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D. R. Shackleton Bailey Onomasticon to Cicero's Speeches
Onomasticon to Cicero's Speeches By D. R. Shackleton Bailey Second revised edition
m B. G. Teubner Stuttgart und Leipzig 1992
Critical editions by D.R. Shackleton Bailey BIBLIOTHECA TEUBNERIANA Anthologia Latina Fars I. Carmina in codicibus scripta Fase. 1. Libri Salmasiani aliorumque carmina 1982. BT1030. Cloth DM 136,Cicero Epistulae ad Atticum Vol.1: Libri I—VIII 1987. BT 1208. Cloth DM 115,Vol. II: Libri IX—XVI 1987. BT 1209. Cloth DM 145,Cicero Epistulae ad familiares libri I-XVI 1988. BT 1210. Cloth DM 225,Cicero Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem. Epistulae ad M. Brutum. Commentariolum petitionis. Fragmenta epistolanim 1988. BT 1211. Cloth DM 64,Horatius Opera 1985. BT 1437. Cloth DM 64,Editio altera. 1991. BT 1436. Paperback DM 3 6 , Lucanus De bellum civili libri X 1988. BT 1502. Cloth DM 128,Martialis Epigrammata 1990. BT 1531. Cloth DM 168,Quintilianus Declama dones minores 1989. BT 1753. Cloth DM 148,-
Die Deutsche Bibliothek - CIP-Einheitsaufnahme Bailey, David R. Shackleton: Onomasticon to Cicero's Speeches /by D. R. Shackleton Bailey. - 2., rev. ed. - Stuttgart; Leipzig: Teubner, 1992 ISBN 3-519-17416-2 NE: HST Das Werk einschließlich aller seiner Teile ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwertung außerhalb der engen Grenzen des Urheberrechtsgesetzes ist ohne Zustimmung des Verlages unzulässig und strafbar. Das gilt besonders für Vervielfältigungen, Obersetzungen, Mikroverfilmungen und die Einspeicherung und Verarbeitung in elektronischen Systemen. © B. G. Teubner Stuttgart 1992 Printed in Germany Druck und Bindung: Präzis-Druck GmbH, Karlsruhe
Contents Preface Abbreviations i. Tri a Nomina 2. Persons and Deities 3. Cognomina 4. Places 5. Laws 6. The Thirty-five Tribes 7. Miscellaneous
Page vii ix 3 9 102 107 134 139 140
Preface Personal names are listed according to the conventions used in PaulyWissowa (RE), except that Greek names appear in the form used by Cicero. The speeches are cited with slight variations in the order, which is chronological, and with the abbreviations used in Merguet's index. References are to the standard numbered sections (the smaller ones) used in editions. Where the person is alluded to but not named, the reference is in round brackets. Round brackets in the name itself indicate parts of it not found in the text of the speeches. Where Cicero in the speeches names a person more than once and in more than one fashion, his usage is given in special notes. But where he uses a gentilicium or cognomen sometimes with praenomen and sometimes without, I have usually not given specific references (see part i, "Tria Nomina"). Letters [RE etc.) following an entry refer to published lists: see "Abbreviations." In the case of magistrates reference to Broughton's Magistrates of the Roman Republic is assumed as automatic. The tribe being part of a Roman's official name, they are given where possible from L. R. Taylor's Voting districts of the Roman Republic and other sources, mainly Nicolet's and Wiseman's lists and articles by Syme and Wiseman (see "Abbreviations"), though usually there can only be more or less of a probability. Certainties or near-certainties are in italics. Apart from brief identifications, such as the date of a magistracy (but not all magistracies), biographical detail, superfluous now that we have RE etc., is not included. Modern discoveries and discussions, however, on onomastic and occasionally other interesting items are noted, together with comment or other contributive matter original to this work. A n advance copy of Broughton's Supplement of 1986, incorporating the Supplement of i960 with a vast amount of additional matter, came into my hands at a very late stage by the kindness of its author, whom I thank accordingly. I would also thank Miss Lenore Savage for her patient and tireless services in putting the material into wordprocess. D . R . S H A C K L E T O N BAILEY
Preface to the second edition In this edition I have corrected some errors, mostly pointed out by Professors E. Badian, P.B. Harvey, or J.T. Ramsey. Ann Arbor,
Abbreviations SECONDARY SOURCES A Class = Acta Classica. Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa. AC = L'Antiquité Classique Adams = J. N. Adams "Conventions of naming in Cicero," CQ 28 (1978). 145-66. AJAH = American Journal of Ancient History AJPh = American Journal of Philology Badian BICS - E. Badian, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, suppl. 51 (1988). p. 8 with note 1 1 Klio = E. Badian "Three non-trials in Cicero," Klio 66 (1984.). 291-309. Studies = Studies in Greek and Roman history (Oxford, 1964). PBSR = "The house of the Servilii Gemini," Papers of the British School at Rome 52 (1984). 49-71. Bailey HSPh' = D. R. Shackleton Bailey "On Cicero's speeches," HSPh 83 (1979)- 237-85HSPh2 = "More on Cicero's speeches (Post reditum)" HSPh 89 (1985). 1 4 1 - 5 1 Also references to editions of Cicero's correspondence (Cambridge 1965-80). See Nomenclature Broughton = T. R. S. Broughton The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, 2 vols. (New York 1951-2). Bs. = Supplement to the above (Atlanta, 1986). CI. et Med. = Classica et Mediaevalia Cph. = Classical Philology CQ = Classical Quarterly CR = Classical Review Crawford = M. H. Crawford Roman republican coinage (Cambridge, England, 1974)Fr. = Ciceronis Orationum fragmenta ed. Fr. Schoell (Leipzig 1918). GLK = Grammatici Latini ed. H. Keil. Harvey AJPh = R B. Harvey AJPh 101 (1980). 1 1 4 - 1 2 0 (review of Nomenclature) Athenaeum' = "Cicero leg. agr. 2.78 and the Sullan colony at Praeneste," Athenaeum 53 (1975). 33-56. Athenaeum2 = "Cicero, Consius and Capua I and II," Athenaeum 59 (1981). 299-316 and 60 (1982). 1 4 5 - 7 1 . ix
Kajanto = I. Kajanto The Latin cognomina (Helsinki 1965). HSPh = Harvard Studies in Classical Philology JRS = Journal of Roman Studies N(icolet) = C. Nicolet L'ordre équestre à l'époque républicaine vol. II (Paris 1974). Nomenclature = D. R. Shackleton Bailey Two Studies in Roman nomenclature (New York 1976), American Classical Studies 3. RE = D. Pauly and G. Wissowa, Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft. RFIC = Rivista di filología e di istruzione classica RhM = Rheinisches Museum S 1 and S 2 See Sumner. Schulze = W. Schulze, Zur Geschichte lateinischer Eigennamen (Berlin 1904). Sumner CPh. = G. V. Sumner CPh. 73 (1978). 159-64 (review of Nomenclature). 5 1 = "The lex annalis under Caesar," Phoenix 2 (1971). 246-71 and 357-715 2 = The orators in Cicero's Brutus (Toronto 1973). Syme Senators = Sir Ronald Syme "Senators, tribes and towns," Historia 13 (1964). 105-24 {Rom. Pap. 582-604). Rom. pap. - Roman papers (Oxford 1979). Taylor = L. R. Taylor The voting districts of the Roman Republic (Rome i960). TLL = Thesaurus Linguae Latinae W(iseman): See Wiseman, T. P. New Men etc. Wiseman, T. P. Cinna = Cinna the Poet, and other Roman essays (Leicester 1974). CQ = "Some republican senators and their tribes," CQ 14 (1964). 122-33. New Men in the Roman Senate 139 B.C.-A.D. 14 (Oxford i97i). ZPE = Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik Speeches
Quinct. = Pro P. Quinctio Sex. Rose. = Pro Sex. Roscio Amerino Rose. Com. = Pro Q. Roscio comoedo Div. Caec. = In Q. Caecilium divinatio Verr. a. pr. = In C. Verrem actio prima Verr. I-V = In C. Verrem actio II, lib. I - V
Tuli. = Pro M. Tullio Font. = Pro M. Fonteio Caec. = Pro A. Caecina Imp. Pomp. = De imperio Cn. Pompei Cluent. = Pro A. Cluentio Leg. agr. I—III = De lege agraria I—III Rabir. = Pro C. Rabirio perduellionis reo Catil. I - I V = In L. Catilinam I - I V Mur. = Pro L. Murena Flacc. = Pro L. Fiacco Sull. = Pro P. Sulla Arch. = Pro Archia poeta Sen. = Post reditum in senatu Quir. = Post reditum ad Quirites Dom. = De domo sua Har. Resp. = De haruspicum responso Sest. = Pro P. Sestio Vatin. = In P. Vatinium testem Cael. = Pro M. Caelio Rufo Prov. cons. = De provinciis consularibus Balb. = Pro L. Cornelio Balbo Piane. = Pro Cn. Plancio Pis. = In L. Pisonem Scaur. = Pro M. Scauro Rab. Post. = Pro C. Rabirio Postumo Mil. = Pro T. Annio Milone Marc. = Pro M. Marcello Lig. = Pro Q. Ligario Deiot. = Pro rege Deiotaro Phil. I-XIV = In M. Antonium orationes Philippicae I-XIV Fr. = Fiagmenta, ed. Schoell
Tria Nomina J. N. Adams' article "Conventions of naming in Cicero" (CQ 28 [1978]. 145-66) advanced knowledge and understanding, but should be taken with caution. I am here concerned only with Cicero's speeches. Adams states (145) that Roman tria nomina, i.e. piaenomen, nomen gentilicium, and cognomen (if any), appear together only in highly formal circumstances, such as in official documents and the heading of formal letters. He goes on to adduce Rose. com. 3, which is not an official document or a letter heading; there the opposing party in the case is introduced with the vocative C. Fanni Chaerea. In the rest of the speech Cicero refers to him as "C. Fannius" or "Fannius," except in 20, where the three names recur: C. Fannium Chaeieam Roscius fraudavit. The sarcasm is devastating, for Chaerea was a Ballio whose face reflected cunning and rascality, and the solemn nomenclature enhances the effect. These two passages exemplify the two functions of the three-name style in Cicero's orations. Many instances of the introductory use (though not in the vocative) will be found in this onomasticon, starting with Fr. 2.3 (Prise. GLK II.348) C. Ancharius Rufus fuit e municipio Fulginati. If the person is named again in the same speech, a shorter form is employed. But occasionally the tria nomina have rhetorical force, as in Font. 24 ecquem hominem vidimus, ecquem commemoiaie possumus paiem consilio, gravitate, constantia, ceteris virtutibus . .. M. Aemilio Scauro fuisse or Dom. 102 ut domus M. Tulli Ciceronis cum domo M. Fulvi Flacci ad memoriam poenae publice constitutae coniuncta esse videatur. Next we come to address or reference by nomen or cognomen with or without praenomen. Adams correctly observes (146) that the more dignified double name (i.e. praenomen + nomen or cognomen) predominates in the most formal speeches, particularly those before the Senate (the Philippics, where "less attention is paid to the conventions," excepted) and popular assembly; also that the frequent omission of praenomen when referring to notorious villains, like Catiline, is pejorative. But where a name crops up repeatedly the single form is often used without any such implication,- Pis. 62 for instance, where, after mention of "L. Crassus," "C. Cotta," and "M. Piso," the orator continues: tu eruditior quam Piso, prudentior quam Cotta, abundantior consilio, ingenio, sapientia quam Crassus sqq.1 Often the choice •Adams (16ol has misunderstood Leg. agt. II.s3, where Ciccro remarks sarcastically that he supposes Pompey's cognomen Magnus would not appear in the heading of Rullus' imaginary letter to Pompcy since Rullus' law was aimed at reducing Pompey's "greatness." Rullus is not rebuked "for his alleged desire to deprive Pompcy of his cognomen." Adams continues: "and in 59 he wrote to Atticus that Magnus was now well enough established to be used: Att. 2.13.2
between double and single seems purely arbitrary. Why is the consul Cn. Lentulus Marcellinus addressed by simple cognomen in Har. iesp. i i , 13, and 21, but by praenomen + cognomen twice in 22? Why does "M. Cato" come four times in rapid succession in Sest. 60 to be followed by de ipso Catone in 62? What of Cato ... M. Cato... Catone in Dom. 65f? The conventions in this particular were highly flexible. "Most of the leading2 nobles of the Ciceronian period (with a few notable exceptions discussed below, p. 152) seem to have eschewed the use of their nomina, except in highly formal contexts in which all three names were used." Cited as exceptions are the Cassii Longini, Domitii Ahenobarbi, Q. Hortensius Hortalus, the Servilii Isaurici,3 and Ser. Sulpicius Rufus. Add the Claudii Pulchri, whose cognomen never appears in the speeches except in one trinominal reference (Verr. II. 122) and an imaginary letter heading [Dom. 22). For the rest, it is going too far to say that Cicero's speeches eschew the use of gentilicia for nobiles; but reference by cognomen is much preferred, with the notable qualification (ignored by Adams) that in expressions like L Licinio Q. Mucio consulibus there is a marked tendency to use gentilicia. But caprice must not be discounted. Why else, with reference to Caesar (dictator), does a solitary4 "C. Iulius" in Prov. cons. 39 compete with "(C.) Caesar" appearing by the score? According to Adams, "the formal method of naming by two names praenomen + cognomen was rarely accorded to those of low status in upper class society." (154). A footnote admits that "occasional real or apparent counter-examples could of course be cited; it is their comparative frequency which must be taken into account. It is worth stressing that if a non-nobilis is named in this way he may have been ascending, or may have ascended, the social scale." It is not altogether clear whether "those of low status" means in effect "non-nobiles." Later in this section nobles are distinguished from "the numerous equites Romani and other citizens of no distinction who crop up" in the Verrines and who "are almost without exception ascribed praenomen + nomen." A confusing rider follows: "it does not matter for our purposes whether or not they possessed cognomina. If they did not, clearly they contrast with nobles, the majority of whom did. If quanto in odio nosier amicus Magnus! cuius cognomen una cum Crassi Divitis consenescit." Cicero means of coursc that the honorific "Magnus" was felt to be no longer appropriate to Pompey's actual standing (on Crassus Dives see my note ad loc.). 2 This word had better have been omitted. On the connotation of nobilis, established by Gclzcr and unnecessarily brought into question by Brunt, see Shacklcton Bailey, AfPh 107 (19861.255-8. •Adams advances Phil. VII.27 quibus de rebus refers. P. Servilio adsentior as a good example of formal naming in an official senatorial context and quotes other examples of "P. Scrvilius." Note, however, Phil. XIII.50 de mandatis litterisque M. Lepidi, viri clarissimi. Servilio adsentior et hoc amplius censeo. "•According to Adams (152) there is another in Har. resp. 43. But "C. Iulius" there is Caesar Strabo Vopiscus.
some of them did have cognomina (as is likely), then Cicero chose to omit them." We are concerned with Cicero's practice in this matter, and persons who did not possess a cognomen to our knowledge cannot help us. What of those who did possess one? Adams ( 1 5 4 - 6 ) produces eleven such, "none of whom was of the highest class," more or less frequently mentioned by Cicero, most sometimes by cognomen alone, but never by praenomen + cognomen. Milo, for example, is often "Milo," sometimes, especially in formal contexts, "T. Annius," never "T. Milo." 5 But such a combination (with non-nobiles) is less unusual than Adams supposed. Here are the examples I have found in the speeches6 (for references see the onomasticon): C. L. C. T. C. L. (P. Q. L. M. L. C. C. M. M. L. T. L. M. M.
(Abbius) Oppianicus (Aelius) Lamia (Alfius) Flavus (Annaeus) Brocchus (Appuleius) Decianus ¡Appuleius) Saturninus (Attius) Varus)7 (Caecilius) Dio (Fufius) Calenus8 ¡Fulvius) Bambalio9 (Hostilius) Tubulus (Licinius) Macer ¡Licinius) Murena (Lollius] Palicanus ¡Minucius) Basilus (Munatius) Plancus ¡Munatius) Plancus (Bursa) ¡Octavius) Ligus ¡Octavius) Ligus ¡Porcius) Laeca
s That "Milo" may have been his original cognomen retained after his adoption by T. Annius is probably irrelevant. In such eases the original praenomen was sometimes kept in unofficial usage, sometimes replaced by that of the adoptive father. Thus "M. Brutus," "D. Brutus," "P. Scipio" (Q. Metcllus Scipioj; but "Cn. Orestes," adoptive son of Cn. AuHdius, "M. Piso," adoptive son of M. Pupius. Available examples are too few to show whether this was merely a matter of individual choice. Adoptive nomenclature is a spccial subject. It is the theme of th? second of my Two Studies in Roman nomenclature, which includes a register of known republican adoptions with onomastic detail. * There is no lack of them elsewhere in Cicero's writings. 7 A doubtful ease; see onomasticon. s Adams (155) states that Q. Fufius Calenus, cos. 47, is callcd either "Q. Fufius" or "Calenus" in the Philippics-. "Here is a case where Ciccro was apparently hesitant about going so far in downgrading a senator in public as to refer to him by nomen alone, yet unwilling to up-grade him by using his praenomen and cognomen together." This may be right, though he should have mentioned XI. 15 non adsentior solum, sed etiam gratias ago Fufio, where, however, Fufio comes hard on the heels of Q. Fufio in the preceding scntcncc. ^ Apparently not a nobilis, as is generally believed; sec onomasticon.
P. (Quinctius) Scapula T. (Roscius) Capito10 Cn. (Sentius) Saturninus L. (Sempronius) Pit(h)io" P. (Servilius) Globulus12 P. (Sextius) Naso M. (Terentius) Varro (Reatinus) Q- (Titius) Mutto P. (Valerius) Triarius C. (Vibius) Pansa c. (Visellius) Varro Q. (Voconius) Naso M. (Vitruvius) Vaccus may be disqualified on grounds of age. No gentilicium is known for the following: Q. Croto, C. Fidulus, Ti. Gutta, C. Megabocchus, Ti. Patina, Sex. Stloga, M. Tugio, P. Tullio—except that some of these apparent cognomina may actually be gentilicia. Many of these people were of senatorial family or senators themselves or "ascending in the social scale," but whether the proportion of others is significantly low would be hard to determine. The only generalization I think it safe to make is that Cicero likes this combination when the cognomen is unusual, even bizarre, and avoids it with very common cognomina such as Rufus or Balbus. That is why "C. Gallius" is preferable to C. Gallus" in Verr. III. 152. 14 Adams' chosen eleven includes three Balbi, a Rufus, a Varus, and a Postumus. The piaenomen by itself, except where the rest of the name is implied as in Lucius frater meus, is confined to the distinctive Appius, Servius, and Faustus, and to contemptuous or ironically familiar address. So the despised and detested Sex. Cloelius is twice apostrophized as "Sexte (noster)." Cicero's opponents in the Quinctius and Caecina cases also had the piaenomen Sextus and are each called by it once. They were people of slight account with whom Cicero could well afford to take liberties. Much more remarkable, though ignored by Adams, is "Quinte" in Verr. V.176 addressed to the noble and eminent Q. Hortensius Hortalus. In all three instances Cicero thus addresses his legal adversaries once at the end of his speech, as though dismissing them without respect. 10 Usually simply "Capito," but "T. Capito" in Sex. Rose. 19, where Adams (156) suspccts that the praenomen is interpolated. 11 Possibly nobilis. ,2 Possibly nobilis, as Servilius Glaucia and Scrvilius Rullus almost certainly were. See onomasticon. Doubtful. He may have descended from the consul of 216. ,4 If C. Aquillius Gallus was a nobilis, the argument loses force, for at least one common cognomen is used in conjunction with piaenomina among the noble Valcrii Flacci. But that is hardly likely. He and P. Aquillius Gallus, pr. 5$, were probably descended from L. Aquillius Gallus. pr. 176.
On the combination nomen + cognomen and vice versa, without piaenomen, Adams has the following (165): "Much attention has been devoted to inversion of cognomen and nomen (e.g. Balbus Cornelius), a phenomenon which starts to appear in the late Republic15 and becomes more common later. But it is usually not noted that the first oddity of such nomenclature, when it is compared with the predominating Republican practice, is the juxtaposition of the two names without an accompanying piaenomen. The order of the two elements is of only secondary interest." This had been remarked, perhaps for the first time, in a note on Att. 2.24.3 Ahalam Servilium, to which Adams refers in a footnote. It will not be amiss to repeat it here: R. Syme (Histoiia, 7 (1958), p. 172) points out that C. never inverts nomen gentilicium and cognomen in the case of contemporary nobiles. The truth rather seems to be that he avoided this conjunction in eithei order where they were concerned. Otherwise it is rare in his literary works but common in his letters. As for the order, he seems to follow no principle, though he does show a preference for certain combinations, as Callus Caninius, Callus Fabius (but Fabius Luscus, Pictor), Asinius Pollio, Dento. Hermogenes Clodius (332 [XIII.24]. 1) balances Clodius Philhetaerus (Fam. XIV.4.6); Bassus Lucilius (242 (XII.4)) and Trypho Caecilius (53 [III.8].3) balance Caecilius Bassus (Fam. XII.18.I; but cf. D. Brutus, Fam. XI. 1.4 Bassum Caecilium). Ahalam Seivilium here agrees with Mil. 8 Ahala ille Servilius. The practice of other writers is very variable. Caesar, for example, avoids either form in de Bello Gallico, but in de Bello Civili and the rest of the Corpus nomen-cognomen is common (even for nobiles, e.g. B.C. I.15.6 Domitium Ahenobarbum, I.24.3 Rutilius Lupus). Livy is quite capricious, as in this very instance (Ahala Servilius in IV.14.6, 46.12, 57.3; but Servilius Ahala in IV.21.3, VI.19.2). The common opinion (cf. e.g. Peterson on Quint. Inst. X.86) that the reverse order is a characteristically silver-age phenomenon is unfounded: Valerius Maximus and Pliny the Younger have the other nearly always, Seneca the Younger more often than not. The change lies in the frequency of both forms in postCiceronian literary prose, even in the case of noble and important names. The familiar, colloquial flavor gradually disappeared. The following occur in the speeches: Alba Aemilius (Veir. III. 145) Philadelphus Annius16 [Phil. XIII.26) Barbatii Polliones (Phil. XIII.3) Lento Caesennius (Phil. XII.23) " I t first appears to my knowledge in Lucilius (596 lunium Congum), but before Cicero there is hardly anything to go on. "'Philadelphus is a nickname, as Cimbcr may be in "Cimber Gabinius."
Barbae Cassii [Phil. XIII.3) Artemidorus Cornelius (Ven. 111.69,117I Tlepolemus Cornelius (Verr. III.69) Q. et Cn. Postumi Curtii'7 (Verr. 1.100) Apulus Domitius18 (Phil. XI. 13) Fidiculanius Falcula19 (Caec. 28) Cimber Gabinius (Catil. III.6) Gavius Olelus20 (Sest. 72) Tullus Hostilius (Phil. XIII.26) Licinius Lenticula [Phil. II.56) Mallius Glaucia (Sex. Rose. 19, 96) Sotericus Marcius (Balb. 56) Naevius Turpio (Verr. II.22, V.108) Marsus Octavius (Phil. XI.4) Tiro Numisius, Tirones Numisii (Phil. II.8, XII.14) Papirius Potamo (Verr. IV. 44) Magnus Pompeius (Phil. XIII.8), Magnus Pompeius Cn.f. (Phil. XIII.50)21 Safinius Atella22 (Cluent. 68) Mustela Seius, Mustelae Seii (Phil. II.8, XII.14) Ahala Servilius (Mil. 8) Cotyla Varius (Phil. XIII.26) Vennonius Vindex (Balb. 56) Taurea Vibellius" (Pis. 24) "Calatini Atilii" (Sest. 72) and "Mures Decii" (Phil. XIII.27; but Bardili may have been right to remove Deciis) may be mentioned on account of the inversions, though as genuine plurals they do not belong on the list. It will be seen that about half of the secure examples come from the Philippics, in which inversion is normal. All of them ("Magnus Pompeius" excluded) were supporters of Antony. Although in Cicero's works as a whole inversion seems to have been largely random, he may have felt it suited a contemptuous reference. Note "Bursa Plancus" in Fam. 9.10.2. l7
S c c onomasticon. Apulus is not certainly a cognomen. A praenomen has probably fallen out of the text. ?!1 Tcxt very doubtful. 21 Another not quite ccrtain ease; see onomasticon. 12 Atellae may be the town of that name; see onomasticon. A Campanian. 19
Persons and Deities [Accius, T.j See Attius. Acerronius, Cn. [vir optimus, coowner of an estate with Tullius) RE 1 Tull. l6f.20 Achilles Arch. 24. Cf. Mur. 60 (Acilius) Glabrio, (M'.) (tr. 122?) RE 37. Bs Verr. a. pr. (51). 52 (Acilius M'.f. M'. n.) Glabrio, M'. (cos. 67) RE 38. Bs Verr. a. pr. (f.). I. 30.II.64.V.76.163. Imp. Pomp. 26. Har. resp. 12. Phil. II.12 Aebutius, M. (constantissimus et pudicissimus homo) RE 6 Flacc. 93 Aebutius, Sex. (adversary of Caecina) RE 9 Caec. 1 - 4 1 passim. 46.48.80. 83.95.102Í. "Sexte" at 102 (cf. p. 6). Aegritomarus (Transalpinus) Not in RE Div. Caec. 67. Verr. II.118 Aelii Cluent. 72. Sest. 69 Aelius, L. [libertinus homo, litteiatus ac facetus) RE 7 Scaur. 23 See my note on Fam. 5.20.2 (vol. I. pp. 466f.). Aelius, P. RE 1 1 Cluent. 162 Aelius (Aem.) Lamia, L. (aed. 45) RE 75-W.N. Bs
Abbius (Clu.), Statius (quidam colonus) RE Albius 7 Cluent. 175.(182) T h e manuscripts leave no doubt that this man's gentilicium, and that of the Oppianici, was "Abbius," not "Albius ; " so Boyance in the Bude edition and Nicolet. For his praenomen they favor "Statius" against "Sextus," though that could be due to confusion with Statius Oppianicus. (Abbius Statii f. Clu.) Oppianicus (son of RE Albius 10) RE Albius 8 Cluent. 10.21f.33.40.i66f. 176.178^181.187.(190-92) (Abbius Clu.) Oppianicus, C. (brother of the following) RE Albius 9 Cluent. 30 (f.125.171) Abbius (Clu.) Oppianicus, Statius RE Albius 10. N (Caec.29). Cluent. 9 - 1 1 et passim. His son by Novia: Cluent. 2 7 f . 1 2 5 . 1 7 1 . 1 8 8 . His son by Papia: Cluent. 27^125. 171.188 Abbianum iudicium Caec. 28; na pecunia Cluent. 82 At Cluent. 9 and 65, for formality, "Statius Abbius." At 10 and 86 "Abbius." Otherwise "Oppianicus." (Abuttius Pob.) Laco (of Anagnia, crony of Antony) RE Laco 1 Phil. II. 106 Accius, (L.) (dramatist) RE 1, 20 Arch. 27. Sest. (120.122).123. (Plane. 59). Phil. I.36 9
Sen. 12. Sest. 29 (f.52). Pis. (231.64. His father: Sest. 29 "L. Aelius" at Pis. 64. Otherwise "L. Lamia." Aelii Ligures Cf. Cluent. 72 Aelius Ligus (tr. 58) RE 83. Bs (Sen. 3). Dom. 49 [ille novicius Ligusj. Har. resp. 5 (stipitem ilium, qui quorum hominum esset nesciremus nisi se Ligurem ipse esse diceiet). Sest. 68(f.)-94Cf. Sen. 4.8 "Ligus iste" at Sest. 68, "Aelius" ibid. 94. Aelius Paetus Staienus, C. (q. 77) RE Staienus. W Staienus Verr. (a. pr. 39). II.79. Cluent. passim. 99-103.106
At Cluent. 65, for emphasis and formality, "C. Aelius Staienus." Addressed as "Paete" at 72, but supposedly by a friend in an imaginary dialogue. Otherwise "(C.) Staienus." C. Staienus became C. Aelius Paetus Staienus after adoption by an Aelius, though according to Cicero (Cluent. 72) he chose the cognomen himself ex imaginibus Aelioium, the consular Aelii Paeti having dropped out of sight in the first half of the second century. Staienus being his gentilicium, he carried it over unchanged as a second cognomen: see Nomenclature 82 and ioif. Adams' statement (156) that "Staienus in the Cluent. is never permitted his cognomen" [i.e. Paetus] "despite his desire to be addressed thus" is literally not quite correct (cf. 72, but see above).
(Aelius Mae. Stilo Praeconinus, L.) RE 144 and suppl. I. N (Scaur. 23) (Aelii Tuberones) (Lig. 12.20)
(Aelius) Tubero, L. (leg. 61-59) RE 150. Bs Plane. 100. Lig. (l0.I2.20).2I.(22-5).26f.
(Aelius) Tubero, Q. (tr. before 129) RE 155 and suppl. I and VI. S 1 . Bs Mur. 75 (f-) (Aelius L.f.) Tubero, (Q.) (son of RE 150, and accuser of Ligarius) RE 156 Lig. passim (Aemilia [daughter of L. Paullus, wife of Q. Tubero]) RE 151 (Mur. 75f-) (Aemilia [daughter of L. Paullus, wife of M. Cato Licinianus]), RE 152
(Verr. IV.22) Aemilii
Sest. 143 Aemilius Alba (friend of Verres) RE 26 Verr. III.145f.148 "Alba Aemilius," then "Alba." Evidently not of the noble Aemilii (see p. 7). (Aemilius M'.f.Pal.) Lepidus, M'. (cos. 66) RE 62. Bs Catil. I.15.19. Sull. 11. Phil. II. 12. See Aemilius (Lepidus Livianus). Aemilius (M.f.M.n.Pa/.) Lepidus, M. (II. cos. 175) RE 68 and suppl. I Dom. 136. Prov. cons. 20. Phil. XIII. 15. Cf.Sest. 143 (Aemilii) "M. Aemilius" in the first ref., "M. Lepidus" in the next two.
(Aemilius Q.f.M.n.PaA) Lepidus, M. (cos. 78) RE 72. Bs Verr. III.212. Rabir. 21. Catil. III.24. Balb. 34 Lepidianus annus Verr. II.8 (see Bailey HSPh' 24sf.|. (Aemilius M.f.Q.n.Pal.) Lepidus, M. (triumvir) RE 73. Bs Har. resp. 12. Mil. 13. Phil. III.23.V.38-41. XIII.7-10. 13- Aemilius (M.?f.Pal. Lepidus Livianus), Mam. (cos. 77) RE 80. S 2 p. h i . Bs Cluent. 99. (Imp. Pomp. 62. Phil. XI. 18. Fr. VIII. 3 [Ascon. 79-I6]) His affiliation has disappeared in the Fasti Capitolini; see Broughton and correct Nomenclature 102. Sumner (S2 pp. 64f.) plausibly argues that his adoptive father was a M. Lepidus and that "he himself apparently decided to revive the old and venerable form of the piaenomen, harking back to the supposed founder of the Aemilian gens, Mamercus Aemilius." The same scholar showed that the fragment refers to Mamercus, not to M'. Lepidus, cos. 66 (JRS 54 [19641.41-8). (Aemilii) Paulli Vatin. 28 Aemilius (L.f.M.n.) Paullus, L. (II cos. 168) RE 114. Bs Verr. I.55.IV.22.V.14 (Paulli). 25. Leg. Agr. 1.5. Mur. 31.76. Catil. IV.21. Pis. 58.61. Rab. Post. 2. Phil. XIII.9. Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Orat.
232). Paulle noster (i.e. L. Piso) Pis. 39. See (Aemilii) Paulli "L. Aemilius" in Phil. XIII.9; otherwise "(L.) Paullus (Paulli)." (Aemilius M.f.Q.n.) Paullus, L. (cos. 50) RE 81. Bs Vatin. 25. Mil. 24. Phil. XIII.(8). 13 His name offers a problem which has been somewhat neglected by prosopographers, some of whom attach an unauthorized "Lepidus" before the cognomen. He was the son of M. Lepidus, consul in 78, and brother, elder brother as their respective cursus show, to the triumvir M. Lepidus. According to Sumner (S2 p. 65) the explanation of their praenomina is straightforward1: a Marcus (and a Quintus) had preceded him and this Marcus had disappeared (adopted, he thinks, by a Scipio2), leaving the coast clear for another Marcus. But what of the cognomen? The victor of Pydna was the last of his line. Even if we could postulate the existence of a collateral branch of Aemilii Paulli, adoption is ruled out by the difference of piaenomen between father and son (the affiliation M.f. is attested in Dio XL index). It appears that the substitution of "Paullus" for "Lepidus" was a matter of choice, whether his father's at his birth or his own later on. The piaenomen Lucius is indicative. It is rare among the
'It may have originated in my note on Att. II.24.1 Paulus: "possibly an elder brother had died." 2 But why give away the eldest son? Death is more probable.
Lepidi, the only recorded example being the eldest of the three sons of M. Lepidus, consul in 2 1 6 (Liv. 2 3 . 3 0 . 1 5 ) . - 1 Sumner's theory that a Quintus as well as a Marcus came before him cannot be disproved. But it seems at least as likely that the praenomen, which was standard among the Paulli, was given to match the cognomen. Piaenomina did not change except through adoption 4 , so the decision would be his father's. It seems to have been unique, at least in republican times. The Sempronii Aselliones revived the cognomen Atratinus, but seemingly they were or claimed to be descended from the patrician family of that name (see Sempronius Atratinus)5; Staienus' selection of "Paetus" may have been less arbitrary than Cicero represents. And in both cases (if Cicero is reliable about Staienus) the assumption of an aristocratic cognomen has an obvious motive (cf. Cicero's language about Aelius Ligus); whereas "Paullus" instead of "Lepidus" is one illustrious name substituted for another. It has to be ascribed to special circumstances unknown or parental whim. But the existence of a "Regillus, Lepidi Alius" [Att. 1 2 . 2 4 . 2 ) is to be noted. The Aemilii Regilli seem to have died out about the same time as the Paulli. (Aemilii) Scauri (Scaur. 17). Phil. VIII. 15
Aemilius (M.f.L.n.Cam.} Scaurus, M. (cos. 115) RE 140. S2. Bs Verr. a. pr. 5 2.III.209. Caec. 5 4 ? Font. 2 4 . 2 6 . 3 8 . Rabir. 2 1 . 2 6 . Mur. 1 6 . 3 6 . Arch. 6 . Dom. 5 0 . Har. resp. 4 3 . Sest. 3 9 . ( 1 0 1 ) . Prov. cons. 19. Scaur, [h.c-f]. 45/.(n).(46).49(f.)- Deiot. 3 1 . Cf. Sest. 143 (Aemilii), Phil. VIII. 15 (Scauri). His slave: Deiot. 31 Tria nomina at Font. 24, 38. "M. Aemilius" at Rabir. 21, Mur. 16, Arch. 6. Otherwise "(M.) Scaurus." Caec. 54 M. Scauri Tusculanum may refer to either the elder or the younger Scaurus. Aemilius (M.f.M.n.Cam.) Scaurus, M. (pr. 56. Son of the above) RE 1 4 1 . Bs Verr. I.97. Caec. 54? Har. resp. 1 2 . Sest. 1 0 1 . 1 1 6 . Scaur, passim Tria nomina (jiadrjTiK&g) at Scaur. 24. "M. Aemilius" at Scaur. 45*3. Otherwise "(M.) Scaurus." Aeneas (of Troy) Verr. IV.72
Aeneas (of Halaesa) Not in RE Verr. III.i7o(f.) Aeschrio (of Syracuse) RE Aischrion 6 Verr. II.36.5o(f.).III.77f.IV. 59.V.31.81
Aeschylus (of Tyndaris) Not in RE Verr. IV.48
Aesculapius Verr. IV. 128. Temples of, Verr. IV.93.127
Presumably an elder brother, Marcus, had died after Lucius' birth. Mam. Lepidus Livianus, if Sumner's theory be admitted, docs not constitute an exception, since "Mamcrcus" is only an older form of "Marcus." ' T h e like may have applied to Cn. Oppius Cornicinus, q. v. 4
Aesopus See (Clodius) Aesopus [Aetidemus] See Archidemus Afranius (A.f.Vel.), L. (cos. 60) RE 5. W. N. Bs Pis. 58. Phil.Xni.29 Africani See (Cornelii Scipiones) Africani Agamemnon Flacc. 72 (Plane. 59. Mil. 8) Agathinus (of Thermae) RE 6 Verr. II. 89(^ Agathocles (tyrant of Sicily) RE Agathokles 15 Verr. IV. 122 Agonis (of Lilybaeum) RE 2 Div. Caec. 55f.(s7) Agrius (Publeianus Bassus), L. (witness for Flaccus) RE 2, 5, and suppl. I. N Flacc. 31 Aiax RE 3 Verr. IV. 1 3 5. Scaur. 3 (Albania (wife of Sestius]) Cf. RE Albinius 1 (Sest. 6) See below Albanius, C. (senator) cf. RE Albinius. W. Bs Sest. 6 The manuscripts here and in Fam. 13.8 strongly support "Albanius" [Nomenclature 6f.). For other evidence see Bailey HSPh 92(1989)213-214 Albesius (?), Sex. (senator, Antonian) RE Albedius. W Phil. XIII.28 Albedius, Albidius, Albesius, or Albisius? See Nomenclature 6. Albinovanus (prosecutor of Sestius) RE 1
(Sest. Vatin. 3.41 Albinovanus, P. (pont. min.) RE 3. Bs Har. resp. 12 "Albinovanus" is gentilicium and there is nothing to be said for the conflation of Sestius' two prosecutors (see Tullius, M.) into "P. Tullius Albinovanus" (see Nomenclature 7). But the pontifex minor and the prosecutor are very likely one. Albius Sex f. Qui., L. (vir bonus et cum primis honestus) RE 6 Quinct. 24.58 [Albius, Sex.; Albius Oppianicus) See Abbius Albucius, T. (pr. before 104) RE 2. W. S 2 . Bs Div. Caec. 63. Prov. cons. I5f. Pis. 92. Scaur. 40 On the prosecution mentioned in the first ref. see Badian Klio 306L (Alcmaeon) (Sex. Rose. 66. Har. resp. 39) Alexa(s) See Ptolomaeus (X) Alexa(s) (of Heraclea in Lucania) RE 1 Balb. 50 Alexander, Alexander Magnus RE Alexandras 10 Verr. IV.135. Arch. 24. Rab. Post. 23. Phil. V.48 Alexander See Ptolomaeus (X) Alfenus, Sex. (procurator of Quinctius) RE 1. N Quinct. 2 1 . 2 7 . 2 9 . 6 1 - 7 3 passim. 76.83.(85-7) Alfius (Ter.) Flavus, C. (tr. 59) RE 7. W
(Sest. 113f.)• Vatin. 38. Plane. 43-104 "C. Alfius" and (at Plane. 104) "C. Flave." Allienus (subscriptor to Caecilius Niger) RE Alienus 1 Div. Caec. 48f. A praenomen T. is conjectural. Paleographically A. is as likely to have fallen out, allowing identity with the following (Nomenclature 8). But it cannot be proved (cf. Sumner CPh. 1 sgf.). Allienus, A. (pr. 49) RE. W. Bs Phil. XI.30.32 Ambivius (innkeeper) RE 1 Cluent. 163 Preferable to the paradosis A. Bivium, read by Clark (Nomenclature 8). For new evidence see Syme, CQ 36 (19861.271. (Ampius Balbus, T. (pr. 59]) RE 1. W. Bs (Plane. 25). Cf. Dom. 23 On the identity of the "praetor" in Dom. see my note on Earn. 3.7.5. Amyntas (of Apollonia) Not in RE Flacc. 72f.8o. His mother-inlaw, wife, and daughter: Flacc. 72-4Ancharius RE 1 Cluent. 161. On the Ancharii see Wiseman p. 212. Ancharius, Q. (pr. 56) RE 3. f. W Sest. 113. (Vatin. 16). Pis. 89. Cf. Vatin. 5.38 Ancharius Rufus, C. RE 6 Fr. II.3 (Prise. GLK II.348) Anchariana familia Fr. II. $ (Quint. 5.13.28).8 (Quint. 7.1.9) (Andriscus) See Pseudophilippus
Andro (of Centuripae) Not in RE Verr. II. 1 $ Annaea (pecuniosa mulier) RE 20 Verr. I . m . Her daughter: ibid. (Annaei) Brocchi Lig. 33 Just possibly, not probably, their gentilicium was Furius; cf. RE Furius 38 and 39. Annaeus [Clu.) Brocchus, C. (senator) RE 3. W Verr. 111.93.(96).97 Trio nomina, then "Annaeus." (Annaeus) Brocchus, T. (Ligarius' uncle) RE Brocchus 3. W p. 212 Lig. 11.32. His son: Lig. n Annia (daughter of P. Annius Asellus) RE 102 Verr. 1.(104-6.113!.).153. II.21 Annius, C. (collector of customs in the Narbonensis). Not in RE Font. 19 Not to be confused with the legate C. Annius Bellienus (see below). Annius, L. (second heir of P. Annius Asellus) RE 12 Verr. 1.105.(no) Annius, M. (homo gravissimus atque ornatissimus) RE 16. N Verr. L14.V73f.156 Annius, T. (homo honestissimus, necessarius et amicus meus) RE 21 Cluent. 78.(i76f.).i82 On his identity (probably separate from three homonyms) and supposed senatorial status see Nomenclature 9f. Annius Appius See Appius Annius Asellus, P. (senator) RE 31 (with praenomen C.). Bs Verr. II.21. His wife: Verr. 1.105.15 3
Annianum caput (in Verres' edict) Verr. I.118 Tria nomina in the first ref.; thereafter "P. Annius." The manuscripts divide between P. and C. with preponderance for the former. Annius Bellienus, C. (leg. 74-2) RE 35 Font. 18 "Probably a Bellienus adopted by a C. Annius" (Nomenclature 103). Annius Chilo, Q. (senator, Catilinarian) RE 18 (cf. Manlius 55). Bs Catil. III. 14 Annius Cimber "Philadelphus," T. (pr. 44) RE 37- W Phil. ni.26.XI.14.XIII.26.28 "T. Annius Cimber, Lysidici filius" in XI. 14. Elsewhere "T. Annius," "Philadelphus Annius," and "Philadelphus" (he was accused of having murdered his brother). Annius (T.f.) Milo, T. (pr. 55) RE 67. W. Bs Sen. 19.30. Quir. 15. Har. resp. 6f. Sest. 85-92 passim.95.144. Vatin. 40-42. Mil. passim. Phil. II.21.49. Fr. XV.6 (Schol. Bob. 1 7 1 . 1 1 ).(8) (Schol. Bob. 171.22). His children: Mil. 3 "T. Annius" in the first four refs. (twice in Har. resp. 6), in Vatin. 4of. (four times, but "Milo" twice), and six times in Mil.; elsewhere "Milo" (cf. Adams p. 147). Wiseman's remark (W p. 58; cf. p. 213) that Milo's maternal grandfather and adoptive father T. Annius was "surely a nobilis," descended from the consular T. Annii (Luscus and/or Rufus) of
the second century, is unsubstantiated (the praenomina are nothing to go by). If it were so, would he not probably have had a cognomen, and would not Asconius (53.13) probably have recorded it, and would not Milo probably have taken it over? To be sure, the old man could have been "T. Annius Milo," but equally "Milo" may be his grandson's cognomen retained after adoption instead of "Papianus." The latter has no authority (Nomenclature 103). Still, the reference to Milo's ancestors in Sest. 87 does indicate that some of them were senatorial, whether Annii or Papii or both. Anseres RE Anser Phil. XIII. 1 1 Anthropinus (of Apollonia in Sicily) Not in RE Verr. V.90 Antigonus (envoy of Deiotarus) RE 15 Deiot. 41 Antiochus (III), Antiochus Magnus RE 25 and suppl. I Verr. I.55. Imp. Pomp. 14.55. Leg. agr. II.90. Mur. 31. Sest. 58. Rab. Post. 27. Deiot. 36. Phil. IX.4 Antiochinum bellum Phil. XI. 17 Antiochus (IV, Epiphanes) RE 27 and suppl. I Phil. VIII.23 (Antiochus [V, Eupator]) RE 28 (Phil. IX.4) (Antiochus (IX, Cyzicenusj) RE 32 (Verr. IV.67) Antiochus (X, Eusebes Philopator) RE 33 Verr. IV.6i.(67)
Antiochus (XIII, Asiaticus) RE 36 Verr. I V . 6 1 - 7 8 passim. (V.184). His brother: Verr. IV.61.64 Antiochus (slave of Sex. Aebutius) Not in RE Caec. 22.2s Antiochus (freedman of C.(?) Valerius Flaccus) N o t in RE Flacc. 89 Antistius (prosecutor) RE 1 Sex. Rose. 90 (see Antistius, L.) Antistius, C . (company chairman) RE 9 Verr. III.i67f. Antistius, L. RE 12 Balb. 48 See Nomenclature 11. This prosecutor of T. Matrinius may be L. (Antistius) Reginus, tribune in 103, as suggested by Badian (Polis and Imperium, Stud. E. T. Salmon [1974), 163 n. 25); or he may be the veteran accusator of Sex. Rose. 90 (see above). Antius, Sp. (envoy to Fidenae in 438) RE 6 Phil. IX.( 4 ).5.(7) Or possibly Nautius, as the name appears in Plin. N.H. 34.23; see Broughton 1.58. Patrician Antii are not found elsewhere. Still, the agreement w i t h Livy (4.17.2) guarantees the text (i.e. Cicero took "Antius" from his source). (Antonia [daughter of M. Antonius, cos. 99]) RE 109 (Imp. Pomp. 33) (Antonia [cousin and first wife of Mark Antony]) RE 110 (Phil. II.99) Antonia [sister of Marc Antony, wife ofVatinius] RE n 1 (Vatin. 28) Antonii (three brothers) Phil. VII.i6.X.4f.
Antonii (M. and L., as it seems) Phil. (UI.32).V.25.X.(io).XI. 13.36.XIII. XIV. 9 Antonius (M.f.M.n. Hybrida), C . (cos. 63. Son of cos. 99) RE 19. Bs (Leg. agr. II.103). Mur. 40.(84). Flacc. (s).95. Dom. 41. Sest. 8f. 12. Vatin. 27f. Cael. 74.(78). Pis. 5.(56. Phil. II.56.70.98f.). Fr. IX.i (Ascon. 83.14) (f. [id. 83.26). 5 (id. 85.21]. 11 [id. 87.26). 14 [id. 88.20]. 27 [id. 93.11]) Antonius (M.f.M.n.), C. (pr. 44. Brother of triumvir) RE 20 Phil. III.26.VII.3.16.VIII.27. X.6.9-13.XI.26.XIII.30. See Antonii Antonius (M.f.M.n. Pietas), L. (cos. 41. Brother of triumvir) RE 23 Phil. III.3i(f.).V.7.20.30.VI.i0. i2-i5.VII.i6(i7f.).X.2i(f.).XI. 10.XII.14.20.26.XIII.4.26.37XIV. 8f. Cf. VIII.26. See Antonii. On VIII.26 see my edition. Antonius (M.f.M.n.), M. (cos. 99) RE 28 and suppl. I. S 2 . Bs Quinct. 80 (Antonii). Div. Caec. 25. Verr. L60.II.191f. (Antonii). V.3. (Imp. Pomp. 33.) Cluent. 140. Rabir. 26. Quir. 11. (Vatin. 28). Plane. 33. Scaur. 2. (Phil. I.27.34.II.42. 7 0 . h i ) Antoniaster Fr. II. 10 (Prise. GLKII. 112). Antoniana dicendi ratio Verr. V.32 Antonius (M.f.M.n. "Creticus"), M. (pr. 74. Son of above) RE 29 Div. Caec. 55. Verr. II.8.III. 213.21 sf. (Vatin. 28. Phil. II. 42.44.III.17) Antonius (M.f.M.n.), M. (triumvir. Son of above) RE 30. Bs Mil. 40. Phil, passim. See Antonii
Antoniana comissatio Phil. V.i 6; nasaxaPhil. XII. 19 (Antonius M.f.M.n., M. [Antyllus) (son of above)) RE 32 (Phil. I.3i.n.9o.Xn.i) Apinius, P. (adulescens) RE 1 Mil. 75 Perhaps "Papinius ; " see Nomenclature 13. Apio(n) See (Ptolomaeus) Apion Apollo Verr. I.46-8.IV. [qui Temenites vocatur). V.185. Font. 30 (Pythius). Har. resp. 18. Temples of: Verr. IV. 30. Fr. IX. 19 (Ascon. 90.3). See Paean Apollinares ludi Phil. I.36.II. 3 1 X 7 . F r . X.i (Arus. GLK VII.490) Apollodorus Lapiro RE 47 Verr. II. 19 See Nomenclature 14. Apollodorus Pyragrus (of Agyrium) RE 48 Verr. IU.74 IV.50 Apollonides (of Temnos) Not in RE Flacc. 51 Apollonius (of Drepanum) See Claudius Apollonius Apollonius Geminus (of Panhormus) RE 61 Verr. V. 16-24. His son: Verr. V.i 6.22 [Aponius, P.] See Apinius Appius See Claudius Caecus, Claudius Pulcher, Ap. Appius (Clu.), Annius ( vir fortissimus, served under Marius) RE Annius 27 Balb. 46
A supposed praenomen M. has no real warrant. "Appius" will be the nomen of this soldier from Iguvium, "Annius" the praenomen: see Nomenclature 10. Appuleius, L. (subscriptor to Caecilius Niger) RE 11 Div. Caec. 47 Appuleius, L. (pr. 59) Cf. RE 30. Bs Plane. 28.(99) He has no right to the cognomen Saturninus; see Sentius and Nomenclature 14. His place of origin is unknown (Syme Senators h i = Rom. pap. 588) Appuleius, M. (q. 45) RE 13 Phil. X.24 Appuleiana pecunia Phil. XIII.32 Appuleius, P. (tr. 43) RE 13 Phil. VI. 1.XIV. 16 (Appuleius) Decianus, C. (tr. 99?) RE 21. Cf. Bs pp. 22f. Rabir. 24f. (Flacc. 71.77) His natural father may have been P. Decius, pr. 115, as suggested by Badian; see Nomenclature 104 (read "natural" for "adoptive") and Sumner's stemma (S2 p. 120). On the rare combination of praenomen with adoptive cognomen see Nomenclature 1 sf. (M. Axianus). (Appuleius, C.f.) Decianus, C. (son of above) RE 22. N Flacc. 5 fr. iii.70-83 passim. 93f(Appuleius) Saturninus, L. (II tr. 100) RE 29. S 2 . Bs Verr. I.151. Rabir. 9.18-20. 22- Catil. I.4. 29.IV.4. Dom. 82. Har. resp. 41 -43(f.). Sest. Va-
tin. 23. Balb. 48. Mil. 14. Phil. VIII.15. Fr. Vni.5 (Ascon. 80.7) Gabba (ed. Appian B.C. 1, pp. iosf.) puts his death in the summer of 100, not on 10 December, "and the case seems sound" (Badian, Gnomon 83 [19611.494; definite approval and corroboration has followed in Chiron i4[i984].ioi-47). Apronius, Q. (tithe-collector in Sicily) RE 5 Verr. II.108.III.22 et passim. V.70 Apronianum convivium Verr. III.28; num lucellum Verr. III.72; nae rapinae Verr. III. 109 After his introduction (III.22 Q. ille Apronius, quern videtis) this infamous figure is allowed his praenomen only for special reasons (ro7, 132). He and another of Verres' confederates, P. Naevius Turpio, are called servi homines at III.91. Is seivi an opprobrious equivalent of libertini (see my note on Fam. V.20.2 [vol. I. pp. 466f.])? In Naevius' case perhaps, since "Turpio" could have been his slave name. But none of the many references to Apronius gives him a cognomen and two other expressions, III. 60 homine in dedecore nato and III. 134 hominem vix liberum point to some special scandal surrounding his birth, as that his real father or mother was a slave. Aquila (Antonian centurion) RE 1 Phil. XII.20 Aquillius (M'.f.M'.n.Pom.), M'. (cos. 129) RE 10. Bs Div. Caec. 69. Font. 38?
