ice. CIZDU7r

People now Use disabled person in-

CI SIS 0二 /kraisIs/ moun [CU] (P/ crises /sizz/) atime of great dangen difficulty or confusion when

Gecisiom is critical to our 所 ture. 已 note at ESSENTIAL



之 atime when a Problem, a bad situation or

an ijllness is at its worstpoint: Their TarTriaSse jas reached

cTTS5S Point

2 The jver has passed 记 crisis 一 see also


CS 有9 0 /krrsp/ adj, moum ye内 aaIdj (Crisp'er crisp'est) (usually app1pvwng) 了 (of food) (also crispy) pleasantlyhard and dry: Bake umntil the pastry 5 golden and crisp. 2 (of fruit and Vegetables) (also Srspy)fGrm and fresh: acrisp QpPpIe/lettuce 3 (ofpaper Or cloth) fresh and clean; new and slightly stiff withotit

any folds in it: a crisp new 8%5 bi oa CTrisD Wite SPirt 4 (ofthe air or the Weather) pleasantly dry and cold: a crisp Winter 7norning The air Was crisp ald clear amd 态 e SKY Was blue, 5 (of snow, leaves, etc.) firm or dry and Imaking a pleasant noise when:crushed: aeep,,crisp S7ioW @ (of sounds, images, etc.) Pleasantly clear and Sharp: The 7ecording SOUTids Very CTriSP,comsidering its age. 7 (sometimes disopproving) (of a Personms way of speak ing) quick and confident in a Way that'suggests that the Person is busy or is not being friendly: Ber ansWwer Was crisP; aad She gaye mo details. 他 Crisp:ly adv: crisply 太 ied Potatoes C Take a seab?sje said crispb crispmess .mouUn [U]: The salad jad Iost its crispmes5S:

”oun (also Potato crisp) (both BrE) (NmEchip ,po-

Yato chip) a thin round slice of potato that is fried until

hard then dried and eaten cold. Crisps are sold 雇 bags and have many different flavonurs. 一picture 吃 cCHIP See BURNY 有 ye1/b [V VN] to become or make sth crisp

crisp.breadl /krrspbred/ noun [CuU] athin crisp biscuit

Imade of WHEAT Of RYE,often eaten with cheese or iDstead ofbread

SSPXY /krrspi/ ad (approwng) = CRISP: crispy patter


/krrs krps; NAmE krozs/ adj ,verb

日 gdj. [usually before noun]: with Iany Straight lines that

crOSS each other: a criss-cross patterm 攻 Eriss-CrOss MOU17 [sing]: a criss-cross of streets 里 Yerbp to make a pattern on sth with Iany straight lines that cross each other: [VN] The city 1 criss-crossed wii camal1s. [also V]

上 , 臣全及iD

criteria /ie/)


/krartierian; NmE-tmr-/ noun (扩

a Person Who expresses opinions

about the good and bad qualities of books, miisic, etc.:a TUsSicXtheatre/literary etc. criticSThe critics IJoyed the 7moyie. 之 a person Who expresses disapproval of sbysth


| ddid

| 人 fall

| 9gget

| hhat




好 也 volving making fair,

careful judgements about the good and bad qualities of Sb/sth: Students are encourasged to Geyvelop critical 坊 训 ing instead of acceptirrg Opimnio7ns Withott QUestio7ling tbe7m


与 [only before noun] accord-

ipg to the judgement of critics of art, Iltisic,literature, etc.: the 让Im directors greatest critical success C 7 矶eF aay

S1ie Tieyer receiyed the critical acclairm (= Praise from the

critics) she deseryed.

Crit'ic-al1y /3Tklif adv: She spoke criticaljyy ofjier JatPer He critically 认识 识tensiye care CTIooked at 17ysel太 criticaljy 总 切e 7mirror

CFiEtical mass

mounn (physics) the smallest amount of a

Substance that is needed for a nuclear CHAIN REACTION to take Place 人


ACTYiEiCal Path mou [sing:] (iechmica/l)the order of work

that should be followed to complete a Project as fast and as cheaply as possible

ICYitical theory movn [Ua way of thinking about and

examining culture amd literature by considering the social, historical, and IDEOLOGICAL forces that affectitand make itthe wayitis

人 CI 让 和 CiSsinmi 0 再 /krrtrsizamy/ moun 了 [u,c

(of sb/sth)

~ (that ... ) the act of eXpressing

disapproval of sbysth and opinions about their faults or bad qualities; a statement showing disapproval: The plam jas attracted crificism 广om consurmer SOUDs. oO There was Widespread crifticism of 雪egovermmient雄 Randaling of the disaster 2 People 训 Public1i 庆 TmnUStalways pe open to criticism (= Willing to accept being criticized). ec Bem is Veiy Se1LSitiyve,jhe Just cat taKke criticism oo to offer Sb conm-

Structive criticismt (= that is meant to be helpfal) ee 工 didmnt 7mear 让 as Ga criticism. e criticisms Ievelled at 和扯

aimed at) journalisks 2 My OUY cri6icismm of the horse 放 太at 让 on armmain road 加3 PRAISE 了 [U] the worK or activity of making fair,careful judgements about the goodandbad qualities ofsbysth,especially booKs, miisic, etc.: 1iterary cri6icis而

区 蚊且 和 雹 i 之 全 (BrEalso-ise ) 0二 /krrtrsarz/ veb 了 全 sb/sth (for sth) to saythat you disapprove of sbysth;,

to say what yo do not like or think is Wiong about sby sth: [VN] The decision was criticized D7 emnyiroP7mental

8T70UP5. CThe g0OyeTmrmnentjiias Deepn criticized Jor mottakKing the proplemm seriousjy C [V] AL yoOU eyer ao is critcizel

[DB PRAISE 2 [VN] (BrE)tojudgethegoodandbad qualities of sth: We were taugRhthow to criticize DoeTmns.

EC 让 QUe /Krrtizk/ mouvn ve睫

时 1OU1 a Piece of written ciiticism of a setof ideas, a Work

astandard or principle bywhich sth is jadged, or with the help of which a decision is made: 7Re main Criteriom 让 Value Jor 7noney C WPat criteria are used 如 Fa5sessi ng Qa Studertts abilzty2

CIETC /Errttk/ non

,3 serious uncertain and Possibly

dangeiotus: The 万5424 hours after 太 e operatiom are te most criticalL Ca critical moment 识 Our countrys Jisto7y COne oftheyictirms oftheHireremains im a criticalcond tioTt. 一See also CRISIS

Problems must be solved or important decisions must be

Imade: apPoliticalA 记mamiciaT crisis c the governimmients IOL estecoTtoTmmic Crisis C THhe Dusinness 15 still 训 crisis DutiLjas SUTViyed 态 e WoFsE of 雪e Tecessiom Oo Te TULIing Partby WQ5 如 cing al iaemntity crisis. an expert 训 cris站 1mnaiaSeTmeTtt 2 We Proyide heIp to Jormilies 识 crisis situatiomrs 到 tmes of cTisis T KoW Which 方iendsT canm rn to e 夯 e Parby' Was SUHjfering a crisis of comfidemnce QOS its SUPPorters (= they did not trustitany longen) 一see . also MID-

人 一 (of sby/sth) expressing dis-

apProval ofsb/sth and saying whatyouthinkisbad about them: a critical corrirmemnt/report c T7he SUPDerVisor 1 a1WaS Very cribcaL TDmmSPparentts Were jigjizy crca1 of tpe SChooL

cripPled with arthritis 了 to seriously damage orharm sb/ sth: The pilottried to Jand his crippled Plane. ecrip.pling adj.: acrippling disease c crippling debts 昌 .0OUm (old-joshioned orofnsivejaperson whoisunableto his feelings). Stead of 'cripple';.


of art, etc.: QTminist critidque of Freud5s treories 时 Ye 几 [VN] to write or give youropinion ofb orteact ion to, a Set of ideas, a Work of art, etc.: Her Jop imyoives critiquing desigrs Dy joshiom Students.

CIIETer /krrteGD)/ moun (MmE normal a living creature: Wild critters

Croak /kreaok; NAmEkrouk/ vemb noun

下 Ver 1 [Vito makea rough low sound, like the sound a FEROG Inakes 2 tospeakorsaysth with a ITough ljowvoice:

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| ma now

| p pen

| rred


hadia sore throat and could only croak co [VN] He


to croak agreetins: [alsoVspeech] 3 [v] (slang)

todie @mOUm .arrough low-sound made in:the throat; like the soundmade by aFROG Croa /raoki NAmE 下roo-/ adj (Unformnajh (of sb's Voice)j deep and rotugh; especially because of a sore thioat

CHFrOC/krDk; NAmEKrazk-/ noun (informalj) = CROCODILE CiroOo:.Chet/kreofjec NAmEkroo'Ter noun, vemb @0OuUm [LU] a way of making clothes, etc. fom wool or cotton Using a special"thick needle with ahook at the end to Iake apattern_ of connected threads 一Picture 字 KNIT-

TING 目ye 有b (cro.chet'ing

cro.chetied to make sth using crochet:

[VN] acrocheted sphawl [also V]

CTFOCK/krok; NAmEkradk/ novn 1 crocks [pl.] (old-joshJoned) cups, Plates, dishes, etc. 2 [q (old wse) alarge Pot made ofbaked cLAY 3 [G (BrE, ipjormalj) an old person 4 [q (BE informal) an old:car in bad condition IE a crock of 'shit (ioboo song, especially NAm昌 something

thatis not true 一more atGOLDD.

CrOckKed /krokt; NAmE kra:kt/ adj [not before noun] (NAm语slang) drunk CrOocK.ery/Krokeri NAmE ra:k-/ noun [U] T (especially BrB) Plates,cups, dishes, etc. 了 (NA dishes, etc. that youusein the oven Croco:dile /krokedall; NAmE raKk-/ (also normal croag no 了 [Cl alarge REPTILE with a long tail, hard skin and verybigJAwWSs. Crocodiles live in rivers and lakes 雇 hot cotuntries. [U] crocodile skin made into leather: crocodileshoes 3 [C (BrE) alongline ofpeople, especially

children,walking ip pairs IE 'crocodile tears 这 sb SHEDS (= cries) crocodile tears, they Pretend to be sad abonut sth, buttheyarenotreally sad at all

BrE) (also “alligator clip

Kroo-/ noumn asmall yellovv,

OZpur gla55E are on cro0Ked, [gag STRAIGHT

之 dishon-

est: Q crooked DusinessTmarwdeal 3 ~ (on sb) (AustralE, immal) annoyed: Its not you T7rm crooked om 直 S Pirm

PCcrooked.iyadv CrOoonm/krun/ vemtosing sth quietly and gently: [VN] She gentty crooned a LuLIaby. [alsoV] CFrOOm:er /krumnaeG)/ noUwm (oldoshionedl) amale singer who sings slow romantic songs

CarO 了 0 四 OU1

/krpp; NAmEkra:p/ noun, ye 册

“PLANTS FOR FOOD 人 [C a Plant that is grown iD large quantities, especially as food: Sugar zs ar Important crop om the island. Oocrop rotatiortproductiomnVyield 2 The crops are Tegularty Sprayed Withn pesticides. 一See also CASH CROP, CATCH CROP 2 [cl the amount of grain, fruit, etc.

that is grown in one season

HARVEST: QjJall in thizs

years coffee crop C We are looking fjorward to a burmper

crop (= averylarge one). > GROUP OF PEOPLE 3 [sing.] a~ of sth a group of People

[C] avery shortHAIRSTYLE G6 [sing]a~ofdark,

“OFBIRD 7 (technicol)apart ofabird's throat shaped like

crocodile clip (B/月 alligator clip (NA 月

man /kreao mazenjn5 mzeni 022gnan;

NAmE kroo maenjen/ noun [U] the earliest form of modern human in Europe. Cro-Magnon man first appeared about 35000 years ago.

crom.lech /kromlek; NAmE kradzm-/ mouUn a PREHIS-

TORIC TOMB in Wales, consisting of a large flat stone laid

一COmpare DOLMEN across the top of two vertical ones CrOomne/kreon;i NAmE kroun/ OU1 (literary) an ugly old Woman CrOomy/kreunis NAmE krouni/ noum [usually pl] (P/ :ieg (often disapproving) a person that sb spends a lot of time with: He was playing cards With jais cromies.

CrO-my:ismi/ kreunirzzem; NAITE kroo-/ noun [U] (disap-

Proving) the situation'in which people ip Power give jobs to their friends

| vvan


CrOokedl /krokrzd/ adj 1 notin astraight line; bent or twisted: GcrooKked mnose/Ssmile Cayillage of crooked streets

fair etc. hair/curls hair that is short and thick: He jad a thick crop of black curly jhair

Scotland Crohnys disease /kreunz drziz; NAmE krounz/ OU1 [U] a _disease affecting the lower INTESTINES,in which they develop many sore areas. The disease lasts for many yeais and is difficult to cure. Crois:samt /rwaesi NAmmE krwazsGz; krae'sadmt/ moun (from French) a small sweet roll with a curved shape, eaten especially at breakfast

| ttea

昌 GC1j/. [not usually before noun] (AUVstrolE NZE, jnformalj) iv

crop * HAIR

Croft.er /rpftaG); NAmE krodft-/ ouUn (BrE) a Person Who rents or owns a Small family farm,especially 识

S see

CFrOOK/krok/ nouny yerb, ad 下 1OUm 人了 (informal) asdishonest Person CRIMINAL: That salesmanmn is a real crook. 2 一 of your arm/elbow the place where your arm bends at the elbow 3 along stick with ahook at one end, used especiallyin the pastby SHEPHERDS for catching sheep IE See HOOK1. 日Verb [VN] to bend your finger or arrm

group). Cacrop of disasters/injuries > WHIP 4 [C a short WwWHIP Used by horse Tiders: a riding

Purple or white flower that appears in early Spring cro 低/Kroft; NAmE kro:ft/ novn (BrE) a Small farm or the house on it, especially in Scotland



Who do sth at the same time; a number of things that happen at the same time: the cuUrrent crOD of trainees 人 She it really the creamt of the crop (= the best ip her

Crocodile clip (especro 几

especilally NAmE moun an object with ,sharp teeth used for holding things together that is held closed by a _spring and that yoU Squeeze to open: Use te crocodile clips to attach 妇 e Cables to 妇e battery. CErO:CUS /kreokaes; NAImE


| wwet

| zzoo

| shoe

a bag where food is stored before it passes into the stomach 旧 VE 几 (-pp-) > HAIR Tto cut sb's hair very short: [VN] closefy cropped Pair [also VN-AD|j] 一Picture c> HAIR.

* PHOTOGRAPH 也 [VN] (iechmical) to cut offpart ofa photograph or picture * OFANIMALS 了 [VN] to bite offand eat the tops of Plants, especially grass

PLANTS 4 [V] (of plants) to produce a crop: The Potatoes cropped Well this year 5 [VN] to use land to grOW crOPpS: The river yalley zs intensiyely cropped. crop 'up to appear or happeni especially when 让 is not expected COME UP: His name just cropped UPD 识 comnyersation e 7 be late 一somethings cropped UDP at Po7me.

'Crop circle (also 'corn circle) "oun a round area 识 a

field of crops thathas suddenlybecome flat. Some People Say that crop circles were made by creatures from oOUter Space. Crop dusting "own [U] the Practice of spraying crops Ti chemicals such as PESTICIDES from aplane crop.Per /kropa(r); NAmE 'kra:p-/ noUn [EM come a Cropper (Br informal) T (ofaperson)to fal over 2 to haveafailureornear disaster: We nearly came acropper 训 the secortd half of 殷e ga7me. Crop 'topmovn a womans informal piece of clothing for the upperbody cut short so thatthe stomach can be seen

Cro.qQuet /kreoke5 NAmE kroU'ker/ moum [U] a game Played on grass in which players use wooden hammers (called MALLETS) to knock wooden ballsthrough a series

of HOoPs (= curved wires)

| 5 vision

| tchain

| as jam

| ethin

| 6this

| 0 sing


366 |

Cro'quette /kraoket; NAmEkrou/ nounasmallamount

Sign ofthe cross(=;the Christian symbol) on your chest II cross that bridge when you'cometo it to Worry abouta problem whemn it actuallyhappens andmnotbefore

CrOYe /kroxGD)/ moon (ndE) tensmillion one htindred LEAKHS Cro-sier (also crOzie 上 /ErauzieCrD)) NA7mE 下rog5er/

cessful (sometimes putting one finger across another as a ,Cross-,fertilizatiom -isaftionmouwn [U,sing.] rosfare(r); NAmE krozs-/ noUn [U] the firing ss作re/ 下 CTFrO of guns from two or more directions at the same time, SO that the bullets cross: The doctor was Killed 识 crossfire as

Phewentto hezp hewounded. ce (jigurative) Wjherttwo inaustrial giants clasfju small companies ca get cauSRht im the crossfire (= become involved and suffer as a restlt).

ICrOss-hatch ve 必 [VN] (techmicoj) to mark or colour sth with two sets of parallel lines "Cross-hatchingmovm [U]




ICross headnoun ascrew with a cross shape ip the top ICrOoss-infectionnown [u] (medico/) an occasion when sb passes an infection to sb who has a different infection

CHFOSS-im加/rpsm; NAmE ro:s-/ non 1 a Place where yotcan safely cross aroad, a rivem etc., or 们om one cOUnfyto another: The chilawas iled whenacarjfailedto stop

at the crossing COThe mext cro55sing Doint 让 Q Iong Way downmstream. @ He Was arrested By Suards at the border . also LEVEL CROSSING,, PEDESTRIAN CROSS一See Cro5sing ING, :PELICAN CROSSING,ZEBRA CROSSING 也 a Place

Where two linesj two roads Or two tracks croSS INTERSECTION 3 ajourney across a sea Or a wide QTOUSh crossing 廊om river: a three-hour frry crossing Doyer to Calais C the 碳rst Atlarmtic crossing 4 an act

of going from one side to another: attermpted cross-

ings of the porder



egd; -legrd; NAmE-kroxs/ ddy sitting on the floor with your legs pulled up 雇 front of you and with one leg or foot over the other > Cross-ljegged adlj/ :the cross-legged figure of the Findu god


CTrOSs-OVer/ krDsauve();

| 懂让 洒

NAmE krozsou-/ noun the

Process Or restult of chanU actual

| army

| aonow

| ersay

| so go (BI



ging from one area of activity or style'of doing sth to another: The alLburmz Was ar excitirig jazz-DOPD CrOSSOVE7

Cross-piece /kropspi:s; NA1mE kro:s-/ mouUn (techmicah a piece of a structure or a tool that lies or is fixed across another Piece

CrOss-' platformicdj (ofacomputer program or an electronic device) that can be tsed with different types of

compniters Or Programs

,CrOss-'Ppollin:ate ve 心[VN] (biology) to move POLLEN from a flower or Plant_ onto another flower or Plant so

thatitprodages seeds > ,cross-polli'nationmoun [LU] CrOss-Pro'motionmoun [CU] (business) a set of adver tisements or other activities that are designed to help a company sell two different products, or to help two comPanies sell their products or servVices together CrOss 'PUrposes 10U1 [pl.] 让 two People are at crosS purposes, they do not understand each other because they aretalking about or aiming at different things, without realizing it: IT 妨inK Were talking at croSS _DUTDOSeS, thats notWwhatTTneant ataLL ,CrOss-'qUestion ve 履 [VN] to question sb thoroughly and often in awaythat Seems aggressiVe CrOSS-re'feryve 疙(-rr) ~ (sth) to sth to refer to another text or part of a text, especially to give more information abonut sth: [VN] The entryjfor Dolysraph ia cro8s-referredto the entryjJoryie detecto [alsoV]

,Cross'referencenoun ~ (to sth)anotethattells aread-

er to look in another part of a book or file for further information

CrOss-rOadis /krpsreUdz; ,NAImE kroxsrogdz/ OUm


cross-roads a place Where two roads meet and cross each other: At 雪 e mextcrossroads, turm right (Hgurative) He has reached a career crossroads (= he must decide Which way to go next in his career). 一See alsb INTERSEC= TION,JUNCTION







jimportant point in sb's life or development ICFrOss Sectionmouvn 1 [CU]whatyou see when you cut

through the middle of sth so thatyou can see the different layers it is made of; a drawing of this view: Qa diasram Tepresenting Q cross Section of 切e huTmarl eye 2 the PUTmam eye 训 cross secftion 了 [Cusually sing.] a group of people or things that are typical of a larger grOUP: Q represeTttative cross Section of society

,CrOss-'sellimmoun [U] (business) the activity of selling a

different extra product to a customer who is already buyingaproductfrom a company 'CrOss stitclhh movwn [CU] asTiTCH in EMBROIDERY formed by two stitches crossing each other; sewing in which this stitch is used 一picture 只 KNITTING 'CrOss street 10U1 (NA 有 a street that crosses another Street Cross-tallk /krostoxk; NAmE krozs-/ noun [U] (techmicoj) a situation in which a communications System is picking UP the wrong signals

CrOss-tOWwm /Jims'taun; NAImE kro:s-/ qdj (NAmB) going from one side of a town or city to the other: Q crosstowP DLsS ICrOss-traimer 10U1 1 a piece of exercise equipment that you tise standing Up, with parts that you push UP and down with your feet and parts that yotu hold onto and push with your arms 字 a type of sports shoe that can be worn for more than one kind of sport 'CrOss-traimin7ouU7n [U] the activity oftraining in Sports other than your main sport in order to make yourself fitter and able to do your main Sport better CirOoss-WalkK /kroswo:k; NAmE kro:s-/ noun (NAmE) 三 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING

Cross-Wind /kroswmd; NAmE kroxs-/ noUn a wind that isblowing across the direction that you are moving

| ou go (MmB

| or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


368 |

cross-wise /krpswarz; NA/mE'kro:s-/ adw Ti across especially from one corner to the opposite one: Cutthe 如 Dric CrossSWiSe. 子 识 the form of a cross 村 cross"word /krpswasid; NAmE 'krorswaird/ (also cross-

young theatrical crowd 3the crowd

word puzzle) noun a game in which you have to 人tt

Words across and downwards into spaces with numbers 了 迄asquare diagram. Youfind the words bysolving CLUESs: to dao a/the crossword 2 TYye jiniished 态e crossWword GPa 万om 3 across and 10 down 一Picture . 必 PUZZLE cro-tales /kreutlz; NMAmE'kroutlz; kroutaslz/ Our [plJa Imusical instrument consisting of a pair or set of Small CYMBALS (= round metal plates)j, each of which plays a different note


/krotj; NAmE ra:tf/ (also crutch ) novm Tthe

part of the body where the legs join at the top, including the area around the GENITALS 2 the part of a pair of trousers/pants, etc. that covers the crotch: Theres a jhole zm 妇e crotch.

Crot'chet /krotfrt; NAmE krazt[-/ (BrE) (NAmEquarter

mote) 1OU1 (Imuwsic) a note that lasts half as long as a MINIMV/HALF NOTE 一Dicture


Crot'chety /krotfeti; NA7mE ratf-/ adi (pforman bad-

1e失 tje jhotel surrounded by crowads of journalists. 之 [CHsing./plV] (pformah often disapproving)aparticular grOUP of people: Bob introduced jher to some of 切 e Usual crowd (= People who often meet each other). cte Drignt

[sing.] (sometimes

disapproving) ordinary people, not special or tnusual ip “anyWay: We all liketo 雪 imnKyWe startd outFoma the crowd

(= are different from and better than other People).


Prefers io pe one of the crowad. c Shies quite happy io JoLIow the crowd. 上 Ver [VN] Ttofillaplace sothereis littleroom to move': THPousads of people crowded the narrow Streetk. 2 to fl yourmind sothatyou canthink ofnothing else: Mermmorics crowaded his7mind 3 (njrmalj)tostandVeryclosetosbs0

that they feel Uncomfortable or nervous iCrOwd around/ round (sb/sth) to gather in large numbers

around sb/sth: We all crowded aroxmnd the stoyve to Keep War 2 Photog7aphers Were: crowding around outside, Crowd 'in (on sb) |,crowd 'into sth (of thoughts, ques-

tions etc.) to 名] your mind so that you can think ofnoth-

ing else: Tpo mary uncormmfortable 雪ougjhts were CroWdimng om jher 2 Memories came crowding 识to_jher mind

Crowd into/onto sth

| ,crowd 'in to move 也 large

Dumbers into a small space: We all croywded into jer ojfce to sing Happy Birthnday ,crowd sb/sth into/onto sth |

tempered; easilymade angry: He was tired and crotchetby

Crowd sb/sth 'in to put many people or things into a

having ahole atthe CROTCH crouch /kraotJ/verb, noun 日 VE 人 [V usually 十 advVprep]toPput yourbodyclosetothe ground bybending your legs under you SQUAT: Fe CrOUCched daowm beside her ec Doyle crouched behind a

7ooms.,Crowd sb/sth out to fll a place so that other

Crotch'less /krotflas; NAmE krat[f-/ adi (ofunderwear)

hedge. 一Picture 吕 KNEEL Crouched adi: She sat croUched 识 a cormner crouch over sb/sth tobend

OVer Sb/sth so that you are very close'to them or it Re crouched oyer 切 epapers on jis desK. 是 0OUP [sing.] a crouching Position: She dropped to a CTOUCP. CrOuP /krup/ noun [U] a disease ofchildren that makes them cough alot and have difficulty breathing croup-ier /kruzpier NAmE also -pier/ nop a Person Whose job is to be in charge ofa gambling table and col: lect and pay out money give onut cards, etc: CrOurtom /ruxton; NAmE -an/ noun asmall piece' of cold crisp fried bread served in sotip or as partofasalad

Crow /krau; MrmEkroay/ noun (p/Crow orCrows )amem-

ber of a Native American people, many of whom jlive 让 the US state of Montana CEFOW /kreo; NAmEKroo/ nou1m ve 内 @ IOU1 1 a large bird, completely or mostly black with a rough unpleasant cry 2 a sotind like that of a cocK 洲 ROOSTER crowing: ,She gayve Q little crow of triLTmPpP.

[Dr as the crow flies in a straight line: The Villasges are mo 7mmore 妇 an anile apart as 切e crow 放 es. 一more at EAT,

STONE 日 ye/几 了 [V] (of a cocKXROOSTER) to make repeated loud high sounds, especially earlyin the Imormning 了 ~(about/ Over sth) (disapproving) totalk too Proudly about sth yoU have achieved, especially when sb else has baen Unstc-

cessful BOAST,GLOAT: [V] He womt stop icrowirig apout his victory 和 [V speech] ye Wo Tve Womn she crowed. [alsoVthat] 3 [V] (BrE) (ofababy)tomake happy Sounds CrOw-:lbar /kraubazGD; NAmE roo-/ moun a Straight iron bar usually with a curved end, used for forcing open boxes and moving heavy Objects



/kraod/ mouPn, ye 内

晶 0OU1 了 [【C+sing:/plyv] alarge number of People gathered together 记 apublic place, for example 记 the streets Or at a SPOrtsS game: 有 e PUsjhed jis Way 雪 rough the crowd CA Small crowad had gathered outsiae the church ee Police Phad to break UP the crowd. c Crowds of People poured into 纺e Street 2TWantto 8et 妇 ere early to ayoid the crowds Te Tatch attracted a capacity crowd of 80000. C The crowd Cheered the Winming jh让 ecrowd control ecromwd trouplIe 和 4AWhole crowdofusaregoingtiotheball (=alotofus) ce


| ddid

| ffall

| 9gget

| hat

| j yes

Small space: .Guests Were crowWded into

女e few Temai7img

People or things are kept out CrOowd.ed


/kraudrd/ adl.

一 (with sth) 1 having alotofpeople ortoo Imany people: CrowWaed Street 2a crowded parc 殉 雪e SDTing 妇 eplace 1 Crowaed with SKiers. 2 TIomdomn Was yery crowded. 一comPare UNCROWDED full 之 of sth: a room crowded wii识 DOoKs 2 We haye ayery crowaed schedule.

Crow'die (alsocrow:dy )/kraudi/ noun [U] atypeofsoft ,

Scottish cheese Crowd-pleaser mouwn (Unfonmah a person or performancethat always pleases an audience crowd-puller houwn Unormal) apeison or thing that alWays attracts alarge atdience



/raun/ noum, ve 内

“OF KING/QUEEN 了 [q an objectimnthe Shape ofa circle, usually made of gold and NS that a king or queen wears on his or her head on official Ooccasions 2the Crown [sing.] the government 0f a coUntry', thought of as being represented byakingor queen: land OWned By the Crowmn ca Minister of the Crowm e Wos apPpearing jor the Crown (= bringing a criminal charge

against Sb on behalf of the state) 识 this case? 3the

crowmn [sing.] the position or power of a king or queen: She rehused the crowPn (= refused to become queen)j. ec jis clairm to te French crowm >“ OF FLOWERS/LEAVES 4 [cl acircle of flowers , leaves, etc' that is worn on sbis head, sometimes asa Sign of victory


5 [Cusually sing] (pformmal)the

Position of winning:-a sports competition: She 7mzimneda to retain her Wirbledon crowP

证 dete 产

* OF HEAD/HAT 6 (ustallythe crownm ) [sing] thetopPpart of the head or ahat--picture 吃 BODY, HAT


7 (usuallythe crowmn) [sing.] the highest

Part of sth: the crowm oFa Fi


8 [q anartificial cover fora damaged tooth

> SHAPE 9 [C anythinginthe shape of a crown, especial ly as a decoration ora BADGE

* MONEY 10 [qia unit of Ioney 记 several European countries: Czech crowns 11 [c] an old British coin worth

five SHILLINGSs (= now 25p) [mW see JEWEL 量 VE用 * KING/QUEEN 1 toputacrownonthehead ofanewking

Or queen as a Sign of royal power: [VN] Queemn Elizabe th Was crowWmied 识 7953. C [VNN] Te Prince Was soomn to be

CroWPmed Kimng of Eriglamnd.

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| p pen

| rred


了 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sth (with sth) to

form or cover the top of sth: His head was crowned with a Tmop of browm curls.


3 [VN] [often passive] ~ sth (with sth) to

make sth complete 'or perfecb especially by adding an achievement, a Success, etc.: The award of the Nobel Prize jhas crowned a glorious career 识 physics. ,co Their effork Were Fimnally crowmed With successS.

* HITON HEAD 4 [VN] (old:joshioned, informal) to hit sb on the head *TOOTIH 5 [VN] to Put an artificial cover on atooth

CAP: Tye had one of rmy teeth crowned.

IE to crown iall (BrE informahnusedto saythatsth is the final and worst event in a_ series of Unpleasant OFT annoying events: 芝 Was cold arad rainming, ad, to crowPm 让 al1L We had to Walk horne.

CrYOWm colony nown a coLoNY ruled directly by the British government

CrOWwm which

Court deals

noun (让 England and Wales) a_ court

with _criminal


a judge


JURY 一compare COUNTY COURT CrOWm'insgs /kraonrm/ aodj. [only before noun] making sth Perfect or complete: The cathedral is the crowmning 8lory of the cibx CHis Beethovem scUIPture 这 SeerL as the crowming achieyermentof his career

ICYrOWm jewels nounm [pl.] the crown and other objects worn or carried byaking or queen on formal occasions

Crownm Prince noun (in some countries), a Prince who Will become king when the Present king or queen dies Crowmn prin cess noun 1 the wife of a Crown Prince 2 (in some countries),a princess who will become queen when the Present king or queen dies Crowmnm' prosecutor movnin England and Wales, alawyer who works for the state



Punish sb very severely: The Prime minister Was cruci 访ed 识 the press for jis hamndling of the af 入

Crud /kraAd/ nounm [U] (pnformao1 any dirty or Unpleasant Substance


/krAdif adj (crud:dier cruddiest) (informo

especialy NAm 日bad, dirty orof low quality: We got really cruday service 总 切at restauramnt Iast 如 7me.

crude /krurd/ adj, moun 昌 gdj. (cruder, cru'dest) 1 _simple and not Very accurate but giving a generalidea of sth: In crude terTmas, the cQU5es of mental 训 mness seem to be of three 7maimKinds. 卫 (of objects or works ofart) simply made, not showing much skill or attention to detail: a crude drawing of a fjoce 3 (of people or the way they behave) offensive or rude, especially about SeX VULGAR: crude joKkes/Ianguage 4 [usually before noun] (of oil and other natural substances) in its natural state, before it has been treated with chemicals: crude oil]metal crudely adv: a crudely drawm ship Ce Tp PuE 让 crudely-the poor are 8oing “Without food so that the rich ca drive cars. crudeness mouwn [U] 国 OU1 (alsoO Crude '“o训 ) [U] oil in its natural state, before 让 has been treated with chemicals: 50000 barrels of crudae

Cru'dites /kruzdrterI NAmE kruzdrter/ noun [pl.] (from French) pieces of raw Vegetables that are eaten at the beginning of a meal

CU:ditLy /kruzdeti/ moun [U,C] (P/ -ies) the fact of being CRUDE; an example of sth CRUDE: Despite the crudity of 纪 eir methods amd equipment the experirmentWas QCcO7usideraQDle SUCcess. C 雪e jiovels Structural crudities 2 The cTUdity of her lamnguage Shocked Firm

crow?sfeet noun [pl] lines in the skin around the outer

CU 0 /kru:al/ ad Cruel:ler cruel'lest) 1 ~ (to sb/sth) having a desire to cause pain and suffer-

corner of a person's eye crow:s mest noun a Platform at the top of a ship;s MAST (= the postthat supports the sails) ffom Which sb can see

ing: a cruel dictator CTcanmi stand People Who are cruel to anmimaals. C Her eyes Were crUel amd hard. 2 SoTmtetirmes YOU jayve to be cFuel to pe Kind (= make sb suifer because 让

along wayand watch for land, dangeb etc. CrOZ:ier = CROSIER

CIU /kru/ moumn (PL Crus /kru:/) (techmica1) 职 France,a VINEYARD (= Piece of land where GRAPES are gIOWD) OF group ofvineyards that produce wine ofhigh quality; the Winethatis Produced

CUI-Ciaa 0 /JruJl ad 一 (to/for sth) | ~ (that …) extremely important, because 让 will affect other things CRITICAL,ESSENTIAL: Q crucial factor/issueAdecision c topics of crucial impor aice C Winning this contract is crucial to the Success of the compaiy C The next 帮 WwWWeeks are going to be cruciaL 2 下 语 crucial 坊 at we get this rigji 直 2 Parents Play a crucial role 训 Preparing their child forschooL 2 He wasntthere at the crucial moment (= When he was needed most). 空 note at ESSENTIAL Cru'cial-Iy /-Jali/ adv: crucialiy IDOortamt cru:-cible /kru:sIbl/ movn 了 a pot 雇 which substances are heated to high temperatures,metals are melted, DicturecLABORATORY 了 (有 rmalor lterary)aplace 一 etc. or situation in which people or ideas are tested seVerely, often creating sth new or exciting in the Process CUCi-fX /Eruisafiks/ ou a model of a cross With a 生 gure of Jesus Chiist on it as a Symbol of the Christian Teligion

CrULCi 人ixX-iom /kruzsefikfmn/ moun (sometimes Crucifixion) 1 [CU] the act of killing sb by fastening them to a cross: the Crucifixion (= of Jesus) 字 [C a painting or other work of art representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ CU-Ci-form /krursrfozm; NAmE -form/ ad (technica1 (especially ofbuildings) in the shape of a cross

CIU:Ciy /kruzsrfar/ verb cru'cifies, cru-ci-fy.ing ,cru:cified ,cru'cified) [VN] 1Tto kill sb as a ptunishment by fas-

teningthem toawWooden cross 之 (nfornmnalj)to criticize or


| ttea

| vvan

| w wet | zzoo

| Jshoe

willbe goodforthem later). [GD KIND

之 causingpain or

suffering: a cruel Punishrmnent/joke 2 Her fothers death Was da cruel blIow > cruel'ly /kru:eli/ adv: The dog had Deenm cruelly treated. CTWas cruelly aeceiyed.


/kruelti/ novn

(P1 -ies) 1 [U] ~ (to sb/sth)

behaviour that catses Pain or Suffering to others,especially dejliberately: cruelty to animals 2 _The deliberate cruelby of his words cut her Like a Kmnife, Ia KINDNESS

2 [cusually pl.] a cruel action 3 [CU] something that happens that seems Unfair: the cruelties of 1 访 Cuet /ru:rt/ noun a small containem or set of containers, for salt pepperm oil etc. for use on the table at meals

Cruise /kru:z/ noun, ve 册 晶 IOU1 ajourneyby sea Visiting differentplaces, especially as abholiday/vacation: Ta love to go on a round-the-world CrUise. CO Q LLUXUFY crUise Shizp 晶 yeE 1 峭 totravelin aship orboatvisiting different Places, especially as aholiday/vacation: [V, usually十 adyvVprepj] TPhey cruised dowm the Nile. C_ [VN] We spent two Weeks cruising the Bahamas. 了 [y usually+ adyVprep] (of a cam Plane, etc.) to travel at a steady speed: Q Light aircra访 cruising at4000jeet oa cruising Speed of 50 7miles ar hour 3 (of a carm etc, Or its driver) to drive along slowly, especiallywhenyou are looking at or for sth: [V 十 advVprep] She cruised around the block 1ooKking foraparking space. 4 [VN] Taxis cruised the streets, looking Jor Jares. 4 [v+oadvVprep]towin or achieve sth easily: The hormme

team cruised to yictory 5 [V VN] (slong) to go around 识 publicPlaces looking for a sexual partner 'Crujise Control movn [U] a devicein avehiclethat allows itto stayatthe speed that the driver has chosen ,Cruise "missile movp a large weapon with a WARHEAD that flies close to the ground and is guided by its own compnuter to an exact Place Cruiser /kru:zeGCD/ hmoun alarge fast ship used in war 2 (also'cabin cruiser)aboatwith amotorand room for

| 5 vision

| t chain

| ds jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| D sing


370 | Crumchy /krAntfi/ ad (opproving) (especially of food)

People to sleepi used for pleasture trips=-picture c PAGE

firm and crisp and making a sharp sound when youmbite Or crush it: a crumchy salad

R2 3 (Nm 有apolice car Crummib/krAm/ movn T avery small piece of food, espe-: cially of bread or cake, that has fallen off a larger piece: Shestood up and brushedthe crurmbs 六 om hersweater 了 a Small piece or amount: aew crurnbs of useful informatiom 2 The goyve7inents only cruimB of comyfort 六 纺 at 切 eir OPPomeTats Qre as co7jLsed as they a7e.

Cu-Sagdle/kruxseid/ 1007, ve力 BIOU 让 一(for/against sth) | ~ (to do sth) a long aiid

Crum-ble/krambl/ yerb noun

四 VE 几 [V] to make along and determined effortto achieve

下 YErp 了 to break or break sth into Very small pieces: [V]

Rice Jour mmakes the cake less Likety to crurmmble. O [VN] CruTmple the cheese oyer the salad. 2 [v] ifa building or piece of land is crumbling, parts of it are breaking off: Puildings crurpling into auste crurmbling stoneworK c The

cl 好 88radualy crurmpblingaway 3 [V]~(into/to sth) |一 (away) to begin to fail or get weaker orto cometo an end:

Q CTUTDLimS DUsiniess]Telatiomnship C AI jis hopes Desan to CruUTDLe away 2 The emmpire Pinaly crurmnbled into dust [EU see wAY7.

悍mOU1 [U,C] (BrE) a DESSERT (= a Sweet dish) made from

fruit that is coveited with a rough mixture of fiour butter and Sugar cooked in the oven and ustually served hot: QpPple cru7mble aid custard

Cruimbly /kraAmbli/ odj that easily breaks into Very

Small pieces: crujmaply sot/cheese Cruimjbs/kraAmz/ exclamation (old-oshioned, BrE normal) Used to show that you are stUIprised: OF crurmps/ 有 tat the tme?

Crum:hornmoun =KRUMMHORN Crummy/kremi/ ad (pfonmal)of vefy bad quality: Most

Of Ris Songs are pretty crUTITTY: crum-pet/krAmprt/ noun (Br 日1T[casmallflatround cake With small holes in the top, eaten hot with butter 之 [U] (slang) an offensive way of referring to people who are Sexually attractive, Usually women

crumple/krempl/ ve 1 履 一 (sth) (up)(into sth) to crush

sth into folds; to become crushed into folds: [VN] She CTuUTPIed the letter Up into aball and threw 让 on 坊eJire.C [V] This mmaterial crurnples veryeasity 2 [v] 一 (up)ifyour face crumples, you look sad and disappointed, as 话you

might cry 3 [V] ~ (up) to fall down in an urncontrolled

way because yo are injured, Unconscious,drunk,etc. COLLAPSE: He cruTmpled Up 识 agonyX > crump:led ddj.: crumpled clothes/papers CA CrUmpled 万gure 1ay Tnotiomnless 训 the doorway crumple zonemovn the Part ofa car that is designed to crumple easily if there is an accident,to Protect the People ip the car

Crumch /krantf/ noun, ve 上b,ad 目 ]OU 了 [Cusually sing.] anoise like the sound of sth frm being crushed: the crunchn of feet on snow C Te car drew UP with a crunch of grayeL 2 the crunch [sing.] (njor /mal) an important and often Unpleasant Situation or Piece of information: Te cruncF camie wpPen she rehirmed 万om America. 2 He aways Says he 到 he1D Dutiwphen 让 comes to

the crurtch (= when it is time for action) je does nothing.

2 The crunch zk thatwe cantafford to go abroad this year

纯 [Cusually sing.] (especialy NmaB) a situation in Which there is suddenly not enough of sth, especially money: Q bpudsget/enersy/jhiousing crunch 4 [C] = srr-Up 下 VE 几了 一 (on sth) to crush sth noisilybetween yourteeth When you are eating: [VN] She crumnched her QaPDPIe mioisity

[also V] 2 to make or cause sth to make a noise like sth hard being crushed SCRUNCH: [V] The snow crunched uader our et [also VN] 3 [V + advvprep]ito Inove over a Surface, making a loud crushing noise: 工 cruUTChed across the Srayel to the font dopr 4 [VN] (com-

PuUtng) to deal with large amounts of data Very quickly一 See also NUMBER CRUNCHING

Crumch sth culpability /kalpabaaeti/ novn [U] culp:ably /kaAlpsbli/ odv

Culpable homicide "ov7n [U] (ow) in some countries, the crime of killing sb illegally but not deliberately 一compare JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE Cu. prit /KeAlprrt/ movn 了 a person who has done sth Wiong or against the law: The police quickly iaentified the Teal cULDrit. 也 a person or thing responsible for causing aprIoblem: The mmnairm culprit in te cuUrrentcrisis Seemms to be moderm /rmming techmigues.

Cult /kaAlt/ movm, ad/ 四 100U1 了 [usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a wayoflife, an attitude, an idea,etc. that has become Very-popular: the cult:of Physical fitness C An extraordinary Persoality cuIE had Deen created arouTid he Leader 了 asmall group ofPpeople Who have extreme religious beliefs and who are not.part of anyestabjlished religion: Their so ram away 广 ofm Phone and joined acu 比 3 (Jormaj) asystem of religious beliefs and practices: the Chinese cULE of amncestor Worshzp 旧 0cdlj [only before noun] very popular with a Particular group of people; treating sby/sth as a cult 人gure,etc.: Q CUIt Tnoyie/book c The singer has becomme QcuLtFigure in


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe



Armerica. C The cartoof jhas achieved cult status. Series has a cuULtJollowings among young people.

coThe TV

Cultiv.able /kaAltrvabl/ odj. (ofland)thatcanbetused to grow crops


/kaAltrvazGr)/ nouwn (technicao1) a type of plant

that has been deliberately developed to have particular features


/kaAltrvert/ verb [vVN] 1 to prepare and use

land for growing plants or crops GROW;: The Iand around jhere jas meyer peen cultivated. 了 to grow Plants OF crops: Te people culhiyate mainly rice and beans. 3 (Sometimes disopproving)to tryto get sb's friendship or SUPPport: He Purposeky tried to cultiyate good relationms with the press. 下 helps 太 you go out ofyour Wayto cultivate the local people. 4 to develop an attitude, awayoftalking or behaving, etc.: She cultivated ar air ofsophisticatiom.


/kaAltrvertrd/ ad ,1 (of people) having a

high level of education and showing good manners CULTURED 2 (of land) used to grow crops: cultiyated jields 3 (of plants that are'also wild) grown on a farm,etc,

in order to -be sold: cultivated

[Ca wILD Culti'va:tion


/kAltnrverfn/ nour [U] Tthe preparation

and use of land for growing plants or crops: jertile Iartd

that is umder cultivationm (= being CULTIVATED)


Wiheab etc. cultivation 一see also SHIFTING CULTIVATION 2 the deliberate development:of a. particular relationship, quality or skill: the cuIhyaton of agood relatiomship With local firrns CU ti.vVa.toOr /kaltrverteGD)/ nouT aperson whorcUL-

TIVATES (= grows crops on) the land ,2 amachine for breaking up soil and destroying wEEDps (= Plants growing Where theyarenot wanted)

CU .tuiYraa1 0 训 /kAltfersl/ adi [usually before noun] 1 connected with the culture-of a particular society or group,, its customs,beliefs,etc.: cuItural differences pebweet he two comTmumities C econioTmic social and cultural Joctors connected with art, literature,mntsic,etc.: a CUItural event C EUTropess cultural heritage C The orchestra Very importantJor the cuUltural ip ofthecitb cul'tur-

al'ly /rali/ adv

CU. 莱Ure


/kkAltfecnD/ noum ve吕

是 四OU77 * WAY OF LIFE 了 [U] the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group: EuropeaTtTISsIarmicAfricart/ ArmnericaT, etc cuLture 2 Working-class Culture 也 [C] a country group, etc., With its own beliefs, etc.: The childrem are taugPhtto respect dijferent cuUltures 2 the effect of techriology om rradihomnal CUItLTesS * ART/MUSIC/LITERATURE 3 [U] arb music; literature, etc,, thought of as a groUup: Venice is a beautiful city 所 1 of cuL ture and history popUiar culture (=thatis enjoyedbya

lot ofpeople) cothe Minister jbr Culture * -BELIEFS/ATTITUDES 4 [CU] the beliefs and attitudes about sth that people in a particular group or organization share: The Political cultures oF the United States amd Frope are Very different 2 4 culture of Jiure exists 识 SOTne 5CiO015. C ComDany cUIture C We are liying 识 a co 六 SUTTer CUItuTe. > GROWING/BREEDING 5 [U] (technicaol) the growing of plants or breeding of particular animals in order to get a particular substance or crop from them: the culture ofsilkc-

Worrns (= for silk) > CELLS/BACTERIA @ [G (biology medical) a group of cells or bacteria, especially one taken from a person or an animal and grown for medical or scientific study, or to produce food; the process of obtaining and growing these cells: a CUIture of celzs 廊om the tmour e Yogurt is mnade Jomm actiye cUItures..cto do/take a throat cUltaure 四 VE/ 沪[VN] (biolog% medicajn to grow a group of cells or bacteria for medical or scientific study

| 5vision

| tchain

| azjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0 sing


374 | cups handle

CUTtUred /kaAltfead; NAmE:tferd/ ad 1 (ofpeople)well educated and able to understand and enjoy artb literatreetcs CULTIVATED 2 (ofcells orbacteria) growB

for medical or scientific study 3 (of PEARLS) grown artificially Culture shock novun [Cu] afeeling of confusion and anxietythat sb may feel when theylive in or Visit another

egg cup

cup and saucer

country CUIture Vuiture own (huwmorous) a person who is very interested in serious art mnusic, literature, etc. Culvett / 攻Alvet; NAmE-vert/ nowmatunnelthat carriesa Tiver or apipe for water under aroad

Cuimi /kAm/ prep (used forlinking twonouns) and; as well as: aQ pedroom-cumz-study

CuUim.ber.sOime /上Ambaesem; NAmE-bars-/ 0d/ 1 large and heavy; difficult to carry BULKY: CUTmPperso7me machinery 字 Slow and complicateqg: cuUmbpersome Legal Procedures 3 (of words or phrases) long or complicated: THhe organizatiom chartged i记 CUTmpersormme 丰 te to So07me:thing easier to _remember

cup holder

baby's mug/ plastic cups

cummim /kkAmmy/ moup [U] therdried seeds'of the cumin Plant used in cooking as a Spice: cuUTmim Seeds

Cumrlaude: /komn loadi; laoderodv adj (from Lotmn) (远 the US) atthethird ofthe three highest levels of achievementthat studentsican reachwhentheyfinish their studies at college: He graduated curm laude: 一compare MAGNA CUM LAUDE, SUMMA CUM LAUDE CEe 六Dund /kxmabAnd NmmE -maerb-/ 7ou7r a WwWide band of silk, etc. worn around the waist especially

under a DINNER JACKET Cu:mu:la'tive-/Kjumjalatrv; NAmE aertrv/ ad 六Thaving arestultthat increases in strength or importance each tme more ofsth is added: te curmulative effectofhnarman activity on the world enyiromnment 2 including all the amounts that have been added Previously: 态e mmonthly Sales 放gures amnd the cuUmUIatiye total fjor 态 e Past six

7months PP cumulatively 0dv Cu:imu-io:nimbus /kjurmnalaomnmnbss;



1moum [U] (techmnical) ahigh mass of thick cloud with a flat base, often seen during THUNDERSTORMS


/kjumjaleas/ noun

[U] (technico1) a type of

thick white cloud

cuU:meiforma /kjunrifoimn; NAmE 区:rm/ nou1 [U] an an: cient System of writing used in Persiaand Assyria

CUm:mi-iinm-Sus /kAnrlmges/ moun [U] the act of touching a woman's sex organs -With the mouth and tongue in order to give Sexual pleasure

Cumn:ning /Anrmy/ adj. ,noun 上四 Gd人 1 (dsapproving) ableto getwhatyouwantin aclever Way, especially by tricking or cheating sb CRAFTY, WILY:QcCUTTLinS Liarc He Was ascunning asajfox 2 clever and skilful INGENIOUS: 下 was,Q CUTITiS Piece oF detectiye WorKk. cunningly qdv: The rnicrophomne Was CUTITLimgIy comncealed 识 雪 e booKkcase. 旦 IOU1 [U] the ability to achieve sth bytricking or cheating other people in a clever way CRAFTINESS: 开 tooK eergy a1zd CUTTinig Just to SUrViye. C She Used Jow curiming

(= dishonest behaviour) to get whatshe Wanmnted. Cumt /kAnt/ nouwn (ioboo, slang) 1 awoman'sVAGINA and outer SeXual organs 之 a very offensive word used to inSult sb and to show anger or'dislike: Zou stupid curatl

息册 上阿“0 /KKAP/ 70O0U7, Ye贱 目 IOU1 了 [C] a small container shaped like abowl usually with ahandle, used for drinking tea, coffee, etc.: ateacup Cacoffeecupeacup andsaucer capapercup 2 [cthe contents of a cup: She dramK the Whole cuUP: Would yov

Likeacup oftea? 3 [G aunitfor measuring quantitytused



Jorskating. co He 1 访ed the cup forthefih tme tyear (=

iiwas the fifth timehehad won). 6 [sing.] (ustually Cup) asSports COmpetition in which a cuPis given as a prize: the Worlda Cup 7 [Cl one ofthetwoPparts'ofaBRA that cover the breast: aQCcup 8 [CU a drnk made fom wine

Imixed with,for example,fruit juice" 9 [G (NAmE) (也 GOLF) a hollow in the ground that yoU must get the ball into 10 [C] (NAm 月 a piece of plastic that a man wears Over his sex organs to protectthem While he is playing a Sport [EDm in yoOUr 'cups (old:jshioned) having drunk

too much alcohot: 了He gek Very maudlin When hes 训 7Jis :CUP5. mot sb's cup of 'tea (nrma/) not What Sb likes or is interested in: Am evemiing atthe opera imniteyeryones cuUPD of tea. C Hes Pice eriough put7iotrealy my cuUP of tea.一

Inore at SLIP1. 上 Ver Cpp-) [VN] T ~ your handfs) (around/over sth) to Imake your hands into the shape of a bowl: She held 碎 e

Dird gePitty 总 cUPped jharids. 之 一sth (in your hands) to hold sth,making yotr hands into _a round shape: Be CUPPped herjoce 识 Pis hands and Kissed Per As

CC四 中: 拉Oardl 0 /Abed; NA7E-Dara/mnoun 1a piece-of furnittire with doors and shelves tised :for Storing dishes,food,clothes,etc.: Kitchem cuUDboards

Z (BIE) (NAmEcloset) a space in a wall with a door that reaches the ground, sed for storing things: puilt-imicup: Doards 一see also AIRING CUPBOARD,BROOMCUPBOARD

[Er the ,cupboard is 'bare (Br6juseditosaythatthere is no money for sth: They:are seeking 7more 刻 mds but the cUpboard ix pare. [GETISO This expression refers to a chijldren's nursery thyme about Old Mother Hubbard, who had nothing in her cupboard to feed her dog. ,cupboard

Iove (BrE) affection that sb, especially a child, shows toWards sb else 记 order to get sth 一more at SKELETON





(especially_ NAm 日


cup final (also'Cup Final) nouvn (Br (especiallyin football (SoccER)) the last match 记 a series of matches in a competition that gives a cup asaprizetothewinners:cup Jial tickets ethe 取 CUP Fimnal cup'ful /Apfol/ noun the amountthat a cup will hold:3 cUPfuls of waitier 一see also CUP

Cupid /juprd/ novn T the Roman god of love who 二 shown as a beatitiful baby boy with wings,carrying a

BOW and arrow

之 cupid [C] a picture or statue of a

识 cooking 雇 the US; aimetal or Plastic containerused to Imeasure this quantity: two cuUps of jiourand halfa cup of

baby boy who looks like Cupid IE play Cupid to try to start a romantic relationship between two People

putter 4 [Cl athing shaped likeacup:amregsgcup 5 [ga gold or silver cup on aSTEM, often with two handles, that js given as a prize in a competition: ShesyWomiseveralcups

Cu:pidity./kjuzprdeti/ noun [u] (formal/) astrong desire for more wealth, possessions, powem etc, than a person needs


acat | d father | eten | s: bird | eabout | rsit | isee|imany|npgot

(Br | ozxsaw | Acup | 5 put |


cu-pola /kjupela/ moun aroundpartontopofa building

poOME picturecy 一 (likeasmallpoM E) CuPpPpa /KaApe/ novn (BrE, informa1) a cup of tea: Do YOU 村

Janicy acuppaz

CUP tie mouvn (Br 日(especially in football (soccER)) a Iatch between two teams 记 a competition that gives a cuPp as a piize to the winner CUF /ks:GD7/ noumn (old-josjroned, chsapproving) an aggresSive dog, especially a MONGREL curable /kjuerebl; NAmE kjur-/ adj (of an 这 ness) that can be cured: MostSsKim camcers are CUrable iftreated early

[GD INCURABLE CUTFa'SaQ /kjoera'sao; :SeIieo; NAImE

攻juxrae'soog; -SaU/

1noOuwm [uC :a strong alcoholic drink made from the skin of bitter oranges

CUFacCy /下 jerasi; NAmmE jar-/ 7mOUm (PN -ies the Dosition of a curate; thetime that sb is a curate

Curate /joseret;, NAmE jaret/ noum (in the Anglican Chnurch) an assistant to a VICAR (= a priest who is in charge of the church or churches in a particular areal) [Er the/a ,curate's'egg (BrE) something that has some 8good parts and some bad ones CUFYaEiVe /kjoeratrv; NAmE Kjar-/ adj. (ornmah able to cure jllness HEALING: the cuUratiye Droperties of je7Ds 一coOmpare .PREVENTIVE CUIFatOr /kjuezertsG)7 NAmE kjorz:/ noun aperson Whosejob is to be ip charge ofthe objects or works of art 让 amtuseum or art gallery, etc.




Curfew /as: 有U; NAmEks:rf-/ moun [co Talarwhich SayS that people miust not go onuitside after a particular time at night until the morning; the time after which nobody must go outside: The arry imposed a dusk-to-dawm CUTew 2 ZU 7Tnust get home pefore curfew 也 (NmE) a time when children must be home in the evening: Thave QIOoCciock curfew. 1

Curie /kjueri; NAmE 怀jaori/ moun (abpor 人 (physics) atunit for measuring RADIOACTIVITY Curio /Kjuerieo; NAmE kjauriou/ noun (P/ -0o9 asmall object thatis Tare or unusual, often sth that people collect

CUri'os.主 Y/kjueripseti; NAmE 攻juri'azs-/ moun (PL -ie T [using]~ (about sth) | ~ (to do sth) astrong desireto know abonlt sth: Childremn show curiosity about eyerything. 2acertaini curiosity to see What Would happen next ceThe Ietter Wasmtaddressed to me butTopened 让 out of curiosit His answer did notsaftisfy mmy curiosity at all os SoPhies curiosity was aroused by the mysterious DRhore ca 忆 Qintellectual curiosity S Woy ao youaK22 太 jsEiale curiosit (= no particular reason)- 2 [aq-an:unusual and interesting thing: The7mnuseurm is 刀11ofjhistorical cur

os 让es [IJ Curiosity killed the cat (soying) used totell

sbnotto ask questions or tryto find out about things that donot concern them



/juarios; NA万 Ed

1T~(aboutsth) | ~ (to dosth) having a strofig desireto know about sth

om /azb; NAmEKksTby/ verb; moun

INQUISITIVE: TheyWere Very CUFious

是 Ver几 [VN] to control or limit sth,especially sth bad CHECK: He Tieeds to Iearm to curb his temper CATramge ofpolicies haye peen imtroduced aimed atcurbimng 训 Hiatior. mo 了 一 (on sth) something that controls and ptuts limits on sth: Curbs om goyverri7mentSpemnding 了 (NA有) = KERB

apoUEthe people Who 1iyed upstairs. CTWas curious to find OULE What She had said. 2 Eyeryone Was curiots as to why Mark Was Jeaying.2 Heissuchacurious boy aways asKing duestions. 也 ~ (that.…) strange and tnusual: There wasa CUFioUs Tixture ofPpeople 碎 the audience. 和 Was acurious Jeeling, as thouv8gh we were jloating on air ItWas curious

CUurb-side (NAm 月

Teally af artist27 Sara asKed curiousjgy S 丽s clothes were CUTiOuUsly old-fsjhiomned. C Curiously enougj a year 1ate7 exXactly the SG7rte thing happemned agai7L


Curib'stone (NAm月 = KERBSTONE CUrd /Ka:d: NAImEKa:rd/ noun [U] (also curds [pl.]) athick soft substance that is formed when milk turns sour

Curd cheesemouwn [uiG (Br atype 日 ofsoftcheese Curdle /ks:dl; NAmE kasrdl/ ver [V VN] T when aliquid, especially milk, curdles or sth curdles it it separates into solid and liquid parts 2 isth curdles yotir bloodor makesyourblood curdle, it makes you extreme]y frightened or shocked 一see also BLOOD-CURDLING

CU 0 /kjoua(D; NmEkjar/ verb, noun 豆 Yejb [VN] 了 一 sb (of sth) to make a Person or an animal healthyagain after an illness: Wi1you be able to cUre Pirmm, Doctor2 2 to make an jllness go away: TB is aserious 让7es3 DUE 让 Ca7L pe cUTed 3 to deal with a Problem successfully: 了fimnraly ma7iaged to cure the rattling mnoise 总 7my ca7. 和 ~ 一sb of sth to stop sb from behaving in aparticular Way especially a way that is bad or annoying 5 -to treat food or TOBAcco with smoke, salt, etc. in order to pre-

SerVe 让 [DJ see KILLY 昌 ]OUI 1 一 (forsth) a medicine or medical treatment that

that she didmnitt tell anyone,

CUrirous'ly adv: re yov

CUIFiunm /KKjoerieam; NAmE jar-/ movun [U] (symp Cm) a chemical element, Curium is a RADIOACTIVE metal produced artificially fom PLUTONIUNM


OA /3:]; NAmEKaTl/ verb noun

目 yerbTitofornmor make sth form into a curl Orcils [V] is hair curls naturaly [alsoVN] 2 [usually 二advVprep了 to form or make sth form into acurved shape::[V] The cat CUrled into a bpall and went to sleep: C [VN] She curled jher

legs UP Under her :3 [usually +advyvprep] to move while forming into a twisted or curved shape; to make sth do this: [V] The smoke curled steadity Upwards. ce[VN] Fe turmed amd curled the ball around 态 e goalKkeeper 4 [V, VN] ityou curl your lip or your lip curls, youmove your lipupwards and sideways to showthatyouthink sb/sth is stupidorthatyou arebetterthanthey are [IE seeTOE.

Curl up | be ,curled 'up to lieior sit with your

back curved and your arms and legs bent close to yotr body: She curled UP and closed her eyes. 一 picture 心

CURVED ,Curl up | ,curl sb up(BrE, jnformaj) to become

cures an jllness: the searchn for acure forcamncer There 7O KiOWP CUFe put 雪 e imness ca7 be freated. 2 the actof curing sb of an jllness or the Process ofbeing cured: Doctors caT7iOEeffecta cure 矿the disease has Spread too fjor 4 The cure took six Weeks. 3 一 (forsth) something that will Solve a problemy improve a bad situation, etc.: a cure Jor Poyerty [DJ see PREVENTION

or make sb become very embarrassed ,curl up | ,curi sth< up to form or make sth form into a tightly curled Shape: TPhe Paper Started to Shriyel and curlUDp in the Reat 目 ]OU1 了 [C] asmall bunch ofhair that forms a curved or

CUre了 中 moxm Something that people believe can cure

forms a curved or round shape: acurl ofsmoke c Decorate the cake With curts of chocolate. ce a conttermptuous curl of the jip (= an expression showing disapproval)

anyPioblem or any disease PANACEA CUFettage /kjoueretrd5; kjouerrta:5; NAmE jure'taz3/ 1ouwn [U] (medicoh a _medical operation that involves removing material 们om the inside ofthe UTERUS or other body part'using a small sharp tool;c> DILATATION AND

CURETTAGE CUIette /kjoeret; NAmE kjouret/ moun (medicoh a small tool that is used to remove material from the body especially ffom the UTERUS uactual

| anmy

| aonow

| ersay

| acgo(Br6

IOound shape: Her hair Was amiass ofcurls. The bpaby had darKk eyes and dark curls. 2 [CU] the tendency ofhair to form curls: Fis hair had amaturalcurL 3 [q athing that

Curler /KaileGD); NAmE srl-/ own

[usually pl.] a small

Plastic or metal tube which you can wrap wethair around ip order to make it curl ROLLER Curlew /kslju:; NA7mE Kasrl/ noun a bird with a long thin beak that curves downwards, that lives near water

CI 有:Cue /ka:lzkju:: NAmE srl-/ own (iechmical) adecorative curl or twist in writing or in a design

| ou go (NMm 昌

| of boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


376 |

CUIFY /Ari; NAmE ka:ri/nouwn; ye旋 量 11OU1 [CU] a S Asian dish ofmeat; Vegetables, etc.. cooked With hot spices, often served with rice: a chickemn cUTTXY

Curl:imng /kazlz; NAmE arlm/ noumn [U] a game Dlayed

Wouldyou Like some mmore cuUTTY?

onice, in which Players slide heavy flat stones towards a Inark 富

Curlingironmovn (NAmB) 三TONGS Curlingtongsnovn [pl] (BrE) = TONGSs

卓 Verb (Curries curry'ing curried curriedj [VN] to make curryoutofmeat or vegetables [Er curry'favour(with

-sb)(disopproving) totryto get sb to like or support you by praising or helping them a lot CuUPry PoOwdernmoun [U] apowder made from a mixture of spices, used to give a hot flavotr to food,,especially

EC骨 中yy OAR /ka:li; NAmE kasrli/ ad (curlief curli:esb


havingalotofcurls or acurved shape: shortcurly hair Sa dog with acury tail 一picture G CURVED- [9 STRAIGHT

CuUrmudgeon /Kas:imAd5en; NAmE ksirm-/ moun (o 由

CUTYSe /K3:S; NAImEKa3airs/ OUm, Verp 目 IOUI 了 (also cuss) [C] arude oroffensive word or phrase that Some people tuse when they are Very angry

jshionedl) a bad-tempered person, often an old one > curmudgeon:lyacd CUCTamt /kkArent; NAmE ksT-/ ovU1 了 Ta small diied GRAPE, Used in cakes, etc.: a currant bpunm 2 (usually ip compounds)asmall black, red or white BERRY that grOws iD bunches on bushes: biacKkcurrants C currant pshes

a cuUrse of mmoderm city Le. 4 the curse [Sing.] (old-josh/Oned, informal) MENSTRUATION

CUICremcy /kaArensi; NAmE ks:r-/ noum(p/ -ieg 了 [CuU]

四 VE/ 了 沙 [V] to swear: He Pit his head as he stood UP anmnd

CUrly'endive noun [CU] 三 ENDIVE

OATH, SWEAR WORD: He7muttered acurse atthe other driver 了2 [q aword or phrase thathas amagicpower to make sth bad happen: The formmily 妇ought tat 雪 ey Were Lnder Q curse. 一compare .HEX 3 [C] something that catuses harm Or eVjl: 切 e cuUrse of drusg addiction Ce Noise

the system of money that a coUntry Uses: tradimg 训 加 广 eigra CUTFTretcies CQ Single EUropeam cuUrrency 人 YouLL need SO7me cas1 识 1ocal curremncy Dut YOU ca also LSe YOUT credit card. 一See also- HARD


了 2 [U] the fact

that sth is used or accepted by a lot of people: THe term Jost-industrial mnow has Wide currency 2 The qualification has gairied curremncy all oyer the worlda.

区 骨及六 全 让 四 0 /Arent; NAmEK3T-/ ad moun 目 0cdj. 1 [only before noun] happening now; of the Piesent time: CUrrent Drices CQ DudgetjJor 切E cuUrrentyear YOUT CUTTent employer 只 note at ACTUAL 2Q2 being tised by or accepted by most People: words 妇 at are mo 1OPiger CUFTenit 理 mOU 1 the movement of water in the sea or ariver; the Imovement of air in aparticular direction: Fe swaim to the Shore against Q Strong current 人 Birds Use Warmaair cU7Tents to help their 帮sh 2 theflow ofelectricitythrough a Wire, etc.: Q 15 amp electrical current 一see also AC, DC 3 the fact of particular ideas, opinions or feelings being present in a group of people: Ministers are worried by this CUTrrent of amnti-goyverTmmentjeeling.

Current acCoOunt (Br 日(US 'checking accoumnt ConE chequing accountb moun atype:of bank accountithat you can take money out ofatany time, and that provides you With a CHEQUEBOOK and CASH CARD 一compare DE-


Curreimt affairs moun [pl] events of political or social importance that are happening now

CUI 人 II让-和y 0

/Karentli; NAmEksxr/ adv

at the present time: The hourly charge E cUrrently E35.2 CuUTTemtt OoVer 500 students are erirolled om 护e course. Al the options are curTrently available. 和 This matter CUFreatlty peing discussed. CUIFricu:lar /Ksrikjale(r)/ adj connected with the curITiculum of a School, etc. 一See also EXTRA-CURRICULAR

CuUrricu'lumn /kerrkjaleam/ noun (pcurricula /1e/ or curricu'lums the subjects that are included in a course of study or taughtin a school, college, etc.: the school cu 六

Ticulurm C (BrE) Spanmnish 1 on the curriculum


Spamish zs 识 切e cuUrriculurmm: 一compare sSYLLABUS

Curricu'lumn vitae/Ksrikjselem vistat/ (obbr CV moun 1 (BrE(NMmE re'sumag a written Tecord ofyotur ediication and the jobs you have done, that you send when you are applying for a job: ApPplications with a 多 1 curricuzarmm Vitae aid two referenices Should reach 切 ePrincipal by June

JI2th. 2 (also vital (US) a record of a university/college teachers education and where they have worked; also including a list ofbooks and articles that they have published and courses thattheyhavetaught used whenthey are applying forajob

CUIried /kaArid;, NAmE kar-/ adi, [only before noun] cooked with hot'spices: cuUrried chickem bpeef[eggs etc.


| adid


| gget

-| hhat

| jyes

cursed loudly

2 [VN] ~ (sb/sth) (for sth) to say rude

things to sb or think rude things abonut sbysth: She cursed

her bad IuckK C He cursed hirmse for his stupiditb 3 [VN] touse amagic word or phrase against sb in order to harm them: Zegertd has 让 态 at te wjhole Village had been cursed

By aWitch. 一compare HEX

be 'cursed with sthto

contintiously' suffer from or be affected by sth bad:: She See1ms CUTSed With bad IucK. Cursed adj. 1 /ka:st; NAmEka:rst/having a curse(2) on it; Suffering from a curse(2): TPRe mecKkIace was cursed. c_ The WPhole 名rmily seermed cursed、 了2 /KasisId; NAImE srsId/ [only before noun] (old-jshioned) unpleasant; annoying CUIMSive /aisrv; NAmE kairs-/ adj (lechnicah (of HANPDWRITING) with the letters joined together CUuUISOTY /下3:sa(T); NAmE airs-/ nouwn a small mark'on a comPputer Screen that can be moved and that shows the Position on the screen where, for example, text will be added 一Picture 只 PAGE RS CUTS'OYY /3:seri; NAmEKsTs-/ adj (often disapproving) done quickly and withonit 杰 ving enotugh _attention to details BRIEF,PERFUNCTORY: IJQ_ CUFsoOry SIlarice/ examnirnatiomninspection CUrsorily /kas:serali; NAmE ks:rs-/ adv CUIE /ks:ti2NAmE ksirt/ adj (of a persorms manner Or behaviour) appearing rude becausesvery few-words are used; or because sth is done in avVery quick way ABRUPT,,BRUSQUE: a cuart reply C a curt nod C His tomne Was

curt and Uniriendb

curtlyadv curtnessmoun [U]

CUY-ta刘/ks:tell; NAmE ks:rt/ verb [VN] (Jormal) to limit sth or make it last for a Shorter time: Spending om pooks jhas peen Seyerely cUrtailed. C The Lecture Was curtailed by the firealarm goingo 太 curtailmentmoun [U]:the cu 六 tailrment ofcivil Liperties

忆 则全七 ai


/ks:tn; NAmE sa:rtn/ noun, verb

四 1OU7 下 [Ca piece of cloth that is hung to cover a window: to draw/PULLAclose the curtairis (= to pull them across the Window so they cover it) C to draw/draw

backApuIEback the curtains (= to open them, sorthat the window isno longercovered) CItEwWas tenin the mormimg Dutthe cuUrtains Werestilliarawrms(= closed). Capair of

curtains 一picture 上 BLIND 一see also DRAPE 了 2 (NAmB) 三 NET CURTAIN 3 [Ca piece of cloth thatis hungup as a Screen iD a room or arfound arbed; foriexample: ashower cuUrtain 一see also THE IRON CURTAIN24 [sing.] a piece' of thick, heavy cloth that hangs in front of the stage in the theatre: The audiemce Was Waiting for 坊e curtain to rise (三 for the Play to begin). 2 There Was fremendous applaluse When 态e curtain came dowm (= thePplayended): o We Le访 Just pefore the finial curtain (jgwraotive) The curtain has Jollen om her Iong and distinguished career (三 her career has ended)j. e (jguraotvej ts tme ij 扣 ce the inal curtaim (= theend; death). 5 [Cusually sing.] athingthat covVers, hides or protects sth: a: curtairn of rainXsmoke CS She PuUshed back the curtain of brown hair 万ormz her eyes. [Er be 'curtains (for sb) (mormal) to be aisituation | k cat

| Lleg

| mman


| p pen

| :mred

Withouthope or that you cannot escape from: When Tsaw

jhe hada Sun 了TthouSsht 让 Was curtains formebring down

the 'curtain on sth |bringthe curtain down on sth_to finish or markthe end of sth: His sudden decision to retire brousghtdown thecurtain on aidistinguished career 日 Verbb [VN] to provide curtains for a window or a room

Curtain sthe >'off to separate an area of a room

With a curtain or curtains


non thetimeinthetheatre when the act

Ors come to the front of the stage atthe end of a Play to ITeceive the APPLAUSE ofthe atidience

Curtain-raiser noun 二 (tosth) Tasmalleventthatfre-

pares for a more important one 2 a short performance before the main performance in a theatre, etc.

Curtain-'up novn [U] Tthe beginning ofa play or show:

Curtain-Ups at7Z30. 2 the beginning of sth which is Very exciting or dramatic


(alsocurt'sey ) /ks:tsi; NAmE kaxrtsi/_ moun (以

-ies oreys ) a formal sign made byawoman in a dance or to sayhello or goodbye to an important person, bybend-

ing her knees with one foot in frontof the other curtsy

Vemb urtsies ,Curtsying ,curtsied ,curtsied ) (alsocurt-

Sey ): [V] .She curtsied to the Queen. CUTFV'acCeOus /ks:xverfas; NAmE ksm'v-/ adj (0nformal) used iD newspapers,etc. to _describe a woman whose body has attractive curves CUrV'ature /KasrvetfeaGD); NAmE ksrv-/ moun [U] (techmicaol) the state of being curved; the amount that sth is curved: the curyature of the earth co cuUrvature of the spine


0 训 /kaxv; NAmEks:rv/ noun, vemb

旦 11OU0 1 aljline or Surface that bends gradually; a smooth bend: the delicate curve of her ear cea Pattern of straight Timnes ad cUTVes 2 (especially NAImB a curve 识 the road



ajioorcushion(= alarge cushionthat yotiptitonthefloor to sit on) eapile of scatter cushions (= small cushions, often in bright colours, that you put on chairs, etc:) e (Jig-

Urative) a cushion ofmmoss on arock-_pictureccHAIR 2 a layer of sth between two surfaces that keeps them apart: 全 hovercraft rides on a cushion of air 3 [usually sing.] ~

(against sth) something that protects yotu against sth

unpleasantthatmighthappen: His savirgs Were acormajfort Gble cUshiom:agairtst 廊namcial proplerms. The team Duitt UP a safe cushiort of two goalsiin the Jirsthaf 4:(in the game of BILLIARDS, etc.) the softinside edge along each Side of thetable; thatthe balls BoOUNCE off 目 VE 六 [VN] 1 to make the effect of a fall or hit less severe:

My jll was cushioned by the deep Snow 2 ~ sb/sth (against/from sth) to protect sbysth from being hurt or damaged or from the Unpleasant effects of sth: The sout

of te country has been cUshioned 方om the worst efjfects OF 太e recessiomn. C Fe brojke 切 e news of7my brothers death to 7ne TaKking mnO effort to cushion the blow (= make the news less shocking), 3 [usually passive] to make sth soft With a cushion

Cushy /kofi/ odj tush'ier ,cushi'est ) [njormaj often dis-

approving) very easy and pleasant; needing little or no effort: acusjhy job a cushy number (BrE) an easyjob; apleasant situation that other people would like CuUSP /kAsp/ oun iT (techmical) a pointed end Where two curves meet: the cUsp of a leaf 2 the time when one sign ofthe zopIAc ends and the nextbegins: TWwas born om the CUSP pethween Virgo and Tipra e (jgurative) He was on the CUSP petweet Small acting 7roles amd moderate /me.


/KAS/ ve屿,nour

日 YE 凡 (ojd-jsjhioned, mimmah to swear at sb: [V] My dad Used to comme hormne drunk, Shoutirtg amd cUS5Sing [alsoVN]

(especially NAmE) The driyer 1ost control on a curye and the Vehicle Pit a tree.Ctioplotacurveontagraph etechnical 中 旦 00OU0 (Old-fosjioned, informall Tsed with a negative adjective to describe a person: He5 am awkward cuss. 态 e UniemplIoymzen 记icofme cuUrye (= aline on a GRAPH 字 = CURSE: CUSS Woids[IET see TINKER1 showing the relationship between the number of unCUssed /kaAsIdj adj (old-joshioned, inormajh (of people) employed people and national income) 一see also LEARN-

ING CURVE 也 (alsocurve ball ) (NAmB) (in BAsEBALL) a

ball that moves in a curve when it is thrown to the BATTER: (jigurative) One of 妇ejournalists threw the senator a

cuUrye (= surprised him by asking a difficult question), 日 VEe凡 [usually 十advVprep] to move or make sth move in the shape ofa curve; to be in the shape ofa curve: [V] The Toad curyed around the bay e The pall curved 纺rough the air Cis 1ips curved in asmile. [alsoVN]



not willing to-be helpful

moun [U]




CUs'tard /kAstad; NMAmE-terd/ noun 1 [U] (especialjy BrB) (NmE usually,custard 'sauce ) a_ sweet yellow sauce made from milk sugar eggs and flour usually served hot with cooked fruit PUDDINGSs, etc.: apple pie amd custard Z [CU] a mixture of eggs,,milk and sugar baked until it is firm

custard apple movn 1 asAmerican tree that produces

/kas:vd; NMAmEKksrvd/ ad

large tropical fruits that are yellow inside 2 the frtit from this tree

having around shape: a curved path7roofbiade

Custard pie moun a flat Pig fled with sth soft and wet that looks like custard;, that performers throw at each other to make peoplelaugh

Custard powder

curled up

Cus'tody /kastedi/ noun [u] 1 the legal right or dutyto

CuUrvi-lin'ear /ka:vIlmieGD); NmE karv-/ adj (Jorma) consisting of a curved line or lines CUIFVY /ka:vi; NAmE'karvi1 adi (0nipmmahl having ctirves: QcUTVY pody c curyy Lines

Cush:ion /ofn/ noum, verb 目 0OUD 下 (NAmE alsopil:low ) a cloth bag filled with soft Iaterial or feathers that is used, for example, to make a seat Imore coOmfortable: 7matching cUrtaims amd cuUshiors 和


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| 二zoo

| shoe

moun [u] apowder which is added to

Imilk to make CUSTARD custo.dial /KKA'stegdiel; NAmmE2stoo-/ adi [usually before noun] (law) Tinvolving sending sb to prison: The 记dge gave jinm Qa custodial senitence (= sent him to Prison). 之 connected with the right or duty of taking care of sb, having CUSTODY: The mo 妇 er USually the custodial pa 六 entt afteradivorce.iaag NON-CUSTODIAL cus'to.dian /kA'steudien; MAmE-stou-/ noun 了 aperson Who takes responsibility for taking care of or protecting sth: 妨e 7mUseurmS cUstodians coa seFappointed custodiam Of puUDlic morals 了 (NAImE) = CARETAKER take care of or keep sb/sth; the act of taking care of sthy/ Sb: Who W 记 have custody of the children2 CThe divorce COUTEGWarded custody to the child's mother ceThe parents Were locked 识 Q pitter battle for custody ec The bank proyides saqajfe custody Jor yaluapbles..C The castle is now in the custody of the state. 了 -the state ofbeing in prison, especially while waiting for trial: After 碎 erio5 32 people were taken into Police custody ce(Br6 He was rermanded in 一see CUstody charged With the murder of a policeman. also YOUTH CUSTODY

| 5vision

| tchain

| :ds jam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0sing


378 |



cut te tomatoes 训 ha jc710.

/kAstem/ moun, 0不

旦 IOU1--See also CUSTOMS 1 [CU]~(of doing sth) an accepted way ofbehaving orofdoingthingsin asocietyor a community: an Old ancient customa c the custom of giving Presents at Christmas Clts alocal custom. cxItisthe CUstom 如 纺at country fjor wormnen :to narry youig.

2 [sing.] (formahoryieray) the way aperson always behaves HABIT; PRACTICE: t Was jher custom to Tise earD CAs Was is custom jhe Kmnocked threeiirmes

3 [U]

(Br 局jbrmal)(also business NAmE Br the fact of a perSon Or peoplebuying goods or serVices at a shop/store or business: ThaPKk you for your custom. Please call again. 和 Weve Iosta Iotof custom Since Drices WeTttuP. 是QClj [only before noun] (especially NAmB = CUSTOM-

BUILT, CUSTOM-MADE: a cuUstormm 7motorcycle CUs'toOmary /Astemari;. NAmE -meri/ adj Ti诈 sth is customary it is what people usually do in a particular Place or Situation USUAL: 太 这 cUstomary to tp Pair dressers 训 this country? QZ typical of a particular person HABITUAL: She arramged eyerytping Witp her customm-

ary _efficiency,




Asteimerali/ adv

CUstom- built (also_ custom especially ip NAmB) ad designed and built for a particular.person

CUS'OIm :人 及 0

ticK slices. CO The bus Was eut 识

02Dy 护 e 好ai

2 NowW

S Dofmit EUE 雪 e SGrimg Untie the

* SHAPE/FORM 4 [VN] ~sth (in sth)jtomake orform sthby removing material with aknife, etc.: THPe climrzbers CUESteps 识 theice. C Workmen cutajniole 识 坊 epipe. 全 HAIR/NAILS/GRASS,ETC:-5 to make sth shorter by cut ting: [VN] to cut your jhairAmails 2 to cut the 87rassA IawTi/pheadsgec [VN-ADI] es jnad his jair cut7ealy shor 让

* .RELEASE 6 一 sb (from sth) to allow,sb to escape from Somewhere by cutting the rope; object, etc. that isiholdipg them: [VN] TPe ipjured driyver had to pe cut 方om -the WTFeckage. 2 _[VN-ADj] Two SUrviyors Were Cut ree after peing trapped jor twentty minutes. * CLOTHING 7 [VN-ADI] [usually passive] to design and make apieceofclothing inaparticular way: TPe SWimisUu 让 Was cUEPigR itne leg.

* ABLETO CUT/BE CUT 8 [V] to be capable of cutting: 7TPz5 Kmn 记 wontcut 9 [vtobecapable of being cut: SamdStone CUES easily.

*REDUCE 1O [VN]~ sth (by…) |二 sth (from …) (to )to Teduce sth by femoving a partof it: to cuUt DrFices/Ataxes/ SDeidirtgAproduction 2 Buyers Wi pargain Pharad to cuE the cost of the house 妨ey Want 3 瓦5 salary jhas pee7t cULE py ten per cent C Could you CUEyYoUr essay 万om 5000 to 3000 words?



[VN] ~ sth (from sth) to remove sth from

Sth: THis scene Was cuUE 广om the 放 mialyversion of 妇e mr0OVie.

/AstemiaGD/ moun

T apersonoranorganization thatbuys sth 们om ashop/ Store Or business: onte of the sjhiop's bestbiggest cUStomers C They know 7mme 一F7m a regular customer C the:custormner SerVice deparbnent C Thes 万7m Ras excellent

* COMPUTING 12 to DELETE (= remove)Ppartofatextona compuiter Screen in order to :place it .somewhere :else:

CUstomer relations. 了 (old-/shioned, normal) used after an adjective to describe a particular type of person: am QWKwWard cuUsto7mer customer lpase moun [usually sing] (business) all the People who buy or use a particular product OF sefvVice: We need to appeal to aQ Wiaer cuUstomer base. custom:ize (BrE also -ise) /Astemaliz/ ver [VN] to Iake or change Sth to suit the needs of the Owner: ZU ca7L CUstoTmize the software 训 Seyeral Way75 Custom-

ized adj.: acustommized car

CUStOm- made (also custom especially iD NA 万 日ad designed and made for a Particular person 一see also BESPOKE



/Astemz/ moun [plj]

1 (usually Customs)(BrEalso Customs and EXcise)(U5S

also US Customs Service) the government department that collects taxes on goods bought and sold and on goods brought into the country and that checks what is brought iD: The Customs haye seized Iarge quUaTitities oF

SmUggled heroim. O a cUstoms ofFicer DIEED NAmE Uses a singular verIb with customs in this meaning. 之 the Place ataportoran airportwhereyourbags arechecked asyou come into aa country: to 8o 轨rougPh cuUstomms and passPort control 3 the taxes that must be paid to the government when goods are brought in from other countries: to pay CUsto7ms on sth 和 custormms duty/duties 只 note at TAX 一

Compare EXCISE customs union noun a group of states that agree to have the same taxes on imported goods

区 胃女0 可

/KAt/ verb, mou1


slash 。cut back 。scale back 。 ji

* downsize

These words all meanto reducetheamount orsize ofsth, especially of an amount of money or abusiness. cutto reduce sth, especially an amountof money that is demanded, spent earned, etc. orthesize ofa business: Thne Presidenthas promised io cuUttaxes Signijicanti Buyers wiirparsain hardio cutthecostof the house ihey Want e Hissalamy has peencutpyienpercenmt Could yoOU CUEYOUFessay from 50001to3000wordsz

slash [often passive] (otherinjormah (often used in newspapers) to reduce sth bya Sa amount' The Workjorce has peen sjashed bpy ha 入 *A DISC, ETC. 23 [VN] ~ a disc, etcstomake a recording of music oria Tecord, CD,etc.: The Beatles CUE zheir 7rst isc 太 7962,

* DRUG 24-[VN] ~ sth (with sth) to mix an illegal drug Such as HEROIN With another Substance [IEr Most idioms containing cutare atthe entriesforthe nouns and adjectives ip the idioms, for exXample cutyoUr losses is at loss. cutand 'run (BrE, imnjormal)tomake

adquickorsudden escape(not)'cutit (njommaoh to(notbe

as go0od as is expected or needed: He WoPiit cutitasaproJessiomnal simngeF Cut a'cross sthn 1 to affect orbe true for. different groups that;usually remain separate: Opinion 0 t 切 .issue CUK across _traditional Political


之 _(also ,cut through sth) to go across sth

也 order to make your Toute shorter: TUsSual1y cut across the park om TYy Way ho7me. Cut sthout 1 to make sth by cutting: She cut the diress OUE of some old 7materiaL 4 (ieguwrative) Hes cutouta Fiche JormimseF (= found asuit: able job) journalismm: 一related noun CUT-OUT 也 (injoF mal) used to tell sb to stop doing or saying sth anlioying: Tym sickofyou fwo arguing 一冯 stcut 让 OU 3 toleave sth out of a piece of writingi etc. OMIT:TWould cut out the bit apout WorKing as aG Waitress. 4 to block sth, especially light: Tall trees cutE out the SU7ilighE cut stheout (of sth) 1 to remove sth 人from sth largerby cutting, Usually with scissors:-ECUL this article out of the mnewspaper 2 to stop doing, using or eating sth: 7ye beemn adyised to CuUtSUSar ouUtof7yY diet be cut'outforsth | be cut'out

to be sth (informalj) to have the qualities and abilities Deeded for sth: Hes mot cut out Jor teaching, @ Res mot CUtEOUttLO be ateacher

Cut through sth 1 =CUT ACROSss sSTH 2 (also cut sth through sth) to makeapath orpassage throtugh sth by cutting: They Used anacheteto cutthrOoUghthe bus 几STRe Prisomers cuttheir way throusi 坊 e barbed Wire. ,Cut ,up (NAmE njormal) to behave in a noisy and sily Way ,cut sbc'up (Unformalh 1 to injure sb badly by cutting or hitting thiem: He was yery badly cutup 识 雪e太gj 字 ;[usually passive] to upsetsb emotionally: She was pretty cUE UP about 妇 erm leaying ,cut sbysthe>up (BrE) to suddenly drive in front ofanother Vehicle in a dangerous way

Cut sth'up to divide sth into small pieces with a knife, etc.: He cUEUDP the meat om jis Plate. 下 OU1 * WOUND 1Tawound caused by sth sharp: cuts amnd Druises 0 妇 eface Blood poured 方om the deep cUEo his arrmm。 * HOLE 之 ahole or an opening in sth, made with sth sharp: Using Sha7P Scissors make a 5S7mall cuUEimn the mmateriaL. * REDUCTION 3 ~ (in sth) areduction in amount, size, supDly etc.: DriceZtax/jJob cuts CThey jhadto takea209%6cut 友 Pay They armnounced cuts 识 DUDlic spending. 一See also POWER CUT, SHORT CUT * OF HAIR 4 [usually sing.] an act of cutting sb's hair; the stylein which it is cut: Zourjhaircould dowith acut(= 让 is too long). ea cutamnd blow-dry 一see ,also BUZZ CUT * DOFCLOTHING 5 [usuallysing.] the shape and style that a piece of clothing has because of the way the cloth is cut: the elegantcut of her dress SHARE OF MONEY 6 a share in sth, especially money: They Were reWaiaed With a cut of 59%6 方om the profits. * OFMOVIE/PLAY, ETC. 7 ~ (in sth) an act ofremoving part of a film/movie, play piece of writing, etc.: The director Objected to the cuk ordered by the centsor 2 She made Some CULS pefore ha7idinig ovyer the Fnished mioyeLl. “MEAT 8 apiece ofmeat cut from an animal:aleamcutof Dork c cheap cuts of stewing Iamb 一See also COLD CUTS [IE a cut above sb/sth better than sb/sth: Fis 1atest

moOyvel 1 Qa cuUt above the rest the cut and 'thrust (of sth) (BrE) the lively or aggressive way that sth is done: the cut and 纺rust of poli6cal debate

Cutamnd dried ad/ [notusually before noun] decidedin a Waythat cannot be changed or argued abonut: The inquiry 好 py mo 7meaTs cUt amnd aried. CUTa:me:OUS /kju'temies/ odj.(onatomy)connected with the skin

| oo go:(MmE

| orboy

| :renear

| ee hair

| ue pure


380 | Cut-o 人f7ouv7n7 0 路 旧 ]OU1 了 a point or limit when you stop sth: The gover7mTent ai7TLOLTCed Q CUEO太 识 Ooyerseasiaid. C 胡 雪 ere ac ofr point between childhood and adulthood2 2 cut-offs [pl.] cut=off trousers/pants: Wearing 记 ayed cuUEo态 昌Qdj. [only before noun] (of trousers/pants) made shorter

Cut:away/j "katewer/ adj., moOU1 Gd 六 [only before noun] (ofa model or diagram) with some outside parts left out, in order to show what the inside looks like: a cutaway Picture of the inside of auclear re-

actor 目 IOU1 了 (especially NAmB) ~ (to sb/sth) (on television, in a film/movie; etc.) a Picture that shows sth different from

the main thing that is being Shown: There was Q cuUtaway to Jackson's 8Suest on the podiurm. 了 a model or diagram With:some outside parts left out, in order to show what

CUt-'Iprice 0d. [only.before noun] (especialy BrE) (NAE

the 记 side looks like 3 (NAmE) = MORNING COAT

Cut:back/katbaek/ noun [usually pl.] ~ (in sth) a reduction in sth: cutbacks

识PuUblic spending C sta 扩 cutbacKs

Cute/kjuxt/ adi (cute5 cutesi 1 pretty and attractive: Qa Cute Little baby C (BrE) an unbearably cute picture of two Kittenls (= it Seems SENTIMENTAL) QZ (infornmnal especially NAmE) sexually attractive: Check out hose cute SUyYS Oyer there! 3 (informal especially NAmE)icleven sometimes 记 an annoying Way because a person is trying to get an advantage for him or herself: SPhe had a realjy cute idea.

DonitSsetcute With mel

nessmoun [U] Cutesy/kjuxtsi/ adj. (pnformalj)tooprettyor attractiveina waythat is annoying ornotrealistic

between two parts of another scene

Cut.lass /atlas/ noum ashort swoRD with a curved blade that was used as a weapon by sailors and PIRATES in the past

Cut:leiry/katleri/ noun [U] T (Br 日(NAmE flat-ware si Ver-wWare knives, forks and spoons, tised for eating and ServVing food 2 (NAmE) knives, etc. that are sharp

cutlery prong /tine

了 2 cutters [pl:]

(usually in compounds) a tool for cutting: a pair of wirecutters 3 asmall fast ship 4 a ship's boat, used for travelling between the ship and land 'Cut-throat adj [usually before noun] (of an activity) ip

shaving) with a_ long .sharp blade 一compare RAZOR Cut-tin 加/kaAtm/ noun; ad


IOUm 了 (also ,press cuttin是(both Br6) (also _clip:ping

Cut.icle/kjuxtrkl movn an areaofhard skin atthebase of the nails on the fingers and toes 一picture 己 BODY kind: Fes a real cutie.

Son or thing that cuts: a pasbry cutter

Cut-throat 'razoOr 00U1 a RAZOR (=:a tool used for

,Cut glass7moun [U] glass With Patterns cut 记 it: Qa cUE glassVyase 一Dicture c GLASS

'Cut-in own a scene in afilm/movie which has been put

usually cut-'rate 1 sold at a reduced Price: cut-price goods/jfares 2 selling goods at a reduced price: a cutPrice Store/SUPerTmiarKet Cut.ter /kAte)/ ov 1 (usually in compounds) a per

Which people compete with each other in aggressive and Unfair ways: the cuE 妨roatWworld of politics

cutelyady:tosmile cutely cute-

Cutie/kjuzti/ movwn (informah aperso和 who is attractive or

“by cutting off partofthe legs: cuUEo 矿jeams

Cut-outmoun 1Ta shape cut out of papemn wood, etc:: Q cardboard cuUEOouUt 了 a piece of safety equipment that stops an electric current from fowing through sth: A cu OUt stops the Kettie boiling dy

'press clippingNAm BrE) an article or arstorythat you

cut from: a newspaper or magazine and keep: TiewsPaper/press cuttinigs 2 a piece cut off a plantthat will be used:to grow anew plant 3 (BrE) anarrow Open passagethat is dug through high ground for aroad, railway/

railroad or CANAL

@Gdlj. [usuallybefore noun] 1 unkind and likelyto hurt sb's feelings BITING: Q cuUtting remmark 了 (ofwinds) cold iasharp and Unpleasant way


'CuttinEboardnoun (Nm =CHOPPING BOARD


edgeovn [sing:] 1 the ~ (of sth) the newesb

Imost advanced stage in the development of sth: worKking atthe cuttings edsge ofcomPputer technology 了 an aspect of sth that gives it an advantage: Weye relying on Pim to give the team a cuttirg edge.

'Cutting grassmoun


cuttingroomovn aroom in whish the different parts of afilmVymovie are cutand putinto ohder Cuttle.fish /katifrf/ ovn (PP cuttle.fish) asea creature with ten arms and a wide flat shell inside'its body that produces ablack substance like ink when it is attacked一 Picture 字 OCTOPUS

soup spoon



:fork teaspoon

Cutulp /kaAtAp/ noun (NAmE Informaln a person who behaves ip a silly way in order to attract attention and Imake people laugh CMV/isi vi/ (BrB(NAmE resum 目7iounawritten record'of youreducation and thejobs youhave done,thatyousend when youare applying forajob (abbreviation for'curriculum vitae"): Send a 记1LCVWwith your job application. CWimi /kum/ moun 三 CORRIE

steak knife

CWt.abbr (pcwtJ (in writing) HUNDREDWEIGHT CWtclhh /kutf/ verb [V VN]. (WelshpB) to be held close in sb?s

cheese knife

arms in aloving way; to hold sb in this way: Cwtch up to your ma > cytch nouUn bread knife

serrated blade


carving knife


-CY -acCy5SUjjix (in nouns) T the state or quality of: 训foncy


2 accuracy 之 the status or Position of: chnaplaincy Cyam/saien/:noum [U] (techmicaoh agreenish-blue colour, used in Printing cy-am:ide /sarenard/ noun [U] a highly poisonous chemical

Cut.let /kaAtiat/ mov 1 a thick slice of meat,especially LAMB Or PORK (= meat from a pig), that is cooked and SeivVed With the bone still attached 2 (in compounds) finely chopped pieces of meat, fish, Vegetables, etc. that are piessed together into a fat piece,covered with BREADCRUMBS and Cooked: Put cutiets


| add

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| yes

Cyber- /sarbaGr)/ combpining 帮rm (in nouns and adjectives) ,connected with _electronic-comrmunication networks, especially the Internet: cybernetics Ce cybercafe Cybercafe /sarbakaefer NAmE'saibaer-/ moun a CAFE with computers on Which customers can Use the Internet, Send emails, etc:

:| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| Frred

Cy'ber.naut /sarbano:t; NAmE 'saiIbernoxt/ noun (comPuUtng) 了 a person whbo wears Special devices in order to experience VIRTUAL REALITY 了 a person who uses the Internet

Cybermnet'ics /saibametrks; NAmE -berm-/ nounm [U] the Scientific study of commtunication and control especially concerned with comparing human and animal brains with machines and electronic devices Cybernet'ic ad

Cyberpumnk /'saibapAnk: NAmE -barp-/ noum [U] stories

setin an imaginary fiture world controlled bytechnology and compnuters Cy.berseXx /sarbaseks; NAmE'saiber-/ noun [U] communication between people using the Internet which makes them sexually excited


/sarbaspers; NAmE -baers-/ ouUn [U] the

imaginary place where _electronic Inessages,etc. whilethey are being sentbetween computers



CyYSg'met /'sIgnet/ noun a young swAN (= a large white bird with a long neckthat lives on or near Water)

cy:jin:der /samada(r)/ novn

intention of selling it to the owner InoneyP cy:bersquatter ou

in order to make

Cy:borg /saibo:g; NAmE -boT9g/ moun (in SCIENCE FICTION

stories) a creature that is part htman, Part machbine cyc'ja.men /'siasman; NAmE 'Sark-/ noum (PLcycla:men orcycla-mens)aplant with pink, plirple or white flowers that grow on long sTEMS pointing downwards,often grown indoors

CyYCle om


Tinse cycle (= iD a washing machine) 四 Verb [usually二 adyV/prep] (especially Br toride abicycle; totravelbybicycle:Tusualjy cycle home 太 rouvgh the ParKk. 一compare BICYCLE, BIKE Cycle lanme (BrE) (NAmEpicycie lane ,bikKeiane ) moun apart ofaroad that only bicycles are allowed to use

'Cycie-rickshaw 7mouvn avehicle like abicycle with three

Wheels,With a covered seat for passengers behind the driver used especially in some Asian countries

CYC:lic /saiklik; sik-/ (alsocye-fic:al /sarklikl, 'SIk-/) ad

[usually before noun] repeated many timmes and always happening in the same order: the cyclic processes ofmature CEcomommic activiby oftemn 如 llows a cyclical pattern. PP cycJicalJy adv: eyemzs 坊at occur cyclicaljy

cyiYi-pal /smbl/ novn a musical instrument in the form of a round metal plate. It is hit with a Stick, or two cymbals are hit against each other: a clash /crash oOF cym一Picture 吃 PAGE R6 pals

coOmpare BICYCLIST CyYClo-cross /'sarkleuo krps; NAmE 'sarklou kroxs/ own [] the sport of racing bicycles over rough ground, which 迄 Places is too difficult to ride on so you have to carry your bicycle and run CycC'lone /sariklaun; NmE-kloon/ novn aviolent tropical storm in which strong winds move ip a circle 一compare HURRICANE;, TYPHOON je _Cycloniic /sarklonIk, NAmmE -klam-/ adl/. ECyY'clops /sartklpps; NAmE-klaps/ moun (in ancient Greek Stories) a giant with only one eye in the middle ofhis face





(physics) a machine which makes atoms or ELECTRONS Inove more quickly using electrical and MAGNETIC FIELDS

S see | ttea


cyim'ba:lom noun = cIMBALOM Cymru

/kaAmri/ noun the name for*Wales' in the Welsh

language 一see also PLAID CYMRU Cymic /smik/ movn 1 a person who believes that People only do things to help themselves, rather than for good or Sincere reasons 2 a person who does notbelievethat sth Sood will happen or that sth is important: Cymnics 记 Ww SaJ/

态atthereis mnotthesligjhtestchamce ofsuccess.


/smrsrzem/ moun [U]: Im a world 记 11of cyriicismz she was the one persomnTjitTcould trusE

things to help themselves ratherthan for good or honest Teasons: DoJyou jhaye to be so cymicalabouteyverything? oa GQmicalyiew/srmmile 2 notbelievingthat sth good will happen or that sth is important: Im a pit ciical about the penefits oF the plan. 3 not caring that sth Imight hurt other people, 过 there is some advantageforyou: a Gymical disregard Jor the safety of others ca deliberate amd Caical


cyn'icaljy /li/ odv


/smazjoe(r); 'sarn-; -uaG); NAmE 'samafur;

sm-/ moun [sing.] (ormalj) a person or thing that is the

centre of attention: RUt Was he cymosure ofall eyes.

CyY-plher = CIPHER Cy'press /sarpres/ noun atall straight EVERGREEN tree


/sexrnazk/ ad the Cyrillic alphabet is used to

write Russian,Bulgarian and some other Central Euro-

pean languages Cy:ril.lic moun [U] CyYSst /sist/ 1oun a GROWTH containing liquid that forms im or on apersons or an animals body and may need to be removed


但ibro:sis /srstik farbreUsrs; NAmE-Dro/ nun

[U] aserious medical condition thatsome people areborn

/satkim/ movn [U]

the Sport or activity ofriding abicycle: to go cycling e CycLing 1 BuUropes second most DopUIar Sport C cycling Shorts 一picture 只 PAGE R23 CyYcC'.Hist /sarklrst/ moun a person who Tides a _bicycle一


/selimndrrkl/ odj shaped like a cylinder:

Puge Gylindrical gas tamks

Cymmiic.al /smaikl/ cd 1 believing that people only do

/sarkl/ noun vemb

加.0OU1 全.a bicycie or motorcycle: We wentjora cyele ride om Sunday. 2 a cycle route/tracKk 一see also_BIKE 2.the fact of a series of events being repeated Iany times, alWays ip the same order: the cycle of the seasons_see also LIFE CYCLE 3 a cOmpPplete set oOT series,for example of movements in a machine: eight cycles per second oO the

CYC-. 腹 门 0

1Ta solid or holow figture

With round ends and long straight Sides 一picture 忆 SOLID 22 an object shaped like a cylinder especially one used as acontainer: aQ Sas/oxygert cylinder 3 the hollowtube in an engine, shaped like acylinder inside which the PIsSTON InoVes: Q Sipccylinder entgine [Dr working/firing on all Cylinders (informal) using all your ener8gy to do sth; working as well as possible

Cybersquat'ting /sartbaskwnoti; NAmE ,sarborskwa:-

tm/ noun [u] the iegal activity of buying and officially recording an address on the Internet that is the name of an existing COmpany or a well-known person,Wwith the

区芝 梧信

wwet | zzoo

| 了 shoe

With, 识 which GLANDs in the lungs and other organs do Dot work correctly. It often leads to infections and can reSult in early death. CyYSt: 证is /srstartrs/ moun [U] an infection ofthe BLADDER, especially 识 women, that catuses freqtient, painful URIN-


Cytol:o.gY /sartoled5i; NAmE :ta:l-/ nown [U] the scientific study of the structure and function of cells from liviDg things


/saiteu'megalauvaires; NAmE sar

tou megaelou-/ oum (Imedical) a virus that tsually causes mild infections, but that can be serious for people with AIDS orfornew babies Cy'to-plasrmm /sarteuplaezam; NAmE too-/ noun [U] (bro/0o8gy) all the living material in a cell, not incltuiding the NUCLEUS PCyto'pliasmic /sarteg'plaezmik; NAmE -too-/ adj 一compare PROTOPLASM

CZzar,Czarina ,Czarism ,CzZarist TSARISM, TSARIST

| 5 vision

| tichain

| -ds jam

| 8thin


| 5this

| 0 sing

qd dado rail movn araised line around thie wall of a foom,

D /di:/ novn, abbr, Symbol

上 1OU1m (also dj) [CU] (P/ Ds, Dis, ds /di:z/) 1 the fourth

that separates the dado from the Upper partofthe wall

letter of the English alphabet: Dog” begimns With (Q) DA 2 D(musicthesecondnoteinthesCALEofCMAJOR 3 D

dae:-mon /diiman/ movn a creature in stories 人 om an-

thefourth highestmnarkVgradethatastudent can getfora Piece of work, showing that it is not Very good: Fe got (a) DAPD:i 训 [or Geography 一See also D-DAY


日gbpbr. (also D. especially in NAmB) (in politics in the US) DEMOCRAT; DEMOCRATIC

日 Sy1mbpol the number 500 in ROMAN NUMERALS

dl abbr 1 (ip writing) died: Brmity CRom d 1865 2 d ( 雇 the system ofmoney used ip the pastin Britain) a PENNY -二 sujjixc-ED

DA (Br 日(UsD.A.) /,di:'er/ apbr DISTRICT ATTORNEY dalb /daeb/ verb, noun

晶 yerb (bb-)T 一 (at sthtotouch sth lightlyusually several times: [VN] Shedabbed hereyesandblew hermnose:C[V] Fe dabped at.the cut with his handaKkerchieF 了 [VN 十 0dv/

prep]to put sth on asurface with quick light movements: She dapbpeda alittle perfurmmeipehnind her ea7s. 下 moun 了 asmall amount ofaliquid,jcream orpowderthat is put on a surface in a quick gentle movemernit: She PuUtEQ dab of perfu7mebehind herears 了 an act of gentlytouch记 g or pressing sth without rubbing: He gaye the cuUE a auick dab with atowel 3 asmall flat fish 4 (WelshE) a person or thing: Fes 识 hospital again. Poor dab.

qiab.ble /dabl ve T [V] ~ (in/with sth) to take pait in a Sport an activity, etc. but not Very seriously: He dabples 识 1ocal politics. 2 [VN] ~ sth (in sth) to move yourhands, feet etc. around iD water: She dabbled Per toes 识 the


cient Greecethatis halfman andhalf god

/aafedrl/ novn a tall yellow spring flower

shaped like aTRUMPET.Itis anmational Symbol of Wales:

daffy /aasfi/ adi (daffier, daffiest) (in1ormmo1h silly daft /daxft; NAmE daeft/ adi (daft'er, daftest) (BrE njor mahj silly often ip awaythatis amusing: DomtDe So da克! 33Shes7iotas daftas she IooKS. Whatadaa 语thning to say! > daftiness 71001 [U] [IE ,daft asa'brush (BrE, 思Dj Imal) very silly dag /daeg/ noun (informah) T (AustralE NZE) a person who is strange or different in an amusing way 也 (AUstralF) a Person who is not fashionable 3 (AUstralE NZE) a dirty piece of woolthat hangs down from a Sheep's bottom

dagga /daexe/ nou1m [U] (SArE) = MARIJUANA: Sjie Was arrested forsmoFking dagsa. qiag.ger /daega(r)/ nouma shortpointed knifethatis used

as a Weapon 一picture 只 SWORD 一see also CLOAK-ANDDAGGER [EU at daggers 'drawnm (BrE) itwoPpeople are at daggers drawn, they are very angry With each other look 'daggers atsb-tolookat sb 也 avVery angry Way dagSgy /daegi/ adj (AustrolE, informah 1 not fashionable: adaggy restaurant 2 iitidy or dirty qqjagO /deIgao;. NAmE -goU/ moun (pp人 .-os or -oes). (ioboo, slang) a very offensive word for a person fom Italy Spain Or Portugal

da'guerre'otype:(alsoda'guerro:type) /de'geretarp/ houn aphotograph taken using an earlyprocess thattsed asilverplate and MERCURY gasS

,dab ' hand noun (BrE, jnformah aperson whois very good

dah:lia /denlie; NAmE'daelia/ movn alarge brightly col-

at doing sth or Using sth: Hes 8ghe考 Shesadab handWwith da capo /da: kad:peo; -po0/ (used as an 让struction) repeat

dai' kon /daikon; NAmE-Kamy/ noun [Uu,G] =MOoOII the Dail /doa/ noun [sing.+ sing./pky] one ofthe parts of

a dab apaipn ady from

hanmd at cooKking Spa二 ruUSF (music) (from yio1am) the beginning

dacha /uaetfa/ movn aRussian countryhouse qdachs-hund /uaeksnd; NMAmE'dakshond/ (also BrE7njor mal'sausage dog) 10U1 a small dog with a long body, long ears and Very short legs dac.o 证 /dakort/ noun (ndB a _member of a group of armed thieves dlac:tyl /daekta/ noun (technicah aunitofsound in poetry consisting of one strong'or long syllable followed by two weak or short syllables

本 ad


/daed/ noun (informal)

(often used as aname):father': Thats 7Tny dad oyer 切 ere. ? Do you lipe with your mum or your daad2? 2 让 OK 太[Do 六 row the ca7Pp Dad2? Dada /aa:zdaz/ novn [U] an early 20th century movement in art, literature, mnusic and flm which made fun ofsocial

and artistic conventions > Dada'ism

/dad:da:rzem/ 0oun

[u]Dada'ist /dua:da:rst/ noun daddy

/duadi/ novn (pl -ies ) used especially by and to

young children, and often as a name, to mean 'father: What aoes your daddy IooKi Like? c Daddy WwWRpere are yoOU2 CComte to Daddy.

idaddy-long-legs novn (pdaddy-long-legs ) (ipforma)) 1 =cCRANE FLY 2 (NmBl asmall creature like a spider With verylong legs dado /duerdao; NAmE-dou/ noun (Pos ,NAmE-oes )the lower part ofthe wall ofa room when itis a different colour or material from thetop part

oured garden flower often shaped like aball

the parliament of the Republic of Ireland whose members are elected bythe people

二 本训y 0训 /deili/ oadj ,adv, mou7 卓 0dj. [only before noun] 1 happening, done or Prodtuced every day: a daily routimne/VisitmeWspaper c eyentts affectingthe daily Lives ofrmmillions ofpeoplec Jnyoices are sigTled

om a daily basis. 2 connected with one days work: They charge a daily rate._ [ID your daily 'bread- the basic things that you need to live, especially food 国 Qdv. eVery day: The machines are imspected twice daily. 豆 IOUm (P/)-ies) 了 anewspaper Ptblished every dayexcept Sunday: The story Was 识 all the dailies. 2 (also ,daily 'help) (old-osjhoned, BrE) aperson employed to come to sb's house each dayto clean 让 and do other jobs

dainty /demti/ adj dain:tier, dain'ti'est)

(of people

and things) small and delicate in a way that People find attractive DELICATE: dainty feet adainty porcelaim cuUP 2 (of movements) careful, often in a way that SUggests good manmners DELICATE: She took a dainity it tle bite of the apple. PP daintily adv: She blew jher mnose as daintialy as7Do5s5 芒le.daintiness own [U]

dai'quiri /darkrmi; 'dssk-/ moun an alcoholic drink made from RUM mixed with fruit juice, sugar etc.

gairy /deari; NAmE'deri/ novn, 0 中 旧 1OU1 (pl-ies)1 aplace on afarm where milk is keptand Where butter and cheese are made 2 a company that sells milk, eggs, cheese and other milk products 3 (NZE) asmalllocal shop:TWentto buyapaperattuecorneraairy. 理 Gdlj. [only before noun] 1 made from milk: dairy prodUcts/Pproduce 2 connected with the production of milk

acat | dzfather | eten | sbird| aabout |zsit zsee|imany|npgot(Br|




ratherthan meat: thedairyindustrye aairy cattle/farrmerscadairy cowzfarm

dairy.maiqd /desrimeid; NAmE "deri houp (of 大 Shioned) awoman who worksin a dairy(1) dairy'iman /desrimen; NAmE 'aeri/ moon (Pen /men/) 1 a man who works in a dairy(1) 2 a man who



tend to Sue for damages .2 Am Was awarded E6000 (im)

damases. [ET What's the vdamage?

(njormaol) away

of asking how much sth costs

owns or managesadairy(2) and sells the products dlais /derrs/ noun a stage, especially atone end ofa TOom, on Which people stand to make speechesto an audience

日 Ve/ 峭[VN] to harmi orspoil sthysb: The fire badly darmaged 太e towm halL o Seyeral yehicles were damaged 训 the crasju SmoOking seriously damagesyOour health. The allegations arelikely to darmage his political career cemotionally damm-

dlaisy /derzi/ movn (pl:ies)asmall wild flower with white

aged chilarem

PETALS around a yellow centre; ataller plant with similar butlarger flowers 一 see also MICHAELMAS DAISY IE see



daisychain noun astringofdaisiestied togetherto wear around the neck etc.

daisy cutter "ovun 1T(in CRICKET or BASEBALL) aball hit or thrown to roll or BOUNCE low along the ground 2 a Very powerful bomb dropped from an aircraft that explodes close to the gtound and causes alot of destruction Over alarge area

daisy whheel 7ovn a small disc, used in some Piinters and TYPEWRITERS,With metal letters around the edge Which print onto Paper: adaisy wheelprinter dalks /daeks/ noumn [pl.] (AustralE, NZE, informalj) trousers/

Pants /dalea daela/ noun (in Tanzania) a _small buis

Used as a taxi

northern England: tpe Zrkshire Dales Dalit:/dAlrt/noun (inthetraditional Indian cAsTE system) a member of the caste that is considered the lowest and that has the fewest advantages: the Dalits:struggle for social and ecomiormic rights






humorous) 下 the behaviotr of sb who is dallying with Sbysth: 政纪 rmred outto be his Iast dalliance with the educa石on system. 了 a Sextual relationship that is not serious

daliy /aali/ veb balliessdaily-ingsdallied,dallied ).[V] (old-joshioned) to do sth too slowly; to take too much time


-a decision



sbysth :(old-

jshioned) to treat sb/sth 识 a way:that is not seriious enough=see also DILLY-DALLY Dalima'tian /dalmerfn/ novn alargedogthathasshort White haifr with black spots djaim /dzm/ ovn, ye 尼 四 IOU1 了 abarrier that is built across a river iD order to Stop the water from flowing, used especially to make a

RESERVOIR (= alake for storing water) orto produce electricity 2 (techmicol) the mother of some animals,especially horses 一compare SIRE 3 三 DENTAL DAM

上 VE/ (mim-) [VN] ~ sth (up) to build a dam across a river, especially in order to make'an artificial lake for use as a Water SUDPly, etc.

@二居于 名 至 0-析 /daemrds/ noun, yeb 自 IOU 了 [贡U] ~ (tossth) physical harm caused to sth which Iakes it less attractive, Useful or valuable: serious/seVereWextertsiyeVPpermaaTteTttATmainor darmage 2 prairz/ 1iver etc. darmage 和 fire/sSmoke/bomb/storm damage CThe earthquake caused:damaage to Propertby estimmated at 86 milliom co The stor7m didmni do 7muchn damage. CIets take al1ooKk at the damage. CTinsistompaying jor 切e darma8e. C Majke SUTe YOU insuTe YOUF camera against 10ss Or


2 [U] ~ (to sb/sth) harmful effects on sbysth:

ezotiortal darmage resuiing 万ofm daiyorce 2 damage to a Persos reputation 2 This couViG cause Serious damage to the couTtrysS econrormgy CT going 一Tve done enough damage here already 3 damages :[pl] an amount ofmoney that a court decides' should be paid to sb -by the person, company, etc: that has caused them harm:orinjury: Fe Was ordered to pay darmages totalling 上 30000. C They 访 -


These words all meanto have a bad effect on sby/sth. 中amage to cause physical harm to sth, making itless 、 attractive, useful orvaluable; to havea bad effecton sby/ sth's life, health, happiness or chanees of success: The Jiepbadly damasged theiown hocemotiona必 damaged chjildren hurt (otherinjormah to havea bad effect on sby/sth's life, health, happiness orchances of success: Hard wo 上 meyer ju/EImyOne.

| army

| aomnow

happiness or Chances of success: Po/uiionm can harm 0G1me 1人 . DAMAGE,HURT_ OR HARM?

dale /deil noun (liierary or dialech a valley especially 训


hurt “harm * impair 。prejudice

harm to have a bad effect on sb/sthis life, health,

dal = DHAL dala-dala


| ersay

| so8o (Br6

Allthese words can be used totalk about how things can put people in a weaker position: An action or decision can damage/hurt/harm a persom's or country's chamces, Prospects imterests, reputation orimage. Hurtis slightly less formal, especially when itis used in negative statements: 中 WonEhuctpiim to hovetowaitapiC 闪 法 Harmis also often used to talk about ways in which thingsin the natural world such as wildl/碟and the enyironmeniare affected by human activity. impair (otherjormajhito damage sb's health, abiiities or chances: Evemome drinkcanimpairdriving perormance. Prejuaelice (fjommah)to damagesb's health, happiness or chances: She did notdlisclose eyidence 加atwas Jikely to Prejudice herclients case. PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

to damage/hurtharrmyimpaiVprejudice sb?s health/ chances

四 to damage/hurt/harmy/prejudice sb's interests 晶 to damage/hurt/harm sb's reputation

晶 to seriously/severely/greatly/irreparably damage/ hurt/harmyimpairvprejudice sb/sth 是 to badly damage/hurt/harmy/impairsb/sth

,darmage jinnitation

(also damasge con'trol


cially 让 NA7mB) nouwn [U] the process oftrying to limit the aimount of damage thatis caused bysth


/damrd5m/ adj ~ (to sb/sth) causing dam-

age; having a bad effect on sb/sth: dammagsing conmsegUeTLCes/efjfects 2 Lead 1 potentially damaging to chiladrems Phealth. Da:rmnas:Cus /demmaseskes/ .movwn [IE the road to _Da'mmascus an experience that results in a great change in a Person's attitudes or beliefs: Spending a might in jail was Pis road to DaTnascus.[GETSTI From the story irrthe Bible 让 which St Paul hears the voice of God on the road to Damascus and becomes a Christian. 中 amaskK /dsmaesk/ noumn [U] a type of thick cloth usuallymade from silk or LINEN, With apattern that is visible on both sides: a aarmmasKk tableclo妃 game /derm/ 7ovn TDame (in Britain) atitle giventoa Woman as a Special honour because of the work she has done: Dame Maggie Smith 了 (old-j6shioned, NAmE njor 广

/mall a Woman


| ou go(Mm 日 |:orboy

| Ie near

| ea hair

| ve pure



'damp course(also 'damp-proof'course 00n (both

dammn/dam/ exclamatony adj3verb adv ;moun 四 EXClaimation (also old-joshioned dam:mit /dzmrt/damn 诠(njormnaljl a swear word that people use to show that they are annoyed, disappointed,etc.: ON aarmratTjorgothe was coming.

gdlj. (also dammned

[only before noun] (njformah 1 a

Swear word that people use to show that they are an-

noyed with sb/sth: Wheres that darmm book1cThe darmmed thingwonitstartl clts none ofyourdarmnr pusiness1CHesa darmn7 Puisance! 了 a Swear word that people: use to emphasize what they are saying: WPat a darmm sharne! See THING [VN]

on sth (njormalj) to make sth less enjoyable, Successful,

being damp: Top ayoid dampness,air 雪e roomt regularly. damp-proof COUIFSeIOU]

IE damn the consequences,ex-

woman who needs help

daim.sel.fly/damzlflar/ moun (中 -ieq an insect with a long thin body and two pairs of wings dam.son /dzmzn/ noun a small purple fruit, like a PLUM: Qa darmnsot free damnmy/dan/ noun 1 one of the levels in KARATE Or JUDO

damn sb/sth with faint 'praiseto praise sb/sth only a little, in order to show that you do not really like themyv 让

PIT be dammnedi(old-foshioned, normajh used to show that you are Very SITPprised about sth lm damned 放 ..。 (npformaj used to showthatyourefuseto do sth or do not know sth: 7Pm darmmed if Papologizel ce Tim damined 矿工 Know wjho he 认. 一 more at NEARGdY

了 aperson who has reached aparticular level in KARATE


(Unformnall Ta swear word that

People Use to show that they are annoyed with sbysth: Donit be so aarmmm si ec What a darmm stupid queshomnl Zou Know darmmr well (= you know Very well) wpat 工 mmean! 2 7 darmm Wel leaye tomnighE (= Iam determined to). 2 a swear word that people use to emphasize what they are Saying: darnm good C We got out pretty dammed JostlSTmi damn sureshe had mo iaea: IE damn all (BrE) nothing:TKmnow damr al abpout cofmPuters.


notcare/givea'damn(aboutsbysth)jim 友玉

mall tonot care at all about sbysth 一more atTINKER1.







annoying P dam:nably/'dzmnebli/ odv dam.na-tion/dammerfn/ moun [U] the state ofbeing in

二 司 imCe 0

/dans; NAmE daeins/ OUm,Ve 屿

上 IOU1 了 [C] a series ef movements and steps that are USUally performed to mnusic; a particular example'of these Imoveimnents and Steps:a darice classZroutine Fnd a Parbter and practise these new dancesstepso Do you ,

Know ay other Zatirz AmericaTt damnices? CTPhe miext damce Wi be a waltz. 一see also RAIN DANCE 了2 [U] the art of dancing,especially for entertainment: ar everiing of Grama, music amd dance C moderTiclassical dance Ca danmnce cofmparny/troupe 3 [C an act of dancing: Lets jhaye a darce. C He did alittle dance of triumph. 4 [Ga Social event at Which people dance: We jhold a damce eyery year to raise money fjor charib 号 [C a Piece of masic for damncing to: The band 廊nished With a 大 mw:slow damces.


hell; the act of sending sb to hell: eternal darmmation

1 [vtomoveyourbodytothe soind andrhythm of

dammnedy/damd/ ad四 ,adv,noun

Itusic: Do youU Want to dance? C_ He asKked mme to damnce. Theystayed up all nightsinging and dancing. CTheydanced to 雪e music of a siring guartet C Ruth danmced all eveniing with Richard. ceRuth and Richarad damnced together all eveming. 导 [VN] to do aparticular type of dance: to dance te tarngoctodanceawal区 3 [Vv]tomoveinalivelyway: The childarem dariced arourid her Thesumnshone om theseaarid the Wayes dartced anid SParkled. C The Woras danced before

Gd/. ,ady. = DAMN @0IOUn the darmmned[pl.] People who are forced to live ip hell after they die daimmned:est/dazmadist/ noun; 0dj. (njornal) Im the damnedest .. (especially NA the most surprising .…: tSthe darmmmedest 雪 ingTeyersaW, do/tryyour'dammned-

est (to do sthjtotryashard asyoucan (to do sthj: She dia Per darmmiedest to get 让 done on time. damn:ing /damrm/ adi, critical of sb/sth; suggesting thatsb is guilty: darmming criticism/evidence ca darmanm碎S comclusiomn/reporte Herreportis expected to delivera damming indictmentofeducationm standaras.

Damo:cles/'damaekli:z/ moun


dam.sel/'damzl/ noun (old wse) a young woman who is not married a damsel in di'stress (hmorous) a

sth even though you know it may be expensive, have bad results,etc.: TIets celebrate and darmm the expensel


入 er 名 ce amd mecjk. C Fe darmpened his hair to make ilie Jat 2 to make sth such as a feeling or a reaction less strong: None of the setbacKs couid darmper his emnthustGSTm Jor 态e project C She Wasnt going to Iet anything darmpenm her spirits today: damip:er/azimpeGC)/ ho 了 apiece of metal that can be moved to allow more or less air into a fire so that the fire burns more orless strongly 2 adeviceinapianothat is used to reduce the _level of the sound produced

etc. damp.ness /daempnes/ 1001 [U] the fact or state of

ense, etc.(injormal) used to say that you are going to

@Gdy. (also damned

damp.en /dampan/ ve 尼 [VN] 1 (also /ess Jrequent damp to make sth slightly wet: Perspiration darmpened

Im puta'damper on sth (BEalso puta'dampener

1Tused whenswearing at sb/sth to Show that

youare angry: Darmm youlT7m motgsoing to letyouDULIy 7me. 2 Darmmn this mmachinel Why womt iiWork2? 2 (of God) to decide that:sb must suffer in hell 3 to criticize sb/sth VeIy strongly: The 衣Im was darmnmned py te criics for 亡

mindless Violerice、

BrE) a layer of material near the bottom of a wall thatis Used to stop damp rising from the ground

jher tired eye5.

哪避 ,dance at'tendance on sb(BrE /六

/malj) to be with sb and do things to help and please them ,dance the 'night awayto dance for the whole evening ornight dance to sb's 'tune(BrE) to do whatever sbtells youto

[Er see SwWORD

dance bandnoun a group pf musicians who Play music at dances

dlaimip 0 /dzmp/ ao, noup, ve 必 madj/. ( damp.er damp.est slightly wet, often ipawaythat

diance floornoun an area where people'can dancein a

is Unpleasant: The cottage Was cold amnd darmp. 2 下 feels daarmp 识 here. 2 darmmnp clothes C Wipe the surfoce with a darmp cloth. 只 note at WET damplyadv: The Douse

dance hall2ovn alarge Public room where people pay

clung damply to herskin,

IE adamp'squib(BrE, njo 广

mal) an event that is disappointing becatse it is not as exciting Or impressive as exXpected

上 OUm [U] (BrE) the state of being damp; areas on a wall, etc. that are damp: The old house smmelks of darmp. Those Tarjks aboyve 妨e widow IooK LiKe damp to 7me. 上 VErb [VN] = DAMPENI: She damped atoweland wrapped 让

Tound jhis leg. damip 'downi sthto make an emotion ora feeling less strong damp sthe'downtomakea fire burn more slowly or stop burning


| dadid

| :ffal

hotel, restaurant, etc:

| 9gget

| hhat

| jyes

to go and-dance (more common in the past than now)一 compare BALLROOM

加 司 .Ce 站 及 0-m /damsa(D; NAmE'daen-/ moun aperson who dances or whose job is dancing: Shes a Jonmtastc dancer C HesSa damncer with the Royal Ballet.

qiam-.cim 有 0 /duadmnsm; NAmE'asens/ nown [U] Imoving your body to music: damncing classes OoThere Was TnUSicand dancins tilltywoin themorning. 一See also COUN-



| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppeni

| rred

,ID amd CaobbrDILATATION AND CURETTAGE dan'delion /daendrlaren/ novn asmall wild plantwith a bright yellow flower that becomes 'a soft white ball:of

seeds called adandelion clock dandelion 'coffee "oun ahot drink made from the



,IDamnmish 'blue movn [U] atype of soft cheese with blue

TIoots of DANDELIONS dan'di'fied /dandifard/ ad (oldshioned,disapproying) (of a man) caring a lot about his clothes and appear-

partts in it and a strong flavour ,Damnish 'pastry (especiolly BrE) (also Dan:ish NAmE, BrE) noun a Sweet cake made of light PASTRY, often containing apPple, nuts, etc. and/or covered With ICING qdank /dan0k/ odi. (especially of a place) damp,-cold and

baby or young child by moving them Up and down on your knee

dap:per /dpeCD)/ ad (of a man) small with a Deat appearance and nice clothes dap:-pled 和 spld/ ad marked with spots of colour or

ance dan:dle /asandly vemb [VN] (old-foshioned) to play witti a dan'druff /dandrAf/ novn [U] very small pieces of dead Skin, seen as a white dustin a person's hair

dandy /dandi/ noun, ad 上 0OUM (1 -ies) (old-foshionedhaman who cares alot abonuit his clothes and appearance

目 gd (old-jsjpioned, especially NAm 昌 very good dang /dan0/ adj.,exclamation (NAmE informan a mild Swear Word, used instead of DAMNI: ts justdang stupid/!

二 亲.可 站 人 六 0 语 /demnd5oGD/moun

ENDANGER IEII be on/off the'dangerlist (BrE) to be

SoilVsickthatyouinay die; tono longerbe veryill/sick

danger money (BrE) (Us 'hazard pay, 'danger pay) moun [U] extrapayfor doing workthat is dangerous

/demad5sares/ ad

一 (forsb) (to do sth)likelytoinjure orharm sbjortodamage or destroy sth: Qadargerous roadvAilnesssport 2 The traffic jhere' is Very dangerous for children. c danmgerous leyvels of carpom 7mnomoxide C The prisoners Who escaped are


Shade: the cool dappled light under the trees

dapple grey:(5r6 (NAmEdapple gray)/daapl'grer/ ad

(of ashorse)j-grey' or white with darker round marks Pdappile grey 70017 Darby and Joan /idadbi an 'dzaun; NAmE ,dadrbi sn 'd5oUun/ moun [pl.] (BrE) away ofreferring to an old couple whbo are happily married

人 are

TI[U] ~(ofsth):the possibility of sth happening that will ipjure, harm or kill sb, ordamage or destroy sth: Darger! Keep Outl c Childrens Lives are 训 damnger eyery Erme they cross this road. e Doctors said sheismnow ouEoF damngser (三 Dotlikelyto die). 2 [CU]~ of sth |~that the possibility of sth bad or Unpleasant happening: There zs no dangsger of QGbush FirenowcThebuilding zinadanger ofcollapsing. ow many jctory Workers are 训 dartger of 1osing 雪 eir Jobs2 e There is a danger tat 如e Political disorder oF 态e Past WwT return o Wicky wonit Pind oub W 这 she2 OP mo, theres no danger of that” 3 [C] ~ (to sb/sth) a person or thing that may cause damage, Or harm Sb: SmoKing Ka Serious darngerto health Policesaid 坊 e7man wasadanger to 纺epupblic c the hidden darigers 识 your home 一see also

二 aa 站.名 er.OUS 0

Unpleasant: a dark damKk cave PP danmiicnmess OU


/dea(r); NAmE der/ verb, noun

和 Ve沙1 (notusually used in the progressive tenses) to be brave enoughto do sth: Shesaiditas Ioudly as she dared. He didnt dare (to) say what he thouvght CThey darent asK Jor any more money c (literamy) She dared not preathe a Word of 让 to anybody c There was something, dare Tsay 让 aittle unusual about hirm, 了 to persuade sb to do sth dangerous,difficult or embarrassing so that they can show that they are Dot afraid: [VN] Go omnl! TaKke it Tadare youL C [vNto inf] Sormme of the older boys Pad dared Rirm to do 牙 字 noteatMODAL [IE don't you darel (iorma)

Used to tell sb sttongly not to do sth: T21 tell her about 让 Domntyou dareDontyoudaresay anything to aybody. how 'dare you,etc.

used to show that you are angry

about sth that sb has done: Bow daare you taik to me Like that2 2 How dare she imply thatTwas ying?1 dare say

(alsol daresay especially in BrE) used when yot are Say也g that sth is -Probable: T dare say yo /Know about 让 @LFeaday. 旧 OU [usually sing.] Something dangerous,difficult or embarrassing that yoOU try to persuade sb to do, to see 让 they will do it: (BrE) Fe climbed onto the roofforadare.c (NAmE) She Jearned to jy om a dare.

Violent amd dargerous. C (BrE) a comyictiomn or dangerous GrivingcThesituatior is hisphly damgerous. itWwould be dar8gerous Jor you to stay jhere. dan':ger'ous-ly adv: She was startding damngerously close to the fire. ceBis 如 ther

idangerouysty 码 (= so 记 that he might die). C Mel emjoys Living darigerousjy (= doing things that involve risk or dangeT).




asituation Or SUbject

that js likely to make sb angry or that inVolves risk: Weid De on dartgerous SrOLTLG 矿we aSKed about race Or reliSio7L dian'gle /dz0gl/ ve 1 峭 [v usually+ advVprep] tohang or swing freely: Gold charms damngled 太om jherbracelet CA Single Light DuZD damgled 方omm the ceiling. 2 Fe sat on the edge Withn Pis 1egs damtgling ovyerthe side. 2 [VN] to hold sth sothatithangs or Swings freely: She damngled jher car Keys

TerVvOUsly as She SDoKe. ICIO Keep/leave sb dangling

(informaj) to keep sb in an Uncertain state by not telling them sth that they want to know: She Kept Firm damglimg fraWweek pefore mmaking her decisiom. dangle sth be'fore/in 'front of sb to offer sb sth good ip order to Persuade them'to do sth

dangling participle 270Ln (gromman) a Participle that Telates to a noun that is not mentioned


participles” are not considered correct. In the sentence

“While walking home, my Phone rang', walking' is a dangling participle. A correct form of the sentence would be “While TIwas walking home, myphone rang-'.

Dan:ish /demrJ/ codj., nou7

上 0dj/. from or connected with Denmark 下 JoOUm 了 [U] the language of Denmark

了字 [C] = DANISH

PASTRY s see

| ttea

| vvan

| :wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe


是 Dare (sense 1) usually forms negatives and questions likean ordinaryverband is followed by an infinitive with io.ltis most commoninthe negative: 1djdnitdare io0sK CHe wontdare io preakhispromise.c You iold JimzHowaddyoudareze1hnaordly daredio hopeshed

1ememper me In positive sentences a phrase like not be afraid is often used instead: She wasntafraid(=she

dared) io tel1pimm 芒e truth、

利 lt can also be used like a modal verb especially in present tense negative forms in BrE and isfollowed by aninfinitive without to: /darentell hertine tirutpn. 目 In spoken Engiish,the forms ofthe ordinary verb are often used with an infinitive without to: Domit youdare tell her whaotfsaidlr eldidnitadare lookatjirm. dare.devi训 /desdevl; NmE 'derd-/ noun a person who enjoys doing dangerousthings,in awaythat other people maythinkis stupid: a reckless daredeyvil e dare.devil adl/. [only before noum]: Domttry any daaredevil stunts.

dar.ing /dearID; NAmE'der-/ adj ;noun 上 dj. brave; willing to do dangerous or Unusual things; jinvolving danger or taking risks: a daring waik 训 space 和 There are plenty of actiyities at the resortfor the less darin8. CThe galiery Was riowm Jor putting on daring exhibitions. Cadaring strapless dress 训 Dliack silk > daringly adv 四 IOU1 [LU] courage and the willingness to take risks: the SKill and daring of the moumitairt clirmpers

| 5vision

| tfchain

| dzjam

| gthin

| 5this

| Dasing


386 | dark-jling /daklm; NAmE'dark-/ adj iteray)becoming

dark or connected with the dark: 如e darkling sxy gdafrlk:ly: /aakai NmE'dark-/ adv 全 Dathreatening or 轩 司ilK :0OR ./dadk; NmEdazrk/adi noun Unpleasant way: He Pinted.darkly 太 at al13Was motE We 凡 男 _Gdj. darker,darkest) 2 showing a dark colour: Hereyes burmned darkly: > WITH _LITTLE LIGHT 1 with no or very little light,espe-” cially_ because it is night: a dark rooTm《AStreetforest 和 dark 'mmiatter OUw1 [U] (astronomy) according to some theories, material which exists in space that doesnotPIoThat tirme does 让Lget darK 总SUmTmer2 2 下 Was dark ou duce anylight Side anldTcouldmtsee much aa LIGHT *COLOURS 2 not light; closer 识 shade to black than to darkness /da:knas; NMAmE'dadrk-/ noun [U] 1 the state ofbeing dark, without any light: After afew minutes OUT white: darKk blueAgreefnAred etc. 2 _ Darker colours are eyes gotUsed to the darkness. CThe house Was PIUPnged into 7more Practical amd dofiit Show stains. ma LIGHT) PALIE total darKkmess wjhe7t 雪 e electricity Was cUE o 太 2 The Sum 3 having a colour that is close to black: a aarK 5S],i让 人 Went down atd darkness 帮 1 (= ibecame night). CTPe7e darkcoloured wood ec The dark clouds 识 切 e sky 7mmeant 惠

that a stormz Was coming. HAIR/SKIN/EYES 4 brown orblack in colour: Sue has Iong

aarkphairByven 太 you jhayve dark skimu :you slLmeed Protection 廊om the su 5 (of a person):having dark hair,

eyes; etc.: QdaarKk hamdsome StraTlger [Ga FAIR Y

MYSTERIOUS . @ mysterious; _hidden and not known about: There are no darK secre 好 识 OUr formily. EVIL 7 evil or frightening: There was a darker side to his Pature. C the dark forces ofthe imagimnatiom WITHOUTHOPE 8 unpleasantand without anyhopethat sth good will happen: the darkest aays of Fascism 2 Thne im is aadark vision of the 多 tre.


9 (of a speech sound) -produced with the

back part of the tongue close to the back of the monith. Inmany accents ofEnglish,dark /1/ is used after a vowel,

as in ba 中 [aa


IE a dark 'horse 1 (Br6) a person who does not tell other people much abonut their lifej*and who surprises other people by having interesting qualities 2 a person taking Partin a Trace, etc. Who SuUrpTIises everyone by winningkeep sth 'dark (BrE, 帮 jrmal) to keep sth secret and nottell people about 让

700m 多



[sing.] the lack of lightin aplace,

especially because it is night:A1L thelights wentout arid we Were [e丰 识 the darKk. Are the children ahaid of the aarK2? Canimals that ca see 总 the aarK 旭


2 [U]-an amount of sth that is dark in colour:

patterns of 1ight and dar大 [Er after/before dark

afterbefore the sun goes down

and it is night: Try to getPhormne before daarKk. 2 Donitgo ou

alone after dark.in the 'dark(about sth) knowing noth让 g abonit sth: Workers Were Kept 碌 the dark about the Pilaris io sell te company 2 She arrived at the meeting as TUCP 识 the dark as eyeryone else.a shoty/stiab in the dark 3a guess; sth you do without knowing what the reSUlt Will be: The 方gure he came UP With Was really justa Shot 访 态e aqarK 一more atLEAP1.

熙 am extra hour of darkriess on Winter 浆OFmiimgs. CO ParKing imnotallowed auringthe hours ofdarKriess. 2 万cr/ce Was

训 darKkness. 人 They Ta7iaged to escape Under coOVer OF darKkrtess. 2 the quality or state ofbeing dark 识 colour: 了tdepends om the darxress ofyourskin. 3 (iteroarmy) evil: the forces of darjkness darkroom /adkrum; rom; NAmE'ddrk-/noxnaroom that can be made completely dark,, where yoU can take fm out of a camera and develop Photographs

,dark'star 00U1(astronomy)an objectinspacesimilartoa star that prodtuces no light or verylittle light darlinse /dalmn; NAmE'aadrlrm/ Down acdl 卓 IOU1 了 (njnnmahh away of addressing sb that you love: Whats themattep aarling? 2 apersonwhois vety friendly and kind: You areadariing Hugo. 3 the 一 ofsb/sth a person who is especiallyliked and very popular: She it纺e daariing of the neWwspapers and ca7i do no Wro7g. Gd/ [only _before noun] (njormai much loved; very attractive,Special,etc.: My darling daughter Darling 有 enry the Ietter pe5gam darnm /damn; NAmEda:rn/ verbnounijadj jadv. 四 -Verb to repair a hole in apiece ofclothing by-sewing STITCHES across the hole: [VN] -to darn socks [also V] IE 'darn:itt (norma/ Especially NAmE) used as:aimild Swear word to showthat you are angry or annoyed abonlt

Sth, to avoid saying "damn':: Darm il/ Tye 1ost mmy Keys/Pi be 'darnedl

(Unforma/, especially NAmE) used to show that

you are Surprised about sth 上 0OU1aplace onapiece ofclothingthathasbeenrepaired by darning 卓 0dfi (alsodarnmed ) (pnformal)used asamild swear Word, to emphasize sth: WPy domzyox SWii tphe darm ting o 矿

aid listemn to mmiel


昌 Qdv, (alsodariiead )(jnrmal)iausedasamild swear Word,

instead of saying DAMN, to mean'extremel 史orerY: ZU had adarm soodty cts darmicoldtonighit darned /dadcnd; NmEdadrnad/ adj ,adv = DARN: Thatsa darmnedgoodideale darned:est


the'dqark ages 52 [pl] Tthe Dark Ages_the period

gatft /dat NAmEdart/ nouny ye 上 of European history between the end of the Roman Em- 四 _IOUm 了 [cl-asmallpointed object sometimes with feapire and the 10th centuryAD Z (often humorous)aperiod thers to help it fly, that is shot as a weapon or thrown in of history or a time when sth was not developed or modthe game ofdarts:apoisoned dart 2 darts [U] a game iD ern: BacK 妆 轨e dark ages ofcomputing, 训 about 了IJ980, 妇 ey which darts_are thrown at a round board marked With started a software coTmmPDaTy. numbers for scoring. Darts is .often _played 记 British pubs: a dart mnatch 3 [sing.] a sudden quick movement 'qdark chocolate (BrEalso'piain chocolate ) 0ovn [U] DASH: She made adartjor the door 4.[sing.] (Nter dark brown chocolate with a slightly bitter taste, made aq) asudden feeling of a strong emotion: Nina 帮 Lta sudWithout milk being added 一compare MILK CHOCOLATE den daqart of paniic. 5 [C a pointed fold that is sewn in a diarikem /ddken; NAmE'daTkz/ ve Ttobecome'dark' 户 piece.of clothing to make it fit better to make sth dark: [V] The sky bpeganmn to darkemas the storm 下 YEer1 [LV+addv/prep]to move suddenly and quickly in approached. 2 [VN] We walked quickly through te darapartticular direction:A dog darted across 切 eroad 雄 广ont ened Streets. Caaarkened roofm 之 to make sb Unhappyor of me.CEereyes darted around the rooTm IooKking 加六Greg. angry; to become Unhappyor angry: [VN] 下 Was a tragedy 之 ~aglance/look (at sb) to look at sb suddenly and that darKemned his Iater 1 谍. co[V] Bermood darKkenred at the quickly: [VN, VNN] Fe aarted an impatientIook at Vickyr > PieW5s,2 TIUKeS 名 ce darkened (= he looked angry). Fe darted Vicky am imipatient10o0K.

[IE never darken

my 'door again


hu/morous) used to tell sb never to come to your home again ,人lark glasses moun [pl.] glasses thathave darkcoloured

LENSES 一See also SUNGLASSES darikie /daki; NAmE'darki/ novn (ioboorold-Joshioned)a Very offensive word forablack person

2 cat | dz father | erten | 3: bird | ia about :|Tsit |

qiart.board /datbo:d; NAmE 'da:rtbord/ noun around board used in the game of darts

Darwin.ism /adwmrzerm; NAmE 'aaar nouwn 08y) the theory that living things EVOLVE by SELECTION;, developedbyGharlesDarwin in the turye Darwinmian /da'wmien; NAmE dar-/ Winian iaeas

[ul (bio/NATURAL l9th cenadj: Dar

see | imany | ogot:(Br6 | ozsaw | Acup | oput | utoo

dash /daefy/ noun, verb 四 11OU7 >STH DONE QUICKLY 1 [sng] a~(for sth) an act of going SOmewhere suddenly andVor quickly: When the doors Opened 妇ere was ainad dash for seats. ea 60-mile dash

tosafetby Hejumped of the bus and made a dash for the Pearestbar C We WaitedjJorthepotice to leaye 切eninadea dashjJor 让 (=1left quicklyin orderto escape). 2 [sing] an act of doing sth quickly because youdo not have enough time: aast7mminute dash to buy present SMALL AMOUNT_ 3 [Cusually sing.] ~ (of sth) a small amotunt of sth that is added to sth else: Add a dash of Lemmomjuice. The rug adds a dasjh ofcolour 训 坊e roo 克.一

compare SPLASH SYMBOL 4 [q the mark (一)used to separate parts of a Sentence, often instead of a colon or 记 pairs instead of brackets/pParentheses 一compare HYPHEN 闻


瑟 [Cusually sing.] (especialy NAm有B)a race in which

the people taking partTun Very fast over a short distance SPRINT: he I00-Tmneter das几 “WAYOFBEHAVING 和 @ [LU] (old-/shioned, approving) away of behaving that combines style, enthusiasm and confdence 了

PART OF CAR 7 [G] (pnformalj) = DASHBOARD 一See also PEBBLE-DASH [DIM cut a dash (Br to look attractive in a particular set of clothes,,especially in a Way that makes other people notice youU: Fe cut quite a aas 六 识 Pis umiOrrm.

ye 国y

GOQUICKLY 1 [vtusually+ adyVprep] to go somewhere Very qujickly RUSH: TImust dash (= leave quickly), Triate. :She dashed off to Keep an appointment 2 He

dashed along the Platform and jurmped om 妇e trainm. THROW/BEAT 之 [+advVprep.] to throw isth or make sth fall Violently onto a bard: surface; to beat against a SUface: [VN] The Doat Was dasped repeatedly against te Tocks. :CO [V] The wayes Were aashimng againmst the Rarpour WaLL IE dash sb's 'hopes to destroy sb's hopes by making whattheywere hoping forimpossibledash (it)! |dash 证 allt (old-/shioned,Br6) used to show that:you are annoyed about sth idash sth< 一 off to write or draw Sth Very quickly: Tdashed o 矿amnote to my brother

dash.board /duzJbo:d; NAmE-borady/ (ls0fa-scia )(also dash especiallyin NAmE) novn the partofacarin 们ont of the driverthat has instruments and controls in it 一picture


dash:ed /dsejt/ adi [only before noun] (BrE old-joshionedl, jnjio1pmalj) used as a mild swear word by some people to emphasize sth or to show they are annoyed

djash:iki /dd:frki/ noun a loose shirt or longer piece of clothing worm bymenin WAfrica, often made from cloth With brightycoloured patterns


/asefa/ oj (oldoshioney Ti(usualy of a

man)'attractive, confident and elegant: a dashing young

ofFicer Cis dashing 800d 1ooks 也 (of a thing) attractive and fashionable: his dasPhing red waistcoat

das:tard:ly /aaestedli; NAmE terd-/ adj (old-shioned) eVvil and cruel: My 万rstpartWwas Captain OTagarty adastardy yillain im achilarens Play

DAT /daet/ obbr digital audiotape qdata 0m /derta; BrEalso 'dazte; NAmEalso 'daete/ noun (used as aplural noun ip technical English, when the sin-

gular is datu7m) 1 届 ,pl.] facts or information, especiallywhen examined andtsedtofind outthingsortomake decisions: This data Was co1lected 万om 69 counatries. C_ the anialysisAimnterpret ationm of the data 2 raw data (= that has not been analysed) @ demographicalTistoricalpersonal data (techmicaj) These data show 坊at most cancers are detected as aresult of climnical follow-up. 了 [LU] ipformation that is stored bya computer': data retrieyal (= Ways of storing or

finding information on a computer)

全 ata 妈amK /dertebsenk; NAmE also'daete-/ on a large amountofdata on aparticular subject that is stored ip a

comptter Uactual

| arzmy

| aomnow

| ersay



dgata'base' /dertebeis; NAmE also ,daaste-/ moun an organijzed set of data that is stored in a compnuter and can be looked at and used in various ways database 'management systemm moxn (appr

DBMS) (computng) a System for organizing and managing alarge amotunt ofdata

diat'alble /dertebl/ odj that can be dated to a particular time: pottery that is dataple to the secO7id cemntury data capture novn [U] the actionm or process of collecting data, especially using computers


(also data-coms)



玉 azmiZz; "daete-/ OUn [pl.] (comPputpng) data communications (the tramisfer of data between comPputers)




[U] (computng looking: at large

amounts ofinformation thathasbeen collected on a computer and Using itto PIovide new information

,data 'Pprocessings novn [u] (computing) a series of actions that a computer performs on-data to Produce an


,data pro'tection novn [Uu] legal restrictions that keep information stored on compnuters Private and that control Who can read it or use 让 "diata set noun (computing) a collection of data Which is treated as a single unitby a compnuter

"dataterminal novn acomputerYhich allowsyotito get into a System in order to get or add information

"data type moun (computimng)japarticular type ofdata data warehouse "oun alarge amount of data which comes from different parts of a business and which is Stored togetheT

加 ate .0

/dert/ nounyvemb




a particular day of:the month,

Sometimes in a particular year,given ip Pumbers and Words: Whats the date today2 The 10th ec Write today3 date at the top of 妇e page. 2 We need to fixadate jpr 妇 e Text7meetimng TheyhayentsetadatejortheWweddingyet CTcamtcome on thatdate. Please giveyour name, adaress ad date of pirth. o (especially NAmB) name, aadress and Dirth date 2 Theres mio daate om this Ietter 一See also BESTBEFORE DATE, CLOSING DATE, SELL-BY DATE * PAST TIME/FUTURE 2Q2 [sing.,U] a time in the past or future thatis not aparticular day: The details camn be addeda atalIater date. 2 The work will pe carTried out ata tture date. Capuilding of Iate Romarn date * ARRANGEMENT TO MEET- 3-:[G (Br6) an arrangement to Ineet sb at a particular time: Call me mext WeeKk and we并 try anrdrmmake adate. >“ROMANTIC MEETING 4 [C a meeting that you have arIanged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or with sb who mijight become a boyfriend or girlfriend: Tve got a date WiIith TIuUcy tomorrow might 2 Pau1s not comming. Fes gota jhot date (= an exciting one). 一see also BLIND DATE, DOUBLE DATE 5 [C] (especay NAm 有 aboyfriend or girlfriend with whom you have arranged a date: My date 六 Tmeetinag me at SeVvem, * FRUIT

@ [GO asweet sticky brown fruit that grows on a

tree called adate palm , common in N Africa and W Asia IE

to 'date

Lintil now: Tp date,We haye receiyved oyer

200 replies. C The exhip 让 om comtains Some of his best Wo 天 to date. 一see also OUT OF DATE, UP TO DATE 避 VE 几 * WRITE


了 [VN] to wiite or Print the date on sth:

TPamnkyoujoryourIetterdated 24th Ma7ch. *FIND AGE 2 [VN] to say when sth old existed Or was made: The sKeletomn jhas been dated at about2000 BC. 上 OF CLOTHES/WORDS 3 [V] to become old-fashioned: She designs classic clothesWpich do notdate. PERSON 4 [VN] 寺 sth dates you, 让 shows that you are fairly old or older than the people'you are with:Twas at the Woodstock jestiyal 一that dates Te doesmntit? > HAVE RELATIONSHIP 5 (especialy NAmB) to have a

| sc go (Br 日| ou go (Nm 有

| orboy

| ze near

| ee hair

| aue pure


388 | Davy

IOomantic relationship with sb: [VN] Shexs been dating Rom Jorseveral months. [alsoVv]

date ' back (to:….) |:'datefrom .tohaveexisted sinceaparticulartimein thepastorforthelength oftime Imentioned: The college dates pack io medieyval tirmes. C The CUsStoma aates bacKk hundreds of years. Ca law dating 廊om the 17th cemtury qlated /dertrd/ adj. old-fashioned; belonging to a time ip the past 一coOmpare UNDATED

'date-line /dertlam/ noun = INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE date rape movn [U] the crime of RAPING sb, committed oran organization that arrangesImeetingsbetween single people who wanttobegin aromanticTrelationship: He mmet his w 交 切roush a computer dating aSertcy.

dlat'ive /dertrv/ nouri (gramman (in some languages) the noun, a pronotun or an adjective when it is the OBJECT of a verb or is connected with the OBJECT: 有太 妇e senttenice, TSent her Q postcard2 Jer 1 识 the dative. 一compare ABLATIVE,

/do:te()/ 0oU1

Tapersons female child: We hayve two sons and a daughter 2 They hayve 雪ree grOWPn-UD daughters, CO Shes the aaughter of an Oxford professor 一see _also _GoDDAUGHTER,GRANDDAUGHTER,STEPDAUGHTER 字 (Nte广 am) a woman who belongs to a particular place or country, etc,: one of the towms most 名 mous daughters

dlaumt /domnt/ verb [VN] [usually passive] to make sb feel nervous and less confident about doing sth INTIMI-

DATE: She Was Q praye WomaaTt put She jIt daumted By the task ahead、P daunting ad INTIMIDATING: She jas the dau7tting tasK of cooking for 20 people eyery day. 2 Startinganewjob car be a daunting prospect dauntingly oadv [IE nothing 'daunted (BrE, jrmah confident about sth difficult you have to do: Nothing darmited, the people set aboutTebuilding their hommies.

daunt'less /domtles/ ad (Nterary) not easily frightened Or Stopped ffom doing sth difficult


dau:phin /dsof2; faen; NAmE 'doou-/ noun (old wse) the oldest son of the king of France

David and Goliatlh /,qervrd sand galareb/ adj_ used to describe a situation in which a small or weak person or organization tries to defeat another much larger':-or Stronger Opponent: The match looks Like peing a Dayvid amd Goliath comntest [ETISFrom the Bible storyin which Goliath, a giant is killed bythe boy David with astone.

Davy Jones's locKer /idervi ,daounziz ,lpke(r);:NAmE id5ounzIZ;j azk-/ noun [sing.] (pfornmaj) thebottom ofthe Sea Where people who DROWN atisea are said to go [ISO From Davy Jones, a name Usedby sailors in the 18th century for the evil spirit of the sea.


| ddid

| ffall

|sg get

| h hat

| jyes

/derl noun

ca go another day 一See also FIELD DAV OFF DAY, REDLETTER DAY, SPORTS DAY 2 [U]thetimebetweenmtwhen 让 becomes light ip the morning and when 让 becomes dark ,

past for making walls: walls made of wattle amd datb 之 [q a small amount of a substance such as paint that has been spread carelessly: a daub of 1ipstick 3 [Ga badlyPpainted Picture

daushter-in-law:noun (1 daughters-in-lawjthe'wife of your son 一compare SON-IN-LAW

克 1owing mormning dawmed brightand War CAPew techn7iological age had dawmned. 了 tobecome obvious or easyto Understand: SIowjy te _aw 1记 Truth dawmred, [IE see LIGHT1. "dawn on sb [no passive] fsth dawns on you, yot begin to realize it for the first time: [二 that] Suddenly 让 dawmned on me tat tihey couldmi Possib7y Phayve7mnetpefore.

T [q a period of 24 hotrs: T saw Tobmm 态 ree days ago. What aay 东让 today2 Wonday ecWeye going away 议 Q Jew daysAimafew adays"time. 2 They Ieft the day before yesterday (= two days ago).e Weye mmeetinrg the day after tomorrow (= iD two days) 2 New 也 ars Day e TIpKke the Tedicine th7ee tmesa day 汪 We cariit go there today 7YDU

daupbed with red paimt

NAmE -terboxrd/ moun

目 yemb [V] T (of a day or a period of time) to begin: The

图本Y 0

目 IOUm 让 [U] a mixture of cLAY, etc. that was used in the

(computing) a small cIRCUIT BOARPD that attaches to a larger one

almzost dawm. C We arriyed 癌 Sydney as dawr broke (三 as the firstlightcould be seen), CTWoke UP7 思stbefore aawm. CSUITmers earty dawns 2 He works 太 omm daw7t fill dusk

singing very early in the morning

Spread a Substance Such as paintb mud, etc. thickly and/ Or carelessly onto sth: The Walls of the building Were


下 ]OU1 了 [U,G] the time of day when light first appears

the ,dawmn'chorusmoun [sing.] (BrE) thesound ofbirds

ACCUSATIVE,GENITIVE,LOCATIVE,NOMINATIVE,VOCATIVE es dativeadf/ datumi /dertem/ noun (P/ data) (technicoh afact or piece of information 一see also DATA qdaul /dorb/verb, nOun 目 Verb [VN 十 advV/prep] 一 Aon, etc; B | ~B with Ato


”Taughing and talking

gawin /do:n/ moum; ye几

civilization/ 丰 meApistory 2 Peace marked a mew dayw7n 训 妇 e coumntryS history [ET See BREAK 太 ,CRACK 记 .

by a person he or she has gone out with on a DATE


long time to do -sth or g0 Somewhere: Stop daawaling! We7e going to pe Iatel ce They dawadled along zy te rive7

(= _from morning t芭ll night). 一compare DUSK 2 [sing.] ~ (of sth) the beginning or first signs of sth: the daywm of

dating agency (also 'dating service) noun abusiness


daw.dle /auo:dl/ vem [v tsualy+ adv/prep] totake a

DAYBREAK, SUNRISE: They start Work at dawT CIts

date'book /dertbuk/ noumn (NAmB) = DIARY

form of a INDIRECT INDIRECT the word

lamp "ovn a type of lampi used in the past by MINERS, in which the flame was SUITOUnded by a sheet of wire to Prevent explosions

ip the evening: TPRe sur 好 05 Shining all day 和 Tcould s 让 amd watch the riyer all day Iong. He works at7tight amd Sleeps durirtg the day c Nocturnalanimals sleeD by day aad Puntbymisht 3 [Cusually sing.] thehours ofthe day Whenyouare awake, working;, etc.:Qseven-hour WoOrking day c ts been a Iong day (= Tve been very busyj ec Did youhave agood day2esShe didnrtdoa 包 11days work. cr took a jhalf day off yesterday c (NAmB) Hayve a mice day/ 一See also WORKDAY 4 [Cusually pl a particular period of time orhistory: 识 Queen Victorias dg 切 eearly days of cormmputers 2 Most Women stayed at hormne 议 those days. 2Unformaljl 识 切 eold days (= 雇 thepasb 一see also GLORY DAYS, HEYDAY, NOWADAYS, THE PRESENT “DAY DGDThere are many other compounds ending 让 day. You will find them at their Place 记 the; alphabet. [cr all in a day's'work part ofyotriormal working life andmnotunusual any day (now) (informal) very soon: The Letter'should arriye any day now carry/wimthe 'day Unmal) to be successful against sbysth: Despite stromng Oppositiom the ruling party car7ried te day -day after day each day repeatedly (used especially when sth is boring or annoying): She hates doing the same Work day aer day. day by 'day all the time; alittle atatime and gradually: Day py day his condition imiproved day ' 训, day 'out every day for a long period of time a day of reckoning the time when sb will have to deal with the result of sth that they have done wrong, or be punished for sth bad that they have done sb?s/sthrxs days are mumbered a person or thing will not continitie to live, exXist Or be Successful for much longer: His days as:Ieader ofthe partyraremumbered from day'one (mormal) from the beginning: s never Worked 廊om day one from day to day 1Twith no thoughts or plans forthe futtire: They Tve 广om day to day 1ooKing after 切eirSicK daushter 了 让 asituation changes from dayto day, it changes often: A babys need Jorjfood cariyary 方om day io day from One dayto the next if asituation changesfrom one dayto the next, it is uncertain and not likely to stay the saime

each day:Tmeyver KioWw What to expect 方om one day to 纺e 7ext have had your 'day to no longer be successful, Powerful, etc.: Shes had her day as a supermodelL have

| kkcat

| aleg

| msman


| ppen

| rred

'day (informaj (used when talking about sb's age) at least: He mustbe 70 六 hes audaylin sb's day 1 during the part of sb's life when they were most successful, fam-

of sb chargingitoo much moneyfor sth: You wouldn'tzbeLieve somme of the prices they chargei is daylight robbery一 Imore atBROADadl/.

ous, etc.: She was a8reat dancer 识 her day 了 2 when sb Was young: JImTmy aay there Were plentty of jobs When yoU

day'lights /deilaits) noumn [pl] [Er beat/knock the

Left schooL in :this day: and.age now, in the modern

World it's not sb's 'day (njformah used when several unfortunate or Unpleasant things happen on the same day: My car broke downm and thenTIocked myself out 一 站S

just notTny day! make sb's_ day to make sb feel very

made my day makeadayofit (nforma)tomake apar-

ticular enjoyable activity last for a whole day instead of

onlypart ofit not have all day to not have much time: Come onLWe donitjhave all daylof sb's day during apar-

ticular period of time when sb lived: the pestplayer of his Bessie Smith was the Madonna of her day of the day

'day that is served on a particular day in a restaurant: 5oup of ie day 'one day at some time in the future, or onaparticular dayinthe past: One Gay TWantto Ieayve the city and mioye to 切e country 2 One aay he walked out of the hotise with a Small bag and meyer came bacKk. one of

these days before a long time has passed: OPe of these

days youiT come bacKk and asK me to forgive you. One of those 'days (injormaj adaywhen there are alot of mistakes and alot of things go wiomng: 歼 S peert onie of those days/some day at an Unknown time inthe future: Some

aay 了 be 克 mDus. take it/things one ,day at a imrme

(informaljjto not think aboutwhat will happen 识 the 所-

ture:Tdomnttjriowihe 人 getbetter Were justtaking 让 One

day atatinie' 'that'lbethe day (informal, ironic) used

when you are saying that sth is very unlikely to happen:

Paul? Apologize2 Thatzl be the dayf these days (informa) tised to talk abonlt the present, especially when you are

comparing it:with the Past: -These days Kids 8row ZIP 50 quickly 'those were the days (njommaj) used to suggest that atime in thepast was happier orbetter than nowto the ,day exactly:Tts beenm three years to the day since We net to this 'day even now, when a lot of time has passed: To this day Tstill dontunderstand wj he did 让 一 more at BACK qdy,BORN,BREAK 1.,CALL V,CLEAR 0dl., COLD adj,DEED,DOG 1 EARLY 0dj,END 1 ,END Y,




qiay-jbed /'derbed/ noumabedor soFAforresting on dur ingthe day

day boymnour (BrE) aboyDAY PUPIL

day:break /deibreik/ noun [U] the time of day when light first appears

DAWN: We Iefi before daybreaK.

'day care noun [U] care for small children, or for old or

sick people, away from home, during the day: Day care 5 Drovided By the company She worksj 加or 2a day care cenntre

'day cemntre moumn (BrE) aplace thatprovides care for old or sick people during the day


/deidriim/ noun pleasant thoughts that

make yotu forget abott the present: She stared Out of the Window 1ost 识 a daydrearm., 多 daydrearmnmi verb [V] 一(about sb/sth):TWwould spend hours aaydreaming QDpout Qjhouse of7my OWP.。

:day girl nown (BrE) a girl DAY PUPIL Day-Glorm /der glao; NMAmE glou/ adj. having a Very bright orange, yellow, green oOT Pink colour: Day-Gl1o cycLingshorts

'dayjob movwn [sing]the paid workthat sb normally does

[GEm don't give up the 'day job (njormo/ humorous) tssdtotellsbthat they should continue doing what they are used to, rather than trying sth new Which they are likelyto fail at: SoOyYouUWanttopea Writer2 WellL my advice idoni giye UP t e 切 day job.

day:jight /deilart/ moun [U] the light that comes from

the sun during the day: They emmerged 万o7 te church The street IooKks yery djferent 训 into 雪 e bright daylight daylight 2 They Left pefore daylight (= before the Sun had risen),[r ,daylight robbery (jjormaljithe fact


| ttea

| vvan

| ww wet |z zoo

| T shoe

(living) 'daylights out of sb (informalj to hit sb very hard several times and hurt them very much frighten/ scare the- (living) 'daylights out of sb (nformajh to frighten sb very much

daylight 'saving time (also .daylight time) 0oun

happyonaparticular day: The phone calL 广om Mike really




seen/known better 'days (humorous) to be ip poor con-

dition: Our car has seent better days! 计 he”s, she's, etc. a

(abbr DST) [U] (NAmE) = SUMMER TIME day'long /aealon;-NAmE :1o20/ adj [only before inoun] (especially NAJ 司lasting for a whole day: a daylong mmeet-

ing 'daymursery (also nursery) (both BrE) (NmE day care center) noun a place Where small children are cared for While their parents are at Work- compare CRECHE; NUR-


day 'o 帮 noun (p/ days.off) a day on which you doinot have'to work: Most weeks,, Sunday is my only aay o 太 Whymottake ajfew days off?

the ,Day of Judgement noun [sing:] = JuDGEMENT DAY

,day'outnovn(pl daysoutjatrip orVisitsomewhere fora day: We had a day out 识 纺e country. 只 Dote atTRIP

'day -pup刘 (Br6) (also 'day student NAmE BrE) OUn a school studentwho goes to aBOARDING SCHOOL but lives athome




(Br 日 [U] a system of alowing

employees days off work for education: firme off Jor Study om day release Caday release coOUTse

day re'turn noun (BrE) aticket at a Teduced Price for a journeyto aplace and back again on the same day

'dayroom noun aroom in ahospital or other institution Where people can sit, relax, Watch television, etc: during the day

day school noomi 1 (old-foshioned) a private school with students who live at home:and only go to school during the day- compare BOARDING SCHOOL 了 (BIE) a course of education lasting one day, at which a particular topic is discussed: a day School at Leeds Uniiversity On WOoPen 矶 Victoria7 tr7mes

'day student noun (especially NAmE) = DAY PUPIL day:timne /dertarmm/ noum [U] the period during the day between the time when it gets light and the time when 让 gets dark: Zou domtoften see this bird 训 fthe) daytirme:

Theparkis open during (the) daytime. Daytime temmpera-

tures mneyer jl below 80%R CO Please give your name and daytimme phone TIUTmDer

,day-to-'day adj [only before noun] 1 planning for only

onedayatatime:Tjhaye organized the cleamning On Q dayto-day basis UntHiI OUr USUaL Cleaner retuT715, 2 involving thetustalevents ortasKks ofeach day: She has beemn IooKing after the day-to-day rturmazing of the schooL day trip movnp atrip or Visit completed in one day:a day

,day trippermOuwn(BIB) 杂记 to France diay.Weaf /derweaGr); NAmE -Wer/ noun [U] clothes for Wearing every day, for example for working or shopping, not for Special occasions

daze /derz/ noun [Er in a daze in aconfused state: Tve Dee 识 acomplete daze since hearinlg the neWs.: dazed /deizd/ aodj unable to think clearly, especially becatse of a shock or because you have been hit on the head: Suryiyors Waited for the rescue boats dazxed amd 方ightened. Jinmrmy Was Still dazed by the blow to his head.

djaz.zZle /dzezl/ verb 1OUn

目 Verb [often passive] 1 ifastrong light dazzles you, 让 is So BLIND: bright that yotu cannot see for a short time [VN] He was momentarily dazzled py the Strong SUTLIiSRL. [alsov] 2 [VN] to impress sb alot with your beauty, Skill, etc.: He Was dazzled by t 切e warmth of her smile. BRILLIANT: Q dazzling display of > dazzling adf/

| 5 vision

| tf chain

| :d5 jam

| ethin

| athis

| nsing


390 |


Orientaldarcedazzlingly azdw: Sheywas aazzli7mzgty Deau 友 -

帮民. 昌 0OU1 [U,sing.] Tthe quality that bright light has:that

Stops you from seeing clearly 2 a thing or quality that impresses you but may prevent you from understanding or thinking clearly


/di bi ,er abbr (US) doing business as: Phi7ip

Sith da.b.a. Phils Sigms DBMS /idi: bix em 'es/ ;0bbr DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEC /daiz'si:/ obbpr 1Tdirecticurrerit (an electric current that flows 雇 one direction)j 一compare AC 2 DistrictofColumbia in the US: Washingtom DC

D-Day movn [u] adateon Which st importantis expected

to happen ae From the name given to 6 June 1944, the day on which the British, Us and other armies landed on the beaches of northern France in the Second Worid War DDE /dis diz ii/mou7[U] (ComPputing) a way of allowing data to be shared between different Programs (the abbreViation for'dynamic dataexchange)) DDT /di: di: 'tiz/ noun [u] a chemical Used, especially 记D the pasb forkilling insects thathar crOpS de- /di Peix (人姻 verbs and related notins, adjectives and adverbs) 1 the opposite of' decentralization 2 TIemoving sth: to defrosttherefrigerator(=Temove layersiofice 他om it)

dea'con /dizksnj nounT

(the Roman Catholic, Angli-

can and Orthodox Chtrches) a religfous leader justbelow the rank of a Priest 2 (in some Noncoriformist Chtrches) a person who is not a member ofithe cLERGY,but wha helps a minister With church business affairs

dea'con'ess /dikemnes; NAmE 'dizkenes/ moun (in Some

Christian Churches) a woman who has duties that are Similar to those ofa deacon

de'activate /di'aektrvert/ vem [vN] tomake sth Suchias a device or chemical process stop Working: Do yov Know jhow to aeactivate 切 ealarm2?



百 0Cdf/. ~NOTALIVE

/aed/ adj ,moun, adv

了 no longer alive: My mothers dead'; she died 友 798Z cadeadpersonramnimrialedeaa LeayesAWoodSKin Be Was Shot dead py a Sumnrmamn outside his home ecatierines dead body Iay peacefulty or he bed ce aropped daead (= died:suddenly) Iastweek ee The Poor cpPild IOoKs

TOre dead 太 ar aliye S (jg010 如 6e)玩 te year5s ne 妈 be daead amd buried asapoliticiar

TDEA/BELIEF/PLAN 字 [not before noun] mo longer believed ior aimed for: Mamny belieye tje Deace Dlan: is dead. ceUnfortunately racism is mnotyetdead 4 Thovghn 女e iaeaTmay be dead 让 zjor 广om peing puried (= People still talkabout it, eveimthough thereis nothing new to say). NOT UsED 3 belonging to the'past; no longer Piactise d or fashionable: Rs the Western ia dead art Jorm2cadead

language (= one that is no longer SPOKken, for example Latin) FINISHED 4 (njormajh) finished; not able to be used any

Imore: dead matches C There Were Ho dead po 霹区 of wine OF the table. MACHINE 二 (ofmachines or equipment) not working because of a lack of power: a dead patteryc The hard disK is daead. e Suddenly 切 ephomie Weitdead

PLACE 6 和 (njommnal disapprovingj Very quiet, WwWithout actiVity or interest: There were no 记eafres, 110 Cinemas Pio

Coffee ba1s. 下 Was dead as QTYthimg.

dead om jier feetand ididnt haye 切 e eriergy 1 QUestiom them 包 rther

:9 [not before noun] (of a Dart of the

body) unable to feel because of cold, atc: NUMB: My If arm had gone dead 10 一 tosthunable tofeelor understand emotions INSENSITIVE: De Was dead to < all feelings of pib 了1 (especially of sb's Voice,, eyes OF face) showing no emotion EXPRESSIONLESS: SHhe Saiz T71 30173 t如0 议 aduieb dead voice 3 矶5 LSUalIy dead g7ey eyes Were Spa7FKing. ”COMPLETE/EXACT 12 [only before noun] complete or exact:adead silericeXcalmicthedead centreor 奈E target 2 The car gayeasuddenm jerk amd came to adead StoD. 和

(BrE) THis horse ia dead cert jpr (三 Wil certainly win)

the 7ace toTorrow. 2 She cruimplied to te7oor

Jint(= completely Unconscious).


识 adead

13 neverhavingbeen aliva: dead matter (二

forexamplerock)cadeadplanet(= one with nolifeon 这 )


14 outside the playing area

II beadead ringerforsb (normmajtolookverylike

Sb: ShesadeadringerJoragirITised to row (as) dead asa/the' dodo (B扩 ,injprmal completely dead; no longer interesting or Valid (as) dead.as a 'doornail (njor madl) completely dead a ,dead 'duck (njonmah aplan, an eVent, etc. that has failed or is certain to fail and that

is.therefore not Worth discussing be dead and'gone

(njformal) to be dead: Zuv妈 pe SOTTY YOU Said 坊at When Tradead and Some.the dead hand of sth an influence that controls or restricts sth: We need to 万ee pusiness 万om

the dead handiof bureaucracy ,dead in the'water a Per-

Son Orplan thatis dead in the waterhas failed and.has little hope ofsucceedingin the future: 了is leadersPip caTmPaisrt tdead 训 雪eWwater dead 'meat (aormalj) iD serious trouble: 矿anyone jinds out youye dead meat idead

to the 'world fastiasleeplovyer,my dead 'body (nj

/dj) used to show' you are Strongly opposed to sth: -She

7moVes into OU jho7me Over7Tny dead jody sb wouldn:t be seen/caught 'dead ::: (infommahruased to say that you, would not like to wear particular clothesr or to be 记 a Particular situation: She Wouldrit be seen dead imnajhat ae 了 e Woulant pe caught dead soinhg toia eu5 with 7mas

7mo 雪er 一 more at FLOG, KNOCK

日IOU1the dead T [pl.] people whohavedied: The aead and Wounded 六 态at one .attack airiountea 10 6000. 之 [sing.] the state of being dead: ChrFistiaris Delieve 碎 at God raised Jesus 方om the dead & (jigurativej Im Tineyears Re has brought mis party back fromzthe dead almostto tpe Drinkc of power IE in the dead snight' (BrE alsoat idead of night) in the quietest part of the night: 工 Crept OU of ped 六 the dead of might and smeaked aowmstairs. in

the ,dead of 'winter in the coldest Part of winter 目 0cdv. (01rma) ”COMPLETELY 了 completely; exactly: Youye dead Tightl 和 (Ba aead sfraighiE road (BFE) The fraimn Was dead om tmne. CO Fes dead against 态 e iaea SS Te SigRht made 1irmm stop dead 识 his tracks (= Stop suddenly). e Shes dead Sef on getting (= determined'to get) 态 i PieWw JopD. ”VERY 也 (B/E informal) very; extremely: The istructi oms are dead easy to follow e Zou were dead 1ucky to get 雪 at Job: CTJWwas dead scared.

[IJ cutsb dead (Br6)to pretend notto have seen Sbi to tefuse to say hello to sb: She saw Te,FecogTiized 7me amnd cuUETme dead. 一more at RIGHT 帮

dead 'beat (also beat) ad/. [not before noun] (njorma j

VerIytired: Zou Iook dead beat dead.beat /dedqbixt/ noun (njformah 1 (especiay NA4mm 有 日 alazyperson; a person with no job and no money whoiis

Dotpartofnormal society 2 (NMAm月aperson oOFr compan y

that tries to avoid paying their debts 3 (also,deadbeat "dad)(NMmB) afather who does notlive with his children

BUSINESS and does not paytheir mother any mmOoneyto take 了 7 (Unjommal,disapproving) withonut activity; care of With nobody buying or selling anything: .The 7market zs them QDsoOIutely dead this mnorning ”said -ome Joreism exchamge dead.bolt /duedbsolt,NAmE -bouolt/ -noun (especialy trader co Winter itraditiofialy the dead season Jor the NAmE) = DEADLOC开 Jousing marKet 了leadicat'bounce movna temporaryand smalltu ipward TIRED ,8 [not usually before noun] (njormal/) extremel y IOovement in share piices after 3 large fall, often before tired; not well: half dead with cold and Hunger Sje 万 引 they startto fall again

2 cat | dz father | eten

| sa: bird | :Fa about | sit | 宝 see -|i many | o got (BrB | cx saw | Acup

| aput | urtoc


dead:en /dedr/ verb [VN] to make sthisuch as a sound,a

feeling, etc.less strong

deaden the pain: e deadierming 0d/ [only before noun]: thedeadening effect ofalcohoLoryour reactions

dead emdl noun 1 aroad, passage, etc. that is closed at one end: The first street We tried turned outto be a dead end. 2 apoint atwhich yotu can makeno furtherProgress in what you are doing: We had cormne toa dead end in ouUr Tesearch: CHes in adead-end job 识 妇el1ocal factory (= one with low wages and no hope of promotion). C These Piegotiations areia dead-end street(=theyhavereached a point where no'further progress is possible). dead.hiead:-/dedhed/ ye几 [VN] (BrB) to remove dead flowers frfom aplant


dead'wood "ovn [u] people orthingsthathavebecome useless or unnecessary in an orgamization dead zone noun1 aplace oraperiod of time 记 which nothing happens: THie towmis a cuULtural dead zone. 了 an iea Which separates tfWO Places,gIOUPS of People, etc.:

trying to maintaimn a dead zxoie between the Wa 广 The UN Fing groups 3 aDlace where a mobile phoneVcellphone does notWork becatse no signal can be received 4 (biof08) an area of water 记 Which animals cannot live because there'is notenough OXYGEN

人 eaf om jastl adj deaf'erdeaf'est)

Tunabletohear anything orunabletohear Very well: to 一see also;STONE becorme/go deaf w She Was born dedf DEAF,TONE-DEAF 2 the ge 条 :Own [pl.] people who cannot hear: televisiom suUbtitles fjor the deaf and jhard of hearing-3 [not before noun] ~ to sth not willing to listen orpayattention to sth: He Was deafto my request Jorhelp.

(especial 必 BrE) aresultin arace when

two of:those taking part finish at exactly the same time

2 (NAmBa situation duriig a race of competition, etc. When two ormore people are at the same level: The two candidaies are 识 adead heat in the polk. dead letter 1000 1 [usually sing.] a law or an agree之 (especially ment that still exists but that is ignored NAm 刘 aletter that cannot be delivered ,to an address oT to the person who sent 让 dead.line /dedlam/ noun ~ (for sth) a point in time by Which sth mustbe done:Tpreferto Work to a deadline. > The deadline for applications 太 30 ApriL 2 the January 15 aeadlirie setby the United Natioms

deaf.ness noOUwn [U] IEI (as) ,deaf as a 'post' (njo 广

maj very deaffallon deaf 'ears to-be ignored or not noticed by other people: Her adyice fjell on deafears.turn adeaf'ear(tosb/sth):toignore oOF refusetolisten to sb/ sth: He burned adeafear to the ruUTmLOUTS. deaf:en /deftn/ verb [VN] [usually passive] Tto Imake sb unable to hear the sounds'around them because there is too much noise: The mioise of the Siren Was deajfening her 2 to make sb deaf deafen.ing /defnrm/ ad very loud: deafening applause @ The noise of the machine Was deafening. C The 80VerTLments respoTlse to the report jhas beerla deajfening Silence (= itwas Very noticeable that nothing Was said or done).

[sing.,U] a comdead.iock /duedlok; NAmE:adk/novun Dlete failure to reach agreement oO settle an _argument

STALEMATE: EUropeait agriculture Tinisters Joiled to Dreak 坑 edeadlocK over frm Subsidies. 2 (B7E) The Strike appeared to have _reached deadlock. .2 (NAm户 BrE) The 2 [G (BrE) (alsodead-bolt Strike jhas reacheda deadlock. 了 NAmE BrE) atype of lock on a door that needs a key to open or close it ee dead:locked

> deafen-ingly dv

deaf mute moun (sometimes offensive) a person who is unable to hear or speak

adj. [not before noun]:

Despite months of discussion the megotiatiors remained deadlocked. ,dead loss 7oun [usually sing.] (BrE njformah aperson or thing'thatis notthelpfulor useful: He mmay be avermr talented desigrier butas QT7mnariager hes a dead 1055:

dead:iy /dedlil ad ,adv

ma 0dj dead'lier, deadiliest)

[VN] Start py dealing out ten cards to each player e [VNN]

He dealtTme bwo aces5. DRUGS 2 tobuy and sell ilegal drugs: [V] Zucan often See People dealing Openmly om the Streets. [alsoVvN]

(or Im dealsb/sth ailow: |deala'blowitosb/sth Hersud-

mal) Titobevery shocking orharmful to Sbysth: demaeath deattablowto 雪 eWhole country 2 tohit sb/ 一maore at WHEEL sth

effective, so that no defence is possible: is aim is deadly

(= so accurate that be can Kill easily).2 下 Was the deadly Strikers IIth goaLoftheseason. 4 (njormalj very boring: The 1ecture Was absolutely deadly.


DEATHLY: deadly pale/cold

action in a particular situation oO according to who you HANDLE: She is Used to aretalking to, managing, etc, dealing With alliKkinds of people 庚 Per jobdeal with sb/ sth to do business with a person, a COmPany oOT an Organjization'deal with sth- Tito solve a problem, Perform a Have taski etc.: to deal with enigUiries/issues《complaints youdealt With these letters yet?OHesgood at dealing With Pressure. 字 to be abonut sth: Her poerns often deal With the SUDbject of death.

donna) own [U] a Very poisonous Plant with Purple flowers and black BERRIES dead 1y 'sim Own one ofthe seven actions for which yoU can go tohell, 识 Christian tradition: Greed zone of the Seyert deadly siris. dead:pan /dedpssnj 0dj/. without anyexpression Or emotionz often Pretending to be serious Whenyou are joking:

deadpam Fumour dead:weight /aedwert/ nowm [usually sing] Ta thing thatis veryheavy and difficult to lift or move Zaperson or or thing .that makes idifficult for sth to succeed

Proving) a Writemr scientist OF otherfamousfigur than Pastthat some people may consider more important of other writers, etc.justbecause he belongs to the group People who have most POWer 识 SOciety

|ar my

| ao now

| ersay

| su go (BrE)

1OU1 AlLoT 1 [sing.] agood/great 一 Imuch; a lot': They spenta great deal of Toney 2 下 took a great deal of time. CT feeling Qa 8ood deal Detter 2 We See hem a great deal (三




Ttobuy and

men than to womerm 'deal with sb to take apPIOPIiate

/dedli martJerd/ (also bella-

disapdead white European' male "cvn (nonmai e fromthe

dealin sth

TRADE IN2 The company sell a_particular product deals in computersoftware. 了 to accept sth asa basis for youtr decisions, attitudes, Or actions: We domit deal in TULImnours Or guUessWoOrk、deal sb in (informal,especia 必 NAmB to include sb in an activity: That Sounds 8Teat toshare sth out among a Deal me 识 !.deal sth 一 out DISTRIBUTE: The Drofits Were daeaLt group of people Out among 妇e ivestors. 也 to Say What punishment sb should have: Mamy jdges deal out jharsher Sentteices to

emies (= are full of hatred for each other),, 3 extremely

dead:ly night:shade

/dil/ ve 六 7oU7

Player in a game of cards: [V] Whose 纪 7 is itto deal? >

More deadly and

T (njormnal extremely: deadly serious/[dull

他 司 0

昌 Veb dealt,dealt /delt/)|~ (sth)(to sb)to give cards to each ,CARDS 了 一 (sth)(out)

deadliest are the usual forms. You can also Use most LETHAL: deadly. 1 causing orjlikelyto cause death The cobra adeadlyyWeapor/disease c deadly poison ome of 纺 e Worlds deadliest Siakes. 2 The terTorists jayve chosel to play a deadly game With the ciyinian Population. 2 [only before noun] extreme; complete: T7 m deadly earnest C We sat 识 deadly silence.c They are deadly em-

四 gd


DULL; He Was givent drugsito

、BUSINESS AGREEMENT- 也 [Gan agreement, especially in business, on particular conditions forbuying or doing sth:

to JmnakeXsign/conclude/close a deal (with Sb) e (Unjor mmal.Did youcut a deal (= make one)j?c We did a deal With the management on Overtime. O They Were hoping Jor

| oo go (MA 日 | or boy


| ee hair

| ue pure


392 |

dear 3 used when speaking to sb in a friendly way for example by an older person to a young person or aichild:

WRatsyourmame, dear?--compareDUCK Qpbetterpay dealL chidealwas StrucjeafterIengthy megoti昌 Qdv. (BrE) at al high Price: to buy cheap and sell dear ations. 2 TherdeaE 放 三 坊rorsji (=-no agreeImment Was [IE see CosTY reached). CTgota good deal on the car (= _bought:it cheaply). o 1tsa deal (= Tagreeto youUr terms) c Ts 丰产 = TREATMENT 也 [Cusually sing] the way that sbysth that you feel deeply: 下 Was her dearest wish io havea is treated: 矿elected the partby has promised a mew deal (三 如mi better and fairer treatment) Jor teachers. 4 They Kmnew 卓 IOU1 (old-joshionedj'used-when Speaking to:sb youlove: theyd peer givena raw/rousj dea1 (= been treated UnComne (ny) dearesb5 Lets go jhormne. [ET See NEAR7. : fairly). e We tried to emnsure that eyeryote SotajfuirdeakL diearie /dreri; NAmE'dmi/ noun (old:shioned, BrE injor 正 Wwas asquare deal foreveryonmne: /madl) usedto addresssbin a friendlyway: Siidowm; dearie. *TN CARD GAMES 盈 [Cusuallysing.] the action of givingiout dearly /dreli; NmE'drlij adv 1 Very much: She 1oves cards to the players: Tts your deaL ji dearb CTWould dearly LikexIove to Know whar Fe * WO0D 号 [U] (especioly Br the so驴 pale wood of FIR or Was thinjking. o dearly peloved (= used bya minister ata PINE trees, especially when it is cut into boards formakc Christian church service to address People) 2 in away 雇 g8things: a dealtable that causes a lot of stffering or damage, or that costs a [II what's the deal? (njormah) what'is happening 这 lot of money: Success Pas cost Firmma Gearty c She paid the present situation?: Whats the deal2.Do YOU Want t如 aearly fjorjher7mnistake. So OUEOrTott more atBIGOd1, DONE adj/ ,STRIKEV dlearth /da:6; NMAmEdsire/ noun [sing] ~ (of sth) alack of dealery/dileac)/ movunT 二 (in sth) a person whose busisth; the fact ofthere notbeing enough of sth. SCARness is buying and selling aparticular prodtict: at art/ CITY: There was a dearth of reliable 识formatiom on t太e antiqgue dealer C FeSs a dealer 识 Seconajhapnd CQTS, 一See SUDject

also WHEELER-DEALER 2 a Person Who sellsillegal drugs 3 the person who gives outthe cards in acard game dealership /di:lafmp; NAmE :erf-/ novn abusiness that buys and sells products, especially cars, for a particular company; the position of being adealer who can buy andsell sth: a Ford dealership dealing /di moun 了 dealinge [pl.] business activities; the relations that you have With sb 记 business : Have you had ary Dreviors dealings with 坟 i comipa7t y? CTKnew mothing ofhis pusiness aealings. 2 She jhas aways Deen yery polite her dealings with me 2 [U]a Way of doing business with sb: a Teputatornjforjair honestd eaL

ing 3 [u,Cl buying and selling: drug dealing o dealings 访 Shares

dealtpt pp ofpEAL dean /dim/ novn T (in the Anglican Church) a priest of high rank who is in charge ofthe other Priests iniacAT HEDRAL 了 (also ural dean) (BrE) a priest Who is in charge of the prlests of several churches in an area 3.a Personin auniversitywhois in chargeofa department of studies 4 (in a college or university especially'at Oxford or Cambridge) aperson Who is responsible forthe discip-

line ofstudents 5 (NAm 有) = DoYyEN

deanm'ery /dimrieri/ noun (内 -ies) 1 a group OfPARIS HES

controlled by a dean(2) 2 the office or house of a dean(1;2) eam?s 'listnovn (in theUs) alistthatis Published every yearof the best students in a college or Univeisity 二 ear 0 /dre(D); NmEdrmr/ dj exclamation, noum, Gd

qdleatlh om /deg/ own 1 [q the factofsb dying or being killed: a suddemyxyvioLertt/Ppeaceful etc. death cote GTiVersaTy of his wife

daeatp ceai increase 训 deaths 太om camncerC ediedasiow

andpainpuladeath. 2 [U] theend of life; thestate ofbeing dead: Two children Were burntto death 训 识 eJire(=they died as a result of the fire) w Hes GTririking hirmselF to death (= so that 让 will kill him) 2 Police are Drying to estaplisj the cause of death ec Do youpelieve Lie after death2? ca death camp (= a place whiere Prisoners are killed, usually训 awar)SPewasseiittencedtodeath (=to, be EXECUTED) 3 [U] ~ of sth the permanent end or

destruction of sth: 纺 e death ofall my plans e 芒e deat oOF jis career 4.(also Death) 了U] (lieramy) the power that destroys life, imagined .as ,human in form, Death ioften Show 训 妹 Paintings asahurmaan skeletom: see also SUDDEN DEATH [arg at death's 'door (often hurmorous) so jllv Sick that you may die be the "death of sb (njformal) to WoOIIY or Upset sb very much: Those Kids w记 be 态e dea 态 of me. do sth to 'death to do of Perform sth so often-that people become tired of Seein 剑Or hearing it: T7at

Jokes peen done to deatfh. frighiten/Szare sb to "death to frighten sb Very much look/feel like death warmed 'up (BrE) (NAmETike death warmed 'oven (normnaj) to lookorfeel veryillysickortired putsb to death to Kill sb

as aptunishment

EXECUTE: The Prisomer Wi De Do

to death at dawnmn. to death

extremely; Very much: 105e

pored to death cm sicktodeath ofyourendless criGicis7mm.

to the death Until sb is dead:a 记shtto the deat 一more h

aaOdj. (dearecidearest)T ~ (to sbjloved byor importa nt to sb: Hesone

ofrmmy dearestJriends. CHer daughter zyVery

dearto her 2 Dearused atthe beginning of a letterb e-

fore the name or title ofthe person that you are writing to: Dear Siror Madarm coDear Mrs Jones 3 [not usually before roun] (8哩 exXpensive; costing alot of money: Berythings 50 dear mo 内 ipt it? 只 note at EXPENS IVE

at CATCHY,, CHEATVY,DICEV; DIE V FATE, FIGHT V,FLOG, GRIM,, KISS 1 ,LIFE, MATTER 1 death.bed /degbed/ mourr [usually sing.] the bed 还 Which sb is dying or dies: adeathnped CoTyfessiom/co nyer-

sion e He told me the Truth on his deathbed (= as he lay dying). 2 She was on her deathped (= going to die very S0on). 2 (humorous) ma Phave io pe Practic aly om your deathbed before 如e doctor would come and See YOULI

death blow movn an eventthat destroys or puts an end to sth: They thought the arrival of television Would deal a sbinawaythatshows affection: Dearold SUelTK death plIow to 7mass cinermna audiemnces, mew:she 刀 heIp. C Their babys adear Little himng, ID hold sbysth death certificate "oun an official document signedb dear (frmaj to care Very much for sb/sth; to y valuie sby adoctor that states the cause and time of sb's sth highly: He had destroyed eyeything We jheld death dear 一 death duty non [usually pl (old:joshioned,Br昌 = Imore at HEART, LIEE, NEAR 0C INHERITANCE TAX 日EXcla/mationm Used in expressions that show that yot are SUIPrised upset annoyed or worried: OF dear/ IT 碎imK death knell (also knell) movun [sing] an event that Tve IJost ny pursel ceOR dear! What a shame ee Dear Imeans that the end or destruction of sth will me/! come Soon Whata mess1e Dear oh dear! WPat are yoU death.less /deblas/ ad never -dying_ 8g8oing to do or forgotten moWw2? IMMORTAL: (ironmicj: written im jis usual deathle ss 目 0OU1 了 (BrE, jj 加 ma/)iakindperson:Tsnthea aear?c Be Prose (= verybad) adear andftchrmmemycoat 2 usedwhen Speakin gto sb death.Iy /deoli/ (also /ess Jrequent dead.l you love: Wouldyou 1ikea arink dear2g Come y) adv like a jhere, 7Tny dead person; Suggesting death: Her 大 ceWas daeathly pale.

[ED CHEAP 4 dear old/little .:. (BrE) used to describe


| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

| k cat

| lieg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| Fred

oO The house was deathly shilL

death.lyadj.: Adeathty



Push floverthe room'as he walked im

'death masknoun,a model of the face of a person who

on the issue of childcare: co Whether he deserves What Pas

hasjust died, madebypressing asoft substance Over their

happened to hirm is opem to debateXa matterjfor debate (= cannotbe certain or decided yet,e The 妇 eatres 包 ture iasubject of considerable debate. yerb 1 to discuss sth, especially formally before making DISCUSS: [VN] PoLitadecision or finding a solution iciansWw 记 be debatingthebizlaterthis Week The guestion oftheorigin of 雪etniverse is Still hotty debated (= Strong-

face and removing itwWwhen itbecomes hard

the 'death_penalty "oun [sing:] ,the punishment of being killed thatis used in some countries for Very serious crimes: the abolition/return of the death penalty c The two rnen arefocing the death penalty. death :ratenoun 1 thenumber of deaths every year for every 1000 People in the population of a place: a high/ low:death rate 2 the number of deaths eveiy year from aparticular disease or in a particular group: Death rates 万orma heart disease haye risen contsiderably 识 recentyeaTS.

lyargued about) byscientistks.c [V wh:-] The comimittee Ww记 debate WwWhether to:lower the age of club 7mnembership to I6.

[also v] 2 ~ (with yourself) to think carefully about sth

before making sa decision: She aebated with herse扩fjora While, and them picked up the phone.c [Vwh-] Were debat-

deatih rattle noun [sing.] a sound sometimes heard ip

ing Whether or not to go sKiing this Winter [also V -ing]

the throat of a dying person ,death rowmoun [U] the cells in a Prison for Prisoners Who are waiting to be killed as Punishment for a serious crime: prisoners On death row

> delbating1oun [U]:a debating society atQasSchool de.bater/drberta(r)/ 002vm a person who is involved iD a debate de.bauched /drbo:tft/ adj. a debauched person is immoral in their sexual behaviour drinks alot of alcohol,

death sentence noun the legalpunishment of being killed ,for_a serious crime: to be siven/to receiye the death sentertce for murder

deathys headnour ahuman SKULL (= the bone structureofthehead) usedas asymbol of death death squadno57 a Sroup of people who are ordered by a govermnment to kill other people, especially the governments political opponents death throesmoun [pl.] 1 the final stages of sth just before it comes to an end: The Tegimie 让 noOW in ideath 切roes. 2 violent pains and movements atthe imnoment of death death tollnovn the number of people killed 训 an accident, a war adisaster etc-、

death trap7o27 (informah abuilding, vehicle, etc. that

is dangerous and could cause sb's death: The cars .blocking

e exits could turnma this place 识to a death trap.

deatih warramntnoun an offcial document stating that

sb should receive the punishment of being killed for a crime that they have committed: :The President Signed 入 youPpay the ransorm, yoOU TaY pe the death warrant (Jigurative) By withSigning YOUr sons death Warrant drawing the 包nding,the govVerTLmIent Signed the Drojects death warrant death-watch 'beetlenovn asmallinsectthateats into old wood, making sounds like a watch TICKING

sb is Ideath wish noun [sing.] a desire to die, often that

notaware of deby/deb/ noun (ipnformalj) = DEBUTANTE

de.bacle /derbakl;i drb-/ nouvn an event OF a Situation thatis a complete failure and causes embarrassment

debar /drbaGD)/ vemb (-rm) [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb (from sth/from doing sth) (Jormalj) to officially prevent sb from doing sth, joining sthy, etc.: He Was debarred 廊omm jholding PUBLic ofce. de:base/drbers/ verb [VN] to make sby/sth less valuabie OF Tespected ER

is being debased py


cormnrmercial sporsorship. > debasement00um [U] People de:bat.able/drbertebl/ adlj not certain because

can have different ideas and opinions about the thing ERARGUABLE,- QUESTIONABLE: Q being discussed condidebatable point 了 Li Pigply debatable whether tionsjhave improvyedjfor1ow-incormme Jarmmilies,


0m /drbert/ 00n, Ye内

on aoun [CU] ~ (on/about/over sth) 1 a formal discussi In a of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament. g Views debate two Or more speakers eXPTIeSS OpPosin depbate on and then there is often a Vote on the issue: the first abortiom The7ministeropened the debate (= Was

d) to spealgj: THhe motion Under debate (= being discusse

s apDProyed Was Puttoayote:5Afteralong debate, Cortgres ing di让 殷 eproposaL 了 -an argumentOr discussion express debate ferent opinions:a heated/ Wide-rangingVlively Tuch debate the currentdebate apouttaxCThere had been


| ttea

| vvan

| wwwet

| zzoo

| shoe


takes drugs, etc.

de.bauch.eryy/drboztf aeri/ .noun [U] immoral behaviour involving sex, alcohol or drugs de.ben-ture/drbentJeCD)/ noun (BrE, 和nanmce) an official documentthat is given bya company, Showing 让 has borrowed money from a person and stating the interest Payments that it will make to them

de.bilitate/drbrlrtert/ verb [VN] (formo) 1 to make sb's

body or mind weaker: a debilitatfing disease 2 to make a cotuntry an organization, etc. Weaker': Prolongedstrike actionm debilitated the indusry.

de.bil.ity/drbaaeti/ noun [ugG (pL -ie9 (Jormal) physical

Weakness,especially as a result of illness deb 主/debrt/ noumn, ve 目 DOU1 1_a Written note in abankiaccount OF other financial record of a sum of money oOwed or Spent: om te deb 让

side of an account (jigurative) Omthe dep 让 side (= anegative result will be that) the mew shopping centre W记 识crease trafJfic Problems. 了 a Sum of money taken from a See alSO DIRECT DEBIT . bank account [GD CREDIT一

目 yebTVN] when abank debits an accotunt, it takes mmoney 全 om it: The momney W记 pe debited 刘om YOUTr QCCOUTL each

Tnonth. [9 CREDIT

delbit card noun a Plastic card that can be tsed to take 赤 Oney directly from your bank account when youpay for sth 一compare CREDIT CARD de.-bon.air/,debameeG); NAmE -ner/ adj. (old-foshioned) (usually of men)j fashionable and confident

de.brief/dizbrif/' verb [VN] ~ sb (on sth) to ask sb ques-

tions officially in order to get information about the task that they have just completed: He Was taken to a US air deon. BRIEF 一compare baseto be debriefed on the missi briefing]OUn [u,G: adaebriefing sessionm of deb.ris/debri:; 'der; NAmE dae'bri:/ noun [U] 全 Pieces Wood, metal bricki etc' that are lefft after sth has been destroyed: Ermergentcy teaTms are Sti1 clearing the debris

方om the plane crash. 也 (Jormalj) pieces of material that are not wanted and rubbish/garbage that are left someWhere: Clear aw 景Leayves and other garden deprz 万om the Pond.

二elpt 0 /det/ nou1n

1 [dasum ofmoney that sb owes: 工 meed to pay of al Imy debts beforeTleaye the country 2 am Outstamding debt of E300 He had rurt up credit card debts of thousands of dollars., 2. [U] the situation of owing money especially when you cannot pay: He died heayvily in debt c The cLuD isE47million in debt ce We werepoorDputWeTeyverSot into dept cjltsjhardtostay outofdebtwhenyouarea student See alsoO BAD DEBT n au countrys Joreigrn debt burde一 3 [Cusually sing.] the fact that you should feel grateful to sb becatuse they have helped you or been kind to you: to oweadebtofgratitude tosbcTwouldiike to acknowLedge my debt to ny teachers, TEL be in sb?s 'debt (or Imaj) to feel grateful to sb fortheir help, kindness, etc-.

| 5 vision

15tf chain

| gd jam

| 9 thin

| 5this

| 0 sing


394 |

delbtior /deteGD)/ moun a Personjy a country or an Organjzation thatowes InOoneyroa CREDITOR djebusg /dbAg/ vem (Eg:) [VN] (computing) to look for and remove the faults in a computer PIoOgrarm de'bug:Eer /diz'bAgeG)/ mov7 a comptter Program that helps to find armid correct mistakes in other Pirogiams dlebunk /dizbAnk/ve 必 [vN] to showthat an idea, abeJiefetc,is false; to show that sth is not as good as people think 让 is: is 妇 eories haye Deen debunked By recent TeseaTCch.


(also debut) /aerbju:; 'aebja; NAmErdaerbjuy

1noun the first Publicappearance of a performer or Sports Player: He Wil make jis debutjorthe istteamm thiswWee开 2the bands aebutalpu7m debu:tante /aebjutamt/ (also Mnjormal deb ) noun a young, Tich or UPPER-CLASs woman who is going to fashionable social events for the firsttime

dleca- /deke/ combjmning 如rm ( 识 nouns) ten; having ten: decathlo 一compare n DECIdecade om /Jaekeid; arkerd/ noun a period of ten years, especially a pefriod such as 19101919 or 1990-1999

deca:dence /duekedsnsy/ mo01 [U] (disaopproving) behav ioub attitudes, etc. which show a fall 也 Standards especialy- moral ones,and an interest 让 pleasure and enjoymentratherthan more seriotis things: the decademnce ofmodermn Western societby





having or

showing low standards, especially moral ones,an d an interest only in pleasture and enjoyment rather than se ious things: tphe decadent richn_ oavdecaderit 1ifestyIe Society

Decafrw (Nm Br (BrE also deca 作 ) /aikaef/ 7oun [U,G] (UP16rmo1 decaffeinated: coffee: Regular :coffee or

aecaP ohiaveadecaff please: de:caf.fein:ated /dizkaefmertrd/ oadj (of coffee or teal) With most or all of the CAFEEINE removed > de-caffein-

ated OU] [U;,G]

deca-gon /dekegan; NAmE -9am/ DouUn (Seometry) a flat shape with ten straight sides and ten anglese decagonal /dek'aegenal/ adf qdeca'he.dron /aekehi:dren;,BrE also -hed-/ -mou77 (geometry) a solid shape with ten straight sides and ten

angles djecal /di:kael/noun (NmB = TRANSFER(5) own


_a_unit for measuring Volume,, equal to 10

(Br (NmE decaimeter; deka'm

/dekemixteCnD)/ moum a unit fof Imeasuring length,eter) equal

to 10 metres

de'camip /drkamp/vem[v]



Place suddenly often secretly die:cant /drKaent/ve 轧[VN] 二 sth (into sth) topotr liquid, especially wine, fom one container into anothef dje'canter /drkaenteG)/ mou7na glassbottle, often decorated, that wine and other alcoholic drinks are poured into 位om an ordinarybottle before Serving de-capitate /darkaeprtert/ vemb [VN] to cut of Sb's head BEHEAD: His decapitated boayasjound Joating 识a caalL decapitation /dikaeprterfny/ noun [U,G]


/dekesrlebi/ 7oun (lechnicaj a line of

Poetry with ten syllables 庆 decasyFlab'记 /dekesPlzbik/ ad :adecasyllapic ne

直 ec.ath.lete /drkaegli:t/ own a person Who competes ip adecathlon

dec'atlh:lon /drkaeblen/ nowna Sporting'eve nt in which people compete in ten different Spo一 rts compare:BIATHLON,, HEPTATHLON; PENTATHLON) TETRATHLON ,TRIATHLON

2 cat | dz father | eten | s: bird | a about

teethMoodi;[alsovN] 2 [V] 正 a building oran areat decays,

its condition slowly becomes worse: daecaying 识 ner citby areas 3 [V] to become less powerful and lose influence OVer people, society etc.: decaying stamdards ofTmorality dle-Ccease /drsi:s/ mown [U] (Uaw o Jommaj) the death ofa Person de'ceased /drsi:st/ adj (aow or 1nma) T dead: jher deceased parents 了 hedeceased

1ouU1n (Pthe deceased )

aperson who has died; especially ITecently de:ceit /drsixt/ nown [U;G] dishonest behaviotr thatis 识tended to make sb believe sththatisnot true; an exXample of this behiaviour DECEPTION: Fe Was accusea oF lies aad dece让 2 Eyeryone Was 训y0VEa 议 芒 isWE of deceit ec THheir mmarriaSse Was am iusiom amd a decet

de'ceit.ful /disistt/ cd behaving in a dishonest Wayby telling lies and making people believe things that arenot


DISHONEST Pdje:ceitfully./feli/odv de:ceit=

fuklness ouw7 [U]

de.ceive /drsisv/ ver TVMN ~ sb (into doing sth) to make sb believe.sth that is not true: Her jusband had beer deceiving her

WORD FAMILY deceive v deceit 小 deceitful cd/ deception deceptive 2 丰

Joryears.c She deceived hirm into harding ovyer all jis sayings. cnote atCHEAT 了 一 yourself to refuseto admitto yourselfthat sthUnpleasant is true: [VN] 如 uv7e aeceiying yoOUrse太 矿yo think Phe即 Cha78e jiis 7Tmiind: [alsoVN that] 3rto make sb have' ai Wiong idea about sbysth MISLEAD: [VN] Unless my eyes deceiye 7ne, 切ats Tiis wii谍 [alsoVv] sea als0 DECEPTIVE de:ceiver /ioUm IE See FLATTER


/dizselareit/ ve 凡 Uornanl TIVVvVN]torie-

ducethe speed atwhich avehicleis travelling 2 tobecome Or make sth become slower EU SLOwW DOWN: [V] -FEco7OTmic 870W 雪 decelerated Sha7Dly 总 jarie. [also VN] 加2 ACCELERATE -deceleration /dizselarerfn/ moup [u]

四 人-Cemnm. 了er D 0

deca:litre: (Br6(NAmE deca'liter, deka'iiter) /dekejlizteGD)/ litres

了过ecay 0 /drker/ nouny ye 百 11OU1 交 1 the process or result of being destroyed by natural catuses or by not being cared for (= of decaying): tooth aecay 2 THhe Iandiord jad iet te Duilding fo1l 总to aecay 2 The smell of death amd Gaecay PPng over 态e tow7, 之 the gradual destruction of 3 society an institution,a System etc.: eco7ioTmic/TmnoraLAUrparn decay S 坊e aecay of the old 训dusrries < 日 ye/ 1 沙 to be destroyed gradiallybynatural Piocesses; to destroy sth 还 this way ROT: [V] aecayimrg Ieayes7

Dec'. )

/drsembaGD5/ moun [U,G] (bir

the 12th and last month of the year To see how December is used, look atthe examples at April. dle.cenmcy /dai:snsi/ mour 3 [U] honest, polite behaviour that follows accepted moral standards and shows respect for others: 瑟er Dehayiour Showead a total Jack of commmom decency Haveyoumo sense ofaeceiicy2c He mmishtphaye

jhad the decency to apolosgize. 2the decencies-

[plj] (ormal) standards of behaviour 记 SoOciety that people

think are acceptable:thebasic daeceicies of civilized SOciety

de:cent /disnt/ adTofa good enough standard or quality: (imjrmalh adecent Tealobplace to liye STmeed Qidecentmishts sleep. 2 (of People or behavi our) honest and fair; treating people with Iespect: Ordimia r% decentt jard-Wworking people Eyeryo7ie saia je was a decent sort ofguy 3 acceptableto Peoplein aparticular situation:a daecent purial C That dress ism蒜decent 2 She ouvghtto have Waited for a aecentt 识 temmvai Dejore getting married Cgaim.

4 400ormmall wearing enough clothes to allow sb to see you: Tcamt go to the doo一 r Pr mot decert 一compare INDECENT de'cently 0dv [GEIm to dothe decent thing to do what people or SOciety expect especia lly in a difficult situation: He did tihe decent 太 imngand resigmn ed


(BrE also -ise) /dinsentrelarz/ verb

to give Some of the power of a central gover nment organijzation, etc. to smaller parts or organization s around the country:,[VN] decentralized auUthoribMadrministratiom

rsit | isee | many- | got (Br6 | osaw | scup | oput ltoo



> decentralization, -isa-


[also V] Egg

tion /di,sentrelarzerfn; NAmE-la'z-/ moun [Using]

de:cep'tion /drsepfn/ noun 1 [u] the act of deliberately making sb believe sth that is not true (= of DECEIVDECEIT: Q drama HulLof lies amd deception ING them) @Hewas accused ofobtaining property py deception. 了 [C] a trick intended to make sb believe sth that is not true DECEIT: The whole episode had been a crueldeception.

in; The question asKks yo to decimalize tpe 广action 7 . Pdeciimalization ,-isation, /desrmaelarzerjm, NAmE aae'z-/noum:[U]

a ,decimal 'place "oun the position of a number after

de:cep:tive /di'septrv/ adj. likelyto make you believe sth MISLEADING: Q deceptiye adyvertisethat is not true

ment C AppearaTtces ca often pe deceptiye (= things are

deci.bel /desibel/ novn atuinitfor measuringhowlouda Sound is

of whole number from the tenths,HUNDBEDTHS,etC. decimal, for examplein 0.61 passive] to kill deci:mate /desmert/ ve 心[VN]1 [usually large numbers of animals, Plants OF peoplein aparticular disease. area: The rabpbit population Was decimated by the 2 (informalj) to severely damage sth or make sth weaker: . Cheap imports decimated the British cycle_ industry decimation /desrmerfmn/ movur [U]



de:cide om /drsard/ ve 内


~ (against sth) to think carefully about the differ

由. (关 indecisiom) decisive adj (夫 indecisive) undecided adf/.

the de-cipher /drsarfeCr)/ ve 履[VN] to succeedin finding

and: to meaning of sth that is difficult to read of Underst 一 decipher acode c Carl anyone decipher jis handwriting? See also INDECIPHERABLE

ent possibijlities that are to available and choose one of them: [V] 下 was dficult decide between the two candidates: o They decided againmnst

上 0 /drsI5n/ ouUn 十e.Ci.sSiQ@ 1T [qd~(on/about sth) | ~ to do sth) a choice or judgement that you make after thinking and talking _about

下SUD to yoOU to decide. CIVwh-] T taKking legal action. camtdecide wiiattowear e [fy (that)] She decided fthab she notto 80 Wantedto live 识 了 ance.c [Vto in 和 We”ve decided

to dewhatisthebestthing to do: to take a decision (= cide)S(BrE) to make a decisiom (= todecidejc We needa m to decision on this by nextWeek. 2 Who tooK the decision maKking at bad really 5 He 2 project? the With ahead go decided decisions CIWe finally reached ia decision (= We Tustcorme toQa decisiomabout after some difficulty). ec ant) What to do next by tomorrow:. Capbig (= an import Its adifficult decidecisior e The finalidecisiom 1 yoUTS. The editors decision 1 万iaL 2 MaTy 1 sion forany doctor

DULE away after al c [VN] We mmight be Firing TOre PeoPIe

mothing has beemtdecided yet 2 [VN (that)] ItWas decided (law) 一 (that) thie school5hould DUFEchase meW software. 之 (for/against sb) to make an official or legal judgement:

[VN] The case w 记 be decided by 和 Jry 2 [V] The Appeal 妇 at Courtdecided 识 急 e太Javour 2 正二 aways 7Dossible result of thejudge may decide agairlstyOLL 3 to affectthe

the ou sth: [VN] A mixture of skill and good IucK decided decide come of 切 e game. C [V wh-] A mumber of factors

the decision-maker 识 妇e house. 之 (alsode'cisive'ness)

[alsov] 4 tobe

G mot [U] the abilityto decide sth clearlyand quickly: Thizs ION Q job for someone who 1acKs decision、[a INDECIS ion 3 [U] the process of deciding sth: The mormentofdecis jhad arrived-

me 太 ee the reason why sb does sth: [VN] They offered me. [also accormrmodation for a yea7z and that decided de'cide on/upon sth to _choose sth VN to inf] to decide from a ntmber of possibilities: Weye sti trying


oO7LG Yenue. and de-cided /drsardid/ adj. [only before noun] obviots 一

study of de'cision theory noun [U] (mathematics) the late

compare UNDECIDED adjective de.cided.Ty /drsardrdli/ oadv 1 (used with an

imaking the best decision according to whatyoucalcu youWwWill lose or gain from each choice

ATmY Was or adverb) definitely and 记 an obvious way: shows 1ooKing decidedly worried, 之 (Br目 记 a way that TWomnit So, that you are sure and determined abotit sth: She said decidedly. game, Tace, de:cider /drsarda(CD)/ noun [usually sing.] the tion atc thatWill decide who the Winneris ina competi

the final de.cisivye /drsaisiv/ adj. 1 very important for Vvicresult of a particular Situation: Q decisive factor/

Peace toryZpattle 2 She has Played a decisive role 矶 the that megotiations. Ca decisiye step (= an important action c> will change a situation) towards a cleamner emyiroPmient and with note at ESSENTIAL 2 able to decide sth quickly TUSE confidence: decisive management e The goVeTTImertt INDECISIVE take decisive_ action on Sum controL [GD

/drsId5uaes, dju-/ adj (of a tree, bush etc.)

ar COmPare EVERGREEN thatloses its leaves eveIy ye一 one oftern decile /duesal; NAmEalso 'desl/ noun (statistics) or people equal groups into Which a collection of things of a parcan be divided according to the DISTRIBUTION incorme (= ticular vARIABLE: farmilies 总 the top decile of

> de:cisively dv DECISION(2) de:cisive.mess /drsaisrvnas/ noun [u] = 几 ve noun, deck /duek/ the

boat: TWwas 四 1OUn TthetcF outside floor of a ship of o As the stormm omly person OTL decKk at that tme of night one of the Degamu everyote disappeared Delow deckl). 2 deck ofa floors ofaship orabus: the upper IowerXmairn cabin 人 on Ship CeWe sat on the top deck of the bus. 9 My

the 10% of families with the highest income) ouU7 a deci.fitre (BrE) (NAmE deci:liter) /desllitaCD)/ a ing liquids. There are 10 decilitres ip Unit for meastir

litre. deci:mal /desml/ dj ,movn the decirmal 日 0dj. based on OF counted 地 tens or tenths:

see also DOUBLE-DECKER, FLIGHT DECK, SINGLEdeck C一 NAmE) 三 DECKER 3 (also deck of 'cards) (especially

the back of PACK 4 a Wooden floor that is built outside x- c> PAGE RI7 一Picture ahouse where yotu can sit and rela Plays 5 apart of a SOUND SYSTEM that records and/or [IE see sounds on adisc or tape: Q cassette/tape decKk


(= anumber 下 ouUn(also decimal fraction )aFRACTION followed by point or dot a as shown atis lessthan one)th l Cc.… The decima the' numper of tenths,HUNDREDTHS,et ths.re VULGAR FRAC0.61 stands for .61 Puridred一coOmpa


rz/ve 亡[VN] Tto deciimalize (BrEalso-ise )/'Qesmmnala rements to measu change asystem ofcoins OF Weights and ttsing the deciaidecimal system 之 to expIess an amoun already expressed itis m Syste the of tead' m'ins syste mal


| ar my

| “ao now

| er say | ao go (BrE

noun [u] the process of deciding

or in abonit sth imnportant, especially in a grouUP of people an organization 区 de'cision-maker 10un

the jb. definite: 责 s heigRht Was a decided adyaTitage 六


(8 日(NmE deci:meter ) /aesrmmizteGn)/

hourainitfofimneasuringlength.There ate 10 decimetres iD a metre.

decidev. decision

WPhether amoyvie W 认 pe Successful or mo

to two0 decimai

decimal'point "ovnadotorpoint tsedtoseparatethea

not always Whatthey seem to be). c the deceptive SirDLcityofher Writing style(= 让 Seems simplebutisnotreally) P deceptively adv: adeceptively Simple iaea deci- /aesc/ combiningjorm (in nouns; often used in Units re DECA一coOmpare ofmeastrement) one tenth: decilit


decimal point:- The 刘grure is accurate Places.

CLEARV, HAND m., HIT V h sth) to 昌 yerb [VN] T [often passive] ~ sby/sth (out) (in/wit out 训 decorate Sb/sth With sth: The 7roo7m Was decked

hard so Jiowers amnd balloons, 也 (informall to hit sb very thatthey fallto the ground

| ou go (NAmB

| 5r bpoy | Ia near

| ee hair

| 5e pure


396 |

deck'chair /dektfeaD;N4mE tfer/ nounafoldi ng chair with

declare state 。indicate 。 announce

a seat made from a long strip of material on a wooden Or Inetal frame, tsed for example on a beach 一picture



-These wordsall meanto saysth usuallyfirmlyand clearly

/aekhaend/ noun a Worker on a ship who

and often in public. RN declare (rotherjormato l saysth officially or publicly; to state sthfirmlyand clearlyio : dec/ore wore Tne Painhng

does work that is not skilled

deckhouse /dekhaus/ nounasmallshelteron theDEgcK of a ship, used for NAVIGATION oOF accommodat ion

Wos declaorediobeojorsgenmy

decking /aekmy/ noun [U] wood used to build a floor (calleda pEcKk)in the garden/yard nexttoorne arahouse

Sloted his inienton torunmjorelection indicate (other 加ommaj to state sth, someti

NS mesin a way、

tothrowrings ofrope over woodan Sticks, especiallyona CRUISE ship

that is slightly indirect: During our /meeting, heindic oted his wiimngness io Cooperale. , announce to tell people officially about a decision or 、

deck shoe moun aflat shoe made of Strong cloth or so 人 leathe r with a soft soLE which does not slip

plans; to give information about sth in a public place, 、 especially through a loudspeaker to saysthinalou d

雇 Which players throw

a ring ofrope or rubberbackwards and forwar ds over a net especially on a CRUISE ship

and/or serious way: Tpey payenijorma1y GMAmOUI Ced her ensgasgemment Jet chHosour1ightpeen annouvn ced 7 SO

de'claim /drklem/ vemb Unmnaj to say sth loudly' to Speak loudly and with force about sth you feel strong ly about, especially in public: [VN] She declai rmed te Jarmors Opening Speech of the play [V] 了Ee aeciairmned againmst the evils of alcohoL [alsovV speech, vthat]


兴 人Tey GEH 生 ,

of speaking or of expressing sth to an atudie nce 雇a formal way 2 [Cl a Speech or piece of Writing that Stronglyexpresses feelings and opinions

PATTERNS AND collocarioNs 、, , 里 to declare/state/indicate/announce that., 是 to declare/state sby/sth to be sth 、 s 中

de'clamatory /drklamatari; NmyE -tomri/ ad (formal)

WA、 to declare/state/indicate/announce yourintention to SN 。 ss 巧 这 是 to declare/state/announce sth formally/publicly/

识 a

do sth

dec:laration /aeklarerfn/ nor T [Gu an official or formal

statement, especially aboutthe plans ofa govermnIment or an organization; the act of Imakin g such a stateIment: lo issueSigmn a declaratior > 妇e daeclaratiom of War 2 the Declaration oF 和mdependence (= of the United

States) 2 [q a written or Spoken statem ent, especially about what people feel or believe: a declarationm OF IoyveAJaithnAguitt cnote at STATEMENT 3 [C an official Wiitten statement giving information: adeclara5on of imco7e 2 CUstoms declaratioris (三 giving details of goods

that have been broughtinto a cotntry)

the Deciaration of Inde'pendence 5057 [sing:] the document which stated that the US was inpdependent of Britain, signed on 4 July 1776 by repres entatives ofthe

US states


/drklaratry/ adj (gramman (of a sen-

tence) ip the form ofa Simple statement

qdgle.clare om /drkleaGD; NAmEdrkler/ verb

Tto say sth officially or Publicly: [VN] 7T7Pe goverri7rient jhas declared astate Of emergeicy 和 Germany declared War of Race on IT Ausgust 7914. Te SOVeTTz7ment has daeclared war om (= officially stated its intent ion to Stop) Pitera

cy 2 [V that] The court declared 遍at sf好i庆e actiom Was ilegal c [VN-N] T7Pe area has peem declared a natiomal

park.e [VNtoinf The PaimntingyWwas decla redtobea Jorgery. 2 [VN-ADI] The contract Was declared yoid


are this Bridge open. 2 to state sth firmly and clearly : [v Speech] Taoit"Tom deciared < [Vthat] Fe declar ed 切at he was z 1ove with her < [VN] 瑟 交 Deople dared to

decIare 切eir OPDPositiomn to 切 e7egi7mre. [VN-ADI] Sje decIared Perselr extremieby PUTFE DY jis JacK oF SUDPort [also VN-N] 3 [VN] to tell the tax atthorities how Imuch money you have earned: A1 income nusEbe declared 朋 [VN] to tell customs officers (= at the border ofa countr y) thatyot are carrying goods on Which you should pay tax: Do yo haye amnything to declare? 5 [V] (in cickE T) to decide to end yoOUI INNINGS (= the period during which your team is BATTING) before all yotir Players have BATTED deClare a'gainst sb/sth (BrE 1jormmaj to Say publicly that you do not support sbysth de'clare for sb/sth (BrE 万 广 maj to saypublicly that you Support sbysth


| ddid

上 工 fall |59 get

| hhat


Declare is used more often for giving judgem ents; announce is used more often for giving facts: 宙e

dec:lam:ation /aeklemerJmn/ nour (iorma1 j TIu] the act

expressing feelings or opinions in a Strong Way Speech or a piece of writing


state (ratherjorman to formally write orsay sth,、 ,especially in a careful and clear way: He has aeody

deckquoits "oo7m [OU (Br6) a game in which playeis try

deck tennis moun [uj a game

officially “ 昌 to declare/state/announce sth firmly/clearlyplainly

de'clared /drkiesd; NAmE -lerd/ adf [only before noun] stated

雇 an Open Way so th吉 ttpeople know abonit 让 PROFESSED: 态 e Soyermments declared intentior to Tedauce crimme

de'clas.sify /dizklaesrfar/ ve 几 (declas:sifies , de:clas.sifying, de-clas.sified, de'clas'sified) [vN] to _state of从 cially Secret

that secret governiment information is no longer


Tents [aa CLASSIFY 他 kerfn/ mou7 [U]




/di klaesr-

de:clien.sion /drklenjJn/ moun (gra mman 1 [cl aset of Douns, adjectives , or pronouns that change in the same Way to show cAsE, number and GEND ER 也 [U] the way ip which some sets of nouns, adject ives,, and pronouns change their form or endings to show CASE,DnUmber or GENDE



om Jarklamy/ mouwn, verb

日 0OU1 [C Usually sing., U] ~ (in sth) |~ (of sth) a continuous

decrease ip the number value,qualit y,etc., of sth: a Tapid/sharp/sgradual :decline Lrbari/econommic de-

Cline CT7Pe COmPQaTXY reported a smalli decline im its ProFits. 24m increase 训 ca1s has resulted 访 the declimre of PuDIic

tramnsporE .The town je1Linto (@) declin e (= started tobe less busy important etc.) after the mine closed wo Jmaustby

总 Britain jhas peen im decline Sinlce the 19705. 目 VE 了 [V] to become smaller fewer Weakerm etc.: .SuPpPort Jor the party contintues io declin e. C_The murber OF tourists to the resort deciined DY I09%6 Jastyear C Ferjheait Was

declining rapidly 了 (Uornmal) to refuse Politely to acceptorto do sth REFUSE: [V]Toffered to give 切emia ZK Dut 妇 ey declined [VN] to decline am offer“invitationm c [vto inf] Teir SDoOKesmamiz decli7ried to coOTm7mzeit Om the allegations., 3 [v VN] (Srammanr) 证 a noun, an adjective or a pronoun declines, 让 has different forms according to whether it is the Subject or the object of a Verb, whetherit is in the singular or plural, etc. When you decline anouny etc.,youlist these fo rm 一compa s.re coNuU-

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| pen

| rred



GATE [Im sb?s declining'years (iteray) the last years of sb's life

de:code/,di:kaeud; NAmE-koud/ vemb [VN] Tto find the meaning of sth, especially sth that has been Wiitten iD


it Temoves

DECIPHER 也 to receive an electronic Signal

and change it into pictures that can be shown on atelevision Screen: decoding equipment 3 (Jinguistics) to understand the meaning of sth in a foreign language一

compare ENCODE

verylow in order to show her shoulders and the top Part ofherbreasts > decolleteadlj/:

de:coloniization (BrE also -isa:tiom /dikolenar

erfn; NAmE-kazleana'z-/ noumn [U] the Process of a COLONY Or COLONIES becoming independent de:com.mis.sion /di:kaemifn/ ve 履 [VN] to officially stop Using Weapons, antclear power station, etc. de:com-.pose /dkam'pauz; NAmE -pouz/ vemrb Tto be 外 gradtally by _natural chemical PIOCcesses DECAY,, ROT: TVJadecomposing corpseCAs the waste 部 aterials decofmpose, they produce methate 8a5. 2 [VN] a

decomposed body 2 [vN,V] 一 (sth) (into sth) (iechmicoh to divide sth into smaller parts; to divide into smaller parts

> decom.pos'iition /dikompa'zrfn; NAmE:ka:m-/ moun [U]: the decormposi6on oforganic Waste de.com.press/,dikem'pres/ ver T [vVN] to have the air pressure in sth reduced to a normal level or to reduce itto its moimallevel 22:[VN] (computing) to return fles, etc to their original size after they have been COMERESSED [Ga COMPRESS de:com.pres.sion /di:kem'prefn/ noun [U] T areduction in air pressure; the act ofreducing the Pressure ofthe air: a decompression chamiber (= a piece of equipment thatDIVERS sitin sothatthey can return SlowWly to normal air pressture afterbeing deep in the seal) C decompressiom sickness (= severe pain and difficulty in breathing experTienced by DIVERS Who come back to the surface of deep j als0O BENDS 了 (technicalj) the act 一see water too qtiickly) OF Diocess of allowing sth that has been compressed (三 made smaller) to fill the space that it originally took Up


micaj a device for reducing pressure iD a Vehicle's engine 2 (computng) a computer PrIOSTam which returns 多 es, etc. to their original size after they have been COMPRESSED de-con-gestant /dikaen'd5estent/ moun a medicine that helps sb with a cold to breathe more easijly: Q masal decoTlgestant de-con.se:Crate /,dizkonstkrert; NAmE -kazm-/ ve几 [VN] (rejigion) to stop using sth, especially a building, for > decon.se-

crationmoun [U]

de:con.struct /,diken'strAkt/ ve避 [VN] (techmnical) (ip

literature and philosophy) to analyse a text in order to show that there is no fixed meaning within the text bnut thatthemeaningis created each timein the actof reading

de.con-struc'tion/,diksn'strakfn/ moun [U] (techmica1

(in literature and Philosophy) atheorythat states that it is

impossible for a text to have one fixed meaning, and emphasizesthe role ofthe reader iDthe production ofmean-

ing 一compare


”* decon:struction'ist

moumn, adj.: a decorstructionist critic/approach

de.con-tam.in.ate /di:Ken'taemrmert/ veb [VN] to remove harmful substances from a place or thing: the Process Of decontaminating areas exposed to radioactivity

P decontamination/dikentaemrmerjJn/ nouwn [U]

[LVN] de.con:trol /,diksn'treol; NAmE "troul/ verb (JJD 话 government decontrols sth, (Jormajh especially NAm 且 a

s see

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| z zoo

| 了 shoe


decor /derka:(D; NAmE derkoxr/ noun [U,G usually sing.] the style ip which the inside of a building is decorated: 访terior decor S the restaurants elegant mew decor

刀 ec.OY.ate

0 /dekerert/ veb

by putting things on it: They decorated the room Witpn 丸owers and balloons. 2 The caKke Was decorated to IooKk Like acar 了 (especially BrE) to Put Paint WALLPAPER, etC. On the walls ang eeilings of a room or house: [V] Thate decorating. CHe has his own painting antd decoratir18 DuUsiness. CQ [VN] We meed to decorate the sitting roomi C The Sittinlg room mneeds decorating. 3 [VN] to be placed on sth 记

Video decoder de:colle:tagey/iderkplta:3; NAIE axle't-/ (also de:collete/derkplter NAmE,deika:lter/)mnoun (from French)jthe top edge of a woman's dress; etc. that is designed to be

areligious PUrpose: Q decomsecrated church


T_T[VN] ~ sth (with sth) to make sth look more attractive

qde:coder /di:keodeaGD); NAmE-kou-/.noun a device that changes an electronic signal into a form that people caii tnderstand, such as _sound and pictures: .Q- satellite/

de.com.pres-sOr /di:kem'presaGr)/ noun (BrE)

legal controls

> de.con:trol movn [U]

ADORN: Photoorderto make itlookmore attractive graphs of actors decorated the Walls of the restaurantE 4 [vN] [usually passive] ~ sb (for sth) to give sb a MEDAL as a Sign of respect for sth theyhave done

dec.Or.atiOom 0 /dekarerfn/ novn

1 [cusually plL] athing that makes sth look more attractive on special occasions: Christmas decorations 2 Q table decoration 2 [u,C] apatterni etc.thatis added to sth and that stops it 人 om being plain: the elaborate decoratiort on 纺 e carved wooden door 3 [U] the style in which sth is decorated: Q Chinese therme 识 如 e interior decoratiom 4 [U] (BrB the act or process of decorating sth such as 邱 [C] a MEDAL the inside of a house by Painting it, etc: that is given to sb as an honoUT



/dekeretrv; NMAmE'dekerertrv/


(ofan objectorabuilding)decorated in away that makes

itattractive; intended tolook attractive or pretty: The mm 广 ror zs 包 mctionalyet decorative: CPUrely decorative arches ive'artsmoun [pl:] artistic activities Which pro: decorat 1 duce objects whbich are useful and beautiful at the same time dec.OFator /dekarerte(D/ moOUn a person Whose job is Painting and decorating houses

dec.or.oOus /dekeras/ adj. (1jormal) polite and appIoOPprIi记 a particular social situation; not shocking PROPER: a decorous kiss > decorous'ly ady de-corumy/drkorem/ movun [U] (Jormal) polite behaviour ate


thatis appropriate in a Social situation

de.coup.age /aerku:pa:5/ noun [U] (arb the art of decorating furniture or other objects by cutting out Pictures or designs on paper and sticking them onto the Surface

de:.couple/di:kaApl/ verb [VN] ~ sth (from sth) (Jormal

toendthe connection or relationship betweentwo things decoy/'di:kor noun [GT ananimalorabird oramodel of one, that attracts other animals or birds, especially so that they can be shot by people who are hunting them 2 athing or a person that is used to trick sb into doing What you want them to do; going where you want them to go, etc. e decoy/drkor/ ve 几 [VN]

die.Crease 0m yerb, noun

四 VE 让/drkri:s/ 一 (from sth) (to sth) to become or make sth become smaller in size, numben etc:: [V] The mnurmzber of mew students decreased 广om 210 to 160 this year 2 The Price of wheat has decreased by 159%0. This species of bird idecreasing in numzbers eyery year oa decreasing PopLIatiom e [VN] People should decrease the amount of fat they eat [aag INCREASE anoun /di:kri:s/ [CU] ~ (in sth) |~ (of sth) the Process of reducing sth or the amount that sth is reduced by

REDUCTION: There has been Some decrease in Tilitary

Spending this year CQ decrease ofnearty 6%

总 he miurmber

of visitors to the ImUseUm [ED INCREASE

deicree/drkri:/ noun, ve 几 四 DOU1 了 [CU] an off6icial order from a ruler Or a_ government that becomes the law: to isSsue/sSigm Qa decree CQ

| 5 vision

| tchain

| d5 jam

| 9 thin

| 5this

| 0 sing

decree absolutie

398 | de:duct'ilbleydrdaktebl/ adj; moun

leader Who Tules py decree (三 not 雇 a DEMOCRATIC way)

之 [C] a decision thatis made in court 日yerb (de'cree'ing de:creed, de'creed) to decide; judge or order'sth officially: [VN] Te goyermnrmment decreed astate OF emmergenicy 2 [VN that] It was decreed that 如e Jolowing aay would be a jholiday [also v v wh-]

decree absolutemoun [sing]j (8大 low) an order from a coOUTt that finally ends a marriage, Imaking the two People divorced: THhe period between t态e decree misi ana he decree absolute Was Six Weekcs,

decree misi /drkri: maisar/ moun [sing] (8 /ow) an

order from a court that a Imarriage will end after a fixed amount of time'unless there is agood reason Why 让 Should not dle:crep 计 /drkrepit/ adj (of athing or Person) very old andnot in good condition or health

decrepitude /drkreprtju:d; NAmE :tuzd/ noum [U] (Jo 广 ma the state ofbeing old andin poor condition orhealth

de:crim:in.al'ize (BrEzalso -ise) /di:krmmrmnaelaiz/ yerb [VNj] to change the law so that sth is no longer jllegal: There are 7noyves to decrimiralize some 50 在 arugs. [Ga CRIMINALIZE 多 decrimi'inalizationm -isation

/diskrimrmaelafzerfmn; NAmEJe 芝 /nou1r [JW

decry /dikrai/ ver5 (decries, de:cry:ing de.cried,decried) [VN] ~ sby/sth (as sth) (1jormaj) to strongly ciiticize Sb/stt especially publicly CONDEMN: THPe 7measures Were decried as useless. [alsoVN]

dle:crypt /di:zkrrpt/ vemb [VN] (especially computng) to changeinformationthatisincodeinto ordinary language

昌 0dj. that can be taken away fom an amotunt of Ioney You earn,,from tax,etc.: These costs are deductible 万om Projiks. 2 tax-deductible expenises (= that you do not have to paytax on) 昌 11OU1 (NA1mE) 三 EXCESSs(3): a polior Withr ayery 亢5

~ deductipie


/drdakfm/ now

1T iuc

tihe Process of

using 雇formation you have ip ordertotunderstand a Particular situation or to find the answer to a Pioblem: 瑟e GTTiyed at 切e SOIUtio7m py a 5i7mPIE proces5 of deductiom. 和 政 7ny aeductiomns are correcb Tcam te yo Who the Kilier Was. 一See also DEDU 一compare CE INDUCTiION (3) 2 [U,g the process of taking an amount of sth, especially money away from atotal; the' amount that is taken away: deductions 帮om your payjortax etc,etaxdeductions

deduct'ive /drdAktrv/ adj [usually before noun] using

knowledge about things that are generally trte in order to think about and understand particular situations or Problems: deductiye 1ogic/reasomii 一compare rg

INDUCTIVE deed /dui:a/ nourT

(jporma/ /teray) athing that sb does

thatis usually very good or verybad AcT: QGprayve/ charitable/evilLgood deed ca tale of heroic deeds 只

Dote at ACTION 2 (often plural in British English) a legal

document that you sign, especially one that Proves that youown ahouse orabluilding: the deeds cf 坊 e hotse 一See alSo TITLE DEED IE your good .deed for the 'day:a helpful kind thing thatyou do -

deed of covenamt "ovn (Br an agreement to paya

Tegular amount of money to sb/sth, especially a charity, that means thatthey also receive thetaxthatwouldhave tobepaid on this money: Signinga deed of coyvemamntTmaKkes ITWorthn 7.33.

So that it can be Understood by anyone [Gag ENCRYPT diecryp:tion /dizkrrpfn/ooun [U] IE ENCRYPTION

deed poll movn [u,sihg] (Br a legal document Signed

to doing sth to give alotofyourtime and effort to aparticular activity or Purpose becatise you think it isimportant DEVOTE: She daedicates herself to her wo 丈 HEe daedicated his 1 泥 tojhelpingthepoor 2 ~sthtosbto Sayat the beginning of a boolo a piece ofimusic or a Pertformance that you are doing it for sb, as a Way of thanking them orshowing respect: THhis book is dedicated io TY Pa7-

目力OU1 (njorrmal) 三 DisC JOCKEY 目 Ve/b [V] to perform as a DISsC JOCKEY, especially in a club deeim /dim/ -ye Uormal) (not usually used in the Progressive tenses) to have a particular opinion_abonlt sth

dedicate /aedikert/ ye 态[IVN] T 一 yourself/sth to sth/

ents, 忆

一 sth (to sb/sth) to hold an official ceremony to

Saythatabuilding or an objecthas a Special purpose or is Special to the memory of a particular Person: The chnapel Was dedicated 友 了880.54A7memorialstone Was demEaied ti 万ose Who were Ki11ed 总 态 ewar

dedi'cated /aedikertidl oj T~tto sth) working hard at sth because it is Very inmiportant to you TED: Q dedicated teacher 2 S1jie idedicated 字 [only before nroun] designed'to do only one type of work; tised for one particular purpose Ware 5 exported 坊 7ougjiaaedicated satellite 1i

dedica'tion /dedrKkerm/ movj3

COMMITti jer 70D. Darticular only: So访 太

[U~ (to sth) (oppro

jg) the hard work and effortthat sb puts into an activVity OF Puipose because they think it is important COMMITMENT: hara Work amd dedicathon 2 [q a ceremony that is held to show that a building or an object has a Special purpose or is specialto the Iemory ofaparticular Person 3 [Cl] the wordsthatiare used at the beginning of abooles piece'ofmusic, a performance, etc. to offeritto sb as asign of thanks or respect

de'duce /ardjus; MmE draus/ ve 力 一 (sth) (from sth) (ormal)to form an opinion about sth based on the ifor-

mation or evidence that is available INFER: [vthatj] Ca We deduce 广om yoursilence tat youUdo notapprovezc [VN] We cam deauce a lot Fom what People chioose tOBL [also V wh-] 一See also DEDUCTION de.du:cible /4 djusebl; NMmE2duzs/ ad

de:duct /drdakt/ ver5 [VN] [often passive] ~ sth (from sth) to take away money Points, etc. fom atotal amount SUBTRACT: THhe cost of your uniforma will pe deducted 方om your Wase5. CTEn point WwW这 De aeducted fpr aywromng


by_ only one Person, especially in order to change their Dame: S7mith chamged jis ?Parme by deed Poll io JervisS7mIt.

dee-jay /di:dser/ noum, ve屿


[VN-N] The eyeing Was deemmed a Sreat

SUcces5S. 2 [VN:AD 咯She deemed 让 prudentmot io SQXY Q11Ythin8. CThey would take amy Qctomsdeermed TecessaT y. [also v (that), VN to in 和



/diDp/ adj5adv ,noun

上 0d1j. (deep'erideep.est)

“TOPTOBOTTOM 1 having alarge distance fromthe top Or Surface to the bottom2::a daeep jholeelTFiver daeep Wate1VSTnow [aa SHALLOW

~FRONTTO BACK 之 having alarge distance from the front edge to the furthest point inside: wa daeep cUtAWou nd ea daeep Space [Ga SHALLOW ~ MEASUREMENT 3 Used to describe or ask about the depth of sth: The Water 示 oly a jw 六ches adEep SoW deep 1 态 eWourid?


4 (in adjectives) as far up or down as the Point

Imentioned: The Water Was only Waist-daeep 50T Walkea ashore. 5 (in adjectives) in the numiber of rows men: tioned, one behind the other: THPey Were starzdin g threeaeep atthe bar ”* BREATH/SIGH :@ [usually before nounm] taking ip or giving out alot of air: She took a daeep breath. CeHe gayea deep Sigh * SOUNDS 7.low: Theard his deep warrm voice Jilling the Toom. Ca deep roarAgroamt

“COLOURS 8 strong and dark: arich aeep7ed [Ga PALE “SLEEP 9 a person in.a deep sleep is difficultto Wake: to pe 训 adeep sIeep/tranceZcoma Egg LIGHT *SERIOUS 10 extreme or serious: 了 es im deep trouble Q deep econonic:Tecessiomn S Te ahjfair had exposed deep Gaiyvisioms With 识 切eparbg oa Place of greatpomwer and OF 访camce: aeep sig m

* EMOTIONS 11 strongly felt Q deep sennse of 1oss

SINCERE: deep TespectEG

ae cat | cd father | eten | ss bird | -a about | :zsit | isee | many | po got (Br8 | osaw | Acup:| mput | too :

六 KNOWLEEDGE- 12 showing :great knowledge standing: adeep Understamding >-DIFFICULT



or under-

difficult tounderstand

PROFOUND: This discussioris getting too deep fr 7me. CHepondered as 太 over some deep philosophical Point *INVOILVED 14 ~一 in sth fully involved in an'activity or a state: to pe deep 记 thoughtXconyversatiorre Heis often so deep 识 his books thathejJorgetstoeat The 亢mendedup deep 训 debt PERSON TS iapersonis deep, theyhide their real feeliDgs and opinions: She's always beemn a deep one, trUSstinS

mo one. “TIN SPORT 16 toorfromapositionfardown oracrossthe 故eld: a deep ball 方om ,Beckharm -See also DEPTH IE So off the deep end (njormol) to suddenly become very angry Or emotional in deep 'water(s) (informah 记 trouble or difficulty jumpy/ be thrown-in at the:deep engd (informal) to start or be made to starta new;and difficult activity that you are not Piepared for: Junior hospitaldoctors are throwP im at 一more at DEVIL, SHIT 几, te deep entd 总 their 记 rstjobs. 0dv. (deeper deepesl ~ (below, into,under, etc.) a long waybelow the surface of sth or along way inside OF into sth: Dig deeperl CThierniners were trapped deep Under六 ground. C WwWhales that feed deep peneath the Wayes 2 Te gazed deep 训 to her eyes. C They Sat aad talKkea deep into the might(= Untilverylate). Cdeep 训 theforest2e stood With his hands de6D 识 Jis Dockek. [Im deep down1 让 you know sth deep downm, you know your true feelings abonit sth, although youmay not admit them to yourself: Deep down Tstill oved Pim. 了 话sth is true deep down, 让 is really like that,although 让 may-not be obvious to Deople: He seeTmns comfident DuUL deep dowm Je qUite insecure. go/run deep(ofemotions, beliefs, etc.) tobe:felt 也 astrong Way especiallyfor along time: Dismity and pride 一more at DIGY, STILL Funmn deep 识 this comrmunib/.

旧 ]OUm [Sing.] the deep(iteroy) the sea



,deep-'dyedodi (NMmB having a particular characteris-

tic or opinion very strongly: Q deep-dyed socialist 峭 ianemotionora feeling deepdeep-en/'dipasn/ ve 1 ens, or if sth deepens it, 让 becomes Stronger': [V] TPeir 万iendsjip soon deepened into 1ove. [also VN] 2 to become Worse; to make sth worse: [V] Warsjhips Were sentin as te Crisis deepened CQdeeperiing econornic Tecessionl [also VN] 3 to become deeper; to make sth deeper: [V] The Water deepened gradualy 2 瑟5 方own deepened. 2 [VN] There Were plans to deepen a stretch of the riyer 4 [VN] to im六 Piove your knowledge or tnderstandingofsth:; an OpPo of tmnity for students to deepen their Understanding different cultures 5 [V VN] 这 colour or light deepens OF 证 sth deepens it, it becomes darker': deepening Shadows be6ifasound or voice-deepens or if you deepen it, it comes lower or you make 让 lower: [V] His Voice deepeed toagrowL [alsovN] 7 [V] 了 your breathing deepens, YOU breathe more deeplythan usual

deep freeze(Br6 (US Deep.freezerv ,deep freezen 三 FREEZER

deep-'frozemn codj. preserved at an extremely low temperature deep-'fry verb [VN] [usually passive] to cook food 这 0 让 广ied chicken Pieces that coveis it completely:'deep-


| ar my

qdeep.Iy cm /diplilodv 1 very; Very much: She zsdeeply religious: ee They Were deeply disturbed by the accident 2 Opinion ideeply divdeeply idedonm this issue:so deeply rooted customsideas Pheld beliefsAEomyictiorts/yviews(=thatsb feelsVery Strong8ly) 2 used with some verbs to show that sth is donein a very complete way: to breathe/sigh/exhaledeeply (三 using all of the air in your lungs) CisIeepideeply (一 iDa waythat makesit difficult for youto wake up)eto thinKk deeply(= aboutallthe aspects of sth) -了 to adepth that is quite a long way from the surface of sth: to arill deeply 训 to the wood 中 noteiatDEEP



ad ,[usually


rioun] (of feelings and beliefs) Very fixed and strong; dif丛-

cult to change or to destroy: Q deep-rooted desire coUtyS Doliticaldivisions are deep-seated


deep-sea(also /ess Jrequent 'deep-waten adj. [only before noun] of or in the deeper Parts of the sea: Q deep-Sea divere deep-seaJfishingAdiving

deep-'setadi (formal eyesthat are deep-set seem tope quite farbackin apersons face

deep-'sive 凡 [VN] [usually passive] (NAmE jnjormaj to decide notto do or use sth that youhad planned to do or tse: Planis to puild a new rmnallWwere deep-sixed after protesks 万om Iocal residents.

the ,Deep South "ovn [sing.] the southern states of the US, especially Georgia, Alabamai MississipPi, Louisiana and South Carolina


structure (also

'D-structure mouvn (gramma 站

the basic relationships between the different parts of a sentence,, Which show how we think when we are using

e SURFACE STRUCTURE 一compare languag

deep vein throm' bosisnown [u,Gi(obbr DVD (med-

jcal) aserious condition caused bya blood cLoT (= athick mass ofblood) forming in aVEIN: Passeng8ers 0 Ionmg-Rhaul Jights are being warned about the risks o deep vein 雪 romDosis,

long 下 The adverbs deep and deeply can both mean way downorinto something. Deep can only meanthis andis morecommonthan deeply in this sense. It is usually followed bya word like into or below: We decidedtogo deeperinto 切 ejungle. 目Deeply usually means very much': deepjy 首 love ,edeeplyshocked You can use deep down (but not deeplyjtotalkabout a person's real nature: She cam Seerm sterm putdeep down shesayeXy Kmnd persom




| ao now

| ersay

deer /dracD; NAmE drm/ noun (Pdeen an animal with

long legs, that eats grass, leaVes, etc. and can Tun fast. Most male deer have ANTLERS (= horns Shaped like branches). There are many types of deer: a jerd ofdaeer 一see also FALLOW DEER, RED DEER, REINDEER, adeer paiK

ROE DEER, DOE, FAWN, STAG deerhound /diehaund; NAmE 'drr-/ noun a large dog with rough hain similar to a GREYHOUND

deer-stallk'er /drestokeGD); NAmE 'drmrs-/ own

a cap

With two PEAKS,, one in front and one behind, and two pieces of cloth which are usually tied together on top bnut can be folded down to cover the ears

dief/def/ adi. (sang) excellent: adefband de.face /drfeis/ verb [VN] to damage the appearance of sth esDecially by drawing or writing on 让 必 defacementmown


de facto /der ,faektau; NAmE -tou/ adj, [usually before

noun] (from Lotiin; jnrmal) existing as a fact although 站 Imaynotbe legally accepted as existing: The generalLtooK de jacto conttrol of the coOUmtryX, 氏 de facto adv: He comto. DE JURE 一Compare Gued to rule the country dejfoc

defae:cate dieiae:cation (Br6) = DEFECATE, DEFECA-

TION def.ami:ation /defetmnerfn/ movn [U,C] (formal) the act

of damaging sb's repttation by Saying oO Wiiting bad or false things about them: The comPany Sued jjor defamationm.

de:fama:tory /drfamaetri; NMAmE-tori/ adj. (Jormaj (of speech or Writing) intended to harm sb by saying or WrIitingbad or false things about them

de.famey/drfem/ ve 必 [VN] (Jormal)toharm sb bysaying or writing bad or false things about them

de.faulty/drfolt; di:-/ movn, ve几

目 Moun 1 [U,G] failureto do sth that mustbe done by law,

especially paying a debt: The cormpany iin default on 纺e

| ao go (Br 日 | og go (NAmB)

| ai boy

| me near

| ee hair

| ue pure


400 |


1oan. 2 Mortgasge defaults jiave FiePi 访 坟 2 1a5E year 字 [U,G usuallysing] (especially delightfully /drlartfali/ adv de'limit /dilmmnart/ ver [VN] (ormal to decide what the limits'of sth are

de'lin:eate /drlmiert/ vemp [VN] (formoh to describe,

draworexplain sth in detail: Our objectivesmeedto5e 了 reCisely delineated c The ships7route 必 clearyy aelineated of thermmap. e delineation /drlmierfnay/ mour [u,G]

de'lin'quency /drlinkwensi/ moun fu;c] (p1:ies)Dad or criminal behaviour usually of yoting Deople: am 访 crease 总Juyenile aelimrquency

de'lin'quent /drlmkwent/ ad T (especialy of young People or their behaviour) showinga tendency to commit


/drlrvari/ moun (P/ -ies)

1 [uc the act oftaking goods' letters, etc: to the People they have been sent to: adaelivery Van e Please pay Jor 8oods om delivery (= when yo receive them). 和 Alow 28 days Jor delivery c thereia postaLAmmai delivery of

Saturadays2 2 (Jormnal) When can youtake daelivery of (= be available to receive) 切 ecar2C (Jigurativejtpe deliveryof PUBlic services 了 [CU] the' process: of giving birth to a

baby: am easydifficult delivery' ea delivery-room/ Ward (= 识 a hospital, etc.) 3 [sing.]-the Way im which sb speaks, sings a song, etc. in public: The Deautful poetry Was TUined By jher poor delivery 4Yq a _ball that is thrown, especiallyin CRICKET Or BASEBAIL:Q Jostdeliyery [Im see CASH 六

dell /del own (Wieramy/) asmall valley with trees growing

in or around 让 de'louse /idi'laus/ vem [VN],to remove LICE (= ,small in-

Sects) from sb's hair or from an animal's coat

Del:phic /delfrk/odj. 1 relatingtothe ancient GreekoR-

AcLE at Delphi(= the Place where people wentto askthe

gods foradvice or information aboutthe future) 2 (often

卫 (NAmE Jinanmce) having

delphic) Uormal) with ameaning thatis deliperatelyhid-

3 (NAmE Jimnance) (of a stim of money) not having been

delphin-ium /delfmiem/ noun atall garden plant with

crimes: aelinqguent teemasers

failed to pay money that is owed: a aeliriguent porrower

paid in time: aaelinquentIoam

delinquent 0007 一see

also JUVENILE DELINQUENT deli'quesce /,delrkwes/ verb[v] (ormah 1 to become liquid as a result of decaying 2 (chermistrmy) to become jliquid as a result of absorbing water from the air > .deli-

quescence /delrkwesns/ moun.[U]

de.irious /drlries; BrE also -rerias/_ adj Tin:an ex=cited state and not able to think or speak clearly usually because of fever: He becarne delirious and couldm世 TecogPize people. 也 extremely excited and happy: The crowds

Were delirious with joy > deliriously oadv

de'lir.ium /drlrism; BrEalso -reriem/ 0oun [U] a mentajl state where Sb becomes delirious, usually because of jillness: 记ksof deliriurm

delirium tremens /dlrism triomenz; BrE also :lireriem/noum [U] (medicaj) = DTs


| ddid

上 | ffall

| 9 get

:| hhat

| jyes

den or difficult to understand: a daeIphic utterance

blue or white flowers growing UP its STEM

DELTA /delte/ noun [u] a British qualification froini:the

University of Cambridge for experienced teachers ofEng]ish as a foreign language (the abbreViation for Diploma 迄 English Language Teaching to Adnults) delta /delte/ movn Tthefourth letterofthe Greek alphabet(A, 6) 2 an areaofland, shaped like atriangle, where ariverhas splitinto several smaller rivers before entering the seal: the Nile Delta delta rays moun [pl] (physics) RAYS of Slow-moving PARTICLES Which have been forced out of:atoms by RADIATION delta rhythm movn [c 避 (biology) the normal electrical activity of your brain when yoUu are asleep delta wing "ovn a single wing in the shape ofatriangle on SoOme aircrafb especially on military Planes

| k cat

| bleg

| m man

| na now

| p pen

| Pred


/aeltordz/ (also ipformaldelts

/delts/) noun

[pl] (onatom7) the thick triangle-shaped muscles that cover the shoulder joints


/dru:d/ verb ~ sb/yourself (into doing sth) to

make sb believe sth thatis not true



Domtpedeluded into 坊 训King 切atwe are Outofdamngeryet IDUPpoor deluded creature. Ce Hes deluding Fimmse 太 庆he thinksitsgoing to beeasy C[VNthat] She had peer delud总 SPersel 妇 at he 1oved Fer 一see also DELUSION

gel.uge /aueljud5s/ novn, vermb 上四 IOUP [usually sing] Ta sudden very heavy fall of fain FLOOD 辽 alarge ntmber ofthings that happen or airive at the same time: a deluse of calls/complaints/ Ietters 下 VE 上 峭[VN] 卫 一 sb/sth (with sth) [usually passive] to send or give sb/sth a large number of things at the same tme FLOOD, INUNDATE: We haye been deIuged with app太

catioms Jor 她e job. 了 [often passive] (jnrmalj) to flood a Place with water: The carmpsite Was deluged by a jiasph Jood.

die.lu.sion /drlu:sn/ novn T [aq afalse belief or opinion about yoUrself or yoUr situation: 态e delusiomns of 雪e memtalgy 这 2 Pomtgo getting delusions of gramdeur (= abelief that you are more important than you actually are). 之 [U] the act ofbelieving or making yotrself believe sth that is not true

qdelu'sive /drlursrv/ (alsode'lu-sory /drluzsari; -zeri/) adj (LUormal) notreal or trueERI DECEPTIVE de luxe /da '1Aks; 'loks/ aodj [usually before noun] of a







a aermanmnding



de-imarcate /dimazkert NMmE2marK/ Ye 廊[VN] (jo广 /mal) to mark or establish the limnits of sth: Plots of Iand jaye beemn dermmarcated Dy barbed Wire.






[u,C] aborder or line that separates two things; such as types of work,,groups of people or aieas of ljand: 下 Was jharda to draw clear 1ines of dermmarcatiof petweer WorK and Leisure. 2 SOcial demarcations


/drmimn/ ve [VN] T ~yourselfto do sth that

Iakes peoplehaveless respect for you:TWwouldmnt dernea7 TYsSej太DY asKing for charib 2 to make people have less ITespect for sb/sth DEGRADE: SUCh images deTmeam Woen


/drmimm/ ad putting sb in a position

that does not give them the respect that they should have HUMILIATING: Be foumda it demeaning to WoK 训ornis 儿 mrmer employee.


(8唱 (NMmE de.meanor) /dimimaeG)/

mouUn [U] (jnrmaj) the way that Sb looKks or behaves: Fe Taimtained a Drofessio7tal demeanour 妇 rOUSROU上上

de:-imenmted /drmentrd/ adj 1T(especaly Br behaving 识 a crazy Way because yo are extremely UPset Or WoFTied: Tyve peefl mearty demented

Withp Worry about yoL.


2 (old友shionedormedicallhavingamentalillnesse demen:ted.iy 0dyv

djelve /delv/ ve 必 [v +ady/prep]tosearch forsthinsidea

二 emiemi:tia /drmenfe/ noun [U] (medicaol/) a serious men-

higher quality and more expensive than Usual URY: Q de IUxe Potel

bag,container, etc. DIG:. She delved 训 her hamndpag 如 ra pen. delve 'into sth to try hard to find out Imore information about sth: She had started to delve into Perjothers distantPpast Derm。 obpr (ip politics iDP the US) DEMOCRAT; DEMO-

CRATIC qdema. goOSgue /demegpg; NAmE .ga:g/ noun (disapprov/ng) a Political leader who tries to win support by Using arguments based on emotion rather than reason PP demaigog:ic /dema'gpgrk; NAmE -gad:g-/ adj demagogy /demagpgi; NAmE-ga:gi/ moun [LU] 了过e-iimamdl


/drmamnd; NmEdrmaend/ nouwniyerb

上四 IOU1 了 [GO 一 (forsth/that..)averyfirm requestforsth; sth thatsb needs: a demanmnd forjaigherpayc demarnds 切at te law on 8uUL OWmersPip Should pe chamged 万7mms attemmptimng to Teet/saftisfy 妇 eir customers: dermamds (三 to give them whatthey are asking for) 2demiands [pl.]

~ (of sth) | ~ (on sb) things that sb/sth makes you do,, especially things that are difficulb make you tired,worTied,etc.: 急e demarads of childrermvwork C FIying Takes

elorTmOUsS demaarads om Pilot. 3 [U,G ~ (for sth/sb) the desire or need of customers for goods or services which theyWwantto buy or use: to 7meettphe dermanrd jpraproduct C Theres am 态creased dermamnd for organtic produce 女ese days. CC Demand 1 exceeding SUDPIY [IE by Popular de'mand becatuse a lot of people have asked for sth: By

Dopuiar demand the play w1TunJoramnrother weekin demand wanted by a lot of People: Good secretaries are aLWays 碎 demmandon de mand done or happening wheneVer Sb asKs: Feed 纺e paby om dermmand. 人 om-demand Printnmg of pooKcs 一See also SUPPLY AND DEMAND yer几 Tto askfor sth very firmly: [VN] She demmamnded am ii7mediate expIamatiomn. 和 [Vthat] The UN Pas demanded 态at all troops pe withpdrawn. (BrEalso)Theyare demand碎g 妨 at all troops should pe Withdrawmn. 2 [Vtoinfl Tae7mand to see the ma7nnager C [V speech] WPpo te hell are

you?22he dermarnded angrily 只 note atASK 字 [VN] to need sth 记 order to be done successfully: This Sport dae7ma7zds Do 妃Speed amd stremg 雪 .


/drmamndm; NmE -maen-/ ad


Piece of work) needing alot of skill, patience, efforb etc.:

The Work Djysically dermmamding. 只 note at DIFFICULT 2 (ofaTPperson) expecting alot ofwork or attention from ssee

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| shoe

tal DISORDER catsed by brain disease or injury that affects the abjlity to think , remember and behave Dormally 一see also SENILE DEMENTIA dem-erara



,jga(r); NAmE -rerey/

mouwn [U] (BrE) atype ofrough brown sugar de-imerge /dizmas:d5; NMAPmE-mard5s/ vemb [VAN V] (BE pbusiness) to separate a company into smaller companies,


require 。expect .insist 。 ask These words all meanto say that sb should do or have

demand to askforsth veryfirmly: to sayvery firmlythat sb should haveordo sth: she danded a animnmediate Exp/amaton.

Yeeqiuire [often passive] (rotperjorman to make sb do or have sth, especially because itis necessary according to alaw orset of rules orstandards: Al condidates wbe /egU1ed totakeashnortiest expect to demand that sb should do, have or be sth, especially because itistheirduty or Iowa 1 ,expectio be pad Prompthy Jorihe Wo 从 inmsist to demand that sth happens or that sb agreesto do sth: 1cidniwanttosgoputjheinsisted se We insiston the highest standargsat all times. ask to expect OF demand sth: Youeasking too much of 11m、 DEMAND, EXPECT OR ASK?

Askis not as strong as Ca can be morelikea command. PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS


both of which

, 人

贸 toO damanalregwreexpecwask sth of/from sb 晶 to ask for sth

轩 tO demand/require/expectyinsist/ask that... 让 to require/expectyask sb to do sth 四 to demand/require/expecUask a Iowa muchy/a great deal 1

旧 to betoo much to expectyask

| 5 vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| thn

| 5this

| Dsing



usually into the_ companies that had previously been joined together; to be spPlit in this way e-imerger/dimas:d5a0D); NAmE -ma3srd3s-/ Own [G W(BrE:pusiness) the act of separating a company 位om a larger company,especially when they had. previously been joined together

qde:merit/dizmerrt/ noun (iormah 1 [usually pl.] a fault in sth or a disadvantage of sth: the 7merits and deTmerits of

the schemme 了 2 (NAmB amark on sb's school record showing that they have done sth wrong: ZL get 妇 ree de7merits 太 yoUe caUught smoking om schooLSgroumds. de-imesne/dememy/ novun 了 (ip the Pastb land attached to a MANOR (= large house) that was Kept by the owners fortheir owntuse 2 (old use) aregion orlarge areaofland demmi-/duemi/ prejix (in nouns) half; partly: dernigod

demi'god/duemigod; NmE:gad/ noun Taminor god, Or a BEING that is partly a god and partly human ruler or other person who is treated like a god

之 a

demijohnm/demidzon; NAmE-dsam/ novn a Very large bottle with a narrow opening at the top, for holding and transporting water Wine, etc.

dle-imm 训itar-ize(BrE also -is@e /qizmalrterarz/ ve [VN] [usually passive] to remove military forces 人 om an area: Q dermmilitarized zone [GE MILITARIZE demi 训itari这a-

democracy 3 [U] fairand equaltreatmentofeveryone 问 an organization, etc., and their right to take partin makipg decisions: 雪e 廊ghtjor justice amnd demiocracy demo:crat/demakraet/ 0oun Ta person who believes 氨 or supports democracy 2 Democrattqbbr D Dem)a Imember or SuUpporter of the Democratic party of the US ~ 一compare REPUBLICAN

deimo:-crat:ic/,dema'kraetik/ adj. Ti(ofacountry state, System, etc.) controlled byTrepresentatives who are elected by the people of a country; connected with this system: a democratic countby 2 Q democratic System dermocratic goyverm7ment 了 based on the Principle that all Imembershave an equalrightto beinvolvedin running an organization, etc.: demiocratic Participatiomn Ca dermocratc decision 3 based on the Principle that all members of society are equal rather than divided by money or Social class: ademocratic society dermocraticreforrms 4 Deimo-

Cratic (bb


connected with the Democratic

Party iD the US: 妨e Democratic semnator 方om Oregonm democratically /li/ adv: a democraticaly elected g&oyvernmentc democratically controlled C The decisiori was taKkem democratically.

the Demo'cratic Partymovn

[sing.] one of the two

main political Parties im the US, usually considered to be ip favour of social reform 一compare THE REPUBLICAN


dem.oc:ra:tize (BE also -is 日/drmpkretaiz) NAImE -ma:k-/ yemb [VN] (Jrmal)tomake acountryor an institu-

iion -isation/dizmalrterar'zeIfmn; NAmETe'Z-/ DOUn [U] demi-monde/demni'mnpnd; NMmE'mamad/ noun [sing.]

tion more democratic democratization -isation /drmopkretar'zerfn; NAmE-mazkrete'z:/ own [U]

(from French) People whose behaviour or beliefs Prevent them from being fully accepted as part ofthe main grouP in society

qdemo-grapih-ics /dema'gr2efks/ mouwn [pl] (Statistics)

de-min-er-alize /dizmmarelarz/ verb [VN] to remove

dem.og:raplhy/drmopgrafi; NAmE-ma:g-/ movm [U] the

Salts 们om Water qdle:-mise/drmarz/ noun [sing.] T the end or failure of an institution, an idea, a company etc. 了 (jormal or humor ous) death: his immmminermt/Suddersad dermise

demi-sec/demi 'sek/ adj. (from Fench) (of wine) fairly dry demisemi'quaver/,demi'semikwervaeGrD)/ (BrE) (NAmE thirty-'second note noun (music) a note that lasts as long as halfa SEMIQUAVER/SIXTEENTH NOTE

de-mist/dizmrst/ (Br6 (NAmE de'fog ve [VN] to reImove the CONDENSATION you can See clearly

from a cars windows so that

de.imist.er/dizmista(r)/ noun a device, Spray etc. that Temoves CONDENSATION, especially from the windows of

a Car

qiermmniurge /duemis:d5; NAmE -3Trd5/ nown (iteramy) Ta BEING that is responsible for creating the world 之a BEING that controls the part of the World which is not SDiritual deimo /demao; NAmE -moo/ noun (P -09 (nrmal 1 (especialy BrE) = DEMONSTRATION(1): They al Went om

the demmo. 2 = 三DEMONSTRATION(2): Fll give you a demo. 3 arecord or tape with an example of sb's music on it: a dermmo tape qdemo- prejix ( 雇 nouns,adjectives and adverbs) connected With people or population: democracy 2 democratic

demob/dizmob; NMAmE:ma:b/ vemb(-bbj [VN] [usually passive] (Br /pnformal) = DEMOBILIZE: Fe Was deTmrobped 总 7946, > demobnoun [U] (BID

de.mo.bilizel(BrEalso -ise /drmaeobalarzz; NAmE-moo-/ (also BrEjnformal demob ve 凡 [VN] toreleasesb ffommilitary service, especially at the end of a war 一compare MO-


> demobilization

-isa:tion /drimaobalarzerfm;

NAmE-movbala'Z-/ noun [U]

dem:oc:racy /drmnpkrasi; NAmE-ma:k-/ noun (P1 -ie9 1 [LuU] asystem of government in which all the people of a_ country can vote to elect their representatives: PaTrlia7mentary democracy 2 the principles of democracy 2 [C a coUntTY Which has this System of government: Westerm democracies CT 雪 oUgRtWe Were SUPDPosed to pe Jiying ia


| dfather | eten

| sbird

data relatingto the Population and different groups with也 诈 :切 e dermographics ofradio 1isterters changing ntumber of births,deaths,diseases,etc. im a community over a period of time; the scientific study of these changes: the social dermography of Africa demoOg-raph'er /drmopgrefeGD); NAmE -ma:g-/ noun demo-、 graphic /,dema'graefrk/ 如 d/.: aermosraphic chamgses/ trerds/jfactors

de:-molish /drmnplrf; NmE -ma:l-/ ve必 [VN] Tto pull or knock down abuilding: Thejoctory zs due to be demoLished mextyear 了字 to destroy sth accidentally: The car jad Skidded across the road ad demolished part of tpne Wall 3 to show that an idea or theory is completely wrong: A TecentDpooKk has demolishned this theory 4 to defeat sbeasjyand completely: They dermnolished New Zealarnid 22-6 训 te JinaL 5S (BrE ninmal to eat sthsvery quickly: The childremr dermolished 态eir burgers and chips, > demo-lition /demae'rfmn/ noun [U;G: The whole row of houses s Scheduled 1jor dermolihomn. 2 Bis speech did a yery effective dermmolition job om the goyverTimmemnts Proposals.

demolition derlbynovn (NA 六 日三 STOCK-CARRACING qgemon/'diman/ novun 1 an evil spirit: demomns torturing thesinners iHell 2 (normal)apersonWho does sthvery Well or with alotofenergy: Fe skis Iike a demonm. 3 Something that catses a petson to worTry and makes them tnhappy: the demons of jealousy [Er the demon 'drink (BrE, huUmorous) alcoholic drink

ge:imon-ic /dimpnIik;i




With,or like,,a demon(1): demonic jborces 2 a deimno7iic QPPearanmce

de:imon'ize(BrE also -ise /dimaenarz/ vemb [VN] to deScribe sb/sth 记 a way that is intended to make other People think of them or 让 as eVil or dangerous: 万 e Was dermmonized by the rightwing press., > demon'ization -isation/,dimenarzeIfmn/ oun [U]

dem.on:stralble /drmonstrebl; NAmE -ma:n- BrE also 'demaenstrebl/ oa丰 (Jornmal)) that can be shown or proved: Qademonstrable need > dem-on:strably/-bli/ oadv: dermmomstrably mnfair


0 /duemanstrertt/ ve旋

1 ~sth (to sb)to show sth clearlyby giving proof or evidence: [Vthat] These results demomstrate co7iyimcinglytnat OU campaigm it Working.C [VN] IetTme demonstrate to yoOU Somie of the difficulthies we are facing. ee [V wh-] His suddem

|-aabout | rsit|isee|imany|npgot(Br6



departure had demonstrated .how unreliable he Was & [VN to inf] The theories were demonstrated to be Jolse. [VN that] 秦 has peen _demonstrated 她 at 切 计 Garug 1 effectiyve. 守 [VN] to showbyyour actions that youhavea Particular quality feeling or opinion DISPLAY: ZX 7eed to demonstrate more se 矿controL C We Wantto dermomstrate OUT Com7mitmentto hurmarrights. 3 一 sth (to sb) to show and explain how sth works orhowto do sth: [VN] Her Jop inyolyves demonstrating mnew educational Software.

[alsoVwh-] 4 [V] ~ (against sth) |~(in favour/support


de-mys:tify /dizmarstrfar/ ve几 demystifies ,demys:ti-

fy-ing ;demystified ,de.mys:tified ) [VN] to make sth easierto understand and less comPplicated by explaining 让 记 aclear and simple way > demystifi-cation /dizamrstr

of sth) to take part in a public meeting or march, usually as a Protest or to show Support for sth PROTEST: Students dermoistratirntg againstthe ware TPey are deTmomStrating in joyvour of Jee higher educatiom. qde.-mon-stra-tion /aemaen'strerfmn/ noun 下 (also 六 大

maldeimeo especiallyin BrE) [Cl ~ (against sby/sth) a Pub-

lic meeting or march at which People show thatthey are Priotesting against or Supporting sb/sth: to take Partimn/ 8o om a demonstration ce to holdAstage a demonstrationermmass demortstratiomsinSsupportoftheexiledleader 2 antigoyvermaent demomstrations 2 a peaceful1Zyioleiit demomstrat 一compare ion ,MARCH 了 (also pn1formal demo ) [CU] an act of showing or explaining how sth Woriks or is done: We were given a prief demomnstration oF the comiputers 记 mctions. Capractical demonstration e We Proyide dermoristration ofvideocomferencing oyer 态 ete Pet 3 [CU] anactofgiving Proof or evidence for sth: a demomnstratiori of 态ecomiection pethween the two sets of 广gUrescademonstration ofhow 5omething 妇atseems SIT7LDIe caTL tuTrm OUE to pe very commplicated 4 [al an act ofshowipgafeelingoran opinion: apublicdemonstfratiom ofaffeconeadermonstratiomofsupportJor the reforms

de-mon:stra-tive moOuU1

/drmpnstretrv;, NAmE -mazm-/ adli,

四 qdj. 1 showing feelings openly,especially feelings of affection: So7me people are rnore demoristratiyve thar others. 2a demonstratiye greeting 也 (81am1mar) used to identify the person or thing that is being referred to: his amd 各 at are demormstrative promouras:

是 IOU1 (8/01m170r) a demonstrative pronoun or determiner demon:stra-tor /demaenstrerteCD)/ moum Ta person who takes part in a public meeting or march in order to Protest against sbysth or to show support for sb/sth 2-a person whosejob is to showorexplain how sth works oris done

de'moral:ize (BrEalsoise )/drmnprelarzz; NMAmE-mor

-Iar-/ ve由 [VN] [usually passive] to make sb lose confidence or hope DISHEARTEN: Co7stamt crFiticis7m 放 demoralized ,-ised enough to demoralize anybody adl/.: The Workers here seema yery demoralized.demoraliing ,-ising adj.: 妇e demoralizing effects Of UPmempIOy7ment demoralization ,-isation /drmprelarzerfm, NAmE-morala'Z-; -mazTala'z-/ own [U] dle-mote /dizmaut; NMmE -mout/ ve凡 [VN] [often passive]

一 sb (from sth) (to sth) to move sb to a lower position or Iank,,often as a punishment [aag PROMOTE tion /dizmmaeojfn; MAmE-moo/ noun [CUj


> de.mio-

/drmnptik; MmE-maty/ ad (jnrma1) used by

or typical of ordinary people


/dizmaeutrvert; NMmE-mou-/ ver IvN] to

Inake sb feel thatit is not worth making an effort: Failure

demotivating oadj democa demotiyate students. tivated ad demotivation /dimaeotrverIfm; NA4mE :mo0-/ own [U] demur /drmas:G)/ ve movn 晶 Vemp{rr- )(jommal)to saythatyou donotagree with sth or that yoU refuse to do sth: [V] At first she demurred, bxt

态 en finally agreed' [also v speech] 昌 OU1 II Without de'mur (加mmo/) without objecting or hesitating: They accepted Without dermar

de'mure /drmjoe); MmEdimjar/ ad Tofawoman oragir) behavinginawaythat does not attract attention

to herself or her body; duiet and serious


demmure young 1ady 2 suggesting that a woman or girl 这 demnure MODEST: Q demure S1mile 2 Qaaemnure mnayy

D1ouUse Withn a White collar demurely adv uactual

| army

| aonow

| ersay


frkerfmny/ nouwn [U] dgenm /den/ novn Tthehidden home ofsome types of wild animal: Q bpear?s/lions dem 也 (disapproving) a place Where people meet D secret, especiajiy for some illegal Or immoral activity: a den of thieve5 Sa arinking/AgarmDiling demn 2 He 雪ought of New York as a denm oOF iniquity. 3 (NAm6) a room in a house where People go to relax, Watch television,etc. 4 (old-/shioned,BIE, Informal) a Ioom in a house where a person can work or study without being disturbed: Be would often retire to his demn 5 a Secret Place, often made roughly with walls and a IToof Where children play: THhey made temselyves a deii 讯 te WO0ods. IE see BEARDY,LION


(BE also -ise) /dizmaef nalaIZz/ ve 疙

[VN] to sella companyoranindustrysothatitisno longer


by the_ government




TIONALIZE ” demnation'alization ,-isation /di:pnafmalarzerfn; NAmE-e'z-/ noun [U]


/dendrart/ (alsoden-dron

/dendrpn; NAmE

-Gramn/) noun (biology) ashort bramich atthe end ofanerve

cell],which receives signals from other cells 一compare


dendritic /,den'drrtrk/ oadj: dendriticcells


/den'droled5i; NAmE-dral-/ noun [U] the

Scientific study oftreese den.drolo.gist /den'drnolad5rst'; NAmE:dra]l-/ noun


/dengi/ (also 'dengue fever,'breakbone

fever ) novm [U] a disease caused by a virus carried by MOSQUITOESs, that is found:in tropical areas and causes

fever and severe Dain in the joints


/drmnarel/ novn 1 [ad 一 (of sth/that ... ) a state-

Iment that says sth is not true or does not exist: 如 e PTi5onerS repeated denials of the charges against hi e Te terrorists issued a denial ofrespomsibility forthe attacK. 2 am ojficial denial 轨 at there Would be an election before

theendoftheyear 2 [Gu] (al~ofsth arefusalto allowsb to have sth they have aright to expect: the denial of pasic PuTmanm rights 也 [U] (psycholosgy) a refusal to accept that sth Unpleasant or painful is true: The patient is still 访 demiaLl genm-ier /denieG)/ moun (especialy Br6l aunit for measuring how fine threads of NYLON, silk etc. aie: 15 denier StocKkings

deni'grate /denrgrert/ vemb [VN] (Jormaj to criticize sby

sth Unfairly; to say sbysth does not have any Value or is not important SI BELITTLE:Tdidmnt intend to denigrate jer achieyemments. genigration /denrgrerfn/ noun


denim /duenrm/ novnT [ua type of strong cotton cloth that is usually blue and is used for making clothes, especially jeans: Q denim jacket picture 吃 PAGE RI4 From the French serge de N1jmres, meaning serge (a type of cloth) fom the town of Nimes. 2 denims [pl] (old-foshioned)trousers/ypants made of denim SR JEANS

deni'trify /dimnaitrrfar/ ve 万[VN] deni:trifying ,deni-

trifies , de.ni'trified ) (chemistry) to remove NITRATES OF NITRITES 位om sth,especially from soil,air Or water denitrification /dizmnartrrfrkerfn/ moun [U] dleni:zem /duenrzn/ moun (formal or Ju/morous) a person, an animal oraplantthatjlives, grows oris often foundina particular Place INHABITANT: Dolar pears aeriizens of the 广ozen north ethe denizens of the 1ocalPpUD


/drnomrmert; NMmE-nam-/ ve TIVN] 由

to express an amount of money Using a particular unit:

The 1oam Was denominated

in US dollars

2 (Jormal)

[VNN] ~ sb (as) sth to give sth a particular name OF description: These Paymaenats are deniominated as 人es: ra态er 殷amn Sala7

denom'in:ation /drnpmrnerfm; NMA7mE -naam-/ noun (ormal) 1 a branch of the Christian Church: Christiams

| sogo (Br 日| oo go (Nm

| 5 boy

| zanear

| ee hair

| se pure


408 | dental hygiemnistnovn (especially NAm 有 = HYGIENIST

of all denominationmns attended the comference. 了 atunit of valuej especially of money: coimns amd ba7iKkmnotes ofyarious denominations =



NAmE -mazm-/


dentist sees patients: ar appointrient atthe demtists

de-nom.in.ator /drmomimnertaG); NAmE -nazmi-/ 7ouwn (mathematics) the number below the line 记 a FRACTION

den.tis:try /dentistri/ movn [U] 1 the medical study of

showing how many Parts the whole is divided into, for 4 记




the teeth and mouth 2.the work of a dentist: preyentiye aenmntistry


DENOMINATOR qie.notation /dineogterfmn; NAmE-noo-/ ouUn (techmicaj) the act of naming sth with a word; the actual object or idea to which the word refers 一compare CONNOTATION

避 em-tition /den'trn/ noun [u,C] (technical) the arrangement or condition ofaperson's or animals teeth

den-tures /duentJsz; NAmE -tfarz/ mouvn [pl] artificial teeth on a thin piece of Plastic (= a PLATE),Worn by sb Who no longer has all their own teeth dentureadlj.:

PP denotation-al /diine'terfmnl; NAmE2nOU-/ ad die-nmote /drmaeot; NAmE drmout/ vemb (rma) Ttobea Sign of sth INDICATE: [VN] A yery Pigh temperature

demnture adhesive 一compare FALSE TEETH; PLATE (14) de:nmude /drnjuad; NAmEdrmu:d/ yerb [VN] [usually pasSive] 一 sth (of sth) ( 妈mmaj) to remove the covering, fea-

often denotes Gserious illness. [also vthat] 2 to mean sth REPRESENT: [VN] 丸 this example X demnotes tbe me taKkemn ad 了 denotes 雪e_distance coyered. C The red a1tg&le denotes da1tger Here jmail aenotes mothenp 名ther and children. [also V wh-] 一compare CONNOTE


(also_ denoue.menb

tures,etc: fom demnuded of trees

of information: Qa dense piece of writing 5 (technicaoh heavy in relation to its size: Zess dense SUbstaTtces Toy Upwardsto fjprm acrust > denselyadv:adenselypoptIated areae dernsely covered/PpacKked

qdlems.ity /"duenseti/ novn (P/ -itiesg 1 [u] the quality of being dense; the degree to which sth is dense: Populatiom densitrIow density jorest 2 [CU](physcs)thethickness of a solid, liquid or gas measured by its mass per Unit of

Volume: the densibr ofagas 3 [U] (compubng)theamount of space available on a disk for recording data: a Pigj/ double density jioppy

diemnty/dent/ verb, moun 下 Ver [VN] to make ahollow place inia hard surface, usually by hitting it: The bacKk of thecar Was padly demnted

训 切 e collision. :2 to damage sb's confidence, reputation, etc.: 到 Seefmied 雪 at motpimng could demnt7ais com 记aence. 目 0OU1 ahollow Place in ahard surface, usually caused by sth hitting it: a Iarge dentin the car door [IE make,etc.,

a'dent in sth to reduce the amount of sth,especially Ioney: THPe Iawyersjeesw 记 make a aentin our 记 mraraces. gemt.al/duentl/ odj. [only before noun] 1 connected with teeth: dental diseaseAcare/AtreatrmentApheaLth 和 ea demtalappointrmente daentalLrecordse(BrE)adental surgery (三 Where a dentist sees Patients) 了 (Phometics) (of a consonant) produced with the tongue against the UpPper front teeth, for example /6/ and /5/ 职 田m and tb



de-noumce /dimauns/ ver [VN] 了 一 sb/sth (as sth) to Strongly criticize sbysth that you think is wrong, jllegal, etc.: She PuUDblicly denoumced the goyvefm7mments hamidlimng oF te crisi. COThe Project Was denounced as Qa scamndaalous

People,things,Plants,etc, With little Space between them: a demnse crowda/TJorest 2 areas of dense popUIatiom 2 difficult to see throtgh THICK: demse jg/ SOKkeAirmes 3 (njornnal) stupid: How camn you be so dense2 4 difficult to Understand because it contains alot

让 js exposed:

an act of criticizing sb/sth strongly ip public: am amg7y denumciationm of 妨e goyermnrments Policies 2 AI parties joined 训 pitter denunmciatiom of the terrorists. 一See also

NAmE ,demuzmi:/ noun (from French) the end of a Play book etc., in which everything is explained or settled; the end result of a situation

dense/dens/ aodj (dens.ep densesb 1 containing alot of

sth, So that

de.mun:ci-ationm /drznAnsiterfn/ novn [CU] ~ (of sb/sth)


Waste of public money 了 一 sb (as sth) to tell the police, the authorities,, etc: about sb's illegal political activities: They Were denounced as Spie5s. 9 Mamy people denoumnced their meighpbpours to:the Secret police. 一see also DENUNCIATION

mou1m [U] (bro/ogy)the hard substance that forms the main

part ofa tooth Under the ENAMEEL

全 站 马 . iS 攻 让 0 机 /dentist/ now 1 (alsojormal'dental surgeonm) apersomnwhosejobisto take care of People's teeth 2 demntist?s a Place Where a

adij belonging to a _particular branch of the Christian


dentalsurgeonm7mouni(ormol) = DENTIST den:tine /denti:n/ (NmEalso den-tiny NAmE'dentmy/)

Denvyer boot /duenve but; NAmE-ver/ moun:(NAm 有 三 CLAMP (2) WORD FAMILY deny Vv denial.7m. undeniable cd/.

deny 0 /drmnar/ ve 册 (de.nies deny-ing de:nied


Ttosaythatsth isnottrue: [VN] to daeny a claimva charge[a accuUsatior 2 The SpOKesmmiam Tefused either to comfirrm or deny 妨 e_report ThereS To deriying (the Jocb thatdguicker action coUId jayve saved 坊emi 3 [V -ingl Je denies attempting to 7mmurder his w 记 :3 [V (that)] She denied (thab 轨 ere had beem any coyerzp. CC [VN that] camit be denied tat we need to deyvote 7mnore resotrces to this problem. 卫 [VN] to refuse to admit or accept sth: She demied all knowledge of 切 e incident C The daepartment de-

Tiies respomsibility fjor What occurred. 3 ~ sth (to sb) | ~ (sb) (sth) (formaj)to refuseto allowsPkohave sththatthey Want or asK for: [VNN, VN] TPey were Sienied access to the ifor7matiomr. 2 Access to the iformationr Was denied to

therm. 4 [VN] ~ yourself (sth) (如 rmaj to refuse to let yourself have sth that yotu would like to have, especially for moral or religious reasons

deoch an doris(also doch an dorri9 /,dox en 'dpris; ,QDk; NAmE ,dadxen'dorIs; ,da:k/ noun (ScotE, IrishnE) alast alcoholic drink, usually wHISKY, before you leave

de.odorant /di'sodarent; NAmE di'o5-/ moun

[CU] a

Substance that people Put on their bodies to pirevent or

hide Unpleasant smells: (Q) rolL-omn deodorant -see also ANTIPERSPIRANT

qde-ontic /diontrzk; NAmE "ant/ adj (inguistica (of a Word or Sentence) expressing dty dep.obpor (in writing) DEPART(s);-DEPARTURE 一Compare ARR. de.part/drpat; NMAmE drpart/ vemb (rather formah 1 ~ (for.…) (from ...)toleave apPlace,especiallyto start atrip [GD ARRIVE: [V] Fights fjr Rome depart 太om Terrminal 3. CShnewaiteduntilLthelastoftheguests had departed.c [VN]

(NAmE) The train departed Anritsar at 6.75 p.m 了 (NAIm日

Used by dentists to keep a tooth separate from the other teeth 2 a small rubber sheet used to Piotect the mouth during SeX

to leave your job: [V] te departing president CTIVN] He departed Pis job :Decemper .TI6. 一see also .DEPARTURE [IE departthis 'iife to die. People say'departthis life” to avoid saying 'die' qde'part from stihto behave in away thatis'different from Ustal: Departing 方ofmm Per USUaLroutime, She tooKk te Dus to WoOFK.

dental 和 oss(also 和 osg novmn [U] atype ofthread thatis

de'part'ed /drpad:trd; NAmE -pamrt/ adj [only before

dental dam (also dam novn Ta smallrubber sheet

Used for cleaning between the teeth


| dadid

| ffal:|


noun] (jrmah T dead.People say'departed? to avoid say-

| hhat

| jyes

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow| .ppen

| rred

ing' dead': your dear departed brother 2 the departed moun (Pthe de'parted) the person who has died

de.-partment 0 Joun (abbr Dept)

/drpatmasnt; NAmE -pacrt-/

a Section of a large organization such as a government, business,University,etc.: the DepaFtirient of Trade amd Jadustrye the Treasury Departmentoag&overrimentZur这 yersit etc. department C the TarketingSsXsales,eftc. department 2 the childrens department-(= in a large store) Ce the English department see also POLICE DEPART-


be sb's depart-

ment (njormal) to be sth that sb is responsible for or knowsalotabout: Donitaskimne aboutit_thabs her daepar 蕊


de-partiment'al/ idipaxtimmentl; NMAmEpart/ adi [only before noun] connected with a department rather than

With the whole organization: a departmental7marager

de partmentstore noun alarge shopystorethatis divided into several parts, each part selling a different type of goods



/dipaxtfeGD; NAmE -part/ nou7

1T[GuU ~ (from .…) the act of leaving a place; an example of this: His sudden departure threw the ofJFice into chaos, 2 Fights should be coPnfirmed 48 hours before departure. 2 Theyrjhad received mo news of him since his


方om the island, [aa ARRIVAL

2 [C a plane,

train,,etc. leaving a Place at a particular time: arrivals ad departures CA1L departures are 方om Mamchester cothe Geparture 1Iounge/time/gate 2 纺 e departures board [GD ARRIVAL 3 [Cj 一 (from sth) an action thatis differ ent from what is usual or expected: t was Qa radical Geparture 万om tradition. 2 Their Iatest single represents

Tew departurejorthe parid, [EU see POINT


om /drpend/ ve 册

de pending on according to: Starting salary varies 万om E26000 to E30500, depending or experience. COHe er 态 er resignted or Was sacjked, depending on Who you talk to. thatdepends

| 谋 (al de'pends

Used to say that you

are not certain about sth because other things have to be considered: Ts he corning27 That 了 depends. He may notjhaye the tmne Tadont Know 矿 We ca help 一让 all depends. CT TigSRETPot80. 下 depends how tiredTam e Yourjob sounds

砚 m 天 depends whatyoumean py 狗n22oTshouldntbetoo

Late. BLUE 让 depends 洲the trajics bad. de'pend om/ upon sb/sth 1 to rely on sbysth and be able to trust them: Fe Was the sort of persol you could depend om 和 [+ to in 引 He Kmnew he could depend upon her to deal with hesituation. 只 note atTRUST 2 tobe sure orexpectthat sth will happen COUNT ON: Depend uponm 让(= you canbe sure) We womtgiyeup.c [+ -ing] Car we depend on youUcoming 态 onSUnday2e(jormal) Zucar depend om jis coming 训 On Sunday [+ to in下 (romic) Zou can depend om

jherto be(= she always is) Iate. de'pend on/upon sb/sth (for sth) (not usually used in the Progressive tenses) to Deed money help,, etc. 他om sby/sth else for a particular Purpose: The commaunity depends om 太e shipping industry 加 7 让 SUryiyal CTdont want to depend too much on rmmy Parents. de'pend on/upon sth (not used in the piogresSivetenses)tobe affected or decided bysth: Does te quaL 克Aof teacjiinig depend om class Size? ce下 Would depend on 太 e circuTmstaTtces. 2 [十 Wh-] WPhether we need 7more food aepeads on Pow ia7ny people 蕊Fn UPD.

dependon 下 Ininformal English, itisquite commonto say depend

ratherthan depend on before words like wpPat Pow or Wether: 久depends wpatyov7mean py joste In

formal written English, depend should always be

followed byomrorupom: 人idepenads on howyoudefinethe term hostle' Uponrismoreformal and less frequent

| ttea

de'pend-abie /drpendsbl/ adj that can be relied on to do what you want or need RELIABLE jy dependability /drpenda'basti/ noun [U]



(Br 日 (also dependent

NAmE BrE) moun a person,especially a child, who depends on another person fora homey food, money etc.

de'pend-ence /drpendans/ novn [U] 荆


sth) the state ofneeding the help and supportof sbysth 记 Order to surVive or be successful: Pis dependence om Pis

Parentks 2 OUVr relatiomnship Was based om Tutual dependence.Cthe dependerice of FUrope on imiportedjoods cfinamcial[ecomnormic dependence [GD INDEPENDENCE 了 (also

de'pendrency)the state ofbeing AppIcTEp tosth (= un-

able to stop taking or using ib): drugXaicohol dependence 3 一 ofAand B (echnicaol the fact of one thing being affected by another: 态e close dependence of soil

ad Iarnidforrms

de pend-ency /drpendensi/ noun (P/-ies)1 [U


upon sb/sth) the state of relying on sby/sth for sth, especially when this is not normal or necessary: firiantcial dependency C Their aim is to reduce peoples daependency om the Welfore state. c the dependentcy culture (= a way of life on which people depend too much on money from the government 一compare CODEPENDENCY 2 [q a country an area, etc. that is controlled by another country 3 = DEPENDENCE(2) de-pend-ent /drpendent/ odj ,noun 到 0dj. 1 ~ (on/upon sb/sth) (for sth) needing sbysth in order to SUrVive or be successful: a womarm with seyveral dependent children 2 ZDU cani be dependent on your Da 六 ents alLyOUrIIfE. Thejestivalis heayipy dependenton spom5OTSship Jor 记 success. 也 ~ on/upon sth AppICTED to sth (= unable to stop taking or using ib: to pe dependent on drusgs 3 一 on/upon' sth (1jormal) affected or decided by Sth: Achild's developmentis deperident on mamy foctors. The Price is depemndent om how marmy extras you choose: 昌 IOUm (especially NA 月 三DEPENDANT

de,pendent'clause houn (gram1mar) = SUBORDINATE CLAUSE

de,pendent variable ioun Unathematcs) avARiaABiE Whose value depends on another variable

de-personalize (BrEalso -ise) /dizpaxsenelarz; NAmE -pa3irs-/ yeb [VN] [often passive] to make sth less personal So that it does not seem as if humans with feelings and personality are involved

de'pict /drpikt/ ve 心 一sby/sth (as sbjsth) (rathar 记rmal Ttoshowanimage ofsb/sth in apicture: [VN] apainting depicting the Virgin amd Child ce [VN -ing] The artist had daepicted her ying on a bed. 了 2 [vN] to describe sth 让 words, or give an impression of sth in words or with a Picture: The moyel depicts French society 识 妇 e 1930s.e TPRe adyertisemments Gepict STmaOKing as glamorous and attractive. > depiction /drprikjJn/ noun [U,Q: TPey obJectto the moyies depiction ofgay people. de.pila'tor /aepalerteG); NAmEdrpaaetory/ noun adevice Which removes hair fom yourbodybypulling it out de:-pila'tory /drpaaetri; NMAmE-toxri/ movn (Pries) asubstance Used for removing body hair P de'pilatory adl. [only before noun]: aepilatory creams de-plane /dizplemy/ ve 已[V] (NAmE) to get off a plane


| ssee



| vvan

| 玖 wet

| zzoo

| 了 shoe

de.plete /drplit/ verb [VN] [usually passive] to reduce sth by a large amount so that there is not enough left: Food SUDPlies Were seyerely depleted de'pletion /drpli:Jmny/ moOuUm [U]: ozome depletion ec the depletion of Fish stocKs de-plorable /drploxreblj: adj (Jormalj) very bad and Unacceptable,often in a way that shocks people APPALLING: a deploraple incident c They Were Living im the 7most deplorapie coTtditions. CeTHe actimrg Was deplor able. = deplorably /-ebli/ adv: They pehayed depIorably Cdeplorapbly highiowpad

| 5vision

| tchain

| u5jam

| 6thin

| 5this

| D sing


410 |

让 om 2 [U,d the act of removing sb, especially a ruler, 语om ofthe King 3 [C] (gw)aformal from power: the depos statement, taken 从om sb and used D cOUIt

de-plore /diplox(GnD/ yerb [VN] (Jormaj) to strongly disap-

de.Pos: 证 -Or /dipoziteGD); NAmE -pa:z-/ noOuUn a Derson Prove of sth and criticize it, especially Publicly: Zike eyery- _ Who puts money 记 abank account omne else, Tdeplore anad co7idermnTatnis Kil1im8: die:Pository /drppzrtri; NAmE drpazzatorri/ noum (久 de:ploy /drplor verb [VN] Ti(technical) to move soldiers -ies) a place where things can be stored or weapons into a position where they are ready for milidiepot /depao; NMmE'dipou/ noun 站 aplace wherelarge tary action: 2000 troops Were deployed 总 妇 e area: 2 At aimotints offood; goods or equipment are stored: am ar7ms 1east5000 7missiles Were deployed alontg the border 也 (加 广 depot 2 (Br aplace where vehicles, for example, buses /mal) to use sth effectively: to deploy arSuments/Teare kept and repaired 3-(NAmE) a small station where

Sources 基 deployment noun [U,G]

de-popu-iate /dixpopjulert; NAmE -pazp-/ vemb LVN] [usually passive] to reduce the number of people living 识 a place: Whole_ stretches of 1and Were laid Waste and

trains Or buses stop

qie'Pprave /drprerv/vermb[VN] (formaltomakesb morally bad CORRUPT: 丙 fny View 女 pooKk would aepraye yourg childrem. depopulated., 饭 depopulation /di:pppjulerfmn; NAmE de-praved /drprervd/ ad (forma) -moraly bad -padp-/ noun [U] WICKEDEVIL: This 站 theWwork ofaideprayed7mnind. de-Pport /drpoxt; NAmE drpoxrt/ verp [VN] to force sb to de:-Pprav证Y /drpraeveti/ nouwn [uj (jpah the state of leave a country ustially becatuse they have broken the being morally bad WICKEDNESS: Q 1所 ofdaeprayity law or becatse they have no legal right to be there dePortation /diDpozterfmn; NAmE pomr't/ noun [CU]: Sevdep-recate /deprekert/ vemb [VN] (Jormal) to feel and eral of the asyIum SeeKkers Pow 加 ce deportation. 2 Q express Strong disapproval of sth 戎 :geprecating (alsO deportation order less Jrequent gdepre-catory /deprekerteri NAmE 'dePDIFIkaetori/) adlj.: a aeprecatirig cOTmTmEeTLE deprecatingsly de-Portee /dipozti:; NMmE -por-/ noun a person who 0dly has been DEPORTED or is going to be deported qde'Portment /drportmaent; NAmE-port-/ noun [U] (加 广 de-pPre-ci-ate /drpriyiert/ yemb 1 [V] to become less valuable overaperiod oftime: New cars startto depreciate madl) 了 (BrE) the way 记 which aperson stands andmoves: assoolas teyareontperoad.cShares contiriued to depreLessonsjforyoungladies 训 deportrmentamndetiguette 也 (old ciate on thestockTnarKkets today. [3 APPRECIATE 之 [VN] 如 shioned,especially NmB) the way 识 Which ,a person (business) to reduce the value, as stated in the company's behaves accounts, ofa particular AsSET OVer aparticular period of qie-Pose /drpauz; NAmE drpooz/ ve凡 [VN] to remove sb, time: The bamK depreciates PCs over a period of 放ve years. especially a ruler from Power: The .President Was deposed 3 [VN] (Jormalj) to make sth seem Unimportant or of no i记 Qmailitary coOUP. Value:Thad mo intentiomofdepreciatingXyour contribputiom. de-posit 0m /drpozrt; NAmE-palz-/ OU Ve 册 > depreciation /drDpriierfmn/ 7mown [U]: currency 四 /OU depreciation 2 the depreciatiomsof 放xed asSets > MONEY 1 [usually sing]a 二 (on sth) asumofmoney that dep:re-daiion /depre'derfn/ nou7m [usuallypl:(Jormrmah is given as the first part of a larger payment: Weye PUL acts that cause damage to people'spProperty, lives etc: dowm a 59%6-deposit on 妇 e house. CThey morrmaally asK yoU to pay 100 (as a) depos让 只 mote atPAYMENT 了忆 [usually de.press 0 /dirpres/ve贱 sing.] asum ofmoneythatis paidbysbwhentheyrent sth Ttomake sb sad and without enthusiasm or hope: [VN] andthatis returnedtothem ifthey donotlose ordamage Wetweather always aqepresses mne.C [VNto inf] 世 depresses the thing they are renting: to pay a deposit 3 a sum of Tme to see So many young girls smioking. 卫 [VN] to make money that is paid into a bank account: Deposits camn pe trade,business,etc. less_active: The recessiom_ jhas de7made at ay Dramch. aa WITHDRAWAL 4 (in the British Pressed 妇e housing market 3 [VN] to make the valtue of Political system) the amountofmoneythatacandidate 训 Piices Or wages lower: to depress Wgges/Pprices 4 [VN] an election to Parliament has to pay, and that is returned (Jormal) to Press or push sth down,,especially Part of a 让 he/she gets enough votes: All 切e other catdidates 1Iost machine: to depress the clutch pedalL(= when driving). their deposits. de-pres:sant /drpresnt/ noun (medical) a drug which * SUBSTANCE 5 alayerofasubstancethathas formed natslowstherate ofthe body's functions urally underground: 7mineralAgoldAcoal deposits 6 a layer of a substance that has been left somewhere, especiallybyariver flood, etc., oris found at the bottom of a liquid: The raimn 1eft a deposit of mud of the windows. Jotty depos 记 总 雪 earteries of tpne Peart 四 Verb [VN] * PUTDOWN 1 [+oadv/prep]toputorlaysb/sth downina particular Place: She deposited a pile of pooks om 7Tmy daesK. Cnformnal)Twas whisKked o太 总 a taxi amd deposited ou Side te hoteL

> LEAVE SUBSTANCE 2 (especially of ariver or a liquid) to leave alayer of sttton the surface of sth, especially graduallyand over aperiod oftime: Samnd was deposited WPich jharaemned into saidstome. * MONEY 3 to put money into a bank account: Miliomns Were deposited 训 Swiss bamKk accounts. 4 to pay asum of money as the firstpart of a larger payment; to pay a Sum of moneythat you will getback 计 you return in good condition sth that youhave rented * PUTIN SAFEPLACE 5 一 sth (in sth) |~sth (with sb/sth) to put sth valuable or important in a Place where 让 will be Safe: Guest Tay deposittheir yaluables 识 切 e hotelsaf.

de pos 计 acCOumt noun(BrE atypeofaccotntatabank or BUILDING SOCIETY that pays interest on mmoney that is left in it 一compare CURRENT ACCOUNT

de-Ppos放ionm /duepazifn/ moum 1T[U,G (technica1) the natural process of leaving alayer of a substance on rocks or soijl; a substance left in this way: fmna7ineAriyer aepos-

secat | dfather | eten



/drprest/ ad

1 very sad and without hope: She 万 牙Very depressed Gbout 太e包 ture. 2 suffering from the medical condition Of DEPRESSION 3 (of a place or an industry) without enough econormic activity or jobs for people: am attermpt to pringjobs to depressed areas 4 having alower amotnt or levelthan usual: aepressed prices



/drpresm/ ad

making you feel very sad and without enthltisiasm: a depressing sight/thought/experience C LIooking jor ia job these days can be very depressing. de-press'ing'ly adv: adepressingly firmniliar experience de-pres-sion /drprefn/ novun 站 [LuU] amedical condition

in which a person feels very sad and anxious and often has physical sSYMPTOMS such as being Unable to sleep, etc.: clinicalL depression 2 She SUHfered 广omm seyere depresSiot after 1osing her job. 一see also POST-NATAL DEPRESSION,POST-PARTUM DEPRESSION 2 [uU,C] the state of feeling very sad and without hope: There Was a jeling of

gloom and depressiom in the office wphenm the news of the job cuts Was announced. 3 [CU] aperiod when there is little economic activity and many people are:poor Or without jobs: The counmty Was 总 殷 e grp of (am economnic depresSion. the great Depression of the 1930s 4 [G (Jormal) a Part of a _surface that is lower than the parts around 让 HOLLOW: Rainwater collects 识 Shallow depressioms

| as:bird | aabout|rsit|isee|imany|npgot(BrE

|orsaw |Acup|5putlwtoo

On the Sround: 5 [Cq (technica/) a weather condition in Which the Pressure of the air becomes lower often causingrai 一compare n ANTICYCLONE de.pres-sive /drpresrv/ adj ,noun 四 0dj/. connected with the medical condition of depression: daepressiye imess 晶 1OU1 a Person Who is suffering from the medical condi一see tion of depressio n also MANIC-DEPRESSIVE de-pres.SOr /drpreseG)/ moun = TONGUE DEPRESSOR

de-pres-sur-ize (BrE also -ise@) /dizprer araiIZ/ verb [VN, V] to release the pressure inside a container or Vehicle; to be released in this way * depressurization -isation /dizprefararzerfmny/ nown [U]

de-priv-ation /,deprrverfmn/ noun_ [u] the fact of not

having sth that you need, like enough food, money or a homei the Process that causes this: neglected children su太 Jering 万om social deprivatiorn ec sleep depriyation c the depriyation of war(= the suffering caused by not having enough of some things)

de:prive /drprarv/ verb

de'prive sb/sth of sth to

Prevent sb 位om having or doing sth,especially sth important: They Were .imprisoned amd depriyed oF their Pasic Tights. 2 JWhy should you deprive yourself of such SimmipDle pleasures? de-prived /drprarvd/ adj without enough food, education, and all the things that are necessary for people to live a happy and comfortable life: a deprived childjhood/backsroundAarea c economically/ermotionaL1ysocially deprived cnote atPOOR

Dept (also Dept- especially ip NAm 日obbr (in writing) department


om /depb/ noun

* MEASUREMENT T [CU] the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of sth: Whats the depth of the Water jhere2 e Water Was Jound at a dep 坊 of 30 metres. CThey daug dowm to a depth of byo metres. 8 Many dolphins can diye to depths of 2007mnetres.w The oilyWell extended several Punmdreds of jet 识 depth. ec the depth of a cutwoundy crack 了 [CU] the distance from the frontto the bacKk of sth: The dep 妇 of the shelves 二 30 centirmmetres. 一Picture 咱

DIMENSION “OF FEELINGS 3 [U] the strength and power of feelings: the depth of her loyve

~ OFKNOWLEDGE 4 [U] (approving) the quality ofknowing

or Understanding a lot of details about sth; the abjlity to Provide and explain these details: a Writer of great Wisdo7mm and dep 雪 2ajop 坊atdoesnitrequire any great depth of Kmniowiedsec Fis ideas IacKk deptp. * DEEPEST PART 5 [Cusually pl.] the deepest,most extreme or serious part of sth: the depths of the ocean co io lpye 碎 切e depths of the country (= along way from a

town)j 2 识 the depths of winter (= when it is coldest) She Was 态 the depths of despair 2 He gazed into 妇e daepths of her eyes. 2 Fer paintirnlgs (= unknown and interesting things * OF COLOUR 6 [LU] the strength of W 了laffectthe depth ofcolour ofyour


reveal hidden depths about her character). a colour: Stromng Light carpets amd curtains.

7 [U] (techmicaoj) the quality in a

Work of artor a photograph which makes it appearnotto be flat 一See also DEEP

[Pr ,in 'deptih in a detailed and 世 oF

ough way: Thayent looked at tpe report

识 depthyet ean

in-depth study be out of your 'deptih 1 (Br6) to be in Water that is too deep to stand 问 with your head above water 2:tobe unable to understand sth because it is too difficult;tobein asituationthatyou cannotcontrol: Fe 帮人t totally ouUt ofPzs dep 雪 友 Pis newjob. 一more atPLUMBYV

depth chargemoun abomb thatis setto explode underWater Used to destroy SUBMARINES

deptih of 人 eld (also ,depth of 'focus) noun (technicah



de-pute /drpjuzt/ veb [VNto inf] [often passive] (Jorma/) to give sb else the authority to represent you or do sth for yoU DELEGATE: He Was deputed to Put ouUr Views to the coTmTmittee.

djeputize (BrE also -ise) /depjutarz/ ve由 [V] ~ (for sb) to do sth that sb in ahigher position than you would usually do: Ms Green has asjked ne to deputze for her at the Teetitg.

dep:uty /depjuti/ moun (P/ -ies 1 a person who is the Dext most important person below a business manager a head of a scheel a political leader etc. and who does the

Personsjob When he or she is away: Pr acting as deputy tl the manager Teturmns. oO the deputy head of a school 2 the name for a member of parliament in some coun-

tries 3 (in theUS) a police officer who helpg the sHERIEFE of an area

deracin-ate /di:rasmert/ ve 记 [vN] (Jormal)to force sb to leave the Place of Situation in which they feel comfortable > deracinated /,di:raesImertrd/ ad

de-rail/drreay/ verb(ofatrain)toleavethetrack'tomake atrain do this: [V] The train derailed and plunged 训 to the

riyer ee [VN] (jguratve) This 1atestincident could derail the Peace process, > de:railmentmovm [CU]

de:railIeur /drrenjaGD)/ noun (technican a type of gear on abicycle that works bylifting the chain ffom one gear Wheelto another larger or smaller one

de-ranged /drremadsd/ oadj unable to behave andthinK normally, especially because of mental illness: mmemntaly deranged c Qa deranged attacKker derangementmoun [U]: He seermed to be om 切 everge of total deramgemeii

derby /dambi; NmE ,da:rbi/ noun (P/ -ieg 1 (NAmE) = BOWLER(2)

了 (BrE) a sports competition between teams

fom the same areaortown: alocal derby between the two North Zomndon siqes 2 a derby match 3 a race OF sports competition: Q motorcycle derby 一see also_ DEMOLITION DERBY 4 Derbyused in the name of several horse Traces Which happen every year: the Epsom Derby 2 the Kemniucky Derby


/dirrefrens/ ve 履 [VN] (compuwtng) to

use a piece of data to discover where another piece of data is held 直 c-regu'late /dizregjulert/ verb [VN] [often passive] to free a trade, a business activity, etc. ffom rules and controls DECONTROL: deregulated Jinancial markets > deregulation /di:regjulerfn/ novn [U] deregulatory /,dizregjalateri; NAmE :toxri/ adj [only before noun]: deregulatory reformas

qdjere-jict /derelikt/ ad ,noun 吾 0dj. (especiallyofland orbuildings) notused or cared for and in bad condition: derelict Iard/buildings/sites 和 1OUN1 (om0l) aperson withoutahome, ajob or Property: derelicts 1iying om the streets VAGRANT

diere-jiction /dersltkfn/ mon (Jorma) T [ulthestate ofbeing derelict: industrialLAurbar dereliction CaPhouse ia state of dereliction 了 [U,sing.] ~ of duty (Jormaj or low) the fact of deliberately not doing what you ought to do, especiallywhenitis partofyourjob: Thepolice officers WerejfounaSguilty ef sejious derelictiomn of duty.

deride /drrard/ verb [VN] [often passive] ~ sb/sth (as sth) (1jormal/) to treat sby/sth as ridiculous and not worth conSidering seriously MOCK: Bis Views Were derided as old-fashioned. [also v speechj]

de ri.gUeur /de rrgs:()/ adj [not before noun] (from French) considered necessary 证 you wish to be accepted SoOcially: Evening aress is de rigueur at the casino.

dje:rision /drrrsn/ movm [U] a strong feeling that sbysth

the distance between the nearestand the furthest objects that a camera can Produce a clear image of at the same time

js ridiculous and not worth considering seriously shown by laughing in an unkind way or by making unkind reIarks SCORN: Her 5Deech Was greeted with howls of derision. 2 He becaTne al object ofuniyversal derisiom.

depurta-tion /depjuterfn/ noun [ctsing/pl.v] asmall

deri'sive /drrarsrv/ (also /ess Jrequent de-ri'sory) adl/

group of people who are asked or allowed to act or speak for others

unkind and showing that you think sb/sth is ridiculous: She gaye ashorb derisive laugh derisivelyadv


| army

| aunow

| ersay

| aogo(BrE)

| ougo(MmE)

| orboy

| ienear

| eeahair

| use pure

412 |


de-ri.sOry /drrarseri/ .ad (7jormalj) 1 too small or of too little value to be considered seriously LAUGHABLE: They offered us aderisory E10QawWeej. 了 = DERISIVE 。 der.ivation /,derrverfn/ noun [u,C] the origin or develOpIment of sth, especially a word: Q Word of Greek dermyatiom

die:riva.tive /drrrvatrv/ novn, 0df/.

昌 IOUm a Word or thing that has been developed or Pioduced from another word or thing: 和全 appiness za deriyatiye of Happy CCrack 和 a Pighjy potent amd addictive deriyatiye ofcocaime. 上 @ 0dj. (usually disapproving) copied from sth else; not having new or ofiginal ideas: a derivative desigTi/style

全 eriyve 0

/drrarv/ ve

de'rive from sth |be de'rived from sth to come

Or develop from sth: The Word Politics” 二 deriyed

方om a

Greek Word 7Tneaning citb7 de'rive sth from sth 1 Uor

/malj) to get sth 人 om sth: He derived great Pleasure 方omm painting 2 (iechnicaj to obtain a substance 位om sth: The newdrugizderimed 太om Fishn oiL dierma-titis /,dazma'tartrs; NAmE ,darm-/ noun [U] (medical) a skin condition in which the skin becomes red, swollen and sore derma-taolo-gist /dammae'tpladsrst NAImE da:rmae'tazl-/ noun a doctor who studies and treats Skin diseases derma-toil.o /da:mae'toled5i; NAmE ,damrma'taz-/ Joun [U] the sclentific study of skin diseases > derma-

toJogical /,dazmaetelpd5tkl NAmE ,Barmatelad:d5-/ ad/ der-mmis /asrmmrs; NAmE'dasrTr-/ nouwm [U] (bioogy)the skin thne der.nmier cri /deenjer kri; NAmE ,dernjer/ mou1r

[sing.] (from French) the latest fashion dero-gate jderagert/ ve由 [VN] (Jormaj to state that sth OF Sb ls withotut worth nore aresponsibjlity or duty


derogate from sth to ig-

/dera'gerfn/ novun


(ormnah Tan

occaslon When a rule or law is allowed to be ignored 2 words or actions which show that sb or sth is conSidered to have no worth de:-roga-tory /jdrrogatri; NAmE drrazgatori/ adj. show-

jing a _critical





derogatory remarks/cormarmneTits

ger.rick /aerik/ novun 了 atall machine used for moving or lifting heavy weights, especially on a ship; a type of CRANE 了 2 atall structure over an OIL WELL for holding the DRILL (= the machine that makes the hole iD the ground for getting the oil out)

descends Steeply aaa IJASCEND 3 [V] 一 (on/upon sb/sth) (lterary) (of night, DARKNESs, aimoodi etc.)to arrive and begin to affect sb/sth ER FALL: Night de5scenids 9qUiCKIy 识 加e tropics. C Calm descended om the crowd. be des'cended fromisb toberelatedto sbwholived along time ago: He claimis to be descended

”des'cend into sth

方om a SpaTLiSP Prince.

[no passive] (Jormal) to gradually get

into a bad state: The coumtry Was descending into chaos. des'cend on/upon sb/sth to visit sb/sth in.large nurmbers, sometimes Unexpectedly: 了 undreds of fjootball jms

descended om the cibrdes'cend to sth [no passive] to do sth that makes people stop Tespecting you: They des-

ceiided to 二e Ieyel ofpersomal isSUIG. dies-cenmd.ant /drsendent/ movn 了 apersons descendants are their children;, their children's children, and all

the people who live after them Who are Telated to them: PPe was an OConor and a direct descendanmt-of e Iast 丽gh 有 ng of Jreland. Ce Mamny of 纺em are descendantts of 访e original settlers, 2 Something that has developed from sth similar in the Past des-Cemt /drsent/ movn 了 [Cusually sing.] an action of coming 07 going down: The Plane pega7 s daescent to eathrow (jguwratve) te countryssWw 放 descentinto amiarchy [GD ASCENT 2 [C a slope going downwards: There 好agradual descent to 雪e Sea. IE ASCENT 3 [U] 一 (from sb) a person's family origins ANCESTRY: to be of Scottisfi descentc He traces his Jinre of descerntt 太 om the Stuart imgS:

全 esSCi 了e 0 /drskrarb/ ve 册 了1 一 sb/sth (to/for sb) | 一 sb/sth (as sth) to say What sby sth is like: [VN] Cam you daescripe Pirm to me2cThe7mmaTn Was

daescriped as tall amd dark amd aged apout 20. Jim Was descriped by his colleagues as Wnmnusual:e [V wh-] Describe how you did 让 CE-ing] Seyeral people daescriped seeing Strailge lights 训 the sj [also VN -ingl 了 [VN] (jnmal or techmical to make a movement Which has aparticular shapei; to form a Particular shape: The sharKk described a, Circle around the shoal ofHish. ee de'scrib-able adfl/.

二 esCIi 阳. 攻iOim 0

/drskrmpJn/ noun

1 [cu]~(ofsb/sth) apiece ofwriting or speech thatsays what sb/sth is like; the act of writing or saying 记 words What sb/sth is like: to give a detailedPll description of the proceaure Ca prief/gerneral description of the so 太 Ware 2 Police haye issued Qadescriptiom of 切e SumTmani cared SF an apt description of howTfelt at that 7moTnent CQDpersonal Dain 切atgoes beyXpnmnd descriptiom (= is too great to express in Words) 2 翅 全noVyelisEs DoWers of description 他 Bote at REPORT 2 [C〇 of some, all, every, etc. 一 of Some,etc. type: poats of eyery descriptiomall aescriptions 2 Their 7moriey came 万om _trade of Some

descr 训iom. Ce mnedals coiris a11d 碎in8s of that aescrizp 二om

derring-do /derm 'du/ 2oun ] (old友shioned, humor

[Er answer/fit a description (of sb/sth) to be like a

OUs) brave actions, like those in adventure stories diervish /darvI; NAmE 'darvIf/ novun a member of :a

particular person or thing: Acphilda amswering the descripton of the 7missing poy was jund safe anid we 识 Iondom yesterday. 一more at BEGGARYV.

Muslim religious group whose members make apromise to staypoor and live without comforts or pleasures. They perform a fast lively dance as Part of their worship: Fe tphrew Pimse 太around the stage Tike aGwWPairling deryish.

qie:sal-in.ation/,di,salrmerfmn/ novn [U] theprocess of Iemoving salt ffom sea water: a desalinnatiorl PIaTt

qde.scale /,di'skenl/ vem [VN] (Br6E) to remove' the SCALE (= the hard white material left on pipes,etc. by water when itis heated) 从om sth

gles:camt /deskaent/ noun (musio atune that is Sung or Played at the same time as, and usually higher than, the Imain tune

descant re'corder (BE) (NmFE so,prano re'corder)

1OuUm (Imusic) the most common size of RECORDER (= 3 musical instrument in the shape of a Dipe that you blow into), with ahigh range ofnotes ges-cemd /drsend/ yembT Iformal to come or go down 人fom ahigher to alower level: [V] The plame pegart to desceftd.C The results, ramked in desceniding order (= from the highest to the lowest) are as foliows: e [VN] She des-

ceided the stairs SIOWIY [aag ASCEND hill,etc:.) to slope downwards:


| ddid

| ffal

| gget

之 [V] (1jormal) (ofa

At this Point

| hhat

她e patph

| jyes

de.scfriptive /drskrIptrv/ di. 1 saying what sbysth is like; describing sth: the descriptiye Passages 总 如enoyeLC The term 工 Used Was meant to pe purely descriptive (= Dot


了 2 (/nguwistics) saying how language is actually

used,without giving rules for how it should be used

[GE PRESCRIPTIVE die.scrip-tor /drskrrmpteGD)/ noun (inguwistics) a word or expression used to describe or identify sth


/drskrar/ verb (des:cries) desicry'ing, des'cried,

des:cried) [VN] (Witeromy) to suddenly see sb or sth

gese-crate /'"desIkrert/ ve凡 [VN] to damageaholything Or Place OF treat 让 Without Tespect: desecrated grayves > desecraftion /,dqesrkrerfmn/ nown [U]: the idaesecrafom

of a cemmetery e (Jiguratve) the desecration of 态 eicountrySide py new roads qdgle'seg-re.gate /,di'segrigert/ ye 访 [VN] to end the PolicyofSEGREGATION in aplace 雇 Which People of different Taces are kept separate 雇 Public Places, etc. P desegregation /dixsegrrgerfn/ 5oun [W]

ge-select /di:srlekt/ verIVN] Tifthelocalbranch ofa

Political party in Britain deselects the existing Member of

| kcat

| lleg

| 了 man

| nanow

| 5pen

| rred

Parliament itidoes notchoose him or her as a candidate

atthemnextelection 了 (computing) toremove sth ffom the list of possible choices on a computer menu P deselectionmoun [U]

de'sem'si'tize(BrE also -ise /dissensatarz/ verb [VN]

[usually passive] 1 ~ sb/sth (to sth) to make sbysth less aware of sthy especially a Problem or sth bad, by making them become used to it: People are increasingly pecormning

desens 让zed to Violemnce on television. 2 (techmical) to treat

sb/sth so that they will stop being sensitive to physical or chemical changes, or to a particular substance > deseiiSitizatioD -isation /di:,sensetarzerfn; NAmE -te'Z-/ MoOuUm [U]

qies.ert 0 本 00OuwUn, ve/b BIOU1 /dezet; NMAmE 'qQezart/ 一see also DESERTS [CU] a large area of land that has very little water and Very few Plants growing on 让.Many deserts are covered by sand:

theSahara Desertc Sommaliais7mostpy desert CDburning desertsands c (Jiguratiye) a cultural desert (= a place without any culture) ByVe/b /drza:t; NAmE drzs:rt/ 企 [VN] to leave sb without help or suUPDport ERIABANDON: She was deserted py Per Pusparid. 辽 [VN] [often passive] to go away from a place and leave 让 empty EREJABANDON: The villages jhad beep deserted. C The oWil Seems to haye deserted 这 nest 3 to jeave the armed fprces without permission: [V] Zarge TUTmbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became ievitable. [alsoVN] 4 [VN] to stop using, buying or supporting sth: Wjy didyou aesert teachiing for politics2 5 [VN] 诈 a particular quality deserts you, it is notthere when yotupeed 并: Rer courage seemed to aesert her foria7mormenE desertion/drzs:fmn;i NAmE -zs:T-/ noumr[U,G :She eltibefayed py her jusbands desertion. ecThe arrmy Was badly affected by desertioris, TIEIisee SINKY

'desert bootnoun a sUEDpE boot that just covers the ankle


0/dizs:ttd; NmE 2Z3Tt/ ad

1 (ofa place) with no People ip it: deserted streets 了 left by a_ person or people who do not intend to return ERDIABANDONED: adaeserted yillage Cdeserted Wiyes qie.-se 哇.emdrza:teCrnD);i NAmE-zairt-/ moun a Person who leaves the army, navy, etc. Without permission (= DEs-


desett. 诈ica-tiom/drzs:trfrkerJm; NAmE -za:rt/ moun [U] (tecpmnrcal) the process of becoming or making sth a desert

desert 'islandrpovn a tropical island where no people live

gles'erts/drzsits; MAmE drza:rts/ noum [pl] [Er sbys (justj desertswhbat sb deserves, especiallywhen itis sth bad: The fomiily oftheyictimsaid that the Killerjhad gotPis Just deserts when he was jailed for 六.