On the tribe see Syme Senators 1 1 2 = Rom. pap. 589f. Aquillius (M'.f.M'.n.Pom.), M'. (cos. 101) RE 1 1 . Bs Verr. III.125.V. Font. 38? (40). (Imp. Pomp. 11). Leg. agr. II.83. Flacc. 98. Scaur. 2 The reference in Font. 38 may be to the elder Aquillius (cf. Div. Caec. 69). Aquillius (Pom.), M'. (senator). Not in RE Cluent. 127 Aquillius (Gallus), C. (pr. 66) RE 23. Bs Quinct. (32). and often in the vocative. Caec. 77.(78-801.95. Cluent. 147. Balb. 45. Cf. Gallius, C. Always "C. Aquillius" except Quinct. 81 (has the praenomen fallen out?). In Caec. 95 we may as well read de C. Aquilli sententia. See also Gallius, C. Archagathus (of Haluntium) RE 4 Verr. IV. 51.5 3 Archelaus (king of Egypt) RE 13 Rab. Post. 20 Archias See Licinius Archias Archidemus (of Tralles) RE Flacc. 52 (Archidemi) f. The name in 52 is corrupt in the manuscripts, but see Nomenclature 5f. Archimedes (mathematician) RE 3 and suppl. Ill Verr. IV.131. Cluent. 87 Archonidas (of Helorus) Not in RE Verr. III.129.IV.59 Ariobarzanes (I, king of Cappadocia) RE 5 Imp. Pomp. 5.12
Ariobarzanes (II, king of Cappadocia) RE 6 Prov. cons. 9 Aris (Sardinian) Not in RE Scaur, fr. o.(8)9f.i2. His wife: Scaur. 8 - 1 2 . His freedman: Scaur. 1 0 - 1 2 Aristaeus RE Aristaios 1 Verr. IV. 1 2 8 Aristarchus (grammarian) RE 2 2 Pis. 73 Aristeus {of Tyndaris) RE 8 Verr. V.(io9).110.(124.128) Aristides (of Athens) RE 1 Sest. 1 4 1 Aristo (of Massilia) RE Ariston 45 Balb. so Aristodamus (of Apollonia in Sicily) RE 2 5 Verr. V.is Aristonicus (son of Eumenes II of Pergamum) RE 1 4 Leg. agr. II.90. Phil. XI. 18 Aristoteles RE 18 and suppl. XI Mur. 63(f.) Aristus (of Panhormus) RE Aristos 6 Verr. IV.29 Arrius (Ae/n.),Q. (pr. 73) RE 7,8. W. N. S 2 . Bs Verr. II.37.IV.42. Vatin. 3of. Mil. 46 Always with praenomen. Against separation of identities (cf. Klebs in RE) see B. A. Marshall and R. J. Baker Histoiia 2 4 ( 1 9 7 5 1 . 2 2 0 - 3 1 (cf. A. S. Ward, Marcus Crassus [ 1 9 7 8 1 . 1 8 5 n.43). Artemidorus (of Aetna) RE 2 0 Verr. III. 1 0 5 Artemidorus (of Lampsacus) RE 21 Verr. I.79
Artemidorus See Cornelius Artemidorus Artemo (of Centuripae) RE 1 4 Verr. II.156.in.108 Artemo (of Entella) RE 1 1 Verr. III.200 Artemo Climachias (of Cephaloedium) RE 13 Verr. II.i28f. Ascla (slave of Sassia) RE Cluent. 1 7 6 Asclepiades (of Acmonia) RE 16 Flacc. 34f-37f. His brothers: Flacc. 3S Asellius, M. (friend of Oppianicus) Not in RE Cluent. 1 6 9 . 1 7 2 Asicius, P. (defended by Cicero on a murder charge) RE Cael. 23f. See Bailey HSPh1 272f. and note on Q./r. (2.9(8],2). Asinius (senator voluntarius) RE 1. W Phil. Xni.28 Asuvius (Clu.) (of Larinum, adulescens pecuniosus) RE Cluent. 3 6 - 8 . ( 1 2 5 ) Athamas (legendary king of Thebes) Har. resp. 39. Pis. 47 Athamas (hanger-on of L. Piso) Not in RE Pis. 89 Athenagoras (of Cyme) RE 6 Flacc. 17 Athenio (leader of Sicilian slave revolt) RE 6 Verr. II.i36.III.66.i25.(V.3). Har. resp. 2 6 (Atia) RE Attius 3 4 (Phil. III.15-17) Muretus' emendation Iulia
nata (for natus) is clearly right; cf. Bailey Gnomon 55(1983). 544fAtidius (tithe-collector in Sicily) RE 1 Verr. ffl.75 Atilius, A. (witness) RE 10 Caec. 27 Atilius, L. (son of above) RE 1 0 Caec. 27 Atilius Bulbus, M . (senator) RE 34 Verr. a. pr. 39.II.79. Cluent. 71f.75-78.97f.103 " M . Atilius" in the first ref., "Bulbus" in the others. Atilii Calatini (or Caiatini) Sest. 72 (Calatinos Atilios) Atilius (A.f.C.n.) Calatinus (or Caiatinus), (A.) (II cos. 254) RE 36 Leg. agr. II.64 (Calatini). Pis. 14.58 (Calatini). Plane. 60 "Calatinus aliquis" in Pis. 14. In Plane. 60 Atilio Calatino Kayser was probably right to add A. Atilius (M.f.M.n. Regulus, C.) (II cos. 250) RE 47 Sex. Rose. 50 (ilium Atilium). Cf. Sest. 72 T h e text in Sex. Rose, implies that he was the original Serranus (Saranus), but identification with this Regulus is doubtful; see Broughton I. an. 257 n . i . Atilius (M.f.L.n.) Regulus, M. (II. cos. 256) RE 51 Sest. 127. Pis. 43. Phil. XI.9 Tria nomina in the first ref., "M. Regulus" in the second, "Regulus" in the third. On reading and sense in Sest. 127 see Bailey HSPh' 2 7 i f .
(Atilius) Serranus, C. (cos. 106) RE 64 Rabir. 2 1 . Plane. 1 2 (Atilius) Serranus, Sex. Not in RE Har. resp. 32? See below, also Nomenclature 3 5f., 104. He was probably a son of the foregoing. Atilius (Sex. f.) Serranus Gavianus, Sex. (tr. 57) RE 70 (Quir. 12). Har. resp. 32? Sest. 72.74.85.(87.89).94- (Pis- 35) "Sex. Serranus" {Hai. resp. 32, but see below) or "Serranus" (Sest. 72 non ille Serranus ab aratro)) but Sest. 74 "Atilius hie Gavianus." The Sex. Serranus of Har. resp. 32 could be his adoptive father. Atinius (Labeo Macerio), C. (tr. 1 3 1 ) RE 10. Bs Dom. 123 Atius (Hor.) Balbus, M. (pr. before 60) RE Attius 1 1 . Bs. W. Cf. N p. 960 n. 1 Phil. III. 16 (Atreus) (Plane. 59. Sest. 102.) Attalus RE 9 Sest. 58 Cicero seems to have confused Attalus I., king of Pergamum, with his son and successor, Eumenes II. Attalus (III) RE 11 Deiot. 19 Attalici agri Leg. agr. II. 50. ca (peripetasmata) Verr. IV.27 Attalus (of Netum) RE 14 Verr. IV. 5 9 Attius (Cam.), T. (prosecutor of Cluentius) RE Accius 29a (suppl. I) N
Cluent. (1141. I56f.i86 Not "Accius." See Nomenclature 4, also Nicolet (who refers to Tac. Dial. 21.1) and S. Rizzo RFIC 107(19791.384. Attius Varus, P. (pr. before 53) RE 32. Bs Mil. 74? Lig. 3- In Lig. tria nomina in the first réf., then "Varus" or "P. Attius" (5). In Mil. 74 "P. Varus," if he is the excellent and courageous citizen on Milo's jury, as Sumner (S1 268 n.41 ) thought he surely was. The manuscripts, however, favor "Varius." Atyanas (of Adramyttium) RE Flacc. 31 Aufidius, Cn. (adoptive father of Orestes, cos. 71) RE 6 Dom. 35 On the separate identities of the late second-century Cn. Aufidii see Syme Historia 4 (i9SS)-S5f- = Rom.pap. 275. Aufidius, T. (pr. 67?) RE 12 Flacc. 45 (Aufidius?) Lurco, M. (senator, tr. 61?) RE 27; cf. 26 and 27. Bs Flacc. 10.86-9. His freedman: Flacc. 10.88 Linderski (Historia 23 [1974]. 463-80) has established that he has nothing to do with Livia Augusta's grandfather Alfidius (Nomenclature 15). (Aufidius Cn. f.) Orestes, Cn. (cos. 71 ) RE 32. Bs Dom. 35. Plane. 52 On his adoptive name see Nomenclature 84t. (Aurelia Orestilla) RE 261
(Catil. I.14. Fr. IX.23 [Ascon. 91-24)) On the date of her marriage to Catiline see B. A. Marshall RFIC 105 (19771.151-4. Aurelius (M.f.) Cotta, C. (cos. 75) RE 96. S2. Bs Verr. I.i30.III.i8(f.). Caec. 97. Leg. agr. II.58. Pis. 62. Fr. VII.19-20 (Ascon. 66.16, 67.7).52 (Ascon. 78.18) "C. Aurelius" in the first ref. [L. Octavius C. Aurelius consules); in the others "(C.) Cotta," including Verr. III. 18 L. Octavio et C. Cotta consulibus. (Aurelius L.? f. C.n.) Cotta, L. (cos. 144) RE 98 and suppl. III. S2. Bs Div. Caec. 69. Font. 38.(40). Mur. 58 (Aurelius M.f.) Cotta, L. (cos. 65. Brother of cos. 75) RE 102 (Verr. II.I74.III.223.V.I77). Leg. agr. II.44. Catil. III. 19. Dom. 68.84. Sest. 73f. Phil. II.13. Fr.XIV.31 (Schol. Bob. 91.12) (Aurelius M.f.) Cotta, M. (cos. 74. Brother of above) RE 107 and suppl. III. Bs Verr. V.34. (Mur. 33). Fr. III.i (Quint. 5.10.691.3 (Quint. 5.13. 30). (VII.20 [Ascon. 67.7]) Aurelius Scaurus, M. (q. between 95 and 90) RE 216. S2. Bs Div. Caec. 63. Verr. I.85 Tria nomina both times. The complex question whether the two refs. are to two persons or one is discussed at length by Sumner. He favored unification, dating Scaurus' quaestorship to 95-90. Badian (Klio 298-301), retracting an earlier opinion, agrees. The point
has to be taken into account that in the Verrines, i.e. in 70, the quaestorship is represented as recent (nupei). Can nupei, without assistance from the context (i.e. without comparative reference to a much earlier period), relate to an event twenty years in the past? To demonstrate that it can, Sumner adduced Off. 2.58, written in 44, where "nupei refers back to the aedileship of Cn. Aufidius Orestes, praetor 77 and so aedile not later than 79, a distance of 35 years!" That becomes even more remarkable when the passage is quoted: quare et si postulatur a populo bonis viris si non desideiantibus at tamen approbantibus, modo pro facultatibus, nos ipsi ut fecimus, et si quando aliqua res maior atque utilior populari largitione acquiiitui, ut Oiesti nupei prandia in semitis decumae nomine magno honoii fueiunt. At first sight Cicero would here seem to imply that Orestes' largesse was subsequent to his own aedileship in 69. So far as Scaurus' quaestorship is concerned, Sumner's point is well taken, but Cicero's use of nupei remains unaccounted for. It can be explained in both passages if we postulate that the consideration uppermost in Cicero's mind was not the actual length of time involved but the fact that the event he was recalling was the most recent of its kind. Scaurus had been the last
quaestor to prosecute his praetor and nobody since Orestes had sought higji office populari largitione (that must be implied in res maior atque utilior). There had been earlier examples of the former proceeding [Div. Caec. I.e.) and the second could be assumed to have happened in other communities if not in Rome [ludi apart). Cases may well have been mentioned in Theophrastus' treatise on wealth, which Cicero had in mind [Off. 2.56).6 Aurii Cluent. 23 Auria (wife of C. Oppianicus) RE 7 Cluent. 31 (f. 125.199) Aurius (Clu.), A. [vir fortis et experiens et domi nobilis) Cf. RE 3 Cluent 23-5.(125) Klebs (and Nicolet under "A. Aurius Melinus") mistake the identities in Cluent 25. alterum A. Aurium has to be Melinus, Sassia's youthful husband, not the vir foitis et experiens who threatened Oppianicus with a murder charge (so Peterson). But the text makes L. Aurius, also proscribed and killed, Melinus' son (alterum A. Aurium et eius L. filium), whereas Melinus, a young man of immature judgment (13), would not have had a son old enough to be proscribed. Did Cicero lose his way in this family maze? Or are we to read A. Aurium ... et eius Lucium filium et alterum A. Aurium?
6 Badian (i.e. 299) further points to the references in Div. Caec 67 and Veil. II.18 to Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus' prosecuti'on of M. Silanus in 104, both with an elastic nupei. But in both of these the example of a particular kind of prosecution is explicitly related to much earlier examples of the same kind.
Aurius (A.f.Clu.), L. RE 4 Cluent. 25.(125) See above Aurius (Clu.|, M. RE 5 Cluent. 2 1 - 4 . (125) Auiius (Clu.), N. (brother of the above) RE 6 Cluent. 21 Aurius (Clu.) Melinus, A. RE 2. N Cluent. nf.(i3).i4.26(f.i25). 188 Tiia nomina (the praenomen by conjecture) in the first ref.( "Melinus" in 12 and 14, "A. Aurius" in 26 and 188. Autobulus (hanger-on of L. Piso) Not in RE Pis. 89 Automedon Sex. Rose. 98 Autronius (L.f. Paetus), P. (cos. desig. 65) RE 7 Sull. 1 . 7 . 1 0 . 1 3 - 1 9 passim. 3 6 - 8 . 5 1 - 3 . 6 6 L 7 1 - 6 . (Fr. VII.42 (Ascon. 74.21].IX.13 [Ascon. 88.10]). Cf. Plane. 7 1 . 98.100 Avilius (Clu.) (of Larinum) RE 2 Cluent. 3 6 - 9 Bacchus Flacc. 60 Baebius, M. (senator) RE 18 Cluent. 47.53 Not in Wiseman, but probably a novus. The name is quite common at this period. Baebius, M. {vir fortis) RE 19 Pis. 88 Baebius (Cn.f.) Tamphilus, Q. (envoy to Carthage 2191 RE 45. Bs Phil. V.27 Some editors have preferred "Tampilus" as on second-
century coins. Badian has pointed out that aspiration of tenues first appears numismatically with M. Furius Philus in 1 1 9 and does not become consistent until the end of the century [Klio 294f.). But in 43 "Tampilus" would have to be a deliberate archaism. Balbutius (friend of Oppianicus junior) RE Cluent. 166.(168). His father: Cluent. 168 Ballio (character in Plautus' Pseudolus) Rose. com. 20.50. Phil. II. 15 Barbatius Pollio, (M.) (q. 41) Cf. RE Barbatius. W. Bs Phil. XIII.3 (Barbatii Polliones) As Syme (Historia 4 [19551.57 = Rom. pap. 276f.) has shown, Baibatios Polliones refers to one person, who is to be distinguished from M. Barbatius Philippus, the runaway slave who became praetor (Nomenclature 18). Baricbal (servus Veneiius, tithe collector) RE Bariobalus (sic) Verr. III.89 So (or "Barigbal") Schulze, 483 n.2; cf. TLL II. 1753. The manuscripts have Bariobali (dative). [Bellienus, L ] See Billienus Bellienus (Bill ?), L. RE 6. W Phil. II.91 Bellona, temple of Verr. V.41 Bellus (freedman of Faustus Sulla) RE 1 Sull. 55 (Berenice, Cleopatra) RE Kleopatra 21 (Fr. XVI.9 [Schol. Bob. 93.16])
(Billienus, L. [pr. 107 ?, uncle of Catiline]) RE Bellienus 5. W. Bs (Fr. IX.21 [Ascon. 90.20]) Nicolet (p.804) questions his novitas, favoring J. Martha's mistranslation of homo per se magnus in Brut. 1 7 5 : "déjà grand par la naissance." He suggests that C. Billienus of that passage was the praetor's brother. It may well be that four of the Bellieni or Billieni who crop up in Cicero (including C. Annius Bellienus, q.v.) were related. On a fifth, Bellienus Demetrius, w h o may have been a freedman of one of these, see my notes on Fam. 8.15.2 and 16.22.2. [Bivius, A.] See Ambivius Blesamius (envoy of Deiotarus) RE Deiot. 33f.38.42. (Phil. II.95) Blossii RE Leg. agr. II.93 Named as a famous Capuan family in days gone by. tBoculus (charioteer) Not in RE Fr. IX.26 (Ascon. 92.26) See Ascon. 93.3 and 9. vunculus probably represents Bucculus (cf. Kajanto 225) rather than Bucolus as conjectured by Buecheler. Boethus (artist) RE 12 Verr. IV.32 Bona Dea Dom. 105. (no). Har. resp. 8.37. Pis. 95. Mil. 86 Bona Fortuna Verr. IV.7 Bostar (Sardinian) RE 6 Scaur, fr. h. i. 8.12. His mother: Scaur, fr. m. 8.12 Brocchi See (Annaei) Brocchi
"Brocchus" (i.e. Q. Numerius Rufus) Sest. 72.82 I incline to accept this conjecture for "Gracchus," as did f. Cousin in his.Bude edition of 1965, though its author, O. Skutsch, soon renounced it (CR 57 119431-67). A corruption so facile might easily happen twice, even by coincidence, but coincidence need not be assumed. How often (Sex.) Cloelius becomes "Clodius" in inferior manuscripts! Brogitarus (of Calatia) RE and suppl. VII Dom. 129. Har. resp. 28^59. Sest. 56 Bruti See (Iunii) Bruti "Brutus" (piaetexta by Accius) Sest. 123 Bucculus See tBoculus Burrenus, P. (pr. 83) RE and W and Bs Burrienus Quinct. 25.30.(63).69.(84f.) The praenomen appears only in 30, a quoted formula. This Marian praetor did not command respect; cf. Q. fr. 2.11(10).2. On the name see Nomenclature 19. Cacurius, C. (promptus homo et in primis gratiosus) Not in RE Verr. IV.37 Caecilius, C. Not in RE. N Flacc. 89 Caecilius, L. (witness) Not in RE Verr. II. 23 Caecilius, M. (brother of Niger, lectissimus atque ornatissimus adulescens) RE 17 Div. Caec. 29
Caecilius, Q. (would-be prosecutor of P. Gabinius Capito) Not in RE Div. Caec. 64 Caecilius Bassus, Q. (leader of mutiny against Caesar in Syria) RE 36. N Deiot. 23.25. Phil. XI.32 Tiia nomina in the last ref. "(nescioquis) Caecilius" in the first two. (Caecilius Gal.) Cornutus, C. (pr. 57) RE 43 Sen. 23 On the tribe of the Cornuti see Wiseman CQ. 126. (Caecilius Gal.) Cornutus, M. (pr. 90?) RE 44 and suppl. I Font. 43 (Caecilius Gal.) Cornutus, M. (pr. 43) RE 45 and suppl. Ill Phil. XIV. 37 Caecilius Dio, Q. (of Halaesa) RE $2 and Dion 10 Verr. 1.2701.19-24. His son: Verr. II. 19.21 Tria nomina (for effect) in II.23. "Q. Dio" in II.20. Otherwise "Dio." (Caecilia Metella [wife of Scaurus and Sulla]) RE 134 (Sest. 101) Caecilia (Metella) (daughter of Baliaricus) RE 135 Sex. Rose. 27.147.149 (Caecilia Metella [wife of L. Lucullusj) RE 132 (Verr. IV. 147) (Caeciliae) Metellae Sen. 37. Quir. 6 Daughters of Macedonicus; see Badian Studies 66 n.ioo. (Caecilii) Metelli Sex. Rose. 15. (Verr. III.44). Font. 27 (Calvus and Macedoni-
cus). Rabir. 21. Sen. 25. Quir. 6. Sest. i3of. Prov. cons. 19. Plane. 89. Phil. VIII.15. Cf. Plane. 69 (familiae nobilissimae). (Caecilius) Metellus (identity doubtful) Tull. 39 (Caecilius C.f.Q.n. Ani.) Metellus, L. (cos. 68) RE 74. Bs Tull. 39? Verr. a. pr. 27f.II.10. 62-5.138-40.160.162-4.187Í III.43-6.121 -8.144.152Í. 15 6 9.IV.i26.(i46-9).V.55.i29. (Sen. 37). His son: Verr. III. 159 The Aniensis was almost certainly the tribe of Metellus Macedonicus and so presumably of other Metelli, except the consul of 52, Metellus Scipio, who may have kept his original tribe (Fabia) after adoption. See Taylor. (Caecilius Q.f.Q.n.Ani.) Metellus, M. (cos. 115) RE 77. Bs (Phil. VIII. 14) (Caecilius C.f.Q.n. Ani.) Metellus, M. (pr. 69) RE 78 Sex. Rose. (i-4?).77?(ii9?). Verr. a. pr. 2i.26(f.29).3of. (32). Catil. I.19? On the last ref. see Nomenclature 26f. (Caecilius Q.f.Q.n.Ani.) Metellus Baliaricus, Q. (cos. 123) RE 82 and suppl. III. Bs Sex. Rose. 27.147. Dom. 136. (Phil. VIII. 14) In Sex. Rose. "Baliaricus" (Caecilia Baliaiici filia)-, in Dom. "Q. Metellus." (Caecilius Q.f.L.n.Ani.) Metellus (Calvus), L. (cos. 142) RE 83 and suppl. III. Bs Font. 23. Balb. 1 1 . See (Caecilii) Metelli
(Caecilius Q.f.Q.n.Ani.) Metellus (Caprarius), C. (cos. 113) RE 84 and suppl. III. Bs Sen. 37. Quir. 6. (Phil. VUI.14) (Caecilius Q.f.L.n.Ani.) Metellus (Celer), Q. (cos. 60) RE 86 and suppl. I. S 2 . Bs Catil. I.19.H.5.26. Sull. 65. (Sen. 25). Har. resp. 45. (Sest. 131). Vatin. 19. Cael. 34-59(f.). Pis. 8 (Caecilius C.f.Q.n.Ani.) Metellus (Creticus), Q. (cos. 69) RE 87. Bs Verr. a. pr. 26(f).28(f.53).II.20. Imp. Pomp. 58. Cluent. 179. Flacc. (6l.30.63.100. (Sen. 37). Dom. 123. Har. resp. 12. Pis. 58. Plane. 27.(61) (Caecilius L.f.Q.n.Ani.) Metellus jDelmaticus), L. (cos. 119) RE 91. Bs and suppl. Ill Verr. 1.154. Scaur. (45 nl.46.48. Cf. Rabir. 21? Metellus of Rabir. 21 may be he or (as Miinzer) the following. (Caecilius Q.f.Q.n.Ani.) Metellus Diadematus, L. (cos. 117) RE 93. Bs Verr. I.143. Cluent. 119. Rabir. 21? Sen. 37. Quir. 6. (Phil. VIII. 14). His children: Sen. 37 "L. Diadematus" in Quir. 6; otherwise "L. Metellus." (Caecilius Q.f.L.n. Ani.) Metellus (Macedonicus), Q. (cos. 143) RE 94 and suppl. I and III. S2. Bs Verr. III.211. Font. 23. Mur. 31. Dom. 123. Pis. 61. Phil. VIII. 14. porticus Metelli Verr. IV. 126. See (Caecilii) Metelli (Caecilius Q.f.Q.n.Ani.) Metellus Nepos, Q. (cos. 98) RE 95. Bs Sex. Rose. 27.147. Sen. 37. Quir. 6. Fr. VII.4 (Ascon. 62.21])
(Caecilius Q.f.Q.n.Ani.) Metellus Nepos, Q. (cos. 57) RE 96 and suppl. III. Bs Sen. 5.9.25 (f. Quir. 10.15). Dom. 7.( Har. resp. 13.(15). Sest. ( 130. Prov. cons. 22. Pis. (6J-35. Fr. VII.4 [Ascon. 62.21]. (XII. 1 (Augustin. Rhet. Lat. Halm. 149].6 [Quint. 9.3.40 and Isid. 2.21.8]). Cf. Verr. a. pr., where the unnamed prosecutor is identified with this Metellus by B. A. Marshall Philologus 121(1977). 83-9 (see Scribonius Curio, C. [cos. 76]) "Q. Metellus Nepos" in Prov. cons. 22; elsewhere "(Q.) Metellus." Caecilius L.f. (Q.n.Ani.) Metellus Numidicus, Q. (cos. 109) RE 97. S 2 . Bs Verr. III.209.IV.147. Cluent. 95. Arch. 6. Sen. 25.37^ Quir. 6.9(f.)n. Dom. 82.87. Sest. 37.101.130. Balb. 1 1 . Pis. 20. Plane. 69(f.).89. Fr. VII.23 (Ascon. 68.7) "(Q.) Metellus" except the following: Balb. 11 Q. Metellus Luci filius-, Fr. VII.23 Q• Caecilio M. Iunio coss.; Verr. IV. 147 ilium Numidicum, verum et germanum Metellum-, Arch. 6 Q. Metello illi Numidico-, Sen. 25 Numidicum ilium [Metellum]; Sest. 130 Numidici illius Metelli (Caecilius Q.f.L.n.Ani.) Metellus Pius, Q. (cos. 80) RE 98. Bs Verr. 1.130.II.20. Cluent. 24. Sull. 70. Arch. 6f.9.26.3i. (Sen. 37. Quir. 6). Sest. 124. Balb. 5.40 (Metelli). 5of.56?64. Plane. 69f. Fr. IX.8 (Ascon. 86.26) "(Q.) Metellus," except Sull. 70,
Arch. 26, Balb. 50, Plane. 69, FT. IX.8 "Q. Metellus Pius ; " Plane. 70 "Metellus Pius ; " Arch. 6 Q. Metello illi Numidico et eius Pio filio. (Caecilius Q.i.Q.n.Fab.) Metellus (Pius) Scipio, Q. (formerly P. Cornelius Scipio Nasica) (cos. 52) RE 99 and suppl. III. S 2 . Bs Sex. Rose. (i—4)-77?(i 19). Verr. IV.79f.l81). Dom. 123. Har. resp. 12. Sest. 124. Phil. II.109.V.19.XIII.29. Fr. VII.38. (Ascon. 74-13) "(P). Scipio," except Har. resp. 12 (list of pontifices) "Q. Metellus Scipio." Caecilius (Niger), Q. (q. 73 or 72) RE 101 and suppl. III. W. N. Bs Div. Caec. passim. (Verr. I.15) Nicolet's prediction "il sera édile en 70 (Div., 70)" fails on two counts: candidature did not ensure election and the relevant words cum aedilitatem petat refer to Cicero himself, not Caecilius. Caecilius (Rufus), L. (pr. 57) RE no Sull. 62-6. Sen. 22. Mil. 38 Caecilia rogatio Sull. 62.(65) (Caecilius Statius [author of comedies)) RE 25 (Cael. 37) Caecilianus pater Cael. 37. nus senex Sex. Rose. 46 Caecina (Sab.), A. RE 6. N Caec. 1 - 4 8 passim. 7s.80.93!. X02.104 On the question whether this was Cicero's correspondent in Fam. 6.6-9 or his father see W. V. Harris ( C P h 76 [1981I.68U who decides with Munzer in favor of the latter ("so too Torelli,
Shackleton Bailey"). Contra Nicolet. Caelius (Antonian) RE 14 Phil. XIII.3.26 Or Coelius? See Nomenclature 21. But the praenomen Q. in XIII.26 is textually unreliable and we have no other evidence. [Caelius, C.j See (Lutatius) Catulus, Q. (cos. 102) Caelius, L. (witness) RE 8 Caec. 26 Caelius, M. (publicanus) RE n . N Flacc. 11.100 [Caelius, M ] See Coelius, M. Caelius (Vel.J, M. (father of Rufus) RE 34. N Cael. 3i4f-9-i8.36.73.79f.) Rightly distinguished by Nicolet from the publicanus (see Coelius, M.) of Flacc. 11. Mvinzer's identification was tentative. [Caelius, P.] See Coelius, P. [Caelius, T.[ See Cloelius, T. Caelius, T. (condemned senator) Not in RE. Bs Balb. 53 [Caelius) Latiniensis See Coelius Latiniensis Caelius (M.f.Vel.Rufus), M. (aed. cur. 50) RE 35 and suppl. I and III. Bs (but see Badian, Gnomon 33[i96i].495)- W. N. S> Cael. passim. Mil. 91. His mother: Cael. 4 Caeparius See Ceparius Caepasii, (C. and L.) (senators) RE. W. N Cluent. 57
Caepasius, (C.) Cluent. 58 (f.). See above. Caepiones See Servilii Caepiones Caesennia (of Tarquinii) RE 14 Caec. 1 0 - 1 9 passim. 94 Caesennius (Ste.), P. (witness) RE 3 Caec. 12.27 Caesennius (Ste.) Lento (land commissioner 44) RE 6. W Phil. XI.13.XII.20.23.XIII.2. 26.37 "Lento Caesennius" in XII.23; elsewhere "Lento." Caesernius, C. (convicted on a morals charge) Not in RE Cael. 71 Caesetius, C. (friend of Ligarius) RE 1. N Lig- 33 Caesetius, P. (Verres' quaestor) RE 3. W. Bs Verr. (II. 1 if.J.IV. 146.V.63. Cf. I.99 Caesetius (Flavus, L.)(tr. 44) RE 4. W Phil. XIII. 31 Caesinius, Sex. (eq. R„ homo castissimus et integerrimus) RE Caesius 13. N Caesius. Bs Caesius Flacc. 68 Or Cesinius; cf. Schulze 135 and TLL Onom. 49, 353. The name was recovered in Nomenclature 22. Caesius, M. (pr. 75) RE 9 Verr. 1.130 Not in Wiseman. Caesius (Clu.), P. (eq. R., vir bonus) RE 12. N Balb. 50 [Caesius, Sex.] See Caesinius
"Caesoninus Calventius" (i.e. L. Piso) Sen. 13. Prov. cons. 7. Pis. 14 (Caesoninus Semiplacentinus Calventius) Caesonius, M. (aed. pi. 69) RE 1. W Verr. a. pr. 29 Caetra RE 1 (meus necessaiius; subscriptor to D. Laelius) Flacc. 5 (fr. ii) The name, epigraphically attested though not in Kajanto, has been suspected ("vielleicht verderbt" Münzer) without good reason. Schulze (351), with his fondness for Etruscan origins, thought it Etruscan. But why should it not come from the shield so called? See Kajanto's list of cognomina derived from arms (pp. 34.1f.lCafo (centurion) Not in RE. W Phil. VIII.9 (Cafones).26.X.22. XI.12.37.XII.20 "Possibly not a senator" Wiseman. Definitely not, in view of his absence from the "Antonian senate" listed in Phil. XIII.26-8. Cicero says he may have overlooked some names, but he would not have forgotten this one, especially as he includes Cafo's fellow veteran Decidius Saxa. And it is more than doubtful that he and Saxa were members of the land commission of seven in 44. Calidius, Cn. [eq. R. splendidus et gratiosus) RE 2. N Verr. IV.42-6. His son (senator): Verr. IV.42 (W. N) Calidianum crimen Verr. IV.43 Calidius (Q.f.), M. (pr. 57) RE 4 and suppl. III. S 2
Sen. 22. Fr. VI. (Cic. Brut. 278 and Quint. 11.3.155) Calidius, Q. |pr. 79) RE 5. W Verr. a. pr. 38.III.63. Plane. 69L Callidama {daughter of Agathinus) Not in RE Verr. 11.89.(91.116) Calliphana (priestess of Demeter at Velia) RE Kalliphana Balb. 5 s Callisthenes (historian) RE Kallisthenes 2 Rab. Post. 23 Calpurnia familia Pis. 53. See (Calpurnii) Pisones Calpurnius, L. (amicus meus) Not in RE Caec. 35 Probably a nobody, as probably was also Antony's emissary to Cicero in 49 [Att. 10.8A.2); cf. Nomenclature 22f. (Calpurnius Bestia, L. [tr. 62]) RE 24 (Sull. 31. Sest. 1 1 ) (Calpurnius) Bestia, (L.) (aed. pi. before 57) RE 25 and suppl. I and III. Bs Cael. (161.26.(76.78). Phil. XI.11.XII.20.XIH.2.26 See my note on Q./r. 2.3.6. Gruen (Athenaeum 49(1971]. 67H.) fully established separate identities for the two Bestiae. Otherwise we have to believe that the Catilinarian and obstreperously anti-Ciceronian tribune of 6 3 - 6 2 had become a champion of his recall in 57 (Q./r. 2.3.6) and, still less credible, that a hostile Cicero in the Philippics forbore all reference to the obnoxious tribunate. (Calpurnius C.f.) Bibulus, M. (cos. 59) RE 28 and suppl. I
Dom. 39^69. Har. resp. 48. Vatin. 2if.(23).24. (Pis. 3). Phil. II.23.XI.34f.XIII.29. Cf. Vatin. 5 The nobility of this ultra-optimate is not explicitly attested, but Cicero's avoidance of his gentilicium supports it. No earlier Calpurnii Bibuli are recorded, but neither are any Calpurnii Bestiae before the Consul of h i , whose nobility is implied in Sail. lug. 85.15. Both presumably branched off from the Pisones. (Calpurnii) Pisones Sen. 15 (Sest. 21. Pis. 62) (Calpurnius) Piso, C. (cos. 67) RE 63. S 2 . Bs Rose. com. 7-i2.15.18.21f.37f. (39).45.51. Caec. 34-8 passim. ¡4i.44)-64-(65-9)-8i.(82-4). 89f.93.(96-8). Flacc. 98. Phil. II. 12. (Fr. VII.46 [Ascon. 75.20)) (Calpurnius) Piso, Cn. (q. pro pr. 65) RE 69 and suppl. I Mur. 81. Sull. 67. Fr. (VII. 18 [Ascon. 66.2D.IX.25 (Ascon. 92.11). (27 [Ascon. 93.11]) (Calpurnius) Piso, L. (leg. to C. Antonius) RE 73a (suppl. Ill) Phil. X.i 3 (Calpurnius L.f.L.n.Men. Piso) Caesoninus, (L.)(cos. 112) RE 88 and suppl. I. Bs Pis. fr. ix Nisbet "Caesoninus in four generations of Calpurnii Pisones . . . can hardly have been adoptive (= "Caesonianus"), as is sometimes supposed" (Nomenclature 84, with footnote suggesting formation from Caeso). The use here without praenomen suits the contemptuous tone: Caesonini hominis furacissimi filium.
(Calpurnius L.f.L.n.Aien. Piso Caesoninus, L. [q. ca. 100]. Son of above) RE 89. Bs (Pis. fr. ix.xiii Nisbet. 87) (Calpurnius L.f.L.n.Men.) Piso Caesoninus, L. (cos. 58. Son of above) RE 90 and suppl. I and III. Bs Sen. (io.i3~i5).i6.(i7f.32.38). Quir. 1 1 ) . Dom. 2.3.55.(60. 6z).66.jo.ioi.iiz. Har. resp. 2.32.(35). Sest. (19-24.26. 29).32f.53f.60.(68).70.93(f.i35).
Prov. cons. 2 - 8 passim. (Plane. 86f.). Phil. I.10. I 4 f . 2 8 . V.19.
VIII.28. IX.i.Xn.(i). 3.i4f. 18. See Caesoninus, Calventius, consules, Epicurus, Paullus. His mother-in-law: Pis. 26 Pisonianum tempus Har. resp. 2 Usually "(L.) Piso." "Caesoninus" is used only in mockery. Calpurnius (L.f.L.n.) Piso (Frugi), C. (q. 58, Cicero's son-in-law) RE 93 and suppl. I and III. Bs (Sen. 171.38. Quir. 7. Sest. 54.68. Vatin. 26. Pis. fr. xiii Nisbet. (12).13 Calpurnius (L.f.C.n.) Piso Frugi, L. (cos. 133) RE 96 and suppl. III. S 2 . Bs Verr. III.195.IV.56.108. Font. 39 In the Venines respectively: "L. Piso ille Frugi," "L. Piso," P. Mucio L. Calpurnio consulibus. In Font. 39 "L. Piso" and "Piso," but with reference to the laudatory agnomen [ut... solus tamen Frugi nominaietui). (Calpurnius L.f.L.n.) Piso Frugi, L. (pr. 1 1 3 ? ) RE 97. Bs Verr. IV.56f. "L. Piso" and "Piso Frugi."
(Calpurnius L.f.L.n.) Piso (Frugi), L. (pr. 74) RE 98 and suppl. III. Bs Div. Caec. 64? Verr. I . 1 1 9 . IV.56 Calventia familia (Sest. 21). Pis. 53.(62) (Calventia [mother of L. Piso]) Not in RE (Pis. fr. ix.xiv Nisbet) Calventius (father of above) Not in RE Pis. fr. IX.(xiii.xv Nisbet. 62.67) "Calventius Caesoninus" See "Caesoninus Calventius" Calvisius (C.f.Hor. Sabinus), C. (cos. 39) J?£ 1 3 and suppl. III. W. Bs Phil. III.26 His presence in the list of prospective governors of provinces (as praetor in 44) is accounted for in S 1 2 6 5 - 7 . For his tribe see Syme Senators i t 3 t . = Rom pap. 591. Probably to be distinguished from the friend of Furnius and Plancus mentioned in Fam. 10.25.3 and 10.26.3 (see Nomenclature 23). Camurtius, M. (convicted on a morals charge) Not in RE Cael. 71 Cannutius, P. (speechwriter) RE 2 Cluent. Cannutius, Ti. (tr. 44) RE 3. W Phil. (1.36).III.23 Canuleius, L. (publicanus) RE 1- N Verr. I I . 1 7 1 . 1 7 6 f . 1 8 2 Canuleiani libelli Verr. II. 183 Capitolinus (Iuppiter) Dom. 144
Carfulenus, D. (tr. 44) RE. W. N. Bs Phil. (I.36).ffl.23 Carpinatius, L. (publicanus) RE. N Verr. 11.169.171-3.(184). 186—8(f.).i90.III. 165.167. IV. 1 3 7 Cascae See Servilii Cascae Cascellius (dealer in real estate) RE 1 and suppl. Ill Balb. 45 [Cassiij See (Licinius) Crassus, P. Cassii (i.e. C . Cassius Longinus, cos. 96?) Rabir. 21 Cassius, M. (of. Messana) Not in RE Balb. 52 Cassius Barba (follower of Caesar and Antony) RE 29a (suppl. I). W (cf. no. 525). Bs Phil. XIII.3 (Barbae Cassii) (Cassii Longini) (Verr. a. pr. 30. Phil. II.26) For their genealogy see S 2 p. 50. For their probable tribe (Pom.) see J. M. Cody CPh 64(1969). i77fCassius (C.f.C.n.Pom. Longinus), C. (cos. 171) RE 55 Dom. 130—137 Cassius (L.f.Pom. Longinus), C. (cos. 96) RE 57. Bs Plane. 52? See Cassii Cassius (L.f.Pom. Longinus), C. (cos. 73) RE 58. Bs Verr. I.60.III.97. Imp. Pomp. 68. Cluent. 137. Plane. 52? His wife: Verr. III.97 Cassius (C.?f.L?n. Pbm. Longinus), C. (pr. 44) RE 59 and suppl. I. BS
Phil. L8.II.26.30f. 107.(113). VIII.27.X.8.XI.26-38 passim. Xm.25(f.).3o.37 Cassius (Pom. Longinus), L. (senator) RE 13. N. Bs p. 50 Verr. a. pr. 30. Cluent. 107 Identification with the following (Nomenclature 24) was probably a mistake; see Sumner CPh. 160. But the upright juror of the Verrines is surely the upright juror of Pro Cluentio. homines veteres in the former can hardly mean "old men," as Nicolet thought. I take it as = homines antiqui ("men of the old school" Greenwood). Cassius (Q.? f.Pom. Longinus), L. (pr. 66, Catilinarian) RE 64. Bs Catil. III. Sull. 36-9-53 See the preceding. Cassius (Pom. Longinus), L. (tr. 44) RE 65 Phil. (I.36).III.23 Cassius (Pom. Longinus?), Q. (pr. 44) RE 21 Phil. III.26 Cassius (C.? f.C.? n.Pom. Longinus Ravilla), L. (cos. 127) RE 72 and suppl. I. S 1 Sex. Rose. 84! f.). Verr. I.143. Sest. 103. (Phil. II.26) Cassianum (illud) Mil. 32. Phil. II.35. Cassianus iudex Verr. III.137. ni iudices Sex. Rose. 85. Verr. III. 146 Cassius (Vecellinus), Sp. (III. cos. 486) RE 91 Dom. 101. Balb. 53. Phil. II.87.114 Castor RE Kastor 1 Verr. V.186. Temple of, Quinct. 17. Verr. L129-33.154.III.41.
Dom.54.no. Har. resp. 28.49. Sest. Vatin. 3if. Pis. 11.23. Mil. 18.91. Phil. III.27.V.21.VI.13 (Castor [Tarcondarius]) Cf. RE Kastor 8 (Deiot. 28.30) Castor (son of above, grandson of Deiotarus) RE Kastor 8 Deiot. 2.28-32 passim Castricius (creditor of Tralles) RE 6. N Flacc. 54-75 Castricianum nomen Flacc. 54. num vulnus ibid. Castricius, M. (negotiator (?) in Sicily, summo splendore, ingenio, gratia praeditus) RE 6 and suppl. III. N Verr. III. 185 Münzer suggests identity with the above. More probably the two were brothers or otherwise related. The praenomen M. given to the former by Nicolet has no warrant. Catius Aemilianus, Q. (homo honestus) Not in RE Tull. 19 Caudinus, C. (senator) Not in RE. W. Bs Cluent. 107 Not a Cornelius Lentulus ( Nomenclature 25). "Caudinus" seems to be a gentilicium. Caulius Mergus, L. (senator) Not in RE. W. N Cluent. 107 Causinius (Clu.) Schola, C. (of Interamna, friend of Clodius) RE. N Mil. 46 Ceius (quidam Samnis) Not in RE • Cluent. 162. His wife: ibid.
Centauri Pis. 22 Ceparius (or Caeparius), M. (Catilinarian) RE Caeparius Catil.in.14 Ceres Verr. IV.99.106.108-14.119.V. 36.99.187. Dom. 125. Balb. 55 Cerealia Fr. X.i (Arus. GLK VII.490) Cervius, P. (leg. to Verres) RE. I. W Verr. V.114 Cestilius, C. (tr. 57) RE. W Sen. 21 Cestius, C. RE 2 and suppl. III. N Flacc. 31 Cestius, C. (pr. 44) RE 3. W. Bs Phil. UI.26 Chaerestratus (character in Caecilius) Sex. Rose. 46 Charidemus (of Chios) Not in RE Verr. 1.5 2 Charybdis Verr. V.146. Har. resp. 59. Phil. II.67 Chelido (Verres' mistress) RE Verr.^(138). 13901.24.39.1 i6.III.(3o).78.IV. 7i-V.34.38 Chrysogonus See Cornelius Chrysogonus Chrysogonus (slave) Verr. I.92 Cibyratae fratres (Tlepolemus and Hiero) Verr. IV.3o.32f.(47).5i Cibyratici canes (the same) Verr. IV.47 (Circe) Circaeum poculum Div. Caec. 57
Cispius, M. (tr. 57) RE 4. W Sen. 21. Sest. 76. Plane. 75(f.) Cispianum iudicium Plane. 76 Claudia (Vestal) RE 384 Cael. 34 Claudia, Quinta RE 435 Har. resp. 27. Cael. 34 (Claudia gens) (Dom. 127. Har. resp. 57) Claudii Phil. VIII. 15 Claudius, C. (senator) RE 20a (suppl. Ill) Tull. 14 Claudius C.f.Pal., C. (tool of Verres) RE 20 Verr. II.107f.j109) So introduced. Then "(C.) Claudius." Claudius, L. (rex sacrorum) RE 21. Bs (Dom. 127). Har. resp. 12 The suggestion in Nomenclature 25t. is withdrawn. Dom. 127 etiam tu, rex, disce agentili tuo proves that the rex sacrorum was indeed a Claudius. "Claudius, M." Tull. 29f. Claudius, T. Not in RE Vatin. 3 Claudius (or Clodius) Apollonius, A. (of Drepanum) RE Apollonius $9 Verr. II.140.IV.37 "A. Claudius" and "Apollonius . . . qui nunc Claudius vocatur." Claudius (C.f.Ap.n.) Caecus, Ap. (cens. 312) RE 91. Bs Caec. 54. (Dom. 105. Har. resp. 38). Cael. 33(f.)-35(f-)- Mil. 17. Phil. I.i 1. Fr. XIV.24 (cod. Taurinensis)
Respectively: "Appius ille Caecus," "Caecus ille," "Appius," "Appius ille Caecus," "Appius ille," "Appius Claudius." In the fragment of In Clodium et Curionem, numquam te Appi Claudi nepotem esse recordatus es! the reference is doubtless to the censor. But nepos = "descendent" seems to be found only in poetry and only in the plural. Better read abnepotem-, cf. Har. resp. 38 where the censor is (inaccurately) called Clodius' abavus. (Claudii) Marcelli Div. Caec. 13. Verr. II.(8).36. 51.122.III.45.IV.86.89f. Marc. 10 Marcellia (festival) Verr. II.51. 154.IV.151 (Claudii) Marcelli (i.e. Gaius, pr. 80, and his son Gaius, cos. 50) Sull. ipf. (Claudius) Marcellus, C. (Catilinarian) RE 215 Sest. 9 See Nomenclature i6i. But the suggestion that he may not have been a Claudius is improbable. Had that been so, Cicero would most likely have used his gentilicium. (Claudius M.f.M.n.) Marcellus, C. (pr. 80) RE 2 1 4 Div. Caec. 13. Verr.II.8.51. 110.III.42.212.IV.37.86f.89f. See (Claudii) Marcelli (Claudius C.f.M.n.) Marcellus, C. (cos. 50) RE 216. Bs Marc. 10.34. Phil. III.17. See (Claudii) Marcelli (Claudius M.f.M.n.) Marcellus, C. (cos. 49. Brother of cos. 51) RE 217 (Deiot. 11). Phil. II.51.(XIII.29)
(Claudius M.f.M.n.) Marcellus, M. (V cos. 208) RE 220 Verr. L11.55.IL4.50.IV.11sf. i20-23(f.).i30f.i5i.V.84. Imp. Pomp. 47. Arch. 22 (Marcelli). Pis. 58 (Marcelli). Plane. 60. Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Orat. 232) (Marcelli) (Claudius M.f.M.n.) Marcellus, M. (Ill cos. 152) RE 225 and suppl. Ill Pis. 44 (Claudius) M.f. Arn. Marcellus, M. (aed. cur. 91) RE 227. S2 p. 93. Bs Quinct. 54? (Claudius) Marcellus, M. (guardian of Iunius) RE 227 Verr. 1.135.144.(146.1511.153 Identity with the aedile (above) is likely but not certain. (Claudius M.f.M.n.) Marcellus, M. (cos 51) RE 229. S 1 Catil. 1.2.1. Marc. 1 - 1 6 pass/m. 3 3(f.).(Lig. 37). Phil. XIII. Z9. Cf. Dom. 42 (Claudius) Marcellus (Aeserninus?), M. (pr. before 103?) RE 226. S 2 . Bs Quinct. 54? Font. 24.26 The jurist M. Marcellus called upon in Quinct. 54 is tentatively ("wohl") identified by Münzer with Marius' legate who won fame in the Social War as the defender of Aesernia. The latter is confounded with the aedile of 91 in Kinsey's note. The jurist could be either of these two. (Claudius M.f.) Marcellus Aeserninus, M. (adulescens, son of RE 226) RE 231 Verr. IV.91 (Claudius P.f.Arn.) Nero, C. (pr. 81) RE 247 Verr. L50.71-3.75f.78.80.83f.