0 /dr'zs:V; 可 NAIE dizsrvV/ verb (notused

识 the progressive tenses) 过 sb/sth deserves sth, it is rightthat they shotuld have it becauseofthewaytheyhavebehaved or becauseofwhat they are: [VN] Zou deseryea restafterall 雪 atjhard Work TPe report deseryes careful comsideratior: 2 One plIayer 训

Particular dese1yes a 7nention ec JWjhat haye Tadore to deSeJVethis?2 字 [vto infj Theydidrntadeserve towinr CEedeSeIyesto pelockedzp jbreverjorwhatpedid [alsovz-ing] Sb deiserves a medal(in 友17ma/used to say that yotadmire

sb because they have done sth difficult oF

Unpleasant ,get what you de'serve| ,deserve all/ everythin 和 you'get/pjorm7a/) usedtosaythatyotuthink sb has earned thebad things thathappen to them 一more

atTURN 1.

die.setrved.Iydrza:vIdli; NMAmE-za:rv-/ advy iD the way that is deserved; correcHy: TFPe restaurant ideservedly POPUIGF- 2 Fe has jsSEpeeii chosen for the top job amnd deSeTVedly so.

dje.servingdrzsaxvm; NAmE-zamv-/.adj 一 (of sth) (Jor mmadl) that:deserves. help,,praise,'a teward,etc:: to Sive Toney to a deserying caUse C This formaigy is one of thez7most


| ttea

| vcvan

| w:wet

| zzoo

| Jshoe



deserying cases,。,C_ [Ga UNDESERVING




of attentionm

des-ha-bille /dezssbi:'jer (also dis.-ha'bilie /drsa'bi:1;

-bi/) noun [U] (Jormaolj or humorous) the state of wearing Do clothes or Very few clothes: 训 astate ofdeEshabilE des'ic-cated/ "desIkertrd/ ad Ti(offood) dried in order to Preserve it desiccated coconut 了 ( 纶Chj7ical) completely diy: treeless amd desiccated so世

des'icca:tion /aesrKkerfn/ nour [OU] (techpmicah the process of becoming completely dry

de'sid.eratum /drzrdaraztem; rertem/ mnoun (P1 -ata /aztei -erta/) (from Latm, jrmah athing thatis wanted or Deeded

die.sisgn 0人 /drzaimn/ moun, ve屿


上*ARRANGEMENT 了 [u,C] the general arrangement ofthe different parts of sth that is made; such-as a building, bools machine etc.: The basic desigmofthe carisyerysirmiIarto 切atofearlierrmodels. ospecialmew desigm jatures@ Themmagazine Wi这appear 识Qnewidesign 广om nextmonth. * DRAWING/PLAN/MODEL 2 [u]'theartorDrocess ofdeciding how sth will 1ook, work, etc. by drawing plans, malke 和pg models, etc.: Q course 识 art amd desigmr Cia desigr studio C coTPUIeraided design C t e 切 design and developTnentE of new products 一see also INTERIOR DESIGN-3 [G]

~ (for sth) a drawing or plan from which sth may be 所 cmew and original designs made: designis for aircra “PATTERN 4 [G] an arrangement of lines and shapes as a decoration EBPATTERN: JioralI[apbstract/geommetric designsC The tiles come 识 ahuge range ofcolours amd de-


*JNTENTIONS [U,C] aplan or an intention: 开 happened-一雪at the hvo of termm were Wether py accident or desigTt LEfalone afiter all the others had gone. CIEial partof7uis Srartd desigTL

[Dr have designs on sb (加 rmal or humorous) to zwant to start a Sexual relationship with sb have designs on sth (如orma/) to be planning to get sth for yourself often

in a way that other people do not approve of: Rurnours Spread that the DuKke jhad desigmns onLthe crown (= wanted to make himselfking). 旦VE/必 > DRAW PLANS 了 ~ sth (for sb/sth) to decide how sth will look, work, etc., especially by drawing plans or making Imodels: [VN] to desigm a cara dressan office ca padly designed Kitchemc They asjked me to design aposter 7or 加e camzpaigm. [alsoVNN]

~ PLAN STHZ [VN] to think ofand plan a system, away of doing sth, etc.: We meed to desigr Q mew syllapus for 切e tirad year

~ FOR SPECIALPURPOSE3 [usually passive] ~ sth (for sth) | 一 sth (as sth) to make, Plan or intend sth for a particular PuUrpose oruse: [VN] TPe mmethodisspeciFcally daesigned Jor Use:zn Small 8rouUps. CO [VN to in由 The prograrmrmmne is de35iS1led to help ,people Who jaye peen out ofwork fjporalong 嫌771e.

des-ig:natever太 ad mVe/ 旋/dezIgnert/ [often passive] 下 ~ sth (as) sth | 一 sth (as being:sth) torsayoftficially'that sth has a particular char acter ornamei to describe sthin aparticular way: [VN-N] THis area has peem designrated (as) a National Park. G This Jioorjias been designated ao-smokingarea Ce[VN] Several PDUPIS Were desigriated as hayirig moderate or seyere Iear 记 img difficulties. 2a designated nature resermye C desigmnated

Seats jor 切 e elderyy 了2 一 sb (as sth to choose or name Sb foraparticular job or position: [VN] TPe director is aiiowed to desigtate jisTier Successor C [VNTN] Who jhas She desic-

Tated (as) her deputy22 [VNtoinf tihe mmar designated to SUCCeed the president 了 [VN] to show sth Using a particu:lar mark or sign: The different types are desigrtated bythe LettersA, B aid C.

mgdj/. /dezrgnert; :net/ [after noun] (Jommnal) chosen to do a job but not yet having officially started it: an interyview With the directordesignate

| 5vision

| tchain

| :ds jam


-| 5this

| 0sing

414 |

designated driver designated

'driver 700 (informah the person who

agrees to drive and not drink alcohol when people go to aparty abar etc. 长

designated 'hitter 7oun (in BASEBALL) aplayer who is named atthe startofthe game as the Person who will hit theball in-place ofthe PITCHER.

des-ig-ma:tion /dezIgmerfna/ nouvm (Jormnahj TIU] ~ (as sth) the action of choosing aperson orthing for aparticular purpose, orofgiving them or 让 aparticular status: Te district 让 Under consideration for designatiom as Q co71Se广 yation area 2 [cl aname,title or description: Her official desigriatiom is Finnamncial Comitroller

卫 e-signm-er /drzaime()/ 00, gd 四 IOU1 a person whose job is to decide how things such as clothes, furniture, tools, etc. will look or work by making ”drawings,plans orpatterns: ajJashiori/jeweliery etc: deSigmner Coalinaustrial desigmer 日0K 由 [only before noun] made by a famous designer; expensive and having a famous brand name: desigmer jeans @ desigmner Iabels C designer Water C He jhad a trendy jaircubt an earring and desigmer stubble (= ashortbeard, grown fortwo orthree days and thought to look fashion-


de signer 'balby "ouvn (used especiallyin newspapers) a baby that is born from an EMBRYO Which was selected fronm a number of embryos produced Using IVF,for example because the parents want ababythat cam provide

态 echecjeimn desKke te7eceptiofidesKk 一See also CASHDESK, FRONT DESK 3 an office at anewspaper television company; etc. thatideals with aparticular subject: the Sport desK 一see also CITY DESK, NEWS DESK

eskK clerk novn (NAmE) 三CLERK qie-ski 有 /dizskH/ ve 访 [VN] (techmicaj) to reduce the amotunt of skill thatismeeded to do aparticularjob Skilling own [U]


dieskK-top /desktop; NAmE-ta:p/ nounT thetop ofadesk 2 ascreen on a computer which shows the ICONS of the Programs that can be Used 一Picture 只 PAGE R5 3 二 DESKTOP COMPUTER

deskktop corm'puter (also desktop) 10/7 a computer With a keyboard, screen and main processing Unit, that fits on a desk 一compare LAPTOP, NOTEBOOK

desktop publishing 7ov) [U] (bor DTP) the use of a small computer and a Printer to produce a Small book a Imagazine, Or other Printed material

deso:late adi ,veb

日0dj. /desalat/ 1 (of a Place) empty and without people,, making you feel sad or frightened: a bpleaKk arid desolate Iandscape 2 verylonely and UnhapPpy FORLORN

加 Verb /desalert/ [VN] [usually passive] (Nterary) to make sb feel sad and withotut hope: She Phad bpeen desolated py the dea 态of her 广 ierad.

deso-ja:tionm /,desalerfn/ -noun [U] (formal) 1 thefeel-

ing of being very lonely and Unhappy 了 the state.-of.a Place that is ruined or destroyed and offers Do joy,or hope to people: ascene of utter desolatiom cells to treat abrother's or Sisters medical condition ges-Ppair /drspea(n); NAmEdrsper/ mouwny ve上b de signer'drug ovn adrug produced artificially usu- 到 IOUN [U] theifeeling ofhaving lostall hope: She vttereda allyonethatis illegal ciyofdespair CAdeep sentse ofdespair oyerWFelmed jirm- 仿 He gayezp t切 estiruSgle 识 despair c One harsiwordWoula de-sir-alble /drzarerebl/ ad T (Jormal ~ (that … | 一 send her into the depths of despair 2 Eyentualy drivem (for sb) (to do sth) that you would like to have or do; to despair je 纺rew Pirmself under a frain. 一See also DESWorth having or doing: (BrB) 契 评 desiraple that interest Fates should be reduced. (NAmB) Ti desirable that inte广 PERATE bethe despair of sb to make sb worried or, est rates be reduced. 和 Pighly desirable 2 The jhoUse has Unhappy becatse they cannot help: My hamdwri6ng was many desirable features. C 于 1 no Ionger desirable Jor the despair of my teachers: 一more at COUNSEL1. adult cphildren to Liye With their parent. 2 She chatted fora 上 Ve 几 [V] ~ (of sth/sb) |~ (of doing sth) to stop having any few minutes apout the qualities She considered desirable 训 hope that a situation will change Or improve: Domt desasecretary CS SUch 7mmeasures are desirable, 矿 mnot esseitiaL Pairl We1 切inKk of a way out of 切 z. 2 Theyd almost des[aag UNDESIRABLE 2 (of a person) causing other people Paired of ever having children. CT despair of Pirny ie ca to _feel sexual desire PP desirability /drzaiere'baleti/ Keep ajob for more 雪 art Six mmortths. moum [U] (Jorma1: No ome quUestiorts the desirapbility of des-pairins /drspearIm; NAmE -sper-/ adj. showing of cheaper /ores. feeling the loss of all hope: a despqairing cry/IooKAsSigi

略e-Sire 0 /drzare(OD/ noun; ve 册 下 1OUn 了 [CU]~(forsth) | ~ (to dosth) astrong wish to have ordo sth: astrong desirejforpowercenough money to

With every day 妇 at passed he pecaTae eyer more despairing. PP despairingJy adv: She Iooked despairingly atthe Tmess.

Satisfy all your desires 2 She ji an OVerWwhelming daesire to Feturn home. e (Jormaj)Tjhaye no desire ( 王Ido not want)

qdles-Patcih (8r6) = DISPATCH des-perado /despard:deo; NAmE-doo/ 1OUT (PL-Oes of

to discuss 切 e matter 所 rther ee (1jormalj) He has expressed a desire to see you. 2 [U,C] ~ (forsb) a strong Wish to have SexX With sb: She jelt a Surge of 1oye amd desire jr 7 3 [Cusually sing] a person or thing that is wished for: When she agreed to 7narry him Phe 记 引he had achieyed Phis heart's desire.

下 VE/及 (Dot Used ip the progressive tenses)

站 (1jormal to

want sth; to wish for sth: [VN] We all desire health anda jappiness. C The house had eyerythimng YOU coUld desire. TPe medicine did mot achieyve the desiredseffect [vto infl Fewerpeople desireto 1iye 训 themnorthofthe country [alsoVNtorinf] 2 tobe sexually attracted tolsb: [VN] He still desired' her leave adot, much, something,

etc. to be de'sired tobebad ortunacceptable

卫 e-sir-Ous /drzaieres/ gdj. [not before noun] ~ (of sth/of doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) (加rmaj/) having a wish for sth; Wanting sth: At that Point Framnco Was desirous of prolongingthe wa7-

ge.sist /drzist; drsIst/ ve几 [V] ~ (from sth/from doing sth) (jomma/) to stop doing sth: They agreed to desistfrom the pommpimng carmpaig7L

图eslK om /desk/ 7moun Tapieceoffurniture likeatable,Usually with drawers 让 it that yotU sit at to Tead, Wiite, Worko etc.: Heuseato bea Pitot butmnow he has adeskjob. 2:aplace Where yoU can get information or be served at an airporb ahotel etc:

acat | dz father | eten

-os) (ojd-/shioned) aman who does damgerous and criminal things without caring abotut himself or other people des-Pper - 世 吏人 0

/desparaet/ adf/

1 feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others: The Drisomers grewW icreasingly despe广 ate. C Stores are gettimng aesperate Gfter to years Of DOoF7 Sales. C SoTmnewphere out there Was Qaaesperate mam cold Purmgry hanted TPRheard sountds ofadesperate struggle 太 纪e nextroofm: 了 [usually before noun] (of an actionj giv: ing little hope of success; tried when everything else has failed: a desperate bid for 广eedom es She clung to 切 eedge im ia desperate attempt to saye-herse太 C His increasing inamcial dculties forced him to take desperate TmeasLUres, O Doctors Were fighting dadesperate battle to saye the little girls:1ife. 3 [not usually before noum] ~ (for sth)

|~ 人to do sth)needing or wanting sth very much: He Was So desperate for ajob he would haye done aything.CTWwas

absolutely desperate to see her enfiormnahTPrm aesperatejor acigarette. 4 (ofa situation) extremely seriotusOr dange oUsS: The children are in desperate need of 1ove aiid attem6on. 和 They foce a aesperate Shortiage of cleart Water P 了es-Pper-ately 0dv: desperately iT/AUTihappyZIomnely Hetookadeep breathn desperately tryingto Keep calm They desperately Wanted a child. C She IO0Ked desperately around fjor ayWeapoft.

| szbird |:s about | Tsit | 这 see | imany|mngot (BrE | ozsaw|Acup|5put|mtoo

des-per-atiomn /,despa'rerfn/ noun [U] the state of being

desperate: Jr desperatiom she called Louise antd asked Jor herphelp.eTherewasanote ofdesperation 识 hisyvoice. c am act ofsheer desperatior

de-spic-able /drspikebl; rarely 'desprkebl/ odj. (Jorma)) VerIy Unpleasant Or evil: a despicable actwcrime CThate yo YDure despicable. dies'pise /drsparz/ verb [VN] (notused in the progressive tenses) to dislike and have no respect for sb/sth: She desPised gossip 识 any Jorrm. ceHe despised hirmself for being so cowWardly. 只 note at HATE


CR /drspart/ prep

Tusedtoshowthat sth happened or is true although sth else might have happened to prevent 让 IN SPITE OF: 了 er'yoice Was shaking despite all her efforts to control 让 Despite applyimg jforumnadreds of jobs, heisstillioutofworKk. 2Shewasgoodatphysics despite thejfactthatshefound 让

boring. 2 despite yourse了 fusedto showthatsb did not



diestinmy /desteni/ noun (p/ -ies) 1 [Gd what happens to sb or what will happen to them in the future, especially things that they cannot change or avoid: the destinies of Pations 2 He wants to be 识 control of his ownm destiny 2 [U] the power believed to control events FATE: 工

Delieyve theres some force guiding US 一call 让 God destimny or 如 te. 只 note atLUCK




-tuxt/ ad

1 without

money food and the other things necessary for life: When Phe died,his /rnily Was le 后completely destitute.

2 the diestitaite /10U1 [pl.] people who are destitute 3 一 of sth 人 (大mmal) lacking sth: They seermm destitute of ordaimniary Pumiamn feelings, desiituiionm /destrtjiuzJm; NAmE:tu:fn/ nowun [U]: hommelessness and destitutiom

die-stock /,dizstok; NAmE :stak/ verb [VVN] (BrE bs


mess) to reduce the amount of goods 让 a shop/store, the amount of materials kept available for making sth in a

die-spo 讶/drspoa/ ve 心[VN] ~ sth (of sth) (iteramy)to steal

全 e-stress /,di: 'stres/ verb [V VN] to relax after working

intend to do the thing mentioned

had to Iaugh despite himase太 sth valuable from a place; to make a Place less attractive by damaging or destroying 让 PLUNDER des-ponmd /drspbond; NAmE-spdmd/ noun [U] 作 SLoUGH OF DESPOND

des-pondi:ent/dqrsppndaent; NMAmE-spam-/adj. ~(about sth) | (especially NAm 有) ~ (ovyer sth) sad,, without much hope DEJECTED: She Was becormning 识creasingly daesPomndent about the Way things were going despondenmcy /dr'sppndansi; NAmE -spamn-/ noun [U]: a mood of despondency CLIIifes not all gloomm and despondemncy des-

pond-entlyadv des-ipot /despot; NAmE'despazt/ noun a ruler with great power,especially one who uses 让 记 a cruel way: am enlightened despot (= one who tiies to Use his/her Power 也 agood way) > despotic/drspptIk; NMAmmE-spazt-/ adj.: despotic powerArule

dies-pot-ismmn /despattzam/ moun [U] the rule of a despot gdies res /dez rez/ noun [usually sing.] (BrE, hurmorous) an attractive house, especially a large one (from the words “desirable residence”) des-sert /drzs:t; NAmE drza:rt/ noun [u,G sweet food eaten at the end of a meal: Whats for dessert? c Qa rich

Chocolate dessertCa dessert Wine e (BrE) 她e dessert frolley (= atable on Wheels ffom which you choose your dessert 迄 arestaurant) 一coOmpare AFTERS, PUDDING, SWEET dies-sert-spoom /drzs:tspumn; NAmE -zsart/ noun 了 a spPoon of medium size 一Picture 咏 CUTLERY 了 QZ (also dessert-spoon-ful /fl/) the amount a dessertspoon can hold

die-sta-ipil-izel(BrEalso -ise) /,dizsterbalarz/ ver [VN] to Inake a System,country government,etc. become less firmly established or successful: Terrorist attacKs Were threatening:to destabilize the goyermTment 2 The Piews had

Q destabilizimng effect om the stock mmarKket 一compare STABILIZE > diestabilizatiionm -isationm/,dqi:,steIbalar'zeIfm; NAmE-le'z-/ nouwn [U]

吾 ]1OU1 aplace to which sb/sth is going orbeing sent: POPUIarpholiday destinatiorms Like the Bahnamas coto arTrive Qt/ Feach your destimnatiorc OUr IUgSage Was checked all the Way throuvsgh to ourJfinal destinatiort

四 0cdlj. ~ hotel/store/restaurant,etc. a hotel,store,etc. that People will make a special trip to Visit

desti'nation weddiing "ovn a wedding held in an exciting Ofr Unusual Place in a foreign cotntry where all thepeople whotravelto the wedding can alsohaveaholiday/vacation

destined /destmad/ adj..(jorma)1~forsth | ~todo sth having a future which has been decided or planned at an earlier time, especially by FATE: He Was destimnled Jora TTilita1y caree7 Like Pais 名 tper before Pirm 2 We seerm des和ned neyen to meet 也 一foronthe waytoorintended for


BOUNPD FOR: 80o0ds destined Jor Polanmd

| army

| aunow

| ersay

| sogo(B/6

hard or experiencing stress; to reduce the amount of Stress that yoOU experience: De-stress yoUTself with.a relaximg batph.

dies:troy DR /drstror/ ve [VN] Tto damage sth so badly WORD FAMIEY that 让 no longer exists, destroy v Works,etc.: The Duitding Was coTmnpletely destroyed by destroyer . destruction . 记 e. c Theyye destroyed al destructive Cd the eyidence. Feat gradindestructible adf/. Ually destroys vitamin C. 和 Zou haye destroyed 7my jhopes of happiness. C FaiIUFre Was S1owWly destroying him (三

making him less and less confident and happy). 2 to Fill an animal deliberately usually because it is sick or not Wanted: The iureda horse had to be destroyed 一See also SOUL-DESTROYING

destroy-er /distroleC)/ mour

1Ta small fast ship used

in war, for example to protect larger ships 之 a person or thing that destroys: Sugar is the destroyerof healthy tee妃.


0m /drstrAkfny/ nown [U]

the act of destroying sth; the Process ofbeing destroyed: the destructior of the rainforests CC Weapons of mass daestruction catidalwave bringing death amd destructiom in its Wake ceThe centtral arguUrmentis thatcapitalism SowWs the seeds of its owWT destructiort (= creates the forces

that destroy it).

qie-struc-tive /dr'strAktrv/ adj causing destruction or damage: the destructiye power of modern Weapons C the destructiye effeck of ahxiety 一compare CONSTRUCTIVE > destructivelyodv de-structivemess1oum [U]

des-ultory /desaltri; NAmE -toxri/ adj (jnmal) going from one thing to _another without a definite Plan and Withoutenthusiasm:Twardered aboutin a desultory joshiomn. Ca desultory conyersation desultoriiyadv

Detobpor (BrE) ( 识 writing)DETECTIVE: DetJnsp (= InspectOI) Cox

dies-tin-ation /,destrnerfmny/ nouvn, adl/


factory, etc.

die-tach /drtaety/ verT 一 (sth) (from sth) to remove sth from sth larger; to become separated from'sth: [VN] Detach tphe coupom aad returm 让 as SO0TLQaS Dossible C OPte of the pameks had pecome detacheda 廊omathe7mmain structure: [V] TPRe skis should aetach 广om the poot 太 you /1 一comPare ATTACH 2 [VN] ~ yourself (from sby/sth) (forma/) to leave or separate yoOuUrself ffom sb/sth: She detached he六 Self Froma his embrace. C (Jsguratve)jTtried to detachn 7myselF 万omm the reality of these terrible eyent. 3 [VN] (人 (technical to_send a grouUP of soldiers,etc. away from the main group, especially to do special duties

de-tach-able /drtaetJabl/ codj .that can be _taken_ off REMOVABLE:QGcoatWitp adetachnable hood

die-tachedy/drtaetjt/ ad.1 (ofahouse) notjoined to another house on'i either side 一Picture 只 PAGE RI6 一Compare SEMI-DETACHED 了 Showing a lack of feeling

| oo go(MmB)

| or boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ve pure


416 |

INDIFFERENT: She Wanted Jim to Stop Deiig 30 CO007 350 detacjied so comicalL 3 (approving) not influenced by other people or by yotur Own feelings IMPARTIAL: Q detached obseryer 图e-tach-mmient/drtathmant/ novn 了 [U]the state ofnot being involved in sth in an emotional or personal way: Fe asWered With an air of detachrment 2 She ja 3Se11Se of

detachrment 廊om What Was going om Ta INVOLVEMENT 2 [U] (approvingj the state of not being influenced by other People or by your own feelings: 到 jdging 态ese zsues Q degree of critical detachrmmenit 二 required 3 [Ca grotup of soldiers,ships, etc. Sent away from alarger grotp,,especially to do special diities: a :detacFrmient of artillery 4 [U] the act'of detaching sth; the Piocess of beipng detached fromssth:tosufferdetacprmeritofthe retma

全 马.世十 齐0 /di:tedl; Usalso diteil/ movn; ve 此 加 11OU17 * FACTS/JINFORMATJTION 1 [q a small individual fact or item; aless important fact or item: am expedition Planmed daowm to 急e Iastdetail c He stood si absorbing eyery aetail of 切e street C TEL me the Pain Point noWw; Ieayve the details till Iater 也 [U] the small facts or features of sth,

When you consider them all together: This issue W 记 pe discussed 训 more detail 识 the nextchapter 2 The researcpn Phas bpeen carried outWithn scrupulous attention to detaiL Fe had ar eye for detail (= noticed and remembered Small details). C The fine detail of the plan has yet to pe Workedort 3 details [pl.] information about sth: Please SUDPDIy the fliowing details; naTme, age .and SeX TUrthe7 details and pooking formas are ayailae on request C They didntgive any details about thegame. CO We had a terTrible tme 一”人 用 spare me the detaiks (= dont tell me any Inore).” *SMALLPARTS 4 [CU] asmall part of a Picture or Paint训 g; the smaller or less imnportant parts of a Picture, Pattern, etc. when yotu consider them all together::THhis ia detailL 广om the 1844 Turner painting CaPhuse Picture with QIotofdeta1 识 下 * SOLDIERS 瑟 [C] a group of soldiers given special duties

[IE go into 'detaillfs) to explain sth fully:7Tcamntgo into details now; 让 Would taKe too 1o7tg. 各 YE/疙


个 :[VN]to give alistof factsor

all the available information about sth: TPe brochnure details aL 妨e hotels 总 切e area anmd 妇 eir focilities.

“ORDERSOLDIER 字 [often passive] togive an officialiorder to_ Sb,especially

a soldier,

to do a particular


[VNto inf] Several ofthe men were detailed to jpormasearch

Part [alsoVN] * CLEAN CAR 3.[VN] (NAmB) to clean a car extremely thoroughly: He gotWworkjorawhile detailing cars,

qietailed ome /ditead; NAmEalso drtelld/a 丰 giving many details and alotofinformation; paying great attention to details: a detailed descriptiomr/anmnalysis/ Study C He gave me detailed 训StrUctioris om how to get there. qde-tail.ing/di:telrzo; NAmEalso drterrmy/ noun [U] small details put on abuilding, piece ofclothing, etc.,especially for decoration de:tain /drtem/ -ver [VN] Tto keep:sb iD aniofficial Placei such as a police station, aprison or ahospital, and Preventthem from leaving: One mar jhas been detainedjJor duestioning: 2 (jbrmal)todelay sb or preventthem 他om going somewhere: TPu SOr7y 一he pe late; jies Dee detained ataTneetirg. 一See also DETENTION de-tain-ee /,diterniz/ noun a person who is kept iD Prison, usually because of his or her Political opinions c

Dote at PRISONEK ge-tect/drtekt/ ve 心[VN] to discover or notice sth, especially sth that is not easy to See, hear, etc:: The tests are designmned to detect the disease early 2 am 访S厅Unent that ca1t detect Small amounts of radiatiomn C Do Taetecta7iote of criticismz2 只 note at NOTICE detectableadj: The


| ddid

| ffal

| gget


| jyes

7ioize 让 Darely detectable IaB UNDETECTABLE





de:-tection /drtekfn/ novn [U] the Process of detecting sth; the fact ofbeing detected: crimie Preyentiom and detecfiomncOIastyearthe detection rateiprcar 态efWasj0stI39%6: CJMany Droplemms howeyepP escape detectiomn. 3 Early detec>tion of caTicers 让 Vitally iiPportaTt

de-iective /drteKtrv/ novn (0ppr Det 1 apersom especially a police o 众cer whose job is to examine crimes and catch criminals: Detectiye Jnspector (Roger) BrowPm codetectivyes 方om the amti-terrorist squad 2 a detectiye story/ mOVel 一See also STORE DETECTIVE 也 a person employed by sb to find out information about sb/sth 一see also PRIVATE DETECTIVE die:tectOor/drtekte0)/ movnp apiece ofedquipmentfor discovering the Presence of sth,SUch as metal,smoke, EXPLOSIVES Or changes iD Dresstire OF temperature: Q SiOKe detector die-temte (also de-tenmte esPecially 雇 NAmE) /aertaznt/ JoOwn [U] (fom Fench,jormajn an improvement ip the Telationship between two or more countries Which have been Unfriendly towards each other in the Past

ge-tenm-tion /drtenfn/ novun T [U] the state of being kept in a Place, especially a Prison, and Prevented from leaving: Qa semtetce of 12 montps detention 识 和 young o 太 feider 训 SGo Police powers of arresta7id deteniom allegatio7is of torture amd detentomn Withpouttrialcaadetentom carmp 之 [U,Cl thepunishmentofbeing keptatschool foratime afterother studentshave gonehome: They ca 和

give me (Gdetention for

绍.一See also DETAIN

qie tention centre (B/B (NMmE de'tention centen 1noun 了 aplace where young People who have committed offences are kept 证 detention Z aplace where People are keptin detention, especially People who have entered acountryilegally

了过eter /drta:G)/ vemb (=rr) 一 sb (from sth/from doing sth) , to Imake sb decide not tdo sth or continue doing sth, especially by making them Understand the difficulties and Unpleasant restults of their actions: [VN] Ttola Firm 工 Wasntinterested Dut he Wasmntdaeterred CThehighprice of the service could deter people 方om seeKcimng adyice. [alsoV]

一See also DETERRENT qdle-terSenty/drta:dsant; NAImE -tard5-/ novn [U,C] aliduid or Powder that helps remove Re for examPple from clothes or dishes die-teri-Orate /drtreriarert; NAImE 2 /vem [V]~ (into sth) to become worse: Her health deteriorated rapidly and she died shortly afterwards. 2 deterioratirig weather conaitions 2 The discussiot qUicKkly deteriorated into am arl5ry aTSUTment deterioration /drtrerisrerfn; NAmE-trr-/ 1noun [U,G: aserious daeterioratiomn 态 relatiomns petweeft the two cOUmtries

ge-terimin-albbie /drtaminabl; NmE -term-/ adi (大 mall that can be found out or calculated: Duripng te 轨ird TOonth of pregsmnamncy the Sex of the child becomes deterrminapble.

de-terimin:ant/drtamrmaent; NAmE -tarm-/ nouwn (加 广 mal) athing that decides whether orhow sth happens

determin.ate/drtammaet; NmEstarm/ adj (ormna1 fixed and definite: asentemnce With adaeterminate 7mneaming


全 eerimaiim .atiOm 0 /drtsmrinerimn; NAmE :tarm-/ own T LIU]~(todo sth) the quality that makes you continue trying to do sth even when this is difficult: 亢erceXgrirm7 dogged deterrmmirnation cee fought 雪 e illinness With cou 产 agSge ad determination. CTadrmire herdeterminatiomn to get 让 rig直 Theyphadsuryived bysheer determinatiom 了:[U]

(Jormal) the process of deciding sth officially: 大 ctors inftuencing the determinahiom of 7EresDolicy 3 [U,G (techmical) the act of finding out or calculating sth: Both 7ne0ds rely 07 the acEcurate determinatiom of the pressUre of the ga5.


| lleg

| mman

| nanow

| ppen

| :rred


0m /drtaommn; NA 六 Ests:rmz/ ve 几

(Jormalj) Ttodiscoverthe facts aboutsth; to calculate sth exactly ESTABLISH: [VN] Am inquiry Was set Up to determiine the cause ofthe accident Ce[Vwh-] Wesetouttoideiermine exactiy What jappened 太 at might [also VN that] 2 to make sth happen in aparticular wayorbe ofaparticular

type: [VN] Age and experience W 这 De determining fctors 碎 OUr choice ofcandidate. OUDbringingPplays aimiportant Fart 识 aeterrmmining apersons character [alsovwh-] 3 to officially decide and/or arrange sth: [VN] A date for'the Tmeeting has yet to be:determined ec [v (that)] The court determained (thab) the defendantshould pay the 1egal co5ts.

4 一 on sth/to do' sth to decide definitely to do sth: [vto inf] They determined to start early [alsov Vi(thatj]


om /drtaxmmad; NAmE-tsrm-/ ad

了 [notbefore noun] ~ (to do sth) ifyou are determined to do sth, youhave made afirm decision to do itand youwil not let anyone Prevent you: Drm determined to SuUCcceed. 了 showing a persoms determination to do sth: a deter 7mined efjfort to Stop smoking CC The Droposal had been dropped 总 the jce of deterrmmined oppositiort, IE see

BOUNDadj > de'termined-iy odv

deter-miner /drtammnmae(GD; NAmE-tsrm-/ noun (gramman (abbreviation det in this dictionary) a word such as be, some, /mm etc. that comes before a notn to show how the noun is being used

determin-ism /drtsmrmrzam; NAmE-tsrm-/ moun [] (phjiosophy) the belief that People are not free to choose What they are like or how they behave, because these things are decided bytheir surroundings and other things over Which they have no control determiin'istic /drtamrmnrstrk; NAmE:tTm-/ ad

de'terrent /drterent; NAmE-tar-/ no 二 (to sbysth) a thing that makes sb less likely to do sth (= that deters them): Hopefulpy his punishrment will act as a deterrent to others. 2 the countrys TUuclear deterrents (= nuclear weapons that are intended to stop an enemy fromiattack还g) defterrence /drterans; NAmEzts:r-/ noun [U] (万玉

mmal deterrent adj :adeierrenteffect die'test /drtest/ ve 六 (not used in the progressive tenses) to hate sb/sth very much


[VN] They detest-

edeach other on Sight [also v -ing] 他 note atHATE P detestation /di:te'sterfn/ noun [U]

de'test'able /drtestebl/ odj that deserves to be hated: 411 terrorist crirmeis detestable, Whoeyer theyictims.



harmful substances Or poisons from sth 2 to treat sb order to help them stop drinking too much alcohol ortak ing drugs

dle'tract /drtrakt/ veb

de'tract'from sth | de-

tract sth frorn sth (nottsed in the progressive tenses)to Iake sth seem less good or enjoyable TAKE AWAY FROM: He Was determined notto Iet anything detract 广om Pis emjoyrment of the 厅芭.

de'tractor /drtrakteG)/ moun [usually pl] (especially jormal) aperson who tries to make sb/sth seem less good or Valuable by criticizing 让

dle-traimn /diztrem/ ve [VVN] (1jormal)toleaveatrain or make sb leave atrain djet:rimemnt /detrnanent/ noun [U,C usually sing.] (加六 /madl) the act of causing harm or damage; sth that catses

harm or damage [II to the detriment of sb/sth | to sb/sih's detriment resulting in harm or damage to sb/ Sth: He Was engrossed in jhis job to the _daetriment oF Pis

jhealth. without detriment (to sb/sth) not resulting ip harm or damage to sbysth

dietri'memnt:al /detrrmentl/ adi ~ (to sb/sth) harmful DAMAGING;: the SunS detrimental effect on skin The policy will be daetrirmental to the peace process, > det-

mentally /tali/ aodv de'tritus /drtrartes/ noun [U] T (iechnicah natural waste material that is left after sth has been Used or broken UP: organic daetritus 广omm 万sh and Plank 2 ( 邦rmaol) any kind of rubbishygarbage that is left after an event or When sth has been Used DEBRIS: 芒e detritus of everyday Li 访 qietirop /,da'treo; NAmE'troo/ adj [notbefore noum] (from French /1101) not wanted, especially in a social situation With other people deiumes.cence /di:tjuxmesns; NAmE -tu:-/ noun [U] (1jormal) a gradual reduction in swelling, especially in a PENIS that was in a state of .Sexual excitement > detumescent /,diztjuzmesnt; NAmE-tu:-/ ad

qdeuce /djus; MrmE du:s/ noun 1T[u,c] (in TENNIs) the Situation when both Players have 40 as a Score,after Which one Player must win two points one after the other

in order to win the game 了 Q [C] (NmE) a PLAYING CARD With two PIPS_ on it: the deuce of clIubs .3 the deuce [sing.] (old-foshroned, informalj) used in questions to show that you are annoyed: Whatthe deuce is he doing?

de'thronme /.di:'brsun; NAmE-9rouny/ ver5 [vN] to remove

deuced /dju:st; NmEalso du:st/ adj. [only before noun]

aking or queen from power; to remove sb from a Position of authority or Power

(old Use) used for emphasizing feelings, especially anger, disappointment,or Surprise: The mmanss a deuced jfooll


/detenert/ vermb to explode,or to make a

bomb or other device explode: [V] Two other pommps failed to detonmnate. [also VN]

det'on'ation /,detemerfn/ noum-[GU] an explosion; the action ofmaking sth explode

det.on:ator /detenerte(r)/ movm adeviceformaking sth,

deuced adv:JIts deuced awkward. deurime:kaar /djammekdD); NAmE



(SAfrE, informal) in aconfused state deusexmachina /aeroseks'maekma/ nour [sing] ( 咏 erarmy) an Unexpected power or eventthat saves asituation that seems without hope, especiallyin aplayormnovel

deuteriurmn /djurtreriam; NAmE-trmr NMAmEalso duzt-/

especially a bomb, explode

detour /distoeGD); NAmE:taor/ noun, verb 四 OU 1 alonger route that you take in order to avoid a Problem or to Visit a Place: We phad to make a detour arourtd the jiooded fields. cs well worth maKking a daetour

to see theyvillasge. 2 (NAmE) = DIVERSION 量 VE六 (NA ~ (to .… ) to take a longer route in order to avoid a Problem or to visit a Place; to make sb/sth take a

longer route: [V] The President detoured to Chicago Jor a Special mmeeting. [also VN] getox /di:toks; NAmE -ta:ks/ noun [U] (njiormal) 1 the Piocess of removing harmful substances from your body by only eating and drinking particular things 之 = DETOXIFICATION: a detox clinic C FeS gomne into detox.

Houwn [U] (symb D) (chemistry) an ISOTOPE (= adifferent form) of HYDROGEN with twice the mass ofthe usual isotope

Deutsch-mark /daortma:k: NAmE-mark/ (also mark hnoun (abbr DM) the former unitofmoney in Germany (rePlaced in 2002 bythe euro)

devalue /di"valju:/ vew1T

[VVN] 一 (sth) (against sth)

(jpahcejtoreduce the value ofthe money of one country When it is exchanged for the money of another country [ca REVALUE 2 [VN] to give a lower value to sth, malkc ing it:seem less important than it really is: Work in the

Phore z often ignored amnd devalued, devaluation /divaelju'erfn/ nown [CU]: There has beena 包 rthersmall deyaluation against the dollar

de-toxi'fi'ca'tion /di:toksrfrkerfmn; NmE -ta:ks-/ (aiso informal detox /di:tpks; NAmE -ta:ks/) novn_[U] treat-

Deva.nmag:ari /dervema:gari; ,dev-/ noun:[U] the alpha-

Iment given to people to help them stop drinking alcohol

bet used to write Sanskrit ,Hindi and some other Indian

or taking drugs: a detoxificatiorz unit de-tox'ify /Jaiztpksrfar; NAmE -ta:ks-/ verb (de'toxi'fies,

dev.as'tate /devastert/ verb [VN] 1 to completely des-

detoxify:ing,detoxified, detoxified) [VN] 1 to remove

troy a Place or an area: The bomb deyastated much of the


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| shoe


| 5vision

| tchain

| d5jam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0Dsing


418 | develop:imemt:

old part of the cit/ 了 [often passive] to make sb feel very Shocked and sad dev.as'tated /devastertid/ ddj extremely upset and Shocked: Bis 名7milgy absolutely deyastated.

dev.as'tatinmg/devastertm/ adi Tcausingalotofdamageand destruction DISASTROUS: a deyvastatimng exPDlosiom/Pire/cyclone 2 oOL spis are javing a daeyastatirng effect on coral Tree太太 切 eoceaTt.C Fe receiyed daeyastatilg injuries 访 切e accident 2 下 Wil pe a deyvastatimg plowto 太 elocal commmunity 矿thejfoctory closes. 了 extremely shocking to a person: 纺 e devastatimng PieWws 雪 Qt jher /ther Was dead 3 impressive and powerful: his deyastatimng performaice 雪 eI007mmetresHersmiile Was deyastating. adeyvastatiig attack om t 切 ePresidents economaic record devastatinglyadv: a deyastatingly hamdsome


diev:as-ta:tiom/,deve'steifn/ noun [U] great destruction or damage, especially over a wide area: The boma5 catsed Wiaespread devastatiom.

qde-velop om /drvelsp/ vemb * GROW BiIGGER/STRONGER 1 ~ (sth) (from sth) (into sth) to _gradually grow or become

bigger Imore advanced,

Strongeb etc.; to make sth do this: [V] The chPildais deyelop-

ing mor7malb 2 The place jhas rapidly deyeloped 方om a Small shing coOTmTEUTIEY into a thrimying tourit resort 和 [VN] She aeyveloped te commpary 方omma miothing*NEW IDEA/PRODUCTZ [VN] to think of or Produce amnew idea, Productb etc. and make it Successful: The cormparmy deyvelops and 7na7jkets new software. 风 note at MAKE * DiSEASE/PROBLEM 3 to begin to have sth stch as a disease Of a DPIOblemi to start to affect sb/sth: [VN] Fer som deyeloped astphrma When he Was two. C The car deyveloped egiie OUDIe and We had to stop. [alsoV] > HAPPEN/CHANGE 4 [V] to start to happen or change, especially in abad way: A crisis Was rapialy deyveloping 唐 he GU 矿 CeWe Tieed more time to see how 态 gS 训 deyelop Defore we take actiom. > BECOME BETTER 5 to'startto have a skill, ability quality, etc. that becomes better and stronger; to become better and stronger: [VN] Bes developed areal flair fjor 矶amnage7ment 2 [V] Their relatiomnship has deyveloped oyeraPnurmber OF years, * BUILD HOUSES6 [VN] tobuildnew houses, factories, etc. on an area of land especially land that was not being Used effectively before: The Site beinig deyeloped by a FremncFm cormPpamny: >* IDEA/STORY 7 [VN] toimake an idea, a story; etc. clearer byexplaining itfurther ER3ELABORATEON: She develops the theme nore 有所 JUy in her laterbooks: * PHOTOGRAPHS 8 [VN]:totreat flm which hasbeen used to take photographs with chemicals so that the pictures can be seen:Tjhad 轧e记 Im deyeloped yesterday.

de-velopedy/drvelept/ adj 1T(ofacountry society etcJ) having many industries and a complicated economic system: 太na7macial aid to 1ess deyveloped counmntries Ce TPe ayerage citizem in the deyveloped World uses oyer IJ55Kg ofpaper Der year 一COmpare UNDERDEVELOPED 了 2 记 an advanced State: Children With jighty developed problerm-soying Skills 一see also WELL DEVELOPED

ge-vel-op-emdrvelapeGD)/ movn 1 [cl aperson or com: pany that buys land or buildings in order to build new houses,shops/stores, etc.,or to improve the old ones, and makes a Piofit from doing this: Property deyelopers 之 [C a person or a company that designs and creates newproducts: asoftware deyeloper 3 [U] a chemical substance that is used for developing photographs 人 om a fm

de-velop-ing/drvelepm/ xdj [only before mounml (ofia coOUiitry SOciety' etc:) poom and tryingto make its indtistry and economic System more advanced: developing coOLTtries / mations / ecomnormies 一compare UNDERDEVELOPED

acat | d father | eten

| 3: bird | a about


* GROWTH 1T [U] the gradual growth of sth so that 丰 -becomes more .advanced, strongem etc.: Q babys deyvelop7nentE im 雪e Womzb te deyelopTmentofbasic sKills such as literacy anmd muUmeracy 2 career deyelopTmeT站 * NEW PRODUCT2 [uU,G]:the process ofproducing or creat~Dg sth new or more advanced; anew or advanced product: the deyelopmentofyaccines againmst tropical diseases 和 deyeloprmenats 训 ayiatiom techmology 2 This Piece of equzpTeTit 节 QTL excitimng meW,deyeloprme 引 See 一 also RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT * NEW EVENT 3 [C] a new' event or stage that is likely to affect what happens in a contintuing situation: 坊 e Latest deyeloprmen 丰训 雪 eWarcAret 态ere 记 rtherdeyelopments 训 矿e inyestigatior?

* NEW BUILDINGS4 [C] apiece ofland with newbuildings on it: Q coTmmmierciaLAbusinessAjhousing developmenmtt一 See also RIBBON


5 册] the process


using an area ofland, especiallyto makeaprofitbybuildiDg on it, etc.: Be pouvghtthe Iand fraeyvelopTmerit

develop-rmnenm-tal/drvelapimentl/ ad T 让 Da state of developing or being developed: The product 1 SG at a deyveloprmmetal stage. 之 connected with the development of sb/sth: deyvelopmemtal Psychology


areamoun (BrF) an area Where new

industries are encouraged in order to create jobs qde-viant/'dizvisnt/ adj. differentfrom what mostpeople consider to be Dormal and acceptable:_deyviart behayviour/sexuality > deviant7oun: Sexual deviants _deviancel/-Viens/,deviancy/"di:viensi/ moun [U]: astudy of SOCial deyiaTice Gd crimme

die-vi'ate/'dirviert/ yemb [v] ~ (from sth) to be different from sth; to do sth in a different wayfrom whatis usual or expected: ,The pus had to deyiate 万omm its USual route pecause of a road closiire. Fe mneyer deyviated 方om his or Sal DPIa7.

qle-vi'atiomn/idivierfn/ oun ~ (from sth) 1 [uc the act of moving away 人 om what is normal or acceptable; a Gifference from what is eXpected or acceptable: deviatiom 万o7m 女 epreyious1Jy accepted miorms CSseXual deyiation Ca

daeyiation 方om Which a single age:.Q coOTmpass also STANDARD

the Dian 字 [C] (techmicoj) the amotnt by measurement is different fom the aver deyviationr of 5” (= from true north) 二see DEVIATION

qle-Vice 0m/drvars/ nown 1 an object or a piece of equipment that has been deSigned to do a particular job: a Waterssaying deyice eelec:trical JaQpoUT-sayimng devices arouTid the home 2 abomb or Weapon that will explode: A power训 uldevice exploded ov Side 坊e station the Worlds irst atomic deyvice 3 a method of doing sth that produces a patticular restilt OF effect: Semtding adyertising by email 让 Very SuccessfuT as a 7marketing deyice. 4 aplan or trick thatis usedto get sth that sb Wants: The reportWas Q deyviceUused to Fide rather tan reyeal problerns. IEIW ieave sb to their Own de'vicesto leave sb alone to .do as they wish and not tell them what to do

devil/'aevl/ novun Tthe Devil(lin the Christian, Jewish and .Muslim religions) the ,most Powerful evil BEING ERIISATAN

之 an evil Spirit: They pelieyed she Was pos-

Sessed py deyvils. 3 (normal) aperson who behavesbadly, especially a child: amaughtby Little devil 4 (informahused

to talk abonlt sb and to emphasize an opinion that you have of them: 工 mmiss the old dey记 now tat hes gone. 4 Shes off to-Greece Jor a Tonth 一 Iucky deyv记 be a

"devil(BrE) People say Be a devill to encotirage sb to do

sth that they are not Sure about doing: Go om be a devil

bo poth of them. betterthe ,devilyou'know(thanthe devil you 'dom?tsoyinsg) used to saythatitis easier and Wiser to stay iD a bad situation that you know and can deal with rather than change to a new situation Which

Imay be mtuch worse between the ,devil and the deep blue 'seain a difficult situation2where there are two

equally Unpleasant or Unacceptable chioices

the devil

(old如shioned) very difficult or tnpleasant' These Derriecs

are the deyil to pick pecause t 芒ey7e 5S0 Small the ,devil looks after his 'own(Soying) Dad people often seem to

zsit | isee | Emany | bgot (Br | os saw | Acup

| 5 put | mtoo


have good luckthe devil makes work for idie 'hands (5oying) People who do not have enough to do often start to do wrong: She blarmed the crimes on the local jobless teentageTs. The deyvil maKkes worK for iale hands sphe would

saa devilofa jobytime (oldjoshioned) avery difficult or Unpleasant job or time: Tvye had a devilofajob firtding

yougoto the 'devilt (old-/shioned, informal used, in an unfriendly way', to tell sb to go awaylike the 'devil (old丰shioned, njiormalj) very hard, fast etc.: We ran Like 切e deviL_ spealwtalk of the 'devil (Informaj) people say spealvtalk of the devil when sb they have been talking about appears Unexpectedly: WelL speaKk of tpe devil一 heres Alice now1/ what,where,who,why,etc. the

'devil .-。 (old-joshioned) used in questions to show that

/devalrfli/ aodv (old-shioned) extremely;

(Br6 (Usdev'iled ) /devld/ adj cooked in a

thick liquid containing hot spices

devil-may-'care adj [usually before noun] cheerful and not worrying about the future

/devlimant) (alsodev:ilry /devlri/) nouj

devils 'advocate


moun a person who expresses an

opinion thatthey do notreallyhold in order to encourage a discussion about a subject: Ofteft the 识teryiewer W 记 meed to play deyips adyocate 识 order to get a discussiom going.


/diviss/ ad T behaving in adishonest or

idirect way,or tricking people,in order to get sth DECEITFUL,UNDERHAND: Q deyious politician 2 e

got rich by devious means. 也 一route/path a IToute oO path that is not straight but has many changes in direction; not direct: a devious route

the action of spending a lot of time or energy on sth DEDICATIONI; her devotion to duty 2 Her deyotion to

/drveojeanl; NAmE -vou-/ adj. (of music,

de-vOur /drvaueC)/ vemrb [VN] 1 toeat all of sth quickly, especially because yot are Very hungry GOBBLE UP

Very: adeyilishzyy hotday

(Jormajh wild behaviour that causes trouble CHIEF

/drveufn; NMmE -vou-/ moun ~ (to sb/sth)

1 [using.] great love, care and SuPPOFE for sbysth: s deyvotion to his w 交 and jomily is touching, 了 [using.]

etc.) connected with or used in religious serVices

acy 2 morallybad, butin awaythat people find attractive: He was handsome, with a devilish charrm.




devilisih /devalrf/odj Tcruelor evil: a devilishn conspi


to them: They are deyoted to their children. Ca deyoted 350 人 iendfan cnote atLOVE devoted'ly adv de-votee /deva'ti/ noun ~ (of sby/sth) 1 a person who admires and is veryenthusiastic about sb/sth: adevotee of Science iction 也 averyreligious person who belongsto a particular group: deyotees of KTrishma

thejob Ie 邱 jier with yery Littleee tme. 3 devotions [pl.] Prayers and other religious practices

you are annoyed or SuIPIrised: WPat the devil do you thninK youre doing? 一more at PAYV

全 evil:ish.1y


方om the airporte devi-

2 to read or look at sth with great interest and enthusiasm: She deyoured eyerything she could Iay Per hands of Dooks, rnagazines atd miewspapers. 3 ( 友rmal) to destroy sb/sth ER ENGULF: Flames deyvoured the house. [EU be devoured by sth to be filled with a strong emotion that Seems to control you: She was deyoured by enyy amd jhatred. de.vouit /drvaut/ adj (ofa person) believing sttonglyin a particular religion and obeying its laws and practices: Q deyout ChristiarvMuslirm devoutly adv: a devouty Catholic region 2 She deyoutty (= very Strongly) hoped he Was telling the truth. dew /dju:; NMmE du:/ noun [u] the very small drops of water that form on the ground,etc. during the night: The grass Was WetWith earlyy morning deW. dew-berry /djupbari; NAmE 'duzberi NAmE also 'dju:-/ moun (pl-ies ) a small soft black or blue-black fruit like a BLACKBERRY, Or the bush thatit grOwWs on dew.drop /dja:drop; NMmE'dudrap/ nounasmall drop of dew or other liquid

Dewey decimal classification ./,dju:i'daesmmlklaesr

ously advdeviousmess 1oun [U] de-vise /drvarz/ vemb [VN] to invent sth new oranew way

人fkerfmn; NAmE also ,du:i/ (also ,Dewey system ) 00Un

of doing sth THINK UP: A mew System has bpeent deVised to control frajfc 识 the city,

de-voice /di:'vors/ verb [VN] (phonetics) to make a speech

[sing.] an international System for arranging books in a library

dew point

noun [sing.] (techmical) the temperature at

which air can hold no more water. Below this temPperature the water comes out of the air in the form of drops,

sound, usually a consonant, VOICELESS

de-void /drvord/ odj ~ of sth completely lacking in sth: The Ietter was deyoid of warrnth and jeeling.

de-vo-iu-tion /di:valu:fn; NMmE,dev-/ novn [U] the act

dewy /dju:i:NAmEduil oadj. wet with pEw dewy-'eyed oadi (disapproving) showing emotion about sth, perhaps with a few tears ip the eyes


of giving power from a central authority or government to an atlthority or a government in a local region

djeX.ter: 计Y /dek'stereti/ movun [U] skill in using your

devolve /drvolv; NmE -valv/ vemb de'volve on/upon sb/sth (Jormcaolj) 1 让 property money, etc. de-

hands or your mind: Zou meed mariual dexterity to be good atyideo games. c mientaL/yverpal dexterity

Volves omyVupon you, you receive it after sb else dies 2 了 让 a duty ,responsibility,etc. devolves on/upon you, it is givento youby sb at ahigher level of authorityde'volve sth to/on/upon sb to give a duty responsibility PoweDm etc, to sb who has less atthority than yoU: The cemntralgover7i7ment deyolyed 7most tax-raising PoWers to the regiorlal auUtpnorities.


/drvolvd; NAmE valvd/ adj

证 power or

authority is devolved, it has been passed to sb who has less power: deyotyved responsibility 2 Qa System of deyoived


人 evaOte



(also dextrous ) /dekstreas/ adj (formalj)

skilful with your hands; skilfully done > dexterous'ly (alsodextrous-ly )adv diex:trose /dekstraogz; -890S; NAImE -00Z; -0US/ houn [U] (chemistpy) aform afGLUCoOsE (= atype ofnatural sugar) DTfES /di:efi:'es/ obbr (in Britain) Department for Education and Skills

dlhal (alsodal ) /da:l/ nown [U] a S Asian dish made from LENTILS Or other PULSES (= seeds from certain plants)

dhamia /danie/ noun [U] (EArE, /ndE, SAFrE) the leaves or seeds ofthe CORIANDER Plant used to flavotr food


/drveut; NMmEdrvout/ ve 总

de'vote yeurself to sb/sth

to.give most of your


/deAnsad:k; 'daensaek/ noun an Indian meat or

Vegetable dish cooked with LENTILS and CORIANDER

time, energy, attention, etc. to Sb/sth: She deyoted jherse矿 dharma /ddcma; NmE 'dar-/ noun [U] (in Indian relito_jher career de'vote sth to sth to give an amount of gion) truth orlaw that affects the whole universe time, attention, etc, to sth: Tcould only deyote two hours dharna /dama; :na:; NAmE'darn-/ noum (ndE) Tan act aday to the worK. of lying flat on the floor with your face down as an act of worship in aTEMPLE 2 aform ofprotestin which a grouP ge-yotegl om /drveutrd; NMmE-vout-/ ad of people refuse to leave a factory Public Place, etc' 二 (to sby/sth) having great love for sb/sth and being loyal

u actual

| army

| anow

| ersay

| so go (Br

| oo go (NMmE)

| or boy

| re near

| se hair

| 5e pure




二 ia.gram 0 /'daregraemy/ 训 nouw1n asimple drawing using lines to explain where sth js, how sth works, etc.: a _diagram of 切e Wiring system C The re-

dhoti/'aeoti; NAmE 'dotjti/ moun a long piece of cloth


WwWorn byHindu men. Itis sometimestiedroundthe Waistb With the lower partpassed between the legs and putinto

the cloth at the back, so that the knees are sually COVerTed

dhow/dau/ novn an Arab siip with one large sail in the shape of atriangle

dhurrielalso durrie/dari/ novnaheavycottonRUG 蒜

Small carpet) ffom S Asia Dai'ar/ abbr Detective Inspector(a British Dolice officef of middle rank): DTRoss @ji-/dar/ combining jj (chpemistry) (nouns that are names of chemical COMPOUNDS) containing two atoms or groups of the type mentioned: carbom dioxide

alia-betes/idarembixti:z/ movun [u] a medical condition catisedbyalack ofINSULIN, Which makesthe DatientTDio: ducealotofURINE aiidifeelVerythirsty

qia.bet'ic',dare'Detik/ adj ,moun

maIdj. 1 having or Connected with diabetes: SPes aiapetiE 2adiapeticpatienteadiabetic comPplicatioris 也 stitable for Or used bysb whohas diabetes: a Qiabetic diet BIOU1 a person Who suffers ffom DIABETES

dialbolical/,darebplikl; NmE-bal/ oa四 了 (Un

especially BrE) extremelybad or annoying EUTERRIBIE: The traffic was diapolical 2 (also /ess requenE dia.bolic /aaiebnlik; NAmE -ba:lL/) morally bad and eVil; like a DEVIL diabolically-kli/ oadv

dia:chron'iq,darekronrk; NAmE-kram-/ ad (techmica1

relating to the way sth,especially & langtage, has de一compare SYNCHRONIC Veloped over time

dia'crit'ic',darekrirtrk/ noun (linguistics) a mark such as an accent, placed over Under or through a letter iD some languages, to show that the letter should be pronotnced im adifferent way from the same letter without a arK 产 dia-Crit'ical-kFrtIKI/ ad: diacritica7marks

dlia'demn/'uaredem/ movn a crown Worn especially as a Sign of royal power

diaeresis(B/昌 (US di:eresi /daierasis/ (P/ diaer eses diereses/-siz/) 1OUm (technica1) the mark placed over aVOowWel to showthatitis pronotnced Separately as 也 mive

diagmose/daregna02; maoz; NAITE daisgm065s) 记 二 访 sb (as/with) (sth) | ~ sth (as sth) to say exactly What an

iness or the'catuse of a Droblem 咎 ::[IVN] THhe tesE 阁 sed to diagnose ayariebrofdiseasesiC Te ilnessWas dias7losed Q5,CQTCce7- 2 Te jhas recentty peendiasnosed with angimna.

[VN-N] .Fe Was diagmnosed (as) a diabetic when he Was 64.

[also V VN-ADj]

djiag'imo:sis/daiegmnausIs; NAmE -nou-/ noun_[c U] (以 diagnoses-si:z/) 一 (of sth) the act of discovering or idef-

tifying the exact cause of an jllness or a Pioblem: diagro5 of ITig canicer 2 They are Waiting Jor te docto diag710515. Am accurate Gias7iost Was made afteraseries of tes友 .

dliag.nos:tig,daregmnpsttk; NMmE-na:s-/ adj ,noo1n

BOcdlj. [usually before noun] (iechrijcah connected Wifh ideii tifying sth, especially an iness: to caFTry OUt Gdiagriostic QS5essTieits/tests CSpeciiccomnditioris Which areaiagrios-





区 dia-grammatic

/iaaregremaetrk/ adj dia'gram'mat'ic-al-Iyli/ adv 二 iaa 凡aarel/ moup, ve 内

>~BIOU1 the face ofa clock or watch, or a similar control onamachine, piece ofequipment or vehicle that shows a Imeastrement of time, amounb speed, temperature, etc.: am alarTz clocK with a Iminous dial ecCheck the tyre presSu1e om the dial. 一see also SUNDIAL 了 2 the round control on a Iadio,cooker/stove, etc. that yotu turn 也 order to adjust sth, for example to choose aparticular station or to choose a particular temperature 3 the iound part on SOme older telephones,with holes for the fingers, that you move around to call aparticular number 名 E 几 ( - 呈ENAmE 才to use atelephomeby Pushing buttons of tirning the dial to call:a number: [VN] REe dialied te Tbper and Waited. Dial 0033 or Erance: [alsoV]

dlia'lect/'darelekt/ noun [CU] the form of a language that is spoken in one area with grammar words and Pronunciation that may be different ffom other forms of the Same language: 纺e 如 7Ksjhire dialect- compare ACCENT,

IDIOLECT * dialectaydarelekt/ ad/ dialect'ic/,daielektizk/ noun [sing] (also /ess Frequert dia'Tect'ics[U]) 1 (Phi/osophy) a method of discovering the truth ofideas by discussion andlogical argumentand by considering ideas that are ,opposed to each other 了 (Uornal) the wayinwhich two aspectsofasituation af

fect each other

> diajiecticakl/ cd

dialectical ma'terialisnnwoun [U] (phiyosophyj the Marxist theory thatall change results ffom Opposing social forces; which.come intoconflict because of material Deeds 二

dia'lect'ology/,darelek'tolad5i; NmE :ta:L/ nouwn [U] (Linguistics) the study of dialects 人 dialectolo.gisbou1n dial:lexBrE)(NAmE dial:er/'darelaGn)/ mOU1a cOmPIiter , Prograim or Piece of equipment which calls telephone numbers automatically 。:


codemoun (Br6 the numbers that

arelsed foraparticulartown, area or country, in front of an individual telephone mumpber: intermratomal diallimg codes 一compare AREA CODE

dialling tone(sr6 (NAmE

dial tonenoun the sound

that you hear when you pick up a telephone that means you can mnake a call SN

"dialog box(BrE also

,dialogue bo moun a_ box that

appears on a coOmPUter Screen asking the User to choose Whattheywantto do next pictuie ce PAGE R5

qia.logue(NMAmE also

dia'Ios /"darelpg; NAmE 5:9;

-crg/ noun [CU] Tconversations 也 a book Play ,oF fim/movie: The moveI has Iong descripiions and mot7mac7 dialogue. Cdialogues for Iamngua5e Jearners 区 note at Dis: CUSSION 了 aformal discussion between two groups or countriesi especiallywhbentheyare tryingto solveaprob: lem, end aidisagreementb etc:: The Presidemt told Waiang Teporters 轨ere had peemua comnstiructive dialogr 一compare ue.


“dial-uipzdi [oniy before noun]l using atelephone lineand aMODEM to'.connectyour computertothe Internet

BIOU1: (comPuUbng)j:1 (also diagnostic program [cja

djia:iy:sis/,daraelasts/inou7ifo (iechnicah a Drocess for separating Substances frormn a liquid, especially fortaking Waste :substances ott of the blood :of People with damaged KIDNEYS: Kidrey/Trenal dialysis ca daialgysis mmachire

afault 3

dlia.imante@,diomnponter: NAmE diemazmn'ter/ ad1 decoE

tic ofAIDS

Piogram' used for identifying a computer fault 2.[q a IDessage On a.comPputer Screen giving information about

diagnostics[U] the practice or methods of

DIAGNOSIS (= finding out what is wrong With a Person

Who is 这/Sick)

ated with glassthatis ctitto looklike diamonds: diamante earTinngs

dji'ag:Omalydarzgsnl/ aodi ,7noun

dlia.man:tine/daromaentiin) ad (iechmica1 Timade

a0dj. (of a straight line) atian angla; joining two opposite Sides of sth at an angle: diago7ial s 厅 六es一 picture 忆 TINE dliagonaljy-2naeli/ advw: Walk diagonalyacrosstne Jielda to 切e台 rcorrrer and 太em tr le访 aiIOU1 a straight linethatjoins twoOopposite sides'ofsth at an angle; a straightjlinethatis atan angle


| ddidr


| 9 get

| hhat

from, of looking like, diamonds 之 Veryhard or strong

diam':etemdarsmrte0)/ moun-a straight line going

from one side of a circle or any other rotiad object to the other side, passing through the centre: the diarmmeter ofa tree truUTIKCThedome 阁 42.37mmetres 训 diameter 二 picture 守 CIRC LE 一compareRA Dius 2 (technicolameasurement

| 宁yes :|5sk cat

| lleg:

| mman

| nnow

| -pipen

| zired:

ofthepowerofan instrumentto MAGNIFY sth: QIens mmagS-

Piping 300 diarmeters (= Imaking sth look 300 times larger than it reallyis). dia.met:ric-al/,daremietrikl/ aodj [usually before noum] Tusedtoemphasizethat people orthings are completely different: He the diametrical opposite of his brotper. 2 relating to the DIAMETER of sth

dia:met:ric:ally /daremetrikli/ odv ~ opposed/opposite completely _different: We hold diametricalty opDosed Views.

二 ia.-momgl

om /daremend/ noun





,diamond ju-bi-leenoun [usually sing.] the 60th anniversary of an important event, especially of sb becoming king/queen; a celebration of this event 一compare GOLD-


,diamond 'wed.ding(B7F) (NMmE ,diamond an'niversary (also diamond 'wed-ding an'nirversary NAmE, BrE) noun the 60th anniversary ofa wedding 一comPare GOLDEN WEDDING, RUBY WEDDING, SILVER WEDDING

dia-mor.phine/,daremo:fiin; NMAmE-moxrf /noun [U] a powerful drug that is made from OPIUM and Used to reduce pain

dia.pa-som/,dare'perzen; -sen/ 1OUn an organ STOP that Produces a full loud sound

可iapem'darepaGr); NAmE'darpar/ noUn (NAImE) = NAPPY: adiaper Tas六

di-aph-an.ous/daraefenas/ ad (ormal (of cloth) so lightand finethat you can almost see through 让

dia.phragm/'darefraem/ mov (anatomy) the layer of Imuscle between the lungs and the stomach, used especially to control breathing 2 (BrE also ,cap a rubber or Plastic device that a woman Places ipnside her VAGINA-before having sex to Prevent SPERM from entering the woMB and making her Pregnant 3 any thin_ piece of material Used to separate the Parts of a machine,etc, 4 (technicah a thin disc Used to turn electronic signals into _sound and sound into _electronic signals in telePhones;LOUDSPEAKERS, etc.

diiarist/'darerrst/ noun a person who writes a diary, especially one that is later Published: Samuel Pepys,the 大 mous IT7th century aiarist



-Trial/ (also informal

diarrhe /daiarIe; NAmE

the runy noU

[U] an iness 记

Which waste matter is emptied 人 om the BOwWELS much

more freduently than normal, and.in liquid form: SyrPtofms iclude diar7hnoea amd vVomitimg.

dliary 0- 曾/daieri/ OU1 (PL -iety

人 (BrE (NAmE date-boo了 ka book with spaces for each

day ofthe year 于 Which you can wiite down things yoU Havetodointhefuture: adesk diary ez Pakeanote of OUr 7 进 元eetingin my diary 了2 abookin which you can write down the experiences youhave each day youUrDTIivate thotughts, etc.: Do you Keep a diary (= Write one 一See also JOURNAL,, VIDEO DIARY c> note at Tegularly)?


dias'poraydatsespere/moun [sing.] (formo) 1 the diasporzhemovement ofthe Jewish People away from their

s see

| ttea

| vvan

| w wet


own country to live and work in other countries 2 the Imovement of people from any nation OF gIOUD away from their own country

dlia.stole /daraesteli/ movn (medicaol) the stage of the heartbs rhythm when its mnuscles relax and the heart fills With blood 一compare sYsSTOLE > diastolic/,dare'stplIk; NAmE-staz]-/ adf.

diatomic/daie'tomik; NAmE :tazmmnfk/ ad (chemistry) consisting of two atoms

Tu,G a clear PRECIOUS STONE of pure CARBON,, the hardest substance Known. Diamonds are Used 也 jewellery and also in industry, especially for cutting glass: Ca ring With a diamond 总 Cadiamord 让 ringATeckiace > She Was Wearing her diamonds (= jewellery with diamonds in it). C The LigRts shone Like diamomnds. 一see also ROUGH DIAMOND 2 [QQ a shape with four straight sides of equal length and with angles that are not RIGHT ANGLEsS 3 diamonds[pl.,U] one of the four sUITs (= sets) 记 a PACKVDECK of cards. The cards are marked With red diamond: shapes: 妨e ten of diamonds 一picture 多 PLAYING CARD 引 [Q a card of this SUIT: ZU TUSE Playadiamond 广you haye one. 5 [C] (ia BASEBALL) the space inside the lines that connect the four BASES; also tusedto mean the whole BASEBALL field

diamond in the rough no

| z zoo

| J shoe

qia.tanm'ic /daie'tonik; NMAmE -tam-/ adj (musio using only the notes

of the appropriate




dlia.trilpe/'daretrarb/ noun ~ (against sb/sth) (无 rmaj) a long and angry speech or piece of writing attacking and criticizing sb/sth: He Iaumched abitter diatr访eagainlst t妇 e

yoOUnger 5erteratio7L

dji-aze.pam/darazepaem/ noun [U] (medicoj) adrug that iusedto make people feelless anxiotus and more relaxed

dilbs/drbz/ IE dibs on ...(NAmE) =BAGS (IT) .… at BAGY glicey/dars/ noun;, ve山 anounm (D/ dice1 (also dieespecially in NAmB) [Casmall CUBE of wood, plastic,etc.,with a different number of spots on each of its sides, used in games of chance: a Pair of dice c to rolI/tprow/shake the dice 字 [U] a game Played With dice: We played dice all might 一Picture 吕> BACKGAMMNON JE no 'dice( 记fr/,especially NAIm量 Used to show that yot Tefuse to do sth, orthat sth cannot be done: 9pidayou getthatjobp2 Wo dice. 一more atLOADY 昕Veb [VN] tocut meat vegetables, etc. into small square Pieces: diced carrots [IE dice with death(normoh to Tisk yourjlife by doing sth that you know is dangerous

dicey /darsi/ oa太 (informaoh uncertain and dangerous ERISKY

dichot.omy /darkotemi; NAmE -ka:t-/ nouUm [usually sing.] (P/ -iey~ (betweenAand B) (如rmal) the separation that exists between two groups or things that are coOmPletely oppositeto and different from each other

djickydamk/ noun (ioboo, slang) 了 a man's PENIS 卫 = DICKHEAD 一see also CLEVER DICK dickens /drkmz/ noun the dickens (old-joshioned, ipjormaj) Tused in questions instead of 'devil to show thatyou are annoyed or SUrprised: Were the dickens did jhe go2 2 (NAmBl used when you are Saying how attractjive, etc. Sb js: cute as the dickers

Dick.ens:iam/drkenzien/ adj. connected with or typical ofthe novels of Charles Dickens, which often describe social problems and bad social conditions: Q Dickensian SI

dicker'drkeG)/ vemb [V] ~ (with sb) (over sth) (espec'aj NAImB) to argue about or discuss sth with sb, especially 雇

order to agree onaprice


dickhead/'drkhed/ (also _dickpoun (ioboo,s/an8)avery

rude way of referring to Sb, especially a man, that yoOU think is stupid ERTIIDIOT

djiclky/'drki/ adj, nown

0d人 (old 大shioned,BrE, 四 formal) not healthy; not woIK iDg coOFrectly: a dicxsy heartt IOUM (alsSO gjickey (D/ dickiesor dickeyy (/nd6) the BOOT/TRUNK ofa Car

'dicky bird7ovm (BrE) (used by or when speaking to

young children) a bird Er not say, heam etc. a dicky bird(BrE, jn1ormah to say hear etc. nothing: He Womtsay adickypird butWethink he knowsWho did 让 IEETSIThis idiom is from rhyming slang, in which 'dqicky bird' stands for word.

dicoty.Jedom/,darknotili:den; NMAmE kat/ (also dicot /aaikpt; NAmE azt/) nown (biology) a Plant whose seeds form EMBRYOS that produce two leaves 一compare MONO-=

GOTYLEDON Dicta.phomnerw/'drktefeun; NAmE foun/ noun asSmall

machine tsed to record on tape People speaking, so that their words can be played backlater and written down

| 5 vision



| ad5 jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing


422 | didi /aidiy noun (/ndE) Tanolder sister: Didi taught7me

人lic:-tate verb, nou1n 旧 Ve 吃 /drktert; NmE

jhow to read. 2 tsed after thename of an older female cousin of the same generation 3 used when speaking to an older female who is not related to youi as atitle show: iDg respect: Didz couvld you help me Witp this bag?

'diktert/ 全 一 (sth) (to sb) to say Words for sb else to write down: [VN] He dictated a Letter to his secretary [alsoV] 了 2 ~ 人(sth) (to sb)totell sb whatto

dlidn交 /drzdnt/ shortjprm didnot

do, especially in an annoying way: [VN] They are 训 mo Position to dictate terrmms (= tell other people what to doj. e [V wh-] WRat right do they haye to dictate how we

qie 0 /dar/ verb, nou1n 卓 VEeb dies ,dying ,died ,died)1 ~ (offrom sth) | ~ (for sth) to stop living: [V] to die of 太 omm camncer CS Per has:

Inve our ives? [also vthat] 3 to control or influence how sth happens DETERMINE: [VN] WPen we 如 Ke our

pard died suddenly Iast Week c He died Jor Pis belie & That plants died. TU neyverjJorsgetittorny dying day (三

yacations 站 yery muUch dictated py Gregs Work Schedule. 和 [V wh-] 下sgenerally your job 切 at dictates Where you ie moW, [also v Vthat]EEEI dic'tate to sb [often passive] to give orders to sb, often in a rude or aggressive way: She Tefused to be dictated to Dy amyone. 目 IOU1 /diktert/ [usually pl.] (formaj) an order orartlethat you mustobey: to fl1ow the dictates of fashiom

until Idie). e (pforma))Tmearly died whenTsaw Firm there (= 让 was very embarrassing). C_ [VN] to _die a Violent/

dic'ta'tion /drk'terfn/ novn T [U] the act ofspeaking or reading so that sb can write down the words 2 [CU] a test 识 which students write down what is being read to them, especially in language lessons

dicta-tor /drk'terteGD; NAmE'drktertsr/ nouUn (0isappro ing) Ta ruler who has complete power over a country, especially one Who has gained it Using military force 2字 a person Who behaves as 许they have complete Power over other people, and tells them whatto do


/diktetorial/ adi (disapproving) 1 con-

nected with or controlled by a dictator: a dictatorial ruler cadictatorial resime 2 using power ip an Unreasonable Waybytelling people whatto do and notlistening to their Views or wishes: dictatorial pehaviour 区 dictatorially /eli/ adv

dic'ta-torship /drk'tertefm; NAmE-erf-/ nounT government by a dictator adictator


字 [C] a countrythatis ruiledby

diction /drkfn/ novn [u] Tthe waythat sbpronotnces Words: clear diction 2 (technicaol) the choice and use of Words in literature qic:tion.ary



NMAmE :neri/ moun

(pl-ies ) Ta book that gives a list of the words of a languiage 记 alphabetical order and explains whattheymean, or gives aWword for them mn a foreign language: Q SpaPisj-Emnglisj dictionary 了 a book that explains the words that are Used in a particular subject: a dictionary of mathemmatics 3 alistofwords in electronic form, for eXxample stored 还



/drktem/ noun (P/dicta /te/ ordictums) (Jo 广

moal) a statement that expresses sth that people believe 计 always true or should be followed

gid /drd/ 从 Do di-dactic /dardaektrk/ oadj (formal) T designed to teach

People sth, especiallyamorallesson: didactic art (usually disopproving) telling People things rather than letting

them find out for themselvese didactically /li/ adv did-dle /drdl ye 必 [VN]~sb(outofsth)(BrE infonmmahto get money or some advantage from sb by cheating them


diddiy /drdiy (alsodiddily-squat)novn (NmE nor

mal) (used in negative sentences) not anything; nothing: She doesnt Know diddly apout 让

did'dums /drdemz/ exclamaton, noun(BrE informal)

目 EXcla1mationm used for showing sympathy, especially in a WayWwhich is not sincere 日 IOU1 Used when addressing sb to show sympathy especially when you are notbeing sincere: Ts Diddurms OK2

diddy /drdi/ odj (BrE normal)verysmall: adiddy little caTmera gidg:eridoo /drdsari'rdu:/ novun (p/-oos ) an Australian Imusical instrument consisting of a long wooden tubE Which you blow through to produce a variety of deep SoUnds

PainfulAmaturab etc. death c [VADI] She died young. At Least they died happy C _[VN] He died a poor 7mam. 之 [V] to stop existing; to disappear: The old customms are

dying.2Hissecretdied with Pirm (=he nevertold anyone). 2The Woras died on my lips (= Istopped speaking). 3 [V] (of a machine) to stop working: The engine spIuttered and died. Mycarjustdied on me.IE be'dyingforsth/to do sth (njormal/)to want sth or wantto do sth verymuch: Ta Gying 1joraglass of water ce_Pm dying to Know what jhapperied. die a/the 'death (8 /normal to fail comPletely: The Play got terrible reviews and quickly dieda death.die in your'bed to die because you are old or il Sickdie laughing to find sth extremely funny: Imeary died laughing When shesaid thatold ,habits, traditions, etc. die 'hard Used to say that things change Very slowly to "die for (injormal 过 you think sth is to die for, yoU really want ib and would do anything to get it: She was Wearinga dress to diejor 一more at CROSSV FLYm ,SAYY die a'way to become gradually weakeror fainter and finally disappear: The sound oF their Laughter died

aWay die ' back 放 a Plant dies backi it loses its leaves

but remains alive ,die' 'down

to become gradually less

Strong,loud,noticeable, etc.: The jiarmes finalty died down. e When 轨 e applause had died dowm she Deganm Per

Speech. die 'off to die one after the other until there are ,

none left,die 'out to stopiexisting: Tis Species has Pearly died ouUtDpecause is habitatis peinig destroyed 上 日OU 了 ablock of metal with a special shape, or with a Pattern cut into it, that is used for shaping otherPpieces of Imetal Such as coins, or for making patterns on Paper or leather 了 (especially Nm 日= DICE [IE the die is cast (saying) used to saythat an event has happened or a deciSion has been made that cannotbe changed


aodj (of ametal objecb) madaby pouring liquid

metal intoaMoULD and allowing itto cool


/darmhaid; NAmE-hara/ adj stronglyopposing

change and new ideas: diehard SuUDDoFters of the exiled king diehard mouvn: A 大waiehnards are Dyirig to stop the reforrms.

diesel /dizl/ novn 1 (alsordiesel fuel diesei oil) [U]

atype ofheavy oil used as a fuel instead of PetroMgas: Q

diesel ensine (= one that burns diesel) @ diesel carsy

Iocomotiyes/tr一 airis compare PETROL 2 [cl a vehicle that uses diesel fuel: Our new caris adiesel

国iet 0

/daret/ noun, ve内

目 0OU1 了 [CU] the food that you eat and drink ITegularly: to hayve a jhealthy ,balanced diet w the JapaTtese .diet of 7Cce, Vegetables and Hish ec to Teceiye advice on dieE 2 [Cl a limited variety or amountoffood that youeatfor medical Teasons Or becatse you want to lose weight; a time when you only eat this limited variety or amount: da Iow-fab saltfree dietc diet dri训 Ks (= with fewer CALORIES than normal) CeTdecided to go on a diet (= .tolose Weightbj:pe-

Jorermy holiday 3 [sing]a~ofsth (disapproving) alarge

amount of a Testricted range of activities: CRildrem todaay are DroughtuP om a dietoftelevisiomn cartoomns amnd SOaDP OPe7a5- 基 dietary /dareteri; NMmE-teri/ ad [usually before nounj: dietaryadyicexchanges/hapbits dietary 广bre 四 .VE 册 [V] to eat less food or onlyfood ofa Particular type 迄 order to lose weight ER BE ON ADIET: She5 always dieting DuUtsShe Fneyer seemas to 1ose QTIY WeigRt


/daieteGD)/ noun a person Who is trying to lose

Weighton adiet

2 cat | di father | etem | sa: bird |:e about | Isit | isee | imany:| po got (BrE) | oz saw | Acup

| sput | mtoo

dliet.et:ics /,dare'tetrks/ noun [U] the scientific study of diiet-itian (also diet.ician) /,dare'trfn/ moun a person Whose job is to advise people on what kind of food they should eat to keep healthy

SonS terribly Untidy, my aaughterSs Po different [ogg SIMILAR 2 [only before noun] separate and individual: She offered us five different kinds of cake. 2 The Programme Was apout customs 训 different parts of the country COThey are sold 识 mamny different colours. 2 工 1ooked 让 Up 识 three different dictionaries. 了 3 [not usually before noun] (mnformalj) unusual; not like other people or things: Did you emjoy the Play27 We 让 Was certainly d 太 frentP edif:ferent'ly ady: Boys and girls may pehaye

dif.fer/'drec/ver[vIJTAandB~(from each othen | A~sfrom Btobe different from sb/sth: They hold differ ing Views. C French differs 广om English 识 this respect French amd English differintphisrespect erJaeas on childcare may difjferconsiderably betbween the parents. 了 一 (with sb)

(about/on/over sth) to disagree with sb: Thave to differ With you on that 2 Medical opinionm differs as to how to treat the disease. See AGREE, BEG

differentty e The male bird has a difjferenty Shaped head.

adifferent Kettle of fish (njorma1j) a completely different Situation or person from the one PrIeviously

本 .fer-eimcCce 证 0m /drfreans/ moun 1 [cuU~(betweenAandB) |~(insth)thewayin which two people or things are not like each other; the way in Which sb/sth has changed: There are no sigm 态cant diffe广 eces between the educatiom systems of the two countries. Hewasstudying the comPIexsimilarities amd differemnces between hurmmans and animals. C Theres no difference 训 the Fesults. @ She mnoticed a 7mmarked difference 训 雪e childrenm om hersecond yis让 CTcarmnever tell the difference (= distinguish) betweer the twinscTheresaWwortd ofdifference Detweenm Liking someome ald Ioving them. ceWhat adifferencel! Zou IooK great With your hair Like 雪at [Egg SIMI-




diet and healthy eating * dieteticadj: dietetic adyvice

2 [sing,U] ~ (in sth) (between A and B) the

amountthat sth is greaterorsmaller than sth else: Theres Pot mach difference 识 Price petweet the two ComPputers. Theres ar age djference of Six years between the boys (=


dif-fer-en-tial/,drferenf/ novn, ad @@]1OUn 了 一 人(betweenAand B)adifference in the amount; value or Size of sth, especially the difference in rates of pay for people doing different work in the same ipdustry or piofession: Wage/Day/ 识come dijferentials 2 (also ,differential 'gean 3 gear that makes 让 possible for a Vehicle's back wheels to turn at different speeds when going around corners 上四Gd. [only before noun] (ormaj) showing or depending on a difference; not equal: the differential treatmentt of Promers based on sex amd social class C differential rates ofpay

,differential 'calculus "oun [U] (maothematics) a type

one is siX years older than the other). 2 TU lend you 上 500

of mathematics that deals with quantities that change in time. Itis used to calculate a quantity at a particular mo-

and you玉 haye to find the difference (= the rest of the money that you need). C We measured 妇 e dijference 妆 temperature. 3 [G a disagreement between People: We jhave our differences, but shes still my sister e Why donmt

diffe rentiaf e'qjuatiomn ovn (mothermatics) an EQUA-

一compare INTEGRAL CALCULUS ment TION that involves FUNCTIONS (= quantities that can vary) and their rates of change dif.fer-en-ti-ate /,drferenjiert/ ve 1 ~ (between) A andB | 一A(from B)torecognize orshowthattwothings

yoUu settle your differences amd be 广 iennds again? 2 There Was a difference of opinion over Who had Wo make a, no, somey etc- difference (to/in sb/sth) tohave an effect/no effect on sb/sth: The rain didmt7make Tnuch difference to 切 egame.CYDUragesShouldmntmake any difference to Wjhether yoU get the job or mot 2 Changin8 schools made abig 本 fjferertce to ImY Le coWhat difference

are not the Same

Wi 记 让 maKke 这 he Knows ornot2cTdonttphinK 让 mmakesalot

of difference what colour 让 攻 (= 让 is not jimportant). hall we go on Friday or Saturday27 生 7makes nio difference

fto me) make allthe 'difference (to sb/sth) to have an

important effect on sbysth; to make sb feel better: A Jew Kind words at the righttirmme make all the difjference. same difference (njormal) usedto say that you think the dif-

1~(forsb)(to do sth) noteasy; needing effort or skill to do orto understand: a difficult problem/tasKkAexam ee 于 S difficultforthem to gethereinuch before seyen 2 下Srealiy diJficult to read your Writing. eYour Writing iTealy diff cultto read. C Shefinds 让 very difficult to getUP early. 只 note on next page 2 full of problems; causing a lot of trouble: to beinadifficult positiomn/situatiomn 2 MY boss 好 makingLife yery difficultforme. 13iadihicult age. 3 (of people) not easy to Please; not helpful AWKWARD: a difficult chilaAcustormerAboss 2 Domnt Pay any attenttion to jher 一She's just being diFicuLt See JOB, LIFE

ifferent from . to ,than ifferent from isthe most common structure in both

BrEand NAmE Differentto is also Used in B/E: Pou1s


yemydijferentonyio hs brother 71hi5Vsitisyemy dijerentfrormyiojasttme-

catlses PIOblemis: 成edijficulties of Eriglish SYPtax 2 cRi diren with seyere learning difficulties 2 Weve run into d 太 Ficultiesvdifficulty with the new project c He got into difficulfties Wile SWinmiming and had to pe rescued. 2 The pank tin difficultyAdifficulties. 2 下 Was Qa tme 方auSRE With difficulties and ustration, 2 [U] the state or quality ofbeing hard to do or to understand; the effort that sth involves:TPhad comnsiderable difficulty (tr persuading Per to Ieave.eThad mo dijficulty (imn) making myselfumnderstood The chamnges Were Tade Withn SUFPFISingIy Little difficulb Fe spoKe slowly and with great difficulby 2 We jund the jhouse Without difficulty co They qiscussed the difficulty of studying abroad EnYou cannot say have difficulty to

115.CYOU /ookdiJjerentthon bejore.

canalso use different from (and .

ntthan in NAIm月:She /ooked djjerentjrom (pected SS5jhe looked geremt 妇 on (wjhaob1d

dif.fer-emnt 0 /drfrant/ oa四

1T~ (from/to/than sb/sth) not the Same as Sb/sth; not like sbysth else: Ammerica7 181is有 ESigrticantty djferent 太 orm British English. c (BE) 丰 syery dijjferent t如 WPatTPm

Used to e(NAImB) He saw he Was mnO differenttphar anybody else. 6 开S different now 妇amn 让 Was Q YEGaT 080. 2 People ofterr giye yery different accounts of the 5aTme eyenE 9 My


| ar my

| ao now

| ersay

| aa go (Br6)

0-权 /drfrkelti/ movn (六 -ie

1T [Cusually pl.,,U] a Problem; a thing or situation that

InNAmEpeople alsosay different than: Your tyrajns


[V] ts dcult to

过 证-从-CU 性 om /drfikelt/ cd

ferences .between two things are not important: Thats mot Q xylophomne,its Qa 8glockenspieL” Same difference… with a 'difference (informal) (after nouns) used to show that sth is interesting or unusual: The traditional pacK一more at BURY, 一让S Waterproof pack with a difference SINKYV, SPLIT V,WORLD



differentiate betweent the two yarieties. 2 [VN] Tcamtdijjfer entiate one yariety 广om another 了 [VN] ~ sth (from sth) tobethe particuiar thing that showsthatthings or People are not the same DISTINGUISH: The males yellow beak differentiates 让 廊om thefemale. 3 [V] ~ betweenA , and B to treat people or things in a different way, especially in an unfair way DISCRIMINATE differen证ation /,drferenjfi'erfn/ own [U]

do sth: if =-3 [U] how hard sth is: yarying leyels of difficulby 2 quUestions of

训creasing difFiculty

| ou go (MAmB)

| ao boy

| re near

| ee hair

| 5e pure

二 计fidiemnt

424 |




hard *.challenging 。 demanding . taxing . testing These words all describe sth that is not easy and requires alot ofeffort or skill to do. 过 ifficult not easy; needing effort orskillto do or Understand: Jjpe exam 9uUestions were guite dizficu 信 ec 玉 65diicuwityjoryoung peopleiofindjops around here

hard not easy; needing effort or skillto do or

understand: /awaysjound /anguages quitehard at school sitwasoneoftihe hardest 妇ings1everdid

DIFFICULT OR RARDz Hard is slightly less formal than difficult ltis used

particularly in the structure jard io peheveXsayinadiake, etc, although difficult can also be used in any of these examples. chailengins (CDprovinsg) difficult in an interesting way thattests your ability:

dermanadings difficultto do ordeal with and needing 忆

lot of efforb skili or patience: /tisa techmicaljy demanaing piece ofmusicio play taxing (often Used in negative statements) difficultto do and needing alotof mental or physical effort: This Shouldntpbetoo iaxing jcyou: ftesting difficult to deal with and needing particular Strength or abilities: /twas atestimng ze pusa 人 DEMANDING,,TAXING


Demanding isthe strongest ofthese words and describes tasks and experiences. lt is often used with more or 万 oit oranadverbthat saysin what waythe activity is difficult. Taxing is used particularly in negative statements and to talkabout problems ortasks that need (or do not need) mental effort. Testing describes experiences but not tasksand is used particularly with ime, weekor Year

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 酝 difficulyhard/challenging/demanding/taxing/testing forsb 下 difficult/hard to do sth 司 a difficulVhard/challenging/demanding/taxingytesting


看 academically challenging/demanding

一(about sth) nothaving mich

SHY: Q_ diffident mmanmmer/smile w He Was miodest

ad Gifident about Pis own success 下 中 放 fidence /aens/ OUm [U]: She overcame Per mnatural Gfiaence amd SDOKe Withn great 方animess. diffidentiy adv qiffract /drfraekt/ vemb [VN] (physics) to break up a Stream of light into a series of dark and light bands or into the different colours of the sPECTRUM 多 diiffraction /drfrakjJn/ nown [U]

| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

上 jyes

hole in the ground or to move soil from one Place to another using yourhands, atooloramachine: [v] io digjor CoOa1SoldARomam rermains They aug deeper a1id deeper Dut SHE 如 und motning et 切 训K Tido some digging 访 the garden. c [VN] to dig aditchgraveXpholextunneLe (BrE) Pyve been digging the gardemi 2 [VN] to temove sth from the ground with a tool: 77 dig 5sOPme potatoes or Lunchs 3 [usually+ ady7Zprep]tosearchinsthinordar to find an objectin sth:Tadzgarourd 六 TY Dagjobra pe7. 4 [VN] (ooshioned, sjangj to approve of orlike sth Very Imuch IE dig deep (finto sth) Ttosearch 也 oroughly for ipformation: ZU meed to dig deep 总io 太 e recoras 加 Jind the jigures youU Wait 2totyrhardto Provide the money equipment, etc. that is needed: We7e GSKing yo to dig aeep jor 坊 e earthquaKke Victirms. dig your 'heeis/ toes in to refuse to do sth or to change your mind aboiit sth: They dug 六 切eir jeels and Would not Iower t态EDrice. dig (deep) in/inte your pocket(s), Savings,etc。 to spend alot ofyour own money on sth dig sb in the 'ribs to push your fmnger or your elbowinto sb Side, especially

to attract their attention dig yourseilfinto a ,hole to get

yourself into a bad situation that will be Very difficult to

getout ofdig yourown'grave

|diga'grave foryour-

seif to do sth that will have very harmful results for yoOU

,dig in (ommal) 1 iused to tell sb to start to _eat:

瑟 e有 pyourselves, eyerybpody! Dig im 2 to wait or deal with adifficult situation; with great patience: There is mothing

We ca do except dig in amnd wait dig sth'in -1 to mi

Soil with another substance by digging' the two subStances together: The 7mamure should .be iez daug in 2 to Push sth into sth else: He dusg his fork into te:steajc jgq 语

dugoutof the ayalanche alive. 2 to find sth thathas been hidden or forgotten foralong time: Jientto t态e attic amd

confidence in yourself: not wanting totalk about yourself


/drg/ verb, mou1

日 Ye dig.ging,dug,dug /dag/)1 ~ (forsth) to make a

to remove sbysth from somewhere by digging the ground around them or it: More thafi adozen People were


目 0Cdj/. /drfjius/ Tspread over a wide area: Guse Tightca Guse community 了 not clear or easy to Understand; usingalotofwords:adijfusesbyleof writing diffusely adv diffusemess noum [U] 四 VEb /drfjiu:z/ T (1jomnal) to spread sth ofrbecome Spread widelyin alldirections::[VN] The Droplem zjhow to duse DowWer Without creating anmarcjox e [V] Technologies difjfuse rapidB 也 [V VN] (iechmicah 证a gas or liquid diffuses or

二 ji 到 0-

jands deeper 识to her Pockets. idig sb/sth'out (of sth)

卓 technically difficulychallenging/demanding , 下 mentally/intellectually challenging/demanding/

dif-fuse cd ,ye履

dimpied /dmmpld/ adj: a di7mpled chinm

dimn sum/dm'sAm/ (also dimn sim

/dim 'SIzmm/) movmn [U] Space, for example the height, width or length of sth: We (from Chinese) a Chinese dish or meal consisting of small 7measUTed the dimmensiorls of the Kitchen. C COmPLter aesigm Dieces of food wrapped in sheets of poUG tools 胡 at WorK 碎 切ree dimmensionls 一see alsoTHE FOURT 理 dimmn-witte d cad (Diormaol stupid: a dimwited child DIMENSION 了 QZ [usually pl.] the size and extent of a situ> diinn-w 证7007 ation: GDroblem of comnsiderable dimenasions 3-an aspect, dim /dm/ nouvn [sing] aloud, unpleasant noise that lasts orwayof looking atorthinking about sth: Herjiobpadaeda foralongtime RACKET: The children WereTmakingan meW dimension to jher lfe. ee the social dimensiom oF aWw记 1din. LU7LeTmPDIOymzent


dlinar/dimnaD)/ nowr aunitofmoneyiniSerbia and vari-

depth 2


ous countries in the Middle Eastand N Africa

djin-dins /dumdmz/ (BrE) (NAmE din-diin /damadrmy/) moun


[U] (huwmorous) (used whentalkingtoa babyorapet food qine /damy/ vemb[V] (ormalto eat dinrier: We dinedwitn TDarents atEa7Testaurantin tomw 肛

ee depth



人2 革


dine on sthto

have aparticulartypeoffood fordinner dine 'outtoeat dinner in arestauirant or sb elseshome dine'outon sth (njormal) to tell other people about sth that has hap-

Pened to youi in order to make them interested 记 you




dr/ combining 1jorm (训

adjectives) having thenumber of dimensions mentioned: QG TULG-dirmemsiomnal model 一see also THREE-DIMENSION-


dliner /duarmeG)/ novr Ta Person eating a meal, especially in a restaurant: a restauramt capable of seating 7I00 diners 了 (especially NMAm 有 asmall, usuallycheap, restaurant: aroadside dimner

3 cat | d father | eten | s: bird | ea about | zsit | isee | imany | p got (Br6) | ozsaw | Acup

| sput | ustoo

din:ero /dimesreo; NAmE drmnero5/ noum [U] (njormah

dinner suit (8 日(also tupxcedo NAmE BFE) noUn a DIN-

NER JACKET and trousers/pants, Worn with a BOW TIE at formal occasions in the evening

ding /dm/ non; verb 至 11OUD 了 (NAm月 ablow especially one that causes slight damage to a cam etc::TgSgota ding in my rear 帮nder 2 used to represent the sound made by a bell: The [大 came to ahalt with aloud Ging 有 ver [VN] 1 tomakeasoundlike abell: The computerJUust dingsWhenTpressQa Key: 了字 (NAmE)to cause Slight damage to a car etc.:Tdinged my passenger door 3 (NAmE) to hit sb: (Jigwurative) My departmentgotdinged Dy the budSgetcuts.

dinner table "ovn (often the dinner table) [usually sing.] the table at which people are eating dinner,amn occasion When people are eating together: COnyersatiom atthe dinmner table 一coOmPpare DINING TABLE

dinner theater noun (NAmB) a restaurant whbere yoU seeaplay after yoOUL meal

dinner ijimme moun the time at which dinner is normally eaten

ding.bat /dmbaet/ noun (NAmE, slang) a stupid person dling-dong /dm don0; NAmEdamni; do2D/ novunT [U] used


lions of years ago but is now EXTINCT (= 让 Do longer exists). There were many types of dinosaur some of which

dinsghy /dmi; 'dmgi/ noun (p/-ies) 1Ta small open boat

were verylarge. 2 (disapproving) apersor or thing thatis old-fashioned and cannot change in the changing conditions of modern life

一Picture > PAGE that you sail or ROw: Q sailing dingjy


dingo /dmgao; NAmE-goo/ noun (以 -oes) a wild Austra-

dint /dumt/ movn [im by dint of sth/of doing sth (六

lian dog

7mall bymeans of sth: He succeeded by dintof hard WorK.

dingy /dmd5il adj (din-gier, din-gi-est) dark and dirty: Q

dio-cese /daiesIs/ noun (Pdio-ceses /"daresi:z/) (in the Ghristian Church) a district for which a BISHOP is responsible > diocesan /darpsIsn; NAmE-GSs-/ ad

cedingy cuUrtains/clothes 区 dgin-gi-nmess

noun [U] dining car (BrE also'restaurant car) 10Un a cOachVcar

dliode /dareud; NMAmE-oud/ noun (techmical) an electronic

on atrain in which meals are served

device 记 which the _electric current passes in one direction only, for example a SILICON CHIP

diningroom novn aroomthatis used mainly for eating

Dio-nys.iac /,dare'mrziaek/ (also Dio-mys-ian) /dara nr

meals iD

一comdining table noun a table for having meals on

zien/ adj (1jormal) 1 relating to the ancient Greek god

Dionysus 2 relating to the physical senses and the emotions,especially when they are expressed without control 一compare APOLLONIAN


dink /dmk/ noun (in TENNIS) asoft hit that rmnakes the ball landonthe groundwithoutBOUNCING muche dink Vve册


di-optre (Br (NAmEdi-opter) /darpptaGD); NAImE -7D-/

moun (physics) atnit for measturing the Power ofaLENS to REFRACT light(=make it change direction)

(also dinky) /dumki/ noun (PI jies) Unformah,

humorous) one of a couple who have a lot of money becantise both partners work and they have no children Formed from the first letters of double income, no kids'.


moun [U]

dino-saur /damasotr)/ movunT ananimalthatlived mil-

Ding-dong! No anmswer 了 (BrE injformalj) an argument oOF fight: They were having a real ding-dong om the doorstep.


/dumawea(); NAmE'dmarwer/

(NAm 日plates, dishes, etc. used for serVing a meal

to represent the sound madeby abell: Transg the doorbelL

dingy roomhotel



especially NAmE from Spamish) mmoney din-ette /darimet/ 0ouwn (especially NMAmE) a small room oOT Part ofaroom for eating meals

di-op-trics /darpptrtks; NAmE -ap-/ noun [U] (ppysics)

the _scientific study of REFRACTION (= the Way light changes direction when it goes through glass, etc.) > diop:ttric /darpptrIk; NAmE-cp-/ ad

/damkem/ adj (AustralE NMZE informal) (of an

矿youre dinKkurm, IE

dio-rama /dareradma; NMAmEalso -Taema/ noUn a model

dinky /dmki/ odj ipformaon 1T(BrE, approving) small and

di-ox-ide /darpksard; NAmE-a:ks-/ noun [u;G (chemistD)

人 ii站 .门人n 0

di-oxin /darpksm; NAmE:a:ks-/ noun a chemical used in

article or a person) real or genuine: 一See also FAIR DINKUM Petp yoU.

Tepresenting a scene with figures, especially in a museum

a substance formed by combining two atoms of OXYGEN t alsO CARand one atom ofanother chemical elemen一see

neat in an attractive way: What Q _ding Little hatl 2 (NMmE disapprovingjtoo small:T8reW UP 识 adimnKyLittle towri 坊atdidmniteven hayve ammoyie 妇eater


/dmaG)/ moun

industry and farming. Most dioxins are poisonous. DIP /di: ar 'pi/ novn [U] (computing) a System in which documents are treated as images (the abbreviation for document image Processing)

1 [U,dthemain meal ofthe dayi eaten eitherin the middle of the day or 记 the evening: ]ts Gine Jor dinner When do you hayve dinmner2? 2 What tirmne doyouserve dimPer? @ Lets ivite them to dinmner tomorrow. Co WPat Shall Wehayefordinmner tonight?cItSyourturnto COooK dirimaer CShe didnteat much dinner CTmneyer eatQDbig dinner Ta Like to take Christbmas dinner ea three-course dinner

yououtto dinmer tonight

dip /drmpy/ verb, novmn 目 ve 凡 (pp-)1 [VN] 一 sth (into sth) | ~ sth (in) to Put sth

(BrE) School dinmers (= meals

provided at school in the middle of the day) 只 note at MEAL 2 [Cl alarge formal social gathering at which dinner is eaten: The clubs amnmual dinner Wi be held om 3

DoG1. See ”PARTY 一See also ”DINNER June. IE done like a 'dinner (AUstro/E NMZP, informal) comPletely defeated

二inmer damnce moun a social event in the evening that includes aformalimeal and dancing


(B76 (alsotupcedo

NAme Br月 houn a

black or white jacket worn with aBOW TIE at formal occacompare TAILS1.(6) 一 sions in the evening


lady (B 日(US Tunch lady) 7ov1 a woman

whose job ijs to serve meals to children in schools

dinmneriparty ovn asocial event at Which asmall grouPp of people eatdinner at sb's house dinner service 100n a set ofimatching plates) dishes, etc. for serving a meal

u actual

| army

| ao now

| efsay

| sa08go (BrE

duickly into a liquid and take it out again: He dipped the BruSh into 态epaintE OPD 帮 yoUr hand 识 to See howW hot tpe Wateris RSTheFUithad beei dipped in chocolate. 之 [usually +advVprep]tp go downwards or to a lower level; to FALI: [V] The sunm dipped below the Imake sth do this Porizon. e Sales for this quarter have dipped 万om 38.7 TmiLLion to 337mmillion: e The road dipped suddenly as We apProached the town. 2 [VN] The Plane dipped it Wings. 3. [VN] (Br6 寺 you dip your HEADLIGHTS when driving a car atnight you make the light from them point down so that other drivers do not have the light in their eyes 4 [VN] when farmers dip animals, especially sheep, they put them in a bath of a liquid containing chemicals in

dip into your 'pocket order to kill insects,etc-. (informal) to spend some of your own money on sthdip a Yoeinjinto sth |dip a'toe in/into the water (npforma1j to start doing sth very carefully to see 这 让 will be successS-

dip 'into sth 1 to Put yoUT hand into a ful or not container to take sth out: She dipped into her PUTSe amd tooke out:some coins, 2 to read or watch only parts of

| oo go (Nm

| of boy

| re near

| ee hair

| se pure


428 |

departmemnt concerned with representinga countryip for-


dip-lo-matist /drplaumatrst; NAmE "ploo-/ noun (ol丰

sth:Thaye only had tirme to dip 训 to the Tepo7i 3 to take an amotnt fom moneythat you have saved: We tooK out Q 1oan 如 六切e car because We didnt wamnt io aip into our

如 shioned) = DIPLOMAT

di'pole/darmpaol; NMmE-pooly noun (phjysics)apair ofsep:


arated POLES, One positive and one negative djip-per /drpeGD)/ novn:a bird that lives mear Tivers-see also BIGDIPPER

昌IOU1 了 [C] (jpmmaj) a quick swim: Fets Sojforadip peJore breakjfast 2 [C a decreasein the amount or success of sth, usually for only a short period FALL: G Sha7 了 dip 识 profizs 3 [ 〇 a Place where a surface suddenly drops to a lower level and then rises again: Qdzp 碌 坊e road 2 Puadaqles had jprmed 况 切 e dips 44 [CU athick mixture into which pieces offood are dippedbeforebeing eaten 5 [U,C] aliquid containing a chemical into which Sheep and other animals can be dipped in _order to kill

djippy/drmpi/ ad (pormal) stupid: craZy dipso-maniac/ ,diIpseimnemijaek/ novn aperson who has a Strong desire for alcoholic drink that they cannot conALCOHOLIC trol

吉ip-sticK/drpstrx/ mounr Talong straight piece of metal

used for measuring the amount of Liquid ip a container especially the amount of oil ip an engine 之 (njonnajh a stupid person

insects on them @G [sing:] ~ into sth a quick look at sth: A Brief dip into history seryes t co7firm this yiew

了 [Cusually sing.] a quick movement of sth down and Up: He gayveadip ofhnis head. 二see alsoLUCKY DIE

"dip switch(sr (Us dimmer Switch moun a switch

Serious infectious disease of the throat that catises difficulty 记 breathing

diip-tychh/drptik/ movn (technicoha Painting, especiallya

that allows you to make the front lights on a car Point downwards

diph:theria /drfereris, NAmE -6mrie; "drp-/ moun [U] a

example the sounds /ar/ 记 pipe /parp/ or the letters ov 记 doubt compare MONOPHTHONG,TRIPHTHONG 有 diphthong:al/drfeongl; dip-; NAmmE -9o2091/ ad

Teligious one, With two wooden pamnels thatcana be closed like abook djire /daredr)/ adi. (direr diresy T [usually before noun] (Jormaj very seriotis: 且 碎g 总 dire Doyerty 有 硬re WarminSsAthreats 2 SUch action miay jave dire COTLSedUeTces.

'drip-/ vemb[VN] (phonetcs) to change avowel into aa diphthong diph-thong'ization -isation /drfopnar'zerfmn; NAmE-9o20-; ,drIp-/ nou7 [U]

qirect 0

dliph-thong/'drtoon; 'dmp-: NAmE -9o20/ 0oUn (phonetics)

a combination of two vowel souinds Or vowel letters, for

2 We7e 妆 dire meed of your heljp. e The 记 m 站 识 aie Straits (= 雇 a Very difficult situation) ard 7may go Dam TUPL 字 (BrE njprmnajverybad: The acting Was Gdire.

diph-thong-ize(BrE also -ise /dirfeonarIz; NA7mE-69:20-;

diip-lod.ocusydrplodakas; ,drpla'daukges; NAmE -Diaid-, -doUK-/ 1oun a Very large DINOSAUR Deck and tail

With a long thin

diploid/dmpiord/ ad (biology) (of a cell) containing two

complete sets of CHROMOsSOMES, one 们om each Parent 一 compare HAPLOID

dip.IJoma/drplaumae, NAmE-plou-/ noun 了 (BrE) a cotirse of study at a college or University: a two-year dipIoma COUTSe Ce Sjhe Etaking a diploma 访 Ta7iaSge7memnt studies. 之 adocument showing that youhave completed aconuise of sttudyor Partofyour education: a SP School dipioma

dlip.lo.macy/drplaumasi: NAmF -plou-/ moum [U] T the

activity of managing relations between different countries; the skillin doingthis: 识terpational Qiplomacyc Dip: IO7macyz petterthamWaPiZ skillin dealing with People in difficult Situations Without Upsetting or offending them ETACT 一see alsoSHUTTLE DIPLOMAGY

djip-lo-mat/dmlemaet/ noun

(also old-/shioned 硬 -

Jo-ma-tist a person whose job is to represent his of her

coOuUntry inia foreign country for example, in anEMBAS SY

字 aperson Who is skilled at dealing with other People

dip-lo-mat'ic /diplamaetik/


1 connected


Imanaging Telations between countries (三 DIPLOMACY): Ga diplofmatic crisizs Attemmptk are peing rnade to settle the disPute By Giplomatic imreans Cio DreaK OffA[estaplisjnrestore diplomatic relations Withn a COPD 写 having or showing skill in dealing with peoplein difficult Situations ETACTFUL: QidipIomatic asWwer 攻 dip:lomaticaliy /li/ adv:The country remaained Giplomatically isolated. Wjy dont wetake a preak for Coffee2 she susggested diplo72GtiCa1IY.

dliplo matic 'bag(8 虽 (ws 过 iplo,matic 'pouci7ou7

a container that is Used for sending official lettefs and documents between a government andiits TepresentatiVes imanothercountryandthat cannotDe opened bycustom as officers


corps 7o7

(usually_ the diplomatic

Corp [C+sing./pl.y] (2/ diplomatic corp9 all the DTPLO: MATS Who Work 雇 a particulai city of coUntry-

diplomatic immunityroun [U] Special rights given to diplomats workiig in a foreign country which mean

theycannot be arrested, taxed, etc. in that .countty

the Diplo'matic Service (especially:BrE) (NAmE usiially'ithe 'Foreign Seryice moun [singj]ithe'gove rnment


由 ddid

122f fall

| gget

| hhat

| yes


/darekt; dr; dar/ adj verb adv

“NOBODY/NOTHING IN BETWEEN 1 [usually beforesno unj] happening or done Without involving other people,, ac-

tions, etc. ip-between: They are ii direct comntact witp the Jackers. Bis death Was a direct resuLt of your actiomn. JWe are 1ooKing for sormmebody Witpm direct exXpDeriemnce of this tpe of work. c THizs 识formatiom has a direct Dearing oO7 (=itis closely connected With) the case.、 [GTINDIRECT

*JOURNEY/ROUTEZ going in the straightest line between

two Places without stopping or changing direction: 妨 e 7most direct roOUte/course Ca Girect Jligsht (= aflight that does not stop) Ce Theres a direct train to Feedk 仁 汪 Iay Stop at other stations Dtit you do nothaveto change trainsj- adirectjit(=ahitthatisacctrateandidoes Dot touch sth else first) [aiINDIRECT ”HEATMLIGHT. 3 [only before noun] Withsnothing between sth and the sotrce of the heat or light: 有 btect YOU7 cpmilda 方o郊 directsumlishEDY Usinng asumscreet


丸 [only before




tne airect

OPpPposite of what you told mme yesterday ca direct quote (= one using a persoms exact Words) ~ SAYING WHAT YOU MEAN 5 Saying 'exactly What yo mean 记 a Way that nobody can pretend not:to tnder stand: a direct amsWwerXguestiome IZ5077Jaove 癌 Setzsed to jis direct7ma7i7ier [GEDINDIRECTES Tote 计 HONEST > RELATIONSHIP G@ [only'before roun] related thirotigh par ents and children rather than brothers,Ssisters, atnts, etc.: Q direct descenidariE oF 雪e COUPDY3S 万FsEDresi denEt


* AIM 了 [VN] ~ sth to/towards sthysb | 一 sth at/agai nst

sth/sb to aim sth in apartictlar directiom 让 atapart icular Person: The 7machine directs a Dower 如 1 pearm at 态 Eap ed part of te body e 态ere are 态 Fee mai T55Ues tat We meed to directour attenfiomn to. CO Most Of his amnger 思 as 产 ected asgairlsE inse太 CTWas 坊atremiarkidirected atTTIe2 *“ CONTROL 之 [VN] to control orbeiin charge' ofisbysth: 胡 meWImamaser has beemniappointed to directtue Project CHe Was asKked to taKke coTmrmaamd and direct OPperatiorts. ”MOVIE/PLAY/MUSIC3 .to be in charge of actorsi n a Play oraflmXmovie, or musicians in an ORCHESTRA, etc:: [V] Sjie prefeis to actrather 切 am direct [VN] Te moyie was directed by Steyve7 SDielperg. CSheiiow airectka Iarge choi * SHOWTHEWAY4 [VN] 一sbltoa)totell orshow sbhow to get to Somewhere or Where'togo: Coiila yo Girect7me 如 如 estation2cAPpolice ofjicerywas dairectimng thetraj hic Dote at TAKE

| cat

上 Lieg

| mman

| 了 now

| p pen

| zired

429 directory enquiries > GIVEORDER 5 (jormal)to give anofficial orderER3I oORDER: [VN to inf] The police officers had been directed to search the building. [vthat] The judge directed that the /darektlii dr; dar/ advs co 由 mmother be giyen custody of the children. ec (BrE also) The dir.ect.iy 0 jadge directed that the mother should be givemt custody of 上 ddyv. Tinadirectline ormanner: He drove her directby to Per jhoteL e She Iooked directty at us.C Hes directyy respomthe children. 只 note at ORDER sible to the boss. Ce We hayve not been directpy affected py the @G [VN]~sthto.… (1ormal) to send a LETTER/COMMENT cuts.[aEB INDIRECTLY 2._exactlyin aparticular position: lettem etc. to a particular Place or to a particular PerSon: directiy opposite/belowA/ahead ceThey remain directpy 人 any comzplaints to the Customer SerVvices departmtent opposed to these new plans. 3 immediately: She le所 di 四 Gdv. ectly _after the show, 4 (old-foshioned, BrE) soon 了 without stopping or changing direc>“JOURNEY/ROUTE SHORTLY: TelLthem IT?Lbe there directly. tion: Wejlew directto Hong Kong.CThe 10.40 goes directto 四 CO11. (BrE) as soon as:TWent home directtyThad inished Teeds. WorK. > NOBODYIN BETWEEN 2 withonult involving other People: Tprefer to deal with him direct 500oun [U] advertisements that are sent to moun [U] (computing) the ability to get

diirect 'access

data immediately from anyDartof a comptter fle

moun [U,q the use of strikes, protests,

diirect 'action

moun [CU] (abbrDC ) an electric cur

rent that flows in one direction only 一compare ALTERNATING CURRENT direct 'debit 7o0n [ugq (BrE) an instruction to youUrT bank to allow sb else to take an amotnt of money from your account on a particular date, especially to pay bills: We pay all our pills py direct deb 让 一 coOmPpare STANDING



direct de'posit noun [U] (NAm 有)the system of paying sbs wages straight into their bank account

direct 'dialling (Br (NmEdirect 'dialing )"ovn [LU] the ability to make telephone calls withott needing to be connected by the OPERATOR: AI ouUr roorns Paye direct dialling telephomes.

iOm 忆 CC. 证 全i-

0训 /dearekfmn; dr; dar-/ moun

> WHERETO 1 [CuU]the general position aperson or thing moves or Points towards: Tom Wento 矿 训 the direction of HPome. CO She glanced 识 his directiomn 2 The aircraft Was Jing iQmnortherly direction 2 The road Was blocked 六 Doth directions. C They Pit a truck comming in the opposite directiom coHas 切 e wind chanmged direction? 2 When the Police arrived toe crowdscattered im all directiors. 2 LOst all sense of directiom (= Ididmntknow which way to go). * DEVEIOPMENT 2 [CuU] the general way in which a Person orthing develops: The exhibiion provides eyidence of Seyeral new directions 识 her Work. CT am yery Unhappy JEs omnly Qa small With the directiot the club 1 taking. iiproyermenb DUEatleastitsastep 训 theright directiom. 3 [C the general position a person OFT , WHERE FROM thing comes or develops from: SUPPort caTme 万om am Unexpected directior. C Tet us approach the SUDject 万omm a dfferentdirectiom. > PURPOSE 4 [U] a purpose; an aim: We are Iooking jor Somebody with a clear senise of directionm 2 Once againm PerIiefitlacking in directionm. > INSTRUCTIONS

瑟 [C usually plJ] istructions about how

to do sth where to go, etc.: Lets stop and asKk for directions. C Simple directions jpor assemibling the Todel are Printed om the Dox. CONTROL 6 [U] the art of managing or guiding sb/sth: AllworKwas produced by thestudents Under the direction ofjJoPpmn Wiliarns. >* FILM/MOVIE 7 [U] the instructions given by sb directing some cleyer direction and the 记7m afilm/movie: There Very Well Shot





dr-; dar/ adj, (technical

1 pioducing or Teceiving signals, Sound,etc. better 记

OneDarticular direction: a directiomral microphore/aer ial 2 connected with the direction in which sth is moving: directiomal stapiity dir.ec.-tion.less /darekfnlas; dr dar/ .ad (Jorma) without a direction Or PUIPOSe

dir.ect.ive /darektrv; dr; dar/ moun; 0df/.

上 mOUn an official instruction: The EU has 1ssUed amew Set of directives On DOLIUEOP. 上 0dj. (formalj giving instructions: They are Seekinlg Q cemtral directive role 训 matioTal enlergy DOLicy. s see

| titea

| vvan

| ww wet | zzoo

| 了 shoe

People through the posMmail

direct 'marketing

"ovn [U] the business of selling

the direct method

novn [sing.] away of learning a

Products or services directly to customers who order by Imail orbytelephone instead of going to a shop/store

etc. instead of discussion in order to get what yoU Want


direct 'maii

foreign language Using only that language and not treatingthe studyofgrammar as the mostimportant thing djir-ecEnmess /d5rektnas; dr; dar/ noun [U] the quality of being simple and clear, so that it is impossible not to Understand: Whats 太 at27sjie asKked With her USUaLdirect


diirect'object noun (grommoar) a noun, noun Phrase of

Prorioun that refers to a person or thing that is directly affected bythe action of a verb: 巩 了 met Firmt in iowmy, the t INDIRECT OBJECT 一coOmPpare Word Jirm2is tpe direct objec

/derektaGD);y ar; dar/ 7oun 证.人Cit-ONY 0站 全 T oneofa group ofseniormanagers whorun acompany: te manmnaging director C at executive/Tion-execUtiye 之 a Person director C He5 on the board of directors. whoisin charge ofaparticular activity or department in acompany, acollege, etc.: theTmnusicaldirectorca Fegiorial directoFothe directorofeducation 3 aperson in charge of afilm/movie orplaywhotells the actors and staff whatto do 一compatre ERODUCER

dir-ect-Or.ate /darekteraet; dr; dar/ noun 了 asection of a government department in charge of one particular activity: the enyironrmental directorate 了 the group of dir

ectors who runma companyIERII


diirector 'general noun (especially BrE) the head of a large organization,especially a Public organization: the Girector general of the BBC

dir.ect.Or.ial /darrek'to:riel/ adj. [only before noun] con-

nected with the position or work of a directomp especially ofa director offilms/movies: The 记7m marks herdirecto产 ial debput

Director of ,Public Prose'cutions

"oun (cbbr

DPP ) (in England and Wales) a Public official whose job is to decide whether people who are suspected of a crime should be brought to trial

则 iirectors chair movn afolding wooden chair with the

seat and back made of cloth, sides on which you can rest 一Picture 上 CHAIR your arms and crossed legs

directors cut noun aversion of a film/movie, usually

Teleasedsometime after the originalis firstshown, that is exactlyhow the director wanted it to be

dir.ect.or'ship /derektefrmp; dr; dar-; NAmE terf-/ noum

the position of a company director the period during which this is held diir-ec-tOry /derektari; dr; dar/ moun (pl-ies) 1 abook containing lists of information,usually in alphabetical order for example people's telephone numbers oO the names and addresses of businesses in a particular area: a telephone/trade directory 2 Q directory of EUropeam Trade Associations 2 a file containing a grouP of other fies or Programs in a COmPUter

diirectoryen'quiries (Br6 (NmEdiirectory as'sist-

ance or informalin-for'mastion) novn [U+sing/plv] a telephone servVice that you can Use to find out a Person's telephone number

| 5 vision

| tf chain

| d5 jam

| 9 thin

| 5this

| bsing

direct rule

430 |

direct rule ovm' [U] government of aregion by a central government, when that region has had its own govV-

ernment in the past direct'speech ovn [U] (Sromman) a speakers actual Words; the ise of these in writing: OPmly direct 5SDeecR Should go inside inyerted comy7mas: 一compare INDIRECT SPEECH, REPORTED SPEECH diirecit 'tax7moun (technical) a tax which is collected directly from the person who pays it, for example income tax 一compare INDIRECT TAX direct tax'ation 0V1 [U] 二 ijirge /ds:d5; NAmEds:rds/ noun 站 asongsungin thepast at a funeral or for a dead person 2 (0nformaj disapproving) anysong or piece ofmusic that is too slow .and sad

dliri.Silble /drmrdsabl/ ad, noun 上 0dlj. (Jormal) able tobe guided or steered:a dirigible paLLoom

国 1OU1 an AIRSHIP diri.gisimne /dmrIs5Izem/ 10uwm LU] (1jormalj) control of society and of the economy by the state > dirigiste /drT 5Ist/ Gd djirk /dsk; NAmE dqs:rk/ noun a long heavy pointed knife that was used as a weapon in Scotland in the past

全 irnmdj/dsmgdl; NMAmE'dazrmnadl/ noun (from .German) avery full wide skirt pulled in tightly atthe waist; a dress with a Skirt like this and a closely fitting top

人 iirE 0-mw /da:t; NMAmEdaxrt/ moun [U] 1 any substance that makes sth dirty for example dust, soil or mud: Bis clothes Were coyered 识 dirt Firstremoye ay grease Or dirt 方om the Surface. 了 (especially NAmE) loose earth or soil: He picked up a Phandhul of dirt and threw 让 at tem. C PacKk the dirt 放 riy round the Plants. 和 They lived 识 Q shack with a dirt hoor 只 note at SOIL 3 (Unformal) unpleasant or harmful information about sb that could be used to damage their reputation,-career, etc.: Do you haye amny dirt on themnewguy2? 4 Uniormal) = EXCREMENT: dog dirt [EU see DISHY,,TREAT V dirt bilke 5ovn a motorcycle designed for rough ground, especially for competitions dirt 'cheap cd ,ady (Unformal) very cheap: 夏 Was dirt cheap.CTSotitdirtchneap. dirt farmer own (NAmE) a farmer who has poor land and does not make much money, and who does not pay anyone else to work on the farm

shows you are annoyed with them 一more at HAND.,


日 yemb (dirties, dirtying, dirtied dirtied) [YN] to make sth dirty 旦 Qdv IE dirty great/big(B/ informal)usedtoemphasize how large sth is: WhenITtrned round he Was Pointing * UNPLEASANT/DISHONEST

3 [usually before noun] un-

Pleasant or dishonest: a dirty lie e Shes aadirty player 和 Fesagreatmamnjfordoing the dirtyjobs (= jobs which are UnPpleasantbecausetheyinvolve being dishonestor mean

to People). > COLOURS 4 [only before noun] dull: a dirty browm carPet > DRUGS 5 (NAmE slang) tising illegal drugs

FEII be a dirty 'word to be a subject or an idea that People think is bad or imnmoral: Profit is not aadirty word around here. (do sb?s) 'dirty work (to do) the unpleasant or dishonestjobs that sb else does not wantto do do the

'dirty on sb (BrE /njormal) to cheat sb who trusts youi to treat Sb badly or unfairly: Ta meyer do the dirty om ny

方iends. give sb a dirty 'Ilook to look at sb in a way that

not; the Opposite of: dishomnest c disagreeably c disadyamtage c qisappear

diis-abbil.ity /,drse'bzleti/ nouvn (P/. -ies)T [G a physical or mental condition that means you cannot use a part of yoUI body completely or easily, or that you cannot learn easjly: aQ physicalArmental disability cepeople With seyere Learning disabilites

了 [U] the state of not being able to

use apart of yotur body completely or easily; the state of not being able to learn easily: He qualifies fjor Phelp om the Srountds of disapbility. cnote at DISABLED glis-able /drs'erbl/ vem [VN] T to injure or affect sb permanently so that, for example, they cannot walk or cannot Use a part of their body: He was disabled 识 Qa car accident Ca disabling condition 了 to make sth unable to Work so thatit cannot be used: The burglars gained entry to the DuUilding after disaplimng the ala77m.

diis-albled om /drserld/ o 引 1 unable to use apart ofyour body completely or easily because of a physical condition, illness, injury, etc.; unable to learn easily: physically/rmentailly disabled c seyerely disabled ecHe was borm disabled. ecfacilities for

acat | dfather | eten | as:bird | eabout | rsit|isee|imany|pgot(BrEl




disabled people 2 the disabied moun [pl.] people who are disabled: caring for tesick, elderly and disabled

disagree.TdonithinKk 让 Wouldbetherightthingtodo. [also Vthat] 2 [V] ifstateiments or Teports disagree, they give different information Ta AGREE disa'gree with sb if sth, especially food, disagrees with you, it has abad effect on yot and makes you feel il/sick disa'gree with sth/with dcing sth tobelievethat sth is bad or wIongi to disapprove of sth: Tadisagree With violent protests,

-disabled . handicapped 下 Disabled is the most generally accepted term to refer to people with a permanent illness orinjury that makesit difficultforthem to use part of their body

Completely or easily. Handicapped is slightly old-

djis-agree:alble /,disa'gri:ebl/ adj. (大 77TC1) T not nice or

= fashioned and many people now think itis offensive. People also now preferto usethe word disability sratherthan handicap.Theexpression disabled people is often preferred tothe disabled because itsounds

more personal、



二 is- 本Eee-ImIemt

/drs'erblment/ noun_




/dise'grimaent/ noun

betweenAand Basituation where people have different opinions about sth and often argue: DisagreeTment arOse apout exactiy how to pian the Show 2 disagreement on the methodto beUusedeThereis considerable disa8greementOVer 研 e Safeby of the treatment 2 下 Was Q SOUFce of disagreeTerit DetWweem the two states CO There 1 disagreemerit aiomng archaeologists ds to the age of the SCUIPtUTe. 2 They Fave had several disagreements With 妇 eir meighbpours. [ea AGREEMENT 2 [U,G ~ between Aand Badiffer ence between two things that should be the same: The comparisomn shows comsideraple disagreeTment PetWeen theOry ad Practice.

[U] (fjormal) the

state of being disapled or the Process of becoming disabied: The insurance policy coOvers Suddem death or disaple-

dis.allow /,drsalau/ verb [VN] [often passive] to officially


refuse to accept sth because it is not valid: to disallow a claim/arm appeal The seconld goal Was disallowed.一 compare ALLOW(6)

gis-abuse /,drsabju:z/ verb [VN] ~ sb (of sth) (ormal) to tell sb that what theythink is true is, in facb not true


0m /dised'vamtrd5; NmE

dis-am:bigu:ate /,drsam'brgjuert/ verb [VN] (iechmical

-vaen-/ noun [CU] 一(ofsth) |~ (tosth) somethingthat causes Problems and tends to stop sbysth from succeeding or making PrO8gresS: a seriors/seyere/considerable disadyarntage 2 One imajor disadvarttage ofthe areais the lack ofpUDLic transWhats the Port @ There are disadyantages to he Plan

to show clearly the difference between two Or more Words, phrases, etc. which are similar in meaning

.Pear 0 王 中 加 is.




ingrate. 3 tobelostor impossibleto find


DEPRIVED: disadyaritaged grouUpsXchildrenm 人 life G seyerely disadyanttaged area Ta ADVANTAGED 品>DOte

dis.ap-Ppoint om /disapomt/ ve忆

/oum [pl.] People who

1 to make sb feel sad because sth that they hope for OFT expect to happen does not happen OF is not as good as they hoped: [VN] Her decision to cancel the comcert 褒 bound to disappoint her fons, CThate to disappointyOoU, Dut Prm just not 训 terested. C The moyie had disappointed

dis-ad-van-ta-geous /drsadvaen'ieIdzes/ 0 路~ (to/for sb) (Jormalj) causing sb to be in a Worse Situation coOmPared to other people: The deal w 记 not pe disadyamnta-

8eoUs to yOUTF coTmPany.

her (= it wasmnt as good as she had expected). C_ [V] Bis [VN] to latest novel does not disappoint [also VN that] Prevent sth that sb hopes for from becoming a reality: The


dis-af-fect-ed /drsafektrd/ odj no longer satisfied with your situation, organization, belief etc. and therefore not loyal to it: Some disafjfected 7memzbers Le to jorm a new Party 区 disaffection /drsefekjfn/ novn [U]: There are Sigrls of groWing disaffection amonSstyoter3.

meW goVernTment haQ SOo disappointed the hopes of mamny ofits SUDPorters.

人 种1i-ate-/ drsefaliert/ ver [V VN] ~ (sth) (from sth) dis-a toend the linkbetween a grouPp, a company, OF an OIgamDjization and a larger one: The Iocal clUP Ras disaffiliated 万om the Natiomnal Athletic AssOciatiomn., 氏 disaffiliation

/drsafli'erfn/ noun [U]

dis-af-forest /diseforist; NMAmE -foxr-; -far-/ vemb [VN] 三 DEFOREST


0mw /drse'gri:/ ve几

1 [V]~(with sb) (about/on/over sth) if two people dis-

agree Or One Person disagrees with another abonlt sth, they have a different opinion about it: Byven 广iends disagree SOmetimies, O Fe disagreed With his parents on moOst 态 训5S. @ Somte People disagree With this argumzent 2 NO, 工

| army

| ag now

| er say

| ao go (BrE)


ca mieyer find a pe 太 this house. They disappear as S00P asTDbuy bem. C The child disappeared 广om his hormne SOTe time after four Pdis-ap-pearance /-pIerens; NAImE -pir-/ noun [u,GQ: the disappearance of Tmarny SPecies 中 Plants and amirmals 广om our Planet Police are inyestigatSee ACT1, ing te disappearaTtce ofa yoOUng Woman. FACE 几 .

1 adj not having the things,such as education,or enough money that people need in order to SUcceed iD

atPooR 2the disadvantaged are disadvantaged

/drsepre(D; NMAmE-pIr/ ve 册 [V]

to _become impossible to _see 上 1 [often +adyVprep] VANISH: The plane disappeared Dehind Qa cloud. ”> Tisa Watched Unitil tbe train disappeared 刘 om yie 凡 VANISH: Her TieryOUSness qUICK17 QZ to stop existing disappeared onice She Was on Stage. CThe problemm WOFLLJLUSt 三sappear C Our cOUntryside 1 disappearing Qt an alarTm-

mair disadyarttage2? CTWas at adisadvantage comPared to he younger mmempbers of the teamL Co The Joct that Je didntspeak a Joreign Language PUE Fiirm at Q distitct disadyvantage. eTIhope my IacKk of experierice Wontbe to imnydisadyantage. ce The adyantages of the schemme JoroutWeighed the disadyantages. 2 MaTy children in the class disadyvamntage. SUffered seyere Social and economic EEB ADVANTAGE > dis-ad-vantage ve 履[VN]


and unfriendly

1 [ud 一 (about/on/overasto sth) | ~ (among…) | ~

Reaming ahsaphilibes. 下 上 fsomebody'sabilityto heap speakor see has been damaged but not destroyed completely they have = impaired hearing/speech/sight (or vision). They can be described asvisually/hearing impaired or partially Sighted: The museu1m 105Sspecia1jcilities 加 rindand .DambCly Sighted yisiiors.


UNPLEASANT: a disagreeable Smiell[exper

2 (of a person) rude

UNPLEASANT: Q disagreeable bad-tempered AGREEABLE > diisagreeabiy /-abli/ 0dv

得 Disabled and disability can be used with other words :totalkabouta mental condition: /mentally disabled




/drsaepormtrd/ acdlh.

一 (at/by sth) | ~ (in/with sb/sth) | ~ (to see, hear, etc.)| 一 (that.…) | 一 (not)to be…Upsetbecause sthyouhoped forhas not happened or been as good, SUccessful, etc. as yotu expected: Thney Were pitterly disappointed at the reSuIEoF the game. CTWas disappointed By the quUaliby of the I really thought 工could Wine. o Thm disappointed 识 you一 trustyou CTWwas very disappointed with myself C He Was Tm disapdisappointed to See She WaSTLE at the party Pointed (thab 让 Was 501d OUL 2 She Was disappointed mot to pe chnosen.

dis.ap-point.im吉 om /drsepomtm/ ad

not as g00d, successful, etc. as you had hoped; making you feel disappointed: adqisappointing TesuItperforrmance

| ou go (MAmB

| orboy

| re near

| ee hair

| 5e pure


432 |

7mnental disasters C Thousands died 识 轨e disaster QTatral disaster (= one that is causedbynature) 2 [GU]a Verybad situation that causes prIoblems: Zosing yOUFr job

CThe ouUtcome of the coOUFt cQse WaS disappointirng for the

Jommnily inyolyved

doesnt hayve to be such a disaster C Disaster StrucK When the wheel caTmme o 矿2 Jinaamicial disaster 和 Lettinlg herorgamize the party za recipejor disaster (= Something that js -likely to gobadly wrong). 3 [CU] (njormaj a complete failure: As ateacheFz jes adisaster CThe plays 万rst7migPt Was atotal disaste太 See WAITY

dis'ap'point'ing'ly ady: The room

Was disappointingly Small



/disaporimntmasnt/ moun

1 [u] sadness because sth has not happened:or been as good,successful,etc. as youU expected or hoped: BooK earlyjor theshow to ayoid disappointment.2 To ouUr Sreat disappoirtrmenmt 让 rairied eyery day of the 好 冯 .Hejound 让 difficult io Pide his disappointment When she didmt ar

dli'sasterareanounT aplacewhereadisasterhashappened and which mieeds special help (Unormal) a Place or situation that has a lot of problems, is a failure,oOFr is badly organized

riye. 2 [C ~ (to sb) aperson or thing that is disappoint-

djis-as'trOous /drza:stres; NAmE -Zaes-/ adj very bad,

ing: Q bitter/major disappointmrent 2 TPRat 7Pew restaurant Was a big disappointment Talways 大 ETWas Qadisappointmentto 7ny /other

harmful or Unsuccessful CATASTROPHIC,DEVASTATING: Q disastrous haryestfire[TesuLE 2 IOoWering inte广 est rates coUld Jaye disastrous comseqUefices Jor the

dis-ap:pro-ba:tion /,drsizpreberfn/ novm [U] (Jormaj)


disapProval of sb/sth that youthink is morally wrong



/drsepruvl/ noun [U]

dlis-avOw /,drsavau/ verb [VN] (jormaj to state publicly

一 (of sb/sth) afeeling thatyou donotlike an ideai an action or sbisbehaviourbecause youthinkitis bad, not suitable or going to have a bad effect on Sb else: disapproyal of his methods c to show/express disapproyal C He shooK Pis head in disapprovalL 2 She Iooked at my clothes With disapprovalL [3 APPROVAL

that you have no knowledge of sth or that you are Dot Tesponsible for sthVsb: They disayowed clairms of a SPLit 六

the partb, > disavowal/"vauael/ noun [CU] dis-bamnd /drsbaend/ vemb to stop sbysth from operating as a gIOUP; to separate Or no longer Operate as a grOUP:

[VN] They set about disbamnding the terrorist groUPpSs. C [V]

dlis.ap.PprOove 0 /iisapruv/veb[Vv]

Te cormrmmittee formaly disbpanded 训 August

(from sth/from doing sth) to stop a lawyer from working in the legal profession, especially becatise he OF she has done sth iegal


dis.be-lief /drsbrlifg :movr [ul the feeling ofnot being

showing that you do notapprove of sb/sth: adisapprov-

abletobelieve sth: Fe staredatmein disbelief Tb enioy the 7moyie you haye to Suspend your disbelief (=-Pretend to believe sth,, even if it seems very unlikely): 一compare BELIEF (3)) UNBELIEF

ing glance/tone/look [ED ApPROVING dis'ap'proving'ly adv: He IooKked disapproyingly at the row of empty Wine pottles. dis-armm /dis'dm; NAmE -arm/ verp 1 [VN] to take a Weapon Or weapons away from sb: Most of the rebels Were captured amnd disarmed. 也 [V] (of acountry or a group of peoplejto reducethe size ofan armyorto give Up Some Or all weapons, especially nuclear weapons 3 [VN] to make sb feel less angry or critical: He disarrmed her immmediately Py apologizing prohusely. 一COmPpare ARM

dis:be'lieve/disbrliv/ verp (nottusedin theProgressivVe tenses) (Jormalj) to not believe that sth is true or that sb 计 telling the truth: [VN] Wphy should Taisbelieve her story?

[also vV] ”disbelieving adj: a dispbelieving IooK/ smiile/Iaugh disbelievinglyadv disbe lieve in

sthto notbelieve that sth exists diis:burse /disba:s; NAmE "baxrs/ verb [IVN] (ormaj to

dis-arma:ment/disamaemant; NAmE-azrm-/noun [U] the fact of a country reducing the size of its armed forces or the number of weapons, especially nuclear weapons, that it has: nuclear disarrmtamtent C disarrmarment talks一





dis:arramnge /,drseremad5s/ verb [VN] [usually passive] (1jormal) to make sth untidy dlis-array /,drsarer/ movu1n [U] a state of confusion and lack of organization in a Situation or a place: The peace talKks broke UP 识 disarray 2 OUr Diamns Were throwm into

discaerdverb, noun

[VN]totake aparta

Imachine or Structure so that it is in separate pieces: We had to comzpletely disassemble the engine to find the Drob-

了 [VN] (computing) to translate sth

from computer code into a language that can be read by


3 [V] (Jormal) (of a group of people) to move

apart and go away in different directions: etded arid the crowd disassemmbled.

dlis-as'sembler /diseasembleCD)/


全isC 0 (also diskespeciallyin NAm 日/drsk/ noun

四 ye 凡 /drskazd; NAmE -kard/ 1 [VN] 一 sb/sth (as sth) to getrid of sth that you no longer want Or need: The roomm Was Littered Witp discarded newspapers. 2 He pad discaraed Pis jacKet pecatse of the Pheat 2 109%6 of 切e aata Was discardaed as Unreliable ce(Jigurative) She could now discard al1 thought of promotion. 了 [VN, V] (也 card games) to getiid of a card that you do not want 四 OU /diska:d; NAmE-kard/ aperson orthing thatisnot wanted or thrown away,'especially acard in a card game

disarrayzby her arrival


> disbursementmnou7m [U,C]: the

disbursemment ofndas C aid dispursermmeries

disc or cassette. 3 (BrE) adisk for a computer 4 (old-foshioned) = RECORD(2) 5 a structure made of CARTILAGE between the bones of the back: Hes been o太 work with a Slipped disc (= one that has moved from its correct PosSiion, causing Pain).



dis-as'Seim-ble/ dizsesembl/ verb1T

pay money to sb from alarge amount that has been col-

lected for a Purpose

Tathin fat round object: He wears an idqentity disc aroumd his meck. 也 = CD:-This recording is ayailaple on


People feel less angry or Suspicious than they were be-

fore: adisarmingsmile


dlis.bar /drsba:G)/ vemb (-r品 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb

dlis.aip.PrOov-im 名 0 /drsepruzvm/ ad

dis:armin吉 /disdimm;


mentmoum [U]

一 (ofsby/sth)tothinkthat sb/sth is not good or suitable; to not appIOVe of sb/sth: She Wantts to be am actress,DUL Per Parents disapprove. C He strongly disapproved of the

chaitges that had beeri7made.

disastrousIy ady: How could everything go

S0 disastroUsly wrong?

disc bralkemouwn [usually pl] a BRAKE that works bytwo

The coPcert

Surfaces Dressing onto a disc in the centre ofa wheel



dis-cerm/drssmn; NAmE-sarn/ verb (notused in the pro-

Program used to disassemble computer code dis.as.SO'Ci`ate /drsa'seufiert; "segs-; NAmE -SoU-/ ve呈b

gressive tenses) (jormaljl) 1Tto know recognize or Understand sth, especially sth that is notobvious DETECT: [VN] 天 羡 possiple to discern a Pumpber of GiffreriE tecF-



0m /drzazsteGD); NAmE-Zaes-/ 00U1

1 [C anunexpected event such as aVerybad accident a food or a fire, that kills a lot of people or causes a lot of



CATASTROPHE: am air disaster 人 enyirom-

| ddid

| -ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

midues im Per Work. C He discerned acertain coldmness 太 their Welcome.C [v wh-] 下坟 often diicult to discern how Widespread public SuUPportis. [alsoVvthat] 2 [VN] to see Or hear sth, but not very clearly EMAKE OUT: We could Justdiscerm the house 识 the distance. cnote at IDENTIFY

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

> discern-ible adf/. PERCEPTIBLE: There is often mo discermiple daifference between Tiyval brands. CHis face was parely discernibple in the gloom.

dis-cern:ing /drsanm; NAPmE -sarn-/ dj (approving) able to show goodjudgement aboutthe duality of sb/sth


/drssamnmaent; NAmE -sarm-/ moun


(Jorma/ 0approving) the ability to show good judgement abonut the quality of sb/sth DISCRIMINATION: Fe Shows great discerTirmerttir Pis choice of 广ierads. 量 ye 上b /dirs'tjad:d5; NAmE-tTarads/ > FROM HOSPITAL/JOB 1 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb (from sth) to give sb official permission to leave apilace or job; to make sb leave ajob: Patients Were peing discharsged 方om thne hospital too early > She had dischnarged herself agaimst 7medical adyice. C He Was discharged 万om the arrmy followingphisinjiaury CShe was discharged 廊om thepolice forcejor bad comnauct, > FROM PRISON/COURT 2 [VN] [often passive]toallowsbto leave Prison or court: He Was comditionally discharged after adrmitting the the克.

* GAS/LIQUID 3 ~ (sth) (into sth) when a gas or a liquid discharges oris discharged, or sb discharges it, itflows Somewhere: [V] The riyer is diverted through the power Statior before discharging into the sea. o [VN] The foctory Was finedfordischarging chermmicals into the Triyer >* FORCE/POWER 4 techmical) to Telease force or power: [VN] Tightning 1 caused by clouds discharging electricity. [alsoV] *DUTY S5 [VN] (formalj) to do everything that is necessary to perform and complete a particular duty: to discharge your duties/resportsibilitiesXobligations cto discharsge

adebt(=topayit) * GUN 6 [VN] (Jormalj) to fire a gun, etc, 下 0OU1 /drstfa:d5; NAmE-tfarad3/ * OF LIQUID/GAS 1 [u,G the action.of releasing a substance Such as a liquid or gas; a substance that comes out from inside somewhere:abamn on the discharge of toxic Waste 2 雪 under_ and Lightning caused by electrical discharges C masalIAVasginal discharge (= 他om the Dose/ VAGINAI)

* FROM HOSPITAL/jo8B 2 [u,G ~ (from sth) the act of ofcially allowing sb, or of telling sb, to leave somewhbere, especially sb in ahospital or the army * OFDUTY 3 [U] (Jormal/) the act of performing atask or a duty or of paying money that is owed: the discharse of debts/opbligatiorts

djis-ciple /drsarpl/ novn 1 aperson who believes in and follows the teachings of a religious or Political leader FOLLOWER: a disciple of 切eeconornistJohm Maymard Keyrtes 2 (according to the Bible) one of the people who followed Jesus Christ and his teachings when he was living on earth;, especially one of the twelve APOSTLES

dis.cip.lin.arian /,diseplrmearien; NAmE-mner-/ OUn a person who believes in using rules and punishments for controlling people: Shes ayery Strict disciplimariam




'drsapleneri/ adj),connected with the Punishment of Deople who break rules: a disciplinary jhearing (= to decideifsb has done sth wiong)CThe company 册 这pe taking discipiinary actiom against Pi77m.

dlis.cip.iine 0

/drseplm/ moun, ye几

目 1OU1 了 [U] the Practice of training People to obey rules and orders and punishing therm if they do not; the controlled pehaviour or situation that results from this training: The school has a_reputatior Jor high standards -oO discipline. @ Strict discipline 1 imposed ofL QTFTX recTUIE. 和 She Keeps good discipline 总 class. 了 [Ca method of traininpg your mind or body or of controlling your bebhaviour; an area of activity where this is necessary: ZgQa is agood

disciplineJorIearning to relaox -3 [U] the ability to control yourbehaviour or the wayyou live, Worlo etc'.: Ze neyver Set anyWhere WorKking Jor hirmself -hes Sot7mo discipline.一 See also SELF-DISCIPLINE

4 [C] an area of knowledge; a

Subject that people study or are taught especially in a University


| ttea

| vvan


四 VE 上 峭 让 [VN]~sb (for sth) to punish sb for sth they have done: The ofricers were disciplined Jor using racist Ia7guage. 了 [VN] to train sb, especially a child, to obey particular rules and control the way theybehave: a Suide to the best Ways of disciplining your child 3 一 Yourself to control the way youUbehave and make yourself do things that yoUbelieve you should do: [VN to inf] Be disciplimned Pirmselfto exercise at leasttpreetimesaweek ec [VN] Dietimng

dlis.charge verb; noun



| 到 wet | zzoo

| Tshoe

za matter of disciplining yoursel > discipiined cdj: a disciplined arTmy/teameadisciplined approach to WorK

disc jockey novn (obbr D) (also dee-jay) a peison whose job is to introduce and Play popular recorded music, on radio or television or at a club

dis-ciaim /dirsklem/ verb [VN] (formaj)) Tto state publicly that you have no knowledge of sth, or that you are not responsible for sth DENY: She disclairmed any Kmowledge of her husbamads whereabouts. C The rebels disciaimed all respomsipility for the explosion. 了 to give UP your Tight to sth,such as Property or atitle RENOUNCE

dlis:.claim-er /drsklermmae(D/ novn T (rmal) a statement in which sb says that they are not connected with or responsible for sth, or thatthey do nothave any knowledge of 让 2 (low) a statement in which a person Says officially thatthey do not claim the right to do sth

dis-close /drskleoz; NAmE-klouz/ verb 了 ~ sth (to sb)to give sb information about sth, especially sth that was PreViously secret REVEAL: [VN] The spoKkesman rehuised idisclose details of the taKkeover to te press. 2 [Vthat] The report discloses 雪 at Purmar error Was to blame fr the accdent CO [VN that] ItWwas disclosed that thwo women were being interviewed by te police. [also V wh-] 2 [VN] (加广 /mal) to allow sth that'was hidden to be seen REVEAL: The doorswung opem disclosing a long dark passage.

dis.clo-sure /disklao5aD); NAmE -loo-/ noun (F77Ta1) 1 [ultheactofmaking sth known orpublicthatwas PreViously secret Or Private REVELATION: the TieWsPapers disclosure of defence secrets 了 [C] information Dr a fact that is made known or Public that was Previously Secret OF Private REVELATION: startling qisclosures about his priyate Le

qisco /diskeo; NAmE 'drskou/ ( 凡 -os) noUn 了 (also oldJoshioned disco'theque) a club,a party,etc., Where people dance'to recorded pop music: disco music/damcing cetheyouth clup disco 了 thelights and sound equipment for Such an event

disc-og:-raphy /drskogrefi; NAmE:-kad:g-/ oun (Pdiscog-raph'ies) 1 [G all of the .music that has been Per formed, written or collected by a particular Person; a list of this music 2 [U] the study of musical recordings OF collections


(BrE also dis'colouration)


kkAlererfm/ moun 了 [U] the Process of becoming discolouted: discoloration _caused by the sun where sth has become discoloured

2 [CI a Place

dis.colour (Br (NAmE dis'colon /drskAleCD)/ verb to change colour or to make the colour of sth change, in a way that makes it look less attractive: [V] Plastic temds to

discolour withp age .SIVN] The Pipes were pegimning to TS discolouring the Water

gjis.-cOmmfit /drskaAmfrt/ verb [VN] [often passive] (literary) to make sb feel confused or embarrassed > discomnfiture /drskamfrtfea(z/ noumn [U]: He was clearly taking deTigRt in Per discom 记Eure.

dis.-com-fort /drskamfet; NAmE:fert/ moumn; ve几 上 DOUn 了 [U] afeeling of slight pain or ofbeing physically Uncomfortable: ZU Wi experience some minor discommyjort during tbe treatntent 2 _abdominal discomyfort 字 [U] a feeling of worry or embarrassment UNEASE: Johms PreseTtce CQUsSed her cotsiderable discomfort 3 [G (or /ma1) Something that makes you feel Uncomfortable OF catuses yoUu a slight feeling of pain 四 Verbp [VN] [often passive] (formalj) to make sb feel anxious or embarrassed

| 5 vision

| tfchain

| dsjam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0Dsing



dis-comi-pose /diskem'pa0z; NAmE -pouz/ verb [YN] (1jormah to disturb sb and make them feel anxious DISCONGERT, DISTURB ee discom.posure kem'paug3gaGr); NAmE-Dpou-/ nouUn [U]



/drIsken'sa:t; NAmE -sart/ ve 访 [VN] to

make sb feel anxious, confused or embarrassed DISdiscon-certTURB: His answer rather disco7lcerted her ed ddj:Twas disconcerted to find thateyeTyone else already

knew 让 dis-con-certing 0d/.: She had the disconcerting

jhabit of saying exactly wpat she thought dis-con-certingly adv

dis-conm:-nmect /diskemekt/ ve 履 阅[VN] ~sth (from sth) to remove a piece of edUipment 位om a SUDPIy of gas, water or electricity: Firsb discomnmect the boiler 三om the Water mains,2 [VN]. [usually passive] to officially stop the Supply of telephone lines;, watem electricity OF gas to abuilding: You may be discomriected 太 you do mnot Pay the biL 3 [VN] 一 sth (from sth) to separate sth from sth: The Skipjhad:pecome discomnmnected Jorm theboot 4 [VN] [Lusually passive] to break the contact between two people who are talking on the telephone: We Were suddenly discorimnected.

瑟 ~ (sb) (from sth) [often passive] to end a connection to the Internet: [VN] TIKeep getting discomnmected WherTma omline.C [V] My cormputercrashes everytimeTdiscommect 方om the nternet,、[GEg CONNECT > disconnection 7041

[u,G dis-con-nect-ed /,diskemektrd/ adj.T notrelated to or connected with the things or People around: discommected


2 TI HLt discomntected

万om the World around me. 2 (of speech or writing) with the parts not connected


in a logical order

JOINTED, INCOHERENT dis:com:so-late /drs'konselet; NAmE:kamz=/ adj. (ormal) very unhappy and disappointed


consolate4y adv dis-con-tent /drsken'tent/ (also dis'conrtent:ment /idisken'tentmaent/) moun [U;C] ~ (at/over/with sth) a feeling ofbeing unhappybecause yot arenot satisfied with a particular situation; sth that makes you have this feeling DISSATISFACTION: There z Widespread discomttent among the staff at the proposed chamnges to pay aid condi如on 一 coOmpare CONTENTMENT


/drsken'tentrd/ ad

一 (with sth) un-

happy pecause you are not satisfied with yoUIr Situation DISSATISFIED [GE -CONTENTED > discontented-

jy adv



verb Tto

stop doing,

getVgiveyoffer a discount:o discount 7rates7 Prices ^ Theyye offering a 09%6 discount on all sofas this 7momnth. They were selling eyerything ata discount (= at Teduced Prices). ca discount shop (= one that regularly sells Do yo giye ay discoumt? goods at reduced prices) ce 卓 yerb /drs'kaunt; NAImE also 'drskaunt/ [VN] 了 一 sth (as ~sth) (Jorma/j) to think or say that sth is not important or DISMISS: We cammot discount the Doss 荔 证 not true itby of 包 rther sirikes. 2 The news reports Were peing discounmted as propaganda. 2 to take an aimnount of money ER offthe usual cost of sth; to sell sth at a discount DUcE: discounmnted prices/Jfares



(also discount



moumn a shop/store that sells things very cheaply often 问 large quantities or from alimited range of goods

discoumnt rate

noun ( nance) 帮 Tthe minimum rate of

interest that banks in the US and some other countries Imust pay when they borrow money from other banks 2 the amountthat the PrIice ,of aa BILL OF EXCHANGE is reduced by when it is bought before it Teaches its full value 3 the rate at which an investment 雇creases 职 value each year

dis-coOurage /diskArrd5; NAmE-Ksr-/ ve 由

一 sth | 一

sb from doing sth to try to Prevent sth or to Prevenit sb from doing sth, especially by making it difficult to do or byshowingthatyoudomnotapprove ofit: [VN] acarmpaigm to discourage smoking amog teenagers CTIeave a Light om When Pr outto discourasge burglars. CO His Parents tried to discourage him 太 ormabeing am actor [also V-ing] 了 2 [VN] ~ sb (from doing sth) to make sb feel less confident or enthusiastic abotit doing sth DISHEARTEN: Domt be 一rry again 2 The Weathner discouraged by the first Joilure discouraged People 广om attending., [3 ENCOURAGE

discouraged 0 路[not usually before noun] DiSHEARTENED: Zearmers ca feel very discouraged 矿ar exe 产 cise is too0 吉 Jficult discouraging ad1.: a discouraging

experience/respoise/resultdiscouraging:Iy 0dv dis-cour-age-ment /drskArrd5mant; NAImE -ksT-/

houn T [U] a feeling thatyou no longer have the confdence or enthusiasm to do sth: ar atmiosphere of discou 六 agement and despair 2 [U] the action of trying to stop sth: 轨e govermnments discouragement of DOLitical Protest 3 [q athingthat discourages sb from doing sth: Despite all these discouragemmemnts, She refused to give UPD.

dis-cOuUrse 7mOun, verb 卜 1OUm /disko:s; NAmE kors/ 1 [CUNUormnah along and serious treatment or discussion of a sthbject iD Speech or Writing: Q discourse om i5SUes of gemnder amd Sexuality CeFe Was hopingjJorsome livelypoitical discourse at 雪e mmeetinS.

2 [U] (1ingwistics) the use of language 雇 Speech and WIiting in order to produce meaning; langtage that is studied, usually in order to see how the different parts of a discomtinte the treatmient after three Inonths. [also V -ing] text are connected: SPpoKkemn/Writtemn discourse C dis2 [vN] [usually passive] to stop making a product: asale of COUTFSe aalysis discomntinued cpina 四 VEerb /disko:s; NAmE-koxrs/ dis'course on/upon sth (Jormalj) to talk or give along speech about sth that dis.con:timu-ity /diskontrnju:etii NAmE -kadmntemuz/ houn (六 -ies) (Jorma) 1T[U] the state ofnot being conyouknow alotabout using or Providing sth, especially sth that yot have been doing, using or providing regularly: [VN] 龙Wwas decided to

tinuous: discomntinuity

识 the childrens education

了 [C] a

break or change in a continuous Process: Chamnges 训 80yermnimentled to discomntinuities in policy, CONTINUITY

dis-con-tinu.ous /,drsken'tmjues/ adj (rmal) not continuotis; stopping and starting again ER


dis-corgd /disko:d; NAmE-koxrd/ noun T [U] (formajh disagreement; arguing: maritaI/jformnily discord Amote of discord surfoced during the proceedin8gs. [aa CONCORD一 compare HARMONY 2 [CU] (muwsio acombination of muSical notes that do not Sound Pleasant together


/drsko:dent; NAmE-Kord/ ad T [usually

before noum] (Jormalj) not in agreement; combining with other things in a way that is strange OF Unpleasant: discordant view5 2 (of sounds) not souriding pleasant together Ga HARMONIOUS

disco:theque /drsketek/ novn (old-Joshioned) = Disco qis-COUImt


10u01) ve几

目 1OU1 /drskaont/ [CU] ~ om/off sth an amount ofmoney thatis taken off the usual cost of sth


discourse marker

moun (Sromman a word or Phrase

that organizes SPoken language into different Parts, for example “Well .or'On the other hand .…


/drskas:ties; NAmE -ksrt/ 0 中 (Jormaj

having bad manners and not showing Tespect for other




吃 note atRUDE

dlis-cOur:tesy /drsks:tesi; NAmE:-kaxrt-/ 0oUnm [U;G] (P -ies) (Jormalj) behaviour or an action that is not polite 二is-COVe


/drskAve(D) vemb

1 [VN]tohbethe first person to become aware that a particular Place or thing exists: CooKk is credited with discoyer ing Hawail c Scientists arounad the World are working to discovera cureforAIDS. 2 to find sb/sth that was hidden orthat you did not expectto find: [VN] Police discoyered a Iarge Stash of drugs wpile searchning the house. C We dis-

coyered this beach while We were Sailing around the islarad. 2 [VN -ing] He was discoyvyered hiding 识 a Shed. C [VN-ADI] She Was discoyered dead at Per hommne 识 Deeds. 3 to find out abonut sth; to find some information about sth: [VN]

acat | dfather | eten | as:bird | aabout|zrsit|isee|imany|pgot(BrE)|o5saw|-Acup

| 5 put | 下 too


TYyejust discoyered hang-gliding!c [V(that)] ItWwasashock to discoyer (that) he couldmnt read. ce[V wh-] We neyer did discoyer Why she gave UP herjob: ec [VN that] t was Iater


The computer program Was Unable to discrirmimnate betweem Letters aad PuTmmbers. C [VN] When do babies learm to discrimimnate Voices? CA mnUmzber of features discrirminate thzs

discoyered that the diaries were a 广aud. ce [VNto inf] He

Was Iater discoyvered to be seriously EGGThis Pattern is usuallytsed in the passive. 4 [VN] [often passive] to be the first Person to realize that sb is very good at singing, acting, etc. and help them to become Successful and famOUS: The singer Was discoyered while still at school > dis-

Species 万om others. 2 [V] ~ (againstsb) | ~ (in favour of sb) to treat one person or groUP worse/better than another in an Unfair way: Practices 碎at discriminate agairmst Women and 训 fovour ofmmencTisinegalto discrirminate oO SroUTads of race, SeX Or religion.

COV-er'ermoun: the discoyerer of pemicillinm

加 is.COYV-eHry 0 可 /drskAveri/ noun (P/ -ieg 1 [CuU~(ofsth) | ~(that.…) anactorthe process of




able tojudgethe good quality of sth discrimirating audierice/custormer

finding sb/sth, or learning abont sth that was not known about before: the discoyery of antipiotics in the 20th cermtry Ce The discoyery of a childs pody 总 the riyer has Shocked the commuUnit S Researchers 训 切G field hayve Tade some important new discoveries. C He saw Lie asa yOyage of discovery She Was Shocked by the discoyery that Phe had peen UPjfaithhL ec the discoyery of new talent in the art world 2 [C athing, fact or petson that is found or learned about for the firsttime: The drug zs nota mew discovemy 一 让s been Knowm about Joryears.



dis:crim-.in二iion /drskrmrnerfn/ novun 1 [uU] ~ (against sb) | ~ (in favour of sb) the Practice of treating sb or a particular grotp in society less fairly than others: age/racial/sex/sexual discrimination (= because of Sb;s age, Trace OF SeX) C discrirmination againstthe elderlty 和 discrimination ifoyvour oftheyoungec discrirmination om the grounads of race,gendem or SeXUaL orierttation 一See also POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION 了 [U] (approving) the ability to judge what is good,true etc. DISCERNMENT: He showed great discrimination 训 Pis choice of 万iends. 3 (Jormal/) [uC the ability to recognize a difference between one thing and another; a difference that is Tecognized: to learm discrimination bpetween right and Wrong eine discriminations

了iis-Ccreg证 /diskreqdrt/ verb, noun 下 ye 上 b [VN] 1 to make people stop respecting sb/sth: The Dhotos Were delibperately taken to discreditthe President ca discredited government/policy 2 to make people stop believing that sth is true; to make sth appear Unlikely to be true: These theo7ies are now Iargely discredited among Limguiss. 四 0OUm [U] (jormal) damage to sb's reputation; 10ss of respect: Violent jbotball fjons bring discredit or the tearmms

dis.crimn-in.atory /drskrmrmateri; NAmE drskrrmrmato:ri/ adj. unfair; treating sb or one grouUP of people worse than others: discrimimnatory practices/TruUles/ATmeasures Q SeXxuUalIyAracially discrirmminatory IaWs

态ey SUDDoTrL 2 Britaim to its discredib did not speak out

against 切ese atrocities. 一coOmpare CREDIT1.(7) dis-cred. 计-abie /drsKkredrtebl/ ad (fjormaol) bad and unacceptable; causing People to lose respect

dlis-cur-sive /drsks:srv; NAmE -ka:rs-/ adj. (of a style of writing or speaking) moving 人 om one point to another


dlis-cus /"drskes/ noun 1 [qq a heavy flat round object



Without any strict structure: the discursiye style of the moyel

WORD FAMILY discreet adj. ( 夭 indiscreet)

thrown in a sporting event 2 the discus [sing.] the

careful 记 what yoU Say OF do, in order to keep sth sediscretion 太 (关 indiscrecret or to _avoid causing tiom) embarrassment or difficulty for Sb TACTEFUL: He Was always yeTy discreet about his Ioyve affairs. CeZU ought to mmake a jw discreet enigUiries beforeyousigr anything. > dis.creetlyadv: She coOUSgPhed discreetiy to aiOUTLce her Dresence.

eVent or Sport of throwing a discus as far as Dossible

qiis-CUss 0 /drskas/ ve 必 1~sth (with sbj to talk about sth with sb especially 记 order to decide sth: [VN] Hayve you discussed the problemm

dis-crep-anmcy /diskrepansi/ noun (P/ -ie [CU] ~ (in sth) | ~ (between A and B) a difference between two oOT

morethingsthatshouldbethesame: Wide discrepacies 记 Prices guoted Jor the work c What are the reasons for the discreparicy between girls'amnd Doys? perforrmamnce 训 SChOoL2? 本js-Cretey/di'skri:t/ adj. (Jormalortechnicoh) independent of other things of the same type SEPARATE: The orgahtisrmms ca1a pe divided into discrete categories,、 dis-

cretelyadv discrete.ness/0Ou1m [U] dis-cre:tiomn /drskrefmn/ novun [U] 1 the freedom or

powerto decide what should be done in a particular situation: FI Ieaye 让 up toyouto Use your discretiomn c How 7nach to tell terrminaly 记 patients 六 Ieft to the discretiom of the doctor 2 care in what you say or do, in order to keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment to OFT difficultyfor sb; the quality ofbeing DISCREET: This 1 coOmFidential butT Know t弛atTcan rely on your discretion.一 compare INDISCRETION C>note at CARE


at sb?s di's-

cretionaccordingto what sb decides or wishes to do: Bail granted atthe discretion ofthe couUTE 2 There is no serVice charge amd tipping 1 atyour discretion. diiscretion is the

jbetter part of 'valour (Saying) you should avoid danger

and nottake Unnecessary fisks dis-cre.-tion.ary /drskrefeneri; NAmE -neri/ ad [usually before noun] (Jormalj) decided according to the judgeIment of a person in authority about what is necesSary ip

each patrticular situation; not decided by rules: ZpV may

be eligiple for a discretioniary 8rQanE Jor YOUT Unmiyersity

COUTSe. dis-crim.in.ate /dr'skrrmmert/ ve由 1 ~ (between A and B) | 一Afrom Btorecognizethatthereis a difference between people or things; to show a difference between DIFFERENTIATE,, DISTINGUISH: [V] People or things


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| au go (Br

With anyone? 2 Ta not prepared to discuss this on the Phone. e [V wh-] We need to discuss When We Should g0. ? [v -ing] We briefly discussed buying a second car [also VN -ing] GE 喇You cannot say 'discuss about sth': 6tsEt5sedLeBbett PH BFOBIEFLHiEH FEBGEFePtts- LOOK also at discussion. 2 to write or talk abonlt sth in detail, showing the different ideas and opinions about it: [VN] TPRis topic w 记 pe discussed at greater 1ength 识 妇e next chapter [also v wh-]

dlis-cus.siom om /diskafn/ movn [u,q 1 ~(with sb) (about/on sb/sth) the Process of discussing sby/sth; a conversation about sb/sth: a topic/suUPject for discussion 2 After colsiderable discussiom they decided to accept ouUr offer ce The plans haye been urtder discussiom (= being talked abonuit) for a year now. 2 Discussions are Still taKking Place between the two leaders. C We jhad a disCUssiom With therm about the differemnces between Britain anid the US. cnote on next page 了 ~ (of sth) aspeech OF apiece of writing that discusses many different aspects of a subject: Her articleis a discussion of the miethods Used in Tesea7C7.

dis.dain /drs'dermy/ noun, ve 几

四 MOUVnm [U,sing.] ~ (for sb/sth) the feeling that sby/sth is not good enough to deserve yoUI respect OF attention CONTEMPT: to treat Sb With disdain c a disdain Jor the 1aw 目 yerb (jpormal 了 [VN] to think that sb/sth is not good enough to deserve youI respect: She disdained his ofjfer of jhelp. 2 [vto inf] to refuse to do sth because you think that you are too important to do it: He disdained to bu to his son for adyvice.

dis-dain-ful /drs'duemfl/ ad ~ (of sb/sth) showing disdain


been disdainful of people Who

ShesSs always

Rhayenit been

to college.

> disdainfully/feli/ ady

| oo go (MAmB

| ar boy

| ro near

| ee hair

| ve pure

Q SIONED: He Was Decoming disenchanted Withn ja Job as [U]: a gowing 0041 disenchantment Iawyer setseZjJeeling of diserichnamtrmertt With hisJob





conversation 。dialogue . talk 。 consultation 。chat。 gossip discussion a detailed conversation about sth thatls considered to be important: Discussions Ore 和 儿 如 1 Place between the two leaders、 coOmyersation atalk usuallya private or informalone; involvingtwo people ora small groupi the activity of

talkinginthis way: atelephone COmyersation dialogue conversationsin abook, playor fiImn: pe moyel hasjong descriptiom angdmnotmuUch dialogue:A dialogue isalsoaformal discussiom between two groups, especiallywhen they aretryingto solvea problemior = end adispute: The Presidenttold waitngreportes there Hadpeemaconstructive dialogue': talk a conversatiom or discussion; often one abouta

problem orsth importantforthe people involved:1pad Go7 斑闸大 Witp mb055 9bpOUL7OY COreer prospec胡、 consultation aformal discussion between groups of people before a decision is made about Sth: Jpnere have been extensiye CDnsuUjtatioms betiweemrhetwoCouwniries、 chat afriendlyiniormal conversation; informal talking: The countable use of chatis especially British

English: 1jostcaled 万 有 ra chat apod the kids: gossip a conversation about other peopleand their private lives: Wejhad agood 8ossiP gbo以 the posy.

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 下 adiscussion/conversation/dialogue/consuitationychat/ gossip about sth 下 adiscussion/conversation/dialogue/consultation on sth min (close) discussionyconversation/dialogue/ consultation with sb am abrief/short/long discussion/conversationy/talk/ consultation/chat/gossip 站 to havea discussion/conversation/dialogue/talk/ consultation/chat/gossip with sb 昌 to hold a discussion/conversation/dialogue/ consultation 卓 to bring a discussion/conversation around/round to。-

/drzi:z/ noun [U,G

1 an illness affecting humans, animals or Plants,often

caused by infection: heart/Liver/Kidney etc. disease 和 Fealth mreasures to preyent the Spread of disease 2 am 态 -

fectious/contagious disease (= one that can be passed to sb very easily) 2 下 过 Pot Known WPhat CQUSes the disease., CDprotectiort against SeXUQIIY 好anismitted diseases > He SL太 Vocabulary notes on Page 大 rs 方om arare blood disease. Rl9 2 [aq (formalj) something that is Very wrong with People's attitudes, way of life or with Society: Greed 1 a disease of moderTisociety.

diis.eased /drzi:zd/ adj suffering from adisease: diseased issue C the diseased social Systemm





ve 心 V] ~

(from sth) (formal) to leave a vehicle, especially a Ship or

diisan aircraft, at the end of a journey [GE EMBARK em.barkation /drsiembd:kerfn; NAmE-bark-/ moun [U]

dis-em.bod-ied /drsmmbnpdid; NAmE-badid/ adj [usually before noun] 站 (of sounds) coming from a Person OF Place that cannot be Seen OF identified: a disembodied yoice 2 separated from the body: disemmpodied spirits


/dism'ba5alf yemb UL- , NmEI-) [VN] to

take the stomach, BowWELS and other organs out of a PerSon or animal


/dism'tfantrd; NAmE:tTant-/ adj ~

(with sb/sth) no longer feeling enthusiasm for sb/sth; not



sth is good

| ddid

| ffalh

or worth

| 9 get


| hhat


| jyes


their Tight to vote

is.en-gage /dism'gerd5/ ve 必

These are all words fora conversation about sth.

色 3aS包 0 鲁is.

/drsm'fraentfarz/ ve尼 [VN] to take

away sb?s rights,especially ENERANCHISE

荆 一(sth/sb) (from sth/

sb) |~yourself (from sb/sth) to free sb/sth from the per-

son or thing that'is holding them or it; to become free: om Rer Sleeping 50P C [VN] She gentty disengaged jerse 矿 方 to disengage the clutch (= When driving a carj Oo(jgurative) Tey Wished to disengage 坑emmiselyes 万oma 雪 ese policies. [V] We saw the booster rocKkets disenlga8e amd 如 1Linto tue Sea 2 [VVN] (tecnnicoI 寺 an army disengages or sb disengages it it stops fighting and moves away- COmPare disen-gagement 1OU1 [U] ENGAGE


/idism'tangl/ ve [VN] T ~ sth (from

sth)j to separate different argUments, ideas, etc: that have become confused: IEs not easy to disentangle the truth 万omm the official statistics. 之 一 sth/sb (from sth) to free sby/sth from sth that has become Wiapped or twisted around it or them: He fried to diseritanigle Fais 帮18e7s 方om (Jigurative) She has7JUst disentarngled herself 廊o7m Ferhair apainfulrelationship. 3 to getIid ofthe twists and knots

disease illiness .disorder .infection * condition 。ailment bug 二 These are allwordsfora medicalproblem: disease amedicat problem affecting humans animals orplants, often Caused by infection: Me suwjrersjopmia :>


/are blood disease

illness a medical problem, ora period of suffering from > 二 one: Shedlied afieralopng illness. , RS 下 DISEASE OR ILLNESSz Disease js used to talkabout more severe physical medical problems, especially those that affectthe

organs. llliness is usedtotalkabout both moresevere

and more minor medicalproblems, and those that affect

mental health: heertpkfepeyyiverines5eTeHtgHeHseGse.

Diseaseis not used abouta periodof ilness: Seefjed 人 站 GereHlenSehse6se dlisorder (/gberjommah anillnessthatcauses apart of the bodyto stop functioning correctly: grare disorder oOF theJiyeraaiaa Adisorderis generally not infectious. Disorder occurs most frequently with words relating to mental problems, for example psycjiatnic Personality mentafand egting Whenitisusedtotalkabout physical problems, 二 most often occurs with blood, boweland kidney and these are commonlyserious seVere or ra1e、 infection anillnessthatis caused by bacteria orayvirus andthataffectsone partofthe body: g 态/oot Jinfection condition a medical problem that youhavetfor along _ftime becauseitis not possibleto cure it:Q heat Comdition aiment (raiherjormahanillinessthatisnotVvery serious: chiiadhood alments bug (Unformah an infectious iness that is usually fairly mild: amastby jpug

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 于 (al bowel/heart/liver/respiratory disease/disorder/

AS condition 下 amental/psychiatric/psychologicalillnessdisorder/ condition 下 to have/sufferfrom aln) disease/ilness/disorde 以 infection/conditiony/ailment/bug 亚 to catchy/contract/get/pick up atm) disease/ilness/

二 infection/bug 昌 to Carry/pass on/spread/transmit atm) disease/illness/ 全


| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| anow

| p pen

| rred

in sth: He was sitting on the deck disentangiing a coil of rope. 一compare ENTANGLE

disequi'lilo.riumn /drs,ikwrlrbriem; ,drsiek=/ noun [U] (formal ortechnmical) aloss orlack ofbalance in asituation dlis.es.talb.lish /drsrstablrf/ verb [VN] (Jorman to end the official status of a national Church: a campaign to disestablish the Church of England P disestablish.ment moOum [U]

dis.favour (BrE) (NmEdis.favor) /drsfervaCD)/ noun [U] (ormal) the feeling that you do notlike or approve of sby sth

dlis.fig-ure /drs'frgeCD); NAmE-gjar/ vemb [VN] to spoil the appearance of a person, thing or Place: Her Joce was dis-

figuredpyalong redscar > disfig'urement moun [U,O]: Be suffered permarient disfigurementin the 万re.

dlis.gOrge /drs'go:d5; NAmE -goxrd5/ vemb [VN] (7rma) Tto pour sth out in large quantities: The Pipe disgorges SeWage into te Sea. 了 这 a vehicle or building disgorges People, they come out of it in large nuUmbers: The bus disgorged a crowd ofnoisy children.

dis.grace /dis'greis/ noun, ve 几 中 1OU0 T [U] theloss ofotherpeople's respectand approval because of the bad way sb has behaved SHAME: Per pehayviour has brouSsht disgrace on jherjfarmnigy ceThe SWim7mzer Was Sent hormme 太om the Okymzpics im disgrace. There z no disgrace 识 being poor C Sam was 训 disgrace with his parents. 勾 [Sing.]a~ (to sb/sth)aperson orthing that is so bad that People connected with them or it feel or should feel ashamed: Your hormewWwork z am apsolute disgrace. C That sort of behayviour 人 a disgrace to 名e legal Profession. C The state of our roads is a natonal disgrace. Cjltsadissrace that (= it is very wIong that) 恕ey are paid so Little. @ ye 咏[VN] 1 to behave badly in a way thatmakes you or other people feel ashamed: Tdisgraced myself py drinF碎g Jar too much c Fe had disgraced 纯e fmmipy mnarmne. 22 be disgraced to lose the respect of people, usually so that you lose a position of Power: Fe was DUDIicly dsSraced aid Sentinto exile.Cadisgraced poLiticiaryleader

dis-grace-ful /drs'grersfl/ adj. verybad or tinacceptable; that people should feel ashamed about: His pehaviour was absolutely disgracehull JEs disgraceful that rione of the Jrnily tried to help jher adisgraceful waste of money > dis.gracefully /feli/ codv

dis.grun-tled /drs'grAntld/ odj. ~ (at sb/sth) annoyed or disappointed becatse sth has happened to UPpset you: 工 Le所 jeling disgruntied at the way Ta been treated. codisSrumtied eTmPpIoyees

dlis.guise /drs'garz/ verb, noun 画 从区 [VN].1 ~ sbi(as sb/sth) to change your appearance So that people cannot Tecognize you: Te jrjacKkers Were Peayily disguised. coShe disguised jherself as a poy c They gotin disguised as Security guards. 2 tohide sth or change 站 so that it cannot be recognized CONCEAL: She Tade 7io attenptto disguise Per SUTrDFise.C 下 Was a thinly disguised attacKk on 妇e President 2 She couldmnt disguise 态 ejJact that she juncormyfortable. 只 note at HIDE 目 ]OU1 T [CU]athingthatyouwearoruseto changeyour appearance So that People do not recognize yoU: She wore glasses ad aWig as adisguise.O The star trayelled in disSuise (= wearing a disguise). c (jgwraotiive) Ayote for the TIiperal Democrats 1 justaIabour vote n disguise. 之 [U] the artofchangingyour appearance so thatpeople do not Iecognize yoU: He 1 amaster of disguise, [ET see BLESS-




om /drsgAsttd/ ad

~ (at/by/with sb/sth/yourself) feeling or showing disgust:TWas disgusted atDby the Sight CC He was disgusted to See SUCR awHLLiving conditions. COTWas disgusted with myself foreating so much disgust'ed-ly ady :his chamDasgne 6 WarTn儿 he said disgustedly.



/drs'gAstIm/ ad

了 extremely Unpleasant REVOLTING: The Kitchnemn Was 识 Qdisgustintg state When she Le所 CeWhata disgusting

Smelll 了 Unacceptable and shocking DESPICABLE, OUTRAGEOUS: IT thinKk 让 S disgUsting 妇 at they7e ciosing e iocal hospitial c His Ianguage 1 disgusting (= he Uses alot ofoffensive words).

disgusting revolting 。 foul 。 nauseating


* offensive 。gross 。

These words alfdescribe sth, peaaly asmelltaste or habit,thatis extremely unpleasant and often makesyou feel slighitly 训: :

disgusting extremely unpleasant and making you feel slighitly ill: Whot ao qisgusting smel1 revyolting extremely unpleasant and making you feel slightly i必 The stewiooked /evoling

DisGUSTING OR REVOLTING? _Both ofthese words are Used to describe things that smellandtaste unpleasant, unpleasant personal habits and people, who have them. There is no real difference in meaning, but disgusting is more frequent, especially in spoken English. ou dirty, and tasting or , bad : she could smell his Jou1 bpreath. s repulsive (0坊 erjorma1 extremely, un 由 in a waythat offendsyou or makes youfeef slighlyill Gaag Repuisive usually describes people,theirbehaviouror

-habits which you may find offensive for physical Or moral reasons. offensive (orma1 Unpleasant:


of smell extremely

Sross (injormal (ofasmell taste Or mn extremely unpleasant' nauseating making you feelthat you we 动emnGUseatng smelloFpurningjesh

habit to em

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 男 disgusting/revolting/repulsive/offensive to sb

上 tofind sb/sth Cguninereuns repulsive/ offensive/nauseating 下 to smellMtaste dingirevotting fourenulsive gr0Ss 是 an) disgusting/revolting/foulyrepulsive/offensive/ gross/nauseating smell/taste/habit [ SEEUingieveltngieu eeuswve aiensve gras behaviour 下 adisgusting/revalting/repulsive man/womarn/person 上 absolutely/pretty ESogsue ve gross/nauseating

ING diis. SuUst 0

/drs'gAst/ noum, ve/

目 IOU1SUj ~ (at/with sth) | 一 (for sb) astrong feeling of dislike or disapproval for sb/sth that you feel is Unacceptable, or for sth that looks, smells, etc. Unpleasant: She ex Pressed jher disgust at he prograTime DY Writing a Letter of

complaint C Theideai11s me with disgsust CTcar only 思 el disgustjJor these crimlinals. C He walked away 训 disgust Much to my disgustb 纺ey refiused to help. 2 She wrinkled jhermose im disgust at 妨e smme 了L 日 VE 此 [VN] if sth disgusts you; it makes you feel shocked and almostill/sick because it is so Unpleasant: The IeveL of



碎 雪 eim really disgusted me.

中 ttea

| vvyan

| w wet | 2zoo

| Jshoe

djis.gust'ing.1y /drs'gAstmli/ ady T (Sometimes humor OUs) extremely (in awaythat other People feeljealous of): Be IooKked disgustingly healthy When he got bacKk 方om the Baharmnas. 2 in adisgusting way: disgustimgly dirty


om /drf/ movm yerb

目 0OUn 了 [Gaflatshallowcontainer for cooking foodin or Serving 让 ffrom: a glass dish cean oyenproof dishn eca pa inSAserying dish e They helped themselyes 廊oma Iarge dishn of pasta. 2 fthe dishes [pl.] the plates, bowls, cups, etc, thathavebeenlsed fora mealand need to be washed: TU do the dishes (= wash them). 3 [G food prepared in a

| 5vision

| tchain

| ds5jam

| ethin

-| 5this

| Dasing

ith sb/sth) disdis.iLIu-sioned /drsrlu:sndj ad 一 (by/wed or the idea



appointed because the Person yoOU admir Seems Without you believed to be good and true DOW usiomned DISENCHANTED: 工 S00m DecaTme disill value With thejopb.

ariarfish dishn Particular way as Part of ameal: dyeget 7ecomymeTad TRis mnakes am excelienthotmiain dish. Tcam See also SIDE:DISH 4 [C] any. . the chefs dish of the day一 一see dish object that is shaped like a dish orbowl: asoap ly attractiVe alsoSATEILITE DIsH 5 [C] (Informaha sexual person: What a dishl tell people Verb IE dish the 'dirt (on sb) (informal)to ecially about unkind or unpleasant things about sb,esp to ciiticize their Private life ,dishn 让 out (disapproving) jhe realty cartt other Deople: He emjoys dishing 让 oub Dut people). take 让 (= cannot acCcept criticism from other

(also dis:i1udis. 让Lu-sion-memnt )disrlu:5ament/ ofbeing disilluSiomn) noun [Using] 一(with sth) the state read disDISENCHANTMENT: There 三 Widesp sioned iusiomnmentyWith the PresenESOVeTTITLeT


[sing,U] (加 广 dis.in:clin.ation /disrmkimerfn/ novn of enthusiasm alack sth; do to s ngnes willi malj) alack of on to return to te for sth: There Was agenteral disinclinati ofFice after Iunch.

a dish sthe'out 1 (pformal)to give sthy often to

ouUtIea广 lotofpeople or in large amounts: Students dished adyice,eyem 1ets to passers-by. 2 Shes alWays dishing OU 之 to SerVe food onto Plates for a When you dontWwant 让 ,dish .up | meal: Ca you dish out the potatoes, Please?

noun] ~ (to dis:in.clined /,dismklamd/ ad [not before He Was do sth) (Jrma1n not willing

sth Using a dis:in.fect /dismfekt/ verb [VN] 1Tto clean e/rooTm/ nce that kills bacteria: to disinfecta SUTfoc

is not 'up sth to offer sth to sb, especially sth that good dis.ha:bille /,dzsebil1; -biz ad 三 DES-HA-BILIE

substa Tid of acomWound 2 to run a compnuter program to get

puter virus

-hazrm-/ noun [U] dis.har.momny /drshammaeni NAmE things, (Jormal) a lack of agreement about impotrtant

foermm-/ noun disinforma-tion /drsmfemerfn; NAmE , especially [u] false information that is given deliberately


by government organizations

[not usually before dis-in.genu'Ous /drsm'dsenjues/ adj. ouPretend to noun] (Jormal)notsincere, especiallywheny be disinmknowless about sth than you really do: 下 Would



disheartened Dorit let this defeat dishearten yOU 区 ng AhazxtnI; rten'i dishea team rtened disheda adj: Q

hre INHERIT(IT) compa 一 Droperty after yOUT deat

to help sb to dis-in.hilbit /,drzsm'hrbrt人ye 尼 [VN] (Jormal) eir feelstop feeling shy so thatthey can relax and showth [LU] ings > disin.hib.ition /dismhrbrfmn/ noun break into dis.in.te.grate /dismtrgrett/ vemb [V] Tito

0m /drspnist, NAmE-am-/ q 坟

of dishonest riothonest; intending to trick People: Beware

disintesmall parts of pieces and be destroyed: The plane strong grated as 让 je1Linto the Sea. 2 tobecome much less EALL APART: or united and be gradually destroyed disimThe authority of the centralgoyerTirment WQ5S Tapidly [和 own n/ rgrerf /drsat ion e:grat disint tegrating:_ > 间 yalues the gradual disintegration of tradition

and 让 WOouUld traders in the tourist areas. CT doni Like hirm

ONEST De dishonest of me to pretend otherWise.,[GD

P dis-hon'est-lyadv dishon'esty "oun [U] dis.hon.Our (Br 日(NAmE dis.honon) /drsDpnaGoD); NAmE -amn-/ noOuUn, VE 册

YOU 目 mOUD [U] (Jorma1j) aloss ofhonour or TesPect becatuse table unaccep or immoral sth done have

l Titodig dis-in-ter /,drsm'ts:aD)/ vemb (-rm LVN] (1Jorma IN-

Tespect of 上 ve 贱 [VN] (Jormal) 1 to make sby/sth lose the hooL ofthesc e themnam ured dishono have You other people:

[GDg UP sth, especially a dead bodyi:from the ground or TER 也 一 sth (from sth) tofind sththathas beenhidden lostfor alongtime

: He had dis2 torefuseto keep an agreemenDtor Promise HONOUR Honoured nearty all of his electior pledges,[aED

disin:terest /dsmtrast -trest/ noun [U] 了

/drsdis.hon.our-alble (8/5 NAmE dis-hon-orabt le) immoral


(NAmB) a bowl for Washing

-trestrd/ :qd TDot

notinterested cnote at INTERESTED

多 disin'terested-

lyadv s) to dis:in:vest/drsmvestjverb [V] ~ (from sth) (busines

dish.ra 名/drfraeg/ nouUn (NAmB = DISHCLOTH

WEL dish.towel/'drftauel/ "oun (NAmE) = TEATO

, stop investing money in a COmPany, industry or coOUntITY

-/ nmOUH dish.wash.er /dfwpjeaD); NAmE wd; toWo Ioad/stacK 1 amachineforwWashing Plates, cuUps, etc.:

to reduce the amount of money invested

WUinance) dis'in vest-iment /idism'vestment/ noUn [U] that yoU the piocess of reducing the amount of money

态 e dishwasher 2 aperson whose job is to Wash Plates, etc., fof example in a ITestaurant

have investedinaparticular company, industry, etc.

that sb has dish.water /drJwarteCD)/ noUn [U] water ad ised to wash dirty Plates, etc. [ER See DULL

or dedis.joint.ed /drsdomtrd/ adj. not communicated scribed in aclear orlogical way; not connected

(old-joshioned nj dishy /di ad (dish'ier dishi.esb ally attractiVe

1nalj, especially BrE) (of a person) Physic belief dis:il.lu.sionm /disrlu:s5n/ verb [VN] to destroy sb's bzLt in or good opinion of sb/sth: Thate to disillusiomn yOL

sicat | 上 father | e ten | ss bird | s about [rsit |


getinfluenced byPpersonal feelings, or by the chance of IMPARTIAL; ting some advantage for yourself ctaOBJECTIVE, UNBIASED; Q disinterested olIooKer/spe al tor e Heradyice appeared to be disiniterested. 之 (inform

[Egg HONOURABLE “ 基 dishon.ourably behaviour), /narebli/ adv


一 (in sth)

d his lack of intetest: His total disinterest in TOney Duzzle Jormily 2 the fact ofnotbeing 雇volved in sth

nerebl; NAmE-am-/ adj. not deserVing IeSPec e of Per or unacceptable: 丰 Would have been dishonourabl nouraple Mot to Keep her promise. C He Was Siyen Q dishom ble discharge (= an ordertoleave the army forunaccepta

也 disiflusionnoun

disingenuously 0dy

t sb, espedis:in.herit /,drsm'herrt/ verb [VN] to Preven IOoney Or ciallyyour son or daughter, 位om receiving youUL

(NAmE usually dish.ev.elled /drfevld/ (especially BrE) l apPeardish.ev'eled) adj. (ofhair, clothes or Sb's genera UNKEMPT: He looKked ftired and ance) veIy Untidy disheyelled.

mot eyeryome 这 as homnest QSYOU

re of me to claim 工 had meyer seen 让 一compa


NAmEhart-/ adj: adisheartening experience

dish.-pamn /drfpaen/ noun Plates; etc. ip

[u,q a substance

that disinfects: a sirong Smiell of disinfectant

usually dishdish.cloth /drfklob; NAmE lo:6/ (NAmE rag) 00Um a cloth for washing dishes / verb [VN] to dis.heart.en /drshartn,; NAmE -hazrtn


disinfection'oun [U]

dis:in.fect:ant /dism'fektent/ 0

groups of Which causes bad feelings between People or [9 HARPeople: maritaLXracial/social disharmory

sb lose hope of confidence


she saidstrongly disinclined to believe anything that

,dish ,dish sthe"up to SerVe food onto Plates for a meal Very


[Ga a thing that

/drsm'sentrv/ oun

TIVE makes sb less willing to do sth [GE INCEN




dis.junc'tion /dis'dzAnkfn/ (alsoJessjrequvent disjunc-

ture /drs'd5An0ktfeG)/) noum 一 (between A and B) (加六 malh a difference between two things that you would expecttobe in agreement With each other

日 oz saw | A eup ls put | utoo see fiamany | bo got (Br |

二 iskK om /drskj noun 1 (especallyNAmE) =-DIsc: Red blood cells are roughly the



Shape of a disk. 2 (also maginetic 'disk) (computing) a device for storing information on acomputen with a MAGNETIC Surface that records information _received in electronic form 一see also FLOPPY DISK, HARD DISK

tarians are mo Ionger qismissed as cramks, O He dismissed the opiniom polls as worthless. Ce The SUSgSestion Should mot be disTmissed out of hamnd (= without thinking about it):

disk drive novn adevicethatpasses databetween adisk

之 一sth (from sth)toputthoughts or feelings out ofyour

andthe memory of a comptiter or from one disk or compnuter to another 一picture 字 PAGE R4

disk'ette /disKet/ noun = FLOPPY DISK dis.iilke 0

/jdrslark/ verb, noun

昌 Yeb (rather 加 rmalj) to not like sbysth: [VN] Wpy do yov aislike Pirm So ImUCR2 C He disliked 让 when she behaved padly 妆 广ont ofhis mother c[V -ing]Tdislike being away 万om TYJormnib 2 Much as she disliked going to 包 mnerals (= although she did notlikeit at all), she knew she had to De there. C [VN -ing] Be disliked Per staying away 万om jhorme. cnote at HATE [Ga LIKE 昌 0OUn 1 [U,sing.] ~ (of/for sb/sth) a feeling of notliking Sbysth: He did nrottry to hide his dislike of his poss. 2 She took ar instant disIike to the house and 妇e meighpbou广 Pood. 了 [Cusually pl 同 athing that you do not like: ye toldayou all ny Likes amd disIikes,


/drslekert; NAmE Jouk-; drsloo-/ verb [VN]

Tto put a bone out of its normal position in a joint: He dislocated his Shoulaer 训 the accident Cadislocated finger 了 to stop a System, Plan etc. ffom working or continuing

in the normal way

DISRUPT > _dislocation /,drsla-

erfn; NAmE-Joo-/ noun [CU]: adisIocation of the shouLdaer These policies could cause seyere economic:aTad social dislocatiom.


/drslod5;, NAmE :lad:ds/ verb [vN] 1 ~ sth

(from sthj to force or knock sth out of its position: The Wind disIodged one or two tiles 太 om the roof 了 2~ sb (from sth) to force sb to leave a place,position or job: TPRe repels haye so jrjJoiled to dislodge 纺 ePresidaent

dis:loyal 1dis'l5iel/ odj ~ (to sb/sth) not loyal or faithful to YOUI friends, family,country,etc.: He Was accused of

peing disloyal to te goyerrnrment > disloyalty /-1orelti/ moun [U]


mind: Disrmissing her jars,sjhe climbea higher

Tnissed her 广om jhis mind. 3 Iemove sb from their job

T causing or showing sadness

GLOOMY,MISERABLE: dismal comditiomsASUTrroUPnd态gSs/weatpher 了 (njformal) not skilful or successful; of Very low quality: The singer gaye Qa disrmal perforrmarce of SOTme 01d So0n8gs. C Their recent attempt to increase sales has Beemradisrmaljailure. dismally /imali/ advy:Ttriedmnot to Iaugh putjailed dismaly (= was completely Unstccessfoal),

dis-manstle /dismaentl ve [IVN] Titotake apartamachine or Structure so that it is in separate Dieces: Thad to dismarttle 妇e engine 训 order to repair 让 The steel mi Was dismamtied piece bypiece. 2 toend an organization OF System gradually in an organized way: The goyvermmment Was 识 the process of dismamtling te state-owmed industries. > dis.mantling_noun [U] djis-may /dismer/ noum, yerb 目 IOU1 [U] a worried, sad feeling after you have received an Unpleasant SUrprise: She could mot hide jher dismay Qt 碎eresu 丰 2He looked at her in dismay co To her dismay Per mame Was not om 如 elist 2 The neWs has beemn greeted Withn dismay py Iocal pusiniess Jeaders. 四 Vejb [VN] to make sb feel shocked and- disappointed:

Their reaction dismayed hirm. sth) | ~ to find, Chamge in his olad dis7mmayed silence. Jerry had already



adj ~ (at/by

hear see, etc.: He Was dismayed at the 方iend. The Suggestion Was greeted py a 2 They Were dismayed to 万nd that tphe 1e克 .

/dismemba)/ ye 履[VN] Tto eutortear

the deadbodyofaperson oran animalinto Pieces 了忆 (加 广 /mal to divide acountry, an organization, etc. into smaller parts > dismem:berment 7mouv7j [U]

FIRE, SACK: She clIairms she

Was Unjfairly daismissed 太 om her post 4 to send Sb away or allow them to leave: At TI2 ofclock theiclass Was dis7nissed. 5 (low) to saythat atrial orlegal case should not continue, Usually becatse there is not enough evidence: The case Was Bismissed 6 (in CRICKET) to end the INNINGS ofaplayer orteam

dis-missal /drsmarsl/ moun T [u,c] the act of dismissing Sb 们om their job; an example of this: Fe s6ll Rhopes to win Pis claimmagaimst LUTfair dismissalL The dismissals 刀11owWed the resignatiot of the chairmam 2 [U] the failure to consider sth as important: Her casual dismissal of the

纪 reats seemed irrespomsible. 3 [U,C] (low) the act of not allowing atrial or legal case to continue, usually becatuse there is not enough evidence; the dismmissal of the appeal 4 [u,C] the act of sending sb away or allowing them to leave 5 [U,C] (in cRICKET) the end of the INNINGS of a Player orteam

dis.mis.sive /drsmisrv/ odj ~ (of sb/sth) showing that you do not believe a Person or thing to be important or Worth considering DISDAINEFUL: Q dismissive ges-

tureXtonee dismissiveiy ady: to shrug/Waye dismis-


dis.mount /drsmaunt/ ve 凡 [V] ~ (from sth) to getoffa horse, bicycle or motorcycle [aa MOUNT


/drzniland/ noun_ [usually sing.] a place

that is full of interesting or exciting things: Some AmeT

ca1ls See Oxford as airitellectual Disneyland. [NI From DisneylandrM, the name ofaUS amusementparkin Californiabased on the characters in thefilms/moviesofWalt Disney-.

disobedi:ence /drzzmasl/ ad

He dis-

一 sb (from sth) to officially

/,drsabi:disens/ novn [U] failure:or re-

fusal to obey 一see also CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE [aa OBEDIENCE


/disabizdqient/ adi failing or refusing to

obey: Q disobedientchild [ea OBEDIENT

dlisobey /drsaber verb to refuse to do what a person, law, Order etc. tells you to do to refuse to obey: [VN] Ere Was PUTishea for disobeying orders. [also V] [GD OBEY

dis-obli`ging /,drseblard5m/ ad/ deliberately not helpful: adisopliging rmamrmer

dis-order /dis'o:deaD); NAmE:oxrd/ novnT


state; alack of order or organization: Fis 万na7macial affairs Were 妇 complete disorder CThe room Was in astate of disorder [ca ORDER 2 [U] Violent behaviour of large groups of people: am'outbreak of rioting and PUPlic disorder 一compare'ORDER(3) 3 [GU] anillness that causes apart ofthe bodyto'stop functioning correctly:azplood DowWwel etc. disorderceating disordersc He was sujfering 万om some for ofpsychiatric disorder 只 note at DISEASE


/drs'o:aesd; NmE:omrdard/ ad


alack of order or control:disordered hair ea disordered state [ED ORDERED 2.(techmical) suffering ffom amental Or physical disorder: emotiomnally daisordered childrem

dis.order:1y /dis'ozdali; NMAmE-oxrderli/ adj [usually before noun] (Jormal) 1 (of people or behaviour) showing lack of control; Publicly violent or noisy: disorderty comdaucto They Were arTrested for being drurtk amd disorderly. 2 untidy: mnewspapers 记 Qa disorderty pile by the door [3 ORDERLY

disorderly house

noun (/ow){(old wse) a BRoTHEL (=

Place where people pay to have seX)

dis-miss oem /drs'mrs/ vemb [VN] 1T ~sb/sth (as sth) to decide that sb/sth is not important

dis.or.gSamn'ized (BrE also-ised) /drs'o:genarzd; NAmE

and not worth thinking or talking about WAVE ASIDE:T 太inK We ca safely dismiss their Objectiofnls. C VE8E-

badly Planned; notiable to Plan or organize well: 丰 wWasQa hectic disorganized Weekend. 2 Shes SoO disorganized.


| army

| aunow

| ersay

-org-/ (also less Jrequent unm'or'gan'ized

| sugo(B/ 日 |: ou go(MmB

外 orboy

| renear

| ee hair

,-ised) adl.

| 5e pure



P disorgan'ization,

/drs5:ganar'zeIfn; NAmE -organa'Z-/ OU


dis.pen-sation /dispen'sern/ moun 1T [CU special do sth





/disorriontert/ (BrE) (also disorient-

o /dis'oxrient/, NAm 户 BrE)ve 必[VN]1 tomakesb Unablet go: The recognize Where they are oOT where they should condarkness had disorientated Jim 了 to make Sb feel n to fused: Pcsoldiers can De disorientated by the trarsiom

civiliari 1i 扎. 一compare ORIENT


外 disorientated

disoriented) aodj:She Jelt Shocked and totally disoriem-

iated disorientation /drso:rien'terfn/ moun [U] dis.owm /diseun; NAmE -oun/ vemb [VN] to decide that

e youno longer want to be connected with or ITesponsibl Qa jo广 for sbysth: Her formily disowned her Jor marrying eigrteF

dis.par:age /drspaerId5/ verb [VN] (Jormalj) to suggest

BELITTLE: 了 包 atsby/sth is notimportant or valltable donmnitt 而ean to disparage YOUT achievements, edispar-

Teagement houn [U] disparaging 0d/.: disparagirgof hzs marks disparagingly adv: He spoKke disparagingby colleagues.

dis.parate /disparat/ adj (Jormal)) T made up of Parts

a disor people that are Very different 人om each other: so Parate group of individuals 2 (of two or more things) d different from each other that they cannot be compare or canfiot Work together

1) adifdis:par:ity /dispaereti/ noun [u,C] (pl-ies)(Jorma treatment: ference, especially one connected with Unfair te wide disparity between rich and Poor



adj (approving)


IMPARTIAL: taKing Qa calm, influenced by emotion 0bse 广 dispassionate View of the Situation Ca dispassionate

yer e dispassionately adv

diis:patch (BEalso des'patch) /drspaetf/ verb, noun 上 yerb [VN]T

一 sb/sth to…) (Jormoal)to send sb/sth some-

Where, especially for a special PUTPose: ITroops Jayve beem dispatched to the ared CA coUrier WaS dispatched to collect the documenits. 了2 一 sth (to sb/sth) (formaj) to send a leted ter, Package or mesSage somewhere: Goods are dispatch Withipn 2 也 Jiours of your order reaching US 3 (Jormall to deal or finish with sbysth quickly and completely: He dispatched the younger Player i训 straight Set 4 (oldjshioned) to kill aperson or an animal @ moun 1 [U] (1jormalj) the act of sending Sb/sth SomeWhere: More food supplies are ready jr imrmediate disFatch.、 了 [C] a message OF Ieport Sent quickly from one military officer to another Or between 8gOVernment Oo条cials 3 [Careport Sent to a neWSpapeT by a journalist WwWho is working in a foreign country: dispatches 方om te

War zone [IE with di'spatch (1jormal) quickly and e 疆 ciently

dispatch box (also de'spatch box) (both BO) noun

1 [cq acontainer for carrying official documents 也 the Dispatch Box [sing]aboxonatable inthe centre of the House of Comrmons in the Biitish parliament which minjsters stand nextto when they speak

dlis:patch:er /drspztfeaD)/ moun 全 (NAmB) a Person Whose job is to see that trains,buses, planes,etc. leave ontime 2 aperson whose job is to send emergency Ve-

hicles to where they are needed

(both BI 肠 di'spatch rider (also de'spatch rider) nouwn

a person Whose job is to carIy mesSa8geS OFT packages by motorcycle

dlis.pel /drspel/ ve 彤UL-) [VN] to make sth, especially a feelingorbelieft go awayor disappear': 了isSpeech dispelled any 帮 ars about his health

dis-pens:able /drspensebl/ adj. [not usually before noun]

not necessary; that can be got Tid of: They IOooKed om mLSIC and art 1ess0ns as disperi5able、[GED ESSENTIAL,INDISPENSABLE

dis.pens:ary /dispenseri/ noun (Pl -ies)1 aplace in a hospital,:shopVstore, etc Where medicines are PrIepared (old-j6shioned) a Place Where Patients are for patients treated, especially one run by a charity


:| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hnhat

| j yes

to permission; especially fronma a religious leadenm a sDecial thatis notusually allowed or legal: She meeded gaye hirm body ruling sports Te remaTTyY tiortto Gspenisa 2 [U] 三Spensatior to coTmipete 访 Pational competitions ly by (Jorma1j the act or ProcesS of providing sth, especial (techmico) Sbin authority: the dispensation ofjustice 3 [q

acouUntry at apolitical or religious System thatoperates 记

aparticular time sb) to give OU dis-pense /drspens/ verb[IVN]T 一 sth (to ofdrinks amd QTraT1Se es dispers e machin The sth to people: allya snacks. 了 一 sth (to sb) (Jormalj) to Provide sth, esSpeci 万ee health service, for People: The orgamizatiom dispenses to precare to the poor e to disperse jstice/ adyice 3 dispense pare medicine and give 让 to people, as a job: to spensaDrescriptionC(BrE)to dispense 7medicinre(BrE)adi

di'spense with sb/sth to stop Using


DO sbysth becatise you no longer need them or 让 h aLAWAY WITH: Depit cards dispense With the meed forcas es (三 together CTthink We ca dispertse With theformaliti speak openly and naturally to each otheT).

dis:penms.er /drspenseG)/ noun a Iachine OF CODntainer holding -money, drinks,paper towels,etc. thatyou can obtain quickly, for example by pulling a handle or Dressing buttons: aisoap dispenser 一 See alsoO





moum (BrE) = CHEMIST(1)



ss =--

soap dispenser

tape dispenser

NAmEdrsps:rsl/ nopm.[U,G]

(jormaj) the process of sending sb/sth in different directions; the Process ofspreading sth Over a Wide area: Police trained in crowd dispersal e the dispersaL of seeds

dis.Pperse /drsps:s; NAmEdrspars/ ve 山T tomove apat

and go away in different directions; to make sb/sth do this: [v] The Jog began to disperse. 2 The crowd dispersed duickly 2 [VN] Police dispersed the protesters With tear 8a52to spread or to make sth Spread Over a wide area SCATTER: [VN] The Seeds are dispersed by the Wind[alsoV]

dis:persion /drsps:fn; NAmEdr'spaxr3n/ noUn [U] (techmicaj the Process by which people

things_are Spread

overaWide area dis-pirited /drsprmrtid/ adj having no hope or enthusi asm: She 1ooKked tired and dispirited. 一compare SPIRITED

dis-pir.it.ing /drsprmrtm/ adj. making sb lose their hope or enthusiasm: a dispiriting experience/jfailure

dis-place /disTDleis/ verb [VN] [often passive] T to take

REPLACE: Gradually 如 ctory the place of sb/sth (techmical) The Workers haye been displaced by mmachines. ship displaces 58000 tormtes (= as a Way of measuring its size). 了 to force People to move away from theirhometo anotherplace:AroundI0000Ppeople have beem displaced by theJighting: 3 to move sth from its usual position: Check Jorrooftiles 切at have beem 本splaced by the Wind. 4 (especially NAm 有 to remove sb from ajob or Position: displaced WoOrKkers

displaced 'person noun(pl displaced 'persons)(techmicaj) a REFUGEE

dis-place-ment /drsplersmaent/ noun[U] TUormalthe

act of displacing sb/sth; the Process of being displaced: he 1argestdisplacement of civiliam population since World WarTwo 2 [q(physics)theamountofaliquidmoved out ofplacepysth floating or Puit in it, especially a ship floating 记 Water: aship With adisplacerment of 10000 tomrntes

dis'placement activity "ovn. 1. 世] thingsithat you

do in order to avoid doing what you are SuPPosed to be

doing 2 (biology psychology) [U;C] behavViour

识 animals

or humans that seems to have no connection With the situation 也 which itis performed, resulting from two conflicting trTrges

| k cat | lleg

| mman

| nanow

| 5pen

| rred

dis placement ton noun a unitiof measure fof the



amount of water DISPLACED,by a floating ship, equal to one ton

dis.piay 0 /drspler/ ver心,nouwn 悍 Ve 峭 一sth (to sb) 1 [IVN] to put sth in a place where

People can see it easily; to show sth to people


BIT: The exhibitior gives 1ocal artists an Opportunity to disPlay their Work 2 She displayed her Druises forallito see. 2 [VN]jto showsigns ofsth,especiallyaqualityor feeling: TPRPaye rarely seert her display any Sism of ermotion. C These Statistics displayia definite trend. 3 [VN] (of a computeb etc.) to show information: The secreern wildisplay the Use 六 Pame im the top righthand corner CThis colurmm displays the title of the mail mnessage. 4 [V] (technmicol) (of male birds and animals) to show a special pattern of behaviour thatis intended to attract a femalebird or animal 下 OU 1 an arrangement ofthings in a public place to inform or entertain people or advertise sth for sale: a bear在 所Lioral display outside the Tbwmn Halleawindow display 2adisplay cabinet 之 an act of performing a skill or of showing sth happening, in order to entertain: a 广reworK display cea breathtaking display of aerobatics 3 an occaSion when you show aparticular quality feeling or ability by the way that you behave: Q display of affectiom/ strengthwealth 4 the words, pictures,etc. shown on a comPpnuter screen: Q Pigh resolution colour display 一See also _LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY,VDU on display

put ip a Place where people can look at 让


SHOW; Desigrlsjor 妨 e new Sports hall are on display 识 the liprary to Putsth on temporary/Permaamnent display

dis piay bin noun = puwp BIN dis-piease /drspli:z/ verb [VN] 多


to make sb feel

or Tiot satisfied


p dis-

pjeased adj. ~ (with sby/sth): Are you displeased with my WorK2C She Was iotdispleased at the efjfect she was having

OP the younmg 7ia7L.

0dj ~ (to sb/sth): His 7e-

thing: She seemsj 扣 yourably disposed to the moye. 一see also

ILL-DISPOSED,, WELL DISPOSED dis.pos-ition /drspa'zrfmn/ novun T [Cusually sing.] the natural qualities of a person's character TEMPERAMENT;' to jhaye a cheerrl dispositionr People of a neryous dispositiomn 之.[Cusually sing] ~ to/towards sth | 一 to do sth (jormaj)) a tendency to behave in a particular way: to haye/show a disposition towards violence 3 [Cusually sing.] (jonmnal) the way sth is placed or arranged

ARRANGEMENT 4 [CuU] (low) aformal act of giving Pioperty or mmoney to sb dis-pos-sess /drspae'zes/ ve 由 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb (of sth) (fommaj) to take sb's property, land or house away

from them > aispossession /idrspa'zefn/ noun [U] the dis-pos-sessed /drspa'zest/ noum [pl] people who have had Property taken away from them dis-pro-portion /drsprepoxfmn;y NAmE -porfn/ noum [uC = (betweenAand B)(1jormal)the state oftwothings not being at an equally high or low level; an example of this: the disproportior petween the extra respoTsipirities aTd the small salary increase C aprofession with aaigjhn disproportion of rmale to female employees dis-pro-portion'ate /drsprepo:jenat; NAmE -po 六 / adj. ~ (to sth) too large ortoo small when.compared with sth else: The area conttains adisproportiomate numzber of younS 7middle-class jormmilies. 一coOmpare PROPORTIONATE

disproportionateiy odv: The Iowerpaid spend a disDroportiomnately Iarge amount of their earnings on food.

dis-prove /drspruzv/ verb [VN] to showthat sth is wrong or false: The


雏eory has mnow been disproved. [GD PROVE

/drspju:tebl/ cd (formaoh that can or

Should be questioned or argued about 一compare INDIS-

7naTXcs Were clearly not displeasing to her

(Jormalj) the feeling of being upset and annoyed

PUTABLE dis-purtation Adrspjuterfn/ novn [CU] (formah adis-

ANNOYANCE: She made mo attemmptto hide her displeasure OL the prospect 一COmpare PLEASURE

dis-pute 1mOUm, ye山

dis-pleas-ure /drsple5aGD/ moun [U] ~ (at/with sb/sth)

dis-port /drspoxt; NAmE drspoxrt/ vemb [VN] ~ yourself (old-joshpioned or hurmorous) to enjoy yourself by doing sth active

dis-posabie /drspegzabl; NAmE :spoo-/ adj [usually before noun] T made to be thrown away after Use: dispos-

apIe giloyesTazors 2 (BrE) disposable mappies c (NAImE) 三sposable diapers 2 (Jpnance) available for use: disposGble assetscapital/resotrces C Qapersorls disposable income (= money they are free to spend after paying taxes, etc.)

dis-pos-abies /drspagzablz; NmE

"spoo-/ moun

itermns SUch as NAPPIES/DIAPERS and CONTACT that are designed to bethrown away afteruse



iis-posal /dr'spsozl; NAmE-spou-/ houn T [U] the actof getting rid of sth: abpormzb disposalsquad C SewWwage disposa1


Us 矿yov feel so disposed. 2 (following an adverb) ~ to/ towards sb/sth having agood/bad opiniom of a person or

Systemsethe disposal ofnuclear waste 2 [Q (pusiness)the

| ssale ofpart of abusiness, 0 etc: 了 3 [9 (NMAmmE) = | WASTE-DISPOSAL ”UNIT at your/sb s disposal avaijable for use as yoOUPrefer/sb prefers: Fe Ww记 hayvea | car at his disposal Jpor 态 eWhole 7nonth.o Wel TY7m atyour disposa[ (=Iam ready to help youin anywayIcan).




ve 由



1 IIVN+adv/prep]to arrange things or people in aparticular way or Position 了 ~ sb to/toward(s) sth to make | sbbehaveinaparticularway: [VNJadrug thatdisposes the

| patient towards Sleep _[also VN to inf]

dispose of

Ttogetrid ofsb/sth thatyou do notwant or cannot keep: the dficultes of disposing of muclear Waste c to dispose of stole property 2 to deal with a problem, question or threat successfully: TPat seems to haye disposed of | mostoftheir arguments. 3 to defeat orkill sb: 夏 took hera | nere 207minutes to dispose of her oppoment


/drspauzd; NAmE drspoUzd/ adj. [not before

| noun] (1jornall 1 一 (to do sth) willing or prepared to do Sth: Fr7m7iotdisposedto argue.CIZIDUTremmnostWelcorme toJotmn 上

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

cussion about sth thatpeople cannot agree On 娃 IOUm /drspjuxt; 'drispjuxt/ [CU] ~ (betweenAand B) | ~

(over/about sth) an argument or a disagreementbetween two people, groups or countries; discussion about a subject where there is disagreement: a dispute betbween the bwo countries aboutthe borderC thelatest dispute over 太 shingrightks cindustrialLLpay disputesCTheunionisindisPute With mnaaTiasemtent oyer WoTKing hou7rS. The cause of the accident Was Still in dispute (= being argued about). The 7mmatter was settled peyomd dispute by 切e court jadg7nent(= 直 could nolongerbe argued about). C His 纺eories are Opeft to dispute (= can be disagreed with). 恒 Verb /drspjut/ T to question whether sth is true and Valid: [VN] These 万gures haye been disputed o to dispute

Ga decision/ciainm ecThe formily wanted to dispute the w 记 C [vthat] No one 1 disputing thatt 态erei aproblem. [also Vwh-] 2 to argue or disagree strongly with sb abonut sth,, especially about who owns sth: [VN] disputed territory The issue remmains hnotly disputed [alsoVv] 3 [VN] to fight to get control of sth or to win sth: On the last Iap tree TUPTers Were dispUtng the lead.

dis-qual:诈 y /diskwnolifar NAmE-kwaL/ verb disquali-

fies ,disqualifying, disqualified , disqualified) [VN] ~ sb (from sth/from doing sth) |~ sb (for sth) to Prevent sb from doing sth becausethey havebroken arule or are not Stiitable BAR: He Was disqualiied 廊om the commpetition for using drugs. (BrE) Zou could pe disqualihed 方om dariming for up to 女ree years: CA heartconditiomn disquali-







/drs kwplrfrkerfmn; NMAmE-kwazl-/ own [CU]:Anyjforrm of cheating 7mmearls automatic disqualification. dis-quiet /drskwaret/ noun [U] ~ (aboutover sth) ( 刀玉 /ndql) feelings .of worry -and Unhappiness about sth UNEASE: There 1 comsiderable PUDLic disquiet apout the safety of the miew trairs.

dliis-quiet'ing /drskwaretm/ ad (Jormaj) causing worry and Unhappiness

| 5vision

| tchain

| dzjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing


442 |

Ver [V]~(from sth) (jormaj)to have orexpress opinions that are different from those thatare o 丛 cially accepted:

OPly two ninisters dissenited 三om the ojficial View: 区 di于djis-auisi:tiom /drskwzzzJn/ nowi (Jormah along comsemting 00d1.: dissenting SrOUDS]Voices/VieWws/Aopinion plicated ispeech or written report on a particular subject dis-semit-er /drsente(r)/ 1707 a person who does_ not dis:-re-eard /drsrrgdd; NAmEgard/ verb, noun agree With ,opinions _that are officially or generally 至 Ve 上 b [VN] to not consider sth; to treat sth as Unimportant ” accepted IGNORE: The board cormpletely disregaraed 7my7ecommdis-serta-tion /drseterm;NAmE-sert-/noun ~ (on sth) Tmnendatiorls. 2 Sajfety FrUIes Were disregarded. along piece of writing on aparticularsubjecb especially 上 0OUm [U] ~ (forof sb/sth) the act of treating Sb/sth as one Wiitten for a university degree unimportant and not caring about themVit: She shows a glis:seir-Vice /dis'sa:vIs; dr'sa:-; NA 力 E-sarV=/ own [sing:] total disregard for other people's feelings. [ET dio sb adiis'service to do sth thatharmssb andthe dis:re-pair jdisrrpee(G); NAmmEDper/ oun [U] a Diiildopinion that other People have ofthem 让 g, road, etc. thatis in a state of disrepair has not been taken care of and is broken or in bad condition: The Statiomn guickly jeLLinto disrepair afteri让Was closed.

diis-Tep:utable /drsrepjatebl/ xdj-that people consider to be dishonest and bad: She 5pemntte eyemning Witn Per daisreputaple Drotper:Stefon. 2 aaisreputaple area OoF the City [Ga RESPECTABLE 一COmPpare REPUTABIE dlis-re-Dute /disrrpjuxt/ ovn [U] thesfact that sbysth loses Tespect of other people: T7Pe 丈Iayers” Dehnayiour omtheieldzs Likelyto bring 纺 eg8game intodisrepute. dis:-res/jidisrrspekt/ noun [UG 一 (forto sb/sth) a lack ofrespectfor sb/sth: disrespectJfoFrthe Iaw/纺e dead No disrespect 训temded Sir 下 Was ju5SEa joke. disres-

pectful /|/ aq太 ~ (to sb/sth) disrespectfully /teli/

Gdv dis-ropbe /disraeob; NAmE -ToUb/ vemb (Jormal or hmor OUs)jtotake offyour or sb else's clothes; totake off clothes Worm for ar official ceremony: [V] She wenE behind the Screenmuto disrobe. [alsoVN]

diis-rupt /drsTApt/ veb [VN] to make 斌 difficult for sth to continte in the normal way: Dermomstrators SUCcceeded 六 Gis7TUPDETS the 7meeting CO BUS SeryVices Wi这 be disrupted tomorrow Decalse of the bridage closure. Pdisrupftion /disrapfn/ noun [uG: We aim to help you moye house With 7minirmurmn disruption to yOUFseIf ecdisruptions to 7ail SeTVices C The Strike caused serious qisruptioTS: dis-rup-tiive /drsTrAptrv/ ad causing Problems,noise, etc. So that sth cannot continue normally: She had:a:dis:= TUDtiyve imPluence on 雪e rest of theclass.

diss = DIS

diis-sat-is:fac-tion:/,disisaetis'faekfny/ novn [LU] 一 (with/ at sb/sth) a feeling thatyouarenot Pleased and satisfied: JWMary people jhaye expressed their dissatisfactiom With the arTTaTigerment [Ga SATISFACTION

dis-sat-is. 人iedl /dis'saetisfaid; drsaet/ adj

一 (with sbysth)

nothappyor satisfied with sb/sth: dissatisfied custormmers 矿you are dissatisfied With our service,Dlease Write to the 7mnaTlager [Gaga SATISFIED 一COIpare UNSATISFIED dis-sect /drsekt; dar/ ve 由 [VN] Tto cut up adead-person animal or plant in order to study 站 .2 to study sth closely and/or discuss 让 im great detail: Her Iatest mnoyvel Was dissected by the critics. 3 to divide sth into smaller Pieces, areas, etc.: The city 1s dissected py a metwork ofold calals, > dissection /drsekfn; dar-/ .nouwn [u,Q: anatoTmical dissection C YOUr.eljoyment of a mnoyel ca suHfer 万 om too mucp analysis and dissectiom. 卫 is-semible /drsembl/ ye (formal) to hide your real feelings or intentions, often by pretending to have diffe: ent Ones:.[V] She was ayery homnestpersomn Who WasiimncaDable of aisserpling. [also VN] dis.-sem:in-ate /drsemmert/ vemb[VN] (forma/)to spread information,krmowledgei etc, so that 让 Teaches many People: Their 万mnrdings haye peen Wiaely dissemiriated.

> dissemjination /drsemrmerjJn/ noun:[U] diis-sem-siom /drsenjfn/ 7ovn [U] (罗历o1) disagreement between people or within a group: dissemsiom Withnin te g&oyeTTi7ment diis-semt /drsent/ 7oum, ve 旋 下 IOU1 了 [U] the fact ofhaving or expressing opinions that are different from those that are officially accepted: poLiticaLAreligious dissent 了 [CI (NAmB a judge's stateIment giving reasons Why he or she disagrees With a decision made bythe otherjudges in a court'case

2 cat |

father | eten

恒is-si-demt /drsrdent/ ovj a Person who strongly disagrees with and criticizes their government, especially 训D

acountrywhere this kind of action is dangerous 多 本is-sidenmce /drsIdens/ OUF[U] dissident 0dh 全is-sirmi-lar /drsmaaec)/ ad 一 (fromyto sb/sth) notthe

Same: THhese Wines are miot dissimiilar (= are Similar). [Ga SIMILAR diissinniiarity /dismr]laereti/ 7Owmn

[CuU] dlis-simmu-late /drsmjulert/,ve凡 [VN,V] (formal)to hide yonur real feelings or intentions,often by Pretending to have different ones DISSEMBLE diis-simmu-lation /drsmju'lerfn/ nown [LU]

djis.sipate /dismpert/ ve (fommal) Tto gradually become or Imake sth become weaker tntil it disappears: [V]

Eventuall Pis amger dissipated

ce[VN] Ber Iaughter soom

dissipated thetemnsiom in theai7

了 [VN] towaste sth, such

astime or money, especiallybynotplanning the bestWway of using 让 SQUANDER



cod/ (disaopproving)


activities that are harmful such as drinking too much alcohol 李

diis-si-Pa-tion /,disrperfn/ own [U] (Jorma/) Tthe process of disappearing or ofmaking sth disappear: the dissiPatiomn of eniergy 识 the form of heat 2 the act of wasting money or Spending money Until there is none left: comCerms Qbout the dissipation 让 切e cOUTIGYS Wealth 玉 (dis0pproying) behaviour which is enjoyable- but has a harmful effect on yoU

dis-soO-ci-ate /drseufiert; "saos-; NAmE .800-/ yerb [VN] 1 (also diis-as-so-ci-ate) ~ yourself/sb from sb/sth to Say Or do sth to show that you are not connected with OF do notsupport sb/sth; to makeitclearthat sth is motconnected with a particular Plan, action, etc.: He fried to disSOciate Firmnse 夏 omm 广 切 eparbys mmore e过 remeyiews .ee They Were determined todissociateteUN 广omhary agreementto

ipOse SaTlctions. 也 ~ sb/sth (from sth) (如rmalj) to think of two people or things as separate and not:connected With each other: She tried to dissociate the boieyen 太 态 her Tind,[eEB AssocIATE > dissociation:/drseofi 'eIfmD; -Segs-; NAmE-soo-/ own


djlis-sol-ute /drseluxt/ adj- (Jormahi disapprovingj enjoying immoral activities and not caring about behaving in a Imorally acceptable way

dis-sol-urtion /diselu:fn/ novn [u] ~:(of sth) 1 the act of officiallyendingamarriage, abusiness agreement, ora parliament QZ the process 记 which sth graduallysdisapPears: he dissolutiom of barriers of class and race .3 the act ofbreaking up an organizationi etc.

dis-sOlve 0 /drzolv; MAmE:zddv/ ve屿 TV]~(insth) (ofasolid) to mix with aliquid and become part of it: Sa 在 ssoyes 如

识 Water

Beat gemnty mtil

the SUSgar dissolyes. 2 [VN] ~ sth (in sth) to make asolid become Part of a liquid: Dissolye the taplet 识 Water 3 [VN] to officially end a matrriage, btisiness agreement

orparliament: Their marriage Was dissolyedi训 1999. C Te election Was aiounmced ad DarFliament Was dissolved. 4 to disappeai; to make sth disappear: [V] When 态e amDUIamnce had gomne, the crowd dissotved.

[VN] Bis ca

Tesponse dissolyed herafiger 5 [V]~intolaughter tears, etc. to suddenly stairt latughing,crying, etc:: When the teacher IOoKked UP 妇 e children dissolyed 识to giggles、 Eyery trme She heard his ma7me she dissolved into tears. 6 一 (sth) (away)to remove or destroy sth, especiallybya

|s:bird | aabout|rsit|isee|imany

| b got (BrE) | orsaw | Acup

| 5 put |


chemical process; to be destroyed in this way: [VN] amew Getergentthatdissolyes stains e [V] AILthe original calcium Pad dissolved away.







combination of musical notes that do not sound pleasant together [GED coONSONANCE 2 [U] (Jormal/)lack ofagreement > dissonani /drsenent/ adj: dissonamt voicesy



ing attentior'to sth butthinking about sth completely di 让 ferent: There Was adistant IooK in hereyes; her rnind was

Obyiousty om something else,P distantjly oadv: Some-


he could hear 坊 e SoUnd of the Sea. 3

Were distantttyy related c Holly smmiled distanty


motes dis-suade /drsweia/ ver [vN] 一 sb (from sth/from doing sth) to persuade sb not to do sth: Ttriedto dissuade

(dim and) ,distant 'past a long time ago: stories 万om 妇 e distant past in the not too ,distant 'future not a

Rirm 方Oom Sivimg UD his job. e They Were going to set o太 训 the jpog butWwere dissuaded.

dis'taste /dis'terst/ noun [U,sing]~ (far sb/sth) a feeling

dis-ta征/drstaf; NmE'drstaef/ noun a stickthatwasused

that sb/sth is unpleasant or offensive: He 1ooKked around the iitPy room in distaste. COadistaste for politics of any

in the past for holding wool when it was spun by hand

on ihe disiaff side (old-/shioned) on the womam's

side ofthe family

qisial /drstl/ ad (anatomy)iocated awayfrom the centre of the body oriat the far end ,of sth: the distal end of the tbia


cm /distens/ moun, ve贱

理 1O0U1 了 [CU] the amount ofspace between two Places or things: a short/Iong distartce S the distance of the eart 万om the sun cadistarice of 200 Kilometres e Wiats 切e

distance petween New 7DFK Citby and Bostom 方 om New 妃 关 City to Bostonr2 2Jmn the US, distamce 这 7measured in miles. 和 The beach zkwithin WwWaIKing distamtce of mny house (= yoU can Walk there easily). S Paul has to driye yey Iong distances as part of Nis job. C Our Parents live Some distance GWay (= quite far away). 一see also LONG-DISTANCE, MIDDLE DISTANCE,OUTDISTANCE QZ [U] being far away 让 Space OT in time: Distarice 让 RnO Proplem om 坊e Jnternet 3 [sing.] a point that is a particular amotunt of space away from sth else: ZL neyer get 轨e ball 总 方oma tat distance. 4 [Cusually sing.,U] a difference or lack of a connection between two things: Te distance between Jos7iomn and art remains as great as eyer 2 The govermmmaent 1 Keet to DuUE SOTmmie distarice petweem iself anid these eyents (三 Show that there is no connection between them). (BrE) Eddie by somne distamntce (= by a great amounb,the 记 Pmmiest character in the show 5:[u,G ia Situation in which there is alack of friendly feelings or of aclose relationship between two people or groups of 了 People: The coldmness aid distamce 识 her yoice took me By

long time in the future but fairlysoon ”


dis'tasie-fui /drs'terstfl/ odj unpleasantor offensive qiis-temm-iper /drstempaeG)/ novun [U] T an infectious disease of animals,especially cats and dogs, that catses

fever and coughing 2 (Brb atype ofpaint thatis med With water and Used on walls dis-tend /drstend/ yerb (1jormalj or medicaj to swell or Imiake sth Swell because

of pressure 人 from inside:

StaTVing chilaren_ Withn huge distended


/drstenfn/ noun




[u]: distension of the


distil (NAmE also dis-till) /drsta/ yerb CIL-) [VN] 1 一 sth (from sth) to make aliquid pure by heating it until it becomes a gas, then cooling it and collecting the drops of ligquid that form: to distil esh 方 water 方om sea Water o distlled water 之 to make sth such as astrong alcoholic drink in this way: The jctory distils and pottles whiskgy 3 一 sth

(fromyinto sth) (jaoj to get the essential meaning or ideas from thotghts, information,,experiences, etc.: The Potes T 7mnade om ny trayels were distilled into a book.

disfillation /drstrlerm/ novn [CU]: tpe dishillation Drocess dis-til-late jarstrlert/ noun [U,C] (techpmicah a substance which is formed by distilling a liquid dis-til-ler /drstrla(D)/ novun aperson orcompanythatproduces SPIRITS (三 Strong alcoholic drinks) such as WHISKY by distilling them

dis-tililery /di'stileri/ moun (P/ -ies) a factory Where

atjirom a 'distance from a place ortime

strong alcoholic drink is made bythe Process of distilling

that is not near; from far away: She had 1oved Firm at a

distinct /drstmkt/ adj Teasily or clearly heard, seem

distanmce jpr years. ge ihe (和 il 'distance to continue

felt etc.: There Was Ga distimnctsmellLofgas. CO His voice Was


Playing in a competition or sports contest Until the end: Nobody 雪ougRt he Would last IT5 rounds,Dut he Went te

lldistance. inmyinio tihe 'distance farawaybnut stillable to be seen or heard: We saw 1igRhts 识 thne distatce. O Alice

stood staring into the distance. keep sb ata' distance to Iefuse to be friendly with sb; to not let sb be friendly towards you keep your 'disiance (from sb/sth) 1 to Iake sure you are nottoo near sb/sth 2 to avoid getting too friendly or involved with a Person,grouUp,etc.: Sjie Was Wa1med to Keep her distanmce 方Om Charles 矿She didm和t Wantto gethurt 一more at SHOUTING,,SPIT V,,STRIKE

吾 Ve 上bs[VN] ~ yourself/sby/sth (from sby/sth) to become; or to make sb/sth become, less involved or connected with Sb/sth: When je retired he tried to distamce hirmse 万om Politics. 2 下S not alwWays easy for nurses to distance thermmSelyes eJmnotiomnally.

distance jearminmng 7ovm [U] asystem of education in Which people studyathome with thehelp ofspecial Internet sites and television and radio Programmes, and send or email work to their teachers

dlis-tant /'drstent/ aodj 1 far away in space or time: the Gistartt SOUTd of 7mUsic 2 distant stars[Pplanet 2 The trme We spent together z7iow a distant7memory 2 (jirmal) The GaGirport Was about 20 KiIometres distant 2 da star 30000 71igRt years distant 方omm the Earth c (Jiguratye) Peace was

Justadistant hope (= notvery likely). 了 一 (from sth) not like sth else REMOTE: TPeir1i 大 seemed Utterly distant 方om hisow 丰 3 [only before noun] (ofa person) related to you but not closely: a distant cousSinaurt/relative 4 not friendly; not wanting a close relationship with sb: Patsounded yery cold anmd distant on thephomne. 邱notpay-


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| aogo(Br6

QUiet PUE eyery Word Was distinct 了 ~ (from sth) clearly different or ofa different kind: THhe results of te suUryey 碟到 into byo distirict SroUPS. c Jarmaicart reggae TUSic 语 quite aistinct 广om NoFthn Americanm jazzOFrblues .OFruralareas as distinct 万om maijor cities 3 [only before noun] ased to emphasize that you think an idea or situation definitely exists and is important DEEINITE: Being talL gaye Topmny adaistimnct adyarntage. CTIhad the distimnct impression 了 Was peing Watched, ASsirikeis mow adistimnct possibility. disfinctily ody:Tdistimnctty heard someone calling me. Q distinctly Australiam accent C He could remember eyery-

态imngyery distirncty 本 sfinctness oun [U]

dis-tinc'tion /drstmkfn/ noun 1T[qd ~(betweenAand B) aclear difference or contrastespeciallybetween people or things that are Similar or related: daistirictions petween traaitomnal and 7moderm societies e Philosophers did notUse iT7make a distimetignmn petbween arts aid Sciennce. We need to draw a distirictior between the bwo eyent. 2 [U] the quality ofbeing excellent or important: GWriteFofdistimc: 6on 3 [sing.] the quality ofbeing sth thatis special: She jad the distimnictiomn of being theJirstWwoman to 有 ythe AE lantic. 4 [U] the separation of people or things into different groups: The new law makesmio distinction between adults amd children (= treats them equally). C ALLgroups are etitled to this mmoney Without distimnctiomn: 5 [CU] a Special marlkVgradeorawardthat is .given tosb, especially a Student for excellent work: Naomi got a_distirctior 训 1mnaths. ReSgraduated with distirctiom. dis-tinct'ive /drstmktrv/adj havingaquality or characteristic that makes sth different and easily noticed CHARACTERISTIC: clothes With a distimictiyve style

| oogo(MmB6

| orboy

| reonear

| eehair

| 5e pure


444 |

下 Ver [VN] to make sb feel veryworried or Unhappy: 契Was clear 坊 at the letter had deeply distressed her 2 Domnt dis-

tress yourselF (= don't woOrTY). The male bird has distinctiye wjiite markings om its head. PdistinctiveJy adv: adistinctively nuUtty jiavour

diis-tim名uislhn oe /drstmgwzf/ ve避 1~(betweemAandB

| 一 Afrom Btorecognize the-

difference between two people or things


TIATE: [V] At wjhat age are children able to distim8guish pe-

tween right amd Wrong? C [VN] 下 Was hard to distirguispn oOte tw训 万om 妨e other 2 Sometirmes reality and jamtasy are Fard to distinguisjh 了 [VN] (not used in the Drogres-


一A(from B) to be acharacteristic that makes

two people, animals or things different: WPat Was 让 雪 at Gistinguisjhed Per 方om her classmates? C The Tmnale pird Gistinrguished 方om 妇e 帮 male by 让 red beakK 2 Does YOU cat jhayve amy distinguishing marks? 3 [VN] (not used 还 the progressive tenses) to be able to see or hear sth DIFFERENTIATE,MAKE OUT: 工COUIG mot distimguisj Per Words,but she sourtded agitated. 只 note at IDENTIFY 4 [VN] ~ yourself (as sthj to do sth so well that people notice and admire you: Sjie has already distinguisheda 六 e 广 self as ari atpiete. dis:fin-guish-apble /drstrmgwIJebl/

adj ~ (from sb/sth): ThPe 7male pirdis easipy distimrguishable 万oma 态efmmale. C The coast Was parely distirlguishable 访 态e 7miS diis-tin-Euished /drstmgwI t/ adj 了1 very Successful and admired by other people: a distimnguished career 态 Tedicinre 了 having an appearance that makes sb look important or that makes people admire or Iespect them: 工 切imK grey hair mmakes yOU IOoK very distinguished.

dis-toOrt /drstort; NAmE drstort/ ye 由 [VN] 1 to change

dlis-tressed /drstrest/ adj. upsetand anxious: Fe Was too distressed and -comfused to ansWwer their quUestiors. 2 suffering pain; 也 a Poor physical condition: Wjen the Daby was porm 让 Was blue amd distressed. 3 (ofa piece of elothing or furniture) made to look older and more Worn than 让 reallyis: adistressed Ieather jacKket djis.tress-inmg /drstresm/ adj. making you feel extremely Upset,, especially because' of sb's: suffering ”distress-

ingly 2dv dis-trilp-ute 0 /drstrrmbjurt; 'drstrrbjut/ vem [VN] 1~sth (to/among sb/sth) to give things to alarge Dumber of people; to share sth between a number of people: The orgamization distributed jood to 妇 e earthquake Vic三 mm5. CTHhe 7iewspaper 1 本striputed 廊ee.O The moriey WQ5 distributed amomng schoofs 识 芒 e area. 2 to send g0odsto Shops/stores andbusinesses so thatthey can be sold: Who distributes ouUr products 六 切 e UK2 3 [often passiye] to spread sth, or different parts of sth, over an area: Make SUTe 女 aQtYOUT Weightz eyenly distributed

dis tributed 'system ou


of ipdividual

computers that are linked to form a network



/distrrbju:fn/ noun

1T Lu,cthewaythat sth is shared orexists overaparticu-

lararea or amongapartictlar grOUP ofpeople: tpe Unjfair distribution of wealth C The mmap Shows 切 e disfriputior of this Species across the World. C They studied the geographical distribputomn of thpe disease. 也 [U] the act of giving or delivering sth to a number of People: 加e_distribution of Jood amnd medicines to the jlood yictims C Fe was arrested om drug distriputiom charges,3 [U] (pusimess) the System of transporting and delivering goods: disf 厅bUtiom cos 上 Worldwide disfr 边ui5m systemms C marKeting Sales aiad dis-

the shape, appearance orSsound of sth so thatit js strange ornotclear: ajoirgrourtd rnirror thatGistorts yourshnapec The Ioudspeaker seemed to.distort his yoice. 辽 to twist Or change facts, ideas, etc. so that they are no longer coOTTect or true: Newspapers are oftemn guilty of distorting the trut纺 . C The article gave a distorted picture of his childahood. distortion /drstozjn; NAmE drstorfn/ noun [GuU]: Toderrz alloys 妨 at are resistant to Wear and distortion Ca distortion of the jcts diis-tract/drstraekt/ verb [VN] ~ sb/sth (from sth) to take sb's _attention away from what they _are_trying to do

distri'bution board ovwn (BrE, phjysics)ia board:that

DIVERT: ZU7e distracting mme 太om my WorK. 2 .Don talK to Per 一Shes yeryeasily distracted. 下 was amnother attermptto distract atteritior 方om t态e truth distractiingadj.: disfrracting 切oushzs c adistractingmoise dis-tract-ed /drstraktrd/ adj.~ (bysb/sth) unabletopay attention to sb/sth because you are worried or thinking


about sth else > distractedLiy odv dis-trac-tion /drstrakfmn/ no 1T [Gu arthing that takes your attention away fom what you are doing or thinking about: TI 亡nd 让 jhard to worK atjhomme because 切 ere are too 7Tmary distractions: cinerma audiemces IooKing for distraction 了 [C an activity that amtuses Or entertains yoOU [ET to di'straction so that YouU become Upset, exXcited, or angry and not able to think clearly: The childrem

are driving me to distraction today. diis-trac:tor /drstraekte0)/ movn 1 a person or thing that takes yoUr attention away from what yot should be doing 2Q2 one of fthe wrong answers 雇 a MULTIPLE-

CHOICE test distrauSgsht/drstro:t/ ad/. extremely Upset and anxious Sothatyou cannot think clearly

厅ribpution > dis-tri-bu-tion-al /Janl/ ad contains the connections for several electrical CIRCUITS dis-triiputive /drstrrbjatrv/ adj [usually before noun] (business) connected with distribtution of goods diis-trilpu-tor /distribjateG)/ 7ovn 1 a Person or com-

pany that Supplies goods to shopsVstores,etc.: Japarms Iargest Software disfributor 2 a device 雇 an engine that Sends electric cUirent to the SPARK PLUGS


/drstrrkt/ nounz

Tanareaofacountry or town, especially ofie that has Particular features: the Ciby of Io7idoms 万na7nicial district 2 one ofthe areas which a cotntry, town oOF state is divVided into for purposes of organization,Wwith ofcial

BOUNDARIES (三 bordersj:QataxXpostaldistrictcaschnool daistrictC congressiomnal districts Cdisfrictcounciks

district attornmey 1001 (05br DA) (ip the US) a lawyer Who is responsible for bringing criminal charges against sbinaparticular area or state

,district 'court ovn (in the US) aicourt that deals with cases in aparticular area

,district 'murse On

( 雇 Britain) a nurse Who Visits pa-

tients in their homes dlis-trust /drs'trAst/ noun, ve 册

下 IOUm [U,sing.] ~ (of sb/sth) a feeling ofnotbeing'ableto trust Sb/sth: They 1ooKked at each other with aistrust ee

dis-tress/drstres/ noumn; veb 至DOU [U] Ta feeling'of:great worry or Unhappiness; greatsuffering: THhe mnewWwspaper a7icle caused the actorCco7LSiderapble distress. C She Was 0byiously 识 distress after 纺 e attacK CO deep emotiorial distress 2 Suffering and Problems catsedbynothavingenough money, food, etc. HARDSHIP: ecoomtic/ 记namtcial distress 3 a situation in which a ship, Plane; etc. is 记 danger or difficulty and Deeds help: a distress sigmnal (= a message asking for help) e 下 说 a7ule of the sea to jheip anotpher boat 训



| ddid


| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes:|

k cat

站 lleg

| mman


p pen

| :rred

jas aideep distrust of all modermn technology ful / 丘/adj :distrusthilofauthority

e distrust-



是 VEe几 [VN] to feel that you cannot trust or believe sbysth:

She distrusted his mmotives Jor wanting to see her again.一 compare MISTRUST


om /drstab; NmE-starrb/ vermb

1 LVN] to interrupt sb when they are trying to Work, Sleep, etc.: T7ma SOFTyY to disturb yo Dut camT talk to YOU 如 ramoment2 太 youUSgetUp early trymnotto disturb everyone else: CDo notdisturb (= asign placed on the outside of the door ofa hotel room, office, etc,) e She awoke early after a disturbed mighit 也 [VN] to move sth or change its Position: Dont disturb the papers on my desk.、 3 to make Sb woIITY: [VN] The Letter shocked and -disturbed me [VNtoinf] It disturbed her to realize 如 atshe was alome.

dis-turb-amce /drstabans; NAmE-sts:rb-/ noun 1 [UCc Usually sing.] :actions that make you stop: what you are doing, of that Upset the normal state that sth is in; the act of disturbing sbysth or the fact of being disturbed: The Duilding Work is creating comnstant noise, dustanad disturbance :cadisturpance 总 雪 e Usual pattern of eyents the distzurbarice of the Iocal wildlife py touris 2 [Cl asituation in Which people,behave violently in a public place: Serious disturbances 总 the streets C_He Was charged with caUsSsinS Q disturbance after the game: 3 [Ga state 记 which sb's mind or a function of the body'is upset and not Working normally: emotiomal disturbamnce

dis:turbed ydrstsbd; NmE2starbd/ odj 1 mentallyil, especially because of very Unhappy or shocking experiences: G Special School for emotionally disturbed childrenm Snote at MENTALLYILL 了 Unhappy and full of bad or Shocking experiences: The Kiler had a disturbed jornily packground,3 very anxious and unhappy abonut sth: T Was deepjy disturbed and depressed By te news. 一compare


dis-turib-in 殖 0

/drsta:bIm; NAmEzstarb-/ adf/

Iaking you feel anxious and upset or shocked: a disturb-

ing piece ofmnews

alis-turb-ing-ly odv

dis则mn 证e /,drsjumart/ verb [VN] [usually passive] (formaj)) to make a_ group of people Unable-to agree with each other or work together: a disunited Political party

dis-umity /drsju:mnati/ novn [U] (Jormaj a lack of agreeIent between people: disumibg within 雪e Comservatiye

Darty UNITY djis-use /drs'ju:s/ mox1n [U] a situation ip which sth is no longer being Used: THPe jctory 大 1L 识to disuse twenty

Jyears ago. djis-used /disju:zd/ odj [usually before noun] no longer sed: a disused statiomn 一compare UNUSED

本证clh /drtf/ novn, ye 记 旭 /]1OU1 along channeldug atthe side of a field or road, to hold or take away water 时 VE/ 几 了 [VN] (niormaol)to getrid ofsth/sb becatise youno longer want or need it/them: THhe Prew7oad building proSrTra1m7mne has beel ditched. C He ditched his grr 广 iend. 2 [VN,V] 计 apilotditches aniaircrafb or if it ditches, 让 lands in the seain anemergency

gditch-water/'drtjwo:teD)/ moun [U] 可 her/'dr5eG)/ 主 verb, noun

see DULLady

司 VeE风 [V] ~ (over sth) to hesitate about whatto dobecause you are Unable to decide: She was dithering oVer Whatto Wear 2 Stop dithering and get om Witpn 让 司 POU1 [sing.] (njormah) 1 astate ofnotbeing able to decide what you should do: Ta 识 a dither abpout wpho 如 inyite. 了 astate ofexcitement or WoOITY: DomtgetyourselF

ia dither oyer eyerything:

全 让 ramm-SiiyVe 直 /dartraensatrV; -traenz-/ gdj (gram17mna豚 (of verbs) used with two objects. In the sentence I gave her the book, for exarmple, the verb "give' is ditransitive and er and the books' are both objects.

peated and to avoid having to write it again

| vvan

| wwet

ditzy (also ditsy) /drtsi/ adj (informal especially NAm 日 (usually of a woman)j silly; not able to be trusted to Iemember things or to think in an organized way

di-uretic /,darjuretik/ noun (medical) a substance that causes an increase ip the flow of URINE e qiuretic ad/: diuretic draSs/effects

qiur-mal /darsml; NmE-azrnl/ adj TI(biolosy) (of animals) active during the day [GEB NOCTURNAL

2 (astro矿

oOmy) taking one day: 妇e diurnal rotatiom of the ear纪

Div. obbor (in writing) prvIsION: Ieague Diy TI(= ip footballMsoccER)

diva /diive/ moun a famous womam singer especially an OPERA Singer

Di-vaii = DIwAII divanm /drvaen; NAmE'darvan/ mounT (alsodivan'bed) (both BrE) a bed with a thick base and a MATTRESS 一picture 信 BED 2 alonglowsoft seatwithoutaback or arms

give /darv/ vem, noun ye 上b (dived, dived, NMAmE also dove /dauv; NAmE douv/ dived) [V] ~JUMPINTO WATER 1 一 (from/off sth) (into sth) |~ (in)to jump into water with your head and arms going in first: We dived into the river to cool o 矿 * UNDERWATER 2 (Usually go diving) to swim underwater wearing breathing equipment, collecting or looK ing at things: to dive Jor pearks C The mmair PUrpose of his Poliaay to Greece Was to go diving. 一see also DIVING 3 to go to a deeper level Underwater: The wjiale dived as 芒e ParDpoo7t strucK 让 * OF BIRDS/AIRCRAFT 4 to go steeply down through the air: The seaSguUl1S soared then dived. 一see also NCSEDIVE > OF PRICES 5 to_fall suddenly PLUNGE: The Share Price dived 太om 49p to an all-brme 1ow of 40p. * MOVE/IUMP/FALL 6 [十adv/prep] ~ (for sth) (mijorma1 to move or jump quickly in a particular direction,especially to avoid sth, to tryto catch aball etc.: We heard am explosion and dived for coyver (= got into a place where We would be protected). c The goalie dived Jor the ball Du 1mniSsed 让 2 下 Started to rain So We dived into the mnearest cafe. 7 (football (soccER), HOCKEY, etc.) to fall deliberately when sb TACKLES you,sSO that the REFEREE awards aFOUL 'dive into sth (njormah to put yourhand ,quickly into sth such as abag or Pocket: She divedinto herpagand took outacouple of coins.


1 ajump into deep water with your head first and your arms in front ofyou:asSpectacular high

dive (= from high above the water) * ONDERWATER 之 an act of going Underwater and swimning there with special equipment: a dive to a depth of 18 Tetres * OF BIRDS/AIRCRAFT 3 an act of suddenly flying downwards > BAR/CLUB 4 (Informah a bar mnusic club,etc. that is cheap, and perhaps dark or dirty >* FALL 5 (BrE) (in football (SoccER), HOCKEY, etc.) a deliberate fall that a player makes when sb TACKLES them, so that the REFEREE awards a FOUL make a 'dive (for sth) to suddenly move or jump forward to do sth or reach sb/sth: The goalKkeeper mmade a diye for the ballL take a 'dive (informal) to suddenly get Worse: Profits really tooK a diyve Iastyear Steeply through the air and attack sb/sth

四 OU1 (0pbp7 doJ (symb 可 used, especiallyin alisb underTieath a particular word or phrase, to show that it is re| ttea

djiitty /drti/ novn (P/ -ies) (often hurmorous) a short simple Song

dive-bomib ve 心[VN] (ofan aircraft a bird, etc.) to dive

dlitsy= DITZzY 可iitto /'drteo; MImE-too/ noun; qdv


日Gdy、 (Unformah used instead of a particular word of Phrase, to avoid repeating it: The Waiters Were rude arid UPhezp 记 7 te7mamnager ditto:

| zzoo

| shoe

diver /darvea(r)/ moun 下 a person who works Under water usually with special equipment: a deep-sea diver一 compare FROGMAN 2 aperson whojumpsinto the water With their head firstand their arms in ffontofthem

| 5vision

| tfchain

:| dsjam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0sing


446 |

diverge /aarvaid5; NAmE-Vasirds/ veb [V] (orma)) 下 ~ (from sth) to separate and go iD different directions: THPe Parallel 1ines appear to diyverge. CTPhe coastalroad diyverges 万omathe freewayjustnorthn ofSantaMomnica. May Species jhayve diyerged 太om a single aicestor 2 We Went 雪 rouSR SChool aad college togethem but 女en OUFr paths qiyerged.

2~(fromsth(jormah)(ofopinions,Vviews, etc.) to be different: Opinioms diyverge greatly oft this issue. 3 一 from sth to be or become different from what is expected, Planned; etc.: to diverge 太oma 轨 e norm ee divergeda 太 omm

estaDlished Procedaure.


we divergence

/darvas:d5eans; NAImE -V3Td5s-/ 1OUm [CU]: aa Wiae diye 六 Sence of -opinion divergent /-d5ent/--adj: Givergerit Paths/opinions givers /daivez; NmE -Varz/ adj. [only before noun] (old

Use) of many different kinds di-veirse /darv3s:s; NAImE-VaTS/ adj. Very different


each other and of various kinds: People 广omm diverse cULtures C My interests are yery diyverse.

di-ver-sify /darvaistar NAmE-V3TS-/ ve由 (diversifies

diversify,ing diversified,diversified) 1 一 fihj tnio

sth) (especially of a business Or company) to develop a Wider range of products, interests, skills, etc. 训 order to

be more Stccessful or reduce fisk Sm


Farmers are being encouraged to diyersipr into mew crop5. [alsoVvN] 2 to change orto make sth changesothatthere

is greater variety: [V] Patterns of /formiy Le are divers 认 ing. CO[VN] The culture has been diyers 访ed with t 切e arriyval

of imimigrants,



NAmE-VvsTrs-/ nouwn [U] diver-siom /darVas:Jn; NAmE -Var 和如/ movun T [CU] the act of changing the direction that sb/sth is following, or What sth is used for: a river diversion projectC We made a Short diversion to go _and IooK at the castle. 2 切 e diyersionm of 包 nds 方om 切 e DUDIic to 妨e priyate sector of 识Qusfy 2 [C something thattakes your attention away from sb/ sth while sth else is happening: For the goyvernrmenb te War Was Q Welcormme diversion 广omm the coOumntrys economnic Dropblems. ASmoke pormmpb created a diversiomn WPile the

robbery took place. 3 [C] (BrE) (NAmE de-tour) aroad or

ioutethatis used whenthe Usual one is closed: Diversio7s Ww记 pe signposted 4 [C] (Jormaj) an activity that is done for pleasure,especially becatuse 让 ,takes youUI attention

away from sth else


Take a pleasant diverslon. C The city

The partby 也 这

有 1Lofadiversions.

intended to take sb's attention away from sth dli-ver-sity-/darvasiseti;i NAmE -Vars-/ OU1 卫 [uC usUallysing.] ia range of many people orthings that afe Very different from each other VARIETY: the biological diversity of the raimnforesk CQaQSgreatwideATrichn diversity ofopinion 2 [U] the qualityor fact ofincluding arange of manypeople orthings: Therezs anmeedforgreaterdiversity ad choice 训 equcatio7L di-vert /darva:t NAmE -Vart/ ye 几 [VN] ~ sb/sth (from sth) (to sth) T to make sb/sth change direction: Nortpound trafric w 记 haye to bediverted onto minor roads. 2 to lse money materials,etc. for a _different PuUrpose from their original purpose 3 to take sbs thoughts or attention away from sth DISTRACT: The War diverted Peoples attention away 力omzr the economic Situationm. 4 (1jormal) to entertain people: CRildaremare easiry diyeT ed.

di-ver-ticu-litis /,darvetIkjo'lartrs; NAmE ,darvar-/ moun i 访 放 高) apainful swelling in partofthe COLON, that affects the function ofthe BOWELS

ddiver-ti.mmemto /drvasrtrmenteo; NAmE .dryvsrtrmentoo/ noum UP 首 /志/ or -os) (musicl (from /tolan) apiece of music thatis meant to be entertaining rather than serious, especially one written for a small ORCHESTRA di-veri.ing /darvaxtm; NAmE-Vvsrt-/ .adj (ormal) enter taining and amusing

轩 iVvest /darvest/ ve 山 ;IVN] (Jormal)) 1 ~ sb/yourselfiof sth to Temove clothes: Fe diyested Pimself of Pis jacKket

| as:bird |-eaabout |-Isit |

dii-vest-mient/darvestment/ nouUn [U,C] (jinamce) the act of selling the shares youhave bought in acompany or of vtaking money away from where you have ipvested 让

dliv:idie om /drvard/


Yerb, 0O01


了 一 (sth) (up)

(into sth): to separate or make sth separate intoPparts


division divisive adf/.

SPLIT UP: [V] TPhe cells beganmn to divide rapidly 和 [VN]

ASenitemce ca pe diyided UDP

识to 7meamninghful SegTTemats.

2.[VN] ~ sth (up/out) (between/among sbj to separate sth into parts and give a share to each ofanumber of d 应 ferent People, etc. SHARE(OUT):Jack divided up 坊e Fest of the cash 和 VERaeca 态e WOrK bebeenn Us. 3 [VN] ~ sth (betweenA and' B) to use different parts of yoUr time, energy etc. for different activities, etc.: He divides 71ais:emnergies betyeemnn Politics and DuUsines5 4 [VN] 一 人 A from B (如rmaj) to separate two People or things:: Carz 证 eyer je Tighitto divide a7mother 广om her child2 5 [VN] ~

sth (off) :|~Afrom Bto be thereal or imaginary'line or bartrier that separates two people or things SEPARATE (OFF): A 帮 nce divides o 太 切 e Westermn Stde of 雪 e &rounds. @ [V] (ofaroad)to separate into two parts that lead in different directions: WPere the Path aivides,Keep

Tight. > CAUSE


People disagree



7 [VN]





SPLIT: The'issue has divided the goy-

8 一 (sth) by sth to find out how many

times one numbersis contained ip another: [VN] 30 diy-

iaed by6z5(30-6=5).

[alsov]9 ~ (sth)into sth to be

abletobe multipliedto giveanothernumber: [V] 5 diviaes into 30.6 tmes. [alsoVN]

卓 vide and 'rule to Keep control over people by

ng them disagree with and 全ght each other theiefore not giving them the chance tounite and opPose'yoU together: CQPpolicy ofdivide amd7rule 至 IOUm [usually sing:]


di-ver:sion-ary /darva:janeri; NMAmE -Var5eneri/ ,0直

2 cat | dfather | eten

2 一yourself of sth to getrid ofsth: THhe corzparmy ES diyes亡 ingitselfofsome ofits assets. 3 一 sby/sth of sth to take sth away from sb/sth: After her imness she Was divested: of TmnUch of her respomsibpility.

了 ~ (between A and B) adifference be-

tween two groups of people that separates them from 人 each other: 切 e North/South divide c the divide between Catholics aitd Protestants 训 Northern Ireland


之 (especially NAmE) aline of high land

that separates two Systems of TivVerS”


See BRIDGEY div-ided /drvaidrd/ adj. (of a group or an organization) Split by disagreements or different opinions: The goyvermTentis divided om 坊 isue.CadeepyydividedsocietyC The regime is profoundly divided:against itse太

divided 'highway "200 (NmB



divi-demnd /drvrduend/ ov T an amount of the profits that a comPpany Pays to people who:own shares in the company: dividerd payrments of 50 cents Qshare 了 (Br6)ai IDOney Piize that is given to winners in the FOOTBALL POOLS See PAYV dliv-ider/drvardaG)/ novun 了 [Gathing that divides sth: QG7oom diyvider (=-.a screen or door that divides a room

into two parts) 2 dlividers [pl.] an'instrument made'of twolongthin metal partsjoined together atthe top,used for measuring lines and angles:apair ofdividers

di'viding line "0

[usually sing] 1 something that

Iarks the separation between twothingsior ideas: There 1 TO clear diyvidimnig line between What is good amd Whatis pad. 之 aplace that separates two areas: The riyver Was chosen as adiyiding ime betweemn 雪 eto districts. div-in-ation /drvrmerfn/ movn [U] the actof finding out and saying what will happen in the future

divimey/drvam/ adj, ve 届

上 Gdj. 了 [usually before noun] coming from or connected with God or agod: divine IawXIoveZwill c divine inter-

see |imany:|pgot

(Br6 | ozsaw | Acup|oput

| 普 too

yeittion (= help from God to change a Situation) 2 (old-

大shjioned) wonderful; beautiful * divineiyady

豆 VE 峭耻 ( 儿rmal) to find out sth by guessing:[V wh:] She coOUld diyine what he Was thinking just by 1IooKking at hirm. [also VN] 了 [VN, V] to search for underground


using astick in theshape ofaY calleda divining rod diivine 'rishtmoun [U,sing] 1 (in the past) the belief that the right of a king or queen to rule comes directly from God rather than from the agreement of the people 2 atightthat sb thinks theyhavetodo sth, withoutneedingto askanyone else: No player has a divine rightto be 训 this teaTm.

div-img/darvm/ noun [U] T thesportoractivityofdiving into water With yourhead and arms first: a diying competitiort 了 2 the activity of swimming underwater Using special breathing equipment: Fa love to So diving 训 the Aegean. adivingsuit 一see also SKIN-DIVING: swimming



> BORDER 7 [C arline that divides sth: Ahedge forms the diyisiomn between their Iartd amnd ours: > 1N PARLIAMENT 8 [C] (techmicolj) the separation of members of the British parliament into groups to vote for or against sth: The Bill was read without a diyvisiom

div'ision-alydrvrsenl/ od/ [only before nroun] belonging to or connected with a DIVISION (= a section ofthe army or department of an organization): the divisional commTamderheadquarters

division beil noun a bell which is rung in the British parliament when it is time for apDiVISION(8)

division ioblbyoun one ofthetwohalls in the British parliament 上 which members go when there is a DIV-

ISION{(8) qiv'isive /divarsrv/ ad (disapproving) causing People to be split into groups that disagree with or OpPPose each other: He bpelieyes that Unemmployrmenti SOcCially diyisiye.一

trunks Snorkel

see also DIVIDE > divisivelyodv divisivemessmoum [U] div-isor /drvarzeaGr)/ moun (mathematics) a number by which another numberis divided

gdivOrce swimming costume



divings beiinovn acontainerthathas a Supplyofair and that is open at the bottom, in which a person can be carTied down to the deep ocean

divings board "oun a board at the side of or above a Swimming Pool ffom which people can jump or DIVE into the water 一picture 只 DIVING qiv-im主y /drvmati/ moun (p/ sies 1 [U] the quality of being agod orlike God: the divinity ofChrist 2 [C agod Or GODDESSs: Romar/GreeKkFgyptian divinities 3 [U] the

study ofthe nature of God and religious belief


OLOGY: adoctor of Divinity

dliv-is-ible/drvrzabl/ odj. [notbefore noun] ~ (by sth) that can be divided, usually with nothing remaining: 8 18:div-

isibple py2 and4 putmnotbpy3. div-isiom


om /jdrvIsn/ nouw7

> INTO SEPARATE PARTS 1 [U,sing.] ~ (of sth between A

and B) | 一 (of sth)(into sth) the process or result of divid职g into separate Parts; the Process or result of dividing sth or sharing it out: cell diyision c the diyision of Iabour Detween the sexes Cajfair diyvision of tme and resoUFces 和 the diyvision of 殷ePopUIatiort into ag&e g70UPDS > MATHEMATICS 2 [U] the Process of dividing one numberT by another: the diyvisiomn sign (二) 一compare MULTIPLICA-


3 [CU] ~ (in/within sth) |

~ (between A and B) a disagreement or difference 训 opinion, way of life, etc., especially between members of asSociety or an organization: There are deep divisionms 训

态e parby oyEeF 态 e War 2the worK of healing tpe divisions Within society C diyisiomns betweea richiand poorC sociaLA class divisiors > PART OF ORGANIZATION 4 [C+sing./pl. v] (obbr_ Div) a large and important unit or section of an organization: te commpamny'S sales daivisiom

> IN SPORT 5 [C+sing:/pl. y] (abbr Div) (in Britain)j:one of the:;group, of teams that a sport competition is divided

army cofisisting of several BRIGADES OF REGIMENTS: the GUGaTds AF7mmiOUred Diyision

| aonow

| ersay

divOrced om /drvorst; NAmE-'Voxrst/ ad 1 no longer married: Mary divorced mem Temarry and Paye second /rriilies.CMyparents are diyorced 2 Are they going to get divorced? 2 ~from sth (jormal) appearing notto be affected by sth; separate from sth: Be seermms co7m= Pietely divorced 太om reality. gli-VOr-Cee /drvoxsi:; NAmE drvoir'ser/ noun (Br a Per Son whose mairiage hasbeen legally ended, especially a

Woman di-voOrcee /drvoxser NAmE drvoxr'seI noun (Nm 有 a woman whose marriage has been legallyended divot /divet/ houn apiece of grass and earth thatis dug outby accident for example bya cLUB when sb is playing GOLF di-vulge /darvAldz/ ve 履~ sth (to sb) (Jormaj) to give sb information that is supposed to be secret REVEAFT: [VN] Police refused to daiyvulge the identity of the SUSPect [alsov wh-]

divvy /drvi/ verb (divvies divvying divvied divvied

,divvy stheup(iP1ormal) to divide sth, especially

Inoney into two or more parts

Di"wali(also Divaij/diwali/ noun [u] aHindu festival that is held in the autumn/fall,celebrated :by lighting CANDLES and CLAY lamps, and with FIREWORKS Dix-ie Jadrksi/ nouvn [U] an informal name for the southeastern states of the US

'Dixie CuPrwnowr (NAmB asmall papercup Dixie:jand /drksiland/ novn;[u] a type of traditional DIY /dis az "war/ now7 [U] (BrE)the activity of making,

~ PART OF ARMY 6 [CHsing./pl-y] (abbr DiIv) a unit'of an

| army

di-vorce/drvoxset; NAmmE dirvoxr'ser/ noun (NAmB amamn whose marriagehas been legallyended

JAZZ 一See also TRAD

intoy especially in football (soccER): 态 eifirst divisiomX

division one CajJirstdiyvisior teamt


0m /drvo:s; NAmEdrvoxrs/ noumn, ye/b

豆 1OU1 了 [届 ,C] the legal ending of a marriage: The 7mma7riage emnded in divorce 训 1996. carLincrease 识 the divorce rate (= the number of divorces in a year) C They haye agreed to get a divorce. C Diyvorce proceedings (= the legal Process of divorce) started today. 一compare SEPARATION 了 [Cusually sing.] (Jormaoj) ~ (between Aand B) a Separation; the ending of a relationship between two things: the diyorce pethween religiomn and science 四 Vejrb ito end your marriage to Sb legally: [VN] Theyre Setting divorced. C Shes divorcing her husband 和 [v]Ta Peard theyyre divorcing. 了 2 [VN] [often passive] (jormaj) ~ sby/sth from sth to separate, a person, an idea, a subject, etc. from sth; to keep two things separate: They believed tpat art Should be divorced 万om_ politics. C When Phe Was daepressed he 帮Ltutterly divorced 广orn reality.

| aa go (Br6j

tepairing or decorating things in the home yourself instead of paying sb to do it (abbreviation for 'do-it-your-


| ou go (NMm 日 | or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure

dizygotic twin

448 |

dizyg:ot:ic twim /daIzargpttk twIm; NAmE :gaztrk/

0 di-zyg:ous twin /darzaIgas 'twm/) gdj (techmical)

三 ERATERNAL TWIN 一COmpare MONOZYGOTIC TWIN dizzy jdrzi/adj T feeling as if everything ispinning around yot and that yot are not able to balance GIDDY: CIi7m Ding so 71aigji mmaae7mejfeeldizzy TSUHjfer oOTm dizzy spells (=- short periods when ,Iam dizzy). Z2 making you feel dizzy; making you feel thata situation is changing very fast GIDDY: the dizzy descent 方o7m 态e suTmmite the dizzy pace of 1拒训 Hong Kong 3 (njor 1ma1/ especidally NAmE) silly or stupid GIDDY: Q dizzy

blonde edizzily adv dizziness 70 [U] the dizzy 'heights (of sth)j(nformajh an important or impresSive position

dlizzy-inm /arzim/ ad making you feel dizzy: TPe car droyve pastatadizzyirig Speed DJ/ "di dzer/ nounm, ve 内 昌 六OU 了 the abbreviation for "disc jockey 2 (Br6 the abbreviation for 'dinner jackeb

BYVer (Dj


cooking; shopping, etc. | ~ somei ailittley etc.acting, writing, etc. to Perform the activity or task mentioned: 工 TiKke listeningto 雪eradiowhjherTrmdoing 坊 eironming She didiaIotofactingWwhen she Was atcollege. =jJoB 7:[VN] (usuallyusedin questions) to work at sth as a job: Whatdoyou do (= whatis yourjob)22Whatdoes she Wanmntto do whemntshne leayes school2C Whatdid she do Jora Livinrg?C WhatsTom doing 切 ese days? >STUDY 8 [VN] to learmn or study sth: 7m doimng Physics, Diolosy and chemistry 2 Haye you done any (= studied

anything by) Keak? > SOIVE 9 [VN] to find the answer to sth;, to solve sth: 了 camntdo 女 sum. CAreyougood atadoing crossWwords?

MAKE 1O ~ sth (forsb):| ~ (sb) sth to produce or make Sth: [IVN] to do adrawinspaintingXsketchn .Does thz Pub do (= provide) 1Iunches? Whos doing (= organizing and preparing) the fjood jpor the wedding reception2C [VN, VNN] T11 do acopy 加 rmryou ceTUdoyouacopy: =* PERFORM 11 [VN] to perform or produce a play,amn OPERA,etc.: The local drarmatic society 1 doing 和 ammleb Text mLOPth. >* COPY SBE 12 [VN] to copy- Sb's behaviour or the way sb Speaks,sings,etc.,especially 识 order to make people laugh: He does a great Elvis Preslex es Can you do a Welsh GCCeTLt2

Dj'd Djd [V] to perform as a DISC

JOCKEY, especiallyin aclub

djib.bah(also dji5.5ba /"d5rbe/ novmn = JIBBA

> FINISH 13 have/be done | get sth done to finish sth: [V] Sitthere andwaittilTye done.c[v-inglTyeaorietalking一 Iets get started. C [VN] Pid yov get your article done 训

djinnm/dsm/ moun (in Arabian stories) a Spirit with magic Powers EGGENIE ' 加-iockknovn a metal device forlocking abicycle or motorCycle, shaped like a.U with a bar across itpicture 咱 BIGCYCLE DMA/;dizem 'er/noun [U] a system that allows a_ device attached to a compnuiter to take data from the computers Imemory without Using the CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (the abbreviation for'direct memory 区 cess)



14 [VN] to travel a Particular distance:


Tany miles did you do duringyour tour2e My car does 40 miles io 妇e galion (= uses one gallon of petrolMgas to travel 40 miles). 15 [VN] to complete ajourney/trip: We didthe7round 女友 识 bo hours.

* SPEED 16: [VN] to travel at or reach a particular Speed: The car was doing 90 mmiles az hour

DMs/,aiz'emz/ nou1 = DR MARTENS

=VIsIT 7

DNA/di: en 'er/ moun [贡 U] (chemistrmy) deoxyribonticleic acid (the chemical in the cells of animals and Plants that carTies GENETIC information and is a type of NUCLEIC ACID):QaGDNA test DNA 'fingerprinting ovn [U] =:GENETIC FINGER-

years (= ip Prison) for aried robbery. ”DEALWITH 19 [VN] to deal with or attend to sbysth: The jhairadresser said she could doime (= cut myhair) at 坊 7ee.

She didayear atcollege, putthen dropped ou C Fe did si

"PRINTING 'D moticemovn (BrB) a government notice sent to news-


Jor the partb Can youlend me some Toney27 ure 一will $20 do2'eThebpoxwildofine asatable.e[VN] (especialy BrE) This room Will do me micely 妇 ank you (= it has everything Ineed).

全 OF1 0 /dai dui strongjorm dE/ vemb auUx1iary vemb, 10U1 只 IRREGULAR VERBS 一See alsoO DO2


目VE1孔 > ACTION 了 [VN] used to refer to actions that you do not

>* CHFAT 22 [VN] [usually passive] (BrE /nm大 rmah to cheat Sb: This ismntaSgenuine anm 右quUe 一yOUYVe beemn done:

>“ PUNISH Z3 [VN] (BrE)

ing&. * STEAL 24 [VN] (njormalj) to steal ffom a Place: The gang did a Warehouse and asuperrmarket

> TAKE DRUGS 25 [VN] (njormalj) to take an ilegal drug: He doesmtsmoke, drinK or do drugs.


* BEHAVE 字 [V + advVprep] ~ (as…)to act or behave iD 廊 eeto do

bunk is at bunk,

co7tsider all 态e oODtHioms before pUying.

7me QDoUt? ts to do With that Letter yoOU Sent ne

talk about the stccess OT PIOgresSS of sb/sth: Eow:'tphe

oft) something,

Dusiness doing2 2 She didWwelloutof(=madeabigPprofit from)thedealeHesdoingyerywellatschool(= his work js good). e.Bo 纺mother and paby are doing WelL(= after the birth ofthebaby). c Upjormal) How are you doing (= how are youU)?

have nothing to do With ja

太FwWere yo

斌Wopt do

(especially BrE) used to saythatia Situation is not acceptable and shotuldbe changed or improved: Thisisthe third

Tets do (= meet for) Iunch. ec (informal) Sorry Tadont do 刀mrmy (=Icantbefunny)j: 5 [VN] used with nounstotalK

timeyoUYVe been late 雪 芭Weeje 让 simply wonttdo.notdo

abotit tasks such as cleaning, washing, arrangingi etc.: to

do (= wash) the dishese todo (= arrange) t切 eflowers ce Like the wayyouye doneyour hair 6@6 [VN] 一 theironing,




fon her Success. C We dont hayve yery muchto do with or Peighbours (三 we do not speak to them veryoften): oa

oratask:Tmldoing some research or thesubijecLt CThayea TiUmDper of thingsto do today CTdo aeropbics onceaWeek. 和

| hhat


With sby/sth: Her job has something toidao with computers: Oowrmuch ao youearn22 Wiats 让 gottodoWithyou22e Hard work has alotto do with (= is an important reason

缀 [VN], to work at or perform an activity


pe/have to do with sb/sth to be

about or connected with Sb/ysth: What do youUWwapntto see

> SUCCEED/PROGRESS 3 [V 十 qdv/prep] used to asK or


[VN] 一 it(s/amg)jto have seX

Most idioms containing do are at the entries for the notns and adjectives p the idioms,, for example do a

as 切ey Please. 2 Zou Would do wellto (= Iadvise youto)

| ddid

一 sb (for sth) (Unformal) to punish

Sb: They did jhirm for tax evasion. coShe got donmne forspeed-

Place. C Theres nothing We cart do about 让 (= we canit change the situation). 2 What cart TI do for you (= how can Ihelp)?


[VN] tocook sth: How WouldyoulikeyoursteaKk


mention by name OFr do not know abott: What are yO7 daoing this eyening? ce We w 记 do whatWwe car to he1p: Are you doipng armything tomorrow eyening2 C The comipany OUSRt to do some 坊ing apbovt the Poor service: C What haye you done to your hair2 2 Theres- nothing to do (= no means of passing the time in an enjoyable way) 识 this


一 (for sb/sth) |~ (assth)tobe

Suitable or be enough for sb/sth: [V] These shoes Wwomntt do

papers telling them that they mustnot Publish particular ipformation abonut sth, for reasons ofnational secuiity

the waymentioned: Do asyou7etoldlcTheyare

[VN] (Unfonmal) to visit a Place as atourist: We

did TDjyo 碎 切ree day5… > SPENDTIME TS [VN] to spend aperiod oftime doing sth:

anything/a lot/mmuch for sb (/m/ormal) used to saythat

Sth doesmnotmake sblook attractive: Thatjairstyle doesntt

ao amwthing for her nothing 'doing (Oormal) used to


| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| :rired

| 449

household jobs: do or makez 是 TO talk about jobsiinthe home youcanusesuch phrases

hthe dishes, clean the kitchen floorn setthe table, etc. In Conversation the verb do is often used instead: Letme do 芒 edishes eMichaelsaidjhewouvlzdo tihe tchen jioor elts yourturmm todotbeioble Dois :

often used with nounsending -ing: to do tihe shoppingy Cleaningiromningvacwuwmig: 目 Theyverb makeis used especially in the phease,imake: sthe bedsandwhenyou aretalkingaboutpreparing OF scookingfood: He makesagreatjasagne SHI7make breagiostwhileyovyre havingashower Youcanalso Say :get get ready and, especially in NAmEfixforpreparing

meals: ConyXOUSetdginner While1putthedstobed2c5it do 一 外 Jix SUPper Jr Wu Iefuse a request: “Car you Iend 7ne ten_ dollars2” Wothing doing no you'donm't (informal) used to show that you intend to stop sb ffom doing sth that they were going to do: Sharon wentto getinto the taxi. Ohmno you aon 光"said Steve. that 'doesit (njormaj used to show that you w 训 not accept sth any longer: That does 让 Prm o太 Trm mot

hayingyouswearatmelikethak thats'doneit(nformalj usedto saythat an accident amistake, etc.has spoiled or ruined sth: Thats done 让 ZJDVye cormpletely broken 让 this trmne. that will 'do used to order sb to stop doing or sayjing sth: That1 do, children 一your7re getthnmng fr too_ noisy.


Iments): Zou Liyesin New:-Zork domnt you2 .CShe doesn半 WorK Phere,does She? 3 used to _avoid repeating a_ full Verib: He plays petter 雪amn he did a year ago. C She works Parder than he does. C "Who won2 Tadid CTIovePpeaches… So do 工 5Tdontwartto go pack Weither doTI: 4 used When no other auxiliary verb is Present,to emphasize What yot are Saying: He does 1ooK 世edL She did at least Write 如 Say 女anK you 2 (BrE) Do shut UP! 5 used to changethe order ofthe subject and verb when an adverb is moved to the front: Not only- does she speak Spanis 塘 She's also good With cormputers. 上 11OU1 /du:/ (P/ dosor do's/du:z/)(BrE, ipnformah aparty; a SOcial evenf: Are YOU hayving a big do 名 广your birthday2?

IE dos and don'ts (also do's and don?tg (Unfornal)

rules that you should follow: Here are some dos and dom 必 Jorexercise during pregrniancy. 一more at FAIRGdf/ goz/daoc; NAmEdoo/ noun = DOH 一see also DO1i dio.abbr DITTO do.able /duuaebl/ odj (normal T [not usually before noun] able to be done: Its not doable by Friday 一compare FEASIBLE 也 (BJE) sexually attractive D.O.B.apbpor date ofbirth dob /dpob; NAmE dab/ ve (-bb] (BrE informal

,dob sb'in (to sb)for sth/for doing sthto tell sb

about sth that 和 Person has done Wiong: dobbed me in to the teacher


what do you do for sth? used to ask how'sb manages

Dobermann (pinscher(also.Doaberman (pinschen)

to obtain the thing mentioned: What do you do Jor enter tainrmentOut here2 whatissb/sth doing... ?Used to ask Why sbysth is in the Place mentioned:. What are tese

,doubaermaen/ noun a large dog with short dark hair often used for guarding buildings

5hoes doing on TY desK2 ,doa way with sb/yourself (informal to kill sb/yourself do away with sth E

风 寺 to stop doing or having sth: to make sth end ABOLISH: He 坊识Ks 让S time We did away with 切e 7 ,do sbysth 'downm (B/ /normal to criticize

Sbysth unfairly "do for sby/sth [usually passive] (njorma1 to ruin, destroy or Kill sby/sth: Without tat contracb We7e

done fjor ,do sb/yourself 'in (Unformall 1 to kill sb/your-

Self 字 [usually passive] to make sb verytired: Corme artd s 让 down-=-youlook done in dosthe'in(nformnceljtoinjurea partofthe body: He dida 加isback 总 Ling heavy 九rmiture. do sb 'out of sth (ipnformaj to unfairly prevent sb from aving whatthey'ought to have: She was done ouUt of her Promotiom. do sb 'over(i0jrmahi especialy BrE) to attack and beat sb severely: He was done over byagang of thugs. ido sthc'over 1 to clean or decorate sth again: The

Paintwork W 三need doing oyer S50om 2 (NImE) to do sth again: Sje insisted tat eyerything pe done ovVer ,3 (BrE, imjormalj) to enter a building-by force and steal things: Fe gothometojfindthathisjlatjhadbeen done ovyer ,do'upto be fastened: The sKirt does UP at 妇e pacK. do sthe up Tto fasten a coat, skirt, etc.: He meyer bothers to do js

jacket UDP,[ UNDO

2 to make sth into a package

WRAP: She Was carrying aQpackage done Up 太 有 rowPm Paper 3 (BrE) to repair and decorate a house,etc.: 万e Takes momney by DuUying old houses and doing 女em UP. ,do you rself "up (npformalj tomakeyourselfmore attractjywebyputting on MAKE-UP, attractive clothes, etc. 'do sth with sby/sth (used in negative sentences and questions With whab: Tadont Know what to do with (= howto use) all 埠 ejbod 坊 abs Jefi ovyer e What have you done with (= Where have you putb my Umbrela2 c Whathave you peenm doing With Jourseyes (= how have youbeen passing the

time)2 一see also CANIT BEIDOING WITH COULD DO WITH ,do with'out (sb/sth) to manage Without sb/sth: She Carmt ao Without asecretary 不 妇 eycamtgetitto us 识 大 ne,We 型just haye to do withott co [+ -ing] (ironic 工

COUId jaye dome Without peing (=Iwish Thad notbeen) WOKeritup at 协ree 总 如 e7Tnorming: 目GUXKiliary verb (does /daAz/ did /drd/ done /daAn/) T used before a full verb to form negative Sentences and questions: Tdomt like 记sh They didntgoto Paris. Domtjor Set to Write.

-Does she speak French?

2 Used to Imake

QUESTION TAGS (= short questions at the end of state-


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo



ipP。 NAmB




doc /dpk; NAmE' da:k/ noun (Unformal especially NAm 日 awayofaddressing ortalking about a doctor do:cent/'daosnt; NAmE'doo-/noun (NAmB Tateacher at Some Universities who is not a regular member ofithe department 了 a person whose job is to show tourists arotund a museum, etc. and talk to them about 让

doch an doris= DEOCH ANDORIS do.cile /deusanl; NAmE'da:sl/ adj. quiet and easy to control: a docile childjorse docilely /salllii NAmE-Seli/ adv docility/deu'saaeti; NAmE dax's-/ 0OUn 上 ] dock/dpk; NAmEda:K/ noun, ve 几 上 IOU 了 [C apart of a Port where ships are repaired, or Where goods are put onto or taken off them: dock worKkers C The ship Was i docK. 一see also DRY DOCK 2 docks [pl.] a group of docks in a port and the buildings around them that are Used for repairing ships, storing goods, etc. 3 [q (Nm 日=JETTY 4 [q(Nm昌 araised Platform for loading vehicles ortrains 5 [C] thepartofa courtwhere the person who has been accused of a crime stands or sits

duringatrial: Hesbeen 训 thedock (= ontrial foracrime) Seyeral tirmmes aiready 6 [U] awild plant of northern Europe with large thick leaves that can be rubbed on skin that has been stung by NETTLES to Imake it less painful: docK Ieaves 到 Ve 几 1 话aship docks or yotu dock a ship, it sails into a HARBOUR and stays there: [V] The jerry is expected to docK at6. [alsoVvN] 2 iftwosPACECRAFT dock or are docked,

they are joined together in space: [VN] Next year a tecPPology module 球衣 pe docKked om the space station. [also V]

3 [VN] ~ sth (from/off sth) to take away part of sb's Wages,etc.: 达 yOUTe Iate, yoUT Wages W1 be docked. TheyYye docked 15%6 ofFmmy payjorthis weeKk. 4 [VN] (com-

PuUtngj to connect a compnuter to a DOCKING


[aag UNDOCK 5 [VN] to cut an animal's tail short dockK:er/dpkaG); NAmE'da:k-/ noun aperson whosejob is moving goods on and off ships Dock.ersrvm/'dpkez; NAmE'da:kaerz/ noun [pl,] aUS make of trousers/pants made of cotton docket /dokrt; NAmE'dazk-/ noun 1 (business) a docuIment or label that shows what is in a package,which goods have been dejlivered, which jobs have been done,

etc. 2 (Nmp) (also 'docket sheeb alist of cases to be

| 5vision

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| 8thin

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| 0sing

docking station

450 |

docu:-men:-tary/dpkjumentri; NAmE ,dazk-/ mov ad

四 OU

(P人 -iey a film or a radio or television programme

giving facts about sth: a teleyisionm docuimeitary GpouUtOP dealt with in aparticular court'3 (NAmB)alistofitems to te 多 tre of muclear PoWer be discussed at a imeeting @@0dlj. [only before noun] 1 consisting of documents: docuTmentary eviderice/sourcesVmaaterialL 2 5giving arecord docking station7ou7n (compuing) a device to which a LAPTOP comptuter can be connected so thatit can belsed - of or Teport onthe facts about sth, especiallybytusing'Ppictures, Tecordings, etc. of people involved: a docurmnrentary like a DESKTOP computer 万Im about t切e War dock.jand/'duoklaend; NAmE'dazk-/nown:[U] (also_dockc docu:imen:ta:tionm /dokjumen'terIfmn; NMmE ,ack-/ lands [pl.]) (BrE) the district near DOocKs (= the Place Joun [U] 1 the documents that are required for sth,or Where ships are loaded and unloaded in aportb: plans to that give evidence or Proof of sth: 工couldmnt enter the 记 rther redeyvelop Bristols docklands COUTLDY pecauseTdidmntjhaye:all 雪 e mecessary docurmentadockside/"duoksardq; NAmE'dak-/ movn [sing] the area 0n. 了 the act of recording sth 让 adocument; the state around the DoCKS (= the Place where ships are loaded ofbeingrecorded in adocument: 切 e docuTmnentatiomn of am anditnloaded)ina port aSTeeTmentt dock-yard/ 'dpKjadd; NAmE'dadkjadrda/ mouvn an area with

DOCKS (= theplace where ships areloaded and tnloaded 让aport) and equipment for building and repairing ships ,IDoc ' Martenms10ou1 = DR MARTENS

[email protected] 0

训/dokte0); NAmE'da:k-/ noun, veb

有 11OUm (Iabpbpr。、DhT aperson whohas beenitrained in medjcal science, whose job is to treat people who aie 订/sick Or injured: ZouUQ better:see Q doctor about that cough. ^

Doctor Staples (= as atitle/form of address) 2 the doctorsa place Where a doctor sees Patients: am apPpoim万 7ment at the doctor35 3 a person who has received the highest University degree: a Doctor of Philosopjyaw
doltish ad -domsujjx(innotuns)T thecondition'or state of: freedom TarbTdom 了 the rank of; -an arearuled by::Kingdao7m 3rthe group'of: officialdomm

do-main /demem; deu; NAmEdor/ moomiT an areaiof


knowledge or activity; especially One that sb is responSible for: The care of older peopleE 认 庆 和 了Iacea 万rmly Witpin 切 e domain of 坊 efrmmiy ee Physics used to 5e very Tch a 7male domain: 一See also PUBLIC DOMAIN Z:1lands ownedor ruled byaparticular person, government etc., especially 记 the past: The:Spice Jslands Were Within te Spamish dormmains. 3 (CompPuthng) a set of Websites on the Internet which end with the same group of letters, for

MOURNEFUL: Qa doleful expressiomn/jJoce/song Ca doIeful iooking 7mam > dolefully /feli/ody

example “cor)“org: 及 (mathemmathcs) the Tangeiof DosSible values ofa partictularVARIABIE







dolly/dpl; MAmEdad/ novn, ye岂 里]OU1 了 achild's toyin the shape ofa person, especially a baby or a child: a rag doll (= one made out of cloth) 了 (old有sjhioned inirmah especially NA 月 a Word used to describe a pretty or attractive woman, noOw often conSidered offensive: Shes quite a do

晶 VE/旋

idoll sb/yourself 'up (njormah to make sb/

yourself look attractive for aparty etc.,, with fashionable clothes: Are you getting dolledup7orthe party?

qiol.iar 0 /aolaGD); NAmE'da:l-/ noun 1 [q (symnbp 风 theunit ofmoney 也 theUS, Canada, Australia and several other cotntries: YoU Ww 记 pe paida 访 ATnericaft dollars. 一compare BUCK 一See alsoO TOP DOLLAR 了 [GaBANKNOTE or coin worth one dollar: Doyoujhavea

daollar2 eadollar pil1 3 the dollar [sing.] (jprance) the value of the US dollar compared with the value of the Ioney of other countries: The dollar: closed two cents dowm, IE see BETV, MILLION

dollarize (BrE also -ise) /dbolerarz; NAmE'da:l/ vemb [vN, V] (of a country) to start using the US dollar as its


| ddid


| gget:

| hhat

| jyes

do'main nmamewovn (computing aname Which identifies a website or grOUP of websites on the Internet

domey/asum; NmEdoum/novurTa


round roof with a CIRCULAR base: the domme of St Pauls Cathedral 2 athing or abnuilding shaped like a dome: his palda domme of a head 一Picture 史 GEO-



3 (NAmB (in names) a

Sports STADIUM Whose roof is shaped like a dome: the Houstomnn Astrodormme

domed /daomd; NMmE doumad/ ad [usually before noun] having or Shaped like a dome: a domed forejead/ceiinsg


om /damestik/ oadj, noun

是Qd 由 了 [usually before noun] ofor inside aparticular cotintry; not foreign or international: domestic affairsXPpolit ics C domestic jlights (= to and from places -within a country) Output consists ofboth exportsiandsales om the domestic TnarKket [aag FOREIGN 2 [only before noun]


| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| pipen

| rred

Used in the home; connected with the home or family: domestic appliances @ domestic chores c the growWing propIem of dormmestic yiolence (= violence between members of the same family) Ce_ domestic service (= the work of a servantin alarge house)jeo domestic help (= help with the Work in ahouse; the person or people who do this worlg 3 liking home life; enjoying or good at cooking, cleaning the house,etc.: Tm mot Qayery dommestic sort of persorL 4 (of animals) kept on farms or as pets; not wild

> do-

mestically /kli/ adv: domestically produced goods 四 MOUn 1 (also ,domestic 'help,domestic 'worken a SerIvant Who wotrks in sb's house, doing the cleaning and

otherjobs 2 (BrE, informalj) afightbetween two members of the same family: TPe Police were called to sort out Qa domestic.

do-mes-ti.cate /damestrkert/ vem [VN] 1 to make a wild animal used to living with or working for humans 2to grow plants Or crops for human use CULTIVATE 3 (often humorous)to make sb good atcooking, caring for a house, etc.; to make sb enjoy home life: Some Te are yery hard to _domesticate,、 do.mesti-cated adj : domesticated amirmals C Theyye become da Iot 7Tmnore dommesticated since they got married._ do.mesti-cation /da mestrkerfmn/ nown:[U]: the domesticatiom ofcattle

do-mmes:ti-city /,deome'stiseti ,dom-; NAmE,doo-; ,dam/ noun [U] home or family life: ar atmosphere of happy domesticity

do mestic 'science noun (oldJoshioned, Br = HOME ECONOMICS dome tent noun atent which forms the shape of a dome 一picture 史 TENT 一compare FRAME TENT,RIDGE TENT domi.cile /domisall; NMAmE'dadam-; 'daoom-/ noun ( 妈 rmal/ or 吕aw) the Place where sb lives,especially whben it is Stated for off6cial or legal purposes

domi:ciled /domrsalld; NAmE 'dam-; 'dooum-/ adj. [not before noun] (Jormal or /ow) living in aparticular Place: to pe dommicited in 纺e United Kingdom

domi-cil:iary /domrsaieri; NAmE ,dadma'salieri; ,dov-/ 0G丰 [only before noun] (大rmalj) ip sb's home: a dormiciLiary Visit (= for example,by a doctor) 2 dorniciliary Care/Services/Atreatrmientt




'ddm-/ ad

1 more

important, Powerful or noticeable than other things: THe 廊 m jas achieyed a aommninantpos 让om in the World mmarKet CThe dominantjeature of the room Was the 1arge Fireplace. 2 (pology) a dominant GENE .causes a person to have a Particular Physical characteristic,for example brown eyes, even 让 only one of their parents has passed on this GENE 一 compare RECESSIVE > dom'inance /dommaens; NAmE'daz-/ noum [U]: to achieye/assert domninamce Over Sb

Cpoliticalecomnormnic dormninance

qdom.in:ate 0m /dommert; NMmE'dadm-/ vem T to control or have alot of influence over sb/sth, especially in an unpleasant way: [VN] As achild he Was dorninmated By his 名 ther C He tended to dominate the

comiyersaftiorl. CQ [V] She always says a Iot 识 Teetirgs PLLE sjhe doesrit dominate. 了 [VN] tobethe mostimportant Or noticeable feature of sth: The train crash dominated the mews. 3 [VN] to be the largest highest or most obpvious thing in a place: The cathedral domminates the cib 4 [VN, V] (spom to play much better than youUr opponent in a game: Arsenial dominated the Jirst half of the match. pe dom-.in.ation /,domrmnerfn; MmE,da:-/ novn [U]: poL让 cal domminationr 2 companies 矿ghting Jor dormminatior of te software TaTrKet

dom-in-atrix /,dpmrmertrtks; NmE

,dadm-/ nouwn (P

dom-in.atri.ces /,domrmertrisiz; NmE ,dadrm-/ dom'inatrixes) a woman who controls a man during sex, often using Violence to give sexual pleasure

dom.in.eering /,domrmnierm; NAmE ,damaemrmr/ 0 中 (disapproving) trying to control other People without considering their opinions orfeelings:acold and domineering Jitherc adomineering marimer


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| Tshoe



Do:min:ic.an /dammrken/ nouvn a member of a.Christian group of MONKS OT NUNS following the rules of St Dominic w Do-min.ican 0df/.

do-min-ion /dammisn/ noun 1 [U] ~ (over sby/sth) (久 eramy) authority to rule; control: Mam has dominiomn over the matural world. c Soon 急e wjhole country Was Untder Ris sole dominionm. 了 2 [G] (formal/) an area controlled by one Iuler: 轧e yast dormminions of the Romarl Empire 3 (often Dominion) [G (in the past) any of the countries of the British Commonwealth that had their own government一


dom-ino /apmmao; NmE 'dadmanou/ novn (D -oes T [dasmaliiatblock often made of wood, marked on one Side with two groups of dots representing Dumbers,

used for playing games 2 dominoes [U] a game played with a setof dominoes, in which players take turns to Put them onto atable

domino effect noun [usually sing.] a situation in which One event causes a Series of similar events to happen one after the other dom-.pas /dompas; NAmE 'dozm-/ noun (SA1rE, informah disapproving) (inSouth Africa in the past) the official document that black people had to carry with them to prove their identity and where they could live or work

don /don; NmEdamn/ noun, ve 册 四 OU 1 (BrE) ateacher at a University, especially Oxford or Cambridge 一see also DONNISH 2 (informal/) the leader of a group of criminals involved with the Mafia 上 VE 此 (-nn-) [VN] (fjormaj) to put clothes, etc. on: He donmed Jis jacKet artd Went OU

do.nate /daomert; NAmE'dounert/ verb [VN] ~ sth (to sb/ sth) 1Tto give money, food, clothes, etc. to sb/sth, especially a charity: He domated 轨ousands ofpourads to charity. 2 to allow doctors to Iemove blood or a body organ in order to help sb who needs it: AlL domated blood is tested JorEIvand other infectiors.

do-na-tion /daomerfn; NAmEdou-/ noun [GU] ~ (to sb/ sth) | 一 (of .… ) something that is given to a Person oOT aD organization such as a charity, in order to help them; the act of giving sth in this way: to make a domation to char ity Ca gerterous/Iarge/sSmaall donatiomn ca aoration of &E2007a E200 donation Ce The work of the charity 直拨 nded py yoluntary donations. C orgart donatiom (= allowing doctors to use an organ 位om yotTr body after your death

iD orderto save a sickperson's life)

domne /dAn/ aodj ,exclamation 一see also Dov 上四GCd/ [not before noun] 1 一 (with) finished; completed: When you7e done, perhaps IT can Say something. C TIL be glad when this job is over and done with 2 (of food) cooked enough: The meat isntt quite done yet 3 (BrE) Socially acceptable,especially among People who have a Strict set of social rules: At scnool isimply wasnt done to Show 妇 at you cared Jor anything except cricKet. be

'done for (pnformal) to be in a very bad situation; to be certain to faijl: Unless we start making Some Sales,We7Te Gone for c When he pointed the gu at me, TthoughtT Was

donejfor(= abonuitto die). be/get'doneforsth/fordoing sth (BrE informahtobe caught and punished fordoing sth 也 egal but not too serious:Tgot done Jor speeding om 7Tny Way bacK. be daciie 'in (injormal) to be extremely tired BE EXHAUSTED be the ,done 'thing (BrE) to be socially acceptable behaviour be/have 'done with sth to _have finished dealing with sb, or doing or using sth: 矿youye dome With thatrmagazine; cantThaye alook at it2 aidone 'deal an agreement or a Plan that has been finally completed or agreed: The merger 1 py mo 7means Q

done deal ye done and 'dusted (BrE informal) comPletely finished: Thats my article for the magazine donme

anad dusted. havye 'done with 让 (BrE) to do sth unpleasant as quickly as possible, sothatitis finished: WPy mottelLjher yorre quittintg and haye done With 让 ?一more at EASYadV, HARD ddy, SOON 昌 EXClamdtion Used to show that you accept an offer: 了 1 giveyouE8007jor 让 Done1

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doner kebab

454 |

Jailure. 2-The 7mnarriage Was doomed 太 ofmm the start [also VNtoinf

dormer Kebalb /done krbzb; NAmEidoonar/ nouwn (BrE) thin slices of cooked meat usually served with PITTA bread dionga /don0ge; NAmE da0gai doz0ga/ noum (SA1rE) a deep channel in the ground that is formed by the action of water: The car slid into a domnga at 妇e side of 切e road. dion-gle /do09g1; NAmE 'dang1; do2Dg1/ noUH (Computjn 全 Tacablethatis sedto attach acomptuterto atelephone System or to another computer 2 adevice or codethat is Deeded 训 ofder to Use Piotected softwaire Don Juan /don 'd5uen; ,don hwam; NAmE dam/ moun (infonmnal) a man Who has sex with a lot of women [CI From the name of acharacter fom:Spanish legend who was Skilled at persuading women to have sex With him.

don-Key /donki; NAmE 'ddm-; ao-/ movn an animal of the horse family with short legs and long ears. People Tide donkeys .or Use them' to carry heavy loads. [Edonkey's years (B7B mrmal avery long tme: We ye jnown each other 如r donkeys years 一more at

TALKY donkey jacket "om (B7E) a thick short coat usually darkblue, worn especially bypeople working ouitside

donkey work "ovn [U] (jnmalh the hard boring part of ajob or task

don:nish /donil; NAmE "ddm-/ oa 丰 (Br (usually of a man) serTious and concerned with academic rather than Piactical matters: Be has a someWwhat dommzshm air apovt Pi77mL

dionor /dasuna(CD); NAmE 'doo-/ noun 1 a person or an organization that makes a gift of money, clothes, food, etc. to a charity,etc.: internatiomnal aid domnors (= cotntries which give money etc. to help other countries) < She zs one of the charib's maimn dorrors、,2 a person who givesblood orapart ofhis or her bodyto beused by doctors in medical treatment: a plood domnror ceThne hearttra7sDPIant will take place as soon as a SUitable domnor can De 加 und. c aqonor organs ca domnor card (= a card that you carIy giving permission for doctors to use Darts of yotr body after your death)

don't/daont/ shortjorm do not donat-' know /ouv0aperson who does nothave astrong Opinion about a _question which they are asked in an OPINION POLL: A quarter of all the People SuTyeyed were Gom 和KnowsS.

domnmut/oun (especially NAmE) = DOUGHNUT doo-dah /auda:/ (BrE) (NMmEdoo-dad /duu:daed/)noun (njformal) a small object whose name you have forgotten or do notknow

dooc:dle/auu:dl/ vemb[vjto drawlines, shapes; etc.,especially when you are bored or thinking about sth:else: 工 ofren doodle whemnTm om t纺 ephone. edoodle noun doo-fus/ durfes/ noun (NMmE minmna1h astuip庆 person doo:hickey /duhrzki/ noun (NMAmE ormajh asmall objectwhose name yotuhave forgotten or do notknow, especiallypart ofa machine

doo-lal.iyy/du:lali/ adj [not before noun] (BrE njormal) crazy: The poor chaps go7e doolal1y. doom /dum/ nouni ve 下 OU [U] death or:destruction; any terrible event that you cannot avoid: to:meetyour doormm She had asemse ofimpending doom (= feltthat sth Verybad was goingto

happen) KE doom and'gloom | gloom and'doom

ageneralfeeling ofhavinglostallhope, and ofPEsSsIMISM

(= expecting things to:go badly):Despite the obyvious set DacKks 让 Tiot all doorm amnd gloofi or the mgtand tearmm prophet of 'doom | "doom merchant a person who predicts that things will go very badly: The prophets of daoom Who said teleyvisiom would Kill o 矿 the DooK Were

Wrong: 下 Ye 如 [VN] [usually passive] 一 sb/sth (to sth) to make sbysth

certain to fail, suffer die,, etc.: The Diam Was doomed to


25d [usually before noun] Predicting or

leading to death or destruction: Jrecast

doom.sayer =

aoo7mzIadem ecopnormic

/dumseIeC)/ (especialjy NA 月 (BrE also

doom.ster /duuzmasteG)/) novn a person who says that Sth Verybad is goingtohappen dooms.day /duuzmzder/ nouwn [Sing.] the last day of the World when Christians believe that everyone Will be judged by God FE till doomsday (jprma/) a very long tiime; for ever: 7T7z5 JopsS going to take me GilL doo7ms-

Gay doomy /duumi/ odj (doom:ier doomi-est) suggesting

disaster and Unhappiness: doommy predictiors Ce Their mnew QIDUTm ET 态eir doommiest Doonarm /duumna/ nov1i (Auwstrol昌 alarge cloth bag that js filled with feathers or other soft material and that you have on top of you 也 bed to keep yourself wairm EIDERDOWN;, DUVET

@qOQOr 0 /doG)/ mo Tapieceofwood, glass, etc:thatis opened and closed so that People can getin and out of a room, building; car,

etc.;asimilar thing in a cupboard/vcloset: a K7riock on the door c to open/shutAclose/siarmLIocKkAbottthe door to ariswer the door (= to go and open it becatuse sb has

knocked on it or rung thebell) 2 the 矿ont/back door (= atthe entrance at the frontVback ofabuilding) 2 坊e ped7oom aoor CS the door 广ame ce afourdoor saloomn car 9 切e 万idge aoor C Shut the doorl c Close the dooripeFinad yo 忆 Please. 2 The door closed behind Pirm: 一See also BACKDOOR,, FIRE DOOR,,FRENCH DOOR,,OPEN-DOOR REVOLVING DOOR,,SLIDING DOOR,, STABLE DOOR,STAGE DOOR) SWING DOOR,, TRAPDOOR 2 .the space When a door is open: Marc appeared 纺rough a door at the jar end of the 7oom.e (njormal) Shes 记starrived 一shesjustcome 识 太 e aoor 2 (niormal) 瑟 walked out the door 3 the area close to the entrance of a building: Theres somebpody at,

the door (= at the front door of ahouse)

CeCarmr Themp

yoOU2 asKked the ma at the door 一see also DoORWAY 4 3 house, Toom, etc. that is aparticular number of houses, Ioomsi etc. away from another: 女eformily that lives 雪 ree doors Up 方om W Ce Our other branch zjusta Fw doors daowP te road. 一see also NEXT DOOR IE be on the door to work at the entrance to a theatre, clib, etc., for

example collecting tickets from people as they enter

close/shut the 'door on sth to

make it Unlikely that

sth will happen: Sjhe Was careful TioRto close te door on the Dossipility of FurthertalKs. (from) doorto 'door from buildingto building: Thejourmney taKkes apoutar Poura5or to door Cadoorto-doorsalesman (open)the doorto sth (to provide) the meamisof getting or reaching sth; (to create) the OPPortunity for sth: The agreemierit Wi OPpet tne door to icreased intermnatiomnaltrade: Our courses aretle

doorto success 训 English. lay sth atsbxs'door (Jormal)to Say that Sb is responsible

for sth that has gone Wrong

ieave the door 'open (for sth) to make surethat there

is still the possibility ofdoing sth outof'doors notinside abuilding: Zou should spend more trie OUtof doors in the

方esh ar 只 note at OUTSIDE shut/slam the doorin sbs

face 1 to shuta doorhard when sb is trying to come 记 2 torefusetotalk to sb or meet them ip arude Way to sb?s door directly to sb's house: We promise to deliver to youraoor withpim48 hoursofyouordering. 一more atBAGKddj.,BARN,, BEAT V,CLOSELV,CLIOSED,,DARKEN, DEATH,

FOOT /1.,OPEN V, SHOW Vv, STABLE DOOR 1 WOLF 帮 door-ioell/daombel; NmE'aozrbel/ novn abell with abutton outside ahouse that you Push to let the people inside know that you are there: to ring the doorpell go-or-'die xdj. having or needing great determination:a dao-ordie attitude Oor furniture 7ovn [U] (BrE technicaI -the handles, KNOCKERS,etc. on adoor goorkeeper/dokipa); NAmE'aorks/ mounia person who guards the entrance toalargebuildingy especiallyto check on people going in

scat | c father | eten | a: bird | ae about | rsit | isee | many

| o got (BrE) | ozsaw | Acup

| sput | mtoo


door.Kknob /aomob; NAmE 'aornaib/ noun astype of round handle for a door that you turn in order to Open the door


the Dop:.pler effect /dopler ifekt; NAmE'dazp-/ noun

door kKnockKernouvn = KNOCKER

[sing.] (physics) the way that sound waves,,light waves,

doorman /domaen; NAmE "dormaen/ moun (P1 =men Amaen/) a man, often in uniform whose job is to stand at the entrance to a large buiilding such as a hotel or a theatre, and open the door for visitors, find them taxis, etc.一

compare PORTER(3)

doormat /domaet; NAmE 'dormaet/ noun 1 a small Piece ofsttrong material near adoorthat People can clean their shoes on 2 (nformal) a person who allows other people to treatthem badlybut usually does not complain doornma 刘/duomerl; NAmE'domrmn-/ noun IE seeDEAD0d/ doorstep/dozstep; NAmE'do:rs-/ moum, ve屿 下IOUn 1 astep outside a door of a building, or the area that is very close to the door: The police turned UP om their doorstep at 3 oclocK this morning. 一Picture 只 PAGE RI7 2 (BrE5Jnformal) athick piece of bread, usually one that is made into aSANDWICH IE on the/your 'doorstep Very' close to where a_ Person lives: The mightlife is great Withn pars and clubs rigpht om the doorstep, 杏 VE 几 (-pp] [VN, V] (BrE)-when ajournalistrdoorsteps sb, he or she goes to the person's house to try to speak to them, even ifthey donot want to say anything door.stop/"dorzstop; NAmE'dorstap/ nounathing thatis Used to stop a door from closing or to Prevent it from hit-

ting and damagingawallwhen itisopened doorway/'do:weI NAmE'do:rwer/ nouUn an Opening into abnuilding or a room, where the door is: She stood 识 the doorway for amnormment before going 识 .2 homeless people Sleeping in Shop doorways

etc. change according to the direction that the source is Imoving in with relation to the person who is observing

'Doppier shiftnoun (physics) the change in sound, colou etc. causedbythe DopPpler effect Dorian Gray/,do:rion 'grer/ noun [usually sing.] aperson Who continues to look young and beautiful, even thotugh they are growing older or behaving ip ap imrmoral way: He'sarealDorian Gray apparently Untouched bytheageing Drocess._ [GIFromthe storybyOscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray in which Dorian Gray is a beautiful young man whobeiieees in an immoral way. He secretly keeps a Painting of himself which _gradually changes,making him look older and more evil in it. Dorian himself continues to look young and beantiful. Doric /'abrIk; NAmE "doxrik/ adj, [usually_ before noun] (architecture) used to describe the oldest style of ARCHITECTURE in ancient Greece that has thick plain columns and no decoration at the top: a Doric colarmrwtermmple

dorik/dok; NAmEdoTrk/ noun (informajhastupidorboring Person that other people laugh at e dorkyod/ gorimy/dom; NAmEdorm/ nown (nrmal) 三 DORMITORY dofr-imamnt /duomant; NmE 'dozrm-/ adj not active oOF growing now but able to become active or to grow'in the future EREIINACTIVE: a _dormant volcano 2 _During the Winter 妇 e Seeds lie dormant 训 the soiL [AcTIVE dormancy/domansi; NAmE 'dozm-/ noun [U]

dormer ' window(also dormeh moun aivertical win-

doo-zy(also deo:zie /du:zi/ noun (P1 -ie (NmEnf 广

dowinaroomthat is built into a sloping roo 人-picture PAGE RI7


Imalj) something that is very special or Unusual dop/dpp; NA7mEdazp/ nounyyemb(SAFE ormal)) @mOUPm an alcoholic drink: Zets have a dop.

dor-mitory/'duormaetri; NAmE'dormaetori/ movn (PN =ie9

amotnts: [V] They lay around dopping all daay. [also VN] 2 [VN] (Sang)jto notpass atest or an exami; to not be Successful in completingaperiod ofstudy at aschool univerSity, etc.:Tdopped my 万rstyear atyarsity. dopal/'dsupa; NmE'dou-/ nouvn [U] (medicaj) a chemical Which is present in the body, used to treat PARKINSONS

dormitory town (8 日(NMmE

晶ye六 (-pp)j) Tto



especially iD large

DISEASE dopa-mine/deaupemim; NMmE'dou-/ oun [U] achemical produced by nerve cells which has an effecton other cells dope/dsop; MAmEdoop/ novm ve 册 @1iOUm 了 [U] (Informal) a drug that is taken illegally for pleastre,especially CANNABIS or in the US,HEROIN 2 [U] adrugthat is taken byaperson or givento an animalto affecttheir performance 记 arace Or Sport: The athete foiled a dope test (= aimedical test showed that he

had taken such drugs) 3 [C (normajh a stupid person ETIIDIOT 4.[u]jthe 一 (onsb/sth) (jprmal)) ipformation on Sb/sth; especiallydetailsthat are not generallyknowmn: Give me the dope on the meW bo0s5. @ye 上bb [VN] T to givea drug to aperson or an animal in order to affect their performance in a race or Sport 了字 to give sb a drug, often in their food or drink, in order to rmaake them Unconscious; to Put ai drug in food,etc'::

THievesdopedaguarddogandstole 8%10000 worth ofgoods. TeWineWasdoped 3 二 sb(up)[usually passive] (nj 广 Immajll ifsbis doped or doped up, theycannot think clearly Oractnormally becatuse they are under the influence of


goPpey/'deupi; MAmE'doupi/ ad (pformal T rather stuFid: a dopey gr 识 2 not fully awake or thinking clearly, sometimes becatuse youhave taken adrug:Ifeltdopey amd drowWsy after the operatiom.

u actual

| army

| aonow

| ersay

| sgo (BrE

"bedroom commu-

nity 'bedroom suburb "oun atown that people live iand ffom where theytravelto workin abigger town OF

city dorimouse/'domaus; NMAmE'dorm-/ movn (Pdormice /mars/) asmall animal like amouse, with a tail covered in fur

dorp /dop; NAmE doxzrp/ noun (SAFrE nirmal a small town or village in the country gor.sal/'do:sl; NAmE'dorsl/ adj. [only before noun] (techmicoll on or connected with theback of a fish or an animal: Qsharkss dorsal jin 一Picture 只 PAGE R20 dory/'dorri/ nouwn (P/ -iey a nairow fish that has a deep body and that can open its mouth very wide DOS/dnpns; NAmEdd:s/ obbr (computing) diskoperating SYSstem dosal/'"duausa; NAmE 'dou-/ noun a Southern Indian PANCAKE made with rice flour dos-age/'dausId5; NAmE 'dou-/ nounm [usually sing.] an amount of sth, usuallya medicine or a drug, that is taken regularly over a particular period of time: Q PighAlIow dosage C to 训 crease/reduce the dosage 2 Do mniotexceed the recommended dosage.

dos and don'ts-> pol1. dose/daus; NAmEdous/ noun, ve 几 emou1 了 an amountofa medicine or adrug that is taken once, Or regularly over a period of time: a Pigh/Iow/lethal dose 2 Repeat the dose after J2 hours 矿necessa13: 2 (njformal) an amountof sth: Adaose of ju kept7ne o太 Work. COWorkers at the muclear plant Were exposed to Pigp doses ofradiation. CTcan cope Withn her 识 small doses (三

like a dose of 'salts

(old-J6shioned,BrE njonmal) vety fast and easily 一more

-9e0-; NAmE "dazpL-/

1OuU1 和 5 Gernah) a person's doppelgainger is another Derson who 100Kks'exactly like them


for short amoltints of time).

dopi-azal/'deupid:ze; NAmE 'dou-/ .noun [U] (BrE) asS Asian dish consisting ofmeat cooked in an onion sauce


(alsoinformal dorm 1 aroomfor severalpeopleto sleep in, especially in a school or other institution QZ (NAmB) =

at MEDICINE @Ve 访 [VN] 一sb/yourself (up) (with sth) to give Sb/yourself atinedicine or drug: She dosed hersejF up With Vitamin pits. CHe was heayily dosed Withn PaimnKillers.

| oo go (Mm 有

| ofboy

| Inear

| ee hair

| se pure


456 | doi'ing /dautm;:NAmEydoutm/ ad-[only before noun] showing alot of love for sbioften ignoring their faults

dosh /doj; NAmEda:J/ooun Eu] (BrEslang)money dioss/dos; NmEda:s/verb, noun 亚 Yerb [V] (BrE sang) 下 一(downmjitoisleep somewhere, especially somewhere tncomfortable or without a real

bed: Zoucarmaossdown onmyjioon 了 一 (aboutaroundh to Spend your time:not doing Very much: We Were Jst dossimg apout in lessons today. 下 /OUm (BE) something that does not need much effort djioss.er/dpseGD); NMAmE'dazs-/ noun (Br Taperson 日 who hasno permanenthome andwho lives and sleeps on the Streets ofr in cheap HOSTELS 2:(nformal aperson who'is VeIy lazy

dioss.house /doshaUs; NAmE'dazs-/ (Br (NAmE 有 6 house) 0o07 (pfomma1h a cheap Placertoxstay for people who have no home dlos-sier/'dpsier NAmE'da:s-; 'dadzs-/ moun ~ (on sb/sth) a

collection of documents that contain ipformation abotita Person,,an event or a -subject FILE: to asSseTipbIe/ cormmpile a dossier c We have a dossier o7i ji

qiot 0

/dpt; NMmEda:t/ noun, vemb

下 OU 了1 asmallround marlo especially one that is printed: There are dotks above the etters iandji co Textand grap 六 ics are Drinted at 300 dofk per 总Ci > Te helicopters

QPPeared as bwo biack dots of 雪e horizo站 了 (computing) asSymbol like afull stop/period tised to separate parts ofa DOMAIN NAME, a URL or an email address IEim on the dot(normal/) exactly on time or at the exacttime mentioned: THre taxishowed up om the dot Breakfastis served at8 of 态 eaokt 一more atYEAR 上 Verbi(it) [VN] TtoDutadot above ornexttoaletteror Word: Wjy aoyou neverdotyour 奏 ? 和 [usually passive] to Spread things orpeople overan areai to be spread over an area: The coUTtryside Was dotted with small villages: 和 Smallyilasges dot 妇 e countryside. There arelots ofItalian

Testaurants dotted around Iondom 3

一Aon/overB |一

B.with A to put very small amounts of sth in anumber of Places on a surface: Dot the creamz all over your foce. c .Dot

dot matrix primter20v amachine thatpPrintsletters, Dumbers, etc. formed from very small dots dot-ted /dotrd; NMMmE sda:t/ adj 1 covered ip dots 也 [only before noun] (muwsio (of a musical note) followed byadotto showthatit isione andahalftimes thelength * IN BASEBALL 3 [V] to hit the ball far enough for yotto get to second BASE: He doupled to Ie庆 记eld.

double as sth | ,double ,up as sth to have ari:

other use or function as well as the main one: The Kitchnen doubles as a dining 7rooim ,double 'backto turmbackand

goin the direction yolhave come from double'up (on

sth/with sb)(infomnal)to form apairinordertodosth or to share sth: Wel have to double up om pooKs; thereiaren生 elOuSh to go around. CThey only have one roomm le太 yo所

| kecat

| Lleg

| msman

| nnow

| ppen


jayeto doubleup with Peter idoubie'up/over| doublie sb '浊 phAover to bend or to make .your body bend'over quickly, for example because you are in pain: Jo doubled UDWith Iaughter CIWas doubled overWwith pain,


doulble jeopardy

,doubie 'creamoun

[U] (BAE) thick cream which con-

tains alot of fat and can be mixed sothat itiis no longer liquid 一compare SINGLE CREAM

,doulblie-'cross ve 履[VN] to cheat or trick sb who trusts you (usually in connection with sth jllegalior dishonest): Re double-crossed the restoftheganganddisappeared Witp allthe money double-'crossmoun [usuallysing.]

are equentv used with the following aua. purpose



doulbie 'date "on an occasion when two couples go

ont togetheronaDATE s ,doubie-'dateye [V] douplie-'dealermovn (normah) adishonestperson who cheats otherpeople ee ,doubie-'dealing7moun [U] dioupie-'deckernou 1 abus with twofloors, one on top of the other 一Picture 只 BUS 一Compare SINGLEDECKER 了 (NAmB) a SANDWICH made 人fom three Pieces of bread with two layers of food between them



-role approach 人 Sitizenship

上 Dual dnse




that Re ww ants, UsesOr

douabie decompo'sition 570 [U] (chemistD) a Pro-


Double Ganbeused with asimilar meaning,but When susedto describe something thathastwo aa, the two parts are usually thesameorvery similar EDouble, [ar dual: can describe something tt is

全 madefor two RS


Or things, or 0 istwiceasbig as


doulbie actnourtwo peoblewho worktogether ustally to entertain an atdience doubie-'actioiad. [usually before noun] 1 working 记 two ways: double-action tapblet 2 (ofa gun) needing two separate actions for preparing to fire and firing

cess in which atoms from one MOLECULE change Places With atoms fom another molecule,forming two new molecules douibie- density adj (computing) (of a comPputer disk) able to hold twice the amount of data as other older disks ofthe same size ,doOulbie 'dig话 s 00oU7 [pl.] (Nm 日= DOUBLE FIGURES P diouble- dig 让 0d. (NAIm 日= DOUBLE-FIGURE ,dioulbie 'Durtcih noun [U] (BrE, informal) speech or writingthatisimpossibletounderstand, and that seems tobe

.double 'agentnoun aperson whoisasPYforaparticu-

Donsense ,double-'edsed cd1 (ofaknife, etc) having two cutting edges 2 (of a remark,comment,etc.) having two possible meanings AMBIGUOUS 3 having two dif-

lar country, and also for another country which is an enemy of the first one

ferent Parts or Uses, often parts that contrast with each other: 纺 e double-edged qualiby of 1 谍 识 asmall town 一Se-

,double "par noun (music) a Pair of Vertical lines at the

curity ard boredom IE be a double-edged 'sword/ weapon to be sth that has both advantages and disadVantages

end of a piece of music

,double-'barrelledi (Br6) (NmE ,doubie-'barreied)

adj. [usually before noun] 1T(ofa gun), twoBARRELS (= places wherethebullets come out)2 (BrE) (ofafamily name) having two parts, Sometimes joined by a hyphenm, for example Day-Lewis' 3 (of a Plan,etc.,) having two parts,and therefore likelyto be effective

doubie \和 ass (also bass) moUm the largest musical instrument ip the VIOLIN family that Plays very low Dotes 一Picture 上 PAGE R6

,double 'bill (NAmE also ,doulbie 'feature) 00un two

films/movies, television programmes, etc.that are Shown one after the other doublie 'binael novn [usually sing.] a situation in which 让 is difficult to choose what to do because whatever yoOU choose will have negative tesults doulbie 'bluff novn away of trying to trick sb bytelling them the truth while hoping thattheythink you are lying

doubie-'book ve [VN] [often passive] to Promise the same rOom, seatb table, etc. to two different people at the time 一compare


,double-' booking

moon [CU]

double-'breasted ddj. a double-breasted jacket or coat has two 人 front parts so that one part covers the other when the buttons are done up, and two Iows of buttons can

be seen 一picture 只


RI4 一COmPpare


BREASTED doulblie- Check vemb io check sth for a second time or With great care: [VN] TI aouble-check the igures. [also V,

v(that)] > double-'check om doulbie 'chin 7ov7 a fold of fat under a person's chin, that looks like another chin

,double-'click verb-[V YN] ~ (on sth) (computng) to choose a particular function or item on a coOmputer Screen, etc. by pressing one of the buttons on a mouse twice quickly

S ;See | ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

Foun (from Frepeh) a word or phrase that can be Understood in two different ways, one of which usually refers to SeX

,double-entry 'bookkeepin mon [U] (business)a system of keeping financial records in Which each piece ofbusiness is recordedias a CREDIT in one account and a DEBIT in another

daouble faultnovn (inTENNIS)thelossofapoint catsed

douible bas'soonm moun = CONTRABASSOON


doupie en-ten:dre-/atbl Btndre; NAmE Etazdra/

| Jshoe

bya playermnot SERVING corTectly twice > doubier'fauit ve由 [V]

,double featurenoun (Nm有)= DOUBLE BILL

,doulbie 人 Eures (especialy BrE) (NMmEusually ,doubie digits) moOuU1m [plj] used to describe a number that is not

less than 10 and not more than 99: Inflation 攻 训 double idoupblie-figure (especially BrE) (NAmEuUsually Jigures. double:dig 刘 adj/. [onlybefore noun]: a double-Figure pay

Tise dioublie Silazinmgmovn [uU] (especially BrEjswindows that have two layers of glass with a space between themy, designed to make the room warmer and to reduce Doise

P .double-'glaze


-[VN] -,double-'glazed


double-glazed widows


Glioucester /,dAbl .gjpsteC),NAmE 'glo:s-,

'gla:s-/ noum [U] a type of hard English cheese that is or ange in colouLr

dioulbie-' headernoun (NAmaB(inBASEBALL)two games that are played on the same day, traditionally on a Sunday, and usually by the same two teams

,double 'heiix "ov (biology) the structure of DNA, cormSisting of two connected long thin pieces that form a SPIRAL Shape double jeopardy moum (NAmE, /aow) the fact of taking sb to _court twice for the same crime,or punishing sb

twice for the same reason

| 3 vision

| tchain

| ds jam

| gthin

| 5this

| 0 sing

double-jiointed double-jointed

458 |

cd Having joints insyour fingers,

arms, etc. that allow you to bend:them both backwards and forwards 四 ouible 'iife movn alife ofa person who leads two differentlivesWwhich are keptseparate from each other usually becatse oneiof them involves secret often jllegal or imImoral, activities: to liveXlead aadoupble 1i 访


meSatiive moun-(gromman a negative state:

Ient containing two negative words. didn't' say nothiDg8 .is a double negative becatse it contains two Degative Words, mb and mothing. This use is not conSidered correct in standard English.

,double- Parkve 少[usually passive] to Parka car or other Vehicle beside one that is already parked in a street: [VN] Acarstood douvpble-parked almost 训 the7mniddle of the road. CTLILPaye to rush 一Im double-parked. [alsoVj]

,double Play noun (in BAsEBALL) a situation in which two Players are Put out (= made to finish their attempt

at Scoring a RUN)

ouibile ,Precisionm movwn_[u] (computmg) the use of twice the usual number of BITS to represent a_number, Iaking it more accurate

,douibie quicikodv (Br informaolj very quickly ,doubile quick codj [only before nounm]: The TV was repaired 访 double-qguicK time.

double rhyme noun [U] (in poetry) a paif of Words Which have two parts ending with the same sotnds, for example reading' and'speeding

doulble roorm (also double moun aDedroom for fwo

People qdouible-spPeak /daAblspik/ (also doubietaig) moOuw1 贡] languagethatis intended tomake people believe sth Which is nottrue, or that can be understood in two differ-

ent Ways qioulbie 'standardnoun arule ormoral Principlethatis unfair because it is used inione situation, but not:sin anothem Or'because it treats one group of people in a way that is different ffom the treatment of another

double-stoppingnovn [U] (muwsic) the action of playingtwo stringstogetheron aVIOLIN orsimilar instrument

doulb-let /daAblet/; noun a short tightly :fitting jacket Worn by men from the 14th to the 17th century:dressed 总 doublet amd hose ouipie talkenown 站 youdoadouble take,youwait for amoment before you react to sth thathas happened, be: catuse it is Very SUrprising douible-talk/aAblto:k/ Jnouwn [U] 三 DOUBLESPEAK

doulbiethink /aeblgmk/ novn [u] the act of holding

two OpPPposite opinions or beliefs at the same time; the ability to do this

doulbile timmemoun [u] twice sbs normal Pay thatthey earn for working at times which are not normal Working hours

double :top moun (in the game of DARTS) a Score of double twenty

douibie "Visiomno7n [U] 二 youhave dotble vision you

can See two thingsWhere there isactuallyonlyone

doub-ioon /daAblumny/ noun (in the past) a Spanish gold coin

doulbily/ "dAbli/ adv (used before adjectives) 1 morethan Usual: doupbly djficult/pard/importart S T mmade aouDH SUre TIocKked alLthe aoors 矶hemnTWwentotit 2 记D two ways; for two Teasons:TWas doubly attracted to tpe j0Use 一by is size aiaits 1ocatiom


om /daut/ num, ye 认

旦IOU1 [U,C] ~ (about sth) | ~ (that… ) | ~ (asto sth) a feeling ofbeing ncertain about sth ornotbelieving sth: a Jeeling of doupbt amd uncertainbr CThere zsSome dombt abott 坊 e DestWaytodo 让 CThere iPodaouptatazthat We did the right thing. CONew eyiderice hasicastdoupt on

teSuitt ofthe7mmamjaileadjorthecrimie The articleraised Goubts aboutjhowefjfective 太emiemwdrugreallywas.SIFyov are 说 any doupbtasto Whether youshould be doing 切ese eXeTcises,CO1LSULE YOUF doctoFr 2 She Kiew Without Qa Shadow ofa doupt 纺at he was yying to he Wjhether jhe WW记 comtinue to pe 5UCcess 记 1 总 所 ture 让 Open to doupt

IE beyond (any) dcoubtin a waythat shows that sth is completely certain: The researcP showed peyomd aoupt

碎atsmoKking co7tributes to heart disease. e (lgw) The pros-

ecution Was able to establish Deyomd reasomabie aoubt

态at 切 eWomamn had been ying lae in, iptto be uncer tain: The SUccess of the System 语 not 训 doUDL ave your

'doubts (about sth)tohave reasons whyyou are not cer

tain about whether sth is good or whether sth good will happen: Tye had my daouvpts apout his Work since he joinmed 廊e 万 7. 人 下 Tay pe allrigjhE Perso7ialp Thave myaoiipbts. 许im 'doubtused to give adVice:to sb Who cannot decide What to do: 矿 碎doubb Wear plack., mo bt 1 used When you are saying that sth is probable: No doupt she 允 caQLL US When she gets there: 2iused whemi you are saying that sth is certainly true: es 7made So7me 8S7eat TnOYIeS.

Theres mnO doupt about 让



used when you are giving your opinion and emphasizing the point that you are making: This meetimg has Deem, Withoutdaoubz5 omne of the mostUSsefulWwe jhaye had so far 一 Imore at BENEFIT1. 对 VE/凡 了 to feel Uncertain about sth; to feel that sth is not true, Will probablynot happen, etc.: There see1mns mo reaso7 to doubt her story 2 Do you thinK England w 记 win? 一代 daoupbt 让 :2.[V (that)] Tmneyer doupted (thnab) she :would comie. C [V wh-] T douvpt wphether 这 the new onre Ww 这 be ayY petter 字 [VN] tonottrust sb/sth; to not believe sb: 工

jhad mo reasom to douDt Fr7m 区


deouibtfaljaaotty odi1 一 aboutsth) | 一(aboutdoing sth) (of a person) not sure; uncertain and feeling doubt DUBIOUS: Rose.Was,douBtAl about the whole idea. Re Was doupthllapour accepting extra Work. 了 一 (if/that/ whether .… ) Unlikely; not probable: 克s douvptbpuel 矿 切z Painting 1 G Picasso. C With her 识iuries its doubtml 坊 Gt Shellieyer walk again. C 1ts doub 坟 11WRhether 切 ecar Wi Iast another year 2 Heis 训jured and isidouptnuolia7joFthe

8amie tomor7ow (= Unlikelyto Dlay). 3 [not usuallybefore noun] (ofathing)uncertain and likelyto get worse:Atthe 5egIm7ring OF thezWar tin85 Were 1o0King yeFy sdoubtL 4 [only before noun] of low value; Probably not genuine

or of a quality that youscan relyon


Wine is ofdoubthlqualib 攻 乾outfuilly/feli/ adv doulbt-ingThomas /iaaautm 'tomss; NAmE'tazmz/nou7 [sing.] (old-oshioned) a person who issunlikely to believe sth until they see Proof of 让 [araqFrom St Thomas in the Bible, who did not believe that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead until he saw and touched his wotinds,

doulbtless /dautlas/ adv (also 1essJrequent goulbtless-

it almost certainly SR wIrHouT

poUBT: He wouid

aoUDtless qisapprove of whatKelyWas doing

douche /duJ/ noun a method of washing inside a womamns VAGINA_ Using a stream of water [vVN]


doush /deg; NAmE dou/ noun 了 [U,sing.] a mixtire of flour wateb etc. that is made into Dread and PASTRY: Knead the dousji on a 刀oured SufFfoce., 2 [TU (os 扑 1omed, 5/ang) money dough-mat (also 了lomart especially 记 NA41m月 /daonAt; NAmmE' aou-/ noum asmall cake imadeoffried dough, sially inthe shapeofafring, orround andifilled with jamy jelly, fuit, creaimy'etc:

doughty/ "aauti/ adj (old大shioned)brave and strong doula/ "dula/ noun (NmBawoman whose role is to pro-

Vide emotional supportto a womian who 证 giving birth一

compare MIDWIFE

dour/ "daue(GD); BIEalso doeGD); NAmEalso daur/adj 了 (ofa Person) giving the impression ofbeing Unfriendly and seVere 了 (of athing, aplace, or a Situation) not pleasant; With no featuresthatimakeitlivelyor interesting: The city dab and dourpyiaday ztra7isformieaat Tight CTHhe 5arme Proyed to pe aaour Strugsle Withn bpo雪 Tenaetermined to


scat | cd father | etem | 3: bird |:a aboutz|:z sit | 荆 rsee | many


| bogot (BrB) | osaw

| Acup

| oput| utoo


douse(also dowse) /duaus/ vemb[VN] 1 ~sth (with sth)jto


stop afire from burning by pouring water over it; to put

outalight :了 ~ sby/sth (in/with sth) to pouralot of liquid

lower or that there is less activity: Turm 妇 e 7music dowPL CThe class settled dowm and she began the lesson. 5 (ina CROSSWORD)reading from toptobottom;,notfrom sideto side:Tcamnitdo 3 down. 6 to or in the south of a country: Theyjlew down toTexas.C Houses are nore expensiye dowP South 7 on paper; on alist: Did you get 雪 at dowmn2 .2 always Write eyeTything dowmn. 2 Hayve yoU got mme dowP Jor the trip? 8 used to show'the limits in a range or an order: Eyeryomne Will pe tpere, 万om the _Principal down g9 having lost the amount.of money mentioned: At the end oF the day we Were E20 down 10 让 you pay an amount of money down, You pay that to start with, and the restlater 3 (nformal)used to sayhow far youhave got in a list of things you have to do: WeL TVe See SI apartrments 50 jaor Thats six down and jpour to 80! 12 (normal to or at alocal Place such as a shop/store, Pub, etc:: Prmjustgoing down to the postoffice. CTsaw Pim down at the Shops,、 EggIn informal British English, to and at are often left out after down in this sense: Hes gone dowWt the Shops. be down to sp (njormaj) to be the respomnsibility of sb: 节 s dowm to you to checKk the door be dowmto sb/sthtobe causedbyaparticular PerSon or thing: She claimed jher Problerns Were dowh to 雪 e Tedia be down to sth to have only alittle money left: DTm aown to my last dollar be/go down with sth to have

Over Sb/sth; to SOAK sb/sth in liquid: The carywas doused

识 petrol antd setalight dovel White cooed DOVE

/dav/ novun Ta bird of the PIGEON family The dove is often used as a Symbol of peace: A doye softly e He wore a doye-Srey SU 让一See also TURTLE 2 a person,especially a_ politician,who Prefers

Peace and discussion to war HAWK diovez/dauv; NAmEdoov/ (NmE) ptof DIVE dove-cote /duAvkpt; 'daAvkeut; NAmE -kaxt; out/ (also dove-cot //dAvknpt; NAmE -kazt/) novn a small building for DOVES Or PIGEONS to live in @Ove-ta //dAvtel/ 证 verb, Doun

理 VYe上 (Jormaljll ~ (sth) (withy/into sth) 过 two things dovetail or if one thing dovetails with another, they fit together well: [V] My plans dovetailed micely with hers. [also VN] 上@IOU1 (alsO ,diovetaii 'joimnb ajoint for fixing two Pieces of wood together

or catch an jllness dowmn

FE mitre joint (B 章 miter joint (NM 日

dovetail joint

@@VErp [VN] (normah) Ttofinish adrink oreat sth quickdy:

daov:ish/duavij/ adi preferring to use peaceful discussion rather than military action in order to solve a political


We downed our coffees and Left 2 to force sb/sth downto the ground: to dqown aplane ,down Yools{BrE) (of Workers) to stop work; to go on strike 上 Gdj. [not before noun] 站 (pnformal) sad or depressed: Teel abit down today 2 (of a compnuter or compnuter Systemy) not working: The systermm Was downm all morning. 一See also DOWNTIME See HITV, KICK V LUCK 1 MOUTH 1 下 OU1 一 see also DOWNS 1 [U] the very fine soft feathers ofabird: duck down 2 [U] fine softhair 一 see also DOWNY


diowJrduaued5aG)/ moum 了 awoman of high social iankWhohas atitle ffom her dead husband: the dowager

Duchess of Norfolk

2 (nformal) an impressive,usually

Tich, old woman

dowdy /daudi/ ad 1 (of a woman) not attractive OF fashionable 2 (ofathing)dull orboring and not attract-


DRAB: Q dowdy dress

dow:eli/'dauael/ (also'dowelrod) ovun asmall piece of wood, plastic, etc. in the shape of a CYLINDER, Used to fx larger pieces of wood, Plastic, etc. together

doweli-ling (Br6 (US dowelin加 /daualm/ moun [U]

short pieces of wooden,metal of Plastic ROD that are used forholding parts of sth together the Dow jJones index /da '"d5egnz madeks,NAImE the 'Dow) 1oum 'd5ounz/ (also ,Deow ! [sing] ia list of the share prices of 30 US industrial companies that cambe used to compare the Prices to DieVious levels

全 QOwim


,down zt ,heeioxdj looking less attractive and fashionable than before, usually becatise ofa lack of money: The town has become yery dowm at heeL cadown-at-jheel hotel

daown-beat/daomnbit/ adj. (nornal) Tdull or depressing; not having much hope for the future: The overatl

mmood of the 7mmeetinig Was doWPpeat

Keep any fjood

down (= in herbody). 2 from a standing orVertical pos-

ition to a sitting or horizontal one: Please sit down. 2 He jaa to go and lie dowmn JoraWwhile- 3 ata lower level or rate: Prices hayve gone doWP recenttb 2 Were already two goals down (= the other team has two goals more).