(Claudius P.f.Ap.n. Pulcher, Ap. [cos. 212]) RE 293 (Cael. 33) Added in the text by Clark (abavum). Claudius (C.f.Ap.n. Pulcher), Ap. (cos. 143) RE 295 and suppl. III. S 2 . Bs Verr. II. 122. (Dom. 84. Sest. 126. Cael. 33. Scaur. 32) Claudius (Ap.f.C.n. Pulcher), Ap. (cos. 79) RE 296 and suppl. I. Bs Arch. 9. (Dom. 83f.). Har. resp. (21.26.(42. Sest. 126. Cael. 33). Plane. 51 Respectively: "Appius," C. aut Appi Claudiorum, "Appius Claudius." Claudius (Ap.f.Ap.n. Pulcher), Ap. (cos. 54. Son of above). RE 297 and suppl. I. Bs Sull. 42. (Pis. 35). Dom. 40.(87. i n f . Har. resp. 31.42. Sest. 77f. Scaur. (271.31-6 passim. Mil. 59.75. Phil. XIII.29. Cf. Dom. 26. Sest. 16 "Appius Claudius" (Sull. 42. Scaur. 3 1 - 3 ) or "Appius." Claudius Ap.f. (C.n.) Pulcher, C. (cos. 92) RE 302. S 2 . Bs Verr. II.122.IV.6f.133. Rabir. 21. (Dom. 118). Har. resp. 26. (Cael. 33). Plane. 51 Tria nomina with filiation in Verr. II. 122 and (for rhetorical effect) IV.7. Otherwise "C. Claudius." Claudius (Ap.f.Ap.n. Pulcher), C. (pr. 56. Brother of cos. 54) RE 303. Bs (Dom. 118). Scaur. 33^.35). Cf. Dom. 26.83. Har. resp. 42. Sest. 16
(Claudius Ap.f.C.n. Pulcher, P. [cos. 249]) RE 304 (Cael. 33) Cleombrotus (of Ambracia) Not in RE Scaur. 4 Cleomenes (of Syracuse) RE Kleomenes 10 Verr. II.36.5o(f.).IV.59.V.3i. 8 2 - 1 3 7 passim Cleophantus (doctor) Cf. RE Kleophantos 3 Cluent. 47.53.(61) Climachias See Artemo Clodia (wife of Metellus) RE 66 (Dom. Har. resp. 27. 38f.Sest. 39.116). Cael. (if.). 30-6passim. (38-47).49-69 passim. (71.75.78.). See Clodiae, Medea. Her ancestors: Cael. 33 Clodia (wife of L. Lucullus) RE 67 Mil. 73 Clodia gens Dom. 35.116. Sest. 81 (Clodiae [sisters of P. Clodius]) RE 66.67.72 (Dom. 26. Har. resp. 9.42.59. Sest. 16. Pis. 28) Clodii Dom. 1 1 6 Clodius, A. See Claudius Apollonius Clodius, C. (comes P. Clodi) RE 7 Mil. 46 Clodius (Lem.), L. (Anconitanus, phaimacopola circumforaneus) Not in RE Cluent. 40 Clodius, P. [subscriptor against Caelius, amicus meus) Not in RE Cael. 27
Clodius, Sex. (rhetor) i?£ 13 Phil. II.(8.42).43.(84.101. III.22) [Clodius, Sex.] See Cloelius (Clodius) Aesopus (tragic actor) RE 16 Sest. (120.122).123 Clodius Phormio, Sex. (argentarius) RE 43 Caec. 27 Sex. Clodius, cui cognomen est Phormio Clodius (Ap.f.Ap.n.Pdl) Pulcher, P. (aed. cur. 56. Brother of cos. 54) RE 48. Bs Sen. Quir. Dom. Har. resp. Sest. passim. Vatin. 33.36. Cael. 17. ( Prov. cons. 24.(42.45).46(f.). Pis. 9 - 1 5 passim. (i9).27(f.35. Plane. 86.96). Mil. passim. Phil. II. 1 . 1 1 . 1 7 . 21f.48f.VIII.16.XII.23. Fr. XIV (Schol. Bob. 86-8 al. See Schoell) and XV {Schol. Bob. 170-4) passim. See Sibyllinus. Clodiana arma Mil. 94. nus canis (i.e. Sex. Cloelius) Pis. 23. num crimen Mil. 67.72. nus exercitus Sest. 85. num facinus Sest. 82. nae furiae Pis. 26. ni furores Mil. 34. num imperium Dom. 24. na latrocinia Sest. 130. nae leges Mil. 89. na manus Sest. 79. na necis Mil. 62. nae operae Vatin. 40. num scelus Sest. 68. na seditio Sest. 94. "Pulcher" in Dom. 22 (letterheading). Otherwise "(P.) Clodius." On his retention of the nomen after adoption by P. Fonteius see Nomenclature 89.
Cloelius?, M. See Coelius, M. Cloelius, Sex. (lieutenant of P. Clodius) RE Clodius 12 and suppl. I Dom. 25 Í.47Í.50 (Cloelii).83.(i29). Har. resp. 11.59 (Cloelii). Sest. 133. Cael. 78. Pis. 8.23. Mil. 33. (Phil. I.3.II. gf.96). See Clodianus canis above. "Sexte noster" in Dom. 47, " S e x t e " in Mil. 33, see p. 6. "Sex. Cloelius is notorious not only for the part he played in political terrorism but because of his prolonged and persistent disguise as 'Sex. Clodius' in modern scholarship" (Badian ZPE 55 [1984]. 103.n.3). N o further argument is called for, particularly after Historia 30(19811.383, where Quintilian's tradition comes to reinforce Cicero's. Cloelius (Ouf.), T. (Tenacinensis) RE Caelius 15. W Cloulius, T. N Sex. Rose. 64 Cloelius or Cloulius, as Wiseman [CR 17 [1967].263L) pointed out, not Caelius: see Nomenclature 2 if. Cluentia (sister of A. Cluentius senior, wife of Oppianicus) RE 5 Cluent. 30.(125.171) Cluentia (daughter of A. Cluentius senior) RE 6 Cluent. (n-13).14.(16) Cluentius (Clu.), N. (adulescens pudentissimus et in primis honestus) RE 2. N Cluent. 165 Cluentius (Clu.) Habitus, A. (father of the following) RE 3. N Cluent. 11
Cluentius (A.f.Clu.) Habitus, A . RE 4. N Cluent. 3 et passim Cluentiana pecunia Cluent. 82 "(A.) Cluentius" or "Habitus" (both frequent). Cluilius, Tullus (envoy to Fidenae 438) RE Cloelius 6 Phil. IX.(4).5.(7) " C l u v i u s " in the manuscripts, emended by Garatoni to conform with Liv. 4.17.2 and Plin. N.H. 34-23(Clytemnestta) (Mil. 8) Coelius? (Antonian) See Caelius Coelius, M. (eq. R., lectissimus adulescens) RE Caelius 11. N Caelius Verr. IV.37 Perhaps Cloelius; see Nomenclature 21. Coelius, P. (pr. 74) RE 2 Verr. 1.130 See Badian Studies 104 n. 162. Coelius (C.f.C.n. Caldus), C. (cos. 94) RE 12 and suppl. I and III. W. S 2 . Bs Verr. V. 181. Mur. 17 (Coelii). See (Lutatius) Catulus, Q. (cos. 102) Coelius Latiniensis, Q. (tr. before 66) RE 20. W Imp. Pomp. 58 "Latiniensis" is not necessarily a cognomen. It could mean "of the ager Latiniensis." Cominii (Hor.), P. and L.? (équités Romani, honesti homines et diserti) RE 8. N Cluent. 100.102 O n the doubtful praenomen see Badian Studies 247t.
Cominius (Hor.), P. (of Spoletium) RE 8. N. S 2 Fr. VII.3 (Ascon. 62.15l.14 (Fortunat. Rhet. Lat. Halm 123.18l.47 (Quint. 9.2.551.(57) (Arus. GLKVII.459) Cominius, Sex. RE 14 Verr. IV.24 Cominius (Auruncus), Postumus (II cos. 493) RE 16 Balb. 53 Concordia Dom. i3of.i36f. Temple of, Catil. III.21. Dom. 1 1 . Sest. 26. Phil. II. 19.112.III.30.V.i8.20. VII.21 [Considius, L.] See Consius Considius, Q. (senator) RE 7. W. N Verr. 1.18. Cluent. 107 Considius (Longus), C. (pr. before 54) RE 1 1 . Bs Lig. 2 Consius, L. (duumvir of Capua) RE Considius 4. Cf. N p. 849 Leg. agr. II.92f. On the misreadings Considio, Considi see Nomenclature 28. Add Harvey Athenaeum2 299-316. consules (Piso and Gabinius) Sen. 3f.io. Quir. 13.(21). Dom. 5.58.62^91.96.(103.113). 1 1 4 . (119). Har. resp. (3 f.). 47.58. Sest. 17.(24f.).27.33f.(38).4i-4. (52). 55.60.63—6.68 £(71). Vatin. 18. Prov.cons. 3.43. Pis. 1 5 - 3 1 passim. Plane. 86 Coponii (Cam.), T. and C. (pr. 49?) RE 3. W Cael. 24. Balb. 53 Coponius, T. (Cam.)(grandfather of the above, civis summa viitute et dignitate) RE 8 Balb. 53
Corfidius, L. (friend of Ligarius) RE 2. N Lig- 33 (Cornelia gens) Cf. Catil. III.9 (Cornelia [wife of P. Sestius]) RE 416 (Sest. 7) Conceivably granddaughter rather than daughter of the consul of 83 (so Badian Aiethusa 1 [1968].44 n.52). "Cornelius (pupillus)" Caec. 54 Cornelius (freedman of P. Sulla) Not in RE Sull. 5 5 Cornelius (lictor of Verres) RE 6 Verr. 1.67.72.(80.85) See Verres Cornelius (C.f.)(son of the following) RE 7. N Sull. 5 1 - 3 Cornelius, C. (Catilinarian) RE 19. N (Catil. I.9). Sull. 6.18.5 if.54 Cornelius, C. (tr. 67) RE 18 Vatin 5. Fr. VII passim (Ascon. al.).VIII.5 (Ascon. 80.7) Cornelius, Cn. RE 23 Fr. VII.38 (Ascon. 74.13) Cornelius, Q. (pont. min.) RE. 51. Bs Har. resp. 12 Cornelius Artemidorus (of Perga, Verres' doctor) RE 64 Verr. (II.75).III.28.54.(66).69f. 117.(137)138 "Cornelius (medicus)" (28.69), "Artemidorus Pergaeus" (54), "Artemidorus" (70.138), "Artemidorus Cornelius" (69.117). See Verres.
Cornelius (L.f.Clu. Balbus), L. (cos. suff. 40) RE 69. W. N. Bs His name seems to have been unaffected by his adoption by Cn. Pompeius Theophanes; see Nomenclature gof. (Cornelius) Cethegus, C. (Catilinarian) RE 89 Catil. III.6.8- I I . 1 3 . Sull. 53.70.75f. Flacc. 96. Sen. 10. Dom. 62. Cf. Vatin. 25 (Cornelius) Cethegus, P. (pr. after 87?) RE 97. S 2 . Bs Cluent. 84f. Cornelius Chrysogonus, L. (freedman of Sulla Felix) RE 101 Sex. Rose. 6f.20f.23.25jf.). 28.34f. 105- I27.i30.i32.(i33-5).i38. i40-2.i44(f.).i46.(f.i48).i50 Tria nomina in first ref., thereafter "Chrysogonus." (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Cinna, L. (cos. 87-84) RE 106. Bs Caec. 87. Font. 43. Catil. III.9.24. Har. resp. 54. Phil. I.34.II.108.V.17.VIII.7.XI.1. XIII.1f.XIV.23 Cinnanus cruor Vatin. 23. nus atque Octavianus dies Sest. 77. num tempus Sen. 9. Dom. 83. Har. resp. 18 The assumption by some editors that Cinna is P. Crassus' enemy referred to in Sest. 48 seems gratuitous. Why not Marius? (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Cinna, L. (pr. 44) RE 107 Phil. III.26 (Cornelius Cinna, L. [cos. 32?]) RE 104 (cf. 32) (Phil. X.i 3). Cf. Phil. XI.27
Cornelius (P.f.L.n.) Dolabella, Cn. (cos. 81) 134. Bs Leg. agr. II.35. Pis. 44. "Cn. Cornelius" (AÍ. Tullio Cn. Coinelio consulibus), "Cn. Dolabella." On the genealogy of the Dolabellae see Badian PBSR 33(19651.48-51; also Gruen AJPh 87 (1966).385-99. (Cornelius Cn.f.Cn.n.) Dolabella, Cn. (pr. 8 i ) R £ i 3 5 . B s Quinct. (9).3of.(33.8i). Verr. a. pr. 11.L41f.44- I77Í- Scaur. 45f. Fr. VII.37 (Ascon. 74.9). Cf. Quinct. 10 (non magistiatus aequus). His children: Verr. 1.7 7 (Cornelius L.f.P.n.) Dolabella (pr. 69 or 68), P. RE 140 Caec. 23 (Cornelius P.f.L.n.) Dolabella, P. (Cn.? Cornelius Lentulus Dolabella)!cos. suff. 44) RE 141. Bs Phil. I.5(f.i 9 ).27.29-3i.(36f.). II.75f.79 - 84.99.1107.V.9). VIII.25.XI passim. XII.21.(25). Xffl.(s).i 47.XIV.8 On his birth date see S 1 26if. On his adoptive father (Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Vatia?) see Nomenclature 29-32. Sumner (CPA. 160; cf. Nomenclature 30) inclined to prefer P. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus, on the supposition that Marcellinus was a plebeian, which "cannot quite be proved but is certainly not improbable." It carries the corollary that (testamentary) adoption of a plebeian (Marcellus) by a patrician (Lentulus) might leave his plebeian status
unchanged, for which there is no compelling evidence [Nomenclature 29t., 98f). An inscription cited by Broughton (suppl. i) would settle the matter in favor of Marcellinus if it referred to this Dolabella; but, as pointed out by Badian in the above-mentioned paper, it refers to the consul of 81. (Cornelii) Lentuli Sest. 143 (Cornelius) Lentulus, Cn. (tr. before 66) See (Cornelius) Lentulus (Vatia?) (Cornelius) Lentulus, L. (pr. 86?) RE 195 (cf. 194) Arch. 9 (Cornelius) Lentulus, L. (pr. 44) RE 197. Bs Phil. III.z5.Cf. Vatin. 25 (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Lentulus, P. (cos. suff. 162) RE 202 and suppl. III. S 2 . Bs Div. Caec. 69. Leg. agr. II.82. (Catil. III.10.IV.13). Phil. VIII.14 Cornelius (Cn.f.Cn.n.) Lentulus (Clodianus), Cn. (cos. 72) RE 216. S 2 . Bs Verr. II.95.V.15. Imp. Pomp. 68. Cluent. (ii7).n8(f.).i20. (123-31l.132lf.135). Flacc. 45. Dom. 124. Balb. 19.33 "(Cn.). Lentulus," except Balb. 19 L. Gellius Cn. Cornelius. (Cornelius Cn.f.Cn.n.) Lentulus (Clodianus), Cn. (pr. 59) RE 217. Bs Vatin. 27 His agnomen Clodianus was not necessarily inherited (Nomenclature 84.88f. 113). (Cornelius P.f.L.Pn.) Lentulus
(Crus), L. (cos. 49) RE 218. S 2 . Bs Har. resp. 37. Pis. 77. (Deiot. 11). Phil. II.51.(XIII.29) (Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Lentulus Marcellinus, Cn. (cos. 56) RE 228. S 2 . Bs Div. Caec. 13. Verr. II.103. IV.53. Har. resp. (Prov. cons. 39) "Cn. Lentulus Marcellinus" in Div. Caec. 13 and Verr. IV.53. Otherwise "(Cn.) Lentulus." On the hereditary agnomen see Nomenclature 87. (Cornelius L.f.L.?n.) Lentulus (Niger), L. (flamen Martialis) RE 234 Har. resp. 12. Vatin. 25 (Cornelius P.f.L.n.) Lentulus (Spinther), P. (cos. 57) RE 238. S 2 . Bs Sen. 5.(7?).8f.(24f.).27f. Quir. 11.(14?).15.i7f. Dom. 7.(9.11. 13)30.7of.75. Har. resp. 12,f.( 15). Sest. 70.72.(87). 107.(117.(144. 147. Pis. 34f.50.80. Rab. Post. (6).2i.Mil. 39. Phil. XIII.29 (Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Lentulus (Spinther), P. (q.44. Son of the above) RE 239. Bs (Sen. 24). Sest. 144 His adoption by a Manlius Torquatus seems to have been ignored (Nomenclature 90.113). (Cornelius P.?f.P.n.) Lentulus (Sura), P. (cos. 71) i?£ 240. S 2 Verr. I.(n).37. Catil. III.4.6. 8 - 1 6 passim. 22.25.IV.2.5. 10.12f.17. Sull. 70.7sf. Flacc. 5(fr. vl.95.97. Pis. 16. Phil. 11.(14.17)18. (VIII.i). Fr. XIV.33 (Cic. Att. 1.16.9) (Cornelius) Lentulus (Vatia?), Cn. (tr. before 66) Cf. RE 209, 241
Imp. Pomp. 58. See (Cornelius) Dolabella, P. (cos. 44) (Cornei») Scipiones Sex. Rose. 15. Arch. 22. Sest. 143. Balb. 40 (Cornelii) Scipiones (Cn. Scipio Calvus and P. Scipio) Leg. agr. 1.5. Scaur. 45a "(Cornelius) Scipio, Cn." Plane. 60 Attempts to identify are misconceived. The name is purely symbolic: "had he been the son of a Cn. Scipio (instead of a Cn. Plancius)." (Cornelii Scipiones) Africani Vatin. 28. Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Oiat. 2.32) (Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Scipio Aemilianus Africanus, P. (II cos. 134) RE 335. S 2 . Bs Sex. Rose. 103. Div. Caec. 69. Verr. I.ii.II.3.28(f.).8s-7(f.). III.209 (Africani).IV.22.73-5. (77)-78-8 4 .93-97f.V.i4 (Scipiones).(25). 124f. 18 5f. Imp. Pomp. 47? 60. Cluent. 134. Leg. agr. L5.II.51.s8. Mur. 58.66.75f. Catil. IV.21. Arch. 16. Har. resp. 6. Balb. 47. Rab. Post. 2. Scaur. 32. Mil. 8.16.20. Deiot. 19. Phil. VI.10.XI.18. XIII.9. See (Cornelii Scipiones) Africani In Phil. XIII.9 "Aemilianus Scipio" (nee L. Aemilio nec Aemiliano Scipioni). Otherwise either "(P.) Africanus" or "(P.) Scipio." (Cornelius P.f.L.n.) Scipio Africanus, P. (II cos. 194) RE 336. S 2 . Bs Verr. II.123.V.25. Mur. 3if. Catil. IV.21. Arch. 22. Har. resp. 24.41. Prov. cons. 18. Pis. 14.58
(Scipiones). Piane. 60. Phil. V.48.XI.17.XIII.9. Fr. VII.26 (Ascon. 69.14). Cf. Imp. Pomp. 47. See (Cornelii Scipiones) Africani "(P.) Africanus" or "(P.) Scipio" (Mur. 31 L. Scipio aeque parta cum R fiatie gloria), but note "(ille) superior Africanus" (Verr. V.25, Phil. V.48, XIII.9), "Africanus superior" (Arch. 22), "P. Africanus ille superior" (Fr. VII.26), "P. Africanus iterum consul ille maior" (Har. resp. 24). (Cornelius P.f.L.n.) Scipio (Asiaticus), L. (cos. 190) RE 337 and suppl. I. Bs Verr. 1.55.II. 123 (cf. Mùnzer RE IV.1471.41ff.). Mur. 31L Prov. cons. 18. Rab. Post. 27. Deiot. 36. Phil. XI. 17 (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Scipio (Asiaticus/Asiagenes), L. (cos. 83) RE 338. S 2 . Bs Quinct. 24. Verr. I.37. Rabir. 21. Sest. 7 (see Cornelia). Phil. XII.27.XIII.2 (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Scipio, P. (cos. zi8) RE 330 Balb. 34. Piane. 60. See (Cornelii) Scipiones (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Scipio (Calvus), Cn. (cos. 222) RE 345 Balbus. 34. Piane. 60. See (Cornelii) Scipiones (Cornelius Cn.f.L.n.) Scipio (Nasica), P. (cos. 191) RE 350 and suppl. I Har. resp. (22).27 (Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Scipio (Nasica), P. (pr. 93?) RE 351 Sex. Rose. 77? Sen. 37 (Scipiones). Quir. 6 (Scipiones) (Cornelius) Scipio (Nasica), P. See (Caecilius) Metellus Pius Scipio.
(Cornelius P.f.P.n.) Scipio Nasica (Serapio), P. (cos. 138) RE 354. S\ Bs Catil. I.3. Flacc. 75. Dom. 91. (Har. resp. 22). Plane. 51.88. Mil. 8.83. Phil. v m . i 3 ( f . ) "P. Scipio" in the first three refs. and Plane. 88. Otherwise "(P.) Nasica." (Cornelius P.f.P.n. Scipio) Nasica (Serapio), P. (cos. 1 1 1 ) RE 355. S 2 Plane. 33 (Cornelius) Sisenna, L. (pr. 78) RE 374. Bs Verr. II.i 10.IV.33f.43. Fr. VII. 3 8 (Ascon. 74.13) (Cornelius L.f.L.n.) Sulla, Faustus (q. 54. Son of the dictator) RE 377. Bs Cluent. 94. Leg. agr. I.12. Sull. 54f. Vatin. 32. Fr. VII.34 (Ascon. 73.1)
"Faustus Sulla," then "Sulla" in the first ref., "Sulla" in the last. Otherwise "Faustus." (Cornelius, P.?f.L.n.) Sulla, P. (cos. desig.) 65 RE 386 Sull. passim. (Fr. VII.42 [Ascon. 74.21j.IX.13 (Ascon. 88.10]) (Cornelius P.f.P.?n. Sulla, P. [son of the above] RE 387) (Sull. 88f.) (Cornelius Ser.f.) Sulla, P. (Catilinarian) RE 385 Sull. 6 (Cornelius Ser.f.) Sulla, Ser. (Catilinarian) RE 389 Sull. 6 (Cornelius L.f.P.n.) Sulla (Felix), L. (dictator) RE 392. Bs Quinct. 76. Sex. Rose. 6. 2of. (22l.25f.105.110.126f.130f.136. (139l.143.146. Verr. I.36.38.130. III.8i(f.).IV.37. Caec. 95.97.
i o i f . Font. 6.43. Imp. Pomp. 8. (28).30. Cluent. 1 1 . 2 5 . n o . 1 5 1 . Leg. agr. L10.II.38f.56.81.IIL3. 5 - 1 0 . i 2 f . Mur. 32. Catil. II.20. III.9.14.24. Sull. 72. Arch. 25. Flacc. 32. Dom. 79. Har. resp. 54. Balb. 5of.64. Rab. Post. 27. (Lig. 12). Phil. L18.II.108.V17.43fVIII.7.IX.13.XI.1.33.XII.27. XIII.1f.XIV.23.Fr. VII.52 (Ascon. 78.18).IX.19 (Ascon. 90.3) Corneliae leges Phil. I.18 Sullanus Verr. I.36. Leg. agr. III. 1 0 . 1 3 . ni Leg. agr. III.7. na Leg. agr. III.7.9. Sullanus ager Leg. agr. II.70. ni agri Leg. agr. II.68.III.3. na arma Vatin. 23. na assignatio Leg. agr. III. 13. ——nae assignationes Leg. agr. III. 3. na dominatio Leg. agr. I.21. nus exercitus Fr. IX. 14 (Ascon. 88.20). na gratificatio Mur. 42. na onera Leg. agr. II.69. nae possess i o n s Leg. agr. III. 10. ni possessores Leg. agr. II.69.98. na praedia Leg. agr. III. 10. nae proscriptiones Verr. I.43. nae res Leg. agr. III.13. num tempus Verr. I.43. Mur. 49. Dom. 43.79. Har. resp. 18 The agnomen Felix seems to be alluded to in Sex. Rose. 22 (cf. 136). Cornelius Tlepolemus See Tlepolemus Cornificius (scriba to Verres) RE 2 Verr. 1.150.(157) Cornificius, Q. (pr. 66?) RE 7. Cf. W Verr. a. pr. 30 Coruncanius (Ti.f.Ti.n.), Ti. (cos. 280) RE 3 Sull. 23. Dom. 139. Plane. 20
Cosconius, C. (pr. 79?) RE 3 and suppl. Ill Cluent. 97 Cosconius, C. (pr. 63) RE 4 Sull. 42. Vatin. 12 Cosconius, C. (pr. 54?) 5. Bs Vatin. 16 Cossinius, L. (Lem.)(of Tibur) RE 1. W. N Balb. S3 Münzer and Wiseman favor identity with RE 2, praetor in 73. But it seems unlikely that a man who obtained Roman citizenship through a successful prosecution should have risen so far, or that, if he had, Cicero would have referred to him merely as pater huius equitis Romani. (Cossinius L.f.Lem. [optimus atque ornatissimus vir, son of the above]) RE 3. N (Balb. 53) Cossutius, M. (summo splendore et summa auctoritate praeditus) RE 2. N Verr. III.s5.185 Cottii, M. and P. (of Tyndaris, nobilissimi homines) Not in RE Verr. V. 165 Cf. W p. 227 (Nomenclature 28). Cottus (Thracian king) RE Kotys 4 Pis. 84 Cottus or Cotus? Not Cotys. See Nisbet ad loc. Crassicius (gambling partner of Antony) RE 1 Phil. V.18. XIII.3 Confidently ("jedenfalls") identified by Münzer with the grammarian L. Crassicius, teacher of Iullus Antonius (Suet. Gramm. 18).
Cratippus (of Tyndaris) RE Kratippos I Verr. IV.29 Crepereius, M. (senator) RE 1. W Verr. a. pr. 30 Critolaus (of Aetna) RE Kritolaos 4 Verr. IV.59 Croto, Q. Not in RE Rabir. 31 The cognomen, not in Kajanto, also comes with Ti. Maecilius Croto (RE 3), legate in 215. Cupido Verr. II.115.IV.4-7.12f.123. 135.V.142 Curidius, L. (homo honestus) Not in RE Verr. IV.44 Curius, M'. (client of L. Crassus) RE 5 Caec. 53 Curius, Q. (homo quaestorius, Catilinarian, gaming partner of Antony) RE 3 and 7 and suppl. III. Bs Phil. V13f.VIII.27.Fr.IX.28 (Ascon. 9 3 1 8 ) This notissimus aleator, condemned for gambling (Ascon. 93, Quint. 6.3.72), ought surely to have been identified with the gamester whom Antony brought back from exile in 44 (cf. Munzer in RE suppl. III). For the rest, he is not the consular hopeful of 64 (Att. 1.1.2), whose name was almost certainly L. Turius, but is probably the Catilinarian informer of Sail. Cat. 23 etc.; see B. A. Marshall AC 47 (1978). 207-9. His praenomen in Phil. V.i 3 appears as M. (M'. Lambinus) only in the D family of manuscripts; the Vaticanus omits it.
Curius (M'.f.M'.n. Dentatus), M'. (cens. 272) RE 9. S 2 . Bs Mur. 17 (Curii). 31. Sull. 23. Sest. 143 (Curii). Cael. 39 (Curii). Pis. 58 (Curii). Plane. 60 Curtius (prosecutor) RE 1 Sex. Rose. 90 (Curtii) Curtius, C. (father of Curtius [Rabirius]) Postumus, princeps equestris ordinis, fortissimus et maximus publicanus) RE 5-N Rabir. 8. Rab. Post. 3(f. 1.45.47 Nothing is gained by distinguishing with Nicolet (p. 861 n.2) between C. Rabirius' brother-in-law C. Curtius and the C. Curtius referred to in Rabir. 8 as propinquus C. Rabiii. Probably there was a blood relationship for which we have no other evidence, or else propinquus (instead of affinis) is a slip on Cicero's part. "L'erreur de Shackleton Bailey, Cicero's Letters, IV, p. 361," to which Nicolet invites attention in his entry "M. Curtius" (p. 863), is the sole property of its discoverer, who followed a long obsolete numbering. When Nicolet referred to Q.fr. II.15.3 he meant 11.14(131.3, and when he referred to II. 14.3 7 he meant 11.13(121.3. When I referred to 2.14.3,1 meant 2.14(131.3, not, as Nicolet supposed, 2.13(121.3. Curtius, Q. (aed. 7i|?), friend of Verres) RE 12 Verr. 1.158 Munzer suggests identity with Q. Curtius Postumus (see below), who does not sound like a
senator. More likely a relative (so Nicolet p. 861). Curtius (Peducaeanus), M. (pr. 50) Cf. RE 8, 23 and N p. 861. Bs Flacc. 30. Sen. 21 See Nomenclature 33. Nicolet's doubt as to the praenomen ("C. [ou M.|") was needless. Curtii Postumi, Q. and Cn. RE 25. Cf. N p. 861 Verr. I. 100. 102 "Q. et Cn. Postumi Curtii" and "Curtii." Nicolet (pp. 861 and 1002) engenders a pair of monsters, the Curtii Postumii. The inversion would astound after a single praenomen, but with two the effect may be represented by "Gnaeus and Quintus, the Postumi Curtii." Curtius Postumus, C. See Rabirius Cusinius (M.f. Ve7.) M. (pr. 44) RE 1. W. Bs Phil, m.27 Cyclops Verr. V.146 Cydas (of Gortyn) RE Kydas 1 Phil. V.i3(f.).VIII.26 Cytheris See Volumnia Cytheris Decidius, Cn. (Samnis) RE 1 Cluent. 161 Decidius Saxa, (L.)(tr. 44). RE 4. W. Bs Phil. VIII.9 (Saxae).26.X.22. XI.12.37.XII.20.XIII.2.27. XIV. 10 "Saxa Decidius" in XIII.27. Elsewhere "Saxa(e)."
7 In his footnote, to add to the confusion, the references become "II-15(13)-^" and "II. 14(1 z). 1 " (standing for II. 1 j| 11).}|.
Decii, Decii Mures Dom. 64. Sest. 143. Phil. XIII.27 [Muribus Deciis) Decii Magii See Magius, Decius Decius, P. (Antonian) RE 10 Phil. XI.13.XIII.27. See tDecumus Decius (Q.f. Mus), P. (cos. 340) RE 15 Sest. 48. Rab. Post. 2. See Decii. Decius (P.f.Q.n. Mus), P. (IV cos. 29s) RE 16 Sest. 48. (Rab. Post. 2). Phil. V.48 (Decii). See Decii tDecumus (satellite of Clodius) Not in RE Dom. 50 (Decumi) The name seems to be corrupt, whether for Decius (note the Antonian P. Decius), Decimius, or Decimus: see Nomenclature 34. Deiotarus (I, king of Calatia) RE 2 and suppl. Ill Har. resp. 29. Deiot. passim. Phil.II.93-5(f.).XI. 3 i.33f. His wife: Deiot. 15 Deiotarus (II, son and co-ruler of the above) RE 3 (Deiot. 9-15-40). Phil. XI.31.33 Demetrius (of Tyndaris) Not in RE Verr. IV. 9 2 Demetrius Phalereus i?£ 85 and suppl. XI Rab. Post. 23 Demetrium, qui Phalereus vocitatus est. Dexo (of Tyndaris) RE Verr. V.io8(f.).110.128 Diana Verr.^.71^ 74.76- Har. resp. 32
Didius (T.f.Sex.n.), T. (cos. 98) RE 5 and suppl. III. Bs Font. 43. Mur. 17 (Didii). Pis. 61. Plane. 61 In Font, the transmitted praenomen P. is retained in some editions without evident misgiving. Münzer in RE (Didius 1 ), making him 'vermutlich' son of the sponsor of the lex Didia sumptuaria, took no account of the references in Mur. and Plane., where he is reckoned as a novus like Marius. Dinaea (mother-in-law of Oppianicus) RE Cluent. 2i(f.).33.4of.(i25.i7i) Dio (of Alexandria) RE Dion 13, 14 Cael. 23f.51.l54) Dio (of Apollonia) Not in RE Flacc. 74 Dio (of Halaesa) See Caecilius Dio Diocles (of Centuripae) RE Diokles 38 Verr. III. 129 Diocles (father of Apollonius of Panhormus) Cf. RE Diokles 40 Verr. V.i 6 Diocles Phimes (of Panhormus) RE Diokles 40 Verr. III.93 (Diocles est Panhormitanus, Phimes cognomine) Diocles Popillius (of Lilybaeum) RE Diokles 39 Verr. IV.35 Diocles est.. . Popillius cognomine Diodorus (of Melita) RE 29 Verr. IV.38-41. His kinsman: Verr. IV.38f. Diodorus (son of Timarchides, of Syracuse) RE 30 Verr. IV. 138
Diodorus See Lutatius Diodorus Diogenes (cynic) RE 44 Mur. 75 Diogenes (slave of Cleophantus) Not in RE Cluent. 47.53.(61).176 Diognetus (slave of Venus) N o t in RE Verr. 111.86 Dionysia (danseuse) RE 2 Rose. com. 23 Dionysiarchus (of Catina) RE Verr. IV. 50 Dionysius (I, tyrant) RE 1 Verr. V. 143.145 Dionysius (II) RE 2 Rab. Post. 23 Dionysodorus (of Syracuse) RE 14 Verr. II. 50 Dis Pater Verr. IV. 107 Docimus (tithe collector in Sicily) Not in RE Verr. III.78f.83 Domitius, Cn. (iudex quaestionisj Cf. RE 43. Bs p. 81 Cael. 32, Probably not Calvinus, though opinions are still divided; cf. Mommsen, Staatsrecht II.584 n.3. (Domitius Cn.f.L.n. Ahenobarbus, Cn. [cos. suff. 162] RE 19). Bs (Fr. VIII.6 [Ascon. 79.25]) Domitius (Cn.f.Cn.n.Fab. Ahenobarbus), C n . (cos. 122) RE 20 and suppl. III. Bs Verr. 1.143. Font. 36. Cluent. 119. (Fr. VIII.6 [Ascon. 79.25]) Domitius (Cn.f.Cn.n.Fab. Ahenobarbus), Cn. (cos. 96) RE 21. S 2 . Bs
Div. Caec. 67. Verr. II. 118. Leg. agr. II.i8f. Rabir. 21. Scaur, fr. c. Deiot. 31. Fr. (VIII. 5 [Ascon. 80.7f.ll f- (Ascon. 79.25). 7 (Ascon. 8o.i6).f. (Ascon. 81.1) Domitius (L.f.Cn.n.Fab. Ahenobarbus), Cn. (cos. 32. Son of cos. 54) RE 23. Bs Phil. II.27.30.X.13 Domitius (Cn.f.Cn.n.Fab. Ahenobarbus), L. (cos. 94) RE 26 Verr. V.7. Rabir. 21 Domitius (Cn.f.Cn.n.Fab. Ahenobarbus), L. (cos. 54) RE 27. N. S 2 . Bs Verr. 1.139f. Vatin.25. (Scaur. 27). Mil. 22. Phil. 11.(27)71. XIII.29 Domitius Apulus (Antonian) RE 34. W. Bs Phil. XI. 13 (Apulo Domitio) "Apulus" is probably cognomen rather than ethnicon. Syme [Historia 4 [195 5] 61] = Rom.pap. 280) compares the epigrammatist D o m i t i u s Marsus. Domitius (M.f.M.n.Men. Calvinus), Cn. (cos. 53) RE 43. Bs Flacc. 31.68. Sest. 113. (Vatin. 16). Cf. Vatin. 5.38 (Fr. XV.13 [Schol. Bob. 172.i6[). Cf. Vatin. 5 For his tribe see Syme Senators 116 = Rom. pap. 593f. T h e nomenclature Domitius Calvinus in Q.Fr. 3.4.1 may cast a shadow on his nobilitas. Between C n . Domitius Calvinus Maximus, consul in 283, and this Calvinus' father, who rose no f u r t h e r than the praetorship, the family is in eclipse. Was the aristocratic cognomen a revival? Even so, descent was probably claimed, as in the case of the Sempronius Asellio who became
Atratinus. On the other hand we have the notable huius etiam clarissimi viri of Flacc. 31. That is a compliment elsewhere reserved by Cicero for nobles and consulars (mostly the two combined), with three understandable exceptions, L. Murena, the father of Cicero's client, Milo, and L. Lucceius, the last in a letter addressed to him (cf. M. Gelzer The Roman nobility [tr. 1969] 40—3). True, Calvinus was present to receive it. Domitius Sincaius, Cn. (Sardinian) RE 82 Scaur. 43 Dorotheus (of Thermae) Not in RE Verr. II.89(f.) Dorylaus (envoy of Deiotarus) Not in RE Deiot. 41 Duilius (M.f.M.n.), C. (cos. 260) RE 3 Plane. 60 On the spelling see Miinzer. Egnatius, Cn. (senator) RE 8. Bs Cluent. 135 He belongs in Wiseman's list. Egnatius (Cn.f.), Cn. (senator) Cf. RE 2 and 27. Bs Cluent. 135 See Nomenclature 36 citing Syme Histoiia 4 (1955).61. Egnatuleius, L. (q. 44) RE 2 Phil. III.7.39 IV.6.V.52 Ennius (meicennarius Oppianici) RE Cluent. 163 Ennius, (Q.)(poet) RE 3 (Mur. 30). Arch. 18.22.27. (Balb. 51. Prov. cons. 20 Pis. 43. Rab. Post. 28)
Epicrates (of Badis) Not in RE Verr. II.53-6.59-63.65.140 Epicurus RE Epikuros 4 Pis. 59.69. Fr. VI.2 (Hieron. Ep. 52.8). I.e. L. Piso: Pis. 20.37.(59] Epicureus Sen. 14. rei (Sest. 23f.). Pis. 70.92 Epicurei philosophi Pis. 68 (Epidius) Marullus, (C.)(tr. 44) RE 3 Phil.xni.31 Cognomen not in Kajanto. Its rarity may have prompted Cicero to use it, while referring to Marullus' colleague, L. Caesetius Flavus, by gentilicium. Epigonus (of Tralles) Not in RE Flacc. 52 (Epigoni) Replacing Lepisones (Nomenclature 5f.). Eppius, L. RE i. N Flacc. 31 (Equitius, L. [insitivus Gracchus-, tr. pi. design. 100]) RE 3. W. N (Rabir. 20. Sest. 101). See "(Sempronius) Gracchus." Erechtheus (king of Athens) Sest. 48. His daughters: ibid. Eriphyla RE Verr. IV.39 Eros (comic actor) RE 4 Rose. com. 30 Erucius, C. (prosecutor of Sex. Roscius) RE 2 Sex. Rose. (28)-35 et passim. Fr. II. 10 (Prise. GLK. II. 112.20) Eubulida (of Herbita) RE 1 Verr. V.no.128. His son: Verr. V.110.123.128 Eubulidas Grosp(h)us (of Centuripae) RE 2 Verr. III. 5 6 [Euhadiaj See Euhodia
Euhius Flacc. 60 Euhodia (wife of Execestus) Not in RE Pis. 89 So read for "Euhadia" or "Euchadia" (Bailey HSPh? 151). (Eumenes [II]) See Attalus (I) Eumenida(s)(of Halyciae) Not in RE Verr. V.15 Eupolemus (of Calacte) RE 10 Verr. IV.49 Euripides RE 4 and suppl. XI Fr. VI.2 (Hieron. Ep. 52-8) Europa [in tauro) RE 1 Verr. IV. 135 Eutychus (character in Caecilius) Sex. Rose. 46f. Execestus Not in RE Pis. 89 fExtitius (q.43) RE Titius 24. Cf. W (Titius, Sex.). Bs Phil. XIII.28. Cf. Phil. VI. 10 Apparently the name is corrupt, perhaps representing Sex. Titius. But see Nomenclature 3 6f. Fabia (Vestal) RE 172 (Fr. IX.22 [Ascon. 91.14]) Fabii Font. 36 Fabii (of Saguntum) Balb. 51 Fabius, M. (subscriptor to M. Plaetorius) RE 26 Font. 36 Fabius, P. (adversary of M. Tullius) RE 28 Tull. passim Fabius, Q. (of Saguntum) RE 33 Balb. 50
(Fabius C.f.) Hadrianus, (C.)(pr. 8 4 ) RE
Verr. I.70.V.94 (Fabii) Maximi Sest. 143. Vatin. 28 (Fabius) Maximus, Q. (identity uncertain) Verr. IV.42 (Fabius Q.f.Q.n.) Maximus (Aemilianus, Q.)(cos. 14s) RE 109 and suppl. HI. Bs Rab. Post. 2 (Fabius Q. Aemiliani f.Q.n.) Maximus (Allobrogicus), Q. (cos. 121) RE n o . S 2 Font. 36. Mur. 75 Fabianus fornix Verr. a. pr. 19. Plane. 17 (Fabius Q. Serviliani f.Q.n.) Maximus (Eburnus), Q. (cos. 116) RE h i and suppl. III. Bs Mur. 36. Balb. 28 (Fabius M.f.N.n. Maximus) Rullus, (Q.)(V cos. 295) RE 1 1 4 and suppl. Ill Phil. V.48 (Rulli) (Fabius Q.f.Q.n.) Maximus Sanga, Q. (cos. suff. 45) RE 108 and suppl. Ill, 143. Bs Vatin. 28. Pis. 77 "Q. Maximus" and "Q. Sanga." On the probable identity of Sanga with the consul of 45 see my note on Att. 2.1.5 (vol. I. p. 348).
Fabius (Q.f.Q.n.) Maximus (Verrucosus), Q. (Cunctator, V cos. 209) RE 116 and suppl. III. S*. Bs Verr. V.25. Imp. Pomp. 47. Leg. agr. II.90. Arch. 22 (Maximi). Pis. 14.58 (Maximi). Plane. 60. Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Orat. 232)(Maximi). Cf. Sest. 143.
"(Q.) Maximus (Maximi)/' except Leg. agr. II.90 Q. Fulvium Q. Fabium consules. Fabricii, C. and L. RE 2, 3 Cluent. 46L49L Fabricii (i.e. C. Fabricius and C. Fabricius Scamander [see Scamander]) Cluent. s9f.62.81.86 Fabricius (Pob.), C. (of Aletrium) RE 2 Cluent. 47.49.(52).56.58-62. (671.105.(125). See Fabricii Fabricianum venenum Cluent. 189.201 Fabricius (Pob.), L. Cluent. 47. See Fabricii, C. and L. Fabricius, Q. (tr. 57) RE 7 Sen. 22. Sest. 75.78. Mil. 38 Fabricius (C.f.C.n.) Luscinius, C. (II cos. 278) RE 9. Bs Leg. agr. II.64 (Luscini). Sest. 143 (Fabricii). Cael. 39 (Fabricii). Balb. 50. Pis. 58 (Fabricii). Plane. 60 "C. Fabricius" in Balb. 50 and Plane. 60 Fabricius Scamander, C. See Scamander Fadia RE 13 Phil. (II.3.III.i7).XIII.23 The phraseology of these passages and of Att. 16.11.1 indicates that she was not Antony's wife, as generally supposed, though he acknowledged paternity of her children, generum in Phil. II.3 could be sarcastic (cf. Phil. II.20 a mima uxore). So C. L. Babcock [AJPh. 86(1965].13 n.25). Fadius, Q. or C. RE 3 Phil. 11.3.(111.17.)
See my note on Fam. 5.20.2 (vol. I. pp. 466f.) The praenomen seems to be Caius in Att. 16, 11, 1.1 blamed the copyist for the discrepancy, but Cicero himself may have slipped. Fadius, T. (tr. 57) RE 9. W. Bs Sen. 21 Findings in CR 12(19621.196 have been endorsed among others by Syme: "he has no claim to the cognomen 'Gallus,' which was added by mistake to the superscription of Ad Fam. VII.27" (Senators 1 1 6 = Rom. pap. 594). Falcidius (businessman in Asia) RE i.N Flacc. 90-94 passim. His mother: Flacc. 90-93. His sister: Flacc. 90.92f. Falcidianum crimen Flacc. 90 The praenomen C. in Nicolet is unattested. Falcidius (Qui.), C. (tr. before 81?) RE 2. W Imp. Pomp. 58 Fannius, C. (pr. before 49) RE 9. Bs Har. resp. 12. Sest. 1 1 3 . (Vatin. 16). Phil. XIII. 13(?). Cf. Vatin. 5 The envoy of Phil. XIII. 13 may be a different C. Fannius (see Bs). Fannius (Ter.), Cn. RE11.N Verr. I. 128. 130 See Nomenclature 38 on the manuscript readings. They favor "Faenius," which I still think would be a less familiar name to a copyist of Cicero, pace Sumner CPh i6of. But Sumner rightly urged that this man's mother's name is Fannia in Valerius Maximus (1.5.5 a n d 8.2.3) and Plutarch (Mar. 38) and that his own name will have come from a
relative of hers who adopted him. Thus "Fannius" is vindicated, aside from a possibility that the name was corrupt in the source used by Valerius and Plutarch. Fannius, L. (Marian) RE 1 2 Verr. I.87 Fannius, M. (pr. 80) RE 15. Bs Sex. Rose. u f . ( 8 s ) Fannius Chaerea, C. (adversary of Q. Roscius) RE 17 Rose. com. passim Tria nomina in 3 (address) and 20. "Chaerea" in 20 and 45. " C . Fannius" in 2. Elsewhere "Fannius." (Fausta [daughter of Sulla Felix and wife of Milo]) RE Cornelius 436 (Mil. 28.54I) Faustus See Cornelius Sulla. Favonius, M. (pr. 49) RE 1. W. Bs Mil. 26.44 Felicitas (temple of) Verr. IV.4.126 Fidiculanius (Col.) Falcula, C. (senator) RE W. N. Bs Caec. 28.(29^). Cluent. I03Í.II2-4 Tría nomina in Cluent. 103. "Fidiculanius" in 104.108.1 i2f. "Falcula" in 1 1 3 f . "Fidiculanius Falcula" in Caec. 28, where the praenomen should probably be added. We should expect him to be introduced with tria nomina, as in the Pro Cluentio, rather than the rare nomen + cognomen. [Fidulius] See below. Fidulus, C. (satellite of Clodius) RE Fidulius
Dom. 79.80 (Fiduli). 82. Vatin. 3i
See Nomenclature 39. Firmidius (satellite of Clodius) RE Sest. 1 1 2 Flaminius, C. (aed. cur. 67?) RE 4. W Cluent. 126.147 Flavius (Anni vel Cn.f.), Cn. (scriba, aed. cur. 304) RE 15 Mur. 25 Flavius, L. [vir primarius, eq. R.) RE 16. N Verr. 1.14. V. 1 5 . 1 5 sf. Probably father of the two brothers recommended in Fam. 1 3 . 3 1 . 1 (Nomenclature 39; so too Nicolet). Flavius (Ste.), Q. (of Tarquinii) RE 22 Rose. com. 32.34f.37-42.48f. 5if.54-6 (Flavius C.f.) Fimbria, C. (cos. 104) RE 87. W. S 2 . Bs Verr. V.181. Font. 24.26. Rabir. 2 1 . Plane. 12.52 (Flavius C.f.C.n.) Fimbria, C. (q. 86?) RE 88. W. S\ Bs Sex. Rose. 33 Fimbrianum dictum atque factum Sex. Rose. 34. Flavius Pusio, C. RE 158. N Cluent. 1 5 3 Flora mater Verr. V.36 Floras Not in RE Cluent. 162 The manuscripts are divided between floro and florio. Either is possible (Nomenclature 39). Fonteia gens (Font. 41). Dom. 1 1 6 Fonteianum nomen Har. resp. 57
Fonteia (Vestal, sister of M. Fonteius) RE 31 Font. (46).47.(48f.). Fonteius (i.e. "a Fonteius") Dom. 35 (Fonteius Pap. [leg. 91, father of the two following]) RE 2 (Font. 41.48) Fonteius (Pap.), C. (leg. 74-2) RE 7 Font. 18 Fonteius (Pap.), M. (pr. 75?) RE 12. Bs Font, passim. His mother: Font. 46.48 Fonteius, P. (Clodius' adoptive father) RE 13 Dom. (34-71-77 Fors Pis. 3 Fortuna Cf. Font. 16. Marc. 6f. Phil. XIII. 10.40. Temple of, Verr. IV. 119. Fortuna populi Romani Verr. a. pr. 16 Imp. Pomp. 28.45. Catil. I.15. Mil. 83.87. Phil. II.88.V.39.XIV.38. Fortuna Siculorum Verr. IV. 90 Fuficius, C. RE 2 Verr. II. 31 Fufidius [eq. R., homo ornatissimus) RE 1. N Pis. 86 Fufii, C. and M. (equites Romani, primarii viri) RE 4. N Flacc. 46-8 Fufianum nomen Flacc. 47 Fufius, Q. (honestissimus eq. R.) RE 7. N Phil. II.41 (Fufius) Calenus, L. (witness) RE 8(W) Verr. II.23. Fr. IX.6 (Ascon. 86.3)
The gentilicium is not actually attested. (Fufius C.f. Calenus, Q. [father of the following]) RE 9. W (Phil.-Vin.13) Fufius (Q.f.C.n.) Calenus, Q. (cos. 47) RE 10. W. Bs Cael. 19. Phil. (III.20.V.1.25. VII.5).VIII.ii-i9 passim. X. 3 (f.).5.(f.)-XI.i5.XII.(i). 3 f.i8. (XIV.15.18). Cf. Phil. VII.3f. "Q.Fufius" (address) Phil. VIII. 16-8.X.5; also VIII.11.XI.15. XII.4. "Fufius" Cael. 19. "Calenus" (address) Phil. VIII. 12. 15.19.X.3.6; also XII.3f.18. (Fufius Q.f.Q.n. Calenus, Q. [son of above]) RE 11 (Phil. X.4f.) Fulcinius, C. (envoy to Fidenae 438) RE 1 Phil. IX.( 4 ). 5 .(7) Fulcinius (Ste.), M. (of Tarquinii, argentarius) RE 4 Caec. i of. Fulcinianus fundus Caec. 15.82 Fulcinius (M.f.Ste.), M. (son of above) Cf. RE 4 Caec. (11 ).i2. His wife: ibid. Fulcinius, M. (freedman) Cf. RE 4 Caec. 17 Fulvii Plane. 20 (Fulvia [wife of Clodius, Curio, Antony]) RE 113 (Har. resp. 39. Mil. 28.55. Phil. L33.II.x1. III.4.10.16. V. 11.22.XII. 1 f. XIII. 18) See Pinaria (Fulvius) Bambalio, M. (father of above) RE 40
Phil. II.90.III.16 "M. Bambalio" and "Bambalio quidam." As generally believed, one of the decayed but still surviving noble Fulvii (cf. my notes on Att. 4.3.3 and 4.18.3); so, for example, C. L. Babcock, AJPh. 86(i96s)-3f. But how can this be reconciled with the wording of Phil. III. 16? at avus nobilis surely implies that Fulvia's father, just mentioned, was not noble. Contrary to Babcock, locupletis in that passage is one more hit at Fulvia's lucrative sales of exemptions and grants. Fulvius (M.f.Q.n.Pap.) Flaccus, M. (cos. 125) RE 58. S 2 Catil. I.4.29.(IV.13). Dom. 1 0 2 . 1 1 4 . Phil. VIII.14. His children: Catil. I.4.IV.13. Phil. VIII. 14 In Dom. 102 " M. Fulvius Flaccus" (special effect). "Flaccus" in Catil. I.29. Elsewhere "M. Fulvius." Fulvius (Q.f.M.n.Pap. Flaccus), Q. (IV cos. 209) RE 59 Leg. agr. II.90 (Q. Fulvium Q. Fabium consules) Fulvius (Q.f.M.n.Plap. Flaccus), Q. (cos. 179) RE 61 Verr. 1.106 [A. Postumio Q. Fulvio censoribus) Fulvius Neratus, P. (lectissimus homo) RE 89 Flacc. 46 Fulvius (M.f.Ser.n.Pap. Nobilior), M. (cos. 189) RE 91. Bs Mur. 3 1 . Arch. 22 (Fulvii). 27 {ille . . . Fulvius). Prov. cons. 20 Furfanus (Postumus), T. (pr. 46?) RE and W and Bs Furfanius
Mil. 7 4 f . See Nomenclature 40. Furius (of Heraclia in Sicily) RE 3 Verr. V.ii2(ii3f.). His mother: Verr. V. 1 1 2 . 1 2 9 Furius, C. (author of the lex Furia) RE 11 Balb. 21 Furius, (N.?)(dealer in real estate) RE 1, 2 1 . N Balb. 45 This legal expert to whom Scaevola the Augur sometimes referred his clients (cf. Val. Max. 8.12.1) is probably, as Munzer suggested, the close friend of L. Crassus mentioned in De oiat. 3.87. To Nicolet's rejection ("mais rien ne justifie cette identification") it can be answered, with Munzer, that a friend of Scaevola is well placed as a friend of Crassus. Furius, P. (tr. 100?) RE 22. W. Bs Rabir. 24 Furius, P. (Catilinarian) RE 23 Catil. III. 14 Furius (L.f.Sp.n.) Camillus, M. (V diet. 367) RE 44 and suppl. Ill Dom. 86. Sest. 143 (Camilli). Cael. 39 (Camilli). Pis. 58 (Camilli). (Furius Pacilus Fusus [?], Q. (pont. max. 449I) RE 24 (cf. 76) (Fr. VII.50 [Ascon. 77.19]) Furius Philus, L. (cos. 136) RE 78. S 2 Leg. agr. II.64 (Phili). Mur. 66. Arch. 16 Mur. 66 "L. Philus." Arch. 16 "L. Furius." Gabinius (A.f.), A. (cos. 58) RE 1 1 and suppl. III. Bs
Imp. Pomp. 52.57t. Sen. (io-i3).i6.(i7f.32. Quir. n). Dom. 23.55.(60.62).66.70.102. 124-6. Har. resp. 2. Sest. (18. 20.26.28-3o).32.(s2).53.55.70. 93. Vatin. 25. Prov. cons. 2.9—18 passim. 25. Pis. fr. xxi Nisbet. 3.12.14-27passim. (37).4o-5i passim. 75.(78).88. Rab. Post.—21.30-4.37f. (Plane. 87). Phil. II.48.XIV.24. Fr. VII. 31 (Ascon. 71.17). See consules, Semiramis Gabinianum iudicium Rab. Post. 1 1 . num tempus Har. resp. 2 See Badian's article "The early career of A. Gabinius (cos. 58 B.C.)" in Philologus 103 (1959).87-99, especially 97f. on a possible cognomen Capito. Gabinius, P. (pr. 89 or 88) RE 13-Bs Div. Caec. 64. Arch. 9 See Badian PACA 1 (1958). 3-7Gabinius (Capito), P. (Catilinarian) RE 15. N Catil. III.6.i2.i4.IV.i2.f. The cognomen Capito is provided by Sallust [Cat. 17.4). "Cimber" in Catil. III.6 Cimbium Gabinium may have been a nickname (cf. Phil. XIII.26 Philadelphus Annius). It is scarcely to be taken with Münzer as "sprichwortliche Bezeichnung des die Gallier überbietenden wildesten Romerfeindes." "Gaiae" Mur. 27 Gallius, C. (senator) RE 3. Cf. W no. 536. Bs Gallus Verr. III.152 Perhaps a brother of Q. Gallius, aed. 67. The manuscripts
have "C. Gallus" (twice); see Nomenclature 40Î. But I now feel less happy about Badian's identification with the jurist C. Aquillius Gallus. See p. 6 with n. 14 Gallius (Q.f.), M. (pr. by 44) RE 5. (W). Bs Phil. XIII.26 Cf. Nomenclature is.f. (M. Axianus). His name should disappear from Phil 111.25, where Clark put it, as it has in my edition; see S 1 265! and 367 n.55. Gallius, Q. (aed. pi. 67) RE 6. W Fr. VI. 1 (Quint. 8.3.66, Aquila Rhet. Lat. Halm 23.12MIX.12 [Ascon. 88.1]) Gallonius, (P.)(auctioneer) RE 2 Quinct. 94 [Gallus, C.J See Gallius, C. Gavii Sest. 72 Gavius, P. (of Consa [Compsa], Roman citizen crucified by Verres) RE 6 Verr. (I.13.III.6.59.IV.24.26). V.i58.i6o(f.).i64f.(i68). 169^(172) Gavius Olelus (?) Not in RE Cf. Sest. 72 The cognomen is very doubtful (Nomenclature 41). Gellius (Tro.) (satellite of Clodius) RE 1. N Har. resp. 59 (Gellii). Sest. 1 1 0 - 1 2 . Vatin. 4. His wife: Sest. 110. His sister: Sest. 1 1 1 The brother noticed in Sest. 1 1 0 is certainly L. Marcius Philippus, cos. 56, not L. Gellius Poplicola, cos. 72. See Nicolet p. 898 and Wiseman Cinna 119-29. Gellius (L.f.L.n. Tro.), L. (cos. 72). RE 17 and suppl. III. S\ Bs
Verr. Cluent ( 1 1 7 - 9 ) . 120.(123-30). 1 3 if. (I33 I35)- Quir. 17. Balb. 19.33. Pis. 6 On the false cognomen Poplicola or Publicola see Badian BICS Geminus See Apollonius Geminus Glaucippus RE Claukippos 1 Leg. agr. 1.13 Gnatho (character in Terence's Eunuchus) Phil. II. 15 Gorgo RE 1 Verr. IV. 124 Gracchus (insitivus) See Equitius [Gracchus] See Brocchus Granius (Fal.), P. (of Puteoli, merchant) RE 6 Verr. V.154. His freedmen: ibid. Granius (Fal., Q.)(auctioneer) RE 8 Plane. 33 Gratidius (Cor.), M. (leg. 6 1 - 5 9 ) RE 3. (W). N Flacc. 49 Grat(t)ius (prosecutor of Archia*) RE 1 Arch. 8 . 1 2 Gutta, Ti. (senator) RE. W. Bs Cluent. "Ti. Gutta" in 98 and 127. Elsewhere "Gutta." Cf. Wiseman CQ 127. [Habonius, L.j See Rabonius (Habra [slave-girl]) Not in RE (Har. resp. 44) See my note on Att. 1.12.3. Hannibal RE 8 Verr. V.31. Leg. agr. I.20.II.95.
Mur. 32.(84). Catil.IV.21. Har. resp. 27. Sest. 142. Balb. 51. Prov. cons. 4. Phil. I . n . V.25.27.VI.4.6.XIII.25.XIV.9 Hasdrubal (son of Hanno) RE 4 Verr. III.125 Hasdrubal (of Gades) RE is Balb. 51 Heii Verr. IV.6 Heius (pupillus, of Lilybaeum) RE 1 Verr. IV.37 Heius, C. (of Messana) RE 2 Verr. II.i3.IV.3f.7.10-19 Passim. 27.r50.V47 Heius (?), Cn. (senator) RE 3. W Cluent. 107 The manuscripts do not agree about his nomen. It may have been Heiulius [Nomenclature 43). Helena RE 3 Phil. II.55 Helvidius (Clu.) Rufus, P. (eq. R. omnium ornatissimus) RE 7. N Cluent. 198 Heracleo (pirate chief) RE Herakleon 2 Verr. V.91,97(98f.) Heraclides (of Temnos) RE Herakleides 34 Flacc. 4 2 . 4 5 - 5 0 passim Heraclius (of Amestratos) RE Herakleios 8 = 11 Verr. 111.88 Heraclius (of Centuripae) RE Herakleios 6 Verr. II.66f. Heraclius (of Segesta) RE Herakleios 7 Verr. V.i 11.120.(124) Heraclius (of Syracuse) RE Herakleios 4
Verr. 11.15.35-65 passim. 140.IV.136.139.151 Heraclius (kinsman of above) Cf. RE Herakleios 4 Verr. 11.35.(46) Heraclius (Syracusan magistrate) RE Herakleios 5 V e r r . IV. 1 3 7
Hercules Verr. IV.5.94f.V.i86. Dom. 134. Sest. 143. Balb. 39 Herennius, C. (tr. 80?) RE 7. Bs Verr. a. pr. 39 Mentioned along with C. Popillius and M. Atilius (Bulbus) as a juror found guilty of taking bribes. Cicero goes on to speak anonymously of senators who under Verres' praetorship found a defendant guilty without hearing his case and a senator who took a bribe from both prosecution and defense. Syme (Histoiia 4l I 955l- 6 3 = Rom.pap. 282) identifies these with the three senators previously named, and seems to disallow Munzer's identification of this C. Herennius both with the tribune mentioned by Sallust [Hist. fr. II.21 M) and the Sertorian general who was killed at Valentia in 76 (ibid. II.98.6 etc.). Even on Syme's showing the former is not excluded (Nomenclature 44). But the two groups of senators, named and unnamed, must be separate; for the juror who took a bribe from both sides was surely none other than Staienus (cf. Verr. II.79). He would not have been left out of the picture and the case was so well known that everyone would take the allusion.
(Herennius, C. (tr. 60]) RE 8 (Pis. 8? See Nisbet) Herennius (M.f.), M. (cos. 93) RE 10. W. S* Mur. 36 Herennius, T. (banker in Leptis) Not in RE Verr. I.i4.V.i55f. Herennius Balbus, L. (subscriptor against Caelius) RE 18 Cael. 2 5 - 3 0 p a s s i m . 49.53.56. See [Lucceius] "L. Herennius" in 25, 49 (address), 56. "Balbus" in 27 (address), 53. Hermarchus (of Chios) RE 2 Har. resp. 34 Hermippus (of Temnos) RE 4 Flacc. 4 5 - 5 0 Hermobius (of Temnos) RE Flacc. 43 Herodotus (of Cephaloedium) RE 6 Verr. II.128.130 Hiempsal (king of Numidia) RE 2 and suppl. Ill s. Iemsal Leg. agr. I.iof.II.58. Vatin. 12 Hieras (envoy of Deiotarus) RE Deiot. 41L (Phil. II.95) Hiero (II, king of Syracuse) RE 13 Verr. (III.15.20l.IV.29.il8. V.30.80 Hieronica lex Verr. II.32.34.63. 147 .III. 14L18f.(2o). 24.38.44. 117.12of. 123.147.150. V. 5 3 Hiero (of Cibyra) RE 18 and 22 Verr. IV.30f.96. See Cibyratae fratres, Cibyratici canes Hiero (father of Heraclius of Syracuse) Not in RE Verr. II.35 Hippia RE 10 Phil. II.62f.
turn existimavit se suo iure cum Hippia viveie et equos vectigalis Sergio mimo tradere. The words do not prove this person a mimus, or rather, they suggest the contrary. If he (?) had been a mimus like Sergius, we should expect alteri mimo or the like. Plutarch (Anton. 9) says he was, but did Plutarch have anything but this passage to go on? "Hippia" may be a feminine gentilicium -, cf. Q. Hippius (not in RE) of Fam. XIII.76. Hirtius (A.f.Pob.), A. (cos. 43) RE 2 and suppl. III. W. Bs Phil. I.(6). 3 7.III(2.7).37.39.V.(I). 2.53.(VI.I).VN.(II).I2.IIII.(5).6. 33.IX.i6.X.i5f.2i.XI.(2i.24).3i. 39.XII.9.XIII.(i6.2i).22(f.).24.32. (39).4i.46f.XIV.4.(6).22.25.27f. 3
36-8 Hirtuleius, (C.?)(q.86 or 85) RE 1 (cf. 3, 4). W. Bs Font. 2 Homerus RE 1 and suppl. XI Arch. 19.24 Honos et Virtus Verr. IV. 123. Temple of, IV. 121 (see Virtus) [Horatii] See Valerius Flaccus, C. Horatius, M. RE 2 Mil. 7. His sister: ibid. Horatius (M.f.) Pulvillus, M. (II cos. 507) RE 15 Dom. 139 Hortensii Arch. 6 Hortensius, L. (cos. desig. 109?) RE 5 (cf. 2) Verr. III.42 Hortensius (L.f. Hortalus), Q. (cos. 69) RE 13. S*
Quinct. i(f.).8.34f.44f.63.68. 72.77f.80. (Div. Caec. 2 3 - 5 . 44-7). Verr. a. pr. i8f.(2o).2sf. N).33-(34f-)-37.(53M-(i8).24. (25^)27.(29-311.^192.111.6. (7—9).42-70.i82.i88(f.).i9i. T93.205.2II.(2I3).2I5.222f.V. Pomp. 51f.56.66. Cluent. 179. Rabir. 18. Mur. 10.48. Sull. 3f.6.i2.i4.22.51. Flacc. 41.54. Sest. 3.14. (Prov. cons. 45?). Plane. 37. Mil. 37. Phil. II.4.12 "Quinte"in Verr. V. 176; seep. 6. "At least of praetorian family." "His father may be identical with the unfortunate cos. des. for 108, who was apparently condemned before entering upon his office" Badian Philologus 103 ( I 959)- 9 i and n.5. That this paradigmatic optimate was not nobilis would be hard to accept, especially in view of Verr. III. 7 ad tuam ipsius amicitiam ceterorumque hominum magnorum atque nobilium, also Att. 13.13- 14.1 hominibus nobilissimis, which includes him (cf. 13.16.1, 13.19.5) and we do not have to try. He may have traced descent from the dictator of 287 or 286, as remarked by Afzelius in Cl. etMed. 1(19381.69. Hortensius (Q.f.L.n. Hortalus), Q. (pr. 45? See S' 358. Son of the above) RE 8. Bs Phil. X. Cicero does not call him by cognomen, but that is far from proving that he did not have one. In Cicero's numerous references to the orator, the cognomen Hortalus occurs only twice, in letters. That this Hortensius bore
it, as did his son, might be assumed, even if Catullus had not so addressed him in 65.2, where with singular perversity communis opinio has persisted in making Hortale mean the orator. Common sense prefers Catullus' fast-living contemporary, who himself wrote erotic verses. For clearly it is he, not the elderly orator, who figures in Ovid's list (Tr. 2.441) between Varro of Atax and the younger Ser. Sulpicius. The younger Pliny [Ep. 5.3.5) may have mixed him up with his father and done the same with Sulpicius, but there is nothing to prove it.9 Pliny is simply producing highly placed persons who wrote such verses, not all of them as morally straight-laced as Cicero and M. Brutus. (Hostilius A.f.L.n.) Mancinus, C. (cos. 137) RE 18 Caec. 98. Har. resp. 43 C. Mancinum could be read in the first passage, with C. Mancini in the second. It is scarcely harder to add ut c. than ut between accipiunt and mancipi (which is what became of mancinum). (Hostilius) Saserna (C. or L. or P.)(tr. 44) RE 22-4. W Phil. XIII.28. His two brothers: ibid. (Hostilius) Tubulus, L. (pr. 142) RE 26 Scaur, fr. k Hostilius Tullus (tr. desig. 43) RE 7 Phil. (XII.2o).XIII.26 "Tullus Hostilius," cognomen
+ nomen; cf. Syme Senators 1 1 7 = Rom. pap. 595. Iacchus Verr. IV.135 Ialysus Verr. IV.135 Ianitor (of Lampsacus) RE 2 Verr. I.63f. Idaea mater Verr. V.186. Har. resp. 22. See Mater Magna Indutiomarus (Allobrogian) RE 1 Font. Insteius (Cam., M.)(tr. desig. 43, Antonian) RE 3. W. Bs Phil. (XII.2o).XIII.26 Cf. Syme Senators 1 1 7 = Rom. pap. 595f. Identification with the balneator (not aleator) of Att. 14.5.1 is suggested in my note ad loc. Isidorus (mime) RE 5 Verr. III.78.V.31.81 Ismenias (of Tyndaris) RE 5 Verr. IV.92 Iuba (I, king of Numidia) RE 1 and suppl. Ill Leg. agr. II. 5 9 Iugurtha RE Imp. Pomp. 60. Fr. XVI. 6 [Schol. Bob. 92.33) (Iulia [mother of Antony]) RE 543
(Catil.IV.13. Phil. II.49.58.). III.i7.(VIII.i) (Iulia [sister of the dictator]) RE 545
(Phil. III.17) Iulii Rabir. 21
'According to Wiseman "he probably meant the younger Hortensius, but the elder Ser. Sulpicius" (Cinna 190. n.65).
Iulii (L. Caesar, cos. 90, and C. Caesar Strabo) Scaur. 2 Iulius (C.f.C.n.Fab.) Caesar, C. (dictator) RE 131.S 1 . Bs Catil. rV.7(f.).9f.(n).(Sen.32). Dom. 22.39f.l104). Har. resp. (4.4S).47f- Sest. (i6).39(f-)-4i(f-). 71.132.135. Vatin. i5(f.).22.29. 38(f.). Balb. 43.i58j.61.63f. Prov. cons. (7).i8f.(22) et passim. Pis. (3).37.59-6i.(78).79-82. Rab. Post. 41f.l43f.l- Plane. (35) 93 Mil. 66.88. Marc. Lig. Deiot. passim. Phil. I.2f.(i3).16-19.23f. 28.32.35.II. 10.23-5.28f.34~ 36.43.49- ioo.io3f.io8-ii.(n6f.).III.i2. i5.30.(IV.4).V.7.i0-i2.i7.32.38f. 46.49.VI.i4.Vn.i6.VUI.9.(i3).i9. 28.X. 15-7.22.XI. 12.(351.37.39. XIII.2f.10.12.17f.23f.26-8.33. 38-41.46f.XrV.(23).27.(Fr. IX. 1 [Ascon. 83.i4]?XIV.28 [Schol. Bob. 90.31I). Cf.Leg. agr. I.16.22. Pis. fr. xx Nisbet. Iuliae leges Har. resp. 48. Iuliani Luperci Phil. XIII. 31 "C. Iulius" in Prov. cons. 39, for no obvious reason. "Divus Iulius" in Phil. II.no. Otherwise "(C.). Caesar." Iulius (L.f.Sex.n.Fal.) Caesar, L. (cos. 90) RE 142 Font. 43. Arch. 11. Plane. 51. (Phil. I.27). See Iulii "Iulius" Arch, n (Iulio et Ciasso [sc. censoribus]). "L. Iulius" Font. 43. "L. Caesar" Plane. SiHis father's tribe is recorded epigraphically; but "it is possible that the Falerna recorded in Version B ( va in A) is a mistake
of the Greek version which confused Fab. and Fal." (Taylor 222). Iulius (L.f.L.n.Fal.) Caesar, L. (cos. 64) RE 143. Bs Mur. 71. Catil. IV. 13. Sull. 5 sf. (Vatin. 11). Pis. 8 Phil. (I.27). II.i4(f.)VLi 4 .VIII.i f. zz.XI.19f. XII. 18 "(L.) Caesar," except "L.Iulius" in Sull. 56 (I. Iulio C. Figulo consulibus) and Pis. 8 (post L. Iulium et C. Marcium cónsules) (Iulius Sex.f.L.n.Fal. Caesar, Sex. [cos. 157]) RE 148/149 (Imp. Pomp, n ) Iulius (Fal. Caesar), Sex. (pr. 123) RE 150. Bs Dom. i36(f.) Iulius (C.f. Caesar), Sex. (cos. 91) RE151 Fr. VII.25 (Ascon. 68.19) I. Marcio Sex. Iulio coss. (Iulius) Caesar, Sex. (ñamen Quirinalis, q. 48) RE 152 (cf. 153) Har. resp. 12 No need to separate the flamen from Caesar's lieutenant; see S 1 258 n.31. Note incidentally that Sumner's description (following Broughton) of the younger L. Caesar [RE 144) as a senatorial envoy at the beginning of 49 had been invalidated in i960; see Bailey fRS 50 (19601.80-83, reprinted as Appendix III in Cicero's Letters to Atticus IV. (Iulius) C.f. (C.n.) Fab. Caesar (Octavianus), C. RE 132. Bs Phil. UI.3(f.).5.7f.ii.i4f-i719- V.23.28.(32).42-53 passim.VII. 10.24. VIII. 5.33.X. 15f.21.23.XI. 2o.37.(39)-XII.9-XIII.i6.i9f.22f. (24f.).39.4i.46f.49.XIV. 28.31.37 On his namestyle in
Cicero see Nomenclature nyi. On his tribe, originally Scaptia, ibid. 88f. Iulius (L.f.Sex.n.Fal.) Caesar (Strabo) Vopiscus, C. (aed. cur. 90) RE 135. S 2 Div. Caec. 63. Har. resp. 43. Phil. X I . 1 1 . See Iulii "C. Iulius" in the first two refs.; "Caesar Vopiscus ille" in the third. (Iulius C.f.L.n. Iulius, C. [cos. 482]) RE 294 (Fr. VII.50 [Ascon. 77.19]) (Iunia [wife of Lepidus]) RE 193 (Phil. XIII.8) Iunius [P.i.)[pupillus) RE 1 Verr. 1.(130-2).135.139.(141^). I43.(i46.i48).isi(f.).i53.
(III.16.51) The piaenomen P. in Nicolet is unattested. Iunius, C. (aed. 75, iudex quaestionis in the Oppianicus trial) RE 15 Verr. I.157. Cluent. 55.74.79. 89-94. 9 6 . 1 0 3 . 1 0 8 . 1 1 3 . 1 3 7 . His son: Cluent. 137 Iunianum consilium Verr. a. pr. 29. Cluent. 1 1 9 . num illud Cluent. 103. num iudicium Cluent. 1 . 1 3 8 . na subsortitio Verr. 1.157 Despite Wiseman (2o6f.), Cicero's language in Cluent. 94 makes it extremely probable that he was novus. The suggestion that he was a self-made nobilis like Scaurus etc. descended from C. Junius Brutus Bubulcus, cos. 291 and 277, cannot be seriously entertained. Iunius, M. (defender of Quinctius) RE 23 Quinct. 3
Kinsey's identification with M. Brutus, tr. 83, is very dubious; cf. Harvey Athenaeum2 I46f. n.6. The nomenclature is strongly against it. Perhaps identical with the following (Harvey). Iunius, M. (pr. 67?) RE 25 Cluent. 126 Iunius, M. (brother of the following, frugalissimus homo et castissimus) RE 24. N Verr. 1 . 1 3 5 . 1 3 7 . 1 3 9 . 1 4 ^ ( 1 5 1 ) Iunius, P. (father of pupillus) RE 28. N Verr. I.i3of.( 132.135).i5 i(f.). Iunius, Q. (senator) RE 30. W. Bs Verr. 1.18 (Iunii) Bruti (D. and M. Brutus) Phil. II.26.30.107.IV.7.X.4.15 (Iunius D.f.M.n.) Brutus, D. (cos. 77) RE 46. S 2 . Bs Verr. 1.144.150. (Imp. Pomp. 62). Rabir. 2 1 . (Phil. XI.18) (Iunius M.f.) Brutus, L. (first consul) RE 46a (suppl. V) Sest. 143 (Bruti). Plane. 60. Phil. I.13.II.26.114.III.9.11. V.17. See "Brutus." (Iunius M.?f.M.?n.) Brutus, M. (pr. ca. 140) RE 49 Cluent. 1 4 1 (Iunius M.f.M.?n.) Brutus, M. ("the prosecutor") RE 50. N. S 2 Font. 38. Cluent. i4of. (Iunius) Brutus, M. (tr. 83) RE 52. N Quinct. 65.69. Leg. agr. II.89. 92.98. See Iunius, M. The tribune, father of the "tyrannicide," and the founder of the colony of Capua are probably identical: see Harvey's discussion in Athenaeum2 145—8.
(Iunius) Brutus, M. ("tyrannicide") See Servilius Caepio Brutus (Iunius) Brutus (Albinus), D. (cos. desig. 43) RE 55a (suppl. V). Bs Phil. IIL1.8f.nf.14.34.37f.IV. 7-9.V.—7.5 i.VI.3.6f. 9. VII. 11.24.26. VIII. X.io.i5-i7.23.XI-4.n.(2i).22. 24.36.38.XII. 16.20.(25 )-34(f.).46-49.XIV. 1.3-5. See (Iunii) Bruti Generally agreed to have been the son of D. Iunius Brutus, cos. 77, adopted by a Postumius Albinus. It is remarkable that even in draft senatorial decrees Cicero does not refer to him by an adoptive nomenclature (contrast "Q. Caepio Brutus"). If the Greek sources which call him D. Brutus Albinus are correct (cf. Wiseman Cinna 1 5 3 - 6 , Nomenclature 118), his nomenclature differs from that attested in comparable cases. We should have expected "D. Brutus" in ordinary use, which is what we have, but "A.? Albinus Brutus" on official occasions. However, the comparable cases are not numerous enough to show just how unusual "D. Brutus Albinus" actually was—always assuming that the Greek sources are correct. Cf. Nomenclature 86. (Iunius M.f.M.n.) Brutus (Callaicus), D. (cos. 138) RE 57. S 2 Arch. 27. Balb. 40 (Bruti) (Iunius) Congus (Gracchanus, M.) RE 68 Plane. 58 On the agnomen, acquired
through friendship with C. Gracchus, see Nomenclature 83. (Iunius M.f.) Silanus, D. (cos. 62) RE 163. S 2 Mur. 82. Catil. IV.7.11. Flacc. 30. Pis. 56. Phil. II. 12 Iunius (D.f.D.n.) Silanus, M. (cos. 109) RE 169. S 2 . Bs Div. Caec. 67. Verr. II. 1 1 8 . Fr. VII.23 (Ascon. 68.7).VIII.7 (Ascon. 80.16) "M. Silanus," except in Fr. VII.23 Q- Caecilio M. Iunio coss. Iuno Verr. L50.52.61.IV.71.103f. V.36. (Dom.92). Iuno Regina Verr. V.184. Dom. 144. Scaur. 47. Iuno Sospita Mur. 90 Iuppiter Verr. II.126f.IV.67.71.128-30. 137.140.V.36. Font. 30. Mur. 88. Catil. III.20.22.29. Dom. 92. Har. resp. 20. Vatin. 20. Plane. 59. Mil. 85. Phil. II.32.110.V. 7f.XI.n.28.XIII.7.XIV.8. Iuppiter Capitolinus Verr. IV.66. See Capitolinus. Iuppiter Hospitalis Deiot. 18. Iuppiter Imperator Verr. IV. i28f. Iuppiter Olympius Verr. IV. 119. Iuppiter Optimus Maximus Sex. Rose. 1 3 1 . Div. Caec. 43. Verr. IV.64.66f.6971.V.i84. Leg. agr. 1.18. Rabir. 5.31. Catil. III.21. Quir. 1. Dom. 14.144. Har. resp. 10.21. Sest. 129. Prov. cons. 22. Scaur. 47. Phil. XIII.12.XIV.27. Fr. VII.2 (Prise. GLK II.294.2). Iuppiter Stator Catil. I.11.33.II.12. Phil. II.64. Iuppiter Zbelsurdis Pis. 85 Iuturna (temple of) Cluent. 101 Iuventia familia Plane. 19
(Iuventii Pap. [father and grandfather of Laterensis]) Cf. RE 16 Bs (Plane, s if.) Iuventius (Pap.)(aed. cur. 306) RE 1 Plane. 58 (Iuventius Pap.) Laterensis, M. (pr. 51) RE 16. Bs Vatin. 26. Plane. 2 - 5 7 passim. 63.67.71 et passim. Phil. XVI fr. His mother: cf. Plane. 18 Iuventius Pedo, M. (senator) RE 18. W.N Cluent. 107 Labienus (Vel., Q.)(uncle of the following) RE 4. N Rabir. 14.(18.21-3) Labienus (T.f.Vel.), T. (tr. 63) RE 6. W. Bs Rabir. 6 et passim. His father: Rabir. 22 Laelii (cos. 190 and cos. 140) Fr. VUI.9 (Cic. Orat. 232) Laelius (C.f.C.n.), C. (cos. 190) RE 2 Phil. XI.17. See Laelii Laelius (C.f.C.n.) Sapiens, C. (cos. 140) RE^. S \ Bs Verr. III.160.209 (Laelii). Leg. agr. II.64 (Laelii). Mur. 66. Arch. 16. Phil. II.83.VI.10. XI.17. See Laelii "(C.) Laelius (Laelii)," except in Phil. XI. 17. C. Laelium, illius Sapientis patrem. On VI. 10 see my edition. (Laelius, Df.?, D. [father of the following?]) RE 5. Bs (Flacc. 2.14) Laelius (D.f.),D. (tr. 54) RE 6 Flacc. 2.5f.i3f.(is).i7(f.).
Laenius Flaccus, M. (Cicero's host in Brundisium) RE 2. N Sest. 1 3 1 . Plane. 97. His father, brother, sons: Sest. 1 3 1 . Plane. 97 Lamia (muliei Segestana peidives et nobilis) RE 6 Verr. IV.59 Lapithae Pis. 22 Lars Tolumnius RE Tolumnius Phil. IX.4(f.7) Latona Verr. I.48.V.185 Lentidius (henchman of Clodius) RE 1 Dom. 89 (Lentidii). Sest. 80 Leo (of Imachara) RE Leon 22 Verr. V.15 Leonidas (of Triocalinum) RE 1 2 Verr. V.io(f.) [Lepiso] See Epigonus Leptines (assassin of Cn. Octavius) RE 5 Phil. IX.4.7 Liber, Liber Pater Verr. IV.128.140.V.27.36. Flacc. 60 Libera Verr. IV. V.36.187. See Proserpina Libertas Dom. i o 8 . i i o f . ( i i 2 ) . n 6 . i 3 i . (Har. resp. 33). Mil. 59 Licinia Gai filia (Vestal) RE 1 8 1 Dom. I36(f.) Licinius (gladiator) Not in RE Fr. IX.28 (Ascon. 93.18) Licinius (popa) RE 9 Mil. 65 Licinius, P. (pudens adulescens et bonus, Caeli familiaiis) RE 28 Cael. 6 1 - 6
Licinius Archias, A. RE 35 Arch, passim "A. Licinius" in 1.4.9. "Archias" in (Licinii) Crassi Phil. VIII.is Licinius (Crassus), C. (tr. 14s) RE 52 Oom. 136 (Licinia Cai fìlia) Licinius (L.f.C.n.) Crassus, L. (cos. 95) RE 55. S 2 . Bs Quinct. 80 (Crassi). Div. Caec. 25. Verr. II.122.191f. (Crassi). III.3.IV.133. Caec. 53.69. Font. 24.26. Cluent. 140L Rabir. 21.26. Arch. 6.11. Dom. 50. Balb. 3.49.56. Prov. cons. 19. Pis. 62. Plane. 33. Fr. II. 10 (Prise. GLK II. 112.20).(VII.21 [Ascon. 67.15)). See Licinii Crassi "(L.) Crassus (Crassi)/' except Verr. II. 122 L. Licinio C. Mucio consulibus. (Licinius P.f.M.n.) Crassus, M. ("triumvir") RE 68. S*. Bs Verr. III.123.V.5. Mur. 10.48. Flacc. 32. Har. resp. 12? 47. Sest. 39(f-Ui(f-)-48.(5i)- Cael. 9-18.23. Balb. (1l.17.50f.64. Pis. 58. (Plane. 49). Phil. II.7.12.XIV.17. Fr. (VII.48 [Ascon. 76.5D.IX.1? [Ascon. 83.14]). XVI.6 (Schol. Bob. 92.33). Cf. Leg. Agr. I.16.22 Not entitled to the agnomen Dives, which did not run in his branch of the family; see B. A. Marshall Hi stori a 22(1973). 459-67 and my note on Att. 2.13.2. Whether the pontifex of Har. resp. 12 is the "triumvir" or his homonymous son remains uncertain, pace A. M. Ward Marcus Crassus (1978).204 n.38. In Phil. XIV.17 ut sapienter dicere M. Crassus solebat the choice between L. Crassus (cos.
95) and Marcus should go in favor of the latter. The praenomen M., missing in most of the manuscripts, is supported by one of them and the adverb sapienter points that way. If the author of the remark had been so admittedly wise a man as L. Crassus, it would not have been needed. (Licinius M.f.P.n.) Crassus, P. (cos. 97) RE 61 Font. 43. Arch. 11. (Sest. 48). Balb. 40 (Crassi). sof.64. (Pis. 58). Plane. 32. Scaur. 1 r. 2 See Licinii Crassi Crassi, Manutius' emendation of Cassii in Balb. 40, should enter the text (the same scholar's Crasso and Crassum for Cassio and Cassium in Fam. 7.23.4 may well be right). The agnomen Dives in Macrob. Sat. 3.17.7 will be a simple mistake, if the reference is to this Crassus, as Miinzer thought. But Marshall (I.e. 466) shows that it may be to P. Crassus Mucianus. (Licinius) Crassus (Dives), P. (pr. 57) RE 71 Sen. 23 See my note on Att. 2.13.2. Licinius (P.f.P.n.) Crassus (Dives Mucianus), P. (cos. 131) RE 72. S\ Bs Scaur. 2. Phil. XI. 18 illius Crassi ... superioris and P. Ucinio L. Valerio consulibus Unnecessary confusion as to the two Crassi in Scaur. 1 r and 2 is dispelled by B. A. Marshall Latomus 35 (1976). 9 1 - 6 . (Licinius P.f.) Ceta, C. (cos. 116) RE 88. Bs Cluent. 119
O N O M A S T I C O N TO C I C E R O ' S S P E E C H E S
Licinius Lenticula (gambling partner of Antony's) RE 80 ("Denticulus [oder Denticula]") Phil. II.56. Cf. XIII.3 (see Mela) For "Lenticula," preferable to "Denticulus," see Nomenclature 47-
(Licinius L.f.) Lucullus, L. (pr. 104) RE 103 Verr. IV. 147 (Licinius L.f.L.n.) Lucullus, L. (cos. 74) RE 104. S 2 . Bs Verr. IV.49.V.34. Imp. Pomp. 5.10.20^23.26. Cluent. 137. Mur. 20.33f.37.69. Arch. 1 1 . 2 1 . Flacc. 85. Har. resp. 42. Sest. 58. Vatin. 24. Prov. cons. 22. Mil. 73. Phil. XI.33. See Luculli Sometimes called "Ponticus" without any ancient authority; see R. F. Thomas, AJAH 2 (i977)i7i(Licinius L.f.L.n.) Lucullus, M. RE no Phil. X.8 See Nomenclature 48. (Licinius) Lucullus, M. See (Terentius Varro) Lucullus (Licinius L.f.) Macer, C. (pr. 68?) RE 1 1 2 . S \ Bs Rabir. 7 (Licinii Murenae) (Mur. (Licinius L.f.L.n.Mae.) Murena, C. (aed.cur.ca. 59. Brother of cos. 62) RE 119. Bs Mur. 89 (Licinius Mae. Murena, L. (pr. 147)) RE 120. Bs (Mur. 15) (Licinius L.f.Mae. Murena, L. [pr. before 100). Son of above) RE 1 2 1 (Mur. is) (Licinius L.f.L.n:Mae.) Murena,
L. (pr. 88? Son of above) RE 122. Bs Verr. I.89. Imp. Pomp. 8. Mur. (nf.15).32.(53.88.90). Phil. XI.33 (Licinius L.f.L.n.Mae.) Murena, L. (cos. 62. Son of above) RE 123. Bs Mur. passim. Flacc. 30.98. Dom. 134. Har. resp. 42. Phil. II.12. His mother: Mur. 88f. Licinius (Ste.) Sacerdos, C. RE 153. N. Bs Cluent. 134 (Licinius—f.C.n.Ste.) Sacerdos, C. (pr. 75) RE 154. Cf. W Verr. I. II.21f.68-70.74f.81.93.119.III. 90.119.1 s 6.214-6. V. 5 5.108. Plane. 27 Usually with praenomen. Ligarii (three brothers) Lig. 33f-(36f.)
Ligarius, Q. (leg. 51-49) RE 4. W. Bs Lig. passim. His brothers: Lig. 5 . 1 1 . 3 3 - 5 (see above and below) Ligarius, T. (q.ca.54) RE 5. W Lig. 35f. See Ligarii. Ligus, L. RE Verr. II. 2 3 (Livius M.f.C.n.) Drusus, M. (tr. 91) RE 18. S2. Bs Cluent. 153. Rabir. 21. Arch. 6. Dom. 41.50.120. Vatin. 23. Rab. Post. 16. Plane. 33. Mil. 16.20 Liviae leges Fr. VII.2 5 (Ascon. 68.19). Cf. Dom. 41.50 Lollius (Q.f.), M. (q. 64) RE 9. N Verr. III.63 Lollius, M. (henchman of Clodius) RE 10 Dom. 1 3 f . 1 1 (Lollii). 89 (Lollii) Possibly the "Laelius" [Lae-
lios) of Fam. 8.4.2; see Nomenclature 45 and Bailey Gnomon 57(19851.660. Lollius, Q. (father of RE 9 and of the following) RE 13. N Verr. III.61-3 Lollius (Q.f.), Q. RE 14. N Verr. III.63 (Lollius Pob.) Palicanus, M. (tr. 71) RE 21. W. S 2 . N. Bs Verr. II. 100 [Lucceius] Flacc. 83 The name (w.ll. Lucium, Laelium) is clearly corrupt. Webster (ed. p. 56) suggests L. Balbum, i.e. L. Herennius Balbus. Lucceius (Q.f.), L. (pr. 67) RE 6. Bs Cael. 5 1 - 5 On W. C. McDermott's entanglement with L. Lucceius M.f. (Hermes 97 [19691.233-46) see my edition of Fam. I.p.319. Lucceius, Q. (qui argentariam Regi maximam fecit) RE 9 Verr. V. 165 Lucilius (Balbus), L. (jurist) RE 19. Bs Quinct. 53f. Lucretius, M. (senator) RE 9 Verr. 1.18 (Lucretius Afella, Q.) RE 25. N. S 2 . Bs (Fr. IX.21 [Ascon. 90.20)) Formerly known as "Ofella." But, as noted by W. Heraeus {RhM 83 [19341.63-5; cf. Badian JRS 57 [19671.227^), the Latin manuscript evidence unanimously supports "Afella," also accepted by Sumner and Malcovati (cf. Nomenclature 48); contra Nicolet (p.
930 n.i): "il n'y a pas de raison d'écrire Afella." Aianius, Afxl(l)ius, Ofanius, Ofil(l)ius are attested gentilicia. Luculli (L. Licinius Lucullus and M. Terentius Varro Lucullus) Verr. IV.49. Arch. 5Î.26. Sen. 37. Quir. 6. Prov. cons. 22. Phil. II. 12 Lucullus, M. See (Terentius Varro) Lucullus Luscius, (L.)(Sullan centurion) RE 1 Fr. IX.21 (Ascon. 90.20) Luscius Ocrea, C. (senator) RE 2. W Rose. com. 4 3 - 6 Introduced with tria nomina-, then "Luscius." (Lusius), C. [nephew of Marius|) RE i.N (Mil. 9) (Lutatii) Catuli Phil. VIII. 15 (Lutatius Q.f.) Catulus, Q. (cos. 102) RE 7. S 2 Verr. III.209. Font. 43. Rabir. 21.26. Mur. 36. Arch. 5f. Dom. io2..ii3f. 116.(113).137. Plane. 12..5z. Cf. Phil. VIII.15. Catuli monumentum Verr. IV. 126. li porticus Dom. 1 1 6 ; cf. Cael. 78 In Plane. 52 the right reading is Q. Catulus, not C. Caelius (or Coelius); so Badian Studies i5of. (seeBailey HSPh'. 277t.). (Lutatius Q.f.Q.n.) Catulus, Q. (cos. 78. Son of above) RE 8. S 2 . Bs Verr. a. pr. 44.II.31.III.210f. IV.37.69.82. Imp. Pomp. 51. 59f.63.66. Rabir. 21.(26). Catil. III.24. Arch. 6. Sen. 9. Dom. 1 1 3 . Sest. 1 0 1 . 1 2 i f . Cael. 59.70. Balb.
34f.39. Pis. 6. Phil. II. 12. Fr. VIII.5 (Ascon. 80.7).8 (Ascon. 81.1) Lutatius Diodorus, Q. (of Lilybaeum) RE 16 Verr. IV.37 Lysania (of Temnos) RE. 5 Flacc. 43.51. His brother: Flacc. 43 Lysiades (son of Phaedrus) RE 5 Phil. V.i 3f.VIII.27 Lysidicus (father of T. Annius Cimber) RE Phil. XI. 14 Lyso (of Lilybaeum) RE 1 Verr. IV.37.59 Macro See Posides Macro Maeandrius (of Tralles) RE Maiandrios 2 Flacc. 52-4.57 Maecenas, C. RE 3. N Cluent. 153 Maelius, Sp. RE 2 Catil. I.3. Dom. 101. Mil. 72. Phil, n.87.114 (Maenius P.f.P.n., C. [cos. 338]) RE 9 Maenia columna Div. Caec. 50. Sest. 124 Maevius (?)(Verres' scriba) RE 2. N Verr. (II.29.75). 111.(168.171). 175(^181 — 5.187) His name may just as well have been Maenius; see Nicolet. Magia (wife of Oppianicus) RE 20 Cluent. 21 Magius (Clu.), Cn.? RE 3 Cluent. 21.33f.l125). His wife (Papia?): Cluent. 33-5.(125) On the piaenomen (Cn. or N.?) see Nomenclature 49.
Magius, Decius RE 5 Pis. 24 (Decii Magii) "Decius" is piaenomen. Magius, L. (Marian) RE 6 Verr. I.87 Mallius Claucia (freedman) RE 12 Sex. Rose. 19.96-8 So in 19 and 96. Also "Mallius" (96) and "Glaucia" (97f.). See my note on Fam. 5.20.2 (vol. I. pp. 466f.). Mallius (Cn.f. Maximus), Cn. (cos. 105) RE 13. W. Bs Mur. 36. Plane. 12 Mamilius, L. (Cicero's sciiba in Sicily) RE 3 Verr. III.182 Mamilius (Atellus), C. (pr. 207) RE 5 See [Manlius, T.] Mammius See Memmius, (L.?) Manilius, C. (tr. 66) RE 10 Imp. Pomp. 69. Fr. VII.9 (Ascon. 64.11).11 (Ascon. 65.6). (i7f. [Ascon. 65.11, 66.2]) Note J. T. Ramsey "The prosecution of C. Manilius in 66 B. C. and Cicero's Pro Manilio" (Phoenix 34 [19801.323-36). Manilius, C. (son-in-law of Fidiculanius Falcula, perhaps one with the above) Cf. RE 10 Flacc. 93 Manilius (P.f.P.n.), (M'.)(cos. 149) RE 12. S 2 . Bs Caec. 69 Manilius, T. (senator) RE 16. S 2 (pp. 1 3 0 - 1 3 1 ) . Bs Rose. com. 4 3 - 6 The manuscripts vary between Manilius and Manlius. Sumner inclines to identify as the father
of T. Manlius Torquatus, q. 79 or earlier (?). Manilius, T. (witness) Cf. RE 16 Verr. II.23 Or Manlius. The manuscript evidence is divided. Manlia gens Phil. I.32 Manlius, C. (Catilinarian) RE 18 Catil. L7.23f.II.14.16.20 Manliana castra Catil. I.10.30 Manlius, Q. (tr. desig. 70) Cf. RE 34 Verr. a. pr. 30. Manlius, Q. (triumvir capitalis) RE 34. Bs Cluent. 38f. To be distinguished from the above; see Nomenclature sof. Manlius, T. See Manilius [Manlius, T.] RE 37 Verr. II. 123 The choice between C. Mamilius Atellus and L. Manlius Vulso, praetors in Sicily in 207 and 197 respectively (cf. Munzer RE XIV.956f., Broughton I.p.334 n.2), should go in favor of the former, leges antiquae Scipionis, which Scipio gave to Agrigentum in 205, distinguished colonists introduced by "T. Manlius" from the native inhabitants. "Manlius'" activity cannot therefore be dated eight years later. Why Broughton finds Mamilius too early I cannot see. Munzer need not have balked at the double change. Once the copyist had made the unfamiliar nomen into the familiar one, as copyists will, the further (minimal) change of c to t would fol-
low naturally. Even a copyist might know that Titus, not Gaius, is the right piaenomen for a presumably patrician Manlius. (Manlius L.f.L.n.) Acidinus (Fulvianus, L.)(cos. 179) RE 47 Leg. agr. II.64 (Acidini) See my note on Att. 4.3.3 Acidinos. Manlius (T.f.A.n. Capitolinus), M. (cos. 392) RE 51 (Sull. 27). Dom. 101. Phil. I.32.II.87.114 (Manlius, L.f.A.n. Imperiosus Torquatus, T. [Ill cos. 340]) RE 57 (Sull. 32). His son: ibid. (Manlius A.?f.) Torquatus (pr. 70?), A. RE 76 Plane. 27 (Manlius L.f.) Torquatus, L. (cos. 65) RE 79. S 2 . Bs Leg. agr. II.44. Catil. III. 19. Sull. (11 — 13).30.(34-49f.8i — 90). Pis. 44.47.77f.92. Cf. Phil. II. 12 His name may have fallen out of the list of consulars in Phil. II. 12; see Bailey HSPh1 28if. (Manlius L.f.L.n.) Torquatus, L. (pr. 49? Son of cos. 65) RE 80. S 2 Sull. 1 - 5 0 passim. 81 For doubts about his praetorship in 49 see my note on Att. VIII. 1 iB. 1 (Manlius T.f.) Torquatus, T. (cousin and father-in-law to Aulus) RE 8s- Cf. S 2 pp. i3of. Bs Plane. 27 (Manlius A.?f. A.?n.) Torquatus, T. (optimus adulescens) RE 86 Deiot. 32 Marcius, L. (friend of Ligarius) RE 15. N Lig. 33
(Marcius L.f.C.n.) Censorinus, (L.)(cos. 39) RE 48 Phil. XI.n.36.(Xn.2o).XIII. 2.26 Marcius Crispus, Q. (proconsul 45) RE 52. Bs Pis. 54? Phil. XI.30 "Q. Marcius" (if it is he) and tria nomina. Marcius (C.f.C.n.) Figulus, C. (cos. 64) RE 63. Bs Sull. 56. Pis. 8. Phil. II.12 In Pis. 8 "C. Marcius" (post L. Iulium et C. Maicium consules), but in the other two refs. "C. Figulus" (L. Iulio C. Figulo consulibus). In Att. 1.1.2, shortly before the consular elections of 65, Cicero forecasts L. Caesar as a certain winner, with Thermus and Silanus competing for the second place and Turius as a very long shot. This prediction proved correct so far as Caesar was concerned, but the second place went to C. Marcius Figulus, of whom nothing is known prior to his election. From my note ad loc.: "Despite Miinzer's incredulity {RE. XV.1965.68) the conjecture, which is much older than Drumann, that this Thermus is L. Caesar's actual colleague in 64, C. Marcius C.f. Figulus, adopted from one noble plebeian family into another, has a great deal in its favor—the entry in the Chronograph of 354 (Caesare et Turmo) and the double improbability that Thermus should vanish from sight and a candidate not mentioned by C. carry the election." I made too little account of
the Chronographer (the Fasti for 64 are not available). In a brief review of his oddities (PBSR 67) Badian ignores the adoption theory and regards "Turmo" simply as a name that bears "no resemblance to existing and relevant ones." But the other errors which he mentions include nothing so unaccountable. When this is taken in conjunction with Cicero's letter, the case for identifying Thermus with Figulus becomes almost irresistible. By contemporary practice he could retain his former cognomen after adoption and be called "Thermus" in ordinary usage, as Caepio Brutus was called "Brutus" or Metellus Scipio "Scipio." The adoption need not therefore have taken place subsequent to Cicero's letter. A counter-hypothesis, that Thermus died or withdrew and Figulus came to the fore in the short interval between the letter and the election, is hard to swallow even apart from the evidence of the Chronographer. Münzer remarks (RE XV. 1972.9) that Q. Thermus \RE Minucius 67] is generally referred to by the simple cognomen "was dafür spricht, dass es in Ciceronischer Zeit nur diesen einen bekannten Träger des Namens gab." Figulus (Thermus), last heard of in 63, probably died soon afterwards. Marcius (Q.f.Q.n.) Philippus, L. (cos. 91) RE 75. S 2 . Bs Quinct. 72.77.80. Verr. 1.143. Imp. Pomp. 62. Leg. agr. II.42. Rabir. 21. Mur. 36. Dom. 84. Sest. n o . (Prov. cons. 21). Plane. 52. Phil. (III.25).XI.I8. Fr. VII.25 (Ascon. 68.19)
"(L.) Philippus," except Verr. 1.143 de L. Marcio M. Perperna censoribus and FT. VII.25 L. Marcio Sex. Iulio coss. (Marcius L.f.Q.n.) Philippus, L. (cos. 56) RE 76 Har. resp. (2). 1 1 . (Sest. n o ) . Prov. cons. (i8).2i. Phil. III. 17. (2S).VIII.28.IX.I
(Marcius L.f.L.n.) Philippus, L. (cos. 38) RE 77. Bs Phil. III.25 Marcius (L.f.Q.n. Philippus), Q. (II cos. 169) RE 79 Dom. 130 Q. Marcius censor with C. Cassius censor to follow. (Marcius) Philippus, Q. (exile) RE 81 (cf. 82) Balb. 28 Marcius (Septimus or Septimi filius), L. RE 1 0 1 . N. Bs Balb. 34 Marcianum foedus Balb. 39 Marcius Sotericus (freedman) RE 103 Balb. 56 "Sotericus Marcius." (Marcius Q.f.Q.n.) Tremulus, Q. (II cos. 288) RE 106 Phil. VI. 13 Marius (prosecutor) RE 2 Sex. Rose. 90 (Marii) Marius (C.f.C.n.Cor.)(VII cos. 86) RE 14 (suppl. VI). W. N. Bs Sex. Rose. 33. Verr. I I . n o . 1 1 3 . III.209.V.14 (Marii). 25.181. Font. 36.43. Imp. Pomp. 47.60. Rabir. 2of.(22.24).27-3i.35 Mur. 17 (Marii). Catil. I.4.III.15.24.IV.21. Sull. 23. Arch. 5.19f. Sen. 38. Quir. 7 . 9 - 1 1 . i9.(2of.) Har. resp. 51.54. Sest. 37f.(48? See [Cornelius] Cinna). 50.116. Balb. 4 6 - 5 1 passim. 64. Prov. cons. 19.26.32.
Pis. 20.43.58. Plane. 20.26.51. 61.88. Mil. 8f.83. Phil. 1.5.VIII. 7.15.XI. 1.XIII. 1.9. Mari monumentum Plane. 78 Marianus tribunus plebis Leg. agr. III. 7 Marius (C.f.C.n.Cor.), C. (cos. 82) RE 15 Leg. agr. III.6f.ii. Phil. VIII.7.XIII.1 ("Marius, C." [Pseudomarius] RE 16) (Phil. I.5) Marius, M. (of Valentia, homo disertus et nobilis) RE 24 Verr. V.40 (Marius M.f.C.n. Cor. Gratidianus, M. [II pr. 84?)) RE 42. W. N. S 2 . Bs (Fr. IX.9 [Ascon. 87.16j.18f. [Ascon. 89.25, 90.3I) Mars Verr. III.9. Cluent. 43. Arch. 27. Marc. 17. Phil. II.95.no. (IV.5I.XIV.32. Mars communis Verr. V.132. Sest. 12. Mil. 56. Phil. X.20. Martialis campus Pis. 61. Martialis flamen Har. resp. 12. Vatin. 25. Phil. XI.18. Martius campus Leg. agr. II.85. Rabir. 11.28. Mur. 69. Dom. 75. Sest. 108. Phil. VI. 14. Martia legio Phil. III.6f. 39.IV.5(f.)V. XI.20.XII.8.12.29.XIII.1820.33.XIV.26f.31.(32^1.36.38. Martiales (legionaries) Phil. IV. 5. Martiales (slaves) Cluent. 43f. Massinissa (king of Numidia) RE Verr. IV. 103 Mastanesosus Vatin. 12 The name of this Mauretanian (?) potentate is seemingly corrupt.