4 used to show that the amount or strength of sth is

| army

| ao now

| -er say

| so-8go (BrE)

chances to catrrythe ball forward ten yards that a team is allowed. These series continue until the team loses the ball or fails to go forward ten yards 训 four :downs:; have a 'down on sp/sth (BE informal) to have a bad opinion of aperson or thing 一more at UP

own-and-outcoxn aperson Without money a home or ajob, who lives on the streets

@ddv, IaaForthe special tses of down in phrasal Verbs, lookKattheentries forthe verbs.Forexample climb down is 记 thephiasal verb sectionm at climnb. Tto or at alower Place or Position: SHie 记 mped dowm of the chair 2 He We Watched as thesun Wentaown 1ooked aowmatjher SheDentdown iDPick up herglove.2 Marysmnotdownyet


3 [aq (in AMERICAN FOOTBALL) one of a series of four

dowmn and 'out ddj (of a persom) T without money a home or a job, and living on the streets: a moyel abpout being down amd out in Iondon 2 certain to be defeated

/daon/ adv, Prep ,verb) adj ,noOUn

(= she is still tipstairs) 2 The DaBy ca

sth (Jormal) during a

long period of time: Downm 雪rough the years this town Pas seet many charnges,down 'under(informal to or in Australia and/or New Zealand dowmn with sb/sthused to say that you are OpDposed to sth, or to a person: The crowds chantea 了Down with NATO! 一more at MAND. 上 prep.Tfromahigh orhigherpoint on sth toalower one: The storte rolled down the hi了 L STEars rantdowPm herjoce.^ Her hair hung dowm her back to her WaiSE 了 along; towards the direction in Which you are facing: He liyes Just dowP iesfreet Go down theroadtllyoureach 坊 e traffic Lights. e Theres a briage a mile down the river 方om here. 3 all through a period of time: am exhibition of costurmes downm the ages (= from all periods of history)


showing strong feelings or enthusiasm diowmn-cast /daunka:sti NAmE aest/ adj 1 (of eyes) looking down: Eyes downcasb She comtinued eatimng, 之 (of

a Derson OF an exXpression) Sad or depressed ER


JECTED:A Sroup of dowhncast7mmenstood waiting forjood. down-change /daountfemad5s/ vemb [V] to change to a

lower gear in a Vehicle ,ERET CHANGE DOWN



| :ou go (MAm 日 | or boy

| Ie near

| ee hair

| se pure


460 |


quality: The cormmpany Warits to break away

0 down-drausght (also dowm-dgra 竹NA 站 日/daondrazft, AAmE -draeft/ OU (BrE) a downward movement of air, for example down acCHIMNEY dowmn-er /daunaGr)/ moun (PPmmah TIusually pl] a_ drug,especially a BARBITURATE,fthat Telaxes you OF Imakes you Want to sleep-compare UPPER 2 an eXperiencethat makes you feel sad or depressed: Not Settimng te Promotion Was arealadowner Fesreallyomnaadowner (三

VerTy depressed).

down-. 和aa中 /daunfozl/ movm [sing:] the loss of a Person's Ioney POWwer, Social Position, etc:; the thing that catises this: The sex Scanda1 广naljy 1ed to his dowPnfalL ee GreedWas



万omm 万

多 ownmarket 四

dy 人D 8et 7nOre YieWers 态 eTV statiomr Was Jorced to So dowmmarKet

dowmn-imost /daonmaeust; NMmE imoust/ adj (especia 几

B/E) nearest to thesground or lower level > downamost ady down payment7movn a sum of money that is given as thefirstpartofalarger payment: We aresayingjpradown PayTmnent on GaG Phorse.

dowm-pipe /daonparmp/ (Br月(US Yall-pipe) oun aDipe for carrying water ffom aroofdowntothe grotindortoa


dowmn-Srade /daun'grerd/ verb TIvN] T ~ sb/sth (from

qdown-play /daun'pler/ ye 瞩[VN] to make people think that sth is less important'than it Teally is PLAY DOWN: The coach 节 doWwPmplaying 太e teams poO0r peroFrm-

Shes peen downgraded 方om Drincipal to Vice-DTimcipaL 之 to make sth/sb seem less important or valuable than

dowmn-Ppour /aaunpoz(r)/ noum [usuallysing] abheavy fall of fain that often starts suddenly

1OU1 [U,G: adowngrading ofdip1omatic relatiorms

dowm- 叶Et /daunrart/ adj [only before noun] used as a

jer doywmfaDL

sth) (to sth) to move sb/sth down to alower rank orlevel:

it/they really are 一compare UPGRADE z down.grading

down'hearted /,daonha:tid: NAmE :haartrd/ ad/ [not before noun] feeling depressed or sad: We7e disappointed Dy these results DuULEWeye not downpearted

dowm-hiiil cdvi ad noun

到.Qdy. /idaun'hrl/ towards the bottom of a bill; in a direction that goes down: to_runAwalkAcycle dowmPmilz


,Bo down hill to get worse in _quality

health, etc. DETERIORATE: Their mar7TiaSge WentdowmPill after the 太 rstchila was borm: 引 Odj. /daun'hal/ going orsloping towards the bottom ofa

be (ailD) dowmhill hill: a dowmhiz Path Ia UPHILL |be ,downhill allthe 'way (informah Ttobe eaSy'com-

Pared to-what came before: ts all dowmpil 万 omm jhere. JWe1soon pe fimished. 了 to become worse orless sticcessful: is been alldownhilfor his careersince 太 emn with four dejfeats 识 fjiveSgammes. CTstarted Work as a journalist amd 访 Was dowmhizl all the wayjforrny health. 如 IOU1-/"daunhIl/ [U] the type of sKIING in which you go directy down a mountain;, a race 训 .which People sKi down a mountain 一picture 咱 SKIIN 一COmPpare G CROSSCOUNTRY


Wayofemphasizing sth negative or Unpleasant: THherewas SUSDiciomn ad eyen dowmnrigRht jhatired between 雪 erm. 戎 可 Own-ight ody: She couldmt 芒 访大 of anytping to Say 态at WasmnEdowmrigptFuae. CIts7ot JUsStstupia its dowmTigRt da7igerous. dovwn-river /daunirrveGr)/ adv = DOWNSTREAM

diowms /daunz/ noun the downs [pl] an area of open land with low hills, especially in southern England

dowm-scale /daon'sked/ adj ,adv (NAmE) = DoOWNMARKET

dowm-shift /daonfitt/ verb [v]11 (NAm 有 to changetoa

lowefr gear in avehicle 2 to changetoa joborstyle of life Where you may earn less but which puts less Presstuie on

you and involves less stress aownshift moun [cuU] downshifter nou7m

dowm-side /daunsardj/ noun [sing.] thedisadvantages or less positive aspects of sth


diowm-size /daonsarz/ Ve 由 [V VN] (business) to reduce the number of people who work in a company, business,

etc. in order to reduce costs 叫 note at CUT PP owmsiz 双 = own- home czdji (NmB usedto deseribe a Person or ingmoun [U] thing that reminds you:of a simple way of life; typical of gown-spoat /daunspawt/ noum (NAmE) 三 DRAINPIPE the country notthe town

Down-ing Street /aaunimistri't/ nou7 [sing](nottised With te) a way of referring to theBritish Priimne minister and goveinment taken from the marmerofithe:straet Where the Prime minister lives: DOW7iing Stireetissueaa StateTment late 1QsETiCNE

down-ighter /daonlartatn)/ (also qdown-fight /duaon-

lart/) noun a light on a wall which shines downwards 二 compare UPLIGHTER 呈Own-jink /daonlimk/ mou7m_a comrmtunications linK Pby which information is received from Space or fom an aircraft w downjJink ve履 : [VN] APy orgamizationm camn dow7LaK the prosTaTT WithoutCcharge:

qdowmn:joad ve 六 760171

灵 VEj /,daun'leud; NA7E 、ioud/ [VN] (compubngj to move data to a smaller compnuter system from a larger one一 compare LOAD 呵 双 UPLOAD IOUN /daunlagd; NAmE-lood/ (computng) data which is downloaded from another comPpnuter System 区 如ownmloadable /,daon'leodabl; NA7mmE -1o0d-/ adl/.

dowm-jow /daunleo, NAmE -oo/ noun, adf/

true facts about sb/sth, especially those considered miost imnportant to know: the Website t太 at Siyesyou 雪e dowPnlow


on the down-

Jow secretly; not wanting otherpeople to discover what you are doing 本 0cdlj. [only before noun] (9angjiased to refertoaman who appears to be HETEROSEXUAL, Dut secietly has sex With

| adid


| gget

人 | Rhat

全 jyes

that is below average 半 dowm-stage /daunsterd5/ adv towards the front ofthe stage in atheatre > qdowmsiage adj ,EEB UPsTAGE

goOwm-stairs 1OuU1n

0二 /daon'steaz; NAmE-Sterzj azdy,

旦 0dv. down the stairs; on orto afloor orahotse or blild迄g lower than the one:yotu are on, especially the one at ground level: She rusHhed doWmstairs and Diurstimntothe Ki让 Chen 2 Wait downstairs ii te JaLL UPSTAIRS 全 oOwm-sta 本 irs dj [only before noun]: :adowmstairs path-

7oo7m 是 .0OUM [sing.] the lowerfloor ofahouse or building, especially the .one at ground level: Weye Paintins the downUPSTAIRS Stai7S.

gowm-stream /daon'striam/ adv, ad 旦(also /ess jequentaowmriven adv ~ (of/from sth) in the

downm-swing /aaanswIm/ moum [usually sing] 工 一 (in

Inen down-maricet /daunaimakrt; NAmE -mairkrt/ (BrB) (NAmE dowm-scale) ad (disapproving) cheap and of


mouUm [U] a medical condition' in which a person is born

With a wide flat face, sloping eyes and a mental abijlity

direction 训p which a river flows: to GariiA1ioat dowmStreama 2 downstream o帮 om the bridge UPSTREAM 灵 0dlj. 了 (also /essrequenit人oOwm-riven in a position along a_ Tiver Which ,is nearer the sea:,downstieam QTeas UPSTREAM 之 ,happening as al consequence,of sth that has happened earlier: dowmstrearmm effects

时 71OU1 the downiow [sing.] (Unyformnaj ~ on (sb/sth) the

OP the pest moyies

Downm'ssyndrome(NAmE usually 'Down syndrome)

sth) a situation in Which sth getsworse or decreases Over a period of time: 急 e_current Gowriswing 识 the airtine

industry Ce Fe 站 omn a career aow7sWimrg. UPSWING 之 ( 带 GoIF) the downward movement ofa CLUB when a Player is abouttohittheball

| k cat

| lleg


严 man

| now

| p pen

| Tred



movun [u] (Nm 日= DowKN's SYN-





/duaountarm/ novn [u] Tthe time during

Which a machine, especially a computer

雇g 一compare


2 (especially

is not work-




When sb stops working and is able to relax: Eyeryome meeds aittle downtirmne.

,down to 'eartlh odij. (opproving) sensible and practical, inawaythatis helpful and friendly downm-town /,daon'taon/ ady (especially NAmE) in or toWwWards the centre of a city,especially its main business areal: to go/Wwork dowmntown 一compare MIDTOWN,TOWN CENTRE,, UPTOWN dowmntown adj.: a dowmntown store owntiowmn moun [U]: a jhotel in the heartofdaowntowmn


/daontrend/ noun

[sing.] a situation 捞

Which business activity or Performance decreases or becomes worse over aperiod of time


down-trod-den /daontrodn; NAmE-tradn/ adj downtrodden people are treated so badly by the people with atthority and power that they no longer have the ener8y or abijlity to fight back diowmn-turnm /'"daontam; NAmE :tazmn/ noun [usually sing.]

一 (in sth) afall in the amount of business that is done; a time when the economybecomes weaker: a dowrmturm 训 sales/trade/business 2 the economic downturn of the Iate 1990s UPTURN



/daonwed; NMmE-ward/ ad

[usually before noum] moving or pointing towards a lower level: the downward slope ofa Phil e the dowmnward trend 识 训 flation She Was fapped 识 a dowrward spiral of Personal UnhapPpines5. UPWARD


ce /daunwadz; NAmE-werdz/ (also

dowm-ward especiallyin NAmE) adv towards the ground or towards a lower level: She Was ying fce dowmnwards on the grass. The garden SIoped gently dowmnwards to the river 下 Was apolicy welcomed By world leaders 方om the US president dowmwards. UPWARDS

dowmn-windg /daon'wmd/ adv ~ (of sth) in the direction

in whbich the wind is blowing: sailing downwind ce Warm识gsWereissued to people living downwind of theJireto stay UPWIND > dowmwind adf/. 训 doors: diowmnmy /daoni/ oj covered in sth very soft,especially 一see also DOWN1. hair or feathers dowry /dauri/ noun (P1 -ies) 1 money and/or Property thatb in some societies, a wife or her family must pay to her husband when they get married 字 money and/or Pioperty that in some societies, a husband must Pay to his wifexs family when they get married 履 [v] to look for underground water diowse /dauz/ ve 1 or minerals byusing a Special stick or long piece of metal that moves when it comes near water etc. 也


> dow:ser /ou1n

dowsingrogd noun astickused when dowsing for water or Inineralsunderground

dioxcology /dok'splad5i; NAmE da:k'sa:l-/ noUn (P/ -ies) (reljigiom) iD Christian worship,,a short text that can be sung Which praises God

dioxy /dpksi; NAmE 'da:ksi/inoun (P1 -ies)j (old.Use) Ta

Woman who is sb's lover 之 aPROSTITUTE dioyem /'doren/ (NmE usually deam) noun the most respected or most experienced member of a group or Pro放ctiom fession: Arthur C _Clarke 站 the doyen of scielceJWwriters.


/doren/ "ovn the most respected OF most

experienced woman mermber of a gIOUP oOT Profession : Martha Graham the doyemne ofAmericar7modern dartce

dioz. abbr (in writing) DOZEN: 2 doz. eg88s dioze /daoz; MPmEdooz/ ver 户OU

下 Verb [v] to sleep lightly for a shorttime'c> note at SLEEP

人 fto goto sleep, especially during the day: ,doze 'o She dozed o矿 识 ontof 广 the 万Te.


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| 了 shoe

理 OUN1 [sing.] a short period of sleep, usually during the day:Thad a doze om the train.

@iOzem 0

/dszn/ noun; deEt (pl dozen)

1T [qq (obbr doz-) a group of twelve of the same thing: Give me a dozxen,Pplease. C two dozent eggSs 2 three dozef red ro05es 一See alsO BAKER'S DOZEN QZ [C a group of apPproximately twelve people or things: Several dozerwa jw dozxen people ec The company employs no Tore thar a couple of doxert people. c Only aboutRaagf adoxer People turned up. C There Was only space for a haI 太doxen tables.

3 dozens [pl.] ~ (of sth) (Unformah a lot of people or things: They arrived in doxens (= in large numbers) Tve been therEaozenus of rmes.


SIX dozy /dauzi; NAmE'douzi/ adj. (Unformal) 1 notlooking or feeling awake 2 (BrE) stupid; notintelligent

DPfhil /di: 'f/ moun (BrB) the abbreviation for 'Doctor of Philosophy: to be/jhave/do aDPhile James Mendelssopm

DPhil dipi /di:pi:'ariabbr (computing) dots Per inch (a meastre of how clear the images Produced by a printer SCANNER etc. are) DPP /di: pi: 'pi/ obbr (in England and Wales) DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS

Dr (Br6 (alsoDe NMAmE BrE)abbr 1 (in writing) Doctor: Dr Gane) Walker 2 (istreetnames) DRIVE

dralb /drab/ adj (drab-ber, drab-best) without interest or colour; dull and boring: a cold drapb Little office 2 drab Women,dressed in browris and greys > drabness 10Un

[U] drapbs /drzbz/ noun See DRIBS dirachma /drakma/ noun (p/ drachmas or drachmae /draekmi:/) the unit of money in Greece (replaced in 2002 by the euro)

dira-co-nmiam /drakeonien; NMAmE-kou-/adj (ormal)(ofa law,Ppunishment,etc.)





From Draco, a legislator in ancient Athens who

gave Severe Punishments for crimes,, especially the Punishment ofbeing killed. 。 Drac-uia /drakjsla/ noun a character 记 many horror fims who is a VAMPIRE. Vampires appear at night and Suck the blood of their victims. From the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker.

全ra 全 0

/drazft; MAmmEdraeft/ noun; adj;ve 内

吾 IOU1 了 [C] a rough written version of sth that is not yet

in its final form: Tve made a roush draft of theletter This is only the Jirst draft of my speechs c the final draf (= the final version) o The legislation is stil 识 draftjform. ca draft constitutionr/treaty/agreement 2.[C ( 矿 mance) a written orderto abankto pay money to Sb: Paymnent must be made by bank draft drawn on a UK banmk. 3 the dra人 tf [sing] (especially US) = CONSCRIPTION 4 [sing](NAmB) a system in which professiorial teams 雇 some Sports choose players each year from among college students 5 [G (NmB) = DRAUGHT: Carl yoU Shut the aoor? Theres a dra 太 识 here.

画 dj (NAmE) = DRAUGHT

上b (also draugjht especiallyin BrE) [VN] 1 to write the 至 ye first rough versioiibf sth Such as a lettem Speech OF book: to draft ia constitutiorXcofitractpDile TU draft aletter Joryou. 2 [+adyVprep] to choose People and send them somewhere for a special task: Extra Police are peing dra太-

ed 识 to control the crowds; 3 [usually:passive] (NAm6) 三 CONSCRIPT: They Were drafted into the arTmY.

raft dodger oun (NmE, disapproving) a Person who e 一compare ilegally tries to avoid doing military servic

CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR CONdraft-ee /drafti: NAmE ,draefti/ novun (U9) SCRIPT ft-er /draxfte()/ noun Ta person who prepares a 人 dira rough version of a plan,document,etc. DRAFTSMAN (2)

| 5 vision

| tf chain

| ds jam

| ethin

了 (NAmE) 三

| 5this

| Dising


462 | dras-and-dropiz 矿(computingjrelatimgtothe moving of ICONS, etc. on a Screen Using the motse




Wumaen/ moun (PTmen /man/,-women /wmrm/) 了 (NMAm 且 三 DRAUGHTSMAN,DRAUGHTSWOMAN 也 (NAmE also drafter) a person who writes official or legal docuInents: 加e drafts7men of the comsiituom

draftsmanship (Nm有 6)= DRAUGHTSMANSHIP draftspers'on





(NAmE) = DRAUGHTSMAN(]) drafty (NAImB) = DRAUGHTY diras 0

昌 Verb (SS-)

/draeg/ verb; noun

~PULL 1 [VNi usually上 + adyVprep] to pull sbysth along With effort and difficulty: T dragsged the chair oyer to the Window. 2 Teyaragged her 方om herped. cnote atPULL > MOVE >LOWILY 2 [+advVprep] to move yourself Slowly and With effort: [VN] T 7mamnaged to drag 7myser out of [V] She aways Garags behind When We WalK ar大 bed WPere.

> PERSUADE SB 10 GO 3 [VN + adv/prep] to persuade sb tocome or go0SsSomewheretheydonotreallywanttocome or8goto:T7msorrytoaragyoual 芒 嫩Way 识 theheatoThe “OFTME 4 [V] (of time oran event to pass very slowly: Time dragged terribM 2 The 7meetiig Teally dragged. 一see 5 to move, or make sth move, partiy

touching the grotund: [V] Tis daress is too 1omg 一it drags

oO the 81oUPnG WhenrTWQIK CS [VN] He Was dragging Jis coat in te TUG. > SEARCH RIVER 6 [VN]~ sth (forsb/sth) to search thebot tom of a TivVer lake, etc. with nets oOT Hooks: They dragged the ca7aal for the missimng children. > COMPUTING 7 [VN + qdv7prep] to move some text; am ICON etc',, across the screen of a compnuiter using the Inouse

drag your feet/heeils to be deliberately slow in

doing sth or in making a _decision 一more at BOOTSTRAP

,drag by (oftime) to pass veryslowly: The 1astjew

Weeks of tne surm7mer really drassged by ,drag sb< down to make sb feel weak or Unhappy,drag sbysth< ”down (to sth) to bring sb/sth to a lower social or economic levelL alower standard ofbehaviour etc.: 入 人 太e 刀

drag Us all dowmwith jin drag sthb into sth |,drag

sbin 1 tostarttotalkabout sth/sb thathas nothipg to do with what is being discussed: Do you jhave to drag Politics ito eyerything? 2 to try to get sb who is Dot connected with asituation involyed in'it: Domt drasg the childremn into our argumenE arag on (disapprovingjto go on fortoo long: The dispute has dragged om for7months. 站rag outi to make sth last longer than necessary PROLONG: JetsTotarag ouUtEtphis discussiom; We need 如 reachnadecisiom dragsih outofsb tomake sb Say sth they do not want to Say; Weidragged a conjessiomr out oF Jim drag up to mention an Unpleasant Story, facb etc. that people do not want to remember or talk abonut: Wjoy aoyou jhayveto Keep araggingUuDTny divorce2 司 1OU17


1 [sing] (njormah aboiing par

Son or thing; sth that is annoying: Hes sucm a drag ec WalkKings a drag 一 Iets driye 妇ere2O Raying to Worklate eyeTy aay ia drag. STOPPING

Imountain on YOUI SKIS diragmet /jdraegnet/ moun Ta net which is Pulled through water to catch fishyoralongthe ground to catch animals 字 athorough search, especially foraicriminal dragon /dragean/ ov 人 ( 识 Stories) a large aggressiVe animal with wings and a long tail, that can breathe out fire 了 (disapprovng, especia 必 Brawoman Whobehaves in an aggressive and frightening way

-dragoniboatnounalongnarrowboatoftraditional Chi Dese design that is used for iacing and that is moved through the water by a lot of people using PADDLES. It is decorated to looklike adragon'

dragon和 y /draegenflar/ mou1 (P/ -ies) an insect With a long thin body often brightly coloured, andftwo pairs of large transparent wings. Dragonflies are often seen Over Water. 一Picture 上 PAGE R2T

dragoon /drs'gumy/ Foupy ve矶 sun 里 ye 及

qdra'goon sb into sthyinio doing -sth (大 广

maj) to force or persuade sb to do sth that they do not

also DRAG ON


本 raS if moun (8 月 a machine which pulls younup the

于 IOU1 asoldier in the pastwhoiodeahorse and carried a

Party Was S0 800dTcoulantarag 7myselF away


dra-See jarazser NAmEdrax5er Down a Sweet With a hard covering 2 averysmall silver or gold-coloured ball, used for decorating cakes



aa 一



(Pornal) apersonorthing that makes Piogress difficult: re caTme 10 pe See as Q drag ohis 0OW7Darb5 DrosDects

> ON CIGARETTE 3 [Cl:(imformzah an act of breathing 让 Smoke from acigarette; etc' DRAW; She tooKa lomng Garag om Per cigarette:

~ WOMENS CLOTHES 4 [U] (pfommal) clothes that are Ust ally worn by the opposite sex (usually women's clothes worn by men)j: He performed 训 drag. ea drag queen (三

aman whodresses in women's clothes,tsuallyin orderto entertain People) * PHYSICS 5 [U] the force of the air that acts against the movement of an aifcraft or other Vehicle sea also MAIN 一compare LIET DRAG

scat| dfather | eten

| sbird

wantto do


drag race noun a iace between_ specially adapted cars

overa short distance # grag racing 7oun [U] qdlirag-ster /draegsteGD/ novma car thatisused iniadrag race draimn /dremy/ yerb, mioun 吾 VeE凡 to make sth empty or dry by Temoving all the 让 duid from it; to become empty or dry iD this Way: [VN] Draim and Tinse the pasta、C The 7narsjhes javespeen drained 2 ZuWwi1Emneedto drain 雪e centralJheating Sy5Ste7m Defore you replace the 7adiator C [V] Te SWimimmzg DOO1 dirains Very Slow 2 Teaye the dishes to drain. 了 一 (sth)

(from/out of sth) | ~ (sth) (away/off) to make liquid flow

away from sth; to flow away: [VN] We jiadtodraimt 态 eoil

OUEof theengine. Draimno 矿 e 态 excess jtjom themieat [V] She Puled out 纺e PIug amd the Water arained QIWGaY The riyer drains intoa lake AI tecotour drairieda 万omm his foce wpenTtold Pim the mews (Jiguratve) My amger Slowty drained away 3 [VN] to empty acup or glass by drinking everything in it: (167mal) Im sme gulp, he drained the 8lass. 2 She quicky darained the 入St of her drinK 4 LVN] ~ sb/sth (of sth) to mmake sbysth weaker Poorem etc. by using UP theiVits strength,money etc.: My Tother shospitalexperises Were Siowly drainirg TY 友 cO7me. THfeLt drained of energy 2 ai exhaustirig arid daraiming exXperiemce 时 0OU 1 [G apipethat carries away dirty Wateror other liquid waste: We haa to call ia Dumpber to ampb1ock 芒e draini. C The drains (= the system of pipes) aate 方om t态e

begimming of the century 了 [C] (Br 日(US Srate sewer

) a fraime of metal bars over the openingito a drain

in the ground

3 [C〇 (wsS) =.PLUGHOLE

4 [sing.]a ~ on

sb/sth a thingthat usesalotofthetime,, Inoney, etc. that could be used for sth else: Military spending ia PLUSge drain om the countryS resources 一see . also BRAIN DRAIN

(go) down

drain (B/E also (go) down ihe

Piughole) (njo7majh) (to De) wastad: (to get) veryimnuch

Worse: tS just7mOney dowPi the drain, yoOU riow. 2 Safety standards hayve gone aow丰 tedrai 二more n atLAUGHY

drain-age /drermard5/ moun [u] Tthe process byWwhich

Water orliquid waste is drained ffom an area:a Grainasge System/ chariielditch The area has go0d 7matural arainage: 2 asystemofdrains drained /dremad/ adj. [not usually before noun Verytired and Without energy: She suddenly 万 丰 totally drainead The experience Iefi heremofiomnally drained.

draining board (BrE) (NAmE draimiboard) 1oun the area Dext to a kitchen :SINK Where cups, plates' etc. aie Put for the water to run off; after theyhave been washed

| e aboutr| Tsit | zsee | imany |ogot (BrE) | or saw | Aicup | sput | ustoo

drain-pipe /drempam/ noun 了T(NmE also dowm交大 请Pipe that carries RAINWATER from the roof of a building to a DRAIN 一picture c PAGE RI7 2.a pipe that carries dirty water or other liquid waste :away from a building drake /dreik/ mounsa male DUCK 一see also DUCKS AND DRAKES dram /dram/ novn (especially ScotE) a small amount of an alcoholic drink especially wHISKY



TI aplay for the theatre, television or radio: a costmeXhistorical etc. drama 2 [U] Plays considered as a form of literature: classicaLAELizabetharrmoderm, eftc. dranma CO adrama critc c drama School c a drama

coatoyertheback ofthe chair eeShe drapedacoyeroverthe old sofa. 2 一 sb/sth in/with sth to cover or decorate Sb/ sth with material: walls draped im ay 3 一 sth around/ round/ovem etc. sth to allow part ofyour body to rest on sth in a relaxed way: His ar7mm Was draped casually around Per shoulders. 画 OUm (especially NAm 有 (NAmEalsodra-pery) [usually pl] alongthick curtain; blue yelyvet drapes draper /drermpaGr)/ moun (oldjoshioned BrE) 1 a Person Who owns or manages a Shop that sells cloth,curtains, etc,D drapers (p/ drapers) a shop/store that sells cloth, curtaims,etc.

studentCTSstudied Englishi and Dramma at college. 3 [C an




/drama/ moun

eXciting event: A PowWeT7ul harmanmn arama Was Unfolding Defore our eyes. 4 [U] the fact of being exciting: YoV COUIGTzE help being thrilled by the drarmma of the Situationm. imakeadramaaortofsth tomake'asmallproblem oOf'event seem more important Or Serious than itreallyis drama queenm 70vm Unorma) disapproving) a person Who behaves as 过 a Small Problem or event is more important or serious than it really is

坦 r -mat二 记 0

me before youido anything drastic > dirasticalIy /li/

/dramaetIk/ ad

ady: Output has been drastically reduced 2 Things haye Started to 80 drastically wrong:

1 (of achange,, an event etc.) sudden,, very great and often Surprising:a drarmaftic increaseXZJallXcharSge/irmProvement 2 draimnatic resultsXdevelopmentts/mnewWs 和 The anriouncement had adramaftic effect om house Prices. 2 exciting and impressive: Qa dramatic yictory They Watched drarmahicPpictures of the police raid on TV 只 note

drat /draet/ exclamation (old-Joshioned informal) used to showthatyou are annoyed: DratlTforgotmy Key dratfed 0dj [only before noun] (old-fshioned,B7E jnjormaj: This dratted pen Womt Work.

draught /draft/ (BrE) (NAmE deraft /draft/) 000, 0d,

at EXCITING 3 [usually before noun] connected with the theatre or plays: a LIocal dramatic society 4 exaggerated in order'to create a special effect and attract peoples attention: He jiurg out his ar7mns ina drarmatic Sesture: Domi beso dramaticl > dramatric-al:ty /li/odv2: Prices

Ve 几 画 IOUn 站 [G aflow ofcoolairin aroom or other confined space: Theres Q draught 识 Phere. 2 A cold draught of air biew 识 方 om theopen window 2Twassitting 训adrauSRt 2 [q (jormal) one continuotus action of swallowing 1iquid; the amount swallowed: He took a deep drausght of his beer 3 [Cl (old use or Jiterary) medicine in a liquid form: a sleeping drausght (= _one that makes you Sleep)

jhayejfollen dramatically coEyents could haye deyelopedina dramatically different Way CAtlast she cried dramaticalIy. dirammatic irony "ov [U] asituation in aplay when a characters words carry an extra meaning tothe atdience becatse they know more than the character, especially about whatis going to happen dira-mmat-ics /dra'maetrks/ noun [pl.] behaviour that does not seem sincere because it is exaggerated or too emotional 一see also AMATEUR DRAMATICS dramma-iis -SOmae /dramatIs p3z2seUnaI NAImE

4 draughts (57E) (NmEchecieers) [LU] a game fortwo

Players using 24 round pieces on a board marked with black and white squares 5 [Q (BrB (NAmE checkcer) one of the round pieces used in a game of draughts

IE on 'draughht (BE) (of beer) taken from alarge container (= a BARREL): Tis ,peer is not available om drauSht (= itis available only in bottles or cans).

Da:r'sou-/ moOUn [pl.] (from Latm, 如rmal/) all the characters iaplayin the theatre 古ramma-tist /dramaetrst/ noun aperson who writes Plays for the theatre, television or radio PLAYWRIGHT: Q TV dramiatist drarmnatize (BrE also-ie) /drzemaetaIz/ ve 履1 [VN] to Present a book, an event, etc, as a Dlay or a 多 my/movie 2 to make sth seem more exciting or important than 让 Ieally is: [VN] Domi worry too TiUcF apout WPatsFe said一 SJhe tends to draimatize 妇 ings、, [also V] dramatiza-

ion 了 sation /,drzsimatarzerIfn; -te'Z-/ OU1 [U,G:a teleVisiomr drarmiatization of the rrial drama-turge (also drama-turg) /dramaeta:d3; NAmE -sad5sl/ noun (大67maj) a Person Who writes Of EDITS Plays foratheatre dirama-tu /jdraemata:d5ij NAmE -tard5i/ movn [ 菇 (iormal)the study or activity of writing dramatic texts Dram.buiem /drzm'bjui NMmE-buir noun [uG a strofig Sweet alcoholic': drink from Scotland made with WHISKY and HERBS jdradmegdii NAmE 'draem-/ moun (P/,-ies) 全ra (NmB) a television programme that is intended to be both humorous and serious dramkKptofDRINK


/dreIp/ yerb, no

区 + adyVprep]T

一 sth around/over/across, etc.

sth to hang clothes, materials, etc. loosely on Sb/sth: She jhad ashawl draped around jhershoulders, e He draped Ps


| ar my

| aonow

| ersay

/dreipaeri/ moun (六 -ies)1T [U] (also dra-per-

ies [pl.]) cloth or clothing hanging im loose folds:a cradle Swathed 识 draperies and Due ribbon 了 [Cusually pl.] (NAIm 日= DRAPE 3 [U] (old-foshioned) cloth and materials for sewing sold by a draper 一compare DRY GOODS 本 ras- 证C /drzestik; BrE also 'drazs-/ adj. extreme in a way thathas asudden, serious or Violent effect on sth: drastic TmneasuresVchanmnges c The Soyemmment' is threatening to take drastic action. c a drastic shortage of food ecTalk to

| so go (Br

下 Gd 了 [usually before noun] served from alarge container

(= aBARREL) Iatherthan in abottle: drauShtbeer 字 [only before noun] used for pulling heavyloads: a draught Porse 四 ye上b [VN] (especia/ly BrE) 三 DRAFT

draughtboardi /drazftbo:d; NAmE 'draftboxrd/ (Br日 (NAmE'Ciieck-er-board) 00vm a board with black and white squares, used for playing PRAUGHTSVCHECKERS

draught exciuder (Br (NmE'weather strip) 07

[CuU] a piece of matertial that helps to Drevent cold air coming through a doom window, etc:

graughts-man /draftsmaen/ (BrE) (NAmE drafts-mam jdraefts-/) novm (P/ -men /man/) Ta person whose job is to _draw detailed plans ,of machinery,buildings,'etc. 2 a person who draws: Hes-a poor draughtsmat. 一See



(8/6 (NAmE drafts-man-ship)



/dra:ftsmenJrp; NAmE 'draefts-/ own [U] the ability to draw well: Zou jhaye to admire her SUPerb draughtsmamSPip, diraughts-person Jara:ftsbs:sn/ (BrE) (NAmE drafts/draeftsb3aTrsn/) nouwn a draughtsman OF a draughtswoman



/draefts-/) 1ou1 (P/ -women

(NAmE /-wImIn/)

Ta woman whose job is to _draw detailed Plans of machinery buildings,etc. 2 a woman Who draws 一See also DRAUGHTSMAN

diraugihty /drafti/ (BrE) (NAmE drafty jdraefti/) ad raughtier draughti-est) (of a roomy etc.) Uncomfort-

| 0o5 go-(NMAm月 lsor boy

| re near

|i ee hair

| ze pure


464 |

to make'sb

BILEED draw breath

(BF (US draw: a

breath) Ttostop doing sth and iest: She talks athe able because cold air is blowing through: a draugjhty Froofmn/Acorridor

DraVvid-ian /dra'vidien/ qd/ connected with a group of languages spoken in southern India and in Sri Lanka,, or With the people who speakthese languages

tme and haraly stops to draw breath 231teroy)tolive; to be alive: Be Was 05 Kind a 7amu as eyer drew D7eati

draw sb's re

to make sb direct their anger criticism

etc, at you, So that others do not have to face it draw a

Tine under sth (BrE) to say that sth is finished and not ~-Worth discussing any more draw the ,line (at sth/at

diraw .om /au Verb; OU1 下 ve 吵人 rew /druz/drawn /drom/)

doing sth) to refuseto do sth; to setalimit:Tdomi7 训 dG je 有D 识8 DuUETGraw theTineatdoingeyeryt 切img7myselF We

” MAKE PICTURES 1 to make pictures, or a picture of sth, With a pencil pen or CHALK (but not paintb): [V] 妃 v draw peauN1b 2 [IVN] to draw apictureAdiagsram/sraph ec She drewahouse.cHe drewacircle 训 thesandwith asticK. 2Uigurative) The report drew agrima picture of inefficiency Qa1d corruPpom.

draw the 1inie SomeWwhere. draw ihe line{


之 [VN + adv/prep]tomove sth/sb bypulling itar

them gently: He arew the corK outofthepottle.CTdrew7my Chair up closerto the 放 re.cShedrewrneoito 雪 ebalcoriy Ttried to draw him aside (= for example where I could talk to him Privately). CU(1gVratiye) My eyesWere drawn to 态 e 7am 识 the corner 人 note atPULL 3 [VN] (of horses, etc:) to pull a vehicle such as a CARRIAGE: The Queens coach Was drawnm by Six horses: e ahorse-arawia carriage * CURTAINS 4 [VN] to open or close curtains,etc.: The TtWas getting dark so Tswitched on Blinds Were drawm: 态 e light and drew the curtainsi e She dreWw back the cur taimns ad Iet the sumligRt in. ~*MOVE 5 [v + advvprep] to move in the direction mentioned: The train drew into thestation. eThetrain drew im. 2Theigures the distance Seemed to pe drawing closere

Their car drew alongside ours. 2 (Jiguratve) Her retireTentz drawing mear (Jsguratve) The meetirig Was 丰aWw上 img to a close. ~ WEAFPON 6 ~ (sth) (on sb)totake out aweapon, suchasa gun or a SWwWORD, in order to attack sb: [VN] She drewa

TeyoIyer om 7mne. 2 He came towards drawn. [alsoV]


7 [VN]

切em Withn jis Sword

一 sb (to sthj to attract or interestsb:


Tioyie 训 drawing Iarge audiemces. O Her screamms drey 了DasseTS-DY 如 妇e Scene. 2 The course draws Students 方om all

OVer the coum 帮 六 “GET REACTION 8 [VN] ~ sth (from sbjtoproduce areaE-

tion Or response: THhe amnmoumcemient Gew 10ud applause 方om the audience: The plIari has drawnalotoFcriticisma:

”MAKESB TALK 9 [VN] ~ sb (about/on sth) [often passiva]

to make sb say more abonlt sth: Spielberg refuised to be draw Ohis next7mOVie.


TO [VN] ~sth (from sthjtohavea Partict-

lar idea after you have studied sth of thought about ft: What comnclusions did you draw 廊om the reportp? We can e tre 方om 态 国acciaent Graw Some 1essonls fjor 雪 记 COMPARISON 11 [VN] toexpfressa Comparison or a conz trast:to draw ar aitaIogsy/a cormmparisomna:parallel]a aistimactiom petweeTt twoeyents


:12 to decide sth by picking cards,tickets_or


by chance:

[V] We drew Jor Partners.

2 [VN]

They had to draw 1ots to decide wjho would go. o Fe drew thne WiPnnainig 丰CKet 2 Narmes Were dray 广om a Fat Jor te 1ast 帮WwWDiaces. 2 Ttaly has been draw again Spaim 训 the 记stround.c [VNtoinf Itaryy has 5een drawnto Play Spaim.


13 ~ (with/against sbj to finish a game Withotut

eitherteam winning: [V] Englanrd and Frarice Gew 4 1781G71id drew WithAagainstFrance.CFEnglarnid and Rarice are 3-3. CIVN] Brgland arew 妇 eir garme against France:


14 [VN] ~ sth (from sth) | ~ sthout(of sth) | ~

sth on sth to take money or payments

count or post office

们om a bank ac-

WITHDRAW: CanTdraw 880Oout

Of7TD account2 CTarew outE200. C She wentto 态e Dost ojfice io araw her pensiofi ecThe cheque Was drawm on his Persomal accouPmt > LIQUID/GAS 15 [VN] to take or pull liquid or gas 他om SOmewhere: to draw Water 廊om aywell The device draws 8&asS along 妇e Dzpe.


16 ~ at/on sth | 二 sthn in to Dieathe 训

SmoOke or air: [V] Pe drew 坊oughtAilly om 7is 了 Pie.和 [VN] She preatheda deeply drawing in the 方esm7mountain air

draw a blank

to getno response or restlt' So Jr

the Dolice inyestigatiom has dramwmn ablank draw


| adid


| gget

站 hhat

| jyes

Would haye Liked to inyite all our Felatiyes DuUEYOLNaye to

een sth

and sih) to distinguish between twoc closely related jdeas: Wjere doyouvdarawtpelinepethween genius and mad-

7iessp,drawthe short 'straw (Br (NAmESeiile ,shoit

end of the siick) to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task: Tarew the shortsfawiamnd had to clean the toilek. ,draw

siraws (for sth)j to decide on sb to do or have sth; by choosing pieces of'papem etc.: We drew straws-for Who

Went 放 rst 一more atBATTLEI.;BEAD 13 DAGGER, HEIGHT,


,diraw !

to move yy

位om sb/sth: Fe carme close butsPhe drew DacK. ,graw-”

(from sthy/from doing sih) to choose notto take action, especially because you feel nervous: We drew pacK 万omm taking our meighbpours io coUTE araw sih rom'sb/sith 和 to take or obtain sth from a particular source: tordram:supPortcomnfortStrength 廊om your Jormily 2 She Garew jer Inspiration 万om jher childhood experiences- araw -im to become darkearlierin theievening as Winter gets nearer:


人 areidrawing is araw sb imio sthyinto

doing sth |.draw sb 一 in to involve sb or make sbtake

Part in sthy althousgh they may not Wantito take partat first:yoU7migsters drawn 访toalpe ofcrimeeThe book starts S1oW15DLAE 让 gradualyaraws yozin. 竟raw sihe>off to Iemove someliquid from alargerT 光大 The aoctor drew of someJiuid to relieye the pressure:idraw on ifatime Or a Season draws On 让 -passes: Night Was drawing o 帮 "drawon/upon touseasupplyofsththatis available toyou: Thayeto drawomnrnysayings: CThemoyelistdraws jeayily om jher perso7ial experiences. ,加raw 'out to become lighterin the evening asisummer 全 Eap The days/ eveirnlgs aredrawing Out araw out to encourage sbtotalk or express themselves freely,draw sihe>outto Imake sth lastlongerthanusual ornecessary: She drewthe interyiew OUEto oyver Ga1L jhour 一See alsoLONG-DRAWN-OUT ,draw up if a vehicle draws 邓 , Larrives and stops: THhe cap drew UDP outside the house. ,drawsiheuptomakeor Wiite sth that needs careful thotighteF Planning: to draw

UP acomntractTist


量 /1OU1

”CHOOSING 1 (USalsodrawimg) [usuallysing] 一 (forsth)

theiactofchoosing sth, for examplethewinnerofa Prize or the teams who play each otherin a competition; usiallybytaking pieces ofpaper etc. out ofa container withOutbeing able to see whatis written on them: the drawjor the Second TouUnd of the Buropeam Cup O The draw Jor te Fafjfle taKkes Place om Saturday

~ SPORTS/GAMES 了 (especially Br a game in which both teams Or Players finish with the same number of points:

The match ended 识 a tworallLdraw ec He TamnaSeda to holda Smith to a draw (= to stop him from winning when he Seemed likelyto do so). 一 compareTIE 六 (5) 3 (NAPEUsL

ally drawing) a competition in which the Winners are


a draw:

Q Prize draw 一compare


和 (BFE) a sports match for Wich the teamns OF Players

arechosen inadraw: TiyverDoolhayeanaway araw aSainst Martchester Uriited 5 [usually sing]:asetofmatches for Which the teams or players are chosen in a draw: There are Only to seeded Players 1eft in the top Pa of the draw. > AITRACTION .6 aperson,a thing or an eventthat attracts alot of people ATTRACTION: She is currenitty one oOF the Diggest draws on the Tris有 7mnUsic Scene.

~SMOKE ette

7 an act ofbreathing in the smoke from a cigarDRAG

be quiclwfast on the 'draw 1 (pformansto be

quick to understand or reactin anew situation: ZUw can

加 ol jin 一hes aways quick on the draw 2 tobe quick at pulling outa gunin orderto shootit more atIUCK1

| k cat

| lleg

| man

| anow

| pppen

| Frred

draw:back /arormbaek/ noun~(of/to sth) |~(of/to doing sth) a disadvantage or problem that makes sth ai:less attractive idea DISADVANTAGE,SNAG: The 7Pmain Girawback to itisthe cost CThnis is the onre majior drawbacK of the new System.


/droxzbrrd5/ noun _a bridge that can be

pulled up, forexample to stop People from entering acaste orto allow shipsto pass Under 让

dravyver 0


1 /dro:G)/ a Part of a piece of furniture such as a desk, lsed for keeping things in.Itis shaped like abox and has ahandle on the front for pulling it out: m the top/rmniddie/pbottom drawer of the desK 一See also CHEST OF DRAWERS,TOP DRAWER 了 /"droe(nD/ (jormal) a person Who writes a cheque drawers /dro:z; NAmE droxrz/ moun [plj] (old-joshioned) KNICKERS OFT UNDERPANTS,, especially ones that cover the

/troiml/ no

1 [qq apicture made using a pencil or pen rather than Paint: a PencilAcharcoal drawing ca drawing ofayacRt HedidAmade a drawing of the old forrmphouse. 只 note at PICTURE 2 [U] the art or Skill of making pictures, Plans, etc. using apen orpencil: Frmmmnotyerygood atdraw-

ing ec techmical drawing 3 (NAmB 三 DRAW(1, 3)

drawingboard "oun alargeflatboard usedforholding a piece of paper while a drawing or Plan is being made [Er (go) back to the 'drawing board to startthinking aboutanewwayofdoing sth afteraprevious Plan oridea

has failed on the 'drawing board

being prepared or

considered: its just omne of seyeral projects on 轨e drawing poard.


"drawing pin (Br (NmEthumb-tack, tack) movn a short pin with a large round fat head,used especially for fastening paper to a board or wall 一picture 只 STA-


"drawing poOwer moun [u] (Nm 日= PULLING POWER drawing room noun (jormalor oldoshioned) aroom in alarge house in which people relax and guests are enteTtained 一compare LIVING ROOM

glrawi /drodl/ verb to speak or say sth slowly with vowel sounds that are longer than lisual: [v speech] 和 ithere She drawied Iazily. Ce[V] He had a smooth drawlinng Voice. [alsoVN] e drawl nown [singj]: Shespoke 识 aslowsoutherTuaGraWL drawn /dron/ adi (ofaperson ortheir face) looking pale and thin because the person is /sick, tired or worried一

See also DRAWY

drawn-'out adi = LONG-DRAWN-OUT diraw:.string /dro:strm/ noun a piece of string sewn inSide the material at the top of a bag,Ppair of trousers/ Pants,etc. that can be pulled tighter iD order to make the opening smaller: They josten with a drawstring. 一Pic-

ture 只 FASTENER dray /drer/ novn alow flat vehicle pulled py horses and Used in the past for carrying heavyloads, especially BARRELS of beerT

dgread /dred/ verb, noun 目 Ve 凡 to be very afraid of sth;i to fear that sth bad is going to happen: [VN] This was the morment he had beerl dreading OO[v-ing]Tdread peingsick.oc [VN-ing] She dreads her

Pausband Hindinrg ouUL C [vto inf] Tadread to 坊inK what Would happen 太太 ere realy Was aire here: [also Vthat] 是 IOUN [U;G usually sing,] a feeling of great fear abonut sth that might or will happen in the future;a thing that catses this feeling: THhe Prospect of groWing old 11s me With dread. c She has am irrational dread of hospitals.

The comrnittee members Live 训 dread of (= are always Worried about) amything that may cause Qa scandaL c My 8&reatest dread is 雪 at7my Parents W 记 万nd ou

dread'ed /dredrd/ (also jormal dread) oadj [only before noun] causing fear: The dreaded mmoment had 记nally ar

Fiyed_ oO (humorous) Did T hear the deaded word TiomeWoTK 2?


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet



/aredfl/ ao 丰 (especioly Br6 Tvery bad or

Unpleasant: WPat dread记 1 weather 上 ce WPhat a dread 所 1 态ing to say! e js dreadful 切e way 雪 ey treattheir sta 太 How dreadhfull ecJane 1ooKked dreadful (= ,looked 也 or tired). 安 note at TERRIBLE 了 [only before noun] used to emphasize how bad sth is TERRIBLE: She:s makinga dreadf1L7mmess ofthings. CTmafaid theres been a dreadjl 7mistaKke.

了 3 [usually before noun] causing fear or suffering

TERRIBLE: Q dreadhfiul accident C They suhffered aread记 1injuries.

dread-fuliy /dredfeli/ odv (especialy BrE) 1 extremely; Very much: Prm dreadfully sorry CTmiss yoUu dreadHfiully: 了 Verybadly: TPey suffered dreadfuly auring the war7

dread:locks /dredlpks;, NAmE Jaks/ (also informal dreads /dredz/) noun [pl.] hair that is twisted into long thick pieces that hang down from the head, worn especially byRASTAFARIANS 一Picture 吃 HAIR.

Upperparts of the legs

diravw:inm 有 0


| zzoo

| Jshoe

dread.nought /dredno:t/ noun a type of ship used in war in the early 20th century

dream 四 OUm


/drimy/ noun, veb

了 [C] a series of images,, events and feelings that

happen in your mind whjle you are asleep: 工had a yivid dreaTmn apbout my old schooL CTthougRtsomeonte caTme into 态e bedroom, put 让 Was jst a dream. GoodmigRht Sweet Grearms. 一coOmpare NIGHTMARE 一See alsO WET DREAM 2 [q awish to have orbe sth, especially one that seemas difficult to achieve: Ber Li1ong dream Was to pe a Jarmous Writer C He wantted to be rich DuUE 让 Was ai inmzpossible Gream. CIFTwim 让 wii be adream come true.c She tried to turm jher dreana of running her ownm pusiness into reality. Ca dream car/horse/Job, etc. C Tvye finaly fjound the Ta of mmydreanmas.Cachancetoflfilachilahood dream CEWwas theend ofall my hopes and dreams. 一See also PIPE DREAM 3 [sing.] a state of mind or a Situation in which things do not seem real or Part ofnormal life: She walKked around ina dreama all day. 一see also DAYDREAM 4 [sing.] (informal/) a beanutiful or wonderful person or thing: That

Tneal Was ar _apsolute drea7m.


like a

dream to work very well: My mnew car 8oes like 0 dream. 字 to happen without Problems, p the way that youhad plannedin your 'dreams (informalj used totell sb that sth they are hoping foris notlikely to happen: 人 1

De a manasger before Prm 30.2 和 yoOuUr dreams2like a dream (ofa situation) sounpleasantthat you cannotbe-

lieve it is true: 刺 proad dayligpht the eyents of the migRt bere seemed like abad dream. 一more at WILD adl. @ Verb dreamt, dreamt /dremt/) or (dreamed, dreamed) ~ (ofabout sb/sth) to experience a series of images, events and feelings in your mind while you are asleep: [V] PidaTtaik im my sleep2TTmnust haye beemn dreamiing CT Greamt apoutyoulastmight 2 [VN] Did 让 really Rappen or didTjust drearm it2c [v (thatj] TadrearmtfthabTgotthe job.

2 ~ (ofabout sth) | ~ (of/about doing sth) to imagine and think about sth that you would like to happen: [V] She drearms of runming her OWTL business. 2 开 Was the Kind oftrip mostofus only dream apout 2 (Informaj) Twouldmt ieama ofgoing Withoutyou(= 工would never go without y6U.e [VN] Whoda have drearmtit? They re getting married. C [Lv (that] Tmeyver drearmt (tab Ta actually get the jobD、 idream sth away to waste time just thinking about things you would like to do without actually doing anything ,dream op (jnformal) you say dream on to tell sbthatanideaisnotpractical orlikelytohappen ,dream

sthup (injormalj) to have an idea, especially a very UnUsual or sjilly one cra2y iaea like this!


THINK UP: T7Ustyouto dream UDP a






大 shioned, informal) aman who is very attractive

dream'catch:er /driimkaetJea)/ novn a ring containingadecorated netb originallymadebyNative Americans, and thotght to give its owner good dreams 一Picture 号 Page 466

dream:er /drimaCD)/ novn 了 (sometimes disapproving) aperson who has ideas or plans that are not practical or realistic 2 (usually disapproving) a person who does not

| 5 vision



| usjam

| ethn

| 5ths

| 0sing


466 |

Pay attention'to what is happening around therm but thinks about other things instead -3.a person Who dreams: Dreamers do Tot-aLWays reTmemaper heir dream15.





ip one piece and covers the body down to the legs, sometimes reaching to belowthe knees,ortothe ankles: alomng WPite diress 2QaWedding dress$二 See alsO COCKTAIL DRESS, EVENING DRESS, SUNDRESS 2 [U] clothes for either men Or women: to Wear casuaIZforinal dress 2 He has mo

yoU timnK he 了LEcharige Pis jin


sleep) without dreams; Peaceful


dress Setse (= Do jidea of how to dress well) 一see also EVENING DRESS,FANCY DRESS,HEADDRESS,, MORNING DRESS 下 Ver * CLOTHES 人 一 (sb) (in sth) to Duticlothes on yotrself/sb:


deep and

dream-like /ariimlark/ oo/ as 让 existing or happening in adream

dream team

[V] Taresseda quicKkly ce[VN] She dressed 坊 EcPildrem 访 态 ei

Best clothes. C Get UP and Set dressed/

ovn the best pos-

Sible combination of people for a particular competition Or activity


ticket 7ovn

[sing] (used especially in news-

Papers about candidates for an election) a combination of people who, together are considered to be thebest

Dream-time /drimtam/ novn [U] = ALCHERINGA dreamworld /drimwsldq; NmE-wazrld/noun aworld that is not like the real world; a persom's idea of reality that is not realistic: 矿 je thinks its easy to getajob hes 1ivinginadrearm world. dreamy /driimi/ 5 (dreamiier, dreamiiest) T looking as though you are thinking about other things and not Paying attention to what is happening around you: She jhad a drearmy 1ooK 总 hereyes. 2 (ofaperson or an ideal having a lot of imagination,, but not Very Tiealistic: Pau7 Was dreamy amd mnot Very Practical 3 as 主yotu are 记 3 dream or asleep; He moyed 识 切 e dreamyway ofa7maii 访 astate of Shock. 4 (normalj) pleasant and gentle; that Iakes you feel relaxed: a Slow dreamy melody 5 (站/or广 mal beautiful; wonderful: Whats je Jike2Tbetjhes realy drearmy dreamiily /-i/ adv dreaminess 1ouvn [U] direary /drreri; NAmE 'drrmi/ ad drearier, dreari-est) that makes you :feel sad; dull and not interesting DULL: Q dreary Winters aaoyeadrearyFilm ealong and areary journey om the train > drearily /drrereli; NAmE'drr-/adv dreariness moun [U] qireckK /drek/ houm [U] (siangy especia NAmB) Something that you think is of very bad quality: The 7mrovie iz Qtter da7ecK.

dredge /dred5/ ve 力下 一 (sth) (for sthj to remove Inud, Stones, etc. 位om the bottom of a riven CANAL, etc. Usinga boat or Special machine, to makeitdeeper orto search for sth: [VN] They7e aredgimng the harbour so thatlarger sFips caTLLUSe 引 CTheyaredsethebayforgraveL [alsov]2 一 sth

(up) (from sth) to bring sth up from the bottom of a river etc. using aboat or Special machine:

(up) 太 om the seabed

[VN] Waste dredged

3 [VN] ~ (in/with) to cover food

lighty with sugan floum etc.: Dredsge the top of the cake With zcing SUSgar idredse sth* WOUND 5 [VN] to clean,:treat and cover awound' 7e PUTse W 记 dress thatcutjor yo * FOOD @6 [VN] to Prepare food forcooking or eating: 如

dressasalad (= put oil or VINEGAR etc. on 刘 StOdress Gchicken (= take outthe Dartsyotcannoteat) > DECORATE 7 [VN] (Jormaj) to decorate or arrange sth: to dressia Shop window'(= :arrange a display of clothes:or

goodsin it)

* STONE/WOOD/LEATHER 8 [VN] to prepare a.material SUch as stone, wood, leather etc. for use [IJ see MUTTON, PART 1. jgdress 'downmn to Wear clothes that are more informal than those you Usually ,

weamp forexample in an office dress sb 'down to criticize or be angry With sb becatise they have done sth wrong

,dress 'uP to wear clothes that are more formal than

those you usually wearidress 'up | dress sb "UP to Put on Special clothes, especially to pretend to be:sbysth di ferent: Kids 1ove dressing Up. CThe boys Were all dressed DLP

aS Pirates: CO (BE) dressing-UuD clothes:o (NAImE) dress20P clothes ,dress sth 'up to present sth 记 a waythat makes

丰 seem better or different: Boweyer RUCP YOU ty to dress 丰 LUD, oj 态ce worK 1 motglarmorous. xS diress-age /dresa:5s/ moun [U] a set of controlled movements that a rider trains a horse to Performy; a competition ip which these movements are Derformed

dress 'circle (especioly ;Br 日(NAmE usually first ,bal-

Cony) moun the firstlevel of seats above the ground floor iatheatre

dresscode movnrules about what clothes people should Wearat worK: The commpary hasastrictdresscodeallmale eTDIOYees aTe expected to Wear suits,

dressed om /drest/ adj. [not before nounm] 1 wearing clothes and not naked or wearing clotheg for Sleeping: HUTTrYUP anidgetdressed. 刀 liyaressedSTCa7t 8o to the door 一Im miotdressed yet 了 ~ 人 (in .…) Wearing clothes of a particular type: Smarty dressed S The bride Was dressed 况 White @ He Was casually dressed 训 Jeams

and Q 太shirt [ET dressed to kill (njrmah wearing

the kind of clothes that will makepeople notice and ad-

mire youdressed (up) to the 'nines (njomralj) wearing Veryelegantor formal clothes 一more at MUTTON

dress'er /dreseG)/ noun T (also Weilsh dresser) (B76) alarge piece ofwooden furniture with shelvesin the top part and cupboards below, used for displaying and stoE ing cups,,Plates, etc. 2 (NA = CHEST OF DRAWERS 3 (used with an adjective) a person who dresses in the Way mentioned: asnappy dresser 地 (insa theatre) a Per

SOn Whose job.is to take care of an actors iclothes for a

Play and help him/her to get dressed

2:cat | dz father | eten | s: bird | aeabout | rsit | isee | imany | ip got (Br6) | osaw

| Acup

| sput

| rtoo


dress'ing /dresmy/ novn 1 (also'salad dressing) [GU] athin sauce used to add flavour to salads, usually made from oil,VINEGAR,salt,Pepper,etc. 一see also FRENCH DRESSING 2 [U] (NAmB = STUFFING(1) 3 [C a piece of soft material Placed over a wound in order to PrIotect 让 4 [U] the act of ptitting on clothes: Mamny of our Patients meed help Witph dressing. 一see also CROSS-DRESSING,

* OF SEA/AIR 3 [U,GC] the movement of the sea Or air CURRENT: the general direction of dr 访 on the east coastC He knew the hiddem arifs in thatpart of te river > OFSNOW 4 [QQ alarge pile of sth, especially snow, made bythe wind: The road was blocked by deep drifts ofsmiow.一 See also.SNOWDRIFT * OFFLOWERS 5 [C] alargemass ofsth, especially fiowers: Plant daffodiks 总 inforrmal dr访s. * MEANING 6 [sing,] the general meaning of what Sb Says OFr Wiites GIST: Doyoucatch my dri古2和 My GerTmanm isnityerygood butTgotthe drifiofwhatshe said. 一 see also CONTINENTAL DRIEFT 四 VE 儿 * MOVE SLOWLY 有 [V usually+ advVvprep] to move along smoothly and slowlyiD water Or air: Clouds driied across thesky ecThe empty boat driied out to sea. 了 [V 十 adv/ prep.] to move or go Somewhere Slowly: The crowd driied away 万om tpe 5Cene of the accident 2 Her 8aze drifted around 女e roo7m.


,dressing- dowmn novn [sing] (old-Joshioned,informajh an Ooccasion When sb speaks angrily to a perSon becaltise theyhave done sth wrong

dressing gown (Br (NAmElbath-robe, robe) movn a long loose piece of clothing, usually with a belt worn in-

doors over night clothes, for example when you first get out ofbed 一Picture 所 PAGE RI5

dressing room

moun 1 a room for changing your

clothes in, especially one for actors om in British English, for Sports Players 2 asmall roomnext to a bedroom 训D some large houses, in which clothes are kept and people

get dressed 了- (NAmB)


dressing table (NmE also vanity "vanity table)

* WITHOUT PURPOSE 3 [vtusually二 advV/prep]tohappen or change, Or to do sth without a Particular plan Or PUTpose:Tdidntintend to pe ateacher一 [justarified into 让 人 He hasnt decided what to do yet 一hes just drifiing cc The COyersation dri 访ed onto Politics. * INTO STATE/SITUATION 4 [V] ~ in/into sth to go from one Situation or state to another without reajlizing it: Piallyshe dritedinto sleep. 人 Theiniuredrmart tried to SpeaK DuESOo7L drifted into UncomnsciouUsness. * OF SNOW/SAND 5 [v] to beblown into large Piles by the wind: arifiing Sand C Some roads are closed because of GTrifiin5. r FLOAT 6 [VN]to make sth float Somewhere: The logs a7e arifted dowrstream to the TiLL drift a part to become less friendly or close to sb: As childremn We Were Very Close,DUL as We 8g8TeW UDP We JUSL

noun a piece of bedroom furniture like a table with drawers and amirror onitop dress-maker /aresmerke(nD/ moun a person who makes

Women's clothes,especially as a job # dressmak'ing moun [U]

,dress re' hearsalmown thefinalpractice ofa playin the theatre, using the clothes andilights that will beused for

the real performance: (jgurative) The earlier protests had 7记stbeent dress rehearsals for 刀 1L-scale reyoIutiom.

"dress shirtnour 1 a white shirt worn on formal occaSions with a BOW' TIE and suit 2 (NAm 日assmart shirt With long sleeves; which can be worn with a tie

dress unmiform moun [u] auniform that aftmy navy, etc. officers wear for formal occasions and ceremonies

dlressy /dresi/ adj (dressiern dressi'est) 1 (of clothes)

drified apart ,drift 'off (to sleep) to fall asleep: Ididnt

elegant and formal 2 (of people) liking to wear elegant or fashionable clothes

Pear 态 e storm.TTmUSt haye dri放ed o 太 by 坊em.

drift.er /drifte()/ noun (disapproving) a_ person who

drew ptofDRAW

moves from one job or Place to another with no real Purpose

djrey /drer movun thehome ofasSQUIRREL drib.ble /drrbl/ verb, noun 量 Ve 1 纱 [Vv,VN]toletsALIVA or anotherliquid come out of your mouth and run down your chin DROOL 2 [v +adv/prep]to fall in small drops or ip a thin stream: Melted wax dribpbled down the side of the camdle.

3 [VN + advVprep] ~ sth (into/over/onto sth) to pour

along with several short kicks, hits or BOUNCES: [VN] She 丰 芭bled the balLtpe lengt坊 of the field e [V] He daribbled Dasttwo defenders and scored a7magn 访centSoaL

下 ]IOU1 了 [O a very small amount of liquid,in a thin Stream: a dribble of blood 2 4dd Just Qa dribple of oL 2 [U] (especially BrE) sALIVA (= liquid) from a Person's mouth: There Was dribpble all dowm the babys 方ont 3 [9 the act of dribbling the ball in a SPort

ingholes: aielectric dr 说 apneumatic driilcapanaadril Sadentists drilcadr这 bit(=thepointedpartattheend of the drill) 一Picture 儿 TooL 2 [GU] away of learning sth by means'of repeated exercises 3 [CU] a practice of whattodoin an emergency; for example ifthereis a fire: afiredril 4 [0] military training in marching, the use of

im rOWs 四 ye 上 1 to make ahole in sth, using a drill: [VN] Dril a

diried pi ppofDRY dried 'fruitmnovn [U,C] fruit (for example, CURRANTS OF RAISINS) that has been dried to be used 识 cooking or eaten on its Own gjrier = DRYER一see also DRYadf/.

dri'estc>DpRYadf grift /arrtt/ movn, ve 几 下 1OU1 >*SLOW MOVEMENT 1 [sing.,U] a slow steady movement from one Dlace to anothei; a gradual change or developmentfrom one situation to another especially to sth bad: apopulation ar 访away 方om Turalareas C attempts to hatt the dr旋 towards war * OF SHIP -2 [U] the movement of a ship of Plane away 位om its direction becatuse of currents or wind

| s68o(BrE)

Ties UP onto land, or thatfloats on the Water

BrE) the correct or usual wayto do sth PROCEDURE: JPhats the dr这 Jpr claiming expenses? .G6 [U] a type of strong cotton cloth 7 [Q a machine for Planting seeds

/mal/) ip small amounts or numbers over a period of time: She paid me in dribs and drabs miot all at oO7lce.

| eisay

drift:wood /driftwod/ noun [U] wood that the sea car-

Weapons, etc.:rinledriLS the drill [sing.] (old-joshroned,

drilbs /drrmz/ novn [pl] YE in ,dribsand 'drabs (njor

| aonow

nethas weights at the bottom and FLOATS at the top and is allowed to hang in the sea.

昌 moOUn T [GO atoolormachine with apointedend for mak-

ball (soccER) and some other sports) to move the ball

| army

drift met novn averylargenetused byfishing boats. The

drill /ara/ povp, ve书

sth Slowly, in drops or a thin stream DRIZZLE, TRICKLE: Dribppie a little olive oil ovyer the salad. 4 (in foot-



Series of holes 训 the 广ame. e [V] Theyre drilling Jor oil o 矿the JrisjicoasE CHe drilled throusgh the Wall py mmistake. 2 一sblin sth) toteach sb to do sth by making themi repeatitalotoftimes: [VNto inf] The childarenWere drilled to Leaye the classroom quicKkly when the fire bellrang [LVN]a Well-drilled team 3 [VN]totrain soldiers to perform Iili-

tary actions

idrill'down(compuwting)to go to deep:

er levels of an organized set of data on a comPuUter OF a website in order to find more detail: Nayigation z good arad theres adisplay to Show how jor youUye drilled dowm.

"drill sth into sb to make sb remember or learn sth by repeating if ofteni: meyer to drop Litter

秦 was arilled into 1s at am early aSe

drily (also dryly) /draai 太advy 一see also DRY

Tit sb

speaks drily, theyarebeing humorous, butnot in an OobVious Way: Well atleastits notPUFDIe She coOTnmented arily

| ou go(MmBE

| 5fboy

| ie near

| ee hair

| use pure


468 | dirip /drm/ ve novn

卓 VE 号(pp-) 卫 [V usually+ advVprep] (of liquid)j to fall in Small drops: She was hotandsweatarippedimnto hereyes- 和 Water was dripping dowm 加 ewalls. 了 toproduce drops of liquid: [V] The tap was dripping. 2 Her hair dripped dow jer pack [VN] ,Be carefl youre dripping paint eyeTyWhere! 3 ~ (with) sth to contain or hold alot of sth: [V]

2in awaythat shows no emotion: Fe smiled driy and Ileamned back 识 his chair 3 让 awaythatshowsthatthere is no liquid present: She coughed dril coHe swalowed arily and modded. 全 让 ii 站区 0 下 OU

TPe trees Were dripping With 太Ui O [VN] Bis yoice dripped

/dmKk/ moun, ve贱


了 [CU] aliquid for drinking; an amount ofa Tiqiid

moum 了 [sing.] the sound or action of small drops of liquid falling continuously: The silemnce Was prokem omly by the steady drip, drip of water 太om theroof 了 [C asmall diop ofliquidthat falls from sth: WePuUta DucKetumdertne Pole 总 切e roof to catch the drips. 3 (ME alsolV) [q

that you drink: CamrTjhave a dripnk2 和 soft drinks (= cold

drinks without alcoholjcadrimnk ofwater2joodard drimK She took a drink 廊om 坊e glass and 妨en _DUL 让 dowm 2 [CU] alcohol or an alcoholic drink; sth that you drink on a social occasion: They wentjJor a drink The drimks

(medicalj a piece of equipment that passes liquid food,

are on me (= Dll payforthem).CTneed astifrdrink (= Very strong drink). C (BrE) Hes got a drink problemm ^ (NAmB) He has adrinking proplem. c (humorous) The cpPiL

medicine or blood very slowly through a tube into a Patienbs VEIN: Shes beemn put of aidrip. 4 [Gq (normal, becoming old-jshroned) aboringior stupid person with a Weak personality WIMP: Domt be such a drp 一comie andjo 训 总 雪 e 记 mL

are are enough io drive me to _ drink 2 (BrE) Thney caTme

jhome the worsejor drink (= druink). CShe took to drinKk (= drank too much alcohol) after her 7marriage DroKke UPD. 3 drinks [pl.] (BrE) a social occasion where you have

,drip-'dry ad madeofatypeofcloth that will dryquickly

alcoholic drinks: Wouldyouv Liketo comejfordrinks or Su7iday?2adrinks party [ED see DEMON, MEAT

drip-feed ve 旋(drip-fed,drip-fed) [VN] to give sb st 识

WwWithout CREASES When yotuhang 让 UP wet

separate Small amotints > 'drip feed 70OU7 [U,g: 坊e grip jed of ieaked docurments 矶 切e papers

香 Ver (drank /draen0k/, drunk /drAnk/) Tto take liquid into your mouth and swallow it: [V] Wiat would you Like to drink2 和 [VN] 丙 hot weather drimK pierty ofwater CT domnt drink coffee. 2 to drink alcohol especially when 让

人 pimg /drmpza/ ad/., mou1

is done regularly: [V] Fe doesnt drirk

Dontdrink and

drive (= drive a car after drinking alcohol). 2 Shes peen drinking heayvily since she Iostherjob.2[VN]TIdaranKkjortoo

WET (jgurative) 瑟 s w

TUCcP Iast might 2 [VN-ADI] Be jad drunKk RirmselF uricom-


from ib 全 riyve

1moun a Person who drives a vehbicle after drinking too Inuch alcohol

sb who


too much:


dirink-ing /drmkrmy/ oun [U] the actofdrinking alcohol: Drinkingtsmnotadyised duringpregnanrcx Penalties fordrinking and driving-

There aretoush

drinking box "own (Con6) a small cardboard box of juice,, etc. that has a drinking straw with 站 that can be Pushed through asmall hole in the top drinking chocolate moun [U] (Br日a sweet chocolate powder orahot drinkmade from this powder mixed with hot milk and/or water- compare COCOA



(especioly Br



'water fountain) 0001 a device that supplies water for drinking 记 Public places

"drinkinSg straw 007


drinkings-'up time ov

[U] (BrE) ip Britain, the time

between when a Pub stops serving drinks and when 让 closes, When people are allowed to finish drinks that theybought earlier

drinkingwater "ovn [U] waterthatis safe for drinking


| ddid

| ffall

-| gget

| hhat

| jyes

iD a car, taxi etc.: Could you drive-me home2 字 noOte at TAKE 3 [VvVN] to own or use a particular type of vehicle: JWPatcar do youdrive? > MACHINE 4 [VN] [usually passive] to Provide the power that makes ainachine work: a Steam-driveft 1ocommotiye > MAKESB DO STH

'driving) (both Br 日

heavy/rmoderate drinker 2 (after a noun) a person who regularly drinks the particular drink mentioned: Qacoffee drinker

/drary/vemb noun

by car) or go py train2?S [VN] He drivesataxi(=thatis his job). 了 [VN, usually+ adyvV/prep] to take sb somewhere

drink=-'driver- (BrE) (also ,drunk 'driver NAmE Br有日

hol regularly,especially

.drip.pily ady drip.pi-ness OU [U] 0

Tdrove to work tis morTang. 2 Shall we drive (= go there

dirink-able /drmkebl cd Tclean and safe to drink 之 pleasantto drink: ayery drinKkaple wine

drink:-er /drmkeG)/ ooun: 1 a person who drinks alco-


* VEHICLE 了 to operate a Vehicle so that it goes in a Particular direction: [V] Camn you arive2z 和 Domtadriyeso jostl

LIets go. CO Cofmne om drink UDPy7our7juice.

(also 'drunk driving NAm BrE) mouwn [U] driving a ve-

drip:pier drip.piest)

日yE 由 drove /drauv; NAmE drouv/, driven /drrvn/)

up | ,drink (sth) 一'up to drink all of sth: DrinKk UP ard

hicle after drinking too much alcohol

/armpi/ ad

了1 boring, stupid and weak or SENTIMENTAL: heridrippy boyfriend- 2 in aliquid state, and likely to fall in drops: dippypaintc adrippynose(= with drops ofliquid falling

dirink to sb/sth to wish sb good luck, health or success as you jlift your glass and then drink from 汪 TOAST: AlL raise yoUr 8lasses amd drink to Katie ad TD7ml drink

(also drunken

死came im dripping with diamonds.

昌 IOUm [U] fatthat comes'out of meat'when it is cooked, often keptfor fying 人 otherfood 雇

Scious .On yodka. 一See also _DRUNK [Er drink sb?s health (BrE) to wish sb good health as yotuliftyour gass, and then drink from itdrink like a 'sh to drink alot of alcoholregularly,drinksb undertbe'table (piormahto drink more alcohol than sb else without becoming as drunk as they are 一more at EAT,,HORSE 让 ,drink sth MAKEA HOLE 10 [VN + qdvVprep]to make an opening ip or through sth by using force: They drove a tmmiel 太rough the solid rocK. *1IN SPORT 11 tohit aball with force, sending itforward : [VN] to drive the ball into tbe rough (= 记 GOLF) [alsoV] * WIND/WATER_1z2 [VN, Usually+ adyvVprep] to carry sth along: 互US8e Wayes droye the yacht onto the rocks., 13 [V,

usually+ adv/prep] to fall or move rapidly and with great force: The wayes droyve against the shore.

[im drive a coach and 'horses through sth to.spoil sth, for example a plan drive sth 'home

起 sb) to Iake

sbunderstand or accept sth bysayingit often, loudly, angrly etc.: Ze& WwW这 really need to _drive your point horne.

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| anow

| p pen

| :zired

what sb is 'driving at the thing sb is trying to say:TWwWish



工 Knew What they were driving at 一more at GROUND1.,

HARD adj,SNOW 1. idrive a'way | drive sb/sth a'way to leave in a Vehicle; to take sb away in avehicle: We heard hmirm driye away CSomeone drove the car away 识 themight ,drive sb

a'way to make Sb not want to _stay Or not want to go SoOmewhere: Her comnstant naSgging drove hirm away C Ter Torist 扫 reats are driving away tourists. drive 'off 1 (ofa driver car, etc-) to leave: The robbers droyve o太 识a stolen

Vehicle. 2 (in GOLF)tohittheballtobegin a game ,drive sb/sthe'off to force sb/sth to go back or away: The defenders droye off each attacK. idrive 'on to continue driving: Dont stop 一drive onl ,drive sb/sthc'out (of sth) to make sb/sth disappear or stop doing sth: New josh-

Puting) software that controls the sending of data between a_ computer and a piece of equipment that is attached to it, such as a printer 4 one ofthe main things that influence sth or cause itto make Progress: Housing 1 Qkey driver of theecoriomy IE

See SEAT1.

drivers licemse noun (NAmE) = DRIVING LICENCE drives test noun (NAm有) = DRIVING TEST drive.shaft /ararvfaft; NAmE -faeft/ noun a long thin part of a machine that turns round and round and sends power from the engine to another part efthe machine


(also 'drive-thru) ooun (NAmE) ares-

ions drive out old ones. ,drive sth note at DRIVE * DESIRE/ENERGY .SS .[CU] a strong desire or_need in People: a strong sexual drive @ [U] (approving) a strong desire to do things and achieve sth; great energy: 瑟e刀 do yery well 一he has iermmendous drive. r IN SPORT 7 [C along hard hit or kick: She has a strong Jorehand drive (= 训 TENNIS). O He scored with a Drilliant 25-yard drive. > COMPUTING 8 [q the part of a computer that reads and stores information on disks or tapes:Qa40GB hard driveca CD drive 一picture 只 PAGE R4 一see also DISK DRIVE * GAMES g@ [C] (Br6) a social occasion when alot of People compete in a game SUch as WwWHIST OT BINGO * ANIMALS/ENEMY 10 [C] an act ofchasing animals or the

enemy and making them go into a smaller area,especiallyin order to Kill or capture them * ROAD 11 Drive (abbr Dr)usedin thenames ofroads: 27 Iand Heights Drive

drive bay noun (computing) aspaceinsidea computerfor aDISK DRIVE drive-by cad (NAmB [only before noun] a drive-by shoot-

ing,etc. is done from a moving car: a drive-by Killimng

> drive-by noun drive-in moun a Place where

you can watch films/

Imovies, eat, etc. without leaving yoUI car: We stopped at

adrive- 识forahamburger c driye-识movies

上 IOUm [U] (jpjormal, disapproving) silly nonsense: How cam youwatch that drivel onTV?

ye 册 (LI-, US-|-) [V] ~ (on) (about sth) (usually used in the

progressive tenses) to keep talking about sily or unimPortant things driven /drrvnl/ aof 全 (of a person) determined to succeed, and workingveryhardto doso 2 -driven (in compounds) influenced or caused by a particular thing: Q 一See 7narKketdriyen econiomy CQ characterdriyert TOVie


/drarvaG)/ 0ovn

| vvan

| wwet

drive.way /drarvwer/ noun = DRIVE(3): There Was Q car Parkedin/or the driveway.

dgriv.im 理 0 /drarvm/ noun, ad 日0OU1m [U] the way that sb drives a vehicle; the act of driv-

ing: damgerous driving C driving lessons [ET see SEAT. 目 gdlj. [only before noun] 1 strong and powerful; having a stronginfluence in making sth happen: Who was the driving force (= the person with the strongest influence) 识 theband? 2 (ofrain, snow, etc.) fallingveryfastand at an angle

drivinglicence (BrE)(NMmE'driverslicense) moun an official document that shows that you are qualified to drive

driving ramSge novn a place where People can Practise hitting GOLF balls

'driving school "ovn a business that gives people'lesSons in how to drive a cam, etc.

drivingtest (NmEalso'driverstest, road test) 0 a test that mnust be passed before you are qualified to drive a car, etc.

driving underthe 'influence "oun [u] (obbr DUD (US) (in some states in the US) the crime of driving a yehicle after drinking too much alcohol. It is a less serious crime than "driving while iptoxicated.

,driving while in'toxicatedl noun [u] (obbr DWI) (US9) the crime of driving a vehicle after drinking too much alcohol

diriz.zle /drrzl/ verb, noun 上 Verb 1 [v] -when it is drizzling,it is raining lightly 2 [VN] ~ sth (over sth) to pour a small amount of liquid over the surface of sth DRIBBLE

上四 1OU1 [U,sing] light fine'rain > drizzly /drrzli/ adj: a aull drizzly morning Dr Martensrm /dokte maztmz; NAmE,da:ktaer ma:rtnz/ (also informal Doc Martens, DMs) oun [pl.] a type of comfortable heavy boot or shoe with LACES

used to pull a larger one from its bag

droid /drord/ moun


了 (computing) a Pro-

gram Which automatically collects information 人 from other compnuters that you can connect to droit de seigFeRr /drwA'da sen'js:(r)/ ouUn [U] (from

French) the right of a lord to have Sex with a woman of ]ower social rank on her wedding night, said to exist in the Middle Ages

droill /dreol; NAmE droul/ adj. (old-Joshioned or ironia amusing, butnotin away that YOU expect

drom.ed.ary /dromaedari; NAmE 'dra:maderi/ noun (P

Ta person who drives a Vehicle: Q pus/ trairi/amzbuLanmceytaxi driver 9 She climmnbed into the driyvers Seat ^ (BrE) Glearner driyer (= one Who has not yet Passed a driving test e (NAm 日a stuudent driver c The car comes 一See alsoO BACK-SEAT eduipped Withn adrivers airbag. DRIVER 2 (in GOLF) a CLUB with a wooden head 3 (com-

s see 站 ttea

People are driving their cars, for example toor from work > 'drive-time adj.:a drive-trme radio show

drogue /draug; NmE droug/ noun a small PARACHUTE,

drivel /drrvl/ novn, vemb


jing to get oOUt of your car

| zzoo

| 1shoe

-ies) an animal of the CAMEL family with only one HUMP, that lives in desert countries

drone /dreaun; NAmEdroun/ noun, ve 几

目 IMOUm 了 [usually sing.] acontinuous low noise: the distant drone of traffic 2 [usually sing.] a continuous low sound madebysome mnusical instruments, for example the BAG-

| 5vision

| trchain

| dsjam

| ethin

| 5this

| Dising



PIPES, OVer Which othermnotes are playedorsung; thePpart of the instrument that makes this noise 3 a male BEE that does not Work 一compare QUEEN BEE,WORKER.4 a Person who is lazy and gives nothing to society while others work 5 an aircraft without a Dilot controlled from the ground 3 是 Verb [V] to make a continuous low noise: A plane Was droning 识 妇e distance. Ca droning voice drone 'on (about sth)jtotalk for along time in aboring way drongo /dro0gao; NAmE'drd0goU/ noU7 (P/ -os5or -0e9 1 ashiny black bird with a long tail 2 (AustralE NZE,

slang) a stupid person dlrool /drul/vem1 [vtolet sALIVA (= liqtuid) come out of your mouth DRIBBLE: The aog was drooling at the mouth. 了 一 (oversb/sthji(disapproving) to showina Silly or exaggerated way that you want or admire sbysth Very Iuch: teemnagers droolinng Ooyer photos of moyie stars droop /drup/ vemrb [V] 1 to bend, hang or move downwards, especially because ofbeing weak ortired: She was

TUnformnal) todie suddenly and unexpectedly 2 (infor /madql) used to tell sbj rudely to stop annoying yoU, INTERFERING,etc. 一See also DROP-DEAD drop sb 'in 让 (BrE, informalj) to put sb in an embarrassing Situation,especially by telling a secret that you should not have told drop 'names to mention famous people you know or have met ip order to impress others 一related noun


,drop your

'bundle (AUstroIE,NZE5

_nformaj to suddenily not be able to think clearly; to act in astupid waybecatuse you have lost control over yoUrself ietsb/sth 'drop 1 to do or say nothing more about Sby/sth:TsuggestWe Ietthe matterdrop. 了 to mention sb/ sth in a conversation, by accident or as 二 by accident: Fe Iet 让 drop 态 at the Prirme Minister Was Qaclose 三iend of jz. 一more at BOTTOM1.,FLY 1 HEAR JAW 刀 ,LAP 帮 , PENNY ,drop a'way to become weaker or less: She could Jeel the tension drop away ,drop 'backy/be'hind | ,drop be'hind sb to move or fall into position behind sb else: We carmot afford io drop behind our competitors., ,drop

'by/in/round | drop 'in on sb | drop "into sth to

SO tired her eyelids were begimming to droop. 2 to become Sad or depressed: Our Spirits drooped whemn We heard the

pay an informal Visit to aperson ora Place: Drop by Sometme.CTthoughtTa drop 训 on yoOU WPhile TWas Dassing. Sorry Were late 一we dropped intio the pub of 态e way.

TieWs. 多 droop moun [sing.]: theslight aroop ofher mouth droopyadj.: adroopy moustache

FALL ASLEEP:Tdropped of and missed the end of the

qdjroiD 0 豆 Ve/b(-pp-)

/drop;NAmEdrap/ verb, noun

* FALL 1 to:fall orallow sth to fall by accident: [V] The clirmmper slipped and dropped to his death. ce[VN] Be careful1 not to drop that plate. 2 to fall or make sth fall deliberately: [V 十 advVprep] He staggered 识 aid dropped into a chaif C [VN] Medical SUPPlies are peing dropped into the Stricken area. C (BrE) He dropped his trousers (= undid

them and let them fall). c (NAmB) Be dropped his panmnts. 3 [v] to fall down or be no longer able to stand becatse you are extremelytired:Tfeelready to drop.C She expects eyeTyone to Work till they drop. * BECOME WEAKER/LESS 4 to become or make sth weaker,

lower or less FALL: [V] The termnperature has dropped coTlsiderably 2 At Iast the Wind dropped. 2 万s yoice dropped to a whisper 2 The Dutch teaim haye dropped to Jifth place. C The price of shares dropped by 14p. c Shares dropped 识 Price by 14p. 2 [VN] She-dropped her voice daramatically 2 ZUTnUstdrop youUr Speed 训 DuiLEUD areas,

>* EYES 瑟 ~ 一your eyes/gaze | your eyes/gaze 一 (Jormalj to look down: [V] Hereyes droppedto herlap, [alsoVN] * SLOPE DOWNWARDS :6 [V] ~ (away) (from sth) to slope Steeply downwards: 刺 万ont of them 妇 e yalley dropped Sharply away 方om the road. * DELIVER/SEND 7 [VN] ~ sb/sth (off)to stop sothat sb can get out of a_ car etc.; to deliver sth on the way to someWhere else: Canyou drop me near the bank2eYopule 后your Jacke5 puUETcan drop 让 of on my Way to Work tomorrow. 8 [VNN]~sbaline/notetosend ashortletterto sb; Drop Ine QIine When you Set there.

* LEAVEOUT 9 [VN] ~ sb/sth (from sth) toleave sbysth out by accident or deliberately: Shes peemn dropped 廊om tie team Decalse of injury 2 He SpoKke With a cocjriey accentt and dropped his aitches (= did not Pronounce the letter ?atthe start of words). >~ FRIENDS 1O [VN] to stop seeingsb socially: Shes dropped Tost of herold 广iends. > STOP 11 [VN] to stop doing or discussing sth; to notcontinue with sth: Tdropped Gerrman (= stopped studying it) When 工Was 14, Drop eveTything amd cormme at oncel LIook,carl we just drop 让 (= stop talking about it2 CT think wea better drop the subject ce Lets drop the fjormaL 认 es 一please call me Mike. C The police decided to drop the charges againmst he > HINT 12 [VN]~ahinttosayor do sth in order to show sb, in an indirect way, what you are thinkirg * IN KNITTING 13 [VN] 一 astitch toletasTITCH gooffthe needle IE drop the 'ball(NAmE informal)to make a mistake and spoil sth that you are Tesponsible for drop a 'brick/ "clanger (BrE, /njormal) to say sth that offends or embarIasses Sb, although you did not intend to drop 'dead


'off (BrE,informal) Tto fall into _a light sleep

Jilim. 了 to become fewer or less: Traffic 识 切 e towm pas dropped o太 Since the bypass Opered. ,drop 'out (of sth) 1 to no longer take part in or be part of sth: Fe jhas dropped out of active politics. Ca Word that has dropped out of the lamnguasge 了 to leave School, college, etc. without finishing your studies: She started a degree Dut dropped out after only ayear. 一 related noun DROPOUT(1) 3 to reject the ideas and ways of behaving that are accepted bythe rest of society 一related noun DROPOUT(2) 御 7OU1 * OFLIQUID 1 [q averysmall amountofliquid that forms a round shape: drops of rain Sa drop ofblood-see also RAINDROP, TEARDROP 之 [Cusually sing.] asmall quantity of a liquid: Coulda TPhave a drop more 7Pmiik 识 my cofree, Please? CTjhayent touchead a drop (= drunk any alcohol) alLevemnimg. 人

*FALL 3 [Cusuallysing]~ (in sth) afall orreductioninthe amount, level or number of sth: a drop 识 Prices/temPerature, etc. Ca dramatic/sharp drop 识 profits ca Jfiepercentdrop * DiSTANCE [sing.] a distance down fom ahigh point to alower point: There Was a Sheer drop of ffty mietres to the ToOcks pelow Catwenty-footdrop * MEDICINE 5 drops [pl.] a liquid miadicine that yotu Ptit one drop at atime into your eyes, earSDrnose: eye drops * DELIVERING 6 [C]the actofdelivering sbysth in avehicle or by Plane; the act of dropping sth: Aid agericies ae Organizingjood drops to ciyilians 训 the war zone.CQaparachute drop


7 [C] a small round sweetVcandy of the

type mentioned:; 方uit drops 2 cough drops (= _SwWeets/ candyto help a cough) [cr at the ,drop ofa'hat_ immediately; without hesi-

tating: The company camtexpectme to moye Imy hormne and Joniy at theidrop ofa hat a ,drop in the' ocean (B/ (MAmEa ,drop in the 'buckeb an amotnt of sth that is too small or Unimportant to make anyreal difference to a Situation

drop cloth "own (Nm 日= DUsT SHEET drop curtain nouvn (in atheatre)'a curtain or a painted cloth which can be let down so that it hangs across the


idrop-dead cody (njormal used before an adjective to emphasize that sb/sth is attractive in a very noticeable Way: a drop-dead gorgeous Hollywood star

drop-down menu noun (computing) a menu that appears on a Computer Screen whenyou chooseit, and that Stays there Until you choose one of the functions on it

drop goal noun'(inRUGBY)agoalscoredby droppingthe ballionto the ground and kicking it overthe CROSSBAR as 让 BOUNCES

2 cat | dfather | eten | s: bird | aeabout | rsit | isee | imany | b got (BrE) | oxsaw | Aicup | 5 put | utoo

,drop handliebars noun:[pl] lowcurved handlesona



drop-in cod [onlybefore noun] able to bavisited without

drudg-ery/"drAdseri/ nouwm [U] hardboring work

arranging a fixed time first: a drop2imecentre

drop Kickmoun (RUucBy) akick made bydropping the ball onto the ground and Kicking it as 让 BOUNCES

> drop-kick ve 履[VN] drop:let /droplat; NAmE 'drazp-/ ovn a small drop of a liquid drop:out/'aropaut; NAmE 'drap-/ noun 1 a person who leaves; school or college before they have finished their Studies: college dropouts CaUuniversibwithn aigh dropout rate 之 aperson who rejects the ideas and ways ofbehav

加 gthat are accepted bytherest ofsociety dirop:per /dropaD; NAmE 'drad:p-/ movwm a short glass tube with a hollow rubber end used for measuring miedicine or other liquids in drops 一Picture 作 LABORATORY



NAmE ,dra:p-/ moun the solid

waste matter ofbirds and animals (usually small animals)

drop scone (BrE also:iScotch 'pancake) movn a flat cake which is cooked on apan:or other flat surface

"drop shotmnour = DINK diropsy yurppsi; NAmE'drapsi/ movn [器 (old-Joshioned)


,diroPp waist noun atype of waist on a dress that is posioned lower than usual, atthe hips drop zone 0nou 由 the area in which sb/sth should land after being dropped from an'aircraft

dros-opih-'ilia /drosofrla;NAmEdre'sdufila/(pjdros'oph-

drousght /draut/ novn [Tu,Cl along period oftime when there is little or no Tain: bwo years of seyere droughtC ore of the worst droughts or record dirove /dreov; NAmE droov/ noun: [usually pl] a large nmber of people or animals, often moving or doing sth as a groUp: :droyes of tourists 2 People were Ieaving the COUTIOysSide 训 droyes to IooKk jpor work 识 the cities: 一See also DRIVEYV drover /draoveG); NAmE 'droouv-/ novm a person Who Imoves grOUPSs:of cows or sheep from one Place to anothem, especially to market drown /draon/ vemb Tto die becatse yotu have been Underwater too long and you cannot breathe; to Kill sb 志 this way: [V] Two chitdren drowmned after 如 1iing into the Tiver OFe jhnad attempted to TescUe the drowming mmam, CI[VN] She triedto drown herse 太 Ce Was drowried at sea. CThey had drownmed the Unwanted Kittenls: 了 [VN] ~ sth

(in sth) to make sth very wet; to completely cover sth im water OF another liquid DRENCH: THhe 刘UiLE Was

碎 cream.

3 [VN] ~ sb/sth (out) (of a sotind) to

be louder than other sounds so that you cannot hear them: Shet 友rnedup 妇 e7adioto drowm outthe moise 广omm Fext door Edrowming 7moum [u,G: aeath py drowning Alcohol plays apar志 太 an estimated 309%6-0of arownin8s. IE drown your 'fears/'ioneliness/'sorrows, ,etc-

{especially huwrmorous) to get drunk in order to fozgetyour PIoblems

almost asleep SLEEPY: THhe tablets may make youjeel drowsy 2 making yot feel relaxed and tired: Q drowsy

drows;ily /eli/ adv drowsi-

mess 1OU1 [U]: THhe drugs tend to caUSe diroWsines53.

drub-bing /'drAbm/ mour (informal) (in a sport) a situone team

easijly beats another:

We Saye

therm a drubbing in thermatch on Saturday.

drudge /draAds/ moumn aperson who has to do long hard boring jobs


| -army

| aurnow

| ersay

| sggo (Br

Used drugs). C drug amd alcohol apuse ca hard (= Very harmful) drug such as heroin ceasoft drug (= one that is Dot considered Very harmful) Ce Drugs haye been seized With astreetyalue of two milliom dollars. She was a drug addlict (= could not stop using drugs). C He was charged

With pushing drugs (= selling them) 有 (pnformah Tadon北 do drugs (= use them)- cdrug Tehabilitation 了 asub:Stance Used as a medicine or Used in a medicine: preSCcribed drusgs C The doctor PuE me om Qa course of painFilling drugs. C drug companies C The drug has some bad Side ejfjfectks. 一see also DESIGNER DRUG 吾 Veb (名 8-) [VN] 1 togive a person or an animal a drug, especially to imake them Unconscious,,or to affect their Performance in a Trace Or coOmpetition: He was drugged ad bpundled into 加 e back of the cam CjJts inegal to drug jhorses before a race. 2 to add a drug to sb's food or drink to make them unconscious or SLEEPY: Ferdrink musthnayve Deet_ drugsged._ IE be drugged up to the 'eyeballsto havetaken orbeen given alot of drugs

drug dealernovn aperson Who sells illegal drugs dirug.gie (BrE also drug-gy) /arAgi/ moumn (P/ -ies (injo广




(NAm 有 日 :三



qdrug: 吕 YarAgi/od/; moun BOdj (drug:gien drug-gi-est (njrmal) using or involving jllegal drugs 下 IOU1 (BrE) = DRUGGIE

"drug peddleroovn = PEDDLER dirug:stOre


/drAgstoiGD)/ own (NA 月

a shopystore that sells medicines and also other types of goods, for example COSMETICS 一See also CHEMIST(2)一 compare PHARMACY

Druid /dru:rd/ noun a priest of an ancient Celtic religion

druinma 0

/drAm/ nouny ver

下 moOU1 1 a mltsical instrument made of a hollow round 位ame with Plastic Or Skin stretched tightly across one OF both ends. YouPplayitbyhitting it with sticks or with youUr hands: a pass drum C Tbny Cox on druns ctoplay the drurmns Sa regular drum beat 一Dicture 上 PAGES R6; R7 2 alarge container for oil or chemicals,,shaped like a CYLINDER: Q 50 gallon drum 2 al ol drum 3 a thing shaped like a drum, especially Partofa machine: ThPe 7micture jlows to a reyolying drum Where the Water 六 记 itered OUE IEII beat/bang the 'drum (for sby/sth) (especcjly BrE) to speak with enthusiasm in sSuUpport of sb/sth 卓 ye上b (-mm-)1 [V]toplaya

drum 了字 一 (sth) on sth to Imake a Sound by hitting a surface




[VN] ITmpatenttb he drurm-

Tied his 广nngers of 妇e taple.

[also V] IE 'drum

drowsy /'drauzi/ adj. (drowsier drowsiest) T tired and

ation where

0 请 /drAg/ noun, ve贱


into sb's head = DRUM STH INTO SB_ CI drum sth into sb to make sb

dirowse /drauz/ vemb [V] to be ip a light sleep or almost asleep 只 note at SLEEP

afternooP 访 the surishine


下 mmOU1 了 anillegal substance that Some People smoke, INJECT, etc. for the physical and mental effects it has: 了 e aoes not snoke or taKke drugs. Citeeiagers experimmemtirtg With drugs CTJfpundiout Steye Was om'idrusgs (= ITegularly

ma aperson whotakes illegal drugs regularly

ila) novnasmallflythat feeds on fruit andis ofteiitised 记 Scientific research diross /dros;NAmEdro:s; drd:s/mnovn [U] 下 (especialy BI 日 something of very low quality; the least valuable Part of sth: mass-produced dross 2 (technical) awaste Substance, especially that separated from a metal when itis melted


drum andi bass

Temember sth by repeating 让 a lot of times: We jhad 让 GTrumrmed into US t轨 at We

drumming her fingers

should neyertalK to strangers, ,drum sb out(of sth) [usually passive] to force sb to leave an organization as a Punishment for doing sth wrong ,drum sth* LITTLE RAIN 了 with verylittlerain: WeeKks ofhotdryWeather cthe dryseasontCThopeitstays dryjorour picnic. ddid

| ffal-|


| hhat


4 that does not produce any-PHLEGM

(= the

thick liquid that forms in the nose and throat): a dry jacking couSgh * BREAD 5 eaten on its own without anybutter jam, etc.: Breakfast 了 cotsisted of dry bread aad a cuUP of tea. Pr WINE @6 not sweet: a crisp dry wiite winecadry sher7y [5 swEET “HUMOUR 7 (approving) Very clever and expressed ip-a quiet waythat is not obvious; often usingIRONY: He Was QTmaaTn offewwords with adelighthil drysenlse of hu7mour * WITHOUT EMOTION 8 notshowing emotion:ia dryyoice * BORING 9 not interesting: Goyermrment reports tend to TaKke dry reading. cnote at BORING


10 without alcohol; where it is

legal to buy, sell or drink alcohol: We had a dry wedding

(= no alcoholic drinks were served). e adry coUTibAState *THIRSTY 11 (njformal, especialy BrE) thirsty; that makes youthirsty: Prm abitdry ecThnis is dry worK. > dryiy ='DRILY dryness17mouvmn [U] IO

milk/suck sby

sth 'dry to get from sby/sth all the money, help, ipforma: tion, etc: they have, usually giving nothing in return mot

a dry eye in the house (huwrmorous) used to say that

eVveIyone was VeIy emotional abonlt sth: There wasmnta G1y eye 识 the house WPent 雪 ey aiouUTced their enn5a8gement run dry to stop supplying water; to be all used so that none is left: The Wells im 7ost Villages 总 太e regiom haye run dry. Ce Vaccine SUPDPplies started .to FUTL dry as the Ju outbreak reached epidermmnic Droportiorls. 一more at

BLEED, HIGH qdj, HOME adv, POWDER /., SQUEEZE V 四 Verb (dries, drying dried, dried) to become dry; to make

sth dry: [V] Be careful. The paint hasmnt daried yet 2 ZDL Wash the dishes and Tadry ee [VN] Use this towel to dy your hands. c dry your hair cto dry your eyesvtears (三 stop crying)


| ,dry sb/stheoff

to be-

come dry or make sth dry: We went swimmrmming then lay 态 thesun to dryo太 Wedried ourbook o太 bythe 记 edry

out | ,dry sb 一 out (njormaj tostop drinking alcohol

after you have contintuously been drinking too much; to

cure sb of drinking too much alcohol: He wentto an exper-

siyeclinicto dryout dry out| ,drysth 一outtobecome

or to allow sth to become dry 让 awaythatis notwWanted: Water the plant regsularly mieyer Ietting the soil dry ouUL Hot sun and cold winds canmn soon dry out your SKin idry

up 1 (of rivers,, lakes, etc:) to become completely dry: During the drought the riyer dried Up. 2 让 asupply of sth dries up, there is gradually less of it until there is none left: As she got oldep offers ofImodellir 放 WorK Desgan to dry UDP. 3 to suddenly stop talking because you do not know

What to say next ,dry ,up | ,dry stheup(Br6) to dry dishes with .a_towel after you have washed them: TI Wash anmdyou can dry UP.

dryad /drariaedj moun (iD stories) afemale spirit who lives in atree

dry cell novwn thetype ofcellin adry battery which contains chemicals only in solid form

,dry-'cleamn (also clean) ve [vN] to clean clothes using chemicals instead of water: TRis garTment mLUst De dry-

cleaned only 只 note at CLEAN

,dry-'cleaningmnoun [U]

dry- cleamer's houn 三 CLEANER dry-cure o 夏 (of meat or fish) preserved with dry salt, rather than with water that contains salt

,dry dock noun [Cu] an area in a port from which the

dry 0 /drar/ adj, vemb 0dj. (drier dri'est) * NOT WET 1 not wetb damp or sticky; without water or MOISTURE: TS ny shirt dry yet? C Store oniions 识 Qa cool dy place. CT aaid this cake has 忆rned outyvery dy Her mouth jlt as dry as a bone (= completely dry). 2 When the paint 1 coOmPpletely dr apply ariother coat 人 下 Was higjh SU7mrmner amd the riyers were dry (= hadno water


Rattlesiiakes occur-in the Warmeradrier parts of NortF Armnerica,[ED WET *SKIN/HAIR 3 without the natural oils that makes it so人 ff and healthy: asharmnpoo fordry hair

| jyes

water can be removed,used Ships

for building or repairing

dryer (also drien /drareG)/ moun (especially in compounds) a machine for drying sth: a hairdryer 一see also


dry-eyed adj. [not before noun] not crying: She rermained dry-eyed throughout the trial dry farming noun [WU] = DRY-LAND FARMING,

dry goods noun [pl] 1T(Br6jtypesoffood that are solid and dry, Such as tea, coffee and flour 2 (old:joshioned,

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred


NAmE)j cloth andthingsthataremade outofcloth, such as clothes and sheets:a'dryigoods store 一compare DRAPERY

dry 'ice moun [U] solid cARBONDIOxIDE usedforkeeping food, etc. cold and Pioducing special effects 雇 thetheatre idry and movn TIU] land, rather than sea TERRA FIRMA: 下 Was Qa great Telie to be back on dy Iaftd after SUCP a rousgp crossing.

dry-land farming (also'dry farming ) novn [U] (techmical) a method, of farming 训 areas where there is very little rain, that involves growing crops that do not need Inuch water

dgryly = DRILY dry milk mouvp [U] (US) = MIELK POWDER

,dry- roasted adi cooked in an oven withotut adding oil or fat: dry-roasted peanuts ,dry rot movn [U] 1 woodthathas decayed and turnedto powder 2. anyEFUNGUS that catses this decay

dry rum noun [usually sing.] a complete practice of a performance: or way :of doing sth,before the real one DUMMY RUN

'dryslope (alsodry-ski slope )moun asteep slope witha Special surface for practising SKIING

dry:stone wall

/,draisteun 'wo:l; NAmE :stoun/ moun

(Br6) (NMAmEdry wall )astone wall built without MORTAR (= a substance lsually used to hold bricks or stones together in building) between the stones

dry.suit./"drarszt; BrEalso-sjuxt/ novnapiece ofclothing that fits the whole body- closely and keeps water out, worn bypeople swimming underwater or sailing

drywall rown [U](NAm有 BT 三 PLASTERBOARD 卫 = DRYSTONE WALL 'ID-structure own = DEEP STRUCTURE DTI /di tiz'ar/ abbr (in Britain) Department of Trade and Industry

DTP /,di:ti: pi/ obpr DESKTOP PUBLISHING DTs (BiE) (UsD.T?s) /di 'tiz/ mov7n [pl,] a physical condition in which people who drink too much alcohol feel their body shaking and imagine that they are seeing things that are notreallythere (abbreviation for 'dqelirium tremens)

dual /djual; NMmE'du:el/ adj. [only before noun] having two parts oOT aspects: Phis dual 7role as comDposer amnd com-

ductor 2 She has dual naftionality (= is a citizen of two different countries). C The piece of 包 rmiture Serves Q duaLl Purpose as Qa cUDboard and as Qa table. 一see also DUAL-


(BTE) (NMmEdivided 'highway)

1oun aroadiWwith a strip oflandin the middle that divides the lines oftraffic movingin opposite directions

dual con'trols

movn [pl.] two sets of instruments for

controlling a vehicle or aircraft, so that a teacher for exX-

ample, can take control ffom the driver 0dj:adual-controlyehicle


,dual con trol

/djuralrzzem; NAmE 'du:-/ noun [U] 了 (phioso:

phy) the theory that there are two opposite Principles in everything,for example good and evil 2 (Jormal) the state ofhavingtwo parts dualist ,dualist'ic od/.dualist OUw1

dual.ity /djuz'zelati; NAmE duz-/ noum [u,G (Pr-ies)Uor Imaltheistate ofhaving two Parts or aspects

dual-'purpose 5di that can be used for two different Purposes: a dual-purpose Vehicle (= for carrying passen-

geirs or goods)

dulb /dAb/ verb, novn 四 VErbp (bb-) 下 [VNN] to give sb/sth a particular name, often 记 a humorous or critical way: The Belgia7l actor Jean Claude Van Darmnrme has peen dubbed Muscles 刘 om Brussels2

也 [VN] ~ sth (intorsth) to replace the original

speech iD a film/movie or television programme With words in another language: am Americar Tovie dubbed 训 to Italian 一 compare SUBTITLE 3 [VN] (especially BrE) to



| vsvan

| wwet

122 zoo


Iake a piece of music by mixing sounds from different Tecordings 旦 IOU1 [U] a type of West Indian music or Poetry with a Strong beat


/aabm/ novn [u] (Br)ia substance rubbed into

leather to make it softer and more WATERPROOF

du:bi:ety /djur'bareti; NAmE,duz-/ novn [Uj (rmah the fact ofbeing uncertain

gu:bious /djubies; NMAmE'du:-/ adj. 1 [notusually before noun] ~ (about sth)/(about doing sth) (of a person) not certain and slightly suspicious ,about sth; not knowing whether sth is good or bad DOUBTFUL:TWas rather aubious about the whole idea. 了 (disapproving) probably not honestEE3J SUSPICIOUS: Thney 识dulged 训 some higpMyaupbious business Practices to obtain theircurrernitpositiom in the market 3 that you cannot be Sure about; that is Pirobably not good: They comsider the Plan to be ofdaubiors Denefitto mostjommilies. e (ironmic) She had the dubious ho 关 OUFr of being the 1ast Womart to .pe hamged 识 B1igland (= 让 wasnot an honotr at all).> du.bious':Iy adv

Dublin Bay :prawnm-:novn = LANGOUSTINE dub.nium /daAbniam; NmE'duzb-/ moun [U] (SymbDb )a RADIOACTIVE chemical element,Pprodticed when atoms COLLIDE (=crash into each other)


/dau:zboner; dju:-; NAmE'ban-/ novn [u,G]

atype ofstrong red wine which is often mixed with other



/dju:kl; MAmmE'daukl/ adj [only before noun] of or

belonging to aDUKE

qducat /"dAket/ noun (inpthe past) a gold coin used ip many European countries

DST /,dizes tiz/ obbr daylight savingtime

idual 'carriageway


| shoe

quch:ess /daAtfeas/ noun 1 the wife of aDUKE: the Duchess of York 2 awoman whohas the rank ofa DUKE

duchy /axtfi/novn (plsies )(alsoduke'dom ) an areaiof land that is owned and controlled byaDUKE Or DUCHESS

duckK /daAk/ moum, ve族 四 0OUmT

(piducks orduck)

[q a common bird that lives on or near water and




(= , feet





pieces of skin between the toes) and a wide beak. There are many types of duck,some of which are kept for their meat oO eggSs: Wild ducks _duck eggs 一Picture 只 PAGE R20 2 [qafemale duck 一com= paire DRAKE 3 [U] meat from a duck: :roast dauck

With oramge Sauce 4 (also duckie ,ducks ,ducky) [Cusually sing.] (BrE 7 加 广 swan Immal) a_ friendly way of addressing sb: Anything else,dauck? 一compare DEAR。 LOVE Sa duck [sing.] (in CRICKET) a BATSMAN7S Score of zero: He Was ouUtJor a ducKk. 一see also LAME DUCK, SITTING DUCK [EU get/have (al your ,ducks in a row (especially NAmE) to have made all the preparations needed to do sth: to:be well organized (take to sth) like a duckto 'water (to become used to sth) very easily, withoutanyproblems or fears: She has taken to teaching likea duck to water 一more at DEAD dd/ WATER 几. ye 了1 一 (down |~(behind/under sth)to move your head orbody downwards to avoid being hit or seen: [V] Ze had to duck as he came throuvghn theidoor We ducked dowmbehind the wallso they wouldmitsee us. C Dejustrma7tagedto duckoutofsight co [VN] She ducked her heada ad gotinto the car 了 2 [VN]ito avoid sthby moving yourhead or body out of the way DODGE:UHe ducked the First Jew blows then started tofightback. 3 [V 十 advVprep]to move Somewhere quickly' especially in order to avoid being seen: She ducked into the adjoining room as We

| 5 vision

| tchain

| ds jam

| 9%thin

| 5this

| D sing

duckcsbilled platypus

474 |

came in 4 二 (outof)'sth to _avoid a diftficult or unpleasantduty orresponSibility: [V] 7ts his turn to coOoK _dimnmer but Tbet he 也 try to duckout of 让 [IVN] The goverriment 1 ducking

the issue,


5 (NAmE

=“ SUITABLE/RIGHT G6 [only before noun] Uormnal/)thatis suitable orrightin the circumstances: Afterdaue co7isideratiom, We jhaye decided to appoint Mr Dayis to the jobp.cto make aue allowance for s 雪 2 (Br6 He was charged with driving


[vN] to push sb

underwater _and hold them there for a short time: The Kids were ducKking each other in the pooL

He ducked.

duck-billed 'platypusnovn = PLATYPUSs

duck'boards /dakbo:dz; NmE boxrdz/ noun [pl] long narrow wooden boards used to make a path-over wet ground

duckcling/aAklimy/ novn [CU] ayoungduck:the meatof ayoung duck 一see also UGLY DUCKLING

ducks and drakesmouvn [U] (Brb a game inwhich you Iake flat stones BOUNCE across the Surface of water

,duck 'soup novn [u] (NAmE jnjormah a problem that is easyto deal with, or an OpPPonent who is easyto defeat

duck'weed /dakwi:d/ noun [U] a very small plant that grows on the Surface of still water

ducky /aaki/ OUs) very Pleasant: Everything is justduicky: duct /adAkt/ novn Ta pipe or tube carrying liquid,gas, electric or telephone wires,etc.: a jheatingventilation duct 2 atube in the body or in Plants through which ]iquid passes: the pile duct

duc'tile /aaktany ad (technicah (ofa metal) that can be made into a thin wire



[ul Ta


iof ducts

2 material in the form of a duct orducts: a short pieceiof aucting

ducttape noun [U] (NAm 日very Strong cloth tape that is sticky on one Side,often ised for repairing things or covering holes in pipes

dud /daAd/ novn, ad 旧 mOUm 站 [C] (pnformal) a thing that is useless,, especially becatse it does not work correctly: Two of the ieworKs

态 雪 epoxWere duds. 2 duds [pl.] (s/ang) clothes 上 Gdj/ [only before noun] useless; that does not work corTectly: a dud batteryC a dud cheque (= written by sb who

has not enough money in their bank account) dude /uu:d; dju:d/ noun (slang; especialy NAm昌 a man: Hesareal cool dude. e Hey daude whats up?

dude ranmch noun an American'RANCH (= alarge farm) Where people can go on holiday/vacation and do the Sort of activities that CoOwBoYs do [Ia From an old meaning ofthe word dude, aman from the city who wears fashionable clothes.

dudgeon /dAdsan/ noun ID see HIGHa 丰 diue

-0 /dju; NAmE duz/ adj nouni ady

目 0dl. > CAUSEDBY 个 [not beforemnoun] ~:to sth/sb caused by sby sth;j because of sb/sth: The team:s SUccess Was lar5elydue to her efjfortk: 2 Most of the Droblems were due to human error- C The project -had to be abandoned due toia lack of goyvermiment HPndaing. Some people think that it is

Imore coOrrect to use oOwing to to mean because of after avVerb or at the beginning ofa clause, as due is an adjective,


Without due care ad attenttionm. 一compare UNDUE II in ,due 'course atthe right time and not before: yYDUT reqguestw 记 pe dealtwith 识 due course: 一more at RE-

SPECT1. 旦 IOU]1 了 YOUur/sb?s ~ [U] athing that should be given to Sb byTight: He receiyed a large reward which was no more than his due (= than what he deserved). 2 Shes a sIow Worke5 but to Sive jer her due (= to be fair to her), she does 0y yery hard 2 dues [pl.] charges; for exampleto be amember ofa club: to payyour dues 驴 note atRATE @adyv. ~ north/south/east/west exactly; in a straight line: to sail due eastC Theyillageliesfiverniles duemorth ofZFK.

,due datenmoun [usuallysing:] thedate onorbywhich sth, especially a Sum of money iowed or expected

duel /dju:asl; NMmE'daual/ novmr

1Taformal fight with

Weapons between two people, used in the past to settle a disagreement,especially over a matter of honour: to

目 0OUm (BrE, informajh) = DUCK(4) BOdj. (duckiep duckiest (NAmE oldoshioned or Pumor


=“OWED3 [notusually beforenoun] whenasum ofmoneyis duei it must be' paid' immediately:- Payment aue om 了 October; 4 [not before noun] ~ (to sb) owed to sb as a debt, because it is their fight'or because:they have done sth to deserve it: Haye 妇 ey peen paid 轨 enoneyt 切atis due to them2 2 Our tamks are due to the wjhole tearm. 5 [not before noun] ~ (fon sth owed sth; deserving sth: 7T7zm sz了 1 due 15 day's Ieaye. 2 Shes due for promotior SO007.

之 [not before noun] ~ (to do sth) | 一 (forsth)

arranged or exXpected: When's the bapy daque?2C Roseis due to start School 识 Janaary The band's first albpurm is due Jor7Telease later th Tonth coThe nexttrain is due in five

Tinutes. C (especially NA My essays aue nextFriday (= 让 has tobe given to theteacher bythen):

Jight[win aduelcto challensge sbtoaduel 2 acompetition OF Struggle between two People or grouUPps: Q Verbal duel P duelve 避 (- 咱 ,NAmE-D:[V] The byvornen duelledto tphe death.

du'el.ling /djurelm/ (BrE) (NAmE du'eling/ NAmE'duz :elIm/) noum [U] the practice of fighting duels

due 'process of law (also due 'process) jioun [U] (law) (in the US) the right of a citizen to be treated fairly, especially the rightto a fair trial

duet /djuet; NAmE du'et/ (also /ess jequent duo) movn a Piece of music for two players or singers: a piano auet一 compare SOLO, TRIO

duff /aaf/ ad nouvn, verb 目 0dj. (BrE,informalj) useless; that does not work as 让 Should: He sold me a du 矿radio. 旧 OU1 (NA7mE, imnj1mmal) a person's bottom 目 VE duff sb 一 up (BrE pnformal) to hit or Kick sb SeVerely


duffelibag (also duf'fle bag) /daflbaeg/ novun1 (BrE)a bag made out of cloth, shaped likeatube and closed bya String around the top.itistusually carTried over the shoul-

der. 了 (NAmE) = HOLDALL

duf:fel coat (also duf:fle coat) /daAflkeot; NAmEkout/ 1ouUn aheavy coat made of wool, that usually has a HOOD and is fastened with TOGGLES

duf:fer /aafeao/ noun(BrE, informaj aperson whois stupid or unable to do anything well

dug pb ppofpiG du'gong /duu:gon; 'dju-; NAmE "duzgo20; -9ad0/A noun a large sea aliimal with thick greyish skinm,which lives mainly in theJIndian Ocean and eats plants

dug'out /dagaut/ novn 1 a rough shelter made by di 人 ging ahole in the ground and covering itjusedbysoldiers

之 ashelterbythe side ofa football (socCCER) orBASEBALL field where ateam's manager etc. can sit and watch the game 3.(also ,dugout canoe) acANOE (= a type of light narrow boat) made by cutting out the inside of a tree TRUNK DUI /di ju: 'ar/ -obbr (NAm 有 = DRIVING UNDER_ THE INEFLUENCE duke /djuk; NmE dukj movum:T a NOBLEMAN of the highest rank: the Duke ofEdinburgh -了 (in someDparts Of Europe,especially in the pastb a male ruler of asmall independent

state 一see





cat| cfather | eten | ssbird | aabout | rsit|isee|imany|npgsot(Br

| orsaw| Acup

|opot| utoo

duke-domi/'djurkdueam; NAmE'duk:/ nour Ttheiank or Position of a duke 了字 = DUCHY gulce /aalser/: nown [CU] (Us) a sweet food or drink especially a sweetorjam

dulcet /daAlsrt/ adj [only before noun] (huwrmorous or ironmji Sotnding Sweet and pleasant:: 态ouUght T 7recog7iized your dulcettones (=the sotnd of yotr Voice), qul:ci-mmer /qdAlsmaec)/ movm1 a mnisical instrument that you Play by hitting the metal strings with two HAM: MERS 之 a mtsical instrument with strings,popular 记 Aimerican traditional music that you lay on yotir knee and play with youi fingers



dumb-bell oovn 1a short bar with a weight at each end,used for making the arm and shoulder muscles stronger 2T(NAmE pnformal)astupid Person


全 轴用 0 /dAI cd Ve旋 昌 Odj.(dullep dull.esi) ~ BORING 了 not interesting Or exciting DREARY: 工 谍 识 asmall towm could be deadly aull ceThe 启rstjhalf of the game Was pretty duL ceTheres never adullrmmormentywhen Johrzs around. cnote atBORING “上 LIGHT/COLOURS QZ notbright or shiny: a dull grey colour CadulL IFeless hair 2 Hereyes Were dulL. =*SOUNDsS 3 not clear or loud: ThPe gates Shut behind Phirm With a daulLtphud. < WEATHER 4 not bright with a lot of clouds OVERCAST: 开 Was a du grey day. = PAIN

瑟 not Very severe, but continuous: Qa dull ache/

Painm > PERSON 'G@ Slow in understanding STUPID: Q du DLL 了 > TRADE 7 (especially NAmE) not busy; slow: Domt sell into aaullrmarKet

dullLnessmoun [U] dully /dalli/ adv5 和 suUDDoseso2 She said dully ciHis eg ached idulty TITEIO (as) dull as 'ditch-

water (BrE) (US (as) dullas'dishwaten extremely bor 加g 一 more at WORK

目 Ve疙 * PAIN 1T (of pain or an emotion) to become or be made Weaker Or less Severe: [VN] The tapblet 妨ey gayve 7i7m daulled the pain forawnile. [alsoV] * PERSON

2 [VN] to make aperson slower orless lively: Fe

大 Edaullead and stupid with sleep. COLOURS


3 to become

or to make

sth less

bright, clean or sharp: [V] Bis eyes aulled amd he SIuUmped to 态 e grouUid CO [VN] The endless ra 议seemmed to duIL aLL SOUTLd.

qdulilard /aaAlazdaNAmE:ard/ own (old-oshioned) a stupid person with no imagination

diulls-ville /daAlzvay/ noun [U] (NAm 记 7nformah aplace or Situation which is extremely boring






STUPID quickly or easily dulyy/djuli; NMmE'duli/ody 1 (Jormalj) in the correct or expected manner: The docurment Was duly Signed by the 训Spector 2 atthe expected and correct time: They duiy arrived at 9.30 识 Spite of torrential rain. 一compare UNDULY durmlpy/dAm/ cd: yeb 上 0dj. (dumb.ep dumb-est) 1 (olirfoshioned,sometimes offensive) unable to speak: She Was.pormn deaf amd durmb. EEgDumb used in this meaning is old-fashioned and camn be offensive. It is better to use Speech-impaired instead. 2 temporarily not speaking or Tefusing to Speak: We were allstrucKk durmp with amiazement 2 We Sat 雪 ere 识 GumD silence, 3 (njrmna1,especially NAmB stupid: TatyWwas apretty daurmpb 纺ingto do.C 入 切 epolice guUestionm yo act darnzb (= Dietend you do not know arnything). 欧 jherearly7mnoyviessheplayedadurmb plonrde > dumb'ly 0d7 reyouall7rigjit22Iauramodded durmzbt dumbness 1oun [U]

目 YE 儿

dumb 'down | idumb sthe "down (disop-

provingjto make sth less accurate OoTEDUCATIONAL, and of Worse quality by trying to make it easier for people to

understand > dumbing'downmoun [U] dumib animal noun:[usually pl] (BrB) an animal, espe-

cially when seen as deserving Pity dumnlb-ass adj[only before noun] (NAmE t如 boo, slang) Stupid


| army

| aomnow

| ersay

| ao go (BrE)F|



dumb.foundy/aAm'faond/ve 六 [VN] tosurprise or shock sb so much thatthey are unableto speak: Bis7eply du7mibunded mme:

dumb:found: ed /axmfaongdid/

(also, /ess Jeqguent

durmmb.struck /aaAmstrAk/) adj. unableto speakbecause of surprise: The mnews le太Per durmzbfounded.

dunbo /axambeo; NAmE-boo/ noun (P/ -0es) (njfornaha Stupid person dumb.show /duAmyjyeao; NAmE-fou/ noun [Uu,C]



'waiter novn a small lifVelevator for cairying

food and plates ffom one floor to another in a Testatrant


/damndAm/ (also ,dumdum bulleb 7ovn a

bulletthat spreads out and breaks into manyPpieces when ithits sb [aaa Itis named afterthe factory atDumdum nearcCalcuttainIndia; where such bullets were originally made': They are now iegal.

dumimy /daAmi/ novn, 0df. 上 mmOU1 (P/-ies) 1 [Ga model of a per Son,Uused especially when making clothes or for showing them in a shop window: :2a' tailors durmrmny dummy (Br6) 2 [C〇 athing that seems'to be real pacifier (NA 日 but is only a_copy of the realthing 3 [G (Nm 后 Mnformal) a stupid perSon: Dont just Stanid there, yoUdUm7mmy 4 [C] (记 Some sports)an occasion when yotu Pretend to pass the ball to another player'iand then'do not do so 5 [G (BrE) (NAmE paci'fier) aspecially shapedrubberorPplasticobject fora babyto suck 6 [uU] (in card games,especiallyBRIDGE) the cards which are placed facing Upwards on the table ,and Which can be seen by all the Players 下 0dlj [only before noun] made to look real although it is actually a copy Which does not work REPLICA: Q daurmnTmy bormb dummy run 7ou7 (BrE) a Practice attack, performance, DRY RUN etc. before the real one

dumip 0=- /daAmp/ ve沙,0OUn 目 Verb [VN] > GETRID OF 1 to getrid of sth you donotwant, especially

识 aPlace Which is not suitable: Tpo Tnuch toxic Waste 节 being durmped atsea. 9 The dead body Was jsSt durmped py 态 eroadside. 了 一 sb/sth (on sb)(nformalj)to getrid ofsby/ sth orleave them for sb else to deal with: He gotmo Fig 人 to keep durmping his Problermns OP 7mme, 了 (5U511ness) to get iid of goods by selling them at a Very low price, often im another coOUntry PUTDOWN 4 topiitsthdowninacareless oruntidyWway: Just durp your S 蕊太 over 切 ere 一Weml sort 让 OUEIate太 END RELATIONSHIP 号 (informal)toend'a romantic relationship with sb: Didyou hear hes dumped his girlfriend?

ou go (MAm有) | or boy

re near

| ee hair

| ue pure

dump bin

476 | dung'heapy/dAohip/ (also dung:hill/'daAohrzy/) own:a large pile of dung, especially on a farm

qunk/daAnkj ve TIVN] ~ sth (in/into sth) to putfood

* COMPUTING 6 to copy'information and move it SomeWhere to store 让 [Er see LAP1. dump on sb (mnformal especialy NA4mE) to criticize sb severely or treat them badly 盏 OU1 一See also DUMPS 上 FOR WASTE 了 a place where waste'orrubbish/garbage is

taken and left: (BrE) a rubbisph dump co (NmE) a garbage durmp c the municipal durmmp C Qa toxicAuciear Waste dump 2 (also mine dump (S%AHrE) ahill thatis formed When waste sand from the production of gold is piled in one Place over a period of time * DIRTY PLACE 3 (npformal,disapproving) a_ dirty or Unpleasant Place: HEow car you live in this dump? * FOR WEAPONS 4 atemporary store for military supplies: an aiEOP du7mP

* COMPUTING S an act of copying data stored in a computer; a coOpy'or list of the contents of this data 一see also SCREEN DUMP * WASTE FROM BODY @ [G (song) an act of Passing waste matter from the body through the BOwWELsS: to hayve Qa aurnPp

dump bin(Br6) (also dis'play binUsS, Br6) novn abox in a Shop/store for .displaying goods,especially goods Whose prices have been reduced dump'er /dampaG)/ noun (especialy NAm 日-a person

hicle forcarrying earthi stones, etc. in a container which can be lifted up for the load to fall out 一picture 只 ;CON-

dump:ing /dumprm/ novn [U] the” act or practice of dumping sth, especially dangerous substances: a banm om the dumping ofradioactiyve waste at sea

dumpingsroundnoun [usuallysing.] aplace where sth that is notwanted is dumped

a_mixture of flour fat and water) that is .cooked and ServVed with meat dishes: chickemn with herb durmplings 了 asmall ball of PASTRY, often with fruit in it, eaten as a DESSERT: GDPle durmplings dumps/dAmps/ novn [pl] rc down in the 'dumps (njformaljl feeling unhappy DEPRESSED


duodenal /,dju:as-

(apolitical party in Northern Ireland that wanits it to remain apart ofthe United Kingdom) diu:patta /dopAte/ noun a long piece of material wofn around the head and neck by women in S Asia, usually With a SALWAR OFT GHAGRA 一Picture 字 SALWAR dupe/djup; NAmEdu:p/ yerb, noun Siving them his creditcard.

du'plex /djupleks; NAmE 'du:-/ noun (especially NAm 日 1abuilding divided into two separate homes 2 aflat/ apartment with rooms ontwofloors 一picture c作 PAGE RI6

du'pli'cateverb; adi ,noun 日VE此 /dju:plikert; NAmE du:-/ TIvN] 1 FEoften passive] to Iake an exact copy of sth: a duplicated form 2 to do sth again, especially when it is Unnecessary: Theres Po point 识 duplicating work already done, du.plication/,dju:plrkeIfn; NAmE ,du-/ noun [u,G @Qdlj. /dju:plikaet; NAmE 'du:-/ [only before noun] exactly like sth else; made as acopyof sth else: a duplicate inyoice 旧0OU1 /dju:plikat; NAmE'duz-/ one of two or more things that are the same in every detail ER copY: K this a duplicate or the original2? IE in duplicate (of documents,etc.) as two copies that are eXactly the same 记 every detail: to prepare Qcontract iduplicate -compare TRIPLICATE

dump trucknown (Nm 日= DPUMEER TRUCK dumpy/'dAmpi/ odi (sspecially ofaperson) short and fat dun/dAn/ adi. greyish-brownin colour > dunmoun [U] dumce/dAns/ noun (old-/oshioned) a person, especially a chijld at school, whosis stupid or slow to learn

idunce'"s 'cap(Br6 (NAmEsdunce cap moun iDointed hat that was sometimes given in the past to achild in a class at School who was slow to learn

Dun:dee cake /dan'di: kerk/ novn [CU] a fruit cake, usually decorated with ALMONDS (= atype of nut)

dun'derhead/dasndehed; NAmE'dandar-/ noun (injor

du:pli'city /dju:plisati; NAmE du-/ noun_[U] (Jormaj)

/mal) a silly or stupid person

dishonest behaviour that is intended to make sb believe

dune/djun; NMmEdumn/ (also 'sand dune movn asmall

sth which is not true

hill ofsand formed bythe wind,nearthe seaorin a desert


> du.pli'citous/dju:-

plrsrteas; NAmE du:-/ adf/.

dune buggynoun = BEACH BUGGY

durable /djoerasbl; NAmE'dur-/ adj likely to last for a

dung/dAno/ noun [U] solid waste from animals, especially from large ones MANURE: COW dung

dun'garees/,dAngariz/ noun [pl] T (BrE) (NAmE overalls .bib-overall9 a Piece of clothing that.consists of trousers/pants with an extra piece of cloth covering the chestb held up by strips of cloth over the shoulders: a pair of dungarees C His dungarees Were coyvered 训 grease. 一picture 只 OVERALL 了 (NAmE) heavy cotton trousers/pants for working in dun.geon /daAndsen/ noun a dark underground room |jyes

de'numsor duo.dena/-dimna/) (anatomy) the first part of the Small INTESTINE,next to _the stomach 一picture 咱

到 0OU1m (Jormal) a person whoiis tricked or cheated

Dumip.sterr//dAmpstsGD)/ nowm(NA7m月 = SKIP

| hhat

duo:de:numy/dju:a'dimnem; NAmE,duza-/ moun (Pduo-

下 VE 力[VN] ~ sb (into doing sth) to trick or cheat sb: They SOO1L Tealized they jhad been auped. ceHe was duped into

dump'ling/'dAmplm/ novn Tasmallball ofpouGH (=

| gget

Who perform together or are often seen or thoughtof together: ihe comedy duo Iaurel and Hardy 一compare TRIO 子 = DUET

the DUP/di:jux'pi/ obbr the Democratic Unionist Party



knock sb or sth 卢 duntmnowm duo /djiuso; NAmE'duroa/ moun (PI -09 Ttwo people

mess) 1 arighttotrade in aparticular product or service, held by only two companies or organizations 2-a .group of two companies or organizations who hold a duopoly一 compare MONOPOLY

dumper truck(B8r6 (NmE dump trucbg nourma ve

:| ddid

dunt/dAnt/verb(ScotE) [VN,usually+:adv/prep] tohit or

du'op:oly/dju'ppali; NAmE duza:-/ noun (P/ -ie9 (bus/-

in the wrong Place



dunno /denao; NAmE dsamou/ (non-standard) a way of writing the informal spoken form ofTdon'tknow dunmny /daAni/ noun (P/ -ie9 (AustraIlE, NZE,, informan a toilet

diml; NAmE ,du:a-/ adj:aduodenaLuicer

whothrows awaydangerous orharmfulthings,especially

used as aprison, especially in a castle

quickly into liquid before eating it: ShesatreadingarmmagaZirle, :GuUTiKking coojies 况 her coffee. 2 [VN] (especially NAmB) to push sb underwater for a short time; as a joke; to put sth into water: The camera SUrviyed being dunked 训 theriver 3 [VVN] (in BASKETBALL)tojump veryhigh and = dyad'ic /daraedrk/ adl/.

dyb:Dbuk /drbok/ noun (pidyb:buks crdyb:bukim /dr

bukrmm/) (in Jewish stories) an evil Spirit that enters the body of aliving person

dye /dar/ yerb noun

上 Verbidyes;dyeing,dyed,dyed)to change theicolour of sth, especiallyby using a Special liquid or Substance: [VN] to dyejJobrice [VN-ADI] She dyed her hair blonde. 一see also TIE-DYE

上 1OUm [C,U] a substance that is used to change the colour

of things such as cloth orhair: black de LUralAchemiicaL/yvegetabie dyes

hair dye cmat-

disdyedinthe'wool ad [usually before noun] (usually neVer qpproving)having strong beliefs or opinions thatare d-ol traditionalists 妆-the-Wo going to change: dye From the idea that wool which was dyed in its Taw state gave a more even and lasting colotur.

dyimE om _/dam/0d/

1 [only before noun] connected with or happening at the time of sb's death: TWwi remermber 让 to my dying day. 2

Her dying wishes/words 2 the dying OUn [pl.] People

Who are dying: doctors Who care Jor the dying [ET see BREATH 一See alSo DIEY

dyke (alsodike) /dark/ noun Talong thick wall thatiis

builtto stop water flooding onto alow area of land, especiallyfrom the sea 2 (especially BrE) achannel that carries DITCH 3 (ioboo, s/a1g) a Water away from the land Word for aLESBIAN, thatis usually offensivVe

dy:nam-'ic /daimnaemik/ no007, 0 中

@ IO 1 dynamics [pl.] the way 站 which People or things behave and react to each other in a Particular situation: the dynammics of political change 2 8rOULP dynamtics (= the way' in which members of a group'react to each

other) 2 dynamics [U] the science of the forces- incompare STATICS volved in movement: fiuid dymnar一mics 3 [sing.] (Jormal) aforce that produces change; action Or

effects 4 dynamics

[pl] (mwsig changes

Volume in


@ gd 1 (opprovingj(ofaperson) having alot ofenerSy and

a Strong personality: a dymarmic personality 了 (of a Process) always changing and making ProgresS'[GED STATIC

3 (physics) (of a force or power) producing movement [aag sTATIC 4 (linguistics) (of verbs) describing an action ratherthan astate. Dynamic Verbs (forexampleea 记 8row, . 一COmknock, die) can be used 也 the Progressive tenses

pare STATIVE > dynamicalily /kli/odv


/duamamrzem/ own [U] energy and enthu-

siasm to make newW things happen or to make things SUcceed dyna:mite /damamart/ 0Um, ye 屿 上 1OUm [U] T a powerful EXPLOSIVE: Q stick of dymarmite 2 athingthatis likelyto causeaVialent reaction or a lot of trouble: The abortionm issue 1 Political dymnarmite. 3 (informa1 approving) an extremely impressive OFT exciting person or thing: Their new aLpurn is dymaTmite. 上昌 yerb [VN] to destroy or damage sth Using dynamite dy'namo /damemaw; NAmE -mou/ noun (六 -os) 1 adeVice for turning MECHANICAL energy (= _energy from imovement) into electricity; a GENERATOR 了 (informal) a person with alot ofenergy: the team's mmidfield dynarmo Shes a hurmar dynamzo.

dymn.asty /dmaesti; NAmE'dar-/ noun (Dl-ies)1 aseries of milers of a country who all belong to the same family: the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty 2 a period of years dring which members of a particular family rule a coUntry > dyn.astic /drmaestrtk; NAmE dar/ adj [usually before noun]: aymastic history

dyne /dam/ movrm (physics) aunit of force dys'enmitery /drsentri; NAmE -teri/ nour [U] an infection oftheBowELs that catlses Severe DIARRHOEA With 10ss of blood dysfunc:tion:al /drsfAnkj anl/ adj. (technical notwofle ing normally -or Pioperly: children 方om aysfurmctional Jomilies dys'lexia /drsleksie/ noun [U] a slight DISORDER of the

brain that causes difficulty in reading and spelling, for example, but does not affect intelligence

jdrs'leksIk/ adj: -Hes dyslexic dyslexic COUrses fordyslexics.

acat | cfather | eten | 3: bird | a about | isit | 衬 see| imany |ngot(Br6

P dysiex'ic

-noum: Writing

| osaw |Acup |5put|mtoo

dys-morphia /drsmoxfis; NAmE -morf/ moun [U] (me矿 ical a condition in which a part of the body grows larger than normal dysmorphic /drsamo:ftk; NAmE -morf-/ adl/. dys.pep.sia /drspepsia; NAmE drspepfa/ noun [U] (medf/coal) pain caused by difficulty in DiIGESTING food INDIGESTION

dys:pep:tic /dispeptik/ odi 1 (medicaj connected with or suffering from dyspepsia 2 (加rmah bad-tempered

dys-pha:sia /disfetzie; NAmE 别 /mour [U] (medica1h a

DISORDER of the brain that causes difficulty ip Speaking and Understanding dys.phoria /disforia/ noun [U] (medicoh a state of WorIyY Or general Unhappines 一compare s EUPHORIA dysiphoric /disforIk: NAmE- 人 DT :faxT-/adh/.


| amy

| aoinow

| rersay

| sa8o (Br6



dys.praXx:ia /drs'praeksie/ moun [U] a condition of the brain which causes children to have difficulties,for example with physical movement, with writing neatly and

with organizing themselves dys'pro'sium /dis'preoziam,NAmE -proo-/ moun [U] (symb Dy) a chemical element. Dysprosium is a soft siL Ver-white metal used in nuclear research.

dys'to'pia /drs'teupia; NmE -tou-/ noun an imaginary Place or state ip which everything is extremely bad or 苹ysiopian /dis'tev一compare Unpleas UTOPIA ant pien; .NAmE -tou-/ (also_dystop'ic ,/drs'topIk; NAmE :tazp-/) adl/.

dlys'troplhy 们 MUscCULAR DYSTROPHY

| ou go (NMm 有 | ozboy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure

[YY 二 司 生






好冯 电 1

1 二


所 | 上



攻 // noun, gbbr @1OU1 (also 日[CU] (P/ ES ES es/z/) Tthe fifth letter识 the English alphabet: gg”begins With (ar 轧 和 了 E (music the third note 训 the SCALE of C MAJOR 3 Ethe fifth highestmark/gradethat a student can get for apiece of work, showing that it is very bad: He got arE in/for French. 一See also E-NUMBER abbr 1 East; Eastern: 瑟Asia 了 (slang) the drug ECSTASY: She had taken an 瓦 e- 人LE/ combining jrm (ip nouns and verbs) connected with the use ofelectronic communication, especially the Internet for sending information,doing business,etc.: s also ER-FIT, EMAIL comamerce Ce-Dusines 一See


已了 世上 0- /itJ/ det, pron. used to refer to every one of two or more People or things,when you are thinking about them separately: Each answer worth 20 points. C Each of the aisWers 东 Worth 20 points. C The aisWers are Worth 20 points each. 2 久 ed or blue2: 1 take one of eacfu please "2 We each haye our OowWP car C There arenE eniouSgh bookks for eyeryone ti hayve one each. e They 1ostg40 each. ce Each day thatpassed Phe grew more anid more desperate.

watch things carefully and are good at noticing things: ,eagle-'eyed Nothing escaped ouUr teachers eagle eye HAWK-EYED;: Ar eagle-eyed touTistjfound 妇e susdd. Picious pacKage. 'eagle oOwi noun a very large European OWL With short feathers sticking Up near its ears eag:let/iglet/ novun ayoung eagle EAP/i:er'piE/ obbr ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES

他 及 司 0

/ID); NAmEIr/ nouUn

1 [cl either of the organs on the sides of the head that you hear with: ar ear infection c the inmter/outer ear ^

She whispered something 识 his ear 2 He put jis hands oyer his ears. @ She5s jhad her ears pierced. C The elephant Jiapped 证 ears. C He was always 邹ere with asyrmpathetic ear (= a Willingness to listen to people). 一Picture BODY 一See also_ CAULIFLOWER EAR,GLUE EAR,MIDDLE

EAR 2 -eared (in adjectives) having the type of ears mentioned: along-eared ow1 3 [sing.] an ability to recognize and copy sounds well: Zou need a good ear to mmaster the pianro. 4 [C the top part of a grain Plant,,Such as

each .every

BALD EAGLE, GOLDEN EAGLE 2 (in GOLF) a Score of two strokes less than the standard score for a hole (= two 一CoOmPpare BIRDIE, BOGEY Under PAR) eagle .eyenoun [usuallysing.] ifsb has an eagle eye, they

WHEAT, that contains the seeds: ears of corm 一Picture 字

上 Each isused in frontofa singularnoun and isfollowed by aisingularverb: Each situdentjpas been givem his or herownemailaddress The use of his or hersometimes sounds slightly formal and itis becoming more commonto usethe plural pronoun their Each student has peen given 历eir own emailaddres5. 呈 When each isused aftera plural subject, it has a plural Verb: Jhey each hayve theirownm email address. 下 Every is always followed by a singular verb: Every student 让 theclassiscapable ofpassjing the examm, 日Each of, each oneofand every one of arefollowed by

aplural noun orpronoun, buttheverb is usually singular: Eoch (one) of the houses was S1ightily dirferent CILboughta dozenmeggsandeyery oneofihemwasbad.A plural verb is more informal.

eachh other om pron. bers: Don and Susie really Ioved each other (= he loved her and she loved him). 2 They 1ooked at each other and Iaughed. c We ca Wear each others clothes.

,eachh'wayadv, ad (BrE) 直 youbetmoneyeach wayona

that you want to do

said2 Go on 一Prmn allears be outon your'ear (Unformal)

to be forced to leave (a job, etc.) be up to your earsin sthtohave alotofsth to deal with: We reup to our eaTs 总

Work. sth comes to/reaches sbs'earsSsomebody hears about sth,especially when other people already know abonult it: News of his afjfair eventually reached her ears.

sb's'ears are burningaperson thinks that other people

are talking abonult them, especially in an Unkind way: 了 bumped into your ex-w 旋 Iast night TthoughtTcould feel myearsburning)" sb)xs'earsareflapping(B/ 忆 informah a Person is trying to listen to sb else'sSsconversation go in

one ear and out the 'other (njormoh (of information,

etc.) tobe forgotten quickly: ByerythingTte1t 雪 emjustgoes 识 one ear and OU 妇e other have sth coming out of your 'ears (Informal) to have alot of sth, especially more

than you need have sb'xs ear | havethe ear of sb to be

used as the object of a verb or Preposition to show that each member of a group does sth to or for the other mem-

race, you Win 让 your horse,etc. third in the race: She put E5 each an each-Way pet eager /ga(D/ adj. ~ (for sth/to and excited by sth that is going

CEREAL II be alh'ears (informalj) to be waiting with jinterest to hear what sb has to say: Do you Know What he

coOmes first,second or way on the fyourite.

do sth) very interested to happen or abott sth

KEEN: eag8er croWds outside the

stadium o She is eager for (= wants very much to getb) her Parentts: approyaL 和 Byeryone 识 the class seemed eaSer to

LIearn. e Theyre eager to please (= wanting to be helpfu]). P eagerjlyady: the band's eagerty awaited neWw CD eager-

able to give sb advice, influence them, etc. because they trustyou: He had the ear of the monarch Keep/haveyour eartothe'groundto make surethatyoualways find out abonult the most recent developments in a particular situ-

ation play (sth) by 'ear to play music by remermbering how' it sounds rather than by reading it play 让 by 'ear

(informal) to decide how to deal with a situation as it developsratherthanbyhavingaplanto follow: Taortknow What they了LEWantWwhen they arrive 一wezl have to play 让 by

ear shut/close your 'ears to sth to refuse to listen to sth: She decided

to shut her ears to all

妨e ruUmoOuTrsS.

smile/grin/beam from earto'ear tobe smiling, etc. a

lot because yonu are very Pleased about sth with_ half an 'ear without giving your full attention to what is being

Said,etc. 一more at BELIEVE,BEND V,BOX 1.,BOX V, COCKV,,DEAEF adj ,EASY dd/., FEEL V,, FLEA, LEND, MUSIC,

[U,sing.]: Tcouldm't Ride my eagerness to Set

OPEN ddlj., PIG m., PRICK yV,RING V,SILK, THICK qdj.,, WALL mWET adj, WORD 六 .

,eager beaver noun (Unformal) an enthusiastic person

ear.ache /rereIk; NAmE 'T-/ noun [u,C] pain inside the

who works very hard eagle /ii9gl/ novun 1 alarge BIRD OF PREY (= abird that killjs other creatures for food) with a sharp curved beak and Very good sight: eagles soarinlg oyerhead 一see also

eatrbash'ing /rebaefm; NAmE "rr-/ noun [sing.] (BrE, informalj) an occasion where sb criticizes aperson 训D an

ness nOUm

pack hormne.


| ddid

| ffale

| ggetzlo


ear: to haye (arm) earache angry way

| jyesslakcat

il alleg | mman

| nnow

| ppen

| :rired

eardrops noun [pl.] liquid medicine that can be putinto the ears eardrum

/redrAm; NAmEarmr-/ noun the Diece of thin

tightly stretched skin inside the ear which is moved by Sound -waves,making you able to hear: a perforated eardrurm eafurl /refol; NAmE2TrfOU moun [sing.] (informah if sb gives you an earful, they tell you for a long time how angry they are about sth earhole :reheol; NAmE- Thoul/ noun (informan the Outer opening of the ear eal /331; NAmE 3Tl/ nouwn a NOBLEMAN of high rank: the Earl of FEssex 一see alsoCOUNTESS ,Earl Grey noum [U] atype oftea flavoured with BERGA-


earli:est /sliist NAmE '3Tl1-/ moun [sing:] the earliest

the time before which sthcannothappen: The earliestWe caTlLfinish is next Friday We camnttFinishnpefprenextFriaay atthe earliest.

'earlobe (alsolobe)7movmthesoft partatthebottom of the ear 一picture 只 BODY

马术 中 0

/sdli; NAmE'arli/ adf,adv

@Qdlj. (earliier;earliest) 站 near thebeginning'of a period

of time; an eyent etc:: the early morning ,CTnY earliest Tmemories CThe projectisstiL 识 t切 eeartystages.C 雪 eearly J9290s the early days of space exploration (三 when 让 Was justbeginning) Ce The earliestpossibple date Tcart miake 让 攻 儿 e third CRES 识 his early bwentes. C Mozarts earty

Works (= those Written at the beginning of his career) Earlty pooking essential as Space 1 Jimited 2 arriving, OF done before _the Usual,expected or planned time: Jpure early! 工wasnEt expectirlg yoOU tl seyen. CO The Dus Was ten 7Tminutes early 2 an early breakfast C Tets make GTL earIy start tomorrow. 2 Shes an early riser (= she gets Up earlyipthe morning). 2 He Iearntto Play te piaTio atan earty ase.2earlypotatoes (=thatarereadytoeat at the_ beginning of the .season) [Gaga LATE > earliness mouUnm [U] [FE an 'early bird (humorous) a persor who

gets UP, arriVes,,etc. Very ,early at your earliest comvenience

(puUsiness) as SOon as possible: Please telepRhonme

atEXYOUTr ea7liest cOTiyeriience.the ,early bird catches the

wormi (Soying) the Person who takes the OppPorTtumity to do sth before other People will have an advantage oOVer them it*s early 'days (yet) (B/E) used to say that it is too SoOon to be sure how- a situation will develop 一more at BRIGHTdadj/., HOUR, NIGHT

Gdv. (eariier,earliest) 1 near the beginning of a period oftime, anevent apiece ofwork, etc.: early 训 heWeeK/ yearseasoTnorming C The bestroo1ns go to 妇ose Who Dook ea7liest 2 We arTived earyy te mext day 2 He started

Writing TUsic as early as 1989. [gg LATE

之before the

Usual, expected or Planned time: The pus caime 让 ve 7minUtes early 2TWoKe UDP earyy tE inorning. 和 The bapy ar Fived earier 太am expected, [aa


3 earlier before

the Present time or the time mentioned: AsT 7mentiomned eaTlier.… CQWeekKeariier coShe jad see Firm earlier 0 the day, [ED LATER IDIO early 'on at an early stage of a Situation, relationship, period of time,etc.: 工Kmew qUite early on t 切atTWwanted to marry her

,ealy closing ov

[JU (BrE) the practice of closing

shops onaparticular afternoon' every week (now no longer Verycommon) ,early warning "0 [u,sing.] athing that tells you 训 advamnce that sth serious or dangerous is going to happen: an earty warmingofheartdiseaseCarearlyWarnirlg System

(= ofenemy attack) ealr:mark /romaK; NAmE'ITIma:rk/ ve 吕,oun

目 yerbb [VN] [usually passive] ~ sby/sth (for/as sb/sth) to decide that sth will be used for a particular purpose, or to

state that sth will happen to sb/sth in the future: TPe 矶Oney had beei ear7mmarked /for Spending On Pew school Buildings. C The foctory jas peem eafr7iarked /orclosure. She was earTmarked early as Q possipble charmPpiom. 四 0OU1m [usually pl.] (NAm 月 a feature or quality that is typical of sb/sth: THhe incident has al theearrmarks ofa terror ESEQttaCK.


| ttea

| wyvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

ear-imiuffs /rzemAfs; NAmE maAfs/ nowr [pl.] a pair of COVverings for theiears connected byaband across the top ofthe head; and worn to protectthe ears, especially froml cold: apair ofearmauf 本 ww 和 7 司 of A

会 六 司 国 0- 丙 /32n; NAmE srmn/ ve贱 PP 全 Ttogetmoneyfor workthatyoudo: [VN] He earns about $40000 ayear ec She earmned aliving as a parttime secretary. 2 She mustearTajfortune (= earnalotofmoney). [VNN] Bis victory 识 女e tourmnarment earTled Rima 850000. [V] AD the children are earning now. 三 [VN] to get Inoney as profit or interest on money you lend, have ip a bank, etc.: 7ZDUT 7money Would earm more 识 Q Pigh-interest accoOUnE- 3 to get sth that yo deserve, usually becatuse of sth good you have done or because of the good qualities youhave: [VN] Heearned areputation as aTi exXpert on taX law. hs a teachem She jhad earned the respect of her sbdents. CTmneed a rest 工thinKk Tve earned 让 dont you? 和 Shes haying a Well-earmned rest this Week ce[VNN] Fis outStanding ability earned himn a place .on the tearmm. IE iearnia/your 'crust (B/E, ormaj to earn enough

Ioney to live on ,earn your 'keep_1ito do useful or helpful things in return for being allowed to live or stay somewhere 2 to be worth the amount of time or money that is being spent: He ji he mio longer deseryed such a high salary He just Wasmnt earning his Keep. 一more at SPUR. earmed ru own (in BASEBALL) a RUN Scored without the help oferrors bythe opposing team 翁 汪 mer /amnaGD; NAmE '3mzm-/ nouw Ta person who earns mmoney for ajob that they do: highIow earriers一 See also WAGE EARNER 也 an activity OF a business that Imakes aprofit: Tourism 褒 切 e coUPtyS biggestforeigm CUr Fetcy eam7ier 2 (BF iniormal) Fermew Dusiness jhas IFned OULEaGTtice Little earmier earm-est /3mrst; NAmE '3:rm-/ adj very sefious and sincere: at earnest YOUS Tan C Despite her earmest efforts,

She coOuld notJfind ajob. earnestly 0dv earmestness mour [U] Im in 'earnest 1 more Seriously and with Imore force Or effort than before: The Work Oo the Photse Wi begin in earTiest or Monmnday 了2 veryserious and sincere about what you are Saying and about your intentions; in a way that shows that you are serious: ZU may laugh putTrm in deadly earnest CTcould tell she SpoKke 碌

eaTTIesE 公司 Y 门 :ii 阐 帮S amIZ; NAmE '3rmn-/ 0OUn [pl Tthe money that you earn for the work that you do: a Fise 识 ayerage earTiings 2 cOTmPpemsation for 1oss of earnings caused by the accident c note at INCOME 了 the Profit that a company Iakes: earnings Per ShareCexportearmnings ,earmings-re'lated cd (BrE) (of Payments,etc.) connected to and changing _according to the amount of moneythatyou earn:am earmiri8s-related peTusiomt Scheme earphones /refeunz; NmE "rrfounz/ moun [pl] 三 HEADPHONES ear-piece

/epis; NAmE'mpixs/ nown the Part of atele-

phone or piece of electrical equipmentthat youhold next to or put into your ear so that you can listen

'ear-Diercin 名 0路 ,70oU1

四 0cdj. [only before noun] veryhigh; loud and unpleasant: am ear-piercing SCreaJL 下 IOUm [U] the Practice ofmaking small holes in sb's ears So jewellery can beputin therm eair:Dplug /replAeg; NAmE'ITD-/ own [usually pl.] a piece of soft material that you put into your ear to keep outnoise OF Water 忆 习 及 上 站 名 /Terim; NAmE TD/ OUn a piece of jewellery that you fasten in or on your ear: a Dair of earTirlgs 一picture 只 JEWELLERY ealr.Set /Teset; NA/mE 'Trset/ mouwn a piece of equipment that fits into your ear and has a MICROPHONE,attached to it. Itis connected to atelephone and allows youto usethe telephone without using your hands.

| 5xvision

| tr chain2|


| bthin

| 5this

| Dising


earshot earshot

482 /refot; NAmErTat/ nouwn

out of 'ear-

shot (of sb/sth)j too'far away to hear: sb/sth or to be heard: We waited until Ted Was safely outof earshot before

'earth _science


[GuU] ascience 'concerned with

Studying the earth or part of it. Geography and GEOLOGY are both earth sciences. 一CoOmpare LIFE SCIENCES,NATURAL SCIENCE

'eaith=shattering cd having averyigreateffect and of

great importance: an earth-shattering discovery discussing 让 within 'earshot (of sb/sth) nearenough to hear sbysth or to be heard: 4s she caimne within earshot of 'earth stationm moun aplace Where signals are received _from space:or are sent into space the group, She heard her name mentiored-

'ear-splitting 0d/. extremelyloud 已 司IE和 0有 /3:0; NAmEsr6/ mouwn; Ve 屿

上 1OUn 1 (alsoEarth ,the Earth) [Using.] the world; the

eath-work /3:0ws:k; NAmE '3T0wa:rk/ moun [usually pl.] alarge bank of earth that was built 和 ago ip the past and used as a defence


/3:b6wazm;y NA1mE'3T0W3: 宇 可 1moun a comz

Planet that we live on: the Dlanet Earth 2 the jistory of Imon long thin woRM thatlives in soil 1ife on earth ec 轨e earths 0z0Pne Iayer 3 The earth reyvolyes eaithy /3s:0i; NAmE "3Trbi/ ad Parthiier ,earthi-est') aroumd the SU. CTImUSt be te happiest person on earth/ 1 concerned with the body, sex, etc. in an open and dir2 [U,sing.] land; the hard surface of the world that is not ect way that some people find rude or embarrassing: a7 the sea or the sky; the grotund: After a WeeK at SeQ 证 Was earthy sense of hurmour 了 of or like earth or:soil: earthy g&ood to feel the eaith benheath our 用et again ZOU could colours: earthiness OUn [U] 帮 el the ear 雪 ShaKke as the truck carme closer 只 note at FLOOR 3 [U]the substance that plants grow in:a clod/ 'eartrurmpet "0Un adevice shaped like aTRUMPET; used in the pastbypeople who could not hear well IurmpArmourd of earth 写 note at soIL 4 [G the hole Wheresan amimal, especially a FOX, lives 5 (BrE) (NAmE ealWaX /rewaeks; NAmE'TwWaeks/ nouwm [U] the yellow Sround ) [Cusually sin8g.] a wire that connects an electric Substance Produced inside the ear to Protect 让 CIRCUIT With the grotund and makes it safeIcrJy charge, eafrWi /rewIg; NAmE'TrwI9/ oun a small brown insect cost, pay, etc. the'"earth (B7E informalj) tocharge, etc. a with alongbody andtwo curved pointedpartscalled PINlotofmoneycome backydownto 'earth (with a'bang/ CERSs that stick out atthe backend of itsbody 'Ibump) | bring sb (back) down to 'earth (with a 他司S人 0- 页 / 袜z/ ouUm) ve 几 bang/bump) Unformal)to return, or to make sb return, to a normal way of thinking or behaving after a time 下 1OUm [U] 1 lack of difficulty: Be passed the exarm With When they have been Very excited,not very practical,

etc. 一See also DOWN TO EARTH go torearth/'ground (BrE) to hide, especially to escape from sb who is chasing

youhow, why:where, who, etcs.on 'earth -(nforma) Used to emphasize the question you are asking when you are SUIPIrised or angIry Or cannot thibk of an obvious anSwer: Whaton earth areyoudoing2 Howomn'earth can she

afford that?be, feel, look, taste, etc- like nothing on 'earth (ijommalj) to be, feel, look, taste, etc. veIy badon 'earth Used after negative nouns Or Pronouns to emphaSize whatyot are saying: Nothing on earth would persuade

me to go With jirm.run sb/sth to 'earth/,ground (Br6 to find sb/sth after looking hard for a long time 一more at

END]m. ,FACE 由,MOVE V,PROMISE V, SALT 1 ,WIPE V 日 Yerb (BrE) (NAmEground) [VN] [usually passive] to make electrical equipment safe by connecting it to the ground with a wire

earth-bound /3:bbamnd; NAmE 'arb-/ adj 1 unableto leave the'surface of the earth: birds anmnd their earthbourd predators 2 (iteray) not Spiritual or having much imagination earth:-en /s:bn; NAmE'srbn/ adj [onlybefore noun] 1 (of floors or walls) made of earth 2. (of objects) made of baked.cLAaAY:earthern pots eath-enmware

/3s:bnwes0); NAmE'arbnwer/ adj made

ofvery hard baked cLAY: an earthenware bowLe earth-

enWware ou1n [U] earth-iinsg /3:010; NAmE's3rb-/ noun a word used in scTENCE FICTION Stories by creatures from other Planets to referto aperson living on the earth earth.iy /3:61i NAmE sr6-/ adj [usually before nounm] 1 Uniterory) connected with life on earth and not with any spiritual life: the sorrows of this earthly le-2 (often used in questions and negatives for emphasis) possible: Theres mOearthly reasor Why youU Shouldrmt 5o. Ce WPhat earthly differenceis myopinion goingto make2CHedidntthaye an earthly chamce of getting the job.

'earth mother "2ov71 (alsoEarth Mother)acGoDDEss Who represents the earth as the Source of life; aGODDESS of FERTILITY 了 (Unformal) awoman Who seems veIy suited tobeing amother 'earth mover ovn a vehicle or machine that digs up large quantities of so计


/3:6kwerk; -NAmE arb-/ (also njormal

quake ) mov1m a sudden; violent shaking of:the earth's Surface

ease. C The ease With Which she 1earTls 1a718UaSes 荡 astomishing. COThis computer 直 DopuIar for i good design arid ease of use. C Al important point are TiUmbered for ease of reference (= so that you can find them easily) 2 the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable without woriies, PIoblemas or pain: Zi his retirermmenzb jhe Lived a Life ofease.

IE (stand) at 'ease tsed as a command to soldiers to tell them to stand With their feet apart and their hands

behind their backs 一compare ATTENTION1.(5)at (youn) 'ease Ielaxed and confident and not nervous or embarIassed: T7ieyer feel commpletely at ease With hirm.put sb at

[their) "ease to make sb feel relaxed and confident, not DerVotus or emnbarrassed 一more atILLOd/, MIND 六 . 下 yerb 1 tobecome orto make sth lessunpleasant painful, SeVere,etc. ALLEVIATE: [VN] This should jhelp ease

the pain. C The Dian should ease traffic congestiomt 识 the town. Would ease mymind (= make me less worried) to Know tat She Was settled. 2 [V] The pain immediately eased. 也 [二 advV/prep.] to move, or to move Sb/ysth, slowly and carefully: [V] Fe eased slowlyjforwards. c [VN] She eased jhersejF into a chair 2 He eased o只 his shoes. 3 [VN] to make sth easier: Ramzps haye beemn puilt to ease access for the disabled. 4 to make sth or to become less tight and Inore relaxed RELAX: [VN] FEase your grip on the WPeel a little. [alsoV] 5 to become or make sth lower in Price or value REDUCE: [V] Share prices eased back

思 om yesterday's leyels. [also VN]EEEIO 'ease into sth "ease yoOurseilf/sb into sth to become or help sb to become famiiliar with sth new,especially a new job ease off |.ease'off sth to become of make sth become less Strong,, tnpleasant,etc.: We Waited until the frafFic jhad eased o 矿C FEase o 矿 the training a jw days before the race.

iease sbc'out (of sth) to force sb to leave ajob or position of authority,especially by making it difficult -or

Unpleasant for them over a period of time ease 'up Ttoreduce the speed at which you are travelling 2 to become less strong, Unpleasant, etc.


/ 宇z0/ codi (iterory) that ProVides comfort or

Peace easel /ii2z1/ movun awooden frame to hold a picture while itis being painted or (in the Dast) a BLACKBOARD ease-Iment / 工zimant/ noun [U] 站 (aow) the right to cross ortsesb'slandforaparticular Purpose 2 (literarmy)astate or feeling ofpeace orhappiness

eaSs- 衣 y ,0- /zalil adv 1 withoutproblems or difficulty: Tcar easiky finismittomight CThe TuUseunaz 节 easily accessible by car 了 2 very probably; very likely: Are you sure you locked the gate?

acat | adfather | eten:| 3: bird | eaaboutij sit | 宝 see -| imany | osgot (BrE) | oz saw | Acup | orput | ustoo


Zou could easily jhave jorgotten: The situation mightall too easily hayve become adisaster 3 一 the best nicest, etc. without doubt; definitely: Jts easily the bestplay ve seenl thisyear- 4 quickly; more quicklythan is usual:Tget pored easily C Hes easily distracted.



,east-SOuth- east 10Um [sing.] (2bbr 广ESE) the direction at

目 .0OUm [U,sing.] (obbr:E): 1 (usuallythe east) the direction that youlook towards to see the sun rise; one of the four main points of the coOMPAsSs: Which way is east? CA gale was blowing 方om the east CQtown to the east of (= further east than) Chicago 一picture 只 COMPASS 一compare NORTH,SOUTH,WEST 2 (also East) the eastern part of a country, region or city: TWas bormn in the Fasb

DuEmow live in Sarn Francisco. 3 the East the countries of Asia, especially China, Japan and India 4 the East (in countries of Eastern Europe:

四 0dj/. [only before noun] 1 (alsoEast) (obbrE)in ortowards the east: FastAfricacTheyliveormtheeastcoast 了 aneast wind blows from the east--compare EASTERLY 昌 gdv. towards the east: The house foces east


/istbaund/ adj travelling or leading to-

wardsthe east: eastbourd traficeo the eastbound carriasgeWay of the7motorway

,EastCoast Fever nouwn [U] adiseasethat cows in Africa can get bybeing bitten by a TICK (= a small insectj), and Which can kill them

the ,East End mouwn an areaofEastLondon traditionally connected with rworking people ,East Ender mouwm: HesarealFEastFEnder

Easter: /istecD)/ noun 1 [u,G: (also ,Easter Day, iEaster :Sunday) (in the .Christian religion) a Sunday in March or April when Christians remember the death of

Christ and his return to life 2 (also East'ertime) the

period that includes .Easter.Day and the days close to it: the Faster pnolidays/yacation

'Easter egSg movn 1 an egg made of chocolate that is given as a Piesent and eaten at Easter 2_-an egg with _a Shell that is painted and decorated at Easter east-er-1y /isteli; NAmE-erli/ adj ;noun

四 Gdlj. [only before noun] 1 in ortowards the east: trayeliirg 碎 an easterty directiort 了 [usually before noun] (of winds) blowing 们om the east: Qa cold easterfy_ wind 一compare EAST

下 IOU1 (pl-ies) a wind thatblows from the east


0 和 /isten; NAmE-arn/ .da 中

1 (alsoEastern ) [onlybefore noun] (obbrE )locatedin the east Of easterm Tected Europe:

facing east: easte7Fm Spaii 2 Easterm EuUrope C the Slopes of the mouritain 2 (usuallyEastern ) conwith the Part of the world that is to the east of Easterm cooKery

,Eastern 'DayiightTime "ovn [U] (obprEDT )thetime easterm-er /ixstene(); NAmE 宝sterner/ nOUm a person Who comes from or lives in the eastern part of a country, especially the US east-erm-miOst /istenmaust; NAmE-ernmoust/ adj. furthest east: the eastermrTmnostcity 训 EuUrope






,Eastern 'Stamndard Time

novn [u] (obbr EST ),(also

Eastern time )thetime used in the winter

npthe eastern

Us and Canada, which is five hours earlier than GMT

7movn a person whose

from the Indian SUBCONTINENT

family originally ,East lndian


east-north-east at an


:movn [sing] (obbrENE) the direction





> ,east-north-'east 0cdv


| army

| aunow





| ersay

| aogo(BI

/istwadz) NAmE :Wardz/ (also east'ward)

aqdv towards the east: to goZIooKkAturm # eastward 0cdj/: 训 an easthward directiom


人 aaSY- .0 再 /iizi/ adj ,adv 晶 .0dlj. eas'ier, easi'est) not difficult; done or obtained Without a lot of effort or Problems: am easy exaTmvTob De didmntrmnake 让 easyjJor neto Ieaye. 专 Thieir houUse is theeasiestplace to getto,.eyegetables thatare easy to grow CSeyeralscjhiools are Within easy reach (= notfar away). 下 camntbe easyforphep on herown with the childre orts easy foryou io telrme to keep calm, but youye mnot 训 7Tmy Position: [9 HARD .27icomfortablei- relaxed and not Worried: TU agree to anytping jor ar easy Li ooTadontt 泡el easy about Ietting the kids goOUL alone. [aa UNEASY 3 [only before noun] open to attack; not able to defend yoUrIself: Shes am easy target for their critcismms CO The paby 万Share easy prey fjo关 birds., 4 [only before noun] pleasant and friendly EASY-GOING: He had a vely easy manner [aa


5 [notusually before noun]

(njirnmal, disapproving) (of women) willing to have seX With many different People 一 see also EASILY 区 easiiness mouwn [LU] [En as ,easyas anything/as 'pie/as AB'C/as fallingoff a'log (imjmmal) veryeasy Of very easily,easy money moneythatyou get without having to work very

hard for it,easy on the 'ear/'eye (njormah pleasant to listen to orlookathave an easy time(of it) (Br6) tohave

Do difficulties or problemsPm 'easy (BrE, informah used to saythat you.do not have a strong opinion when sb has offered you a_ choice:- Do you want to Watch _this or the 7ieWws27 人 用 DT7m easy 1ts UP to you of easy virtue (old妈 shioned) (of a woman) willing to have sex with anyone on .easy street enjoying a comfortable way of life with plentyofmoneytakethe easy way 'out toend adifficult Situation by choosing the simplest solution even ifit is not the best one 一more at FREEGd/.; OPTION,REACH m.,RIDE

m., TOUCH 1: 目 ,Gdy. easier;easiest) used to tell sb to be careful when doing sth: Easy with 妇 at chair 一one of ii Jegs 1 1oose. IE breathe/rest 'easy to relax and.stop worrying: Zou cam resteasy 一Prmn mot going to tell anyone.be ,easier ,said than 'done (Soying)to be much more difficult to do than to talk about: “WPy donit you get yoUrself a jop2” 和hats easier said tha7i done."easy'come, ieasy goO (SGying) used to mean that sb does not care Very much about Ioneyor possessions especiallyiftheyspend itorlose sth

,easy 'does 证 (/nformal) used to tell sb to do sth, or move

tme at the7Tmnoment goO'easy On/with sth (pnjommcjh)used to tell sb not to use too much of sth: Go easy om the SUS8a7 not come 'easy (to sb) tobe difficult for sb to do: Talking about 7ny Droblemms doesnt和 come easy to me ,stand 'easy Used as a command to soldiers who are already standing AT EASE to tell them that they can stand in an even more Telaxed wayitake 计 'easy (infommal)used to tell sb notto

be worried or angry: TaKke 让 easy! Don 和 panic. take 计/ things 'easy tcfieiaxand avoid workingtoohard or doing too much: The doctor told me to tajkeiteasyjforajwwWweeks.

ddj (of clothes or cloth) not needing to be

,eaSyY 'chair noun a large comfortable chair: to s 让 in an

[uiG =



ironed after washing

US and parts of Canada

Eastertime . /istetarmm; NAmE istert-/ oum



Eastern timme movn [U] the standard time in the eastern

,East indian


sth, slowly and carefllygo 'easyonmsb (injormal) used to tell sb to treat a person iD a gentle way and not to be too angIy Or SeVere: Go easy om jher--sShes jhaving areally hard

usedin the summerin the eastern US and Canada, which is six hours earlier than GMT

the ,Eastern


> ieast-southz'east'adv:

/ist/ houn;adi adv

the past) the Communist East-Westrelations


easy chair easy-'Eoing adj, relaxed and happy to _accept things Without worrying or getting angIry

,easy listening

novn [U] mnusic that is pleasant and

relaxingbutthatsomepeoplethinkis notVveryinteresting

easSy-PpeasSy /izi' pi'zi/ -adj (BrE pfornmal) (used especiallyby children) very easy

| ou go (NMmB

| ao boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure



eau de'toilette /ao datwazlet; NAmE,oo/ moun [GuU]

人 了 蕊 0m /itt/ verb(ate/et; especially NAmEert/, eaten /itn/) 1 toputfood in your mouth, chewitand swallowit: [V]T Was too Rneryous to ea C She doesmieatsertsibly (= doesnit eat food that is good for hen). e_ [VN] Tadomnt eat mmeat 和 Would you Like sommething to eat2 CTcouldnt eat another

thing (=Ihave had enotugh food). 2 [v] to have a meal: Where shall we eat tonight2 e We ate at a Pizzeria in towm.

PERFUME that contains a lot of water and does not smell VeIy Strong eaves /ivz/ noun [pl.] the lower edges ofa roof that stick Out over the walls: birds miesting Under the eayes 二Picture 只 PAGE RI7

eaves'drop /ivzdrop; NAmE-drdpjvem(-ppl [V] 二 (on sb/sth) to listen secretly to what other People are Saying: ~We caugRht -jirm eayesdropping Outside 态e Window. > eavesdrop.per1oum

IE ,eat sb alive (informajh 1 to criticize or punish sb


SeVverely becatse yo are extremely angry With them 了 2 to defeat sb completelyin an argument, a coOmpetition, etc.: The defence Iawyers are going to eat yoU aliye tomo 六 row 3 [usually passive] (of insects, etc.) to bite sb many times:TWwas being eaten alive by 7mosquitoes. eat drink

GUTTER(1) eBayrwM /inber/ noun [U] a website on the Internet where

and be merry (Soying) said to encourage sb to enjoylife

1Own the ebpb [usually sing.] the period oftime when the

your heart outl (informal) used to compare two things and saythat one ofthem is better: Iook atPminz damce! Eat

Sea flows away from the land: theebb tide [Er theiebb and flow (of sth/sb) the repeated, often regular moveIment 位Oom one state to another; the repeated change in level, numbers or amount: 纺 e ebp anid jlow of the seasons CShesatinsitence emnjoying the ebpb and jlow of conyersa右on. 一more atLOWddl/. 下 Verb [V] 了 (jormal)(ofthe TIDE iD the seaj to move away

your heartoub 了EredAstaire (= he dances evenbetter than

Ered Astaire). eatyour heart out (forsb/sth) (especially BrE) to feel very unhappy especially because you want Sb/sth you cannot have eat humble 'pie (BrE) (NAmE eat crow) to say and show that you are sorry for a mistake that yotu made From a pun on the old werd umbles, meaning 'offal', which was considered to befood for poor people. eat like a ,horse (informoa/) to eat a lot: She may be 女i butsShe eats Like ahorse. eat outofyour/

from the land

Go oUT

[3 FLOwW 2 一 (awayjto

become gradually weaker or less DECREASE: Te pain Was ebbin8. C As night 大及 our enthusiasm began to ebpb away

sb's hand totrust sb and be willing to do what they say: She?l haye them eating Out of her hand 训 mo tirne. eat sb out of ,house and 'home (injformal, often humorous to eat alot of sb else's food eat your 'words to admit that whatyou said was wrong 1could eata 'horse (normal)) used to Say that you are very hun PN eat my 'hat (njormal) used to say that you think sth is very Unlikely to happen: 矿Shes here or time Teat my hatl what's Doyed

People can AUCTION goods (= sell them to the person Who offers the most money for them): Fe buys rare pasepall cards on eBay eBayyvemb [VN]

elbb /eb/ noun, verb

now, while they can, and not to think of the future eat

eating him,etc-? (informah used to ask what sb is an-

/ivztrof NAmE -trof/ noun (Con月

Ebola fever /irbaulae fi:vaGnD); abaula; NAmE:boo-/ noun [u] avery serious disease, causedbyavirus; which catises internal parts ofthe body to loseblood and usuallyends in death

Elb.om:ics /ebponriks; NAmE-bam-/ moun [u] atype ofEnglish spoken bymanyAfrican Americans thathasbeen conSidered by some peOple to be a sepaiate language

elpony /ebani/ novn, q 丰

OF Worried _about 一more at CAKEHh.,DoG 人 . 由 目 mOU1 [U] thehardblackwood ofvarious fropical trees: am ,eat sth*a Waytoredtuce or destroy sth gradtally ebomy carying ERODE: The coastline isbeingeaten aWayyearpyyear 日Qdlj. black in colour: eborAsKimn eat away at sth/sb 1 to reduce or destroy sth gradebul:lient /rbaAliant; -bo-/ odj (Jorman full of confiually: Woodworm had eaten away at the door 廊ame. Fis dence, energy and good humour: The Prirme Minister Was CO7lstant criticism ate away Qt jher seI 广confiderce. 2 to 训 ebullient7mood. > ebuliience /ens/ novn [U] ebulliWorry sb over a period of time eat into sth 1 to usetup entjy adv apart of sth, especially sb's money or time: THiose repair Dills haye really eaten into my Savings, 2 to destroy or 'e-cash moun [U] a system for sending and Teceiving Paydamage the surface of sth: Rust had eatert inito the metal ments using the Internet eat out to have a meal in a restaurant etc. rather than ecC'Cemtric / 苹'sentrik/ ad considered by other people athome: DoyoujfeelLLike eating outtonight?,eat'up | ,eat to be strange or Limnusual: eccemtric behayiourclothes C am sth*'up to eat all of sth: FatUp! Weye gotto go ouULESooOT. eccentric auntt ecCCen'tric 1OU1: Most people considered 2 Come on EatUpD your potatoes: ,eat sb 'up [usually pasPirm a har7mless eccentric. eccen:trically /kli/ odv Sive] to fill sb with a particular emotion so that they'canecCCem'tri'city /eksen'trrseti/ (P/ -ies) moun T [U] Bot think of anything else: She was eatemn UP by regrets. behaviour that people think is strange oOFr Unustual; the ieat sth< up to use sth in large quantities: Legal costs quality ofbeing unusual and different from other people: jad eatemn UP all the sayings she had. As ateachen she had areputation for eccenitricity CArthur eat'able /itebl/ adi good enoughto be eatensee also Was noted fr e eccentricity of his clothes. 2 [Cusually EDIBLE pl.] an unusual act or habit: We al hayve OUF Little eccemntr eater /iteG)/ noun (usuallyafter an adjective or anotn) Cities. aperson or an animal that eats a partictilar thing or iDa Partictular way: We7e mot great 7Tmeat eaters CO HeSs ab 这 Ec:cles calke /eklz kerk/ moun a small flat cake made from PASTRY With RAISINS 记 side eater (= he eats alot).

eat'ery /iteri/ (内 -ies)moun (informah especialy NAImm 日a Iestaurant or other Place that servesfood 'eat-in ad/ [only before noum] (ofa kitchen) big enough for eating in as well as cooking 记

ec'cle'si`as:tic /1kli:zi'aesttk/ noun (Jorma1j) a Priest OF

eat'ing /itmy/ mon [U] the actofeating sth: healthy eaE

ECG /E si 'd5i/ (MAmE also EKG) moun the abbreviation for electrocardiograim' (a medical testthat measures and records electrical activity of the hearb)

ing [DO see PROOF

eating apple "ovn (Br anytype ofapplethat can be eaten Taw 一Compare COOKING APPLE

eating disorder

moun an emotional DISORDER that

causes eating habits that are Tot normal, for example

ANOREXIA eats /its/ noun [pl] (informmal) food, especially at aparty

eau de cologne /ao da kelaun; NAmE ,ou de kslouny/ mouhn [U] = COLOGNE


-| ddid


| :9 get

:| h hat

| 了 yes

Iinister in the Christian Church



adj, [usually before

noun] connected with the Chfistian Church

ech'elon /efalon; NAmEJamn/ non TIusuallypl] arank or position of authority in an organization or a society: the Iower/upperXtopXhigsher echelons of the Civil Service 2 aniarrangementiof soldiers, planes, etc. in which each

one is behind and to the side ofthe one in front


/rkidna/ (also ,spiny-'anteater)

moun: an

Australasian animal with along nose; Sharp CLAWS ,on its feet, and sharp SPINES on its body which eatsinsects

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| ppen

| :rrred

ech'in'acea /,ekrnersie; -Je/inoun-[u,cl a Plantisimilar to aDAISY that is thought to help thebodyhealitself and fight infection

eclho /'ekeu; NAmE'ekoayj noun,ve矶

旧 POUP (PP人 -0oes) 1 the reflecting of sound off a wall or ip-

Side aconfined space sothat anoise appearstobe Iepeated; a sound that is reflected back in this way: There was QTL echo om the line and TI couldmnt hear clearly ec The hills Senttbackajaintecho. e the echo offootsteps FUTI72irg dow7m the corridor 2 the fact of an ideaj event etc: being like another and reminding you of it; sth thatreminds you of sth else: Zesterdays crash jhas grirm echoes of previous disasters. 3 an opinion or attitude that agrees with or repeats one already expressed or thought: His words were an echo of wjhat sjhe jhad jheard 7mmarny times before. c.The Speech fouritd aftecho im the jheartks ofrmmany of the audience

(= they agreed with 认). 蝇 VE 有 (echoes, echo'ing, echoed, echoed) 1 [Vifasound echoes, it is reflected off a wall, the side of a mounitain, etc. So that yo can hear it again REVERBERATE: 五er Jotsteps echoed 太 the empty room. C The gunmnshot echoed

太 rousi thejorest 了 ~ (to/with sth) |~ sth (back) to send back



a sound;


to be


of a sound

[V] The Whole house echoed.

S The

Street echoed With te cries of childreni e [VN] The valiey echoed back his yoice. 3 [VN] torepeat an idea or opinion becatuse you agree with it: This is a View echoed by mamny om teTigjit of 雪eparty 4 torepeat what sb else has just Said, especiallybecatse you find it surprising: [Vspeech] esgoneViveEhoed. [alsoVvN]

echo'loca:tion /ekeuleokerfn; NAmE :ekoDlom-/ noun [uU]:the'use'ofreflected sound waves for finding things, especially by:creatures' such as DOLPHINS and BATS

echo sounmder7ouvn adevics which mieastures the depth of the sea, or which finds objects underwater byimeasur让 8ghow'quickly sound waves are reflected



Thousgh atalented Playen he Was completely eclipsed by his Drother eCO- /ijikaeu; NAmE 宇kowu/ combpiningjorm (innouns, adjectives and adverbs) connected with the environment: eco万iendly Ceco-warriors (= people who protest about damage to the environment) C eco-terrorism (= the use of force or Violent action in order to Protest about damage

to the environment) ecCo':cide / 实keusard; NAmE'ikoo-/ noun [U] the destruction of the natural environment,especially when this is dejliberate

,eco-friend.ly oadj notharmfultothe environment: ecoiendly Products

ECOli/E Keolar; NAmEkou-/ noun [U] iatype ofbacteria that lives inside humans and some animals, some forms of which can cause FOOD POISONING



NAmE -ad5-/ adj 1 con-

nected with the relation of plants and living creatures to each other and to their enVironment: We risk WPpsettimng 纺e ecological Dalance of the area C ai ecological disaster (三 one that alters the whole balance of ecology 记 an area) Z interested ip and concerned abanut the ecology of a Place: the ecological Poyerment > ecologically /天li/ adv: The system is bot 雪 practical arid ecologically Sound ecColo.Sist /iknpladq3rst; NMAmE ikal-/ noun T ascientist Who studies ecology 字 aperson who is interested in ecol08gy and believes the environment should be protected

ecCOl.OSgY /iknplad5i; NAmEika:l-/ nouwn [U] the relation of Plants and living creatures ,to each other and to their enVironment; the study of this: Planrnt/amnimalZhurmam ecology 2 切e ecology moyementc OiL polIutiorucould damage tihe 太agile ecology of the coral ree 太.

echty/ext/5d/ (fom German) gentiine afid typical > echt adv:echt Viemnmese creama cakes

ecClair /rkleaCnD); NAmE ITKler/ noun a long thin cake for one person, made of light PASTRY, filled with cream and usually with chocolate on top eclamip.sia /7rklzempsie/ novn [U] acondition 记 which a pregnant woman has high blood pressure and CONVULSIONS,Which can be dangerous to the woman and the baby 一compare PRE=ECLAMPSIA

eclec'tic /rklektrk/ adi (Jormao/) not following one style or set of ideas but choosing from or Using a wide variety: She has yery eclectic tastes 训 Literature., > eclectically /trkli/ adv eclecticism /7klektrsIzem/ mown [U]


economic financial .commercial 。 monetary 。 budgetary

These words all describe activities or situations that are connected with the use of money, especially by a business

or COuntry. econormic connected with thetrade, industry and development of wealth of a country an areaora

SOCcCiety: Tjis pook deahls with 轨e sociaj economicand Pojiicalj issues of the period

financiai connected with money and finance: She had 8ot into nancial diiculies e Tokyoisamaiorjinamcial/ Cemtre. commmercial connected with the buying and selling of goods and services. monetay (jmailorjipancel connected with money, especially allthe money in a country: closer EUropean momeiamy Union

4bi N

budgetary (jnamce) connected with a budget (= the money availableora plan ofhowitwillj be spent). moon


ecClipse /iklrmps/ mouvpy ve 昌 POU1 了 [C] an occasion When the moon passes between

theearth and the sun sothatyotu cannot see all or part of the sun for atime; arm occasion when the earth passes between the moon and the sun so that you cannot see all or part ofthe moon for artinie: am eclipse ofithe SUmZTmoom 2a total/partial eclipse 2 [sing.,U] a loss of imnportance; power etc. especially becatise sb/sth else has become more important PoOWerfuliretc:: THPe electio7 resUut TarKed the eclipse of the Fight Wing .2 Her WorK was 训 eclipsejfor7mostofthe 20th-cettury 四 VErb [VN] 了 [often,passive] (ofthe mooni the earth, etc.) to cause an eclipse 2 to make sb/sth seem dull or unimPortant by comparison OUTSHINE,OVERSHADOW:


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe


二 economicfinancial/commercial/monetary/budgetary affairs/decisions/planning 利 the economieyinancial/commercialbudgetary climate 利 theeconomic/financial/commerciaMmonetary sideof sth 人

量 aneconomicfinancial/commercial centre ecoOo.normn.ic


/iikempmIk; ieke-; NAmE-ncum-/

ddl. [only before:noun] connected with the trade, industry anddevelopment ofwealth ofacountry' an arfeaor asociety: -social ecoiomic anmd Political issues CO economic Srowth/[cooperatiorydeyveloprmmentreforrm the goveTTimnentsS ecotormicPolicy eeconormnic historye the current ecoomnic climate 了 (of a Process; abusiness or an activ-

| 5vision

| tchan

| dsjam

| bthin

| 5this

| 0sing


486 |

ity) Producing enough' profit to continue ABLE [Gaga UNECONOMIC 只 note at SUCCESSFUL


economic "economical 下 Economic means'connected with the economy of a country oran area, orwith the money that a society Or anmindividual has': ihe governments econmomicpolicy ctheeconomicaspects ofhayving chHildren. 下 一 See alSO ECONOMY1 下 Economical means'spending money orusing Something in a careful waythat avoidswaste:/ti Usualy economicaofto buy wa5hing Powderin /arge QUGH1tities. s 下 一 SeealSO ECONOMY3


/iikemnopmIkl; ,eke-; NAmE -mazm-/ ad

1 providing good service or value in relation to the amount of time or money spent: aa ecomomaical car to TU

(= one that does notuse too much petroMgas)e 丰 Would

omy ofwords (= using only'the necessary Words). ec (B/月 JWe7e:on an econiormy drive at home. (=:trying to avoid waste and spend as little money as possible) e .Buy the larSge econormy packl (= the one that gives you better valueformoney)ctojflyeconormy(class)(=bythe cheapest class of air travel) C an economy ore (= the cheapest) e'conomyclass syndrome:movun:[U](BrEjthe factof a person suffering from DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS after they have travelled on a plane. This condition is thought to be more common among People -who travel in the cheapest seats becatse they do not have Space to move their legs much.: eCO:SYS-temi /iikeusIstem; NAImE 'ikoo-/ moun all the Plants and living creaturesin aparticular area considered in relation to their physical environment ECO:ter-rorism / 衬keUtererIZem; NAImE 衬Koo-/ noun [uU] 1T violent activities which are done in order to draw attention to issues relating to the environment 之 del]让 erate damage to the envVironmentb done in order to draw attention to a Political issue eco-terrorist 1001 ecCoO:tOuUrism . /keotuerIzam; -toT-; NAmE 宇koUtor-/ moOum [U] organized holidays/vacations that are designed So that the tonlrists damage the environment as little -as Possible, especially when some of the money they pay is Used to Protect the local environment and _animals > ecotourist /keuUtUerIst; -toir-; NAmE 衬Kkovtor-/ nown

De more economtical: to _buy the bigger size._ [aa UNECONOMICAL 2 Using no more of sth than is necessary: am ecCO-type /iikeutarp; NAmE 实kou-/ noun (biology) the ecomnomical Use of space C an ecoiomical prose Style (= one type or race of aplant or animal that has adapted to live that Uses no Unnecessary Words) [aa UNECONOMICAL in particular local conditions 3 not spending more money than necessary: Fe Was ecoO7POTmical in al areas of his 1访. FRUGAL [ET eco- - eCTru /'eIkru:; 'ekruz/ nouwn alightbrown or cream colour

nomical with the 'truth awayofsaying that sb has le 从 out Some important facts, when you do not want to say thattheyare lying


/iikenomiklii ,ea-;, NAmE :am-/

aqdv Tin away connected with the trade, industry and development of wealth of a country, an area or a society: The jactory 太 no Ionger economically viable Ecoriommical the centre of Spain has Iost is dominant role. c the ecoTiomaiically active/inactive population (= -those who

are employed/unemployed) 2 in a way that Piovides good service or Value in relation to the amount of time or money Spent: TI do the job as economically as possible. 3 inawaythattses no more ofsth than js necessary: The desigm 让 intentded to Use Space as econommically as possible. She writes elegantly amd ecomnormnically.

economic 'migrant

"0oUn a person who moves from

their own country to a new country in order to fiind work orhave abetter standard ofliving: They claimed they were Political refugees and noteconomic migrants, eCoO-noimics /,ikemnpmIks; ,eke-; NAmE -na:m-/ noun TU] the study of how a society organizes its money, trade and industry: He studied Politics amnd ecomnomaics Qt Yale. C KeynsiarwWMarxist ecomntomics 一see also HOME ECONOMICS 了 [pl.,U] the wayin which moneyinfluences, or is organized within an area ofbusiness or society: The ecoPomaics of the project are Very encouraging. eCOonoO-imist



rka:n-/ mouw1n a Person

Who studies or writes about economics


(BrE also-ise ) /ITKonamaiz; NAmE ITKazmn-/

yemb [V] ~ (on sth) to Use less money, time, etc. than you Dormallyuse: O1d people often try to ecoiormnize on heating, 态Us endangering 轨 eir health. 只 note at SAVE



/konemi; NAmEIKam-/ own (D

-ies) 1 (often the economy ) [G the relationship between production, trade and the supply ofmoney 记 apDarticular coUntry or region: The ecomnoTny 1 识 recession. 坊e World economyY2aarketeconomy (= one in which the Price is fixed according to both cost and demand) 2 [Cl a coun: try when you are thinking about its economic systemi: JrelandWwas one of the 名stest8growingeconomies 训 Western Europe in the 19905. 3 [CU] theuse ofthetime money etc.thatis available in awaythatavoids waste: Wemeedto TaKke SUbstarttial econiomties. CIts afalse ecomnormy to buy Cheap clothes (= it seems cheaperbnutitis notreally since they do notlastvery long). C She writes with agreatecom-

ecC:StasSy /ekstesi/ noun(plsies) 下 [uiG afeeling orstate of very greathappiness BLISS 忆 Ecstasy [U] (bbr E) .an illegal drug,, taken especially by young people at Parties, clubs, etc,

ecC-stat-ic /IKk'staetik/ adj. veryhappy excited and enthtuSiastic; feeling or showing great enthusiasm DELIGHTED: Sally was ecstatic.about Per new job. cecstaftic apDPIarse/praise/reyviews 只 note atEXCITED > ec.statically /li/ adv

ecto-morph /ekteomodf; NAmE'ektoumoxrf/ noun (biof08y) a person whose natural body shape is thin 一compare ENDOMORPH, MESOMORPH -ec:tOomy combpining 帮rm (ip nouns) a medical operation ip which part of the body is removed: appendectorny (三 removal of the APPENDIX) ecC-tOop'ic /ek'topIk; NAmE -tap-/ adj. (medical in an ectopic PREGNANCY, the baby starts to develop onutside the

mothers WOMB 和 ecto.plasm /ekteoplaezem; NAmE 'ektoo-/ noun [U] 1 (biology) (old-joshioned) the outer layer of the jelly-like

Substance inside cells 一compare ENDOPLASM 2 a subStance which is said to come from the body of sb who is commtunicating with the spirit of a dead person, allowing the Spirit to have a form

ecCu-men-ic-al /ikjurmenikl; ,ekju:-/ ad involving or uniting members of different branches of the Christian Church ecu:-men-ism /zkjurmenrIzem/ novn [U] the Principle or aim of uniting differentbranches of the Christian Church eC-Zeima /eksma; NAmErIg'zimmae/ noun [U] a skin condition in which areas of skin become red, rough and sore -ed ,-d sujpx (inadjectives)jhaving; having'the characteristics of: talented 2 bearded c diseased 2 (makes the past tense and past participle of regular verbs): hatedie Walkede Ioved ed (alsoEd. ) obbr EDITED (BY)) EDITION; EDITOR: Eight eentth Century Wormnen Poetks2 Ed. Ionsdale ce7th ed. Edam /idam/ novn [ucl atypeofround yellow Dutch cheese that is covered with red WAX

eddy /eqi/ noun, ve履 有 OU1 (P/-ies )a movemieiitofair dustor waterin acircle

@ Ve上 bed:dies ,eddy'ing;ed:died ,ed:died ) [v] (of air dust Water etc.) to move around in a circle Wayes SWirled and eddied aroUrid the rockks.

2 cat | dfather | eten | 3:bird | eabout | isit |isee|imany|ngot(Ber6



lapuotl utoo


/erialvars) moun a European mountain plant

With small white flowers

edeima (NAmE) = OEDEMA Eden /idn/ (alsothe Garden of'Eden )mouir [sing]ifin the Bible) the beautiful garden where Adam and Eve; the firsthumans, livedbefore they did sth God hadtoldthem not to and were sent away often seen as aplace ofhapPpiness and INNOCENCE




crashing down ec (jgurotivejan edifice of liesic note at BUILDING egdify /edrfar/ vemb edifies ,edify:ing ,edified ,Edified) [wVN] (formalto improve people's minds'or characters byteaching them' about sth


/ed5s/ nouvn; verb

OU 了 [C] the outside limit of an objecb asurface or an area; the part furthest from the centre: Fe stood on the edge of the cl这 capig house onvat the edge of towm Domt Dut that glass SO mear the edge oF tihe table. CTsat down atthe waters edge. 2 Stand the coin on is edge. 一see also LEADING EDGE 2 [C] the sharp partofablade, knife OT SWORD that is Used for cutting: Be care 记 万-it has ia ,Sharp edge. 一picture 吃 CUTLERY 一See als0 KNIFE-EDGE 3 (usuallythe edge ) [Sing.] the Point at which sth, especially sth bad, may begin to happenERIU BRINK, VERGE: They had brouvght 坊e country to t e 切 edge of disaster 一see

also CUTTING EDGE 4 [sing:] ~ (on/over sb/sth) a slight


/edifarim/ ad (formaoror humoroys) likely to

improve your mind or your character

edgdl 主/edrt/ verb Tto prepare a piece of wiiting,a book, etc. to be published by correcting the mistakes, making improvements to it etc,: [VN] 了 IT RiO 太 态 at this araft text Wil need to be edited. CC This 1 thesedited version of 7my Speech (=- Some' parts have been taken out).- [also V] 2-[VN]ito Prepare a book to be published by coilecting together and arranging Pieces of writing by one or more authors: Fes editing Q book of essays py Tsaiahn _Berlin. 3 (computing) to make changes to text or data on Screen: [VN] Zu ca aownmnload the 记le and edit 让 on YOUF Word

Drocessor [also V] 4 [VN] when sb edits a film/Xmovie, television Programme,etc. they _take what has been 人med or recorded and decide which parts to include and in which order: They7re showing 妃 eedited Fighlights OF 1ast month5s game., 5 to be responsible for planning and publishing a newspaper magazine, etc. (= tobe the EDITOR): She Used to edit a Wo7meniSs magazine. PP ed 证 1OuUn:Tjhad tirmeto do adquick editofimy essay pefore hanmd训g 让 总. ,edit sthout(of sth) to remove words, Phrases or scenes from abook, prograrmme, etc. before 让 is published or shownER CUT OUT: They edited outTe 矿 eremces to jher 名 ther 诉 切e 识teryiew:

advantage Over Sbysth: The conpamny meeds to improye is competitive edsge.. They haye theedge on Us. 5 [sing] a Strong, often exciting, ,quality: Her show mow has a jhard political edge to 让 @6 [sing.] a sharp tone of voice, often showing anger: He did his pest to _remain caljm,but there Was a distimnct eqge to his voice. 7-edged (in adjectives) having the type ofedge or edges mentioned: a Iace-edsged handkerchie 广-see also GILT-EDGEDIEIO be on 'edge to be nervous, excited or bad-tempered 吃 note at NERVOUS on theedge of your 'seat Very excited and giving your full attention to sth: The garmne had the crowd on the edge of their seatsiakethe edgeoff sth tomake sthless strong, di 主-alble /edrtebl/ adj (computing) (of text or software) less bad, etc.: The sanidwich took theedsge o太 my appetite.一 that can beEDITED bythe tser: am editable docurmment Imore at FRAYV, RAZOR, ROUGH qd/ ,TEETER, TOOTH edi:tiOm 0 /rdrn/ noun 目 VE 由 [二 adyv/prep] to move or to move sth slowly and 1 the form.in which a book is published: a paperbackKkZ carefully in a particular direction: [V] She edged a little hardback editionr She collectsfirsteditions of Victoriam closer to mme. CTedged mnervously past the dog. C [VN] Frmaily 7mOyels. COthe electronic edition of The Guardiam: 了 a paredsged her chair forward 了 2 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sth

(withyin sth)j to put sth around the edge of sth: The hamdKerchief is edged with 1ace. 3 [vV + aqdv/prep] to increase OF decrease Slighty: Prices eqged UP 29%6 识 雪e year to Decemper edge sby/sth< 一out (of sth) to move sb from their Position orjob gradually especially when they are not fully aware of what is happening: She was edged Out of the comzpary py the Tiew director

,edge city moun (NAmB) alarge area of buildings on the edge of a city, Usuallynear amain road


/ed5weIz/ (BrE) (MAmEedge-wise


ady With the edge Upwards or forwards; on one side:

Ypu 了 omnly getthe desk through the door 太 you trm 让 edgeWays.TEI see WORD 帮.


/ed5m/ moun [uC something that forms the bor

der or edge ofsth, added to make it more attractive, etc.

ticularnewspaperormagazine,orradio ortelevision Pro-

gramme, especially one :pn a regular Series: Tbmights edition of 2amorama” looks at unermployment ,3 (Iabbr ed. ) the total number of copies ofiabook, newspaper or Imagazine,etc. published atione-time: -The daictioncry 六 PoOW in itssixth editiom CTPheiarticle appeared 训 雪e eyeiing edition of The Mercury 一See also LIMITED EDITION一

compare IMPRESSION(7) edi.tOr 0 /edrteGrD/ nouwn Taperson whoisin charge of anewspapern magazine, etc., or partof one, and who decides what should be iD-

cluded:theeditor of the Washingtomn PostS the Sports/ 刘TarcialAfashiom etc. editor 2 apPersorwho prepares a book to be published; for example by:checking and:cor Tecting the text making improvements,etc. 一See also


3 a person Who Prepares a

What might happen: She's beeft yery edgy late 2 After 态 e_recemnt UP7est there 1 an edgy calm 识 the capitaL 吃 note at _NERVOUS .2 (of a flm/movie,book,Ppiece of Itsic, etc.) having a sharp .exciting quality: Qa cleve5 -ed&y im edgijy 0dv: 77m mnotSUreTcan 7Tnake 让 tomorrow” jhe said edsilyedginess 1OU1 [U,sing.]

包 m/Xmovie,radio or television Programme for being shown or broadcast by ,deciding what to include,and What order it should be in 4 a person who works as a journalist for radio or television reporting on aparticular area_ of news: Our ecoiomtics_ editor 5 a _person Who chooses texts wiitten by one OF by several writers and Prepares them to be Ptiblished in a booKk: Shes the editor

ous: The fpod atthe hotel was parely edible. c edibple 有ngSrA SiailsAJlowers

radio Programme,to_ be published or broadcast: 177Q8aZiniesS editorial stafr e anteditorial aecisiom


/ed5i/ _adj. (Un1formal) 1 nervous,especially abott

of a mew collectiom of ghost stories @ (comPutng) a PIoEDi /idiz'ar/ own [U] (compuzing) a system thatis used in gram that allows you to change stored text or data business for sending information between differentcomeditor-shi吕 NAOU7 [U]: tje editorsjip of The Times” Panies: computer systems (the abbreviation for'electronic edi-tOor-ial /edrtoriel/ adj., noun data interchange”) 卓 0Cd/ [usually before noun] connected with the task of preed:ilbie /edebl/odi fitor suitable tobe eaten; notpoisonparing sth such as a newSspaper a book or atelevision or


/isdrkt/ mov

[U,C (jnmoj an of6icial order or 上昌 1OU1 (BrE alsalead-er ,leading 'article ) an important

statement given by sb in authorityEREJ

edji人 -ca-tiom


/edrfrkerfm/ oovn [U] (加mmal or humor

ous)the improvement ofsb'smind or character: THhe books Were 训 tendedjortheedificatiom of the 7masses:

edi和 Ce

/edrfrs/ mouvn (Jormaoj alarge impressive build-

ing: am imnposing edifice e (jgurative) Their new:7manifesto jaraly threaters to brirlg the Whole edifice of capitalism



| ar my | :auinow

| ersay

| au8o(BI

article in anewspaper that expresses the editors opinion about an item'of news or an issue; in the US also acomment on radio ortelevision thatexpresses the opinion of the STATION Or network


(BrE also-ise ) /edrtorielaiz/ vemb[V]

Ttoexpress youropinions rather than justTreporting the Dews or giving the facts: Fe accused the BBC ofeditorializ-

| ou go (Nm

下 of boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ve pure

edit suite

eej 证 /id3rt/ ooun (informah WishE, ScotE, :disapproving) a way of saying IDIOT which represents the way it is Pronounced by Some people

ing ii harndling of 雪 e story 了 (NAmE)'to express an opinion in an editorial:-yesterday the WasPington :Posteditorialized omthis SUbject editsuite moun aroom containing ,electronic equipment for EDITING material recorded onvideo EDT /fdi:'ti:/obbr EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME

人 gui.Cate 0

eeK /irk/ exclamation Used to express fear or SUrPrise: FEekl 下 moved/

eel /ia/:novwn [GD] along:thin,sea or.ERESHWATER fish that looks like 'a -snake. There are several types of eejl, some of which are used for food: jellied eels

es*en /in/ adv (literam) =EvEN

/ed5ukert/ ve 几

eyer /eaC); NAmEer/ ady (iieramy) = EVER

1 [VN] [often passive] toteach sb overaperiod oftime ata School, university, etc.: She was educated in the US. Ce_He Was educated at his 1ocal cornprehersiye school amd thenmn at

Oxford 2

一 sb (in/on sth) toteach sb about sth orhowto

do sth: [VN] Children rieed to pe educated on the darngers of

arug:taking.C [VNto in和 The campaign

识tended io edu-

cate the DUDblic to respect theemyirorirmmient

edu:catedj 0 /ed5ukertrd/ ad 1_-educated having had the kind of education mentioned; having been to the school, college or University Imentioned: privately educated children c Qa_ British-educated Iawyer Ce Hes a Princeton-educated ITExamn. 了2 having had ahigh standard of education; showing a high standard of education: am educated amd articuiate person 2 te

educated elite 2 He spoke 识 an educated yoice, IE an educated 'guess a guess that is based on Some degree of knowledge, and is therefore likely to be coOrrect

已对WiCatiOim 0m /ed5ukerfmn/ noun 1 [uU,sing.] a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges; to improve:knowledge and develop skills: Primary/elementary educatiomt C secomdary educatiom ce包rtherTiigher[Ppostsecondary educatiomn CO students in 有所 1L-tme education e adult educatiom classes Ca college/uniyersity educatiome the state educa吉oPn System Canarm of Little educatiomnr 2 She comipieted her Jormaleducatom 识 7995: 了2 [U,sing.] aparticular kind of teaching or training: jhealth education 3 (also Educa-

tion) [u] the institutions or people 让 Volved in teaching and training: 纺e Educatior Department 雪 e DeDpartrient of Healtm Educatior and Welfore esThere sjiould 5e closer Lims between educatiomn and idusby 4 (usuallyEduca-

fion) [LU] the subject of study that deals with how to teach: a College of Educatonr caBachelor of Educatiomn de-

Sree 2 Shes am educatiomr inajor 5 [sing.] (often humor OUs) an ipnteresting experience that teaches you sth: The Tock comcert Was qUite at education jb 产7m7Daremnts! edu.ca:tion.al /ed5u'kerfenl/odj connected with edtcation; Providing education: children with special educatomnal meeds careducationalLpsychologistC arteducatioral

Visitc educatiomnalLSsamestoys (= that teach you sth as well as amusingyou) ceWatching teleyisiom cam peyveryeducational. = education:ally /Jeneli/ ady: Childrenliving im inmnerciby areas Inay pe educationally disadyantaged. (old-joshioned) educationally subnormal



(also eduica-

ftion-ist /ed5ukerjenrst/) noun a specialist in theories and methods ofteaching

edu:ca-tiVve /edjuketrv/ adj (Jormalh that teaches sth: the educative role of the comrmunity ediu.ca:tor /ed5ukerteC)/ moun_ (Jormal) 1 a person Whose job'is to teach or educate people: adult educators

(= who teach adults) 2 (especialy NAmB) aperson who is an expert in the theories and methods of education 一see also EDUCATIONALIST edu.tain:.ment /edjutermmant/ 7moun _[u] products SUch as_books,televVision_ programmes and especially computer software that both educate and entertain Ed.ward.ianm /ed'wo:disn; NAmE -woxrd-/ adj from the time of the .British king Edward VII (1901-1910): an Ed Wardian terracedhouse .Edward:ian.0oun -eesujjx(in nouns)1 aperson affected by an action:emPioyee 一compare-ER =OR 2 apersordescribed asor concerned with: absemttee CTefugee

EEG /宇 衬,dsiz/ nowrrthe abbreviation for electroencephalogram' (amedical testthat meastires and records electrical activity inithebrain)


| ddid

| ffali

| gget

二 hhat

| jyes

-eer Suix 耻 (inouns)aperson concerned with: auctiomeer mountaineer 了 2 (in verbs) (often djsapproving) to be concerned with: Profiteer 2 cormrmarideer eerie /Teri; NAmE "mil/ adj, strange,mysterious and frightening UNCANNY: am eerie yellow LigRhtCTJfound hesilence Underwaterreallyeerie. eerily /reraeli; NAmE

/aodveeriness OUn [U] e 人 /eft/ verb [IE effand 'blind

:(BrE-ipformah toiuse

SwWear Words: There was aGIotof effing ard pliniding going O7L ieff'off (iobooi BrE) arude way oftelling sb to go away Used jinstead of'fuck off 一see alsoEFFING, ef.face /zfeis/ verb [VN] (万rmnal) to makesth disappear; to remove sth 一 See also SELF-EFFACING

全 站-fect 0

/rrfekt/ moun,ve力

旧 IOUnT [CU]~(onsb/sth) achangethat sb/sth causes 了下 Sb/sth else; a result: the effect of heat om metalLc dramaftic/lIong-term effects 2 to _Iearmm to distimnguish pehween CaLUSe aideffectc 雪ebeneficial effects ofexercisec Moderm Jorrming mmethods can haye an adyerse effect on the enyir

OPTnent CEercriticisms had theeffectofdiscouraging him comipletely 2 Despite Per ordeal SPhe seemms to.have SUHJfered Po itleffects. Tcan certainly feel the effects of too mamny Late nights. CTm feeling realiy depressed The Winter here Pas that effect sometimes ”CTDied to _persuade Pi Put With Little or no _effect 一See also GREENHOUSE


KNOCK-ON,SIDE EFFECT c note at AFFECT 吃 note on Dext page 2.[GU] aparticular look, sound or impression that sb, such as an artist or a Wiiter wants to create: The

oOyerall effect of the painting is overwhelming. CThe stase

Lighting gives the effectofamioonlitscene.SAdd ascarfjor Q casual effect C He only behayves Like 加atjforeffect (= 让 order to impress People). 一See .alsoO_SPECIAL EFFECTS, SOUND EFFECT 3 了 possessions COYVers all pagSgage sth into ef'fect to

effects [pl:] (jormaol/) your personal BELONGINGS: The insurance ,Policy

and Personal efjfects,ImD bring/put

cause sth to come intoltise: The7ecom= 7mendatiors w 记 Soom be putinto effect come into effect

to come into use; to begin to apply: NewMxcomtrols come into effectnextmonth in effect Tused when you are stating Whatthe facts of a situation are: Im effecb5 the two systerns are identicalL e Bis w 达 had 总 effecb run the govermnrment

for 妇e pastsix months. 2 (ofalawor rule) in use: These Iaws are 识 effectin bwventysStates.take ef'fect 1 tostartto

produce the results that are intended: The aspirins SOom take effect 2 to come into Use; to begin to apply: The mewiaw takes effect 广om tomorrow. io the effectthat ...

|tothis/that effect usedto showthatyou are giving the

general meaning of what sb has said or Wiitten rather than the exact Words: He left a note to the effect 切at he Would mot be coming back. 2 She told me to get oUE_or

Words to that effect to good, great, dramatic, etc. effect Producing a good, successful, dramatic, etc. resultor impression to no ef'fect notPiodtcing the result you intend or hope for: We warned theru but to mo effect with

immediate effect | with effect fromE..: (Jor7mah start-

ing now; starting from ...: The goveFmrmentPhas cUE imnterest rates with effectfrom 轨ebeginming ofmext7mionth. 目 Yerb [VN] (jormaj) to make sth happen: to effecta cureX chamge/recoyery 只 note at AFFECT

effect'ive 0 JiTfektv/o 丰 Tproducing the result that is wanted or intemded; pro: ducing a Sticcessful result: Iomg Prisofi Semterices can beia yery effective deterrent fjor offendaers. ASpirim ia simiple Put Pighpy effective treatment C drugs that are effectiye against canicer COTadrmnire theleffective Use ofcolour in her Paintimngs、,[aB INEFFECTIVE 一See alsSO COST-EFFECTIVE

| k cat

站 lleg

| mman

| mnow

| ppen





result 。Consequence 。outcome 。repercussion ,

ef-fem.in-ate /rtfemrmaet/ ad (disopprovng) (ofaman or a boy) looking, behaving or sounding like a woman or a

These are all wordsfora thingthat is Caused because of sth else. RN effectachangein sb/sth that is caused by sby/sth else: Hercriticisms had the effectofdiscouraging him

ef.ferves.Cent /efe'vesnt; NAmE ,eferv-/ adj 于 (apProving) (of people and their behaviour) excited, enthusiastic and full of energy BUBBLY 2 (of aliquid) having.or producing small bubbles of gas EIZZY


Completely resultathing that is caused or produced by sth else: She

> effervescence /efe'vesns; NAmE ,eferv=/ noun [Uj effete /Ifitt/ adj (dsopproving) 1 weak; without the

dliedasaoresuitofheriniuries 肋 lsbookis ieresultof 25 years of /researchn. consequenceatherjormah a result of sth that has happened, especially a bad result: Thisdeaision could jhayve serious conseqguencesjortheinduity. s

Power that it once had :2. (of a mami without strength; looking or behaving like a woman 全 作 全:Casciows /efrkerfas/ ad (forma1h (of things, not of People) producing the resultthatwas wanted or intended EFFECTIVE: They hope 纺 emnew drug W记 proye espeCially efficacious 识 tphe reliefofpainm. ef-fi-Cacy /efrkesi/ mov [U] (Uormal) the ability of sth, especially a drug'or a medical treatmenty to Produce the

Daa Consequences is used mostfrequently to talk

about possible negative results of an action. ltis commonly used with such words as adverse, dire, dhisasirous, 10ia1, harm 记 1 negative, serious, tragicand

Iesujlts that are wanted

unfortunate. Even when there is no adjective,,

JWith WPpaichn she handled


Outcomeis more often used to talk about what happens 、

attheend ofa process when the exact relation of cause


bpe crisis.

了 efficiencies


Ways of wastingless time and money or of saving time or Ioney: .We are IooKking atour'Dpusiness to See Where Savings

Resultisoften used to talkaboutthings that are caused directly by sth else: Aggressiom is ofien 田e resultofEaor

and effect is Jess cleaF


efficienmcy /rtfrfnasi/ mov Lu]thequalityofdoing sth well with no waste of time or money: imzproyermnemnts 训 efficiency at the jctory CTwas impressed py 妇e efficiency

Consequences often suggests negative results. outcome the result of an action or process: We are waiting to hear tihe太nal outcome or the mesgotiationms.


effem:in.acy /rtfemmasi/nouvni[uU]

6Fr Resultis often used afteran eventtotalkabout

ad efficiencies ca be.made. 3 [U] (technical) the relationship between the amotnt of energy that goes into a machine or an engine, and the amount that it Produces 丸 [C] = EFFICIENCY APARTMENT

ef ficiency apartment (also ef'ficiency unit, ef 全-

what happened. Outcome is often used before an action

ciency) mov (NAmE) a small flatVapartment With one main room for living, cooking and Sleeping in and a separate bathroom

orprocess to talkaboutwhat islikelyto happen. repercussion (otherjormal) an indirectand usually bad result of an action or eventthat may happen some time afterwards.

公 -全 全 .Ciemi 攻 0 /Ifrfmnt/ ad doing sth well and thorotughly with no waste of time, Ioney or eneIgy: an efFicientsecretary C efficiefttheating


equipTnente thee 扩 cientlse ofeniergy2ASWegetoldemp OU

日to have consequences/repercussions for sb/sth 目 With the effect/result/consequence/outcome that.…. 和 aln)/the possible/likely/inevitable effect/result/ . consequences/outcome/repercussions a(a/an) dramatic/far-reaching/serious/negative effect/ results/consequences/outcome/repercussions 下 (al lasting effect/resultyconsequences/repercussions athe final resultyoutcome

Dodies becorne Less _efficient at burning UDP calories. CeLefficient cars (= that do notuse much fuel) [aa INEPFICIENT-

ef-fiscient'iy ady: Q:yery efficientty organized

eyent 人 个全 名Y /efridq5i/ noun (/ -ies) 1 astatue of a famous per-

ive-ness (also /ss Jrequent ef.fect-iv'ity /rnfek'trvirti 力

Son, a SAINT OF a god: Stone effigies 识 the church 之 a model ofa person thatmakes them lookugly: The demmomSirators burned a crude e 护gy of the president. eff.imE /efm/ ad [only before:noun]j (BrE; tobooi s/anmg) a Swear word that manypeople find offtensive that is used to emphasize a comment or an angry stateIment; used instead of saying fucking” ef.flor.es.-Cemce /eflaresns/ moun [uU,G (大rmal) the most developed stage of sth 2 (chemistmy) the powder Which appears on the surface of bricks, rocks, etc. when Water EVAPORATES ee下 flu.ent /eflusent/ movn [uC (formah liquid waste, especially chemicals prodtced by factories, Or SEWAGE

Powm [UJ: to checK 切 eeffectiyeness of the SecUTFiby System

全 下.站OFEE 0- 商 /efat; NAmE'efert/ 0ouwn

昌 the end result , atohaveaneffectya resultyconsequences/an outcome/

repercussions , 下 to achieve/get/obtain aln) effect/resultyoutcome 2 [only before.noun] in reality, although not officially intended: the effectiye, 矿notthe actuab leader of thepartb 了 He has miow taken effective control of 纺e country 3 (如玉 /mall (of laws and rules) coming into use: The new Speed Limiton 态 芒road pecomes effectiyve 记om 了 June. > ef-fect-

@ffect:iye:y om /zfektrzvlil adv 1 inawaythatproducestheintended resultora Successful result: THPe comzpaTy7TmnuUstreduce costs to compete effectiely oO Zou dealt With the situation yery efjfectiyvely [aag INEFFECTIVELY 了字 Used when you are Saying what the facts of a situation are: He Was yery polite Put effectiyely he Was tellirig mne thatThad mo charce ofgetting the Jopb.

effector /TtekteG)/ mouvmn (ology) an organ or a cell 训D thebodythatis made to react by sth outside the body ef.fectual /rtfektfusl/ .ad (forma/ (of ,things,nDot People) .Producing the,result ,that was intended EFFECTIVE: am effectual remedy 一coOmpare INEFFEC-


ef.fec:tu:ate /ftfektfueit/verb [VN] (oral)tomake st




| ttea|


| wet

| zzoo

12 shoe

1 [uc the physical ormental energythatyouneed toxdo sth; sth that takes a lot of energy: Zou shouldspuE 7more effortintoyourWwork.cAlotofefforthasgoneintormaking this eyenta SUCcess. Cs a Iong climmb ito the topy DuEWeL Wor 雪 地 e efjfortE o Getting UD tbz Torning Was quUiteiam

effort(= itwas difficult.c (BrE) With (armJeffort(= with difficulty) she mamaged to stop herself Iaughing. 了 [C] ~ (to do sth) an attempt to do sth especially when it is difficultto do: a determined/real/special effort cto make am effort c The commpany jhas laid o太 150 workers 训 am effort to saye money CTdidmntt realy jel Like going' oub DuETanmigladTmnade theeffort ecThelocal clubs are makcingeyeryeffortto interestTmmoreyounigDeople.C Weneedto Tmake a coTicerted effort tofinish om tme. TSsDentPnours cleaiing te house Dutthere mtTmnuch to showJorallrmny efforts.e With an effortofwill he resisted the temptation. CiThe proiject wausa joint/group effort 3:[C (usually after anoun) aparticular activity that:a grouUP of people

| 5vision

| tchain

| ds jam



| 0 sing


490 | esE-and-'spoon race 1ou1 (BrE) arace,usuallyrun by

organize in order to achieve sth: 轨e Russiam space effort? the United Nations" peacekeeping efjforti 4 [Cl theresult of an attempt to do sth:JTrm afraid this essay ia poor efjfort IE see BENDY effortiess /efetlas; NmFE'efert-adj needing little or noeffort, so that it seems easy: She darices With effortless grace. CO_ He made playing the guitar 1ooKk effortiess:- PP ef

children, in which those taking part have to hold an egg balanced in a spoon 'egS cup 1oun a small cup for holding a boiled egg 一pic-

ture 字 CUP esg-head /eghed/ noun (informalh, disopproving of humor 0U5s) aperson who4s very intelligent and is only interested ip studying

SEE-mO 吉 /egnpg; NAmE na:g/ (BrE alsovegg-flip) noun 和 an alcoholic drink made by mixing beemn winei etc. With eggs and milk

fortiess4y adv effortlessmness 1OUw7 [U] effrontery /rtfrAnteri/ noun [0] (Jorma) behaviour that is confident and-very rude,, without any:feeling:-of Shame


esg:plant /egplamt NAmE-plzent/ own [GU] (Nm有)=



/rtaldsent/ adi,(Nieromy) shining:brightly

:efful 名ence /zftAld5eans/nouwn [U]

effu:sionm /zhgusn/ mowm [CU Ttechnical) something

,esS ' roll 0ovn(NAmE)atypeofsPRINGROLLinp which the PASTRY is made with eggs

eSSsBenedict /egz'benrdIkt/ moun [pi adish cofisisting of eggs and HAM served on MUFFINS (= round flat

especially a liquid, that 提ows oit of sb/sth;y the'actof fowing out 2:;(jormalj) the expression:-of feelings in an eXxaggerated wayi feelings that are expressed in this way

bread rolls) esg-shell

/egfel/ ou

1 [CuU] thehard thin outside of

COHe Was efjusive in his praise.

an eg8g 一picture 字 EGG 2 [U] (Br6) atype ofpaint that is smooth butnot shiny when it dries

* effu:sivejy adv: E-fitrw /frt/ movm (BrE) apicture ofaperson who is want-

'eSE tinmmer 71OU1 a device that you Use to measure the time needed to boil an egg

ed by the police, made using a coOmptiter piogram that pnuts together and makes changes to pictures of different features of faces, based on information that is givenmby sb Who has seen the person 一compare IDENTIKIT, PHOTOFIT

eg-lan:-tine /eglantam/ noun [U] atype of wild ROSE eSO /iigao; 'egag; NAmE 衬gou/ noun (P/-os) 1 your sense of your own value and importance: Fe has the biggest ego of anyone Tve eyer met Ce Winning the prize really boosted her ego, 2 (psychology) the part of the mind that is

ef-fu.sive /0usrvj odi showing much ortoo much emotion: ar effusiye Welcome

EFL /ief'el/ obbr (BrE) English as a foreign language (refersto theteaching ofEnglish to people for whomitis not the firstlanguage) 'e-frienmd ovm = E-EAL EFTA- /efte/ abbr -European Free Trade Association (an economic association of some Europeamh countries) 人 < 。0 办 训 / 袜 'd5i/ obbr forexample:( 们om theLatin 'exempligratia?): Popular pets, e.8. cats aid dogs

Tesponsible for your sense of who you are (= yotr identity) 一See also ALTER EGO 一compare SUPEREGO, ID



1OU1: He described jirmself as an esgalitarian .egalitar-

ianjism /zeam/ noun [U] 外 办 室0 语 /eg/ 10U1h VEb 上 moOuUn T [C] a small ovAL


/egaulzem; 'ig-; NAmE -gou-/ (also egotism

ing that you are better or more important than anyone else egojistic /,egeU'istik; ,9g-; NAmE-9ou/ (alsoegot:-

istical /ega'trsttkl; iige-/ egotistic /ege'trsttk; ,ga-/)

adj egotistically /li/ adv

eSgoO-ist /egeulst;


衬9-; NAm 有 goo-/ (also egot'ist /egse-

补ga-/) noun (disapproving) a person who thinks that

ego:imania /egaoimneimioe; geo-; NAmE goF/ nowni[U] amental condition in which sb is interested 记 themselves Or concerned abonut themselves in a way that is not no


mal > egomaniac /egaUmemiaek; ,i旨 90-; NAImE 9g0U-/

young bird; asimilar 'object produced by a female

1moun ego-ma.niacal

goU-/ adf

fish, insect, etc.: The female Sits on the eggs_ UnE6l they yolk white eggshell hatch.c The fish Iay thouSa1lds of eggs at one time: crocodile eggs 一picture 咱 PAGES R20, R2I 2 [CU] abird's egg, especially one from

a chicken, that is eaten as food: a boiled egg cbacom and

egSs Cried/poached/scrambledeggsCBind the mmixture together With a Little beatem egg. 2 IDUYe got some egg on your Shirt COeg88 yoIKsZWhites cegg moodles aucks7 guails”eggs Ca chocolate egg (= made from chocolate'in the shape of an egg) 一see also EASTER EGG, SCoOTCH EGG 3 [q (womenand female animals) acellthatcombines with a SPERM to create a baby-or young animal OVUM: The 7male:sperrmm 帮rtilizes the ffmnale egg. C al egg

donor 一see also NEST EGG IE agood egg (old:j0sh/oned /normalj) a person who you can Tely on to behave

wellhave 'egg on/alloveryourface


he or she is better than other People and whorthinks and talks too much abouthimself or herself


object with a thin hard Shell produced bya female bird ,and

,Eg-; NAmE

'egatIzam; 9-/) nou 让 [U] (disapproving) the fact ofthinkc

eEali-tar-ianm /igaelitesrien; NAmE:ter-/ 0dj based on, or holding, the belief that everyone is equal and should have the same Tights and Opportunities 睛 egalitarian


thinking only about yourself and not about what other People need or want SELFISH


Imade to look stupid: They Were Le所 With egg on 妇e太 Joces Whem only tep peopleshowed up.putallyour eggsinone 'basket to rely on one particular coOurse of action for suc-

/,egeUuimemaIekl; 全ga0-; NAmE 开-

'eSoO-suirfin有 10n [U] (often humorous) the activity of Searching the Internet to find places where your own name has been mentioned “egoO trip 7oun (usually disopproving) an activity that sb does because 让 makes them feel good and important egre:gious /7gri:d5ies/ ad (jommalj) extremelybad e-Sress ./ 衬gres/ moun [U] (Jormal/) the act of leaving a

Place 一compare ACCESS, INGRESS

et /igret/ egs and long Egyptolo Study of the 马

nounm abird ofthe HERON family With 1ong White tail feathers /id5Ip'toled5i NAmE :tad:1/ moun [OU]ithe language,history and culture of ancient

Egypt 关 Egyptoilogist


NAmE' tacL/

MOU1 eh /er/ exclomation (BrE) (NAmEiusuallyhuh ) Tthesound

that people make when they want sb to repeat sth: 977 PothunSry Zh22Tsaid Trm mnothungsry 了 the sound that People make When they want sb to agree Or reply: So What do you 太 in eh? 3 the sound people make when

cess Iather than givingyourself several different possib 计- 、they are surprised: A7iother new dress, el ities 一more at CHICKENm.,CURATE,KILD V,OMELETTE, Eid (alsold ) /Ed/ novn one of the two main Muslim fes应 SUREIGOdV,TEACH vals, eitherEid ui-Fitr /id 可 人 tra/ at the end of Ram: ye 疙 eggSsbc>'on toencourage sb to do sthjespeadan, OrEid ul-Adha /id 可 'dda/Wwhich celebrates the cially sth that they should not'do: Fe hit therother boy end of the'PILGRIMAGE to Mecca and Abraham's SACRE again amzd again as his 太iends egSged jairmru om FICE of a sheep

cat | dfather | eten | 3: bird | a about:| :nsit | isee | imany | olgotr(Br | oxsaw | Acup | 二 puti| 让 too








thick, warm cover for abed; filled with feathers or other Soft materialj and usually.pPlaced on top:ofa sheet and


eider duck /aida QAK;NAmE'aidqar/ noumn alargeDUcK With soft feathers, that lives in northern countries

1 number 8 There are examples of how to use Dumbers at the entry for five. 之 oun a team of eight People who ROWw a long nairow boat in Traces; the boat they Tow 一See also FIGURE.OF EIGHT

18 -


/ertimn/ nomber

eight"eenth ,/ertimn6/-




There are examples ofhow to use ordinal numbers

atthe entry for 全fth.



/ertb/ ordinal numben 0ouUn

下 Ordimnalj mumbper8th

There are examples ofhow to

use ordinal numbers at the entry for 在fth. 卓 IOUPm each of eight equal Parts of sth

eiEhth mote noun(NAmE mWwsic) = QUAVER eight-some

/ertsem/ (also ,eightsome 'reel) 7ovn a

lively Scottish dance for eightpeople

ei 人 hty 0

/erti/ number

180 2 7mounthe eighties [pl.] numbers, years or temperatures from 80 to 89 eight-ieth /ertiab/ oroina/ muU1mbpem moOuU1 There are examples of how to use ordinal numbers at the entry for fifth, [Er in your eighties between the ages of 80 and 89 einma /ema:/ exclamationm (SA1rE) used to express sudden Pain: FimialrThat Was SOrel



movun _[U] (symp ES) a

chemical element. Einsteinium is a RADIOACTIVE element produced artificially from PLUTONIUM and other elements.

ei-stedd.fod /arste5vod; NAmE-va:d/ noun (from Welsh) atype of festival, held in Wales, ip which there are singing, music and Poetry competitions




裤5eGr)/ det, Prom. ,adv

四 diet, prom. 1 one or the other of two; 让 does not matter

Which: You cam parKk om either side of the street 2 7DU cam Keep omne of 切 eDRhotos. 瓦 妨er of 切em 一 Wjichever yOU LiKke. CThere are two types of qualification 一either 人 acceptaple. 多 note at NEITHER 了 each of two: The oj 态ces om eitpner Side were empty CO Theres adoor ateither enld of 急e corTT daor 目 gdy. 1 used after negative Phrases to state that a feeling or situation js similar to one alreadymentioned: Pete ca go andTcanteither c(NMAmE informnal)Taontike 让 We

either (= Neither do TD) 2 Used to add extra information toastatement:TKnowagood Italian restaurant 夏 S7iotjfar 万om Phere' either 3 either .-。 Or :-。 Used to show a choice of two things: We1L Tthink she's either RUSsiar Or Polish.e TPyrm going to buy either acamera or a DVD PIGYer With 雪 e money 2 Fither he could mot cofme or he did mot

Want io. 一compare OR 只 note at NEITHER.

ejacu-fate /id5aekjulert/ ve T 履 [VVN] whenamanora male animal ejaculates,sSEMEN comes oOUt through the PENis 2 [V speech] (old友shioned) to say or shout sth suddenly EXCLAIM


/idsaekjulerfn/ noun 1 [CU] the act of

ejaculating; the moment when SPERM COmes OU of a man's PENIS: PreImature ejaculation 了字 [C] (jormal) a sudden shout or sound that you make when you are angIy OF ER SUrprised


eject /idsekt/ ve TIVN] ~ sb (from sth) (ormajh to force sb to leave aPDlace amaurmpber ofFyiolentDprotesters

THROW OUT: Police ejected 方om the halL 了 [VN] ~ sth

(from sth) to push sth out suddenly and with a lot of

force: Used cartridges are ejected 廊om the 8U1L after 帮 Tin8. 3 [v] (ofapilotjto escape from an aircraftthatis goingto

crash, Sometimestsing an EJECTOR SEAT 帮 [VN;V] when yotejectatapey disko etc., or when it ejects, 过 comes out of the machine after you have pressed a button * .ejec人 om /idsekfm/ nowm [uyG]


| army

| aunow

| ersay

tion' seat) own ia seat that allows a pilot to be thrown out of an aircraft in an _emergency

ekKe /ik/ veb

@i可 ht om /ert/

@i 认 ht-eem

@ject'or seat /idsekte sit; NAmE:-ter/:(US also ejecelke sthe'out

T tomake a small

SUPPly-of sth such as food or money last longerby using only small amounts of it: She 7mnamnaged to eKke ouUt her 5 志dentloam tll theendof 态 eyear 了 一 aliving, etc.to manageto live with very little money EKG /i: kerI'd5iz/ obbr (NAm昌 三 ECG

elaloorate codj ;ve贱 下 0dlj. /Iaebaret/ [usually before noun] very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and organized: elaborate desigrls C Sie had prepared a yery elaborate Tneal. COar elaborate “COPDUter System elaborately .qdv: an elaborately decorated roomelab:orate.ness ouU1m []

yemb /Taebarert/1 一 (on/upon sth) to explain or describe sth in a more detailed way: [V] He said he was resigning Dutdid notelaborate on his reasols. C [VN] She went om to elaporate jhner_ argument [also V_ speech] 2 [VN] to develop aplan, an idea, etc. and make it complicated or de-

tailed: Jm Pis Plays he takes simple _traditional tales anmd elaborates them, elab.oration /Ilaebarerfn/ -own [LU,GQ: The importance of the Plan needs mo 包 rther elabo 六 Qtiom.

elames /er15; erlaen; NAmEerliz/ noum [U] (from French /访 erary) great enthusiasm and energy, style and confidence eland /isnd/ movn (peland orelands) alarge African ANTELOPE With curled horns elapse /Ilazps/ ve 彤[V] (not usually used in the ProgresSive tenses) (1jormalj) 过 a period of time elapses, it Passes GO BY: JWMamny years elapsed before 坊ey metagainm.

elapsed 'time noun [U] (technical) usedto describethe time thatpasses between the start and end ofa Project or acompluter operation, in contrasttothe actualtime neededto doaparticular task which is part of the Project elas:tane /zlzestem/ nouwn [U] (BrE) an artificial material that stretches easily and is used for making underwear,

STOCKINGS, etc. elastic /Il2estrzk/ noun, qd 旧 IOUm [U] material made with rubber that can stretch and

then Teturn to its original size: This SKirt mneeds SOTme meW elastic 识 切 e waist 香 0d信 Tamade with elastic: an elastic headbarid 字 able to stretch and return to its original size and shape: elastic 7material 3 that can change or be_ changed: Our Planms are Jairly elas 友 ic.


/zlzestikertrd/ (Br 日(NAmE elas'ti'cized

/jrlaestisarzd/) adj (of clothing, or Part of a piece of clothing) made using elastic material that can Stretch: a SKIrt With an elasticated waist

elastic 'band novn (BrE) = RUBBER BAND elas.ti.city /,ilae'strseti; ,elae-; Ilae-/ ouUm [U] the quality that sth has ofbeing able to stretch and return to its original size and shape (= ofbeing elastic)

elas.tim /zlaestm/ moun [U] (biology) a natural substance that stretches easily found in the skin,the heart and

otherbodyTISsSUES elasto-mer /zlzaestemaGD)/ noun (chemistoy) a natural or

artificial chemical that behaves like ribber elated yiaeitial adj. ~ (at/by sth) veryhappy and excited because of sth good that has happened, or will happen: They were elated at te result CTWas elated by the prospect of 妇emnewjob ahead. 只 Dote at EXCITED


/ierfn/ novn [U] a feeling of great happiness

and excitement



/elbao; NAmE:boo/ noun, verb

上 1OU1 了 the joint between the Upper and lower Parts of the armwhere itbends in the middle: Shejabbed hirm with jher elbow. O@Hes actured his elbpow, 一Picture 只 BODY 2 the part of a piece of clothing that covers the elbow: The jacket was WOmi at the elbows. 3 a part of a pipe, CHIMNEY, etc. Where it bends at a Sharp angle IE get

| sulgo (8 二 | oU go (Nm昌 | or boy | ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure

ellbow grease

492 |

the elbow (BrE ojprmalito be told by sb that they no longer want to have arelationship with you; tobetoldto go away give sb the 'elbow (BrE, jpnformaj/totell sb that youno longer want to have a relationship with themy; to

an election: co(BrE) BEowmarycandidates are stanmding for

electionr2c (NmE)to runmjforelectior 2 一 (assth) |一 (to sth) [U] the fact of having been chosen by:election: We Welcorne his election as president CQayear after herelectiom to 妨 e cormrmnittee 一See also BY-ELECTION,GENERAL ELEC-


tell sb to go away 一more at KNOWYV,POWER m.,,RUB V 日Verb [VN,tlsually+ adyVprep] to push sb with your elbow, usually in order to get past them: She elbowed me Out of the way to get to te ront of the line. coHe elbowed Fais Way through the crowd.

election vote。poll,referendum .straw poll 。 ballot . show of hands

昌 elbow grease moun [U] (informaolj) the_effort used in Physical worlko especially in cleaning or Polishing sth

elbow room nouvn [U] (informol)enough space to move or walk in

elder/eldaCD/ adj ,noun Badj. 了 [only before noun] (of People, especiallytwo members ofthe same family) older: mmyelaer brother ec his elder sister 了字 the elder used without a noun immediately after it to show who is the older of two people: the elder of teir two sons 3 the elder ( 友rmaj) used before or after sb's name to show that they are the older of two People who have the same name: the elder Pittc Pitt te elder 一Compare THE YOUNGER at YOUNG 0 丰 (6) 他 note at



1 ejders [pl.] people of greater age,experience

and authority: Childrem hayve mo respect for their elders moOWadays: the Village elders (= the old and respected people of the village) 2 my, etc. elder [sing:] (Jorma) a person older than me,etc.: Fe is her elder by seyveral years. 3 [G an official in some Christian churches 4 [q]

These areall wordsforan event in which people choose arepresentative ordecide sth byvoting: election an occasion on which people officially choose a political representative or government by voting: Whjpoadidyouyotejporimthejastelectionz vote an 0ccasion on which a group of people vote for sb/sth: Theytooka yote om who should go 万s Poll Uournalsm) the process of voting in anielection: JeysujFredadefeatat the polhs. referendum an occasion on which alltheadultsin a country can vote on a particular issue straw poll an 0ccasion on which anumber of people areasked in aninformal wayto give theiropinion aboutsth: /tookagUickstawpolamong mycolleasgues io see howmamy agreedf. ballot the system ofvoting by marking anielection paper especially in secret; an occasion om which avote is held: The /eader will be chosen py secreEbajloE Ballot is usually used about a vote within an

asSmall tree With white flowers with a sweet smell (elderflowers and bunches of small blacKk BERRIES (elderberrie IE your elders and betters People whoare older and wiser than you and whom you should respect


elderberry /eldaberi; NAmE 'eldarb:/ mour (六 -ies) a small black BERRY that grOws ip bunches on an elder tree




'eldarf/ moun


flower of the elder tree, used to make wines and other


eldler.1y os /eldali; NMmE-arli/ ad (of people) used as a polite word for "old;: af elderly coOUPple 2 eldertby relatives 只 note at OLD .2 the elderiy mouwm [pl.] People who are old

elder 'statesman noun 1 an old and respected politician or former politician whose adviee is still valued because of his or her long experience 2 any experienced and respected person whose advice or work is valued: an elder statesTmmarn of go

eld'est /eldrst/ aodj -1 (of people; especially of three or more members of the same family) oldest: Tom is my eldest5on. 2 the eldest used without anoun immediately after it to show who is the oldest ofthree or more People: the elaest of their 协ree children enote at OLD


/eldrrtf/ ad ,[usually before noun]


Strange and frightening: am eldritch screecp


Ders of peopleelectto WorK 广om hozmne 7OWadays.

for a job, but is not yet doing that job::the President elect

the elect 0oun [pl.] (religion) people who have been chosen to be saved from punishment after death

om /Talekfny/ nouwn

1 [uC the process of choosing a person or a group of People for a position,especially a political Position,by Vvoting: electiom campaigris/results c to WinyiIose am election io 而ght an electiom ctoyvote 训 ammelectiorme 到 America Presidential elections are jheld eyery ur Jears. 2 The Prime minister 让 abpoutto call (= announce)

| 9get

| h hat

ballot/show of hands


目 to hold aln) election/vote/polVyreferendumy/straw poll/ ballot 下 take a vote/straw pollyshow of hands 闷 昌 a(n)j election/referendum campaigny/restult/victory/ defeat

elec'tion'eer'ing /zlekjamrerm; NAmEsnir-/ noun [U]

the activity of making speeches and visiting Peopleto try to persuade them tovote foraparticular politician or political party in an election

iion which is flled by election), 2 having the power to elect: al elective pody 3 (of medical treatment) that yoU choosetohave; thatis noturgent OPTIONAL: electiye SUTSery 4 (of a course or subject that a student can

aadj. 1 used after nouns to showthat sb hasbeen chosen

| ffal

吧 anationallocal/federalydemocratic/free/fair 、 election/vote/polyreferendumy/ballot 三 .apresidential/parliamentary/congressional/、 council election/poll 寺 @to conduct an) election/vote/pollyreferendumystraw pollballot 晶 to have aln) election/vote/polVreferendumystraw polly

election: an electiye democracy ecauelectiye GaSsembly e am electiyeTmemperc He had neverheld elective office (= apos-

the Senate. C [VNN] He was elected (as) MPJpr Oxford ECSE 忆 i[Vtoinf (ormal) to choose to do sth: Increasirrg mumi-

| ddid


日0d1/. [usually before noun] (1jormal) 1 using or chosen by

particular job by voting for them: [VN] an elected assemDiy/IeaderArepresentative c the newly elected goyermnent She pecame 弛eHirst black woman to be elected to


showof hands anoccasion on which a group of people vote on sth byraising their hands-

elect'ive /rzlektrv/ adj ,mou17

om /rekt/ verb, ad 引

悍VE 了 洲 一 sb (to sth) | 一 sb (as) sth to choose sbto doa


organization ratherthan an occasion on which the

| jyes

choose OPTIONAL 目 OUP (especial 必 NAmE) a cotrse OF Subject at a college or School which a student can choose to do elect.or /riekteC)/ moun a Person who has the right to Vote in an election elect.or.al /riekteral/ ,ad [only before noun] connected With elections: electoralsystems/reforrms P electoraljy./reli/ adv: anelectoraly effective caTmPpais7t

electoral'college noun Tithe Electoral College (in the US) a group ofpeople who come together toelectthe President and Vice-President, based on The votes of

People in each state 2 (BrE) a group of people Who are

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| p pen

| rred

chosen to representthemembers of aa Political party, etc. in the election ofaleader

electoral 'register (also electoral'rolh nouir (ip

Britain) the official list of people who have the Tight to vote 让 aparticular area elector:ate /Tiekteret/, mouPn [c+sing./pl. v] Tthe People in a country or an area who have the ITight to Vote, thought of as a group: Only 709%6 oF the electorate yoted 况 轨 e Iast election、, 了 (AUstraj 人 E, NZE) = CONSTITUENCY(])

Elec'tra com:plex /rlektre kompleks; NAmE kasm-/ moOuUnm [sing.] (Psychology) ayoung girls unconsciotis sexual

attraction to her father 一compare'OEDIPUS COMPLEX

TRIC SHOCK,ELECTRICAL STORM 子 full of excitement; Imaking people excited ELECTRIFYING: THPe atrmiosPhere Was electric. 旧 I0OUm [U] (njormalj) used to refer to the supply of electiicity to a building: The electric will be o太 tomorrow ec PPyve

Paid the electric (=.thebill forthe supply ofelectricity).

electric .electrical These adjectives are frequently used with thefollowing

electrical ~

light guitar

equipment WwWiring



electrocu:tion /Ilektrae'kju:jn/ novun [U]: Six people Were drowned; Five died 方om electrocution. C He was semtenced to death py electrocutiom.

GT electrical ju 总 the engine CO electrical equiprment/ aPpPpliances 2 elecfrical power/energy electric.al:iy /lif adv: acar with electrically operated windows Celectrically cphargea particles

elec'trode /riektragd; NmE -troud/ noun either of two

electrical engirneering 700n [U] the design and

elec:tro.dynam'ics /Ilektreudarmamiks; NAmE -troU-

building of machines and systems that Use OF Produce electricity; the study ofthis subject > electrical engi'neermOuU1

electrical 'stormi;(BrE also electric'storm) movn a Violent Storm atmosphere

ip which

electricity is produced

in the

electric 'blanKket 5207 a BLANKET for a bed that is heated by electricity passing through the wires inside 让 (usuallyused Under the bottom sheet ofthebed)

electric blue oun [U] a bright or METALLIC blue colOUT

electric'chair(usually the electric chain (alsomjor

/ml the chainp ovn,[sing.] (especially in the US) a chair

识 which criminals are killed .by passing a powerful electric current through their bodies; the method of EXECUTION Which uses thijs chair: He was Sentto theelecfric chair. CTheyjoce deathn by the electricchair

electric 'eel 7ov7-a large fish that lives in Tivers in S America, which prodtuces electricity to kill its food and to help 让 find itsway

s see

8 | vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

points (or TERMINALS) by which an electric current enters Or leaves a battery oOr other electrical device 一 see also


/moun [U] (physics) the study of the way that electric cur Tents and MAGNETIC FIELDs affect each other



-kefele-; NAmE-trourm'sef-/ noun = EEG

elec'troly.sis /zlek'trplesrIs;

NAmE :trad-/ noun


Tthe destruction of the roots of hairs by means.of an

electric currentb' -as a beauty 'treatment 2 (chermistmy) the separation ofa liquid (or electrolyte) into its chemical parts by passing an electric current through 让 elec:tro:lyte /rektralart/ noum (chemistry) a liquid that an electric current can pass through, especially in an electric cell or battery > electro.ly:tic/zlektre'lrtrk/ ad/ elec'tro-mag:nmnety/rlektreumaegnat; NAmE-troo-/ noun (physics) a piece ofmetal which becomes MAGNETIC when electricity is passed through 让

elec:tro.mag:net'ic /Ilektreumaegmetrk; NAmE -trou-/ adj (physics) having both electrical and MAGNETIC characteristics (orPROPERTIES): am electromaSTeticwayexield elec:tro:mag:net'ism /lektreomaegnetrzeam; NAmE -trou-/ 0OUn [U] (phjhysics) the production of al MAGNETIC

| 5vision

| trchain

| as jam

| 86thin

| 5this

| D sing

494 |


FIELD by mieans of an electric current or of an electric current by means of a MAGNETIC FIELD

elec-trom:eter /aek'tromrte0D); NAmE :trdm-/ moun (physics) an instrument for measturing electrical POTENTIAL electron /rzlektron; NAmE -tramAnouni(physics) a Very

smallpiece ofmatter (= asubstance) with anegative electric charge, found in all atoms 一see .also NEUTRON, PROTON e'lectron gun noun (technicol) adevice that produces a Stream ofelectrons



/rlek'tronik;NAmE-tramik/ ad

[usually before noum] 1 (of adevice)havwing or using manyismall parts; such as MICROCHIPSs, that control and direct a small electric current: at electronic calculator Celectronic mmUsic c THPis dic-

tionary is available 总 electronic form. 了 concerned With electronic equipment: ar electromic enSimeer

elec:tron:ic:al:jy /zlek'tronrkli/ ady iD an electronic way, or using adevice that works in an electronic way: to process data electromically (= using a computeD)

,electronic ,ma 让moun [U] (formal) = EMAIL ,electronic 'orgamizer non a very small computer which can be carried around, used for storing information such as addresses andimportant dates

,electronic 'publishing 7ovn TU] the business of pub: lishing books in a form that can be read on a coOmputer, for example as CD-ROMS

elec.tron.ics /Tlek'troniks; NAmE -tramz/ noun 了 [LIU] thebranch of science andtechnologythatstudies electric currents in electronic equipment 2 [LU] the use of electronic technology ,especially in developing new: equip-

ment: the electronics industby 3-electronics


electronic cIRCUITS and COMPONENTS (三 Parts) Used 训 electronic equipment: afou 丰 总 妇he electronlics

electronic 'tagging oun [U] the system'of attaching an electronic device to a person So that the police,etc. know where the person is

electron 'microscope "oun avVery powerful MICROSCOPE that tlses ELECTRONS instead:of light

electro:plate /rlektreplert/ verb [VN] [usually passive] to cover sth with athin layerofmetalusing ELECTROLYSIS

elec:tro-shock therapy /riektreofok bgerepi NAmE -toUfakjFnoun = ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY

elec-tro.stat-ic /Ilektreg'staettk; NAmE-troo-/ adj (physjcs) used to talk about electric charges that are Dot moving, rather than electric currents

ele.Eamt 0

/eligent/0 小

1 (ofpeople ortheir behaviour) attractive and showing a good sense of style STYLISH: She Was tall and elegant 2 (of clothes, places and things) attractive and deSigned well STYLISH: QI elegamt dress C QTL elegamt roomxyvTrestaurant 3 (of a Dlan or an idea) clever but simple: an elegant SoIUHon to 太e Drobleri ele'"gance /eligeans/ noun [U]: She dresses With casual elegarnce. C His

Writing compbines elegamce and W 让 Ele'ganit'ly adv:eleSarttly dressed Ce eleganttly 包rmished

ele.giac /ielizd5aIek/ adj (如rmai of /teram) expressing sadness,especially about the Past OF people who have

died elegiac 'cOuplet "ovn (iechnica1h a pair of lines,one with six strong or long syllablesiandone with five, found especially in Latin and Greek poetry elegy /elasd5i/ moun (P/ :ies) a poem Or Sofig that exEresses sadness, especially for sb who has died

or feeling: We meed:to'preseryerthe' element of SUFPrise: 了 There appears to be am elerment of truth in Phisstory GROUPOFPEOPLE 3 [Cusuallypl] a group ofpeople who form a part of a larger grOUP or society: moderate/radical elemenmts within the party 2 UnTUIy elements 总 the School > CHEMISTRY 4 [C a simple chemical suUbstance that consists of atoms of only one type and cannot be split by chemical means into a Simpler substance. Gold, OXYGEN ts. COMPOUND and CARBON are all elemen 一coOmpare > EARTH/AIR/FIRE/WATER 瑟 [C] one ofthe four substances: earth, ain fire and water, which people Used to believe everything else was made of “WEATHER 6 the elermments [pl:] the weather especially bad weather: Are We going to braye theelerments aid gojor QWalk2? eto beexposed to 切 eelemients

* BASIC PRINCIPLES 7 _elements [pl.] the basic Principles of a subject that you have to learn first BASICS: 瑟e taught7me the elerments of map-reading. > ENVIRONMENT 轨 [Cusually sing.] a_ natural or suitable environment, especially for an animal: Water 坟 a ss Patural elermne7it. > ELECTRICAL PART @9 [Cl the part of a piece of electrical eqtipment that gives out heat: The Kettle meeds Q meW elIeTment [cm in your'element doing what you are good at and enjoy: Shes really 识 her elemment at parties. out of your Ielement in a situation thatyou are notused to and that makes you feel uncomfortable

elem-en-tal /,elrmentl/ adj [usually before noun] (jo玉 mall 1 wild and powerful; like the forces of nature: the elemental 名ry oF the storrm 了 basic and important: am elemental trU 坊

elem.en-tary /eltmentri/ adj. 站 让 of connected with the first stages of a course of study: an elermentary ErigIzSh coOUTrse COabpook Jorelermentary shudents C at an elermeitary

Level 一compare PRIMARY, SECONDARY 也 ofthe mostbasic kind: the elementary laws of economics 2 ar elementaTy 7mmistake 3 very simple and easy: elemettary gUestionts

,elementary 'particle "2ovn (physics) any of the differ ent types of very small pieces of matter (= a Substance) smaller than an atom 羡

ele'mentary school (alio infirmaigrade school) moun (iD the US) a school for children between the ages of about 6 and 12

ele.phant /elitfent/ movn a very large animal with thick grey Skin, large ears, two curved outer teeth called TUSKS and a long nose called a TRUNK. There are two types of elephant, the African and the Asian: herds of elephartts/ elephant herds 2 Q baby elephant -seasalso WHITE ELE-


'elephant grass 10Un-[U] a type of tall African Srass Used to feed animals andto makepaper ele.phant'ia.sis /eltfen'taresIs/ mouwn [U] (medicalh a condition in which part of the body swells-and becomes Very large becatse the LYMPHATIC System is blocked

ele:phantine /ielrfaentam; NMmE -tin/adj (ormnalor humorous) verylarge and cLUMSY; like an elephant

'elephant seal noun averylarge SEAL with a long nose

ele:vate /elrvert/:vem [VN] 1 一 sb/sthitto sth) | 一 sth (into sth) (J6rmal) to give sbysth ahigher position Or rank, often more important than they- deserve RAISE, PROMOTE: He:elevated rmmamy of his 方iends to Powerful 了 posi6iomns within the goyvermmment 2 下 Was an attemptto eleyatejootball to asuUbjectWorthpy ofserious Study 2 (technical or jormal) to lift sth up or put sth in a higher Position: 攻 1mportant that the injiured Leg Shoulda be eleyated. 3 (technicalj) to make the level of sth increase: Smoking oftemn eleyates blood Dressure. 及 (Jormall to imz Piove a person's mood,-So thatthey feel happy: The somg meyerjailed to elevate jiis SPDirits,

/eliment/ mouvn

ele.vated /'elrvertrd/ adj [usually before noun] T high iD

> PART/AMOUNT 1 [C ~ (in/of sth) a necessary Or typical part of sth: CostWas Qa Key elerment in our decision 2 The Story has all 急e elemments ofa so0ap opera. 2 CUstomier relations is an imzportant elementof thejob: 了 [Gusually sing:] 一 ofsurprise, risk, truth, etc. a small amotunt of a quality

Iank: arielevated status 2 (rmajhhaving ahigh moral or INTELLECTUAL level:, elevated Iamnguage/Sentirnents/ thoushts 3 higher than the area around; above the level of the ground: The houseiis 识 'am eleyated posihiom Ooyer Iooking the townm. c an elevated highwayXyrailhwayXroad




| ad father | eten

| si bird | ae about | rsit | isee | imany | p got (BrE) | ossaw

| Acup

| 5put| wtoo

(= one thatTuns on abridge above the ground or Street)

4 (lechnmical) higherthan normal:elevated blood Pressure

ele vating /elrveitin/ dj making people think abotut

serious and interesting Subjects: Reading this essay Was am eleyvating experiertce. eleva:tion /elrverfnjmrour T IJ] (Jormalj) the process of sb getting a higher or more important TanK: Jis elevatiom to the presidency 了 [Cusually singj] (techmical) the height of a place,especially its height above sea level:

The ciby

atarteleyvation ofF2000 metres. 3 [C] (Jormal) a

piece of ground thatis higher than the area around 4 [O (architecture) one side ofabuilding, ora drawing ofthis by an ARCHITECT: the 万ont/rear/side elevatiomn of a

jhou 一compare se PLAN (4) S [Using] (technica1h an 训D-

crease in the levelor:amount of sth: elevation of blood SUS8ar IJeyvels



/alivettet/ hou

T (NAmE) = LIFT(1): TtSs on the 记fh Jioor so we better

take the eleyator 了 apDlace for storinglairge quantities of grain 3 apartithetailofan aircraft thatis moved to make it goUpor down- picture 信 PAGER8

elevem 0m /iievm/



efi'siom /zlrgn/ moun [u,c] (phonetics) the act of leaving

out the sound ofpart of a word when you are pronoun一 see also ELIDE cing it as inWe domtand /ets elite /erlixt; rli:t/ noun [C+sing./pl.v] a group ofpeople 这 ai society etc. Who are powerful and have alot of influencef becatse they are rich; intelligent, etc.:a rmeimber oOF therulirgMinttellectual elite CPUDIicOpiniom 认 influenced Dy 态 e Small elite Who control the media. ec 矶 雪 ese courttries OU1Y the elite camu afford an education jor their chiL dren。 elite dd/ [only before noun]: sn elite group of semior officials e an elite rmilitary acaderny

elit:ismn /erliztrzem; 荆/movmn [u] (often dhisaopprovingj1a way oforganizing a System, society etc-sothatonlya few People (= anejite) have power or influence: Mamy People Delieye 妇 atipriyate educatiom enicourages elitism., 2 the feeling of being better than other people that being part of an elite encourages elitist ad :am elitist model of 50ciety 2 She accused hirma ofbeing elitist elitistmoun

elixir /rlzkse(r); BrE also -sie(D/ -noun (Nierary) a_ magic

了 number1ll 2 mounateam ofelevenplayers forfootball (SoccER), CRICKET OF HOCKEY: She Was chosen Jor theHirst eleven。 elev'enth /zlevn6/, ordinal nurmber ,moun There are examples ofhow to use ordinal numbers

atthe entry for 人 ifth. [Er atthe eleventh 'hour atthe last possible moment; just in time

eleven-'plus_novn (usually the eleven-plus) [sing.] an exam that all children used to take in Britain at the age ofeleven to decide which type ofsECONDARY SCHOOL they should go to. Itis still taken in a few areas.

elev-emnses /rlevnziz/ noun [U] (old-Joshioned, BrE jn1o 广 mmaj) a very small meal, for example biscuits with tea or coffee,that People sometimes oiclock in the morning


at _about

liquid that is believed to cure ilnesses or to make people live for ever: the elixir of Lifexyouth

Eliza'bethan /zlrzzebi:bn/ odj connected with the time When Queen Elizabeth I was queen of England (15581603) > Eliza.bethan mou7: Shakespeare was am ElizaDetham.

elk /elk/ noun (P/ elk or elks) 1 (Br6 a large DEER that lives in northern Europe and Asia. InNAmerica itis called



3 EIK a member of the

BeneVolent and Protective ,Order of Elks,a US _social organization that gives money to charity


ELF /elt/ obbc:(1ingwistics) English as alinguafranca

eIf /elft/ moo7m(pelves /elvz/) (in stories) a creature like a Small person With pointed ears, whohas magicpowers

elfin /elfmn/ ad (ofa person or their features) small and delicate: an e 太 mnfoce

elic 证/ilrsrt/ ve 履 [VN] ~ sth (from sb) (formah to get information or a reaction from sb, often with difficulty:T COUIG elicit PiO respomse 方om jirm. CO Fer tears elicited great 5yTTIDatpy 方om jer audierrce. eficitation /ilisrterfm/ Joun [U]

elide /iard/ ver [VN] (Phonetics) to leave outthe sound


elk (B 卓

moose (NAIn 日

of part of a word when you are Dronouncing it: THhe 生 训 @ftem 7nay peelided 二 see also ELISION

eli'gilble /elzdzebl/ cd 1 ~ (forsth | ~ (to dostha Person who is eligible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do itbecause theyhavetheright qualifications, are the Tightage, etc.: Only those over 70 are eligible for 坊 eSpecial Paymient CTWjhem are youeligiple to yote 训 your Ecountry? [53 INELIGIBLE 2 an eligible young man or woman is thought to be a good choice as a husband/wife, usually because they are Tich or attractive eligilbility /elid5e"baaeti/ moun [LU]

elim'in:ate /zlmmrmert/ ve T 履 [VN] ~ sth/sb (from sth) to reImove or get fid of sth/sb: Credit cards elirminate the meedto carryQalotofcash coThe police haye elimimnated two SUSDects 广o7n 二 eir 太 Vestigation. Th dietclairms to eli7mm-

inate toxins 方om thebody 了 [VN]~sb(from sth) [usually

wapiti (MEalso elk)

elk hound

"own a large dog used for hunting,with

rough long greyhair

e 有中 /el/ movn a unit used in the past for measuring cloth, equal to about 45 inches or 115 centimetres

eliipse /zlrps/ noun (techmicalh aregularovAaL shape, like a circle that has been.squeezed on two sides 一picture 咱

passive] to defeataperson orateam sothattheyiio longer take part 雇 a competition,etc. KNOCK OUT: AIL the FE1glisjiteaimnsWereelirminated itheeariystages ofthecom-

CONIC SECTION elip:sis /zlrpsIs/, novn (pellipses, Asiz/) [cu] 直人 grommar)the act of leaving outa wordorwords from

Petitiom 3 [VN] (大 majito Kill sb, especially an enemy or

asentence deliberately when the meaning can be under-

OpPponent: Most of 芒 e regimieS 1efi-wWing opponent Were elirmimniated elimination /Imrnerfn/ own [oO: the

stood withoutthem 了 three dots (;…)usedto showthata WwWord or words have been left out

elirmriimnatior oOoF disease/povertyVcrime 2 There Were three eliminatioras 态 雪e 放 rstroumd of the'cormpetiton the elimimatior of toxiras 广omzthe body

el:Niip-tic:al /ziptikl/od T (especially grommanm with a

einination reaction;imoup (chemistry)yaschemical Teaction Which involves the, separation' of a substance frorm other substances 一compare ADDITIONREACTION


| army

| :aoinow

| ersay

| aolgo (Br6

Wordor words left outofa sentence deliberately: an elliptical remark (= one that Suggests more than is actually Said) 了 (also /ess requent eliip-tic:/rlptrk/): (Seometpy) connected with or in the form of an ELLIPSE E ellip:tically /kli/ adv: to speakwrite ellipticaly

| ou go(MmB

| orboy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure

496 | elu:sive /ilu:srv/adisdifficultto findi define; or achieve:

Ellis lsiand

Eric as elusiyve as ,eyem Was .nowWhere toipe Jound. cetheelu-

Ellis Jsiand /elrs'azlend/ noun a small island near New York City that from 1892 to 1943 was the official Place of entry for people-coming to live in the US .from other countries

elm /elm/ noun 1 [GuU] (also 'elm tree) a tall tree with broad leaves: a Line of Stately'elms Co The hedgerowWs WeTe Planted with elm. 2 [贡] the hard wood ofthe elm tree

EI Ninmo /el mimjeo; NAmE-joo/ noun [U] a set of changes in theWweathersystem near the coast ofnortherm Peru and Ecuador that happens every few years,, catsing the SUTface of the Pacific Ocean there to become warmer and having severe effects ,on the weather in many Parts of the world 一compare LA NINA

elo:cu'tion /eleKjifn/ mour [U] the ability to speak clearly and correctly especially iD Public and Pronouncing the words in away that is'considered to be socially acceptable elonsg:ate /ilpngert; NAmETlo2-/ ve 几 [V VN] tobecome LENGTHEN 多 elongalornger; to make sth longeT tion /ipn'gerfn; NAmE ,io20-/ noum [U]: 坊e elonSgatiom

ofvowel sounds elong:ated /ilpon0gettid; NAmETlo20-/ad long andthin, oftenin awaythatisnotnormal: Modiglianis Women hayve Strartgely elongated /ce5.

elope /rlaop; NmE Iloup/ verb [V] ~ (with sb) to run away With sb in order to marry them secretly ment /rleopimant; NAmETloop-/ nouwm [CU]


elo.quent /elskwent/ adj. 1 able to use language and exXpress youUr Opinions well,especially when you are speaking in public: an eloguent speech/speaKker 2 (ofa look or movement) able to express a 色 eling: His eyes Were eloquent 上 elo.quence /elakwens/ OUm [U]: aspeech of Dassionate eloquertce c theeloguence ofjiis smileeloquen训 y adv: She spoke eloquenty or the SuUbject 2 Bis foce ex Pressed his grief more eloguentty 太 art any Words.

else om /els/ odv (used 记 questions or after mothing,, mopody,,something, anything,, etc.) T in addition to sth already mentioned: What else did he say? ceTdontwantanything else, 雪 a7Ks. CTm taking a 帮 w clothes and some booKks motTmuUch else. 2 different: AsK somebody else to help you. c Hayemntyou got anything else to wear2? e Why didntyou coPne2? Eyerybodyelse wasthere.CTYesTIdidgiveittoher Whatelse could

Tdo? [Er or else 1 ifnot


or else you 到 pe Iate. e They cantt be cominig or else theyd jhaye called. 2 used to introduce the second of two possibilities: He either forgot or else decided mot to come.

sive .comcept of Titerature"C A soIution to 态e Problemm OF elusively adv elusivetoxic waste proving elusive. ness ouUn [U]

elver /elveGoD)/ noun ayoung EEL elves p/ ofELF Elys:iam /zlizion; NAmETlisen/ adj (literomy) relating to *heaven orto a place ofperfect happiness [ET the',EIYsian 'Fields (in ancient Greek stories) a wonderful Place where somie people Were taken bythe gods after death eim- 避>EN?em /am/ prom. (informal) = THEM: DorLtIet er getQWaX.

eima:ci.ated /rmerfiertrd; rmers-/ adji thin and weak, usually because of illness or lack of food > emia:ciation /framersierfn/ noun [U]: She Was yery thim almost to the Point of emaciatiom.

eiim 卫 让 OAm (alsoe-mail) /iamel/ noun, ve 邮

@nOuUn 1 (also jormal electronic 'mail) [U] away of sending messages.and dataito other People by means of compnuters connected together 训 a Detwork: to send a message by email 一picture 只 PAGE R5 也 [CU] a message sentby email

上 Ve访 一sth (to sb) to send a message to Sb by email: [VN] Patrick emiailed me yesterday c [VN VNN] IT ermail the documents to her ezITemail herthe docurmients. [alsoV]

emian:ate /emaeneit/ ve 贞 -(Jjormal):[VN] to produce or show sth: He ermmnanraates power artd comnfFidence. em'anation /emaemerfn/ mov [CU] emanate from sth to come from sth or SOmewhere ISSUE FROM The sound of Ioud 7nusic emanated 三om 雪e puilding

The proposal originally erariated 方om the UN. eman'cipate /rmaensIipert/ ver [VN] [often passive] 一 sb (from sth) to free sb, especially from legal, political or Social restrictions. SET FREE: Saves Were mot emna7cipated until 1863 识 the United States. eman:cipated adj: AreWomen7iow 包1yemancipated (= with the same Tights and opportunities as men)2 ce am emtancipatedyoungWoman (= one with modern ideas aboutwomemsPplace iD society) emamn:cipation /rmaensrperfn/ noun [U]: the

emancipation ofstaves emas-cu.late /imazseskjulert/ vemb [VN] [often passiye] (Jormalj Tto make sb/sth less powerful or less effective 2 to make a man feel that he has lost his male role or

qualities e emas.cu-.lation /imaeskjulerfn/ movn [U]


/mbam/ verb [VN] to prevent a dead body

from decaying by treating it with Special substances to Preserve it > em.balm.er


jnmbazmastn)/ OU1

/mbzenkmaent/ nounT

awall ofstone

EXPLAIN: [VN]- Ke eluci-

or earth made to keep water back or to carry a Ioad or railway/railroad over low ground 2 a slope made of earth or stone that Tises UP from either side of a road or railway/railroad em:bargo /mm'bagso; NAmEImn'ba:rgou/ noun, ye上b 昌 IOUm(p1.-oes) 一 (on sth) aniofficial order that bans trade With another country BOYCOTT: an armas embargo Can embargo on arms Sales to certain countries Catrade embargo against certain couUntries c to impose/eryforce Lift an embargo 昌 Verb em:bargoes,em.bargo.ing,em.bargoed ,em'bar”goed ) [VN] to Place an embargo on sth BOYCOTT: There hayve been calls to emipargo all ar7ns Shipmients to the Tegion.

dated a point of gramrmar C [V wh-] Tw1fry to elucidate What TI think the Problems are.e [V] TIet 7ne elucidate.

ship; to put sth onto aship: [V] We stood on the pier and

3 (informal) used to threaten or warn Sb: Justshut UDP, Or else!


com /els'wesG); NAmE-wer/l adv

in, atorto another place: The answerto 轨e Problermmn TuUst be soughtelsewhere. C Our fjovourite restaurant Was closed, 50 We had to go elseWhereiG Elsewhere, the weather today

has been Joirly SUnny O Prices are higher here thart elseWPRere:

ELT /iel 'ti:/ obbr (BrE) English Language Teaching (the teaching of English to People for whom it is not the first language)

elu:ci:date /ilu:srdeit/ verb( 友rmmaoh to make sth clearer by explaining it more fully

> elu:cidation /ilusrderfmn/ novn [uU,G: Their objectives amd methods reqUire 刀rther elucidatiom

elude /iludl ve由 [vVN] Ttomanageto avoid or escape 人om sbysth, especially in a cleverway: The two 7mnemn 7mramaged to elude the police for sixweeks. :Qifsth eludesyou youare not able to achieveiit, ornot able toTemember Or

understand it: He Was extremely tired butsleep eluded hirmm. CTheyreapopular band butchartsuccess has eluded 妨 em so 了for e Finally he remermbered the tiny detail that had eluded him the mightbpefore.


:| ddid


| gget

| hhat


em.bark Watched

/amnmbdk; NAmE Ianmba:rk/ verb to get onto a as they emparked.

troops by might [GE

CC _[VN] They embarked



-em:bark'ation /iem-

ba:kerfn/noun [u,G: Ermbarkation w 记 be at 了 JI4:20 .hours.

EGR em'bark on/upon sth to_start to do sth.new; or difficult: Sheis abouttoembark on adiplomatic career

eim.bar:rass 0m /imbaeras/ verb [VN] 1 to make sb feel shy awkward or ashamed, especially 训 asSocial situation: [VN] Ber questions aboutrny Private life embarrassed me:CTdidntwantto emmbarrass jirm bpy Kissing himin 太ontofhis 太 iends-e [VNtoinf]Itermmbarrassed k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| p pen

| rred

jer'to 7meet:strange inenm in the corridor at PigehtE rto causeproblems'or difficulties for sb: The speechwas deliberately desigmned to emparrass the prime minister

emijparrassedj :om /anbarest/aih

1~ (aboutat sth) | ~ (to dosth (ofa Person or their

behaviour) shy awkward or ashamed, especially in a so-

cial situation: Shes embarrassed aboutjherjeight ce Fe 帮Lt

emiparrassed at being .the centre Oo attention CO Some Womemn are too embarrassed to comsuit their doctor about the problem. Herremark was followed ZXyY arLemzbarrassed Silence.CTyemeyer 放 itsoemparrassed 训 TY LI庆 !cnote at

ASHAMED 之 financially ~ (imjformaj) not having_any Ioney; in a difficult financial situation

em'barrass'imE 0m /mnbzresm/od/

1 making you feel shy awkward or ashamed: an emparTassing ITmistake/ guestion/situation c 下 can pe embar Tassing Jor chiladren to tell complete stramgers QDout Such incidents. C Was S0 enbarrassing jhayving tosing 识 DUDLiC. 字 causing sb to looK stupid, dishonest etc: The Teport 东 Likely to proye jighly emmbarrassing to 切e SoVverTmrmment > em'barrass'ing'ly adv: The play was emparrassingly pad.



/mm'baeresmaent/ noun



to decorate sth with a design, a symbol or words so that People willinotice it easily: paseball caps emblazomed with the teaTm's 108o The teams 10go Was emblazomned on the Daseball caps.

em'blem /embleam/ movn ~ (of sth) 1 a design or picture that represents a country or an organization: Arme 六 icaS mational empblem, 雪 e pald easle c the club erm5lemm 之 Something that represents a perfect example ora principle: The doyve am emblerm ofpeace.

em'blem'at'ic /emblaemaetik/ ad (ormall

一 (of sth)

了 that represents Or is ai symbol of sth REPRESENTATIVE 之 thatis consideredtypical ofa situation,an area of worKk,etc. TYPICAL: The Violence is emtblematic oF Whatis happening in ourinmnercities,

em'bodiment /manbodimaent; NAmE-baxd-/ 7607 [USU-

ally sing.] (fommal) ~ of sth a person or thing that TepreSents Or is a typical example of an idea or a duality EPITOME: He i 雪e emmbodimemntoF theyOUTIC SUCCE55-


em'body /nanbodi; NAmErmmnbadij ve 万(em:bodies em-

1 [u] shy awkward or guilty feelings; a feeling ofbeing embarrassed:Tmnearly died ofembarrassmentWwhemr hesaid that cmgladyouoffered itsayedrne theembarrassment of having to ask. ee Much to her embarrassment she reaL tized tateverybodyjhadpeen listening to her sinSing. 了 [C

body-ing, em.bodied,em:bodied)-[VN] Tto express or Tepresent an jidea or a quality REPRESENT: Q Dol 认 iciam Who ermbodied the hopes of black youth c the 了 Drimciples empodied 训 妇 e Declarationm of Eurman RigRts 2 (formal) to include orcontain sth: This 7modelermbodies

TesigTiation -Wi pe Q Seyere emparrassment to the Darty.

emibold:en /mmbeolden; MAmE-boul/verb T [usually

Person or other people and makes them feel embarrassed IE an embarrassment of -riches so many 5ood things thatit is difficult to choose justone

[VN] Brmboldened by the wine jie wentoyerito introduice Pirmself to her- oO-[VN to-inf With such a Taijority,the aarmimistratiom Was ebpoldened to introduce_ radical new

一 (to/forsb) a sibaation which causes problems for sb: Her 3 [q ~ (to sb) a person who causes problems for another

emibassy /embasi/ moun (P/ -ies) Ta group'ofofficials led by an AMBASSADOR Who represent their government ip aforeign country: empassy officials c to 总forrm the emipassy of tne Situation 了 thebuilding in which an embassy Works: Q_ demomstration OUtside 妇 e Rus5iamn Fibassy 一 compare CONSULATE, HIGH COMMISSION

em-:battled /mbaetid/ ad Tsurrounded by problems and difficulties: 妨e empattled party leader 2 (ofan army, a city etc.) involved in war; surrounded by the enemy

emlbed (also imibed) /mmbed/ ve 风 (dd-) [vVN] [usually passivel] 了 一 sth (in sth) to fix sth firmly into a substance OF solid object: am operatiom to _remove glass 雪 af Was epedded 碎 1is leg 2 The pullet embedded ise 识 坊e

WaIL 2 (Hguratve) These attitudes are deeply emmbedded 六 OUr society (=:felt very strongly and difficult to change). 之 to send a journalist,photographer etc. to an area Where there is fighting, so that he or she can travel with the armyand report whatis happening: embedaed reportersi 态 eWwar2zone 3 (/m8gwistics) to place asentence inside another sentence. In the sentence Tm 了 aware that she knows', shne knowsis an emmbedded sentence.

eim'bel:lish /mm'belrj/ vem [VN] (rmah 1 to make sth more beautiful by adding decorations to 让 DECORATE 了 to makeastorymore interesting byadding details that arenotalways true EMBROIDER jz embellishment7own [U,G: Good pasta meeds yery Littie epelis产 TenE 2 QQ 16 坑 century churchn with 718雪 ,century ezbellisPrments eimiber /embaGD)/ 7moup [usually pl] a Diece of wood or coal that is not burning butis still red and hot after a fire has died

emibez:zle /mmibezl/ vemb to steal money that yotu are Tesponsible for or that belongs to your employer: [VN] He Was found SU of emmibezzlimg 8750000 of PUDIic mrals, [alsoV] -> em:bezzlement ov7 [U]: She was jpound guiIby ofembezzlement em:bezzler /nmn'bezleGD)/ mpun

Ta7XY TeWw 有 atures.

passive] (如mmaj/) to make sb feelbraver or more confident:

Policies. 了 [VN] (techmicaolj) to make a piece:of text appear in BOLD Print

em-bol'ism /embalizem/.noupn (medicah acondition 让 Which a BLOOD cLOT or air bubble blocks an ARTERY in thebody

em:bolus /embales/ novn (pem:boli /ar; :]/) (me 起 /coal)aBLOooD cLoT; air bubble; or smallobjectthat causes an embolism

eimboss /imbos; NAmE Im'bo:s/ verb [VN] [usually passive]~AwithB |~BonAtoputaraiseddesign orpiece of writing on Paper leather etc.: stationeryembossed with 太 e hotels 7iame 2 The hote1s mname Was embossed on 纺e Stationery

em:bossed adj.: emmbossed stationery /DmboyoeGD); NAmE dmboyor/ noun (mus/c) 全 the shape of the mouth when playing a WIND INSTRUMENT 之 the MOUTHPIECE ofaFLUTE


em:brace' /mbrers/ vem 1 (ormah to put your arms around sb as a sign of love or friendship HUG:[V] They:ermmbraced anmd promised to Keep in touch.e [VN] She

empraced her Son WarTmay

也 [VN] (fjormaj to:accept an

jdea, a PrOposal, a set of beliefs,'etc., especially when 让 is done With enthusiasm: to ermmbrace democracyxfermm

Pis7mTsiam 3 [VN] (Jormaj to include sth: THPe tialKks emDraced ayWwide range of issues es em:bracemoun [GuU]: He je1d Per 识 Q Warm embrace. CThere Wereitears:and emiDraces as they said goodbye: o the couTitryS eager'embrace of7moderm techmology

eimi'bras:Ure /mmn'breIsaGD)/ noun (Orchitecturej an opening iaWwallfor a door or window, wider on the inside than on the outside

em'bro:ca'tionm /embrekerfm/ movun [u] aliquid:for ITuUbbing on sore Imuscles to make therm less Dainful, for example after tooInuch exercise

embroi-der/mabroidec)/ ve

二 AlonB)|

一 B(with

A) to decorate cloth with a pattern of sSTITCHES Ustually

disappointed about sth over along Period of time > embittered adj.: asickianmd empittered old ma ceam ernpb 让 tered laugh

using coloured thread: [VN] am embroiadered blouse CS She ebproidered 用owers on 弛e cUShiom coyers. @ SJie embrodered the cushionm cover with jlowers. [also v] 2 [VN] to Iake a story more interesting by adding details that are not always true EMBELLISH

embla.zon /nmnblerzmn/ (also blazon) yerb [VN + advV

em:broidery /im'brorderi/ novn T [ucl patterns that

em.bit.ter /rmn'brteCr)/ vemb[VN] to make sb feel angry or

Prep] [usually passive] ~~Awith B | ~ Bon, across, etc. 人 A

s see

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| 了 shoe

are Sewn onto cloth using threads of various colours;

| 5 vision

| tchain

| ds jam

| ethin:|


| 0Dsing


498 | e'mergency servicesi moun';:[pl](BrE) the- public

cloth that is decorated in this way: a beautiful piece of embroidery Indiar embroideries 了 [U] the skill or activjty of decorating cloth in this way 一picture c KNITTING

em-.lbro计 /mm'broal/ verb [VN] [often passive] ~ sb/yourself (in sth)(jomma/)toinvolve sb/yourselfin an argument or a difficult situation: He becarme embroiled ina dispute With his neighbours. CTWas reluctantto ermbroiL mayse 矿识

Phis Problerns. eim:bryo /embriso; NAmE-brioo/ noun (六 -os) a young animal or Plant in the very early stages of development before birth, orbefore comiing out ofits egg Or seedi especially a human egg in the first eight weeks after FERTILIZATION: Pumam ermbryos C (jgurotiye) the empbryo of am idea cean embryo politician (= one Who is not yet VerIy experienced) IE in embryo existing but not yet fully developed: The idea alreadyexistedinermbryo 识 Pisearlier moVels.

em-bry-ology /,embrimlad5i; NAmE :al/ noun [U] the Scientific study of the development of embryos 上 embryo.logical /,embria'lpd5Ikl; NMAmE-ladzd5s-/ adj.embry-

olo.gist /,embri'pledq5Ist; NAmE-ad:l-/ OUn emilpry-om-ic /,embrimnrik; NMAmE :amrk/adj


beforernoun] 1 (formalj) in an early stage of development: The plam as ye5 only exists 训 empryonic form. 了 (techmical) of an embryo: emzpryontic cel1s eimcee /em'si:/ novn (NMAmE njormall Ta person who introduces guests or entertainers at a formal occasion MASTER OF CEREMONIES 2.:an MC(3) at a club or Party emcee ye 路[VVN]


/imend/ ve [VN] (formaj) to remove the imis-

takes in a piece of writing, especially before it is Printed CORRECT


emend.-ation /imen'derfn/ noun [CU] (formaj) aletter or word thathas been changed or corrected in a text; the act of making changes to a text

em-er-ald /emaraeld/ novun 1 [GU] a bright green PRECIOUS STONE: an ermeraldring 2 (also emerald 'green) [u] a bright green colour > em-erald


(also ,emerald


the ,Emerald '1sie 5ovn [sing] (iterory) a name for Ireland

iTieTr 吾@_ 0

1 [V]~(from sth) to come out ofa dark, confined orhid-

sth)j to survive a difficult situation or experience: She 万ojm the scandal


her 7reputatiom


emer'gEence /-45ens/ noum [U]: the land's:emergence 万om' the sea3000years ago the emergentce of mew techmologies



/ima:d5ansi; NAmEimsTd5-/

1mOUn (P/-ies) [CU] astdden seriots and dangerots event or Situation which needs immediate action to deal with it: The goverrmrTment jhas declared a state of emergency jollowing 态e ear坊quUaKke. CO This door should omnly be Used im an emergeTicy. ctheemergency exit(= tobeused in an emergency)cThe goyvermTment had to taKke emergencyaction Thepilotrmade am emergency Ianding inajfield.

Talways haye some extra

cash with me foremergencies. C The goyerTriment has been grantted _emergency _ Powers (三 to _deal with-an emer-

gency). e'mergency


moun (Nm 有 直 = HANDBRAKE

2 aBRAKE on atrain thatcanbepulledin an emergency

emerSgencyroom AND



emieri-tus /inmierrtaes/ 0od 广(often Emmeritus) used with a title to showthat a person, usually a university teachem eeps the title as an honour although he or she has stopped Working: the Brmneritus Professor of Biology In NAmE the form Emerita/iomerrte/is Used for Women: Professor BEimerita MaTry Judd emery /emari/ noun [U] a hard mineral used especially in powder form for polishing things and making them smooth 'emmery board movn a small strip of wood or cardboard covered in emery, tsed for shaping your nails

emmet-ic /iometrk/ 0oun:(medical) a substance that makes youvoMIT (=bring upfood from the stomach) = emmetic dd emi'grant /emrIgrent/ noun a person Who leaves their country to live in another: emigrant Workers C emtigrants to Camnada 一compare IMMIGRANT

emmi.grate /emigrert/ ve 必[V]~(from …)(to...)toleave your own:country to go and live permanently in another

country 一compare


“> emiSration


'greifn/noun [UG: the mass emigratiomofJews 广om East-

erm EuUrope 一compare IMMIGRATION

Gmiigre /emigrer/ moun (from French) a person who has left their own



for Political reasons


eininemce /emmans/ novnT

[U] (formal)the qualityof

being famous and respected, especially in a profession: Q 7man of political eminence 2 [C His/Your Eminenmce a title tlsed 记 speaking to or about a CARDINAL (= a Piiest of the highest rank in the Roman Catholic Church): Their Ermninenices wii1 Seeyounow, 3 [C] (old-Jospioned orjormalj an area ofhigh ground eimi-nent /emmant/ ad伏 [usually_ before_noun] 1 (of People) famots anid respected, especially 记 a particular

Profession: an eminent architect 了 2 (of good qualities) unusual; excellent: amman of eminentgood sense

eminent do'main noun [u] (NAmE, /aow) the right to

/ima:d5; NAmEima3:rds/ ve 几

den place: The swimmer emerged 万om the Iake. c She 克 maly ermerged 廊ormm jher room at noont. C We emerged into brightsuilight 了 (of facts, ideas, etc.) to become known TRANSPIRE: [V] No mew eyidertce emerged during the inyestigation. C [ythat] temerged that the comipany Was goingtobesold 3 [V] 一 (assth)jtostartto exist; toappear or become known: After the elections oppositiom:8groups Degar t如 emnerge. C He emerged as a Key 廊gure 六 雪 e camPaign c he emergingTmarkets ofSouth Asia 4 [VJ 一(from emnerged

organizations that deal-with emergencies: the police, fire, ambulance and COASTGUARD Services emerEent /ima:d5ent; NAmEim3Td35-/ Gd [usually before noun] new and stilldeveloping: emmergent7Ttatiorns/

moun (0bbr ER)(NAm有昌 三 ACCIDENT

force sb to sell land or a building if it is-needed by the goveInment

eiminent'Iy /emmaentli/odv (ormnal) (used to emphaSize a positive quality) very; extremaly: She seems: em Penmtly SUitable fjorthejob. eimir (alsoamir) /einrec); ermmioeG); NAmEemiry ermir/ hou1m the title given to Some Muslim rulers: the Ermir of 天 UWa 让 eimir-ate /emrIeraet;'emrrat; NAmE'emaret/ ouUn T the position ofan emir 2 an areaofland thatis ruled overby an emir: the United Arab 了 nirates 3 the period of time that an emir rtles

emiis.Sary /emiIsari; NAmE-seri/ noun (以 -ies) (Jormalj) a person who is sent to deliver an official message, especially from one country to another or toPerform a Special task


eimis:sion /iamrfn/ novn TIU] (formal) the production orSsending out of light, heat; gas, etc,: the emmission of carDon dioxide into the atmosphere Cemission controks 2:[G gas, etc, that is sent out into the air: The government has Piledged to clear up industrial ermissio7ls.

em 证 /imrt/ verb ftt-) [VN] (formaj)to send out sth such as lightb heat, sound, gas, etc::The metal container begam to emit aclicking sound e SuIphur gases Were emmnitted by the Yolcarto. Em-men'tal (alsoEm:men-thal) /emaenta:l/ mounr[o a type of Swiss cheese, with holes in 让


/emi/ noun (p/-ies)one ofthe awards given every

yearinthe UStfor achievementin the making oftelevision


ae cat | dz father | eten | s: bird | a about'|rsit | isee | imany |pgot' (Br | ossaw | Aceup | oput| utoo

emol-ii:enty/iomnolioent;,NAmE imazl/ adj; noun

oOdj. (ionmnal) 1 makingapersonorsituation calmeri nthe hope of keeping relations peaceful SOOTHING: am emollient reply 也 (iechnicah used for Imaking youir skin soft orless painful

SOOTHING: am emollientcrearm

上IOUNm [CU] (techmico1 :aliquid or cream thiat is used to Iake the skin soft emolu:nent jampljument; NAmEIma:L/ moun [usually pl] Uormaj)) money paid to sb foriwork they have done, especially to sb who earns a lot of Ioney eimote /rmaut; NAmEImout/ verb [vto showemotion in aVeIy obvious way eimoti-con /Timneutrkon; NAmE TImoutikamy/ moun (comf: PuUting) a short set of keyboard symbols that ITepresenits the expression On sb's face, used 也 email,etc. to Show the feelings of the person sending the Imessage. For example :-) Tepresents a smiling face (whenm you look at 让 Sideways).


0m /rmaeofn; NAmErmnoofn/ noun [cuU]

a Strong feeling such as love, fear or anger the part ofa Person's character that consists of feelings: Be 1ostcomtrol Of Pis emiotions. C They expressed 7mixed emotions at-the TewWs. Emotiors are rurimirg hig因 (= People are feeling

VerIy exXcited, angry, etc.). The decision was based omn ermoiomrather 雪 an ratiomnal 雪 oughL coSheshowedmo emotion attheyerdict C Mary Was overcome With emotiom.


om /rmeofenl; NmErzmou-/ adj

了 [usually beforenoun] connected with people's feelings



ing a line underneath it) to showsthat it 车 imnportant STRESS: 了 Ca1i asSUFe y0U? She added With emphasis, he 记8UFes are correct

emm-pha-size (BrE also -ise 0

/emfosarz/ ve 几

1 togive special importanceto sth STRESS: [VN] Bis Speech emphasized theimiportarice ofattracting indistryt the towmn- S [Vthat] She emphasized that 态eirDIarWwouid 7mnean Sacr 访ces and jiard Work

[v wh-] 玖 c eJmnphasized

Row Little Was Knowm about the disease. C [VN that] 下 Should be ermphasized that this 二 only ofie Dossible explanation. [also V speech] 2 [VN]:to make sth more noticeable: She SWept her jhair bacK 万om jher face to epDhasize Perzigh cheeKbo7ies 3 [VN] to give extra force toaword or phrase when yoU are speaking;especiallyto showthatit is importantcy note at STRESS

em'phat'ic /mmfatrk/ oadj T an emphatic Statement;

answer etc. is given with force to show that it is import-

ant: aermphatic denial/rejectiom 2.(ofaperson) mak-

ing itVery clear what you mean by speaking with force: He 了 was emphatic that jhe .could not wo with her 3 an emphatic Victory win ,or defeat is one in which one

team or player wins by alarge amotunt


Jy /li/ odv: Certainyy nob?jhe replied emphatically 2 She 6 ephatically opposed to the proposals. e He jhas Qlways epDhatically denied the allegatiomns. C The proposal Was eTmphatically defeated. emi:phy'se-ma jiemfrsiama/ noun [U] (medicah a condi-

(= with the emotions): emotiomral problems/mneeds emotiomnalstressCachilds emotiomal amndintellectual deveL Opent 2 Mothers are often the ones who provide emotion that affects the lungs, making it difficultto breathe ional suUPPport jor 切efamily 2 catusing people to feel emm-ipire 0 /empareGoD)/ moun EMOTIVE: emiotiomnal Iamguage 人 Strong emotions 1 asgroup ofcountries or statesthat are controlledbyone aportion and otheremotionalissues 3 (Sometimes disa六 iuler or government: te Romiarnt empire 了 a group of proving) showing strong emotions,, sometimes in a Way that other people think is unnecessary: ai emotiomnal commercial organizations controlled by one Person of company: Q DUsSiness emPire OUtburst/respomseVreactior c They 7mmade ari emiotiopal Fetends togetemotiomnalomn 坊ese occaapPpeal jrjhelp. emipire-jbuilding novn [u] (usually disopprovinsg) the 5i075, emo'iional:ly /fenali/ ady: emotionaly aisProcess of obtaining extra land, authority,etc: in_order 蕊 rbed children CT 帮 yymotto becomie .emotiorally imnyoived. to increase yoUI own power or position They hayve sufjfered pfysicallyand emotionaly amemoEmpire jine:novn :a style of women's dress with the fiomally charged atmosphere WAISTLINE positioned just below the breasts and alowemortion:less /rmadfanlas; NAmE TimorF/ 0di not cut neck Showing anyemotion: ari efmotiomless yoice em-piric:al /mm'prrrkl/ ad [usually before noun] based eimoO-tive /imaotrv; NAmE inoo-/ 0dj. catising peopleto on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theor feel strong emotions EMOTIONAL: emotive Ia7mjes:, empirical eviderce/Kknowiledge/research c an SUaSeAWords 2 Capital PUSHrment 放 a7jighly emotiye empirical study [Gaga THEORETICAL > empirically tssue. /li/ adw: Such claims need to pe tested empirically:

emipamel = IVMPANEL emi:pa'thize(B7Ealso -ise) /empabaiz/ yemb[V]

一 (with

sb/sth) to_ Understand_ another persofn's feelings and eXperiences, especially becatuse you have been in asimilar situation

em-pathy/empabi/ novn [U] ~ (with sby/sth) |~ (for sb/ sth) | ~ (between A and B) the ability to understand another person's feelings,eXxperience,etc.: the Writers IaSgimiatiye emDpathy Withn jis SUDject C empathy Jor other People Situations einm-Peror /empaereG)/ now the ruler of an empire: the Romarn emzperors 2 妨e BiDeror Napoleo1i 一see alsoO EMP-

RESS 'eimpPperor penSguin movn a large PENGUIN that has a yellow aieaon each side of its head


0训 /emfesIs/ 0oUn (Dem:phases

/sizz/) [U,G] 1~(on/upon:sth)specialimportance that is given to sth STRESS: to put/IayAPlace emzphasis on sth e There

Pas beemn a shift of emmphastzs 方om mariufacturing to se 大 Vice idustries. The ephasis Very muUch on learmiing 雪e SDOKet IaTlgUage. C The course has ayocatiomnal empjhasis. We proyide alltypes of imnformatom Withn art emphasts om legal adyvice. C The exa7mpIes We W 记 1ooKk at haye guite di Jrentt emzphjhases. :2 the extra force given to:a Word or phrase when SpOokenj'especially in order to show that 让 is important; awayof writing a word (for example draw-


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| ago (Br

em-piri'cism /mm'pirrstzam/ moun [U] (phiiosophy) the Use of experiments or experience as the basis for yotur ideas; the belief in these methods 上 em-piri'cist /-SIst/ ddj.: am emDpiricist theory ermipiricist nouUn: the Erglis 矿 empiricisb5 Jopm TIocke

em:place:ment)ian'Dlersmant/ moun (iechnica1 a position that has been specially prepared so that a large gun can be fired 他om 让

imiPplOoy 0训 /im'plor ve non 有 Ye 上 1 一 sb (as sth) to give sb a job to do for payment: [EVN] Howrnamny people does the compamnyemploy2cForthe Past 妇 ree yea1s he jhas been employed as a firefighter [VNto inf] Amumber of people hayve been employed to deal With the packlog of work. 一see also SELF-EMPLOYED,UNEMPLOYED 之 [VN] (formal) to use' sth:such as a skill, method, etc. for a particular purpose: Fe criticized the Fepressiye 7mie轨0dSs emplIOyed py the coumtryS governmen 2 The police had to employ jorce to eniter 态 e building

II be employed in doing sth if aiDerson or'their time is employed in doing sth, the person spends:time doing that thing: She Was employed in 7makinrg alist of al the jobs to be done: 到POU1 [U] [II in sb"s em'ploy|iin theem'ploy ofsb (Jormal) working for sb; employed bysb

em-ploy'able /nnplorebl/ ad having the skills and dualifications that will make sb want to employyou

| oo go (NMm 有

| of boy

| ie near

| ee hair

| 5e pure



noOUn em.ploy.ee 0 /mm'ploIi/ sb: The Jirm has over 500 for work to paid s whoi son aper righjhnts/ SOVeTTImentt employees C employee employees, relations

D/ no em.ploy'er 0 /mploraCpeopl e to

WwWork for them: aperson Or COmPany that pays the People that treat they (= yers emplo good yery Theyyre employers 冯 the st large the of one oe well). them work for



0 /mplonmant/ noun

of home. 了 [V] 一 (oub) emptied her mind of al thoughts OUE 讯让ve Tinutes. 人 es empti tanKk The me empty: to beco rain started 3 [VN] 一 The streets SO0oL emptied When the of sth and Put them nts conte the sth (out) to take OUt ents of her bag onto coTit the ied empt someWhere else: She ied their Waste intothe 纺 e table; e Many 各 ctories empt a IO0m,

everyone leaves river 4 [VN] to make Stre that ns to EVACUATE: Police jhad instructio building,etc. .of Qa bomb threat 5 [V] ~ mpty the building because to

out from one Place (out into/onto sth to flow or move North Sea. CFanls emPpanother: The Rhine empties ito the Comcert. tied outonto the streets after the

ly before noun] without empty-'handed adj [not usual g sth to sb: The what yoU wanted; without takin

getting Visited eyery Sunday and robpbers jied empty-handed. c She empl paid 识 be to : dedoyed y-han empl ing emptb ofbe iyed meyerarr the state 人 comdiliorns/termts or behave in an ulLtime/Part-time employment pty- headed oadi. unable to think ,em mmore and more 让 ng findi are ates Gradu ent of employma t ligen way intel emots ions 万om Preyi difficult to ind employrment 2 Penus the situation thatparents the Situation in which the ,empty mest "0un [sing:] grown UP and lefthome Pioyiments 只 note at WORK 2 [U] have 也 所 ren Qt t 语 aiming areipRwWwhentheir child People have Work The goyernrmen ing 7mmethods jhave badly emmpty 'mester noun [usually pl] a parent Whose chijlemployment 2 CharlSes 识 form MENT [GE UNEMPLOY dren havegrowntup andleft home affected emiployrmmert 识 切 e area The law Prevented the on forenhanced 3 [U] the act of employing sb: /Eem'es/ movun 1 [UJthe abbreviati . EMS 7mills 识 the cotton m forsending pictures, Tnusic and Syste (a ce enployrment 0 cmilaren Under ten Servi ge messa ent of sth: the emDIOyrm e phone/cellphone 4 [U] ~ (of sth) (Jormalj) the se long written mmesSagesS from one mobil S of artillery 识 the capHLTe of the tow 2 [C] a message Sent byEM en) anoth to business that helps and Monetary Union (of em'ployment agency /0 a to find Workers EMU / 衬 em az:/ obbr Econoimnic yers emplo and Work find to e ) Peopl the European Union (pem.poriums oremthat can TUn em.porium /empoxriem/ noun large shopy/store 字 a emu /imj/ novn a large Australian bird a ed) poria /ris/) 1 (old-joshion t ut fly canno fastb type of goods: an arts shopy/store that sells a Partictlar al totryto do sth emulate /emjulert/ vemb [VN] a (Jorm and crafts emzporiuTL ifre them: She hopes to lse yOU becat else Sb as Well as to al (form [often passive] 了 nts- 2 (computing) em:POwer /mm'pauaeGn)/ verb emmauiate jher sisters Sporting Qchievemme AUTHORIZE: am, etc.) to work in the same Way 35S givesbthepoweroOr authorityto dogth impose the death PrOgI ter compu a (of to rm the same taskSs [VNto inf] The court Were empowWered another compnutet .etc and perfo VN] 2 to give sb more noun [u,G / senttence for certain crimes- [also lerfn /emju n atio in: emul are > situation they control over their own life or the (computing) a device OF d WoTment and gaye emu-la:tor /emjulertaCD)/ 0ounpossible to use PIO8Iams, [VN] The mnoyermnent actively empowere it s make that em> VN to inf] Piece of software therm confidence 总 切emselves. [also gh theyhavebeen ent oftpeindividual etc. on one type of compHter eVen thou powerment 10Vm [U]: the empowerr different tyPe a for ned of desig ruler isthe who n emp-ress /empras/ noun 了 a Woma the Wife of an EM(chemistry)asubstance 2 emul.si.fier /rmAlsrfareGr)/ noun an empire: the ErmDPress of Egypt ent substances in differ the make to food to added is that PEROR re mixtu h smoot a form to ne them combi bottles or glasses emp-ties /emptiz/ noun [pl.] empty 必 (emul:sifies emulsi'fyings g.] Tafeeling of emul.sify /rmAalsrfar/ ve [Usin noun ines/ /empt ss [vV, VN] (technical) 二 two liquids emp:time ed) :sifi remul There ified : Value emuls any have sify or are emtulsifiedi they being sad because nothing seems to enmatl esses hickn rentt e diffe tther of cttha Z thefa re'、 Was an achiingemptirtess 识 her heart mixtu h smoot a form to ne tess combi emptir amd silence ids is nothing or nobodyin a Place: The aplace that is emul.sion /rzmAaljn/ novun [CU 1 abhymixture ofliqu lj) (forma 3 jher SCcaTe not did of the house y mix togethem, Such as oil and water thaEWas the SeQrmall ess notno mptin do that vaste the at out d stare He empty: of paint used on 2 (also emulsion paint) (BrE) a type 山 dries Without leaving a shiny SUTIeimipty om /emptil adi, ve(of that gs ceilin and or e walls peopl no with sth) e of PHOTOadd 太 (emp:tier emp:tiest) 1 一 face 3 (technica1h a substance on the Surfac hands (= not 让 sensitive to light things inside: an empty boxXglass O empty makes that film IC itb) on GRAPH food no with holding anything) c an empty Plate (= or D) prejx (in Verbs) mpt jhousewroormVbus em- /im/ (also em- /mm/ beftore 六 m cThetheatrewas jhalfempty cane mentioned: encase tion condi n of perso thing r_ the o anothe TtoPputint this an empty chair (三 not one that ec mpower 之 to causeto be: enlarge Cembolden standing empty (三 gerCe been endan had house The e ? using) be will e: blacKkenmcsadden 2IESmot goodto -enm sujfjxa (inVverbs)tomake or becom without people living 问 ibjJforsome time. ut having like: wooden golden withot g (三 lookin ch of'; stoma made empty ives) ar adject on l (in 2 drink alcoho Was empty of 包rnieaten Somethingj. o (formal The room em.-alble-om /rnerbl/ ve 必 Sb SayS OF does) that sth (of noun] ALbefore ly [usual to do sth ture. 了 HOL1 [VNto inf] to make 让 possible for sb is Said the Internet 训 Se5 QCCeS with mo meaning; not' meaning What to yOU es enabl are softw e The LOW: C antempty Sestur people to study LOwW: empty Words c an ermpty Promise conds. Ca new programrme to entable older ersomn OFa personms en OF exXist happ to sth aimed atpleasing the croWds 3 (ofap for ble possi 让 make to 了 e at colleg to have a PUTALLOW: tions life) unhappy because life does not seem condi Sary neces the ing by _creat ned: Three Tonths SUSQT store amd use to pose; usually after sth sad has happe body the es enapbl in Insul [VN to inf] MY Li seemns empty to thestadium ss Facce after his death she Still flE emptby easie e Biabi o in linet wtra CIVN]ame y thatyoU would withoutyou 4 一of sth withouta qualit adjectives) (com empty of Tmneaning _enabled /rnerbld/ adi. (in compound r Systemn OFT tech expect to be there: Words that Were icula apart SPace. with to 识 used ly be can t ermpti g g)tha starin putin > emp:tily adv: She stood d phones [VN] ~ ptied) nology, especially the Internet: Web-enable mve 凡 (empties, emptying, emptied,em hing everyt e a Person 9 remov to alows sth) (of which sth (out/out of sth) | 一 sth emabling act noun alaw out TY PoOcKets DuLE ization to do sth, especially to make Tules organ that is in a container, etc.: 工 emptied Water OU of the ] (Jow) to Pass a law could notjfind my Keys. 2 She emptied the emact /rnzekt/ ve 族人 [often passive filL He empVN that yase .OHe emptied his glass and asKkedforare o ped CThe Legislation enacted by parliament- [also [VN] wentt and S act: tied the ashtraysi Washed the glasse5 [often passive] (Jormal to perform a Play or [VN] 2 :She ative) (Jigur ure room_ had beeniemptied of al 7rnit | mnnow | p pen | rare | mman :9 get | hhat | jyes | k cat | 1leg 让 is done to earn IOney, 1 [uC worko especially when oymtent 和


-| dadid



partin aplay: sceries 广om jistory enacted by local residents

3 [VN] pe enacted

( 训ormalj to take Dlace


PLAYED OUT: THhey seemed uraware ofthe drama peing em-

actedajfew 帮etaway 廊om 坊em emactment /rnzaektmaent/ moun [uU,G (owjithe process of alaw becoming:official; a law-which has been made official


/rmnaeml/ moun1T [uc asubstancethatis melt

ed onto metal pots, etc. and forms ahard shiny surface to Protect or decoratethemy; an objectmade ffom enamel'a chipped enamel pomwlL CO a jhardle inlaid With enamiele am exP 认 on of enamels and jewellery 2 [U] the hard White

outer layer of a tooth 3 (also einamel 'paint) [ucl a type of paint that dries to leave ahard shiny surface


(Br6 (NAmE emam:eled) jznaemld/ ad

[usually before noun] covered or decorated with enamel en-am-Oured (BrE) (NA7mE en'amored ) /rmaemad;

NAmE ard/ adj. 了 一 of/with sth ( 必mmah (often in nega-

tive sentences) liking sth alot': He was less thamn enamoured of the 7music-C (hurmorous) IT mot exactpy eriamoured with

the idea of spending a whole day with sb (iieram) 也 love with sb


2 ~ of/with

em bloc /站 ,blpk; MAmE ,bla:k/ adv (from French) as a group rather than separately: There are reports of teachers Tesigning en bl1oc.

emc。 三 ENCL. em'Ccamp /mkamp/ ve必 (ormna1n [V VN] 让 a group of People encamp 9r are encamped somewhere, they set

Up a camp or have settup acamp there enm'campment /mkampmant/ noun a group of tents, HUTS, etc. Where people live together tsually for only a Short period of time: a 7military encarmap7ment

em'cap-su'late /mkaepsjulert/ verb [VN] ~ sth (in sth) (Jormal) to express the most important parts,of sth in a few words, asmall space or a single object SUM UP: < The poem encapsulates miamny of the cemtral themes of her Writing: enm:cap-su'lation moun [uU,G em'Case /in'kers/ veb [VN] [often passive] 一 sth (in sth) (Jormalj) to'surround or cover sth completely especially to protectit: THie reactor is emncased in comcrete artd steel.

em'Ccash /mkaJ/ verb [VN] (BrE Jormmaj) to exchange a chedque,etc.,

for money



1oun [U,G]

-emcCe 号 -ANCE em'Cceph-al.itis /en sefelartas; -kefe-/ noun [U] (mmedical) a condition in which the brain becomes swollen, caused byan infection or ALLERGIC Teaction





-azp-/ moun [U] (medicaoh a disease 雇 which the functioning of the brain is affected by infection, BLOOD POISONING, etc. 一See also BSE emchant /mtiant; NMAmE :taent/ verp [VN] 1 (frmal/) to attract sb strongly and make them feel very interested, exXcited,etc.


2Q2 to place sb/sth under a

Iagic SPELL (= magic words that have Special powers) BEWITCH

em:chanted /mtJamtid; NAmE-tfaentrd/ ad TDplaced Under a SPELL (= mmagic words thathave Special powers): aeTicjiartted ,forest/kingdorm 2 (firmal) filled with great pleastre DELIGHTED: Te Was emnchnarzted to see jeragaim after SO 107mg. emchamnter /mtfamtec); NmE -tfaen-/ moun (in stories) a man who has magic powers that he uses to control

People em-chant:in加 /mtJantm; NmE-tJasntm/ ad1 attractive and Pleasing DELIGHTEFUL: QTL_ eicharmtimg yiew > em-chant'ingjy xdv



NAmE :tfaent-/ noun

Tu] (Uermna/ afeeling of great pleasure 2 [U] the state

ofbeingunder a magic SPELL: tWas aplace ofdeep nystery ad emnchanmntment 3 [Ci (Niterory) =:SPELL: They jad Deert turmed to Stone by ar enchamtrmen记


/mtfamntres; NAmE -tasn-/ noun 了 (ip

stories)a woman who has magic POWers that she Uses to

sisee- | -ttea | vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe



control People 2 (terory) a woman that men find Very attractive and interesting

emchil:ada /entJrlazda/ noun (fromn Sonsh) a Mexican filled with meat

dish consisting of a TORTILLA


covered with a spicy satice [mi the whole enchilada

more (Unformalj) the whole thing; everythi一 ng at Bic 0 中 em'Circle /m'ss:kl; NAmE m'ssTKI ve几 [vN] (orma) to SUrround sb/sth completely in a circle: JacKks arrms emcir cled jher Waist 2 The island is encircled by a coral reeF > emcirclement nov7m [U] emcl. (also emc*) .0bbr (busimness) enclosed (used on busiDess letters to show that another document is being sent

in the sameienvelope) em-clave /enklerv/ moun an area of a country or city Where the people have a different religion,culture or NATIONALITY from those who live in the country or city that surrounds 让 em Clit. 拭 /Imklrtzk; en-/ movn (1inguistics) a word proDotunced with very little emphasis,so that it becomes part of the word before, for example 中 它记 “camb 一comPare PROCLITIC eiclose /Imklauz; NAmE mklooz/ vem [VN] 1 [usually passive] ~ sth (in/with sth) to _ build a wall, fence,etc. around sth: The yard had beer emclosed with iron railings. 2 The Iand Was emclosed 识 切e seyentteetth century (= 也 BrIitain, when public land was made private property). (jgurativejAll translated words should pe enclosed 识 bracK et 了 (especially of a wall fence, etc.) to surround sth: ZIoW Phedages emclosed 切ejiower beds. ce She jlt his arms emclose her 3 ~ sth (with sth) to put sth in the same envelOpe, Package, etc. as Sth else: Please return 妇 e comapieted Jorrmu enclosing a recentphotograp7.

em'closed /mklaozd; NMAmEm'klouzdj ad 1 with walls, etc: all around: Do mot Use this SUbstamce 总 at emclosed SDace. 了 (0bbr encl.) sent with a letter etc.: Please comPlete tbe enclosed applicatiomn jbrm. 2 Please inad eiclosed a cheque fr 47100. 3 (of religious communities) having little contact with the outside world

en-clos-ure /也 le05eaCmD); NAmE -kloo-/ noun 人 [Cl a piece of land that is surrounded by a fence or wall and is used foraparticular Purpose: awidlife enclosure 了 [U,G] the act of placing a fence or wall around a piece of land: the eclosure of cormmmom amd 训 the seyenteenth cenitury

3 [q something that is Placed 识 an envelope with a letter em:code /mkeud; NAmE Inkoud/ vem [VN] 1Tto change ordinary language into letters, symbols,,etc. in order to

Send secret messages 2Q2 (computing) to change information into a form that can be processed by a_comptuter 3 (/nguwistics) to express the meaning of sth in a foreign language 一compare DECODE em'CO-imium /enkeumiom; NAmE :koUum-/ noum (pen-

comiums oren-co-mia /en'keumie; NAmE -koum-/) (jo广 /na/) a Speech or piece of writing that praises sb or sth highly


/mkaAmpass/ ye

[VN] (jnmal)) Tto in-

clude a large number or range of things: The job encommPasses Q_ Wide ran8ge of respomsipilities,、C The Sroup eicCOTmDasSes al ages., Q2 to suUIround or cover sth completely: The jobg soom emncormzpassed the wjhole valley. em'COre /p0ko:0D; NAmE'aD-/ ouUm, exclamation 是 IOUm an extra Short performance given at the end of a concert or other performance; a request for this made by an atudience calling out; She Played a Chopi waltz as an emcore. O The g8TrouP got three encore5. 日EXclja1mdtiom an audience calls out encorel attheend ofa COncert to ask the performer to Play or sing another piece of music

包办 -COUIm te


/mkaonteCD)/ verb moun

日 VeE 峭[VN] Tto experience sth, especially sth Unpleasant or difficult whbile you are trying to do sth else MEET WITH, RUN INTO: We encoumntered a PUTmber of aifriculthes 训 the first WeeKk. CThad meyver encountered SUcj resistanmce

|5 vision | tchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0Dsing

enmncountenr group

502 | CCYC-jic-al/m'sIiklrkl/ noun an officialletter writtenby the Pope and sentto all Roman Catholic BISHOPS

pefore. 2 (jormal) to meet sb, or discover or .experience sth,especially sb/sth new,, -unusual or Unexpected COME ACROSS; She Was the 7mmost reTmnarKkable Womtam he had eyerencouTttered.

避 00U1 了

一 (with sb/sth) |~(betweenAand B) ameeting,

especially one that is sudden,Unexpected or Violent TPree of thermm Were Killed 识 the SuUbsequent encourtter With the police. C The story'describes the extraordirtaTy emncoOuTter between a Tam and a dolphin. 2 a chnamnce emcounter TYye had a mnurmber of close eicoumters (= Situations that

could have been dangerous) With bad driyers. 2 下 Was his Jirst sexual encounter (= first experience of sex). 2 a Sports match against a particular Player or team::She has peatemn her oppoment in all of their preyious emncoumters.

emCcounmter Sroup 10/n a group of people who meet regularly in order to help each other with emotional and PSYCHOLOGICAL PIoblems

人 站-COUIT本 吾e 0

/mkarrd5; NmE-k3T-/ ve 履

1 [VN]~sb (in sth) to give sb support, courage or hope: My parents haye always encouraged me in my choice of car eefrCWeweregreatiy eicouraged by the positiye respomnse of the Public. 2 to persuade sb to do sth by making it easier forthem andmaking them believeitisagoodthingto do: [VN to inf] Bamks actively emncourage People to borrow

Toney [also v -ingl 3 ~ sth (in sb/sth) to make sth more likely to happen or develop: [VN] They claim iat some coOmLDUter gamies eicOUrage Violent behayiour 识yOUmg cFildren.C [VNtoinf] Music and lightng are used to encourage Shoppers to buy more.

[also V -ing]


PP em-Ccour-aging 0dj/,[not usually before noun]: This 7months Unermployment 广gures are not Very eicouraging. Zoucould by being a Little more en5ouragingl cncouaging-ly adv: to smile encouraginglyc The attendamce Was emcouragingly jigj.

锌 -工人 骨 六 忆 龙 -iT 所 人 让9 /mkKAridzmant; NAmE -ka3r-/ nouUm [U,C usually sing.] ~ (to sb) (to do sth) the act of encouraging sb to do sth; Something that encourages sb: a fw Words of encourageTent C He needs all 太e SUPPort aad eicouragemment Phe cam get CC _With a little encouragemnent 碍om his Parent Phe Shoula do well 2 She was 8giyemn eyery encourasgeTment to try Something newWw. C Her words Were a great encoUrageTentto them. Ia DISCOURAGEMENT

em:Croach /Im'kreutj; NAmE mkroutf/ verb [V] ~ (om/ upon sth) (Jormalj) T (disapproving) to begin to affect or use Up too much of sb's time, rights, personal life, etc.: 工 WoTt eicroach on yoOur time any Ionger C He neyer allows

Work to entcroach upon hisjommily 1这 . 2 to slowlybegin to cover more and more of an area: The growing towPn 500P eltcroached on the SUrrounding countryside,C the encroaching tide (= thatis coming ip) > en-croachiment moOuUn [U,C] ~ (on/upon sth): 切e regimes Tray encroacPTients ouTmat rights

em-Crusti-ation /,enkrA'sterfn/ moun 三 INCRUSTATION em-Crusti'ed /m'krAstId/ ad ~ (withyin sth) covered with a thin hard layer of sth; forming a thin hard layer on sth: a crowm encrusted with diamonds c enicrusted Diood em-CryPpt /m'krIpt/ veb [VN] (especially compPutng)to put information into a Special code, especially in order to Pre-

vent people from looking at it without_authority [3 DECRYPT > encrypiion /mkrmpfn/ noun [U] GE DECRYPTION em-cum.Dper /Im'kAmba(rD/ verb [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (with sth) (formah 1 to make it difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen: The Police operatiom Was eicCUTmDpered py crowds of reporters.- 了 2 to be large and/or heavy and make it difficult for sb to move: The 万ogmem Were eicUTmbered py their diving equipmment.

en-Cuim-ibrance /m'kAmbrens/ nounm(jorma1) -aperson or thing that prevents sb from moving easily or from doing what they want BURDEN: 了 JeltTWwas peing am eTLCUTmDramce to themm.

-emCy 只 -ANCY

em-Ccyc-lo:pe:dia (BrE also -paedia) /im,sarklopizdie/ moun a book or set of books giving information about all areas of knowledge or abont different areas of one particular subject; usually arranged in alphabetical order;-a similar collection ofinformation on a CD-ROM


(BrE also -paedic /Imisarklepi:dik/

FINAL PART 1 the final part of aperiod oftime, an event, an activity or a story: at the entd of tpe Week c We didrmnt leaye until the yery end. 2 the end of the pook2 We had to Pearaboutthe wjholejourmney 刘 om pegiri7iirig to end.C 丰S the enda of ar era: >FURTHEST PART 2 the part of an object or aplace that is the furthest away from its centre: TuU7FP 7FigRt at the end of the road. CTjoined the endof the queue.e Goto theend of the line1o JoUye got Something on the end ofyoUr mnO5e. Tie theends ofthestringtogether CThats Ris Ww旋 Sittingat the jar end of the table. C These two products are 广omm OpPposite ends of the price range.C Weyve trayelled 廊ormm one end of Mexico to 成eother Theyliein theendhouse. 一See

also BIG END, DEAD END,EASTEND, SPLIT ENDS, TAIL .END >FINISH 3 a situation in which sth does not exist any Imore: the efid of all his dreams 2 The meeting carme to at

end (= finished).e The war Was 万nally at ar end 2 The COUD prouSPt his corruUPt regimie to aTL etd. Theres mno end in sighttothe presentcrisis:CThey haye calledyforan etd toyiolemce:OThatWas by7moTnearts theend ofthe7mmat-

te >IM 4 anaim'or apurpose: They are prepared to Use VioLernice 记 DUTSUiE of their elds.S Sheisexplo 让 mg tecUrTrent

Situationjfor her own ends. C With this end im view:(= 实 order to achieve this) they ermployed.50 newsta 太 Weare Wizing to make any coTtcessiomns necessary to this end (= 训D order to achieve this). > nete at TARGET > PART OF ACTIVITY 5 [usually sing.] a part of an activity With which sb is concerned,especially in business: We mieed sommebody to hamndile the marKketingend ofthe business. CArethere any problems atyourend? CThave Keptmyend of the bargain: >DOF TELEPHONE LINENOURNEY 6 [usually Sing.] :either of two places connected by a telephonescall journey, etc.:T a1lLSWered the phone butthere Was moorieatthe other end CuJeaniz going to meetme atthe other end *OFSPORTS FIELD 7 one ofthetwohalves ofa sports field: The tearms chanmnged ends at ha 广6rmme. > PIECE LEFT 8 (Br6).a small piece that is left after sth has been used: a cigarette end一see also FAG END, LOOSE END,

ODDS AND ENDS >*DEATH 9 [usually sing.] a person's death. People say'end' to avoid saying "death': She came to at Urttirmely ertd (三 died young). CTwas with hirm attheend(= Whenhe died). citerarmy) He metphis end (= died) atthe BattIeioFWate 产 1oo. atiihe endofthe'day(Br6infiormallusedtointroduce the most important fact after everything has been considered:Attheend ofthe day heilstill hayeto make his Own _ decision ai badyjsiicky end (Br6 _something unpleasant that happens to sb, for example punishment or aViolent death, usually because of their own actions: Hellcome to a sticky end omne of these days 太 he carries om Likethat beatitheendofsih tohavealmostnothing left of sth: Trm attheendofrmypatience.CTheyareattheend of their jood supply be atihe ,end of your tether (Brb) (NAmE be at tihe' end of your'rope) to:feel that you cannot deal with a difficult situation any more because you are too tired, Worried, etc. be tihe ”enag (B1E 六 帮 广 mal) when yot say that people or situations are the emd, You mean that you are annoyed with them am end:in 证self a thing:that is itself important and:not just a part of sth ,more important theirend justifies the 'means

2 cat | d father | eten | s: bird | aeabout | Isit | 袜 see| imany |


| 5:saw | Acup

| wput | ustoo

(saying) bad or unifaifr imethodsiof doing sth are acceptable

过 the result of that action is good or Positive (reachj ine



enmd of ihe Tine/road (to reach) the point at which sth

can no longer'continue in the same way:A defeat in the

Second round 7marked the end of the 1ine Jor ,last years

Tanager 1 expected to USe his or her best endeayours to Pro7mote the artists careeF

charmpion emd of stiory (informal used when you are

豆 Ve/b

done:about sth end to 'emdl in a line,, with the ends

emdemmi 让/endemIik/od ~(in/to.…)regularyfound 记

of ihe earih to do everything possible, even ifit is difficulb in order to get or achieve sth: Tad go to the ends or the earth to see heragair in the'end 1 afteralong period of time or series ofevents: He tried yarious jobs and in the

aparticular Place or among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of: Malaria zendernic 识 many Pot COUPtries. 2 CorruUPptionm 站 endemmic in the systeJn. ec an attitude endeTmic among senmior 7members of the profession 和 Species enidemiic to (= only found in) Madagascar e te em dermmnic problerm ofracis 一compare m EANDEMIC emdjEamie/endgeIim/ mov Tthe final stage of a game of cHESS 了 the final stage ofa political Process

Stating that there is nothing more that can be said or

touching: They :arranged the tables end to end, Set/have your' enmdi away (BrE, slang)tohave sex gototihe endis

end pecarme al:accountant 了 2 after everything has been coOnsidered: ZUcar tryyour bestto impress 雪e 识terviewers puUE in the end is often just a question of Iuck、Keep

your end up (BrE, informalj) to continue to be cheerful iadifficult situation_miake (both) enmds 'meet to eamm justenough moneyto be abletobuythe things you need: Many Jarnilies struggile to make ends meet ma engd (im加 广 majhl very much: 夏 UPset me no end to hear they吕 spIEE LP. mao end of sim (nj7mma1j) a lot of sth: We Phad Po enid of trouUble Setti7lg them to agree motf the end ofihe'worid Unformal) not the worst thing that could happen to sb: Failing one exam 1 mot the end of the world._om 'end Ti a vertical position: 共和 LEit 矿you stand 让 om end. 2 for the stated length of time,without'stopping: Fe Would disappearjorweeks on end putan'end to your-

[V to inf (Jormol to try very hard to :dozsth STRIVE:TWtL entdeavour to do ny7DestfoFimycountry


让 证 /endrm/ moun

Tthelastpart ofa story film/movie, etc.: Fis stories UsUaly haveahappyendirng,I23 OPENING 2 the actoffinishing sth; the last part of sth: the ammiversary of the endirig of 坊e PaciFic War 2 下 Was 妇eperfect ending to the Pperfect da 3 the last part of a word, that is added to a main part: verb entdin8gs CQmtascuIirie/fminine ertding

em-dive /endarv; -div/ moun [CU] TIBr6 (NAmE cicOrY ,curly'endive frisee[U])aplant With green ctrly leaves that are eaten raw as a Vegetable

2 (NA 日 =


alihe sth to endia引 sthsused to

eimdi-less/endlas/5 人 Tvery largein sizeoramount and Seeming to have no end LIMITLESS: endless Patience Cendless 0DDortunitiesjormaking7noneyC THe Dossibiities are endless. CO al enidless 1istof thingsto do c We dortphaye GTL enidless SUDDIy of mioney yoOU Know 2 continuing fora longtime and seemingtohavenoend: am endless roumnd oF Parties aid Visits 2 The jourmey Seemed endless. CO Tve had enOuUSFE of 妨 eir'endless arguing. 3 (technical) (of aLOoOP, etc.) having the ends joined together so it forms one Piece: az endless 1oop of tape emdilessIyadv: She talKs endlessly about her problerms. 2 an endlessyy repeated pat-

emphasizehow:large, important, exciting, etc. you think Sth is::TPe moyvie has a car chase to end all car chnases. ,end

emdl-mote /endnaut; NmE-nout/ noun anote printed at

se |用 put amn7end to

旗 aIf to Kill yourselfimore at


豆Ve上 沪~ (sth) (with sth)jto finish; to make sth finish: [V] The Toad:ends here. 2 Bow does the story enid2 C The speaker ended py SUS8Sesting some topics for discussion. CHer note etded With he Words: Seeyousoon.2C [VN] Thexy decided to end their relathomship.-c They ended the Play With a song-

[also v speechj]

your daysl "fife (in sth)jto spend thelast part ofyour life 让 aparticular state or Place: Fe ended his days 识 Poyverty

,Emal im tears(BrE njormnahifyotsaythatsth willend in tears, you are warning sb that what they are doing will have an Unhappy or Unpleasant result 'emdi 区 all | ,em本

Your Wife to Kill yourself

end im sth [no passive]

Ttohave sth as an ending: The Word 7P7m 雪 inKimng ofemds 太 015 2 to have sth as a result: Their Iomg struggle eded 训 Jiure.和 The debate ended iproar ,emd 'upto find yourself in a Place or Situation that you did not intend or egpecttobe in: 太youSgo omLikethzsyouzendup 总 prison. C [+ -ing] Tended zp doing all the work myselF [十AD 门 矿Pe carries on driving Like thab5 he end up dead.

人 各-d二 加-各 et /m'demd5e()/ verb [VN] to put sbysth in a Situation in which they :could be harmed or damaged: TPe heal 专of our children 1 being enda7gered bpy exhaust 记 7mnes. CTPhat one 7mistake seriously endamgered the 包 ture of the cormmpamny 2 The sea turtle zs an etdamgered Species

(三 让maysoon no longer exist). emidear /m'draC);iNAmE :dm/ verb [VN] EEEIen'dear si/youerseIEtosptomake sb/yourselfpopular: Teir poLicies om taxation didmt endear themm to voters. C She was Qa talemted teacher :Who endeared herselF to all who worked With jher 已加-本eairimg /ml'drerm; NmE-dr-/ adj causing people

to feel affection LOVABLE: QTLendearing 九Qbit 戎 emdearingjyocdv 马四-本eaiFmiemE /mm'dromant; NMmE-drrm-/ nouwn [CU] a word or an expression thatis used to show affection: TPey Were Wjispering endearments to each other 2 Darlirng ia ter7mz ofendear7Tmen志

endEeavOuer(Br6(NmE emdeavon /mdeveC)/7ovm; Ve 屿 吾IOUm [U,C] (jnma/)Fansattempt to do sth,especially sth new or difficult: Please 7QKe eyery etideayour to arrive o7 mie. 似 Qadyamcesi7i the field of sciemntific endeayour 2 The

u actual

| arimy

| armnow

| ersay

| sgo(BrE)

term the end of a book or section of a book

emado-crinme /endeukrin; kram; NAmE 'endakrm/ ad 丰 (biology) connected with GLANDS that put HORMONES and other products directly into the blood: the endocrine System 一Compare EXOCRINE

emdio-crim-oliogy /endsukrimnbled5i; NAImE ,endoukramazl-/ now7 [U] (medicai) thepart ofmedicine concerning the endocrine System and HHORMONES * endo.crin.oloBisE/Q5Ist/ OUn

emdios-amy /en'dogemi; NmE -da:g-/ nouwm [U] (tecr mical)ithe custom ofmarrying only people from your local community 一coOmpare EXOGAMY

em-dosem-Ous /en'dpdzonss; NAmE -ddzd5-/ adj (med/cal) (of a disease Or SYMPTOM) having no obvious catuse 一Compare EXOGENOUS emdio-Elos-sic /endeu'glosik; NAmE endou'glo:sik; -gla:s-/ adj (Unguistics) (of a language) used as a first language ip a particular country or community and not as a foreign or second language 一compare EXOGLOSSIC






(bio/ogy) a person whose natural body shape is round, With alot of fat 一compare ECTOMORPH, MESOMORPH




endo 示

mozm-/ adj. (NMngwistics) based on the way a countrys second language is used by local speakers, rather than the Way it is used in the country where it came from originally 一compare EXONORMATIVE

emda:piasim /endoeoplzzem; NAmE ,endou-/ moumn [ul (biology) (old-joshroned) the more liquid inner layer of the jelly-like substance inside cells 一compare ECTOPLASM

emdorphnin:/en'dorfm; NmE :doxrf/ noun (biology) a HORMONE produced in the brain that reduces the feeling of pain mdeorse/m'do:s; NAmEImn'doxrs/vemb [VN] Ttosaypubliclythat yoU SUpPpPort a person, Statement Or course of ac-

| ou go(Mm 日| orIboy

| renear

| eahair

| 5e pure


504 |

tion:TWholeheartedly endorse his remarks. 2 Mempbers of all parties endorsed a bamn om Iand mines. 了 to say in an advertisementthat you Use and like a particular product Sothat other People will want to buy 让 3ito write your name on the back of a cheque so that it can be paid into a bank account 4 [usually passive] (BrE) to write details of a driving offence on sb's DRIVING LICENCE: YoUTISK haying your Licence entdorsed. enm:dorse:ment/m'dozsmaent; NAmE-doxrs-/ 0oUwn [CU Tapublic statement or action showing thatyou SupPpOIt

Sbysth: The electiomn Victory is a clear endorserment of 纺 eir Policies. Ca letter of endorsement 了 a statement made 记 an advertisement, usuallyby sb famous or importantb saying that they use and like a particular product 3 (BrE) details of a _driving offence Written on Sb's DRIVING LICENCE em.djo.sCcOPpe/'endaskeup; NAmE-skoup/ nouUmn an instrUmentused in medical operations Which consists of a very small camera on a long thin tube which can be put into a Persoms body sothatthe parts inside can be seen en:dos:co.py/en'dpskepi; NAmE-da:sk-/ noun [CU] (

-ie9 (medico)) a medical operation in which an endoscope is Put into a person:s body so that the parts inside can be Seen emndo.skel:eton



'endoo-/ moun

(anatomy) the bones inside the body of an animal that give itshape and Support 一compare EXOSKELETON endo:sperm /endevspsm; NAmE 'endoUspsrmy/ -moun

[U] (biology)the Part of the Plant seed that provides food for the EMBRYO endo-thermic /,endeg'9a:mIk; NAmE ,endoo'bazmmIk/ adj. (chemistmy) (of a chemical reactidn) needing heat order to take place 一compare EXOTHERMIC endow/m'dao/ ye由 [VN] to give alarge sum'ofmoneyto aschool acollegeor another institution to Provide 让 with an income

be en'dowed

with sth to naturally

have a particular feature, quality,etc.: She was endowed With intelfigence and W 让 See 一 also WELL ENDOWED

en'dow sbysth with sth 1 to believe or imagine that

Sb/sth has a particular quality: She had endowed Marcus With the qualities She Wantted hirmm to possess. 了2 (Jormal)to give sth to sb/sth: to endow Sb With arespomsibility en:dow:.ment/m'daoment/ novn T [GuU] moneythat is given to a school; a college or another institution to piovide it with an income; the act of giving this money 2 [Cusually pl.] (formalj) a quality or an ability that you are born with

en'dowment mortgage/ou1 (BrE) atype ,of MORTGAGE (= money borrowed to buy Property) ip which Ioney is regularly paid into an endowment policy. At the end of a particular period of time this money is then usedto paybackthe moneythat was borrowed 一compare

REPAYMENT MORTGAGE endowmentpolicy"ov" (BrE) atype oflife insurance in which .a person regularly pays money to an insurance company, and receives a Sum of money from them atthe end ofaparticular period oftime end-paper/'endpempaGD)/ moun (technico)ablank or dec-

orated page stuck inside the front or back cover of a book end product"ovnsomething thatis produced byapar ticular activity Or Process emd re'sult7ovn [usually sing.] the'final result of a particular activity or Process 'end rumn movn (ip AMERICAN

FOOTBALL) an attempt by

the person carrying the ball to run around the end of the line of defending players en-durance /m'djuoarens; NAmE -dor-/ nouwun [U] the ability to continue doing sth painful or difficult foralong period of time without complaining: He showed remarjc Qble enndurartce throuSghout Ris illness. C They Were Pumailiated beyond endurartce. C This eyent tests both Physical amd Tmenital endurarmce. 2 DowWers:ofendurance CThe party


| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat


trned .OU ti be-Pmoreiof an enduramnce test tham a Pileasure. endure /mm'djoeo); NAmE-dor/ verb 1 to experience and deal with sth thatisPpainful or unpleasant especially Without comPplaining BEAR: [VN] TPey Phad to endure along Wait before 雪 e case cane to trialL 2 She could mot endure the 妇 ought of parting. CO The pain Was almost to0 greattoendure.C(jormal) aloyve thatenduresall thingsarad meyerjails c[V-ing,Vtoinf He canitendure being aefeated.