Mater Magna Verr. IV.97. Har. resp. 24. Sest. 56. Mater deorum Har. resp. 28. See Idaea Mater Matrinius, C. RE 1. N Verr. III.6of.V.is Matrinius, D. (homo tenuis, sciiba aedilicius) RE 2. Cf. N Cluent. 126 Matrinius (Hor.), T. (of Spoletium) RE 3. Cf. N Balb. 48 Meculonius (pupillus) RE Flacc. 46 Medea Verr. IV. 135. Imp. Pomp. 22. See Palatina Medea Megabocchus, C. RE. W. no. 542. N Scaur. 40 Mela RE 1 Phil. XIII. 3 The name is open to suspicion; see on Licinius Lenticula and Nomenclature 47 (Eutrapelum Lenticulam for Eutrapelum Melam). Memmius (identity doubtful) Fr. B. 16 (Aquila Rhet Lat. Halm 31.8) Memmius (L.f.C.n.Men.), C. (pr. before 103) RE 5. S 2 . Bs Font. 24. Catil. IV.4 Sumner's pages on the Memmii (S2 85-90) are among the most enlightening he gave us. Memmius (C.f.L.n.Men.), C. (q. 76. Son of above) RE 7. S 2 . Bs Balb. 5 Memmius (L.f.L.n.Men.), C. (pr. 58) RE 8. S 2 Sull. 55. Vatin. 33f. Memmius (C.f.C.n.Men.), C. (tr. 54. Son of q. 76) RE 9. S 2 Rab. Post. 7.32
Memmius (L.f. C.n. Men., L.?) (prosecutor) RE 12. S 2 Cf. Sex. Rose. 90 (Memmii?) Perhaps an unknown Mam(m)ius; see Nomenclature 5 if. Memmius, P. (witness) RE 17 Caec. 26. His brother: ibid. Menandei (dramatist) RE 9 Fr. VI. 2 (Hieron. Ep. 52.8) Menedemus (of Macedonia) RE 16 Phil. XIII. 3 3 (Menelaus) RE 1 (Plane. 59) Meniscus (of Entella) RE 4 Verr. III.20 Meno Not in RE Fr. V.2 (cf. Prise. GLK II.221.4) Mentor (artist) RE 10 Verr. IV.38 Menulla (Pob.)(of Anagnia) RE Dom. 81 Cognomen? Not in Kajanto. Mercurius, statue of Verr. IV.84.87f.9if.V.i85 Messius, C. (aed. cur. 5 5 ? see note on Att. 4.15.9) RE 2. W Sen. 21 Mevulanus, C. (Catilinarian) RE Sest. 9 Miltiades RE 2 Sest. 141 Minerva Verr. I.45.IV.71.1 i8.i22f. 140.V.36.184. Dom. 92.144. Scaur. 47. (Minotaurus) (Cf. Phil. V.i 3 portentum insulae) Minucia gens Verr. I.115 Minucius (quidam) Not in RE Verr. I.115
Minucius (Catilinarian) RE 8 Catil. II.4 Minucius, Q. (eq. R. in primis splendidus atque honestus) RE 26. N Verr. II.69.72f.80.III. 1 4 8 - 5 1 . IV.62.70 Nicolet makes him a Minucius Rufus on the strength of Verr. IV.70 audisti Q. Minucium dicere, which he cites in the form audisti Minucium Rufum dicere. (Minucius L.f.Vel.) Basilus, (L.) Cf. RE 38 and W Satrius. N. Bs Phil. II. 107 It must be insisted that this L. Minucius Basilus, prior to adoption M. Satrius, is to be distinguished from the homonymous assassin of Caesar and friend of Cicero; see Nomenclature 53f. Sumner (CPA. 161) did not agree, but his surmise that "the extent of the disreputable Basilus' involvement in the murder of Caesar may well have been distorted by a moralistic tradition" seems arbitrary. If Basilus was not one of the plotters, the fact that he met an unpleasant death would hardly have inspired a moralistic tradition to make him one—which I suppose is what Sumner was suggesting. (Minucius) Basilus, M. (senator) RE 39. W. N. Bs Cluent. 107 [(Minucius) Thermus, A.] RE 61. See below (Minucius Q.f.Ter.) Thermus, Q. (pr. before 53) RE 67 Flacc. 98. Phil. XIII. 1 3 The reading A. Thermus of some manuscripts in Flacc. 98
corrupts the praenomen-, see Nomenclature 54f. (Mithridates [IV, king of Pontus]) RE 10 (Imp. Pomp. 21) (Mithridates [V, king of Pontus]) RE 11 (Imp. Pomp. 21) Mithridates (VI, king of Pontus) RE 12 Verr. II. 51.159. Imp. Pomp. 4.8f.(i2).19-25 passim. 45f. Leg. agr. L6.II.51f.90. Mur. 32^(34. Arch. 21). Flacc. 57.59f.l61l.71. Dom. 19. Sest. 58(f.). Prov. cons. 27. Rab. Post. 27 Mithridaticum bellum Imp. Pomp. 7. Leg. agr. II.83. Mur. 3 1 . Arch. 2 1 . Flacc. 60. Prov. cons. 27. ci impetus Prov. cons. 6 Mithridates (of Pergamum) RE 15; cf. 36 Flacc. i7.4i.(Phil. II.94) Mithridaticum crimen Flacc. 41 Confused by Munzer with a native of Dorylaum mentioned anonymously in Flacc. 41 Mnasistratus (of Leontini) RE 2 Verr. III. 109 Modius, M. RE 6. N Verr. II. 1 1 9 (Mucia Tertia [third wife of Pompey| RE 28) (Har. Resp. 45) Cicero's reference to Pompcy as P. Clodius' affinis is thought to refer to the marriage of Pompey's elder son to Clodius' niece (Claudia, RE 388) not later than 54. More probably the connection he had. in mind was through Pompey's wife Mucia, who was Clodius' half-sister (cf. Bailey A]AH 2 [1977l.14.8f.). If so, it
corrects Wiseman's statement (CQ 21 [i97i].i8) that "there is no hint that Mucia was the sister of the younger Appius, Clodius, and the Clodiae." See Bailey AJAH8[i9&i [1986U.191. Mucii Scaevolae (Augur and Pontifex) Rabir. 26 (duos Mucios). Phil. VIII. 15 (Scaevolae) Mucius (Cordus Scaevola), C. RE 1 0 Sest. 48 Mucius (P.f.Q.n.) Scaevola, P. (cos. 133) RE 17. S 2 . Verr. a. pr. 52.IV. 108. Dom. 9 1 . 1 3 6 . Plane. 88 "(P.) Scaevola" in Veil. a. pr. 52 and Dom. 136. "P. Mucius" elsewhere. Mucius (Q.f.Q.n.) Scaevola, Q. (Augur, cos. 1 1 7 ) RE zi. S\ Bs Caec. 69. Rabir. 2 1 . Balb. 45. Phil. VIII.31. See Mucii Scaevolae Mucius (P.f.P.n.) Scaevola, Q. (Pontifex, cos. 95) RE 22. S 2 . Bs Sex. Rose. 33f. Div. Caec. 57. Verr. II.27.34.122.III.209.IV. 1 3 3 . Caec. 53.67.69. Rabir. 21. (Pis. 62). Plane. 33. (Fr. VII.21 [Ascon. 67.1 s]). See Mucii Scaevolae. Mucia (festival) Verr. II.51 "(Q.) Mucius" in Div. Caec. 57, Verr. II.27.122 (L. Licinio Q. Mucio consulibus), Caec. 5 3, 69, Rabir. 21. Elsewhere "(Q.) Scaevola." Mucius (Scaevola? Orestinus), Q. (tr. 64) RE 12 Fr. IX.6 (Ascon. 86.3I.13 (Ascon. 88.10) "Q. Muci." "The inference that he was an Aurelius Orestes by birth
adopted by a Q. Mucius may not be altogether correct. The analogy of the Marcellini suggests that the person adopted may have been the Tribune's father, who could have been a son of L. Aurelius Orestes, cos. 126, or his brother Caius [RE Aurelius 178). If the adopting Mucius was a Scaevola, the Tribune's full name may have been Q. Mucius Scaevola Orestinus" (Nomenclature I22Í. Cf. Sumner CPh 163). Mummius (L.f.L.n.), L. (cos. 146) RE 7a and suppl. XVI. Bs Verr. I.55.III.9.IV.4. Leg. agr. I.5. Mur. 3 1 . Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Orat. 232) Valerius Maximus' copyists, not Valerius, are responsible for calling him nobilis (6.4.2): see Bailey HSPh. 85(19811.164^ On the other hand his categorization as novus homo in Veil. 1 . 1 3 . 2 and 2.128.2 will have been a mistake of the author's. On his alleged agnomen "Achaicus" see Münzer RE XVI. 1203.43. Mummius, M. (pr. 70) RE 9 Verr. III. 1 2 3 Although there are no other attested senatorial Mummii with the praenomen M., he may still have belonged to the senatorial family, pace Gruen, The last generation of the Roman Republic (19741.176. Not many of its members are on record. (Munatius?) Plancus, Cn.? (client of L. Crassus) RE 27 Cluent. 140 The praenomen also appears in manuscripts as C. or L. But he could be Cn. Plancius, grandfather of Cicero's client; see RE Plancius 2.
(Munatius L.f.L.n.Cam.) Plancus, L. (cos. 42) RE 30. W. Bs Phil. II.78.III.38.V.5.XI.39. XIU.16.44 Munatius ( f.L.n.) Plancus (Bursa), T. (tr. 52) RE 32. W (Mil. 12.14). Phil. VI.10.X.22. XI.14.XII.20.XIII.2.27 "Munatius" in Phil. XIII.2. Elsewhere "(T.) Plancus." "It seems odd that a person with whom Cicero was on such particularly bad terms should have been the brother of his family friend L. Plancus, with nothing to attest the relationship except Asconius 32 Clark. And fiater in Asconius could mean 'cousin'" (Bailey Gnomon 56 (19841.179 n.i). Munius (customs officer in the Narbonensis) RE Font. 19 Musae Arch. 20.27 Mustius, C. [eq. R., publicanus, homo cum primis honestus) RE 2. N Verr. 1 . 1 3 5 . 1 3 7 - 9 Myro (artist) RE 8 Verr. IV. (Naevius, Cn. [poet] RE 2 and suppl. VI) (Phil. II.65) Naevius, Sex. (opponent of P. Quinctius) RE 6 Quinct. passim. His wife and children: Quinct. 16 Naevius Turpio, P. (Verris excuisor et emissarius) RE 25 Verr. II.22.ni.90f.V108 "Naevius Turpio quidam" in the first and last refs. "P. Naevius Turpio" and "Turpio" in III.9of. See Apronius.
Naso, P. (Sextius?)(pr.? 44) RE i, cf. Sextius 33. W no. 543. Bs (also under Sextius). Phil. III.25 Nautius (?), Sp. See Antius Neptunus Har. resp. 20 Nicasio (of Henna) RE Nikasio (sic) Verr. IV.113 Nice (wife of Cleomenes) RE Nike 5 Verr. (11.36.51)^.(311.82.(92. 104.112) Nico (father of Apollonius) Not in RE Verr. IV. 3 7 Nico (pirate) RE Nikon 12 Verr. V.79 Nicomedes (IV, king of Bithynia) RE Nikomedes 6 Verr. 1.6 3 Nicomedes (of Temnos) RE Nikomedes 7 Flacc. 43 Nicostratus (slave of Oppianicus) Not in RE Cluent. 1 7 5 - 8 2 passim. i86f. Nigidius (Figulus), P. (pr. 58) RE (3)- W. Bs Sull. 42 In view of the rarity of the nomen the chances are that he was descended from C. Nigidius, pr. 145 (?); cf. Wiseman. Ninnius (Fal. Quadratus), L. (pr. 58). RE 3. W Sen. 3. Dom. 125. Sest. 26.68 Norbanus, C. (cos. 83) RE 5. W. Bs Quinct. 24. Verr. III.117.V.8 "Norbanus" is a gentilicium.
On Cicero's omission to take account of him in Leg. agr. n.3 see Bailey AJPh 107 (19861.258 n. 90. Novia (wile of Oppianicus) RE 26 Cluent. 27(f.) Nucula, (Numisius?)(septemvir agris dividundis 44) RE 1. Bs Phil. VI.14.Vin.26.XI.13. XII.20.XUI.2.26.37 For the gentilicium see Miinzer and Syme Senators 120 = Rom. pap. 598. Numa Pompilius RE 1 Rabir. 13. Sull. 22. Dom. 127 So in the first and third refs. " N u m a " in the second. Numenius (of Centuripae) RE 2 Verr.III.57 Numenius (of Henna) RE 3 Verr.IV.113 Numerius (Vel. Rufus, Q.)(tr. 57) RE 5. W Sest. 82.(87).94. (Pis. 35). See Brocchus, Quinctius (Numisius?) Nucula See Nucula Numisius Tiro (Antonian) RE 11 Phil. H.8.V.18.VIII.26.XII.14. (Tirones Numisii) XIII. 3 "Tiro," except in II.8 ("Tiro Numisius") and XII. 14. Numitoria RE 8 Phil. III. 1 7 Numitorius, C. (eq. R, primus homo) RE 2. N Verr. V.163.165 (Numitorius Pullus, Q. [betrayer of Fregellae]) RE 5 (Phil.m.17) Nymphae (temple of) (Har. resp. 57). Mil. 73. Cf. Quir. 14. Sest. 84. 95. Cael. 78
Nympho (of Centuripae) RE 2 Verr.rn.53f. Nymphodorus (of Agrigentum) RE 4 Verr. IV.48 Nymphodorus (of Centuripae) RE 3 Verr. IH.57 Nysius Flacc. 60 Octavii Rabir. 21. Arch. 6. (Phil. IX.4f.) (Octavius C.f.C.n.Sca., C. (pr. 61, father of Augustus]) RE 15. W.N (Phil.III.15) Octavius (Cn.f.Cn.n.Aem.), Cn. (cos. 165) RE 17. Bs Phil. IX.4(f.).7.i4 On the implication of novitas in IX.4 see Bailey AJPh 107 (1986).259f. Octavius (Cn.f.Cn.n.Aem.), Cn. (cos. 87) RE 20. S 2 (pp. ro5, 115). Bs Catil. III.24. Har. resp. 54. Plane. 51. Phil. VnL7.XIII.1f. Octavianum bellum Phil. XIV.23. (Cinnanus atque) Octavianus dies Sest. 77 Octavius (Cn.f.Cn.n.Aem.), L. (cos. 75) RE 26. S 2 (pp. n s f . ) Verr. IU.i8(f.) Octaviana formula Verr. III.152 It is far from certain that the formula came from his edict. (Octavius Cn.f.Cn.n.Aem., M. [tr. 133]) RE 3 1 . S 2 (Mil. 72) Octavius Balbus, L. (senator) RE 45 Bs Verr. II.31. See below
Tria nomina and "L. Octavius." Not in Wiseman (but see CQ I4[i964].i24). Octavius Balbus, P. (senator) RE 46. Bs Cluent. 107 Probably identical with the above, in view of the similar characterization, with praenomen Lucius; see Nomenclature 56. Not in Wiseman (but see CQ I4[i964].i24). Octavius Ligus, L. RE 68. W. Bs Verr. I. 125.127.II.23 Respectively: "Lucius frater eius" (sc. M. Octavii Liguris non credemus M. Octavio, non L. Ligurit; "L. Ligus." A senator, according to Wiseman, like his brother, and so Broughton ("probably"). Cicero does not say so. Octavius Ligus, M. (senator) RE 69. W. Bs Verr. I.125-7.133.II.21.119 Tria nomina in I.125, 127, II. 1 1 9 ; otherwise "(M.) Ligus." Octavius Marsus, (M.)(legate to Dolabella) RE 71. W. Bs Phil. XI.4 (Maiso nescio quo Octavio) Onasus (of Segesta) RE Onasos 1 Verr. V.120 Opimius (Q.f.Q.n.), L. (cos. 121) RE 4 Catil. L4.IIV.13). Quir. 1 1 . Sest. 140. Pis. 95. Plane. 69f.88. Mil. 8.83. Phil. Vni.14 Opimius, Q. (tr. 75) RE 1 1 Verr. 1.15 sf. Probably grandson of Q. Opimius, cos. 15 4, according to Miinzer. But Cicero's statement
that this Opimius was brought to trial because he had said something displeasing to a nobleman suggests that he was not nobilis himself. And if he had been, Cicero would probably have made something of it in 156 (cum apud ipsum tribus horis Q. Opimius, senator populi Romani, bona, fortunas, ornamenta omnia amiserit). Oppius, (P.)(q.74) RE 17 Fr. III.3 (Quint. 5.13.30) Oppius, Sp. (pr. 44) RE 22 (cf. 5). Bs Phil. III.25 The distinctive praenomen suggests descent, real or supposed, from the decemvir Sp. Oppius Cornicen. Perhaps he was the son of the following, with cognomen Cornicinus. Oppius (Cn.f.Vel. Cornicinus), Cn. (senator) RE 28. W Quir. 12. (Sest. 74) He probably claimed descent from the decemvir, though the cognomen, known from Att. 4.2.4, may have been a revival. Cf. (Sempronius) Atratinus. Ops (temple of) Phil. I.17.II.35.93.V.15.VIII.26 Orbius, P. (pr. 65?) RE 3. W Flacc. 76.79 Orc(h)ivius Men., C. (pr. 66). RE 1. W Cluent. 94.147 See Nomenclature 56 and, on the family, Harvey Athenaeum1 53. n.56. Orcus Verr. IV.111 Orestes (son of Agamemnon) (Sex. Rose. 66. Har. resp. 39). Pis. 47. (Mil. 8)
Ovii (of Messana)(££) Balb. 51 Pacenius (or Pacenus) RE Cluent. 1 6 1 Pacilius, M. (quidam) RE 2 Verr. II.94.98 Paconius, M. (eq. R. splendidus et fortis) RE 3. N Mil. 74 Paean Verr. IV.i27f. Palatina Medea (i.e. Clodia) Cael. 18 Palla RE 3 Cael. 23 For a tie-up between this person and the mother or stepmother of L. Gellius Poplicola, cos. 36, mentioned by Dio (47.24.6) see R. G. Austin's note. Boissevain read irwXXa, but the name is unlikely to be corrupt in both passages. See also Wiseman Cinna 1 1 9 - 2 9 . Pamphilus (of Lilybaeum) RE 12 Verr. IV.32.35. His father: Verr. IV.32 Panaetius (philosopher) RE 5 Mur. 66 Panurgus (slave, actor) RE Panurgos Rose. com. 2 7 - 3 2 passim. 35.39.41f.54 Papia (wife of Oppianicus) RE 15 Cluent. 27(f). See Magius, Cn.(?) Papinius, L. [vir primaiius, locuples honestusque eq. R.) RE 3-N
Verr. IV.46 Papirius, Q. (tr. before 154) RE 24 Dom 127
Papirius (C.f.Clu.) Carbo, C. (cos. 120) RE 33. S 2 . Bs Verr. III.3. Mil. 8 On Cicero's characterization in De oiat. 3.74 nobilissimus homo atque eloquentissimus see Bailey AfPh 107 (19861.256. (Papirius M.?f.C.n.Clu.) Carbo, C. (pr. 81?) RE 34 Arch. 7. Bs P- 159 On his parentage, in revision of Munzer, see my edition of Fam. vol. II. pp. 328f. Papirius (Cn.f.C.n.Clu.) Carbo, Cn. (HI cos. 82) RE 38. S 2 . Bs Verr. a. pr. i i . I . i 1 . 3 4 - 4 2 passim. 77.92.111.(6.1771.178. (V.152). Leg. agr. III.6f.n. Phil. VIII.7.XIII.1 "(Cn.) Carbo," except in Leg. agr. III.6 (cited from Rullus' law) post C. Marium Cn. Papirium consules) in contrast to which cf. 7 and 1 1 post Marium et Carbon em consules. (Papirius Crassus [?], M. [or M'.] [cos. 441]) RE 21 [cf. 47] (Fr. VII.50 [Ascon. 77.19]) (Papirius Vel.) Mas(s)o, C. RE 59 Balb. 53 Papirius (Vel. Mas[s]o ?), M. (ornatissimus eq. R.) RE 63. N Dom. 49. Mil. 18.37 Papirius Potamo, L. (scriba to Caecilius Niger) RE 7 1 . N Div. Caec. 29. Verr. III. 137. 154.IV.44 Respectively: "Potamo ; " "Papirius Potamo;" "L. Papirius/' "Potamo." Paralus (Attic hero) RE 3 Verr. IV.135 Parmeno Not in RE Fr. B. 30 (Rufinian. Rhet. Lat. Halm 39.8)
Parrhasius (of Tralles) RE Parrasios 2 Flacc. 53 Patina, T. (friend of Clodius) RE Nomen or cognomen ? See Schulze. Pedius (Q. or M.f.)( Q. (cos. 43) RE i.W.N Plane. 17.54. His father: Plane. 17 Peducaeus (Qui.), L. (on Flaccus' jury) RE 2. N Flacc. 68 Peducaeus (Sex. f. Qui.), Sex. (pr. 77) RE 5. Cf. W no. 313 Verr. L18.II.138f.ffl.156.216. rV.142f-V.55. (Sen. 21) Peducaeanus census Verr. II.139 On the tribe see Syme Senators 120. Pegasus Quinci. 80 (Pegasi) Percennii (qui nunc Pompeii sunt, of Messana) Not in RE Verr. IV.25 Pericles (of Ephesus, homo nobilissimus) RE Perikles 4 Verr. I.85 Perperna (or Perpenna)(M.f.M.n.), M. (cos. 92) RE 5 Rose. com. 3.22. Verr. I.143 Perperna (or Perpenna) (M.f.M.n.Veiento), M. (pr. 82?) RE 6. Bs Verr. V.153 The cognomen "Vento" in Plut. Seit. 15.2 is changed to correspond with CIL VI.38700 Optatus C. Perpernae Veienton[is\. So Münzer. Perses (or Persa)(king of Macedonia) RE Perseus 5 Verr. I.55. Imp. Pomp. 55. Leg.
agr. I.5.II.50.90. Mur. 31. Catil. IV.21 Petil(l)ius, M. RE 3. N Verr. II.7if.75 Petil(l)ius, Q. (senator) RE 5 (cf. 6)
Mil. 44 The juror at Milo's trial can be identified either with a member of Cn. Pompeius Strabo's consilium at Asculum in 89 or with another senator, Q. Petillius T. f. Ser., witness to a senatorial decree in 78. Munzer prefers the second as chronologically more plausible, Nicolet the first, because of the Pompeian connection. Petraeus (of Thessaly) RE 6 Phil. XIII.33 Petreius, M. (pr. 64) RE 3. W.N Sest. 12 [Pettius] See Tettius Petusius (of Urbinum, Antonian) RE Phil. XII.19.XIII.3 Phaedrus (Epicurean philosopher) RE Phaidros 8 Phil. V.i 3 Phalacrus (of Centuripae) RE Phalakros 3 Verr. V.io5.n6(f.).i22 Phalaris (tyrant) RE Verr. IV.73.V.145. Pis. 42.73 (Pharnaces [grandfather of Mithridates VI]) RE Pharnakes 1) (Imp. Pomp. 21) Pharnaces (son of Mithridates VI) RE Pharnakes 2 Deiot. 14. Phil. XIV.23 Phidippus (slave and physician of Deiotarus) RE Pheidippos 3 Deiot. (3).i7(f.2if.26.30-32). His brothers: Deiot. 22
Phileros (slave of C. Cornelius) RE i Fr. VII.45 (Ascon. 75.10) Philinus (slave of M. Tullius) RE 6 Tull. I9(f.).22 Philinus (of Herbita) RE 7 Verr. III.80 Philippus (V, king of Macedonia) RE 1 0 Verr. I.55. Imp. Pomp. 14. Leg. agr. II.50.90. Mur. 3 1 . Phil. XI. 17 Philippus (of Temnos) RE 29 Flacc. 43 [Philo] See Sempronius Pit(h)io Philocrates (of Agyrium) RE Philokrates 9 Verr. II.25. His father: ibid. Philoctetes RE Philoktetes Har. resp. 39 Philodamus (of Lampsacus) RE 4 Verr. I.64-76 passim. 83f. His daughter: Verr. I.64-7.76. His son: Verr. L65.67.71.75f.83 Philodamus (of Opus) RE 3 Verr. II. 109 (Philodemus [Epicurean]) RE 5 (Pis. 68-72.74) Philodorus (of Tralles) Not in RE Flacc. 53 Phimes See Diocles Phimes Phoenix Cf. Mur. 60 Phormio (character in Terence) Caec. 27. Phil. II. 15 Phylarchus (of Centuripae) RE 3 Verr. IV.29.50 Phylarchus (of Haluntium) RE 2 Verr. V.90.122 (Pinaria?) RE 29 (Dom. 1 1 8 . 1 3 9 . Har. resp. 39)
L. R. Taylor's suggestion [AJPh 63(1942].396f.) that the unnamed sister of L. Pinarius Natta and wife of P. Clodius was none other than Fulvia is very likely right; cf. C. L. Babcock AJPh 86 (1965).7fPinarius Natta, L. (pontifex) RE 19. N Mur. 73. (Dom. I i 7 f . i 2 i f . 134f.139.14r). His mother: Dom. 118.134.139
Pipa (wife of Aeschrio) RE 1 Verr. (II.36.51 ).ni.77f-(79-82)V.( 3 i).8I Plaetorius (L.f.Pap. Cestianus), L. (senator). RE 14. W. Bs Cluent. 165 Plaetorius (Pap. Cestianus), M. (pr. 64?) RE 16. W. Bs Font. Cluent. 126.147. His mother: Font. 10 On the Plaetorii Cestiani see Nomenclature 1 2 3 L Plaguleius (follower of Clodius) RE Dom. 89 (Plaguleii) (Plancius Tel., Cn.? [father of the following]) RE 2 (Plane. 32). Cf. Cluent. 140 Plancius (Ter.), Cn. (father of the following) RE 3. N Plane. (i7.24f.29.3i).32(f.). 34^(47.55.72). His father and grandfather: Plane. 32. See (Munatius?) Plancus, Cn.? Plancius (Cn.f.Ter.), Cn. (aed. cur. 54?) RE 4. W. Bs Sen. 35. Plane, passim. His uncle: Plane. 29 On the controversial date of his election as aedile see S 1 249.n.i2, S 2 p. 150.
Plato (philosopher) RE i Mur. 63(f.). Rab. Post. 23. Scaur. 4f. Plator (of Orestis, homo in illis locis clarus ac nobilis) RE 2 Har. resp. 35. Pis. 83f. (Plautius Pap.) Hypsaeus, (P.)(pr. before 54) RE 23 Flacc. 20 (Plautius Ani.) Silvanus, (M.)(tr. 89 or 88) RE 29. Bs Arch. 7 Pleuratus (old man, flogged to death by Piso) RE 6 Pis. 84 Plotius (or Plautius)(Am'.), A . (pr. 51) RE Plautius 8. W. N Plane. i7-53f. Plotius, C . (senator) RE Plautius 11 Flacc. 50 Not in Wiseman. Plotius (Callus), L. (rhetor) RE 16 Arch. 20 Polea(s)(of Tyndaris) Not in RE Verr. IV. 9 2 Polemarchus (of Murgentia) Not in RE Verr. III. 5 6 Polemocrates (associate of Decianus) Not in RE Flacc. 74 Pollis (of Temnos) RE 3 Flacc. 43 Pollux Verr. V.i 86 Polyclitus (artist) RE Polykleitos 10 Verr. IV.s. 12 (Pompeia [Caesar's wife]) RE 52 (Mil. 72. Fr. XIV.28 [Schol. Bob. 90.31]) Pompeii See Percennii
Pompeii Rabir. 21 Pompeius (A.f.Arn.), Q. (cos. 141) RE 12. S*. Bs Verr. V.181. Font. 23.27. Mur. 16.17 (Pompeii) O n the pedigree of the second and first-century Pompeii see Sumner AJAH 2 (i977).8-25 with Harvey's comments [AJPh n8f.). Pompeius (Cn.f.Clu.), Sex. (father of Strabo) RE 17 Phil. XII.27 Pompeius (Sex.f.Cn.n.Clu.), Sex. RE 18 Phil. XII.27 Pompeius Basiliscus, Cn. (of Messana) RE 23 Verr. IV.25 Pompeius Chlorus, Sex. (homo nobilissimus ... omnium Siculorum primus ac nobilissimus) RE 27 Verr. II. 2 3f. 102 "Chlorus" in 24. Pompeius (Cn.f.Sex.n.Clu.) Magnus, Cn. ("triumvir") RE 31 and vol. XXI.2549. N. S 2 . Bs Verr. a. pr. 31.44f.II.102.110. 113.III. Font. fr. 6.8. Font. 14.16. Imp. Pomp. 3.10(131.27 et passim Leg. agr. fr. 4.1.5^13.11.23-5.46.49. 52-4.60—62.99.III. 16. Mur. 34. Catil. IV.21. Sull. 67. Arch. 24. Flacc. 14.20.28(^ Sen. (4)-5-29-(3i)- Quir.(i 4 ).i6(f.).i8. Dom.^25.27-31 passim. 66f.69.(no).i29. Har. resp. (6.38).45-5Z.58. Sest. 15.39-4* (5Z.)-58-67-69.74-(84)-IO7. (129).133. Vatin. 24. Balb. 1 - 1 7 passim. 19.32f.
Prov. cons. 2 7 . 3 1 . 4 3 . Pis. 1 6 . 2 5 . 27f.34f.58.74(f.).76.8o. Rab. Post. 6.i3.i9.33f. Plane. (251.93. Scaur. 39.43. Mil. 2.is.i8(f.). 20f.31.37.39f.s4.6s-7!
sim. 79.87. (Marc. 14). Lig. i8(f. 22).25.27. D e i o t . 9 . 1 1 - 3 . 2 8 .
Phil. I.i8.36.II.4.i2.23f.37f. (39).S4.62.64f.67.(68f.).73-75i09.V.39.4i.43f.XI.i8.34.XIII. 2.(8).9f.( 11). 50. (Fr. VII.48 [Ascon. 76.5]).
Cf. Pis. fr. XX (Nisbet) Pompeianus Phil. XIII.32.
ani Phil. XIII. 3 8 . 4 5 . Pompeianae possessiones Phil. XIII. 11. nus senatus Phil. XIII.28f. "Magnus" occurs four times in the orations, but never, unless it be in Mil. 68, simply as a cognomen! s e e my note on Att. 1.16. 11 hoc Magno. Here are the passages: Aich. 24 noster hie Magnus; Leg. agr. II.5 3 "P. Servilius Rullus . . . s.d. Cn. Pompeio Cn. f." non credo ascriptuium esse "Magno-," non enim videtur id quod imminuere lege conatur concessurus verbo (see p. 00); Mil. 68 te, Magne, tamen testaretur•, Phil. II.64 bona subiecta Cn. Pompei—miserum me! consumptis enim laciimis tamen infixus animo haeret dolor— bona inquam, Cn. Pompei Magni voci acerbissimae subiecta praeconis. Reid's conjecture Magni armis for magnis in Balb. 25 is therefore implausible. (Pompeius Cn.f.Cn.n. C7u.) Magnus [elder son of the above]) RE 32. (Phil. II.75 V.39.XII.23)
Pompeius Cn.f. (Cn.n.Clu.) Magnus (Pius), Sex. RE 33. Bs Phil. (II.75).V.39.4i.XIII.8(f.). I0(f.).i2f.(34).50
"(Sex.) Pompeius," except in XIII.8 "Magnus Pompeius" and in two senatorial decrees, V.41 "Sex. Pompeius Cn.f. Magnus" and XIII.50 "Magnus Pompeius Cn.f." In the latter the absence of praenomen is remarkable, as also in XIII.8, showing that for Cicero "Magnus" was no ordinary cognomen, perhaps that it could be treated as a praenomen, like Faustus (Sulla). Cf. Syme Historia 7 (19581.174 = Rom. pap. 363f. Pompeius Philo, Cn. RE 16 Verr. IV.48 [Cn. Pompeius est, Philo qui fuit, Tyndaritanus) Pompeius (Q.f.A.n.Arn. Rufus), Q. (cos.88) RE 39 Cluent.11. Leg. agr. I.10.II. 38f. 56
Pompeius (Q.f.Arn. Rufus), Q. (pr. 63) RE 4 2 Cael. 73 Pompeius (Q.f.Q.n.Arn. Rufus), Q. (tr. 52) « £ 4 1 . Bs Sull. 55. (Mil. 45? 47) In Mil. 45 Asconius (49.2) offers two possibilities, this Pompeius and C. Sallustius Crispus, while preferring the former. Pompeius Sex. f. (Cn.n.Clu. Strabo), Cn. (cos. 89) RE 45. S J . Bs Div. Caec. 63. Font. 43. (Imp. Pomp. 28). Balb. 50.64. (Pis. 58). Phil. XII.27. See Pomponius "Cn. Pompeius Sex. f." in Phil. XII.27. Elsewhere "(Cn.) Pompeius (pater)."
Pompeius Theodoras, Cn. (homo ... piobatissimus et... ornatissimus) RE 46 Verr. II. 102 Pompeius Theophanes, Cn. See Theophanes Pompilius See Numa Pompilius Pomponius, Cn. (tr. 90) RE 3. Bs Fr. VU.54 (Ascon. 79.3) Badian (Histoiia 18(1969]. 4 6 5 - 7 5 , especially 4.736.) proved conclusively that the person whom Cicero called hominem dis ac nobilitati peiinvisum is not Pompey the Great's father, advocating Pighius' conjecture Pomponium for Pompeium. This too is convincing. On the corruption in Asconius' manuscripts see Badian. Pomponius (Rutilius) for Pompeius in Fam. 16.10.2 is highly probable. Pomptinus C. (pr. 63) RE. W. Bs Catil. III.5f.14. Flacc. 102. (Vatin. 30). Prov. cons. 32. Pis. 58 Pompulenus Not in RE Fr. II.5 (Quint. 5.13.28) Pontius (gambling partner of Antony) RE 18 Phil. XIII.3 (Pontius Pap.) Aquila, (L.)(tr. 45) RE 17. W. Bs Phil.XI.14.XIU.27 (Pontius) Telesinus (Samnite leader) RE 21 Caec. 87 Popillius See Diocles Popillius, C. (senator condemned for peculation) RE 3 Verr. a. pr. 39 "Sans doute Laenas" Nicolet. Perhaps Wiseman thought so
too, since he does not notice this Popillius. Why? P. Popillius below was the son of a freedman. Popillius, P. (senator condemned for ambitus) RE 10. W. N Cluent. 98. 103. i 3 i f . Popillius (P.f.P.n. Laenas), C. (II cos. 158) RE 18. Bs Phil. VIII.23 (Popillius P.f.C.n.) Laenas, C. (leg. 107) RE 19. S 2 Balb. 28 It is probably a mistake to change the praenomen to P., thus making reference to the consul of 132, who is always "P. Popillius." The date of his exile (123), coming before that of his predecessor in the list, Q. Maximus (Eburnus, exiled ca. 104), does not fit so well. Popillius (C.f.P.n. Laenas), P. (cos. 132) RE 28. Bs Verr. IV.112. Cluent. 95. Sen. 37f. Quir. 6.9(f.).n. Dom. 82.87. His sons: Sen. 37. Quir. 6 Porcius (customs collector in Narbonensis) Not in RE Font. 19 (Porcii) Catones (i.e. L. Cato, cos. 89?) Rabir. 2 1 (Porcius M.f.M.n.) Cato, C. (cos. 114) RE 5. S 2 Verr. III.184.IV.22. Balb. 28 (Porcius M.f.M.n.Pap.) Cato, L. (cos. 89). RE 7 Font. 43. Arch. 6. Cf. (Porcii) Catones (Porcius M.f.Pap.) Cato Sapiens, M. (the Censor) RE 9. N. S 2 . Bs Div. Caec. 66. Verr. II.5.III. 160.209 (Catones). IV.22.V.180. Leg. agr. II.64. (Catones). Mur.
17 (Catones). 32.59.(66). Sull. 23. Arch. 16.22. Flacc. 72. Plane. 20.66. Usually "(M.) Cato" ("Catones"). But Div. Caec. 66 M. Catonem ilium Sapientem, Verr. II. 5 ille M. Cato Sapiens, Sull. 23 M. illi Catoni seni, Arch. 16 M. Catonem ilium sen em. (Porcius L.f.M.n.Pap.) Cato, M. (Uticensis) RE 16. Bs Mur. 5 8 - 7 1 passim. 7 4 - 7 9 passim. 8 1 - 3 . (Arch. 22). Dom. 2 0 - 3 . (52).65f. Sest. i2.6o(f.).62(f.). Mil. Phil. 11.12.(27). XIII.30. Cf. Prov. cons. 45 (Porcius) Laeca, M. (senator)(Catilinarian) RE 18 Catil. L8f.II.13. Sull. 6.52 Always with praenomen, except in Catil. I.9 after previous mention. Porsen(n)a (king of Clusium) RE Sest. 48 Posides Macro (of Solus) Not in RE Verr. II. 102 Posidorus (of Thermae) Not in RE Verr. III.99 (Postumia [wife of Ser. Sulpicius Rufus]) RE 69 (Phil. IX.5) Postumius [adulescens gravis senili iudicio) RE 7 Sest. h i Postumius (C,l){subscriptor against Murena) RE Postumus 4 (cf. Postumius 12). S 2 . Bs Mur. 54.56f.69 Postumus, according to the manuscripts. The choice (and the praenomen, unattested in Cicero) depends on problems of
identity which may never be solved with certainty; see Nomenclature 59f., discussing Sumner, Phoenix 25(19711.254 and S 2 , together with Sumner's further comments in CPh. 1 6 1 . Postumius, M. (quaestor to Verres) RE 19 Verr. II.44 (Postumius) Albinus, A. (cos. 99) RE 33. S 2 . Bs Quir. 1 1 On the reading see Bailey HSPh2 i 4 i f . ; also Badian Chiron 14(19841.145-7. Postumius (A.f.A.n. Albinus Luscus), A. (cos. 180) RE 46. Bs Verr. I.106 [ab A. Postumio Q. Fulvio censoribus) Postumus See Postumius Praxiteles (artist) RE 5 Verr. IV.4.12 Priamus (king of Troy) Sex. Rose. 90 Propertius, Sex. RE. 1. Cf. W p. 254 Dom. 49 Proserpina Verr. I V . 1 0 6 . 1 1 1 . See Libera Pseudophilippus RE Andriskos 4 Leg. agr. II.90. Mur. 3 1 (Ptolomaeus VIII Euergetes II) RE Ptolemaios 27 (Dom. 20) (Ptolomaeus IX Lathyrus) RE Ptolemaios 30 (Dom. 20) (Ptolomaeus X) Alexander (I) RE Ptolemaios 31 Leg. agr. I.i (Alexander). II.41 (Alexafs]). (Fr. XVI.8f. \Schol. Bob. 93.9, 16])
T h e king w h o bequeathed Egypt to Rome in his will has usually been identified w i t h Alexander II; but see Badian RhM 110(19671.178-92. Ptolomaeus (XII, Auletes) RE Ptolemaios 33 Verr. II.76. Leg. agr. II.(42f.). 44. (Dom. 20. Sest. 57). Cael. 18. (23. Pis. 48). Rab. Post. (i).4.(sf. Fr. XVI. 8 [Schol. Bob. 93.9]) Ptolomaeus (king of Cyprus) RE Ptolemaios 34 Flacc. 30. D o m . 2o(52f.). Sest. 57(59.62-4) (Ptolomaeus) Apion RE Ptolemaios 29 Leg. agr. II. 51 Publicius (Catilinarian) RE 5 Publicius, L. (peifamiliaris Naevi) RE 10 Quinct. 24f. Publicius, Q. (pr. 67?) RE 13. Bs Cluent. 126 (Publicius Q.f.) Malleolus, C. (q. 80) RE 19. Bs Verr. I.4i.9of.(93).94 (Publicius) Malleolus (son of above) Cf. RE 19. Bs Verr. 1.90.(921.93^.). His mother and grandmother: Verr. I.92-4 Publicius Menander, C n . (freedman) RE 24 Balb. 28 Pupius, M. RE 8 D o m . 35 (Pupius M.f.Sca.) Piso (Frugi), M . (cos. 61, adoptive son of above) RE 10 S 2 . Bs Verr. 1.37. Flacc. 5 fr. X.6. D o m . 35. Pis. 62. Plane. 12.51 N o t e Flacc. 5 qui cognomen
frugalitatis, nisi accepisset, ipse pepeiisset. Pupius (M.f.M.n.Sca.) Piso (Frugi), M . (pr. 44, son of the above) RE 12 (cf. 11). Bs Phil. II.62.III.25 O n his name see Syme Historia 7 (1958).i72f. = Rom. pap. 36if. and JRS 50 (19601.15 = Rom. pap. 50if., Badian Acta of the Fifth Epigraphic Congress 1967.209-14, Nomenclature i26f. He rather than his father (cos. 61) is likely to have owned the house in Rome w h i c h Antony made his residence in 48 [Phil. II.62). T h e inference foll o w s that he was at that time a Pompeian, later pardoned and advanced by Caesar. Pyragrus See Apollodorus Pyrrhus (king of Epirus) RE 13 Mur. 31. Cael. 34. Balb. 50. Phil. 1.11.XI. 17 Pythagoras RE 1 and suppl. X (Vatin. 14). Scaur. 5 Pythagoreus Vatin. 14 Pythius, Apollo Font. 30 Pythodorus (of Tralles) RE 13b Flacc. 52 (Pythodori) Quinctilius, C. RE 1 Cluent. 175? See Quinctius, L. Quinctilius, P. (jurist) RE 2 Quinct. 54 Quinctilius Varus, P. (homo summa religione et summa auctoritate praeditus, perhaps identical w i t h the above) Cf. RE 2. Bs Cluent. 53 Cf. Sumner CPh 161, commenting on the identification proposed in Nomenclature 61:
"In P. Quintilius Varus—the jurist of Pro Quintio 54 satisfactorily combined with P. Quintilius Varus of Pro Cluentio 53—S.B. seems to have discovered inadvertently a missing senator." However, summa auctoritate praeditus does not quite certainly connote senatorial rank. Identical or similar expressions are used in the Verrines of the knights M. Cossutius (III.55) and Q. Lollius (III.62), as well as of the Sicilian Aeneas of Halaesa. Quinctilius Varus, Sex. (pr. 57) RE 4 Sen. 23. Phil. XIII.30 (Antony's letter) "Sex. Quintilius" and "Varus." "Quinctius" Sest. 82 See Numerius Rufus and cf. Bailey HSPh1 2 7 1 . Quinctius, C. (brother of Publius) RE 6 Quinct. 1 if. I4f. 1 7 - 2 0 . 3 7 . 41-73 Quinctius, Kaeso RE 8 Dom. 86 Quinctius, L. (pr. 68) RE 12. W. S 2 Tull. Cluent. 74.
13 passim. (136).137.175? (see Quinctilius, C.) Quinctiana contio (or nae contiones) Cluent. 127. ana ilia Cluent. 1 1 3 Quinctius, P. RE 16 Quinct. passim. His wife and children: Quinct. 54.77.85 Quinctius (L.f. Cincinnatus?), Kaeso RE 8 Dom. 86
(Quinctius) Crispinus, T. (q. before 69) RE 39 Font. 1 (Quinctius T.f.L.n.) Flamininus, T. (cos. 198) RE 4 5 . Bs Verr. I.55.IV.129. Leg. agr. I.5. Mur. 3 1 . Pis. 61. Phil. V.48 (Quinctius T.f.T.n.) Flamininus, T. (cos. 1 2 3 ) RE 4 7 . S 1 . Cf. Bs Dom. 1 3 6 (Quinctii) Scapulae Quinct. (17).18.20 (Quinctius) Scapula, P. RE 53 Quinct. 17 See Nomenclature 6ii. (cf. Harvey AfPh. 116, Bailey Gnomon
5 6 ( 1 9 8 4 ] . 37of.).
(Quinctius) Valgus, (C.) (fatherin-law of Rullus) RE 56 Leg. agr. (II.6 9 ).III.3.(8.i3f.) Not Valgius. See Harvey in Classics and the classical tradition (1973).79-94; also Nomenclature 72. Quirinus Phil. II. 1 1 0 . Cf. Har. resp. 1 2 (Rabiria [mother of Postumusj) RE 8 (Rabir. 8? Rab. Post. 45) Rabirius' sister in Rabir. 8 may possibly not be the mother of C. Rabirius Postumus. But see Curtius, C. Rabirius [Gal.), C. (senator) RE 5. W.N. Bs Rabir. passim. Pis. 4. Rab. Post. 45 Rabirius (C.f.Goi.) Postumus, C. (C. Curtius Postumus)(pr. c. 47?) RE 6 and Curtius 26. N. Bs Rab. Post, passim. His sister(s): see Rabiria. His nephew: Rabir. 8
"C. Rabirius" i and 45. "C. Rabirius Postumus" 45. Elsewhere "Postumus." The name to be supplied in 21 is Postumo ... Postumus, not Rabirio ... Rabirius (Madvig); see Nomenclature 34. By birth C. Curtius Postumus, as Dessau perceived; see S1 2 54t., Nomenclature 3jf. See also C. Curtius. Rabocentus (chieftain of the Bessi) RE Pis. 84 Rabonius, L. (guardian of Iunius) RE Habonius. N Verr. L132.134.140f.146.149t. Racilius, L. Cf. RE 1. Cf. Bs
Verr.II.31 Racilius (L.?f.), L. (tr. 56) RE 1. W. Bs Plane. 77 Possibly identical with above, but more likely his son; cf. Nomenclature 63. Raecius, L. (splendidissima eq. R.) RE i.N Verr. V. 161.168 Romulus RE 1
Rabir. 13. Catil. 1.33.111.(2.). 19. Vatin. 20. Balb. 31 Roscii, Titi (Capito and Magnus) Sex. Rose. (131.17.(28).35.78. 106-8.122 Roscius, L. (envoy to Fidenae 438) RE 4 Phil. IX.(4).5.(7) Roscius, Sex. (of Ameria, father and son), RE 6, 7. N Sex. Rose, passim Roscius Capito, T. RE 12 Sex. Rose. 98-ioo.(ioif.).io8f.(no-4). n$.ii7(f.). See Roscii
17 duo isti sunt T. Roscii, quorum alteri Capitoni cognomen est. Tria nomina 26.96. "(T.) Roscius" i i s . 1 1 7 . "T. Capito" 19. Otherwise "Capito." Roscius (Mae. Gallus), Q. RE 16. N Quinct. 77f.(79). Rose. com. passim. Arch. 17 Roscius Magnus, T. RE 18 Sex. Rose. 17-9.21.23f.30.77. 84.(86-81.92-8 passim. (1024). 108.(1 i8).x I9(f-)- See Roscii 17 duo isti sunt T. Roscii... iste qui adest Magnus vocatur. Elsewhere "(T.) Roscius." (Roscius) Otho, L. (pr. 63?) RE 22. W Mur. 40 Rubrius (associate of Verres) RE 3 Verr. I. 64-7.80 Rubrius, L. RE 10
Verr. III.132.13s Rubrius (Ter.), L. (of Casinum) RE 12. N Phil. II.40(f.).62.74.i03. His nephew: Phil. II.41 On the reading in II.41 see Bailey Philologus 126(19821.220. Rubrius, Q. [vir fortissimus) RE IS.N Verr. III. 185 "Rufio"
Mil. 60 [Rupilius, A.)
See Rutilius, A. Rupilius (P.f.P.n.), P. (cos. 132) RE 5-N Verr. II.32.39f.90.12s.III.12s. IV.112 Rupiliae leges Verr. 11.40.(90) Rutilius, A. (Oppianicus' doctor) RE Rupilius 3
Cluent. 176 On the vulgate Rupilio see Nomenclature 64. Rutilius, P. (witness) RE 10 Caec. 27 Rutilius (Flaccus?), L. RE 16 Cluent. ( i 7 6 f . ) . i 8 i
His membership of the senate is not proven (Nomenclature pf.). Rutilius (L.f.L.n. Lupus), P. (cos. 90) RE 26 Font. 43 Rutilius (P.f.?) Rufus, C. RE 33 Div. in Caec. 69 Rutilius (P.f.P.n.) Rufus, P. (cos. 1 0 5 ) RE 34. S 2 . Bs Font. 38.(40). Balb. 28. Pis. 95. Rab. Post. 27. Plane. 52. Scaur, fr. d. Tria nomina in Rab. Post 27 and Plane. 52, otherwise "P. Rutilius." Sadala (Thracian king) Not in RE Verr. 1.6 3 Safinius Atella RE Cluent. 68 Safinianumiudicium Cluent. 99 Staienus ille biennio ante cum causam bonorum Saflni Atellae recepisset. Münzer took Atellae as locative, perhaps rightly. Salarius (murder victim in the Varenus case) RE 1 Fr. 11.6 (Quinct. 7.1.9) (Sallustius Crispus, C. (pr. 46]) RE 1 0 (Mil. 47). Cf. Mil. 45 (see Pompeius [Rufus], Q. [tr. 52]) Saltius, Sex. (duumvir of Capua) RE Leg. agr. II.92(f.) On the rare nomen see Harvey Athenaeum2
Salus Verr. III. 1 3 1 . Font. 2 1 . Sest. 131 Samiatius (exile) RE Phil. XI.5.7. The family was Praenestine. Hence Badian's suggestion that the execution of Trebonius may reflect a local feud (see Harvey Athenaeum1
50 n.48).
Sancus (temple of) Rabir. 20 Sappho (statue of) Verr. IV.i26f. Sassia (mother of Cluentius) RE Cluent. 1 2 - 8 passim. 2 6 - 8 (42.44f.167).174-95 (199-201)
Saturius, P. (senator) RE 1. W. N Rose. c o m . 3 - 2 2 . 2 7 f . 4 0 . 5 1 . 5 6 . Cluent. I07.(i76f.).i82
Saturnus Har. resp. 20 Saturnalia Catil. III.9 Saufeius (Men.), C. (q. 100) RE 3. W. (f. Bs p. 22) Rabir. 20 On the date of his quaestorship see (Appuleius) Saturninus. Scaeva (slave, alleged killer of Saturninus) RE 1 Rabir. 31 Scamander (freedman of the Fabricii) RE Skamandros 3 Cluent. 4 7 - 6 7 passim. 105. (125). See Fabricii Scandilius, P. RE. N Verr. III. 1 3 5 - 4 0 Scandilianum crimen Verr. III.141
Scantia (muliercula) RE 1 Mil. 75 Scipiones See (Cornelii) Scipiones
(Scribonius C.f.Pom.) Curio, C. (cos. 76) RE 10. S 2 . Bs Verr. a. pr. i8(f.). Imp. Pomp. 68. Rabir. 21. Har. resp. 12. Vatin. 24. Pis. 44.58. Phil. II. 12. 45(f.). Fr. VII.24 (Ascon. 62.21). (XIV.21 [cod. Turinensis, Schol. Bob. 89.3]). Cf. Verr. a. pr. 6.9. I.30, where the anonymous defendant has been identified with Curio (see [Caecilius] Metellus Nepos, Q. [cos. 57]). (Scribonius C.f.C.n.Pom.) Curio, C. (tr. 50) RE 11. S 2 . Bs (Vatin. 24). Phil. II.3f.11. 44f.(46)
On the tribe see Badian Athenaeum 40(1962).356-9. Scylla Verr. V.146. Har. resp. 59 Scyllaeus fretus Sest. 18 Seius (L.f.), M. (aed. cur. 74) RE 3. W.N Plane. 12 Seius (Pob.) Mustek (of Anagnia, Antonian) RE. 10 Phil. II.8.106.V.18.VIII.26.XII. 14 (Mustelae Seii). XIII.3 "Mustela ( ae) Seius (Seii)" II.8.XII.14. Elsewhere "Mustela." Seius Postumus, Q. [eq. R., vir optimus, allegedly poisoned by Clodius) RE 12. N Dom. 1 1 5 . 1 2 9 . Har. resp. 30 "Q. Seius" and "Postumus" in the first ref., "Q. Seius" in the other two. Selene (Cleopatra) RE Kleopatra 22 Verr. IV.61 Semiramis (i.e. A. Cabinius) Prov. cons. 9 (Sempronius L.f.L.n.Fal.) Atratinus, (L.) (prosecutor of Caelius and cos. suff. 34) RE 26. Bs
Cael. if.7(f.) Apparently the son by adoption of a Sempronius Asellio, who had taken the cognomen of a patrician family of the same gens, which flourished in the early Republic. There was probably a link of descent, real or supposed. The Aselliones may even have been patrician. See Badian A Class 2(i968).5f., Nomenclature 129. (Sempronii) Gracchi (Ti. and C.) Leg. agr. I.21.II.10.81. Catil. I.29. Sest. 105. Vatin. 23. (Prov. cons. 18). Phil. VII.17 "(Sempronius) Gracchus" (insitivus) See Equitius. Claiming to be the son of the tribune of 133 he presumably gave himself the praenomen Tiberius. (Sempronius Ti.f.P.n.) Gracchus, C. (tr. 1 2 3 - 2 ) RE 47. S 2 . Bs Font. 39. Cluent. 1 5 1 . Rabir. 1 2 - 5 . Catil. I.4.IV.4.(io).i3. Dom. 24.82.102. Har. resp. 41. 43(f.). Sest. 101.103.140. Mil. 14. Phil. I.18.VIII.14. Fr. VIII.5. (Ascon. 80.7). See (Sempronii) Gracchi Semproniae leges Phil. I.18 (Sempronius Ti.f.Ti.n.) Gracchus, Ti. [II cos. 213]) RE 51 (Catil. I.4) (Sempronius P.f.Ti.n.) Gracchus, Ti. (II cos. 163) RE 53. S 2 (Catil. I.4. Har. resp. 41.43 (read patria: Bailey HSPh2 147). Prov. cons. 18 (Sempronius Ti.f.P.n.) Gracchus, Ti. (tr. 133) RE 54. S 1
Verr. L151.IV.108. Caec. 87. Leg. agr. II.31. Rabir. 14. Catil. I.3.IV.4. Dom. 91. Har. resp. 4i.43(f.|. Sest. 103. Plane. 88. Mil. 8.14.71- Phil. VIIL13. Fr. VIII.5. (Ascon. 80.7). See (Sempronii) Gracchi (Sempronius Ti.f.C.n.) Longus, Ti. (cos. 194) RE 67 Fr. VII.26 (Ascon. 69.14) (Sempronius) Pit(h)io, (q. 102) Cf. RE Veturius 21. S 2 pp. 8of. Div. Caec. 63 Or Pythio? Badian {Klio 291—6) shows that the vulgate Philoni has no real authority and that Cicero's reference will be to a son of the moneyer L. Sempr(onius) Pitio (Crawford 216, dated 148). (Sempronius C.f.C.n.) Tuditanus (grandfather of Fulvia) RE 89 Phil. III. 16 Sentius (Ter.), C. (pr. 94) RE 3. W.Bs Verr. III.217. Pis. 84. (Plane. 19) (Sentius, C. [or L.]f. Ter.) Saturninus, Cn. Cf. RE Appuleius 27 Plane. 19.27.29 The true identity and nomenclature were established by Syme (Senators 1 1 1 , 12 if. = Rom. pap. 588f., 6oof.; see Nomenclature 14!., where correct "Cn. Sentius adulescens" to "Cn. Saturninus adulescens"). Fog, however, lingered. Nicolet's reference to Syme's article (N p. 983 n. 7) did not prevent him from confounding this man, whom he miscalls L. Sentius Saturninus, with L. Appuleius, governor of Macedonia in $8.
Septicius, Q. (honestissimus eq. R.) RE 1 Verr. ffl.36f. Septimius (Sullan possessor) Not in RE Leg. agr. III.3 (Septimii) Septimius (Qui.), C. (pr. $7) RE 7-W Sen. 23 Septimius, L. (orator) RE 8 Fr. II. 10 (Prise. GLKII. 112.20) Septimius, P. (witness against Flaccus) RE 12 Flacc. 11.88.100. His bailiff: Flacc. 11.88 Not necessarily to be distinguished from Varro Reatinus' quaestor [RE 1 1 ) and dedicatee. Septimius Scaevola, P. (senator) RE si. W Verr. a. pr. 38. Cluent. u s f . Respectively: "P. Septimius," "P. Septimius Scaevola," "Scaevola." Serapis (statue and temple of) Verr. II. 160 Sergius (mime) RE 2 Phil. II.62 Sergius, Cn. (tithe collector in Sicily) RE 9 Verr. III. 102 Sergius, L. (Cicero's scriba in Sicily) RE 13 Verr. III. 182 Sergius, L. (follower of Clodius) RE is Dom. i3f.2i (Sergii).89 (Sergii) Probably not a Sergius Plautus and clearly not the juror Plautus of Att. 1.16.6; see Badian ZPE 55 (19841.102-4. Sergius, Q. (senator, condemned inter sicarios) RE 21. Bs
Cluent. 21 Not on Wiseman's list. His ergastulum, placed by Wiseman under "site unknown," was in the Ager Gallicus. (Sergius L.f.M.?n. Tro.) Catilina, L. (pr. 68) RE 23. Bs Mur. 6.i7.48f.5i-3.78f.8i. 83—5.87. Catil. passim. Sull. i6f. 33.51-3.56.67f.70.75i.81.83. Flacc. Sen. 10.12. 33. Quir. 13. Dom. 13.61f.72.75. Har. resp. 5.42. Sest. 12.28.42. Cael. 1 0 - 1 5 passim. Pis. 5 . 1 1 . 14- Plane. 87. Mil. 37 63. Phil. IL1.118.IV.15.Vin. 15.Xni.22.XIV.14. Fr. (VII.18 [Ascon. 66.2]).IX (Ascon. 82-94) passim. XIV.33 (Cic. AdAtt. 1. 16.9.). Cf. Vatin. 25. His wife: Catil. I.14. His son: ibid. Note Catil. II.23 seminarium Catilinarum. [Sergius Callus, T.| See Sertius Callus Sertius, Cn. RE 1. N Verr. II. 1 1 9 The name, which varies in the manuscripts, is in some doubt. See Nicolet. Sertius Gallus, T. [in primis honestus et ornatus adulescens) RE 2 Mil. 86 See Nicolet. "Sergius" is in the Turin palimpsest (T) as well as the editions, but the unfamiliar nomen claims preference. Sertorius (Qui.), Q. (pr. 83) RE 3. W. N. S 2 . Bs Verr. V.154. Mur. 32 Sertorianus Verr. V. 15 5. Sertorianum bellum Phil. XI. 18. ni duces Imp. Pomp. 21. ni milites Verr. V.72.146. nus numerus militum Verr.
V. 153. na pars Imp. Pomp. 10. na tempora Leg. agr.
Servaeus (customs collector in Narbonensis) RE 2 Font. 19 Servilia (mother-in-law of Hortensius) RE 98 Verr. II.24 Servilii Sex. Rose. 15 Servilius lacus RE 2 Rose. Am. 89 Servilius, C. (pr. 88?) RE 12 Div. Caec. 63 On the knotty problem of his identity see Badian Klio 3 0 1 - 6 and PBSR 59-62. Servilius, C. [vetus negotiator) RE 15 Verr. V. 140^(142) Servilius, M. (tr. 43) RE 21. Bs Phil. IV. 16 See Badian PBSR 68f. Servilius, P. (company chairman) RE 25 Verr. m.i67f. Servilius (C.f.) Ahala, C. (mag. eq. 439) RE 32 Catil. I.3. Dom. 86. Sest. 143 (Ahalae). Mil. 8.83. Phil. II.26f. Tria nomina in the first two refs. "Ahala ille Servilius" in Mil. 8. Elsewhere "Ahala(e)." (Servilii) Caepiones (Q. [cos. 141) and Cn. [cos. 140]) Font. 27 Servilius (Cn.f.Cn.n.) Caepio, Cn. (cos. 141) RE 46. S 2 . Bs Verr. I.143. Font. 23. See (Servilii) Caepiones L. Cassius Cn. Servilius censores (cited from a law) and Cn. et Q. Caepionibus.
O N O M A S T I C O N TO C I C E R O ' S S P E E C H E S
(Servilius Cn.f.Cn.n.) Caepio, Q. (cos. 140) RE 48 Font. 23 (see above). See (Servilii) Caepiones (Servilius Cn.f.Q.n.) Caepio, Q. (cos. 106) RE 49 Balb. 28 Servilius (Q.f.Q.n.) Caepio, Q. (pr. 91?) RE 50. S 2 Dom. 120. Scaur, fr. d. 4$f. Tria nomina in Scaur, fr. d. Otherwise "(Q.) Caepio." (Servilius Q.f.Q.n.) Caepio Brutus (M. Brutus)(pr. 44) RE Iunius 53. Bs p. 1 1 2 Phil. L8-10.36.II.28.30f.97. (ii3).VIII.27.X passim. XI.26f.36. XIII.25(f.).32.37. See Iunii Bruti "(M.)" Brutus, except in X.2sf (proposed senatorial decree) "QCaepio Brutus" (four times). See Nomenclature i29f. (Servilii) Cascae Cf. RE 52. Bs Phil. II.27 quid duo Servilii (duos Servilios codd.; see my edition p.384) ICascas dicam an Ahalasl T. J. Cadoux ap. Bs seems to be right in positing three Casca brothers, one of whom, Gaius, was tribune in 44 and not concerned in Caesar's assassination. On the connection or lack of connection between the Cascae and the house of the Servilii Gemini see Badian PBSR 66. Servilius Casca (Longus, P.)(tr. 43) « £ 5 3 Phil. II.27.XIII.30 See above. In XIII.30 "Casca." Servilius Glaucia, C. (pr. 100) RE 65. S 2 . Bs
Verr. I.26. Rabir. 20. Catil. I.4. III.15. Har. resp. 51. Rab. Post. 14. Phil. VIII. 15 Catil. I.4 "C. Servilius." Elsewhere "(C.) Glaucia." For his aristocratic ancestry see Badian PBSR 6ii. (Servilius) Globulus, P. (pr. 64) RE 66 Flacc. See Badian PBSR 66 ("there is simply no more to be said"). Servilius (P.f.C.n. Isauricus), P. (cos. 48) RE 67. Bs Phil. VII.27.IX.3.i4.XI.(i9).2S. XII. 5 (f-)-18.XIII. 5 o.XIV.(7). 1 1 23. (Fr. B3 [Quint. 6.3.48]). His wife and children: Phil. XII.5 (Servilius) Rullus, P. (tr. 63) RE 80 Leg. agr. passim A descendant, it seems, of C. Servilius Geminus, cos. 203 (Badian PBSR (Servilius M.f.Vatia, C. [pr. year unknown]) Cf. RE 91. Bs (Verr. III.211) Father of Isauricus (cos. 79), probably not moneyer in c. 136 [RE 14) or c. 127 {RE 13); see Badian PBSR 5 1 - 3 . Servilius (C.f.M.n. Vatia Isauricus), P. (cos. 79) RE 93. Bs Verr. 1.5 6f.II. 31 .III.2 iof.IV.21. 82.V.66.79. Imp. Pomp. 68. Leg. agr. I.5.II.50. Rabir. 2 1 . Flacc. 5 fr. viii.6.100. Sen. 25.37 (Servilii). Quir. 6 (Servilii). 17. Dom. 43.123.132f. Har. resp. 2.12. Sest. 130. Prov. cons. 1.22. Pis. 58. Phil. II.12.XI.33. (Fr. B3 [Quint. 6.3.48]) (Sestius Col., L. [tr. before 91]) RE 2. W (Sest. 6f.)
Sestius (P.f.L.n. Col. Albanianus Quirinalis), L. (cos. suff. 23) RE 3-BS
Sest. (6).10.(144.146) See Albanius. Sestius (L.f.Col.), P. (pr. before 50) RE 6. Bs Catil. 1.21. Sen. (7).20.30. Quir. (14).15. Sest. 3 - 1 5 passim. 3 1 . 7 1 . 7 5 - 8 5 passim. 1 1 9 . 1 2 4 . 1 3 2 . 1 4 4 . Vatin. 2f.iof. 4 1 . Mil. 38. His daughter: Sest. 6 Sestullius, A. RE Sextilius 5. Cf. Bs Flacc. 35 To this man and the other three Sestullii listed here, previously disguised as Sextilii, their real name was restored by S. Mitchell Anatolian Studies 29 U979) 1 3 - 2 2 ; see Badian AJPh. 1 0 1 ( 1 9 8 0 ) 4 7 0 - 8 2 , w h o further reforms the "Sextilianus" fundus and its owner in Att. 14.6.1 and 14.10.2. Sestullius, C. (homo et pudens et constans et gravis) RE Sextilius 6 Flacc. 89 Sestullius, P. (q. 61) RE Sextilius 13. W("P. Sestuillius(?)") Flacc. 30 Sestullius Andro RE Sextilius 18 Flacc. 84.88.94 "Andro Sestullius" in the first and third refs., "Andro" in the second. Sextius (Verres' chief lictor) RE 4 Verr. I I I . i 5 6 . V . i i 3 . i i 8 f . 125.142 (Sextius?) Naso, P. See Naso Sibylla (Sibulla) (Har. resp. 27). Rab. Post. 4 Sibyllina (Sibull ) fata Ca-
til. III. 9 . 1 1 . ni libri Verr. IV.108. (Har. resp. 26). nus sacerdos Har. resp. 26 Silanio (artist) RE 1 Verr. IV. 126 (Sittius, P. [father of the following]) RE 2 (Sull. 58) Sittius, P. RE 3 Sull. 56(f.).58f. Socrates RE Sokrates 5 Scaur. 4. Fr. VI. 2 (Hieron. Ep. 52.8) Solo(n) RE 1 Sex. Rose. 70 Sopater (of Halicyae) RE Sopatros 5 Verr. II.68-74(f.).8o. His son: Verr. II.80 Sopater (of Tyndaris) RE Sopatros 6 Verr. IV.85-7.92 Sosippus (of Agrigentum) RE 3 Verr. III.204 Sosippus (of Agyrium) RE 2 Verr. II.25. His father: ibid. Sositheus (of Entella) RE 3 Verr. III.200 Sospita See Iuno Sostratus (of Centuripae) RE 5 Verr. III. 5 7 Spartacus RE Har. resp. 26. Phil. III.21.IV.15. XIII.22 Staienus See Aelius Paetus Staienus Staius Murcus, L. (proconsul 4 4 - 3 ) RE 2. W. Bs Phil. XI.30 Statilius (bad actor) RE 1 Rose. com. 30 Statilius, L. (Catilinarian) RE 6 Catil. IIL6.9f.14
Stesichorus (poet) RE and suppl. XI Verr. II.87 Sthenius (of Thermae) RE Stenius 2 Verr. I I . 8 3 - 1 1 8 passim. 147. III.18.41.IV.41.V.109.128 Sthenianum praemium Verr. II. 1 1 5 Stloga, Sex. (on Flaccus' jury) RE Flacc. 46 Perhaps a Peducaeus; so Miinzer, adducing M. Peducaeus Stloga Priscinus, cos. 1 4 1 A.D. The cognomen, assuming it is one, is not in Kajanto. Strato (slave of Sassia) Not in RE Cluent. 1 7 6 - 8 7 passim. (191) Suettius, L. (eq. R., lectissimus vir) RE Suetius. N (Suetius| Verr. I.14.II.31.V.147 Nicolet (n.3) recalls Atticus' friend and Cicero's coheir in Att. 13.12.4: "mais certains lisent S(ex.) Vettius" (in other words, S. Vettius, with inadmissibly abbreviated praenomen, was the vulgate until I dislodged it in i960 [Oxford Text]). Sulpicius, C. Cf. RE 80 Verr. 1 . 1 2 s . His daughter: ibid. Sulpicius (C.?f.C.?n. Galba?), C. (pr. 63) RE 1 0 Catil. III.8 The coins of C. Sulpicius C.f. (Galba) have been reassigned from 91 (cf. Miinzer RE 9) to 1 0 3 - 2 (Sydenham) and 106 (Crawford). There is thus no longer any chronological argument against making the praetor of 63 son of the moneyer. He could also be the patronus of C. Sulpicius Olympus, q.v. Sulpicius, Ser. [adulescens in-
geniosus et bonus, subsciiptoi to Ser. Sulpicius Rufus) Cf. RE 96. N Mur. 54.56f.73 "Ser. Sulpicius" in first two refs., "Servius" in the others. Definitely not the son of the consul of 51, as is sometimes still assumed (e.g. by Nicolet), but probably related; see Bailey HSPh' 257f. (Sulpicius f.Ser.n. Camerinus Cornutus, Ser. [cos. 461]) RE 36; cf. 32 (Fr. VII.50 [Ascon. 77.19]) Sulpicius (Ani.) Galba, P. (pr. before 65) RE 55 Verr. a. pr. 30.I.18. Mur. 17. Har. resp. 1 2 "P. Sulpicius" in first réf., "(P.) Galba" elsewhere. (Sulpicius Ser.f.P.n.Ani.) Galba, Ser. (cos. 144) RE 58. S 2 Mur. 59 (Sulpicius Ser.f.Ser.n.Ani.) Galba, Ser. (cos. 108) RE 59. Bs Rabir. 21 (Sulpicius Ser.f.Ser.n.Ani.) Galba, Ser. (pr. 54) RE 61 Phil. XIII. 3 3 (Sulpicius C.f.C.n.) Galus, C. (cos. 166) RE 66. S 2 . Bs Mur. 66 Sulpicius Olympus, C. (freedman) RE 80 Verr. 1.125 See Sulpicius, C. (Sulpicius Lem. Rufus [senator, grandfather of cos. 51]) Cf. RE 95. Bs (Mur. 16) pater fuit equestri loco, avus nulla illustri laude celebratus. "The phraseology shows that the grandfather was a senator" (Syme
Historia 4 [1955).69 = Rom.pap. 289). Nicolet (pp. io28f.) thought otherwise, wrongly, for nulla illustri laude celebratus implies a higher basic status than equestri loco. The family was clearly sinking, not rising in the two preceding generations. I see no reason why equestri loco (= eques) should not be said of a senator's son, though equestri loco natus could not. Sulpicius (Rufus), P. (tr. 88) RE 92. S 2 . Bs Catil. III.24. Har. resp. 41. 43(f.|. Vatin. 23. Phil. VIII.7. Fr. VIII.5 (Ascon. 80.7) Theories on his family are diverse and unverifiable. Perhaps the most likely is that it was originally patrician, but had sunk into the plebs. Had he been personally translated in order to stand for the tribunate, so notable a precedent for Clodius' action in 60 would surely have received mention in our sources. Cf. Harvey AJPh 119. (Sulpicius Lem. Rufus, Q. [father of the following]) Cf. RE 9$. N (Mur. i6f.) Sulpicius Q.f.Lem. Rufus, Ser. (cos. 51) RE 95. N Mur. 7 - 1 0 . 1 5 et passim. Deiot. 32. Phil. I.3.VIII.22.IX passim. XIII.29. Fr. B.19 [Quint. 9.3.21]? Full name (with tribe) in Phil. I X . 1 5 - 1 7 (senatorial decree). "Servius" often in Mur. (cf. fr. B.19). Elsewhere "Ser. Sulpicius." (Sulpicius Ser.f.Q.n.Lem. Rufus, Ser. [son of above]) RE 96. N. Bs
(Phil.IX.5.9.12) Not to be confounded with the subscriptor against Murena; see Sulpicius, Ser. Symmachus (slave of Venus) Verr. Ill.çaf. (Tadia) See Verres Tadius, P. (banker (?) in Athens) RE 1 Verr. 1.100 Tadius, P. (legate to Verres) Cf. RE 1. Bs Verr. II.49.V.63 Probably to be distinguished from the above. Tadius, Q. RE 2. N Verr. I.128.130.IV.31 "Il faut certainement lui donner comme prénom P., celui du banquier d'Athènes, et non Q., qui se trouvait à Rome en 7 5 " Nicolet, with reference to Verr. IV.31. Might not a man be in Rome in 75 and in Sicily in 73 - 1 ? Not but what we may have two Q. Tadii, perhaps father and son, as well as two Publii. (Tarpeius M.f.M.f. Montanus Capitolinus, Sp. [cos. 454)) RE 4 (Fr. VII.50 [Ascon 77.19]) Tarquinius (Priscus, L.) RE 6 Sull. 22 Tarquinius (Superbus), L. RE 7 Rabir. 13. Phil. II.87 n4.III. 8-11 Telephus RE 1 Flacc. 72 Tellus Har. resp. 20. Temple of, Dom. 101. Har. resp. 31. Phil. I.1.31. II.89
O N O M A S T I C O N TO C I C E R O ' S S P E E C H E S
Temenites (Apollo) Verr. IV. 1 1 9 Ten(n)es RE 1 Verr. I.49 (Terentia [wife of Cicero]) i?£ 95 (Catil. IV.3. Quir. 8. Dom. 59.96. Sest. 49.54.145. Cael. 50. Plane. 73. Mil. 87) Terentius, A. (witness) RE 17 Caec. 25 Terentius, Q. (pont. min.) Cf. RE 44 Har. resp. 1 2 Usually identified with Q. Terentius Culleo, tr. 57. But a pontifex minor can hardly have been a senator; cf. Mommsen Rom. Staatsiecht I.346 n.i, III.567. (Terentius Afer, P.) RE 36 Terentianus Phormio Caec. 27 (Terentius Qui.) Varro, M. (Reatinus)(pr. ca. 75) RE 84 and suppl. VI. N. Bs Phil. II.i03f.(i05) On the question of his nobilitas see my note on Att. 1 3 . 1 3 1 4 . 1 . Was he descended from a brother of the consul of 216? Terentius (M.f. Varro) Lucullus, M. (cos. 73) RE Licinius 109. S 2 . Bs Tüll. 8. Verr. L60.II.23f. Cluent. 1 3 7 . Arch. 6.8.31. Dom. (110). 132,f. Har. resp. 12. Prov. cons. 22. Pis. 44.77. (Fr. VIII.3 (Ascon 79.16]). See Luculli Generally "(M.) Lucullus;" but Ven. I.60 usque ad M. Terentium et C. Cassium consules Terpolius, M. (tr. 77) RE. W Fr. VIII.8 (Ascon. 8 1 . 1 ) Tertia (Verres' mistress) RE 1 Verr. III.78(f.).83.V.3i.40.|8i) Tettius, P. Cf. RE Tettius 3 and Titius 19. N
Verr. I . 7 1 . 1 3 5 . 1 3 7 . 1 3 9 The first passage refers to an accensus of C. Claudius Nero, governor of Asia in 90-89, described as homo oidinis sui frugalissimus-, that suggests a freedman, as accensi traditionally were (Q.Fr. 1.1.12). The manuscripts are about evenly balanced between "Tettius" and "Pettius," the latter of which I was formerly inclined to prefer (Nomenclature 68). The other three passages refer to one of the guardians of the ward Iunius. He is described as homo frugalissimus and again as homo summo pudore, summo officio, spectatissimus ordinis sui. In the Vatican palimpsest the name appears as P. Titius, but "Tettius" also has manuscript support. Münzer had no thought of amalgamating the two. His "Tettius 3 " is not the guardian (as Nicolet represents) but the accensus. The guardian is "Titius 1 9 . " But Nicolet suggests that identity is not improbable in view of the striking similarity of the characterizations. At the same time he admits that the second characterization could apply to a knight: "cette expression peut prouver le rang équestre mais aussi l'origine libertine" (I am not sure precisely what this means, but never mind). Actually, however, ordinis sui has to refer to libertine status in both cases, since closer attention to 137 will show that the guardian was not a knight. Three guardians are introduced, each with a description. First, C. Mustius, eques Ro-
manus, publicanus, homo cum primis honestus) second, M. Iunius, patruus pueri, frugalissimus homo et castissimus. Our man comes third. Certainly M. Junius was not a knight; if he had been, Cicero would have mentioned it, as he did in Mustius' case. Neither then was "Titius 19" a knight; if he had been, he would have been put ahead of M. Iunius and, again, Cicero would have mentioned it. Moreover, frugalissimus, the epithet bestowed on both, hardly suits equestrian rank. The identity and the name Tettius may be accepted with confidence, even though it involves a coincidence: the same individual appearing in two unrelated roles in the same speech. Themista (female disciple of Epicurus) RE Pis. 63 Themistagoras (of Lampsacus) RE 2 Verr. 1.83.85 Themistocles RE Themistokles 1 Arch. 20. Sest. 141. Scaur. 3 Theodorus (of Henna) RE 12 Verr. IV.1.13 Theodosius (envoy from Chios) RE 2 Har. resp. 34 Theomnastus ("Theoractus," of Syracuse) RE Verr. II.50.127.III.101.IV.59. U8(f.) Theophanes (Cn. Pompeius Theophanes, of Mytilene) RE 1. N (no. 280) Arch. 24. Balb. 57 Theopompus Cf. RE 4 and 5 Phil. XIII.33
According to Antony's letter to Hirtius and Octavian, this man, evidently a follower of Caesar's, had been expelled from Asia by Trebonius and had fled to Alexandria. He is readily identified with the mythographer Theopompus of Cnidus, whose influence with the Dictator was considerable (RE 5; cf. Att. XIII.7). The person or persons mentioned in Q.fr. 1.2.9 and 2.11(10).4 may be best left outside. "Theoractus" See Theomnastus Thericlia pocula Cf. RE Therikles 2 Verr. IV. 3 8 Thessalus (of Lampsacus) RE 9 Verr. I.83.85 Thraso (of Tyndaris) RE 4 Verr. IV.48 (Thyestes) Thyestea exsecratio Pis. 43 Tigranes (I, king of Armenia) RE 1 Imp. Pomp. 4.(12).23.(26).45. (Mur. 33). Dom. 19.(66). Sest. 58(f) (Tigranes (son of above]) RE 2 (Dom. 66) Tillius Cimber, L. (proconsul 44-3) RE 5- W Phil. II.27 Timarchides (freedman and accensus of Verres) RE 3 Verr. II.69f. (1351.136.144.169011.69.154-7. V. Timarchides (father of Diodorus) Not in RE Verr. IV. 138
Timocles Not in RE Pis. 89 Titinius, Cn. RE 9. N Cluent. 153 Titinius (Ter.), Q. (senator) RE 17. W . N Verr. 1 . 1 2 8 Titius (Qui.)(of Reate, henchman of Clodius) RE 2 Dom. 21 (Titii). Har. resp. 59 (Titii). Sest. 80.112 Titius, L. RE 1 2 Verr. IV. 5 8 [Titius, P.] See Tettius Titius, Sex. (tr. 99) RE 23. W Rabir. 24L (Titius) Mutto, Q. RE 33. W. Bs Scaur. 23. Fr. V.i (Prise. GLK II 3 3 5 )
Titurius (customs collector in Narbonensis) RE 1 Font. 19 Titus Sest. 1 1 8 Tlepolemus (Cornelius Tlepolemus, of Cibyra) RE Cornelius 397
Verr. in.69.IV.30f.96. See Cibyratae fratres, Cibyratici canes "Tlepolemus Cornelius" in the first ref. Otherwise "Tlepolemus." On the gentilicium see under Verres. Tolumnius See Lars Tolumnius Tongilius (Catilinarian) RE Catil. II.4 (Trebellius, L. [tr. 67]) RE 3. W (Fr. VII.31 [Ascon. 71.17]) Trebellius, M. (friend of Sex. Naevius) RE 7 Quinct. 21
Trebellius Fides, L. (aed. cur. before 44) RE 4. Bs Phil. VI.iof.X.22.XI.i4.XII.20. Xin.2.26 "(L.) Trebellius;" but cf. VI. 1 1 o Fides! hoc enim opinoi Trebellium sumpsisse cognomen. Trebonius, A. (proscribed by Sulla) RE 2. N Verr. I.i23(f.) (Trebonius, C. [father of the following, splendidus eq. £.]) RE $.N (Phil. Xin.23) Trebonius (C.f.). C. (cos. suff. 4$) RE 6. W. N. Bs Phil. II.27.30.34.XI.1.4? 5.7— 9.32.XII.25.XIII.22f.33.37-9 Trebonius, P. (brother of Aulus) RE 12. N Verr. I.i23(f.). His freedman: Verr. I.i23f. Tremelius (Cam. Scrofa?), Cn. (senator) RE 5. N. Bs Verr. a. pr. 30 Perhaps not the quaestor Scrofa of 71 (Plut. Crass. 11), possibly not a Scrofa; see O. Perl AJAH 5 (19801.97-109. On the spelling, see his references, 105 n.2. Triptolemus RE Verr. I V . n o Tudicius (senator), Cn. RE. W Cluent. 198 Tugio, M. (expert on aqueducts) RE Balb. 45 (Tullia [daughter of the orator]) RE 60 (Verr. I . 1 1 2 . Catil. IV.3. Sen. 1.27. Quir. 2.5.8. Dom. 59.96. Har. resp. 16. Sest. 49.54.131. i44f. Pis. fr. xiii Nisbet. Plane. 69.73. Mil. 87.100)
On her birth year (probably 76/ 75 rather than 79/78) see S1 258^.30. Tuliio, P. RE Har. resp. 1 {R Tullioni Syio) The name invites some scepticism; cf. Nomenclature 70. Tullius, L. (company chairman) RE 8. N Verr. III.167 Tullius, M. RE 12 Tull. passim. His father: Tull. 14.16 Tullius, Servius RE 18 Sest. 123 (Tullius L.f.M.n. Cor. Cicero), L. (cousin of the orator) RE 26 Verr. IV.25.(i37).i45 "Lucius frater (meus)." (Tullius M.f. Cor. Cicero, M. [father of the orator]) RE 28. N (Mur. 17. Balb. 11) Tullius (M.f.M.n.Cor.) Cicero, M. (orator) RE 29. W. N. Bs Tull. 4.29. Verr. IV.25.79. Catil. I.27. Dom. Sest. 11. Pis. 72. Mil. 94. Lig. 6. Phil. H.28.30.VH.8.XIII.30.40. Fr. B. 19 (Quint. 9.3.21) "(M.) Tullius" in the first nine refs. and the last. Tria nomina in Dom. 102. "(M.) Cicero" elsewhere. The regular use of the cognomen in the later speeches is significant. (Tullius M.f.M.n.Cor.) Cicero, (M.)(son of the orator) RE 30 (Catil. IV.3. Sen. 1.27. Quir. 2.5.8. Dom. 59.96. Har. resp. 16. Sest. 49.54.144f. Plane. 59.69.73. Mil. 87.100). Phil. X.i3 "Cicero, filius meus." (Tullius M.f.M.n. Cor.) Cicero, Q. (brother of the orator) RE 31 W.N
(Catil. IV.3. Arch. 3.32. Flacc. 33.49-52.78).79 (Sen. 1.27.37. Quir. 3-5.7Ì. Dom. 59.96. Sest. 49.68.76.i44f. Prov. cons. 40. Plane. Scaur. 35.39) Mil. (87).102. (Phil. m.i7f.)
"Q. Cicero," "Quinte frater." (Tullius Q.f.M.n.Cor.) Cicero, Q. [son of the above]) RE 32. Bs (Sen. 27. Sest. 144.) Phil. ni.i7(f.)
Tullius (M.f.A.n. Decula), M. (cos. 81) RE 34 Leg. agr. II.35 (M. Tullio Cn. Cornelio consulibus). Plane. 51 Turranius (Sullan possessor) Not in RE Leg. agr. III. 3 (Turranii) Turranius, C. (pr. 44) RE 4 W. Bs Phil, m.25 Turselius, L. RE Phil. II.41.62.103. His brother: Phil. II.41 Tyracinus (of Helorus) Cf. RE Tyrakinai Verr. III. 129 Umbrenus, P. (freedman, Catilinarian) RE 2 Catil. III. 14 See my note on Fam. 5.20.2 (vol. I. pp. 466f.) Urios (Zeus) Verr. IV. 128 Valentius, A. (interpreter) RE 3 Verr. III.84f.IV.58 Valeria gens (familia) Flacc. 1.(25) Valeria (wife of Sestullius Andro) RE 391 Flacc. 84.86 Valeriana bona Flacc. 89 On this case see A. J. Marshall CQ 25(19751.82-7.
Valerius (auctioneer) RE 7. Cf. W no. 4 5 6 Verr. (II.7s).IH.54.(66.i37) Valerius (Sardinian) RE 10 Scaur. 29 Valerius, P. (friend of Cicero) RE 8 1 Phil. 1.8 (Valerii Flacci) (Flacc. 58) Valerius (C.f.L.n.) Flaccus, C. (cos. 93) RE 1 6 8 . Bs Quinct. 28. Flacc. s.fr.vii. 89? Balb. 40 (Flacci). 55 Tria nomina Balb. 55. Elsewhere "(C.) Flaccus (Flacci)." In Balb. 40 Flaccos (Garatoni) should be preferred to Porcios (Warmington. Why not Catones?) or Hostilios (Münzer, as though the ill-starred C. Hostilius Mancinus lived immortal in memory and glory). Valerius (L.f.L.n. Flaccus), L. (cos. 1 3 1 ) RE 1 7 5 Phil. XI. 18 [R Licinio L. Valerio consulibus) Valerius (L.f.L.n.) Flaccus, L. (cos. 100) RE 1 7 6 . Bs Leg. agr. III. 5. Rabir. 20.(2if.).27. Catil. I.4. Plane. 88. Phil. VIII.is Tria nomina Rabir. 20; C. Marius L. Valerius consules ibid. C. Mario (et) L. Valerio consulibus Catil. 1.4, Phil. VIII. 15. Elsewhere "L. Flaccus." (Valerius C.?f.L.n.) Flaccus, L. (cos. suff. 86) RE 178. Bs Div. Caec. 63. Flacc. (5-S2l.55f.59.61.77
Sumner (S2 79-82) favored identifying the L. Flaccus of Div. Caec. 63 with the consul of 86. Badian has now accepted this [Klio 299). See Aurelius Scaurus.
(Valerius L.f.C.?n.) Flaccus, L. (pr. 63) RE 1 7 9 . Bs Catil. III.5f.14. Flacc. passim. Pis. 54.(88). Plane. 27. His son: Flacc. 106 (Valerius) Flaccus, L. (adulescentulus) RE 180 Flacc. 89 Valerius (L.f.M.n.) Flaccus, P. (cos. 2 2 7 ) RE 1 8 1 Phil. V.27 (Valerius P.f.P.n.) Laevinus, M. (II cos. 2 1 0 ) RE 2 1 1 Verr. III. 125 (Valerius M.f.M.n. Maximus) Corvus, (M.)(VI cos. 299) RE 137 Phil. V.48 (Corvini) Apparently a slip for "Corvi," perhaps with the contemporary Messalla Corvinus in mind. (Valerius M.f.M'.n.) Messalla (Niger), M. (cos. 61) RE 2.66. S 1 Har. resp. 12 (Valerius M.f.? Lem.?) Messalla (Rufus), M. (cos. si) RE 268. Bs Sex. Rose. (1-4.119l.149. Sull. 20.42. Fr. X V . 1 3 (Schol. Bob. 172.31)
Both references in the Pro Sulla are to Rufus. hominis necessarii in the former suits his known friendly relations with Cicero in the fifties. No such relationship with Niger is recorded, though Cicero approved of his conduct as consul. The second reference concerns a candidate for the praetorship in 63; this cannot be Niger, whose praetorship "can be confidently dated to 64, the latest year before the consulship" (S2 131). On filiation and tribe see Badian in J. M. Reynolds, Aphrodisias and Rome 67.
Valerius (Q.f.Rom. Orea), Q. (pr. 57) RE 280 Sen. 23 Valerius (Volusi f. Poplicola), P. (IV cos. 504) RE 302 (Flacc. 25). Har. resp. 16 (Valerius C.f.Aem.) Triarius, C. (q. 81) RE 363 (cf. 366). Cf. W. Bs Verr. I.(n).37. (Scaur. 29) On his praenomen and identity with RE 363 see Nomenclature 7 if. (Valerius C.f.C.n.Aem.) Triarius, (P.)(prosecutor of Scaurus) RE 367 Scaur, fr. m et passim [Valgius) See (Quinctius) Valgus Varenus, C. RE 1 Fr. Il.sf. (Quint. 5.13.28, 7.1.9). 8 (Quint. 4.1.741.14 (Quint. 5. 10.69) A gentilicium-, cf. Schulze 248. Varenus, Cn. RE 2 Fr. II.6 (Quint. 7.1.9) Varenus, L. RE 3 Fr. II.6 (Quint. 7.1.9) Vargunteius, L. (Catilinarian). RE 3. N. Bs (Catil. I.9). Sull. 6.67 Linderski's explanation (Historia 12(19631.51 if.) of the apparent discrepancy between Cicero and Sallust as to this man's senatorial status is rejected by Nicolet. The matter remains in doubt. Varinius, P. (pr. 73 and 66?) RE 1. W. Bs Flacc. 45 Varius, P. RE 4. N See Attius Varus Varius, Q. (witness) RE 5 Verr. II.119
Varius (Severus Hybrida), Q. (tr. 90) RE 7. W Sest. 101. Scaur, fr. e See Badian "Quaestiones Variae" (Historia 18(19691.447-91). Varius Cotyla, L. (aed. 44?) RE 6 Phil. V.5.7.VUI.24.28(f.).32f. XIII.26 "(L.) Varius" VIII.32f. "Cotyla Varius" XIII.26. Elsewhere "Cotyla." On the doubtful cognomen (v.l. Cotylo) see Nomenclature 73Vatinius (P.f.Ser.), P. (cos. 47) RE 3. W (Sest. 113f. 132-5). Vatin. passim Phil. X.i 1.13 Vehilius Men., M. (pr. 44) RE. W. Bs Phil. III.25 On Vehilii see Harvey Athenaeum 1 47 n.40. [Vennonius, Sex.] See Vinius Vennonius Vindex (?) £ £ 5 Balb. 56 Perhaps "Vennonius" (index) ; certainly not "Vennonius Vindicius." See Nomenclature 74. Ventidius (P.f.Fab. Bassus), P. (cos. suff. 43) RE 5. W. N. Bs Phil. XII.(2o).23.XIII.2.26.47fXIV.21 On his alleged capture at Asculum in 89 see Badian Historia 12(1963).i4if. Venuleius (tithe collector in Sicily) Verr. III.99 Venus Div. Caec. 55L Verr. 1.27.II. 2if.24f.93.n6.IV.i23.i35.V.27. 132.142. Cael. 52
O N O M A S T I C O N TO C I C E R O ' S S P E E C H E S
Venerius (sc. servus) Verr. III.86.89.92f.183.IV.32 . rii Div. Caec. 55. Verr. II.92.IQ. Cluent. 43. rius homo Verr. II.24.93. V.i 42. rius servus Verr. III. 89.93.102.V.141. rii servi Verr. III. IV. 104 (Veradus) Not in RE Veratiana auctio Leg. agr. II.67 Vergilius (C. f. Balbus) (pr. 6z) RE 3. Bs Plane. 95 f. The affiliation and cognomen Balbus, missing in RE, are attested by an inscription see Broughton, II.133 Vergilius, C. (leg. to L. Piso 57) RE 2. Cf. Bs Prov. cons. 7 Perhaps identical with the above. Gundel (.RE) considers this scarcely possible because the praetorius was still governing Sicily in 58. He will have returned to Rome in the spring or early summer of that year, and could have gone out to Macedonia with Piso in the autumn. Verres (Rom.), C. (senator, father of the following) RE 2. W. N. Bs Verr. (a. pr. 23.L60f.128l.il. 9Sf.(97f.i00.i02.i6i.IV.4i.V. 136-8) "Verres" is certainly a gentilicium-, see Habermehl RE VIIIA. 1562L Yet persons for whom the younger Verres procured Roman citizenship took the nomen "Cornelius." Such were his physician Artemidorus and the painter Tlepolemus (Verr. 111.69), perhaps also the lictor Cornelius (I.67.72). They may be supposed to have avoided the un-Romansounding "Verres" as liable to cause confusion (it might be
mistaken for a cognomen). Why then "Cornelius?" Perhaps because of some unknown connection, perhaps simply because this was the commonest of Roman gentilicia, especially since Sulla (cf. Fr. VII.45 [Ascon. 75-io]). Verres (C.f.Rom.), C. (pr. 74) RE 1 Verr. passim. Cluent. 91. Scaur. 29. (Fr. IX. 10 [Ascon. 87.21). His son: Verr. a. pr. 25. Ü.154.161.IÍI.23.91.159-62.IV. 143.V. His son-inlaw: Verr. II.48f. His children: Verr. III.91. His mother (Tadia?): Verr. I.128. His wife (Vettia): Verr. a. pr. 21.III. 168 Verrina cauda Verr. II. 1 9 1 . num ius Verr. I . 1 2 1 "Verria lex" Verr. III. 1 1 7 Verria (festival) Verr. II. 5 2.114. 154.IV.24.151 Verres Rom., Q. [ex optima divisorum disciplina) RE 3 Verr. a. pr. 23 "Verrudi" Verr. IV. 137 "Verrucius C.f., C . " RE Verr. II.187f.190f. Vertumnus See Vortumnus Vesta Verr. IV.135.Catil.IV.18. Scaur. 48. Phil. XI.24. Vesta Mater Font. 47. Dom. 144. Har. resp. 1 2 Vestalis, virgo Font. 46.48L Mur. 73. Dom. 136. Cael. 34. les, virgines Catil. IV.2.12. Har. resp. 13.37 Vetilius, P. (relative of Aebutius) RE 2 Caec. 24
See Verres Vettius RE 4 Cael. 71 Vettianum stuprum Cael. 71 Vettius (Vel.), L. (index} RE 6. N Sest. 132. Vatin. 24-6 Vettius (Sabinus?), T. (Verres' quaestor and brother-in-law, pr. 59?) Cf. RE 10, 1 1 . W.N. Bs Verr. (II.nf.III.i68).V.ii4. Cf. II.99 Vettius Chilo, P. (brother of the above) Cf. RE 10, 1 1 . N Verr. III.166-8. Tria nomina, "P. Vettius/' "Vettius." In fairness to Mtinzer (cf. Nicolet p. 1073 n.i) and Hanslik (cf. Nomenclature 7s) it should be stated that the muddle in RE is Gundel's (correctly Nicolet p. 1072 n.i). (Vettius) Cyrus (architect) RE Kyros 7 Mil. 46-8 Vettius (Sabinus), T. (pr. 59) RE 14. W Flacc. 85 Perhaps identical with T. Vettius above. (Vettius) Scato RE 17. Cf. W no. 483 Dom. 116 Vettius Scato, P. (Italian leader in the Social War) RE 16. Cf. W no. 483 Phil. XII.27 Vibellii
Leg. agr. II.93. See Blossii. Vibellius Taurea, (Cerrinus) RE 2 Pis. 24 ( Taurea illo Vibellio) Vibienus, C. (senator) RE 3. W. Bs Mil. 37
Vibius, L. (eq. R., vir primarius) RE s . N Verr. II. 182 Vibius (Clu.), Sex. (of Larinum) RE 6 Cluent. 25.(125) Vibius Capax, C. RE 9. N Cluent. 165. His sister: ibid. Or "Cappadox"? The manuscript evidence favors the former but not decisively. Both are attested epigraphically as cognomina (cf. "Cilix"), though Kajanto ignores the latter (cf. TLL Onom. II.169.53). As with "Florus" and "Florius," we cannot be sure. (Vibius) Pansa (Caetronianus), C. (cos. 43) RE 16. Cf. W no. 490. Bs Lig. 1.7. Phil. (1.6).111(2.7).37. 39.V.(i).32.53.|VI.i).VH.S.(6f.). 27.Vin.i.6.33.IX.3.9.i6f.X.i. (3).I5.I7.2I.25.XI.(2l).22.(23f.). 3i.39.XII.6.i4f.i8.23.XIII.(i6. 23.39).46f.XIV.s(f.).22.25f. 36-8 On his official career see S 1 255; on his tribe (Clu. or Tro.?) Wiseman CQ. 131. Victoria (statue of) Verr. IV. 11 o. 1 1 ii. Victoriae Verr. IV. 103. Victoriae ludi Verr. a. pr. 31 Villius (Pom.) Annalis (identity doubtful) Fr. V.i (Prise. GL/CII.335.18) Vinius (?), Sex. (tithe collector in Sicily) RE Vennonius 4 Verr. II, 89 The vulgate Vennonio does not have much manuscript backing (Nomenclature 74f.). Virtus
Phil. XIV.34. Temple of, Sest. 116.120. See Honos
(Visellius Qui.) Varrò, C. (aed. cur. 59?) RE 3. W. N. S 2 . Bs Verr. I.71. Prov. cons. 40 See Sumner CPh 16 if. and i63f., Harvey AJPh 119. Visidius, L. (homo in primis ornatus atque honestus) RE 1. N Phil. VII.24 (Vitruvius) Vaccus, M. RE 1 Dom. 101 Voconius Naso, Q. (pr. before 61) RE 3 Cluent. i47f. Flacc. 50 " Q . Naso" (address), "Q. Voconius," "Q. Naso." Voconius (Hor. Saxa), Q. (tr. 169) RE 4 Verr. 1.107. Balb. 21 Voconiae leges Phil. III. 16 C. in Verr. I.e. must be scribal error. Volcacius RE 1. N Verr. II.2 5f. 5 6{f. ). 5 8.III. 171. I75fVolcacius, C. (honestissimus vir) RE 3 Fr. VII.37 (Ascon. 74.9) Volcacius Tullus, L. (cos. 66) RE 8. Cf. W n o . 506. Bs Catil. 1.15. Sull. 11. Plane. 51. Phil. II.12. Fr. IX.15 (Ascon. 89.1) Respectively: Lepido et Tulio consulibus, Lepido et Volcacio consulibus. Elsewhere "L. Volcacius." Volcanus (temple of) Verr. II. 150 Volteius, L. RE 1 Verr. III.155f.158 Volturcius, T. RE 1 Catil. III.4.6.8.iif.IV.5 Volumnia (Cytheris)(mima, Antony's mistress) RE 17
Phil. 11.(20).58.(62.69.77) See Nomenclature 77. Volumnius, P. (juror) RE 6. N. Bs Cluent. 198 Perhaps identical with the pontifex minor P. Volumnius mentioned by Macrobius, Sat. 3.13.11. It is not certain that he was a senator, as Cundel and Nicolet hold: "On ne peut donc identifier notre praefectus fabrum [i.e. Eutrapelus] avec le P. Volumnius, ami et juge de Cluentius en 66; ce dernier est en effet nommé, dans une énumération qui comporte d'abord des chevaliers, après Cn. Tidicius [sic], qui est sénateur: il a donc toutes chances d'être également sénateur." That does not follow. Volumnius comes last for rhetorical effect: eadem spe, sed maiore verecundia, de te, R Volumni, quoniam iudex es in A. Cluentium, dicimus. If he was a senator, he is unlikely to have been the pontifex minor; see Terentius, Q. (Volumnius) Eutrapelus, (P.) (Antonian) RE 7. N Phil. XIII. 3 Possibly identical with the above. Volusienus, L. (summo splendore homo ac virtute praeditus) RE Volusenus 2. N Cluent. 198 No need to change the spelling (see Gundel, RE Volusienus). Volusius (haruspex with Verres) RE i Verr. (II.75) ni^8.54-(i37) Vortumnus (statue of) Verr. 1.154
Xeno (of Menae) RE 10 Verr. III.55. H i s w i f e : ibid. (Xenocrates [philosopher]) RE Xenokrates 4 (Balb. 12)
Zbelsurdis See Iuppiter Zeno (Stoic) RE 2 M u r . 61 Zosippus (of Tyndaris) RE Verr. IV.92
Cognomina Acidinus, Manlius Aemilianus, Catius ; Cornelius Scipio (Aemilianus), Fabius Maximus (Aeserninus), Claudius Marcellus Aesopus, Clodius (Afella), Lucretius Africanus, Cornelius Scipio Ahala, Servilius (Ahenobarbus), Domitius Alba, Aemilius (Albinianus), Sestius (Albinus), Iunius Brutus Albinus, Postumius (Allobrogicus), Fabius Maximus Andro, Sestullius Annalis, Villius Anser Apollonius, Claudius Apulus, Domitius Aquila Aquila, Pontius Archias, Licinius Artemidorus, Cornelius Asellus, Annius (Asiaticus/Asiagenus), Cornelius Scipio (Asina), Cornelius Scipio Atella (?), Safinius (Atellus), Mamilius Atratinus, Sempronius
Basilus, Minucius (Bassus), Agrius Publeianus; Ventidius Bassus, Caecilius Bellienus (adopt.), Annius Bestia, Calpurnius Bibulus, Calpurnius Brocchus, Annaeus Brutus, Iunius; Servilius Caepio Bucculus See tBoculus Bulbus, Atilius (Bursa), Munatius Plancus Caecus, Claudius Caepio, Servilius Caesar, Iulius Caesoninus, Calpurnius Piso Caetra (Caetronianus), Vibius Pansa Cafo Calatinus [or Caiatinus), Atilius (Caldus), Coelius Calenus, Fufius Callaicus, Iunius Brutus (Calvinus), Domitius (Calvus), Caecilius Metellus; Cornelius Scipio (Camerinus), Sulpicius Camillus, Furius Capax (Cappadox?), Vibius (Capito), Gabinius; Roscius (Capitoiinus), Manlius; Tarpeius Montanus (Caprarius), Caecilius Metellus Carbo, Papirius Casca, Servilius Catilina, Sergius Cato, Porcius Catulus, Lutatius (Celer), Caecilius Metellus Censorinus, Marcius
(Balbus), Ampius; Cornelius; Lucilius Balbus, Atius; Herennius; Octavius Baliaricus, Caecilius Metellus Bambalio, Fulvius Barba, Cassius Basiliscus, Pompeius 102
(Cestianus), Plaetorius Cethegus, Cornelius Chaerea, Fannius Chilo, Annius; Vettius Chlorus, Pompeius Chrysogonus, Cornelius Cicero, Tullius Cimber, Annius; Tillius Cinna, Cornelius Climachias, Artemo (Clodianus), Cornelius Lentulus Congus, Iunius (Cordus), Mucius (Cornicinus), Oppius Cornutus, Caecilius (Cornutus), Sulpicius Camerinus Corvus, Valerius Maximus Cotta, Aurelius Cotyla, Varius Crassus, Licinius (Crassus), Papirius (Creticus), Caecilius Metellus Crispinus, Quinctius Crispus, Marcius (Crispus), Sallustius Croto (Crus), Cornelius Lentulus (Culleo), Terentius Curio, Scribonius Cyrus, (Vettius) Decianus, Appuleius (Decula), Tullius (Delmaticus), Caecilius Metellus (Dentatus), Curius Diadematus, Caecilius Metellus Dio, Caecilius Diocles, Popillius Diodorus, Lutatius Dives, Licinius Crassus Dolabella, Cornelius Drusus, Livius (Eburnus), Fabius Maximus Eutrapelus, Volumnius
Falcula, Fidiculanius (Felix), Cornelius Sulla Fides, Trebellius Fidulus Figulus, Marcius Fimbria, Flavius Flaccus, Fulvius; Laenius; Valerius (Flaccus), Rutilius Flamininus, Quinctius Flavus, Alfius (Flavus), Caesetius Florus ( ?) Frugi, Calpurnius Piso; Pupius Piso (Fulvianus), Manlius Acidinus (Fusus), Furius Pacilus Galba, Sulpicius (Gallus), Aquillius; Plotius; Roscius Gallus, Sertius Galus, Sulpicius Gavianus, Atilius Serranus Geminus, Apollonius Geta, Licinius Glabrio, Acilius Glaucia, Mallius,- Servilius Globulus, Servilius Gracchus, Sempronius (Gratidianus), Marius Grosp(h)us, Eubulidas Gutta Habitus, Clüentius Hadrianus, Fabius (Hortalus), Hortensius (Hybrida), Antonius; Varius Severus Hypsaeus, Plautius Imperiosus, Manlius Isauricus, Servilius,- Servilius Vatia (Labeo), Atinius Laco, Abuttius
Laeca, Porcius Laenas, Popillius Laevinus, Valerius Lamia, Aelius Lapiro, Apollodorus Laterensis, Iuventius Latiniensis, Coelius Lenticula, Licinius Lento, Caesennius Lentulus, Cornelius Lepidus, Aemilius Ligus, Aelius; Octavius Livianus, Aemilius Lepidus (Longinus), Cassius (Longus), Considius; Servilius Casca Longus, Sempronius Lucullus, Licinius; Terentius Varro (Lupus), Rutilius Lurco, Aufidius (?) Luscinus, Fabricius (Luscus), Postumius Albinus (Macedonicus), Caecilius Metellus Macer, Licinius (Macerio) Atinius Labeo Macro, Posides Magnus, Pompeius; Roscius Malleolus, Publicius Mancinus, Hostilius Marcellinus, Cornelius Lentulus Marcellus, Claudius Marsus, Octavius Marullus, Epidius Mas(s)o, Papirius Maximus, Fabius; Valerius (Maximus), Mallius Megabocchus Mela (?) Melinus, Aurius Menander, Publicius Menulla Mergus, Caulius Messalla, Valerius Metellus, Caecilius
Milo, Annius (Montanus), Tarpeius (Mucianus), Licinius Crassus Dives Murcus, Staius Murena, Licinius Mus, Decius Mustela, Seius Mutto, Titius Nasica, Cornelius Scipio Naso, Sextius (?); Voconius Natta, Pinarius Nepos, Caecilius Metellus Neratus, Fulvius Nero, Claudius (Niger), Caecilius; Cornelius Lentulus; Valerius Messalla (Nobilior), Fulvius Nucula, Numisius (?) Numidicus, Caecilius Metellus Ocrea, Luscius (Octavianus), Iulius Caesar Olelus (?), Gavius Olympus, Sulpicius Oppianicus, Abbius Orca, Valerius Orestes, Aufidius; Aurelius (Orestilla), Aurelia Orestinus, Mucius (Scaevola ?) Otho, Roscius (Pacilus), Furius Paetus, Aelius (Paetus), Autronius Palicanus, Lollius Pansa, Vibius Patina Paullus, Aemilius Pedo, Iuventius (Peducaeanus), Curtius "Philadelphus," Annius Cimber Philippus, Marcius Philo, Pompeius Philus, Furius Phimes, Diocles
Phormio, Clodius Piso, Calpurnius; Pupius Pit(h)io, Sempronius Pius, Caecilius Metellus Plancus, Munatius Pollio, Barbatius Popillius, Diocles (Poplicola), Gellius; Valerius Postumus, Curtius; Rabirius ; Seius (Postumus), Furfanus Potamo, Papirius (Praeconinus), Aelius Stilo (Priscus), Tarquinius (Publeianus), Agrius Pulcher, Claudius; Clodius (Pullus), Numitorius Pulvillus, Horatius Pusio, Flavius Pyragrus, Apollodorus (Quadratus), Ninnius (Quirinalis), Sestius Albinianus (Ravilla), Cassius Longinus Regulus, Atilius Rufus, Ancharius; Helvidius; Rutilius; Sulpicius (Rufus), Caecilius; Caelius ; Numerius; Pompeius; Valerius Messala Rullus, Fabius Maximus; Servilius (Sabinus), Calvisius,- Vettius Sacerdos, Licinius Sanga, Fabius Maximus Sapiens, Laelius ; Porcius Cato Saserna, Hostilius Saturninus, Appuleius; Sentius Saxa, Decidius (Saxa), Voconius Scaevola, Mucius ; Septimius Scapula, Quinctius Scato Scato, Vettius Scaurus, Aemilius; Aurelius
Schola, Causinius Scipio, Caecilius Metellus Pius ; Cornelius (Scrofa), Tremelius (Septimus), Marcius (Serapio), Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serranus, Atilius (Severus), Varius Silanus, Iunius Silvanus, Plautius Sincaius, Domitius Sisenna, Cornelius Sotericus, Marcius (Spinther), Cornelius Lentulus Staienus (adopt.), Aelius Paetus (Statius), Caecilius (Stilo), Aelius Stloga (Strabo), Iulius Caesar; Pompeius Sulla, Cornelius Superbus, Tarquinius (Sura), Cornelius Lentulus Tamphilus, Baebius Taurea, Vibellius Telesinus, Pontius Theodoras, Pompeius Theophanes, Pompeius Thermus, Minucius Tiro, Numisius Tlepolemus, Cornelius Torquatus, Manlius Tremulus, Marcius Triarius, Valerius Tubero, Aelius Tubulus, Hostilius Tuditanus, Sempronius Tugio Tullio Tullus, Hostilius; Volcacius Turpio, Naevius Vaccus, Vitruvius Valgus, Quinctius Varrò, Terentius; Visellius Varus, Atius; Quinctilius
(Vatia), Cornelius Lentulus; Servilius (Vecellinus), Cassius (Veiento), Perperna (Verrucosus), Fabius Maximus
(Vecellinus), Cassius Vindex (?), Vennonius Vopiscus, Iulius Caesar Strabo (Vulso), Manlius
Places Acarnania (district in northwestern Greece) Pis. 96 (Acesta [unidentified township in Sicily]) Accstenses Verr. III.83 Achaia Div. Caec. 6.38. Verr. a. pr.^5 5 . 5 9 ^ . 1 2 7 . Imp. Pomp. 35. Flacc. 63.100. Dom. 60. Pis. 37.96. Prov. cons. 7 Achaei Div. Caec. 64. Sest. 94. Pis. 90. Prov. cons. 5. Achaei negotiatores Fr. XVIII (Non. 225.14). Achivi Sest. 120. Achaicum bellum Phil. XI. 17. cus inquisitor (i.e. Q. Metellus Nepos?) Verr. a. pr. 6 Acheron (river of the underworld) Sen. 25 Achradina (part of Syracuse) Verr. IV. 1 1 9 (Acmonia (town in Phrygia]) Acmonenses Flacc. 34.36.38. Acmonensis civitas Flacc. 34. ses legati ibid. Adramytium (town on the coast of Mysia) Flacc. 68 Adramytenus homo Flacc. 31 Aegaeum mare Imp. Pomp. 5 5 Aegyptus Verr. III.172.IV.61.V.157. Leg. agr. II.41.43. Pis. 49. Lig. 7. Phil. II.48.X. 10. Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Or. 232). Aegyptius rex (i.e. Ptolemaeus Auletes) Pis. 48. tium regnum Rab. Post. 23
Aenus (town in Thrace, Enos) Flacc. 32 Aeoli Flacc. 64 Aequimaelium (in Rome) Dom. 1 0 1 Aetna (volcano in Sicily) Verr. IV. 106. Scaur. 29 Aetna (town) Verr. III.57.61.105.IV.59.V.146. Aetnense Verr. III.61. Aetnenses Verr. III.105f.108f.rV.114. Aetnensis Artemidorus Verr. III. 105. Aetnensis ager Verr. III.47.104.108 Aetolia Pis. 91.96 Aetoli Imp. Pomp. 14. Mur. 3 1 . Arch. 27 Africa (Sex. Rose. 103). Verr. 29.158.III.27.IV. 103. Font. 2. Imp. Pomp. 30.34.61. Leg. agr. 1.10.II.51.87.III. 12. Mur. 3 i f . Catil. IV.21. Flacc. 85. Quir. 20. Sest. 50. Vatin. 12. Cael. 10.73. Balb. 24. Pis. 43. Plane. 27.65. Scaur. 45 a. Lig. 1-!. Phil. U.7i.75.m.26.XIII.30. Fr. IX.8 (Ascon. 86.26) Afri Balb. 41. Scaur. 17.40.42. Afer testis Scaur. 15. Africanum bellum Imp. Pomp. 28. Balb. 5 1 . Deiot. 25. ni oratores Fr. IX.16 (Ascon. 89.13). ni rumores Deiot. 25 Ager Gallicus (district north of Picenum) Cluent. 2if.24. Catil. II.5f.26. Sull. 53. Sest. 9
Agraei (people of Aetolia) Pis. 91 Agrigentum (city on the south coast of Sicily, Agrigento) Verr. II.63.123f.1s3.185.IV.27. S8.93-5V.186. Agrigentini Verr. II.123f.III. 103.180.IV.73.93-6. Scaur. 25. Agrigentinus Nymphodorus Verr. IV.48. nus Sosippus Verr. III.204 Agyrium (town in central Sicily, S. Filippo d'Argiro) Verr. III.67f.IV.50 Agyrinenses Verr. II.156.III. 68-71.73f.IV.114.V133. Agyrinensis ager Verr. III.47.120f. sis civitas Verr. III.67.IV. 17. ses fratres Verr. II.25. se frumentum Verr. III.76. ses legati Verr. III. 120. ses magistratus Verr. III.73. sis populus Verr. III.67 Alba (Fucens; town in central Italy near Lake Fucino, Colle di Albe) Phil. III.6.39.IV.6.XIII.19. XIV. 31 (Alba Longa) Albanum Cluent. 141. Flacc. 92. Pis. 77. Rab. Post. 6. Mil. 46.48.s1. Phil. XIII.11. na Phil. VIII.9. Albani Mil. 85. Albanus ager Leg. agr. 11.66. nae columnae Scaur. 45] nus (fundus) Cluent. 141. ni tumuli atque luci Mil. 8 s Albana (street in Capua) Leg. agr. II.94 (Aletrium [hill town of the Hernici, Alatri]) Aletrinates Cluent. 49. Aletrinates vicini atque amici Cluent. S6. nas municipium Cluent. 46
Alexandria Verr. V.145. Leg. agr. I.1.II.41. 43f. Cael. 24. Pis. 49. Rab. Post. Deiot. 24. Phil. II. XIV.23 Alexandrini Har. resp. 34. Cael. 23. Pis. 49. Rab. Post. 32.34. Alexandrinus (i.e. Ptolemaeus Auletes) Rab. Post. 4. Alexandrinus Dio Cael. 51. Alexandrinum bellum Deiot. 13. ni legati Rab. Post. 31. nus rex (i.e. Ptolemaeus Auletes) Dom. 20. Pis. 49. ni testes Rab. Post. 34 (Allifae [town in Samnium, Alifel) Allifanus ager Leg. agr. 11.66. nus tractus Plane. 22 Allobroges (tribe in Narbonese Gaul) Font. 26.36.46. Catil. III.4.8. 10f.14.22.IV.4f. 12. Sull. i7-36f. Dom. 134. Prov. cons. 32. Allobroges legati Catil. III.6 Al pes Quinct. 12.80. Font. 4. Catil. IV.6. Prov. cons. 34. Pis. 62.81. Mil. 74. Phil. V.37 (Alsium [town on the coast of Etruria]) Alsiense Mil. 54 Amanda (town in western Macedonia, Nivitza) Phil. XI.26 Ambracia (town in Epirus, Arta) Pis. 91.96 Ambraciota Cleombrotus Scaur. 4 Ameria (town in Umbria, Amelia) Sex. Rose. 18f. 102.ios Amerini Sex. Rose. 24.127.