Hecantenduretobedefeated. 2 [v] (Jormal)to continue

to exist for along time dure

LAST: Q SUCcess 轨 at W 记 em-

:endurable/m'djuerebl NAmE-dor/ ad/: 工 fjLt

that 1i 近 Wwas no Ionger entdurable,、IaaaUNENDURABLE emdurins /rm'djuerm; NAmE -dor-/ adj lasting for a long time: endauring memories Ce What 芋 tbe reasoi fr 纺e gamnes enduring appeal?


ar endu 产

ingly POPUIar styte em.duro /m'djoerso; en-; NAmE Im'duroo; -djoroo/ nouwn (p/ en.duro9g along-distance Tace for bicycles or motor vehicles over rough ground,which is designed to test how long people can continue ,emdj-'usermoun a person Who actually uses aproduct rather than one who makes or Sells it, especially a person who uses aproduct connected with computers




1 (also endways/,endwise

,end-wise /waIz/) 0dy

'om (of an objecb with

one end facing up, forwards, or towards the person who js looking at it: We turned the table emndways to Set 下 through the doors. 2 The first Picture Was taken 方oma te side of the puilding and the Second omne entdways 07 2 with the end of one thing touching the end of another: The stones are laid dowm endways to make apath. emd zZOmne mouvm the area at the end of an AMERICAN FOOTBALL field into which the ball mnist'be carried or Passed in order to score points

emema/'enama/ noun aliquid that is putinto a person's RECTUM (= the opening through which solid waste leaves the body) in order to clean onlt the BOWELS,especially before a medical operation; the act of cleaning out the bowels ip this way

已 四人IIY_ DR /enemi/ on(P/ -ie9 1 [qdaperson whohates sblior who acts or speaks against Sb/sth: He has a lot ofenermmies in the compamny After just one day she had already made ai enermmny of her mamnager Lisrareto jind aprominentpolitician Withn fewpolitical eemies. C_The state_ has a duty to Drotect is cizerts against exterTmal eniemies. C Birds are the natural emnemies of 7mnanmny insect pests (= they Kill 站 Re also ENMITY 之 the enemy [sing.+ sing./pl.v] a country that you'are fighting a war against; the soldiers, etc. of this_ country: The eneTny Was[were jorced to retreat 2 eemy Jorces/ aircraft/territoryc behind enemy lines (= the area con-

trolled by the enemy) 3 [G ~ (of sth) (formojh anything that harms sth or Pievents it from being successful; Poyverty amd igTniorantce are the enermmies of Drogress。、 IImsee WORSTdadj/. emer名 get.ic/ene'd5etIk; NAmmE ,enar'd5-/ ad having or needing a lot of energy and enthusiasm: He Kmrew TWwas eerSetic aid dynamic and would get tings done. C am emnergetic SUDPorter C The heart 7respotds Well to energetic exercise. C For the more energetic:(= People who prefer physical activities) we offer windsurfing and diving. ce think Ta Drefer Something a:Little Less energetic


getically/kli/ adv em:er:gize(BrEalso -jis昌 /ened5aIz; NAmE'enard5-/ ve贱 [VN] Tto make sb enthusiastic about sth 2 to giveisb Imore energy,strength,etc.: Qa re太eshing amd emnergizing

方uit drinKk 3 (technicaj to Supply power or energy to a Imachine, aniatom, etc.

人 门 -ef 名YY 0

/ienad5i; NAmE:erd5i/ nou1

1 [u] the ability to Put effort and enthtusiasm into an

activity worlo etc.: ItSsQWaste oftime and energy OoShes always full of eriergy coTteryous energy (= ener8gy Pio-

duced by feeling nervous) 2 emergies[pl.] the physical and mental effort that,youtuse to do sth::She putalLher energies into jher Work:: Ce creativedestructive energies

| kcat

| lleg

| mman

| anow

| ppen

| rred

3 负] aisource; of power- -such as fuel used for driving

Imachines, Providing heat, etc.: solar/muclear energy 让 1important to coTlseryve eniergy CO at etergy crisis (= for



example when fuel is not freely available) 4 [U] (phjhysics)

sigmal 4 (BrE) (of a public toiletybathroom)-being used [aa VACANT 马 站-多 了 Eee-miemnt /m'gerId5maent/ noun >BEFORE MARRIAGE 1 [gq ~ (tosb)an agreementto marry

emervate /enevert; NAmE 'enerv-/ veb [VN] (Jormaj) to Imake Sb feel weak and tired: an emneryating diseaseAc1i-

sb; the period during which two people are engaged: Their engagemmentt Was aTi7ioUTiced in the Iocal paper Co She jas brokenm of her engaSgement to Charles. C an engageTentparty alomngAShort engagement

the ability of matter Or RADIATION to work becatlse of its Iass,Imovement,electric charge,etc.: Kineticpotential etc. enersy

8 PP enmervatiion



,enar'V-/ nou1


emfamt ter-rilple /065 teTibl; NAmE ,ta:/ ooup (P/ enmianits terribles /0 teribl; NAmE,GfGz/) (from French) aperson who is young and successful and whose behaviour and ideas may be unusual and may shock or embarIass other people


/mfi:bl/ ve风 [VN] (fjorma/) to make sbysth

Weak we enfee:bied cd em:fold

/mtfeold; NAmE Imfould/ vemb [VN] ~ sb/sth (in

sth) (Wieromy) Tto hold sb in your arms in a way that Shows affection EMBRACE: She lay quietb enfolded 训 :Pis armms, 也 to SUIround or cover sb/sth completely: Darkrness Spread and emfolded him. emTforce /m'fo:s; NMmE Ifors/ ye由 [VN] 1 ~ sth (on/

against sb/sth) to make surethat people obeyaparticular laworrule: Itsthejob ofthe police to enforce the law The LIegisiation 岂 说pe 三太 cult to enforce. 和 United Nations tr00Ds enforced a ceasefire 识 the area. 也 一 sth (onsb)to Imake sth happen or force Sb to do sth: Zou camt enforce Cooperatiomt_ between the Diayers. > enforce.able /-abl/ adj.: Agammblirig debt zs not Jegally eforceable. enforcement 1OUm [U]: strict emnforcement of regulations C Iaw erTtforcement ofricers emforced /mtfo:st; NMAmE Im'forst/ adi that sb is forced to do or experience without being able to control it: a Period of enforced absemce 已 -fOr-Cer 四 /mm'fo:seGr); NAmEfors-/ noun aperson whose Tesponsibility is to make sure that other People Perform the actions they are SUPPosed to especially in a govern-

Inent em-framn:chise ./m'fraentfaIz/ vemb [VN] [usually passive] (Jormal) to _give sb the right to vote iD an election DISENERANCHISE > enfranchisement /位 sntfrzmaent/ now7 [U] ENG /ien'd5i/ obbr electronic news gathering

一 sb (as sth) ( 邦rmal/)to employsbto

do aparticularjob: [VN] He isicurrentty elgaged as a coOmSUItaTiE [alsoVN to inf] 3 [V] -~ (with sth/sb) to become involved with and tryto understand sth/sb: .She has the GDiity to engage With young minds. 4 (jormal):to begin fighting with sb: [VN] to,emngage 纺 e enermy [alsoV] 5 一 (with sth) when apPartof a machine engages, Or when you'engage it, it fits together with another part of the machine and the Iachine begins to work: [V] Ome cogWjeel engages With 妇 e neXt C The cogWwheels are mot emg&aging. C [VN] Brngage the clutch pefore Selecting Qa 8ear

in sth | en'gage sb in

sth to take part in sth; to make sb take Part in sth: Byem z PrisoP je comtiriued to emngage in Criminal actiyities. She

tried desperately to engage Pima in comnyersatiom,

马 有站:名 瑟多 已驯 0 /gerd5d/ 0 小 1=(in/onsth) (jnmo/) busy doing sth: They are errgasged italKs Witpn the 厅 igoyernrmentE 2 Heis mow engagediom Pis secoTidmnoyeL TcaTiEcome to Giner on Tuesday 一777m otherwise engasged (= Ihave already arranged to do Something else). :7TPey Were engaSged icCOPYVersatiom. 2.~:(tosbj,having-agreed to marry:sSb: Shes.enSgaged to Peter oOTheyareengaged to beTmnaTTied (=toeach other). 9 When did you get engaSged?-2 an engaged coUple .3 (B1)

(NAmEibusy):(of a telephone line) being used: 工 couLdmt get 矿rougjh 一 e 纺 LinesS engaged CTPhoned earlier PUEXYOU

Were engaged (= Using youUr phone).2 the enigaged tone/ s see

-| ttea

| vvan

| 冯 wet

| zzoo

| Tshoe


到 icCU] (technical) fighting between two ar

Inies, etc.: The general fried to ayoid am enigagememt Withn the enemy. >*BEINGINVOLVED 4 [U] ~ (with sb/sth) (fjormalj/) being 记Volved with sb/sth in aniattemmptto understand themyit: er VieWs are based on years ofengagement With 态e Problems of the 识ner city: “上 EMPLOYMENT 5 [u,G (BrE) an arrangement to employ Sbji the Process of employing sb: THhe termas of ergageTment are to pe agreed im writing. em Sagement

ring "ov

.aring that'a man gives to a

woman when they agree to getmmarried enm-gagimng /im'geId5I0/ adj interesting or pleasant in a Waythat attracts yoUI attention: Qm engagirig smile PP en-

ga.gingjy 0dv 全 -到 四 em:der /zm'dsendeG)/ ve 凡 [VN] (Jorma/) to make a 人 和 Or Situation eXist: The issue emngemndered comttroyersy.

他 用.ime

0Om /end5my/ noun

Tthe part of a vehicle that Produces power to make the Vehicle move: a dieselI/Ppetrolemngine Mycarjhadto jhaye Q new engirie. C engine trouble CTSwWitched/turned the etSirte ”oo太 一Picture ”只 ”MOTORCYCLE 一see , also INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINE,JET ENGINE,TRACTION ENGINE 了 (also loco.mo:tive) a_ vehicle that pulls a train 3 -engined (in adjectives) having thetype or number ofengines mentioned: a bwin-engined Speedboat 一See also FIRE ENGINE, SEARCH ENGINE 'emgsine driver (B/E becoming ol1d-joshioned) (NAmEeniailroad engine

TIVN] (Uporma/) to succeed in attracting and keeping sb's attention and interest: t a Toyie that enlgasges Doth the

[Gag DISENGAGE IE en'gage

2 [C an arrangement to do

sth at aparticular time, especially sth official or sth connected with yoUr job: am engagemeiitaD0KLdiary > Fe jhas QTLUTmDer ofsocial engagememnts mnext WeeKk. 下 Was her Jirst official engagement 2Thad to refuse because of a Prior engSageTmmeTtt

-Bin-eer) moun a person whose job is driving a railwayyX

em 加. 0bbr (BE) (ip writing) engineer; engineering 公有 阐-宫瑟到人 0 /mgeldq5/ ve 几 7mind amnd 女 e eye. 2


已用 -名 im .ee 0 /end5rmIe0D); NAmE-mnm/ oun, ve 昌 IOU1 1 aperson whosejob involves designing and building'engines,machines,roads,bridges,etc.=see also

CHEMICAL ENGINEER; CIVIL ENGINEER, ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, LIGHTING ENGINEER,, MECHANICAL ENGINEER, SOFTWARE ENGINEER, SOUND ENGINEER 也 aperson who is trained to repair machines and .electrical equipment: They7e Sending an engineer to 记ix the phone. 3 a person Whose job is to control and repair engines, especially on a Ship or an aifcraft: a Higptemgimneer 2 the chiefengineer oO Qa Cruise Liner 丸 (NAmB) = ENGINE DRIVER 5 a Soldier trained to design and build military structures verb [VN] 1 (often disapproving)to arrange for sth to hapPen or take Place, especially when this is domne secretly ip order to give yolirself an advantage CONTRIVE: She egimneered Q 包 rtherTneeting Withn hirm, 之 [usually passive] to design and build sth: The car is peautflly engineered amd apleasure to-drive. -3 to change the GENETIC structure of sth eered crops

GENETICALLY MODIFY: 8eTletically enginm-



/end5ImnierI; NAmE-nIT-/

moum [U] T the activity of applying scientific knowledge to the design,, buijlding and control of machines, roads,,bridges, electrical equipment, etc.: The bridge is atriurmph ofrmod-


.engineering. 一compare ,, REVERSE,


2.(also engineering 'science) the study of engineer ing as a Subject: a acegree in elgineerin8g 一See also CHEM-


| 5 vision



| dzjam



| 5this

| 0sing

emgime room



emgime room

/mov 1 the part of a ship where the en-

gines are 2 thepartofan organization where mostofthe important activVity takes Place or imnportant decisions are made

EmEiisP /mgaj/ novn, ad

Famcermenmemoun [U;G] :equipment Jor the einiamcerment ofsound quality 3 software enhamcemetts 马 -所 站 amCeF /mhamsa(r); NAmE-haens-/ OUm (technical) asSubstance or device thatis designed to improve sth: 刀 ayoOUr enhanmncers em-ierms/ IDIgma/ nouUm a person, thing ,or Situation that

is mysterious and difficult to understand PUZZLE


emiE-Imat:ic /enIgimaetrk/ ad/. mysterious and difficult to understand:

ar enigmatic smile



到]OUm 了 [U,C] the language,,originally of England,,Dow /li/ adv: Trighb pe said enigrmmatically. SPpoken in many other countries and Used as a language em IE 二 (alsO em -menil /mm'd522mbof international communication throughout the world: mant/ nown [U,C] (from French, techmicaj the factofasenShe sDeaks good English. CTmneed to immproye Imy Englishn tence continuingbeyondthe end ofaline ofpoetry 一ComWorld Englishes 2 [U] English ljanguage or literature as a Pare CAESURA Subject of study: a degree 识 Eriglish C_ English is TY best em-joim /m'dsom/ ye 履TIVN, VN toiin 和 [often.passive] SUbiject 3 the Enmgfishm [pl.] the people of England (Jormal) to order or strongly advise sb to do sth; to say (sometimes wrongly used to mean the British, including that a particular action or quality is necessary 了 2 [VN] 一 the Scots,the Welsh and the Northern Irish) See sb from doing sth (/aw) to legally Prevent Sb from doing PLAINGd/. sth, for example with an INJUNCTION 到 Gdj. connected with England, its people or its language: the English countryside cean English marmWwormar 2 typically Englishn attitudes 2 an English dictionary c note at

BRITISH ,EmS 呈ss 和 如 reakfast 0 [CU] alarge breakfast Ustally consisting of CEREAL (= food made from grain), cooked BACON and eggs, TOAST and tea or coffee 一comPare CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST

Enmsiish for Academic Pu

(abbr EAP) noun

[Uj theteaching ofEnglish for People who are using English for study but whose firstlanguage is notEnglish JEmSENisP "ornm ou7n (especiolly NAmB 三 COR ANGLAIS

瑟 于 各 -是s且-mmam /mg9ljJimaen/ noun (P/ -men /man/) aman from England at ,Engfishmam'S,homeis his cas-

放E (8r月(USa marnsihomeis his'castfe) (SOying) aper-

son's home is a Place where they can be Private and safe and do as theylike

,EnmSiisP murffin ov0 (NAm6 = MUFFIN(1)




/wmrm/)awoman from England em-EOFESE /mgo:d3; NAmEIn'gord5/:ve凡 [VN] (technicaj to cause sth to become filled with blood or another liquid and to swejl em-STave /m'grerV/ verb [VN] [often passive] ~~A(with B) | ~ 一BonAto cut words or designs on wood, stone, metal, etc.: The silyer cUD Was elgrayed Withn jismnarme. OHis7marme Was engrayed om the silver cUP., be engraved om/in

Your 'fiearb 'merrmiorYy 'mind etc: tobe sththat you

Will never forget because it affected you so strongly em-EraVer /mgreIVeCD)/ OUn a person whose job is to cut words or designs on wood, stone, metal, etc.

emm-SraV-imS /m'greIvID/ OU

CE /IDm'd5oI/ ve 册

Tto get pleasure fronmi sth:. [VN] We torougphliy enjoyed our tme in NewYprk c Thanks foragreateyenirlg.Treally enjoyed 让 2 [V -ing] Tenjioy Playing teFmnmis and 3qUas7. 2 [VN] ~ yourself to be happy and get pleasure 位om What you are doing: They all enjoyed 妇emiselves at 坊 e Part 3 [VN] (formal) to have sth good that is an advantage to you: People im this countryemioy ampmigh starzdard of Living. 2 Hes always erUoyed good _health 4 [V] emjioyi (njformaj) used to say that you hope sb gets_pleasure from sth that you.are giving them or recommending to them: Beres thatbookKTPpromised yo Enjioyl!

_GRAMMAR POINT enjoy 下 Note the following patterns:

三 1emjoyed /myselfatthe party

ji 'rose nouwn an attractive girl with fair skin and an appPearance that is thought to be typical of English people



了 [C apicture made by

cutting a design on a piece of metal and then Printing the design on paper 2 [U] the art or process of cutting designs on wood, stone, mnetal, etc. 候轩 /m'greUs; NAmE m'grous/ ve [vVN] if sth engrosses yoU it is So interesting that you give it all your attention and time emgrossimE /Im'greUSID; NAImE :groUs-/ adj.: an engrossing problem

到上 三 /mm'gragst; NAmE m'groust/ adj 一 (inywith sth) so interested or involved in sth that you give it all yoUr attention: She was engrossed in conyersatiom.

emSU 隆 /m'gAlf/ ye [VN] (omnah Tto surroundor to COVer Sb/sth completely: He was enigulfed by acrowd of Teporters. C The yehicle was engSulfed in fiarmes. 2 to affect sb/sth very strongly: Fear engulfed her 瑟 :和 呈 amce /mhans; NAmE-haens/ verb [VN] to increase orfurtherimprove the good quality value or status ofsby sth: This isian Opportunity to enhance the reputatiomn ofthe comipary. et 切 esKilled Use of mmake-ap to emnharnice yoUr best features emphanmced 0d/.: enhanced efficiency em

scat | dfather | eten | s:bird | eabout|rsit

于 Jpanmks. 1really emioyed 小 邢GH5- Fearefijeye 引 让 1emnjioy playing basketba 人Henjeyto Pay askctbe由 画 1 emjoy /reading very much. enjoy yePrntiEh FeaeHpE

下 1jhope yoU enjoy yOUr tiP. 1hepe yetHejeWhi 扩36t扩 攻-

em-jioy-alble om /m'd5orebl/ o 丰 givingPleasure: am emjioyable 0 HTrealbVthoroushlyAVvery emjoyable /-abli/ ady: The evening passed emnjoyab1y.

hisp= em-joy-apiy

全 -jjOY-imTemE 是 Ge /im'd5omment/mou1 1 [LU] the pleasure thatyou get from sth: He spoiled my emjoyment of the game pytalking all 妇rough it e The Fules are there to enlsUre eyeryoteS Safety amnd emjoymient CCFilLare seeTm to haye Iost their enjoyment in reading.CTSeta Lot of emjoyment 方om TY grantdchildren: ce note at FUN 2 [C] something that gives you pleasure: CHiildrer 1ike to Share interests and enjoyrments Withn theirparent. 3 [U] 一

of sth (万rma1jhthe factofhaving and Using sth: the enjioyTent ofequalTrights Emmarge /mladd35; NAmE-ldrds/ verb 1 to make sth bigger; to become bigger: [VN] There are Plans to efiiarge the Tecreation area. 2 Reading Wi enlarge YOUF vOcabulary. [also V] 2 [VN] [usually passive] to make abigger copy of aphotograph or document: Weyre goingto haye thispicture enlarged,


adj: an



eiiIarge om/upor sih (ormal/) to say or wiite more about sth thathas been mentioned ELABORATE 把 四 -ai






1 [Using.] ~ (of sth)theprocess or resultofsthbecoming or being made larger: the enlargemepnt of the comPpanys OVerseas DUSiness actiyvities CO There Was Wiaespread SUDDort

JorEUenlargerment(= the factofmore countries joining). Z [C] something that has been made largen'especially a Photograph:

矿 youU Like the picturesT camrt send you an

enmlargermmentof 让




| orsaw | Acup


puti| utoo

下 看]aam克er /mlazdseGnD; NAmE-lard5s-/noun a piece of equipment formaking photographs larger or smaller 和 -本必jat-em /mlartn/ vemb [VN] (Jormaj to give sb ifor Iation so that theyUunderstand sth better: She didmt em-

1ighten him about her backsground.


下 Was ayVery enlightening interyiewW.

人和 BEhiened /miartnd/


[usually -before .noun]

(approving) having or showing ,an understanding :of People's needs, a situation, etc. that is not based on oldeTilIightemned opin-

fashioned attitudes and PREJUDiCE:

ions/ attituaes/ideas 中 -用 Bit-en-rmmen 二 /mm'lartnmaent/ moun 了 [U] knowledge about and understanding of sth; the process of Understanding sth or making sb understand 让:Te mnewsPapers proyvided Little emnlightenrment abpoutthe cause ofthe

accident CO Spiritual enlightenment Z the Eniiglten-

menit [sing.] the period in the 18th century when many

Wiiters and scientists beganto arguethat science and TeaSon Were more important than religion anditradition

misi/imlrst/ ve 几 1T 一 sth/sb (in sth | ~ sb(as sth) to Persuade sb to help you orto join you in doing sth: [VN] They hoped to entlist the help of the public 训 soying the Crime. CO We Were enlisted as helpers. [also VN to inf] Z ~

(sb) (im/into/for sth) | ~ (sb) (as sth) to join or to make sb join the armed forces CALL UP,, CONSCRIPT,, DRAFT: [V] They pothenlisted 识 71975. cto enlistasasoldierc [VN]

Fewasenlisted into 切 eUS Navy 世 Emjistmenimou1 [U]: the emlistrmentof expert he c Phis enlistmient in 雪 e Royal Air FoOrce -


J/mlrstrid/ odj (especally Us) (of a meimber of

the army, etc.) having arankthatisbelowthatofan off6icer: etiisted mmiemarid Women Cemniisted Persommel

em 和yem /marvn/ ve 让 [VN] ( 邦rmaj) to make sth more interesting or more fun

aaSSE /记 m2aes; NAmE 下/ adv (from Fench) all to-

gether and tsuallyin large numbers em-mmesh /mmejJ/ verp [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (in

sth) (如mmaj) to involve sb/sth in abad situation that it is not easy to escape from

殊的 -003 入

B) feelings ofhatred towards sb: 坊 etraditionalProblerm oF the emity petweent Protestamnts anzd Catholics 2 persomnal emTmities aid political conflicts > er action earmied jher the emity of bwvo or three colleague5. 一See alsoO ENEMY

/rmnaegbl; NAmE



[IVN] (ormal))

[usually passive] to make sb a member of the NOBILITY QZ to give sb/sth abetter moralcharacter:Jm astramnge Way Sjhe SeeJmned enmnobled by her grieF 上 Emmaoblermmnent Joun [U]

他 四 看 WE /DD'wi; NAmEam-/ movn [U] (from Fremch Nterary) feelings ofbeing bored and not satisfied because nothing interesting is happening

em-OlOSY (U5) 三 ONOLIOGY emO了 pi 各e (LS) = OENOPHILE Size, effect etc, of sth; the fact:of sth being very serious: the eniommity of the tasK CC People are stll coming to termas With 地e enorTmity ofthe disaster The 有所 11Lenormity of the

crirmme has Totyetpeen reyealed. 2 [Cusually pl] (jpmal)a VeIy serious crime: 女e enormites of te iberTesirme

打 四 及 有MOMS

extremely large


/rnozmnas; NmEimnormas/ ad


a1L enorTmOoUs

josexaog 2 al entormOous amount of time 2 enorTmOUsS 训 terestC The problems focing the Presidenit are emnOrTm OUS, emOFImOus-y /inozmaeslii NAmE Imnomrm-/ adv very;

Very much: eriorTmOouUsIy richAPowerfulAgrateful ce The Price of Wine yaries enorrmOUsly dependinig o7 Where 丰 co1mes 方om CO She Was Looking Jorward to 妨 e_7mneeting enOrTOLSIY.



/InAf/ detiprons ady

是 dfet used before pluraloruncountable nouns to mean 'as Imanyoras Intuch as sb needsorwants' SUFFICIENT: Jaye you made enough copies? Cs there ennough 7room Jor 7me2 CTdidmt jhaye enough clothes to Jast a WeeK 2 Donit


| army

| aonow

GaSK meto do 让 Tvegotenough problerms as 让 is e (old-1osh/ohed) There was jood enoush jpor al GasgAlthough enough after a noun now sounds old-fashioned,time enough is still fairly common: There妈 be time enough to Telax When youYyve Finished your WorK. 翌 Dp1rom. asInanyor as much as sb needs or wants: Six bottles

Should pe ehnough. 2 Hayve you eniOUSR of yOU are interested theatre. C There Was TOWhere Weyvenearlyrunoutofpaper

had enough (三 to eat)2 下 WeilL orgaTiize a trip to the mnear enough jpor eyerybody. Doyou 妇 训K 雪 eres enough

Jor today? 1UDW emough alreagy (jjormal,especially

NAmE) used to say- that sth is annoying or boring and

that you want 让 to stop Smough 喇 emoush (Soying) used when You think that sth should not continuie any

longer Emoash said used to say that you Understand a Situation and there is no need to say

any more: es a

oliticiamn, remember ”条nough said. iawve aa emoush af sthjsbjtsed when sth/sb is annoying you and you

no longer want to do, have or see it of them: Tye had enouShn of driving the Kids arounmda. 可Oily. (used after verbs, adjectives and adverbs) Tito the Decessary idegree:Tjhadhittraied enoaghi for 坊 egamie This house isnDig enougsh forus.CShes old enroughto decide forherself 2 We'didnt leaye earlyenough ce Te1 them itsjustmnotSgood enough. 2 to an acceptable degree, but Dot to a VerIy great degree: He seemed pleasant enough to 7me. 3 toadegreethatyoudo notwish to get any greater: 村 和 7TnyYjobs saf.ZI 旋 这hard enouvgh as 让 iT ,CiOUusly umnnily ,odaly ,stranSely,etc.emoughused to show that sth is suUIPiising: Fummizy enrough Tsaid te Sa1me thing TYyself only yesterday. 一more at FAROcdv,FAIR adj ,LIKE qdv, MAN NEAR qdyv, RIGHT qd1 ,SURE advy

它们 了本 SSaTE /DpD2esD; NAmE ,下 Dae'si/ adv (fom French) While talking about sth else and without_giving much information: Fe 7mmentioned en PassaTit that he Was going


忆 问-加 ITE (also imquinre especiallyin NAmB /mkware(Gr)/ information: [V] Tcalled the station to enqUuire abpout trainm tirmes. C She enguired as to your Whereabouts. 2 [V wh-] MightTenquireWhyyoujhaye notmeitioned this Triilmnowmw?

C [VN] 瑟 e enquired her name. [also V speech] 号 note at


Emaquire aa人 er sb (jpo77al) to ask for iiformia-

tion about sb, especially abouttheir health or about what

they are doing emgquire into sth to find out more infor mation about sth

INVESTIGATE: 人 comymittee Was

ee to enquire into the allegations. em auine sth of

so (Jormaj) to ask sb sth: [二 speech] ?Will yov be stayimng JorIunch?2 She enguired of Charles.







/mkwarereG)/ noun (Jormal/) aperson who asks for infor Imation

emOuirimSs (also im 可uirins especially in NAm 昌 /mm

mmOr-mmi 放y /Imnozmaeti; NAmmE Inozm-/ ov (PES) 1 [uU] the ~ of sth (of a Problem,etc.) the very great

到 耻 加由iy

vemb ~ (about sb/sth) (rather jormalj) to ask sb for some

jenmaeti/ noun [U,G (太 Ses)~ (betweenAand



| -ersay

| so8go (Br6)

攻 warIerI0/ adj. [usually before noun] 1 showing an interestin learning new things: Qichild with an enquiring mmind 忆 asking for information: am enguiring 1IooK 芒 -Em QI-

ingJy (also 各 可uiringJy especially in NAmB adv 全且 -色 凤Hy Da (alsoinquiry especially in NA7m月

/mkwareri; NAmEusually 'mkwaeri/ movwn (Paes) 1 [q~(intosth) anofficial process to find out the cause ofsth orto find outinformation about sth: tohold/order ar enguiry in纪 流 eaffair carmurderenguiryapublic egUiry into the enyirorimzental effects of the Proposed new road 2 [O〇 一 (from sb) (about sb/sth) a requestfor inforImation:about sb/sth; a question about sb/sth: a telephonme eligUiry CO We receiyved oyer300 enquiries apoutthe job. CT jayve to make a few enguiries (= tryto find out abonut it and getback toyoUu enquiries 万oma Prospective Student 和 (BrE) Two men haye beefl helping police with their etguiries (= are being questioned about a_ crime,but have not been charged with 训 . 3 [U] the act of asking duestions or collecting information about sbysth: sciemtificenguiry 2 The police are flowing several Lines of emguiry eacomrmittee ofenquiry 4 SmgUNmIeS [pl.] (BrE) a Place where you can get information: AsK at enquiries to

| :ou go:(NMmE)

,| or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure



See 太 yoUr bag jhas beemn hanided

bathroorm em suiteXari en SUite bathroomL Ca en SUite pedroofmm (= abedroom with an en stiite bathroom) Semsuite Jocilities

识. 一See also DIRECTORY


ENQUIRIES em'rage /mreId35/ verb [VN] [usually passive] to make sb

Very angry emrapture

INFURIATE /mm'raptfaCD)/

ve 心[vN]


(Jormal) to give sb great pleasure orjoy


ENT / 宇 en' 红 /abbr ear nose andthroat{(as a department

emraptured /mraptJed; NAmE-erd/ adi (ormanfilled With great pleasure or joy

in ahospital) -emtc>-ANT em-ftail /m'tell/ vembto involve sth that cannot be avoided INVOLVE: [VN] ThPe jobp entails a Iot of hard worKk. ^ Thegirk Jearmn exactty whatzs entailed im caring foramnewporm paby c [v -ing] 下 willentail driving a Iong distarzce eyery day' [also VN -ing] em-tan-gle /m'taengl/:vemb [VN] [usually passive] 1 一 sb/ sth (in/with sth) to make'sb/sth become caughtortwisted in sth: The bird had becormmne entartgled in the Wire nettirtg: 了2 ~sb in sth/with sb to involve sb in adifficult orcomPplicated situation: Fe becaimne emztamgled in aseries of cortJicts with 雪e 7mmamnagemment 2 She didnt want to Set enta7igled (= emotionally involved) with jirm.


em-rich /mrrttf/ verb [VN] 1 一 sth (with sth) to improve the quality of sth, often by adding sth to it: The shudy of SCiemnce has etriched all our Liyes: C Most preaKfast cereals are enriched with vitarmins. 了 to make sb/sth rich or richer: QTation eriched by oil revenUes 3 Fe Used his pos 让 om to enrich hirmseF enrichmentmoun [U]

emrol /mreoli NAmE mroul/ verb (CIL) (especally Br6) (NAmE usually em-roll) to arrange for yourself or for sb else to officially join a course, School etc.: [V] Zou meed to enrolbefore the end ofAuguSsE (BrE)to enrolon acourse (NmBtoenrollin acoursec [VN] The centre w 亡soon be ready to enrolcandidates for the new programzTmne. em'rollee /mireolis NAmE inroo-/ noun (NA 有 ape son who has ofcially joined acourse, an organization,

emtangle:-ment /m'tae0glmaent/ noun 1.[cl a difficult or Complicated relationship with another person or coOUntry 2 [U] the act ofbecoming entangled in'sth; the state of being entangled: Mamny aolphins die each year 方om entanglement 总 ishing nek, 3 entangle-ments [pl:] (technicall barriers made'ofBARBED WIRE, Used to stop an enemy from getting close


em:rolment (Br6 (NAmE en-rollment) /mreolimant; NAmE :rool-/ noun

[uC the act of officially joining a

course, School etc.; the number of people who do this: Erolment 6 t纺e irst Week of Septermmber 2 School enroLTents are CUrrently 1Limg:

em'tente /on'tont; NAmE admn'tamt/ noun [u,sing] (from French).a_friendly relationship between two countiies: the FTrarico-RzssiaTt entente

emwYoOute /Drut; on; NAmE,G; ,an/ adv ~ (from …) (to ... ) | (Br6) ~ (for … ) (from French) on the way; while

entente cordi'ale /ontont koxdi'a:l; NmE idmntamnt

travelling from/toaparticular Place: We stopped JorapicPic ent route. CO The bus broke dowra en route 廊om Bostort io New York. caplane en route for Heathrow em'SCOmCe /m'skopns; NAmE -skams/ vem由 [VN, tusually+ adv/prep] (Jormaoj ifyou are ensconced or enSconceyotirself somewhere,youare made or make yoUTSelf comfortable and safe in that Place or Position en-semble /on'sombl; NAmE axnsambl/ moun 1 [ctsing./pl.v] a small group of musicians, dancers Or actors who perform together: abrass/windvstring, etc. etLSemble c The ensemble is[are based

ord-/ noun [U,sing.] (fom French) afriendlyrelationship

between two countries,especially between Britain and France

人 四 ei 0R /enteGD)/ ve 败 *COME/GO IN 1 (nottsually used in the passive) (formaj to come or go into sth: [VTRK7rock before youenter ce[VN] Sommeone enitered the room pehind me. 2 Where did the puL Iet enter the body? ce(jgurative)A Pote of defiance entered jheryoice.C(Jguratve) 政neverentered nyhead(=Inever thought) thatshe would telL Pim about me.

识 FEyons. 也 [Cusu-


ally sing.] (jormajh a number of things considered as a group 3 [Cusually sing.] aset of clothes that are worn together en.shrine J/m'yramy/ verb [VN] [usually passive]

一 sth (in

*BEGIN ACTIVITY 3 [VN] tobegin orbecomeinvolvedin an activity, a _Situation, etc.: to enter Q relatioitshipXcor-

Jflict/war ec Seyveral new 让 ms have now enttered the rmar Ket 2 The inyeshigation has entered a new Phase C The Strike is enttering its fourth weeK.

em-shroud /m'fraod/ ver5 [VN] (iteram) to cover OF Sir Iound sth completely so that it cannot be Seen or Understood em'sign /ensen/ moun T aflag flown on a ship to show Which country 让 belongs to: the White Ensign (= the flag of the British Navy) 2 an officer of low rank in the US navy: Erusign Marsha1t en-slave /m'slerv/ verb [VN] [usually passive] T to make


the race. C Fow narty students haye been enitered for 纺 e exam2e [V] Only 包ur Bri6sh players have entered for the cha7mmpiomnsphip. *WRITETNFORMATION 5 [VN] ~ sth (in/into/on sth) to put names, numbers, details, etc. in a list book or comPniter: Enmter YOUr namte ad occupation 识 the-boxes (= on a form). c to enter dataintoa computerc to enterigures om QsSpreadsheet

without it zwen:slavement/7ioun [U] em'Snare /m'snea0); NAmEIn'Sner/ vemb [VN] (formajhto make sb/sth unable to escape from a difficult situation or from a _person who wants to _control them TRAP: young hormneless_ people Who become esnared 详alife of crirmme emsue /Im'sju:; NmE -su/ vemrb [v] Uormaolj) to happen after OF as a restult of another event FOLLOW: AP arSgument enisUed. enmsu'ing ad: He had becorme separ ated 三om Phis parents 唐 he ensuing Pamic,


| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

4 ~ (for sth) | ~ sb (in/for sth) to

put your name on the list for an exarm, a race, a competition, etc.; to do this for sb: [VN] 7000 childrem entered the competition Jrish trainers haye enitered seyeral horses 训

Sb a SLAVE 了 一 sb/sth (to sth) (formoao/) to make sbysth completely depend on sth so that they cannot manage

(ofabathroom)joined onto abedroom and foruse onlyby people 也 that bedroom: Each bedroom 识 妇 e hotel hasa

2 [VN] [no passive] to be-

come a member of an institution; to start working in an Organization or aprofession: to entera schooLAcollege/ Liversity Ooto enter politics c to eijater Pariiamient (三 become an MP) c to enter the Church ( 兰 become a priesb

sth) (formajto make alaw', right etc. respected or official, especiallyby stating itin an important Written document: These righks are enshrined in the countrys comnstitutionm.

em Suite /5'swi:t; NAmE 下/ ao 由 ,adv (BE from French)

0 (also inssureespecially 记 NAmB) /za

ua; 25:GD); NAmE ITOr/ ve屿 to make surethat sthhappens oris definite: [VN] The pooK ensured his Success C [V (that)] Please ensure (thab a Ligjits are 5SWitched o太 [alsoVNN]

*SAYOFFICIALLY 6 [VN] (formajto saysthofficially so that it can be recorded': to eniter aplea ofmnotgSguiltby (= at the beginning of a court case) c to enter an offer 一See also ENTRANCE, ENTRY

[TU see FORCE1. ,NAME 帮

enter into sth (formaj) T to begin to discuss or deal with sth: Tets not enter into details at 雪 语 Stage. 2 to take an active part in sth: They entered into the SPDirit of the occasioni(= began to enjoy and feel partiof it). 3 [no passive] toform partofsth orhave an infltuence on sth: This possibility neyver enitered into OUr Calculationms. C Your persontal feelings shouldnt enter into this at alL

| kct|



| nanow

| ppen

| rred

enterinto sth (with sb)'tobegin sthorbecomei nvolved


雇 sth: to enter

into an agreement e to eniter into TeSo 友 ahons enteron/upon'isth (ormal)to start to do sth or become


involved'in it: toenter on amnew CQTeer /en'terrk/ zc (medical) connected



/enterartes/ noun

infection 记 -the INTESTINES


:With the


(medica1) a painful

that usually causes

fun * recreation .relaxation 。 play 。pleasure 。 amusement


RHOE一 See alSso GASTRO-ENTERITIS A em'ter:Prise /entepraiz; NAImE -terp-/ movn 了 [C〇 acomPany or business: an enterprise with a burmnover of 926 DiL-

These are all wordsforthings or activities used to entertain people when they are not Working.

Lion > state-oWwmedZpuDblic etterprises C small amnd 7mnediu7m-sized enterprises 辽 [Cl alarge Project, especially

entertainment films, television, mesic etc used to

entertain people: Jpere are ipree bars wit je emtertaimn/mentseven might g weekK fun (et 切 erPjorman behaviour or activitiesthatare not serious but come from a sense of enjoyment: /wasm 和 Se1iouUs-iEwWasaldone 六 有 0 We didnitmeantiohur him. 人 LEwasyJustabitor1un ce The lottemy proyvides harmless jn for millions. recreation (rdtherjommah things people do for enjoyment when they are not working;: His omy Jorm of /ecreationis plaxyingjootbao外 Telaxation (/0herjormalj things people doto restand enjoythemselyes whenthey arenot working;the ability to relax: 18o hfwalking /rrelaxatiom,

one that is difficult VENTURE: Pis Iatest busimness enterprisecajointertterprise 3 [U] the development of

businesses by the people of a country rather than bythe

8OVernment': SrQants to enncoUrage enterprise 训 妇 eregion

am enterprizse cUlture (= iD Which people are encoura ged to develop small businesses) 一see also FREE ENTERPRISE,



of new

及 [U] (approvinsg) the ability to






INITIATIVE: Qjop 训 Which emiterprise 丰 reWarded

emterprise zone 50i an area Where the government

encourages People to 让 Vest ip new businesses,for example byoffering lower taxes

em-terpris-ing /enteprarzm; NmE -terp-/.adj (approv/ng) having

or showingthe ability to think ofnew Projects ornew ways of doing things and make them successful


ingiends. 了 ~ (sb) (with sth) to interestand amuse sb iD

order to please them: [YN] Re entertained Us Jor hours With jiis Stories artd jokes: ce[V] The aim oOF the series 放 Doth to enitertain and 识irm 3 [VN] (nottused in the progressive tenses) (Jormaj) to consider or allow yourself to think about an idea, ahope, a feeling, etc.: Fe had emntertained hopes of a recomciliation. coto enitertiaima Goubt/ SLSpicionm 人 .二 站 em起二ier 0 /ente'temaGr); NAmE-tert-/ Qu1 a Person Whose job is amusing or 让teresting people, for example, by singipng, telling jokes or dancing emtertaim.inm 0 /entetemin; NAmE-tert-/ adl. interesting and amusing: ar entertaining SDeecjeyveting 2Tjound 态 etaKK po 态 识fprrmathye amnd etertaiming. O She JWas QIWways 50. 包 Pimny aid emtertaimning cy note at FUNNY

-tert-/ OU

/entetemmant;, NAmE

1 [LU 名 ms/movies,music,etc, tsed to_entertain People; an example of this: radio,televisiomn and other Jo77mzs ofentertaimnmento ThereWillDe Iive eritertairnmment atthe parb 2 开 Was typicalLformipy enitertainmment The etertai7ment Was Droyided pya jiK panrd ec TIocal enter taim7ment arelisted 识 轨 emeWspaper Te Show Wasgood ettertairirmmertyaIue 2 [U] the actof entertaining sb: Q DUdgetjor 态 e entertaimn7mentoFcliemts

emthral (BrE) (NE en-thralh) /mgro:l/ verb OLD) Fusually passive] 这 sth enthrals yoU, it is so interesting beautiattention give it al your ful, etc., that you ENTRANCE:

[VN] The child Watchpned enthraled py the

DTFight moyvimg ia8ges: [also V] 区 enithralling dj: am etpralling Performa7zce enthrone /m'oreon; N4mE Im'9roun/ yer [VN] [usually passive] when a king, queen or important member of a Church is enthroned, they sit on a THRONE (= a special chair) in a ceremony to mark the beginning of their rule

-enthrone:ment 0040 [U,G] em-thuse /mm'bju:z> NAmE :urzz/ ve 1 一 (about/over sth/sb) to talk in an enthusiastic and excited way about Sth: [V] 7Tjhe article enthused abpout the benefits that the 记0 TeW System WOUIG prin8g. 2 [V speech] 2ts a womnder ssee

-| trtea

| vvan

| wwet

| 志 zoo | Jshoe


Both these words can be usedfora wide ra nge of activities, physical and mental, but relaxation is sometimes used for gentler activities than recreation:/ Play thejutemawind pandjorrecreotion eyisten io ImUsCjorrelaxation. piay things that people, especially children dofor enjoyment ratherthan as work: tne happysounmds of chiadren atplay pleasure the activity of enjoying yourself, especially in contrast to working: Are you 六 Pams om pusiness or Pleasurey

翁 .二 卜 全 .二 六 二 站站 Dr /ente'tem; NAmE-ter't-/ ve 册 Tto invite peopleto eat or drinkwith youasyour guests, especiallyin yourhome: [V].Theyjob inyoyes alot of ente 广 taiming.C [VN] .Barbecues are a fovourite Way of entertaim-

P enter'tain'ing-Jy 0dy 已四-二 etaaiim-immeimt 0


amusement the fact of being entertained by sth: wjpat doyou dojoramusementround here?

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 下 to do sth for entertainment/funyrecreationy/relaxation/ pleasure/amusement :

下 to provide entertainment/fun/recreation/relaxationy amusement 四 pureentertainment/fun/recreationy/relaxationy/play/ pleasure/amusement 有 日 aform ofentertainment/recreationy/relaxationy


idea, jhe enthused. [also vthat] 2 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb (with sth) to make:sb feel very interested and excited: Zeryone .PresenttWas enthused py the iaea.

公有四六 有 加.Si asnmna 0

/Im'bjuzziaezem; NAmmE26ui-/

1OU1 1 [~(forsth/fordoing sth) astrong feeling of excitementand interest in sth and adesire to become involved

ip it:TcamtsaxTshare your enthzusiasm fortheidea. c She 7eyer 10st jer emthzusiasmm Jor teaching. co He had a real enathusias7m Jr 切 e WoK. CeThe mews Was greeted with a LIQcK of enithusiasm by those at the Tmeeting. 和 了 dorit 7mimnd She Said, WERSUE TUCR enthusiasmi e 太 开 of enthu-

5iasmm 之 [C] (大 10/) something that you are Very inter ested in arnid spend alotoftime doing

em-thu'si'ast /m'gjuzziaest; NmE -9u:-/ movn 过 (forof sth) 了 aperson who is very interested in sth and Spends alotoftime doing it:ajootball enthnusiastCam enthusiast ofjazx 卫 aperson who approves of sth and shows enthuSiasmfor it: emthusiasts Jor aunmited Furope

到 -thusi.ast.icC-0-m 四

/migjuzzisstzk; NAmE2guz-/


一 (aboutsb/sth) | ~ (about doing sth) feeling or Showing

alot ofexcitement and interest about Sb/sth: ar emntpzs六 asSticSuUDPoTterC amenthusiasticyWelcome ce Youadontsounmnd VeryY emnthusiastic apoutthe idea o ShewWas eyemnless enth凡 -

| 5xvision

全 tchain

| :d5 jam

| ethin

| 5this

| msing



siastic_ about going to Spain,P emriphesiasticapiy /li/ adv

emitiice /Im'tars/ vemb [usually +adwVprep] 一 sb (into doing sth) to persuade sb/sth to go somewhere or to do

PERSUADE: [VMN] sth, usually by offering them sth The bargain prices are expected to entice cUstomers QWCaY 方om other stores. 2 The animal rehused to De enticed 万om its hole.e [VNto inf] Try and entice the child to eat py offer ing small portions of their fovourite fjood. > etticement moun [CU]: The party is offering low taxation as its maim emticemen em-ticin有 /Jim'tarsm/ adj. something that is enticing is So attractive and interesting that you want to have 让 or know more abonut it: The offer was too enticing to refuse. > emficings:y: adv.

他 加-攻iFe 0

(used when you are emphasizing that the whole of sth is involved) including everything,evVeryone OF every Part

WwWHOLE: The entire village Was desfroyed. CT Wasted

am entire day om 让 CTPhaye never in Tny entire Li heard SUch momnsensel o@ THie disease 妇 reatens to Wipe OUt the emtire POPULatom.

已四- 放 re-yY 0Om /mtarliizNAmE In'taiIerli/ adv

in every way possible; completely: Tentirefy agree With Thats you e Pm motentirely happy about the Droposal ahLettirely differentmatter C The audience Was almost emtirelyj 帮 mmale. etir-ety /Jim'tarereti/ noun [sing.] (Jormaj) the ~ of sth in its/their em'tirety as a whole, the whole of sth

到 加-证tie 0


一See alS0 EN/entrens/ 10U1

TRANCE2 -DOoORJGATE T[G 一 (to/of sth) a doom gatei pasSage; etC. used for entering aroom, building or place: the enitrance to theimuseum/the muUseuma entrance 2 the 帮ont/ PacKkA side entrarmce of the house C ATighthouse marks 轨 eientrance to te harbour c arentrance halILIobby 2 TI

e. EXIT 八.(了 一COmPare Tneetyou atthe mairt entraTmc

-cotNEGIN 2 [Cusually sing] 一(of sb) the act ofentering a

room, building or Place, especially in a way that attracts the attention of other people: His sudden entrarce tooK eyeryone by SuUrprise. Amjfare sighnalled the entrance of the king Shermade herentrarice afterall the other8guests

had arriyved The hero makes hnis entrartce (Walks onto the stage) 六 Scene2. 3 [U] ~ (to sth) the right or OpPortunity to enter a building of Place: They Were Fejused emtrance to 雪 eexhibitioni. e (BrE) ant enitrance fee (= money

paid to go into a museum, etc.)CThe police Were Unaple to 8&airt ettrartce to the jhoUse.

vBECOMINGINVOLVED 4 [G ~ (into sth) the act ofbecom-

/m'tareC)/ ad [only before noun]

rather than in parts: The poe 郊攻 她 0 1ong 如 guote etirety.



/mm'tart/ ve几

ing involved in sth: The compary made Qa dramatic em厅 artce into 纵 e exportTmarKet.

to be.To ciue/INsrITUTION 5 [U] ~ (to sth) Permission etc:: CUmTcome a member of a clipb, society university Versiby entrance exam CO enttraTice TedUirerments 人 了 mtratce

to the golF club is py sponsorship only. 一COmpare ENTRY Jitramns; NAmE :trans/ yemb [VN] [usually passive] (formaj) to make sb feel great Pleasure and admirENation Sothatthey give sbysth all their attention See also ENTRANCE1 一 THRAL: He listened to Jier entranced.

PermiramcinE 0d1:entrarcing TUSIC

emiramce 可3 用 70O07 (especialy BrE) alarge room inside the entrance ofalarge or public building

em-iramt /entrant/ moun ~ (to sth) Ta person who has recently joined a Brofession, University, etc.:.eWw Women entrants to thepolicejorceSuniversity entranks 之 aperson or an animalthat enters a race or a competition; a Person that enters an eXarn

1 [often passive] 一sb to sth to give sb the right to have OF to do sth: [VN] Zou wil be entitled to your PetsioPn When yorreach 65. C Byeryones Entitled to their own opinion em-trap /mm'traep/ ve山 全 Er-) [vN] [often passive] (jormal) [vN to inf] This ticket does mot entitle yoU to 好 ayel 万7rst 1 toputorcatch sb/sthinaplaceorsituation 位om Which TRAP 2 一 sb (into doing sth) to class. 2 [vN-N] [usually passive] to give a title to a book they cannot escape Play etc,: He read apoem entitled Salt trick sb, and encourage them to do sth, especially to commit acrime, so that they can be arrested for 这 en-iitie-ment /m'tartliment/ noun (formah) Ti LU] ~ (to

sth) the official right to have or do sth: This may afjjfect em-trap-mmemt /mtraepmaent/ noun [U] (low) the 记Degal act oftricking sb into committing a crime so thatthey can

your emntitlement to cOTmPensatioTL. 2 [q something that you have an ofcial right to; the amount that yoU have therighttoreceive: Your contributions w 记 afjfectyour pem-

siomn entitlements. 3 [C] (NMAmB agovernment System that

provides financial supporttoaparticular groUP ofpeople: a reform of entitlements 2 Medicard, Medicare anmd other entitlermment ProSraTm1S em-tity Jentati/ moun (plSies) (formal) something that exists separately from other things and has its own identity: The-unit has become part of alarger department and mo loriger exists as Q separate erttity, C These coOUntries can mo Ionger be viewed as asingle entity. em-tomp /mtunmm/ ve 几 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sby/sth (in sth) (jrma1h TtoDury or completely cover sb/sth so that they cannot get out, be seem etc. 2 toput adead body in

be arrested for 让

emn-treat /mm'trit/ vemb (Jormal) tosask sb to do sth in a serious and often emotional way E BEG,IMPLORE: [VN] Please help me, Tentreatyou 2 [VNto inf] She entreated hima motto go. [also Vspeech, VN speech]

em-treaty /mtriti/ noun (pl_ies) [CU] (formal) aseiious and often emotional request em-trEe /ontreD NAmE'ccn-/ OU (from French) 了 [C (in a restaurant or at a formal meal) the main dish of the meal or a dish served before the main cotrse

字 [U,C] 一

(into/to sth) (Jormaj) the right or ability to enter a Social grIoUp or institution

em-trermichRh (alsoim-trenmch) /m'trentf/ verb [VN] [usually

passive] (sometimes dlisapproving)j to establish sth. Very firmly so that it is very difficult to change: Sexisrm is deeply entrenched in our society COentrenched attitudes/ /entemnplad5i; NAmE -maz-/ noun [U] the _ scientific study of .insects PeriomejJosical interests/oppositionm /entemae'lpd5Ikli NAmE -lad:d5-/ qd,、emitomaola'gist em-tre /mtrentfmaent/ noun 站 [LU] ~ (of sth) /entemnplad5rIst; NAmE -ma:l-/ own the factof sth being firmly established 2 [Gusually pl.] a System of TRENCHES (= long narrow holes dug in the em-tiou-rase /onturd:35; NAmE'adm-/ OU [C+sing:/pl. vV] ground bysoldiers to provide defence) a group ofpeople who travel with an important Person 和 /pntrepag; NAmE 'amtrepou/ noun (from emtr2acte /ontraekt; 'Dt; NAmE 'crmntraekt; an'traekt/ French) aport or other place where goods are broughtfor noun (from French) 1 (formal thetimebetweentheidifferimport and expoOrt INTERVAL 了2 a short ent parts of a Play Show etc: performance between the different parts of a Play, show, emtre-pre-metwr /ontreprema3i(CD); NAmE GD- OUn a Person who makes money by starting OF running busietc. nesses, especiallywhen this involvestaking fnancial risks 证s /entrellz/ noun [pl.] the organs inside the body em-tra > emtreprenmeuriag na:riel/ adj: enitrepreneurialskills of a person or an animal,especially their INTESTINES entrepremeurship moun [U] INNARDS, INSIDES

aTOMB em-to-mol-ogy

acat | dfather | eten | 3: bird | e about | rsit | isee| imany | pgot'(BrE) | ozsaw | Ascup | oput | utoo

emrtroipy /entrepi/ noun [u] 1 (techmicaj) awayofmeas-

uring'the lack of order that exists in a System 了 (physics) (symbs) ameasurement ofthe energythat is present in a System; or Process but is not available to do work 3 a complete lack of order: 球 the pusiness World entropy


全 Emopic

/en'tropIk; -treup-,NAmE

:troup-/ adj. eminopically /kli/ odv

emTtnust /mtrAst/ verb [VN]


一 A (to B) | ~ B with Ato

Imake sb responsible for doing sth or taking care of sb: Fe emtrusted the tasKk to his nephew e He enitrusted his mephew With the tasK.

们让rry De /entri/ noun (P/L-iEs) ~“cDOINcCIN 1 [CU] ~ (into sth) an actof going into or geEEtingintoaplace: Shemade herentyto 态 esourid OFtnumderous applause. 8 The children Were SUTPDrised by the Sudder enitry of their teacher CS How did the tnieves gaim

entry into the Duilding? 了 [U] ~ (toyinto sth) the right or

OPPortunityto enter a place: No Fntry (三 for example, on asign) C Phntby to the musedum is 太ee cotope STrartted/reJused entry into thecountiry


3 [U] 一 (into sth) therightor OpPortun-

ity to take part ip sth or become a member of a group: COUTtries SeeKking ettry into 雪 EEuropean UniorSthe ePmtry of wo7nemn into the workforce


4 [C something that you do write or


全 及ViirOIin 亿m 的让

eyeloped 训 ahuge White towelL ec Clouds eyeloped the

Tountain tops: 全 enmyvelopmment moun [U] 多 mVelope


/enveleop; 'Dn-; NAmE "envaloop;

"an-/ own Taflatpaper container used for sending letters in:wr 让 碎8Paper and enyelopes C ai airmait/padded7 Prepaid enyelope 一See also PAY ENVELOPE,SAE, SASE 2 aflat

container made ofPlastic for keeping papers in TEL see PUSHY

enmVialpie /enviebl/ adj. something that is enviable is thesort of thing that is good and that other people want

to have toc: Be 站 识 the enyiable position of having bwo job offers to choose 方om 四 UNENVIABLE 会-2Daably Abli/ acdv: an emnyiably 7mild clirmate

SmYIMOUWUS /envies/ odj. ~ (of sb/sth) wantingtobeinthe

Same Situation as Sb else; wanting sth that sb else has: EyeTyorie 1 SO eniyious of heFr They Were envious of his SUCCe5S5. O 有Te 5SQW the eiiyioUs IooK 六 态 eiotpher boys eyes. > EnmViousjly adv: They 1ooK emyiousty at the success of heir EUropean countterpart一 See also ENVY s.

Imake to take part 雇 a competition, for example answeringasetofquestions: There haye been some imDFessiye e1i tries 识 the Wildp photography section (= impressive photographs).C Theclosing date for entries 站 37 March oo The sender' of the 太 Frstcorrectentry drawmn willWwinraweej end jor bwo 识 Venice: 5 [U] the actiof taking part in a competition, Tace,etc.: Entry open to anryomne oyer the age of 18. can entryjorm 6G6 [sing.] the total number of People who are:taking part in acompetition, race, etc.: Theres a record entryjorthis years marathom。 “WRITTENINFORMATION 7 [q ~ (in sth) an item, for example apiece ofinformation, that is written or printed in adictionary, an account book, a diary, etc.: ar emncyclopediaentbry2Therezsmnoenty 训 jisdiaryjorthiatdaxy 8 [U] the act ofrecording information in a compnuter book etc.: More Keypoardinrg stafF are required for data entry


“DOOR/GATE 9 (alsoiemtry"way /entriwer/) (Doth NA 章

surrounalinSss everythingthatis around or near sbysth:

[G adoor gate or passage where entrance hall: Zou cam Jeave your emiry-jeyej adj [usually before basic and stitable for new Users to a more advanced prodtct: 2 (ofajob) atthelowestlevelin

yoti enterabiiilding; an Uprella 识 妇e enby noun] 1 (of a producb who may later move on am emntry-Ievel computer a company

Emitry-p 和ome /entrifeun; NAmE foun/ moun (Br6 a type of telephone on the wall next to the entrance to a building enabling a person inside the building to speak to aperson outside before opening the door 人 的 二Wi 所 /mm'twam/ ve 贱 [VN] [usually passive] 一 sth

(withyin/around sth) to twist or wind sth around sth else: THPey stirolled 态roug 夏the par 天 With arrms enbwined.

2 pe emiwimed (with sth) tobeverycloselyinvolved or connected With sth::er destiry Was emntyimed With ji.

E-mummlper7oun(Brbanumberbeginning withtheietter Ethat is -printed on packs and containers to show what

artificial favours and colours have been added to food and drink; an artificial favotur, colouP etc. added to food and drink: THPis SGUce 让 刀 11 of BE-PU7mbers. 亿 梧出-TD 下 二e /rmjuximererty NA7mE IDU/ vemb [VN] (Jo 广

1naj) :to name things on a list one by one

九ture- 生 :2EmUnmCiation /ImAnsierfmn/ noun [U]

已朋-U0- 忆 sis /enjuerisrs; MAmE ,enjoTiz/ nou7 [U] (medica)URINATION- (= letting waste liquid flow from the body) that is not under sb's control, especially in the case of a child whbo is asleep

emVejlop /mm'velap/yerb[VN] ~Sby/sth (in sth)(jrma)to Wrapisb/sth Up or cover them or it completely: She Was

|-ar my || auinow

| ersay

These are all words forthe type of place in which sby/sth exists or is situated. emviromementthe conditionsina place that affectthe behaviour and development of sb/sth: Am wpnhaoppy horme enviromimentcan affect children'sbehaviour oa pleasant woOrkimng emyirom1ment Settims a place orsituation ora particulartype, in which sth happens or exists: The /sland provided am idyIic setbingjor 坊e comce 太

Thehuts pend 六 peecty wiihtheirsurrounaings.

backEsrounad the things orarea that are/is behind or around the main objects or peoplethatareinaplaceor picture: The /mountainshimn the baocksround were capped W/ 妇 Snow jackdrop (Uormah the scenery surrounding an event; thethings or area behind the main objects in a place: Jpeeyentstook place againsttihe dramaticbackdrop oF 友eAtlasmountains.

sibuatiam (rotiherjormahthetype ofarea OF surroundingsthatatownorbuilding has: Theiowhis 太 gpeautju1situationinawidegreenyaley

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 页 in (a/an) environment/setting/surroundings/situation 吾 against a/the background/backdrop (of sth) 避 ,a (good, etc.) environment/setting/situation for sth 理 (a/an) new/unfamiliar environment/setting/ surroundings 时 sb/sth'simmediate environment/setting/surroundings 昌 (a) dramatic setting/surroundings/backgroundy/ backdrop

人 有 Vir-OIm-inaei 二 DG /mm'varrenmaent/ houn

yerb 1 to say or pronotnce

Words clearly: [VN] SPje emariciated each Word s1owly aria carefully. [also V V speech] 2 [VN] (jormal/) to express an jdea clearly and exactly: Fe eiciated his Visiom of the


setting。surroundings 。background .backdrop 。 situation

此 emumeI-

atioi /npjumarerfmn; NMAmEInU-/ moun [U,G]

已且和 四-i 二 二所 /pnAnsiert/


| ao go (Br

1 [cu] the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of sb/sth; the Physical conditions that sby sth exists in: Qa DPIeasant WoOrKirtg]AIearring ertyvirorimiemt C 4 Unhappy jhome emvyiromrment ca affect a childs Dehayiour 2 They jhaye created art enyiromment i Whichn Productiyiby Shoula jiouris 斤 the political enyiroriment tests carried outinacontrolled enyironment 2 Te enmyir-

omrment [sing.] the natural world in which people, aniIals and plants live: the Departrmenit of the Environmente 7measUTes to Protect the emyiromrment 和 PolIution of the eVyiromnmtent O daTia8e to the enyiromnrment 3 [C] (comput

| oo go (Nm 日 | of boy

|: re near

| ee hair

| we pure

512 | ep:aulette (especialy BJE (NAmEUsually ep'aulet) /e-


pelet/nouradecoration ofithe shoulder ofacoat, jacket, etc., especiallywhen part of a mmilitary uniform

Epee /sper 'eper noun T[C] aswoRD Used in the Sport

ingjthecomplete structure within which ausenc cOmPUteT or program Operates: a desKtop deyveloprment emnyViromrent

em.Vir.Om:nmmemm.tal om /mvarenimentl/ ao夏

[usually before noun] 1 connected with the natural conditions im which Deople; animals and planitts live; connected with the environment: the enyviromrmental impactofpolution c eniyironmmental issues/problerms c ar etVironmerttal SrOLULD/ Toyement(= that aims to improve Or protectthe natural environment) e enyirormental darmage 了 connected with the conditions that affectthebehaviour and development of sby/sth: enyiromriental inFluemnces C am emvirorimiental en'viromimerntaly /teli/ ady: an health ofricer enyiromnrmenitaly sensitive area (= one that is easily damaged or that contains rare animals, Plants, etc.,) CenyiromTmnentally darmasing





person who is concerned about the natural environment

and Wants to improve and protect 让 上 environmentalism moun [U]

en vironmentailly- friendly (also enivironment-

friendly) oadj (of products) not harming the environment: enyiromrmentally 广iendly packagimg

em'Vvir.Oons /m'varrenz/ moun [pl.] (formalj) the area Surrounding a place: Berlin and its enyirons 2 people liying 总

the imrmediate emntyirons ofaTtuclear Planmt em.vis.age /m'vrzrd5/ (especially BrE) (NAmE usually em-

vis:iom) yerb to imagine what will happen in the future: [VN] What IeveloFprofitdo you enyisage2? 2 [V-ing] Tadont envisage Working with him again O [VN -ing] TcarLtenyisage her coping With this job ec [VN that] t ienvisased that thetalks w 记 take place in the spring [also V that, Vwh-] 只 note atIMAGINE

em-Vis.ion /m'vrsn/ ve [VN] Tto imagine what a Situation will be like in the future, especially a situation yoU intend to work towards: They enyision am equal society 万ee of poverty and disease. 只 note at IMAGINE 也 (especially NAm 日= ENVISAGE: They didmt enyisiom anyY ProbLerns with the new buildingemvoi /envor/;noun (technical) aline or a group of lines wbich forms the conclusion to a Poem emvoOy'/,envor/ 00Um a person Who represents a goVvernment or an organization and is sent as a representative to talk to other governments and organizations EMISSARY emvy /',envij/ noun, ve疙

@]OUT [U] ~ (of sb) |~ (at/of sth) the feeling ofwanting to be in the same Situation as sb else; the feeling of wanting sth that sb else has: He couldnm4 conceal his enyy of 7mme. C She felt apang of enyy atthe thoughtofhis Success, 2 They 1ooKked with enyvy at her Latest Purchase. C Her colleagues Were greent with enyy (= theyhad very strong feelings cf


IE be the envy of sb/sth to be a person oO

thing that other people ofenvy: British televisiom ENVIABLE, ENVIOUS ByVerb (enyvies_envying had the same qualities,,

admire and that causes feelings is the enyy ofthe world. 一see also

enyvied envied)j-T to wish you Dossessions OpDPOTtunities,etc.

as sb else: [VN] He eriyied her 一She seemed to haye eyery-

thing She coOUId possibly want 2 She has always enyied my success. C_ [VNN] Tenvied him his good 1ooks. ec[VN -ing] 工 enyyyouphaving such aclosejJomin 2 not 一 sb(sth) tobe glad that you do not have to do what sb else has to do: [VN]_IEs adifficult situation youU7e 训 .Taont enyy yoOU [VNN] Taonternyy her thatjopD.

em-ZYime /enzarm/ noun (biology) a substance,Produced

of FENCING 了 [U] (NAmB) the sport of FENCING With an epee ephem-:era /rfemara/ ou1n [pl.] things that are import-

.antoriised for only a short period of time: a collection of Postcards, ticKkets and other ephermnera ephem:eral /rfemarel/ adi/. (Jormal) lasting or used for SHORT-LIVED only a short period of time

epic /eprik/ noun, qd/

@]1OU1 了 [CU] along Poem about the actions of great men and women or about anation's history; this style ofPoetTY: OPne of the great Hindu epics C the creatiye genius of 2 [C along flm/movie or Greek epic-compare LYRIC 了 book that contains alot of action, sually about a histor ical subject 3 [C] (sometimes hurmorous) a long and difficult job or activity that you think people should admire: TheirjfourhourTmnatch on Centre CouUrEWas QT epic. 上 0dj, [usually before noun] 1 .havingthe features of an epic: 一Compare LYRIC 也 taking Place Over a long amLepic poem period of time and involving alot of difficulties: am epic journey/struggle 3 very greatiand impressive: Q tragedy ofepic proportions

epi'cenme, /eprsim/ ad 1:(1ormalj having characteristics ofboth the male and female sex Or of neither sexin par-

ticular: epicene beauty 了 (8rammar (of a word) having one form torepresent male and female: 如 由car WTite SN

he as an epicene promnourn When yoOU are not Teferring to Inemn Or WOTmem in particular

epicemtre(BrE(NAmEepicemten /episenteCGr)/ OUn Tthepointon the earth's surface Where the'effects of an EARTHQOUAKE are felt imnost strongly 2 (formah the cen-

tral pointofsth


epiCcure /epikjoeC); NAmE-kjor/ noun (formalh) aperson Who enjoysfood and drinKkofhigh quality and knows alot abolit 让


/epIkjoerien; NAmE ,epikjor-/ adj (or

mal) devoted to pleasure\and enjoying yourself 氏 epicurean'ism /epikjueri:snIzem; NAmE ,epikjorien-/ mouim: [U]

epidemi'ic /eprdemaik/ novun 1Talarge number of cases of a particular disease happening at:the same'time D-a Particular commtunity: the outbreak ofajiu epidemicc am epidemic of mmeasles 了 a sudden Tapid increase in how often sth bad happens: an epidernicsof crime m:the inmer cities PP epidemic adi/: Car theft issmow reaching _epdermnic proportions. 一 compare PANDEMIC

epidemi'oilogsy /eprdizmnimlad5i; NAmE-a:l-/ noun [LU] the scientific study of the spread and control of diseases 上 epiderniological /,eprdimielpd5Ikl NAmE -aa:d3-/

adi, epidemiolo.gist /,eprdizmipladsIst;

NAmE -al-/


epidermis /eprdazmrs; NAmE -dazrm-/ noun: [singsU] (anatomy)jthe outerlayer of the skin

epi'dural /ieprdjuerel; NAmE usually -aur-/ noun (medical) an ANAESTHETIC that is putintothe lowerpartof the back so thatno pain is feltbelow:the waist: Some mothers choose to have amnepiduralLwWwhen giving birth.

epi'glot'tis /,eprglptrs; NAmE-glazxtrs/ noum' (anatomy) a thin piece ofTIsSsSUEbehind the tonguethat prevents food or drink fromsentering the lungs epi.gram /epIgraem/ noun:a short poem of phrase that expresses an idea in-a clever or amusing way epigram'matic /,epIgre'maetIk/ ad

epi:Sraph /eprgraf NAmE-graf/ noun aline ofwriting,

by all living things, which helps a chemical change hap-

Short phrase,'etcuon abitiilding or statue, Or as aniintro-

pen orhappen more quickly without being changed iitself

duction to Part ofabook

eoliam(NAm 日 三AEOLIAN

epil:ationmy/eprlerfn/ movn [U] (techmicahthe removal'of

eOm(NAmE) = AEON

'e-pal (also e-friend) non

a Person that yoOU inake

friends with by semding emails, often sb you have neVer

met brbad

| ddid

| 人 fall

| 9 get

| hhat


hair, including the roots epilepsy/'epllepsi/ novn [U] apISORDER ofthe nervous System that'catlses a Derson to becorme Unconscious Suddenly often With violent Oovements of the body: epi-

| k cat

| lleg

| mman


| DPpen

| rred

leptic /eprleptrtk/odi:an epilepticJfitepileptic nobn:ms

She arLepileptic? epi'logue /eplog; NAmEaoxzg; ad:g/ noup'a Speech,etc. attheend of a play booki or filmymovie that commments on oracts as aconclusion torwhat'has:happened--com-


EPiph:anmy /rptfeni/ moun acCtiistiaifestival held on



epoch-making di (orma) having a very important effect on people's lives and on history


/epenrmy/ noun (iechnica1h) aperson or thing, or

the name of a Derson or thing, from Which a Place an invention; a discovery, etc. gets its name

the 6 Jantary in memory of the time When ther MAGI caime to see the Daby Jests at Bethlehem epPIsCOP-acy /rpIskepasi/_ movn [U] government of a chturch by BISHOPS

epony' mous /rppnrmaes; MAmErpamn-/ adj. [only before noun] the eponymotus character of a book Dlay 多my

episcop:al /rprskepl/ adj 1 connected with a BlsHop OF BISHOPS: episcopal power 2 (UsuallyEpiscopal ) (aiso

SPOXY /rpDksi; NAmE rpazksi/ novn [u,C] (Ories) (also

Epis'co-pa'lian) (of a Christian Church)thatis govermned by BISHOPSs:=the EpiscopalChurch (三 :the Anglican Church in Scotland andithe US)

EPisco-pa:liam /rpDisK5TDeilisn/ noun a member of ihe

Episcopal Chnuirch episco'pate /rprskepat/ moun [usually sing.] (rejigiom) Tthe episcopate the BIsHoPs of a particular church

Imovie, etc: is the one mentioned in the title: Domn Quixote, epDomyTm7OUS hero of thegreatmnoyel py Ceryarttes

e,POXY resin )atype ofstrong glue

ep.silon /epslnpni; ep'sailpn; NAmE 'epsllazm/ nouwn the fifth letter sshe Greek alphabet (E, e) Epsom salts /epsem 'so:lts/ noun [pl] a white powder that can be mixed with water and used as a medicine or

LAXATIVE equ'ablie

/ekwabl/ adj (ormah Tcalm and not easily orarea 字 thejob ofBIsHoP or the period oftime during Upset or annoyed: an eqUable temperament 了 (of weaWhich sb is bishop ther) keeping a _steady temperature With _no sudden episiotomy /TIpisimptemi; NAmE-aztemi/ noun (P/-ies) changes equ'ably /ekwsbli/ adv (medicaoj a cutthat is sometimes made atthe opening ofa eqlual om / 宝kwal/ adj nouvny yermb womans VAGINA to make the birth of a baby easier or 有中 0dj. 1 一 (tosb/sth) the same ip size, quantity value, etc. safer as sth else: THhereis artequalI mumzperofboysamd girls im the episode /episeud; NAmE-soud/ novun T an evenb a situclass.o Oneun 丰 ofalcoholis egualto halfapintofbeer to Pieces of wood equal 碎 -:Iengthof iequal Jength ation, Or a period of time 记 sb's life, a novel, etc. that is You'can Use exactly ,precisely approximately, importanit or interesting in some way INCIDENT: Ta etc. With equal in this meaning. 了字 having the same Liketotyandjorget 矶 eWjhole episode. ce One of heFimmiest fights or being treated the same as other people, withonut episodes 太吉 e DooK occars 识 Chapter 6. 2 one partofa Story that js:broadcast on television or radio in several

Parts epi'sodi:ic /eprspdik; NAmE -sazd-/ adj (ormah T happening occasionally and not at regular intervals 2 (of a Story, etc.) containing Or consisting of many separate and different events: My 7memories of childhood are hazy amd episodic. epi-stemnm'ic /eprstizmrIk; -stem-/ adj (formaj) relating to knowledge


/rprstemnplad5i; NAmE -ma:]-/ noun

Lu] the part of philosophy that deals with knowledge

epis:tle /rprsl/ noun

工 Epistle any ofthe Jetters in the

New Testament of the.Bible, written by the first people Who followed Christ: te ZEpistes of St Paul 2 (Jormal or ju/morous) along, serious letter on an important subject

differences such as race, religion or sex being considered: equalrigshts/Ppay > The cormparny jhas arleduaLopportu7iies policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyonej: ethedesireforamnoreeqdualsociebyy (三 积which eveIyone has the same Tights and chances) Dan You can Use more with equal in this meaning. 3 一 to sth(jovma1 having the necessary strength, courage and abilityto deal With sth successfully: 工hope that he proyes equal to the

人 also EQUALLY [ID on ,equal terms (with sb) having the same advantages and disadvantages

as Sb else: Ca our 识GUsSsty co7PRpete Oo equal terrms with 这 OVerseas Tival? 一more at THING 1OUP a PerIson or thing of the same quality or with the Same status, Tights, etc. as another: She treats the people Who Work for heras hereguals: 2 Our cars Gare the equal of

态 0se


aG7iyWwjhere 识 功e World IE be without

epistolary /rprstelari; NA7E :Jeri/ adj. (iormaj written


OF exXpressed ip the form of letters: a7i epztolary moyel epi'taph /eprtaf NAmF -teeffinoun 人 words that are

more eqdualthan'others (Saying) although the members

Wiitten Or said.about a dead person, especially words on

a GRAVESTONE 也 ~ (to sb/sth)something which is left to remind people ofaparticular person;, a period:of time or an event: These SIu7ms are am epitaph to the housing Policy of the 19605. epi'thnet /eprbet/ novn 了 an adjective or phrase that is Used to describe sbysth's character or most important quality, especially in orderto give praise or criticism: The 记 1mE Iong and dramatic putdoes notqguite earm thne epitpnet

epic, 了 (especially NAm 日an offensive word or phrase thatis used about aperson or group of People: Racial epithets Were SCraWied om 雪e WaI1LS. ep 汪'Ome /ipiteami/ noun [sing] the~of sth a Perfect example of sth EMBODIMENT: He z the epitormme ofa 1moderm yoU11g 7man. 2 clothes 轨 at are the epitome of good taste

epit.Omi:ize (BrEalso=ise)/fprtemaiz/ verb[vNjtobea Perfect example of sth: THPe 广gptimng qualities of the tea7mm ae'epitormized by'the captairi CTHiese moyies seeTm to epit-

OTmiZeithe J9505,

epocln / 王DDK; NAmE'eDek/ noun (frmal or /ierom) 下 a Period of time in history :especially one during which important events Or changes happe ERA: THPe death of 太e emperor marKked the endiofam epoch in the countys jiistory: 字 (8eology)jalength oftime which is a division of a PERIOD: 8eological epoc1s 江 名


| titeas|


| wwet


| 了 shoe

|have no eqiual-(jormaol) to be better than any-

thing else or anyone'else:of the same type: He is aplayer Withnout equal_ ,some (people members, 全 are of a society groub, etc.. appear to be equal, some, in fact,

get better treatment than .others [wire This phrase is Used by one of the pigs in the book Animal Farm7 by George Orwell: All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. 一more at FIRST 放 .

ye 让 人IE ,, US)

Pingyvemb [VN]tobethe samein size,


as ,Sth else: -2x Plus y eqtuals 7

(2x+y=7) 2A7metre equals 39.38 incjies 2 [VN] tobe as good as sth elseor do sth tothe same standard as sb else: Thzs achnieyementis ULikely eyer to be equalled. c Herhnat red: op 7relisiom zs equallea only py her loathirg fjor politiciaT5. C WitP ias 1ast jurmnp jhe equallea 太e world record. 3 [VN] to lead te rresult in sth; Cooperatiomn equals sucCe55;

equal: 放Y /ikwnplati; NAmEikwa:-/ noun [U] the factof being equal in rights, status, advantages, etc.: racialL/sSocialAsSexual eqguality equalib' of Opportunity c the principle of equality before the Iaw (= the law treats everyone the same)S Do7mityou pelieye 识 equality petween mert and Womel? [aa INEQUALITY equal:ize (BE also-ise) /字 kwalarz/ ve 了 岂 _[VN] to make things equal in size, quantity value, etc. in the whole ofa Dlace or group: apolicy to equalize the distr 边ution of re-

SOUTCces throuShout the country 字 [V] (Br6 (especially in football(soccER))-to score agoal thatmakes the score of both teams equal:OWwemeqgualized early 训 the secortd ha 太

| 5vision

| tchain


| 9thin

| athis

| 0 sing

已本 ajizer


ber) when the suniis above the EQUATOR and day and

night are of equal length: he sprinS/autumarL eguUiroX ,equalizaiion ,-isation noum [U]

/iikwelarzerfn; NAmE :9'z-/

已加 山 aliizer (BrE also-iser) /iskwaelarzer/ .nouUn [usually sing:] (BrE) (especially ip football (soccER)) a .goal that makes the score of both teams equal:; Owen Scored the eqUalizer

已风骨 司有 jy 0

/kwelil adv

Ttothe same degree; in the same'or in a similar way: Diet and exercise are equally imzportant Thisjobcould be done equally well py a coTmmputer-C_ We tyito treateyery 7mempber of stafr equally. 了 2 in equal parts, amolnts etc.: The momney was divided equally amorig herjfourchildren. They share 坊e housework equally, 3 used to introduce

another phrase or idea that adds to and is as important as What yoUu have just said: Trm trying to do wpat z pesb PuEequally Fyve gotto co1tsider 殷 e co5


sign (also'equal sign) noun the_ symbol (三),

used in mathematics

所 加 而 -miim 二 计yY /,ekwaemrimati/ nown [0] (Jormaj) a calm state ofmind which means that yot do notbecome angry or Upset, especially in difficult situations: She accepted the Drospect of her operation With eguartirmmity. egUate /iKkwert/ verb [VN] ~ sth (with sth) to think that sth is the same as sth else or is as important: So7me parents eduate educatioPn With exaTm SUCCess.CTdomtsee how yoOU ca equate the two things. ciquaterto sth to be equalto sth else: Ag%5000 raise equates to 259%6.

已加下 引-各0 站 /kwersn/ moUn 了 工C] (mothermatics) a stateIment showing that two amounts or values are equal for example 2x 二y = 54 2 [U,sing:] the act of making sth equal or considering sth as equal (= of equating them): The equation of wealthn with happiness cam pe da7igeroUus.

3 [cusuallysing.] a Problem or Situation in which several things must be considered and dealt with: When childrenm eriter the equatiom 刀 Fther temnsions may arise Within Q 7Tmarriage.



(usually the



[sing.] an imaginaryline aroundthe earth at an equal distance from the North and South Poles

egUa-tor-ial /,ekwa'to:rial/ adj.near the equator or typical of a country that is near the equator: equatorial raimnJorests can equatorial clirmate EQUETEY /ITIkweri; 'ekwWeri/ noun (pl-ies) a male oficer Who acts as an assistanttoamember ofaroyal family ecGUes-triam /7rkwestrisn/ adj [usually before noum] connected with riding horses,especially as ,a Sport: eqUestrianm eyents at the Olympic Games




[U] Tthe

Skill or Sport of riding horses 2 an Olympic Sport coOnsist-

ing of SHOWJUMPING, DRESSAGE .and THREE-DAY EVENTING 尼可Ui- /KWI; 'ek-/ combining 如 rmm (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs) equal: equally: eqUuiaistamt C eqUuiLibriu7m

全 加 姑让加js 二 本 让 品 /jikwIdrstent; ,ek-/.gdj/ [not before noun] 一 (from sth) (formal)equally far ffom two or more Places: AlLPpoints on acircle are equidistant 刘 om the centre.

公 吕 权 lateral 记 tri-amgle /iikwrlaeterel'traraseggl/ mouwn (geometry) a triangle whose three sides are all the same length 一picture 只 TRIANGLE

Gui iiib-riummn

/ikwrlrbriom; ,ek-/ movr [Using] Ta

state of balance,especially between Opposing forces or influences: The point at Which the solid amd .the Liquid are im equilibpriurm 1 called the 广eezing Point Any disturbaice to the body's state ofeqUilibFiu7m ca Produce Stress. JWejhaye achieved am equilibriurm 识 the economy. 了 acalm state of mind and abalance of emotions: Fe sat dowmn to try ad recoyver his equilibpriur7m,

egquime /ekwami;

衬k-; NAmEk-/ adi. (formal)connected

With horses; like ahorse

已加册 i 剖 OIC过 本】 /iikwWwrImnpkJ; ,ek-; NAmE -ma:K-/ .adj connected with an equinox 加 imOX /这kwImnpks;'ek=; NAmE-na:ks/noun one'ofthe two times im the year (around-20.March and 22: Septem-、

人加uip-/zkwIp/ vemb(pp-) 一 yoOurself/sb/sth (with sth) (for sth) 1 [VN] to provide yourself/sbysth with the:things that _are needed'for a' particular purpose 'Or' activity KIT OUT: to be flly/poorly equipped c.She Sotia panmnk loan to Trent amd -equip .a_ small Workshop co He equipped 7irmself With astreet Plan The cenitre 让 Well =eqguippedjor canoeing and mountaineering: 了 to prIepare sb for an_ activity or task,especially by teaching:them What they need to know: [VN] The course 1 designed to equip students foracareer 识 Pursing. [also VNto in 和

全 加 iD 则

而让 0

/zkwImpmaent/ oun [U]

Tthethingsthat are needed for a particular PuUrpose Or

activity: a Useful piece of equipment 加 广 e 加 Kitchen:c o太 Fce equipment e new equipmentjJor theisports club 2 the process of providing a_place or person With necessary) things: The equiprment of the Photographiic studio Was expensiyve.

VSYNONYMs equipment material 。 gear 。kit .apparatus These are all words forthethings that you need for aparticular purpose or activity. eqGiprment thethingsthatare needed fora particular purpose oriactivity: camPjing eqgwPment 20 Piece oF eqgUWUipPment saaieyial things thatiare needed fora:particular activity: household cleaming maiterials etieaching materigl EQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL7

Equipmentis usually solid things, 3 large onesMaterials mayibeliquids, powders or books, CDs, etc. containing information, as well as small solid items. Sear the equipment or clothes needed for a particular activity: Sking gear comJe expensive. ait a set of tools or equipmentthat you use fora particular Purpose: g Jirstaid tc atoojAkit alpparatus the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed fora particular activity ortask: breathing gpparatusjorjirefghterse/oboratomy apparatus

EQUIPMENT OR APPARATUS? Apparatus is used especially for scientific, medical or technical purposes, M

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS, sports/skiing/campingequUipment/gearkit household equipment/materials electrical/electronic equipment/gear/apparatus -medical/breathing equipment/apparatus a piece of equipment/apparatus Gui-POise balance

/KWwiporz; 'ek-/ noum [U] (Jorman a state of

它 辐 古这-abple /ekwitebl/ odj. (1jormaj) fair and reasonable; treating, everyone in an equal way INEQUITABLE eaquitably /bli/ oadv.



/ekwrterfm/ noun [U] (Jormoh the skills

and activities connected with riding, driving,, or keeping horses Eqju证Y /'ekwati/ nouwn [U] the TRADE/LABOR UNION for actors ipn the UK, the US and Some other countries CQUiLy /ekwaeti/ nounT [U] (finance)jthevalueofacompanys sharesji'the value of a Property'after all charges and debts have been paid 一see also NEGATIVE


Zequities [pl] (jnonce)j:shares in a company which do not pay a fixed amount:of interest 3 [U] (formalj)aisituation in which' everyone is:treated equally FAIRNESS INEQUITY- 4 [U] (low) (especiallyBrE)iaisystem ofnaturaljustice allowing afairjudgement in a situation Which is not covered by the existing laws

acat | d father | eten | 3: bird | eaabouti | rsit | 了 see | imany | D got:(BrE) | ossaw| Acup | uput | ustoo

全人 uiva-lemE Oakwrvalant/ adijnon

Idlj. 一 (tosth)equalin value; amount, Imeaning, importancei etc.: Eight Kilormetres i TouShly eduivalent to Jive miles. ^ 250'8ramzs or am equivalent amount ii ourices

Fequivalence /ens/ noun :[U] (ormah: There is no Siraightforward equivalence Detween economic progress and social WelL-being:


一 (of/to sth) a thing, amount,word,etc. that is

equivalent to sth else: Senid 毛20 or the equivalent 训 YOU OWP cuUrrency 2 Creutzjeldt-Jakob disease,the Furmami equUiyalent of BSE The Ger7mmar 名ymmasiu7m2 站 t太e closest equiyalent to the 8ramrmar School 识 Etgland c Breathiing SuUCch polluted air 六 theeguiyalentoF( 三hasthesame effect

as) smoKking tem cigarettes'a day.

egqluivo-cal/rkwIvaklodi (formma1hT (ofwords orstatements) not having one clear or definite meaning or intention; able to be understood 雇 more than one Way AMBIGUOUS: She gave ari eduiyocal answer typical of apolitician. 2 (ofactions orbehaviour) difficultto unde stand or explain clearly or easily: The experiments pro一see also UNEQUIVOCAL dauced equiyocal results.

equivo-cate /rKwrvekert/ vemb [vspeechyVv] (formalto talk about sth ip a way that is deliberately not clear orderto avoid orhide the truth

eqluivo-ca-tionm /KWwIvekeifn/ moum [CU] (fommah a way of behaving:or speaking thatiis noticlear or definite and is intendedto avoid orhide thetruth

医改 iaz(D/ abbr EMERGENCY ROOM ef /3:G)/ (also erm) exclamatiom (BrE) the sotund that People make when they are deciding what to say next: Wi 记1you do 让27 字 7 yes TSUDPOSe .50

-ef SUjjxTi(in nouns) aperson or thing that: 1over CcomPuter 一compare -EE, -OR 2 (in nouns) a person or thing that has the thing or quality mentioned: 轨 ree-wjheeler Joreigner 3 (in nouns) a person concerned with: astromomer 和 philosopher 4 (ip nouns) a person belonging to: New Zrker 5 (makes comparative adjectives and adVerbs): Wider copigger e happier e sooner 一compare -EST ea /rere; NAmE 'Tai 'ere/ ov 1 aperiod of time, usually 记 history, that is different from other periods becatuse of -particular characteristics,or _events: ”the VictoriamnmnoderTyDostWwar era C When she Le玉 切e 万7 让 Was the end of an era (= things were different after

that. 2 (geolosgy) a length of time which is a division of an AEON efadicate /rraedikert/ vemb [VN] ~ sth (from sth) to destroy OF get Tid of sth: compPpletely,especially sth bad WIPE OUT: Polio has beemn Virtually eradicated im BraZL2Wearedeterrminedto eradicate racism 方om our spor > eradiicatiionm /rraedrkerfmn/ novn [U] erase /TIreIzZ; NmEITrers/ vemb [VN] 1 一 sth (from sth)to Temove sth completely: She tried to erase the mmermory of 态 at eyening. 2 AI doubts Were Suddenly erased 刘om Pis Tirnd. CO YOU camnot erase ijustice 万omm the world. 2 to Imake a mark or sth you have written disappear for exXample by rubbing it, especially ip order to correct it: 万e jad erased 妨e Wrong Word 2 411 the Phone muUmbers jnad peerLerased. 3 toremove arecording fromatape orinfor mation from a computers memory: Part of the recording 有 aye peer erased eaSef /ITreIza(r); NAmEIreIser/ own (NAmEorjormal/) =

RUBBER egYaS-UEe /TIrreI5eG)/ own [U] (Jormaj) the act of removingor destroying sth: 妨e accidemtal erasure oF iportamt comDuter disjks (= the removal ofinformation 们om them)


/3:biam; NMmmE '3rb-/ movun [U] (symb Er) a

chemical element. Erbium is a soft silverwhite metal. efe /eaGr); NMAmEer/ com1., Prep (old Use or Jiierary) before: Bre Iong (= Soon) 女ey retu7med. erect /ITrekt/ adj, ve 几 功 0d1/ 1 (1jormal) in a vertical Position STRAIGHT: StaTid With your ar7Tms By Your Side atd YOUT head erect 2 (of the PENIS Or NIPPLES) larger than Usual,stiff and standing Up becatse of sexual excitement 可 VE 访 [VN] (jp7m5j) 1 to build sth: The church Was erected 识 1582. 只 note at BUILD 2 to put sth 识 position and


| army

| aognow

| ersay

| sogo(BrE)


全用 及

Imakeit stand vertical PUT STH UP: Police had to erect Darriers to Keep crowds back. c to erect a tent 字 note at BUILD 3 toicreate or establish sth: lo erecttrade parriers

efect: 训e /Trektall; NAmE also ITrektl/ adj (biology) (of a Part of the body) able to become stiff and stand tip: erectile tissue erec:tionm /rrekjn/ movun T [C ifa man has an erection, his PENIS is hard and stands UP because he is sexually eXcited: to getXhayve an erection 2 [U] (Jormalj) the act of building sth or Putting it in a Vertical position: the erectiom ofscaffolaing around the building 3 [G (Jormaj) a structure or biilding, especially a large one erE /3:9; NAREaTg/ OU aunit ofwork or energy ETE 瑟-tive /3:gatrV; NAImE '3Tg-/ 0dii(gramman (of verbs) abletobeusedinboth aTRANSITIVE and an INTRANSITIVE WayWwWith the same meaning, Where the objectofthe transitive Verb is the Same as the subject of the intransitive Verb: The verb grow? is ergaftiye becaUuse yoU ca Say She 8&rew Jowers 训 her gardem” or TIowers grew 识 her 5ar dem .一 Compare CAUSATIVE,INCHOATIVE 区 ergativeiy adv

efSQ /3:g9a0; NAmE '3TgoU/ ady (from_ Latin, 帮rmal or huimorous) therefore 人 FEO-moimi'ic /3:gemnopmiIk; NAmE ,argemamrmn-/ adj deSigned to improve People's working conditions and to help them work more _efficiently: ergomormmic desigm > ersomomically cdy: The Iayout zs jhard to jult ergo7mOTical1y. erSOmom-ics





[U] the study ofworking conditions, especiallythe design of equipment and furniture, in order to help people work Iore efficiently



adj (technicaol) relating to

Plants ofthe HEATHER family

efima /3:m/ exclamaton (BrE) = ER: Shall We 8&027 和 rm yes, LIet3,”

ermaine /32maa; NMmE.azmrmn/ noun [U] the white winter fur of the sTOAT, used especially to decorate the forImal clothes of judges, kings, etc. erode /rraod; NAmE ITroud/ vemrb [often passive] ~ (sth) (away) 1 to gradually destroy the surface of sth through the action of wind, rain, etc.; to be gradually destroyed in this way WEAR AWAY: [VN] The cl foce has been Steadily eroded by the sea. C [V] The rocKks Phave eroded QaWay oyer tine. 2 to gradually destroy sth or make 让 Weaker over a Period of time; to be destroyed or made Weaker in this way: [VN] Her comfidence has been slowly

eroded by repeated jailures. C Mortgage payments haye peen eroded (= decreased in value) py inflation. [also V] > erosion /Irao3n; NAmmE IroU3n/ ouUm [U]: 切 e erosiom of the coastiine by the sea2 soilerosion C theerosion of her coPfidenmce 下 大@Sem-Ous






Zoun/ jioun an area ofthebody that gives sexual pleastre When it is touched Eros /Terps; NAImE 'Tacs; 'era:s/ oun [U] (Jormalj) sexual love or desire eraot-ic /ITrptrk; NMAmE rratrk/ aodj. showing or involving Sexual desire and pleasure; intended to make sb feel sexual desire: erotic art 2 an erotic fontasy erotically /kli/ oadv erot-ic寺 /ITrptIke; NAmEIraxt-/ ouUn [U] books, pictures, etc. that are intended to make sb feel sexual desire eroti-Cisinma /ITrotIsIzem; NmEITrazt-/ nouwn [U] the fact of expressing or describing sexual feelings and desire, especially in art, literature, etc. er /3:(0D); NAmEer/ vemrb [V] (old-1oshioned,jrmal)to make amistake: Tb err is hu7miarn ...

erronthe side of sth

to showtoo much ofa good quality: 了Tt ouvght 纺 让 was better

| ougo(NMmB

| 5fboy

| renear

| eehair

| ue pure



to err or the side of caution (= to be too careful rather than take arisk). errand /erend/ noun'a job that you doxfor sb that inVolves going somewhere to take a message, to buy sth,

deliver goods, etc.: He often rurts errantds Jor his SramdTnother 2 Der boss Sent her on ar erraTtd into tow7. 一See also FOOL'S ERRAND

er.ramnt/erent/ adj. [only before noun] (Jormal or hurmmo 广 0U5s) 1 doing sththatis wrong; notbehaving in an accept-

able way 2 (ofa husband or wife) not sexually faithful erF.rat.icC/IraetIk/ adj., noU1 madlj. (often disapproving) not happening at regular times, notfollowing anyplan orregular pattern; thatyou cannot rely on UNPREDICTABLE: TPe electricity SUPPLY Pere i quite erTatic..C She had earnt to Live With his sudaen chamnges of mood and erratic behayiour cc Mary ia ged buterratic player (= she does not always play well),P erratically/li/ ady: He Was 0byiously UPpset and Was driy-


BIOUM (alsO er ratic 'block erratic 'boulden (Seo/osgy) alarge rock that is different from the rock around and Was leftbehind when alarge mass of ice melted

er-ratum /erad:tem/ noun [usually pl.] (P/,errata /te/) (technicah a mistake in abook (shown in alist at the back or front)

erro-ne-OUs /ITrreunies; NAmE TIroU-/ adj (Jormaj not correct; based on wiong information: erromneous coOTicIuSioTnnsVassumDtons [3 erroneoOuslyady


OA /ereCD/ 0oun [CU]

~in sth/in doing sth a mistake, especiallyone that catuses Problems or affects the result of sth: No _payments Were miade Iast WeeK because of a computer error C There are too nany errors 记 yOUr WorKk. CTthinKk you haye7Tnade am error 如 calculating the total CeA Simple error of Judgemaent7mmeant that there was not enough food to go arourtd,

Cag8raye error (= a VeIy setious mistake) c a 8laring error (= a mistake that is very obvious) C The delay was due to Jiurmar error (= a mistake made by a Person Iather than by a machine). C_ The computer System Was SWitched o矿 训 error (= by mistake). There 1 no roomm Jor error'in this job. 一See also MARGIN OF ERROR cnote at MISTAKE II see, realize, etc. -the ,error of your "Ways (Jormal or humorous) to realize or admit that you have done sth wrong and decide to change your behavjiour 一more at TRIAL 让.

'error COrrection "ou

[U] (computing) a Process by

Which a computer automatically corrects mistakes in data 'error message /1041 (computing) a message that appears on a comPpiuter Screen Which tells you that you have .done sth wrong or that the program cannot do what yotu wantitto do .SatZ/eszaets; NAmE'ersdrts/ adj artificial and not as good as the real thing or product: ersatz coffee Ersey/s:s; NAmE 3TS/ Own [U] (old-jshroned) the Scottish or Irish Gaelic language 一compare GAELIC, IRISH erst.while/' as:stwazl; NAmE'a:rst/ adj [onlybefore noun] (如 rmalj)former; thatuntil recentlywas the typeofperson Or thing described but is not any more: am erstwhile OPpPpoTientC His erstwhile 太iends turmned against Pirm,

eru.dite /erudart/ adi/. (formal) having or showing great knowledge _ that





LEARNED erudi-tion/ieru'drfmn/ noun [U] (forma/)igreat academic knowledge erupt/IrApt/ ye 几1_ whenaVvoOLCANO erupts or IOcKkSs,Smoke,etc. erupt or are erupted, the Tocks, etc. are thrown out from the volcano: [V] ca1lLO coU1G eruptat any tirme. AS pegan to erupt

burning burning The voL广om the

crater e [VN] Am imrmense voLume ofrocKs aid mmolten 1ava

Waserupted. cnote atEXPLODE 了2 [V] 一 (intosth)tostart happening,suddenly and violently ”ERHI BREAK OUT: Violence erupted ouUtside the embassy gates. S The UPmrest

erupted into reyolution. 3 ~ (in/into sth) to suddenly exbbad

| ddid

| ffal-|


| hhat

| jyes

press your feelings very :strongly,especially by shouting loudly: [V] My fotperyjust erupted into 沪 7ry When Davis scored Jorthe third timethe crowd erupted. [also Vspeech] 4 [v]:(of spots etc.) to suddenly appear on your skin: A Fash had erupted all over jis chest erupfion/rrApJn/ noum [CU]: armnajior yolcariic eruptiome an eruptiom ofvioIent protest@ skin rashes aTld eruptions erup:tive/rrAptrv/ adj. Telating to or Produced by the _ERUPTION of a VOLCANO eruv/'erov/ noun (Peruvimy/eruvmm/) an area iD aicity jinside which Jews may do certain things.on the Sabbathb thatthey are notnormally allowed to do -eryw -rysSU1jx (in nouns) Tthe group or class of: greenery/ C gadgetry 了 the state or character of: brayery C rivaIy 3 the art of Practice of cooKkery 2 archery 4 a place Where sth i made, grows, lives, etc.: paKkery 2 oramge7y eryth-ro-cyte /TIrrbresart/ 0oUm (biology) 三 RED BLOOD CELEL es:Cal.ate/eskaleit/ ve 力 一(sth) (into sth) to become or make sth greater Worse, more Serious; etc.: [V] The 太 HE ingescalated intoa:j1L-scale war cetheescalating costs of Phealth care C [VN] We do not Want to escalate the war > es.calation /,eskalerfn/ noun [GU]: an escalatiori 训 Jood prices e 包 rther escalation oftpe comHlict es.Cal:ator/eskeleiteC)/ moun moving stairs that cafrry

People between different floors ofa large building es'Cal.Ope /eskalobp; e'skaelap; NAmE rska:lap; Tskae-/

moun athin slice ofmeat with no bones in it, often covered With BREADCRUMBS and fried: escalopes of veal es-Cap:ade /,eskepeId; ,eskepeId/ mon an exciting adventure (often one that -people think:is dangerous or Stupid): Isapels IatestroTmamtic escapade 所 SC 本 色 阳 0 /skeIp/ Verb, 17001 eye/凡 了 [v] ~ (from sb/sth) to get away from a place Where yotu have been kept as a Prisoner of not allowed to leave: Two prisoners haye escaped. C He escaped 方om Prison this 7morning. 也 一 (from sth) to get away from an Unpleasant'or dangerous Situation: [V] She mmariased to ” escape 太ofmm 态 e burning caFr C (Jigurative) As a child je Would:oftent escape into a 也eamyworld of his own C [VN]

They Were glad to hayve escaped the clutches of winterjor aiother year 3 [no passive] to avoid sth Unpleasant Or dangerous: [VN] She was Iucky to escape Punishrment 和 The pilotescaped death by seconds. C There WasTioescapimg thejoctthatjheWwas ovyerweight 2 [V=ing] He marrowly escaped being killed. 4 一 (with sth) tosuffer no harm or less harm thanyotuwould expect: [V] Twas Iucjgy to escape

With 7minor injiuries e [V-ADI] Both 仙 iyers escaped UL jurt 5 [VN] [no passive] to be forgotten or not noticed: er name escapes 7me (= 工cant remember it e 区 mmigpht Paye escaped your motice,but 7T7m yery busy at the 7moTent 6 [V] (of gases, liquids, etc,) to get out of a container, especially through ahole or crack: Put alid on to Dreyent heat escaping. C toxic Waste escaping into the sea

7 (of a sound) to come out from your mouth without you intending it to: [VN] A groam escaped her lips: [alsoV] 是0OLn 了 [CU 一 人(fromssth)theactoramethod ofescaping from aplace or an Unpleasant Or dangerotus situation: am escape 万omm a prisoner of war camp CTPhad a Tiarrow escape (=Iwaslickytohave escaped). CTPhere was mo hope of escape 万oma her disastrous marriage. C He tooKk aruelaborate' escape route 廊oml South Africa to Britain. CAssoom as he turned his bacKk, she would maKke jher escape. 一see alsoO FIRE ESCAPE 了 [Sing.,U] a way of forgetting sth Unpleasant or difficujlt for a short time: For her trayel Was at escape 万oma the boredom of her eyeryday 1 旋. 3 [Cq the fact of aliquid, gas, etc, coming out of a pipe Or container by accident; the amount that comes oUt: am escape of gas 4 [U] (also-e'scape key[Q) (computin8g) a button on a comPpnuter keyboard that you Press to stop a particular Operation or leave a Program: Press escape to get pack to

the menu、

II make ,good your e'scape (1jormal to

manage to escape completely 一more atBARN es Cape clause/oun

apart of aicontract Which states

the conditions Under which the contract maybe broken

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen


es'Capedy/rskermpt/ ad [only before noun] having escaped


esprit de corps

位om a Place: am escaped prisomnerTion

es'Capee/Iskerpi/ noun (Jormalj) a person or an animal

that has escaped from Somewhere, especially sb who has escaped from,prison

es'cap-ism /Tskerprzem/ moun [U] an activity a form of entertainment,etc- that helps you avoid or forget Unpleasant or boring things: the pure escapism of adyertture 7moyites 2 For Johm, pooks are a Jorm of escapism.

es-Cap.ist/:pIst/ qd/ esCap:Olo-gist /,eske'pnledsrst; NAmE -pa:-/ moun a Performer who escapes from ropes, chains, boxes, etc. es'Carp-ment /rskaupmaent; NAmE Tska:rp-/ moun a Steep slope that separates an area of high ground from an area oflower ground

eschatOlogy/eske'toled5i; NAmE :tail-/ nouPm [U] (re 太 Siom) the part of THEOLOGY concerned with death and judgement > eschatological /eskaetalpd5ikl: NAmE -1a:d5-/ ad

esChewy/istfu/ ve六 [VN] (ormao/)to deliberately avoid Or keep away from sth eS'COHE1OUDi Ve 几 四0OU1 /esko:t; NAmE'eskoxrt/ 了 [CU] aperson or group of People or Vehicles that travels with sb/sth in order to Protect or guard them: Arrned escorts are proyided for visiting jeads of state. 2 Prisomers are taken to court Unmder police escort 也 [C] (Jormaloroldjshioned)aperson, especially aman, Who takes sb to a Darticular social event 3 [q a Person, especiallya woman, who is paid to go outsocially With sb: am escort service/agency 四VE有bb /Tskoxt; NAmE Iskoxrt/ [VN, usually+ adv/prep]to go with sb to Protect or guard them or to show them the Way: The President arTived, escorted by twelve soldiers. 咱

Dote at TAKE es'Cudio /e'skuzdeo; NAmE-doo/ noun (P1 -oa the unit of Ioney in Portugal and:Cape Verde (replaced in Portugal 让 2002bythe euro)

es-Cut.Cheon /rskAtfn/ nour 1 a flat piece of metal around a KEYHOLE,door handle,or light switch SHIELD that has aCOAT OF ARMS on 让

2 a

-esesujxT (inadjectives and nouns) ofa country or city; a_ Person Who lives iD a country or city; the language SPoken there: Chinese 2 Viemnnese 2 (in notuns) (often disgpproving) the style or language of: jourmalese c of太 cialese esKer/eskaeG)/ moun (geology) along narrow areaofsmall Stones and earth that has been left by a large mass of ice thathas melted

ESs.Kimao /eskmao; NAmE -moo/ nown (PEs:kimo or Es-

lish), 字 .extrasensory perception

(the, ability to know

things without using the senses of sight hearing,etc.,

for example to know what people are thinking or what will happen in the future) esp-Obbr (in writing) especially es:Ppa-drilje/espedra/ movn alightshoe made ofstrong cloth with asoLE made of rope eS-Dpal-ier /zspaelieGD)/ nowun Tatree


that is

grown flat along a wooden or wire frame on a wall 2 the frame that Such a tree grIOws along es'pe-cial /rspeJl/ adj [only before noun] (BrE 1jormaj greater or better than Usual; Special in some way orfora Particular grollp: amatterofespecial imiDortance C Te 1ecture Ww记 be of especial interest to history students: 一com-

pare SPECIALadj. (5)

人 S.IPDe:Cial1yY 0m /rspefalil adv (obbr esp) 了 more with one person, thing, etc. than with others,, or more -ip particular circumstances than in others ER PARTICULARLY: The car 1 quite Small, especialy 矿 yo Paye chilaremn. 2 Teenagers are Ve1y 了sjhiom comscious,

especially girls.CTlioyve Rone, especially 识 the spririg. 2 for aparticular ptirpose, perSson; etc.:T7mrade 让 especially7foF7 youU 3 very muchi to a particular degree:TWasmitfeelirg especially happy that day 2 Do you Like his noyels2” Not especialpy”

especially . specially 目 Especially usually means 'particularly: She /ovesaj 5ports especially swirmming.. ltis not placed firstin a sentence: especially Jike swWeet th1mgs. 上四 Specially usually means foraparticularpurpose'" and is often followed by a past participle, such as desig7ied, Geyeloped or 7mnade: qg COUrse speciajly designmedio7meet YouUr needs cshe has herclotjhes specia几 yymacdehi 帮 Paris 有 In BrE, especially and specially are often used in the samewayand it can be hard to hearthe difference when people speak. Specially is less formal: 1 pought 访i5especiallyspecia 凡友 ryou Sisespecia1lyspecialy 1mportonttorememper 轨 六, AR 盏Jhe adjective for both especially and specially is usually special.

kimos) (sometimes o 态msive) amember ofa race ofpeople 位om northern Canada, and parts of Alaska,Greenland

and Siberia. Some of these people Prefer to use the name

Es.peranto /espaTaenteg; NmE:tow/ noun [U] :an arti-

Inuit. 一compare INUIT

ficial language invented ip 1887 as a means of international commtunication,based on the main European languages but with easy grammar andpronunciation es-pi-Om:age /espiona:35/ 7oUn [U] the activVity of secret]y getting important political or military information about another country or of finding out another companys secrets by Using SPIES SPYING: Some of the COTm7miercial activities Were Qa coyer Jor espionage. C She 7may calL 让 researcjy 工Call itindustrial espiomage. 一See also COUNTER-ESPIONAGE es-plan:ade /esplamerd/ oun a level area of open ground in a town for people to walk along, often by the Sea or ariver es:POUSe /spauz/ ve 履[VN] (formalto giveyour support to a belief policy etc.: They espoused the notion of equal Opportunity fir al 帮 education, je es.pousal /TspaUz]l/ 1oujn [Using.] 一 of sth: Pis recentespousal ofpopuILis7m es.pressO /esSpresa0; NAImE -SO0U/ noun (以 -og 1 [U] Strong black coffee made by forcing steam or boiling water through ground coffee 了 [C] a cupP ofespresso

ESsKkimo 'roll 7ov7 the action of delipberately making a KAYAK (= Small narrow boat) foll over whilst sitting ip 计 , So that yotu go Underwater and then retumn to a vertical Position

ESslkKyrw /eski/ movp (psies) (AustrolE) a bag or box which keeps food or drinks cold and which can be used for a

PICNIC ESL /ies 'el/ obpbr English as asecond language (refers to the teaching of English as a foreign language to People Who are living in a country in which English is either the

first or second ljanguage) ESN /ii es'en/ ,obbr electronic serial number (an identity numberfor amobile phone/cellphone)

ESOL /sol; NAmE:sal/ obbr English forspeakers ofother languages

esopha-gus(N4Im 有 = OESOPHAGUS esgO-teri


ise-/ qq/ (Jormalj) likely to _be

Understood or enjoyed byonlyafewpeople with a Special knowledge or interest

ESP /ies piz/ oabbpr- 1 English for specific/special PurPoses (the teaching of English for scientific,technical, etc. Purposes to People whose first language is not Eng-


| ttea

| vvan

| 殉 wet | 二zzoo

| Tshoe

es-Ipr让 de COrps /espri de ko:GD)/ 0ovn [U] (from Fench) feelings ofpride, care and support for each othem etc. that are Sharedby the members ofa group

| 5 vision

| tchain

| ds jam

| 6thin-|


| Dsing



esDyY /e'spar/ verb Espies,Espying,espied ,espied) [VN] (literary) to see Sby/sth suddenly


SPY Es 四 abbr 1 (becoming old-fjosjhionead,especially BrE) ESsquire (apolite title written aftera mamn's name, especially on an official letter addressed to him.IfEsq.isused, Mr is

not then Used): Edward Smiths FEsq. 了 (MAmE) used as a title after the name ofa male or female ljawyer -esquUe 5sUjjx (in adjectives) in the 的 of: statuesque 和 Kafkaesque -ess SU 太 x (in nouns) female: Lioness C actress ESSBWY 0 OU veb 下 IOUm /eseI/ 1 一 (on sth) a short piece of writing by a Student as Part ofa course of study: am essay om the causes ofthe FirstWorld War 2 ~(onsth) ashort piece ofwriting on a particular subjectb written in order to be published 3~(insth(jormalj) anattempttodosth: is 记rstessay 识 Dolitics Was a compiete disaster 下 Verb /e'seI/ [VN] (Nterary) to tryto do sth ES-S3Y-ist /eserIIst/ 10Un aperson who writes essaysto be Published es-Seimece /esns/ nouUn 1 [U] ~ (of sth) the most importantquality or feature of sth, that makes it what it is: Bis

Paintings capture the essence of Face. 2

丽 esseTtice (三

When you consider the most important points), yOUr situation isnt so different 太om mine. 了2 [u,C] aliquid taken from aplant, etc.that contains its smell and taste in avery

Strong form: essence of rosewood c (BrE) coffee/yantilla/ almomd essence 一See also EXTRACT of the “esSemCce necessary and Very important: 7 this Situation timeis of the essence (= we must do things as quickly as possible).

已S-S人 四 -证 司 0 /rsenJl/ adj ,noun 和 Gdj. ~(to/forsth |~(todosth |~(that.) comPletely necessary; extremely important in a' Particular Situation or foraparticular activity VITAL: QT esseTitial part/ingredient/comzponent of st c Money is not essential to happiness. O Experience 1 essential for this job. Cessenitial SeTVices SUCR as 8as, Water atd electricity C The

TmnLUSeUmta ES closed WPile essential repairs are being carTried OoULE 下 1esselttial to Keep the two grouPps separate 了 t 认 essehitial tat yOU haye Some exXperiernlce. C_ Byen 识 small COTmPpanies,CcOTPUters are an essential toolL. 一compare INESSENTIAL, NON-ESSENTIAL DISPENSABLE 2 [only before noun] connected with the most important aspect orbasic nature of sb/sth FUNDAMENTAL: The essenttial differemnce between Sara and me is in Our attitude to Toney. C The essential character of the town jhas beenm destroyed by the neWwToad. 画 0OUnm [usually pl:] 1 _something thatis needed in aparticularsituation orin ordertodoaparticularthing:Tomnly had

tirmne to pack the bare essenttials (= the mostinecessary things). C Thestudio had all the essentials Like heating and Tunming Water 了 2 an important basic fact Or piece of knowledge about a subject: tpe essentials of English gra7mTar


Ore /rsenjalil odv

whenyou think aboutthe true, important orbasicnature of sb/sth BASICALLY,FUNDAMENTALLY: There are three essemntially differentways of tackling the problem. 和 The pattern is esseTttially the sarme in all cases. C FEssemtially What We are suggesting iS that the firm meeds to change. C He Was essenttially a teachemp not a manager 和 THhe article Was essenitially concerned With jher relatiorsphip With herparents (= 让 dealt with otherthings,butthis was

the most important).

esSeimtial "ao 并 0ovn an oil taken from a plant, used because of its strong smell for making PERFUME and 所 AROMATHERAPY ESseX 人iir /"esIks g31/ noun (BrE, huUmorous, disapproving) aname Used especially in jokes to referto atype ofyotng Woman who is not intelligent, dresses badly, talks in a loud and ugly way and is very willing to have seX


| dfather | eten | sbird



vital 。crucial 。critical .decisive 。indispensable These words all describe sby/sth thatis extremely importantand completely necessary becausea EN situation or activity depends on them. ~ essemtial extremely importantand completely necessary because Without'it sth cannot exist, be made

or be successful: Boperience iessentialjorthisyjop Vitaf essential: The Police poygyitolrolemm our society

ESSENTIAL OR VITAL7 There is no real difference in meaning betweerithese wordsand they can be used with the same range of nouns and structures. However, there can be aslight difference in tone. Essential is used to state a fact or

opinion with authority. Vital is often used when thereis some anxiety felt about sth,ora need to persuade sb that afactoropinion istrue, right or important Vital is less often used in negative Statements: 儿 Was Vital to show thathe was not afraid. PAGE RI


下 VE/ (如 mmaj) (not tsed ip the Progressive tenses) 1 [VN] [usually passive] to respect and admire sb/sth very mitich: Q pigply esteeTmed scienitist 了 [VN-N] (Old-pshioned, 如 广 17a1 to think of sb/sth im aparticular way: She Was esteeied theDerfectmovelist ESieY /este(Gr)/ mouwn (chemrstry) a sweet-smelling stubstancethat is formed from an ORGANIC acid and an alcohol

CSiihete, esilnetac (NAImE) 三 AESTHETE,AESTHETIC 已Si富有Je /estmebl/ adj (old:jsjioned of 记rmaj deserving Tespect and admiration

司 ]1OU1 /estrimat/ 了 a judgement that you make withotit havingthe exact details or figures aboutthe size, amount; costb etc: of sth: Tcar give you a rouSh estimate or the amount of woodyou willmeeada Cabpalipark estimmate (= an approximiate estimate) C official goyvermrment esti7mates oftrafficgrowtoyertemiextdecade Atleast5000PDeople WereKilled and thats acoseryvatiyve estimate (= thereal figure 人 willbehigher) 之 astatement ofhow Imtuch apiece of work will probablycost 避 Ye 肪 /estrzmert/ [often; passive] 一 ,sth (at sth) to form an jdea.ofthe costi-size, value etc:;ofsth; but without calculating it exactly: [VN] The satellite will costiarmt estimated

| :aunow

E400 mmillions e Police estirmate the crowd at 30000.o [VN to-inf The dealis estimated to be worth _around gI.5

Jillion-C [V (that)] We estimated (that) 让 Would cost about 起 5000.C [VN (that)] It is estimated (that) the projectw 记 lastjJour years.c.[V wh-] 正 i jhard:to estimate how mamny children suffer 广om dyslexia.

Si-nmna iom



(formnal) 1 [Sing] a

judgement or opinion aboutthe value or quality of sby sth: Who is the best camdidate 识 your estimatiomn? csSince Phe lefjis W 疱 hes certainly gomne downmn in my estimation

(= Ihave less respect for him). e She went Lp 训 ny estTaatiom (=Ihave more respect for her) when IT discovered jhow7muchn charity Work she does. 2 [Cl ajudgement abonuit the levels oz Gaantity of sth: EStrmnations ofour total world Sales are arouPd 50 7million.

SET 本 帮达E 团 /Tstremd3sd/_ adj (Jormaj 1 [usually before noun] no longer living with your husband or wife: his es-

tranged W 庆 Emma

也 一 (from sb) no longer friendly,

loyal of 让 contact with sb: Fe pecaTme estrariged 广oFm his

Jo7mily after the argumerit

3 一 (from sth no longer iD-

Volved in or connected with sth, especially sth that Used to be important to you: She elt esfrariged 方om jherjormer eXisteTice: SEEe-miemt' /rstremd5mant/ OU [uC 一 :(from

sb/sth) | ~ (between A and B) the state of being estranged; a period ofbeing estranged: a Deriod ofestrangeTnent om 方 his Ww 论 和 The7misunderstanding had caused:a Seye-Yea7 estraT1SeTmenit betWween:thermm.


SirUS (NAImE) 王 OESTRUS ESTEU3Y /estfusri; NAmE -eri/ (P1 ies) noun the wide part of .a Tiver where it fows into'the sea: 轨 e Thames

estua1y ,IEstuary English movn[U] awayofspeakingWhich has features of standard English and of the type of English that is typical of Londom tsed by many people in the South-eastof England

ET 和 /ix tiz'er obbr estimated time of ariival (the time t Which an aircraft, a ship, etc. is expected to arrive) 一Com-

pare ETD

efa /ite/ Own the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet (H,m) Et 本 /et ,ze1/ ab5r (used especially after Dames) and other people or things (们om Latin et alii/alia7): researchn

| ersay

人 让C。 人 襄 /et 'setere; It/ gbbpr used after a list to show that there are other things that You could have mentioned (the abbreviation for “et cetera): Remernber to taKke some Daper Qa pem, etc C We talKked apotUt 轨e contracb Day etc. 下 让CEteYaa /iet'setera; 站/ 三 ETC.

etch /etJ/ verb

一 A(withB)|

一 Bin/into/on A) Titocut

lines into a piece'of: glass, metal etc. in _order to make Words or a picture: [VN] a glass tamkarad with Ris 训 庆 als etched om 让Caglass tankara etched with his initals [also

V]Q2 [VN] [usually passive] (Witerary)ifafeelingis etched on sb's face, or Sb's face js etched with a feeling, that feeling can be seen Very clearly: Tiredriess Was etchied ort jis face. 也isfoce Was etchead with tireadness. 3 [VN] [usually passive]

to make astrong clearmarkor pattern on sth: a mountain

etched (= having aclear outline) against 切 eso IE be

他 写- 生和-用 坷下全 0-本 10U1, Ye 力

|:ar my


By West etaL, 1996

/Istiom/ own ve 几

是 OUm ;[U] (1jomma/) great respect and admiration; a good opinion of sb: She z held 总 瑚SP esteemm py jer colleagues. CPlease acceptthis small gifias atoken ofour esteeTm. 一See also SELF-ESTEEM



| sauigo (Br

etched onyour hearmtrrmnermory nninmg ifsth 过 etched on your memory, you remember itbecause itihas imade a Strong impression on yoU

ECIh-imsg /etfim/ OUn [CU] apicturethatis printed from an etched piece ofmetal; the art ofmaking these pictutes ETD /tiz'di/ obbr estimated time of departure (the time at Which an aircraft ship, etc, is expected to leave) 一compare ETA

Eterma相|/rtanl; NAmE rtazml/ ad 1 without an end; existing or continuing forevet: 纺e Promise of eternal li 大 训 heayveneShesarueternaloptimist( 王 She always expects that the best will happen). c etermnal truthns (= ideas that

| oo go (MmB

| or boy

-| re near

| ee hair

:| ve pure

eternal triangle

s520| ,ethnic 'cleansing 7novn [U] (used especially in news

are always true and never change) 2 [only before noun] (disapproving) happening often and seeming neVverto stop CONSTANT: Im tired of your eternal argurmiemts. eternally /rtamali NAmE :tarn-/ ady: TDpeeternaly S&rateful to you Jor this. e Women fyingto 1o0K etermally


see HOPE 放.

eternal triangle

noun a situation where two people

are in love with or having a sexual relationship with the

Same person eternal 'verity mown [usually pl] (formah) an essential basicmoral Principle


/rtamnaeti; NAmE rts:rm-/ moun TIU] (orma)

time withotit end, especially life continuing without end after death: There Wi pe rich and poorjor al eternib They pelieyed that 邹eir SOULs Would pe comndermrted to Purn 识 hell for eternity 2an eternity [sing.] (nionmoh a Petiod of time that Seems to be Very long OF to never end: After what seemied LIike ar eterniity the TUTSe retrmned Withn the Fesuits of the tes

eternity ring movn aring given as asymbol of love that will last foralong time etlh /ea/ noun (Phonetics) the letter 站 that was Usedin Old English to representthe sounds /6/ and /5/ and later written as 轨 ,This letter is nowused as aPHONETIC Symbol for the sound /6/; as ip 态 /5.


/iem/:noum [u] (SymbpCzH6) (chemistry) a gas

that has no colour or smell and that can bturn. Ethane is found in natural gas and mineral oil.


hol, used in industry as a SoOLVENT and, in the Past 识 medicine to make people Unconscious before an oper-

ation 2the ether (old wse or jiterary) the Upper part of the sky: Her Words disappeared into the ether


ether the air when it is thought of as the Place in which radio or electronic commtunication takes place

/iorerial; NAmE jigrm-/ adj (formal) extremely

delicate and jlight; seeming to belong to another more Spiritual, world: ethereal mmUsic c her e 纺ereal beauty


/i:genet; NAmE'9arnet/ noun [U] (computing)

a System for connecting a number of computer Systemsto form anetwork

ethic /etrk/ noun Tethics

[pl.] moral Principles that

control or influence a personm's behavioufr: ProfessiomnaI/ Dusiness/medical ethics to draw Upacode ofethics He began to questiomn the ethics of Ris posion. 也 [sing.] a System of moral Principles or rules ofbehaviour: Qstrong1 defined work ethic cethe Protestahnt ethic 3ethics [U] thebranchofphilosophythatdeals with moral Principles

etlh.ic:al /egikl/ adj 1 connected with beliefs and Drinciples about what is right and wrong: ethical zsSUes/ Statdards/questiors 2 the ethical problerms of hurmmam embryo research 之 morally correct or acceptable: K 让 ethical to _Promote cigarettes throuSgh adyvertising2? C ethical

inyestmeTit (三 investing money in businesses that are

considered morally acceptable) e eth'ically- /kli/ adv: The comzrmnittee judged that he Phad notbehaved ethicaliy

etln:mic /etnik/ adjis noun 上 ddj. 1 connected with or belonging to.a nation, race OF People that shares a cultural tradition: etpmic Sroups/ coTmmiumities O ethriic strife/tensions/violerice (三 between people from different races Or peoples) C_etphmic AIbanians Iiying in Germany 2:typical ofa country or cUlture that is very different from modern Western culture and therefore interesting for people in Western countries:

ethimnic clothes/jewelieryXcookirig zz ethnicaly


ady: atethnicaly diviaed regioF 理 -1O01m (especially NA7E) aperson 人 om an ETHNIC MINOR-




/egmrsati/ novn [U] (technicah the fact of

belonging to a particular race: Mary foctors are Importan Jorexamtple class, genden age ad ethmicitby.

ethnic minority

movn a group of People from a par-

ticular culture or of a Partictular race living im a coUntry ”where the main group is of a different culture or Tace




,egbnoo-/ ad

based on the ideas-and beliefs of one particular culture andtusingthesetojudge othercultures:QWhite, eth7mocem-

tric school curriculurm


ethnocentrism moun 贡 ]

/egnopgrefeCD); NAmE -na:g-/ -noun-a

person who studies different races and cultures


/egmnnpgrefi; NAmE -ma:g:/ mouUn [u] the

scientific description


of- different Traces and


/egne'graefrk/ adj: ethmographic re-


eth:no-iogy /egmnnlad5i NAmE-mael-/ OUm [U] the scientific study and comparison of hurmnan Taces 多 ethno-

iogical /etnslpd5ikl; NAmE la:d5-adji ethnolo-gist

/egmpled5ist; NAmE-mazl-/ nouw1 etlhos / 宇gos; NAmE 衬9a:s/ noun [sing] (orma1h the moral ideas and attitudes that belong to a Particular grOUP Or SOciety: at ethos ofPUbIic serVice

etlnyl /"eba; 衬9all/ ad [only before noun] (chermistry) containing the group of atoms CzHs, formed from ETHANE: ethylacetate

,ethyl 'alcohol nown [U] (chemistry) = ETHANOL /eganpl; NAmE -noul/ (also ,ethyl .alcohol ) ethylene /etaim/ (also eth'ene /egimn/) .moun [U]

moun _[u] (chemistry) the type of :alcohol in _alcoholic drinks, also Used as a fuel or SOLVENKT etlh.enme /egimn/ noun [U] = ETHYLENE ether /9sCD)/ noun [ul Taclearliquid made from alco-


reports) the Dolicy of forcing the people' of a particular race or religion to leave an areaor a country


二 ffal|



下 53yes

(symb CHs ) (chemistmy) a_ gas which is present in coal, CRUDE OIL, and NATURAL.GAS


/9am; NAmE 'eg:/ noun [ul (symp GHz) the

chemical name for ACETYLENE

eti.olated /itielertrzd/ odj 站 (biology) 让aplantis etiolated it is pale because it does not receive' enough 1light 2 (Jormalj) lacking force and energy

etiOloSgy (NAmB = AETIOLOGY eti:qUuUette /etrket; ket/ noun [U] the formal rules ofcor Tector polite behaviour in society or among members of a Patrticular profession: adyice -om etiquette 和 TedicaL/ ”legalIAprofessional etiguette 一see also NETIQUETTE Eton:iamn /iteonisn; NAmE-too-/ noun aperson whois or was a stldent at the English Private School Eton College -ette su 太x(也 nouns) 了 small: Kitchehetie 2 female: USjP-

erette etude Jertjud NAmE also tuid/ noun French, especial NAmE) = STUDYD.(8)




/etrmnled5i; NAmE -mazl-/ noun (PL -ies)

[Lu] the study of the origin and history of words and their meanings 2 .[ the origin and history of a particu-

lar word

etymological /etmma'lpd5tkl; NAmE-la:d5-/

adj.: am etymzological dictiomaTy

ety'mon-/etmpn; NAmE -ma noun (plety:mons. or ety'ma /2ma/) (Ninguwistics) a word or Part of a word from which another word comes



/ju:kelmptes/ noun-[cGU-(pL-eu'calyp-

tuses oreu'calypti /tar/) (alsoeucalyptus tree ,Sum

tree ) a tall straight tree with leaves that produce an oj With a strong Smell that is used in medicine. There are SeVveral types of eucalyptus and they grow especially in Australasia. 一Picture 只 PAGE R20


/ju:kerrst/ ,mouni[sing,] a ceremony in the

Christian 'Church during which_ people eat bread ,and drink wine in memory of the last meal that' Christhad with his DISscIPLESs; thebread and wine taken atthis'cere-

Iony 一see also COMMUNION, MASS

Eu:clid-ean geomi:etry /ju:klidion dzimmatri' NAmE -GE OoUm [U]:the' system 0f GEOMETRY based on the work of Euclid:

| kcat

| Eleg

| mman

| mnow



eu'Sem'ics /ju'dseniks/ moumn [U] the study ofimethods to improve the mental and physical characteristics fthe human race by choosing who maybecomeTDarents 上 eugermiic 0di


(also eurgeni cist)


/juasd5enisIst/ moun

eu'lo-gize (BrE also -ise) /juled5aiz/ Ver [VN] ~ sb/sth (as sth) (formalj) to praise sb/sth very highly: He was eulo-

gizedas ahero. eeu'lo'gistic /ju:la'd5rstIk/ ad eu'logy /juled5i/ noun [CU] (pl -ies)1 ~ (of/to sb/sthj a Speech or piece,of writing Praising sbysth very much: a eulogy to Tarriase 了 i一 (forto sb) (especiaolly NAmB a 0 given at a funeral praising the person who has ied

eurmuch /jumnak/ monr Ta man who has beem CAsSTRATED,,especially One who

guarded women

in some

Asian countries :in the past 2 (如 rmadj)aperson'without Boweror influence: apolitical eumnucp eu'phemism /juxfemizem/ novn ~ (for sth) an indirect Word or phrase that People often Use to Tefer to sth embarrassing Or Unpleasant sometimes to make it Seem Imore acceptable than itreally is: Pass away is aeuphermim jforaie.cUserjfees' isjustapolihcians eupjheraism Jor taxes, eu'phemiistic /juzfemistIk/ ao: eupjhernisic Iarmguage eu:phemiis'tically /juxfemistikli/ adv: The Prisonm caTmps Were _euUphemmistically called 7etraining CeTitres eu:pho:-ni'ous /ju:zfeumnies; NAmE-fou-/ adi. (Jormalj) (of asSoundij word,,etc.) Pleasant to listen to euphomy juzfeni/ noun [局 eu:pho:nium /ju:feoniem;:NAmE :foo/ nounsa large BRASS mtusical instrument like aTUBA

eu:phoria /juxfo:ris/ movn [U] an extremely strong feeling ofhappiness and excitement that Usually lasts only a short time -euphoric /jurformk; NAmE -5 王 :facr:/ 0dj. :Myeuphoricmood couid nrot last 只 note at EXCITED

Eurasian /jureisn; -rerfmn/ adj., noun



昌 mOU71 1 a person :fom Europe, OF Whose ANCESTORS came from Europe 2 (Br aperson who supports the Principles and aims of the European Union: Qa good Furo-


the ,EuropeanCom' mission movn [sing]the group of people who are responsible for the work of the EuroPean Union and for suggesting new laws


(BrE also -ise) /juere'pienaIz;


,jar-/vemb [VN] Ttomake sb orsth feel orseemEuropean: Q.Europeanized Ammericanm 2 to putsth ander the control of the=European Union Europeanjization,-isaxtion

/ja5erepizenarzeIfn; NAmE ,jar-/novn LU]

the ,EuUropean Parliarment movn [sing] the 喜oup of people who are elected in the countries of the European Union to make and change its laws

,European ' plan moun [U] = FULL BOARD the ,European Union novwn [sing:] (abbr EU) an economic and _political organization :that many European countries belong to

euro:pium /joeraeupioam; NAmEjaoroz/ noun [U] (symb Eu) a chemical element: Europium is a silver-white metal tsed 识 colour television screens-.

,EUTFO-'sceptic movn a person, especially a British politician,who is opposed to closer links with the European Union ;Euro-'Ssceptic xc 人 Euro-Visionm /5erevI5n; NAmE jar/ noun [sing.] an orgamiization ofEuropean television companiesthat share news and ProgramIines: the EUFoVEiOP So7这 Comtest the Euro:Zone /josaraozeon;i NAmE jaorouzoun/ moun

[sing.] (also Euro-land [uU]) the countriesin the European

Unionthatusethe euro as atnit of money

Eus:tachiamn tulbe /ju:sterfn juzb/ ovm (anatomy) a narrow tubethatjoins the throat to the middle ear

下0Cdj. 1 of or connected_ with both Europe and Asia: the Centre 如 广Rrussiamn amda_ FEurasian Studies 之 having _one Asian parent and one parent who is white or ffom Europe 昌 IOU1 a person With one Asian parent and one parent who is white or from Europe: Singapore EurasiaTs 已则 号elka /jarike/ exclamation used to show pleasure at having found sthi especially the answer to a problem

eutha:masia /,ju:gemeizia; NAmE -ner3e/_noun: [U] the

eu:rnytin:mics(Br (NAmE eu-ryth-mics) /juTIniiks/

lake, Five etc.) containing too manyfood substances that encotrage Plants to grow, which then Kill animal life by Using too much OXYGEN 位om the water

noum [U] a form of exercise Which combines Physical Imovement with music and Speech

EUro/joareo; NAmE'joroo/ adi (normalj)(used especially in newspapers) connected with REurope,especially_ the European Union: FUro rules 外因 及 OO 0 可 /jgereo; NAmE'jaoroo/ noun (Sy0b 甩 )-(PL eurosor euro) theunit:of money'of some countries of the European Union: The Drice ts giyen 训 dollars:or euros. CTPaid 广ve euros Jor 让 CIO7nillioneuroSa30-maillionzeuro deale the yalue of the'euro against 切 eaollar EurO- /joere0; NAmE 'joroo/ combining 妈rm (inouns and adjectives) connected with Europe or the European Union: a Euro-MPOEUFro-electioms EUYO-Craf /joerekraet; NMAmE 'jor/ mouwn (Sometimes dsapproving) amofficial ofthe European Union, especially a Seniorone


/jj5aeraolzen 由 i NAmE

"jaroo-/ nouwn

[U] =



Euro:Dpeanm/,j5ere'TDisn; NAImE juor-/0d1, 00OU0 macdj六 TiOofor connected with Europe: BUropeart IanSUages ZLof or conmectad:with the European Union: Europeam IawCOuUr Buropeampartners

tteaal ywvan| Wwwet

eutroplh'ic /ju:rtrofik; NAmE-tra 汉 /adji (technicah (ofa

eutrophi'ca'tion /ju:trafrkerfmn/ noun [U] (iechmicon) the Process of too many Plants growing on the surface of ariver lake; etc., often becatuse chemicals that areused to help crops grow have beemn carried there by rain eVyacCu'ate /rzvakjuert/ verb 1 [VN] to move People from aplace of dangerto aisafer Place: Police eyacuUatedmearby Duildings.e Children Were eyacuated 六om Iondom to escape the bormbing. 了 to move out of a Place becatse ofdangem and leave the Place empty: [VN] Employees Were UTged to eyGcCUate their ofces iT7mediately 2 [V] Zocals were told to eyacuate. 3 [IVN]_ (Jormal) to empty your BOWELS evVacuation /TvVaekju'eIfn/ novun [U,O: the emiergency eyacuafiom of 态ousamds of people after the ear 坊guUaKe eVacC-Uee /rrvakjui:/ noun a person Who is sent away from a Place because it is dangerous, especially during a


evadge /nrverId/ verb T to ,escape from sb/sth or avoid Ineeting sb: [VN] For two Weeks they eyaded the press. Ce

EUrOpe/oarep; NAmE'jorap/ movn [U] Tthe continent next to Asia in the east, the Atlantic Ocean in the wesb and the'Mediterranean:-Sea -in the south: WesterTmieasterTicentiral:EUrope 2 the European Union: couUntries Wanmntinlg to join Europe'o HeSsyery pro-Burope. 3 (BrE) all of Europe except for _Britain: British holidayrmakers- 训


Practice (illegal in most countries) of killing without pain aperson who is suffering from a disease that cannot be cured MERCY KILLING: They argued 总 如 vVOUT7 of 1egalizing VOLuUTitary euthamnasia (= People being able to ask for euthanasia themselves).



Tnamnaged to evade capture. [also V -ing] 2 to find a way ofnot doing sth, especially sth thatjlegally or morallyyou shouldido: [VN] to eyade payrment oftaxesC Sheis tryingto eyade alL respomsibpility:for her behayiour [also v -ing] 3 to avoid,dealing with or talking about sth: [VN] Cormme om .dontyou tinKyouyre evading the issue2 e [V-ing] to

eyade answering aqgueston 4.[VN](Jormal)tonotcomeor happen to sb ELUDE: The answer evyaded him (= he could notthink of 这). 一see.also EVASION; EVASIVE

evalu'ate /rvaeljuert/ verb to form:san opinion of the amount, value or quality of sth' after:thinking about 让

| 5yision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 89thin

| 5this | mrsing


522 |

carefully ASSESS:-[VN] Our: 7esearch_ attempts to eyaluate the effectiveness of the differentdrugs oo [y wh-] We need to eyaluate _how Well the policy mWworking,

Feyalu aiion /1vaelju'erfn/ noun [CU]: an eyaluation of the health care systermeWaluaiiwe /Tvaeljuetrv/ ad eVaim ESCemt /ivenesnt; NAmE usually ,iev-/.0adj. (Iteraq/y) disappearing quickly from sight or memory 区 eV2amesScemce OU


evyam:gSej-ical /ivaen'dselIkl/ adj noun 引 adj. .1 ofor belonging to a Christian group that,emphaSizes:the authority of the Bible -and' the importance:of people being saved through faith: .They7re :eyamgelical Christians. 了 wanting Very much to persuade peopleto accept yoUI Views and opinions: Be delivered his Speech

with eyangelical fmour 上 eVanSselicalism ouUmn [U] 如 0OU1 amember ofthe evangelical branch ofthe Christian Church EVaim名Elj-ist /rvaend5aelist/ 10007 1 aperson whotriesto Perstiade people to become Christians; especiallybytravelling around the country holding religious meetings or Speaking on Tadio or'television 一see also TELIEVANGELIST ZI Evamgejist one of the:four writers (Matthew, Mark,

Luke, John) of the:books called the GosPELs inthe Bible

六 eVan 名elismn om [U] eyam:Selistic /rvaend3e'lrstrk/ dj.: an eyaigelistic meeting evyanm-Selize (BrE also-ise) /rzvaend5selarz/ verb [VN] to try to persuade people to become Christians ECyapOrate /rvapareit/ verb-1 ifaliquid evaporates or if sth evaporates it, -ichanges into a.gas; especially

steam: [V] Heat until all the water has eyaporated c [VN] The sum icomstantly eyaporating the earths moisture. 2 [V] to disappear especially by &radually becoming less and less: Her comfidence had now compietely eyapor六

ated. 上 eVaporation /Tvaeparerfmn/ noun [U]

eVaporated milk noun [U] thick sweet miilk sold in cans, often served with fruit instead of cream

eV3aPporatins alish noun (tecchnicah a dish in which scientists heat a liquid, so that it leaves a solid when it has disappeared 一picture 只 LABORATORY EV3a-SigOia /rrveI3n/ moun [GU] Tthe act of avoiding sb or of avoiding sth that you are SuUpposed to do: His behayiour Was ai eyasion of Phis responsibilites as a fother C Shes peen charged with tax evyasiorn, 2 a_ statement that sb makes that avoids dealing with sth or talking about sth honestly and directly: Bi Speech Was 多11of evasioris amd PaI 广truths. 一see also EVADE eVa-Ssiye /Tveisrv/ adj notwillingto give clear answers to a question CAGEY: eVyasiye aiL3SWers/coiTertts/ Teplies C TesSQ Was eyasive about Why She had Pot beem ct


切at might 敌 yaSiyely ady: Y7mmotSure,”She re-

Diied:evasiyely evwaSiyvemess HOUn [U]

siye 3ctiiom'

talke eva-

toract in'order:to avoid danger or an

Unpleasant Situation EVe /iv/ noun T thedayoreveningbefore an event especially a religious festival or holiday: Christrmas Pyve (= 24 December) caNew Years Pveparty (= on 31 December) c oO the eye of the election 了 (old USe or Jiterary) evefiing

尼 W 人 看 Da /ivn/ ady,adi ,ve几

stand 让 (= soadults certainlycanj ee She didnteven callio SaY She Wasnit corming. 了2 used when you are comparing things, to make the comparison Stronger: YOU KoW eyen less apout 让 thariTado. 和 Sheseyven7mmore 训telligenttha7ipher Sister 3 Used to introdtice a more exact description :of sb/sth: ts am Unattractive puilding ugly eyeney note at ALTHOUGH eVenas (1jormaj)justatthesametime as sb does sth or as sth else happens: Byvemn as jie Shoutedthe

诈/taouwsih despite the fact

or belief that; no matter whether: IT get there evem iT jhayve toWalk. CTLikemhe5 eyemthoughishe:cat be armmioying

attimes. cy noteiatALTHOUGHVEYEI ImOWY

屯 cati| G: father | eten | 3 bird |iaabout

区 EVemmess /ivVennas/ moOuUn [U]

ie eVenm (站 10 广

/mal) to no _longer 0Owe sb money or a favotr


eVEm [With sb (informaj to cause sb the same amotnt

of trouble or harm as they have caused you: TI get eyen

Witiyojr 切 语,iStyouwa 讼

Eyenm to complete a

Piece of business,etc. Without either losing money or making aprofit: The EC Qpout broke eye Iast year have aneven chancelofdoingsi)tobe equally

likely to do'or not do sth: She _has 7mmore tham ar eyem

chance of winning tomorrow. Dn am eyen esi living, WwWorking or happening in _a calm_ way,, with no sudden changes, especially after a difficult time 一more at HON-


日Verb TI eVenilhe scoretoharm orpunish sbwhohas harmed or cheated you in the past

IEvVen out:to

become level or steady, usually after varying a lot: House Prices Keep rising and joing but they Should eventually eye OUL EXVem sth Duito spread things edquallyovera period of time or among anumber of people: Be tried to eyel Out the distribution of Work aimomng his emPployees: IEVem mp to make a situation or a competition Imore equal ,忆雪 尼辜- 枚 五帮可 二可 adj completely fair,especially when dealing with different groups ofpeople


大四 省 用 0


1 [CuU] the Part of the day between the afternoon and the time you go to bed: ZL see you tomiorrow eyening. Comie oVer 0 THUrsaay eyening C Whatdo you usually ao 训 the evening? CeShes going to her sisters for the evenin8.Cthe Iong WintereyeningsCtheeyveniingperormance 一 See also GOOD EVENING 2: [C] anievent of a particular typehappeningin the evening: ammusicaleveningatschool (= when music is performed) 萝 Eyem7imgs ady (especialy NAm 有日:He Works evemnimngs. See OTHERad/. EyeimimEs class 1oun a course'of study for adults in the evening: ar eyeiing class in car maintenance c to goto/

attertd evening classes

引 .0dv. 1 used to emphasize sth Unexpected or suUIPrising: He Peyer eyei Opened the Letter (= So he certainly didnt read it). e 下 Was cold there eyen 识 SUmrmer (= so 让 mtst have been very cold in winter). ceByven a child cam Urider

Warmning the carskidded eyen

pite what has/had happened: Tve showm Pirm the photographjs buteyen now he Wontibelieye me .Byen then she Would mot adrmmit .her mistake. 也 (1jormal):at this or that exact moment: The ;troops QTe eyen moOW Preparing to Imarch into the ciby. EYEenm SO despite that: There areiarot ofspelling mistakes; eyen so, its guite agood essay. 一more atLESSdadv. 下 0Cdf/. SMWMOOTHJLEYEL 了 smooth,level and flat: 刀 U Feeda an eye Surface to Work om UNEVEN =>*NOT CHANWGING 2 not changing very much in amount, Speed, etc.: an eyem temperatureal yearc Childremn ao 7Tot Iearm at an eye Dace. UNEVEN “EQOUAL 3 (ofan amountofsth) equal orthe same foreach Personi team, place, etc:: OU scores are noW eye o the eyen distribution of food 至 河 UNEVEN 4 (oftwopeople or teams) equally balanced or of an equal standard: am eyet contest C The two Players Were Dretby eye UNEVEN * NUMBERS 人 S thatcanbe divided exactlybytwo: 马 6.8,1I0 are all eveTt TDers ODD *3SAMESIZE @ equally spaced and the same size: eyen 帮 atures/teeth IE UNEVEN *fALM 7 calm; notchanging orbecoming Upset: She hasa yery eye temperaTmerit C FeSpoke ia Steady eyen yoice.


eVemimE aress moun 1 [u] eleganticlothesworn forfor Imal occasions in the evening: Byeryone Was 识 eyeriing dress. 也 [C] a woman'slong formal dress

EYEminS 人有marose moun [CU] a plant with yellow flowers that open in the evening,sometimes used as 3 medicine

ie eVemimE Star noun [sing:] the planetVenus; when iis seen in the western Sky afterthe sun has'set

VE而-y /ivnli/ady 1 inasmooth regularoreqtual Way: MaKke sure theDpaintcovers thesUrface eyeniy: o She was Jst asleep, preathing eyenly C eyenly spaced at four cm apart 2 with equal amounts for each person or in each place; eVellly distributed/diyided cmcidence of the disease is JoirBy'eyenily :spread across Europe. CThetbhwo teams are Very eyenly matched (= are equally likely to win).

zsiti| see 站 imany | pigot (Br

| ossaw | Acup | oput|



3 calmly; without showing any emotion: 科 Warried yOUV

motto phorte me he said evently. eVem miOmey 1oun (BrE-also evenms [pl]) (in betting) ODDs that give an equal chance of winning or losing and that mean a person has the chance of winning the same

记 g). 2 态 e eyergrowWing Problem C ar eyerDresemnt da7iger 双 Used after when,why,etc. to show that you are SUTDrised or shocked: WPy eyer did you agree? al sb ever dloes 这 ..、 used to emphasize that Sb does the same thing Very often, tstually in an annoying Way: AL he eyer does 1 87U7ible apout thirlgs: diid You 'ever( --(old反shioned /pnformah used to show that you are SUTpiised of shocked: Did' yo ever hear anything Like it?

amountofmoneythat he or shehas bet eveimsom 二 / 袜vnson; NAmE:so2/ noun [U] the service of evening Prayerinthe Anglican Church 一compare MATINS,


外 汉人 四世 0

/vent/ noun

1athing that happens,especially sth important: The election Was the mmain event of 2004. n the lightof Later eyents the decision Was proyedright CThe decisions we take mow nay influenice the courseofevents (= the waythings happen) 总 坊e 多 ture: 2 Eyeryone Was 太ightened by the StraTige SegUence of events. C Jr the normal course OF events (= 过 things had happened as expected) she Would Phaye gone Withn hirm 2 aplanned public or social occaSion: anda-raising eyent C the social eyent of the year 3 one:-of the' races Or competitions in a .Sports ProOgramme: The 800.7metres is the fourth eyentiof the after moo7L. 一See also FIELD EVENT; TRACK .EVENT after


eversimce( -..- ) cOntinuously since thetime mentioned:

了 es had acar eyer since he was 18. CTWwas bittenr byadog omce and Tye beenn ahaid of them eyer Simce. eversoAever suchma (normal, especially BrE) very; really: He IooKs eyer SO Sait C Shes ever such amice Woman 下 Seyer SO easy. 讶 ,ever tiucse 'was (One) (informal used to emphasize that sth is certainly true: That Was adisaster 矿eyer there Was onelwasjisjdaoes eic. sp 'evert (njormah especaly NAmB used to emphasize sth you are talking about: Yov TnUSt Paye Dee Upset by 妇 at 7”WasTeyer every

ever yaurs SOmetimes Used at the end of an informal

(BrE) after sth has happened: Anyone cam pe

Wise after the eyentim 'amy evenE


| 十'吗 眶evemtis Usedito

emphasize orshow that sth is true or Will happen in spite of other circumstances IN ANY_ CASE: 工 thimnk she 了 1 agree to do 让 but 识 :aPY eyenb all she ca Say 攻 人 0、 这 tiphe esvent when.the situation actually happened: TSot Very meryous apPWuEt the exaTm but 总 雪 e eyentb IT Peednt jhayve worried; 让 Was realy easy 记 the evemt of sih |i训

letter before you write youUr name 人We /evegrizn; NAmE'everg-/ noun atree'orbush thathas green leaves all through the year 一compare CONCIFER。DECIDUOUS > _eve mm adj.: eyergreel ShrUbs 人 (Jigurative) a new production of Rossinis eyergreen (= 引 Ways popular) opera eVEEEasEimE /evaelazstm;i NAmE iever'Jlaestm/ adj/.

Tcontinuing for ever; never changing


eyerlasting life/Iovee am everlastingTnemory ofhersrmile CTo his everlasting credit he neyvertoldanyone WhatTd of ar accidenb call this nuUTmber 2 Sheila w 记 识Rertteyery态imng 识 the event of7his death. 这 hiatevenmi 让 thathapaone: 2 (disapproving) continuing:too long; repeated too Pens: that eyenb We W 记 haye to reconmsiaer our ofjfer一 often CONSTANT,INTERMINABLE,NEVER-ENDING: T7m tired ofyour eyerlasting coOmiDpIaint. everiastinEly Inore at HAPPY, WiSE adf/. Gdv ,eVEem-Eermnpered cxd/. noteasily made angIy Or UPSet Even 人 ii /rventtl/ ad/ full ofthings that happen, espe- eVveriimiOre /evamimol0); NAmE ,evar'Im-/ (also for everYaOre)adv (iterary) always cially exciting, important or dangerous things: al evemt坑 以 VEIrY CE jevri/ det aaMT[Journey eVema-tiigie /ivntard/ noun [U] (old use or yiteraryjevening Tused with singularnounstoreferto all the members of agroup ofthings or people: She Knows eVery Studentin the evemtims /rzventm/ (also ,three-day e'ventin氏) 0 SchoolL CTcould hear eyery Word they said. e We eryjoyed [u] the sport of taking partin competitions riding horses. eyery minute of ouUr Stay 2 Bery day seemed the Samae to These are often held over three days and include riding Jim COEvery single time he calls Jrm ouUE 2 工 read eyery across country, jumping and DRESSAGE. Iast article 识 切e neWwspaper (= all of them). coThey Were evem-tural /7ventfual/ ad [onlybefore noun] happening Watching her eyery Toyement C Eyery one of their CDs has attheendofaPperiod oftime or ofa process: the eyerttual Deen a hi 只 note at'EACH 2 all possible:: We Wish yo Winmer of 切 e toUFrmnamentEe 政 藻iD0Ss5动jeto predict What eyery SUcces5. O He had eyery reasorl to be an8T 3 Used 态 eeyeituaLoutcome Will be The yillage school may 如 ce to say how often sth happens or is done: The buses 80 eyemtual cl1osUTe. eyeJy 10 mminutes. C We had to stop eyery jw 7mniles. 2 One (1jormal -ies) ( 证Y /1ventfuaelati/ own EVeim-Eai-aE 识 eyeTy three mmarriages ends 识 divorce. 2 He has eyery something that may possibly happen,especially sth third day off (= he works for two days then has one day Unpleasant: We Were Prepared Jor eyery evenitualitb offthen works for two days and so on).C We see each other The money jhad peen sayed for juustsuch ar everttuaIity: eyerymow and again c Eyerymow and ther he regretted eVeimtuFal-EY 0 /ventfuali/ aody Pis decisiom eweiy other each ALTERNATE one (二 atthe end of a period of time or a series of events: OUT the firsbt third, 人 ifth, etc. one, but not the second, fourth, Tmnendiighteyventually lefivejhourslate.2TISetroundto Sixth, etc.): They Visit US every other Wee. 训g 让 eyentualy CSjhe hopes to getajob on the Iocal mewsUse eVeiy-Ipadiy om /evribodi; MmETba:dii badil/ Paper amd eyentualy Work Jor The Tirmes Prom. finally for the lastin alist of things. 三 EVERYONE: Eyerybody Knows Tom. oO Hayve yoU asked penasa (ormal)tohap [V] 彤 ve /ventfuert/ eveimi-iauratfe eyerybody?cDidhntyoulike it? Byerybody else did. Tesult of sth every-diay /evrider/ ad [only before noun] used or hap到 WEF 0本 /eva()/ adv pening every dayor regularly; ordinary: eyeryday objects es Sentenc ns, Or questio es and e sentenc Tused 记 negativ CThe Jnternet has become part of eyeryday Life.easmial 9 here. happens ever ': Nothing With jrto mean 'at anytime ictionaryjreyeryday USe and cormne Miarmb 训 ver youree 矿 Donm#tyou eyergettired2 seeUus.@ ayveyoueyer tuought ofchangingyoUr jobp7? No, Every-mmam /evrimaen/ movn [sing.] an ordinary or typial person: Qa story of Eyeryrman Meyer]NoTJhayen 革 ?caye yoUeyver peen to Rorme2 Yes 工 jhave, actually Not Iong ago.22 She jnardiy ever (= almost 人VerY-Oime 0 /evriwAn/ (alsoevery'body )pron (pfor never) g0e5 OUL C We See 切ei Yery Seldorm 矿eVer every person; all people: Byeryone cheered and clapped: 9 之 Used for emphasis /naj) 7Z1 meyver eyer do that again! Byeryone has a chamnce to win 2 Beryone brouSsht 妇 eir harder raining Was When yo are comparing things: 开 partner to the party 2 (Jormal) Eyeryone brought hnis or 妇 ojiiever oO JIES my Dest eyer Score. 3 (rather 克rmalj) all jher partner to the party: 2 The police gUestioned eyeryone b OPHrmis the the time OF eVery time; always: PaUD eyer 训 咏e room. O The teacher comtymented on eyeryote'S WOTK. y Lived agreed totryagaint coShemarried theprince andthe CEveryonte else Was 如 ere. eyer for jhappibyr ever after c He said he WouId 1ove Pher Their debts 8reW eyer Iarger (= kept increas- every:Place /evriplerIs/ aodv (NAmE) = EVERYWHERE te eventthat si

迁 sth happens: 7m the eyent

(and ever)


| ar my

| ao now

| efisay

| aogo (Br

| ou go (Mm 昌 | 5r boy

| ia near

| ee hair

| ue pure


524 |

eVery.ttniim吕 0 verb)

/evribgmy/ prom. (with a singular

evil-doer things

allthings: Berything had gone. 2 When we comfronted iu jhe deniied eyerything. Take this bag, and eaye eyerything else to mmne. 2 She seemed to have eyerything 一Iooks, 7money% intelligence.

也 the Situation nowi life generally*

Berything 识 切e capital 1 now quUiet 2 Gows eyerything With yoU2? Tine 雪anks ”3 the most important thing: Money inteyerything. coMy Jammily meams eyerything to Te II and eyerything (informal) and so on; and other similar things: Haye you got his name amnd address and eyerything2 2 She told me about the baby amd everything. every'where 0 /evriwee(CD); NAmE-wWer/ (NmEalso every'place) adv, prom,co 丰 in,toorateveryplace; all places: TvelooKkedeyveryWwFiere.e Hejollows me everyWwhere: Wei haye to:eat here 一eyeryWhere elseis 记下 和 Eyerywjhere weWentyWas 训 ioftourists.

eVict /PrvIkt/ verb [v 同 一sb (from sth)to force sb toleave ahouse or land, especially when you have the legal right to do so:Amnurmber oftemnamts haye beemn eyicted Jormnotpayingthe rent eviction /viIkfn/ nouwns[u,G:to foce eyic在omn 方om your Pome-

evidence 0

/evrdens/ moun, ve 内

昌 0OU 了 [U,C] ~ (of/forsth) | ~ (that.…) | 一 (to suggest, show, etc.) the facts, signs or objects that make yot believethat sth is true: There is comyincing evidemnce of a Liik Petween expOsUre to SU and sKin cartcer C We fjound 刀 广 太 er Scientific evidence Jfor th 本 theory e There mnot a Shired of evidence that the meetinlg actually took place. aye YoU any eyiderce to SUPport this allegation? c The TooTm pore evidence ofastrugsgle.COP the evidence oftheir TecentTmaatches, 让 1 UPIiKety the Sparish team Ww记 win the cUP. 之 [U] the information that is used in court to try to PIove sth: Twas asKked to Sive evidertce (= to say whatI knew, describe whatIhad seen, etc.) at the trial e Hewas Teleased When hejndge muled there Was io evidence againsE


(be) in 'evidence

at todays demomnstrationr turni King's/Queen?s 'evidence (BrE) (USturn' statexs'evidence) to give informa-

tion against other criminals in order to get a less severe

目 YE 几 [VN] [usually passive] (Jommal)toprove or show sth;yto be evidence of sth TESTIFYTO: The legaLprofession zs Stlla largely male World as evidenced by the smallmurmDer of wornen jdges.

evyvi'dent /evident/ adj ~ (to sb) (that … ) | ~ (in/from sth) clear; easily seen OBVIOUS: 下 has now becomme eyidentto US 雪at a 7mistaKke has been made. C The growing mterest im history 让 clearyy eyident 访 太e number ofpeople Visiting 7TnUseurmns and coUnitry houses,C The orchestra DIayed With eyident enjoymient 一See also SELF-EVIDENT Dote at CLEAR

eV衣 om /ivl iva/od ,noun


| adid


2.[Cusually pl] abad or

| 9 get

| hhat

|- yes

have a feeling or quality: Be evinced a Strong desire to be FecoPtciled With Pis Jrmily eVis-Cer'ate /ivVIsarert/ ve 由 [VN] (fmmajh to removethe inner organs ofabody DISEMBOWEL

eVyoOcative /Tvokaetrv; NMAmETVak-/ adj ~ (of sth) malkc ingyouthinkoforrememberastrong image or feeling, in a pleasant way: evyocaftiyve smells/sSoumnds/mzusic 2 _ Her mew pook 1 wonderfully eyocative ofvillage 1 访 . eVvoOlke /Tveuk; NmETVoUk/ verb[VN] (formal)tobringa feeling, amemory or an image into yourmind: The music eyoOKked mmermories of her youth. ee His case 1 Unlikelyto eyOKke PUDlic syrmpathy reVocation:/iveokerfmn; NmE 证VOU-Anoun [G U]:azbrillianteyocation ofchildhood it 碎e 了 940s


/valu:fn;i ,ev-/ moun [U] T (bo1g) the

gradual development of plants, animals,etc. over many years as they adapt to changes in their environment: 碎e

eyoution of the hurnan Species C Darw 太 二theory of evoltion 之 the gradual development of sth: Im politics Britain jas prejferred eyolutiom to reyolution (= gradtual develop-

mentto sudden Violent change) eyou-tion:ary /ivaluJenri; ,ev-;,NAmE -meri/ ad connected with evolution; connected with gradual development and change: eyolutionary 太 eofy C eyoIutio7iary cha7tge

evo-lu-tion-ist /ivelu:jJnrst; ,ev-/ noun, ad

四 IOU1 a person Who believes inthe theories ofEvOLUTION and NATURAL SELECTION

BQdj. relating to the theories of EVOLUTION and NATURAL eVvolve /ivplv; NmE ivalv/ ve 由下 一 人(sth (from sth) (into sth) to develop gradually especially from'ai Simple to a more complicated form; to develop sth in this way: turenie [VN] Each schoolTmusteyomye ix owmway oFworkimg 2 一 (from sth) (biology) (of plants, animals, etc.) to

develop over time,often many generations, into forms

that are better adapted to stirvive chahges in their envir-

onment: [V] The hree species eyolyed 广orm a single amcestor 2 [VN] The dolphin has eyolyed a highly developed Jaw. ewe /ju/ noun a female sheep 一picture 区 GoAT-com-

or partner: The children are spending the WeeKkendwithn TY ex ad his new 也访. 卓 .P1/ep. (B/E) not 记cluding sth: The price is ET500 exVAT

他 X- 0

/eks/ prejx (innouns)

former: ex-w 达 e ex-presiderit eXa--/"eksa-/ combjining Jorm (in units ,of measurement)

102s: exajoule

and cruel: am eyil mmane an eyil srin 2 having aharmful effect on People; morallybad: evil deeds c 太eeyiL effeck OoF racism 3 connected with the DEVvIL and with whatis bad in the world: eyil spirits 4 extremelyunpleasant: ar eyi

总 the World. Tag coop

eVyvinmce /Tvms/ ve 凡 [VN] (iormaj)to show clearlythatyou

四 IOU1 (PL exes) (injormalj) aperson's former wife, husband

or Understood easily OBVIOUSLY: She Walked slowWly GowP the road evidentty 识 Pain e mn aaid Tcouldm 和 Jinishn the Work IastmighkE vidently not7 也 according to what people say APPARENTLY: Evidentt, she had Tiothing to ao with the Whole affair

PoO evL

looking at them eV 训 ly /ivali/ adv ip a morally bad or very unpleasant Way:to8grevilyctoIookeyvillyatsSD

Pare RAM ewer /ju:eG)/ nounalargeJuGusedinthepastfor CarTyY-= ing water @X /eks/ moUm; PreP

evi.dent:ly /evidqantli/ ady 1 clearly; that can be seen

ous)thetime when youhaveto do sth difficult or Unpleasant 一more atBREW1m. ,GENIUS 帮 . @1OuUn (jnmal) 了 [U] aforcethat causesbadthingsto hapPen; moraly bad behaviour: the etermnal struggle betWween goodandeyilcthejorces ofevileyoucannotpretendtheres

the evil'eye 7oun [sing.] the magicpowertoharm sb by

[V] Theiaeaeyovedjoriadrawingraiscoyered 这 切 eattic: CThe comparny hasieyotvedinto armmajorchermnical TaQTLUjc-

Punishment 一compare PLEA-BARGAINING 二 Imore at BALANCE 太

Smtell IE the evil hour'day/moment (often humor

noun (jnma/ aperson who does very bad

SELECTION > eyoution'ism /ivelu:fmnizem; iev-/ noun

Presentand clearly seen: The police Were much in eyvidemce

四 0dj. 1 (of people) enjoying harming others; morally bad

harmful thing; the bad effect of sth: the evils of drusgs alIcojhol 2 Social evils [EU see LESSER, NECESSARY

eX-acer:bate /I9g'Zsesaebert; NAmE:Ig'zaesarb-) ve 片 [VN] (Jonmaj) to make sth worse, especially a disease or Problem AGGRAVATE: The syTmptorms may be exacerbatea

By certain druss. > exacerbation moun [U,G]

@XCHt 0 /I9'Z2ekt/ adi ,veb 昌 0dj. 1 correct in every detail PRECISE: She gaye am exact descripton of the attacKer CaTt exaqact COpYVXFrepiica of the painting ce We meed to Know 态e exact tirme 切e 识 c dent 0OCCUTTed. C WhatWwere Pis exactWwords2 c Shes 识 Per 7mid- 妇 rr5ies 一thirby-Six to be exact CTHhecolours Were an exXactTmatch. Hestartedto phoneTmeattheexactmomentT

| k cat

| 1leg

| mman

| -minow

| p pen

| rred

Started to Phone him (= at the same time)j. CEer second

jusband Was the exactopposite of her Jirst(= completely

different. cnote at TRUE and careful about details

2 (of People) very accurate METICULOUS,PRECISE

3 (ofasciencejusing accurate meastrements and follow-

ing set-rules

PRECISE: Assessing insuratce risKk ca

meyer pe a7L eXactsciePnice. 基 eXactiness mou1n [U]

有 ye几 [VN] ~ sth (from sb) (formaj) 1 to demand and get sth 人 from sb: She Was determined to exact a DroTmise 万om mim. 之 to make sth bad happen to sb: Stress can exacta jaigh price 方om Workers (=.can affect them badly). CHe exacted (三 took) a terrible revenge Jor their treatment of him 号 exaction /Ig'zaekjn/ noun [CU] (Jormaj eXact:ing /I9g'zaktm/ adi needing ordemanding alot of effort and care about details DEMANDING;: eXactimng


已X 司IT 0 可 /Jrg'zaem/ (also 加 rmalexam'in'ation)

moOU1 Taformal written, SpOoken or Practical test, especially at School or college, to see how much you know :about a Subject or What yot can do: to taKke ar examta o io pass7 Jail ar exam co an exama paper Tsgot my exaimn Tesults today/. CAIotofstuadentks sufjferFom exaritmierves co(BrBT jate doing exarms. 2 (Br jormajtositanexam 2(BI 有 如

Tnark ar exaTmi CO (NAmE) to grade a7iexama (BrE)Shedid Well 识 her exarms: 3 (NAImE) She did wel ori her exar7mas. 之 (NmE) amedical test of a particular part of the body: QT eye eXGa1m

WorK cproducts designed to meet the exactirnig stantdards of todays markeplace CHe wasant exacting man to Wo头jor


exactitude /rgzaektrtiud; NAmE -tuza/ noun [U] (or majh the quality ofbeing very accurate and exact



/1igzaktlil adv

Tusedto emphasize that sth is correct in every way or in eveIy detail PRECISELY:Tcniow exactty how sjhe 帮 比 2Do exactby asTtellyou 2 下 happened amostexacttyayear a80. 2 下S exactty mine ofClocKk. ceZU haveni changed at al 一yoUSHLL IOooKk exactiy the same. co Hiswords had exact下 kUy 雪 e opposite efjfect e Zur answer is exactty right Was Q Warm day 矿not exacty hok 了 (njformal ised to askformore information aboutsth: Where exXactly didyov stay Frarlce?e (disapproving) Exkactty wjatareyou tying to tell me? 3 Used as a reply agreeing with what sb has just said,or emphasizing that it is correct: 了 ou mmeam 501ebpody 态 切 二 room 7mUSE pe the 页Urderer2 和 Kxactly”

II not exactly (imjormal) 1 used when you are saying the Opposite of what you really mean: He Wasmi exactyy Pleased io See Ws一 记名 ct he refused to open the door CjJts

Pot exactly peautihil zs it? (= its ugly) 2 used when you are cOrrecting sth that sb has said: So he toldyouvyouvGgot 妇 ejop? Not exactlt put Je said they were impressed Witp 7Tmne.”

已区 -可 穴-名 人马 呈 ate


/1g'zaed5erert/ vem

to make sth seem largem bettem worse or more important

than iTeallyis: [V] TPe hotel was really iitpy amd Pr mot eXagSeratin8. C [VN] He temnds to exagSgerate the difficulties. CTmLsSuUre he exagSgerates jis Jrish accent (= tries to sotnd Iore Irish than he reallyis). e Demamd for 如eproduct has Deemn Sreatiy exaggerated.


0m /jigzaed5erertrd/ ao 丰

1 made to seem larger better Worse or more important thanitreally is orneeds tobe: to make greatiy/Srossly/ Wildly exaggerated claimls 2 She has at exaggerated SeTlse of her 0OWm importarice. 了 (of an action) done ip a way that makes people motice it: Fe JooKed at7me Withn exagge六

ated suUTprise.

exX'ag'Sgerated -ly odv

exX-agS-Sgeatiomn /1gzaed5arerfm/ noun [cusually sing, U] a statement Or description that makes sth seem largeD betten worse or more importantthan itreallyis; the act of Imaking a statement like thijs: a slIigjht/gross/wild exagSeratioft 2 WouIG be a7z exaggeratioft to Say T KTiew her Wel一 [omly methertwice. 2 丰s mno exaggeration to Say that

1mnoststudents Phaye mnneyer read acomplete ShaKkespeare Play. CHetoldhjhisstorysirmnply ard without exaggerationt.

EX 了 性 /Ig'zo:lt/ veb [VN] (Jormah) Tto make sb rise to a higher Iank or Position,, sometimes to one that they do Dotdeserve 2 to praise sb/sth very much

eXaltatiomn /egzoz'terfa/ movn [U] (Jormal) Ta feeling ofvery greatjoyorhappiness 之 an actofraising sth/sbto a high position or fank: the exaltatiomn of emotiom aboye 1ogical reasoming

eXaltedi /igzo:lttd/ adj 1T(ormal or humorous) of high IanKk,position or great imPportance: She Was thje only Womana to rise to SUch ar exalted position. 2 ZDUTe 7moving

太 yveryexalted circles! 2 (了 rmal)full of greatjoyand happiness: 了T放 上 exalted aiid mnewly alive. ssee

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe


吾 Exam is the usual word fora written, spoken or practical test at school or college, especially an important one that you need to do in order to get a qualification. Examination is avery formal word. 和 test is something that students might be given in addition to, orsometimes instead of regularexams,to see how much they havelearned:.Averyshortinformal test is called a quiz in NAmE.Quiz in both NAmEand BrEalso meansa contest in which peopletry to answer

questions: gtnya quz sa qu show



/1gzamrnerfmn/ noun

1 [G (Unmal) = EXAM: to sit an examination 识 mathe11Q 丰Cs C SUCCessHul canmdidates 训 GCSE examinatiorns 和 ApPplicants are selected forjobs on 妇e resultks of a compe在ve examzimna 丰 Oo7L. Use take/do/vsit an exaTmairmatiomn

Dot jpFite exaffitteEeoft.。 ef

2 [U,C

the act of

looking at or considering sth very carefully: Careful exarmminatio of the ruUins reyvealed ar eye earlier tenple. C Onm Closer examiiriatioft 让 Was jurtid 轨 at 坊 e sigmature Was Potgenuine. 2 ZOL Droposals are still artderexammirtatiom. CThe issue needs furtherexamiinnatioPn The ciapterconmcludes With abriefexarmimnatiort ofsomme of the foctors caUusing jfomiy breakup. 3 [C aclose look at sth/sb, especiajly to see ifthere is anything wrong or to find the cause of a Problem: Qa 7medical examination C Q _pos上Tmorterm examination 一See also CROSS-EXAMINATION

人 Xaimiim人 0

/Ig'zammy/ ve三

了 to consider or study an idea, a subject, etc. very carefully: [VN] THPese iaeas w 记 pe examined 总 more detail 识 Chapter 10. C [V wh-] 慧六 necessary to examiine how 纺e Droposals ca7l be carried ouUL 字 [VN] ~ sth/sb (for sth) to look at sth/sb closely, to see 过 there is anything wrong or to find the cause of a PIOoblem: The goods were examined ordarmasge on arrivalL c The doctor examtimned her putcould Jindmothing wrong. cnote atCHECK 3 [VN] 一 sb (in/on sth) (forma/) to give sb a test to see how much they know abouit a Subject or what they can do: The studenitks will pe eXaTiimied im al SUDjects at the end of term. 2 ZU are only Deing exaTmiried on 纺 褒SeTmmesters WorK 4 [VN] (aow) to ask Sb questions formally especially in court- see also CROSS-EXAMINE [TIU see NEEDYV examinee /Ig,zaemrni:/ movn a Person who is being tested to see how much they know abont a subject or What they can do; &Person who is taking an exam eXxamin'er /rzg'zaemrmaGr)/ noun 1 a Person who writes the questions for or marks/grades, atestofknowledge or ability: The papers are Sent to exterTiaQL examirters (= Ones Dot connected with the students' school or college). 字 (especially Nm a person who has the official duty to check that things are being done correctly and according to the rules of an organization; a person who officially examines sth 一See also MEDICAL EXAMINER

eXx.aimple 0 /1gzdmpl NAmE -Zaempl/ oun 1 ~(of sth) something such as an object, a fact or asituation that shows, explains or Supports what yoU say: Cam

yoUgive 7ne aeXxaTmple of whatyou mean2 etis iport ant to cite exaTmples to SUDDOorLEyOUFr arguiment CThis dic-

| 5vision



| dzjam

| gthin

| 5this

| D sing



tionaryhas marty examples ofhow Words are Used. Justto give you an example of his generosib/ 一he gaye Te his old car anmd_ Wouldni take any momney for 让 了 一 (of sth a thing that is typical of or represents a particular grOUP or set: This is agood exaTmple of the artists early Work.cLi5a Perfect example of a rnedieval castle. 2 _Japan 让 -OfeP quoted as the Prime examaple of a modern industrial mation. Ooitisaclassic examiple of how mot to daesigrLa mnew city centre. 3 ~ (to sb) aperson ortheir behaviour that is thought to be a good model for others to copy: 了 er'coUu 六 age 厨afu example to US a1L C Fe sets art examiple to the other students. C She is a shinirig exampIe of wpat people With disabilities cart achieve. Ce He is acaptain who leads by examiple. 4 a person's behaviour either good or bad, that other people copy: 下 would be a mistake to foliow his exarmnple. ior examgpjle (0bbr ee-多) Used to emphasize sth that explains or Supports what you are Saying; used to give an example of what you are Saying: There is asimiilar word 训 mnamy 1amn8guages, jpor example 总 Frernichiand Italian- O The report is incomplete; 让 does Tiot 识 clude sales 识 Framce, forexamiple.C 下 poss 二 芭 le to combine Computer Sciemice With other SUBijects,j7 exaTmple

Physics. make an examplieofsb topunish sb asawarmning'to others nottodothe samething

SsYNONYMs examine review 。study * take stock .survey Thesewords all meantothink about, study or describe

sbyjsth carefully, especially in order to understand them,

form an opinion ofthem or make a decision aboutthem':. EXaminEetothinkabout,study or describe an idea,

subject orpiece of work very carefully: Jpese ideas W 吃 pe examined 站 more detioi1 in Chaopier 70. meyiewto examine sth again, especiallyso that you can decide if itis necessary to make changes: The

SoyernmentwWilreyiewthesituation loter 站 切 eyeor sudyto examine sb/sth in ordertounderstand them or if We willstuay thereportcare 友lybeforemaknga decisiom, EXAMINE OR STUDY7?

Youexamine sth in orderto understand iit orto help other people understand it, for example by describing in a book; youstudy sth in orderto understand 让 yoOurself. talkke stock (of sihjtothink carefully about the way in which a particularsituation is developing in order to decide whatto do next: 上 Liwas tme to siond pack and take siockKof jis career SuUFVEeytoO examineand give a general description of sth: Thischapter briefjly SuUrveys he cuUrrentstote of EUropean Pojitics: PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

下 to examine/review/study/take stock of/survey what/ how/whether.… 可 to examine/review/study/take stock of/survey the Situation 下 to examrmine/review/study/survey the evidence 如 to examine/review/study/take stock offsurvey sth briefly/regularly 下 to examine/review/study sth carefully/systematically/


看 to examine/review/study sth closely/in depthyin detail EX-GS-DPEIaie /19'zaesparert; BrEalso-zasp-/ ver[VN]to annoy Or irritate Sb very Inuch INFURIATE 人 IEXaSPeraiion /1I9,Z2esSpareIfn; BrE also2za:sp-/ noun [U]: He

Shook his head 识 exasperation. Ca 8roarVlookAsigh of eXaQsperatioP

EXDS-DEI-aited /1g'zzesparertrd; BrE also -zad:sp-/ adj .extremelyannoyed, especially if you cannot do anything to improve the'situation INEURIATED: “WPy Wonit you

example case, instance *。specimen* ilustration These are all wordsforathing or situation that'is typical ofa particular group or set, and issOmetimes used to support an argurment. ”Exaimplesomething suchasanobject afactora situation thpat shows, explains orsupports whatyou say;

athingthatistypical of or represents a particular group orset: Con yOU give /me am example of wjatyou 1megnz casea particular situation ora Situation of a particular type; asituation that relatesto a particular person Or thing: /pm some cases People have hadio waitseyeral Weeks 加797 09PPoimtrmer

jmstamce(rotherjormalj) aparticularsituation ora situation of a particular type: The report iigh1ghts 0 Unbper oFinstamces OF iniUstice. specimenan example of sth, especiallyananimal or plant: Thpe aqguarium has some interesting SPpecimens of UDUSUGOItropica1 万 沪.

iusiratiionm(/oatherjormalj) 齐 astory aneventoran example that clearly shows the truth about sth: Thpe statistics areagclearillustrationofthe point1am tyingti 17gKe. EXAMPLE OR ILLUSTRATION?

Anillustration is often used to show that sth'istrue: An example is used to help to explain sth:

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 可 aln) example/case/instance/specimen/ilustration of sth 看 inaparticular case/instance 下 for example/instance asWer Te27 he asKked 训 am exasperated VOice. 2 She Was becomiirig exasperated With all 女e guestions tey Were asKing. EX-aS有Eraiims /1Ig'Z2eSperertIm; BrE also -zazsp-/ ad extremely annoying INEFURIATING

EX Cath-eagra /,eks ke'0i:dre/ adv,, adi (Jormal usually religion) speaking with the aithority ofyotr position: The Pope Was SDpeaking ex cathedra.

EX-CaV-ate /"ekskevert/ veb [VN] Ttodig in the ground to look for old buildings or objects that have been btiried foralong time; to find sth by digging in this way: The site jhas beem excayated by archaeologists,C pottery anmd Weapons excayated 方om the burial site 2 (Jormal) to make ahole, etc. in the ground by digging: The body was discoyvered When builders excayated the area.

EXCaV瑟这Om /ekska'verfn/ noun T [CU]the activity of digging in the ground tolook for old buildings or objects that have been buried foralong time 2-:[Cusually pl] a Place where people are digging to look for old buildings Of objects: The excayations are open to the Public. 3 [U] the act of digging, especially with a machine EXCaV-aihor /'"ekskaeverIte(G)/ .0oU Ta large machine that is Used for digging and moving earth 一Picture 吃 CONSTRUCTION 2 a person who digs in the ground to look for old biildings and objects EX-CeE四 /Ik'si:d/ ve 避 [VN] (formah) Ttobegreaterthan a particular number or amount: The Price w 记 not exceed K100. 2 再 is achieverment have exceeded expectatioris. 2 to do morethan the law or an order etc. allows you to

do: She was exceeding the speed limit(= driving fasterthan is allowed). 2 The o 护 cers had exceeded their GuUthority一 See also EXCESS

EX-Ceedj-imEs:y /ik'si:dmli/ adw (jzmal becoming ol joshioned) extremely; very; Very much ALLY


EXCEU /ITk'sel/ veb ( 蛋 -)T TIV] ~ (in/atsth/atdoing sth)to be very good at doing sth: She has always excelled 识 名 六 eign Ianguages COThe teamt excels at 纪 Fmnirtg defemnce into attack. CAs achild he excellea at music ana art 2 .[VN~

ae cat | d: father | eten | sa: bird | eabout|rzsit |isee |imany|npgot(BrE)

| ossaw | Acup

| oput | utoo

yourself (BrE) to do extremely Wellandieven bettei than you usually do: Rick's cooking Was always go0od Dut this 太 timie je realy excellea jii7risE EXCCEelIemce /eksalans/ mouvn [U] ~ (in sth) the quality of being extremely good: a reputation Joracadernic exceL

527 已X-Ce 阿-攻 io

ExXCcel-Iemcy /'eksaelonsi/ movnEis/HerYour ExceEE

TIEmcy (P/ -ies) a title used when talking to or about sb Who has a Very important official Position, especially an AMBASSADOR: Good eyeniing YOUF EXcellency S their ExceL Lemacies te French arid Spanisjn Abassadors

/eksalent/ adf/

了 extremely good: am excelient mieal C excellent service w AL8300 the Dike is excellent value co She SDeaKsS eXcelIenmit

Situation,bnit they mean that the normal situation re-

mains true 逊 general: Most electroniics co7mpahiies jiave Totdone WelL 而 东yeap DUEOUFS 褒 太eexceptiom 态QtDrOoye5

French ce (Unfornmal) 二 Was apsolutely excellent 2 tused to Show that you are Very Pleased about sth or'that you ap-

the 7Ie imake am:ekCcemtion

Prove of sth: YoV car all come? ExKcellentl 戎 EXrCel-IemtEy

excellent outstanding。perfect 。 superb . marvellous 。exceptional

exceptior of his Iast 友 诈hauEexcepfiion used toempha-

sizethatthe statementyot are Imiakingis alwaystrue and eVveIyone OFT everything is included: AI students Witpnott eXception TUsSttake 雪 e BF1iglishexa7miiatiom: EECEI-Eiom-al / 苹'sepjenl/ ad, Tuntasually good OUTSTANDING: At the age of five he showed exceptional taleftt as a nusician. e The gualiby of the recording 1 guite exceptiomnaL 必 note at EXCELLENT 2 Very unUsual: This deadlirre Wi pe extenided oily 训 exceptionai CircuTastartces. UNEXCEPTIONAL

Allthese words describe sth that is extremely good. EXCeHjiemt extremPly 800d.5TONS Excellentis used especially about standards of service or of sth that sb has worked to produce: Jpe rooms are excellent yalue at 8200mght e Hespeaks excellent English.aag Excellent is also used to show that you are very pleased -about sth orthatyou approve of sth: Yov con all come? Excellen 巡

extremely good.Imaa

全 革 Ce和 -iiOm-aljy /zk'sepJeneli/ aodyv 1 used before an

Outstanding is

adjective or adverb to emphasize how strong or unusual the quality is: The weathen5 eyen for January Was excepEonaloy cold 2 工 t 切ought Bi .played exceptionally we 人 22 only in Unusual circumstances: Exceptionally students 1maY pe accepted Withoutjormal gual 访cations. EN-CEE了 让 /,eksspti NAImE -Sa:rpt/ noun ~ (from sth) a short Piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from along-

Used especlally about how well sb does sth or how good sbis at sth: an OUtstamding dgchieverment erfecE extremely go0od.ImGU3 Perfect is used especially about conditions or how suitable sth isfora purpose: Conditions wereperectjorwalking. eshecame UDP With 芒e PereEct excuse.


(1njprrma1j extremely good orimpressive: The

er Whole 戎 eicCCerpt Verb[VN] ~ sth (from sth): The docvuTnent Was exXcerpted fom ar uidentified PBTI 记 1e. EX-CESS 1OU1 0d/. 画 IOU1 /TIk'ses/ 1 [sing.,U] ~ (of sth) more than is necesSary Teasonable or acceptable: Are you SuUffering 太 om am

atthe jhotel are superb.

[imaivelous (10 加erimnjommah extremely good: Jpejood smells absoluitely maryvellous,

unusually good,EmaiS


often used about sb's ability or performance: Exceptonalstudenmzss are givem 7ee tuitionm,

exXCes5 of s6ess 加 YOU LE2 en am excess ofemnthnusiasmT ageed to WoTK Iate.2 7DUcan 纹row away any excess. Te Started arinking to excess after 1osing his job. 2 The n-


crease Wi mot be 识 excess of (= more than) bwo per cent 2 [GU] an amount by which sth is larger than sth else: We coyer cos6 UP t 上 600 and 雪 en you pay 妇e excess.

百 to look/sound excellent/outstanding/perfect/superby/

marvellous/exceptional ,

区 really/absolutely/quite excellentyoutstanding/perfect/ superb/marvellous/exceptional 画 aln) excellent/outstanding/perfect/superb/marvellous/ exceptional job/performance 厚 aln) excellent/outstanding/superb/marvellous/

3 [Gusually sing.] (BrE) (NMAmEde-ducEipfe) the part of

an insurance claim that a person has to pay while the insurance company pays the rest; There ia excess OF K100 oneach claim under this policy 4 excesses [pl.] exXtreme behaviour that is Unacceptable, illegal or imrmoral:

, exceptional achievement

全 "所 其 人| 全辣 /ITIk'sept/ Prep com ,ye 几 画 Piep. (aljsoexcceptfor)usedbefore youmention the only thing or _person about which a_ statement is not true APART FROM: We WorKk eyery day except Sunday. They all caTme except Matt CT had motping om except for TY SOcKs. 忆 note at BESIDES 划 CO/ 外 一 (that .… )used before you mention sth that makes astatement Dot coOmPpletely true APART FROM THE FACT THAT:Tdidnt teL Hi amythning except thatTmeeded the 7noney CO OUr dresse5 Were the Same eXxcept 7mine Was Ted. 划 Ver [VN] [usually passive] ~ sby/sth (from sth) (fommalito not include sbysth: Chilaren under 放ive are excepted 万om the SUFVeyX 2 The sanctions ba7t the sale of any product eXcepting medical supPplies and food. c Tbpurs are arramnged alLyear rounmd (Jamnuary excepted/). See PRESENTOCd/.


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| saogo(Br

to allow sb notto follow

the usual rule on Onme occasion: Chiladrem are mot LSsually alowWed 识 DUETTTE DTFepared to make an exceptio 产总 切 放 C05e. ae ex cepfiom to sth to object Stronglyto sth; to be angry about sth: TtaKke great exceptior to the /ct tpat youtoldmywW 旋 beforeyoutoldrmme: SNoonecouldpossibly take eXception to his Cormmients. WW话所 识 EXICepiiom of except; not including: AI Pis noyvels areseEin Italy with the


Ge /ik'sepfn/ novn

Tapersonorthingthatisnotincluded inageneralstatement: MOSstof the5aildings 况 殷 etowiaremmoderm Dutthe CRurch isiarm exceptiomn. CTWith yer 帮 W exXceptions, Priyate 5Chools 8et the best Exam results C Nobody jhad mach 7momney at the me amd TIWas mnO exceptiom 2 iathingthat does not follow arule: Good writing 冶 umfortunately the exception rather thar the rule (= it is unusual). ecThere are alWaysa 1otofexceptions to graTmmar rules, IERT pe exceptionmthatprovesthe'rufe (s0yng) people saythat sth is the exception that proves the iiiie when they are Stating sth that seems to be different 他rom the normal

Lence C The hospital is recosgriized as a cenire of excellemnce 总 research aid teaching. 一See also PAR EXCELLENCE

忆 X-Ce 下 -Tenmt 0


We need a 太 ee press to CUTFD goyverTiTmeTnt eXCE55Se5. 画 G 引 . /,ekses/ [only before noun] in addition to an amotunt thatis necessary, Usual orlegal: Excessfoodisstored asjot CDTiming Wit exces5s alcojiol 训 the blood Q serious oO Jenmce. L

EXCeSS ' 阿本 宫呈二 克全 /)0UI [U] bags, cases, etc: takeli on to aplane that weigh more than the amotnt each passenger is allowed to carry without paying extra EX-CES-Siiye /IKk'sesIV/ adj greater than What Seems reaSonable or appropriate: They coTmPplaimnied about the excesSive noise comming 万om the Upstairs jat The amounts she DorrowWea Were not eXcessive. 9 Excessiyve drinkirg cam iead

to stomach



ady: excessiyely

Pighn Prices

外 天 -人 肌了 加 加 把0

/下stjema5/ moumi ve 内

矶 OU1


[GU] an act of giving sth to sb

or doing sth for sb and receiving sth in return: The ez

| ougo(MmBE

| ofboy

| inear

| ee hair

| ue pure


528 |

change of prisoners tooK:Dlace this morming. 2 We meed to Promote am open exchange of ideas and information 2 an exchange of glamnces/insults 2 ar exchange of Jire (= between enemy soldiers) CeTI buy you Iunch and you 万x my comzputer K that a Jair exchange2 2 Would you like my'old TV 识 exchange for this camera? 2 TI type YOUT report 矿you 开 babysit 训 excharlge, 一See alsO PART EX- ~ CHANGE


了 [C] a conversation or an

argument: There Was Oily time Jorabriefexchange. c The Prime Minister Was inyolyved 识 aheated exchamge with OPpPositior MPs. > OF MONEY 3 [U] the process of changing an amotunt of one CURRENCY (= the moneyused:in one country) for an equal value of another: CUrrency' exchange Jocilities 和 Where ,can IT find the best excharge rate[Tate of exchamngSe? 一See also FOREIGN EXCHANGE

>BETWEEN TWO COUNTRIES .4.:[C]:an arrangement when

two people or groups from different countries visit each others homes or do each othersjobs for ashorttime: Or School does am _exchange With a School 训 France. C NicK Went on the French exchange. C trade and cUItural exchanges Withn China


5 (often_ Exchange) [ 〇 (in compounds) a

building where business people met in the past to buy and sell a particular type of goods: the old Corm EC chartge 一See also STOCK EXCHANGE

TELEPHONE @ [Q.= TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 四Verb [VN] > GIVEAND RECEIVE 1 ~ sth (with sb) to give sth to sb and at the same time receive the same type of thing from them: to _exchange ideas/news/information c JuIiet

and Dayid exchanged gilamces (= they looked at each otherj. eTshooKk hands and exchahged a Fw words with the mariager C The two men exchanmnged blows (= hit each other)j: c Eyeryone 识 the SrouUPp excharnged emmiail adayresses. “MONEY/G00D5



2 ~AforBto give orreturn sth that you

get sth different or better instead

CHANGE: YoU ca exchamnge YOUFr CUrremncy for dollars 妃 the hoteL 不 让 doesnttJib take 让 backiand the Store W 记 excharng8e 让 CONTRACTS 3 二 Contracts (especidgly BrE) to sign a contract with the Derson that you are buying sth from;, especially a house orland

eX-Chequer /IstfekeGD/ noun [sing:] 1 (often the Exchequen (in Britain) the government department that controls public money TREASURY 一See also CHANCELLOR OF THEEXCHEQUER 2 thepublicornational sSupDPly of money: This resulted 识 a corisiderable 1oss to the exXCFegUer: eX-Cisel /eksaIzZ/ nouUn [U] a government tax On Some ” goods made, sold or used within a coOUntry: meW excise duties on Iow-alcohol drinks 2 a sharp increase 识 Vehicle excise C ai excise oficer (= an official whose job is to collect excise) 一comipare CUSTOMS 只 note atTAX eX:Cisez2 /Ik'saIz/ veb [VN] ~ sth (from sth) (Jormal/) to Temove sth completely: Certain ,Passa8ges Were excised 万om the booF. eX:ci.siomn /下'sI3n/ 00Un [U,G (Jormal or technical) the act of removing sth completely from sth; the thing reInoved

eX-Cit.alble /Ik'sartebl/ adj. (of people or animals) likely to become easily excited: a class of excitable temn-yeaT-oldas > ex:citability /zk,sarteblleti/0ovn [U]

到 X.C让 te 0 /ik'sart/vemb [VN] Tto make sb feel very Pleased,interested or enthusiastic,,especially abonut sth that is going to happen: The Prospect of ayear in India greaty excited her 2 to make Sb nervous or Upset and Unable to relax: Domtexciteyou 六 se (= keep calm). CO Trymotto excite your paby too much Deforebedtime, 3 一 sth (insb)tomake sb feelaparticular | ddid


5 (jormalj) to make a part of the body or STIMULATE

Part of a physical system more activVe

eX.Citedl 0m /sartrd/ ad

1 ~ (about/at/by sth) | ~ (to do sthj feeling orshowing

happiness and enthusiasm: The children Were excited aboutopening their presents. CTTma realy excited at the Prospect of working abroad. CDoni Settoo excited bythe Sight ofyour name 识 print CO He Was Very excited to be asKked to Play for Wales. e The new restaurantzs mothing to Set excited about (= Dot particularly good). > Am excited crowd of people gathered arou7id her 字 DerVoUS OFT UPSet and unable to relax: Somme horses become excited When 雪 ey7e AROUSED > exX识 frafic. 3 feeling sexual desire cited .ly ddv: She wayedexcitedly as 女 ecar approached.

SYNONYMSs exXcited ecstatic。elated 。 rapturous。euphoric on top of the world

*。exhilarated *

These words all describe feeling or showing happiness 了 and enthusiasm. excited feeling orshowing happiness and enthusiasm: Thekds were excited about 坊 ejholiday ecsiaticvery happy, excited and enthusiastic showing this enthusiasm: Sajly was ecstothc about her newJjop elated happyand excited because of sth good that has happened or willhappen: 1 was elated wiih the 轨mU1 of

SUCCE55. euphoricvery happy and excited, but usuallyonly fora shorttime: My euphoric mood could mot /as

rapturous expressing extreme pleasure orenthusiasm: e was greeted with rapiurous applause. exhilarated happy an由 excited, especially after physical activity: She jitexhilaroted wy和 地 zhe Speed ontop ofthe worid (njformah very excited or proud, especially about sth that you have achieved: 1/m on top OFthe world. 1meverexpected to do so we儿 PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

[ED see WORD1. ex'change-able /jiks'tfemad5sebl/ adj- that can be exchanged: These toKkens are exchamgeable for DVDs onjy.



emotion or react in'alpatticular Way

European Partiament:is.mnotiam insEitbuiom Which excites interest 训 voters. o to excite atterttiomVcriticismy curiositby The news jas certainly excited comamentt (= made People talk about it), 4 to make sb feel Sexual desire

| ffall

| gget:|


| jyes

目 to be/feel excited/ecstatic/elated/euphoric/ exhilarated/on top ofthe world 忌 到 入 上 to look/seem/sound excitedyecstaitic/elated to be excited/ecstaticelated/euphoricabouty/at sth 晶 to be excited/elated/exhilarated by sth

下 to be ecCstatic/elated/exhilarated with sth 画 a(n) excited/ecstatic/elated/euphoricmood 是 ecstatic/rapturous applause/praise 上 an) ecstatic/rapturous welcome/reception

人 X.-C 证emmemt

0 识/ 匡'sartmaent/ 00U0

1 [u] the state of feeling excited: The mews caused great

excitemett amolg her 广iends. c to jeel a surge/thrill/ Shiver of excitement He was jiushed with excitement atthethought CThedogiIeaptandWaggedits tailin exciteTment C IT her excitement She dropped her glass. 2 [GO (1jormalj) somethingthatyou find exciting: The7iewjop Was mnOt Without its excitemzeTats.

已X.C 主.iim 豆0 /zsartm/0术 causing great interest or excitement: .One of the mostexCiting deyelopments 识 biology 识 recentyears CThey Waited andyWaitedjorsomething exciting to happen.C arLexciting Prospect/possibility C_ an ,exciting Story/discoyery

> exciting.ly 0dv eX-Cclaim /I'sklem/ verbto saysth suddenly andloudly, especiallybecause of sttrong emotion or pain: [Vspeechj] 和 isntJair几 he exclaimed angriby 2:[V] She opened her eyes aid excilaimed in delight at the scene: [also V that]


note at CALL | k cat

| lleg

| mman

| anow

| ppen

| =rired



eXxciting 、 dramatic * heady * thrilling 。 exhilarating These words all describe an event, experience or feeling that causes excitemenitt: exciting causing great interest Or excitement: This is one

Ofihe mostexcitimg developmenzs 六 biology im recent years, dramatic(of events or scenes) exciting and impressive: Jpey watched dramatic pictures ofihe police raidon TV headyhavingastrong effect on your senses; making you , feel excited and hopeful: the heody days of you态 thrillin 人exciting and enjoyable: Dom 和 mmiss mext week 廊mU1pg episode/ 1 ExhilaratinEyvery excitingand enjoyable: My 万rst ParachuteJump was an exhilarabng experience. EXCITING, THRILLING OR EXHILARATING7

Exhilarating is the strongest of these words and eXxciting the least strong. EXxciting is the most general and can be Used to talk about any activity experience, feeling or

event that excites you. Thrilling is used particularly for contests and stories where the ending is uncertain. Exhilaratingis used particularlyfor physical activities that involve speed and/or danger, PATTERNS AND COLELOCATIONS

目 yery/really exciting/dramaticheady/thrilling/ exhilarating 到 absolutely/totally thrilling/exhilarating 和 aln) exciting/dramatic/thrilling story 旧 a(n) exciting/dramaticheady/thrilling/exhilarating experience/momaent 豆 aln) exciting/dramaticCheady/thrilling atmosphere @aln) exciting/dramaticthrilling ending/finish/finale/ victory/win



-novun a short sound,

Word or phrase sSpoken suddenly to express an emotion. Oh Look oul and Ow/ are exclamations: Fe gayve an exciamatiom of surprise.

eXcla'imation imark(especially Br 日(NAmEusually excla'mation poinb 7oUn themark(!)thatis written after an eXclamation

eX:Clama'tory/E'sklamatri; ek-; NAmE -tori/ adj (Jr /mall (of language) expressing suUrprise or strong feelings CGXClude om /让 sklu:d/ vem [VN] T~sth (from sth)todeliberatelynotinclude sth in what you are doing or considering: The cost of porrowing has Dee excluded 方om the 加 flatiomn igures. CO_ Try excluding 有 tf 方om yoUr Giet 2 Buses TU eyery hou7P Sundays ex-


之 一 sb/sth (from sth) to Prevent

Sb/sth from entering a place ortaking partin sth: Wormmem Qre Sill eXcluded 方om some Lomndom clubs:.S (BE) Comcer7 1 870Wing oOVer 坊 e PUTmber of chnildremn excluded 方om 5chool (= ,not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). 2 She jelt excluded by the other girlks (= they did not letherjoininwhattheywere doing). .3 to decide that sth is not Possible: We should mot exclude the possipilityof 7egotiationm. 2 THhe police haye excluded theft as a 7motiye Jor te murder IE INCLUDE

eX-Clud-ins not including: arimnks.


/ITk'sklu:dr/ Prep

Zuw7ich cost:


eX-Clu-siOonm /ik'sKkluzsn/ movwn 1 [册 一 (of sb/sth) (from sth) the act of Preventing sbysth 人fom entering aplace Or taking part iD sth: Be was qisappoitead Withn his exclusio7 万o克 坊e Biglamnd squad. CExclusionofair createsayacuuTm zi the bottle. C Memories of the past 记led her mind to the exclusiom of all else. 2 [C] a person or thihg that is not

included in sth: ChecKk 太 elistofexclusioms in the insurance Policy 3.[u] ~ (of sth)the actof deciding that sthiis not Possible: 妇 eexclusiom:ofrobberyasarmmotive [uC (Br6) Sisee:|


| vvyan

| wwet

| zzoo

exX'clu:sion:ary/tk'sklu:senri/ adj. (formai) designed to Prevent a particular person or group of people from take ingpartin sth or doing sth

exclusion ordernoun (BrE) an official ordernotto go to a particular Place: The judge placed am exclusiom order OP Firm DaTz7aimng Pirm 万oma city centtre Shops. exXclusion zonemounan areaWhere zeople are not allowed to enterbecauseitis dangerous oristused:forsecret activities

GX:Cju-sive /东 'sklu:srv/ ad13 mou1 四 0Odj. 1 onlyto peused byone particular Person or group; onlygiven tooneparticularperson or group: The hoteljas exXCIUSiye acces5 to 纺 ebeachi eexclusive rightstotelevisethe Worla CupS 本smotherhastold he Tiimmes2abpoutPhis dea 坊 总 QTL exclusiye interyieW (= not given to any other newWsPaper) 2 (of a group, society etc.) not very willing to allow new people to become members, especially if they are 位om a lower social class: He belongs to aa exXclusive clup. 3 of a high quality and expensive and therefore Dot often botught or Used by most people: am exclusiye jhotel C exclusive designmner clothes 4 not able to exist of be atrue statement at the saime time as sth else; THie two 0Dtions are mot muUtaIIY exclusive (= yotcan have'them both). 所 ~ of sb/sth notincluding sbysth: The price 放 Jor acco7mmmiodatiom OP exclusiye'of mmeals,、TaEg INCLEUSIVE 攻 exXclu:sive:Iyadv:Qacharibr thatreliesialmiostexclusiyely om VOLUPtary com 厅 边U6o7is exclusivemess1Owm [U] @]OU1 an item ofmews Orastory about famotus people that is Publishied in only one newspaper or magazine eXCIUD:SIV:ity /eksklu:'srveti/(also ex:clu:sive:nmess / 'skluzsrvnes/) 东 noun [U] the quality of being excltisive: TPe resortStill preseryes QJfeeling of exclusivity Ca designer Whose clothes have not1ost 太 eir eXclusivemness

exX-COminu:nicate/,ekskemjunikert/ vemb [VN] ~sb (for sth) to punish sb by officially stating that they can no longer be a member of a Christian Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church ”> excom:mu:nicaticn /ekskeinjumnrkerfny/ noun [U,O eX'COMi'ate/,eks'ko:riert/ ve 风 [VN] 了 (medical)to ifritate

aperson's Skin so thatiit starts to come off 2 (1jormal) to criticize Sb/sth severely .excoriationmoun [U,G] eX:CYre:Imiemt /"ekskrrmaent/ nouwn [U]: (ormah solid Waste matter that is passed from the body through:the BOWELS FAECES: the pollution of drinking Water by LTtreated hu7maT excremment 戎 exXCre:imen'taladl/: eX'Cres-Cemce /IK'skresns/ 1ou1 (jormajh) an ugly lump thathas grown onapartofan animal'sbodyoronaplant: (Jsguratve) Thie new o 护ce blocK 语 an excFescence (= it is Verytgly).

GX'CYeta / 严'SKkri:te/ Own [U] (用rmaol) solid and liquid Waste matter passed from the body: hu7ma7 exXcreta eXCEete /I'skrit/ verb [V] (technicol) to pass solid or liduid waste matter 'SkrizfnAnouwn [uU,G]


the body

excretion /IF-

@X:CYe-tOrYy/IKskri:teri; NAmE'ekskretoTri/ adj (biolosgy) connected With getting Tid of waste matter from the body: the excretory orga7s

eX-CFU-Ci.at-in 有 / 东'sSKkru:Jiertm/ odj extremely Painful

10 Der Persom

asituation ip which a-child is banned

School because of bad behaviour: the exclusiomn of disruptiye Students 广omm schoolLC Two exclusions 广omomne School 总 庚 e saTme WeeK is ULUSUQL [GE INCLUSION

from attending

| Jshoe

OF bad: The paim 识 Tny pacK Was excruciatirg.、 2 She 8&roamed at 轨e 7Tmnemory SUHJfering al ovyer again the excruciatirlg empbparrassmment of those moments. 只 note at PAINFUL 居 eXCru:ciatingjly0dv: excruciatiigly Uncomfor able C exXcTruciatinSsIy PainulIAboringsAembarrassirg

CeX-CUI -pate /'ekskAlpert/ ve 心[VN] (Jorma/) to prove or state officiallythat sb is not guilty of sth > exculpation MoOuUm [U] eXCuUYsiom/I'ska:fmn; NAmEIKk'sksrzn/ noun 1 ashort

journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people: They?e gone om am

excUTsioTt to JorKk. 只 note at TRIP 了 一 into sth (jormo)

| 5yvision

| tchain

| djam

| ethin

| 5this

| nsing


530 |

ashart period oftryingamnew or different activity: Aftera brieF excursiom into drama@ he coPncentrated on 1iis mmain interesb WPichn Was Poetry

eX-CUS:3Dle / 严'skju:zaebl/ adj [not usually before nounm] that can be eXcused FORGIVABLE: Doing 让 Oilce 内 Q5S Just about excUusapble 一doing 让 tWice Wa5 certainly moOE INEXCUSABLE

人 天:CEIS人



加 IOU1 /TIk'skju:s/ 1 一 (for sth/for doing sth) a reason, either true or invented, that you give to explain or defend yourbehaviour: Iate again1 Whatsyourexcuse this time2 和 Theres no excuse for such behaviour C_ His excUse for 加 六 Setting her birthday Was 切at he had Iost his diary 2 ZDL

dont jhaye to make exctuses for her (=tytothink ofreasons for her behaviour). e Les Iate. Tim afraid TI haye to Tmake my excUses (= SayTm sorry, give my Ieasons and

leave). 只 note at REASON 了 ~ (forsth/for doing sth) | 一 (to do sth) a good reason that you give for doing sth that you want to do for other reasons: Jts just an exclse fora Parb egave me an excuse to take the car 3 averybad exarmple of sth: WPhy getinyolved with thatpathetic excuse Jorahurman peing? 4 (NmE) anote wiitten by aparent or doctor to explain whya student cannot goto school or Sb cannot go to work

a duty put aplan into action, etc.: They drew UPD and executed a plan to reduce 包 el consumptiom 2 The crime Was yery cleyerly executed. o Check that 纺e coO7mDUter hasiexecuted your comrmands. 3 (Jormalj) to successfully perform askilful action or movement: The Pilot executed a PerTfect 1anding, 4 (Jormal)to make orproduce a work of art: casSO also executed seyerallandscapes atHorta de Samn Juan. 5 (law) to follow the instructions in alegal document to ~ make adocumentlegallyvalid

EXe-CU-tiom /,eksrkju:jJn/ noun 1 [u,G] the act ofkilling sb, especially as alegal punishment: He jced executiom By jhangingjormurder Ce Over200 executions Were carried ouUL

lastyear 2 [U] (Jormalj) the act of doing a piece of work performing a duty or putting a Plan into action: He jhad Joiled in the execution ofpis duty o The iaea was 800d but the execution WaS poor 3 [U] (jpommaj) skill im performing or making sth, such as apiece of music or work of art: er

execUtior ofthepiano pieceWasperfect 4 [U] (law)the act of following the instructions in a legal document especiallythose in sb's WILL See STAY1. CXE-CU-tiom-er /,eksrIkju:jena(r)/ novn a public official Whose job is to execute criminals


0m /1g'zekjatrv/ noun; ad

吾 mOUm 了 [C] a person who has an importantjob as amanager of acompany or an organization: adyvertisingVDus六 mess/sSales, etc. executives CQ chief[seniortop executive 训 a computer Jirm 了 [C+sing/pl:V] ia group of 到 Verb /1k'skju:z/ 1 一 sth | 一 sb(forsth/for doing sth) to people who run a company or an. organization: THhe forgive sb for sth that they have done; for example not Unioms executiye hasMjhave yet to reach a decision. 3 the being polite or making a small mistake: [VN] Please excuse the mess.OThope you人 lexcuse mejforpbeing solate. eyou . eXECUtiye [sing.+ sing./pl. y] the part of a _government responsible for putting laws into effect 一compare JUDITUsStE exXcUse 7ny Jother 一hes not always that rude. co(BIB) CIARY, LEGISLATURE Yournightbe excusedjJorthinking 雪atBenizsincharge (= 画 Gdj, [only before noun] 了 connected with managing a he is nob bnuit it is an easy mistake to make)-e [VN -ing] business or an organization, and with making Plans and (Jormalj) Excuse my 训 terruptingyou. 2 [VN] 一 sth |~sb/ decisions: She has am executiye pos 让 on 碎 Ginartce coOTmmyourself (for sth/for doing sth) to 区ake your or sb else's Dan executive decisiomns/druties/Jopbs/: Dositions the behaviour seem less offensive by finding reasons for 让 executive dining room 2 having the power to put importJUSTIFY: Nothing carL excuse SUCh rudeness. 3 [VN] antlaws and decisions into effect: executive authority an 一 sb/yourself (from sth) to allow sb to leavei; to say in a executive board/bodycommiittee/officer 2 Executiyve polite way that you are leaving: Now 矿yoULL excuse 7mme, power i held by te president 3 expensive; for the use Jrmnayerybusyman. She excused hersei and Le龙 雪emmee 上 of sb who is comnsidered immportant: am executiye cQrV ingearly 4 ~sb (from sth/from doing sth) [usually pasjhorme c an execttive suite (= in a hotel) e am executive sive] to allow sb to not do sth that they should normally do: [VN] She was excUsed 廊om 8giying eyidence because of Iounge (= at an airport) jher age. [also VNN] exXcuse me 1 Used to Dolitely the e'Xxecutive bramcih 7ovm [sing.] (in the US) the get sb's attention, especially sb yoU do not Know: Excuse Part ofthe government that is controlled bythe President 7mne, 证 太 认 the wayto thestation2 2 usedtopolitely ask sb to move so that you can get past them: Excuse 7mne, coOUId

you let me 切rough? 3 used to say that you are SorITyY for interrupting sb or behaving in a slightly rude way: Guy

e Xecurtive 'priv 训ege moun [U] (in the US) the right of the President and the executive Part ofthe goveInmentto keep official documents secret SN

4 tsed to disagree

EXCeCU-iOE /1g'zekjata(D/ noun (techjicaj) aperson, banlk

politely with sb: Excuse me but 工 dont thinKk thats true. 5 used to politely tell sb that you are going to leave or

etc. that is chosen by sb who is making their wILL to followthe instructions in 让

talk to sb else: xcuse me foramomenb' she said amd Le认 the room. 6 (especially NAmEj used to say SoOIIVY for Pushing sb or doing sth wrong: Oh excuse me.Tdidrtsee YOU

EXe-EeSsis /,eksrd5i:sIs/ noUn [U,C] (P/ exe.Eeses /-Siz/)

Sieezed 1oudly 和色 Kxcuse me jhe said.

there,7 eXcuse mme2 (NAmE) used when you did not hear what sb said and you want them to repeat it 一 more atERENCH.

EX-directory adj (Br6) (of a person or telephone number) notlisted in the public telephone booko atthe request of the owner of the telephone. The telephone company will not give ex-directory numbers to People who ask for them: an ex-directory nurmber 2 Shes ex-directory. 一See also UNLISTED

EXea3EE /"eksIaet/ ouUn (BrE) Permission 们om an institution Such as a BOARDING


to be away from it for a

period of time EXEE /Ig'zek/ noUn (informal) an executive in abusiness

EXE-CTalple /eksIikrebl/ adi (formah verybad


RIBLE eXe:Curt-alole /rig'zekjstebl/ adii (computing) (of a file or program) that can be run by a computer CXe-Curte /'eksIkju:t/ verb [VN] 1 [usually passive]

一 sb

(for sth) to kill sb, especially as alegal punishment: Fe Was execUuted jpor treason. C The prisoners Were exXecuted

py firingsdquad. 2 (1jormall to do apiece of worlke perform

(Jormalj) the detailed explanation of a piece of writing, especially religious Writing EXeiiiDlar /rzg'zempla(r)/ noun (formaI a person or thingthatis agood ortypical example of sth MODEL

eXemi-Dpiay /1g'zemplari/ adj 1 providing a good example for people to copy: Her behaviour was exeTmplary. anarn of exemnplary character 了 [usually before noun] (low orjormall (ofpunishment) severe; Used especially as awarning to others

exemm-piify /rzg'zemplifar/ verb (ecemplifies, excern-pE fy-ing,exermrp 有ified,ecermipiified) [VN] [often passive] (1Jormal)' 1 tobe a typical example of sth: Her earty worK exemplified in her booK, 4 Study of Children's Minds2 9 His food exermplifies Italian cooking at its best 2 to give an example in order to make sth clearer ILLUSTRATE: She exempiified each of the pointk She was making

With an amusing antecdote. er exCemsD 匡全csiiom /I9g,zemplrfrkerfmn/ noun [U;G

EX-eimupE /I9'Zzempt/0dj veb 吾 Qdlj. [not before noun] ~ (from sth) 放 sb/sth is exempt from sth, they are not affected by it, do not haveto do 让 Payit, etc.: The interest om the money 芭 exermpt 廊om taoc 3 Some 5tudenits are exXeTmpt

acat| afather | eten |s:bird | aabout | rsit|isee|imany|npgot(Br6

方om certairnL exaTriS, 区 -EXETmVPD生



(icompounds, forming adjectives): taxcexemPpt aomnations

to charity

引Verb [VN] ~ sb/sth (from sth) (Uormal) to give or get sb's official permission not to do sth or not to pay sth they Would normally have to do or pay: Eis bad eyesigRt exXemapted Faimm 方omi Tmilitary seryvice. 3 机 1983 charities were exermpted

方om Paying 切e tax.

exXemipiion /1zgzempfmn/ noun 1 [uc ~ (from sth)

official permission not to do sth or paysth thatyouwould normallyhaveto do or pay: She Was given exXeTmption 方omm the 记nal exaTmination. 2 [C] a part of your ipcome that you donothaveto paytax on: atax exXeTmptomn om moPiey daomated to chnarity 二 心 其-和 及 蕊isS人 De /eksesalZz; NAJmE-sers-/ OUm ve旋 司 ]1OU77 >ACTVITY7NWOVEMENTS 1T [U] physical or mental activity that you do to stay healthy or become Stronger: SWimL-

7ming 1 800d exercise. CT dont get much exercise Sitting

矶 太 eoffice al day THe mindmneeds exercise as Well as te body 2 Vigorous/genitie exercise c (BrE) to take exercise 之 [C] aset of movements or activities that you do to stay healthy or develop a skill: breathing/relaxatiomny Stretchimng exercises C exercises for 切epianio C Repeat the exXercise te tirmes On each leg. ~QUESTONS 3 [C] a set of questions in a book that tests yoUI knowledge or Practises a sKill: grammrmar Exercises 4 Do exeTcise oO7ie for homework. =USEOF POWERARIGHTQOUALTTY


[U] 一 of sth the tise of

power a skill, a duality or aright to make sthhappen: the exXercise OfDoWer By the goyverm7menite the eXercise ofdiscre友 om > FOR PARTICULAR RESUILT 5-[C] 一 (in sth) an activity that

js designed to achieve a particular result: al exercise 训 PUBlic relatiomns 2 Staying calm Was at eXercise 碌 SeI 广 comtroL e da coTmmunicatiomns exercise Ja the end 让 Droved a 了 omtiess eXercise. > 下DRSOLDIERS 6 [Cusually pl] a setof activities for training soldiers: military exercises

CEREMONINES 7 “EXercises [pl.] (NA 力 日ceremoiies: coL 1ege graduatiom exercises 酝YEerD USE POWER7RIGHTIQUALTY

Power Tights Sth: When She FeTmmairmz silent 训 用Uemce oOyer

1 [VN] (Jormalj) to use your

oOT personal qualities iD order to_ achieve appeared 识 COUrt She exercised jherrightto 2 He Was da 7man Who exercised co7isiderable People.

“DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 2 to do sports or other physical activities in order to stay healthy or become stronger; to Imake an animal do this: [V] am hours class ofexercising to JUsicC Fow often do yoUexercise2Q [VN] Eorsesmeedto pe

exercitsed regularty 3 [VN] to giveapart ofthebodythe Imovement and activity 让 needs to keep strong and healthy: THhese 7moyements Will exercise yOUr arrms aid Shouvlders. rBEANXIOUS 4 [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (about sth) (Jormal/) ifsb is exercised abonut sth, they are very anxious about 让

“EXemcise jpilkemou7n ia bicycle that does not move forward butis used for getting exercise indoors

EXeTmcisebpooknounT (Br(NmE maoteoolg asmall book for students to wiite their work in 2 (NMAmE) = WORKBOOK EXEeIE /ITg'za:t; NMAImE Ig'z3:rt/ verb [VN] T to use power or iDfluence to affect;sb/sth: He exerted al his authority to 1mQKke 太e1m acceptt 纪eplan. TPRe7mmoon exerkajforce on the ea7t 雪 记 at causesrtihertides 了 一 yourself to make a big physical or mental effort: In order to De SuccessfuT he Would Paye to exert himzse太

EXCEIiiOm /1g'z3:fm; NAmE -ZaTJ-/ OU1 人 [U] (also exec

Er 证oms [pl.])physical or mental effort; the actofmaking an effort: She Was- jhot amd breathless 广om 态e exertiomoF Gycling UPDhillL 2 Fe meeded to relax after the exertions of a DuUsy day at worK. 2 [sing.] the use ofpower to make sth happen: the exertiom of force/strength/authority EX 让jeksiAnt/ ve 必 [V] (fromLobp)usedinaplayasa Written instruction thattells two or more actors to leave the stage 一compare EXIT


| arzmy

| aunow

| ersay



eXToliate /leks'feuliert; NAmE -foo/ ve 族 [v VN] to reImove dead cells from the surface of skin in order to

make 让 smoother 户 Exjoliationmoun [U] EX SET-ia/eks'grer[ al/adj (from Latin) given ,ordone as

agift or favounp notbecause there'is alegal duty to do it: exXSTatia payTtenits 区 EXSraiiaaddy :Thesum Was paid ex Sratia.

exhale /eksheIl/ vemb to breathe onut the air or smoke, etc. 识 your lun8gs: [V] He sat pacKk and exhaied deeply [VN] Sje exhaled 纺e smoKe 雪 roug 丰 77 iose, 末末 六 -

Exhalation/ekshslerfm/ noumn [U,G] HALE EX-nausi/rg'zost/ noun, veb

aa]IOUm 了 [U] waste gases that come out of a vehicle, an engine OF a machine: car exhaust 所 rmes/emmissioms

2 (als0 Exhaust pipe (also tail-pipe especially ip

NArmmE) [C] a pipe through which exhaust gases come onlt: My car needs a7ieW exhaust 一picture 心PAGE RI 到 Ver [VN] 1 to miake sb feel very tired :SEE WEAR OUT: Eyen GaShortWaIK exhaisted her S Theres mo meed to e 护 jhaustyourselfclearing up 一we 妈do 论 2 touseallofsth so that there is none left: Within 切 ree days they7iad exhaust ed their SUpply of food. co Donit give UDUntLyYOU haveie 苞 Rarsted all the possipilities, 3 to talk about or study a Subject until there js nothing else to say about it: T tnimnK We ye exhausted thatparticular topic. 到 XI 和asi-ed /Ig'zozstid/ ai Tverytired:Tmr exhausted/ 2 to jeel completely/utterly exhausted The exhausted cli7mmpers Were rescued By helicopter 了 completelyused or finished: Zuw camnotgrow crops on exhausted Iand.

EX-haustims/Ig'zostim /adj. making you feel veryitired: amL_ exXhausting day at Work c 工 find jher exhausting 一she 7meyver Stops taIKing. EX-nausftion /Ig'zoxstfen/ noun [U] 1 the state ofbeing Very tired: suffering .帮om Physical/mentaLAneryous exhaustiorm ec erjce was grey With exhaustion. 2 (如 广 mal) the act ofusing sth until it is completely finished: the exXhaustior ofmatural resoUTces EX-hausi-iye /ig'zoxstrv/-adj including everything posSible; very thorough or complete: exhjhaustive researcHi7 tests 2 THPis List i mot intended to be exhaustive. 全 EX hausiivejly adv: Byvery product is exXharstiyely tested beJore being solda.

EX haustipipenoun = EXHAUST 全 XXX有 io 主 0 /TIg'ZIbit/ ve 号,moun 了 VE/ 几 了 一 (sth) (at/in ,….) to show sth in a public place for People to enjoy or to give them information: [VN] They 东胡 pe exPipiimg 雪 eir new designs at 切e trade foirs.o [V] Be exhibits Tegularty 训 1ocal art8galleries. 了 [VN] (Jorma)) to show clearly that you have or feel a particular feeling, quality or ability DISPLAY: The patient exhibited Sigrls Of Jatigue ad Temlory 10s5. 吾1OU1 了 an objectoraworkofartputin apublicplace, for example a museum, So that people can see 让 2 athing that is used in courtto provethatsbis guilty or not guilty: Te Hirst exhib让Was a Kmife which the prosecution claimed Was the murder Weaponm. 3 (NAImE) 三 EXHIBITION(1): The FEeW exXhibitWail tour a dozen US cities next yea7-

公允 -加 ip许 iOm


/ieksrbrfny/ nouw1n

(especio/yBrE (NmEusually exnib 衣 [Cl acollection ofthings, for exazmiiie works ofart that are shown tothe Public: Baye yo seenm the Picasso exhipbp 让omr? C am exhtib让on ofold photographs 了 [U]~ of sth the act ofshowing sth, for example works of arb to the Public: Sherehused to al1ow 妇 e exhibition of Per husbands work. 3 [sing]an~ of sth the act of showing a skilu a feeling, or a kind of behaviour: We were treated to an exhzb 这 om of the footbalLers Speed ad skill e ar appalling exhibition of pad mam-

mers 4 [C] (BrE) an amount of money that is given as a Prize to a student TI Imake an exhilbition of your-

self (disopproving) to behave in a bad or stupid way in Public

ECXilb iiiom-ismn /eksrbrjenrzem/ noun [U] 1 (disapProving) behaviour that is intended to make people notice

| augo(Br 日|: oo go(NMmE)

| orboy

| ie near

| ee hair

| se pure





ad 术 [only before noun]

1 (iormah connected with human existence 了 (Djilosophy) connected with the theory of existentialism

or admire yot 2 (psychology) the mental condition that makes sb wantto show their sexual organs in Public

exXx:ist-enm-tial.ism /egzrstenfalizam/ noun [U] (ppioso-

ex'hilb .iiom'ist /eksrbrfanrst/ noun (ustually disopprom

_、their own actions iD a world without meaning eXistemitialist /-Jalrst/ 0oUn: Sartre Was am existemtiaLiSL exX-

phy) the theory that humans are free and Tesponsible for

ing)apersonmnwholikestomake otherpeoplenotice him or her: Children are miatural exhibpi6omists, ex'hib.i 放.Or /jiIg'ziIbrta(r)/ noun a person or a company that shows their work or products to the public ex'hmilarate /rg'zrlerert/ verb[VN] to make sb feel very Dappyi and excited: Speed jhad always exhilarated Pirm.

istentialist ad/: existemtialist theory

eXist'ing /ig'zrstm/ adj. [only before noun] found or used Dow: New laws w SooPt replace existing LegisIatiom.

色X 证 0

> exphilarated aodj :TItexhilarated after a morning of skiing. c忆 note at EXCITED exhilaration /Ig,zaa'rerfmn/ moun [U]: the exhilaration of perforrming on stage

exX'hilarat'in名 /rzg'zllarertm/ -0dj/ very exciting and enjoyable: My 万rst parachute jamp was an exphilarating exXperience. cnote at EXCITING

exX'hort /ig'zoxt; NAmEIig'zo:rt/ ve 凡 一sb (to sth/to do sth)

/ieksrt;,egzrt/ noun, verb

BIOU1 了 awayout ofapublicbuilding orvehicle: Where's the exit?C Thereis afire exitomn each floor ofthe building. CThe emmergeicy exit is at the back of the bus. 一compare ENTRANCE 了 an actofleaving,especiallyofan actor from the stage: The jheroine made jher exit to great applarse. Permnade adqguick exitto ayoid mmeeting her arexityisa (三 astamp in apassport giving sb permission to leave a particular country) 3 a Place where vehicles can leave a Ioad to join another road: Teayve the roundabout at the secondexit 2 Take the exitforTrento. 日Ver六 1 (jrmal) to go out; to leave abuilding, stage, Vehicle,etc.: [V] The bulet entered Pher back and exited through her chest C We exited via afiredoor ce[VN] As the actors exited the stage the lights wentonm. 了 tofinish using a coOmputer program: [V] Tb exit 广om this page, press the Feturn Key CIVN]Texited the database aid switched o 矿the

(formal) to tryhard to persuade sb to do sth URGE: [VN to inf The party Leader exphorted his mmemzbers to start Preparing Jor govermnrnenE 2 [VN] They Pad peer exhorted to action. [also V speech, VN speech] eexhortation /egzozterfn; NAmE:Zomrt-/noun [CU] exhume /ekshjumi; Izg'zjumm; NAmEIg'zum/ verb [VN] [usually passive] (frmaj)to remove a dead body from the ground especially in order to examine how the person


comtputer _3: [V] exit ..- Used in the instructions printed

eXi'gemCy /eksrdansi; 1g'zid5-/ noUm [C usually pl U] (DO -ies) (Jormah an Urgent need or deyand that yoU must

'eX计 Poll movn in an exit pollimmediately after an elec-

deal with DEMAND ex'igu:ous /eg'zIgjues/ adj (jnrmalj) very small in size or amount; hardlyenough exile /jeksaill; 'egzarl/ nouwm, ve上b

tiomn, people aie asked howtheyvoted, in orderto Predict the result of the election eX1ilpris /eks librrs; imb-/ odw written in the front of a book before the name of the person the book belongs to: exlibris Dayid arTries :





in aplaytosaythat an actor Iltstleave'the stage 一Com-

mouwm [U]


到 OU 了 [U,sing.] the state ofbeing sentto live 记 another country that is not youI Own, especially for Political rea-

eXO:Crine /"ekseokram;skrm; NAmE 'eksakrm; -rimn/ adj (biology) connected with GLANDs thatdo not Put stb-

Sons or as a punishment': to be/Tive 训 exile c to be forced/ Sent into exile 2 to 8o into exile C a place of exile c He Feburmed

after 40 years of exile.

2 [Q a person

Stances directly into the blood but export their product through tubes for use outside the body: exocrine glands一 compare ENDOCRINE


chooses,, or is forced to live away from his or her own country: polihcal exiles a tax exile (= a rich Person Who moves to anothercountry where taxes are 1ower)

exo:dus /eksedss/ moun [sing]

下 Verb [VN] [usually passive] ~ sb (from .… ) to force sb to

a Place at the same time: the mass exodus

leave their country, especially for political reasons or as apunishment; to send sb into exile: the party's exiled lead-

te CoUntrJy 识 雪 eSUmI7PET


rank: an ex oj 太icio mmemzber of the commmmittee 本 exXofficio

1 (notused in the progressive tenses) to be real; to be Present iD a Place or situation: Does Li 这 exist on other Dianet2 COThe problemt only existk in your head, Jane. Few of these Tnomkeys Still exist in the wild oOn his retirement the post will cease to exist 和 The charity exists to SUDDort Victims of crimte. 了 一 (on sth) to live, especially in a difficult Situation or with very little money: We exXisted on adiet of rice. C They camnt exist om the money hes earming.

ady eX'OS'amy /ek'sogami; NAmE-sa:g-/ noun [U] (techmica1 marriage outside your family or CAsTE (= division of soci-

ety) 一compare ENDOGAMY

eXO-Slos'sic /,ekseo'glpsIk; NAmE ,eksou'glazs-/ .ad (in:

0本 /Ilgzrstens/ moun

8gUistics) (of a language) used as a foreign or second language in aparticular country or community and not as'a firstlanguage 一compare ENDOGLOSSIC exOomn'erate /Iig'zonarert; NAmE -zazmnz/ verb [VN] ~ sb

(from sth) (Jorma/) to officially state that sb is not responSible for sth that they have been blamed for: The police Teport exXomnerated TIewis :万om alL -Charges:-of corruptior. > exXoneration /rzgzonarerfmn; NAmE:zamna-/noun [U]

exomnorma'tive ,/eksaomozmetrv; NAmE ,ekSsoUmozrmaetrv/ adj (linguistics) based on the way a country's Second language is used in the country it came from originally, rather than the wayiit is used by local speakers 二


EX-ist'emt /1g'zrstent/ adj/,noun 四 0dj (加rmaj) existing; real: creatures existenit 识 nature [9 NON-EXISTENT 至 IOUPm (philosophy) athing thatis real and exists: TRe selF这 theomly Knowable existe7E

| ddid

| ffall

| gget

exXOg:am:Ous /ek'spgamaes;

NAmE-sa:g-/adhh eXOSem-OUS /ek'sod5enas;j Ik-; NAmE ek'sa:d5-/ ad (medical) (of adisease or SYMPTOM) having a catse thatis outside the body 一compare ENDOGENOUS

1 [u] the state or fact of being real or living or of being Present:TwWas UPiaware of his existemice UnEltoday CThis is the oldest Hebrew 7mamuscript 记 existenice: COPakistam Came iito existemnce as ar independenticounty after the War Cacrisis that threatens theindustrys comtinued existenice 了 [〇 awayofliving especially when this'is difficult or boring: The /ormmily endured a 7Tniserable existerce 识 Q cramped apartmertE C We Led a Poor but happy enoushn existence as children. C They eke OUEQ DrecarioUs existetce (= theyhavehardlyenough moneytolive on).c The peasants depenid on Q80od harvestjfortheir Very existence (三 in order to continue to live).


万om Paris to


/mal) included or allowed because of your job, position or

/jzg'zrst/ verb [V]



eXxof.fi-cio /eksae'fifisog; NAmE-Tioo/ 站 (from Lotin; 如 广



一 (from .) (to

mal or humorous a situation in which many People leave

| hhat

站 jyes

exXOrIbitamt /19'7o:bitent; NAmE22Z0:r07 52 (Jorman (of a piice) much too high: exorbitant coOstsVJaresyfees/

Prices/rents = exorbitantly

0dv: Zices are exorbi-

tanty high in this shop.

| kcat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| 5pen

| rred

eX'OM:Cisimmi /,ekso:sIzam; NAmE -so:rs-/ noun [u,C] 1 the act of getting rid of an evil spirit from a place or a person's bodybyprayers-or magic; a ceremony where thisis done 2 (formalj)the act of making yourself forget a bad experi-

ence or memory


EX'OIM.Cist ,/ekso:sIst; NAmE -soxrs-/ noun a person who Imakes evil spirits leave aplace ora person's bodybypray-

ers or mmagic

eX:OICize (BrE also-ise ) /,eksozsaiz; NAmE -soirs-/ vemb [VN]T ~ sth (from sb/sth) to make an evil spirit leave a

Place or sb's body by special prayers or magic 2 (jorma/ to remove sth that is bad or painfil ffom your mind: She jad martaSged to exorcize tese Unihappy memories 万oma her Tmind. eXO'SKel.etonm /ekseoskelrtn; NAmE'eksou-/ noum (bio/0o8y) a hard outer covering that protects the bodies of cer tain animals, sSUch as insects 一compare ENDOSKELETON eXO:Sphere /"eksagsfra(D); NAmmE 'eksousftr/ mouvnihs exosphere [sing.] the region near the edge ofa planets atmosphere eXotheFmic

/,eksao'03:mik; NAmE ,eksou'9a:rmIk/ ad

(chemistry) (of a chemical reaction) ptoducing heat 一comDare ENDOTHERMIC eXot:ic /Ig'zptIk; NAmEIg'za:tzk/ ad/..from or ip,another country, especially a tropical one; seeming exciting and Unusual becatuse it js- connected with foreign,countries:

brightby-coloured exotic Jowers/plIants/birds c She trayvels to al kinds ofexotic Iocatioms all ovyer the worldL

eXotic 'danmcer 7ovn an entertainer who dances with Very few clothes on, or who removes clothes while dan-


ex:pan:sionm'ism ,/玉'spaenfenIzem/ moun [U] (some-

times disapproving) the belief in and process of increasing the size and importance ofsth, especiallyin a countryora business: 妇e ecomnomiic expatsionmismm of Armerica c mili-

tary/ territorial

/I9'zptrsIzam; NAmE Ig'zazt-/ moun

[U] (大

/malj) the quality of being exciting and tinusual that sth has because it is connected with foreign countries

已X. 罗本md 0 /下 'spaend/ vemb to become greater in sizej number or importance; to sth greater :in size,number

or importance:


Metal exparid When they are jieated. cc Student nuUmpbers are expandirlg rapidly CC A chilas yocabulary expands troush reading. C The Waist expands to fit all sizes. [VN] 琴 breathing te chest TuUscles expand the rib cage amd allow air to pe SUcked into the Iungs. The mew systemm exXpartded the role of farmihy doctors. C There are no plans to expanmd the 1ocal airport [ga CONTRACT 了字 庄 a business expands or is expanded, new branches are Opened, 让 Iakes more money, etc.: [VN] Weyveexpahmnded the business Dy opeiing two more stores. C [V] am expandirrg ecomnormmy

(= with more businesses starting and growing) 3 [vV] to talk more; to add details to what you are saying:Trepeat-

ed the question and Waited Jor Per 如 expand. ex'pand on/upon


to say more abonut sth and add

Some details: Could you expand on 妇 atpoinb Please? exXxpand:alble / 严'spzndabl/ adj ~ (to sth) (especially techmical) that can be expanded: ar expamndable briefcase CThesystermm has 256 MB RAM, exparidable to 2GB.

exipanded poly'styrene



cially in NAmE) noun [U] a form of POLYSTYRENE tsed for Protecting _objects in packages _and for stopping heat, noise, etc. ffom escaping eX-Ppamse /kk'spaens/ oun ~ (of sth) a wide and open area of sth, especially land or water: Q Wideyvast exParlse ofblue skycjJiatexparlses of open farmiand exX'pan:sion /E'spaenjJn/ novn [uC anactofincreasing or making sth- increase in size, amotnt'or imnportance: Q Period of rapid ecomommic exXpa1tsio7LC Despite 殷e recessiom

tecompaPny zcorFidemntof 包 rtherexpansion.OThe bpookis GPL expa1lsioP ofa series of Jectures give Iastyear ex-Ppan:sion.ary /下 spaenjJaenri/ ad (1ormal) encour aging economic expansion: THPis pudSget Wi haye a metexDasioriary efjfect on 雪 e econorny.

ex'pansion card (alsgadd-in )moun (computing) a CIR-

CUIT BOARD that can be put into a computer to give 让 ImoreInemory'orImake it able to do more things

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| 了 shoe



/Jenrst/ adj.: expamsionist policies ex.pamsionist OU1: Te Was QG 7U 纺1ess expamsioPiSE exJpansive /站'spaensIV/ adj. 1 covering alarge amount of space: She opened jher arrms Wide inarLexpartsiye gesture of welcomme. Clandscape Withexpanmsiye SKies 了 covering a large subjeet area, rather than trying to be exact and Use few words: WE need to IooK at amiore exparsive defimnitiom of tphe termi coThe piece 人 Written 识 his Usual expamtsiye sbyle. 3 friendly and willing to talk a lot: She was clearty Telaxeda and 识 an expahnsive mood 4 (especially of a period of time) encouraging economic EXPANSION: te eXpartsiye J990s bright graduates coUld adyvafice rapidly. expansively 0dy: Te Wayed Jis arrms eXpaTsiyely eX

panisiveness Own [U] eX-Pam.siv:主 yY_/ 苹Spaen'sIViti; ,ek-/ OU7 [U,C] (Pjys/cs) the amount by which a material gets larger or smaller 让 the temperature changes by one'degree

eXpati:ate upon:sth

/下 sperjJiert/, ve 忆

(Jormnal/) to write or spe




detail about a


/ekspaetriet; -NAmE-pert:/ (also informal

exXpat ) 00U1 a person living in a country that is not their Own: Armmerican expatriates 总 ,Paris expatriate 0(修 [only before noun]: expatriate Britons 识 Spainn eexpatriate Workers

@X'DeCt 0





”EXoft-ica /rzg'zptrzka; NAmEIg'za:t-/ noun [U] unusual and exciting things, especially from other countries



/下 spekt/ ve届

itothink or believe that sth will happem or that sb will do sth: [VN] We are expecting a rise 识 food prices this Tomnth 2 Dont expect syimnpathy 万om me coThats notthe sort of pehayiour Texpect of youL C [vtoinf和 :如uvcantexcPectto leaTTmajoreign Ianguage inajew months, crTlooked pack, half expectirntg to See _Someone 加 liowing me. [VN to inf House prices are expected to rise Sharpl IT Gdidmt expect hirm to pecome a SUCcessHul Writer 2 Do yoU Teally expect Tne to pelieve youU? 2 [V (that)] Marty People Were exXpecting (thab) the peace talks would breaKk dowmn. ^ [VN that] t is expected that the FeportWw 记 Susggest Some

Tajior reforrm5. 字 (often Used in the progressive tenses)to be waiting for sbysth to arrive, as this has been arramiged:

[VN] io expectayisitcaltetterom sbhc4reyouexpecting Visitors? 2 [VN, VNto inf] We Were expecting him yesterdaay.

2 We Were expecting him to arriye yesterday 3

一 sth (of/

from sb) to demand that sb will do sth because it is'their duty or responsibility: [VN] Her parents expected Fighn Sta1ldards 万om .her C Are youiclear What is expected of yoU2C Hes sHll getting over his iiness So domit expectitoo TUCR 万ormm Pi 2 [VN to inf] They expected-all tpeir chiLGren to be migh achieyers. Oo We are expected to work on Saturdays.2 [vto inf] Texpect to be paid promptty for the WorK. [also V that] 只 note at DEMAND 4.(nformah espe-

ciaglly.BrE) (not Used in the Progressive tenses) used when you think sth is Probably true: [V] Wilyou be Iate722TexPectso. "co Areyougoing outtonight22 Taonitexpectso.74 [vvVthat] Whos eaten all the cake?” Tbrmm TexpectTexpect 让 Was Tbm 0和 That is nearly always left out. 一comPare UNEXPECTED [II be expecting a baby/child (nirmal) to be pregnant: Anm's expecting a baby in Jurie.

be (only) to be ex'pected

to be likely to happen; to be

quite normal: ALittie tiredmess after iaking these arugs is 加

be expectedwhat(else) do you ex'ipectz (njormall used to tell sb not to be surprised by sth: She swore at youy? Whatao you expectWheryou tireatjherIikethat?2




[U] the state


expecting orhoping that sth, especially sth good or excitipg, will happen: There was ar air of expectartcy among the Waiting crowd. 一See also LIFE EXPECTANCY ex.pect.ant /Tik'spektent/ adj 1 hoping for sthi especially sth good and exciting: children with expectantjfoces Waitng jorthe 放 reworks to beginmne Asudden roar came 万oml the expectanit crowd, 了 一 mother/father/parent

| 5yvision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0Dsing


534 | exX:pend.abple/r'spendas6l/ odj (Jormal) 寺 youconsider

Used to describe sb'who is going to have ababy soonm or

become a father expectantpb.

expectantiyadv: She 1ooKked atmairm

Waitinig expectantty

eX.pect:atioOim 0 /eKspek'tern/ noun 1[uG~(ofsth)

| ~:(that.…)abeliefthat sth willhap-

penbecause itis likely: We are confident 训 OUr expectatiom ofa 记 11Lrecovyery 2 There was ageneral expectatior that he Would win. CT applied for 纺e post 7more 识 hope 态am eXpectation. C The expectation z 雪 at Property Drices 如记 Tise. C_Contrary to expectatiomns,interest rates did mot Tise. CAgainst alL expectations,, She Was emjoying Perse矿 2 [Gusually pl.,U] ahope that sth good will happen: She Wentto college With great expectations..C There Was aTL air of expectation amd great cuUriosity 2 The results exceeded OUF exXpectations. 2 The PuUmzbers attending 帮 11.Short of expectations. CO The eyent did notLive UP to expectationms. 3 [Gusually pl.] astrongbelief about the way sth should happen or how sb should behave: Sormne parents_haye UPrealistic expectatiomns of their children. ceUnfortunately the iew software has failed to meet expectatio7ts,

JeXpectation of :life7movn [U] =IIFE EXPECTANCY

eX:Pect.edj .Onm /IEKspektid/adi: thatyouthink willhappen: Douwple the expected7iurmpber of People came to the meeting. 2 tuis yearS expected ea77in8gs 一cOmPpare UNEXPECTED ex:Ppec:torant / 环 'sSDpekterent/ 0Um (medica1 a cough

medicine that helps you to get Tid of thick liquid (= PHLEGM) from the lungs ex pec'iorate /玉'spekterert/ vemb PRV] (Jormalj) to cough and make PHLEGM

come tp from your lungs into yotr

mouth: :SO yoU scan SPIT / ,spektererfn/noun 东 [U]



EX:pe.di'ent/LK'spi:dient/ moun; ad 和DOUman action that is Useful or hecessary for a Particular Purpose, butnot always fair of right: The disease Was co7Ltrolled by the Simple expedient ofmnot allowing aiyome to leaye te city.

@@Qdlj. 上 [not usually before noun] (of an actiori) useful or necessaryforaparticular purpose, but not always fair or right: The goyerTiment has clearly decided 雪 at a cuUE 识 识terest rates Would be Politically expedient [aa INEXPEDIENT PP expe.diency /9nsi/ moun [U]: He acted out of expedieicy TiotPprinciple. expe.dientlyady

exX:pediite //ekspedart/,ve 沙[VN](fjormaj) to make a Process happen more quickly SPEED:UP: We haye deyeloped rapid order processing ,to expedite deliyeries to


ex:Ped:ition /,ekspe'drfn/ movnT anorgaiiizedjouraey With aparticular purpose, especially to find out abot a Place' that is not Well known: to PiIari/ieadXgo or am expDedition to 雪e Nort Pole 2-the people who go on an expedition: THhree 7members of the Eyerest expedition Were Killed 3 (Sometimes humorous) a shott trip -that you make when yotU want or need sth: a shopping expedition

BE note at TRIP

ex:ped. 计ion'ary. force


fo:s; NAmE

-neri fo:rs/ noun a _group .of soldiers who are sent to another country to fight in a war


/iekspe'drfas/ ad

(Jormah that works

well without wasting time, money,etc-.


exped'itiously codv

eXpel /让'spel/ vemb (HL) [VN] 过 sbysth (from sth) Tto officially make sb leave a school or an organization: She Was expelled 太om schoorat 15. CeOUy7mpic athletes expelled Joradruag-taking QZ to force sb to leave a country: Foreigm Journalistks are being expelled. 3 (technicah to force air Or water outiof a part of thebody cr from:a container: to expel air 方om the IUngs 一See also EXPULSION

ex:pemnd /玉'spend/ veb [VN] ~ sth (iny/on sb) |~ sth in/ om/doing sth) (如rmal)- to use or spend a lot of time, money, energy,etc.: She experided all her efforts on 态 e care of homme amd childrem


people or things to be expendable, you think that yoOU can get rid of them When they are no longer needed, or think it is acceptable ifzthey are killed or destroyed ER DISPENSABLE exX.Penmdi: 让ure/z'spendrtfeGD)/ 0oU7 [U;C] 1 the actof >*spenmding or using oney; am amount of 训Oney SPpent: Q reduction 广 PUbLic/goyverTamemnt/mailitary expDeitditare OPplanstoincrease expenditure on healthcThe budgetProyidedjforatotalexpenditureofE27Dbillion. 只 noteatcosTS 2 thetuse ofenergy, time, materials, etc:; 切 eexpemditure of emotiome This-study represents amajor exXpenditure of 右 me amd effo 站 一CoOmpare INCOME 公 X: 妥 马站Se 0 机 / 匡'spens/ 00V7 1 [U] the money thatyou:spend on sth: The garaem Was trarisformed at Sreat expense. CNo experise Was SDared (= theyspent as much moneyasWasimneeded) to7TnaKke the Party a SUccess. CHesSs arra1lged eyerything, .TO exXpeTlse Spared. c She always trayels 万 sclass regardless of exPense. C The resulks are Well wortph the expenlse. 哨 note at PRICE 2 [Cusually sing.]. something that makes you spend money: RUmPning a car 站 Q_ Dig eXpeise, 了 EXpenses [pl:] money spemnt in doing a Particular job,or for a particular purpose: Living/household/rmedical Iegal etc. expefises C Ca TSgiye YOUSOmiething toWa7ras expehses2.2 Jiianciat help to mmeet 识e expeflses of ai ee 六 gency C The paymentk he gets Barely coyver Jiis expenises. 守 note aticosTS 4 exXpenses [pl:] money that you spend while youare Working that youremployer will pay back to you later: Zouwican clairmm back your tayellingtrayel expenses.CL(BIE)totakeaclientoutfora7meakoriexpemses 2aTall-expeTises-paid trip cnote atCcosTS [ET atsb's exXpense 1 paid forbysb:Weweretakemoutfora7nealat the comzpamnyss expense. 了2 庄you make ajoke at sb?s expense, you laugh atthem and make them feel silly atthe

expense of sb/sth with loss or damage to sbysth: Fe DUIE UP the Dusiness at the expenise of his health, go to the expense of sth/of doing sth | gotoalotof etc. , expense to spend mone 和 on sth: They Wenit to QILthe ex Pense of redecorating the house'anmd'then heymoyed


sb tothe expense of sth/of doing sthjsput sb to alot of etc, expenmse to make Sbspend money'on sth: Their VisitPUE UStoalotofexpense. 一more atOBJECT1. ex Pense account /io an arrangement by which Imoney Spent'by sb While they are'at work'is later paid backtothemby theiremployer; arecord of mmoney SPent in this way N

eX: Peni.sive


/下spensIV/ 0 从

costing alot of money: al exXDensiye caTVATestaurarttZhnoliaayCArtbooks are expefusive to Droduce. CTcantahfpforad 夏 让S too expetsiye: CS Makking 切 ewrong decision could proyve


2 _That dress .Was an expensive


[ED INEXPENSIVE ”expen'siveIy_ 0dy: expensively dressedJirnishead C There are other restaurants WPhere yoOU Ca eat 1e55 eXDeTisiyely.


0六 /下 'spIeriens; NAmE-'SDIr-/

OUn; ye 此

上 MOU1 了 [U] the knowledge and-skill thatyouhave gained through doing sth for a Period of time; the Piocess of gaining this: to haye oyer temn years: teacjiimng eXDerierice Do you jhaye any Preyiors experiemnce of this type of Work2?Sadoctor with experience im dealing Withn patiertts SUhfferingfromstressCMy Iack ofpractical experience Was adisadyantage. e She didmnit getpaid much but iiWwas all Sood experience. C He Sained yaluable:;experiemnce WPilst Working om t切 eproject C Wealllear7t by experiemnce. 一see also WORK EXPERIENCE 了字 .[U] the things thathave happened to you thatinfluence the way-you think and behave: ExXperience has taught me that Li 后 can be very Unmfair etis importantto tryand Iearn 刘 om experience. JIn Iny experience, Very jew people really Understand the Problem. She knew 刘 om pastexperiemnce 轨 atAmnrwouild Potgiye UD easily C The book is based on persomnal experT emce. CO direct/irst-hand experierice ofpoverty 3 [C〇 -~ (of sth) an event or activity that affects yoUin some Way: GTL eTyjoyableAexcitimnSg]UPUSUBIUTPOrgettable, etc exDerE elce C@ 下 Was her 记rstexperienice oflivingalore. CTiving 六 Africa was Very difjferent 廊om homie and guite at exper

| cfather | eten |s:bird| eabout|rsit|seeimany|npgof(Br6


| oput | utoo

|535 eXxpensive:

CTexperimemnted untilTSottherecipejustright Iment'e上 OU

costly 。overpriced 。pricey 。 dear

These word all describe sth that costs a lot of money.

ideas, forms or methods that are used to find out what

effect they have: experirmental teacjiinig methods Cexper Tiemntal theatre/art/Tmusicc The equiprmentizstill attbe exXperirmental stage, 也 connected With scientific experiIments: exXperirmettal comtditiors/datarevidemnce experimentally /teli/ adv: This theory can be comfirrmed EXperirmentaly The new drug 1 peing Used experirmentaliy om 5SOFRie Patient. 2 Fe moyed his Shoulder experimehttaly to See 斌 证SELL NU

EXpemsiye restaurant

costly (ro 如erjormah costing alot of money, especially morethanyouwantto pay: Yov wantto avyojf 人 /egal “Proceedings 太 XOU cam. Overpriced too expensive; Costing morethan itisworth: 7idiculous/y ovyerpriced designer cloihes pricey (njformal expensive: Housesimiheyviasgeare mow too priceyjorjiocalpeopjeioaj 加 以 dear [not usually before noun] (BrE) expensive: Evemythingsso dearnow isnmtitzETaiaa This word |is starting to become rather old-fashioned.

ex'perimen'ta'tion / 东,spermmen'terfmn/ novn [U] (Jor mal) the activity Or process of experimenting: experimenmtation With new teaching mmethods C Mamny people object to exXDperirmerttatiorm OP embryo5. @X.IDet

重 to SOund expensive/costly/pricey

B@Qdj.~(at/in sth) | 一 (at/in doing sth) done with, having

目 :eXxpensive/costiy/overpriced/pricey/dear for sby/sth 重 a(n) expensive/costly mistake 上 香 extremely/incredibly/ridiculously/terribly/very expensive/cosily/overpriced/pricey/dear 是 too expensive/costly/overpriced/pricey/dear

or involving great knowledge or skill: to seeKk expert adVice/am expertopiniomn an expertdrivero We needsome exXpert help. 2 Shes exXpert at Taking cheap DuL StylispR clothes. C They are all expertn 切 1 field. 一compare INEXPERT * exXpertly ady: The roads were icy DUEShe stopped

ence (三 Untsual for us).CThad abad experiemnce with 万reWoOrks once. 2 He see1ms to haye had some sort of religious experience. 4 the .experience [sing.] events orknowledge shared by all the members of a particular group ipn Society, that influences the way they think and behave: TnUsicalLjorrmsIikejazzthatermergedoutoftheBiackA4rmer caL eXpDerierice [IE put sth down to ex'perience (also chalk sth up to ex perience) used to say that sb should think ofa failure as being sth thatthey can learn fom: We Iosta IOotof7mioney DUEWejustDLUE 让 dowm to experience. 晶 yerb [VN] 1 to have a Particular situation affect you or happen to you: The coumtry experienced a Joreign CUFremcy Shortage Jor several 7months. 2 yeryonte exXperiences these Droplerms at Some tme 识 their 1iyes. 2 to have and be aware of a _particular emotion Or physical feeling: tio exXDeriemnce DainDIeasureAuPnhappiness CT experienced a TomientoFpanic asTDpoarded 妇epiane.

/ik'sprerienst; NAImE-SpIr-/

1~(insth)havingknowledge or skill in aparticular job OF activity: am experieniced teacher C Fes Very exXperiemced 态 IooKing afteranimals. 2 having knowledge as a TeSsult of doing sth for along time; orhaving had alot of different exXperiences: Shes Very young and mot Very expeT eced. C a1lL exXperiehnced trayeller (= Sb who has travelled alot) [GD INEXPERIENCED

eX-Peri'em-tial /zk,spierienf1; NAmE-sprr-/ ad (Jormal or techmical) based on or involving experience: experiem丰alL KnowWiedsge 2 experiemntial IJearming metpods eX.-Pperi'immnemt 0 /Hik'spermmnent/ oun, ve 内 目 IOU1 [CU] -1 as scientific test that is done in_ order to Study what happens and to gain new knowledge:to do/

Peirformzcomduct ar experirnent 2 Proved by exper Tent CO Iaboratory experiments 2 MaTIy people do mniot like 态e idea of experiments on anmirmals. 也 ~ (in sth) anew activity, idea or method that you try out to see what happens or what effect ithas: the country'S briefexperimenttn dermocracy CTyve meyer cooked this before so is ant exper Te 日VE 上 [V] ~ (on sb/sth) | ~ (with sth) .1 to do a scientific experiment Or experiments: Some People jeel that exper Tmnentimng om GTPimals is Wrong. 了 totry or testnew ideas,

| army

| aunow

| ersay

| ago (Br

the car expertp

The musicWas expertty performied.

eX'pert'ise /,ekspa:ti:z; NMmE-pszrt-/ noun [U] ~ (in sth/ in doing sth) expertknowledge or skillin aparticular subjecb activity or job: .professional/sciem 丰Fic/techmical, eftc. expertise 2 They haye considerable expertise 训 dealing With oilspills. CeWe haye the expertise to help you ru YOUr Dusiness,

,EXPetrt system moun (computing) a comPptiter:system that can provide information and expert advice on aparticular subject. The Program asks Users a series of qiiestions abouttheir problem and gives them advice based on its store of knowledge.

eX-IPi-ate /ekspiert/ verb [VN] (formaj) to accept PtunishIment for sth that you have done wrong in order to show that yo are SOITY: He had a chamnce to comnfess and expiate Pis Sui expiation /,ekspi'erfn/ noun [u,sing] ex'pir:ation /ekspererfn/ novn [U] (NAmE jorma1h = EXPIRY




/ekspaxt; NAmE part/ OUn; ad

With special knowledge,,skill or training in sth: a comPUterzmnedical expert C an expertin child Psychology ec am expert on ITmoderT Iliterature C Fes al expert at getting his OWP Wa 2 Dontask 7ne 一F7m mo expertl

晶 to prove expensive/costly

Imethods, etc:to findoutwhateffect theyhave: DeWwanted to'experirment7mOore Withn differenttextures iminis paimntirags,


上 日0OU1 一 (at/in/on sth) | ~ (at/in/on doing sth) a person

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 下 to be/look/seem expensive/costly/overpriced/pricey/ dear



eX'Perimen'tal /下 sberrmentl/ 5 太 Tbased on new

eXxpemnsive costing alot of money; charging high prices:/ Can 和 ajjod t 一isyJusttooexpensive rme ee an




:noun (NAmBEi 1T = EXPIRY DATE:

Check theexpiration date omnyour passport 2 the date by Which an'item of food should be'eaten: 7Pe expiratom date on 雪z yogurt Was Noyemzber 20.

eX:Pire /ik'sparie(r)/ vemb [V] 1 (ofadocumemnt an agreeInent etc.) to be no longer valid because the period of time for which it could be'used has ended RUN OUT: When doesyourdriving Licence expire2 2 (ofaperiod of time, especiallyone during which sb holds a Position of authority) to end: Bis terma of of 态ce expires at 妇e end of

June. 3.(Uiteramy)jto die 一see also UNEXPIRED

ge expired

ddj.: aexpired Passport eX'Piry /ik'spareri/ (especially Br (NAmEusually ex:piration) moun [U] an ending of the period oftime when an of6cial document can be used, or when an agreement is

valjid: the expiry of a ixed-term contractC The Licence cam pe renewed on expiry.

exX'piry date (Br 间 (NmE expi'ration date) noun the date after which an official document agreement, etc. js

no longer valid, or after which sth should notbe used

eX.Pplaim 0 ;/六'Splermy/ ve

1 ~ sth (to sb totell'sb abonut sth in a Way that Imakes it easy to understand: [VN] Firsb5 TI exPlain the rules of the garme.

| :ou go (Mm昌 | orboy

WORD FAMILY explain v explanation 尹. explanatory qd/ explicable ad/.( 夭 inexplicable)

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


536 |

CItwas difficult toexplain the proplem to beginmners SIV] Zet me explainl/ he added helpfiulby ec [vthat] Fexplained that an ambuiance WOUId be coring soon C_[V wh-] He. explained wjho each person 识 妇e Photo Was. C Ca YOU exPlain how the email system Works2 C She explained to 如 em What to do 冰 an _emergency 2 [v speech] 和 works Like this, ”she explained. [also VN that] 2 ~ sth (to sb) to give a rieason, Or be a reason, for sth: [V] She tried to explaim


butPhe wouldnilisten. [vthat] AIexexplained tpat his car jhad broken dowm. Ce[V wh-] We 切at doesmntexplain wjy you didnt phone. 2 [VN] Scientific findings that help exPlain the origins of the universe. C The goverTmTment mnOW

temn minutes the game exploded into [六. * MAKE LOUD NOISE 5 [V] to make a stdden very loud noise: Thunder exploded ovyerhead. *1NCREASE QUICKLY 6 [v] to increase suddenly and very quickly in number: the exploding world populatiom *SHOW STH IS NOT TRUE 7 [VN] to show that sth is not true, especially sth that people believe: 4t Iasb5 QWomeTts CSQREC to af the myth thatthin equals beaut 记人L

happened) ou cannot say'explain me, him, her, etc.: Ca yOU explain the situation to me?2 C Gafy6t 线6 Beim Tie theSitttGEefF2 OTIIeXDLairt to 放 沁 WhyTIike 让 人 exp 1 放 yourself1 to LexpleiyetEEKE 瑟 认 give sb reasons for yotr behaviour especially when they are angry Or Upset because of it:T realty domnt see wy 了 Should haye to explain mysel to you. 2 to say what yoU mean in a clear Way: Could you explain yoOUrseFa Tittle


mexpiplain sthe>a way

to give reasons why'sth is not yotr fault or why sth is not important @X Plan 'atiom 0有 /ekspla' neIfn/ noun 1 [CU~(forsth/fordoing sth) a statement, facb or situation thattells you why sth happened; areason given for sth: The most LiKeky explanation is that his DpIane Was delayed. c to offer/provide an explangtion CTcant thinK of any Possiple explanation Jor his absence' o She Te 所 the roomm abruptpy without explanatiom 2 Thad to see yoU” he said, By Way of explariatiomr Co She didnt give an adequate explanmnatiomn Jor being Late. 2 The booKk opens with ai explanation of wjy some drugs are barined. am explanation as toWwhy he hadIeftearfy 了 [C] astatement or piece of writing thattells you how sth works or makes sth easier to understand: Fora 记 1Lexplanation of how the Tnachine WOrks, turn to page 5.

ex'plana'tory /IEk'splasnaetri; NAmE -tori/ adj [usually before noun] giving the reasons for sth; intended to deScribe how sth works orto make sth easierto tnderstand: There are exXplanatory notes at the back of the booK. 一see


exX'ple'tive/iE'splitrv: NAmE'eksDletrv/ noun (UGrman a word, especially a rude word, that youuse whenyouare

angry, orin pain ER swEAR WoRD ex'piicable/ Ik'splIkebl; 'eksplikebl/ adj [not usually before noun] (Jormalj) that can be explained or Understood: Jis behayiour i 0 in terms of (= because of) Pais recemntillmess. INEXPLICABLE

eX'Ppli'cate/eksplikert/ verb [VN] (Jormalj) to explain an idea or a work of literature in a lot of detail

SUDDENLY 4 [V] ~ (into sth) to suddenly and

quickly do sth; to move Suddenly with alotofforce: After

jhas to explain its decision to the puUblic. ce(Unformal) On Well 妨em that expiains 让 (= TIunderstand now why sth

Tore一I didmit understand.

arourad the city CO[VN] There was ahuge bang as 久 5oTmeoTte jhad exploded a rocKket outside. c Bompb disposal experts exploded the deyice Under controlled conditions. 一compare IMPLODE *GET ANGRY/DANGEROUSZ:~ (into/with sth) (of a person or Situation) to suddenly becorme Very angry or danger-0US: [V] Suddemnly Charles exploded with rage. 2 The protest exploded into a riot [Vspeech] "Of course theres so7mething wrong Jem exploded. > EXPRESS EMOTION 3 [V] ~ (into/with sth) to suddenly express an emotion: We all exploded into Wila Iaughter

攻 -eX: plica-

tion/, eksplrkerfn/ noun [Gb] ex'Pli'ci /jIk'splisrt/ ad 了 (of a statement of piece of Writing) clear and easy to Understand: He gaye me yery eXpLicit directions on how to gettphere. 了2 (ofaPperson) say-

ing sth clearly exactly and openly EBPFRANK: She Was

explode blow up 。 go off 。 burst 。 erupt 。 rupture .implode These are all words that can be used when sth bursts apartviolently causing damageorinjury. explodeto burstloudly andviolently causing damage; to make sth burst in this way; Jeyjet smashedintoa hillside andexploded ce Jpebpbpompwasexploded under conirolledcondiions. jblow (sth) wpto be destroyed by an explosions to destroy sth by an explosion: Apolice ofcerwas Kied When hiscorblewuwp: So offrofa bomb)to explode; (ofa gun) to befired: The bomp wentofrinmracrowded street When used about guns, the choice ofgo off (not'be fired'") can suggestthat the gun wasfired byaccident. burstto break open or apart, expecially because of pressure from inside; to make sth breakin this way:

Thpaotballoons going io purst erupt(lof a volcano) to throwout burning rocksand smoke; (of burning rocks and smoke)j to bethrown out of avolcano. ruRture(formal ormmedicall to bu rstbk break apart a pipe, container or organ inside the body; to beburst or broken apart: A pipe 人 Re /eaking waier alj over he house. 如 impiodeto burst or explode inwards: Tpe WU 00 both sides ofiheroom had Www

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS : BAibomb explodedyblew Up/went off/burst: 昌Thecar/plane/vehicle exploded/blew up. 旧Afirework/rocket exploded/went o 作 四 Avolcano erupted-. 同 亚 A pipe/tank burst/ruptured:. 下a burst/ruptured appendix/artery

qUite explicit about Why she had left, 3 Said,done or shownin an open ordirect way, sothatyouhaveno doubt about what is happening: The reasons jpor the decisiom Should be mmade expDIicit Ce She made Some Very expIicitTreF erentces to Tny personal 1i氟 .Casexually expIicit 万Im 一com-

ex'plodedy/tk'splaodid; NAmE -SploU-/ adj. (technmical) (of

exXplicitly that 坊e System Was to blame. 一compare IMPLIciTLY explicitnessnoun [U]: He didnit Like the degree of SeXUaL explicitmness im the 记 17m.

BVeb /IE'splort/ [VN] T (disapproving) to treat a person oOT


explicitly odv:

ex'plode om /-

'Splevd; NAmEIK'splood/ ye 几

*BURST ViIOLENTIY 1 to burst or make sth burst loudly and violently, caus-

ing damage bbad


| ffal


explode v explosion 1 explosive adj,7m unexploded adf/.

| 9ggetr

eXx'ploitver moun

The 7eport states

_EIsLow UP: [V] Bommzbs were exploding al

| ddid

adrawing or diagram)showing theparts ofsth separately but also showing howthey are connected to each other一 compare UNEXPLODED

| hhat

| jyes

Situation as an OpPportunityto gain an advantage for yoOUISelf: He exploited Phis fothers name to get himselfa job 和 She realized that her youth and inexXperiemnce Were being e 六 ploited. 2 (disopproving)j to treat sb Unfairly by making them work and not giving them mnuch in return: Wiat 评 peing done to stop employers 太 om exploiting young People? 3 touse sth well in order to gain as Imich from it as posSible: She 包 1yy exploiks the hurnour of her7ole 识 切e play

4 ~sth (for sth) to develop or use sth for business or industry: coOUntries exploiting the rainforests frjhardwood

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| T red

CNoerninerals exploited 训 站革 0 ihaye 国 Xyyet been exploited 训 Antarctica ica. 和居 .eXmoOuUm /eksplort/ [usually pl.].a brave, exciting or interesting act: the aaring exploits of Roman heroes exiploit'ation /leksplorterfn/ noum TU] Ti (disapproving) a Situation 记 Which sb treats sb else in an tnfair way,

especially ip order to make money from their work': the exploitation of children 2 the se of land, oil minerals, etc.: Com7mercial exploitation oF 访e 7Tmnineral FesoUrces 训

Antarctica 3 (disapproving) the fact of using a situation ip order to get an advantage for yourself: Exploitation of the SituatiofLjJor jis OoWPm PUTDOses

ex'ploit.ative /还'sploitsttv/ (NAmE also ex'ploit'ive /下'splortrv/) adj treating sb Unfairly in order to gain an advantage orto make money

exploration /eKsplarerfn/ noun [CU] 1 the act of travelling through a Place in order to find out about it or look for sth in it: the exploratiom ofspace C oil expIOratiom

(= searching for oil in the ground) Z an examination of sth in order to find out abonut it: the booKS eXpIoratioris of the hurmar mmind

ex'plora'tory /让'splpretri; NAmE 让'splo:retoxri/ ad done with the intention of examining sth in order to find out more about it: exploratory SUrgery C expDloratory driliingjoroi



/TIk'splozGD/ ve 旋

1~(sth)(forstp)totravelto oraround an areaoracountryin orderto learn aboutit: [VN] The city zs bestexplored ojfoot ceThey explored 切 e 1amnd to the sou 态of the Murray Tiyer

e@[V] As soom as we arriyed om the island we Were

easer to expIore. 2 coTmpanies exploring for (= searching for) oz 2 [VN] toexamine sth completely or carefully:in orderto find out more about 让 ANALYSE: These ideas W记 Tpe explored 识 more detail 识 chapterZ 3 [VN] to feel sth with your hands Or another Part of the body: She erPlored 纺 e samnd With hner toes. 一see also UNEXPLORED

ex'plorer /下 'splore(C)/ mouraperson who travels totunknown Places in order to find out more about them

EX plorer Scout HOUm (US) 三 VENTURE SCOUT ex-plo.sion 0 /下'splags5n; NAmE-'splou-/ moun 1 [cujthesudden violentbursting andloud noise of sth Such as abomb exploding; the act of deliberately causing sth to explode: a pombmuclearAgas explosiomr C Thiere Were two 1oud explosions amnd 雪 en t e 切 building burst into Jarmes. C Bo7mp Squad oj 太cers carriea out a coTitrolled exXpDlosiomt of 坊e deyice. 2 300 People were 识jured 访 te explosiom. 了 [C] alarge, sudden or rapid increase in the amount Or DnUmber of sth: a Populatiom explosiori c am exXplosiom of imterest 训 IearmingJapanese 3 [G (rmal)a sudden, Violent eXpression of emotion,especially anger


旦 gd Teasily able or likely to explode: an explosive deVice (=abomb)carrexplosive mixtureofchenicak 了 jikelyto cause violence or strong feelings of anger or hatred: Q _potentialy explosive Situation 3 often having Sudden Violent or angry feelings; am explosiye temper 4 increasing suddenly and rapidly: the explosiye growth of the ex1 Inarket 5 (of a sound) sudden and 1loud explo'sively oz 是 71OU7 [CU] a substance that is able or likely to catse an eXplosion: DIastic explosiyes C The bpomb Was packed with Seyeral DoUPds of Pigp explosive.

exPpoment /rk'speunant; NMmE-spou-/ noun 1 aperson Who supports an idea, theory, etc. and persuades others

PROEONENT: She Was aleading expo-

Tiemnt of 方ee trade during her Dolitical career 2 a person who is able to perform a particular activity with Skill: 切e 7mostjomous expOPnentofthe artofrmime 3 (mathermatrcs) aiiaised figure or Symbol that shows how many times a quantity must be multiplied by itself for example the 有有g-

Ure 才 记 a4 ex'pomem'tial / ekspemenJl/ adj T (mathematics)ofor shown by an exponent: 24 让 an expomnential expression.

al expomemtial curyeXhumnctiom 2 (Jormal)(of arate of increase)



| ttea

| vivan


:and -faster:

| wwet

| zzoo|





请 expomentially /Jali/ adv: to 训 -

CTease eXpDOTLeittially

忆 兴.了OH


Vi houn

昌 VEjb /TIk'spo:t NAmEIK'sport/T

一 (sth) (tosb)toseland

Send goods to afiother country: [VN] THe islamrds export SUSQT ad 方UiE 2 9096 of the enngines are exported to 有UL广 ope. [alsoV] 了 [VN]to introduce an idea or activityto another country or area: Amiericam 玉 6 芒 Tusic has been exported around the World 3 [VN]'(computing) to send data to another program, changing its form so that the

other PrOgiram can read it [GD IMPORT

下1OUm /eksp5tt; NAmE 'eksport/ TIU] the selling and transporting of goods to another country: a bam on tphe exXportof live cattle ce Then the 方Uitz pacKkasged Jor export 2 export earmings C ani export Licence 2 [Cusually pl.] a Product that is sold to another country: the countrys ITmnajor export ca 扣 1 识 theyalue ofexpor好 IMPORT

exX'PpoMt'ation /,ekspo:xterfn; NAmE ,eksport/ noun [U] the

Process of sending goods to another cotintry for sale

IMPORTATION exPOrt'er /ek'spo:te(D; NAmEek'sport/ nouna Person, company or coUntry that sells goods to another coUntry: thewWorlds Iargest/ImaijiorIeading exporter ofcarscThe COULDY z mow Qa met exporter of jel (= it exports more

than it imports). 人@X'POSe



/IFK'spe0gz; NAmmEIK'spouz/ vemrb [VN]

“SHOW STH HIDDEN 1 to show'sth that is tisually hidden REVEAL: Fe Smiled Suddenly exposing a Set of amaziS1y White teeth. 2 Miles of sand are exposed at1ow tiae. My jop as Q journalist is to expose the truth. Ce He did not Want to eXDose his 友 ars aad insecurity to aiyome.

*SHOWTRUTH 2 totell the true facts about a person or a Situation, and show theryvit to be immoral, illegal, etc.: She Was exposed as aliar and a 广aud. ce treatened to eXDOSe the raciz交 雪 at existed Withimn the Police fjo7ce.


一 sb/sth/yourself (to sth) to put sby

Sth in a place or Situation where they are not Protected from sth harmful or Unpleasant: to expose YOUTsSe 太 to FidiCUIe C Do notexDpose babies to strong SumLISRL

“GIVEEXPERIENCE 4 ~sbtosthtoletsbfind outaboutsth by giving them experience ofit or showingthem whatit is like: We wantto expose the Kids to as much art and culture asS Dossible.


5S to allow light onto the flm inside a

camera when taking a photograph


6 ~ yourself a man Who exposes himself,

shows his sexual organs in public in a way that is offenSive to other People 一See alsO EXPOSURE

EXPOSe /ek'speUzeI; NAmE,ekspoU'zer/ noun ar accotunt

ex:plo'sive /让'splausrv; -ZIv; NAmEsploo-/ adj ,mou1n

thatit is good


of the facts of a situation,especially when these are Shocking or have deliberately been kept secret

ex'posed /zk'speuzd; MmErk'spouzd/ adj Tofa Place) Dotprotected from the weatherbytrees,buildings orhigh ground 2 (ofaperson)notprotected from attack or criticism; She Was left jeeling exposed and yulnerable. 了 3 (厂 ]Q1ce) likely to experience financial losses

exX'Ppos'itionm /iekspa'zrfn/ noun (Jormanh 1 Gu] a full explanation of a theory Plan etc.: aclear and detailea expositiomn of their legal posiomn 2 [QQ anevent atwhich People,btusinessesj etc,. show and sell their goods; a


ex'pos'tu'late /itk'spostfulert; NAmE Ik'spa:s-/ verb [V; Vspeech] (1jorma/) to argue, disagree or protest about sth





houUnm [U,G]

eX'POS'UTYe /ik'speg5a(r); NAmE-spoo-/ noun *TOSTH HARMFUL 1 [U] ~ (to sth) the state ofbeing in a Place or situation where'there is no protection from sth harmful or unpleasant: Prolomnged exposure to harrm 记 1 radiation e (帮namce) the companys exposure om thejforeigm exchange narkets (= tothe riskofmaking financiallosses)


Zi[U] the stateofhaving the true facts

about'sb/sth told after they have been hidden because

| 5vision

| tfchain

| dsjam

| ethin,

| 5ths

| Dsing

eXPpPOsUre Imeter

538 |

disbelief[horror O His expression chamnged 放 om SUFrPFise to one of aimnusermment C The expression 识 her eyes told 7me Something Was Wrong: 信 扣cial exXpressioPs

they are bad' imnmoral or jllegal: exposure as aliarandada 廊aud c the exposure of illegal currency deals *ON TV/IN NEWSPAPERS,ETC. 3 [U] the fact ofbeing disz cussed or mentioned on television, in newspapers,etc. PUBLICITY: Her new Imoyvie has had a 1ot of exposuTe in the media. * MEDICAL CONDITION 4 [U] a medical condition caused by being out in very cold weather for too long withont

Piotection: Two climbers Were Drought 训 SUHjfering 方om eXDOSUTe. *FILM IN CAMERA 5 [G alength offilm in acamera that is Used to take a photograph: There are 如 ree exXPposUres Le认 on this roll of fiim 6 [G the length oftime for whbich light is allowed to reach the flm when taking a photograph:TUsed along exposure for this omne.


7 [U] the actofshowingsth thatis

usually hidden 一see also INDECENT EXPOSURE



moun_a device for meastiring the

Strength of light in a Place, so that you can calculate the EXPOSURE time when taking a photograph

eX-pound /下'spaund/ ve 几 ~ sth (to sb) | ~ on sth ( 包 广 jnmalj) to explain sth by talking about it in detail: [VN] He exXpounided Phis VieWws OP the SUbject to me at greatIength. 和 [V] We Listened as She expoumnded oF the goyeTTments new Policies.



/ik'spres/ verb, adj ,adv, noun

BYVe 上 1 彤 toshowormake known afeeling, an opinion; etc. by words, looks oF actions: [VN] Teachers haye expressed COPcerTn aboutthe chamnges. 2 His Views hiaye beemn exXpressed 训 PUTmerous SPpeeches, C to express fears/douDbts/Areseryationts c to express interest/regretVSurprise 2 [V wh-] Words caririot express how Pleased TI am. 一See also UNEXPRESSED 了 ~yYourself to speak, wiite or communicate iD Some other way what you think or feel: [VN] Teenagers often haye difficulty expressing themselyes. 2 Perhaps Paye not exXpressed TYyself yery WelL C She exXpresses herse1F 1nost 所1y 碎 her paintngs. e (Jormal/) [VN-ADI] They ex-


*WORDS 3 [Caword orphrase: an old:fosjhiomned expressiome (informal) Hes apain 总 切e bu 纺这 yo pardonm the expressiomn. 只 note at WORD IN MUSIC/ACTING .4 [U] a strong show of feeling when you are playing music, speaking, acting, etc,: Try to PuUta Little 7mmore eXpressioTL into 让 ! > MATHEMATICS 5 [C] a group of signs that Tepresent an idea or a quantity


(also'Expres'sion:ism) /ik'sprefa-

nIzam/ noun [U] a style and movementin early 20th century art, theatre, cinema and music that tries to express People's feelings and emotions rather than showing events OF objects iD a realistic way > ex:pres'sion.ist (alsoEX:pressiomnist) /-Jeriist/ moOUn, Idf/

eX-pres.siomn-less /Ik'sprefanlas/ adj. notshowing feelings,






Mice 职Pare EXPRESSIVE expression mark novn (music) a word or phrase WwWTitten onapiece ofmnusicto showWwhatkind ofexpression OF feeling the performer should give to 让 exX'pres'sive' /tk'spresrv/ adjT showing or ableto show yourthoughts and feelings: She has woTtderully expFessiye eyes.Cthe expressive poWer of his Tusic 一compare EXPRESSIONLESS 2 [not before noun] ~ of sth (1jormal) showing sth; existing as an expriession of sth: Byery Word and ges-

纪 re 1 exXpressiye of the artists Sincerity adv ex.pres:sive.ness 1owm [U]


ex'press lane moun (NMm 有 .1 part ofa Toad on which certain Vehicles can go to'travel faster because there is lessitraffic Za Place 识 ashop/store where certain. customers can go to aveid waiting foralong time:.Custormners Witp ten itemsor less can Use 弛 e express IJame.

eX'press.jy:/ik'spresli/ ady (Jormah Tclearly; definjitely: .She Was expressly jporbidden to touch my papers: ,

2 foraspecial and deliberate Purpose


The rule was introduced expressly for this PUFrPose.

九emmselyes daelighted 3 [VN] ~ itself (frmaj)) (of

eX'Ppress'Way /Ik'spreswei/ noun (iptheUS)awideroad

a feeling) to become obvious in a particular way: Their Dleasure expressed itse 矿 a 识 purst of applause. 4 [VN] .~ sth as/in sth (especially /mathematics) to represent sth in a particular way, for example by Symbols: The igures are eXpDressed as percenttages. COEducational expenditure is often expressed in termas of the amountspentperstudent 5 [VN] to remove air or liquid from sth by Pressing it: Cocomut Tilk 1 expressed 刘 omm grated coconut @ [VN] ~ sth (to

that allows traffic to travel fast through a city or other area where many people live

sb/sth) (NAmB) to send sth by express post: As soomn as 工 Teceiyve payrmentTWil express the pook to yoL. 目 Gdlj. [only before noun] T travelling very fast; operating VerIy quickly: am express bus/coachAtraimn C express

delivey SerVices 了 2 (of a letter package, etc.) sent by exXPiess service: express mail 3 (NAmB (of a company that delivers packages) Pioviding an exXpress SerVice: aair eX-

Dress comipany 4 (Jormal) (ofawish oran aim) clearly and Openly stated DEFINITE: 秦 Was his expressWis 六 坑Qt yoUsShould haye his gold watcn after he died. Tcame jiere With the express DU7DOSe of speaKking With 雪e manager 目 Gdy. Using a Special fast;Service: Ta Like to send thisiex了 Dress, Please.

@ IOUD1T (alsoeXx'ipresstrain ) [Cl afasttrain thatdoesneot stop at many Places: the 8.27 express to Edainburgh esthe Trans-Siberiamn Express 2 (also ,special de'livery ) [U] (BrE) a service forsending or transporting things quickly



/让sprefa/ nou1

*SHOWING FEELINGS/IDEAS 1 [u,C thingsthatpeople say, Write or do 记 order to show their feelings, opinions and ideas: al expression of SUDPport C ExXpressions of syrmDpathy Jiooded 识 广om alloyver the country CEFreedormmn ofexpresSior (= 位eedom to say what you think) 六 a basic uiamn right (Jormal) The poetsangerJirtds exDressiom im (三 Shown ip) the 1ast yerse of 切e poem o Only im his dreamts does he give expressiont to his jar7s. *ON FACE 2 [G alookon aperson's face that shows their thotghts or feelings LOOK: There was Q Worried expression om her Joce. coam expressiomn of armazememt/


eXx:pro:priate /eks'Dpreupriert; NAmE-Dpro5-/ verb [VN] 1 (formaolorlaw)(ofa governmentor an atithority) to officially take away PIivVate PIOperty 位om its owner for Publicuse 2 (Jormajtotake sb's property and use it without Permission expro.priation /eks ,raoprierf 人 ;NAmE -Drou-/ 71oun [U]


/rik'spalfn/ moun ~ (from .… ) 1 [uc the

act of forcing:sb to leave a place; the act of EXPELLING Sb: These eyvents led to the expuilsiomn of senior diploTmats 万om the country 了 [U,C] the act of sending sb.away from a school or an organization,sSo that they can no longerbelong to it; the act ofEXPELLING Sb: The headteacher 太 reatened the 纺ree girls With expulsion. 2 The club Jaces expulsion 方om 雪e.Jfootball Ieague. 3 [U] (Prma1h the act of sending or driving a Substance ouUt of youTI body or a container ex'Punge /spaAnds/ verb [VN] ~ sth (from sth) (jnma) to remove or get rid of sth, such as a name, Piece of infofmation or a memory from a book or listb or from your mind ERASE; Details of his crimimnal activities Were exXPunged 方om the file. C What happenedjustbefore the.accident Was expunged 方om his 7mmemory. eX'IPUIgate /'"ekspegert; NAmE:parg-/ verb [VN] [usually

passiye] (fjormal) to remove orjleave outDarts of a piece of Writing or aconversation when Printing.or reporting it, because you think those parts could offend people

exX'quis'ite,/ik'skwrzrt; beanutiful

,or carefuly

'ekskwrzrt/ adj Textremely made:



2 (1jormal)(ofafeeling) stronglyfeltEET9 AcuTE: exquisite pain/pleasure 3 (Jormal) delicate and sensitive: The Too Was decorated im exqUisite taste, @ GPR exqUisite semnse of tirming > exquis'ite'ly adv ,EX-'Service od (Br6 having pieviously been amember of the army, navVy; etc.: eX-serVice PerSsoimel

| dfather | eten | s:bird | eabout|zsit|isee|imany|nsgot(Br6

| ossaw | Aicup | oput | wsrtoo



75u7( 趴



-men /men/, -women /-wiiiiitmn)) (Br a person who tised tobe inthe army navy etc:

GXt.055r (used as patt of a telephone ntumber) extension: Ext 4299

exXtamnt/ek'staenti'ekstent/ adj. (Jormao))(of sth very old) still in existence: extamt remmaimns of the amcienEyall

eXteim'pOre /ek'stempaeri/ adj. (帮rmalj) spoken or done Without any Previous thought or preparation PROMPTU .extempore gdv


exXTtem poOrize(BrEalso -ise) /zk'stempaeraiz/ Yerb [V] (如rmal) to speak or perform without preDparing or Dractising IMPROVISE ss externporizationm /下,stempararzerfmn; NAmETaZ-/ OUn [U]

人 其-超人站 加 0 有


/下 stendj ve


[VN] to makesth longer

orlarger': t0 extendajenceroadAhousecThere areplans to extenad themo-smoking area:- 了 [VN] to make sth lastlongefi: to extertdadeadline/visac The show has been exteridedjJoramotherszxweeks.e CarefuImmaintenamnce can extemd thelife ofyourcar 3 [VN]tomake abusiness, an idea, an

influence,etc:. cover more areas of operate in more Places:- The compary Plans to extend its operations into urope. ThPe School 1 exterding 女e range OF subjects taughE *1INCLUDE 4 [V 二 gdvVprepjtorelatetoorinclude sb/sth:

The operadoes motextend to employees: Dartriers OFisWil太 87ness to PhelD did miot extend beyond makirg a few phone calls; >COVERAREAJITIME/DISTANCES [VT+adv/prepjto covera partictlar areay distance or length of time: OUr 1and ex tendsasjras 雪 e7riyere 丽 SWritingcareerextended overa period of40years. @6 [VN 十 adv/prep]tomake sth reach Sth OF stretch: to extemd a rope betweem two posts =*PART OF BODY 7 [VN] to stretch part of your body especially an arm or aleg, away from yoUTself: He extended Ris

jhamndto (= offeredto shake hands with) 切e new ermployee. (Hguratvejto extend thehnand offriemndship to (=tryto have good relations with) anzotpher coumtry 上 OFFER/GIVE 号 [VN] 二 sthtosb(jrmajtooffer to sb: Tsure yo Ww 记 jo 识me 碎 extending a Welcorne to Our Visitors. 2 to extentd hospitality StudenEs CS to extend ai imnyvitation The bamnK extenid creditto themm (= tolend them money):

or give sth Very War to overseas refused to [also VNN] *USE EFFORT/ABILITY 9 [VN] [often passive] to make sbysth Use all theirefforb abijlities, supPlies, etc.: Jirmz didmireaL 1y haye to extend Pirmse 太 识the exarm:. C Hospitals Were aLTeady 记 1 extemnded because of te epiaermic: 一See alsO EXTENSION, EXTENSIVE

eXtend.able(also ex:tend:i 让le) Jik'stendebl/ adj that can be made longemn or made valid for a longer time: am exteTidable Iadder'e The visa nm7jor JI4 days extendable to 0171e:Tm0Pth:

extend-ed /stendrd/ odj [only before noun] Iong or longer than tsual or expected: am extemded LIunmch hnour

exXitended family 7ovn a family group with aclose relationship among the members that includes:not only Parents and children but also Uncles,atunts; grandpar

ents, etc. 一COmpare NUCLEAR FAMILY

人 Xeim-siOm


/还'stenfna/ mov

*1INCREASING INFLUENCE 1 上山,O 一 (of stm the act'of increasing the area of activity, group,of People etczthat is affected by sth: the extemisiomt of TieW techrnology into deyeloping countries 2 Q Sradual exteTlsiom of the powers of cemntral goyeTmmmzentc The bamk Plans yarious exXtensions toits creditjocilies. *OF BUIEDING ,了 [C 一 (to sth) (BrE) (NAmE add-ition) a new room or rooms that are addedto a house 3 [qq a newpartthatijs added to abuilding:aPplanmed bwo-storey exteTlsio7t to tje Pospital

上 EXTRA TIME 4 [C ~ (of sth) an extra period of time allowed for sth: Hes beemn 8g7ramted am exteisiomn of 雪e corLtract Jor another year CaGYVisa exteision 2 (BrE) The PUD Pad am extefisio克 (= was allowed to stay open longer))onm ChFEtmas Pye, *TEUEPHONE' 5: [Ci (bbpr ext) an extratelephoneline con: nected to acentral telephone in ahouse orto a SWITCH-


| ammy

| anow

| ersay

| sgo (Br

BOARD in alarge'building. mialarge building,, each extensiom Ustually has its own htmber: We iave am exte 交 Sion im the bedroofm Whats youUr extensioi mmDber2 CaTiThaye extemnsiomn 4332 Please? “MAKING:STH LONGCER 人LARGER 6G6 [uiGithe actofimiaking sth longer or larger; the thing that is made longer and larger: The extension of the SUDWway-wi take seyeral 1OPnths. C exteilsions io te originalL7Taiiay track we hair exteTtsionms (= pieces of artificial haif that are added to your hair to make itlongeD *COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY

7 [〇 apart of a college or tiniver-

Sity that offers courses to students who are not studying FULL-TIME; a Ptogramme of study for these students: Ia Salle ExtePnsiomLUTiiyersity C extemnsiom coOUFSe5 *COMPUTING 8 the set of three letters that are Placed after adot at the end ofthe name ofafie andthat show What type of fileit is

*ELECTRICAL 9 [C] (BrE) = EXTENSION LEAD IJ by extension ( 刀rmaj)takingtheargument or situation one Stage further: Te 51a7me lies Withn 坊e teachers ai1Q Dy extemnnsiomn With the Education Service.

extension agentmoun (in the US)a person who works forastate university in acountry area, andwhosejobisto give advice'to farmers, do research into farming, etc.


extension) (both Br 日(NA7mE

extension cord)noun an'extra length of electric wire, Used when the wire on an electrical device is notilong enough

@Xtem:siyverOm' /istensir/ ad T covering a large areai; great in amotunt: The house Ras exXteiisiye 8rOU7dS. CO The 户re caQUsed extensiye damage: 和 She SUHfered extemnsive injiuries 识 the accident 3 Extensiye TepairWorkiisibeing'carried oE am extensiye ramnge OF Winesi 了 includingiordealing with a widerange of infor mation FAR-REACHING: ExteTisiye Tesearch has been daomne into 切1 disease. 人 Bis KoOWIedge of music is exte7lsiye. 庆 eXten'sively adv: Q spice Used extentsiyely 训 Easter7 cooking ceShe has trayelled extemnsiyely. eXTem:SOr /IFKk'stensa(D); BrE also ek's-; NAmE-soxr/ (also extensor muscle) novn (anatomy)a musclethat allows you to make part ofyour body straight or stretched out 一

compare FLEXOR

外 尺亿 位 站让:0 / 评'stent/ owni[sing.,U] Thowlarge, important, seriotus; etc, sth is: 丰 坟 Gijficultto 055e55 太e 记1L exteftt of the damiage. CS She Was eXagSgera上 t in8 t切e 节Ue extemnt of the problem: CTWas amazed at the extent of his KioWiedse: 2 the physical size ofian areal: ZouUicamE see the ll extent:of 雪e beach 方om jhere: [IE to -extent Used to show how far sth is:true or how great an effect ithas: Tb acertairt extemt We areiall Fesposible jor this tragic Situation CeHe had chamged to SUch ar extent (= SO Imuch) 轨at 工mo Ionger recognized Pirm. CTo some exteritWhatshe argues is trUe.CThe poliutiom of thejoresthas seriously affected plant li and toa lesser exteftb Wildli 产.c To what extemnt is this true of all

Schools? The book discusses the extent to Which (= how Imuch) jcrmiyy 1这 has chamged oyer the past50 yeaTs, extemu'at'in 吉 /JIk'stenjuertm/ adj/, [only before noun]

(Jormal) showing reasons whya wrong orillegal actb or a bad situation, should be judged less seriously or excused: THPere Were exteTtuatirig circuTmstamces and 妇e defmndant did7rOotreceiyve Q Prison Semntetce.,

EXteriory/k'streria0D); NAmE-strr-/ noun ad1 上IOU1 了 [C] the outside of sth, especially a building: The exterior Of the jhouse mneeds painting., [am INTERIOR 2 [sing.] the way that sb appeairs or behaves,, especially When this is very different ffom theirreal feelings or character: Bemneath his comnfident exteriom he Was desperately TeryOLS: 目 四直 [usually before noun] on the outside of sth; done or happening ottdoors: exterior WallsAsurfaces CThe 记 177ing of the exterior' Scenes Was dote 0 加 e 7moors: [cg INTERIOR

| :oo go (MmB

| ofboy

| Ianear

| eehair

| ose pure

eXxterior angle

540 |

eXx'terior angle noun (SeometD) aniangle formed between the side of a shape and the side next to it, when this side is madelonger 一Picture cp ANGLE eX'ter.imin.ate /iik'stammert; NAmE-starm-/ ve 旋 [vN] to kill all the members of a group of people or animals WIPE OUT -> extermiration /kstsmrnerfn; NAmE-starm-/ nouwn [U] ex'tern jekstarmn; NAmE -te:rm/ movwn (US) a person who works in an institution but does not live there, especially a doctor or other worker in a hospital eXter.mal

/kk'stanl; NAmE Ik'starmml/ ad/ 1 connected

With orlocated on the outside of sth/sb:

extramiarital SeX C extraterrestrial peings

exXtra-Cor-Pporeal /ekstrako:po:rial NAmE -KorD-/ 0dj. (medicoj located orhappeningoutside thebody eeX. 攻 raCt 01m, Ve山

目 mOU1m /'ekstraekt/1 [G~(from sth) ashortPpassage 人fom abook, piece of msic, etc. that gives you an idea of what the whole thing is like: The folliowing extractis takem 万om jher new moyeL_ 2: [U,C] a substance that.has been obtained from sth else Using a Particujlar Process: yeast eXtract C jaoce creamta corttaining Tiatural Plant extracts 和

extermnaljJy /Iik'stamaeli NAmE

-starn-/ adv: The building has been restored externallyand

(NAmE) vanila extract 一See also ESSENCE 四 VE/ /IKk'straekt/ [VN] ~ sth (from sby/sth) 1 to remove or

internally ceThe university has many externally 记 mnded reSeaTcR Drojects. eXiternal ear 00Un (anatomy) the Parts of the ear oOUtSide the EARDRUM


obtain a_ Substance from sth,for example by _using an jindustrial or achemical process: a mmachine 纺 at extracts EXCess moisture 廊ormn the air C to extract essettial oils 广omm Plants 了 2 to obtain information, money, etc., often bytak-


:Starnz/ yerb [VN] (iorma) to show whatyou are thinking and feelingby whatyou sayor do 一compareINTERNALIZE eX:ternmals:/ik'stamlz; NAmE-stazrmn-/ noun [pl.] (rma) the outerappearance of sth eXtimct /zk'stmkt/ ad/. 1 (ofatype ofplant animal etc.) no longer in exXistence: QT extirtct Species C to pecormne extinct 2 (ofatype ofperson,job or wayof life) nolonger 训D eXistence 识 Society: Servants are now almost extinct 训 mmodern society 3 (of aVOLCANO) no longer active [aa ACTIVE eX-tinc:tion /IF'stmkfn/ own [U] a situation in which a Plant, an animal, a way of life, etc. stops existing: a tribe threatened with extinctionAin danger of extiriction The7Tmnountain gorilla is on the verge of extirictiort

exXtin.guish /zk'stmgwry/ verb [VN] Tto make a fire Stop burning or arlight stop shining PUT OUT: FireJighters tried to extinguish the jiarmes. ec (ormal) AILLigpnes jhad been extinguished.,

2 to destroy sth: News

of the

pompbing extinSguished all hope of peace. eX:tin.guish.er mou1n


ingit ffom sb whois unwilling to give it:yJournalists mamaSed to extract all kinds of inforrmaton about her priyate life. 3 to choose information,etc. from a book, a comPuteb etc. to be used for aparticular Purpose: This arcle iextracted 万om Phis new pook. 4 (jnrmal or iechnicah to take or pull sth out, especially when this needs force or effort: The dentistmmay decide thatthe wisdorn teeth need to De extracted.C He rifed through his briefcase anda extracted afile. 5 (1jormal)togetaparticular feeling orquality from asSituation DERIVE: They are Unlikely to extractmuch penefit 广oma the 厅冯. eX-frac:tionm /Ik'strzkjn/ novun TIu,Clthe act' or process of remmoving or obtaining sth ER else: oOiLATmineral/coab etc. extractior c the exbirachon ofsaltfromz the sea 2 [U] of .… extraction (Jormal) having a particular family origin: am American of Rungarian extractiomn 3 [Q

(techmical) the removal of atooth eXtract:ive /I'straektrv; ek-/ adj (techmica1h relating to the process of removing or obtaining sth, especially minerals:,extractive industries

eX'tractOr/Ik'straekteCr)/ moun

exXtirp.ate /ekstepert; NAmE:terp-/ vemb [VN] (Jormahto destroy or get rid of sth that is bad or not wanted > ex tir.pation /ekstaperfn; NmE-terp-/ movn [U]

2 (njorma1

Very; more than usual: extra- 女 识CeXtra-special

(BrE) extermal exammainers/assessorsCATiexternalauditor

(BrE also -ise)

is extra 了2 (with an adjective or adverb) more than usu-

@Xftra- /"ekstra/ prefx (in adjectives) T outside; beyond:

Wi yeripy t 切e accounts,, 4 connected with foreign countries: The goyermnrment zcomamaitted to reducing the countrys externial debt the Minister of State for Excternal


costs)j: @ (BrE) Metallic paint 1 ar optional extra (= 3 >* thing you can choose to have or Dot btit must Pay more for 过 you have it). 2 a person who is employed to Play a Very smallpart in afilm/movie,usuallyas aimmemberofa crowd eadv.1inaddition; morethanis usual, expected Or exists already: to charge/pay/cost extracTmneed to earmn apbit extra this month.cThe rateforaroormuis E30, putbreaKkfast ally: Yopu mneed to be extra careful riotto make any mmistaKes. Can extra large Tshirtc She tried extra hard.

纹eexterrial walls

ofthebuildingc The 1otion is forexternal Use only (= only for the skin and must not be swallowed). 2 happening or coming from outside a place, an Organization, yoUIT particular situation, etc.: A combinaom oF 训 iermnal and exte 六 Pal factors caused the companmny to close downm. 2 external Dressures on the ecoioPmyY 2 Manmny exterTial 记 用ULemnces ca affectyour state of mind. 3 coming from or arranged by sb froim outside a school, a Univetrsity or an Organization:


Dillion for health care:. O TDKke extra care om 轨e roads this eyening. 一See also EXTRA TIME m@1oU0 1 a thing that is added to sth: that is not usual, standard or necessary and thatcosts more: The monmth1y Jee is fixed and there are no jnidden extras (= Unexpected

个 (also ex'tractorfanm)

adevicethatremoveshotair Unpleasantsmells, etc. from arIoom 2 .adevice or machine that removes sth from sth else: ajuice extractor

eXtoOl /I'steol; NAmEIk'stool/ verb (CI:) [VN] ~ sby/sth (as sth) (jormalj) to praise sb/sth very much: Doctors often extol the virtues ofeating less jat c She was extolled as a

extra-Curricu'lar cd/. [usually before noun] not Part of the usual course of work or studies at a school or college:

getius. eX'tOrt /Ik'sto:t; NAmEIk'stoxrt/ vemb [VN] ~ sth (from sb) to make sb give you sth by threatening them: The Sang extorted noney 万om over 30 local businesses,p extortion /IK'sto:Jn; NAmE Ik'storfn/ noun [U,G: He was ar Tested aitd charged with extortiom. exX'tortion:ate / 正'sto:janet; NAmE -storJ-/ adj. (disap-

eXtra.dite /'ekstredart/ vemb [VN] ~ sb (to

proving) (of prices, etc.) much too high

Shes inyotved in mamny extra-ctrricular activities.

) (from:)

to officiallysend back sb who has been accused or found guiltyofacrimetothe countrywherethe crime was committed: The British govermnrment attempted to extradite the SUSpects 广om Belsgiurm. > extra.dition /,ekstrae'difn/ 1mOUm [U, Cj: the extradihion of terrorist Suspects C an extra-

ditior treatyc to start extraditiom Droceedings


eXxtrajudi:cial /ekstredsu'drfl/ adj. happening outside

OUTRAGEOUS: They are offering Ioams at extortioriate rates of intereskt

the normal Power of the law eXxtra-mar. 计-al /,ekstremaerrtl/ adj/. happening outside marriage: an extramarital affair

人 Xir 司 0- 栗 /,ekstra/ adj ,noun; adv aadj. more than isusual, expected; or than exists already ADDITIONAL: Breakfastis proyided atmo extra charge. CThe conjferertce isgoingto bealotofextra work.e am extra Pint of milk C The goverTriment has Dromised am extra 21


| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

eXtra-Imural /,ekstramjuaeral; NAmE-mjarel/ adj [usu:-

ally before noun] 1 (BrE) arranged bya university' college, etc. for people who only study PART-TIME: extrarmiurai education/studies/departrments 一see

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow



| ppen

| rred

SION(7) 2 (Jormmal) happening of existing otside or Separate ffom aplace, an organization, etc:: The jospital ProVides extramural care to_ patients Who do not need to be aGTmitted.

eXtra'me'Ous /ik'stremios/ ddj. ~ (to sth) (frmal) not directy connected With the Darticular situation You are

iD or the subject yot are dealing with


We ao notWant any extraneous 识 jrmation on 切eDasge. 和 We shall ignore 如 ctors extrarieous to 态 eprobiem extra'ordin'aire /kstro:drmea(r); ,NAmE Ik strordr

mer/ adi. (from Fench, approving,often humorous) Used afternouns to saythat sbis a good example ofa particular

kind of person: Zoudim escape artist extraordimnaire

extra'Ordin'ary 0m jakstradnri; MmE 直 -

'Stroxrdeneri/ aocdf/ TUnexpected,surprising oOF strange INCREDIBLE: 下Sextraordiniairy 坊at je 7mamnasged to Sleep 太 rousgh the Parb 2 Whatan extraordiniaryt 太 ingtosay! 2 notnormal or ordinary; greater or better than ustial- an extraordimQTY achieyementc She Wasatruly extraordinaryWworman c They Went to extraorairiary engths to explain 太 eir behayiour 一compare ORDINARY 3 [only before noun] (大rmaj)

(of a meeting, etc.) arranged for a special PtUrpose and

happening ip addition to what normally or TegularlyhapPens: AT extraordimary Teeting Was held io discuss the

Droblem., 用 (ftolowing Douns) (technicoh (of an official) employed for a special purpose in addition to the usual

Staff: ar eniyoy extraordinnary 基 extraordin*arily /rk'-

stro:dnraelij NAmE 姜,strorrdsmeraeli/ ady: He beFiayves extraoraiiarily Jorsomeorie 识 Tis posihiom cextraorainar Iny difficulre She did extraordinarigy we人 L

extrapolate /还 strapalett/ ve 几 一 (sth) (from/to sth) (Uormaj) to_estimate sth or form an opinion about sth,, using the facts that you have now and that are Valid for one Situation and supposing that theyWill be valid forthe Dew one: [V] The figures were. obtained By extrapolating 万om past trends. ce [VN] We have extrapolated these results

万ofm research dome

碎 oter countries. ”extrapolatiion

/JIkistraepajlerfn/ movn [U,G: Their age can pe determined DYy extrapolaiom 方om 雪 eir growth rate.



pa'sepjmn; NAmEpar's-/ noun [U] = ESP


eXtratei:res'trial /,ekstraterestrisl/ hn6un, ad 昌 ]OU1 (in Stories) ai creature that comes 人 om another Planet; a creature that may existon another Planet BOdj. connected With life existing outside the PlanetEarth: extraterrestrial peimngsA1i产


/iekstraeterae'toirial/ adj (of a law)

Valid outside the country where the law was made

,eXtra time (BrE) (NmE overtime) moun [U] (spom a Set period of time that is added to the end of a sports game, etc., 计 therejs no winner at the end of the normal period: They wom by asingle goal after extra .tire, exX'trava'gamnce /jik'straevagens/ novn TU] theiact or habit of spending more money than you can afford or than ismecessary 了 [C] somethingthatyoubuy although tcosts a lot of money perhaps more than yotlcan afford of than 这 necessary: Going 如 态e 续eatre 丰 our only extrayagaTice. 3 [CU] something that is: impressive or noticeable becatse it is untsual or extreme: the extrayagaPice OF Straus535 PLUSIC


/ix'straVegent/ ad Tispending'a2lot

more moneyorusingalotmoreofsth than yotican afford or than is necessary: 工 他 此yeFy extrayvasamnt spending E100 OOQ diress. 2 Shes gotf yeJy extrayagarit tastes. CResidents Were Waied 7iotto De exXtrayagant Withmn Water 识 ViewoF 态 e1ow7azjfollt 雪 zyear 了 costingalotmore moneythan You can afford or is ,necessary: am _extrayagaTit Present 3 (ofideas, Speech orbehaviotr) very extreme Or impresSive but not reasonable or Piactical EXAGGERATED: the extrayaSgsarnt claimsA 了romaises of Doliticiarls = exX-


0dv: extrayaganty expensiye C extrava-

&aTty 应sh hopes eXtraVva' 名amnzZa /ITkistraeVvae'gaenza/ ou1 alarge, expenSive andiimpressiveentertainment

| titea

| yVvan | wwet


extra Virgin adi used to describe good duality oil ob:

tained the first time that OLIVES are pressed: extra Virgim oliye o 丰


0m /jik'strizm/ adj ,mouwn

昌 0dj. 了 [usually before noun] very great 训 degree: We are Working utder extreme DFessure at ihe 7noment 4 People

Lpying 识 extremte DoVerty 8 The jheat 识 雪e desert Was ec treme. 了 not ordinary or usual; serious Or severe: ChiL drem 妙记 be remoyed 方om their parents OFly in extreme Circumstamces- O Domnt go doing amything extrerme Like 1eaying the EC 下 Was the most extreme exaTmipDie oF cruelby to GaPirmalsTjhad ever seen. Cextremne weather comGditions 3 (of people, political organizations, opinions, etc.) far from what most people consider to be normal,

Ieasonable or acceptable [GD MODERATE: extreime [eftWing/Trightwing yiews 4 [only before noun] as far as possible 了 from the centre,thebeginning or in the direction Inentioned: Ke7Ty 太 0 雪e extreme West of Ireland o She Sat OTL the extreme edge of herseat 是IOU 了 a feeling, situation, way of behaving, etc. that i as different as possible from another or is opposite to it: extremmes of 1ove and hate Ce He Used io pe yery shy Dutmnow hes gone to the opposite extreme (= changed from one extreme kind of behaviour to another). 了 the greatest or highest degree of sth: extremmes of cold 了风 识d or rain

[II go etc. to extremes

| take sth to ex'tremes to

act or be forced to actin away that is far fom normal or Teasonable: 政 S emibparrassing the extremes he go to 识 order to ipress jlis po05s, C Take to extremes this Kind oF

Dehaviour car be da7igerous: in the ex'treme (jrmajtoa great degree: THe journey Wouid pe damngerous

识 the ex


extreime 作ghting novun [U] = ULTIMATE FIGHTING

eXtreime'jy om /kstrimlijodv

(usually with adjectives and adverbs)j to a Very high deSree: extreTmelyimiportantuse 训 complicated c Sheyfound 丰 extremely aifficultto setajob.

exitreme sports 10uU1 [pl.] sports that are extremmely exciting to do and often dangerous, for example sKYDIVING and BUNGEE JUMPING 一Pictures and Vocabulary notes on page R24

eXitreme unction noun [U] (religion) (old wse) in the Gatholic Church, the ceremony ofBLESSING sick or dying People: He was give extremme Unction

exX'tre'miis 志 IN EXTREMIS ex'trem'ism /kstriimrzam/ no0m

[Uj Dolitical Teli

gious, etc. ideas or actions that are extreme and not no Imal,, reasonable or acceptable to most people: political exXtreTmis77

eX'trem'ist /rk'stri:mrst/ moun (usually dhisapproving) a Person whose opinions, especially about religion or politics, are extreme, and who may do things that are violent, iegali etc. for whattheybelieve: Ieft-wing/rightwingy

PoliticalAreligious extremmists eextrem'ist od/ [usually before noun]: extrermist attacKks/Sgroups/policies

exX:trem'主yY/下 stfemati/ noumn (ph ries) T [cl the fur thest poinb end or limit of sth: The Iake is situated'at the easterm extremity of the miountain ramnge 了 2 [CU] the degree to Which a Situation, a feeling, an action, etc.is exXtreme,, difficult or Unusual: 态 e'extrermmitiesXextremity of

Dain 3 extremities [pl] (forma/the pairtsofyourbody that are furthest from the centre, especially yourharids and feet


/iekstrikert/ ve 几 .[VN] ~ sb/sth/yourself

(from,sth) (jnmal/) 1 to escape or enable sb to_escape from a difficult situation: Be had mmamnaged to extricate jirmse 太 方om 7nost of his ofFicial duhes, 2 to free_ sb/sth oryourself 位om aplace Where they/it or you are trapped: They marntagedto extricate 切 epilot 太 ormm thetamngled control DaTelL.

e@Xrim'Ssic /eks'trmsrik, -ZIKk/ adj (formal)notbelonging

eXtra'Vet; 三EXTROVERT ssee


Daturally:to sbysth; coming fom or existing outside sby


| Jshoe

| 5vision

| 如 chain

| ds5 jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0 sing



sth rather than within them:; extrinsic jctors 一compare INTRINSIC exXxtro.vett (also /less frequentex'tra've 吐 ) JekstravVait; NAmE vsirt/ noun a lively and confident person Who enjoys being with other People [aa INTROVERT eXTrO-

vetrted (BrEalsoextrovert )Qd/ exctrude /jik'strud/ verT (formal toforce'orpush sth out of sth; tobe forced orpushed in this way: [VN] Iaya zs extruded 廊om the yolcano. [also V] 2 [VN] (techmicaoj to shape metal or Plastic by forcing it through aholee* extru:sion /Jik'strusn/.0ouwm[U]


/itk'stru:sIV/ adj (geology) (of rock) that has

been pushed out ofthe earth byaVOoLCANO exuberant /Ig'2zjubarant; NAmE:zU-/ ad 了 fullofenergy exXcitement and happiness: She gaye aTL exUPperant Performance. 2 aiL exupberant DersomalityVinmtagiration Capicture painted

识 exUberant reds amnd yellows 辽 (of

Plants,etc.) strong and healthy, growing quickly and welle exuberance /Tens/ moumi[U]: We car excUse jis behaviour as youthfuIexupberance.ex:Uberantly 0dy


山 下 you exude a Par/Iigzjud; NAmE-zud/ ve 耻

ticular feeling or quality or it exudes from you, people caneasilyseethatyouhaveit: [VN] She exuded comnfidence. [also v] 2 if sth exudes a liquid or smell, or a liquid or smell extudes ffom somewhere, the liquid, etc. comes Out slowly: [VN] The plIanit exudes a stickyjJiuiad. ce[V] An GaW记 1 smell exuded 方om the creatures pody:

EXUIt /Ig'zAlt/ ve 履 一(at/in sth) (fmmaj) to feeland show

that you are Very excited and haptgy because of sth that

hashappened: [V] Heleaned bacK, exulting atthe SUCCesS of Fuis plamn. e [V speech] We won she exulted. [also vthat]


/Ig'zAltent/ adj. ~ (at sth) (Jormalj) feeling or

showing great Pride or happiness especially because of Sth exciting thathas happenedER3J TRIUMPHANT * eXultantly adv


/egzAlteifn/nour [U] (名rmal) great Pride

or happiness, especially because of sth exciting that has happened

-eyac>sY 人Ye 0 再 /ar/ 1001,Ve 贞 昌 六OU =*PARTOFBODY 1 fceither ofthe two organsontheface that yot see with: :The suUspect has aarK Phair and greem eyes._O to close/open your eyes c to dropVIower yoUr eyes (= to look down) ecThere Were teaTs-in jisieyes: 2了 jhaye something 总 my eye. 2 to 7nake/ayoid eye-comtact with Sb (= to loolkvavoid looking at them at the same time as thaylookatyou AIILeyes Were on him (= every-

One Was lo0Kking at him) as he walkea on to the 5stage.一 picture 只 BODY 一see alsO BLACK EYE,COMPOUND EYE, LAZY EYE, SHUT-EYE 22-eyed (in adjectives) having the typeor ntinber ofeyes mentioned: abIue-eyedblordeSa OPe-eyed mortster >*ABILITYTOSEE' 3 [sing.]theabilitytosee:ASUrgeonmeeds agood eye aiid asteadyhand. 一see also EAGLE EYE

>WAYOFSEEING 4:[Gusuallysing.]aparticular way of seeingsth: He IooKkedatthe desigrn With the eye ofamengineer @ She viewed the findings With a critcal eye. C To ImY eye, 雁e windows seemm out of proportion.

OFNEEDLE. 5.[C] thehole in theend ofamneedle that you putthethread through 一Picture 上 SEWING *ON_ CLOTHES 6 [QQ a small thin piece -of metal,curved round, that,a small hook fits into,used for fastening clothes: 下 jostens with a hook amd eye. 一picture 只 FASTENER. *OF STORM 7 [sing] a/the ~ .of a/the storm, tornado, hurricane, etc. a calm area at the centtre Of a Stormi, etc. *上ON POTATO 8 [Cl adark mark on a potato from which another Plantwill grow 一See also CATSEYE), BULLSEYE,THE EVIL EYE,, FISHEYE LEN5, RED-EYE [DJ be all'eyes tobe watching sb/sth carefully and with a lot of interestbefore/in front of sb;s (yery) eyes in Sb's PIesence; iD 位ont of sb: Fe: Paa SeeILnhis LifesWorkidestroyed before hisyeryeyeslbe upto

acat | dfather | eten | sbird


youreyesin sth tohavealotofsthtodeal With: We7eup toloureyes 记 WorKcast/runan eye/your eyes Over sthn to look at or examine sth quickly: Cou1d you justTrunyYour eyes over this report?clap/lay/set eyes on sb/sthm (加 广 mal) (usually used 训 negative sentences) to see Sb/sth: 工 jayen 半 clapped eyes ol themmjfor WeeKks. ThopeTTneyversSet

” eyesonthisplaceasainlan ,eyeforan' eyel(anda tooth for a'tooth)j (saying) used to saythat you should Punish

sb by doing to them what they have done to you or to Sb elsesbys eyes are biggerthan their stomach used to Say that sb has been GREEDY by taking more food than theycan eatfor sb?s eyes 'only to be seen onlybyapar1end yo the Ietters DUE tbey7e fjor your ticular person:

eyes Onlygetyour'eyein (BJ6) (iDball games) to Practise so that you are able to judge more clearly how fast and wheretheballis goinghave an eyeforsth tobe ableto judge if things look attractive, Valuable, etc.:.Tye:never Pad muchiofan eye forfoshion 2 She has aneyejorapar gain.have eyesin the backofyour'head-;tobeaware of everything.that is happening around youUreVen'things that seem difficult or impossible to seehave (got) eyes like a 'hawk tobe ableto notice or see everything: .Shes

bound to notice 妇 atchippedglass. The Worman has eyes Like ahawklhave one eye/half an eye on sth tolook ator Watch sth while doing sth else, especially in a secret Way sothat other People donotnotice: During his talk mostof the delegates had one eye onthe clock.have your eye on sb_ 1 tobewatching sb carefully, especially to check that they donot do anything wrong 2 tobe thinking about asking sb out offeting sb.a job,-etc. .because you think they are attractive; good at their job, etc.: Hesigot Pis eye om themnew Sirl 训 yourclass.haveyour eye on sth tobe thinking about buying sth in the eyes of the -Iaw, 'worid,etc:.,according to the law most people 记 the WwWorld, etc.in 'sbis eyes- (BrE alsoto 'sb's eyes ) in sb's Opinion or according to the way that they see the Situation: She canmn do no wrong 访 her 如 thers eyes.Keep an eye on sb/sth to take care of sb/sth and make surethat they are not harmed, damaged,etc:: Weve asKked the Meighbours to Keep am e)- om the house for us WPile We are awaykeep an eyeopen/out (forsb/sth) tolookforsb/ sth while you are doing other things: .Police haye asKed residentts to Keep am eye ouUt for apiything SUSpicious:keep your eye on the 'ball -tocontinue to giveyour attention

to what is most importantkeep your 'eyes peeled/ skinned (for sb/sth) .to look .carefullyi for sbysth: We Kept our eyes_peeled forany signs of Li.look sb in:the 'eyel(sj/face-. (usually-used :in negative .Sentences and questions) to look straight at sb without feeling-embarrassed or ashamed: Carn you IooK me 识 theeyeand tellmme

youyre TiotIying? TUPever be able to Iook her 识 thej 如 ce agairilmake'eyes at sb |givesb the 'eye tolookat sb in awaythat shows that yoti find them sexually attractjye: HesS aefinitegy givingyou 切 eeyelimy eyel (BrE old大Shiphned, informah used to show thatyot do not believe sbysth: 和ts ari artidue Wantigue mny eyelinot see eye to'eyewithisb (on sth) tonotsharethesame Views as sb ;about sthnot (be ableto)jtakeyour'eyesoff sb/sth:ito find sb/sth so interesting; attractivef etc-that:you watch them allthetimeone'inthe eyel(forsbysth)- (oformal)a Tesult, action; etc: that represents aidefeat or disappointIment for sbysth: The appointment ofa womam Was one in

the eye for male .dominatioronly have eyes for/have eyes only for sb to be in love with only one particular person: He5s only eyer had eyes for his W 访,see looksaty etc, sth through sb;'sieyes tothink about or see sth the waythat another Derson sees it: Try IOoKing at 让 二rouSh Jereyes Jorachange.shut/close yYOUr eyesto sth to Dretend thatyouhavenotnoticedsth Sothatyoudo nothave to deal with itake your eye off the 'ball to stop giving your attention to what is most important under the (watchful eye of sb being watched carefully by sb: The children PlayedUpder thewatcPhfuleye oftheir fotperwhat the eye doesm't .see (the heart doesnm't grieve oven (Sayins) if a_ person does not know about sth that they would normally disapprove of thenitcannot hurt them: What does 让 mmatter 矿Tuse his 用 at wFile hes aWay2 WPRat the eyesdoesnt see fwith an eye for/on/to the main chance (BrE, usuallydwisapproving) with thehopeoftsing apatrticular Situation in ordertogain some advantage for


(BrE) |:o saw | Acup


put | wstoo

yourselfwith an eyeto sth/to doing sth with the intention of doing sth: He bought the Warehouse With an eye to



co7yerting it into a hotel with your eyes 'open fully aware of the possible problems or results of a particular COUIse of action: 工 Went into 太 认 With my eyes open 50 工 SuUessTOPnly have mmyself to blame. with your eyes 'shut/ closed having enough experience to be able to do sth easily: Tye 7made this rrip so oftemu T could do 让 with 7my

eyes Shut 一more





卓 yeb (eye'ing or eying, eyed, eyed) [VN] to look at sbysth carefully, especially because yot want sth or you are SusPicious of sth: to eye Sb SUSPiciouslyc He couldntt help eyeing 妇e cakes hungrib 2 They eyed W Wi alarm.

,eye sb< up (injommalj)to look at sb in away that Shows you have a Special interest 雇 them,especially a Sexual interest

eye:bail /arba:l/ novny ve 上b 目 OUm 力 the Whole of the eye; including the part inside the head that cannotbe seenc2picture 驴 BODY eyeball to eyeball (with sb) very'close to sb and looking'at themy especially during an iangry conVeisation, meeting, etc.: The Drotesteis and Police stood eyeballto eyebalL ce an

eyebali:to-eyeballcomn 广omntation be upto youreyeballs in;sth to have alotof sth to deal with: Theyyre Up to 妇 eir eyeballs


一more atDRUGY

目 WVe北 [VN] (njommal) tolookatsbysth 记 awaythatis very direct and not always polite or friendly


/aiba:b; NAmiE ab/ om

a small container

that you put aliquid in to wash your eye with eye'brow /arbra5/ (alsobrow)moun [usuallypl] theline of hair above the eye 一Picture 只 BODY ID be up to your eyebrows in sth to have alot of sth to deal with: 了 es 奈 让 (=trouble) Up to his eyebrows. 一more at RAISEY

eyebrow pemcil "ovn atype ofmake-up in the form of apencil used for emphasizing or improving the shape of the EYEBROWS

eye'candy noum [U] (informalj) a person or thing that is attractive but not intelligent or useful

'eye-Catching cd (of a thing) immediately noticeable because it is particularly interesting, bright or attractive: QT7L eye-catcPing adyertisemzent

eyeful /artol novupn 1 an amount ofsth such as liquid or dust that has been thrown,or blown into youi eye 2 (njormal aperson orthingthatis beautiful or interestiDg to look at [Cr have/get an eyeful (of sth) (BrE, injormal/) to look carefully at sth that is interesting or Unusual eye.glass /'argladzs; NAmE-glaes/ noun 了 iaLENS for one eye Used :to help you see ,more clearly with that eye Zeyeglasses (NA/ImE) = GLASSES

eye:lash /azlzaj/ (alsolash ) novn [usually pl] omne ofthe hairs growing onthe edgeofthe EYELIDS: Jolse eyelashes She just jiutters jher eyelasjhes and 纺e men comme FUTing/ 一picture 只 BODY


| 亚 my

| aonow

| ersay

| aogo (Br

eye'let /anaet/ novn ahole with a metal ring around 让 iD a piece of cloth or leather normally used for passing a IOpe or string through

eye level noun [U] the height of a persom's eyes: ComPDUter Screenas ShOUIG De at eye Ieyel. 2 aa eye-leyel gr 这

eye'lid /arlrd/ (alsolid) nown either ofthe pieces of skin above and below the eye that cover 让 when yoU BLINK OF close the eye 一Picture 只 BODY IE see BATY

eye'jinme /aaarmy/ mounthe direction that sb is looking im eyeliner /ararmae()/ (also liner) noum [U] a type of make-up,, usually black, that is puit arotind the edge of the eyes to make them morenoticeable and attractive eye-Opener noun [usually sing.] an event experience, etc, that is Surprising and shows you sth that you did not already Know: Travellinrg around IJndia Was Q Teal eyeOpener Dr 7me. eye'patch /'armpaetf/ novn a piece of material worn over one eye, Usually becatse the eye is damaged eye'piece /arpi:s/ moun the piece of glass (= a LENS) at the end of a TELESCOPE OT MICROSCOPE that you look through 一picture 忆 BINOCULARS, GLASS, LABORATORY

eye-shadow /arfadao; NAmE:doa/ noun [CU] atype of coloured make-up that is put on the skin above the eyes

(= the EYELIDSs)tomake them look more attractive eye'Siglht /arsart/ noun [U] the ability to see: to have Sood/bad/poor eyesighte ar eyesighttest eye'SOre /arso:(r)/ 0oun abuilding, an object, etc.that is unpleasant tolook at: Thatold Jactory is areal eyesorel! eye strainm: noum[uUl acondition of the eyes caused, for example; byalong Period ofreading orlooking at acomiPuter screen eyeteetlh moum [pldIEIO giveyoureyeteeth for sth/ to do sth (pformaused when you are saying that yoU WwWant sth Very much: Fagive my eye teeth to omwm'acar Like that.

eye-Wall /arwoill/ noum (iechmnicoh athick ring of cioud around the EYE'I(=';,calm area at the centre) ofa HURRICANE eye:Wwashh /arwpf; NAH1E-wWwazJ; -Waif/ nown TU] (oj 大 5 族 ioned, niormalwords, Promisesi etc. that are not true OF Sincere eye'Wear /arwea(G); NAmE-Wer/ noun [U] (Jrmaj)things Worn on the eyes such as glasses OT CONTACT LENSES

eye'W 计.mess /arwitnes/ OU1 a person who has seen a crime,accident,etc. and can describe it afterwards: am eyeWitniess QCCOUnt of the SUJferinig of theTefugees 上 note

at WITNESS 二See alSO WITNESS eyrie (especajly BrE) (NmE ustally aerie) /Teri; 'eari; 'aiaeri; NMAImE'Tii 'eri/ mov 了 anestthat is built high up among Tocks bya BIRD OF PREY (=abird that kills other creatuies for food) such as an EAGLE 2 aroom or building in ahigh placethatis often difficult to reach and from Which sb can see What is happening below 'e-Zine moun a magazine published in electronic form on the Internet

| ou go (Mm

| afboy

| ie near

| ee hair

| ve pure

{ EDOUn;, GObbpr 四 IOU1 (alsof) /ef/ [CU] (P/L Fs, Ps fs /efs/) Tthe 6th letter of the English alphabet: Fox begins with (am) BY 也 FF (music) the fourth note in the scALE of C MAJOR 3 the 6th highest markVgrade that a student can get for a piece of work, showing that it is very bad and the student has

failed: He got (am FA 本 im/for Chemistry. 一see also 下WoORD Gbbr 下 FAHRENHEIT: Water 廊eezes at 32"R 也 (BE) (iD academic titles) FELLOW of' FRCM (= Fellow of the Royal College of Music) 3 FARAD

of Pher ice wjhen told her! o The expressiom on his 名ce Tieyer chaTtged. 一 Picture 只 BODY wEXPRESSION 了 an expression thatis shown on sb's face: a sad/happyAsmiiling Jace c Her foce Lit up (= Showed happiness) wjen sjhe Spoke of the past is foce Jell (= showed disappointment, sadness, etc.) When he read the

jheadlines. 》 SuES face was a picture (= she looked very SUrprised,angry,etc.) as She 1isteried to jer jhusbpands SpeecF. FACED 3 (in adjectives)havingthetype offace orexpresSion mmentioned: pale-foced c Srimz-foced

区 (BrE) (also 和 MAmE BrE) abbr 1 female 了 (8'omma 门 * PERSON 4 (in compounds)usedtorefertoaperson ofthe type mentioned: She looked around for ajJamiliaryface. feminine 3 (musicl loudly (from Italian forte)) QWelLknowrzjJace on our televisiomiscreens@ESmice to see F-1 visa /,ef wAn vi:ze/ .noun a document that allows Sb 507mieTiew jaces here 雪iseyenings CTm fedup ofseeing the from another country to enterthe US as a student Saie old faces eyery timeWwe:So outl FA /ef'er/ moun [sing.] the FALthe organization that con, SIDE/SUREACE' Saside or Surface ofsth: themorthjoce of trols the sport of football (soccER)in England and Wales thpe moupmtairc TheDirds build theirnests 识 therockjfoce. (the abbreviation for ootball Association) Bow 了 mmarnyjJoces does acube haye? 一see also COALFACE

FRONT DOF CLOCK Githe front partiof'a clock or watch一


Picture c> CLOCK

falb /faeb/ adj. (BrE normaj extremely good

fable /terbl non T [CUlatraditional short story that teaches a moral lesson,especially one with animals as charfacters; these Stories consjidered ,as a-group: Aesops Fables Caland rich in foble 2 [U;C] astatement or an account of sth, that is not true


一 :of sthithe particular character

of sth: the changingjfoce ofBritain 8 一 ofsthaparticular aspect of sth: 碎 e unacceptable foce of capitalisrmm 一see also, IN-YOUR-FACE), TYPEFACE, VOLTE-FACE

驿2 disappearvanish off the face of the 'earth to

jsappear completely: Keep IooKing 一 ey Camt Just haye

falbled /termld/ odi (iterary or :humorous) famous and

yamnished o太 the 如 ce of the earth sbys face doesn”tfit

often talked about, but rarely seen LEGENDARY: Q Jopled monster'c For the 三 st WeeK he neyer actually saw the jobled JacK.

usedto saythat sb will not getaparticular job or Position becatuse they do not have the appearance,Ppersonality, etc. that the employer wants, even When this should not be important: 秦 doesntt matter how Well qualiied youare,

fa 有 .ric /fsaebrrk/ noun

站 [uC material made by WEAV-

ING Wool, cotton, sillke etc., used for making clothes, curtains,etc. and for covering furniture: cotton jobric 和 记rnishing fbrics 一Picture cKNITTING 只 note at MATER-

IAL 2: [sing:] the~ (of sth)(jorma/) thebasicsttucture of a society, an organization, etc. that enables it to function Successfully: a tremnd Which 万 reatens te yery Japbric oF

Socie 宁 纵 note at STRUCTURE 3 [sing.] the~ (of sth) the basic structure of a building, such as the walls, floor and Ioof

falb.ri-cate /faebrTkert/ ve [VN] [often passive] 1 to iDvent false information in order to trick People MAKE UP: The eyidence Was totally /fabricated. 了2 (tecpnical) to make or Droduce goods, edquipment, etc. from variotis d 计

太 your foce doesntjikb you dontstand a chance. sb face

is like'thunder | sb hasafaceiike'thunder some-

body looks very angry face to 'face (with sb) close to and looking at sb: The two haye neyer metjfaceto jce be-

Jore. face to 'face with_sth in aisituation where yoU have to accept that sth is true and deal with it: She was at art early age broughtjfoce to foce With he horrors ofwar

face "up down

1 (of a person) with your face and

Stomach facing Upwards/downwards: She lay /ce dowm on the bed. 2 with the front part or Surface facing UPwards/downwards: Place the card foce UP on the Dile.

have the face to do sth (BrE, jnformmah to do sth that

other peoplethink is rude or shows alack ofrespect with-


out feelingembarrassed or ashamed in sb;s face (NAmE,

/faebrrkeIfn/ nouvn [CU]: Her story was a complete jp cation 万omn startto iFiish

what to do all the time in the face of 'sth Tidespite

fabu.list /faebjalrst/ noun (ommnalj) a person who invents or tells stories fabu.Ious/faebjalas/ adj.1 (Unformnal) extremely good:a

be less respected or look stupid because of sth you have

ferent materials


如 bulous performance cjJane afpbulous cooK. 安 note at GREAT 2 (Jormalj) very great: Jabulous wealtPhZriches/ peauty 3 [only before noun] (hiteroamy) appearing in FABLES: 如 bulous beasts

falbu.lous.ly Iously

/faebjalasli/ odv Uormal/) extremely: Jabu功rich

fa.cade /fe'sadd/ noun 1 the front of abuilding 了 2 [usually sing.] the way that sb/sth appears to be, whbich is different from the way sb/sth really is: She managed to Tnaintain Qafocade of indifference. 2 Squalor and poverty Iay bephind tpe cibs gtittering focade.

{acCe 0 /fers/ 0oun, ve 几 目 11OU1 * FRONT OF HEAD 障 the front part ofthe head between the FOREHEAD and the chin: aprettyround/ 广eckled face ecFe buried has jce in jhis hands.2YDUshould Rhaye seent the IooK


| ddid

| ffall


| hhat-

| jyes

informal) annoying sb by criticizing them or telling them

Problems,,difficulties,etc.: She showed great coUrage 训 the foce of aanger 2 as aresult of sth: He was Unable to

deny 妇 e charges 识 thejface of new evidence. lose 'face to done EM

BE HUMILIATED on the 'face of it (Unforma1

used to Say that sth seems to be good, true, etc. but that this opinion may need to be changed when you know Imore about it: OP the 名 ce of 让 让 seems Like a great deaL

pullymake 'faces/a 'face (at sb) to Produce an expres-

Sion on yoOUI face to show that you do notlike sb/sth or in order to make sb laugh: WRhat are you pulling a Joce at

mow? put your 'face on (Unjormaol) to Put on MAKE-UP set your face against sb/sth (especially B/E) to be deter-

mined to oppose Sb/sth: Berj 如 ter had set Ris jce against

the marTriage. fo sbyxs ,face 这 you Say sth to sb?s face, you Sayit to them directly rather than to other people 一com-

pare BEHIND SBS BACK 'wihat's hisjher face (informalj) Used to refer to a person whose name yo cannot remember: Are you still working for whats jher foce? 一more at BLOWYVY,,BLUE 0dj/.,BRAVE 0d/, DOOR 1.,FEED v,EGG 1., EYE 1.,FLAT adv,FLY V LAUGH

| kcat|


| mmani|l

V,LONG adj1 NOSE 0


| ppen

| -rred





BE OPPOSITE Tto be opposite Sb/sth; to have your face face pack ovn (BrE) a substance that you put on your face and take offaftera short period oftime,lsed to clean or front pointing towards sby/sth or 记 a partictlar direcyoUI skin tion: [VN] She turned and foced Firm e Most of 切 e roorms Joce thesedau co[v+adv/prep] The terracejaces South ca face powder "oun powder that youput on your face to Porth-focing wall c Stand with your feet apart and your make 让 look less shiny jards focing Upwards. CeWhich directior are you focing?一 face-savin adj [only before noun] intended to protect Picture 只 FRONT. Sb's reputation and to avoid embarrassment: aface-saving SB/STH DIFFICULT 之 [VN] 让 you face a particular situCOTPDTromtise ation, Or it faces yoU, you have to deal with it: the probfacet /faesrt/ noun 下 ~ (of sth) aparticular part or aspect LemrlsjJoced by one-parentEfarmiiese7The companyisjocinga of sth: New Iets look at another focet of 纺e_problemm. nancial crisis.C Shes 名 ced With a dricult decision. 之 one of ts 有 at sides of a JEWEL 3 [VN] to acceptthat a difficult situation exists, although you would prefer not to: ,Its not always easy to foce the acetinmme moun [U] (NMmE njiormal)timethatyou spend truth. 2 She had io fce the jactthat her 1 访 hnad changed talking in person to people you work with, rather than Jorever Face facts 一she isnicorming back. Let'sjface 让 speaking on the phone or sending emails Were motgoing to win. 和: 计 yotcan't face sthunpleasant, fa:cetious /fte'si:fes/ adj. trying to appear amusing and you feel unable or unwilling to deal with it: [EVN] TI just intelligent at a time when other people do notthink it is ca jce work today co[V -ing] I cant Joce seeing temm. appIopriate, and when it would be better to be serious 5 [VN] totalk to or deal with sb, even though this is dif-

ficult or unpleasant: How can Toce Tom? He be so disapPointed.


-@ [VN] [usually passive] to cover a surface


Qa Jacetiors cornimerit/remark

elng jcetiousi -this 6 serious. em facetiously

2 Stop

0dy fa-

cetiousmess oun [U]

,face-to-'face 20di involving people who are close together and looking at each other:a 名 ce-to: 如ce conyersaIE face the'music (ormal) to accept and deal with 6omneTdeal with customners on 加e phone amd rarely mmeet criticism or punishment for sth you have done: The others themm jace-to-face.e face-to-face gdv: Feopened the door all ram of Leaying me to foce the mmusic. face arid came face-to-face With a purglar 3 (jgurotive) She sb facilitation /feisllrterfn/ houm [U,sing:]

上四 To sneeris to show that you have no respectfor

下 .Ci 让 atOr

someone byturning your upper lip upwards,

/te'sllrterte(r)/ oun 全 aperson who helps

sb do sth more easily by discussing problems,giving adVice, etc. rather than telling them what to do: The teacher

蛋 These words can also be used as nouns: she /ooked up Wi 雪 gpPuUzzledjrownHegaovemeanic slare. ca ,Srimace of pain,

acts:as a 1ocilitator of Iearning. 了2 (Jormal) athing that helps a Process take Place

face card OUnm (especially NAImB) = COURT CARD face.cloth /tersklpb; NAmEloz6/ nouUn (BrE) = FLANNEL

1oun [U,C] a thicK cream that you put on

yoUr face to clean the skin or keep it so 人

face.less /terslas/ ad [usually before noun] (disapproving) having no noticeable characteristics or identity; 如 celess Dureaucrats faceless higjh-rise apartment plocKs


/faesanl; NmE

duced without effort or careful thought GLIB: aocile rermarKk/gerneralizatior 也 [only before noun] (fjormaj) obtained too easily and having little value: a 如cile Victory

四 To scowlistolookatsomeonein an angry orannoyed Way.

face cream

/terfl ad ,noun

下 gcdlj. [usually before noun] connected with a person's face; on a persofis:face: ajocial expression Cjocial hair 芭 facially /fterfealif adv:Facially'the two mennwere yery Gijfer

/terslrft/ movn [usually sing] 1 a medical oper

ation in which the skin on a person's face js made tighter ip_ order to make them look younger: to haye a focei诉 2 changes made to a building or Place to make 让 look

Imore attractive: The towm jhas recentby been givenajfoceli询.

站aa.C 刘.让Y 0Ow

/te'sileti/ noun

1Tfacilities [plj buildings,services,equipment,etc, that are provided for a particular purpose: sports/Ieisre:jacilities 2 comnference focilities 2 shoppings/bamKing/cooking facilities c The hotel has Special jacilities for Welcormning disapbled people. C ALL rooms haye Private Jacilities (= aprivate bathroom), 了 [C] a special feature of a machine,servVice,etc, that makes it possible to do sth extra: 如 DamKk account Withn ar overdraftfocility cajJacility Jor checking spelling 3 [C] a place,usually including buildings, used for a particular PUIPose or activity: the Worlds Iargest mnUClear Waste focility ea new health care Jocility 4 [sing.,U] = (for sth) anatural ability to learn or do sth easily: She has ajfaciliby fjor Ianguages.

face-o 作 -0oUn 1 (normah especialy NAmE) an argument

fai'cing /tersm/ ov 1 [CU] alayer of briclko stone, etc.

OF a fight: a joce-o太 between the presidential candidates 2.the wayofstarting play in a game ofICE HOCKEY

that Covers the surface of a wall to make it look more attractive 2 [GU] a layer of stiff material sewn around

s see

| ttea

| vyvan

| w wet | zzoo

| 人 shoe

| 5vision

| tchain

-| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| D sing


有 | fac:titious /faek'trfas/ odi (formaj) notigenuine btt created deliberately and made to appear to betrue

the inside ofthe neck ARMHOLEsS, etc. of a piece of cloth-

fac'ti'tive /faektetiv/ adj. (grommar) (of verbs) followed

ing to make them stronger 3 facings [pl.] the COLLAR, CUFFs, etc. ofa piece ofclothing that are madein a diffeF ent colour or material

by a DIRECT OBJECT amid a COMPLEMENT. Factitive Verbs describe a situation where there is a restilt to the action. -InITpainteditred' and fthey made her captain,Ppainted and made' are factitive.

fac'sim-.ile /faek'smali/ novn T [C] an exact copy of sth:

fac'tive /faektrv/ adj (grammar) (of verbs) talking abonut

afocsimile editionr C amanuscriptreproduced 训 JGcsimiile 2 [CU] (formal) = FAX: afocsimile machine

人fact 0

/faekt/ ooun

1 [sing.] ~ (that...)used toreferto aparticular situation that exists: TI could mo Ionger igriore 妇 e jact tat he Was deeply unhappy. 2 Despite the fact that She was Wearing Qseat beb She was throwmn Sharpyy forward. Due to the Jact that tphey did mot read ErglisP the Prisomners Were LU7Laware of wjhat they Were signiing. 2 She Was happy apart 万 om thejfactthatshe could notreturm home.CVoIuntary Work Was particularty Important ta View of the fact that WomnertWere oftemtjJorcedto giveup paidWwork on mar7iage. CHowdoyouaccountfpr 妇efactthatunemployrmentizssL Trising? C The fact remains that We are Still two teachers Short C The mmere joct of being poor mmakes such childrem Criminals im the eyes of the police. 2 [G a thing that is knowmto be truei especially when it can be Proved: TSsmtt 让 ajactthatthefirrmislosingmoney2c (nnformal)TRhayenttt Spoken to anyone i Englishnjfordays and thats ajfact 7

Know for afact (=. 工am certain) that shess inyolved 训 something iegalL.e The judge:instructed both Iawyers to Stick to the facts of the case. OFirsb SOTme basicjfacts about Phealthyeating!cThereportis basedon hardjfacts(= infor Imation that can be proved to be true)j. > 矿you7e going to 邦QKe accUsatioris, YOUG better get yoUr Jacts right (三 Iake sure youIr information is correct),. C JIts apout timme you Iearnt to face (the) facts (= accepted the truth abonut the situation),3 [U] things that are true rather than things that have been invented: The story based om

Joct C LS important to distinguish Joct 万om 三ctiom. [IE after the 'fact ,after sth has happened :or been done when it is toolate'to prevent it or change it: On SO7e Vital decisions ermmployees Were only informed after

the foct the fact (of the matter is (that) .-。used to emphasize astatement, especiallyonethatisthe opposite ofwhathasjustbeen mentioned: Amnewcar Wouldbe wonmderl1butthejfoctofthematterz thatwecantaffordone:a

,fact of 'life a situation that cannot be changed,especially onethatis unpleasant ,facts and figures_ accurate and detailedinformation: Tyve asKked to see alLthe facts amd Jgures 太 beforeTrmmake a decision. the ,facts of 'life the details about sex and about how babies are born, especially

as told to children the facts speak for them'selves it is not necessary to give any further explanation abonut sth becatlse the information that is available already Proves thatit is true in (actual) fact 1 used to give extra details abonlt sth that has just been mentioned: TUsed to Iive 训 France; 训 fc5 notjor 广om Whereyoure going: 2 Usedto emphasizea statement, especiallyonethatis the opposite of What has just been mentioned: TI thought 态e Wo7K Would be diicu 丰 到 actual fcb is yery easy ls that a

'fact? (informa used to reply to a statement that you find interesting or surprising, orthat you do notbelieve: She says T7mn one of the best Students ShesS eyer tauSgRE 人委 thatajoct? 一more at MATTERM.; POINT

fact-finding ad/. [only before noun] done in orderto find otit information about a country, an organization, asituation, etc.: ajact-firding missiomVis 让

faction /faekjn/ noun T [C a small group of people Within a larger one whose members have Some different aims and beliefs to those ofthelarger group: rivaljfactions Within 轨e administration 了 [U] opposition,disagreeIent etc. that exists between Small groups of people Within an organization or political party:, aparty divided zy jctiomn and intrigue 3 山] 人 ms/movies,books,etc. that combine fact with FICTION (= imaginary events)

fac'tion-al /fakjnal/ ad [only before noun] connected With the factions ofan organization of politicalparty: 抑ctional conjflict > faction.alism mown [U]

sth as a true fact. Know'” and Tealize are factive Verbs.一 COmpare CONTRAFACTIVE, NON-EFEACTIVE

fac'toid /faktorid/ novn Tsomething that is widely accepted as a fact, although it'is Probably not true 之a small piece of interesting information,esPecially about sth that is notVvery important: Heres apop jctoid fjoryou.

站aaC.tOTY 0

/会 KtaGD/ moun veb

目 1OU1 了 [C] one of several things thaticause of influence

sth: ecoriomic foctors C The closure of the 7mine Was the singlernostimportantjcctor 总 thetowrms aecline: ct e 态 Key/ CrucialAdecidirig factor 2 [G (matphematics) anumber that divides into another number exactly: 7 2, 3, 叉 6 aid J2 are the fjoctors of 712. 3 [q the amotnt by which sth increases or decreases: TheTealWage ofthe ayerage WoOrKker has 识creased by a 名 ctor of oyer ten 识 the Iast 70 years. 4 [Gaparticularlevel on ascale ofmeasurement: asSu-

tam 1otiomn with a protection jctor of 70 2 The Wind-chil 有 ctor w 记 maKkeitseem colder 到 [U] (medical) asubstance in the blood that helps the CLOTTING Piocess. There are SeVveral types of this substance: Haemiophiliacs haye mo 加 ctor8in theirblood [IE see FEEL-GOOD 是 Ve 态 ,factor sthe'in |factor sth/Eeersnhart/ ad (obbr F) of or'using a Scale of temperature in which water freezes at 32?” and boils at 212?: 记 fty degrees Fahnremnheit Fahren:heit MOU1 [LU]: to 5ive 轨e te7nperatuye 识 FGHrerineit


/fei ye六 ,mov

四 VE *NOT SUCCEED 1 ~(in sth) to not be successful in achieving sth; [V] Toied 访 myattemmptto persuade her Ma7iy diets 所iL because 妨ey are boring Ca jailing 'schoole [vto inf] She Joilted to getinto artcollege. CThesorig canmt Jailto be ahit(=.definitely will be a hit). *NOTDOSTH

2 tonotdosth: [vtoinf Rejoiedto keep tpe

apPpoimntrmnent 25jhe neyerjaik to emaileyvery week TIjail to see (二Idontunderstand) Why you WomtEeyen give 让 a bye [VEefelthewouldbpejailingininis auty 太 hedid mot Teport 让 *TEST/EXAM 3 tonotpassatestoran exam; to decide that sb/sth has notpassed atest or an exam: [VN] Reyjailed his ariyingtest CTheexaminersjailed overhalfthe candidates.

CSheywasdisqualified after jailing aadrugs test CIV] What Wilyou do ifyoujJail2 [Ga PAss OF;MACHINES/PARTSOF BODY 4.[V]tostop working: The BraKkes of TY Pikejoiled halfway down te 太 岂. *OF HEALTH/SIGHT .5邱 ;[V] (especially ip the Progressive tenses) to becomie weak: Her eyesightis Joiling, :CHis Iast Tomths im ojffice WereTnarTred by jailing health. *DISAPPOINT SB 6G [VN] to disappoint sb; to be unable to help .when needed: When he lost his Jopispe jelt he jad

-| o5 go (MAm 有

上 or boy,

-ze near

,| ee hair

| use pure


548 |

Joilea his jmaily 2 She tried to pe brave,bUut her coOUrage Joiled her e (Jiguwratve) Words fail me (=Icannot express how Ifeel). *NOTBEENOUGH7

[V] to notbe enough when needed or

expected: The crops jailed again Iastsurmrmner 2 The rains had jailed and the rivers were dry. *OF COMPANY/BUSINESS 罗 [V] to be unable to continue': Seyeral banjs failed during the recession.

[Er 放 all else failsused to suggest sth that sb can do 让

nothing else they have tried is successful: 矿 all else foils, yoU can always Sell your motorbike. B@mOuUm the result of an eXam in Which a Person is not SUccessful: T 8ot three passes_ and one 刀iL [29PASS

[ET without fail 1 when yottell sb to do sth without

fail, you are telling them that they must do it:TwamntyoV Phere py two ofclock withoutjfoiL 2 always: Fe emails every WeeK Without 所记

failed /ferlda/ odj, [only before noun] not successful:.a Joiledwritere afjailed couvp

fail:img/'fenlio/ mouny, Prep BIOUm

[usually pl.] a weakness or fault in sb/sth: She is

aWare of her' ownjoilings. CThe inquiry acknowiedges ja让 ing8s 识 the Judicial systemm. 晶 P1ep. Used to introduce a suggestion that could be conSidered if theone just mentioned is not possible: AsKk a 万iend to recomrmenid a doctor op Jailinsg that ask fora List 记 your Iocal 1ibrary.

站 ail-safeow/ [usuallybefore noun] (ofmachineryorequipmentjdesigneditostop working 这 anything goes wrong:a Jailsafe device/mechanismsystent

下aiil.ure one /fenjsGD)/ moun

pens: PatientsSufjferinrg 广om heartZKkidriey etc: ailure< A power jailure pIunged eyerything into darkness coThe CQUSe of the crash Was gtiyen as engine jailure. ~OF BUSINESS 5 [CU] business ~ a Situation in which a business has to close because it is not Successful >* OF CROP/HARVEST 6 [U,C] crop/harvest~ asituation 让 Which crops do not grow correctly and do not produce food

fain/fem/ody (olduwse) willinglyor with Pleasure:TWwould Joinado asyouasj

faimt om /femtjaodj ,ver 压70 历 @adj (faint'er faintesl Tithat caitinot be cleafrly seen, heard or Smelt: a Jaint SIowglimaymnerAiight Ca jint Simnell ofperhime c We could hear their voices grOWinig ii er as 妨ey Walked dowm 雪eiroad. S FSs breathirig becahmme Jaint 也 very Small; possible but unlikely SLIGHT': There zs still a joint hope that she mmay be cured. CThey domt haye 妇e 加 intest chnanmce ofWinmning 3 not enithusiastic: Q jointshow of resistance cajintsmiile 4 [not'before noun] feeling weak and tired and likely to become Unconscious: She suddemnly 帮 上 inE 2 THe Walkers Were

Jaint 广om hunser > faintlyody: Shesmiedfaint He IooKked 名 intpy embarrassed IEII not havethe 'faintest (idea)(nformal) to notlkmnow anything atalliabout sth:7 didnt haye the 如 intest iaea What you meant 二more



昌 YVe 上bb [V] to become Unconscious when notenotugh blood

js going to your brain, Usually because of the heat, a Shock,etc. PASS OUT: to joint 广om junger c Sud-

| ddid



faint- heartedodi lacking confidence and not brave; afraid of failing EECcowARDLY the faint-hearted noun [pl]: The -clip i mnot for 纺e 押 训 LEhearted (= People who are not brave). | faint.mess/femtnas/ noun [U] the state of feeling weak andtired and likelyto become unconsciotus

fair 0 /fea(GD); NAmEfer/ adj. ,ady; noOuU1n aacdlj. ( fairer fairesf *ACCEPTABLE/APPROPRIATE 了 ~ (to/on sb) acceptable and appropriate ip a particular situation: Q Joir deal/ WaSge[Drice/qguestion 2 The PUTLiSPrment Was Very 帮 太 Was 让 really foir to Pim to asK Pinmaz to ao allthe work2 和

Tts notjfoir on the students to keep changing the tirmnetable. Cits only foir to add that they Were not told about tje Problermn until the Iast7minute. 政seems Only 加 这加at they Should giye US Something inreturn OoTthink 让 节 foirtosay that tey are Pleased With this Iatestoffer coTo beyfaip she Dehayed better 雪amn We expected CO (especially BrE) Tou Should really hayve asKked me first Righ5 okay jair comTnentt” [GD UNFAIR *TREATING PEOPLE EQUALLY 也 ~ (to sb) treating everyone equally and according to the rules orlaw: She has always Deen scruUPUIousjy 名 cedemands for ajJoirer distributiom ofwealth ec We haye to bejirtozboth players.etoreceivea Joir trial ce 廊ee and firelections Clt's notjfair! He aways Sets nore 雪am me.CTRe new taxcz jirer than the old systermm,[G UNFAIR. *QUITE LARGE 3 [only before noun] quite large 刘 number, Size OF amount: A jir numzber of people came along. Ca

Joirsized towne Weyestillgotajairbit(= quite alot to

*NOTSUCCESSFUL 1 [U] lack ofsuccess 记 doing or achieving sth: The SUccess orailure ofthe plarr depends on yo @ THie attermpt was doomed tojailure. AILmmyeffortk ended 记 Jailure. 2 切 e problems ofeconomic Joilure and 识creasing UPmemzDployment C She is sll coming to termis With the Joilure'of her.marTiagse,[aag sUuccEss 2 [Cq aperson:or thing that is not'Successful: The Whole thing was a comDiete jailure.e He was ajJoilure as ateacher [GD sUuccEss *NOT DOING STH 3 [U,G] ~ to do sth an act of not doing sth, especially sth that you are exXpected to do: 雪eoilure of the United Nations to maintain food SupPlies C Failure to comply Witp te regulatiomnsWil resuit 识 Drosecutionm. *OFMACHINE/PARTOFBODY4 [u,C] the state ofnot work让 8 correctly or as expected; an occasion when this hap-


denly 妇e womaart 总 广ont of me Jointed. c (mnFrmal) TaL7most jointed (=Iwas Very SUIPrised) When she tld me. @mOUm [sing.] the state of becoming Unconscious: Fe 帮 11to the ground 训 a dead joint

| h hat

| jyes


*QUITE GO00D 4 (especially BrE) quite good: Theres a air chamce that We 7night Win this tme. CIts ayjJair bet that they wonit burn up. CTIjhave a Joir iaea ofwhat happened. QHis riowiledge of Fremnch zsionly 克 这 HAIR/SKIN 5 pale in colour: a Joir complexion ceShe has

Iong Joir hair 2 AL her children are foir (= they all have fair hair). [on DARK ~*WEATHER @ bright and notraining

ERJUFINE:,ajoir and

breezy day 7 (iterary)(ofwinds)nottoo strong andblowing in the right direction: They set-sail With tpe iirst Jair



> BEAUTIFUL 8 (iteram or old use) beatitifil: a 抑坟 maiden

[ci ,allfs fair in ,love and "war (50ying) in some situations anytype ofbehavViour is acceptableto get whatyou want be fairl (informal) used to tell sb to be reasonable in their judgement of sb/sth; Be 色 订 /She aidmn 和 Knowy6

Were coming. ,by fair means or 'foulusing dishonest methods 计 honest ones do notwork afair crack of the "whip (BrE injrma1h a reasonable opportunity :to show that you can do sth: 了T 包ltWe Werent given ajair crack of

the whip. fair e'nough (nformal especially ;BrE)i used to Say that an idea or suggestion -seems reasonable: We 刀 Teet at 8 Tair enough ce 矿youidonitwant to come; jair

eolSh, DuUE Let Bi Know fairs 'fair (informah (BrE also fair dos/'do'9 used, especially as an exclamation, to say that you think that an action,,decisionetc. is acceptable and. appropriate because 让 means that,everyone will be treated fairly: Fairs jair 一yoUcamit expect them to camcel

eyeTythingJUst because you cant make 让 (give sb) a fair :hearing (to allow sb) the opportunity to give their opinion of sth_ before deciding if they have:-done sth wrong,

often in court: TIl see 太 atyou getajJair hearing (give sb/ get) a fair shake (NAm司 informaj) (to give:sbyget) fair treatment that gives you the _saine_chance as sb else (more than) your fair share_of sth (more than) an amount .of sth that.is considered _to be reasonable or acceptable: He has mmore han huais 如 isShare ofproblems. Tyve had my jir share of success in the past fair to "middling (old-foshioned) not particularly good or bad it's a fair 'cop (B/Einformal,humorous) used by sb Who caught doing sth wrong, to saythattheyadmitthatthey are WIOng


| Eleg

| man

| now

| p pen


@adyv. according tothe rules; in awaythatis consideredto be acceptable and appropriate: Come om you two, 万ght 克 太 3 Theyl respect yoU as Iong as you Play Jair (= be-

have honestly) Squarely

IO fair and 'square | fairly and

1Thonestly and' according to the rules: We

Wo the electiom jir and sduare. 了 (Br6 in a direct'way that is easy to understand: Ttola Firm Joiriand square to Dack his bags. 3 (BrE) exactly in the place yotu Were aimipgfor: Thitthe targetjfair andsquare setfair(to do sth/

for sth)(BrE) having the necessary qualities or conditions

to Succeed: She seems set Jair to W 训 the championship ec Co7iditions were setjoirJorsStable ecoriomic deyelopmenE一

Iore at SAYYV 昌mOU1 ENTERTAINMENT Ti(BrEalsofunfain(NAmEalso carmnival a type of entertaininent in a field or park at which people can ride on large machines and play'games to win Prizes: Lets take 切e Kids to thefoir ealltpe moFthejoir

了 (NAmE) a type'of entertainment in .afhield' or park at which farm animals:and products are-shown and take Part 识 competitions: the countyystate Jair 3 (Br = FETE “BUSINESS 4 an event at which people, businesses,etc. Show and sell their goods: a World trade 友 太 CaicraftMa bookv《am antique 和 这 >

“ANIMAL MARKET S (BrE) (in the past) aimarket at which aniimals were sold: a horse jir


fai 放 hful

tion ztO erisure Jair Play When food is distributed to the 7Fefugees. TI fair 'play to sb (BrE, informa1lused to exPress approval when sb has done sth that yot think is iight Or reasonable

the ,fair seXx(also the fairer'se允moun [sing.上 sing/pl. Y] (old-joshioned) women fair- trade od involving trade which supports producers im developing countries by Payiinig fair prices and making sure that workers have good Working conditions and fair pay

fair`Way/feawer NA7mE 'ferweil noun ( 带 GoLF) the long strip of short grass that you must hit the ball along before you get to the GREEN and the hole 一Picture 只 GOLF 一

compare THE ROUGH fair-weather ad [only before noun] (disapproving) (of people) behaving ip aparticular wayor doing aparticular activity only when it is pleasant for them: ajfair-weather Jiend (= Sb who stops being a friend when you are in trouble)

fairy /fesri; NAmE 'feri/ moun (PL -ie9 .1T(in stories) a creature like a small person,who has magic poWers: Q Sood/wickedl juiry 一see also TOOTH FAIRY 了 (disapprovmg, s/ang) an offensiVe word for a HOMOSEXUAL man

*j0BS 6 job/careers~ an event at which people who are looking for jobs can get information about companies who might employthem

fairy calke(Br6) (also cup'cakeNAmE BrBmoun asmall

fair'"copynovr(BrE) aneat version of a piece of writing fair dinkum cd ,aodv (AustroE NMZE informahl Tused

fairy godmother:.moun aperson who rescues you

toemphasize that sth is genuine or true, or to ask whether tLis: ts ajfoirdinkurmm Aussie wedding.C BuUrtsjusttiold me jes packing UP 妃 a month.” Fair dinkurm2” 了 2 Used to emphasize thatbehaviour is acceptable: They Were asKing QIot 加 rt e 切 ca put 友 订 dimnKkurm comsiderimng how Phew 让 共.

the ,fairer' sexnoun = THE FAIR SEX fair 有 amenoun [U] 让a persofiorthingis said to De fair game, it is considered acceptable to playjokes on theim, ciiticize them etc.: The yOUmger teachers Were co7isidered Joir garmme by most of the Kias.

fair.groumd /Teagraund; NAmE 'ferg-/ noun 1 an otitdoor area Where a FAIR With entertainments is held 了 [usually pl.] (NAmB) a place where aFAIR showing farm animals, farm Products,etc. is held: the Ohio State Fai广 grounds 3 [usually pl.] (NAmB) a Place where compamnies and businesses hold a FAIR to show their products: the Milan trade jirgrou7ids

1 (before adjectives and adverbs) to some extent but not Very: Qirly easy pooKcajfoirly typical reaction CTJnow Fi Jirjy Wel DuUET Wouldniit Say We Were really close 万ieflds.OT8ojogging foirtyTregulargy 2 Wez haye to Ieaye Jirtysoom(=beforeverylong).2Tmfiryy certaimTcan do the jobp. 2 The7report Was Joiryy 识ComDprehensipbple. CT thimnK youE finditfoiriydificult (= you do notwant to saythat it is very difficult) 只 note at OUITE 2 in' afar and reaSonable way; honestly: He Pas always treated7mie yery 克 矿 以 Ferattitude couldJairly be described as hostile. 3 (Oo人 1shionedj used to emphasize sth thatyou are saying: Te

te 如 irly raced Dy [Er fairly and squarely AND SOUARE


fair-'minded zj (of people) looking at and judging thinpgs in afair and open way fair:mess /feanas; MAmE 'fernes/ moun [U] 1ithe quality of treating people equally or ip away that is feasonable: thejairmness ofthejudicial system 了 (of skin orhair) apale 轨he jairmness of her pair



(al fairness (to sb) usedi to introduce a statement that defends sb whohas just been criticized, or that exPlains another statement,that may-seeIm unreasonable: 7 Ga1

Jirness to His he didtry to stop her leaying:

fair'play7ov7r [u] the'fact of playing a game or acting honestly, fairly and according to the rules:Qa Player adaTmnired for his senlse of 各 广了 Ia The tasK of theorgariiza-


| ttea

| Vvan

| 丈 wet

| 过 zoo

whenyou mostneed help

fairy.land /tesriland; NAmE' teri-/ nounr T [ul the home of FAIRIES 2: [sing.] abeautiful, special or unusual Place: The toyshop ajoiryland foryoung childrert

Tairylishtsnoom [pl (BF small coloured electric lights Used for decoration, especially on atree at Christmas

fairy tale(also 'fairy story) noun 1 astory about magic OF FAIRIES,UsSually forchildren 2 astorythatsbtellsthat is not true; aujie: Now tel_7mne the truth: TadontWwant any TOre Of yoUur Jairy stories.

fairy-tale odi. typical of sth in a fairy tale: a Jairy-tale castle on an ilanda cajoiry-tale wedding m the catpedral

fa计 acCcom:pli/ifert sekompli:; NAmE seKasmi-/ mou1 [usually sing.] (P/ faits accom'plis /ferzz sekopmplis NAmE akazmm-/). (from French) something that has already happened or been done and that you cannot chang

下 二计Ih on /ferb/ noun

fair-'hairedod with lightorblonde hair fair.1y De /Teali;NAmEYferli/ ady

colour: 4 tam emphasized

cake, baked 训 a paper container shaped like a cup and often with ICING on top

| Jshoe

1 轴] 一 (insb/sth) trustinsb's abilityorknowledge; trust that sbysth willido what has been:promised: 丰 jhnaye great 友 i庚 六youTKnowyouziao we下 ecWeyvelostjfaith in the goyVeTTmaents Dromises,C Der 方ienas -Kindmess has Testored Per jaitp im PUTmam mature. He has Dilind faith (= unreasonable trust) 总 doctors” ability to Find a cure. 也 [U,sing.] strong religious belief: to lose your Joitph ce Faith zxstromger 妇 a7u reason. 3 [C] a particular religion: tphe Christiam jithp 2 The children are Iearning to Unde 广 stand people of differentyJaiths. 4 [U] good ~ the intention to do sth Tight: They hartaed oyer the Weapons as Q gesture ofgoodyaith IE break/keep faith with sb to breakVkeep a Pzoimise that you have made to Sbj; to stopV continue being loyal to sb in bad 'faith knowing that What you are doing is wrong'in good 'faith believing that whatyou are doing is right; believing thatsth is cor iect: We Printed the report good Joith PuE haye now learnt 雪at 让 Was incorrect 一 mnore at PINV

下 证上,个 wa 和 om /ergfy 中 T~ (tosby/sth) staying with or Supporting a particular Person, organization orbelief LOYAL:ajfaithnPuelserVantLHriendA/dog 2 He remained jaithFul to the iaeals oF thepParb RShe Was TeWwaraded 名 rnher40years jithfulse 产 Vice Wiih the company THhaye beem a jith7ul reader' of your meW5spaper /Jr naTty year5. 子 the' faithful ou [pl.] People who believe in areligion; theloyalsupporters of a politicaliparty: The president w 记 Keep 太e SUPPort or 态 epartyjaithnul 3 (ofa wife, husbandorpartner) 二 (to

| 5wVision

| tchain

| asjam

下 thin

| athis

浊 msing


550 |

sb) not having asexual relationship with.anyone else [ED UNFAITHFUL 4 ~:(to sth) true and accurate; not changing_ anything;:a'yJaithful copy/accoumtdescrip在om CO His translatom manages to be 吕 ith包 to t雪 esSDIrit of the originaL 5 [only before noun] able to be trusted; that you can rely on: 7mny 如 ithnfulold car faith'ful'ness MOUn [U]:Jaith 包 1mness to traditiom 2 She had doupk apout PaisJitpfulIness,

和 坟 主上.fu .1y Oom /erzgfeli/ ody

faithihealings noun [U] amethod of treating a sick pe

er OU

faith heal-

faitlh:less /terblas/ ad (forma/) iot loyal; that you cannotrelyon or trust: ajJoitpless 广 icend

{a:jitas /feiztes/ movm [pl.] (from spamish) a Mexican dish of strips ofmeat and/or Vegetables wrapped 训Da SoftTORTILLA and often Served with SoOUIT cream

fakKe 7yferk/ adj ,novn, ve访 中 0dj.1 (disapproving) not genuine; apPearing tobe sth it is not COUNTERFEIT: 如 Ke designer ciothiig 2 a 大Ke American accent 了 Immadetolooklikesth else IMITATION: QJjacket in jjke 儿ro DomtgoOuEin theSsun 一geta Jojke tian 太 orm abottle. 只 noteiatARTIFICIAL 香 IOUm 下 antiobjectsuch as aworkofart,acoinorapieceof jewellerythatis notgenuine buthasbeen madetolook as, 这 itis: ALLthnepaintings proved to be jjkes. 2 aperson who Pretends to be whatthey are notin order to cheat People

日ye 下 吵 [VN] tomake sthfalse appeartobe genuine, especiallyin order tocheatsb: She fked herTmrotherssignature on the document -2 He arTranged the accident 碎 order t Joke his own death. 2 to pretendtohaveaparticular feeliDg, illness, etc.: [VN] Shesmnotreally sick 一she'sjustfaking 让 Hejkedayawmn. [alsoVv] faker nou1n

{falkie /terkiy novn(informal)atmovementbackwards ona SKATEBOARD Or SNOWBOARD

fakKir (alsofaquir )/feie); NAmEBKEA7ounaMitslim holy man without possessions who lives byother people giving him food and money

fala.fel (alsofela'fel) /felaefy/ novm [ud (pfalafel cr fala'fels) a Middle Eastern dish consisting of small balls formed from crushed CHICKPEAS, usually eaten with flat bread; oneoftheseballs falcon /fo:Kan; NAmE'feaelksn/noun aBIRD OFPREY (三 bird that kills other creatures for food) with lomng Pointed Wings

falcon:er /名 :IFkena(); NAmmE feelkenar/. mnoun a person Who keeps and trains falcons, often forhunting


/包 :kenri: NAmE 'feal/) novn 贡] ,the _art or

Sport ofbreeding falcons andtraining them to hunt other birds or animals

站 aa中 om

/人 :17Ve 几 ,jiOUn

晶 Verb (ffell /feIfallen yo:lan/) *DROP DOWN- 1 [v usually+ advV/prep] to drop down from ahigher level to a lower level: Seyeral oF 地e books had jllen onto thejioor One ofthe Kids f11into the river 4 The handle had jlien o太 theidrawer 有 Septe 训5e 六 Pad coTmme and 轨e leayes Were Starting tojJollL eej 帮 11207mnetres onto 妇e rocjks pelow. CThe rain Was fllingsteadib eeThey Were imjured byjolling rocKs. *STOP STANDING -了2. [Viusually+ ,advVprep] to suddenly Stop Standing: She sLipped on the ice and 大 1L CTRLLoyver adCUETUYKrtee: CTPe hoUse looked as 矿 让Was apouttojo11 dowm: 一See also FALLEN ~OFHAIR/MATERIAL 3 [V+:advVprep]tohangdown: Her Pair 帮 Loverjhershouldersimarmmassofcurls.

2icat |


5 todecrease inamount, number orSstrength:

[V] Their profits Phayve Jollen by 30 Per centE Prices: comtnuedtojall on t妇 estock mmarkettodayx CThetermmperature Jellsharply 识 themight cjollingpbirthratesCeryoicejHe1 toawhisper co[VN] Sjare prices 帮 11.30p.


*BEDEFEATED; @ [V] tobe defeated or captured: The couD Jailedputthe goveTmrmentfe1Lshortgy afterwards. Troy 广Paly 帮 1Lto the GreekKs.

“DIELNBATTLE_7:[V] Uiterany) to die 训 battle; to be shot:a

1 accurately; carefully: to follow instructions Jaitpfulpy 和 The eyentks Were jaitpfuly recorded in her diary 2ina loyal way; ipawaythatyoucanrelyon: Fe hadsupported the 1ocal team Joithflly fjor 30years. 2 She prommised Joith记 1y mot to tell anyomne Try secret IT Yours faithfulfy (BrE) used at the end of a formal letter before you sign your name,when you have addressed sb as ?Dear Siry Dear Madam, etc. and notbytheinname

Sorithrough the power ofbeliefandPprayer

SLOPE.DOWNWARDS 4.[V].~ (away/off)ito slope.downWards: The land falls away sharplytowards the riyer

father | erten | s: bird |ie about 直rsit | issee

7memorial to 雪ose WPo 让 1 识 切 e to World wars >*BECOME 8 to pass into aparticular statei to begin to be

sth: [V-ADJ] He had jlien asieep om 坊 e8ofo. CTHhe booKk 帮 1 open atapase ofillustratiomnsro Theroom had jallemnsiient 2 She 1 记 soomn afterand didmnot recoyer Oo [V 二 adwV/ Prep] 工 Pad jllem into comnyersatiomn Witn a mman om the train The house had follen into disrepair 2 [VN] She Kmnew she muUstPotjfollprey to.his char7m:


:9 [V] :一 (on sb/sth) (terary) :to come

quickly and suddenly DESCEND: A Sudden silerice 有有 -Darkness fjolls quicKy in the tropics, C Am expectant

Pushm 旋1 om the guesk、 TO [V +adyvVvprep] 了 to happen Or take Place: My birthday jlks on a Momnday this year T1 [Vi+ adyVprep]to movein aparticular direction or comeinaparticular position: Myeyefellion (=Isuddenly Saw) Qicurious Object C Which syllable aoes:the stress 加 on2CAsSshadowjlLacross her jce: *BELONG-TO GROUP 12 [v + aqdvVprep]ito:belong toa Particular class,grouPp or area of responsibijlity: -Out of OVer 400 sta 矿there arejust7 thatjallinto this category 2 This case folks outside my7 思risdictionr. TREE Under 态 e Reading of sciemntific researchP. IJ Idioms containing fall are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example fall by the wayside is at wayside. fall about (BrE, informajtolaughalot: [+ =ing] We alleIapoutIaugPing. ,falla'part T to beinivery bad conditiom sothat parts are breaking offt: My carszs jliing apart 2 to have So Iany problems thatit is no longer Possible tovexist,Or function: Their mmarriage.fimaally 用 1 apart c The deal 帮1 apartWwhemn we jailed to agree on aprice.

fall a'way to become gradually fewer or smaller; to disappear: His SUPporters jlLaway as his popuIarity decliried. Themmarketjortheir products fjelawayto amost7iothirig. AllLour aoubz 帮1away eThe houses jaway as we 16护 the city. fall back 1 to move or tuin bacKNSRTI RETREAT: Te eneiny 无1 back as our troops adyanmce 必 2 to decrease 这 valueoramount,fall'backon sb/sth [no passive] to goto Sb for Support to have sth to use When yoti aresin difficulty:Thayve aLittle money 友 态 ebamktoj 加 lbackomr She 泄11pacKk om her UsuUal excuse of hayving mio_tirmne. 一related

DOUnD FALLBACK fall be' hind (sb/sth) to failto keep level with sbysth: She SOon elLpehind the Ieaders. fall be hind with sth to not payor do sth attherighttime: They had fallenr pehizd wit their mortgaSge repayments. CeFes jallen pehind with Ris SchoolWork againm. fall downm to :be shown to-.be not true:or, not ,good enough: Amnd thats where te theory jlks aqown. 一see also

FEALLV (2)-, fallfor sb [no passive] (informal)to be strongly attracted

to sbi to fall in love with sb: They:1Lfoneachn otherinstanty fall for sth [no passive].(/nforma)) to be tricked into believing sth that is not true: Fr Surprised yo 帮1Lfor 如 attricK. fall in if soldiers fall in, they form lifties: The Sergeartt ordered his mentoyfollin ,fall'in with sb/sth [noipassiv可 (BrE)toagreeto sth: She 旋1 in with my iaeaatonce:

fallinto sth tobe abletobedivided into sth: MytaIKEJaiE maturally into 态ree Parts. ,fall 'off to decrease in quantityor quality: Attendaree:at

TY LIectures has jallem ofr comnsiderably [Ga RISE fallon/upon sb/sth [no passive] (especially Br Tto attack or take hold ofsbysth with alotofenergy andienthtSiasm: Theyjellor PirWith shicks-cThe children 帮 Lomsthe Jood and ate 让 greedib 2-tobethe responsibility of sb: The Allcostof thewedding 帮 引Lom ts:

imany | mgot(Br 日 | 95saw | Acup

| oput | utoo

fall'out 1 to become loose and drop: His hair jllimng ou 之 这 soldiers fall out; theyleavetheirlines and 了 还ove away fali out (with-sb) (BrE) to have an arguimnent with Sb sothatyou are no longer friendly with them


falling-'oOut noun (normai [sing] argsituation where People are no longer 人iemds, caused by a disagreerment oran argument: DayearndThad aalling-out.

,fall over Unformal) (of a computer or program) to stop Working suddenly: My Spreadsheet keeps jl1ing oyer fl 'Over sbyjsth [no passive] to hityour foot against sth when youare walking and fall, or almost fall TRIP OVER: 了 FushedjJorthedoorandjelLover thecat 记 hejhalway 一See

下aa呈im 吾'star 1707 = SHOOTING STAR 下 ai 由-OfF (B7E alsoyess 7jreqgwent falling-off) noun [singj] 一 (in sth):a redtiction in the numbet amount or quality of sth: a recentjolL-o 矿 识Sales

also FALLV(2) fallnover yourselfto do sth:(injormalj)ito tryveryhard or want Very mitch to do sth: He was jalling OyVer PirriselF to be mice to 7mme. fall through tonot be completedi'or not happen: OU7 Plarzs 大人 切rouShR Decause of 1acK of 7momey: fallto sb to becomethe duty orTresponsibility ofsb: Wit jzispartner away5ialltheWorkmno 妈 帮 ILto7irm. ce[二 to ipn目

了tjJeLlto me to 识form herof her sons death. fallto sth (iieramy) tobegin to do sth: [十 :ing] She 旋 1to brooding QboutWwjhat had happened to Per 国力 OU7 *ACTOFFALLING T [Can actoffalling:Thaadabadfca7id Droke my arm. C She was Killed 识 Qa 把1L 广om a Forse. *OF SNOW/ROCKS 2 [Q ~ (of sth) an amount of snow ITocks, etc. that falls orhas fallen: a heayy follofsnoweca FrocK 加也


3 [sing] 一 of sth the way in

Which sth falls or happens: 态eji of 妨 e dice 克 11ofpherphair(=thewayherhairhbhangs down)


4 falls

the aa天

[pl.] (especially in names) a large

amotnt of water falling down from 人 height WATERFALIL: The 如1z5 Upstrearm are 有所11 of salmorE Niagara Falls


5 [q (NmB) = AUTUMN:

态 切 eyjoll of 2005

1ast 大 1 友和 Weather > DECREASE 6 [〇 ~(insth)adecreasein size,number rate Orlevel: asteep 加 到 识Drofits Capig 所 下 识WnermPployrment

[Gaga RISE >*DEFEAT 7 [sing.] ~ (of sth) aloss of Political, economic,, etc. DOWefi oOT success; the loss or defeat of a city coUntry,

etc. 记 war: the jlLof the Roma7l Empire c the rise arid fall of Brish indaustry2the 大 11LofBerlin *LOSS OF RESPECT 加 [sing.] a situation ip which a person, an orgamnijzation, etc: loses the respect of other people becallse they have done sth wrong: the TV PreacherS spectacular fo1Lfrormm grace r1IN BIBLE 9 the Fall [sing.] the occasion when Adam and Eve did notobeyGod andhadtoleavethe Garden ofEden

IE break sb?s 'fall to stop_ sb from falling onto -sth hard: ZUcKipp a puUsPL Droke Pis 如 人 一 more at PRIDE1., RIDEY


/fe'lerfes/ adj. (1jormal) wrong; based on a

false idea: @ jl1aciouvs argurment

fal:lacy /faslasi/ moun (pl -ies) 1T[q a false idea that

Fallo.pian tube

twotubes 记 thebodyofawoman or female animalalong :Which eggs Dass from the OVARIES to theUTERUS


{fal.Jow /faelao; NAmE-lou/ adj. 1 (offarmland)notused for growing crops,,especially so that the quality of the land will imnprove: Farrmers are now paid to Let their Iand Liejallow 2 (ofaperiod oftime) when nothingis created or produced; not successful: Contemmporary damnce 1 cOmimg o7tto the art Scene again after a 1ong follow Period

fallow deer movn a small Elropean DEER with White Spots on its back

Tall-pilpe 5ouvn (US) = DOwWNPIPE false -0 /fols/ ad *NOTTRUE wrong; notcorrector true:AWhale zs afishn. True or Jolse? C Predictiomns of an earyy improyementin the Pousing Tarket proyed jalse. ce She gaye 如 lse information to the 训SUraace coOmPamny 和 He Used afolse name to getthe Jopb. “NOT NATURAL 2 not natural ARTIFICIAL: Jalse teeth/eyelasjhes Cajalse beard 窗 Dote at ARTIFICIAL *NOT GENUINE 3 not gentuine, but made to look real to cheat People: a jlse passport =NOTISINCERE -4 (of people's behaviour) mot real or Sin= cere: jlse nodesty C She jashed him a jlse smile of comSratulatiorz =WRONG/MISTAKEN 5瑟 [usually before noun] wrong or mistaken, becatseitisbased onsththatisnottrue Or correct' afalse argurment/assunmiptionbelief ec to giye a jose impressionm of Wealth co to 1u1L sb into a jlse semise of SecurTity (= mmake sb feel safewhenthey arereallyin dan-

ger) C They iamit Want to raise any false hopes, Dut 轨 ey Delieyed her Puspamnd had escaped capture:C BuUyingacheap computer xsajfalse economy (= will not actually save yoU

Ioney), *NOT FAITHEUL 6G_ (WUiiteramy) (of People) not faithful: a jlse Iover false.Jy adv: to pe folsely accused of st coShe smiled Jolsely at jis joke. [Er by/under/on false pre tences by pretending to be sth that you are not, in order to gain Some advantage for yoUrself: She Was accused ofobtaining Toney Unaer 名 1se pretences. 一more at RING2V

ledge ofa language, but has started to study it again from the beginning

groundji after falling: afollen tree 2 (formal) (ofa soldier) killed in a war 一See also FALLV

false 'dawmnm moun [usually sing.] (formal) a situation in Which you think that sth good is going to happen Pt 让 does not: afolse aawmn Jor te econoTmy

"ouri(old-joshioned) away of describing

awoman in the'past who had a sexual relationship with sb who wasmnot herhtsband

,false friend ,novn 1 aperson who seems to be your friend, but who is not loyal and cannot be trusted 2.a word in a foreign language that looks similar to a word in your own language, but has a different meaning: The inglishn Word Semnsible' and the French Word Sensible” are Jolse 碍ierlds.

' 人二 中 名WUY OU:(eSPeciay NAmE) a person who isblamed or Punished for sth wrong that another person has done


下 天 用:iTe /feelebl/ odf ableto make mistakes or be wrong: Memmoryizsselectiye amd Jollible.cALLPurman peings are 加 人-


[U]: Purmmarz fliPpility

| 苹my | anow

| efsay

/fo:lshod/ 7moyr (大rma 广T LU] the state of

not being true; the act of telling a lie: to test 坊e tuth or 有 sehood of her clairms 了 [C] a statement that is not true


个 二 闪 受-OfF 7oU7 [sing.] (BrE) 三 FALL-OFF uactual

novn awarning about a danger that does

,false be'ginmer "oun a person who has a basic know-

/fo:en/ ad [only before noun] 1 lying on the

田1e,、[aag .INFALLIBLE > falIibility /faelabraeti/ noun

2 the

nothappen; abeliefthat sth bad is going tohappen, when it js not: The 万re service Was called ouUt but 让 Was a folse alar7m.

ready to be Used ip an emergency 过 other things fail: Whats ouryJolibpacK 访ey aontcome UP With the 7mmorley? JWemneedajfallbacKk pos 让 on 太 t妇 exyWomtado tejopb.


/foxlaut/ movun [U] T dangerous RADIOACTIVE

dust that is in the air after a nuclear explosion bad results of a situation or an action

false alarm

PATHETIC FALLACY fall.iback 7 包 :Ibak/ movnaplan or course ofaction thatis

(alsoifallo'piam tube) /felsoupien

djumb; NAmE feloopien tuzb/ noun (anatomy) one of the

Imany People believe js true: 下 东 aallacy to say tphat thne camiera Pieyer Lies. 2 [U,C] a false way of thinking about sth: He detected the jollacy of Per argument 一See also



| sa68go (Br

六 om

名 (NMmB

| orboy

| ie near

| ee hair

| ue pure

false imprisonment

552 |

,false im'prisonmient ouni[u] (low) the crime of legally keeping sb as a prisoner somewhere

false'memory "ovn (psychologyj a memory of sth that did not actually happen false 'move /oun [usually sing.] an action that is not allowed or not recommended and that may catse abad reSult: Ome false moyve and the pomb might piowup.

false 'rilb movn = FLOATING RIB false 'start


1 an attempt to begin sth that is not

fa:mmil.iar:ity /feimaisereti/ 0ovn [U] 们 一 (with sth) | ~ (to sb) the state of knowing sb/sth well; the state of recognizing .Sbysth: Bis Jormmiliarity_ With thue Ianguage jelped him enjoy Pis stay. o Where she saw the house She jhadajeeling offormiliarib 2 afriendlyinformalmanner: She addressed me with an easy formmiliarity that Tade 7me

>feelat home. [Er familiarity breeds con'tempt


ing) knowing_ Sb/sth very well may cause yoU to lose admiration and respect for themy 让


(BrE also -ise) -/fe'maliararz/ verb [VN]

一 yourself/sb (with sth) to learn about sth or teach sb about sth,so that yotythey start to understand 让 AcCQUAINT: ZU need time to Jamiliarize yourself

With our procedures.e familiarization,-isation /fasuccessful: After a numnber of folse starts, She Hinally jund imilierarzerfmn; NAmE-ra'z-/ OUn [U] ajob she liked. 2 (Som asituation when sbtaking part 训b arace starts before the of 猴cial signal has been given fa:mil.iar:y /te'malieli; NArmmE ri/advw Tinafriendly and informal mannen SOmetimes iD a way'that is too ,false'teeth moun [pl.] a set of artificial teeth used by sb informal to be pleasant: Jophm Bunb jmiiliaryy Known to Who has lost their natural teeth 一compare DENTURES Pis 广iends as Jack ecHe touched her cheek fommiliariy 也 识 al.set:tist /fo:lsetrst/ moun (mwsic) a male singer who the way that is well known to people: The elephanmts mose Sings falsetto op morejormiliarty fuUnje is 雪e mostyersatile organt 识 雪e fal.setto /包 :iseteo; NAmE-too/ nouUm (pl-os )an Unusualamirmal Kingdor. ly high voice, especially the voice that men use to sing 站amm.训V 0O-mw /faemalif nouvn, ad veIyhigh notes 上四 0OUT (P/-ies ) 站 [c+sing./pl v]ia group consisting of one fal.sies /o:lsiz/ moun [plj] (njorma/) pieces of material or two parents and their children: the other members of used inside a BRA to make a woman's breasts seem larger myjfomiy eAlmosteyeryjormily m the country owns ateleVision CALL myjormigy emjoy sKiing: o one-parertt/SingSilefals.ify /folsifar/ verb falsifies ,fal'sify.ing ,fal,sified , Parent farmnilies Cajomiby offour cyarmilies With younS fal.si.fied ) [VN] to change a written record or information children 一See also BLENDED _FAMILY NUCLEAR FAMILY So that it is no longer true e falsification /fo:sifrk2 [cf+sing./pl: vi;U],a group,consisting of one'or two Parerfn/ movwn [UGQ: 态 e aeliberate 所 85 访cation of the comentsi-their children and close relations: AI .our Jornily 也ay STecords came to Grandad'ss eightieth birthday party. CIPe support fal:sity /fosati/ noun [U] the state of not being true or of armily and fjriends is vitaL c We?ye onfy:told the irnrmegenuine [az TRUTH diate jarmily (= thexclosest relations).c the RoyalFarmnily Fal.staff.i.am /fo:l'staxfien; NAmE-staef/ adi_(iteramy)fat, (= the children and close relations ofthe king or queen) c cheerful and eating and drinking a lot: My uncle was Q T always think of you as one of the family. ce(njormaj Fakstaffian figure.Grsr From SirJohn Falstafft, a characShes family (= she is a relation). 一see also EXTENDED ter in several plays by William Shakespeare. FAMILY 了 [C+sing./pl.v] all the people who are related to each other including 也 ose who are now dead: Somme falter /folltea)/ vemb TI[V] to become weaker or'less Jarmiilies haye farmed 识 th area for hunadreds of years. effective WAVER: The econoPmy Shows mio sigrls of 如1This paintirg has been ii Our family jbr generatiorts, tering. C Her courage neyer 如 ltered 2 to speak in a Way 4 [ct+sing./pl.v,U] a couple's or aperson's children, espethat shows that you are not confident: [V] Bis voice 如 1cially young children: They hayve a larsge farmmigy Tadtered as he _began his Speech [also V speech] 3 .[V]:to dressed 让 to Mr and Mrs Jones and Jamiily ec Do they plan walk orbehave inawaythat showsthat youare Dot conto startajfarmily (= have children)2cto pringupZraisea 8ident: She walked up to the Platform Withoutjoltering: family 5 [q a group of related animals and plants; a He neverfoltered in .jiis comrmmnibmnentto thepartb faltergroup of related things,especially anguages: ions being /io:lterm/ adj the foltering Peace talks c the pabys Iong to tihe catjfornip ec the Germanic 和色mmily of Ianguages 万rstjoltering steps

叹 (pe/get)in the'family way (old-joshioned,informa1

famme om /fem/ noun [U] the state of being known and talked about by many People: to achieve/win instant Jarme c to rise/sjhoot to

Jarme overnight ecAndrew LIoyd Webber of vita' forme (= famous for 下 vita) C The towns only claim to jamme 攻 雪 Qt there Was: onice a riot there. 2 She went to Rollywood 识 Search of farme and fortune. 一see also FAMOUS


/ftemd/ odj. ~ (forsth) very well knownERII


NOWNED: Ias Vegas, fommed jpr is casinos Ca formned poet amd musician 一see also FAMOUS fa-mil.ial /temanliel/ odj. [only before noun] (fjormal) T re-

lated to _or typical of a family 2 (medical) (of diseases, conditions,etc.) affecting several members of a family: 有 milialieAi-handedness

下a.mm 训.iaar 0

/所 maliaCD/ ad

1 ~ (to sb) well known to youi; often seen or heard and therefore easy to recognize: to IooKk/sound/taste jarmmiliar C Hes afomiliar 万gure 识 the_ mieighbourhood. 2 The Smtell zs Very formiliar to eyeryone Who Lives near a paKkery. 4Sometingaboutjher voice Wasyvaguelyjorniliar Viotent attacks are becomming alltoo farmiliar (= sadly familiar).

to be/become) pregnantrunm in the 'family to be acom-

mon feature in a Particular family: Heart disease TUTLs 训 thejfornily. 晶 gdj. [only before noun] Tconnected with the family or a particular family: formily Lp e your fjormnily bacKkground 2 ownedbyafamily: afomily pusiness 3 suitable for all members of a family, both adults and children: a 名 mmily Show

the 'Family Division 7ovn [sing.] in the UK,thepartof

the High Court which deals with cases that affect families, for example when people get divorced or adopt a child

,family 'doctor "oun (njformal, especially BrE) = GENERAL ERACTITIONER family man "on a man who has a wife or partner and chijildren; a man who enjoys being at home with his wife orpartnerand children:Tsee he'ss becomeafomiky man. ca deyvotedjJarmily mam family narne "oun the Part of your name that shows whichb family you belong to 一compare SURNAME

family 'planning"oun [U] the Process'of controlling the number of chlldren you have by using CONTRACEPal area With which TI had been formiliar since crildhood 和 TION 4re yoU formmiliar With the computer software they Use? family 'practitioner "0un (especially BrE) = GENERAIL [aag UNFAMILIAR 3 ~ (with sb) (of a person'sbehaviour) PRACTITIONER very informal, sometimes in awaythatisunpleasant: 7ZOU Seema to beioryery formniliar terms With your tutor ceAftera family room moun 了 (NAmB6 airoom ip ahotuse where few drinks her boss started-getting too forniliar or her the family can relax, watch television, etc. 2 aroomin a LiKing. hotel for three or four people to sleep in, especially par-

[ED UNFAMILIAR Z ~ with sth knowing sth very well:

bbad | ddid | ffal:| 9gget | hhat | jyes |


| lileg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

ents and children 3 (in Britain) a room 记 a pub where children are allowed to sit

fammily'tree 0oun adiagram that shows the relationship between members ofa family over a long period of time: How 了 加 rback can you trace your Jormmaily rree?

fam-.ine /faemrm/ novn [CU] alack offood during along period oftime in aregion: aseyere farmine C disasters SUch

asjfioods andjormmine c the threat ofwidespread farmine 次 the area cto raise moneyjorjJfamine relieF


/tamrft/ ad [not usually before noun] (njor

17n00/, becoming old-joshioned) very hungry ING: Wheres Iunch2 Tm Jarmishedl

faim.OUuUs 0


/femas/ df

Jimnous artistyphotel cethe most 大 mous Iake 识 Italy c He DecaTme iternatiorally 名 mmous 妈r Pis moyels. C One day Tberich amd famous. She was7mnorejJarmous as awriter tan as asinger 一See also FAME, INFAMOUS, NOTORIOUS,



last 'words


People sometimes say Famots last words! when they think sb is being too confident abonut sth that is going to happen: verythings under controL” Famous Iast Words1 This phrase refers to a collection of quotations of 二 这 Words of famots people.

fam:ous'ly /femasli/odv 站 awaythatis famous: Sorme TeWspapers Tost ormmousty the New ZK Times refuse to

Print the Word Ms:

geton/along famously (njor

mdh becoming old-josjhroned) to have averygood relationShip

站 四 司 0

/faen/ noun; ye册


上 IOU1 Ta Person who adInires -sb/sth Or enjoys Watching or listening to Sb/sth- veIy

Ttuch: ovie

有 ns 3 crowds

of jcotball

大 nscapg 友nofPayaro配

fans to the person they admire) 2 a machine With blades thatgorotnd to create a current of air: to SWitchn on the electric 台 m a 训 mn jheate 产-see also EXTRACTOR 3 a thing that youhold ip your hand and Wave to create a current of Cool ai这 See SHIT1.

[VN] 站 to make




用 ames

Of racis7m.

faniout | fan stheout to spread ouUt Or Spread

out over an area::The police Joined outto SUFrround the house.C The pird famnnedoutits taitl fathers.

fan:at'ic /temaetrk/ noun T (njformah)aperson who is exXtremely enthusiastic about sth ENTHUSIAST: a 帮 LmesSXcrOssSWord etc: fiiatic /SPpproving) a Person Who holds extreme or dangerous opinions

IST: religious 如 mnatics


(Br5司 informaol


fam.cier _/fansiaGr)/ noun (usually in compounds) (especially BrE) a person who has a special ipterest in sth, especially sb who keeps or breeds birds; animals or plants: a 了 Pigeom /mcier







imagination and not facts or Teason 了 (of things) decorated in an Unusual style that shows imagination: a 包 mci-

fanm club

7ovn an organization that a person's fans be-

long to and that sends them information, etc. about that

Person {famcy 0-本 /faensi/ verb, nouU1i, ad

四 Verb faniciessfancy.ing ,fan'icied ,fan:cied ) 站 (BrE, Dj

/malj) to want sth ofr want to do sth FEEEL LIKE: [VN] Fancyadrink2cShedidntfoncy(= didnotlike)theideaof going horme 矶 切 e dark ec[V -ingl Doyou fomncy going ouUL

this eyemting? 了 [VN] (BrE, informaj) tobe sexually attracted to sb:Tthink she foncies me. 3 [TVN] ~ yourself (BrE, injormal, disapproving) to think that you are very Popular, attractive Or jintelligent: Fe started to chat to 7me ana 了 COUIG tell that he really famcied Pimself 4-[VN-N] 一 yoOUr-

self (as) sth (BrE)'to likethe idea ofbeing sth or to believe, often wrongly that you are sth: Sjhe /omcies herselF (as) a SerioUs actre55. 瑟 Famncyt (BrE, njorma becoming oldfjshioned) used to showthat you are SUrprised or shocked by sth: [V] Fancy! Shes neyer peemn- 训aplane-pefore. 和 [V -ing] Fancy mmeeting youUphere 上 1 [VN] She rermemtbered ITny miame after all those years Tancy that关 G6 (BrE) [VN] to think that sb will win or be successful at sth, especially ip arace: Which jhorse do youjfoncy in the mnextrace2c Hes hoping to Set the job but Tadon't fancy his chartces.


tons simipy jnmned her CuUriosib Im fan the 'flames (of sth) to make a feeling such as angen hatred,etc. Ji5



imnagination FANTASY: PisPnEtimie fanicies 雪at dfsaDpear 妃 t妇e mmorning C a childs wild Higpts oF Jancy 2 [sing.] a feeling that you would like to have or to do Sth WHIM: She Said she wamted a dog put 让 Was only Qa passing fomncy 3 [Cusually pl.] (BrE) a small decorated

air blow onto sb/sth by waving a fan,your hand,, eftc.: Fe /omrted jiase太with Q TeWspaper to co0o0L dow7m. 2to make a fire burn Iore Strongly by blowing on 放 :FaPmed by Qa Westerty Wind 护e 记re Spread rapidly 妇 rough 坊 ecib 3 (Nerormyjtomakeafeeling, an attitude, etc. Stronger FUEL: 互isrelIuctamice to QTLSWer her qUesWorse:


7 [v (that)] (Witerory) tobelieve orimagine sth: Shejfomcied (thab she could hear fjootksiteps. 上四 IOU1 (Dies) 全 [CU] something that you imagine; yoOUT

cjfan mail (= lettefts from

上四 Ye 册 (nn-)

fancy man

多 1gold poraere fancifully /teli/ adv

~ (for sth) | ~ (as sth) known about by many people: a




famatical /zl/ 人 Gj 加 natical


s/whenever etc. the fancy.'takes you feel jike doing sth: WE

you: as/


yamsO Wecoulad go awayWheneyerthejancytookus.catclhy talke sb'xs 'famcy to _attract ,Or Please Sb: She looked 太hrough the potefadyertisements ULone of therma cauSht

jher foncyiakeafancy tosb/sth (especally BrE) to start liking sbysth, often without an obvious reason 一more at


madj (fancier,fanciest) Tunusually complicated,,often in antnnecessaryway; intended to impress other people: Q Kitchem lof foncy gadgetk ec They added alot of foncy Jootwork to 妇 eidanmce. 2 HeSs always USsing jnmcy Legal Words. SIMPLE 了 [only before noun] (especially of small things) with a lot of decorations or bright colours: Jomncy goods (= things sold as gifts or for decoration)一 compare PLAIN 3 (Sometimes disapproving) expensive OFT connected with an expensive way of life: /mcy restaur ants With jnmncy prices C Donit come pack with any jncy

iaeas. 4 (MImE) (of food) ofhigh quality

famcy 'dress moUn [U] (BrE) clothes that you Weam espe” -cially at parties,tomakeyouappeartobeadifferent character: guUests imnjfancy dress cajfoncy-dressparty 一See also COSTUME, MASQUERADE

SuUPPporter e 名on7iatical amnti-royalas6 Gomnatical interest 识

fanmcy-'free ddlj. freeto do whatyoulike because yo are

ootpbal seShesjomnatical about healthy eating.fanatiic ally /lijady :fmatically 态E

”not emotionally involved with anyone: 工 Was still foot1oose and Janmcy-free (= free to enjoy myself) 识 those aays.

fam.ati.cism /faemaetrsIzam/ noUn [U] (disopproving) exXtreme beliefs or behaviouP especially ip connection with

ieligion or politics


fan belt:noun a belt that operates the Iachinery that cools a car efigine

s see

| ttea

| Vyan

| wwet

| zzoo

上 Tshoe



noun (old-joshioned, injor

/01/, disapprovimng)j the man/woman with whom a Person is having aromantic relationship, especially when one OF both ofthem is married to sb else

| 5 vision

| tf chain

| dzjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing


554 |

famn:dango /fasen'dae0geo; NAmE .goou/ noun (p1 fan:dangoes, fan.dangos) [C] a lively Spanish dance; a piece of Imusic for this dance


fan.fare /fenfeac);:NAmE:fer/ noun T [Gashortloud piece ofmnusicthatis playedto'celebrate sb/sth important arriving 2 [u,C] a large amount of activity and discusSion on television,in newspapers,etc. to celebrate Sb/ sth:; The product was Iaurmached amid much fonmnfore WorldWide. famSg /fae0/ noun _[usually pl.] either of two long sharp teeth at the front of the mouths of some animals, SUch as asSnake Ordog 一Picture 忆 PAGE R2I

angles noun [pl.] = CORRESPONDING ANGLES fam:ight /faenlart/ (NAmE fanlight also tran'sorm) mouwn a Small Window above a door or another window Fanmny /faeni/ 1mOU1 [Er see SwEETadl/.

fanmny /feni/ noun (p/=ies) (Br tobooislamg) the feImale seX organs 了 (slan8, especidqlly NAmB6).a Person's bottom

3 ~ (back/ahead) | ~'(into sth) a long time from

the Present; foralargepartofaparticular period oftime: The bamnd made their 记 sirecord as far back as J990. > Tets trytoplan 包rtherahead coWe worked 大 rinto 雪 e mighit * DEGREE 4 very mtch; to a great degree: Thats a 名 六petter idea. 2 There are jr mmore OPPOoFrtUnities 有 7 younS Deople thaii 态ere USed io be. 2 下 had peerra success far peyond their expectations 2 Tes fllen 乓 FrbeFind 训 Pis Work. C She always gives US Jar too mmuch FormeworK. 5 used when you are asking or talking about the degree to which sth is true or Possible: How 名 rcar we trUstFirm2 CHis parents SUPported Firm as far as 坊 ey could.c Plan yourroute in adyance, Usingrmain roads as far asPpossible. >PROGRESS @ Usedtotalk abotthow: imntch Progress has

note atFARTHER

= BUMBAG fam.ta.sia Jfaen'teizie/ hpOU1 a piece of music in a

[Er as far as the eye can/could'see


fam:ta.size (BrEalso-ise) /faentesaiz/ Ve 避 一(about sth) to imagine that you are doing sth that you would like to do, or that sth that you would like to happen is happening, even though this is very Unlikely: [V] He sormnetirmes Jontasized about Winming the gold nedal [also V that] > fan'ta:sist /faentesIst/ nouwn



to the HORIZON

(= where the sky meets the land or sea): The pleak 7mmoo产 Iand stretched or all sides asjor as the eye could see. asfar

free form, often based on well-known tunes



beenmade in doing or achieving sth: Bow 大 rrjhaveyougot With that report? CTread as for as the tird chapter 守

fanny pack:mnoun (NAm 日


mnot 名or 方om jhere. COcountries as Jor apart as Japarm and Brazil C He 1ooKked dowm at the fra护c 妈r below ec For away 识 the distamnce atrain WwWpistled. 2 The 大 rther nor 雪 they wenb the colder 让 became.C acomcert of music 方om Tear aad far In positive sentences it js more Usual to use along way: We Wenta Iong way 2 Yepefttf 产人 ”The restaurant 放 along Way 方om here. 2 Used when youU are asking or talking abonlt the distance between two Places or the distance that has been travelled or is to be travelled: How /or ii 让 to your house 万om jere? C How TCR 包rther 六 让2 C We go by train as far as Iondom and then take abus. CTWe didrmtgoasjfaras the others: 7Trmm notSsuUreTcaT Walk sojfa7


good; excellent GREAT, BRILLIANT: QjJontastic peach 碎 AUstralia CS afontastic achieyement C The Weather Was absolutely fontastic. e ZUYye gotthejob?2 Fantasticl cy note at GREAT 2 (njiormal) verylarge; larger than yoU expected ENORMOUS, AMAZING: The response to OUr appeal Was fontastic. C The car costs afontastic amountoF money 3 (also /ess frequentfam'tas'tic.al) [usually before noun] strange and Showing a lot:of imagination WEIRD: fontastic dareams of forest and jngles- 4 impossible to Put into Practice: a Jamntastic Scheme/project e fan:tastically /faen'taestIkli/ adv: 如 ntastically successfulLcajomtastically shaped Piece of stome

fan'tasy /faentesi/ moun (p/ -ies) 1 [aq a pleasant situation that yotu imagine but that is unlikelyto happen: jis childahooda fomtasies about pecorming ajo7mous JootbalLplayer 了 2 [Caproductofyourimagination: Her books areUsaally escapitjfonmtasies. 3 [U] the actofimagining things; a Personms imagination: a Work of /fantasy ec Stop Jiving ima Jantasy worida.

famntasy footbali rovn [U] a competition in which you choose players to make yotur own imaginary team, and ScoIe points according to the Performance of the real Players

fan.zine /faenzim/ nourn a magazine that is written and read byfans of amusician, sports teamy etc.

fao abbpr(BrE) used in writing to mean for the attention of; Written On a document ordetter to say who should deal with it 一see also ATTN FAQ /efer kju:/ abbr usedin writing to mean frequently asked questions”

fa.qjuir = FAKIR

并ar 0 /fa:D/ adv,a 丰 四 Gdv. (farther'farthest orfurtherifurthest) >*DISTANCE 了 一 (from, away, below, etc:) alongidistance away:We didrtgo 右 rcHayveyoucome 大 r2cIts7iotforto the beach. C Theres notjfar ti go7ioWw: COTherestaurant is

asl'know |asfaraslcanre'member 'see,'tellyetc. Used to say that you think you know, remember Understand, etc. sth buit you cannot be completely sure, especially because yot do not know ,all the facts: As for as we jnew;, there Was io cause Jor concern..OAsjforasTcansee, youye done nothing Wrong. CSheliyedin Chicago, as jar as

T ca Treember as/so faras 小amiconcerned Used to give youI personal opinion on sth: As for as Tam comcerned yoU caii do what yo Like. as/so far as sb/sth is


|as/so faras sb/sth goes,used to give facts

or an opinion abott aparticular aspect of sth as/so faras 让 'goestoalimited degree,usuallylessthan is sufficient': JtsagoodPplan asjoras 让 goes putthere arealotofthings they hayentthouSghtof by 'far (used with comparative or Superlative adjectives or adverbs) bysa great amotunt: The 1ast of these reasomns 1 by Jor the most zi)portant C Amy 证

the smiartest by Jor carry/take sth too 'far to continue doing sth beyond reasonable limits far and a'way (followedby comparative or superlative adjectives) by avery great amoltnt: Shes for and away the bestplayer farand "wide over alarge area: They searched far and wide forthe

missing child farbeitfrom metodosth(but.)(njor mdal) used when you are just aboutto disagree With sb or to criticize them and you wotld like them to think that you do not really wanitt to do this: Far be 让 万om me to 训 terfere 砚your afjfairs butTWould Like to give YOU JUSt

one piece of adyvice. far from sth/from doing sth almiost the opposite of sth or of what is expected: 开关 jr 方om clear (= 这 isnot clear) wphatjhe itemnds to d0. ceCorputers, Jor 广om aestroyingjobs, caii create employment far from 许 Unjormall used to saythat the opposite ofwhat sb says js true: YDuUre mnot ang7y 态en?” Tar 广om 让 _Tye neyer IauSghed so much 训 7my Li go far(of people) to be very SUccessful in the future: She is yery talented and should go 思or gofarenough (used in questions and negative sentences) to achieve all that is wanted: The mnewilegisiatiom is Welcome butdoes7iotgoj 如 renousgh. 9 Do these7measures go jaorenough? e (disapproving) Stop 让 now. Thejoke has gone Jorenough (= iihas continued toolong).go so/as faras to .. tobe willing to go to extreme or strprising limits in dealing with sth: Twouldni goiasjforas to say thatjhesa liar (= but Ithink he may be slightly dishonest). go too far |go this/thatfartobehave in an extreme Waythat js not acceptable: Hes always peert quite crUuae,but thi time hes gone too for SITmeyer thoughtshed go this fjor in So/as far as to the degree that: Thats the truth 识 Sojfor asTjnow 让 not far'off/'out/'wrong (normalj almost

有 cat | d father | eten | 3: bird | aabout | Isit | 立 see | imany | p got (Br | ozsaw | Acup

| oput | urtoo

Correct: YoUr Suess WasntjoroutatalLnotgofar


了 (of

Ioney) to not be enough to buy a lot of things: Five Pounds doesnt go yery fr these days. 2 (of a suUpply of sth)j to not be enough for what is needed: Four potties of Wine Womntgo for among twertty people.'sofar |'thus far until now; up tothis Point: What do you think ofthe show S0 Jar? CDetectiyes are so jar ataloss to explain the reasom Jorhis death. so 'far (Unformal) onlyto alimited degree: 工

aplacewherepartrticular fish or animals arebred:Qtroutx Tminkpig 名rm 一See also BATTERY FARM; -COLLEGTIVE FARM, DAIRY FARM,FACTORY FARM, FUNNY FARM, HEALTH FARM, TRUCK FARM, WIND FARM 日Verb to Use land for .growing crops and/or keeping animals: [V] The Jormmily has formed 总Kentjfor ovyer bwo Pumdredyears. C [VN] They jarm dairy cattle. C He Jarrmead 200 acres of prirme arapble 1amnd. C orgamicaly 和名 rmed produce

trust im only so jor sofamn so'good (SOyYing) usedito say thatthings have been successful until now and youhope they will continue to do so, but you know the task, etc. is not finished yet 一more at AFIELD, FEW qdj., NEAR.adv

[EU see BUYY

farm sbe'out:(to sb) (BrE, disop-

proving)j to arrange for Sb to be cated for by other People

ad 和mther,farthest :orfurthersfurthest) [only before





to sb

to send out work for other

Peopleto gs: The company 如 rms ouUtaIot ofwork to 廊eeDISTANT -1 atagreater distance away from you: Tsaw,.her Ia7tcers. om thejfar side of 妇eToad. catthejar end of theroom TPhey rmnade foran ermpty table 总 thejar corner 之 atthe farm belt movn (Us) an area where there are a lot of furthest Pointin a particular direction: the jar nortph of farms Scottlande Who 她aton thejfar leftofthephotograph? 下 司扩Mi .人让 0 /tomao); NAmE'orm-/ nou1 She is on the far right of the party (= holds_extreme aperson Who owns or manages 3a farm RIGHT-WING Political Views). 3 (old-joshioned or Wiielay) along distance away: afar country farrmers” market novn aplace wherefarmers sell food [mm afarcryfrom sth avery differentexperience from directlyto the public

Sth SEE _REMOTE Farad /faraed/novn (abbrF ) (physics) anunit for measuriDg CAPACITANCE Fara:day cage /faredei keId5/ 7OU1 (Physics) a metal


/fcmhand; NMmE farrm-/ (NMmEalso'field

hand ) nown aperson who works for a farmer

farm.house /fdcmhaos; NmE farm-/ movn the main house on a farm, where the farmer lives /tarmIm; NAmE facrmrmy/ noun [U] farrmn.inmg 0 thebusiness ofmanaging or working onafarm: to take UP Jo77ming 2 SheeDX 记sj etc. Jarming 2 organic jrming Todern frmingrmethods ea 万Fmaing cormTmUPIEY/ farm:land /tamland; NmE armrA nown [upl] land thatis used for farming:-250 acres of farrmlamd c the prosPerous formtlands of Picardy

Screen that is Dut around a piece of equipment 训 ofder to stop electricity from gathering on 让 {faraway /farewer/ adj. [only before noun] 1Talong dis-

DISTANT: Q War 识 Ga jraway coOUPEY tance away 2 a~|Ilook/expression an expression on yoUur face that shows that youtr thoughts are far away from youI Present gs _DISTANT SUIIOUndinER

farce /fazs; NAmEfazrs/ novunT [GuUafunnyplayforthe theatre based on ridiculous and unlikely'situations and events; this type of writing or performance: Q-pedroomn

farm.stead /taocmsted; NAmE'fazrm-/ noun NAmEor 加 广 /mal) aFARMHOUSE and thebuildings near 认 farm:yard /fcmjadad; NAmE fasrmjard/ noun_ an area that is surrounded by farm buildings far-off adj [only before noun] -1 along distance:-away DISTANT,FARAWAY,REMOTE: Qa forofr iarnd 了 a long time ago DISTANT: nemories of 态ose 所广o 矿 days farrago _/feradga5 NAmE -goU/ Houn_ [usually sing] (D/

Jorce (= afunny play about sex) [G a situation or an eventthatis so unfair orbadlyorganized that 让 becomes Tidiculous: The frialWwas a complete force. 下arFCi.Cal /fazsikl NAmE ars:/ adj. ridiculous andmot Worth taking seriotsly: 龙Wasaforcical Trial asituation yerging ol the frcical

fare /feaGD);NAmEfer/ nouwn; ve 册 -oes OF-os) (Jormal, disapproving) a confused mixture of 四 OUn 1 [GuU] the moneythat you pay to travel by bus, different things 瑟OTCHPOTCH Plane, taxi, etc.:Dprus/taxijfares ctrairirailjfares e Chi Greatrayel (at) half fore. 2 When do 态ey Start Daying 刀 民 far-'reaching adj. likely to have alot of influenee or 如 re? 一see .also AIRFARE, RETURN FARE 乙 [C] a Passenger Imany effects: Jar-reaching corsequetces/irplications 壹 a taza:THhe taxi driyer PicKked UPD Q Jore at tbe statior. Cjfar-reaching chnanges/reforrms 3 [U] (oshjioned of 如 mmaj) food that is offered as a far.frier /faeris(r)/ own a personiwhbose job is making meal: The restauramntDproyides good tradi6omaljre. amd fitting HORSESHOES for horses' feet @-Yyemb [V] 一 well,badly,better, etc. to :be successful/ unstccessful in a particular' situation GET ON: The far.rOW /faereog; NAmETOO/0OUn, ve 册 四 IOU1 了 a group ofbabypigs that areborntogethertothe Party 名 redyery badly 总 切 elastelectiorL

the ,Far'East-/own China; Japan and other countries of E and SE Asia--compare THE MIDDLE EAST

;Far East-

ern ad fare-wWel /ftea'wel; NAmEifer'wel/ noum exclamaton 上 IOUm [CU] the act of saying goodbye to Sb: She said her orewells and Je 后 cafarewellLparty[Larinje etc. 四 EXCcla/matiom (old use or jrmaj) goodbye far-'fetched ddi very difficult to_believe: The Whole story SO0U1ads yery 如 六jetched. ar个 mmE 21/ [usually before noun] (WUteramy) 了 alongdistance away: expeditions to 切e ,jrjung corners of ze World 2 sDread 0Vera wide area: Q TeWsletter 切 Qt Phelps toKeep allouUr 证 六Pang graauates 总 tOUC有 far'gone adj [not before noun] (Unfonmal) very 记 /sick, craZzy OF drUnK: She Was too Jor gome to Unmderstand;a7D/ 太ingWe Said to jer

下 二

0OR :1tazm; NAmEfamrmy/ own ye

aa0OU Tanareaoflandi andthebuildingsonib Used for growing crops and/or keeping :animals::Q 200-hectare 秃rmme ajorrm worker/Iaboureroifarrr DuildingsXimachinery ctoliyvemwork oriajJarm 2:the Iainhouseona farm, wherethe farmerlives:3.(especially 训 compounds)


| army

| -aa now

| ersay

| sugo (Br6s

same:mother LITTER 了 an act of giving;birth to Plgs 目 ye 上 [V] (ofa female pig) to give birth Farsi /tazsiz; MAmE'fazrsiz/ noun [U] = 三PERSIAN

far-'Sighted 0 Thavingorshowingantunderstanding 路 of the effectsiin the future of actions that yotu take now,

and being able to Plan for them: the 7mmostjorsighted of Doliticians C 和 大 r-sighted decision 了 (especally NAmE) 三 LONG-SIGHTED




fart /faxty NAmEfacrt/yerb nouwn 目 VEb (iaboo,slang) [Vj toletairfromtheBowELS come out through the ANUS)-especially When 让 happens loudly A more polite way 6f expressing this if “to break

wind':.GRI farta'round (BrEalsofartalbout)j(tobog

slang) to waste time bybehaving in asilly way 日0OUm (ioboo,slang) 1 an act,of letting air from'the BOWELS come out through the ANUS, especially when ,it happensloudly 2.an Unpleasant, boring or stupid person

了他 妆0 两 /GE55GD; NAmEYTGT5-/ dy 0 中 下 击玉.七

@:0dwv: (comparative of for) atiorto a greater distance 训D space or time: 大 rther TiorthXsou坑 9 名 rther alorig the roadeTcar 入go anyjfarther ch4sajformily wegrewjiarther arad farther apart e We Watched theirship moving Srad-

| ob go (NAmBi-|i aor boy-|

ze neari|

ee hair

-| ueipure


556 |

Ually Jarther away

ee How much Jorther 放 it222 They

Padnt got any 加rther With the work (= they had made no progress) IPT see AFIELD 上 0dlj. (Comparative of for) at a greater distance in space, direction or time: 切e 甸 rther shore of the lake

farther .further . farthest. furthest 如 These arethe comparative and superlative forms of far. 人 人 蝇 盏To talk about distance, use either farther, farthest or

和rther furthest. in BrE further furthest arethe most commonformsand in NAmE furtherand farthest: 1 hove io travelj 邦rtbemfpriher io work now 昌 TJotalkaboutthe degree or extent of something, further/furthest are usually preferred: Lets consider


VOUI of strong central government and which does not allow anyopposition

fas'cist(also Fas'cist) /faefrst/ moun 人 apersonwho supPorts fascism 了 away of referring to sb that you disapProve of because they have” RIGHT-WING _ attitudes 上 fascist adj:ajJasciststate joscistsyimpathies


om /faefn/ noun, vemb

@ /moOuUm 了 [U,C] apopularstyle ofclothes, hair etc. ataparticular time orplace; the state ofbeing popular: dressed in the latestjasjiion cthe mnew seaso1ls:foshions CIomng 5SKirts jhaye commie into fashion again Jears aresStillirfashiom. 2_ Some styles neyer So out of fashior 2 [G apopular Way of behaving, doing an activity, etc.: The josjhiom at 态e tmne Was for teaching mainly 态e Written Iamnguage Fashjhiions in artand literature come artdgo. 3 [U] thebtsiness of making or selling clothes in new' and 'different styles: a fashion desigmerAmiagazine/show 2 the world of fashion ec the foshion 总dustry [IE aftera 'fashionto SOme extent, butnotVvery well:Tcar play the piano, aftera

Joshiom after the fashion of sb/sth (jxrmaoj) 亚 the style

of sb/sth: The new 1ibraryzyerymmach aper thejoshiom of

量 Further but notfarther can also mean ' more or

additionaf: Are there any 轴 rtirerqguestionszThis soundsvery formalin NAm 扩

fartihest om /aarst; NAmE forr5-/(alsofurthest) adv, ad 吾 Gdlyv. (Superlative of far) at or to the greatest distance ip Space or time: the house farthest away 方om theroadSa COmipetitior to See Who could throw (the) farthest 引OCdj. (Superlative of 大r)at the greatesf distance 记 space, direction or time: the 大 rthest point of the journey CS纺e part ofthe garden jarthest 太omm the hoise

farthing/ta5m; NAmE'ta:rsmy/ novn an old British coin Worth one quarter of an old Penny

farthin':gale /fa:6mgen; NAmE fa:r/ moun in the past athick piece ofmaterial or set of largeringsworn undera Womams skirtto give it a wide round shape

fart'leky/taxtlek; NmE fart/ moun [u] training for ruinDers in which the speed and type of ground are varied

fa.scia /erfa/ noun (BrE) T (also facia) = DAsHBOARD

2 (also fascia board) aboard on the roof ofa house, at the end of the RAFTERS 3 (also facia) aboard above the

Nasj. in (a) … fashion (167mmah) impaparticular way: Oow coOuld they behayve isuUcha 台shion2人 ShewasDroved rigj 碎 Gramatic josjiom Wen 态 e Whole department resigmned. like it's going outof 'fashion (pnjormahusedtoemphasizethatsbis doing sth orusing sth alot: She's beerispendLing 7momney Likeiits going Out of Joshion. 一see also PARROT-

FASHION 日ye 上bb [VN] ~ A (from/out of B) | ~ B (into A) to make or shape sth, especially with yourhands: She joshioned apot 万om 妇 eclay ecShe 如shioned the clay inio apot

fashion:alble om / 雄 msbl/ o 才 following a style that is popular at a particular time:

Jashionable clothesAfurnituremideas 2 TS becoming s 六ionable to hayve Iong hair again CSucji t态 训Kimng is7s7iiomable among right-wipng politiciaris 2 Used or visited by People following a eurrent:fashion,especially:by Tich People: afashionable addreS/TesOFETEstaturart CShelives 记 Qa yery Joshionable Part of Lofidor


ABLE 一COmpare OLD-FASHIONED e fash'ionably /sbli/ adv: Joshionablyidressed cis 妃 记 Wwas blonde and jos7iomnably thin.

fashion-conscious dj aware of the latest 包 shions and wanting to follow them: josjhiom=comscious teeriagers

entrance of a shop/store, with the name ofthe shop on 这

fashion designer noun aiperson Who designs fashion-


fashion-forward odj more modern than the current

4 (also facia) the hard cover on a miobile phoneXcellL-

fas'ci'itis /fafiartrs; BrE also fasi-/ movn [U] (megicaha condition in which the covering of a muscle or amniorgan becomes red and sore

fas'cin.ate /faesmert/ vemb to attract or inteitest sb Very much: [VN] China has always fascinated me 3 下 Was a guestiom thatphad joscinated Pim since he was Gbox cvV] The priyate lives of moyie stars neyer Joilto joscinate.

fas'cin'ated /fasmerttd/ ad ~ (by sthj | ~ to see, learn, etc;: very interested: The children watched jaseifiated as 轨e .Picture'begarito appear cTye awayspeen joscinated py his ideas.OThey werejfascinated to see thati让Was Simzilar to one they had:athnorme.

fas'cin'at'ing /fassmerti/ aodj extremaly interestinig and attractive: a Josciriating story/[SUbjiectS TRe TesUlts of 太 e Survey made Jascinating reading. Cjtsjascinatingito Seejhow differentpeople approac 天theproblem eTfoiltosee WPat Woen 万md So josciniating about Pi Cnote at INTERESTING > fas'cinatingly adv

fas'cin-ation /fasrnerfna/ moun

[TIGUsually sing] a

VeIy Strong attraction,, that makes sth Very interesting: The scimWater holds afascinaftion for 六ost cliildren ationof the gamelies 识 tyinlgto 5ue5s WhatyoUr OpDOoPent -thinKing 了 [Using.] 一 (formwith sb/sth) therstate of being Very attracted to and interested in sb/sth: 切 epubLicsenduring joscinatiort With the Royal Familby eTheSiris Listeneda ijJascimnnation as the story Unfolded.

fas'cism (also Fas:cism) /efrzsm/ moun [TU] an extreme

RIGHT-WING Political system or attitude which is in fa-


| ddid

站 ffall

|-9 get

| 3h hat


able clothes

fashion: We tend to pe tradional rather Jorward iOUFr aesigras:

切a7i 如shiom-

fash'ionm'ista /fajJia'iste/mown(used especiallyin newsPapers) ai fashion DESIGNER,or a person Who is always dressed in a fashionable way

fashion:show novn amoccasiom where people can see new designs of clothes being Wornby fashion models

fashion statement noun something that you wear OF

own that is new or unusual and is meant to diaw attention to you: THiis SPhirt great Jor anyone Who wants to make ajashiomn Statemtenmt

fashion victim noun a person who always wears the Dewest fashions even ifthey do not suit him orher

fast om /farst; NAmEfaest/ adj ,adv, verb, noun

四 0dlj. (faster fast'est)

*QUICK 了 moving orabletomove qiicky' afastcarorse 2 the worlds fastest Funner 2 happening 训 asfiort time OF without delay: the Jostest rate of inicrease Jor yeas Ca Jostresponise time 3 abletodosth quickly: afastlearmner *SURFACE 4 producing or allowing quicK movement2a 一see also FAST LANE Jastroad/Ppitch * WATCH/CLOCK 5 [not;before noun] showing a fime'later than the true time: Prm earty 一my3wyatch rmust be Jast ec That clocKks temjminutes jos >PHOTOGRAPHIC FILM 6 (techmical) very sensitive to light, and therefore useful when taking photographs 记 Poor lightorofsth thatis moving Very quickly

k cat

| leg

| mman

| mnow

| p pen

| rred

|557 fast . quick .rapid These We nouns:

arefrequenty。sa With the

fast ~





ai -bowiler

ask Sepy

pace laness、,

*QUICKLY T quickly: Domnit driye so jostl o_ How jost were yoU Soings? CTcamntt So any faster The water Was rising Jost 2 Her hieart beat joster co (Jormal) Night Was Jost apDPproaching. Ca fast-fiowing strearm cnote at QUICK 之 识 a short time; without ,delay: Children grow UP 50 Jostthese days. C Britain is Jast becomiirg amnation of 上ties. 9 The police said that they had reacted as jost as they COUIG. *EIRMIY 3 frmly; completely: Within-a 用 w 7ninutes she

ve 后

1 一

changs growth sinerease





Was faust asleep (三 sleeping deeply). CThe boat was stucK Just (= unableto move) 识 the mud.

画 Fast isused especially to describe aperson orthing that moves oris ableto move at great speed[ Quickis more often used to describe something that is

doneinashorttime or without delay 下 Rapid, swiftand speedy are more formal words、 下 Rapid is most commonly used to describe the speed at which something changes. Itis not used to describe the Speed at which something moves or is done: : GAGPid EC 四 SWi代 usually describes wu that happens oris done quickly and immediately: 0 5uy达 0 Jpne Soyermnrmentiooksw态 actom 埋 Speedy has a similar meine 0 Speedy ecoveAy itiis used less often to talk about the speedat which something moves: G5peecyeer , @@Forthe 和 use offastand quick as adverbs:Seess -Usage note at oulck 号 了

FIRMLY FIXED 7 ea boat etc.) firmly fixed and safe: Fe mdade the boatjfast COLOURS IN CLOTHES 8 not likely to change or to come out when washed

There is no notun related to fast. Use speed in conDection With vehicles,actions,etc.;

quickness is used

abottthinking. [Er fastand 'furious (offilmsXmovies, shows, etc.) full of rapid action and sudden changes: 玩 Pis 1atest7mmoyie, the actiom ijostand 包 rious. a fast 'talkcer aperson Who cantalk very qtiicklyand easily butwho cannot always be trusted a fast'worker (/mnjormajh a per Son who knows how to get what they want quickly, espPe-

cially when beginning a sexual relationship with ,sb一 more atBUCK1., HARD Gd1j.,PULL 人

昌 0dy. (faster fastest) fasteners hook


There 二 no noun related to fast. Use speed in conDection With vehicles,actions,etc.; quickness is used abonut thinking. IE as fast as yOur Jegs_ can 'carry


as quickly as you can hold 'fast to sth (如rmaj)) to

continue to believe in an idea,etc. despite difficulties

play fast and 'loose (with sbysth)

(old-joshioned) to

treat sbysth in a waythat showsthat yo feel no respon-

Sibility or Tespect for themistand 'fast/'firm to refuse to Imove backi to refuse to change youF opinions 一more at THICKGdYv 卓 VE 由 [V] to eat little or no food for a period of time, especially for religious or health reasons: Muslirris fast during RamzadarL, 四 IOU7m a Period during which you do not eat food, especially for religious or health reasons: to go on a josto to

Dreak (= end)your Jast fast.bpall /ta:stbo3; NAmE,faest-/ noun 下 (in BASEBALL) a ball that is thrown at the PITCHER?s fastest speed .2 = FAST-PITCH SOFTBALL

,fast bowler (also ,pace ',bowler,pace.man)moun (in CRICKET) a person who BOWIS Very fast

fast 'Dpreeder (also fast ,breederre'actor)mouraRE: ACTOR in a nuclear ,power station in which the reaction that produces energy is notmade slowWer



/ta:sn; NAmE'feaesn/ vem

1~(sth(up)to close or join together the two Parts Of sth; to become closed or joined together DO UP: [VN] Fosten your seatbelts,please. C Fe jostened UD his coat and hurried oULE 人 [V] The dress jostens at the back. [GE UNFASTEN 之 to close sth firmly so that it will not openi tobeclosedin thisway: [VN] Fastem the gates secureMyso thatthey do motblowopen.c [V] The window wouldmt

Josten. [aa UNFASTEN 3 [VN 二 advVprep]tofxorplace sth in a particular Position, so that it will not move: Ee Jostented pack the shutters. 4 [VN] 一 AtoB| 一 AandB (togethen to attach or tie one thing to another thing: He


hook and eye

press stud / popper (B/齐 snap (NA月

safety pin








| ttea | vvyan | wwet | zzoo

| 了 shoe

zip (B/日 zipper (especially NA 日

| 5vision

| tchain

| djam

| 9thin

| 5this

| Dsing



Jostened the 了 apers together Wi 太 和 Daper clip, 5 话 you fasten your arms around sb, yOUT teeth into sthy etc.,OF 让 your armis, teeth,etc, fasten around, into, etc' sb/sth,you hold the person/thing firmly with your arms etc:: [EVN] The dog jostened is tee 雪 识 his eg ee [V] 丽s hard Jostenredomn jhier arm Gyoufasten yotr eyes on sb/sth oryour eyes fasten on sbysth, yotulookatthem foralong time:

[VN] 了He jostened his gazxe on her fjoce. [alsoV] fasteh onlto) sb/sthito choose OF follow sbysth

in adetermined way


fas:-tem'er /fa:sna)

NAmE faes-/ (also fas'tenin马

mou1m a device, Stch as a button or a Zip/zippem sed to closeapiece ofclothing; adevice usedtocloseawindow, Suitcase, etc. tightly

fas-tem:ing/ftaxsnrm; NAmE faes- / noun Ti = FASTENER 2 the place where sth, especially a Piece of clothing, fastens; the way ,sth fastens: The trousers haye a jy fostemin8,

fast'foodnoun [U] hotfood thatis served very quicklyin Special restaurants,and often taken away to be eaten in the street fast-forwardye 履[VN, Vvj] to wind a tape or video forward withott playing 让 fast forwardqdmoun [U]: Press Jostforward to adyanmnce the tape. C the fast-forward butto7t

fas'tidi.ous /fae'strdias/ adj. 1 being careful that every

detail of sth is COrTect


Piarnnmned in fastidious detailL c He was jostidious 识 his preparation rsthe big day 2 (sometimes disoapproving) not liking things to be dirty oriantidy: SheyasmntyeryjostidiOUsS about personal hygiene. fastidiousyadv fastidi-

ousnessmoun [U] fast lanemoun [sing.] thepart ofamajorroad such as a MOTORWAY OT INTERSTATE Where Vehicles drive fastest

IEIm in the 'fast lane'Where.things:are.most'exciting and where alotis happening: He hadagoodjob plenty of momney ald he was enjoying Li in the fast Iane. fast.mess /faxstnas; NAmE 'faes-/_ noun (literary) a Place that is thought to be safe because it is difficult to get to

or easyto defend


fasttrackKnoun [sing:] a quick way to achieve sth, for example ahigh position in ajob 'fast-trackadj. :the josttracK:route to promotior josttracK graduates fast-trackver [VN] a make sb's Progress in achieving sth, for example a high Position 识 a job, quicker than Usual

亚a 七_Om /feet/ ad ,noun @.0Gdi (fattes fattesl 了 (of


fat adf/. a _persons or an animal's fatty adf/. body) having too Itckh fattenV flesh on it and_ weighing fattening .adf/. too much: GDig jl ma Womam 似 ZouUU getjJfatsif you eat So muUch chocolate.C Te grew jaotter and fatter cjtjlapby legs [ED THIN 2 thick or wide: a ft yolume on Americar history 3 [only before noun] (njormaj large in quantity; worth alot of money: Q

Jatsum/profitc He gaye me anice 名 tcheque, > fatness moU1m [U]: Fatness tends to Fun 识 如 milies。, [ET (a) fat

chance (of sth/doing

二 (nformal) used for saying

that you do notbelieve sth is likelyto happen: ThPeyrnigRht Iet Us 六 Without 吉 ckets at chance of thata fatlotof good, use etc: (informaj not at all good or useful: Paul camLt ariyve so he wasajatlotofuse whenTDproke 7Tny ar7m.

it'xs not ,over until the fat lady 'sings (SOYin8) used for

saying that a situation may still change, for Example that a contestj election, etc.is not finished yet, and sb still has a chance to win 让

BOuUn 了 [LU] a white or yellow substance in the bodies of

animals and humans, stored Under the skin: excess body Jato This harmm has too much foton 让 2 [GU] asolid or liquid substance from animals or Plants; treated so that 让

becomes pure for use in cooking: CooK thermmeatinshallow Jot 3 [CU] animal and vegetable fats,when you are thinking ofthem as Part ofwhataPperson eats: Youshould cutdowmn on fts and carbohydrates. cfoods which are Iow 庚 jJfat co reduced-fatmargariries [ET See CHEWY5 LIVE1


saying that someone is fat 中 Fatisthe mostcommonand direct wordi but itis not politeto sayto Someone thatthey are fat: Doesthisdress, ~ 1magke /melook 加好 下 Overweightisa more neutral word:17ma pi OyYerWeigh It can also meantoo fat, especially so that you are not 入. 下 Large or heavy isless offensivethan fat: Shes grather /arge woman. Big describes someone whoistall as well asfat: Hersisterisg big81A1 snEshe> 下 Plump means slightly fatin an attractive way, often Used to describe women-. 目 Chubby is used mainly to describe babies and children who arefatin a pleasant, healthy- looking Way tbe paopys cpupbpy cheeks 昌 Tubby (pformajh is used in a friendly way to describe people who are short and round, especially around the stomach目 Stocky is a neutral word and'meansfairly short, 人 and strong. 目 Stout is often Used to describe older people who havyea round and heavy appearance: 0 于 ee siout /mam With an bald head 昌 Flabby describes flesh thatis fatand loose and itcan sound offensive: Exercises io ji UPJjiapby thighps: 昌 Obese is Used by doctors to describe people who are So fatthatthey are unhealthy. Itis also used in a general Wayto mean really fat Note that although peopletalk alot abouttheir own size OFrweight, iis general ly not considered politeto refertoa persomslargesize ortheirweightwhen eetak to ER S> note at THIN

fatal/tertl/ adj. :1 causing brendingin death: afatalaccidemntZblowxillness ca potentially fatal forrmm ofcancer Jshegeg 说again 让 could provejfatalL 一compare MORTAL 了 .causing disaster or failure: ajfatalerrorATmnistake CAny delay Would be jitalL. ec There was ajfatalflaw in the Plan 下 d pe Jatal to:by andistop them .now fatally lteli/ adv:yjatally injuredAwounded c The plan was a扣 tally Piawed 方om the star

{fa-tal:isrn /tertellzeam/ nown: [划 ] 汪 helief that events are decided by FATE and that you-cannot control them; the fact of accepting that you cannot prevent:sth from happening e fatalistnouwn: Tmaa Jatalist

fa.tal.is:tic /ferte'lrstrk/ adj. showing a belief in FATE and feeling that you cannot control events or stop them from happening: fatalistically/ftertelrsttkeli/ adv

fa:tality /fetalatij:noun (PL -ie9g 1[q a death that is caused in an accidentor awar or byViolence or disease: Seyeral People Were injiured but there Were mno jitalities. 之 [U] the fact that a particular disease will result 训 death: to reduce the jotality of certain types of canrcerCD 太

Jerent Jorrms of carlcer haye differentjJatality rates. 3 [U] the belief or feeling that we have ho control over what happens to us: A sense of Jatality grippedpner fat camip "ovn Lu,C] an organized holiday/vacation for

fat children during which they are helped to lose weight fat catmoun (Unformalj, disapproving) a person who earns, or who has, alot of money (especially whemn compared to people who do not earmn so much) fate /ftert/ novun 1 [q the things,,especially bad things, that will happen or have happened to sby/sth: Thne fate of thethreemen is Unknown She satoutside Waitingto 万nd ouUtherjate. CThe courtwill decide our JateAftes: czEach ofthe mamagers sUfjfered the samejfate. ecThe goyemimtent had abartdonmed the refugees to their fate. cFrom that7moTnent OU Jate Was sealed (= ouUr future was decided). 2 [U] the Power that is believed to control everything that happens and that cannot be Stopped or changed:

scat| dfather | eten |as:bird |eaabout|rsit|isee|imany|ogot(BrE

|o5saw| Acup|loputlwtoo

Fate WasKind to methatday c By astrarge bwist ofjfate, AndayandTWere omthesame plane. cynote atLUCKIIEIJ a faie worsethan':death (often hurmorous) aterriblething thatcouldhappen 一more atTEMPT

fated /fertzdjo 四T 二 (todosth)iunabletoescape aparticular fate; certain to happen becatse everything is controlled by fate DESTINED: We Were joted mneyverto Tneet G8ainl. CO He believes that eyeything 训 Lp 东 罗 ted. 之 三 ILL-FATED


/terttl/ ad

[usually before noun] having an

jimportant often very bad,effect on future events: She IooKked pack nowto thatjfatefui day 识 December

fat-free:ad/.notcontaining anyfat: fat-free yogurt fatlher 0 /fac5eaGD/ moun; vemb


站 人t

Driyerjohgue Was to blame for the accident CTWas dropPing Withn fotigue amnd could not Keep my eyes open. 2 [U] (usuallyafteranothernoun) afeelingofnotwantingto do aparticular activity anylongerbecause youhave donetoo Inuch of it: battle jobigue

3 [U] weakness

in metal or

Wood catsed by repeated bending or stretching: The Wing of the Diane Showed signs of metal fatigue. 4 fatiguwes [pl.] loose clothes worn by soldiers 5 fatigues [pl] (especialy Nm 月 duties, such as cleaning and cooking, that Soldiers have to do, especially as apunishment

fatigued /ts'ti:gd/ ad [not usually before noun] (Jorma)

Very tired, Botmh physically and mentally EX昌 MOoun 了 amaleDparent of a child or an animal; a person HAUSTED Who is acting as the father to'a child: Bens ayonder 放 ol fa-tiguing /petixgm/ oadj (formal) verytiring, both physJother ceYouyvepeemIikeafotherto me SOurmnewbossis ically and mentally EXHAUSTING afather or three:(= he has three children). e Be wasa fatsO /faetsao; NAmE-sou/ noun'(DL-oes) 三 FATTY Wolder丰 1 儿 her to both his naturaland adopted children.

ec (old-oshioned) Fathez Tcammnot lie to you. 一see also GoDFATHER, GRANDFATHER, STEPFATHER 之 fathers [pl.] (/ erdry) apeison's ANCESTORS (= people who arerelated to youWwholivedin the past): 妇 eIandofour 包 妇ers 一see also


3 ~ (of'sth) the first manto introduce a

new way of thinking about sth or of doing sth: Ferry Moorezs consiaered to be 她 efother ofmodern Britsh sculpture. 一See also FOUNDING FATHER 4 Father used by Christians to Tefer to God: Fathe5 Jorgive US..o God the Father 5 Father (abbr Fr)the title of a priest, especially 让 the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Chlirch: Father Dorninic 一see also HoLY FATHER IE from ifather to ,son 位om one generation of a family to the Dext like ,father like 'son (Soying) used to say that a Son's character .Or behaviour is similar to that of his father 一more at OLD, WISH 1. 目 Yerb [VN] 1 to become the father of a child bymaking a Woman pregnant: Fe clairms to aye /thered over 20 cPiL diren 2 tocreate newjideas oranew wayofdoing sth

,Father'Christmas:(Br6(also'Santa'Claus NmE:Br 昌

fat'ten /faetn/ ve 必 ~ (sb/sth) up to make sbysth fatter especially an animal before Killing itfor food; to become fatter: [VN] The pigletks are takem 广omm 雪 esow to bejottened JorrmarKket 2 Shesyery 太 训 afterpherilness 一Dutwe妈soom Jotten herup. [also V]

fattem'ing /fatnm/ adi (offood) likelytomakeyou fat: Jottening cakes

fattismi /feetizeam/ moun [U] unfair treatmient of peoDle because oftheirlarge body size e fat'tist 0df/

{fatty /feeti/ odj, noun 日0dj. (fat'tier,fatthest)containingalotoffat; consisting of fat: fattyjoods cottby tssue

目力 OU

(P/ -ies) (alsofatso) (Porma1 disapproving) a fat

Person: Britainm zs fostpecoming amaaorr ofFfatties.

fatty ' acid moun (chemistry) an acid that is found in fats and oils fatu:Ous

/faetyuss/ adj (jnrmal) stupid: a 龙 tuous com-


fatuOusly adyv

1mouvn an imaginary old man with red clothes and a long White beard. Parents tell small children that he brings them presents at Christmas.

fatwa /faetwa:/ noun a decision or order made under Islamic law

father 有 多ure mouv7i an older man that sb respectsbe-

a device that controls the flow of water from a pipe: the PotAcold jaucet coio:turn afoucet on/off=picture 安 PLUG

cause he will advise and help them like afather father'hood /ta:5aehod; NAmE -erhod/ movn state ofbeing a father


[U] the

mov7 (p/ fathers:in-law) the father of

your husband or wife 一compare MOTHER-IN-LAW


/ta:5elznd; NAmE 6erlaend/.moun [usually

Sing.] (old-joshioned) (used especially about Germany) the country Where a pertson, or their family was born,-especially when they feel very loyal towards 让


/for6alas; NAmE -5aerlas/ adgji [usually before

noun]j without a father either because he has died or be-

cause he doesinotjive with bis children: 和 therless chilGaremnAJormilies


/taxaali; NAmE

省erli/ .aodj: typical of a good

father: 名纺erly adyice e He Keeps Qa 外therly eye om -Pas 了Layers.

'IFathersiDay 7ovradaywhen fathers Teceive cards and gifts from their children, usuallythethird Sundayin June

,Father' Tire

7mov7 an imaginary 人 gure who represents

time and looKs like an old man carrying a scYTHE and an


fathom /feiem/ verbo, noun 日VE 咏~ sb/sth (out) to Understand or find an explanation forsth: [VN] 丰 z hard to fothom 坊 epaimn etatthe deathn of a child. ce [vV wh-] He couldn 和 所纺om out wpat te mmam cOUIG possiply mmea7. 卓 IOU1 aunit for measuring the depth of water equal to 6

feet or 1.8 metres: The ship samk in 20 1jothoms. tve) She Kepther feelings hidden 加 thormns deep.




of hard Work OF exercise

| aonow

| ersay

| saogo(Br6


/foalt/ noup; vemb


四 -11OU1 * RESPONSIBILITY 1 [LU] ~ (that…)| 一 (fordoing sth)the Tesponsibility for sth wrong that has happened or been done: 下 was his fault 纺 at we Were late. CO WPy shouldT SGaY SOFTY When is not Iny Jault2? CIts nobodys foult 了ES YOUT oOWP Jault jbr peing careless. 4 Mamny people Liye 友 poyerty througsh mo Jault of their own. Tthink te OoWhiers are atjault (= Tesponsible) for notWarming UsS, >*1IN.SB"S CHARACTER

之 [C] a bad or weak aspect of sb's

character SHORTCOMING: HesSs proud of his children ad plimnd to their faults. riove herjforallherjfault (= iD Spite of them). *STH WRONG 3 [G something that is wrong ornot perfect With sth; something that is wrong with a machine Or System that Stops 站 们om working correctly DEFECT: The pooKS yirtaues jar ouUtweigh its fjoults. ecThe systemm for QGILits faults, i the pestayvailable atthe moment ammaijor Jultinthe designn eastructuraljfoulte an electrical jauit *1IN TENNIS-4 [GO amistake made when SERVING: He has SeJyed a Purmper ofadouble foults in tz set *GEOLOGY-

5 [q a Place where there is abreak

that is

longer than Usual in the .layers of ;rock ip the earth's CRUST: the Sam Andreas JouLtcajoultline IJ to a'fault used to saythat sb has alot,oreventoo Iuch,, of'a particular good quality:-She is generous to a 如 uv丝 一more atFINDY 目 yejb [VN] (often used innegative sentences with camn and

or a weakhess

in sbysth

CRITICIZE: Her colleagues could motoutPher aedica-

TIREDNESS: Dj1ysical amnd 7menttal jobigue 和

| army


/fo:stt/ (NAm 日(BrEtap)mou1

could)j- to find a- mistake

fa:tigue /fpe'tisg/ noun T [U] afeeling ofbeing extremely tired,,usually because

站 到 .Cett 册 0

tiom to te jobp. C He had always bpeemn polite 一She couldm 北 Jouvlt Pirm on thnat

| oogo(NAmE)

| orboyil:re near

| ee hair

| 5e pure


560 |

orthat gives abad impression of them: Youw7re miot doing yourself any fovours working Jor nothing. 2 The orchestira

did Bee 切oyen 7io favours

Tault-findimSg novn [u] the act of looking forifaults 记 sb/sth

fault'less /fo:itlas/ adj having no mistakes

FECT: Joultless EngLish




faulty /foti/ ad 1 not perfect; not working or made correctly DEFECTIVE: AsK for a refund 矿the goods are foulty. efoultbyr workrmariship c ataccident caused py a Joultysignal 2 (ofawayofthinking) wrong or containing mistakes, often Testulting in bad decisions: 包 ulty reasomInS

faumn /fpm/ noun (iD ancient .Roman stories) a god of the WwWoods, withaman's face andbodyand aGOAT' slegs and horns

faumnay/'fo:ma/ noun [u,G] al the animals living in an area or in a particular period of history: 妨 e 1ocal flora arzd jauna (= Plants and animals) c (techmicojh 1amnd and ma 六 ine junas Faust'ian /faustian/ adj (Jorma1j ~ bargain/pact/agreement an agreement in which sb agrees to do sth bad or dishonest,, in returm for money,Ssuccess OFT power [IISFrom Fatst,who,according to the German legend, sold his soul to the Devil in return for many years of power and pleasure.

do me a favourl (informo1

used in reply to a question thatyou thinkis silly: Po yov thinK t 纺ey到 win22Dormmeajavour!They hayentSgotasingle decent player' in favour (of sb/sth) T if you are in faVvoUET of sb/sth, you support and agree with thermyVit: He arSgued 识 fjvour of a Strike. C There Were 247Votes 雇 如your (of the motion) and 152 against CTrmallinjJfavour of (= completely support)equal payjforeqgualWwork. C Mostof the Gont Knows'in the opinion polks came dowmn in Javour of (= eventually chose to Support) the Dermnocrats. 之 记 exchange for another thing (because the other thing is better or you want it more): He abamndomned teaching 雄 如-

your ofacareerasa7musician in sb'sfavyour 1 放 sth is 迄

sb's favotr it gives them an advantage Or helps them: The exchanmnge rate is in our joyvour at the moment 2 She WasWillingto pend 妇 erules 训 Marysjovour 了 adecision or judgement that is in sb?s favour benefits that person Or Says that they were Tight 一more at CURRYV,FEAR 1., STACKED 是 VErpD *PREFER 1 toprefer one system, Plan way of doing sth, etc: to another: [VN] Mamy countries Javour a presidertial

faute de mieux / feut da imja:; NAmE fout/ adv (from

System of goyermrment [also V-ing,VN-ing] *TREAT BETTER 了 [VN] to treat sb better than yoUu treat other People, especiallyin an Unfair way: The freaty SeeTms to joyvour the US.

French) because there is nothing else that is better: We Were obliged 名 ute de rnieuo to drinKk the 1ocal beverage.

* HELP 3 [VN] to provide suitable conditions for a particular person,gIOUD,, etc.: The warma climate jovours 7mmamy

Fauve /feuv; NmE fouv/ novn a member of a group of French painters who were important in Fauvism Fauyv'ism /fouvizem; NAmE fouv-/%oun [U] (om a style of painting that uses bright colours and in which objects and people are represented in a non-realistic way'. It was Popular im Paris for a short period from 1905. faux/feo; NAmEfoo/ adj artificial, but intended to lookor Seem real: The chairs Were coyered 识 juX aniimal SKimn. 和 Jis accenit Was 50 jaUux.

faux pas /f5 pa: NAmE foo/ moun (P/ faux pas /fec "pa:z; NAmE foo/) (from French) an action or a remark that causes_embarrassment


it is not socially


fava beanyfazvebim/ noun (NAmE) = BROAD BEAN fave /ferv/ moun (Unpformalj) a favourite person or thing: Thatksong is one ofmmyjoves. faveadj: herjoveTVshow fa'vela /fae'vela/ nour (from Portuguese) a poor areain or near a Brazilian city,with many small houses that are close together and in bad condition 一compare SHANTY



om (BrE) (NAmEfavon /fervaGD)/ noum verb


*HELP 1 [G athing that you do to help sb: Could you do me GaGjfavour and pick UP Sam 方om school today? ce CanT asKk ajfayvour2?Twouild meyerasKjforanyjvours 方om per CImgoing as ajfavour to Anm notbecauseTwantto.TUL asK Steye to take 让 He owes ne dajavour coTharks 1or helping me out TUreturn thejJavour (= help youbecause you have helped me) somie time. C Do yourselfa favou7 (= help youirself) and wear a helmet or the Dike. >*APPROVAL 2 [U] -approval or support for sb/sth: Thne suggestion to close the road jhas found favour with (= been SUPported by) Iocal People. 2 The programimme jhas 1ost faVOLUFr With yiewers recently c an athlete who f1 族om fayour after a drugs scandal 2 (如rmal) The _government

looks with Javour Upom (= approves of) 切e reports recomrmendations. 2 Shes not in fayour with (= SupPofted or liked by) 急 e media just now: ec下 seenis Tim 攻 back 训 Javour with the poss (= theboss likes himiagain). *BETTERTREATMENT 3 [U]itreatmentthat is generous to one person OF grOouUP 记 a way that seems Unfair to others BIAS: As at examinemn She Showed Pofovour to any caTdidate.

* PARTY GIFT 4 favors [pl.] (NAm 日 三 PARTY FAVORS *SEXS favours [pl.] (old-joshioned) agreemerit'to have Sex With sb: dermmatds forsexual favyours

[IJy do sb no favours to do sth thatis not helpfulto sb


:| ddid

| ffal|


| hhat

| jyes

types of tropical Planmts. >*LOOKLIKE PARENT 4 [VN] (old: 大shionmed or NAmB) to look like one of your Parents or older relations: She definitely Jovours her /other fa.vourable

(BrEF(NAmmE favorabie) /fervaraebl/ ad

1 making people have_a good opinion of sbysth: She ade ajfavourable impression or his parents. C The piography shows him a 名vourable Light 2 positive and , showing your good opinion of sby/sth: 名 vourable corm-

ments 3 ~ (to/forsb/sth) goodfor sth andmaking itlikely to be successful or: have an advantage ADVANTAGEOUS: The terTns of the agreement are jyvou 产 able to poth sides. cjavourable economic conditiomns 妈4 fairly good and not too expensive: They offered mealoan on

yery favourable terrms,[aE UNFAVOURABLE faVvourably (BrE) (NAmE favorably) /abli/ odv: He speaks very

Jayvourably ofyour work. c These Qably With last yearSs. OO 了TWwas TD With her WoTK.

figures compare /jyvou产 impressed

favoured (Br 日(NAmE favored) /ferv8a: NAmE -vardl adj Ttreated in a special way or receiving Special help or advantagesinawaythatmayseemtunfair: a7mermperof

the Presidaents jyvoured circle of adyisers 2 prIeferred by Inost people: 妨e jyvoured camndidate 3 (iorimal) particularly pleasant and worth having: Their house is in ayery Jovoured posi6iorn mnear the park:

fa.vOur 让e 0

(Br (NAmE 委 "vor'ite) /fervarrt/

adj., mouUn 盟 Odlj. liked more than others of the same kind: Its one of my 大vourite moyies. C Who 8 your favourite Writer2 January 1 7y least jayourite month. 吃 note at CHOICE

[cr sb's favourite


1 aiperformen


Sports playem etc.,,who is popular where they were born 之 (ipthe US) a candidate for president who is supported byhis or her own state in the first Part of a campaign 昌 ]OUn 了 a person or thing that you like more than the others of the same type: These biscuits are great joyvourites With the children. CS This song 二 aaparticular JayouFite of mine. C The band pliayed all my old Javourites.C Wich one 5yourjJavourite? e The programrmne has pecome a 让rm Jayvourite with youngpeople. 2 aperson Whois liked better by sb and receives better treatment than others: She loyved all her grandchildren putAPnm Was herfovourite. 3 ~ (forsth) |~ (to do sth) the horse; runner team, etc.thatis eXpected to win: The jyvourite came third ceHer norse is the hotjavouriteJortherace.cACMilarm the hotjfayvotr-

ites to Win the European Cup 4 ~:(forsth) | ~(to dosth) the Person Who is iexpected by most people to get a par| kecat


| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

ticular job'or position: Shes the fovourite for the job 4 Shes the jyvourite to succeed jirmn as leader

favourit'ism 157

(NMmE ”得Voritism


妇 zem/ nouUn [U] (disopproving) the act of unfairlytreating one person better than others becatse yo like them better: The students accused the teacher of Jovouritismmi

fawmy/fonm/ adj ,mouni ve 贞



pattern is onlyused in thepassive. [VN (that)] t 共 Jeared

(人 that) he may haye been kidnapped. CO [V] Never fear/ Fear mnot (= Don't worry) Tshall returm: [also V (that)] 3 1fear[v] (Jorma used to tell sb that you think that sth bad has happened or is true: They are UPIiKely to get here on time,Tfear ecTe mustbe dead then22 了 fear so

md lightyellowish-brown'in colour: a7wm coat OUm 了 [C] a DEER less than one year old 2 [U] alight

Shes not coming pack2 farmot”


sthto be woriied about sbysth: We fear Jorphis safety 和 Be fearedjforhis motpemn Lefialone on the /orrmm-

yellowish-brown colour

gerb [V] 一 (on/oversb) (disapprovingjtotrytopleasesbby Praising them or paying them too much attention

fax/faeks/ moum ve 让

可 )JOU1 (also jormal fac'sim'ile 1 (also fax machine [q aimachine that Sends and receives documents in an electronic form along telephone wires and then prints them: Doyouhaveajax? 2 [U] asystem for sending documents Using afax machine: Can you send 让 to ne byjJax?c What yourjfoxmnurmber2 3 [Cl aletteror message Sentby fax: DidyougetTnyjox2c YDUucan send foxes byemail 广om yot cOTmPDUte 产

fear alarm *。apprehension * fright . foreboding These are all words forthe bad feeling you have when you are afraid.

feam'he bad feeling that you have when you are in danger, when sth bad might happen, or when a particularthing frightensyou: (O)ear ofjyingcshe snowed no 帮or

Bye 几 ~ sth (to sb) |~ sb (sth) to send sb a documenb mesSage, etc. by fax: [VNN, VN] Could youjJoxrme the Iatestye 六 Siofl2 C Could you jx 让 to me2 c [VN]TJoxed the list of


alarmfear or worry that sb feels when sth dangerous or

态rough to them.

unpleasant might happen: Thpe doctorsajid 加ere was mo

faze/feiz/ ve 访[YN] [often passive] (informaj to make you feel confused or shocked, sothatyou do notknowwhatto

do _ERIDpIscoNCERT: She Wasmni 如zediby Jis comrments. e He IooKked as 太 nothing could fazxe Pi7m.

FBI /ef bi 'ar/:abbr Federal Bureati of Investigation.The EBIis the police departmentintheUSthatis controlledby themational govefnmentand that is responsible for dealipg with crimes that affect more than one state. FC/ ,ef'si:/ obbr (BrE) football club: Tpttenharmmn FC FCE/ ,ef si 习/ mou7n [U] a British test that measures a Per Son'Ss ability to speak and write English as a foreign language at an UPPER-INTERMEDIATE level (the abbreviation for Tirst Certificatein English): WPeriareyoutakingFCE? FCO/1 ef SITE eag; NAmE 'oU/ gbbr FOREIGN AND COMMON-

COUse Jor alarm,

frighta feeling of fear usually sudden: She cried out 万 JigAE

FEAR OR FRIGHTZ Fearisa more general feelingthan fright. You can use fear but not fright forthings that always frighten you andforthingsthat may happenin the future :+heaveG

iers OAHH5FH

forebodinga strong feeling that sth unpleasant or dangerousis goingto happen: Jpeyietterjiied him with


FDA/ef di 'er/ abbpr Food and Drug Administration (the US government department that is responsible for malkc ingsture thatfood and drugs are safe to be sold)

空/gbbpr ( 职 Britain) FURTHER EDUCATION

fealty/ fi:elti/_ noum [U] (old use) a Promise to be loyal to Sb, especially a king or queen fear

om Ja)

理 His eyes widened in fearalarm/fright.

bad feeling that you have when you are in dangen when sth bad might hapPpen, or when a particular thing fright-

ens you: (Q) fear of the dark/spiders/fiying, etc. 2 Fer eyes Showed io far 2 The child was Shaking with fear JWe Inyed 训 cotstamtfear oflosing OUrjJobs. ce herjfearsjor Per somsS Safety cethe jar 切atf he had camncer e The doctor5 Teport coOPfirmed oUFr WorsLjears. 2 Ala7 人 of Pis fears

Jor the Future Im for fearof sth/of doing sth | for ear ,tnatj -to avoid the danger of sth happening: We SDOKe qUietty Jor ar of waking t e 切 guards.

THhad to ru

QWay 加六 帮 ar (that) he migRht one day Ki1Tmne Im ear O RE lifefeeling frightened that yotu mightbe killed_ ,no fear(B 太 injformal) used to saythatyou definitely do not want to do sth: re you comming climbing27 Wo fear 六 Put the fear of God into sbto make sb Ye 到 frightened, especially in order to make them do sth W'! hout fear or fayourtjormaol)in afairway 一more at STRIKEY 昌 vyerb 了 to be frightened of sb/sth or frightened of doing sth: [VN] AIL Pis emmployees 帮 ar jazzm. ceto jar deathADersecuUtiomthe unknown e Dontt worry you have mnothing to

fear 廊om us. c [V to inf (forma/) She jared to tell 请 mm 态e truth. [also V -ing] 2-to feel that sth bad might have happened or might happen in the future: [VN] She has Deen 7missing 加 产雪 ree days mnow ad Police are pegim7ling toJfear the Worst (= think that she'is dead), e [VN-ADj Euridreds of people are 姑 ared dead. co [VN to WormeP aad children arejearedto be amo7lg the Victirr1S. is

| ttea

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 重 afeeling of fearalarm/apprehension/foreboding 目 a growing sense of feaalarm/foreboding 理feaapprehension of/about what might happen 二She was shaking/trembling with fearfright.

NAmEfrr/ nouwn, verb

BIOU1 [CU] ~ (of sb/sth) | ~ (for sb/sth) |~ (that ,… ) the



isa reaction to sth that hasjust happened oris happening now.


FE/ ,ef

apprehensionworry orfear thatsth unpleasant may :happen: She eltsome apprehensiomn atseeing him 08a1m:

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

fearfuljfef; NMAmE fafl/o 1 一 (forsb)| 一(ofsth/of doing sth) | ~ (that) .… (jrmal) nervous and afraid: Pa 六 ents areeyerjfearhljfortjeirchildaren cfearflofan She was jear 包 1thatshe woulad 克 让 了 [onlybefore (大 ralj) terrible and frightening 3 (old-jshioned, 10l) extremely bad: We made a 龙arful mess of the

戎 fearfully/feli/ adv: We watched jar

attacK noun] 六扣广 roo7m.

e 帮aruty

(= extremely) expensiye fearfulnessnoun [U]

fear :less/ frelas; NAmE firlas/ adj. (approving) notafraid, iD a way that people admire:


Q jarless Toumntaineer

fearlessmnessnovm [U]

fearsome/fissam;, MAmE frsem/ ad (Jormal) making People feel very frightened

feas'ible /fi:zebl/ adj that is possible and likely to be achieved

PRACTICABLE: Q Jeasible PlaySuUggestior

iaea 2 丰 S Just 和

Parttirme basis.

to 1marniagse the pusiness om Q

UNFEASIBLE 人 feasibility /fi:za-

zeti/ moun [U]: aJeasipbility study om the proposed new airportCTadouptthe feasibility of the Planm.

feast/fist/ mmOUm;, veb 到1OU7m (如mmal) 站 alarge or Special meal, especially for a lotof People and to celebrate sth: a weddingjeast 了 aday or period of time when there is a religious festival: the eastofChristrmiasCajeastday 3 [usuallysing.] athing or aneventthatbrings greatpleasure:ajeastofcolourse The eyeing Was Qreal jeast for7TmnuUsic 1oyers.

| 5vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 9thn

| 5this

| 0sing

feast day



目 Verb [V] ~ (onisth) to eat alarge amount of foodi with

great enjoyment IE feast yOUr 'eyes (om sb/sth) to look at sb/sth and get great Pleasure

feastday noun (/elgion) adayon which a Christian festival is held each year

,Feast of 'Tabernacles:movn [U] = SuccoTH feat /fit/ own (approving) an action or a piece of work that needs skill, strength or courage: The tuLmnmel is a priLLiantjfeat of engineering, co to peTformyattermpt/achieve astoishing feats c That was no mean feat (= itiwas difficult to do). 只 note at ACTION

ing feathers) 一Picture 只 PAGE R20 [IE a 'feather in

action that you can be Proud of This ffomthe Native American custom of giving a who had been verybrave 记 battle. 一more at


四 VE 峭 IET feather yoOur (own) 'nest to make yourself richer especially by spending money on yourself that Should be spent on sth else 一more at TARV.

feather-'bed ve 心 (dd-) [VN] (BrE) to make things easy for sb, especially by giving them money Or good condi-

tions of work feather 'boa (alsoboa)mouna long thin piece of clothing like a SCARF,, made of feathers and worn over the Shoulders by women, especially in the past

feather-brained cd Unformah qisopprowng) verysilly feather'duster 20U0 astick with feathersonthe end of itthatis used for cleaning


/te5ad; NMmE -ierd/ adj. covered With fea-


fe5erw-/ moun


BOXER Weighing between 53.5 and 57 kilograms, heavier


fea'thery /feiari/ adi. light and soft; like feathers


-0 /fitjaa)/ nouvniyve 册

四 MOUm [C] 1 something important, interesting ortypicalof aplace or thing: Am interestimng 帮 ature ofthecity mstheold Tarket C Teamwork is a Key feature of the training Progra1mTme. C WRich features ao youU IooKk fjor wphen choosinga car2 CThe software has no particular distinguishing ja-

tures. C geographical jatures 一See alsoO WATER FEATURE 字 _[usually pl.j`apart of sb's face such as their nose, mouth and eyes: his Strong hamndsome features C_ Her eyes are Per Tost striking feature. 3 ~ (on sb/sth) (in newspapers, on television, etc.) a special article or Programme .about Sb/sth:aspecial featureoneducation 4 (old-josjhioned)the main flm/movie in a cinemaPprogramme 日yelb-1 [VN] ~ sb/sth (as sb/sth) to include a Particular Person or thing as a_ Special feature: The .Im 帮 atures Cary Grant as QPprofessor-cThe latestmodeljeatures alloy Wpeels and ar electronic alarm. C Many of the hotels :eatred 识 the prochure offerspecial deals for weekend breaks.

2 [V]~(in sth) to have an important partin sth: Olive o 世 and gariic 色 ature prominentiy in his recipes, featurefilm 7ovn a main 人lm/movie with a story, Tather than aDOCUMENTARY; etc.

feature-lengtih cd [usually before noun] of the same length as a typical film/movie

feature.less /fixtfalas; NAmE -tfarl-/ adj without any qualities or noticeable characteristics: The coumtryside 计 Jiat and featureless.

fe,brile /iDbral; NAmE also 'feb-/ ad 1 (ormal)inerVous,excited

fecal ,feces (NAmB) = FAECAL; FAECES feck.less /ftekleas/ adj having a weak character; not behavingin aresponsible way: Her juspamnd Wasa charTmingi putlazy'and fckless mam. efecklessness OU [U] lot of children,crops,etc:


了 producing

new and tuseful thingsj especially ideas efecundiity /frkAndeti/ nowm [U]

Fed /fed/ novnr (Us ipforman) 1 [q an officeroftheFBIor another federal organization 2the Fed [sing.] = THE

fed pb ppofFEED fed.eral om /fedarsl/ ad 1 having asystem of governmentin which theindividual States ofa countryhave control over their own affairs, but

are controlled by a central goverInment for national deciSions, etc.: a jderal republic 2 (within a federal system, forexamplethe US andCanada) connected with national goveInment rather than the local government of an indiVidual state: afederal Iaw 2 state and jderal imncomme taxes fed.eral:ly.dy: jederaly 包 nded health care

the- ;Federal


of Investi'gation


[sing.] = FBI 了

fed:er'al:ist /tedaaraelrst/:nown a spporter of a federal System of government federalism /tedsrelIzam/ 1moun [European 大deralism fedieralistiadi: afeaeralLMt 所 ture 识 Burope 二

the ,Federal Re'serve System (also the Federal Reserve) ovn (abbr:the FRS) (also informal the Fed) [sing:]-the organization that controls the supplyofmoney in the US

thers orhaving feathers


the 2nd month of the yeamr between January and March To see how. February is tlsed, 1ook at the examples atApril.



卓 0OU1 one of the many soft light parts covering a bird's body: a peacocK featper Cafeather pilow (= one containyour cap an ldiom comes feather to sb BIRD, KNOCK

/februeri; NAmE-ueri/nowm[U;G]

fec:.und /kendi 'fek-/ adj (ormah Tabletoproducea

,Feast of 'Weeks' "ovn [U] = SHAVUOTH




and very active: a product of her 帮 brile

imagination Q2 (medical) (ofan illness) caused byfever

fed-erate:/tedarert/ yetv] (technicah(ofstates organizations,etc.) to unite under acentral government or organization while keeping some local control

fed.eration /federermn/noun T [Gacountry consistingofa'group ofindividual states that have control over their own affairs but are .controlled by acentral govern:ment for national decisions,etc.: the Russiam Federatior 2 [G a group of clubs,, TRADE/LABOR UNIONS,,etc. that

have joined together to form an orgai 认zation: 碎e 胁 te 产 matiomnal Temnmis Federation 3 [U] the act offorming afederation: Mamny MPs are againstjderationm i EUFODe. fe.dora /fi'dozre/ noumralowsofthat with a curled BRIM

fed up cad [not before noun] ~ (with sb/sth) (njrman bored or Unhappy,especially with a situation that has continued fortoo long: yYDUIook ja up. Whats 如 e matter? 2TmfdaupwWithwaitingforpher cpPeoplearefedupwithall these traffic jarms. 有 the end TITJustgotjfed up with Pis costant complaining. CTWiRh heda geta job Tm fed up With 让 (=-with the situation). Gang Some Deople say fed up of sth' in informal British English, but this is not considered correct in standard English.,


om /位 /moun

Tanamount ofmoneythat youPay for professional adVice or seivVices: legaljJees c Does the banK chargeajfeejor Settirnlg UDP the account? 2 jee-paying Schools (= that you have to pay to go to) 守 note at RATE 2 an amotnt of moneythat youpayto join an organization, or to do sth: 7nermpershipfes ce There z no enfancejfeeto thegallery

fee.ble /fbl/ aod (tfee:bler /fbla(mD/,feeb:lest /在二 blrst/) Tvery weak: afeepble old mamn The heartbeat Was Jeeble and irregular 了 not effective; not Showing deter Imination or energy: QjJeeble argUTment/excUse/joke Ca 帮 eDle attermptto explaimn ceDontbe so jeblel! Tell Rheryou donm芋 Wantto 850. efeeblenessmoum [U] feebiy /fi:bli/ ady

feeble- mindediodi Ti(oldwsei onsive) having less than usual intelligence 2 weakandunabletomake deciSions

acat | dc father | eten | 3: bird | a about | rsit | isee | imany | pogot(Br 日 | 5xsaw | Acup

| oput| utoo

feed :0

/fa verb noun


@Ve 由(fed fed yjfedy)

* GIVE/EAT FOOD 了 一 sb/sth (on) sth | ~ sth to sb/sth:to givefoodto aperson oran animal: [VN] Haveyoujed the cat yet? 2 The paby cant :feed itsef yet(= cant putfood

into its own mouth) ec The cattle are 帮 d:on DarIey e [VNN, VN] The cattle are 帮d parier R Te Daley 人 无d to thecattle. 子 [V] (ofababyoran animal)toeatfood: SIugs and S7tails 万ed at migjiE 一see alsoO FTEED ON/OFF STH 3 [VN] to provide food for a family or group of People: They have a large Jormmily:to fed e Theres enough here to ed am ar7my. =PLANT4 [VN]togiveaplantaspecial substance to make 让 grOw: Feed the plarits omrtce a Week



一 sb sth | ~sthto sbto

give advice, information, etc. to sb/sth: [VNN, VN] We are COTstantty jd8gossp and speculation By the media. SG055记 aid SDeculatiomn Gre co7istantty jd to us py 切 e miediQa.

*suUPPLY G@ [VN]

一 A(withB)|

一 BintoAto supply sthto

Sb/sth: The electricity 1ine 1 谍d_With power througi an LUmdergrourid cable. c PoWer 二 帮d 六 to te electriciby 1irie through an undergrouna cab1e.

*PUTINTO MACHINE 7 [VN] ~A(withB) | 一 BintoA |~

sth (into/through sth) to put or Push sth into or through a machine: He jd coins 训 to the meter Fe jed the meter With coins. CThej 加 briciz jd through the 7achine. “SATISFY-NEED 8 [VN] to satisfy amneed, desire, etc. and keep it strong: FoF drugadaicts, the meed to feed the aadaic右omn taKkes priority ovyer eyeTything else. [IE feed your ace (momo usuallyahsopproving)to eat a lot of food or too much food 一more at BITEYV

Teed ' back

网 oo

sth)to have an influence on

the development of sth by ieactinig to 让 iD some way: Whatthe audience telks me feeds back into mmy worK,feed (sth)back (to sb) to give information or opinions about sth,, especially so that'it can be imnproved: Test 7eSUI6G W 记 pe fed bacK to 妇e schnools.、 feed jnto sthtohave

aninfluence on the development of sth: The reports 方7id柬85 妙记 fed 碎to co7pamny policy、 feed on/off sth 1 (of an animal) to eat sth: BuUtterflies feed ofi the 刀owers of ga 六 dem plants. 之 (often disopproving) to become strongerbecause of sth else: Racism feeds on fear feed 'through (to sby/sth)to reach sb/sth after going through a Process OF System: 和 Wi taKke time 加 rt 态 ehigher7rates to 帮ed 雪 rougm to inyestors,feed sb*SYMPATHY/LOVE 7.[U,p 回 一(forsb/sth) sympathyorlove why you are certain: T Know Tma going to jail this exam一T for sb/sth: YpDU haye no feelingjforthesuperings ofothers.2 canm fel 让 识 my bones.feel like sth/fike doing sth to T still haye feelings for her (= feel attracted to her in a WwWantto have or do sth: Teellike adrink ce WeaLLIELike romantic way). celebrating. 2 We 了 gojorawaikiyoujfeelLIike 让 feelthe * PHYSICAL 呈 [U] the ability to feel physically: Tve Iost az 'pinch (aformal) to not have enough money: Lot of Jeeling 训 Tmy 1egs. People wjhop hayve Iosttheirjobs are starting to el the Dimnch 和 ATMOSPHERE 9 [sing.] the atmosphere.of a Place,situfeel 'sick (especially Brb) to feel as though you will vVOMIT ation,etc.: They haye 7ma7iaged to recreate the jeeling of S0on: Murmn! TI Jeel sick. feel sick to your 'stomach the original theatre.

(NMmE) to feel as though you will VoOMIT Soonfeel your

'Iway 1了 to move .along carefully, for example when it is 让 训 by touching walls,objects,,etc._ 2 to be _careful abonut how you do things, usualy because you are iD a Situation that you are not familiar With: She Was neWw thejob, stilljfeeling her Wanotfeel yourself to notfeel healthy and well 一more at DEATH,FLATTER,HARD


HONOUR 1 ,HONOUR V,JELLY,MARK 站,MILLION,PRESENCE, SMALL Gd feel for sb to have sympathyfor Sb:Treally 帮LtJforher when herphusband died ecTdo feelfor yo jhonestby. feel sb 一 'up Un 加 rmal) to touch sb sexually,especially when

they do not want you to

GROPE feel'up to sth to have the strength and energy

[ra bad/ill feeling (alsobad/ill'feelings_ especially训 D NAm 日anger between People,especially after an arguIment or disagreement: TPhere was a Iot of bad feeling between the two 8rOUDS ofstudents. 二more at HARDOd/-,SINK


feel:ing.ly /人mlif adw with strong emotion


TIONALLY: He spoKke feelingly apouthis dead fotper

feet 六 ofFooT feign /femy/ ve (jormalj) to pretend that you have a par-. ticular feeling or that you are ill/sicko tired, etc.: [TVN] Fe SUTViyed the nassacre byjeigriing death. coWho cares27said Alex figning indifference. [alsoVvtoinf]

to do or deal with sth: Do we haye to 8o to the party? 工 really donit feel up to 丰 c [+ -ing] After 纺 eaccident She feint /ftemt/ novn, verb 下 0OUm (especially in sport) a movementthat is intended to didntjeelup to driving. Imake your opponentthink yot are going to do one thing 目 OU [sing.] When you are really going to do sth.else TOUCH Tthe feel the feeling you get when you touch 有bb [V] (especially in sport) to confuse your opponentby sth or are touched: you can tell its silk by the jeLc She 上 ye making them think you are going to do one thing when Ioved te jeel of the sun on her skin. 2 an actoffeeling or you are really going to do sth else AS touching:Thada aeel of the materiaL >1MPRESSION 3 the impression that is created by a Place, feisty /farsti/ adj feistier ,feistiiest ) (informa approv/ng) of people) strong, determined and not afraid ofarguSituation, etc.; atmosphere: Its abig city butithas the feel ipg with people of asmall towm. 2 The room has acomzfortable jel to 让

[FEI get the feel of sth/of doing

sth to become famil-

iar with sth or with doing sth:TRaventgot the jel of the brakes in this car yet have a feel for sth to have an understanding of sth or be naturally good at doing it: She has arealjeeljor Ianguages, feel.er /SaGC)/ movn [usually pl.] either of the two long thin parts on the heads of some insects and of some animals that live in shells that they use to'feel and touch

things with mall to try to

ANTENNAIDII put out'feelers (njor hndiout what 全 think about a Particular course of action before you do it feel-good ad/. making you feel happyand pleased abonut

life: a feel-good movie [ET the feel-good factor



feld.spar IOck

/telduspaaD/ noun [uCG atypeofwhite orred


/fte'lrsrtes/ aodj. (Jormaljor literary) (especially

of words) chosen well; very suitable; giving a good result


Q Jelicitous turnm of phrase e feici-

tously adv

fe.li.city /fetlrseti/ novn (p/-ies )Uormaloryiterop) al[U] greathappiness 2 [U] the quality ofbeing well chosen or

Suitable 3felicities, [pl.] well-chosen or successful features, especially in a Speech or piece of writing

(8 日 fe.line /63lam/ ad ,noun

(used especially in newspapers, etc.) the feeling of con 丰 dence in the future thatis shared bymanypeople

@ gdj. like aceat; connected with ananimalofthe catfamily:; She walks with fline grace.

feel.ing om /flm/ noun

上 IOUm (jormal) acat; an animal of the catfamily

the way jhe rreated7me TKnow thejfeeling (=Iknowhow youfeelljcTmgoingtornissyou "Thejfeeling's mutual (= Ifeel exactly the same)…” *1IDEA/BELIEF .了 [sing.] ~ (of sth) | ~ (that .…) the idea or belief that a particular thing is true or a particular situation is likely to happen IMPRESSION: He suddenly

旧 Gd (iierary) very evil or violemit

一see also FALL :1 [G ~ (of sth) something that you fell /ftel nown; yerb, adj. feel through the mind or through the senses: ajeeling of 卓 IOUahill or an area ofhills in northern England JungSer/excitermnertt/sadress etc. CSuilty feelings C Pye 上四 Ye 凡 [VN] 1 tocutdownatree 2 iteraory)tomake sb fall to the ground: Fe felled his opponent With asingle plow. gotatightjfeeling 识 mystomach:oe (informahTrealy resentt



| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

at/in one fell

swoop all at the same time; in a single action, especially asudden or Violent one

fella (alsofell:er )/telacD)/ noun tinformal) Taninformal way of referring toaman 2 aninformal way'of referring to sb's boyfriend: Raveyourmnetpher new 帮 1la?

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

fellate' /fselert; NAmE also 'felert/ vem [vN] (fornal) to perform FELLATIO on aman

fel:la:tio /ftelerfieu;sNAmE -fiou/ noun [u] (formaj the



Practice of touching,a man's PENIS with the tongue and lips toigive sexual pleasure

了 2 [Cla feminine word of word form 一compare MASCULINE, NEUTER

feilow om /ftelau; NAmE'felou/ no0n50d/ 下 IOU1 了 (njrah becoming old-/shioned) awayofrefer

feminine rhyrmes movn [U,G (techrica/) a REYME-be-

ringtoamanorboy:Pesanmiceoldfllow 一seealsoFELLA 字 [usually pl.] a Person that you work with or that is like

you; athing that is similar to the one mentioned: She has Q Very 8ood reputation among her 记 11ows..S Many caged Dirds Liye IOriger 态a7i their 大 11ows 识 the Wild 3 (BrE) a Senior member of some colleges OF universities: a 用 1ow of New Coliege, Oxford 4 a member of an academic or

Professional organization: a 帮 1iow of the Royal Coliege of

Surgeons 5S (especially NAmE) a GRADUATE student who holds aFELLOWSHIP:agraduate /ellow ec ateaching 帮 1ow 昌 0dlj. [onlybefore noun] used to describe sb whoisthe same asyouin some way, orin the same situation:jellowrnernDersVcitizemns/Workers c my fliow passengers om the traim

fellow feeling "ovn [u,q a feeling ofsympathy for sb because you have shared similar exXperiences

fellow:.ship /ftelaujip; MAmEJou-/ nounT

[U] afeeling

tween words that have the emphasis before the last syLlable,for example ?ittem” and: “written 一compare


feminin'ity /feinemnmati/ novn [U] the fact ofbeing a Woman; the qualities that are considered to be typical of

Women , femi:nism /temaenrzem/ noun [U] the belief and aim that women seuld have the same rights and opportunies as meni; the struggle to achieve this aim

femi:nist /ftemaenist/ movn aperson who supports thebelief that women shotuld have the same rights and oppor-

tunities as men feminist adj, [usually before nounj]: fninistaemands]ideasAtheories c 殷e 帮7minist7mOoVemment


(BrE also -ise) /femanaiz/ ver [VN] Tto

Imake sb more like a woman 2 to make sth involve more Women: Ofices pecarmme 识creasingly 帮 miinized auring the 了 9605.

femme fa:tale /fasm fetal; NAmE,fem fetal/ nou1 (由

of friendship between people who do things together or femmes fa-tales /faem fp'tazl; :z; NAmE ,fem fe'tael/) (from Share an interest 22 [C] an organized group of people French) a very beautiful woman thatimen find sexually Who share an interesb aim orbelief 3 [Cj (especia1ly Br 日 attractive but who brings them trouble or unhappiness the position ofbeing a senior member of acollege orunifemto- /femteo; NAImE oog/ Combjining 大 rtechnical) (也 Versity 4 [C] an award of money to aGRADUATE student Units of meastrement) 1028: a 万mtosecorid to allow them to continue their studies or to do research S [CU] the state of being a member of;an academic or femur /fmaG)/ 5ovn (P/fe.murs orfem.ora /Temara/) Professional organization: to be elected to 万1lowship of (anatomy) the THIGH BONE 一picture 必 BoDY > femoral 碎 e Bri6isj Acadermy /temarel/ aodi [only before noum]

ifellow-'travel:ler "oun 1 aperson whois travelling to the same Place as another person 2 aperson who agrees With the aimsiofapolitical party, especially the Communistparty butis nota member of 让

feion /felan/ movn (especialy NAm

司Jow) a person who

has comrmitted a felony

felony /ftelani/ nouwn [CU] (P1 -ies) (NAmE or ojd轴shioned,/aw) the act of committing a _serious crime Such as Imurder ofr RAPE; a crime of this type: Q charge of 有 Iony 一compare MISDEMEANOUR.

felt /felt/ noun [U] atype of soft thick cloth made fom wool orhair that has been pressed tightly together: a 万人 Fat 一see also FEEL,,FELT, FELT V

felt-tip “pen (also 'felt tip,feit-tipped-'pen) movn a pen that has apointmade of felt fe.male om /imer/ ad1s noun 四 0cdj. Tbeing awomanoragirl: afermale studentermployeeL[artist Two of thecamdidates Tustbe female. 2 ofthe

fen /fen/ movn an area of low flat wet land, especially in the eastofEngland



/fens/ 1mOU1i Ve屿

昌 1IOU01 astructure made ofwood or wire supported with Posts that is Pt between two areas of land as a BOUNDARY, Or around a_ garden/yard, field, etc. to Keep animals in, or to keep peOple and aiiimals out 2:a structuire that horses mustjump overin arace oracompetition-3 (7m7j广 mal) a criminal who buys and sells stolen goods [mi see

GRASS1., MEND V, SIDE 1.,SIT 目 Ve 几了 [VN]ito surround or divide an area with a fence:

了is Property 东 帮 nced with barbed wire. 一see also UNFENCED 了 [V] totake partin the Sport of FENCING 3 [V] 一 (with sb) to speakto sb in a clever way in order to gain an advantage in the conversation fence sb/ sth< "in 一 [often:passive] Titosurround sbysth with a fence Z torestrict sb's freedom HEMSBIN: She 帮Lt帮 nced

识 py daqommestic routine. fenmce sth 一'off [often passive] to divide one area from another with a fence

Sex that can ]ay'eggs Or give birth to babies: a fmmale cat 3 ofwomen; typical ofwomen; affecting women: jmaile characteristics C 女 e jmaile role 一compare FEMININE

4 (biology) (of plants and flowers) that can produce fruit 5 (technicoh (of electrical equipment) having a hole that another Part fits into: G 帮 male PIug [ga MALE 有 0OU1 1 an animal that can layeggs Or give birth to barbies; a Plantthat can produce fruit 2 awoman or a girl: More jmailes 太 am males are emplioyed 识 弛e 向ctory



femi:nine /tfemaenim/ odj, movn 上 0Odj/ Thavingthe qualities or appearance considered to be typical of women; connected with women: That dress 1naKkes YOU IooK yery jermmzinine, CO He jhad delicate alrmost Jermminine 有 atures. the tradihomal 帮 minine role 一comPare FEMALE,MASCULINE 了 (Sram/mar) belonging to a class of words that refer to female People or animals and often have a special form;: Some People prefer notto Use 轨 e Jrninine 名rm ctress ”amd USe the 凤07d ctor for poth 5eXes,3 (SO1m1mar) (iD some languages) belonging to a class ofnouns, Pronotuns or adjectives that have feminine GENDER not MASCULINE OF NEUTER: The French Wora for table" 5 7mimnine.

上 1OUD (SOm1701 了 thefeminine' fsing] the feminine GENDER (= form of nouns, adjectives and Pronouns) ssee

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe




fence-mending "ovn [U] an attempt to improve relations between two people or groups and to tryto find a solution to a disagreement between them fenm:cer /fenseCD)/ novn a person who takes part 也 the SPoOrt of FENCING

fen:cing /fensm/ novn [U] T the sport of fghting with long thin swoORDs 一Picture cy> PAGE R23 2 fences; Wood, Wire, or other material Used for mnaking fences: The 万ctory 1 SUTrTroUnded bpy electric mcing.

fend /fend/ ve

endforyour'self totake care of

yourself without help from anyone else: Fis parents aSreed to pay 妇e rentjfpor Pis apartment but otherwise Le 所 jirmutoJendjorjiirmself fend sth/sbback down to try hardnotto do or show sthi especially not to show your feelings: Twas 太gpnting Pack the tears. ,He Jought dowm his dissust ight sb/ sth COWPETITION 3 [singj] a competition or an act of comPeting,especiallyin asport: The team putup agood Fisnht (=theyplayed well) butwere finally beatemn. c Shemowjas

| amnow

6alyNA1Bianrargunmietnt abott sth::Didyou haye a 万gPt With hirmn2 e We hada 记ghEover7nomey =*BATTEE/WAR 号 [C] abattle,especially for a Darticular Place or position: 刺 the 廊ght or IEemiBuirg the AUstrians Were defeated. *DESIRETO FIGHT @ [U] the desire or ability to keep 人ightingforsth: 到 SDite of7mmamy aefeats, theystilijhad DPIenty oF 万ghtle 让 训 态 erm. IE a 有 gght to the finish a sports competition,elec: tion, etc. between sides that are so equal in ability that they contirniue 人 sghting Very hard Until the end 一more at

other plames ip the air and also drop bompbs

that you are ready to fight 人 very hard for sth or to try sth difficult 有entins 'talk comments or remarks that show that youi:are ready to 全ght yery hard for sth: What we

| army

总QKe 让 thrOUS7 to 太e nextEroUnd. Enote at CAMPAIGK *ARGUMENT 4 [q ~ (with sb) | ~ (overabout sth) (esp 区

作客 Ieaf movum Taleaf ofaFrIG tree;traditionallyusedifor

下 astreetfight/brawl


asght on herhands (= Wil haveito play very Well) to

gghterbombper 5ovn a military Plane that can fight

豆in afight/brawl/struggle/scuffle/tussle 且afight/clash/brawl/struggle/scuffle/tussle over sth 下 to be in/get into/be involved in afight/clashybrawl/ struggle/scuffle/tussle RS 下 to startafight/brawl/scuffle 二 下afight/clash/brawl/struggle/scuffle/tussle breaks out 下 afight/clash/brawl/struggle/scuffle takes place/starts 吾aVviolentfight/clash/brawl/struggle/scuffle/tussle

Want 广 om the marmtagermmentz

帮 可Ure

| ersay

| sago (BrE

作 g-Urative /位geretrv; NA/mE also '丰 gje-/ adj. [usually before noun] T (of language, words, phrases, etc.) usedin a Waythat is different from the usual meaning, in order to create a Particular mental Picture. For example, “He exploded with rage" shows afigurative Use of the verb “explode .一compare .LITERAL, , METAPHORICAL2 (of Paintings, art, etc.) showing people, animals and objects as theyreallylook; afiguratiye artist compare ABSTRACT 户 有gurativeJy ady: Sheis, 记guratiyely speaKing holding Qgun to his head. 人 有-ure

0 误 /们gaG); NAmE fgjar/ noun, ve山

加 OU1

上 NUMBERS 了 [Coften pl.] a number representing a particular amount,, especially one given in official informaz tion: the Iatesttrade/sales/unemployrmtenb etc. Figures By2004 thijfigure had risen toJ47million. ceExperts pUE

tjerealLfigure atcloserto 759%0. 2 [Cl asymbolratherthan awWordirepresenting one ofthe numbers between 0 and 9: Write 切eJigure 7 on the poard. Ca sixigure salary (三 Over 100000 pounds ordollars) c His salary z mnow in Six Jigures. 一See also DOUBLE FIGURES,SINGLE FIGURES

3 看 全:Wires [pl] (ommalthe areaof mathematics that deals With adding, mnultiplying,etc, numbers ARITHMETIC: Are Yo any 8ood at Figures2.CT77 afraid 工 domntjhayeaheadjorfisgures(=Iammnotgood atadding,


~PERSON 4 [G a person ofthe type mentioned:aleading Jigure 记 themmusicindustycapolitcalfigureeaigureof aU 碎 orib/ 一See also FATHER FIGURE,MOTHER FIGURE 5 [G the shape of a person seen_ from a distance,or not clearly: a tall 廊gure im placK


@ [G the shapeofthehuman body espe-

ciallyawomansbodythatis attractive: Shes awaysphada good Jigure. 2 DTm watching my isgure (= trying not to get fat),


7-[C] a person'or'an animal 雇 a

drawing, Painting, etc.,, or in a story: The cemntral 广gure im thepaimntng is the artists daauvghter rSTATUE 8 [fc] astatue ofaperson or an animal: a bromze Jigure ofa Porse

| ou go(Mm 有 6 | orboy

|zre near

| ee hair

| ue pure


572 |

* PICTURE/DIAGRAM g9 [G (obbr fig) aspicture,, diagram, etc: in abook that is referred to bya number: The results areillustrated 识 太gure 3 opposite. 和 * GEOMETRY 10 [C] a particular shape formed bylines o Surfaces: a five-sided Figurecasolid 廊gure *MOVEMENT ON .ICE .11.-[G] a Pattern or series of moveIments performed on ice

[IE be/become afigure of 'fun to be/become sb that other people laugh at cut a ..: 'figure (of a person) to

have a particular appearance: He cuUt Q striking 万gure 识 Pis white dinner jacket put afigure on sth to say the exact Price Or DUmber of sth 一more atFACT 四VE/必

> BEIMPORTANT T [v] ~ (as sth) (in/among sth) to be Part of a process, situation, etc, especially an important Part FEATURE: The guestior of the Peace Settlementis Tikely to figure prorninemttly im the talKS. My feelings Gaboutthe Tmatterdidmnitseemtto 疡gureatalL Sitdidmnotfigurehigh on Per Listofpriorites. C Do Tstill figure 训 yoUr Dans2 “THINK/DECIDE 2 (njformalj) to think or decide that sth will happen or is true: [v (that)] I hisgured (thab) 太Ttook the might traim -TI could be in Scotiand By morning. 2 We 太gured the sensible thing to do was to waik 2 [VN] Thats whatTIfigured. [alsovwh-] >* CALCULATE 3 [VN] (NAmB) to calculate an amount or the cost of sth: We 记gured the attendamnce at 150000. IE goO figure (NAmE injormal used to saythatyou do not understand the reason for sth,or that yoU do not wantto give an explanation for sth because you think 过 is'obvious: People are more aware of the risks of smoking PoWadays butmmore yoUTig Wornerm afe SmLOKing 如 ar eye Gofigure! 计/thatfigurestusedto saythatsth was expect-

under a particular name: to _access/CcopyYXcreateXdeLete/downloadvsavye afile ecEyery file on the sarme disK must have a different narme. 一see also PDF 3 ~ (on sb)a file and the information 让 ,contains, for example about a particular person or subject: secretpolice files c to haye/ Operi/jkeep aconfidentialfile on sheyZour application W 记 ~be Keptorjfile (=inafie,tobeusedlater). Police have reopened the file (= have started collecting information again) om the 7missing girL 4 a metal tool with a rough surface for cutting or shaping hard substances or for making them smooth 一Picture 吃 TOOL 一see also NAIL FILE 5 aline ofpeople orthings, one behind'the other: They setoff 训 filebehindthe teacher IE (in) single'file(also old-joshioned (injindianfile (ip) oneline,onebehind the other: Theyrmade teir way 识 SingleHilealong the cl六path. @yerb:T [VN] ~ sth (away) to putand keep documents, etc. in a particular place and in a particular order so thatyou can find thems,easily; to puta document into a file: The Jorms should be filed alphabetically Tiled the letters away 识 Qdrawer epPlease file 牙 识Tny Research file. 也 一

(for sth) (/ow) to Present sth so that it can be officially recorded and dealtwith: [V] to hilefordivorcec [VN] tofilea claim/complaint/petition/iawsuit [also vV to _inf

3 [VN] (ofajournalist) to send a Teport or a Story to yOUT employer 4 [v + adyvVprep]to walkipaline ofpeople, one after the other in a particular direction: The doors of 妇 e mlseurm opened and the yisitors begantojfilein. 5 [VN]

一 sth (away/down, etc.) to cut or shapeisth or make sth smooth using afile: to 记 Ieyour naiks

file calbinetmou5 (NAmB) 三 FILING CABINET Tile clerknovn (NAmE) = FILING CLERK file.name/'tarnemy/ noun(computing)aname giventoa comptter file 也 order to identify 让

ed or seems logical: Johm:called in sick That 廊gures he Wasn 蕊feeling Wellyesterday ”ec (disapproving) She was Iate agair Yes, that 万gures. figure on sth | figure on (sb/sth) doing sthto Plan sth or to do sth; to expect sth (to happen) PLAN ON: Thadm 世 记gured om getting

下iletnoun (NAmE) = FILLET 下 训.ia1 /frliel/ ad/ [usually before noun] (jorma/hconnected

jhorme 50 late,figure sb/sth 一'out 1 tothink about sb/

fili:bus-ter /frbAsteCD)A 太nouwn (especially NAmE) a long

sth Until you Understand thermvy放



coOUIGrti 广gure her OULE [十 wh-] Tcant 记gure out how to do tnhis、 2 to calculate an amount or the cost of sth WORK OUT: [上+ wh-] Haye you figured outjow mac the 厅 记 w 记 cost2

fig.ured /人gad; NAmE 'frgjard/ adj- [only before noun] (techmicaojl decorated with asSmiall pattern: 记gured Pottery

作 g.Ure-head /frgehed; NAmE -gjarh-/ noun

站 a person

whois in ahigh position in a country or an organization butwho has no realpowerorauthority 2 alarge wooden statue, usually representing a woman; that used to be fixed tothe front end ofa ship

有 gure of eight(BrE) (NAmE ,figure 'eighb 7Oun (以 figures of eight figure eight9 a Pattern Or movement thatlooks like the shape ofthe number 8

figureof 'speechnoun(p/ figures ofspeech aword or phrase Used in adifferent way from its Usual meaning in order to create aparticular mental picture or effect

figure-skatingnoun [U] atype ofIcE sSKATING in which you cut patterns in the ice and dojumpsand spins 一com-

Pare SPEED SKATING fg:Urime /garim; NAmE,fgjarim/ moun asmall Statue ofaperson or an animaltused as a decorative object

fila-ment/Slamant/ noun T athin wirein aLIGHTBULB that produces light when electricity is passed through 让 2 (especially technmical) along thin piece of sth that looks like athread: glass/metal Iamemts 而

fil.jpert /lbat;,NAmE -bsrt/ moum (especialy NAm 日 三 HAZELNUT

和 iclh /ftf/ verb [VN] (mnforma/) to steal sth, especially sth small or notVery valuable


下刘人 oO- /faa/ noun, vemb MOUm 了 abox or folded piece of card for keeping loose papers together and in order: a box 放le Astack of files aywaited me om Tmy desKk. 一Picture cC STATIONERY 2 a collection of information stored together in a computer

b bad

| ddid

| ffall

| gget


| jyes

with the way children behave towards their parents: 记L- , ial affection/duty Speech made ip a parliament iorder to delay a vote 从 iibusterve尼 [V]

条 什 ree 攻 /frzgri/ noun [U] delicate decoration made from gold of Silver Wire filin 加/tanrmy/ oovn T [OU] the act of Putting docuIments,, letters,etc: into a



file 2 [四 (especally earring collar NAmB something that is Placed in an official record: abamk7ruptcy 太 iing 3 Tilimgs[pl.] Very small pieces of metal, made when alarger piece of metal is filed: iron 万Iimgs

filins cabinet(BrE) (NAmE file cabineb 2ovm:a piece of office furniture with deep drawers for storingf8iles

人 im 豆 clerk (Br 日(NAmE file clerlg novn aperson Whose job is to FILE letters,etc. and do general office tasks

Fi:iipino /frpimeo; NAmE-noo/ moun, ad 上 0OUm (PP/ -09 人 [Ga-person-from the Philippines 2 [U] thelanguage of the Philippines 到Gdj. connected with the Philippines,its people or their ljanguage

条 有 O-R /fy verb, mown 田 VE/乡 >MAKEIFULL T ~ (sth) (with sth) to make sth full of sth; to become full of sth: [VN] to 记 1La Phole with earth/a paucKet Withwateroto Fillayacuurmyvyoid ecPlease7illthis glassjor me. C Theschooli filled to capacity coSmoke filled the Toom- CThe wind 济lled the sails. ADisney 记Im can aways

Jill cinermas (='attract alotofpeopleito see it).o [VN:ADj] 有 Lapar ha fllofwater ec[V]Theroom wasfFilling quic瑟 IO RHereyes suddenly illed with tears Witp Wind.

| kcat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

oOThesails filleda

| ppen


~BLOCK HOLE 之 [VN]toblockahole with a substance: THe crack 识 the Wall had been 记illed with Plaster CTmeed to jaye bwo tee 妨 lled (=,to have FILLINGSs put in them). (jiguratve)j The Droductjhas illed a gap 识 态e market “WITH FEELING 3 [VN] ~ sb (with sth) to make sb have a Strong feeling: We Were all 户1ed with admiration Jor jis achieyermmemts. >“ WITH SMELLSOUND/LIGHT 4 [VN] ~ sth (with sth) 这 a Smell Sound or light fills a place, it if very strong, lotd orbright and easytonotice *=-FILLED 号 (in adjectives) full of the thing mentioned: a SmiOKe-filled7Toomie Gum 记 ledday *人 ANEED 各 [VN] to stop people fom contintiing toWant or Deed sth:QWMore muUFseries Will be Duilt io 1l te meed Jor Pigh-quality childicare. *JOB 7-[VN]:to doajob, have arole or Position, etc:: Fe 所 5 the post satisfactorily (= performs his duties Well).


丛 WyY /Gaii/ pouni(p/zies ) a young female hor 一compare se COLT, MARE 区让mm 0O-m /fam/noun, vemb 四 11OU1 >MOVING PICTURES 了 [G] (especaly Br6) (NAmE usually movie ) a series of moving Pictures recorded with sound that tells a story shown on televisicn of at the cinema/ Imovie theater: Iets go to 态e cipne 一there%a ma sood 太Im 07 幼 Week CTets stay 识andWwatchaFilm aphorrory aocurmnentary/ 友 ature filrm >》asilent Jilm (= one re-

corded withoiit sound) e am 识 iermatiorai 记Im estival e Q 7im creWwZ7ycriticydirectoFrZproducer c the Im VerSiort of the noyeloto makeAshoota Jilm 了 [U] (especialy Br 日 (ME usuallythe movies [pl.]) (BrE alsothe' cinema )the artorbusiness of makingfilms/movies: to Study 记m aid Dhotograpjy 避 坊e Pi iaus一 try compare CINEMA 弛 [U] moving pictures of real events Shown for e 乱 ample on television FOOTAGE: teleyisiom mneWs 万Imm

The teaTm meeds someone to 11 :the role of miamnager Yely S500n. 8 [VN] to appoint sb to a job: The yacamcy has aLready beem 记 11ed.


鸟 [VN] ~ sth (up) to use up a particular period of

time doing:sth: How do youv Tetired2


方1Lyour aay mnow

庚at youye

-10 [VN] ~ sb/yourself (up) (with sth) (njo 广

/mdj to make sb/yourself feel unable to eat any Inore: The Kids 广J1ed temselyes With snacks. ~AN ORDER 11 [VN] 计 sb fills an orderora PRESCRIPTION, they give the custamer what they have asked for 一See also UNFILLED II 介 员sb?s shoes/boots to do sb's job in an acceptable way when they are not there _more at BILL7. 人 中 in (for sb)ito do sb's job for a short time while they are not there fill -sth HAVE/MAKE. AVAILABLE

G_[VN] to have sth available so

that you can Use it: T Keep 7meaming to Write,DUE meyer

See11a to 广md (the) tme. CO How are We going to find 55000 Joracar2? *1N UNEXPECTED SITUATIONS 7 to discover sb/sth/your Self doing sth or iD a particular situation,especially When this is Unexpected: [VN] She woKke wpiamd /jund he 产 se 上 训 Qjhospitalbed. 2 [VN-ADI] We carme jiome and ound jazz asleeD om the sofo. co [VN -ingl] Tsudadenmnly found mmyselr

TUP7ig dowP 态e Street 2 [V (thatj] Twas disappointed to Jimda 妇 attpey pad Ieftalready.


8 [VN] (of things)j to arrive at sth naturally; to

Teach sth; Water 凤这 aways 广 nd its owm level. ce Most of 态e 7mnomney 放 nrds 记 Way to 态e people wpho mneed 让 2 Te

criticism junad is mark (= had the effect intended). >* 上 XIST/GROW 9 [VN] used to say that sth exists; grows, etc. SOmewWhere: THPese 轧oWers are Jound only 识 Afica. IDUELAind 坊 二style ofarcjiitecture all oyer 女e to rIN COURT 30 (jnmal)to make aparticular decision in a coOUrt case: [VN] Bow do you 话nd 纺 e accUused? c [VN-AD叶

The 7i77y jund jirm Suilb ec [V] The courtjfound Jovour

al founad


| army

说 her

(oldoshpioned, Br with free food and

| aomnow

| ersay

| sog8go (Br6



accommodation in addition to yotr wages find 和aut (with sb/sth) to look for and discover mistakes in sby/

sth; tolcomPlain aboutsbysth find your feet to become able to act independently and with confidence: 工 OPly 7ecentpy joined the irm so Tastill 放 nding rny 帮 et Find 访 识 your heart/yourself to do sth (iteramy) to .be ablexor Willing to,do sth: Cam you Himnd 让 识 your heartto Jorgive jher? e He couldn 和 万nd 让 训 Pirmse太tc 不 Estamyone again

find your voice/tiongue to be able to speak or express

youropinion 而nd your way (to .-- ) to discover the right Ioute (toaDiace):Thopeyou canm indyourway jhome. find You 这 sWay (to/into ,.. ) to come to a place:or a situation by chance or without intending to;_He eyeTttually Jound his Way 识 to acting. takesb as You fingd them to accept sb as they are without expecting them to behave in 一more asSpecial way or have Special qualitie s at BEARING,


findi for/againstsb [no pas-

sive] (low) to make a decision in favour ofyagainst sb in a coOUIt case: The jry found Jor 雪 e.defendanmt. 看md out (about sth/sb) | find 'out sth (about stm/sib)-to_ get some information abonut sth/sb by asking, reading,etc.: She aipeen seeing the boy Jora while butdidnt Want her Parents to nd ou Thayent Jounad anrything ouUEQabout PimXyet [+ wh-] Canyouind outwhattime thermneeting starts2 Co [二 that] We foumnd out Iater zhat we jad been at

the same School final sb 'outto discoverthat sb has done

sth wrong: Be had peem cheating te taxmaamn Dut 让 Was JeaTs pefore he Was jjou7ad ou 下 IOUm athing:Or person that has been found, especially one:that:is interesting, valuable or Useful: am importamt arcjiaeological find e Our new bpabysitter zs areal Find.

fincdier /faimds(D)/ movm aDersonwho findssthseeals0 VIEWFINDER IT

fnders Keepers

(Soyihng) (often tised

bychildren) anyone Who finds sth has arightto keep 让

fin de siecle /fa de 'sjekl/ odj (fom Fench) typical of theend ofthe 19th century, especially ofits art, literature and attitudes

find-ing /tamadrm/ noun 1 Tusually pl] information that is discovered as the result of research into sth: The


in8S of the cormrmissiom WwW记 :pe published today 2 (aow) a decision made bythe judge or JURY iniacourtcase

作 ime om

/farm/ adj ,ady, nouni verb

下 Qidlj.i(finerfin.est) =*VERYGOOD 了 [usually before noun] ofhigh quality; good: QGVe1y 广ne perforTmaTice OJimne clothes]wWinesAWworkrmanship aparticularty 万nie exaimple of Saxom architecture C Jin jas 7made a 太 ne job of the gardemn. people wjho enjoy the Jiner things 1 访 (=for example arb good food, etc.) He Tried to appeal to their 记 ner Jeelings (= feelings of duty, love, etc 下 was his finest hour (= most Successful period) as mamager of the Brglamd tearm. >VERYWEIE 之 (ofa person) in good health: 和全ow are you2” Jine thaPnks2OTWasjfeelingFine whemnTgotup 态 识g. 只 Dote at WELIL7



3 (also used as an exclam-

ation) usedtotell sb that an action, asuggestion ora deciSion is acceptable: 72 Ieayve this here, OK2 Wine ec ob Wants to riow 矿 jhe can comeitoo Thats 了 ine by me 4 used to Say you are satisfied with sth: Domi worry. ZU Speech Was fine. COZou 8o onWithoutmme. TILbe Fine. (CamnTgetyou another drink2 No thanks,Pm fine

(romc) This za fine (= terrible) mess were inl e (ronia) Zouvre afine ome to talKkl (= you are not in a position to crTiticize, give advice, etc.) =*ATTRACTIVE 5 [usually before noun] pleasing to look at: a Jine yieweafine-looking Woman c aine figure ofa7man *DELICATE

@ [usually before noun] attractive and delicate:

记 ne pome china 2 She has iherited her 7mothers Pine 大 atares (= asmall nose, mouth, etc.). *WEATHER 7 (especialy BrE)Dfightand notraining: a jimne dayeyvening CThope 让 StaysJinejorthe picnic. >VERYTHIN 8 very thin ornarrow:fimne blond hair ce afime 态 read C aprushn with a 太ne tp *DETAIE/DISTINCTIONS

See Or describe

-| oo go(MmE

| orboy

9 [usually before noun] difficult to

SUBTLE: YoUreallymneeadarmmnagripring

| ze near

| ea hair

| use pure

fime at

576 |

glass lo:appreciate all thefine detailL 2 Theres no need to Take such 让mne distinctions:e Theres afine TIirne between Iove and hate (= itis easyforone tobecomethe other). > WITH SMALLGRAINS 1O made of very small grains: 记ne sand CUse afHirierpiece ofsanidpaper to imishn.


[only before noun] that you have alot of re-

Spect for: He Was aine ma7 =“WORDS/SPEECHES 12. sounding important and impressive butunlikelyto have any effect: Bis speechn Was 所 1oF Jine wordas whicm mneantmnothing:

*METALS 了 3 (techmicafh) containing onlyaparticular metal and no other substancesthatreducethe quality:

[ET get sth down to afine'a


史 (njpmmaljtolearntodo

sth Well and efficiently: 7T spend so much brmne trayelling that TYye got packing down:to a fine at mot to put too fine'a point on 放 Used to emphasize sth that is expressed clearly'and directly, especially a criticism: Notto Put too jinieapointor 让Tthink you are Mying 一more at

CHANCE1., FETTLE; LINE 记 . addy (infommal) in a way that is acceptable or good enough: Keep going Like that-you7e doing 让ne. TPRigs Were going fine untl you showeduD. co That arrarmgemet Suits mefine.c(Br6AromeIettewil do mefirie(=Wwillbe enough for me). IE CUt it/things fine(iPpformah to leave yourselfjustenoughtime to do sth: 矿we aont leave 如Lafter IUmcp Wez pe cuttingityery 广ne.: 避 )OUm asum ofmoneythatmustbepaid as punishment for breaking alaw or rule: a parking Fine C Onders w 记 De

Liable to a heayvy Jine (= one that costs alot of money). She has already paid oyer 8%2000 这 廊nes. ge 几 上 -[often;passive] 一 ,sb (sth) (for.sth/for doing sth) to Imake sb pay:money as an_ official punishment: [VN] She Was 太 mned for speeding. CIVNN] The compamny Was 万ned &E20000jforpreachning safety regulatiors.

Jinger to Per1ips. 一See also BUTTERFINGERS, FOREFINGER,

GREEN FINGERS,INDEX FINGER,,LITTLE-FINGER。,MIDDLIE FINGERji RING' FINGER 了 -fingeredi(in adjectives)having the type'of fmgers mentioned; having or using the number of fngers mentioned: 1omg放 niSered C mimzple太mgered Sajourfingered chord 一 see also LIGHT-FINGERED 3 the ”part of a glove that covers the finger 4 ~ (of sth) along natrrow piece ofbread, cake, land, etc:: ainger of toast 了

chocolate: 丰rigers 一See also FISH FINGER [mr the' 个nmEer of sus'piciorifthe fingerofsuspicion points oris pointed at sb, they are Suspected ofhaving committed acrime, being Tesponsible for sth, etc. get; pull) etc.yOUr 'finger OutBrE,10jprmmnal)used totell sbtostartdoing some work ormaking aneffort: youregoingto hayeto PuUILYour 记mger OU 矿yOU WaTIt to pass 女 辐exa1m, give sb the 人 mnSer (NmE njormal) to raise your middle finger ip the air with the back part of your hand facing sb, done to be rude to Sb or to show:them that you' are angry have a 人nger in every "pie(imjmmaj) to be involvedin alot of different activities andhave influence:;Over them, especially whenrother:, People think .that :this is annoying have, etc. yoOur fingers.in.the till(BAE, imfommal/) to be Stealing money 人 om the Place where_you WorIk _have/ keep your finger on the-pulse' (of sth)to_ always be aware of the most recent developments in a particular Situation lay a finger on sb(usually used in negative Sentences) to touch sb with the intention ofhurting them physically: T mever 1aid a Hinger om her mot put yourfineer on sthtonot be able to identify what is-wrong or different about a particular Situation: There Was SO7mie妇 img odd about Firm putT couldmnt DuUt TY 态nger om 下 puUt/stick two fingers up at sb(BrE mnjmmahtoform the shape ofaV with the two fingers nearestyour thumb and raise yoUur hand in the air with the back part of 让 facing sb, done to be rude to them or to show them that youare angIy- -seealsoV-SIGN Workyourfingerstiothe boneto work very hard 一more at BURNVY,COUNT V, CROSS V) LIFTV,,POINTYV, SLIPV, SNAP V, STICKYZ THUMB


和 me airirovnIUl(also fine'art9 [pl]formsofart,espe-

ByVerb [VN] 了 to touch or 全 el sth with your satJinigering his beard saying nothing: 子 一 sb (as sth) (mnjormal, especially NAmEj to doing sth illegal and tell the police aboutit: Pirmn Jorthe purglaries?

cially painting, drawing and scCULPTURE, that are created to be beanutiful rather than Useful

Fine Gael/fina'gedl/ noun [sing.+ sing./pl.v]:the more conservative' of the two main' political parties in the Republic of Ireland

fingers: Gary 一sb(forsth) | accuse sb of Who 记ngered

人nger poard/'fngabo:d; NAmE'fiomngerboxrdy/ noun aflat

人ime-jy om /famli/ oadv

strip on the neck of a musical instrument such as.a GUTTAR'OT VIOLIN, against which the Strings are Pressed to Play different notes 二

Tinto very small grains OF pieces: 广nely chopped herbs 2 in:a'beautiful or imnpressive way: Q Jiriely 所 rmisheda roorm 3 in a Very delicate or exact way: a 放 nefy tuned eginie CThe match Was 矿nely balamnced 女rougjhott

finger bowipovm a small bowl of water for washing your fingers during ameal

fimne'mess /farmnas/ movun [U] 1 the qiiality of being made ofthin threads or lines very close together: 记 mnemess ofdetail 之 (technical) thequality of sth: 纺e记meness of 坊e gold

fimgerfoodnovn [u,C] pieces offoodthatyotucan easjly eat with your fingers

fim. ger-ing/fmgerrm/moumn iu,cGl the positions inwhich youputyour fingers when playing amusical instrument

the fine Printi?ovn [U] (NAmB =THE SMALL PRINT 从 m.ery/famaeri/ mouwn [uU] (onmali)brightly coloured and

fin.gerimark /foogema:k




[usually pl.] (especiay BrE) a mark made by a finger for example on aclean SUrface

elegant clothes and jewellery, especially those that are Worn foraspecial occasion

fi:messe/frmes/ 50O07, veE7b B@@I1OUm [U] great Skill im dealing with people or Situations, especially in.a dejicate way

作 m: 吾 e六mail/fn0gened; NAmE-9arn-/ moun thethin hard layer that covers the outer tip of each finger 一 picture 吃 BODY

BE1b [VN] (especially NAmE) 了 to deal with sth in away

im 豆er- 间 imtimgnrovm fu,c] a style ofpainting 这 which

that is cleverbut slightly dishonest: to inesse aaeal 2 to do sth with alot of skill or style

fine-tooth comlbalso

youtuse your fingers instead ofbrushes; apainting made Using this technique finm:gerprint /fogeprmt; NAmE -garp-/ moun a mark madebythepattern oflinesonthetip ofaperson's finger often Used by the police to identify criminals 一see also

fine-toothed 'comb novn a

COMB in which the Pointed parts are thin and Very close together IE go over/through sth with afine-tooth/ fine-toothed comlbto examine or search sth very carefully


fime-'tumever[VN] to makeverysmalLlchangestosth so that it is as good as it can possibly be

the Piactice of recording sb's fingerprintsi often used by the police to identify criminals 一see also DNA FINGER-


1mOUM [U]: TPRhe systemm issetup DuEiEmeeds Some 记 mne-tuning.

人 mm.多 er 0 /fgaGr)/ ou Ver aoOu1 T one ofthe fourlongthin parts that stick out from the hand (or five, if the thumbiis included): She ram her Jingers 切rough her hair coold the material between 万mnSer aid thurmp: ec Fe was about to speak but she raised wa



| ffal

| gget

| hat


fin.Serprintverb [VN]

和im. 名 er: Print:im 名/0gaprmtm; NAmE-gerp-/ moun [U] PRINTING,,GENETIC FINGERPRINTING 他 m: 写@ 六 让六 /fgetmp; NAmE-gart/:moun [usually pl.] the end EUEDT tion, ation

| kecat

of the finger that is furthest from .the hand have sth atyour fingertipsto have'the informaknowledge, etc. that is needed in a particular situand' be able to find it easily and use it quickly

| lleg

| mman

| manow

| ppen

| :rred

toyour fingertips (BrE) in everyway: Shes aperfectiomistto her ngertips.

人 mial /imisl/ nown 1 (orchitecture) a decorative part at

the top of a ioof wall; etc, 了 a decorative part that fits on the end ofa curtain pole

fim'icky /Bomzrki/ ad 1 (disopprovinsg) too worried abonut What

you eatb Wear etc.; disliking Iany things FUSSY: da jinicky eater 2 needing great care and

attention to detail


牙 sayery Hinicky job.

Tim:imgs /farmamz/ noun [pl.] (techmicoh aisubstance used for making beer or wine clear

人 im-ish om /fmry/verb, noun 目 yE/几 站 to stop doing sth or making sth becauseitis comPlete: [VN] Haventyou7inished your homework yet? o She Jinishedlaw schoollastyear CabeauHFullyfinished piece of 记 rnitureeHeputtheinishing touches to his painting (三 did the things that made it complete). c [v :ing] Be QgUietl



人 mite /tamart/ ad 1 having a definite limit or fixed Size: Q finite mnUmDper ofpossibilities The Worlds resources are imite,[GDD INFINITE 了 (8rom/mar) a 人inite verb form oO clause shows a patrticular tense, PERSON and NUMBER: 71, 和5, are, as and yere are the finite Jorms of 了 e: Deing,arid Jeem are the nion-finite forms、[Eag NON-


作 mkK /fa0k/ nowp (formah especiajjy NAmB) an unpleasant Person 条 mmam /inan/ (also finnan 'haddock) moun [uc a type of smoksda iiADDocK (= atype of fish) fiord = 三FTORD fir /fsa:GD/ (also fir tree) Own an EVERGREEN forest tree With leaves like needles,that grows iD cool northern

了 He hasTitimished speaking. C [V]Tthoughtyouia neverimcotntries ishy! [also V speech] 2 to come to an end; to bring sth to 玫 rrCOme (BrE) (also cone NAmE Br moun the hard fruit amend: [V] The Play 放 nisPhed at 了JI0.30. CThe symphony 广mof the fir tree 一Picture cy CONE isjhes with ajlourish. c [VN] Acupofcoffeefinishedthermmeal 首iiFre 0 /faroGoD/ moun ye屿 Perfectb 3 [VN] ~ sth (offrup) to eat, drink or use what 四 7O01 remains of sth: Fe 万mished o太 jis drimnk with one Iarge Su1D. We might as Wellfinishn up tuecake. 4 tobein aparticu>sSTH BURNING 站 [U] thef 人ames;, light and heat, and often lar state or Dosition at the end of a race or a competition': Smoke, that are Produced when sth burns: Most ariirmals [V:ADj] She Was delighted to imnish second The dollar 廊mzhed the day SIighiy dowr ce[V] Fe Jimiished 12 seconds

Outside the World record

5 [VN] ~ sb (off) (pformaoh to

make sb soitired or'impatient thatrthey cannot do any imore: CIirmzDing 态aEjaill realy 万nishea meo太 OA Lecture 三om 7ny paremnts now Would justJimnisF me. 有 mish sb/sthe'off:(/pDformal) todestroy sb/sth, especially sb/: sth that is badly injured or damaged: The hunmter moved

toJinisjh tje amirmal o太 finish sthe'off to do the last part of sth; to make sth endby doing one lastthing: Treed QGbout at PhOUF to 广 mnisj o 矿 t 切is report 和 They finished o 矿

态e show With one of their mmost Jormous songs,finish up .-。 (BrE) to be 迈 a particular state or at a particular Place after a series of events: [十 AD 中] 矿you7e mot care 所 ii

yoU could finish up seriously 记 inish with sb 1T(Br to end arelationship with sb: She fimnished with Per boyfriend IastWeeK. 了 to stop dealing with a person: He到 regret he eyer Said 这 oFice Tve Jinished with Pi Tinish with sth 1 to no longer need to use sth: WPen youYyve 广nished with the booK, can Tsee it? 了 (BrE niormal) to stop doing sth:

Tve finished with garmpbling: 和inish (up) with sth to have sth at the end: We had a 记ve-course Lumch and Finished UP With coffee and mmints. coTD Fnish With weL Listen to aew SO7185. 卓 OU7T [Cusually sing.] the last part or the end of sth: a Gramiatic Fnish to the race 人 下 Was a close finisP as hey jad predicted. 2 They wo 训 切 eend Dutiwasa ftight 说nm1 有 LO The story Was a 1ie 刘 om start to fimisi ceTwantto see the job trough to 纺e finish. 一See also PHOTO FINISH 2 [CU]jthe last covering of paint, polish, etc. that is put onto the surface of sth; the condition of the surface: a SIoss/ATmnatt Finmishn 2 放 rniture ayailable in a ramge oF 亡mzjhes 3 [CU] the final details that are added to sth to Iake it complete: THhe pows will give a jerminine imish to the curtains. IT See FIGHTY

全 mishedl om /fmzrrt/ ad .全 [notbefore noun] ~ (with sb/sth) no longer doing sth or dealing with sb/sth: Twonmntzbe Finished for anotherjhour 2 TotFnrispead with youyet 了 2 [not before noun] no longer powerful,effective or able to contintie: 矿 the newWs-

Papers Firid oub jhes 万miished 识 Politics C Their miarriage Was Hinished 3 [usually before noun] fully completed, especiallyin aparticular way: the finished productar 记 icle ca peautifuly inished su

fin:ish:ery/fmnrfeaG)/ novnapersonor an animalthat finishes a race, etc.

Tim:ish:insiine'(BrE) (NmE finish line) 0ovn the line across asSports tracko etc:thatmarksthe end ofarace: The two horses crossed the finishing LIine together

fin'ish:ins school "ovn a private school where young womenifrom rich families are taught how to behave ip fashionable society

S see

| ttea

| Vivan

| 允 wet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

are afraid of 放e. 2 [U,C] flames that are out of control and destroybuildings, trees, etc.: The car Was now or fire. CThe Warehouse hias beemtbadly darmasgea by 万re. Several youths had set Fire to the police car (= had madeit'start burning).eA candle had set the curtains on Fire e These

态 atched roo帮 广equently cqatch Fire (= start to burn). Jorestjfires c Five people died ia house Firelastmight cA 511al1 Fire had started 识 切 eKitchem Fires were preaking OUE eyeTyWpere.2 下 took bwo hours to Put out the fire (三

Stop 让 burning) *FOR HEATING/COOKING 3 [C〇 apile ofburningfuel, such as Wood or coal used for cooking food orheating a room: to TaKkeADuila a 让re ce alogAcoal firec Sam had Tita Jire to welcome W5 home. 2 Comme and getWaimi By the 廊re. C We sat i 帮ont of aroaring 访re. 一see also BONEFIRE, CAMPFIRE 4 [cl;(especially BrE) apiece of equipment for heating a room: Qa Sas/electricjfire c ShalLTPDuEthe 万re 07m2 一See also HEATER. r*FROMIGUNS 5 [U] shots from guns: Q .purst of mmachine-

SunFirecto returnm fire(= tofire back at sb whois shoot识g atyou) ce The gumrmenopened fire on (= started shooting at) the police. 2 Their vehicle camme Unader fire (= was being shot at). 2 He ordered his men to mnold their fire (=

notto shootj.

4Ayoung Sirlwas 训 the Line of fire (三 be-

tween the person shooting and what he/she was shooting at). >*ANGER/ENTHUSIASM 6 [U] very strong emotion, especially anger or enthusiasm: Her eyes were 所 1 or 放 re. IE be/come' under 'fire to be criticized severely for sth you have done: The health 7minister has come Under Jire 太om all siades. hang/hold fire to delayorbe delayed in taking action: ThePprojectjhad hung Hirejforseveralyears Jor Iack of junds. on fire giving you a painful burning feeling: Fe couldm't breathe. Fis chest' Was on Hire,play With 'fire to act in a way:that is not sensible and take dangerous Tisks 一more at BALLM.,BAPTISM,DRAW YV, FIGHT V,FRYING PAN,HOUSE 由,IRON 岂,SMOKE 帮 , WORLD 下 VE/沪

*SHOOT 人 ~ (sth) (atsby/sth) |~ (sth) (into sth) |~ (on sb/ sth) to shoot bullets ffom a gun: [V] The officer ordered his Ten to 广re. 2 Soldiers 万red ol 轨e crowd, ee [VN] the SUTL into 妨e ai C They ran away as 50o7L as Shot Was 矿red. .CO Missiles were fired at the enermy gun) to shoot bullets out: [V] We heard the sound

He fired he First

2 (ofa of guns

Jiring. 2 [VN] Astarters pistol fires only blIanks. 3 [VN] to

shoot an arrow; She 记red ar arrow atthe target * FROM JOB 4[VN] to force sb to leave their job SACK: We had to Jire hirm jr dishonesty c She got Jred 万om jher jirst job. C He was responsible for hiring

ar7ad Firing sta矿 * MAKE SB ENTHUSIASTIC 5 [VN] ~ sb (with sth) to make sb feel very excited abonut sth or interested in sth: THhe talk

| 5yvision

| tchan

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0Dsing

fire alarrn

578 | 作 Fre: 训 Pht /farefart; NAmE farerf/nowm (techmicol) abatte where guns are tsed, involving soldiers or the Police

jhad firedjher with enthusiasmjor theproject ecHis imaginatior jhad beert 太 red bpy:the 记17m。

条 Fe-figlhnt:er /tarefarteG); NAmE :farerf-/ noun a person Whose job is to Put out fires 一See also FIREMAN -世 和 reE-

有Ehtin 有 0ovn [U]: 放refighting equipment/yvehicles “OF ENGINE 6@6 [V] when an engine fires,an electrieal SPARK is produced thatmakes the fuelburn and' the en- ~ 人fire-fYV /tareflarz; NAmE farerf/ ovm (P/ -ies) (NmE also 省 二 Ptming 力us)a 丘ying insect with a taijl that shines 训 gine startto worK the dark *-FIRED 7 (in-adjectives):using the fuel-mentioned- 也 order to operate: gas-fired central heating *CLAY OBJECTS B [VN] to heat a CLAY object to make 让 hard and strong: to fire pottery eto jirebricks 识 Q in

[IE fire 'questions,insujts, etc. atsbtoasksbalotof

人iire:EUard /faregadd; NmE faiergdTd/ (NAmEalso Fre screen)mouametalframethatisputin 人rontofafirein aroom to prevent people from burning themselves

人re 有 ose moun a long tube that is used for difecting

questions one after another or make a lot of comments Very quickly: THPe roofm was 包 1 of journalisgs all firing qUestio7s at thermm. 一more at CYLINDER 省rera'way (njormal) used to tell sb to begin to speak or ask a question: Tye got Q few questiorls ”OK themu ire away” ffire sthoff 1 toshootabullet from a gun: They 说red ofra yolley of shot. 了 2 to write or say sth to sb very quickly, often When you are angry: He Hired ofr a letter of comPlaint 2 She Spent an hour Hirimng of einails to al co7-

ilire 内 ydrami. (also hy:drant) 00001.a Pipe in the street

cerned. fire sb 二 "up to make sb excited or interested 这 sth: Shes all 放 red UP about her new jop. fire stheup

从 Fe: 用人ht:er /farelarte(rD); NAmE faierl- 人 (BrE) (NA7TE

(njormal) to start a machine, piece of equipment com-

Water onto fires ire-hoOuse /farehaus; NAmE 'farerh-/ mouwn (US) a FIRE STATION 雇 asmall town :

through Which water can be senttsing aPUMPin orderto Put out fires or to clean the streets

玫ire- 玫 ht 吾 /tarelart; NAmE'farerl-/ ouwm EUJthelight that comes from afire inaroom 本iire-starter) OU

[CU] ablock of material that btrns

Puter pPIogram, etc.: We meed to 广re UDP one of 妇e gete 六 ators. 2 _Tet me jire LUD_ another Window (= on the

comptuter Screen). 、 攻 ire alarm noun:abellior other device that gives people

easily and isused to help startacoal or wood fire 人 ie 有 me 5ov7 (NAmB .astrip of land that has been cleared 记 order to stop a fire from Spreading 一see also EIREBREAK

warning ofa firein abuilding: Who setofrthe 太 re alarm?

fire-mmam' /tarmaen;-NAmE farermen/: novn-(PL =men

全Fe-armi /fareradmmny NmE arm人 now7 (ormnah sa gun that can be carried: The DOLice Were 让SUedWitim 万rear7mns: fire:bai /fareboll; NAmE farerb-/pnoum a brightball of fire, especially one at the centre of an exXplosion

作re-ball-er /faisbo:laG); NAmmE farerb-/ .noun (im BASEBALL) a PITCHER who throws the ball very fast

/man/)a personi ustally a man, whose :jobiis to put out

fires 一see also FIREFIGHTER cnDote at GENDER fire-place /farepleIs; NAmE faierp:/7oU1 an Opeii space forafireinthewalliofatoom


二 mantelpiece (B/ 昌

mantel (NA 月

fire.-bomb-/tarebom; NAmE :farerbam/-.nounia bomb that makes a fire start burming after'iit explodes


bompb verb[VN] fire-bramnd /farebrand; NAmE:farerb-/ mon a person Who is,always encouraging other people to take strong political action, often catising trouble

fire.bpreak /farebreik; NAmE 'farerb-/ mouwrrathing that

fire surround

stopsa fire from spreading, for example a special dooror astrip of land in aforestthat hasbeenieleared oftrees 二 See also FIRE LINE


fire.Dprick /farebrik; NA7mE farer-/ moun [U,G] (iechpico1 brick which is not destroyed byVery strong heat' an indiVidual block of this

fire brigade (also 'fire service) (both BrE) (NAmE fire department) 701 [C+sing./pl.:] an organization of People:who are trained and employed to put out fires and to Iescue people from fires; the people who belong to this organization: to call out the.fire prigade c The 万re Drigade Were there 训 7mninutes. fire-bus /tarebag; NAmE'farer-/nouw7(informala person Who 和 aateln Starts;fires 人re-Cracker /taiekraekeG); NAmE faiSrK/ Hownsa Small FIREWORK that explodes With alotud mioise

Tire de-partmaent 57007 [usually sing.] (NAmB BRIGADE

三 FiRE

Tire door own aheavydoorthatis used to preventa fire 位om spreading in abuilding

人 re drill (BrE also'fire practice)movn [CU] apracticeof Whatpeople mtst doin ordertoescape safely 人 om afire 了 abuilding 迄 fire-eater oun anentertainer Who pretendsito aat fire

fire engine (NmE also fire trucik) 00Vn a Special Ve-

hicle that cartries equipment for fighting large fires Tire es-cape /ov1 metal stairs or a LADDER on the outside of a building, which people can use to escape from a fire 一Picture c> PAGE RI6

fire extinguisher (also exrtin-guish.er)moun'a metal container with Water or chemicals inside for putting out Small fires


coal scuttle

fire-pOwer /farepaoe(0D); NAmE 'farerp-/ noun [U] the number and size of guns that am army a ship) etc. Has avVailable: (jgurative)The cofmpanyhas enormous 廊naricial 记 repowWer

人iire Practice On


fire-Proof /farepruf NAmE 'farerp:/ adj._able to resist great heat Without burning or being badly damaged: a 思 reproofdoorc aireproofdish (= -that can be heated ip an oven)

ire-raiser ouU0:(BrE) aperson who starts a fire deliberz ately fire-raising 1OUm [U] ARSONIST fire-retardiamnt /fare rrtaddent;:NAmE farer Tritaxrd:/ (also 'fiamme:retardant) adj/- [usually before noun] that makes a fire burn more slowly fire sale movmnasale'of goods atlow prices becatise they have been damaged by'a fire or because they cannot be stored after a fire

acat | cd father | eten | sa: bird | ae about | rsit | isee | imany | o got:(BrE) | ;os saw | Acup | sput | utoo

Tire Screen noun Ti(NAmE) 三 IFIKREGUARD .ZNa scieen

often decorative, that is put in front of an open fire in a

IOom to Protect people from the heat or from SPARKS; Or tohide 让 When it is notlit

fire service moun [usually sing](B7E) = FIRE BRIGADE fire'side /faresard; NAmE'farers-/ noun [usually sing.] the part of aroom beside the fire: Sitting by the fireside

帮 re starter noun (NAm 昌 = FIRELIGHTER fire:starter /faiestaxtetmD; NAmE farerstazrteCr)/ moun (NAJ 月站adevicethat allowsyotuto start a firenusually by hitting a piece ofFLINT (= ahard greystone) againsta

Piece:of steel 了

三 :FIRELIGHTER 3 3a person who com-


of ,deliberately







ARSONIST fire station movm abuilding for a FIRE BRIGADE Or FIRE DEPARTMENT and its equipment


/tarestomm; NAmE-:farerstoxrm/:noun a Very

largefire,usuallystartedbybombs,thatisnotunder control and is madeworsebythe winds thatit causes

firetrap nounabuiidingthatwouldbasverydangerots 让 a fire started there, especially because it wouldba difficult for people to escape

人 re truck movm(NAI 朋 三FIRE ENGINE 人iire-Wall /farswo:l; NAmE arerw-/ moun (compuytimng) a Part of a coOmputer System that is designed to PreVent people from getting at information without authority bnut still allows them to ieceive information that is sent to them


/faiewartaGD); NAmE aor/ n5O073[U (OUDOF

malh strong alcoholic drink fire-wood /faiewod; MAmE farerwaa/ 7hou7 癌 ] wood that has been cut into pieces tojbe tised:for burning 这 fires


/farewas:k;:NAmE:farerwazrk/ -noum 下 [Ga

Small,deviceicontaining powder that'burns or explodes and pioduces bright coloured lights and loud noises, Used especially at celebrations: (BrE) to Iet of a few. 亡reWoTKs C (NAmE) to set o 太 Fa fw ieworks Ca 记 reworkfs) display 2fireworks [pl.] a display of fireworks: When do the 万reworks start? 3fireworks [pl] (normaj) Strong Or angIy words; exciting actions: There了ETpe 广7reWOTKSs WPpem he 万mnds OUVt/

人iir-in多 /farerrm/ novun 1 [U] the action of firing guns: There Was -conitinuous 矿 ring 雪 roughout 态e Pig有 了 山,G] (especially Nmp the action of forcing sb to leave their job: ,teacpers _protesting against theisFiring of-a colLeaSsuUeC ShesSresponlsible forthe Pirings amd Frimgs,

firimng 和ine orrbeinthe

人iFingline (BrB(NAmE

beonmthe firinglline) Ttobe: 了 Da position where you calibe shot at 2 tobein'a position where"Dpeople can ciiticize OF blame you: THhe employrment secretary bUmd 帮i772sSe 矿训 切e 广 Fimng Limne Over recentjob cuts.

firings squad

7ovn [CHsing./pl, wuU] a group of soldiers

Who areorderedto shootand kill sbwhois found guiltyof acrime: He Was executed py (a) Firing squad

人 六 Kim /em

NA7mE 全:zrkmy/ nouwn (old use) 1a small

BARRELI (= aroundcontainer with flatends),Uusedmainly for lidquids, butter orfish 2.aunitfor measuringvolume, equal to about 41 litres

全 rim


/fm; NAmEfarin/ noun, adj ,advy ye屿

四 IOU1 a btsiness Or company: a7r engimneering 记 ra of accouTtants


目 0cdlj. firmier;firm:-est)Tifairlyhard;noteasytoPpress into adifferent shape: Q 记 77m ped[Tmattresse These peaches are St人1万. CC BaKke 弛 e caKkes UPEI 雪 ey are 万 to the touc 几

之 not likely to change: a 说rm Deliever n socialism Ca Jirma agreemert/adateAdecisiomnofferprormmnise efirm Peiefs/comclusioms/comyictiomns/Pprinciples 2 She:1 ad Jirnma favourite with the children ee We haye no Firrm eviGenmce to SuUPport 女 e'case: S They remained 让rm 方iertds. 3 Strongly fixed in Dlace SECURE:-9tamnd the 万SP tamk om Q 记rmz pase-C No Duilding ca staridWwithout 记rm Jundatiomnrs amdimneither ca7ua 77arriage: 弘 (of sb's voice orhand movements)strongand steady: oshe 7epeated, jeryoice 矿rmer this tme. With afirm Srip onTnYy hana,


| army


| rerisay

| -ao8go (Br



he Pulled me away ee Her handshake Was cool amd Hirrm. S (of sb's behaviour Position or understanding of sth) Strong andiin control: to exercise irma co7itrolIAdiscpTirieXieadership c Parernits 7nUst be Firm with their chiL aren. C The compary mnow has a Firrm footinrg 训 the TarKketplace. CO This book w记 give your Students ia Firm STasD of Eriglish gram7mar c We need lo Keep airrmagr 历

omthesituation G@6 [usually before noun]

一 (against sth) (of

acotntrys moneyetc.)notlower than another: The euro Termained 万r7m againstthe aollap putfellagainstte yen. 一 Seeialso FIRMIY > 有 rmness 7OU7[U] IEI be on 人 rm ground to be 授 a strong Dosition in an argument, etc. because yoUknow the facts: Byeryorieiagreed With me 50 TKnewTWas on 万rm Sround afirm 'hand strong control or discipline: Those chaildren mneed airm Fand to7mnake

妇emmabehaye' take aifirm line/stand (on/against sth) to makeyourbeliefs known and to trytoimake othersfollow them: We need to taKke a 记 rrmm lineom tobacco adyertisimg They tookaHirrmm stand against drugs 识 雪 eschool 旧 0dv IE hold 人 rm (to sth) (如rma1) to believezsth Strongly and noti change yoUur mind: Sjhe jheld irrmn to her

PDFiriciples. stand fast/'firm torefuse to move'back; to refuse to change yYOUrOPpinions 日 VE 由 个 [VN] to make sth become strofigeror harder: Firmm

hesoilarotyid thepIant 2 ThisDproductclaimis to 广rm YOU

Dody 识 SPpeWeeks. 2 [V] ~ (to/at.…) (Jrnanee) (of shares, Prices,etc.) to_ become steady OF rise steadily::Ra7iKS 5jiares irimed 3D to 696D. 前rrm "up -to become harder oOF imore Solid: Put 态e mixture somewjiere cool to 万 F7 ULD. 有 rm up sth -Ttomake arrangements more final and fxed: The coPmpamy has7motyetPirmmedupits plars 大FexpahisiomC The Drecise detail still hayve to be 启rmed zp:. 2 tomake'sth harder ormore solid: 4 大 w weeKs of aeropics Wi 让rrmm up thatjiabby stofmach.





moun the

firmament [sing.] (oldiwse or Witeroy)jthe sky: (Jigurative) QTFisingstar in teliterary 廊rrmament

firmn:1y 0

/famli; NAmE

究:rm-/ ady

in astrong or definite way: Tcan7mamnasge ”she said 太rm CESnow 训 7mlyestaplished as one of the Ieading prands 记 the country 2 Keep Your eyes 启rmmly fixed on the road ahead.

firm-ware /包 mweasGD); NAmE 人 :rmwer/ noun [U] (comPuUting)atypeofcomputersoftwarethatis storedin such a waythatit cannotbechanged or lost

人 rs世 0 /fa:st; NAmEfa:rst/ det, ordinalnumbepn adv, 1OU1 卓 get ordinal numbper Thappening or coming beforeall other siimilar things'orpeople; lst: jz 万rstw 谍 下 Was 态 e 广FSt 丰 me they:jhaaeyer meE TadiadntaKkethe rsEDU5. SStudents 而 雪 eir 记 Styear atcollegse oO yoU7 rstinmDresSio1l5S She7yesoyed to do 让 号the 7irst (= earliestjoppo产 LUPIGLSRKingEdwardT(= saidasingEdwardtheEirse)e the 放iirstofMayAMay Iste Hissecondbookis petter thanm his Jirst 2 the most important Or best: Your 万rstidauty zs to yourjformnib 2 She won firstprize 识 切e competition 2 am tissue of the first Importarce [ET there?s a firsttimeTor

eVerything (S2Yng, huU/morovs) the fact that sth has not happened before does not mean that it will never hapPen 一more atORDER/i 四 0dy. 1 before anyone or anything else; at the beginning: Doyowwantadarink2 771LPnaishn myWork Frst2c FrstThad

to daeciae what to Wear 2 Wjho came rst 训 the race (三 Who won)2e 开 Diunged nose 帮 rst into the river 2 forthe firsttime: When did you first7mmeet him2 3 Used to introduce the first of a list of points you want to make in a Speech or piece of writing FIRSTLY: This 7method has bwo adayanmntages: 记 rstitits cheaperandseconaittzs quic太 er 4 used to emphasizethat you are determinedinotto

do sth: She swore 态 at she Woulanit apologize 一sheid die JFirstlIErI at'first ator inrthebeginning:TdidmntLike the Job7machn atirsE SALEHrstTthougRht he Was shy DuEthemT Giscoyvered je Wasyjust7iotinterested 训 otherpeople. (SO 六 ing) JFat firstyou aontsucceed ty ty again Enote'at FIRSTLY COme' first: to berconsidered,more important

:ou go:(MmE)

| or boy

上 Inear

| ea hair

| ue pure

first' aid

580 |

(inBritain) connected with letters, packages;etc:that are delivered most quickly or that cost more to send: Firstclass mail[Post/Ppostage/starmaps 4 [only before nou站 ] Used to describe a University degree of'the highest class from 人 a British university: She Was awarded a jirst-class deSree in English.

than anything else: ::amy decisiom she makess7ier 如 rmmiy aways comes 态rst ifirstiand 'foremostimore than anything else: He does aittle teaching but 廊rstamd Jorermost jhesawriter 前rstand 'lastin every waythat is imnportant; COmPletely: She regarded jherself First and Iast as a ~ 人 rst costmoum: [CU] (economics) = PRIME cosT(1)

7mUsician first comei ifirst'served (Soying) people will be dealt with, seen, etc. strictlyin the order 职which they aiTive: Tickets are available om a 太 st comme; rst served Dasis,first of "all .1 before doing anything else; at the beginning: Firstofaz Iet7mmeaskyousomething 2 asthe Imost important thing: The comtent of apny':article:meeds, Jirst ofall to pe releyantto 轨ereader cnote at FIRSTLY

rst off (pommajrespecially Br before anything else: 有 rsto 太 1ets see how 7mnuch it cost ;有rstyup(B7E 让 r /mal) to start with; before anything else ,put sb/sth ' 和 rst to consider sb/sth to be more important than, anyoney/ anything else: She alwaysPuts her children 万rsE 一more at

FEOOTm.; HEAD .SAFETY 昌0OUm 下 he 作rst[C] (Pthefirsbthe firstperson orthing Imentioned; the first person or thing to do a particular thing: TWas the 放rst 训 -Toy fomipy to go to college. CSheila amdyJim Were tejfirstto arTive-OTabe the firstto adrmit

(= I will most willingly admit) Tzmight pe wrong e The JstTheard aboutthewedding (= thefirsttimeIbecame awareiof it) was WhenTsaw 牙 识t切 elocaLpaper 了 [Cusually sing] an _achievement event,etc.,never ,done or eXperienced before: We Wemntiomn a cruise, a 万rsE Jor bot

of us; 3 (also ,first'geanD [U] the lowest gear on a car, bicycle, etc. thatyou use when you are' moving slowly: Fe

Stuck thecarilfirstand reved 4:[G ~ 人inisth)thehighest level of university degree at British universities: She

Sot aJirst 训 maths at Exeter 一compare;SECOND, THIRD IE ifirstiamong'equalsthe-person or thing.with the highest status in a group from the (very) 'firstfrom the beginning: They Were attracted to each other 广om the 万rs from ,first to 'last from beginning to end; duiring the Whole time: Jsa jinie perormnamnce 雪 at comy7manadsiatten友om 方om 记 rstto 1ast

,first aidnovn [U] simple medical treatmentthat is given

to sb before a doctor comes or'.before the person can be taken to ahospital: to give Jirstaid 2a 疝 StEaid course

first "COusinmoun =.coUsIN(T) ifirst-day' covernoun aspecially printed envelope with astamp thathasaPOsTMARK With thedatethatstamps of that design were first sold

first degree7ov1n (espe5a1y Br 有 am acadeiiicqtalific寺 tion given by a university of college; for exaimple a BA or BSc, that is given to sb who does not already have a de: gree im that subject: WPat Was your Jirst degree 训 ? oO to Study 8eography atFirstdegree leyel

first-dle'greecd/ [onlybefore noun] 了 (especialy NA 月 一 murder assault; robbery, etc. murder etc:ofthe most Serious kind 之 ~ burnsburnsofthejleast serious ofthree kinds, affecting onlythe sturface ofthe skin 一compare sE-


first ,daowmnovn (in AMERICAN FOOTBALLI) Tithe firstof a Series of four DOWNS (= chances to imove the ball for Wardtenyards) 2 the chanceto startanew series of four DOWNS becatse youT team has succeeded in going for ward ten yards

first e ditiom novn one'of the copies ofabookthat was produced the firsttime the book was Printed

,first- everadi [only before noun] neverhavinghappened OT been eXperienced before: Pis 广rsteyeryisittoIordone 态e帮 rst-eyer WOmta7 Vice-presidemt

the ,first family movn [singd]ithefamilyof the President of the UnitedStates

,全rst 全mgermovn: 王 INDEXFINGER ,人rst 人 Oor(dusualy thefirstfloon hown [sing]

1(BP 朋

the level of a bilding above the grotnd level: Menswear

匡 on 纺 e 万rstjioor 也 (NAPm月= GROUND FLOOR

请 first-

floor ad [only before noun]: a FirstcioorJiatapartmeiit

cnote at FLOOR first-,foot ver [VN] to be the first person to enter sb;s

,人rst aidernovn(BrE) apersonwho istrained to give first

house in the New Year. First-footing is a Scottish custom.

the ,FirstA'mendmentnovn the statementin theUSs

firstfruit7mouvn [usually pl.] the first result of sbzs work or

Constitution that Protects freedom ofspeech and religion and the right to meet in peaceful groups

和rstigeme'ration noun [sing] T 旋oplewhoThaveletft


first balconynovn (NAmE) = DRESS CIRCLE first basemoun (in BAsEBALL)the first ofthe BAsEs that Players must touch: He didntt 7make 让 Dast:jirst base.

IE notSetto firstbase (with sth/sb) (思 友 rpmaj especg 必 NAmE) to fail to make a successful startin a Droject, Telationshipy etc:; to failito getthrough the firststage :


/万:stbozp;i NAmE


7DUn215 友

如 shioned) apersonm's first child 户 帮rstibporm5di [Onlybefore nounm] :heir 记 rs 雪0Fm 5O7 人iirst' class7mouvn, adv

悍0OUD [U] 全 the best and most expensive Seats or accommodation on atrain, Plane or ship: There 六 more roo7m 访

Jirstclass. 2 (in Britain) the class of mail thatis delivered Imost quickly: Firstclass cost 7more. 3 (Ethe US)the class

of miail that is used for letters 4-the highest standard of degree given bya British university 上0dy. 了 using thebestand mostexpensive seats Or accoinmodation in atrain,: Plane or ship: io tayel Jrst class 2 (imBritain) bythe quickestform ofmail: Tsent 坊e PacKageirstclass on Monaday 3 (了迄theUS)bytheclassofmail that is used for letters


1T[usually before noun],in the best group;

of ,the highest _standard EXCELEENT: Q' 记rstclass TOYelO airstclass Writere The carWwas 训 jirstclasscomndition. CTKnowaplace Where thiejoodis Jirstclass: 了 [only before noun] connected with the bestand most expensive Way of travelling on atrain, Plane or ship: 记rstclass rail trayelC arstclass caDimn[Seatticket:3 [only before nounj]


站 ddidi


:|:9 get

| hhat


戎 ,first-footer0oun


their counttyto go andlive 识anewcotntry thechildren ofithese People 2 the first typeof a machine'tobe de Veloped: .the 万rst Semerationm of .Dersonmal COTTLPUters ifirst-gene'ration 0d1.: 万rstgeneratiom Caribbpeans 访 the UK 祝.入

first- hand cd [only before noun] obtainad of exXDerienced:yourself: to .have 态rsthamnd' experienee of Poyverb 一 compare SECOND-HAND ,first-handodv:toexperience Doyverty 万rst-hamd

first: ladynour [usually sing]. Tthe First Lady (in the US) the wife of the President-2.(NAmB) the'wife of'the leader of a state 3 thewomamn who is thoughttobe the best ip a particular profession, sport etc:: 切eJirstiadyoF COUTLGY TUsSic

,全rst language moun the language that you'learn to Speak first as a child; the language that you SPpeak best: Js jirstlanguage is Welshs 一compare SECOND LANGUAGE

人 rst ieu'tenant7om 1 an officer in the may With

Tesponsibility for managing a ship,etc. 2Z an officer 过 the US army and AIR FORCE just below theiankofa captain 3 (Unformal/) apersonwhaisthenextmost important to sb

,rst 用 glhtwovn FU] the time when light first appears 训 tbhe morning

DAWN, DAYBREAK: We Left at Firstlight

全 rst.ly /estli;:NAmE erst-/ adv useditointroduce the

first of'a jist'of poinits you wanttoimake 也 a Speech or Piece of wiiting: There are two Teasons for this decision: Jirstly:

k cati|


| Imaman | :nnow_

| pipen

| rred



省irstly*first of all at first 可 Firstlyand first(of al are used to introduce: aseries of facts, reasons, opinions, etc.: The brochureis divided

ntiotwosections dealing jirstiy wih basic courses and、

secondy Withp adyamced onmes, Ps is more common in -BrEthan in NAmE 了 四 Atfirstis used to 让 aboutthesituation atthe 3 beginning of a period oftime, iespecially when you are comparing it with a differentsituation ata later period Maggiehadseemnhim ee evemy 7 0 到st Now she

sw him much 人ess

First "mate (also first 'officer) novn the officer on a commercial ship justbelowthe rank of captain Or MASTER

first mminister(also ,First'Minister) novn theleaderof theruling Political partyin some regions or countries, for example in Scotland

人 rstmame (also'given name especiallyin NA 六 月mon aname that was given to you when yot were born, that comes before your familyname: Bis 记 rst7iame Tom anda Jis SUTTame 1 Greefmi C Please give al YoUr 广rst Tiarmes. 和 (BrE) to pe om Firstmamte termas with sb (三 tocallthemby their first name as a sign of a friendly informal relation-

ship) ec(MAmB) zi be on afirst-mname basis

First Natiomns "ovn [pl:] (ConB the Aboriginal peoples of Canada, not including the Inuit or Metis

first might 2ovn 1 the first public performance of a Play flm/movie, etc. 2 (NAm昌 a public celebration of NEW YEAR'S EVE

first offender "oun a Person who has been found guilty of a crime for the first time

,first'officer noun 三 世IRST MATE first-,past-the-'post xd [only before noun] (of a system of elections) in which only the person who gets the miost Votes is _elected 一compare PROPORTIONAL REPRE-


thne first'person moun [sing.] 1 (gromman asetofpronouns and Verib forms Used by a speaket:to refer to himselforherself orto agroup including himselforherself: 了 am 让 所 e 广rst Persom Singular of the Present tennse of the VeTD to pe 人 用 Ye We:aTad 0s7are 放rstPersot 了ProrOuns, 子 awayofwriting anovel, etc. as 这 one ofthe characters itelling the storyUsing the word /: amovel written inthe


,人rst Primciples ovn [pl.] the basic ideas on whbich a theory System or method is based : 工 坏训K We Should go Dack to 万rstPFrimnciples.

和 rst-'rate adj .of the highest quality


First-rate Swinerc The food here 5 absolutelyrstrate.

rst re'fusal 7ov7 [U] (BrE) the 在ght to decide whether to accept Or refuse sth before it is offered to others: 多 记 yoOUgiye ne 三rsErefusal on 雪e ca 太 yoU decide io sellit?

有rst school 2ovn (in Britain) a school for children between the agesof5 and8or9

用 rst ,sergeamntmovn anofficer ofmiddle rank inthe US arrmy

,人rst Strilke ou7 am attack on an enemy made before they attack yoU

'作iirst-time ad. [onlybefore noun] doing or experiencing sth for the first time: jhouvses 名rr记 rsttirme puUyers CQ co7mPuter Progra1m designed:jor 记 Frst6me Users

,俐rst-'timnmer OU7 a Person who does sth for the 位 st time: com 大 7eace 放 75 夺 在 mLerS

First yyVOmld 7ov5 [sing.] the fich industrial cotntries of the world 一compare THE THIRD WORLD

作 irtlh /fs:6; NAmE fs:rb/ moun (especially 识 Scottish place names) anarrow strip ofthe seathatruns along wayinto the land, or a part of a Tiver where 让 flows into the sea: the Moray Firth etheFirthoFclyde

fis'cal /fskl/ odj connected with government or public Ioney,,especially taxes: JFiscal Policies/reformis cally adv 一see also PROCURATOR FISCAL

> fis-

fiscal'year moun (NAmE) = FINANGCIALYEAR fishh 0

/各 JWnoun, ve证

昌mOUN (pfish or fishes)

DIEGO Fish is the usual plural

form. The older form, 人ishes, can be used to refer to di ferent kinds of fish. 1 [cl a creature that lives in water, breathes throtgh GILLS,and uses FINS and a tail for Swimming: They cauSghtseyeral 广She tropicaLAmmarineX

万esfiiaterfishn sshoals (= groups)offishncafFishntarnkZ Pomda There are about30000 species of fish in theworld. ec The list of eridamngered species includes nearly 600 太shes. ish stocks 总 the Balic are 识 decline. 一picture 忆 PAGE


室 [U] the flesh of fish eaten as food:


Zen/STmoked/fresh fish c Fish pie [Emma fish out of "wateraperson who feels uncomfortable or awkwardbecatuse he or She is in surroundings that are not familiar have bigger/other fish to 'fry to have:more important or more interesting things to do neither fish nor fowl neither one thingnor anotheran odd/a queer 'fish (ol/djshioned,,BrE) aperson who is slightly strange OF crazy there are plenty more fish in the 'sea there are imany other people or things that are as good as the one sb has failed to get 一more at BiGad1/ ,COLD ddj/,DIFFERENT,, DRINKV, SHOOTY 目 YE 几 下 [IV] 一 (forsth)totryto catch fish with ahook, nets, etc.;: Youcarmshish jjortroutEin this stream. CThe trawieryWwas shing o 矿 theicoastof Iceland 了 [V] gofishingto spend time fishing for pleasure: Lets go ishing thx weekend. 3 [VN]totrytocatch fish in the areaofwater mentioned: They Hished the 1och jor salmom 4 [V +adyvprep]ito Search for sth, using yourhands: She Aished around 训 her Dasg jorherFKeys. shifor sth to tryto get sthy orto find out sth, although you arePretending notto: 记sh 克 广complimenitsNimformatonm ,人sh sth/sb 一out (of sth) to take or pull sth/sb out of a place: SHe isjied a piece of Paper out of thepile om her desk ec They fisheda a dead body OUtof the river

从sh and 'chips movn [U] a dish of fish that has Deen fried iD BATTER SerVved With CHIPS/FRIES,amd Usually bought in :the place Where iihas been cooked and eaten athome, etc., especially in Britain: Three portions of 放5h aitd chips Pleasereafish and chnipshop

fish.bowi /位 fbaol; NAmE-boal/ noun 三 GOLDFISH BOWL ish.cakKe / 右Jkerzk/ own (especially Br月 pieces of fish Iixed with MASHED potato made into aflatround shape, covered With BREADCRUMBS and fried

fish-erman /Jamaen; NMAmE

立Jermen/ moun (P/ -men

/maen/) a person who catches fish, either as ajob or as a Sport 一compare ANGLER




Jer-/ nouwn


:women /wmanain/)awoman who catches fish; either as a jobior as a sporf-=eompare ANGLER

fishery /fari/ movn (P1 -ies) Tapartofthe sea or a Tiver where fish are caught in large quantities: Qa herring Jishery C coastal[ 太eshwater fisheries 2 = FEISH FARM QtIrout Hishery

fish.eye lens /fjar lenz/ noun a camera LENS Witt a wide angle that gives the View a cuIrved shape

Tishh farmm (also 人 sh.ery) ov

a Place Where fish are

bred as abusiness

,人slh 人 imger(BrE) (NAmE ,而sh 'stick) ov along narrow Piece of fish covered with .BREADPCRUMBS OT BATTER, USU-

ally frozen and sold 识 packs

the' First World 'War(alsoiWorld War ') moun' [sing:]

' 作sh hookwoun asharp metalhookforcatching fish, that

the warthatiwasifought'mainly in Europe between 1914

hasapoint which curves backwardsto makeitdifficult to pull out 一picture c> HOOK

and 1918


| titea

| wyvan

| wzwet| 2zooz|

了 shoes

| 5vision

| tchain

| dsjam

上 ethin

| 5this

| Dising




4 [VN] toputorfixzsthsomewhere:

They 记 tted a smoke alar7ma to 坊 e ceilinng. CTPe roofmns Were all 放 tted With smoke alarrms, 瑟 [+advVprep] to putor join sth ip the right place: [V] 7T7Pe glass fits om top of the 用8 如 如 rmalid SPow ao 太 ese to par5 ittogetnher2o [VN] We fitted togetpherthe pieces of the DuUZZIe.

fisih-im 多 0 /人 Joovn[u] the Sport'or business:of catching 人 sh: Theyoften goJisjin8. 9 deep-sea isjiing caishingpoatcyishing 5rounds C_ Weenjoyed a daysHisjhing Dy tneriyer *AGREE/MATCH

人 sinmsJine

5ov7rcCUjalongthiead with asharp ook

attached, that isused forcatching 8 sh 有


(alsorod )(NAmEalsdfishingpole )5ou7p a

long wooden or plastic stick with a fishing line and hooK attached, that is Used for catching fish

和shinmg tackle

7novm TU equipment tsed for catchiag


人 si Kmnife 72ovn aknife with abroadbiade and withouta Sharp edge, Used for eating fish 人


/frjmAngeaGD)/ nouni(especialy Br Ta

Person Whose job is to sell fish in arshop .2fish-monsees: (plfishimon:gers))ashopthat'sells fish


/fymnet/mrovn [uatypeofaiothimadeofthreads

that produce a pattermn of small holes like a net: 记 Sriet StocKimgs

fishh slice (Br (NAm 必patuia ) 0Ooun a Kitchen UTENSIL that has a broad flat.blade with_narrow holes D 让 attachedto alonghandle,used forturning and lifting food When cooking 一picture 此 KITCHEN

,和sh stick :moun (NAmE):= FISH'EINGER fisfh:tai /frftea/ ve必 [V] 让 avehicle 在shtails the Dack end slides from side to side



/warvz/) (disapprov

mg) a woman with a loud voice and bsd manners

fishy ffTipczsfishiiersfishies6)1


yoUu SUspicious:becaitise it seems' dishonestISE

CIOUs: Theres Something 亡shy goimg:Ohere sh: Whats 坊 o 起 亢sj Sielz2 or tasting like ai 有


2 smelling

fis-sile /frsan; NAmE fsl adj (Physics) capable ofnmuclear FISSION: 广Ssile material1

人 ssionm /人 fn/ noun [1

(alsonuclear'fission ) (phjys-

/Cs) the act or process of splitting the NUCLEUS (= central part).of an atom,, when a large amotnt of energy is released 一compare FUSION 2;(biology) the division of cells ipto new cells as amethod ofreproducing'ceells 3 (chemistry) the breaking ofa chemical BoND between two atomas

fis-sure /人 faGD/ooun (lechnrcaj) along deep crack in sth, especiallyin rock or in the earthe fissured ad fist /fist/ owna hand whemn it'is tightly:closediwithithe fingers bentintothe PALM::He pmnched me Withn jis Jistioc She clertched her ists to stop hersei 杂emBling OPDe Sot into aistfight 总 妇e par 一see also HAM-FISTED, TIGHT= FISTED [rm make a better good, poor,etc. fist of sth (B/E old-josjhioned, 力 反rmaj to make a good,, bad, etc. attemptto do sth 一more atIRONad1/ MONEY

人 st.ful /fistfol/ movn a number or an amotnt of sth that can be held in afist:a 记 st



/frstrkafs/ noun [pl] (old-oshroned or pumor

0Us) afightin which people hit each other with their FrsTs


/人stjiola; NAmE,frstjele/ noun (medica1) anopen-

“@ (nottised in the progressive tenses) to

agree With, imatch Or be suitable'for sth;:to make sth do

this: [V] Sormmetpipng does7itt quite it 7ierel S Fis pictures domnit i 总to:anmy category CIVN] The 名 cts certainyy 友t your 态eo13. 2 The Punmishrmentoughtto Pitthe crime- CTWe Shoula FitthePpunisjirmentto thecrirme:




一 sb/sth (for sth):(es5ecialy BrE) to

make sb/sth suitable for a particular job: [VN, VN to inf] 瑟s exXperieice 三tted jima perfectty 有 rt 切 ejob. e 矶 isexzper elce itted Pirm to do the JoD. 一see also FITTEDTTI fit (sb) like a glove tobethe Perfect Size or shape for sb二 more




,CAP 刀 ,

| 二;it sby

sth in/into sth Ttofind timetosee sbortodo sth:77 try amndHityoz in apertunchn erThnad 如 万 Etemnappoimntmaents intolomne 7norning:: 卫 to find orhave enough space for sb/ sth 训 aplace: We ca7m世 三 太 any Tore chnairs.fit'in (with sb/sth)- to live, work etc, in an easyand natural way with Sb/sth: Fesmeyerdaorie 坊 好typeofiwork before; Tiniotsure 有ROW je 到 大 识 With the otherpeople. 2 Where doTfitinpe Do 妨 ese Plans jif 六 Withn yoOur arramgemerits2 it sb/ sthSUITABLE

之 一 for sb/sth-|

UNEF 订 只 Tote

一 tordo sth suitable; of the

Tight quality;>with the right qualities or skills:777Me Jood Was Tot 太 FJor jarmarconsurpptiom 下 Was a7meaI7it Jor

akirg'(= ofVverygoodqualityjase ZUcarisntfittobe On

太 eiroadlS The cjiildreriseemzto:tii大7 全 oO7ipy 万 Efor coo 玉 ingiand Washinglc Bes soamngry hes tmao 记itstate to5SeEe

ayone S (onmnal) This z mot a it place fjor yoritolie. GE _UNFIT 多 *READY 也 全 todosth(BrE ipformal readyor likelyto do sth extreme: They wOFked Unitil they were fitto drop (= So

tired that they were likely to fall down)j. S TYye eatef so TUCRT7 记 EtO DuUrSE SShe WasTIaughing it to Durst (全 Very mtcb). >ATTRACTIVE 和 (BrEVJO1fommal) sexually attractive IE (as) ;fitasa'fiddle (njommal)inverygood physical conditiorsee/think fit (to do sth) (如rmahhito consider 放 Tight or acceptable to do sth; to decide or choose to do

Sth: 如 mustdo asyou 切iKjit( 三butTdomtagree With

your decision). e The mewspaper did nofsee iEto DUBPLIES ing between two organs of the bodyi;orbetween an Organ myietter(= andIcriticize it forthat and the skin, that would not normally exist,caused by: 一more ). at SURVIVAL 下 11OU1 ipjury, disease, etc. >*ILLNESS 1 [dasudden attack of an jllness; such:as'EPI俐 记 :Om /ft/ verbaaj noun LEPSY, in Which sb becomes Unconscious and thei body 目 Veb fitting 和 it-ted itted ) (NAmE Usuallyfitting it fit maymake violent movementsER3 coNVULsION: to jaye exXcept in the passive) GTLepileptic 太 EC EEeFFits aremo 友 Controlled Dy drugs: > RIGHT

SIZE/TYPE 人 (notlised in theprogressivetenses)jto “OF COUGHINGILAUGHTER 2 [GO asudden short Period of be the right shape and size for sb/sth: [v] Ttried 坊e dres5s coughing or of latighing,that yo cannot control OPL DLL 让 Giant 记E 2 Thatjacket Pitswel ca close放tti7ig BOUT: Qit of cousghing,eHe had us al im Pits (OF dresse [VN]Tcani find clothes to fitrme. The Key doesm站 Iaughtem) with his jokes. Jitthe Iock. 忆 [usually 二:zdvwVprep]to baofthe ITight ”OF STRONG FEELING ,3 [C] ashort period of Very Strong Size type Or DuUmber to go Somewhere: TaLTKe to hayveaz feeling: to actin aiFofamngerZrage/ temperDiguwesee desK 识 切e roormm PUE 让 WoPEt 记 FEAL the KidsWw 这 7 坊e also HISSY FIT pack of thecar:3:[VN] [often'passive] 一 sbi(for sthjitoput >OF CLOTHING 汉 :[CU]i(often with an adjectivaejrthe way clothes onsb andmakethemtherightsize and Shape:z7 that' sthy especially aspiece of clothing, fits:i asgood goingto pejitted Jormywedding dresstoday bpadXclose/perfectFit

aicat | u father | eten | sa bird | ea abouti| isit | issee | imany | o got (Br6)

as saw | Arcup | usputi| utoo


S [q ~ (between A and B) the way'that two

things match each other or are suitable for each other: JWemeed to WoFk Outthe bestJit between the stafrrequired anad the sta 太available.

[IE by/in ,fits and 'starts frequently starting and stop-

pingagain;not continuously: Because ofothercommrmitments Tcamn only WriteTnybook 训 记 ksamd starts, have/throw a fit

(njformaj to be very shocked, upset or angry: Your mother

Would hayeafitirshe knewyouad been drinkingl

人iu /St ad happening only for short periods; not contintuous or regular: a 记 bfulmights sleep fitfuly Artfeli/ aodv:tosleep Fibrely fit:miemnt /ftment/ moun [usually pl.] (BrE,techniica1h a Piece of furnitture or equipment,especially one that is made for and fixed in aparticular Place fit:mess /frtnes/ noun [U] 1Tthe state ofbeing physically healthy and strong: a 7magazine om health and 广ines5 Ca Jitness instructor/class/testcahighi leveloFphysical 7itTess 了 一 for sth/to'do sth the state of being suitable or good enough for sth: He comnyinced us of his fitness for the tasjc There Were aoubts about her 广iiess to hold office:

itmess Cemtire (BrE) (NAmE fitness center) 1OU1 a Place where peopleigorto do physical exercise in order to stay or become healthy and fit

和 ited /Etrd/ ad T [only before moun] (especioly Br(of furniture) built to be fixed into a particular ,space BUILT-IN: 让 tted wardrobes/cupboards 2 [only be-

fore noun] (especially BrE) (of a room)-with matching cupboards and other furniture bnuilt for the space and fixed in Place: afitted Kitcherbedroom 3 [only before noun] (of clothes) made to.follow the shape of the body: a fitted

Jacket [ga LOOSE 4 ~fortosth |~to dosth (especajy BrE) suitable; with the right qtialities and skills: She was Well fitted to the role of fragic heroine. 瑟 一 with sth havipg sth as equipment: Insuramce costs Will be Feduced jpor Jouses 放 tted with widow 1IocKs:

fitted 'carpetnou (BrE) acarpetthatis cut and fixedto cover the floor of a room completely 一see also wALL-TOWALL CARPET fit-ter /frteC)/ movn 1 a person whose job is to Put together or repair equipment: a gas itter 2 aperson whose job is to cut and fit clothes or carpets, etc.

攻 让-timg

钙 (jormal suitable or right for the occasion APPROPRIATE: T71ie award was a Fitting tribute to Peryears ofdaeyoted work. CAJittingendato 轨emealwouid pe aglass of port 开放 itting 态at 坊e mnew cefitre for Zropea1l studies Should be 识 G Uniyersiby that teaches eye European Iaftguage. 辽 -fittin (ip adjectives) havingaparticular FIT: a 如gjht记ttimng dress 上 71OU1 了 [usually pl.] a small part on a piece of equipment or furniture: LIigjt 记 tmn8s CQGPine cUDboard with brass 三 二 nm8s 之 [usually pl.] (BrE) items 识 ahouse stch as a cooKem lights or shelvesthat are usually fixed butthat you can take with you when you move to a new house 一comPpare FIXTURE 3 an oOccasion when you try on a piece of clothiDgthatis being made for youto see ifit fits

ittingroom (NmEalso'dressing room) 0041 aroom

Or CUBICLE in a shop/store where you can put on clothes to see how they look

(= groups ofthiree or five). 2 We moyed to America When Wasjfive(= fiveyears old).C Shallwerneetatfive(= atfive oOiclock),then? 一See also _HIGH FIVE give sp five (informal)tohit the inside of sbxs hand with your hand as a Way of saying hello or to celebrate a _Victory: Give me ve| 一more at NINE

人ve-and-'dime (also'dime store)mouni(old-joshioned, NAmE) a shopystore that sells a range'of cheap goods

| army

| aoinow

, 俐Veca-'side' ou

[uU] (BrE) a game of football (soccER)

Played indoors with five players on each team

five:fold /farvfeold; NMmEfould/ adj ,adv 人 -OoLD

five osclocke 'shaclow "oun [sing.] (Dormal) the dark

colour that appears on a man's chin and face when the

hair has grown alittle during the day

,看ve ,pemce (also five pemce'piecei 5p) Own'aBritish coin worth five pence: Haye yougotayfive pemce?

全vet /farvaGD)/ nouwn (informai) T (BrE)E5 or afive-pound Dote: Can you lend me afiver? 了 (NAmE old-Josjhcned) $5 or a five-dojiar bill fives /farvz/ noun [U] a game played especially ip British PUBLIC SCHOOLS ip Which players hit a ball with their handoraBAT against the walls of a COURT five-spice ov [U] a powder which is a mixture of five Spices, Used in Chinese cooking five-star0dj. [usually before noun] 1 having five starsina System that meastres quality., Five stars Usually Tepresents the highest quality: a ive-star jhotel 了 (NAmE) having the highest military rank,and wearing a Uniform Which has five stars on it: a ive-star gemeral

全光-0-训 /fiks/ yerbynoun 四 VE/吃 “ATTACH 了 [VN]:(especially BrB) to put sth firmly in a place sothat 让 will not move: to 万 Cashelftio thewalctoFixa Post 训 te8rounde (Jigurative)Je moted eyery detailso as to 记x thescene in his rmind. *ARRANGE 之 [VN] to decide on a date; atime; an amount, etc. for sth SET: Fas the date of the nextTmeeting beem Jixked? ce TheyjJixed the rentatE100 a Week Their prices arejfixeaduntiltheendoftheyear(=Wwillnot changebefore

then) 3 ~ sth (up) (for sbj to arrange or organize sth: [VN] IEJix ameetirig.

7ouhavetoFxyvisiks upinradyarice

Witp 切 e museumm e (normnai Dopntworry 7 fix iiWith Sarah. co [Vto inf] PyeJixedup (oruws) to goto the theatre TIexXt WeeK. >* POSITION/TIME 和 [VN] to discover or say the exact pos让on, time, etc. of sth: We cam 记x thesh 训 SexactDos 让 OF at the tmte the 广re broke oU

号 ~sth (forsb) |~ sb sth (especia 必 NAm 日

to Provide or Prepare sth, especiallyfood: [VNN, VN] CamT Jixkyouadrink2S CanTHFxcadadrinkjoryou2c TIvN] IT Pix

SUDDer * 民EPAIR @ [VN] to repair or correct sth: The car Won并 start 一CamYOU 万 x让 2?CTYe Fixed the problermm r HAIR/FACE 7 [VN]:(especaly NAmB to make sth such as your hair;or face neat and attractive:; TI Pix 7my jhair amd themn TI be ready. z , =“RESULT [VN] [often passive] (ipjormah to arrangethe re' Sult of sth in awaythat is nothonest or fair: 77zz sure the Trace Was 帮xed.


9 [VN] (Unformal) to punish sb who has harmed

you and stop them doing you any more harm: Domt Worry 一771记x Firm *IN _PHOTOGRAPHY 10 [VN] (technical/) to treat film for cameras, etc. With a chemical so that the colours do not change or become less bright

上 ANIMAL 11 [YN (NMmE5 nirmal)to make an animalunable to have.young by means of an Operation 一see also

/farv/ muUmnber

5: THhere are oily 三ve cookies left. 2 ive of Sweden's top 矿na7zcial experts TEL people Were inyited but only five turned UDP. C Do yo hayve change for five dollars2 2 afive7month contract2IOok atpage Five. CFive and four is mine. CThree 太ves are 放 fteemnr Tcamntreadyour Writing 一 妆这 7meantto peajfiye227The pulbs areplanted 识 太 rees or 记ves


人 ij


/人tm/ ad moun

下 0dlj.

作 We 0


| "ersay

| saug8go (Br


于 fix sb with a 'loolko 'stare, ,gaze, etc: to look dir

ectly at sb for a long time: He 广xed her With an angry

stare. 一more at AINIT

fix on sb/sth to choose sb/

Sth: Theyye 记xed ol Parts 虽 their homneymOoomn. fix sth on

sby/sth [often passive] 这 your eyes or your mind are 人ixed on sth, you arelookingatorthinking about sth with great attention fiX sth 二 up to repair decorate of make sth ready: TheyjHixed UP the house before 轨 ey7moyed ifixsp "up (with sb) (informal)toarrangeforsbtohaveameeting WwWlth sbwho mightbecome aboyfriend or girlfriend fixsb PP(with sth) (njormal) to arrange for sb to have sth; to Provide sb with sth: 7 人7记xyouuP With aplaceto stay.

四 1OU11 rsSOLUTION | ou go(Mm 有

[ICG (normal) asolution to a problem, espe| ofboy

站 renear

| eehair

| uepure


584 |

cially an easy or temporary one: There is mo quick fixyjor the steel industry:

*DRUG 字 [sing.] (njormal) an amountofsth thatyouneed and want frequently, especially an ilegal drug such as HEROIN: to getyourself afixzcTmneed aixofFcoffee beforeT ca jace the day, “DIFFICULT _SITUATION 3 [sing:] a- difficult situation

MESS: WeYye got ourselyes 训 afix abouvttnis. *ON POSITION 4:[sing.] the act offinding the position ofa ship or anaircraft: They7mamased to getaJFix om theyachts Dosi6oO7


5 [sing] (njformaoh an act of under-

standing sth: He tried to get a ix om the younmng 7manmsS 7mofives DuUEPejustcoularitunderstarad Pirm.

* DISHONEST RESULT @ [sing,] (njormaj) athing thatis dishonestly arranged; a tricK: Her promotion was a fix TPm SUrel fix:ated /frk'sertrdQ/ adj. [not before noun] ~ (on sb/sth) always thinking and talking abotit sby/sth in awaythat is notnormal

fxatiomn /fk'serfn/ nounT

[cl 一 (with/on sb/sth) avery

Strong interest in sb/sth, that is notnormal or natural: a Taother ixation 2 Fes got 纺二 广xatiom With cleanliness. 之 [U] (techmicaj) the process of a gas becoming solid: Pitrogen 太 xXatioP 从 Xa.Eive /frksetrv/ mouwn [CU] Tiasubstancethatisused to prevent colours or smells from changing Or becoming Weakerp for example ip photography, artorthe making'of PERFUME 字 a SUbstance that is Used to stick things togetherorKkeep things in Dosition 忆

人 Xedi om /fikst/ ad 1 staying the same; not changing or able to be changed: Jedpricescajfixed rate ofinterestcpeoplelivinsg on Fixed icomes 2 The money jhas peer inyested for a Jixed Period .一see also ABODE 2 (often disaopproving) (of ideas and Wishes) held very firmly; not easily changed: My par ents had fixed ideas abpout wjhatTshould becorme. 3 [only before noun] (of expressions on sb's face) not changing and not sincere: Fe greeted all jis guests with a fixed sfmile om his Joce [ET how are you,etc、 fixed (for sth)? (Unjormal) used to ask how much of sth a person has, or to ask abonuit arrangements: How areyoujixed forcash2o HEoware weixedjorsaturday (三 have we arrangedto do anything)2 fixed 'assets own [pl:] (business) land, buildings and equipment that are owned and used byacompany fixXed'costs:70wm [pl.](business)the coststhatabusiness mustpay that do notchange even 主 the amountiof work produced changes

fix:ed.IyY /fksrqli/ adv continuously without looking

away but often with no Teal interest: to stareXgaze Jix-

edly atspASt fixed-Tterm .ad [only before noun] a fixed-term con-

tracb etc: js one that only lasts for the agreed period of time

fixed-' wing ddj. [only before noun] used to describe aircraft with wings that remain in the same positiony rather than HELICOPTERS; etc,

fiXer /fkseGD/noun 让 (infonmal) aperson who airranges things for other people, sometimes dishonestly: a Sreat Political fixer 了 a chemical substance Used iD Photography to_ Prevent a photograph from changing and becoming too dark 前X.im 有 S_/frksIzmz/ ovn [pl.] (NAmB) = TRIMMINGS: jarmburser with all the fixirigs 下iX: 证y /人 kseti/ noun [U] (ormaj) the quality of being firm andnotchanging 人 XiEUYe /人kstfaGD/ noun 1 (BrE) asports event that has beemn arranged to take place on aparticular date and ata Particular place: a7i anmual fixture c Saturdays Hixture against TiVeTDooLS t妇e 5easorns icture 1 2 (especially BrE) a thing such as a bath/ BATHTUB or a toilet that is fixed in ahouse and that you do nottake with youwhen


| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hnhat

| jyes

you move house: The price of the jhouse icludes ixtures aad Fittings. CO(jigwurabyve)e hasstayed with usso Iong he See115 to jaye becorme G DermaarneTtt ixture. 一compare FITTING 作逐了 /frz/ ve 办, moun ”Ye [V] when a liquid fizzes,it produces alot ofbubbles and makesa long sound like an'S: Charmmpagne Was 方zzimng 记 碎 eg8lass.C (jgurative)jEestartedto jizzwithn entpnusiasrm Cguraotive) Share Drices are 太zzing. 目 0OU1 了 [U,sing.] the small bubblesofgasin aliquid: (jgWU1rativejThere is plenty of 放zz amd sparkle 识 the show (Jigurotive) The Jizz has gone ou of the market 2 [u,sing.] the sound that is made bybubbles of gas in a liquid, or a sound similar to this: the 万zz of a fireworK 3 [U] (BrE 7mfornal) a drink that has a lot of bubbles of gasi especially CHAMPAGNE 第有 已上 /za(GrD/ Own (AUstralE,NZE ipjormah a faiture: The party Wasa fizzer

下ijz.zle:/frzl/ 逐 ve [V] when sthi especiallysth thatisburn记 8; 和 zzles, it makes'a:sound like ailong 4


fizzle'out (njormalj)to graduallybecomeless suc-

cessful and end in a disappointing way

作有zy /frzi/ ad/ (BrE) (ofadrink) havingbubbles ofgasip 让 SPARKLING: 记zzy drinjcs [aaa STILL fjord (alsofiord )/人5:d; NArmmE 区 ord/novun along narrow

Strip ,of sea between high cLIFFs, especially in Norway disapprovingj soft loose

介 alb /所aeb/ mouw7 [Un fieshzon apersonsbody

介 ab:bergast-edi

/zebagazstida; NAmE 下 zebargaestid/

dd/ [not usually before noun] (jjormai extremely sur prised and/or shocked ASTONISHED 和ablby:/ 血abi/ adi. (pformah disapproving) Thaving soft, looseflesh; fat: jiabbpy>thighs 字 weak; with no strength or force: ajlapbygrip eajHapbyargurmaent fac'cid /和 aesrdi 人 aek-/ oa 只 (Jormal) soft and weak; not firm and hard: .jiaccid breasts

flack /fiaek/nounT [U] = FAK 2 [cl (NAmE 7m1fomma1h = PRESS AGENT

介 广有 0=林 /和 aeg/ 7ov1m, verb 日IOU1 了 apiece of cloth with a special coloured design on 让 thatmaybethe symbolofapartictlar countryor Organization, or may have a particular Imeaning.Aflag can be attached to a pole or held in the hand: te Italiar Jiag< thejiag of Italy ecThe hotelJlies the Eropeam Union FagThe 4merican flasg was lying. Al 殷eflags Were at hatf mast (三 in honour of a famous person Who has died), The plack and.wjite jag went downm and the race Degarl. 一See also BLUE FLAG 2 tsed torefertoa Particular country or organization and its beliefs and values: zi SWear allegiarice to hejiag He was workinguriderthe Jag ofthe Uiiited Nations. 3 apieceofcloththatis attachedto apole andused as a signal or MARKER 记 Various Sports一 picture c GOLF 4 aflowerthatis atype ofIRIs and thait growsnear water:yellowjhags S =EFLAGSTONE [DT 创 y/ show/wave

the flag to show yoUI suUpPport for YOUT

country an organization or an idea to encourage or pe Suade others to do the same keep the flag flying to repTesent YOUI Country Or organization: OUr exporters Keep thejiag jying atinternatiorial trade exhiipb 让ons. 一more i at REDdad/.

日VEr 峭(gg-) 1 [VN] to put a special mark next to informa-

tion that you think is important: Tve Jflagsged the para8Traphs that We need to Iook _at 识 more_ detailL 了 [V] to become tired, weaker or less:enthusiastic: 丰 jhad been a long day and the children Were peginriing io Jiasg. ecHer com-

Jidence had never jiagsged co jlagging:support]enthusi

asm ER flag sb/st 一'edown h to signal to the driver of a vehicle to stop by waving at them iflag sthe 一 up

(BrE) to _draw attention to sth: Te report jagsged up the dangers of underage drimking. flag day movunrT (Br aday whei Ioney is collected in Public places for a charity and Deople who give money Ieceive a Small paper STICKER

字 Fiag Day 14 June, the

anniversary ofthe dayin 1777 when the Stars anid Stripes became the national flagiofthe United States

| k cat

| leg

| man

| anow

| ,ppen

| rred

全 a. 有el:late/eaasdselert/ vemb [VN] (ormal)to wHIP yourSelf or Sb else, especially as areligious punishment or as a Way of experiencing sexual Pleasure flagellation /aed5elerfn/mnoum [Du]




beam nowun atype ofsmall curved BEAN

,和 a有 football oun



[U] (NAmB) a type of AMERICAN

FOOTBALL played without the Usual form ofTACKLING,. 和A tackle is mnade, instead, bypulling a piece of cloth from an OpPPponents WAISTBAND. 一COmpare TOUCH FOOTBALL 刘lagged/flagd/ adj. covered with largefhat stones (called

FLAGSTONES):a jlasggedjoor 和 agofconvenienceovn aflag of aforeign country that is sed by aiship from another country for legal or financial Teasons 们 二SOm /了agen/ noun alarge bottle or similar container,

often with ahandle, in which wine, etc. is sold of served

剂 ag:pole/'fagpeol; NAmE-poul/ (also flag'staf人 0OUn a

tall pole on which aflag ishung

fla.gramt/ 了 ergrent/ adj. (ofan action) shocking because it is done in a very obvious way and shows no respect for People,laws,etc: BLATANT: Q jagrant abuse of Purmar rights C He Showed a jiagrant disregard /for anyone elses feelings- fagrantiyady

fla:gramtecINPLAGRANTE ships in the navy -2 [usually sing.] the most important product,service,bitiilding,etc: that an organization owns or produces: The comtpamy 让 operiing amew jagship Store 识Iomndom.

表 二-Sta 多 作 /2egsta:f; NAImE-staef/ noum = FLAGPOLE 介 ag'stome / 血agsteun; NAmE-stoun/ (also flag noun a large flat square Piece of stone_ that is Used;for floors, Paths, etc.

"|二 名-wWavim 名 OUm [U] the expression of strong national feelings,especially in awaythat people disapprove of 人 司记/fed/ verb, own ver 了 ~(sth) (about/around) to move around without control: to move your arms andjlegs arotnd Without control: [V] The boys jailed around on thejjioor c He was runming alomng Ris arrms jiailing wildly [alsoVN] 字 [VN] to hit sb/sth Very hard, especially with a stick 四 mOU1m a tool that has a long handle with a stick swinging 人from it, used especially in the Past to separate grains of WHEAT from their dry outer covering,by beating the

WHEAT 他 air/fleaG); NAmEfer/ mon 1 [sing.,U] 一 forsth anatural ability to do sth well TALENT: He jas ajlairjfor 1Gmnguages, 了 [U] a quality showing the ability to do things 雇 an interesting way that shows imagination: artitic jiaire Sjie dresses with real jair 他ak(also flacl /faek/ ovn [U] TSguns on the ground that are shooting at enemy aircraft; bullets from these

guns 2 (nprmal) severe criticism: Hes taker a Lot of Jiak jpor Pis Ieft-wing Views. 2 She came 唐 Jor'alot of JIaK 廊omm the Press, 他 akKey/aerk/ novn, ye上b @]IOU1 了 a small very thin layer or piece of sth, especially one that has broken off from sth larger: Pakes of smrow/ Paint c dried omnion jakes 一See also CORNFLAKES,SNOWFLAKE, SOAP FLAKES 也: (NAImE informal) a person who is strange or Unusual or who forgets things easily ayerb1[V] 一 (off)to fallioftfin small thin pieces: Zoucovld Seepare wood Where 急 epainthadjiaked o太 CHis sKimn was

dry and jiaking. 2 to break sth, especially fish or other food into small thin pieces; to fall into small thin pieces: [VN] FLake 妇 e tuna and add to the sauce. Jiaked almonds [alsoVj flake'out 1 (nformahito lie down or fall asleep becatuse yo are extremely tired: When TSot horme

jheidlalready fiaked out on the bed 了 (NmE normall to begin to behave in a strange way 后I司 K jackKet75ovn aheavy jacket without sleeves that has metalinside ittomake 让 stronger andijsWwornbysoldiers

and police officefs to protectthem frombullets

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

人 amk

人多aky- /aerki/ cd 1 tending to break into small thin Pieces: jiaky pastiry 2 dry jiaky skin 2 (NAmE niormal) (of a person) behaving in a strange Or Unusual way; tending to forgetthings ef 和lakiness0oun [U] flamlbey/apmber NAmEflam'ber/ adj. [afternoun] (from French) (of food) covered with alcohol, especially BRANDY and allowed to burn for a short time 一picture 史 PAGE RII 们ami.boy:amt /所 sm'borent/ adj

flambeyverb [VN] (of people of their

behaviour) different confident and exciting in a way that attracts attention: aflarmboyamntSgesture/styie/perSonmafiity 2 .brightly coloured and noticeable: fiarmboy-

ant clothes/designs

P flam.boyance /borens/ moun

[U] 和 am.boy.antly2dv 人 人 imime 0 /fenmm/ nouvn, ve 册 BIOU1 了 [CU] a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from sth that is on fire: the tiny yeliow jiarne ofa Tnatch c The jlarmes Were growing higher and higher c The

Duilding was 训 .flames (= was burming)j. 2 The plane burst into flamefs) (= suddenly began burning strongly). Berything went UP 训 flarmes (= was destroyed by fire). 一Picture 只 FEIREPLACE, LABORATORY 了 [U] a bright red or orange colour: a Jiarme-red car 3 [C] (Nterary) a VeIy strong feeling: da jarme of passion 一see also OLD

人 asg.ship /zegJmp/ noun 1 themain ship in a FLEET of



| zzoo

| shoe

FLAME 4 [G (nrmal) an angry or insulting message Sent to Sb by email or on the Internet [ET see FANY 下 Ver 六 Literary) to burn with a bright flame: [V] The 1ogs Jamiea on 芒e hearth c (Hguwratye) Hope jamed 六 her [also V-ADI] 2 (Nterory) (of a person's face) to becomie red as a iesult of a strong emotion; to make sth become red: [V] er cheeks fiarmed with rage. [also V-ADj, VN] 3 [VN] (nformal) to send sb an angry or insulting message by email or on the Internet fa:menco






T [Lu,G a fast exciting Spanish dance that is-usually dancedito music played on a GUITAR: 几 armencoidanmncing to dance the 有 armenco 了.[U] the GUITAR music that is Played for this dance flarme:proof /emmpru:t/ ad made ofor covered with a Special mmaterial that will notburn easily flame-retard.ant /feim rrta:daent; NAmE -taTrd-/ adl/.

三 FIRE-RETARDANT ' 人 amne-thrower povn a weapon like a gun that shoots outbtrning liquid or 人lames and is often used for clearing Plants from land 们 am-in名 /enmnmy/ adi [only before noun] 1T_full ofanger: aflarming argsumtemnt/termper 字 burning and covered 记D 人lames: 也 arming 方agsments Were Still jio1ing 方om the Sky. 3 (BrE,informaj used to emphasize that you are annoyed: You fiarming idiotl 4 bright red or orange in colour: jarming (red) haircajaming sunset

下 a.mingo /emirmgao; NAmmE:9ou/ nounm (DLL -oesofr-os)a

large pink bird with long thin legs and a long neclo that lives near water in warm countries

人am.maple /azmebl/ (also in-flam-.mapble especially

记 BrE)adj- that can blurn easily: highlyParmnrmable Liquids [GE NON-FLAMMABLE 人am /flsen/ noum ICU T (especialy BrE) an open PIE made OfPASTRY Or cake filled with eggs and cheese, fruit, etc.: Q JnushrooTmAStirawberry 帮an e Daye some more jian. 一compare QUICHE, TART 了 (NAmE) = CREME CARAMEL flange /flaend35/ noun an edge that sticks out from an object and makes it stronger or (as in a Wheel of a train) keeps itin the correct Position 人 amk /所 0k/moun, ve 必 anoum 1 the side of sth stch as a building or mountain 2 the left or right side of an army during a battle, Or a sports team during a game 3 the side of an animal between the'RIBs and thehip 上四Ve 访[VN] T beflankediby sb/sth tohave sb/sth on one or both sides: She Left the courtroom jiankead by arrmed guards; 了 to be Placed on one or both sides of sth: They droye through te cotton fields thatjlanked Highway IZ7

| 5 vision

| tf chain

| dsjam | 9thin

| 5this

| Dsing


586 |

介 寺 痢 必 大 /ze0keGD/mouran attacking player 记 RUGBY OF AMERICAN FOOTBALL

他animel /anl/ mov TIU] atype of soft light cloth,

containing cotton Or wool used for Imaking clothes: wa Janmel shirt cia grey jianmel suit 了 (alsof3c e-EJotm)

(both BrE) (NAmE wash:cfoth) [Cjia small piece of cloth used for washing yotirself: afoce flanmel 3 条 言帮交e 迁 [p器 trousers/pants made of flannel 4 [U] (B启 Jp1o7rmaj) words that do not have much Imeaning and that avoid telling sb what they wantto know 人二 看-国Geite /和 aensTlet/ 7O07 [TU a type of soft cotton cloth,used especially for Imaking sheets and NiGHET-

CLOTHES 到 ap /faep/ noun, vemb 昌 1OU1

FLAT PIECE OF PAPER, ETC- 1 [q afiat piece of

cloth, metal, etc. that is attached to sth along oneDanar side and thathangs down or covers an opening: theJiap ofan enyelope cTzipped the tentjiaps sh 一See also CAT FLAP “MOVEMENT 之 [Cusuallysing.] a quick often Doisy movementof sth up and down' orfromsideto sida: Wit oa Jap OF 请 Wings, the Di7ra ias Sone.Cthejiap ofFthesaik


马 [sing] (njormah especa

y BrE a state of worTyY confusion and excitement' Sje gets ia Jap oyer the sligjhtest 切识5.

“PUBLIG DISAGREEMENT 4 [sin8.] (NAmE) public disagreement, anger OF criticis

m catsed by sth a public figure has Said or done: 坊eJap aboutthe Presidents DLSiness affairs “PART OFE AIRCRAET 5 [C] a part ofthe WwWing of an aircra 人对 that can be moved UP or down to control UpPward or downward movement- Dicture c PAGE R8

“PHONETICS 6 [C] =TAP(6) 下 Ver (Cpp-)

>MOVE QUICKIY 了 Ti论a bird flapsiits Wings, or if its Wings 匀 ap, they move quickly Up and down BEAT: [VN]

The bpira japped its Wings aiid Jew awayx co [vV] Te guls Jew of wingsjiapping 2 tomoveorto make sth move up and down or from side to side, often making a moise:

[MV] Thesaiksjlapped 计 thebreeze.OTwo Large pirds flapped (= flew) slowly across the Water 家 [VN]iShe walkedup and aow75 jiapping her arrms to Keep War OA SUSE of wind JJiapped the tents.

~BE WORRIED/EXCITED 3 [V] (BrE ijormmaj to behave ip an anXiotUs OF eXcited Way: THheres no feed 让 Jap 80Leyefything mder controL

Tye 一


们 aip-jack /apd5aek/ oun 了 [U,q (Br athick soft biscult made from oOoATs,butter, Sugar and SYRUP 2 [q

(NAmE) athick PANGAKE

人ap-per /apaGD)/ movn a young woman in the 1920s Who wore fashionable clothes,, had short hair and was interested in modern music and new ideas

体areVyfesGD); NAmEfler/ verb; moun 吾 YVe 了 纱 [vy] to burn brightly,.but usually for only a short time ornot steadily: THhe mmatchn Jaredandwent ouE CThe

Jirejiared into 1i 谍 .ec (Uiguwratve) Colourjiared in jierchee ks. 2 [V] ~ (up) (especially of anger and Violence) to suddenly start or become much StrongeT ERUPT: Violemce 用 ared When the police moyed 训 & Teimpers jiared towards the end oF tne 7neetin8 一related . Dotn FLARE-

UpP(l) 3 to say sth 记 an angIy and aggressive way:

[V speech] Yovu shoula Pave toldmrie She jiared at jin [also V] 4 [V]:(of clothes) to become wider towards the bottom: THhe sleeves are fgjt ti 态e elbo凤 态 en are50 让 S 这 a person or an animal flares their NOSTRIL S (= the openings atthe end ofthe nose), oriftheir nostrils flare, they become wider, especially as a Signiofanger: [V] ITie jiorse packed away is mostrik Jaring with fear [also VN] iare 'up 1 (of flames; a firei etcj to Suddenl y

start burning more brightly-related noun FLARE-U P(3) 之 (of a person) to Suddenly become angry- related noun

FLARE-Up(])-3 (of an illness, injury etc:):tozsudde nly Start again or become wor一 se related notin FLARE-UE (2)

ae cat | qz father | eten | s: bird | ea about

rsit |

可 OU1 了 [usually sing] abrightbutunsteadylightorflame that doesimnot last long: The Jiare of 切 E 7mnatcj 1 让 LP his Joce. 2 adevice thatprodtces abright 外ame, used espe:cially as a signal; a flame produced inithis Way: TheS71azp SeTiE UPD .distress jares to attract 坊 eattention of the-coas 上 Suard. 3 a shape that becomies gradually wider: a SKirt With aslightjiare 4 iares (BrE also flared trousers) [pl] (Pjorma/) trousers/pants that becomie Very wide at the bottom ofthe legs: apair of iares 人 型 aredi /fleadq; NMAmE flerd/ adi (of clothes) wider at the bottom edgethan atthe top

flare-Patin /espa:6; NAmE 和 erpaeb/ moun an areathatis brightly litip order fora planetotake offandlarnd 刘 are-um 0ouvn [usually sing.] 1.asudden expression of angIyorViolent feeling OUTBURST: aJjJlare-up oftemSion petween the two sides 2 (of an ilness) a sudden pain名al attack, especially after a period without anyDroblems or pain 3 the fact of a fire Suddenly starting to burn again more strongly thani before: a Jare-ap of the Dus 态 万 res

全 二ss采 0 吾 Ve/访

/六 ve 1oum; qd

rsSHINEBRIGHTIY 1 toshineVerybrightlyforashort time' to make sth shinein this way: [V] Tisgjhtmnirg Fashed ithe distamice.Ameomsig7m jiasjied om ana o太 aboyve te door 4 the jlashing Diue Tights of a Dolicescar CIVN] The guide

妃ashed a 1ightinto 态e caye.

“GIVESIGNAL' 字 一 (sth) (atsb) | ~ sbi(sth)to use alightto

give sba signal: [VN; VNN] Red ligjhts Jashed aywarming at 态 erm 2 Red 1ights jiashed thema Waing. CIVN] TIWNy thatariverJiashing jhis 1ights atus?


3 [VN] to _show sth to sb quickly: Fe

Jiashed his pass at 专eSecurib/ o 护 cer >~WMOVE QUICKIY 4 [V 十 aavVprep] timnovec Pass Very quickly: The coumntryside 帮ashed Past the traipn windows ' 4l1ook ofterror flashed across Pis Jace.


瑟 -[V 十 0dyyprep]toc

o your mind suddenly::4A Errible thought lasjed omeint througjn 17Y 7mind.


@G[+adv/prep] ~ (sth) (up) to appear on a

television screen,, computer Screen, etc, for a short time; to make sth do this:.[V] A 1mesSaSe Was jiashin g om Pis Pasger 2 [VN] 瑟s name was jashed UP om the screent: >SEND NEWS 7 [VN 十 advVprep] to send information quickly by radio, computer etc.: News of teir 女 记 mp

Wasjashed arounda the world.


“SHOW EMOTION 8 [V] (ieramy)to showa strong emotion

suddenly and quickly: Fer eyesjiashed with ansger *OFEAMAN 9 [V] (pfommral) iaman flashes , he shows his Sexualorgans in public [IE fash sb asmile, iooko etc. to Smile; 1o0k, etc. at sb suddenlyand qtiickly 人 ash sth around(disapProving) to show sth to other People ip order to impress them: 了 es aways Jasjhings Jiis money around. fiash 'Dback

(ta sthm) 了 这 yotir 站 d 过 flashesbackto sth, you reimem-

ber sth that happened: in the Past: er 坊oUgjhts 刀ashed pack to 切 eir wedding da 一related y notin FLASHEBACK(2) 之 这 a film/movie flashes:backto sth,, it Shows things thathappened atan earlier time, for exaimple at an eaflier part of sb's lif 一 related e noun FLASHBACK(]) -3 to reply

Very quickly and/or angrily ,和 ash ,byApast'(of timejto govery quickly: The

rnormiing has jst Julashed by ashron stm (Wipmmaj)to Suddenly remeinber or think ofsth:d 思asjhed om ar argu7mientIjhad Witm TY Stter WhenyWwe Were Kids. ashm on sp [no passive] if sth 人包ashes on you, you Suddenlyrealizeit: [不 that] 区 Jiashed omTmne tphatjhewas be7marmnTaseem 识 the jhoteL 吾 10O01

*EIGHT 了 [Cl asudden bright light that shines for a mo: ient and then disappears: aas Or ligphtn ingeS Rashes oflightWerejllowed byan explosiomn Oo TierfeW was aDbIinmdL-

imgJlash and the wjhole DuiGi7&Shaadere d *SiGNAL 了 [C] the act of shining a lightonssth, especially as asSignal

~SUDDEN IDEA/EMOTION 3-[C] ~ of sth apartic tilar feel: ipg orideathat suddenly comes intoyour mind or showWs 也 your face: ajftash oF QTSerAirspiratiory etc:

see | imany | pb got (Br | 5: saw | Acup | sput | 普 too


4 [C ~ of sth the ,sudden :appear-

ance fora short time of sth bright: aiash ofwhite teeth On 切 ehorizomu she saWw ajash ofsihyer 一 妇eseal *1N PHOTOGRAPHY .5 [CU] apiece ofequipmentthat produces abrightlight for a very Short time, used for taking Photographs indoors, when itis dark, etc.; the Use ofthis When taking a photograph: acarmera Withp a bu 雇用 as TILneed jiash iorthxs shot' 2 jiashnphotosraphy 一Picture CC CAMERA *NEWS 6 [C] = NEWSFLASH *ON UNIFORM 7 [aq (Braband:or small piece of cloth wornmonamilitary uniform to show apersoms rank FrON BODK/PACK 8 [Cl aband ofcolour or Writing actoss a book, packo etc. ~*COMPUTING 9Flashrw [U] a program which creates moving images for websites Te aiflashinthe'pan': asudden success thatlasts only a short tirmerand isTiot likely to berTrepeatedin/ikKe a 必 ash, verydquickly and suddenly 一more atQUICKOdv 量 Gd人 (B/ 忆 imjirmah disapprovingj attracting attention by being large Or expensive; orbyhaving expeiisive clothes, etc.:Qjash car coHesyery 及as Entjhe?


人 at

到 二让 0

/gaet/adjs nouniadv;verb

上 gdli fiatter,flattest) *LEVEL 1:having alevel surface; not curved or sloping: IowDbuildings withjjlatrooA Peopleusedtothink theearth Was jiat C PExercise 1 the only way torgeta jaat stommacP after having a papy e The sails hung Lply 识 妨e Hat calm (= conditions at sea when there is no wind and the wateris completelylevel): 2 (ofland) without anyslopes orhills: Theroad stretchedahead across the jiat Iaftdscape. 3 (ofsurfaces) smooth andeven; withoutlumpsorholes: Tmneed aiatsurface to writeon WefoundalargejiatrocK to St om >NOTHIGH 4 broadbutnotveryhigh: Chapattis area kind ofjlatTnaiamn breaad.2jatshoes (三 With noheels of very

low ones)

*DULL 5 dull; lacking interestor enthusiasm: Be jlt yery Jaat after his 三iendsPad gone horne: 上 VOICE 6 notshowing much emotion; not changing much ip tone: Her voice wasjiat and exXpressiotles5. 和ash-back /和 aeJbak/inovun 1TICU apartof a filmv * COLOURSJPICTURES 7 vetySsmooth, With no contrast between light and dark, and giving no impression of depth: Imovie, play, etc. that shows ascenethathappened eatlier Acrylic Paints cart be Used to create 1arge, 用at plocKks of coFin time than the main.story: The eyents that Ied Up to te OUT JUrder Were ShowWP in aseries ofjiashpacks.cThe reaqaer 15 8 not Very successful becatse Very little is told the story 记 Jflashback. 2 [C〇 a sudden, very clear, *BUSINESS being sold: The housing marketjhas beem 帮 atjfor7mmonths: strong memory of sth that happened ,in the past that is * 民EFUSAL/DENIALg@9 [only before noun] not allowing disSoiealyoufeelthatyouare living through the experience cussion or argument; definite: 瑟er reqgUest Was metWith a again Jiatrehusal 2 He gaye ajfiat 和 on to one Feporters question. fash-pulb /aefbAlb/ novn asmall electric BULB that rilN MUSIC .TO used after the name of a note to mean:a can be attached to ai camera to take Photographs indoors note a SEMITONEV/HALF TONE lower: That note Should pe or when itis dark 了3 旋ab mot B. 一Picture .只 MUSIC TD .SHARP 一compare 人 ash-card / 昌 zJkaid; NAPmEkard/ own ancard with a NATURAL Tbelow the correct PITCH (= bow high or Word or picture on it thatteachers Use during lessons low anote sounds): The_ high motes Were slighty at 到 ash-er /有 2JeG)y/ mov7 TUnformnah aman who'shows [GE _SHARP his Sexual organs 隘Public, especially in orderto shock Or *DRINK 12 no longerhaving bubbles in it; not fresh: The fighten women Za device that turns alight on and off Soda Was Warmu and had gone jat duicky 3NMMmBalightomavehiclethatyotcan trn on *BATTERY 13 (Br6) unabletosupplyanymore'electricity andoff qiiicklyasasignal: four-Way 丸ashers (= fourlights *TYRE .14 notcontaining enough ain sually becatuse of a that 有 ash together to warn other drivers ,of possible hole dangen)

' 和 ash flood

”ovn a sudden flood of water caused by

heavy rain


/ 血z2JgAn/ moun a Piece of equipment that

holds and operates a bright light that is used to take Photographs indoors or when itis dark

flash-ing /afrmy/ ovn [u] (alsofash-imgs

[pl]) astrip

of metal puit on a roof where it joins a wall to Prevent Water getting through

fash-.iight /和 jlart/ noun (especialy NAmE) = TORCH '和 ash memoOry "ovn [U] (compotnsg) comptuter memory thatdoes notlose datayWhen the Power Supplyis lost


/所afimaob; NAmE:mccb/ noun alarge group

of people who arraiige (by mobile Phone/cellphone 'or email) to .gather together in a Public Place at exactly the same time, spend a short tme doing sth there' and then quickly all leave at the same timee -和 ashmobber 70v1 下 ashimobbing 7ov7 [LU]

下 ash-point

/和 据PJpomt/ novn [CU] a situation or Place

ip which violence or anger starts and _cannot be con人rolled: Te7isiof 总 切 eciby 1 rapialy reaching 帮 ashpoinit 人 PotentialjJiashpoints 克 the Sou 纺of the coUmtY


/了 Ji/ adj flash:ier 有 ashi.est ) njormaip usually

disapproving) T (of things) attracting attention by being

bright, expensive, large, etc.: Qias1y hotel2TJUSE Wanta 也 (of people) attracting good reliable car motping as attention' by Wearing expensive clothes, etc,, 3 -intended to impiess bylooking Very skilful: Fe specializes 访 Jiashny

techpigue; Without Tuch depth: 基 和 ashnily ady5 甩ashiby aressed 利askK /azsK; NAmEfL2PSK/ Town 了 abottle With a Rarrowi topyrused:in scientific work for mixing or Storing chem-

icalss-picture cy LABORATORY 2;(BrE) = VACUUM FLASK: compare fee THERMOS 一 alask:of teaXcof

iMAJmE) 三



| ar my

| ao now

| er say

3 (especialy

aflattyre(B/ aflattire (NA月



with no natural raised curves Underneath 一See

also FLAT-FOOTED > 创atmness- ouUmn [U] IE and ,that's 人 att (BrE, 7o 广 malithat is my finaldecision and I will not change my imind: Zo凡 cantso and 雪 ats flatlas flat asa'pancake comipletely 旭 at more atBACK1., SPIN 1. 下 OU1 *ROOMS :1 fc (Br6 asetofroomsforliving in, includinga kitchen, usuailyon onefloorofabuilding: Doyoulmeina Jiat or a house? 2 Theyye renting aurnished flat on the tird floor eaground-floor jat camnewiplock ofjlats Manylargeold houses have been comyerted intoats. ChiL-

弛 em 廊om the jiats (= the block of flats) across the sreet Were Dlaying ouUtside. 一picture 只 PAGE RI6 一compare APARTMENT


了 [sing]the

一 ofsththeflatlevelpartofsth:

Be beaton 态 edoor With thejiatofhis hand cthejiatofa SWord *LAND 3 [Cusually pl.] an area oflowflat land, especially near water; Saltjlass 一See also MUDFLAT


4the 和 at Hthe lat

[sing.] (BrE) the sea-

son forracing horses on flat ground with no jumps

=JN MUSIC 5; [Ga note played a- SEMITONEVHALEITONE lower:than the note thiat'is named: The written Symbol

| aalgo (8 日 | ob go (NmBiil

or boy:|

ze near1|

ee hair

| 5e pure


588 | fatracing

ouni[u] the sport of horse'racing over flat

ground with no jumps 一compare STEEPLECHASE

is (b): There are no Sharps or flats ii the Key of C major [DID sSHARP 一compare NATURAL “TYRE'G@ [Ci(espoecially NMAmB) a tyrethat hasjlost ain usuallybecause ofahole: We gotajflaton 雪eway jhome. e We had to stopto fixcajiat =INTHEATRE 7 [Cj (techmicaj) avertical section of sSCENERY used on atheatre stage =*SHOES 号 flats [pl.] = FLATTIES [ICIO on the flat (Br6 on level ground, without hills or jumps (= for example in horse racing) 晶 Qdy. (Comparativeflattep no superlative) * LEVEL 了 Spread out in a level,straight position,espe: cially against another surface: ie flatartd breathe deeply They Pressed themselyvesjlatagainstthe tunnelywallas the traimn approached. ”REFUSING/DENYING- 之 (Br 日:(NAmE ,和 at 'out) (informa/)) in a definite and direct way:,She told me jiat she would Pot SPpeak io 7ne again IImmade them_a reasomnable offer DuE tey turned 让 dowrjfiat >IN MUSIC 3 lower than the correctPITCH (= howhigh or lowamnote sounds)j: He sings jiat all 切 e [ime、 [Ga SHARP [Er fall at 让 a joke, a story, or an event falls flat, 放 completely fails to amuse people or to have the effectthat was intendedfallflatonyour face 1T to fall so thatyou are lying onyour front 2 to fail completely, usually catsing embarrassment: His mext teleyvision Venture 帮1Lat OP

记 名 ce. flat 'broke (BrE also stony ',broke) (norma1 completely brokeflat 'out (informahl T as fastor ashard as possible: WorKkers are WOrKkingjatoutto rieetthe rise 训

demandjorPnewcars. Z (especialy NAmBiin adefinite and direct way; completely: Ttold Pirm jabsott Wo CTtsa30year 7mortga8ge We just jiat OUt ca7it FaridIe in -人 at (Unformal used with an expression oftimeto saythat sth happened or was done very quickly in nomiorethan the time stated: They changed the wheel in 雪 ree 7inutes 万at

(= ip exactlythreeiminutes). 目 Veb (tt-) [V] (AustralE NZEjtolive 记 orshareaflat/apartment: My sister Zoe jats iiAUcklanad.

flat.bed /也 aetbed/ noun 卫 = FLATBED SCANNER 也 (also 和 atbed truck,,flatbed 'trailer) (especially NAmB) an

Open truck or TRAILER Without high sides, used for carrying large objects

flatbed 'scanner:falso flatibed) noun (computing) a

flat rate om a Price that is the same for everyone and in all situations: Interest

charged ata jiat7rate of II96.

,flat spinm movn (technicoh a movement of an aireraft 也 OF ROOM

/floxaD)/ moupy veb 1 [cusually sing:] the surface'of a Toom that

BritispMnedian etc so由 meaning4nAfrica/Britain/lndia,




和 Underthe floor/ground/earth 直 Onthefloorvground/earth 利 bare flooVground/earth 自 to drop to/fall to/hit the floowthe ground/tthe) earth 和 to reach the floorvthe ground/land *LEVEL OF BUILDING 3 [C] all the rooms:that:are on the same level ofabuilding: Her ofce is or the second floor Ct 妇 erish gu Wholives twojioorsabovee Thereisal 认 加 allfioors. C Their house is on threejfloors (= 让 has three floors), 一see also GROUND FLOORE> note at STOREY *OFTHEISEA/FORESTS 4 [Cusually sing.]ithe ground atthe bottom of the sea aforesb etci:theoceaTti/yalley/cayeX Jorestjfloor “1TN PARLIAMENT,ETC. JS the floor [sing.] the partiof a building where discussions or debates are held, especiallyin a Parliament; the People who atteiid a discussion or debate: Opposiionm politiciafis registered 轨 eir proteston the jioor of the House.c We winow take amy questiors 万 omn the jioor *AREA FOR WORK 6G [Cusually sing.] an area in a building that is used ,for a particular activity: om the jioor of the Stock PExchange (= where trading takes place) 一see also

DANCE FLOOR, FACTORY FLOOR, SHOP FLOOR * 上FOR WAGES/PRICES 7 [Cusually sing.] the lowest level allowed for wages OF DiIices: Prices haye gomne through the

Jiloor (= fallento averylow level). 一compare CEILING (2) [CI get/be given/have the 'floor to getybe given/ have the right'to speak during a discussionm or debate hold the floor to speak during a discussion or debate, especiallyforalongtime sothatnobodyelse is ableto say anything take (to)j the ,floor to start dancing on a DANCE FLOOR: COUPples look tpejloor forthe last darmce of the eyemning. wipe/mop the' floor with sb (pformalj) to defeat sb completely in aniargument or acompetition一

了 2 (NAmE also floor'board) [Cusually sing:]

Imore at GROUND FLOOR 加 Ye也 [VN] *SURPRISE/CONFUSE 1 to surprise Or confuse sb so that they are not sure what to say or do

the bottom'surface of a Vehicle: The jioor of the car was COyered 识 cigarette ends.

*HIT 了 [usually passive] to make sb fall down by hitting them, especially in a Sport

you walk on ayWwoode7i/coricrete/Tmiarble etc jioorc CeramicjloortilescThe body was ying om the Kitchem oor The alterations Should give Us extra jioor Space.



| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzool

| Tshoe

| 5vision

| tfchain

| djam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0 sing


594 | 齐oret /foret; NAmE2aoc; az/ nouna flower:Ppart of some Vegetables, for example BROCCOLI and CAULIFLOWER. Each Vegetable has several 人 orets coming from

>*BUILDING/ROOM 3 [usually passive] to provide abuiilding or room with afloor

one main STEM. 一Picture 只 PAGE RI3

floribpunda /forrbAnda; NAmEflor-/ noun (technical)a 用


Plant especially a ROSE,Wwith flowers that 8gIOw Very zlose together in groups

florid /prrd; NA7mmE' 浊 oz da-/ ad T (ofapersons face)


red: ajiorid cormplexion 2 (usually

可 ImBrEthefloorofabuilding at street level isthe ground floor theoneaboveitisthefirstfloorand the one belowitisthe basement; orlowerground floor in apublicbuilding. 下 In NAmEthefloor at streetlevel is Usually called the firstfloor,theoneaboveitisthesecondfloorand the onebelow itisthe basement.In public buildingsthe floorat streetlevel can also be called the ground floor-.

豆 已 note at STOREY

too much decoration or detail: florid Iamiguage




florin /prm; NAmE 人 2:-; 人 ad:-/ moun an old British coin worth two SHILLINGS (= now 10p)

人Or:ist /fiorrst; NAmE oz-; 有 ad:-/ moumn 了 a person who owns Or works in a shop/store that sells flowers and Plants 2 flor:ist*s (p/ florists) .aishop/store that sells 提owers and plants:.Tye ordered some jiowers 广om the 刀 orists.

foss /flpos; NAmEflo:s; fla:s/ own, ye 册 floorboard /obo:d; NAmE orbord/ novun T along

下 nmOUm [U] 1 = DENTAL FLOSS 2 thin'silkthread 一see also

flat piece of wood ip a wooden floor': bparepolishead jioorboards 了2 [usually sing.] (NAm 有 日.= FLOOR(2): a car ,floor

旧 Verb [V, VN] to clean between yoUI teeth With: DENTAL

poardc He had his foottothejfloorbpoard(= was:goingVvery


刊oOorcloth /oa:klo6; NAmE'foxrklo:6/ noun (BrE) a cloth for cleaning floors

flooring /orrmy/ moun [U] material used to make the floor of a room: room jlooring

Vipnywooden jiooring c Kitcpervbath-

oun the person 卫 Sponsible for the

lighting andothertechnical arrangements for atelevision Production

foor pian noun (technicoh a drawing of the shape of a room or building, as seen from above, Showing the position ofthe furniture, etc.

floor show mouvn a series of performances by singers, dancers, etc. at arestaurant or club


(also 和looz:ie)





1shioned, informal, disapproving) a woman who has seXual relationships with many different men

flop /fop; NAmEfazp/ verb; noun 上 Verb fpp-) [V] 1 ~ into/on sth | 一 (down/backjto sit or lie down in aheavy and Sudden waybecause youare Very

tired: ExXhausted hejioppedaowm intoachair

2 [+adyy

prep] to fall move orhang in a heavy or awkward way', without control: Her :hair jiopped oyer her eyes- oO The young man jiopped bacj, Uncomscious. The fishwerejiop-

Ding aroundiri the bottom oftheboat 3 (0nformal)tobea complete failure: The Playj 刀 opped om Broadway. 昌 ,0041m 3人Im/movie, Play Party, etc- that is not successful [ED HIT 一See also BELLYFLOP


/ophaos; NAmE dp-/ noun (NAmB 三


floppy /ipbpi NA7PE 了 azpi/ ad (flop-pier; flop.piest)

hanginag or falling loosely: nothard and stiff: aioppy Pat

和 oppy'disk (alsofloppy p/-ies)(alsodiskette)mouna fat disk inside a Plastic cove that is lsed to Store data 训 the form that a_ computer can read, arid that can be removed from the computer 一Picture 所 PAGE R4 一 compare

HARD DISK flora /ao:ra/ noui[U] (techmicoj)the plants ofaparticular areai type ofenvironment or period oftime:alpinejora rare Species of flora antd faumta (= Plants and animals) foral /orel/ ad [usuallyibeforenoun]-Ticonsisting of Pictures of flowers; decorated with pictures of :flowers: Wallpaper with afloral desigri/pattern ee aioral aress 2 made of flowers::a Jioral arramgeinent/display Floral tribputes Were sent to the church: florentine 0dj ,noun


-tim; NAmE


和 oO:-ta-tion /fieo'terifmn; NAmEEo5/ noun 二 (also 和 oai) [CU] (business) the process to the public for the first Plans for (Q) Jiotation om mmarketjfiotatom 2 [U]the

of selling shares in a company time in order to raise money: the stocK exchange 2 a stocKactoffloating on or ip water

flotation tanmk moun a container filled with salt water in which people float in the darkas away ofrelaxing

floorlamp noun = STANDARD LAMP

floor manager




卓 0dlj. (of food) served on SPINACH: eggsjlorentine B 1OUn a biscuit/ycookie containing nuts and ffuit,half covered in chocolate

他 o- 放ila /fle'taa; NAmEfloot/ noun'a group of boats or small Ships sailing together


/ptseam; NAmE ct/ novun [U] TDparts of

boats, Pieces of wood of rubbishVgarbage, etc. that are found on land near the sea or floating on the sea; any

kind of rubbishVygarbage: The beaches are Wide and 记 Jled With interesting lotsam and jetsamt. 一compare JETSAM 2 peopleWwho have nohome or job and who move from Place to Place, often iejected by society: 切e hurrian 帮oSaTL OF inner cities flounce /人iaums/ ve态,noun 四 VE上 [V usually二 adv/prep] to move Somewhere 记 a waythat draws attention to yoUrself, forexample becalise youare angry Or Upset: She fiouriced ouUt of the roo7m. 理 7mOU1 了 astrip ofcloth that is sewn around theedgeofa Skirt,dress,curtain,etc. 2 a quicsand exaggerated Imovement that yot make when yoti are angry Or want People to fiotice yotu: She Ieft tphe room With a ounce.

戎 floumced:zdj :aounceaSsKirEt floun:der /aonda(/ ve 上太 ,noun

上 Ver 了 to struggle to know what to say or do or how to continue with sth: [V] Ris aprupt chamnge ofsubject efPer Jioundering heIplessly [also Vspeech] 2 [V] to havealot of problems and to be 识 danger of failing coOmPletely: At that tne the industry Was jioundering 3 [V usually+ qdvVprep] to struggle to move or get someWhere ip watemr mtud, etc.: She was jioupnaering arouna 训 the deep eritd of the swirmrming POOL

昌 IOUm (pf 和lounder orfloun'ders)asmall flat sea fish that is used for food

人Our om

/了 ageGD/ now ve访

目 IOU1m [U] a fine white or brown Powder made from grain,

especialy WHEAT, and used 记 cooking for making bread, cakes, etc, 一see also PLAIN FLOUR; SELF-RAISING FLOUR 是 Verb [VN] [usually passivye] to ,cover sth with, a_layer .of flour: Roll the dough on alightiy jioured surface.

flour'ish /Arif; NAmmESrIf/ verb no01 日ye 上 1 [V] to develop quickly and be'successfil or common THRIVE: Few businesses are jiourishing in the Dresent ecoTiomic climate、 了 [V] to grow well; to be healthy and happy, THRIVE: These plants 用ourish 训

adamp climate. C (especially BrE)Tmagladto hearyou7re al Jiourishing., 3 [VN] to wave sth _around ina way that Iakes people look at 让 吾 .IOUn 了 [usually sing:] an exaggerated movementthatyou make whenyouwant sb to notice you: He opened the door

acat | cfather | eten | s:bird | about| isit | isee|imany |npgot(BrE | ozsaw | Acup | oput | utoo

JorherwWith alourish 2 [usuallysing.] an impiessive act or way of doing sth: The seasom entded With ia jiourisjn for GOwem When he scored

介 uff


总 the final minute oFthe 7mmatch.

3,details and decoration that are Used in speech or writipg: Q speech 包 有 Lof rhetoricalL hourishnes 4 a curved line, thatis used as decoration, especiallyin writing S5 [usually sing] aloud short piece of mtsic, thatis usually Dlayedto announce an important person or event: Q jiourishr of tuUmpets

齐OUry /aueri/ adj 全 covered with flour: Jroury Fands

ayVeErb-[V] Ti(of aiplant'or tree) -to Produce flowers EEIBLOOM: THPis Darticular:yariety jiowers 识 Ju e early-floweringspring bulbs 了 (iteramy)todevelop andbecoOme Stccessful ,SBLOSSOM

flower arramngin 名movn [U] the art of arranging cut flowers in an attractive way

之 like flour; tasting of flour: a oury texture 3 (ofpota-

人 oOoweribpednov7n apiece of ground inagarden/yard or

toes) soft and light when they are coOoked 到Out/faut/ ver [VN] to show that you have no respect

们 oOweredi /aued; NAmE Jauerd/ adj, [usually before

for alawi etc.byopenlynot obeying 让 DEFY: Moto 六 Mk regularlyJioutthe Iaw ctojflout authority/conyem-


人 OOw 0 /fei; NAmE floo/inouvmy ve 几 厚DOUM [CUsually sing., U]

“CONTINUOUS MOVEMENT 1 ~ (of'sth/sb) the steady and continuous movement' of sth/sb in one direction: She triea to stop tejlow ofbloodfrom the wound.e an endless Jowiof refugeesiinto the countby cito improve traffic jiow

(=Imake 让 move faster)c to controlthedirection offlow

”PRODUCTION/SUPPLY 守 ~ (of sth) the continuous pro: duction or:SUpply of sth: thejlow ofgoods andiservices to Temote areas C to encourageithe 广ee jiow of inforrmation data jiow= -see also CAsSH FLOW FOFSPEECHLWRITING3 continuoustalkbysb: Zouyveinter TUpted my 力ow 一 ca7itt7ememzber WhatTWas Sayi7mlg. CAs USuUal Tbm was 识 刀 1 Jiow: 4 一 ofisththe way that words andideas arelinked togetherin speech or writing: Tpo mary exarmples ca 训 terrupt te'smooth jiow of 纺e text:

“OFTHESEA S themovementofthe seatowardstheland: tpeebbandjiow:ofthetide [ET So with the 和low'(jomnal) to be relaxed and not worTrYabout whatyou should do 一more atEBB1. 避VE/ [V]

~*MOVE CONEINUOUSIY 人 一(back/downi:etc.) | 一 (into, through,etc: sth) (of liquid,,gas:or electricity) to move steadily and continuously in one direction: Tts jere that theiriver omws dowrmiinto the ocean 2 Blood flowed Jrorma cuUt oz her head:oThiscan preyentair 方omz jiowing Jeely to the 1ungs. 2 She lost conitrol amd the tears begart tojow: 2 [Vrusually+ qdvVprep] (of People'or'things) to move or passicontinuously from onePplace orperson to another, especially in largemumbers'or amounts: comstamntstreamzs of trajfc jiowed past C Election resulk jiowed 识 t 切rouvghouUtthe Pight >OFIDEAS/CONVERSATIION 3 to developior be produced in an _easy _and _natural way: Comyersatiom- jiowed 广eely 太 rouSghout the mmeal: * BEAVAILLABLE EASILY 4 to be available easily and in large amounts: 牙 Was Opyious 妇 at moftey 帮owed 廊eely 太 态 e 厅 Jommailgy TITFPe party gotliyelier as the drinK pegan to 思 o. =OFFEELING SS [十gdv/prep]jtobefeltstronglybysb: Fear aid excitefmentsSuddemly 帮owed oyer 页 e.


6 ~ (down/over sth) to hang loosely

and freely: 万er hair 刀oWwed dowm oyer jher Shoulaers. Ionrg jiowingsKirts

r~OFTHE SEA 7 (ofthe'TIDE- in the seaVocean) to come' 记 towards the land 加39 EBBY

fow from sth (如mma1j)to come or result 条om sth

filow chart (also flowdiagram) On

a diagram that

Shows the conmnections between the different stages of a Piocess or parts of a system--picttre 只 CART 们 CO@wer 0 /丰 avaG)/ noumn, ve上b 香IOU1 1 the coloured part ofa plantfrom which the seed Or fruit develops. Flowers usually grow at the end of a STEM and lastonly a short time: The Plant has a peau 右记忆 Drightredjiower Theroses are 训 iowerearly thisyear 和 The crocuses are late comiing into iower 二 picture 只 PLANT 2 aplant grownifor the beauty of its flowers: a garden 刀11 of jiowers 2.a:jiower Sarden/show 3 a flower with its sTEM thathasbeenPpicked as a decoration: TPpicKked some Fiowers. Ca punch of flomwers cajflower arrarTlgemient 一see also BOUQUET Im the flower of sth (/iterory) the finestor bestpart of sth


| "anmy

| aonow

| iersay

| aog8go (Br6

paik where 有lowers are grOwF noun] decorated with patterns of flowers flowering/aauerm/ noun 了 [u] thetime whenaplant has flowers [Cusuallysing.] ~ of sth the time when sth, especially a period of new ideas iD art, music,science, etc.,,Treaches its most complete and successful stage of development

f和lowerpot /auepnt;



tainer made ofPlastic or CLAY for growing plants

flower power no

a con记D

[ul the culture connected with

young people of the 1960s and early 1970s who believed 也 love and peace and were against War

flowery /aauari/- adj [usually before noun]


With flowersi or decorated with ,Pictures of flowers 忆 ,smelling or tasting offlowers 3 (usually disopproving) (of speech or writing) too complicated; not expressedin a clear and:simple way

人 oOwimpP offLY low-omnmoun, adj. (Austra/E, NZB) BIOUM an increase 雇 pay or an improvement in Workifig conditions that is made becatse one has already been given in a similar job BGdlj. low-oneffects, etc. are ones that happen as a Testlt of sth else

他 @zabpor (六 和 oz (im writing) FLUID OUNCE: Add 8 丈 oz Water 砷 UL onm /fuz/ (often the fu (alsoJormal in.flu-enz相 moOUHm [U] an infectious disease like a Very bad cold, that causes fever pains and wealkkness: The Whole /farmmily has the ju (BrE) Shes got ju

介 ulb /flAb/ ve 冯 (-bbJ (MAmE ipformaj to do sth badly or Imake a Imistake


[VN] She Hubbed

the firstline ofthe song. [alsoVv] 和 ubnoun fluc-tu:ate /SAktfuert/ ve [V] ~ (betweenAand B)to change frequentlyin size, amount,,quality etc.,especially 位om one extreme to anotheT VARY: Jiuctuatmng Prices Ce DUTing 妇e crisis oilL Drices 媳uctuated between 820 ad 8%340 a barrelL Temperatures can jiuctuate By as mmucpn Qs J0 degrees. My mood seeims to jiuctuate 太om day to da ef 和lucturation /人Aktfuermn/A noun [GOW] ~ (in/of sth): Wild jauctuatiofis im interestrates

fluey/au:/ nour apipe ortubethattakes smoke, gas orhot air away 位om a fire; a HEATER oran oven fuemcy /au:ensi/ noun [U,singJ 1 the quality ofbeing able to speak or wiite alanguage,especially a foreign language, easily and well: FIuemncy 记 French required 7or jzjob. 2 thedualityofdoing sthin asmooth and skilful Way: The team IacKked juency auringthe 太rsthal

fu:ent /usent/ adj 了 ~ 人 (in sth) ableto speak, read or Write a language,especially a foreign language, easily and well: ShesSjJiuenti Polish. cajFiuentspeakerreader 2 (of a language, :especially a foreign larnguage) expressed easily and well: He speaKks jiuentItalian. 3 (of an action) donei 记asmooth and skilful way: 九vuentjhardywr 让 ingejiuentmoverments fuentiyadv

全 ff /所 Af/ PovPp, ve履 百 D0OUm [U] 了 (BrE) (also lint NAmE,BrE) small pieces of Wo0ol, cotton,, etc. that gather on clothes and other SUTrfaces Z soft animal fur or bird feathers, that is found especially on young animals or birds 3 (injrmal,especially NmE) entertainment thatis not serious amnd is not considered to have great value

:ou go(MmB

|, of boy

|: re near

| ee hair

| ue pure



@ Verb [VN] Ti(informalj)to do sth badly or to fail at Sth BUNGLE: He co7mpletely 用ufjfed an easy shot (= 各 Sport CWMostactors 用 wu their lines 0occasiomnally 2 一 sth(out/up) to shake or brustisth so that 让 lookslargerand/ or softer: The jermale sat on the eggs, 了lfing out her fathers. CIetmejiufrupyour pilows oryoL. fluffy /9Afi/ cd (fluffier,fluffiest) T like flufft; covered in fluff: aittle jlufpyr kitten 了 (offood) soft light and containing air: Beat he butter and SUSaT UL SO记 and Pujfpr 3 looking asifitis softand light: jujprwhite Clouds

f 刊u.gel.horn /iu:glhom; NAmE :ozrn/ nOUn a BRASS mtusical instrtinentlike a small TRUMPET

和到uid /auzrd/ novn, a 丰

上@@mOUn [C,U] aliquid; asubstance that can flow: pody, fluids (= for example, blood) e The doctor told Pam 如 drinK Plenty ofjluids. cocleaning Huid

四 dij 1 (jpormah (of movements,designs,music,


FLOWING: Q 1oose, jiuid styie of smooth and elegant dancing ojfluid guitar playing co thejfluid lines of the draw-

ing 2 (Jormal) (ofa situation) likely to change; not fixed:

afluid politicalsituation 3'(technicaol)that can flow freely, as gases and liquids do: afiuid comsistency

flu-id.ity /ftuxrdati/ noun [U] TUormalh the quality of being smooth and:elegant: She darced With great 丸uidity of moyement 2 (1jormal) the quality of being likely to change: the fluidity of hurman pehayiour 人 SOcial juidity

3 (technicolj) the quality of being able to flow freely, as gases and liquids do

fluid 'oumce noun (abbr fl oz) a umit for measuring 1

duids.There are 20 fluid ounces in aBritish pint and 16 D

an American pint.

fulke /fnuk/noun [usually sing:] (njormajh alucky or un-

usual thing that happens by accident,not because of planning or skill;: They are deterrTmined to Show that 女eir

Iast win was no jiuke. caiukegoale fluky (alsoflukey) /ukil ad

flume /aum/ nounr 1 a narrow channel Immade to carIy

water for use in industry 2 a water CHUTE (= atube for sliding down) at an AMUSEMENT PARK OF a swimming pool

flum.mery /amaeri/ noun [U] nonsense, especially praise that is silly or not sincere: She hated the 思 urmrmmery of PUBIic relations. flum-mox / 联Amaks/ ve 履[VN] [usually passive] (not used 记 the progressive tenses) (informalj) to confuse sb so that they do not know what to say or do: 工Was Jumzrnoxed py Per question F 和 ummoxed ad

fung 2 .ppP ofFLING funk /flAnKk/ verb (informal,especialy NAmB) Tto fail an

exam, 'a test or acourse: [VN] 工 九unked math 总 Second grade. [alsov] 2 [VN] to make sb fail an exam, a test OF a course by giving them alow markVgrade: ShesJiunked flunk 'out (of sth) (NAm户 J3 of the 18 students. informal) to have to leave a school or college becatuse yourmarks/grades arenot good enough

flun:key (also flunky) /Anoki/ novn (P/ -eys or -ies)

1:(disapproving) a person who tries to Please Sb who is important and powerful by doing small jobs for them 2 (old-Joshioned) a servant in uniform

fuores:Cent /flo:xresnt; fluar-; NAmE also flor-/ ad

1.:(of substances) producing bright light by using some forms of RADIATION: a fluorescent lamp (= One that Uses such a substance) C .fluorescent Ligshting cnote at BRIGHT 2 (of a colour materiali etc.) appearing Verybright when light shines on it; that can be seen in the dark: 刀uorescent tks PHOSPHORESCENT armbands Worm by cyclis 一compare

和luorescence moun [] cnote at BRIGHT fluorid.ation /Homrrderfn; BrE also uaer-; NAmE also flor-/ noun [U] the practice ofadding fluorideto drinking water to Preventtooth decay

和uoride /ao:rard; BrEalso'floer:; NAmEalso'flor/ noun f

a chemical containing fluorine that protects teeth ifrom


| ddid

| ffall|

9 get

| hhat

| jyes

decay and is often added to TOOTHPASTE and sometimes to drinking water

fluorinme /orimn; BrEalso 蝗oar-; NAmEalso TUT-/ OU [u] (symb F) a chemical element. Fluorine is aPoisonous pale yellow gas and is Very REACTIVE,

fLUTrried /Arid; NAmE Ja:rid/ adj nervous and confused; especially because _there is too much to do FLUSTERED 人urry /Ari; NAmE :sri/ .0oun (O -ies) 了 [usually sing.]

an occasion whenthereis alotof activity 记teresb excitement, etc. within a short period of time: Q Sudder lurry ofactivitycHerarrivalcaused aJIurTy Ofexcitemment 2A Jiurry of shots Tang out 态 雪e darkness,2 a Small atmount of snow, rain, etc. that falls for a short time and then stops: smiow Jiurries ce Jurries of Snow 3 a sudden short movement of paper or cloth, especially clothes: The 1adies departed inaJlurry ofsilks and satins:

和 ush /AT/ verb, noun, ad

四 Ver 访人 (of aperson or their face) to become Ted especially becatse you are embarrassed,angIy OF hot: [V] She jiusjied with ariger S [V-ADj] Sam 万 IEjher Cheeks Is red [alsoVN] 2 [VVN] whenatoilet flhushes or yoU fiush it, Water passes through ittoclean it, after a handle, etc. has been pressed 3 [VN] ~ sth out (with sth) | ~ sth through sth to cleam sth by causing Water to pasS through it: Flusji the Di旋e OUE With cleart Water 2 HUsh clean Water through thepipe. 4 [VN +advVprep]togetrid ofsth with asudden flow of water: They jusHied the drusgs down the toilet 人 DrinkingIotks ofwaterw 记 helptojiushtoxins OUEO

he 5ody

痢lush' sby/sth 'outi(of sth) | ;flush sb/

sthesout toforceapersonmorarmanimaltoleavethePplace where they are hiding 下 moOUn 了 [Cusuallysing.] ared colour that appears on yOUT faceorbodybecauseyou are embarrassed, excited orhot: 一See also HOT FLUSH A pink Jiush spread over his cheeks. 2 [Gusuallysing]asudden strong feeling; the hotfeeling on your face or body caused by this: airush of artger/ embarrassment/enthusiasmy/guilt 3 [sing.] the actof cleaning a toilet with a sudden flow of water: Give the

toiletajuusF 4 [cl (in caitd games) a setof cards that a playerhas thatareall ofthe same SUIT [rm (in) the 任 rst flushiof sth (1jorma/ (atbatime when' sth is new, exciting and istrong: 识 the Jirst flush of youth/enthusiasmy roTiLGTLCe @ dd [not before noun] 1 (Unformaohhaving alot ofmoney, usually for'a short time 了 一 with sth (of two surfaces) completely level with each other: Make sure the paving stones arejflashn with the lawm: NS

和ushed f

/flAft/ oadj (of a person) red; with a red face:

Jushed cheeks e Herjace wasJiushed with anger o (Jigurative) He Was flushed With success (= Very excited and Pleased) after his 记rstnovel Was PUDLished.

flus.ter /所AsteCr)/ verb, noOun

上b [VN] [often passive] to make sb nervous and/or con上 ye

fused, especially by giving them a lotto do or by making FLURRIED; She arrived themhurry > fustered adf/. Late, 1ooKking hot and 用 Ustered. 上四 IOUNm [sing:] (BrE) a state ofbeing nervous and confused flute /fluzt/ novn 1 a musical instrument of the woopDWIND group, shaped like athin pipe, The player holds 让 sideways and blows across ahole at one end. 一picture 只 PAGE R6 2 champagne 一 a tall narrow 8lass Used for drinking CHAMPAGNE 一Picture 只 GLASS

fliuted /iu:trd/ adi. (especially of a round object) with a pattern of curves cut around the outside: juted coumns e fluting nov7n [U]

和 ut.ist /所 uztrst/ noun (NAmE) = FLAUTIST fut:ter /AteGnD/ verb, noun 上 Ver Ttomovelightly and quickly; to make sth move ip this way: [V] Flags jiuttered 训 the breeze. CHereyelidsjuEteredbutdidmnotopere [VN] Hejiutteredhis hamds arourid

wildly e She fluttered her eyelashes at him (= tried to attract him in order to parsuade-him to do sthb). 2 [V VN] when a bird or an insect flutters its .wings, Or its

wingsiflutter the wings move lightly and quicklyup and down 3 [v + adyyprep]i(of a bird or:an insect) to fly somewhere moving the wings quickly and lightly: The

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| :ppen

| :rred

Putterfiy jiuttered 六 om jiower to jiower 4 IV] (of your heart etc.) to beat very quickly and not Tegularly: Tcould Jeelajiuttering pulse.e (jgurative) The sound ofhis voice 识 the hall made herjheartAPiutter 卓 0OUm 了 [Cusually sing.] a quick, light movement: the JE ter of wings C With a 帮 utter of her Iong dark eyelashes

Uiguratve) to feel a Jiutter of panic 识 your stomach 之 [CUusually sing.] ~ (on sth) (Binformalj asmall bet: to jave aiutter or the horses 3 [sing.] a state of nervotis or

confused excitement: Her suddemn arrival catsed quite Q Jutter 4 [C] a very fast HEARTBEAT,,catsed when sb is DeIVoUS OFT excited: Her heart gayve a Putter When She saw

Pim. 5 [U] (medicol) a medical condition in which you have a fast, Unsteady HEARTBEAT G [U] (technical) rapid changesin thePITCH or volume ofrecorded sound_com-

Pare wowW

人 uvial /auzvisl ad (technical)connected with rivers flux



1 [ul

change: Our society 这



识 a state of floc


2 [Cusually

sing,U] (technicoj a flow; an act of Rowing: a Jax of meutroms fly 0 /ar/ verb, mouU1 ,Gd 昌 Vemb flies ,flying ,flew /fii:/flown /fleun; NAmEfloun/) 了 .sense 15 flied is used for the past tense and past Participle.

>*OF BIRD/INSECT 1 [V] to move through the air using Wings: A stork jieww slowly past 2 A wasp jhad jiown 识 太 rough 妨e Windo认. 上 AIRCRAFT/SPACECRAFT

了 2 [V] (of an aircraft or a SPACE-

们 y half


REe Ietjpy atrmme with hisjist eSheletPor withasream of QbUse. 一more at BIRD, CROW 由,FLAG 1 ,PIG 1 ,SEAT 放, TANGENT, TIME /1.,, WINDOW ET fly at sb (of a person or an animal) to attack sb suddenly 国 110O07 (plflies )

>INSECT 1 [cl asmall flying insect with two wings. There are many different types of fly: 4. 儿rwas buzzing against the Window. SRlies rose 识 thick black sarris. *IN FISHING 字 [Gafyorsthmadetolooklikea 全 y, thatis Put on ahook and used as BAIT to catch fish: 刀 /-fishing “ON TROUSERS/PANTS 3 [sing.] (BrE alsoflies [pl.]) an opening dowm ihe front of a pair of trotsers/pants that fastens with a ZIP or buittons and is ustially covered over by a strip of material: Zour jy 站 undonel co 如 好 让es are Unmdone! 一Picture 只 PAGE RI5 *ON TENT

-4 [G a piece of material that covers the en-

trance to a tent

一see also FLIESIEI die/fall/drop like 'flies (njforma)

to die or fall down in very large numbers: People were

dropping Like Hies ointment

识 te intense jheat a/the fly in the

aperson or thing that spoils a situation or an

occasion thatis fine in all other waysafly on the'wall a

Person who watches others without being mnoticed: Pd loveto beajr on thewallwhen he tells her themnews. oj 用rOPm太 he-Wall docurmentaries (= iD which people are filmed going abonut their normal lives as ifthe camera were not therejlthere are) no flies on 'sb (Informaj) the person

CRAFT) to move through air or space: TheyWwere on aDlane Imentioned is clever and not easily tricked not harmy/ Jing 方om Iondon ti New 瑟rK oo to joy at the speed of hurt a fly to be kind and gentle and unwilling to cause SOUPd C IUfthamnsa jp to Ka Paz 方om Frankfurt 3 [v] to Unhappinesson the fly (pformmal/) fyou do sth on the travel in an aircraft or a SPACECRAFT: Im jying to Hong fly you do it quickly while sth else is happening, and Kong tormmorrow.c 表 雪 雪efirstthmte 雪atyouyejiowr22T without thinking about it very mnuch always 用vpusiness class. C WeyejjiyingKIM. 4 tocontrol adj. (normnal) TI(BrE) clever and showing good judgean aircraft etc. p the air: [VN] a pilottrained to jy Iarge ment about People,, especially so that you can get an Passenger Planes C children jing Kites ec [V] Res Iearning advantage for yourself 2 (NMmB fashionable and tojfb 5 [VN +advVprep] to transport goods or passenattractive gers ip a Plane: The stramded touristk Were finally 用ownm 和 yagaric (also ,fly a'garic) noun [U] a poisonous Pome. CHFe had jjiowers specialjy jiownm 识jorthe ceremomy MUSHROOM Withared top With white spots 6 [VN] to travel over an ocean or area of land in an aircraft: to jy the Atlamtic fly.away /arewer/ adj (especially of hair) soft and fine; MOVEQUICKLY/SUDDENLY 7 [V often 十 advV/prep]to go difficult to keep tidy Or move quickly: The train was jying along. 2 She gasped 伸y lball own (in BAsEsALL) a ball that is hit high into amd Per hand jiew to jher mouth. ets Iate一T mnust 有 the air 8 [usually +adv/prep] to move suddenly and with 介 y-blowm /farblaon; NmEDbloun/jodi (BrB dirtyandin force: [V] AIarge stone camejying 识 雪 rough the window. bad condition; not fit to eat Q Seyveral people Were hit by jing glass. C [V-ADI] Dayid fy boy moun(NmE imormahapilob especiallyoneinthe gaye te door aKick amd 让 jlew opem.


9 [vV] ~ (by/past) to seem to pass very quickly:

Doesmnttane 思 /22 Sumnmer jhas 记 stjlownmn by “FLAG 10 半 afagflies, orifyou flyit itis displayed, for example on a long pole: [VN] to jy the Stars and Stripes [V] Pags were fying at halfrmastom all PUBDIic buildimngs. *MOVE FREELY 11 [V] to move around freely: hair jying 训 the wind


12 [v]tobetalked aboutbymany



了 3 (如rmaj to escape from sb/sth:; [VN] Both sus-

Pects haye fiowm the counmtry [also V] 一compare FLEE *OFPLAN 14 [V](NAmm 日to be successful: 丰 remains to pe SeeJL WPether Phis project w 记 yy. *1N BASEBALL 15 (flies ,flying ,flied ,flied ) [v VN] tohita ball high into the air [ET fly the coop (和 /ormal especiolly NAmB) to escape

from 人 a placefly 'high to be successfulfly in the face of

'sth to oppose or be the opposite of sth that is usual or expected: Sucj a proposal is jying 训 the 名 ce of cormmrmom Se1lse.f 和ly into a rage,'temper,etc, to become sud-

denly very angry(go) fly a/your 'kite (NAmE informah Used to tell sb to go away and stop- annoying you or

INTERFERING fly the mest 1 (of ayoung bird) to become able to fy and leave its nest 2 (njormalj) (of sb's child) to leave home and live somewhere elsefly off the


(npformaj) to suddenly become very angrygo


有 y-lby noun (p/fly-bys )1 the flightof asPACECRAFT near aplanetto record data 2 (NAIm 日 三 FLY-PAST

人 y-by-might co/ [only before noun] (of a person or business) dishonest and only interested ip making money quickiye fy-by-night mouvn

们 ycatch:er

/fiarkaetfaaoy/ moun

a small bird that

catches insects while itis flying

人 ydrive odj ,noun (BI 日 目 0dj. [only before noun] (of a holiday/vacation) organized by atravel company at a fixed price that includes your flight to a place, a car to drive while you are there and Somewhere to stay: ay-drive break | 日 1OUm afly-drive holiday

利yer (alsoflier )/areCD/ novnT

(Unformah aperson who

flies an aircraft (usually a small one,not a passenger Plane) 之 a person who travels in a plane as a passenger: 万equent jyers 3 a person who operates sth such as a model aircraft oraKITE from the ground 4 athing, especially a bird or an insect that flies in a particular way: Butterflies can pe Strong jyers. 5 a Small sheet of paper that advertises a product or an event and is given to a large nuUmber of people 6 (informalj) a person, an animal Or a Vehicle that moves-very qtiickly: Fords jiashy new Jer 7 =ELYING START 一See also HIGH-FLYER

提lying (Br jpformaj) to fall especially as a result of not Seeing sth Under your feet: Sormmeomes going to 8o1ping 矿 用y-fishinmg novn [uj the sportoffishing in ariver orlake using an artificial fjy to attract and catch the fish youdonm4 Dick up these toys.let 'fly (at sb/sth) (with sth) to attack sb by hitting them or speaking angrily to them: , 伸Y half movn = STAND-OFF HALF


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

| 5yvision

| tfchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0Dsing


598 |

全 yi 到 0Om /aaim/adj,nouy add六 [only before noun] abletofly: tyinginsece

the lightest:class; usually weighing between 48 -and 51 kilograms

IE with

flying'coloursvery well; with a very high markVgrade: She passed the exam With jying colours,[GEHISII the Past a ship returned to port after a victory in battle dec-

orated with flags (= colours). aoumn [U] 1 travelling in an aircraft: 77mm ter7r 访ed of jying. 2 operating the controls of an aircraft: fying lessonmns

flyinglboatnovn alargePplanethat cantake offfrom and land on water

fying lputtressnovmn (orchitecture) ahalfARCH ofbrick or stone that SUDports the outside wall of alargebuilding Such as a church

flying doctornovn (especially in Australia) a doctor Who travels 记 an aircraft to visit patients who live far from a town: A_Jflying doctor seryice operates 识 Temriote Tegior5.

, 介ying fishh nov7 a tropical sea fish that can rise and Imove forwards above the surface of the watem Using its FINS (= flatparts that stick out from its body) as wings

,和 ying foxnovma large BAT (= an animal like'a mouse With wings) that lives in hot countries and eats fruit

flying jacket(BrB(US

他y:wWei 名 ht/arwert/ novn a BOXER WRESTLER; etc: of

lightjacket moun a short lea-

ther jacket -with a warm LINING and COLLAR,ofiginally WornbyPpilots

flying 'leapnrovnalong high jump made while yotu are Iunning quickly: to take aiying Ieap into the air

flying machinenovn an aircraftyespeciallyone thatiis Unusual or was builtalong time ago

flying officerovn an officer of lower rank in the British AIR FORCE: Flying Oj太 cer Jar Wall

们 y.wheel/aarwil/ novn aheavywheelin amachine or an engine thathelps to keep itworking smoothlyand ata steady Speed

FMobpr 1 /ef'em/ frequency modulation (a method of broadcasting high-quality sound by radio): Radio 2 (in writing) Field Marshal


人 numibernovwn a number that shows the relationship between the FOCAL LENGTH DIAMETER

of a camera LENS and its

foall/feol; NAmEfool/ noun; yeb BIOU1 a Very yoUng horse or DONKEY

II in foal(of a

female horse) Pregnant @Verb [V] to give birth to a foal

foam/feum; NMmEfoumy/ noun; ye山 mmoun- 1 (also- foam :rubbey [U] a soft light rubber material, full of small holes, that is Used for seats, MATTRESSES, etc.: a fjoam mattress ce jam pacKkasging 字 [U] a mass of very small air bubbles on the surface of a liquid ErFROTH: aglass of peer with agood head offoamcThe Dreaking Wayes Leftthe beach coyered with foam: 3 [u,G a chemical substance that forms or produces a soft mass of veIy small bubbles, used for washing, shaving, Or PUtting out fires, for example: Shaying 妈 am @Verb [V] (of a liquid) to have or produce a mass of small bubbles ERIIFROoTH [IE foam at the mouth 1 (especially of an animal) to have a mass of small bubblesin and around its mouth, especially becatse it is sick orangry 2 (informal) (ofaperson) to be very angry

foamy/feumi; NMAmE foumi/ adj. consisting of or producing amass of small bubbles; like foam

folb/fpb; NAmEfa:Dyverb; noun ByVe上 b ( -bb)

fob sb 一'off (with sth) Tito tryrto

People claim to have seen and that Some People believe comes from another Planet 一compare UFO

Stop sb asking questions or complaining by telling them sth thatis nottrue: DontIethimfopyouoffwith anymmore exXCcUSes.O She wouldntbefobbedo 太 thistime. 2 togivesb sth thatis notwhattheyWwantor is ofworse quality than they want: He Was UPnaware that he Was peing jbbed o太 With out-of date stocK. aoun 1 a short chain that is attached to a watch that is

flying squadnrovn (usually the Flying squad a group

carried 记 a pocket 2 (also fob watch a watch that is

和 ying picketnoun (BrE) a worker on strike who can go quickly to other factories, etc. to help persuade the workers there tojoin the strike

flying 'Saucermoun a round SEACECRAFT that some

of police officers in Britain who are ready to travel very quickly to the scene of a serious crime

flying 'squirrelnovn a small aniimal like a SOUIRREL Which travels through the air between trees, Spreading out the skin between its front and back legs to stop itself from falling too quickly

,fyimn 吕 start(also /ess jreqguent 有lyey noun [sing.] avery fast start to a race,competition,etc,

flying 'start|

[IJ get off to za

get offto a flyerto make a Very good

body worn by the-pilot and CREw of a military or light aircraf人

,和 ying ' visitoun (BrE) a very short visit fy-leaf'aanli:ft/ noun (p/ fly:leaveyan emptypageatthe beginning orend of abook

人 yover/aareuvaGnD); NAmE -ouvar/ moun T (BrE) (NAmE over'pas$y a bridge that carries one road over amnother one 了 (NAm 昌 = FLY-PAST

乔y.Papemw'arpermpa(r)/ movn [CU] astrip ofsticky paper that youhangin aroom to catch flies

和y-by 'flyovey noun a special

flight by a group of aircraft, for people to watch at an important ceremony

介 y-Ppostve避 [V VN] (BrE) to put up pieces of paper that advertise sth in public places, without official permission > ' 浊 y-postingiouvn [U] :fly-postemoun

fly.sheet/aarfit/ novn (BrE) an extra sheet of material on the outside of atent that keeps the rain ouUt

' 介y-tipve 履 [V] ( -pp} (BrB) to leave waste somewhere 计 legally

和 oo.b.obbr (in writing) free on boarkd focal/feukl; NAmE foukl/ adj [only 许fore nounj central; Very important; connected with or Providing afocus

fo-cal'ize(BrE also -ise@ /feukelarz; NAmE fo/ verb [VN] (Jormal/) to make sth focus or concentrate on a par-

ticular thing focalizationp NAmE fou-/ noun [U,G]


focal 'lengthmoun (physics) the distance between the

.Start; to begin sth well

flyingsuitovn apiece ofclothing that covers the whole

fy-Ppast(BrE) (NMmE

attached to afob 3 a small decorative object that is attached to aKEY RING,etc.

他y-tipping?ouv7 [U] fly-tippemow

centre ofa mirror or aLENS and its FOCUS

focal pointinown T athing orperson that is the centre of interest or activity: Im rural areas, the school oftert the 如 calpointjforthelocal communitb ceDe quicKkly became the JocaLpointjorthose who disagreed with governrmentpolicy.

2 (iechnical) = FOCUS foyc?s?le= FORECASTLE

{fOcus 0/t5okes; NAmE too verb noun mejb( -S-OFr -SS 了 一 (sth) (on/upon sby/sth) to give attenz tiony effort, etc. to one particularsubjecb Situation or perSon rather than another: [V] The discussiomn jpcused om

three mair problerms. C Each exercise focuses on a different gramr7marpoint c [VN] Theyvisithelped to 名 cusWworld attention on theDlight of the refulgees. 字 ~ (sth) (on sb/sth) (of youtr eyes, a camera etc.) to adapt or be adjusted so that things can be seen clearly; to adjust sth so that you can Seethings clearly: [V] Zetyoureyesjocus on objects 如 atare 包 rtheraway 方omyou Tttookajewmomentsjorhereyes to focus 总 t妇e dark. ce 丙 this sceTie tecarmera focuses om the actors jce. co [VN] He focused jhis blue eyes on her CT quUickly focused the camera on 如e children. 3 [VN] 一 sth (on sth) (techmicoj to aim light ontoa particular point Using aLENS

cat | d father | eten | s:bird | aabout | Isit | 袜 see |imany|npgot(BrE)

| ozsaw | Acup | 5 put | mtoo

目 OU (Djfo-cuses orfoci /teosar, NAmE foo-/) 1 [uC usuallysing:] ~ (for/on sth) thething orpersonthat people are most interested in; the act of paying special attention to sth and making people interested in it: It was the main

Jocus ofattention atthermmeeting. coHis comrnents Proyided Qjcus for debate.e 丙 todays Lecture the focus wil pe on taX Sbuctures Within the 本 ropearm Union. C The 识cident DrouSht the problem of Violence 识 School 识to ShaTPD Jocus.e We shallmmaintain Our focus om the needs of the cuUstomer 2 WhatWe meed mowis acharge offocus (= to look at things in a different way) 2 [U] a point or dis: tance at which the outline of an object is clearly seen by the eye or through a LENS: The childrens foces are badly






Bo:ghozrn;y fag-/ -noun an

instrument that makes aloud noise to warn shipsof danger in FoG: Hes got a Voice Like a foghorn (= aloud

unpleasantVoice). fog lamp (8r6 (alsofog light NMAm 语Br6jimounia very bright light on the 人fontorback ofa car to help the driver to see orbe seen in FoOG 一picture 作 PAGE RI

fogy =FOGEY fohm (alsofoehn )/fszn/ movn(usuallythefahn ) [sing]a

hot wind that blows in the Alps OUt of yjfocus (= notclearly shown) 识 the photographL 4 The binoculars Were not 训 focus (= were not showing foi:ble /tom scwn asilly habit or a strange or weak asthings clearly). 3 (alsofocal point ) [C] (physics) a point pect of a personm's character, that is considered harmless at Which waves of light, sotnd, etc. meet after REFLECby other peopleEXHJ IDIOSYNCRASY: We jhaye to iolerate TION OF REFRACTION; the point from -which waves of each othersIittle foibles. light Sound, etc. seem to come 4 [G (geology) the point foie ,gras :novm [U] 史 PATE DEFOIE GRAS at Which an EARTHQOUAKE starts to happen


(alsofo.cussed )/feukast; NAmE fou-/ adj. with

your attention directed to what you Wantto do; with very clear aims: She should do we 识 Rerstudies thisyear shes Very jcused.

focus group moun a small group of People,spPecially chosen to represent different social classes, etc., who are askedto discuss and givetheir opinions aboutaparticular subject. The inforriation obtained istsed bypeople doing MARKET RESEARCH, for example about new Products or forapolitical party:

focus puller 7ovn an assistant to aiCAMERAMAK fod.der /fpdac); NAmEfe:d-/ novun [U] 1T food forhorses and farm animals 辽 (disopproving) (often after a notin) People or things that are considered to have only one Use: Without educatiom tbese children Wi end UP as 所 ctoryjodder (= only able to work 挝 a factory).e This story 凤到 pe more jdader 1jor the 8055态 coIUrm7aist6. 一see also CANNON FODDER foe /fe 到 MAmE foa/ noun (oldoshioned or jornmah an


foehn = 三FOHN foe.tal (B7 间 (alsafetal NAmE BrB) /Si:H/ adj [only before noun] connected with a foetus; typical of a foetus: fjoetar ab7PorTmalities 2 Shelay curted up afoetal positiom.