PLACES / Amerini Roscii Sex. Rose. 17. Amerinus ager Sex. Rose. 76. na disciplina Sex. Rose. 120. nus municeps Sex. Rose. 15 Amestratus (small town in northern Sicily, Mistretta) Verr. 10.(89). 101 Amestratini Verr. III.88f.V.i33. Amestratinum frumentum Verr. III.172. ni legati Verr. III.88 Amisus (coast town in Pontus, Samsun) Imp. Pomp. 21 Amphilochia (district at the eastern end of the Ambracian gulf) Pis. 96 Anagnia (chief town of the Hernici, Anagni) Dom. 81 Anagnini Dom. 81. Phil. II. 106. Anagninus Menulla. Dom. 81 Ancona (coast town in Picenum, Ancona) Phil. XII.23 Anconitanus L. Clodius Cluent. 40 Anio (river, Aniene) Mur. 84. Fr. VII.49 (Ascon. 76.13) Antiochia Arch. 4 Apamea (town in Bithynia) Flacc. 68 (Aperlae [town on the coast of Lycia]) Aperlensis ager Leg. agr. II. 50 (Apollonia [town in northeast Sicily]) Apolloniensis Aristodamus Verr. V.15. sis civitas Verr. III. 103. sis navis V.86.90 Apollonia (town on the coast of Illyricum)
Pis. 96. Phil. X.11.13.XI.26 Apolloniatae Pis. 86 Apollonis (town in Lydia) Flacc. 80 Apollonidenses Flacc. 71.79. Apollonidenses legati Flacc. 79 Appenninus Catil. II.23. Sest. 12. Mil. 26. Phil. XII.26. Fr. XV. 12 (Schol. Bob. 172.13) Appia, Appia via Imp. Pomp. 55 - Mil. i4f.( 17). Phil. VII. 1. Cf. Sest. 126 Apulia Cluent. 116. Rabir. 8. Catil. II.6.III.14 Apulus Domitius (Apulus a cognomen?) Phil. XI. 13 Aqua Crabra (aqueduct supplying Rome) Leg. agr. III.9 Aquae (i.e. Baiae) Plane. 65. Phil. VIII.9 Aquileia (town in Venetia, Aquileia) Vatin. 38 Aquileiense portorium Font. 2 Aquinum (town in Latium, Aquino) Phil. Il.iosf. Aquinas Plane. 22. ates Cluent. 192. Phil. II. 106 Arabes Dom. 124 (Areopagus) Areopagites Phil. V.14. itae Balb. 30 Arethusa (fountain in Syracuse) Verr. IV.118.V.80 Argivi Sest. 122 Aricia (town in Latium, La Riccia)
Leg. agr. II.96. Mil. 51 Aricina Phil. III. 1 7 . Aricina mater Phil. III. 15. num municipium ibid. na uxor Phil. HI.i6f. Ariminum (town on the Adriatic, Rimini) Verr. I.36. Phil. XII.23 Ariminenses Verr. I.36. Caec. 102 Armenia (minor) Phil. II.94 Armenii Mur. 3 3 . Arch. 2 1 . Sest. 58. Armenius rex Imp. Pomp. 2 3 (Arpinum [town of the Volsci, birthplace of Marius and Cicero, Arpino]) Cf. Phil. XII.20 Arpinas Plane. 2 0 . 2 2 . Fr. XIV.21 (cod. Taurinensis). Arpinas fundus Leg. agr. III.8. nas homo Fr. XIV.20 (cod. Taurinensis) (Arretium [town in Etruria, Arezzo)) Arretini Caec. 9 7 . Arretini coloni Mur. 49. na mulier Caec. 9 7 Arsinoe (town in Aetolia) Pis. 91 Asculum (chief town of Picenum, Ascoli) Cluent. 2 1 Asculani Font. 4 1 . Asculanum genus Sull. 25 Asia (continent) Har. resp. 2 8 Asia (western part of Asia Minor, Roman province) Tuli. 15. Div. Caec. 6.38. Verr. а. pr. 2 . 1 1 . 1 . 4 9 ^ 5 2 . 5 5 . 5 9 ^ 6 3 . 7 1 б.12.27.192.IV. 1 2 7 . 1 4 5 . Cluent. 3 2 . Imp. Pomp. Leg. agr. II.39f.80.83.III. 1 2 . Mur. n f . 2 0 . 3 1 - 3 . A r c h . 4 . 1 1 . Flacc. 5f. 6 4 f . 6 7 . 7 1 . 8 5 . 8 8 . 9 2 . 1 0 0 . Dom. 5 2 . Sest. 5 8 . 6 8 . Prov. cons. 6. 3 1 . Rab. Post. 2 7 . Plane. 1 0 0 . Scaur. 3 5 . Deiot. 1 9 . 2 4 . 2 6 . 3 6 f . Phil. V n . 1 7 . X I . 4 - 7 . 1 7 . 2 1 f . 2 5 f . 3 0 . Fr. XII.6. (Quint. 9-3-43)Asiaticum bellum Imp. Pomp. 19.64.66. ca creta Flacc. 3 7 . cum genus testium Flacc. 66. cus gladiator Phil. V. 20. ca iuris dictio Flacc. 100. ca legatio Verr. I.34. cus myrmillo Phil. VI. 1 0 . XII.20 cae nationes Mur. 3 1 . cus pater familias Tull. 19. cae pecuniae Imp. Pomp. 19. ci testes Flacc. 6 0 . 6 5 . ci venales Verr. V.146 Aspendus (town in Pamphylia) Verr. 1.5 3 Aspendius citharista ibid. Assorus (township in central Sicily) Verr. IV.96 Assorini Verr. III.103.IV.96. Assorinus ager Verr. III.47 Atella (town in Campania) Leg. agr. I.fr.2.II.86. Cf. Cluent. 68 (Athamania [district of Epirus]) Athamanes Pis. 9 6 Athenae Div. Caec. 3 9 . Verr. I.45.100. IV.71.V.127.184. Arch. 2 0 . Flacc. 1 7 . Balb. 1 2 . 3 0 . Sest. 4 8 . Pis. 3 7 . 9 6 . Mil. 80. Phil. V.14 Athenienses Sex. Rose. 7 0 . Verr. IV.108.135.V.98. Imp. Pomp. 5 4 . Flacc. 6 2 . 6 4 . 1 0 0 . Sest. 1 4 1 . Balb. 3 0 . Phil. I.1.V.14. Atheniensis Lysiades Phil. V.13.
sis Themistocles Scaur. 3. Atheniensis res publica Rab. Post. 23. ses virgines Verr. IV. 5. Attici anagnostae cf. Sest. n o Atina (town of the Volsci, Atina) Plane. 30 Atinates Plane. 19.21L Atinas praefectura Plane. 19.47 (Attalia [town on the coast of Pamphylia]) Attalenses Leg. agr. 1.5.II.50 Aurelia via Catil. II.6. Phil. XII.22f. Aurelium Forum See Forum Aurelii gradus Cluent. 93. Flacc. 66. lium tribunal Quir. 13. Dom. 54. Sest. 34. Pis. 1 1 (Avenio [town in Narbonese Caul, Avignon]) Aveniensis Balb. 50 Aventinus Mur. 15. Phil. VIU.14.Fr. VII.50 (Ascon. 77.19) Babylon Dom. 60 Baiae (watering place on the Bay of Naples) Cael. 27.35.38 (= villa Baiana). 47.49. Fr. XIV.2of. (cod. Taurinensis and Schol. Bob. 88.13) Beneventum (town in Samnium, Benevento) Verr. 1.3 8 Beneventanus ager ibid. Beroa (town in Macedonia) Pis. 89 Bessi (Thracian tribe) Pis. 84 Bessica gens ibid. Bidis (township near Syracuse) Verr. II.53 Bidini Verr. II.53.56-9.61.140.
Bidinus Epicrates Verr. II.62. Bidenses palaestritae Verr. II. 5 4 Bithynia (region of northwest Asia Minor) Verr. V.27. Imp. Pomp. 5. Leg. agr. II.40.50. Mur. 33. Sen. 38. Plane. 84. Phil. XI. 30 Blucium (stronghold of the Tolistobogii in Galatia) Deiot. 17 Boeotia Verr. I.55. Flacc. 63.100. Dom. 60 Boeotii Pis. 86.96 Bosphorus Mur. 34 Bosphorani Imp. Pomp. 9 Bovianum (town in Samnium, Boiano) Cluent. 197 (Bovillae [town in Latium)) Bovillana vicinitas Plane. 23 Brundisium (port in the heel of Italy, Brindisi) Verr. a. pr. 6 Imp. Pomp. 32.35. Pis. 51.92. Plane. 96f. Phil. I.7.II. 5.59.6i.III.3f.i0.30.IV.3f.V.22f.42. VL3.XI.26.XII.12.XIII.18 Brundisini Sest. 1 3 1 . Brundisina colonia ibid. Bruttii (people in the toe of Italy) Sex. Rose. 132. Caec. 54 Byllis (town in Epirus) Phil. XI.26 Bullienses Pis. 96 (variously spelt; see R. G. M. Nisbet's note) Byzantium Dom. 52. Sest. 56 Byzantii Verr. II.76. Har. resp. 59. Prov. cons. 5 - 7 . Pis. 86. Byzantii exsules Dom. 53.129 Caeliculus (part of the Caelian hill) Har. resp. 32
Caelimontana (porta) Pis. 55.61 Caicus (river in western Asia Minor) Flacc. 72 Caieta (port in southern Latium, Gaeta) Imp. Pomp. 33 Calacte (town on the north coast of Sicily, Caronia) Verr. III.101 Calactini Verr. III.101. Calactinus Eupolemus Verr. IV.49 Cales (town in Campania, Calvi) Leg. agr. II.96. Phil. XII.27 Calenum municipium Leg. agr. 11.86 (Camerinum [town in Umbria, Camerino]) Camertes Balb. 46 f.50. earners ager Sull. 53. Camertinum foedus Balb. 46 Campania Rabir. 8 Campani Leg. agr. I.20.II.81. 88.95.97. Campanus ager Leg. agr. i5f. Rabir. 32. Pis. 4. Phil. II.43. 101.V.53.VIII.26.X.22.XI.12. na aratio Phil. II.101. na arrogantia Leg. agr. II.91. na colonia Leg. agr. 11.86. nus consul (i.e. L. Piso Caesoninus) Dom. 60. Pis. 24. num fastidium Leg. agr. II.93 Cannensis pugna Sex. Rose. 89. (nequitiae) Verr. V.28 (Canopus [island and town in the Nile delta)) Canopitae Fr. XVI. 11 (Quint. I-5-I3) (Capena [town in southern Etruriaj)
Capenas Flacc. 71. Capenas ager Leg. agr. 11.66. ——nas fundus Verr. II. 31 (Capitium [Sicilian town west of Aetna]) Capitina civitas Verr. III. 103 Capitolium Sex. Rose. 56. Verr. IV.64-9. 71.129.V.48.77.184. Caec. 87f. Font. 30. Rabir. 20-23.35. Catil. UI.9.19.22.IV.18. Sull. 65. Sen. 12.25. Dom. 5- Sest. 26.124.131. Prov. cons. 35.43. Rab. Post. 6.27. Scaur. 47. Mil. 66. Phil. I.31.II.89.91-3. III.20.23.30.V.12.XIII.19.XIV. 12.15. Fr. VII.50 (Ascon. 77.19) Capitolinus (Iuppiter) Dom. 144. Capitolinus clivus Rabir. 31. Sen. 12.32. Sest. 28. Mil. 64. Phil. II.16.19. nae cohortes Mil. 67. nus hospes Dom. 7 (cf. HSCP 79(19791.264). nus Iuppiter Verr. IV.66. Cappadocia (region in eastcentral Asia Minor) Imp. Pomp. 7.21. Leg. agr. 1.6. II.51.55. Deiot. 37. Cappadox Sen. 14. (i.e. King Mithridates) Flacc. 61 Capua (chief town of Campania) Leg. agr. I.fr.a.1.18-20.22.II. 76.86-97 passim. III.16. Sen. 17. (29). Sest. 9-11.19. Pis. 24f. Mil. 39. Phil. II.100.102.XII.7 Caria (region in southwest Asia Minor) Flacc. 65 Car ibid. Carinae (quarter in Rome) Har. resp. 49 Carthago Verr. II.3.86.IV.72- 84.V. 125. Imp. Pomp. 60. Leg. agr. 1.5.II.51.87.90. Mur. 32.58.
Catil. IV.21. Har. resp. 6. Sest. 127. Balb. 34. Phil. IV.13.V.27. Carthaginiensis Balb. 51. nses Verr. II.86.IV.72f.78. 116.V.97. Imp. Pomp. 54f.6o. Leg. agr. 1.5.II.95. Sest. 142. Pis. 43. Scaur. 42. Phil. XI.9.XIV.9. Carthaginiense bellum tertium Leg. agr. II.90. nsia bella Verr. III. 125 Carthago Nova (in Spain, Cartagena) Leg. agr. I.5.II.51. Balb. 5 Casilinum (modern Capua) Phil. II. 102 Casinum (town in Latium, Cassino) Phil. II. 105 Casinas Plane. 22. Casinas L. Rubrius Phil. II.40. Casinas ager Leg. agr. III. 14. nas fundus Phil. II. 103 Cassia via Phil. XII.22f Catina (town in Sicily near Aetna, Catania) Verr. II.185.III.192.IV.50.100. V.i 87. Catinenses Verr. II.156.III.103. IV.99f.114. Catinensis civitas Verr. IV. 17. nses legati Verr. II. 1 2 0 Celtiberia (region in Spain) Phil. XI. 1 2 Cenomani (Gallic tribe in Cisalpine Caul) Balb. 32 (Centuripae [town in Sicily southeast of Aetna, Centorbi]) Centuripini Verr. II. 1 6 1 - 3 . 166.III.108.180.IV. V.70.84. Centuripinus Andro Verr. III. 1 1 4 . nus Artemo Verr. II. 156. nus Diocles Verr. III.129. nus Eubulida(s)
Grosphus Verr. III.56. nus Heraclius Verr. 11.66. nus Nympho Verr. III.5 3. nus Phalacrus Verr. V . 1 1 6 . 1 2 2 . nus Phylarchus Verr. IV.29. 50. Centuripini aratores Verr. III. 1 0 8 . 1 1 4 . nus civis Verr. II.66 . ni cives Verr. II.163. III. 108. na civitas Verr. III. i3.(56).ii4.IV.i7.V.83. ni legati Verr. II. 120. na navis Verr. V.88. nus navarchus Verr. V.105. nus populus Verr. II. 143. na quadriremis Verr. V.86.88.105. nus senatus et populus Verr. III. 108 Cephaloedium (town on the north coast of Sicily, Cefali) Verr. II. 128 Cephaloeditani Verr. II. 130. Cephaloeditana civitas Verr. III. 103. num frumentum Verr. III. 1 7 2 (Cetaria [township on the coast of northwest Sicily)) Cetarini Verr. III. 103 Chaldaei Mur. 25 Cherronensus (peninsula in southern Thrace) Leg. agr. II. 50. Pis. 86 Chios (large island in the Aegean) Verr. I.49.V.127.185 Chii Verr. I.52. Arch. 19. Chius Charidemus Verr. 1.5 2. us Hermarchus Har. resp. 34 Chrysas (river in Sicily) Verr. IV.96 Cibyra (town in Phrygia) Verr. IV. 30 Cibyratae fratres (Tlepolemus and Hiero) Verr. IV.30.32f.l47). 52. Cibyratici canes Verr. IV.47 Cilicia (Roman province in
southeast Asia Minor, including Cilicia proper, i.e. the coast and adjoining area) Div. Caec. 6. Verr. I.44.IV.21. Imp. Pomp. 35.64. Flacc. sf.3o. 100. Dom. 23. Sest. 55. Deiot. 28.37. Phil. II.26. Cilices Verr. IV.21.116. Leg. agr. I.fr.3. Har. resp. 42 Cimbri Imp. Pomp. 60. Cimber Phil. XI. 14. Cimber Gabinius Catil. III.6. Cimbricae manubiae Dom. 102. cae res Arch. 19 Clateraa (town in Cisalpine Caul, near Bononia) Phil. VIII. 6 Cnidos (city in Caria) Imp. Pomp. 33 Cnidii Verr. IV. 135 Cobiomagus (village in Narbonese Gaul) Font. 19 Collatia (Sabine town near Rome, Castellaccio) Leg. agr. II.96 Colophon (city of Ionia) Imp. Pomp. 33 Colophonii Arch. 19 Consa (or Compsa, town in Samnium, Conza) Consani Verr. V.164. Consanus Gavius Verr. V.160. Consanus municeps Verr. V1s8.161.164. ni municipes Verr. V.164 Corduba (city in southern Spain, Cordova) Verr. IV.56. Arch. 26 Corinthus Verr. 1.5s. Imp. Pomp. 11. Leg. agr. II.87.90. Corinthii. Mur. 31. Corinthia (sc. vasa) Verr. IV.51. Corinthius ager Leg. agr. 1.5. ii agri Leg. agr. II. 51 ium bellum Leg.
agr. II.90. ium opus Verr. IV.97. ia supellex ex aere Verr. II.83. ium vas Verr. IV. 1. ia vasa Sex. Rose. 133. Verr. II.46.176.IV.so.98.131 (Cos [island in the Aegean]) Coi Verr. IV. 135 Crabra See Aqua Crabra Creta (Crete) Flacc. 5.30.100. Plane. 27.61.85. Phil. II.97.V.13.XI.27 Cretenses Verr. n.76. Imp. Pomp. 35.46. Phil. II.97. Cretes Mur. 74. Cretensis Cydas Phil. V.i3. Cretense bellum Flacc. 6 Crodunum (township in Narbonese Gaul) Font. 19 (Crustum(er)ium [town in the Sabine country)) Crustuminum Flacc. 71 Cumae (town on the Bay of Naples, Cuma) Leg. agr. I.fr. Cumanus ager Leg. agr. 11.66. na praedia Leg. agr. II.78 Cydnus (river in Cilicia) Phil. II.26 (Cyme [coastal town in western Asia Minor]) Cymaeus Athenagoras Flacc. 17. Cymaeus fundus Flacc. 46 Cyprus Flacc. 30. Dom. 20.65 Cyprius, Cyprius rex (i e. Ptolemaeus)Dom. 52^65. Sest. 59.64. ria pecunia Dom. 65. ria rogatio Sest. 62 Cyrenae Plane. 13.63 Cyrenenses agri Leg. agr. II. 51 Cyzicus (town on the north coast of Mysia) Verr. V.127. Leg. agr. II.39 Cyziceni Verr. IV. 135. Imp.
Pomp. 20. Mur. 33. Arch. 2 1 Dardani (Illyrian tribe) Sest. 94 Delos (Aegean island) Verr. I.46.48.IV.71.V.185. Imp. Pomp. 55 Deliacus Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Or. 232). Delius Apollo Verr. I.47. Deliaca supellex Verr. II.83. ca supellex ex aere Verr. II.176. cum vas Verr. IV. 1. ca vasa Sex. Rose. 1 3 3 Delphi Font. 30 Delphicae mensae Verr. I V . 1 3 1 Denseletae (Thracian tribe) Pis. 84 Dianium (town on the east coast of Spain) Verr. I.87.V.146.154 Dolopes (people of Thessaly) Pis. 91.96 Domitia via Font. 18 Dori Flacc. 64 Dorylaum (town in Phrygia) Flacc. 39 Dorylensis Flacc. 4 1 . ——nses Flacc. 5.39 (Drepanum [town at the western end of Sicily, Trapani)) Drepanitanus Apollonius Verr. IV.37. Drepanitanus pupillus Verr. II. 140. ni pupilli Verr. IV.37 Dyrrachium (town on the coast of Illyrium, Durazzo) Pis. 92.96. Plane. 97Ì. Phil. X.11.13 Dyrrachini Sest. 94. Pis. 83.93. Dyrrachinum litus Sest. 1 4 0 Elesiodunum (?)(township in Narbonese Gaul) Font. 19
(Engyon [town in the interior of Sicily, Gangi Vetere]) Enguini Verr. IV.97.V.186. Enguina civitas Verr. III. 1 0 3 (Entella [town in the interior of Sicily, Rocca d'Entella)) Entellini Verr. III. 1 0 3 . Entellinus Sositheus Verr. III.200. Entellinus senatus ibid. Ephesus (city on the west coast of Asia Minor) Verr. I.85.III.191. Leg. agr. II.39. Flacc. 32. Deiot. 14.25 Ephesia (mater) Phil. III.15. Ephesii Verr. IV. 1 3 5. Ephesius Pericles Verr. 1.8 s Epirus (district of northwestern Greece, opposite Corfù) Pis. 96. Phil. XI.26 Erymanthius aper Verr. IV.95 Erythrae (city of Ionia) Verr. 1.49 (Eryx [mountain in northwestern Sicilyj) Erycus mons Verr. I I . 2 2 . 1 1 5 . Erycina Venus Div. Caec. 5 5. Verr. L27.II.21f.93 (Esquilinus) Esquilina (porta) Pis. 55. Esquilinus campus Phil. IX. 17. na porta Cluent. 37. Pis. 6 1 . 7 4 Etruria Caec. 104. Catil. I.5.II.6.III.19. Sull. 53. Har. resp. 20.25. Mil. Phil. XII.23. Etrusci Har. resp. 18.25. Mil. 74.98. Etnisca castra Mil. 55. ci libri Har. resp. 37.53 Europa Flacc. 64. Har. resp. 28 Fabianus fornix (in Rome) Verr. a. pr. 19. Plane. 1 7 (Fabrateria Nova [town built on
the site of Fregellae, close to Arpinum]) Fabraterni Cluent. 192 Faesulae (town in Etruria, Fiesole) Catil. III. 14 Faesulanus ager Catil. II. 14. ni coloni Mur. 49 Falernum (district in northern Campania) Cluent. 175 Falernum Phil. XIII.11. Falernus ager Leg. agr. 11.66 (Falerii [city of Etruria]) Faliscus ager Leg. agr. 11.66 Ferentani See Frentani Fidenae (ancient town in Latium) L e g . agr. I I . 9 6 . P h i l . I X . 4
(Firmum [town in Picenum, Fermo]) Firmani Phil. VII.23 Flaminia via Phil. XII.22Ì. Flaminius circus (in Rome) Sen. 1 3 . 1 7 . Sest. 3 3 . Plane. 5 5 (Formiae [town in the south of Latium, Formia]) Formianum Phil. XIII.11 Forum Aurelium (small town on the coast north of Rome, Monfalto) Catil. I.24 (Fregellae [town of the Volsci, destroyed in 125]) Fregellana Numitoria Phil. III. 17. Fregellanum bellum Leg. agr. I I . 9 0
Frentani (people of east-central Italy) Cluent. 197 (Fulginiae [town in Umbria, Foligno]) Fulginas municipium Fr. II. 3
(Prise. II.348.18). nas praefectura Fr. II.4 (Prise, ibid.) (Fundi [town in Latium, Fondi]) Fundanus ager Leg. agr. 11.66 (Gabii [ancient town in Latium]) Gabina vicinitas Plane. 23 Gades (Cadiz) Dom. 8 0 . Balb. 5 . 4 1 - 3 Gaditanus Balb. 29.32.35. ni Balb. 2 5 . 2 7 . 3 4 f . 3 7 - 9 . 4 1 . 43f.50. Gaditanus civis Balb. 27.29. na civitas Balb. 1 4 . 3 5 . num foedus Balb. 32L nus Hasdrubal Balb. 51. nus populus Balb. 42. nus propugnator Balb. 23 Gallia (Cisalpina, Narbonensis, or Comata) Quinct. 12.14- 3 7 f . 4 1 . 5 7 . 6 2 . 8 3 . Verr. I.34.II. 158.III.27. Font. 8 . n f . i 6 . i 9 . 2 7 . 3 2 . 3 6 . 4 5 . Imp. Pomp. 3 0 . Mur. 4 2 . C a t i l . III.4. Flacc. 5.100. Har.
resp. 42. Balb. 32. Prov. cons.
1 9 . 3 2 - 5 . P i s . 5. P h i l . I I . 4 9 . 7 6 . I I I . 8.i2f.3if.34.38.IV.8f.V.24.26.28. 3i.36f.46.VI.3.5.8f.VII.3.ii.2i. 24-6.VIII.5.21.X.10.21.XI.4.XII.
9f.XIII.20. Gallia citerior Prov. cons. 3 6 . 3 9 . Phil. I I I . 3 8 . Gallia comata Phil. VIII.27. Gallia togata ibid. Gallia Transalpina Imp. Pomp. 35. Mur. 89. Gallia ulterior Prov. cons. 36. Gallia ultima Phil. II.48.V.5.VII.3.XII.13. XIII.37. Galliae Prov. cons. 3.17. Phil. 1.8 Gallus Pis. fr. xi Nisbet. Cf. Pis. 67. Galli Caec. 87f. Font. passim. 4 4 . 4 6 . 4 9 . Imp. Pomp. 3 0 . Catil. III.8f.11f.14.22.IV.13. Sull. 36. 38f. A r c h . 2 5 . F l a c c . 1 0 . 6 3 . 1 0 2 .
Dom. 101. Har. resp. 19. Prov. cons. 3 2 . 3 4 . Pis. 8 1 . Scaur. 4 0 .
Phil. III.20.V.6.XIII.44.XIV.12. See Transpadani. Gallicanus Cluent. 23. Pis. fr. xi Nisbet. Gallicus ager See Ager Gallicus. cum bellum Font. 33.46. Prov. cons. 19.32.35f.47. ca bella Font. 1 3 . Phil. XIV.33. cus tumultus Catil. III.4. Phil. V.53.VIII.3. Gallicanae legiones Catil. II. 5. cana ratio atque res Quinct. 15. cana res Quinct. 23. canus saltus Quinct. 79 Gallograecus Brogitarus Har. resp. 28 Gaurus (mountain in Campania) Leg. agr. II.36 Gedusanus (?) ager Leg. agr. II. 50 (Gela [city in southern Sicily]) Gelenses Verr. III.103.IV.73 Germanus Phil. XI. 14. Germani Prov. cons. 33. Pis. 81. Phil. V.6 (Gortyn [town in Crete]) Gortynius iudex Phil. V.13 Graecia Verr. I.48.II.87.IV.71.133.135.V. 127. Imp. Pomp, n f . 3 5 Leg. agr. II.87. Arch. 4.10. Flacc. i 6 f . 6 i - 4 . Dom. 60. Sest. 142. Cael. 40. Balb. 28.55. Prov. cons. 7. Pis. 37.91. Rab. Post. 23. Plane. 98. Scaur. 3. Mil. 80. Deiot. 28. Phil. I . 7 . X . 9 - 1 1 . 1 4 . 2sf.XI.26 Graecus Verr. 1.74. Flacc. 17. 65. Pis. 68-70. ci Verr. I. 63.66.73.IL7.129.158f.III.69.IV. Mur. 3 1 . Flacc. 9 - 1 1 . 1 6 - 8 . 2 0 . 2 4 . 2 7 . 100. Har. resp. 19. Cael. 40. Balb. 12. Prov. cons. 14. Pis. 22.42.
67. Rab. Post. 36. Scaur. 4. Lig. 1 1 . Phil. V.12. ca Arch. 23. ce Verr. IV. 147. Flacc. 10. Grai(i) Sest. 122. Graeculus Verr. II.72.IV. 127. Sest. 1 1 0 . Pis. 70. li Sen. 14. Sest. 126. Scaur. 4. Mil. 55. Phil. XIII.33. Graeci actores Div. Caec. 48. cae artes Arch. 5. ci artifices Mur. 29. cae civitates Balb. 30. ci comités Mil. 28. Phil. II.94 . ci debitores Sest. 94. cum epigramma Verr. IV. 127. cus homo Prov. cons. 15. ci homines Verr. 1.53.IV. 2 I . I 3 2 Í . Flacc. 14.36. Sest. 1 4 1 L Balb. 12. Mil. 80. ca lingua Verr. III.84. ca littera Verr. IV. 127. cae litterae Div. Caec. 39. cus mos Verr. I. 66. ca oppida Imp. Pomp. 40. ci pictores Verr. IV.31. cus poeta Pis. 74. cae sacerdotes Balb. 5 5. cum sacrum ibid. ca sacra Verr. IV.115. Balb. 55. ci scriptores Arch. 14. cus senatus Verr. IV. 147. cus sermo Flacc. 65. cus testis Flacc. 1 1 . ci (testes) Flacc. 9. cae (urbes) Verr. IV. 1 1 7 . cum verbum Phil. I.i. cus versus Deiot. 25. ci versus Arch. 23. ca vina Verr. V.146. Graecula contio Flacc. 23. lus iudex Phil. 5.14 Hadrianum mare Pis. 92 Halaesa (town on the north coast of Sicily) Verr. II. 19.185.III. 170.192 Halaesini Verr. II. 122.156.166. III.170f.173.175.IV.20. Halaesinus Aeneas Verr. III. 170. nus Dio Verr.L27.II.19. na civitas III.13.170.IV.17. num
frumentum III.i7if. ni legati Verr. II. 120 Halicarnassus (city of Caria) Verr. I.49 (Halicyae [township in western Sicily]) Halicyenses Verr. II.80.166. III.91. Halicyensis Eumenida(s) Verr. V.15. sis Sopater Verr. II.68. Halicyensis civitas Verr. III. 13 Haluntium (town on the north coast of Sicily) Verr. IV. 51 Haluntini Verr. IV.52.V90. Haluntinus Archagathus Verr. IV. 51. nus Phylarchus Verr. V.122 . na civitas Verr. III. 103. nus homo Verr. V.90. na navis Verr. V.86 Hellespontus Verr. 1.63. Leg. agr. I.fr.3. Prov. cons. 4 Helorus (coastal town in southeast Sicily, Atellaro) Verr. IV.59.V90f.95 Helorini Verr. III. 103. Helorinus Archonidas Verr. III.129 Helvetii (Celtic people inhabiting modern Switzerland) Prov. cons. 33. Balb. 32 Henna (town in central Sicily, Castro Giovanni) Verr. III.192.IV.96.107-12. V.i 87 Hennenses Verr. II.156.III. 100.192.IV.106.111-13.V.133. Hennensis ager Verr. III.47. 100. sis Ceres Verr. IV.i07f. sis civitas Verr. IV. 17. ses lacus lucique Verr. V. 188. ses legati Verr. IV. 113 Heraclea (town in southwestern Sicily) Verr. II. 125.V. 129
Heracliensis Verr. V.123. nses Verr. III. 103. Heracliensis Furius V.i 12.(123). nsis navis Verr. V.86 Heraclea (town in Lucania, Policoro) Arch. 6.8 Heracliensis Arch. 8.10.22. nses Arch. 6.8. Balb. 2 1 . Heracliensis Alexa Balb. 50. Heraclienses legati Arch. 8 Herbita (town in the interior of Sicily) Verr. III.75f.78 Herbitensis Verr. V.i23. nses Verr. II.156.III.75.779.IV.114.V.133. Herbitensis Eubulida Verr. V.i 10. nsis Philinus Verr. III.80. Herbitensis ager Verr. III.47.120. nsis civitas Verr. III.75. nse frumentum Verr. III. 172. nsis navis Verr. V.86 Herculanea via Leg. agr. II. 3 6 Hernici (hillfolk southeast of Rome) Balb. 3 1 . Phil. VI. 13 Hierosolyma (Jerusalem) Flacc. 67.69 Himera (town on the north coast of Sicily, destroyed by the Carthaginians; see Thermae) Verr. II.86f.89.IV.73 (Hirpini (people south of Samnium]) Hirpinus ager Leg. agr. III.8. nus fundus ibid. Hispania Verr. [L87l.II.158.III.27.192. IV.56f.V72.151. Font. fr. 6. Imp. Pomp. 9.30.46. Leg. agr. 1.5.II.51. Sull. 57.70. Flacc. 5f.ioo. Balb. Dom. 52. Phil. II.57. 74-6.78.III.26. Hispania ulterior
PLACES Font. 45. Sull. 56. Vatin. 12.. Scaur. 45 a. Hispaniae Font. 16. Imp. Pomp. 35. Leg. agr. II.83. III.12. Balb. 34. Hispani Div. Caec. 66. Verr. III. 1 2 . Arch. 25. Flacc. 10. Har. resp. 19. Balb. 4 1 . Scaur. 40. Phil. XIV. 12. Hispaniense heli u m Font. 1 3 . Imp. Pomp. 28.60. nsia flagitia Vatin. 13. nse iter Vatin. 12. nsis legatio Font. 6. nsis legatus Vatin. 12. nsis pars Imp. Pomp. 10. nsis pugiunculus Fr. IX.27 (Ascon. 9 3 . 1 1 ) . nsis pugna Phil. II.7 5 (Hybla [one of three towns or villages in eastern Sicily]) Hyblenses Verr. III. 1 0 2 Ianiculum Leg. agr. I.16.II.74. Mil. 74. Fr. IX. 19 (Ascon. 90.3) Ianus medius (banking and business center in the Forum) Phil. VI. 15.VII. 16 Iapydes (people of northern Illyricum) Balb. 32 (Ida [mountain in the Troad]) Idaea mater Verr. V.186. Har. resp. 22 (Ietae [community in Sicily, location uncertain]) Ietini Verr. III. 103 (Iguvium [town in Umbria, Gubbioj) Iguvinates Balb. 47. Iguvinas Annius Appius Balb. 46 Illyricum (region bordering the Adriatic from Epirus to the gulf of Trieste) Cluent. 97. Phil. X . 9 . 1 1 . I 4 . 2 5 Í . Illyricum mare Imp. Pomp. 35
(Imachara [Sicilian community, location uncertain]) Imacharenses Verr. III. 100. Imacharensis Leo Verr. V. 1 5 . Imacharensis ager Verr. III.47 (Ina [township near Pachynum in Sicily]) Inenses Verr. III. 103 India Verr. V.166 Insubres (people of Cisalpine Gaul) Balb. 32. Insuber Pis. fr. ix Nisbet. 34. Insuber avus Pis. fr. x v Nisbet Insula (district of Syracuse) Verr. I V . 1 1 7 f . 1 2 2 . 1 4 4 . V 8 0 . 8 4 . 95-98 Interamna (town in central Italy, Terni) Dom. 80. Phil II. 1 0 5 Interamnanus (C. Causinius Schola) Mil. 46 (Ionia) Iones Flacc. 64 Italia Div. Caec. 38. Verr. a. pr. 54. 1.5 5.154.II. 1 9 . 1 6 1 . III. 27. IV.23. 26.V.5f.8.i4.46.58.99.i6o.i69f. Caec. 57. Font. 6. Cluent. 195. Imp. Pomp. Leg. agr. L4.16f.II. Rabir. 29. Mur. 32f. Catil. I. 29.33.II.7L24011.9.15.IV.2.6.13. 2 1 . 2 4 . Sull. Arch. 5. 7. Flacc. Sen. 2 4 - 6 . 28f-38f. Quir. i - 4 . 1 0 f . 1 6 . 1 8 . Dom. 1 4 2 . 1 4 7 . Har. resp. 5.271.46. Sest. 12.25f.32.35-8.40f. 1 2 8 . 1 3 1 . 1 4 5 . Vatin. 8. Prov. cons. 32.34.43. Pis. 3 . 1 1 . 2 3 . 2 9 . 3 2 . 3 4 . Rab. Post. 19. Plane 87.95. M i l 38f. 61.68.77.
87.94.104. Lig. 1 1 . 3 2 . 3 4 . Deiot. i i . P h i l . II.4f. 17.54.57f.62.77. 101.III.13.32.IV.9.13.V.7.25.31. 44. VI. 18. VII. if. 13.20.23. VIII.3.6. X.7- 28.39.XII. 39.42.47. Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Or. 232. Prise. GLK II.539.5) Itali Har. resp. 19. Italicum bellum (Font. 43). Cluent. 2 1 . Leg. agr. II.80. Arch. 8. Har. resp. 18. Balb. 50. Pis. 87. cum fugitivorum bellum Verr. V. 39. ca bella Phil. XIV.33. cus tumultus Phil. V.53. VIII. 3 Ituraei (people of northeastern Palestine) Phil. II. 1 9 . 1 1 2 . (V. 18). XIII. 18 Iudaei Flacc. (66).67-9. Prov. cons. 10 Iudaicum aurum Flacc. 66 (Lahici [place in Latium]) Labicana vicinitas Plane. 23 Lacedaemonii Mur. 74. Flacc. 63.100. Balb. 30 Lampsacum (city on the Hellespont) Verr. I. Lampsaceni Verr. 1.631.67-9. 7 4 . 7 6 . 7 8 . 8 0 - 8 2 . 1 1 3 . Lampsacena civitas Verr. 1.79. num crimen Verr. 1.86. num periculum Verr. V.94 Lanuvium (Latin town south of Rome, Civita Lavinia) Leg. agr. II.96. Mur. 90. Mil. 27.45f. Lanuvini Balb. 3 1 . Mil. 27.46. Lanuvinus dictator Mil. 45 Laodicea (in Phrygia) Verr. I.76. Flacc. 68 Laodicea (near Antioch) Phil. IX.4
Larinum (town in the north of Samnium, Larino) Cluent. 18.23-5.27f.36.40f.43. 1 7 8 . 1 8 3 . 1 9 1 f . Larinates Cluent. Larinas Asuvius Cluent. 36. nas Dinaea Cluent. 2 1 . Larinas ager Cluent. 198. nas municipium Cluent. 1 1 Latiniensis ager (district near Rome) Har. resp. 20 Latinienses Har. resp. 62. Latiniensis (Q. Coelius) Imp. Pomp. 58 (may be a cognomen) Latiaris mons Mil. 85 Latium Arch. 5. Balb. 31 Latini Verr. V.60. Dom.78. Har. resp. 19. Sest. 30. Balb. 2of.53f. 64. na Arch. 23. nae (sc. feriae) Plane. 23. ne Verr. II.154.IV.2. Caec. 55f.6o. 62. Phil. V.13.VII.17. Latina colonia Balb. 48. nae coloniae Caec. 98. Dom. 78. ni homines Balb. 54. na lingua Phil. XIII.43. nae litterae Div. Caec. 39. na nomina Verr. V.i 12. ni populi Balb. 54. ni scriptores Arch. 14. nus tibicen Mur. 26. num verbum Har. resp. 24. ni versus Arch. 23. na via Cluent. 163 Leontini (town in eastern Sicily, Lentini) Verr. II.160.III.60 Leontini Verr. 111.109.(118). num Verr. III.38.97.113 Leontinus ager Verr. III. 104. 109f.112-4.116f. 120.147-9. Phil. II.43.101.VIII.26. na aratio Phil. II.101. nus campus Verr. III.47. Phil. II.43.84.