(Br6) (alsafetus NAmE BrB /fi:tes/ noun ayoung

human or animal before it is born,especially a human more than eightWweeks after FERTILIZATION fog /名g; NMmEfo:g; fazg/ noun, veb 四 IOU1 [U,C] 了 athick cloud ofverysmall drops ofwater iD the air closeto the land or sea, thatis very difficult to see thbrough: Derise/tnick fog z afjfecthng roads 碎 太e nort ad Visibility poor 2 廊eezing fpog 2 Patches of fog w 记 clear py mid-mormning. CO We get heayy fogs om 态 站 coast 训 Winter CThe towm Was coyered 识a thick blanket offog. < The 1og jinaly LiFed (= disappeared). 一compare MIST 2Z astate of confusion, 识 which things are not clear: De Wentthrousgj 切 e day Witp nzs mind 识 afog:

卓 Verb 人g- )1 [vvVN] 一 (sth)(up)ifaglass surfacefogs oris fogged up, 让 becomes covered in steam or small drops of water so thatyou cannot seethrough 2 [VN] to make sb/

fo训 /fpoa/ movn, vemb

百 IOU 了 (BrE alsosilver 'foil ) [U]-metal made into very thin sheets that is used for covering or:Wiapping things,

especially food: (BrE) alurminiurn 名 让 (NAmE) alurninurm 刀 isee alsoTINFOIL 字 [U] paper that is covered in Very thin sheets of metal; The chocolates are inaividualyy Wrapped 如 goldjfoiL 3 [C~(forsb/sth) aperson orthing that contrasts with, and therefore emphasizes, the qualities ofianother person Or thing: The pale Walls Proyide Ga Perfectj 名 ifor the 九 rmiture. 4 [Cl alongthin lightswoRD used ip the Sport of FENCING 一picture 咏 PAGE R23 四 YE 上b [VN] [often passive] to stop sth from happening, especially sth iegal; to Prevent sb ,from doing sth THWART: to foiLa planAcrime/plot ceCustommns o 访 cials Joiled an attermmpt to Smuggle 妇 epaintings OUt of the COUPDY 2 They Were Joiled 识 t妇 eir attermpt to smnuggie the Paimtimags,

foist /forst/ verbEmEIO foistsb/sth on/uponsb to force Sb to accept sb/sth that they do notwant: The title fjorjher ROYVel Was Joisted or her by the PUDLishers:



/fed NM7mE fould/ ve属,nou1n

量 ye 族了 1 [VN]~sth(up) | ~sth (back, down, ovem etc.) to bend sthi especially paper or cloth; so thatone partlies on top of another part: 了He folded 态 e7mrap UP and pt 让 识his Docket Firsb fold the paper 识 halFA 训 two. The bIanmKets had been folaed daown. Capieofmneattyjfolded clothes4 The Dird folded is wings.[aaag UNFOLD 一See also FOLD-UP 了 一 (sthj(away/down)j to bend sth so that it becomes Smaller or flatter and can be stored or carried more eas:jy; to bend orbe able to bend in this way:-[VN] The bed ca pe foldaed away during theday ce[V] The table folds up When Tiot 训 Use.C(Jjguratve) When she heard the news her legsjustjfolded Under her(= She fell). es [VADI] Te ironing poard 1folds Jiat for easy storage. 3 [VN] 一 AinB|~B round/overAto wrap sth around sb/sth: She gentty 加 lded the bpaby 识 Q DianKket 2 She folaeda a blariKket around the Daby 4 [V] (of a company a play etc.) to close becatuse

itismnot Successfulrarm fold sb in your'arms (Nteromy)to

Putyourarms around sb and hold them againstyourbody fcoild your 'arms to Put one of your arms over the other one and hold them against youUI body 一Picture 只 ARM fold your 'hands to bring or hold your hands together': She kept her hands folded 总 her lap.EETEIE fold sth 一 in

|fold sth 'into sth in cooking) to add one substanceto

sth confulsed or less clear:Ttried to clear thecomhusiof 雪 at another and gently mix them together: Fold in the beaten Was fogging my brain. 2 The goyermmenitWas tryingto fog egg Whites. the real issUes Defore the electiom. 下 OU 了 [C] apart ofsth, especially cloth, thatis folded or fog-boundl /fpgbaund; NAmE fo:g-; fa:g-/ adj unable to hangs as 这 直had been foldedi; thejfolas ofher dress c 1oose Operate becaltise offog; unabletotravel orto leave aplace Jolas ofskin 2 [Camark orline madebyfolding sth, or because of fog: afogbourid airport 2 jogboumd passemngers showing where sth should be folded 3 [Q an area in a CShespent hours jgbourd 训 BrUsSelS. field surrounded by a fence or wall where sheep are Kept for safety 4the fold [sing.] a group of people with fogey (alsaiogy ),/feugi; NMmE fougi/ noun (plfogeys or Whom you feel you belong or who share the same ideas fo.gies )aperson with old-fashioned ideas thathe or sheis Or beliefs: He called om frmter Republicamn voters to return Unwilling to change: He sounds Like such an old fogey! to thejfold, 5 [G (geology) a curve or bend in the line of foggy /fpgi NAmE forgij fargi/ dj fog.gier fog.gi.est ) the layers of rock in the earth's CRUST 6@6 [G (Br6) a holnot clearbecause'of FoG: foggy comnditions CajJoggy road low place among hills or mountains IE not have the 'foggiest (idea) (informah to not know anything at all about sth: Do you Know Where she -fold sujjx (in adjectives and adverbs) multiplied by; hav2 Sorr Thayenttthe jpoggiest” ingthe number ofparts mentioned: to increase temnjfold


| afmy

| aonow

| ersay

| aogo (BrE)

| ougo(Mm 昌 | ofboy

|: renear

| ee hair

| ue pure


600 |

follktalerovr avery old traditional story from aparticu-

fold:away'feuldawer NmE fould-/odi = FEOLDING fold.er'feoldaG); NMAmE foold-/ moun Tiacardboard or Plastic cover for holding loose papers,etc. 一Picture 只 STATIONERY 2 (in some compnuter Systems) a way of organizing and storing computer fles

{Oldj .im 到 0/ 人 oldi; MAmE'fou-/ (also /ess requehnt fold.awayad/. [only before noun] (of a piece of furniture, a bicycle, etc.) that can be folded, sothat it can be catried or stored in a small space:ajoldingchaircajfoldaway bed

fold-uipod [only before noun] (of an object) that can be made smallerbyclosing or folding so that itakes Up less Space fo-li:age/feulizds; NAmE 'foo-/ noun [U] the leaves of a tree or plant; leaves and branches together: demse 87ee7a Joliage fo:liar/feolisGD); NAmE 'foo-/ adi (technical) relating to leaves: joliar colour

folic acidyfplik'aesId; feo-; NMAmE foo-/ noun [U] aViITAMIN found in green vegetables, LIVER and KIDNEY, neededbythebody forthe Production ofred blood cells folio /feolieo; NAmE 'foulioo/ noun (P1 -os 1 a book made with large -sheets of paper especially as Used ipn earlyprinting 2 (technmical) asingle sheetofpaper from a book follgwfeok; NAmEfook/ nouvm; adf/ 辐OU1 了 (also folksespecially in NAm 有 日[pl] (pformc)) People in general: ordinary WorKking-class fjolkc Ta likea job working with old foIK or Kids. e the folks back home (= from the Place where yotu come from) 2 folksLpl.] (pnjor Imal) a friendly way of addressing more than one person: We folks whatiare we going to do today? 3


(npformal especially NAmB the members of your family, especially your parents: How are your jolks? 4 [plj] People from a particular country or region, or who have aparticular wayoflife: country 包 Ketownsfok cjarming

Jok 5 (also_

'folk musit [U]. music in the traditional

Style of a country or commtunity: ajfoIK festivalAconcert mdffj: [only before noun] T (of art, culture, etc.)traditional and typical ofthe ordinaryPeople ofa country or comrmunity: foiKk art ca 名 KK mmuseum 了 based on the beliefs of ordinary people: fjoIK wisdom ceGarlicis widely Used in Chimese foIK medicine. folkdancenrovwn [CU] atraditional dance ofaparticular aireaor country; a piece of mtusic for such a dance

folk etymology(also

,popular ety'mology 7"00n

[u,C] a Process by which a word is changed, for example

because of a mistaken belief that it is related to another word, or to make a foreign word Sound more familiar: FolK etymology has created the cheeseburger ald the pea7iDuUrgeD5 Dut the irst harmmpbpurgers Were 识 jct named after the city of Harmpbpu7g. folk herorovn aperson thatpeople in aparticular Place admire because of sth Special he or she has done folk.Iore/ PoklooD7; NAmE 'fouk-/ novn [U] the traditions and stories of a country or commtunity: IrisjATmnadian folkloree The story rapidly becarme part of fmmaiy 如IKIore. folkK:Ior.ist'fecklormrst; NAmE 'fook-/ noun aperson who Studies folklore, especially as an academic subject folk 'memorynovn [CU] a memory of sth in the past that the people of a country or commnunity never forget

folkimusiaoun [U] = FOLK Tollk singemoun aperson who sings folk songs folk SOmSg]OL1 1a

song in the traditional style of a

country Or comImunity 2 a type of song that became Popular in the US in the 1960s, played on a GUITAR and often about political topics

folksy/feuksi; NAmE 'fouksi/ ad Ti(especally NAm 昌 Simple, friendly and informal: They wanted the store to Faye afolksy smalli:townmn imiage: 了 (Sometimes disa5pprov-


| dadid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

ing) done or made in atraditional style that is typical of Simple customs in the past: aolksy ballad

lar place that was originally passed on to people p a Spoken form fol.1icle/tolrkl; NmE fa:l-/ ovn one of the very small holes in the skin which hair grows from fol.jOw om/fpleaou; NAmE'foxlou/ vemb ~GOAFTER1T to come or go after orbehind sbysth: [VN] Fe

Jollowed jher into te house. Follow me please. TILshow you the way ethink weyre being followed ce(jgurative) She followed jher mother into the medical profession e [V]

Whereyershe led, they followed. c Sam walked im with the rest of the boys foliowing closely behind. > HAPPEN/DO AFTERZ to come after sthVsb else in time or order; to happen as aresult of sth else: [VN] The first two classes are followed byabreak oftemnTmninutes. CTTrermeTmber Little of the days tatijfollowed the accident CA period of Unrestjollowed the presidents resignation. C [V] Adaetailed

MPewWws report W 记 Jollow shortty c There fliowed a short Silence. C The opemning hours are as foliows .… CA mew proPosal followed on 万omi tre discussions. 3 [VN] ~ sth (up) with sth to do sth after sth else: Foliow your treatment With plenty ofrest C They follow up their March Show with JourVUKR dates next7mon妨. “BE RESUILT 妈 一 (from sth) (not usually used in the progressive tenses) to be the logical result of sth: [V] Tadom芋 Seejhomw 纹atjollows 方om Whatyouyejaustsaid. [vthat] 矿 a=bandb=citfollows thata= 三C: rOF PART OF MEAL5S to come or be eaten after another

part: [VN] The maim course Was fllowed by



Carhis pattern is usually used in the passive. [V] Z jaye soup amd Hish to foliow. * ROAD/PATHG [VN] to go along aroad, path, etc.: Follow this road UPnhlyougetto the school then turn lefi 7 [VN]

(of aroad, path, etc.)to go in the same direction as sth or Parallelto sth: The Ianejfollows 妇eedge ofawoodjorabout aaile.

>*ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS 号 [VN] to accept advice, 远 struictions, etc. and do what yotu have been told or shown to do: to follow a diet/recipe 2 He has trouble following Simple instructiorts. ceWhy didmtyoujfollowrmmy advice?

* ACCEPT/COPY9 [VN] to acceptsb/sth as a guide, aleader or an example;to copySb/sth: They folowed tpe teachings

of Buddha. 2 He always fllowed the Iatest joshions (三 dressed in fashionable clothes). CT don wantyou to 包 LLow ny exaTmnple and TUusRh into mmarriage. 9 The 7moyie 帮obL 1ows the booK jaithfuly *UNDERSTAND 10 to understand an Yexplanation or the meaning of sth: [V VN] Sorry Tadont follow. coSorry 工 dont fjollow you. Ce_ [VN] The plot is almost impossible to jfollow. 只 Dote atUNDERSTAND *WATCH/LISTEN11T [VN] to watch or listen to sbysth very

carefully: The children Were flowing every_ word of the Story intentpb COHer eyes fjolliowed him eyerywphere (三 she

was looking at him all the time). BETINTERESTED

IN 12

[VN] to take an active RESEE iD

sth and be aware of what is happening: Haye you peemn 加llowing the basKketball charmmpionships? 2 Millions oF People followed the trial on TV *OFBOOK/MOVIE13 [VN] tobe concerned with thelife or development of sb/sth: The noyeljfollows thejortunes ofa Village comrmunity in Scotiand. * PATTERN/VCOURSE14 [VN] to develop orhappen in apParticular way: The day followed the UsuaLPpatterm

[Er follow in sb”s 'footstepsto do the same job, have

the same style of life, etc. as sb else, especially sb in your family: She Works 识 televisiom jliowing 识 Pher jithers Jootsteps,follow your_ 'nose 1 to be guided by your Sense of smell 2 to go straight forward: The garage ia 7mile ahead UD the hil 一just fl11ow your nose. 3 to act

according to what seemas right or reasonable, father than following any particular rules _follow 'suit1 (in card games) to Play a card ofthe same SUITthat has justbeen Played 2 to act orbehave in thewaythat sb else has just done 一more at ACT1., ,follow sb around/a'bout to keep going with sb Wherever they go: Wityoustop joL Iowing me arounmd! ,follow 'onto go somewhere after sb else has gone there: 7ZoU goto the beach with the Kids and

| kecat

| khleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen||rired

TUjllowon When Tyejinished work. follow 'through (in


noun FOLLOW-THROUGH(1) follow 'through (with sth) | ,follow sth< through to finish sth that you have start-

IooKk/ermprace/jfarewelLcThaye veryjfond memories of TnY time 训 Spain (= 工remember it with affection and Pleasture). 5 [only before noun] ~ hope ahope abonut sth that is not likely to happen:Twaited all day 识 the fond jhope that she Would chamnge her mind. fondiness /ou

TENNIS, GOLFi etc.) to complete a stroke by continuing to Imovethe club, RACKET, etc: after hitting the ball-_related

ed 一 relatednoun FOLLOW-THROUGH(2) follow sthe'up Ttoaddtosth thatyouhavejust doneby doing sth else: Zu should jollow up your phone call with am email or a Letter 了 to find out more about sth that sb has told yoU or Stggested to you INVESTIGATE: The police are 如 LIOWing UP Seyeral Jeads after their TV appeal fo 六 识forma吉om. 一related noun FOLLOW-UP

fol-low-er /folsoeD); NAmE 'forloo-/ novun Ta person Who supports and admires aiparticular person or set of ideas: the followers of Mahatma Gartdhi 2 a person who is very interested in a particular activity and follows all the recent neWs abont it: Keemn jllowers of football eajoL Iower of fashion 3 aperson who does things after sb else has done them first: Sheisaleader notajfllower

folilow-inm介 om /fols0m; NAmETaloiamy/ ao 1moum, Prep.

@Qdj.thefollowing...T nextintime: thefolowing after PoOoTTTnon 妇[yea7Aeek2They arrived on Monday evening and We got 切ere the following day 2 that is/are goingto be _mentioned next: Amswer the jllowing questions. [IE a following:. wind a wind blowing in the same direction as a ship of other Vehicle that helps 让 move faster 下 /OU 了 [usually sing.] agrouP of supporters: The bamnd has Qhusejollowing 识 Ttay 2 thefollowing (used with either a singular or a plural verb, depending on whether you are talking about one thing Or person or several things or people) the thing or things that you will mention next; the Person or People that yot will mention Dext: THie fjoliowing Qsurmmary ofeyents.C The folowing Paye peeTi chosei to taKke Part Watts, Hodges aid Lem7iox. 目 D1ep. after or as a result of a particular event: Fe tooK charge ofthejo7maiy business following his fthers death.

follow-'onm "own [sing.] (ip cRICKET) a second INNINGS (=aperiod during which ateam is BATTING) that ateam is made to play immediately after its first, 让 it fails to ITeach a particular score


,follow-'on ve [V]

(also follow-my-'leader) 70vn

[U] a children's game ip which people follow the person 雇 ffont ofthem in a line, going wherever they go

follow=-'throusgh "ov 1 [u,sing.] (in TENNIS,GOLF, etc.) the final part of a stroke after the ball has been hit 了 [U] the actions that sb takes ip order to complete a plan: THPe project could 如 这 洲 妇 ere zs inadequate jl1iow态roug妨. foilow-up "ov [CU] an action or athing that continues sth thathas already started or comes after sth similar that Was done earlier: The book is a jllow-up to her excelient televisiom series. > follow-up dj [only before noun]: a

Jollow-up study folly /fpli; NmE'foai/ novr (P/-ies)1T [Uq ~ (to dosth) alackofgoodjudgement; the fact of doing sth stupid; an activity or ideathat showsalack ofjudgement ER sTUPIDITY: an act of sheer foly ecGiving UP a secure job seemms ti pe 坊e jheight of jply 2 正 would be fjoly to trn te offer downm. 2 tphe foliies ofyouth 2 [G a building that has no Practical Purpose bit was built in the Past for decoration, often im the garden ofalarge cotntry house

fo-menmt /feoment; NAmEfoo-/ ve [VN] (Jormal/) to create trouble or Violence or make 让 worse TPey accused Firm of fommentrng poliical Unrest


fond /fond;NAmEfamnad/adi (fond.er fond.est) 下 一ofsb

feeling affection for sb,especially sbyouhaveknownfora long time: Oyer the years Thaye SrowT quite fond of her cnote atLOVE 2 一 of(doing)sth finding sth pleasant or enjoyable, especially sth you have liked or enjoyed for a long time: jnd of7mmusic[cooking ce We had growrtjond of 态 e house amd didmntwantto leave. 只 note atLIKE 3 一 of (doing) sth liking to do sth which other people find annoyingor unpleasant, and doing it often: Sheilas yeryjond of telling other people wjhatto do.e Hesrather toojond ofthe

sond of his own yoice (= hetalks too much). .4 [only before noun] kind and loving AFFECTIONATE: a jJond


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe


[U,sing.] ~ (for sb/sth): He w记 be rernembered py thne sta矿 With great fomndness. 2 a 加 mdness Jor aiirmals IE

ABSENCE fonm-dant


/fondent; NAmE 'fan-/ -moon 1 [ul a thick

SWeet Soft mixture made from sugar and water Used especially tiO cover cakes: Jondant icing 了 2 [C] a soft SweetVcandy that melts in the mouth, made of fondant

fon:dle /fondl; NMmE facndl/ verb [vN] to touch and Imove your hand gentlyover sb/sth, especially in a sexual way orin order to showlove CARESS

fond-ly- /fondli; NmE

famnalif advy 1 iDE away that

Shows great affection AFFECTIONATELY: He IOooKed atherfondly 2Tfondly rermmeimper7mny rstjobp as areDporter 2 imawaythat showshopethatis notTeasonable orrealistic:Tfondly imragined thatyou cared for 7me:

fon:due /fondju:; NMmEfamn'du:/ novn [CU]

个 a Swiss

dish ofmelted cheese and wine intoWhich pieces ofbread are DIPPED Z a dish ofhot oil into which small pieces of Ineat, Vegetables, etc. are DIPPED font /font; NAmE font/ novn T alarge stone bowl in a chtrch that holds water for the ceremony of BAPTISM 之 (techmical)the particular size and style of a set of letters that are Used in Printing, etc.

fomnm:ta.nmelle (US usually fon.ta-nel) /fontemel; .NMAmE fan-/ moun (anatomy) a space between the bones of a babys SKULL,wWhich makes a soft area on the top of the babys head


om /fu:da/ nown

1 [Lu] thingsthat people or animals eat: a shortage of Jood-jood shortagesejfood and dripnkethefood industry 了 [CU]aparticular type offood: PoyouIike Italian fpood? HoxenyfoodsSacanr ofdogjfood(=foradogtoeat)e

Hes off his food (= he does not wantto eat anything).一 See also CONVENIENCE FOOD,FAST FOOD,FUNCTIONAL FOOD, HEALTH FOOD, JUNK FOOD, SEAFOOD, SOUL FOOD, WHOLEFOOD IE food for 'thought an idea that Imakes youthink seriously and carefully

Tood bamnk 75ouvn (RD the US) a place where Poor people camn go to get free food

food chain "ovn (usually the food chain) a series of living creatures in which each type of creature feeds on the one below it in the series: Tsects are Jairty 1ow dowpn

(om) the food chain. foodie /fu:di/ rovn (nrmahaperson who is very interested 记 cooking and eating different kinds offood food 有 OO mou1 _[U] an illness of the stomach calused byeating food that contains harmful bacteria food processor "ouvn apiece of equipment that is used to mix or cut Up food 一picture c MIXER

food sciemce ovm [U] the scientific study of food, for example what it is mmade of the effects ithas on our body, and how to prepare it and store it safely foodl stammp novn (US) a piece of paper the governmentto poor people, for them food.stu作 /fua:dstAf/ novwm [usually pl.] micalj) any substance thatis used as food:

that is given by tobuy food with (especially techbasic jpodstu态 food welb novn (technnmrcal/) a System of FoOoD CHAINS that are related to and depend on each other fool /fu:1/ own, verb, adl/. 加 1OUm 了 [C] aperson who youthink behaves or speaksin a Way that lacks intelligence Or good judgement IDIOT: Domnt pe Such afooll ecTJfeltayfool whenTrealized Tny 7mistake. 2 He tol1d 7me he Was an actor and T Was fool

eniougi to believe hi

2 [C (in the past) a man em-

ployed by a king or queemi to entertain People by telling jokes, singing Songs, etc. JESTER 3 [u,C] (BrE) (usually in compounds) a cold light DESsERT (= a Sweet dish)

| 5vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| Dsing


602 | foopPs


movn [sing.] atask that has no hope of

being done successfully: He sent me on made from fruit that is cooked and crushed and mixed With cream Or CUSTARD: rhubarb fjoolIEI act/play the fool to behave in astupid way in order to make people laugh, especiallyin awaythat may also annoythem: QU Playing the 名 ol and get some Work domnelany fool can/

GajJools errarad

fooPs'gold mov [U] T ayellow mineral found in Tock, Which looks like goldbutis notvaluable, also called IRON PYRITES 2 something that yo think is valuable -or will earn you a lot of money but which has no _chance of ~Succeeding

could .., (informalj) used to say that sth js very easy to fool's'paradise own [usuallysing.] astate ofhappiness that is based on sth that is false or cannot last although do: Amny fool could tell she was jying.be ,no/nobody's fool to be too intelligent or know too much about sth to be tricked by other people: Shes nobodys fool Wje 这

comes to dealing with dicult patient.a fool and his Imoney are soOon 'parted (50ying) a Derson who is not sensible usually spends money too quickly or carelessly,

oris cheated byothersfools rush 'in (where angelsfear to 'tread) (SoyYin8g) People'with little experience try to do the difficultor dangerousthings which more experienced

People would not consider doingmake a 'fool of sb to Sayor do sth.deliberately so thatpeople will think that sb is stupid: Cami yousee shes making afjool ofyou? 只 note

at CHEATmake a fool of yourself

to-do sth stupid

which makes,other people thinkithat you are a fool: 了 Tade acomplete fool of myse 矿 识 方ont ofeyeryomnelmore fool sb (for doing sth) (ipjorma/) used to say that you think -that sb was stupid to do sth,especially when 让 causes them PIoblems: Bes mnot am easy person to liye With. More fool herJforrmarrying himlthere?s) ,nofool like an'old fool (saying) an older person who behaves 雇 astupid wayis worsethan ayotngerperson Who does the same thing, because experience should havesatght him orher notto do it 一 more at SUFEFER 四 Ver 了 [IVN]~sbl(into doing sthjtotrick sb intobelieving sth that is nottrue: Se certainly had me fooled一 [7realiy Delieyed her!e Zoudontfpoolmme12ZurefoolingyourselF 矿you think none of this w记 affect you 2 Domntbe fooled into thinking theyre going to chamge aything 2 [V] 一 (about/around) (with sth) to say or do stupid or silly things, often in order to make people laugh: Stop fooling Ground and sit down ce和矿you fool about with matches, yo end UP Setting burred Im you could have fooled 'me (informalusedto saythat you do notbelieve sth that sb has just told you: 37m 帮ying as Pard asTcan ou could have fjooled me Ga foofaround 1 (B7E

also fool a'bout ) to waste time instead of doing sth

that you should be _ doing MESSAROUND 2 一 (with sb) to have a sexual relationship with another person's partner; to have a sexual relationship with sb-who ismnot your Partner MESS AROUND: Shes been- fooling aroundwWitph amarried manm.

日.0d. [only before noun] (pforma/) showing alack of intelligence Or good judgement SILLY, STUPID, FOOLISHI: Thatywas a darmn foolthingto dol


/falhazdi; NAmE -hazrdi/-adj (disopproving)

taking unnecessary risksERHI hardy to _sail hnoun [U]



识 Weather


RECKLESSs:JtWwould bejoolL-

Like 太 z5. efToolhardi.ness

T (of actions or behaviour) noft

showing good sense or judgement SR SILLY,STUPID: Shes justayain foolish wormam CTWwas foolish enough to Delieye What JefF told me. 2 The accidemnt Was my juLE一it WouId be foolish to pretenid otherwise. C How could she jhave peen so foolishn as to 名1 in Iove with him2 Sajfooishn iaea/dreamwymnistake 2 下 was a very Joolish thing to do. 2 [not usually before noun] made to feel or look silly and

embarrassed ER SILLY, STUPID: 工 外 比Jjoolish and a jiLUre. CO Hes afraid of IooKking foolispn 识 广omnt of his 广iends. foolishly adv: We Joolishly 弛ought that everyone Would speaKk English. c Foolisht Tallowed myseir to pe perSuUaded to enter the contestfoolish:ness

ouUn [U]: Jenmy

had to Iaugh at her owTt foolishness. fool.proof /fu:lprut/ adi (of aplan, machine, method, etc.) very well designed and easy to use'so that it cannot fail and you cannot use 让 wronglyERJ INFALLIBLE: THis Tecipe zfoolproo 太-让 works eyery tme. fools-cap /fu:lskzp/ noui [U] (BrB) alarge size ofpaper for writing on

the happyperson does notrealize 让

{fOa 人 0 可 /fot/ novmn, ve旋 至 ,OU1 (PLfeet /fi:t/)


1 [cl thelowestpartoftheleg,belowthe

ankle,on which aperson oran animal stands: My feetare aching. C to getise to your feet (= stand up) CTyve peen om 1mny feet (= standing or walking around) al day 2 We came on foot (= we walked)j. Cewalking aroupmnd the house 唐 bare feet(= notwearing shoes or socks)e Please wipe your feet (= yotr shoes) on the mat cajfoot pump (三 operated Using your foot notyourhand)jafootpasseiiger(= one whotravels on aFERRY Without a car) 一Picture 只 BODY 一See alsoO_ATHLETE'S FOOT,,BAREFOOT,CLUB FOOT, UNDERFOOT 只 note at STAND *-FOOTED 2 (in adjectives and adverbs) having or Using thetypeornumber offooVfeet mentioned: pa7e-footed Jurjpoted 2 a lefi-footed shot into the corner 关see also FLAT-FOOTED, SURE-FOOTED *PART OF SOCK 3 [Cusually sing.] the Part of a SOck, STOCKING, etc: that cOVers the foot *BASE/BOTTOM 4 [sing.] the 一 of sth the lowest Part of sth; the base or bottom of sth: 态e foot of the stairs/

PageAmotmtain 2 The PUTrse hung a chart at the foot of the bed (= the part of the bad where your feet normally are when you are 1ying 迄 it). 字 note at BOTTOM


5 (丰 feet orfoot ) (bpr 和 ) 化 aunit for

Imeasuring length equalto 12 inches or 30.48 centimetres: a6-foot high wal c Were fing at35000 jet 2 Jow tall areyou2 ivejfootmine'(=five feetand nine inches). *-FOOTER ,6 (icompoundanouns) aperson or thing thatis a particular number of feet'tall or long: is boat is am eighteen-footer *1N POETRY 7-[sing.] (techmicohaunitofrhythminalineof Poetry containing one stressed syllable and one or more Syllables without stress. Each of the four divisions in the following line is a foot: For 7nervwTmnay 'comevarid 'TnenA Tay 0.

IE be rushed/run off your feet

toO be extremely

busy; to have too many things'to doialyland on your feet tobeluckyin findingyourselfin agood situatiom OF in getting out of a difficult situationfeet 'first With your feet touching the ground before any other Part of your body: Be Iarided 帮 etjirst 2 (humorous) 让 youleave aplace feet first you are carried out after you are dead: Zou have to carTry me out Jeet firstlget/have a/your foot in the 'door to manage to enter an organization, afield of business,etc. that could bring you Success: 工alWays WaTlted to Wo 训 灭 TVDuUE 让 tiooK me twoyears to geta

Joot 克 thedoorget/start off on the right/wrong 'foot

(with sb) (njormalj) to start a relationship welVbadly:T Seemta to haye got o 矿on the wrong fjoot with the new boss.

Sget yOUFr 'feet wet

(especally NAmE,informaj) to start

doing sth that is new for you: Atthat firmme he Was QyYouTg actop Justgetting jhisjfeetWethavefeetof'clay tohavea fault or weakness iD Your character have/keep your

feet on the ground

to have a sensible and realistic atti-

tude to lifehave/keep afoot in both 'camps to be: Volved in or connected with two different or opposing

groupshave one footin the'grave

(informal) to be so

old or /sick that yot are not 生 eiy to live much longer my foot! (norma1 humorous) astrong way ofsaying that you disagree completely with what has just been Said: am carit coOme because jhes ied Tired 7mmy 刀 ot Tazy 7nore likeron your feet

completely well or in a

normal state again after an illness or a time of trouble: SueS pack om her 帮 et again after ieroperation The new chair7aart hopes to get the comipamny bacKk orits 用et within Six mmonths. 只 note at STANDput your best foot for: ward to make a great effort to do sth, especially if it is

difficult cr you are feeling'tiredput your feet up tosit

2cat | dfather | eten | sbird | aabout | Tsit | 袜 see|imany

|npgot(Br6 | ozsaw | Acup | 5 put | ustoo

down and relaxi especially with your feet raised and supPorted: After a hard ,adays work is mice to get home and

Putyourjeetup,Putyour foot dowm to be very strict



了迄opposing what sb wishes to do: Youve gotto put YOUT 如 ot daown amd 7mmake Pirmmstop seeing her 了 (BrE) to drive

foot'ibrake'futbretk/ nouniaBRAKkg in avehicle which

faster: She put her foot dowm and roared past them:, Put your foot in it(Br6) (also -put your footi in your mouithVAmE BrE) toisay or do sth that upsets, offends

foot'bridge'fotbrrds/ nouUn anarrow bridge Used only

OF embarrasses Sb: Trealy PutE TYy foot 识 让 with ELa_T Giant Know sheid split up with Tom Put a foot wrong

(usually used in negative sentences) to make a mistake: 到:the last bwo games he has hardly put afoot wrong Set

foot in/on sthto enter or visit a Place: the First


Setjoot on the7moomncTyowed neyerto setjootintheplace asain. :set sb/sthn on their/its feetto make sb /sth indePendent or:Successful: His pusiness Semise_ helped set the club omaits feet again stand on yoOuUr own (two) feetto be ipdependent and able to take care of yourself: When jis Parents died he had to Iearn to stand om his owm two


under your feetin the way; stopping you from

Working,'etc.: Taont want you Kids umder-my feet while T7mm cooking. 一more at BOOT1.,COLD adj.; DRAG v,FIND

V,GRASS /1.,GROUND 由 HAND /,HEAD 1m.; ITCHY,LEFT adj.,PATTER Im.,PULLV,SHOE 几 ,SHOOTV, SIT, STOCKING, SWEEP V, THINKV, VOTE VY,WAIT v, WALK V,WEIGHT 刀 , WORLD 中er六, II foot the Dilkipjormaj) to be responsible for Paying the cost ofrsth: Once again 让 Wil pe the taxpayer Whopas tojoot thezpiL

foot'ageyfotid5/ moun [U] part of a film showing a pa ticular event: old 记im jbotage of the noomn Iamnding

foot-and-mouth dis-easelNAmE also mouth

diseasf noum


[U] a disease .of cows,sheep,

etc., Which causes sore places on the mouth and feet




bo:l/ nouwn


BrE) (also “SOC CerNAmE BrE) (also BrE 7Mjormal






bypeople who are walking

foot'eyfuteaD/ noun aline orblock oftextthatis auto: matically added tothebottom ofeverypage that is print: ed fom a computer 一compare HEADER

foot'faillyfuttoa/ noun 1T[Id (Uieram) the sound ofthe Steps made by sb walking 2 [U] (BrE, business) the number of people that visit a particular shopystore, shopping centre, etc..CWez a peiiod of time: a campaigr to increase Jootrall

footfaw 赂oun (in TENNIS) a mistake thatis made bynot keeping behind the line when sERVING

foot' hilyfothal/ moum [usually pl.] ahill or low mountain at the base of a higher mountain or range of mountains: the jpoothills of the 丽 malayas

foot'holdy'fothaold; NAmE -hoold/ nour T acrack hole or branch where your foot can be safely supported when climbing 了 [usually sing.] a strong position in a business, Priofession,etc. from which sb can make progress and achieve Success: The company is eager to gaimn afoothold 训 EuUrope.

footie'futi/movn [U] (BrE, jnformal) = FooTBALL(1) foot'ing 家itm/noun [sing.] 1 the Position of your feet When they are safely on the ground or some other_surface: She lost her footing (= she slipped or lost her balance) amd j11 backwards ito the water CTsiipped and StruggSled to regain my 如 oting. 2 the basis on which sth js established or organized: The compamny 站 now om a SOLTd Himna7tcial footing. 2 The country has peen on a War

Jooting (= prepared for war) since Marcfi 3 the position


TD 山](alsojormal Associr-

is operated Using your foot

一 展 有

or status of sb/sth in relationito others; the relationship


between two or more People or groups: The two groups TUSE meet OF aTL equal footing. 2 They were dermmnamnding to betreated om 轨 esame footingas 轨 erestofthe teachers.

footigy a game

foot'lights'fotiarts/ mou1m [pl.] arow oflights along the

Played by two teams of 11

frontofthe stage in atheatre

players, using a round ball which players kick up and

foot'ling /fuztlm/

down the Playing field (= the PITCH). Teams try to kick the ball into the other team's goal: to play footpalL c a jfootball match teammstadirrm 一see ,also GAELIC




mrmah _not

important and likelyto make you annoyed foot'loose/ fotlu:s/ adj. free to go where you like or do what youwant because you have no responsibilities: Bert Was a jfootioose,, Unemployed actor c 4 TI was sll footAmerican football player (5/日 football player (NA 月

1oose and Junmcy-free (= free to enjoy myself)

识 妇 ose


footmamn/fotman/ noun (p1 -men/man/) a male ser-

了 [U]

Vant iD ahouse in the pasb who opened thedoor to visit-


ors, served food attable, etc,


3 [C a large round or OVAL ball made of leather Or plastic and 多 led with air 4 [C (aways used

foot'note/fotnaut: NAmEnout/ movn 了 an extra piece

With an adjective) an issue

foot'path/fotpd:6; NAmE pab/ noumn Tapath that is

or a problem that 人 freduently causes _argument and disagreement: Fealtp ca7e Should Pot becomme Qa Political jpotbalL

footballjbootnown (8 aileather shoe with pieces of rubber on the bottom to

of information that is Printed at thebottom ofapagein a book 2 (of an event or a person) that may be remeimbered but only as sth/sb that is not imnportant Inade for people to walk along, especially in the country:

QGPDLUbIC footpath 2 (AUstro 呈 NZE) = PAVEMENT foot.plate /fotplert/ noun (BrE) the part of a_ steam


一-全 三

train's engine where the driver stands

foot:Pprint'futprmt/ 1moun 了 [usuallypl.j armarkleftona Surface by a persom's foot or shoe or by an animal's foot:

Soccer players (BrE also footballers)

stop it slipping, worn for Playing football (soccER) 一picture 只 SHOE 一COmpare CLEATS foot'baller/'fotbolecn/ moun (Br a person who' Plays football (soccER), especially as a Profession

foot:ballimgyfotba:liz/ad/ [onlybeforemoun] (BrEjcoi Dected with the gaimne of football (soccER): jcotballing SKills

football pools(also the poolg mon [pl] a form of gambling in Britain im which people try to win money by

saying what the results of football (soccER) matches Will be: Theyye had a pig win on the football pools:


| arimy

| aoinow

| ersay:|


ootprints 识 切 esande muddy 如 otprink om the Kitchem Jfloor 2 the amount of space that sth fills, for example the amount of space that acomputer takes UP on a desk 3 the area on the earth in which a signal 人 om a commtuDications'SATELLITE can be Tecejived foot'rest/ fotrest/ novm a Support for your foot or feet, for example on a motorcycle or when you are sitting down

the Foot'sie/futsi/ mou 太= FTSE INDEX foot'sie/futsi/ noun (informah IE play 'footsie with sbto touch sb's feetlightly with your own feet, especially under a table,,as an expression of affection or sexual interest

| ou go(MmB

| orboy

| re near

| ee hair

| ose pure

foot soldier

604 |


1Tasoldier who fights on foot not on

ahorse orin avehicle 2 apersonin an orgaiiization who does work that is imnportant but boring, and who has no power or responsibility

foot:sore /fotsoxo)/ adji (Jormal) having sore or tired

show a distance: The road Wefit on 刀六 miles amd miiles. 19 used to say how difficult, necessary,Ppleasant,etc. sth is that sb might do or has done: s USeless for Us to coTitiriue. C Theres 7io needjJforyouto 8o.CForherto hayve SUryived SUch at ordeal Was remarkable. c The box 5 too jheayy for me io 1放下 clear enous 天 for you to read? > 20 used to show who can or should do sth: 厂 snotfor7mne to say wjhy he le扩 CHowto spend the money 节 Joryouto

decide. IE be 'in for 主(BrEalsobe for 放 (mnformajto

feet, especially after walking along way foot-step /futstep/ moun [usually pl.] the sotund or marK made each time your foot touches the ground when you are walking orrunning: the sound offootsteps om the stairs

foot'sure /futJoad); -Jo NAmE -Jor/ ad = SUREFOOTED foot-wear /fotwea); NAmE-wWer/ mouvn [U] things that

be going to get into trouble or be ptinished: We'a better jhurry or we到 be 识 jpr 让 for all 1 despite: For all 亡 Clarity of style the book imioteasy reading. 了 Used to Say that sth is not important or ofno interest or value to yoU/ sb: For al1LTKnmnow she's shll iving in Boston C YU can dao Whatyou Like forallrTcare.cForall 纺 e good is donte we mightas Welmnotjhaye bothered there's/that's .foryou (often ironmic) used to saythat sth is a typical example of its kind: Shernightatleastjhave called to explain. ThereSSratitude 包r yo 日CO1 (Djd-/shionmed or Wierary) used to introduce the rea-

Peoplewear on their feet for example shoes and boots: Be SUre to Wear the correctjootwear to preyventinjuries to yoUr JeeE

tened eagerty Jor he brought mews of our Jormmilies CT Delieyved jher 一for surely she would not lie to 7me.


识 the snow [En see FOLLOW

foot-stool /'futstu:1/ noun a low piece of furniture used for resting your feet on when you are sitting 一Picture 字 CHAIR.

son for sth mentioned in the Previous statement: We zs-

foot-work /fotwas:Kk; NAmE -wa:Tk/ noun [U] 人 the way

forage /'forrd5s; NAmE'fo:-; fac-/ verb, noun

是 ve上b [V] ~ (for sth) 1 (especially of an animal) to search

iD which a person moves their feet when playing a SPort or dancing 2 the ability to react quickly and skilfullyto a

forfood 2. (ofa person) to search for sth, especiallyusing the hands RUMMAGE 昌 IOUm [U] food for horses and cows: forage crops/Sgrass

difficult situation: Was going to take some defi political Jootwork to saye the situationm. footy /foti/ noun [U] (BrE, informaj) = FooTBALL(]) foo yong /fu: jpn; NAmE 'jomy/ noun [U] (from Chinese) a

foray /forer NMmE 'fo:-; fa-/ noun 1 ~ 人into sth anattemptto become involved in adifferent activity Or ProfesSion: the cormnpanys jirst foray into 态e computer market 2~(into sth) ashort sudden attack made bya group of soldiers 3 ~ (to/into…)ashortjourneyto find aparticular thing or to Visit`,a new place EXPEDITION: Wee 太 end shopping forays to Frarce

Chinese dish or sauce made with eggs

fop /fpp; MAmEfa:p/ noun (old-josjhioned) aman who istoo interested in his_ clothes and the way he looks foppish adf/.

for 0

/GD: strongjorm fo:D/ Prep, co 由

国Drep. For the special uses of for in phrasal verbs, look atthe entries for the verbs. For example fall for sb is in the Phrasal verb section at fall. 1 tsed to show who is intended tohave or use sth or Where sth is intended to be put: Theres aletter foryouL cltsapookforchilaren. ce We got amew table for the dining room. 2 This is the placeJor me(=Ilikeitverymuch). 2 in ordertohelp sb/sth: What camnTdo foryou (= how can Ihelp you)2 c Cam you transIate this IetterjJor me?CTtook herclasses for her While she Was SicK. csoldiers fightingjortheir county 3 concerning Sb/sth: They are afDxious forjhersafeb coFortunatelyjforus, the Weather chamnged. 4 as arepresentative of: Tam speaKingjoreveryone 识 this departmnent 5 employed by: Shess Working forIBM. 6 meaning: Shakingyour headjor Wo mot LTiyversaL 7 in Support of sb/sth: Are you JJor or agairtst the Droposal? C They yoted for independence 识 Qa Teferendurm. CO Theres Q Strong case for postponing the exam. CC _Tm all Jor people _having 有包 nmn. 一compare AGAINST(2) 8 tused to show Purpose or function: a mmachine forslicing preadc Lets gojorawalk ecA4reyoulearnming ErgIish jor pleasure or foryour work? C WPat did yo do that for (= Why did you do that)? 9 used to show a Teason or cause: The towm jnmousjorie cathedralL c She gaye me a Watch fjor my pirthday c He got an award for prayery C 工couldnt speak Jor Iaushing、 1O in order to obtain sth: Fe came to me for adyice. ecFor more 识formaom call this nUmber CeThere Were over fty 月 applicants fopr the job T1 in exchange for sth: Copies are available /or two dollars each oOTU swap these two bottles for that one. 12 considering what can be expected from sb/sth: The Weather Was WarTmm for the time ofyear CShestalljforpher

age. C Thats too 7nuch responsibiity for achild. 13 bettem happier etc. ~ sth bettet happierm etc. following sth: YouvlLfeel betterjoragood mights sleep. This room would 1ooK mmore cheerfhul for a spot of paint 14 used to show Where sb/sth is going: FS this the bus for Chicago2 C She Kmnew She Was destined for a great 所 ture, 15 tsed to show a length of time: 7Tm going away for afew days. 和 Thats all the news there is for now,16 Used to show that sth is arranged or intended to happen ata particular time:,an appointment jpr May 12 C We7e inyited jpor 7Z30. 17 Used to show the occasion when sth happens: Pm Warming you Jor he 1ast firme 一Stop talking! 18 ised to


| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

forbade ptofFoRBID foribear ve 巡 ,noun 量 Verb /fozbee(D; NAmEfo:Rber/ (forbore /fozbo:0D); NAmE fomrmb-/,forborne /fozbomsNAmEforhborn/)~(from sth/ from doing sth) (jnmaj) to stop yourself from saying.oF doing sth thatyou could or would liketo sayordo: [V] He

Wantted to arTlSWer back,but jhe 加 rpbore

万om doing 50. 和

[vto inf] She fjorbore to ask any 包 rther questiomas.

目 0OU1 = FOREBEAR forbearance /fo:xbearens; NAmE for'ber-/ noun [U] (1jormalj) the quality of being patienfsand sympathetic towards other people, especially when 刘 ey have done:sth

Wrong forbearing

/foxbesarm; NAPmE fozber/ ad (ormaon

Showing forbearance SO Jorbearing.


PATIENT: TPamKk youjfor being

/fabid; NAmE ferb-/ verb (forbade /fp'Dad;

feberd; NAmE ferhb-/ forbid:den /fe'brdn; NAmE fbrb-/) 1 一sbl(from doing sth)toorder sb notto do sth; to order that sth must not be done: [VN] Fe frbade 妇em 万om Tentiorting the SUbject again oO Herjftherjorbade the ma7riage. 2 [VN to inf] wuare all forbidaen to leave. C [VNN] My doctor has forbidden me SUSar, [ED ALLOW,PERMIT

[also VN -ing, v -ing] 2 (Jormaj to make it difficult or impossible to do sth PROHIBIT: [VN] Zack of space Jorbids 包rther treatment of the topic here. [also VNto inf] IE God/Heaven forbid (that ... ) (informoh used to Say that you hope that sth will not happen: Maybe you刀 end UD as a Iawyep Like me. ”God forbid/ Gang Some People find this use offensive.

forbid.denmy/febridn; NmEferb-/ adi notallowed: PEhotography 5 strictiy forbidden 识 the museumi. 3 The co7LVersation Was5 训 danger of Wandering 识to 加 rbiddem territory (= topics that they were not allowed to talk about), [Er foribidden 'fruit a thing that is not allowed and that therefore seems very attractive

forbid-ding /fabrdum; NAmE ferb-/ adj seeming un: friendly and frighteningiand likely torcauseharm or darz ger: a Jorbidding appearance/look/manner c The house Iooked dark and forbidding. forbid-dinglyodv

foribore ptofFoRBEAR | k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nanow

| ppen

| Fred

foriborne ppofFoRBEAR force om /fo:s; NAmEfprs/ noum ve 内

国 1OU1


WORDIFAMILY *VIOLENT ACTION_ TU] force 7 尺 Violent ”physical action forceful ad Used to obtain or achieve forced adj (关 unforced) Sth: The release oF the josforcible cd/. tages COUIG mot be achieyed Without the use of force. ec enforce v The rioters were taken QWaY py Jorce. 2 The ultimatuma contained the treat oF Tailitaryjorce.e We will achieye much more Dy Persuasiom 态 ar bpy brute force. “PHYSICAL STRENGTH 之 [U] the physical strength of sth that is shown as it hits sth else: the Jorce of the blow/ explosiomAcollisiomn 2 The shopping centre took the Jell Jorce of the blast


3 [U] the strong effect or influence of

sth: They realized thejJorce ofher argurment Fe controlled jirmsel py sheer force of willL c She SDOke Witph jbrce and daeliberatiort *sSB/STH WITH POWER 4 [Cl] apersonorthingthathas alot of power or influence: ecomormnicyrmaarKet Jorces c the Jorces ofgood/evile Ron isthe driving force (= the perSon whohasthe mostinfluence)behind the Project She35

ajorceto bereckoned with (= aperson who has alot of powerand influerice and should therefore be treated se iously). Ce The expartsion of Pigher education Should be a PowerljJorce for chamnge. “AUTHORITY 瑟 [U] the authority ofsth: These guidelines do Tot haye te force of Iaw, o The court muied that 纺ese StaTtdards haye force in Britsh Iaw.

*GROUP OF PEOPLE @ [C+sing/pl. v] a group of people Who have been organized for a particular purpose: a 7member of the Sales fjorce C 4 Iarge proportiom of 切 e LE pour Jforce (= all the people who work in-a particular company; areai etc.) is UnsKilled. 一see also WwWORKFORCE * MILITARY 7 [C+sing:/pl:v] a group of people who have been trained to Protect other people, usually by using Weapons: QTmember of the security fjorces C rebeLI/govermITnentjJorces 2 apeace-Kkeeping force 一See also AIR FORCE, POLICE FORCE, TASK FORCE 员 the forces [pl.] (Brb) the army Davy and AIR FORCE: allied forces 一see also THE ARMED FORCES 9 forces [pl.] the weapons and soldiers that an army, etc. has, considered as things that maybe Used: strategic nuclear 帮 rces.

*POLICE 10 the force [sing.] (Br the police force: He Joined 纺 efrce tentyyears ago. *PHYSICS


[CU] an effect that catuses things to move i

aparticular way: THhe 7moom exert a force oa the earth. 4 hejorce ofgrayiby cmagrieticcenttriigal force =*OF WIND ;1 之[Cusually sing.] a unit for measuring the Strength ofthe wind: aforce9galecasgalejforce wind 一See alsoOTOUR DEFORCE [IJ bring sth into 'force to

catse alaw, ruley etc', to startbeing used: They are hoping to primng 轨 e 7ieW Legislationm nto 如 rce pefore the end of the year Come/enterinto 'force (ofalaw, rule, etc.)to start being used: Wjen do the mew regulations corme into 7Dbrce? force of 'habit if you do sth from or out of force of habit, yo do it automatically and in aparticular waybecatuse you have always done it that way in the pastthe forces of nature the power ofthe wind, rain, etc,, especially when 让 causes damage or harm in 'force 1 (of People) 记 large numbers: Protesters 如rned ort 识 force;

2 (of alaw rule, etc.) being Used: The mew regulatiomns are PowW 总 jorce. join/combine 'forces (with sb)j to

Work together D order to achieve a shared aim: The two Jir7nsjoined jorces to win the contract 一 more at SPENT 四 VE/访 >IMAKE SB DO STH .了 [often passive] ~ sb (into sthy/into

doing sth) to make sb do sth that they do not wantto do COMPEL: [VN, VNto inf] THPe Presidentywas forced into Tesig71i718.

The PresidentWwas forced to resisn.C [VNto inf]

TWas forced to taKke a taxi pecause the Jast bus had left SjhejJorced herselfto be polite to them. o[VN] He didniforce 1me 一 ITWantedto go 人 Lpealthn jorced Pirm into earty retire7nentE (njormah huwmorous) 了 shouldni really haye any 1nore. ”Goon=force yoursel ssee



| ttea

| vvan


wet | zzoo

| 了 shoe

*USE PHYSICAL STRENGTH QZ to Use physical strength to Imove sby/sth into a particular position: [VN] to Jorce a

LocKk/window/door (= to break it open Using force)

HEe triedtojorceacopy ofhis book into my hanrd etoJorce

an entry (= to enter abuilding using force) c She Jorced

jer Way through the crowd of reporters.

[VN-ADI] T7e door jiad been forced open. “MAKESTH HAPPEN 3 [VN] to make sth hiappen, especially before other people are ready: He was 访 a Posi6omn Where Phe had to force a decisiofi.

了Buildaing a mew road here Wi

Jorce house Drices dowm. “ASMILE/LAUGH 即 [VN] tomake yourselfsmile, latgh, etc. rather than doing it naturally: She 1ma7laged to force a S1mile. >* FRUIT/PLANTS 号 [VN] to make fruit, plants, etc: grow or develop faster than normal by keeping them in Special conditions:jorcedmhmubarbe(jisgurative) 下 这 umwiseto Jorce Qchilds talemt [IO force sb?s 'hand to make sb do sth thatthey do not Want to do or make them do it sooner than they had intended 'force the issue to do sth to make people take a decision quicklyforce the "pace (especia 必 Br 昌 Ttorin Very fast in a race in order to makethe other People takc ing part run faster 2 to make sb do sth faster than they Want to: The demomstratioris jhaye Succeeded 训 Jorcing the Pace of _change 二more . at THROAT force sth*back to make yourself hide an emotion: She swaL 1owed harad amd forced back her tears. force sthe'down Ttomakeyourselfeat or drink sth thatyou donot really


to make a plane, etc. land, especially by threat-

ening to attack if 'force sb/sth on/upon sb to make sb accept sth that they do notwant: to force your attemntiomns/

ODimiomsXcommpamy om Sb force sth 'out of sb tomake sb

tell you sth, especiallybythreatening them: 工7maTntaged to Jorce the truth outof Pirm. forced /fp:st; MAmE forst/ adj 1 happening or done against sbs will: frced relocation to a job 识 another city 2ajorcedsale ofjhis property 2 aotsincere; notthe result of genuine emotions: She said she Was enjoying PerseiF Dut 一see also UNFORCED jer simile Was 如 rced.

forced entry oun [u,G] an occasion when sb enters a building illegally using force

forced: labour:(BrE) (NAmE forced 'labor) noun_[U]

了 hard physical work that sb, often a prisoner or SLAVE, js forced to do 2 prisoners or sSLAVES who are forced to Work: The 7mines Were manmed by forced Iabour 廊or comGUerea coOUTatries.

forced 'landing

"ovn an act of having to land an air-

craft Unexpectedjy in order to avoid a crash: io make a 刀 rced Janding

forced 'march ovun along march, usually made by soldiers ip difficult conditions

force-'feed ve [VN] to use force to make sb especially a priisonen eat or drinki; by putting food or drink down their throat force feedlback' "oun [u] (computing) the process of Imaking objects on a computer screen Seem to have Physical qualities such as weight Torce

人 eld


(often used

iD stories_ about


travel) abarrier that yotu'icannot see

force-ful /fo:sfL NAmE'forsfl/ ad 了 (ofpeople) expressiDg opinions firmly and clearly 识 a way that persuades other people to believe theimn ASSERTIVE: Q forceful WormaTwsSpeaker 2 a 加 rcef1 personality 了 (of opinions, etc.) expressed firmly and clearly so that other People believe them: ajorceful argurmentspeecih 3 using force: the Jorcef1 Suppression of 7miriorities 基 forcefully /eli/ dv: He argued his casejorcefulpy forcefulness moun [U] force ma'jeure /fo:s mae'5a:0); MAmE ,foxrs/ noun [U] (from French/aw)unexpected circumstances, such as War, that can be Used as an excuse when'theyprevent sb fom doing sth that is written in a contract force.-meat /to:smixt; NmE fors-/ noun [U] a mixture of meat Or Vegetables cut into very small pieces, which is

| 5 vision

| tchain

| ds5 jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| D sing



often placed inside a chicken, etc. before it is cooked to giveitflavour force-out noun (in BASEBALL) a situation in which aplayer running to a BASE is Out becatuse a FIELDER is holding

theball at the base for-ceps /fo:seps; NAmE forrs-/ moun [pl] an instrument used doctors, with two long thin parts for picking UP and holding things: a pair of forceps CajJiorceps delivery (= abirth in which the baby is delivered with the help of

forceps) for-cible

/to:sebl; NAmE fors-/ adj [only before noum]

involving theuse of Physical force: Jorcible repatriatiomr The police checked all windows and doors for signs ofjo 六 Cible entry: for:cibly /和 所:sabli; NAmE'fors-/ adv Tinawaythat inVolves the Use of physical force: SUDPporters Were forcibly remmoved 太om the couFL 2 in awaythat makes sth Very clear: 开 SbUcK mme forcibly how homnestPhe'a Deem forg /fo;d; NMAmEford/ noun, ve 几 昌 IOUn ashallowPplacein ariverwhere itis possibleto drive or walk across 四 Verb [VN]to walkor drive across ariver Or Stream fore /fo:GD)/nouns ad1. ,adv

四 -IOU1TOI be/come tothe fore (Br (NAmEbe atthe

fore )to be/become important and noticed bypeople; to Play an important part: She has always beemlto the Jore Qt 7Tnomentsofcrisis.C TheDproblem has come to thejore again

[v VN] fore-close /fo:klauz; NAmE forklooz/ yerb 一 (on sb/sth) (finanmce) (especially of a bank) to take con: trol of sb's Property because they have not paid back money that they borrowed to buy 站 之 [VN] (Jormalj) to

reject sth as a possibilityEREI


fore-clos-ure /fo:klao5a(D; NMmEforklou-/ novn [u,G] (Jinance) the act of foreclosing on money that has been borrowed; an example of this

fore-court /fo:koxti NAmE forkoxrt/ noun (BrE) a large open space in front of a building, for example a PETROIV/ GAS STATION Orhotel, often used for parking cars on

四 一 (to sth) fore:doomead /foxdumd; NMmE ford-/ ao (Jormalj) that will not be successful, asifFATE has decided this from the beginning: Amy attemmptto comstructaTEiadeal society 攻 jredoomed to Joilure. fore:father /人 fen; NAmE BE non [usually pl] (Jormaloryiteramy)aperson (especiallyaman)iDRyour family who lived along time agoER3J




fore-fin-ger /forfngeG); NmE forf/ noun the:finger Dextto the thumbERIJI INDEX FINGER foreoot /fofot NAmE forfut/ moun (plfeet /ixt/) either ofthetwofrontfeetofan animal thathas four feet fore.front /和 锯人 Ant; NAmE'foxrf/ moun [sing.] at/ injto the forefront (of | 让 or into an important OF

leading positionm in apatiticular grotup or activity: Womem Pave aways peertatthejorefontof the Green moyverment 人 The new product took the comparny to 太e 如 refront of the coTmputer software Pield. 2 Tie coOUTt Case Was co7istarttty 训 thejbrerontofmymind(=Tthioughtabottitallthetime).

in recent months-bring sth to the jore to Imake sth before-gather (also for-gather )”/f5:ga6aGD);, NAmE comenoticed bypeople forzg-/ vem凡 [V] (rma/) toTmeettogether in a groUP 上 .0cdlj. [only before roun] (techmicaj located atthe front of a ship; amnaircraft or an animal 一compare AFT, HIND fore.goO 三 FORGO @ ddv: 1 ator towards the front of a ship or an aircraft一 fore-going /fo:gaoIm; NAmE forgooim/ ad/ [only before compare AFT 2IForel Used in the game ofGOLF to warn 1 (Jormal Tiused to refer to sth that has just been peoplethatthey are in the path of aball that you are hitImentioned: the foregoing discussion 2tihe foregoing moun [sing.+ sing./pl-v] what has just been mentioned ting IaEB FOLLOWING forez= /fo:(D/ combining jorm (ininouns and verbs) 1 before; in advance: fjorewordejforetell 2 inthe front of: the fore-gone /fo:gon;y NAmiE 'forgozmn; -gdn/ ad IE a Joreground of the picture foregone con'ciusion 让 you say thatsth is a foregone conclusiom;, youmean that it is a restiltthat is certain to forearma /Pradam; NAmE mm/ noun the part of the arm between the elbow and the wiist 一Picture 只 BODY happen fore-armz2 /forcm; NAmE -arm/ verbIEr see FORE- fore-ground /多 :gratmd; NAmE fo:rg-/ OUm, ve 册

WARN fore-bear (also foribear ) /fo:beaOD); NAmE forber/ moOUwrm [usually pl.] (formal or /iieramy) aperson 雇 your fam-

jly who lived along time agogEREJ


fore-bod-ing /o:zbeudm; NAmE fo:zrboo-/ noun [uC] a Strong feeling that sth Unpleasant or dangeious js going to happen: She had'a sense of foreboding 绩 at the mews Would bepbad. Fe Kmnrew 方om herjoce thathnis Jorebodings jhad been justiied. 只 note at FEARe foreboding di:a Jorebodingfeling thatsomething Was wrong


/fobrem; NAmE 'or-/ nouwn (anatomy the

frontpart of the brain TOre-Cast 0 /fast; NAmE'foTrkaest/ noun) VE 内 四 1OUm a statement about what will happen 训 the future,

based on information that is available now: Sales forecasts C TPRPe jorecast said there would be suUnmny 识teryals amd Showers. 一See also WEATHER FORECAST

旧 Ve几fore:cast ore'cast )orfore-casted fore-casted-)to

上 1OUthe foreground

1 [Cusually sing.] the part of a

View, picturey, etc. that is nearestto yeuwhen youlook at it: The figure 识 the foreground e 态 artists mother 2 [sing.] an important position that is noticed byPeople: Jmflatiort and interest rates W 记 be very TUCch 训 the foreSrottd of teir electionm carmpaigrL. 一COmPare BACK-


in the 'foreground

(computing (of a

comptter Program)j being tsed at the present time and appearing in front of any other Programs on the screen一 compare INTHE BACKGROUND 昌 ve 六 [VN] to give particular importance to sth: The Play regrounds 纺e relationsRip betweef 友 态eranad aaugpter fore.-hand /fohand NAmE 'forh-/noun [usually sing.] (in TENNIS, etc.) away of hitting aball in which the inner Part of the hand (the PALM) faces the ball as it is hit: She jhasastirongjforehand.cajforehandyolleye Heservedto 1ns opPoments jbrehand. 一compare BACKHAND


/tophedi forrd; NmE forhedi foxred; far-/

1moun the part of the face above the eyes and below the Say what you think will happen in the future based on haingggq BROW 一Picture 只 BODY information that you have now PREDICT: [VN] ExcPperts are forecasting Qa recoyery 识 妇 he econormmy 2 Snow 1 foreign 0-wW /foren; NAmE 'fo:ren; faren/ gd Tinorfromacountrythat is notyourown:ajoreigr acJorecast Jor tomorrow. 2 _Temperatures Were Jorecast to centlanguage/student Ca foreign-owned company 2 包产 reach 40?"C. c [vthat] The report forecasts that prices W 记 eisgm holidays C YoDU could tell she was foreigrn by the way rise py 39%0 nextTmonth. [alsoV wh-] She dressed_ 2 [only before noun] dealing with or involvfore-caster /55 环d:ste0); NAmE'foTkaester/ moU1 apering other countries: foreigr affairs/news/policyytrade Son who says what is expected to happeni especially sb cjoreignaid caforeign correspondent (= one who reWhose job is to forecast the weather: QWeatherjorecaster ports ori foreign cotntries in newspapers Oron television) @ameconomic forecaster G DOMESTIC, HOME 3 一 tosb/sth (formal) nottypical of sbysth; not known to sb/sth and therefore seeming fore-castie (alsoforcCs'Te ) /feoksl; NAmE fooksl/ noun Strange: Dishonmnesty is Joreign to his nature. 4 一 object/ the front part ofa ship belowthe DECK, wherethe sailors body (Jormalj) an object that has entered sth by accident live

2 cat | dfather | eten | 3:bird | eabout |rsit|isee|imany|npgot(BrE |osaw|Acup |5put | too

and should notbe there: Tears help to protectthe eye 万 om potentially RarrmazAfulLforeigrn bodies,

the ,Foreignand'CcommonwealthiOfficenoo [sing.+ sing./pl.V]


FCO the British government

department that deals with relations with other countries, It used to be called the Foreign Office and it is stil often referred to as this. ) foreign:er /forenaGD); NAmE for-; fotr-/ noun (sometimes o 矶msive) 1 a person who comes from a different country: ThejoctthatTWwas ajJoreigner was apig disadyamtage. 之 a person who does not belong in a particular Place: TI haye aways peeri 7egarded as a Joreigner Dy the 1ocal 名人大.




1 [ud




exchanging the money of one country for that of another country; the place where money is exchanged: The euro 帮 1 om the joreigmn exchanges yesterday 了 2 [U] money that is obtained using this system: our largest source oF Joreigm exchaTge

the Foreign Office movwn [sing.+ sing/pl v] FOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE


foreign-re'turnmed od (naE, jjiormal) (of a person) educated or trained im a foreign country and having returned to India

the ,Foreign Secretarymoun the British government minister in charge of the FoOREIGN AND COMMONWEALTH OFFICE

Foreign Servicenoun (NAm月 = DIPLOMATIC SERVICE

fore-know:ledgeyfoznplid5; NmEfozrmal/ mouwn [g] (ormal) knowledge'of sth before ithappens

fore'lanmd/Pilsnd; NMmEor /noun [sing,U] Tan artea of land which lies in front ofsth 2 an area ofland which Sticks out into the sea

fore-leg/ 包:eg; NmF forrleg/ (also fore-limb /folm, NAmE for-/) nouUn either ofthetwo frontlegsofan animal thathas fourlegs

fore'lock/fo:ok; MAmE forlak/ noun Tapiece ofhair that grows atthe front of the head and hangs down over the FOREHEAD 也 apartofa horse's MANE that grows forWards between its ears [IE touch/tug your forelock (to sb)j(BrE disopproving)to showtoo much respect for sb, especially because you are anxious about whattheythink of you [TSIn the past people.of the lower classes either took off their hats or pulled on their forelocks to Show respect.


/ 包 man;




/forwomaen;NMAmE'forw-/ noun(pL -menm/maen/ -women Awmmm/)1awotrker who is inchargeofa group of other factory'or building Workers

了 2 aperson who acts'as the

leader ofaJURY in court fore-maost/ 和 maeost NAmE frririogst15djlacdw 昌 0Odlj. the most important or famotus; in a position at the front': 态e Worldss 名 remost authoriby on the SUbjectS The Pimre Mi7iister 录 a5s 如 reJmostamio7ig 雪 05Se Who condemmed teyiolefnice. THis dgaestiori hnas peemJorermostirour7minas Fecemtty: 可 GOCfy, IE see FIRSTOc fore-name /和 nerm; NMPE orn-/ mou1 (Jormah a Person's first name Iather than the name that they share With the other members of their family (their SURNAME): Please check that YOUT SUFrmnarmme aid forenarmes jaye beenm correctly enitered.

fore-noon /nam; NE

for-/ noun (NAmE Scotthe


fo-rem-sic /ferensIk; -renzIk/ ad [only _before _noun] 了 connected with the scientific tests used by the police When trying to solve a crime: forerisic eyideiice/TmmediCimne/sciemce/tests 2 t 切 e foreisic Jaboratormy 2 aorehrsic Pathologist; 了 connected with or Used 雇 coOUrt: a foremsic Dsychiatrist(= one who examines People who have been

accused of a crime)

fore-play/' 包:plei; NAmE'forp-/ noun [U] sexual activity, Stich ,astouchingthe sexualorgansiand kissing, thattakes Placebefore people have sex


| arimyi

| auinow

| ersay

| saugo (Br6r|



fore:ri /区lb :rrb/ moun [u,G a piece ofbeef cut ffom the

front part,of the RIBs fore'run:nerjforaneG)/ nour

一 (of sb/sth) aperson oF

thing that came before and influenced:sbysth elsethat 这 Similar; a Sign of what is going to happen: Coumtry music Was Undoubtedly one of the forerurt7iers of rock amnd 7o人L

fore'sa 训/fo:sea; i fo:sl; NAmE forseai foirsl/ noum [usually sing.] the main sail on the MAsT of arship which is

nearest the 们 ont (called the foremasl fore'see /io:si; NAmE forsis) ve 由 (foresaw 多 :853 NAImEfozr'so:/, fore:seenm/foxsim; NAmEfomr'simy/)tothink Sth is going to happen in the future; to know abonuit sth before 让 happens EU PREDICT:; [VN] We do mnot 帮 resee GTX Probleins. C The extent of the darmage could mnot hayve

peenljJoreseen. 2 [V (that)] No ome could have jbreseen (thab) 态im8s Would 刀 rm OUEth Way e [V wh-] iimpossible to 加 resee how ] 旋 w 记 work ou [also VN -ing] 一compare


fore'see'alble /foxsi:ebl; NMAmEfor's-/ adj that you can predict will happen; that can be foreseen: foreseeable FisKks/corlsegUetces [gg UNFORESEEABLE [ID for/in the foreseeable futureforin the period of time when You can predict what is going to happen, based on the Present circumstances: The Statue W 记 Temainm 太 切e mm丰 SeU1m for 雪 eforeseeapble 所 ture. Js UPIikely tat the jos-

Pital W 记 be closed

识 切e foreseeable 用 纪 re (三 Soon).

fore'shadow /fo:zJaedeo; NMmE foxr'faedou/ verb [VN] (ormal)tobe asign of sth that will happen in the future fore-shore /fo:yoxD; NAmE forf-/ moun [Cusually sing., U 册 1 (on abeach orby ariver) the part of the sSHORE between the highest and lowestlevels reached bythe water the part of the SHORE between the highest level Ieached bythe water and the area oflandthathas build识gs, Plants, etc. on 让




vemb [VN]

T (echnical to'draw photograph, etc, objects or People sothattheylooksmaller or closertogetherthanmtheyreal]yare 了 (Jormalj)to end sth before it would norimmiallyfin:ish CURTAIL: Qioreshortened educatiom

fore-si 名ht/fo:sait; MA7mE'Pors-/ noun [U] (opprovingjthe abilityto predictwhatis likelytohappen andtotsethisto Piepare forthe future: She jiad7had thejoresigjitto prepare jerself jiaicially 训 case of am accident 一 compare HINDz

SIGHT fore:skin /to:skm; NAmEfors-/ noun thie loose piece of Skin that coOvers the endofaman's PENiS for.est 0m /forrst; NAmE fo fa:r-/ mour 1 [CUalarge area of land that is thickly covered with trees: Q tropical foreste a forest fire e Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each yea7 一see alsO RAINFOREST 了 [C] ~ (of sth) a mass oftall narrowobjects that are close together: a forest of televisionm aerials IE not see

the forest forthe 'trees (MAmE) 三 NOT SEE THE WOOD FEOR THE TREES at WOOD fore-sta由 /foxstozl; NAmEfoir's:/ vemb [VN] to prevent sth from happening or sb from'doing sth by doing sth first: TY to anticipate What YOUr child Wi do and jprestall DrobleT1s: forested /forrstrd; NAmE'forr:; for/adi coveredin for est: thickly forested Pills c The Droyinceiis jheayvily 加 六 ested a1idsparsely POPUIated. fo 六est'er /forrsta(D); NAmE for fa noun aPperson Who works 记 a forest, taking care of the trees, Planting

Dew ones, etc: forest:ry /forrstri; NAmE for; facr-/ noun [U] the science or Practice of planting and taking care of trees and forests

fore-taste /fo:terst; NMAmE foxrt-/ noun [sing]a~ (of sth) a smallamotunt of a particular,experience or situation that shows youwhat it will be like when thesame thing happens on a larger Scale in :the future: They were LU7LQWaTe 态at the streetyiolence Was JustEa fretaste of wjhat

Was to coTme. oo go (MmE)

| of boy

|: ie near

| ee hair

| ve pure


608 |

fore:tell /fo:tel; NAmE fo:rtel/ verb (foretold, foretold /foxteuld; NAmE fo:r'tould/) (literary) to know or say what will happen in the future,,especially by using mag记 Powers PREDICT: [VN] to Joretell the uture [vthat] The witch foretold that she would mar7y Qa Prince. C [vwh-] None ofus ca oretell what lies ahead.

fore:thought /fo:go:t; NAmE 'foxr6-/ noun [U] careful thought to make sure that things are successful in the 所ture: Some forethoughtamd preparation is necessary before youermbarK on the project See MALICE

fore:-told px pp ofFORETELL

for-ever 0m /fearevea)/ adv 1 (BrE also for ever) used to say that a particular situation or state will always exist: TI1Iove youJoreyer! ceAfter her death,their Lives changed joreyer C Just Keep teliing

yourself that 让 wonit IasEJorever 了 (BrE also for ever) (pnformal) a very long time: 下 tKes her Joreyer to Set dressed. 3 (informalj used with verbs in the Progressive tenses to saythat sb does sth very often and in away that is annoying to other people: She foreyer going on abott Phow poor they ar7e. fore-wWarn /fo:womn; NAmEfor'worn/ verb [often passive] 一 sb (of sthj (jnmaj) to warn sb about sth bad or unpleasantbefore 让 hapPens: [VN] The comrmamder had bpeertforeWarned of the attack. [also VN that] * forewarning

mouwn [U,G]

fore warned is fore'armed

(Saying) 让

you know about Problems, dangers, etc. before they happen, you can be better prepared for them

fore-woman noun c史 FOREMAN “ fore-word /fo:waid; NAmE 'fo:rwasrd/ novun ashortintroduction at the beginning of a book 一compare PREFACE

forfe 证/foxfit; NAmE'foxrfet/ verb, noun; ad 司 Verb [VN] to lose sth or have sth taken away from yoube-

cause You have done sth wrong: 矿you cartceLyour 有 isghzb youwilujforfeityourdepos CHe 让 hasjforfeited his rightto be taKem seriously. 下0OU1 SOmething that a Person has to pay-or sth that is taken 们om them, because they have done sth wrong 上Gdj. [not before noun] (Jormcalj) taken away from sb as a Punishment

forfeit-unre /fo:frtjecD); NAmE forfetfer/ noumn [u] (aow) the act of forfeiting sth: thejJorfeiture ofproperty

forfend /fo:fend; NAmE for-/ verb [VN] 1 (also forefeng) (NAm 有) to prevent sth 2 (old use) to Prevent sth or keep sth away Heaven/God for'fend (thatb :... (hurmorous or old use) (used to Say that you are frightened ofthe idea of sth happening): Eeayenit 儿 7 全 nd 加atstudents are encOouraged to thinkl for-gatherve 心[V] = FOREGATHER

for-gave ptofFORGIVE forge /f5:d5; NAmEforrds/ ver访 noun 下 VE 凡1 [VN] to putalotofeffort into making sth SuccessSful or strong so that it will last: a 7moyve to jorge new LinKs petween maniagementand Workers Strategic alliances are Deing fjorged with major 了 ropeart compaiies.C She Jorged QTieWw' career in the nuUsic business. 2 [VN] to make an il legal copy of sth in order to cheat peoplel: to forge apassPortpanknote/cheque 2 Fes getting 8ood at forging his mother's _signature: 一Compare


3 [VN] to

shape metal by heating it in a fire and hitting it With a hammer; to make an object ip this way: swords forged

万om steel.4 [v+ady/prep.] (formaj to move forward ip a steady but powerful way: He fjorged trough the crowds to the 万ont of the stage, 2 She forged into the ead (=ina

competition, face,etc.).

forge ahead (with sth)

to move forward quickiy; to make alotofprogress quick]y: The commpary is forging ahead with ii Plans 名rexpamSion. 卓 IOU1 1 a place where objects are made by heating and shaping pieces of imetal especially one where a BLACKSMITH works 2 alargePpiece ofedquipmenttused forheating metals in; abuilding orpartofa factory where this is found


| adid


| gget


| jyes

forger /的 :d5a(D; NAmE ford5-/ 00n a person who makes jllegal copies of 立oney documents, etc. in order to cheat People 一compare COUNTERFEITER:

forSgery /fo:d5ari; NAmE 'ford5-/ noun 1 [U] the crime of copying money documents,etc. in order-to cheat = people FAKE 了 [C] something, for example a document, piece ofpaper money etc., that has been copied ip order to cheat people: Experts are dismmissimng claimris that the painting i ajforgery 一compare COUNTEREFEIT forSet 0 /fpe'get; NAmEforg-/ ve由 (forgot /fp'gnt; NAmEfergdrt/forgot-ten /fe'gotn; NMmEfergatn/))


1 ~ (about) sth (not Usually used in the

Progressive tenses) to be unable to remember sth that has happened in the past or information that yoU knew ithepast: [v] Fa compietelyyjforgottenr apoutthe noneyPe OoWed me. C BeforeTjJorges5 纯ere Was a call 太 omm Italy for yo c [VN] Tneyer forget a foce. e Who could forget Fis

Speech atlastyears part? c [V (that)] She Keeps 加brgetting (fthat)Trm notachild any more. CTwas forsetting (= Ihad forgotten) (thabjyouye peem here before.o [Vwh-] Tve 加六 gotten Wheretheyliyeexactb FTforgethow7mauch 雪 eypaia for 让 2 [v-ing] 芭 neyerforgetjhearing this piece .ofmmusic Jor the firsttme.e [VNthat] 下 should mot be forgotten that people used to get much 7more exercise. [also VN -ing] >*TODOSTH 2 ~ 人(about)sth tonotrememberto do sth that you ought to do, or to bring or buy sth that you ought to bring orbuy: [V] Why wereniyouatthe mmeeting2 Sorry一 Tjforgot:oe [vto inf] Take care, and dontjforgetto write. CT Jorgotto asK him for his address. Ce [VN] Torgot mmy Purse (=Idid nottremember to bring it).e 人aey dontjorget me (= dont leave Without me)j 记 ecArenit you Jorgetting SomethinS? (= Ithink you have forgotten to do sth) You cannot use forget 计 you want to mention the

Place where you have left something: Tve Le大 my pooK at homme. 2 五 和 >STOPTHINKING ABOUTSTH 3 ~(about) sb/sth to deliber-

ately stop thinking abonut sby/sth: [V] Try to fjorget about What happened. C Could y5u possibyy forget apout worKJor Jive minutes2 Ce[VN] Forgethiml > LIets forgetour differ ences aid De 六iends. C [v (that)] Forget (thabTsaid anything/ 4 一 人(about sth to stop thinking that sth is a Possibility: [V] 太 TIose this job we carl forgetabout DuUyi7rg amnewcare[vN]ITwas hopingyourmightbeableto lendmme the money YouUcartforgetthat六 >*了YOURSELF 5 [VN] ~ yourself to behave in a way that is not Socially acceptable: Trm Jorgethmg mmyse 矿 工haventt

offeredyoua drinkyet 时 anddon'tfyou)forget 让 (informal)usedtotellsb howtheyshouldbehave, especiallywhen theyhave been behaving ip awayyou domnot like: Yuwre asusSpec5 nota aetectiye,antd dont you jorget 让 forget 证 (formaj 1 used to tell sb that sth is not important and that they Should not worry about it: Tstilloweyoujfor Iunch yester day "Torget 让 ” 2 Usedtotell sb thatyou are not goingto Tiepeat what you Said: Now,, What were you saying about John2 Yorget 让 让 doesntmatter ”3 Used to emphasize that you are saying mo' to sth: Amy chanmnce ofyou helping OUEhere2 Yorget 丰 Tvegottoo muchto do 4 usedtotell Sb to stop talking abonut sth because they are annoying

you: Justjorget 让 wyoul mot forgetting ..- (BrE) used to include sth in thelistofthings that youhave just mentioned:Tshare the Phouse with Ji Ian amd Sam notforgetting Spike, 她e dog. 一more at FORGIVE

for-get-fuiil /fe'gett; NAmEferg-/ odj 1 often forgetting things ABSENT-MINDED: She has becormne Very forget刀l in recent years. 了 一 of sb/sth (fjormal) not thinking about sb/sth that you should be thinking abonit #Pforgetfully /-feli/ odvforgetfulmess 101 [U]

forget-me-nmot 0ovn asmall wild plant with lightDlue fiowers

forget:table /fse'getebl; NAmEfer'g-/adj. motinteresting OF Special and therefore:easily forgotten:an instantly for广 Settable tune UNEORGETTABLE

forSivalbile /fe'grveabl; NAmE ferg-/ adi that:yotu can Understand and forgive EXCUSABLE: His TUdertesS Was forgivable 总 轨e circurmstances: UNFORGIVABLIE

| k cat

| ltleg | mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

for.Ssive 0 /fa'grv; NAmEfer'grv/ verb{forgave /faegerv; NAmEfer'g-/jJorgiven /fpelgrvm; NAmEfer'g-/) 1 ~sb/yourself (for sth/for doing sth) |~ sb sth to stop feeling angry with sb wbho has done st to harm, annoy or UPpset youj to Stop feeling angry with yourself: [VN] 7 Peyer forgive her Jor what she did. ceTcant forgive that bpe ofpehaviour CTdneyverjforgive myselF ifshe heard the truth 廊om someote else: C [VNN] Sheid forgive him ary-

thing. [alsoV] 了 一 me(fordoing sth) | ~ my...usedto Say in a polite way that you are Sorry 让 what you are doing or saying seems rude or silly: [VN] Forgive me, butT Gont see 妇atEany of thi comcerns me: o Forgive my ignor QTCe DuUEWhatexactty does 雪e compamny do? c Forgive me 加or iterruptinS DuUE Tireally aomnt agree With that ec [VN -ing] Forgive my interrupting butTreally doni agree Withthat 3 (ormah (ofabank, country, etc.) to say that sb does not need to payback money that they have bo IOowed: [VN] THhe goyerrrment has agreed to forgive a 1arge

| 609



1/o:kftol;i NAmE 'fo:rk-/ noun the amount that a

fork holds

forklift truck

/fo:klrft 'trAk; NAmE fork-/ (alsofork-

Tift ) novn a vehicle with _special equipment on the front 人 for moving and lifting heavy objects 一picture 只 TRUCK


/plom; NAmE ferlozrn/ ad 1 (of aperson)

appearing lonely and unhappy:

She 1ecKked so forlorm

statding there 训 the rain 2 (of a place) not.cared for and with no people in it: Brmpty houses qUicKkly taKke om a Jorlorn IooK. 了3 Unlikely to succeed, come true, etc.: She Waited 识 纺e 和Drlorn hope 雪 at he would one day cormmne pack to:her e is 名 ther smiled weakly in aforiorn attemptto reassure himt that eyerytning Was alLright forIorn':ly adv

Part of the dept [alsoVNNJ sbcould/might be forformnm om /fom; NAmE 人 Tim/ mou7n, ve贱 Siven fordoing sth usedto saythat itis easy to under- 四 11OU1 stand Why sb does or thinks sth,although they are *TYPE .1 [C] atype or variety of sth: fjorrms of tramsport/ WIong: IooKking at the crowds out Shopping you could pe SoyVeTmPiePteftergy C one of tje mostcomrmont Jorms of Jorgiyven Jor 态 训King that eyeryone has plenty of mortey ca1icer2all t 切 emmillions ofdifferentli 拒 Jorms on the plamnet forgive and for'get to stop feeling angry with sb for today 一see also ART FORM sth they have done to you and to behave as 放 认 had not *WAY STH IS/LOOKS 2 [CU] the particular way sth is, happened Seems, ]o0Kks or is Presented: The disease ca1t taKke seyeral for.give-mess /fe'grvnas; NMmEfer'g-/ noun [U] the act of different forms. 2 Help 识 the form of money w记 pe very forgiving sb; willingness to forgive sb: to pray jpor Gods Welcome. 2 Help arrived 训 the form of bwo police oj 态cer5. Jorgiveness cthe forgiyveness of sins C He begged Jorgivertess CIPhe training prograTmnTme takes the form oF a series of Jor whpat he had dome. Workshnops. 2 Most Political,questions inyolyve ,morality 妇


/fe'grvm;-NAmE fer'g-/.adj/. ~ (of sth) willing

to forgive: She had motinjherited her mothersjorgiving matre. The PUDIic Was mmore forgiving of the presidents qi太 万culties 切am the press amd 大 Liow politicianms.

forgo .(alsoforego ) /fozxgau; NAmE foxr'gog/ verb forwenitt /foxwent; NAmEfoT'went/forgone /fo:xgon; NAmE foxr'gom; "gamp/) [VN] (frma)) to decide notto have or do sth thatyouwould liketohave or do: No one Was Prepared to forgo theirIunmch hourto attend the meeting.

forgot ptofFoRGET forgot-tem pp ofFOoRGET fork om /多:; NAmEfoTrK/ noun, ye 几 昌 0OUm 1 atool with a handle and three or four sharp Points (called PRONGSs), Used for picking up and eating food: to eat wi a ni 包 and 角 K 一Picture 只 CUTLERY 2 agardentool with along or short handle and three OFT four sharp metal Points, used for digging 一Picture 只 GAR-

some forma or other 2 We need to comme to some Jorma of

aSreement 2 Tm Opposed to cennsorship it any shape or Jorm.cTnis dictionary is also available in electronic jorrm * DOCUMENT .3 [GC] an official document containing questions and spaces for answers: an_ applicatiomnentry order form ec (especialy BrE) to illiayform ce(especially NAmE6) to fill outajform crThiled inoutayjform on their Website. C to completeajform c (BrE) a booking form (NAmE) areservation form *SHAPE 4 [Cl the shape of sb/sth;:a person or thing' of Which only the shape can be seen: her slender fjormc The PuTma7m 7rTmz Pas charmged Little oyer the Iast30000 years. They7mmade outashadowy 记 rm 训 方ontof therm. >ARRANGEMENT OF PARTS 5 [U] the arrangement of parts 也 awhole, especially in awork of art or Piece of writing: 有权 Q7oyeljorrmt and conmtent are equaly important


6@G [U] (5rE) how fit and healthy sb is;

the state of being fit and healthy: After six months traimimg the Whole tearmm ii 识SUPerb forrm. CTreally need to Set DEN 一See also PITCHFORK 3.aplace where aroad, riveDT, pack 胡 JormL The jhorse was clearly out ofJforrm. etc. divides into two Parts; either of these two Parts: 7 .[U] how well sb/sth is performing; the Shortpy pefore dusK 妇 ey reacjhied a Jork and took the Je扩- >* PERFORMANCE fact that sb/sth is performing well: Midfielaer 已1iott has Jarmd frack. c Toke the rightfork. 4 athing shaped like a Show disappoimnting Jorrm recentb c OP cUFrrent/Present fork with two or more long parts: a jagged fork of LigP form t妇 eparty jheadingjoranotherelectiomnyictor She ming 一See also TUNING FORK 5 either of two metal SUpSigrtalled her Teturm to fjorm With aconyincing Victory Porting pieces into which a wheel on a bicycle or es right oil form (= Performing well) as acrazy science Imotorcycle 这 itted 一Picture 多 BICYCLE teacher 训 Pis Iatest7mmoyie. CThe Whole team Was ort good 日 Ye 凡人 [V often 十 advVprep] (notused inthe Piogressive fornma and deserved the win e She was 识 SreatjJorm (= tenses) (of a road', riven etc:) to divide into two parts that happy and cheerful and full of energy) at 态e _wedding lead in different directions: THe pa 妨jbrks at 雪 e potto郊 Party. of the PhilL ee The road 刀 rks right after 妇 e bridge. 2 [V + advVprep] (not Used ip the Progressive tenses) *WAY OFIDOING THINGS 8 [uC (especialy Br the usual Way of doing sth; 了Whats the /form when you apply fora (ofaperson)jtoturn left or rightwhere aroad,etc' divides Fesearch 5rarnt2 .人 conyentiorial social fjorms C True to into two: ForK rigpt after thpe bridge. 3 [VN, often 十 Gdv/ Jorm (= as he usually does) he arrived an hoar Iate. prep] to move carry or dig sth using a fork: Clear the 350 Partners of emiDloyees are inyvited as a matter of forrm. of weeds amd fork 识 .Plenty of comDpost fork 'out 9 [U] good/bad ~ (old-jshroned, Br the way of doing (for sth) |fork'outsth (for/on sth) (iforma/)tospenda things that is socially acceptable/not socially acceptable lot of money on sth, especially Unwillingly: WPy Jork out 10 [C a way of writing or Saying a word that Jorataxi when thereSsaperfectby good bus service2 C Weve *OF WORD shows, for example, ifit is plural or iaparticular tense: Jorked out a small fortune om t妇 eir educatiom. 只 note at theimfinitiye fjorrm oftheye7D SPEND


/fp:kt; NAmEf5rkt/ ad with oneend divided into

two parts, like the shape of the letter :apird with a Jorkedtail cethie forked tongue ofa Snake 一picture 只 PAGE R2TI 了

forked 'lightning "oun [U] thetype ofLIGHTNING that js jlike aline that divides ;into smaller lines near the ground 一compare SHEET LIGHTNING


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet


| Jshoe

*1N SCHOOL 11 (87 old-osjhioned)na class ia school: Whos' your form teacher? 一See also SIXTH FORM 了 了 -former (in compounds) (BrE, old:joshioned) a student ip the form mentioned at school: a 妃ird:frmter 一See also SIXTH-FORMER. IE take 'form (Jormalj) to gradually'form into a pa ticular shapey;to gradually develop:m her body amnew Lp Was takingjform: 一more at SHAPEI:

| 5vision

| :tchain

| -qd5 jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| Dising




and appearance ofthingsthanto inner meaning and feelings eformalist/fomalrst; NAmE orm-/ own2 formal:istzdj. [usually before noun]: ,formalist 雪 eory

Be for-mal:ity /forzmaelati NAmE fo nmOU(D -iey *START TO EXIST1 (especially of natural things) to begin 1 [cusually plJjiathing that you must do as a formal or to exist and gradually develop into a particular shape; fto -。 of6cial partofalegalPprocess, a Social situation, etc.:to go Iake sth begin to exist in a particular shape: [V] Flowers througRh all the 名 rmialities miecessa1y 雄 Order to Seta SU7 appeared put 广ui Joitedtoform.ecStormaclouds areformTicence CTets sSKip 切 eforrmalities anid get dowr to busines5. img on the horizzort. Ce [VN] These Pills were forrmed by glaci2 [Cusually sing.] athing that you must do as partofan _ atio7t. 了 to start to exist and develop; to make sth startto official process, but which has little meaning and will not exXist and develop: [V] 4 plan formed in my head. [VN]T affect what happens: He already KnowWs he jas thejob so ormed 7mnamny close 广iendships at college. CTdidnit 5ee etouUSh of the Play to 包rm am opinion about 让 只 note at

MAKE = MAKE SHAPE/FORM3 [VN] [often passive] 一 sth'(into sth) |~sth (from/of sth) to prodtice sthin aparticular wayor Imakeithave aparticular shape: Form the doughuipnto balls

Witp your hands. C Bend the Wire So tat 让 Jorms QQ CS RearTrarlge the letters to 如rm amnew Word. 2 Garmnes ca jhelp childremn learm to form letters. o Do you Know how to Jorm the past tenlse? 2 The chain formed 万om 136 LimnKs. 4 一 (sb/sth) (up) (into sth) to move or arrange objects or people sothatthieyarein a group with aparticular shape; to become airranged in a group like this: [VN] to form a Tine/gueue/circle C First get Students to 1orm 8groups of Jour ce [V] Queuves were alreadyjorming outsiae the 坊eatre.

The tearms formed UP into limne5. *HAVE FUNCTION/ROLES [VN] to have a Particular function or pattern: The trees fjorm a natural protectiomn 方om the suns rays. @ ning verb [VN] to be sth: The castte Jorms the focal point of the city o Thie Survey formed Part of a larger prograTmme of research C These drawings 刀记 Jorm the basis of the exhibihon:

> ORGANIZATION 7 to start a grouP'Of people, such as an organization, a Committee

etc.; to come together in a

group ofthis kind: [VN] They hope to jorrmuthe new SoyermTent CHejorrmedabanrdwithsome 广iends 广om school ca mewly-formedpoliticalpartyc [v] Thebandformed 记 2003.

*HAVEINFLUENCE ONS8 [VN] to have an influence on the way that sth develops EMOULD: Positiye and megative exXperiences form achilds character

for.immal 有 om /aml;NAmE forml/ 人 ad 1 (of a style of dress,speech,writing,behaviour,etc.) Very correct and suitable for official or important occaSions: fo7Frmal eyening dress C The dimimner Was Qaorrmal o太 所 2FHe 太 keptthetone ofthe Ietterjformaland pusinesslike. She has ayeryjormalmarner wpichn car See upPn 广iendlgINFORMAL 2 official; following an agreed OF official way of doing things: fjorrmal Iegal processes C to Take a formal apology/compIaintreguest C Formal aiplormmnatic relatioris betweemn the two courttries Were 7eestapblished ii Decemmber CE攻 二 me to putthese Garramnge7mments on slighty more 如rrmal 5asis 3 (of education or training) received in a School college oF tiniversity' with lessons) exarms,etc.,rather than gained just throtugh practical experience: He has nojormal teaching gualica右015. CC YDUmSg childrem arebegimaming their forrmaleduca丰O7L SO7metimes as earlyias four years old. 4 concerned with the way sth is doneratherthanwhatis done: Getting apPproyalLjfortheplamnisapurelyjrmalrmatter mobpodywtil SeTioUs1y Oppose 让 SGCritics hayecomncentrated too much on hejforrmalelernemnts ofher poeb WithoutreallyIooKing at

What itis saying

5 (of a garden, Toom or building) ar-

Ianged in a regular manner, according to a clear, .exact plan: aelighthul formal garders,wWith terraced Iawmns amnd am.Qyveiue of trees -EDINFORMAL formaljly/mali/ ddv: oow do you do2” she said fjormally. ceThe accounts Werejforrmally approvyed py the board. Althouvgh miotjforrmally trained as an arthistoriamu hezWidely respectedjforhis K7mowiedge of 加eperiod.

formalde.hyde /fo:xmaeldrhard; NAmE forms/ noun [U]T (symb CH2zg a gas with astrong smell 2. (also tech: micaol formalin/fomaelm; NmE'form-/) aliquid made by,mixing formaldehyde and wateb used for preserving BIOLOGICAL SPECIMENS, Iaking plastics,and as.a DISINFECTANT

formalismnm/fo:malizzem; NAmE'foxrm-/ noun[Uujastyle or method in art, music;literature, science, etc: that pays Imore attention to the rules and the correct arrarigerment

the intervieW zarmerefjormality

3 [U] correctand formal

behaviour: Different eyels of formality are appropriate 记 aifferentsituiations. C She greeted himawWithn si 太iDrmality.

formal:ize(BrEalso -ise /fomalaiz; NAmEYform-/ verb [VN] Tto make an arrangement aplan or arelationship official: They decided to 如 malize their relatomship by 5etting married. 2 to give sth afixed structure or form by introducing rules: THhe college has a Fighly fjormalized syste of assessTment formalizationp sisation/fozmalarzeIfmn; NAmE forrmala'z-/ own [U]

for-mat/fomaet; NAmE'formaet/ noun, yerb eaOUn 了 the general arrangement, Plan, design,etc. of sth: The 名rmat of the new quiz show jhas proyed popular, 2 the shape and size of a book magazine,etc.: Theyye DrouSght out 妇e magazine 训 Qmnewjformat 3 (computngs) the wayin which data is stored orheld tobe worked on by

a coOmPUter Bye 有b ( -tb [VN] 1 to Drepare a COmptter disk so that data can be recorded on it 2 (technicoj to arrange text in a particular wayon apage or a Screen

forma:tiom/ 包:merfm; NAmEform-/nounT


tion of forming sth; the Process of being formed: the 包 广 Tation of Qa 7Pew goyerriment evidence of recent Star Jormation 识 the galaooy 2 [q athing :that has been formed, especially in a particular Place orin a particular Way: rock jormations 3 [U,G a Particular arrangement, or pattern: aircra 后 jyingim formation cjormatomnjying CThe team usually plays 胡Q 千和亿2fjormatiom:

for,mation dancingnrovn [uU] theactivity ofperformz ing a dance as part of a group that consists of several couples. Formation dancing is usually done in competi-

tions. for~ma-tive /fo:matrv; NAmE orm-/ adj [only before noun] having an important and lasting infltience on the developmient of sth or of sb's chaxacter: the formatiye

yeais of cnildhood for-mmer

0 /包2maGD;NAmE'fozmz/ ad [onlybefore

nounm] thattsedtoexistin earliertimes: i Fner tese te

COUPtries of the 如mmer Soviet Uniorm e This beautul old building jhas beem restored to its former glory 2:that used to have a particular position or'status in the past: the 加 rmer Worid chaimpion C TY raer boss/colleaguex Wi 3 the former- .useditotrefertothe first oftwo things or people mentioned: The former'optiom Would.pe Tc TOre Sensible: 一compare LATTER -4 the former prom,the firstof two things orpeople mentioned: Be had to -choose betweent Siving UpD hisyjob and:giving up hnisprinCiples' He chose the former 一compare LATTER IEIT be a

shadew/ghost of your former 'self to_not have the strength, influence, etc, that youused to have

former:iy 0 /tomnelis NAmEformerlil ady in earlier times IEIPREVIOUSEY: Namibia Jormery K7iOWTL GaS South West Africa SEEIearntthatthe houUse had Jormerty peem ant in Johnn Marsju 用rmierty of Iondon Road, Teiceste5 moOowIiyirig iance

Forimicarme/foxmarka; NAmE 区 TIm-/ nouwn [U] ahard Plastic that can resist heat, Used for covering woIK strfaces, etc,

formic acid /foxmimik'asid; NAmE:Eomik/

noun [U]

(chemistry)j:anracid made from'CARBON2MONOXIDE and Steam. It is also present ip a liquid produced by some ANTS。 5

formid'able/fomrdebl; femad-; NAmE form-; foepmz/ adf/. 计 people, things or situations are'formidable, ,you

2 cat | cfather | eten :|3: bird 上 es abouti| Tsit | iisee | many | p got:(BrE) | orsaw | Acup | oaput | ustoo

feel fear andXor


for them,because

they are

impressive or powerful, or because they seem Very difficult: Jmn aebate he Was aformidable oppomnent C She hasa Jormidable Listofqgualiications, The bwo players together Immake ajJormidable combination The task was a formidable one. C They had to overcormne Jormidable ,obstacles. formid:ably /eabli/ oady: He mow has the chanceto prove jirmmsef 训 aormidabty dificult role. ecShes formidably intelligent. \

forrmm:less /tommlas; NmE'ormm-/ ad without a clearor definite shape of structure:jbrmless dreamse form:less-

mess Own [U] formmula 0 /fomjala; NAmE'Pormz/ noun (piformu*las om especially in scientific useformu-lae /Ji:/) 1 [Cl (Unathematics) a series of letters, ntimbers or symbols that represent a rule or law: THis jbrmula 让 Used to calculate 切e area of a circle. 了 [C] (chemistry) letters and Symbols that show the parts of a chemical COMPOUND, etc.: CO 六 切 eformmaula forcarbon monoxide. 3 [C ~ (for sth/for doing sth) a Particular method of doing or achiev也 gsth: They7e tryingtoWworkoutapeace formuia accept able ti 5o 纺 sides 识 切 e dispute. coTheres Po magic Jormula fjora perfectrmarriage 4 [Calist ofthe things that sth is made from,giving the amount of each subStamice to se: the secret jb7Fmula for the Diemrding of the WPhisky 5 (alsoformiula milk ) [U,G] (especay NAmB a type of liquid food,forbabies, given instead ofbreastmilk 6 [Gaclass ofracing car, based on engine size, etc.: Fo 六 次 Wa OPnerM racing 7 [Q afixed form ofWords used 雇 a particular situation: legal: formulae 和 The 7mimnister Keeps Comaing OUE Witp the samme tiredjormulas.



NAmE form-/ ad (Pormal)

imade Up of fxed patterns of words or ideas: Traditional stories make Use of formulaic expressions LiKe Once UPoma ELeE for:rmmu-late /世 amnjulert; NAmE fozrm-/ ve Ttocreate 彤 or prepare sth carefully giving particular attention to the details: [VN] to formulate a policytheory/PIarn proPosal c The cofmpost 6 Specially jbrrmulated fjor Pot PIanatGs. C [VNto inf This new Kitchemn cleaner 羡 儿rrmulated to cuUL through grease and dt 字 [VN] to express yoUr ideas 记 carefully chosen words: She has Iofs of good idqeas, putshe Pas dculty firmulating 轨em ee formulation /ftommjulerfm; NMAmE fomzrm-/ nouvn [Lu,G: the frmulationm of meW Policies for-ni-cate /fmIkert; NAmE'forn-/ vemb [V] (Jorma/ disapproving)to have sex With sb thatyot are notmarried to PP fornication

/ 包:nrkerIfm; NmE

fozm-/ nown


mi-Cca:tor /OU7 for.salke ,/fe'serk; NAmE fer's-/ ,ve由 forsook _/fe'sok; NAImE fer's-/,forsaken ,/fe'seIken; NAmE fer's-/) [VN]

一 sb/sth (for sb/sth) (Mteraory) 1 to leave sb/sth, especially Whenyouhave aresponsibility to stayERTI ABANDON: 万e jhad made 让 clear to his W 庆 切at he wouia never forsake her 2 to stop doing sth, or leave sth, especially sth that youenjoyER RENOUNCE: Shejorsook theglamourofthe city anmd Went to liye 识 the Wilds ofiScotland. 一see also

GODFORSAKEN for.sootih / 旬'su:6; NAmEfer'-/ adv (old use or humorous) Used to emphasize a statement,especially in order to Show SUIPTIise for.swear /fp:'swea(GD); NAmE fomr'swer/ vemb foFswore /fpzswoi0D); NMAmE foxr's-/,forsworn /fozswom; NAmE 人 抱T'SWoTD/) [VN] (Jormaloryiteramy)to stop doing orusing sth; to make a promise that you will stop doing or using SthERzI RENOUNCE: THhe 8rOUPD 加 rsWears all Worldy Pos5essio115. CO THie cOUTtY has notforsWworm the se ofchermical

WeapoT15. for:sythia /fozsarbia; NAmE fer'sIbie/ noun [uU,c] abush thathas small bright yellow flowers ip the early spring fort /fo:t; NMAmEfort/ novn 1 abuilding orbuildingsbuilt 记 order to defend an area against attack 了 2 (NAmBia place where soldiers live and have their training: Fort


hold the 'fort

(BrE) (NmBhold down the

芷ort) [0) tohavetheresponsibilityfor sth orcare of sbwhile other people are away or out: Whymothayve aday ofr2 菩 hold the frtfor yo


| army

| aunow

| ersay



faorte /to:ter NAmEfoTt/ noun, adv 目 IOUm [sing.] athing that sb does particularly well: IamS&Uages Were Tiever Tny orte.

目 Gdv. (/music) played or sung loudly [aaa PIANO > forte adl/. 3 For-tean /fortian; NAmE 'fozrt-/ adi. involving or relating tothings that cannot be explained by scienceERHJI PARANORMAL forthm /fo:6; NAmEfor6/ adv (literary exceptin particular idioms and Phrasal verbs) 1 awayfrom aplace; out: They Setjorth atdaywWa. Bugechimmeys belchedjorthsmoke and Srime, 了 towards a place; forwards: Water gushed forth 万om aphole 识 如 erock. 一see alsoBRING FORTHIEI from

that day/iime 'forth

(iteroo) beginning on that day;

from thattime 一more at BACKadv, SO qdyv




57ovn [IO like painting :the

Forth "Bridge (Br6) used to describe a job that never Seems to end becatse by the time you get to the end you

have to start at the beginning againieare From the name

of a Very'-large bridge over

the river Forth in



/to:0kAmrm; NAmE for



before noun] going to happen,be published,etc._ Very SOon: the jporthcoming elections CQ LSt ofF forthcoming pooks te bands 如rthcoming UK tour 了 [not before noun] ready or made. available when needed: imnamcial SUDPOoTrtE was notjorthcoming. 3 [not before noun] willing to give information abonut sth: Sjes meyer yery /ortpcom-

ing about jierplans.roaag


forth:right /fo:grart; NAmE for6-/ dj. direct and honest ipImannerand speechERJ FRANK:QWormar offorthrigjit

Viewse forth.rightIly 4dvforth:rightiness OUn [U] forth.withh /fo:0'wro;-wI6; NMAmEiforgb-/ adv (formal)imImediately; at once: THPe agreemeit petWeem Us 1 termmainmated forthpnwith,

for-ti-eth 只 FORTY fOr二ii. 人icCation /fortrfrkerfm; NmE fort/ noun 1 [cusually pl] a towenr wall gun Position, etc. built to defend a Place against attack: the ramparts and 名 riFicaomns ofthe Old To 2 [U] the actoffortifying ormaking sth stronger: Plans fjor 切e 色7Pication of 切 e city for:tify /fortifar NAmE fort/ yembfortifies fjortify:ing:,

fortified ,fortified ) [VN] 1 ~ sth (against sb/sth) to

make a Place more able to resist_ attack especially by

building high walls: a jrjfied town 了 ~ sb/yourself (against sb/sth) to make sb/yourself feel sttongerm braver, etc.: Fe frfied PimselF against thne cold with a hot drinK. 3 to make a feeling or an attitude stronger: TPRe meWs

imerely fortified their determination. 4 一 sth (with sth) to increasethe strength or quality offood or drinkbyadding

sth to it: Sherry zfortified wine (= wine with extra alcohol added)j. 2 cerealjJor6fied with extrayvitamirls faQr.ti.Ori



/fo:trts; NAmE fort-/ adj (Phonetics) (of a conson:

ant) pronounced with force 一compare LENIS

fortis:-simmo /foztrsmao; NAmE for'trsmou/ adv (ab 扩 于 ) (mwsic) played or sungiVery loudlymaa PIANISSIMO forti.tude /foxtrtudi NAmE 'fortetu:d/ noun [U] ( 帮 广 /mal/) courage Shown by sb who is suffering great pain or facing great difficultiesERII BRAVERY,, COURAGE Fort Knox /fo:t'moks; NAmE fort ma:ks/ nounIEi be

like/as safe as Fort 'Knox

(of abuilding) to be strongly

bnuiilt often with manylocks, strong doors, guards, etc- So thatit is difficult for people to enter and the things kept there are safe: ThPis horme of yours 1 Like Fort KoOX. From the name of the military base in Kentucky Where most ofthe US's store of gold is kept.


/fortnart NAmE fort-/ nouUn [usually sing]

(BrE) two weeks: afortnights holiday eajfortnight ago 和 记 Qajfortnights 上 me coFes had 轨 ree accidents 训 the past Jortnig 由

| sogo (Br日 | oU go (MAmE)

| or boy

:| re near

| ea hair

| ue pure


612 |

fortnight.Iy/fo:tnartli; NAmE 'fort/ ad (BrE) happening once a fortnight: Meetings take Place at Jortnightly interyvals, Tightty.

fortnightlyody : The commrmmittee 7meets 加 态

For-tram/fo:tran; NAmE 'fo:rt-/ noun EU] (computing) a high-level compnuter language Used especially for doing Scientific calculations

fort.ress/'fo:tres; NAmE 'fort-/ noun abuilding or place that has been made stronger and protected against attack: afortress townm enclosed by four miles of ramparts Fear of terrorist attacKk has turried the comference centre into aortres5.

fortuit.ousfo:tju:rtes; NmEforti:-/ adi (Jormajhjhappening by chance, especially a lucky chance thatbrings a

good result

> fortuitouslyodv

fortu:nate/fo:tfenet; NAmE fortf/ adi ~ (to do sth) | ~ 人(in having…)| 一 (forsb)tthat.…)having orbringing an advantage,an Opportunity a piece of good luck,etc. EXRJLUCKY: Thaye beer Jortunate enough to visit many Pares of the worldas a Iecturer CTWas fortunate 识 having Q8ood teacher 2 Remember those less fortumtate 雪amn yo 六 Selyes.

COJE Was Very fortumate for jim

殷atTarrived om

tme., [oggUNFORTUNATE fortu.nate.ily/fo:tfeanetli; NmE fortf-/ adv by good luck ER3LUCKILY:TWas Iate, butjfortunately the meetinlg hadmt started C Fortunately jbr Jim he Was yery 50oP

ojfered anotherjop,[GEUNEFORTUNATELY fortumne om/tothun; NAmEYfortJ-/ noun 1 [U] chance or luck, especially 各 the Way it affects People's lives:Thaye jhad the good fortune to work with Some prilliant directors. C By a stroKke of fortumne hefound Work almost iimediately 2 Forturte Smiled om me (= I had good luck). 字 note atLUCK 2 [Cl alarge amount of Ioney: Fe made afortune in realestate.? Shei 识heriteda Share of the fornily fortunre. CAcarlike thatcosts a srmmall Jorttumne. e Zudonitjhayve to spend afortune to give your Jorniby tasty% jhealthy meals. o She is hoping her US debut Will pe the 1irst Step on the road to fame anmnd fortune. That ring must pe Worth a fortune. 3 [Cusually pl.,U] the good and bad things that happen to a person, family, couUntry, etc.: the chaigimng fjrtunes of the 语 im 识dustry he fortunes of war 9 a reyersal of fortunefS) 4 [C] a perSOn'SFATE or future: She cam tellyour fortunmne by IooKing

at the Lines on YOUr hand,


cookie "own


a thin hollow


| :gget


| jiyes

next Week._ 和 [VN] to

you forward any mail to us

识 New 中 地 CTPUL


Jorward' on the enyvelope. 3 [VN] (Jrmalj) to help to imPIove or develop sth ERIFURTHER: Fe saw 轨e a5signmTnent as Q Way to forward his career 一see also_ FAST-

FORWARD BIOUN an attacking player whose position is near the front of ateam in some Sports 一compare BACK forwardine

address7ovn anewsaddress to which let-

behaviour that is too confident or too informal

1 numnber40 了 movn the for:ties[pl.] numbers, years or temperatures 们om 40 to 49 ee fortieth/ 包:tiab; NAmE foxrt/ ordipnal nurmber noun There are examples of howtonse ordinal numbers atthe entryfor 人 ifth. [cr in yourfortiesbetween the ages of40 and 49

| ffall

Warding yoU OUr meWw catalogue

Jorward a requestycomplaintproposal 2 [VN] ~ sth (to sb) to send a lettem etc. received at the address a Derson, used to live at to their new address SEND ON: Could

ture; willing to conslder modern ideas and methods

forty 0 /fo:ti; NMAmE'to:rti/


Bye 乡站 ~ sth (to sb) | ~ (sb) sth (Jormaj) to send or pass goods or information to sb: [VN, VNN] We w1 pe forwardinS OUTr Piew catalogue to yOU Fext WeeKk. C We w 记 Be jor

forward:nmess/ fo:wadnes; NAmE rward-/ noum [U]

fortune-tellerovn aperson who claims to have magic powers and who tells people what willhappen to them in thefuture


other vehicle: the fjormward cabins CA polt mmay have jllen o太 the planes fjorward door 3 relating to the future: the Jorward moyement of history CAlLittle forward planming at the oUtset ca1z Saye yoOULQ 1ot of expeTise. C The planmns are Still mo Jrther Jorward 轨am t雪 ey were 1ast month. 4 behaving towards sb in armanner which is too confident or too informal: Thopeyou don 和 timnk Im being too Jorward. 一compare BACKWARD

forward-lookingod. (cpproving) planning for the fur

fortune huntemovun apersonwhotriestobecomerich by marrying sb with alot of money

that is 49” north of the EQUATOR, thought of as forming the border between western Canada and the US forty "winks "ou [pl.] (Unformao/) a short sleep,especially during the day: IE feel much better When Tye had Jortgy winks. forumy/tforem/ oun 站 ~ (forsth) aplace whare People can exchange opinions and ideas on a particular issue, a Imeeting organized for this Purpose: Teleyvisiom is now am importantjorum forpoliticaldebate. earmImnternetforume to jhold am 识ternational forum on drug abuse 2 (in ancient Rome) a public place-where meetings were held

/fo:wed; NAmEforwasrd/adv;iadi,

Verb, noOU1n addv. 1 (also for-wardsespecially in BrE)towards a place or position that is in front: She Ieamned fprward armd Kissed Pirmz on 纺e cheeKk. C Fe tooKk two steps jbrward. co They ran orward to Welcofme jher BACK, BACKWARD(S) 2 toWards a good restlt: We comsider 妨5 agreement to be an imiportant step forward 2 CUtting OUFr cosx 1 the only Way Jorward e We are not gettirg any further forward With the discussiomr 2 The project WwW记 go jjorward (= continue) as planmned., [oggBACKWARD(S) 3 towards the 名 ture; ahead in time: IooKing Jorward we hope to expaid OUF Operaftions 训 Seyeral of ouUr oyerseas prariches. The mext SCente taKkes the story jpmward five years. 2 (old wse) 万om this daayjforward 4 earlier; sooner: 下 Was decided to Drirg the mmeeting fmward thwo Weeks. 5 (technicaj iD or towards the front Part of a ship or Plane: The 7mair cabim 1 situated forward of (= 识 font of) the mast 一see also LOOK FORWARD, PUT FORWARD Imrqsee BACKWARD(S), CLOCK 由 ,FOOT 几 . aogdj. 了 [only before noun] directed or moving towards the 们ont: The door opened, DiocKkinghjis forwardmmoverment ajforwardpass (= 雇 asports game) 了._[onlybefore nounm] (techmical) located in front especially on a ship, plane or

ters should 要 sent on from an old' address that sb has moved away from

served in Chinese restaurants, containing a short message that predicts what will happen toyouin the future

the ,forty-ninth 'parallel7ouvn the line on a map

{fOiryyvardl 0

forward slash "oun the symbol (/) used in compnuter

commands and in Internet addresses to separate the differentpa 一compare rts BACKSLASH

{fo -WemntpL of FORGO

fos.sick/ fpsIik; NAmE fars-/ vemb [V] (AUstraIE NZE 让 7OF mol T ~ (through sth) to search through sth: 玫e SDent

aSes jossicking through the docuiment。, goldip mines that are no longertused

2 to search for

fos.sil/ fosl; NmE fasl/ houn T the remains of an ani-

mal or a plant Which have become hard and turned into IOcK: jossils oyer two million years old 了 2(和n帮 而 01 disapProwng) an old person, especially one who is unable to acceptnew ideas or adaptto changes

foss训 fuel2ovn [CU] fuel such as coal or oil that was formedover millions ofyears from the remains ofanimals or plants

fos.sil.ize (BrE:also -is 日/fbselarz; NAmE fa:s-/ vemb 下 [usually,passive] to become or make sthbecome a fossil.

[VN] fossilized bones [also v] 2 [v VN] (disapproving) to become; or make sb/sth become, fixed and unable to change or develop fossilization -isation /fpselarZeIfn; NAImE fazsela'z-/ noun [W

:| Kicatil


| mman

| nnow

| pPpen

| :rrred

fos.ter/fpsteCD);NAmE 'fo:s-; fazs-/ verb, ad ye/ 峭了 _[VN] to encourage sth to develop


AGE, PROMOTE: THPe cluDS aim zs to foster better relatiomns Within the community :也 (especially BrE) to take another persons child into yotir home for a period of time, without becoming his orherlegal parents: [VN] They hayve jostered over 60 children during the past ten years. C [V] We couldmnt adopt a child so we decided toJoster 一compare ADOPT BGQdj. [only before noun] used with some notins in connection With the fostering of a child: a foster mothery Jather/famiky joster parents cajoster childcaJoster home Joster care

fousghtpt pp ofFIGHT foulyfaol/ odj ,verb, noun @Gdj. ( foul.eg foul.esl 1 dirtyand smellingbad:jJoul air/

preath ia foul-smelling prison 吃 note at DISsGUSTING 了 (especially BrE) very Unpleasant; very bad: Shes 识 :a Joul mood. 2 丽s boss-has a foul temper ceThis tastes 如 uL 只 note at TERRIBLE 3 (of language)j including rude Words and sweaiing ER OFFENSIVE: jul Ianguage Tm Sick of her Joul mouth (= habit of swearing) o Fe called Pher the 名 ulest names imiasinable., 4 (of weather) Very bad, with strong winds and rain: a foul night5 (/让

eram/) very evil or cruel


Turder > foully/taolli/ odv: Besworefouly eshehad peenjfouly murdeFed during the might foulnessnoun [U]: The air Was heavy With the stink of damp amnd fjoulness. [CI fallfoulof 'sb/'sthto get intotrouble with aperson or an organization because of doing sth wrong or inlegal: ti如 加 1如 Lofthelaw 一more at FAIRadj ,CRYY

昌 Ve 纱1 [VN] (in sport) to do sth to another player that is against the rules of the game: He Was juled inside the Penalty area. 了 [V VN] ( 记 BASEBALL) to hit the ball outside the playing area 3 [VN] to make sth dirty usually With waste material: Do mot perrmit your dog to bul 坊 e

8rass. 4 ~ (sth) (up) to becoime catught or twisted iD sth and:stop 让 Working or moving: [VN] The rope fouled the Propeller CIV] Aropejouled up (= became twisted) as we

PuUIed the sail dowm.

foul'up(Unjormalto makea

lot ofmistakes; to do sth badly: Tve 加 uled up badly again, Payert 7T2?一related noun FOUL-UP ,foul sth 一"up (5 加 广 /mal) to spoil sth, especially by doing sth wrong 一 related

Doun FOUL-UP 上IOUm (in Sport) an action that is against the rules of the game: 开 Was Q clear 加 UL py Ford on the goalkeeper (NAmE) to Pitajoul (= 让 BASEBALL, aballthat is too far left or Tight, ontside the lines that mark the side of the

field) 一see also PROFESSIONAL FOUL foul ball72ov7n (in BAsEBALL) a hit that goes outside the allowed area Toullineovn 1 (in BASEBALL) either of two lines that Show the area inside which the ball must be hit 2 (in BASKETBALL) a line 他om Which a player is allowed to try to throw theball into the BASKET after a foul

foul-mouthed cy. using rude, offensive language: a JuLmoutped racist foul 'play 7oun

[U] Tcriminal or violent activity that

callses Sb;s death: Police imm7mediately bpega7t am inyestigaom Dut did not SUspect 加岂 Play (= did not suspect that

the person had been murdered). 2 (BrE)dishonest or unfair behavioun especially during a sports game

Toul-up7ouwn (crmah a problem caused by bad organ这 ation or a stupid mistake


om /所ond/ ver [VN]

to start sth, such as an organization or an.institution, especially by Providing money ESTABLISH: to fourd Q cIupcompany 2 Her Jornily jounded the college 识 1895. 2 to be the firstto start building and living in a town Or coOUntry: The towm Was Joumnded by ErgIish settlers 训 TI790. 3 [usually passive] 一 sth (on sth) to base sth on sth: THheir TarTriage Was fj 和 unded om 1oye amd mutual respect 一See

alsoILL-FOUNDED,UNEOUNDED,, WELL FOUNDED 4:(techmical) to melt metal and potr it into a MOULD; to make objects using this process 一see also FINDYV sisee

| ttea

| vvyan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe




om /taomndernal noun

站 [Cusually pl.] alayer ofbricks, concrete, etc. that forms the solid underground base ofa building: The builders are 7OW beSiri7ling to Iay the Joundations of the new schooL c The explosion shook the foundations of the houses TeaTby.

cnDote at BOTTOM

2 [CU] a Principle, an idea or a fact

that sth is based on and that it grows from: Respect arid 刘iendship Drovide a solid forxrnidation fjor marriage. C The

TUmour 1 totally without foundafion (= not based on any facts). S These stories have no foundation (= are not based on any facts). 他 note at BASIS 3 [C] an organization that is sstablished to provide money for a particular Purpose, for example for scientific research or charity: The momney Wi go to 女 e San Framncisco AIDS Foundatiom. 4 [U]the act ofstarting anew institution or organization

ESTABLISHMENT: THie orgaiizatiomn jas groWTL eno 天 TOUsS1y Since its 如 umdatio 元 识7955. 5 [U] a skin-coloured

cream that is Put on the face Underneath other make-up [Dr shake/rock the foundations of sth | shake/ rock sth to its foundations to causeTDeople to question their basic beliefs about sth: This issuve jhas shaken 妨e 和 undaatiors of French politics.

foumn dation course noun (BrE) a general course at a collegethat prepares students forlonger or more difficult


foun'dation stoneown a large block of stone thatis put at the base of an important new public building in a Special ceremony: to Iay the foundafion stone of the new 7mUseuTm foun:der/taondeC)/ noun, verb 目IOUI a person Who starts an organization, institution, etc:

OFT catlses sth to be bliilt: 妨 e如 under amd president of the comDamy

上四ye/b [V] ~ (on sth) (forma1h) Ti (of aplan, etc.) to fail becatseofaparticular problem or difficulty: The peace talks

加 undered or abasic Iack of trust 2 (ofaship)to fill with Water and sink: Our boatjoundered on a reef

founder 'memlber(8rB6 (NmE charter 'mempaen

moOuUn one of the first members of a society an organization, etc., especially one who helped start 让

founding father7ovn 1T(Uormal) a person who starts Or develops a new movement,institution or idea 之 Founding Fathera member of the group of people who wrote the Constitution ofthe US in 1787


/taondlmy/ noun (old-jshioned) a baby who

has beemi left by its parents and who is found and taken care ofby sb else

foun-dry /faondri/ novun (P/ -ieg afactory where metal or glass is melted and made into different shapes or objects: an iron jundry cefoundry workers 只 note at FAC: TORY fount /faont/ novn ~ (of sth) (Nieram or humorous) the Place where sth important comes fom SOURCE: She treats jirm as 矿he were thejfount ofall Knowledge. foun:tain /taomnten; NmE 'faontn/ noun 1 a structure 位om which water is sent up into the air by a PUMP, used to decorate parks and gardens/yards 一see also DRINKING FEOUNTAIN QZ a strong flow of liquid or of another subStance that is forced into the air: The ampIier exploded zaGjJountain ofsparks. 3 a rich source or SuUPPly of sth: Tpurism z afountain ofwealt 纹forthe city

foun-tain.head /faontenhed; MmE:tnhed/ noun (UNiier g/1y) a Source or origin Tountain penm /oun a pen with a container that you fl With ink that flows to a NIB 一picture 上 STATIONERY

four om /fo:o)/ Tumber4 EggThere are examples of how to nise Dumbers at the entry for 人 ve, 2 moun a group of four people or things: io make Up ajJour at temnnis ea coach andjJour (= four horses) 3 noum:( 让 CRICKET) ashot that ScoresfourRUNS 4 moun ateam offour people who Row a _long narrow

| 5vision



the boat that they row

on all 'fours (of a person) bent over with hands | tchain

| ds jam

| thin

| 5this

| Dising


必 ] four-'wheeler 7oun (NAmE) = QUAD BIKE

and knees on the ground: We Were crawling arouna or al Joursthesefour'walls usedwhenyou aretalking about keeping sth secret: DomtiIetthis go 鲍rther 态 a7z these four Walls (= Dormt tell anyone else whojis not ip the room TOW): -

fowl /taul/ novun T [CU] (plfowil orowls ) abird that is Kept for its meat and eggs, for example a chicken: 了bw SUch as 世 rkeys and ducks 2 [q (old wse) any bird 一see alsoO GUINEAFOWL,WATERFOWL,WILDEFOWL [ET See FISHI. fow'ling /faulmy/_nouwn U] 贡 the activity of hunting wild

birds (also4x4 ) 00U01 a Vehicle with FOURWHEEL DRIVE (= a System in which power is given to all fox /foks; NAmEfa:ks/ nouni ve 几 上 IOU0 [cl awild ariimal ofthe dog family with reddishfour wheels) brown fur apointed face and athick heavy tail 一see also four-colour 'process cv (technical) a way' of feproFLYING FOX, VIXEN 2 [U] the skin andfurofthe fox used ducing natural colours in photographs and printing using to make coats, etc: 3 [G (often disapproving) a_ person COLOUR SEPARATION who is clever and able to get what they wantbyinfluenfour-di'imension:al cd havingfour DIMENSIONS, Usdcing or tricking other people: Hesawity oldjoxc 4 [g allylength, width, depth, and time (ipformal) an attractive young woman four.fold /foxfeold; MAmE'fo:rfoald/ ad adv 只 -了OLD 四 Ver 记 [VN] (妆 厄rmalj especialy Btobetoo difficult for sb to understand or solvey to trick oT confuse sb: The Iast four-ietter 'waord -nounashortwordthat is considered question foxed eyenn our Damel of experts: rude or offensive,especially becatlse it Tefers to sex OFT other functions ofthe bodygERII SWFEAR WORD foxed /fpkst; NAmEfa:Kkst/ adj 1Tunable to Understand or Solve sth: T7must admit Tcompletey Joxed 2 (ofthe four-poster 'bed (alsofour-',poster )10U1 alargebed Paper of old books or prints) covered With brown Spots With a tall post at each of the tour corners, a cOVer OVeT thetop and curtains around the sides 一picture c BED fox:glove /fpksglAv; NAmE'faxks-/ novun [GU]atall Plant With purple or white flowers shaped like bells growing Up four.some /toxsem; NAmE 'foxrsem/ moumn [ctsing./pl. a group of four people taking part in a social activity or its STEM Sport together: Ca you make UP da foursome for tenmnmis fox:hole /foksheol; NAmE'fa:kshoul/ noun'abhole inthe tomoOrrow? groundthatsoldiers use asa shelter againstthe enemy Or four-'square 0 思1 (ofa building) squarein shape, solid asaplacetofire back ffom 一compare HOLE and strong 2 (of aperson) firm, steady and determined fox:hound /fokshaond; NMAmE'fa:ks-/ movn adog with a four-'square adyv: Tstand jursquare With 妇e PresiVerIy good sense of smell thatis trained to htuntFOXES daent on this issue. 瑶 fox-hunting (BE alsohunt'ing ) 00Un [U] a spPort 带 four-star ad/ [usually before noun] 1Thaving four stars iD Which FOXES are hunted by speclally trained dogs and by a System that meastres quality: The highest quality is People on horses: 蕊 go J0xJuritinge Tox hunt 7n0o50: 0 Shown by either four or five stars: Q jjouirstar hotel Dam on fox humnts


2 (NAmE) having the second-highest military rank, and Wearing a _Uniform that has four stars on it: a jurstar



0di (technicaoj)(ofanengine orvehicle) with

a_PISTON that makes four up and down movements 训

each power CYCLE 一compare TWO-STROKE



14P four-teenth


/foxtian; NAmE fort/ nuUmper /foztimb; NAmEifomr't/ ordinalmnuwmnben

There are examples of how touse ordinal

numbers at the entry for 全fth.





[sing] a

change made tothe US Constitution in 1866 that gave all Americans equal fights and allowed former SLAVES to become citizens

fox'terrier 00Unasmalldogwith short hair fox:trot /fpkstrot NAm 导fazkstra:xt/ noun aformal dance for two People together yith both: small fast steps and longer slow ones; a piece'of mtisic for this dance foxy /fpksi; NAmE faxksi/ ad TilikeaFoxin appearance

2 (njiprmal,especially attractiVe SEXY CUNNING

NAmE) (of a woman) sexually 3 clever at :tricking others

foyer /forec NAmE forer/ noun 1 alarge open Space 训DSide the entrance of a theatre or hotel where people can

Imeet or waitgsgaq

LOBBY 2 (MAmB) 鸡 entrance hall in a

Private house or flat/apartment Fr (alsqFr。especially in NAmE) gbbr Father (used in font ofthe name ofsome Christian priests): Fr (Pau1) OCorimor {fOurtih om /fo:6; NAmEfor6/ ordinalnumbeps noun 四 Ordinal numbper 4th There are examples of howtto fra-cas /位aka:; NAmE frerkes/ noun (plfraicas /基 a:z/, use ordinalnumbers at the entry for fth 在 . NAm 厂ra.cases ) [usually sing.] a noisy argument or 在ght, 四 10OU1m (especially NAmE) = QUARTER Usually involving several People the fourth di'mension om [sing] 1 (used by sci- 人rac:tal /fraektl/ noun (mathematics,physics) acurve OFr entists and writers ofSCIENCE FICTION) time Z an exXperiPattern that includes a smaller curve or pattern which ence that is outside normal human experience has exactlythe same shape the fourth e'state /on [sing.] newspapers and jour- frac:tion /人 zkJn/novun Tasmallpartoramount ofsth: nalists in general and the Political influence that they Only asmall 廊action ofabanks total deposik will pe WithhavegERJ THE PRESS drawW7Lat aiy one tme. She hesitated fjor the merest 广acfourth:ly /Po:9ji; NAmE forgb-/adv usedto introduce the tion of a Second. Ifraction is used with a plural fourth of alist of points you want to make in aspeech or notn, the verb is usually phlural: Only a 广action of cars 识 Piece of writing the UK Use Leaded petroL Ifit is used with a singular noun that represents a gIOUP of People the verb can be singu:= the ,Fourth ofju'ly "ov [sing.] a national holiday in lar or plural in BrE, but is usuallysingular in NATmE:A 问 my the US when people celebrate the anniversary of the Dec万action of the popUlatiort never Vote/votes. 2 adivision laration of Independence in 1776 一see also INDEPENDof a number for example 5% 一see also VULGAR FRACENCE DAY TION 一compare INTEGER four-way 'stop /oun (SA1rE) a Place where two roads cross each other at which there are Signs indicating that frac'tion-al /frakfenl/ ad 1 (ormal) very small; not importanl MINIMAL:Q 刘actiomnal decline 识 earnings Vehicles must stop before continuing 了 (maqthematics) of or in fractions: a 太 actionalequatom

four-wheel'drive (especiay NAmEall-wheel'drive ) mouUn [U,C] a system in which power ls applied to all four wheels of a vehicle, making it easier to control; a vehicle With this system: a car With fourwheel drivecS We renteda Jourwheel drive to get arounad the island. 一See :alsoOFOURBY-FOUR 一picture 字 PAGE RI

fractional distihtation-

oun:Eu] (chemisty)'the pro-

cess of separating the parts ofaliquid mixturebyheating it. As the temperature goestupi each part in turnbecomes a gas; which then cools as it moves UP atube and canbe collected as a liqtuid.

cat| cfather | eten | sa:bird |aabout |isit|asee|imany|ogot

(BrE) | oz saw | Arcup | 5 put | ustoo

fraction:ally/'traekfeneliladv toa Verysmall degree:


fractiou 人askfss/ s' ao 中 (especialy Br T bad-tempered


He Wasyjust 太 actionally ahead atthe Jinishing Lime.

or easily Upset,especially by small things,EREUIRRITABLE: Children often get 广actious and tearful Wheri tired. 了 (jnrmal) making trouble and complaining: The six 廊ac友oUs republics are demamding autonommy.

fracture/' 们 aektfacan/ moOuUn, verb

本IOUm T [G a break in a bone or other hard material: a 三 acture of the Jegskull e acompound/simple 万acture (= one in which the broken bone comes/does not come through the skin) 一 see also GREENSTICK FRACTURE 2 [U] the fact of sth breaking,especially a bone: Old people Domes are Tore Drone to 广acture. 多ye/几 1 tobreak or crack' to make sth break or crack: [V]

了is leg 太 acturea 识 wo piaces. C [VN] She 帮 1iand 六acaired Perskull.ca 广actured pipeline 2 (jnmal)(ofasociety an organization, etc.) to SPlit into several parts so that it no longer functions or exists; to split a society or an organ这 ation, etc' in this way: [V] Many people prealicted thatthe Darty woOuld 广acture amnd SPI 引 C [VN] The compamny Was 方actured 该to seyeral Smaller 8rOUD5S, fractured ad [usually before noun]: He sufjfered a badly 廊actured arm e (Jigurativej TieyspoKke asortof 广actured Germa7t

frae:mu'luml(Br6) = ERRENULUM fra'gile /位 ad5azl; NAmE -dl/ adj Teasiiy broken or damaged: 碍asile china/glass/pones 了 weak and Uncertain; easijly destroyed or spoilt:a 广asgile alliarce/ceaseJire/7elationship 2 The economy remains extremiely 万agile. 3 delicate and often beantiful: 广asile beauty The wona1is 广asgile jce broke 识to a smile. 妈 not strong and likely to become ill/sick: Her 如 ther is now 86 and 识 agile after 方agile healtih. ce(BrE, jnformaj)T7mn feeling ap 让 方 Iast might (= Dot well, perhaps becatse of drinking too Imuch alcohol),p fra-gility/fra'dsrleti/ noun [U]: 切e 方aSility ofthe Pumarm pody

frag-memtinovn, ve 必 maIOU1 /frzegmant/ a small part of sth that has broken off Or comes 位om sth larger: Police jurd 广agrments of glass Pear the:scemne: C The shattered yase Iay 训 方agments on the Joor CToyverheard a 太agentof their conyersatiom. EVe 有bb /位 zeg'iment/ [V VN] to break or make sth break into Small pieces Or parts _ fragmentation /位2gmenterfn/ 0OoU0 [U]: 切e 廊agrmmentatiom oF 弛e country into SaIL idepedent states fragmentedad/: a 方agrmented SOcCiety

frameworik 之 [C] the supporting structure of a piece of

furniture, abuilding, avehicle,etc.that gives it its Shape: the 太 arme .of ar aircraft[a car]a pbicycle 一 picture 吃 BICYCLE 一See also CLIMBING FRAME ”OFGLASSES3 [Gusually pH] astructure ofplastic or metal that holds the LENSES- in a pair of glasses: gold-rimrmmed 三armes 'PERSON/ANIMALS BODY 4 [Cusualily sing.] the form or Structure of a person Or animals body: to haye a smalI/ Slenderlarge 六 ame ”GENERAL IDE4S 所 [sing.] the general ideas or structure that form the backgrotnd to sth: 现 态二 course We jhOpe to IooK at Literature im the 广ame ofits social amd Pistorical coOPiteXt 一See alsOTIME FRAME “OF FILM/MOVIE@G [C one of the single photographs that aflm orvVideois made of “OFPICTURESTORY7 [Cl asingle pictureliinacoOMIC STRIP *COMPUTING 8 [qq one ofthe separate areas on an InterDet page that you can SCROLL thiotgh-(= read by using the mouse to move thetexttup ordown)

*TN GARDEN 9 [G = COLD FRAME “1N SNOOKER/BOWLING TO [C] a single section of play 也 the game of SNOOKER, etc., or in BOWLING Im be in/out ofthe framebetaking part/not taking Partip sth: We Worour ma 太 SO0 We7estiD 识 tbe 广afmejDF the champiomnship. 目VEjb [VN] *MAKEBORDER 了 [usually passive] to put or make a frame orborder around sth: The photograph had been 万amed < Her plonde Pair


万amed her fjoce. 2 He stood there jhead

广amed against the DIue sky


之 [usually passive] ~ sb (for

sth) to Produce false evidence against an innocentPperson So that people think he or she is guilty EUEFIT UP: He SGYS he Was 万amed

*DEVELOP PLAN/SYSTEM 3 (Jorma/) to create and develop sth,such as a plan, a system or a setofrules *EXPRESS STH 4 to express sth in a particular way: Zoz1 jaye to pe careful how yoUu 广arme the questiom. 上 framed qd/. (often in compounds)j: a 方armed Photograph Catimnber 记amiedjhouse (= with asupPorting struc-

ture ofwood)


frag-menm-tary/fragmaentri;-NAmE-teri/ adi made of small parts that are not connected or complete: There'izs OUY 广agrmemntary eyidence to SUPPorEthnis theory


Srenade. (also


bpomib ov7' a bomb that breaks into very smiall pieces When it exzplodes 人ra-gramce /人 erIgrens/ houi TICU]a pleasant smell; TPhe pathm oil cormes 识 Various 方asFances: 了 [C] aliquid thatyouput on your skin im orderto make yourself smell mice PERFUME: QTL excitimng me 刀 方agrarce 广om Dior fra-Sramt/'frergrent/ adj having a pleasant smell; 万a&rant jerbs/ 太oWers]oiE ceThe air Was 广asra7iEwWith sceits 六 om 万esea amd 切e his,e fra-grantjlyadyv 入 aidly ca/ 人 erdi kaet/ 0OUm (US informa1 disapproving) 三 SCAREDY-CAT

climbing frame (8)月 jungle gym (NMm月

window frame lens


位aa 刘/frea/ ad (frailer frailesb 1T_(especially of an old

rame of mind noun fsing.] the way yot feel or think

Person) physically weak and thin: Mother was becomimg too frailto liye alorie. 之 weaki easily damaged or broken: the 广 ailsterns of 坊 ejioWersC ummart nature 站 万aiL

frame of referemcemovn (5 frames of referencge a

frailty /frenti/ noun (P/ -ie T LU] weakness and poor health: Increasimng 万ailby meant that She Was 7more and 7nore comnfined to.ped, 2 [UG weakness in a person's character Or moral standards: ju7mnam 广ailby 2 切 e放 ailties of Purzapn mature

about sth at a _particular time: We 祝 discuss this WwWjiepn you7e 训abetter 廊arme of7minmd. Particular set of beliefs, ideas or experiences that affects how aperson understands or judges'sth

frarmme tent(BrE) (NmE wall tenl noun a large tent With aroof and walls that do not slope much 一comPpare DOME TENT, RIDGE TENT

下 aimie 0 /人 em/ noun yemb

frame-upovn (aforna1h asituation ip which false evi-


dence is produced 记 order to make people think that an iDnocent person is guilty of a crime frammerwork /frermwa:k; NAmE -wark/ noun Tthe parts of a building or an object that Support its weight

“BORDER 1 [C] arstrong;border or Structure of wood, metali'etc: thatholds ,apicturej door piece,of glass, etc.

迄 Position:a Picture 太 azme


| az my

| aonow

aluminium Window 广armes

| ersay

| aolgo (Br6

| oo go(NMmB6

| ar boy

| ie near

| ee hair

| pe ipure




/位 za0kfa:teGD); NAmE Tt

(NAmE also

wie-ner ,informalwee:nie ) noun along thin smoked

and giveit shape 邓 note at STRUCTURE 了

SAUSAGE with a reddish-brown skin,often eaten in a long bread roll as a HOT DOG

一 (of/forsth)a

Set of beliefs, ideas or rules that is used as the basis for framnk'in.cense /fran0kmsens/ moun [U] a substance making judgements, decisions, etc;: The report provides C -that is burtrto give a pleasant Smell,especially during 万amework for 包rther research. 3 the structure of a parTeligious ceremonies ticular system: We meed to establish a 1egal 廊armeworK 7 franking machine (especialy Br6 (NAmE usually 太eprotectiom of the eniyirorrmenE Cthe basic 太ameWworK of 'postage meter ) 100n a machine that prints an official Society mark on aletter to show that the cost of posting it has framc /位 z0k/ moun the unitofmoney in Switzerland and been paid; or does not need to be paid Several other cotntries (replaced in 2002 in France,Bel-

framnk:ly / 立z0kli/ odvy Tipn an honest and direct way

gium and Luxembourg bythe euro) fram'chise /fraentfarz/ movn, ve 必 @ moun 了 [CU] formal permission givenbyacompanyto sb Who wants to sell its goods or servicesin aparticular arealj formal permission given by a government to sb who wants to operate a Public service as aubusiness: a 记amchise aSreemzeTtt/comzpary c a cateringTa 让 万amchise 和 Jn the reorganizatiom Southerm Teleyisiomn lost teir 万amchise. C to _operate a business under 廊anchise 了 [C] a business or service run Under franchise: They operate 广anchises 识 Iondomn and Paris.c Qa purger 万anchise

3 [U] (Jormalj) the Tight to vote ip a country's elections: LUmiversal adut 记 amchise 一See also ENFRANCHISE 日 yerb [VN]. [usually passive] to give or sell a franchise(1) to

sb: Catering has been 广amnchised (oub to aprivate comzpanmny. CFanchised restaurants > franchising moun [U]


/fraentfarzi:/ moun a person or company (alsofran'chisor ) /位 zentfaizeC)/-moun a

company or an organjzation that gives sb a franchise

Fram:cis.cam /位 zen'sIsken/ noun, ad 昌 10Umamemberofareligious organization started in 1209 by StFrancis of Assisi in Italy 晶 0dlj. relating to St Francis or to this organization: QFramciscarTt TOTPK


/' 立 znsiem/ noun [U] (SmbpFr ) achemical

element. Francium is a RADIOACTIVE metal. Franmco- / 立 za0Kkeo; NAmE ' 位 ae0KkoU/ combpjining 加 rm (也 notns and adjectives) French; France: the Fraico-Prussiam War Francophile


/位 za0kefeun; NAmE:foon/ adj. [only be-

fore noun] speaking French as the main language > francophone moun: Camnadiamn 万amncophonmes



-pamni/ novun

1 [uc


tropical American tree Or bush with groups of white, Dinlo -or yellow flowers

了 2 [U] a PERFUME that is:made

frormthe frangipaniplant

frang:lais /位on0gler NAmE'frogler noun [U] (7Pjormah language which is a mixture of French and English, used in ahumorous way

framk /frzenk/odjsyverb 上 adj franker;frank.est Imore frank is also common) honest and direct in what you Say, SOmetimes in a

waythat other people might not like: a 记 lard 广amKk daisCuUssion CQ 万arik admission of guUilt 2 He Was Very 方amnK Qbout his relatiomnship Withn theiactress. C To be 放 arik with yo Tthinkyour son has Littlechamce ofpassing the exaTm. cnote at HONEST frankness own [U]: They outlined their airmms With.disarming 方arzKmness, 晶 Verb [VN] [often passive] to stamp amark on an envelope, etc. to Show that the cost of posting 让 has been paid or does notneed to be paid



(also 'Frankenstein

food) movun [CU] (oformal, disapproving) food that has

been GENETICALLY MODIFIED Fran:ken.stein /位 z0kenstam/ noun (also,Frankensteins monster ,Frankenstein 'monster ) used to talk abont sth that sb creates or invents that goes onit of control andbecomes dangerous, often destroying the pe Son Who created it From the novel Fraomkensteim by

Mary Shelley in which a scientist called Frankenstein Imakes a creature from Pieces ofdead bodies and'brings ittolife.



下 ffal2|


下 hat


fran-:tic /fraentrk/ ad 1 done quickly and with alotof activity but ip a way that is not very well organized HECTIC: a 万arttic dash/searchAstruggIe 2 They made rarmtic attermpts io reviye him e Things are 万amtic in the office rightnow. 2 Unableto controlyouremotions because you are extremely frightened or worried abonut sthERII BESIDE YOURSELF: 廊amntic with worry C Lets 80 pacjE Your parents must be getting 万afitic by now. 2 The childremr are driving me 太antic (= making me Very annoyed). frantically /kli/odv:TheyWworked 广amnticaly to Finish om 如me.

thathas been given a franchise


that people might not like: He spoKke 广a7mKly abpout 切e or产 deal_e They 广ariKkly admiitted their responsibinity 了 used to showthat you are being honest about sth, even though People might not like what you are saying:- Frankly 工 COUId7itt care less wjiat happens to jin 2 Quite 碍ariKkly, T7ma7iotSurprisedyou jiled.

frappe /位 zeper NAmEfrae'per/ adj ,novr (fom Fench) 四 Gdj._ [after noun] (of drinks) served cold with a lot of ice: coffee 太appE 卓 IOUm aidrink or Sweet food served cold with very small Pieces of ice frat /fraet/ noun (NAmE, informal) = ERATERNITY(2): a 广at bpoy (= amember of a fraternity)


/fra'taml; NA7mE -tarmnl/ ad/ [usually before

noun] 1 connected with the relationship that exists be-

tweenPpeople or groupsthatsharethe sameideas orinterests: da 方aternal orgariizatiorwsociety 了 connected with the relationship thatexistsbetween brothers: 廊atermnalriyaIye fraternally adv

fra ternal twin (alsoncn-identical 'twin ,dizy goftic 司win ) nowm either of two children or animals-born from the same mother at the same the but not from the same egg 一Compare IDENTICAL TWIN,MONOZYGOTIC TWIN


/fratsmati; NAmE -tairn-/ oO07 (Dies)

[ctsing./pl:v] a group ofpeople sharing the same profession,interests or beliefs: 7memzbers,of the rmmedical/ banmking/racins, etc. 太 aternity 2 (also NAmE Informal frat ) [G a club for a group of male students at an Ameri= can college or University 一compare SORORITY 3;[U] (or /md/) afeeling.of friendship and_support that _exists between the members of a group: the ideals of Libperty equality ad fraternity

frat-er.nmize (BrEalsoise ) /位 aetenarIz; NAmE-ern-/ veb [V] ~ (with sb) to behave in afriendly manner especially towards sb that you are Dot SUPposed to be friendly with: She was accused of 廊atermizing With the enermmy. fraterTS risaftion /fraetenarzerIfmn; NAmE:terna'z-/ 01OUm

出 frat-ri-cide /faetrisard/ noun [uC TUrmalthe crime of killing your brother or sister; a person who is guilty of this crime 一compare MATRICIDE,PARRICIDE,PATRICIDE

2 the crime of Killing People of your own country or group; a petson whois guilty of'this crimee fratricidal /人aetrrsardl/ adj :to beengaged 训 a 广atfricidal struggie


/fro:d/ movun 1 [uC the crime of cheating sb in

order to get money or goods jllegally: She was charsged With credit card 太aud. Property 坊at jas beem obtained by fraud cag100 million 万aud 了 [C] a person who prez tends tohave qualities, abilities, etc.that theydonotreallyhave iniorder to cheat other People: He's mnothing puta LiarandaFraud Shejeltafraudaccepting theirsympathy

| k cat | lleg

| mman

| nnow

| p pen

| arred

(= because she wasmnotreally sad). 3 [cl something that is not as good, useful, etc. as people claim it is

fraud squad movn [sing+ sing/pl v] (BrB) part of a police force that investigates fraud

fraud-ster /fro:dsteCr)/ movn (BrE) a person who comImits fratud

fraudu-lent /fo:djalent; NAmE 45e-/ adj intended to cheat sb,usually in order to make money illegally: 万auadulent adyertising CQ 广audulent insuramnce claims fraudulence /froxdjalanms; NAmE -45e-/ moun [U fraudulently /fro:xdjalantli; NAmEG5e-/ adv

fraught /froxt/ ad 1 一 with sth filled with sth unpleasant: Q situatior 刘 ausght with dargerdifficulty/prob-

Iems 2 (especia必 y BrE) causing or feeling worry and anXiety TENSE: She IooKkedAsounded 广aught C There Wasa 广auSghtsilence.CThings are as 方auUSRhtas ever 识 the ofce.

fray /人fei/ ve 上5 nounr 目 VE 此1 让 cloth frays or sth frays it thethreads in it start to come apart: [V] The cu太 of nis shirtWwere 万aying. CThis Taterial 放 ays easib ce[VN] 下 Was fashionable to 广ay the Dottorms ofyourjeans. 2 ifsb's nerves or TEMPER frays or sth 他 ays them, the person starts to get irritated .or annoyed: [V] As the debate Went om temmpers begam to 方ay [also VN] 和rayed adji: 广ayed denim Short 2 ITEmpers


getting yemy

广ayed,、ID fray at/around




万ee. C Studenits have a free cjioice ofcourses 识 t妇 eir 万nal year IDuare 广eeto come and go as you Diease. (Un加 广 /mmalj) Can TI use the Phone? Please, feel free (= of course you can Use itj” 了 notrestricted or controlled by anyone else; able to do or say What you want: A 厅Ue democracy COmplete With 广ee Speech and aree press Was called for the countrys Firstfree election CThey gaye me 太 ee access to alLthe 广Ies. *NOTPRISONER 3 (ofaperson) notaPprisoner orSLAVE: He Walkead out of jail a Free ma7tL *ANIMAL/BIRE 尖 nottied UPor in a CAGE: THhe researchers Set the pirds 刘 ee. 上 NO PAYMENT 5 costing nothing: Adrmissiom 六 廊ee. 3 万ee SaImDIes/ticketsXadvice c We7e offering afobulous 广ee Sift with each copy you buy ceYou camt expect people 如 workjJorree(= without payment). >*NOT BLOCKED @_ clear; notblocked: Ensure there is a Fee Jow ofair around the machine.

> WITHOUTSTH 7 ~from/of sth not containing or affected by sth harmful or Unpleasant: 方ee 方om difficulbxMdaoubt Jear c 广ee 三om artificial colours and javourings 2 下 Was SeyeTQaL Weeks before he Was completely 廊ee of pain.

8 -free (in adjectives) without the thing meiitioned: yi tually 色 二 ee 广 yogurtc tax- ee 太 earningsatrouble-hee1i态

edges/'seams to start to come apart or to fail: SUPport Jr 续 e leader Was 廊aying at the edges. 旦 mOUm the fray [sing.] a fght, a competition or an arguInent especially one that is exciting or seen as atest of your ability: They Were ready for the 太 ay c to emnter/jo识 theraycAL7T he has mow retired 广om the polihcal 廊ay.


fraz:zle /fraezl/ noun be burnt, worn,etc. to a frazzle (njiommal to be completely burntyextremely




/位 azld/ oj (Unforman tired and easily an-

Doyed: They inaly arrived hormme, hot amd 广azzled.

11 ~ (forsth) (of a person of time) without

particular plans or arrangements; not busy: 矿 Sarah is 万eejor IUnch TU take her out Keep Friday migRht ee fo7 TY Parb 2 What do you Ilike to do 识 your 刘 ee time (= whenyou are notworking)2


frealk /位i:K/ noun, adj ,vemb 下 DOU1 了 (njormnal)aperson with avery strong interestin a particular subject: a health/ 广Oress/TJazz, etc. 记eak 一see also CONTROL FREAK 了 2 (disapproving) a person who is consideredtobe unusualbecause ofthewaytheybehave, lookorthink: She was treated Like aHreak pecauseshne didmnt Want children. C Fes going out With areal Jreak ,3 (also

freakof 'nature) (sometimes o 态nsive) aperson, an animal a plant or athing that is not physically normal 4 a VerIyUunusual and Unexpected event: By some 广eakoffate 态ey all escapead Without 训JU7y.

四 0dj. [only before noun] (of an event or the weather) Very

9 ~ (of sth) not attached to sth

or trapped by sth: Pu1lgentty.om the 廊ee end of the rope. They had to be cut Free 广om their car after the accident 和 SPhe 万nally mamaged to PULL Persel 广ee. * NOT BEING USED 10 notbeing used: Fe held out his廊 ee hand andTtook 让 CRthisseat 广ee?

12 一 with sth (often disopprowing)j ready

to give sth, especially when it is notwanted: Hes too 廊ee Witp his opinions-. >*TRANSLATION 13 afreetranslationis notexactbnut gives the general meaning 一compare LITERAL IE free and 'easy informal; relaxed: Zi碟 was meyer 8oing to be so free and easy again get; havey etc: a free "hand: to geb have, etc. the opportunity todorwhat you wantto do andtomake your own decisions:Twas givemn a 方ee hand in designiing the syllabus.get; take, etcs a free ride to get or take sth without paying becatise sb else is

paying for itits afree 'country

(njrmal) used as a

Ieply when sb suggests that you should not do sth: Its a Unusual and Unexpected: a 六 eaKk _accident/storrmoc万ee coOuntyY; Tsay WhatTLkeltherers no such thing as CUFTreTice 万eak weather comnditiors afree'lunch (ijorna/) usedto saythat it is not possible 四 VE 上 一 (sb (outb (informaj) 让 sb freaks or if sth freaks to get sth for nothing 一more at HOMEadv,; REIN 1. themi they react very strongly to sth that makes them 国 VE/沪 suddenly feel shocked,surprised,ffightened,etc.: [V] > PRISONER 1 [VN] ~ sb (from sth) to allow sb to leave My parents really 廊eaked wphen they saw my hair eVN] prison or Somewhere they have been kept against their Snakes really 广eaKk me OUL WwW训 RELEASE: By theenaofMay nearIy 100 ofamn esfreak-ing /全 iFin/ ozdy,adj [only before noun] (Nm 已 ?mated 2000 Political prisomners had peem 方eed. The hiiacktboo, slang) a swear word that many people find offeners agreed to 广ee a 包 rther ten hostages. Sive, Used to emphasize acommentor an angiry stateInent *SB/STH TRAPPED 了 2 [VN] ~ sb/sth/yourself (from sth) to to avoid saying fucking' Imove Sb/sth that is caught or fixed.on sth RELEASE: Tree people We 也 语eed 广om the Wreckage. C She Sbruggled frealk-ishm /他 irf/ ad yery strange, Unusual or Unexto 广ee herse矿 pected: 方eakishn weatherDehayiour freak:ish-Iy adv

freak show

movn 1.a small show at a FAIR Where

People payto see people or animals with strange physical characteristics 了 (disapproving) an event that People Watch becallse it is very strange

frealky /位 ii/odj (pfiprmnahverystrange oruntstal freckle /位 ekl/ novn [usually pl.] asmall, pale brown spot on a person's Skin, especially on their face, caused bythe sn compare MOLE ze freckled /frekld/ oadj:a 广eckled 加ce/schoolgirl

free 0m /fri/adi ,yerbadr 上四 Gdj. (freer /frise(Gr)/freest /位 i:rst/) *NOT CONTROLLED 人 一 (to dosth) notunder'the control or'in the DOwer of sb else; able to dorwhat yot want:T jaye mo ambitions: other 雪 amto hayvea happy Liand be


| ttea

| vvan

| wet

| zzoo

| 了 shoe


3 [VN] ~ sb/sth of/from sb/sth to remove

sth that is Unpleasant OF not wanted from sb/sth RID: THese exercises help 方ee the pody or tensiofm 和

The poOlice are deterrmined to 广ee the towm ofyviolent crime.

CIThe cernittre airms to 广ee yoUu1lg Deople 太omm dependency on drugs,

* MAKE AVAILABLE 4 [VN].~ sb/sth (up) to make sb/sth available for a particular puUrpose: We eed tmne each WeekjJoraprojectTmeeting. The gsoyerTiment has promised to 太ee UD more resources fr education.

呈 [VN to inf] to

give sb the extra time to do sth thattheywantto do: WinPing 万ePrize 三eed Pim to paint 包 1L-trme. 外 0clv.


1 (also free of charge ) without

payment: Childremn nder 记ye irayel ree.

| 5vision

| tchain

| sq5 jam

上 9thin:

| 5this

| Dising

free agent

618 | free-for-allpovn

“NOTTRAPPEDZ2 away from or out of aposition in which Sb/sth is stuck or trapped: The wagonm broke 廊ee 太romn the train. 一See'also SCOT-FREE

[Er make free with sth(disopproving) touse sth alot, even though it does not belong to you run' free (of an animal) to be allowed to go whereitlikes; nottied to anything or keptin a CAGE 一more at WALK 愉 ifree agentnouvn a person who can do whatever they Want because they are not responsible to or for anyone else free.base/fri'bers/ noun [u] (sang) a specially Prepared form ofthe powerful illegal drug coOCAINE

free-bas'inmg/'fri:bersm/ noum [U] (slang) the activity of Smoking freebase

free.bie/ 侠ibi/ movn (帮 jrmaj) something thatis given to sb withotit payment usually by a comPpany: Be took al the 方eebies that Were on offer caeebie holiday free'boot:e' 位ibuzteaD)/ noun aperson Who takes patt

inawarin order to steal goods and money


ingzdj., noun [U] free.born/frinbom; NAmE:bozmn/ adi [only beforenoun] (1jormal) notborn as a SLAVE

,IFree 'Churchoun a Christian Chtreh that does notbe:long to the established Church in a particular country

Tree ciimibinSgrovn [U] the sport ofclimbing steep rock Surfaces tsing very little equipment to help you 一compare AID CLIMBING

free:dom oem/frideam/ noun 1 [u,G ~ (of sth) the right to do or say what you want Without anyone Stopping. you: 刘 eedom of speech/ thousht/expressiomnWworship Sa threat to pressacadermic etc. 太 eedom 2 rightks and 方eedoms garariteed py 太e co7tstitution 了 [u,sing] 一 (of sth) | ~ 人(to do sthithe state ofbeing ableto dowhatyouwant without anything Stopping you: 方eedom of actiomn/choice c complete 方eeao to do as youUWishn ec ThamKks to the automobile,:Armnerca11S S00nLhad afreedom ofrmmnoyementpreyiousty umjkmnow7m. 3 [Lu]the state ofnotbeingaprisoneror SLAVE:De 记nally Wo7i Phis 太eedomm after twenty years imnjal 4 [LU] 一 from

sth the' state of not being affected by the thing:mentioned: fjreedom 刘 ormn fear/paimnjhungen etc.. 5: [sing,] thei~ of sth permission to use sth without restriction: 了

Was give the 广eedom of the whole house.,

[sing.]:1 asituation in which there are

no rules or controls and everyone acts for their'own advantage: The Iowering oftrade barriers has led to QHreeJorall among exporters. 2 anoisy fight or argument in Which alot ofpeople take Part

=free form(also

,free 'morpheme noun (1inguistics) a

unit of language that can be used by itself: The PIural S” imota 放 eejform asiL7mmuUstalways pe attached to amour

free-formcd/ [only before noun] (of art or music) not created according to standard forms or Structures: a Jorm jazz improyisatiom


free-hand /frihand/ aodi [only -before noun] drawn Without using a ruler or other instruments: a drawing 上 freehandodv: to draw 太 eehand

free-hold /friheold; NAmE hoold/noun


[GU] (aow

(especially Br the fact of owiiing a building or piece of

land for a period of time that is Tiot limited P freehold adj :afreehold property freeholdodv:tobuyahouse 太 eehold 一compare LEASEHOLD

free:hold:er/friheulaeaG); NAmE oold-/ 7o07 (loW (especially BrE) aperson whoowns the ffeehold ofabuilding or piece of land 一compare LEASEHOLDER

free housenrovn (in Britain) apub that can sell different types of beer because it is not owned and controlled by one particular BREWERY (= a company producing beer)一 Compare TIED HOUSE

free Kicknoun (in football (soccER) and RUGBY) an OpPPportunity to kick the ball without any opposition, that is giventoone team whenthe other team does sth wrong: to take afree KicK

freejance/ 人ilamns; NAmE3daens/ adj vemb saddj. earning money by selling your work or services to Several different organizations rather than being employedbyone particular organization: a 广eelamnce journal-


太 eelance worFK

freelanceady: Twork


万om Rome.

myerb [V] to earn money by selling your work to _several different organizations

free-lancer /frilaumnseD; NAmE -laenser/ (also freelancge noun a person who Works freelance

free:load:er/'frilegdeaGD); NAmE3dood-/ noun (informal, disqpproving) aperson who js always accepting free food and accommodation from other people withouit giving

them anything in exchange loadinsodj5 10OUiIU]

freeloadve 尼 [vV] free站

[IEI the free-

free lovenovn [U] (old 态shioned) the practice ofhaving

by a city as a reward for work'they have done 一see also

Sex Without being married or having several seXtual Telationships at the same time

dom ofthe citylin Britain) an honour that is given to sb



freedom fghterovn aname used to describe a pe SOn Who Uses Violence to try to remove a governirient from power by people who support this 一compare GUER-


freedom of as'semlblynovn [u] the right to have public meetings which is guaranteed bylawinthe US

freedom of associ'atiomnrnour 负] the right to meet People and to formiorganizations without needing Per Imission from the government

freedom of informationnoun [U] the right to see anyinformation that a government has abotit people and organizations

free enterprise nown

[U] an economic systemzin

Which private businessesicompete with each other without Intuch goveInment control PRISE


free' fallmovn [U] 1Tthe movementofaniobjector apeFr Son falling through the air without engine pOwer or a PARACHUTE: Q 方ee Jall display 2:a sudden drop inthe value of sth that cannot be stopped: Share Drices haye gone into 太ee 名 由

free- floatin 多 d/ not attached to or controlled by anything: a 方ee-fioating exchamnge rate

Free-fomerwoun fu].= 了FREEPHONE

free.ly om /filifody 1 without anyone trying to prevent of control sth: the COUTtrYS rst 记eely elected president C EU citizens cam PoOW trayel 太 eely betweerTmermperstates. 卫 Without anything stopping the movement or flow of sth: When the gate 1 raised, the Water ca jiow Jeel erTraficis nomw 77OVing 7more 广eely 加 llowing an earlier-accident SGThe Dook zs 7iow 语eely ayvailapble in 态e shops (= itis not diffi-

cultto get acopy). 2 (jgurative) The wine flowed

万eety (=

there was alot of it to drink),3- without trying to avoid the truth even though it might be unpleasant or embarrassing:Teelyy admitthatTimade ammnistake. 4 in an honest way Without wortying about what people will say or do: For 坊e放 rsttime heWwasable to Speak 广eelyWithout 态e jar ofreprisals againstjhis family 5 iDawilling and generots Way: Millioris of people gaye 太 eely 识 Tesporlse to:the appealjor theyvictims ofthe earthquake. 6G6 apiece ofwriting that is translated freely isinot translated exactly but the general meaning is given

free-ma 人iaman/ m/ noun (pfree-men/aman/) 31 (BrB)a person who has been given the FREEDOM of a particular city as a Teward for the work that they have done 2.a person Who is not a SLAVE

free 'marketnoun an economic system 记 which the Price of goods and services is affected by supply and demandratherthancontrolled byagovermment: She Wasa SUPDPorter of thejfree marKket ecoTtomy-::

acat | d father | eten | sa: bird |ie about 下 xsit | isee| imany | p got (Br6) | ;ozsaw | Acup | ovput | wstoo

free marke'teer


a person Who believes that

Prices should be allowed to rise and fall according to supplyand demand and notbe controlledbythe government


/frirmerisn/ (alsoMason ) noun

619 free'verse

a man

freeze /ou [U] (technical) poetry without a regular

Th Or RHYME 一COmpare BLANK VERSE belonging to a secret society whose members help each ,free vote moun (ip Britain) a vote by members of parliaother and commtunicate Using secret signs Iment .in which they can vote according to their own beFree.-mason:ry /位imersnri/ 7Own [U] 1 the system liefs rather than following the policy of their _political and practices of -Freemasons reemasonry the Party friendship that exists _between people who have the free:wWware /fiwee0D); NAmE-Wer/ Po51 [U] (computin8) Same profession or interests: the 广eemasoTlyy of actors compnuter software thatis offered freefor anyone touse-一 free morpheme 0/ 三 FREEFORM coOmpare SHAREWARE free on board 2d. (bbrf.o.b. ) (business) including free-Way /feirwer (alsx:press'way ) noUn (in the US) Putting goods onto a ship in the Price a wide road, where traffic can travel fast for long disfree 'pardon -72 (BrE Low) = PARDON tances. You can only enter and leave freeways at Special RAMPS: Q 廊eeWay eXit 人 ar accident on 轨e 广eeWay 和ree 'period on (Br6 aperiod oftime in a school day when astudentor teacher doesmnothave aclass


(alsqFree-fonem ) /位 rfeun; NAmE foun/


"0 (chermistry) an atom or group of atoms


/fri"wil/ verb [V usually+ advVprep] to

ride a bicycle without Using the PEDALS: IT 刘eeWwheeled aowm the Pillto theyillage.

moum [U] a system in which the cost of a telephone call is paid for by the organization being called, rather than by free-wWheel:ing /friwilm/ ad ,[only before noun] the person making the call 一compare TOLL-FREE (njormalj) not concerned about rules or the possible reSults of what you do: a 广eeWheeling Lestyte free 'port 70Un aport at Which tax is not paid on goods that have been brotght there temporarily before being free :will 52ovn [U] the power to make your own deciSentto a different cotuntry ”sions Without being controlled by God or FATE of Free-post /全 ipeust; NAmE-poust/ noun [U] (in Britain) a your own free 'will _because you want to do sth rather than becatise Sb has told or forced you to do it: She Ie克 of System in Which the cost of sending aletter is paid for by Per ow 广ee Wi the organization Tecejving it, rather than by the Person Sending 让 下 双色 六 色 丈 0-, /位 iz/ ve 0oun thathas an ELECTRON that is notpart ofapair, causing 让 to take Part easily in chemical reactions. Free Iadicals iD the body are thought to be one of the catses of diseases Such as cancer. 一seeialso ANTIOXIDANTI(1)

freerran 和e

dj. [usually:before noun] connected with a

System of farming in which animals are kept'in natural conditions and can move around freely: 广ee-range chick-

efs O 广ee-ran8ge egg5$ 一Compare FARM



/friraid/ (alsofreeride board ).00vn atype

of SNOWBOARD Used for riding on all types of snow

free 'safety ”

0oun (in AMERICAN FOOTBALL) a defending

Player who can try to stop any ,attacking player rather than one particular attacking player

free.sia /位 i:5e; fi:zie/ noun a Plant with yellow, Pink,, White or Purple 人lowers with a sweet smell,which are also called freesias free 'spiriE OU1 a Person Who is independent and does “whattheywant instead of doing what other people do

free-'standing ”

ad T not supported by or attached to

anything: a 太ee-standing scUIDture 2 not apart of sth else: a 广ee-stamding aduLteducatiom seryice

free:style 四 “0001

/Sisstad/ Own, ve贱

[U] T aswimmingTrace in which people taking Part

can tse any stroke they want (usually CRAWL): the mens 4007mm 廊eestyle 了 (often used as an adjective) a sports competition 记 which people taking Part can Use any style thattheywant: 广eestyle sKiing 四 Verb [V] to RAP, Play music, dance etc. by inventing it as youdo it rather than byplanning iiin advance or follow识 g fixed PatternSEggJ IMPROVISE


/分 这9mke(GD)/ moun a person who forms

(BrE) gd [usually before noun] (of television

Programmes) that you do not have to pay to watch: The compamnyPproyides more 如 ar 20 亡ee-to-air chammels.

non [U] a system of international trade in

Which there are no restrictions or taxes On imports and



| arzmy

| aomnow

| ersay

| a68o (Br6)

> BECOMEICE -1 tobecomehard, and often turn to ice, as a ITesult of extreme cold; to _make sth do this: [V] Water 万eexes at 0"C. js so cold that eyen t妇 eriyer has 广ozen. [VN] Te cold weather had 太 ozen the ground. c [V-AD咯 TPe clothes 碍oze solid om tphe Washinlg-LirieTaaa THAW


也 ~ (sth) (up) 诈 a pipe, lock or

Imachine 们eezes,Or sth freezes it it becomies blocked With frozen liquid and therefore cannotbe used: [V] TPe Pipes haye 广ozem SO0 Weye got7io Water 和 [VN] Ten degyees of 广ostjhad 廊ozemn the lock or the car >*OF WEATHER 3 [V] when it freezes, the weather is at or below 0? Celsius: 开 may 方eeze tomnighb SO0 Dring 雪 05e Plants insiae. >BE VERY COLD 4 to be very cold; to be so cold that you die: [V] Eyery 右 me she opens the window We all 广eeze.C[V; VN] Two mnen 放 ozxe to death on the mountain Two men Were 方ozemn to death om the mountain. FOOD 5 [VN] to keep food at a very low temperature 让 ordei to Preserve t: Ca yoU 三eeze this cake2 2 These Tmneals are ideal for Phone 方eezing. @ [V] to be able to be kept at a Very low temperature: SoTme 万Uits 刘eeze better

太 ar others. *STOP MOVING 7 [V] to stop moving suddenly because of fear etc.: 工 廊oze With terror as the door Slowly opened. (Jiguratve) The srmmile 方oze on her lips. 2 The police ojFicer Shouted Zreeze1 and the mant dropped the gu *COMPUTER ,8 [V] when a compnuter screen freezes, yoU cannot move any ofthe images, etc. on it, becausethere is aproblem with the System FILM/MOVIE 9@ IVN] to stop a 多m/movie or Video 识 order to look at a particular Picture: Freeze the action there/ 一See also FREEZE-FRAME 上 WAGES/PRICES TO [VN] to hold wages,Ppriices,etc. at a


” _ball into the BASKET without any Player trying to stop you that you are allowed after a FOUL

free 'trade

/位 agzn; NAmE

PEG: Salaries have

Deem 广ozel_for the cuUFrrentyear

Yinking 029/ [only before noun] free 'throw oun (inBASKETBALL) an attemptto throwa

/位80Z; NA7mE frouz/fro.zen

fixed level for a period of timefS

their own ideas and opinions rather than accepting those of other people, especially in Teligious teachingew 和ree-


四 YE 旋 oze 在 位oozn/)

11 [VN] to Prevent money, a

bank account,etc. from being used by getting a coOUIt order which bans it: The comzpany:s assets haye been 万o=

Ze II freezeyour'blood


Inake you extremely frightened

or shocked 一more

TRACKIIEINI freeze sb*'out(of sth)



(Unformal tobe

deliberately unfriendly to sb, creating difficulties,etc. in order to stop or DISCOURAGE them from doing sth or tak雇g part iD sth freeze ,Over to become completely coOvered by ice: Te Iake freezes OVer 训 Winter

6 | ar boy | ou go (NAm有

| ie near

| ea hair

| 5e pure


620 |

around in acircle with awide opening attheend 一picture cPAGE R6

,Fremch Kiss 7OUn a kiss during which people's mouths

国 OU1

* OF WAGES/PRICES 了 the act ofkeeping wages, Prices; etc. at a particular level for a period of time: a Wwage/Pprice 胡 eeze * STOPPING STH 之 [usually sing.] ~ (on sth) the act of stopping sth: a 广eeze on immports * COLD WEATHER 3 [usually sing.] (BrE) an unusually cold period of weather during which temperatures staybelow 0? Celsius: Farrmers still talK about the Dig freexe'of ;99.

4 (MmE) a short period of time,especially -at night, When the temperature is below 0? Celsius: 4 广eeze warming Was posted Jor Thursday migpjt. freeze-dryyve 必 [VN] [usually passive] to preserve food or

drink by freezing and drying it very quickly freeze-frame "00 [U] the act of stopping a moving 人lm atone particular FRAME (= Picture)

are Open and their tongues touch Fremch 'Knickers "on [pl.] apiece of women's under-

< Wear for below the waist that fits Very loosely and has Wide parts forthe legs

French letter 5ou7n (old-jshioned,BrE CONDOM Fremch Toaf 07




,French 'pla让(BrE) (NAmE,French 'braid) oun a HAIR-

STYLE for women in which all the hair is gathered into one large PLAIT/BRAID down the back ofthehead

French 'pleat(B7E)(NAmE,French 'twist) nouUn a HAIR=-

STYLE for women in which all the hair is lifted up at the back of the head, twisted and held in place

freezer /们 iize(D)/ (BrE also deep freeze) (US also DeepfreezerM ,deep 'freezen 10U1 a large piece of

electrical equipment ln which you can store food for a long time at a low temperature so that it stays frozen一 See also FRIDGE-FREEZER freez:ing /全 i:zm/ adj. 1 extremely cold: ts 广eexing 碌 jhere1 crm 万eezingl c> note atcoLD 2 [only before noun] having temperatures that are below 0? Celsius: 万eezing Jog 2 Jeezxing termmperatures 只 note at COLD freezing

adv (injformalj: ts

thetemperature at which water freezes: Tbmighttemperatures W 记 Jo11 wellpelow 广eexing (poin矿 了 [Cusuallysing.] the temperature at which a particular liquid freezes: 碎e 万eezing point ofpolar sea Water freight/frert/ oum, ye 必

@IOUm [U] goods that are transported by ships,planes, trains or lorTies/trucks; the system of transporting goods in this way: to send goods py air 廊eightCa 太 eightDpusiness QDpasseniger aid JreigRht tramnisportatiot seryice5 晶 YyE/钞 [VN] 1 to send or carry goods by air sea or train

之 [usually passive] (iterary) to fill sth with a particular mood or tone: Each word was 方eighted with aiger freight car7oun (NAmE) = wAGON freight.er/frerteCr)/ oun alarge ship or plane that carTies goods

Suage [Dr take French 'Ileave(BrE) toleave work with-

tries [II excuse/pardon my 'French (nrmah used

Fremch 'beanmouvn (BrE) = GREEN BEAN ,Fremch 'braidi own (NAmE) = FRENCH PLAIT French 'bread 7ovn [U] white bread in the shape of a long thick stick IFrenmch 'Canada "ov [U] the Part of Canada where Imost French-speaking Canadians live, especially Quebec IFrench Camadian "0u1.a Canadian Whose first lan-

one of a pair, that leads to a room, a garden/yard or a 一Picture BALCON Y 只 PAGE RI7

French 'dressing70u7 [U,C] a mixture of oil VINEGAR, etc. used to add flavour to a salad VINAIGRETTE ,Fremch fry5ouLn [usually pl.] (especialy NAmE) = CHIP French 'horn(also hornespeciallyin BrE) novn aBRASS

Imusical instrument that consists of a long tube curled

| ddid

| ffall

| 9get

| hhat

| jyes

,Fremch 'stick moui = BAGUETTE 一picture cy sTICK Fremch toast 0oUm [U] slices of bread that have been covered with a mixture of egg and milk and then fried

,Fremclhh 'twist 70 (NAA 有 = FRENCH PLEAT IFremch window noun [usually pl.] a glass door usually one of a Paip that leads to a garden/yard or BALCONY 一 Picture 吃 PAGE RI7 fre-nmet-ic /位 enetrk/ odj involving a lot of energy and activity in a way that is not organized: a scenie oF 廊emnetic

fremnetically /天Ti/'ody

fremzy /frenzi/ mourn [Cusuallysing,U] (pi sies) 一 (of sth)

to saythat yoti are soOrIy for swearing

BAT ,Fremch 'doornoun (especially'NAmE) a glass door often

to giveitahard shinysurface * ,French'polish ye 六[VN]

,Fremchh 'press OU0 (NAImE) = CAFETIERE

lot of activity and strong emotions in a waythat is often Violent or frightening and not under control: a 万erizied frenzied.ly adv attackK 人 方enzied activity

out asking permission first 卓0OU1 [U] the language of France and SOme other coun-

Frenmch 'cricket 02 [U] an informal game in which Players throw a soft ball at the legs of another Playerm who mnust stand still and try to hit the ball away with a

French plait (B/唱 French braid (NA 日

,French 'polish "ovn [U] (BrE) a type of vARNISH (三 transparent liquid) that is painted onto wooden furniture


catrries Only goods French /frentf/ odj ,moun @Qdj. of or connected with France, its people or its lan-

guageis French > ,French Ca'nadianad/

frenmu-lum /人fenjalam; BrE also fin-/ (BrE also fraenu-ium) /Erin-/ own (anatomy ashhall fold of skinm that Prevents an organ from moving too much, for example the fold of skin underthe tongue fren.zied /位enzid/ oowj [usually before noun] involving:a

freighttrain (BrE also 'goods train) movn a train that


French pleat (B/月 French twist (NA 日

廊eezing cold outside.

freezing point7oun 1 (also freez.ing) [U] 0? Celsius,

和 心

写 乌

a state of great activity and strong emotion that js often Violent or frightening and not under control: 识 a 万enzy oj activityVAexcitement/yiolence c The speaker worked the crowd UP into a 刘 emzy ec ar outbreak of patriotic 万enzycakilling ernizy 一see also FEEDING FRENZY

fre.qjuency at which sth

/frikwensi/ novn (P/ -ies) 1 [uc the rate happens or'is repeated: -Fatal road accidepnts

jhaye decreased

廊equency oyer recent Jyears. CO asociety

with Qa high/low Jreguency (= happening often/not Very often) of stable marriages c The program ca show us Word 广eqguency (= how often.words occur iD a language). 2 [U] the fact of sth happening often: thne alarrming 太 equency of computer errors C Objects LiKke this turm UP at Sales With surprising 太equency 3 [CuU] (techpnmical) the rate at Which a sound Of ELECTROMAGNETIC Wave VIBRATES (= imoves Up and down): a jighXlIow 记equeTicy 4 [CU] (technicaol) the number of radio waves for eVery Second of a radio signal: a equency band ceThere are OPly alirmited numzber ofbroadcastintg 万equencies,

fre-qiuemt 0m co 四 ,ve用

上 Gd1/. /fikwaent/ happening or doing sth often: Heisa 万egUent Visitor to this country oOHer calls pecame less 万edgUent C There ia 万equentt bus service into the centre OF

| k cat

| lleg

| mman


| p pen

| rred

townm: 2 瑟oW 广equent 二 this word (= how often does 让

oOccur in the language)? [GE INFREQOUENT

昌 Ve 几 /他ikwent/ [VN] (jormmaj to visit a particular Place often: We metin alocaLbar muchn 廊edquented Dy students.



adj (1inguistics) (of


friction tape


adj. having a young healthy-looking face:

万esh-foced Kids

Verbs) expressing an action that is done Iepeatedly or a lot: Chatter is originaly a 广equentative form OF chat

fresh.ly om /Gefiyodv

often: Buses rum 方equenttly between 扫e cibr and the air PortE Some of the mostrequenty asKed questions apott

fresh-man /frefman/ novn (1 -men /man/) 1 (especally NMAmE) a student who is in his of Hier first year at a

fre.quent.ly om /Hikwentlil adv

the Internet 四 下 INFREQUENTLY fresco /freskaeo; NAmE ou/ noun (poes or-os) [Cu] a Picture that is painted on a wall while the PLASTER is still Wet the method of painting in this way see also ALFRESCO

fresh om /frel 机adj. ,adv 目 0dlj. (fresh.er fres est)


1 (usually of food) recently produced or picked

usuallyfollowed byaPpastparticiple showing that sth has been made, prepared, etc. recently: 廊eshty prewed coffee

university or college, orin the ninth grade at school: higj SChooVcollege 太 eshrmen o during my 方eshrman year 二compare SOPHOMORE 2 (Comp) a first-year student at a tniVersity or college fresh-water /eJwoxtaGD)/ adj [only before noun] T living in waterthatismnotthe seaandis not salty: 方eshwater Jish 了 having water that is not salty: 廊eshwater Iakes一

compare SALT WATER

and not ffrozen, dried or Preserved in tins or cans: s 切 放 fret /fret/ Verb, 1oun

TmikKk 方esh2e 方esh breadiowers e Eatplentby of 廊esh 万wit ad Vegetables. C Vegetables 方esj 万om 纺 e garden w Our Che 庆 Use only the 廊eshest produce ayailable.

~NEW 2 made or experienced recently: 广esh tracKs 训 te SOW 2 Let me Write 让 Gaowmn WPile its sbll freshn 训 my Tmind 3 [usually before noun] new or different in a Way that adds to or reblaces sth: 广esh_ evidence ethink its tme We tried a 广esh approach ea 万esh coat of paint Could we order some 太esh coffee? ecThis is 切 eopportunitby Phe mneeds to make a 刘 esh start (= totry sth new after not

being successful at sth else).


4 [usually before noun] pleasantly clean,

pure or cool: a tootppaste 态at Leayes a mice 万esjutaste 识 your mou 雪 Tetsgo and getsome 太 esh air (= go onutside

Where the air is cooler). >* WATER 瑟 [usually before noun] containing no salt: There is

日VE 几 (让 )(especially BrE) ~ (about/over sth) to be worried

or Unhappy and not able to relax: [V] Fretting about 让 Wom thejp. e Her paby starts to 廊et as so0om as she g0es ou of the roo7m. [also VN, V that] emou one ofthebars onthelongthin partofaGUITAR, etc. Frets Show you where to press the strings with your fingers to produce particular sounds. 一picture 忆 PAGE R7

2 (also seafret)(NEngB) MISTorEoG that comes 也 人om

the sea fret:ful /fretfl/ adj. behaving in awaythat shows you are Unhappy or Uncomfortable RESTLESS fretful.ly ddv

fret'saw /fretso:/ noun a SAw with a thin blade that used for cutting patterns in wood, metal, etc.

fret'ted /fretida/ ad (technicah (especially of Wood or

Q Shortasge of 广esh Water om the island. 一see also FRESH-

Stone) decorated With Patterns fretwork /fretwa:K; NAmmE-wWwas:rk/ noum [U] patterns cut

> WEATHER 6 (BJB quite cold with some wind: ts 廊es妨t 认

into wood, metal, etc. to decorate it; the process of makingthese patterns


Torning intit2 7 (of the wind) quite strong and cold BRISK: Q 广 esji Dreeze * CLEAR/BRIGHT 8 looking clear bright and attractive: Fe

Freudiian /fromuisn/ adi. 1 connected with the ideas of

Sigmund Freud about the way the human mind works, IooKked 广 esh andmeat 训 acleanwhiteshirt acollection of especially his theories of sSUBCONSCIOUS Sexual feelings 2 (of sb's_ speech or behaviour) showing your secret SUTTTTier dresses 训 广esh colours Ca 方esh cormplexiom thoughts or feelings, especially those connected with sexX >*FULLOFENERGY 9 [not usually before noun] full ofenergy: Regular exercise Wi jhezpyoufeelfresherand Fitter TIrmmam- IFreudian slip noun something you sayby mistake bnut aged to Sleep on the Plane amd arrived feeling as 太esfr asa Which is believed to show your true thoughts[arsrn This daisy. expression is named after Sigmund Freud and his theories *JUST FINISHED 10 ~ from sth having just come from a of subconscious thought. particular place; having justhad a particular experience: friable / 攻 aiebl/ adj. (techmicoj easily broken tp into Studeits 方esjh 方om college 2 广esh 万ofmm her Success at the Small pieces: 广iable so Olympic Gammes ”RUDE/CONFIDENT 11 [not before noun] ~ (with sb) (mn7jo广 friar /frareGD)/ 0ou7 a member of one of several Roman Catholic religious communities of men who in the Past /mall rude and too confidentin awaythat shows alack of travelled around teaching People about Christianity and ITeSpect for sb or a sexual interestin sb: Domi get 广esh with lived by asking other people for food (= by BEGGING)一 Tmel compare MONK freshness On [U]: We SUaTattee 女e 广eshnmiess of al OU Droduce. 2 the cool 方esjhmness of the Water CTIike the 全iary /frareri/ noun (plies) a building in which friars 万eshmness of his approach to the problem. [Ph see BLOOD, live BREATH, HEART fricas'see /frrkesi/ movn [CU] a hot dish consisting of 目 0cdfy, [IO fresh out of sth (imforma/ especia1y NAm 日 small pieces of meat and vegetables that are cooked and having recently finished a supPly of sth: Sorry We7e 放 esh served in a thick white sauce OUEoF TilK.


/frefn/ ve 由了 [VN] ~ sth (up) to make sth

cleaner coolem newer OF more pleasant: THPe Walls need 万esjhieming UD Wiih White paint 2 The rain had 廊eshnened the arr ee Using a mmouthwasph 太 eshens the breath. 2 [VN] 一 sth (up) (especially NAmE) to add more liquid to a drink, especially an alcoholic one 一see alsoTOPUP 3 [V] (ofthe Wind) to become stronger and colder: The wind Ww记 和 en tonight freshen up | ,freshen yourself up to wash and make yourself look clean and tidy: 7 Justgo and 广 eshemn Up beforesuppeF

fresh-ener /frefnaGo)/ nouwn [U,C] (often in compounds) athing that makes:sth cleanemn purer or more pleasant: air 太 eshnenmer

fresh-er /GeJsG)/ noun (BrE, ipnformalj) astudentwho has just started his or her fifrst term at a University


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet


| 了 shoe

fricative /frrketrv/ (Br6(NAmEspir'ant) noun (phonet

/cs) a Speech sound made by forcing breath out through a Darrow space in the mouth with the lips, teeth or tongue ip aparticular Position, for example /f/ and /J/ in Fe and


fricative adj 一compare PLOSIVE

friction /SrzkjJn/ novun 站 [u] the action Surface moving against another: Frictior Parts had caused theetgineto overheat 了 RESISTANCE (三 ,the force that stops sth Surface to _another surface or substance through it: THe jorce of 太 iction slows the

of one object or between mmoving [LU] (physics)the moving) of one moving over or spacecraft dowmn

as 让 Te-entters the earths atmosphere. 3 [U,C] ~ (between

A and B) disagreement or a lack of friendship among People who have different opinions about sth TENSION: COmjflicts amd 方ictions that have still to be resolved

frictiom tape moun [u] (Us) = INsUrATING TAPE

| 35 vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| D sing


622 |

aTSuUPment C 方ientdly rivaly c (BrE) 下 Was Only


mmatch,、* friendIinessoun [U]


0 /farder 可 -di/ moum [GU] (abbr Fri)

the day of the week after Thursday and before Saturday

吧)OU1 (D/ -iey(also ,friendily match(both Br6jagameof football (soccER) etc: that is not Part of an important competition

BEDTo see how Friday is used, looKk at the examples at Monday,[ETSRIOriginally translated from the Latin for ~ friendly firenovn [U] 这 a war iDeople are killed or injuredbyfriendly fire,they arehitpyabomb or weapon day ofthe planetVenus' Venmems dies and named after the Germanic goddess Frigga.

friddl殖 ee 0/frrds/ (Br (NAmEorjormal re'frigerator(US also old-/Joshioned ice'bo 六noun apiece ofelectricalequipment in which food is kept cold So that it stays fresh: This dessert ca be seryed straigpht 万om the 太idge.

fridse-freezemoun (BrE) apiece ofkitchen equipment that consists of a fridge/refrigerator and a FREEZER together friedor pp ofFRY

friendj 0人 /frend/ moun *PERSON YOU LIKE1T apersonyouknow well and like, and Who is not usually a member of yotI family: TPRis 六 7my

广ierid Tom cheafiend ofyours2?c Shes anold Friend (= Ihave known her a long time). C FEes one of my best Jiemnds. ca close/good friend ca childhood/Jfarmmily/ Itfelong friend Theard about 让 through a Jiend of a Friend. 2 She has a Wide circle of 太iends. 一see also BOYFRIEND, FAIR-WEATHER, FALSE FRIEND, GIRLERIEND, PENFRIEND, SCHOOL FRIEND, BEFRIEND >*SUPPORTERZ aperson who suPports an organization, a charity, etc., especially by giving or raising money; a perSoOn who supports a particular idea, etc.: the Friends of St Martin's Hospitale aiend ofdemo&racy *NOT ENEMY 3 a person who has the same interests and opinions as yourself,and_ will help and support yotU: Youre among 廊iends here 一yoUcaTL SPpeak 三eely. *SILLY/ANNOYING PERSON 4 (ironicl used to talk about sb you do not know who has done sth silly or annoying: 工 Wishn our

方iend at the nexttable woOUId SRULLD.

~1N PARLIAMENT/COURT 5 (in Britain) used by a member of parliament to refer to another member of parliament orbyalawyerto referto anotherlawyer in acourtoflaw': Try Ponourable 方iend, the member for Henley (= in the House of Commons) ce my noble friend (= 记 the House of

Lords) c my learned friend(=in acourtoflaw)

IN RELIGION 6 Friend a member of the Society of Friends IE



'friends (with sbjto be/become a friend

of sb: Weye been 三 iends fjor years. 2 They had aquarreb buttheyre 广iends again now,.2Simomnfinds 让 hardto make

方iends with other children,be (just) sood friendsused

to saythattwo friends arenothaving aromantic relationship with each other a friend in need (is a friend in-

"deed) (Saying) a friend who gives yoi help when you

ieed it (is a true friend) hayve ,friends in high places to know important People who can help you 一more at MANJ.

friend:less/'frendles/ ad without any friends

friemdj-ly 0 /人 endlil o 帮 ,noun

aadj. ( firiend'lier friend:liesy 1 ~to/toward(s) sb behaving in a kind and pleasant Way becatuse you like sb or wanttohelp themi: a war7mz amd 方iendly person C Eyeryone Wasyery 广iendly towards mme,[EUNFRIENDLY 2 showing kindness; making you feel relaxed and as though you are among friends: a 太iendly smile/welcome ca smaill jhotel with a 广iendly _atmosphere [EUNFRIENDLY

3 ~ (with sbj) teating sb as a friend: We soon became 万iendly with the couple next door 3 She was on riendly termas With most of the hospital sta 太 4 (especially of the relationship between countries) not treating Sb/sth as an enemy: to mnaintain Jriendly relations with all countries


5 (often in compound adjectives) that is

helpful and easy to use; that helps sb/sth or does not harm it: This sofiware is much 方iendiier tham the Drevious yersiom 和 enyironmentally太iendly 大rming methods 和 02Z0ne太iendly cleaning mnaterials 一See “ also “USERFRIENDLY @ 记 which the people, teams, etc. taking Part are not Seriously competing against each other a 广iendly

thatis fired bytheir own side

friendly societynoyn (in Britain)ian organization that People payregular amounts ofmoneyto, and which gives them moneywhenthey areijll/sickor old friend.ship


/位endjfip/ Poun

1 [qd~ (with sb) | ~ (between Aand B) arelationship between friends: a close/lasting/LiElong 太iendship 方iendships formed wpile she Was at college CeHe seeimned to

haye already struck UP (= begun)j'a iendship with Jo. 2 [U] the feeling or relationship that friends have; the

state ofbeing friends: ZU7 广iendship z Very iportantto me Caconference topromioteinternational 方ieridship frier 一 FRYER.

Frie-siam/' 位i:zn/ (Br (NAmE_ Holstein moun atype of black and white cow thatproduces alotof milk frieze/fri:z/ moun 了 aborderthat goes around thetop'of aroom or btilding with Pictures OF CARVINGS on 让 了 a long narrow Picture, usually Put up in a school, that children have made or thatteaches them sth

frig:ate/frrgat/ noun a small fast ship in the navy that travels with other ships in order to Protect them

Trigate birdnoun a tropical bird thatlives near the seal with dark feathers and alongbeakwith a hook frig.ginmS /妇 zgm 大 ady,adj, [only before noun] (ioboo; slang) a swear word that many people find offensive, Used to emphasize a comment or an angIy statement to avoid saying fucking: Ts igging 方 co1d outside. C Mind Your Own igSing 万 Pusinessl!

fright/frart/ noun 1 [U] a feeling of fear: to cry out 训 isght C He was shaking With 刘ight 一See also_ STAGE FRIGHT cy note at FEAR 了 [C aniexperience that makes you feel fear: Yougaye me arightjurmping outatrmmne Like

that CTIgottihe 放isghtofmylife Imiooka fright(old大shioned BrE) to look ugly or tidiculous take fright (at sth)j(jormajhto be frightened by sth: The birds tooK 广ight arid jiew o 矿 AN


0 /frartn/ veb

to make sb suddenly feel afraid: [VN] Sorry Tdidmtrmeam to 太ighten y0OU C_Shes not easily 广ightened. C _[V] She doesntit 方ighten easily (= it is not easy to make her afraid), [also VN to inf] HE see DAYLIGHTS,, DEATH, LIFE

EREI ,frighten sb/sthcaway/off|

,frighten sb/sth

away from sth 1 to make a person or an animal go away by making them feel afraid: He 纺reatemnted the 训fruders with agunt and 太ightened them o 太 2 tomake sb afraid or nervous so that they no longer want to do sth: THhe Pigh Prices Phaye 方ightened o太 may cuUstoTmers.

frighten sb into sth/into doing sthto make sb do sth

by making them afraid frigshtened

0-m /artnd/ ad

~ (of sth/of doing sth) | ~ (to do sth) | ~ (that..)afraid; feeling fear: a 三ightened child ecDomt be 太ightenred What are you 方ightened of2 2 Tm 刘 ightened of walking home alone 识 the darK. 2 He sounded 方ightened CTTatoo 万ightened to asK Pim mow. C She was 三ightemned that the

Plane would crash. ce Tmma frightened for him (= that he will be hurt etc.). C_ (njormnajh Fa never do 态at Ta be Jightened to death,、[IDsee sSHADOw1m,WIT 吃 note at AFRAID

fright'enm'ers/'frartnaz; NAmE-mnarz/ moun


frighteners on sb(BrE, slang)to threaten sb in order to make them do what you want

frightemn:inmE 0Om /frarmnrmy/od 和 you feel afraid: a 广ightening experience]DTrOosDectX thought CIts 广ightening to 轨 imKit could happe i.

多 人


B cat | d father | eten | as:bird | eabout |rsit|isee|imany|ngot

(Br | orsaw|Acup|

0 oput | mtoo

623 frighten

group: om the 7iorther7a 广inge ofthe ciby cothe WUrbamTFUral 万ingee 纺 e 方imges ofsociety CNina remiained on the 太inge of the crowd 5. [sing] (usuallythe fringe ) groups' of People,,eyents and activities that are not part of the Imain:group or activity: Street 7musiciarnas haye beem gather ing as part of te jestiyal 万inge. einge Imeetings at the Partby comyjferenceIE :seeLUNATIC ad 日 .Ye 上b [VN] [usually-passive] to form a border around sth: The beach was 广inged by coconutPalms. fringed adj/.:a CQFPetWwithn a 太inged edge

scare .alarm .intimidate 。 startle Allthese words mean to make sb afraid-. frighten to make sb feel afraid, often suddeniy: he proughtouta gun andJrightened them o 夏 scare to make sb feel afraid: They mamaged ioscarethe beos QWaX FRIGHTEN OR SCARE7

Both areyvery common words, and are verysimilar SO

Trinse lbemefit

:youican use either one correctly. Scareis slightly more =:informal than frighten: :alarm to makesb anxiousorafraid: /alarms me 功 ot nopody 训 Kes thisProplem seriousjy


5ovmn [usually pl.] extra things that an

employer gives you as well as YOUIT wages: The Jits incluade 广ee health insuramce.

fringe medicine


方i训ge Dele-

[uU] any type of treatment

Which is not accepted by many people as being-part of Western medicine, for example one Using plants instead of artificial drugs

Thesubject of alarm is usually athing, an event ora ssituation ratherthan a person:


frimse heatre


sused to describe a feeling thatsth Unpleasant ol Or dangerousisgoingto happeninthefuture, and the

0ouv7 [u,G (8 Plays; often by new

Writers, that are Unusual and question the way People think; a theatre where Such plays are performed--com-

:feelingisoften more one ofworry than actual fear


imtimnidate to frightemorthreaten sb sothatthey feel nervous or sothatthey will do whatyou want: They Wereaccused of ptrmidatnng people iio yobng 加 rtiherm. startle to make sb feel suddenlyfrightened or surprised, usually because of sth sudden or Unexpected: AsSsudden noise Startled her

frilp-Ipery /Erperi/ nouvn [Gusually pl U] (pl-ies ) (qisap-


frisee /Eri:zer NAmE 人 iozer/ mouwn 三 ENDIVE Fris-iam2/frisn/7ovw7[u] thetraditional language ofthe

Pioving; especially BrE) objects,,decorations and other items that are considered Unnecessary and expensive Fris.beerwM /frrzzbi/ noun alightplastic object shaped like aplate, that is thrown 位om one Player to _another in a game


是:stop itl Youzre frightening/scaring as Oh sorry. ididn't meanto frighten/scarelstartle you. 吾 to frighten/scare sb/sth away/off 量 was frightened/scared/alarmed/i htimidatedstartled bywhat he said. 明 Hefrightened/scared/intimidated me into telling him what happened-.



1 (nrmal used FUI; TERRIBLE: 和 Q@ 方igPhtul mess., FUL, TERRIBLE:QG

oa 人


region of Frisia in NW Europe closelyrelated to German, Dutch and English

frisk /frrsk/ ve 避1 IIVN]topassyourhands over sbisbody to' search them for hidden weapons, drugs,etc. PS Way Jields

Br 日 和

to emphasize howbad sth isEEIJ AwWas apsolutery 启ightilU eTPRis roomzs 态 QZ Very Serious or UnpleasantERII AW广ight 坊 1 accident

fri 有 ht-ful.ly /人 artfeli/ ady (old: 大 Shioned, especa1y 5 月 Very; extremelyEiJ 记 11y sor7y:



Tri 有ht wig ovn awIG with the hair standing up or stickipg oub especially worn by a CLOWN

Tri 有id /rdszd/ ad 1 (ofawoman)not abletoenjoy sex 2 Very cold: Jrigid air 3not,showing any feelings of friendship or kindnessS FROSTY: a 广igidyoicec There

Was a 方igid atbrmosphere


识 the roo7m



SKIP: Ia7mpbs 广 isjizd im the

Jrrski/adj 1 (ofpeople or animals) full ofenetgy;

wanting to play: a 太 iSky PUPPY 2 (njormal) wanting to enjoyyourself in a sexual way


/fri:si5; NAmEfrizsoun/ mouvmn [usuallysing:] (人 om

French) asudden strong feeling, especially of excitement or fear

下 ri 七 -1ary 齐

/frrtaari; NAmE rtleri/ mowm (pfritillar

ies )1 aplantwith flowers shapedlikebells 了 aBUTTERFLY'With orange-brown and black wings

下 证er /人iteCD)/ verb, noun 旦 VErbEDTRI fritter sth 坟a'way (on sth) to waste time or Imoneyonthingsthat are notimportant: He the millions Pis ftper Pad Ie所 ji

方ittered away

下 jiOU1h (usually in compounds) a Diece of fruit meat or


/frrd5rdeti/ noun [U] (in a woman) the lack of

the ability to enjoy Sex

Tri 有id zone

2 [V]

一 (around)'(of animals) to runiandjump in'alively and

movn [Cusually sing.] (technicoj) the area ip-

Side the Arctic Circle or Antarctic Circle 一compare TEMPERATE ZONE, TORRID ZONE Tri由 /fa/ povn 1 (BrE) [G a narrow strip of cloth with a

Vegetable that js covered With BATTER and fried

人 Fritz /全 rts/ 0OUnIEII On the 'fritz

(NAmE, jnfommal) not

Working: The TV on tiphe 广itz again

fri-yvol :证Y /人 2vplati; MAmE--Va:l/ oun (pl-ies ) (often

dlisapproving) [u,G] behaviour that is silly or amusing, especially when this is not suitable: 丰 Was Just a piece of jarmaless 广iyolibx GTcamtWaste tme OPLSUCh 广iyvolities, lotoffolds that is attached to the edge of a dress, curtain, etc: to decorate it: Q Wjite plouse With 广i11s at tje cu态 frivo-Jous /firrvalas/ adj (qisopproving) 1 (of people or their behaviour)'silly or amusing,especially when such RUFFLE 2frills [pl.] things that are not necesSSary behaviour is not suitable: 太ivolous commnrments/sSuggesbut are added to make sth more attractive or interesting: tiomns 2 SorryY TWas being 万iyolous. 了 2 having no useful Qsinmzple mmeal With no 太 i11s 一see also NO-FRILLS Or ,Serious PuULpose: 广 iolous pastimes/Ppleasures


/frad/ ad (589 decorated with frillsEREI



他 训y /Gali/ ad having alot of frills: a 广 iy blouse frimge /他 md5/ 0ovm, ve内



作rizz /他TIZ/verb, noUm

四 Ve 贱[VVN] (njforma))(ofhair)to curlverytightly; to make hair do thise frizzy dj/.: 方这2 hair 四 11OUm1 了 [CUsually sing.] (Br (NAm 历anmgs [pl.]) the 人font 目 _11OUm [U] (disapproving)hair that is verytightly curled partofsb'shairthatis cut so thatitihangs overtheirFORE- 人 riz.Zje /rzl/ ve避 [VN] to heat sth until it forms curls or HEAD 一Dicture 忆 HAIR 2 [C] a strip of hanging threads until itburns: 方izzlea Pair 和 方izzled pacom attached to the edge of sth to decorate it 3 [G anarrow seeToady strip oftrees, buildings, etc. along the edge ofsth: a 方imn8e fro /fraog; NAmEfrou/ advm /位 DKk; NAmE 仔ak/ Pouwm (old-josjhioned,, especially ofWwoodland ce4long the coasb5 ai inGUstrial 太 inge had al- frOCK Br6) adress:aparty 廊ocK Teady deyeloped. 4 [C] (BrE)the outeredge ofan area ora


| army

| anow

| ersay

| aogo(Br6

| oU go (MmB

| orboy

| ienear

| ee hair

| oue pure

frock coat

624 |

frock coatnouvn a long coat worn in the past by men, now worn only for special ceremonies frog/frog; NAmEfro:g; frd:g/ novun T asmall animal with Smooth skin, that lives both on land and in water (= is an AMPHIBIAN). Frogs have very long back legs for jumping, and no taijl: the croaKking oF 廊ogs 一Picture c PAGE R2I

Plants or trees,especially PALMS OF FERNS. Fronds are often divided into Parts along the edge. 2 a long piece of SEAWEED that looks like one of these leaves

站rrONm- 0 /位 Ant/ noun; adj verb 四 OU1 * FORWARD PART/POSITION 1T [Cusually sing.] (usually the frong the part or side of sth that faces forward; the side

2 Frog(njormal/) anioffensive word for a French person IE have, etc. a frog in yourthroatto lose your voice orbetunable to speak clearly for a short time frog.ging/frpgm; NAmE 'fro:g-; 位 d:g-/ nounm [U] a decorative fastening on a coat consisting of a long wooden button and aLOOP frog.let/froglat; NMAmE 'fro:g-; fdg-/ moun Tatype of small frog 2 asmall frog thathas recently changed 们om being aiTADPOLE frog:man/frogmaen; NAmE 位 5:9-; 位 ad:g-/ novn (由 -men

/man/) (BrE) a person who works underwater wearing a rubber suit FLIPPERS,and special equipment to help them breathe: Police 方ogmen searched the lake jpor the TuUrder Weaponm. 一compare DIVER frog.march / 攻ogmazxtf; NAmE fro:gmartT;

位adg-/ vemb

[VN + advVprep] (BrE) to force sb to go somewhere by holding their arms tightly so they have to walk along With yoU: He Was grabbea by bwo mmemn and 万ogmiarched ouUt of the jhalL frog.spawn /人bgspozmn; NAmE 'fro:g-; fa:g-/ noOU1 [U] an almost transparent substance that looks like jelly and contains the eggs of a FROG 一Picture PAGE R2I fro-ing/ '人 euIm; NAmE ' 位oUID/ OU


frolic/frolzk; NAmE'Ga:l/verb noun BVe 上b (-ck [V] to play and move around in alively happy Way: children 方olicking om the beach B7DOUm [C,U] (old-joshioned) a lively and enjoyable activity during which people forgettheir problems and responsibilities: 夏 was JUusta harrmzless 广oFic.

frolicsome/'frolksem; NAmE'fra:l-/ adj (especially /雍 erary) Playing in alivelyhappyway: frormn


廊olicsome Iamzbs

/位em; Strong 加rm from; NAmEfrAm; fradmmy/

Prep. DEFor the special uses of from in phrasal verbs, 1ook at the entries for the verbs. For example keep sth from sb is in the phrasal verb section at keep. 1 used to show Where sb/sth starts: She beganm to Walk away om 方 Pirm e as the trai 廊om Bristol arrived? 2 used to show when sth starts: We7re open 广om 8 to Zeyery day C Hewas blind 万om Dirth. 3 used to show who sent or gave sth/sb: a Letter 方om my brother o 识formation 万orm withesses C the

On youUr Own. C She neyer Spoke to jhirmn aga 记 刘om thatday OPL. from-age frais/froma:5 位er NmEfrema:3/ 0ou7 [WU] (from French) atype ofvery soft cheese, similar to YOGURT frond /frond; NmE framnd/ movn 1 along leaf of Some

of sth that yoU look at first: The 广ont of the buildaing Was coyered Witih my Thebook has apicture of Rome om the 万ont c The 廊ont of the car was padly damaged. 一see also SHOPFRONT, Y-FRONTS

2 the front [sing.] the position

thatis in the direction that sb/sth is facing: Keepyoureyes to thje 太ont and walK straight ahead. C Theres a gardemn at the 太rontofthe house. 3 thefront[sing.] thepartof sth that is furthest forward: TPprefer to trayel m the 刘ont oF

the car (= nexttothe driver),

The teacher made 7me mioye

Iny seatto the 广omntofthe classroom.C Write your marme tin

the 太ont ofthe book (= the first few pages). >CHEST4 sb*sfront[sing.]thepartofsb'sbodythat faces forwards; sb's chest: She was ying om her 太ont CTspilled coffee dowm ny 万orE >*SlIDEOFBUILDING 5 [G the west,north,south, east, etc. ~ the side of a large building, especially a church, that faces west north, etc.: the westJontof the cathedral

>EDGE OF SEA/LAKE @ the front [sing.] (BrE) the Toad or area of land along the edge of the sea, a lake or a river: Couples Walked hand 总 hand along 碌 e 方on引 一See also

SEAFRONT >1IN WAR 7 [Cusually sing.] an area where fighting takes Place during a war: More British troops hayve been sent to the 方onE 2 to serve at the 太 ont 万ghting a war on two 万onts


8 [qq a particular area of activity:

Things are IooKing Use 丰 ed om te ecomnommic 万ont SProSress has been made on all 太 onts. * HIDING TRUE FEELINGS 9 [sing.] behaviour that is mot genuine, done in order to hide your true feelings or opinions: Rudeness is jsta 广ont for her Shymness. CO JIEs mnotalLWays easy to Put on a brayve 刘 ont Jor the fomily SS The Prime 7mminister stressed the need to Presenta urtited 六ont

(= show people that all members of the group have the same opinion aboutthings). :汪 * HIDING STHILLEGAL 10 [Cusually sg.] ~ (for sth) a perSoOn or an organization that is used to hide an illegal or Seciet activity: The trayvel compamny jsta 广ontJor drug tra 态cKing.


> POLITICAL ORGANIZATION 11 IFront [sing.] used 也 the

4 used to show what the origin of sb/sth is: Pmm 方om Jtaly. cedocurments 万om te sixteenth century C quotations 万om Shakespearec heat 广om thesun 5 usedto show the material that sth is made of: Steel is made 万om iron 6 used to show how far apart two Places are: 100 metres 万 om the Scene of the accident 7 tsedito show sb's Position or pointofview: YDUcari see the iland 广om here.Hroma Jinaricial point of view the project was a disaster 8 ~ sth (to sth) used to show the range of sth: Te teriperature Varies 广om 30 degrees to 7ninus 20. @ The Store Sells eyeTyhing 廊o7mm shoelaces to comPuters. C Condihomnsyary 广omm

important position in 'front adv 1 in a position that is



(= ITepresenting)

妇e insurance

names of some Politicalvorganizations: the Animal ipe 六 atior Front 一See also POPULAR FRONT > WEATHER 12 [C] the line where amass ofcold air meets amass of warm air: acold/warrma ront

front and 'center

(NmB6 in or into the most

further forward than sb/sth but not Very far away: Their house t 芒e one With the big garden 页 廊ont 2 in first Place in a race or competition: The DIue teama 共 cUrrerittty

Schooltoschool. 9 一 sth (to sth) used to showthe state or form of sth/sb before a _change: Things haye gomne 碍om pad to worse. cotranslating 万om English to Spamnishn ceYov meedabreak 方om 7routine. TO used to showthat sbysth is Separated or Temoved: The party Was ousted 万ofm power after eighteeri years, 1 used to show that sth is preVented: She sayed Pirm 方om drowning.、12 used to show

the reason for sth: She jltsick 廊om tiredness. 3 Usedto showthereason formakingajudgement: Zoucanmn tellalot QGbout Q persom 三om their handwriting. 2 From what jheard the company's in deep trouble. 14 used when distinguishing between two people or things: 太 Portuguese yery different 广om Spanish2 Tcarnttell one twin 广om the Other from ... on starting at the time mentioned and continuously after that: Frormmn mow oTt yo ca Work


| ddid

上 ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes


They're sitting opposite / facing each other

| kecat


| mman

she's sitting in front of him,,

| nnow

| ppen

| -rred

态方ont With alead ofsix pointk- in frontof prep Tina Position that is further forward than sb/sth but not very far away: The car 记 万ontofrme Stopped Suddenly anrdTphad

to prake.-C The bus stops FiSRti碌 广ont of our house: Oo He Was Staridingi识方ontof7me in 切 eline. CShe spends all day


front runmner

frontal 'lobenown (onotomy) either of the two parts at

Sittirlg 训 记ont of (=-working at) her computer 2 这 you

the 们 ont ofthe brain that are concerned with behaviour, learning and personality

do sth ifrontofsb, you doit whentheyarethere: Please

the ,front benmclhnoun [crsing/pl:y] the most import-

ontofthe children 3 ~sb(oftime) aopnttalk abott 让 识方 still to come; not yet passed: Domt give UDP. YoU SHIL have your whole / 死太 方ontofyou out 'front1 in the part of a theatre, restaurant,etc. Where the public sits: THheres onkby asmallaudience out 广onttomight 也 (also BrE injo 广 /mal outthe 'frontin the areanear to the entrance to a building: IT waitjoryou out (the) 廊ont up front(injor mal) 1 as payment in advance: We 妈payyou ha ZLP 广omt and the other half when youye finished the job,2 (in Sports) in a forward position: to play up 方ont_see also 一more at BACK1. ,CASH 1 ,LEADIV UPFRONT ac. [only before noun] 1 on or at the front of sth: 广omt teeth 和 切 e 廊ontWpheels ofthe carcWe jiadseats 训 翅 e 广orit roWw. ar animals 太 ontlegs CTefts go 矶rough to the 刘 ont room (= the main room in a house where people sit and entertain guests),C a 方ontseat Dassenger 一compare BACK, HIND 0dj. 了 (phonetics) (of avowel) produced with the front ofthetonguein ahigher position than the back, for example /E/ iD English 一compare BACK,CENTRAL [IE onthe froptburner( 思 妈rma/ especialjy NAmS) (of an issue, a Dlan, etc.) being given a lot of attention because 站 is considered imnportant: Amything 态 at Keeps edLcation omthe 方ontburneris good. 一compare ONTHE BACK BURNER at BACKdadff/ @VeE旋


~ (onto sth)to face sth orbein ffontofsth; to

have the front pointing towards sth: [VN] TPe catpedral 方onts the citys main square: oO[V] The ie of houses 万om

ed straight omnto 女e road. > COVER FRONT 之 [VN] [usually passive] to have the front coOVvered with sth: a glass太omted pookcase FLEAD GROUP3 [VN] to lead or representan organization, a gIOUp, etc.: He 廊onts QuIEmnational company 和 ALJor

Terartstudent 方orited 妇 e band (= was the main singeD). =“PRESENTTV PROGRAMME4 [VN] (Br6) to Present a televiSion Programme, a Show etc: =“GRAMMAR 5 [VN] (1ngwisticsjto give more importance to apart ofa sentence byPplacingitator near the beginning of the sentence, as in ThatIwWould like to see.… front for sb/sthto represent a group or an organjization and try to hide its secret or ilegal activities: Fe 万omnted 名六 协erm 识 seyeral illegal property deals.

antmembers ofthe governmentandthe opposition in the British parliament, who sit in the front rows of seats: am

OPpPposition 方onEbemnch SPokesman om defemnce 一compare BACK BENCH

front.bench-er /他Antbentfa(D)/

moun an important

Imember of the govermnment or the opposition in the British parliamefte who sits in the front rows of seats 一comPare BACKBENCHER

,front 'desknouwn the deskinside the entrance of ahotel, an office building, etc. where guests or'Visitors go when they firstarrive 一compare RECEPTION

front doornoun the main entrance to a house, ustially at the 个ont: Theres someorie atthe 广ont door 一Dicture 心 PAGE RI6

fromnt-emadzd/ [only before noun] (compuwtinsg) (of a device or program) directlyusedbyatuser and allowing the tser to use other devices or Programs 一compare BACK-END

front-end 'loadernoun (especioly NAm 日a large vehicle with machinery for digging worked by a system of HYDRAULICS

fron-tier /frAntreCD); NAmE frAn'tm/ no T (Br [q ~ (between Aand B) | 一 (with sth) aline that separates two countries, etc.; the land near this line: 坊e 广omntier between 妇e Iand of 雪e Saxoms artd 妇 at of the Dajies CQcUsto1ms post om 碎 e 广ontier With italy 2 a 太 ontier towr/ 2ZoTe/Ppost 只 note at BORDER 了 the frontier [sing.] the edge of land where people live and have built towns, beyond which the country is wild and unknown,especially in the western US inthe 19th century: aremote 广o7ttier settlemment 了 [Cusually pl.] ~ (of sth) the limit of sth, especially the'limit of what is known about a particular Subject or activity: to push pack the 刘 omtiers ofscience (= to increase knowledge of science) c to rolL back the 六 omtiers of govermmment (= to limit the powers of the govern-


fron:tiers.man /人在Antrerzman; NAmE 人 An'trmz-/ moun (P/ -men/man/) a man living on the frontier especially one who lived ip the western US during the 19th century

from:tis.piece/ 们 Antrspi:s/ moun [usually sing.] a picture at the beginning ofabook, on the page opposite the page With thetitle on 让

the front inenovn [sing.] an area where the enemies

in froont of ,inn thefront of the same as outside but not pposite: 抽 you Jront ojoutside yoOUr hotel _eJheresabusstop 力Jronmtofihe house(=onthesame sideoftheroad)j,eTheresapusstop Opposite 如ehouse

会ontheotherside ofthe road),

DA the front (of sth) means'in the mostforward Un 富

of something': The driversiks atthefrontofthep 1 tbe ores Jowersi 力 he 他 女e pc 从

front'age/ 们Antrd5/7ovun 1T[CU] the front of a build职g, especiallywhen this faces aroad or river': the baroque 万ontage of Milan Cathedral 了 [U] (especialy MAmE) land thatisnexttoabuijldin8;,astreetor an area ofwater: Thney DougRt two miles of riyer 万ontage along the Colorado.

frontage roadmovn (NAImE) = SERVICE ROAD fromt-al/' 们 Antl/ oadj [onlybeforenounm] 1 connected with the 们ontof sth: Airbags Protectthe driyer 训 theeyventofa Seyere 太ontal impact 也 (also full-'frontal a fomtal attack or a criticism is very strong and direct: They IaumcPhed Qa太 omtalattack om cormmpary directors. 3 connected with a

Weather FRONT: Q -cold 方ontal system 和 (medical) connected with the front Part of the head; 妇e 方ontal 1obes

ofthe brain_ ssee

| titea

frontaljly/teli/ adv

| wyan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

are facing each other during a war and where fighting takes Place: Tamks haye peert deployed all alomng the 廊ont Line: 2 帮ontIine troops II in the front line (of sth) doing work that will have an important effect on sth: a Lp spent 如e 广ontline ofresearchn

frontman/ 们 Antmaen/ noun (P/ -men/men/) 1 aper Son Who represents an organization and tries to make its activities seem acceptable to the public, although in 人fact they may be ilegal: Fe acted as a 方ontman for a arusgs cartel 2 theleadef ofa group ofmusicians 3 (Br aperSon Who Presents a television Programme fromnt 'o 作 icemovn [sing.] (especialy NAm 有日the part ofa business concerned with managing things or dealing with the public front-of- houseov" [u] (Br6).1the parts of a theatre that are used by the audience 2 (often used as an adjec-

tive) the business of dealing with an audience at a theatre, for example selling tickets and Programmes

front 'Ipageoun the first page of a newspapen where the most important newsis printed: The story Was ou the 万ontpages ofall theitabloids, 'front-page0dj [only before nounm]: The diyvorce mmade 廊ont-page mnews. front runmner7own aperson, an animal or an organization that seems most likely to win a race or competition

| 5vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| ethn

| 5this

| 0sing


之 四 0 626 | 全 rO- 外

fromnts=wheel drive movn [U] a system in which power from the engine is sent to the front wheels of a Vehicle一 COomPpare



frost /frost; NAmEfroxst/ noum ye 册 下 OUn 1 [U,C] aweather condition in which the tempera-

ture drops below 0?C (= FREEZING POINT) So that a thin whitelayer ofice forms on the ground and other surfaces, especially at night: 开 w 记 be a clear night with some SrouTtd frost CasharpZhardAsevere 万ostc There Were

ten desrees of 廊ost (= the temperature dropped to -10?C) Iastmight e 广ostdamage 2 [U] thethin white layer ofice that forms when the temperature drops below 0?C: TPe car Windows Were coyered With 广ost 一See _also HOAR

FROST 日 ye 及 站 一(sth)(over/up)to coversth ortobecome covered with athin white layer ofice:[VN]:The mirror was


Up.C [V] The windows had fjrosted ovyer 了 [VN] (especialy NAmE) to cover a cake with ICING/VFROSTING


/'们 ostbart; NAmE fo:st-/ noun [U] a medical

condition in which parts of the body, especially the fingers and toes, become damaged as a iesult of extremely cold temperatures frostbitten /frostbrtn; NAmE foxst-/ Cdl.




人 osttrd/ aod

1T ronly before

noun] (of glass) that has been given a Tough surface, so that it is difficult to see through 2 (especially NAmB) (of cakes, etc.) covered With ICING/FROSTING 3 covered With FROST;: the 广osted garden -4 containing very small Shiny pieces: 方osted eyeshadow

frost:ing /位ostm; NAmE 位oxst-/ Hour [U] (NAm月 ICINGfrosty /fnpsti; NAmE 位o:sti/ adj T (of the weather) exXtremely cold; cold with FROST: Qa 万osty morning 2 Fe Dreathed 识 te 廊osty air 了 covered with FEROST: 刘 osty fields 3 unfriendly in a way that suggests that sb does not apProve of sth: a 刘 osty 1ooKkreply e The IatestDro了posals Were give a 方osty reception. > frostily ji/adv: To, 帮 ank yo she said 太ostily

frotlh /全pb; NA7mE 仔 5:6/ Poun; ve 几 @ nouinT [U]amassofsmallbubbles, esSpecially on the surface of a liquid EOAM: Q glass of beer with thicK


/ 宜 suzn; NmE'froozn/ ad T [usually before noun] (of food) keptat avery low temperature in'ordertopreserveit: 广ozen peas 了 [not usually before noun] (of people or parts of the body).extremely cold: T7mn absolutely 廊ozemrml ce You Iook ozxen'sti 廊 太 3 (of

Tivers,]akes,etc.) with a layer of ice on the surface note at RUBBISH [IDr garbage ,in, garbage

out(obbr GIGO used to express the idea that 计 wrong or Poar quality data is Piit into a computer wIong OF DoOOT quality data will come out of 让

garbagecanmnouin (NAm 昌= pUSsTBIN garbage dis.posal own (Nm月 =





cemtre movn (BrE) a place that sells_ plants,

Seeds, garden equipment, etc.

,garden 'city ,garden 'suburb ours (Br6ja city or part of a city that has been Specially designed to have a lot of open spaces, parks and trees

gardenmieSsg mouj [CU (WA

a type of AUBERGINE/

EGGPLANT with PUIPle, white or greenish-yellow skin

Sardenia /gadiinias; NAmE gar'd/ noun a bush with



shiny leaves and large white or yellow 人lowers with a

Saripage Im am (also 思 7rmaol 'Earbase collecton Poun

(both NAm昌 = DUSTMAN

Sweet Smell, also called gardenmnias

gardeningleavenovn [U] (Br6 aperiod during which

Sarbage trucknown (Nm 三 DUsTcART gar.banzo /ga"baenzao; NAmEgarbamnzoo; -baen-/ (also

Sarbanzo,beam (both NAm 月7mouhn (pro9 = GHicKPEA

Sarbed /gaubd; NMAmE garbd/ adj [not before houn] (大六 Imdo1l~(in sth) dressedin aparticular way: prightty garbed

Sb does not work but remains employed by a company ip order to Prevent them working for another company: She jamded 总 her resigmnation and Was PuUL om ree momths” Sardening Leaye.

the Gardenof Edenmnovn [sing]


Story) told in a way that confuses the Person listening,

Sardenm Party 1oun a formal social event that takes Place in the afternoon in alarge garden

Ustally by sb who is shocked or in a hurry

Sarbled /gabld; NAmE'garbld/ ad (of a message or CON-

'garden-variety ad/ [only before noum] (NAmE) = cOM-

FUSED: Je gaye a garbled account of What Pad Fappened. CThereWasagarpled message 广omm her om TY VOiceTmail.

MON' OR GARDEN .at COMMONddlj: Fe is not one of yoUT garden-yariety crimimnals.

Sarjbo /ga:bao; NAmE 'gazrbouy/ moun (pf -09 (Austra 上后 injformmal/) aperson whose job is to remove waste from outSide houses, etc. DUSTMAN, GARBAGE COLLECTOR

Sa Samtuam/ga:xgaentJuan; 六 NAmE ga:r'g-Aadhi [usually

Garda/'gad:da; NmE'garde/ movun T the Garda[U] the

gargile /ga:gl; NMAmE'gaTgl1/ verb, nou1 是ye/ [V] ~ (with sth) to wash inside yotur mouth and throat by moving aliquid around at the back of youTr throat and then SPITTING 让 OUt @]1OU1 了 [CU] aliquid used for gargling: am amtiseptic gargle 2 [sing]anactofgargling or asound like that made When gargling: to hayeagargle with saltyWwater

police force ofthe Republic of Ireland 2 [c] (also gard了 al

(P gardai/'gazdi:; NMmE'gaxrdi:/) a police officer of the Republic of Ireland


om /gddn; NE'gardny/ nouvn, ye 上

B1OU1 了 [C] (B7E) (NMAmE yard a piece of land next to or around your house where you can grow flowers,, fruit, Vegetables, etc., Usually with an area of grass, (called 3 LIAWN):a 太 omnt/back gardemnecpnildreri Playing 总 t太e ga六 aenegardaemn PiowersAPpIants out 识 坊 egardemrearose garden (= Where onlyfoses are grIOWD) 一See alsoOKITCHEN GARDEN,MARKET GARDEN,ROCK GARDEN,ROOF GAR= DEN 一picture cy PAGE RI7; 了 [C (NMmB an areainiayard Where you grow flowers or plants 3 [C] (usually Samdengs a public park: the botamical gardens 识 Edinburgh一 See also ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN 4 Sgardems [sing.] (obbr

Gdns (BrBjused in the name of streets: 39 Belyoir Gardens [IF everything in the garden is rosy (BE sayins) eVeiything is fne 一more at COMMONGGd/. ,LEAD1X

下 VE/ 凡 [V] to work ip a_garden_ 产 garden'er /ga:dna(r); NAmE'gard-/ ouUn: MywI 了 sakeengardener Weemploy QGgardener two days a WeeK. garden'ing/ga:dnI; NAmE


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| sogo (BrE)

before noun] extremely large tuarmappetiteZrmeal

ENORMOUS: aQ garga71-

garsoOyle /gadgoli; NAmE'gdTrg-/ nounanuglyfigure ofa person or an _animal that is made of stone and through Which water is cairied away from the roof of a building, especially a church

Sa:ri'baldi /gaerrbo:ldi; -baldi/ (also gariibaldi 'biscu 前moun (Br aflat drybiscuitycookie containing CURRANTS 加af-ish /gesrif NAmE'gerrf/ oadj very brightly coloured ian Unpleasant Way GAUDY: 5arish clothescolours

PEarish.lyoady: garishzy decorateaTitpainted galand /gaalend; NMAmE'garl/ moun, ye 上 1OU1 a circle of flowers and leaves that is-worn on the head or around the neck or is hung in a room as decoration

| ou go(NMmE)

| -or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure



*FUN 7 [sing] (especially NAm 日a person Or an eVent that is fun: The party Was a real 8as. =TN STOMACH -8 [U] (NAmB = WINDI(2) [IO see COOKY

BiVe/ 履[VN] [usually passive] (literary) to decorate sb/sth with agarland or garlands 莹

吾 VE (-SS)

* KILL/UHARM WITH .GAS 1T_[VN] to killorharm sbymaking * them breathe Poisonous gas *TALK 2 [V]i(usually used in the progressive tenses) (oldfJoshioned normal) to talk for a long time abonut things that are not imnportant CHAT 8&aS-pag /gasbaeg/ noU1 (informah humorous) a Person WwWwhotalks alot

galic/'ga:lik; NAmE'gazrlik/ noun [U] avegetable of th onion family with a very strong taste and smell used ipn cooking to give flavour to food: a clove of garlic (= one

一picture 只 PAGE RI3 section of 训

garlicky adj/: Sa 六

Licky breathfood ,garlic oread noun [U] bread, usually in the shape of a stick containing melted butter and garlic

'gas chamber novn a room that'can be 名led with poi-

Sariment/gamaent; NAmE'garrm-/ noun (formal) apiece

Sonous gas for killing animals or People 'gas-CcOoled codj [only before noun] using gasto keep the temperature c0ol1: gas-CO0Ied TiUCIear reactoTs gasS:'eOUuSs /'gaesies; 'geisias/ adj. [usually'before noun]ilike or containing gas: Q gaseoUs mixture 人 识 8aseous form

ofclothing: astramge shapeless garmentthatjhad orce been a jacket e WoollenVwinter/otiter SarTments 一See also

UNDERGARMENT Cnote at CLOTHES SaFmner/gadnaeG); NAmE'gdrn-/ vermb [VN] (Jormaj) to obtain or collect sth such as information,SUPPort,etc. GATHER, ACQUIRE gamet /gamnrt; NAmE 'gdrn-/ noun a clear dark red SEMI-PRECIOUS STONE that is fairly valuable

,gas-'fired codj, [usually before noun] (BrE) using gas as 3 fuel: gas-fired centralheating gas 'giamnft noun (astronomy) a large planet made mosty of the gases HYDROGEN andiHELIUM; for example Jupiter

gar-mish /gamrf; NAmE'ga:rnrf/ verb, noun

or Saturn

@Vye六 [VN] 一 sth (with sth) to decorate a dish offood with a small amount of another food

'gas guUZZler (also SUzZ:zlen Houn (infonmah especially NAmB)

enmoum [CU] a small amount of food that is used to decoratealarger dish offood

a car that needs

a lot of petroVgas

和乡 'Eas-

guzzlingacd/. [only before noum]

gaotte(BrE) = GARROTTE

Sash /gzf/ nouwn; ve访

Safet/'gaerat/ novun aroom, often asmall dark Unpleasantone, atthetop ofahouse, especially in theToof 一compare ATTIC 一See also LOFT 玫

引houii 一 (in/on sthja long deep cut in the surface of sth,

昌mOUM [C+sing./pl.V] a grouUp of soldiers living ip atown or FORT to defend it; the buildings these soldiers live in: Q garrison of 5000 troops Ca 8arrison town Half the 8ar

Sas-hold-er /gashaolde(D); NAmE :houl/ noun 三 GAS-

especially a person's Skin 有 ye 上 访[VN] to make along deep cut in sth, especially a PersoOmS Skin: He 5ashed his hamnd om asharp piece of rocK-

SarrisOm/gaerrsn/ noum, Ve贱

OMETER gas.Ket /gaskrt/ noun aflat piece of rubberetc. Placed between two metal surfaces 记 apipe or an engine to Pre-, Vent steam,gas GOT oil 答om escaping: The ergine jad blIown a gasKket (= had allowed steam, etc. to escape).

Tisom isXare on duty. Byerb [VN] to pnuit soldiers in a Place in order to defend 让 from attack: Two regirments Were sentto SaTTison the towmn. CI00soldiers were garrisoned 总 the towm.

(jgurative; informal) He blew'agasket at the news (= became Very angry).

ga:rotte(BrE also garotte) (US also Sarrote)/garnpt;

'Sas lamp (also gas'lightb novn alamp inthestreetorin

NAmEgaTrazt/ verb, nouUn yerb [VN] to Kill sb by putting a piece of wire etc. around their neck and pulling it tight @nOuUm a piece of wire, etc. Used for garrotting sb Samrulous /'gaeralas; BrE also 了 jol/ adj. talking:a lot, especially about Unimportant things TALKATIVE > Sarrulouslyaodv Sar-ter /gazteCD); NAmE 'gadrt-/ movun 了 aband, usually Iade ofELASTIc, that is worn around the leg to keep UP a soOck Or STOCKING 了 2 (NAm 昌 三 SUSPENDER [II see GUT1.

ahouse, that pfoduces light from burning gas

Saslight /'gaslart/ noun-T [U] light produced from burning gas: 部 te gaslight she 1ooKed paler than:eyer 了 [C] =GAS LAMP Rs

Sas-iman /gasmazen/ noun (P/ -men /men/) (informal).a man whosejob is to visit people's houses to seehow much gas theyhave used, or to fit and check gas equipment

'gas mamtle movn = MANTLE 'gas imaskmoun a Piece of equipment worn over the face as Protection againstpoisonous gas

'Sarter beltnovn (NAm 月 三SUSPENDER BELT 'gartersnakenovn aharmlessAmerican snake with col-

gaso-hol /gasaehpl; NAmE-ho:l; ha:l/ novm [U] (NAmB) a Iixture of petroVgas and alcohol which cam be used 记 cars

oured lines along its back

罗 aS 0 /gzes/ noum, ve 几

'gas O 计 moun [U] a type of oil obtained from PETROLEUM

四 OU (D/ gasesor /ess 帮equUent 8as'Se9 *NOT SOLID/LIQUID 1 [CU] any substance like air that is

which is used as a fuel

SaS.Olime 0 (also gas'olene) /gaeseliin/ noun [U]

neither a solid nor a liquid, for example HYDROGEN and OXYGEN arIe both gases: Air is a mixture of 8ases. C CFC

gases Ca 8&as bottleycyilinder (= for storing gas) 一See also GREENHOUSE GAS 2 [U] aparticular type of gas or Imixture of gases used as fuel for heating and cooking: a Sas cooKker/fire/urnace/oyveriTin8g/Sstoye ca Sas ex-

DlosiomyIeak c gas central heatirgC(BrE) Preheatthe oven to gasmark5(=aparticular temperature of a gas oven)一 See also .CALOR GAS,COAL



3 [U]:a

particular type of gas used during a medical operation, to make the patient sleep or to make the pain less: am anaesthetic gas DuUring 纺e Dirt She Was Sivent gas and air 一see also LAUGHING GAS

4.[U] a particular type of

gas Used in war to Kill or injure people, or used by the police to control people: Qa8as attacK 一see also CS GAS, NERVE GAS, TEAR GAS *1N VEHICLE 5 [U] (NAmB) = PETROL: Q gas Station C G8as Pump etoJiiltzptegastank 6 the gas[sing.] (especially NAImn 有) = GAS PEDAL: Step ort the 8gas, WeTe Late.


| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

(NAJmE) = PETROL: TFill up the tamnKk with gasoline about onceaWeekK leadedAunleaded gasoline gas.Om-eter /ga'somrita(r); NAmE -sa:m-/ (also .gashold:.en noun a very large Iound container or building in which gas is stored and from.whbich it is sent through pipes tolotherbuildings 加asSp /gad:sp; NAmEgaesp/ verb, noOUn 晶VE/ 1 六 一 (at sth) to take a quick deep breath with your mouth open,, especially because yot are SUIpIised or 让 pain: [V] She gasped at the wonderfl view. 2 They gasped 训 astomnisjhrment at the mews. 2 [V speech] What was 协 at moise2"he gasped. 了2 ~ (sthj(oubtohave difficulty breathing or Speaking: [V] He came ti 轨e SUFface of 切e Water gasping for air c [VN] She managed to gasp Out her namie. [also v speech].3 be gasping (for sth) [V] (BrE, informaj to want or need sth verybadly especially a drink or a cigarette

| kcat

| lleg

| man

| anow

| ppen

| rred

BIOUm a quick deep breath,usually caused by astrong Emotion: to give a gasp of horror/surpriseXrelief 5Bis Preath came im Short Sasps, [II see IASTCeE


gas pedalnoun (especially NAIm昌 = ACCELERATOR

Satedl /geitid/ adj [usually before noun] (ofaroad) having gates that need tobe opened and closed bydrivers gated com'munity novn a group of houses SUIounded by a wall or fence,with an entrance that is guarded

,gas- permeable odi alowing gases to pass through: Sas-perTmmeable comtact Iemnses 'gas rim加 moun (especially BrE) arotind piece ofmetal with holes 记 让 on the top ofa gas cookerVstove,where the gas islitto producethe flame for cooking

“Sas statiOm noun (NA 日= PETROL STATION gassy /'gaesi/ adj. 1 (BrE) (of drinks) containing too much gas in the form ofbubbles 2 (NAm 有 (of people) having a


gate'fold /gerttauld; NmE fould/ noun a large page folded to fit a book or magazine that can be opened out forreading

Sate'house /geithaus/ noun a house built at or over a

nected with the stomach: a gastric Wicer C gastric Juices (= the acids in your stomach that help: youto DIGEST

gate, for exatmaple at the entrance toapark orcastle gate'keep:er /gertki:pea)/ novn 1Taperson whasejob is to check and control who is allowed to go through a gate 了字 a person,, System; etc. that decides whether sby sth will be allowed, or allowed to reach aparticular place

,gastric flu mour [U] an ilness affecting the stomach,

OFT person: His secretary acts as Q gateKkeepem reading al Tmail pefore 让 reaches her boss:

Which does notlastlong and is thoughtto be caused bya Virus

gate'leg tapble /,gertleg 'teimbl/ novn atable with extra

lotof gas in your stomach, etc.

Sastric /gaestrik/ adi [only before noun] (medica1j confood)

Sas'tritis /55'Straitis/ noym [TU (medicah an ilness 训 Which the inside of the stomach becomes swollen and Painful

Sastro-enteritis /gaestreo entaTaitis; NA 万 E,gaestroo/ moun [U] (medicoh an ilness of:the stomach and other foodpassages that catuses DIARRHOEA and VOMITING,





,gaestregmte'staml; NAmEToo-/ adj (medicoj oforrelated tothe stomach and INTESTINES gas'tronomnmic/.gastroenomik; NAmE2naomn-/adi [only before noun] connected with cooking and eating good

food:> gastronom:ically /li/ adv gastron'Omy /gz'stronami; NAmE -stram-/ nouwm [U] (Jormalj the art and Practice of cooking and eating good food

gas'tro-pod /'gaestreppd; NAmE :pazd/ noun (biology) a MOLLUSC-Such as a SNAIL Or SLUG, that moves .on One large foot -Picture 只 PAGE R2I Sas:tro'pulb /gzstrsaopab; NAmE-troo-/mnour(Br昌 apub Which is well known for serving good food

Sas'WoOrkKs' /gaswaiks;

NAmE -WasTKSs/ ouUn (只 gas-

works) [ctsing./pl.v] a factory:>where gas for lighting andheating is made from coal


0m:/Jgert/ mo

1 [qd abarrierlikeadoorthatis used to close an opening 记 afence orawall outside abuilding: an iron gate 和 Fe

Dushedopemthegarden gate. Acrowd gathered atthe 加 ctory 8gates. C 急e gates of the cib 一 picture 只 FENCE 一See also LYCHGATE,STARTING GATE 了 [C] an opening that can be closed by a gate or gates:- We droye throush te Palace gates.

3 [G a barrier that is Used .to control the

flow of water on a Tiver Or CANAL: da IocKvsluice gate 4 [away outof an airport through which passengers go to get on their plane: BA 用gRht 726 io Paris 8 mow poardinsg at gate 76. 5 [Cl the number of people who attend a sports event: TomigfitFs game jas attracted the Iarg-

est gate of the season

.6 (also gate money)

[U] the

amount of money made by selling tickets for a sports

evVent: Todays gate ww让 pe givento charib 7 -gate (formipgnouns from the names ofpeople or Places; Used espe-

cially in newspapers) a political SCANDAL connected with the person or Place mentioned [Te From Watergate,, the scandal in the United States that brought about the Iesignation of.President Nixon in 1974. 轨 (computing) 三 LOGIC GATE gate aray:oun

an arrangement of LOGIC GATES in a

comPliter Sat'eaul/'gzeteo; NAmE gze'toa/ nounm [CU] (P/ gateauXx /gaeteo; NAmE gae'too/) a large cake filled with cream and usually decorated with fruib muts, etc.: a Strawberry


there anygateau Left?

gate'crash /gertkraf/ (also ipnjormal crash) ver[VN,V] to go to a party or social event Without being ivited

> gate-crash.ermou1n


| ttea

| vvan

| wet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

Sections that can be' folded out to make it largep supported on legs that swing onut from the centre

gate momneynoun [U] = GATE(6) Sate:post/'geitpeust; NAmE:poust/ moun apostto which a gate is attached Or against- which it is closed [EU between'you me and the 'gatepost (BE 力 加 广 miaj used to showthat what you are going tosay next is a Secret Sate'way/'gertwer/ moun 1 an openingipawall orfence that canbe closedbyagate: They 已Fned throusr the gateWay on the lefi 了 [usually sing.] ~ to/into .… a Place through Which you can go to reach another larger pIace: Perth 妇 egateWway to WesternAustralia 3 [usually sing.] 一 to sth a means of getting or achieving sth: A good educa在OPL ithe gateway to SUCces5. (computing) a device that connects two _computer networks that cannot be connected in any other way

办 本和 亡 人上 0 证 /9 吉5s(甩 /六X 矶 *COME/BRING TOGETHER 人 to come togethen or bring Peopletogether in one placeto form a grouP: [V] Acrowd SOO1L Sathered. ceCarmyouallgather roumnd? TVe gotsomethingto telyouso Thewhole Jomip gsathered together at Rays home: CissuUDportersgathered 识 the7mmain square 和 [VN] They were all gathered round theTVeAlarge crowd

Was gathered ouUtside 妇 e studio. ec The Kids were gathered tosether one room. 2 [VN] ~ sth (together/up)vto bring things together that have been spread arotnd: People Slowly gathered their belomngings and le扩 the halL 和 TWaited wjile he gathered WP his papers. 只 note at COLLECT


3 [VN] to collect ipformation from different

SOUTCces: Detectives have spent mmoPiths gatherinig eViderce. cnote at COLLECT 4 [VN] to collect plants,fruit,etc. from a Wide area: to gather Wilda jiowers

*CROPS/HARVEST 5.[VN] ~ sth (in) to pick or cut and collect crops to be stored: 下 Was Iate AUgust and 纺e Raryest Pad been safely gathered 记 , *BELIEVE/UNDERSTAND G@G (not used in the ProgressivVe tenses) to believe or Understand that sth is true because of information or evidence you have: [V (that)] T gather (thab you Wanted to see mne. TSather 广om yoOUF Letter 态at yoOU7e mot emjoying yoUr job. SC[VN] 了Theres beemnt a

delay ”了 Tgathered that ec [V] She wont pe coming ”SoT Sather CIYoure selFemployed Tsgather CAs far asTcanm Sather he got inyolyeda 识 a fight 2 From What Tcanm gathner theres beenl Some Kind of problerm. r1NCREASE 7 [VN] to increase 记 Speed,force,etc.: The truck gathered speed. CDUring the 1980s the 8g7eet moyve= 7ment gathered Tomerttum C Thnousands of these 7mmachines are gathering dust (= not being used) in stockTO0T715. *OF


如 [V] to gradually increase

number or amount: The storml clouds Were gathering 和 the gathering glooml ofa Winters afternoom * CLOTHING 9 [VN] ~ sth around you/sth | ~ sth up to pull a piece of clothing tighter to yoUr body: He gathered Pis cloak around him CeShe gatheredUup hersSKirtss and rarL

| 35vision

| tfchain

| du5jam

| 69thin

-| 5this

| Dsing



him. take up the 'gauntletto accept sb's invitation to 人ight'or compete [HISIn the Middle Ages a knight threw his gatuntlet at the feet of another knightias achallenge to fight. If he accepted the challengei the other

10 [VN] ~ sth (in) to pull parts of a piece of clothing together in folds and sew them in Place: She wore Q SKict


gathered (in) atthe Waist *HOLDSB11 [VN+adv/prep]topull sbtowardsyouand putyour arms around them: She gathered the child 识 Per

lmnightwould pickupthe glove. throw down the 'gauntletto invite sb to fght or compete With yoU Sauze/go:z/ noun 站 [U] atype of light transparent cloth, Usuallymade ofcotton or silk 了 [U] atype of thin cotton cloth used for covering and- Protecting wounds: Ga 8QLZe dressing 3 [u,G material made of a network of wire; a piece of thjs: wire gauze 一 picture 只 LABORATORY 基 和 吕 au

arTms and held hirm close. C He gathered jher to Pirm. ~ PREPAREYOURSELF 12 [VN]toPprepare yourselfto do sth that Tedqtires effort: Tsatdownforarmmnomerntto gathner 7ny Strength. CO She Was Still tying to gather her 坊 0OUShts toSether When the door opented. c Fortunately the short delay gaye hirm tirme to gather himmse矿 [IEIsee ROLLY Sath:erer/'gaiere(D/ ovnia person Who collects sth:

zyadj [usually before noum]: a gauzy material SaVept of GIVE gayel/'gavl/ noun a small hammer used by a person im charge ofameeting oranAUCTION, Orbyajudgeip court ip order to get People's attention

Drehistoric hunmters and gatherers

ga.Vial/'gerviel/ moum = GHARIAL

gath.ering/'gza5erIm/ ov T [q a meeting of people

ga-yvotte/ga'vot; NAmEgavat/ noun aFrench dance that was popular in the past; apiece ofmnusic forthis dance

for aparticular purpose: a socialXjfarmily gathering ca gathering of religious Ieaders 了 [U] the process of collecting sth: mmethods of information gathering Sathers/,gze5aez; NAmE 'gaegaerz/ OUm [pl.] small folds that are sewn intoapiece of clothing 吕a-tOr/'gerteGD/ moun (NAmE, informal) = ALLIGATOR GATT/gat/ noun the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (in the past an international organization that tried to encourage intermnational trade and reduce taxes on imports; the agreement by which this organization was created, GATT was Ieplaced bythe WTO in 1994.) gauche/geof; NAmE gouf/ adj. awkward when dealing With people and often saying or doing the wrong thing: Qa gauche schoolgiryTmnarrier 名aucheness(also gaucherie/'gadfari; NAmE ,gogfe'Tri/) noun [U]: the gaucheness of youtp Sau:cho/'gautfao; NAmE:tfou/noun (PL -09a S Ameri-

Gawdy/go:d/ nouni exclamationi(informah used in wiitten English to show that the word 'God' is being pronounced in aparticular way to express SUrprise, anger or fear: For Gawd's sake hurTry UPDL 名 3aWk/go:k/ ve避 [v] ~ (at sb/sth) (informal) to stare atsb/ sth in arude or stupid way ER]IGAPE

gawky/'goxki/ odj (especiallyofatall young Person) awle

can COWBOY Saudy/'goidi/ odj ( gaud'ier gaudiesj (disapproving) too brightly coloured in a way that lacks taste ER GARISH: gaudy clothes/colours gaudiily/go:dlif adv2Saudily dressedpainted gaudiness/'gozdines/ 0oun [] gauSge(NAmEalso gage /geId35/ noun, ye上 b akIOUm 1 (often in compounds) aniinstrument for measuringthe amount or level of sth: a fuelL/petrol/termnperature, etc. galuge 一picture 史 PAGE RI 了 2 armeasurement of the width or thickness of sth: JWhat gauge of wire do we

ward in thewaytheymove orbehave Sawk'ily/'go:kr li/ ady gawki.ness/'go:kines/ noum [U] 加aWip/go:p/ verb [V] 一 (atsb/sth)(BrE, informalj)to stareat sb/sth in a rude or stupid way GAPE 加ayY/ger/ adj., noun sadj. 1 (of people,.especially men) sexually attracted to People of the same Sex ,ERJHOMOSEXUAL: Say mmen CI didmi Know he Was gay CT she gay? [ESsTRAIGHT 2 [only before noun] connected with people who are gay: Q gay cIupbar 2 态 e Jesbian and 8ay cOmTUmIEY 3 ( gayer gayesl (old-J6shioned) happy and full of fun: gaylaughter 4 (old大shioned) brightly coloured: The ga 广 den Was gay With red geraniurmns. 一See also GAIETY,,GAILY IE with 'gay abandormwithout thinking abotitthe ieSults or effects of aparticular action BIOUm a Person Who is HOMOSEXUAL, especially a man

Say:dar/'gerda:GoD)/ noum [U] (pformal) the ability thata HOMOSEXUAL

person is supposed to have to Tecognize

other People who are homosexual 忌

peed? 3 (also lboreespecially in Br6) a measurement of the width of the BARREL of a gun: Qa 12-gauge Shotgum

gay.ness/'gemaes/ noun [U] the stateiofbeing'HOMOSEX-

4 the distance between the rails of arailway/railroad track or the wheels of a train: stamndard gausge (= 56苏 inches in Britain) C a narrow: gauge (= narfower than

,Say 'pride "ovn

standard) raipway 5 [usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a fact or an eventthat can be used toiestimate or judge sth: Tommor TOWS game against ATsenial Wi:be aigood gauge of their Dromzotion chna7zces. myer 1to make a judgement about sth, especially people's feelings or attitudes: [VN]- They interyiewed empDloyees to gaQUg8e 妇 eir reaction toithe changes. C He tried to gauge her mood 2 [V wh-]E was difficult io gauge WPhether She Was an8ry or not -了2:[VN] to_ measure sth accurately Using a Special instrument: Precisiom imstruTents that ca7l gauge the diameter to a 广actior of a 7nillimetre 3 to calculate sth approximately: [VN] We were able to gaUge the Strength of the wind 万omm the 7moyveTment of the trees. [also v wh-]

gaumt/gomt/ ,adj T (of a person) very thin,usually because of jllness,not having enough food,, or woIIVY: Q gaunt foce 2 (of a building) not attractive and without any decoration

.gauntness)ou1n [U]

gaumt.let/'gotlat/ novun 1Taimetal glove worn as Part of a suit of ARMOUR by soldiers in the Middle Ages 2 a Strong glove with a wide covering for the wrist used for example when driving: motorcyclists with LIeather gaUmtLets IE run the 'gauntletto be criticized or attacked by alot of People, especially a gIOUP of People that yoU havetowalkthrough:'Some of thpeWitbntesses had to run the gauntiet of teleyisiom caTmeras amd reporters,[TISJThis Phrase refers to a an old army punishment where a man was forced to run between two lines of soldiers hitting

ae cat | dfather | ieten | 3: bird |:a about | Isit |


[U] the feeling that-HOMOSEXUAL

People should not be ashamed of tellingpeople thatthey are homosexual and should feelproud ofthemselves

吕aZ@/gelIz/ verb, noOU1 BEVerb [V 十 adv/prep] tolook steadily at sb/sth foralong time, eitherbecatise you are Very interested OF Surprised, or because you are thinking of sth else EREzsTARE: She g&azea at hirma 识 amzazement He sat 加rhoursjstgazirg into Space. 只 note at STARE BOUm [usually sing.] a long steady look at sbysth: He mmet her gaze (=-]ooked ather while she looked athim). coShe dropped her gaze (= Stopped looking):E note atLOOK

gazZ'elbo /ga'zibau; NAmE -boU/ mon (P/ -09y a small


building with open sidesin a garden/yard,especially

one with a View


了 S

SazZ:elle /ga'zel/ novn (D/






1 外 全 0 Published by a _particular



important 。 information about decisions that have


made ,and, people

SEE 区 >


下 芭

乡上 乓3 SS中 Eee

SS 全


和 从

ess 时 LE 2基 EL


i 节earsb/sthe'up (forto sth)to prepare yotrselVsb/sth

to do sth: Cycle orgamtizations are gearing UDP Jor Natiomnal Bike Week. 一see also GEARED

gear:box /grIeboks; NAmE 'girba:ks/ noun the part con-

Sb who has made an offer to pay a particular Price for 了 house and who has had this offer accepted is gazumped, their offer is no longer accepted bythe person selling the ump.ing /ga'zAmpIm/ noun [U]


thicker and more solid; to form a gel 4 [VN] [usually passive] to put gel on youUr hair

| ou go (MmB)

| orboy

| re near

| ee hair

| 5e pure


644 |

gelatin /dselatm/ (also gel'atine /dseletim/) moun [U] a_clear substance without any taste that is made from boiling animal bones and is used to make jelly flm for

cameras, etc,

gelat'in.Ous /dselaetmas/ adj thick and sticky like a jelly: agelatirnious SUbstarzce

'gejatin Paper "ovn [U] paper covered with gelatin, used in photography geld /geld/ veb [VN] (technical) to remove the TESTICLES ofamale animal, especially ahorse CASTRATE

Seild:ing /geldm/: noun a horse that has been CASTRATED 一COmpare STALLION Sel.ig.mite /d5elignart/ ouwn [U] a powerful EXPLOSIVE em /d5em/ mov 了 (also /essjrequentgem'stone /demsteUn; NAImE -stoun/) aPRECIOUS STONE that has been cut and polished and is used in jewellery JEWEL,PRECIOUS STONE: Q crowT studded with gerns 也 Persom, Place or thing that is especially good: This Picture is te

gem (= thebest) ofthe collection. eagem ofaplacec Shes Qreal gemm/ 一 coOmPpare JEWEL semin'ate /"d5emmeit; :net/ adj/ (Phonetics) (of a Speech soOUund)j' consisting of the same consonant piOnotinced twice, for example /kk/ in themiddle of the word:bockCO1久

Gemi:ini/dzemmar; :ni/ novunT ZoDpIAc, the TwINS

[ujthethirdsign of the

2 [C] a person born under the influ-

ence ofthis sign, that is between 22 May and 21 June

Gem.oabbr (in writing) General: Gemz(Stanley)Armstrong 人 em /ds5en/ 0ouwn; ye履 了IOUM:[U] 一 (on sth) (old-osjroned;, BrE informal)informa-

tion 卓 Ye 上 b:(-nn-) Sen:up (on sth) | ,gen sb/yoursef up (on sth) (old-foshioned, BrEiinformal)ito findiout or give sb information about sth Sendarme /53ondadm; NAmE '3dmdamm/ novn (from French) amember of the French police force gen'der/ dsendaGr)/ noun 了 [cuU] the fact ofbeing male or female: issues of class, race and gernider C Semtder differences/relations/roles 2 [CU] (Srammarl (ip some'.languages) each of the _classes (MASCULINE,,EEMININE ,and sometimes NEUTER) into_ which nouns,Pronouns and adjectives are divided; the division of nouns,, pronouns and adjectives into these different genders. Different genders mayhave different endings, etc.: 友 Frerich the adjective TuUst agree With the nount in mUmDer and ge7uder

'ender bender movn (informal) a person who dresses and behaves like amember ofthe Opposite SeX

'gender dysphoria "ovn [U] (medicol) a condition 迹 Which sb feels that they were born with the wrong SeX

genderreas'signmentmoun [U] the actofchanginga petson's sexbyamedicaloperation in which parts oftheir bodyare changed sothattheybecome likeaperson ofthe OPPosite SeX

gender Ways oftalking about men and women


= _When you are writing Or speaking nglish 让 isimportant to use languagethat includes both men and women equally some people my 人 Very offended 让 you do not, The human race 是 Manandimankind have traditionalybeen wed fo mean'allmen andwomen':-Many people now Prete to Use humanity, the 人 吕 Ra 人 Or people. 2


恒 he suffix -ess in names of occupations such as actress,

hostess and waitress showsthatthe .person doingthe: : jobisawoman. Many people now avoid these.tnstead : you can use actor or host, (although actress, and hostess are stillvery common) ora neutral word, such; asserverfor waiierand waitress 下 Neutralwords like assistant, worker We or offic icer are now often used instead of -manm or .womaninthe names ofjobs. For example, you can use police offiEn, 六 instead of poiicemamr orpoicewormam, and spokesperson instead of spokesrman Orspokeswormnan :Neutral words are very common in mewspapers, on television and radio andiin official We inboth cs and NAmE. 吾 When talking aboutjobs 届 员aretraditionally done by the other sex, some people say: a male secretary 人

nurse/model(NOTman) orawoman/femaledoctor barrister/driver Howeverthis is now not usually 0 unlessyou need toemphasize which sexthe person 人 oritis stiltunusualforthejobto be donebya man/” woman: WMy daughterpreferstoseeawomanmdoctiorcJhey hovyea male We Jorther ee CD Joeg racng



上 四 He used to be sdaa to cover Bi menand women: Evemyonemneedsiojeelheisjovyed :butthisisnot now acceptable.instead; aftereverybody, everyone:,

anybody anyone, somebody, someone, etc. one ofthe ,了 pluralipronouns they, them, and theiris often used: Does eyemybody know whjpatthey wanize Somebodys 匠 tineircoathere.ejhope oo 和 page 加 人 37 Passport wiih them., 晶 :SOme, people preferto use he or she, 全 Or en orhim' orherin speechand writing: Everyone knows whats Pest Jr Piorherse 扩He/sheor(s)he canaliso beused in writing: 太 im doubt ask your docior Heshe canm give Jou more, injormaiion: (Youmayfind thatsome writers justuse'she' JJThese Uses can seem awkward when are used alot tis betterto tryto change the sentence,, Usingapluralnoun. Instead of saying:A bapycries when pe;2 和 We JJ can pe jen 01e te

'Eenmider-specific 0dj connected with women only or With men only: The report Was redarajffed to 7e7move Se der-speciFic Ianguage. sene /d5im/ noun (biology) a unit inside a cell which controls a particular quality in aliving thing that has been passed on fromiits Parents: a dominarit/recessiye Sente C genes that code Jor the colour of 妇e eyes 一See also GENETIC II be in the'genes tobeadqualitythatyour parents have passed on to yoU; Tye always enjoyed music 一 让S 训 the gehne5.

ge:neal:ogist /,d5imi'aselad5rst/ novn aperson who studjes family history

geneal:ogy /,d5imi'zelad5i/ noun' (pP1 -ie 1 [Lu the study of family history including the study of who the ANCESTORS ofa particular person were 2-[Gl aparticular

person's line of ANCESTORS; a_ diagram, thatishows ithis -ge-nealogical /,d5imielpdsIkl; ,NAmE 2add5-/ ad [only before noun]: a genealogical chart/tableytree (= a chart with branches that shows apersonis ANCESTORS)


| adid

| ffall

:| gget

| hnhat


gemne pool noun (piology) all of the GENEsS that are available within breeding populations of a particular SPECIES of animal or Plant




/'d5enrsl/ adj. ,noun

有 0Cdf. *AFFECTING-ALL 1 affecting.all or most people, Places or things: The general opiniom ia 态 at the comnfereTtce Was Q SUCCess. C the generail belief[comnserists 2 pooks of gemeralinterest (= ofinterestto mostpeople)eIThebadwea-

ther has been jairty general (三 has affected most areas). >*USUAL 了2 [usually before noun] normal; usual: There zs one exception tothis general Principle. C As aigererai rule (= usually) he didywpatphecould to be heip所 LThisopinion is ComOn among the general DopUiathon (= ordinary People). *NOT DETAILED 3 includingthemostimportantaspects of

| kecatb

| lleg

| mman


| ppen

| Tired

sthjnot exact or detailed OVERALL:Tcheck the booki8s io Set Q Seneral idea of what activities to Plan CI Know how 让 Works 训 Seneral terms. CThey gave ageneral description of the man-. *DIRECTION/AREA 4 the 一 direction/area approximately, butnot exactly, the direction/area mentioned: TPey 广red



可 eme:al.1y om /dsenrelil adv byorto mostpeople: The plan Was generaly ywelcommed 2正二 noWSeneralpy accepted 如at.…o The new drugw 这be 8eneraly available 方om January c Hewas a generally LTPOPUIar choice for captain. 了 识 most cases AS A RULE:TSeterally getUD atsix Themaleizsgerieraly Iarger With a 5horter peak. 3 without discussing the details of sth: Tets talKk jsStaDpoUt imnyestmentSeneral1y

刺 he gerieral directior of 态 e eneTn六 *NOT LIMITED S not limited to aparticular subjsctvuse or activVity: QG general hospital G general education Ce We shall Qtthis stage Keep the discUssiorjairty generalL G Dotlimnited to one patrt or aspect of a person or thing: Seieral Gaesthetic C The building Was ina Seneral state of disre-

,geimeral of the air force "ovn the highest rank of

HIGHESTTN RANK 7 [only before noun] (also General

,Semeral of 飞乓 earmiy/ouwn the highest rank of officer

态 eJ7aspector General of Police--see 引 soO ATTORNEY GEN-



[afternoun]) highestin ranks chief:

切egeneral mamager


officer in the US AIR FORCE

ithe US army

practice 50ovn [u,C] :T (especay :Br the

Work of a doctor who treats people in the community rather than atahospital and who is not a specialist in one Pariticular area of medicine; a place where a doctor like this works: to pe 碎 general practice C She Funs Q gemneFral

II in 'general 1 usualy; mainly:Jm gemeral Japanese caTs are yeJyY reliable anmad Dreakdowns are:rare. 了2 as a Whole: TPis zs a crucial year for your relationships 识 SemPractice 训 了 ULL 卫 (especially MAmB) thework of a lawyer eralLarmrdyour Ioye 1这 冰 particular Who deals with all kinds of legal cases and who is not a amoun (0bp7..Gen.) an officer ofveryhigh rankin the army Specialist ip one Particular area of law; the place where a lawyerlike this works and the US AIR FORCE; the officer with the highestrank in the MARINES: a jburstar gemeral ecGeneral Tomm ParKer 一 general prac'titioner (also family prac'titionen See also BRIGADIER GENERAL,,MAJOR GENERAL (abbr GP) (also informal family 'docton (especially 8 日 mouUm adoctor who is trained in general medicine and General A'merican "ovn [u] the way .people speak Who treats patients in a local community ratherthan at a English in most parts,of the US, not including New Enghospital land, New York, and the South

the ,generail ' pulblicnovn [sing:+ sing./pl.v] ordinary

GeneralCeritificate:of Edu'catiomn nown:='GCE Genmeral Certificate of Secondary Edu'rcation moOuUnm


Seneral counmsel "ovn (in the US) the main lawyer Who giveslegal advice to a company genmeralde'iverynovn [U] (NAm 日= POSTE RESTANTE

Semeral e'lection "ovn an election ip which all the People of a country vote to choose a government comPare BY-ELECTION

general head'quarters7ovn [U+singy/plV] = GHQ

People who are not members of a particular group or Organization: Athat 丰 7me the Senteral DUDbLic WasAwere Pot QWaTe of 纺e health Tasks. o The exhibition is motopen to 切 egeneraLpLDIic.

,enmeralpurposeacd/ [only before noun] having awide Iange of different ses: ageneraLpurpose 加rma Vehicle

Sen.et-alship /dsenrelJip/ 0oun [U] theiskill or practice of leading an army duringabattle

,geimeral 'sta 作 {often the genmeral staff) Own [sing十 sing./pl.Y] o 猴cers who advise a military leader and help

toplana military operation

genm'er.al.ist/dsenralrst/ mnOUm a person Who has knowledge of several differenitt subjects or activities [3 SPECIALIST

,gemeral store OU (BrE also general 'stores [pl.]) a

Sem'enr:al.i 让y /,d5ena'Taelati/ novn (P/: -ieg9:T [Gusually

,emeral 'strilke ovn a Period of time when most or all

pl] astatementthat discusses general principles orissues Iather than details or particular examples: to speak :访 Droad gemeralities C As USUaL he comfined jis commients to Seneralities, 之 the generality [sing.+ sing./pl.v] (or mal) most of a group of people or things: This view 六 heid DZy 女e generality of eading scholars. 3 [U] (Jormaj) the quality ofbeing general rather tham detailed or exact: A7 acCCOUPnEof such geTieraiity is oF Little yaGIUe.

Sen:eral'iza:tion (BE also -isa'tiom) /,d5enrelarZeIfn; NAmE-a'z-/ OU [C U] a general statement that js based on only a few facts or examples; the act of making Such statements: a speecj 包1 of proadAsweeping gemeralizations 2 to make germeralizafiors apout s 雪 2 Try to ayoid gemneralizatiom.

gen'eral.ize (BrE also -ise) /dsenralarz/ vem TI[V] ~ (from sth) to use a particular set of facts or ideas in order toform an opinion thatis considered validfor a different Situation: 下 WoulId pe foolis 下to gemeralize 万orm a Sinigle e 雹 ample. 字 [V] ~ (about sth) to make a general statement abonut sth and not looK at the details: 龙 g dargerous to generalize apott 协 eDoor 瑟 [VN] [often passive] ~ sth (to sth) (如mmajhto apply atheory idea, etc. tola wider group or situatiomtharithe original one: These comclusioms ca7zTOtpe gemnteralized to 坊 eWjhole courity

Sen.eral'ized(BrE also -isedl /dsenrelarzd/ adj- [usually before noun] not detailed; notlimited to one Darticular area: G 8eneralized discussion C a SeTieralized disease/ rasF(= affecting the whole body)

general knowledge "ov [U] knowledge of facts about alot of different subjects: a general knowiedge quiz

S see

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

Shop/store that sells a wide variety of goods,, especially oneinasmalltown or village ofthe workers in a country go on strike

二 色 阐.他及.本让人 0

/dzensrert/ verb[VN]

to produce OFr create sth: to generate electricity/heatX Powercto Senerate imncorme/profite Wemneedsomeoneto Senerate PieWw ideas. 2 The proposal jhas generated a Iot oF Interest cDote at MAKE


0 /qdenTerjn/ noun

T[c+sing./pl. y] all the people who were born at abonut the same time: 妇eyornger/older Semneratiomn ecMy generatiomn jaye': SrOWwPL UPD Without 雪e experiemnce of a world War- CTofiten wortder wpat future gerterations will make of our effor.

之 [C the average time 记 which children

grow Hp, become admults and have children of their own, (usually considered to be abonut 30 years)j: a generation a80 2 My Jo7mipy jye 1iyed 态 切i house for geiteratio7ts. 3 [CU] asingle stage in the history of a family: stories Passed dowin 广 omm gemieratiom to Seneration 2 a First-]SecoOTid-gSeTieratiom ATmnericar (= a person whose family has lived ip America for one/two generations) 4 [Cusually Sing:] a gIOUP of people of similar age involved in a particular activity: She jhas inspired Qa Wjole generation oF JosPhiom School 8raduates,5 [Cusually sing.] a stage 让 the development of a product, usually a technical one: 万fth-generation computing C amnew Seneratiort of vehicle 6@6 [山] the production of sthy especially electricity heat, etc,; 如e 8erleratiort of electricibr CTmethods of incoTme gemeratio7 gemeration:al /dsenererjenl/ ad大 [usually before noun] connected with a particular generation or with the Ielationship between diffterent generations: Semeratioma COTIFLICE

| 5vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| ethin

| 5this

| 0 sing


Seneration gap

idantify sb or find out 让 sb has comimnitted

a crime

> genetic fingerprint 0

the gene'ration gap 170Un [sing] the difference 让 attitude or behaviour between young and older people that causeas a lack ofunderstanding: a mmoyie 妇hat SUTe to bridge the gemneration Sap

Gene ration 'Xmoun [U] the group of People who were

born between the early 1960s and the middle of the 1970s, who seem to lack a sense of direction in life and to feel that theyhave no part to play in society

gen':era'tive /dsensretrv/ adj (Jormal) that can produce sth: generatiye PrOcesSes ,generative 'grammarnovn [CU] (Unguistics) atype of

grammar which describes a language by giving a set of rules which can be tsed to produce all the possible sen= tences in thatlanguage gen'erator /ja5enarerte(D/ noU1 了 a machine for Prodiicing electricity: The factorys emergency geterators WeTe Used during the poWer CUE 2 G Wind genterator (= a machinethatuses the power ofthe wind to produce electricity) 2 a machine for producing a Particular Substance: The museurm uses smells and smoKke Senerators to cTeate atmosphere, @ (jigurative) The compary ia mmajor 8ente广 ator of jobs. 3 (BrE) a company that produces electricityto sell to the public: the UKS majorelectriciby genierator

gem.er'ic /dsemerik/ adj. T shared by including or tyP-

ical of a whole group 6f things; not Specific: Vine 广Uit 冯 the genteric termajJorcurrants and raisins, 之 (ofa product, especially a drug) notusing the name of the company that made it: The doctor offered me ia choice of a branded or a

generic drug ee generically /d5gmnerikli/ adv

EeerOs.ity /,d5emiarnosati; NAmE-TQd:S-/ nmOUnn [U,sing.]

一 (to/towards sb) the fact ofbeing generous (= willing to give sb money' gifts, time or kindness freely): He treated 纺em With generosiby and thoughthulness.

Sem.erOUS 0 /'d5enares/ 0d/ (approving) 1 一(with sth) giving ofr willing to give freely; given free-

1]y: agenerous benefactor c to pe generoUs With your tirmne 和 to be generous 识 Siying help ea Senterous SI offerc 正 Was generous of hin to offer to pay 如r 上 Doth. LAV[aa MEAN 2 more than is necessary; large ISH: Q genterous helping of meat C The car has Q 8enterOUus amount of Space. 3 kind in the way You treat People; willing to see what is good about sb/sth: Q generous 7mind e He wrote ayery generous Ga55ess7mnent OF my WOTK. PP gen'er'ous'|y 0dy: Pleasegive generously Ca dress that

is generousty cut (= uses plenty of material) gem'esis /"d5enesIs/ no0un [sing] (1jormal) the beginning ororigin of sth

gemet /'d5enit/ nouU1 a wild animal similar to a cat bnut With a longer tail and body and a pointed head. Genets

are found in Africa, southern Europe and Asia and eat in-

sects and small animals.

'gene therapy novn [U] (medicoj a treatment ip which

normal GENES are Put into cells to replace Ones that are missing or notnormal

gem.eti'cist /dsametisist/ 10Un a scientist who studies genetics

-gemn'et'ics /d5amettks/_noun [U] the scientific study of the ways in which different characteristics are passed from each generation of living things to the DexXt


/dsanirve ken'venJn/



[sing.] an international agreement Which states howPRISONERS OF WAR Should betreated



/,gengIs kam;

.d5e0-/ 7ioum


sing] a person who is very cruel or has VeIy RIGHT-WING political opinions: Her politics are SOmiewWhere to the right

of Genghis Khan.

From the name ofthe firstTuler

of the Mongol empire; who was born in the 12th cenEury. AFFgen'ial /jd5imiel/ ad friendly and cheerful genial.ity /qd5iABLE: Q geiial person Ca genial Smile ni'aelati/ ou [U]: am atrmosphere ofwarrmth aad gePiality genially /"d5iinialifodv :to Smiile genially

genie /dsimi/ noun (P/ gen'ies OF genii /dsizniar/) (也 Arabian stories) a Spirit with magic POWers, especially

DJINN onethatlives in abottle oralamp Senital /'d5enitl/ adj [only before noun] connected with the outer sextial organs ofa person or an animal: the ge tal area C gemtital 识fctions

(also geni'talia /dsenrterlia/) noun geni'tals /dzenrtlz/ 3, [pl] aperson's sex organs that are Outside their body

Semi'tive /"dzenetrv/ noun (grammoantin somelanguages)

the Special form ofa noun, a pronoun or an adjective that js used to show possession or close connection between ABLATIVE,ACCUSATIVE,DATIVE, s 一compare two thing genitive 0d/ NOMINATIVE, POSSESSIVE, VOCATIVE Senito-urinary /dsenrteog 'joerImari; NAmE ,qd5enrtoU

"jareneri/ ad/ (medical) of or related to the GENITALS and

URINARY organs: geTiito-UrinaTy disease/Tnedicine

ge'nius /d5imias/ mon (P/ ge:niuses) T [U] untusually great intelligence,skill ,or artistic ability: the Sertius of Shakespeare @ a statesma of genius CSHer idea Was stroke of genius. 2 [Cl a person who is unusually intelligent or artistic, or who has aVeryhigh level of Skill, especially in one area: a mathematical/comic etc. Sertius 和 Fes agenius atorganizing people. C ZU dornthaveto bea genilus to see that they are 识 1ove! 3 [sing]~for sth/for doing sth aspecial skill or ability:YRe had agemniusforrmajc

ing People Jeel at jhomne.

sb good/evil ,genius

(especially BrB) aperson or Spirit who is thought to have a good/bad influence Over yoOU

geno'cide /dsenesard/ movm [U] the murder of a whole race OF grOUP of people > geno:cidal 0df/

Sen.ome /dsimaum; NAmE-Oom/ noun (biology) the com-

Plete setof GENES in a cell or living thing: the hurmarm gemome genmo.type /'d5ensetarIp; 'd5imm-/ noun (biology) the combination of GENESs that a particular living thing carries, some of which may not be noticed from its appearance一

coOmPare PHENOTYPE gemnre /55re; '30Dnre; NAmE '5dmnra/ noun (jormal) a parunits in the cells of aliving thing that control its physical ticular type or style of literature, arb 人lm or music that characteristics) or GENETICS (= the Study of genes): gemyoucan recognize becatulse of its Special features etic and enyironmental foctors C genetic apnormalities genetic.ally /kli/ adv: Seneticalty elgineerea/dete 广 'Eenre painting "7240 [GO (am a style of painting Tinedtransmitted showing scenes from ordinary life that is associated with 17th centuryDutch and Flemish artists; apainting done 识 Seneticalty modified cdi. (ob GM) (ofa plantb etc.) this style having had its genetic Structure changed artificially, so that it will produce more fruit or not be affected by disSent /qd5ent/ 00un (BrB) 1 (old-foshioned or humorous)a ease: genetically modifiedjfoods (= made from Plants that man; a gentleman: Qa gents hairdresser C This Way Please have been changed in this way) ladies and gents! 2.al/the gents, althe Gents [sing:] (informaj a public toileVbathroom for men: FS there Qa Be netic 'code "oun the arrangement of GENES that gentts near here2 C Wheres the gents? controls how each living thing will develop ge netic engineering "or [U] the science of chan- gen:teel /d5en'til ad (Sometimes disapproving) 1 (of ging how aliving creature or plant develops by changing people and their way of life) quiet and'polite, often in an exaggerated way; from, Of Pretending to be from, a high the information in its GENES social class: agentteeLTmarninier Her Sentteel accenitirritated ge netic 'fingerprinting (also ,DNA fingerprint7mmezeFHelivedin genteelpoverty (=tryingtokeep the style ing) 10Un [U] the method of finding the particular patofahigfisocial class,but with little money) 2 (ofplaces) tern of GENESs in an individual person,particularly to

Sem.et.ic /d5amietrk/ adj connected with GENES (= the

acat | dfather | eten | sbird

| aabout [rsit | Esee | imany

| pgot (Br6) | osaw|Aeup|l5put|mtoo

quiet and old-fashioned and perhaps genteeliy/dszen'tilli/ aodv

slightly boring

Sem'tiam /aenjn/ now [CU asaall Diant with Dright blue flowers that grows 记 motntain areas

Semitile /dsentail/ (also Gemntile) novn a person who is gentile (also Gentile cod [only before not Jewish noun]

gemtil'ity /d5en'ttlati/ moun [U] (Jormajj Tvery good manners and behaviour; the fact of belonging to a high SOcial class: Fe tooK jher hamnd With discreet gemntility 和 She 太太 Ks expersiye clothes are amark ofgemntility 了 the fact of being quiet and old-fashioned: the fjoded gemntilitby of the




/da5entl/ adj (gentler/dzentlaCr)/ gent-

jest/"dzentlist/) Tcamandkind; doingthingsin aquiet and careful way: QguUiet and genmtie mamC agentte yoice/taughtouchn ec She Was the gefitlest of murses. C He Jiyed 识 Qagentler age 切 am OUFS.CBegerttleWithn her!2 Sheagreedtocormme afteralittle Senttle Persuasiom. 3》 He IooKs scaryDuthesreallyagentle S&iant 2 (ofweather temperature, etc.) not strong OF extreme: a Serttle breeze C the gentle swWell of 妇e sea C CooK oOyVer Q gentie heat- 3 having only a small effect; not Strong or Violent: We wentjforasgentie stroll.C alittle gemtle exercise C This,soap 1 yery gentle on 纺 e hamnds. 妈 not Steep or sharp: Q Seritle SIope/curyearntgle 一See also GENTLY > gentle-ness/"dgentjnes/ on [U]

Sentle.folk /dsentlfeuk; NAmE -ook/ noum [pl.] (old如sjhroned) (也 the past) people belonging to respected famjlies ofthe higher social classes

Sentle-mam /maen/)

0mw /dsentiman/ noun(p/ -men

yo 一youwre arealLgentlemar. coHes mio gentiemam/ 一comPare LADY 也 [Cusually pl.] (1jorma/) used to address or refer to a man, especially sb you do not know: Iadies ad &erttiememy Can T jaye YOUr attentiomn,Dlease? Genitiemen of the jury! 2 Can TI help youw genttemen? 和 Theres a gemntiemmahn to see y0U DBIn more informal Speech, yo could say: Ca7 Thejp you?2 C Theress someoPe to seeyou 3 (NmB used to address or refer to a male ImemberofaLEGISLATURE, for example the House ofRepiesentatives 4. (old-joshroned) a man fom a high social class,especially one who does fiot need to work: a coumty gettlemamn ce agentiemart former (= one who owns a farm:for pleasure, not as his main job) [ET see LEISURE gentle.man'1y /dsentimaenli/ odj_ (0p5roving) behaving Very well and showing very good manners; like a gentleman: ge7itiemamzy pehayiourc Sojor theelectiomcarmpaigm jhas Dee a yery gemntlermma7aly affair




algreemenb 1ovm an agreement made between' people Who trust each other Which is not Written down and

Which has no legal force gentle:-womanm /duentlwomaen/, moun (p/, -women /imm/) 1T(old vse) a woman Who belongs to ahigh social class; a woman who is well educated and has exceljent manners 了 (NA used to address of refer to a female member ofaLEGISLATURE, for example the House of Representatives

Eem.tly om /usentii/ odv 全 识 a gentle way: She jheld the paby gentb C Tou miss 态ermu domnityou27Pe asKked sentty 2 Sirmmer thesoup 5enty Jor 30 7mninutes C Massage the area gentty put Firmly 和 Leayes 7moying Semntly 训 加e breeze C The pathn Tamn gemntty

do to thesea. 2 Gentlyt(BrE pformal) used to tell sb to be careful: Genty! ZU Prt 坊e poor 雪 训 ge Domt go too jast Settly does 诈 /

Sen'tri.fy /du5entrrfar/ verb (gen:trifies Sen-:trified gen'trifiedj an areai a personi etc. can mix with, People of Old Working-class areas


[vN] [usually passive] to change so that they are. suitable fom or a higher social class than before: oF the city are being Sentr 态ed.

> Semitrificationmowm [LU]


| army

| -aonow


多em'try /dsentri/ moum [pl] (usually the gentry) (old-

如 shioned) peoplebelonging to ahigh social class:thelocal gentyethe Ianded genty (=thosewho ownalotofland) Senu:flect /du5enjuflekt/ verb [V] (jrmah) Tito move your body into a lower position by bending one or both knees, as a sign of respect during worship in a church 也 一 (to sth) (disopprovng) to show tooinuch respect to


genuflection (BrE also germuflexciom /,d5e-

juflekjJn/ noun [CuU] 全

本 全 四 :1 册 站全 0 /dsenjum/ xd 1 real;i exactly what it appears to be; not artificial ERTI AUTHENTIC: 有 the painting a genuine Pica5s02 4 FaKe desigrier Watches are sold at a 广actiom of the Drice OF the genuirie article. COPIy gemnuinie refugees can apply Jor asylurm二 了 sincere and honest; that can be'trusted: Fe 7mmade QaSemuine attemmpt to iprove comditioms: Cgenuine co1tcermjorothers Cayery genuine person genu'ine'ly

ady: genuinely SOrTy Senurine*nessmowm 划] Semus /"d5imaes/ 1OUn (P/ gen'era /denara/) (biology) a group into which animals, plants,,etc: that have similar characteristics are divided,smaller than a family and largerthan a SPECIES 一compare CLASS, KINGDOM, ORDER, PHYLUM 一see also GENERIC

geO-combpiming jnm (让 nouns, adjectives and adverbs) of the earth: geochemmical C geoscience SeO'Cemtric /,d5iiag'senitrik: NAmE ,d5i:o0-/ adj/ (techmical) with the earth as the centre

geo:des'ic /dsi:eu'desik; -di:stk;, NAmE

T [q aman who is polite and well educated, who has excellent manners _and _always behaves well: ThPamKk



,diou-/ ad

(techmnicol) relating to the shortest possible line between two points on a curved surface

,geoidesic ,dome' moun (orchitectureja powE which if built from panelswhoseiedges form geodesiclines

geodesic dome

SeOS:raplh.er/d5ibpgrefeGr); NAmE-a:g-/ mouvn a person Who studies geography; an expert in geography SeOS:Tra phy 0 /d5ipgrafi; NAmE-ad:g-/ noun 1 Lu] the scientific study of the earth's surface, physical features, divisions,, products, population,etc.: hurma7z/ Dhysical/economic/social geography 2 a SeograpPhy lessoTi/departmemnt/teacher/textbook 和 a desgree 训 5eography 了 [Sing.] the way in which the Dhysical features of a place are arranged: the geography of New 如 天 City 2 Km Kew 雪 e geography of the building anda strode along thecorridor 3 [sing.] theway 训 which aparticular aspect of life or Society is influenced by geographyor varies according to geography: The geography of poyerty and the geograpjy ofyoting are comnmnected. > geo'graph'ic:al /da5ize'graefrkl/ (also geo'graph'ic:/d5i:e'graefrk/) ad1.: The suryvey coyerSsQ Wide geographicalarea. Theirmport ance of thpe towm zs aue to is geogsraphical 1ocatiomr. geograph'ic'al:1y /li/ odv: geographically remote areas

geolo.gist/d5implad5ist; NMAmE-adl-/ nounia scieritist who Studies geology SeoloOgy /d5iplad5i; NAmE "alL/ moun 1 [U] the scientific study of the earth, including the origin and history of the rocks and soil ofwhich the earth is made:2:. [sing:] the origin and history'ofthe rocks and'soilofa particulat

area: 妇 e geology of the Brihsh sles geological /qd5izelpd5Ikl; NAmE-la:d5-/ adj: a geological sUTrvey geologically/,d5izelpd5Ikli; NMAmE-ladd5s-/ ady

geo'mag:net.ism /d5i:eumaegnetrzem; NAmE ,d5i:ou-/ JIOwUn [U] (geology) the study of the MAGNETIC characteristics of the earth .geomagnet'ic /idsizeum2segmetrk;

NAmE,d5izoo-/ qd

| ersay

| sogo(BrE

| oo go(MmE

| orboy

| zonear

| ea hair

| oue pure

Seomancy Seo'manmcy

648 /"d5ieoumaensi;)


"dsioo-/ 70o071


Tthe art of arranging buildings and areas iD a goodOr luckyposition 2 amethod ofsaying what will happen ip the future using Patterns on the ground

geo:met:ric /,d5iremetrrk/ (also /ess jequventgeo:metric'al /-ikl/) odj. ofGEOMETRY; oforlike thelines, shapes, etc,tused in GEOMETRY, especiallybecause of having Tegular shapes orlines: ageometric desigmn > geometrical.ly /dsi:emetrIkli/ adv

Seametric ' mean noun the central number in a geometric progression

geolmetric pro'Sression (also geoimetric 'series) noum a series of numbers in which each is multiplied or divided by:a fixed number to Produce the nextb for e 开 ample 1, 3, 9,27, 81 一 Compare ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION

geomi'etry /d5impmaetri NmE -aim-/ novn 人 [U the branch ofmathematicsthatdeals with the measurements and relationships of lines,angles,surfaces and solids 2 [sing.] the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, etc. in a Particular object or shape: the geoTmetry ofaspiders web

geoO-phys'ics /,d5i:eu'frziks; NAmE ,dsizou-/ moun [U] the Scientific study of the earth?s atmosphere, oceans and cli-

mate * geo.phys'ic.al /-'们zikl/ adj.: geopjhysical data geophysi'cist /-zrsIst/ Own EeoO:pol.it:ics /,d5i:eoppletiks; NAmE ,d5i:oopa:l-/ noun [U+sing./pl. v] the Political relations between countries and groups of countries in the world; the study of these Telations ” geo.pol.it'ical /,d5iseopa'lrtikl; NAmE,d5ioz-/ 0.


/do:di; NAmE "ds5oxrdi/ noun (BrE niormnah

1 [G a' person from Tyneside in NE'England Z [U] a way of speaking, typical of People from Tyneside in NE England Geordie adj:aGeordie accent

SeoO 六gette /,d5o:d5et; NAImE,d5oxr'dset/ noum [U] atype ofthin silk or cotton cloth, used for making clothes

Georgian /'d5o:xd5en; NAmE:'d5s5:rd5en/ .adj (especially ofARCHITECTURE and furniture) ffomthetime ofthe British kings George IIV (1714-1830): a 记ne Georgiar house

seo:therimal /,d5iiau'sinl; NAmE dsioz6srrml/ ad (geology) connected With the naturalheat ofrock deep im the ground: geotherrmal energy

ge:ra'nium /deremiem/ noun a garden plant With a


/d5szmaenIk; NAJEd53TI0E

0di Tcon-

nected with or considered typical of Germany oOF its People: She jhad ar_almost GerTmalic regsard for order 2 connected with the language familythat includes German, English, Dutch and Swedish among others ger-ma'niurm /dsa:zmemiem; NAmE d5s:r-/ noun [U]

(symb Ge) a _chemical element,, Germanium 这 a Shiny greyelementthat is similar to ametal (= is a METALLOID).


'measles (also ru'belia) "ov

:[U] a mild

infectious disease that causes a Sore throat and red.spots all over the body. It can seTiously affect babies born to Women who catch it soon after they become Pregnant.



novn (especially NAmB = Asa-

TIAN Sermicide /"d5s:mrsard; NAmE 'd53rm/ noun [GU] a Substance which destroys bacteria,etc. germmicidal /.d53:mmirsardl; NAmE,d55TIm/.0df gerimin:ate /dammert:NAmE'd5arm-/ vem几when the seed ofa plant germinates or is germinated, it starts to grow: [V] (jgwurative)Anideajfpranmnovel begarnto gerTmimate 识 her mmind. [also VN] 上 germination /,d532mrmerfm; NAmE,d5azrm-/ mouwn [U]

,germi Waifare novn TU] = BioOLOGICAL WARFARE eroOom:tOcC:racy /,d5eren'topkrasi; NAImE-ta:k-/ OU7LD -ies) [CU] a state,soOciety,or groUP governed by old People; goveInment by old People ” geron'tocrat'ic

/d5arpntekraetIk; NAmE-Tramte-/ adl/.





1nOUn (especially NAJIm 日a person Who studies the Process of people growing old


/,d5eron'tnpled5iy NAmE 了 en'ta:]-/ mou

[u] the scientifticrstudy of OLD AGE and the Process of growing old





imaenda(G)/ vemb-[VN] (disapproving) to change :the size andborders ofan areaforvotinginordertogiveantunfair advantage to one party 识 an election 六 .gerrymander-

ing (alsojerrymandering) .movn [U] gerund /dserend/ moun (grammananounin the form of the present participle of a verb (thatis,ending ip -ng) for example tagyelling 记 the sentence 1/ Preferred travelling alone.

Se.sta有 lt /ga'taelt; NAmE also stalt/ nown (Psychology) (from German) a setofthings, sucfkas aperson's thotghts OFT experiences,that is considered' as a Single system

mass of red, Pink or white flowers on the end of each STEM

which is different 位om the individual thoughts,,experiences, etc. Within 让

Seoil /,d5s:bzl; NAmE'd5arbzl/ mouvn a small desert ani-

ges'tate /dses'tert; NAmE 'd5estert/ verb [VN] (biology or 7medical) to carry a young human or animal inside'ithe

mal like amouse, that is often kept as a Pet

Seri'at-ric_ /,d5eri'zetrIik/ moun

1T geriatrics

[U] the

branch of medicine . concerned with the diseases and care of old people 2 [Q (Unformal/ o 无msive) an old Per Son, especially one with poor physical or mental health: T7mm mot a geriatric yeb YOU Know/ > geriatric adj.: the

geriatric Ward (= iDEahospital) ca geriatric yehicle (三 old and in bad condition)

Seria-tri'ciamn /dserie'trrfmn/ nouvn a doctor who studies and treats the diseases ofold people Serm /d5s2m; NAmE d5srm/ noun 了 [Gusually pl avery Small living thing that can cause infection and disease: DISimfectant Kil1s gerTns. 2 Dirty hartds camn be a preedinig ground Jor germs. 2 [sing] ~ of sth an early stage ofthe development of sth: Here was the germa of a Drilliamntiaea: 3 [q (bio/ogy) the Part of a Plant or an animalthat can develop into a new one--see also WHEATGERM Geriman /ds5aman; NAmE'd5srman/ adj ,0ouwmn 目 0dlj. 位om or coOnnected with Germany 昌 1OU1 了 [C] aperson from Germany Z2 [U] thelangtiage of Germany, Austria and parts of Switzerland

germane /dsa:2meIm; NAmEd5ssTrmm-/ aodj [notusuallybefore noun] ~ (to sth) (formal/) (ofideas, remarks, etci) cofnected with sth in an important Or appropriate way RELEVANT:


妨at are germamne to te discus-

Sio7 bbad

| ddid

| ffall|


| hhat

| jyes

WwWOoMB until it is born

ges:ta'tiomnm /ds5e'sterfn/ novun 1 [Lu,sing] the timne that the young of a person or an animal develops inside' its mothers body until it is born; the process of developing inside the mothers body: a baby porm at38 weekks' gestaton C The gestatiomt period of a horse 1 about eleyenm Tonths. 了 [U] (iormaj) the process bywhich an idea ora Plan develops DEVELOPMENT ges'ticu-late /dse'strkjulert/ verb [v] to move yoOUI hands and arms abonut ip order to _attract attention or make sb understand whatyou are saying: He gesticuiated

Wildly at the clock. > gesticulation /dse,stikjulerfn/ 1oOuUn [CU]: wild/ 刘 amntic gesticulafions Ses-ture /"dsestjaG)/ noun, ve 几 是 IOU1 了 [CU] a movement that you make With youT hands, yourhead or your faceto show aparticular meaning8: He made arude gesture atthe driyerofthe othercarF Sjhe imnished whatshe had to say With agesture ofaespair They cormmmiuricated emitirely by Sestlre. 卫 [C] Something that yot do or say to show a Particular feeling or intention: They sent Some 用owers as agesture ofsyrmpathyto the

Parents ofthe child. 丰 wasamicegesture( 三 过 rwas kindjto ivite hi Ww交 too. 8 We do not acceptTespoPs 盔 这brbutWe W记 reund 态 e 7mmoney G5 agesture ofgoodwillL co The govemmenthhas miade aSesture towWards PUbIic opiniomn (= has tried to do sth thatthe Public will like). enote at ACTION

| kecat

| ileg

| mman

| anow

| p pen

| rred

卓 VeE由 一(forto sb) (to do sth) to mova yotur hands, head, face, etc. as a Way of expressing what yot mean or want: [V usually+ adv7Vprep]Tsee youread alob7he said, gesLU7imng attheWwall ofbooks. c She gestured for 加 em io come 六.C [V that] He gestured (to 7me) that 让 Was time to go. They gestured t 切atTshould follow. [alsoVvN]

ge-Sumnd.he 计 /ga'zandhart/




German) used when sb has SNEEZED to wish them good


多 e 亡 0 /get/ verb (getting, got, got /gbti NMAmEga:t) Im spoken NATmnE the past participle got'ten /gbtn7 ga:tnyVis almost always tsed. *RECEIVE/OBTAIN

1 [VN] [no passivej] to receive sth:Tgota

Letter 万om Dayve 切 morning. C What(= What presents) did you getjfor your birthday2 e He gek (= earns) about $40000 ayear

c Ti room geg very little sumnshine


8&ot aQshock wher Tsaw the bi Tsget the impressionm that Phe 匡 pored with his jobp. 了 [no passive] ~ sth (for yourself/sb) | ~ (yourself/sb) sth to _obtain sth: [VN] Where didyou get(= buy) tatskirt2 c Did yowmmapnase io 8et ticket jor te concert? c She opened the door wider to geta better 1ook. CTTyto getsommesleep.OHehasjustgota mew jobp. C [VNN] WPy dontyou getyourse a car2? C [VN, VNN] Did yov get a present Jor your mot 妇er? c Did yo get your mmotherapresent? 3 [VN] [no passive] ~ sth (for sth) to obtain or receive an amount of moneyby selling sth: Bow7Tiuchnadidyougetforyour car? *BRING



to a place





FETCH: [VN] Quick 一go amd get aclothle Somebody 8geta doctor! CThayve to go and get my 加 other 方om te airport (= pick hertp)- 2 [VN,VNN] Get a drink fjor Jopm. GetjJohrmadrimnK *PUNISHMENT

瑟 [VN] [no passive] to receive sth as a Pun-

ishment: Fe got tem years (三 Was Sent to Drison for ten

years)Jor arrmied ropbery.

*BROADCASTS @ [VN] [no passive] to receive broadcasts from aparticular television or radio station: We ca get

Charel15 总 OUr area. *BUY 7 [VN]. [no passive] to buy sth, for example a newspaper' or magazine,IegularlyTAKE: Wichn mewspaper do you get2? *MARK/GRADE 8 _[VN]: [no passive] to achieve orbe given a Particular markVgrade in an exam: He gota 人了" 训 Chemmis-

fryand a 号 in ErrgIsP. *1ELNESS

@9 [VN] [no passive] to become infected with an

iness; to suffer' from a pain,etc.:Tgot this cold of (= from) youv! e She gets (= ,often suffers from) really pad jeadaches. CONTACT 190 [VN] [no passive] to be connected with sb by telephone:TWwanted :to speak to the 7mamager butTSgot his Secretary 训Stead. *STATE/CONDITION 11 /Hpkng verbito reach a particular state Or condition; to make sb/sth/yourself reach a particular state or condition: [V-AD 中 to getamgryADoreaunSTMot cc ZTE soon get Used to 二 e climate here. CTJWe OUght to go is'getting late coto get dressed/undressed (= to putyour clothes on/take your clothes off) c They plamto getmarried in thesurmrmer Shes upstairs getting Teadyx CTWouldnt go there alone; you night get (= be) TnUg8ed CO My car 8ot (= Was) stolem at the Weekend. EVN-ADI] Domn4 get your dress dirtyl c He got his ingers CQaUShE im the door ec She oomn got the children ready 1or school 多 note atBECOME T2 [vto infj toreach the point at Which you feel, know; are, etc. sth: After a time yoOU Set to realize 太 atthese 妇 in8s domnt 7matter CYCLELKe her Dice youU get to Know her Cis drinkingz getting to bea Droblerm. C Shes gettirg tobpe an old lady now. * MAKE/PERSUADE 13:tomake,persuade, etc. sbysth to do

sth: [VNto inf]Tcouldm 和 getthecartostartthis morning Te got his Sister to jielp Pa With Pis hommework coIDUPL Pieyver get Pi toUriderstand. 3 [VN -ing]l Camn you really 5et 张 atold cargoingagaii2cItsmnothard togetPhinatalking一 the Problermm zsStopPing Firm *GET STH DONE 14 [VN-AD 中 一sth done to cause sth to happen or be done: 7T7mnust get7my 太air cuE TU mneyer 5et QL1 ti WorK 记 misjhe 丰

>*START 15S5 [V -ing] to start doing sth:Tgottalkingto her 和 | ttea

| vvan



16 (njorma) [vto infl tohavetheoppor-

tunityto do sth: Begottotyoutallthemnewsoftware orlts Potjair一 Tmnevergetto 8go 沪rS >*ARRIVE 17 [V 十 adv7yprep]toarrive at'or reach aplace orpoint: We gotto Sa Diego at7ofclock..c Yougotinyery Iate IastPmighE 2 Whattirme didyougethere2CThaventgot VeryjJor with 切e pooK IT reading. *MOVE/TRAVEE 18 [+advVprep]tomovetoorfrom aparticular place orin aparticular direction, soImmetimes with difficulty; tc make sbysth do this: [V] The bridge was destroyed So We 56EalamtSetacross the7iyer Shegotinto bed. Fe gotdown 放 om 坊e Iadder- 3 We didntget(= go)to ped until 3a7m. 2 Where do We get ou the 50572 2T7m ge

tirng o六 (= leaving the train) at the next statiom. C WPere jhaye theygotto (= where arethey)2CWe7mrustbe getting Pome; 让SPastTmidriightE CT[VN] The gemieral had to get his 太00Ps across the river 2 We couldPniget the Diano 访rough thedadoor CeWedpbettercallataxiarid getyoujhorme Tcam 世 get the lid o 太 19 [VN] [no passive] -to se abus,taxi, Plane, etc.: WeTregoingtiopelate 一Iets getataxi. CTUSUalIy Setthe pus to WoTK.


20 ~ sth (for yourself/sb) -| ~ (yourself/sb) sth

(especialy BrE) to prepare a meal: [VN] Whos getting 妇 e Lupnch2C [VN,VNN] Tustgo home aid getteajor 雪e Kids. TuUst8o hormme and get 妇e Kids 雪 eir tea. *TELEPHONE/DOOR 21 [VN](nformal)to answerthe telePhone or a door when sb calls, knocks, etc:: Wi yo get thePphone? *CATCH/HIT


[VN] to catch ortake hold of sbjespecially

in order toharm or punish them: He Was on the ru Pra WeeK before 坊 eDolice gotFim. etogetsb By 雪 earTmvWFisty throat 2 She jl11 overboard amd the sharks got her CHe thinKs eyerybody 1 out to get him (= trying to harm him). e (7 龙ppmah) PILE getyou yjor 坊atl 23 [VN 十 advz7 prePp] tohit orwound sb: The pulletgot Pirmm 太 坊 e meckK. *UNDERSTAND 24 -[VN] [no passive] (Unfonman to under Stand sb/sth: Taomttgetyou CShe didntget tejoke. SIT aortgetit 一whywouldshe doathingiike that2?crTsgetthe

Tessage 一yOU domt Want me to cofme. 上 note at UNDERSTAND > HAPPEN/EXIST Z5S [VN] [no passive] (informal) used to say that sth hapPpens or exists: You get (= There are) all these Kids hamging arouna in 切e Street C Tey sll set cases of typhoid there. *CONFUSE/ANNOY 26 [VN] [no passive] (normalj) to make Sb feel confused_ because they do not Understand sth PUZZLE: “Whats the capital of Bulgaria22 You?ve got

me there (=Idontknow),

27 [VN] [no passive] (njo 广

/malj) to annoy sb: What gets mme is haying to do 夺e sammie thing all day Ionmg. Get is one of the .most common words ip English, but some People try to avoid ii in formal writing. IJ Most idioms containing get are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example get

sb;s goat is at goat. be getting 'on (norma1i1 (ofa person) to be becorming old 2 (of time) to be becoming late: The fmies gettimng on 一 We ought to be going be getting on for ..。 (especay BJB) to be nearly a Darticular time, age or ntumber:

夏 7mnUst be Settirtg on for7nidnight 和

Hes getting on Jor eighb' can't get 'over sth (njorma)) Used to saythatyou are shocked, sSurprised, amused, etc. bysth:TcamntgetoverhowrudesheyWwas. getawayfrom 主

all (formajh to have a short holiday/vacation in a Place Where yoti can Telax ,get 主'on (with sb) (s/amg, especiajjy NAImBitohave sex With sb get 许 (NAImE) 三 CATCHIT ,get 主 "up (510ng) (of a man)j to have an ERECTION get sb 名oOing (BE /normalj) to make Sb angry worried or exXcited get sb nowhere/not get sb anywhere to not help sb make Progress Or Succeed: This Limne of inyestigationz gettimg US TOWRere.2 Being rude to me WOoPnitgetyoU anyWhere. get somewhere/anywhere/nowhere to Imake some Progress 人 noprogress: After six momnthns wor天 OL the projecb at IastTfeelTrmgettngsomewhere.CrTaon 生 Seemn to pe getting anyWwhere With 坊 1etter getthere to achieve yoUr aim Or comPplete a task: Ta suUre yo get there 训 the end. Cjts notperfect but Were gettirig there

(= making progress) how selfishy stupid, ungrateful,

We need to get going S007L



| 可 wet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

| 5vision

| 可 chain

| djam

| ethin

| 5this

| D sing



etc. can YOU 'get? (/njommal/) used to express SUrprise OFr disapproval that sb has been so,selfish, etc. there's no

getting away from sth | you can't get away from

sth you have to admit that sth unpleasant is true what are you, Was he, etc. getting at? (/njormaj) used to ask, especially in an angry way what Sb is/was suggesting: Ta partty to blame? What exactiy are YOU 8etting at2

what has got into sbz (infommal) used to say that sb has

suddenly started to behave in a strange or different way: Whats got into Alex2? Fe mneyer Used to Wormy Like that ,geta'bout(BIrE) = GET AROUND

get above yoOurseilf (especiolly BrE) to have too high an opinion ofyourself iget a'cross (to sb) | ,get sthea'cross (to sb)tobe communicated or Understood; to succeed in commtunicating sth: Zur 7meariing didm 和 really get across. @ Hes Tiotyery &ood at getting his ideas across. ,get ahead (of sb)to make progress (furtherthan others have done): She wants to getahnead 训 her career CHesoom got ahead of the others in his class. get along 1 (usuallytused in the progressive tenses) to leave aplace: Jts tme We Were getting alon8g. 了字 三 GET ON ,geta'round 1 (BrEalso ,geta'bouttomove fromplace toplace or ffom person to person: She gets around with the Jelp ofasticKk.CNewssoongotaround 妇athe had resigmned. 了 (especially NMAmE) = GET ROUND

'get at sb (usually used in the Progressive tenses) to keep criticizing sb: Hes always gettimng at me. C She jeels shes peing gotat “get at sb/sth to reach sb/sth; to gain access to sb/sth: The Hiles are locKked up emdTcant get at 如emm. 'get at sth to learn or find out sth: The truth 1 sometirmes difficultto getat lgeta way 1 tohave aholiday/vacation: Were hopingto get awayjorajew days at Easter 一related noun GETAWAY

2 (BE Informal) used to show that youdo notbelieve or are SUIPrised byWwhat sb has said: 了These ickets didmt cost Teathing. ”Getaway/ ,geta'way (from -.. )to succeed in leaving a Place:TWwomtbe able to get away 方om 女 e of 太ce before

7Z_,get away (from sb/... )to escape from sb or a

Place ,get away with sth 1 to steal sth and escape with it: Thieyes 8g8ot away With computer _equipment Wor 雪 $30000. 一related noun GETAWAY 2 to receive a relatively light Punishment: Re Was LIUcky to get away With omly a fine. 3 to do sth wrong and not be Punished for it: Domt pe teTmpted to cheat-youal neyer get away Withn 下 C [+ -ing] Nopody gets away With insuling me like 雪 Qt 4 to manage with less of sth than you might expect to need: After tpe firstmmonth youUshould pe able to getaway Withn one Lesso7LaQ WeeF. ,get 'back to return, especially to your home: What tirmne did yo get pack last 7iight2? 只 note at _RETURN ,Eet sthibackto obtain sth again after having lost it: She got her 01d job bacKk. CTnmneyer Iend booKs 一yoU meyer Set

thermm bacKk. ,get back (in)(of a political party) to win an election after having lost the Previous one ,get ,back at sb (infommaj) to do sth bad to sb who has done sth bad to youi to get REVENGE on Sb: ITILindayway ofgetting pack at him ,get 'back to sb to speak or write to sb again later, especiallyin order to give areply:TLLnad ouvtand getpack toyou ,get'backto sthto return to sth: CouldwegetpacK to tphe questiomn of fmnding2?2

iget be'hind (with sth) to fail to make enough progress orto produce sth atthe righttime: T7mmge 丝 mngpehnina Witn TY Work. CHe gotpehnind with tpnepayrmemnts jormis car iget ,by (on/in/with sth)to-manage to live or do a particular thing using the money knowledge, equipment, etc. that you have: How does she get py om SUCh a small Salary2? CTcamjust abpoutget pyinGerman (三Ican speak basic German). ,get 'dowmn (of children) (Br6) to leave the table after a meal ,get sb down (injrmal)to make sb feel sad or de-

Pressed ,get sthe'dowm 1 to swallow sth, usually with difficulty 2 tomake anote ofsth WRITE DOWNI: Did yougethismurmzperdown2 ,get'downto sth tobegin to do sthj to give .Serious attention to sth: Lets get dowm to business. CTIike to getdowm to work py9.c [+ -ing] 到 s 丰 7mneTgotdowm to thninking abotttphatessay.

jget 'in -|,get 'into sth 1 toiarrive at aplace: THhe traim got in Iate. CoWhat tmne do you get into Heathrow? 2 to Win an election: The Repuplicarn camdidate stards a good chamce of getting in. C She First gotinto Parliament (=be-

came an MP) 识 2001. 3 to be admitted to a school UniVerisity,etc.: Shes got 训to Durham to Study Law ,get

sb'in to call sb to your hotuse to do a job ,get sth< in

Tto collect or gather sth: io get the crops]Raryest 庚 2 to buy asdupply of sth: Rememper to get 访 3507ne beers 帮pr 切 evening 3 to manage to do or say sth:Tgot 广 am jhours Work WPaile the baby Wasasleep. 人 She talks so 7mUCF is 订ipossible to geta Word in get in on sth to take Part in an activity: Bes hopingto get 训 OPLaPY discussio7as QpoUt

the mew project ,get in with sb (informalj) to become

friendly with sb, especially in order to gain an advantage ,get 'into sth 1 to put on a piece.of clothing, especially with difficulty: T camt 8Sget 识to these 5Shoes一 eyre 切 too S1mall_ QZ to start a career 也 a particular Profession: WPats 雪e best way to get into journalism2? 3 to become involved in sth; to start sth: Tgotinto comyersatiom With am Ttaliam student etogetintoaFgpht 4 todevelopaparticularhabit: Domi#Ietyourselfgetinto bad habits.7ZDUshould Setinto the routine ofsaying the documentyouare WOorKing

omeyery tenTminutes.CHow didshe getinto (三 Starttaking) drugs2 邱 (njormal)tobecome interested in sth:T7mz realy Settimng into jazz these days.@G to become familiar with sth; to learn sth: Thayentreally got into my mew JOBD yeE ,get into sth | ,get yourself/sb into sth to reach a particular state or condition; to Iake sb reach a particular State Or condition: He got into 厅oUBIe With the police while Phe Was SilL at schooL 2 TPree people Were rescued 万ofm a yachtWwphichp gotinto aificulties. e She gotjherselF into ar7eal State (=became Very anXious) before 坏e 识 teryiew. ,get 'off | ,get 'off sb used especially to tell sb to stop totching you of another person: Get o矿me, 态at Parts/ get 'off | ,Set sb off 1 to leave aplace or start a jotrney; to help sb dothis: We gotofrstiraightafter bpreakfast He got 妇e children o 太 to SchoolL 了 (BrE) to fall asleep; to make sb do this:TRhada greatdaizficulbr getting ao 太 to Sleep TPhey couldmtget the by o太 tl midmight ,get off | ,get "off sth to leave work With permission: Could youw get o厅 (work) early tomiorrow? ,get 'off sth | ,get sb 'off sth to Stop discussing a Particular subject; to Imake sb do this: Please camn We get o 矿 te SUDbject of dietimng2 CTcoulGPLt get Pi7m o太 politics omnce he jhad started ,get sth 'o 帮 to send Sth by postVymail: TI must get these Ietters off 说 st 态ing tommorrow ,get'off on sth (njo77701) to be excited by sth, esDpeciallyin a sexual way ,get 'O休 (with sth) to havemno or almost noinjtries 识 an accidente She was JUcjky toet offwith justafew bruises. ,get'o人f(with sth) | ,getsb'off (with sth)toreceive no or almostno ptinishment; to help Sb dothis: HeWas 1Uckyto geto 太 with asmallhinre SAgood Iawyer migRht pe able to getyouo 丰 ,get offwith sb(ipjfor /mah) especially BrE):to have a sexual or Tomiantic experience with sb; to start a SexXual Telationship with sb: Steve Sotofr with Traceyattheparty

get on T (also ,Set along) tised to talk or asKk abonut how well sb is doing in aparticular situation: Hes gettimg omYery Well at schooLLS How did yo get on at the imte 六 YieW? 了 to be Successful in youT career'etc.: Parents are aways armxXious 加or their chilaren to get of CTdormtt now howihes going to Set or in life 3(also ,getialong)ito manage OF SUIViVe: We cam get om perfectly Well withnout jer CTjustcantgetalong Withnout asecretary ,get'onito sb 1 to contactsb bytelephone,letteroremail: The heating EnEWorking TU Set on to 轨 e Iandlord about 让 2 to become aware of sb's activities,especially when they have been doing sth bad or illegal: He had peem stealing TOPney 方o7m 妇e co1mPDamny for years before 坊ey got on to ji ,get'onto sth to begin totalkabout anew'subject: Js timne We goton to the questioft ofcosts. iget'on with sb

| get 'on'(together)(both BrEj(also ,geta'long with sb, getalong (together) NAmE5 BrE)tohave a friendlyrelationship with sb: Shesmeyer really gotom Withn hersister She and her Sister haye neyer really gotom. C We get along Just fine together ,get 'on with sth 1:(also-getialong With sthj used to talkor ask about how well sb is doing atask: T7m motgetting on Very JastWwith thisjob.、2-to continue doingisth, especially after an interruption: Be quiet ad get onLWith your WofFKk. e (niormal Get on with it We

acati| dz father | eten | s: bird | a about | zsit | 袜 see | imany | pgot(Br6

| ozsaw | Acup


put | utoo

Payentsgotall aay. ,get “Out to _ become known: 矿 this trouUple、,get sth 一'out 1 to produce We get 妇 e booKk out py the end of the With difficulty: She mmamnaged to get

thamnks、,get 'out (of sth)to leave or go onut of a Place: TYpDu ought to 8et out of the house more. 2 She screaTmed at ne to getout ,get 'outof sth 1 to avoid a responsibility or duty: We promiised Weid go 一we cantgetout of 让 now e [十 -ing 工wiSR Tcould get Out of going to 雪 at meeting. 2 to stop having a particular habit: Tcani get out of the hapitofwaking ats 广 访the mmorning getsth 'out ofsbto perstade sbtotell or give yo sth, especiallyby force: The

Police firialy got a comjfessiomr outof her ,get sth 'out of sb/sthto gain or obtain sth good

在omm sb/sth: Sjhe see77s

togetalotoutoflife.cHeawaysget 坊 ebestoutofpeople. get 'OVer sth to deal with or gain control of sth OVERCOME: She camtt get OoVer her sfymness.CTthinKk the Droblerm ca be got oyer Without too mmuch difficulty get 'Over stlh/sb to return to your usual state of health, happiness, etc. after an illness, a shocki theendiofarelationship, etc.: He Was disappointed at not getting the job, Dut heTL get-over 让 ,get sthe'over (to sb) to make sth clearto sb: He didmntreally gethis meaming overto the audi-

ence. ,get sth “over (with) (njrmal) to complete sth Unpleasant but necessary: TIL be glad to get 妇e exam

over and donmne with.

get 'round/a'round sbto persuade sb to agreeor to do Whatyouwant usuallyby doingnice things forthem: She Knows howto Setround herdad get'roundya'round sth to deal with a Problem successfully OVERCOME: A Cleveriawyer mnight 太ndaWway ofgetting round that clatuse.

get 'round/a'round to sth to find the time to dosth: 了 1neant to do the ironing putT didrnt set round to 让 [十 -inglThope to get around to armsWeringyour Ietter next WeeK.

'get through sth 1 to use Up alarge amount of sth: We got 太 rough a jortune While we were 识 New York! 2 to manage to do or complete sth: Fets start 一轨eresa lot to

get through。、 ,get through (sth)(BrE) to be successful in an exam, etc. ,get sb 'through sth to help sb to be successful in an exam: She got all her Students 雪rough 雪 e

exa1mr, ,get 'through (sth) | ,get sth 'through (sth)to be oficially accepted; to make sth be officially accepted: They got 妨 e bi 纺rousgh Congress,,get 'through (to sb) Tto reach sb: Thousarnids of refusgees w 记 die 洲 切ese SUDPlies dom和 isgett 妇 roush to them. 2 to make contact with sb bytelephone:Ttriedcallingyouseyeral trmes DuUETCOUIGmL

8getthroush、 ,get through (to sth)(ofaplayer orteam)to Teach the next stage of a competition:


has got

态rough to the final ,get 'through to sb to make sb Understand or accept what you say, especially when yoU are trying to help them: 工作 了 nd 让 imipossible to get 如 rou8P

to her get 'through with sthto finish or comPplete a task 'get to sb (njormaj) to annoy or affect sb: The pressure of Work is pegimnming to get to Pirmm.

Set sb/sth to'gether to collect People or things in one Place: T7m tying to get a team togetpher for Saturaday ,get

to'gether (with sb)jto meet with sb socially or in order to

disctss sth: We must get together for a drinK soTmetirme. 和 MamagemeTtt should get toge 妇 er With the umniom. 一related

noun GET-TOGETHER get 'up 1 to stand Up after sitting, ]ying, etc,


Theclass gotup 凤 hen the teacher came z. 只 Dote at STAND 2 ifthe sea or wind gets Up, it increases 雇 strength and

becomes violent get'up| ,getsb'upto getoutofbed; to make sb get out of bed; He always getks UDP early 2 Could

Jyouget7mme UD at 6.30 toTmorrow? ,get yYOuUrself/sb 'up as sth [often passive] (BrE) to dress yoUrself/sb as sb/sth else: She Was got upD as at 矶 dian Princes5. 一related noun GETUP ,get sthe'upto arrange oO organize sth: We7e gettimng

Iaparty forher birthnday ,get'up to sth 1 to reach a Particular point: We gotUP to page 72 Iast lesson. 了 to be busy with sth,especially sth surprising or Unpleasant': WRhatom earthi will Phe getup to next? 2 Shes Dee Setting UDto herold fricks again/

名et:away /'"geteweI/ 1ouU1 [usually sing」 1 an escape from a difficult situation,especially after cOmmitting a crime: to maKke a quUicKk Setaway Ca Setaway car 也 a


| amy

| aonow



ge6 OUE 雪 ere 人 De or publish sth: Wi year? 2 to saysth out a jw words of

| ersay

short holiday/vacation; a Place that is suitable for a holiday/vacation: aromaanitic WeeKkend getawayNewZorke the DODUIar 1Iamnd getaway of Penamg 区 et-Out7moun [usually sing.] (Br 局7njormmal) awayofavoiding sth,especially a responsibility or duty: He said he:da Come DuUt hes 1ooKking Jor a getout oa get-out clause 训 tpe coPtract

Set.ting/ getrm/ moun [sing.] [GEI while the ,getting is 'good


get-tOSetlsst on

U0jommal) an informal meeting; a

Party 可et-UiPp 00OU0 (old-joshioned,injormal) aset of clothes, especially strange Or UnUsual ones

get-up-andgo ou

[U] (normal) energy and deter

Imination to get things done Sew:.gaw /'9jugo:z; NmE also 'gu:-/ noun an object that attracts attention but has no Value or1tise Sey.Ser 1/gizeGD); NAmE'gaIzar/ noun 了 anatural SPRING that sometimes sends hot water or Steam Up into the air

2 (Br a piece of equipment in a kitchen or bathroom that heats Water tsually by gas 3 (SA1rE) a large container in -which water is stored and heated,usually by electricity in order to Provide hot water in abuilding Shagra /gaAgraz/noun along skirt worn by women in S Asia

Sha:raray/gArara/ n0Un loose wide trousers, worn with aKAMEEZ and DUPATTA by women in S Asia

Shar.ial /'gaeria:l; ,gAria:; NAmE 'geriel/ (also ga-vial 1/geivial/) nouwnasS Asian CROCODILE


/gd:stli; NAmE 'gaestli/ ad (ghast'lie5_ghastli-

estl 了 of an event) Very frightening and unpleasant, becaltlse 让 involves Pain,death,etc. HORRIBLE: Q Shastiy _crime/Armurder 2 (nformal/) (of an experience or a Situation) Very bad; Unpleasant TERRIBLE: TJhie Weather Was gjiastb C IEs al been a Shasttby Taistake: 3 (Unformal) (of a person or thing) thatyou find linpleasant and dislike very much HORRIBLE: her Shastly Pusband 2 This Lipstick ia ghastty colour 4 [not usually before noun] 齐/sick or upset TERRIBLE: 了 万 此gjhasty the mnext day 5 (lterary) very pale in:appearance, like a dead person: His jce was Shastiy wRite.

8hat/gczt/ mouwn (PadE) T [Cstepsleading downto ariver or lake 2 [Cl aroad or way over or through mountains

3 Ghats [pl.] the miountains near the eastern and western coasts ofIndia Shee /9i:/ "ov _[U] a type of butter used 训 S Asian coOoking Sher-kKin /gs:km; NMAmE 'gaTrkm/ moun 1T(BrE) (NAImE

pickle) a small CUCUMBER that has been PreserVed 逊 VINEGARbefore being eaten 了 (NAmBasmall CUCUMBER Shetto /geteo; NAmE 'getou/ noun (P/ -0s or -0e9 1 an area of aicity where many People of the same Trace Or background live, separately from the rest of the population. Ghettos are often_ crowded, with bad living condi-

tions: Q Poor Kid growing UPD 识 the 8ghetto C The South coast of Spain Fas become Something of a tourist Shetto. 2 the area of a town where Jews were forced to live in the past: te Warsaw ghetto

'ghetto blaster (also 'boom box especially 记 NMAm 且 MnOuUn (njformal) alarge radio and CD or CASSETTE Player that can be cartied around, especially to Play loud music in Public

名 hil.ie ovn = GILLIE 名most/gaust; NAmEgoust/ noumn, Ye 几 旧IOU1 了 [C] the spiritofa dead person thataliving person believes they can see or hear: Do you belieye im ghoszs (= bejlieve that they existj2 e the ghost of her ftpher 纺 at Pad co7mne pack to haumntphereEelooked as ifhne had seerlaghost (= looked very frightened), 2 [C] the memory of sth, especially sth bad: The ghost of amiti-Semitisrm Still Paunmts FUrope. 3 [sing] ~of sth avery slight amotnt ofsth that is left behind or that you are not Sure teally exists: There

| s08go(Br昌 | ou go (NMm 昌 | 5fboy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure


652 |

Wasaghostofasmile on hisjoce.CYoudonthjhavyeaghostof

Q chance (= you have no chance).

4 [sing] a second

image on a television screen that is not as clear as the first, caused by a fault [IE give up the 'ghost 1 to die

2 (huimorous) (ofamachine)to stop working: Mycar 广mal1Jy gaye tp the ghost 一more at FORMER 目 VE/凡 了 = GHOSTWRITE 2 [V 十 qdv]prep] ieramy) to Imove without making a sound: They ghosted UP te S1n00 妇 Waters of tpe riyer

ghost'inmg /"geostrm; NAmE 'gou-/ noum [U] the appearance of a faint second image nextto an image om atelevi:

Sion Screen, coOmPpHter Screen, efc. ghost.jy /geostli; NAmE 'goustli/ ad looking orsounding like a ghost; full of ghosts: a ghosty 太gure C ghostyy Jootsteps co 切eghostty churcpyara ' host 吕 story moum astory about ghosts thatis intendedto 全 ijghten you

gilbe = JIBE .Silb.lets /dsrblets/ moun [pl theinsidepartsofachicken or other bird, including the heartand LIVER, that are Ustallyremoved before it is cooked

giddy /gzdi/ adj. (gid.diec gid,di'sst)T [not usually before noun] feeling that everything is moving and thatyou are going to fall DIZZY: WjherTlIooked dowm 太 om thetop Jioop Tfeltgiddy 了 [not usually before noun] ~ (with sth) So happy and excited that you cannot behave normally: She Was giddy wii态 Phappiness. 3 [usually before nounj] making you feel as 计 you-were about to fall: The jcids Were Pushing 女 e7roridapoutatagiddyspeed (jguwratve)

the giddy jheights of success 4 (old帮shioned) (of people) not serious SILLY: Jsabel1s giddy youmng sister 此 gidqily /gidzli/ adv: Shesswayed giddily across the daamce Joorygid.diness /'grdines/ mown [U]: Symptoms include

,gidady- up exclomaotiion ised as a command toalhorseto Iakeit gofaster

SShost traim 207.(BrE) a small train at a FUNEFAIR:that

GHFTM /grf/ .noun (computing) atype of compnuter file that contains images and is used alot on the Internet (abbre-

goes through adark tunnel full of frightening things

ghost'write /geustrart;:NAmE'goust-/ (also ghosi ye 册

Viation for 'Graphic Interchange Format): Send 让 asQaG束

to write a book, an article, etc. for another person who publishes it as their own work: [VN] [often passive]: 有 er TeTmOoirs Were ghostwritten. [alsoV]


/gift/ noum vehb

四]IOU 了 athingthatyou giveto sb, especiallyon aspecial Ooccasion of to Say thank yoU PRESENT: THe Watcj Was aSgi 失 万omE7ny miother ThanKyoU 有 六 yoOUF Seieroas SF oaHeegitftjoreyeryreaderethegforl 旋So(Urol ThejornitymaadeagifiofpisPpaintnrgszi 雪 egallermy cofes

ghost.wWriter /geustrarteGD; NAmE 'goust-/ noun_a PerSon Who writes a book, etc. for apother person; under Whosename itis then Published

ghoul /gul/ noun 1(in:stories)-anevil spirit that'opens

oftoys for the children 卫 一 (forsth/for doing sth) anat

graves and eats the dead bodies in them 了 (disapproving) aperson Who is too interested in Unpleasant things stich as death and disaster 卢 Shoulish /gu:lrf/ ad/.: gshoulisp IaugRter

tral abijlity TALENT: She has agreatg 丰for7music 和 He has thegift ofrmnaking 广iends easily o She caripickUpa turie instantty on te Piano Its a gii 3 [usually sing],

(njormnah athing thatiswery easyto do or cheap to bu Their second goal Was ar apsolute gi拒 CAE E500 is ag 掏

GHQ /da5i: ertj kjuz/ noun [U] the:abbreviation for general headquarters': (the main centre ofamilitaryorganiza-

II the gift of the 'gab-(Br6 (Us a gift for/of 'gab

(Unformnal,sometimes disapproving) the ability to speak easily and to persuade other People with your words look a gift horse in the 'mouth (usually with negatives) (njormal) to refuse or criticize sth that is givenito you for nothing 一more at GOD 目YE上 b (BrE) (used especially 记 JOURNALISM) to give sth to sb Withouttheir having to make anyeffortto getit: [VNN] They8gified thei 庆oppoments a8OaL 2 [VN] Theygifiedagoal to 如 eir oppomem.

tion): Be was posted to GHQ Cairo.

GHzobbor (in writing) GIGAHERTZ @i1/d5i: ar/ noun (P/ Gl9 asoldier in the US armed forces


bright part bigger than a SEMICIRCLE and smaller than a circle

PaUsea aid giddimness.

hosttowmnmoviatownthatusedtobebusyandhavea lotofpeople living in it, butis now empty


gilb.bous /'grbsas/ adj (iechnical) (of the moom) with the

/dzarent/ 1001 0( 丰

四IOUm 了 (in storiesja verylafge strong pefsonwhois often cruel and stupijid 一see also GIANTESS 2 an unustually large Persom animal or plant: He agiantofarnan. 3 a Very large and powerful organization: the mulnaiomal oil giantts 4 a person who is very good at sth: literary Stats 8

'it 名 certificate mo (NA7E) 三 GIFTTOKEN

是Qdlj. [only before noun] very larfge; much larger or more important than similar things usually are: a giantt crab QSIantsize Dox of tissues CQagiantstep toWwardas acJiieyvipng zadependemce

Sift'ed /grttrd/ ad Thaving a lot of natural ability of

Siamt.ess/,dq5alen'tes/ noun (in stories) a female giant giant'ism /"d5arentrzem/ nowm[U] 三 GiGANTISM

'Sift shopmourashop/storethatsells goodsthatare suit-

intelligence: a Siied musiciarAplayep etc. o gifted ci daren 辽 一 with sth having sth pleasant: He was gifted wii Gcharmaing s7mmile. able for giving as presents

'gift tokemn (also "gift vouchen (bo让 B7 朋 (NA万 ESgift

“Siamt-killernrovn (BrE) (especially in sports) a Dersonm or

Certificate)movnapiece ofpaperthatiworthapartictu: lar amount of money and that can be exchanged for goods in a Shop/store

team that defeats another Imnuch strongerOpPonent

,giant 'pandamovn = PANDA(1) ,Siant slalomovn asLALOVSKIING competition overa

gif wrap noun [U] attractive coloured or patterned

long distance, with wide fast turns

paperused for wrapping Presents 记

Sib.bery/dsmbaGD/ ve 放 to speak quickdyin awaythat difficult to Understand,often


of fear:

' gift-wWralpyvemb(:pp] [VN] [often passive] to wrap sth asa

[V] Be

Present for sb, especially 记 a shopy/store: Would yozj 庆 ce the chocolates StWrapped2 C The store ojers a gifEWrap-

COWered 碎 雪 e cormner SiDpbering With terroF C By this te TWas agibbering WrecK. [also v speech]

&ib.berish /dsrmbaerrf/ moun [Uu] (UPjormaI words 包 拭 haVve

Do Imeaning or are' impossible to _understand NONSENSE: ZU Were talKing Sipberisp 训 yOUF SIeeD.

gilb:lbet /dsrbrt/ noun (old帮shioned) a Vertical wooden Structure








ER GALLOWS Sib.bonm /grbsn/ novn a small APE (= an animal like a large MONKEY Withonut a tail) with long arms, that lives in SE Asia


| ddid

Ding SeTVice.

有 i 爱/9gIg/ jiovn Ta performance by musicians playing Pop music or JAZZ in front of an atidience; a similar performance by a COMEDIAN: to do agig Ca White Stripes 5ig 2 (NMAmE informal ajob, especially atemporary one: Q Sig as Q pasKetpball coach 3 (infornal -= GIGABYTE 有 3 small light CARRIAGE With two Wheels,pulled by one horse 四jga- /'gIga-; 'd5rIga-/ combpjining /rm (iD notns; used 让

units of measurement) 10? or 230: gigahertz

| ffal

| 9gget,

| hhat

| jyes

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| 了anow

| p pen

| Tered

Siga'lbyte /grgebait/ (also jjormalgi训 ) moun (bbr Gb)

(computing) a tinit of computer memory edquial to 230 (or



about abillion) BYTES

gigaflop /gzgsfiop; 'a5-; NAmEflapy/ mou7 (computing)a

unit for meastring a computers speed, eqtial to approximately one billion operations per second

Siga'hertz /gigaha:ts; 'd5T; NAmE -haxrts/ noun (p/ gigahertz) (oppr GHz) (computing, physics) aunitfor measuring radio waves and the speed at which a computer operates; 1000000000 HERTZ

SiSaii'tic /dq5argaentrk/ odj exttemelylarge MOUS, HUGE


Si'gant'ism /dsargaentrzzem; 'd5argaentrzeam/, (also Siant'ism /dsarentrzem/) 0oun [U] (medica1) aicondition 也 Which sb grows to an untsually large size

Simmick /ganak/novn (often disapproving aritunusuai trick or Unnecessary device that is intended to attract attention Or to persuade people to Duiy sth: apromotioPm-

GaIAPUDbIicity/sales SimaTmick adj:agirmnimmicky idea



Sim-mmick:ry /gmnikri/ novn [Uj (disapprovimnsgj the use of gimmicks in selling, etc.

Sgin /dsmy/ novn T [U] an alcoholicdrinaKmade fromn grain and flavotred with JUNIPER BERRIES, Gin is usually drunk mixed with TONIC WATER or fruit juice.-see also PINK GIN QZ il aglass of gin: 7 haye a Sin and tionic Dilease. 3 三 COTTON GIN

Sim.Eer /dsmdsa(r)/ moun, ad ,ve访

Sig.gle /grgl/ verb mon 目 VeE几 一 (at/about sb/sth) to laugh in a silly waybecause you are amused,, embarrassed or nervous: [V] The &iFrs 8gisSgled aot 纺 ejoKke. c They 8giggled nieryousIy as theyWaited

思 7 切eir turn. [also Vspeech] 昌 POU [C] aslight silly repeated laugh: She gave a me 六 VOUS 8i88Ie. CS Matt collapsed into giggles and hung up 妇e

昌 mOUn [U] 了T therootoftheginger plantused in cooking as asSpice: da teaspoon of ground ginger C (BrE) ginger Discuits 之 alight brownish-orange colour 上四0dj.(B1E) light brownish-orange in colour: gimnger hair oa SSger CQt

晶 _VeE儿 ,ginger sth/sb glorious.ly zdv

glory /glori/ novn, verb 目 ]OU1 了 [U] fame, Praise or honotur that is given to sb be-

cause they have achieved sth important: Olympic glory 识 the 100 metrescTdo al 妇 eworK and he getks allthe glory 和 She Wantedto emjoy herTmomentofsglory SFecame jiomea Fich ma coyvered 训 8lIory 2 [U] praise and Worship of God: Glory to God inthehighesb 3 [U] greatbeauty: The City Was SDread ouUtpeneath us 训 allits glory CThe house jas noW beent restored to is former sliory 4 [aq a Special cause for Pride, respect or pleasure: The termmple is one of the glories of anmcient Greece. C Her Iong Black hair 这 her crowmin8 8IOFY (= most impressive feature). 一see also REFLECTED GLORY


(glories, glory'ing; gloried, glor'ied)


in sth

to _get great pleasure ,or enjoyment -from sth REVEL: She gloried in her new-found idependence. 'glory days mo 万 [pl.] atime in the past which people lookback on as being better than the Piesent gloss /glps; NAmE glo:s; glazs/ moum, ve贱 上 0OU 了 [U,sing.] a shine on a smooth surface: paper Wit Qish 8loss on one side C THhe gel giyes your hair a gloss. JoUucanm haye 切 ephotos Witp eitheragloss oramattHinis几

2 [U] (often

识 compounds)

a stbstance designed to

make sth shiny: 1ipgloss 3 (also ,gloss'paint [U] paint

Which,, when dry has ahard shiny surface: hnwo coats oF gloss 4 [u,sing.] aniattractive appearance that is only on the suirface and hides what is not so attractive: Bemneat 态 e gloss of success Was a trasgic priyate 1 3 This scandal jas taKken the gloss'o 矿the occasion. 5 [C 一 (on sth) away of explaining sth to make it seem more _attractive OF acceptable: THe director PuES a Hollywood gloss om 轧e ciy这 War @ [q~(onsth) anote or comment added to apiece of writing to explain a difficult word or Phrase 司 YE [VN] ~ sth (as sth) to add a note or comment to a Diece of writing to _explain a difficult word or idea

,gloss over sthto avoid talking abonuit sth unpleas-

ant Or embarrassing by not dealing with it in detail' to 8loss OYVerQProblemeFeglossed oyeranysplis 识 theparty

gloss'ary /glopseri; NAmE 'glo:s-; 'gldzs-/ moun (PL -ie9g a listof technical or special words, especially those in aparticular textb explaining their meanings

glossy/'glosi; NAmE,'glo:si; 'gla:si/ adj ,mou1

ce下 Was a

昌 Gdj. (gloss'ier glossi'esb 1 smooth and shiny: glossy hair


and gloormy daxy 2sad and without hope GLUM: aG8Ioo1myYexXpressionC We Satin gloomaysilence. 3 Withott much hope of success or happiness iD the future DEPRESSING: Q SIoomIy Picture of the couUTtryS ecoPnomic 甩 ture 2 Suaddaenl the 所 ture didnt 1ooKk so

2 a 81ossy brochnure/Tmnagaxine (= Piinted on shiny paper) 2 giving an appearance of being important and exXpensive: 妨 eglossy World of foshionm 目IOUM (D/ -ies (BE, Informaj) an expensive Iagazine Printed on glossyPpaper with a lot of colour photographs, etc.

gloomy afterall gloomily/ai/ odv;: estared gloomiyy atthe phome. gloomimnessnovn [U]

glot'tal /glotl;i NAmE 'glaztl/ noum 人 Sound produced bythe glottis > glottalocd/

DEPRESSING: Q 8LO071TY roo7mMatrmosphere

giloopy/olup/ (BrE) (MAmE glopy/glop; MAmEgladp/) nouwn [WU (porma/) a thick wet substance thatlooks; tastes ,or

feels unpleasant


| army

gloopy(BrE)(NAmE gloppy cd/

| aonow

| ersay

| sogo(Br6)

a Speech

,Slottal stop noun (phonetics) a speech sound made by closing and opening the glottis, which in English sometimes takes theplace of a /t/, for example in butter

| ou go (MmBE

| or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


660 |

glot'tis:/,glotis; NAmE'glast/ mon (anatomy) thepart of thethiroatthat containstheVOCAL CORDs amnd the narrow opening between them 列



/glAv/ 7m0u1

-glum /glAm/ adj-sad, quiet and unhappy The Players Sat 妇ere_ With gurm

a covering for the hand, made of wool leather, etc. with separate parts for each finger and the thumb: a Pair of gloves C_ rubber 8loyes 2 gardaening 8loyes 一Dicture 祁

PAGE RI4 一compare MITTEN 一See alsO BOXING,OVEN GLOVE [DO the gloves are off: used to say that sb is ready for a Hght or an argument 一more at FITY,HAND 1 IRON 0dj/.,KID 放-

glove compartment

glug /9g1Ag/ ve 友,noU7 (imnjrmmah 四 VE 疙(-g-) 下 [V 十 adyVprep](oflidquidjtopour outquicke lyandnoisily, especially from abottle 2 [VN]to drink sth quickly: She glugged ,dowm aglass of water 日IOU1 asmall amount of a drink orjliquid poured out

(also glove box) mov asmall

space or shelffacingthe front seats ofacamp usedforkeep: ingsmall things in 一 Picture SPAGE RI gloved /glava/ dj [usuallybefore noun] (ofahand) wear地gaglove

glove puppet(B 章(NMAmE'hand puppet) noun atype


looks om

切eir 加ces.

glum.ly.adv: The three of us SatSIUrmly Iooking outto SeQ.

glut /glAt/ novm; ye贱 上 IOUm [usuallysing] ~ (of sth) a sittiation im which there is Imore of sth than js needed of can be tsed SURFEIT: QaGSgLutofcheap yideos other7market [9 SHORTAGE 目 Verb (tt-) [VN] [usually passive] to_ supply or Provide sth With too much of sth: The 7market has peer glutted with 加 reign caTs.

glu'ten /gluztn/ noun [u] asticky substance thatis amixture oftwo PROTEINS and jsleft when sSTARCHis Temoved from flour, especially wHEAT flour: We sell a ramSe of SIuten-free products (= not containing gluten).

of PUPPET that you Put over yoUI hand armd move Using yoUI fingers

glutes /gluzts/ moun [pl.] (njornmah the muscles in the

glOw /glao; NmEglou/ verb, noun 四 Verb 了 (especially of sth hot or warm) to produce a dull,

glu'teus /gluzties; NAmE also gluzties/ (also ,gluteus

steadylight: [V] The embers sillglowed 坊 ehearth. The Sfrap jhas a jiuorescent coating that gilows 训 the dark [V-ADI] A cigarette end glowed red 识 她e darKkness. 只 note at SHINE 2 [V] ~ (with sth) (ofa persons body or face)jto look or feel warm or pink, especially after exercise or because ofexcitementb embarrassment, etc:: TercheeKks We7e glowing. c is 训 ce glowed with embarrassmenit 3 [V] 一 (with sth) to look very Pleased or satisfied: She Was poOs tivefy glowing With priade. C He gaye her a Warm gowing

mtile. 双 ~ (with sth) to appear a strong,Warm colouT:

BUTTOCKS thatmove thetop ofthe leg

muscle) own each BUTTOCK

(anatomy) any of -the three Imtscles .让

Slu-tin'Ous /glurtenaes/ adji. sticky: glIutimnous rice glut.ton /'glAtn/ novn 1 (disapproving)aperson who eats too much 了 二 for punishment/work a person who enjoys doing difficult or unpleasant tasks > glutton'ous /glAtenaes/ adfj. GREEDY

glut'tony /glAteni/ noun: [u] the habit of eating and drinking too much GREED gly'cerinme /glisarim; Tim; NA 万 ETen/(especialjy Br 日(US

[V] The coumtyside glowed With auturmm co10U7S. CO [V-AD 有

usually gly'cerin

The prick walls glowed red

Sweet clear liquid made from fats and oils and Used 雇 medicines, beatty products and EXPLOSIVES 5

目 mOUn

总 the Iate aftermnooi SU7

[sing.] 1 a dull steady light especially from a fire

thathas stopped producing 有ames: The cibr Was justared &low om the horizom. 2 Thiere Was TO LigRE except for 纺 e occasiomtal glow of a cigarette. .2 the pink colour in yo face whenyouhave been doing exercise or feel happyand eXcited: The 方esh air had prought a jhealtpy Slow to _Per Cheeks. 3 a gold or red colotur: the glow of autujmnm leayes 4 afeeling ofpleasure and satisfaction: When she Iooked at herchilarem she 帮 上 tagIow ofpride. Slow'er /'glaueG)/ ve 瞩[V] ~ (at sb/sth) to ljook in an angry aggresSive Way GLARE 加 OOW.er 100

Slow'ing /glaum; NAmE'gloum/ adj giving enthusiastic Praise: a glowing account/report/review 2 He 5Spoke of

Per Derforrmanmnce 训 妇e 太Im im Slowing termas (三 Praising

herhighlyj. > glow'ingly odv 'glow-wormi

movn atype of insect The female has no

wings and produces a green lightatthe end of the tail. glu'cose /gluzkaeUs; egz; NAImE 革oUs; 玉oUZ/ noum [U] a type of sugar thiat is found in fruit and is easily changed into energyby the human body



目 IOUm


/gluz/ noun, verb a sticky substance that is used for joining

things together: a tupe of gIue C Fe sticks to her Like glue

(= never leaves hen). 加 yerb [VN] ~A(to/onto B) |~Aand B(togethen to join two things together Using glue STICK: She glued te Iabel onto the poxX C Glue the two pieces of cardpoard toBether C Make SUre the edges are glued dowm IE be

glued to sth (injormah to give all your attention to sth;

to stay Very close to sth: Fe spends eyery eyeliing g&Lued to the TV CO Her eyes Were glued to the screen (= She did not

stop watching it).iglued to the spot not able to move,

for example becatuse yo are frightened or SUrPiised

,glue 'ear noun [U] (B 虽 amedical condition in which the tubes going fom the nose to the ear are blocked with MUCUS

glue-sniffing movwn [u] the habit of breathing in the gases from some kinds of glueiniorder to Produce a state of excitement; atype of SOLVENT ABUSE

gluey /gluzi/ adj. sticky like glue; covered with glue


| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes:|

/rm; NMAmE Ten/) noun

[LuU] athick

glyph /gif/ mouwr a syrhbol CARVED Out of stone, especially one from an ancielit Writing system


/dsi 'em/ abbr 1 (Br GENETICALLY MODIEIED: GM

Joods or 和 amKkenstein iods' as 轨 ey are popularyy calied 2 grant-maintained (used 记 Britain to describe schools that receive money from central; not local governmentb) gm (Brb) (alsogma US Br6) abbr (pgm orgms) graml(S)


/dsimmaet/ abbr Graduate Management Admis-

Sions Test (a test taken by GRADUATE students in the US Who wantto studyfor a degree 记 Business)


/ds em 'ti:/ mioun [U] the abbreviation for 'Gieen-

Wich Mean Time'” (the time at Greenwich in England on theline of0?LONGITUDE, used forcalculatingtime every= where 记 theworld; also called Universal Time)

Snarled /na:ld; NAmE maxrld/ adj 1T(of trees) twisted and Tough; covered with hard lumps: a gmnarled oaK/ pramch/trunxk 了 (of a person or Part of the body) bent and twisted becatse ofage orillnesszgriaried hamnds Snarly /maai; NAmE mairlij ad (NAmE song) TVYET7 good; excellent: Wow mmamnl1 Thats totaly gmnarty! 了 not Very good

Smashh )m 志J/ ve 族[ESgnash yoUr 'teeth to feel very angryandUupsetabout sth, especiallybecause yotUcannot get what:yot Want: He be gmnasFimng his teeth When he Pears 妇at We 1ost the contracE Snmash.ers /天 faz; NAmE-JsrZ/ nouvn [pl] (B7E, 六 iorma1 teeth

gmnat /mazet/ noun a small fly with two wings, thatbites Snaw

/no:/ ve 几 ~ (away) (at/on sth) to keep biting sth OF

chewing 让 hard, sothatit gradually disappears: [VN] The

dog Was griawWing Qa bonte. C [V] Rats had gmnawed 态rougi the cable c She griaWed at her 太 ngernails. (Jiguratve) Se及 daouptbegamn to grniaw away atPerconidence. Enaw at sb to make sb feel anxiots, frightened or UncomforE able over a long period of time: The Propblerm jhad peem Smnawing atPirmjor7momnths: Snaw'ing /om/ odj [only before noun] making you feel Worried over aperiod oftime: gmnawing doubts k cat

| lleg

| 亚 man

| anow

| ppen

| rred

Smeiss /nars/. noun [U] (Seology) a type of METAMORPHIC Iock formed athigh pressure and temperature deep 让 the




Snocchi /majoki; NAmE'mja:ki/ moun [pl.] anItaliaridish

consisting of small balls of potato mixed with flour and boiled, usually eaten with a sauce

Snome /msom; NAmEnoom/ movn 1 (in stories) a creature like asmall man with a pointed hat who lives under

the ground and guards gold and TREASURE 了 aplastic or Stone figure of a gnome, tised to decorate a garden

Sno:mic /maumrk; NAmE mou-/ adj ( 存rmaj) (ofa person or a Iemark) clever and wise but sometimes diftficult to understand GNP/a5ren'piy/ moun the abbreviation for “gross national product (thetotal value ofallthe goods and services producedbyacountryin one year including thetotal income

from foreign countrie 一compare s) GDP Snu /mc; nju/ movpn (pgnu or gnus) = WILDEBEEST G@GNVQ /,d5Fen vi: Kji/ noun a qualification taken in Britjsh schools by students aged 15-18 to Prepare them for University or work (the abbreviation for'General National Vocational Qualification): Shes doing GNVQ Business Studies at college. 一comipare ALEVEL

加 Q@0

other number it is contained ip that number an exXact number of times: [V-N] 3 into 72 Soes 际 [LV]7into 15 WoPttSo.C(NAmmE) 7into315 doesmntgoC7wontgointo 15. “PROGRESS 14 [v +:qadv/prep] used :to talk about how Well or badly sth makes progress or succeeds: How did your interyiew go25 和 Went yery We zhan you ec pid eyelything 8o sS7moo 妇 jy2.G Bows 证 going (= is your life enjoyable, successful,etc. at the moment)j2.c The Way 态im8s are going the compamny Wil pe DaTzKruPpE Dy the end of theyea7-


1032C [Vtoin 有 She jhas gometoseejhersister 雪


ID In spokenEnglish go can be used with and Plus another Verb to show purpose ortotell sb whatto do: 7 So0 amd amsWwer the door Ce Go amd get7mmeadrinklThe and is SOmetimes left oub especially in NATPnE: Go asK YOUT mmoml! 之 [V] ~ (to sth) (with-sb) to move or travel, espeGially with sb else, to a particular place or in order to be Present at an event: Are you going to Daves party? ecWho else 证 8oin8g2 CO Bis dog goes eyerymwjhere with Jam。 3 [+advVprep] to move or travelin a particular Way OF oOVer a particular' distance: [V] Hes going too fast CIVN] We had gome apout Hifty miles wjhen 态e car Droke dowm

4 .[V-ing,usually +adv/prep] ~ flying, singing, etc. to

Imove ip aparticular way'or while doing sth else: The car Wentskiading o太 态 e road into aditch ceShe went SODDing 1D 女e stairs: C She crashed into a waiter and jis tray of GTrimKs Wentjying. 号 [V] toleave onePplace in order to reach another

DEPART:TImUstpe going mow CTheycame atsixcand Went atmine万as she Soneyet2 Tes Deen gomne am hour (= heleftan hour ago).e When does 切etrain So2 @ [V]~ on sth to leave a place and do sth different': io So omQa Journeyya tourAa tripAa cruise c Richard jas Soe om Ieayve 1or two weeKs. *VISIT/ATTEND

7 [V] ~to sth to visitor attend a Place for

aparticular Purpose: (BrBTjhaye to go to hospital fjor an OperatiofL 2 (NA 月Thaye to go to 切 ejospitaL eto goto

Prisonm (= tobe sentthere as Punishmentfora crime)c Do JouSoto church (= regularly attend church services)2 *SWIMMING/FISHING/JOGGING, ETC- 8 ~forsth toleavea

15 [V] ~ to/into sth | ~ out of sth

used in many expressions to show that sby/sth has Teached aparticular stateVis no longer 记 a Particular State: She Wentto sleep. C That colour has Soie OUEOf ashiom: 16 nking ye [V:ADj] tobecome differentin a Darticular way especially abad way: to SO paldZbiind TaQGXbarkruptb etc. Her hair 放 Soing SFrey C THis Tmizk has SOTte SOUF CO The children WentWita ywithn exciteTent c note at BECOME 17.[vADI] to live or move aroundin aparticular state: to go Tiaked/ Darefoot c She CQ1mOL pear 妇e 纺ouSght of children 80inig PungTry

/gau; NAmEgoa/ verb, noun

昌 VE 几 (goes /gagz; NAmE gouz/ went /went/ gone /gon; NAmE gom; gam/》 Been is used as the past participle of go when sb has gone somewhbere and come back > MOVE/TRAVEL tommove or travel fom one Place to another: [V 二 adv/Prep]: She ywentinto jher room and sPut 态edoor pehind Per eFEegoestoywork Dy pus. CThaveto go to Rome om Dusiness.C She has goneto China (= is now in China or is on her way there)j. e She has peen io China (全 she went to China and has now Ieturmed).e 工 切imK yov Should go to 切e doctor5. CA4re yo Soing home 如r Chrzt-


12[V]wilywouldnot~ (in/into sth)used to saythat sth does/did not fit into a particular Place or space: My clotpes Wo 和 all go in that one suitcase. OBEe tried to PDLS Pais hand 切rougj the gap Dut 让 Wouldm 和 8&o. “NUMBERS 13 ~ (into sth) if a number will go into an-

18: [VADj] ~ unnoticed, unreported, etc. to notbe noticed; reported, etc.: Police are Worried 雪 at 7maTIY crimes So UTITreported. *SONG/STORY 19 usedtotalk about whattuneorvyordsa So0n8 Or Poem has Or Whathappens in a story': [V + advy P1ep] Fow does 切atsong 8o2 CTJorgetjhow the nextline 8oes. 2 [vthat] The story goes 态atsjes peemn 7mmarriea Jive 友77ies. *SOUND/MOVEMENT 20 to make a particular sound or Imovement: [V-N] TPRe gu7m Went 和 amng O [Vv 于 0dvVprep] She WenitIike tis with herhand 21T [vtobesounded as a Signal or warning: The Wjistte WentJor the end OF the

SaTTe. >SAY 之2 [V speech] (njormmal (used whentelling a Story) to Say: 工QsKed Oow TUch2 aid he goes 到 ft ajid 工 8O0, 笃fty2 ZU mustbejoKingP *START 之3 [V] to start an activity: 7 say me, to, 妇 ree, 8o1 as asignal jbr youto StarE C As soon as 有 Sets here Were ready to 50. > MACHINE 24 [v] 许a machine goes, it works: THis clocK

doesm 和 80. > DISAPPEAR 2Z5 [V] to stop existing; to be lost or stolen DISAPPEAR: Fas YOUF headache gome yet? CTIefi 7my PiKke OUlsiae 切e Viprary amnd When Tcarmme out again it had


“BETHROWN OUT 26 [V] sb/sth must/has to/can ~ tised totajk about wanting to get rid of sbysth: Thne olda Sofa Ww记 jave to 80. esuseless 一 he1jhave to go.



[V] to get worse; to become damaged or

Stop Working correctly: Her sight is peginming to go. O is Tind z Soing (= he is losing his mental Powers). CTwas Griying hoTme When my Drakes We *DIE 28 [V] to die. People say'go' to avoid Saying "die': ZUcanttakeyotir 沈oney With you Wjen you go0.

>MONEY 29 [V]~(on sth) when moneygoes,itis spent or

Used for sth: Tadomt Know Where the money goes/ Most of TY salary 80es o 有L态 erent The7money Ww这 go to financea PaeW cOTI7UPIEY Centre 30 [V] ~ (to sb) (for sth) to be Wegojforadrink(= atapuborbar) after work?eThaveto S0ld: We WonE Let 妇e jhouse go Jor 1ess 女an 8g200000._e SosSjhopping thz afiernoomn Ce Weye going sailing or Satu 广 There Was USualy Some pread going cheap (三 being sold day cheaply) at tpe end of 妇e day 31 [v 十 qdvVprep] to be *BE SENT 9 [Vusually+ adw/prep]to be sent orpassed Willing to pay aparticular amount of money for sth: Fe% Somewhere:TWwant this memao to go to all 7mamagers. ofjferedE30001orthecarandTdorttttphinkhezsgo QFPY Pigj”LEAD ?9 [V 二 advVprep] ~ (from ,… )to .tolead:or erOTUgotogI000butthats my Imi extend from one place to another: TWwamt a rope tat Wi *HELP 3 之 [V to inf to help;:to Play a part in doing sth: 8o om the top Window tio:the ground. e Where does 雪站 TPRis all goes lo proye7Tmny theory 2 下 (= whathasjust hapToada go? Pened)justgoes to show you canialways tell how People “PLACE/SPACE 11 [v+:dadvVprep]to have as ausual or are goinlg to7Teact coOITrect Position; to be Placed: THis dictionary goes on te *BE AVAILABLE 33 be going [V] (omma/) to be availtop She太 .e Where ao youWant tpe piano to go(= be Putb? able: There just areni amyjiobs going in this area. Place or travel to a place in order totake part in an activityora sport: to gojJforayalkxdriveAswirnyrun e Shal

S see

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzooz=

| shoe

| 5 vision

| tr chain

| ds jam

| 6thin

| 5this

| Dising



*TIME 34 [v 上+advVprep]jusedtotalkabout how quickly orslowlytime'seemsto pasS: Hasmtthe tme So7ie qUicKIY?

AUSETOIEET 35-[V] (npformaj totse atoilet: Do you meed to go, Billy? mr Mostidioms containing go are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example go 让

ariything goes (njormmal 咏anyalone is at alone: thingthat sb says or does is accepted or allowed, howeVer shocking orunusualit maybe: AImost amythirlg 8Oes these days: as people, things, etc: go inicomparison With the aVerage Person thingi etc:: As teacjiers go, heSTmotbad: be going on (for) sth (BrE) to be nearly a particular age, time or number: 达 Was goimng on-(for)7midnight be going to do sth 1 usedto show what sb intends to do im the future: Weyre goingtoDpuyahouseWhen Weyesayed enousP money 了 usedto show that sth is likely to happen Very soonm or 雇 the future: TI think Tsgoing to Joint ec 入 the drought corttinues 女eres 8oing to be a formine: dont So doing sth (informmal) used totell or warn sb notto do sth: Donitgo gettingyourself intotrouble. enough/something to be going 'on with (BrE)something that is enough for ashorttime: &50 should be enough to pe going onWith. go all,out for sth |-go allout to 'do sth to make a Very

great effort to get-sth or do sth go and do sth used to

showthatyou are angryor annoyed that sb has done sth stupid: Trust him to go amd mmess things UDIC Why did yo jhayeto go andupsetyourTnotherlikethat?eYouvereally gone and done 让 (= done sth very stupid) now! go off onone(BrE informal)to suddenlybecomeyery angIy go

'on (with you) (old-josjhioned) used to express the fact

that you do notbelieve sth, or that you disapProve of sth (have) a lot,nothing,etc:. “going :for you (to have) many/not many advantages: YoUTe youns intelligenb at

tractiye- you haye a lot going 1jor youl ,no 'go (Unfonmal) Dot possible or allowed: 矿 the pank womnt lend us the Tnomney its mo go,TTm afraid. 一see also NO-GO AREA mot (eyem) 'go there (informalj) used to say that you do not want to talk about sth in any more detail becatse you do not even want to think abonut it: Domt asK me to choose. 了 domiWantto go there.C ThereWasaproblermm with his par

ents Was1nEtbere2 Domnteyen go there to go 1 remaining; still left:


ITonly haye one exam

to 80.

了字 (NAm 记

迁you buy cooked food to go in a Iestaurant Or

shop/store, you buy it to take away and eat Somewhere comes else: Two Pizzas tl0O 8g0. what ,goes around '`

around (soying) 1 the way sb behaves towards other People will affect the way those people behave towards them in the future 2 something that is not fashionabjle

now Will become fashionable again in the future ,where does sb go from 'here? Used to ask what action sb should take, especially in order to improve the difficult

Situation that they are in ,who goes 'there? used by a soldier who is guarding a Place to order sb to say who ,Eo a'bout(BrE) 三 they afe: 互a上5 WPho goes there? GO AROUND 'go abouit sth to coOntintue to do sth; to keep busy with sth: Despite tne 切reat of wa7 people weTit abott

久 eir Dusiness a5 USUQL go a'bout sthto start Working on sth ER TACKLE: 7ZDUTe not going about 坊e job 训 the Fightway C [二 -ing] How ShouldTgo about findaingajob2?

,go 'after sbto chase or follow Sb: He Went after the pu7S1ars. @ She 1e扎 the roomm 总 teafrs S0 工Wenit after her go 'after sb/sth to try to get sbysth: We7re bpothn goinrg after the Same j0D. go a'gainst sb to not be iD spb's favotr or not to their advantage: The juUrysS yerdict Went against hirm ,go against sb/sth to resist Of OpDose Sb/sth: He Would mot

g&O against his Darents” Wisjhes,,gO against sth to be Opposed to sth; to not fit or agree With sth; PayingjJor josDital treatmentgoes against her Principles. C His 坊 训 King g&oes against all 1ogic. go ahead 1 to travVel 地 front of other People in yoUr 中 oup and arrive before them: TU go ahead amnd tel 坊eimn PROyouU7e om 雪 e Way 2 to happeni to be done CEED: The building of the 7ieWw bridge 内 这 go ahead as Plarmned. 一related noun GO-AHEAD ,go a'head (with sth) to begin to do sth, especially when sb has given permisSion or has expressed doubts or OpPosition: May Tstart


| afather | eten

mioW2247es 50Ghead2oTheSoVermnrmentintenadsto SOahead TWith ies taxcuttimngzplans 一related nounGO-AHEAD goalong 1 to continue with an activity: 互e7made tp 坊 e story as he Wentalorig: 2 to make progress; to develop: THPings are going along micely ,go along with sb/sth'to agree With sb/sth:Tdomit go along With jher Views OP yate Imnedicirie. ,go around/'round 1 to spin or turn: to 80 Fou7ad ia circle 2 to be enotugh for everyone to have one OF SOme: There areni enousgh chairs io 80 around. 3 (B/E also ,go aboutb to often be 雇 a particular state or behave 识 a particular Way: She often 8o0e5 around parefoot 9 [二 -ing] Jes mprofessionalto go rounad criticizingyour coOF 1eagues. 4 to spread 他om Person to Person: Theres QTLTnour going around 妇 at 妇 eyyre having an ahjfai ,go airound/'round (to ..。) to visit sb or a place that is Dear:TWwent7round to the postofhice. CT going around to

ny sisters (= herhouse) Iater

'go at sb to attack sb: They Wemnt at each other 刀 riously: 'go at sth to make great efforts to do sthi to Workhard at sth: They Went at 切 ejob as 矿 态eir iiyes depernided om 让 ,so away Tto leave a person OF place: Just8O QWaY1 2 GO away and 态inK abotut 让 then letTme Kiow. 之 to leave

home for a period of time, especially for a holiday/vacation: Theyye gomne away Jorajew days. CT7m 8oimg away om business, 3 to disappear: The Smell SiL jas7E SO7e GaWay. go 'backiftwo people goDackaperiod oftime (usually along time)j they have known each other for that time: Daye andT go back twenty years: ,go back (to ... )toTreturn toaplace: She doesmtWwantto Sobackto her husband (= tolive with him again). e This toasterwil hayve to 80 back (三 be taken back to the shop/store where 让 Was boughtb 一 itsfulbx e Of course We Want to 80 bacK some Gay 一isour county OUr reaLhome. 区 note atRETURN ,goO 'back (to sth) T to considet sth that happened Or Was said at an earlier time: CamTg8go back to Whatyou said at 态e Degimnming of the 7meetiig2 2 OPnce youphaye made 态 节 decisiom 雪 ere w 记 pe mo going back (= yot will not be able to change your mirid) 2 to have existed since a particular time or for a particular period: Their j7mily goes back to the tme of 切 ePilgrimi Fathers ,go ' back on sth to fail to keep a promise; to change yotur mind abott sth: He neyergoes back or his Word (= neverfails to do what he has said he will do). ,go 'back to sthto startdoing sth again that you had stopped doing: The Kids go-back to School Tiext Week. C [十 -ing] Shes decided to go pack t如 teaching': SS ,go be'foreto existorhappenin amniearliertime:IThePpresent crisis 放 Wo7se 切arm any that haye gone before. So before sby/sth to be presented to sb/sth for discussiom, decision or judgement: My apPplicatiom goes before te Planmming coma7mittee miext WeeK. IEo be'yond sth to be more than sth EXCEED: Tizs years sales figures 8g0 beyorid all ouUr expectatiomns (= are much better than we thoughtthey would be).

.Eo 'by(oftime)topass: Things w 记 geteasier as time Soes py CThe weeks weEntslowly py 'go by sthto be guided by sth; to form an opinion 人 om sth: Thats a good TUle to 8o by 入 pastexperience 1 ariything to go by they1Lpe Iate. go down 1 tofall to the grotnd: She 妇 冯ped arid Wentt dowPm withn aburmp. 了 让 aship etc. goes dowm itdisapPears below the water SINK 3 when the Sun Or moon goes down, it disappears below the HORIZON SET 4 iffood ordrink will/wilnot go down it is difficultyeasy to swallow: Aglassiof wine Would go dov7

very micely (=Iwould very much like one). 5 过 the Price ofsth;, thetemperature, etc, goes dowm 让 becomes lower FALL: The price of o 让二 going dowm SOil im goimng

dowPn 访 Price,、[a GO UP 6 (npnmnal) to get worse 这 quality: The meighbpourhood has gone dowP a 1ot recently. 7 (computing) to stop working temporarily: The systermm 辣 going dow 元 识tefminutes. 8 (NA 局inirmalhtohappen' You really domt Know Whats going down? ,go 'down (from ... )(BrE jormal to leave a University especially Oxford or Cambridge, atthe end of aterm or after finishingyour studies [aag Go UP (To .…) ,go'down (in sth)jto be wiitten in sth; to be recorded or remembered in sth: 契

all goes downm (= she writes itall) imhermnotebook HewWi 8o dowm 训 history as a great statesmar ,go down (on

| as:bird | eabout | rst|zsee|imany|pgot(BrEl


sb) (S/ang) to perform ORAL sexonm sb (= toitsethe mouth to give sb sexual pleasurej go'down (to sb) to be defeat-


aowm to Brazil by three goals to_ one. go 'down' (to 2)

catchyou up iaQfew7mninutes: go on sth (used in negative


ed by sb, especially ia game or competition: Italynwe nt

(from .….) to go from one placeto anotherm especially further south or from a city or largetownto asmaller place: Theyyve gone dowmi to Brishton Jor a' couple of days. [GD GO UP ,So down (with sb) to be received ia Particular way by sb: The suggestiom didm世 Soaomwnm yery Well With her boss. ,go 'down with sth (especialy BrE) to become jll/sick with sth CATCH: OU yoU7Sest boy jos 8one dowP With chickempox. So for sb to attack sb: She wentjorPim wita Kmnife..go for sb/sth 1 to apply to sbysth: WhatTsaid apout Peter Soes for you too. c They have a high evel of UTiemzployTent 一Put the same goes for mmarny other countries 了 to go to aplace and bring sb/sth back: Shes &one Jor some Tilk. 3 to be attracted by sbysth; to like or Prefer sbysth: She goesjortallslim mert OFaonmEt Teally go7jorPodern art 'Eo for sth 1 to choose sth: TthinK ZL 8&o Jor 态 e 广 UiLE salad: 只 note at CHOOSE 2 toputalotofeffortinto Sth, So that yo get or achieve sth: Go Jr 让 Johnl YouvwKknow yoUcamn peat7airm. 下 Soundsagreatidea. Go Jor 训 goO in Ttoentera room house etc.: Iets 80 im 丰S ge tng cold. 2 ifthe stin or moon goes in, itdisappears be-

hind a cloud go 'in for'sth

1T(BrBj to take'an exam'or

enter a competitign: Shes going iforthe Cammbpridsge First Cert 态cate. 了 to have sth as an interest or a hobby: She

doesnt8o ijorteam games go'in with sb to join sb 记 starting abusiness: My brothers are opening a garage Ga1id 态ey Wantmmne to go 训 With t 态 er goO vinto sth 站 (of a vehicle) to hit sth Violenty: The car

skidded amd wentinio a tree. 2 (of avehicle or driver) to

Start moving ip a particular way: The plane Went into Q mosediye. 3 to join an organization, especially in order to have a career in it: to go into te ATTTDMtphe ChurcPpPar liamente to go into teaching 季 to begin to do sth or be: have 记 aparticular way: He Wentintoa Iong explamnatiom of the afjfair 5 to examine sth carefully: We need ti 如 30 into te question of cosk,6 (of Ioney time, efforb etc.,) to be spent'on sth or used to do sth: More SOVET7TL7me7t

mnO7iey meeds to 8o into 妇e project

Work wentinto researching the DooK.

[+ -ing]

妮ars oF

,go off 1 to leave a place, especially in order to do-sth:

She wentofrto getadrink. 2tobefired;to explode: The SU Wento 太 DyacciderE The pommb wento 太 识Qcrowded Sbeet 只 Dote atEXPLODE 3 ian alarm, etc. goes off 让 Imakes a sudden loud noise 4 if a light, the electricity, etc. 8Oes off it stops working: Suddemnly te Lights went co做 The jheating 8oes ofr at might [Ga GO ON 5 (BrE, jjormalj) to fall asleep: 了Fasmt the paby gone Ofr yet2? 6 (BrE) 让 food or drink goes off itbecomes bad andnot fit to eat or drink 7 (BrE) to _get worse iD qualjlity: 瑟 er DooKs haye gomte o矿 训 recentyears 8 to happen ip a pa

ticular way: The mmeeting Went o 太 welL go 'off (on sb) (NMAm启 /njormalj) to suddenly become angry with sb ,go off -sb/sth (BrE pformal) to stop liking sbysth or lose

iterest ip them: Jamne seermms to be going co 矿PauvlL CTye 8ome of peer ,go 'off with sb to leave your husband, Wife, partner etc. in order to have a Telationship with sb

else: He Went o 矿With 7rais pest iends wii go off with

sth to take away from'a Place sth thatdoes notbelong to yoU: He WentoffWwith 8I0000ofthe coimparys7niOoriey ,SO on 1 whien aperformer goes omn; they begin their Performance: She does7itt go on untilAct2. 2 (记 Sport) to join ateam as asUBSTITUTE during a game: Cole WentoP in Place of Beckharmz justpefore hairme- -3 when ai light, the electricity etc. goes on it starts to work: Sudademnly al 妇 e 1igjhts Went on. [GE GO OFF 4 (of time) to pass: She Decamme 7nore amnd 7more talKatiye as 妇 e eyemzi7lg WeTat 07L. 5 (usually be going on) to happen: Whats Soing om jhere2 6 iasituation goes on, itcontintues without ehanging: 7T7his ca7i7iot be allowed to go of Cow Pachn IOomger 了亚太 芋hotWweathergo omnjor22 We canit5oomn Tikethzs一 We see to De aways arguing,7 to contintie speaking, after a short pause: She Phesitated Jor a momentand ten Wentom 2 [二 Speech] pu Know2pe ywentom 了 thimnK7my DTother could hezyou: :8 used to encourage sb to do sth: Go on4 Haye amother drinkl ec Go om--jurmpl ,goOnon

(ahead) to travel in front of sb else: Zou go om ahead-_7忆


| army

| aonow

| ersay

Sentences and questions) to base an opinion or a judge-

Iment on sth: The police domn 和 have much to So0n go 'on (about sb/sth) totalk about sbysth fora long time, especiallyin aboring or complaining way: Fe ywemntom amd om

Qbout hoW Door he Was. o She does go_on sometirmes/ ,goO

on (at sb) (especially Br6) to complain to sb about their behaviour work, etc, CRITICIZE:She goes om at Pi7m

continualb ,go ,on (with sth) to continue an activity

especially after a patise or break: Thats enouSgh for now 一 LetS SO On Wi 这 to7mnorrow. goO on doing sth to continue an actiVity Without stopping: Fe said Potning butjustwent on Working. ,go on to sth to pass from one item to the Dext: Jets go onto 太emextitem on 切 e agenaa. ,go 'on to do sth to do sth after compPpleting sth else: The DooK 8&oes5 onto daescribe jis experieiices 总 切e armi了

BO out T toleaveyourhousetogotoasocialevent: Se Soes OULa IO 2 [二 -ing] 瓦Egoes out dr 训King mosteyvemin85. 了 When the TIDE goes otit it movVes away from the land EBB [ea COME IN 3 tobesent aye 芒 e im tatioris 8one Out yet? 4 (Br when aradio or television

Piogramme goes Outb it is broadcast 5 when news Dr information goes outt it is announced or Published: [+ that] Word went out tat the director had Fesigmned 6 ifiafire orlight goes out it stops burning or shining

igO out (of sth) 1 to fail to reach the next stage:of a cOmPpetition, etc.: She Went out of the tourmnament in the 万rst round. 了 to be no longer fashionable or generally

Used: Those-sKirts, Wett.OUEWYeaTs ago. ,go out of sb/sth (ofaqualityorafeeling)jtobeno longerpresent in sbysth; to disappear from sbysth: ALL the 太gjhtseemed to So OUE OF

jim.,gEO outto sb 过 yourthoughts, etc. go out to sb, you thinkabouttheminakind wayand hopethatthe difficult Situation thattheyare ip will getbetter: So:.outwithsb |

,So out (togethenm (especially of young people) to spend time with sb and have a romantic or sexual Telationship With them: 7Tp 郊has been going outwith ZIUcyjJor sixywee 有5. Howlonghave 了 ahdTIUCY 不 been goingouttogether2? ,BO over sth 1 to examine or check sth carefully: Go

OYer YOUF WorK pefore yo jhanmnd 让 训 . 必 note at CHECK

之 to study sth carefully,especially by repeating it: Je Went oOVer the eyents of the day 训 FMis 7mind (= thought-

about them carefully),go ,over (to .- ) to move from

one place to anothem especiallywhen this means crossing sth Such as a Ioom, town or city: He wentoyer ariaisjhiooK jaTds Withn his guests. 2 Mamny Tris态People Went over ti

America auring thejo7mine. ,go'over to sb/sth (iDroad-

casting) to change to a different person or Place for the Dextpartofabroadcast: We arenowgoingoyerto the news daesK jpr am Importamnt a7zoucerment ,gEO 'over to sth to change from one side, opinion; habit, etc. to another: Two Conseryatiye MPSs haye go1ie oyer to theIibperal Demmocrats.

,BO Over (with sb) (NA/mB) to be received in a particular

Way by sb: The news of her promotiom Went ovyer wellwit Per coOlieagues.

,BO round 三 ,GOLAROUNDigo AROUND (TO … )

'round (to ... ) = Go

go through 让 a law, contract etc. goes through, it is officially _accepted or completed: The deal did not go

throusj. go throwgh sth

1 to look at or examine sth

carefully especially in order to find sth: Talways startthe daay py going 女rough 7ny emmail ec She went throuvgh the Co7mDPanyS accounts,1ooKking for evidence of fraud 2 to study or consider sth in detail, especially by Tepeating it: ZLets 80 througj the arguments again ,C Could We &o 态rougj (= Practise) Act2 once mmnore? 3 to perform a se ies of actions; to follow a method or procedure: Certain 如 Falities hayve to be gone 女rough before you can en 8Tate, 4 to experience of suffer sth; SJhes Deen going 态rou8gjh Qa bad Patch recentb S FeSs amiazingty Cheer7el comsiaderirnig all hesjadto g0 坊rougi 5 totisetup orfinish sth completely: The 5oys Went through hvoswhaole

loayes of bread. ,go 'through with sth to do what is

DecesSary tocomplete a course of action, especially one that is difficult or unpleasant: ,She decided mot to &o

through with (= mottohave) 切e operatiom.

go to sb/sth to be given to sb/sth: Proceeds

| augo (Br 日 | oo go (NMm 日 |:o5r boy

| ze near

| ee hair

方om 态 ecom-

| 5e pure



certW 这 go to charib: Al her properby Wentto jher eldest

so (= When she died), ,go to'gether = GO WITH STH 'gotowardssthtobeitisedaspartofthepaymentfor sth: The 站oney w 记 go toWards amewcar S [二 -ing] Partofrmy Pay cedue Wenttowards buying a CD Player

goadg /gsod; NAmEgood/ verb, noun 目 Verbb [VN]

一 sb/sth (into sth/into doing sth) to keep irri-

tating or annoying sbysth UntiltheyTreact: Goaded peyomd enduramnce, She turmed om Pin and Jit OUE 2 Te finaly :oad goaded jer 碎to amsWwering jis questionm_sb'on to drive or encourage sb to do sth: The poxers Were goaded om by the shrieking crow 丰 盏 1OUP 了 apointed stick Used for making cows, etc. move forwards 2 .something that makes sb do sthi usually by annoying them

go'under 1 (ofsththatfloats)to sinkbelowthe surface 2 (nformal) to become BANKRUPT (= be Unable to Pay 'goO-ahead oun, ad 日]1OU1 the goO-ahead [sing.] Permission for sb to start What you owe)j: The Firm will go Under Urless DUSinness 177doing sth: The courcil has given the 8o-ahead to sta 人 Proyes. Duizding. goO up 1T tobe built: New of 太 ices bpuitdings are going ID 上四0d凡 [usually before noun] willing to try new ideas, eyeryWhere. 了2 Whenthe curtain across the stage 记 atheimethods, etc. and therefore Ilikely to succeed: a go-ahead atre goes up, itis iaised or opened 3 to be destroyed by compamny fire or an explosion: The Whole building WentUD 总 用 a7mes. 4 ifthe price of sth, the temperature, etc., goes Up, 让 beEOal 0 /gagl; NAmEgool/ noun comes higher RISE: The price ofcigarettes 1S goimg UP, 1 (in sports) a wooden frame with anet into which playC Cigarettes are going LUD i 识price. [GE GO DOWN ,SO up ers Inust kick or hit the ball 记 order to score a Point: Fe (to . ) (Br ormal) to arrive at a university; especially Feaded thre ball intioian opem goaL(= one that had nobody Oxford or Cambridge, at the beginning of a term or 识 defending 训 ..e Who 节 训 goal (= is the goalkeeper) 加 7 order to begin your studies [aa GO DOWN (FROM .… ) Arsenal2-- picture c> HOCKEY 2 the act of kicking'or hitting theball into the goal; apointthat'is scored for this: ,goO'up(to..)(from-.:-)togofromoneplacetoanother, The Winming goal Was Scored py HiIL C Tiyerpool wom py especially further morth or to a city or large town from a 态 fee goals to one. C United conceded bwo goals 识 切e思 Tst smaller place: Wei areyoumext going up to Scottand? Paf eapenalty goal 一 see also DROP GOAL, GOLDEN GOAL, We wentup to Iondon IastyWeekend. Ia GO DOWN OWN GOAL 3 something that you hope to _achieve Oowith sb 1 (old-foshioned, jpfjornmajtohave asexual of AIM: to Work towards a goal C io achieye/attain Qa romantic relationship with sb 2 (njormal) to have': seX g&oal You need io set yourself some Iong-terTm Soals. 2 with sb 'go with sth T tobDe included with or as Dart of Ourultimaate goal7mnustDpe 幼 epreseryation of 切e emnyironmsth: A car goes with 态 ejob 2 to agree'to accept sth, for Tent cnote atTARGET exarmple aplan or an offer: YoU7Te bjferingE50027 工thinK We can go with ta 3 (also go (together)) to combine ' 儿oOal area moun (训 football (SoccER)) an areain front of well with sth MATCH: Does this jacket go With th the goal from which GOAL KICKs mustbetaken SKirt2 C Those colours domit really go (together), 4 (also goOal.ball /'gaolboz; NAmE 'goal-/ noun [U] a game ip ,goO to'gether)-to exist at the same time or in the same Which teams of three players try to Toll a ball containing Place as sth; to be found together: Disease oem goes With bells over aline atthe end of a coURT, played by people Doyerty Disease and poyerty often go together Who have problems witiktheir sight ,go without (sth) to manage withonit sth that you UsuSoOal. keep-er /gaolkipaGoD); NAmE'goul-/ (also inirmmal allyhave or hieed: There WasTtittirme Jor breakfasb SOThad goalie /'gagli; NAmE'"gouli/) (NAmE also goaltend'e to go Without C How 1ong camn a Pumian beipng go (三 SUT (also BrE imnformal keepen moun (in football (SoccER), Vive) withoutsleep? o [十 -ing] She wentWithouteatingjor HOCKEY, etc.) a Player whose job is to stop the ball from tree days. going intohis orher own team's goal 一picture 只 HOCKEY 目 1OU1 (P/ goes /gauz/) [CI (BrE) (alsoturm NAm 记 Br a > goalkeep:ing noun 世]: goalKeeping techmiques person's turn to move or Play in a game OF an activity: Whosegoisit?ctsyourgo ec ownuch zs 让 toplay2 生 s

50Dago.2cCanThayeagoonryournewpbike? 之 [G (8 月 (also try NMAmE BrE) an attemptatdoing sth: tooktbree goes to getitTighE CTadoupt 这 he listento advice 方om 7me, DutIUL Sive 让 aso (= TlltrybutIdontthinkIWwilsucceed). 3 [U] (Br6) energy and enthtusiasm; Marys aways gotplenty ofgo. 一see also GET-UP-AND-GO 4 [U] aJapanese game Dlayed on aboard II at one 'go (BrE) in one Single attemmpt Ortry: She blew OUE 坊 ecamndles at onle go0. be a'go(NAmE nrnmnal) to be planned and possible or allowed: Tymn notsure 矿Fridays 杂记 让 ago. be all go (B 态 informal)tobeverybtsy or full of activity: 下 Was all go 态 be o 太 ce today be on the 'go (also be on the ,move) (informah to be very active and busy: Tye peert on the go all day e Having 训Dur childrem Keeps her on the 80. first, Second, etc. go(BrE) atthe firsb Second, etc. attempt: 工 Dassed my driying test 放rstgo. have a go (10117701 especially BrE) to attack Sb physically: There Were apoUtseVem o丰 纺 emm standing rourid hip al WaiGimngto hayeago: havea 'go (at sth/at doing sth) to make an atteImptto do sth: 工 ca startthe etgine 2Tet7mne hayea 802CTULRayeagSo at ixing 让 tomight havea'goatsb (njoro/ BrE)tocriticize Sb or complain about sb; The poss had ago at7mme Jor beimg

'gOal Kick "ovn (in football (soccER)) a kicktaken byone

team after the ball has been kicke 人 overtheir GOAL LINE bythe other team without a goal beinig scored

goOal:less /'gaollas; NAmE'goul-/ adj. [usually before noum] Withott either team scoring a goal: (BrE) The7matchnended 记 QG8oaliess draw.

'Eoal line mouwn (in football, HOCKEY,etc.) the line at either end of a sports field on which the goal stands Or Which the ball mnust cross to score a goal or TOUCHDOWN

goal.mouth /'gaolmaob; NAmE'gool-/ nown the afea di ectly in front of a goal

'goal poacher nouvn =POACHER goal:post /'gsolpesust; NAmE'goUlpoust/ (also posib nouwn one:-of the two vertical posts that form part of a goal [Er move, etc. the 'goalposts (Br局 informah disapproving) to change'the rules for sth, or conditions Under Which it is done, so thatthe situation becomes more difficult for sb SoOalscorer /gaolsko:ra(D; NAmE "go 可-/ OU 识 asports game who Scores a goal

a Dlayar

goaltend:er /'gaultendaG); NAmE'goul-/ movmn (NAmm月


late for Work. have sth on the 'go(B/ njormal) to be ip 'goO-around (also'go-round) movun 1 (technicoha path takenbyaplaneafter antunstuccessful attemptatlanding, the middle of an activity or aProject: The award-Winmzing in order to get into a Suitable Position to try to land again PiOyelist ofter jhas three or four books om the go at once. in 2 (NMAmE informal) adisagreementor argument one 'go (njormal) all together on one occasion: Tadrathner do tphejourneyinonego,andmnotstop omntheway 2Theyate goat /gaot; NAmEgout/ novn 下 ananimal with horns and 态 epacketofbiscuits alLin one go. make a'go of sth (ij六 acoat ofhair, thatlives wild in mountain areas OF is kePpt 1mdal)tobesuccessfulinmsth:WeyejhadajfewPproplermms ioOUr on farms for'its milk or meat: 和 7mnountain goatc goat's 7mnarriage,DUL Were Doth deterrmiried to nake a 8o of 让 一 TmilkXcheese 一see also BILLY GOAT,KID,NANNY GOAT 2 old~ (nprmnal an unpleasantold man who is annoymore atLEAVEV LETV

bbad| ddid

ffal| gget

| anhat | jyes|

k cat | lleg

| mman

| anow

| :ppen

| Fred

ing iD a sexual way IO Set sbys ',goat (njormal to


annoy sb Verymich>= more at SHEEP Soat


Sod om /gpd; NAmEgazd/ moun T1God [sing] (not used with 她e) (ip Christianity Islam and Judaism) the BEING or spirit that 这 Worshipped and

js believed to have created the universe: Do you pelieve 训 God? c Good Iuckand God piess yo 2tiphe son of God (= Christ) 2 [q (in some religions) a BEING or spirit who is believed to have power overa Particular part ofnatur e or who is believed to iepresent a Particular quality: Mars Was 切e Roman god of war cofe raim god c GreekK gods 一 seealso GOonnsss 3 [Qa person whojis loved Very much by other people: 加 her Jons Shes also GODpEss 4 [qd Something to which importance or attention is given: Money

oradmired a go0d see too much zis 5odL

5 the gods [pl (BrE imnjormah the seats that are high

up at the back of a theatre [IE by 'God! (old-/shjioned,

jnjormnal used to emphasize a feelingiof determi nation or SUIPpTise Some people find this use offensive _God

| God almighty ] God in ' heaven | good God

| my

God | oh 'God (inforna1 used io emphasize what you


are Saying when you are surprised, shocked orannoye d: God what a stup 这 成ingti如 do/ Some people find


this use offensive. God bless used whenyotiare leaving

Sb, to saythat you hope they will be safe, etc'.: Goodni gpt God biess._ God 'rest his/her soul | God 'rest himyher

goatee /gao'ti:; NAmE go5-/ noum a Small pointed beard (=hairgrowing onaman's face)thatis grown onlyon the 一picture chi n 吃 HAIR goat'herd /gautha:d; NAmmE 'gouthard/ mou7 a person Whosejob is totake care ofa group of goats

Soat'skin /geutskm;


made from the skin of a goat

'gout-/ moun_

(oldjoshioned; injiormajl used to show Tespect when you

are talking about sb who is dead God's gift (to sb/sth)

(wonic) a person who thinks that they are particu larly

8ood at sth or who thinks that sb will find them particu larly attractive: He seems io thin jes5 God 人 & t 旋如 Women

[u] leather

God .willing (informaon used to say that you hope that

things will hbappen as you have Planned and that there Will be no problems: 7 5e back me过 WeeK God Willing:

gob /gob; NAmE ga:b/ noum, ve 邮 于 Down (S/am8g) 了 (BrE) a rude way of Teferring to a person?s mouth: Sutyouvr gsobl (= arude way of telling sb to be duiet)

play 'God to behave as if you contiol events or other

Peoples lives: 正二 1nyairtoiaskidoctors ti Play God and end sormeones Ti to 'God/'goodness/'Heaven tused

之 a small amotunt ofa thick wet substance: Gobs of

SDittle ra dowmn jis chin、, 3 [usually pl] (Nm 有 a large amount of sth: greatgops ofcas瑟

旦 ye 几 (-bb-) [V] (BrE sang) to blow sAIiVA out of your mouth


Sgob-bet /gpbrt; NAmE 'gaqzb-/ noun (oldJoshioned) ~ (of sth) a small amount of sth: gopbets of Jood gob:blie jgobl; NAmE 'gazbl ve 1T一 sth (up/downm) to

after a Verb to emphasize a particular hope, wish, etc.: 工 Wish to God youvia earn 加 .pay attention Some

People find this use offensive- ye 'godsl (old-/shioned, Injormajh usedto show SUrprise, lack ofbelief etc 一more


eat sth Very fast 记 a way that people consider rude or GREEDY WOLF: [VN] Port goppIe yoir 亢od 1ie 万af 2 They 8obbled downm al 态 e samndwiches. [also V] 2 [V] when a TURKEY gobbles 让 makes anoise ip is

God-awful adj [usually before noun] (UPjormah extremel y bad: Fe made a God:awfi7mess of 证 Some People find this use offensive.

Very quickly: Hotel cosx 80DDIedD 站ost of 态 e 订 Poiiaday Duaget 也 让abtisiness company etc: Sobblesitip a smaller one, ittakes control of 让

ENT at a Christian BAPTISM ceremony piomises to be ITesponsible for and toteach aboutthe Christian religion


,gobbie sth< up (informa1) 下 to use sth

Sobble.de.gookK NAmE 'gaDL/ ovm

(also gobble'dy.gook) /gbbldigu:k;

[U] (pformah complicated language

that is difficult to understand, especially when Used in

Sod:child /godtfaaa: NAmE 'gadzd-/ mo (PN Eod-chi让L dren /gpdtfadren: NAmE'gG:d-/) achild thataG6pBAR god.dam (also god-dammn)/goddaem: NAmE'ga:de/ (also god'damned /goddzemad: NAmFE 'gad:d-/) adj ,adv (ioboo, slang) aswear wordthatmany People find offensive, used

to show thatyou are angry or annoyed: Theres mno meed to official documents: Jts al gobpbledegook io me. peso goddarma rude!e Wheres 切 at Soddarimned pen2? go-between "own [C U] a person who takes messages petween one person or grotp and another: lo:act as (Oo) Sod-daughter nounafemale copcarmip SoO-petwee7 god'dess /gpdes; -as; NAmE 'gazdss/moun 了 afemale 8od: iana 切e godidess of humnting 了 a woman who js Sob.let /gpblabt NAmE 'gab-/ movn a cup for Wine, UsU-

ally made of glass or metal, with a sTEM andbase butno

handle Sob-.iin /gpblm; NAmE 'gdb-/ nou7 (in stories) asmall USgly creature that likes totifick people or catise trouble

Sob.shite /gobjait; NAmE 'gazb-/ noum (B/ 王 boo, 如 slang) astupid person who talks nonsense

gob-smacked /gobsmaekt; NmE'gazb-/ adj (BrE ipjor 1maj) so surprised thatyou do notknow whatto Say

gob.stop-per ao); NAmE 'gazbstaspar/ (Br6) (NmE 各 wbreakcer nown a Very large hard_ round Sweetcandy

Solby /gaobi; NAmF 'goo-/ noun (P/ goby or gob'ies) a Small sea fish with a sSUCKER Underneath


| vvan

| 到 wet | z zoo

印m/movie star)

god-father /gpdfarieGnD); NAmE 'gqzd-/ noun 下 a male GODPARENT 字 (often Godfather) a very powerful man

识 a criminal organization,, especialy the Mafia 3 ~ of sth a Person who began or developed sth: Hes te god妈 therofFpumK

God-fearing codi [usually before noun] (olc-oshiomed) livig amoral life based on rejigious principles

Sod'forsaken /gpdfsseiksn: NAmE 'gazdafer/ ad ronly

before noun] (of places) boring, depressing and ugly: 工 CaTLEStardilivingm 声 zsgodforsakern hole.

God-given odji usually before noun] given or created by God: a .God-giyen ialent C What gives you a God-8ivem Tightto jaraow all mmay Dusinress?

'go-catt houn (NA 日= GO-KART S see

loved oradmired verymuch byother People: ascreerigod-

dess (= a female

| shoe

| 5 vision

| tf chain

| uiam

| 9thin

| 5 this

| 0 sing


going/ ,gaui; NA1mE 'gouim/ OU



人 [sing] DEPARTURE:

god-head /goqdhed; NAmE 'gad:d-/ novn the Godhead

[sing] (Jormal) used in the' Christian religion to mean”

Godi including the Father, Son and HoOLY SPIRIT

goOdless /godlas; NAmE'ga:d-/ adj [usually before noum] Totbelieving iD or Tespecting God: 6 godless geieratiom/ World P godilessnessmou1n [U]

god:like /gpdlaik; NAmE'gdd-/ adi like God or a god 站 some quality: his godlike beauty

godly/goqli; MAmE'gazdli/adj. [usually before noun] (oldJoshioned)living amorallife based on religious Principles: agodly marn .god.linessmoun 纪]

sod.mother /gpdmAa6eG); NAmE 'gazd-/ noun a female

- alsoO FAIRY GODMOTHER GODPARENT一see go:dowimi /geudaun; NAmE 'goU-/ noOuUn (Ind) a WAREHOUSE (= btiilding Where goods are stored) Sod.paremt







of leaving

'a Place 之 [U]

(used with an adjective) the speed with Which sb does sth; how difficult if is to do sth: Walkipng 如 xr 7miles 太 am pretty good goingjor 7mme.2 She had Per owPLcomTour notbadgoing!S 开 Was jnard going getting VD 一 panyby25 atjfiveeverymorning. 3 [U] the condition ofthe ground, especially 记 horse Tacing: The going 节 good ti 万 7 一See also OUTGOINGS_ ID when the_ ,going gets 'tough (the tough get'going) (50yY/78) when'conditions or Progress become difficult (Strong and determined people wWork even hatder to succeed) while the ,going is 'good

(B 有昌 (NAmE while the ,getting is ,good) before a situ-

ation changes and it is no longer possible to do sth: Domt 一more at yoUtnink we should guitWhjile 切 egoing 芭 good2?

COMING,, HEAVY 上 0dj. -going (in compounds) going regularly to the Place

一see also the theatre-going DUDLic



to be responsible for a child (= his or her GODCHILD) and toteach them about the Christian religion

God Savethe'King/Queennoun [U] the British national ANTHEM (三 Song)

'God?s coOUmntry noun (NA 万 日a beatitiful and peaceful areathatpeoplelove.Americans oftentuse the eXpression to imean the US, especiallythe Western states.

god:send /godsend; NAmE'gazd-/ noun [sing] 一 (for sb/ sth) | ~ (to sb/sth) something good,that happens UnexDectedly and helps sb/sth when they need help: THis me 纪 Denefitjhas come asagodserid JorIow-incormme 加 nines. sod:son /gpdsAn; NAmE'gazd-/ noun amale GODCHILD

the 'God squad noun [sing] (normal,disopproving) Christians, especially ones who try to make people share their beliefs &Oer /geue(D; NAmE 'goUer/ moUn 了 -goer (in comPounds) aperson whofiregularly goes to the Place or event Imentioned:a cinema-goerSaTnoviegoer 2 (B/ 司infonmah a woman Who enjoys having sex ffequently, especially With different men

[pl:] (Unformna) 1 coloured

lines that can be stuck on the sides of cars 了 (disapprovjng) features that are added to a product to attract attention blit which actually have no practical use

gofer (also go-phen /gaufeGD); NAmE'goo-/ noUn (nj 广 1mal) a person whose job is to do small boring tasks for other people in a company DOGSBODY; They calLTme the gofer 一go for this go Jor that,…

'gO-gettermour (Unformnal) aperson who is determined to SUcceed, especially in business 加OEBa /XDXe; 'XDXD; NAmE az X9XO2/ OU (SAEInoF /madl) an insect SgOS&.gle /gpgl; NA7mE 'ga:gl/ vemb [V] ~ (at sby/sth) (old用shioned, nrmal to look at sb/sth with your eyes wide open, especially becatlse you are SUIPrised or shocked

cernabusiness or an activitythatis makingaprofit and is expected to continue to do well: He 501d the cafe as

going coPicerm

tihe going 'rate (for sth) the Usual

amount ofmoney paid for goods or SerVices at aparticular time: They pay slightty more 切am 坊 egoing Tate.

going-'Over moun [sing] (Informal) 1 athorough examjination ofsb/sth: The garage gaye the cara thorough goimnsoyer 2 aserious physical attack of sb: The ga7ig gaye jzrm Grealgoing-Oye7

goings-'om 000n [pl] (informal activities or eVents that are strange,StUrDprising Or dishonest: S厅amge goingS-O7LTLext door Iast Tigfit

There Were SOTne

Soitre (BrB (NAmE goi-tem /gorte(GD)/ noUn [uC] a swelling of the throat catused by a disease of the THYROID

GLAND SO-Kaft (B16 (also go-cart NAm 司 BrE) /gao Kat; NAmE

'gou kaxrt/ noun avehicle like a smalllow car with noToof , or doors, Used for racings

Eoid 0 /gagld; NAmEgould/ noum, qdl. 上 0OUm 了 [U] (symb Au) a chemical element. Gold is a yellow PRECIOUS METAL Used for making coins, jewellery, decorative objects,etc.: Q gold pracelet/ring/WatcP etc. 人 18-carat goldo the coUntyS 8old reserVesC nade of solidVpure gold 一see also FooL's GOLD 2 [LU] money jewellery etc.that is made of gold: Bis W 交 was dripping with (= wearing alotob gold. 3- [UN the colour of gold: TIove the reds and golds of auturmnms 4 [U;G = GoLD MEDAL: The team- look set to win Ormmpic gold. ee He Wonm 态 ree golds and abronze. IE ,allthat ,glitters/,glistens is not 'gold (soying) not everything that seems go0od, attractive, etc. is actually .good,etc' a crockypot of 'gold a large Prize or feward that sb hopes for butis unlikely to get (as) good as 'gold (njormal) behaving ip.a way that other people approve of: The Kids haye been as good as gold all day. 一more at HEART,,STREET,, STRIKE V, WORTH adl/. 理 0dj. [only before noun] bright yellow in colour like gold: The comzpany narme Was Spelled out 训 go1d Ietters:

'Eold brick noun (US pformalj) a person who is lazy and tries to avoid worKk byPretending to be jl/sick

'EOogSgle-boxmoun (BE normnal) atelevision ,gOSSgIe-'eyed 0dj with your eyes wide Open staring at sth, especiallybecause you are SUIPrIised SOSg-gles /gpg1z; NmE'ga:glz/ nown [pl.] apair of glasses that fit closely to the face to protect the eyes 位om wind, dust,water etc: Qa pair of SWirmimingAsKisafety 8o8&les 一Dicture cy SKIING 'gO-gO 0dj. 1 connected with a style of dancing mnlsic in which women dance wearing very few Qa go:go dancer 了 (NA1E niormnal) of a period When businesses_ are growing and people are Ioney fast: the go0-8o years of the J9290s


We Were all sad at jher going.

or event mentioned:

Person who Promises at a Christian BAPTISM Ceremony

,goO-faster 'stripes 1ovm


gold-brick /gauldbrak; MAmE'gould-/ verb [V] (US jj六 mal) to be lazy and try to avoid work by Pretending to be i/sick

'gold card 7movn atype of credit card that enables a Per Son to buy more goods and servVices than a normal card does gold-crest /gasoldkrest; NAmE'gould-/ 10Un avery small bird with yellow feathers sticking Up from the top of its head

to PoP clothes: of time making

'gold-digger noun (informalj, disapproving) a woman who

goOSoO /'g2;95:/ 7mouUn (SB Ta grandmother 2-the title

gold 'disc noun a gold record that is given to a Singer of

for an older woman that is polite and shows affection

Goi.del:ic /gordelrk/ oadj. relating to the northern group of Celtic languages; including Irish,Scottish Gaelic and Manx 一compare BRYTHONIC

ae:cat | 必 father | eten

uses the factthat she is attractiveto get money 人 om men

group that sells a particularly high numberof records

'gold dustnoun [U] gold 记 theform ofpowder [Er like'gold dust (B/E) difficult to find or obtain: Tickets jor tpe inal are LiKe gold dust

| 3: bird | aeabout | Tsit | fsee | imany | p got (BrE | ossaw | Acup

| 5 put | 下 too

gold.en /gauldan; NAmE 'goulden/ adj六 1 (especiallyWier am) made of gold: a golden crown 了字 bright yellowin colOUI jlike gold: golden hair e_ miles of goldermn beaches 纪 Special; wonderful: golden nemories BUSI7iesses haye QSoldern opportumity to expand into new 7market s. co 五oL BrWwoods golden poy IE see KIIL MEAN 1.,SILENCE 1 goldenage mown [usually sing] ~ (of sth) a period during Which sth is very Successful,especially in the Past: the golden age of cinerma

goiden 'ager nou1 (njormal) aniold person

Soliden anni'rversary non (US) GOLDEN





goldfish bowl (alsofish-bowl) nounT asglassbowlfor

keeping fish in as pets 2 a situation 记 Which people can See everything thathappens and Dothing is Private: Ziving m thzs goldfish bowl oF DUDILicity Would cracK te StrO718eSt Jarriage.

,Sold leaf (also ,gold foil) noun [贡] gold that has been Imade into averythin sheet and is used ior decoration


Golden De'licious novn (oj coiden De'icious) atype of yellowish-green apple

Eolden eagie oun a large BIRD OF PREY (= abird that kills other creatures for food) of the EAGLE family with brownish feathers,that lives in Dorthern parts of the picture ec Wor一 人 PAGE R2o ld

golden 'Soal noun (in some football (SoccER) competi -

gold medal

mown (also goid [U,G) a MEpaL made of

gold thatiis given to the winner of a race or competi tion: ar OIyYmpic gold 7medal 岂 礁Per 一compare BRONZE MEDAL,


,gold “medailist

(BrE) (NAmE gold

Imedalist) 0o7172 am Ormapic gold medal1ist

old mine moupr Ta Place where gold is dug out of the ground 2 a business or an activity that makes a large Piofit: TPis restauramntis a Dotemntial gold 刺 太 6.

gold 'plate movun [u] 1 dishes, etc. made of gold 2 a thin layer of gold used to cover another metal; objects made in this way

tions) the first goal scored during EXTRA TIME,w hich ends the game and gives Victory to the team that scofes the goal

,goiden 'goose mouwn Something that provides sb with a

,gold-'plated codi:covered with athin layer of gold: go1aPlated earrings

lotofmoney, thatthey mustbe VerIy careful with in order Dot to lose it: Aiicrease 训 crirmme could Ja 访 e &oldem 8&oose of touris7m.

SOldl reserve 7houn [usually plj] an amotnt of gold kePpt by a_ countrys bank iD :order to SUPPport the suUPPly: -of

Boiden 'handcuffs "own [pl] a large sum of money

Sold rush noun a situation in which alot of People sud-

and other financial benefits that are given to sb to perSuade them to continue working for a company rather than leaving to workfor another comPpany

,golden'handshake oa

large sum ofmoneythatis

given to sb when theyleave their job, orto persuade them to leavetheir job

golden helio mown alarge sum of money that js given to Sb for accepting ajob

Bolden jubilee (5 昌 (Us ,golden ammiversary) moun

the 50th anniversary of an important event: :QUeem Victorias Golden ,upilee celebrations Sa Partb' to :7mark the companys goldem -70bilee-compare DIAMOND JUBILEE5



denly go to a place where gold has Tecently been discovered


/gaoldsmrb; NAmE 'gould-/ moum aperson

Who makes, repairs or sells articles made of gold

gold standard

7o01j (usually the goid standard)

[sing.] an economic System in which the value of money 和 based on the value of gold

gold.-was-ser /gauldvaesaGD); NmE'gould-/moun [ucja

Strong alcoholic drink from Poland that contains Very Small pieces of gold


/gaulam; 'g9oF, NAmE "gou-/ noun 1 (in Jewish

Stories) a figure made of cLAY that comes tb life Za 示 二 chine that behaves like ahuman

golden 'oldie oun (normaiTa Song or filmXmovie

Solf /gpblf; NMmE gazlf; go:lf/ moun [贡 ].a game Played over

golden 'parachute moun (njormahl partofa work con-

using as few strokes as possible: Fe eTJoyed a round oF Solf on a Sunday TOrmnim8. 一See also CRAZY GOLEF,MINI-

thatis quite old but still well known and Popular 2 aperSon Who is no longer young but still successful in their particular career Sport etc.

tract 识 Which a business person is _promised a large amountofImoney 让 theyhavetoleavetheir job

golden raisin non(NAm 日= sULTANA ,Solden re'triever noun alarge dog with thick yellow

alarge area of grotnd using Specially shaped sticks to hit asmall hard ball (agolf ball) into a series of9 or 18 holes,


golf golf course


golden rule "oun [usuallysing]an important Principle

that should be followed when doing sth in order to be Successful: THie goldem rule 识 temnmis is to Keep YOUr eye om

fag- 愉 -.

如e palL.




Bolden 'sectionm mown (technico1hthe Proportion thatis

considered to be the most attractivetolook atWwhan aline is divided into two

fairway UN

加olden 'syrup (alsotrea:cle)(both srBj mowr [Uj a Very Sweet thick yellow liquid made from Sugar



the rough

(8章 (Us ,golden anniversary)


(also ,golden 'wedding anniversary NAImE BrE) noun


the 50th anniversary of a wedding: The cOUDIe celebrated their goldemnr Wedding 访 Ja7uaT 一compare yYX DIAMOND

WEDDING, RUBY WEDDING, SILVER WEDDING gold:field /gauldfi:la; NmE'gould-/ novn an areawhere goldis found in the ground



brightly coloured


Small orange or red fish. Goldfish are keptas petsin bowls


| -au now

bunker (NMmEalso sand trap) 7

golf cart (Mn 日


Sold: sh 作 /gasuldfrj; NmE,goold-/ moun (P1. gold-fish) a

| ar my


trolley (Br日


| 稚 RRC2o

'gouldq-/ moum_ a _small

bird of the FINCH

With yellow feathers on its wings



avAAc 2

| er say

golf club


Solf club "own 1 (also club) a long metal stick with a piece of metal or .wood-at one end, used for hitting:the ball iD golf: aset of golf clubs-picture 必 GorF 2 an

| aoigo (8唱 | os go (NMmB6

| ar boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| Ue pure

Solf course

668 |

organization whose members play golf the place Where these people meet and play golf- Pine Ridge Go CIup:9 WeregoingjorIunch at 二 egoF clup. ' 友OoIfCourse (also course) moun alarge areaofland that is designed for playing golif on 一Picture 信 GOLF

goOlf-er /golfaG); NAmE 'ga:l-; 'go工/moun a person who 一picture 写 GOLF Plays golf

Solfing /golftm; NAmE 'galf; go:E/ aodj [only before

noun] playing golf connected with golf agoIrig holiday P golfing 0OUm [U]: aWeeks Solfingwitip 矿ienrds

'golf links (alsolinks) ov (2/ golf links) a golf course, especially one bythe sea

Gol.iathhn /galarsb/ moun a Derson or thing that is very

large of powerful: a Goliatmh of a man ca Goliath of 态 e From Goliath, a giant ip the coTmputer 矶dustry Bible who is killed bytheboyDavid with a stone-.


/goliwog; NAmE

golly /'gpli; NAmE'ga:li/

'gazliwa:g/ (also normaol

以-ies) noun aDOLL (=amodel

ofaipersonforachild toDplaywith) made ofcloth with a black face and short black haip now often considered offensive toblack people

SOlly mall

/goli5 NAmE 'gacli/ Exclamation (oldshioned njfor

used to express surprise: GoIb yore early!

SOonad /gaonzed; NAmE 'goor/ nouwn (anaiormy) amale se

Organ that prodtices SPERM; a female sex organ thatproduces eggs Son-dola /gondala; NAmE 'gam:;mgam'doula/ movm 说 3 long boat with a flat bottom and high parts at each end, Used on CANALS i记Venice--picture 字 PAGER3 字 thepart on a CABLE CAR OF SKI LIFT Where the passengers Si 3 (especially NAmF) the partofahotair BALLOON OFAIRSHIP Where the Passengers si Son-do'lier /,gondalreGD); NAmE ,gamda'lrm/ nowun a Per Son whose job is to move and steer a gondola in Venice一 Picture 只 PAGE R3





(also Gom-

dwana:iandgd /gon'dwamnalzend; NAmE gam-/) 0oun [sing.] (geology) a very large area of land that existed 让 了he southern HEMISPHERE Imjllions of years ag0. IL Was imade Up of the present Arabia, S America Antarctica Australia and Indiagone /gon; NAmE gomj; gam/ adj,prep 一see also GO,

GOES,, WENT, GONE 人 @adji. [not before noun] T (ofathing) used up: WHjeres 纯e coffee27 4s all gone.” 也 (of a person) having left a Place; away from a place: 宁 Tpm here2 Wo, he was Sone peforeT arrived: 3 (Jormah used to saythataparticular situation no longer exists: The days are gomne When you coOUId Ieaye yourdooruniocked atmigfiE 4 (BrE informallhavingbeen Pieganaant for the length of time mentioned: Shes seyen Tontps


CO How jor gone

are yoU2



.going,'gone (Br (also going 'once, going twice, sold NAmE BrB) said by an AUCTIONEER to show that an item has been sold 一more atDEADad/


(BrE,informalj later than the time mentioned PAST: Jfs goie Si oOClocKk aiready: SOTier/'gona(D; NAmE'gom- 'gam-/ noun (inirmah aperSon whois goingto die soon or who cannotbe saved from adangerous situation gong /gon0; NAmE go2; gam/ noun Ta rotund piece of metalthathangsinaframeandmakesaloud deep sound When it is hit with a stick Gongs are tsed as musical instruments orto give signals, for exzample thata meal is

ready. 2 (BrE, informal) an award or MEDAL given to sb forthe workthey have done gonna /gana; 'gone; NAmE'gomaj (pformah non-siondad a way of saying or Writing “going to ip informal Speech, when 站 refers to the future: WPats she gommna do TLOW2 You should notwrite this form unjessyou are copying SOmebody's speech-


(Br虽 (NAmE gonorrhea) /,.gonaTrre;

NAmE ,gadmnaTrie/ moun [U] adiseaseofthe sexualorgans,


| ddid

| ffal

| ggsget

| hhat

| jyes

一See also caught byihaving sex with an infected Person VENEREAL DISEASE

gonzo journalism /gonze5 d53maltzzem; NAmE gamzoU d53:rm-/ moun [U] (NAmE informal) reporting 让 news-

papersthattries to shock or excite Teaders Iather than to > givetrue information goOo /gu/ moun 疝] (informan aay tnpleasant sticky wet SUbstance 一See also GOOEY good 0- /gud/ adj ,noumn; ady

上 adj. better /bete(D/ best /best/)

> HIGH QUALITY- 了 ofhigh quality or an acceptable stand= ard:agoodpookcgoodjpod c Thepianro was 环 Sood co7LjstPnotgood enough. 2 The Tesults difiom o ZIDuUr wo 天 芭 Were pretty g00d 2 50rrY TY ESEsh EmotYVery Sood 2 Tis ias good a place as army t sperid 纺 e mighiL 2 Yo 一shexs TUChutoo 500d Dryo 天 Tieyer TnarTy jer > PLEASANT

也 pleasanti that yotU enjoy'or want Did yoU

jhave a good time 识 Iomrdon2 CUIES good to seeyoagaim CTPisiyverygood mews. CTLetsjhopeWejayve5ood Weather tomorrow C We are SHill Friends, 切ougP Which 1 8o0d 2 Jsagood thing (= 让slucky)you carmme eartgy. * SENSIBLE/STRONG-

3 sensible,logical

or Strongly SUP-

Porting what is being discussed: Tharik yo Sood guestionm czs thatsagood point CTIhavegoodreasomto pe SUspicious. C Wiata good iaeal/ “FAVOURABLE 4 showing Or getting apProval OF Tespect: The Play had good Teviews: 3 The jhotel jhas G800d reputarfion He comes 太omagood Jornily

>SKILFUL 5 一 (atsth/atdoing sth) ableto dosth well:to be agood actorcook:c torbe 8oodiat Ianguages[your Jop NicK has ,ahways peen good atJinding cheap 有ishts @ 一 with sth/sb able to use sth or deal with people well: Shes good with her hands (= able to make things, etc:). Jesyverygood WitR ciladrerz * MORALLY RIGHT 7 morally right; behaving 也 a way that 认 morallyright: She has triedto Iead agood 1ife. cagood deedoe Giving Per 雪 at 各 oneyWasagood 切训 gto do. CHe

zayery good mart“FOLLOWING RULES 8 following strictly a set'of rules or Principles: 二z Sood pracfice to SUPPIy GWritten reportto thebryer Shewasag8good Cathnolic SirL


9 一 (tosbl|~(ofsb) (todosth winling to help;

showing kindness to other people: He wasyerygoodto me WPherIwas 这 下 wasyery good ofyouto come. CTIhadto take a Week o 太 Work Dut my coUeagues Were Vely good Gbott 让 >*CHILD TO behaving well or Politaty: Zoucan stay up Iate 坟 you7e good c Get dressed now tejeSa80o0d 8ITL AHEAITHY 11 healthy or strong: Camr YOU SDeaKk imto TY 8good ear? CTdoni jel ioo good today 3 How are yoU2rmngoodz(= sed asageneral Teplyto a greeting) =*USEFUL/HELPFUL 12 ~ (for sb/sth).having-a useful or helpful effect on sbysth: Tpo mmuch sum ismtgood for yoLL CjIEs probably good for you to get sofme crificism Tiow ad then o (informaljll Shutyour mouth 坟 you Know Whats


13 no

一 doingsth |

no ~ to sb not having atiseful or helpful effect: Js 7io g&ood cofmplaining 一雪ey meyer Listef 2 Tis booK 1 mo good to me:Tmeed 切e new editiom-

>SUITABLE 14 ~ (forsth/to dosth) |~(forsb) suitableor appIopriate: Now 6 a 8ood time to buy a house. c She WoOUId pe good Jor the job. C Carn we charmge OU7 mmeeting 一 Moriday ismntgood (= convenient fjor 7me. >SHOWINGAPPROVAL 15 (mormal)usedtoshowthatyou approve of orare pleased about sth that has beemn said OF

done, ortoshow:thatyouwantto moveontoanewtopic of conversation: Dinmners ready22 Good 一T7mn starving2 了 gott 弛 ejopb.2OP7 8g00d ec Good Tipink weyvecometoa decr siomn 了 6 [only before noun] (Informajhl used as aform of praise: Good old JacKkfe Tye ordered some drinks ”Good Tar *1N_ EXCLAMATIONS 17 (nirmnal used in exclamations: Good heavens!2 Good God!

*LARGE TS [only before noun] great in numbenc amouTnt OF degree: a good many people CTPhe Kitchen iaQ8ood size. 和 Wespentagood while (='quite alongtime) Iookingjortphe jhozse. He devotedagooddealof(= alotof) attentomto the problerm. oO Theres agood chance (= 让 islikely) 坊atT Wontpe here mextyear

| k cat |了 lleg

| mman

| manow

| ppen

| 二


sood nature

of Ieaving. CTWas his advice eyer ary good2 Dr-to notbe interesting-or enjoyable:-His Iatest 万mm ism革 Tuchn good.

do good :|do sb 'good :to have ausefu l effect; to help sb: Do you 态inKk 切ese Iatest chamnges w 码 do GTY Sood? 和 Domntyou tinK taking to PerWwould do soTmme 8ood? C Pim SUTe Gew days of woudo ld yov QPpowe ofsood r Prove your health). for 'good (BrE also for ,good(= imand all) permanentiy- 7T7.i5 timie 5S 帮ce 入 Leaving for good (=she Will never returmn). to the 'good isedio Saytha t sbnow has

*AT LEAST 了 9 notless than; rather more than: We waited 刀oragoodjour cirsa Sood 切ree miles io 切 esiatiom. >THOROUGH 20O [only before noun] thorough; compiete: TWe hadagoodIaugp abpout 让 afierwards. cZpzE 帮elpetier afieragood sleep: “AMUSING 2 [usually before noun] amusing: a good Story/Joke co(informaoj) Thatsa Sood onel

aparticular amount of money thatthey did notha

ve before: We are 2500 to 六 Sood up to no good (injoF mah aoing sth WwWrIong or dishonest: Thiose Kids ore away5s 芭 如 nogood 一more atiLadj/ ,POWER 1 WORLD 四 CCfy (especialjy NAmE 砚 丰rmah well: OoW 入 这 Soimng2 Pretty 85ooa2e (non-sia1iadar加No you1i5sten ti 页 egood/

*EOR PARTICULAR TIME/DISTANCE 22 人 for sth having enough energy health, strength, etc. to lastfora particu-

good afternoomn exclomaionaisedto sayhel lo politely When people

first see each other ip the afternoon; ip informalnuse people often jstsayAFer moorr

lar length of time or distance: Zouregood for (三 youwil

livej afewyearsyet 23

z8ood jpr 太ree moritns.

一forsth valid for sth: The ticKet

> [LIKELY TO PROVIDE 24 ~ for sth likely to provide sth: Hesaiwaysgoodjora Iaxvgh. o Boppy sorld pe soodjpra 大 mwdrimKs > 六 [PIT Most idioms containing good are atthe entries fo the nouns and verbs in the idioms, for example (as) good as gold is at gold. as good as very nearly:: The 7ma蔚 teri as good as settled coHe as Sood as called mea cowara (= suggested thatIwas arcoward Without actually using the word coward") as ,good as 主 gets used :when you are:Saying'that a situation is not going to get any better good and .… (7mjorma1j completely: Twoni go UnGTL PTm Sood and ready_ a good 'few several: THhere are SHll a 8ood jw empty seats good for you,'sb, them, etc. (especially ADStrao/E good 'on youy etcj) (nnmnan used to praise sb fordoing sth well: 了 Passed 万FS 厨me2各008 JryouP 下 11007 一See also GOODS “MORALLEY RIGHT 了 _[U] behaviourihat 基 moraly FTght or acceptable: 妨e Gijference Debveen Sood arid evil 2 入 7e大 &iom always a force 矶r Sood? 2 the good [pl] People who live a moral life; People who are admired for the work theydotohelipother People: a8gathering ofthe great amd 态 egood


3 [U] something that helps sbysth: Cu

jayve peen made for'tphe Sood of te compary CTPm O11y tellinig yo this foryour ownm Sood 2 Whats the good of

三 how does it help_you) earT7Tim8 Ga1 态at 7momey 矿yo aontPaye time to enjoy it2 Jat Soodis 让 redecorafing 矿you7e 切 imKinsg oF Imoyimg? 一See also Do-GOODER all to the 'good used to Say that 庄 sth happens, 让 Wi be good,,even if it 二 not exactiy What you were expecting: 敌 切ese 7measures also rediuce LUmemzpDiIoyrmert zhatiz ato thegood beno good not be any/much good 1 to notbe Useful; to have no iiseful effect: THRis

8adget isntrTmuch gooa BTtsmo 8ood Tyingtio 右克 7meott



/godbar/ Exclamiaiion, moOuU7

Used when yo are leaving sb or when sb else is leaving: Goodbye! 下 was greatf io 7meef JoL 2 She didntf ever say Soodpye io jer mo 切 Er CS We Wavea 态em goodbye: 和 Weyve alrea

dysaidourgoodyes Siss7me Soodpyelc

(1gUratve) Take OU Dur service comirract and say 8o0dBye ti costty repair bil一compa ls.re BYE [DT see KIssv

good "day excomaoion (oldoshionedy Br used to say helo or goodbye politely when people first see each other orleave each other during the day: Good dayto yoLL

,good 'evening exoamaiomiised to say hello politely When people first see each other in the evening; in infor mal llse people often just Say Evening.

goodh faitih movr [u] the intention to be honest and helpfa l:a gestureofgoodyJait esBeactea 训 Sood jaith:

Sood-fornothingnrour (pforman aperson whoislazy and has mo skills: am iale &ood-fornofing good-fornothing ad [usually -before _noun]: Where 和 坊o Sood-formothingsor ofyours?

Good 'Friday roun [u,al the Friday before Easter the day when Christians remember the Crucifixion of Christ

good-'ihearted ad kind; wining to help other People



(es虽 (NAmE Sood



[U,sing.] a cheerfal mood: Everyone adrmired Fer pafience Gd LU7友让mg good Namazour [ED ITIL HUMOU R j> good-

-humoured (BrE) (NAmE good- humored) oj :agood Purmzoured atmosphere ,good- humouredly (BrF) (NAmE good- humored:ly) adv

goodlie=coopr Soodish /godif/ ad [oniy before noun] (BrE 117or75 1

T quite good rather than very good: 瑞 切e salary good22 Goodish 7 了 quite largein size Or amount: 五 代 pe a goodL 1 WizeJer pefore mye 太nisped


z太 (especially of people) physically

attractive [oag UcIY: Q SoD0G-IOoKing marcorple c Shes5 SITriKin8ty good-IoOKing 必 note atBEAUTIFUL

good 'Iooks noun [pl] the physical beanuty of a Deison:

GT actor Jar7mnousJDrjiiisruggedigood 1p0KS goOod .ly /godlij cd/ [only before noun] 了 (old- 厄shionea, 如 rmajn quite large iD size or amotnta goodly mrmDper 了 (old se) physically attractive:of good quality

good immorning exclomaionm used to Sayhello politely

When people first see each other in the Imorning ; sometimes aso used formally when People leave each other iD the_ morning; 记 informal use people often just say Mor71mg-

good mame noun [sing] the good Opinion that people

have of sbysth REPUTATION: 瑟e told the police he didmnt jnow Pen to protect jher SoDod name. C My election Charices are motas imiportantaste Sood marmme of the party.

good maturemovn [u] the quality of being kind, friendly andpatientwhen dealing with people

S See


| vvan

| wzwet

| zzoo

| shoe

| 5 vision

| t厅 chain

as jam | 9 thin

| 5this

| 0sing

上 EXclaimation (becoming old-oshioned) a word children tise When they are excited or Pleased about sth 'goodybag (also Foog IEbag)7ovn1 a bag containing Sweets/candy and small presents,giVen to chijldren to good-'natured adi. kind,friendly and Patient when ng exXdealing with people: a good-matured DersomXdiscussio产 加 take home at the end of a party 2 a bag containi amples of a companys Products,given away iDE order to PEood2naturedly adyv:to smile good-naturedly adverttise them sood-neighbour'liness houm [U] (Br有 good rela(njormnah di5oPtions that:-exist between people who live 识 the same 'goody-goody 10 (P goody-goodies)children) a person provingj \used especially by and about areabrbetween coUuntries that are near each other



/gudnes/_ movun [U] 1 the quality of being

who behavesVery well to Please People 记 authority Such as parents Or teachers

of Gods goodhness c (加 rmal) AtIeastPaye the goodmess (三 good manners) to IooK at 7me When TmL talKking to yoU 只 note at GoOD 2 the part of sth that has auseful effect on Sbysth,, especially sb's health: These Vegetables jhaye jhad all the goodmness boiled out of them. IE Goodmnessl | Goodness mel | My.goodmnessi | ,Goodness Sraciousi (Unjormaoj Usedto express SUIPrise: Goodness, What

) Unjor oody=twazsshoes 70U1 DO goody:twao-shoes 1mal, djsapproving) a Derson Who always behaves well,


good: the essenttial go0dhless of humaT mature 9 eyidence

abigballoonl eMy goodness yoUjaye been Dusy!

and Derhaps has a disapProving attitude to People who do not SOoOey /guil adj. (Unformal) softand sticky:Qa8ooeyTmess 8&O0ey CQKes goof /gufl/ verbi noun 四 Verb [V] (informal, especial NAIm 月to make a stupid misSoof around (injo广 take: Sorry SUYS. 工goo1fed. 1ma1l especially NAm 昌 to spend your time doing Silly or MESS AROUND goof 'o 作 (NAmEJnjor Stupid things /mal) to spend your time doing nothing, especially when youshould be working 四 HOUm (让 让rmah especialy NAm 有 Ta Stupid mistake 之 a silly or stupid person


们 om nessTneTiolout of iheeoodnessof your'heart advan-

feelings ofkindness, without thinking about What tage there will be for you: YoUre not teling 7ne Peroffered to Iend you the money OUE of the 8g0odmness 路 his heart2一 mote at GOD, HONEST, KNOW V,THANK

good-night /gudmart/ exclamatiom used when you are

Saying g0odbye to sb late 记 the evening, Or When they Or youare goingtobed; in informal use people often just say NigHht. goodo /gadag; NAmE -0U/ adj (AUstral语 NZ 局 informa)) good

goof-ball 1guxfbod/ noun (NAmE informal) aistupid pergoofball adj. [only before noun]: This isjustanother Son 轴all iaeas. of his goo

'Eoof-o 生7oun (NAm 启slang) aperson who avoids workor

good old'boy7noun (Nm injor 表 ai) aiman who is con-


sidered typical of white men in the southern states of the

goofy /gufi/ ad (informal especial NAImE) silly; stupid:



Q goojy gr识


/gudz/ nouwn [pl]

Tthings that are Produced to be sold: cheapVexpetsive electricalsports goods C LeatherVcottorpaper 8oods 识 creased tax on goods goods@perishaple/durable goods s also CONSUMER GOODS 只 Dote at 一See amd Service PRODUCT 了 possessions that can be movVed: stolem goods Thezplastic bag contained all his WorldIy goods (= eveIy-

Soog /gu:g/ moun (AustralE NZE inormal) an egg google /guzgl/ vemb to type words into a SEARCH ENGINE

the Internet, especially the Google TM search engine; 记 on order to find information about sb/sth: [VN] Zou camn 8oogle someone YOUYE Tecenttly Tet to See What 训 formatiom 攻

'goods (BrE informal) to be very good or impressive de-

available about 态 emm on the Jnternet C [V] Ttried googling Dut could7mt 广 md amything releyaT Soogly /gugli/ noun (PL -ies) (in CRICKET) aball that is BowLED so that itlooks as ifit will turn in one direction, but that actually turns the opposite way: (jgurative) He Dowiled te prime mministera8googly 怎 askedhim adifficult

to do whatyotu have Promised to do of What people exXPect of want you to do: We expected 8Teat things of the Eriglarid team DuUt on the day they simpMy Joiled to deliver the go0o0ds.

gp9: 吕 /guzgnpl; NAmE-g5od/ moun (mathematics)thenumer 日 or 1 followed by 100 zeros SoOok /guk/ noun T LU] (pformal any unpleasant sticky

thing he owned). 只 note at THINGS 3 (BE) things (not people) that aretransported byrail or road: a g&oods trainm le FREIGHT IE be the 一compare Ca heayvy goods vehic

liverthe 'goods | come up with the 'goods (Unjorma)

,goods and 'chattels 04

[pl] (BrE,especially /Ow)

personal possessions that are notland or buildings

good 'semse 0.

yerygood sense (= is asensible thing to do). 'goodstrain "704 (BrB) = FREIGHT TRAIN good-'tempered adj, cheerful and not easily made 'good-time adj, [only before noun] only interested:


pleasure, and not in anything serious or imnportant: 工 Was too much ofagoodtirme girlLto do any Serious studying

good-wil /gud'wa/ noun_[U] 1 friendly or helpful feel-

让 ofgoodwi ings towards other People or countries: QSPIr 训 训 termnational relations Ca goodwill gesture/a gestuTe of goodwill 2 the good relationship between a business and its customers that is calculated as part of its Value when it is sold

goody /godi/ noum, exclamation

昌0OU1 (also_goodie) [usually pl] (PL -ies) (nformah) Ta

thing that is Very nice to eat: Q DasKket of goodies Jo7 tpRe children 2 anything that is attractive :and that people Want to have: We7e giying away IO of 广ee goo0dies 一太 SRirts 7iats arid Videosl 3 a g00d Person, especially iD 3 telLWwho book or a flmymovie: Its sometimes difficultto are the goodies and Who are the baddies。、 ID BADDY

acat | ad father | eten | as:bird | aabout


wet substance 2 [G (NAmE 如 boo,, slang) an offensive word for aperson from SE Asia

goolie (also gool ) /guzli/ noum [usually pl.] (P/ -ieS (BE,

[u] ~ (to do sth) the ability to make

一 the right decision abonut sth; good judgement: Q 7mnam oF honour and good sense C Keeping to a Iow-fat dietTmakes



slangjarudewordforaman'sTESTICLE Soom/ gumny/ noun (informaj T (especialy NAmB acriminal who is paid to frighten or injure people 之 (Old:foshioned, especially BrE) astupid or silly Person Soose /guzxs/ noumi ve 册

下 OU1 (PL geese /gis/) 1 [G abird like alarge DUCK with along

ER Geese eitherlive wild or are kepton farms.一

Picture 只 DUCK

了 [U] meat

位om a goose: 7OGQst 8005e

3 [q a female goose 一compare GANDER 4 [C (old-joshioned,informal) a silly person 一see also WILD GOOSE CHASE See COOKV,KILL Vi SAUCE, SAY V 上@Verb [VN] Unformal) 1 to touch or squeeze Sbs bottom

2 ~sth (along/up) (NAm 昌 to make sth move of worK faster


/g5zbari NAmE'guzsberi/ noUnm (P/ -iega

small green fruit that grIOws on a bush With THORNS. Gooseberries taste sour and are Ustually cooked to make jam, PIEs,etc. Children are sometimes told that babies come from “under the gooseberry bush': a 8g00seberTy

Dush 一picture 只 PAGE RI2

[ayYugooseberry (BI目

tobeathird personmWith two People who have aromantic ielationship and wantto be alone together

goose-bumps /guzsbAmps/ noun [pl.] (especially NAm月 = GOOSE PIMPLES

| rsit | 这 see | imany | p got (BrE) | azsaw | Acup

| 5put |


Soose egg noun (MAmE :informa ascore of zero in a game Soose pimples:-noun

[plJ=(also /ess Jrequent goose-

:esh:[u]) (both :especialy BrE) (also goos ebumps) (espe

SOrse /go:s; NA7mE goxrs/ (BrEalso furze) mou1jn [U] abush With thin_ leaves with Sharp points and small yellow flowers. Gorse often grows on land that is not used or cared for.

ciallyin NAmB acondition in Which there arera

ised Spots on yoUI Skin because you feel cold, frightened or excited: 下 Sayve me goose Pimiples justto 雪 训Kabout 让 goOose-step moun [sing.] (often disapprovng) a way of marching, Used by soldiers in some countri es, in which

the legs are raised high and straight

(ep-) [V]

ican political partyin the US) So'pher /gaufeG); NAmE 'goU-/ movun 了 (also ground

squirrel) a N American animalTlike a RAT, that lives 记 holes in the ground 2 = GOFER

gQra /gorra/ noun (P/ goras or goray /gorrer/ ) a word used byPpeople from;S Asia for a white person Gordian knot /go:dian mot NMA7mE go:rdien mazxtA0 ouP a Very difficult or impossible task 6r Problem : to_cut/ Lmtie the Gordiar Kmnot(=tosolvea PiIoblem by taking action) [ENTISTI From the legend in ;which King Gordius tied avery complicated knot and said that whoeve rundid 让 would become theruler ofAsia Alexander the Great cut through the knot with his sword.

Gordon Benmnett /go:dn benat; NAImE ,goxrd/ exclamdtom (BrE) People sometimes Say Gordon Benmnet t! when they are annoyed or surprised abonut sth From

James Gordon Bennett, an American DewWwsSpaper OWner

and financial supporter of sports events. SOre /go:GD)/ verb, noun 吾 Ve 几 [VN] (of an animal) to wound a person or another animal with a horn OrTUSK: EHe Was Sored py QDu人L 吾 mOU1m [U] thickblood thathasflowed from a Wound, especially ip a Violent situation: THPe moyie z Tiot Just plood arid gore (= Scenes of violence): 让 jhas a tnrzlling story 一 See also GORY



'goxrt/ moun

[U] a light

Iaterial that does not let water through but that allows air and water VAEOUR through, used for making outdoor and sports clothes SOrSe /go:d5; MA/mE goxrd5/ 7OvP, vemb 下 7OU1 [C] a deep narrow valley with Steep Sides: te Rhine

Corge [IDIW sbs gorge rises (ormo1 somebody feels so

angry about sth that they feel physically sick

目 Ye/b [VN, V] ~ (yourself) (on sth) (sometimes disapproving) to eat a lot of sth, until yo are too full to eat any IOore

STUFF YOURSELF SOrSeOus /'g5o:d5as; NA4ImE go:rd5es/ 0dj T (njormon Very beautiful and attractive; giving Pleastre and enjoyInent IOVELY:Q8078e0US girlnannCagorgeousyiew 2 8o1S8eous Weather (= Warm and With alot of sun) e Zov IooK gorgeous1 下 Was apsoluteyy SorgeoUs: 只 note at BEAUTIFUL 之 [usually before noun] (of colours, clothes, etc.) With very deep colours; impressive: exotic pirds it jathners ofgorgeots colouF P gorgeously adv SQFSOm /go:gen; NMAmE 'gorrgan/_moun 了 (in_ancient Greek stories) one of three sisters with snakes on their heads instead ofhair who can change anyone that looks atthem into stone 2 an ugly woman who behaves ip an aggressiVe and frightening way

GorSon-zola /,go:gen'zeola; NAmE ,goxrgen'Zoogla/ noum

贡] atype ofItalian cheese with blue marks and a Strong flavour

gOIilla /garne/ movn 全 avery large powerful African

APE (=- an animal like a large MONKEY without a tail) covered with black or brown hair 2 (informal alarge aggressive man

SOrm'less /gommles; NAmE 'goxrm-/ dj (BE nnmaj

Stupid: a gorrTmless boy 2 Do7iit just sta7id 太 ere IooKing 一qo sometihingl 8or7Tmaless

So-roumnd moun

三 co-ARoUND

SoOrp: /go2p; NAmE goxzrp/ moum [U] (MAJmE)-a mixture of Duts, dried fruit,etc: eaten between meals to Piovide extraenergy especially bypeople on camping trips, etc:


|:ar my

| ao now

| -ersay

SOrY /gori/ adj 1 (njormaol) ivolving alot of bloodior

:goose-step Ve北

GOP /dsi: ao pi:; NAmmE ou/ abbr: Grand Old Party (the Republ

| ecgo (Br



Violence; showing or describing blood and:vio lence:a 8o077 accident 2 the gory task of 坊e Pa 扩 ologist O 0 gory 7mnOyVie C (juU1TOroVS) Fe inrsisted oo telirg Us all 态 Egory details apout 态 e太 diyorce (三 the Unpleasant facts). 了 :(/ 六 ela1y) covered with blood BLOODSTAINED: Q 8oOry


Sosh /gpJ; NAmE gd:J/ exclamabon (Oldoshionedg nor 太0/) people say“Gosh'y,when they are_ suirprised or Shocked: Gosju is 雪 attRe tirme7 Sos-hawk /gpshoxk; NAmE 'gazs-/ moun With short wings

a large_ HAWK

gos'ling /gpzlim; NmE'gazz-/ noun a young GoosE (= a bird like alarge pUcK) So- siow (BrE) (MmE silow-dowmn) noun a Protest that Workers make by doing their work more

Slowly than

Usu 一compare al WORK-TO-RULE SOs-Ppel /gospl; NA7mE gadspl novn 了 [q (also Gospel)

one ofthe fourbooksin theBible abotutthelife and teaching of Jesus: the Gospel GaCcording to StJopm e St Marj Gospel 2 [sing.] (also the Gospel) thalife and teaching of Jesus as explained in the Bible: PreachingsAspreading the gospel-3 [Cusually sing.] -aset of ideas that Sb believes in and tries to persuade others to accept: Fe Preached a gospeliof nilitary Strength 4.(also ,gospel Truth) [U] (njomnal) the complete truth: 有 t切at Sospel2

2 Dont take his word as gospeL. 5 (also ,gospel music) [U]

a style of religious singing developed by African Americans: a gospel choir SOs'Saimer /goseama(r); NAmE 'gaxs-/ oun [U] Tthe Very fine thread made by spiders 了 2 (ltera) any very light delicate material: a gowm of gossammersilk e the 8SDs5Sa1mer WinSs ofa dragomPly Sos:sip /gosImp;NAmE'gad:smAnounyve 六 旦DOU1 了 [U] (91sapproving) informal talk Or storiesabotut other people's Drivate lives, that may be unkind or not true: Domnt pelieye all the gossip you jear e 兹 Imieall te Iatest8o5sip12 THe 5oss态Was 切aEhie7ad1osta 刀rtune oo

the Stock excha7ge Ce 下 Was commom 8o05sip (=everyone

Said So) 轨 at 切ey Were haying an aqfjfair csShesagreatonte Jorialegossip (=sheenjoys Spreading'stories about other People that are probably not true). 2 [Gusually sing] a CODVversation about other people and their Private lives: 工 IOveagoodgossip. 只 note atpIscUssION 3 [G (dsaopprov/hg) a person who enjoys talking about other People's Pi Vate lives 戎 gossipy /"gpsipi; NAmmE 'gazs-/.adj :agossipy LetteTZTieigjDpoUF 昌 Ve 上b [V] totalk about other people's Private lives, often 记 an Unkind Way:Tcanitstand here gossipimng all aay ecShes Deei gossipimng aboutJyoU. gossip column mo a piece of writing in a newspaper about social events and the Private and Personal lives of famous People ,Bessip columnist 7ou7

SOt 5 pp of GET gotcha /gptJe; MAmE'gaztfe/ exclamation (onsstondardg) theWwritten form of the way some People pronounce Tve Sotyou,, which is not considered to be correct: Gotcha5T Jelled asT8gTrabbed him py the arm. (= used when youhave caught sb,or have beaten them at Sth) 人 Domit Iet go

了 am 8otcjia (= Yes, TIunderstand.) [ng You should

Dot Wiite this forni unless you are copying Somebodys Speech. Sotlhn /go6; NAmE gd:6/ noun 人 [u] a style of rock Itusic, Popular 记 the 1980s, that developed from PUNK music. The words often expressed ideas about the end .of the World, death or the DEVIL. 2 [G a memberofa group of

People who listen to goth music and wear black clothes andblack and white MAKE-UP goth (also gothic) od/.

| -oo go (MA 日 | or boy

:| re near

| ea hair

| Te _pure



Gothaim /gobam; NAmE'gd6-/ nouni(informnal New York City Goth:ic/gpbrmk; NAmE'ga:6-/ 0dj ,noun aadj. 1 connected with the Goths (= a Germanic people

who fought against the Roman Empire) 乙 (rchitecture) bnuilt in the style that was POPpUular ip western' Europe from the 12th to the 16th centuries, and which has pointed ARCHES and windows and tall thin PILEARS: G Gotphic church 3 (of anoveL etc.) written ini:the style popular ip the_ 18th and,1l9th centuries, whbich described romantic adventures in mysterious OF frightening surroundings

4 (oftype and printing) having pointed letters with thick lines and sharp angles. German books tised to be printed 也 this style. 5 connected with goths anmOuUnm [U] 1 the Gothic style of ARCHITECTURE 之 Gothic printing type or printed letters 'go-to adj._ [only before noun] (NAm 有) used to refer to the berson or Place that sb goes to for help, advice or infor mation: Hes the presidents go-to SUY On Asiar Poli6ics. gotta /gpta; NAmE 'gazta/ (morma1 mormstiondard) the Written form ofthe word some people Use to mean have gotto' or have got 3 which is not considered to be co Tect: Hes gotta 8o. C Gotta cigarette? DIE Youshouldnot write _this form unless you are copyimng somebodys Speech

got:-ten(NAm 月pp ofGT Sou:ache /gmdzf gwaJ nowrT

Iamethod ofpaint-

ing using colouirs that are mixed with water and made thick with artype ofglue; the paintsused ip this method 2 [qd apicturepainted Using this method

Gouda/'gauda; NMmF 'guzda/ moun [U] a type of Dutch cheese thatfis covered with yellow WAX SoOu e/gaod5/ vemb, noun 号2r 疆vN] 1 一sth (in sth)tomakeahole orcutin sth with asharp objectin aiodugh orViolent way: The Jionms claws PadgougedawounGd 训 tejhorsesside CHehadgouvsgedher cheeKk with ascrewdriver 卫 (NAm 有 to force sb to pay an unfairly high price for sth; to Taise prices Unfairly: Price



Temove or form sth by into a surface: TGS eyes jhad been gouged ouUE CGIaciers,8ouSed out yalleys 万om the jaills. mnOunm 了 _a sharp tool for making hollow areas ip wood 2.adeep,narrowhole orcutiDasturface SoOu:-jons/gu:dsa 3 guz3-/ nowr [pl] (BrE from French) ga pieces of fish or chicken fried in oil

Sou:iash/'gulal /noun ICU] ahotspicy Hungarian dish of meatthatis cooked Slowlyip liquid with PAPRIKA Ourd/g5ed; go:d; NAmEgurd; go5Td/ movun atype of large 让 not normally eaten, with hard skin and soft fleshGourds are often dried and used as containersCALABASH gourmand /gueamand; NAmE 'gurmammd/ noun (often disapproving) a person who enjoys eating and eats large amounts offood

Our-met/goomeE NAmE 'gurm-/ noun a person who oOws a lot about good food and wines and who enjoys

choosing,eating and drinking them


gourmet 0 相

[only before noun]: gourrmet food (= of 十 沫duality and often expensive)

Sout/gaut/ noun [U] a disease that causes painful swellingin the joints, especially'ofthe toes, knees and fingers


0 1/gAvns NAmE'gAvarn/ ve 内

Ttolegalycontrolacountryorits people and be responsible for intriodtcing new laws,organizing public serVices,etc: [VN] The country goyvermried py elected Tepreserttafives of 妇e people. C [V] 了He accused 地e opDos让 om party ofpeing unfit io goverm 也 [TVN] [often passive] to control or influemce sb/sth or how sth happens, functions, etc.: Prices are goyverned pyTmrarketdemanrd AIRis decisioris hnave beenr entirefy goveriied By se 矿interesEt 和 We meedi chamnges 碎 纺e Iaw 8overniing school atterrdance-

3 [vN] (grammar) 让 a word governs another word or bbad

| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

phiasei it affects how thatiword or phrase 还 formed or Used SOv:ernance /gaAvananis; NAmE-Verm-/ noOUmI TU] (tech-

micaolithe activity ofgoverning a coOuUntry OF controlling a company or an organization; the wayin which a country js governed ora company OF ipstitution is controlled SOv.erin'ess 1/gAvsnes: NAEAarma/ nO07 (especially 问 the pasb, a woman employed to teach the children of 立 Fich familyin theirhome amd to live with them goOVv-erriing /gaAvaniim; NAmE Yern/ adj [only before noun] having the right and the authority to control sth stuch as aicountry or an institution: The ,Goriseryvatives Were 纺en 纺 egoVveTTiing party C The Schools SOVerTing pody (= the group of people who control the orgamnization ofthe school) tooK resporas 顾 不ty Fr 切e decisior

0 /9Avenment NAE Varmz/

SOV.erm:imemt 1OUn

1 [ctsing,/pl:v]i(often the Governmmenb (obbr


the group of people who are Tesponsible for 二 a cotuntry or a state: io Iead/formaa Sovernrment 2 the IastComservative goyeTTirmment2 雪 egoyerTiTmIenEofthe day 人 Foreigrmt goyernments jaye peeri consulted apout 切is decr siomL C She has resigrited 万o 郊 切 e GoyerTimment TIPe GoverrrTment has/Tiave Dee considering 包rther taxc CU. 人 g&overriment Policies/ojjicials/ministers 2 Q .SOVverTmTrent _department/agency/Srarnt 2 SOVeTTITLETL exXPenmditure/ 训teryention 之 [U] a particular System OF method of controlling a country: coalifiom/comamturtist/democratic/totalitariar etc- 85oVeTTTent 2 DermoCratic 8&oyvermirmerit jhas mow Teplaced 7Tnilitary TUIe centtral/[fderal goverrimient 3 [U] the activity or the Imanner of controlling a_ country: Stromng 8gOVeTTITLenL 人 The Democrats are:mow 训 SOVverTimeTmt i the US. 一see also BIG GOVERNMENT

SOV'ern:mmen-tal /9Avn'imentl NAmE ,gAVern-/ ad 太 connected With govermmment; of a government: 8overTITmental agertcies C g&OVeTTiTmLemntal actioTis

.government and 'binding theory(also bindinf theory) 17Ouwm [U] (Jimnguwistics) atheory of grammar basek

ontheldeathat aseries ofconditions relatethe parts of a Sentence togetheT

government 'health warning"ovn 1 (in Britain) a

notice that mustbylaw appear on aproducb especially a pack of cigarettes, that warns People thatitis dangerous

to their health 2 (also _,health warnin

电(Br6) a warn-

记 g that sth should be'treated carefully Use 让 may catse DPIOblems: These gures 万 ShouldYsome With a goVeTTLTmentjhealth warriirig.

有Overm-OMY 0 /gAvena(GnD); NAmEsarn-/ .noum T (also Governon aperson who is the official head ofa coOUntry OF Tegion that is goyerned by another couUntry: the 名rrmer goverrior of the coIonry 2 da Proyincial SoyernOr 2 (also Governon a Person who is chosen to be 正 charge of the government of a state iD the US: 妇e govemor of Arizona C the Arizona SoyeImor 2 Goyermnor TIpmm Kearm 3 (especially BrE) a member of a _group of people who are respDonsible for controlling an institution such as a school, a college or a hospital: a school govermor 2 坊e board ofgovernors ofthe college 4 (BrE) aperson who is 让 charge of an institution: a Drisom goyeTrmor 切 eSoVermoOr of the BamnKkofEnglanidac (nrmallIcantdecide TPRPavetio asK 态e govemmor (= the man in charge,wWho employs

Sb). 一see alsoGUVNOR

,Governor 'Genmeral noun (P/ Goverriors General OF Governor General9 the official representative in a country ofthe countrythat has orhad political control over especially the representative of the British King or Queen in aCommonwealth country

goOvt (also govt. especially 训 NAm 日abbr (ii writing) government O 'wWellexclamation (SArE)used to say goodbye to sb: 工 ope youemjioyyour holiday Go well

gOwm/gaum/ no

Ta woman's dress, especially a long

One for special occasions: ai eventirtgSAwedding SOWTL 2 .alongloose piece of clothing that is worn iover other clothesbyjudges and (in Britain) byotherlawyers, and by

| kaat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| ppen

| :rired

members of universities (at special ceremonies): agradz-


ation gowm 3 a piece of clothing that'is worn over other clothes to protect them, especially in a hospital : a sur

8eo07m.580一 see also DRESSING GOWN Wn

*TITLE 7 His/Her/your Grace [cl used as atitle ofiez Spect when talking to or about an ARCHBISHOP, a DUKE oraDUCHESS: Good Morning Zour Grace. co Their Graces

SOwmned /gaund/ odj wearing a gown Soy /957/ 1mOUm (PN goy.im /gormmn/or goys) (njormajj often

the Duke and Duchess of Ken

oO1jensive) a word used byJewish People fora peison who is notJewish

一See alsO COUP DE GRACE; -SAVING GRACE IE be in sb?s good 'graces (jorma1h to have sb's approval and be

@P/d5i pi/ noun (BrE) a doctor who is trained in general

liked by them fall from 'grace'to lose the tiust or re-

medicine and who works ithelocal community not 证 -a hospital. (abbreviation for 'general Practitioner): Go arid SeeJyOUT GP as SO0oTL as pos5ibJe. C There are Jour GPs in our IocaLPpractice. @PA /,d5这pi:'er/ moun (NAm 有 the abbreviation for GRADE POINT AVERAGE: HeSraduated with a GPA of3.8.

Spect that People haveifor you; especially by:doing sth

Wrong or immoral sb's :fallifrom Srace a Situation 训 Which sb loses the trust or Tespect that People have for them, especially becatuse of sth WwWIiong or immoral that

they have done havethe (good) grace to do sth to be polite

enough to do sth, especially when you have done sth Wrong: Fe didmnt eyem haye the 8Trace:to look empbar

@p Calptabbr GROUP CAPTAIN GPS /,d5i pi'es/ obbpr global Positioning system (= a sys-

7assed there butfor the grace of'God (go 省 (soying)

Used to'Say that yOuU could easily have been in the same

tem by which signals are sent from SATELLITES to a special device, used to show the position ofa Person or thing on the surface ofthe earth very accurately)

克 fajbp 0m /graeb/ verb, noun Bye凡 (-bb-) 1 一 sth (from sb/sth) to take or hold Sbysth

With your hand suddenly firmly or Toughly SEIZE: [VN] She grabbed the childs hand amd ranm oO He Srabbed Pold ofrne and wouldmiIet go ojJim Srapbed a cake 万omm 妇he plate. ce[V] .Dont grap- theres Plenty for eyeryone. 了 [V] ~ at/for sth to try to take hold of sth: She Srabpbed at the prartcj 7missed and 帮 L 和 Kate Srapbpbed for the robpersgunm. 3 ~ (at sth)to take advantage of an opportunity to do or have sth SEIZE: [VN] T7Pis Was Tny big chanmce anrdTgrapped 让 with bot hands o [V] e 人 2 grab CE ay excUse to avoid doing the disjies. 4 [VN] to haveor take sth quickiy especially Decatuse you are im a htiry: Tets graba3SaTidWich before We 50. OF Ta7iaged to grab a COUPpIe of houys?sleep om the plane ciGraba SeGE TWOP和t Keep yoOU QTnoment S [VN] totakesth for yourselB espeGially ip aselfish or GREEDY way: :By the time We arriyved,

SOTmeoTie jhad grabpbed all the good seats: 6 [VNj] to get sb's

attention: TI1 see ifrTcarz grap theWwaitress and Setthe pillL Glasgow's druss problem Pas grabbed the headlines toTight (= been Published as an important story in the Dewspapers). II how does ..: grab you? (in1om7ma1/ Used to ask sb whether they:arevinterested in sth or in doing sth: How does theideaofatrip toRome SraDb yoOU?

四0OUm 了 [usually sing.] ~ (at/for sb/sth) asudden attempt

totake orhold sbysth: Hermmade agrab for her Dag. 一see


2: 了 (computngj

a picture taken

在om a television or Video flm, stored as an image on a coOmputer: ,Q Screen 8S7rap 方om JWedmnesdays prograTmrme 3 apiece of equipment which lifts and holds goods, for example the equipment that hangs from a CRANE

[ID up for grabs (jnal/) available for anyone who

is interested: THPere are 和 25000Wort ofprizes Up Jorgrapbs 碎 ouUr cojmpeEitiomy

Sralb bag noun (MmB 1 = LUcKY pip 2 (njforman a Imixed collection ofthings: He offered agrab Dasg ofreasonms

Jorhis decisiom.

grace /greIs/ moun; ve 内 目 11OU17 *OF MOVEMENT 了 [U] an attractive quality of movement

thatis smooth, elegant and controlled: She moyeswitp the DatuTal grace ofa palIerina.

* BEHAVIOUR 之 [U] a quality of behaviour that is polite and.pleasant and deserves respect: He comnducted Pi7mse 太 With grace ad digrity- 切 F7ouvghout 态 e triaL 3 graces [pl]. (especiay BrB) ways ,of behaving that people think are' Polite and acceptable: He was mot particularly we yersed 总 轨esocial graces. * EXTRATIME 么 【U] extra time that is given to sb to enable them to pay a bili finish a piece of work,etc.: THPeyyve SiyenTme QTmonthsSrace to Setthe 7mmoney

*OFGOD 5 [U]'the kindness that God shows towards the human race: 夏 Was omly by the grace of God that they Su Viyved. * PRAYER @ [U, Cj a short prayerthatis usuallysaid before amealtothank God forthe food: Tets say grace.

S see

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| :zzoo

:| J shoe


difficult or unpleasant situation that sb else is in with {a) bad 'grace in an Unwilling and/or rude Way: He hamnded oVer the Toney With typical bad gracE with (a) good

grace in a willing and pleasant way: Zou:7must .learn to accept defeat With good grace 一more . at AIR1.,STATE 1

YEAR 昌 VErb [VN] (formal) Ttomake sth more attractivei to dec-

orate sth: THe table had once graced a dukes arawing

room. 字

一 sb/sth (with sth) (usually Jromic to bring hon-

oOUT to sb/sth; to be kind enough to aftend or take Part 雇 sth: She is one of the Jinrestplayers eyer to haye graced the 8amme. 2 砂 说yoU be 87racing LS With youF presemce toPigRht?

grace and 'favouroad [only before nounm] (BrE) used to describe a house or flat/apartment that a king, queen or goveImnment has allowed sb tolise grace-fuly/'grersfl/ odi 1 Imoving in acontrolled, attractive way or having a Smooth, attractive form: The damnecers Were all tall amd gracefl ee He gaye wagraceful bow to 切 e QUdieTice: C 态e graceful curyves of the mills 2 polite and kind in your behaviour especially in a difficult situation: Ts Jother jad always taught hirm to De SrTraceful 训 defeat 基 Srace:fulily /fieli/ adv: The cathedral5s white towers CID Sracefulpy 访to the scOTthink we should Jrstgive

识 Sracefully gracefulnessmoun [U] SracCe'less /grerslas/ odj. Tinotlknowing howtobe Dolite and Pleasantito other people: a Sracelessi am87yY YOUTLS 7manm 之 notpleasing or attractive to look at: the STQaceless architectuie of the 7960s 3 moving in an awkward Way:

She SWam With Ga graceless Stroke. [GE GRACEEFUL graceessiyacdv grace mote moun (1music) an extra note whbich is not a Decessary part of a tune, but which is played before one ofthe notes ofthe tune as decoration

Sra-Cious /grerjes/ ad 1 (ofpeople or behaviour) kind, polite and generotus, especiallyto sb ofalower social Pos-

iion: a 8racious 1ady ec a gracious smile ec HeJhas not yet Learned how to be Sracious 识 defeat 2 [usually before noun] showing the comfort and easy way of life that wealth can -bring: Sracious living 3 [only before nounm] (BrE 如mmal) used as a very polite word for IOyal people Or their actions: her 87racious Majesty the Queern 4 一 (to

sb) (of God) showing kindness and MERCY: a 8&racious act of God 5 (becoming old-joshioned) used for eXPpressing

SUIPTrise: Good1tess 8Tracious! CT hope you diani ind Tny Dhonming you”'Good gracious mno,oF course Tioty > EraCiousJy oadv: She graciouslyy accepted our inyitatiom。 gra-

cious.ness1mou7 [U]

Srad /graed/ noUn (Pormah especia 必 NAmB) = GRADUATE Sradj-alble /grerdebl/ odj. (gramman(ofan adjective) that can be Used in the comparative and superlative forms or

pe used with words like Very and 4ess' [aagg NON-GRADABLE e grad:ability /,grerqa'brleti/ noun [U]

grad-ation /gre'derfn/ novn Ti [Gu] (1jorma) anyofthe small changes or levels which sth is divided into; the Pro-

cess or Tesult of sth changing gradually: gradatioms of coLlouUr SSradation 训 Size 了 2 (also Sradu:ation) [C] a mark Showing a division on a scale: 六 e gradations om a 如 erm-

OTmeter | 5 vision

| tf chain

| ds jam

| 9 thin

| 5this

| msing


674 |

Eagle 0m /grerdj novn; ve屿 理 ]IOU1 了 the qualityofaparticular Product or ee AL the mmaterials Used Were or the jiighest grade 2 alevel of ability or rank that sb has in an organization: sala7y

grades' (= levels of pay)ie-Shes Still only om Q .Secretarial grade. 3 amark givenin an exam or forapiece ofschool

Work: (BrE) She gotgood grades 训 her exarms. 2 (NAmmEjSjie gotgood grades on jher exaTmms.C709%6 ofpupik got Grade C oraboye. 4 (intheUSschoolsystem)oneofthelevelsina school with children of similar age: Sarmm zs 总 (the) second grade:- 5 (technical) how serious an illness is: IowXPigi Srade fever 6 (especially NAm有ji=-GRADIENT 7 (BrE) a level of exam ip musical skill [IE make the “grade (njformal:to :reach the necessary standard; to Succeed: About 了IO0%6 oftraineesjfailLto make the grade:

上 Yerb 人 ~ sth/sb (by/according to sth) | 一 sth-(as sth) [often ,passive] to arrange people or things in groups according to their ability, quality, size, etc:: [VN] The comtainers are graded accordimng to size. CO Feggs are graded 太om Small to extra Iarge CORespoTlses WeTe graded 方om 了 (very

Satisfied) to 5 (not at allsatisfied) [VN-ADI] Tem peaches Were graded as acceptable. 了 (especially NAmE) to give a markVgrade to a student or to a piece of their written work: [VN] Tspent al weekend grading papers. 和 [VN-N] The best students are graded 4: 一compare MARK

Sraded /grerdid/ adj arranged 也 order or 让 groups according to difficulty, size, etc.: graded tests jor Iamnguage students CS graded doses of a drug

Erade Point average 10Um [usyally sing:] (obbr GPA) the average of a stidents marks/grades over a Deriod of time in the US education System Srader /grerdaC)/ noun (NAmE) 1 first, second, etc. 一 a Studentwhois in the grade mentioned: The Play opet 如

all seyemth amd eighth grader5. 也


Sradeschoolnoun (njormnal) = ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Sra:di:ent /grerdient/ moumT (also grade especially 雇 NAImB the degree to which the ground slopes, especially onaroad or railway: asteep gradientCQaPilwitnagradL-

entofFIT 训 和 涉(or 25%) 2 (techmical the rate at which temPeraturej Pressure,etc. changes, or increases and decreases;jbetween one Iegion and another

Srad:imE /greidim/ mouwn [U] (NAm 日 三MARKING (3) sradio:-imeter /greIdiDmitac): NAmE -am-/ Poun (technical) an instrument for measturing the angle of a Slope 2 (physcsj an 记 Sstrument for_ measuring the changes in an energy field 1









友 fad-Ual 0 /grad5usl/ ad 1 happening slowly over a long period; not Sudden: a gradual chamnge in the climate 2 Recovery 万omi thne disease

zyery gradual TB SUDDEN Q2 (ofa slope) not Steep

Srad-ualism /gradsuelIzzem/ mouvn [U] apolicyof gradual change in Society rather than sudden change or reVolution gz Srad-ualistouwn


om /orzsd5talij adv

Slowly, over along Peiiod of time: The weathergradualIy Improved.c Gradually echildremn pegam to Understard.

gradu:ate oun; ye 尼 目 IOU1 /graed35uset/ (alsomnjormalgrad:especially in NA 有 1~ (in sth) a person who has aluniversity degree::a graduate 训 history Ca scieice graduate CQ Sraduate of 了 le[a 了 le gaduate 2 G gaduate Student course 2 (NmpBl aperson who has completed their school studies: a jisg5Schoolgraduate 只 note at STUDENT

目 ye 态 /graed5uert/ 了 [V]~(insth)|

一 人(from .…)togeta

degree, eSpecially youT first degree, fom atniversity of college: Oily thirty students graduated 训 Chimneselastyear She graduated 方omz 五arVard 雪 year 有 Fe graduated 方om 2DFK with adegree 访 Psychnology 2 [IV] ~ 人(from …) (NAImB to complete a course in education,especially at HIGH SCHOOL: Martha graduated 刘 om jighm school two yearsago. 3 [VN]~sb (from sth) (NAmBto giveadegree,

DIPLOMA, etc. to Sb: The college graduated 50 studeits 1ast year 4.[V] 一 (from sth) to sth to start doing sth more difficult or imnportant than what you Were doing before: She recently graduated 廊om being a daricer to jiaying 0 Small role 训 Q moOyie.

至radu:ated /grad5suertrd/ odj. 1 divided into groups or levels on ascale: graduated lessofls/tests 了 (ofa container or measure) marked with lines to show meastrements CALIBRATED: QgTraduated jar



Ad'missions Test 之


Sraduate school (alsojorma grad school (both NAmE) noun apart of a college or University where yoU can'studyfor a second or further degree

sradiu-atiom /,graeds5uerfmn/ movun T [U] the act of successfully completing a university degree, or studies at an American HIGH SCHOOL: -下 Was ny Hirst job after: sradu= ation. 2 [uU,G] a ceremony at which degrees, etc. are officially given out: graduyation dayC MyWpholejforniky came to Tmny Sraduation. 3 [C] = GRADATION: The graduatiomns are 7marked om the side of 女ejiasK.

GraecoO- (MAmE usually_ Greco-) /'grikeo-; NAmE oU/ combiningjorm'(in adjectives) Greek


'wrestiings (NAmE usually ,Greco-

Roman 'wrestling) ou [U] a form of WwWRESTLING 雇 which those taking Part are not allowed to hold each otherbelow the waist

SFaf-fiti /grafi:ti/ mouw7m [upl] drawings or writing on a Wall etc. 雇 .a public Place: THPe suUDWay Was coyered 矶

Ta 三. 加Fa 全 /grazft; NAmEgraeft/ noum ve 册 目 0OUn 1 [C a piece cut ffom aliving Plant and;fixedin a

cutmade in another plant, sothatit grows there; the Piocess or resultofdoing this 2 [G apiece ofskin, bone, etc. removed fromalivingbodyandPplacedinianotherpart of the body which has been damagedi; the PIiocess 了 of Tesult of doingthis: asKkin graft\3- [LU] (BrE nirmal)hard work: Their Success Was the resuit of years of hard graft 4 [U] (especially NAm 日the use of ilegal or unfair methods, especially BRIBERY; to gain advantage in business, Politjics,etc.; money obtained in this way

天 Ver 了:[VN] 一 sth (onto/toyinto'sth) | ~ sth (on) (from sth)j to take a piece of skin; boney etc. from:one Part of thebody and attach itto a damaged part:7eWwly grafted tissue C Nemw SKin had to be srafte取 or 碍om his back

2 [IVN] ~ sth (ontoisth) tocut a piece from aliving Plant and attach itto another Plant 3 [VN] 一 sth (onto sth) to Iake one ideai System etc. become partof another one: Old values are being grafted onto QTmew social class 4 [V]

(Br 局informaljto workhard Eraham crackKer /'grerem kraeke()/ moo1 全 证 请 a slightly Sweet RECTANGULAR WHOLEMEAL flouT

biscuit/cookie made with

Erail /grell/ (alsothe ,Holy'GraiD) mnovn 1T[sing]thecup or bowlbelieved to havebeen used byjJesus Christbefore he died, that became aholy thing that people wanted to find 2 [C a thing that you try Very hard to fnd- or achieve, but never will

Erraiim 0-训 /gremy/ nou1r 1 [Lu,q the small hard seeds' of food_ plants such as WHEAT, rice, etc.; a Single seed of such a plant: Ammericas Srait exDpork 2 da fw grains of rice 一see alsoO WHOLEGRAIN 一Picture 忆 CEREAL Z [Cl a Small hard Piece of Patticular Substances: Q 8g&rain Of salt/saTid/Asugar 3 [q (used especially in negative sentemces) averysmall amount IOTA: There ntagrair of truth im 访ose TuTmnouT7s. 4 [G asmallunit ofweight, equalto0.00143 of apound or 0.0648 of a gram; Used for example for weighing medicines 5 [U]:the natutal direction of lines 也 Wood, cloth, etc. or of layers of Tock; the Pattern of lines thatyoucan see': to cUEa Diece of woodalortg/acrossthe SraimG@ [U,Chowirousgh orsmooth asurfacefeels:wood

of coarse/ 六 ne graimn IE be/go against the 'grain to be or do sth different from what is normal or natural: 琵 Teally goes againstthe grainto haye toWorkKonaSunday

acat| dfather | eten |as:bird | aabout|rsit|isee|imany|nogsgot(B章 |5ssaw|Acup

| 5 put | 立 too


/gremad/ odi (of Woodi stone etc.) Thavin


g noticeable lines or a Pattern on the surface 2 -grained having a_ TEXTURE of .the type mentioned: 廊ne-grained Stome Srainy /gremi/:odi 3 (especially of Photographs) not

having completely clear images because they look as 放 they are made of a lot of small dots and Inarks: The 万1m 1 Shot in Srainy black amd white 了 having a rough suFface or containing small bits, seeds, etc.: Sraimy textuTre


0w /grzm/ nouvn

习 [U] a person's knowledge and use ofa lan-

and 18 Who are good at academic subjects 2 (old7osh-

Gram'ary', /granaeri/ adj, [only before noun] (Br6) (of

bread) containing whole grains of wHEAT Sram:ary /granaeri/ noun (P/ -ies)a building where grain is stored

Sramdj 0人 /graend/ adj ,mouwn @0dj. (grand:en grand.est) ,Ti impressive

and large or

important: 1ts 7otayery grand house .oOT1e Wedding Was Q Yery 87amd occasiomn. 了 Grand [only before noun] used 站 the names of impressive or very large buildings,, etc.: the Grand Camnyone We stayed atthe Grand Fotel 3 needipgalotofefforb money or timne to succeed but intended to _achieve impressive results: a gramd desigm/PpIam Strategsy 2 New ZDTKers puIL 坊 eir city om a granmad scale, 4 (of people) behaving ip a proud Way because they are Tich or fom a high social class 5 (diolector infommal/) very good or enjoyable; excellent: Thad a gra7ld day out at tpe Seaside. 2 THha7mKks. TPat 人 pegrandcFreddida &ra7djop of Paimting the house. 6 Grand Used in the titles of people of veryhigh socialrank: the Grand Duchess Elena 一see also

gramd:ly 0dv: Fe descriped FirmselF gramnaly

as Q ?amdscape architecP grandiness OU

[U] II a/

the ;grand old 'age a great age: She firnially Iearned to driye at tbe8&rand old age of 70. a/the ,Erand old' man (of sth) a man who is respected in a particular Piofession thathe has beeninvolvedin foralong time 四0OU0 了 (P/ grand) (7 放 7mmaj) $1000; 1000: 12 cost YOU Jivegrandl 了 = GRAND PIANO 一 see also CONCERT GRAND

Sran:dad (also grand-dad especially in NAImBE) /graendaed/ moun (infommalj) grandfather Grand Central'Statiomn own (US) used toidescribe a Placethat is very busy or crowded: My Pospital roo7m Was5 Like Grand Central Station Withn eyelypody commimg amd So0178. From the name ofaverybusytrain station 了迄New York City. 一compare PICCADILLY CIRCUS

| army

| au now

of being great and impressive iD appearance SPLENDOUR: the grartdeur amd simpliciby ofRomar architect uree The jhotel hnad an air of faded Srandeur 了 the importanc e or Social status sb has or thinks they have: He has a sense ofsgramndeurapoutPhirm. ceSheis Clearyysuffering 广om deluSiorls of grarldeur (= thinks she is more important than

She really is). 一see also GRAND 4 amdi.father om /graenfa:aeGr)/ moun

the father of your father or mother_see_also GRANDAD,


(Br6) = GRAM

Wantto go toyourSgra1lS2c Gra15 canThayesome morez


1 (in some parts of Europe,espe-

grand-eur /grand5a(D); djaG)/ noun [U] 1 the quality

novun [sing] (万-

Sramo-phone /gramaefeon;, NAmE oun/ moum (oldf如 shioned) = RECORD PLAYER Sram /graen/ 0oun (BE informah grandmother: Do YOU


grand duchess

Portuguese NOBLEMAN of high rank 2 a person of high Social rank and importance

Past) a school for young People between the ages of 11


Past) a daughter ofthe TSAR

Sramn:dee /gran'diy novun T (in the Past) a Spanish or

( Britain,especially in the

COTTect setteice

/graendoxta(r)/ nouU

cially-in the pasb, a male ruler of a _small indepen dent State: The Grand Duke of Tuscamry 了 (in Russia in the Past), ason of the TsSAR- compare ARCHDUKE

SOn Who is an expert in the study of grammar

rules of grammar: a&ramrmatical error: 了 coOrrectly following the rules of grammar: That semntence 襄 7mOt gra77TaECcaL 有 Srammatically /kli/ adv: a gramzrmatically



,grand duchy "oun a state ruled by a arand duke cr ,grand duke' ov

Sramimaiiam /gremearien; NA7mE -mer-/ moun 到 Per

Sram:imat'ical /gremazetrkl/ cd人 Ticonnected with iie

/graeandaedi/ moun

Some Parts Of Europe,especially in the past) a female ruler of a small independent state 3 (in Russia in the

Suage: His Sramm7mar is appalling. pad Sramz7mnar 3 [C] a book containing a description of the rules of alanguag e: QFrench graTmm7mar

8Uistics) atraditional way of learning a foreign language, 识 Which the study ofgrammaris very important and very little teaching is 过 the foreign language

(also Sran'daddy)

(MAmE mormna 人 让 = SRANDFATHER 之 the daddy the first or greatest exaImple of sth

Erand'duchess movn Tthewifeofa grand duke 2 (记

Words and joining them into sentences: 妨e Dasic rules oF ST7QTITmQar C BT1SLS Srammmar 一see also GENERATIVE

/oned) = ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Brammar translation method


adatughter ofyour son OF daughter 一compare GRANDSON

Sa iT aaI 0 /gramaG)/noun 1 Lu] the rules in a language for changing the form of

Srammar schoolnounT

Srframnd-childl 0人 /graentfaild/ moun (pgrand : chil-dren) achild ofyour son or daughter


1 (BrEalso gramme) (obbor 8 gm) aunit for measuring

Weight. There are TI000 grams in one kilogram. 之 -gram athing that is written or drawn: telegrarm c hologra7m


srand opera

| ersay

| so go (Br6)

,SramndfathhePF clock novm an old-fashioned type of clock in a tall wooden case that stands on the floor 一 picture 只 CLOCK

grandiilo-quent /gran'drlakwent/ ad (Jorma/,, disapz

prowmng) using long or complicated words in order to im= Press people POMPOUS grandiiloquence /ens/ Houm [U]

gram:dli-oOse /'graendieos; NAmE -005S/ adj (disapproving)

Seeming Very impressive but too large,complicated, expensive, etc: to be Practical or possible: Te 87a71diose SCheme Jor ajourney across the desertcame to Pot 妇imng. Ca 8Tra1tdiose Opera house

,gramnd jury 7oun (low) (in the Us) ayuRy which hasto

decide whether there is enough evidence against an accused person for a trialin couit Sramd.ma /granmaz/ hou (normna1h grandmother

Sramd mal /gr mael; NmE,graen mazl: mael/ moum [U] (from Fench medicaj) a serious form OfEPILEPSY 也 Which Sb becomes Unconscious for fairly long periods

Grand MarnierrM /9r5 ma:niet NAmE ,gram ma:rn-

jer/ noun [U,G astrong sweet alcoholic drinkfrom Framnce Iade with BRANPY and orange

,grand ,imaster Standard




Player of the highest

0m /graenmAgaeGr)/ moun

the. mother of your father or mother_see also GRAN) GRANDMA,GRAN NY 一COmpare GRANDFATHER [Er see TEACH

Srandmother'clockwoun aclock similar to a GRANDFATHER CLOCK but Smaller


footsteps own

[u] (Br a chil-

dren's game in Which one- child stands with his or her backtothe others whiletheytrytowalktowardsthe child withoutbeingheard orseen to move whenheorsheturns Iound

,gramnd opera "oun [U,C] opERA in which everything is Sung and there are no Spoken Parts

| ou go (Mm 日 | :or boy

| ze near

| ea hair

| Ue pure


676 |

gramd.pa /granpd:/ moum (informal) gramndfather=see also GRANDAD

raa 阐 可.Pparemt

0 评/granpearent; NAImE

:perent/ moum [usually pl] the father or mother of yotur father or mother: The chiLdren are Staying Witph 坊eir gramndparen帮.

,Sramnd pianomovn alargePpianoin whichthe stringsare horizontal 一Picture 只 PIANO 一Compare UPRIGHT PIANO

Gramd PriXX/, griz priz/ movn (DGrands Prix/,graz priz/) one of a series of imnportant international races for racing cars Or mmotorcycles

Sramd slamnov

1T(also Grand Silam a Veryimport-

ant Sports event,contest,etc.:


SIarm tour7La-

Tent/cuDAtitle 2 the Winning of every Part of a Sports contest or all the main contests in a year for a particular Sport: W 记 France 罗 识 态 e grartd slam this year2 (= 还

RUGEY) 3 (also grand ,slam home 'rum (让 BASEBALL) a HOME'RUN that is worth four points 4 (in card games, especially BRIDGE) the Winning of all thie TRICKS 也 a single game


0 评/'graensAnj) 10o011

a Son of your Son or daughter 一compare GRANDDAUGH-


Sramd.stamdj/'grsnstaend/ no0n alarge covered structure With rows of seats for People to watch sports eVents: The gamie WaS5 Played to G PacKed granidstanad co玉om Per jose we jhad a graiidstand yiew (三 very go0od View) of 太 e celebra 胡O715. 睛


finish 5ou7 (BrE) (in sport) a close or

exciting finish to a race Or comPpetition




世] (NA7月

(especially in btisiness, Politics, etc:);the fact of behaving

mission to do sth: [VN, VNN] The bamK 万naGliy grartted Ca 2500 1oam to mne COThe bank 记 raly gramnted 7mne GE500 1oami e [VN] My requestwas gamited c [VNN] Twas granted Permissiom to VE 让 雪epalace. C She Was 87amted a diyvorce. 2toadmitthatisth is true, althotghyou maymnotlike or > agree With it: [VN]-Shesiasmart Worma15 TSgraTEXYOZ DLL

Shesmo geriins:c [VN (thatj]Tgrantyou(tpabj 让 Tooks good, Dutits mnot exactly practical [alsoyVv that] 人 note atADMIT

[IE take 让 for 'granted (that ...)tobelieve sth is true without firstmaking surethatitis: JJusttooK 牙fjorgranmted

态at he了 aaalways pe around

take sb/sth for 'grantedto

be so used to sb/sth that you do not recogmnize their true value any more and do not show that yo are gratefu]: er husband Was always 殷ere and sjhe just tooK Firm Jor g&rantted. CO We taKke haying am eldless SUDPIy of clea7i Water Jor gramted. 旧1OU1 ~ (to do sth) a sum of money that is given by the governrment ofr by another organization to be Used for a Particular purpose:studentgrants (三 topayfortheir education) Ce has bpeemn awarded a researcP 87raT

'gramt aicinouvn [U] (BrE) money given bythe government to_ organizations or local areas ,grant'aidedadj: a Srantaided school grant'ed/'gramtid; NAmE'graen-/ adv, co中 画Gcly. tlsed to show that yotu acceptthat sth is true, often before yot make another statement abonut it: YpDU cou1d jhaye donmne more to jhelp. ”Grante引7 co Graintted 让 S 7iot 态e 1mostpleasamntof jops but 让 jas to pe done.

下CO11. ~ (that ... )because ofthe factthat: Gramted 轨 at 丰 东 Q Simple test to perforrz5 让 Should pe easy to Set Tesults GqUicKly.

,Sramtrinm-aid novni(P/ ,grants-in-'aid a stum'ofmoney givento alocal government'or an institution;or to apar ticular person to allowithemi toistudy sth

,SFamt-imiain'Ttainedq cd/ (obbr GM (of aschoolin Brit-

or Speaking 记 awaythat is iptended to make People imPressed in order to gain Some advantage for yotrself ,Erand totalnovnthefinaltotalwhenamnumber ofother totals have been added together

Iather than local governinent Sranu'iar /granjslaG)/;0dj consisting of small GRAN-

,grand tour novn 1 (often humoro)ia Visit around a

gramnu'iated suSsar /,9rzenjulertrd 'JogaC)/ moun [WU]

building orhouse in order to show it to Sb: Steye omagrarntd tour of the horse amd gardens: 了 (also Toun a Visit to the main cities of Europe made young British or American people as Part oftheir tion in the Past

took Us iGrand by trich educa-

Eramnd unmified theory ”ovn (physics) a single theory thattries to explain all the behaviour of sSUBATOMIC PAR-

TICLES Sramge /gremd5/ moumn (BrE) (often as Part of a name) a coUntry house with farm buildings: Thrushcross GCra78ge

加 fan.主a /gremi:te/ moun [U;,G (from ytomom) a drink or Sweet dish made With crushed ice

Sram-:主e /graenrt/ moun [U] a type of hard grey stone, often used 训 building Erammy (also /ess jjequvent granm:mie) /graeni/noun (中 -ieg (Unjormal) grandmotheit 一see alsoGRANDMA > Sranmy (also /ess Jrequent grannie) 0dj.: a pair of granmy 8&lasses


介 at mov7


(BrE) (also 'in-law_ apartment

apartment both NA 万 日njormaolh a

Set of roomas for an old person, especially in a relative's house


Knot 700n an tintidy double lnof 二compare


ain) receiving financial Support

位om central goOVerInment

ULES; looking or feeling like acollectiofm of GRANULES

White sugarin the form ofsmall grains Sram:ule/granju noun [usually pl] asmall, hard piece ofsth; asmall grain: imnstamntcojfee gramnules Erape /greIp/ noun a small EeeitAor Purple fruit that

grows 雇 bunches on a climbing Plant (called a VINE). Wine is made from grapes: a Dunch of grapes C DIacK7 White grapes (= grapes that are actually Purple/ygreen inicolour) 一 picture 只 PAGERI2 IE See SOURO 丰:

Srape'fruit /greIpfrut/ movn (P/ grapefruit or grapefruits [CU] alarge round yellow cITRUSs fruit With a lot of Slightiy soUr juice 一Picture 忆 PAGE RI2

Srape:-seed oil /'grempsisd on/ noun [FU]-oil,produced from.GRAPES,Used in cooking

grape:shot/'grempfot NA7E-Tazt/ noon [U] amnumnber of small iron balls that are fired together fom aiCANNON




IE on/through


'grapevine by talking in an informal way to _other People:Tjheard on 弛 egrapeyinie 切atyoUTe Ieaying. graphhm/orasf; BrEalsograftl nouniaplanned drawing;conSisting ofa line orlines showing how two or more Sets of Dllmbers are related to each other: PIot Gagraph of heigPt againsta8e. CThe SraDh shows Phow house prices haye risem Simnce the 1980s.

GrannySim主hh/,grani'smrb/ noun atype of green apple gran:Oja /gremaula; NAmE-moo-/ OUn; Gd

graph.eme/ogrzfizm/ noun (1ingwistics) the smallesttnit

画]OU1 [U] (especially NAmE) a type of breakfast CEREAL

graphh:ic/graefik/ oj ,noun

made of grains, nuts, etc. that have been TOASTED

上Gdj. [only before noun] (NAmE normaj (of aperson) eatinghealthy food, Supporting the protection of the envVironment and having LIBERAL Views

加 站本让 四 0 训 /gramnt; NAImE graent/ verb, noun 目 VE/ 了 访 [often passive] ~ sth (to sb/sth) |一 (sb) sth to agree to give sb whatthey ask fom especially formal or legal per


| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

thathas meaning in aWiiting System 一comparePHONEME

盏 Gd 1 [only before noun] cornected With drawings and design, especially in the Production ofbooks, magazines, etc.: Sraphjiic design S a 8raphic desigfier 了 (of descrip= tions, etc.) very clear and full of details, especially about sth unpleasant VIVID:aSraphic account/descripfiort of a battie 和 He Kepttelling us apout7ais 0peraliom 访 the most graphic detail

| k cat | lleg

| mman

| anow

| ppen

| rred

至nOUMm a diagram or picture, especiallyone that appears on a COmPputer Screen or in a newspaper Or book=-compare GRAPHICS :

graphric:al /grafikl/

ao办 T Tonly befofe noun] con-

Dected with art or comPpniter graphics: The System Uses am zzpressiye graphicalinterface. 2 itheform ofa diagram or graph: a Sraphical presemtatiomn ofresults

graph'ically/grafrklil adv 1 intheformof drawings

ordiagrams: This datais showmn Sraphically or the opposite page. 2Q2 Very clearly and :in great detail VIVIDLY: The murders areSgraphicalty descriped 训 态 earticle, ,graphic 'artsnouvn [u] artbased on thetseoflines amd shades of colour ,graphic'artistmou1

graphic 'equalizermovn (technico让an electronic deVice or computer Program that allows you tocontrol the Strength and quality of particular sound FREOUENGIES Separately

,graphic ' novel noun a novel in the form of a cowvic STRIP

graplh-ics/'graefiks/ moun [pl.] designs, drawings or Dictures, that are Used especially in the prodtiction of books, Imagazines, etc.: comPUter Sraphics C Textamnid graphics are Prepared separately and ther cormmpined

graphicsadapternouvn (computng = viDpEocARD graphics card movn (computing) a cIRGUIT BOARD 记 坏 allows a computer to show images on its screen

graphicstablet(also 'graphics padj nounaflatdevice

connected to a compnuter that yot draw on with a special pen (called a stylusjtocreate an image on thescreen

Sraph-ite/grafart/ novm'[u] asoftblackmineral thatis

a form of CARBON. Graphite isrmuised to miake pencils, to LIUBRICATE machinery, and in nuclear REACTORS:

graph:ology /grafolad5i; NAmE -fazl-/ .nown :[U the

study of HANDWRITING, :for example as away of learning more about sb's character graph paper novn [uU] paper with small squares of equal size Printed on it, used for drawing'GRAPHS and other diagrams

-SFaa 阳昌ycombj7jpg 如 rm (ti Dours) 了T atype of artior science: choreo8graphy Cgeogsraphy 字 amethod of prodt: cing images: radiography 3 asformn of writing or drawing: calligraphy o biography Srapipa/'grapa/ noun [u,Gl astrong alcoholic drink from Italy made 位om GRAPES

Srap:Ple/grzpl ve 已T下 一 (with sb/sth) to take a firm hold of sb/sth and struggle With them: [V] Passers-by 87GPPIed Wi碎 切e man after thre attacK. ee [VN] Tey marmaSed to 81apPpIe Fair to 态eground. 了 一 (with sth) to try hard to find asolution to a problem: [V] The 7Fiew SoVeTT-

Tent jiasyetto grapDle Withn 雪eproplem ofair Pollution [Vto inf] Twas grapplirig to fid ar answer to his guestio7

Srappling iron (also 'grappling hoob movn a tool With sevVeral hooKs attached to along Tope, used for drag-

ging sth along orholding aboat still Srasp/gra:sp; NAmEgraesp/ verb, nou1 晶Ver 族了 [VN] to take a firm hold of sby/sth


S&7asped 7ny hamd aid shooK 让 WarTmmDz CO Kay g7asped Jim zy 切 e wrist 字 note at HOLD 2 to tnderstand sth completely: [VN] THhey joiled ti grasp 纺 e iportarice of Fis Words. C [V wh-] She was UVnable to grasp how to do 让
Overto cover an area with grass irass stne

,Srass COUItnOUn a TENNIS COURT With a grass Surface

grass'cutter/grdskate(D); NAmEgraes) (also cutting grass moumn a name Used ip WAfrica for aGCANE RAT 丛 typeoflarge RODENTthatis used for food) Srassedl /grd:st; NA7E graest/ adj covered with grass

Srass.hop-per /grdzshppaGD; NAmE 'graesharp-/ 17oun an insect with long back legs, that can jump Very high

and that makes a sound with its legs 一picttlre R2I IPT see KNEE-HIGH

Srass'land /'gradslaend; NAmE 'graes-/ moun


[U] (also

Srass'iand9 [pl.] alarge area of open land covered With wild grass

grass roots (Br6) noun [pl] (often the grass rootg ordinary people ip society or in an organization, rather than the leaders or people who make decisions: the grass 7oots of theparty e We need Support atgrass-roots eyeL

,grass 'Skirt novn a skirt made of long grass, Wora by dancers 记 the Pacific islands

Srass Smalkenown a smallharmless snake ,grass Widlow noun a woman whose husband from home forlong periods oftime


grassSy/ gra:si; NA/mE'graesi/ oadj covered with grass Srate/grert/ noum, ve 内 BIOU71 了 a metal frame for holding the wood or coalin a FIREPLACE 一Picture 咏 FIREPLACE 字 (NAImE) = DRAIN 昌 yE/ 几 了 [VN] torupb food againsta GRATER in orderto cut 让 into ,small pieces: Srated apple/carrot/cheese,etc. 之 [V] 一 (on/with sb) to irritate or annoysb: Heryoice reaL 以 Srates On7me.ESgrated with airmwhenpeopieinzplied he WasTt Teally BTri5 让 3 when two hard surfaces grate as they rub togethen they make a sharp Unpleasant sound, sb can also make onething grate against another: [v] The TUSty jinges8ratea asthegateswurngpack c [VN] Hegrated Fais ji 记 across 妨 epiate.

构 iate.ful om /grertty cd 下 一(tosb)(forsth) |~(to dosth showing thanks because woRD FAMILY sb has done sth kind for grateful odj (关 ungrateyou or has done as youU 和 asked: T am extreimely gratitude “让. ( 夭 ingratiSrateful to all tbe teachers tude) Jor their help. C We Would De 87rate 训 1 jpr any 碎 /j 广 放atom yoU ca give US. C She seems to 妇inK TSshould De Sratefulto hayeajobatalL HeWwasgratefl 雪atsPhe didm 革 te1l jis Darenits apouttheincident CGrate 名 1坊amjs are due

| 5vision

| tchain


上 ethin

| 5this

| 0sing


678 | Srfave2 /grad:v/ (also ,grave 'accent)movn amark placed

to the 1ollowing people for their help :OKate gave hirma Srateful smile. 了 used to make a request, especially in.a letter or in a formal situation:TyWould pe grateful 矿yo坪 COUIG send tphe commpleted fjorm bacKk as Soo7t as possiple.

卢 grate:ful:ly /feli/ adv: He nodded gratefuly daomations Will pe grate 记 11y receiyed. [IE 加rater /'grerte(r)/ own akitchen UTENSIL a iough surface,, Used for GRATING food Pieces: a cheese/Tutmeg grater 一Dicture

和 AL

see SMALLOd/. (= atool) with into very small 吕 KITCHEN

Srat放i'Ca-tiom /graetrfrkerfmn/ noun [u,G] ( 庆mmal) the State of feeling pleasure when sth goes well for you or When your desires are Satisfied; sth that gives you Pleasure SATISFACTION: SeXuaL gratification eeAjfeedw1 USually proyide instamntgra 友 caom to a cryimng Daby:

SFat-话y /graetrfar/ yerbi(grattifies; grati:fy-ing, grati'fied, gratified) 1 (jn7mal)toplease or satisfy sb: [VN to inf] 下 Sratified Pirn to thinkKtatitwas allhis work:S [VN]Twas

Sratified by their inyitation. 2 [VN] (Jormal)to satisfy a Wish, need, etc:: Fe omnly gaye his comtsentin ordertogratipy jer Wishes. Sratified 0d/. [not usually before noun] ~ (at sth) | ~ (to find, hear see, etc.): She was gratified to md that t妇 eyphad:jollowed peradyice.

Srati'fy-in /gratifarm/ adj (frmal pleasing and giving satisfaction: Tt Sratiying to seesuchn good7esults. 号 Tiote at SATISFYING > gratify:ing.ly adv Sra'tim /graetaen; NAmE'graetn/ moun [U] (from Fench) a cooked dish which is covered with acrisp layer of cheese OF BREADCRUMBS 一See also AU GRATIN

Srat'im多 /grertmy/ 0oup; ad 上 JIOUmaflatframewith metalbars across it,usedto covera Window, ahole in the ground, etc. 一see also GRATE(2) 有 0dlj. (ofa sound or sb's voice) unpleasantto listen to Sra-tis /graetis; 'grertrs/ gdy done or given without hav: ing to be paid for FREE OF CHARGE: 工 Kmnew Pis hezp Wouldnt be given gratis. > grafis gdj.: a gratis copy of a Dook

Srati-tude /graetrtju:d; MAmE -tu:d/ mouvn [U] ~ (to sb)

OveraVvowel in some languages to showhow 让 should be Pronotunced, as over the e in the French word pere 一comPare ACUTE ACCENT; CIRCUMFLEX,TILDE,UMLAUT 一see also GRAVE1

Srave'dig.ger /grervdrge(r)/ nouwn apersonwhosejobis to dig gravVes Sravel /graevl/ moun [U] small stones, often used to make

the surface ofpaths androads:agrayelpath CagrayelPp 让 (= aplace Where'gravelis taken 位om the ground)


(Br (NmESraveled) /grsvlda/ ad (of a

ioad, etc:) covered with graVel

grav'el.iy /gravali/ ad 1 full of or containing many small stones: a dry grayelly soilL 2 (of a voice) deep and With aroughisound EraVem inrma 名e /greIVn imnrd5/ OU (disapproving) 运 statue Or image which people worship as a god or as 证 证 Were agod Srave:SstOome


NAmE -stoun/ noun

a stone

that is Put on a grave 让 a Vertical position, showing the name, etc. of the person buried there


comPpareTOMBSTONE grave.yard

/grervjasd; NAmE-jard/ movnrT


land, often near a church, where people areburied 一comPare CEMETERY CHURCHYARD 了 aplace Where things OF People that are not Wanted are sent or le 作

Eraveyard shnift novn (especaly NAmB aperiod oftime Wotking at night or in the verIy earlymorning

Srayvid /graevId/ adj. (techmical) pregnant EraV主as /graevrtazs; -taes/ moun [u] (Jormalj) the quality ofbeing serious ary 8rayitas

SERIOUSNESS:Qa book ofextraoraim二

Srfavi-tate /graeviteit/ verb (1jormalh 'Eravitate to/toward(s) sb/sth to move towards sbysth that you are attracted to: Mamny young People grayitate to 妨e cities, 庚 SeaTch of worK. 员 gravi'tation /graevrteifn/ noumn [U] (physics) a force of attraction that causes objects to move towards each other

(for sth) the feeling of being grateful and wanting to exX-

gravi'ta:tion:al /,grzevrterfanl/ adj connected with or

Press yoOUI thanks: Fe smiled at 妇er With gratitude. 7 Would Like to expressTmnygratitudeto eyeryoneJortpeirhard Work.CSheWwas Dresented wii 纺eg 失态 Sratitudejforjher Iong service. Ca deep Sense of gratitude CTOWe youa great

caused by the force of gravity: a grayitatiomnal 记 eld c tje 8Trayitational PuIL of 坊 e moom

debt of Sratitude (= feel extremely grateful), [gg INGRATITUDE Sratuit.Ous /gra'tjuxrtes; NMAmE-tu-/ adj (disapproving) done without any good reason or purpose and often having harmful effects UNNECESSARY: Sratuitous VioLenmce om televisiom gratuitously adv

gratu计y /gre'tjuzeti; NAmE -tu:-/ moun (P/ -ies) 下 (如天 /madl) moneythatyou giveto sb whohas provided a service for yoU TIP 了 (BrE) money that is given to emplo广 eeswhen they leave their job

轨 YaVe ”0 /grerv/ noun, qdj 一see also GRAVE2 理 IOU1 了 aplacein the grotund where a dead person is buried: We yisited Grandrmas graye. C There Were jiowers on 态e 8raye. 了字 [sing:] (often the grave) (usually 1ieram) death; a persons death: K there 1这 beyomnd the graye (= life after death)? 2 He jollowed Pher to the grave (= died SOon after her). 2 She Smoked herselF into ah early graye (= died young as a restlt of smoking). turn in his/ her 'grave (BrE) (NAmE roll in his/her 'grave) (of a PerSOn Who is dead) likely to be very shocked or angry: My 如 ther would tr

识 Pa graye

矿he neW 一more at CRA-


上 0dj. (gravep gravest) (jormaj) 1 (of situations, feelings, etc.) Very serious and important; giving you a reason to feel worried: The Police haye expressed graye cotcermabout the 7missing childs Safeby 2 The corlsequentces Will pe yery Sraye 矿 nothing 18done. 2 We Were 识 Sraye danger 了 (of People) serious iD manner as 这 ,sth sad,important or WorIITyYing has just happened: He IooKked yery graye as he entered 轨e roo7m. 一See also GRAVITY cy note at SERIOUS PP gravelyadyv:Sheisgrayelyil.eIocalpeople aregrayely coOPcemmed. OHenodded grayelyasTPpoured outrmmy trouD1es.

2 cat | aq: father | eten | abird

加faV-主Y /"graeveti/ movm [U] T (obbr g)the forcethatattracts objects in Spacetowards each other and thatonthe earth pulls them towards the centresxofthe planet, so that things fall to the ground when they 3are dropped: Newtoms Iaw ofgrayib 一see also CENTRE OF GRAVITY 也 (如 广 mal) extreme importance and a cause for worry SERIOUSNESS:Tdomt 纺inK You realise tpe gravity of the Situation Pumisjrment ya7ies according to the grayity of the offence. 3 (fjornmal) serious behaviour speech or appearance: They Were asKed to behaye With 态 e gravity 记 at Was appropriate 识 Qa court of Iaw. 一See also GRAVE1

Srav-lax /graevlzeks; NATE 'gra:vlad:ks/ (also_ grav:adIax /"graevedlaeks; NAmE 'graxvedla:ks/) noun [U] (from SwWedish) raw SALMON (= a type of fish) which has been Preserved using salt and HERBS gravy /greIvVi/ novm [U] 1 abrownsaucemadebyadding flour to the juices that come out of meat while it is coole ing 了 (NAmE informal) something,especially money, that is obtained when you do not expect 让

gravy boat "oun along low ruG used for serving and pouring gravy atameal

名ravy train

moun (njormaol a situation where Deople

Seem to be making alot of money without much effort

SFray /grer/ (especially NAImB) = GREY Sray-lbpeard (NAmB) = GREYBEARD Sray:ish /greirf/ adj (especialy NAmE)


Sray-SCale (NA1mB = GREYSCALE 加 FrazZe /greIz/ -Verb, 0OuUn 日VE/ 了 (ofcowsisheep,etc:)toeat grassthatis growing in afield: [V] There were cows grazing beside the river cePar ents haye peemWarmned againstallowing childrerto graze om

Snacks (= to keep eating them, instead of real meals).

| aabout | rsit | isee | imany | bpgot (Br6) | orsaw | Acup

| 5 put |


[VN] The 万ela had beemigrazed by Sheep. 了 [VN] to put coOws, sheep, etc. in a field so that they can eat the grass there: The and is used .by 1ocal people to 8ST7Qze their anmi7mals. 3 [VN] to breakthe surface ofyonr skin byrubbing 让 against sth rough:Tfell and grazed my Knee 4 [VN] to touch sth lightly while Passing it: THhe DulIet S7azed Ps cheek. 豆0OU1 asmall injurywhere the surface ofthe skinhasbeen slightlybroken byrubbing against sth:Adam walked aWay 方omm the crash with just cuts amnd grazes: Sra:Zier /greiIzio(nD/ moun a farmer Who keeps animais thateat grass Sraz-img /grerzIm/ moun [U] land with grass that cows, Sheep,etc. can eat

EGRE /idasi: ar/ obbr Graduate Record Examination (an examination taken by students who want to study for a

furtherdegree in the US)

grease/gri:s/ noun, ve证 @IOUn [U] 1 anythick oILY substance, especially one that isusedto make machinesrun smoothly: Grease mmarks cam De Treovyed with liquid detergent CHer handswWere covered With oil amd grease. C 雪e grease 训 Nis Jiair 二see also ELBOW GREASE animal fat that has been made softer by cooking or heating: Plates coyered With grease 理 VE [VN] to rub grease or fat om sth: to gredase Q COKe 冲1 Dam IE Srease sb's palm (old-joshioned,infiormmaiito givesb moneyin orderto persuadethem to do sth dishonest BRIBE Srease the 'wheeis (NA = OIT THE WHEELS

Srease-ball/'gri:sbo:/ noun (WAmE ioboo, slang) a very offensive word for a person from southern Elirope or Latin America Srease gunmmoun atoolfor applying GREASE to moving Parts of a machine, etc.

Srease monkeynoo1p (

略rmal) an offensive orhumor

ous word for a person whose job is repairing cars Srease-paimnt /gri:speimt/ nou7 [U] a thick stibstance Used by actors as make-up

Srease-Pproof Paper/,gri:spruf'permpeGr)/ (BrE) (NAmE WwWaxpapen mouvn [U] paperthat does notlet GREASE, oil, etc. pass through it used in cooking and for wrapping

food ip Sreasy- /grixsi ,grizzi/: dj (greas:iep greasiesb covered iD.a lot: of GREASE .Or oil: greasy 记ngers/ Tarks/oyeralzs 了 (disaopproving) (of:foodj cooked with too;Imuch oil: greasy chips 3 (disapproying) (of hair or skin) producing too much natural oil: Jong greasy ja 订 4 Unfornahi idisapprovngj (of people or their behaviotir) friendly in a way that does not seem sincere SMARMY IETW the greasy'pole(injormal/) used to refer to the difficult wayto the top ofa profession greasy SpOoon ovn (njfommal,often disapproving) 天 small cheap restatrantb Usually one that is notvery clean or attractive

办 六 已让 司 0 /grert/ oadj ,moun, ady 有0Cdlj. (great'er5 greatesi

as 妇e-World's greatest Violinist 2 SherlocK Bolmies,the Sreatdetectiye 2 Greatartjhas thepoWwerto chnartge 1ives.

*G00D 5 (njormah very good or pleasant': He5 Q great DIoKe. 人 玉 sgreatto see yoOU again Wiat asreatgoall c

| army

| aomnow

| ersay


We had asSreattime 识 Madrid opickyouup atsevem Thatzl pe greas 坊amjks.2e (ironic Oh great they Ieft with15.2 ZUwyebeenagreatjhelp, T7mustsay (= no help at al]). “IMPORTANT/IMPRESSIVE 6@G [only before noun] important and:impressive: The Wedading Was;a great:occasion, eu4s the great day approachedi she greWw 7nore amd more mier YOUS. CThegreatthingistogetitdoneguickly ec One great adayamtage of this metalis that 让 doesmttruSE “WITH INFLUENCE 7 having high status or alot of influence: the 8reaf poWers (= important and powerful countries) e We cam 7make this country greatagain. AIexaiider the Great FIN GOOD HEALTH 8 ip a very' good state of physical or Imental health: She seemed 识 Sreat Spirits (= Very cheer ful). Teelgreattoday o Byeryones im greatforim. “SKILLED 9 [not usually before noun] ~ at (doing) sth (ipjor /mal) able to do sth well: Shes great at chess. *USEFUL 10 ~ for (doing) sth (mormmaj very stitable cr Useful for sth: This gadgets great jb 六Opeming jaFs 4 T7y 女人 cream 一 让sgreatJorspots. > FOR EMPHASIS 11 [only before noun] used when you are emphasizing a particular description of sbysth: We are 8Teat 记 iends. OCTye never beenn a great reader (= Ido not iead much). 2 Shes agreattalker isnitshe? >*FAMILY 12 great-added to words forfamilymembersto showafufrther stage in relationship: 7my&reataant(= my fathers or mothers aunt) C her greatgrarnidsom (三 the 上granL grandson ofher Son or daughter) 7nygreatg rea 如 ther(= the father ofmy grandfather) >*LARGER ANIMALS/PLANTS


[only before noun] used 也

the names of animals or plants which are larger than Similar kinds: the Sreat tit “CITY NAME 14 Greatertused with the name of a cityto describe an areathat includes the centre ofthe cityand a large area all round it: Greater ZIomdom > greatiness

[ID see OAK




be going

great gunis (/njormaf) to be doing sth quiclkdy andisuccessfully: Work nzgoing great guns noW bea'great One for(doing) sth to do sth alot; to enjoysth: Pyemneyverpeen

great cool 。 fantastic . fabulous . terrific。brilliant . awesomie

These are all informal words that descr ibe sby/sth that is Very good, pleasant enjoyable' etc。, 、 great(nformalj very good; giving alot of pleasure: We

jadagreattme 站 Mad1ridf


EoalUnjrmalh used to show that you admireor approve of sth, often because it is fashionable, attractive Or different: 1 tbiPk theirmew songsyreally coo/

fantastic(njormalh extremely good; giving a lot of

* LARGE 了 [usually before noun] very large; much bigger than average in Size or quantity: A great crowd jhad gatheed. 2 People Were arriying im great7umDbers. THe great ITmajority of(= most) People seema to ag7Fee Witp 雪 放 Vie办 Fe mast haye jllen 廊om a great height 2 She 1iedato aa great ase. 忆 [only before noun] (informa/) used to emphaSize an adjective of size or quality: There Was a great big Pile ofbooks on thnetable. Fe cutjhirmnselfagreatthick slice of cake. 3 much morethan average in degree or quantity: amatter ofgreatimiportarnce CThe comcertjhnad peema 8S1eaQt SUCCess. CO er death Was aQ great Shock to US al 2 下 griyes 7ne 8TeQtDleasure to Welcomme you here today C Take 8&reatcare of 让 CIZDUYye beenagreathelp.cWearealtoa Sreat extent the products of or culture. cnote at BIG >*ADMIRED 4 extremely good in ability or quality and therefore admired by many people: He has beemn described



| sgo


pleasure: owwasyour holiday2: Fontastic fabuilous (njormoh extremely good: /anesa 友bulous -Cook (Fabulous is slightly more old-fashioned than the other words in tis set.) terrific (ijormaj extremely good: wonderful: shes doimg atierrijicjop. brilliant(B7rE01ormah extremely good; wonderful: Wow Was ibeshow7 Ban 太

awWesome(/0jomnal/, especially NAm 月 very good, Impressive, or enjoyable: Theshow wasyJustawesome: PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS

下 really/absolutely great/cool/fantastic/fabulous/ terrificbrilliantawesome

埋 to look/sound great/cool/fantastic/fabulousyterrific/ brilliantyawesome SS 下 to feel great/fantasticCfabulous/terrific/awesome

利 to haveal(n) great/cool/fantasticofabulous/terrific/ brilliant/awesometime

| oo go (MmB

| orboy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure

Sreat ape

680 | ,Greek

'cross 10U1 across With all arms'of the same


QSreatonejorwWriting Ietters.CJIDUreagreatomnejoraqguizZes arentyouU2 beino great'shakes (nj 如mmal)to benot Verygood, efficient suitable, etc: sreatand'small ofal Sizes Or types: all creatures great arid Small great minds tink aa 是Ke (pformal pwmorovsj usedito say that you and another person must both be veiry clever because you have had the same idea or agree about sth the great inthe'sky (humorous)used torefertowhere a Particular person or thing is imagined to go when they die or are no longer working, similar to the Dlace they Were connected with on earth: THPeir pet rapbpit jiad gome to 妨 egreatTrapb 让 Putcp 记 太esjy 一moreatPAINS, SUM. 下 OU [usually pl.] (Pormalj) a very well-known and successful person Orithing: He Was ome oF boxings alIL-6i7me

Sreats. 下Qiv. (njorma1h non-standardlverywell: Welldone. Zoudid Sreat

,great: alpe 00

[usually pl.] one of the large animals

Which are most simijlar to humans (CHIMPANZEES,, GOR-

ILLAS, and ORANG-UTANS) ,great'aukK7moun alarge bird similar to a PENGUIN, that Do longerexists






'Great Britain oun_[U]





England,,Scotland and Wales,

When considered as a Unit Sometimes "Great BITitain' (Or "Britainm') is wrongly used to refer to the political State, officially called the “United Kingdom of Great Brit-

ain and Northern Ireland or the “UK% Sreat:coat /grertkeot; NAmE -kout/-moun a Iong heavy coatb especially one worn by soldiers Great Dane /,grett "rdem/ moun a Very large dog with short hair


0 /grertlil ady (forman

(usually before a verb or participle) very much: Peoples Teactiomto 妨 ejiirm jas yariedgreatty Cagreatiy icreased TiskCZourpeip wouiad pegreatpy appreciated. the Great'Warnoun

[sing.] (oldjoshioned) =THE FIRST

With a brown or greyback found in warm seas

Srebe /grib/ noun abird like apDUcK, that can also swim

Grecianm 'nose 10un a straight nose that continues the line ofthe FOREHEAD

wanting more money power food, etc. than yot really Deed: ZU 817eedy pig! Youve already jhad two heIpings! c The shareholders are Sreedy fjor profit C He stared at te diarmomds With greedy eyes. greedilyadv: SPe ate mois-

io and Sreedib, [ID 'greedy guts (BE njormal) used to refer to sb who eats too much Greek/grik/ noun 1 [da person from modern or ancient Greece 了字 [U] the language of modern or ancient Greece 3 [Q (NMmB a member of a FRATERNITY OF a SORORITY at a college or University IE it's all ,Greek to me(nforma/ soying) Icannot Understand it: SRhe tried to explain Pow 坊 esystema WoOrKs, Dutibs all Greek to me.

| hhat

| jyes



字 coOvered With

grass Or other

Plants: greemt FieldasAPils 2 After 切e rains 如e 1amnd Was Sreel With mnew Srow绩. >* 下 RUIT 也 not yetreadyto eat: 87reeii tomatoes >PERSON 4 (njormal) (of a person) young and lacking experience: THPe 7ieW trainees are still yery green SS (ofa persomortheir skin)beingapaleicolour asiftheperson'is going to VOMIT: 下 Was a rousP crossing amd 7nostof thne Dassemgers 1O0Ked distimactty gree7t*POLITICS @ concerned with the protection of the enVironment; SUPporting the Piotection of the environment as apolitical principle: green politics c Tryto adoptagreener 1ifestyle. ce the Green Party Sreenness 1OU1 [U]: 加he greemaess of the couTLbyside SUPerTmarKets haye started proclaimimg te Sreemmess OF

their productk,II ,green with-'envy very jealous一

Inore at GRASS 1. 目 1OU1 >*COLOUR 了 [u,G the. colour of grass.and the leaves of Imost plants and trees: the green of 轨 e countryside 态 SpringCThe room Was decorated 训 acofmpinatiomoFgreens ad DIues. 2 She Was dressed al 训 gree7t >*VEGETABLES 之 greems [pl.] (especially BFE) green VEegetables: gatup your greens. >AREA OF GRASS 3 KEC] (BrE) an area of grass, Specially 也 the middle of atown or village: ChilareaWere plIaying on 矿 evillage green: 及 [G] (让 GoLF) an areaofgrassicutshort around ahole in a GOLF COURSE: the JI8专 green Did the pall Iand om the 8STeen? 一picture 只 GOLF 一 See also BOWLING GREEN, PUTTING GREEN

2:to make sb more aware of issues connected

With the environment; to make st appear friendly toWards the environment: am attermpisto greem idustry Dosses Ereeriing]OU [U]: the greeming of British politics


,Greco-combiningjrm (Nm 有 = GRAECOSreed /grid/ noun [U] ~ (for sth) (disopprovinsg) 1 a Strong desire for more wealth,possessions,power etc. than a person needs: Bis actioms Were motivated by g7reed. 2 Nothing woUld satisfy her greed for power 了 astrong desire for more food or drink when you are no longer hungry or thirsty: TPad amnother helping of ice creami OUL ofpure greed.

| gget


green auditovn an official examination ofthe effect of a company's business on the environment Sreem:backK /grinbaek/ moun (NAmE injormal) an American dollar note

Underwater: a great crested grepe Gre-ciaim /grizfn/ adj fom ancient Greece or like the Styles of ancient Greece: Greciari arcpitecture

Sreedy /gridi/ oadj (greed:ie5 greediesb ~ (for sth)

/grim/ adj0ouwn, ve

~COLOUR 了了 having the colour of grass.oOrithe-leaves of Inost plants and trees: Sreel peans C Waitjor 切e ligphtto turn green (= on trafficlights),


the ,Great White "Way noun (Unformal) a name for Broadway in NewYork City that refers to the manybright lights of its theatres

| 上 ffall

全阐-0 训

party whose main aim is the protection of the environmentb) 国 Verb [VN] >*CREATE PARKS to create parks and other areas With treesand plants in a city: projects Jorgreening the cities

great wihite 'shark "our a lafge aggressive SHARK

| ddid


瘟 Qdj. (green.er greeriest)

* POLITICS 5 the Greens'[pl.] the Green Party (= the



Greek salad ov [CU]asaladthatismade with tomatoes, OLIVES and FETA CHEESE

'lbeamn (BrE also French

'bean) (NAmE also

,string 'bean) novn a type of BEAN Which is a long thin

一 pic: green POD, Cooked and eaten whole as a Vegetable ture 只 PAGE RI3

,green 'belt nou7n [uC usually sing.] (especially BrE) an area of open land around a city where building is strictly controlled: New roads are cutting into the greei 5e 丰

Green Be'ret 10 Forces

a member of the US army Special

green 'card 1ov Ta documentthat legallyalows sb from another country to live and Work 还 the US 2 (B)有 an instrance document that yot need When you drive

your car in another country

greenm.ery /grimari/ moun [U] attractive green leaves and plants: The room Was decorated with Powers arid


the ,green-eyed 'monsternoun (informah used as a Way oftalking about JEALOUSY Sreenm: 作eld /'grimfild/ ad [onlybefore noun] (BrE) tsed to describe an area ofland that hasmnotyethad buildings on it,but for which building development Iay be planned: agreemfieldsite

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| ppen

| rred

greem fingersmoun [pl] (BrENAmE: green thumb

[sing.]) 直 youhave greenfingers,youare good atmaking

Plants grow PP ,gree 人ngeredd n-' /(B) Sreemn-伸 y/grinflar/ Poun [u,CJ (PN greenflies cf green-

fly .a small flying insect that is harmful to Plants: The

Toses hayve gotgreenfly.

Sreenm:gage /'grimngerd5/ movn a small soft green fruit

thatis atype ofPLUM: Q greenigage tree Sreem:Sro:Cer/'grimngreus5(r); NAmE -9roU-/ 1O01 (especally-BrE) 1 aperson who owns, Imanages or works in a

Shop/store selling fruit and Vegetables 一compare ERUIT-


之 .green-Sro-cers (P/- green'gro.cers a shop/

Store that sejls fruit and Vegetables

Sreemn:horn /grimhom; NAmE hozrn/ noun (njormal,

especially NAmE) a person who has little experience and can be easily tricked TENDERFOOT Sreen-house /grimnhaus/ novn a building with glass Sides and a glass roof for growing plants 让

the ' greenhouseeffectnoun

[sing] the problem of

the gradual rise iD temperature of the earth's atmosPhere,caused by an ipcrease of gases such as CARBON DIOXIDE in the air surrounding the earth, which trap the 一see also GLOBAL WARMING heat of the Sun


Sas on

,any of the gases that are

thought to caulse the greenhouse effectb especially CARBON DIOXIDE

Sreeming/grimnm/ noun [U] cy>GREENY greenm-ish /grimrf/ cdj. fairly green in colour






Keep-en 750ov1 .a Derson whose job is to take care of a


green light7ovn [sing.] permission for a project etc.to start Or contintue GO-AHEAD: THhe goyerTlmentjhas decided to give the greeTuIigptto 妇ePIGa7m. Sreenm mianmnureoun:[u,G Plants that are dug into the Soil in order to improve its quality

Sreen onionmouw7 (NmE) = SPRING ONION Green ' Paper7oun (in Britain) a document containing goverInment proposals on a _particular subject, intended for general discussion 一compare WHITE PAPER

Sreen pepper7ovn ahollow green fruit that is eaten, Iaw Or COoked, asavegetable

Sreemroom ovn aroominatheatre;television studio, etc: Where the performers can relax when they areinot performing Ereen 'salad 7ov7n [CU] (Br6 asalad thatis made with Iaw green Vegetables,especially LETTUCE: SerVye Withn a Sreet Salad .

Ereens. Keep-er GREENKEEPER






(NA1m 有 日 ”=

全 zktjaGD)/ moun

(medicalj) a bone FRACTURE, usually in a_child, in_ which

one Side of the bone is broken and the other onlybent Sreems-ward /grimswo:d; NmE-sSwozrd/ noun [U] (Mter gm) a piece of ground covered with grass

,green tea 10un [U] a pale tea made from leaves that have been dried but not FERMENTED

Sreemn thurmib7ov7n (NAm6 = GREEN FINGERS

greenm veSgetalble"ov7 [Cusually pl.] (BrE also greeng) [pl.] avegetable with dark green leaves, forexample CAB-


the , green welly brigade "ov [sing.+ sing./pl. Y] (BrE humorous, disapprowmng) rich people who live in or like to visit the countryside [GrayFrom the green wellington boots thatthey often wear.

Green-wich MeanTime/grenrtj mim tam;-nIdz/ 只 GMT

Sreet/grit/ vemb [VN] 1 一 sb (with sth) to sayhelloto sb OF to welcome them: 瑟e greeted all 坊e guUesk WaT7Tmaly as hey arrived. o She greeted us With asmiile. 一see also MEET-


字 [usually passive]

一 sb/sth (with/as sth) to

Teactto sb/sth in aparticular way: The cha7lges Were 517ee上 上


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe


Srey area

ed Witi suspicion. CTHhe tea1mis Win Was greetealas 区 Tajor triuTmDh Le TIoud cheers greeted the mews. 3 [usually pasSive] (of sights, sounds or smells) to be the first thing that You see, hear or smell at a_particular time: When she Opened the door She Was greeted by a scete of utter CO 用Siom. Sreeter /gri:teCD)/ noun (especiajy NAmE) a person whosejob isto meetand welcome people in apublic Place SuUch as a restaurant Or Shop/store Sreet-inE/gritmy/ ou [Cu] Something that you say or do to greet spB: She Wayed a 广iendly greetimng 和 ThPey excharzgsed 87reeftings and Sat dowPm to 1unch e He raised Ri Pand 训 Sreetirtg, 也 Sreetings [pl.] a message of g00d Wishes for sb's health, happiness, etc.: Christmaas7TD 订 访day etc. 87eetings C My mother Sends her greetings 10 yoOV QIL,IETJ See SEASON1.

Sreetings Card (BE) (NmE 'greeting card) oun a card with a Picture on the front and-asmessage inside that you send to sb on a particular occasion such as their birthday

Sre:Sari'OUuUs/grrgesries; NAmE-ger-/adj Tilikingtobe With other People SOCIABLE 了 (biologsy) (of animals orbirds) living in groups > Sre.gariously0d gre.Eari-

ousness1ou1 [U]

GregEorian calemdar /grrgoirien zelmdqaGD)/ moun [sing.] the.system used since 1582 in Western cotntries of arranging the months in the year and the days in the months and of counting the years from the birth of Christ 一compare JULIAN CALENDAR

G@re,gorian 'chantovn

[u,C] atype of church music

for Voices alone, used since the Middle Ages Srenm有 im /gremlimn/ noun an imaginary: creattire that People blame when amachine suddenly stops working Srem-ade /gramerd/ moun a small bomb that can be thrown by hand or fired from a gun- see also HAND


Srema:dlier /,grena'dieG); NAmE -drr/ moun a soldier 记 the part of the British army known as the Grenadiers or

Grenadier Guards Srenma:dine/grenediim/ movn [U] asweetred liquid that 8 made from POMEGRANATES (= _a tropical fruit with many seeds). It is drunk mixed with water or_ alcoholic drinks. Gretmna Green/gretna 'griin/ movn avillagein Scotland Dear the border with England, famous in the past as a

Place where English couples Used to go to get married When they were notallowed to get married in England

SrewptofcGRow 办Yey 0 (especially Br (NAmEUsually gray) /grer/ adj 300O0n, Ve矶 5 上0dj. 1 having the colour of smoke or ASHES: grey eyesy jair e Wisps of grey Smoke CG Srey Suit 2 [not usually before noun] hiaving grey hair: Hes gone yery grey 3 (ofa Person's skin colour) pale and dull becatise they are ill/ Sick, tired or sad 4 (of the sky or weather) dull; full of clouds: grey SKies CTjhate 妇 ese grey days. 5 withoutinterest OF Variety; Iaking you feel sad: Zife seems grey aad Poimntless Without ji @6 (disapproving) not interesting or attractive: The comDamny Was 刀11 of 色 celess grey mmen Who all 1ooked 妇e same. 7 [only before noun] connected with old people: 纺 e grey vote C grey DOoWer 基 Fey:ness (&50e-

clally BrE) (MnEUsually grayimess OU [Using.] 四]OUN 了 [U,C] the colour of smoke or AsHES: the dullgrey of 雪esky 2 dressed 训 grey 了 [Ca grey or white horse: Shesriding 妇e grey. 四 VE/b [V] (of hair) to become grey: His hair was greying at he sides. Catall wormnarn With greyimng hair

grey 'afrea (especially BrE) (NAmE usually ,gray areal moun an area of does not fit into cult to define or offensiyveWeapon

| 5vision

| tchain

a stbject or situation that is not clear Or aparticular group and is therefore diffideal with: -Exactyy what cam pe called an isstilla grey area:

| ads5jam

| 9thin

| sthis

| D sing


682 |

thedeath ofjherhusband. 2 (Jormal)tomakeyotfeelvery sad PAIN::[VN that] Tt srieved Firm that he could ao Pothing to help her ec [VN] ITPeirIack ofinterestgrieyed he7

Srey:'beard (Br6) (NmESray'beard )/grerbred; NAmE -brrd/ noun (BrE njonnmal) an old man: the greybeards of the artWworld 机

,grey- haired


haired) adj with greyhair


BrE) (NMAmE usually ,gray-

/grermhaund/ moun a large thin dog with

smooth hair and long thin 2

that can run Very fast

and is used in the sportofgreyhound racing

Srey-ish (especially BrE) (NAmEUsuallygray'ishm) /grerr/ dj. fairly grey 雇 colotir: greyisjh Pair

,rey market (NmEusually,Sray market) noun [usuallysing] 了 asystem in which products are imnported into a country and sold without the permission of the company that produced them 2 (BrE) old people, when they are thought of as customers for goods

grey matter (especially BrE) (NmE usually'gray mafter) movmn [U] (njormah a persoms intelligence


(Br 日(WAmE gray'scale) /grerskell/ ad

(techmica1) 1 (of an image) produced using only shades of gre 有 not colour: FTye printed out 妇 e Pictures 训 Sreyscale. 2 了 2 (ofa Printer or SCANNER) producing images Using only Shades of gre not colotTr

grid /oiid/ non Ta pattern of straight lines,usually crossing each other to form squares: New YDrks grid of Street 之aframe ofmetal or woodenbars that are parallel or cross each other 一see also CATTLE GRID 3 apattern of squares on a map that are marked with letters or numbers to help you find the exact positiom of a Place: THe Srid referenceis C8. 和 (especially 丰 Easystem ofelectric Wires OF pipes cairying gas,for sending Dower over a large area: 坊e mational grid (= the electricity supplyin a

country) 5 (in motor racing)-a Pattern of lines marking the starting-positions for the racing cars 6 (often the Grid) [sing.] (computing) a number of computers that are linked together using the Internet so that they can share Power data, etc. in order to work on difficult problems Srid:dle /'grrdl/ noun aflatround iron Plate that is heatedon astove oroverafire andused for cooking Srid'iron /gridaren; NAmE-aiern/ novun 了 aframe made of metalbars that is used for cooking meat or fish on, over an open fire 2 (NAImB) a field used for AMERICAN FOOT= BALL marked with a Pattern of parallel lines Srid.IockK /grrdlok; NAmE-lazky/ novun [U] T asituation in Which there are so many cars in the streets ofa town that thetraffic cannotmoveatall 2 (usuallyinPolitics) asituz ation 雇 which people With different opinions are not able to agree with each other and So no action can be taken:

Congress 认 识 SridIock.

gridiocked 2cd

Srief /grit movun T [u,G ~ (overat sth) afeelingofgreat Sadmness; especially When sb dies: She was oyercome Witp 8S7iefwhen herhusband died. TheyWwere ableto share their ComOom JoyYsS and 8Trie让 也 [Gusually sing] something that causes 8gIeat Sadness: 夏 Wasia SrieFto them thatthey Padmo childremn 3 [U] (pformal)problems and worry: He

caUused his parents a LIot of grief -IE come to 'grief (Unformalj Ttoendin total failure 2 tobe harmed in an

accident: Seyveral Dedestria1ls caTie to

gTief on the icy paye-

mment- give sb 'grief (about/over sth和 (onah tobe annoyed with sb and criticize their behaviour good 'grief1 (njommal) used to express Surprise or shock: Good griej JWRPata 7mmess/ 'grief-stricken adi- feeling extremely sadbecatiseof sth that has happened, especially the death of sb

griev:amce /'gri:vens/ non ~ (against sb) something that you think is unfair and that yot complain or protest about: Parents Were inyited to air 妇 eir grievaTtces (三 eXPress them)jatthe mreetinlg. e Fe had beemnimiursing agrieyDoes the company have GTLCe aS8ainust jiis boss rmmonths. ajJormalLSrieyarmce procedure (=awayoftelling sb your

complaints at work)2 Srieve /grirv/ ve 几 下 一(for/oversby/sthjto feel verysad,

especially because Sb jias died: [V] They are stilEgrieying Jor their dead child. e grieying relatiyes ci[VN] She grieyed

acat | ad father | eten | sa: bird | ea about

C[VNtoinf] Itgrieyved jher to Ieaye. IE SrievOus ~

see EYE1.

Jgrizvass/ adj ( 邦rma1 very serious:and often

catsing greatpain or Suffering: Be jiad beem 坊 eyictirm ofFa Srieyous injiustice. 攻 Eriev'OusIY ady: grieyvously Purt/ WoOurtded

,grievous ,bodily harm

nouwn [u] (obbr GBH):(BrE

law)thecrimeofcausing'sbiserious physical ijury--com-


Srif- 作 nm/grifin/ (alsoSrif-fon ,gry-phomn/gorifsn/)7OU7 (ip stories) a creature with a LION'S body and an EAGLE?S wings and head

Srift-er /grrfte(r)/ moun (especially Us) aperson who tricks People into giving them money etc. Srili /grIl/ nouwn, ve 有 下 OU 了 (BrE) the part of a cooKer that directs heat downWards to cook food that is placed Underneath 认 -Picture cyPAGE RII 一compare BROILER 了2 aflatmetal framethat you pt food on to cook over a fire 一see also BARBECUE

3 adish of grilled food, especially meat--see alsoMIXED GRILL 弘 (especiallyin names) arestatirant serving grillad food: Bar7rys Barand Grill 所 三GRIIIE 吾 Ver六 [VN] T (BrE)to cooKfood tnder oroveraVery sttong heat: Grill 纺 e Sausages Jor ten minutes. CS7rillea bacopn三 compare BROIL 一Picture 只 EAGE RII 了 (NAmBi to cook food over a fire,especially outdoors: grilled 7meat aid


3 一 sb (about sth) to ask sb a lot of questions

about their ideas,actions,etc.,often ip an Unpleasant Way: They griled Fer apoutWwpere She had peen allmigjE一 See also GRILLING,

Srille (also grill) 7gra/ movp a screen made 5fmetalDats Or wire that is Placed 让 front of a window, door OF Piece of machinery in order to Piotect it: a radiator grile (三 at the front ofa car) Casecuribrgrille

Srill-ing /gram/ mouwnx[usually sing.] a period of being questioned closely abotit yotir ideas,actions, etc': The Tinister jced atougp grillingattodays presscoPnferemce: Srilse /gras/ moun aSALMON (= aftype'of fish) that has Ieturned to aiiver Or lake after spending one Winter 也 the sea


/grm/ 5dj,(grim-mer, grim-mest) 1 iooking or

Sounding Very- serious: a_Srimmz Jace/ Iooksrmmile ceShe LIooked g7im CAWith alIook of grirmm deterrminatior om Pis Jace c Srim-faced policemen 了 Unpleasant and depressiDg: STimL Tews 2 We 加 ce the Srirmu prospect of still higher UTempIoyYTmient 2 The OutiooKk 1 Prettyigrirm CThings are IooKking 8&7irmm for workers 识 the building industry 3 (ofa Place or building) not attractive; depressing: The horuse 1ooKed 87rim and dreary 访 切 e Train ethegrirm Walls of the Prison 4 [not before noun] (BrE informalj) /sick: 工 龙 el 8TImu this miorning. 瑟 [not usually'before noun] (BFE 访万六 /mal) of very low quality: Their Performa7ice Was jirjy 87rim7 Tafraid/ Erimly axdv: 和 WontDe easy he said 和







IE hang/hold on foriike grim- :death (BrB) (also hang/hold on for_ dear 'life NAmE Br (pformal to

hold sb/sth verytightly because you are afraid 号 站mm acCe /grrmers; 'grrmmas/ verb, noun 日Ve 上b [V] ~ (at sb/sth) to make an ugly expression with yo face to show pain, disgust etc:: Fe grimmaced at te

Ditter taste. C SJhe grimaced as 态 e mneedle WenE in 理 0OU an U8lyexpression made bytwisting your face, sed to showpain, disgust, etc. or to make sb laugh: 1 丙aKe7

Sive a Srinmtace ofpaimn CO Whats 雪 at27she asKed with a Srirmace.

grime /grarmy/ nouvn [U] dirtthatforms alayeron the surface of sth DIRT: Q jace coVered Withn gile and SWeaE

the ,Grim 'Reaper novn an imaginary figure who repTesents death. It looks Jike a SKELETON,wWears CLOAK and catries a SCYTHE-.

a long

Srmimy /graiimi/ ad (grimi'er grimi'est) covered with dirt DIRTY: Srimy andswindows

rsit | isee | imany | bogot (Br | ozssaw- | Acup

| aiput | utoo

Erim /grmy/ veb, noun

下 YE 几 (=-nn ~ (atsb)tosmile widely: [V].She grinined am六 abMyatus. CTheySrinmnedwith delightWhen theyjheard our PReWs 2 He Was Srimnning . om ear to ear C [VN] He 太 8Trinned a Welcome. [ET srinmand'bear 证(only used as an infinitive and in orders) to accept pain,disappointment ora difficujlt situation Without complaining: Theres mothing We ca do about 让 We 人justhayeto grin and bear

理0OU1a Wide smile: Shegayeaproad 8rin aywry/sheep1 STrimne Wo je said with agrin CTake that srin o厅 yourjface!

Srimnd /gramad/ verb, noun

四 Ve 几 (ground ground /graond/)

* FOOD/FLOUR/COFFEE 1 [VN] ~ sth (down/up) |二 sth tto/ into sth) to break or crush sth into very small Dieces between two hard surfaces or using a special machine: to 87rind coffee[cor一 see n also GROUND(4) 2-[VN] to produce sth such as flour by crushing: The jlour is ground

USing traditiomial methods. 3 [VN] (NAmB) =:MINCE



4 [VN] to make sth ,sharp or

Smooth by rubbing it against a hard surface: a special stone jorgrinding Kniyes * PRESS INTO SURFACE S [VN] ~ sth into sth | ~ sth in to Press or rub sth into a surface: He ground his cigarette into 坊 e ashtray 2 The dirt on her iands Was grouPd ii *RUB TOGETHER G to rub together or to make hard objects rub togethem often producing an Unpleasant noise: [V] Pare of 芒 e 7mnachinre Were Srinding together niDisin 4 [VN] She grimnds her teetmrwWwhenshes asleep. C He ground

太egears om the car + MACHINE 7 [VN] to tuirn the handle of a machine;that grinds sth: to 训 87 daPpepper mm这

IEII bring sth'ito a grinding halttomake sth gradually

go Slower Until it stops_ completely grind to _a 'halt |

come to a grinding 'halt to go slower gradually and

then stop completely: Production 8round to a jhalt during the strike. 一more at AXE1. rind sb 一'down' to treat sb 让 a cruel unpleasant way Over a long period of time, so that they become very Unhappy: Domt Let 妃emm Srinid YOU dowm. 2 Zears of oppression jhad ground the People down., grind 'on to continue for a long time, When this is Unpleasant: TPe argurment Sround o7t for alL7most ho years,grind sth< outto produce sth iD large quantities,often sth that is not good or interesting CHURN OUT: She grinds OUt rommamtic mnnoyels at the rate of five ayear 上 OU1


1 [sing.] (normalj) an activity that is

tiring or boring and takes alot oftime: the daily srimrd of Jormilgy' 1 ctsalong grind 如 the top of 妇 at Particular Professiom.


之 [sing.] theunpleasantnoise madebyma-

chines =*SWOT 3 TC (Us /pforma1j)=:SwoT

Erinmd-er /gramqaC)/



> CONTROL/POWER 之 [sing.] ~ (on sb/sth) control or power Over sb/sth: The hormme teamtook afirm grip orthe game JWe meed to 6ighten the grip We jhaye on the mmarKet > UNDERSTANDING .3 [sing.:] ~ (on sth) an Understanding of sth GRASP:TCcouldmntgetagrip on WhatWwas going om CIZOUneedto keep agoodgrip on reality 识 this job.

>MOVING WITHOUT sLIPPING 4 [U] the ability of sth to

Imove over a Surface without slipping: These tyres give the Dus better 87rp 总 SLippery conditions: >*PARTOFOBJECT [Capartofsth thathas aspecial sur: face sothatit ean beheld withouit the hands slipping: the Srip onagolfcluD >*FOR HAIR G [G] (Br6) = HAIRGRIP *JOB IN THE MOVIES 7 [G] a person: who prepares and Imoves the cameras,and sometimes the lighting equipment when afilm/Xmovie is being made >BAG 器 [C] (old-joshioned) a large soft bag,used when travelling

TO come/get to 'grips with sth to begin to Under-

stand and deal with sth

difficult: 77m slowly getting to grips

With the Ianguage get/take a ,grip (on yourseilf) to im-

Piove yoUI behaviour or 人 youI emotions after being afraid,upset or angry:Tjhaye to take agrip om 7mny-

self hetolajhirmselfjirmly (niormnal)cetagrip! 上(=make an effort to control your emotions) in the Srip of sth experiencing sth Unpleasant that cannot be stopped: a cOUPEY 雪e grip of recession iose your 'grip (on sth) to become unable to understand or control a situation: SometirmesTjeelTTmm Iosing my 87tp.

四 YE/b (-pp-) >HOLD .TIGHTLY 1 to hold sth tightly GRASP: [VN] 了Please dom't go ”Je said gripping her arm. ec [v] She Sripped om to 妇e railing Withn both hamds. cy note at HOLD >TNTEREST/EXCITE. 卫 .[VN] to interest or excite sb; to hold Sb's attention: The book grips you 万om startto Jinish or Wasitotally gripped by tbe story. 一see also GRIPPING,

>HAVE POWERFUL EFFECT 3 [VN] (of an emotion or a situ-

ation) to have aBPowerful effecton sb/sth:Twas gripped py Qjfeeling of panmnic. 2 Terrorism has gripped the country 7r thepast two years.

* MOVE/HOLD WITHOUT stLIPPING 4 to hold onto or to

IDnOove Over a Surface without slipping: [VN] bxres that grp the road [alsoVv] Srilpe /graIp/ 00um, ve贱 目 IOU1 (njormal) acomplaint about sth: My ontygripe abott the hotel was 女 e fpod. 上四VE 号[V] ~ (about sby/sth) (ipjormalj) to complain about sby sth iD an annoying way: Hes always griping apout the People at WorK.

'Gripe Waterrw 71ov1 [U] (BrEjmedicine that is given to babies when theyhave stomach Pains

1 a machine

or tool for

grinding asolid substance into a Powder: a coffee grinder Za pefson whose job is to make knives sharper; a machine which does this 一see also ORGAN-GRINDER



名/9ramdr/ 0d/. [only before noun] (ofa difficult

Situation)jthat neverends Or iimnproves:grinding Poverty

Srind.stone /gramdsteun; NAImE -stoun/ moUn around Stone that is _turned jlike a wheel and is used to make knives and other tools sharp IEIW See NOSE/.

Erip-ing/9rampIm/ ad/ [only before noun] a griping pain ij asudden strong pain in your stomach

Srip.Pping /grIpID/ dexciting or interesting iD a way that keeps your attention 上 note at INTERESTING Srisly /grrzli/ adj, [usually before noun] extremely Unpleasant and frightening and usually connected with death and Violence: a gristy crirme

名 rist /9rIst/ OU

im (all) grist to the/sbys ,mill (BIE)

(MAmE (al it for the/sb?s 'milh) something that is

名 rimEO /grImga0; NAmE -goU/ OUn (P/ -6s) (01ormnaj qis-

Useful to sb for a particular PUTPose: PoLitcal sex scamdals are al1 87ristto 雪e nill of the tapbl1oid mnewWwspapers.

gpprowng) used 识 Latin American countries to refer to a Person from the US

gris-tle /grrsl/ 700m [U] a hard substance in meat that is

Sriot /griza0; NAmE 'grixou/ moUn (in W Africa, especially

Sr 广/grrt/ 00Um, ve 几 可 OU1 [U] 了 very Small pieces of stone or Sand: TI had a

In the past) a person who sings Or tejlls stories abonut the listory and traditions of their People and community SFilp /grIp/ OU Ye贱

四 OU1 >HOLDING TIGHTIY T [Cusually sing] ~ (on sb/sth) an act of holding sbysth tightly; a particular way of doing this GRASP: KeeD aight8grzp on 妇e7rope.2to Iooseni/TeIease/Arelaxyour Srip2Shetriedto geta8srtip on theicy 7ock. 仿 The climmber S1ipped and 1ost her Srip. C She Siruggled Homm his grip. Tryadiustimngyourgrip on 妇 e racket


| army

| aoinow

| ersay

| su go (Br

Unpleasantto eat: QIUTmPD of gristle

Piece of gr 丰 记 TY eye. 2 They Were Spreading grit amd Salt on the icy roads. 2 the courage and determination that Inakes 让 possible for sb to continue doing sth difficult or Unpleasant 盟 Verb (-tt-) [VN] to Spread grit, saltor sand on aroad that is coOVered with ice Yit yOUr 'teeth 1 to bite yoUT teeth fightly Re 人 e Sritted her teeth against the

Pain. COStop 让 jie said 女rougj gritted teeth. 2 tobe determined to continue to do sth in adifficult or unpleas-

| oo go (MmB

| orboy

| Inear

| eehair

| ue pure


684 |

ant Situation: 歼 started to rain harde7 puEWe gritted OU tee 妇 and carried o7L

Srits /grrts/ 57507 [pl] coORN (MAIZE)thatis partly crushed before cooking, often eaten for breakfast of as Part of a meal in the Southern US

Srit'ter/'grrtaGD)/ (BrE) (US 'salt truck) noun a large vehicle used for putting salt, sand or GRIT on the roads 所 Winter when there is ice on them Sritty /griti/ adj containing or Tike GRIT:,a Iayer oF gritity dust 了 Showing thercotrage and determination to continue doing sth difficult or Unpleasant: Sritty deter 7mination C Q gritty performamce 方Oomm 坊e British DPIayer 3 .showing sth Unpleasant as iTreally is: Q Sritty descr 友丰om of 广Urbam Violence Sritty realis7m 二see also NITTYGRITTY e grittily acdv Srittimess7ouwr [U] 办均'Zje /grzI/ ve 廊[V] (8大 帮 F7rmal) (especially of a baby or child) to cry or comPplain contintuously ip a way thatis annoying

SFiz.zZled /grrzld/ odj (iieramy)havinghairthatis greyor

Partly grey

Sriz-Zly bear /grrzlivbesGD; NAmE'ber/ (also


|mouU alarge aggressive browmBEAR thatjlives 记 NAmerica and parts of Russia

Sroam/greon; NAmmEgroun/ veb, noun 下 VE 了 峭 一 (at/with sth)tomakealong deep soundDecatise yoUu aire annoyed,tUpset of in Pain,or With bleastire MOAN: [V] to groa With painpleasure c Fe 1 0n the jioor groanming. 9 We all SroaTiedat Pis ter7T动 lejokes2e They Were al moamiing amd Sroaming (= complaining) Qpout the aiount of Wo 天 雪 ey jhad. c [V speech] 和sa complete 7Tness she 87oaned 2 [vtomakeasounid jike a _person groaning EX MOAN: The trees CreaKked a7id 87oamed 训 the Wind [IE Sroan Under the weight of sth (jormal/) used to say that there is too much of s 也 groan with sth (加mma/) to be full of sth: tables 8&Troa7ing With food 昌 ]1OU1 3a 10Dg8 deep sound Imade When sb/sth groans MOAN;: She let out a Sroan of dismay Fe j1 to 态e Joor Witp a goam. CO The house Was Jilleaswitp te cellos dis7mal sqgUeaKs a7id groa71s. Sroat/gresut; NAmEgrout/ noun a silver coin used in Eur ope in the past SrO'Cer /grausa(Gr); NAmE 'grou-/ moun 1 a Person who owns, manages Or Wotks in a shopy/store selling food and otherthingsusedinthehome 2.Sro-cers(D/ gro.Cer9 a Shop/store that sells these things

本 YYOCEeHY ;0 /grauseri; NA/ImE 'groo-/ ounm (P/ -ie 1 (especially Br6 (NmE usually 'grocery store [qd a Shop/store that sells food and other things used in the home. Im American English “grocery store is often tsed to mean supermarket. 了 groceries[pl.] food and other 8oods sold by a grocet or at a supermarket 有 grO-cery adj. [only before noum]: the grocery Di这

SrOSg /grpg; NAmE gra:g/ oun [U] 1Tastrong alcohoiic drink, ofiginallyRUM, mixed with water 了 (CD1Jormaj/ AustrolE, NZE) any alcoholic drink, especiallyDeer grOSSY /grbgi NAmE 'grd:gi/ adj [not usually_before noun] UPjormalj) weak and tnable to think or move well because you are ill/sick of verytired groinm/grom/ oun 1 the Part of the body where the legs join atthetop including the area around the GENITALS 三 SeX 0T8ans): S7je KicKked jher attacKker 识 切 e groin. CO万 6 一Dicture 忆 BODY Deen o太 all Season With a gro训 impjury

了 (especialy NMAIm 月 三GROYNE

SirOK /grok; NAmE gra:k/ (-kk verb [VN] (Us, slang) to understand, sth_ completely_ using yotr feelings rather than considering the facts: Childremn grok this show immediately DuUttheir Parents taKke Ionger to get 让

Sromimet/gromrt; NMmE'gramz/novnT


Ting placed around a hole ip cloth or leather to make 让

Stronger 了 (BE) (NAImE tulbe a small tube placed in a child's ear in order to DRAIN liquid from 让


| adid

| ffall:

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

SrOOmmnm /grumy/ ve 六 ,75OuU1 吾 Verb 1 [VN] to clean or brush an animal: to groo7mm Q jhorse/aogVcat THhe horses are all well 大 adamnd grooTmedL 2 [VN] (of an animal) to clean the'fur or skin of another animal or itself: a 帮 7male ape groormning her 7mate 3 一 sb 了 (foras sth) to Prepare or train sb for an importantjob or Position: [VN] Our 7fior ernpIoyees are peing groommed Jpr Tnore' Senior roles. CIVN to in 和 The eldest som is being 8roomed to take oyer Wjen jiis 加 ther dies. 4 [VN] (ofa Person Who is sexually attracted to children) to preparea child for a ineeting,especially using an Internet CHAT ROOM, With the intention of performing an illegal sexual act 四 OU]1 Ta person whose job is to feed and take care of horses, especially by ,brushing and cleamning them 2 三 BRIDEGROOM Sroomed /grunmd/: ad (usually following an adverb) usedto describe the wayinwhich aperson cares fortheir clothes and hair: She zs aways perfectty groomed. 一see also WELL:GROOMED

Sroom'ing/'grumrm/ noon [U] thethingsthatyoudoto Keep your clothes and hair clean and neat, or to Keep an animals fur orhair clean: Zousjhould awayspay attention to persomnal groomiing. SrOooms' man /grumzman/ 7ou7 (pmen /man/) (NAmE) a friend of the BRIDEGROOM at a wedding, who has Special duties SrOoove /grurv/ novun 1 along narrow cut in the surface of sth hard 2 (normal) aparticular type of musical

Ihythm: ajazz 8rooVe [IEIJ be (stuck)in 3a,groove (5

tobe'tnapleto change sth that you have been doing the same wayforalongtimeand thathas becomeboring SFrOOVed /grucvd/ dj having a groove'or'grooves

grOOVY/ gruvi/ adj (old-oshioned normajfashiionable

attractive and interesting SrOPe /greop; NAmmEgroup/ verb, noun


吾 YE 1 沙 [V]~ (around)(for sth) totryand find sth thatyou

cannot seeby feeling with yourhands: He groped.around (jigurative) 和 sso. so. 妆 thedarkjorhis othersock. Was groping Jr the right Word to descripe 让 也 [十advy prep] totry and reach a place by feeling with your hands because you cannot see clearly: [VN] 了He groped his Way 1PD 妇 e staircase 训 the dark. c-[V] She groped 切rousgh the darkness ioWards the doors. 3 [VN] (informaj) to touch sb SeXxually, especially when they do not wantyou to 理0OU1 (nj01ma/) an act of groping 3 汇 (= touching them


SrOsSs/grsos; NA/mEgrogs/ adj5aav; yeb, noun 豆0dj. (Sross'e5 gross'esb 了 [only before noun] being the total amount of sth before anything is taken away: Sross

Weisght(= including the container or wrapping)ie gross

income/wWwage (= before taxes,etc. are taken away) 和 JImyestments Showed a Sross profit of 269%1. 一compare NET

字 [only before noun] (Jormal/l or /aow) (of a crime, etc.) Very obyious and,unacceptable:, Sross imdecermcy/TegiiSeTice/Tmiscorduct 2 aiSross Violation of jaurmam FrgRts 3 (normal) verytunpleasant DISGUSTING: 人 e ate 牙 With mustard OOi 8ross cnote atDISGUSTING 有么 VeIy Tude CRUDE: 870Ss pehayiour S very fat and tely: S1hes Pot -just job SheS Positively gro551 PP grossmess moOuw1m [WU]

目 Oily. in total,before anything is taken away: She eaTTrs K&25000 ayea17 87055: 一COmPpare NET

可 VErb [VN] to earn aparticular amount of IOneybefore tax has beenitaken offit: tzome oftne Diggest8rossimng moyies

of all tme.

IEross sb out(NA万 ENinfornmal to be

Very Unpleasant and make sb feel disgusted ,EBDIsGUST: 有 is Dad preath really grossed Tire OU @@1OUm 了 (P/ Sros9 a grIoUP of 144 things: two 8Tro0ss of apBlescto sells 切 by thegross 也 (DPI grosse9 (especially US) a total amount of money earned by sth, especially a filmy InoVie, before any costs are taken away

,gross do,mestic'productnovm [siig,Uj 二 GDE

Sross-jy/'greusli; NAmE 'grousli/ adv (disapprovingj(used

to describe unpleasant qualities) extremely: Srossly oyerWeightZunfairXinadeqguate Press Teports haye been 8T05S1y exagSgerated

| k cat

| Lleg:

| mman

| mnow

| Pipen

| Fred

,Sross inational:product woun [sing,u] = GNP


grOss-Out moun (especialy NAmE informal something disgusting: They eat 刀es? Whata gross-oUtl 名ross-Out adj. [only before noun]: gross-Out7movie scenes 8rot /grot; NAmEgra:t/ noun [U] (BrE nonmall something Unpleasant, dirty or ofpoor quality Sro:tesque /greotesk; NmEgrou-/ adj ,noun 日0dlj. Tstrangei记 awaythati Unpleasantor offensive: a STotesgue distortion of the truth cjJtsgrotesqgueto eXDeEcta Persol of her experiemice io Work forsolittle TOPEX 了字 exXtremelyugly in a strange waythat is often frightening'or amusing: Q 8rotesque igure tribal damncers Wearing 87otesque masKks > grotesquely adv 目 mOU1 了 [C] a Person who is extremely ugly in a strange Way, especially in a book or painting 2 the Srotesque sing.] astyle of art using grotesque 人figures and designs Srotto /groteo; NAmE 'gra:too/ noun (P/ -oes OF -05) a Small CAVE, especiallyonethathasbeen made artificially, for examplein a garden Srotty /groti; NMAmE 'grazti/ adj (BrE informaj) Unpleasant OT of poor quality: a grotbr Little jhotel_e Ti Jeeling

Dretby grotb/ (= 这 ).

SrOuchh 7oun /graotf/ (njormah) Ta Person who complains a lot 2 a complaint about sth Unimportant > grOuch ve [V),


/graotJi/ adj (njformal bad-tempered

often complaining

Sround GRINDY 晶 OU1



了 (often the ground) [U] the solid

Surface ofthe earth:Tfound jerIying or the grouad co Fe 1ost Jais palamnce and 帮 11to 切 e grotmd 2 metres apove/ DeIow Srourid 2 Most of the monkeys: food ijound at STOUTd IeveL 2 Srounmd Jorces (= soldiers that fight on land, not 雇 theairor atsea)CEouses and aIuxury touUFisSt jiotel Were Durmed to the ground (= completely:destroyed, so that there is nothing le 他). 纪 note at FLOOR *SOIL 2 [U] soil on the surface oftheearth: frtile ground 刀 rplamting crops cnote at SOIL *AREA OF LAND 3 [U] an area of open ljand: THie Kids were Playing on Waste Srounmd behind the schooL 4. [C] (often

也 compounds) (BrE) an area ofland that is used for a particular purpose, activity or sport:ajJfootbalLArecreatiomy SDorts,etc. 8&TroUTd 2 ariciemnt purial grounds 一see also BREEDING GROUND,DUMPING GROUND, PARADE GROUND, STAMPING GROUND,TESTING GROUND 咱 Dote at LIAND 5 grounds [pl.] alarge area of ljand or sea that is used foraparticular purpose: fishinggroundscj 帮 edimnggrounds Jr piras *GARDENS 6 Srounmds [pl:] theland or gardens around a large building: 态 e jospital grourmids


7 [U] an area of interest,

knowiledge orideas: He mariaged to coyera Ilotofgrourd 砚as1horttak. 2 We pad t go over the same ground (三 talk about the same things again) 总 class the meit day 4 了如 uv7e om damngerous ground (= talking about ideas that are likely to offend sb or make people angry) 矿you critiCize jisjommip ceTthoughtTwWwas osafe ground (=talking about a suitable subject) discussing 7music with her ceHe Was pacK om Jarmmiliar grouTzd dealimg Witp 妇 e cUsto7mers. 2 They are 太gpnting tbe .Comrseryvatiyes om their owm SrouTLd. 一see also COMMON GROUND, MIDDLE GROUND >*GOOD REASON 8吕 [Cusually pl.] ~for sth/for doing sth a 8ood ortruereason for saying, doing orbelieving sth; 切 7 haye mo 8roundsjorco7iplainE 2 WhatWere is groundsJor Waiting Q diyorce? C The case Was dismissed om the Sr0U1tds that 雪 ere Was mnot enouvgh evidemnice. O He retred

万om the Jobp ort healthn groumzds. 2 EDIoyers canmnot disCTrzmairlate 0 grOU7ds of ase. cmiote at REASON >*1IN LIQUID 9 grounds [pl:] the small Pieces of solid matter iD a liquid that have fallen to the bottom: coffee SrOoU1ids > ELECTRICAL WIRE 了1O [Cusually sing.] (WAmE) = EARTH(5) > 也 ACKGROUND 1 1G a background that a design is Painted or printed on: pinK roses on Q Waite groumd cut the ground from under sbys 'feet to sud-


| ttea

| vivan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

denly spoil sb's idea or plan by doing sth to Stop them from continuing with it gain/make up ground (on sb/ sth) to gradually geticloser to sbysth that is imoving or Imaking Progress in an activity: Thne police car Was gaining 870OUTd on 坊e SUSpects. C They mneeded to make UP 87rounmd om 妃e 六rcomDpetitors. get (sth) off the 'ground to start happening Successfully; to make sth starf happening Successfully: Without 总ore Toney the moyvie 这 UPIiKely to get o扩 the8rounad. to getamnewcompanyo 扩 t 切 eground give/

lose ground (to sb/sth) to allow sb to have an advan-

tage; to lose aa advantage for yourself: They are Phiot DrePared to giye8ground om tax cULS. CThe Conseryvatiyes 1osta

lotofground to theLibperal Democrats attheelectiom go to

ground (B/E) to hide, especiallyto escape sb whoischasing you hold/stand your 'ground T to continue With your Opinions or iptentions when sb is opposing you and Wants you to change: Domf Iet ji Dersuade yOUStand your 87round、, 2 to face a situation and refuse to run away: 下 好noteasyto holdyOuUrground 诛方 ontofsomeome Wiiagumonthe'ground intheplace where sth is hap:pening and among the people who are in the Situation, especially a war: On 妇e ground tere are hopes that the Jighting w 记 soon stop. 2 Theres a lot of SUDDort jor the Policy on the ground. run/drive/work yourself into the ground to work so hard that you become extremely

tired run sbysth into the 'ground to use sth so much

that it is broken; to make sb work so hard that they are

/graund/ noum; verb, adj 一see also


ground floor

no longer able to workthicky/thin on the'ground (BrB) 让 people or things are thick/thin on the ground, there atealoynotmanyofthem in aplace: Customers are 纺 识 on theground atthis timte ofyeaiF- 一 more atEAR, FIRM adj, FEOOT 1.,GAIN V,HIT V,MORAL adj. ,NEUTRAL qdy ,NEW, PREPARE, RIVET V,SHIFT V,,STONY, SUIT V 国 VE 几 >BOAT 了 when aboat grounds or sth grounds it, 让 touches the bottom of the sea and is unable to move: [VN] The jsjipng boat jad beemn grourided op rocks o太 访e coast of Cornwaz >*AIRCRAFT 字 了 [VN] from taking off: Winds. AILDlartes the siiKes.

[also V] [often passive] to prevent an _aircraft

The balloon was grounded 7 Stromng ouUtof Heathrow haye peen grourded By

>*CHILD 3 [VN] [usually passive] to punish a child by not allowing them to go out with their friends foraperiod of time: YOU7e groumnded fora weekl/ > 下LECTRICITY 4 [VN] (NAmB = EARTH 一See also GROUNDED, GROUNDING 本 0dj. [only before noun] (of food) cut or crushed into very Small pieces or powder: grou7d cofjfee

Sround bail "ovn = GROUNDER SrOund lbeef ov [uU] (NAmB) = MINCE ground:break'ing /grabndbrerkim/ ad [only before noun] making new discoveries; Using new methods: a 8ST7rOUmndbreaking Piece of research

ground clotih ovm (US) = GROUNDSHEET SrOumd control ovn [U] the people and equipmenton the ground that make sure that Planes Or SPACECRAET take off and land sa 人ly

'ground cover 17oun [U] plants that cover the soil ground crew (also'groumnd staff) 0ov7 [CHsing/pl.y] the people at'an airport whose job is to take care of aircraft whbile they are on the ground 4 SrOumd-ed /graondrd/ adj having a sensible and realistic attitude to life: Away 方om Bollywood pe relies or jis Jommily and iends to jeep jhirm grounded.、 IE (be) grounded in/on sth (to be) based on sth: His views are 81TOUTded om the assuUTmPtion that all People are equal

Srounmdier /graurndaC)/ (also "ground ballh) noun (in BASEBALL) a ball that runs along the ground after'it has been hit

ground 有 Oor (8r6 (NmE 人 rst ' 介oor) nouvn the floor of abuilding that is at the same level as the ground outSide: QS8rou1id-floor Window eTliye or theground jioor 吃

| 5yvision

| tfchain

| dsjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| 0sing


686 |

are 8g0ing to 妇e 坊eatre 坊 1 eyening.、 CStudents :stood around 训 SrOUPS Waiting 1or 切eir results. 2 The residents

Tote atELOOR IEIU be/getin on the ground floor to become involved in a plan, Project, etc. atthe beginning

grOund:hog: /graindhpg;, NAmE ho:g; asg/ mou7 三 WOoODpCHUCK

'Groumndhog Day mo

1 (让 N America) February 2,

when it is said that the groundhog comes out of its hole atthe end ofwinter. Ifthe sun shines and the groundhog Sees its shadow, it is Said that there Will be another si这 Weeks of winter. Q an event that is repeated without changing: ThPhe GoyermTmment lostthe vote 态en amd 让 ca7 exPect a Groundhnog Day mext 二 7me. From the fm Inovie Groundhog Day abot a man who lives the same daymmanytimes. groumnd:ing /graumdIzm/ noun 1 [sing] 一 (in sth) the teaching of the basic parts of a subject: a good grouTdi7mg in grarmrmar 卫 [U,C the act of keeping a Plane on the ground or a ship in a portb especially because it is not ip a good enough condition to travel ground:less /graondlas/ ao 办 ,not based on reason or eVideiice UNFOUNDED; SrOU1idless allegatiorls C OU

fears proyed grotundle55.

ground:lessIy ocxdy

grOUnd:nut /graondnAt/ noun (Br 有 三 EEANUDT SroOunmd:out /graumndaut/ novn (in BAsEBALL) asituation iD which a Player hits the ball along the ground bnut a FIELDER ,touches ITeaches the base

first BASE

With it_ before

the .Player

ground plan .novn 1Taplan of the ground floor of a building 一compare PLANm.(4) 之 apBlanforfuture action

SrOund remnt movn [u,G (im Britain) rent paid by the owner of abuilding to the owner of the land on which 让 is built

Sround rule "ovn 1 ground rules [pl.] thebasic Fules on Which sth is based: THPe mew code of condauct Iays down the:ground 7ules 加 7r 矶anageimnentUuPion relations 也 [C]

Jormedacormrmnunity actiorn group.CEnSlishis anempberor tphe Germianic grouPp of 1amguages C The Proportiomn ofsingle Parentjornilies yaries between differentincormme SroUDS. CQ Tinority group Sethnicgroupscagroup activity (= done bya number of people working together) 2 She asKed her Students to get into gfrOoUps of jpur esto WorK 训 8rouUPDs一 See also SUBGROUP There are many other compounds ending in group.Youwillfind them attheir Place

in the alphabet. 2 (busimness)anumber of comPanies that are'Owned by the same Person OFr organization: Q meW3SPaper group C the Burtom SrOUPD 2 the SrOUD Sales dairector 3 (rather old-joshioned) anumber of musicians who Perform together especially to Play pop Imusic: She sings 记 Q TockK SrOUP.

目 Ve 屹了 一 (sb/sth) (round/around sb/sth) | ~ (sb/sth) (togethen to gather into a _group; to make sb/sth form a grouUP: [VN] The chpildren grouped themmselyes arounmd teir teacher Ce[V] We all grouped arounad 坊 e free for Q photo8&Traph. 人 The colleges groUped together to ojffer a Wider Fa7ge of couTses. 了 [VN] to divide people or things ito groups of people or things that are similar in Some way: The bpooKs are SrOoUped together by SUDject 2 CoPitestam友 Were 87rOUPped according to age aid QDiLity.

,grOuP 'captain "om (obbr Gp Capt) an officer of high Iank in the British AIR FORCE: GrouD Captaimn (Jonatparmy) SUttoOP Eroupie /grupi/ noun a Person,especially a young Woman, who follows pop musicians around and tries to meetthem group:ins /grupm/ novun 1 [Id a number of People or orgamizations that have the same interests, aims Or characteristics and areeften Partofalarger group: Thesesmal1 7mG友 0O7LS COTLStEUte aTL IDOrtamnt grouping Within the FU 也 [U] the act of forming sth into a group


'Ppractice moun a grotp of several doctors 6r

other medical workers who wotrk together in the commtu(NAmE spomaruleforthePlaying ofagame onaparticunity and use the same bltiilding to see Patients lar field, etc. SrOup Therapyouwn [U] a type of PSYCHIATRIC treatSround:sel /graunsl/ noun [U] a wild plant with yellow Iment in-which people with similar personal problems flowers, sometimes used as food for animals and birds Ineettogether to discuss them Sround:sheet /graumndjit/ (BrE) (Us 'Sround :cloth) SrOUP-Ware /'grupweaGr); NMmE:Wer/ nouwn [U] (com1oum a large piece of material that does not let water Putng) softwarethatis designedto help a grotup ofPpeople through that is placed on the ground inside atent on different comPputers to Work together Srounds-man /graumndzimien/ no (pp =men /im6n)) SroOup work mo [U] (BI 忻)womksdone by a grouP of (especially Br6) aman whose job is to take care of ia sSDorts people working together for example Students in a classground or large garden IOom

ground speed movn the speed of an aircraft relative to the ground 一compare AIRSPEED

ground squirrel noun 三 GoPHER 'Sround staff noun [ctsing/pl.y] T (BrEjtheDeopleata Sports gIound whose job it is to take care of the grass, equipment, etc. 了 = GROUND CREW

Sround.stroke /graondstrejk; NAmE-strouk/ moun (ip TENNIS) ahit thatis made after the ball has BOUNCED

SroOund:swell /graondswel/ noun [sing] ~ (of sth) (大玉 /mal) the sudden increase of a particular feeling among a goUP of people: a groundswell of suUPPort Ce There was Q 8T7oUndswell of opiniomn 女at he Should resig7m. Sround-water /graumndwoxteG)/ movm [U] waterthat found under the ground in soil,rocks, etc:

ground:work /graondwa天;NAJE -WasTK/ moun [U] ~ (for sth) work that is done as Preparation for other work that Will be done later: O 访 cials are laying the groumadWoOrK for asurmrmit comference ofworld Ieaders. ground zero movn [U] T the point of the earth's sur face where a nuclear bomb explodes 2 Ground Zero the site ofthe World Trade Center in NewYork, destroyed on 11 September 2001 .3 the beginning; a starting'Point for an activity


0R /grupy/ mouvn, yemb

目 0OUm [C+sing./pl.y] anaumber ofpeopleior thingsthat are together in the same Place or that are connected 训D Some Way: Qa 8TOUP of girlsA[treeshouses C 4 SrTOUD of Us

及 Cat | d father | eten

SFrOUSE /grags/ ouU1; ve叱 理 IOU1 了 [CU] (P/ grouse) abird with a fat body and feathers on its legs, which people shoot for sport and food; the meat of this bird: grouse Shooting C 8S7r0Use noors @ Foastgrouse 了 2 [G (njormahiacomplaint

豆 Ve 凡 [V Vspeech] ~ (about sb/sth) (jprmalj) to complain abonut sb/sth 训 a way that other people find annoying


SrOut /graut/ (also grouft'ing) noum [U] a substance that is used between the TILES on thie Walls of Kitchens, bathrooms, etc. * groutVye 几 [VN]


/greov; NAmE

groouvV/ moum


a small

gIoUP of trees: Qa Srove of Dirch tregs 了 asmall area of land with fruit trees of particular types on it: am olive 8Troyve 3 lsedin thenames of streets: E177GroVe

SrOVel /'grovl; MAmE'gradvl/ ve 万-, NMmE-)IV]T~ (to sb) (for sth) (disapproving) to behave in a Very HUMBIE Way towards sb who is more important than yoU or who can give yot sth you want CRAWL 了 [二 advV/prep] to move alongthe ,ground on yourhands and knees, espe-

cially becatuse you are looking for sth 上 Erov-elling (Br日 (MAmESroveling) adj/- [only before noun]: agroyelling le ter of apology



/gra0; NAmEgrou/ ver5(grew /gruz/ grown

/greon; NAImEgroon/) >1INCREASE 了 ~ (in sthj to increase in size, number, Strength or quality: [V] The compamy Profits grew by 59% Iastyear oThejormmiyihnas SrOwP im size Tecentby so She 妆

| s: bird | a about | Tsit | 袜 see|imany

| p got (Br | ossaw | Acup


put | utoo

growing im comnfidemnce all the tirme. oOA Srowings mumiber of 687 Erudge People aire going yegetariafl C Fears are 8rowing for 妇 e Safeby of a teeniaser Who disappeared a WeeK ago. C [V-ADj] The cormpaPny is SrOWing bigSger alL the timie. Srowing Seasom oun [usually sing.] the period of the *OF PERSON/ANIMAL 之 to become bigger ortaller and deyear during which the weather conditions are Tight for Velop into an adult: [V] Zouye growm since 夸e IaSst hmeT Plants to grOW SaQWyYOUL NickSs growmalmostan inc 天 访 thelastimonth ee 加 FTOW1 /graol/ ve访,noU1 [VADI] to 8row pigger/taIler 日VE/ 了 沙 [V] ~ (at sb/sth) (of animals, especially dogs) to >*OF PLANT 3 to exist and develop in a particular Placei to make alow sound in the throat usuallyasasign of angeT Imake Plants,grow: [V] The regiom is too dry forplants 如 之 ~ (at sb) to say sth ip alow angry voice: [v speechj] 8T70W CTomatoes SrOW Dest 识 direct sunlight O_[VN] 7 Who are you2 ”he growled at the stranger 和 [VN] Sjie didmt Know 妇ey 8rew rice 训 Erance. 一see also HOMESroWled asarcastic reply GROWN @]OU1 a deep angry sound made when sb/sth growls *OF HAIR/NAILS 4 to become longer; to allow sth to become longer by not cutting it: [V] TYye daecided to:Iet TY SrOwmn /greon; NAmE groun/ adj. [only before noum] (of a jhair 8row. Ce [VN] Tyve decided to grow TY Pair Tadidm Person) mentally and physically an aduilt: Tt5 Patnetic that 一hesS growWm apeard. Tecogmaize hirm 8T7OW7P Te haye to Fesort ti Violemnce Like 妃 1 一see also *BECOME/BEGIN S /Djkng yerb[VADI] to begin to have a FULL-GROWN, HOME-GROWN, GROWY Particular quality or feeling over aperiod of time: to grOWwmup 2d/. 1 (of a person) mentally and physically 870W ola[poredcalm eAs tme Wenton he grew 7mmore amd an aditilt ADULT: What do you Wantto bpe when you7e Tore ipPatient CThe skies grew darK aiid 让 began to rain. 8TOW1L-UD2 2 She has a 8&70WF 让UPD sonm 2=Sduitable for Or G [Vitoinfj to gradually begin to do sth: Prm Sure YOU 了LI typical of an adnult: The child Was clearly pUzzled dt Deing 8Trow to Like her 识 如 /me. addressed isSUCchn a8rowP-UD Way *DEVELOP SKILLSs 7 [V] ~ (as sth) (of a person) to develop SrOWwWim-up 7ovn (used especially by and to children) an and improve particular qualities or skills: She comntmnuesto adnilt person SrOW a5 aartist ADULT: 和 youre 矿 good you camn eat Witpn 碎 egroWTLUDS. *BUSINESS 8 [VN] to increase the size, quality or number of sth: We are 6ying to grow te Dusiness. SrOwthh 0 /gre0b; NAmE grogb/ noun

IE /money doesn'tgrow on trees (soyimg)usedto

tell sb not to Use sth or spend money carelessly because you do not have alot of it--more at ABSENCE, GRASS 站

Erow apart(from sb)tostophaving acloserela-

tionship with sb over a period of time grow away from

sb [no passive] to becomeless closetosb; to depend on sb orcare forsbless: When Shele 语Schoolshe grew away 万om jer Tother Erow 'back to begin growing again after being cut off or damaged ,SrOW “into sth- [no passive] Tto gradually develop into'a Darticular type:of person over a period of time 2 (of a child) to grow big enough to fitinto a piece of clothing that'used to be too big: The Gress 1 too Long Jor her mnoW Dutshel grow into 让 :3to become more confident in a newjob,:etc.andlearrmto do 这 better: SFhess s61LSrowing into her new Tole as another Srowom sb [no passive] 证sb/sth grows onyou; you start

to like them or it more and more grow 'out (of a HAIRSTYLE; etc.:) to disappear as your hair grows:Tjhad aperrmn GJearasoandirstillpnasmntSsrown ou .grow stihoutto allow your hair to grow in:order to change the style: Tyve daecided to 8row mmy Iayers'ott ,grow 'out of sth [no passive] T (of a child) to become'toobig to fit into a piece of clothing OUTGROW: Hes aiready growPm out of jis School umiforrm. 2 to stop doing sth as youbecome older OUTGROW: Most chilarer SucCK teir thnurmps put 轨 ey 817oW ou of 让 3 to develop 们om sth: Te idea 1jor te Dook grewoutofayistto 有mdia. ,grow'up 1 (ofaperson) to develop into an adult: She greWw up 训 Boston (= lived there as achild). Theirchildren payve allgrowm up andle 访 jhormne mow. 一related noun GROWN-UP 2 tsed totell sb to Stop behaving ip asillyway: Wjhy domttyouvgrowap2?erts tie yoOU SreW UDP. 3 to develop gradually: A:closenes5 81TeWUP petweel 轨e tyO Sirls TIE See OAK

Srow-bag (also Gro-bagrM) /grsobaeg; NAmE 'groo-/ noU1 a large Plastic bag full of soil,used for growing Plants grOW-er


NMAImE 'grou-/ moun




company that grows Plants, fruit or Vegetables to sell: a topacco growWer C ALL our yegetables are SUPPplied py Iocal 81oWers. Za plant that:grows in the way mentioned: a Jastslow grower Srow-ing/'graoIm; NAmE.'grourm/ adj. [only before nounm] increasing in size, amount or degree: 4 growing murmaber Ofpeople are returning to 包 11-trme education. cone of the COUnHEYS fastest SrOoWing idustries C There 1 grOWing COTLCe17TE OYer te sajfety of 雪 e 7missimg teenager

Srowing pains 1ovn [pl.] T pains that some children feel iD: their arms and legs when they' are growing 2 emotional anxieties felt by young People as they grow UP 3 Droblems that are experienced by a companywhen 丰 ibegins operating butthat are not]ikelyto last


| army

| aomnow

| ersay

| sogo (Br

1 [Lu] (of people, animals or plants) the process of growipg physically mentally or emotionally: IacKk ofiwater 风 这 StunttheDlantSsS8TOW 妇 .Remove dead leayves to encourage Pew 87oWth 2 ad comncerna_ With personal (= mental and emotional) grow 妇 and deyeIopmment C grow 雪 hormories (= designed to make sb/sth grow faster) 2 [U] ~ (in/of

sth) an increase in the size,amount or degree Gf sth: PopUIatomr 8row 妇 the rapia grow 雪 识 violent crime 3-[U] an increase 雇 economic activity: a disappointing yearoflittlegromw 坑训 Britain aadArmericaepolicies aimed QL SLStaiminlg ecoLOTic growth S ar arimualgrowth rate of 10%2a8grow态area/inadustry 4:[calumpcausedbya disease thatforms on or inside a peison, an animalora plant: a malignamnt/camcerous growth 5 [U,CG something that' has grown: The frests demse growth proyides Testilg Places fjor a Wiae yarieby of Dirds. ec seyeral days? 8row 妇 ofbpeard

SrOWtlh rin名 OU a layer of wood, shell or bone deVeloped 识 one year or 雇 another regular period of growth, that an expert can look at to find out how old Sth is

SrOYIme (B/5) (also groin NAmmE BE) /gromy/ noun a low wallbuilt out into the sea to Prevent 让 from washing away Sand and stones 位om the beach Sruljo /grAb/noun; ye上b 有 OU 了 [C] the young form of an insectbt that looks likea Small fat woORM 也 [U] (pformal) food: Grubs up (= -the meal js ready)/2 Thneyserye good pub grub 妇 ere.

雪 Ye/b (-bb-)[V] ~ (around/about) (for sth) to look for sth, especially by-digging or by looking through or under other things: birds grubbimng jpor WORMS grub stha groUP of people; such as soldiers or police officers) who PIotect sb/sth: the captain of the guard ec 态 echanmnging OF

the guard (= When one groUuPp TeDlaces anotheri 8Uard isAare peing

| hhat

[vtoinf] to guarantee 加

Pay sDsidebtks ce[Vithat] Tguaranmtee that he Will appear

有 ye 几 1 [V] (of animals, especially pigs) to make a Short low Sound in the throat 2 (of people) to make a short low sound 让 your throat, especiallyto showthatyou are iD Dain,annoyed or not interested; to say sth using this sound: [V] He puUIed harder on 态 e rope g7rUntinig Witn tre effo 太CeWhenTtold her whatphad happened shejustgrun三 ed amd turmned pack to her book. C [VN] He grunted soTme太ing apoutDpeing Iate amd rushed out [also Vspeech] 下]OU7 了 ashort low soundmadebyaperson oran animal

Sryphon /grrfen/ noun 三 GRIEEIN

一 (ef sth) | ~ (that .… ) something that

you will do what you have PIomijsed:JWe had io offerour house as QS8uUaranitee Whem Setting 轨 e Joa7u 下 Ver 久Tito promise to do sth; to Promaise sth will happen: [VN] Basic huirmam rights, including 广eedaom of speecju are PoOW guUaTramteed. LV (that)] We camnmot guara7ztee (thab) OU JigRt W 记 mneyer be'delayed. e LIVNN] TPe 右cKkeE 这 SUararttee YOU 刘 ee enzyX CO [Vitoinfl We guarantee to de:1Pyeryour goods Within ayWeek. 了 2 [VN] 一 sth (against sth) to give a Written PIOmise to Teplase or repair a product free 证 让 ;goes wrong: This iom: it giaramteed for ayear against julty Workrmanmnship.、 3 to make sth certain to happen: [VN] Tomights Victory SUaramntees the tearmzss Diace im the 放inaL CIVNN] TIPese days getting a desree doesPt guarantee yoOU Qa job 4 [vthat] to be :certain that sth Will happen: Zou cam guaraitee (thatb) the children Ww记 Start peimng7auSgshty as So0on as they hayeto go to bed 5 to agree to be legally responsible for sth or for doing sth:

complain about because you are not satisfied: My 7maim S&TrUTble is abouvt the Iack of privacy 了2 alonglowsound RUMBLE: adistantgrurmzble of thumder

(especially a pig): to Sive a grunt of efortpain 之 (NAmE iniormal) a worker who does boiing tasks for l]owpay 3 (NAmE njormahasoldier of low rank Gruy:ere /gru:ja:G); NAmE-jer; 'grijer/ noum [U] a type of Swiss cheese with a strong flavour


Iakesisth else certain to happen:CareerSuccess is mo Suar amntee of happiness. CTheres no guUararitee that she 和 -come (=:she maymnot come).4 money or sth valuablethatyou

Sbysth in abad-tempered way: [V] Shes alyways grurmpblimg to 7ne about how padly shes treatea at work: ec [Vspeechj] TU57ustphaye to do 让 mmysef he grumbled. evthat] They Kept S7UmDIimg that they Were cold. 人守 note atCOMPLAIN 2.[V] to make a deep icontinuous sound RUMBIE: Thunder -Srurmbled: 训 the , distance: Srumrbier /grAmbleGD)Amoun

| k cat

| lleg:


识Spected today S Fellow airrmeia pro:

| maman

| mnow

| :pipen

| rred

yiaeda guard of homnour at Ris Wedding. CThe Presidemnt Qlways trayels with ar arrmed SuUard. 一see also NATIONAL GUARD, OLD GUARD,REARGUARD 3 饥] the actor duty of Protecting Property, Places or People from attack or dangeri the act or duty of Preventing Prisoners from escap职8: asentryon Suard(= athis orher posb on duty) cio ao guard duty ceThe escaped Drisomter Was Drouvght DacK Under armedSguard. co The terroristyWas jepttnmder police SUard 2 One ofthe men Kept SUaTrG While theo 妇 erbroke into the house. 4 the Guards [pl.] (in Britain and some other countries) special REGIMENTS of soldiers Whose ofiginal duty wasto protectthe king or queen “AGAINST INJURY 5S [G (often'in compounds) Something that covers a part of aperson?s body or a dangerous Part ofamachinetoPpreventinjury: Frsure the guaradizs in Piace pefore operating the 7nachine. 一 see also FIREGUARD, MOUTHGUARD, MUDGUARD, SAFEGUARD, SHIN GUARD *ON TRAIN @G [C (BrE becoming old-/shioned) 三 cON-


“IN BOXING/FENCING 7 [U] a position yotu taketodeftend yourselb especiallyin asport such asBOXING OrEENCING: to Garop[Kkeep UDP your guard 4 (Hgwratve) 奈 spite of 坊e QWjeward questions e miniister neyer IetPis SuaTd 反1 Jor Q7mormen >1N BASKETBALL 8 [C] one ofthetwoPplayers on a BASKETBALLteam who are mainly responsible for staying closeto OpPposing Players to stop them from scoring


9 [Q one of the two Players on

anAMERICAN FOOTBALL team Who playeither side ofthe CENTRE FORWARPD IE be on your'guard to be verycarefil and prepared for :sth_ difficult or dangerous mount/stand/keep guard (Over sby/sth) to watch or protectsbysth: FoursoF diers stood guard over thje coffin. ,off (youn ,guard not careful or Prepared for sth difficujlt or dangerous: The 1awWyerS _apparemntby 碎nocent questiomn Was designed to catcP 切 e Witness o 太 (his) guard. 四 VE/ 几 [VN] 了 to protect Property Places or People 位om attackordanger: The dogWasguardimng is owners LUSgagSe. 2 political Ileaders guarded By 态 epolice c 如 zca7tt Setimy the Whole place is guarded. ec (Jigurative) acloselyguarded SecTet 了 to PrIevent Drisoners 全om escaping: The priso7ies Were guarded by soldiers. Suard against sth to take care to prevent sth or to protect yourself from sth: to SuUard againlst accidemts/disease

Suard dogmovnadog thatis keptto guarda building Suard:ed /ga:did; NmE'gazrdid/ adi (of aperson ora

Iemarktheymake) careful; not showing feelings or giving

Ituch information CAUTIOUS: QG8uarded replycZoU Should pe7moreguaraed 训 Whatyousayto reporters. TPey Saye 妇 e news Q.Suarded Welcorme (= did not show great

enthusiasm abont 让),[Gag UNGUARDED 0dy

* guarded'ly

Suard:house /ga:dhaus; MAmE'gazrd-/ noun abuilding

for soldiers who are guarding the entrance to aIilitary camp or forkeeping military prisoners ip

Suardi'iam /ga:dien; NmE'gazrd-/ moun 了 aperson who PrIotects sth CUSTODIAN: Farmers Should pe guardia11s OF 纺 e cOUPtryside. C THie police are guardians of Ja aiid order 之 a person Who is legally responsible for the care of another person, especially a child whose Darents have died

guardian 'angelnoun a spirit that some people believe Protects and guides them,especially when theysare 地 dangef: (1jgwrative) 4AaelgRtpul guide was my guardian QT8el Jor the 记 rstWeeK of 妇e tour

Suard:ian:ship /gudzdienfip; NAmE2gazrd/



(如rmal or/aw) the state or position of being responsible

for sbysth

uard railnov7 T arail placed on the edge ofa path, a CLIFF oraboatto protect people and preventthem falling oOVver the edge 了 (NA/mE) = CRASH BARRIER Suard:room /gd:drum; rom; NAmE "gacrd-/ mouwn a IOom for soldiers who are guarding;the entrance to a building or for keeping imilitary Prisoners 识



| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

.| Jshoe

689 Suardsman

Suessing game /gddzman: NAmE 'gard-/ moun (P/ -men

jmsn/) a soldier in the Guards or in the National Guard iD the US

Suard?svamn noun(BrBthepattofatrait wherethe Per son who is in charge ofthetrain rides guava /gwava/ nour the fruit of a tropical American tree, with yellow skin and pink flesh

Sub.bins /gabmz/ noun [U] (old-joshioned BrE Tormaoj

Various things that are notimportant: AI 芒 e SUDPims that CQTmIe With 硫E ED7mDUter 1 5611 六 切e box

gu'berna'torial /,gubana'toriel; NAmE barna-/ ,0中

Uormaj) connected with the job of state governor in the US: agupbermatorial carididate cgubernatorial duties Guernm'sey /gainzi NAmE 'gaTnzi/ moum 了 atypeof cow kept for its Tich milk Z guernsey athicKk sweater made With dark blue wool that has been Specially treated so that 让 does not let water through,Worn originally by FISHERMEN 3 guernsey (AustralE) a football Sweatem especiallyone ofthetype without sleeves woimn byAustralian Rules Players [IJ get a'guernsey (AUstralE injor maj) to be iecognized as being good (originally meaning to be chosen fora football team)

SuUerrilla (also guer'illa) /garaa/ wovmn-a member of a Small grOUP of soldiers who .are not part of an official army and who fght against official soldiers, usually to try to change the government: urbari guerrillas (= those Who fight ip towns) e guerrilla yary Warfare (= fought by guerrillas on one or both sides) cra guerrila mioye一compare 7men t FREEDOM FIGHTER

加 ULIeSS 0 页 /ges/ vermb, noun 上 VE/ 少了 一 (at sthj to try and give an answer on make a judgement about sth without being sure of all the facts: [V] 工Gont realjy Know 7T7m jst 8uessing. C We ca only SUess at jher reasons Jor Leaving. o He guessed right/

Wrong 2 [V (thatb] Ta guess 态 at shes apout 30. e [ywh-]

Car yoU guess Where Tye peen2 C [VN] Can yo guess is age? 2 tofind therightanswerto adquestion orthetruth

without knowing all the facts: [VN] She SUessed the afmsWer

Straight away 2 [V wh-] Zou 到 meyver guess WhatsHhe iold Tme. CO [V (thatj] Zou ould meyerguess (that)she had PropLe1ns. Shes always 50 cheerfi一 see also SECOND-GUESS L邓1guess (jjmma1 especialy NAm 有 to Suppose that sth istrue orlikely: [v (that)] Tguess (thnat)yov妈 pe Iookingjor QGPewjopmow cediadntsee me TSguess.2C re yoU Teady Lo. 80? 了 eajp 工 &Uess SO C 了Hey arenit coming 切en27 SuessTiot 4 guess...1tsedtoshowthat you are going to Say sth Surprising or exciting: [VN] Guess Whatl 瑟 e asKed me outl 2 -[V wh-] Guess WhD IE JStE seeml/ [ET keep sb 'guessing (im 万mmo1) to not tell sb aboiit your plans or What is going to happen Tiext: Ts 坊e inid of pooK 态 at KeepsyouU guUessing rightto 态e endL

ahOUn 一 (about sth) | ~ (at sth) | ~ (that:..) armiattemptto

give an answeror an Opinion when yot cannotbe certain 证 you are Tight: (BrE) 丰 javeymake a gues5 (at St) (NBjto take aguess4 GO onl Have aguess1CTHhie article 1 pased om guesses GhpoutWjhatTmightmapper in the 记 ture. They7migRhtpe here 芭 3=Dutthatsjustaroug7i guess 人权 Dot exactj. 2 My 8Uess 证 训 at We WomPt jhear om 方 Parm again C At aq 8Uess, here Were fbrtbyr people at the partr 牙 工might hazard a SUess, TG say She was apout 坊irbr 3 Who ao you tbinKk TI saw yesterday? PII give you three SUesses,、 [IO anybody's/anyone's guess (njormmnal)

SoOmething that nobody can be' certain about: What Wi japPeTi Tiext 丰 QIYDDayS 8Ues5S YOUr iguess is as good as mine (jj 如rmalj) usedito tell sb that you do not know any more about a Subject than the person that you are talking to does: Whos Soing to Win22 Your guess is as 8ood as nine. 一 more atEDUCATED

guessing game ovun1 a game in which you have to guess the answers to questions 2,a situation in which you do not know what is going to happen or what sb is going to do

| 5 vision

| tchain

| djam

| 9thin

.| 5this

| msing

guesstimiate guUess:ti.mate

690 | (also_ gues'ti:mate)

/gestrzmet/ 7OU1

(informa/an attempt to calculate sth that is based more on guessing than on information guess-work /geswaszk; NAmE:wWwairk/ OUm

[U] the Pro-

cess of trying to find an answerbyguessing whenyou do Dothave enough information to be sure: 下 Was PUTFe 8UE5S5Work on OU7 Da



/gest/ OU1m, ve 册

@]OU1 T apersonthatyouhave inVited to yoUrhouse orto aparticular event that you are paying for: We haye guest Staying 胡 Weekend. c 7more 切amn 00 Wedding gues 2 Wentto the 妇 eafre clUb as HeleniS guestE He Was 如 eSUest of horour (= the most imnportant person inVited to an event). OLTiz Was notom the Stuestlist 2aperson Who is staying at a hotel, etc.: We haye accoTmTmodatiom for 500 guests. C_a paying 8Uest (三 .a person Who is living 记 a Private house,, Ptit paying as 计 they were 识 a hotel) Guests Should yacate 妨eir roomms by I0.30 am. 3 afamous Person of performer who takes part 也 a television show OF CODcert: QguUest artist/star/Singer2OUr Special SUest tomnigRht ,CHeTmmade aguestappeararnce o7t 织eSRoW 4 aperson who is invited to a particular Place or organization, or to speak at aimeeting: The 5Ciemntists are here as &uests of our goyermiment 08SUest SDeaKker IE be my 'guest(imn 太rmal) usedto give sb pefmission to do sth that theyhave askedto do: Do yourninadi Tusethephone2 太 Be TY SUesS ” 世 上 yerb [V] ~ (on' sth) to take part ip a television or radio show, aconcert,,a game

etc. aS 3 yisiting or termmporary

Performer or Player: She Suested 07L Seyeral chat shows WPaile vsitrlg Britain.

guUest beer noun [u,G (BrB) a beer that inot ustially available in a particular Pub, but which is served there foralimited Period;, often at a Specially reduced Price

'guest house noun 1 (Br6 a small hotel 了 2 (NAmE) a small house builtnear alarge hotise, for guests to stay 让

EuUes-ti.miate = GUESSTIMATE guest rOOmi novn a bedroom:that is keptfor guests to Use SUest worker 70U7aperson usually from apoor country who comesto another richer countryin order to work

rGIRLG Guide(alsoold:shioned ,Girl'Guide) (both B/月 - (US Girl'scout)amember ofan organjization (called the

Guides or the Girliscouts) which is similar to the ScoUTS and which trains girls in practical skills and does alot of activities with them, for example camping 一COmpare BROWNIE 下 Verb [VN] FSHOWTHEWAY 1 ~ sb(to/through/around sth)'to show sb the waytoa place; oftenmby'going with themy; to snow sb aplace that yot know Well: She guided us 轨 rouSgh thne DuSy streets io 妇e cathedraL C We Were guided arounad the

TnUSeL1715. C noOte at TAKE riINFLUENCE BEHAVIOUR 2:to direct or influence sb's behaviour: He was always guided by his religious belie访. EXPLAIN 3 一 sb (through sth) to explain to sb how to do sth, especially sth complicated or difficult: The healtpamd sajfety oficer w 记 guide yo 二rough 雪 e sajfety procedures. *HELP SB MOVE 4 to help sb to moveinpapatticular direction; to move sth in;a particular direction: She tooK her aiTmL amd guUided her across the pusy road. Ce Fe guided Per jamnd to his foce. 一see also GUIDING

Suide.book /'gardbuk/ noU7 = GUIDE guided /gardrd/ adj. [usually before noun] thatisled bysb Who works as aguide: aguided tourWwaiK

guided missile 720Un a MISSILE that can be controlled whbilein the air byelectronic equipment

guUide dog(NAmEalso ,Seeing'Eye dogm) ounia dog trained to guide ablind person

Suide.Tine /gaiqiam/ novnr T guiaelines [pl.] Tules or instructions that are given byan official orgamnization te]lingyouhowto do sth, especially sth difficult: The goyver7LTment has drawm UPD Suideliries om t切e treatment of the 7mentaly 说

了 [O something that can be Used to help

yotmake adecision or form an Opinion: The 太gures area USseful guideline WPhem buying a house:

Guider /gaidaC)/ (also'GirlGuider) movn (Br6 anadult leader 雇 the Guides

Suide:way /gardwer/ moun ':a channel or track along Which sth moves

Suid.in 有 /gardm/ adj. [only before nounm] giving advice


Suff /9gAf/ movwn [U] (pformal) ideas or talk that yot think areStupid


SUffaw /gafo:/ verb to laugh noisily: [V] They all 名人太 加 wed at as jokes. [also V speech] Euffaw moun: She Ietoutal1OuUd gujfow GUI/dsi ju'ar/ abbr (computng) graphical user interface (=awayofgivingipnstructions to acomputerusing things that can be seen_ on the screen such as Symbols and

Inenus) Suid.ance /'gardns/ movn [U] 站 ~ (on sth) help oradvice that is given to Sb,especially by sb older or with -more experience: SUidamce fjor teachers of Row to USse Video 碌 the classroom C Activities all take Place Unmder the SuidaTLCe Of alL experieniced tutor c (NAmB a guidamce coum-

Selor (= Sb who advises students) 一See also MARRIAGE GUIDANCE Qthe Piocess of controlling the direction of a ROCKET, etc., Using electronic equipment: a missile guidGT1Ce System

Suide 上 11OUA1

“STHTHATFHELPSYOU DECIDE 5 .something that gives YOU enough information to be able to make a decision abot sth or form an opinion: hsia rougsh guide, allow Pa acup ofrice perDerson: CTIetTmyjeelings be 7Tny Suide.:

0-羡 /gard/ nouni ve 上b


1 一 (to:sth) aboolks magazine, etc. that

gives youinformationi help or instructions about sth: a Guide to Famipy Health e Tets haye a look at 切 eTVguide

andsee whatson: 2 (alsoguide:book)~ (to sth) abook that gives information aboutaPplace fortravellers or tourists: aguide to Italy e trayel guides * PERSON 3 aperson who shows other People the wayto a Dlace,especially Sb employed to show tourists around interesting Places: atour guide C We Pired alocal guiae to getUus across the nountains. 丸 aperson Who adVises yoU onhowto live and behave: aspiritual guide

and help; having a strong influenceas.on people: SPe Wm iexperienced and Pieeded a guUiding hnand,cO aaguiding Jorce guild /gad/ novn [ctsing./pl. v] 1Tan orgamnization of people who do the same job or who have the Same inter: ests or aims: the Screen Actors ”Guild 2 an association of Skilled workers in the Middle Ages

Suil:der /gadeC)?/ novn the former Unit of money in the Netherlands (replaced in 2002 bythe eturo)

Suild.hall /gadho:l/ noun (BrE) a building in which the Imembers of a GUILD Used to meet, noOw often tsed for Imeetings and performances

guile /gad/ movn [U] (formaj) theuse ofcleverbut dishon: estbehaviour in order to trick people DECEIT Suile-less /gallles/ adj. (ormalj) behaving in avery honest way; not knowing how to trick people > guilelessly ddv

SUil.le.mot /garzmmnpt;i NAmE -mazt/ nouwn a black and white bird with along narrowbeakthat lives near the sea

Suil.lo-time /gaatin/ ou

ve 岂

晶 0OU1 1 [sing]armachine, originally from France, for cutting people's,heads off. It has a heavy blade that slides

down a wooden frame, 2 (BrE) (US 'paper cutter) [G a device with a long blade for cutting paper 3 [sing.] (Br

Potics) the setting of a time limit on a debate in Parliament 目 YE 上b [VN] 1 to Kill sb bycutting offtheir head with a guillotine 字 (BrE) to cutpapertusing aguillotine 3 (BrE Po jbcs) to limit the amount of time spent discussing a new lawin Parliament': to guillotine abi

scat | dfather | eten | as:bird | aabout | rsit|isee|limany|npgot(Br


| utoo

guilt /gnt/ novn [ulT~ (about sth) theunhappyfeelings

caused by knowing or thinking that you have done sth Wiong: She .had feelings of guilt about Leayving.hner childrem ad going to WorK: C Mamny survivors were Left with a semse of Suilt ca Suilt complex (= an exaggerated sense of guilt) 2 the fact that Sb has done sth jllegal: 瑟isSSuiLE Was proved beyond all doupt by the DTosecutiomn, 2 am adrmission of guilt [ED INNOCENCE 3 blame or TespDonsS ibility for doing sth wrong or for sth bad that has hap:Pened: The 训 yestisation Wi ty to inid ouUt Where the Suilt Jor the disaster really 1ies、 > guiltless 0d/ :IE a Suift trip (ifomma) things You say to sb in order to Iake them feel guilty about sth: Dom世 Iay aguiltttrip on your child apouvtschootwork.

SUilty 0 /gati/od (guiltier guilti-est)

1 一(about sth) feeling ashamed because you have done

sth thatyou knowis wrong orhave not done sth that yoU should have done: TItSguilty apout mot Visitimng TY Da7ent7mmoreoften JohmphadaguitbrIookomn hisjace .orThad

QSUIINY cortsciemce arid could notsleep. 2 ~ (of sth) havipgdone sthillegal; being responsible forsthbad thathas happened: The jury found 纺e defendantmot SUiIty of the offence.e Hepleaded guilty io mmurder ce 切e SUilty party (= the person responsible for st bad happening) c Weye QI beemn gui OF selfishness at some -time im or 矶6

必 Euilt'ily /if ody IE ai guilty 'se-

Cret a Secretthat sb feels ashamed abonut guinea /gmi/ noun an old British gold coin or unit of Ioney worth 21 SHILLINGS (三 -now f1.05). Prices_ are SOmetimes still given in_ guineas, for example when buyipg or selling horses.

Suinea'fowil /gmiftaol/ noun [cg (以 guinea-fowb a

bird of the PHEASANT family that has dark grey feathers With white spots, and is often used for food ;the meat of this bird: roastguineafow1

Suinea Pig "own Tasmall animal with short ears and

Dotail often keptas apet 2 aperson tsed 记 medical or other experiments: Students 识 记 fgy Schools are io act as 8uUinea pigs 加or 切ese niew teaching 7mnetods.


/gmis/ moun


Suill /gal/ (also sea-gull) noun a bird with long wings and usually White and grey or black feathers that lives near the sea. There are several types of gull 一Picture . 只 PAGE R2o 一See also HERRING GUILL


/gala/_movn [u] a language spoken by black

People living on the coastofSouth Carolina, thatis a combination of English and various WAfrican languages

Sullet /gAlrt/ noun the tube through which food passes 位om the mouth to the stomach ture 只 BODY


一 Dic-

Sul:lible /9Aisbl/ od too willing to believe cr accept What other Deople tell you and therefore easijly tricked

more guilty and most guilty are more common



[uc a type of very dark

brown beem with a white HEAD (= top) on 让 SUiro /gwrereo; NAmE "WiTo0; 'gwIrou/ noun (P/ -0s) a

Imusical instrument consisting of a tube of wood with a Iough surface, played bypassing astick overitin a Tepeated fhythm Suise /garz/ movn a Way ip which sbysth appears, often 记 awaythat is different 人fom tusual or that hides the truth aboutthemyVit: BFis Speech presemted racistideas under the SUise ofmationalismm. C THhe story appears 训 differemntguises 碎 djferent cultures.

Suitar /grta:(D)/ moun a musical instrument that Usually

SUuULIibility /,gAla'Dileti/ mouwn [U] NAIVE Sully (also gulley) /'gAli/ mour (p/ glJies: gulleys) Ta

Small narrow channel, usually formed byastream orby Iain 之 a deep DITCH

Sulip /gAlpy verb, noun 目 Ye 几了 一 sth(down)toswallow largeaimnounts offood or drink quickly: [VN] Re gu1ped dowm 态e rest of Pis tea amd Went ou [also V] 2 to swallow,, but without eating OF drinking anything, especiallybecause ofa Strong emotion

Such as fear or SUtDrise: She gulped 7e7myOU5S17 pefore 训ying to asWer _[also Vspeech] 3 ~ (for sth) | ~ sth (in) to breathe quickly amd deeply because you need more aif: [V] She came UP Sulping Jor air ec [VN] FEe 1eant QgSaimst

太 e caPp SUIDing im the cold air

,gulp sth< 和 backto

stop youUiselfshowing your emotions by Swallowing hard: She gulped pacK jher tears and forced a Smile. 旦 IOU1 了 一 (of sth) an amotint of sth that yotu swallow or drink quickly: Fe took agulp ofcoffee. 2 an actofbreathing 记 or of swallowing sth: Car you start 67 JWMomday2” Any gaye a SuUID. OFcourse she said Fe dranK 态e S&lass ofWwPisky 太 ome Su7. SUim /gAm/ moum ve力 四 IOU 了 [CUsually pl.] either of the firm areas of 有 esh 记 the mouth to which the teeth are attached: SU1mn disease一 Picture 只 BoDY- -2 [U] a sticky substance Produced by Some types of tree 3 [U] a typeof glueused for Sticking light things together such as paper 4 [U] = cHEWiING SGUM

5 [q a frm




candy that you chew: 方Uit gu7ms IE by gumi (old-josh/oned,;B/E njornall used to show surprise 目 Ye 叱(mm-) [VN, usually+ adyvprep]~AtoB | 一 sth (down) (rather old-foshioned) to spread glueonthe surface of sth; to stick two things together with glue: A large adadress Jabel Was gu7mrmmed to the pacKkage. CSgurmrmedlabels 个 With glue on one side) 名um sth< up [usuallyipas Sive] (Br 局normaj to cover or fill sth with a Sticky subStance So thatit stops moving or wotking as it should

Sum'ball /gAmbol/ noun (NAmE) asmall ball of cHEw-

Phas six strings, that you Play with your fingers or with a PLECTRUM: GT QCOLUSticAa1i electric/a classical,etc. Suitar CQ8uUitar player c Do youplay 纺 e guitar? woShe Plays 8Uitar 识Qpand. ce As he samng he srrum7med Ri SU

ING GUM that looks like a sweetVycandy Sumibo /gaAmbar; NAmE-bou/ noun [U] athick chicken or SEAFOOD SouUp, usually made with the vegetable OKRA

Suitarist /grta:rrst/ novun aperson who plays the guitar Gui-ja'rati (also Gu-je:rati) /gu:dsaraxti/ noun 1 Id a

a person's mouth, over an infected area on the root of a tooth Sum'boot /gAmbu:t/ moun (old-osjhroneq; BI 日 := wELLINGTON

tar一Dicture c> PAGE R7 一See also AIR GUITAR, BASS


位om the state of Gujarat in western India 2 [U]

thelanguage of Gujarat 疡Gu:jarati'(also Gujerati) ad gulch /gAltJ/ noun (especia 必 NAmE) anarrovw valley with Steep Sides,, that was formed by a fast stream 和 据owing through 认 SuIf /gAlf/ novn 了 [C alarge area of sea that is Party SUIrounded by land: thne Gu of Mexico 2tfthe Gulf [sing.] the Persian Gulf the area of sea between the AraDian PENINSULA and Iran: the CU States (三 the countries A With coasts on the Gulf) 3 [Cusually sing.] ~ (between 和 and B) alarge difference between two people or groups in the waythat theythinkj live or feel: T7he SUIFDpebwee Fic and Poor 1 enormious 4 [Cl a wide deep crack in the grouUnd IE


the Gulf Stream moun [sing] a warm current of water 所owing across the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf ofMexico towards Europe


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| saogo (Br

名 um'bo 订/gAmboa/ noun asmall swelling onthe euw'in

Sum'drop /gxmadrop; NAmE-dramp/ nouvra SWeetVycandy

that is like asmall firm lump of jelly Suimmed /gAmd/ ad [usually before noum] (of stamps, Papem etc.) covered with a type of glue that will become sticky when water is put on 让 SUimmy /9gAmi/ ad (pformnal)) 1 sticky or covered 这

guml(2) 2 agummy smile shows your teeth and gums

Sumption /gampfn/ noun [u] (olw-Joshioned, informa1)

the intelligence needed to know whatto doi 记 a Particular situation 2 courage and determination


/gaAmjildy (BrE) (NMmE mouth:guard)

1ou1n acovet that a Sports player wears in his/hermouth to Protect the teeth and GUMS Sum:shoe /'9AmjJu:/ nouwn (old-JGsjioned NAm 语 jnjoF

/mdglj) = DETECTIVE(])

| ou go (MmB

| ofboy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


692 | Sunmnny /9Ani/ noun 贡] ia type .ofrough cloth used for Imaking SACKS

Sum tree ov aEUcALYPTUS tree Im beupa'gum tree (BrE, niormal)tobeipaveryadifficult situation

册辜 0

们om rough material and used to store flotir potatoes; etc.

gun.point /gaAnpomt/ movm [IE

/gAn/ 70Um, ye 及

下 OU 了 [C] a weapon that is used for firing bullets o SHELLS: to Jfire a Sur atsP catioyx gu coantiaircra太 SUTnS 2 TIook oub hes got a gu 2 Should police o太 cers ca1Ty SuU7nS2 C De Pointed/airmed 妇 e gurt at her head The Police ojficers drew their gumas (= took them out SO they Were ready to use). 2 She puled a gur or rne (三 took out a gun and aimed it at me). C Te Su Went o 太 By accident 2 a Surt pattle petween riyalgangs 一see also AIR GUN, HANDGUN; MACHINE GUN, SHOTGUN; STUN GUN,, SUB-MACHINE GUN, TOMMY GUN 卫 [Cl a toolthat uses Presstre to send out a substance Or an object: a staple SL1 一See also SPRAY GUN 了 3 the gun [sing.] the signalto begin arace, thatis made byfiring a special gun, called a starting pistol,ipto the air 4 [C (njormal,especia 几 NAm 月a person who is paid to shoot sb: a Jired guh-see also FLASHGUN, SON OF A GUN II hold/put a gun to sb?s 'head to force sb to do sth that they do not wantto do, by making threats under the 'gun (NAm ijrmaj experiiencing a lot of Pressure: Jrm really Zader tihe gu

today (with) alMboth guns 'blazing (imjrmzh with a lot of energy and determination: THPe chaimpioris caTme out (Witp) al guns Blazing. 一more at GREATOId1 ,JUMP YV, SPIKE X,STICK

目 YE 纪 (-nn-) 卫 .[V] (NAmE) (of an engine) to run very quick]y: Q line of motorcycles _With 态 eir engines SUTTLinmS 2 LVN +.:adv/prep] (NmB to start driving a_ vehicle Very fast: He Surtled the cab 妨 ppUuSh 雪e red ligjt

be'gunning for sb (/njrma1htobelooking for an Opportunity to blame or attack sb be'gunning for sth to be competing for or trying hard to get sth: Shes gumming Jor the top jop. ,gun sb"down [usually passive] to shoot Sb, especially killing or seriouslyinjuring them

Sun'boat /'gAnbaut; NAmEmout/ movn a small ship that is fitted with large guns

gunboat di'piomacy novn [u] a way of 和aking another country accept yoUr demands by using the threat of force


Sun:ny-sack /9gAnisaek/ 1oun (NAm有 jialargebag made

carriage ouLn1 a SUPport on wheels for a large

heavy gun

un control75ovn [U] (especa 必 NAmBlawsthatfestrict

at 'gunpoint whijle

threatening sb or being threatened with a gun: THe driyer

”~ Was ropped at gumpoint

Sum-PpOoOw:der /gaAnpaudaG)/ (also pow-der) moumn [U] EXPLOSIVE

Powder Used especially 也 bombs

or FIRE-

WORKS SUnm'rum'ner /9AnrAne(G)/ 7oun a Derson who secietly and iegally brings guns into a cotntry EuUnrun'ning Jouwn [U]

gun:ship /gAnfrpy/ novn an armed military HEIICOPTER or other aircraft

Sun:shot /gAnfot NAmE-Jat/ noum TI] thebullets that are fired from agun:Su7nshotyWourids 2 [Clthefiring of a gun; the sound of iibeing fired: Theard the soupnd of SUTLshot5 ou 太太 esheeE

3 [thedistancethatabtllet

人om a gun can travel: He yas ouUEOFLWitPnipn gursjot

Sun:sight /gAnsart/ movn a part of a gun that you look through in'order to aim it accurately

Sumn:sling-er /,gAnslima(CD)/ novn (NAmB aperson who is paid to Kill people, especially 让 films/movies about the American Wild West gunm-smmith /'gAnsmrb/ ovwmapersonwho makes andrePairs guns

Sum-wale (also gun:nel) /9gAnl/ noun the upper edge of the side ofaboat orsmall ship

Suppy /gaApi/ novn (p/ -ies) a small FRESHWATER fsh, commonly kept ip AQUARIUMS Surdwa:ra /gsaxdware; NAmE gs:r-/ moun a building 雇 Which Sikhs worship、,

SUF.gle /ga:gl; NAmE'gsTgl/ verb, noun 目 YVe/ 峭[V] T to make a sotund like water fowing quickly through amnairrow space: JWater gurSgled 雪roUsj the 也 pe5. 2aSuUTgling stream 了 话ababy gurgles, 让 makes amnoise in its throat when it is happy B1O0011 asound likewaterflowing quicklythrotigh anar IOwW Space 之 the sound that babies make in the throat especially when they are happy Gurkha /gsKae; NAmE ,gairKke/ moum one of a group of People from Nepal who are known as go00d soldiers. Some Gurkhas are members of a REGIMENT 记 theBfitish

sum dogoun adog trained to help ip the sport ofshooting, for example byfinding birds that have been shof

army入愉 guUrn (also girn) /9a:n; NAmEgasin/ve [V] 力 (especially BID 有日 to make a ridiculous or Unpleasant face Eurner

Sgun'fight /'gAnfart/ moun a fght between people using guns > Sun.fighter7oun

SuUrney /gamni NMAmE 'gazrmi/ moun (NAmB a type of

the sale and ise ofguns

/gama(D; NAImE'gs:rna-/ noun

Sumn-:f 作re /'gAnfareGD)/ moun'[u] the repeated firing of Sunsi the sound of guns firing: am excharnge of gunfire With 她epolice CTcould heargunfire:

SuUmnge /gxAnd5/ (Br6) (also gunk NAmE Br6) moum [W (Unjormah any' unpleasanb sticky or dirty substance > EuUngyad/. guUmng-ho/9gAn0'hao; NAmE'hoo/ adi (nirmai disapprov /mg) too enthusiastic abonit sth, without thinking seriously aboutib especially about fighting and war Sumk/gAnk/ novn [U] (especialy NA = GUNGE

Sun'man /9gAnman/ movn (P1 -men /msan/) aimnan who uses a gun to steal from orJill people Sum:metal/gAnmetl/ rown [U] Tametalthatis am 这 ture of coPPER, tin and ZINC 2 adullbluergreycolotr

gumn-nel= GUNWALE Sun:mer/'gAneC)/ noun 了 amemberofthe Whois trained to uselarge guns 2 asoldier ARTILLERY (= the part ofthe armythat uses gunm:nery/gaAnaeri/ ovn [ul (iechmicaon the large military guns

armed forces in the British large guns) operation of

Sunnery sergeantmoun an officer of middle Tank 记 the US MARINES


| ddid


|:9g get

外 hhat

| jyes

TROLLEY Which is used for moving patients in ahospital Suruy/guruy/ novn TaHindtu or Sikh religious teacher or leader 之 (njormalj) a Person Who is an expert on a particular subject or who is very good at doing sth: a ma7tGaSeimneTmt/healthZTJoshiom etc._5ur

guUslh /gAJ/ verb, noun 是 Ve/几 了 [V, usually+ advVprep] ~ out of/fromyinto sth | 一 outin to flow or pour suddenly and quickly out of a hole ip large amotnts: 太 ood gushing 广ofm atwouna > Water 8uShed out of the pipe: 了 [VN] (of a container/vehicle etc.) to suddenly let out large amounts of a liquid: The tafKker Was SUShing oil e:(Jjigwraotive) She Qpsolutely SUsjed enthusiasm 3 (disapproving) to express so much Praise or emotion about sb/sth that it does not seem sincere: [Vspeech] You are cleve7z ?she gusjhed. [alsov]

昌 OUN [usually sing] 1 ~ (of sth) alarge amount of liquid suddenly and quickly flowing or pouring out of sth: SuS of blood 了 ~ (of sth) asudden strong expression of feeling: agush ofemotionm

gush.er/'gxAfac)/ moumT

(Nm 有anoiwaLLwherethe

oil comes out quickly and in large quantities 2 a Person

Who gushes(3) Sush.ing/gAfm/ ad (disapproving) expressDg so imuch enthusiasm, Praise or emotion that it does not seem singush:inglyadv cere | kocat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| p pen

| -Pired

guUs'Sset- /gAsrt/ noun an extra piece of cloth sewn into aa piece of clothing to make it wider, Stronger Or more comfortable



SUSSY /gAsi/ verbiegus'sies ,gussy'ing ,gussied gus:sied ) Suttersnipe ./gatesnaip; NAmE -ters-/ noUn (informa/, disapproving)japoor and dirty child ,gussy 'up (NAmE njormalj) to dress yourselfin an attractive wayERI DRESS UP: Byen the stars Settired of SLSSYimng Up for the awards:

guUst /9gAst/ noum, ye 六 是 IOUP 人 a sudden strong increase ip the amount and Speed of wind that is blowing: A gust of wind biew 1is hat o 太 CThe wind was biowing 训 gusk.、 2 a sudden strong expression ofemotion: Q Sustof Iaugjter

日 ye 履[V] (ofthe wind) to suddenlyblow veryhard: winds 8USHng Up to 6077DpF

SUstO /"gAste0; NAmE -ou/ nounm [U] enthusiasm and energy in doing sth: They samg With gusto.

SuUsty /'gAsti/ adj., [usually before noun] with the wind blowing 让 GUsTs: agusty morning CgSusty Winds guUTE /gaAt/ noum, vermb, ad 日 IOUn 了 [C] the tube in the body through which food passes


让 leaves




guUttural /gaAterel/ adj (ofa sound) made or seemingto be made atthe back ofthe throat: guttural comsonanE Sa 1ow guttural grow1


ad (Unformanh very unpleasant' malkc

ipgyou feel very pset

SUV /gAvV/ exclamation (BrE imnprmal used byaman toaddress another man who is a customer etc., meaning Sir SuUV' nor /gaAvnaGD/ moun (BrE, injormal) (often used as a Wayofaddressing sb)aman whoisin aposition ofauthor ity for exaimple youUr employer: Do you Wanmtime to asK te 一See also GOVERNOR SuVmor aboutit?

树 UY 0

/gar/ nou1

1 LIqUnorma)aman:abigAmice[toughguyeaDutchnguy 2Attheend ofthe 记 Im 雪ebpad guy gets Shot 一see alsoOFALL GUY WISE GUY QZSuyYs [pl.] (pnformaj, especialy Nm 有 a group of people of either sex: Come om yoU gUys, Iets get going! 3 [〇 (in Britain) a model of a man dressed in old clothes that is burned on a BONFIRE on 5 November dur ingthe celebrations for Bonfire Night 4 (alsoguy rope ) [G] arope used to keep a pole or tent in a vertical Position

2Sguts [pl.] the organs in and around the stomach, esSpecially in an animal: ZI only cooKk 诱sj 矿the guts have been Temoyved 3 [G] (njormal) a person's stomach,, especially WhenitislargeifS39 BELLY: Haveyouseen theguton Pirml IE see MROIbbpr ca beer SuUE (= caused by drinking beer) 4guts [pl,] (njormal) the courage and determination that it takes to Guy Fawkes night /gar fo:ks nart/ noun [U,c] Bonfire do sth difficultor unpleasant: He doesnit have the guts to Night Walk away 方om aWelL-paid job. S [Cusually pl.] the place Where your natural feelings that make yotu Teact in a par- SUZ:Zle /gaAzl/ ve风 (informal,usually disapproving) to drink sth quickly and in large amounts. In British English ticular way are thought to be:Tjhad a feeling 训 7my SuUts 让 also means to eat food quickly and in lafge amounts: 太 at so7mething Was Wrong. Gguts [pl.] the most import[VN] Te Kids seerm to be 8uUZz2Iinlg Soi drinks all day (jgant Part of sth: the guts of the problem 7 [U] = cATGUT Wirative) My car guzzles fuel [alsoV] [IJ have sb's ,guts for 'garters (BE, injommalj to be VerIy angIy with sb and punish them severely for sth they SUuzZ.Zler /9gAzlaGD)/ noun (njformah especaly NAmp 三 GAS GUZZLER have doneslog/sweat/work your'guts out (informah to Work veryhard to achieve sth: Tslogged myguts outjJorthe Sweilo /'gwerleo; NmEJoo/ noun (pl-os ) (SEAsianmE) used exXa1m. 一moOre at BUSTY,,GREEDY 0dj/ ,HATEV,SPILLY iD SE Asia to refer to a person from a foreign country, especially sb from the West Verb ktt- ) [VN] 1 [usually passive] to destroy the inside or contents of a building or room: a foctory gutted py jire ec gylbe (especao必 y Br6 (NmE ustuallyjipbe ) /d5arb/ verb, The hoUse Was completely gutted. 2 to remove the organs MOU1 from inside a fish or an animal to prepare it for cooking 目 VE 有b [V] to change direction when sailing with the wind

下 Gdfj/. [only before noun] based on feelings and emotions Tather than thought and reason: a SutjJeeling/reactiom

gut:less /'gAtlas/ odj lacking courage or determination SUut-Ser /9gAtsaGnD)/ noun (AustralE NZE, informalj) an occaSion when sb/sth falls or knocks into sth [Er come a

utser to fail or be defeated gutsy /'gAtsi/ adj (normah

1 showing courage


determination: a gutsy 万gjhter/wi 2 having strong and Unusual quajlities: a SUtSy red Wine CQ SuUtsy song Sutta-percha /,gAte ps:tja; NAmE 'psxrtJe/ noun [U] a matural substance which can be shaped when it is heated and is hard when cool, produced by certain Malaysian



/'gAtrd/ odi. [not before noun] (BrE informalj) ex-

tremely sad or disappointed: Disappointed?Twas gutted/ Sut:ter /'gAteGD)/ mouv1, ve 内 理 1OU1 了 [〇 along curved channel made of metal or plas-

ticthat is fixed under the edge ofaroofto carry awaythe Water when it rains: a blocKked/IeaKking Sutter 一picture c> PAGE RI7 了 [G a channel atthe edge ofaroad where

Water collects and is carried away to DRAINS 3the gutter [sing.] the bad social conditions or low moral standards sometimes connected with the lowest level of SOciety: She rose 方om the g&uUtter to become a 8reatstar 2

态e Iamnguage of the gutter (= Used when swearing) 上 Yeib [V] (Witerory) (of aflame or CANDLE) to burn in an Unsteady way

behind you, byswinging the sail from one side oftheboat to the other 四 OUm an act of gybing SgyYim /ds5mm/ noun (njorma) 1 (alsojormagym:na-sium ) [Caroom orhall with equipmentfordoing physical exer cise, for example in a school: to play basKetball in 切e gym CThe school hnas recemnty puilt a new g&ym. 2 [U] physical exercises done in a gym, especially at school: Tdomntenjioy Sy1m. Sm shoes 3 [C] = HEALTH CLUB:Tjustjoined a S&yT0 CTWorK ouUt at the g&yma most days.


/dsomkamae/ moun (Br6E) an event in which

People riding horses take part in various competitions Sgyimna:sium /dsmm'merzieam/ noun (P 人gym:na.siums or gym:na'sia /ZIe/) (formal) = GYM Sgym:nast /"d5mnaest/ novn aperson who performs gymnastics, especially in a competition SgyYiminas:ftics /d5mm'naestrks/ noun [U] physical exer cises that develop and show the body's strength and ability to move and bend easily often done as a sport in competitions: a &yrmzmnastics competihonmec (Jsgurative) menmtal/Verbal gsyrmmastics (= quick or clever thinking or use of words) 一Picture 只 PAGE R23 > gymnastic ad/ [only before noun]

'Ym shoe ovn (BrE) = PLIMSOLL Yim-slip

/dsmmslrzp/ movn (Br6) a dress without sleeves

Worn over a shirt as a School uniform for girls, especially ip the past

Sut-terim /'gAterm/ nouwn [U] the system ofgutterson a building; the material used to make gutters: a Iength of SUttering

SgyY'nae-colo.gist (BrE) (NmEgyne-colo.-gist )/gama-

the ,gutter 'press


/OUm [sing.] (disopproving) news-

papers that print a lot of shocking stories about people's Private lives rather than serious news


| ttea

| vvan

| 双 wet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

plad5Ist; NA/mE -al-/ nown a doctor who studies and treats the medical conditions and diseases of women

(BrE) (NmE gyne-cology ) /gama-

knpled5i; NAmE -al-/ moum [U] the scientific study and treatment of the medical conditions and diseases of

| 5vision

| tr chain

| ds jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| Dising



Women,especially those connected with sextal REPRO-


”> gymnae'cological



(NAmE ”Sgyne]

NAmmE -azd5s-/ adj: Q Synaecological


SgYP/d5sm/ 0oumn, ye 册

上四1OUm [sing.] (NAmE njormal/) an act of charging too much

money for sth: That meal Was a real &yD., IE give sb 'gyYP(BrE, informal) to cause sb a lot of pain: My packs peeni Siving ne &yYPD Lately.

日VE/ (-pp] [VN] (especially NAmE) to cheat or trick sb, especiallybytaking their money gsYyP:sum /dsmpsaeam/ noun [U] a soft white mineral like CHALKthatis found naturally and is used in making PLAS-



Gipsy /"d5Ipsi/ mouwn (P/ -ie9 (sometimes

o 态nsive) amember of a race of People originally 位om Asia, who travel around and traditionally live iD CARAVANS. Many people Prefer to use the name Romany: 一See also ROMANY 一COmpare TRAVELLER 加 Yate/dsarrert; NAmE'd5arrert/ vembto move around 训 ”circles; to make sth, especiallyapartofyour body move around: [V] They pegam gyrating to 妇e nusic. The Ieayes &yrated slowly to 雪 egrou1md. 2 [VN] 4s 纺e Jead singer g&y 六 ated jis .Pips,the crowd screarmed Wildly ggyration /ds5arrerfny/ noumn [Cusually pl 吕]

SgYirO-SCOPe /'d5aIreskeop;-NMAmE -SkoUp/:(alson1ormal Sgyro/'d5aireg; NAImE-Tod/) .noun aidevice .consisting of a wheel that spins rapidly inside a frame and.does not change Position when the frame is moved. GyYroscopes are often Used to keep ships and aircraft steady 上 gYro-

scop:ic/,d5aire'skppIk; NAmE-sKa:pIK/ ad


acat| dfather | eten |s:bird | aabout|rsit|isee|imany|npgot

(Br6 |55saw

Acup | 5put |uitoo

时 hn Hz:(alsoh ) /ertfy noun [GU] (PNHs ;HSs ,hs jertfrz/)the 8th letter'of the English alphabet: at :besgins with (am 瓦/

五.一compare AITCH--see also H-BOMB

ha"” /ha:/ exclamiation 洒 (alsohah )the sound that people Imake When theyiare suUrprised oripleased or when they havVe discovered sth: Hal 下 seryes yo Fightl ec HalT new he Was hidinsg something. 2 (alsohalt hat) the word for the sound thatpeople make when they laugh 3 (alsohal hal) (pnjormai ona usedtoshow that yot do not think that sth is funny: Hal Hal Very 记 mriyl Now SiyeTneDacKk ny Shoes.

ha abpbpr (in writing)HECTARE

come ahabit and is therefore difficult to stop: Chapituai CTimmairtaLAdrirmKerXEiar etc. Some': speakers do Dot prIonounce the ' at the beginning of habitual and use am instead of 'a before it. This now sounds oldfashioned. e habitually /tfuali/ adv: the darK 8&lasses je hapbitually wore


/hotbrtfuertra/ adj ~ (to sth) (1o7701)

familiar witls sth because youhave doneitor experienced ACCUSTOMED 达 often

ha'bi'tue /(p)ae'brtfuery moon (from French, Jormalj) aper

SOn Who goes regularlyto aparticular place or event: afm) REGULAR. jabituE ofuprmarket clubs

haar /hazGD)/ moo [GU] acold sea FoG ofithe east coast of England or Scotiand

ha:ci'enmda /hasrenda/ moun alargefarmin a Spanish-

hab-eas corpus

hack /haek/ ve 六 ,7ou7

/heibies ko:pas; NAmE Koxrpes/ nou1

[U] (from Lotim, /Jow) alaw that states thata Person who

has been arrested should not be kept 记 Prison_ longer

than a particular period of time unless a jadge 雇 cOUTt has decided thatitisght

hab-erdash:er /habedaefad); NAmE haebaerd-/ moun

1 (old-josjhroned, Br6) a person who owns or works in a shop/store selling small articles for sewing, for example, needles,Ppins, cotton and bitittons 2 hab-er.dash-ers (Phapb.erdashiers ) a shopy/store that sells these things 3 (NM有 a Derson Who owns; mianages or woiks iD a Shop/store that makes and sells men's clothes


/Pabadafari; NmE Tasbard./ moon

(Pries) 了 [U] (loshioned, BF small articles for sew-

ipg, for example needles, pips, cotton and plittons 2 [U] (old:osjoned, NAm 昌 men's clothes 3 [Ga Shop/store OF Part of a shop/store where haberdasheryis sold

Ialoi记 0六 /haebrt/ noun 1 [cathingthatyoudooftenand almostwithoutthinlkk ing, especially sth that is hard to stop doing: ZU need to charmgeyoureating habits. Cgood/bad jabits ceFe hastrne ir7rztatirig hapit of Ditimng his miails. CTES all Fight to borrow

TOPey 0ccasiomnal1 put domt let 让 Decome a Papit


Preferyoumnotto mnake aFhapbpitoF 让 CFanotin thePabpit OF Iettirlg Sa1lgers into ny apartment 2 TYye got into the 六 jabit of tu7rming om the TVas soomn a5TgSgetjhome. CT t

Speaking country

日 Verb 下 [HodvVprep]ito cut sbysth with TOUgh,heavy blows: [VN] TiPacked the dead bramnches:o太 o They Weie Packed to deathias they tried to escape. e We jad to hack OUT Way 态rou8gh 纺 ejungle. 2.[V] We jacked away at the Dushes. 了 _[VN + qdvVprep] to kick sth Toughly or withOut control: Be hacked the pall awayx 3 (computng) ~

(into) (sth) to secretly find a way of looking at andvor

changing ipformation on sb else's compniter System withOut permission: [V] Fe hacKed 训 io 态 epamnKS comDputer [VN] They jhad hacKked secretaata 到 [VN] can/can't 一 放 (njormah torbe able/not ableto manage' 记 a Particular SitUuation: ZIots of people leaye 太 放 job Decause 态ey ca7z芒

hack 让

:5 [V] (usuallygo hacking) (especially ;BrEl to

Tide'ahorse for pleasure 6 [V] (NmE. in1ormal) to drive ataXi


(disopproving) a writet especially of newspaper

articles, who does alot oflow quality work and does not

get paid much(disopproving) aperson who does the hard and ofterrboring. work for am organizationm,especially a Dolitician: a party jhack 3 a horse for ordinary Tiding or one that can be hired 4 (Nm informaj) ata 贡 5 an act of hitting sth, especially with a cutting tool


'off cd [not before noun] (BrE, Mnformanh ex

FED UP hacik'er /akeG)/ moyn a person who Secretly finds a way of looking at and/Xor changing information on sb else's computer System without permission tremely annoyed: 7rmm really hacked o太

ingto break the habit ofstaying up too late. 2 [U] usual behaviour: Tonmly do 让 ovt of hab让 c Prm a creature OF jabit(=Ihave afixed and regular way of doing things). hacking cough 3 [q (Unformalj) a strong need to keep Using drugs, alcoTepeated often hol or cigarettes iegularly: Fe pegam to 方mnarice Pis 7ab 让 hacking jacket 太 rouSh Durglary 2 Shes tried to 8giye UPD smoking DuULJUst Tiding camntKick the habit 2a50:a-day habit 4 [cl along piece hackles /haklz/ of clothing wornbyaMONK OrNUNIEIJ see FORCE1. neck ofadog, cat,

hab-it:able /zebrtebl/ cd sduitable for peopleto live in:

"oun [sing.] adrypainful cough thatis

"oun a: short jacket worn for horse noun [pl] the hairs on the back of the etc. thatrise when the animal is afraid

The houseShould be hapitable By the new year [aag UNIN-

OF angry [II make sb's 'hackles rise | raise sb's hackies to make sb angrysb's 'hackles rise to become

habi:tat /habrtaet/ nouvn [CU] the place where aparticu-

hackney carriage /hakni Kaerrds/ (also 'hackney


angIy: Be7l 帮 引jis hacKles rise as the Speaker comtinued.

lartype ofanimal or plant is normally found: The pamdas Tuatural jiabitat zs the paTmpoo forest co te destruciion oF WildIife hapitat

habita:tion /hzbrtern/ novn T TU] theactofliving 这

cab) om (BrE) a word used in official language for a taxi. In the past hackney carriages were carriages pulled byhorses that were tised as taxis.


/haeknid/ oadi usedtoo often andtherefore

aplace: THhey 1ooKked around for any Signs of habitatiomn. boring CLICHED: a hnacKkmreyed phrase/subject The houses were umnFityforhurman hnabitation (= notclean OF Safe enough for people to live ip), 2 [C] (Jormah a hackcsaw /haekso:/ noun atool with anarrowbladein a frame, Used for cutting metal Place wherePpeople live: The road serves the scattered hab六 had /haed; adi; strongjrm haed/ ce HAVvE tatfions alomg 切 e coast

habit-forming oo a habit-forming activity or drug is onethat makes you want to continue doing it ortaking 让

ha-bit.ual /hambrtfusl/ ozdj 下 [only before noun] tisual or


/adek/ ouvn (Phad.dock) [CuU] asea fish

like a cop but smaller With white flesh that is tsed for food: Smoked haddocK

typical of sbysth: TPey Waited Jor hzs habitual respomnse. (ormah apersons Place ofhabitulal residence 了 (of an ac-


tion) done, often in a way that is annoying or difficult to

Hadi'ith /ha'di:9/ ovn (pHad.ith orHad:iths) (in Islam)

Stop: habitual complaining O tbe habitual Use of jhero识

3 [only before noun] (of a person) doing sth that has be-


|ar my

| au now

| ersay

| sogo (Br6

/herdi:z/ novn-[U] (in _ancient Greek stories) the

land ofthe dead


1 [sing.] atext containing things said byMuhamimad and descriptions of his daily life, used by Muslims as a spirit-

| oo go (MmE)

| or boy

| ze near

| ea hair

| 5e pure

hadmn 半

696 |

ual guide 2 [ 〇 one of the things said by Muhammad, Tecorded in this text

hadmz?thadnt/ shortjorm had not

ger 记1 [V] to lose blood heavily, especially from the inside of the body; to have a haemorrhage 了 [VN] to lose Ioney or people in large amounts at a fast rate

haem:orrhagic(8r 日(NAmE hem'orrhagiy /hemaTaed5rk/ adj (medical happening with or caused by haemorrhage: a haermorrhagicjeyver

hema'tite /hizmatart/ :moun

haem-orrhoids(Bj 日(WAmE hemorrhoidy hema:

[U] (geology) adark red rock from which iron is obtained haema'tology(8 间 (NmE hema'tology /Ding-

To5idz/ noun [pl同(medrca/) painful swollen VEINS atornear the ANUS ERIJUPIIES hafniumnahasfniermy/ nown [U] (symbp HaRADIOAGCTIVE chemical element. Hafnium is ahard silvergrey metal: ha 生 /haft, NAmE haft/ moun the handle of a knife or Weapon hag/haeg/ mouvn (offensive) an ugly andVor unpleasant old Woman 一See also FAG HAG hag:.gard /hzegsd; NAmE gard/ aodj looking very'tired because of illness, worry orlack of sleep GDpRAWN hag-gis/ hsegrs/ nouUn [G WU] a Scottish dish that looksjlike alarge round SAUSAGE made from the heart, lungs ,and LIVER of a sheep that are finely chopped,mixed with

haem'atite(Br 日(NAmE

'tolead5i; NAmE :ta:l-/ noun [U] the scientific study of the

blood and its diseases e haem'atological(B/E) (NA7mE hemy /hiamatelpd5sikl; NAmE -lazd5-/0dj haematoloSist(BrE) (NAmE hemhy /hicma'toladslIst; NAmE 2tacL/ 1mOU1

haem:atomalB 间(NAmE hema'tomz 闻/himateoma; NAmE:tourma/ nouwn (medical) aswollen area ofithe body consisting ofblood that has becorme thick

haemo-BrB (NMmE Phemoy /hiimeo; NAPmEmoa/ combining orm (in nouns and adjectives)-connected with blood: Phaemophilia

haemo-globin (8rB (NAmE 'glegubm; NAmE:-gloo-/ nouwm



[U] a red substance in the

blood that carriesOxXYGEN and contains io

haemo-philia(8r有 (NAmE hemo-philiz /hiimae'filis/ houn

[U] a medical condition that catuses severe loss of

blood from even a slight injury because the blood fails to cLOT normally. Itusually affects onlyimen although it can be Passed on by wormen.

haemo-phil:iac(BxB6 (NAmE

hemao-philiag /himma-

liaek/ noun a Person who suffers from haemophilia

haem'orrhage(Br昌 (NmE _hemorrhage /hemaTId35/ nOUn; ye贱 画I1OU 1 [CU] amedicalcondition

雇 Which there is se-

Vere loss of blood from inside a persom's body: a 7massiyve braimncerebral haemorrhage C He Was checked for amy signs of haeimnorrhage., 了 2 [Cusually Sing:] ~ (of sb/sth) a serious loss ofpeople, money, etc. ffom a country, a groUP or an organjzation::Poor WorKking conditions haye led to a Steady haermmorrhage ofqualified teachers 广oms Our schools.



and boiled iD a bag that i Usually

made from part of asheep's stomach

hag-gle/magl/ ve 心[V] ~ (with sb) (over sth) to argue With sb in order to reach an agreement especially about the Price of sth: 了 Le所 Firm 碎 the marKet hagglimng ovyer 女e PDFice ofa si7rt

hagiog:raph.er /hagimpgrefeCD);- NAmE -ad:g-/ moun (formal) 1 aperson who writes the life story of a_ SAINT 2 a person who Writes about another person's,life iD a Way that praises them too muchi and does not criticize them

hagi'og:raphhy/haegipgrefi; NAmE-a:g-/ moun:(P/ -ie [CuU]. (Jormca/) .a book abonit the life of a person that Praises them too much;this style of writing hah=


hailku/haiku:/ mov tp haikuor haikuy (人om /po7ese) a poem with three lines and Usually 17:syllables, Wiittenm iastylethatis traditional in Japan.

sideburns/ sideboards

receding hair

moustache (B1 mustache (NA 月 bald head

stubble shaved head

long hair


Crew cut

parting (Br日 part (NA 日


cropped hair

layered hair


permed hair

fringe (B/肿 bangs (NA 日 反

French plait (B/ 日 French braid (NAm 日


| ddid

pigtails (B/日 ”braids (NA 有

| ffall

| gget

plait (B/日 braid (NA月

| hhat

| jyes



| kecat

| lleg

| 台 man


| nanow

| ppen

| Frred

Imhai 训/heil/ verbo noun as being very good or Special, especially in newspapers,

etc.: [VN] The comference Was hailed asa Sreat SUCCes5. [VN:N] Teemnager Matt Browm 语 peing hailed a hero for savimgayourgchild 方om arowmning 2 [VN]to Signal to ataxi orabus,in orderto getthe driverto Stop: to hail a taxi/ cab 3 [VN] (Witeromyjto call to sb in order to Sayhello to them or attract their attention: A voice hailed us 万omm the otherside of the street 4 .[v] when 让 hails, small balls of ice fall like rain from the sky: ts hailimng/ | from .… (jnmaj to come from or have been borm in a Particular Place: Bis 印ther hailed 廊om Italy

BIOun 了 [U] small balls of ice that fall like rain: We aroye 态rousjh jhail and snow 2 [sing]a~ofstha large num-

ber or amount of sth that is aimed at sb in order to harm them: a hailoFarrowsDullets oa phail of apuse

Hail Mary /hel ,mesri; NAmE mneri/ moun (PHail

Marys a Roman Catholic prayer to Mary, the mother of Jesus

hail:stone /hemsteun; NAmE-stoun/ noun [usually pl] a Small ball of ice that falls like rain

hail:storm /henstom; NAmE -Stormm/ noun a storm duri8 which hail falls ffom the sky the substance

Plastic folded ip the middle, used by women for holding their hair in Place--compare HAIRPIN

hair:jess /healas; NAmE'herlas/ ad without hair hairline /heslam; NmE herL/ moun Tithe edge of a

Deftson's hair especially at the front: a Teceding Pairlirie 2 (often tused as an adjective) a very thina crack or line: a Pairiine cracKA 太 acture hair-met /heenet; NAmE hernet/-noun a net worn oOVer the hair to keep it in place

hair-piece /heapi:s; NmE 'herp-/ noun a Piece of false hair worn io make your own hairlooklongeror thicker

hair.pin /hespm; NAmE ,herpm/ noun Ta smallthin Piece of wire that isfolded in themiddle used bywomen for holding their hair in place--compare HAIRGRIP-2.==


hairpin bend (sre (NAmE hairpin curve,hairpin

Turn) (also hair:pin BrE NAmE) 1OU1 到 VerIy sharp bend

iaroad, especially amountain road

hair-raising ad extremely frightening but often exciting:Qa Pair-raising adyertture/story

hairsibreadth ovwn [sing] averysmall amount or dis-

hhair- om /hepGD); NAmEHher/ moun 1 [ug



日VE/几 下 [usually passive] ~ sb/sth (as) sth to describe Sbysth

that looks like a mass

bf fine

threads growing especially on the head; one of these threads growing on the body of people and some aniImals: fair/Ldark hair c straight/curtyAwavy hair e to coOmDADrush your hair (Onformah IDbpe aown in am

Pute. T7m doing (= brushing, arranging, etc.) 7mny hair T7mm jhaving TYy Pair cut this afternoom c bodyxfaciai7

tance: We wo py Q jhairs breadth ec TPey Were Within a jhairs preadtihn of peimng Killed.

hair shirt noun a shirt made of rough cloth containing

hair worn in the past by people who wished to Punish themselves for Teligious reasons

hair-slide /hesslard; NmE'hers-/ (alsoslide)j(both BrB) (NmE barrette) on a small decorative piece of metal or plasticused bywomen forholding theirhair in Place

PuUPic hair Theres a hair 训 Tny SOUD. C The 7u5 Was COyered With cat hairs. 一see also CAMELI HAIR, 吾ORSEHAIR 2 -haired (in adjectives) having the type of hair men-

hair-splitting oun [U] (disopproving) the act of giving

like afine thread growing on the leaves and STEMS of Some Plants [ny get in sb's 'hair (jjorma/) to annoy sb by always being near them, asking them questions,etc:. the hair of the 'dog (that ,bit you) (imfommpal alcohol thatyou drink in order to make you feel better when you have drunktoo much alcohol the nightbefore keep your hair on (BrE 71jormah used to tell sb to stop shouting and become calm when they are angry let your 'hair dowmn (njormal) to relax and enjoy yourself especially in

hair'spray /hesspreE NAmE 'hers-/ hovn [u,G a sub-

tioned: aarkhairede Iong-haired 3 [Ga thingthatlooks

alively way make'sb's 'hair stand on end to shiock OF frighten sb: acPilimngtale 坊atWw 记 makeyourjhairstandon erid not harmy/touch ahair of sb's 'headto not hurt sb Physically in anyway not havea'hairoutof place(ofa Person) to look extremely clean and neat notturn a ,hair to show no emotion when sth surprising, shocking,etc.

一more happen s at HANGY; HIDE 由, SPLIT V,, TEARIY

or curved Plastic worn by women in their hair that fits closely over the top of the head and behind the ears

hair.brush /mesbrAJ; NAmE herb-/ noun a brush for Imakingthehairtidy or smooth 一picture c BRUSH

hair-cut /heskAt; NmE 'herkAt/ noun Tthe act of sb cutting your hair: you meed a haircut CTsee yotlyve hada Paircut 了忆 the style ip Which sb's hair is cut: What do yov 态imK ofjmny mnew haircut? Ca trendy haircut



'herduz/ nouwn (PL -osj (old

jshioned, /njformal) the style ip which a woman's hair is arranged



0m /esdresaGD); NAmE'Hherd:/ noo1r

Ta person whose job is to cut, wash and shape hair

2 _hairdressers (P/, hairdress.ers) a Place where you can get your hair cut, washed:and shaped- -compare BARBER > hair'dress-ingmoun [U]

hair'dryer(also hairdrien /hesdraieC); NAmE'herd-/ /ou asmall machine Used for drying your hairbyblowinghot air over 让

hairgrip /heasgrrp; NmE'herg-/ (also grip) (both Br 日 (MAmE 'bobby pinm) novn a small thin piece of metal or S see

| ttea

| van

|,w wet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

Stance Sprayed onto the hair to hold 让 记a Particular style

hair:style /esstarli NAmE 'hers-/ noun the style in Which sbs hair is cutor arranged

hairstyl:ist /hesstailist;, NAmE 'hers-/ moun a person Whose job is to cut, wash and shape hair




heri/ oa太 (hairisr


了 covered with a lot of hair: a jhairy chest/mortster Plants With hairy stemms 2 (njormal)) dangerotus of frightening but often exciting: Driving om icy roads can 5e pretty jhair ea jairy experience > hairinessmou7 [U]

hajj (also haj) /haeds/ movn (usually the Hajj [sing]the Teligious journey to Mecca that all Muslims tryto make at least once in their lives

haka /dke/ novn aitraditional Maori war dance with

hair.banmd /heebzend; NAmE'herb-/ noun a strip of cloth


too much importance to small and unimportant differ ences in an argument QUIBBLING [PEU see SPLITY

singing. New Zealand RUGBY teams perform a version of 让 before games.

hake /herk/ mov [CuU] (p/ hakej alarge sea fish that is Used for food

ha.kim /hakiam/ movn a doctor in India and Muslim countries who uses HERBS and other traditional ways of treating ilnesses

Hakika /aekay/ (also Kejia) novn [U] a form of Chinese SDOoKken by a groUP of People

记 sotth-eastern China

halal /haelal/ odj, [only before noun] (of meat) from an animal that has been killed according to Muslim law: halal meatc ahalal putcher (= one who sells halal meat)

hal:berd /halbs:d; NAmE-bard/ noun a weapon used in the past which is a combination of a SPEAR and an AXE

halcyomn /haelsien/ adj,[usually before noun] (Nierary) Peaceful and happy: the halcyom days of her youth

hale /hen/ odj Er ,hale and 'hearty (especially of an old person) strong and healthy

Ia 用 om /haf NA7iE haef/ nou1i, det, pron. adv 晶mOU1 (PP halves /hazVz; NAmE haevz/) T either of two equal parts into which sth is or can be divided: two anaa ha kilos (2允 ) ce One and a half hours are allowed Jorthe exam. AP houranad ahalf is allowed for the exam.c The

| 5vision

| tf chain

| qd5jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| osing


698 | half:back /hazfbak; NAmE'aef/ (alsohaf)5ov01T [O one ofthe defendingplayersiDfootball(socCCER), HOCKEY OrRUGBYWhoseposition isbetweenthose whoPplayatthe

SecoTid ha of 妇 e booK 攻 Pmnore excitirig 2 TYye divided 态 e Ioney 训 half 2 We 到 mneed to 7Teduce 坊e Weight by ha太 一See also HALVE 2 either of two periods of time intgr Which a sports game,, concert,etc. is divided: No goals Were Scored 妆 加e first half 3 三 .HALFBACK 一See also CENTRE HALEF,SCRUM HALF 4 (BE jnformal) halfa pint of beer or a Similar drink: Two Paves of Ditte5 Please.

[im and a 'half (/mforma/) biggen better more importanb etc.thantisual: Thatwas a game ad ahalfdo nothing/not do anything by 'halves to do whatever yot do completely and thoroughly: ZUVre expecting hins2 We you Tiever did do anytping by halves.go half and 'half | go 'halves (with sb) to share the cost of sth equally with Sb: We go jhalves omiall te bils.the ' half of 让 used 记 negative Sentences to Say that a_ Situation is Worse Or Imore coOmplicated than sb thinks: 从 soumds yery GiJficu 人E” Youdontriow the halfof 让 ihowthe otherhalf ives the way of life of a different social group, especially one Ituch richer than youtoo clevem etc. by.'half (BrE njo 广 /maj/, disapproving) clevem etc. inaway that annoys yOU OF makes yot suspicious 一more at MIND 刀 .,SIX, TIME 六 . det, prom. 1 an amount equal to half of sth/sb: hatF am houre Ha (op) the 广uitwas bad CEalfof the mmorey Was Tazie. 2 Fe has a Phalf shnare 训 the company 2 OUE of 36 camtdidates, half passed. 了 一 thetime, fun, trouble,etc. the largest part of sth: Ratf 妨e fm of gardeming 站 neyer KnowWing exacthy Whats going to coTme UPD. CHal the tmne

you donit eyen listen to WhatTsax [ID halfa ,loaf is better than no- ,bread.(soyimng) you should be grateful for sth, even if itis not as good, mmueh; etc. .as you really wanted; something is_ better than nothing half.a minute,second, etc. (njorma/) a short time: Hang om: TI De ready 识 halfa 7ninute. half past 'one,two, etc. (US also half after 'one,'two, etc-) (also BrE njorrmalhailf 'one,ftwo, etc. )30 minttes after anyhotr on the clock

frontofateam and those whoplayattheback 2 [C one of the two attacking Players in. AMERICAN FOOTBALL Whose position is behind the QUARTERBACK and beside -theFULLBACKS 3 [U] the position ahalfbackplays at

,half-'baked ocx fusually before noun] (nmma/) not well Planned or considered: a Pa


half-bath nov7 (NA月 asmall room inahouse, containingaWASHBASIN and atoilet


half 'iboard ”ovn [U] (BrB (NAmE,European 'plan) a type of accommodation at a_ hotel,etc. that ipncluides breakfast and an evening meal 一compare AMERICAN



nounp (ioboo, onsive) a person whose par

ents are from differentracesi especially when one is white

and the other is a Native American # “half-breed 0f/ (tboo, o 态msive) ILi more acceptable to talk abott 中 person of mixed race.

"half-brother mov7 apersons half-brother is a boy or man with either the same mother or the same father as they have 一compare STEPBROTHER.

'Ihalf-caste noun (ioboo, o 拢m5ivej aperson whoseDparents are from different Traces > halfcaste adj (iobooj5o 振 三 Sive) It is more acceptable to talk about 'a person of Imnixed race',


movun 1 a period of 50 years

CRICKET) ascore of50 half-'cockK movn IE go off at half-'cocK

-2 (也

(BrE 六 大

/mal) to start before Prepairations are coOmPplete,so that

the effect or result inot as 让 should be half- crowmn (alsoihalf-a 'crown) noun -aamiold.British coin worth 2 区 SHILLINGS (= now'1212 Pence)

half 'day novr a day on which people work only in the ,

ddyv. Tto the extent of half: The glass was half 记忆 . Imorming orin the afternoon: Tuesdaay 节 Per half aay. 字 partly: The chicken Was oly half cooKked. 2 jha太 closed ,half'dollar noun a US coin worth 50 cents eyes CTm phalf inclined to agree [IE ,half as many, Imuch, etc. a'gain (Br 日(Ushalf a'gain asmuch ) an in- half-'hardy cdi (of a Plant) able'to grow outside at all crease of 50% of the existing number or amotunt:Spendtimesexcept When itis Very cold ing on jhealth is ha as7mnuchn again as 让 Was in 998.,not

'half (Br Anirmal/) used to emphasize a statement or an opinion: 开 wasnt halfgood (三 让 was very good). 2 Was She afnimnioyed2” Wot ha '(= 帮 she was extremely.annoyed). not 'halfas |not 'half such a not neatrly: He is mnotRal SUCh ajJoolas they 切 inK.not half 'bad (njormal) (used to Show SUIPrise) notbad at all; good: 下 really ismnEtjalFbaad, 让2

half- hearted cd done withotit enthusiasm or effort: He 7Pmade Qa Jial 太hearted > half hearted:Iy cdv


to jusbp


half hitch .novniatype ofknot, oftenused totiesthtoa


,half-'hour (also half an 'hour) 7ovn a Deriodiof;30 Iminttes: He ShouId arTiye Witphiri t 切e next ha 广hor Ca Ha 六 hourarive

,alf- hourly cd happening every 30 minttes: a ja 太

half . whole .quarter 有 -Quarter halfand whole can all be nouns: Cuytthe 9ppleinio guarters emwo halyes make oawhpole. 直 Wholeis also an adjective: /Ve bpeen waiting herejFa

jhourly pus service Pha 太 hourly




aodv: The buses Tun

[G T(physics the time taken for the

RADIOACTIVITY of a stibstance to fall to half its original Value 2 (chemistry) the time taken for the concentration of a REACTANT to fall to halfrof its original value in a chemical reaction

Whole hour 下 Halfis also adeterminer: HaojF (o 乃 eworkis aireody Jshed. ceTheyspentha tihetmelookng 友 ra parkmng

half-ight ouwn [sing.,U] a dulllight in which it'is diffi-

5pace: CHerjhouseisjhaifaomiledowniherocad:-Note thatyou do not puta or inhein frontof half when itis

,half mast "on [Er at,half'mast (ofaflag)fliown zt

used in this way: 1 waited jorjhair an hour CPPwaitedTor 全afF ap hotF 下 Half can also be used asanadverb: This rmealis om hair cooked.

half-and- half co 人 ,codv; moun

cultto seethings: ithe grey ha 太Lightofadawr

the middle of the MAST as a Sign of respect for a person Who hasjust died: Flags werejJown atjhalfmiastorthe day of his 所 meraL

,half measures "oun [pl.] apolicy or plan ofaction that js weak and does not do enough: There are no half rmneasLUFres Witph thiscompany.

@Qcdj/. being half omie:thing and half afiother: TIWwas im that ha 上 广 aid-hat Iand where you aremotcomzpletely asleepi7ior compDIetely awaKke. ee ,half-and-'half adv 目 0OU1 [U] (NAmB amixture ofmilk and cream thatis used in tea and coffee

half-moon-novn Tthe moonwhen only half of it can

half- arsed (Br6 (NAmEhalf-assed)jadi (slang)1 done

half :pants moxn [pl] (nd 局 7jmmal) short trouseisZ Pants SHORTS

Withoutcare or effort; not well planned 2 stupid

be seen from the earth; the time'when this happens 一


2 3

thing thatis shapedjlike abhalf-moon

half note noun (NMAmE music) = MINIM

acati| c father | eten | 3: bird | e about | xsit | 衬 see | imany | Dgot(BrE

| ozsaw | Acup

| 本 put |


half'penmnynown (plriegyT (also ha?penny /herpni/a British coin in use until 1971; worth half a Penny. There

Were 480 .halfpennies in a pound,

halfpence /,ha:fperis/) a Britishi coin in use between

1971 and 1984, worth halfa penny: There were 200halfpennies in a pound.

half-pipenmovPmaU-shaped Structure of U-shaped channel cutinto snow, used for performing complicated move-


half- priceod/ costing half the usual Price: a haj 广 Drice

ticket half price odv: Children aged unider four go Ra 太price, half pricemoun [U]: Mamy items ar at ha1 DTice.

half-sisternoun a person's half-sisteris a girl or woman

Who has either the same Imother or the same father as

一compare them - STEPSISTER.

half stepmhoun (NAmE musie) =:SEMITONE

hnalf- termmoun (in British schools) a short holidayyvac ation in the Imiddle of each term: the ha 太term breaky Poliday 2 What areyou doing at halIFterm7

half-timiberedcdj [usually before noun] (ofa building) having walls that are made from a wooden frame filled With brick, stone,etc, so thatthe FRAMEWORK can still be


,half-'time mouP




2-/haxfpeni/ (also

short Period between the two

halves of a sports game during which the players rest: The score at ha 太 Eime WasitVo alL cothe jha太 timne 5core一 compare FULL TIME

Scotts o 护ce down 太e hall 3.a building or large room for public meetings,meals, concerts,etc.: :G COTicert/ barngueting/sports/exhibpitiomn,etc. hall co There are 态 ree Gining halls om campus. CThe Royal AIbert Hall e (BrE) Amble sale Ww记 pe jhela 识 te Yillage hall om Saturday. 一See _also CITY HALL,DANCE HALIL, GUILDHALL, MUSIC HALL, TOWN HALL 4 三 HALL OF RESIDENCE: She5 Lving 训 hallfG) 5 (BrE) (often as partofa name) a large country house: Haddaom Hal

halje'lu:jah/halrlu:js/ (also ale'luia moun asong or Shout of praise to God > hallelu:jahexclomoation

hall:mark/holma:k: NAmE -mark/ mouni verb

BIOUn 1 afeature or qualitythatis typical of sbysth: Police Said the explosion pore all the hallmmarks ofa terroristaEE tack. 了2 amark put'on goldi silver and PLATINUM Objects that shows the quality ofthe metal and givesinformation about when and where the object was made Yeb [VN] to putahallmarkon metal goods

hallo(sr6) = HELLo ,Hallof Famenovn (pi ,Hallsof'Fame (especiojy NA

了 aplace for people to visit, like a mtseum, with things connected with famous people from a Particular Sport OF activity: the Counitry Music Fall of Faome 2 [sing] the 下 oup of people who have done a particular activityor Sport particularly well

hall of residenmce (also halj mo

(Phalls of resi

dence hall9 (both Br (WAmE dormitory a building

for university or college students to live 也

half-tonenovnT (technmicaj) aprint of a black and white photograph in which the different shades of grey are Produced from small and largeDlack dots 之 (NAmE mmusic) 三 SEMITONE

hal:Joo /ha'lu:/ exclomation 1 used to attract sbs atten-

half-truth novn a statementthat gives only part of the

hal:lowed /maleud; NAmEJoud/ adi [only before noun]

truth, especiallywhen it is intended to cheat sb: The mnewsPaper reports area7mipcture ofgossipi lies amd jaI 广truths.

half-volley novn (in TENNIS and football (soccER)) aa Stroke or kick immediately after the ballhasBoUNCED

halfway/ hafPwer NmE Haf/0dvx 1T atian eqdualdistance between two points; in the middle of a peiiod of time: 正 S apout halhway betweemn Tomidoma7id BFistoL oO He LIefr halhivay 坊rougj 雪e ceremony S FTmn afjaia We7e7Fot eye jalhway there yet 了 一 toltowardsisth |-~ to/towards doing sth part ofthe waytowards doing or achieving sth: THis omly goes halfhypay to explaining What really jhappened, 3 ~ decent (njormal) fairly but _not very, 8ood: hmy halhwvay decent miap W 训 give you 雪 at 识 jrmmaa-

tion. MEETY

halfwayadj: the halhway point]stage IE see

halfway 'Ihouse hown 1 [sing] (Br 日something that combines the features of two very different things 2 [O] aplace Where piisoners, mental patients, etc. can stayfor ashorttime afterleaving apPrison orhospital, before they Start to live on their own again

halfwayilinenmovn aline across asports field at an equal distance between the ends

halfwit/afwrt; NAmE ,haef/ moun (njormal) a stupid Person IDIOT ,half-'witted ccdl/. half-'yearly vod/ [only before noun] happening every si这 Imonths; happening after the first six months of the year: Q_jhalFyearyy meeting 2 the halFyearty sales 太gures

,half- yearly ady: 有nterest will be paid jha 太yearty 态

JUPe ald December

hali'but /haelibet/ movn [CU] (P/ halibub a large flat seafish that is used for food

halitosis /haelrtausrs; MAmE-tou-/ moun [u] (medico1 a condition inp which BAD BREATH





inside the entrance' or front door of abuilding: She ram into the jhall and UDP the stairs. 一see also ENTRANCE HALL

2 (NAmE also hallway) a passage ip a building with

| army

| aumnow

and important

SACRED: One of the 轨 eatres mmost jhallowed traditions 2 that has been made holy: io be buried 总 hallowed &roumnd SACRED




ou-/ noun [CU] the night of 31st October when it was believed ip the pastthat dead people appeared from their graves, and Which is'now celebrated in the US,Canada and Britain by children who dress as GHOSTS;) WITCHES,

etc. 一See also TRICK OR TREAT hallu:cin:ate /halu:smeit/

yerb [vV] to see or he 于

things that aremnotreallythere becatise ofjllness or drugs

hallu-cin:ation /helu:srmerm/ noun

1T[cul the fact

of seeming to see or hear sbysth:that isnot really there, especially becatse of illness or drugs: to hayve jallucinationse 瑟Sh temperatures carlcause hallucipnation 2 [C] Something that is;seen -or heard when it is not really there: Was the isgure real or just Q hallucination2 Some DIE speakers :do not :pronounce the:h'” at the

beginning ofhallucination and use'an'instead of'a" be: foreit. This nowsounds old-fashioned.

hallu'cin:atory /helu:smaetri; halu:srneiteri,


ha'lu:senetori/ adj [only before noun] connected with or causinghallucinations: a PalIucinatory experierce S halluciriatory drugs

halTu-cino-genm/haeluzsmaedsen/ noun a drug, stch as LSD, that affects people's minds and makes them see and hear things that are notreally there * hallu-cino.gen'ic /Halursrma'd5enIK/ ad : jallucinogenic drugseffects Some peopleuse aiinstead ofabefore these words, and then Usually do not pronounce the 人 2,This now sounds old-fashioned.

hall:way /ao:lwer moun 1 (especialy Br = HALL(1) 2 (NAImE) = HALL(2)

using pieces om aboard marked with 256 sqtuares

Ti(also haliway (NmEalso entry) a space or passage


1T (especially of old things) respected

halma /halhma/ noun [u] a game for two or four people

hha 串 0 /ho:l/ noun

Toorns down either side

tion 之 used 记 hunting totell the dogs to start chasing an halloove访 [VN,V] animal


| ersay

T jheaded jor

| sugo(Br6

halo /hezlau; NmE-lou/ moun (pL -oesor-og Ttin paintings,etc.) a circle of light shown around or above the head of a holy person; She Played the partiof an angel COTPlete With Wings and a jhalo. ce(jgurative) a jhalo oF White 万izzy hair 也 三 CORONA

| oolgo (Mn 日

or boy

| ze near

| iee hair

| se pure


700 |

halo.gen/hzeledsen/ nouvn (chermisty) anyof aset offive chemical elements; including FLUORINE,CHLORINE and IODINE; that react With HYDROGEN to form acids ffrorm Which simple salts can be made. Halogens, in the form of gas, are Used in ljamps and coOOKers/stoves,

halon /hezion; NAmE:ldmn/ noun (chemjstD) a gas that is made UP of CARBON and one Or more especially to stop fires


目 Veb to stop; to make sb/sth stop: [V] She walKked towards

Pairm and 态emn jalted. 2 秃alti "the Major ordered (= Used as a_ command to soldiers). Ce [VN] The police were jhalting trafhic or the parade route. CO The trial was jalted after the 三rstyWeeK, IT seeTRACK1: 旧IOU1 了 [sing.] an act of stopping the movement or Progress of Sb/sth: Work came to a halt when the machine Droke down. > The 加ought brought jher to at abrupt jalt 和 The car skidded to a jhalt ec Strikes haye led to Q Palt 训 productiom CO They decided 让 Was time to call a jalt to 纺 eproject (= stop it officially). 2 [Cl (Br6) asmall train station 记 the country that has a Platform but no buildings [En see GRINDY

oO7ito the roof e (Jiguratve) 工was so scared ny heart was jharmimering (三 beating Very 人 fast) 训 7my chest 2 [VN] RE 有 armz7iered

kick or hita ball very hard: He jharmn7mered the pallimnto t太e

PE *DEFEAT EASILY .双 .[VN] (ipformalj)to defeat sb very easily: Our tearmm Was ha7m7mmered 5-1. hammer away at sth to work hard in_order'to finish or achieve sth; to keep repeating sth in order to

halt.ing /ho:ltm; BrEalso hplt-/ ad ,[usually before noun] (especially of speech or movement) stopping and starting often,, especially becatuse you are not certain Or are Dot Very confident HESITANT: QPhalting conyersation ca

get the result

halve /hav; NAmE haev/ ve 凡 Ttoreduce by ahalf' to Iake sth reduce byahalf: [V] The shares hayve halyed 训 Value. 2 [VN] The compamny zs halving is Prices. 了 2 [VN] to divide sth into two equal parts [IJ seeTROUBLE1.


halves5/ of ALF halwa /zelwa:/ movwn [U] asweetfood from S Asia, made and CARDA-


ham /ham/ noun, ve 可DOU1 人了 [GU] the top part of a pig's leg that has been CURED (= Preserved using saltior smoke) and is eaten as food; themeatfrom this:The harms Were cooked Whole: oa Slice of harm ca pham sandwich 一compare-BACON, GAMMON, PORK 了 [C] aperson who sends and receives radio messages as a hobby rather than'as a job: a radio ja 郊

3 [cl (pformal) (oftenused asian adjective) an actor who performs badly ,especially by exaggerating emotions: Qa jarm actor 4 [Gusually pl.] (pforma/) the back part of a Person's leg above the knee 一see also HAMSTRING,

ham-fisted (NAmE also 'ham-handed) adj (niormah lacking skill when using your hands or when dealing with people CLUMSY: his harm-fisted efforts to assist her

下 71OU1 T [aq atool with ahandle andaheavymetalhead,

used for breaking things or hitting nails: (jgurotive) The decisiom is a harnrmer bplow Jor 妇esteel industry 二Picture


| ddid


| gget

| hhat


(slang) very drunk


/haemahed; NmE -mar-/ (also ham-

merhead 'shark) 0own a SHARK with flat parts sticking out from either side of its head with eyes atthe ends

ham:mering /hzemarm/ novunT

[u,sing.] thesound of

Sb hitting sth with a hammer or With their FISTS: 妨e SOUd of jharmrmering 方om the mext:room 也 [Cusually Sing.] (BrE, informal) an act of defeating or criticizing sb SeVerely: OUr teamu took a real harmmiering 识 the 帮isEha太

ham-mer:lock /amalpk; NmE'PaemarladKk/ nou1n (过 WRESTLING) a way ofholding sb so that their arm isbent behind their back and they cannot move

ham:mock /zimak/ mour atype of bed made from a Det or from a piece of strong material, With Topes at each end that are Used to hang it between two tress,posts, etc. 一Picture 上 BED Hammond organrm /hzmand 'o:gean; NAmE 'oxrg-/ 1oOuUn atype ofelectronic organ hammy /hami/ ad (ham.mier ham.mi.est) (Unforman (of a style of acting) artificial or exaggerated

ham.per /zempaG)/ ye态,mou17 日Ye/几 [VN] [often passive] to prevent sb from easily doing or achieving sth HINDER 下 IOU1 1 alarge BASKET With alid, especially one used to

ham:let /azemlat/ noun averysmall village ham.mer 0 /aemaeGD)/ noun, ye 册 *TOOL

drill (BrE also percussion

fast hitting movememnts as 让 turns ssS: ham:mered /azmad; NMmE-erd/ adj [not before noun]

used forraising or taking downasail or flag

served in a bread roll 2 (also 'hamburger meat) (both US) = MINCE

and 'sickle "ovn [sing.] tools representing

DRILL that makes holes in stone Or Pricks bymaking very

hal:yard /下 zljad; NAmE -jard/ nowm (iechnicala rope

Imade into a flat round shape that is then fried,often

,hammer _sth 一"home

the people-who work in industry and farmingiiused om the flag of the former Soviet Union and as.a symbol-of Communism


ham.burg:er /hzmba:ga(r); NAmE barg-/ (also burgem oun 了 (BrE also beef.burg:er) finely chopped beef

由at you Want

Ttoemphasize apoint an idea, etc. so that people fully Understand 让 了 to Kick a ball hard and score a goal ,hammersth 'into sb to make sb learn or remember sth by repeating ii many times hammer'out sth Ttodiscuss apDlarm; an idea, etc. Until everyone agrees or a deci- , Sion' is made:ito jharmmrmmersout a cormmprormmise 2 to play:a tune, especiallyon a pianoi loudly andnotverywell

toddlers 太 rst 帮 w haling steps 上 haltingly ady: Wez She pegar haltingly.

their emotions or movements

态edoor Withn has 放ists, 人 note atBEAT

* KICK/HIT BALL 3 [VN, usually+ advVprep] (normal)to

IOW piece of leather put around the head of a horse for leading it with 2 (usually used as an adjective) a narrow piece of cloth around the neckthatholds awomamnis dress OF Shirt 记 position,with the back and shoulders Dot COVvered: She was dressed iapjhatter top and shor.