PLACES 111.22. Scaur. 2 5 . Verr. III. n o
na civitas
Leptis (town on the north c o a s t of Africa) Verr. V.155 Leucopetra (promontory at the toe of Italy, Capo dell'Armi) Phil. I.7 Libertatis a t r i u m M i l . 59 Licinia atria (in Rome) Quinct. 12.25 (Liguria [region bordering t h e gulf of Genoa]) Ligus C l u e n t . 72. Har. resp. 5. Ligures Leg. agr. II.95. (Sest. 69). Ligus (adj.) D o m . 49. Lilybaeum (town at the western end of Sicily, Marsala) Div. C a e c . 39.56. Verr. II.63. 153.185.in.38.IV.35.37-9.59.77. V10.69.140f. Lilybitana Agonis Div. C a e c . 55. n u s Lyso Verr. IV.37. nus P a m p h i l u s Verr. IV.32. Lilybitana civitas Verr. V . i o (Lipara [island to t h e north of Sicily, Lipari]) (Verr. III.85) Liparenses Verr. III.84f. Liparensis ager Verr. III.84 ( L i t e m u m [town on t h e coast of Campania)) Literninus ager Leg. agr. 11.66 Locri (name of two Greek peoples; w h i c h is m e a n t is uncertain) Pis. 96 (Locri [city in t h e toe of Italy]) Locrenses Verr. V.90. Arch. (S).io
(Lucania [region of southwestern Italy)) Lucanus ager Phil. XIII. 1 2
Lycia (region in southwestern Asia Minor) Verr. 1.95 Lycii Verr. IV.21. Leg. agr. I. fr-3 Lydia (region in western Asia Minor) Flacc. 65 Lydus ibid. Lydi Flacc. 3 . 1 0 0 Macedonia Tull. 15. Verr. I.55.II.24.III. 2 7 . 2 1 7 . I V . 1 2 9 . Font. 44. Leg. agr. I.5.II.50.III.12. Flacc. 32. D o m . 55.60.70. Har. resp. 35. Sest. 1 3 . 7 1 . 9 4 . Vatin. 25. Prov. cons. I . 3 - 5 - 1 7 - Pis. 3 8 . 4 0 . 4 7 . 5 3 . 5 5 . 5 7 . Plane. 28.61.98f. Lig. 27. Phil. I I I . 2 6 . V I I . 3 . X . 9 - 1 1 . 13f.24-6.XI.27.XIII.30 Macedo Alexander Phil. V.48. M a c e d o n i c i c o n s u l e s Pis. 5 5. cus imperator Pis. 5 5. ci imperatores Pis. 38. ca laurea Pis. 6 1 . c u m signum Verr. IV. 1 2 9 Maenia c o l u m n a (in the Forum) Div. Caec. 50. Sest. (18). 1 2 4 Maeotis (lake; sea of Azov) Leg. agr. II. 5 2 Mamertinus (inhabitant of Messana in northeastern Sicily) Verr. IV.15. M a m e r t i n i Verr. II.i3.i85.IV.3.i9(f.).22.25f.i5of. V. 4 3 . 4 7 - 5 3 - 5 5 f - 5 9 1 3 6 . 1 6 8 f . Balb. 52 M a m e r t i n u s C. H e i u s Verr. IV. 3. ni Ovii Balb. 51. M a m e r t i n a civitas Verr. II. 13.114.IV. 1 5 . 2 2 . 1 3 6 . V.43.5 8. na laudatio Verr. V.57. nus magistratus Verr. V. 160. nus magistratus senatusque Verr. V.44. nus populus Verr. IV.6. nus senator Verr. IV. 1 7 . 19.V.47
Marrucini (people of east-central Italy) Cluent. 197. Phil. VII.23 Marsi (people of central Italy) Dom. 116. Vatin. 36. Phil. XII.27 Marsicum bellum Leg. agr. II.90. Phil. VIII.31 Martialis campus Pis. 61. Martius campus Leg. agr. II.85. Rabir. 11.28. Mur. 69. Dom. 75. Sest. 108. Phil. VI. 14 Massicus (mountain in Campania, Massico) Leg. agr. 11.66 Massilia (Marseilles) Font. 13. Catil. II.14.16. Flacc. 63. Sest. 7. Phil. VIII.18.XIII.13 Massilienses Font. 14.34.45. Catil. II. 16. Flacc. 100. Phil. II.94. VIII.18.Xni.32. Massiliensis Aristo Balb. 50. nsis propugnator Balb. 23 Mauretania Sull. 56. Vatin. 12 (Mediolanum [Milan]) Mediolanensis praeco (i.e. Calventius, L. Piso's Insubrian grandfather) Pis. 62 Megaris (town near Syracuse) Verr. V.63 Melita (Malta) Verr. IV.38f.io3.V.i84 Melitenses Verr. IV.39. nsia Verr. II.183. Melitensis Diodorus Verr. IV.38.40. Melitenses legati Verr. IV. 104. nsis pulvinus Verr. V.27. nsis vestis Verr. II. 176 (Menaenum, Menae (town in eastern Sicily, Mineo]) Menaeni Verr. III. 102. Menaenus Xeno Verr. III. 5 5 Messana (town in northeastern Sicily, Messina)
Verr. I.27.II. 5.7.17- V. 5.15 8.160. 162.169. See Mamertini Miletus (city of Caria) Verr. I.87.89.V.127. Leg. agr. II.39 Milesii Verr. 1.86-8. Milesia civitas Verr. I.87. sii legati Verr. 1.90. sius magistratus Verr. 1.86. sia mulier Cluent. 32. sius populus Verr. 1.89 (Milyas [district in Lycia]) Milyades Verr. I.95Ì. Minturnae (town of southern Latium) Leg. agr. II. 3 6 Minturnenses Quir. 20. [Sest. 50]. Pis. 43. Minturnenses coloni Plane. 26 Minucia porticus (in the Campus Martius) Phil. II.84 Misenum (promontory, Punta di Miseno, and town on the Bay of Naples) Imp. Pomp. 33 (i.e. villa Misenensis) Phil. II.48.73 Moneta Phil. VII. 1 Mons sacer Fr. VII.49 (Ascon. 76.13) Mulvius pons (bridge over the Tiber, Ponte Molle) Catil. III. 5f. (Murgentia [town in central Sicily, variously spelled]) Murgentini Verr. III. 103. Murgentinus Polemarchus Verr. III.56 . nus ager Verr. III.47 Mutina (Modena) Phil. V.24.26.VI.3-6.VII.15. 2lf.VIII.5.20f.XI.22.XII.4.8.Ilf. 22.XIII.n.i3.20.39.46f.XIV.i. 4-iS
PLACES (Mutyca [township in the interior of Sicily]) Mutycensis ager Verr. III. 101.120 Mylasae (town in Caria) Phil. V.20. VI. 1 3 Myndus (town on the coast of Caria) Verr. I.86f. Mysia (region in northwestern Asia Minor) Leg. agr. I.fr.3. Flacc. 17.65 M y s i Flacc. 3.65.100 Mytilene (chief town of Lesbos) Leg. agr. II.40. Rab. Post. 27 Mytilenaeus Theophanes Arch. 24 Narbo (Narbonne) Quinct. 15. Font. 19. Phil. II.34.76. Narbo Martius Font. 1 3 . Narbonenses Font. 34. Narbonensis colonia Font. 46. Cluent. 140. nses coloni Font. 1 4 Naupactus (town in Aetolia) Pis. 91 Neapolis (Naples) Leg. agr. II.86.96. Sull. 1 7 . 5 3 . Rab. Post. 26 Neapolitanae Balb. 55. ni Arch. 5.10. Balb. 2 1 . Neapolitanae seditiones Cael. 23 Neapolis (part of Syracuse) Verr. IV. 1 1 9 Nesis (small island off Neapolis, Nisita) Cf. Phil. X.8 Netum (town in the interior of Sicily, Noto Vecchio) Verr. IV. 5 9 Netini II.156.V.56.133 Nicaea (city in Bithynia) Plane. 84. Deiot. 25 Nilus (river) Marc. 28
(Nora [town in Sardinia, Nori]) Norenses Scaur. 1 1 . Norensis Bostar Scaur, fr. h Nuceria (town in Campania, Nocera) Leg. agr. I.fr. Balb. 28 Nucerinus ager Leg. agr. 11.66 Numantia (Spanish town, finally taken by Scipio Aemilianus) Imp. Pomp. 60. Mur. 58. Catil. IV.21. Deiot. 19. Phil. IV. 1 3 Numantini Caec. 98. Phil. XI. 18. Numantinum bellum Leg. agr. II.90. num foedus Har. resp. 43 (Nysa) N y s i u s (i.e. Bacchus) Flacc. 60 Oceanus Verr. III.207.V.6.50. Imp. Pomp. 33. Mur. 32. Prov. cons. 2 9 . 3 1 . 3 4 . Marc. 28. Phil. II.67 (Ocriculum [town in Umbria, Otricoli]) Ocriculana villa Mil. 64 Odysseae portus (harbour near Cape Pachynum) Verr. V.87 (Olympia) Olympionices Flacc. 3 1 Olympus (town in Lycia) Verr. 1.5 6 Olympeni Leg. Agr. I.5.II.50 Olympius Iuppiter Verr. IV. 1 1 9 (Opus [town of the eastern Locrians in Greece |) Opuntius Philodamus Verr. II. 109 Orestis (district of Macedonia) Har. resp. 35 Oricum (or Oricus, town on the coast of Epirus) Phil. XI.26
Otiens Mur. 89 (Oroandenses [people of southern Asia Minor]) Oroandicus ager Leg. agr. II. 50 (Ostia [port of Rome, Ostia]) Ostiense incommodum Imp. Pomp. 33. nsis provincia Mur. 18. nsis quaestor Sest. 39 Pachynum (southwestern promontory of Sicily, Capo Passaro) Verr. V . 8 7 . 1 3 3 1 3 5 Paeligni (people of central Italy) Vatin. 36 Palatium Sex. Rose. 1 3 3 . Catil. I.i. Sen. 18. Dom. 6 2 . 1 0 3 . 1 1 6 . Har. resp. 16.24.49 (read Palatinael Cf. Bailey 2 147) Sest. 54. Cael. 18.78. Pis. 1 1 . 2 6 Palatina Medea (i.e. Clodia) Cael. 18 Pallacinae vicus (street in Rome) Sex. Rose. 1 3 2 . Pallacinae balneae Sex. Rose. 18 Pamphylia (region on the south coast of Asia Minor) Div. Caec. 6.38. Verr. 1.95.II. Imp. Pomp. 35 Panhormus (Palermo) Verr. II.63.153.r85.V16.21.69f. 161.168 Panhormitanus Apollonius Verr. V.16. nus Aristeus Verr. IV.29. nus Diocles Verr. III.93. Panhormitana civitas Verr. III. 1 3 . nus conventus Verr. V.i 40. ni legati Verr. II. 120. nus senatus Verr. V.21 Paphlagonia Leg. agr. I.6.II.51.55 Paphos (city in Cyprus) Phil. II.39
Parma Phil. XIV.9 Parmenses Phil. XIV.8f Parthi Phil. XI.35 Parthini (Illyrian tribe) Pis. 96 (Patavium [Padua]) Patavini Phil. XII. 10 (Pelion [mountain in Thessaly]) Pelium nemus Cael. 18 Peloris (promontory in northeastern Sicily, Capo di Faro) Verr. V.6 Perga (town in Pamphylia) Verr. I.54.IV.71.V.185 Pergaeus Artemidorus Verr. III.54
Pergamum (city in Mysia) Verr. V.127. Leg. agr. II.39. Flacc. Pergameni Flacc. 17.74-6.79. Pergamena civitas Flacc. 74. num forum Flacc. 70 Perrhaebia (district in Thessaly) Pis. 96 Persae Verr. I.48.III.76.V.166. Dom. 60.124. Har. resp. 28 Pessinus (town in Galatia, with sanctuary of Cybele) Har. resp. 28f. Pessinuntius sacerdos Sest. 56 (Petra [township in the interior of Sicily]) Petrini Verr. III.90 (Phalerum [harbor near Athens]) Phalereus (Demetrius) Rab. Post. 23 (Pharsalia [district near Pharsalus, in Thessaly]) Pharsalia fuga Phil. II.39. ia pugna Phil. XIV.23
Pharsalica acies Lig. 9. Phil. II.71. cum proelium Deiot.
Poenus Phil. V.27.
III.12.125.IV.72. Imp. Pomp. 14. Har. resp. 1 9 . Balb. 3 2 . 3 9 . Scaur.
Phaselis (town in Lycia) Verr. IV.21.23 Phaselites Leg. agr. II. 50 Philomelium (town in Phrygia) Verr. III. 191 Philomelienses ibid. Phintia (coastal town in southern Sicily, Alicata) Verr. III. 192 Phocii Pis. 9 6 Phoenice (Phoenicia) Phil. XI. 3 5 Phoenices Scaur. 42 Phrygia V e r r . I . 9 5 . J 5 4 . I I I . 1 9 1 . Leg. agr. I . f r . 3 . Flacc. 1 7 . 6 5 . Har. resp. 2 7 Phryx Flacc. 4 0 . 6 5 . Phryges Flacc. 3 . 3 8 . 1 0 0 . Phryx homo
Flacc. 41. Phrygium ferrum Sex. Rose. 90 (Picenum (district of central Italy, bordering the Adriatic]) Picentes Sull. 25. Picenus ager Rabir. 22. Catil. II.5f.26. Sull. 53. Har. resp. 62. Phil. V.44 Pisaurum (coastal town south of Ariminum, Pesaro) Sest. 9. Phil. XIII.26 Pisidia (region in the south of Asia Minor) Verr. I.95 Placentia (town in Cisalpine Gaul, Piacenza) Pis. fr. xf. Nisbet Placentinus Pis. fr. xi Nisbet. Semiplacentinus Pis. 14. Placentinus aleator Verr. V.33. ni calices Pis. 67. pium Pis. 5 3
num munici-
ni Verr.
42. Phil. XI.9. Punicum bellum (i.e. secundum) Imp. Pomp. 60. Leg. agr. I.20. Har. resp. 27. Mur. 84. Phil. VI.6. cum bellum secundum Phil. V.27. cum bellum tertium Verr. IV.73. Phil. XI.17. c a b e l l a Verr. IV.103. V . 9 7 . 1 2 4 . S c a u r . 4 5 a. P h i l . X I . 1 7 .
XIV.33. cae litterae Verr. IV. 103. Punicani lectuli Mur. 75 Pollentia (inland town in Liguria, Pollenza) Phil. XI. 14 Pompeia via Verr. V.169 Pompeii Leg. agr. I I . 8 6 . 9 6 Pompeiani Sull. 6 0 - 6 2
Pontus (region in northeastern Asia Minor) [Verr. 1.87). Imp. Pomp. 7 . 2 i f . 4 5 . L e g . agr. I . 6 . I I . 5 1 . 5 3 . A r c h .
21. Sen. 38. Sest. 58. Prov. cons. 6.31. Deiot. 37. Phil. XI.30 Pontus (i.e. Euxinus) Verr. I V . i 2 9 f . M u r . 3 2 . P i s . 8 8
Populiana centuria Tull. 16f.19.21
Potentia (town in Picenum) Har. resp. 62 Praeneste (town in Latium, Palestrina) Catil. 1.8. Plane. 63 Praenestinus ager Leg. agr. II.78
Praetuttiani (people of Picenum) Cael. 5 On the reading see R. G. Austin's edition, appendix II.
Prilius lacus (lake in Etruria near Grosseto) Mil. 74 (Privernum (town in Latium)) Privernas Cluent. 141. Privernas ager Leg. agr. 11.66. nas fundus Cluent. 141 Proponi is (sea of Marmora) Leg. agr. I.fr.3 Pupinia (district near Rome) Leg. agr. II.96 Puteoli (town on the Bay of Naples, Pozzuoli) Verr. V.154. Leg. agr. 11.86.96. Vatin. 12. Rab. Post. 40. Plane. 65. Phil. VIII.9 Puteolani Vatin. 12. Phil. II. 107. Puteolanus cataplus Rab. Post. 40. na praedia Leg. agr. II.78. na pulsatio Cael. 23 (Ravenna [coastal town in Cisalpine Gaul, Ravenna]) Ravennas Balb. 50 (Reate [town in the Sabine region, Rieti]) Reatinus Sest. 80. ni Scaur. 27. Reatinus ager Leg. agr. 11.66. na praefectura Catil. III-S Recentoricus ager (Roman public land in Sicily) Leg. agr. I.iof.II.57 Regia (in Rome) Caec. 14 Regium (town in the toe of Italy, Reggio) Verr. II.5sf.V.i65 Regini Verr. IV.26.135.V.47. 158.160. Arch. 5.10. Reginus ager Phil. I.7. ni municipes Phil. 1.8 Rhenus (Rhine) Pis. 81. Marc. 28 Rhodos (island of Rhodes) Plane. 84
Rhodii Verr. II.159.IV.135. Imp. Pomp. 54. Flacc. 100. Balb. 30. Rhodius tibicen Verr. III.78. V.31.81 Roma Quinct. 16.18.23f.28-30.41. Sex. Rose. 16. 100.126.Rose. com. 12. Tull. 20. Div. Caec. 6.38f. Verr. a. pr. 4.161.III. x6.18.44f.49.5 13 if. 138L141.152.167.17 if. 176. 179.202.IV.8f. 3. 5 7f.^123.133. 136.138f.149.V9. 73.160. Caec. 10.15.19. Font. 19. Cluent. 184.187.192. 195. Imp. Pomp. 19. 37-50. Leg. agr. I.13.24.II.34.76. 86.93f.96. Rabir. 31. Mur. 28.42. 89. Catil. I.7.9.II.8.i6f.III.3f.IV.4. Sull. Arch. 5.7. 9. Flacc. 6.31.46- Sen. 17.24L Dom. 5 if.71.79. Har. resp. 12.27.42. Sest. 32.82.127L Vatin. 36. Balb. 27. Pis. fr. ix. Nisbet. Rab. Post. Plane. 63-6.70. Scaur. 8-10.12.24. Mil. 27L39. 47-9.51.6if. Lig. 5.11. Deiot. 2if. Phil. I.8.II. 4.30.V.i3f.29.VI.5.VIII.32.XI.2. XII.7.27. Fr. VII.50 (Ascon. 77.19). XIV. 12 (Schol. Bob. 87.11).20 (Schol. Bob. 88.27) Romanus Phil. X.20. Romana civis Balb. 5 5. nus civis Verr. L13f.74.II. 106f.III.69.74.IV2.24.26.37. 48.58.V73f.83.140f.147.156. 160-71 passim. Caec. 98. Font. 11.27.46. Rabir. 12.16. Arch. 25. Balb. 27.29.53. Dom.
PLACES 77. Har. resp. 17. Sest. 29.78. Lig. 11. Phil. III. 12. ni cives Verr. a. pr. 1 3 . 5 6 . I . 7 - 9 . 14.63.69f.II.15f.31-3.107.119. 155.166.III. 10. 12.69.72f. 136f.139f.143f.147-150.155157f.160.163.167f.170.172.179. Caec. 102. Font. 1 1 . 1 3 . 1 5 . 3 4 . Cluent. 43. Imp. Pomp. 7.11. 17.38. Rabir. 8 . n f . i 6 . Catil. I. 28.IV.10. Arch. 11. Flacc. 6of.7of. D o m . 43.78. Sest. 30. 85.94.Balb. 19.28.48. Prov. cons. 7.10. Pis. 96. Rab. Post. 26. Phil. III. 10. Romanus eques Quinct. 62.87. Rose. com. 42Î. 48. Verr. a. pr. 137.II. 60- 44.46.V. 168f. 1 7 1 . Cluent. 1 0 9 . 1 4 5 . 1 5 6 . 165.198. Imp. Pomp. 6if. Rabir. 31. Mur. i6f. Flacc. 68. Sen. 12. Har. resp. 30. Sest. 29. Cael. 3f.Balb. 16.50.53. Pis. 86. Rab. Post, i i f . 2 2 . 4 1 . 4 3 . 4 8 . Plane. 17.32f.58f. Mil. 18.74. Phil. I.20.II.16.41.VII.24.XIII. 23. ni équités Verr. a. pr. 7. III. 137.V.27.158. Font. I3(?).i6.6. 32. Cluent. 1 0 0 . 1 2 1 . 1 4 0 . 1 5 2 f . 197.Imp. Pomp. 4. Rabir. 22.24. 27.Mur. 70. Catil. I.9.21.32.II. 25.IV.15.22. Flacc. 68.96. Sen. 12.32t. Quir. 1 3 . 1 6 . D o m . 5sf.çé. Har. resp. 1.5.17. 22. Sest. 1 8 . 2 5 - 8 . 3 0 . 5 2 . 6 8 . 8 7 . 1 2 2 . Cael. 5. Balb. 11. Pis. 11. Rab. Post. 1 3 6.18. Plane. 1 7 . 2 1 - ( f . ) . 3 2 - 4 . Mil. 94. Lig. 33. Deiot. 26. Phil. III.16.V49.VI.13.VII.16f.21. Fr. VII.54 (Ascon. 79.3) VIII. 1 0
(Arus. GLK VII.497.11 ).IX.8 (Ascon. 86.26). num genus et nomen Phil. III.29. n u m genus et semen Phil. IV. 13. nus homo Rab. Post. 25. Phil. XII.15. ni h o m i n e s Imp. Pomp. 4 1 . Mur. 74. ni ludi Verr. a. pr. 31.1. 141.V.36. Phil. I I . n o . num nomen Verr. V.150. Mur. 80. Flacc. 60. Balb. 3 1 . Phil. II. 20.VII.14.XI.36. na pleb(e)s Verr. I.122.151.II.5.III. 7 2 . 1 0 2 . 1 5 1 . V.36.123.15 7 . 1 6 3 . Cluent. 157. Leg. agr. II. 1 0 . 1 2 . 20.66.81. Mur. 77. Sull. 32. Flacc. 80. Pis. 64. Cf. Mur. 1. nus populus passim. nus populus plebsque Mur. 1. nus senatus populusque passim. nae res Imp. Pomp. 25. ni rustici Sest. 97 Rubico (river separating Italy from Cisalpine Gaul) Phil. VI.5.VII.26 (Rudiae [town in Calabria, birthplace of Ennius)) Rudinus h o m o Arch. 22 Ruteni (tribe in Aquitania) Font. 4 Sabini Balb. 3 1 . Lig. 32. Sabinus ager Leg. agr. 11.66. Mur. 26. Lig. 32. n u m foedus Balb. 3 1 . nus fundus Mur. 26. nus h o m o Sest. 80. ni homines Vatin. 36 Sacer See Mons Sacer Saguntum (town in Spain) Phil. V.27.VI.6 Saguntini Balb. 51. Saguntinus Q. Fabius Balb. 50. ini [Fabii] Balb. 51. Saguntinus propugnator Balb. 23
(Salamis [Creek island]) Salaminii Arch. 19 Sallentini (people of southern Calabria) Sex. Rose. 132 (Salpia [town in Apulia]) Salpini Leg. agr. II.71 Samnium Cluent. 197 Samnis Cn. Decidius Cluent. 161. nis Ceius Cluent. 162. Samnites (gladiators) Sest. 134 Samos (town and island in the Aegean) Verr. I.50-52.IV.71.V.127.184. Imp. Pomp. 33. Samii Veri. I. 50.52. Samia Iuno Verr. I.50.61. ia vasa Mur. 75 Samothracia (island off the coast of Thrace) Pis. 89 Sardinia Verr. II.158.III.27. Imp. Pomp. 34. Vatin. 12. Balb. 24. Prov. cons. 15. Pis. 92. Scaur, fr. h. o. a. Sarda Scaur. 5f. Sardi Balb. 41. Scaur. h (n). Sardus testis Scaur. 15 Saxa Rubra (township just north of Rome) Phil. II.77 Saxum (on the Aventine) Dom. 136 Scantia silva (forest in Italy) Leg. agr. I.3.III.15 (Schera [township in the interior of Sicily]) Scherini Verr. III. 103 Scyllaeus fretus Sest. 18 Scythia Pis. 18 Scythae Verr. V.150
Sebagnini (people of Transalpine Gaul, spelling doubtful) Quinct. 80 Semiplacentinus See (Placentia) Segesta (town in western Sicily) Verr. III.92.IV.72.74.77.V.185 Segestanum Verr. III.93. Segestani Verr. II.156.166.III.92.IV.72. 74.76f.79f.82.Vr25.185. Segestanus Heraclius Verr. V.i 11. nus Onasus Verr. V.T20. Segestana civitas Verr. III.13.V.83. nus ille Verr. V.124. na mulier Verr. IV.59. na navis Verr. V.86 Semurium (area near Rome) Phil. VI. 14 Seniae balneae (baths in Rome) Cael. 6if. Seplasia (street in Capua) Leg. agr. II.94. Sest. 19. Pis. 24 Servilius lacus (in Rome) Sex. Rose. 89 (Setia [Volscian town, Sezza]) Setinus ager Leg. agr. 11.66 Sextia tabula (in Rome) Quinct.25 Sicilia Div. Caec., Verr. passim. Cluent. 43. Imp. Pomp. 30.34. 61. Leg. agr. I.4.II.48.57.83.III. 12.15. Arch. 6. Flacc. 17. Balb. 24. Rab. Post. 23. Plane. 641.95. Scaur. 24.29. Phil. 1.7. III.26. Fr. XIV. 16. (Schol. Bob. 87.30). B.32 (Arus. GLK VII.470.1). Siculus Verr. II. i52.III.i9f.IV.2.90.i46.V.i3i. Siculi Div. Caec., Verr. passim. Plane. 64. Scaur. 24. Siculus Dio Verr. II.21. lus Leonidas Verr. V.io. Siculi aratores Verr. III. 164. lae civitates Verr. a. pr. 14.II.120.
PLACES / 155. lum frumentum Verr. III.73.172.V.99. lus homo Verr. II.72.V.83. li homines Verr. IV. 146. lus iudex Verr. II.32. lus magi s t r a t e Verr. ni.34.117.IV.146. li milites Verr. V.99. li testes Verr. IV.54. Siciliensis aestimatio Verr. 1.95. nsis ager Recentoricus Leg. agr. I. 10. nsia bella Verr. V.97. 124. nsis causa Verr. II. 1. nsis classis Verr. V.42. nse edictum Verr. I.i 12. 117f. nsis emptio Verr. III. 163. nses fisci Verr. a. pr. 24. nse frumentum Verr. III. 174. nsis pecunia Verr. a. pr. 22. nsis praeda Verr. V.44. nsis praedo ac pirata Verr. IV.23. nsis praetura Verr. a. pr. 40.I.34.II.17.III.78. nses spiritus Verr. III.22 (Sicyon [town west of Corinth]) Sicyonius magistratus Verr. I. 4 4(f.) Sidicini See Teanum Sigeum (town in the Troad) Arch. 24 Sila Silva (forest in the Bruttian country) Leg. agr. 11.66 Sinope (or Sinopa, Greek colony on the northern coast of Asia Minor) Verr. I.87. Imp. Pomp. 21. Leg. agr. II.S3 (Sipontum (town in Apulia]) Sipontina siccitas Leg. agr. II.71 Sisapo (region in Spain, noted for its silver mines) Phil. II.48 Smyrna (or Zmyrna) Leg. agr. II.39. Flacc. 71. Balb.
28. Phil. XI.5. Cf. Phil. XI.4. Smyrnaei Arch. 19. Flacc. 75. Smyrnaea civitas Flacc. 74 (Solus [or Soluntum, town on the northern coast of Sicily, Castello di Solanto]) Soluntini Verr. III. 103. Soluntinus Posides Verr. II. 102 (Sora [Volscian town, Sora]) Soranus Plane. 22 Speluncae (station on the via Minucia close to Brundisium) Flacc. 39 (Spoletium [town in central Italy, Spoleto]) Spoletinus T. Matrinius Balb. 48. Spoletinus populus ibid. Stellatis campus (district near Cales) Leg. Agr. L20.II.85 Stratus (town in Aetolia) Pis. 91 (Sucro [river in Spain, Xucar]) Sucronense proelium Balb. 5 Suessa (Latin town, Sessa) Phil. III.10.IV.4.XIII.18 Syracusae Verr. L14.55.113.IL4.37.41.50f. 133.153f. IV.50.54.59- 117.119.121-4.129-31.137. 142.148.151.V26.29f.63-5.69.75. 160.164. 184. Plane. 65. Phil. I.7. Syracusanus Verr. V.84Ì.98. 131.137. ni Verr. II.15.35f. 45-8.50f.127.145.160.IV.107. i5i.V.7i.84f.97.i47.i5 5(?).i64. num Verr. V.69. Syracusanus Aeschrio Verr. III.77.V.81. nus Cleomenes Verr. V.31.
82-4. ñus Heraclius Verr. II. I 5-3S-53 S9- 6 2 nus Theomnastus Verr. III. 101. Syracusanus ager Verr. III. 186. ni cives atque incolae Verr. IV. 130. na civitas Verr. II.145.rv.136.rs1. nus conventus Verr. II.70. III.32.IV.5s.70.155 .
na fabula
(?) Verr. Ú.56. num forum Verr. III. 186. na furta Verr. IV. 149. na Insula Verr. IV. 144. nae lautumiae Verr. V.68 . ni palaestritae Verr. II.54.140. nus populus Verr. II.38.45.IV.122. nus populus senatusque Verr. II. 50. nus portus Verr. III.186.V.100. nus senator Verr. II.63. nus senatus Verr. II. 50. nus senatus et populus Verr. IV. 138 Syria Verr. I I I . i 7 2 . I V . 6 i f . 6 4 f . V . i 4 s .
157. Imp. Pomp. 64. Leg. agr. II. 8o.Flacc. 30. D o m .
70. Sest. 55.71.93. Prov. cons. 1. Pis. 49. Deiot. 37. Phil. II.i2.X.i3.XI.4.2if.28.30. 3 2 . 3 5 . X n i . 3 0 . F r . V I I I . 9 ( C i c . Or. 232).XIV.8 (Schol. Bob. 86.32).
XVI.8 Schol. Bob. 93.9) Syrus Har. resp. 1. Pis. 1. Fr. VIII.9 (Cic. Or. 232). Syri Verr. III.76. D o m . 1 2 4 . Har. resp. 28.
Prov. cons. 10. Syriacus legatus Phil. X.i 3 Tanagra (town in Boeotia) Dom. H I Tanagraea Libertas Dom. 116. (Har. resp. 33). aea meretrix D o m . H I . (Har. resp. 33) Tarentum (Taranto) Cluent. 27 Tarentini Verr. IV.135. Arch. 5.10
(Tarquinii [town in Etruria, Tarquinia]) Tarquiniensis Q. Flavius Rose, com. 32. Tarquiniensis ager Caec. 11. nse municipium Caec. 10 Tarraco (in Spain, Tarragona) Balb. 28. Deiot. 38 (Tauromenium [town in eastern Sicily, Taormina]) Tauromenitani Verr. II.160.V. 4 9 f . 5 6 . Tauromenitanus ager Verr. V.165. na civitas Verr. III. 13 Taurus (mountain range in Asia Minor) Sest. 58. Deiot. 36 Teanum (Apulum; town in Apulia) Cluent. 27.197
Teanum (Sidicinum ; town in Campania, Teano) L e g . agr. I I . 8 6 . 9 6 . P h i l . X I I . 2 7
Sidicini Phil. II. 107 Temnos (town in western Asia Minor) Flacc. 42.45f.51
Temnitae Flacc. 45. Temnites Heraclides Flacc. 42 Tempsa (town in Lucania) Verr. V.41 Tempsanum incommodum Verr. V.39.41 Tenedos (town and island off the coast of the Troad) Verr. 1.49. Mur. 33. Arch. 21 Tenedii Verr. 1.49 (Terracina [coastal town south of Rome, Terracina]) Terracinensis T. Coelius Sex. Rose. 64 Teutoni Imp. Pomp. 60
PLACES Thasos (Aegean island off t h e coast of Thrace) Pis. 89 Thermae (town in northern Sicily, replacing Himera, Termini) Verr. II.83.85f.91.112f.185 T h e r m i t a n u s Verr. II. 1 0 6 . ni Verr. II.85.87f.90.112.III. 99.IV.73. T h e r m i t a n u s Sthenius Verr. II.83.115.III.18.41.V109. 128. T h e r m i t a n u m f r u m e n t u m Verr. III. 172. nus h o m o Verr. II.83 Thespiae (town in Boeotia) Verr. IV.4.135 Thespienses IV. 13 5. Thespiades Verr. IV.4 Thessalia Flacc. 6 3 . 1 0 0 . Dom. 60. Pis. 3 7 . 9 6 . Phil. II.59-7S-X.r3. Thessali Sest. 9 4 Thessalonica Har. resp. 3 5 . Pis. 4 0 . 8 3 . 8 6 . 8 9 . Plane. 9 9 Thessalonicenses Prov. cons. 4. Pis. 8 4 Thraeces Font. 4 4 . Phil. XIV. 12. Thraces Sest. 94. Thraecia castra Prov. cons. 4 Thraex (gladiator) Prov. cons. 9 . Phil. VI. 1 3 Thraecidica Phil. VII. 1 7 (Thurii [town in southern Italy]) T h u r i n u m (i.e. Thurinus ager) Tull. 1 9 . T h u r i n u s ager Tull. 1 4 . na vicinitas Tull. 22 Tiberis (river) Sex. Rose. 2 0 . 1 0 0 . Catil. III.5. Flacc. 7 2 . Sest. 7 7 . Cael. 3 6 . Mil. 41.64 Tiberinum ostium Imp. Pomp. 33
/ 131
Tibur (Tivoli) Phil. VI.10.XIII.19 Tiburs Cluent. 1 4 1 . Tiburs L. Cossinius Balb. 53. Tiburs fundus Cluent. 1 4 1 . Tiburtinum Phil. V.i 9 (Tisse [township in t h e interior of Sicily)) Tissenses Verr. III.86f. Tmolus (town in Lydia) Flacc. 4 5 Tmolitae Flacc. 5. Tmolites vicanus Flacc. 8 Tolosa (Toulouse) Font. 19 Tralles (town in Caria) Leg. agr. II.39. Flacc. 57.71 Trallianus Flacc. 52f. ni Flacc. 52Ì.55.59.91. Trallianus Philodorus Flacc. 53. Tralliana (mater) Phil. III. 15 Transalpinus Aegritomarus Verr. II. 118. Transalpinum bellum Catil. III.4. Imp. Pomp. 28. na Gallia see Gallia. nae gentes Phil. VIII. 18. n u s sanguis Sen.15 Transpadani Phil. X . i o Transumennus lacus (lake in Etruria, Lago Trasimeno) Sex. Rose. 8 9 Trebulanus ager (district in central Italy) Leg. agr. 11.66 (Triocala [town in western Sicily, location doubtful)) Triocalinum Verr. V.io. Triocalinus d o m i n u s Verr. V.i 1 Troia Verr. IV.72 Troiani Phil. II.55. Troianus equus Verr. IV.52. Mur. 7 8 . Cael. 6 7 . Phil. II.32
(Turia [river in Spain]) T u r i e n s e p r o e l i u m Balb. 5 Tusculum (Latin t o w n near Rome) Font. 41. Leg. agr. II.96 T u s c u l a n u s Plane. 20. ani Leg. agr. III.9. Balb. 31. Plane. 19. T u s c u l a n u m (i.e. T u s c u l a n u s ager) D o m . 62.124. (i.e. Tusculana villa) Verr. IV.126. Caec. 54. Sen. 18. Balb. 56. Pis. 48. Phil. XIII. 1 1 . na Phil. VIII.9. Tusc u l a n a aqua Balb. 45. num m u n i c i p i u m Plane. 19. na uxor Phil. III. 16 Tycha (part of Syracuse) Verr. IV. 1 1 9 Tyndaris (town o n the north coast of Sicily) Verr. V.128 T y n d a r i t a n i II.156.160.IV.84. 9of.V.i24.133.185. num Verr. IV.48. T y n d a r i t a n u s Aesc h y l u s ibid. n u s Cratippus Verr. IV.29. n u s D e x o Verr. V.108. n u s C n . Pompeius Philo Verr. IV.48. n u s Thraso ibid. Tyndaritana c i v i t a s Verr. III.103.IV.17.92. n u m frum e n t u m Verr. III. 172. nus ille Verr. V.124. ni legati Verr. IV.84. nus Mercurius Verr. IV.88. na n a v i s Verr. V.86 Tyrus Verr. V.145. Leg. agr. II.41 T y r i i Phil. XI.35. T y r i a purpura Verr. V.146. Flacc. 70 Umbria Sex. Rose. 48. M u r . 42 (Urbinum [town in Umbria, Urbino]) Urbinas Petusius Phil. XII. 19 Utica (chief t o w n of the province of Africa)
Verr. I.70. Scaur. 45 a. Lig. 3.5. Phil. HI.26 U t i c e n s e s Balb. 5 1 . U t i c e n s e e x e m p l u m Verr. V.94 Vaccaei (Spanish tribe) Plane. 84 Vada Volaterrana (port of Volaterrae i n Etruria) Q u i n c t . 24 (Valentia) See V i b o Valentini Verr. V.40.158 Valeria tabula (in Rome) Vatin. 21 Vaticanas ager Leg. agr. II.96 Veii (Etruscan t o w n near Rome) Leg. agr. II.96 Veientes Phil. IX.4f.7- Veiens ager Sex. Rose. 47 Velia (town o n the s o u t h w e s t e r n coast of Italy) Verr. II.99.V.44. Har. resp. 16. Phil. I.9.X.8 Velienses Balb. 55. Veliensis C a l l i p h a n a ibid. Velinus (lake in central Italy) Scaur. 27 (Venafrum [Samnite t o w n , Venafro]) Venafranus ager Leg. agr. 11.66. n u s tractus Plane. 22 (Vescia [township i n Latium]) Vescinus ager Leg. agr. 11.66 Vibo (Vibo Valentia in t h e toe of Italy, Monteleone) Verr. II.99. Plane. 97. See Valentia Vocontii (tribe in s o u t h e a s t e r n Gaul) Font. 20 Volaterrae (town in Etruria, Volterra)
Sex. Rose. 20.105 Volaterrani Dom. 79 Volcae (Celtic tribe) Font. 26 Volsci Balb. 31
Vulchalo (town in Narbonese Gaul) Font. 19 Zmyrna See Smyrna
Laws Acilia (de pecuniis repetundis) Verr. a. pr. 51.1.26 M'. Acilius Glabrio (tr.). 122? (see Bs and H. B. Mattingly, Hermes 107 [19791.478-88) Aebutia (de legibus ad populum ferendis) Leg. agr. II.21 See Broughton II.468 Aelia (de legibus ad populum ferendis) Sen. 11. Har. resp. 58. Sest. 33.114.. Vatin. Prov. cons. 46. Pis. 9f. Other allusions in Broughton 1.452t. Q. Aelius Tubero (tr.) 132? Usually mentioned in conjunction with the lex Fufia, sometimes, as in Pis. 9, as though they were a single law. But they were certainly distinct. See Broughton I.e. and Sumner AJPh 84 (i963)-337-58, also Bs pp. 3 ff. (Antoniae) Phil. V.10.XIII.5 M. Antonius (cos.). 44 For allusions to various laws put through by Antonius as consul see Broughton II.316. Appuleia [de coloniis deducendis) Balb. 48 L. Appuleius Saturninus (tr.). 103/100. For allusions to other legislation by Saturninus see Broughton I-575f. See also Bs Aquillia (de damno iniuria) Tull. 9 . n . 4 i f .
Proposer and date uncertain. See Bs p. 23. Atinia (de rebus subreptis) Verr. I.109. Phil. IH.16 Atinius (tr.). 149? See Broughton I.458Í. In both passages Cicero uses the plural, and other Atinian laws are heard of. But in the first passage, and perhaps in both, the context points to this one in particular. (Aurelia, de iudiciis privatis) (Fr. Vn.20 [Ascon. 67.7]) C. Aurelius Cotta (cos.). 75 Autelia (iudiciaria) Phil. I.20. Fr. VII. 5 3 (Ascon. 78.26l.XIV.32 (Schol. Bob. 91.12) L. Aurelius Cotta (pr.). 70 (Aureliae) (Fr.Vn.19 [Ascon. 66.16]) C. Aurelius Cotta (cos.). 75. Caecilia (et) Didia (de legibus ad populum ferendis) Dom. 41.53. Sest. 135. Phil. V.8 Q. Caecilius Metellus Nepos and T. Didius (coss.). 98 (Calpurnia [de pecuniis repetundis]) See Broughton I.459. L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi (tr.). 149 Calpurnia (de ambitu) Mur. 46.67. Fr. VII.24 (Ascon. 69.8MIX.13 [Ascon. 88.10]) C. Calpurnius Piso (cos). 67 Cassia (tabellaría) (Sest. 103). Fr. VII.51 (Ascon. 78.1) 134
LAWS L. Cassius Longinus Ravilla (tr.|. 1 3 7 Cassia (de damnatis apudpopulum vel imperio privatis) Fr. VII. 51 (Ascon. 78.1) L. Cassius Longinus (tr.). 104 Cassia See Terentia (Claudiae) Verr. II. 1 2 2 Given to the town of Halaesa by C. Claudius Pulcher (pr.) in 95. (Clodiae) For numerous allusions to P. Clodius Pulcher's legislation as tribune in 5 8 see Broughton II.196 a n d B s . (Corneliae) (Verr. II.123) Given to the town of Agrigent u m by the elder Scipio Africanus in 205/4. Corneliae Verr. II.77. Leg. agr. III.6.8. Phil. 1.18 L. Cornelius Sulla Felix (diet.). 82-80. See Broughton I I . 7 4 - 6 for many allusions to Sulla's legislation. T h e following are mentioned by name: Cornelia (agraria) Leg. agr. II.78.III.12 Cornelia (de falsis) Verr. 1.108 Cornelia ( m a i e s t a t i s ) Pis. 50 Cornelia {de proscriptions) Sex. Rose. 1 2 5 . Verr. I . 1 2 3 Cornelia [de repetundis) Rab. Post. 9 Cornelia [de sicariis et veneficiis) Cluent. 55? 1 5 4
Cornelia [de tribunati1 pl.) Verr. I.155 (Corneliae) Vatin. 5. Fr. Vllf. passim. (Ascon. 6 2 - 8 1 ) C. Cornelius (tr.). 67 (Cornelia [de restituendo Cicerone)) (Sen. 27 et al.) P. Cornelius Lentulus Spinther (cos.). 57 See Broughton II.200 Cornelia See Gellia et Cornelia Didia See Caecilia et Didia (Domitia [de sacerdotiis]) (Leg. agr. II. 18. Fr. VIII.6 [Ascon. 79-2.51) Cn. D o m i t i u s Ahenobarbus (tr.). 104. Fabia [de numero sectatorum) Mur. 71 Proposer and date unknown. Fabia (de plagiariis) Rabir. 8 See Broughton II.469 Fufia [de legibus adpopulum ferendis) Sen. i l . Har. resp. 58. Sest. 33. Vatin. Prov. cons. 46. Pis. 9f. See Aelia and Broughton I.45 2f. Also Nomenclature 40. Fufia ( testamentaria) Verr. 1.109 See Nomenclature 39L and Sumner CPh. 1 6 1 . Also Bs, p. 81. Furia ( testamentaria) Verr. 1.109. (Balb. 21) C. Furius (tr.). First quarter of second century (cf. Broughton U.469f.). [Fusia] See Fufia ( t e s t a m e n t a r i a ) .
Gabinia [de uno imperatore contra praedones constituendo) Imp. Pomp. 54.58. (Sen. 1 1 . Phil. XI. 18) A. Gabinius (tr.). 67 Gellia et Cornelia [de ci vita te donando) Balb. (19).32(f). L. Gellius Poplicola and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Clodianus (coss.). 72 Hirtia [de Pompeianis) Phil. XIII.32 A. Hirtius (tr.|. 48? (cf. S 1 257) Iuliae Har. resp. 48. Prov. cons. 45. C. Iulius Caesar (cos.). 59 See Broughton II.i87f. The following are individually mentioned: Iulia [agraria] (Sest. 61). Phil. V.53 Iulia (de repetundis) (Dom. 13). Sest. 1 3 5 . (Vatin. 2.9). Pis. (37).50.(61).90.Rab. Post. 8.12. Phil. III.38 Also: Iulia (iudiciaria) Phil. I.20 C. Iulius Caesar (diet.). 46 For other allusions to Caesar's legislation in 46-44 see Broughton II.293Ì. Iunia See Licinia et Iunia. Licinia [de legibus ad populum ferendis) Leg. agr. II.21. Dom. 51 See RE Licinius 3 Licinia [de sodaliciis) Plane. 36 M. Licinius Crassus (cos.). 55 Licinia (et) Iunia, Iunia et Licinia [de legibus ad aerarium deferendis)
Sest. 135. Vatin. 33. Phil. V.8 L. Licinius Murena and D. Iunius Silanus (coss.). 62 Licinia et Mucia [de civibus redigundis) Balb. 48.54. Fr. VII.21 (Ascon. 67.15) L. Licinius Crassus and Q. Mucins Scaevola (coss.). 95. See Bs, p. 1 1 8 . Liviae (Dom. 41). Fr. VII.25 (Ascon. 68.19) M. Livius Drusus (tr.). 91. (Livia [iudiciariaj) (Cluent. 153. Rab. Post. 16) See above. Manilia [de libertinorum suffragiis) Mur. 47. (Fr. VII.9 [Ascon. 64.11].17 [Ascon. 65.11]) C. Manilius (tr.).66 (Manilia [de imperio Cn. Pompeii)) (Imp. Pomp, passim. Phil. XI. 18. Fr. VII.17 [Ascon. 65.nl) See above. Mucia See Licinia et Mucia. Papia [de civitate Romana) (Leg. agr. 1.13). Arch. 10. Balb. 52 C. Papius (tr.). 65 Papiria [de locorum consecratione) Dom. (127l.r28.130 Q. Papirius (tr.). Between 174 and 154? (Plautia Papiria [de civitate sociis tribuenda)) (Arch. 7) M. Plautius Silvanus (tr.) and C. Papirius Carbo (tr.). 89 or 88. See Bs p. 159.
LAWS Plotia (Plautia) (iudiciaiia) Fr. VII.54 (Ascon. 79.3) M. Plautius Silvanus (tr.). 89. Plotia (Plautia) (de vi) Mil. 35 M. Plautius Silvanus (tr.)? 89? (Pompeiae) (Phil. I.18) Cn. Pompeius Magnus (cos.). 52See Broughton II.234 Pompeia (iudiciaiia) Phil. I.20 See above. Porcia {de provocatione) Verr. V.163. Rabir. 8.12L Fr. VII.51 (Ascon. 78.1) Three leges Poiciae protecting the persons of Roman citizens were passed in the second century; see Broughton II.472. Remmia [de calumnia) Sex. Rose. 55 See Broughton II.47 3 and Bs. Roscia (theatralis) Phil. II.44. Fr. VII.53 (Ascon. 78.26) L. Roscius Otho (tr.). 67 Rupiliae [de Sicilia) Verr. 11.40.(90); cf. II.125 P. Rupilius (cos.). 1 3 2 Regulations governing the province of Sicily drawn up by P. Rupilius and a senatorial commission. Rupilia Verr. II.34.37-9 See above. Sempronia (agraria) Leg. agr. (II.10J.31. (Sest. 103) Ti. Sempronius Gracchus (tr.). 1 3 3 Semproniae Verr. V.163. Phil. I.18
C. Sempronius Gracchus (tr.). 123-2. See Broughton I.513Í. The following are mentioned individually: (Sempronia [frumentaria]) (Font. 39. Sest. 103) Sempronia (ne quis iudicio circumveniretur) Cluent. ( 1 5 1 ) . 1 5 4 Sempronia [de provincia Asia) Verr. III. 1 2 Sempronia [de provinciis consularibus) Dom. 24. Balb. 6 1 . Prov. cons. 3 Sempronia [de provocatione) (Cluent. 95. Rabir. 12). Catil. IV. 10. (Dom. 82). Cf. Verr. V.163 Servilia (iudiciaria) Cluent. 140 Q. Servilius Caepio (cos.). 106. See Bs. Servilia [de repetundis) (Verr. I.26). Balb. 54. Rab. Post. 9. Scaur, fr. d See H. B. Mattingly, Hermes h i (19831.301-5. C. Servilius Glaucia (tr.). 1 0 1 . See Bs Terentia, Terentia et Cassia (frumentaria) Verr. III.163.173.V.52 M. Terentius Varro Lucullus and C. Cassius Longinus (coss.). 73Titia Mur. 18 Sex. Titius (tr.).99 Generally held to have regulated the assignment of quaestorian provinces. But Cicero's words habuit hie lege Titia provinciam tacitam et quietam might refer to a particular province created by the law.
(Tullia [de ambitu]) (Mur. 3.47.67. Sest. 133.135. Vatin. 29.37. Plane. 83) M. Tullius Cicero (cos.). 63. Valeria [de aere alieno) Font. i L. Valerius Flaccus (cos.). 86. Valeria [de Sulla dictatoie creando) (Verr. III.82). Leg. agr. IH.(s).6.8. Cf. Sex. Rose. 125. L. Valerius Flaccus (Interrex 82). Varia [de maiestate) Scaur, fr. e. Fr. VII.54 (Ascon. 79-3)
Q. Varius (tr.). 90.
See Badian "Quaestiones Variae" [Historia 18 [1969].447-91) and Bs. (Vatiniae) (Vatin. 29) P. Vatinius (tr.). 59. (Vatinia [de ahemis consiliis reiciendis]) (Vatin. 27) (Vatinia [de imperio C. Caesaris]) (Vatin. 36. Prov. cons. 36) Voconia (testamentaria) Verr. 1 . 1 0 6 - 1 0 . (Balb. 2,1). Phil. III.16 [hinc Voconiae, hinc Atiniae leges)-, see Atinia. Q. Voconius Saxa (tr.). 169
The Thirty-five Tribes Aem(ilia) 1 Ani(ensis) Plane. 54 Am(iensis) Leg. agr. II. 79 Cam(ilia) Cla(udia) Clu(stumina) Balb. 57. Plane. 38 Col(lina) Mil. 25 Cor(nelia) Esq(uilina) Fab(ia) Fal(erna) Galleria ) Hor(atia) Lem(onia) Plane. 38. Phil. IX.15.17 Mae(eia) Plane. 38 Men(enia) Ouf(entina) Plane. 38 Pal(atina) Verr. II.107. D o m . 49. Sest. 1 1 4
Pap(iria) Pob(lilia) Pol(lia) Pom(ptina) Pup(inia) Qui(rina) Quinct. 24 Rom(ilia) Verr. a. pr. 23. Leg. agr. II.79 Sab(atina) Sca(ptia) Ser(gia) (Sest. 114). Vatin. 36 Ste(llatina) Sub(urana) Leg. agr. 11-79 Ter(etina) Plane. Tro(mentina) Vel(ina) Vol(tinia) Plane. 38.43.54 Vol (uria)
Parentheses distinguish the full names from the standard abbreviations.
Miscellaneous Megalesia
(Mur. 63)
Areopagites Phil. V.14. Balb. 30
Har. resp. 22.24.26 Origines (Catonis) Plane. 66 Parilia
Phil. XIV. 14
Verr. IV.5.18 Cynicus (Diogenes) Mur. 7s
Dom. 38 Saturnalia
Catil. III. 10 Stoici Mur. (60).61.(62-5). 75. Stoice Mur. 74
See Persons under Epicurus.
Phil. II.84.87.III.12.XUI.17.41 Lupercus Phil. H.85.VH.1. ci Phil. VII. 1.XIII. 31
Phil. XII.24