旧 VE 疙(-mm-) [rig ,ham it up (iformaj)(especially of actors) when people ham it up, they deliberately exaggerate

*IN GUN 4. [Capartinside agunthatmakes the gun fire *sSPORT 5 [C] a metal ball attached to a wire, thrown.as a Sport @ thehammer [sing.] theeventorsport ofthrow-

CO [VN] She harnrmmered the mail into 妇 e wall ce [VN-ADI] Fe Was haTmn7mering thne sheet ofcopper 用 at *HITMANYTIMES 2 tohitsth hard manytimes, especially So that it makes a lotd noise POUND: [V] Sommeome Was haTmn7miering at 妇e door C Hail was ha7m7mering dow

hal:ter /hoxlteG); BrE also 'holt-/ noun Ta rope or nar-

OF carrots,With ALMONDS

person who offers the most money) iD order to get People's attention when sth is just being Sold: io co7me/ go Under the hamammer (= tobesold atAUCTION) =IN PIANO 3 [Cl asmall wooden Part inside a piarmio, that hits the strings to produce a sound

ipgthe hammer rc hammerand tongs 过 two people are at 让 hammer and tongs Or go at it hammer and tongs, they argue or fight with alotofenergy and noise 四 VE rHITWITHTOOL 1T 一 sth (in/into/onto sth) to hit sth with a hammer: [V] Tcoula hear somebody harmrmering7iextadoor

halt /ho:lt; BrEalso hplt/ verb, noun


他 TOOL 一See also SLEDGEHAMMER 2 [qq atool with a handle and a wooden head, Used by a person in charge of an AUCTION (= asalelat which things are sold to the


carry food in: apicnic harmper 了 (especially Br 日aboxor Package containing foodi sentas a gift: a Chrttbmias hamiz per 3 (NA 有 a large BASKET that yoU keep youridirty clothes in untilthey are washed | k cat

| lleg

| mman

| mnow

| ppen

| rred

ham:ster /haeamstacD/ noun an animal jlike a large Imouse,, with


large cheeks for Storing food. Hamaste rs are often kept as pets.

ham-string/hamstrm/ ]mOU1; ve贱

sent by them,rather than by post/m ail fall into sb;?s hands

BIOU1 了 one of the five TENDONS behind the knee that connect the muscles of the upper leg to the bones of the lower leg: a armstring ijury e Shes PDUIied a Pamastring: 之a

/the 'handsofsb (ormaj) to become controlled

by sb: The towm

aea' to see the aeyastatom at rst he 如. get your'hands dirty to do physical work: Bes mot 六ightenedofge tting iis

to prevent sbysth from working or taking action ip the waythat is needed

jhands dirb sbis'hand (in marriage) (old-jshione d)per

Imissiom te marry sb, especially a woman: Fe asKed the 8enteral 加 六RS daughters hand 训 Tarria ge, hand in 'Slove (with'sb) working closely with sb, especi allyin a Secretand/orillegalway handin'handT iftwo people are hand in hand, they are holding each others hand 2 if two things go hand in hand, they:are closel y con-

om /haend/ nouwn, ve贱

“PARTOFBODY 1 [Clthepartofthebodyattheend ofthe

arm including the fingers and thumb: Janm Placeda a jamd om Per Shoulder c Putyour jamd UP 矿you Know the amSWer CKeep po 态harads om 雪 e Steering Wheel atall tiimes 4 She

Dected and one thing causes'the other: Poyvert y and Poor

Was om (her) hamads amzd Kmnees (= CRAWILING on the

jhealth ofter go hamd in jhand. (get/take youn ;hands'off (sthy/sb) (pnjormaj) used totell sb nottotoueh Sth/sb :Get

floor) Iookirg jpr an earTring. C COUPles strolled past hold-

ing jhanmds. c Give me your hanmd (= hold myhand ) while We cross 轨 e road.S The crowd trew UP their hamnds (= lifted them into the air) 识 Gaismay c He Killed the snake With jiis bare jarads (= Using only his hands). cea hamd towel(=asmalltowelfor dryingyourhands on)jcaj hand dril(= onethatis used by turning ahandle rather than Powered by eleciricit 一picture y) 上 BoDp一 Y see also LEFTHAND, RIGHT-HAND *-HANDED 之 (im adjectives) using the hand or numbar of

your hands o太 my W 旋 /9 Hey hanads Go 扩 Thats my drirk/ hands'upl(nforna)T usedtotella group of peopleto raise one hand in the air 让 they know the answe r to a question, etc.: Hands up al 态ose who want io So SWim7min8g, 之 Used by sb who is threatening ,peopl e with a gun to tell them to raise both hands in the air haveyour handsfull tobe verybusyortoo busyto do sth else: She Certainiy jhas her hards 万 11with Jour Kids 训 妇 e jhouse. have your 'hands tied to be unable to do What you Wantto do becauseof rules, PrIomises, etc.:Trealyy Wish 了 coUId help butrnyjhands are tied hold sb's 'hand to give sb support in a difficult situation: Dp JoUWamtrne to co7me alorg amd hold your hanid2 in sb)s capab le> safe, etc. hands being taken care of or dealt with by sb that you think you can rely on: Can TIeayve these 9Ueries in yOUT capable hamnds? in 'hand Tifyouhavetimeo Ioney r 训 hand,it is left and available to be'used 2 让 you have a Particular situation in hand, you are in contro l of 让 3 the job, question; etc. in hand'is the one that yo are dealing with 45if sb worksa week month; etc.in hand, they are paid forthe work a Weelo etc. after they have

hands mentioned: a one-hamnded catcp CIeft-hnanmded scis-

501s (= intended to be held 记 yourleft hand) “HELP3 ahandfsing.] (ipjorma) help ip doing sth: Zetrne

give you a jhand with those pags (= help you to carry them). 2 Do yov need a hamnd with 态ose 唐Voices2? C Te PeiSjpours are always willing to 1end a jand =“ROLEIN SITUATION 4 [sing] 一 in sth the partorrole that sb/sth Plays ia Darticular situation; sb's infuence in a Situation: Early reports suggest the jhand of 7ebel orces 训 he pormpings. C Seyeral of his colleasues jad a jhamd im jis downjfol ceThis appointrnentyas am attemzpt to strertgth emPer hard in policy disctssions.

“ON CLOCK/WATCH 号 [C] (usually in compounds) a part of

completed it:in the hands of'sb

aclock or watch that points to the Dumbers 一picture 己



HIRED HAND, STAGEHAND *SAILOR 7.[C] a sailor on a ship: 411.jhands om deck/_ see

also DECKHAND “HAND- 8 (ip compounds) by aiperson rather than a Imachine: hamd-painted pottery e jiamd-jnitted TPRis item Should be hamd Wasjhed. 一see also HANDMADE “IN CARD GAMES 9 [O a set of PLAYING CARDS given to one player in a game: to be dealta 8ood/Apbad hard 一picture 只 PLAYING CARD 10 [C one stage of a game of cards: TI Jiaveto 1eaye after 态二 jamnd “WRITING 11 [sing.] (old wse) a particular style of writ职8 一see also FREEHAND ”MEASUREMENT FOR HORSE 312 [C] a unit for Imeasuring the height of a horse, equal to 4 inches or 10.16 centi-

Daetres 一See alsO DAB HAND,, OLD HAND; SECOND-EAND; UNDERHAND [Er all,hands on 'deck (also25Ii handstothe pump) (Soymn8g' jumprous) everyone helps or must help,

especiallyin adifficult situation: There are 30 People co7m-

1n8gto dimmier tomigptb soitsa1l jands or decK. (close/nean) at ,hand close to you in time or distance: el1D Was at


The Droperty 这 idealy 1ocated Witp all 1ocal amenm-

让 es close af ja7zd._at the hands of sb | at sb's hands (ormaj) 这 you experience sth atthe hands of sb, they are

the cause ofit be good with your 'hands to beslilfulat

making or doing things With your hands bindytie sb hand and 'foot Titotie sbs hands and feet together so that they cannot 训 Ove or escape 了 to prevent sb 个om

doing what theywanit by creating rules, restrictions,etc. :by 'hand 1:by a person ratherthan a machine: 772 九DTicyWwaspairited py hand;i 2.ifaletteris deliveredbyliand, 让 is delivered by the person who wrote it or Sb who is


| titea

| wevan


上 zzoo

上 了 shoe

in sbos 让 ands being

taken care of or controlled by sb: The matter 让 mow 太 the hards of7nj Iawyer Atthat tme the castle Was ienemy


=WORKER @ [C a person Who does physical work on a farm or ip a factory- see also CHARGEHAND,, FARMHAND,

郑1into eeTny jamds-O We aori引Wanttpnis

docurmmentjallins into the Wrong jartds(at) first 'handl by experiencing,seeing,etc: sth yourself rather than being told about it by sb else: The President Visited te

TENDON behind the middle joint (= HoOcK) of the back leg ofahorse anid some other animals 昌Ve/族 (ham:strung ham.strung /haemstrAn/) [VN] [often passive]

hanmndi 国]OU17


jhands Keep yaur 'hand inito oOccasionally do sth that

you used to do alot so that yotu do not lose yoUT skill at 让:She retired 1astyear Dutstillteaches the odd class to Keep

jherjhana im lay/getyour 'handsonsb tocatch Sb that youare annoyed with: WaittillTSsetrnyjharidso im lay/ r get'your 'hands on sth to find or get sth: TKnow their address is here somewWhere,DUETCa7it Iay my Pharads om 让

Frght7iow: many handsimnakea jight'"work (Soyjing) tsed

to saythatajobis made easier jifalot of People help mot doia hand?s turn (old-jshionedj to do no work: She

jhasmnt aone Q hands burn all week off your 'hands no

longer yourrespomsibility on either/every 'hand (Mter

41) on bothyall sides; ip bothyall directions on 'hand

avVailable, especially to help: The emiergeTicy SerYyices Were om hand withn 7medical adyvice om your 'hands 让 youha ve sb/sth on yourhands, yot are Tesponsible forthem or it:

ZetTme taKke care Of the iiyitationis 一 yoUYe eloUSA on yoOUr

jands With te catcrers on the One hand :On the other (hand) .Used to introduce different points of

Viewi ideas, etc., especially'wten they are opposites: Om the one hand theya loyeto haye Kids butonine othep they domtwantto giveup their 太 eedofm out of 'hand' 1 difcult or impossible to control: LeTmployTzent Is Settimg OUL of hand. 字 二 you rejectb etc. sth out of hand, yot do so immediately without thinking about 让 fullyorlistening to other people's arguments: 41 ou SUS8estio1ls Were dis7missed out of hand ,out of your hands no longer your ITesponsibility: Prm ahraid the matter 认 now out oOF my jands; ,play into sb's ',hands to do exactly what an enemy;:opponentyetc. wants so thatthey gain the advantage in aparticular situation: 矿 We gettpe Police inyolye d, We pe Playing 7ig有 识to 态e protesters2 hands. putyo ur hand in your'pocket:(BrE) tospend Ioney ofrgive itto Sb:Tye heard jhe doesmtLike PUTm8 Ris hamd im Nis Docket

(at) second; third, etcr hand bybeingtold aboutsthby

| 5zvision

| tf chain

| d5 jam

| 9 thin

| 5this

| D Sing



using your hands

sb elsewhohasseenitorheard abotitit notby experien-

cing;, seeingy etc, 过 yourself: Im jd up of hearing aport

these_ decisions third jhandl take sb in 'hand

touch ” Theseverbs describe different ways of touching things:

to deal

with sbin astrictwayin ordertoimprove theirbehaviour take sth intoyourown'hands todeal with aparticular situation yourself becatuse yot are not happy With the waythat others are dealing with itthrow your'hand in (informatostop doing sth ortaking partin sth especially becatse yo are not Successfulto ,hand that'you;rcan reach or get easily: Prm afraid Tadont have the Iatest 放gures to hnand.turn your 'hand to sth to start doing sthorbe able to do sth, especially when you do it well: Jpm can trm jis iamd to mostjobs around the house. 一more at BIG ddlj, BIRD, BITEYV,,BLOOD 1 CAP 1.,, CASH 1., CHANGEY, CLOSE2 qdyv,COURAGE;;DEAD 0d1,DEVIL; EAT, FIRM 0Cl/., FEOLD V,EORCE V; FREE 0 中 ,HAT,HEAVY) HELP V IRON adj,JOIN V,KNOW

,Handle the Frxiwi 押 co/e.

She ubbed her eyes wearily The cot /oves being stroked

pat tap squeeze

。 He patted my arm and told me no to worDy Someome was ipping Jighiiy atthe door 1 took his hand and sqUeezed 让

hold You can use these verbs to describe taking something grab

ws AR 4 /grabbed hpis gmm io siop 1myse 乒1rom jing.


She snatched the /etter OowE ofmy hand



WRING 日 Ve 凡 一sth to sb | ~sb sth to pass or give sth to sb: [VN,

These verbs describe holding thingstightly:

纺e Let-

terIr hand sthtosbona'plate (Unformal)to give sth to sb withouit the person concerned making any effort: Nobodys going to hnamnd yoU Success on aQ Plate.have (got) to'hand ititosb (informalused to say that sb deserVes Braise for sth: Youye got to hand it to her 一Shies a 8reat

,handi sthearourid/round

She jingered the sk delicatehy

rub stroke



/Jeitthe bag iosee What Was 力 于

finger handle


VNN] SHhe handed the letter to me.2 She hartded 7me





Her hanads Were clasped behind her head.


The chid was cuicping ao do

grasp grip、

Grasp the rope Wi 幼bo轨 hands and pu 由 He gripped Nis bag tiEhty and wouldnt /et8o.


to offer or

pass sth; especially food or drinksyto all the People ip a

hand.basin _/handbersn/ noun-(BrE) a small bowl that has taps/faucets and ji 有 xed to the wall usedfor washing yourhands 记 ,

groupihand sth 'back (to sb)j to giveorreturn sth to the

person Who owns it or to where 让 belongs ,hand sthdown:fto sb) .站 [usually passive]l to give or leave sth to sb whoisyoungerthanyoufERIJ PASS DOWN: These Skills used to 5e handed dowm 广om father to som. 一TIelated noun HAND-ME-DOWN .2 (especially NAmB) to officially give a _decision/statement,etc. ANNOUNCE: The Judge has handed downm his yerdict,hand sthe 一 in (to sb)

/hanabad:skrt; :NAmE baes-/ mouwn hand.bas.kKet IE gotohellin a'handbasket: (NAm 有 三 :GO TO THE DoGs atDOoG 六.

(BrE also give sth in (to sb) ) to give sth to,a Person

authority, especiallya piece of work or sth thatislost: Tnustall hamnd 训 yYour Projects by the end of nextWeek jhamded te watch 训 to the police: o to hartd 训 youUr ticeVyresignatior (= formallytell your employer that


hand.befl /aendbel/ jhour asmnallDell with a handle, especially one of a set used by a group of People to Play tunes hand:bill /aenaba/ novnasmall Printed advertisement that is given to people pyhand hand.book /zendbuk/ novun abook giving instructions on how to use sth or information about a particular subject 一compare MANUAL 六

yoDV CT mno-


wantto stop working forthem)hand sbe>'off (BrE) (also ,straight-'arm ,stiff-arm both NA 月 (in Sport) to Push

hand.brake /andbrerk/ (especiajy Br/旧 (NAmEiisually 'emergency brake ,parkingbrake )mounaBRAKE 训 Da

away a player who is trying to stop you with your arm straight ,hand sth'over (to sb) |,hand'over

(to sb) |,hand sth 'over'(to sbj to give sb else your pos-

ition of power or the ITesponsibility for sth: She resigned ald hamded oyer to ofie of her yoUmger colleagues. Ce 矿- hamnd:craft /aandkraxft; NAmE 了raeft/ 00U7 (NAmB) 三 mally jhamded oyer his 7respoms 荔 让by for the comparny Last HANDICRAFT year 一related noun HANDOVER,hand sb 'overto sb to hand.crafted /aendkraxftrd; NAmE -kraeft-/ adj. skillet sb listen or speak to another person, especially on the fulymadebyhand, notbymachine: a handcrafted chair telephone orin anews broadcast:T1Lhandyouover to my boss:hand sb/sthe"over (to sb):to give sth/sbofficially 'and cream oun [U] creamthatyouputonyourhands to prevent dryskin orformallyto anotherperson: Be harndedoverachequejor 区200000. C They hamnded the weapons oyer to the police.一 hand:cu 作 /handkaAf/ ve 履[VN] [Lusually passive] to put Ielated noun HANDOVER. handcuffs on sb or to fasten sb to sthysb with handcutffs hand.bag /mandqbzg/ (NAmE alsopurse ) 00U a small hand:cuffs /handkAfs/ (also informalcuffs ) nouvm [pl,] apair of metal rings joined by a chain, Used for holding bag for money keys,etcs carried especially by women the wiists ofa prisoner together: apair of hamdcufks 2 She 一Picture 只 BAG, PURSE Wasledawayin hardcuffs. 一see also GOLDEN HANDCUFFS

'hand baggaSe GAGE



[U] (especially NAmE) =HAND LUG-

/hzndbo:l/ novnT

[U] (Us alsoteaim hanmd-

ball )ateam gamefortwoteams'ofsevemplayers,usually played indoors; in which players try to score goals by throwing aball withitheir hand 了 [U] (NAmB)ia gaine in Which players hit aismall ball against a wall withytheir hand 3 [CuU](in football(soccER))the offenceoftouchipgtheball withyour hands:apenalbxjorpandball

acat'| dfather | eten | a: bird | ia about | Tsit |

hand.ful /sndfol novn 1 [C ~ (of sth) the amountof sth_that can be held in one hand: a handful of rice 2 [sing.]~ (of sb/sth) asmallnumberofpeople orthings:

Only a handful of people came. 3 aa 一 [sing.] (njformah) a person or an animal that is,difficult to control; er chidren ca be areal hnamd所 L



a small bomb that is thrown by


see | imany | bogot(Br6) | :ax saw | Ascup | rput |


hand'grip /andgrmpy/ own Tahandle for holding sth 之 asoft bag with handles for carrying things while you aretravelling

hand:gun /handgAn/ moun a small gun that you can hold and fire with one hand

hand-iheldod [usually before noun] smallenough to be held in thehand while being usediP 'hand-heldnoun

hand:hold /hasndheold; NAmE -ould/ nowm Somethi ng

on the surface of a steep slope, wall etc. thataperson can

hold when climbing up 让 hand-hotod waterthatis hand-hot is hob butnott oo hotto putyourhand into

handi:cap /handikapy/ nouj Ye 用

snOU1 了 [CU] (becoming oldjoshioned;ssometimes o 太en5iye) a permanent physical .OF mental condition that Inakesitdifficult or imnpossibletousea particular Part of your body or mind DISABILITY: Despite her hamaicap, Janie 8 able to jiold downr a 克 1Ltimne job ec mmermtal PhysicalXVisual hardicap 心 note at:DISABLED 2 [G Something :that makes 让 difficult for sb to do sth OBSTACLE: Notspeakirig the Iamnguasge proyed to bea bigsger hnandicap: 芒amuTa iasgiried 3 [al (spom arace or competition im Which the most skilful must run further, carTy extra Weight etc: in Order to 5ive all those taking Part an equal chance of winning; the disadvantagethatis given to sb yourare competing against in suich arace Or


4 [c] (in GoIF) an advantage given to a

Weaker player so that competition is more eqtal when they Play against a stronger player: It is expressed as a Dumber Telatedito the number oftimes a Player hits the ball and gets lower as heyshe improves. 悍 VE 侯(-pp-) [VN] [usually passive] to make sth more difficujt for sb to do: British exports haye been Padicapped by the Strong PouTLd.







to behave), 2 (Informalj) 47ay problems2? Wotping 工cam 冰 Partdle ec (Informalj) Pye got ti 8o. 工 Camt hamdle 让 any Tore (= deal with a difficult Situation).


easy/diffictilt to drive or control: Te caF jandles We 访 ay WeathnerF *BUY/SELL 号 [VN] to buy or sell sth DEAL IN: THhey Were arTested Jor jiaridling stolen goods. 四 71OU17 *OFDOOR/DRAWER/WINDOW T the partofa door, drawer Window, etc.thatyouusetoopen it: Shetaurnredtpe janmdle a1ld opemned the door “OFCUP/BAG/TOOL. 之thepart ofan object such as acup,a bag, oratoolthatyouusetohold it or carTyit: the hamdie of a Fnizp ca broo7m jhand 一picture le 只 BAG,CUP,GUTLERY; SCISSORS, SCYTHE 一See alsoOLOVE 百 ANDLIES *-HANDLED 3 (in adjectives) having the miinberor type of handle mentioned: a Iong jamndled SDOo IE Set/have a ,handleon sbysth (iformaIitounder stand or know abonut:sb/sth; especially so -that yoUu can deal with itor them later:Tcar世 Setahjhardle om thesesales

Jiegures. giye sb a 'handle (on sth) (njommah to give sb enough facts or knowledge'for them to be able to deal 一more at FLYY With sth




加 shioned, sometimes o 态 nsive) 1 Suffering from a mental OF physical handicap DISABLED: Q Visually jamd六 capped cjiild 2 The accident Iefi Pim Dhysicaly hamdicapped 一See . also0 “MENTALLY HANDICAPPED 2 the handicapped 7oun [pl.] people who are handicapped: Q School for the Pjysically hamdicapped cy note at DISsABLED



se 三

han:di-craft /haendikra:ft; NAmE kraeft/ (NmE also

hanmd:cra 人t) 0ovn [Cusually pl.,U] T activities such as sewing and making cloth that use skill with your hands and artistic ability to make things: to teach Pamdicrafts er hoppbies are Tusic reading and hamndicraft 也 things Imade ip this way: traditiomal hamdicrafts DouVSght by to 六 zs帮

[VN] to touch, hold or move st

With your hands: Our cat hates Deing hardled. 2 The 1abe1 omthe boxsaid: Fragile. Hamdle With care, “CONTROL 3 _[VN] to control a vehicle, an animal,, a tool, etc.: 了 Wasmt Sure 太 Tcouvld hamdlesuchn a PowerflL car Shesadificulthorseto handle. 4 [v] ~ welybadly to be



hand.ily/handai/odvw 1inawaythatisHANDY (= conVenient): We7e handity Placed :for the train statiom 了 (especia履NAmEj easily: Fe handily defeated his challem-








1 workthatyoudo, orsththatyouhave made, especially Using your .artistic skill: We ad7mired Per exXqUisite jamdiWork. 2 athing done by a particular person or group, especially sth bad: This 1ooks Like the jamndiwork of am QT1SOTLIS


hand-job /haendd5ob; NMmE dzaby/ noun (ioboo, sang)

the act of a person rubbing a man's PENIS With their hand to give sexual pleasure


四 4

hand.kerchief /hanketfaf' tfif, NAmE artf-/ moun

回 >

(p1 hand.kerchiefs or hand.kerchieves /tfirvz/) (also njomnal hanikcy, han-kie) a small piece of material or


paper thatyouuse for blowing your nose, etc,


om /haendl/ verb, noun

四 ; 回 c

四 VeE/少 >DEAL WITH 1 [VN] to deal with a situation;, a persom an area of Work or a strong emotion: 4 mew 7man Was apPointed to hamndle the crisis: @ Shes yery good at 及amndlimng jerpatients. THhe sale was hanmdled byAdams Comy7rmierciaL 2Wecamhanadle upto 500 calls an hour atour mew ofrices. 2 We'all jhayve to learm to jhandle stress. THis matter has

Deen handledyerypadly

to hamdle yourse 太 识 切


| -army

(informal Zouhaveto knowjhow

这business (= know therightway

| au now

| ersay

| ago (Br6

handlie-bar /mandlba:G)/ novn [al (also hanmdle.bars

[plJ) ametalban with ahandle at each end, that yountse for steering a bicycle or motorcycle: to hola onito the

ja7nidalebars 一Picture 史 BICYCLE- see also DROP HANDLE-


| oo go (Nm 有

| or boy

| ie near

| ee hair

| se pure

harmdiebar moustache handlebarimous'tache

704 |

novn a MOUSTACHE that is

curvedupwards at each end 1 aperson who trains and controls animals,especially dogs 2 a person who carries Or touches sth as part of their job: airport pasggage hanalers 2 加 od jhandlers 3 (especially NAmB aperson who organizes sth or adVises sb: the Presidemnts camiDaigr haridlers

hand'fing /hzndlizm/ novn [Lu] Tthe way that sb deals With or treats a situation, a person, an animal, etc.:TWas immpressed by his jhamdling of the afjfair 2 This horse Teeds 让rm handling. 2 the action of organizing or controlling sth: data hamdling on computer 3 the action of touching, feeling orholding sth with yourhands; toys 轨 at can stamd zto rough handling 4 the costof dealing with an order, delivering goods, booking tickets,etc:: Q s7mall jamdling charge 5 the way in which a vehicle can be controlled by the driver: Qa car desigmned Jor easy hanmndling @ 三 CARRIAGE

'hand luggage (especioly -BrE) (also 'hand.baggage, 'carry-on baggage especially in NAmE) moun [LU] small bags that you can keep with you on an aircraft

hand.made /hznd'meid/ odj. made by a person Using theirhandsratherthanbyrmachines 一compare MACHINE-

MADE hand.maiden /andmardn/ (alsohand:maid /2ndmeid/) novunT (old-joshionediafemale servant 2 (1jormnal) Something that Supports and helps sth else: Mathermmatics Was omnce dubbed the hazdmaidemn of the sciertces.


movn [usually pl.] (especially NAm昌 =

CAST-OFF: She hated jhayving to wear her Sisters hamd-7me-

downs. OFF

'hand-me-down adlj. (especially NAmE) = CAST-


novn an item that sb gives to_an older

member of their family because they no longer use 让 OF becatuse they have bought sth better to replace 让

hand.off /handnf NAmE2d at/ noun T (especially 记 RUGBY) an act of preventing an Opponent from'TACKLING youbyblocking them with yourhand while keeping your arm straight 2 (in AMERICAN FOOTBALL) an act of giving the ball to another player on your team

hand.out /zandaut/ mouvn T (sometimes disapproving) food, money.or clothes that are given to a person who is poor 2 (often disapproving) money thatis given to a perSon Or an organization by the government,etc.,for exXample to encotrage commercial activity 3 a free documentthat gives information about an eventoramatter of public interest or that states the views of a political Party, etc: 一See alsoO PRESS RELEASE 4 adocumentthat is given to students in class arid that contains a Summary of the lesson, a Set of exercises, etc.



NAmE :oouver/ moun


1 theactofmoving Power orresponsibility from one perSon OT group to another; the period during which this is done: the smooth hamdoyver of power 方om arnailitary to Q civilianm goyerrmrmnent 也 the act of giving a person or thing to sb in authority: tpe hamndoyer of the hostages

hand:.phone /handfeon; NmE-foun/ noun used in SE Asia as the word for a MOBILE PHONE/CELLPHONE

hand-'picked codi. carefully chosen fora special purpose hand.print /handprmt/ noun a mark left by the flat part of someone's hand on a Surface

hand.rail /zendrea/ movn a long narrow bar that you can hold onto for support,for example when you are going Up or down stairs 一Picture 只 STAIRCASE

hand.saw /andso:/ noun asaw (= atool with along blade with sharp teeth along one edge) that is used with onehand only 一Picture 守 TOOL

hand.set /hzndset/ novn 1 thepartofatelephone that you hold close to your mouth and ear to speak into and

| dadid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

”Without needing to be held in thehand

hand.shake /aendferzk/ moun an act of shaking sb's hand with your owni used especially to sayhello or goodbye or when you have made an agreement 一 see also

GOLDEN HANDSHAKE hands-'off odj. [usually before noun] dealing with people or a Situation bynot becoming involved and by allowing People to do what they want to: a hands-o 矿approach to Staff mamnagement 一compare HANDS-ON

hand.some /hansam/adi (hand.somer hand.som'est) more handsome

and most handsome

are more

common 1 (of men) attractive GOOD-LOOKING: Q jhandsorme jce CHes te 7most hamdsome ma 工ye ever met He Was apty describped as talL dark and hard-

some: 只 note at BEAUTIFUL

了 (of women) attractive,

with large strong features rather than small delicate ones:

Qa ta



cs note


3 beautiful to looksat: a hamdsome Phorse[house/cib 2 The two of therm made a handsormme coupIe. -4.1large 下 amotnt or quantity: ahamzdsormme ProfitC He Was elected pyahandsome7Tmaijority (=.alotofpeople voted forhim). 瑟 generous: -She paid :him Ga Pandsorme compLirmen 上

hand-some:ly adv: Q harzdsomely dressed 7mmam 2 a Pamdsomely produced pooketo pe paid/rewarded hamndSomelyhandsome.ness noum [U]


cd 四 [usually before noun] doing sth Tather

than just talking about it: hamnds-omn comDuter ainins to gain jamnds-oft experiemce ofindustry2ahnands-onstyle

咱 mmanagement 一 compare HANDS-OFF hand. Spring 凡 haendsprI/ noun a movement in gymnastics iD Which you jump through the air landing on yourhands, then again landing on yOUI feet hand.stand /andstang/ noun a movement 雇 Which youbalance on your hands and PuUt your legs straight UP in the air


codj- hand-to-hand

:fighting involves

Physical contact with youUr OpPonent ,hand-to-'mouth ad/. [usually beforenoun] 直 youhavea hand-to-mouth life, youspend all the moneyyouearn on basic needs such as food and do not have anything left

[IJ see LIVE1


hand:writ-ing /zendrartim/ moun [地 1T writingthat is done with a pen Or pencil, not Printed or typed 2 .aperSon's particular style of writing in this way:Tcanmntread his jamndwritirs. [Er the ,handwriting on the "wall



/handrrtn/ ad written by hand,, not

Printed or typed: a hamdwritten note






Teasytoltiseortodo USEEUL: Qiartdy Little toolC Parady Pirtstipsjor remoying stairls 了 [notibefore noun]

~(forsth/for doing sth) located nearto sb/sth; located or Stored 记 a convenient Place: AIWways Keep Qa irstaida Ki handy 2 Hayve you got a pen handy? c (BrE) Our house 苹 yery handy for the station. 3 [not before noun] skilful in Using your hands or tools to make or tepair things: to be hamndy around the house 一See also HANDILY > handiinmess

OUn [U] [IE

,come in 'handy

(formal) to be useful:

The extra Tomney caTme 训 yeTy hamndy c Don 和 雪 row tat QaWay 一 让 7mmight come in hamndy.


/handimaen/ novun(p/men /men/) aman

whois good at doing Practical jobs inside and outside the

hand puppet oun (MAm 日= GLOVE PUPPET


'Ihands-free xdi (of astelephone, etc.) able to be tsed -

handi:ler /andla(CD)/ moun (especially in compounds)

listen 二compare RECEIVER 2 a devicerthat yod hold 这 your hand to operate a teleVision, etc. 一See alsO REMOTE CONTROL

| jyes

house, either as ahobbyor as ajob

Ihamm 介 0人 /hzen/ ve浅 ,noun 加 Verb hung,hung /BAn/ In sense 4, hanged is used for the pasttense and past participle.) > ATTACH FROM TOP 1 一 (sth) (up) [+adv7Zprep] to attach sth, Or to be attached, atthetop so thatthe lowerpart is

free orloose: [VN] Hamgyourcoatupon the hook.CWhere are WeSUPposed to hamngour washinguptodry2c[Iv]There Were seyeral eXpeisiye SUits hatging 识 the Wardrobe:

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| Rd

* FEALLLOOSELY 也:[V 十 advX prep.] when sth hangs in a particular way it falls in that way: 了Her jhair jung daowmn to jher waist w He 了 jad 1ost Weight and the S1让

705 Their accounts


to end atelephone conversation by putting the telephone RECEIVER down or switching the telephone off: After 了 jung UDP T remembered what Fa wanted to 5ay ,hang

“3 to

bend orlet sth bend down-


wards: [V] The dogs tomngue Was hamnging ouL

of What happened don 和 jharg toge 纺er

2 (of people) to support or help one anotherhang 'up

Pumg loosely om Pirm.



(informalj) to finish using sth for the last time:

RuUtR has hung UP jher darncing 5Shoes. hang 'up on sb


(normaj to end atelephone call by suddenly and UneXpectedly putting the telephone down: Domit jhangup on 一see also HUNG UP 一We miUsttalkl 7me

hurig (= were leaning) oyer the 8ate. CA cigarette hung He hung his head in shame. 三om her lips. C [VN] She jurs her head in shame. >KILLSB 4 hanged ;hanged ) to kill sb, usually as a punishment, by tying a rope'around their neck and allowing them to drop; tobe killed:in this way: [VN] He was the last Tan to pe hanged for murderin this country oO She had cOm7mitted Suicide py hamnging jherselr 方om a beam. o [v] Atthat timneyoucould hargjorstealing. *PICTURES S to attach sth, especially a picture, to a hook on a wall; to be attached in this Way: [VN] We hung jher

Portrait apoye 态e fireplace. C [V] Several of jis Paintings jarg 识 te Tote Gallery 6 [VN] [usually passive] 一 :sth with sth to decorate a place by placing Paintings, etc. on aWall: The roo7ms Were humng With tapestries.

日.IOU1 [sing:] the way 记 Which a dress, piece'of cloth,etc. falls or moves [DJ get the 'hang of sth (广大rmajto learn how to do or to use sth; to understand sth, ts7mot GEJficuttomnce youSgett 切 ehamng of 让

hangar /ae0a0); 'has0ga(rD)/ moun a large buijlding 让 Which aircraft are kept hang:dog

/az0dopg; NAmE-do:g/ qdj. [only before nounm] 让

aperson has ahangdog look they looK sad or ashamed



(also 'coat

hanger ,'clothes

hanger ) /ouUm a curved piece of wood, Plastic or wire, With a hook atthe top, that you use to hang clothes UP On 一picture 只 PAGE RI5

* WALELPAPER: 7 [VN] to stick wALIPAPER to awall hanger-on ovn (phihangers-'on )(often disapproving)a ~*DOOR/GATE 轨 [VN]to attach a door or gate to apost so Person Who tries to be friendly with a famous person or that it moves freely Who goes to important .events,in order to get Some *STAY IN THE AIR 9 [Iv 二 advVprep]ito stay in:the vair: advantage Smokejhungin the air above theciby :hang-Slider 72ovn 1the frame used in hang-gliding ID hang sth (87E ijormal) used to say that you are 2 aperson who goes hang-gliding not going to worTy abonlt sth: OP Lets get two ana Pang

the expenselhang a 'eftAright (NAmmB) to take a left/ hang-gliding "ovn [LU] a sport in which you fly while hanging from a frame like alarge KITE Which you control Tight turnhang by a 'hair/'thread .(ofa person's life) to With yourbodymovements: to go hang-gliding be in great dangerhang (onj 'in there (injormaj) to re一 picturecy Imain determined to succeed even when a situation isdif-

ficulthang on sbxs 'words/on sb's every 'word


jisten with great attention tosb you admirdnang: Yousgh

(MAmB) to be determined and refuse to change your atti-

tude or ideaslet 放 all hang 'out

(jnjormaj) to express

一more at BALANCE1.,FIRE 1 GRIM, your feelings freely HEAVY ddy,, LOOSE 0dj. ,PEG 1.,WELL adv ER ,hang



/2zn0I0/ moumn1-[u;cl thepractice ofkilling sb

as apunishmentby putting arope around their neck and hanging them from a high place; an occasion when this happens: to Settence Sb to death by jhamging CPUDLic hanging8s 卫 [Cusually pl.] alarge piece ofmaterial thatis hung on awall for decoration: wall hamgings

about (B 厨/njormal) Ttowait or staynear a place, not doing verymuch: Kids Ramgingabout 识 切 estreet 2 tobe ,hanging 'basket own a BAsKkET or similar container With flowers growing in it, that is hung from a building VerIy slow doing sth:Tcamn 和 jharg abouvt -the poss Wants to by a short chain or Tope 一picture 从 PAGE RI7 see mne. 3 (njonmnal) used totell sb to stop whatthey are doing or saying for a short time: Hamng aboutl Theres hanging 'valley 7ovn (technicaj avalley which joins a SO7mmething Pot quUite Figjt here.ihang a'bout with sb deeper valley often with a WATERFALL Where the two (Djonmal to spend a lot of time with sbhang a'round valleysjoin (-…-) (Unformnahtowait or staynear aplace,not doing very Inuch: JpDURang around here icase he comes amdT11go om ahead,hanga'round with sb (njormal/)to spendalotof

tme with sbhang 'back to remain in aplace after all the other people have lefthang 'back (from sth)j to hesitate


/20man/ novn (p/-men

/man/) a man

Whose job is to hang criminals hang:mail /hanea/ moun a piece-of skin near the bottom or atthe side ofyour nail thatis loose and sore

because you are nervous about doing or saying sth:TWwas 'Ihang-out movp (njormajh aplace where sb lives or likes SUTe SRe Kew 态e asWer Dut Jor somie Teasoft she jung to go oftenggm HAUNT packhang 'on “1 to hold sth tightly: Fang om tight hang.Ovyer /haneuvae(G); MAmE -ouver/ moun Tthe Weye o 态 全 note atHOLD 2 (njormal used to ask sb to headache and sick feeling that you have the day after Wait for a short time or to stop whatthey are doing: Fang drinking too much alcohol: She woke up with a terrible OP 一 FT7m TiOot gUite Teady 和 Now jha1ig on a 7minute 一 yoV hangoyver 乙 [usuallysing.] ~ (from sth) a feeling, custom, ca7ETrealDy pelieyve Whatyoujustsaid/ 3 towaitfor sthto jdea, etc. that remsains from the pastb although it is no happen: Thayemnt heard 太 Tye got thejob yettheyyye Kept longer practical or suitable: the insecure Jeeling thatWwasa me jha7lSing on Jor days. 4 (Informal) used onithe telePanSoyer 方omjherchildhoodo hangoverIaws 方om the prePhone to ask sb who is calling to wait until they can talk Yious adrmminmistrazion 一See also HOLDOVER to the person they want: Hanmng om一IT 人 justsee 矿hes here. 5 to continue doing sth ip difficult circumstances: The the HangSenglndex /ha se0 immdqeks/ mounafigure teamm Pu7g on for VictoryXihang on sth to depend on sth: that shows the relative price of shares on the Hong Kong Stock EXchange 4 1ot jhangs on 妇 z decisionhang 'on to sth 1 to hold sth tightly: Hamng om to 轨 atrope and domitIetgo. 2 (njo 广 'Ihang-up om (Dormaol) 1 ~ (about sth) an emotional /mal) to keep sth, not sell it or give 让 away: Zets hnang on to Pioblem about sth that makes you embarrassed or wor those ol1d photogTraphjhs 一they 7may be yaluable,hang'out Tied: Hes got areal harg-uD about his height 也 (NAmB) a (njormal) to spend a lotoftime ip a place: The IocaLKids Problem that delays sth being agreed or achieved hang OUt at the ma 一 related noun HANG-OUThang "over sb 这 sth bad or Unpleasant is hanging over yotU, hank /hae0k/ novn.along piece ofwool thread, rope, etc. that is wound into alarge loose ball you think about it and worry about it a lot because it is happening or mighthappen: ITPe possipbility ofa courtcase han.Ker /ha0keG)/ ve 尿~ after/for sth to have astrong 8S6U1hansing oyerherihangto'gether 1 tofittogether desire for sth: [V] Be had hamnkered after forme all his Tife. ec WwWell; to be the same as Or CONSISTENT With each other:

S see

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

上 民zoo

| shoe

[vto inf] She hamKkered to go back to Australia.

| 5 vision

| tchain

| ds jam

| 9thin

| 5this

| D sing


706 |

han'Kerin 加/an0kerrm/noun [usuallysing 一(for/after sth) | ~ (to do sth) a strong desire: a hamkering for a Wealthpy lifestyle 洒 hanky (also han:Kie) /aski/ novm (5 -ies (pforma1


hanky-panmky /hanki'paenki/ novm [U] (old友sjpioned, injformaj) 1 sexual activity that is not considered acceptable 2 dishonestbehaviour

Ham:sard /zensazd; NAmE-sazrd/noyvn [u] (in the British, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand or South African

parliaments) the official written record ofeverything that is said ip the parliament

han:-som /zansem/ (also 'hansom cab) nown acCARRIAGE With two wheels, pulled by one horse, Used 记 the

Past to carry two passengers





/haenoke/ oun an eight-day Jewish festival and holiday 雇 November Or December when Jews remember the occasion when the TEMPLE in Jerusalem was DEDICATED again in 165 BC

hap-penm:stamce /hzpanstaens; BrE also :staims/ moU1 [u,G (Nterary) chance,, especially when it Testilts 雇 sth good

hap:Pily 0 /hzepai/ ov 1 inacheerful way; with feelings ofpleasture or satisfac=~tion: cnildren Playing happiy on the beach cto pe jhappiy TarriedC7T 坊 识 KWe cam mamage guUite hapPpily on OUF OWT.

24mndtheyalllivedjhappikyeverafter(=usedastheend of a FAIRY TALE),

了 by good luck


Happiy the darmmage was only 5lighiE 3 willingly: TI PapPiy help, 太Tcam. 4 (rmaj)) 让 awaythatis suitable or appropriate: This SUS8gestion did mot fit Very happiyy With OUF eXisti7ig Dia725.



/hzepi/ adj (hapspieg hap:pi:esb

*FEELING/GIVING PLEASURE 了 一 (to do sth) | 一 (forsb) | 一 (人 that. )feeling or showingpleasure; pleased: ahappy Smilefoce 2 Zu dontt IooKk very happytoday c We are happy to ammource the enigagerment of our daughter cm yery happy fjor:you. 只 note at GLAD 2 giving or causing Dleasure: Q happy 7mnarriage7memoryAcpildhnood 和 The

Story has a jiappy endimng. CThose Were the happiest days

ha'*-penmny 三 HALFPENNY

of7my IF. 上 AT CELEBRATION 3 放 you wish sb a Happy Birthday, Happy New Year,etc. yot mean that you hope they have a pleasant celebration

hap-haz.ard /haphaezad; NAmE -zerd/ adj (disopprov-


ing) with no particular order or plan; not organized well: The boojks jad been Piled om the shelves 太 a haphazard Joshiom ceThe goyermrments approach to the Proplem Was haphazard. hap:hazard:y codv

hap:less /haplss/ odj [only before noun] (17mo 广not lucky; unfortunate: the jhapless Victirms of exploitatiom

hap.loid /aploid/ odj (bology) (ofa cell) comitaining the set of CHROMOSOMES

from one Parent only 一compare





-perb/ moun



如 shioned; BrE niprmall avery small amount (in the past an amotunt that could be bought for a HALFPENNY) [EU see SPOILY



/hapan/ ve 几

T [V] to take place, especially without being Planned: YDUDE meyer guess Whats happened! 2 Accidents Like 女装 Pappen al 太 e tmne. CIets See WPhat happePns next WeeK 必 TITL pe tere Whateyer happens. CTaomnt Know how this happened. Z [V] to take Place as the restlt of sth: She Dressed the buttom puUtTothing happened ee What happens 矿nobody comes to 切 eparty2?Justplug 让 识and see What Pappers. 3 to do or be sth bychance: [vto inf] She hapPened to pe OUEWhen We called. 2 ZU donmntjhappen to know Pis mnarme, do youU?2 C [Vthat] thappened thatshewas out When We called. 4 [vto inf] used totell sb sth, especially When you are disagreeing with them or annoyed bywhat they have said: Thatjhappens to bpe7ny mother you7re talc-

ing aboutl IE anything can/might 'happen tsed to Say that it is not possible to know what the restilt of sth will beas 计 happens/happened used when you say sth that is Surprising, or sth connected with what sb elsehas

just said:Tagree Wi yo as 让 happens. As 让 jhapperis haye Q Spare Set of Keys 碌 7ny ofice. 证 (just) so happens that-..- by chance: ijustso happened theya beem 访 yited too. ,these things'happen Used to tell sb not to worry about sth they have done: So777 一Tye 弥 证 507me- 访阐e. Weyer mmind. These things happen. 一more at ACCIDENT, EVENT, SHIT,WAIT: 炙 happen on sth (ol/d-

jshioned) to find sth by chance 'happen to sb/sth to haVe an effect on Sb/sth: TiPhope mothing (= nothing Unpleasant) has happened to 妇emm. C JEs the best thing 万 at has eyer happened to me. C Whats happened to your car? Co Do you Know What happenied to Gil Iovecy (三 have you anyDnews about her)2

hap-pen:inmg /hzpaenm/ noun, ad 上 OU1 了 [usually pl.] an event; something that happens, often sth Unusual: There haye been Stramnge jiappenings jhere Iately 2 an artistic performance or eventthat is not Planned

日0dlj. [only before noun] (pformalj where there is a lot of exciting activity; fashionable: a happenmning Place

一 (with/about sb/sth) satisfied that sth is

good of :Tight; not anxious: Are you happy Witpn 女at Ga1TaTlgemment2 人 入 theres amythingyoure nothappy apoub coTme and asK. C Tim mot happy With Pis work this term She Was happy enrouwgh withn jer perforrmamce. CTJImmottoo happy aboutpherlivingaloneJcTsaidTagojustto Keep Pirm


= WILLING 5 ~to do sth (jrmalj) willing'or Pleased to do sth: Trmn jhappy io Ieaye 让 ilitormorrow.e He wilL be more tharu happy to come With us: *LUCKY @ lticky; successful EORTUNATE: ByGjappy coimcidence, We arTiyed atexactty 雪 esame tine. OHeizin

the happy positiomn ofmneyverhaying toWorryaboutinoney

*SUITABLE 7 (Jormal) (of jwords, ideas or behaviour) suitable and appropriate for a particular situation:


Wasmntthe happiestchoice ofwords: hap-pi"ness OU1 [U]: to find true happiress C Her eyes shone With happiness. cc> note-at SATISFEACTION

[cr a ,happy'e'vent the birth of ababy athe happy Imedium something that is in the middle between two choices or two ways of doing sth not a happy bunny (Br 日 (NmE mot a happy "canapen (pformah) not Pleased about a situation: She Wasm 人 ahappy Dumnny at au many happy re'turns(ofthe 'day) used to wish sb ahappyand Pleasantbirthday 一more atMEAN

happy-ciappy /hzpi'klzepi/ ad/ (BrE often disapproving) connected with a Chiistian group which wotships 雇 a vetyloud and enthusiastic way showing alotoffeeling



"ov _[u] achildrenms card game

Played with special cards with Pictures_of family members on them. The aim is to get as many whole families as possible. [rm ,playihappy'families to dothingsthat Dormal happyfamilies do, especially when yoti want itto appear that yoUTI family is happy: Im mot goimng to play hapPpy Jormnilies justjforthe penefitofyour parents.

happy-go-lucky cd not caring or worrying aboutthe future: a happy-8go-Iucky attitude Ca happy-go:IucKy sort of persom

happy hour ovi [usually sing] (Pjorman atime nstally in the early evening, when a pub or abar sells alco-

holic drinks at lower Prices than Ustal

hap-tic /haeptrk/ ad (technical relating to or involving the sense of touch: Players Use a jhaptic deyice suchn as a JoysticK to control 切egarmne.

hara-kiri /hare krri; NMAmE ,hera 让eri/ noun [u] (from Japanmese) an act of killing yourself by cutting open yotr stomach With a SWORD, performed especiallybythe sAMURAIin Japan in the pasb to avoidlosing hononur




[G 轴 (Erb

Id a

meetingthat is held in order to collect moneyfor sth, for example a _community project: They jheld a hararmpee 7neeting to raise 包 7ids for a mew classroom 2 TIU] the act

scat | dfather | eten | as:bird | -aabout | isit | isee | imany | p got (BrE) | orsaw | Acup | mput | utoo



happy Satisfied 。 content 。contented joyful 。blissful These words all describe feeling, snowing or giving

pleasure or satisfaction. happy feeling,showing orgiving pleasure: satisfied with sth or not worried about it: aohappy ma 上riage/ /memomV

childhood 21said /df 80, Justio Keep hirm happy satfisfied pleased because you have achieved sth or

because sth hashappened asyou wanted itto: showing thissatisfaction: Shes meyersatisHjied wiib Whatshes SOL


content [not before noun] happy and satisfied with

What you have:1m Pereciy comtentjusttio lie inthe




conmtented happyand comfortable with whatyou have; 、 showing this:g contented babpyeayong contenied Si8h

CONTENT OR CONTENTED? Being contented depends more on havinga comfortable life; being content can depend more on

your attitude toyourlife:you can haoveto becontentor , fearm to pe content People oranimals can be contented butonly people can be content. : joyful (rather Jojrmaj very happy; making people very 。 happy 、 Rs 1

blissful making people very happy; showing this happiness: three bjissfuj weeks away




Joyisalivelierfeeling; Bliss is more peaceful.



至 to be/feel happy/satisfied/contentcontented/yjoyful/ blissful 、 晶 to look/seem/sound happy/satisfied/content/ 、, contented 人 二 二 癌 起 癌 ahappy/satisfied/contented/blissful smile :ahappy/joyfullaugh ahappy/joyful occasion yery/perfectly happy/satisfied/content/contented with of joining with other people to achieve a difficulttask: the SDirit ofjharamzbee

har-angue- /hearae0/ verb, moun BYer [VN] to speakloudly and angrily in a way that criticizes sb/sth or'tries to persuade people to do sth 旦 ,IOUm:a long loud angry Speech that criticizes sbysth or tries to persuade people to do sth har:ass /saras; hearsss/ verb [VN] 1 [often passive] to annoy or worry sb byputting pressure on them or saying ordoing unpleasant things to them: Fe jas comiplained of Deimng harassed pythepolice.cSheclaimsshe jas beemn sexUally harassed atwork. 2 tomakerepeated attacks on an eneimy

HARRY > harassment:


[U]: racial

SeXLQL ParassTmertt

harassedl /haereast; haraest/ adj tired and anxious because youhave too much to do: a harassed-IooKing Waiter Cjharassed mothers Withn 坊eir childrem

harbin:ger /abrmad5aGoD); NAmEmazrb-/ novn

一 (of sth)

(ormal or Witeramy) a sign that shows that sth is going to happen soon, often sth bad

har.bour (BrE) (NmEharbor ) /hazbaG); NAmEhazrb-/ HOU1m, Ye 上 下 1OUm [CU] an areaofwater on the coast protected from the open sea by strong walls,where ships can shelter: Seyeral poat Iay atiarichor 太 theharbour St emiterX Ieayve harbour 昌 .VE/ [VN] T_ to hide and protectsb who is hiding from the Police: Police believe someomne TUStDpe jharbouFingthe Killer 之 to keep feelings or thoughts, especially negative ones, 职 yourmind foralong time: The arsomist7nay harbour a S1uage against the comipamry C She Degani to jharbour doupbts :about 妇 e decision. 3 to contain sth and allow 让 to develop: your disjhcloth cam harbour maPy gerrmas.


| arzmy

| aunow

| ersay

harbour'imaster (Br6) (NAmE harbormas:ter) moun an official inicharge ofaharbour

hard om /hazd; NAmEhazrdj adj ;5dv 昌 0dlj. (hard.er,hard.est) *SOLID/STIFF 1 solid, firm or stiff and difficult to bend or break: Waitfor t态econcrete to go hard. Cajhardmmattres5e Diamonds are the hardest iowP mmineraL [2 SOFT


字 一 (forsb) (to dosth) difficultto do under

Stand or answei: da jhard choicexdgueshon e 下 二 hard to Delieve that shes only mine. ets Jiard to see 1om they caP 10se. When w 记 态 ej0b pe 7inishied2 5 Fard to sa (= it is difficult:to be certain) 有 TIfirnid his attitaide yery hard to take (= difficult to accepb. cuts hard Jor old People to chamge their Ways CE7mmustbe7ard Jor Per DTinging UP Jour chilareri on her own C We7re 广nding re abie Staff hard'to come by (= diftficult to geb: aag EAsY 3 full of difficulty and problems, especiallybecause'ofa lack ofmoney TOUGH: Ti7mmes Were hard at the end of 太e War CShes had a hardLife. aa EASY > NEEDING/USING EFFORT 4 needing orusing alot ofphysical strength or mental effort: ts hard Work shovelling SnOW C Tye had a Iong hard day 只 note at DIFFICULT 5 (of people) putting a lot of effort or energy into an actiVity: Shes ayery hard worker C Fes hard atWwork om QGPeW PioyeL 2 When TIe 失 切ey were all sl hard at 让 (= working hard)' 书 note at DIFFICULT 6 done with a lot of strength or force: He gaye te door a good hard KickK aphardPpunchn “WITHOUT SYMPATHY 7 showing no Sympathy or affection: Myjtherwasahardmman. Shegave7mmeahardstare. Hesaid some yery Pard 坊imngs to 7me. *NOT AFRAID 8 (njformalj) (of People) ready to fight and showing no Sigmis of fear Of weakness: Comme and get mie 矿 yoOU think youre hard enousjh ee ZU 夸 识K Youye really jard do7mttyou2 。 * FACTS/EVIDENCE 9 [only before noun] definitely true and based on information that can be Proved: 疏 there amy jard evyidertce either Way2 C THie newsDpaper story 让 Dased om hard facts. *WEATHER .10O :very cold and severe: it had been ahard Winter

C There Wasia hard

廊ost that PigjE 一 coOmpare

MILD * DRINK 11 [only before noun] strongly alcoholic: Pard 六 guUorec (Un1ormal)adrop ofthe hardstufr(= astrongalcoholic drink) 一compare SOFT DRINK *WATER 2 containing cALCIUM and other mineral salts that make mixing with soap difficujlt: ahard water areae OU Water 1 yery hard. [ga


* CONSONANTS 13 (phometics)used to describe aletterc or 8 when pronounced as in“'cat or 'go", rather than as in 'city or giant [9 SOFT hard:ness OU01 [U]: water haraness Chardmess of heart [IE be hard on sb/sth .1 to teat or criticize sb in a Veiy severe OFT strict way: Domit be too Fiard om Pirm 一Phes Very young. 2 to be difficult for or unfair to sbysth:, [ts hard ol people wjho dontjhaveacar 3 tobelikelyto hurt or damage sth: ZooKing ata co7mputerscreen all day camn De Very jhard on 妇 e eyes:drive/strike a hard ' 必 argain to argue in an aggressive way and force sb to agree on the best possible Price DT arrangementgive sb a hard 'time

to deliberately make a situation difficult and tnpleasant for sb: THPey realjy gaye me a hard time at 轨 e 训 terview

hard and 'fast (especially after a negative) that cannot be changed ip any circumstances: There are no hara ad

Jastrules apoutthis.(as) ,hard as 'nails_showing no sympathy kindness or fearhard 'cheese (B7E,jnjrmah used as a Way of saying that you are soOITyY about sth, ustally IRONICALLY (= yo really meamn the opposite) hard

'going difficult to understand or needing a lot of effoft: T7m 广nding his Iatest noVel Very hard going. ,hard 'luck/


(BrE) used to tell sb that you feel sorry for them:

Failed asgaim Trm afhjaia Op hard Iuck'the 'hard way by having an Unpleasant experience or by making mistakes: She womt Listert to my advice So She 了1 Just have to LearTt the hard way make hard 'work of sth to use more time'or energy on atask than is necessaryno hard

| aogo (Br 日| ou go (Mm 日 | oz boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure


708 | hard "cashhm(8rE) (NAmE ,cold 'cash novm [U] money, especially 雇 the form of coins and notes, that you-can Spend

feelingsused totell sb yot have been arguing with or have beaten in a contest that you would still like to be friendly with them: 下 1ooKs Like 77m tpe winmer agaim. Np hard Jeelings,Dayve, enh2 play hard to get (Informalj) to Inake yotrself seem more attractive or interesting by not immediately accepting an invitation to do sth too much like hard 'work needing too much effort: T cant be

< cannot easily be changed

Dothered making Q jhot 7meal 一its too much WorK. 一more at AcTm., JOB, NUT .ROCK 1.

hard 'corenovn (BrE)T [sing.+sing/pl.v]the small cen-

Like Pard

mgdv. ( harder hard.esy “WITH.EFFORT 了 with:greateffort; with difficulty: to worK hard ceZou usttry harder ceShe tried her jhardest not to show how disappointed she Was. Ce Don 和 ji 让 sSo hard! Je Was S6ilLbreathing hard after his run COuUr Victory Was

hard wonm (= won with, great difficulty): * WITH FORCE with great force: (Jigurative) Small 5usTesses haye beemn hithardAhmard Pit by 态e recessio7L *CAREFULLY 3 Very carefully and thoroughly: to 态 inK hard ce We tjoughtIonmg and jharad before deciding to moye jiouse. *ALOT4 heavily; alot or for along time: It was rainimng jard When We set o 矿

*LEFT/RIGHT 5 at a sharp angle to the left/right: Turm PararigRht at the nextjmctionm. [IE be/feel hard done by(Wnpjormal) to be or feel unfairlytreated: She has eyery Fightto 帮 elhard done by 一her parenz haye Siyer her mnothing be hard 'pressed/ 'pushed to do sth| be hard 'put (to it) to do sth to find 让 Very difficult to do sth: Be was harad putto 让 to exPlain her disappearance. be hard ,dp for sth to have too few or too little of sth: We7ye hard up Jor iaeas. 一see also HARD UP ' hard on sth very soon after: His death ilowed jhard of jhers.、 take sth ' hard to be very Upset by sth: Fe tooK his w 旋 Sadeath yery hard. 一more at DIEV ,HEEL 丰 .

wHicn wogpy

,hard 'copynoun [u,G (computing)

记formation from a

computer that has been Printed on paperI 一Picture 吃

PAGE R5 tral group in an organization, or 训 a Particular grouUP of People, who are the most active or who will not change their beliefs or behaviour: ts really omnly 坊 e Para core 妇 at Dotherfs) to go to 7meetings. CA jhard core of driyvers igmores the law. 了 2 [U] (usually "hardcore small pieces of stone, brick, etc. used as abase forbuijlding roads on

,hard-'coreadj [only before noun] Thaving abelief or a Way of behaving that will not change: jhard-core party 7meTmbers 之 Showing or describing sexual activity in a detailed or Violent way: They sell hard-core porTniography. 一COmPpare SOFT-CORE

hard courtrovm anareawithahard surfaceforplaying TENNIS On, nOt grass hard:cover/ha:dkAveGy; NAmE'ha:rd:/ noun (especialy NAImE) = HARDBACK

hard 'currenmcynoun [U,G money that is easy to _eXchange for money from another country, because it is Dot likelyto loseits value

,hard disknrovn adiskinside acompnuterthat stores data and

programs 一picture 上


R4 一compare



'Ihard-drinkinsxzzj- drinking alot of alcohol

hard drivenovn (computing) apart of a computer that Teads data on a HARD DISK



[usually pl.] a powerful ilegal drug,

SUch as HEROIN, that some people take for pleasture and

can become ADDICTED to compare SOFT DRUG

hard . hardly

hard-'earnedodi that you get only after a lot of work

晶The adverb from the adjective hard is hard: /hoveto Wok hardioday esShehaosthougshtyeryjhardaboutper Jutureplans ec iiwas raining hard outsjde. 下 Hardlyisan adverb meaning 'almost not: 1hordjyeyver 8oto comcerts ol1lcanhardly waitjormypirthdax it cannot be used instead of hard: been3aywerktng re

and effort: hard-earmned cash ec We jiaaliy mmamiaged a hardeamed dTraW.

hard-edgedod 六powerful truetolife andmnotaffected byemotion: the moyies hard-edged realis7m

hard-en /adn; NMAmE 'hazrdn/ Ye TtoDecomie or

co note at HARDLY

hard.back/hazabak; NAmE mard-/ (also hard'cover especially iD NAmm月 noun


a book that has a stiff

COVeI: Whats the price of the jhardpack? 训 hardbacKk

hard ciderouwn (NAm 有 = cIDER ,hard- codeve 心[VN] (computing) to write data so that 让

Iast year

下 Was PUDIished

C hardbacKkK bpooKksveditiorts一


hard.ball/na:dbo3]; NAmE hard-/ noun:(NAmB 了 the game of BASEBALL

(when contrasted with SOFTBALL)

2 used torefer to a way of behaving, especially in politics, that shows that aperson is determined to get what theywant:TWwanmntztstoPplayjhardballom this issue: ChardpalLPpolitics

hard:bitten /haidbrn; NAmE haTd/ di iot easily shocked and not showing emotion,becatise experienced many Unpleasantthings

you have

Imake sth become firm stiff or solid: [ 汶 The varmnishn iaKes QaJew hoursto harden.S [VN] amme 纺od forjhardeningard DreseryVing Wo00d 也 话 yotr voice, face, etc. hardens, Or you harden it 让 becomes more seriots Or seVere: [V] Herjfoce hardened into an expression of hatred [VN] Be harderied jiis voice When he saw she Wasnit Listening: 3 让 sb's feelings or attitudes harden or sb/sth hardens them, they become more fixed and determined: [V] Public at6itudes to 轨he strike haye hardened. co Their suUspiciomns jardeed into certaintb e [VN] The incident jhardened jher Tesolye to leaye the company 4 [VN] [usually passive] to Inake sb less kind or less affected by extreme situations: Joe Sounded dijferenb jhardened by 雪e war Ce They were jaraemied criminals (= they showed no regret for their ciimes). 2 丙 切5 job you have io_ harden your heart io Paim anid surfering hard.en'ingnoun LU,sing]: jarderi ing of the arteries ea hardening of attihldes toWarFds onieParentjomilies

,hard error ou

(computing an error or fatlt that

Iakes a program Or OPERATING and thatcanmotbe corrected

hard:board /adbo:d; NAmE ma:zrdboxrd/ movun [U] a

SYSTEM stop Working,

type of stiff board made by crushing Very small pieces-of wood together into thin sheets

hard- facedodi:(disopprovingj(ofaperson) showing no

hard- boiledo 姑1 (ofanesgaboiledanintiltheinsideis

hard-foughtodj. that inivolves' fighting very hards a

hard一compare SOFT-BOILTED Iuch emotion

了 (of People) not showing

,hard ,byprep (oldoshioned) very near sth

| ffal

| :gget

| nahat

hard 'hatnovn ahat worn by building workers, etc. io Protecttheir heads 一Picture 忆 HAT

hard- headedcodi determined and not allowing your

,hard 'candynouvn [U] (NAmE) =BoILED SWEET | ddid


,hard ,by



feeling or sympathy for other people

emotions to affect your decisions

|5 jyesz

| k cat

| lileg

| mman

| mnow

| p pen

| rcred

hard- heartedcod sivingno importance to the feelings


or Problems of other Peop 一compare le SOFT-HEARTED

hard-' hittingzdi notafraidtotalk about or criticize Sb/


sth in anhonest and very direct Way:ajhard-hittimngspeech

hard- mosedodi:notaffected byfeelingswhei trying to

jshment in Prison that involves alot of VerIyhard physical Work

ihard of 'hearingcd

hard labour(srE) (NAmE hard "abohb moun [U] punhard


[sing] a strict Policy or attitude: the

Juasges hard line againsE arug dealers took ahard 1ine on the strike.

hard-onnoun (ioboo, slansg) an ERECTION{(]) hard ,porn novn [u] (informaj 有 ms/movies; Pictures, books, etc. that show sexual activity in a Very detailed and soinetimes violent way 一compare SOFT PORN

coTe SOVeTTL7mePnt

hard-'inecoxd fusually before noun] 1 (ofa person) hav-

ing Very fixed beliefs and being unlikely or unwilling to change them: a hard-Iine comnservatiye 也 (of ideas) very fixedandtunlikelytochange: a hard:iine attitude hardliner /ha:zdlamaeGD); NAmE Hard moun: a Republicam jharalimer

[not before noun] T unable to

hearverywell 2 the hard of hearingn7oun [pl.] people Who areunable to hear very Well: suDtitles Jorthe deafand 太 e jard of hearing

[sing.+ sing/pl_v] (especially Br the

Imembers of a LEFT-WING political party who have the IOost extreme opinions: hard-le扩policies

hard inenoun

get what youwant: a hard-mosed journalist

hard-' pressed cd 1 having a lot of Problems,especially too much


too jlittle time or Ioney

之 一to do sth finding sth very difficult to do: Zou woula

pe hard-pressed to firid a petter SecretaTy.


rightnoun [sing.+ sing/pl v] (especialy BrE) the

members of a RIGHT-WING political party who have the Imost extreme opinions: hnard-7rrghtopinions

hard- uck storynoupn a story about yourself that you

hard 'rocknrovn [u] atype ofloudiodern music with a



tell sb ip order to get their sympathy or help

0 /ha:dli; NmE'hazrd-/adv

almost no; almost not; almost none: THeres Pardly GTY tea le太 C Hardly anyome jhas pothered to reply c She

jardly ever ca me (= almost never) c We jhardly Know each other CHFardly aday goes py without ITPY thimnking oF her (= Ithinkofher almostevery day). 2 used especially after 'can or'could' and before the main Verb, to emphaSize thatit is diftficult to do sth: Tcamn hardly Keep 17Y eyes open (= Tm almost falling asleep) CT could jardly beTIieyve 让 WhenTread the Jetter 3 tsedto say that sth has just begun, happened, etc.: We cam 著Stop for coffee now Weye hardly started C We had Jaraly sat dowm to SUDPer Wen 态e Phone rang. (Jonmah Hardy jad she SDOKen 态 a7i sjie 7egretted 让 bitterly 4 usedto Suggest that sth is unlikely or unreasornable or that sb is silly for Saying Or doing sth: He zjhardly Likely to admit he was Wrong CjtsS jardly surprising she Was fired; shemeyerdid amY WOTrK. 和 丰 S hardly the tirme to discuss 让 mnow co Jou cam jardly expect her to do 让 如 r 太ee. CCouldniyou jhave just said

702 “We Pardtgy (=- of course not) shes 7ny wifes sister, 只 Dote at HARD

Very strong beat, Played on electric GUITARS





(NAmE) not having enough of the basic things you need to live: ahardscrabple LieAuwpbringing

hard sellnoun [sing.] a method of selling that puts alot of Pressure on the customerto buy-comipare SOFT SEIL hard.ship/adfip; NAmE'hazrd-/ nown [u,Cl asituation

that is difficult and unpleasant because yotu do not have enough money, food, clothes, etc.: ecomormic/Tinarcial etc, jardship People sUjfered many hardships auring that Iong Winter 2 下 Was no haraship to Walk home om SUCP a IOVely eyemning.


shoulder (Br (Us breakdown

lane moun

[sing.] a strip of grotind withahard surfacebesidea Imajor road such as a MOTORWAY OFT INTERSTATE Where Vehicles can stop in an emergency: to pulloyeronto 妇e hard shouLderVimnto: 雪 ebpreakaowmn 1ane

hard-topy/ha:dtop; NAmE'hazrdtap/ novn a car with aa Imetal roof

hard upod (pnforma) Thaving verylittle Ioney, especially for a short period oftime 字 note atpooR 2 ~ (for sth) lacking in sth interesting to do, talk about, etc.: Yo

cOUId aways 8o OUEWit Steve 7 notthat7ard up hard.ware

hardly . scarcely - barely . no sooner 下Hardly, scarcely and barely can all be used to saythat something is onlyjusttrue or possible. They are used ,with words like anyand apyone, with adjectives and Verbs, and are placed between com covld, haye, pe; etc. and the main part ofthe verb: Tey havesold SCO1Ccely Phy copies of 翅 epook C1parelyrecogmized her OHsworads werebaorelyaudible cicon haordly believe ie ey 元 有 Hardly scarcely and barely are negative words and should not be used with nof or other negatives: fcan生

盏 YOU can also use hardly, scarcelyand barelyto saythat onething happensimmediately after another Wehad harojyfscarcelyparelysatdownmnatthetoble wher 幼e phomey7amg. In formal, written English, especiallyin a literary :style, these words can be placed atthe beginning ofthe sentence and then thesubject and yerb areturned aroundgd:-Hardlyscarcely had wesot

mains in good condition: a hard-Wwearing carpet

hard- wiredodi (iechnicoj (ofcomputer functions) built

into the permanent System and not provided by software ,hard-'wom ad [usually before noun] that you only get after 在ghting or working hard for it: She was not goinsg to Siye UPD her hard-Wii 广eedomm so easily.

doing it well: hara-working Turses

gowmwpatthetoble whentihephomerang Notethat you

hardy /hazdi NmE

'hazrdi/ ad (hardier


1 strong and ableto stirvive difficult conditions andbad Weather: ahardy breed ofsheep;2 (ofaplantjthatcamilive

the dooropened. No sooner can be used in the same

Way butisalways used with 态onm: No sooner had Wesat gowmpattheioplethanthephoneraog

四 Hardiy and scarcely can

hardwareidealernown (NAm 昌 = IRONMONGER hard- wearin 多adi (Br6) thatlasts along time and 远 -

hard:wood /ha:dwod; NAmE ha:rd-/ noun [uc hard heavy Wood from alBROADLEAVED tree 一compare SOFTWoopD hard-'workingodi: putting alot ofeffort into ajob and

usually use wjpen in these sentences, not 功 an, You can also use pejore: 1scarcely hadthmetomngthebellbefore

outside through the winter

beused to mean 'almost

,never, but barelyis not used in this way: She haradjy, ejj sees her Parents hese days. 2 eejysecsAeF She

/haxdweeG); NAmE hardwer/ moun TU] (computing) the machinery and electronic parts of a ComPUter Syste 一compare m SOFTWARE 了 (BrEalso ironmmonm':gery tools and equipment that are used ip the house and garden/yard: a jhardware shop 3 the eduipment, machinery and Vehicles tsed to do sth: tamnks and other military hardware

hardinessmoum [U]

hare/heaGD); NAmEher/ mou7 Ye 屿 BIOU7 an animal like alarge RABBIT With Very strongback legs, that can run Very fast-picture cy RABBIT [mm See

MAD 昌 YE/几 [V 十 0dyvVprep] (BrE) to run or go somewhere very fast


| ttea

| vavan

| wwet

| 2zoo

| J shoe

| 5 vision

| 攻 chain

| :ds5 jam

| thin

| athis

| mising

710 | 从ar

harebell hare:bell

/esbel; NAmE'herbel/ (ScotEblue'bell )7ovn

aWwild plant with delicateblue 人lowers shaped like bells


cdj (nrmal crazy and Unlikely to suc-

ceed: a hare-brained scheme/ideaAtheory

Hare Krishna /harer'krrfna; haeri/ novn 站 [U] aieligious group whose members wear orange ROBES and Use thename ofthe Hindu god Krishnain their worship 了守 [C] amemberofthis religious group


/eslip; NAmE 'herlrp/ movn an old-fashioned

and now offensive word for CLEFT LIP harem /azriamn;,, -Temi NAmE haram novn Tthe Women or Wives belonging to a rich man,especially 记 some Muslim societies in the past 了字 the separate Part of a_traditional Muslim house where the women live

和 ui om hamfli; NmEarmf/ad

~ (to sb/sth) causing damage or injury to sb/sthy especially to a person's health or to the _environment: 妇 e jarrmful effects of alcohol 2 FTUiLEJuices ca pe Parrmnfl to cCFildrens teeth. CO t切e SUnS jar7TnI ULra-yiolet rays 2 Mafty jhotusehiold product are Potentialy ja77mAL harm'fully /teli/ advharm:fulness 7ov0 TU]



/hamlss; NAmEDhazmmn-/ ad

1 ~ (to sb/sth) unable or Unlikely to catuse damage OF harm: The bacteria zs harmiless to hu7ma7is., 也 Unlikely to Upset or offend anyone INNOCUOUS: ]tS JSEQDiEoOf jarmless /nm harm-lessIy adv: The missile 帮 LParTmlessly into theseaharm:less*ness 1OUn [U]

harmon:ic /hazmpnrk; NMAmEharmoazmn-/ ad13 own 四 Gdlj. [usually before noun] (mwsic) relating to the waymotes are played or sung together to make apleasing sound

日 1OUm [usually pl,] (mwsic) 1 a note that sounds together With the main notebeing played and is higherand quieter

3 (technicoj) a group of female animals that share the than thatnote 2.ahigh quietnote that can be Played on same Imale for reprfodtcing some instruments like the VIOLIN by touching the string Veryjlighty hari.cot /haerikeo NAmE -ou/ (also haricot 'beamn ) (both BrE) (NAmREnmavy bean )moun atype ofsmall white harmon-ica /had'monIFke;, NAmE harmimazmn-/ (BrE also BEAN that is usually dried before it is sold and then left in Imouth organm) OU1 a Small musical instrument that

Waterbefore cooking har:issa /zerIse; NAmE herizsea/ 0oum [U] a spicy N African Sauce made with peppers and oi harkK /hak; NAmEhark/ vemb [V] (old wse) used only as an order to tell sb to listenERM 'hark atsb (BE 017orma)) Used only as an order to draw attention to Sb who has just Sajd sth stupid or who is showing too much Pride: Just jarKk at Pirml/ Who aoes he 女 iK he z2 hark 'back (to sth) Tto remember or talk about sth that happened in the past: She always harKking pack to how tings used to pe. 2 to remind youof or to be like, sth in the past: The PieWeststyles hark backKto the clothes of the SeveTities.




/alakwm;NAmE'harl/ nouwr anarmusing

character in Some traditional plays,wWho wears Special brightlycoloured clothes with a diamond Pattern

'Iharlequin fish


a small brightly coloured fish

found in SE Asia Harley Street /halistri:t NAmE ha:rli/ novn a street 也 central London ip which many Private doctors have their offices where they talk to and examine patients: Q

Farley Streetdoctor

youhold nearyourmouth andplaybyblowing or stcking air through 刘 一picture cG> PAGE R7

harmo:nious /haxmaonies;i NAmmE harimnoo-/ 0d/ 1 (of relationships,etc.) friendly peaceful and without any disagreement 字 arranged together 记 a Pleasing way So _that each Part goes Well with the others PLEASING:

Q jharTmoiious


of colours

3 (ofsounds)verypleasantwhen Played or sungtogether 上 harmoniousIy together


0dy: They Worked Very harmomiously

/hazrmaeomniem; NAmE hazrmoo-/ ,nouwn_ a

Imusical instrument like a small organ. Air is forced through metal pipesito produce the sound and the differentnotes are played on the keyboard.

harmGn:ize' (BrE also-ise ) /amaenaiz; NATE'hazrima/ ve上bp了 [V] ~ (with sth) 让 two or more thingsharimonize With each other or one 也 雇g harmonizes with the other, the things go well together and Produce an attractive reSult: The mneWw Duilaing does Tiot PharrmoPnize Witph ii SuU广 roundirngs. 了字 [VN] to make systems or rules similar 记 different countries of organizations: 妇e mneed to Rarmiomize tax eyels across the European Uniior 3 [V] 一 (with sb/

sth) to Play or sing music that compines with the main

a PROSTITUTE,, or a Woman Who looks and behaves like

tune to 了ake a pleasing Sound PP harrmoniization , -isation /hamenarzeIfm; NAmE,harmaena'z-/ noun [U;,G]

damage of injuryout of harm?s way

ness (with sb) (BrE) working closely with sb in order to

har.lot /alat; NAmEmazrlat/ noun (old use, disapproving)

harmony /hhcmeni; NmE'harm-/ novn (pl-ies) 人 TIU] one a state of Peaceful existence and agreement: the mneed ti harrmn 0 /ham; NAmmEha:rmy/ mouwn; ve 内 pe in jnarmomy With our enyironmenteto livetogether 训 四 1OU1m [U] damage or injury that is catused by a Person Or perfect harmomnycsocialAracial jarmony 一compare DISan event: He Would meyer 刘ighten amyone or cause them CORD 2 [u;G (musio the way 雇 which different notes ay harm OHe may look fierce, butpe meaTtls no harTmt 人 thatareplayed or sungtogether combinetomake apleasThe court case will do seriors harma to imny business. CTPe iDPg sound: to sing 六 harmomry ec to Study 如 ur-Dart har accidentcould haye peemn TnuUch worse LIUcKily Po harm was TOPXY 2 Dassiomtate Tics ad stu7iming Vocal harmioiies一 dore. 2 DorLtWorrY wellLsee that the chnildren come to mo compare DISCORD 3 [CU] apleasing combination ofrejarrm. CTcamntsayTIike Mark very much putTdomntWwtzS 严 lated things: the harmomny of colour in mature him any jarm. C Hard work never did arnyorie amy harness /amis; NAmEazmiIs/ moun, ve 册 ParTmm. COLIooK, Werejustgoingoutforajw drimnks where 下 IOU1 了 aset ofstrips of leather and metal pieces that is the harm in that? Ce The treabment they gave him did Pimm put around ahorse's head and body so that the horse can Tore harm thamn 5ood IE 让 wouldn'ft do sp any be controlled and fastened to a CARRIAGE, etc, 2 aset of harm (to do sth) "used to suggest that 让 -Would be a Strips of leather, etcs for fastening sth to apersons body good idea for sb to do sth: 夏Wouldmnt ao you any parrm to or to keep them from moving off orfalling: a safetby harSiarterl yOUTsej UP no "harm done (normaol) used to mess 一pictuire c> CHAIRIEI in ,harness (Br6) doing your tell sb not to woOITy becatse they have catused no serious normal workj especially after a rest or a holidayin Rhar-

ip a safe place

Where sb/sth cannotbehturtorinjured or do anydamage

to Sb/ysththere'is nmharm'in (sb's)doingsth |it does no harm (for sb)jito do'sth Used'tottellisb that'sthiis a good idea and will not cause any Problems: He may say TO, Puttheres mo harrm inasKing edoes no harmato asK. yerb[VN] tohurt or injure sb orto damage sth: He would

Tieyer harTm ayone. C _ Pollution ca harm marine Li < These reyeIatioms 内 这harrm herchances ofwinning theelec-


See FLYM.,, HAIR cnote atDAMAGE

achieve sth

ve上 mb [VN] 1T~ sth (to sth) to putaharness oniahofse or other animal; to attach ahorse orother animalto sth with aharness: to jhar7Tiess Qhorse 3 We harnessed bwo ponies to

the cart el(jiguratve) 琴 some areasjthepoor 帮el harnessed to 态eir jobs. 2,to controland Use theforce or strength of sth to produce'.power or to achjieve sth: attermpts to harless the SUTLS FayYs as QGSOUrce of energy C We mustjharness 训e SKill anmd creatiyity of our WoTKjforce.

scat | dz father | eten | s: bird | a about | Tsit | isee | imany | ogot(Br 月 | ozsaw | Acup

| oput | utoo

harp /hap; NAmEhazrp/ moum, ve上b

上 0OUm alarge musicalinstrumentwith strings stretched on ayVertical frame, played with the finge 一Picture rs 忆 PAGE 及 6 一See also JEwW?s HARP 目VE/ 沪 iharp 'on (about sth) | 'harp on sthto keep talking abonut sth in aboring oF annoying way harp:ist/azprst; NAmE azrp-/ moun aperson Who plays the harp harpoon/hapun; NAmE hazrp-/ noumn, veb 有IOUm a Weapon like a SPEAR that you can throw or fire from a gun and is used for catching large fish,WHAIES,


上 VE/b [VN] to hit sthi with aa harpoon

harp seal noun a greySEAI With a curved mark on its back

harp-si-chord /apsiko:d, NAmE maczrpsIkoxrd/ nouvn

an early type of mlisical instrument Similar to a piano,

but with strings that are PLUCKED (= pulled), not hit harp-sichord:ist /hazpsikozdrst; NAmE haxrpsikoxrd-/ moun aperson who plays the harpsichord

harpy /hapi: NAmE mazrpi/ nown (P/ -ies) T (in ancient Greek and Roman stories) a cruel creature with a womans head and body and abird's wings andfeet 2 a cruel woman

harridam /aerrden/ moun (oldjoshioned or lteram) a bad-tempered tinpleasant Woman

harrier /aerisGD)) novn a BIRD OF PREY (= abird that kills other creatures for food) ofthe HAwK family

harrow /haerao; NAmE rou/ noun a piece of farming equipment that is pulled over land that has been PLOUGHED to break Up the earth before Planting P harTrOw ver [VN]

harrow-ing /haereom; NAPmE roo-/ adj very shocking or frightening and making you feel very upset

harrumiph /heramf/ vemzb [V] Unjforma) to express disagreeIment Or disapproval especially by making a sound

迄 yourthroat like a cough > harrumph ovn [sing:] harry /haeri/ vemb (harries, harry-ing, harried, harried) [VN] Uorma1h 1 to annoy or upset sb by continuotisly askig them questions or for sth HARASS: Sjie has been jarTied py the press al Week. 2 to make repeated attacks


on an enemy




haxrf/ adf, (harsher


1 cruel severe and Unkind: The punishrmnent Was harsh and UPj 2 The minister receiyved some jarsj criticism. 2 the jharsh treatment of slayes CO He regretted his harsh Words. 2 We had to 如 ce up to te jharsh realities of 1 50oer or Iater 了 (of weather or living conditions) very difficult and unpleasant to live in: a jarsh wintery WindAclirmate c tbe Parsjh comnditions of poyerby Which ez ztedjor7mostpeople atthattimne 3 too strong and bright; ugly or Unpleasant to look at: harsh colours @ She Wa5 caUS 有 总 e harsh glare of the headlights. et 雪 eharsh lines ofcomcrete puildimngs [Ga SOFT 4 Unpleasanttolisten to: Qharsiyoice 5 too strong and rough and likelytodamharshjy aodv: She Was treated age sth: ja7rsh detergents yery harsjhty 2Aleclaughed harshly harshmness mouvn [U] hart /ha:t; MAmE haxrt/ novn a male DEER,eSpecially a

RED DEER; a STAG 一compare BUCK, HIND harum-scarum





'Skerem; ,haerem 'skaerem/ adj (old-josjhioned) behaving 豪awild and sometimes careless way

harvyest /harvrst; NAH7E'harv-/ noun, ve屿 和 1OU1 了 [CU] the time of year when the crops are gathered in on a farm, etc.; the act of cutting and gathering CIOPS: jharves tme 2 Farimners aTe exXtremely Dusy during the jaryest 了 [C] the crops, or the amounit of crops, cut and gathered: the grainjharvesto a800dAbad jaryest( 三 alot of crops or few crops) C (jiguratve) The appeal proGuced a Tich haryest of blamkets, 7mnedicines and clothing.


豆 Ve 上bp TVVN] tocutandigatheracrop;tocatch anumber of animals orfish toeat 2 [VN] (mewical)tocollectcells or TISSUE 从om sb's body for use in medicaliexperiments or


| ar my

| aoinow

| ersay

| ao go (Br6



Operations: She had her eggs harvested amnd 万ozen for her OWTL 包ture Use: harvester /haorVIstaCD); NAmE hazrv- movn Ta machinethat cuts and gathers grain_ see also COMBINE HARL VESTER 也 (old-foshioned) a person who helpsto gather D the crops


festival mon

a service ield in _Christian

churches when People thank God fofthe crops that have compare THANKSGIVING been gathe一red harvest mmoonmnown [sing.] afullmoon in the autumny/ fall nearest the time when day and night are. of equal

lengt 一compare h FULL MOON, HALF-MOON

harvest mouse novn amotuse thait biilds its nest 让 grass, bllshes OFr crops has /hoz; az; Strong 帮 rm hzz/ 从 EAVE

has-beeny/hazbim/ noun (njormo) disapproving) a perSon Who is no longer as famous, sticcessful or important as theytused tobe

hash /haefy/ noun, vemb 目 0OU1 了 [LU,C]ahotdish ofcookedmeatand potatoes that are cutinto small pieces and mixed together 2 _[U] (njor

mmal) = HASHISH 3 (also "hash sign) (both Br (NAmE ipound sign) [C] the symbol (##),especially one on a telephone [rm make ahash of sth (injormaj) to do sth

badly: Trnade a real hash of tbe interyvie 妈 目 VE/b jhash sthe>out(01ommah especialy NAmElto discuss sth thoroughly in order to reach an agreement Or decide sth

hash brownsnour[pl] (NAmB adish ofchopped Potatoes and onions; fried until they are brown

hash.ish /ze 诺 六 he' 三

(also 放7o7z77o/ hash) 5ov7 [U]

a drug made from the RESIN of the HEMP plant, which gives a feeling of being relaxed when it is smoked or chewed. Use of the drug is iegal 这 Iaiiy countries. CANNABIS

Hasid-ism (also Has.sid-ism) /haesrdrzzeam/ noun [U] a form of the Jewish religion which has very strict beliefs

* Hasid (also Hassid) /haesId/ movn Hasid'ic(also Hassidic) /hae'sidik/ ad hasnm 并 /haeznt/ sho上 tjorm has not hasp /ha:sp; NAmEhaesp/ moun aflat piece ofmetal with a long marrow hole in it used with a PADLOGCK to fastena doors, boxes, etc.

Has-sid-ism = HAsIDISM has-siumn /hasiam/ noui 贡U] (symb Hs) achemicalelemenb Produced when atoms COLLIDE':(= crash into each other)

has.sle /asl/ movjn, ve履 目1OU1 [CU] (Pomma) Ta situation that is annoying becatlse it 让Volves doing sth difficult or complicated that needs alotofeffort: Send thermn an emaiiitsalotless RasSIe thar Dhoming. Co 1egal hassles 2 asituation in which People disagree, argue or annoy you: Do as you7ye tola

a7ld aomtgiye ie ay hassle/ 目 YE 化 [VN] (UPformalj) to annoy sb or cause them trotible, especially by asking them to do sth many times BOTHER: Domt Keep hasslimng me1 II do itlater has-soOcjkk /haesek/ movun Ta thick firm_ cuUsHION on Which you rest your knees when saying prayers in a church 了 (NAmE) = POUFFE hast /hzest/thou hast (old use) awayofsaying youhave, haste /herst/ noun [U] (Jormma/) speed ip doing sth, especially because you do nothave enough time HURRY: 思 jherjhaste to co7mplete 轨e Work om time, she made a7iurmDer of 7mnistakes. 2 The 1etter jhad clearly been written 训 jaste. C After his jirstw旋 died he mmarried again with aL

7most indecent haste. 2 (old-1foshioned) She madle jhaste io open he door IE ,more 'haste, Jess'speed (B7E 50 六 jng) you will fnish doing sth soonerif you do nottryto do it too quickly because you will make fewer mistakes--

Inore at MARRY

| ou go (MAm月 |oi boy

| ze near

| ee hair

| ue pure


712 |


has.tenm /hersn/ ye 1 由 [vtoinfl tosayor do sth without delay: She saw his 广own amd hastened to explain. Ce has been described as acharmless bore 一 PiotbyrmeThastemttor

add. 2 [VN] (Jormalj) to make sth happen sooner or more quickly: The freatrment shne receiyed may 态 Jocb Phaye hastented her death. C News of the scandal certainly hastemed




Cowboy hat

derby (NA 日

his departure 方om ojfFice. 3 [V+adyvprep] iteraormyjtogo or move SoOmewhere quicklyERHI HURRY


/hersti/ adj. hasti'er ,hastiest ) 1 said, made or

done very quickly, especially when this has bad results HURRIED: QG jhasty departuremneaarewell > 工et5

miot make ariy hasty decisions. 了 一 in doing sth (of a per Son) acting or deciding too quickly without enough

bowler (8/ 吕

top hat

thought: Perhaps 二 Was too hasty 识 rejecting his offer [Er see BEATV > hastily /ni/ odv:PerhapsTspoke too jastily CO She hastily chnamnged the suUPject

Iat os

/hat/ movn

1 acoveringmadetofitthehead, often with aBRIM, (三 a flatedgethat sticks out) and worn out ofdoors: astraw/

Woolly etc. hatcto putor/take offahat 2 (Informaja Position or role, especially an official orpiofessional role, when youhave more than one such role: Fn wearing two Jats tonight 一parenta7id teacher CT tellingyo tphas with 7my Lawyers Phat om YOU Understa7td. 一see also OLD HAT


[cm go hatin'hand (to sp) (NAmB = GO CAP IN HAND keep sth under your 'hat (Unformal) to keep sth secret

and nottell anyone elsemmy 'hat (old-jshiomed, BrE) used to express SUIPriseoutof a/the'hat 这 sth such as aname is picked out of a/the hat, it is picked at RANDOM 位om a container into which all the names are put, so that each name has an equalichance of being picked, in acompeti-

hard hat

crash helmet

tion, etc.1 take my-hat off to sb |hats off'to sb (both

especially BrE) (NMAmE usuallyl ip my 'hat to sb ) 07加 广 1mal) used to say that you admire Sb very much for sth

they have donethrow your 'hat into the.ring_

mortar board

pompom (BrEalso bobble)

'back toallowa husband,wife'or partner'that you are Separated from to

return have sth 'back: to receive sth that Sb has bor IOwWed or taken from you: YDU ca hayve your iles bacK

after weye checked therm. ,have (goftj sth 'in (notused in the-progressive tenses) to have a SUpPPly of sth in your homei etc.: Haye we -got enousgh jpod 六? ,have sb 'on (nirmalj to try to make sb believe sth that is not true, usually as ajoke: Zou didntreally didyou2 YoDuV7emotPpay-

img meiom are youp?ihave (got) sth 'on (not used in the

1 (alsohave gotto ) used to showthat you must do sth: Sorry Tye got to 80.C Did she haye to pay a fine? 2 ZU domt haye to KnocKk 一 ustWwalk in erThayent gottoleaye 在11 Seye1a2O Firs5 YOU jhaye to 女imK 1ogically about your Jears. OfThayetoadmait:the idea ofmarriage SCares mme. 和 Do you Phaye to go? C (especially BrB HEayve you got to go7? 2. (alsohave gotta especiallyin BrE) usedto give advice OF TecoImend sth;: ZU simply haye to get a new job. 2 Juyve got to by 纺 57recipe 一its delicious. 3 (alsohave got'to especially ip BrE) used to say that sth mnust be true or must happen: There jhas to pe da reason Jor phis StraTl8ge pehayiouvr 2 THPzS War has gotto end soon. 4 Used to suggest that an annoying event happens in order to annoy you, or that Sb does sth in order to annoy you: Of COUTsSe, 让 had to startrainimng asS0on as Wegotto the beachn. CDoyouhjhayeto hurmsoloudy?(=itis annoying)cnote at MODAL, MUST havoc /haveKk/ novn [U] a situation in which there is a lotof damageidestruction or confusion: The floods caused jayvoc 女rouSghout 切e area. 2 ComntiiUInS Strikes are begin= iing toPpIay hayvoc with the natiomnal economoD CThese imSects Can WTreak hayvoc om crops.

haw /ho:/ verbiEriq see HUMY 时 a-wai'ianm shirt /hawaien

'fs:t;, NAmE "Tart/ (also

aloha shirt ) OU1 a loose cotton Shirt with a brightly coloured Pattern and short sleeves

hawvik /nao:K/ ouvm, ve 四 IOU1 了 a strong fast BIRD OF PREY (= a bird that kills other creatures for food): He waited watchirtg her Likea jhawKk (= watching her very closely). 一see also SPARROWHAWK 2 a person, especially a politician,who Supports the use of military force to solve Problemskgaa DOVE 得 ye 凡人 耻 [VN] totry to sell things by going from Place to Place asking People to buy them ER PEDDLE 2 [vVN] to get PHLEGM in yoUL mouth when you cough [ET see

EYE 了 awkK.er /okeG)/ noun a person who makes moneyby hawking goods

Progressive tenses) Tito be wearing sth: :She had a red jacket on.C He had mnothing (= no clothes) on 2 toleave ,用 awkK-'eyed adi. (ofaperson) watchingclosely and care引 piece of equipment working: She jhas her TVon all day fully and noticing small details ER EAGLE-EYED 3 tohavearrangedto do sth: Tcaritseeyou 雪 匡WeeK一 TYye 8gotaloton. have (got) sth ,on sb [no passive] (njommol) hhawkcish /ho:krj/ xd preferring touse military action (notused in the progressive tenses) to know sthbad about Sb;yespecially sth that connects them with a crime: T7m mo

Wo1Tied 一 纺eye got miothing on me. ,have sth out to catlse sthjespecially-apartiofyour body, to be removed: Thad to haye myappendixc ou ,have st out(with sb) to try' to settle a disagreement by discussing or arguing about 让openly:Tmeedito haye 让 OUEWith her' once amdJor alL have sboup (for sth) (BrE Ormah) [usually passive] tocatse sb tobe accused of sth in court: Be was hadupjor 7TmGTLSIGUSPhter

QUXiliary verb used with theDpast participle to form Per fecttenses: Tve iiished7mny Work ces Some home hasnt he2 Co aveyousSeen 让 2 Yes ThayeNo, Thayent2e She jayejhad 雪 e7esults:by now COBad they 1eft beforeyougot therep?CJfTHhaadnitseen iiWith ny OoWPn eyesTWoUIGiat7aye



| aonow

| :ersay

| sogo(Br6

rather than peaceful discussion in order to solve a political Problemrozg DOVISH


/ho:zeGr)/ houn (techmicaj a thick rope or steel

cable Used on a ship 用 aw-tmornm /oo:0om; NAmE-0ozmny/ noun [U,GC] a bush or Small tree`With THORNS,, White or pink flowers and small dark red BERRIES ay /her/ novn [U] 1 grass that has been cut and dried and isused as food for animals: a pale of hay 一compare

STRAW 2 (NE normnal) a small amount of money IE make hay while the' sun shines (Sng) to make good Use of opportunities,good conditions,etc. while theylast 一more atHITV,ROLL 1

:Hay diet :novn a diet in which cARBOHYDRATES (bread, Tice, etc.) are eaten at different times to other foods

| ou go (MmE

| 5rboy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure


716 |

HE(BrE) (also H.E. US BrE) obpr 1 HerVHis EXCELEENCY: FE加 eAustralian Ammbassador 了 HIGHER EDUCATION

hayfeverwovwn [U] an ilness that affects the nose, eyes and throat and is caused by POLLEN from Plants that is

breathed ip from the air


hay:loft/herzoft; NAmE:oft/ movun aplace atthetop ofa farm building used for storing HAY

hay:-malkcing /hemerkm/ movn [U] the process of cuitting and drying grassto make HAY

hay:ride /hermrard/ movn (NAmB arideforpleastre on a Tik/) nown alarge pile of HAY, Used'as a way of storing 让 until it is needed [EU See NEEDIG凡

hay'wire/herware(GD/ adj Im go 'haywire (monmah to Stop working correctly or become onit of cofitrol: After 碎ab 坊ings Started to go jayWire:

haz:ard /haezad; NAmE-era/ mouvr ye 内 日IOUm ~ (to sby/sth) | ~ (of sth/of doing sth) a thing that can be dangerous or catlse damage: aire/safety hazard CO Growing leyels of poIutiom represent Qa Serious jiealth jhazard ti 坊 e 1ocal populatiomr CS Byerybody iaware of 太 e jhazards ofsmoking. co jazard lights (= flashinglights onacarthat warn other drivers ofpossible danger) Bye/ 几 1 to make a Suggestion OF guess which you know Iay be wiong: [VN] Would you Like to hazardia guess2 和 [V speech] 宙 让 Tp7 youye going With22 She jazarded. [alsoVvthat] [VN] (如rmah torisksth orput itin danger ENDANGER: Careless driyvers hazarad 0 坊er Deoples 1iyes as Well as 太 eir 0W 庆

haz.ard-ous /haszades; NAmiE rdgs/ 0dji. involving TisK Or dangem especially to sb's health or safety: haxzardors Waste/chemicals cahazaraous jourrneye 丰 would De Pazardous to inyestso 7Tnuch. astofproducts thatarepoteritialiy hazardous to healt

hazard paynouvn [U] (Us) = DANGER MONEY haze/herz/ nouwmn; veb BIOU 了 [CU] airthatis difficult to see through becauseit contains VerIy Small drops of watem especially caused by hot weather: aheathaxe 了 [sing.] aircontaining sth that makes 让 difficult to see through it: a jhazxe of smoKke/ dust/steam 3 [Sing.] a mental state in which yoOUIT thoughts, feelings, etc. are not clear: am alcoFnolic jaze 上VE 峭了 [VVN] tobecome covered orto coversthinaHAzE

了字 [VN] (NAmE) to play tricks on sb, especially a new student orto give them very Unpleasantthings to do, soimietimes as a condition for entering a FRATERNITY Or SORORITY

hazel/herzl/ movup, a/ BIOUD [CU] asmall tree that Produces small nuts (called

hazelnut9 that can be eaten Badj/. (ofeyes) greenish-brown or reddish-brown in colour hazelnut /erzlnAt/ (also Fibertespecially 雇 NA1m 日 /nouUn the Small brown nut of the HAZEL tree 一 pictuie 巴 NUT hazy/'herzi/ odi. (hazie5 hazi'esl T notalearbecatse of

'IH-bomibnoun = HYDROGEN BOMB 有 CEF /ertf si: 'ef/ obbr (mathematics) HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR HCFC/ertfsizef'si:/ nouwn atypeofgas used especiallyin AEROSOLS (三 types'of container that releaseliquid 记 the form ofa spray)instead ofCFC; asitis lessharmfultothe layer of the gas OZONE in the earth;s_ atmosphere (the abbreviation for 中 ydrochlorofluorocarbony) HDTV/iertf diztiz'viy/ povn [U] (iecpmrcay technologythat Pioduces extremely'clear images ,on atelevision screen (the abbreviation for ?high definition televisiony)

b bad|


| ffal

| gget

| hnhat

| jyes

male, whose sex is not stated or known, especially when referring to sb mentioned earlier or to a group in general: Berychild meeds to Know thathet loved. ec(Saying) He who

(= anyone Who) hesitates 闻 1ost 从 mote atGENDER 3 He

CART filled with HAY, pulled byahorse or TRACTOR:

hay':stack /herstaek/ (also /ess jjequent hay:rick /her

HAZE:Q ha2y afternoomnAsky e hazy Light/sumnshine The Tountains Were jazy 总 the distance. 2 not clear because of a lack .of memory understanding .or detaijl EVAGUE: a Rhazxy mermory/idea c What happened mextz allyeryhjhazy 3 (ofaperson) uncertain or confused abonut sth: 7T7m alittle hazy aboutwhatto do Fext 饭 hazily adv: Whymow2 she Womndered hazily

he om /hi ii strong 帮Am Hiy prom ,nou1 是Prom. (used as the subject of a verb) 1 a male person or animal that has alreadybeen mentioned or is easily iden~tified: Byeryone Liked TYyjther 一he was the Perfect gentiemmanl.OHe (三 themanWwearewatching)Wwent 妨rougj tat door 2Q2 (becoming old-joshiomned) a person, male or fe-

used when referring to God 一compare HIM 日IOU1 /hi/ 了 [sing.] (pfjorman amale: What amice dog 一 放 让ahe orashe2 2 he-(in compound nouns) amale aniImal: a he-goat

head 目 0O0U1

om /hed/ nown; veb

* PART OF BODY 1 [C the part ofthe body on top of the Deck containing the eyes, nose,, Imouth and brain: She Tiodded Per head 总 agreemenE 2 Fe shook Pis head 碌 disbelieF C The poys Panmg 如 eir heads 识 Shame. coThe dariyer SUffered jhead injuries. e She aways has her head 唐 Q pook (= is always reading). C_ He stil jhas a good jhead of hair (= alotofhair). 一Dicture cy BODY 一see also DEATH'S HEAD *MIND 之 [G the mind or brain: Tsommeirmes Womnder WFat 8o0es o1 杞 雪 at head ofyours. CTWish youa use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth) e Te 态ouSgRht Tiever ettered my head: TcaniWork 让 out 于 ITnYjhead一 Imreed acalculator CTcarstgetthattuneoutof InYPhead 2 When WwW让 youget 让 intoyour head(= Understand) 切GtTdom 生 Wantto discuss 切 四any TmoreleForsome Teasom Shes 8of 让 识to jher head (= believes) that the Others domtTike her 2 Whos been pittirrg such Weird iaeas itoyour head (= making youbelievethatj?CTry toPut the exa1nis OUt ofyour head (= stop thinking aboutthem) , Jortonight 一see also HOTHEAD MEASUREMENT 3 a headi[sing.] the size ofa peisorms or animals head, used as a meastirement of distance or height: Shes a good head taller 切amn her sister COThe 加 vourite won by a short head (= a distance slightly less

than the length ofahorsers head). “PAIN 双 [Gusually sing] (pformaj) a continuotus pain ip your head HEADACHE:TWoke UP With a realy bad Phead this 7mormning. SN *OF GROUP/ORGANIZATION 5 [CU]ithas Person 雇 charge ofa group ofpeople or an organization: 态e heads oFgoveT7LTieTtt/State 2 Sjie Tesigned as jiead of departmeiit

the crowmted heads (= the kings armid queens) of Eur7ropeie thejhead garderter/Wwaiten etc: (BFE)thehead poyAgirl (=astudentWhois chosentotrepresent the School) *OFSCHOOL/COLLEGE 6 [qq (often Headj (BrBthe peison

雇 charge of a School or college HEADMASTER, HEADMISTRESS,HEAD TEACHER: TVye Deet called 访 to see the Head. cthe deputy jiead F*SIDE OF COIN 7 heads [U] the side ofa coin thathas a Picture of the head of a person on it, used as one choice

When acoin isTOSSED to decide sth 一compare TAILS7i(7)

*ENDOFOBIECT 8 [Cusually sing.] ~ (of sth) the end ofa long narrow objectthatis largeror widerthanthe restof it: the head of a mnail 一 picture 从 TOOL 一 see also BEDHEAD *TOP 9 [sing]~ of sth thetoporhighestpartofsth: atthe jhead of the page @ They finiished the season ot 轧 e head OF their league.

*OFRIVER 10 [sing:] the~oftheriverthe place where a Tiverbegins,


*OFTABLE TT [sing:] the ~ofthe table the most importsantseatatatable: The Presidenitsatatthe head ofthetable. *OFLINEOFPEOPLE 12 [sing.] the 一 of sth the Position at the frontofaline'rofpeopie: The prirce rode atthe jead oF Pis regirmmen *OF PLANT 13 [G ~ (of sth)the massofleaves or flowers attheend ofasTEM:Remmoyve the dead headsto emcCoOurage 妇: meW Srow

”ONBEER 14 [sing,] the mass ofsmall bubbles on thetop ofa'glass ofbeer

| k cat

| lleg

| mman



| p pen

| rred

*OFSPOT 15.[Gq the partiof aspoton your Skin that con: tains a thick yellowish liquid (=.PUs) 一see also BLACK-


HEAD ”IN TAPE/VIDEO RECORDER 16 [C] the part ofa TAPE RECORDER OT VIDEO RECORDER that touches the tape and

in a difficult situationkeep your'head above water to deal with adiffictilt situiation, especially one ip which you have financial problems,and just manage to strvive laugh, screamyetc:. your'head off (pformal to laugh, etc.alot and veryloudlylose your 'head to become Unableto actin acalm orsensible Wayon your(own) head be i used to tell sb that they will have to accept any Unpleasant restlts of sth that they decide to do: TILFim the trut 太 youWwantto, butoniyourownhead be itloutof/ off your head (BrE morma1n 1 crazy 也 Dot knowing What you are saying or doing becatuse of theseffects of alcohol or drugsover sb:'s'head 1 tooditficult or complicated for sb to understand: A 1ot of the jokes Went (= Were) right over my head 2toa higher _position of authority than sb: TcouIdn 和 jezp Jeeling jealous wphemn she Was prommoted over 7ny head.put our/yourtheir'heads together to think about or discuss sth as a groupstandy/ turn sth on its head to make people think aboutsthin a completely different waytake it into your head to do

changes the electrical signals into sounds and/or pictures ”NUMBEROFANIMALS 17 ~ ;of sth [pl.j usedto Sayhow Iany animals of a particular type are on a farm, in a HERD, etc.: 200 head of sheep *OFSTEAM 18 a~of steam [sing.] the pressure Produced by steam in a confined space

*SEX 19 [U] (ioboo, slang) ORAL sex (= using the mouth to

give sb sexual pleastre): io give head “LINGUISTICS ZO [C] the central part 6f a phrase, which has the same GRAMMATICAL function as the Whole

Phrase. In the phrase 'the tall man in a suit, mon is the

head. ID a/per 'head for each pefson: The meal yorked OUL at820ahead.bang/knock yourtheir 'headstogether (normalto force peopleto Stop arguing and behave inia sensible way be banging,etc. your head against a brick wall (njorma/) to keep trying to do sth that will DeVer be Successful: Trying to _reason with 切 em Was Like panging 7my head against a bricKk walL be/siand head and shoulders above sb/sth to be miich batter than other people or things bite/snap sbs head off (太太 1mal) to shiout at sb in an angry way especially withott

Teason bring sth io ahead

of whathe Was saying.do sb's 'head in (BrE, informajto

Imake you feel confused, Upset and/or annoyed: ShutUuPD! Ju7e doing my head in.do sth standingonyour'head (Unfornmalhitobe ableto do sth Veryeasilyand without hav了gto thinktoo muchfrom head to foot/'toe covering yoUr whole body: We were covered 刘omm_ head t0 刀 ot 太 mud getyour'head down (Porma1n il (BrE) to sleep: 了 7mamaged to 8et7TY head dowmjoran hour 了 三 KEEE]GET YOUR HEADIDOWNSget your'head round:sth (BrE; imjor mmal) to be ableto understamid or accept sth: Shes dead. 了 camt SetTDY- head round 让 yet give sb their 'head to allow sb to do what they want without trying to stop them' go head to 'head (with sb) to deal with sb in a Very direct and determined waygo to your'head 1 (of alcohol) to make you feel drunk: TPat 8&lass of wine has 8one Straight to 7my jhead. 也 (of success,Praise, etc.) to Imake yo feel too proud of yourselfin a Way that other People find annoying have a _good 'head on YoOur shoulders to be a sensible personhave a head for sth 1 to be good at sth: to jhave ajhead for Jisgures/pusiness 字 isbdoes nothave akhead for heights, they feel nerVous and think they are going to fall when they looK

down from ahigh placehave yourhead in the'ciouds

Tto be thinking about sth that is not connected with What youare doing 2 to have ideas, Plansi etc. that are

Dot realistic have your 'head screwed on (the right


sth to suddenly decide to do sth, especially sth that other people think is stupidtake it into your head that ... to Suddenly start thinking sth, especially sth that other People think isistupidturn sbys'head (of success, praise, etc.) to make aperson feelto0 Proud ip a way that other People find annoyingtwo heads are better than one (Saoying) used to say that two People can achieve more than one person working alone_more at BEAR1.; BLOCK

|come to a 'headl ifyoU

bring a situation to a head or if a situation comes to a head;, you are forced to deal with it qickly because 让 Suddenly becomes very bad bury/hide your .head in the sand to refuseto admit that a Problem exists or refuse to deal with itcan't make head nor 'tail of sth to be unabletounderstand sth:Tcouidmnztmmake head nor ta

(njformmal to be'a sensible person ,head 'first

1 moving forwards or downwards with your head 训 位ont of the rest of your body: He 万11head jirst down the sta15. 字 without thinking carefully about sth before act问8: Sjhe got divorced amd rushed jead 万rst 训 tO another 7mmarTiage. head over heels in 'Ilove loving sb VerIy Imuch: Bes 如 llen: head oyer heel 识 1ove With ji 05055. heads or 'tails? used to ask sb which side of a coin they think will be facing upwaids when itisTossED ip orderto

decide sth by chance'heads willroll (for sth) (pformma/, usually huwmorous) used to say that some people will be

head boy

/BOTHER Y,DRUM V,EYE 站 ,GUN 由.,HAIR,HEART,HIT YIDEA, KNOCK V, LAUGH V,, NEED Y,OLD, PRICE 六 ,REAR Y,RING V,ROOF /1., SCRATCH V, THICK dj/ ,Top 六 目 VE力 *MOVE TOWARDS 1 [V] (alsobe headed especially 记 NA7mmB [十ady7XPrep]ito move in ia partictlar direction: Wheresare We jheading? Where are yoU thwo headeda? Tets head DacKk homme. C She headed 思or thedoor c (15uratve) Can youjprecastWwhere te ecoTLOmY 1 eadimng2


也:[VN] (also head sthe>up )to

lead orbe in charge ofsth:iShe has been QpPpoimnted to head the research tear7z: *LIST/LINE OF PEOPLE 3 [VN] to be at thetopofalist of Dames or at the front of a line of people: Italy heads the taple after two garmes. cto head a rmnarch7了 rocessiom >*BEATTOP. 4 [VN] [usually passive] to putaword or words at the top of a page or section of a book as a title: Te chapter Was headed Wy FartyIi 碟 *FOOTBALL S [VN] to hit a football with yourhead: Walsh jeaded the ball into am empty goal. be 'heading for sth (alsobe 'headed for sth especially 记 NAJ1m月 to be likely to experience sth bad: They 1ooK as 纺0U8R 雪 ey7e Jeading for divorce. head sb< off to getin front of sb in ordertomake them turn back or change direction INTERCEPT: We 到 jhead

them ofr at the bridgelihead sthoff totake action in

orderto prevent sth from happening: He headed ofrefforts to replace jhima as Ieader ,head sthe>'up to lead orbe 训D charge ofa department, part of an Organization, etc. 一See also HEADV (2)



/hederk/ noun

1 acontinuouspain in the head: tosuffer 方om headaches CRedWwinegSives7TFeEiheadache crhavea SDIittirng headache (= averybad one). 2 a person or thing that causes WoOIIY Or trouble: The real headache w 记 lpe getting the pamk to Iendyou the money.




a strip of cloth worm

around the head, especially to keep hair or sweat out of your eyes when playing sports

Punished because of sth that has happened hold YoOur

head:bang:er /hedbaenaGr)/ movi(informaj)T aperson

feel ashamed abotit sththat youhave done: She Ta1laged to hold her head jigp amd igmnore What People Were Saying. in overyour 'head involved in sth thatis too difficult for

> head.banging 07 [U] head-:board /hedbo:d; NAmE boxrd/ noun the vertical

ied 妇atT Was 识 ovyer 7my jead. keep/get your 'head downm to avoid attracting attention to yourself keep your head |keep a clear/cool 'head to remain calm

ture 史 BED ,head 'boy moun (mn some British Schools) the boy who is

head high |hold up your 'head to be proud of or not

you to deal with: After ayWeek 访 the mnew Jop Tsoom FeaL-

s see

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

who likes to shake their head violently Up and down while listening to rock music 2 a stipid or crazy person

board at the end of abed where you put your head 一 pic-

chosen each year to represent his school

| 5 vision

| :tf chain



| thin

| 5 this

|D sing


718 | head:lock/healok; NAmE:ask/ moun (过 WwWRESTIING) a

head:butt/ hedbat/ yer[VN] (especia必 yBr6) to deliber

atelyhit sb hard with yourhead


head'case/ hedkeis/ nov7 (Br

访/o7maj) a person who

behaves in astrangewayand who seems tobe mentally 订 head:cheese/hedtTi:z/ noun_[U] (NAmB) = BRAWN head:count /edkaomnt/ noun: an act of counting the number of people who are at an event employed by an organization, etc:; the number of people that have been counted in this way:to do aheadcountS Whats 妇 e latest jheadcoumnt? head:dress /eddqres/ moun as covering worn on the head on Special occasions

head:ed /hedrid/ oadj.1 (of writing paper) having the naime and address of a persom, an organization, etc. Print-

ed at the top: headed motepaper 2 .-headed (in adjec-

tives) having the type of head or number

of heads

way of holding:an'opponents head so that they cannot Inove: He had him ia headlocK.

headi:lon 吕/hedlion; NAmE :1521/ adv 1 with the head first aiid the restofthe body following HEAD FIRST: -She fell headlong 访i 雪e icy pooL 2 without thinking carefully before doing sth: The goyverrnTment zs taking ca7e motto Fush headlomrg 训 to aio 雪er controyersy 3 quickiy and without looking where yo are going: Fe ranm jhead-

iong 训to apolice car

headJongodj. [onlybefore noun]:

Qhjheadlong diyve/Tush



-(P1 -men /man;

-men/) theleader of a commtunity ER headima7



CHIEF: the yilage

head:mas'ter /hedmarzsted); NAmE -maes-/,headmistress /hedmmistres/ noun (becoming old-joshioned)

(NAmEusually primciipal ateacherwho is in chargeofa Schooli especially a Private School 一see also HEAD TEACH=



head 'officemoun [CuU+sing/pl.y] the main office ofa

head:er/mhedeaGD/ novnT (ifootball(soccER))an actof

,headof statenoun(pi heads of statethe officiallead-

hitting the ball with your head 2 a line or block of text thatis automatically addedtothetop ofeverypagethatis Printed fromia comptuter 一compare FOOTER head:gear /hedugrec); NmE -gr/ moun TU] anything Worn onthehead, for example ahat: Drotectiyve headgear

er of a cotintry who is sometimes also the leader of the

,head girlpnoun (in some British schools) the girl who is chosen each year to represent her school

head:-hunt/headhAnt/ verb [VN] to find sb who is suitable for a senior job and persuade them to leave their Priesent job: 工was headhunted by a: 7marketirlg a8ency > head:huntingnown [U]

head:hunt'er /hiedhAntsG 人noun

1Ta personm Whose

job is to find people with the necessary Skills torwork for aparticular company and to persuade them to join this company 了 amember ofapeople that collects the heads of the peoplethey kill head:ing/hedia/ moviT atitle printed at the top ofa page or at the beginning of a section of a book: chapter jheadings 2 the subject of each section of a speech OF Diece of writing: The comzpamnySairms can pe SroUDedLUmder three mairm headings. head:lamp /hedqlaemp/ moun (especially BrB) 三 HEAD-


head:land/hedlend; land/ nouwn anarrow piece ofhigh land










EEPROMONTORY head-less /Tiedlas/ odj [usually before roun] withotit a

head:ajheadless bodyXcorpse-IEI run around like a iheadiess chicken to De very busy and active trying to do sth, btitnotVeryorganized, with the restiltthatyotu do lot Succeed

head.light /hedlart/ novn (also head:lamip especially in BrE) alarge lightb usually one of two, at the front of a Vehicle; the BEAM from this light: He dipped his jieadlights (= directed the light downwards) for te omncoming 厅 o 太 万c. 一Dicture c PAGE RI

head:line/hedlamy/ movmn, ve疙 昌IOUm 了 [〇 the title of a newspaper article Printed 让 large letters, especially at:the top ofthe front Page: They rar the story Under the headline 五ome atlastl The scam= dal was 识 the headlines forseyeral days:o headline neWs一


2 the headlines [pl.] a

short Summary of the most important items of news, read at the beginning of anews Programme on the radio

or television [ICIO grab/hit/make the headlinesto be an important item of news in newspapers or on the radio or television 有ye上

由 [VN-N] [usually passive] to give a story or article a

patticular headline: The story was jheadlined 3Back to the 刀 ture" 2 tobethe main performerin a coOncert or Show: [VN] TPe conmcert ito pe headalimned py 忆tonyJonm


| dfather | eten


company;the managerts who wotrk there: Theirjhead ofrice 共识 New 27K. CTdonit Know What head o 护ce w 记 切 iK about 女 国ProOpOsaL

government head- on adj [only before noun] 1 in which the front

part of one Vehicle hits the front Part of another Vehicle: a head-oft crashn/collisionm 2 in which People express strong Views and deal with sth in a direct Way: There Was a head-ofit comfroritaftiom bpetween 7manasgement aa


上 ,head-'onadyv: The cars crashed head-omn. &

We hit t 切e free head-on. C to tacKkle aproblem head-om

(=without trying to avoid 训)



NAmE- founz/ -also


phone9 noun [pl.] aPiece of equipment worn over or in, the ears that makes 让 possible to listen to .music, the Tadio, etc. without other People hearing it: a pair/set of jeadphones

head:quarAtered /hedkworted; NAmE'hedkwoxzrterd/ dj [not before noun] having headquarters in aparticular Place: News Corporatiom is headquartered in Sydney:

head:quarters /hedKkwa:tez: NA7mmE "hedkWworterz/ JPoun [U+sing./pl-v;,C (5 headquarter9 (0p5r HHQ a Dlace ffom which an organization Or amilitary operation is controlled; the people who work thare: Thie Fr7ms headqgUarters Lare 识Iomndaom. 2 Seyeral cofPmpariies haye their headquarters 识 the area. 2TTm mow based at headquarters. Cpolice headquarters 2 Headquaiters 砚 DUDIim hasXPhayve agreed. head:rest/hedrest/ noun thepartofa seat or chair that SUpPports a person'shead, especially on the frontseat of a car 一Dicture'c>PAGE RI

head:room/hedruximn; rom/ novn [U] T the amount of Space betweenthetop :ofaVehicle and an objectiit drives Under 2 the amount of Space between the top of yoOUT head and the roof of a vehicle: There's a Iot of headroofm Jorsuchn asmtall car

head:scarf /hedskadf NAmE -skKaxrf/ moun (PheadSCarve9 a Square Piece of cloth tied arotnd the head by Women or girls, sually with a knottnder the chin

head.set /edset/ noun a pair of HEADPHONES,especially one with a MICROPHONE attached to 让

head:ship /heafrmp/ novwn

一 (of sth) 1Tthe positionm of

being in charge of an organization: 妨e headship of the departmient 2 (BrE) the Position of being in charge of a School

head:stand /hedstand/ moun aposition in Wich a pe Son has their head on the ground and their feet straight up in the air

,head start noun [sing]

一 (on/over sb) an advantage

that:sb alreadyhasbefore they start doing sth: Being able to SDeaKk French gaye herahead startoyer the other candi= dates.

|s:bird |;aabout| rsit | zsee|imany|npgot

(Br 日| ozsaw| Acup|l5put|mtoo


/hedsteon; NAmE :stoun/:0ouwn apiece of

Stone Placed at one end of a grave, Showing the name, etc. of the person btiried there GRAVESTONE 一coOmPare TOMBSTONE


/hedstron; NAmE -Stro2/ adj (disappjo

/ng)aheadstrong person is determined to do things their own way and refuses to listen to advice

head table "oun (NAm 昌 = Top TABLE head teacher mov1 (5 月 (NAmEprin:ci.pal )ateacher Who is in charge ofa school

head-to- head

adj [only before noun] ip which two

People or grIoups face each_ other directly in order to decide the result of a disagreement or competition:ia head-

to-head pattle/clashAcorttest


They aresetto meethead-to-head im mextWweeks inalL








Streamas forming the source of ariveF head-way /hedwei/ novm [U] [IE make headway to Imake Progress,especially when this is slow or difficult: We are making Little headway with tne 7megsotatioms. C The DoatyWwas UPnable to make 7mucP jeadway againstthe tide.


/hedwmad/ novn a wind thatis blowing to-

Wards a person or Vehicle, so thatiit is blowing from the direction in which the persom or vehicle is Imoving 一com7 Pare TAILWIND


/hedwa:d; NAmE ward1 nob7 (techmica) a

word that forms a HEADING in a dictionary Under which its meaning is explained heady /hedi/ ad head-ier ,headi.est) .站 [usually before noun] having astrong effect on your Senses; making yoU

feel excited andconfident INTOXICATING: 妨 e heady aays ofyou 妇 2 the heady scentofjhot Spices Caheady 7mnicture of desire amd fear 只 note at EXCITING 了 [not before noun] (of a person) excited in a way that makes you do things without worrying about the Possible results: She 大 引headyWwithn success.



jhi/ ve 六

了 ~ (up) to become healthy again; to make sth healthy again: [V] 下 took along tmne 加 rtheWwoundsto healL eT7ne CUEPealed UDP Witpoutleaving ascar e [VN] Tiswil Pezp to JealyoUr CUES andscratches. (Jiguratve) 下 wasachariceto jealthe worrmads 训 theparty(=torepairthe damagethat had been done). 2 [VN] ~sb(of sth)(old use or Jrmmajto



health care noun:[u] the service of providing medical care: the'costs of health care fjorthe elderty echealth care Workers/professiomals

health centre:

(BF (NAmEealt

Cemnter) hown a

biilding where a group of doctors Sea thei patients and where somie local medical sarvices have their offices




(also gym) a Private club where

People go to do physical exercise in order to Stay Or be-

come healthy and fit

healith farmi moun (especioly Br6 = ,HEALTH SPA health food mon [uc usually pl.] food that does not contain any artificial substances andiis therefore thought to be good for your health health.ful /helgf adj,[usually_ before noun] (Jormalj good for your health

health service novn apublic service Providing medical care 一 See'also NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE


(es5ecia1y BrEhealth farm) 0007 :a Dlace

Where People can stay for short periods of time in order totryto improvetheirhealthbyeatimg Special food, doing Physical exercise etc'.

health visitor movj (in Britain) a trained huirse WhoS&

jobis to visitpeople ip their homes, for example new Parents, and give them advice on some areas ofmedical care



/helbi/ ad health-ier,healthi:est )

Thaving goodihealth and not likelyto become ill/sick:a Pealtpy childZamimaltree Keep jealthy py eating We ad

exercisinrg regulariy:





WELL 了 [usually before noun] good for your -health: ahealthy diet/climriateXIiestyle [cg UNHEALTHY 3 [usually before noun]: showing that you are ip good health: ito haye a heaIthy appetiie ea Sharmpoo 轨 at Keeps Pair 1ooking:jhealthy 4 ormal and sensible: The child SnOWed Q healtpy curiosibz 3 She hasa jealtpy 7espectjor Rerriyalstalents Itsmnothealthytphe Wayshe clings to 轨e Das [aa UNHEALTHY 5 successful and working well:a Pealthpy economy S YUr car aoesnt sound yely Phealthny @G6 [usually before noun] large and Showing Success: Qw jealthny Dank balance C Q jealthy Profit ee health'ily adv:toeathealthityhealthi-ness 00uwn [U]

heap /hipy/ novn, ve翅

昌 IOU1 了 一 (of sth) an untidy Pile of s 志: THhe DUilaims Was reduced to aheap of FubDle. Ca comiDost Peap CO Bis clothes lay 识 a heap on the Joor e Wornout car tyTes Were Stacked 训 jheaps. 一 see also SCRAP HEAP,SLAG HEAP 之 [usually pl] (Prmmah alot ofsths Teres Pheaps of firme Before 切e plane IJeayves. e Tye gotjheaps to tel you. 3 (in如 广 1m0/ huw/norous) a car that is old and in bad condition healer /hialec)/ noun 1 a person who cures people of [ErW at the top/bottom of the:'heap high-up/low illnesses and disease using natural powers rather than down in the structure of an organization_ or a SoOciety: medicine: Qa Joith/spiritbual: healer 2 something that These WorKers are at the bottomm of the econo7nic Peap.co[Iakes abad situation easier to deal with: Timme is a STeat lapse, fall, etc- in a ,heap to fall down heavily and not Jealer Inoveheaps better more,older etc. (87己 力 jrmah a healing /Pilm/ movn [U] the Drocess of becoming or lct bettemp etc,: Fejp yours 太-theres e jheaps more e RHe making sb/sth healthyagain; theDprocess of getting better 10OoKs heaps better 雪 ara WwWjhenTIastsaw Fi after an emotional shock: 态e hea1imng process C emotiorial 旧 Ye 上凡 [VN] 了 一 sth (up) to put things in an Untidy pile: Rocks Were heaped UP on the side of theroad 2 jealim8 一See also FAITH HEALING 一AonB |~BwithAto ptalotofsthina pile on sth: She Pheaped health om /helb/noun [JU] Jood on ny plate. ce She heaped my piate with Jood. 3 ~A the condition of a person's body or mind: Exharst onB|~BwithAto give alot ofsth such as Praise OF 刻 mmes are bad Joryour health. e to be 训 poor/goodexcriticism to sb: Fe heaped praise om his team. ce Ee Pheaped cellemt/the'best of health co Smokingicam seriously damiis tearm With praise. IE See SCORN. age your jhealth. coImenmtaLhealth 一see also ILL HEALTH heap-ed /hi3pt/ (especioly Br 日 (NAmE usuallyheap:ing ) 之 the state of being physically and mentally healthy: Fe ddj. used to describe a spoon, etc. that has as much in itoOr Was TiUTsed pacK to healthn py jais W 旋 .9 She was glowing on it as 让 can hold: a heaped teaspoor ofsugar jeaping With health antd clearly emjoyirng 1这.e 4s Iong asyou jhave Plates ofscrambled egss 一compare LEVELad/ (1) JYOUTF health mothing ee miatter vocabu一pictures:and s. lary notes on pages R18, R19: 3 the work of Providing hear 0mw /hrec); NMmE hmy/ vemb heard ,heard /hs:d; Inedical .services: 411 parties are promising to incFease NAImEha:rd/) Spending om health. 2 切 eHealth Ministere the Departrment T (not used 识 the progressive tenses) to be awaie of of Health e health irsurarnce ohealth and Safety regulaSounds with your ears: [V] Tcamt hear yery WelL ce[VN] 在o75 (= laws thatiprotect the health of People at work) She hearad Jootsteps behind her C [VNz-ing] He could heara 双 how successful sth is: the health of your 7marriage/ dog barking. e [VN inf Didyou hearjira go out2 cfvwh-] ina7cesIETII SeeCLEANOd1, DRINK V, PROPOSE, RUDE Diantyou hear WhatTsaid2 ce [vN to inf] She has been cure Sb who is isick; to make sb feel happy again: tpe Story of Jesus healing te Iepers of tpeir disease 万引 jealed py jis 1ove. 3 to putanendto sth ormake sth easier to bear; to end or become easierto bear: [VN] She was Feyer Gple to jheal the 7r访 betyeem herselF amd Per Jother 和 [V] 7TFe breachp Detweem therm meyer really healed.


| ar my

| aunow

| :ersay

| ao go (BrE)

| ou go (MAm 日 | or boy

赴 re near

| ee hair

| 5e pure



hearsay/'hreser; NAmE'hrrser/moun [U] thingsthatyou have heard from another person butido not (definitely) knowtobetrue: We cam#trmakea decision pased om jiearsay

a1ld SUessWoOTrK. C hearsay eviderce

Pheard to miake 轨 reats to her fjormerloyer DagThis pattern is only used in the passive. 2 (not used in the progressive tenses) to listen or pay attention to sbysth: [VN] Didyov jhear that play on theradio Iastmight?c [VNinf] Be duiet一Tcanit hear Tmyself thimnKkl (= it is so noisy'thatI cant think clearly) c [V wh-] Weia better hear what thjey jhayve to say CThear What yor2re saying ( Ibhave 王 listened to your Opinion) put you7e wrong. 3 (not usually Used in the progressive tenses) ~ (about sb/sth) to betold abonlt sth: [V] BEayenttyou heard? She resignied._ 2 T7m Settimng7narried So Tve heard 2 coThings are8goinng well From WhatTjhear CTWas sorry to hear abouvtyouT accidenE Jrve heard aboutpeople likeyou.C [VN] We had heard motingjfor weeks. ce [v (that)] Twas surprised to hear (that) he Was married CT jhear youye peenn away 切 Weekend.

hearse /ha:s; NAmE hs:rs/ noun a long Vehicle used for _、 carrying the coffin (= the box for the deadbody) at afuDeral


blood around the body usually on the left 识 humans: The patients heart stopped beating jbor a jw Seconlds. jeart trouble/jfailure cto haye a Weak heartSTcoula Jeel my heart pounding imy chest (= becatise Of exXcite-

Iment etc.). 一Dicture 只 BODY 一See'also CORONARY HEART DISEASE,OPEN-HEART SURGERY 了 [C (terary) the:outSide part of the chest where the heart js: Sjhe clasped 妨 e Photo to her heaTt * FEELINGS/EMOTIONS

[VN (that)] Pve heard itsaid ( 纹ab 坊ey met 太 Italy [also VvVwh-]4-[VN]tolisten to and judge a case D court: The GaPppealWas heardin private; CSTpday the 刻 Fr beganto Pear the evidence,[IE have youheard the oneabout ...? used to ask sb 过 they have heard apParticular joke before ,hear hearl used to show that you agree with or apProve of what sb has just said, especially during a speech hear tell(of sth)(old-jshronedorjormal)tohearpeople talking abonuit sth: Tve often heard tell of such things. ve heard 让 all be'fore (mnjormal) used to say that you do Dot Teally believe sb's Promises Or exXcuses becatse they are the Same ones you have heard before let's hear 放 for ...(nformalj) used to' say that sb/sth deserves praise: TIets hear 让 /orthe teachers; foracharnge. niot/neverhear

3 [C] the Place in a person Where

the feelings and emotions are thought to be, especially those connected with love: She jhas a Kirid heart 2 Haye youno Pheart2? c He returned with aheayvy heart(= sad).^ Her mnoyvels tend to deal with afjfairs or the heart c The stofy captured the jiearts aTid minds of a ge7terationm.一 See also BROKEN HEART

*-HEARTED 4 (iD adjectives) having the type of character or personality mentioned: cold-hearted c kind-hearted *1MPORTANT PART 5 [sing.] ~ (of sth) the most imnportant part of sth: the heart of the matter/problem 2 The comTmittees report Went to the heart oF 坊e goyermrments diIemrma. C The disti7ictiomn petween Tight amd WTro7g Lies at the heart of all questioms of morality > CENTRE @6 [Cusuallysing] 一 (of sth)thepartthatisinthe centre of sth: a quiet hotel im the very heartof the city

the'end of itto keepbeing reminded ofsth because sb is always talking to you about it: 矿Ye domntget her aidog Wez:meyver hear 雪e end of 让 yourcould hear a pin drop it was extremely quiet: ThPe Qudiemice Was so QUiet

*OF CABBAGE 7 [C the smaller leaves 记 the middle of a

CABBAGE, LETTUCE, etc. *SHAPE 8 [QQ athing shaped like ahearty often red and Used as asymbol of love: The words TIove yo were WwWT论 temn inside GaDig red heart *IN CARD GAMES 9 hezarts [pl.,U] one of the four sets of

you:could haye heard a pin idrop. (do) you ,hear me>? (npformal) usedtotell sb in an angry way to pay attention and obey you: You cant go 一do you:hear 7mme2? 一more at


0 /hat; NMmEha:rt/ moun

*PART OF BODY 1 [cq the organ in the chest that sends

hear from' sb | hear

sth from sbto receive a letter email, phone calli etc. from sb: TIooKk forward to_hearing 广om you Thayventt

cards (called SUITS)

jheard amything 方om jher Jor months., hear of sby/stih | hear sth of sb/sth to know about sb/sth because you have been told about them: Tve never heard of the Place. CShe disappeared anid Was mneyver heardofagaimn. CThe Iast Tjheard of Pirm he Was Iiving im Glasgow CThis is the First TYyeheardofitl not 'hearof sthto refusetoletsb do sth, especially because yot Want to help them: She wanted to Walk hommne putETIWoulanmt hear of 让 C [十 -ing] He wouldm世 hear of my Walking hormme alone 一See also_UNHEARD-OF hear sb 'outto listen Until sb has finished saying what theywantto say hearer/'hreraG); NAmE'hrr-/ moun a person who hears sth or who is listening to sb

记 Da PACK/DECK of cards,with red

heart Symbols on them: te gueen of Phearts

Fearts 1

are frurmPps. 一picture 只 PLAYING CARD 1O [CC one card from the setofhearts: Who Dlayed that heart?

[Er at 'heart used to say what sb is Teally like even though they may seemi to be sth different: Hes sh a

5ocialist at heart_ break sb's 'heartto make sb feel very Unhappy: She Droke Pis Peart en She called o太 te engageTment 2 下 breaks TnyY heart tessee YOU Like th、 by

heart(BE also off by 'hearmi using only your memory: Tve dialled the Pumper so mamny tirmesTKnaiow 让 Dy heart 2

Shes learmnt the Whole Speech ofr by_ heart


near to sb's 'hearthaving alot ofimnportance and inter-

est for sb from the (bottom of younr heartin a way that is Sincere: Tbeg yoz 太om the bottom of 7my hears t SDare his 1ife. 下 Was clearly an offerthat came 方om the heart give sb (fresh) heartto make sb feel Dositive, especially when theythotghtthattheyhad no chance of achieving sth give your 'heart to sbto give your loveto one person havea heartt(njormal) used to ask sbto be kind and/or reasonable have a heart of 'gold to be a Very kind person have a heart of 'stoneto be a person who does not show others sympathy or pity_ heart and Soul with a lot of energy and enthusiasm: They 坊rew thermselves heart aid SOUI into the projecE YOUur heart goes 'outto sbusedto saythatyou feelalotofsympathy for sb: Our hearts gooutto theformmilies of 切 eyVictims sb?s

hearinSg 0 /hierIm; NAmE'hir-/ moon 1 [uU]jtheability to hear: Her hearing zxpoor 2 Hes heaT训8-imipaired (= not ableto hear well). 一see also HARD OF HEARING 了 [C] an official meeting at which the facts about a crime, complaint, etc. are Presented tothe Person or group ofpeople who will haveto decide what action to take: a courtvdiscipliniary hearing 3 [Sing.] an opportunity to explain youir actions, ideas or Opinions: to getX givesp afair hearingcHisyiews Taype Unfashiomnaple Du he deseryves Qa_ hearing. IE in/within (sb's) 'hearing Dear enough to sb so that they can hear what is said WITHIN EARSHOT: She shouldmntpavesaid sucp things 训 YyoOur hearing. CThad mo reaso7t to pelieyve 妇 ere Was ayome Witrnin hearing. out of 'hearingtoo far awayto hear Sb/sth or to be heard: She had moyed out of hearig.

hearing dognoun adogtrained to make a deaf person

heart is in their mouth somebody feels nervous or frightened about sth sb's heart is in the':right 'place usedto saythat sb's intentions are kind and sincere even though theysometimes do the wrong thing your 'heart is notin sthnused to saythatyou arenotVvery interested in or enthusiastic about sth sb?s heart'leapstsed to say that sb has a sudden feeling of happiness Or excitement sb's heart misses a beattused to say:that sb has a sud-

(= Person who cannothear well) aware of sounds such as the ringing of atelephone or a DOORBELL heark:-en(also harkem /aksn; NAmE'hazrken/ ve几 [V] ~ (to sby/sth) (old wse) to listen to sby/sth

Usedto saythat sb suddenly feels sad ordepressed abonut Sth: My jieartsamnk WhenmTsaw homw'Tmuchn work there Was Ile 让 She watched hirm go with a sinking heart in good 'heart (BrE) happy and cheerful in your heart (of

'Ihearing aidnoun asmall device that fits inside the ear and makes sounds louder used by people who cannot hear well: to hayve/wear a hearing aid


| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

den feeling'offeam

| kct

| aleg


| mman


sb's heart 'sinks

| ppen

| rred

heartsif yot know:sth 了 yourhe 迄 art youhavea Strong


feeling that it is true: She knew in her jeart of hearts 雪 at She Was 7mmaking the Wrong decision, 主 does sb)s heart

good (to do sthjit makes sb feel happy when they see

heartily /haztmi; NA7PE marrt-/ adv

orhear sth: 开 does mny heartgood to see theold Place being taken care of so well letyour heart rule your headto lose 'heartto Stop hoping for sth or try-

ing to do sth becatuse you no longer feel confide nt


heart'land/hatiand; NA7E macrt-/ noun (also_ heart-

your heart (to sby/sthjJormajhto fallin love with Sbysth

aman/woman after your own 'hearta man/w oman who likes the same things orhasthesame opinions as you my heart bleeds (for sbjiromic) used to saythat you do not feel sympathy or pity for sb: 了 have lo &o to Brazil om business ”2Wy Peart bleeds for you not have the heart (to do sthjto be unable to do sth becatise you know that 让 Will make sb sad or upset pour out/open your 'heart to sbto tell sb all your PIoblems, feelings, etc. set your

heart on sth| have your heart'set on sthtowant sth

veIy much

take heart (from sthjto feel more Positive

abonut sth, especially when you thought that youhad no chance of achieving sth: The _government cam taKe Peart 万om the Iatest Opinion polls: take sth to 'heartto be

Very UPpset by sth that Sb says or does tear/ rip the heart out of sthto destrfoy the most important part or aspect of sth to your hearts con'tentas much as you Want: Q SuUDperyised Play area Where children cam 7um around to tjeirrhearts coritent with all your 'heart/ your whole ,heartcompletely: 了 jhope Withn all 7my Reart 态 at 坊ings WorKk out jpr yo


lands[pl.])1 the centralpartofa coUntryor an area: the SreatRussia heartiands 2 anareathatis important fora Particular activity or political Party: tpe iiaustrial heart Ianda of Gerrmamny 2 the traditionar Tpry heartland oF Br 让 aimns boardrooms

heartless/haxtles; NAmE Pa:rt-/ adi feeling no pity for other People ERICcRUEL: What a heartiess thing to Say! > heartjesslyodv heartlessnessmou [U]

heart-ung machinenovwn amachine that replaces the functions of the heart and lungs, for example during amedical operation on the heart

heart of palmnoipru caaopEama Served as food


ipgs of great: sadness Fending story



[u] the Process of examining

heart-sick/'ha:tsik: NAmE axrt-/ adj. [not usually before

feeling of sadness or worry: The Telationship caused Pera 8Teat deal of heartache. 2 切e heartaches of Deing aparent

heart:strings /aztstrmz;

迄 which the heart stops working Dormally sometimes causing deat 一compare h CORONARY THROMBOSIS


NAmE ma:rt-/ novun 1 [CuU] the

Imovement or sound ofthe heart as it sends blood around

Q jear 上

carefully your feelings'orreasons for doing sth


heart attacknmoun a sudden serious medical condition


[usually before noun] causing feel-


heartache/hazterk;: NAmE ha:rt-/ noun [u,C] astrong

with obvious

enjoyrment and enthusiasm: to IaughAsinsyeat jheartily 之 识awaythat shows thatyou feel Strongly about sth: 工 jheartily agree With jher on tihis: 3 exXtremely: heartily gladAelieved

act according to what you feel rather thana to what you

think is sensible


noun] (Uiterom) extremely unhappy or disappointed

[usually before noun] catsing feel-

ings of great excitement or worryY: For one Peartstopping TOmerttshe thouvghtthey Were too Iate.

NA7mE Part 人 mouwn


Strong feelings of love or pity: to tugZpulL at sbxs heart

Strinss (= to cause such feelings in sb)

heart-throb novn (used especially in Dewspapers) a

famous man, usually an actor or a singem that a lot of Women find attractive

thebody: a rapidZreguiar heartbeat 2 [sing:] the~of

heart-to-'heartmouvn' [usually sing] a conversation in

for making it what it is: The camdidate said tat he undaer sto0od the jheartbpeat of the 页spamic coO27mUPity 识 Calzfo 产 mia,[TIr a 'heartbeat away (from sth) Very close to sth in a'heartbeatvery quickly without thinking about 让: 太TWas ofjfered amnotperjop TaIeave 识 ajheartpeat

heart-warmingodj causing feelings of happiness and

sth (NmE) an important feature ofsth, thatis ITeSponsible

heart.break /ha:tbrezk; NAmE mazrt-/ noun

[uUG a

Strong feeling of sadness: They suffered the jheartbreaK OF

1osing a child 妇 rougp carcer 有 heartbreak:ingadi:a jeartbreaking story Cits heartbreaking to see Jim Wasting jzs Li ETKe this.

heartbroken/ha:tbreoken; NAmE maxrtbrouken/ adl/ extremely

sad _because

of sth





heart.burn /eptbam; NAmE 'hazrtbsrmn/ movn [U] a Pain that feels like sth burning in your chest caused by

INDIGESTION hearten/hartn; NAmEmhaxrtn/ ve 必 [VN] [usuallypassive] to give sb encouragement or hope, [aaagpISHEARTEN > hearteningadj: ti heartening to see the determainmaom of these yoUT7LgS People.

heart failurenovn [u] a serious medical condition in Which the heart does not work correctly

heart:felt /ha:ttielt; NAmE 'hart/ adj, [usually before noun] showing strong feelings that are sincere

CERE: Q jeartfelt apology/Ppleavsigh PathyAtpamKs


echeartfelt syrm-

hearthy/ha:6; WMWmE ha:r6/ noun Tthe floor at the bottom of a FIREPLACE (= the spaceforafirein the wallofa Ioom)j;the areain front ofthis:41ogjfireroaredintne OpeP Pear纺 .2 TPhe catdozed in i记 joyvourite spot om the heart. 一Picture 只 FIREPLACE QZ (literary) home and family life: alongingjforhearth and horne

hearth.rug/ha:brAg; NAmE hazrb-/ moun ai RUuG (Esa Small carpet) placed on the floor ip front of a FIREPLACE

s see

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

Which two people talk honestly about their feelings and Dersonal problems: to jhave a heartto-heart with Sb ,heartto-heartodj: aheartto-hearttaiK


heart'woody/ha:twod; NmE'hairty noum [ul the hard older inner layers of the wood of a tree 一coOmpare SAP-


hearty/hati; NMmE'ha:rti/ adj ,noun

sadj. ( heart'ier hearti-esh 了 [usuallybefore noum] Showing friendly feelings for sb: a hearty welcome 了 (Sometimes disapprovingj loud, cheerful and full of energy: Q Pearty

ad boisterous 帮 11ow C a jearb yoice -3 [only before noun] (of a meal or:sb's APPETITE) large; making you feel full:a hearby preakjfaste to hayeahearty Qppetite 弘 [usually before noun] showing thatyou feel Strongly abonut sth: He modaded his head 识 hearty agreement Bearty com8Tatuiations to eye1yone inyolyed ec a hearty dislike of st [cnsee HALE > heartiness1oun [U]

昌IOUN1 (P/, -ie9y (BrE sometimes dlisqpproving) a person who is loud,,cheerful and full of enersgy, especially one who Plays a lot of sport

heat 四 11O01

om /hixt/ nouwn, ve 内

“BEINGHOT/TEMPERATURE 了 [uU,sing.] the qualityofbeing hot: He could feel the heat of the Sun on his pack Heat Tses, C THe Jire gaye out da fierce heat 一see also WHITE HEAT 之 [U,C usually sing.] the level of temperature: to increase/reduce the heat c Testthe heat of the Water be加 re getting 训 ,2 Set the oven to a Iow/jigjh/rmoderate heat 一See also BLOOD HEAT

3 [U] hot weather; the hot

conditions ip a building/vehicle, etc.: Yov should 7iot So ou 训 the heat of the day (=iat the hottest time) woto

SUHjfer 太 om the heato the afternoormmidday heate The jeat 训 te jctory Was Unbearable一see . also PRICKILY


| 5wvision

| tf chain

| as jam

| ethin

| Ethis

| msing


722 | heat:proof /ixtprutf adisthat cannot be damaged by heat:a heatproof dish


汉 [ul asource ofheat,'especially one that

you cookfood on: Returm'the paiuto the heatartd stir


5S:fu] (especialy NAmE) =:HEATING:-

The heatWasnt oaiid the houseWas 万eezing: * STRONG FEELINGS @G [U] strong feelings,especially of anger OF excitement: Wo TWom 区 he said With heat in Pis Voice. CO The chairrmaya tried to taKke 雪e heat out of the situ-

ationm (= to make people calmer). Im the heatofthermnoTment she jbrgot What She Wanted to Say (= becatlse she Was SO angIy Or eXcited). 2 刺 女 e heat of the argurment Re said alotofthings he Tegretted Iater7 * PRESSURE 7 [U] pressure on Sb to do or achieve sth: The Pheat io Oow that the electionm 1 oly Q Week away United trneaup 切 e heatom 妇 eir opponentsWitpn asecomnd goalL CCarl she taKke the jieatofthna IeveLofcompetitom? -=:RACE 8 [G one ofraiseries of races OF coOmPetitions, the

Winners ofwhich thenicompete against each other in the next part of the competition: a qualiing heat 2 She won Per heat C He did weLL 识 the heats; hopefully he 人 do as We in the jinalL 一See also DEAD HEAT

[IE be on 'heat (Br 日(NmEbe in 'heat) (ofa female MAMMAL) to be in a sexual condition ready to Teproduce 主you cam”t stand the 'heat(get out of the- kitchen) (njormal) used to tell sb to stop trying to do sth 让 they find it too difficult especially in order to Suggestzthat they are less able than other people 上 Verp to make sth hot or warmi; to become hotor warms:

[VN] Heatthe oilamnd add 缉e oniofls. C The system produced eliouUSgR eergy to jheat Seyeral 太ousand jhomes. [also V] ,heat 'up 1 to become hot ofWarm WARM UDP; The ovVemi taKesa While to hieatup' 2 (cs5eciay NAJ卓 = HOT UP: The election contest 1 heating LUD. ,heat sthup to make sth hot or warm WARM UP: JUSE jheatzp 切 efood in the 7microwaye:

heat'ed /hi:tzd/ adj. 1 (ofa person or discussion) fall of angerand exciteament: apheated argsurmentdebate 和 She becamie Very heated. :2 (of a room, building,etc:) made warmer using aheater: a heated sSWirmmrmirig pool [aa UNHEATED heatedly ady: upad:moTightl she said Peatedly heat'er /hixteG)/ moun amachineusedformaking air or

water warmer: Q gas heater co a Watersheater see also IMMERSION HEATER, STORAGE HEATER:

'Iheat exchanSger noun (technica1h a device for making heat pass from one liquid to _another withoit allowing the liquids to mix heatlh /hi:6/ movwn a large area of open land that is not used for farming and is covered with rough grass and other small wild plants

hea:then /ian/7ovn; ad/ 下 IOU1 (old-jshioned, ohsivej1 usedbypeoplewhohave a strong religious belief as a way of referring to a person Who has no religion or who believes in a religion that is not one ofthe world's main religions 了 usedtoreferto a person who shows lack ofeducation 上 0dj. (old 襄shioned o 扰nsive) connected with heathens: Pheathemgods C He setoutto conyertthe heathenm (=People

who are heathens): hea-ther /hegaG)/ moun [U] alow wild Plant with small purple,pink or white flowers, that grows on hills and

areas of wild open land (= MOORLAND) heath.land /hi:oland; NAmE aend/ moum [LU (also heath.lands [pl.]) alarge area ofheath Heath Rob.in.sonm /hi0'robmsen; NAmE Tab-/ (Br6) (NAmE Rube 'Gold.berg )0dj. [only before noun] (hurmor ous) (of machines and devices) having a Very complicated design,especially when used to perform a Very Simple task; not practical: a Heath Robinson comntraptiom

heat:in 有 0 /hiztm/ nouwn [U] (especiajily Br6) (also heat especially in NAm月 the Process of Supplying heatto aroom orbuilding; a system used to do this:-WPo turmned the heating off2 ceWPat type of heatinig do you jhaye2Cagas heating System cheating pills 一See also CENTRAL HEATING

heat-resist-ant xd/ noteasilydamagedbyheat heat-seelkKing cod [only before noum] (of a weapon) that Imoves towards the heat cOming 他om the aircraft,etc: * MACHINES 6 [usually before noun] (of machines, vehicles Or Weapons) large and powerful: a wide range of engimnes and heavy machineryc heayy Iorries/trucks *BUSY 7 [usually before noun] involving a lot of work or activity; Very busy: a heayy schedule 2 Shiea had a heavy day. “WORK 8 _hard, especiallybecatuse itrequires alot of phys-

ical strength: heayy diggingsALifting *FALMVHIT 9 falling or hitting sth with a lot of force: a jheayy falLAblow ~*MEAL/FOOD 10 1large in amount or Very solid: a jheayy TIurmchAdirnmner ca jheayvy cake [ELIGHT “USING A LOT 11 ~ on sth (informaoh using alot of sth: Older cars are heayvy om 8as. C Doni 8o S0 heayy om t太 e gar [ic. =*DRINKER/SMOKER/SLEEPER 12 [only before noun] (of a person) doing thething mentioned more;, or more deeply, than usual: aheayy drinKker/smoker ea heayy Sleeper *SOUND 13 (of a sound that sb makes) loud and deep: Jeayy breathing/snoring ca heayy Sroarisigj “*SERIOUS/DIFFICULT 14 (usually disopproving) (of a book, programme, stylei etc.) serious; difficultto understand or enjoy: Wejfound theplay yery heavy coThe discussion gota

Little heayy. *SEA/OCEAN 15 dangerous becatuse of big waves,etc:: Strong Winds amzd heayy Seas *AlIR/WEATHER 16 hot and lacking fresh air in a waythat is Unpleasant: ts yery heayvy一 [thinK there 了 pe a storTmL *3SOIL T7 wet, sticky and difficujlt to dig or to move Over *STRICT 18 (ofa person) very strict and severe: Domni be so jeayy on her 一 让WasmiPer ju 人 > heavimness1oun [U] IEGIO Set 'heavy (ijormahtobecome Very serious, because strong feelings are involved: They started shouting at 7mme. 1:got Very_ heavy heavy 'going used to describe sb/sth that is difficult to deal With or understand: Shes abitheayy going CTfound the COUTse Tather heayy going, heavy ' hand a way of doing sth or of treating people that'is miuch stronger and less Sensitive than it needs to be: the heayy hamnd of mamnage-

Tnent a heavy 'heart a Per childrer behind with brigade (BrE jjormmaj) People employed to do Silence/'atmosphere

feeling of great Sadness: She le所 a heavy heart the 'heavy mob/ a group of strong, often Violent sth such as protect sb a heavy a situation when people do not

Say anything,but feel embarrassed or Uncomfortable make heavy'weather of sth to seemito find sth more

一more at difficult :or complicated than'it needs to be CROSS1. ,TOLL 故


| army

| aonow

| ersay

| sogo(BrEl



IOUM (PP -ie Ti[G (ipformalj) alarge sttrong man whose job is to protect a person or place; often using Violence 之 [U] (ScotE)strong beer especially bitter: a pint of heayy


II hang/lie 'heavy1 ~ (omin sth) (of a feeling

orsth in the air) to be verynoticeable in aparticular place inawaythatisunpleasant: Smoke lay heayyon thejJarside of the Water 2 Despair han8gs heavy 太太 estflingair 2 ~ on sb/sth to cause sbysth to feel uncomfortable or anxious: The crime Iay heayy or her co7tlsciemnce.

heavy breathernovn a person who gets sexual pleas-

ure fom calliag sb on the telephone and not speakingto them P ,heavy breathingnoun [U] ,heavy-dutyad) [only before noun] 1 not easijly damaged and therefore suitable for hard physical work or to be used all the' time: Q heayy-duty carpet 2 (njormal, especially NMAmE) very serious or great in quantity: IT tinK yOU need Some heayy-dauty adyice.

heavy 'goods vehiclenovun (Br

heavy- handed cd Understanding of the Panded approach 了 Panded police mmethods sth in a Way that can jhamnded With 态e sa太


1 not showing a sympathetic feelings of other people: a heavrUsing Unnecessary force: _heavy 3 (of a person) using too mtch of cause damage: Domi be too heavy-

heavy hitternoun (infommaj, especialjy NAmB) a person with a lot of power especially in business or politics

heavy industry noun [u,c] industry that uses large Iachinery to Produce metal,coal, vehicles,e一 comtc.


heavy metalnoupn TIUatype ofRocK music with Very strong beat played very loud on electric GUITARS [C] (iechnicol) a metal that has a very high DENSITY (= the relation of its weight to its volume), such as gold


heavy pettingnoun [U] sexual activity that does Dot involve full sSEXUAL INTERCOURSE

,heavy-'setodij having abroad heavybody



water noun

HYDROGEN Teactions


[u] (chemistp) water

in which

is Teplaced by DEUTERIUM,Uused

in nuclear

heavy-weight/heviwert/ noun 1 asBoxERofthe heav est class in normal Use, weighing 79.5 kilograms or more' Qheavyweighit champion 了 aperson or thing that weighs more than is usual 3 a very important person, organiza-

tion or thing that influences others: Q Political heayvyWeight ca heayyweightjourmal

Heb.raic/hibrermrk/ oqj. of or connected with the HebIewlanguage or people: Febraic poetry

Heb:rew/hinbru:/ novn Tamember of an ancient race of people living in what is now Israel and Palestine. Their Wiitings and traditions form the basis of the Jewish religion' 2 the language traditionally used by the Hebrew people 3 amodern form of the Hebrew language Which is the official language of modern Israel 一compare YIDDISH -Hebrewa 太 heck/hek/ exclomation, noun (informal) used to showthat you are slightly annoyed or surprised: OP heck Prm going to be latel ce We had to wait a jheck ofa Iong timnelc Who the jheck are you2? IE forthe 'heck ofit(nformalh)just for pleasure rather than for a reason what the 'heck! (njformalj) used to say that you are going to do sth that you know you should not do: 下 meanis II be 1ate fjor wo 天 DutEWjhat the hecK/

heckle /hekl/ yemb to interrupt a speaker at a public Imeeting by shouting out questions or rude remarks BARRACK: [VN] He was booed anmd jhecKkled throughout jisspeech. [alsoV] 艺 heckler/hekleGD)/ noun heckling mouwm [U] hec'tare/hektestnD); NAmE -ter; BrE also 'hekta:GD)/ nowm

{abbr ha a unit for measuring an area of land; 10000 Square metres Or about 2.5 ACRES

| ou go(MmBb

| orzboy

| renear

| ee hair

| ue pure


724 | hee-haw

/hi: boz noun the way of writing the sound

made byaDONKEY

hec:tic /hektrk/ adj very busy; full of activity: to Iead a Phectic life canhecticschedule

hecto- /hektao; NAmE -too/ compining 如 rm (也 nouns; often used in Units of measuiement) one hundred: hecto-

7metre hecto.gram

(BrE alsohecto'gramme ) /hektegrsem/

noun (abbprhg )aunit for measturing Weight; 100 grams


(Br 日(NAmE hecto-liter ) :/hektelirteC)/

moun (abbrhl )aunit for measuring volume; 100 litres


(8彰 (NAmE hecto.meter ) /hekta-

mi:teG)/ noun (abbrhm ) aunit for measuring distance; 100 metres


/hektaGaD)/ ve [VN, V speech] (jpormah to try to

Imake sb do sth bytalking or behaving in an aggressive Way BULLY hectoring 0d/ :ahectoring tone ofyoice

he*d /hi:d/ shortjorm 1 hehad 2 he would hedsge /hed5/ noun; ve敢

(about/around) (with-sth)-(fjormal) to stirround or limit Sbysth: Bis religious belief Was aways hedged Witpnidoubpt CTheirofferwas hedged around witmnalisort ofconditions. [IE hedge. your 'bets to reduce the Tisk of losing or making a mistake by sSUPPorting more thanione side in a competition,an _argument,etc.,OF by having several choices available to youEGEI 'hedge againststh to do sth to protect yourself against Problems,especially against josing money: Q Way of hedsging agaimst CUTTency HEM

to strTrOund sb/sth with sth

SB/STH IN: The cathedral is mnow jhedged

other Dailaings Se (fgurative) MarTried:Life made Fn Phedged 训 amd restless.



NAmE hoig; :ha:g/ nown a Small brown European animal with stiff parts like needles, (called SPINES), covering its_ back. _Hedge-

识 'py

旋 el


0oun a piece.of equipment used for

/hizdasnrzem/7noun [U] the beliefthat Pleas-

tre is the most important thing in life e hedon-istic /hixdemrstrk/ adl/.

he:donm'ist /idenist/ moun a persom Who believes that Pleasure is the mostimnportant thing in life

/hi:bi 'd5ibiz/ movn

[pl] (old-

大 shioned, informaljl afeeling ofnervous fear Or WoITY heed /hi:d/ verb nown 卓 Ve风 [VN] (Jormajtopaycareful attention to sb's advice or

Warning SRII TAKE NOTICE OF 旧 OUm [U] [ET give/pay 'heed (to sb/sth)

|take 'heed

(of sb/sth) Uormnal) to pay careful attention to sbysth

heed.ful /hi:af/ od/ 一 (of sb/sth) (iormoh) paying careful attention to sb/sth

heed-.less /hi:qlas/ adi [not usually before noun] 一 (of sb/ sth) (Jorma1j) .not paying careful _attention to sbysth > heed-iess-ly 0dv

| ffal:

AT _HEEL [Im at/on


.movn asmall shop/store or STALL Where shoes

are repaired while you Wait

hefty /hefti/ aodi-heft'ier ,heftiest ) 站 (ofaperson or an

heftily ady /hrzd5emani



particular groUP hegeimoniic /hed5rmDnIk; NAmE-mamnIk/0dj: hegemomic comntrol


| ddid



try organizationi etc. Over other countriesi etc:. Within a



一 see also ACHILLES

sb;'s 'heels_ following closely behind sb: Be jied. 广om the Stadium with 纺 eDolice at his jeels.bring sb/sth to 'heel Tto force sb to obey you and accept discipline 2Z2to make a dog come close to yotcome to 'heel 1 (of a Person)jto agree to obey sb and accept their orders 之 (of a dog) to come close to the person who has called 让 (hard/hot) on sb?s/sth?s 'heels Very close behind sby sth; Very soon after sth: News of7riing Unermployment 加 LIowed hard .ofi 态e heels of falling expofE 记gures. take to your 'heels to run away from sb/sth turn/,spin on your 'heel to turn around suddenly so that yo are facing in the oppositeqirectionunder the 'heel of sb “(/站 erag1y) completely conttolled by sb 一more at COOLY,,DIG V,, DRAG V, HEAD 1 ,KICKV,TREAD 以 下 VE/旋 * REPAIR SHOE 1T [VN]torepairthe heelofashoe, etc. *OFBOAT 2 [V]~(oventolean over to one Side: TPe poat heeled ovyer 碎 态 esrrong winid.

nooni/ moun Tu;G (piaies )( 大77ah) controlby one coun-

/hed5reu; NAmE Tou/ noOuUn (especially ip

the heebie-jeebies

7-[C] (old-joshioned,, /normaljl aman

who is unpleasant to other People and canmnotbe trusted


Biitain) a line ofbushes Planted along the edge of a field


Part of the 证side of the hand where it joins the wiist Picture c> BODY


can roll jinto a ball to defend themselves “when they are attacked.


Sergeant clicked his jheels and Walked ouULE 一Picture c> SHOE--cCompare SOLE 几 (2) *-HEELED 4 ( 迄 adjectives) having the type of heel mentioned: Pigh-heeled shoes 一see also WELL HEELED *SHOES_ Sheels [pl.] a pair of women's shoes that have high heels: She doesmnt oftemn Wear jheel5. 一See also KITTEN HEELS > PART OF HAND 6[qd 一 ofyourhand/palm the raised

object) big and heavy: Her brothers were poth hefty 7mmem 训 their forties., 2 (of an amount of money) large; larger than Ustal or expected: They sold it easiby and mmade a heftyprofit:-3cusingalotofforce: Fegave the dooraphefty

hogs are NOCTURNAL (人 active mostly at night) and


covers the heel 3 [Cl theraised part on the bottom of a shoe, boot, etc. that makes the shoe, etc: higher at the back: shoes with a IowFPmigh heelLC2 asSstiletto heel ce The


日OU 了 a IOW of bushes or small trees Planted close together Usually along the edge of a field, garden/yard or road: a privetjhedge 一Dicture c FENCE 了 一 against sth a Way of protecting yourself against the loss of sth,,especially Fnoney: to puy gold as a hedge against 训 jatiom yerpT [vtoavoid giving adirect answerto aquestion OF Promising to Support a, particular idea, etc.: JusSt asWer yes” or 人 o 一and stop hedsging. 也 [VN] to pt a hedge around a field,etc. 3 [vN] [usually passive] ~ sb/sth

risks ,hedge sb/sthe'in

heel o吉 /hil/ nounyve 轴 下 11OU17 >*PART OF FOOT 1T [cl thebackPpart of the footbelow the ankle 一 picture BODY > PART OF:SOCK/SHOE 2: [Cl the part of a socko etc. that


| hhat

| jyes


He.gi'ra (alsoHe-ji:ra ) /hedsre; hrd5sarme/ noOUm [sing:] Ti (usuallythe Hegira ) the occasion when Muhammad left Mecca to go to Medina in AD622 2 the period which began atthis time; the Muslim ERA

heifer /hefa)/ novn ayoung female cow, especiallyone thathas notyethad a CALF

heisght 0 > MEASUREMENT

/hart/ mouwn 1 :[u,C the ieasurement of how:tall.a

person or thing is: Height 270 mm Width: 57Z7mrmm IEength: 了JI7O7mm.CPlease stateyour hneightand weigRht CIEis almost 27mnetres in height 2 Sheis the saTme height as her siste庆 和 to be of mediumzy averasge:height Youscamadiust the heightof the chair CThetable is availablein seyeraldiffer ent heights. 一Picture 史 DIMENSION *BEING TALL 之 [U] the quality of being tall or high: She Worries about her height:(= that she' is too tal): C The Peisghtof the mountain did not discourage thermm. > DISTANCE-ABOVE GROUND 3 [CU] aparticular distance above the ground: The plane jew at a height of 3000 Tmetres. C The stone Was dropped 放omma great height 和 The aircraft was gaining height Cito be at shoulder/ chest/Wwaist height * HIGH PLACE 4 [Gusually pl:] (often used innames) ahigh Place or position: BrooKklym Heights 2 Fe doesnt have Qa

| kecat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen


head jfor heights (= is afraid of high places) Ca ear of jeights e We IooKked out over the city 廊om the Peights:of Eainpurgh Castle. The patterrn ofthe amncient Jields isclearMy Visipblefrormmn aheight *STRONGEST POINT/LEVEL 号 [sing.] the point when sth js at its best Or strongest: He is at the height of jis career Sheisstillatthe heightofjherpowers. Twoulan 北So there m tphe heigjht of SUmimier 2 The ire reached its Peight around 2 aT O The crisis Was at its jheight 六 May. 6 heights [pl.] abetteror greaterlevel of sth; asituation Where sth is very good: Their success jhad reached mnew jheights. 2 She dreamed of reaching the dizzy heights oF Stardormn, > EXTREME EXAMPLE 7 [sin8.] ~ of sth an extreme example of a particular quality: It would be the heisht of folly (= Very stupid) to chamnge course noW @ She Was dressed 训 the height ofjfashion. [Er draw yourself up/rise to your full height to stand straight and tall in order to show your determination or high status 一more at DIZZY

height'en /hartn/ vemb if a feeling or an effect heigh-

tens, or sth heightens it, 让 becomes stronger or increases INTENSIFY: [V] Temsion jhas jheigjhtened after 太e recent pomtp attack. 2 [VN] The campaigr 1 intended to Peighter PUDLic awareness of the disease.

hein'ous /hemas/ adi [usually before noun] (formoj) morally Very bad: a jheinos crime * heinously adv heinOusness 1ouUm [U了

heir /eaGD); NAmEer/ nour ~ (to sth) | 一 (of sb Ta per son Who has the legal right to receive sb's Property, moneyortitle whem thatperson dies: to be heir to alarge 加rtunee the jeir to 纳 e 殷rone (= the person who will be the next king or quieen) 2 a person who is thought to continue the work or a tradition started by sb else: the Presidents political heirs Use an, not a, before heir.

heir ap'parent

noun (5 heirs apparent)

一 (to sth)

1 an HEIR Whose legal Tight to receive sb's property, . money or title cannot be taken away becatuse it is imposSible for sb with a stronger claim to be born 2 a person Who is expected to take the job of sb when that person leaves

heir'ess /eares; Tes; NAmE'er-/ noun ~ (to sth) a female heir,especially one who has received or will receive a large amount of money Use amn, not a, before heir-


heirloom /eslum; NAmE 'erl-/ noun a valuable object that has belonged to the same family for many years: a Jormmily heirioom Use an, not a before heirloom,

heir pre'sumptive

novn (pheirs presumptive) an

HEIR Who may lose his or her legal right to receive sb's PrIoperty money or title 寺 sb with a strongerclaim is born

heist /harst/ mrouvn, ye上 mb 目 0OUm (六 妈mm0/, especialy NAmB an act of stealing sth valuable from a shopystore or bank ROBBERY: Q DarK Peist 目 VE 有 b [VN] (informal, especially Nm to steal sth valuable from a shopVstore or bank

Hej'ira = HEGIRA heid 2# ppofHorp hel:ic.al /melrzkl; 'hil-/ ad (technicaon) Like aHELIX helicop:ter /helrkopte0); NMmE ka:p-/ (also informal cop:ter, chop:.per) own an aircraft without wings that has large blades on top that go round. It can fly straight Up from the ground and can also stay jin one Position in the air: 万 e Was TUshed to 妇e hospital py jelicopter Ca Police helicopterc ahelicopter pilot 一picture 史 PAGE R8

he.lio'cen:tric /hilia'sentrrk/ adj (ostronomy) with the Sun as the centre: the heliocentric modelofthe solar system

he'lio.graph /hilisgrazf; NAmE-graef/ novn 1 adevice Which gives signalsbyreflecting flashes of light from the sun 2 (also he.Jio.gram /hiliegraem/) amessage which is sent using signals from a heliograph 3 a special camera which takes photographs of the sun

| he.lio'trope /milietreop; NAmE:troup/ nounT |

| sisee 站

[Gu] a

garden plant with pale purple flowers with a sweet smell 2 [U] apale purple colour | ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe



helipad /helipzed/ (also'helicopter pad) noun asmall area Where HELICOPTERS can take offand land


/helipoxt; NAmE :poxrt/ moun a place Where

HELICOPTERS take offand land

heli-skiing /heliski:my/ noun [u] the sport of flying in a HELICOPTER to a Place where there is alotof snow on a mountain in order to sKI there

he'lium /hiliem/ novn [u] (symb He) a chemical elem-

ent, Helium is a Very light gas that does not burn, often Used to fll BALLOONS and to freeze food. helix /bilzks/ novn (Phelix heli'ces /hilrsi:z/) a shape like a SPIRAL or a_ line curved around a CYLINDER OT CONE 一see also DOUBLE


jhell om [sing]

/hel/ nouvn (usualy


(used without a or the) 雇 Some religions,the Place believed to be the home of pEVvILs and where bad people go after death 2.[u,sing.] a very unpleasant experience OF Situation ip which people suffer very much: The Iast three mmonths haye been jhelLcHewentthroush jhellduring the trial c Her parents made her 1 沱helL e Being totaly alone is my iaea of hell on earth, 3 [U] a swear word that some peopletuse whenthey are annoyed or surprised OF to emphasize sth. Its use is offensive to some people: OP hel Tve burned the pan.o What the hell do you thinK yoU are doing2? c Go to hellleTcantreally afford 让 bukb Whatthe hell (三让doesmt matter)) TSget 让 amnyWway OHes as SUILty as helL ce (NAmE) Do youunderstand22 el no 了

aont ”IE all hell broke loose (njormalj) suddenly there was a lot of noise, arguing, fighting or confusion: There was QIoud bang and then all hell broke 1oose. beaty/

Kick (the) hellout of sb/sth | knock 'hellout of sby/ sth (injfommal) to hit sb/sth veryhard: Hewas adirtyplayer amd 1oyved to Kick hell out of 妇 e opposition. (just) for the hell of 府 (/ofommalj) just for fun; for no real reason: They Stole thecarjustforthehellof 让 from 'hell(ipformaohused to describe a very Unpleasant person or thing; the worst that you can imagine: They are the meigjhbours 万om je人L get the hell'out (of ... ) (informalj) to leave a place very quickly: Lets get the hell out of here. give sb 'hell (ipjor mmadll 1 to make life unpleasant for sb: He used to give his mother hell When he Was a teentager C My new shoes are Sing mne hell (= are hurting me). 2 to shout at or speak angrily to sb: Dad will give us Rell wjhen jhe sees that mess. go to hell in a 'handbasket (MPmmE informalj) = Go To THE DOGS at DoGm. hell for ieather (old-joshioned,,BrE, imjormal) as quickly as possible: to ride hellforieather hell hath no fury (like a woman 'scorned) (BrE) used to refer to sb, usually a woman, who has reacted very angrily to sth, especially the factthat her husband or lover has been UNFAITHFUL (come) hell or high 'water desPite any difficulties:T 工was deterrmined to go,corme hell or jigjih Water Hells teeth (old:Joshioned,BrE, pforma1j Used to express anger Or SUIPrise like 'hell 1 (pforma)) Used foremphasis: She worked Like hellforjherexarms. My Broken Finger hurt Like hel 2 (0nformal) used when you are refusing permission or saying that sth isuinot true: Z7m coming With yoU Zike hell you are'" (= yotuiaertainly are

not). a/one hell of a ... | a/one helluva ... /helavaey/ (Siang) used to give emphasis to what a person is saying: The 太 rm wasinaphellofarmmness whertjhe took over CItmust have been one hell ofa party. Thats one helluva big house youyve got .play (merry) hell with sth/sb (BrE pforma) to affect sthXsb badly scare, annoy, etc. the 'hellout of sb (/nformal/) to scare, annoy etc. sb very much to 'hell and back (njormal/) used to say that sb has been through a difficult situation: We'Q been to jhell and pack together ad We Were Still good 广iends. to hell with sby/sth (imjo广 1maj) used to express anger or dislike and to say that you no longer care about sb/sth and will take no notice of them: To hell with hirm ”she thoughkb TIeaving. 一 more

| 5yvision

| tfchain

| ds5 jam

| 6thin

| 5this

| 0 sing

he*? 四

726 |

boat or ship compare TILLER 一


he?* 中/hial/ shotjmm he will hell-'bentcd/ ~ on sth/on doing sth determined to do sth even thotghtheriesultsmaybebad: He seeTmus jiel-bent om arinKing jimself to death.

hel.le.bore /heliboxD)/ :movun a poisonous Plant with

divided leaves and large green;, White orPUITPle flowers Helleney/ihelin/ novn aperson from Greece, especially ancient Greece

Hel.len:ic/helenik; "limn-/ odj. of or connected with ancient or modern Greece

Hel.Ilen:is.tic/helrmnrIstik/ ad/. of or connected with the Greekhistory, language and culture ofthe 4th-1st centuries BC

hellLfire /helfareC)/ mouvn [U] the fires which are believed by some ieligious people to burn ip hell where bad people go to be Punished after they die

hell.hole /helhaol; NAmE hou noun (informal) a Very Unpleasant Place hel:lion- helien/ movn (NAmB6) a badly behaved Who annoys other People

helmy/hem/ novp ahandle orwheel used for steering:a


hell.ish /elrf/ ad (oormal especialy BrE) extremely Unpleasant

hello on (also hulloespeciallyin BrE)(BrEalso hallo) /helao; NAmEhaeloo/ exclomaoion; noUn (站 -09 Tiused as a GREETING when you meet sb, When you answWer the telephone of when you want to attract sb's attention: 了 ello Johm, how are you? 2 Fello, is 切ere amybody there2? C Say jhello to Tiz for me. 2 They exchanmnged hellos (= said hello to each other) amd Jorced 5sTmiles. 2-:(BrEl usedto showthatyou are SUrprised bysth: Hello, jhello,wjhats going on jhere2? 3 (nformnal used to show that you think sb has said sth stupid or is not paying attention: Hello? 了 Zou didnit 7really mean thab did yoU2 和 T7m Like,Gellof Did you eyen 1izsten? 一See also GOLDEN


greetings 昌 Helloisthe most usual word andisused in all situations, including answering thetelephone.

上 Hiis more informal and is now very common, 目How are youz or How are you doingz? (very informal)

often follow Hello and Hi: elo Mark OO PP Ka芒X Howareyou灾 和 Goodmorningisoften used by membersofa familyor people who work together when they see each other

forthefirsttimein the day.ltcanalso be used in

formal situations and on the telephone. In informal speech, people may just say Morning. 上 Good afternoon and Good evening are much less common. Good nightis not used to greet somebody, but onlytosay goodbyelate'in the evening orwhen youare going to bed. 利 并yOU arelmeeting someone forthe first time, you can

say Pleased to meet you or Nice to meet you (less formal). some people use How do youdoz in formal situations. The correct replyto thisis How doyou do”


atthe' helm 下 了

charge of an organization; projecty etc, Z Steering a boOat or ship take the 'helm T totakechargeiofan organization, projecb etc. 2 to begin steering aboat of Ship -hel.met/elmrt/ novr atype ofhard hat that Drotects the head, worn, for exainple, by a police officer a soldier or a Person playing Some Sports 一Picture 己> BICYCLE, FOOTBALL, HOCKEY 一See alsoO CRASH HELMET hel:.met-ed /helmartrd/.adj. [onlybefore noun] wearing a helmet

helms.man /hemzmaen/ noun (P1 -men /men/) aper son who steers aboat or ship

help 四 VE


/help/ veb, OU

>* MAKE EASIER/BETTER 人 一 (sb) (with sth) |~ (sb)(in doing

sth) to make it easier or Possible for sb to do sth by doing sth for them or by giving them sth that they need: [V] 了 elp, Prm stuckl e He always helps Witph 切 e hoUsework. 2 meed comtacts that could jhezp 识 finding ajop. 2 [VN] We TnUsSt all 太y a7id jhezp each other 2 Jo W 丰 jep 上 V 加 5ome of the organization. C [VNto in 和 The colleges aim 1 to jhezpstudents (to) achieye 切eir aspirations. SIThis charity aims to hejp people (to) hezp 坊emiselyves. CS [VN inf] Cone amd he态7me 1访 切isbox c [vtoinf She jelped (to)orgamize the part EggIin verb patterns With a to iDfinitive, the 'to is often left out, especially in ipformal or SPoken English. 2 to improve a situation; to make it easier for sth to happen: [V] 到 helped peing able to talIK about 让 [VN] 下 doesmtreally help matters Knowing 雪 ateyveryone is talking aboutzus, C [Vto inf] This should help (to) reduce the pairL. *sSB TOMOVE3 [VN + adv/prep] tohelp:sb move by'letting them lean onyoui guidingthemy etc:: She jielped him to his feet C We Were jhelped ashore by local People.

>GIVE FOOD/DRINK 4 _[VN] ~ yourself/sb (to sth) to give yourself/sb food, drinks, etc:: 矿you Want amother drinjc Justhelp yourseiF c Cam 开 help you to some 7mmore salad2

>STEAL 瑟 [VN] 一yourselfto sth (informah disapprovingjto take sth without permission STEAL: He'd peen jhelp训 g&jirmmase太to 雪e momney 碎 切e cash registe太

Im sb can (not) help (doing) sth | sb can not heip but do sth used to saythatit is imnpossible to Pievefit Or avoid sth: Tcart heIp 急imKing he KnowWs more 雪 a7Ljie jhas told us. e She couldmit help but Wonder WPhat he Was 态 识厄 img Itcouldrmntbpe helped(= therewasnowayofavoid-ing itand We mtust acceptit). CT 人 endLp hayingianm arSuirientWithn hepTdontknowwpy TIjustcarthezp 认 2T coOUIdm 和 jhezp 让 矿the bus was ate (= 让 Wasnmt my fault. She Durst .oOuUE Iaughing 一She coOUldrmt -jheIp hersel丰

(=.couldn'tstop herself). give/lend a ,helping 'handto

help sb God/Heaven 'help sb (informal)used to saythat you are afraid sb will be in danger or that sth bad will happen to them: God help Us 矿 tis doesnt Work [ESome people find this use offensive. so 'help me (God) used to swear that what yo are Saying is true,

especially in a coOUIrt of law

help sb 'off/'on with

sth to help sb put on/take off a piece of clothing: Zet 7me hejpyouofrwithyour coat ,help'out| heip sbc'outto help sb, especially in a difficult situation: Hes aways Wilingto help ouE 和 WhenTboughtthe house myYsSisterhelped Te OutEWith a 1oa7L. 四 /OU


站 [U] ~ (with_sth) .the act of

helping sb to do sth: Thamnk youjforal your help. 2 Do yo meed amy help With that2? 2 CafnnlTIbe of any jelp to yoU2 和 None of this would haye been possible Withouttheir help. She stopped smoking With the help of her frmmily amd 太ienids.

hell:rais-er /elraIze(D)/ moun a Derson who catises troublebybehaving loudly and often violently, especially when theyhave drunktoo much alcohol

IHells Angelnovn amemberof a group of people, Usually.men, who ride powerful motorcycles, wear leather

clothes and used to be known for their wild and Violent behaviour

hel.luvacs 字 SELL


2 [U]

一 (with sth) advice,money,etc.

that is given to sb in order to:solve their Problems: t SeeK finartcialAlegalAmedicab etc. heIp 3 The orgamization offers Practical help 识 dealing with paperworKk.S ZI Should qualipy for heip with the cosk of running acar ea help Key/screen (= afunction on a computer that DIOVides information on howto use the computeT) >*BEING USEFUL 3 [LU] the fact of being Useful: The 7map Wasnit much help.c With the heip ofaladaer meighbours

acat | dfather | eten | as:bird | aabout|isit|isee|imany|npgsot(BrE)



Were able to rescue the children 廊om the blaze coJustshoukt ing atjirmuismtgoing to pe alotofjhelp.

“FOR SB IN DANCER 4.[u] the actof helping sb who is in danger: Quick getjelp! e She screamed Jor Phel1p.

“PER>ON/ATHING 5 [sing]a~ (tosb)aperson or thing that helps sb: She was more of a hindrance thamn a help. Ce Zour adyice Was apig help:e (ironic) Youye a great jelp, T7mnust





hemi'sphere /hemrsfreCoD); NAmE-sfrr/ movn T onehalf

of the earth, especiallythe halfabove orbelowthe EQUATOR: the morthern/southern hemisphere 2 either half of the brain: the Ieft]right cerebral hernisphere 3 one half ofa sPHERE (= around solid object)

6 the help [U+sing/pl.v] (especially NAm 日 hemi'spher'ical /hemarsferTkl; NAmE also “sfrr-/ ad

the person or people who are employed by sb to clean

their house, etc. 一See also HOME HELP

shaped like a hemisphere

IO there is no help forit (especially BrB) it is not pos-

hem'line /hemlamy/ movn the bottom edge ofa dress or

helpdesknona SerVice, Usuallyin abusiness company,

hem'lock /hemlpk; NAmE:lak/ noun T[u,G a poison-

Sible to avoid doing sth that may harm sb in some Way: Theres no hezp for 让 We shall have to call the police.

that gives people information and help, especially 过 they are having problems with a computer

help'er /heljpa(D/ moun a person who helps sb to do sth: helper



om /nepay vd

T~(forsb)j(to dosth) |~(in doingsth) |~(tosb)ableto

improve a particular situation

USEFUL: heIpful ad-

Vice/injformaftionAsuggestions Sorry T cant pe more Piezp包 1.2 下 Would pe helpfl for me to see the darmage /or 7nyse 矿CRoIe-play 辣 help 包 1 in developing comirmunication SKil1s. 2 Te pooKlet Should De very jelp 包 1 to Parents ofdisapled chiladren. 27(ofa person) willing to help sb: Tcalied the police but 切ey Weren革 jelp记 1 Te sta 太 couldm交 Paye beerl more jelp矿LL. UNHELPFUL > help'fully /eli/ adv: She help 包 1yysuggested that TI try the local 下 Dra1y

elp'fulness mou1 [U]

help'ing /helpm / noun ~ (of sth) an amount of food

Skirt; the length of a dress or skirt: Shorter Phemlines are DacKk in this season.

ous plant with a mass of small white flowers growing at the end of a STEM that is covered in spots 2 [U] poison made from hemlock

hemor- = HAgwohemp /hemp/ noun [U] a Plant which is used for making TIope and cloth, and also to make the drug CANNABIS

hen /hen/ novn T afemale chicken, OF meat: Q Smiall jiock of Iaying 2 (especially in compounds) any 一compare Dheasan t COCK- see also


often keptforits eggS Phens 2 battery hens female bird: a jien MOORHEN

om /hens/ adv (Jormaj)

for this reason: We suspect 妇 ey are trying to jhide someti Pence 态e need 加 六 am independent 识quiry 过过 :days, weeks, etc-'hence (Jormal) a number of days,etc. from now: The true comnsequences W 记 only pe

KnowWP Seyeral yea7s jetce.

given to sb at a meal SERVING: Q SImaIILASenerous jelpingsc We allhad a secomd helping ofpie.

hence'forth /hens'fo:9; NAmE -forg/ (also hence'for-

help'less /helplas/adj. 1 unabletotake care ofyourself

ing from aparticular time and at all times in the future: Friday 31 July 1925 .jhenceforth _became Known as Red Friday-

or do things without the help of other people: the helpless Victims of War ca helpless gesture[look e He Iay helpless on 态 ejloor 下 smatural to feel helpless againstsuch abuse. 4 The worst Part 这 being jhelpless to change anything, 了

一 (with sth) unable to control a strong feeling: helpless Panic/rase 2 The audience Was helpless with Iaushter 上 helplessly adv: Theywatched jelplessly as their horme Went up 识 jjiames._ heip.lessness moun [U]:a feelingX Sel11Se of jelplessness

helpline /helplamy/ nown (BrE) a telephone service that Provides advice and information about particular problems



(also help'meet


noun (1jormalor/iteromy) ahelpful partner especiallya wife

helter-skelter /helta 'Skelta(r); NAmE ,helter/ ou1,

0d1. 于 1OU1 (BrE) a tall tower at a FAIRGROUND that has a path twisting around the outside of it from'the top to the bottom for peopleto slide down 量adj. [only before noun] done in a hurry and in a way that lacks organization: a heltersKkelter dash to meet 切 e deadLine > helter-skelteradv

hem /hem/ noun, verb mOum the edge of a piece Over and sewn, especially Ip the jhemm ofa dress (= to 昌 ve六 Cmm-) [VN] to make




of cloth that has been folded on a piece of clothing: to take

make the dress shorter) a hem on sth: to herm a sKirt

(Nm 日 =




ward /hensfo:xwed; NAmE-foxrward/) adv (Jormalj) start-

hench-man /hentfmaen/ novn (P -men /iman/) a faittful supporter ofapowerful person, forexample a Political leader or criminal, who is prepared to use Violence or become involved in illegal activities to help that person


/hen'dekegen/ moumn (geometry) a flat

Shape with eleven straight sides and eleven angles

hen'deca:syl'lable /hendeke'srlebl/ moun (techmicaj)a

line ofpoetry with eleven syllables * hen:decasyllab'ic /hendekesr]laebIk/ adf/

hen'dia'dys /hen'daiedis/ nour [U] (grammar) the use of two words joined with "and' to express a single idea, for example mice and warrmy

henge /hend35/ moun a circle of large vertical wooden or Stone Objects built in PREHISTORIC times

henna /hene/ noun [U] a reddish-brown pyg (= asubStance Used to change the colour of sthj, used especially on the hair and skin

hen party (also hen night) moOuUn (BrE, infrmal) a party for women only, especially one held for a woman who Will soon get married 一compare STAG NIGHT



adj (Unformal) a man


people say is henpecked has a wife who is always telling him what to do, and is too weak to disagree with her

hem sb/sth 二 in to surround sbysth so that they cannot move or grow easily HEDGE SB/STH IN: The

henry /henri/ noun (p/ hen'ries or henrysjsobbr Ha

Vizlage is hemrmedtin on allsidesbyrmountains. co (jgurotive) She 帮Ltjhermrmed iDbyalltheir petty rules and regulationns.

hep'at'ic /hrpaetrk/ ad/. (biology) connected with the LIVER. hepa'titis /hepa'tartrs/ noun [U] a serious disease ofthe

he-man moun (pf he-men) (often huwmorous) astrong man With big muscles, especially one who likes to show other People how strong he is

hema'tite (NA 日= HAEMATITE hematology (NMmB = HAEMAToLoGx

lastshalfaslong as aDEMISEMIQUAVER

| army

| aunow

| ersay

LIVER. There are three main forms: hepatitis A (the least

serious, catused by infected food), hepatitis B and hepa-

flat shape with seven straight sides and seven angles


heptagon'al /hep'taegenl/ ad

(BrE) (NAmE Sixty-fourth note) noun (music) a note that


雇 an electiic CIRCUIT

titis C (both very serious and caused by infected blood), hepta'gon /heptegen; NAmE ga:n/ noun (geometp/) a

hema'toma (NAmB) = HAEMAToMA hemidemisemiquaver

unit formeasuring the INDUCTANCE

hepta'he'dron /heptahi:dren; "hed-/ noun (geometnmy/) a solid figure with seven flat sides

| sogo (Br6

| ou go (MAm晶 | osboy

| re near

| ee hair

| ue pure



hep:tam'eter /hep'taemarte(D)/ noun (techmicah aline of Poetry with seven stressed syllables

hept'ath:lon /hep'taeblan/ noun a sporting event especiallyone'for womem in which people compete iD seven different Sports 一compare BIATHLON,, DECATHLON, PENT-

ATHLON, TETRATHLON, TRIATHLON her om /haGnD); a:(mD; a(oD); strongj11m hs/ pro de 目prom. used as the object ofaverb, afterthe Verb be or after a preposition to refer to a woman or girl who has already been mentioned or is easily identified: We7e going to cal1 jher Sophie. Please give herTmyregards.CTheTmanagerW 丰 be 太ee 50orIL 一yoOU caTL WaitJor her jere.C ThatrnuUstbe her mo0内 一compare SHE 是 dfet (the possessive form of she) of or belonging to a woman or girl who has alreadybeen mentioned or is easjly identified: Meg 1oves her job. 2 She broke jher 1eg sKi记g. 一See also HERS

herald /herald/ verb, nou1 晶 yerb [VN] (Jormah Ttobe asign that sth is.going to happen: These talks could herald a mnew era of peace 也 一 sb/ sth (as sth) [often passive] to say ip Public that sb/sth is good or important: The report is being heralded as a blIuePTrintjfor 殷e 包ture oftramnsport 是 mnOUm 了 Something that Shows that sth else is going to happen soon: The goyerrment clairns 态at 坊e 如 1 总 UneTmDIOyrment 认 太e herald of ecoriomic recovyery, 也 (记 the past) apersonm who carried messages fom a Tuler

herald:ry /hersldri/ movn [uthe studyof the COATS OF ARMSs andthe history of old familieg > heraldic/heraeldik/ ad herb /haib; NAmE sirb; haxrb/ moun Ta Plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are tised to flavour food, in medicines or for their Pleasant smell. PARSLEY, MINT and ORE-

GANO are all herbs: aherb gardene (NAmE) an herb garden 2 (technica/)aplantwith a soft sTEM that dies down after flowering herbaceous /hazberfes; NAmE arb-; har'b-/ adj. (techmical) connected with plants that have Soft STEMS:Q jerbGCeOUS DIamnt

heribaceous bordernovn apiece of groundin a garden/yard containing Plants-that Produce flowers everIy year withoutbeing repPlaced herb'age /jha:brds; NAmE '3Tb-; hazrb-/ nown [U] (techmical) plants in general, especially grass that is grown for

COWs, etc. to eat herb-al /abl; NAmE'a:rbl; ha:rbl/ adj, noun 目 0dj. connected with or made from HERBS: herbal ?mediCineZremedies 昌 OU1 a book about HERBs, especially those Used ip medicines herb:alism /ha:blrzzam; NAmE '3arbl-; ha:rbl-/ movm [U] the medical use of Plants, especially as a form of ALTER-

NATIVE MEDICINE herb-al'ist /hazbalrst; NAmE'3Tb-; ha:rb-/ own aperson Who grows, sells or uses HERBS for medicalpUIposes

nerbal tea novn [u,G a drink made from dried HERBS and hot WwWateT

herbicide /aibisaid: NAmE'a:rb-; ha:rb-/ noun [CU] a chemical that is poisonous to Plants, Used to Kill plants that are gIOwing where they are not wanted 一see also

INSECTICIDE, PESTICIDE herbivore /ha:brvozaD); NAmE '3:rb-; "haTrb-/ noum any animal that eats _only Plants 一coOmpare CARNIVORE,



/hazbrvares; NAmE 3Tmb-; hairb-/ adj/: herbiyvorous dinoSQLUTS Hercu'lean /ha:kjulizen; NAmE ,ha:rk-/ adj [usually before noun] needing a lot of strength, determination or ef-

fort: a Ferculean task [TS From the Greek myth 让 Which Hercules pioved his courage and strength by completing twelve very difficult tasks (called the Labonurs of



| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

herd /hs:d; NAmEhs:ra/ moun; verb 昌 1OU1 了 a group of aiiimals ofthe sametypethatjlive and feedtogether: aherdofcows/deer/elephartts 2 apeef/ dairy jherd-compare FLOCK 了 (ustally di50pprovng) a large group of People of the same type: She PLUSsjhed Per _、Way 妇 rougha jerd of 有 mchtime drimnKers 2 芒e commOPL herd (= ordinary people) e Why fliow the herd (= do

and thinkthe same as everyone else)2? [IIJ see RIDEY 目 yerp 站 [十qdvVprep] tommove or make sb/sth move 识 a Particular direction: [V] We al1 herded om to 妇e bus. [VAN] They Were herded 如 ge 名 er 识 to 女UCcKs and driyen aWay. 2 [VN]tomake animals movetogether as a group:ashepPera herding Pis 帮ocK


inmstimct novun [sing] the natural tendency


People or animals to behave or think like other People or animals

herds.mamn /s:dzman; NAmE 'hsrd-/ noun (5 -men /men/) aman Whose job is totake care of a group of animals, SUch as COwWsS

用ere 0

/hreGnD); NAmEhrr/ ady,,exclamation

有 dcdy. 1 ised after averb or Preposition to mean in, at OF to this position or place': TIive here. C PUE the pox jhere. Tets get out of here. 2 Come OVer here. 了 noOwW; at this point: The countaowra to Christrmzas Starts here. C Here the SDeaker 5aused to hayvea drinKk. 3 usedWhenyou are giving or showing sth to sb: Heres 坊e mmorteyTDromiised YOU CHeresa disj thatissinmiple anid quick to make. 2 Here 1 your opportunity C Here comes the bus. CTcamnt 放 nd7my Keys. OP here they are. O Here We are (= We've arriVed). 4~todosth used to showyour role iniassituation: Im

jhere to help you. 5 (used after a noun, for emphasis): My

广 iend heresaWw 让 Jiappen FE by here(WelshB here; to here: Come jy here Tiowl/ ,here and there in Various Places: Papers We 郊 scattered here amd there on the jioor

here goes (informalj used when you aretelling people that you arejust going to do sth exciting, dangerous, etc.

here'"s to sb/sthused to wish sb health or success, as you

lift aglass and drink a TOAST: Heres toyour 包 ture hapDLmess/ihere; there andeverywhere 记 ianyidifferert Places; all arotund ,here we golinformaj said when sth is starting tohappen: ere We80o, 纺OUShEFred She ssUreto say something inere we goagain (jjormalj) said when sth is starting to happen again, especially sth bad ,here you are (injormal) used when you are giving sth toisb: Here youiare. This is Whatyou Were askingJor ihere you go(informal)usedwhenyouare giving sth to sb: Hereyov

go. Four copies) ithat right2 neftiher here nor there not important

IRRELEVANT: JWhat Tmight haye hap-

Pened is neither here nor there. 一more atOUTadv ,pre

目 eXCclamation 1 (BrE) used to attract sb's attention: Fere, Where areyougoing with that ladder? 2 used when offering sth to sb: Here, Ietme carTy thatjfor yo

here'abouts-/hrerebauts; NAmE br-/ (NAmE :also here'aboutb odw near this place: There aremnit 7TnGny Pouses Rhereabouts.

here'after /hier'a:fte(); NAmE hir'aef/ ady, noOun

昌 dadv. 1 (also here'in'aften (in legal documents, etc.) 也 the rest of this document 2 (jormah from this time; 也 future 一compare THEREAFTER 3 (Jormalj) after death: Do yoUbelieve 识 al 这 hereafter2

目 MOUm the hereafter[sing]alifebelievedto begin after death

here'.by /hrebar, NAmE

hrmrbar/ adv (im legal docu:

Iments,etc.) as a result of this statement,, and in a way that makes sth legal

heredi'tary /haredrtri; NAmE-teri/adj Ti(especiallyof jllnesses) given to achild byitsPparentsbefore itisborn:a Pereditary imnesswdisease/comtditiorn/ problerm 2 ZEPLlepsy zhereditaryin herjformil 2 thatis legallygivento Sb's child,when that person dies: Qa_ hereditary title/ Tomrarchy 3 holding a rank or title that is hereditary: hereditary PeersVZrulers

hered'ity /heredati/ mon [U] the piocess by Which Imental and physical characteristics are passed byPparents totheir children; these characteristics 训 aparticular PerSon: the debate ovyerthe efjfects of heredity and emnyirorrment

| kcat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| Tred

here-in /hierm; NAmE,hrmr'my/ adv (Jormalor/ow)inthis

Place, document, statement or fact: Neither Darty 1 Wil-

img to compromise and herein lies the problemm。 here'in:after /hrerm'arfteaD); NAmE ,hrmm'aef/ (law) = HEREAFTER


here.of /hierpv;i NAmE hmAv; "axv/ adv (law) ofthis:a Period of72 months 方om the date hereof(= the date ofthis document)

heresy /heresi/ noun [ud_(p/ -ies) 1 a belief or an

opinion that is against the Principles of a particular religion; the fact ofholding such beliefs: He was burned atthe Stake 如br heresy 切e heresies of the early Protestants 2 a belief or an opinion that disagrees strongly with what Imost People believe: The iaea is heresy to most employees of the 方rm.

heret'ic /heraetrk/ noun aperson whois guilty ofheresy

heretical /haretikl/ adi: heretical Delie访

here'to / hretu:; NAmE ,hmtu:/ adv (law)tothis

heretofore /hretufo:oD; NMAmE hrrt/ adv (1jormal) before this time


/hiIerepDpn; NAmE ,hrmrepamn/ ady (iieramy)

after this; as a direct result of this situation


/hro'wr6; .wz6,NAmE hmw-/ adv (1jormal)

With this lettep book or document: TI enclose jherewith a copy of the Policy

her'itable /herrtebl/ adj (low) (of property) that can be passed from one member of a family to another heri'tage /herrtrd3s/ nouwn [usually sing.] the history, trad启ons and qualities that a country or society has had for manyyears and that are considered an important part of its character: Spains rich cultural heritage e The puilding is Part ofour national heritasge.

heritage centre moun (BrE) a Place where there aie exhibitions that people visit to learn about life in the past herm:aph.ro.dite /hazmaefredart; NAmEhas:rm-/ nown a person, an animal or a flower that has both male and

female sexual organs Or characteristics P herm'aphro-

dite ad

hermen'eut'ic /hs:maemju:trk; NAmE hazrmamju:tik;

-nuz-/ adj (techmicoh relating to the meaning of written texts


/hamamju:ttks; NAmE haxrmaemju:-

trks; -nu:-/ mouw1m [pl.] (technrcaj) the area of study that analyses and explains written texts hermet'ic /ha:zmetrk; NAmE harm-/ oadj T (technican tightly closed so that no air can escape or enter AIRTIGHT 了 (Jormal/, disapproving) closed and difficult to become a part of: the stran8e, jhermetic World oF the theatre

hermetically /kli/ odv: a hermetically sealed com-


hermit /smrt; NAmEmarmit/ noun apersonwho, usuallyforreligious reasons, lives avVery simplelife alone and

does not meet or talk to other people.


/ha:mitrda; NAmE ha:rm-/ noun a place

where ahermit lives or lived hermit crab noun a cRAB (= a sea creature with eight legs and, usually, ahard shell) that has no shell ofits own and has to Use the empty shells of other sea creatures hernia /amie; NmE "harrnie/ mov [CU] a medical condition in which part of an organ is pushed through a weakpartofthebodywall hero om /hirereog; NAmmE'hrroo; hi-/ novn (P1-oes) T a person, especially aman, who is admired by many people for doing sth brave or good: a war jhero (= sb Who was very brave during a war) C The Olympic team Were giyen a jhero5S Welcome oft 雪 eir return home. C ote of the countrys national heroes 2 the main male character iD a Story novel, 人 mVXmovie etc.: The hero of the moyel is a ten-year ol1d boy 3 a person, especially a man, that you admire because of a particular quality or skill

that they have: ny childhood hero 4 (Nm = SUBMARINE(2) 一See also HEROINE hero'ic /ha'raewuIik; NAmE -rou-/ adj. 1Tshowing extreme courage and admired by many People COURAGE-


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe



OUs: Qa heroic Jigure @ Rescuers 7made jheroic efforts to Saye the crew. 字 showing great determination to succeed or to achieve sth, especially sth difficult: We watched our teams heroic struggle to win jack the cup. 3 that is about Or involves ahero: a heroic story/poem o heroic deeds/ ITnyths 4 very large Or great: This was foolishriess om a

jheroic scale. > hero'icaliy /klijazy heiroic 'couplet moun (technical-two lines of Poetry one after the other that RHYME and usually contain ten Syllables and five stresses hero'ics JEisTreuIks; NAImE-Troo-/ noun [pl.] T (disapproy/ng) talk Or behavior that is too brave or dramatic for a particular situation: Remermmbe5 mio heroics,We just go 训 there and do our job. 2 actions that are brave and deterImined: Thamjs to Batemams heroics in the second half the teaTm Won 2-0.

heroin /hereurm; NAmmE 了 ou-/ moun [U] a powWerful 记 legal drug made from MORPHINE, that Some People take for pleasure and can become ADDICTEDto:aheroiri addict hero-ine /hereum; NmE-rou-/ noun Tagirlor woman Who is admired by many for doing sth brave or good: the jheroines of the reyolution 了字 the main female character in a story noOvel, 们 mV/movie,etc.: TPe heroine DIayed by Demi Moore. 3 a woman that you admire because of a particular quality or skill that she has: Madomma was her teennage jeroine.

hero-ism /heraulzam; NAmE TouU-/ OUm [U] very great coOUrage heron /heren/ noun a large bird with a long neck and long legs, that lives near water

hero worship "oun [u] great admiration for sb because youthink they are extremely beautiful, intelligent, etc.

hero-worship vem(pp-) [VN] to admire sb very much because you think they are extremely beautiful, intelligent, etc. her.pes /hazpi'z; NAmE 'haxrp-/ noun [U] one of a group of infectious diseases; caused by a virus, that cause painful spots on the skin,, especially on the face and sexual organs

herpes simiplex novn [u] an infection caused by a Virus,which can cause sore areas around the mouth or onthe GENITALS herpes zoster /hapiz'zpstaCD); NAmE,harpi:z'zazster/

1mou1n [U] (mmedico/) 下 = SHINGLES 2 aviruswhich causes SHINGLES and CHICKENPOX

her:ring /herm/ noun{pherring orherrings) [U,Cl aN

Atlantic fish that swims in very large groups and is used for food: shoals of herring 2 廊esh jerririg Jillets ec Dickled Per7rings 一See also RED HERRING


/'hermbaun; MAmE -boun/ houn [U] a

pattern Used, for example, in cloth consisting of lines of V-shapes that are parallel to each other

ierring gull mour a large N Atlantic bird of the cULL family with black tips to its wings hers om /has:z; NAmE haxrz/ prom. of or belonging ter: Bis eyes 7met hers. jers. Ca 廊iend of ners



/haxself weok jorm

COThe choice was ha'self;


haxmr's-; her's-/ Pro1.

1 (thereflexiveform ofshe)usedwhenthe woman or girl Who performs an action is also affected by it: She Purt jherse 上 2 She nust be very proud of herselF _2 used to emphasize the female subject or object of a sentence:

She told me the TieWs herse 凡 Jane herselfFwas at the miee上-

识5. [EU be, seem, etc. her'self (ofa woman or girl) to

be in a normal state of health or happiness; not influenced by other people: She didmit seerma guite jherself this 7norning. C She needed space to be herself (al by her'self 1 aloneji Without anyone else: She lives by herse太 字 Without help: She runs the business by herself (al to

herself foronlyherto have oruse: She wants aroom all to herse太

| 5vision

| tf chain-

| -dzjam

| 9thin

| 5this

| nsing



heertz /haszts; NAmEhairts/ nowm(p/ hertz)(obbrHz) atinit for measuring the FREQUENCY Ofsound waves

her”s shortjorm 1T/hi:z; his; zz/ heis 2 /hi:z/ he has hesi'tamcy /hezrtensi/ noun [u] the state or quality of being slow or uncertain in doing or saying sth: 工noticed a certain PhesitaTacy 训 Pis Voice.

hesi'tant /hezitent/ odi ~ (about sth) | ~ (to do sth) slow to speak or act because yo feel uncertain, embarIassed or Unwilling: a hesitamts7Tmile 2 SheS jhesitant apoUt Signming the comntract C the pabys 万rst jw Phesitartt steps Doctors are hesitant to coOTmaentt 0 the meW treatrment

> hesitantly odv

Ihesi-tate 0 /hezrtert/ vemb 志

1~(about/over sth) to be slow'to speak or act because you feel uncertain OF nervous:

[V] She jhesitated before

replying. CTdidmt hesitate fjor aorment about taking the Jop. [alsoVspeech] 2 [vtoinf] tobeworried about doing sth, especially because you are not surethat it is right or apPIOPpIiate: Please do mot hesitate to contact 7me 矿yOU jhayve any dueries, hesirtation /hezrterfmn/ moun [U,Q: She agreed Without the slightest jhesitatiort 2 工 jayve mo jesitatiom im recommmending herjor thejob. coFe






he who hesitates (is lostj (soying ifyou delay in doing sth you may lose a good opportunity


/hesion; NAmE'hefn/ (especially BrE) (NAmEUsu-

ally purlap) 10vn [U] a type of strong rough brown cloth, used especially for making SAGKS

hetero= /hieteraso-; NAmEToU/ commbining 万/ 历 (各 nouns, adjectives and adverbs) other; different: heteroge7ieous 人 PeteroseXxual 一coOmpare HOMO-

het-ero-dox /heteredpKks; NAmE-dad:Kks/ adj. ( 龙rmaj not following the usual or accepted bejliefs and opinions一




上 neterodoxy

moOuUn [U,C] (P/ nes)


/hetera'd5imies/ 0di (7rmah co

Sisting of many different kinds of people or things: the

jeterogeneous poDulation of the United States [3 HOMOGENEOUS hetero-Seneity /-d5emi:eti/ noun [U] hetero-nym /heterenm/ mou1n (Jinguistics) 1 one of two or more wordsthathave the same Spelling bnuit different meanings and Pronunciation,for example 《ear meaning Tip and 'tear meaning 1iquid from the eye” 2 one oftwo ormore words that referto the same thing, for example Tift and “elevatom

het'ero-sexual /hetera'sekfusl/ noun a person who is Sexually attracted to People ofthe opposite sex 一compare

BISEXUAL HOMOSEXUAL 多 hneteroSsexual adj :aheteroSeXUQaI relatiomspip heterosexuality /hetere,sekjfu'aele三/ noum [U]

het'ero-troph /heteretreuf; -trpf NAmE :trouf; -trazf/ moun (biolosy) a living thing that gets its food from the body of another living thing and does not make 让 from Simpler Substances 一compare AUTOTROPH 多 hetero-

trophiic /hetere'treufik; "trbfik; NAmE-troufik; -trazfik/ adl/. het'ero.zy-Sote /hetera'zaigaot; NAmE .gout/ moun (biology) a living thing that has two varying forms of a

jewnm tmber rocK.

廊aimes G The Statues Were hieWwP out of solid

hex /heks/ ve六 [VN] (Nm 日touse magic powers in order to harm sb 睛

mex 1ou1: to DuUEa jex om Sb 一compare

CURSE aexa- /heksa/ (also hexr-) combining 大rm (in nouns, adjectives and adverbs) Si; having s 这


/heksa'desrml/ (also Phex /heks/) ad

(computing) asystem for representing pieces of dataUsing the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F: The Tiu7mber IO7 站 Fepreserited hexadecimal as 6B.

hexa-SOm /heksagen; NAmE-ga:n/ noun (geometry) a 人 at shape With si straight sides and six angles 攻 -aoOmal /heks'zganl/ ad hexa-Sram /heksegrzemy/ moun (geometry) ashape made by six straight lines, especially a star made from two triangles with equal sides

hexa-he-dron /heksashidren; "hed-/ mour (geometry) a solid shape with s 这 人旭 at Sides


/hek'saemrteGD)/ moun (technica1) a line of

Poetry with six Stressed syllables

hey /her exclomaton (informah Tused to attract sb's attention Or to exXpress interest,SUIPrise OF anger:


camTjaStasKyYoUu some 雪 讶 g2O Hey leaye 17mny 雪 总gs aloriel! 2 used to show that you do not really care about sth or thatyouthinkitis notimportant: Thats 态e 雪 ird tmeTye Deen Iate this Week - Dutjheyl =- Whos countimng2 3 (SA used atthe end ofa statement to showthatyouhavefinished speaking, or to form a question or inyvite sb to reply: Thamks jfor 的 人ee 术 hey CO My mnew Dikes nice, Phey?


tihe hey

(NAmE jnformmal used to say that

sth does not matter or that you do not care abonlt it: This iDrobablyapad ideaw putWhatthe hey!

hey-day /herder/ noun:[usually sing] the time when sby sth had most Power Or Success,OT Was Imost popular

PRIME: Ta its heyday the compamny ram trains eyery ,

万fteen7ninutes. Ca 太 ne example 太 om the heyday ofJtaliam Cinema apicture of BTrigitte Bardot 训 herpeyday

hey presto exclamation (Br 日(WAmE Presto)


thing that People say when they have just done sth so quickly and easily that it seems to have been done by Iagic: YDUJust press the button amd jhey presto, Q Perfect cuUP of coffee! 2 Something that People Say just before they finish a magic trick HHIFC /ertfef'si:z/ noun [CU] atype ofgastsed especiallyin AEROSOLS (= types of container that Felease liquid in the form of a Spray). HFCS are notharmfulto the layer ofthe gas OZONE iD the earth's atmosphere. (abbreviation for ydrofluorocarbon')

Imhg obbr HEcTOGRAMIS) HGV /ertfd5iz'vi:/ abbr (BrE) heavy goods vehicle (alarge Vehicle such as a lorry/truck): Zo needamr HCVILicence for

态Jo0D. HHS /ertfertf'es/ abbr Department ofHealth and Human Services (the US government department responsible for national health programmes and the SOCIAL SERVICES ADpMINISTRATION)

hi om /hai/ exclamationm (inFrma Used to sayhello: Bi guys! e EBD therel HowTeyoudaoing? hia-tus /harertes/ noun [sing.] (jnmal)1apausein activ-

particular GENE, and whose ons may therefore Vary 记 aparticular characteristic w netero-Zy-SoOus /-gas/.0dl/

itywhen nothing happens 2 aspace,especiallyin apiece

hetup /het'Ap/ adj [not before noun] 二 (about/over sth) (BrE, njormalj) anxious, excited or slightly angry: What are

Phiatus hernia noun (medicoh a condition in which an

yougetting so hetUp about2

heur'is'tic /hjuristtk/ odj ( 旋rmaj) heuristicteaching or education encourages yo to learn by discovering things for yourself heur'is-tics /hjurrstrks/ novn [u] (如rmah a method of solving Problems by finding Practical ways of dealing With them, learning from past experience hew /hjuy verb hewed, hewed or hewn /ijan/) [VN]

1 (ofdjoshioned) to cut sth large with atool: to hew wood 2 (Jormaj to make or shape sth large by cutting: rougjly

of writing or in a speech, where sth is missing organ,especially the _stomach,sticks opening in the DPIAPHRAGM

olt through an

Philbernate /harbenert; NAmE -bern-/ verb [V] (of aniImals) to spend the winter in a state like deep sleep


bernation /harbemerfn; NAmE-berm-/ moun [U] fni'bis'cus /hrbrskes; har/noun [UiG (Ph hi:biscus) a tropical plant or bush with large- brightly coloired 外owers hic-cup (alsoRiccough) /hikAp/ nown ve三 豆 mOU1 了 [Casharp,usuallyrepeated, soundmadein the throat, that is caused by a sudden Imiovement ofthe DIA-

acat | dfather | eten | s:bird | aabout |zrsit|see|imany|npsgot(Brb

| orsaw | Acup

| mput | utoo

PHRAGM and:thatyou cannot control: She gave a Ioud hic-

CUPD,, 之 (the) hiccups [pl.] a series of hiccups: TI ate too QqUickly amnd got hiccups. 2 He had the hiccups. 3 [C (njor mal a small problem 'or temporary delay: There was a Slight Piccup in the tmetable. ByVE 比[V] to have hiccups or a single hiccup hick/hrzk/ noun (njormah especially NAmB a person from “the country who is considered to be stupid and to have little experience of life:TWas justa hick 方om Texas then. PP hickadj: aack towm hickey/hrki/ moun (NAm 有 日= LOVE BITE hickory /hrkeri/ novn [u] the hard wood of the N American hickory tree HIHCP/ertf arsi:'pi:/ obbr harmonized index of consumer Drices (alistofthe Prices of some ordinary goods and serVices which shows how much these prices change each month.Itisusedbythe European CentralBank and began

to be used in the UK in 2003, where it is called the'ConSumer Price Index'.)

hidden agendamnoun (disopproving) the secret intention behind what sb says or does: There are jars of a hiddemn agenda behind this new DroposaL



hide her disappointment CThaye mneyer tried to hide the truth about TY Past They claimz 雪 at they have nothing to hide (= there was nothing wrong orillegal aboutwhat theydid). ceShejLtSure the Ietterjhad some hiddemn meam-

in3S,[GI hide your light under a 'bushel(B7rE) to not let people know that you are good at sth_more at HEAD1. ,MULTITUDE 引 IOU1 了 [C] (BrE) a place 他om which People can watch wild animals or birds,without being seen by them 2 [CU] an animal's skin, especially when it is bought or sold or Used for leather: bookts made 广om buffalo phide一 Picture 只 ERAGE R20 3 [sing.] (njormal especally NAm 日 used to refer to sb's life or safety when they are in a di 丛 cult Situation: A1 hes worried about Pis own hide (= himself) e Sheia do anything to saye jher owT hide. II have/tan sb2s 'hide (old-fshroned,7nformnal or hu/morous) to punish sb severely not see hide nor 'hair of sby/sth (njormaj/) not to see sby/sth for some time: 7 jayvemtseen hide norhair ofFherjora7mmon 太 .

hide-and-seek /haId n 'sik/ noun

[ul a children's

game in which one player covers his or her eyes while the other players hide, and then tries to find them

hide:away/ hardewer/ noun aplace whereyot can goto


hide or to be alone

hide.bound/hardbaund/ odi (disopproving) having old-

conceal * Cover *。 disguise。 mask 。 camouflage

fashioned ideas, rather than accepting newways ofthinke ing ENARROW-MINDED

These wordsall mean to put or keep sb/sth in aplace wherethey/it cannot be seen orfound, orto keepthe


truth or yourfeelings secret. “和 ideto put or keep sb/sth in a place wherethey/it cannot beseen orfound; to keep sth secret especially yourfeelings: He hidthe Jetierimnadaowereshe 1701Ggedtio hide hergisappointmer让 coOnceai(jormaj to hide sb/sth; to keep sth secret: The Painings Were concealed peneath athick/ayeroF Plasier Timcouldpaorely conceohfhis disappoinimerL When itis being usedtotalkabout emotions, , Concealis often used in negative statements.

to avoid being with other people Afterthetrial she hadto gointo hidingjforseyeralweeks.c He omnly came out of hiding ten years after the War Was OYVer C We spent months 训 hiding, 2 [Cusually sing.]

(informah especially BrE) a physical punishment,usually involving being hit hard many times SR BEATING: to

Sive Sb/geta (good) hiding e (Jigurative) The team gota hiding 总 切eir Iastgame, II onahiding to'nothing

, to hide sb/sth by makingthem/itlook like

(BrE nrma) having no chanceof success, or not getting Inuch advantage even 让 you do succeed

-thethings around, orlike sth else: Thpe soldiers

Ca/moujjaged bhemselyes wi轨 Jeayves and twig5.

hidinsg placenovn a place where sb/sth can be hidden hie/har/ verb(hies hying hied [V + advvprep] (old wse) to go quickly hier-arch-.ic-al /,harera:kIikli NAmE :Tadrk-/ adj ar


站to hide/conceal/disguise/mask/camouflage sth -behind sth -看to hide/conceal sth understh


下 to hide/conceal sth from sb


晶to hide/concealMcover/disguise/mask your feelings hide om /hard/ verb, nouwn ByVe 上b (hid/hId/ hid.den/hrzdmn/)1 [VN] to put or keep sby sth 雇 a Place where theyVit cannot be seen or found EECONCEAL: Fe hid the letter ina drawer CTKeep my Dripyatepapers hidden. coTheyhid me 广oma the police 训 加 eir attic. to go Somewhere where youhopeyou will notbe ceTPid Under the bed.

(jgurative) He jid behind aj1se identib ce [VN] SFe hides 3 [VN] to cover sth so

CONCEAL: He jid hisjoce in js

jhamds. 和 The house Was jidden by trees, C No armount of 1naKe-UD could hide her age. 4 [VN] to keep sth secret,

especially your feelings

uiactual || -army

| aonow

CONCEAL: She struggled to

| ersay

| sogo(Br6

Qa Pierarchical


NmE Tarki/ noun (P/ ,-ie9 1 [CuU] a system, especially in a society or an organization,in which people are organized into _ different hieroglyphics levels of importance from AM highest to lowest: the so-

that..晶to hide/conceal the evidence 蝇 to hide/conceal/cover your face/mouth/nose/knees,

Perself away 训 her office all day

雇 a hierarchy:

ture/organizatiom hierarchy /harerakii

下 to hide/conceal/disguise/mask the truth/the fact

thatit cannotbe seen


hid-ing/hardm/ novn T [U] the state of being hidden:

cannot be recognized: He tried to d15gUise his gcce/L

[V] Quick, pidel


hidey-hoile(also hidy-hole /hardi heol; NAmE -hool/ moun (informal)aplace where sb hides, especiallyin order

naskto hide a feeling,smell, fact, etc, so that it cannot :be easily seen or noticed: She /masked herangerwitha

Seen Or found:


hideouslyodv: Fis foce was hideously deformed

disguiseto hide or change the nature of sth, so thatit


hide-out /hardaut/ noun a Place where sb goes when they do not want anyone to find them

COVerto place sth overorin frontof sth in orderto hide 让 9Sjhe coyered herjce wi 田herphands



ED REVOLTING: Q hideous jce[buildingAdress C Their PieW coOIOUF Scheme 1 hideous1 c a jiadeous crime C The Whole experience had beemn Like Some hideous mightrmare:

cialApoitical hierarchy ^ Shes quite high UP in the 7mnamageTmeTtt Pierarchy. 之 [C+sing./pl.v] the group of people in control of a large organization or institution 3 [C] (Jormalj) a system that ideas or beliefs can be arranged into: a jierarchy of needs

hiero-glyph /hareraglxf/ moun a Picture Or Symbol of an object,representing a Word, syllable or sound,

| oogo(MmBb

| orboy

| ienear


可中 十

| |

(人 人一

EE | eeahair

| ue pure


732 |

etc。 to high 'heaven

(informah Tito have astrong

Unpleasant Smell 2 to seem to be very dishonest Or mo allyunacceptable 一more at HELL, MORAL 0dj. ,ORDER 1., especially as used in ancient Egyptian and other writing


PROFILE 1., TIME 1. 旦MOU1 >*LEVEL/NUMBER 了 the highest level or number: Profie >~reachned an alL-tirmne Pigsp Iastyear * WEATHER 2 an area of highs air pressure; .an ANTICYC-

:hiero.glyph.ic /harera'glrfrk/ ad

hiero.glyph'ics /harere'glifiks/ movn [pl.] writing that UsSes hieroglyphs 一Picture 上 PAGE.73I

Ini-fi bar far/ novn [CU] equipment for playing recorded Itusic that produces high-quality sSTEREO Sound

LONE: A jhigjh oyer SOUthern EUrope is bringing 万nei SUPTY Weather to all part,, 3 the highesttemperature reached during a particular day weeki etc.: Bighs today Ww 记 be 太


adj/. [usually before noun]: a Pi-讽systemm

higgledy-piggledy /hrgldi'prgldqi/ odv (normah)in an

the regiomn of 25?C. *FROM DRUGS 4 (informal)the feeling ofextreme Dleastire and exXcitement that sb gets after taking Some types of drugs: The Pighp lasted all migRt * FROM SUCCESS/ENJOYMENT 5 (njormal)thefeeling ofex= treme Dleasure and excitement that sb gets from doing sth enjoyable orbeing successful at sth: He Was Of QGTeal Fiigp after winning 雪ecompetition: cthe highns ard Iows of her acting career * SCHOOL 6 usedin the name of ahigh school: He graduated 广 om Tittle Rock 互ig 关加 J982. IE on 'high 1 (fommal) in ahigh Place: We gazed dowm 训 to 轨e yalley 方orn or high 了 (huwmorous) the People 也 Senior positions in an organization: 4A7 order caTme down

untidywaythatlacks anyorder: Files were strewPmjigsledyDiggledy :over the jioor higgledy-piggledy cdj.: a jiggleaypiggledy collection of hnouses

hisgh 0人 /har/ odj ,moun, adv 至 Gdlj. (high-er high-est) *FROM BOTTOM TO TOP 1 _measuring along distance 位om the bottom to the top: WPats 妇 e Pighest7mountair 训 the US2The househasahighnwalallthewayround 让 CSshoes Withn Pigpn Pheels C Fe has a rourid face with aigphn forehead. [aa LOw


to talk about the distance that sth

Imeasures from thebottom to thetop: How highis Byerest2? Sonlyalow wal 一apout a metre high 2 The 87rass Was Waisthisgh.

方om om high thatIurchnpreaks were to be halfan hour artd Po 1omnger 3 ip heaven: The disaster Was SeeTt as G 记 dgeTent 广om on Pigh.

FAR ABOVE GROUND 3 at a level which is a long way above the ground or above the level of the sea: Qa Pigp DramchASphelpwindow CC The rooms jhad Pigp ceilings. They Were jying at high altitude. ecthe grasslanids of the Pigh prairies [aa LOW 上 GREATER THAN NORMAL 4 greater or better than normal in quantity or quality, size or degree: GPaigh termperature/ Speed[price ea high rate of inhiation e Demand is higsh at 态 me ofyear apmisp IeveloF poliution cahishstanmdard of craftsmamship chigh-quality goods CA Phigh deSree ofaccuracy is needed.eThe freeblew over ithe Pigh Winds. C We had Phigh hopes for the business (= we believed 让 would be suUccessful). 2 The cost 识 terms of jhurmamn Life was Pigh. 一compare LOW(4) 可

四 时 了


旺 0dv. (highen highest) * FAR FROM GROUND/BOTTOM 1 atorto aposition orlevel thatis alongwayup fronmthe 外oundor 人 om thebottom: Am eagle circled Pigh ovyerhead. CTcamntt 记 mp ary migher 和 She neyer got Very Fisgh 识 切e compary 2 本is desk Was Piled jigj with papers. C Shes aimiing higsh (三 hoping to be very Successful) im her exa1ms. >*VALUE/AMOUNT 2 atortoalargecost,value oramotnt: Prices are-eXxpected to Tise eye Pigher 妨isyea7 >SOUND- 3 at a high PITCH(3): 工camnt sing that high

[9 LOW , IE high and low everywhere: Tve searched Pigh amd low fjor my purse. run high (especially of feelings) to be

邱 ~ (in sth) containing alotofaPpar

ticular substance [Ga LOW: jbods wjaich are Pigpn in jatec QaPisghnpotassiurmz corttentc apispPh-fat diet RANK/STATUS @ (usually before noun) near the top 也 Iankor status: She has held pigh office wider three prirme Tmninisters. C He has riends 妆 high places (三 among people ofpower and influence). [aa LOW VALUABLE 7 of great value: to play forhigh stakes C My Pighestcard is ten. 1DEALS/PRINCIPLES 8. (usually _before noun), morally good:arman ofhigh ideals/principies

Strong and angry Orexcited: Feelings ranmn high as the elec-

如om approached. 一more at FLYV,, HEAD 1.,,RIDE V

high .tall 目 High is used to talk aboutthe meisurement from the

PrIroval or respect for sb: She zs held in yery high regard by Per colleagues. C Zou Seem to haye a phigh opinion of you 广 Sel有ii器 LOW 上 SOUND 10 attheupper end of the range of sounds that humans can hear; not deep or low: She has aPmighyoice.4 That mote zxdefinitely too Pigp jporme. Ga


上 OF PERIOD OF TIME 11. [only before noun] used to deScribe the middle or the most attractive part of a period oftime: highn moonC high surn7mer 了 F00D 12 (ofmeat, cheese, etc.) beginning to gobad and having a strong Smell


13 [not before noum] ~ (on sth)

(njormall behaving in an excited way because of the effects of alcohol ordrugs 子

bottom to thetop of something: The jenceis overjive metres high CHe jhas climmbedsome oFihe worlds jghestymountains You also Use high to describe thes

APPROVING-9 (usually before noun) showing alot ofap-

PHONETICS 14 (phometics) = CLOSE2 一See alsoHEIGHT Im be/get on your high 'horse (pformal) to behave ip a way that shows you think you are better than other people _have a 'high old time (old-joshioned,infiormajh to enjoy yourself very much high and 'dry 1 (of aboat, etc.) 记 a Position out of the Water: Their yacht Was Left high and dry om a sandbamK. 2inadifficult situation,without help or money high

and 'mighty (/njormal/) behaving as though yotu think you are more important than other People high as 'kite (Unfommal) behaving in a very excited way becatse of being strongly affected by alcohol or drugs in high dudgeon (old-jshioned,jormajh ip anangryoroffended mood, and showing other people that yo are angry: 瑟e stormped out of the rooma 识 jgh dudgeon. smell,stink


| dudid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

distance of somethingfrom the ground: How high was 态 eplane whem 田 eengine 历 ed2 人

目 Tallis used instead of high totalk about people: My brothers muchialer 轨 017me. Tallis also used for : things that are high and narrow such as trees: She Ordered cold beeringt 如 中glass ctalljoctomy chimmeys, Buildings can be high or tall.

high and

tight novn (US) a_military HAIRSTYLE

Which the sides of the head are shaved and the top is cut VeIy Short

high.ball /barbol/ nouvp; ve 六 (NAmm日 本 0OU1m a Strong alcoholic drink,such as WHISKY OF GIN,,

Iixed with FIZzY water (= with bubbles) or GINGER ALE, etc, and serVed with ice 昌 Veib (njformnal) 了 [V+adv7prep] to gosSomewhere Very quickly: ThPey highpalied out of towh.、 2 [VN] to deliber ately make an estimate of the cost value, etc. of sth that is too high: Be 坊ought She Was highnballing her salary redquirement, [oa LOWBALL

highh peams 50vn [pl] (NAmB thelights on a car when theyare pointing along way ahead, notdown atthe road

,high-'born adj (old-oshronedorjormah having parents who are merbers of the highest social class TOCRATIC [ga LOW-BORN


high.boy /harbor nown (NAm 有 = 三TALLBOY | k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| PPpen

| red


arbrau/ od (sometimes disapproving)

concermned With 'or interested in serious artistic or cultural ideas INTELLECTUAL: highbrow meWwspapers C _highprow readers [aag LOWBRO 一compar W e MIDDLEBROW

high chair novun aspecial chair with longlegsand alittle seat and



high-'flying cd [only before noun] 3 Very successful: a jigh-ftying career woman

2 thatflies Very high in the air

table, for a small child to sit in When eating

high-'gracle ad [usually before noun] ofvery good qual-

High Church odi connected with the part of the Anglican Church

high ground noun (usually the high ground) [sing.]

一 picture 多 CHAIR

that is most similar to the Roman Catholic Church in its beliefs and Practices

high-'class odi-T excellent; ofgood quality: a jigj-cla ss Testaur

ity: jigh-grade pefrol

the advantage in aidiscussion or an argument, etc.: The

SOyYerrment 1 clairmming the Pigh sround 识 the educatio n debate., [ET see MORAL

ant C to stay 训 high-class accomyrmodatiom 了 connected with a high:social class: to come 万 om a high-class background [aag LOw-cLASS

high-'handed od (of people ortheir behaviour) using

high com'mand ovun [usually sing.] the senior leaders

high-hat novn = HI-HAT ,high 'heels own [pl] shoes that have Very high heels, usuall

authority in an unreasonable Way without consider ing the opinions of other people OVERBEARING

of the armed forces ofa country

high com'mission mrovn Tthe office and the staff of anEMBASSYthatr

epresentsthe interests of one Comimmonwealth country in another 2 a group of people who are Working for a government or an international organization on an important project: the_ United Nations 万 iehn Cormrmmissior for Refugees

High Com'missioner nown Tapersonwhoissent by one Commonwealth countryto live 训Danother to Protect

theinterests oftheir own country 之 apersonwhoishead of an important international Project: the Umited Natioms 瓦Sjh Cormrmissioner Jor Refiugees

High 'Court (also .High Court of Justice) rown Ta

coOUIt in England and Wales that deals with the most SeTious CIVIL cases (= not criminal Cases) 也 =THE SUPREME COURT

high day novn (oldfoshioned, BrB the dayofa religious festival [ra high days and holidays Special occasions

festivals and

high-defi'nition cd [onlybefore nounj] (iechmnical using or produced bya system that gives Very clear detailed images: Pigh-aefimnition teleyvision c 7isjh-defimition dispIays

ywornbywomen ihigh-'heelied od/ [only before noun]: high-heeled shoesZpoots




如 shioned,Mmjormaj


also hijinks) lively


一7ov7 excited

[pl] (o/ behaviour

the "high jump movn [sing] a sporting event in which peoplet

rytojump overahighbarthat is graduallyraised higher and higher: She won a Sityer medal 识 the jighn Jrn一 p. Picture c PAGE R23 [IE beforthe high jump (BAE, informal) tobe goingtobe Severely punished

high Kick oun a kick made with the foot high in the air high:land /haaend/ odi ,noun

上四0Cdf/. [only before noun] 1 connected with an area ofland

that has hills or mountains: highland regions 也 High-

land connected with the Highlands of Scotland 一com-


四 OU 了 [CUsually pl.] an area of land with hills or IOountains the Highlands [pl] the high mountain region 一compare LOWIAND of Scotland

Highland 'cattie noun [pl] cows of abreed with long

Iough hair and large horns. An individual animal is a Highland cow-

high-'end cod (Nm expensive and of high quality High:er /hare(D/ noun (in Scotland) an exam in a Par-

Highland 'dress own [u] traditional clothing worn by

high:er /hareG)/ odj [only before noun] at a more ad-

high.land.er /harlendec)/ noun1 a person who comes

ticular subject at a higher level than STANDARD GRADE. Highers are ustally taken around the age of 17 to 18.

Vanced level; greater in Tank or importance than others: The casewasreferred to ahigher court 4 jigher matherma上-

icseMy7mindwas on jigher 切imngs,

higher animals,higher 'plants movn [pl] (techmical/) animals and plants that have reached an advanced Stage of development

higheredu'cation own [u] (obbr HE) education and training at'college and University especially to degree

leve 一compare l FURTHER EDUCATION

higher-'up novn (informa1h a person who has a higher Iank or who is more senior than you

highest common

'factor noun (abbr HCF) (ma 太-

eatics) the highest number that can be divided eXactly into two or more numbers

high ex'piosive "ovn [CU] a very powerful substance that is used in bombs and can damage avVerylarge area

high.falu-tin /hartetiu:tm/ adj (Ppjormaj trying to be

Serious Or imnportant, but in a waythatoften apPpears silly andUnnecessary PRETENTIOUS

由 igh 和 delity nown [u] (ospioned) = HEI high '作 ve noun (especioly Nm 有 an action to celebrate

Victory or to express happiness in which two people raise one arm each and hit their open hands together: Way to 80! 瓦8 ive/

high-'flown cd (usually disapprovnsg) (of ljanguage and

ideas) very grand and complicated BOMBASTIC: Bis Pigh-fiown style justsounds absurd today.

小 褒h-'flyer (also high-'flier) novn apersonwhohasthe

desire and the ability to be Very successful in their job or their studies: academmic Pigh-Piyers


| ttea

| vvan

| w wet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

Imen in the Scottish Highlands, which includes akiiTand a SPORRAN (= a small decorated bag worm around the

waist that hangs down at the front)

from an area where there are alotofmountains 了 Highland.er a person who comes from the_ Scottish Highland 一compare s LOWLANDER


'fling novn a fast Scottish dance that is

danced by one person

Highland'Games noun [pl.] a scottish event with traditional sports, dancing and mnusic

,high-'level cd [usually before noun] 1 involving senior

people: jiigh-level talks/mnegotiations jigjh-leyel sta矿 子 in ahigh position orplace: a jaisgh-leyvel Walk in te mailzs 3 advanced: a high-Ievel course 4 (computing) (of a computer language) similar to an existing language such as English, making 让 fairly simple to use [9 LOw-LEVEL

high life movn (also the high life) [sing,uU] (also ;high iving [U]) (sometimaes disapproving)awayof life thatin-

Volves going to parties and spending a lot of money on food, clothes, etc. high:jlife /hararf/ ou [u] a style of danceland music 位om W Africa influenced byRocKk and JAzz and popular especially in the 1950s and 1960s

hi 人 h.light


/jiallairt/ ve风 ,noun

上 YE 钞[VN] 1 to emphasize sth, especially so that people give 让 more attention: The report ishlights the 7major Propblermns jocing society ioday 2 to mark Part of a text With a Special coloured pen, or to mark an areaon acom-

Puter Screen to emphasize it or makeit easiertosee: TYye jighlisjted the imiportant passages yellow 3 to make Some parts of your hair a lighter colour than the rest by using achemical substance on them 有 1OU0 了 the best mostinteresting or most exciting Part of Sth: Ome of the highlights of the 杂 pPWas seeing the Toj MaRal. ecTe Pigjhlights of the mmatch w 记 pe Showm 1ater ti

| 5vision

| tchain

-| ad5 jam

| 9thin

| aithis

| n sing

734 | ,high-'ramkin 宇zj senior; important: Q uisf-ramkinS Pighranking Post [2 LOWofficer]official ea



evening 2:highfights [pl] areas ofhair that are lightef

nigh-reso'lution (alsohi-res,high-res /hairez/)0d/

than the rest, ustually because a chemical substance has

一compare LOWLIGHTS been put on them-

(of a photograph or an image on a cOmPUter Or television PighmScreen) showing a lot of clear sharp detail: TesoIuio7L scaTL 器33 LOW-RESOLUTION

孔 highilights

[pl.] (techmicaj) the light or bright part of a Picture or Photograph

high-fight'er /iailartte/ movr 1 (also'highlighter

:high-rise cdj[onlyibefore noun]i (of abuilding) very tall

各h-rise and having alotof floors: high-7rise hoOUSin8 攻 "hi ise 工OW-RISE 一coOmpare Penm) a special penm tsed for marking words in a text 识 moun: to lie 识Gpnigh-r 一picture cy STATIONERY 字 a coloured sub- high=-'risKk oz [usually before noum] ipvolvingalotofdanbright colours stance thatyou put above your eyes or on YOUI cheeks to gerandtherisk ofinjury death, damage, etc.:Q FigF7rasK make yourselfmore attractive Sport c Jigjrisk patient (= Who are Very likely to get a hhih.1Iy om /hanijoxv 一compare LOW=-RISK particular ilness) 1 very: highly successfulsKkilleaintelligent 3 7aighty com- higm road nown [usually sing:] 了 (old: 扣shio1med, BrE) a Detitive/criticalsensihiye Ti Pighly UPmIikely 雪 at She 了 main or important road 2 ~ (to sthj the most direct belate-2 atortoahigh standard,level or amount: highWay: This zthe jigh road to democracy [IE take the ly trained/educated cahighly paid job 3 With admir'high_ road (in sth) (NAm 上 ,to'take -the most positive ation or praise: Bis teachers think Very hishty of Firm course of action; He took the Pighiroad in jiscampaigm (三 have avery good opinion of him). C She speaKks Pighzy hroller 7ov7 (NAmE 力/io7ma/) a Person Who spends 证 ,In ofyou Hernoyvels areyery highly regarded. alotofmoney especially on gambling

,highly'strung (Br6(NAmEhigh-'strung )ad/(ofapPer-

sonoran animal) nervotus and easilyUupset: QSeTisitiye and VeIy Pighly strung. jigjhly-strung child ce Their new horse

5di needing alotof attention or


四 239 LOW-MAINTENeffort: ahighmiaintenance Sir放iend

ANCE ,high-'minded cd (of people'or ideas) having strong moral principlese high- minded-pess ov1 [LU]


/hams5s/ movnHis/Her/Your Highness


title of Tespect used When talking to or about a member of the royal family 一see also ROYAL HIGHNESS

high 'noonm noun 1 exactly twelve oiclock in the middle of the day 2 (Jormal) the most'important stage of sth, when sth that will decide the future happens


cd [only before noun] 1 (of fuel used in

engines) of very good quality and very efficient 之 (nj 广 mall full of energy; Powerful: a Pigh-octane athlete

57ovn [CU] T (in the US and some other

'high school

cotntries) aschool for young People between the ages of Britain in thenames ofschools 14andl8 2 often used 记 了 for yoting people between the ages of 11 and 18: Oxford Figh School 一compare SECONDARY SCHOOL

tlhe ,high 'seas noun [pl] Uormoaloryiteram)the areas of seathatarenottnderthelegalcontrolofanyone country

moun [U,sing.] (especially Br the time of

high 'seasom

year when a hotel or toturist area receives most Visitors一

compare LOW SEASON

2 相 [only before noun] 1 (of buildings


and places) Very carefully locked and guarded: a 7aighsecurity prison 了 (of Prisoners) kept 雇 a Prison that is

Very carefullylocked and guarded


cdi (especially B7E, often disapproving)

(oflanguage or ideas) complicated and intended to sound importantESRETT



,high-perform-ance cdj. [onlybeforenoun] thatcan go ,有 证h-'speedi ad [onlybefore noun] thattravels, Woiks of Very fast or do complicated things:a high-performance caFr/computem etc.

happens very fast: a high-speed traimn 2 a Fighrspeed car Chase

,high-'pitched cd (of sounds) very high: a migh-pitched ,high-'spirit-ed 2zdi 1 (of people)yerylively anid active: Voice[mhistle 加 到 LOW-PITCHED

a Figh-spirited child

'high point (BrEalsohigh spot ) 0oun the most interest-

Pigh-spirited Dehaviour

(of ani-

imals,especially horses) lively and difficult to control

[3 PLACID 一See also SPIRIT ing, enjoyable or bestpart of sth: 下 Was the Pighn point of the evening [9 LOW POINT "high spot novn (Br6) = HIGHPOINT


cdj 1 (ofpeople)having alotofpower

and influence;

ful of energy:

high-poWered executiyes

2 (of activities) important; with a lot of responsibility: a

jigh-powered job 3 (also,high-power ) (of machines) VeryPowerful: a high-powered car/compruten etc:

hish 'pressure

mouwn [U] 1 the condition of air gas, Or

liquid thatis keptin asmall space byforce: Water TGSjorced 丰 rough tbe Pipes at high Pressure. 也 a condition of the air which affectsthe weather when the Pressure is higher han average 一compare IOW PRESSURE


adj. [only before noun] 1 that involves

aggressive Ways of perstuading sb to do sth or to buy sth: High-pressure sales techniques

Worry ana anxietyER

了 that involves a lot of

STRESSFUL: Q jigh-pressure j0D

3 using or containing a great force of a gas of aliquid: a Pigh-pressure Water-jet

,ni 多有- pricedl

cdj [usually before n6Un] expensive: jigj

Priced housing/carsisag

,high 'priest


above the shoulders with your stick

'high street



[usually before noun] receiving or

(5 日(NAmEmain street ) 00U1 (especially

in names) the main street of a town, Where Imost Shops/ stores; banks,etc. are: Peckharm 达igh Street 2 106 万 8R Stree5 Peckham e high-street bariKks/ Shops



cd (Nm = HIGHLY STRUNG 只 note at

,high 'table 52oun [CU] (Br6) atable on araised Platform, where the mostimportant People at aformal dinner sitto


high.ta 证 /hartel/ verbfEng 'hightai计 证 (00maj espe: cially NAmB to leave somewhere very quickly

high 'tea

movn (Br6).a meal consisting of cooked food,

bread and butter and cakes,, Usually with :tea to drink eaten in the late afternoon or early evening instead of dinner

movn 1 the most important Priest in the ,有 证h-'tech

Jewish religion in the past 2 (emininehigh 'priestess ) an importantpriestip some othernon-Christian religions: (Jigurative) Janis Joplin Was Known as the 矶igR Priestess of


"hi 有 hh-stickK ve [VN] in ICE HOCKEY, to hit an OpPPonent

(also,hi-tech ) odj (pformah Tusing the

most modern methods and machines,especially electronic ones: Pigh-tech industries 2 (of designs,objects, etc.) very modern in appearance; Using modern mater ials: a highctecjitable made of glass amdisteel 一compare


involving alot of attention and discussion on televisions higitech'nology noun [uthemost modermimnethods andmachines, especiallyelectronicones; theuse ofthese ip newspapers,etc.: Q Pigh-profile campaign 一See also PROFILE

ip industry, etc.

8 cat | dfather | eten | sbird | aabout | Isit | isee | imany | b got (Br | 5: saw | Acup-| 5 put |



high-'tension cd [only before noun] carrying a very Powerful electric current: high-tensiom wires/cables high 'tide "ou [U;C] the time when the seahas risen to its highest level; the sea at this time: YoucaniWalk along this beach at higsh tide. 一compare FLOOD TIDE,HIGH WATER [aag LOW TIDE hisgh-tops ov7 [pl.] (especially NAm月 sports shoes that COver the ankle, worn especially for playing BASKETBALL

,high:treasonmoun [U] = TREASON high-upoun (BrE, jjrmal) an iniportant person with a high rank high waternovn [U] thetime when the seaorthe water in a Tiver has risen to its highest level: Fishing 六 good at

一compare HIGH TIDE jaighn water


high-”water mnark 0ovn a lineor mark showing the highest point that the sea or FLOODWATER has reached: (gwratiye) the high-water mark of Parisian joshion (= the Imost Successful time) 一compare LOW-WATER MARK

和hi 丈h-way 0 /harwer moun Ttespecially NAmB a main road for travelling long distances, especially one connecting and going through cities and towns: an interstate jighway Bighway patrol officers closed the road. 2 (BE rmal a public road: A ParKked car WasrObstructing tbe highway: highway robbery (njorma/ especiolly NAmE) = DAYLIGHT ROB-

BERY at DAYLIGHT 一more at WAY 六. the .Highway'Code"oun [sing.] ( 雇 Britain)the official Iules for drivers and other users of public roads; the book that contains these rules

high-way-man /harwemaen/ noum (P -mean /men/) a Ian, Usually on a horse and carrying a gun,, who stole from travellers on public roads in the past

igh “wire "ov

[usually sing:].a rope or wire that is

stretched high abovethe ground, andusedby cIRcUs performers TIGHTROPE

,小i-hat(also Ji-h和 mounapair ofcYMBALS on asetof drums, operated

by the foot

hijab/hrdsab/ 0oun 1 [G ahead covering worn in public by some Muslim women 2 [U] the religious system Which controls the wearing of such clothing hi-jackK/ hard5ak/ vemb [VN] 1 to use violence or threats to take control of a vehicle, especially a plane, in order to force ittotraveltoa differentplace orto demand sth from a government: The Planme Was hijacked by bwo armted rmnenm

oaJHligRht 广om ZIomndom to Rome. 了 2 (disapproyving)touseor take control of sth, especiallya meeting, in order to advertise your own aims and interests hijacking (also hi-

jaclg 0oun [CU]: There have been Qa series oF 1ijackinlgs Tecenttgy 识 切 e area._ 2 an USUccessful 1ijacK 一compare CARJACKING

hi-jackcer /hard5zke(CD)/ novn a person who hijacks a Plane or other vehicle

hi:jinks(NA6) = HIGH JINKS

下IOUI 了 along walk in the country: They Wentom a terLTmile Pike 切rougR 切 eforest JWecould go intotown putits

方om jhere. 了 一 (in sth) (njo 斑

1naj/ especially NAmE) alarge orsudden increase in Prices,

costs,etc.: Q taxXZPDrice Pike 2 the iatest Fike 识 训 terest Fates take a 'hike (NMmE ommnajl a rude way of telling sb to go away 是 VE/ 屹了 1 togoforalongwalkin the country especially for Pleasure: [V] strong boots for Piking oyer rough country 2 [VN] (MmB to KetheRockies 2 [V] go hikingto spend time hiking for pleasure: 不tpe weathers 万ne, We 了 So Fiing 妇 zwWeekentd, 3 [VN] ~ sth (up) to increase prices, taxes,etc. Suddenly by large amounts: THPe goyverrimtent Pixked VD the price of milk by oyer 409%6, jhike sthe>up (Unforma/) to pull or lift sth up, especially your clothing HITCH UP: Sheikedup herskirtand waded nto the Fiyer hilker /harkeG)/ ovn :ia person who goes for long walks iD the country for pleasure 一see also HITCHHIKER


| army

| aurnow


hilk-ing /haikrm/ nouwn [U] the activity of going for long Walks in the country for pleasure: to go jiking e hiking Doots hil:ari-OUs /hrlearies; NAmE-ler-/ odj extremely funny: Q jiilarious joke/stormy e TJymnn fjound 太e whole Situation hilarious. 2 Do you Know Pete? Fes hiarious, 必 note at FUNNY hilariousjyadv: hilariously 记 mny hi 训.ar: /hrlaeraeti/ movmn [U] a state of great AMUSEMENT Which makes People laugh

In训 j om /ha/ oun 1 [cq anareaoflandthatis higherthantheland around it but not as high as a mountain: aregio7i ofgentyy Tolling hills c a hill farm/towm/fortcThe house isbuiltt or the

Side of a jill overlooKking the riyer CTlove walking 识 the hills (= in the area where there are hills). 一see also ANTHILL, FOOTHILL,MOLEHILL 之 [Ca slope on a road: ALWays take care When driving dowm steep Phills. oa Phillstart

(= the act of starting a vehicle on a_ slope) 一 see ;also DOWNHILL,, UPHILL 3 the Hill [sing] (NAmE orma) 三 CAPITOL HILL ahill of 'beans (old-joshioned, NA4mE /njformal) something that is notworth much ,Over the 'hill (njomma)) (of a person) old and therefore no longer useful or attractive 一more at OLD hhill:ibilly /habrai/ ov (P/ -ies TIG (NAmE disopproving) aperson who lives in the mountains and is thoughtto be stupid bypeople wholive in thetowns 2 [U] = coUN-

TRY AND WESTERN hil.jock /haek/ nov7 asmall hil il-side /hasard/ movp the side of a hill: The crops w 记 PoOLt SrOW OFL exposed jiillsides. C OUFr hotel Was o7t the Pi sidqe overlooKking 雪 e IaKe. hill stationmn7ov7n asmall town in the hills, especiallyin S Asia where people goto find cooler weatherin summer hill-top /hatop; NAmE -taczp/ moun the top of a hill: the Pilltop towm of Urbinio hill.walk-ins /hawo:krm/ 2ovn [U] the activity of walking on or up 二 4。in the countryside for pleasure

hilly /hai/ cd (hilLies hillfiesb having a lot of hills: a Pilky area/resiom fi 呈 /bhat/ movpn thehandle ofaswoRD, knife, etc. 一picture

SWORD IEIO (up)j to the 'nift as much as possible: Were mortgaged UP to the Pi co They have promised to Dack us to the Piit

hima om /hmm/ pro7. Tused as the object of a verb, after the verb be or after a Preposition to refer to a male person or animal that has already been mentioned or is easily identified: WPen did yoU See jiim2 Co Fe took the childremn With Fairmm. CTPma taller 态a7z_Pairm 2 臣 s Pi 一compare HE 2 Him used when referring to God

hinmma.s 人 用 0-w /hm'self/ pron.

ijra /hrdsra/ 0ouUn = HEGIRA hilke /hark/ novn, ve QTreal hike (= a long way)


| ersay

| su8go (BrE)

1 (the reflexive form of he)used when the man or boy Who performs an action is also affected by it: He introduced hirmself .CiPeter ouUSght to be asharmed of PirmnseIF 之 Used to emphasize the male subject or object of a sentence: The doctor saidso hirmself DidyouseetheTmnanasger

jirmsel放 IE be seemy etc. him'self (ofaman or boy)

to be in a normal state of health or happiness; not influenced by other people: Fe didmit seeTm quite -Phirnself this Porning. CO He needed space to be hirmmsel (a by him'self 1 alone; without anyone else: He lives all py Pirmse太 之 Without help: Fe mamnaged to repair the car by jirmse太 ail) to him'self for only him to have or use: He jhas the OLSe to Pinlseir during the WeekK.

himnd /hamd/ ad/, own ggdj. [only before noun] the hind legs or feet of an animal With fourlegs arethose at theback: The horsereared up on

is himnd 1egs,[GEa FORE, FRONT [ET See TALKV

6]1OU1 a female DEER, esSpecially a RED DEER; a DOE 一COm-

Pare HART hind.brainy/hamdbremy/ nouwn (anatomy)the partofthe brain near the baselofthehead

| ou go (MmE)

| orboy

| ienear

| ee hair

| oue pure

736 |


hin:der:/hmadec/ verb [VN] ~ sb/sth (from sth/from

juip bore C She broke her Pip 识 坊e 名 有 一Picture'c BODY 2 -hipped (in adjectives) having hips ofthe size or shape Imentioned: Iarge-hipped Cslim-hipped 3 (also rose hip) the red fruitthat grows on some types of wild RosE bush

doing sth) to make it diftficult for Sb to do sth or sth to HAMPER: Q Political Situation that jinders happen economic growth C Some teachers jlthindered by a Iack of TesoUTCes. COAPL 训 jry Was jimndering hirm 广om DPIaying Pis Dest 一See also HINDRANCE

-II see SHOOTY 昌 0dj/. (hip:pec hip:pesb (informah following or knowing

Hindi /hmadi/ ovn [u] one of the official languages of India, spoken especially in northern India em Hindicd/. hind:.Iimb /amdlrmm/ movn oneofthelegsatthebackof

to show their approval of sb One Person in the groUP says hip, hip' and the others then shout hooray: Three cheers for 切e bride atd groo7m: 丽 P, hip ”ooray

an animal's body hind.auar:ters /hamdkwoxtaz; NAmE - -worterz/ moum [pl:] the back part'of an animal that has four legs, including its two backlegs

Nin.dranmce' /hmdrens/ novn 1 [Gusually sing] 一 (to sth/sb) a Person or thing that makes it more difficult for Sb to do sth or for sth to happen: TD be honies5 She Was 浆OFre ofa hindramce 态anahelp. The highnpriceiz amiaior Findrarice to potential btyers. 2:[U] (Jormal) the act of making it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to hapPen2 THey Were able to cormplete :their jourmney Without 包产 therjnimnairamce. 一See alsO HINDER [ET SeeIET1. hind.sight /harmdsart/ noum [U] the Understanding that you have of a situation only after it has happened and that means you would have done things in a different Way: With Pindsightitiseasy to say they Should not haye released him. C Whatlooks obyious in indsightWwas notat allobyious at the trme: citseasyto criticize Witp the beTiefitofhindsight 一compare FORESIG配T Hindu /hmdu:; hm'dauz/ nown aperson whose religion is Hinduism > Hinducadj: aindau termple Hin.du.ism /hmadu:rzam/ novn [Uj the main religion of India and Nepal which includes the worship of one or more gods and beliefin REINCARNATION

hinge /hmad5s/ own ve妃


昌 IOU1 a piece of metal, Plastic, etc. on Which a door lid or gate moves freely as it Opens OF closes: The door had peen pulled o矿 记 minges. 上 Verb [VN] [usually passive] to attach sth with a hinge ep hinged 0d/.: a Pinrged





ShouldaTdrop ahint(= give ahint to Matt?

2 something thatsuggests what will happen in the future SIGN: At the first Pint of trouble, they le所 3 [usually sing.] ~ (of sth) a small amount of sth SUGGESTION,, TRACE: Q hint of a smile C There Was more tham a Pint of Sadriess im his Voice. CO The Walls Were Dainted wRite Witha

intof peach 4 [usually pl.] ~ (on sth) a small piece of practical iformation or advice TIP: Pamay Fints oO SaVing mmOPey IEI take a/the 'hintto understand what sb wants you to do even though theytell youin an indirect Way:Tthought theyd neyer go 一SOme People just carti take ahintro Sarah hoped hed take tehmintand Ieavye her alome.

上 ye 几 一(at sth) to suggest sth in an indirectway: [V] WPhat are yoU Pintimng at? C [v (that] They Pimnteda (that) 态ere Tnightbe more job 1osses. [also V speech]

hin.ter.Iland /hmtelznd; NAmE -terl-/ nown [usually sing.] the areas of a country that are away from the coast, from thebanksofalargeriver or from the main cities: the FUFrGILaSricuIturat jimnterlamd

hip 0- /hiIp/ 10o07m, adj ,exclamation MOUm

1 the area at either side of the body between the

top ofthe leg and the waist; the joint at the top ofthe leg: She stood with her hands on her Fips. CThese jeans are too fight around the hips. oa hip replacemmentt operation 2 the


| dadid


| gget

hip,hip, hurrah/hurrayi) used by a group of people

'hip bath ovn a small bath/BATHTUB that you sit 问 ratherthan lie down 识 'hip 伸asK (BrE) (also 和有ask NAm 记 Br mour a small 有 at bottle made ofmetal or glass and often covered with leather used for carrying alcohol hip hop "oun [U] 1 atype ofmodern dance music with

Spoken words and asteady beat played on electronic instruments,originally played by young African Americans 2 the culture of the young African Americans and others who enjoy this type of music,including special Styles of art, dancing, dress, etc.

'hip-huggersmoun (NAm 有 = HIPSTERS hip joint7ovn thejointthatconnects the legtothebody, atthetop oftheTHIGH bone hip.pie (also hippy) /hrpi/ noun (P/ -ies) a Person who rejects the way that most people live in Western society,

often havinglong hair wearing brightly coloured clothes and taking ijllegal drugs. The hippie movement Was most Popular inithe 1960s: hippo /hrmpaw; NA万E hipoo/ novm (以 -os (Unformnah =


hippo-cam.pus /hmpaksimpeas/ moun (1 hippo-campi

/palI; -pi/) (anatomy) either of the two areas of the braln , thought to be the centre of emotion and memory hip "Pocket "on a Doaket at the back or the side of a pair of trousers/pants or a SKirt

the Hippo:-crat'icoatih /hipekraetik 'e00; NAmE'006/

upon:sth (of an action; a result, etc.) to depend on sth cormpletely: Every碎ing hinges on the ouUtcome of these talks. CO[+ wh-] is SLCCeSSs hinges OP how Well he does at the interyiew. hint/hmt/ pown, verb 上IOU1 1 Something that you say or do in an indirect way in order to show sb what you are thbinking: He gaye Q proad hint (= one that was obvious) that he Was thinking

of retiring.

what is fashionable in clothes, mltsic, etc. 四 CEXClG1mdtiom [ET hip,hip, hoo'rayt (also /ess eqvent

| hnhat

| jyes

1oum [sing.] the Promise that doctors make tokeep to the Principles of the medical Profession hip:po.drome /padreum, NAmE= 一aroum/ Town 1 (Br6 used 让 the names of Somestheatres and COmcert halls 2 (NAImB) an ARENA, especiallyone Used for horse shows 3 a track in ancient Greece Or Rome on Which horse Traces Or CHARIOT races took Place

hippo:potamus /hipapptemas; NAmE -pazte-/ (also informal hippo) mov7 (P/ hippo.potamuses /inasIZ/ or hip:po:pot'amni /mar/) alarge heavy African animal with thlck dark Skin and short legs, that lives in rivers and lakes hippy 三 HIPPIE




:sterz/ (BrE) (NAmE


huggers) 00U1 [pl.] trousers/pamnts that cover the hips but not the waist: Q pair of hipsters hipsteradj [only before noun]: Pipster jeans hira:gana /bra'gamae/ moun [U] (from /aoponese) a setof Symbols used in Japanese Wriiting 一compare KATAKANA



/hareG)/ verb noun

下 YE/ 户 [VN] (especialy Br6jtopaymoneytoborrowsth for a Short time: to jhire Qa carATroomvyideo 号 note at RENT

2 (especially NAmB to give sb a job: [VN] She was Jired 态 ree years ago. C [V] He daoes the jiring amd Firing im our comDparny 3 [VN] to employ sb for a short time to do a particular job: to jire a Iawyerc They Jared airm ofcomSULtaniE to designi the neW Systemm. hire sth< out to let sb Mise sth for a short time, in Teturmn for payment hire yourself 'out (to sb) to arrange to woIKk for sb: He 大 red imself outto Whoeyver mneeded his services:

四 DOU 了 [U] (especialy BrB) the act ofpaying to use sth for ashorttime: bicycles for hire, E2 am hourcapirecaroa car hire 廊rm The price includaes the hire of the hall. The costumes are oOTL Pire 刘 omt te Iocal theatre. 他 note at RENT 了 [C] (especialy NAm 日a person who has Tecentl been given ajob bya company IE See PLYY :

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| anow

| ppen

| rred

hired ,hand moun (NmBa person who is paid to work



on afarm

hire'ling /harelm; NAmE'harerlim/ noun (disopproving) a Person who is willing to do anything or work for anyone as long as they are paid




[u] (Br6) (obbr hp) (NAmE

in'stalliment plan [u,C]) a method of buying an article bymaking regular payments for it over several months or years. The article only belongs to the person who is buyingit when all the payments have been made: a hire pur Chase agreementt C Weyre buying a new cooker or Pire PUrchase. 一compare CREDIT

hi-res (also high-res) /har'rez/ odj (iorma1hl = HIGHRESOLUTION hirsute /ha:sjuxt; NAmE'ha:rsuzt/ adi (iterary orhumor OUs) (especiallyofaman)havingalotofhair on the face or body HAIRY

his 0

/hrz/ det, pronm.

@dlet (the possessiveform ofhe) 1 oforbelongingto aman or boy who has already been mentioned or is easily identified: James jhas sold his car e He broke his leg skiing. 2 His ofor belonging to God Pron. oforbelonging tohim: Hetookrmyhandinhis.cThe choice Was his. C &Fiend of his 只 note at GENDER

His.pam:ic /hrspaenIkj/ odj moun 0dlj. :of or connected with Spain or Spanish-speaking cotntries, especially those of Latin America 日00OU1 a person whose firstlanguage is Spanish, especially one from a Latin American country living in the US or Canada

His.pan-.Oo- /hrspznao; NAmE -nog/ combining jorm (in Douns and adjectives) Spanish: the BEispamo-Fremch border CHispanophile

hiss /hrs/ verb, noun 日 Ve 1 吵 [V]~(atsb/sth)tomakeasound likealong's': The steam escaped With a Ioud Pissing noise. C The Snake Lied is head amnd 71iissed. 2 to make a sound like a long to show disapproval ofsb/sth, especially an actor or a speakc er: [VN] Fe was booed amd hissed o太 the stasge. [alsov] 3 ~

(at sb) to say sth in a quiet angry voice: [V] Be hissed at

historic .historical 目 Historic is usually used to describe something that is so important that itis likelyto be remembered: Todoyisa historic occasion rour countny Historical usually describes something that is connected with the past or with the study of history orsomething that really happened in the past: 1 havepeen doing some historical 1esearch. Was Robin Hood a historico1gurez

his.tOr.ic. 双| Oo /hrstortkl; NAmE -stoxr-; "star-/ qd/ [usually before noun] 了 connected with the past: the 天storical background to 态e War C ZU TUSt Place these eyentts 识 雪 eir jistorical cottext, 了字 connected with the study-of history: Pistorical docurmments/records/research c The building 1 of

historical imzportarnce.,

3 (of a book, flm/movie,etc.)

about people and events in the past: a historical moyel Some speakers do not pronounce the 和' at the beginning of historical and use "an' instead of 'a' before 直 .This now sounds old-fashioned, his.tor'ic-al.ly /li oadv: The book 1 Pistoricaljy inaccurate. 了 istorically% 妇ere has always peen a great deal of rivalry petween he two fmmilies.

his.tori.cism /hrstorisIzem; NAmE-stor-; :sta:r-/ noun 贡] the theory that cultural and social events and situ-

ations can be exXplained by history

the historic 'present mou7 [sing.] (grammar) the simPle present tense lised to describe events in the past ip order to make the description more Powerful





-stazr-/ OUn [U] thestudy of writing about history P historiiog.raph.ical /hrnstoria'graefrkl; NAmE-stoxr-; -stczr-/ adl. :

his:tOry 0

/iistri/ novn (pies)

alone she hissed. used to show disc the snake's hiss 和 hisses.

1 [uU] all the events that happened in the past:a 刀 rning point in Purnaar history C one of the worst disasters 识 recent history 2 apeople With no sense of history c Mamny People 切roughout history hayve dreamt of a world without

hissy fit 0ouvm [Cusually sing.] (informaj) a state of being

War. C The area Was i训habited 1omng pefore the dawn of re-

态emm to be quiet 2 [V speech] Zeaye me 旧 00OU1 a SOUnd like along 's; this sound apProval of sb: the hiss of the air brakes The perforrmartce Was metWith boos amd

bad-tempered and Unreasonable TANTRUM: She trew a hissy 让 ftpecause her dressing room WasPntpainted DIue.

his.-ta-mine /hrstemim/ noun [U] (medicoh a chemical Substance that is given out in the body in response to an injuryor an ALLERGY 一See also ANTIHISTAMINE

histo.gram /hrstegraemy/ moun (iechmicaj) = BAR CHART his.tolo.gy /hrstoled5i; NMAmE:sta]l-/ noun [U] the scientific study of the extremely small structures that form living TISSUE > histolo.gist /hrstolad3Ist; NAmE -sta:]-/



/histeopa'pled5ij NAmE jhrstoupae-

"dl-/ novm [U] the studyofchanges in cells where disease is Present


/hrstozrien/ ,noum a person who studies or

Writes about history; an expert in history Some speakers donot pronounce the hh' atthe beginning ofhistorian and use 'an' instead 'of 'a before it. This now Sounds old-fashioned.

his.tor.ic /hrstorIk; MAmE:stor-; "star-/ adj [usually before noun] 1 important in history; likelyto bethought of as jimportant at Some time in the future: a jhistoric Duila训gATnaoPurmentC THie areaisofspecial historic interest 2Q Pistoric occasiomdecisiomrvdayyyvisitwictory 了 ofaperiod during -which history was Tecorded: 识 historic tomes

一 coOmpare PREHISTORIC Some speakers do not pronounce the hh': at the beginning of historic and Use an” instead of 'a' before it This now sounds oldfashioned. ssee

| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| shoe

corded history (= before people wrote about events). ^ These eyents chamnged the course of history, 2 [sing.,U] the past events concerned in the development of a Particular place, Subject,etc.: the jhistory of IrelandvAdemocFacyPopuiar music C The Iocal Ristory of the area 六 Joscinatinlg. CO The school traces it history back to 1865. 3 [U] the study of past events as a Subject at school or university: Q Phistory teacher Ca degree 丽story 2 SOcial/ecomnornic/political history ancient/medieval Toderm history c Shes sbudying art history. 一see also NATURAL HISTORY .4 [C] a written Or SPoken account of Past events: Shes writing a mew history of Europe.C She Went on to catalogrye a long history of disasters. 5 [sing.] 一 (of sth) arecord ofsth happening frequently in the past life of a person, family or Place; the set of facts that are known about sb's past life: He has a history of violent Crime. C There 闻 ahistory of heart disease imy fjormnily 和 apathents medical history 一see also CASE 和 ISTORY, LIFE HISTORY [CI be 'history (pformal to be dead or no longerimportant: Amnother rmnistake Tike thatandyouyre history 2 We wont talk about tat 一thats history C Thats Pasthistory now.the 'history books the record of great achievements in history: She jhas earned her Diace in the

jistory books. history re'peats itself used to say that

things often happen later in the Same way as before

make 'history |go down in 'history to be or do sth so important that it will be Tecorded in history: a discoyvery that made mnedical history 一more at REST 让.

his.-trion:ic /hrstrimnrk; NAmE -cnrik/ adj [usually'before noun] (fjorma/, disapproving) histrionic behaviour is

| 5xvision

| tchain

| ds5jam

| thin

| 5this

| 0sing



Very emotional and is intended to attract attention iD a

Way that does not seem sincere 上 histrion'ically /li/ adyv his'tri:on'ics OUn [pl.]: She was Used to her7mothers Pistriomics.

Im让 0

/hit/ verb mou7

日VE/b (hitting, hit, hit) *TOUCH SB/STH WITH FORCE 了 [VN] ~ sb/sth (with sth) to

bring yourhand, or an objectyou areholding, against sb/ sth quickly and with force: My Parents neyer Used to Rit 7mne.CHe Pitthemailsquarely on the head With 轨 e harmrmmer C She Pit Firm om the head with her umbrella. 了 [VN] to come against sth/sb with force, especially causing damageorinjury: The bus RiEtjebridge. CTWas Pitbpyajolling

stone. 3 [VN] ~ sth (on/against sth) to knock a Dart of your body against sth: He Pit his head om the 1ow ceiling. 丸 [VN] [often passive] (of a bullet bomb, etc. or a person using them)j to reach and touch a person or thing suddenly and with force: The towmn Was hit by pormbps again Iast7TTight Fe Was hitbyasmniper =*BALL 号 [VN] tobring a BAT, etc. againstaball and push 放 away With force: She Ph让 the pall too hard amd 让 Wentout of

the coUTE 2 Weye hitour ball over the fencel @6 [VN] (S%o 几 to score Points byhitting aball: io Pita jhorme Tum 上 HAVE BAD EFFECT

7 tohave abad effect on sb/sth: [VN]

The tax increases W 记 certainly Pit 切e poor 和 Bis death didmt7really hit7me at 广rsE CO RUral areas jaye beemn Worst Pit bpy the Strike. C Spain Was one of the hardest Fit coumtries. CT[V] Atornadohitomn Tuesaay might ATTACK

OUEDLindly inall directioms. CIJm arousing Speech 雪e 7minSter hit OU at Tacismm 加 轨e armed forces hit sb up for

sth | 'hit sb for sth (NAminjommnal)to asksb for money: Does he aways hit yoULPD jpor cash Wjemn heiWwants mew 。 clothes?'hitsb with sth Unfommaj)totell sb sth,especially sth that Surprises or Shocks them: 互ow 7muchi ms 丰 goimngto cosb5 thePa? Cormme om Fit7mme Withn il 目 /OU “ACTOFHITTING T anactofhitting sb/sth' with yourhand or with an objectheldipyotrhand: Give 丰 agoodhit He 7mmade :the Winming ht 了2 anoccasion When sth that has beemn throwny, fired, etc. at an object reaches that object: The bomber scored a direct hitoFthebridge- CTWe 记 7iishead the Firstround Withn asScore of bwo jits amd Six 7misses. =“STH POPULAR 3 a person or thing that is very-Popular: The duo Were arealLRhit 训 Iastyearsshow ahitrusical Jer Piew series QSTmQSP 帮主. =上POP MUSIC 4 a successful pop song OF Tecord: THey are aboutto release ar album oftheirgreatest7its. 人 Sheplayed Ga1L Per olda hits. ca Pit record/sirgie

“OF DRUG 5 (song) an amount of an jllegal drug that is taken at one time >MURDER @ (slang; especially Nm 日 as Violent crime Or Imurder 一See also HIT MAN COMPUTING 7 aresultofa search on acomputer for example on theJnternet

[cr be/make a 'hit (with sbj to be liked very much by Sb when they firstmmeetyoutake ahit tobe damaged or badly affected Py sth: The airiine industry tooK amPit last


轨 to attack' sb/sth: :[VN] 大e it the ETieTmY WPhem

they least expected 让 [alsoV] 上 REACH

急 [VN] to reach a Place: Foliow this:footpath anmd

yoULL eyentualy hit the road. 2 The_ President Pits_ town tomorrow. TO [VN] to reach.a particular level: Termperatres hit 40?yesterday C The euro Fita record 1ow 识 trading today. * PROBLEM/DIFFICULTY 11 [VN] Unformnalj) to experience sth difficult or Unpleasant: We seeTm to hayve hita TD7ob1eim. Berything was going well butthen we hit trouple. *SUDDENLY REALIZE 2 [VN] (pformal) to come suddenly into your mind: TI couldri rermnermmber Where Ta seem_ Pirm pefore, and then 让 Suddenly Pit7mme. > PRESS BUTTON 13. [VN] (pnformajh to Press sth such as a button to operate a machine, etc.: itthe DraKes! [ra hit (it): big (njormaj to be very sticcessful: THhe Darzd has hitpig 灰 the US. hitthe 'buffers (normmao) ia Plan, sb's career, etc. hits the buffers, it suddenly stops being successful hit the 'ceiling/roof (njorma/) to suddenly become very angryhitthe 'deck (miormaj to fall

to the ground ,hit the ground 'running (njformal) to Start doing sth andcontinue Vvery quickly and successfully

hit the 'hay/sack


to go to bed hit sb

SR ht/right) in the 'eye to be Very obvious to sb 'hit (和 ormaj) Usedtotell sb to start doing sth, 琴 gmusic: 瓦让 雍 Zouis hit 证 "off(with sb) have':a good friendly relationship with sb: Straight away 让 训he jackpot to make or

such asPlay(UPformajto We Fit io 太 win alot of

Imoney' quickly and:unexpectedly hit the mail on the

'head to saysth thatis'exactlyIighthitthe' road/'trail (Informal) to start a journey/trip hit the-roof

= Go

THROUGH THE ROOF at ROOF hit the spot (njormo1h) 让 sth hits the spotit does exactly whatitshoulddohitthe

'streets |-hit the shops/stores

(informahito become

Widely avVailable forsale: The TieW7magazirte hits te streets tomorrow'. hit sb when they're 'down to-continue to hurt sb when.they are already defeated hit sb where 计 hurts to affect sb where they will feel it most 一more at HEADLINE, HOME qdyv ,KNOW V,MARK 1 NERVE 1.,NOTE 站, PAY DIRT, SHIT 站.,SIX, STRIDE 帮. ,hi ,back (at sb/sth) to reply to _attacks OF ciiticism: 砚 Q TV 识 teryview She hit back at her critics. RETALIATE 'hit on sb (NAmE slang) to statt talking to sb to show them that you are seXxually attracted to them 'hit on/upon sth [no passive] to think of a good idea suddenly or by chance: She hit upon 态e perfecttite or her mew moyeL ,hit 'out (at:sb/sth) to attack sby/sth violently by fighting them or criticizing them: Tst Pit

knock .bang 。strike 。bump 。 bash Allthese words mean to come against sthwith alot of force, mit to come 0 sth with force, espedially ccausing ,

kKnaock to hit sth so

1过 moves orrbreaks; to put

into a particular state or position by hitting therm/ 证 -

Someonehad knockeda holeintihewa人 人 SA to hit sth in a way that makes a loud noise: The 。

间 直 Was panging ietable with hisspoom,: Strilke (1jo7m70n to hit sb/sth hard: 9 5HiP ww 0 6

jbump to hit sb/sth accidentally: uswo Pumpedinio acho六 bash (informan to hit against sth very inaid, 丰Jo /late pashing imto he car 站 JrohE

全忆 册 too


站 to 日 to 晶 to 下 to

hit/knock/bang/bump/bash against sb/sth knock/bang/bump/bash into sbysth be hit/struck by a cartruck/bus hit/strike the ground/floor/wall ,

hit-amd- miss (also ,hit-or- miss) 0 not done 也 a careful or planned way and therefore not likely to be SUccessful

,用 放-amd- runm 0d. [only before noum] T (of a road accident) caused by a driver who does not stop to help: ah 让 ard-rut accidemt death ca hit-arid-run ariver (三 one Who catises an accident butdrives aWayWithotthelping)

2 (of a military attack) happening suddenly and unexPectedly so that the People attacking can leave quickly Without being hurt: hitamd-ru7u Faids 区 hit-and-run 1OU1: Fe Was Killed im aitarad-ruD hitch /hitf/ verby nown 目 Ye 几Ttogetafreeridein aperson?s car;totravelaround in this way,by standing atthe sideiofthe road andtrying to get passing cars to stop: [VN] They Pitchedarideina

truck ce (BrEalso) They mitched alift ev SUTTTer


Pitchimg arourd EuUrope: 一See also _HITCHHIKE

了 [VN] ~ sth (up) to pull up:a pieceiof your clothing

HIKE UP: She Pitched Up hersKirEarid WwWaded intothe

Tmyer 3 [VN 二 adv/prep]~yourself (up, etc.)toliftyour-

scat | az father | eten | s: bird | a about | isit | 裤 see 了| imary | o gotz(Br6 | ossaw | Arcup | wput | ustoo

selfinto ahigherposition, orthe position mentioned: She jitched hersef Up. He hitched himselF onto the bar stooL 4 [VN] ~ sth (to sth) to fix sth to sth else with a rope, a



jbhook, etc.: She hitched the Pomy to the gate, II Set

HND /ertf'en ,di:/ noun the abbreviation for'Higher Na-

@ moOuUn 了 apProblem or difficulty that causes a short delay:

tional Diploma' (a _British university or college qualificationi'especially in a technical or scientiftic subject): to do ar DBND in jashion desigm

hitched (informan to get married

The ceremony Went ofr without a Pitch. coatechnnical hitch 了2 atype ofknot: acloye hitcp

hitch.hike /nrtJhark/ve必 [vtotravelby asking for free Tides 记 other people's cars, by standing atthe side ofthe Ioad and trying to get Passing cars to stop: They Aitch-

aiKed around Purope. 一See also_HITCH hitch.hiker (also hitcher /hrtfeaoD/) noun: He picked Up two hitchPikers on the road to BristoL

hoagie bread bread hoard 四 OU

/haogi; "hoo-/ noun (NAmB) Talong piece of

fled with meat,cheese and Salad 2-:a piece of used to make a hoagie jho:d; NAmEhoxrd/ novn, veb 一 (of sth) a collection of money, food, valuable ob-

jects, etc., esSEecially one that sb keeps in a secret Place so

hi='tech = HIGH-TEcH hither LihrigeGr)/ adv (old use) to this place [Im ,hither

thatotherpeople will not find or steal 让 卓 Ve 咏 [V VN] to collect and keep large amounts of food, money, etc., especially secretly hoard.er moun

(especially Mterary) 记

hoard-ing /ho:dm; NAmE'hozrd-/ novun T [cl (Br (also

hith'erto /hriostu:; NAmE hiaartu:/ adv (iormah until

building or atthe side ofthe road, used for putting advertisements on 2 [qq (BrE) a temporary fence -made of boards that is placed around an area ofland until abuildinghas been built 3 [U] the actofhoarding things

and thither | ,hither and many different directions


bill'board NAmE Br6 alarge board on the outside of a

nowi until the particular time you are talking about: a Pitherto UKTiowP Species of mo 纪 hi list ooun (njformal alistofpeople; organizations, etc. against whom some Unpleasant action is being planned: WPRicpseryices are om the goyernrments hitlist?c She wasat the top of the terTorists hiEListforoyver twoyears.

hoarfrost /horfrost;NAmE'hoxzrfroxst/ noun [u] alayer

hit man moun (informan acriminalwhoispaidtokilsb


hit=or- miss adlj. = HIT-AND-MISS

hit-out noun (in AusTrRALIAN RuLEs football) a hit ofthe ball towards a player 人 om your team after it has been BOUNCED bythe UMPIRE

the hit parade

nouwn (old-Joshioned) a list published

eVeIy week that shows which pop records have sold the Imost copies .

hitsquad Person

novna group ofcriminals who arepaid to Kill a

hit-ter /hrtaGD)/ noun (often in compounds) T_(in sports) a person who hits the ball in the way mentioned: a bis/

1org/phard Fiitter 2 (in Politics or btisiness) a person Whois powertful: the heayy Ritters ofJapamese 训dustry HIV /ertf ar'vi:/ movn [u] the virus that can cause AIDS

{abbreviation for human imnmunodeficiency Virus): to pe 识fected with HIV co to be HTV-positive/-negative (= to have had amedical test which shows that you areVare

notinfected with HIV) hive /harV/ 0OUm; ve 内 旺 .IOU1 1 (alsobee'hive ) [C] a structure made forBEEs:to livein 2. [CjtheBEEsliving inahive 3 [Gusuallysing.] a 一 of activity/industry a Place full of people who are busy

4hives [U] = URTICARIA

晶 ye 力

hive sth 一 off (to/into sth) [often passive]

(especially BrE) to separate one part of a _group from the Test; to sell part of a business: The IT departrment is being jived offFinto amnew company. hiya /harja/ exclomaton used to sayhelloto sb in an informal way hi obbor HECTOLITRE(S)

HIM (Br6) (alsoH.M.。 US, Br6) abbr Her/His MAJESTY('S): PPM the Queen ceHM Custormmns

hm obbor HEcTOMETRE(S)

HMG abbr (BrBHerMajestys Government hmm (alsohm ,hm )/m; hmy/ exclomation used in writing

ofsmall pieces ofice thatlook like white needles and that form on Surfaces outside when temperatures are Verylow

/ho:s; NmE

hoxrs/ adj (of a person oOF Voice)

sounding rough and Unpleasant, especially because of a SoOre throat: He Shouted FiirmsejF hoarse.Cahoarse couSPh cryVscream ee hoarsely adyhoarsemess moun [U]

hoary /hori/ ad [usually before noun] T (old友shronedl) veryoldand well known and therefore no longer interesting:aphoaryoldjoke 2 (iterary)(especiallyofhair) greyor white because a person is old hoax /heoks; NAmEhouks/ noun, vemb 日 0OU1 an act intended to make sb believe sth that is not true, especially sth Unpleasant: a pomzb hoax 2 hoax calls 量 Ve及 [VN] to trick sb by making them believe sth that is nottrue, especially sth unpleasant# hoaxer nouw1 hob /hob; NAmEha:b/ nounr TBrBthetoppart ofa cooker where food is cooked in pans; a similar surface that is bnuilt into a kitchen Unit and is separate fom the oven: am electric/agas hob 2 ametal shelfatthe side ofafire,used in the pastfor heating pans, etc. on


/hobl; NAmE 'ha:bl/ verb 1 [wusualy+ adv/

prep.] to walk with difficulty,especially because youUr feet or legs hurt LIMP: The old ma hobbled across the road. 2 [VN] to tie together two legs of a horse or other animal in order to stop 让 from running away 3 [VN] to make it more difficujlt for sb to do sth or for sth

to happen



/hpobi; NAmE'hazbi/ moun (pries)

an activity that yot do for Pleasture when you are not Working: Her hobbies include swirmmrmning and gardening. Tonly play jazz as a hobby. 字 note atINTEREST

hobby horse nounT (sometimes disopproving) asubject that sb feels strongly about and likes to talk abonut: to get oOTLyour hobby horse(= talkaboutyour favourite subject) 2 atoymade from along stick that has ahorse's head at one end. Children pretend to ride on it. hob.by'ist /hobirst; NAmE'hazb-/ noun (Jormaj) a person Who is very interested in a particular hobby


/hob'goblm; 'hobgoblm; NAmE 'hazbgazb-/

to Show the sound that you make to express doubt or When you are hesitating

Joun (in stories) a Small ugly creature thatrdikes to trick People or cause trouble

HHMO /ettf em 'eo; NmE'oou/ obbr health maintenance

hob.nmail boot /hobnell'bu:t; NAmE ha:b-/ (also,hobnailed ,boot /-neld/) noun [usually pl.] a heavy shoe

organization (in the US, an organization whose members pay regularly in order to receive medical treatment from its own doctors and hospitals when they need it) 一com-


pare PPO

HMS /ertf em 'es/ obbr HerHis Majestys Ship (used beforethe name of a ship in the British navy): EMS Apollo HNC /ertf en 'si:/ movn the abbreviation for "Higher National Certificate' (a British university or college qualiftication, especially in a technical or scientific subjectj:sto do

an EMNCinelectricalengineering


Whose SOLE js attached to the UPPper Part with short heavy nails

| ,army

| aunow

| ersay

| sogo(BrE)




verb tbb-) [V]

一 (with sb) (njormal) to spend alotof time with sb, especially sb who is rich and/or famonus






(p/ -0s) (oldf

如 shioned, especially NMAmE) Ta person who travels from Place to Place looking for worko especially on farms 也- 三 TRAMP

| ou go(NMAm 有

| orboy

| ienear

| eehair

| ue pure

Hobson's choice

740 | hodge.podge /hodqspods; NAmE- 'hadspa:ds/2 0OUn [sing.] (NAmE) = HOTCHPOTCH

Hob.son;'s choice /hobsnz 'tfors; NAmE hadzb-/ noun [uU] a situation in which sb has no choice becatse 让 they do not accept What is offered,they will get nothing [TIFrom Tobias Hobson, a man who hired out horses in the 1l7th century. He gave his customers the choice of the horsenearest the stable door or none at al].

hock/hok; NAmEhazk/ movm, ve贱 昌 M1OUm 了 [C] the middle joint of an animals back leg 2 [u,G (BrE) a German white wine 3 [U,G] (especially NArn 日 = KNUCKLE(2) 4:[U] (pformnah 证 sth that yoU own is in hock,, you have exchanged 让 for money but

hopetobuyitbacklater [Er be in 'hock (to sbjto owe

sb sth: 77m 识 hock to the pamnKk for6000. 有 yeb [VN] (informal) to leave a valuable object with sb 训 exchange for money thatyouborrow PAWKN

hockey /hoki; NAmE 'haski/ noun [U] T (BrE) (NAmE

field hockey a game Played on a field bytwo teams of

11 players,with curved sticks and a small hard ball. Teamas try to hit the ball into the other team's goal: io Play hockey c a hockey stick7PDIayerteam 了 2 (NAm昌


hockey (Br6)

Hodg.kin?s dis-ease /hod5kmz dizi:z; NAmE 'ha:d5-/ moum

[U] a serious disease of the LYMPH NODES,LIVER

。、and SPLEEN hoe/hao; NAmEhou/ noum, ve 册 @IOU1 a garden tool with a long handle and ablade, used forbreaking up soil and removing wEEDs (= plants grOWing wheretheyarenot wanted) 一Picture 只 GARDEN

@Ve上bb (hoe'ing


hoed to break UP soil,remove

Plants, etc. with a hoe: [VN] to hoe the jiower peds [also


hoe "in (AustralE,NZE jni 太 oj to _eat with


hoe.dowm /haodaun; NmE'hou-/ nouUn (NAmE) Tasocial occasion when lively dances are performed 之 alively dance

jhog/hpg; NAmEho:g; ha:g/ noum, ve化 昌]OUm 了 (especiglly NAmB) a pig, especially one that is kept and made fatfor eating 2 (BrE) a male pig that has been CASTRATED (= hadpartofits sex organs reInoved) and is kept for its meat 一compare BOAR,SOW 一see also ROAD HOG; WARTHOG IEII So the whole 'hog (njormalj) to do sth thoroughly or completely 目 yeE几 (-gg] [VN] to use or keep most of sth yourself'and stop others from tsing or having it: to hog the road (= to drive so that other vehicles cannotpass) Ceto hog the bathroom (= to spend along time ip 站 so that others cannot use ib) Hog.ma:nay /pgmanmeI; NmmE ,hdcgmameI/ movn [U]

field hockey (NA月

(in Scotland) New Years Eve (31 December) and the celebrations thathappen on that day hog-wash /hopgwof ; NAmE ho:gwa:f; 'had:g-; -wo:J/ noun

[U] (pformaj especially NAmE) an idea, argumentb etc.that youthink is stupid

hogweed /hpgwi:d; NAmE 'ho:g-; hazg-/ noun [U] a, large wEED (= awild plant growing where it is not want-

ed) with white fliowers

ho ho /hao hao; NAmE ho ,hou/ exclamation Tused to showthe sound ofa deeplaugh 2 used to show sUrPTise: 了 0o,hol What hayve we here?


/heo 'hAm; NAmE hoo/ exclamation used to

Show that you are bored hockey boot

hoick /hork/ verb [VN] (Bipformantoliftorpulsthina particular






ia quick


the hoi pol.Joi /horpaelor/ movm [pl] (disapproving or huwrmorous) an insulting word for ordinary People

hoisin /hozzmy/ (also ,hoisin 'saucej own [U] a sweet face mask throat protector


ooooceCoC0e0ocoe] ooCO00RO

RCR CC0c0o 0 oO


Spicy Chinese Satce

hoist /horst/ verb, noyn 目 Vejzb [VN, usually二 qdvVprep] toraise or pull sth up to a higher position, often Using ropes or Special equipment: Je hoisted Pirmselronto ahigh stooL ecThe cargo was hoisted aboard py cramne. C to jhoist a flag/sail [Er be hoist/ hoisted by/with your own pe'tard to be hnirt or to have Problems as a result of youUTr own plans to hurt or trick others 四 IOU1 a Piece of equipment used for lifting heavy things, or for lifting People who cannot stand or walk

hoity-toity /horti 'torti/ adj. (old-foshioned informalh behaving in a way that suggests that you think yo are Imore important than other People



NMAmE 'houki/ adj (NAm启 informal

expressing emotions in a way that seems exaggerated or Silly

hokey-cokey /hauki kewki; NAmE,houki kouki/ (Br6) (NAmE hocus-pocus /heokes 'peaUkes; NAImE ,hookas 'pookas/ moOum [U] language or behaviour that is nonsense and is

jintended to hide the truth from people hod /hopd; NAmE hazd/ noun an open box attached to a Pole, used bybuijlding workers for carrying bricks on the Shoulder


:| ddid

| ffal

| gget

| hhat

| jyes






'pouki/) novn a dance in which people stand in a circle and make movements with their arms and legs while Singing; the music for this dance

hoki /hauki; NmE'hooki/ noun a fish found in the seas offNew Zealand

hokum /haeoskem; NAmE'hoo:/ noun [U] (informal espe: cially NAmE) 1 afilm/movie, play' etc.thatis notrealistic

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

and has no artistic qualities 2 an idea,, argument,etc. that you think is stupid: What a bunch ofhokurny

hoild om /hauld; NAmEhould/ verb, noum eve 也 ( held held/held/) >1IN HAND/ARMS 了 [VN] to carry sth; to have sbysth in your hand, arms, etc.: She was holding a large box CTheld tihe TOUsSse py its taiL ecThe girl held her fthers hand Hghtty He 了 was holding the babyin his arrms. The winning captaim jeld the tophy 识 the air e We were jholding hanmnds (= holding each others hands), e The Iovers held each other close. 了 [VN] to put your hand on part of your 2 usually because it hurts: She groaned aid held jher

ead. *1IN POSITION 3 [usually +adv/prep] to keep sp/sth in a particular position: [VN] Hold your head up. e Hold this Dosition JoracountofI0.cThe woodis heldin posihon by Qaclamp. Thad to hold my stomachni训 (= pullthe muscles flat)to zipupTmyjeans.e [VN-AD] 芭 holdthe dooropen Jor yoL. *SUPPORT 4 [VN] to support the weight of sb/sth: T dom世 态 训K that bramch wii hold your weight >* CONTAIN 5 [VN] to have enough space for sth/sb; to con-

tain sth/sb: This parrel holds 25 litres. e The plane jholds Qabout 300 passemgers. ~*SB PRISONER 6@ to keep sb and not allow them torleave: [VN] Police are polding two mnen

识 comninection withn 1ast

Thursdays bank raid C [VN-N] He was held prisoner jor two years. >*CONTROL 7 [VN] to defend sth against attack; to have control of sth: The rebels held the radio statiom. >*REMAIN 轨 [V] to remain strong and safe or in Position: They were afraid the daim woalant hold. 9 [v] to remain the same: Bow Iong will the 万ne weather hold? ec 矿 their TUcK holds, 妨ey could sill win the charmpiomship, *KEEP 19 [VN] to keep sb's attention or interest: There Wasmnt much 识 te museum to hold my attention. 11 [VN] to keep sth at the same level, rate, Speed, etc.: Hold your Speed at 70. 12Z [VN] to Keep sth so that it can be used later: records jheld om cormputer 2 OUr solicitor jholds our Wils. 2 We can hold your reservation Jor 妨 ree days. *OWN 13 [VN] to own orhave sth: Brmnployees ho1d 3096 of the shares. *joB 14 [VN] to have a _particular job or position: How Iong has he held ofFice? * RECORD/TITLE 15 [VN] to have sth you have gained or achieved: WPo jholds 急e world record for the Iong 九mp2 < She held the title ofworld charmmpiomn for 坊Fee yearsS. “OPINION 16 [VN] to have a belief or an opinion about sb/sth: Be jholds stramge yiews on education. O She is held in higregard by her students (= theyhave a high opin-

ion of her). 2 rrmnljy-held 万 peliefhs 17 (jnmal/) to consider that sth is true: [v that] TsE6lLjhola that the govermrmentS economic Policies are 7mistaKken. C [VN-ADI] Parents wz pe







[VNto inf] These yases are held to pe the finest exa7miples of Greek at [DaThis pattern is usually used in the pas-

Sive, =*MEETING 18 [VN] [usually passive] ;to have a meeting, competition,conversation,etc:: THPe 7mneetingWw 记 pe held 而 轨e commmunmaity cemntre. 2 ES impossible to hold a comnyer Sation Withn all this noise. *ROAD/COURSE 19 [VN] if avehicle holds the road, it is in close contact with the road and easy to control, especially when driven fast 20 [VN] 计 a ship or an aircraf人 holds a course, it continues to move in a particular direction *IN MUSIC 21 [VN] to make anote continue for apParticulartime 上 ONTELEPHONE 22 towaituntil you can speakto the per SOn yoll have telephoned: [V] THat exterisiom 1s DUSY rigRt 7OW. Can you jhold2 c [VN] She asKked me to hold the Lime. >STOP 23 [VN] usedtotell sb to stop doing sthornotto do

sth: Hold your

万re! (= don't shoot) c Hold the 广ont pasel

(= dont print it until a particular piece of news is avail-

able) ec (MAmE njfornmall Give ne a hot aog, Dut hold the (= don't give me any) mustard. [Er Most idioms containing hold are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in theidioms, for example hold sisee

| titea

| wyvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| 了 shoe



the fortis atfort. hold 'good tobetrue: The sarme argument does not hold good in eyery case. ,hold 让 (informaj) used to ask sb to wait, or not to move: Hold itasecoridT

dontthinkeyeryones arrivedyet thereisno'holding sb a person cannot be Prevented from doing sth: Omce she ge onto the SuUbject of politics theres mio jholding Pher hold sth a'gainst sb to allow sth that sb has done to make youhave alower opinion of them:T adrmmit TTmade a7mistake 一put dom 和 hold itagainst7me. hold sb/sthe'back 1 to prevent sbysth from moving forward or crossing sth: THhe police were Unable to jhold pack the crowd 2 to prevent the progress or developInent of sb/sth: Do you think tjat 7Tmixed-abizity classes Pold pacK the better studentks2 ,hold sth 一'back 1 to not tell sb sth they want or need to know: to hold back ifor Tmation 之 to stop yourIself 人 om expressing how you real]y feel: She just managed to hold back her anger CO Fe Drayely held pack his tears. ,hold ,back(from doing sth) | ,hold sb 'back (from doing sthjto hesitate or to make Sb hesitate to actorspeak: She held back, not knowing how to break the terrible neWws. CTWanted to tell Pirma the truth, Dutsomzething held me bacK.

ihold sb 一'down 1 to prevent sb from moving,using force: 牙 tooK three 7men to .hold him down. 了 to prevent sb ffomhaving their freedom orrights: The people are held dow pyarepressive regime. ,hold sthe'down 1 tokeep sth atalowlevel: The rate of ijlation mmust be held down. 了 [no passive] to keep a job for some time: He was unabie to hold dowm a job after his breakdownmn, 3 [no passive] (MAmE informaljl to limit sth,especially a noise: Hold 认 dowm Ww记 you2 Trm trying to sleep!

ihold 'forth to speak for along time abonut sth in a way that other people might fnd boring ihold sthe'intonot express how yo really feel: to hold 总yoOUr feelingsanger [ED LET STHOUT hold 'off 1 (ofrain or a storm) to not start: The rain held offjustlong errough forus to hayeour picnic. 2 tonot do sth imnmediately: We could getamnew computernoworphold of until prices are Iower 2 [+ -ing] Could you hold o太 Taking YOUr decision for a jew days? ,hold sb/sth 一'off to Stop sb/sth defeating you: She held off al te las TmimnUte challengers arld won the race inamnew record 6me.

hold 'on 1 (0nformnal)) used to tell sb to wait or stop WAIT: Holda on aminute whileTget7my breath back 和 Fold on! This isnttherightroad. 2 tosurvivein adifficult or dangerous situation: They mamaged to _hold om until

help arriyed.

3 (njormal) used on the telephone to ask

Sb to wait until they can talk to the person they want: Cam You hold om2 TIL see 矿hes here, ,hold sth 一'onto keep sth in position: These muts and polts hold the wheels ol C THPe Kob 区 oly held om py sticky tape: ,hold on (to

sth/sb) | ,hold 'onto sth/sb [no passive] to keep holding Sth/sb: Fold on and domtIetgountilTsayso.c Fe heldonto the bacKk of ipe chair to stop jirmse 太廊om jalling. cnote at HOLD ,hold 'on to sth | ,hold 'onto sth 1 to keep sth that is an advantage for youi to not give or Sell sth to sb else: ZU should hold on to your oil shares. C She iook am early lead in the race amnd held onto 让 Jor mnine Iaps. 2 to keep sth for sb else or for longer than usual: 7 hold onto your mmail for you unzL YoU get pacK.

hold 'out 1 to lasb especiallyin a difficult situation: We Cat Stay here for as Iong as ouUr SUPPlies hold ou QZ to reSist Or Survive in a_ dangerous or difficult situation: TPe

rebels held out

识 雪e mountains for Several years,,hold

'out sthto offer a chance, hope or Possibility of sth: Doctors hold out Little hope of her recoyvering,,hold sth 一'out to putyourhand or arms, Or sth in your hand, towards sb, especiallyto give or offer sth:Theld out my hamnd to steaday

Per C Fe held out the Keys aidTtook them.、 ,hold 'out for sth [no passive] to cause adelayin reaching an agreement because you hope youWwill gain sth: The unionegotiators are holding outjfor arTnore genierous pay Settlement ,hold

'out on sb(injornmal/) torefuse totellor give sb sth ,hold sthe 一'over [usually passive] 1 to not deal with sth imnmediately; to leave sth to be dealt with later POSTPONE: The matter Was held oyer umtl the mext 7mneetirg., 了 to show a flmXmovie,play,etc. for longer

| 5vision

| tchain

| dsjam

| 9thn

| 5ths

| Dasing


742 |

than planned: The mmoyie proved SO POPUIar 让 Was held over

Jor another Week. hold sth over sp

to use knowledge

that you have abonlt sb to threaten'them or make them do what you Want

:hold sb to sth T to make sb keep apromise 2i'to stop an Opposing team scoring more points, etc: than you: The league leaders were held to Q0-0idraw, hoild to'gether :|,hold sth 全 to'gether- Titoremain, or to keep sth, united: Apolitical party Should hold together CESs the mother Who Usualy holds the formnipy together 2 (of an argument,a theory or a story) to be logical or CONSISTENT: Their case doesmt jhold together When youIooK at 雪e eyidence. 一coOmpare HANG TOGETHER at HANG 3 ifa machine or an object holds together or sth holds ittogether, the different parts stay together so that it does notbreak

hold 'up to remain strong and working effectively: Shes holding up wel under the pressure. ihold sb/sthe> up

[often passive] Tto support sbysth and stop them 全om falling 2 to delay or block the movement or Progress of sb/sth:iAn accident 地 holding Up trafhic coMy applicationm Was jheld up by the postal Strike. 一related noun HOLD-UP 3 to use or present sbysth as an example: She's always jholding UP herchildren as miodels of good behaviour ce Bis

ideas were held ziPptoridiculehold up 'sth to steal fom a

bank shopystoreetc.tusing agun 一relatednoun HOLD-UP

hold with sth [no passive] (used in negative sentences or in questions) to agree with sth APPROVE OF:TdoPLt jhold with the use of force.c [+ -ing] They daomntphold with

1etting children Watch as mmuch TVas they wantt mOUm WITH HAND

1 [sing.,U] the action ofholding sb/sth; the

way you are holding sb/sth GRIP: Fis hold om her arm tightened C She tried to Keep hold of 坊 e cjiilds Rhand. ecMake Sure yoUYye got a steady jiold on the camera. IN SPORT 2 [C aparticular way ofholding sb, especially in asportsuch as WRESTLING orin a 丰 ght: The Wrestler DUL his oppomentinto a head hold.


3 [sing.]

一 (on/over sb/sth) influence,,

Dower or control over sb/sth: What she Kmnew about his Past gaye her a jhold over hirm. e He struggled to Set a hold of his anger 一See also STRANGLEHOLD IN CLIMBING 4 [C aplace where you can Putyourhands or feet when climbing 一see also FOOTHOLD,, HANDHOLD,

TOEHOLD ON SHIP/PLANE 5 [C the Part of a ship_ or plane where the goods being carried are Stored一 Picture 吃 PAGE R8 [IE catch,get,grab, take, etc: 国 "old of sb/sth to have or take sb/sth in your hands: He caught hold of her WFrists 50 she could7iE get away CIeegothold ofthe dog py its collar c QuicKk, grap a hold of that rope. 2 Genttly She

took hold ofthe door handle anad turned 让 get hold of sb




grip * grasp。clasp J/ hang on sb/sth in your hands, arms, have allimeanto ”These words hold on * cling . clutch


hold to have sb/sth'in your hand, arms, eta: She was holdingaargebox

1held 护 eb0by gen 坟 阐 my Or1715.

hoid on (to sb/sthj to continueto holdsb/sth; to put , yourhand on sb/sth and nottake yourhand away: Hold Onmignd donitietgo wntii11say so.

Cling to hold on to sb/sth tightly, especially with your -

whole body: SUmvivors clung to pieces offloating debrisclutechn to hold sby/sth tightly, especiallyin your hand; to take hold of sth suddenly: she stood there thejiowers Seclutcheadimnherhand HejEIBHimselFsipping and clutchediat abranch. 1

grip toholdontosth verytightlywithyourhand: Grip the 全

/ope 05 Hghty as you co


Erasp totake hold of sthfirmly: He grasped my hand and arm [TGS 5hookitw及

The objectofgraspisoften sbs ae


clasp (Jormal to hold sb/sthtightly in yourhand orin your arms: Jhey clasped hands(= heldeach others , handsj. esShe clasped ihe chpiidren 和 herarns The object of clasp is often your hameds, sb else's Se handoranother person: hang on (to sth) to hold on to sth verytightly especially in orderto support yourself or stop yourselffrom falling: Hong om tig 中 Were o 态

PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS to hold/clutch/grip/clasp sth in yourhand/hands to hold/catchy/clasp sb/sth in your arms to grip/grasp sth with your hand/hands to hold/clutch/grip/grasp/clasp/hang on to sth to hold/cling/hangon := : to hold/clutchy/clasp sb/sthtoyou : to hold/hold on toycling to/clutch/gripygrasp/clasp/ hang on to sb/sth tight/tightly/firmly ss TITLE-HOLDER 2 athing that holds the .object mentioned: a pert holder 一Picture 吃 CUP 一See also CIGARETTE HOLDER NS hold'ing /haoldim; NAmE'hoz-/ houn 一 (in sth) anumber of shares that sb has in a company: She has a 409% jholding 识 the company 一see also FUNDHOLDING 2Q2 an amount of property that is owned by a persom museum, library, etc.: one of the most important Private holdinss of Jndiamart 3 apiece oflandthatis rentedby sb and used for farming 一see also SMALLHOLDING

to contact or fnd sb: Where hayeyou peen? Tye been trying

holding company novn acompany that is formed to

thatyouwant or need: TImeed to getjhold of Toms addres5. CjJts almost imPpossible to get hold of ticKkets for the 三iaQL

hoiding operation moun a course of action that is taken so that a particular situation stays the same Or does notbecome anyWorse

layed until alatertime or date: She put her career ohold to hayeababy ecThe projecti on hold util more moOPney 1 ayailable. 2 让 a person on the telephone is put on hold, theyhavetowaituntilthe person thattheywanttotalkto

holding pattern moun the route a Plane travels iD while it is flying above thelanding Place, waiting for Permission to land

to getjhold ofyou all dayget 'hold of sth 1 to find sth 2tolearnmortunderstand sthino ,holds 'barred with no rules orlimits on whatsbis allowedtodoon hold 1 de-

is freetake (al 'hold to begin to have complete control

Over sby/sth; to become very strong: Pamic took hold of him and he couldmtmove.CTheygotoutofthe housejustbefore the jiames tooKk hold. c 夏 i bestto treat the disease early before 让 takes ahold. 一more at WRONG ad

hold-ail /haoldo:l; NAmE'hoo-/ (BrE) (NAmEdguffelbag) mounalargebag made ofstrong cloth or softleather Used when you are travelling for carrying clothes, etc. 一Picture 只 BAG hold.er /haoldecD); NAmE ,hou-/ noun (often in compounds) 1 a person who has or owns the thing mentioned: a Licence holder c da seaso ficket jholder te cuUFrrent holder of the world record echolders of high of 态ce ec the holder ofa French passport 一see also RECORD HOLDER,

buy shares in other companies which itthen controls

hold.over /heoldauveGnD);-NAmE ,houldouver/ moun (Nm 有 a person who keeps a Position of Power for exXample sb who had a particular position in one ADMINISTRATION and who stillhas it in the next


noun 1 a situation in which sth is prevented

from happening for a Short time

DELAY: Whats the

jhold-up2c We should finishn by tomnighb parring hold-UPpS. (BrE) Sorry Drmn Iate. There Was a hold-up om the motorway.

2 (also'stick-up especially in NAmE) an act of stealing from abank, etc. Using a gun

hole 可 OU1


/haol; NAmEhoul/ noun; ve几

*HOLLOW SPACE 1 [cahollow spacein sth solid or 也 the Surface of sth: Be dusg a deep hole in the garden ce The

B cat | afather | eten | 3:bird | aabout |zrsit|isee|imany|npgot'(BrE |o5:saw|Acup|usput |utoo

Dormb blew a huge hole ithe ground:. ec Water had collected im the holes 识 切e road. > OPENING 之 [C] aspace or opening that goes all the way through sth: to drill/Lbore/purchVKkick a hole in sth There were holes in the knees of his frousers. C The children climped throuSgh a hole in the jence. ea puliet hole c the jhole 训 the ozomne Iayer 一see also OZONE HOLE >ANIMALDS HOME 3 [C thehome ofa small animal: a rabDit/rmouse, etc. hole 一see alsoBOLT-HOLE 一compare FOXHOLE, PIGEONHOLE

UNPLEASANT PLACE 4 [Gusually sing.] (njformnal,disap-



Inost people do not go to work or school, especially because of 'a ITeligious or national celebration: a matiomnal holidayc Todayisaholiday in Wales. 一see also BANK HOLIDAY, PUBLIC HOLIDAY 4 holidays [pl.] (NAmB) the time ip December and early January that includes Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year: .Happy Holidays/! 卓 Verb (BrE) (NAmEvac'ation) [V] to spend aholiday someWhere: She was holidaying with herjamily in Ireland.

proving) an Unpleasant place to live or be im DUMP: Tam not going to bring UPD my child in this hole. 一see also

HELLHOLE *IN GOLF 5 [C] a hollow in the ground that you mtst get the ball into; one of the sections of a GOLF COURSE with theTEE at the beginning andthe hole atthe end: The bal rolled into 轨e hole and she hadwomr. cameighteen-hole golf coUrse CHe Liked to play afew holes after work. ec She won the first hole. 一Picture 只 GOLE > FAULT/WEAKNESS -@ [Cusually pl.] a fault or weakness in sth such as aplany law or story: He was found not guiltby Decause of holes in the prosecution case: COTadoni belieye What she says 一her Story is 记11 of holes. 一see also LOOP-


*EMPTY PLACE/PQSITION 7 [sing.] a Place or position that

Deeds to be filled because sbysth is no longer there: After Pis w 旋 etere was agaping hole in his 1 沪 .cBuying the mew equiprment lefia big hole 识 切 e companmnys 万namces. There are many other compounds ending in hole. You will find them at their place in the alphabet. [mry in

ahole (niormal)in adifficult situation: He had got jzrmselfintoahole andi让was goingto be dif 太cultto getout of 让

in the 'hole


owing money


DEBT: We start the curTentiscal year 830 million In the hole. make a'holein sth touseup alarge amount of sth that you have,especially money: -School jees cam TaKke a pig jhole 识 yoUr sayings: 一more atACcEm BURNY,

DiIG y,, PICK V 旧 Ve 几 =MAKEA HOLE 1 [VN] [usually passive] to make a hole or holes 训 sth, especially aboat or ship

IN GOLF 2 ~ (out) to hit a GOLF ball into the hole: [VN] She holeda 25jfootputt co [V] She holed out 广om 25 feet

到 hole 'up | be ,holed 'up (nformal) to hide in a

Place: He 了 hole Upmow amd moye again tomorrow after daark ee We belieyve the gangare holed UP ithe mmountains.

hole-and-'corner ddlj. done in secretbecatuse yoU Want to avoid being noticed: a hole-anmd-corner wedding


(P/ holes-in-one) an occasion ip

GOLF when a _player hits the ball from the TEE into the hole using only one shot

holein the 'heartnoun (medical/) a condition in which ”ababyis born with a problem with the wall dividing the Parts ofitsheart sothatitdoesnot getenough OXYGENin its blood

holeinthe'wafioovn [sing;] (njformaol) T (BrE =CASH MACHINE 了 (NAIm asmall 日 dark shopVstore or restaurant PP holein-the Wall 5dj [only before noun]: hole-in-the-

Wall cash machines/Testauranmts

holey /hauli; NmE'hoo-/ adj. a holey Piece of clothing or material has alotofholes in 让


om /holeders NAmE'hal- BrEalso-di/

moOU1, Ve山

anOU 了 [U] (also holidays [pl 由)(both BrE) ation) a period of time when you are not school: 妇e schooLASurmmrmmer/Christrmnas,etc. Ta ahraid Mr Walsh ii away om holiday this

(NAmE vacat Work or holidays week. 2 The

Pay Ca jholiday job (= done by students during the school holidays)- 2.[G (BrE) (NAmE vac:ation) a Deriod of time spent travelling or resting away from home:a

camping/sKiinsZwalking etc. holiday cajarmily holiday cayforeign holiday' ec a holiday cottage/hormneXTe识dustry c Where areyougoingjforyour

jholidays thisyear2e TheymetWwhile omn holiday in Greece. CQ We wentt or holiday together 1ast sumzmer 一See also BUSMANS HOLIDAY, PACKAGE TOUR 3 [Ga day when


| army

| aunow

| ersay

| au8go(BrE


昌 了 he holidays is used in NAmEto referto thetime in late December and earlyjanuary that includes

Christmas, Hanukkah and the New Year.

上 Vacationin BrEis used mainlyto mean one ofthe periods when universities are officially closed forthe students, "holidaycarmp on (BrE) a place that Provides accommodation and entertainment forlarge numbers ofpeople Who areonholiday/vacation

holiday-maker /holedemeikeG); NAmE'ha:l- BrEalso -dimer/ noun (BrE) (NAmE vac':ation'en a Person who is Visiting a Place on holiday/vacation holier-than-thou /heulia 6en 'gao;i NAmmE houlier/ adlj. (disapproving) showing that you think that you are Imorally better than other people SELF-RIGHTEOUS: Tcanmntstard his holier 雪am-thou attituade. holi.mess /heulines; NmE'hou-/ novun 站 [U] the quality ofbeing holy 2 His/Your Holiness [G atitle of respect used when talking to or about the Pope and some other Ieligious leaders: His Foliness Pope Jopm Paul 开 hol.ism /heolzzeam; hpl-; NAmE 'hou-; haz-/ noun [Uj] Tthe idea that the whole of sth must be considered ipn order to Understand its different parts 一compare ATOMISM 2 the idea thatthe whole of a sick Person, including their body mind and way of life, should be considered When treating them,and not just the SYMPTOMS (= effects) of the disease haol.is:tic /heo'lrstzk; hp1l; NMAmE ho haz1/ ad 1 (nrmal) considering a whole thing or being to be Imore than a collection ofparts: a holistic approach to Li 2 (medical)treating the whole personratherthanjustthe SYMPTOMS (= effects) of a _disease: holistic nedicine

P holistically /kli/ ady

Packasge includes .20 days' paid holiday ayear 2 holiday

Sort cothe holiday

holiday . vacation 下 YOU use holiday (or holidaysj in BrEand vacation in NAmEto describethe regular periods oftime when you arenot at work or school, ortimethatyou spend travelling or resting awayfrom home: 18etJour weeks” hojidaymvacationag year SeHeson hojiadawyacatonthis WeEek Cllketoiokemyholidawyvacation m 翅e winter @thesummmerholjidaoysyacation: 有 In NAmEaholiday (ora public holiday)is asingleday when government offices, schools, banks and businesses are closed: Theschool will be closed Monday becaouseyts a hojidaxy This is called a bank holiday in


sauce /holealandeIz 'so:s; NAmE ,ha:l-/

houn [U] a sauce made with buttem egg YOLKS (三 yellow

Parts) and VINEGAR hol.Iler /holaa); NmE

ha:l-/ vemb (informal,especially

NAmE) to shout loudly YELL: [V] Domnt holier at 7mel C [vspeech] Zookout/ Thnollered. [alsoVN]


om /holeo; NMmE'hazloo/ adj, noun, ye 几

四 0dj. havingahole oremptyspaceinside: a hollow bpall celtre/tube C The tiree trUTIK Was holliow inside. C Her stoTmach felt hollow with 大 ar 2 (of parts of the face) sinking deeply into the face: hollow eyes/cheeks 2 hollow-eyed 万om 1ack ofsleep 3 [usually before noun] (of sounds) makc ingalowsoundlikethatmadebyanempty objectwhen 让 is hit: a hollow groamn 4 弘[usually before noun] not sincere:

| ou go (NB

| or boy

| re near

| ee hair

| ve pure


744 | the holy of 'holies "oun [sing.] Tithe mostholyPart of a religious building 2 (hurmorous) aspecial room Or building thatcanonlybe visited byimportantPpeople

jhollow Prommises/threats ca hollow laugh c Their apPeakls for art end to the violence had a jhollow rimng 2 Ti Proinise rang hollow (= did not sound sincere)., 5 [usually before noun] without real value: to win a jhollow Vic-

tory PP hollowly

holy 'ordqers movn fpl.] the ofcial Position of being a 'out to make a hole ip st by itis true without questioning it). ITemovimng part of ift: Hollow out the cake amd 记11 让 witp

目 Verb [VN] [usually passive] to make aflat surface curve ip

cream. 了 to form sth by making a hole in sth else: THhe caye has been jhollowed out of the mountaimnside.

holly Small

/pli; NAmE ha:li movm (PP -ies) [U,G a bush or tree with hard shiny leaves with sharp points and brightred BERRIES 记 Winter often used as a decoration at Christmas: asprig of holy hol.ly.hock /holihopk; NAmE' hazliha:k/ noun atall garden plant with white, yellovw, red or Purple flowers growing Up its STEM Hol:ly-wood /hnoliwud; NAmE ha:l-/ mour [U] the Part of Los Angeles where the flm/movie industry is based

(used to refer to the US flm/ymovie 识dustry and the way of life that is associated with it) holmium /haolimiam; NAmE'hool-/ mou7 [U] (symbp Ho) achemical element. Holmium is a soft silverwhite metal. holo.caust /hplekoxst; NMAmE'ha:la-; 'houle-/ novun 站 [GO] asituation in which manythings are destroyed and many People Killed, especially because of awar or a fire:Q mLclear holocaust 2 the Holocaust [sing.] the Killing of Imillions of Jews bythe Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s holo:gram /holagraem; NAmE hazl-; hool-/ noun aispecial type ofpicture in Which the Objects seeim tobe THREE-

DIMENSIONAL (= solid ratherthan fat) holo.graph /hplegraf NAPmE haJagraef hool/ nouwn (techmical) a piece of writing thatshas been written by hand by its author holo.graph:ic /hole'graefk, NAmE ,hal-; ,hool-/ ad [usualiy before noun] connected with holograms: a PholoSraphic picture

holo.phra.sis /bpla'frersrs; NAmEha'la:frasIs/ nou1 [U] (jngulistics) the expression of a whole idea in a single Word, for example a baby saying up' for ITwant you to Pick me UP” pe holo.phrastic /bple 人 aestik;y NAmE hazle-; hoole-/ adf/.

hols /hplz; NMAmE hadz/ nouwn [pl] (old-foshioned,Br Infommal) holidays Hol.stein /hplstamj; -stin; NAmE'hool/ noun (NAm 有) 三 ERIESIAN

hol:ster /haulstsoD); NAmE oo-/ OU1ia leather case worm onabeltoronamnarrow piece of leatherunder the arm, Used:for carrying a small gun

holy om /aoli; NAmE'houli/ ad (holien holi.est) 了 [usually before noun] connected with God or a particu:lar religion: 妨 e Foly BibleScriptures 2 holy grourtda ca joy war (= one fought to defend the beliefs of a particular religion) the holy city of MeccaC siamss holiestshrine UNHOLY 一See also HOLY ORDERS 2 goodin amoral and religious way: a hoyy LipXmam [aa UNHOLIY 3 [only before noun] (informalj) used to emphasize that you are SUIPIised,afraid,etc.: Boy cow! What was that? 一See


,Holy Com'munionwown [U] = CoMMUNION

the ,Holy'Father7ovn [sing.] thePoPE the ,Holy 'Ghost7oun [sing.] =THE HOLY SPIRIT

the ,Holy'Grailnovn [sin8.] = GRAIE bbad

| ddid

| ffall

| gget

| hhat

| jyes

hom:agee /homid5; NAmE'hamm-/nouwn [U,G usuallysing] ~ (to sb/sth) (formalj) something that is-said or done to Show':Trespect for sb: The Fings of Framce paid hormmage to mo omne:O Fe describes hisbook as 如 jhomaseto myjther They stood in silenthomage around the graye. hom:.bre /mbrerz NAmE 'dmb-/ novun (NAmE normal/, from Spanish) a man, especially one of a particular type: Their quarterbacK is one tough hompbre.


/小ombas:g; NAmE hambsrg/ novun a man's

So人 that wlth a narrow, cUrled BRIM

上 Ormne 0 国 .0OU1

:/heom; NAmEhooum/noun;ad1 ;ady, ve 上

>*HOUSE,ETC. 1 [CuU] the house or flatVapartment that you live ip, especially with your family: We are mot jar 廊om TY home now c Old people prefer to stay 妆 纺eir oOWP jhomes. @ She leayes homme at 7 eyery:dayx c the fornily hormme 和 WPile trayvelling she missed thecormmfork ofhome. 了 Fe Left horme (= lefthis parents and began an independent life) at sixteen. CNowadays ia 1otiofDeople Work From home. 2 IT call yo 万o 识 jhome Iater 2 (jgurative) We hayentfpundaphnormeforalour pooksyet(=aplace where they can be kept)j. e stray dogs mieedinig 7iew jhomes 一see also STAY-AT-HOME 了 Q [C] a house or flat/apartment, etc., when you think of it as Property that can be bought and sold: a PholidayAsurmrmer horme AlIotofriew jhormies are beimng built or the edse oftowmn. COPrivate home OowWTerShip is increasing joster than eyer oOThey applied fora jhormme ”improverment loan: 一see , also MOBILE -HOME,



3 [CU] the town, district cotntry etc.

that you come from, or Where you are living andthat you feel you belong to: Toften tinKk about 7ny 广iertds DacK home. 2 Jane le Enhgland and 7made Greece jer horme. Jarmmaica z Pome to oyer two niliom People. “FAMILY 4 [cl usedtoreferto afamilyliving togethen and the Way 让 behaves: She came 万omza yiolent home- Ce He had always Wanted a real home With a wi and chiLdren. 一See also BROKEN HOME


5 [C] a Place where people

Who cannot care for themselves live and are cared for by others: achildren's hormne C an old peoples home ca retirement home 2 a jhome fjor 轨e mentaly 这 忆 She has lived 雇 Q jhome since she Was Si 一See also NURSING


* FOR PETS @ [C] a place Where pets with no owner are taken care of: a dogs:/cats home > OF PLANT/ANIMAL 7 [sing.,U] the Place where aplant or animal usually lives; the Place where sb/sth can be found: This regiom i te home of mary Species of Wila Jower coThe tigers home i 识 the jngle.C The Rockies are home to pears aid mioUmtain Lioms: ”WHERE STH FIRST DONE 8 [sing.] the ~ of sth the place Where sth was first discovered;i made or ivented: New Orlears, the home of jazz 2 Greece the hommne ofaemocracy [IE at 'home 1 in a person's own house, flatVapartImentb etc:: TI Phoried yo last mighb Dut you Werenit at jhomte. OnmnoTlefi7myPpurse athome: OFEeiivedathnome

(= with his parents) until he Was hirty 2 -comifortable and relaxed: St dowm: and make yourselF at home. Simom feels Very at horme on a horse. 3 (used especially in JOURNALISM) in sb's own _country not in a foreign

| k cat

| lleg

| mman

| nnow

| ppen

| rred

country: The president is not as popular at home as he is abroad. 4 ifa sports team plays at homei it Plays:in the town, etc. that it comes from: Leeds are playing at horne this weekend. cs the matchon Saturaay at horme or away? away from 'home 1 away from a person's own house, fatVyapartment, etc.: He Works away 方om home during the Week. CTdomtwant to be away 万om home fjor too Iong.

2 (Br6) 让 a sports team plays away from home, it plays in the towmn, etc. that its opponent comes from a ,home

from 'home (BrE) (NAmEa homeawayfrom'home)a Place where you feel relaxed and comfortable as 过 you

were ip yotrown home ,home is where the 'heart is (saying) a home is where the people you love are home sweet'home (often ironicoused to sayhow pleasant yOUT home is (especially when you really mean that it is not

pleasant at alll set up 'home (Br6) (used especially abonut

acouple) to start living in a new place: They got married and set UD home together in TULL when he”s, it*s,etc. at home (BrE ,humorous) Used to emphasize a question

about sb/sth: Whos she When shess at hormne? (= I dont know her) 一more at CHARITY, CLOSE2 qdj.,EAT, ENGLISHMAN, SPIRITUAL 上 0cdj. [only before noum] > WHERE YOULIVE 站 connected with the Place where you



of your GANG (= a group ofyoung People who go around together)

home 'brew movn [U]T beer that sb makes at home 2 something that sb makes at home rather than buying

it: The SecUrity Software he Uses home brew, \由rew (also ,home-'brewed) adf/.


home.buy:er /heumbarIe(D); NAmE 'houm-/ noun a perSOn Who buys a house, flatVapartment; etc.

home cinesna (8 日(NMmE,home 'theater) 0oun [U] television and Video equipment designed to give a similar experience to_ being in a cinema/movie theater,with high-quality pictures and sound and a large screen






1 [cu] the act of returning to your home after being away for a long time 2 [q (NAmB) a social event that takes place every year at a HIGH SCHOOL; college Or UDiversity for people who used to be students there

the ,Home 'Counties "ov [pl.] the counties around London

live: home Life (= with your family) c a persons horme

home eco'mnomics "oun [U] cooking and other skills

address/towm CJWe offercustomers aree home delivery SeTVice. * MADE/USED AT HOME 2 made or Used at home: home Toyvies CO home cooKking ahorme comPpUter >OWN _COUNTRY 3 (especially BrE) connected with youT

home front 7oun [sing.] the People who do not go to 丰ght in a war but who stay in a country to work [Er on the 'home .front happening at home, or 训 yoOuUI own

needed at home, taught as asubject in school

country own country rather than foreign countries DOMEShome-girl /haeomgsl; NAmE 'houmgsrl/ own (Nm TIC: products for the home marketc horme mews/affairs informal/) a female friend from the same town as youU; a [GE FOREIGN, OVERSEAS member of your GANG (= a group of young people who >*1IN SPORT 4 connected with ateam's own Sports ground: go around togethen) a homme matchAw 识 2 切e hormme teamt 2 Rargers Were home 'Eround moun [sing.,U] 1 (BrE) a sports ground Playing 访方ontof their hormne crowd. 一Compare AWAY that a team regularly Plays on'in their own area or town 下 Gdhy. 2 a place where sb lives or works and where they feel >*WHERE YOU LIVE 1 to or at the place where you live: confident,,rather than a Place that is not familiar to Come om its Enme to go0 home. C What tme did yoU Set them: Pd rather7mneet hirm here omTmy OWP jhorme SrOUnd. jhome 1astmight2 C THPe 厅ip has been exhaustirg and TILbe gladto be hoime.cAfteramonth they Wentback home to home-'grown: adj. 1 (of plants, fruit and vegetables) America. ItWasalovely daysoTwalked home:-cAnmnaw 记 grown in a person's garden: jhorme-SrowP tomatoes Griye me home after worK: 2 Hopefully te doctors W 记 2 made, trained oreducated in your own country town, allow her homne tomorrow. (NAm 昌 TIike to stay home 总 etc.: The teamu has a Wealth of home-SrowTt taleri the eyenings. ,home 'help "ovn (BrE) aperson whosejob is to help old >JNTO CORRECT POSITION _2 into the correct position: She or Sick people with cooking, cleaning, etc. Leaned om the dooramdpushned the bolthorme.cHe drovetphe Ball home (=:Scored a goal) 太 om 15 metres. O The torpedo home im'provement "ovn [CuU] changes that are Iade to a house, that increase its value: Theyve SDentt Q Struck horme om the huLLof the ship, Iot of moriey om home improyement. 2 home-improyverment IE be home and 'dry (Br6 (NMmE be home 'free) to Products have done sth successfully ,especially when it was dif6cult: Tcould see the Jimish line and 雪ouUghtTWas home and home-land /haomlznd; NMmE'hoom-/ movun 了 [usually dy bring home the 'bacon (njormoal) to be successful sing.] the countrywhere aperson was born: Mamny refugees at sth; to earn moneyfor yourfamily to live on bring sth jhayve been forced to jlee their homeland. 了 [usually pl] (im 'home to sb to make sb realize how important, difficult the Republic of South Africa under the APARTHEID System Or Serious sth is: The teleyvisiom Pictures brought hormmne to Us in the past) one of the areas with Some SELF-GOVERNhe 所 1 horror of the_ attack come 'home to sb to beMENT that were intended for a_group of black African come completely clear to sb, often in awaythatis painful: People to live in: the TransKkei hommelartd 下 suddenly carme hormme to hirm thathe wasTievergoing to See ,Homeland Se'curity "own [U] the activities and Julie again. sth comes home to 'roost (also the chickorganizations whose aim is to Prevent TERRORIST attacks ens come home to 'roost) Used to say that 计 sb says or in the US: the Department of Horneland Security does sth bad or wrong, 让 will affect them badly in the home.less /haumlas; NAmE 'hooum-/ adj. 1 having no future hit/strike 'home if a remark,etc. hits/ strikes home: The scheme has been set UD to help hommeless people. home, it has a strong effect on sb, in a way that makes 2 the homeless 10um [pl.] people who have no home: them realize what the true facts of a situation are: 瓦er jhelping the homeless > homelessness noun [U] 各 ce Went pale as his Words hit homme. 一more at COWnm, DRIVE V, LIGHT 1 ,PRESSV, RAM V,ROMP 1 WRITE home 'ioan "ov (njformal) = MORTGAGE 晶 VeE/沪 home 'in on sth 1 to aim at sth and move home-ly /haoumli; MAmE 'houm-/ adj. (homeliep homeStraight towards it: The rnissile hormed 训 on the target li.est) 了 (BrE, opproving) (ofa place) making yo feel com2 to direct your thoughts or attention towards sth: 了 fortable, as 坟 you were in your own home: The hotel has Q Deganm to feelTWwas really homing 训 om 轨 e arlsWe7

,home 'base noun [sing,U] 1 = HOME PLATE Place where sbysth usuallylives, works or operates

之 the 位om

home.body /haoumbodi; NAmE 'houmba:di/ novn (以 -ies) (informal,especially NAmB) a person Who enjoys

spending time at home

home:boy /haombor NAmE 'houm-/ noun (NAmE infor mmdhl amale friend from the same town as you; a member


| ttea

| vvan

| wwet

| zzoo

| Jshoe

1ovelyjhormnelyjfeelto 让 2 (approving, especially BrE) simple

and good: jhomely cooking 3 (BrE,approving) (of a woman) warm and friendly and enjoying the Pleasures of home and family: His Iandiady was Qa Kind,hormnely Wonan, 有 (NAImE; disapproving) (of a perso